text_1,text_2,lang Haar Engels is uitstekend.,Her English is excellent.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek gee nie 'n fok om vir my CV nie.,I don't give a damn about my CV.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Die onderwyseres kontroleer haar studente.,The teacher is supervising her students.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Waar is die ingang?,Where's the entrance?,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Hulle het 'n vakansie nodig.,You need a vacation.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek benodig antwoorde.,I need answers.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek moet aan my kinders dink.,I have to think of my children.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Wie het dit gesê? Dis heeltemal verkeerd.,Who said that? It's totally wrong!,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek sal nie stil wees nie.,I won't be quiet.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn "As ek na die partytjie toe gaan, sal ek 'n paar bottels wyn saamvat.","If I go to the party, I'll bring some bottles of wine.",afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek werk.,I am working.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ons behoort sy voorbeeld te volg.,We should follow his example.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Taalverwerwing vereis kreatiwiteit.,Language acquisition requires creativity.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn 'n Mens kan op hom vertrou.,He can be relied on.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Neem die hysbak tot by die vyfde vloer.,Take the elevator to the fifth floor.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Yumi het baie boeke.,Yumi has many books.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Watse gebou is dit?,What's that building?,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek moet drank koop vir die partytjie.,I need to buy booze for the party.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek is nie afgedank nie. Ek het bedank.,I wasn't fired. I quit.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Rook u?,Do you smoke?,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek rook nie.,I don't smoke.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek laat dit toe.,I'll allow it.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek laat dit nie toe nie.,I don't allow it.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Glas breek maklik.,Glass breaks easily.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Hy is 'n onderwyser.,He is a teacher.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek het 'n kans gevat en sy uitdaging aanvaar.,I took a chance and accepted his challenge.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek haat my skoonma.,I hate my mother-in-law.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Gooi gesmelte botter oor die springmielies.,Pour melted butter over the popcorn.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Tien dae het verbygegaan.,Ten days passed by.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek hou van die stadige ritme van daai liedjie.,I like the slow rhythm of that song.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Sy het haar seun alleen in die kar gelos.,She left her son alone in the car.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Die boek gaan oor die koning wat sy kroon verloor.,This book is about a king who loses his crown.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Hoekom het jy Japan toe gekom?,Why did you come to Japan?,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Kan jy jou kar beweeg asseblief?,"Would you move your car, please?",afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek kort jou hulp.,I need your help.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn "'n Koppie tee, asseblief.","A cup of tea, please.",afr_Latn-eng_Latn Nog 'n koppie koffie?,How about another cup of coffee?,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Die beker is vol.,The cup is full.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Die Koppie was leeg.,The cup was empty.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek was op.,I am doing the dishes.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek hou van tee.,I like tea.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Koffie of tee?,Coffee or tea?,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Hy is lief vir tee.,He likes tea.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Sy het my vertel hoe verkeerd dit was om te steel.,She told me how it was wrong to steal.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Daar is 'n kaart op die muur.,There is a map on the wall.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Jy kan so veel as wat jy wil eet en drink.,You can eat and drink as much as you want.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Sy verkoop blomme.,She sells flowers.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Om te deel is belangrik.,Sharing is important.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Sy is tans nie tuis nie.,She is out now.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Dankie vir vandag.,Thank you for today.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek wens ek was verkeerd.,I wish I was wrong.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek wens ek het 'n broer gehad.,I wish I had a brother.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Goed. Ek sal jou aanbod aanvaar.,All right. I'll accept your offer.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Hy is rerig mal oor musiek.,He really likes music a lot.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek het twee koppies koffie gedrink.,I drank two cups of coffee.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Tom sal nie bang vir jou wees nie.,Tom won't be afraid of you.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn "Ja, ek het omtrent ses keer gevra.","Yeah, I asked about six times.",afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek is nie meer bang nie.,I'm not afraid any more.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Dit is die hoogste berg ter wêreld.,It is the highest mountain in the world.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek is Armeens.,I am Armenian.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Hou die woordeboek by jou.,Keep the dictionary by you.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Water is swaarder as olie.,Water is heavier than oil.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn My pa se naam is Fritz.,My dad's name is Fritz.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Kon jy die probleem oplos?,Can you solve this problem?,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Hierdie hotel behoort aan my swaer.,This hotel belongs to my brother-in-law.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Oscar was my ma se hond.,Oscar was my mum's dog.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Sy was gelukkig dat sy die eksamen geslaag het.,She was happy that she passed the exam.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Waar bly jou oupa?,Where does your grandfather live?,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Hierdie vleis ruik sleg.,This meat smells bad.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Waarvan praat jy?,What're you talking about?,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Dit was wanneer alles verander het.,That was when everything changed.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn "Hy het betyds aangekom, ten spyte van die reën.",He arrived on time in spite of the rain.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Lincoln is in 1865 oorlede.,Lincoln died in 1865.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Bly by ons.,Stay with us.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Bly by Tom!,Stay with Tom.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn By my suster.,At my sister's.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Tom is by ons.,Tom is with us.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Tom het vir my gesê dat ek met jou Frans moet praat.,Tom told me to speak to you in French.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Hy is sterk en manlik.,He's manly and strong.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn "Die hond het oor die heining, in die tuin ingespring.",The dog jumped over the fence into the garden.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn "Skryf met 'n pen, nie met 'n potlood nie.","Write with a pen, not with a pencil.",afr_Latn-eng_Latn Is hierdie 'n pen of 'n potlood?,Is this a pen or a pencil?,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Moenie dit doen nie!,Don't do it!,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek haat wasbere.,I hate raccoons.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Tom was trots.,Tom was proud.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Waarop is u trots?,What do you take pride in?,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek loop vanaf die meisie.,I'm running from the girl.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek dink hy sal nooit terugkom nie.,I think he'll never return.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Watter hemp sal jy vandag skool toe dra?,What shirt will you wear to school today?,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek wou nie eintlik wen nie.,I didn't really want to win.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek en Sheila is ou vriende.,Sheila and I are old friends.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Dis toelaatbaar om te twyfel.,It's permissible to doubt.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Jy kan niks anders doen as om te eet.,You do nothing else but eat.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn 'n Dollar is gelyk aan 'n honderd sent.,A dollar is equal to a hundred cents.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Mary is Tom se vrou.,Mary is Tom's wife.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek wil met Martyna trou.,I want to marry Martyna.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Praat julle oor die werk?,Are you talking shop?,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek is meer as dankbaar vir jou hulp.,I am more than grateful to you for your help.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Moenie vet word nie.,Don't get fat.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek is vet.,I am fat.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek's meer as dankbaar vir jou hulp.,I'm more than grateful to you for your help.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek word dik.,I am getting fat!,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Wanneer is hierdie kerk gebou?,When was this church built?,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Daar is heelwat teorieë oor die oorsprong van die lewe.,There are many theories about the origin of life.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Mary is Tom se suster.,Mary is Tom's sister.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Hy was jaloers op my sukses.,He was jealous of my success.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek het gekom om met U te praat.,I've come to talk with you.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Tennis speel is sy stokperdjie.,Playing tennis is his hobby.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Mans huil ook.,Men cry too.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ons het wyn gedrink.,We drank some wine.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Hulle klink teleurgesteld.,They sound disappointed.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Jy klink verras.,You sound surprised.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Sy het geglimlag en my geskenkie aanvaar.,She smiled and accepted my little present.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Hou jy van hierdie blom?,Do you like this flower?,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Japanese is gewoonlik skaam.,"Generally, Japanese people are shy.",afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek is nie skaam nie.,I'm not shy.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Waar het jy so geleer dans?,Where did you learn to dance like that?,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek sal vir jou 'n bier koop.,I'll buy you a beer.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Tom is verlief.,Tom is in love.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Tom sal pret hê.,Tom will have fun.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek weet eintlik nie.,I don't really know.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek's nie eintlik seker nie.,I'm not really sure.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek is nie heeltemal seker nie.,I'm not quite sure.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ons tyd is beperk.,Our time is limited.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Sy kry goeie punte in Engels.,She gets good marks in English.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Wat is jou geliefkoosde sin?,What is your favorite sentence?,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Hy sal teen die einde van die maand al sy geld uitgegee het.,He will have spent all his money by the end of the month.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Niemand kan die dood ontkom nie.,No one can avert death.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn 'n Mens kan nie altyd alles vermy nie.,You can't always avoid everything.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Hy is lief vir aandag.,He loves attention.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Kan plante praat?,Can plants talk?,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek is nie seker hoe om die woord uittespreek nie.,I am not sure how to pronounce the word.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek weet nie.,I don't know.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn "As jy versigtig bestuur, kan jy ongelukke vermy.","Driving carefully, you'll be able to avoid accidents.",afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ons is bly om jou te help.,We are glad to help you.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn My tannie het vir my 'n posboek gegee.,My aunt gave me an album.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Hulle luister nie altyd na hulle ouers nie.,They don't always obey their parents.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek help my vader met sy werk.,I helped my father with the work.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Jy mag my nuwe motor gebruik.,You may use my new car.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Hy het soos 'n dokter gelyk.,He looked like a doctor.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Dit was baie koud.,It was very cold.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Waar is hierdie vlag vandaan?,Where does this flag come from?,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Sy pruik sit skeef.,His wig is skew.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek is nou baie moeg.,I'm very tired now.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Weet Tom hoe om te dans?,Does Tom know how to dance?,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Hulle weet seker.,They probably know.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Gaan self soontoe!,Go there yourself.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Weet jy wanneer hy gaan terug kom?,Do you know when he'll come back?,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Sny die materiaal skuins af.,Cut the cloth diagonally.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Die kamer was donker.,The room was dark.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Weet Tom wat hy doen?,Does Tom know what he's doing?,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek is 'n man wat altyd siek is.,I am a man that is always sick.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Hou jou vriend van tee?,Does your friend like tea?,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Wanneer het jy laas vir jou vrou blomme aangebied?,When was the last time you offered flowers to your wife?,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Dit is a moeilike ding om te doen.,That's a difficult thing to do.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek beny hom sy sukses.,I am envious of his success.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek dink hy weet van ons.,I think he knows about us.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Moet nooit lieg nie!,Never tell a lie!,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Sy weet nie eers dat ek bestaan nie.,She doesn't even know that I exist.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn "As ek jy was, sou ek gegaan het.","If I were you, I'd go.",afr_Latn-eng_Latn Hy het niks verkeerd gedoen nie.,He did nothing wrong.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek moet gaan.,I have to go.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Wys my wat jy het.,Show me what you've got.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn My skoene is te klein.,My shoes are too small.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek is bly jy kon hier wees.,I'm glad you could be here.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn "Dit maak nie regtig veel sin nie, doen dit?","It doesn't really make much sense, does it?",afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek is bly jy het dit gemaak.,I'm glad you made it.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Het jy enige geld oor?,Do you have any money left?,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek neig om nog 'n bottel bier te drink.,I feel like another beer.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn "Die Verenigde State sal eendag vir die eerste keer 'n vrou as president verkies, en daar sal blydskap wees oor die lang verwagte geleentheid.","The US will one day elect its first woman president, and there will be rejoicing in the long overdue occasion.",afr_Latn-eng_Latn Het u vars aarbeie?,Do you have fresh strawberries?,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Moet nie alles glo wat mense jou vertel nie.,Don't believe everything people tell you.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn "Moenie grootword nie, dis 'n lokval!",Don't grow up. It's a trap!,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek het deur die hele fliek geslaap.,I slept through the entire movie.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn "Lees dit nog een keer, asseblief.","Read it one more time, please.",afr_Latn-eng_Latn Kom hier!,Get in here!,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Is dit te laat?,Is it too late?,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Hy weet hoe om in Japannees te sing.,He knows how to sing in Japanese.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Jy moet nie lieg nie.,You don't have to lie.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek is baie jammer om dit te hoor.,I'm very sorry to hear that.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Moet dit nie misloop nie.,Don't miss it.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn The meisie wat met Mayumi praat is my suster.,The girl talking with Mayumi is my sister.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Tom kruip in die skaduwee weg.,Tom was hiding in the shadows.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek kan dit bevestig.,I can confirm this.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek is baie bang.,I'm very scared.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn My gunstelling kleur is rooi.,My favourite colour is red.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Tom gaan jou nie meer steur nie.,Tom won't be bothering you anymore.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Hierdie muur is hoër as daardie een.,This wall is taller than that one.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn My horlosie raak elke maand twee minute voor.,My watch gains two minutes a month.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Dit is 'n grap.,It is a joke.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ons soek vir mekaar.,We are looking for each other.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Tom gaan nie vandag 'n toespraak voer nie.,Tom won't be making a speech today.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Hy het 'n afgeleefde pak aangehad.,He was wearing a threadbare suit.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Vir 'n oomblik het ek vergeet wat haar naam was.,For a moment I forgot what her name was.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Het jy dit al probeer?,Have you tried it yet?,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Moenie die geleentheid mis nie.,Don't miss the opportunity.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Dink u dat diere 'n siel het?,Do you think animals have a soul?,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Daardie is 'n mooi paar bene.,That's a nice pair of legs.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Dit werk regtig.,It really works.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ons weet dat sy in Kanada gebore is.,We know that she was born in Canada.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Tom gaan nie so maklik oorreed word nie.,Tom won't be that easy to convince.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Selfs my ouers hou nie van my nie.,Even my parents don't like me.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ons het oral gekyk.,We've looked everywhere.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Tom soek sy beursie.,Tom is looking for his wallet.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Met die geld kon hy 'n nuwe motor koop.,With the money he was able to buy a new car.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek gaan nie opgee nie.,I will not give up!,afr_Latn-eng_Latn "Op pad skool toe, he ek my vriend Karlo ontmoet, wat besig was om te loop.","On the way to school, I met my friend Karlo, who was walking.",afr_Latn-eng_Latn Geld groei nie op bome nie.,Money doesn't grow on trees.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Sy hardloop.,She is running.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Grawe 'n diep gat.,Dig a deep hole.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Kyk wat ek gevind het.,Look what I've found.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek is nie so slim soos jy nie.,I'm not as smart as you.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Die omroeper het 'n manlike stem.,The radio announcer had a masculine voice.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Mary het besluit om hom te vergiftig.,Mary has decided to poison him.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Sal jy Tom volgende maand sien?,Will you see Tom next month?,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Tom sal nie bely nie.,Tom won't confess.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Is jy getroud?,Are you married?,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Watter taal is die moeilikste ter wêreld?,Which is the most difficult language in the world?,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Die ongeluk het eergister gebeur.,The accident happened the day before yesterday.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Hulle was vuil.,They were dirty.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Tom was vuil.,Tom was dirty.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Is dit warm daarso?,Is it hot over there?,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Jou gesig is vuil.,Your face is dirty.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn "Die laaste keer dat ek haar geroep het, het sy my gesê dat sy Italië toe wil terugkeer.",The last time I called her she told me that she wants to get back to Italy.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Maria se skoene is vuil.,Mary's shoes are dirty.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Hier is 'n brief for jou.,There is a letter for you.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn "Almal sê ek was dapper, maar ek slegs my werk gedoen.","Everyone says I was very brave, but I just did my work.",afr_Latn-eng_Latn Die kat hou daarvan om te slaap.,The cat likes sleeping.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Hy is gewoond daaraan om vroeg op te staan.,He is used to getting up early.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Hy leef sy rol ten volle.,He's living his role to the hilt.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Sy het droë hare.,She has dry hair.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Die hotel kyk uit op die meer.,The hotel fronts the lake.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Wanneer het jy laas gebid?,When was the last time you prayed?,afr_Latn-eng_Latn 'n Verbruiksbelasting van 5% word gehef op die aankoop van die meeste goedere en dienste.,A 5% consumption tax is levied on purchases of most goods and services.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Is hierdie jou bier?,Is this your beer?,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Wie se hemp is dit?,Whose shirt is this?,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ons moet die kombuis skoonmaak.,We must clean up the kitchen.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Japan is vol verrassings!,Japan is full of surprises!,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Slaan dit na!,Look it up.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek borsel my tande.,I am brushing my teeth.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Jy sit woorde in my mond.,You're twisting my words.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Draai die skroef na links om dit los te maak.,"To loosen a screw, turn it to the left.",afr_Latn-eng_Latn "Met die verloop van tyd, het mense hulle minder bekommer oor die saak.","As time went on, people grew less and less concerned about the matter.",afr_Latn-eng_Latn "Altyd vorentoe, nooit agtertoe nie.","Forwards always, backwards never.",afr_Latn-eng_Latn Hulle gee 'n paar tree vorentoe.,They stepped a few paces forward.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Die tafeldoek is in die kas.,The tablecloth is in the cabinet.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Die plante groei.,The plants are growing.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Hy is my buurman.,He's my neighbour.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Maak asseblief die venster toe.,Please close the window.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Tom kruip in die kas weg.,Tom hid in the closet.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Hulle beweeg stadig vorentoe.,They moved ahead slowly.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Dit is 'n perd.,This is a horse.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Jy is die liefde van my lewe.,You're the love of my life.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Tom reis baie.,Tom travels a great deal.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Alles goed eindig goed.,All's well that ends well.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek droom baie.,I dream a lot.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Is daar 'n hysbak?,Is there an elevator?,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Tom sal ons nie seer makk nie.,Tom won't hurt us.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn "Asseblief, vergewe my.","Please, forgive me.",afr_Latn-eng_Latn Wanneer het jy laas gelag?,When was the last time you laughed?,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek is verward.,I am baffled.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Gelukkig het niemand nat geword nie.,Luckily nobody got wet.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn As jy nie harder praat nie gaan hy nie instaat wees om jou te hoor nie.,"If you don't talk louder, he won't be able to hear you.",afr_Latn-eng_Latn Die jong soldaat was verward.,The young soldier was confused.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ruik jy iets?,Do you smell something?,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Hy het gepraat.,He was speaking.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn "Hy word wakker, naak en verward.",He woke up naked and confused.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn My pa drink nie.,My father doesn't drink liquor.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn My broek is nat.,My trousers are wet.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Belowe u?,Do you promise?,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek beloof jou niks nie.,I will promise you nothing.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ons bly naby aan die skool.,We live close to the school.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Hy breek nooit sy beloftes nie.,He never breaks his promise.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Kom ons ruil plekke.,Let me exchange seats with you.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Moet asseblief nie vergeet nie!,Please do not forget.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Vergeet ek van iemand?,Who am I forgetting?,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Sy pleeg 'n misdaad.,She committed a crime.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Is dit 'n misdaad?,Is that a crime?,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Waar is pa?,Where is Father?,afr_Latn-eng_Latn My vader rook.,My father smokes.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Martha is 'n uitstekende pianis.,Martha is an excellent pianist.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Kom asseblief vanmiddag na my kantoor toe.,Please come to my office in the afternoon.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek benodig 'n vakansie!,I need a holiday.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn "Dit was 'n vogtige, grou somer dag aan die einde van Junie.","It was a humid, grey summer day at the end of June.",afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek het niks met hierdie saak te doen nie.,I have nothing to do with this matter.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Hierdie rok pas jou GOED.,This dress is YOU.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek kry nie die mes nie.,I can't find the knife.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Die lente kom nader.,Spring is drawing near.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek het gevra waar sy gewoon het.,I asked where she lived.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Mnr Mitchel het geeis dat ek die res van die geld voor die einde van die week oorbetaal.,Mr Mitchel demanded that I pay the rest of the money by the end of the week.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Waarom is jy vroeg?,Why are you early?,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek hou van die lente.,I like spring.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Die prys is bietjie hoog vir 'n tweedehandse motor.,The price is kind of high for a used car.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Hy was toevallig daar.,He happened to be there.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ons moet politiek van geloof skei.,We must separate politics from religion.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek hoop die besigheidsreis na Frankryk was suksesvol.,I hope your business trip to France was successful.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Tom kan nie swem nie.,Tom can't swim.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Die oog is die siel se spieël.,The eye is the mirror of the soul.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek het broers.,I have brothers.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Water is belangrik.,Water is important.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Welkom om Tatoeba.,Welcome to Tatoeba!,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Eet meer groente.,Eat more vegetables.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn "Jy is verkeerd. Ek is nie pessimisties nie, maar skepties.","You're wrong. I'm not pessimistic, but sceptical.",afr_Latn-eng_Latn Niemand vertel my wat om the doen nie.,No one tells me what to do.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Tom het 'n artikkel oor die sonnestelsel gelees.,Tom read an article about the solar system.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn "As jy iets vind waarmee jy goed is en wat jy geniet, dit is 'n wonderlike ding.","When you find something that you are good at and that you enjoy, it's a great thing.",afr_Latn-eng_Latn Julius en Cornelius gaan an hul huise.,Julius and Cornelius are going to their houses.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn In Italië is daar baie huise met groot tuine.,"In Italy, there are many houses with large gardens.",afr_Latn-eng_Latn """Kan ek assebleif met Tom praat?"" ""Ek is jammer, hy het sopas gegaan.""","""Can I speak to Tom, please?"" ""I'm sorry, he just left.""",afr_Latn-eng_Latn Dit is 'n aandenking uit Hokkaido.,This is a souvenir from Hokkaido.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Moet nie aan die lekkergoed raak nie.,Don't touch the candy.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Is jou kollega 'n Amerikaner?,Is your coworker an American?,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Tom soek 'n maklike manier om gewig te verloor.,Tom is looking for an easy way to lose weight.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Kom ons gee vir Sami 'n ware Halloween skrik.,Let's give Sami a true Halloween scare.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Sami raak nogal 'n meester met skoenlappers.,Sami is becoming quite an authority on butterflies.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Sami en Layla was nog altyd daar vir mekaar.,Sami and Layla have always been there for each other.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Die TV is die hele dag aan.,The TV is on all day.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Sami weet beter.,Sami knows best.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Gee my 'n vel papier.,Give me a sheet of paper.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn "Ek wil jou graag sien, asseblief.","I'd like to see you, please.",afr_Latn-eng_Latn Sami ry nie meer die fiets nie.,Sami doesn't ride this bicycle anymore.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek het nog altyd 'n sagte plekkie vir Mary gehad.,I have always had a soft spot in my heart for Mary.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Dit is Saterdag en al die beste programme is op.,It's Saturday and all the best shows are on.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek waag jou om saam met ons te kom.,I dare you to come with us.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek waag jou om oor die lyn te trap.,I dare you to cross this line.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek erken my fout.,I admit my mistake.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek waag jou om daai revier te brug.,We dare you to cross that river.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek hou van koek.,I like cake.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Om oor die revier te gaan was gans te maklik.,Crossing the river was a piece of cake.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Kinders hou van koek.,Children love cakes.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Wat 'n heerlike koek!,What a tasty cake!,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Waarom help jy my nie om hengel wurms te vang nie?,Why don't you help me find some fishing worms?,afr_Latn-eng_Latn "Jy help my altyd om wurms te vind, doen jy nie?","You always help me find worms, don't you?",afr_Latn-eng_Latn Jy moet so bietjie langsamer. Die inkopiesentrum gaan nêrens heen nie.,You need to slow down a little bit. The shopping mall isn't going anywhere.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Wat maak hy?,What does he do?,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Skryf met 'n pen.,Write with a ballpoint pen.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek het 'n pen.,I have a pen.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek sal dit sommer vir die pret doen.,I'll do it just for the fun of it.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Hoe gaan die spel?,How's the game going?,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Sami vind altyd 'n weg deur.,Sami always find a way through.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Is hierdie hond manlik of vroulik?,Is that dog male or female?,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Wie weet waar Tom gebore is?,Who knows where Tom was born?,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Het u 'n oomblik?,Have you got a moment?,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Jy het genoeg lekkergoed om tot volgende jaar te hou.,You have enough candy to last until next year.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Die drie manne het gelag.,The three men laughed.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Die skip het sy koers verander.,The ship changed its course.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Tom weier om sy groente te eet.,Tom refuses to eat his vegetables.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn He het 'n boek in sy hand gehad.,He had a book in his hand.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek gaan haal glase.,I'll get some glasses.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Hy reik uit na a Engelse-Japanese woordeboek op die lessenaar.,He reached for an English-Japanese dictionary on the desk.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Tom moet meer versigtig wees.,Tom has to be more careful.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Daar is 'n dans partytjie Vrydagaand by die hoërskool.,There will be a dance Friday night at the high school.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Mari en Maki is susters.,Mari and Maki are sisters.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Tom was baie verdraagsaam.,Tom has been very tolerant.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek gaan nie my keuse verander nie maak nie saak wat jy sê nie.,"No matter what you say, I won't change my mind.",afr_Latn-eng_Latn Tom was 'n goeie vriend.,Tom has been a good friend.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Tom het my reeds gedank.,Tom has already thanked me.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Die wind waai.,The wind blows.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Tom het 'n goed geleerde hond.,Tom has a well-trained dog.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Tom het 'n uitstekende geheue.,Tom has a very good memory.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Tom het baie op sy bord.,Tom has a lot on his plate.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Tom het 'n goeie verbeelding.,Tom has a good imagination.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Tom het 'n groot dag môre.,Tom has a big day tomorrow.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Tom beter dit nie gedoen het nie.,Tom had better not do that.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Tom skryf selde aan sy ouers.,Tom seldom writes to his parents.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Is jy nie 'n bietjie skrikkerig nie?,Aren't you being a little paranoid?,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Nou is jy paranoïes.,Now you're being paranoid.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Dit is wreed van jou om met haar fout te vind.,It is cruel of you to find fault with her.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek het hulle slegs twee keer gesien.,I've only seen them twice.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn "Ek is nie die Christus nie, maar ek is voor Hom uitgestuur.",I am not the Christ but I am sent ahead of him.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Dit is alles joune.,It's all yours.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Die warm bad het my spiere ontspan.,The hot bath relaxed my muscles.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Dalk is hy besig.,Maybe he's busy.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Dit blyk dat hy die geheim ken.,It seems that he knows the secret.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek wonder wat hy in werklikheid dink.,I wonder what he actually thinks.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Hy het haar omhels en gesoen.,He hugged her and kissed her.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Dit is genotvol om tenis te speel.,Playing tennis is fun.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Hy was bly dat die vredesverdrag geteken was.,He was glad the peace treaty was signed.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek bly in Osaka.,I stay in Osaka.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Daar was oral blomme.,There were flowers everywhere.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Hierdie pad is baie lank.,This road is very long.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Hy sal my nooit weer glo nie.,He will never believe me again.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Hy het vir 'n maand verlaat.,He left for a month.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Sy is nogal 'n handvol.,She's quite a handful.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Hierdie hond is van my.,This dog is mine.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Sy is 'n bietjie 'n handvol.,She's a bit of a handful.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Haat hulle my?,Do they hate me?,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Sy steek iets vir my weg.,She's hiding something from me.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Op daardie stadium was ek oorsee.,I was overseas at the time.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Sy het agter die boom geskuil.,She hid behind the tree.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn "Ons weet wat ons is, maar wat ons mag wees, weet ons nie.","We know what we are, but know not what we may be.",afr_Latn-eng_Latn Jy is regtig wonderlik.,You're really wonderful.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Sy het blonde haare.,She has blonde hair.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Hulle is in die biblioteek.,They're in the library.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek het skoon van haar vergeet.,I forgot all about her.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Sy stel belang daarin om nuwe idees te leer.,She is interested in learning new ideas.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek het skoon van hom vergeet.,I forgot all about him.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn My suster is mooi.,My sister is pretty.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek het heeltemal van hulle vergeet.,I completely forgot about them.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek het skoon van hulle vergeet.,I forgot all about them.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek is tans besig.,I'm busy at the moment.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Jy sal gou gewoond raak aan hierdie koue weer.,You'll soon get accustomed to this cold weather.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek wil jou baas sien.,I want to see your boss.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Tom het skoon van hulle vergeet.,Tom forgot all about them.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Tom het skoon van ons vergeet.,Tom forgot all about us.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Het jy enige Bitcoins?,Do you have any Bitcoins?,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ons het heeltemal van hom vergeet.,We forgot all about him.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Waar is die PowerPoint-aanbieding wat jy my belowe het?,Where is the PowerPoint presentation you promised me?,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ons het heeltemal van hulle vergeet.,We forgot all about them.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek weet alles van haar.,I know all about her.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek weet alles van hom.,I know everything about him.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn "Japan is vol mooi stede. Kyoto en Nara, by voorbeeld.","Japan is full of beautiful cities. Kyoto and Nara, for instance.",afr_Latn-eng_Latn Tom weet alles van my.,Tom knows all about me.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Tom weet alles van hulle.,Tom knows all about them.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Tom weet alles van ons.,Tom knows all about us.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek sal niemand van haar vertel nie.,I won't tell anyone about her.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek sal niemand van hom vertel nie.,I won't tell anyone about him.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek sal niemand van hulle vertel nie.,I won't tell anyone about them.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ons sal niemand van hulle vertel nie.,We won't tell anyone about them.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Weet jy enige iets van haar?,Do you know anything about her?,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Weet jy enige iets van hom?,Do you know anything about him?,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Weet jy enige iets van hulle?,Do you know anything about them?,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Weet jy enige iets van ons?,Do you know anything about us?,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek het oor haar rond gevra.,I asked around about her.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek het oor hom rond gevra.,I asked around about him.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek het oor hulle rond gevra.,I asked around about them.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ons dogter het haar vinger aan 'n vuurhoutjie gebrand.,Our daughter burnt her finger with a match.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Dans u graag?,Do you like to dance?,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Vind uit alles wat jy kan oor hom.,Find out all you can about him.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Vind uit alles wat jy kan oor hulle.,Find out all you can about them.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Vergeet van ons.,Forget about us.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek gee om oor haar.,I care about her.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Eet jy vleis?,Do you eat meat?,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek het hom nooit hoor sing nie.,I never heard him sing.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Wil u dans?,Would you like to dance?,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Jou handsak is hier.,Here is your bag.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek gee nie om oor haar nie.,I don't care about her.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Watter een is jou sak?,Which is your bag?,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Sy wil dans.,She wants to dance.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek gee nie om oor hulle nie.,I don't care about them.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn "Kan ek 'n koppie tee kry, asseblief?","Can I have a cup of tea, please?",afr_Latn-eng_Latn """Hoe oud is jy?"" ""Ek is sestien.""","""How old are you?"" ""I'm sixteen.""",afr_Latn-eng_Latn Waarom gee jy vir hom om?,Why do you care about him?,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Waarom gee jy vir hulle om?,Why do you care about them?,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek het vir haar om gegee.,I cared about her.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek moet my kar hier parkeer.,I have to park my car here.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Sal ons dans?,Shall we dance?,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Die gletser beweeg maar met duime.,The glacier moves but by inches.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn "Twee honde veg vir 'n been, en die derde hardloop daarmee weg.","Two dogs fight for a bone, and the third runs away with it.",afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek kan sien dat jy vir hulle om gegee het.,I can tell you cared about them.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Dit is warm vandag.,It's hot today.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek beoefen sport.,I practice sports.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek het gedink jy gee vir hom om.,I thought you cared about him.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek het gedog jy gee om vir hulle.,I thought you cared about them.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek hou nie van diere nie.,I don't like animals.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek was bekommerd oor haar.,I've been concerned about her.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Boere kla konstant oor die weer.,Farmers always complain about the weather.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek was bekommerd oor hulle.,I've been concerned about them.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek het 'n droeë vel.,I have dry skin.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Besit julle 'n apteek?,Do you own a pharmacy?,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Waar is die apteek?,Where's the pharmacy?,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Waar is die naaste apteek?,Where is the nearest pharmacy?,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ons is bekommerd oor hulle.,We're concerned about them.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Wat moet ek omtrent haar doen?,What should I do about her?,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Wat moet ek omtrent hom doen?,What should I do about him?,afr_Latn-eng_Latn "Ja, die melk is baie goed.","Yes, the milk is very good.",afr_Latn-eng_Latn Die baba het vir my geglimlag.,The baby smiled at me.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Sy het om hulp geroep.,She called for help.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Wat moet ek omternt hulle doen?,What should I do about them?,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Hy het 30 minute laat opgedaag.,He turned up 30 minutes late.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek het 'n bietjie van 'n koors.,I have a slight fever.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Laat ek jou aan my ma voorstel.,Let me introduce you to my mother.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Moet ek 'n deposito los?,Do I have to leave a deposit?,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Tom kan nog nie bestuur nie.,Tom isn't able to drive yet.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Wat moet ons omternt haar doen?,What should we do about her?,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Sit hierdie stoele asseblief by die venster.,Please set these chairs by the window.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek het twee uur lank vir die bus in die sneeu gewag.,I waited for the bus in the snow as long as two hours.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Jeans pas by alles.,Jeans go with everything.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek droom aanhoudend oor hulle.,I keep dreaming about them.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Marry het 'n klomp geskenke vir haar verjaarsdag gekry.,Mary received many gifts for her birthday.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Hulle kom goed klaar met hulle bure.,They're on good terms with their neighbors.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek het oor haar gedroom.,I was dreaming about her.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek het oor hom gedroom.,I was dreaming about him.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek het oor hulle gedroom.,I was dreaming about them.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Die landskap is asemrowend.,This scenery is magnificent.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Dit is hoe ek oor haar voel.,That's how I feel about her.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek vee die rakke af.,I am wiping the shelves.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Dit is hoe ek oor hulle voel.,That's how I feel about them.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Hoe voel jy nou oor haar?,How do you feel about her now?,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Hoe voel jy nou oor hom?,How do you feel about him now?,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek dink aan jou.,I'm thinking of you.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Hulle is bekwame studente.,They're able students.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ons is bekwame dansers.,We're able dancers.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek weet hoe jy oor hom voel.,I know how you feel about him.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek weet hoe jy oor my voel.,I know how you feel about me.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek dink aan U.,I'm thinking about you.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek weet hoe jy oor ons voel.,I know how you feel about us.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Vertel my hoe jy oor haar voel.,Tell me how you feel about her.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Vertel my hoe jy oor hom voel.,Tell me how you feel about him.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ken jy die seun wat huil?,Do you know that crying boy?,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek weet hoe jy oor haar gevoel het.,I know how you felt about her.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek sal jou nooit vergeet.,I'll never forget you.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek weet hoe jy oor hulle gevoel het.,I know how you felt about them.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek weet hoe jy oor ons gevoel het.,I know how you felt about us.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn "Twee biere, asseblief!","Two beers, please.",afr_Latn-eng_Latn Sy is vir my 'n vreemdeling.,I don't know her.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Vergeet van hom.,Forget about him.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Vergeet van my.,Forget about me.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek het van haar vergeet.,I forgot about her.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Hulle praat oor liefde.,They talked about love.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek het van hulle vergeet.,I forgot about them.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek wil nie van haar hoor nie.,I don't want to hear about her.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek wil nie van hom hoor nie.,I don't want to hear about him.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek wil nie van hulle hoor nie.,I don't want to hear about them.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Jy beter jouself by Tom verskoon vir jou laat kommery.,You should apologize to Tom for being late.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek was jammer om van hom te hoor.,I was sorry to hear about him.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek was jammer om van hulle te hoor.,I was sorry to hear about them.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Die Titanic het op sy eerste vaart gesink. Dit was 'n groot skip.,The Titanic sank on her maiden voyage. She was a large ship.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Het jy van hulle gehoor?,Did you hear about them?,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek het van hom gehoor.,I heard about him.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek het van hulle gehoor.,I heard about them.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Die bokant van die heuwel is plat.,The top of the hill is flat.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek onthou hoe ek van haar gehoor het.,I remember hearing about her.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn "Die Aarde is rond, nie plat nie.","The earth is round, not flat.",afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek het twee katte.,I have two cats.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Hierdie fliek was alte vervelig.,That movie was really boring.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Het jy van ons gehoor?,Have you heard about us?,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Dit is wat ek in Spanje gekoop het.,This is what I bought in Spain.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek was dronk.,I was drunk.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn My broer woon in Tokio.,My brother lives in Tokyo.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Hy weet alles oor Duitsland.,He knows everything about Germany.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek is nie dronk nie.,I'm not drunk.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Is hulle vriende?,Are they friends?,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek het vir hom om gegee.,I cared about him.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Die blom het 'n sterk geur.,That flower has a strong smell.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ons sal binnekort begin werk.,We'll begin work soon.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ons almal lieg.,We all lie.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Tom het my beseer.,Tom hurt me.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Tom kan dalk dood gaan.,Tom may die.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ons almal het gestaan.,We all stood.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Selfs Tom het gelieg.,Even Tom lied.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Laat Tom bestuur.,Let Tom drive.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Tom moes gaan.,Tom needed to go.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Tom sal nie dood gaan nie.,Tom won't die.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek haat dit om te bestuur.,I hate driving.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek is gaande oor bestuur.,I love driving.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Praat jy Engels?,Do you speak English?,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Dit is 'n groot werk.,It's a big job.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Tom het weg getrek.,Tom moved away.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Tom sal nie help nie.,Tom won't help.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Vetrou my asseblief.,Please trust me.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Hulle het hulle seun John genoem.,They named their son John.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek is 'n oupa.,I'm a grandfather.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Tom het geheime.,Tom has secrets.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Tom het aanhou probeer.,Tom kept trying.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Tom het bleek gelyk.,Tom looked pale.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Tom het koffie gemaak.,Tom made coffee.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Tom sal sekerlik gaan.,Tom ought to go.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Tom sal nee sê.,Tom will say no.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Hang aan vir 'n oomblik.,Hang on a moment.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Die baksteenmuur het op homself getuimel.,The brick wall collapsed on itself,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek wil hê tom moet gaan.,I want Tom to go.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Die hond is in die huis.,The dog is in the house.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek weier om vir Tom te soen.,I won't kiss Tom.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Dit is 'n goeie teken.,It's a good sign.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Musiek is my lewe.,Music is my life.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn My Fraans is sleg.,My French is bad.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Gaan asseblief vinniger.,Please go faster.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Daardie boek behoort aan my.,That book's mine.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Tom het nie verlaat nie.,Tom didn't leave.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Tom het nie gegaan nie.,Tom didn't go away.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Tom het vroeg op gestaan.,Tom got up early.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Tom bewe.,Tom is trembling.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Tom is baie seer.,Tom is very hurt.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Tom laat my toe om te bestuur.,Tom let me drive.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Tom moes dood gegaan het.,Tom must've died.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Tom was gevangenis geneem.,Tom was captured.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Die bagasie is verseker.,The baggage is insured.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Tom sal laat wees.,Tom will be late.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Tom sal my mis.,Tom will miss me.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Tom sal jou betaal.,Tom will pay you.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Mag ons die taal laboratorium gebruik?,May we use the language lab?,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Tom sal nie beswaar maak nie.,Tom won't object.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Tom sal nie oorgee nie.,Tom won't resign.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Tom sal nie nee sê nie.,Tom won't say no.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Tom sal my nie sien nie.,Tom won't see me.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Tom sal nie eet nie.,Tom wouldn't eat.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Waar is jul bagasie?,Where's your baggage?,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Hulle steek iets vir my weg.,They're hiding something from me.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Klasse eindig vandag.,Classes end today.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Kan ek 'n drukkie kry?,Could I get a hug?,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Eet Tom vleis?,Does Tom eat meat?,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek betreur dat ek gelieg het.,I regretted lying.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Is Mary jou vrou?,Is Mary your wife?,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Die rekening asseblief.,"The check, please.",afr_Latn-eng_Latn Tom het kom kuier.,Tom came to visit.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Hoe gaan dit met jou sustertjie?,How's your little sister?,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek betaal vandag vir jou midagete.,I'll pay for your lunch today.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Tom weet beter as om met jou te baklei.,Tom knows better than to fight with you.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Tom drink sap.,Tom is drinking juice.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Hy het besluit om dokter te word.,He made up his mind to be a doctor.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Die hysbak werk nie vandag nie.,The elevator is out of order today.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Tom hoef nie vandag skool toe te gaan nie.,Tom doesn't have to go to school today.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek het die indruk dat hy die geheim ken.,I have the impression that he knows the secret.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Dit was groot pret.,It was very fun.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Moenie te veel rook nie.,Don't smoke too much.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Tom het nie sokkies gedra nie.,Tom wasn't wearing socks.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Sy kan jou vraag beantwoord.,She is able to answer your question.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek sal hier bly tot tien.,I'll stay here until ten.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Die stad is nie die een wat ek ses jaar terug verlaat het nie.,The city isn't the one I left six years ago.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Sy mag maar trots vind in haar talent.,She may well take pride in her talent.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Sy't vandag sy middagete gebring.,She brought his lunch today.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek't nêrens om vanaand te slaap nie.,I've nowhere to sleep tonight.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Waar het jy dit geleer?,Where did you learn this?,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek sou nie so seker wees as ek jy was nie.,I wouldn't be too sure if I were you.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Tom sal nie met jou kan byhou nie.,Tom won't be able to keep up with you.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Die klip voel nat.,The rock feels wet.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Sy het hom lief.,She loves him.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Die kelner het ons glase tot die randjie gevul.,The waiter filled our glasses to the brim.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Hy kon nie sy oë glo nie.,He could not believe his eyes.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Praat jy Volapük?,Do you speak Volapük?,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Dis weer herfs.,It's autumn again.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Wie was dit?,Who was that?,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Wie gaan betaal?,Who will pay?,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Dit is nou herfs.,It's fall now.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Gaan Tom sterf?,Will Tom die?,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Tom gaan glad nie verskyn nie.,Tom won't be showing up at all.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Tom het 'n roeiboot.,Tom has a rowboat.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Sy het 'n huis by die see.,She has a house by the sea.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Tom het uit getrek.,Tom has moved out.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Uiteindelik is dit herfs!,Fall is finally coming!,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Tom is vry om te gaan.,Tom is free to go.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Tom sal nie verander nie.,Tom won't change.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Tom is in die bus.,Tom is in the van.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Tom laat Mary toe om te praat.,Tom let Mary talk.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Weet Tom van Mary?,Does Tom know about Mary?,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Praat jy Frans?,Do you speak French?,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek was jou ma se eerste kerêl.,I was your mother's first boyfriend.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek moet seker terug ingaan.,I'd better get back inside.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek sal nou terugkom by jou.,I'll get right back to you.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek is nie besig om onredelik te wees nie.,I'm not being unreasonable.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek is jammer oor laat wees.,I'm sorry about being late.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Tom het iets in sy hand.,Tom has something in his hand.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Tom sou nie pla om te jok nie.,Tom wouldn't bother to lie.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ons sal nie kan ontsnap nie.,We won't be able to escape.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Jy gaan nêrens veilig wees nie.,You won't be safe anywhere.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Jy het dit al voorheen vir my gesê.,You've told me that before.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek sal nie jou kan help nie.,I won't be able to help you.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Tom kon dood gegaan het.,Tom might've died.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Tom het sy regter flikkerlig aangesit.,Tom turned on the right blinker.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Met die korrekte gebruik is sommige gifstowwe voordelig.,"Properly used, certain poisons will prove beneficial.",afr_Latn-eng_Latn Tom was 'n bietjie gegril deur dit.,Tom was a bit freaked out by it.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Jy gaan nie dit weer nodig hê nie.,You won't be needing that again.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Jy gaan nie die enigste een daar wees nie.,You won't be the only one there.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Jy sal nie glo wat ek het nie.,You won't believe what I've got.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ons was verlief.,We were in love.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Baie kleintjies maak ’n grote.,Many a little makes a mickle.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek hoop nie ek pla iemand nie.,I hope I'm not bothering anybody.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek dog jy sou kwaad vir my wees.,I thought you might be mad at me.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Weet jy hoekeom hy nie kon kom nie?,Do you know why he couldn't come?,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Onthou jy haar naam?,Do you remember her name?,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek was die hele nag besig om te dinkskrum.,I was up all night brainstorming.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek sal nie vanaand kan slaap nie.,I won't be able to sleep tonight.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek sal terugkom na jou in 'n ruk.,I'll get back to you in a moment.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek is bly dat ons dit agter ons gesit het.,I'm glad we put all that behind us.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek is verbaas dat Tom nie vandag besig is nie.,I'm surprised Tom isn't busy today.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Dalk moet ek nie so verdag wees nie.,Maybe I shouldn't be so suspicious.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek het vir Mary 'n brief geskryf.,I wrote Mary a letter.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Die mure was 'n ligte bruin geverf.,The walls were painted light brown.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek kon nie aan die slaap raak nie.,I couldn't fall asleep.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek het nie verstaan waarvan sy gepraat het nie.,I didn't understand what she was talking about.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn My beursie het verdwyn.,My wallet's gone.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Die wedstryd begin môre.,The contest starts tomorrow.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Tom gaan nie so moeilik oorreed word nie.,Tom won't be that hard to convince.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Tom sal nie belangstel in Mary nie.,Tom wouldn't be interested in Mary.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek is nou-nou terug met verversings.,I'll be right back with refreshments.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek sal dit terug maak vir aandete.,I'll make it back in time for supper.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ongelukkig sal Tom nie kan kom nie.,I'm afraid Tom won't be able to come.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek sal moet terugkom na jou.,I'm going to have to get back to you.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn "Ek het dit voorheen vir jou gesê, het ek nie?","I've told you that before, haven't I?",afr_Latn-eng_Latn Het enigiemand enige ander vrae?,Does anyone have any other questions?,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Tom het terug binnegegaan om sy jas te kry.,Tom went back inside to get his coat.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek dog Tom was dalk jou kêrel.,I thought Tom might be your boyfriend.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Die uitslag van my eksamens is nie wat ek verwag het nie.,The result of my exams was not what I had expected.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek sal so gou as moontlik terugkom na jou.,I'll get back to you as soon as I can.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek sal my paspoort terug in die kluis sit.,I'll put my passport back in the safe.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Tom sit by venster besig om 'n boek te lees.,"Tom sat by the window, reading a book.",afr_Latn-eng_Latn Hy het weg gehardloop sodat hy nie gevang sou word nie.,He ran away so he wouldn't be caught.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek kan dalk jou kom optel.,I might be able to come and pick you up.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek sal nie langer as twee of drie ure neem nie.,I won't be more than two or three hours.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Hy het uiteindelik geld gemaak.,He finally made money.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Tom kon nie glo wat aan die gang is nie.,Tom couldn't believe what was happening.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Tom gaan nie meer hulp deur Mary verkry nie.,Tom won't be getting any help from Mary.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Jy sal nie dit kan doen sonder my nie.,You won't be able to do that without me.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek gaan nie gereed wees om dit te doen tot Maandag nie.,I won't be ready to do that until Monday.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek wonder of jy my dalk sal kan help.,I wonder if you might be able to help me.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek het niks die afgelope drie dae geëet nie.,I have eaten nothing for the past three days.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Tom gaan nie enige aflewerings vandag maak nie.,Tom won't be making any deliveries today.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Tom sou nie hier wees as dit nie vir my was nie.,Tom wouldn't be here if it wasn't for me.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Hoe lank duur 'n basketbal spel?,How long does a basketball game last?,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Hy is al meerdere male gewaarsku.,He has been warned on several occasions.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Sy was in die stort.,She was in the shower.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Teken 'n reguit lyn.,Draw a straight line.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Dit is die beste werk in die wêreld.,It's the best job in the world!,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Sy opinie tel nie.,His opinion doesn't count.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Het jy daai klein muisie gesien?,Did you see that small mouse?,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Hulle speel kaart.,They're playing cards.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Maak asseblief jou mond oop!,Please speak up.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek hou van horlosies.,I like clocks.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Aanvaar u Visa kaarte?,Do you accept Visa card?,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Die perd is nie wit.,The horse is not white.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Hy het geweier om die vrae wat aan om gestel is te beantwoord.,He declined to answer the questions put to him.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Hy kan nie veel Engels praat nie.,He can't speak much English.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn """Ek is baie gelukkig,"" het hy gesê.","""I am very happy"", he said.",afr_Latn-eng_Latn Jy is baie laat.,You're very late.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Jy is te laat.,You are too late.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Die klub het dertig lede.,The club has thirty members.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn "As jy vier van tien aftrek, het jy ses.","If you take four from ten, you have six.",afr_Latn-eng_Latn Los my uit!,Get off my back!,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek het die deur gesluit.,I locked the door.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek ken jou seun.,I know your son.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Dit is vyfuur.,It's five o'clock.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek het heeltemal van hom vergeet.,I completely forgot about him.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Het jy hom gebel?,Did you telephone him?,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ons het daardie plan uitgevoer.,We carried out that plan.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Wat verkoop jy?,What are you selling?,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Niemand gaan omgee nie.,No one will care.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Jy is darem 'n mens.,"Even so, you are a human.",afr_Latn-eng_Latn Sny asseblief die koeke met 'n mes.,Please cut the cake with a knife.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Die appels is ryp.,The apples are ripe.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Dit kos omtrent dertig Euro.,It costs around thirty Euros.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Die dief het weggehardloop toe sy die polisieman gesien het.,The thief ran away when she saw the policeman.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Tom het slegs drie dollar vir sy middagete uitgegee.,Tom only spent three dollars for his lunch.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ons is verdwaal.,We are lost.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Hoeveel eiendom besit die verhuurder?,How much property does the landlord own?,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Dit is onbeskof om in ander se teenwoordigheid te fluister.,It's rude to whisper in front of others.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek het my ouers gisteraand gehoor fluister.,I heard my parents whispering last night.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Wie is daardie vrou?,Who's that woman?,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Sjokolade proe soet.,Chocolate tastes sweet.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Is daar nog sout oor?,Is there salt left?,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Jy is baie oulik.,You're very cute.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Tom is my vriend.,Tom is my friend.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Het jy ooit van enige ernstige siekte gely?,Have you ever had any serious illness?,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Dit proe soet.,It tasted sweet.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Mnr. Sato het my baie vrae oor die verkiesing gevra.,Mr. Sato asked me many questions about the election.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Hoeveel penne het jy?,How many pens do you have?,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Die Burj Khalifa is tans die hoogste wolkekrabber in die wêreld.,Burj Khalifa is currently the tallest skyscraper in the world.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek het 'n hond.,I have a dog.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek het 'n kat en 'n hond.,I have a cat and a dog.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Tom kon nie al die vrae antwoord nie.,Tom couldn't answer all of the questions.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Tom het Mary vir meer as 'n jaar nie gesien nie.,Tom hasn't seen Mary for more than a year.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Jou broers is die beste in die skool.,Your brothers are the best in the school.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Wie se seun is Tom?,Whose son is Tom?,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Hoe lank moet ons wag?,How long should we wait?,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Jy is bang vir hom.,You're afraid of him.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Hy hou van lemoene.,He likes oranges.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn U is bang vir hom.,They're afraid of him.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn 'n By het by die venster uitgevlieg.,A bee flew out of the window.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Hy woon bo my.,He lives above me.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Kry vir jouself koek.,Please help yourself to the cake.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek kort toestemming.,I need authorization.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek beter terug kom by my lessenaar.,I'd better get back to my desk.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek sal dit terug sit waar dit behoort.,I'll put it back where it belongs.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek is bly jy het uiteindelik terug gekom.,I'm glad you finally made it back.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek het my vriende gister gesien.,I saw my friends yesterday.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Wat 'n mooi reënboog!,What a beautiful rainbow!,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek is jammer dat nie van meer hulp kan wees nie.,I'm sorry I can't be of more help.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Tom gaan nie terug wees vir 'n paar ure nie.,Tom won't be back for a few hours.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Wie het die telefoon uitgevind?,Who invented the telephone?,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Tom gaan nie hier wees vir 'n lang tyd nie.,Tom won't be here for a long time.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Jy gaan dit nie meer nodig hê nie.,You won't be needing this anymore.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek dog dit was net tussen ons gewees.,I thought this was just between us.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek dog ons kon dit maak teen 2:30.,I thought we could make it by 2:30.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek gaan nie in dit geboelie word om dit te doen nie.,I won't be bullied into doing that.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek gaan nie uit hierdie sel kan kom nie.,We won't be able to get out of this cell.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek dog jy sou hierin belangstel.,I thought you might be interested in this.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek sou nie verbaas wees as Tom vroeg verlaat het nie.,I wouldn't be surprised if Tom left early.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek het ook vir Tom gesoen.,I also kissed Tom.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek raai jy het dit nie vir jouself gekoop nie.,I'm guessing you didn't buy this yourself.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Sy soek haar motorsleutels.,She is looking for her car keys.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Tom het aangeneem dat Mary nie by die partytjie gaan wees nie.,Tom assumed Mary wouldn't be at the party.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Tom gaan nie volgende naweek by ons bly nie.,Tom won't be staying with us next weekend.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Geld kan nie geluk koop nie.,Money can't buy happiness.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Jy sou nie minder gelukkig gewees het as ek jou vertel het nie.,You wouldn't be any happier if I told you.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Die twee afsprake bots.,The two meetings clash.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek sou nie verbaas wees as Tom nie gekom het nie.,I wouldn't be surprised if Tom didn't come.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek sou ongelukkig nie baie goeie geselskap wees nie.,I'm afraid I wouldn't be very good company.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek is seker Tom ken genoeg Frans om verby te kom.,I'm sure Tom knows enough French to get by.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek gaan die wyn oopmaak sodat dit kan asemhaal.,I'm going to open the wine and let it breathe.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek is verbaas daardie gebou staan nogsteeds.,I'm surprised that building is still standing.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Tom het terug na sy kar gegaan en 'n flitslig gaan haal.,Tom went back to his car and got a flashlight.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek gaan nie Tom oor die brug kan dra nie.,I won't be able to carry Tom across the bridge.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Die telefoon is in 1876 deur Bell uitgevind.,The telephone was invented by Bell in 1876.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek is baie gelukkig in Georgië.,I am very happy in Georgia.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Wanneer en waar kan ons ontmoet?,What time and where could we meet?,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek het regtig lank vir haar gewag.,I waited for her for a really long time.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn My vriende het my vir aandete uitgenooi.,My friends invited me to dinner.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Tom kon dalk dood gegaan het.,Tom may have died.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Waar het u Italiaans geleer?,Where did you learn Italian?,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek is bly om jou weer te sien.,I'm glad to see you again.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ons eet ontbyt.,We're having breakfast.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Wanneer eet jy ontbyt?,When do you eat breakfast?,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Hulle eet nou ontbyt.,They are having breakfast now.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek doen nie dit nie.,I don't do that.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Daar is eilande in die see.,There are islands in the sea.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Tom het dit nie gedoen nie.,Tom didn't do it.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Die eksamen begin volgende Maandag.,The examination begins next Monday.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek twyfel dat sy jou liefhet.,I doubt that she loves you.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Sterk leierskap was nodig.,Strong leadership was needed.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Iemand moet die leiding neem.,Someone must lead.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn "Gee dit vir my, asseblief.","Give it to me, please.",afr_Latn-eng_Latn Maak ek jou seer?,Am I hurting you?,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek alleen kon die vraag reg antwoord.,Only I could answer the question correctly.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Vou die blad in die middel.,Fold the paper in the middle.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ons maak staat op julle om te help.,We're counting on you to help.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ich bin 1968 in Tokio geboren.,I was born in Tokyo in 1968.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Hy is 'n wolf in skaapsklere.,He is a wolf in sheep's clothing.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Wees rustig tydens die les.,Be quiet during the lesson.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn My ouma praat stadig.,My grandmother speaks slowly.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn My naam is Tom. Wat is joune?,My name is Tom. What's yours?,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Hy is nie my neef nie.,He isn't my cousin.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Tom is vet.,Tom is fat.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn My broer stuur groete.,My brother sends you his regards.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Niemand is volmaak nie.,Nobody is perfect.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Die tyd sal leer.,Time will tell.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Jy kan my kar gebruik as jy wil.,"You can use my car, if you want to.",afr_Latn-eng_Latn Die ou tafel word nogsteeds gebruik.,This old table is still in use.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Saterdag is my pa oop.,Saturday is when my father is free.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Jou naam staan eerste op die lys.,Your name stands first in the list.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Het jy besluit om Japan toe te gaan?,Have you decided to go to Japan?,afr_Latn-eng_Latn My ma het skoon lakens op my bed gesit.,My mother put clean sheets on the bed.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Die bome was deur hulle geplant.,These trees were planted by them.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn "Jy kan nie verwag dat hy die storie ken nie, sienende dat hy dit nog nie gelees het nie.",You can not expect him to know the story seeing he has not read it.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn My ouer suster speel goed kitaar.,My older sister plays the guitar well.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Sy het aangehou werk.,She went on working.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek het laas nag hier aangekom.,I arrived here last night.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Wat is die duurder een van die twee?,Which is the more expensive of the two?,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ons hoofkantoor is in Osaka.,Our main office is in Osaka.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Jou das is skeef.,Your tie is crooked.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Huil jy?,Are you crying?,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek het geen tyd vir julle nie.,I don't have time for you.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Mans huil nie!,Men never cry.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Tom mag nie dood gaan nie.,Tom might not die.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek het 'n kar.,I have a car.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Die speler was tevrede met sy oorwinning.,The player was pleased with his victory.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek wil huil!,I want to cry!,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Hy is heeltemal afhanklik van sy ouers.,He is totally dependent on his parents.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Die boks is amper leeg.,The box is almost empty.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Is jy skaam?,Are you shy?,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek sou mal wees om so iets te verwag.,I'd be crazy to expect such a thing.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Hy sal môre terugkeer.,He'll be coming back tomorrow.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Dit woonkamer het 'n kaggel.,The living room has a fireplace.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Het jy alles gelees?,Did you read it all?,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Hulle ondersoek die probleem.,They explore the problem.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Die aarde se bevolking gaan gou verdubbel.,Earth's population will soon double.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ons gaan bivouac naby die dam.,We'll bivouac near the lake.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ons gaan kamp maak naby die dam.,We'll make camp near the lake.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Jy't die situasie vererger.,You've aggravated the situation.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Jy het die situasie vereger.,You aggravated the situation.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek kon nie al die vrae antwoord nie.,I couldn't answer all the questions.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek was dieselfde ouderdom as jy.,I was the same age as you.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Kom ons hou by die punt.,Let's stick to the point.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek was aangenaam verras.,I was pleasantly surprised.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Bill is twee jaar ouer as ek.,Bill is two years older than I.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ons gedrag is merendeels aangeleerd.,An overwhelming part of our behavior is learned.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Kan jy vir my 'n kopie maak?,Can you make me a copy?,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Dis binnekort lente.,It's going to be spring soon.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Kan ek hierdie oliebol kry?,Can I have this donut?,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Kan jy hierdie deur oopmaak?,Can you open this door?,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek haat alles van haar.,I hate everything about her.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Vir wie werk jy?,Who do you work for?,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Vir hoeveel nagte?,For how many nights?,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Toegang slegs vir studente.,Admission to students only.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Kan ek vir jou 'n drankie maak?,Can I fix you a drink?,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ons is teen oorlog.,We are against war.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Kan ek jou hand skud?,May I shake your hand?,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Kan jy my hierso vat?,Can you take over here?,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Sy is goed groot gemaak.,She is well brought up.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ons is beide van Boston.,We are both from Boston.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek dink nie Tom sou omgee nie.,I think Tom wouldn't mind.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Dis gevaarlik om rondom die vuur te speel.,It's dangerous to play around the fire.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Die telefoon is deur Bell uitgevind.,The telephone was invented by Bell.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn "Dankie vir die kom, om my te ontmoet.",Thank you for coming to see me.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Sit die kaartspel op die eikehouttafel.,Place the deck of cards on the oaken table.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Joune is daar anderkant.,Yours is there on the other side.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Maak asseblief seker van jou antwoorde.,Please check your answers.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Die voël is in die hemel.,The bird is in the sky.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek het teen ses opgestaan.,I got up about six.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn "Hy wat in Swede gebore is, is Sweeds.",He who is born in Sweden is Swedish.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Vir hoe lank is hierdie visum geldig?,How long is this visa valid?,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Dit kom voor asof die baba rustig slaap.,The baby appeared to be sleeping quietly.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Kyk agter jou.,Look behind you.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn "Jammer, ek sal dit nie doen sonder 'n kondoom nie.","Sorry, I won't do it without a condom.",afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek is agter hom.,I'm behind him.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Dit is die seun.,This is the boy.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn In orde.,That's fair enough.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn In die kombuis.,In the kitchen.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Welkom in Japan.,Welcome to Japan.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Jy is stout.,You are naughty.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn "Hoe gouer, hoe beter.","The sooner, the better.",afr_Latn-eng_Latn Die skip is in die hawe.,The ship's in the port.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Praat met my!,Talk to me!,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Neem my saam.,Take me with you.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Dis baie stout van jou.,That's very naughty of you.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Kan jy my indruk?,Can you squeeze me in?,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Kom sy ook saam?,"Is she coming, too?",afr_Latn-eng_Latn Kan ek oorkom later?,Can I come over later?,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Kan jy so lank wag?,Can you wait that long?,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Met wie praat sy?,Who is she speaking to?,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Kan ek 'n koffie vir die pad kry?,Can I get a coffee to go?,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Kan jy reg hier wag?,Can you wait right here?,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Dit is jou besluit.,It's your decision.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Dink daaroor na.,Think about that.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ons kat is in die kombuis.,Our cat is in the kitchen.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek het jou gister gesien.,I saw you yesterday.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Tom het nie geweet wat om te sê nie.,Tom didn't know what to say.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Tom het koue water oor homself gegooi om homself wakker te maak.,Tom poured cold water over himself to wake himself up.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Hierdie sanza is regtig goed!,This sanza is really good!,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Daardie maatskappy was nog baie suksesvol tot nou toe.,That company has been very successful up to now.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Studente moet gebruik maak van die boeke in die biblioteek.,Students should make use of the books in the library.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek praat geen Japannees nie.,I don't speak Japanese.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn "Laat in herfs, toe die weer rof, winderig en nat was en die koue die dikste kleed kon binnedring, veral op see, het 'n arme boot met slegs twee manne die see ingevaar.","Late in the autumn, when the weather was rough, windy, and wet, and the cold penetrated through the thickest clothing, especially at sea, a wretched boat went out to sea with only two men on board.",afr_Latn-eng_Latn Asseblief beantwoord my vraag.,Please answer my question.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn "Al wat jy moet doen om 'n foto te neem, is om hierdie knoppie te druk.",All you have to do is push this button to take a picture.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Sekere algemene gesprekslyne hardloop deur all kulture.,Some common threads run through all cultures.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Kolinisering is een van die dryfkragte agter die verspreiding van Engels.,Colonization is one of the forces behind the spread of English.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Tom was versteur deur die rigting van sy gedagtes.,Tom was disturbed at the direction of his thoughts.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek het vir Ann 'n pop gemaak.,I made Ann a doll.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Druk my!,Give me a hug.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek het 'n pop vir Ann gemaak.,I made a doll for Ann.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Is daar enige besienswaardighede?,Are there any landmarks?,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ons onderbreek hierdie program vir 'n belangrike aankondiging.,We interrupt this program for an urgent message.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek wonder of mens kan leef met slegs twee uur slaap per nag.,I wonder whether man could live with only two hours' sleep a night.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Daar was 'n bus skedule op die muur.,There was a bus schedule on the wall.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Hy glo in 'n lewe na die dood.,He believes in an afterlife.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn My oom is gediagnoseer met bloedkanker.,My uncle has been diagnosed with leukemia.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn "Het jy die boek wat ek nou die dag vir jou geleen het, klaar gelees?",Have you finished reading the book I lent you the other day?,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Wat is die verskil?,What is the difference?,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Het jy jou vrou met betrekking tot kook gehelp?,Have you ever helped your wife in cooking?,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek het sopas 'n uitstekende idee gekry.,A wonderful idea just ran through my mind.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Dis die beste wat daar is.,It's the best there is.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn "Nee, dankie. Ek is versadig.","No more, thank you. I'm full.",afr_Latn-eng_Latn Hy het nie 'n jas gedra nie.,He had no coat on.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Is daar enige balle hierso?,Are there any balls here?,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek soek werk.,I'm looking for a job.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Julle is dronk!,You are drunk!,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Sy het die hele dag in die huis gebly.,She stayed in the house all day.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek het perongeluk koffie op die mat gemors.,I accidentally spilled coffee on the mat.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Is dat een pruik?,Is that a wig?,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Maak gou!,Hurry it up!,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek het 'n probleem met my motor.,I have a problem with my car.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek gaan in elk geval nie.,I'm not going anyway.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek is 'n vreemdeling hier.,I'm a stranger in these parts.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek moet my kamer opruim.,I should clean my room.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Die meisie is bang vir honde.,The girl is afraid of dogs.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ons het met die hysbak op en af gery.,We went up and down in the elevator.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Hulle kan hierdie wasmasjien nie gebruik nie.,You can't use this washing machine.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Sy was jonk.,She was young.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn My broer het aangedring op gaan daar alleen.,My brother insisted on going there alone.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek is dors.,I am thirsty.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Julle is tussen vriende.,You guys are among friends.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn 'n Onaangename gevoel is altyd sleg.,An unpleasant feeling is always bad.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek gee nie om nie.,I don't mind.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Sy het opgestaan om die telefoon te antwoord.,She stood up to answer the phone.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Tom drink nie koffie nie.,Tom doesn't drink coffee.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Het waterskilpaaie tande?,Do turtles have teeth?,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Dit was gister koud.,It was cold yesterday.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Sy het my misgis vir my ouer broer.,She mistook my brother for me.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek lê op die gras,I lie on the grass.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ons is sy seuns.,We are his sons.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ons het in dieselfde kamer geslaap.,We slept in the same room.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek dink jou teorie hou nie steek nie.,I think your theory does not hold water.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn "Op die vergadering het hy baie te sê gehad, maar sy argument het nie steek gehou nie.","At the meeting he said a lot, but his argument did not hold water.",afr_Latn-eng_Latn "Jou verduideliking klink aanneemlik, maar dit hou net nie steek nie.","Your explanation sounds plausible, but it just doesn't hold water.",afr_Latn-eng_Latn Draai die radio sagter.,Turn the radio down.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Dit is nie nodig nie.,That isn't necessary.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ons het geld nodig.,We need money.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Chinese kos het die grootste indruk gemaak in China.,"The thing that left the biggest impression from China, is the Chinese food.",afr_Latn-eng_Latn "Ek sal kom, indien nodig.",I'll come if necessary.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Tom weet nie waar die geld vandaan kom nie.,Tom didn't know where the money came from.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Waarom het hy nie gekom nie?,Why didn't he come?,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek is lief vir my tuisland.,I love the old country.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Botter is sag.,Butter is soft.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Hy het sy ouers gevind.,He found his parents.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek benodig 'n kaart.,I need a map.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek is te moeg om te hardloop.,I am too tired to run.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Jy is ver van die huis af.,You're a long way from home.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn او تا دیروقت در شب تمرین گیتار میکند.,He practices playing the guitar far into the night.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Moenie die hond met 'n klip gooi nie.,Don't throw a stone at the dog.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Tom sal alles betaal.,Tom will pay for everything.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Jy kan by ons oornag.,You can spend the night at our place.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek slaap by my tannie oor.,I'm staying at my aunt's.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Hy is 'n skrywer.,He's an author.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Is julle dors?,Are you thirsty?,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Haar dokter wil haar na 'n spesialis verwys.,Her doctor wants to refer her to a specialist.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Jy moet trek.,You have to move.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Waarheen gaan jy trek?,Where are you going to move?,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Dit is haar foto.,It is her photo.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek sal alles betaal.,I'll pay you for everything.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn Ek kyk net.,I'm just looking.,afr_Latn-eng_Latn በውነት ያስፈራል።,It's truly frightening.,amh_Ethi-eng_Latn ቶም ብዙ ጊዜ ከውሻው ጋር ይናገራል።,Tom often talks to his dog.,amh_Ethi-eng_Latn ተማሪ አይደለሁም።,I'm not a student.,amh_Ethi-eng_Latn እሱም አማርኛን እየተመርኩ ነው።,I'm also learning Amharic.,amh_Ethi-eng_Latn ዘግይቼ እትምሀርት ቤት ምን ጊዜም አልደርስም።,I'm never late for school.,amh_Ethi-eng_Latn አንተ ተማሪ ነህ።,You are a student.,amh_Ethi-eng_Latn ሐኪም የለሁም።,I'm not a doctor.,amh_Ethi-eng_Latn ገደልኩው።,I killed him.,amh_Ethi-eng_Latn ገደልኩዋት።,I killed her.,amh_Ethi-eng_Latn እንግሊዝኛን እየተማርኩ ነው።,I'm learning English.,amh_Ethi-eng_Latn ፈረንሳይኛን እየተመርኩ ነው።,I'm learning French.,amh_Ethi-eng_Latn አንቺ ማን ነሽ?,Who are you?,amh_Ethi-eng_Latn ወደ ትምህርት ቤት እየሄድክ ነው?,Are you going to school?,amh_Ethi-eng_Latn ሰዉ ወጣት ነው።,The man is young.,amh_Ethi-eng_Latn ሰዉ ወጣት አይደለም።,The man is not young.,amh_Ethi-eng_Latn አላውቅም።,I don't know.,amh_Ethi-eng_Latn ሴቷ ወጣት ነች።,The woman is young.,amh_Ethi-eng_Latn ወጣት አይደለችም።,She is not young.,amh_Ethi-eng_Latn በሳምንት ከሁለት እስካስር ብር ነው።,It is from two to ten birrs a week.,amh_Ethi-eng_Latn ከቤቱ እስከ ባቡር ጣቢያ ድረስ ሄደ።,He went from his house up to the railroad station.,amh_Ethi-eng_Latn እዚያ እሄዳለሁ።,I'll go there.,amh_Ethi-eng_Latn ጀግና ነኝ።,I'm a hero.,amh_Ethi-eng_Latn በዚህ ሆቴል ውስጥ ባዶ ክፍል አለዎት?,Do you have an empty room in this hotel?,amh_Ethi-eng_Latn ስምህ ማን ነው?,What is your name?,amh_Ethi-eng_Latn አስተርጓሚ ነኝ።,I'm a translator.,amh_Ethi-eng_Latn እኔ አስተርጓሚ ነኝ።,I am a translator.,amh_Ethi-eng_Latn ወደ ትምሕርት ቤት ይሄዳል።,He goes to school.,amh_Ethi-eng_Latn ልጆች የሕይወታችን አበባዎች ናቸው።,Children are the flowers of our lives.,amh_Ethi-eng_Latn ወደ ትምሕርት ቤት እሄዳለሁ።,I will go to school.,amh_Ethi-eng_Latn እማራለሁ።,I will learn.,amh_Ethi-eng_Latn አባትሽ ረጅም ነው።,Your father is tall.,amh_Ethi-eng_Latn እንደማምነው ከሆነ ስህተት አለ።,I believe there is a mistake here.,amh_Ethi-eng_Latn እኔ ተማሪ አይደለሁም።,I am not a student.,amh_Ethi-eng_Latn ሴቷ ዳቦ እየበላች ነው።,The woman is eating bread.,amh_Ethi-eng_Latn እኔም ወደ ትምህርት ቤት እየሄድኩ ነው።,I'm also going to school.,amh_Ethi-eng_Latn አንድ መጽሐፍ እጽፋለሁ።,I'm writing a book.,amh_Ethi-eng_Latn መፍቻውን ስጠኝ።,Give me the key.,amh_Ethi-eng_Latn ቁጥሩን ስጠኝ።,Give me the number.,amh_Ethi-eng_Latn መሄድ ይፈልጋል።,He wants to go.,amh_Ethi-eng_Latn አትረብሽ።,Do not disturb.,amh_Ethi-eng_Latn ሙዚቃውን መስማት ደስ አለን።,We enjoyed listening to the music.,amh_Ethi-eng_Latn እሷ እንድትረዳህ ትፈልጋለህ?,Do you want her to help you?,amh_Ethi-eng_Latn ቦስቶን ውስጥ ለመጉብኘት ብዙ ቦታዎች አሉ።,There are a lot of places to visit in Boston.,amh_Ethi-eng_Latn ወደ ተማሪው ቤት ሄደ።,He went to the student's house.,amh_Ethi-eng_Latn ይህን አልበልም።,I'm not eating this.,amh_Ethi-eng_Latn አንፈልገውም።,We don't want it.,amh_Ethi-eng_Latn እኔም ተማሪ ነኝ።,I'm also a student.,amh_Ethi-eng_Latn የምትሄደው በተሳሳተ አቅጣጫ ነው።,You're going the wrong direction.,amh_Ethi-eng_Latn ስራ እየፈለግሁኝ ነው።,I'm looking for work.,amh_Ethi-eng_Latn ጨረቃው ይበራል።,The moon is shining.,amh_Ethi-eng_Latn ነጭ ድመት አለኝ።,I have a white cat.,amh_Ethi-eng_Latn እኔ ከካናዳ ነኝ።,I'm from Canada.,amh_Ethi-eng_Latn ምን ማዘዝ ትፈልጋለህ?,What would you like to order?,amh_Ethi-eng_Latn ሴቶች ዓለምን ይለውጣሉ።,Women change the world.,amh_Ethi-eng_Latn እኔ ከክዮቶ ነኝ።,I'm from Kyoto.,amh_Ethi-eng_Latn እኔ ከሲንጋፖር ነኝ።,I'm from Singapore.,amh_Ethi-eng_Latn እኔ ከዛምቢያ ነኝ።,I'm from Zambia.,amh_Ethi-eng_Latn መራመድ እችላለሁ።,I can walk.,amh_Ethi-eng_Latn እኔ ከሳፖሮ ነኝ።,I'm from Sapporo.,amh_Ethi-eng_Latn ሁለት ድመቶች አሉኝ።,I have two cats.,amh_Ethi-eng_Latn እኔ ከአሜሪካ ነኝ።,I'm from America.,amh_Ethi-eng_Latn እኔ ከአውስትራልያ ነኝ።,I'm from Australia.,amh_Ethi-eng_Latn ምን እየፍለግህ ነው?,What are you looking for?,amh_Ethi-eng_Latn እኔ ከኮሎምቢያ ነኝ።,I'm from Colombia.,amh_Ethi-eng_Latn ሴቷ ቆንጆ ናት።,The woman is beautiful.,amh_Ethi-eng_Latn እኔ ከብራዚል ነኝ።,I'm from Brazil.,amh_Ethi-eng_Latn ተመሣሣይ እወስዳለሁ።,I'll have the same.,amh_Ethi-eng_Latn ጥሩ ሴት ነች።,She's a good woman.,amh_Ethi-eng_Latn ማንኪያውን ስጠኝ።,Give me the spoon.,amh_Ethi-eng_Latn አጸደ እጫወታለሁ።,I'm playing in the garden.,amh_Ethi-eng_Latn እኔ ከቶክዮ ነኝ።,I'm from Tokyo.,amh_Ethi-eng_Latn ገንዘቡን አገኘሁ።,I found the money.,amh_Ethi-eng_Latn ወደ አዲስ አበባ መቼ ነው የምትሄድ?,When are you going to Addis Ababa?,amh_Ethi-eng_Latn ተማሪ ነኝ።,I'm a student.,amh_Ethi-eng_Latn አስተማሪ ነኝ።,I'm a teacher.,amh_Ethi-eng_Latn የእናት ቋንቋዬ ከእናቴ የተቀበልኩት በጣም ደጉ በረከት ነው።,My native language is the most beautiful gift from my mother.,amh_Ethi-eng_Latn አስተማሪ የለሁም።,I'm not a teacher.,amh_Ethi-eng_Latn አንደኛው ፎቅላይ ነው።,It's on the first floor.,amh_Ethi-eng_Latn ሰውዬው አባቱን መጥራት ፈለገ።,The man wanted to call his father.,amh_Ethi-eng_Latn አንተ አስተማሪ ነህ።,You're a teacher.,amh_Ethi-eng_Latn ቀጠሮው ከማን ጋር ነው?,With whom is the appointment?,amh_Ethi-eng_Latn እሱ በጣም ጥሩ ሐኪም ነው።,He is a very good doctor.,amh_Ethi-eng_Latn አትረብሽ!,Do not disturb!,amh_Ethi-eng_Latn አንተ ተማሪ ነህ?,Are you a student?,amh_Ethi-eng_Latn የኔ መጽሃፍ እዚህ ነው።,My book is here.,amh_Ethi-eng_Latn ወደ ሱቅ እሄዳለሁ።,I'm going to a store.,amh_Ethi-eng_Latn ድመት አለኝ።,I have a cat.,amh_Ethi-eng_Latn ተማሪዎቹን ታያለሽ።,You'll see the students.,amh_Ethi-eng_Latn ስሜ ጆን ነው።,My name is John.,amh_Ethi-eng_Latn ምንኛ ቋንቋ ይናገራል?,What language is he speaking?,amh_Ethi-eng_Latn ሆቴል ትፈልጋለች።,She's looking for a hotel.,amh_Ethi-eng_Latn በሁለት ሰኣት ውስጥ፣ ወደ ቤት እንመጣለን።,We'll come home in two hours.,amh_Ethi-eng_Latn ቤቱን ዛሬ ታያላችሁ።,You'll see the house today.,amh_Ethi-eng_Latn ሴቷ ወጣት አይደለችም።,The woman is not young.,amh_Ethi-eng_Latn ፈረሱን አልፈልግም።,I don't want the horse.,amh_Ethi-eng_Latn አንድ ቤት አላችሁ?,Do you have a house?,amh_Ethi-eng_Latn ሩሲያው ትልቅ ነው።,Russia is big.,amh_Ethi-eng_Latn ቶም ትልቅ ነው።,Tom is big.,amh_Ethi-eng_Latn ወጣት አይደለም።,He is not young.,amh_Ethi-eng_Latn አነጋገፌ ትክክል ነውን?,Am I pronouncing this correctly?,amh_Ethi-eng_Latn ሙት አይደለሁም።,I'm not dead.,amh_Ethi-eng_Latn እንኳን ለአለም አቀፍ የሴቶች ቀን አደረሰን,Happy International Women's Day!,amh_Ethi-eng_Latn ሐቁን አላውቅም።,I don't know the truth.,amh_Ethi-eng_Latn በአሁኑ ወቅት ቡርጅ ከሊፋ የአለማችን ረጅሙ ሰማይ ጠቀስ ሕንጻ ነው።,Burj Khalifa is currently the tallest skyscraper in the world.,amh_Ethi-eng_Latn ቤቶቹ እዚህ ናቸው።,The houses are here.,amh_Ethi-eng_Latn እርስዎስ?,How about you?,amh_Ethi-eng_Latn እኔም አስተማሪ ነኝ።,I'm also a teacher.,amh_Ethi-eng_Latn እኔ ተማሪ ነኝ። እርስዎስ?,I'm a student. And you?,amh_Ethi-eng_Latn አሜሪካዊ ነኝ።,I am an American.,amh_Ethi-eng_Latn ትናንትና መጣሁ።,I came yesterday.,amh_Ethi-eng_Latn ሶስት ሰዓት ነው።,It's three o'clock.,amh_Ethi-eng_Latn ኢትዮጵያዊ ነህ?,Are you an Ethiopian?,amh_Ethi-eng_Latn ይህ ሰው ማን ነው?,Who is this man?,amh_Ethi-eng_Latn እናትሽን ትወጃታለሽ፧,Do you love your mother?,amh_Ethi-eng_Latn እኔ ተማሪ ነኝ። አንተስ?,"I am a student, and you?",amh_Ethi-eng_Latn ተማሪዎች ነን።,We are students.,amh_Ethi-eng_Latn በአስመራ ውስጥ ተወለድኩ።,I was born in Asmara.,amh_Ethi-eng_Latn አልፈልገውም።,I don't want it.,amh_Ethi-eng_Latn አስተማሪዎች ናችሁ።,You are teachers.,amh_Ethi-eng_Latn እርሳስ አለዎት?,Do you have a pencil?,amh_Ethi-eng_Latn ወደ ትምህርት ቤት መሄድ አልፈልግም።,I don't want to go to school.,amh_Ethi-eng_Latn እኔ ማነኝ?,Who am I?,amh_Ethi-eng_Latn ልጁ ይህች ቆንጆ ልጃገረድን ይወዳል።,The boy loves this beautiful girl.,amh_Ethi-eng_Latn አሰልቺ ነኝ።,I am boring.,amh_Ethi-eng_Latn ውሃን አልጠጣሁም።,I didn't drink the water.,amh_Ethi-eng_Latn ትፈልገዋለች።,She wants him.,amh_Ethi-eng_Latn ትፈልግሃለች።,She wants you.,amh_Ethi-eng_Latn ወደ ትምሕርት ቤት እየሄድኩ ነው።,I'm going to school.,amh_Ethi-eng_Latn እሱ ዛፍ ስር ተኝቷል።,He was sleeping under the tree.,amh_Ethi-eng_Latn መጽሃፉን ስጠኝ።,Give me the book.,amh_Ethi-eng_Latn አነጋግሬ ለየት ያለ ሊሆን ይችላል።,My accent is probably strange.,amh_Ethi-eng_Latn እሞክራለሁ።,I will try.,amh_Ethi-eng_Latn ተቈጥቼ ነበር።,I was angry.,amh_Ethi-eng_Latn ጋዜጠኛ ነኝ።,I'm a journalist.,amh_Ethi-eng_Latn ፓሊስ ነኝ።,I'm a policeman.,amh_Ethi-eng_Latn እኔ ፓሊስ ነኝ።,I am a policeman.,amh_Ethi-eng_Latn ነፍጡን ስጠኝ።,Give me the gun.,amh_Ethi-eng_Latn እኔ ተማሪ ነኝ።,I am a student.,amh_Ethi-eng_Latn ሰው ነኝ።,I'm a man.,amh_Ethi-eng_Latn እንግዳ ነኝ።,I'm a foreigner.,amh_Ethi-eng_Latn መጽሃፉ ቀይ ነው።,His book is red.,amh_Ethi-eng_Latn ሴት ነኝ።,I'm a woman.,amh_Ethi-eng_Latn እበላለሁ።,I will eat.,amh_Ethi-eng_Latn እርሱ ወዴት ነው፧,Where is he?,amh_Ethi-eng_Latn መኪናቸው ጥሩ አይደለም።,Their car is not good.,amh_Ethi-eng_Latn አንተ ትልቅ ነህ።,You are big.,amh_Ethi-eng_Latn ጥሩ ተማሪ ነው።,He is a good student.,amh_Ethi-eng_Latn ሐኪም ነኝ።,I'm a doctor.,amh_Ethi-eng_Latn አንተ ትደክማለህ። እኔም እደክማለሁ።,You're tired. I'm also tired.,amh_Ethi-eng_Latn ጥሩ ተማሪ ነች።,She is a good student.,amh_Ethi-eng_Latn ቋንቋ ሁሉ እወዳለሁ,I like all languages.,amh_Ethi-eng_Latn ያቺ መኪና ስንት ነው?,How much does that car cost?,amh_Ethi-eng_Latn በባሕሩ ውስጥ ደሴቶች አሉ።,There are islands in the sea.,amh_Ethi-eng_Latn ሦስት ልጆች አሉኝ።,I have three children.,amh_Ethi-eng_Latn ስሜ ጀክ ነው።,My name is Jack.,amh_Ethi-eng_Latn ምንም ሰው አየ,He saw nobody.,amh_Ethi-eng_Latn ስሜ ያማዳ ነው።,My name is Yamada.,amh_Ethi-eng_Latn ሦስት ቋንቋዎች አልናገርም,I don't speak three languages.,amh_Ethi-eng_Latn ቶም ሁልጊዜ ጧት ቡና ይጠጣል,Tom always drinks coffee in the morning.,amh_Ethi-eng_Latn ስሜ አሕመድ ነው።,My name is Ahmad.,amh_Ethi-eng_Latn በሒሳብ በጣም ጐበዝ ነው።,"In mathematics, he is an ace.",amh_Ethi-eng_Latn ስሜ ቁዘይ አይደለም።,My name is not Kuzey.,amh_Ethi-eng_Latn ባለፈው ሳምንት ከአሜሪካ አንዳንድ ማስታወሻ ላኩለት።,"Last week, I mailed him some souvenirs from the U.S.",amh_Ethi-eng_Latn መጽሃፉን ሰጠው።,He gave him the book.,amh_Ethi-eng_Latn ጤናማ ልጅ ነበርኩ።,I was a healthy child.,amh_Ethi-eng_Latn ምንም አያውቁም።,They don't know anything.,amh_Ethi-eng_Latn የት መብላት ተፈልጋለህ?,Where do you want to eat?,amh_Ethi-eng_Latn እኔ ሐኪም ነኝ።,I am a doctor.,amh_Ethi-eng_Latn Se forma monaþ þæs ᵹēares is se æftera Ġēola.,The first month of the year is January.,ang_Latn-eng_Latn Se æftera Ġēola is se forma monaþ þæs ᵹēares.,January is the first month of the year.,ang_Latn-eng_Latn Ēastermōnaþ is se fēorða monaþ þæs ᵹēares.,April is the fourth month of the year.,ang_Latn-eng_Latn Ġēolmōnaþ is se lætemesta monaþ þæs ᵹēares.,December is the last month of the year.,ang_Latn-eng_Latn Hē is eald.,He is old.,ang_Latn-eng_Latn Ne canst þu huntian butan mid nettum?,Do you not know how to hunt with anything but nets?,ang_Latn-eng_Latn Hƿȳ bohtest þū hit?,Why did you buy it?,ang_Latn-eng_Latn Hē is ġeong.,He is young.,ang_Latn-eng_Latn Stund biþ ymbe seofon. We moton to scole gangan.,It's almost seven. We have to go to school.,ang_Latn-eng_Latn Tom gæþ to seolfre scole swa Mary.,Tom goes to the same school as Mary does.,ang_Latn-eng_Latn Friþ-dōm ne is un-cēap.,Freedom is not free.,ang_Latn-eng_Latn """Hƿǣr is his bōc?"" ""Hēo is on þǣm bēode.""","""Where's his book?"" ""It's on the table.""",ang_Latn-eng_Latn Hē hæfþ grēne ēagan.,He has green eyes.,ang_Latn-eng_Latn Sum spræce biþ geþeode mid hererincum and scipum.,A language is a dialect with an army and navy.,ang_Latn-eng_Latn Se catt is blæc.,The cat is black.,ang_Latn-eng_Latn Ič hæbbe catt and hund. Se catt is blæc and se hund is hƿīte.,I have a cat and a dog. The cat is black and the dog is white.,ang_Latn-eng_Latn To-dæg is Frig-dæg.,Today is Friday.,ang_Latn-eng_Latn Hēo hæfþ catt. Se catt is hƿīte.,She has a cat. The cat is white.,ang_Latn-eng_Latn Hƿǣr ƿǣre þū?,Where were you?,ang_Latn-eng_Latn "Ælfrēd, cyning Englalandes, ƿæs grēat leornere and ēac grēat cyning.","Alfred, King of England, was a great scholar as well as a great ruler.",ang_Latn-eng_Latn "Se æftera Ġēola, Solmōnaþ, Hrēðmōnaþ, Ēastermōnaþ, Þrimilcemōnaþ, Sēarmōnaþ, Mǣdmōnaþ, Ƿēodmōnaþ, Hærfestmōnaþ, Ƿinterfylleþ, Blōtmōnaþ, and Ġēolamōnaþ sind tƿelf þāra mōnaþa þæs ᵹēares.","January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November and December are the twelve months of the year.",ang_Latn-eng_Latn Hƿæt dōþ ᵹit?,What are you two doing?,ang_Latn-eng_Latn """⁊ hƿæt drincst þu?"" ""Ealu, ᵹif ic hæbbe, oþþe ƿæter ᵹif ic næbbe ealu."" ""Ne drincst þu ƿin?""","""And what do you drink?"" ""Ale if I have it, or water if I don't have ale."" ""Don't you drink wine?""",ang_Latn-eng_Latn Hē sealde eall ðæt hē āhte.,He sold all that he owned.,ang_Latn-eng_Latn Þæt is þīn bōc.,That is your book.,ang_Latn-eng_Latn Ič ƿille frician.,I want to dance.,ang_Latn-eng_Latn Wit witon þe ᵹit lēoᵹaþ.,We two know that you two lie.,ang_Latn-eng_Latn Hát biþ monegum egeslíc æled.,The dreadful fire shall be hot to many.,ang_Latn-eng_Latn "Úre líchoma wæs gesceapen of feówer gesceaftum, of eorþan and of fýre and of wætere and of lyfte.","Our body was formed out of four elements: earth, fire, water, and air.",ang_Latn-eng_Latn "God wolde þa fandian Abrahames gehiersumnesse, and clipode his naman.","God then wanted to test Abraham's obedience, and called out his name.",ang_Latn-eng_Latn Man hǣt þā Burge Nīƿes Eoforƿīčes þone Grēatan Æppel.,New York is called the Big Apple.,ang_Latn-eng_Latn "'Nim þinne ancennedan sunu Isaac, þe þu lufast, and far to þam lande Visionis hraðe, and geoffra hine þær uppan anre dune.'","'Take your only begotten son Isaac, whom you love, quickly go to the land of vision, and sacrifice him there upon a mountain.'",ang_Latn-eng_Latn "Warna, þā dura nū lūcaþ!","Caution, the doors are now closing!",ang_Latn-eng_Latn Spricest þú on Ænȝlisce?,Do you speak English?,ang_Latn-eng_Latn "Abraham þa aras on þære ilcan nihte, and ferde mid twam cnapum to þam fierlenan lande, and Isaac samod, on assum ridende.","Abraham then arose in the same night, and went with two servants to the distant land, together with Isaac, riding on donkeys.",ang_Latn-eng_Latn Sēo heorte ǣnlīċe can wel sēon. Þæt weorþlīċe is ēaġum unġesewen.,One sees clearly only with the heart. What is essential is invisible to the eye.,ang_Latn-eng_Latn For hwi ne fixast þu on sæ?,Why don't you fish on the sea?,ang_Latn-eng_Latn "Fæder ūre þū þe eart on heofonum; sī þīn nama ġehālgod, tōbecume þīn rīċe, ġewurþe ðīn willa, on eorðan swā swā on heofonum. Ūrne ġedæġhwāmlīcan hlāf syle ūs tō dæġ, and forgyf ūs ūre gyltas, swā swā wē forgyfað ūrum gyltendum, and ne ġelǣd þū ūs on costnunge, ac ālȳs ūs of yfele. Sōþlīċe.","Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our offenses, as we forgive our offenders, and lead us not to temptation, but free us from evil. Truly.",ang_Latn-eng_Latn "Þa on þam þriddan dæge, þa hie þa dune gesawon þær þær hie to scoldon to ofsleanne Isaac, þa cwæð Abraham to þam twam cnapum þus:","Then on the third day, when they saw the mountain where they had to go to slay Isaac, then Abraham said to those two servants thus:",ang_Latn-eng_Latn Sē mann is ġeong.,The man is young.,ang_Latn-eng_Latn Þū eart on Europan!,You're in Europe!,ang_Latn-eng_Latn Tom lǣreþ ūs þā Frenciscan sprǣc.,Tom is teaching us French.,ang_Latn-eng_Latn "'Anbidiað eow her mid þam assum sume hwile. Ic and þæt cild gað unc to gebiddenne, and we siððan cumað sona eft to eow.'",'You wait here with the donkeys for a while. I and the child will go to pray and we will come again immediately to you.',ang_Latn-eng_Latn "Ic cƿeðe nu amo ""ic lufige"", þonne cƿyst ðu quem amas? ""Hƿæne lufast ðu?"" Ic cƿeþe te amo ""þe ic lufige"" þonne befylð min lufu on ðe, and ðu miht cƿeðan amor a te “ic eom ᵹelufod fram ðe”; doceo te “ic tæce ðe”, and ðu cƿyst: doceor a te “ic eom ᵹelæred fram ðe”, et cetera.","I say now amo “I love”, then you say quem amas? “Whom do you love?” I say te amo “I love you” then my love falls on you, and you can say amor a te “I am loved by you”; doceo te “I teach you”, and you say: doceor a te “I am taught by you”, et cetera.",ang_Latn-eng_Latn Cild sind þá blóstmas úrera lífa.,Children are the flowers of our lives.,ang_Latn-eng_Latn "Abraham þa het Isaac beran þone wudu to þære stowe, and he self bær his sweord and fyr.","Abraham then ordered Isaac to bring the wood to the place, and he himself brought his sword and fire.",ang_Latn-eng_Latn Mīn sweord biþ mīn līf.,My sword is my life.,ang_Latn-eng_Latn Isaac þa ascode Abraham his fæder:,Isaac then asked his father Abraham:,ang_Latn-eng_Latn "'Fæder min, ic ascie hwær seo offrung sie; her is wudu and fyr.'","My father, I ask where the offering is; here is the wood and fire.",ang_Latn-eng_Latn "Him andwyrde se fæder, 'God foresceawað, mine sunu, him self þa offrunge.'","His father answered, 'God will provide, my son, the offering for himself.'",ang_Latn-eng_Latn Ič ƿille sƿeord ᵹe-līč þissum!,I want a sword like this!,ang_Latn-eng_Latn Ič ne cann hine.,I don't know him.,ang_Latn-eng_Latn "Hie comon þa to þære stowe þe him gesweotolode God, and he þær weofod arærde on þa ealdan wisan, and þone wudu gelogode swa swa he hit wolde habban to his suna bærnette siððan he ofslægen wurde.","They came to the place that was revealed to him by God, and he there erected an altar in the ancient manner, and the wood was arranged just as he wanted to have it happen for his son's burning after he slayed him.",ang_Latn-eng_Latn Ič hæbbe dōhtor.,I have a daughter.,ang_Latn-eng_Latn Ič ne undernime.,I don't understand.,ang_Latn-eng_Latn "He geband þa his sunu, and his sweord ateah, þæt he hine geoffrode on þa ealdan wisan.","He then bound his son, and took up his sword, in order to sacrifice him in the ancient manner.",ang_Latn-eng_Latn "Mid þam þe he wolde þæt weorc beginnan, þa clipode Godes engel arodlice of heofonum, 'Abraham!' He andwyrde sona.","Just when he was beginning the task, the angel of God called out from the heavens, 'Abraham!' He answered immediately.",ang_Latn-eng_Latn Scēars sind on þǣm bēode.,There is a pair of scissors on the desk.,ang_Latn-eng_Latn "Se engel him cwæð þa to: 'Ne acwele þu þæt cild, ne þine hand ne astrece ofer his sweoran!'","The angel then said to him: 'Do not kill your child, nor should your hand stretch out over his neck!'",ang_Latn-eng_Latn "'Nu ic oncneow soðlice þæt þu swiðe ondrætst God, nu þu þinne ancennedan sunu ofslean woldest for him.'","'Now that I have realized that you truly fear God, now that you would slay your only begotten son for him.'",ang_Latn-eng_Latn Sēo flyhthæfen is be-locen.,The airport is closed.,ang_Latn-eng_Latn Hē ƿæs sƿīðe ærm.,He was very poor.,ang_Latn-eng_Latn "Þa beseah Abraham sona underbæc and geseah þær anne ramm betweox þam bremelum be þam hornum gehæft,and he ahefde þone ramm to þære offrunge and hine þær ofsnað Gode to lace for his sunu Isaac.","Then Abraham looked immediately behind and saw a ram between the brambles, caught by the horns, and he lifted up the ram to the offering, and he slaughtered it there as a sacrifice to God instead of his son Isaac.",ang_Latn-eng_Latn Tō-dæᵹ is Sunnan-dæᵹ.,Today is Sunday.,ang_Latn-eng_Latn Fæder ure þu þe eart on heofonum; Si þin nama gehalgod to becume þin rice gewurþe ðin willa on eorðan swa swa on heofonum. urne gedæghwamlican hlaf syle us todæg and forgyf us ure gyltas swa swa we forgyfað urum gyltendum and ne gelæd þu us on costnunge ac alys us of yfele soþlice.,"Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name. Your Kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as in heaven Give us today our daily bread. Forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us. Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.",ang_Latn-eng_Latn "He het þa þa stowe Dominus videt, þæt is 'God gesiehð', and giet is gesægd swa, In monte Dominus videbit, þæt is 'God gesiehð on dune'.","He then named the place Dominus videt, that is, 'God sees', and yet said so, In monte Dominus videbit, that is, 'God sees on the mountain'.",ang_Latn-eng_Latn Se æppel ne is ᵹit rīpe.,The apple is not yet ripe.,ang_Latn-eng_Latn Man sæᵹeþ þe hē sƿīðe ƿelig ƿæs.,It is said that he was very rich.,ang_Latn-eng_Latn "'Ic swerie þurh me selfne, sægde se Ælmihtiga, nu þu noldest arian þinum ancennedan suna,'","I swear to me himself, said the Almighty, now that you would not spare your only begotten son,",ang_Latn-eng_Latn Hƿæt is þis ƿord?,What word is that?,ang_Latn-eng_Latn "'Ac þe wæs min ege mare þonne his lif, ic þe nu bletsie and þinne ofspring gemanigfealde swa swa steorran on heofonum and swa swa sandceosol on sæ.'","But that your fear of me was greater than his life, now I bless you and your offspring, just so that they multiply like the stars in the heavens and just as grains of sand on the sea.",ang_Latn-eng_Latn Æt þearfe man sceal freonda cunnian.,A friend in need is a friend indeed.,ang_Latn-eng_Latn "'Þin ofspring sceal agan hira feonda gatu, and on þinum sæde beoð ealle þeoda gebletsode for þam þe þu gehiersumodest minre hæse þus.'","'Your offspring shall possess their enemies' gates, and in your seed shall be all nations blessed because you obeyed my command thus.'",ang_Latn-eng_Latn Abraham þa gecierde sona to his cnapum and ferdon him ham swa mid heofonlicre bletsunge.,Abraham then immediately returned to his servants and so they went home with heavenly blessing.,ang_Latn-eng_Latn Oft on sotigum bylige searoƿa licgað.,You can't judge a book by its cover.,ang_Latn-eng_Latn Hƿonne cymest þū hām?,When are you coming home?,ang_Latn-eng_Latn "Gōdne morgen, ǣg-hƿā.","Good morning, everyone.",ang_Latn-eng_Latn Mīn ƿīf is Polisc.,My wife is Polish.,ang_Latn-eng_Latn Hƿǣr ƿǣron ᵹē?,Where have you been?,ang_Latn-eng_Latn Hƿæt sæᵹde hē?,What did he say?,ang_Latn-eng_Latn Ič lufie þē.,I love you.,ang_Latn-eng_Latn Hƿær is þin broðor?,Where is your brother?,ang_Latn-eng_Latn Hƿæt dēst þū æfter ᵹēar?,What are you going to do next year?,ang_Latn-eng_Latn Þú bist eall tó mé.,You are everything to me.,ang_Latn-eng_Latn Þæt is mīn dōhtor.,This is my daughter.,ang_Latn-eng_Latn Ic ne forstande.,I do not understand.,ang_Latn-eng_Latn "Ðā ƿæs on þā tīd Æþelbeorth cyning hāten on Centrīce, and mihtig.","At that time, Ethelbert ruled as king in Kent, and was powerful.",ang_Latn-eng_Latn "Ān, twā, þrī, fēower, fīf, sex, seofon, eahta, niġon, tīen.","One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten.",ang_Latn-eng_Latn Wilcume be Tatoeba,Welcome to Tatoeba!,ang_Latn-eng_Latn Se hund is dēad.,The dog is dead.,ang_Latn-eng_Latn Þæt ƿæs se besta dæᵹ on mīnum līfe.,That was the best day of my life.,ang_Latn-eng_Latn Hēo hæfþ grēne ēagan.,She has green eyes.,ang_Latn-eng_Latn Ič eom þā-ᵹīet on līfe.,I'm still alive.,ang_Latn-eng_Latn Ðū līhst.,You are lying.,ang_Latn-eng_Latn Æppel-trēow ᵹifeþ æppel.,An apple tree provides an apple.,ang_Latn-eng_Latn "Ič ne cnēƿ, þe hē þǣr ƿæs.",I didn't know that he was there.,ang_Latn-eng_Latn "Þú meaht léogan ǽg-hƿǽm elles, ac þú ne meaht léogan þé sylfum.","You can lie to everyone else, but you can't lie to yourself.",ang_Latn-eng_Latn "Béon oþþe ne béon, þæt is þæt fræġn.","To be or not to be, that is the question.",ang_Latn-eng_Latn Þǣr is æppel on þǣm bēode.,There is an apple on the table.,ang_Latn-eng_Latn Se hund is on þǣm stōle.,The dog is on the chair.,ang_Latn-eng_Latn Cannst þú Enȝlisc?,Do you know English?,ang_Latn-eng_Latn "Ič mæᵹ hȳran þē, ac ič ne mæᵹ sēon þē.","I can hear you, but I can't see you.",ang_Latn-eng_Latn On angynne gesceop God heofenan and eorðan.,In the beginning God created Heaven and Earth.,ang_Latn-eng_Latn Se ende is nēah.,The end is nigh.,ang_Latn-eng_Latn Hē ƿæs gōd cyning.,He was a good king.,ang_Latn-eng_Latn Þu eart min freond.,You are my friend.,ang_Latn-eng_Latn "Āgnung biþ nēr ðǣm, ðe hæfþ, ðonne ðǣm, ðe æftersprecþ.",Possession is nearer to him who has than to him who claims.,ang_Latn-eng_Latn "Ne cƿeð nan mann ""ic eom geerod"" ac on ðam ðriddan hade ys gecƿeden: aratur terra ""þæt land ys geerod""; bibo ""ic drince"", bibitur uinum ""þæt ƿin ys gedruncen""; manduco ""ic ete"", manducatur panis ""se hlaf is geeten""; laboro ""ic sƿince"", laboratur uestis ""þæt hrægl is besƿuncen"", et cetera.","No one says ""I am plowed"", but in the third person it is ""the land is plowed""; bibo ""I drink"", bibitur uinum ""the wine is drunk""; manduco ""I eat"", manducatur panis ""the bread is eaten""; laboro ""I work"", laboratur uestis ""the clothing is worn out"", et cetera.",ang_Latn-eng_Latn Tom ne hæfde ᵹe-nōgne fēoh.,Tom didn't have enough money.,ang_Latn-eng_Latn Dafid is æt hāme.,David is at home.,ang_Latn-eng_Latn Se hund is on þǣm hūse.,The dog is in the house.,ang_Latn-eng_Latn Tom is min freond.,Tom's my friend.,ang_Latn-eng_Latn Hƿȳ bohton ᵹē hit?,What did you buy it for?,ang_Latn-eng_Latn Mē līciaþ ᵹe hundas ᵹe cattas.,I like both cats and dogs.,ang_Latn-eng_Latn Friþ ēow.,Peace to you.,ang_Latn-eng_Latn Sēo cƿēn stōd be þǣm cynlinge.,The queen stood beside the king.,ang_Latn-eng_Latn Ic nelle to þæm larhuse.,I don't want to go to school.,ang_Latn-eng_Latn Mīn brōþor leofaþ on Tokyo.,My brother lives in Tokyo.,ang_Latn-eng_Latn Þæt cild arn on þæt hūs.,The child ran into the house.,ang_Latn-eng_Latn "Þa Darius geseah þæt he overƿunnen beon ƿolde, þa ƿolde he hiene selfne on ðæm gefeohte forspillan.","When Darius saw that he would be overcome, he wanted to commit suicide in that battle.",ang_Latn-eng_Latn Hē ƿæs æt þǣm geate dēaðes.,He was at the gate of death.,ang_Latn-eng_Latn "La, min diegolnes. Heo is swiþe anfeald: Seo heorte ana mæg geseon wel. Ne magon þa eagan na geseon þæt þæt is healic.","And now here is my secret, a very simple secret: It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye.",ang_Latn-eng_Latn "Fæder ure þu þe eart on heofonum, si þin nama gehalgod.","Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name.",ang_Latn-eng_Latn Ān þāra hunda is on līfe.,One of the dogs is alive.,ang_Latn-eng_Latn Se leornere cōm of Lundene.,The student came from London.,ang_Latn-eng_Latn "Mōnandæᵹ, Tīƿesdæᵹ, Ƿōdnesdæᵹ, Ðunresdæᵹ, Frīᵹedæᵹ, Sæternesdæᵹ, and Sunnandaᵹ sind seofan þāra daga ƿice.","Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday are the seven days of the week.",ang_Latn-eng_Latn Hie sindon mine broðor.,They are my brothers.,ang_Latn-eng_Latn Hē dranc bēor.,He drank beer.,ang_Latn-eng_Latn Spricest þú on Russisce?,Do you speak Russian?,ang_Latn-eng_Latn "Ič ᵹe-lȳfe, þæt Elfis ᵹiet on līfe is.",I believe Elvis is still alive.,ang_Latn-eng_Latn "Soðlice on Ledenspræce synd þreo and twentig stafa: a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, k, l, m, o, p, q, r, s, t, u, x, y, z.","Now, in Latin there are twenty-three letters: a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, k, l, m, n, o, p, q, r, s, t, u, x, y, z.",ang_Latn-eng_Latn Ic nelle to þære scole.,I don't want to go to school!,ang_Latn-eng_Latn Ic geseah þæt befeallan.,I saw it happen.,ang_Latn-eng_Latn Ƿile ūser land nān-ƿiht būtan friþ.,Our country wants nothing but peace.,ang_Latn-eng_Latn كان سامي يربح الكثير من المال.,Sami earned good money.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn كان سامي يريد المال فقط.,Sami just wanted money.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn حرارة الطقس تتزايد.,It's getting warmer and warmer.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn سامي يربح الكثير من المال.,Sami makes good money.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn أنت تقوم بعمل جيد.,You are doing very well.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn أراد سامي بعض المال.,Sami wanted some money.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn أراد سامي المال أوّلا.,Sami wanted money first.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn بدأ المال يتدفّق.,Money started pouring in.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn قدّم سامي مالا لليلى.,Sami gave Layla money.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn قدّم سامي المال لليلى.,Sami gave Layla the money.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn استعار سامي مالا.,Sami borrowed some money.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn أراد سامي ذلك المال.,Sami wanted the money.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn كان سامي يرسل المال لأهله.,Sami sent money home.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn بدأ سامي يختلس المال.,Sami started embezzling money.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn اختفى مال سامي.,Sami's money disappeared.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn حسب سامي المال.,Sami counted the money.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn أرسل سامي مالا لليلى.,Sami mailed Layla money.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn تحصّل سامي على ماله.,Sami got his money.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn ربح سامي بعض المال.,Sami made some money.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn أخذ سامي المال.,Sami took the money.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn أخذ سامي مالي.,Sami took my money.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn أراد سامي ماله.,Sami wanted his money.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn إنّ الشّرطة هنا.,The cops are here.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn كان سامي يربح المال.,Sami was making money.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn احتاج سامي لبعض المال.,Sami needed some money.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn سامي يربح مالا أكثر.,Sami makes more money.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn سامي يخسر المال.,Sami is losing money.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn تحصّل سامي على المال.,Sami got the money.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn كان سامي يخسر المال.,Sami was losing money.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn سامي يدين لي مالا.,Sami owes me money.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn كان سامي بحاجة لذلك المال.,Sami needed the money.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn سوف يحصل فاضل على ماله.,Fadil will have his money.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn أخذ سامي مال دانية.,Fadil took Dania's money.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn قال فاضل أنّه كان بحاجة إلى المال.,Fadil said he needed money.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn هذا مالي أيضا.,"It's my money, too.",ara_Arab-eng_Latn كانت ليلى مهتمّة بالمال.,Layla had interest in money.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn أرادت ليلى كلّ المال.,Layla wanted all the money.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn قتلت ليلى سامي بسبب المال.,Layla killed Sami over money.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn قدّمت ليلى المال لسامي.,Layla gave Sami the money.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn اعتقدت ليلى أنّ المال كان عند سامي.,Layla thought Sami had money.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn قدّمت ليلى المزيد من المال لسامي.,Layla gave Sami more money.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn أهل أبدو أنيقا؟,Do I look okay?,ara_Arab-eng_Latn كان سامي في حاجة ماسّة إلى المال.,Sami was desperate for money.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn كانت ليلى ترقص و تربح المال.,Layla danced and made money.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn كانت ليلى ترقص في نوادي التّعرّي و تربح المال.,Layla stripped and made money.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn عرض سامي بعض المال على ليلى.,Sami offered Layla some money.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn كان سامي يبذّر المال.,Sami threw money like water.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn طلب سامي مالا من ليلى.,Sami asked Layla for money.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn أراد سامي أن يستولي على مال ليلى.,Sami wanted Layla's money.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn كان سامي يستعير المال دائما.,Sami was always borrowing money.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn قدّم سامي بعض المال لليلى.,Sami gave Layla some money.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn سرق سامي مال ليلى.,Sami stole Layla's money.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn استعار سامي مالا من ليلى.,Sami borrowed money from Layla.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn تشجع!,You can do it.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn كان سامي يربح المال بطريقة غير قانونيّة.,Sami was making money illegally.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn كان سامي يريد دائما المزيد من المال.,Sami always wanted more money.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn فقد سامي ذلك المال كلّه.,Sami lost all the money.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn كان سامي يسبح في المال.,Sami was rolling in money.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn اكتشف سامي أنّ المال قد اختفى.,Sami discovered the money missing.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn قدّم سامي المال للجميع.,Sami gave money to everybody.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn ترك سامي الجامعة منذ ستّ سنوات.,Sami left college six years ago.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn استمرّ سامي في إرسال المال لليلى.,Sami kept sending Layla money.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn سرق سامي المال من ليلى.,Sami stole money from Layla.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn أظن أننا تحادثنا عبر الهاتف.,I believe we spoke on the phone.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn لم يكن فاضل يريد أن يقضي وقتا في السّجن.,Fadil didn't want to spend time in jail.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn أخبر سامي أباه.,Sami told his dad.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn دفع سامي ذلك المال كلّه.,Sami paid all that money.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn كان سامي متعطّشا للمال إلى حدّ كبير.,Sami was very money-hungry.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn سامي يريد مال ليلى.,Sami wants Layla's money.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn أحبّ كتابة الكتب بلغتي.,I like writing books in my own language.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn أرى سامي المال لليلى.,Sami showed Layla the money.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn سامي يستعير المال من ليلى.,Sami borrows money from Layla.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn كان سامي بحاجة ماسّة إلى المال.,Sami needed money so bad.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn أراد سامي استرجاع ماله.,Sami wanted his money back.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn لم يحصل سامي على أيّ مال.,Sami has got no money.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn افتقد سامي للمال.,Sami fell short on money.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn أرني مثالا على ذلك.,Show me an example.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn لا يعرف سامي كيف يحسب المال.,Sami can't count money.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn استرجع سامي ماله.,Sami got his money back.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn ترك سامي بعض المال لليلى.,Sami left Layla some money.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn سامي يملك الكثير من المال.,Sami has plenty of money.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn أحضر سامي المال لليلى.,Sami brought Layla the money.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn كان سامي يتحدّث دائما عن المال.,Sami always talked about money.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn كان سامي مفتقدا للمال.,Sami was short on money.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn نظر سامي إلى ذلك المال.,Sami looked at the money.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn أمي لا تتحدث الإنجليزية بشكل جيد جداً.,My mom doesn't speak English very well.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn لا تنسَ الأقراص الزّرقاء الصّغيرة.,Don't forget the little blue pills.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn كان المال قليلا.,Money was tight.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn الأطفال يحبّون الكلاب.,Kids love dogs.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn أكره الكلاب.,I just hate dogs.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn أكل سامي كلبه.,Sami ate his dog.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn قطع سامي رأس كلب.,Sami decapitated a dog.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn قدّم سامي الأكل لكلبه.,Sami fed his dog.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn قدّم سامي الأكل لذلك الكلب.,Sami fed the dog.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn مات كلب سامي.,Sami's dog died.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn كانا ليلى و سامي يريدان قضاء يوم مثالي.,Layla and Sami wanted to spend a perfect day.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn سامي يملك كلبا.,Sami has a dog.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn كان سامي نفسه أبا.,Sami was a dad himself.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn من الصعب أن يغير المرء وجهة نظره.,One can hardly change one's point of view.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn رأى سامي ذلك الكلب.,Sami saw the dog.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn سددت بالنقد.,I paid in coin.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn اشترى سامي كلبا.,Sami purchased a dog.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn كان سامي يدرّب كلاب البحث عن الجثث.,Sami trained cadaver dogs.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn ذهب للمتجر في آخر لحظة، قبل الإغلاق بقليل.,"He went to the store at the last minute, just before it closed.",ara_Arab-eng_Latn الذئاب لا تأكل السلطة.,Wolves don't eat salad.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn أخذ سامي الكلب لتمشيته.,Sami walked the dog.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn كان سامي يأخذ الكلاب لتمشيتها.,Sami walked the dogs.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn أراد سامي كلبا.,Sami wanted a dog.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn يريد كين تحسين معارفه في الإنجليزية.,Ken wishes to brush up his English.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn يريد كين أن يتحسن في الإنجليزية.,Ken wants to get better at his English.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn رائحة كلب سامي كريهة.,Sami's dog stinks.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn أنا أيضا لا أستطيع فعل هذا.,I can't do it either.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn احجزوا تلك الكلاب.,Shut those dogs up.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn سرق مني كل مالي.,He robbed me of every cent I had.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn أرني لطفا كيف تعمل.,Show me how it works.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn تركت ساعتي ليتم تصليحها.,I put my watch in for repair.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn واصلت الكلاب النّباح.,The dogs kept barking.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn أنت تكره الكلاب حقّا.,You really hate dogs.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn هل يحبّ سامي الكلاب؟,Does Sami like dogs?,ara_Arab-eng_Latn أعجبني ذلك الكلب.,I liked that dog.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn كان عندي ستّ كلاب.,I had six dogs.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn تركت كلبي.,I left my dog.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn ناديت كلبي.,I called my dog.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn أشكرك لأنك وضّحت لي ذلك.,Thanks for your explanation.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn هل تلك كلابك؟,Are those your dogs?,ara_Arab-eng_Latn لقد أنقذ كلبي.,He saved my dog.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn هل كلبك بخير؟,Is your dog alright?,ara_Arab-eng_Latn يجب عليك الالتزام بالعواقب.,You should abide by the consequences.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn أنا أحبّ الكلاب حقّا.,I really love dogs.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn هذا الكلب غبيّ.,This dog is stupid.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn أرسل سامي هدية لليلى.,Sami sent Layla a gift.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn سمع سامي كلابا تنبح.,Sami heard dogs barking.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn لدى سامي كلب واحد.,Sami has one dog.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn تحت أمرك.,I am at your service.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn سمّم سامي كلبه.,Sami poisoned his dog.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn نبح كلب سامي.,Sami's dog barked.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn وجد سامي كلبه.,Sami found his dog.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn استأجرت ليلى مدرّبا للكلاب.,Layla hired a dog trainer.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn كان سامي مربّيا للكلاب.,Sami was a dog breeder.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn نعم، سيكفي الحليب حتى يوم الجمعة.,"Yes, the milk will last till Friday.",ara_Arab-eng_Latn كان سامي في نزهة لتمشية كلبه.,Sami was walking his dog.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn سمع سامي كلبا ينبح.,Sami heard a dog barking.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn سحب سامي كلبه إلى الخلف.,Sami pulled his dog back.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn وقف على حافة الجرف.,He stood on the edge of the cliff.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn هذا يعجبني كثيرا.,I really like that.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn هل عندك الوقت لتشرب شيئا ما؟,Do you have the time to drink something?,ara_Arab-eng_Latn احجزوا ذلك الكلب الملعون.,Shut that damn dog up.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn كان سامي مع كلابه.,Sami was with his dogs.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn لا أعرف إن كنا نحتاج ذلك.,I don't know if we needed that.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn حفر سامي حفرة لدفن كلبه.,Sami dug a hole to bury his dog.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn أنا حزين.,I feel blue.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn لطالما عانى توم من تلك المشكلة.,Tom has always had that problem.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn استيقظ!,Get out of bed!,ara_Arab-eng_Latn أعطِ سامي قبلة من أجلي.,Give Sami a kiss for me.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn ارحل.,Get away from here.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn استمتع بوقتك.,Have a nice time.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn من أنا؟,Who am I?,ara_Arab-eng_Latn إنني مشغول.,I am busy.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn أتَ لا يمكنك تحدث الإنجليزية؟,Are you not able to speak English?,ara_Arab-eng_Latn أخرج سامي كلابه.,Sami let the dogs out.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn غرفة معيشتنا مشمسة.,Our living room is sunny.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn توفّي أب سامي.,Sami's dad passed away.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn سأعد لك بعض القهوة.,I'll fix you some coffee.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn من تظن نفسك؟,Who do you think you are?,ara_Arab-eng_Latn كان سامي يمارس الجنس مع الكلاب.,Sami had sex with dogs.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn من تحسب نفسك؟,Who in the world do you think you are?,ara_Arab-eng_Latn أين يمكنني أن أشتري تذكرة؟,Where can I buy a ticket?,ara_Arab-eng_Latn متى بدأتَ دراسة اللغة الانجليزية؟,When did you begin studying English?,ara_Arab-eng_Latn اشترى سامي كلبا لليلى.,Sami bought Layla a dog.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn كان عند سام كلب في غاية الجمال.,Sami had a gorgeous dog.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn علامَ تضحك؟,What are you laughing at?,ara_Arab-eng_Latn كان عند سامي كلب ضخم.,Sami had a huge dog.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn كان عند سامي كلب صغير.,Sami had a little dog.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn ما الذي تصحك عليه؟,What're you laughing at?,ara_Arab-eng_Latn كان عند سامي كلب شمّ.,Sami had a sniffing dog.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn يا له من قوس قزح جميل!,What a beautiful rainbow!,ara_Arab-eng_Latn ماذا ستفعل؟,What are you going to do?,ara_Arab-eng_Latn عند سامي ستّ كلاب الآن.,Sami has six dogs now.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn ما الذي ستفعله؟,What're you going to do?,ara_Arab-eng_Latn أشم رائحة شيء عفن.,I smell something rotten.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn سامي مدرّب للكلاب.,Sami is a dog handler.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn أريد أن أقرأ شيئاً ما.,I want something to read.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn أعطني ما يمكنني أكله.,Give me something to eat.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn كانت كلاب سامي جائعة جدّا.,Sami's dogs were starving.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn قتل سامي كلبه ببرودة.,Sami killed his dog coldly.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn قتل سامي كلاب ليلى.,Sami killed Layla's dogs.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn هل زوجتك طباخة ماهرة؟,Is your wife a good cook?,ara_Arab-eng_Latn كانت ليلى تطلب المال.,Layla was asking for money.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn لا أستطيع تذكر اسمِهِ.,I can't remember his name.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn كان عليك أن تدرس الإنجليزية.,You had to study English.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn لا يسعني إلا الإنتظار.,I can only wait.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn يعامل سامي كلابه معاملة فظيعة.,Sami treats his dogs horribly.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn الإنجليزية لغة سهلة التعلم.,English is easy to learn.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn أنقذ سامي كلب ليلى.,Sami saved Layla's dog.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn سأبقى معك إلى الأبد.,I'll be with you forever.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn أطلق سامي النّار على كلب متشرّد.,Sami shot a stray dog.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn كنت في دور عرض للسينما.,I was at a movie theater.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn هل استمتعت بمشاهدة الفلم؟,Did you enjoy the movies?,ara_Arab-eng_Latn يجب أن تريني جواز سفرك.,You must show your passport.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn لمَ لا تذهب إلى السينما؟,Why not go to the movies?,ara_Arab-eng_Latn هذا الكتاب الكبير لي.,That big book is mine.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn تغير المطر إلى ثلج.,The rain changed to snow.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn انتظر حتى يتوقف المطر عن الهطول.,Wait till the rain stops.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn صدار سامي فيه جيوب.,Sami's vest has pockets.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn هل تستطيع أن تريني غرفة أخرى؟,Can you show me another room?,ara_Arab-eng_Latn كان سامي يبحث في جيبه.,Sami was reaching into his pocket.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn وضع سامي القطعة النّقديّة في جيبه.,Sami put the coin in his pocket.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn وضع سامي المسدّس في جيبه.,Sami put the gun in his pocket.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn جيب سامي مثقوب.,Sami has a hole in his pocket.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn وضع سامي الكاميرا في جيبه.,Sami put the camera in his pocket.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn بدأت ليلى ممارسة الدّعارة من أجل المال.,Layla started prostituting for money.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn كانت محفظة سامي لا تزال في جيبه.,Fadil's wallet was still in his pocket.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn لدي سيارة حمراء جديدة.,I have a new red car.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn كسب سامي الشّريف كسبا تامّا.,Sami had the sheriff in his back pocket.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn هل يمكنك أن تدلني على الطريق الى المحطة؟,Could you show me the way to the train station?,ara_Arab-eng_Latn أخرج سامي حقنة من جيبه.,Sami pulled a needle out of his pocket.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn وضع سامي الصّورة في جيبه الصّدري.,Sami put the picture in his breast pocket.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn خاط سامي جيبه المثقوب.,Sami sewed up the hole in his pocket.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn لست معلماً.,I'm not a teacher.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn هذا سوال غريب.,That's a strange problem.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn سدّد سامي ذلك من ماله الخاص.,Sami paid for this out of his pocket.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn أصبحت الحيوانات المفترسة محصورة في جيوب معزولة من الأرض.,Big predators became confined to isolated pockets of land.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn سامي في المطبخ.,Sami is in the kitchen.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn كم حجم المسافة بين هنا وهناك؟,How great is the distance between here and there?,ara_Arab-eng_Latn كان عند سامي شيء قليل من المال في جيبه.,Sami had a little bit of cash in his pocket.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn سيكون سامي بخير.,Sami is going to be OK.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn كان عند ليلى شريط لاصق في جيب سروالها.,Layla had duct tape in the pocket of her pants.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn من سيكون ضحيته التالية؟,Who would be its next victim?,ara_Arab-eng_Latn سامي يكبر.,Sami is getting old.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn جاءت الشرطة تبحث عن فاضل.,Police came looking for Fadil.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn يجب أن أفرش أسناني,I have to brush my teeth.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn محفظتك في الجيب الخارجي لحقيبتك المدرسيّة.,Your wallet is in the outside pocket of your bookbag.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn أدخل سامي يده في جيبه و أخرج سكّينا.,Sami reached into his pocket and pulled out a knife.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn سيظهر أبي على التلفاز الليلة.,My father is to appear on TV tonight.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn سامي محقّق خاص.,Sami is a private detective.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn سامي متحرّ خاص.,Sami is a private investigator.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn كان سامي يشتمني و هذا ليس سلوكا مسيحيّة بالنّسبة لي.,Sami was cussing me and this is not very Christian-like to me.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn سامي مدرّس جيّد.,Sami is a good teacher.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn تجاهل سامي الإنذار.,Sami ignored the warning.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn هذه سيارة.,This is a car.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn سأتركك لتغادرَ المنزل الآن.,I will let you go home at once.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn أعدّ سامي حجّته بقضاء الوقت مع عائلته.,"Sami set up his alibi, spending time with family.",ara_Arab-eng_Latn أمّاه، لقد عدت إلى المنزل.,"Mom, I'm home.",ara_Arab-eng_Latn أحب أكل اللازانيا.,I love lasagna.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn عمر ليلى الآن 13 سنة.,Layla is now 13.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn أحب الرحلات.,I love trips.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn شکراً لك علی کل شيء.,Thank you for everything.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn أبحث عن هدية لصديقي.,I'm looking for a gift for a friend of mine.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn ليست لدى سامي أدنى فكرة عن المكان الذي تعيش فيه ليلي.,Sami has no idea where Layla lives.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn لقد وصل سامي للتّو.,Sami has just arrived.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn كان على سامي أن يذهب إلى العمل.,Sami had to go to work.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn الحب أعمى.,Love is blind.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn سامي يذهب إلى الكنيسة.,Sami goes to church.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn والدي مشغول.,My father is busy.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn انه يريد سيارة جديدة.,He wants a new car.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn كانت الشّرطة تقرع الباب بقوّة.,Police were pounding on the door.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn هنا المشكلة.,Therein lies the problem.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn أنا متعب جداً.,I'm really tired.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn هي ليست فقيرة.,She isn't poor.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn لست مجبرا على فعل ذلك.,You don't have to do this.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn أخفى توم غضبه عن ماري.,Tom concealed his anger from Mary.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn يوجد بستان خلف منزلنا.,There's a garden behind our house.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn غني لنا أغنية أخرى.,Sing us another song!,ara_Arab-eng_Latn قدم له العمدة مفتاح المدينة.,The mayor presented him with the key to the city.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn هي اليوم أحسن بكثير مما كانت عليه البارحة.,She's much better today than yesterday.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn انتخبناها رئيسة لفريقنا.,We elected her captain of our team.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn سأقوم بهذا العمل إن دفعوا لي مبلغا من المال.,I'll do it if they pay me.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn عادة ما يذهب بيل إلى الحديقة.,Bill often goes to the park.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn هل بإمكانك إشعال مصابيح سيارتك؟,Could you turn on your headlights?,ara_Arab-eng_Latn توم في اجتماع مع زبون.,Tom is meeting with a client.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn لم أعلم بهذا الحدث حتى البارحة.,Not until yesterday did I know of the event.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn بنفس الطريقة.,In the same way?,ara_Arab-eng_Latn ما قلته صحيح.,What you say is true.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn كتبت رسالة لأمي.,I wrote a letter to my mother.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn لا ارید التدخل.,I don't want to interfere.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn هذه الشركة لا تبالي بسلامة عمالها.,This company is indifferent to the safety of its workers.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn توم يتكلم بسرعة.,How fast Tom speaks!,ara_Arab-eng_Latn هل ولدت في شهر مايو؟,Was it in May that I was born?,ara_Arab-eng_Latn في أيامنا هذه، بإمكان أي واحد أن يحصل على الكتب.,Nowadays anybody can get books.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn لقد خدعوك.,They betrayed you.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn هذه شجرة.,That's a tree.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn عادة ما يستلقي على السرير للقراءة.,He often lies on the bed and reads.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn كان يعيش هنا.,He used to live here.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn أثارت غضبي بكلامها.,Her words made me mad.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn قل لي أين تسكن.,Tell me where she lives.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn هل بإمكانك أن تأويني هذه الليلة؟,Can you put me up tonight?,ara_Arab-eng_Latn أعطت لنا المدرسة الكثير من الواجبات.,The teacher gave us a lot of homework.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn سامي يحسب المال.,Sami is counting the money.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn بإمكاني قراءتها كلها.,I can read them all.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn كان يجب بتر ذراع توم.,Tom's arm had to be amputated.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn لا أستطيع التّجمّل في شهر رمضان.,I cannot make up in the month of Ramadan.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn هذه نكتة.,This is a pun.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn لم أشترِ كلّ ما طلبه منّي سامي.,I didn't buy everything Sami asked me to buy.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn نجاحنا ثمرة لمجهوداته.,Our success was due to his efforts.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn لا نسطيع رؤية الأشعّة فوق البنفسجيّة، لكنّ الحشرات تستطيع أن تراها.,"We can't see ultraviolet light, but insects can.",ara_Arab-eng_Latn اتّصل سامي بأمّي.,Sami called my mom.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn الجو حار جداً.,It's too hot.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn إن الطقس حار للغاية.,It is too hot.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn توم ملحد.,Tom is an atheist.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn ما حدث في فييت نام كان كالكابوس.,What happened in Vietnam was like a bad dream.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn لا يمكن أن يحصل ذلك!,It can't be!,ara_Arab-eng_Latn إن الحديقة اليابانية هذه جميلة للغاية.,This Japanese garden is beautiful.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn وعدني توم بأنّه سيكون هنا قبل 2:30.,Tom promised to be here before 2:30.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn سأنتقل الشهر التالي.,I'm going to move next month.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn الأرض تدور حول الشمس.,The earth moves around the sun.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn إنّها قصة معقّدة.,It's a complicated story.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn تلك الإشاعة ليست صحيحة.,The rumor isn't true.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn اصطاد الولد الطائر بالشبكة.,The boy captured the bird with a net.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn انهم نصارى.,They are Christians.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn كن مؤدباً مع والديك.,Be polite to your parents.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn أنا لا أحب المفاجآت.,I don't like surprises.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn أشعر بالدوار كلما وقفت.,I feel dizzy every time I stand up.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn أود أن أراها.,I would like to see it.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn غناءها أجمل من غناء أياً من زملائها في الصف.,She can sing better than anybody else in her class.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn أمتزوج أنت أم عزب؟,Are you married or single?,ara_Arab-eng_Latn لا يشرب أغلب الناس ما يكفيهم من المياه.,Most people don't drink enough water.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn لقد ألقيت نظرة على مدونتك - تبدو مثيرة للإهتمام.,I just had a look at your blog— it looks interesting.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn ذهبنا إلى لندن العام الماضي.,"Last year, we traveled to London.",ara_Arab-eng_Latn أتعرف ما الإجابة؟,Do you know the answer?,ara_Arab-eng_Latn لقد أنهيت واجباتي.,I've already finished my homework.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn قال: ثق بي.,"""Trust me,"" he said.",ara_Arab-eng_Latn أود أن أعبر عن امتناني لما قدمته لهذه البلدة.,I would like to express my gratitude for what you have done for this town.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn لديهم حس الفكاهة.,They have a sense of humor.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn شارك في المظاهرة ما يقارب ألف شخص.,Nearly a thousand people participated in the demonstration.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn هل بإمكاني استعارة هذا القرص؟,May I borrow this CD?,ara_Arab-eng_Latn لم أعلم بهذا الأمر.,I didn't know that.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn اسأل شخصا آخر من فضلك.,Please ask someone else.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn هل بإمكانك التعرف على ذلك الرجل بواسطة هذه الصورة؟,Can you identify the man using this picture?,ara_Arab-eng_Latn دفع سامي المزيد من المال.,Sami paid some extra money.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn أراد بوب أن يحتفظ بالثعلب في المنزل.,Bob wanted to keep the fox at home.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn أتناول دائما كوبا من الحليب قبل أن أنام.,I always drink a glass of milk before going to bed.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn أجني مئة يورو في اليوم.,I make €100 a day.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn ليس أنا ، بل أنت!,No I'm not; you are!,ara_Arab-eng_Latn لو سمحت ، أين البيض؟,"Where are the eggs, please?",ara_Arab-eng_Latn هل بإمكاني مرافقته؟,May I go with him?,ara_Arab-eng_Latn أنا أغسل الأواني.,I'm doing the dishes.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn ذهب إلى الجهة الأخرى.,He went over to the other side.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn جميع اليابانيين تقريبا لديهم شعر داكن اللون.,Nearly all Japanese have dark hair.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn ليس بإمكاني تحمل هذا الضجيج.,I can't stand the noise.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn لماذا تقول هذا لي؟,What are you telling me for?,ara_Arab-eng_Latn انظر ، هناك قرد بثلاث رؤوس!,"Hey, look, a three-headed monkey!",ara_Arab-eng_Latn لم يكن سامي مغرما بليلى.,Sami wasn't in love with Layla.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn إنها ذكية جداً ، أليس كذلك؟,"She's really smart, isn't she?",ara_Arab-eng_Latn قطّع، اغسل، ثم جفّف من فضلك.,"Cut, wash and dry, please.",ara_Arab-eng_Latn إنك متعب ، أليس كذلك؟,"You are tired, aren't you?",ara_Arab-eng_Latn ألست متعباً؟,Are you not tired?,ara_Arab-eng_Latn إنك تجهد نفسك بالعمل.,You work too hard.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn هل تعرف الإجابة؟,You know the answer?,ara_Arab-eng_Latn أتسكن هنا؟,Do you live here?,ara_Arab-eng_Latn أصيب بالإحباط مؤخرا.,He is depressed lately.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn هذه مردسة للبنات الصغار.,That is a school for little girls.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn تبدو شاحباً للغاية.,You look very pale.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn هذا الفلم مليء بالبكاء.,That movie was a real tearjerker.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn رائحة فمك كريهة.,You have foul breath.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn لقد تعدّيت حدودك.,You're going too far.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn عد إلى المنزل بسرعة.,Go home quickly.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn عليك أن تتحكم بنزواتك.,You must control yourself.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn الرجل الذي يجلس هناك مغن شهير.,The man sitting over there is a famous singer.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn شعرك يحتاج إلى الحلق.,Your hair wants cutting.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn تتحاج إلى أن تحلق شعرك.,You need a haircut.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn تبدو مسروراً اليوم.,You look happy today.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn تبدو شاحباً اليوم.,You look pale today.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn من الأفضل لك أن تذهب.,You had better go.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn من الأفضل لك الذهاب.,You'd better leave.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn عليك أن تذهب.,You have to go.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn عليك الرحيل.,You must go.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn أفترض أنك جائع.,I suppose you're hungry.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn لقد خالفت القوانين.,You broke the rule.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn يمكنك الذهاب إلى أين تشاء.,You may go anywhere.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn إن استطعت، تعال معنا.,"If you can, come with us.",ara_Arab-eng_Latn ماذا تتعلم؟,What do you learn?,ara_Arab-eng_Latn ما الذي أيقظك؟,What woke you up?,ara_Arab-eng_Latn كان سامي بحاجة لاستعارة ستّ آلاف دولار.,Sami needed to borrow six thousand dollars.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn ماذا تُفضّل؟,What do you like?,ara_Arab-eng_Latn أتحب الموسيقى؟,Do you like music?,ara_Arab-eng_Latn هل لديك أي أقلام رصاص؟,Do you have any pencils?,ara_Arab-eng_Latn هل تدرس اللغة الإنكليزية؟,Do you study English?,ara_Arab-eng_Latn تستطيع السباحة، أليس كذلك؟,"You can swim, can't you?",ara_Arab-eng_Latn لا يمكنك السباحة، صحيح؟,"You can't swim, can you?",ara_Arab-eng_Latn لا يمكنك أن تسبح، أليس كذلك؟,"You are not able to swim, are you?",ara_Arab-eng_Latn كان سامي يستعير من أخيه لمدّة طويلة.,Sami was borrowing from his brother for a long time.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn ليس لديك أي حُمّى.,You have no fever.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn عليك أن تدرس أكثر.,You must study more.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn عليك أن تدرس بجهد أكثر من ذلك.,You should study harder.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn أتستطيع تحدث الفرنسية؟,Can you speak French?,ara_Arab-eng_Latn شعرت ليلى أنّها كانت محبوبة.,Layla felt loved.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn ما أطولك!,How tall you are!,ara_Arab-eng_Latn ما أطول عودك!,"You really are tall, aren't you?",ara_Arab-eng_Latn ما أطيب قلبك!,How kind you are!,ara_Arab-eng_Latn يا لوقاحتك!,How rude of you!,ara_Arab-eng_Latn يا لك من محظوظ!,How lucky you are!,ara_Arab-eng_Latn أتريد شيئاً؟,Do you want anything?,ara_Arab-eng_Latn كم طولك؟,How tall are you?,ara_Arab-eng_Latn أنت شجاع جداً.,You are very brave.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn إنك شجاع للغاية.,You are very courageous.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn يبدو عليك التعب.,You look very tired.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn أيّاً تأخذ؟,Which one do you take?,ara_Arab-eng_Latn لديك الكثير من الكتب.,You have many books.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn هل أنهيتها؟,Have you finished it?,ara_Arab-eng_Latn ألديك واحد؟,Do you have one?,ara_Arab-eng_Latn يمكنك الذهاب إلى هناك.,You may go there.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn لست جاسوساً ، أليس كذلك؟,"You aren't a spy, are you?",ara_Arab-eng_Latn يمكنك أن تدرس هنا.,You can study here.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn ستصاب بالبرد هكذا.,You will catch cold.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn دائماً ما تنتقدني!,You're always criticizing me!,ara_Arab-eng_Latn أنت دائماً ما تشتكي.,You are always complaining.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn كل ما تفعله هو الشكوى.,You're always complaining.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn دائماً ما تتوقع حدوث المشاكل.,You're always anticipating trouble.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn لديك بعض الكتب.,You have some books.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn أنت فيلسوف، أليس كذلك؟,"You're a philosopher, aren't you?",ara_Arab-eng_Latn تعجبني شجاعتك.,I admire your courage.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn يعجبني فيك شجاعتك.,I admire you for your courage.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn أين عيناك حين تحتاجهما؟,Where are your eyes?,ara_Arab-eng_Latn أعرف اسمك.,I know your name.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn يعجبني جهلك.,I admire your ignorance.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn ما هدفك الحقيقي؟,What's your real purpose?,ara_Arab-eng_Latn إجابتك صحيحة.,Your answer is right.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn إجابتك خاطئة.,Your answer is wrong.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn اهتم بشؤونك الخاصة.,Mind your own business!,ara_Arab-eng_Latn لا تتدخل في ما لا يعنيك.,Mind your own business.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn أهذا ابنك يا بِتِي؟,"Is this your son, Betty?",ara_Arab-eng_Latn ما هو مجال عملك؟,What's your major field?,ara_Arab-eng_Latn أتوقع مساعدتك.,I expect your help.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn أتوقع منك أن تساعدني.,I hope for your help.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn اكتب عنوانك هنا.,Write your address here.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn سأشتاق إلى طبخك.,I'll miss your cooking.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn هل يداك نظيفتان؟,Are your hands clean?,ara_Arab-eng_Latn هل ساعتك دقيقة الوقت؟,Is your watch correct?,ara_Arab-eng_Latn أين أشياءك؟,Where are your things?,ara_Arab-eng_Latn اتبع قلبك فحسب.,Just follow your heart.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn ما هو عملك؟,What do you do?,ara_Arab-eng_Latn اختر مضربك المفضل.,Pick your favorite bat.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn إفعل ما تريد.,Do as you like.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn أعتقد أنك صائب.,I think you're right.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn أعتقد أنك مصيب.,I think that you're right.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn أعتقد أن ما تقوله صحيح.,I believe what you said is true.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn من الممكن أن يكون ما تقوله صحيح.,You may be right.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn حذاءك هنا.,Your shoes are here.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn أين مدرستك؟,Where is your school?,ara_Arab-eng_Latn تحتاج أقلامك إلى بري.,Your pencils need sharpening.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn إنجليزيتك تتحسن.,Your English is improving.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn أريد أن أعرف رأيك.,I want to know your opinion.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn سألقي نظرة على تقريرك.,I'll study your report.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn إنتهى وقتك.,Your time is up.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn تبدو خطتك جيدة.,Your plan sounds great.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn كعكتك شهية.,Your cake is delicious.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn ها هي حقيبتك.,Here is your bag.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn لكم اشتقت إليك!,How I've missed you!,ara_Arab-eng_Latn افتقدتك كثيراً!,How I have missed you!,ara_Arab-eng_Latn أنت تستحق الجائزة.,You deserve the prize.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn تستحق أن تنجح.,You deserve to succeed.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn سأتركك غداً.,I'm leaving you tomorrow.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn لا فائدة من المحاولة معك حقاً.,You really are hopeless.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn إنكم أولاد يافعين.,You are young boys.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn من مدرسك؟,Who is your teacher?,ara_Arab-eng_Latn سمعت ذلك منك.,I heard it from you.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn لأنك قلت ذلك.,Since you say so.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn أنا لا ألومك.,I don't blame you.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn هل أنت كاتب هذا الكتاب؟,You wrote this book?,ara_Arab-eng_Latn هل كتبت هذا الكتاب؟,Did you write this book?,ara_Arab-eng_Latn أشتاق إليك كثيراً.,I miss you badly.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn أنا مشتاق إليك جداً.,I miss you very much.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn لكم أنا مشتاق إليك.,How I miss you.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn إخلع شرابك من فضلك.,"Take off your socks, please.",ara_Arab-eng_Latn من دون الهواء ، لن يبقى شيء على قيد الحياة.,"Without air, nothing could live.",ara_Arab-eng_Latn إن ذلك مؤلم ، توقف.,It's so painful. Stop it!,ara_Arab-eng_Latn حان وقت الإستيقاظ.,Time to get up.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn تحب المطر ، صحيح؟,"You like rain, don't you?",ara_Arab-eng_Latn أحس بالخطر فهرب.,"Sensing danger, he ran away.",ara_Arab-eng_Latn انتبه! هناك شاحنة قادمة!,Look out! There's a truck coming!,ara_Arab-eng_Latn علمني بعض الكانجي من فضلك.,"Teach me some kanji, please.",ara_Arab-eng_Latn أعطني الحساب من فضلك.,"Give me the bill, please.",ara_Arab-eng_Latn مكعب سكر واحد من فضلك.,"One lump of sugar, please.",ara_Arab-eng_Latn انظروا إلى السبورة ، جميعكم.,"Look at the blackboard, everyone.",ara_Arab-eng_Latn كلما تقابلا بدآ بالجدال.,"Whenever they meet, they quarrel.",ara_Arab-eng_Latn كلما تقابلا تجادلا.,"Every time they meet, they quarrel.",ara_Arab-eng_Latn أهم شيء أن تهتم بما تأكله.,"Above all, watch your diet.",ara_Arab-eng_Latn إمض اسمك في الأسفل إذا سمحت.,"Sign at the bottom, please.",ara_Arab-eng_Latn هل كنت مملاً بالفعل؟,Was I really boring?,ara_Arab-eng_Latn و كيف لي أن أعرف؟,How should I know?,ara_Arab-eng_Latn إنه داروين الذي كتب أصل الأنواع.,It's Darwin who wrote the origin of species.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn هذا حصان,This is a horse.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn أصيب سامي بجرح خطير واحد فقط.,Sami had only one serious injury.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn سامي و ليلى كانا مسيحيّين قد عادى من مهمّة تبشيريّة.,Sami and Layla were Christians coming back from a mission.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn أرادا ليلى و سامي قضاء ليلة مثاليّة معا.,Layla and Sami wanted to spend a perfect night together.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn أرى كتاباً.,I see a book.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn فقد سامي كلبه.,Sami lost his dog.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn سامي يحبّ كلابه.,Sami loves his dogs.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn لا أحد يقرأ مدونتي,No one reads my blog.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn كم كان عمره في أول صورة له,How old was she in the first photo?,ara_Arab-eng_Latn ماري جذّابة,Mary is attractive.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn بقي 3 مسافرين من 98 مسافر فقط على قيد الحياة,Only 3 out of the 98 passengers survived.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn تقابل الفريقين في المباراة النهائية .,The two teams competed in the final game.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn لا أستطيع ان اقول الفرق بينهم,I can't tell the difference between them.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn يوجد امرأة تقرأ في المكتبة,A woman is reading a book in the library.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn والآن : 13 ساعة بدون انترنت,And now: thirteen hours without internet.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn لدي أصدقاء.,I have friends.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn ربما يكون لدي رغبة من أجل فعل هذا .,I might be willing to do it.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn وصلنا الى الحديقة بعد مشي لمدة خمس دقائق,Five minutes' walk brought us to the park.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn هل هذه الحديقة مفتوحة للعوام ؟,Is the park open to the public?,ara_Arab-eng_Latn وقف وراء الباب.,He was standing behind the door.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn أعيش في بيت عائلتي .,The house where I live belongs to my parents.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn كيف علمت أن أخاك يعيش هناك,How did you find out that your brother lived there?,ara_Arab-eng_Latn الطريق في حالة سيئة,The road is in a deplorable state.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn اللغة الاوكرانية ذات نغمة موسيقية,The Ukrainian language is very melodious.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn هل يوجد دواء للغباء ؟,Is there a cure for stupidity?,ara_Arab-eng_Latn هل افتقدتني؟,Did you miss me?,ara_Arab-eng_Latn لم تكن ليلى و سامي راغبين أن يعلم النّاس بزواجهما.,Layla and Sami didn't want their marriage to be made public.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn اي يوم من ايام هذا الاسبوع سوف تتحقق ؟,What days of the week does it take place?,ara_Arab-eng_Latn المعذرة . لم أكن اعلم انك مازلت هنا .,"Sorry, I didn't know you were still here.",ara_Arab-eng_Latn هذا الحذاء لا يليق بهذه الألبسة,Those shoes do not go with the suit.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn أنقذ فاضل حياته.,Fadil saved his life.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn هي تتحدث بسرعة نسبيا,She speaks relatively quickly.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn أذهب إلى المدرسة في الساعة السابعة,I go to school at seven o'clock.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn هل يمكن أن تأخذني إلى السينما؟,Could you take me to the cinema?,ara_Arab-eng_Latn أنا أعرف هذا الولد الذي أنت لا تعرفه,I know this kid you don't know.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn استيقظت في الساعة الخامسة في الصباح,I woke up at five this morning.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn أي قطار يأخذني إلى وسط المدينة؟,Which train takes me to downtown?,ara_Arab-eng_Latn هي قدمت لي بعض الطعام.,She provided me with some food.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn "رجل, خطة, قناة, باناما!","A man, a plan, a canal, Panama!",ara_Arab-eng_Latn نحن نسمع صرير الفئران.,We hear the mice squeaking.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn سأقاتل حتّى آخررمق.,I will fight to the last breath.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn اسمعني جيداً.,Listen to me carefully.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn نحن نحتفل بمهرجان النجمة في يوليو.,We celebrate the Star Festival in July.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn لكان أمرا مسليا.,That would've been fun.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn أعتقد أنّه لن يأتي.,I think he won't come.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn وجد سامي تلك الفتاة.,Sami found the girl.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn لا يمكنني أن أبوح لك بما قمنا به البارحة.,I can't tell you what we did last night.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn هىَ فقدت والدها فىِ البحر.,She lost her father at sea.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn البحر كان هائج ضدهم أكثر وأكثر.,The sea was raging against them more and more.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn هىَ كانت غاضبة علىَ إبنها.,She was mad at her son.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn هُم حتىَ لا يعرفون من سيلتقون.,They didn't even know whom they were to meet.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn ترك سامي أغراضه في الشّاطئ.,Sami left his belongings on the beach.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn ست مرات أربعة تكون أربع وعشرون.,Six times four is two dozen.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn هل الأوز يرىَ الله؟,Do geese see God?,ara_Arab-eng_Latn البحر غاضب.,The sea is angry.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn هذا القارب لم يعد صالحاً للإبحار.,This boat is no longer seaworthy.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn هذا القارب صالحاً للإبحار.,This boat is seaworthy.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn البحر هادئ.,The sea is calm.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn لم يكن سامي يتّصل أبدا.,Sami never called.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn هىَ متزوجة من بحار.,She married a sailor.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn هوَ فقد والدهُ في البحر.,He lost his father at sea.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn إنها معجزة!,It's a miracle!,ara_Arab-eng_Latn """إنها معجزة! إنها تحركت!"" "" أنا أعتقد أنها الريح.""","""It's a miracle! It moved!"" ""I think it's the wind.""",ara_Arab-eng_Latn إِنَّهُمْ يدرون.,They know about it.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn كيفَ سيدفع ديونهُ؟,How will he pay his debts?,ara_Arab-eng_Latn كيفَ ستدفع ديونها؟,How will she pay her debts?,ara_Arab-eng_Latn كيف سندفع ديوننا الآن؟,How will we pay our debts now?,ara_Arab-eng_Latn كيفَ سأسدد ديونى الآن؟,How will I pay my debts now?,ara_Arab-eng_Latn إنها تنتظر.,She is waiting.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn إنهُ ينتظر.,He is waiting.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn توم ينتظر.,Tom is waiting.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn الوالد ينتظر.,Father is waiting.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn الأُم تنتظر.,Mother is waiting.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn أنتَ تبدو مثل الولد.,You look like a boy.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn "نعم, إنهُ غاضب.","Yes, he is angry.",ara_Arab-eng_Latn لماذا إستغرقَ هذا وقتاً طويلاً؟,Why did it take so long?,ara_Arab-eng_Latn "نعم, إنها غاضبة.","Yes, she is angry.",ara_Arab-eng_Latn زيوس غاضب.,Zeus is angry.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn أنتَ لابد أن تجد عملاً.,You must find work.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn هوَ لابد أن يجد عملاً.,He must find work.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn هىَ لابد أن تجد عملاً.,She must find work.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn خذ ما تحتاجهُ.,Take what you need.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn هوَ أحضر الطعام لضيفهُ وقدم لهُ المأوىَ.,He brought food to his guest and provided him shelter.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn هىَ وضعت المجلة علىَ الطاولة.,She put the magazine on the table.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn إنها شاية جداً.,She's so young.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn إنهُ صغير جداً.,He's so young.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn أنتً عليكَ فقط أن تعدُني بشيء واحد.,You just have to promise me one thing.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn متىَ أتيتَ؟,When did you come?,ara_Arab-eng_Latn كلبي ينبح.,My dog is barking.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn إنهُ يحارب طواحين الهواء.,He fights windmills.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn توم لم يكن يتصور أنه بامكان ماري القيام بأمر كهذا.,Tom didn't believe that Mary was capable of doing such a thing.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn ولكنهُ كان محظوظاً.,But he was lucky.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn أمي غاضبة.,My mother is angry.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn توم غاضب الآن.,Tom is angry now.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn عمىِ غاضب.,My uncle is angry.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn أنا أعتقد انهُ غاضب.,I think he is angry.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn يجب عليكَ أن لا تحكم علىَ شخص من مظهرهُ.,You shouldn't judge a person by his appearance.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn إنهُ غاضب معي.,He is angry with me.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn إنها غاضبة معي.,She is angry with me.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn أبي غاضب معي.,Father is angry with me.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn هل أنت متأكّد من أننا لم نتقابل من قبل ؟,Are you sure we've never met before?,ara_Arab-eng_Latn إنهُ غاضب معكَ.,He is angry with you.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn أفكر غالبا بهم.,I think about them often.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn توم لا يستطيع أن يفهم لماذا مارى غاضبة.,Tom can't understand why Mary is angry.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn أُرسِلت لاحقا لسامي رسالة كتبتها ليلى.,Sami was later sent a letter Layla wrote.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn نحن مدرسون.,We are teachers.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn أمس قرأت قصة مثيرة للاهتمام.,Yesterday I read an interesting story.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn توم غاضب معَ مارى.,Tom is angry with Mary.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn توم دائماً يصرخ عندما يكون غاضباً.,Tom always shouts when he is angry.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn توم له ذاكرة ضعيفة.,Tom has a poor memory.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn إنها تأتي لتصنع مشكلة.,She's come to make trouble.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn إنهُ يأتي ليصنع مشكلة.,He's come to make trouble.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn المكتب مكسور.,This desk is broken.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn هُم جاءو ليصنعوا مشكلة.,They've come to make trouble.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn أنا لدي جاراً غريباً.,I have a weird neighbor.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn أنا لدي جار فرنسي.,I have a French neighbor.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn أنا لدي جار مثلي الجنس.,I have a gay neighbor.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn أنا لدي جار أفريقي-أمريكي.,I have an African-American neighbor.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn أنا لدي جار مسلم.,I have a Muslim neighbor.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn أنا لدي جار يهودي.,I have a Jewish neighbor.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn أنا لدي جار ليبرالي.,I have a liberal neighbor.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn أنا لدي جار مصري.,I have an Egyptian neighbor.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn إنهُ اظهرها علي.,He showed it to me.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn إنهم أظهروها لشركتنا.,They showed it to our company.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn إنها أظهرتها لي.,She showed it to me.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn أنا لم أرىَ شيئاً مثل ذلك.,I've never seen anything like that.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn إنهُ عاملني بسوء.,He treated me badly.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn إنها عاملتني بسوء.,She treated me badly.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn إنهم عاملوني بسوء.,They treated me badly.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn و أخيرا خرجت.,I'm finally out.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn لقد تعطّل محرّكي.,My engine is out.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn أنا لدي جار إيطالي.,I have an Italian neighbor.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn عندي قطان.,I have two cats.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn كفّ عن ذلك.,"Cut it out, will you?",ara_Arab-eng_Latn هىَ كانت يائسة من أن تتزوج.,She was desperate to get married.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn "إنتظري دقيقة, ماري!","Wait a minute, Mary!",ara_Arab-eng_Latn كنت مغادرة على كل حال.,I was going out anyway.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn إنه على وشك المغادرة إلى كندا.,He is on the point of leaving for Canada.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn لقد قفز من السيارة.,He jumped out of the car.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn "إنتظر دقيقة, يا توم!","Wait a minute, Tom!",ara_Arab-eng_Latn توم أقنع بسهولة ماري أنهُ كان بريئاً.,Tom easily convinced Mary that he was innocent.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn كنت أشاهد الصورة.,I looked at the picture.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn لدى توم صديق يعيش في بوسطن.,Tom has a friend in Boston.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn لم تسر الأمور على ما يرام، أليس كذلك؟,"It didn't work out, did it?",ara_Arab-eng_Latn تعرّف سامي في الحين على صوت ليلى.,Sami instantly recognized Layla's voice.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn القمر جميل الليلة.,The moon is very beautiful this evening.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn لنخرج من ساحة اللعب هذه.,Let's get out of this playground.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn هل كان كين في البيت بالأمس؟,Was Ken at home yesterday?,ara_Arab-eng_Latn كان عند سامي ستّ كلاب.,Sami had six dogs.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn لقد فقدتَ صوابك بأكمله.,You're completely out of your mind.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn لنحاول الآن.,Let's try now.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn أريد أن أجرّبه مجدّدا.,I wanna try it again.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn سأحاول أن لا أغيب لمدة طويلة.,I'll try not to be away too long.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn أعطى توم ماري المفتاح الخطأ.,Tom gave Mary the wrong key.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn لنخبره بما جرى.,Let's tell him what happened.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn القميص وسخ.,The shirt is dirty.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn هذه آخر مرة أتركك تذهب فيها.,This is the last time I let you go.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn لنتّصل به الآن.,Let's call him now.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn هل ستسافر إلى أمريكا الشهر القادم؟,Will you go to America next month?,ara_Arab-eng_Latn حسنا. لنرى ما بإمكاننا فعله.,Alright. Let's see what we can do.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn ماذا تنتظر؟ لنذهب.,What are you waiting for? Let's go.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn أخبرني قبل أن تقوم بأي شيء متعلّق بالعيادة.,Let me know before you do anything concerning the clinic.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn هل بإمكانك أن تريني سيارتك الجديدة؟,Can you show me your new car?,ara_Arab-eng_Latn هل بإمكانك أن تخبرني عن متى سأحصل على نتائج الاختبار؟,Can you tell me when I can have the results of the test?,ara_Arab-eng_Latn هل بإمكانك أن تخبرني كيف حدث هذا؟,Can you tell me how this happened?,ara_Arab-eng_Latn هاذا عساني أن أفعل الآن؟,What can I do now?,ara_Arab-eng_Latn بإمكاني أن آخذك إلى هناك كي تراه.,I can take you there to see it.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn أستطيع أن أراه الآن.,I can see it now.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn لا أستطيع مغادرة المكتب.,I can't leave the office.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn هل بإمكاني المساعدة يا سيّدي؟,"Can I help you, Sir?",ara_Arab-eng_Latn لقد شعرت بلمسة خفيفة على كتفي.,I felt a light touch on my shoulder.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn بناءً على الاتجاه الذي سار فيه، أظن أنه كان متجهًا إلى البلدة.,"From the direction that he was going in, I would say he was headed to town.",ara_Arab-eng_Latn استمرّت رسائل سامي بالعودة من مصر.,Sami's letters kept bouncing back from Egypt.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn حاول توم أن يحسن من لغته الفرنسية حديثا.,Tom has recently been trying to improve his French.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn أعزف على البيانو بعد العشاء.,I play the piano after supper.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn ماذا تزرع في مزرعتك؟,What do you grow on your farm?,ara_Arab-eng_Latn توم يعرف أنني أوده.,Tom knows I like him.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn كان سيخبرني بالحقيقة إذا كنت سألته.,"He would tell me the truth, if I would ask him.",ara_Arab-eng_Latn هل يمكنني إنتظار توم هنا؟,Can I wait for Tom here?,ara_Arab-eng_Latn أتود أن تكون صديقي الجديد؟,Would you like to be my new friend?,ara_Arab-eng_Latn بالنسبة إلى التمارين الجسدية، بالرغم من أنني أكره معظم الأنشطة الرياضية (أعتبر أنها مملة حقا)، أحب الذهاب إلى الصالة الرياضية لكى أحمل الأوزان.,"As for physical exercise, although I loathe most sports (I think they're really boring), I do like going to the gym to lift weights.",ara_Arab-eng_Latn سنتعلم أغنية جديدة اليوم.,We will learn a new song today.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn هو جديد هنا.,He's new around here.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn أنا أكتب كل شئ؛ فأنا أشعر بالإرتباك من دون المفكرة.,I write everything down; I feel uneasy without my notebook.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn هل بإمكاني أن أصبح واحدا من أصدقائك الجدد أيضا؟,"Can I be one of your new friends, too?",ara_Arab-eng_Latn عضّ كلب سامي ليلى.,Sami's dog bit Layla.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn هذه الأشياء التي أخبرتك بها أعرفها من خبرة.,These things I've told you I know from experience.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn لم يكن أحدٌ على قيد الحياة.,No one was alive.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn """أاه!"" تنهدت.","""Aah!"" she sighed.",ara_Arab-eng_Latn لا أريد أن أقابله أبداً.,I don't want to see him at all.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn لمن هذه الحقيبة؟,Whose is this bag?,ara_Arab-eng_Latn إذا شعرت بالنعسان، فقط أخبرني.,"If you get sleepy, just tell me.",ara_Arab-eng_Latn لا ندخن أنا وتوم السجائر.,Tom and I are nonsmokers.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn لقد كان عيد ميلادي الثلاثين الأسبوع الماضي.,I had my thirtieth birthday last week.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn أصبح مشروع تتويبا ظاهرة إجتماعية و ثقافية مهمة في بلده الأم فرنسا.,"In its home country, France, Tatoeba became a social and cultural phenomenon.",ara_Arab-eng_Latn مهمتك أن تجمع الأوراق الميتة في الحديقة.,Your job is to gather dead leaves in the garden.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn ضحكت فجأةً عندما رأيته.,I burst out laughing when I saw him.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn كل شيء على ما يرام.,Everything is fine.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn لم تعد هنا بعد الآن.,It isn't here anymore.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn توم لم يأخذها معه.,Tom didn't take it with him.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn لقد وضعت هذا الموقع في مفضلاتي.,I added this website to my favorites.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn لقد أشفيناه!,We fixed him!,ara_Arab-eng_Latn أنا أعيش عيشة شريفة.,I make an honest living.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn نحن لن نعمل معهم أبدا.,We'll never work for them.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn هل توم دائما يتكلم من أجلك؟,Does Tom always speak for you?,ara_Arab-eng_Latn لم يكن يجدر بك أن تجعلني أتوسل.,You shouldn't have made me beg.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn لا أحد يريد الذهاب إلى هناك.,No one wants to go there.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn مايك لديه صديق حيث يعيش في شيكاغو.,Mike has a friend who lives in Chicago.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn توم شعر بالقوة.,Tom felt strong.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn توم تم توبيخه بواسطة مديره بسبب تأخره عن العمل.,Tom was scolded by his boss for showing up late for work.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn هو يصدق أى شئ أقوله.,He believes whatever I say.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn ماذا فعلت عندما رجعت إلى منزلك أمس؟,What did you do when you got back home yesterday?,ara_Arab-eng_Latn سوف نذهب إلى بوسطن حتى نرى توم.,We're going to Boston to see Tom.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn توم كان لديه شئ مهم لقوله، ولكن ماري كانت تقاطعه بإستمرار.,"Tom had something important to say, but Mary kept interrupting him.",ara_Arab-eng_Latn ليس هناك قهوة كافية.,There's not enough coffee.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn الصخور الواقعة تشكل خطرا على المتسلقين.,Falling rocks present a danger to climbers.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn أنا في البيت.,I'm at home.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn إذا أطعمت كلبك بشكل صحيح، تستطيع أن ترفع من عمره.,"If you feed your dog properly, you can increase his lifespan.",ara_Arab-eng_Latn لقد كنت مسرورا جدا لكى أنام.,I was too happy to sleep.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn أعطني أيضاً بعض الحليب .,"Give me some milk, too.",ara_Arab-eng_Latn كما تريد.,It's up to you.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn قارورة مياه ، من فضلك.,"A glass of water, please.",ara_Arab-eng_Latn إنه ليس هنا ، أليس كذلك؟,"He isn't here, is he?",ara_Arab-eng_Latn لقد لفتت انتباهي.,She caught my eye.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn ليست صغيرة ،أليس كذلك ؟,"She's not young, is she?",ara_Arab-eng_Latn تحدثنا حتى الثانية صباحاً .,We talked until two in the morning.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn لا أجيد ممارسة الرياضة .,I'm bad at sports.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn يجب أن أنظف المعدات، ثم أحزمها بعيدا.,"I have to clean the equipment, pack it away.",ara_Arab-eng_Latn من الصعب أن نراك هنا.,We hardly ever see you around here.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn يكنني أن آخذه إلى الحديقة.,I can take him to the park.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn توم لم يكن متأثر.,Tom was not impressed.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn لم يكن سامي يعرف أحدا على الإطلاق.,Sami literally knew no one.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn ليس لتوم الكثير من الكتب.,Tom doesn't have many books.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn أنا لست دفاعيا.,I'm not being defensive.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn توم كان جالسا على طاولة قريبة.,Tom was sitting at a nearby table.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn لقد تم سرقتها.,It's been stolen.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn شعري ليس بطول شعر توم.,My hair isn't as long as Tom's.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn لا حل لدي.,I don't have a solution.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn وصلت هنا مساء الإثنين.,I got here Monday night.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn لا نملك من المال ما يكفي لشراء كل ما نحتاج.,We don't have enough money to buy everything we need.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn نحن لا نستطيع الإنتظار للعشاء.,We can't stay for dinner.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn لا تنسى ميعادنا غدا.,Don't forget our date tomorrow.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn لقد زوجت إبنتي.,I married off my daughter.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn أقترح بأن تعمل بما يقوله توم.,I suggest you do what Tom says.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn أنا آسف، ولكن لا تستطيع أن تتزوج بسوزان.,"I'm sorry, but you can't marry Susan.",ara_Arab-eng_Latn لا أنصح بذلك.,I don't recommend that.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn سأعمل ما بوسعي لأجل توم.,I'll do anything I can for Tom.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn عندما رأيت قصة شعره، حاولت بأن أخفي ضحكتي.,When I saw his new hairstyle I tried hard to suppress my laughter.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn لم يكن يجدر بي أن أوظفه أبدا.,I never should've hired him.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn أتيت هنا آملا رؤية توم.,I came here hoping to see Tom.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn هم لم يلتزموا باللوائح المدرسية,They did not abide by the school regulations.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn لا أعتبر توم صديقا لي.,I don't consider Tom a friend.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn سوف يكون عندنا الكثير من الطعام.,We'll have plenty of food.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn املأ الإستمارة أدناه.,Fill out the form below.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn حذف سامي صورة ليلى من ذلك الحاسوبِ.,Sami deleted Layla's photo from the computer.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn لم يكُن دوما هكذا.,He wasn't always like that.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn ماذا حدث لحاسوبي؟,What happened to my computer?,ara_Arab-eng_Latn توم سوف يحب هذا المكان.,Tom is going to love it here.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn ذهبت ليلى مباشرة إلى حاسوبها.,Layla went straight to her computer.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn إن لم تقم بواجباتك فلن تستعمل الحاسوب اللّيلة.,"No homework, no computer tonight.",ara_Arab-eng_Latn كان سامي جالسا عند حاسوبه و هو يعمل.,"Sami was sitting at his computer, working.",ara_Arab-eng_Latn اتّجه سامي مباشرة إلى حاسوبه من أجل الدّردشة.,Sami went straight to his computer to chat.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn استطاع سامي أن يصلح الحاسوب.,Sami was able to fix the computer.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn كان فاضل يملك صورا إيباحية لأطفال في حاسوبه.,Fadil had child pornographic images on his computer.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn تكفّل أربعة جرّاحين بمعالجة جروح ليلى.,Four surgeons worked on Layla's injuries.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn لماذا لم تطلب منّي المساعدة؟,Why didn't you ask for my help?,ara_Arab-eng_Latn انني لن اقول لك لا مطلقا,I never could say no to you.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn اعلم بانه ليس لدي اي فرصة للفوز.,I know I don't have any chance of winning.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn توم اراد ان يراها.,Tom wanted to see her.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn كان يجب عليك أن ترى الصورة.,You should have seen the picture.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn سامي يتيم.,Sami is an orphan.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn الضوضاء الصاخبه في الليل اخافته.,A loud noise in the night scared him.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn لماذا تستخدم تاتويبا؟,Why do you use Tatoeba?,ara_Arab-eng_Latn يذهب الرجال وياتون لكن الارض تبقى ثابتة,"Men go and come, but earth abides.",ara_Arab-eng_Latn يعمل أبي في المصنع.,My father works for a factory.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn توم اخبرني بانه يخطط لترك زوجته.,Tom told me he was planning to leave his wife.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn توم سيأتي ليعيش معنا.,Tom is going to come live with us.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn توم رأى شيئا غريبا.,Tom saw something strange.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn انها نهاية العالم.,It's the end of a world.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn لم اكن اعرفها في ذلك الوقت.,I didn't know her at that time.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn بالطبع، يجب ان اخبرها.,"Of course, I have to tell her.",ara_Arab-eng_Latn القطار سوف يغادر.,The train is about to leave.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn سامي موجود هنا من أجل حاسوب.,Sami is here for a computer.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn سرق سامي حاسوبا.,Sami stole a computer.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn كان سامي جالسا خلف شاشة حاسوب.,Sami was behind a computer screen.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn رأت ليلى بندقيّة داخل سيّارة سامي.,Layla saw a rifle in Sami's car.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn عندما يعود سامي إلى المنزل، يتّجه مباشرة إلى حاسوبه.,"When Sami goes home, he goes straight to his computer.",ara_Arab-eng_Latn افتتح الحدث ب اداء موسيقي حماسي للنشيد الوطني.,The event opened with a stirring rendition of the national anthem.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn يحتاج سامي لحاسوب واحد فقط.,Sami only needs one computer.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn أدرّس هنا خمس أيام في الأسبوع.,I teach classes here five days a week.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn انضمّ سامي إلى نادي الإعلام الآلي.,Sami joined the computer club.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn قدّم سامي حاسوبه لليلى.,Sami gave Layla his computer.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn أنا متأكد أنّه سيجتاز الامتحان.,I am sure of his passing the exam.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn هل تعلم ماذا فعل؟,Do you know what he has done?,ara_Arab-eng_Latn في الهند أنهار كثيرة.,There are many rivers in India.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn أنا لا أهتم لما يقول.,I don't care what he says.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn علينا أن نوقِفَ هذا.,We have to stop it.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn سأذهب إلى المدرسة.,I will go to school.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn أنت رجل صبور.,You're a patient man.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn أنا لست لطيفًا كما تظنني.,I'm not as nice as you think I am.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn شعرك جميل.,Your hair's beautiful.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn أنت ترتكب خطأً كبيرًا.,You are making a big mistake.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn اشتمّ كلب سامي شيئا.,Sami's dog smelt something.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn ربما ستفهم يومًا ما.,Maybe someday you'll understand.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn أظن أن شيئا ما ربما حدث لتوم.,I think something may have happened to Tom.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn ستبدأ السنة الجديدة.,The new year will begin.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn سافر سامي مع كلبه.,Sami traveled with his dog.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn لقد قمنا من مقاعدنا عندما عزف النشيد الوطني.,We rose from our seats when the national anthem was played.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn هل هي بعيدة عن هنا؟,Is it far from here?,ara_Arab-eng_Latn المنزل معزول بشكل مناسب.,The house is suitably isolated.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn أرسلت الشّرطة كلبا إلى داخل ذلك المكان.,Police sent a dog in.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn هل احببت الفيلم الذى شاهدناه امس,Did you like the movie we watched yesterday?,ara_Arab-eng_Latn هدّد سامي بقتل ليلى في العشرات من الرّسائل.,Sami threatened to kill Layla in dozens of letters.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn سيُعقد اجتماعٌ غداً.,"Tomorrow, a meeting will be held.",ara_Arab-eng_Latn كان سامي يحبّ كلبه حقّا.,Sami absolutely loved his dog.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn كانا سامي و ليلى يحبّان الكلاب.,Sami and Layla liked dogs.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn سجل رقم هاتفه قبل نسيانه.,Write down his phone number before you forget.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn من الافضل ان تقول الحقيقة,It's best to tell the truth.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn أبدأ لن أشك في صدقه.,I would never question his honesty.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn المستمعين انبهروا بكلامه.,The audience were fascinated by his speech.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn لطيف منك أن تهديني هدية.,It is so nice of you to give me a present.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn هذا النوع من البطانيات يحتاج للتهوية الجيدة.,This kind of blanket needs good airing.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn هذا الطالب نشيط جدًا.,That student is very active.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn هذان العنصران مستقلان عن بعضهما.,These two factors are independent of each other.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn هل عندك اعتراض على هذه الخطة.,Do you have any objection to this plan?,ara_Arab-eng_Latn الرجل الفقير يأكل عندما يستطيع ولكن الرجل الغنى يأكل عندما يريد,"The poor man eats when he can, but the rich man eats when he wants.",ara_Arab-eng_Latn أنت حقا ممل.,You're really annoying.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn هناك الكثير من الورود الحمراء في الحديقة.,There are many red flowers in the garden.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn من يقف هناك؟,Who is standing there?,ara_Arab-eng_Latn أنا رجل حر.,I'm a free man.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn لا تقلق عليّ.,Don't worry about me.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn ليس على مكتبي.,Don't put it on my desk.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn أبي رفض ذلك.,My papa said no.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn أحب ذاك الكرسي.,I love that chair.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn دعِ الأمر لي.,Let me handle this.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn اِبقَ بعيداً عني.,Keep away from me.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn أظنّ أنّه لدى سامي وقت لقائه في ال,I think that Sami has got time to spend in jail.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn لا يمكنني فعل ذلك.,I can't do it.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn لا أستطيع أن أفعل ذلك.,I can't do that.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn مرّر إليّ الملح إذا سمحت.,"Pass me the salt, please.",ara_Arab-eng_Latn الإنجليز أكثرهم محافظين.,Most Englishmen are conservative.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn أنت تحب اللغة الإنجليزية ، أليس كذلك؟,"You like English, don't you?",ara_Arab-eng_Latn أليست اللغة الإنجليزية صعبة؟,"English is difficult, isn't it?",ara_Arab-eng_Latn الإنجليزية لغة صعبة ، أليس كذلك؟,"English is difficult, innit?",ara_Arab-eng_Latn عموماً ، مدّخرات الأفراد في اِزدياد.,"Generally speaking, savings are increasing.",ara_Arab-eng_Latn على العموم ، التاريخ يكرّر نفسه.,"Generally speaking, history repeats itself.",ara_Arab-eng_Latn ادرس بجد و ستنجح.,"Study hard, and you'll succeed.",ara_Arab-eng_Latn تعال معي إذا سمحت.,"Come with me, will you?",ara_Arab-eng_Latn ألم نلتقي مسبقاً؟,Haven't we met before?,ara_Arab-eng_Latn أفضّل لو ذهبت للسباحة.,I'd rather go swimming.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn أفضّل أن أذهب للسباحة.,I would rather go swimming.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn قال توني: لا أعلم.,"""I don't know"", said Tony.",ara_Arab-eng_Latn سأبيت في بيت أحد أصدقائي في مدينة واشنطن.,I'm staying at my friend's house in Washington City.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn سأحضر بعض كؤوس الشرب.,I'll get some glasses.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn عند إشارتك. واحد، إثنان، إنطلق!,"On your mark, ready, set, go!",ara_Arab-eng_Latn تعرّض للإصابة عندما كان يلعب الركبي.,"Playing rugby, he got injured.",ara_Arab-eng_Latn أعطني الملح من فضلك.,"The salt, if you please.",ara_Arab-eng_Latn حسناً إتّفقنا.,All right. It's a deal.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn و أخيراً وصلنا.,"Well, here we are!",ara_Arab-eng_Latn مرحباً جون ، كيف حالك؟,"Hello, John! How are you?",ara_Arab-eng_Latn أهلاً بيل ، كيف الأحوال؟,"Hi, Bill. How are you?",ara_Arab-eng_Latn الأبطال دائماً يصلون متأخرين.,Heroes always arrive late.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn أيمكنك أن تكرر ما قلته من فضلك؟,"Could you repeat that, please?",ara_Arab-eng_Latn إقرأها مرة أخرى من فضلك.,"Read it once more, please.",ara_Arab-eng_Latn أُلغيت المباراة.,The game was suspended.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn وقفوا كل الطلاب عندما عزف دان النشيد الوطني.,All the students stood up when Dan played the national anthem.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn سأحاول مرة أخرى، شكراً لك.,"I'll try again, thank you.",ara_Arab-eng_Latn ماري تحب اليابان، أليس كذلك؟,"Mary likes Japan, doesn't she?",ara_Arab-eng_Latn تجمدت البحيرة.,The lake was frozen.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn ذهب الجميع إلى هناك، أليس كذلك؟,"Everyone went there, didn't they?",ara_Arab-eng_Latn هاجم الجميع رأيي.,Everyone attacked my opinion.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn ليس كل ما يلمع ذهباً.,All that glitters is not gold.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn كنت أعلم أنه أنت.,I knew it was you.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn وقد أرسل الله ملائكته لحماية معك أينما ذهبت .,God has sent his angels to protect you wherever you go.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn هو ذئب في ثوب حمل.,He is a wolf in sheep's clothing.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn أرسل سامي الرّسالة إلى عنوان ليلى و باسمها.,Sami addressed the letter to Layla's name and address.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn أُنشئت هارفارد عام ١٦٣٦م.,Harvard was founded in 1636.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn البعيد عن العين بعيد عن القلب.,"Out of sight, out of mind.",ara_Arab-eng_Latn في غضون سنة، أرسل سامي ماءتي رسالة لليلى.,"Over a period of one year, Sami sent Layla two hundred letters.",ara_Arab-eng_Latn حجز سامي الكلب بالدّاخل.,Sami locked the dog inside.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn لم يرد الحرب.,He did not want war.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn نظر سامي إلى الكلب.,Sami looked at the dog.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn فقد سامي كلب ليلى.,Sami lost Layla's dog.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn هل فقدت صوابك؟,Are you losing your head?,ara_Arab-eng_Latn الكلمات لا يسعها التخفيف عن حزنها العميق.,No words can relieve her deep sorrow.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn اشترى سامي كلبا آخر لليلى.,Sami bought Layla another dog.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn حزنها العميق لا يسعه الكلمات.,No words can express her deep sorrow.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn "سمّى سامي كلبته ""ليلى.""",Sami named his dog Layla.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn لم أسمع أبدا هذه الكلمة في قريتي.,I've never heard this word in my village.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn دفع سامي بالكلب إلى الخارج.,Sami pushed the dog out.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn هو اراد ان يكون غنيا.,He wanted to be rich.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn رأى سامي العديد من كلاب المروج.,Sami saw many prairie dogs.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn شعرت ليلى أنّها تُركت.,Layla felt abandoned.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn ليلى متعبة دائما.,Layla is always tired.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn أتريد أن تشرب شيء ما؟,Would you like something to drink?,ara_Arab-eng_Latn مشى سامي على فضلات كلب.,Sami stepped on dog excrement.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn كان سامي يأخذ كلبه إلى كلّ مكان.,Sami took his dog everywhere.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn عندي تفّاحات صغيرة جدّا في جيبي.,I have very small apples in my pocket.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn إن زلزلت الأرض، فقف على عتبة الباب.,"If there is an earthquake, stand on the threshold of your room.",ara_Arab-eng_Latn وجد سامي ريشة في السّيّارة.,Sami found a feather in the car.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn كانوا يتكلّمون بالألغاز.,They were speaking in riddles.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn جاء سامي إلى المنزل.,Sami came home.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn سأذهب إلی الشاطئ.,I will go to the beach.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn لا تعبث أبدا مع شخص كسامي، فلا يمكن التّنبّؤ بما سيفعله.,Never mess with a guy like Sami. He's completely unpredictable.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn من أنت؟,Who are you?,ara_Arab-eng_Latn حطّمَ النافذة.,He broke the window.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn بقي سامي شخصا بارزا في حيّه.,Sami maintained a visible profile in his neighborhood.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn يمكنك العودة إلى البيت لو أردت.,You can go home if you like.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn لا يمكنه التركيز على عمله الأكاديمي.,He is unable to concentrate on his academic work.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn سامي يحبّ الشّاطئ.,Sami loves the beach.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn بدأ سامي يقضي وقتا أكثر مع ليلى.,Sami began spending more time with Layla.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn هذه مسألة وقت.,It's a matter of time.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn الصحة هي أغلى شيء نملكه.,Health is the most precious thing we have.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn ضحك سامي في وجه ليلى.,Sami smiled at Layla.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn كان ذلك آخر استعراض حبّ قام به سامي تجاه ليلى.,That was Sami's final act of love for Layla.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn كانا سامي و ليلى يقضيان في كلّ يوم عشرين دقيقة معا.,Sami and Layla spend twenty minutes with each other every day.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn إنه لا يعرف الكثير عن اليابان.,He doesn't know a lot about Japan.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn كانت يدى سامي في جيوبه.,Sami had his hands in his pockets.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn عليك أن تفهم ذلك.,You have to understand that.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn لن يسيء لكن أحد.,Nobody is going to hurt you.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn لم يستطِع أن يسيطر على غضبه.,He could not control his anger.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn رجاءً أطفئ التلفاز.,Please turn off the television.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn هذا أصغر من ذاك.,This is smaller than that.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn خسرت وظيفتي.,I lost my job.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn كنت بصدد إخبار سامي.,I was going to tell Sami.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn ظننت أنّها فكرة رائعة.,I thought it was a great idea.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn كيف جرى الأمر؟,How did it go?,ara_Arab-eng_Latn هل ستبقى في البيت؟,Will you stay at home?,ara_Arab-eng_Latn "Al cabo de poco tiempo, Laila se quedó embarazada.","Within a very short period of time, Layla was pregnant.",ara_Arab-eng_Latn كان سامي ينتظر أخبارا.,Sami was waiting for news.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn كانت تسخر من زوجها.,She made fun of her husband.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn كان سامي في المنزل.,Sami was home.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn قام سامي بشيء.,Sami did something.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn شعرت بالصّدمة.,I was in shock.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn لقد وقعت في ورطة كبيرة.,I was in big trouble.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn لا أحد سيتزوّج من فاضل.,No one would marry Fadil.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn غرس أبي هذه الشجرة في اليوم الذي ولدت فيه.,My father planted this tree on the day I was born.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn أظن أن شجرة السنديان هذه هي الأكثر تعميرا في هذه الجزيرة.,I think this is the oldest oak tree on this island.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn سقطت شجرة فوق سيارتي الجديدة وأجبرت على أخذها لساحة الخردوات.,A tree fell on my new car and I had to junk it.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn "أظن أن قاطع تلك الأشجار كان ""توم"".",I think Tom was the one who cut down those trees.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn غرسنا بعض الأشجار في حديقنا الأمامية.,We planted several trees in our front yard.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn كانت ليلى مستاءة كثيرا.,Layla was very upset.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn بدأ سامي يرتعش.,Sami started shaking.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn بعد الغذاء لدينا درسان.,After lunch we have two more classes.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn هو حارس مرمى.,He's a goal keeper.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn فقدت زوجتي في حادث سير.,I lost my wife in a traffic accident.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn هل يمكنك أخذ هذا من فضلك؟,"Could you take this, please?",ara_Arab-eng_Latn Sami consiguió un trabajo en una granja.,Sami got a job working on a farm.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn قال سامي أنّ عيسى ليس الرّب.,Sami said that Jesus isn't God.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn أين يؤلمك؟,Where does it hurt?,ara_Arab-eng_Latn أرت ليلى خاتمها لسامي.,Layla showed Sami her ring.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn لا يمكنني الكذب.,I can't lie.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn اعتاد جدُّ ماري أن يحصد بالمِحْصَد,Mary's grandfather used to harvest by scythe.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn ليس لدي سر أخفيه عنك.,I have no secrets from you.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn عليك أن تعطيَني 500 دولار في الحال.,You must give me 500 dollars right now.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn كنت عاطفية جدّا.,I was very emotional.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn لم أفعل ذلك الشيء من أجله.,I didn't do it for him.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn حُكِم عليّ بالموت.,I was sentenced to death.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn القلم أقوى من السّيف.,The pen is mightier than the sword.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn أشعر بألم في بطني.,I have a stomachache.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn الرجل الطويل خرج من البيت.,The tall man came out of the house.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn هل الهِكسان سامٌّ؟,Is hexane toxic?,ara_Arab-eng_Latn ضَحِكَت حتى امتلأت عيناها بالدموع.,She laughed till she cried.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn الآن قد نَفِد السكر منهم.,They're out of sugar now.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn هل ستشارك ذلك؟,Are you going to share that?,ara_Arab-eng_Latn لم نَنْسَ,We didn't forget.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn ذهب إلى لندن لتعلم الإنجليزية.,He went to London to learn English.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn طوال الرحلة كلها كنت أفكر فيك,During the entire trip my thoughts were of you.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn هل كنت ستعيدها؟,Were you to take it back?,ara_Arab-eng_Latn لن ترى مصر مجدّدا.,You will never see Egypt again.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn كان مصيري محسوما.,My fate was sealed.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn سيُطلَق سراحك.,You will be released.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn نحن في الطريق.,We're on our way.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn لم يكن يعرف شيئا.,He didn't know anything.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn إننا نأخذك إلى مصر.,We're taking you to Egypt.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn إن القطار قد غادر.,The last train has already gone.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn """خذ."" ""شكرا.""","""Here you go."" ""Thank you.""",ara_Arab-eng_Latn لديّ ضغط مرتفع.,I have high blood pressure.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn لقد انتهت حياتي.,My life is over.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn أردت الانتحار.,I wanted to kill myself.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn لماذا لم تخبرنا بانك تعرف الفرنسية؟,Why didn't you tell us you knew French?,ara_Arab-eng_Latn هي وعدت بأن لاتتأخر مرة اخرى.,She promised not to be late again.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn إنّ الأمور لا يمكن أن تزداد سوءا.,Things can't be worse.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn هل سمعت ذلك يا مايك؟,"Did you hear that, Mike?",ara_Arab-eng_Latn أسرع يا مارتن. لقد تأخّرنا.,"Hurry up, Martin. We're already late!",ara_Arab-eng_Latn انظر، إنها تمطر.,"It is raining, you see.",ara_Arab-eng_Latn لعلمك، إنها تحب الحيوانات.,"She likes animals, you know?",ara_Arab-eng_Latn بوب أتى إلى هنا أليس كذلك؟,"Bob came here, didn't he?",ara_Arab-eng_Latn بوب هو الذي ضربني و ليس هي.,"Bob hit me, not her.",ara_Arab-eng_Latn لا تقفل الخط من فضلك.,"Don't hang up yet, please.",ara_Arab-eng_Latn أنا جاهز تقريباً.,I'm about ready.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn أشعر أني رشيق.,I'm feeling fit.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn لا أحب القهوة.,I don't like coffee.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn أريد بعض المال.,I want some money.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn لا تتهرّب من سؤالي.,Don't avoid my question.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn و لا تنسَ ريّ المزروعات.,And don't forget to water the plants.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn دع كاميرتي و شأنها.,Leave my camera alone.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn إغسل الصحون يا بن.,"You wash the dishes, Ben.",ara_Arab-eng_Latn أيمكنك أن تغلّف هذا كالهدايا، من فضلك؟,"Can you gift-wrap this, please?",ara_Arab-eng_Latn "الكلمة الفرنسية ""شا"" تعني قطة.",The French word 'chat' means 'cat'.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn سيفوز بيل، أليس كذلك؟,"Bill will win, won't he?",ara_Arab-eng_Latn قال فيليب: تعال و تحقق بنفسك.,"""Come and see"", said Philip.",ara_Arab-eng_Latn ناولني علبة زبدة الفول السوداني مع المربى إذا سمحت.,"Peanut butter and jelly, please.",ara_Arab-eng_Latn لنذهب باكراً.,"Let's go early, shall we?",ara_Arab-eng_Latn إلى أين أنت ذاهبٌ يا أبي؟,"Where are you going, Dad?",ara_Arab-eng_Latn إذهب ساعدهم يا باد.,"Go and help them, Bud.",ara_Arab-eng_Latn في الحقيقة، إنه مخطئ.,"Frankly speaking, he is wrong.",ara_Arab-eng_Latn من فضلك ناولني الزبدة.,"Pass me the butter, please.",ara_Arab-eng_Latn الدكتور باترسن: نعم، كان ذلك مريعاً.,"Dr. Patterson: Yes, it was horrible.",ara_Arab-eng_Latn أحضر لي المقص من فضلك.,"Get me the scissors, please.",ara_Arab-eng_Latn كيف حالك يا آنسة جون؟,"How are you, Mrs. Jones?",ara_Arab-eng_Latn فلنذهب إلى النوم.,Let's hit the sack.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn هلا تزوّجتني؟,Will you marry me?,ara_Arab-eng_Latn علماء الرياضيات كالفرنسيين. يأخذون كل ما تقوله لهم ثم يترجمونه إلى لغتهم و يغيّروه تماماً.,Mathematicians are like French people: whatever you tell them they translate it into their own language and turn it into something totally different.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn لا أحد غير ضحك.,No one else laughed.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn هل تريد سكّرًا؟,Do you want sugar?,ara_Arab-eng_Latn ليس لدينا سكر.,We have no sugar.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn اشتريت ساعة.,I bought a watch.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn خطّها جميل.,She has beautiful handwriting.,ara_Arab-eng_Latn حتّا واحد ما راح يعرف.,No one will know.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn عندي بزّاف حوايج في راسي هاد لّييامات.,I have too many things on my mind these days.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn واش حساباتلك كونت ندير⸮,What do you think I've been doing?,arq_Arab-eng_Latn خير تكون مكروه علا جال واش تكون خير من لي تكون محبوب علا واش ما راكش.,Better to be hated for who you are than loved for who you're not.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn لقيتني وين حتّا واحد ما حوّس.,You found me where no one else was looking.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn نتا مالايكا!,You're an angel!,arq_Arab-eng_Latn هادا ماشي امپۆرتان.,This is not important.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn دايمن يشكييو,They always complain.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn لازم نرقد.,I have to go to bed.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn واقيل راني رايح نرقد.,I think I'm gonna go to sleep.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn ما كانش حاجا شابّا خير من لاڥيريتي,Nothing is beautiful but the truth.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn الكلمة الحسنة تعادل الفعل الحسن,Come and write your name.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn ما قعدتش بزاف.,She didn't last long.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn راك تهضر علييا⸮,Are you referring to me?,arq_Arab-eng_Latn راني رايح نتيتي عليه.,I'm gonna shoot him.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn لفاقير ماشي لّي عندوش شوييا، مي لّي يسحق بزّاف.,"Poor is not the one who has too little, but the one who wants too much.",arq_Arab-eng_Latn جامي ما شفت فريجيدار حمر.,I never saw a red fridge.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn اوكون غير قبلْت نعاون توم ب هادي لحاجا.,I should have agreed to help Tom with that.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn انا صح جاياح... راني نفهّم فيك حوايج ما رانيش فاممهوم.,I'm so dumb... I'm trying to explain things to you that I don't understand myself.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn .مانيش ڨع فاهم عقليتها,I can't understand her way of thinking at all.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn رايحا تدّيلي بزّاف وقت باش نفهّملك بلّي ما راهيش رايحا تمشي.,It would take me too much time to explain to you why it's not going to work.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn اغلقي قع البيبان و التوقي.,Close all the doors and windows!,arq_Arab-eng_Latn نقشّرلك تْشينة.,I'll peel an orange for you.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn مانيش ارتيست، ژامي ما كانت عندي لاّم تاعها.,I am not an artist. I never had the knack for it.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn راك رايح تروح؟,Are you going to go?,arq_Arab-eng_Latn بنتي تحبّ الفاكية تاع الصيف: حبّ الملوك، الدلاّع، الخوخ.,"My daughter likes summer fruits, such as cherries, watermelons and peaches.",arq_Arab-eng_Latn شريت دلاّعة؟,Have you bought a watermelon?,arq_Arab-eng_Latn ما تّسّنّاش نّاس تخمّم في پلاصتك!,Don't expect others to think for you!,arq_Arab-eng_Latn واحد الطُپة قطعت الطريق تجري.,A rat ran across the road.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn كل صبحة نروح نقضي.,I go shopping every morning.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn تعرف عليمن يغلق الحانوت؟,Do you know what time the shop is closed?,arq_Arab-eng_Latn هادي صاحبتي راشال. كونّا كيف كيف ف ليشي.,This is my friend Rachel. We went to high school together.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn ما نشوفوش لحوايج كيما راهوم، نشوفوهوم كيما حنا.,"We don't see things as they are, but as we are.",arq_Arab-eng_Latn هادو لحوايج ماشي ديالي!,These things aren't mine!,arq_Arab-eng_Latn يبغي التحواس.,He loves taking trips.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn شكّيت بلّي مور كولّ حاجا لازم نديروها، كاين حاجا حايبين نديروها...,"I suppose that behind each thing we have to do, there's something we want to do...",arq_Arab-eng_Latn يعطيك صسحّا كيما فهّمتلي وعلاش فينالمان نّاس تحسبني حمار.,Thanks for having explained to me at last why people take me for an idiot.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn أرواح معايا.,Come with me.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn لّي ادوتي علا روحو، هادا سيني لّوّل تع لانتيلّلژانس.,To have doubts about oneself is the first sign of intelligence.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn ما تقدرش تسّنّا منّي نفكّر دايمن علا كولّش.,You can't expect me to always think of everything!,arq_Arab-eng_Latn الكلْب نتاع توم بغى يُخرج.,Tom's dog wanted to go outside.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn مانهدرش الرومية.,I don't speak French.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn واقيلا رايحا تجي.,I think that she will come.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn تعرف تستعمل قاموس؟,Do you know how to use a dictionary?,arq_Arab-eng_Latn احضره في وقت قريب.,Bring it over soon.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn لازم نتّعلّمو نعيشو كيف كيف كي لخاوا، سينۆن نموتو كي لبهالل.,"We must learn to live together as brothers, or we will perish together as fools.",arq_Arab-eng_Latn مازالني نبغيه.,I still love him.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn درك راني عايش مع خالي.,Now I live with my uncle.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn كي شّكوپّي، دۆكّا كولّ ما نستعمل پيسي راسي يوجع.,So annoying... Now I get a headache whenever I use the computer!,arq_Arab-eng_Latn راح اكون لبرد سّمانا لجايا.,It may freeze next week.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn شكون هو الحيوان اللّي تحبّو بزاف؟,What is your favorite animal?,arq_Arab-eng_Latn ما نتفاهمش معا بابا.,I don't see eye to eye with my father.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn فور كي تربح.,It's great to win.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn ما عندي حاجة في القهوة.,I don't care much for coffee.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn توم دارهم ليك.,Tom made these for you.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn حبّيت نشوف هاد الفيلم.,I'd love to see the movie.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn سّخّانا هنا.,It's hot out here.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn مالارازمان راهي صح.,It is unfortunately true.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn نكره لفرنسي.,I hate French.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn بابا قطّع لحطب بالمنشار,My father cut wood with a saw.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn سمحتلو.,She forgave him.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn """واش راه صاري داخل لاكاڥ⸮ حبّيت نعرف."" ""ولّاه ما علابالي.""","""What's going on in the cave? I'm curious."" ""I have no idea.""",arq_Arab-eng_Latn بانلي شغل تعرف كلّش.,It seems like you know everything already.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn انت ڥريمان ماشي جايح.,You're really not stupid.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn واحد، زوج، ثلاثة، ربعة، خمسة، ستّة، سبعة، ثمنية، تسعة، عشرة.,"One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten.",arq_Arab-eng_Latn امپۆسّيبل علييّا نفهّم لك.,It's impossible for me to explain it to you.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn نتقلّق كيما صحاب لمات لّي يعّرفو كتر منّي بلبزّاف ما يقدروش افهّمو رواحتيهوم مليح.,I don't like it when mathematicians who know much more than I do can't express themselves explicitly.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn راني نخمّم نطلع للجبال.,I am thinking of going to the mountains.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn ليريپۆنس لّي تستفاد منهوم هوما ليريپۆنس لّي اخلقو ليكيستيۆن ژدد.,The only useful answers are those that raise new questions.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn بغيت نبات ليلة واحدة.,I'd like to stay for one night.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn مالازمش تكيّف حتّى تكبر.,You must not smoke till you grow up.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn "كيفاش يتنكتب ""شباب""⸮","How do you spell ""pretty""?",arq_Arab-eng_Latn كاين بزّاف كلامي ما نفهمهومش.,There are many words that I don't understand.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn نصحقّو طّونوبيل.,We need a car.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn التفّاحة كلاه الولد.,The apple is eaten by the child.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn ژامي ما كونت ندوڥينيها.,I would never have guessed that.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn البحر خضر.,The sea is green.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn درتها مرّا.,I did that one time.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn شحال في عمرك؟,How old are you?,arq_Arab-eng_Latn بغيت نشوف الشومبرة.,I should like to see the room.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn اُغسل يدّيك.,Wash your hands.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn تاع منُّه هاذا؟,Whose is this?,arq_Arab-eng_Latn قراو كتابها.,They read her book.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn منينك؟,Where are you from?,arq_Arab-eng_Latn ما فهمت والوا فواش راك تقول.,I don't understand a thing you're saying.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn حاب حاجا تشربها⸮,Would you like something to drink?,arq_Arab-eng_Latn ماريكا فينلاندية، بصّح تهدر الألمانية كي الألمانيين سواسوا.,Marika is Finnish but she speaks German just like the Germans.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn ادا ما تاكولش تموت.,"If you don't eat, you die.",arq_Arab-eng_Latn """حجرا تدور ما تتعمّرش ب لاموس"" هووا پرۆڥارب.","""A rolling stone gathers no moss"" is a proverb.",arq_Arab-eng_Latn دير ڨع واش اقولّك.,Do whatever he tells you.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn اوكون غير كونت نمدّ قيما ل نۆت ديالي بصّح تبانلي بلّي، ف وقت من حياتي، ديسيديت ما رايحينش ازودو اكونو امپۆرتان.,"I wish I could care more about my grades but it seems that, at a certain point of my life, I decided they wouldn't be so important anymore.",arq_Arab-eng_Latn ما نقّدروش نرّقدو علاجال لحسّ.,We can't sleep because of the noise.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn ۆه، سمحلي.,"Oh, I'm sorry.",arq_Arab-eng_Latn لقط ديالي ينبح.,My cat barks.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn توم هو اللي مدلي هاد الفيلو.,Tom is the one who gave me this bicycle.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn توم هو اللي ورالي كيفاش ندير.,Tom is the one who showed me how to do it.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn """يعطيك صّحّا علا لمعاونا ديالك."" ""بلا مزييا.""","""Thank you for helping me."" ""Don't mention it.""",arq_Arab-eng_Latn انا طّبيب تع توم.,I'm Tom's doctor.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn توم هو اللي قالي وقتاش الاجتماع.,Tom is the one who told me when the meeting would be.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn حتّا حاجا ما تكمل بلا مجهود.,Nothing is achieved without effort.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn """هادي حاجا ژانتيي من عندك،"" ريپۆندات ويلي .","""That's very nice of you,"" Willie answered.",arq_Arab-eng_Latn ما علاباليش واش راك تمعني.,I don't know what you mean.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn ماشي لا فۆت ديالي!,It's not my fault!,arq_Arab-eng_Latn ما نقدرش نعيش بلا لاتالا.,I can't live without a TV.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn لكۆمّونيكاسيۆن ديالهوم راهي پلوس كۆمپلكس علا واش حساباتلنا.,Their communication may be much more complex than we thought.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn اقولو بلّي لامور عما.,They say love is blind.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn طّليان بلاد شابّا.,Italy is a very beautiful country.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn Wech rak?,How are you?,arq_Arab-eng_Latn """هادا واش كونت نحوّس!"" قالها ب زڨا.","""This is what I was looking for!"" he exclaimed.",arq_Arab-eng_Latn راني رايح نرفد خويا من لمسيد.,I am going to pick up my brother from school.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn "قال لي: ""دير فييا كۆنفيانس.""","""Trust me,"" he said.",arq_Arab-eng_Latn اسك بعيدا من هنا⸮,Is it far from here?,arq_Arab-eng_Latn كانت واجدا باش تعاونهم بش إينقِّيو ادّار.,She was ready to help him with cleaning the house.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn افتح فومّك!,Open your mouth!,arq_Arab-eng_Latn طوم صغير بشويّة برك على ماري.,Tom is only a little older than Mary.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn راني مسقسي روحي شحال رايحا طّوّل.,I wonder how long it's going to take.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn لاماجۆريتي تاع نّاس تامن بلّي انا مهبول.,Most people think I'm crazy.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn راهو يضرب فييا ب كودپييات!,He's kicking me!,arq_Arab-eng_Latn ادا كاين واحد سقساق وشنو هووا لمعنا تاع لحكايا، ماعلاباليش ڨع.,"If anyone was to ask what the point of the story is, I really don't know.",arq_Arab-eng_Latn ماتكونش جايح.,Don't be so stupid.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn ادا حبّيت نخّلعك، اوكون قلتلك واش نمت عدها سمانات.,"If I wanted to scare you, I would tell you what I dreamt about a few weeks ago.",arq_Arab-eng_Latn ۆه، دۆركا ولّات ڥريمان بيزار...,"Uh, now it's really weird...",arq_Arab-eng_Latn شميت وحدة.,I smelled one.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn غير دخلت لشّمبرا خرج.,He left the room as soon as I entered it.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn نحبّك.,I love you.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn """راني حايب نلعلب كارطا."" ""انا ڨانا.""","""I feel like playing cards."" ""So do I.""",arq_Arab-eng_Latn حبّيت تهضرلي علا لاليبارتي⸮,You wanted to tell me about freedom?,arq_Arab-eng_Latn تبحّرلي لپۆرتفاي ديالي.,I have lost my wallet.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn ما خلاّوناش ندّخلو لهاداك الكاف.,We weren't allowed to go into that cave.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn نكره رتيلات هادو. دايمن هنا اخوفو فييا كي نّقّي.,I hate those spiders. They're always there to freak me out when I'm cleaning.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn ما يخلّوش الدراري يدّخلو لهاد البار.,Children aren't allowed in this bar.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn لپيسي ديالي لازم اكون عندو حاجا موفيدا.,My computer has got to be useful for something.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn حبّيت بابور يدّيني بعيد علا هنا.,I want a boat that will take me far away from here.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn ممنوع تدخل لهاد البيت.,You aren't allowed in this room.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn واش ريپۆنديت⸮,What did you answer?,arq_Arab-eng_Latn ممنوع تدخل لتم.,You aren't allowed in there.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn نحب ضو تع شّمعا.,I like candlelight.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn عندها رّوز؟,Does she have rice?,arq_Arab-eng_Latn عشر سّنين راهي وقت بزّاف لواحد يسّنّاها.,Ten years is a long time to wait.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn عندو رّوز؟,Does he have rice?,arq_Arab-eng_Latn وشنو هنا، ما راهيش سي سامپل.,"Except that here, it's not so simple.",arq_Arab-eng_Latn وين راك رايح تروح.,Where are you going to go?,arq_Arab-eng_Latn شفتو كي كنت فلامبطون؟,Did you see him while you were at Lambton?,arq_Arab-eng_Latn الحال شوية سخون اليوم.,It's fairly warm today.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn ممنوع تدخلي لهتا.,You aren't allowed in here.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn صبت سۆلوسيۆن، مي صبتها سي راپيدمان كو ما قادراش تكون سۆلوسيۆن مليحا.,"I found a solution, but I found it so fast that it can't be the right solution.",arq_Arab-eng_Latn نقدر برك نوهم ادا كانت كيف كيف معا ڨع نّاس لخرين.,I can only wonder if this is the same for everyone else.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn راني رايح نشري بارابلي جديد.,I am buying a new umbrella.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn ما رانيش ناوي ندير واش قال لي طوم.,I don't intend to do what Tom told me to do.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn هادي تصويرا ريسانت؟,Is it a recent picture?,arq_Arab-eng_Latn كونت ف لجبل.,I was in the mountains.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn صعيبا تهضر مليح رومييا ف 2 ولّا 3 سنين.,It's quite difficult to master French in 2 or 3 years.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn ما علاباليش واش نقول.,I just don't know what to say.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn قريب دۆكّ نولّي.,I will be back soon.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn طوم و صحابو يلّعبو البوكير قريب كل جمعة العشية.,Tom and his friends play poker almost every Friday night.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn "لمۆدپاس هووا ""مويرال"".","The password is ""Muiriel"".",arq_Arab-eng_Latn دوكّا، مويرال في عمرها 20.,Muiriel is 20 now.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn دوكّ ندير كولّش باش ما نديرانجيكش كي تقرا.,I'll do my best not to disturb your studying.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn مينداك قادر اكون انسان بيزار.,Sometimes he can be a strange guy.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn طوم و ماري راهوم يلّعبو في البوكير.,Tom and Mary are playing poker.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn ملڤاش توم بلاصة مليحة باش يدرڤ.,Tom couldn't find a good place to hide.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn لاخاطرش ما راكش حايب تكون وحدك.,It's because you don't want to be alone.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn واقيل راح ناباندۆني او نضرب فيها سياست.,I may give up soon and just nap instead.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn ندخل 100€ ف نّهار.,I make €100 a day.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn رايحا تسقاملك € 30.,This will cost €30.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn راك خير منّي.,You're in better shape than I am.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn طوم سقسا ماري و صحابها إدا كانوا حابّين يلّعبو الستريب بوكير، بالصّح ما قبلوش.,"Tom asked Mary and her friends if they wanted to play strip poker, but they refused.",arq_Arab-eng_Latn ما علاباليش كيفاش رايح نبيّنها، لاخاطرش باينا كي شّمس!,"I don't know how to demonstrate it, since it's too obvious!",arq_Arab-eng_Latn نكره شّيمي.,I hate chemistry.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn قيس قبل ما تغيص.,The devil is in the details.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn حساباتلي خوه.,I mistook him for his brother.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn يمّا، راني ف دّار.,"Mom, I'm home.",arq_Arab-eng_Latn ادا تشوف غلطا، مادا بيك تسڨّمها.,"If you see a mistake, then please correct it.",arq_Arab-eng_Latn نصحق نسقسيق كستيۆن جايحا.,I need to ask you a silly question.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn واسمني جاك.,My name is Jack.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn كانت مليحة معايا.,She was kind to me.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn أنا ما نتكيفش.,I don't smoke.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn ف لخمسينات، كانو ليفينوا مسيتيين علا لماكلا لفاقيرا ديالهوم ف لعالم.,"In the 1950's, the Finns were cited as having one of the least healthy diets in the world.",arq_Arab-eng_Latn لمسيد راو مغلوق علا جال التلج.,The school is closed because of the snow.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn راني رايح نلعب سودۆكو مّالا خير ما نديرانژيك.,I will play Sudoku then instead of continuing to bother you.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn سرقلي الساعة تاعي.,He stole my watch.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn عندي تمنيا خاوة.,I have eight brothers.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn راك رايح ترقد ؟,Are you going to sleep?,arq_Arab-eng_Latn كاين زوج طونوبيلات مڨاريين ف لڨاراج ديالو.,There are two cars standing in his garage.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn شحال عندك من صاحابك في الفايسبوك؟,How many friends do you have on Facebook?,arq_Arab-eng_Latn واش حايب تمعني كي راك تقول بلّي ما تعرفش⸮!,What do you mean you don't know?!,arq_Arab-eng_Latn شكون ما يعرفش هاد لپرۆبلام؟!,Who doesn't know this problem?!,arq_Arab-eng_Latn اغلقو قع البيبان و التواقي.,Close all the windows and doors!,arq_Arab-eng_Latn طوم راه حايب نتكلّمو.,Tom wants us to talk.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn راك معايا، كولّش راهو انتيك دۆكّا.,You're by my side; everything's fine now.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn طوم لقى ماري مخبية في البلاكار.,Tom found Mary hiding in the closet.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn ما تحلش الباب هذا من فضلك.,"Don't open this door, please.",arq_Arab-eng_Latn لارشي قتل سّار.,The archer killed the deer.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn "ما كونتش نيماژيني روحي نحوّس علا ""ڥياڨرا"" ف ويكيپديا.","I wouldn't have thought I would someday look up ""Viagra"" in Wikipedia.",arq_Arab-eng_Latn """ما رانيش قادرا نخمّم معا لحسّ هادا،"" هييا قالت، او كانت تشوف ف لاماشينا تع لكتيبا.","""I can't think with that noise,"" she said, as she stared at the typewriter.",arq_Arab-eng_Latn فتحت لي عينييّا علا واش راهي، كيما اكون كولّش مليح.,You opened up my eyes to what it's like when everything is right.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn خسارا ما نصحقش نشيان.,It's too bad that I don't need to lose weight.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn الّان هوا پۆات.,Allen is a poet.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn راني رايح ندير ليكورس، نولّي علا ساعا.,I have to go shopping. I'll be back in an hour.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn دّنيا پلاست لمهابل.,The world is a den of crazies.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn """نقول لك صّح، نخاف لعيالي."" ""نتا مخوافا!""","""To tell you the truth, I am scared of heights."" ""You are a coward!""",arq_Arab-eng_Latn عاودو فوطاو عليه مير.,He was re-elected mayor.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn هوما ڨع كيف كيف⸮,Are they all the same?,arq_Arab-eng_Latn قادر تكۆمپۆزي نومرۆ في پلاصتي⸮ تيليفون راهو عالي بزّاف.,Could you dial for me? The telephone is too high.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn قبل ما تعرفها نتا، تكون نتا ف لجرنان.,"Next thing you know, you'll be in the papers.",arq_Arab-eng_Latn كيفاش تقولها ب طّاليانييا⸮,How do you say that in Italian?,arq_Arab-eng_Latn لواحد ما يسّنّا والو من لمسايد.,One can't expect everything from schools.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn او... كيفاش تمشي⸮,Uh... How's that working?,arq_Arab-eng_Latn قريب ما كان حتّى واحد في هاديك الصالة.,There was hardly anyone in the room.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn قالولنا نريّحو ما نتحركوش هاد الساعة.,They advised us to stay put for the time being.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn ف لّوّل، راني رايح ندير شيما تع سّيت انترنات ژديد ديالي.,"First, I'm going to do an outline of my new website.",arq_Arab-eng_Latn طوم راه يشرب شيوة ما.,Tom is drinking some water.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn """تحب لموسيقا."" ""انا تاني.""","""She likes music."" ""So do I.""",arq_Arab-eng_Latn كبير على جاين بعامين.,He is older than Jane by two years.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn قولتلهوم بّغتولي تيكي وحداخر.,I told them to send me another ticket.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn راني رايح نروح.,I'm going to go.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn واقيلا لازم ترقد.,You should sleep.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn توژور حبّيت كتر ليپارسۆناژ لّي عنهوم ميستار.,I always liked mysterious characters more.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn نزڨيلهوم غدوا كي نولّي.,I'll call them tomorrow when I come back.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn توحّشتك.,I miss you.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn طوم راه يشرب شيوة قهوة.,Tom is drinking some coffee.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn طوم راه يشرب البيرة.,Tom is drinking a beer.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn انا قرعاجي.,I am curious.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn بمعنى واحد آخر، فنيان.,"In other words, he is lazy.",arq_Arab-eng_Latn حاجا ماشي مليحا؟,Is it bad?,arq_Arab-eng_Latn واحد ژاپۆني ژامي ما يدير حاجا كيما هادي.,A Japanese would never do such a thing.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn تقدر تعمل فيّل مزيّا.,May I ask a favor of you?,arq_Arab-eng_Latn ما قبلتش تدير واش طلبو منها.,She refused to do what they wanted.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn هادي جامي ما تخلاص.,This is never going to end.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn راهوم بزّاف مشغولين يضضاربو ما بيناتهوم باش يقّدرو اخمّمو علا كيفاش يتفاهمو.,They are too busy fighting against each other to care for common ideals.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn شحال كاين من تاقة؟,How many windows are there?,arq_Arab-eng_Latn نبداو نقيسو لحمَّى ديالك قبل.,Let's take your temperature first.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn لّخّر لّي قولتلو واش نخمّم حسبني مهبول.,The last person I told my idea to thought I was nuts.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn ژامي ما حبّيت لبيۆلۆژي.,I never liked biology.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn واحد لوقت كونت حايب نولّي استرۆفيزيسيان.,I once wanted to be an astrophysicist.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn طوم راه يشرب في الشامبان.,Tom is drinking champagne.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn دايما نروح لّمسيد نمشي.,I always walk to school.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn معلاباليش بيه.,I don't care for him.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn هادي لحاجا لجايحا لّي قولتها في حياتي.,That's the stupidest thing I've ever said.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn راك تتمسخر بييا⸮,Are you freaking kidding me?!,arq_Arab-eng_Latn درت روحي مافهمتش واش كان إيقول.,I pretended not to understand what he was saying.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn تديپاندي علا لكۆنتكست.,It depends on the context.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn ما علا باليش وعلاه، مي نحسّ روحي حي كتر ف لّيك.,For some reason I feel more alive at night.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn ما تسورپريزينيش.,It doesn't surprise me.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn ۆه، كاين پاپييّۆن شباب!,"Oh, there's a butterfly!",arq_Arab-eng_Latn جڨاب لي ربّي حاجا ماشي كيف كيف كيما تخمّمّلها بعد ما تعطيها لوقت.,I suppose it's different when you think about it over the long term.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn كاين بزّاف لحوايج لازم يندارو.,There are too many things to do!,arq_Arab-eng_Latn راك سور⸮,Are you sure?,arq_Arab-eng_Latn مات طوم.,Tom has passed away.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn دايمن دمانديت روحي واش تكون ادا كان عندي خاوا.,I've always wondered what it'd be like to have siblings.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn هادا واش پرۆبابلمان انفلوانسا ديسيزيۆن ديالهوم.,That was probably what influenced their decision.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn راني نهضر برك!,I'm just saying!,arq_Arab-eng_Latn ما رانيش حوتا تاع صّح، انا پلّوشا برك.,"I'm not a real fish, I'm just a mere plushy.",arq_Arab-eng_Latn حتانا بانتلي هاكدا.,"I think so, too.",arq_Arab-eng_Latn انا شحال سمين!,I'm so fat.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn لماريكان پلاصا شابّا باش تعيش، ادا راك هنا باش تدير دراهم.,"America is a lovely place to be, if you are here to earn money.",arq_Arab-eng_Latn كي نكبر، حايب نولّي صلطان.,"When I grow up, I want to be a king.",arq_Arab-eng_Latn كاپابل تدوڥيني وحدك واش صرا.,You can probably guess what happens though.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn مانيش حايب نكون خرا، حايب نكون ستيل!,I don't want to be lame; I want to be cool!!,arq_Arab-eng_Latn بالاك انا انتيسۆسيال، بصّح ماشي معناها ما نهدرش معا نّاس.,"I may be antisocial, but it doesn't mean I don't talk to people.",arq_Arab-eng_Latn غدوا ما نقراوش.,We have no school tomorrow.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn شحال عندك من صحاب قراب⸮,How many close friends do you have?,arq_Arab-eng_Latn لازم نكۆنسيديريو لحاجا لماشي مليحا لّي قادرا تصرا.,Let's consider the worst that could happen.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn ما عنديش لانتانسيۆن نكون اڨۆيست.,I don't intend to be selfish.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn تكون حاجا لازم نپرۆڨراميها.,It would be something I'd have to program.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn """وعلاش ما تروحش⸮"" ""پاسك ما رانيش حايب.""","""Why aren't you going?"" ""Because I don't want to.""",arq_Arab-eng_Latn هادي كلما حايب نلقا كلما وحدوخرا في پلاصتها.,It's a word I'd like to find a substitute for.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn مينداك ما نقدرش نخبّي ليزيمۆسيۆن ديالي.,Sometimes I can't help showing emotions.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn لاخاطرش نتي طفلا.,That's because you're a girl.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn دّنيا تخلاص باش نقدر نفهّم حاجا.,It would take forever for me to explain everything.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn هادا وش كونت نقولو ادا كانت انا.,This is what I would have said.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn ادا نقدر نبعتلك ڨيمۆڥ، ترانڨ، نديرها.,"If I could send you a marshmallow, Trang, I would.",arq_Arab-eng_Latn قريب ڨع نّاس يكّتبو علا حياتهوم لّي اعيشوها.,Most people write about their daily life.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn عندي ميكرو.,I have a computer.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn حساباتلي تحبّ تتعلّم حوايج ژدد.,I thought you liked to learn new things.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn هادا وش راه مفهّم معا لخّر.,That is somewhat explained at the end.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn شوف، بالاك ما عنديش دراهم، بصّح عندي نّيف.,"Hey, I may have no money, but I still have my pride.",arq_Arab-eng_Latn كنت قدّك.,I used to be the same age as you.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn كي نضت، كونت تريست.,"When I woke up, I was sad.",arq_Arab-eng_Latn كي كونت ف لّيشي، كونت نّوض علا 6 كولّ صباح.,"Back in high school, I got up at 6 a.m. every morning.",arq_Arab-eng_Latn نكون ماشي فرحان، بصّح ما نقتلش روحي.,"I'd be unhappy, but I wouldn't kill myself.",arq_Arab-eng_Latn علاش تخدم هنا.,Why do you work here?,arq_Arab-eng_Latn في رايي، لواحد اكون خير ماشي مربّي.,I think it is best not to be impolite.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn كانت دايمن هاكدا.,This is always the way it has been.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn نييّا حاجا شابا.,Innocence is a beautiful thing.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn بالاك رايحا تكون اڨزاكتمان كيف كيف ليه.,Maybe it will be exactly the same for him.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn شحال قعدت؟,How long did you stay?,arq_Arab-eng_Latn كولّ ما نلقا حاجا تعجبني، تكون غاليا بزّاف.,"Whenever I find something I like, it's too expensive.",arq_Arab-eng_Latn حبو ياخدو تصويرا تع الزواج ديالهم قدام لاتوريفال.,They wanted a wedding picture in front of the Eiffel Tower.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn ما نقدرش نقول لها دۆكّا، ما راهيش ساهلا كيما بكري.,I can't tell her now. It's not that simple anymore.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn مالازمش تحقر حتى بنادم علاخطرش فقير.,You must not despise someone because they are poor.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn نسحقُّوك.,We need you.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn دنّا ليها وخمس معاها.,He went up to her and they shook hands.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn بزاف ناس دارو نفس الغلطة.,Many people have made the same mistake.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn كولّ واحد لّي راهو وحدو راه وحدو لاخاطرش اخاف من لخرين.,Every person who is alone is alone because they are afraid of others.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn لحيات هيّا واش يصرالك كيما تكون مشغول تپلانيفيي حوايج واحدوخرين.,Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn لازملي وقت بش نتعلم لالمانيّا.,It will take me some time to learn German.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn ختي دايمن تخلِّي لبِيت ديالها نقِيا.,My sister always keeps her room clean.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn زيادا على هادا، يقدر يقرا العبريا.,"Above and beyond this, he can read Hebrew.",arq_Arab-eng_Latn وعلاش ما حبستهومش؟,Why didn't you stop them?,arq_Arab-eng_Latn لوكان ماكانش كاين الما، حتى حاجا ما تقدر تعيش.,"If it were not for water, no living things could live.",arq_Arab-eng_Latn کدوم گوری هستی؟,Where the hell are you?,arq_Arab-eng_Latn لعيباد تع مادريد ناس بيزار.,People from Madrid are weird.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn صح، كانت طفلة تحشم بزَّاف.,Yes. She used to be a very shy girl.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn ما عنديش كۆنت ف هاد لي فۆرۆم.,I do not have an account in these forums.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn راك تقول بلّي خبّيت جمالك بلعاني⸮,You are saying you intentionally hide your good looks?,arq_Arab-eng_Latn ولاَّو صحاب كتر كي دخلو لجامِعا وحدا,They became all the better friends because they entered the same college.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn بزاف دراري صغار ما يحبوش الخضرا، بصح خويا صغير إيحبها.,"Many children don't like vegetables, but my little brother loves them.",arq_Arab-eng_Latn يمَّاك راي فدَّار؟,Is your mom at home?,arq_Arab-eng_Latn ماشي دايمن أنُّوض بكري.,I don't always get up early.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn صاحب خويا.,He is my brother's friend.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn إيخلصوني مليح، بصَّح من جيها خرا لازم نخدم طناش نساعا فنهار.,"The job pays well, but on the other hand I have to work twelve hours a day.",arq_Arab-eng_Latn تقدر تقولِّي وسمك؟,May I have your name?,arq_Arab-eng_Latn دورك نفرِيوها.,We'll work it out.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn بَعّد علِيا.,Get away from me!,arq_Arab-eng_Latn ارواح الوقت اللّي حبّيت.,Come whenever you like.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn وين نروحو أمبعد.,Where are we going after?,arq_Arab-eng_Latn كاين زوج طونوبيلات ف لڨاراج ديالو.,There are two cars in his garage.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn ماشي لغلطا ديالهم.,It's not their fault.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn اهي، لّيل راهي طويلا، اه ولّا لالا⸮,"Well, the night is quite long, isn't it?",arq_Arab-eng_Latn وعلاش ماشي في زوج؟,Why not both?,arq_Arab-eng_Latn ماشي لمرَّا لّولا.,It's not the first time.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn قُلتلو يحبّس.,I told him to stop.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn تقدر تحكلي دهري.,Can you rub my back?,arq_Arab-eng_Latn راي توجّد في روحَّا.,She's getting ready.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn هادي تحيّر.,That is intriguing.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn واقيلا عندي تاۆري عليها.,I think I have a theory about that.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn ما نقدرش نعيش وحدي.,I can survive alone.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn ما رانيش حايب ننسا ليزيدي ديالي، مام ادا شوييا فيهوم اكسترام.,"I don't want to lose my ideas, even though some of them are a bit extreme.",arq_Arab-eng_Latn معا لغاشي لّي داير بيه، ولّا شوييّا مقلّق.,With so many people around he naturally became a bit nervous.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn المشية تاعك بهدلت العايلة تاعنا.,Your behavior brought disgrace on our family.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn شفت التيليفيزيون مور ما غسلت المواعن.,I watched TV after I washed the dishes.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn وين راهي دّوش؟,Where are the showers?,arq_Arab-eng_Latn نكره كيما يكون بزّاف لغاشي.,I hate it when there are a lot of people.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn اوكون غير نقدر نروح ل ژّاپۆن.,I wish I could go to Japan.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn اسمحولي شدِّيتكم بزّاف.,I'm sorry I've kept you waiting so long.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn تقدر تديرها.,You can do it.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn راني فرحان بالمسيد تاعي.,I'm proud of my school.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn ادا تقرا ليپارۆل، ما عدهومش ڥريمان معنا.,"If you look at the lyrics, they don't really mean much.",arq_Arab-eng_Latn ما كونتش حايبها تصرا.,I didn't want this to happen.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn راك غير هارب من ليپرۆبلام تع لحيات.,You're just running away from life's problems.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn راك هايل.,You look stunning!,arq_Arab-eng_Latn تقّدري تسنّاي شويّا.,Can you wait a bit?,arq_Arab-eng_Latn ادا ما عرفتنيش هاكدا، مّالا ما كونتش تعرفني ڨع.,If you didn't know me that way then you simply didn't know me.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn ف لا تاۆري راني مداير مات.,"Theoretically, I'm doing math.",arq_Arab-eng_Latn صحّا علا لكسپليكاسيۆن ديالك.,Thanks for your explanation.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn هادي ما كانتش نييتي.,That wasn't my intention.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn راكي هايلة.,You look stunning.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn ادا ما راكش حايب تدير لاكرام سۆلار، پرۆبلام ديالك. ما تجيش برك تشكي عندي كي تتّحرڨ من شّمس.,"If you don't want to put on sunscreen, that's your problem. Just don't come complaining to me when you get a sunburn.",arq_Arab-eng_Latn سلّم على الدّراري تاوعك.,Give my love to your kids.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn هي زادت و كبرت في أوزاكا.,She was born and brought up in Osaka.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn فهمت كيفاش نفري المشكل هاداك.,I understand how to solve the problem.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn يا زّح! ولّاه انتيك!,Damn! It's not bad!,arq_Arab-eng_Latn كي وصل، سفّقو عليه.,His arrival was greeted with cheers.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn معامن راكم تهدرو؟,With whom are you talking?,arq_Arab-eng_Latn توم قريب مات من الخلعة.,Tom was scared to death.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn الشادي طاح مسّجرا,The monkey fell from the tree.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn هاديك الدعاية ما عندهاش الساس.,The rumor was without foundation.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn والدييا يدّاربو علا جال حوايج جايحين، حاجا تقلّق!,My parents keep arguing about stupid things. It's so annoying!,arq_Arab-eng_Latn قعدو بلا لسان.,They were left speechless.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn ارواح معايا درك.,Come with me now.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn كاش نهار ركبت البغل؟,Have you ever ridden a mule?,arq_Arab-eng_Latn اختي تزوجت بطبيب.,My sister married a doctor.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn شطّب على الكلمات اللّي ماشي صحاح.,Cross out the incorrect words.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn هادا هووا لخطّ ديالي!,That's MY line!,arq_Arab-eng_Latn كان لازم نديرو حاجة.,Something had to be done.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn بالصّح الكون ما يخلاصش.,But the universe is infinite.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn الشاطو هادا راه فوق المدينة.,This castle overlooks the city.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn حنايا رجال.,We are men.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn لپوليسييا تلقاك او تلقا ليبال.,The police will get you to find the bullets.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn كاين بزّاف بعاعش راهوم يصفّرو في الخلا.,A lot of insects are chirping in the field.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn صح طلب سّماح، بصّح مازالني زعفان.,"Even though he apologized, I'm still furious.",arq_Arab-eng_Latn طلب هاديك الخدمة و عطاوها لو.,He applied for the job and got it.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn بابا رجّع القاراج بيرو.,My father converted a garage into a study.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn ما رانيش راح نسقسيق حاجا وحدوخرا ليوم.,I won't ask you anything else today.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn ياكل غير الفاكية.,He eats nothing more than fruit.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn كاين ناس تاني يحبو ربيع خيرمن لخريف.,There are also people who like spring better than autumn.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn أنا و يمّا كّنا في الجنان.,Mother and I were in the garden.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn الناس المشهورين ماشي دايمن رزان.,Great people are not always wise.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn اسمح لي، راني مشغول درك.,"I'm sorry, I'm busy right now.",arq_Arab-eng_Latn شباب هاد الغروب تاع السميشة، ولاّ لالا؟,"Lovely sunset, isn't it?",arq_Arab-eng_Latn راني موافقك.,I agree with you.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn ما علاباليش ادا مازالها عندي.,I don't know if I still have it.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn تعّرفو واش معنتها الحبّ؟,Do you know what love is?,arq_Arab-eng_Latn لازم نخفّو رواحتينا.,We must move quickly.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn كنت مقلّق بزّاف.,It was a nervous moment for me.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn ما قادرش القانون تاع المسيد.,They did not abide by the school regulations.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn عطيت لو للكلب ياكل ولاّ مازال؟,Have you fed the dog yet?,arq_Arab-eng_Latn كانت تروح تطلع الجبل معاه.,She used to go mountain climbing with him.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn نمشي عشرين ميل في النهار.,I cover twenty miles a day.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn بالصّح عجبك؟,But do you like it?,arq_Arab-eng_Latn السقف تاع داري احمر.,The roof of my house is red.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn هاداك الجرح قّيح.,Pus has formed in the wound.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn لامور ژامي ما يتنخسر.,Love is never wasted.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn هاداك الطفل رسم زهور.,The child painted flowers.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn تعرف كيفاش تصوق طونوبيل؟,Do you know how to drive a car?,arq_Arab-eng_Latn ما جّيكش مام پا في راسك تاكول لّي شّيكولا ديالي.,Don't you even think of eating my chocolate!,arq_Arab-eng_Latn راني نشمّ الدّم.,I smell blood.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn لكلاسا ما تبداش حتّا تمنيا او نص.,Class doesn't begin until eight-thirty.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn باباه مات من مرض السرطان عندو عشر سنين.,His father had died of cancer 10 years ago.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn ما لازمش ترجّع الكلام ليمّاك كي تعيّط عليك.,You mustn't answer your mother back when she scolds you.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn وقتاش رحت؟,When did you go?,arq_Arab-eng_Latn هاد القهوة فيها بزّاف سكّر.,There's too much sugar in the coffee.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn كيفاش قادر نكون رۆبۆ⸮ رۆبۆوات ما يناموش.,How could I be a robot? Robots don't dream.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn هاداك الشيخ عندو عين عمية.,The old man is blind in one eye.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn خلّيني نرجّع النّفس.,Give me a break!,arq_Arab-eng_Latn قريب تّخلعت كيما شفتكت ۆنلاين نهار كۆمپلي.,It almost scared me not to see you online for a whole day.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn راني تاكل على طوم.,I count on Tom.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn واش هو الميكرو اللي راك تستعمل فيه؟,What make of computer do you use?,arq_Arab-eng_Latn اسمح لي كي خلعتك.,Sorry I startled you!,arq_Arab-eng_Latn تبان لي حاجا انتيريسّانت.,It seems interesting to me.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn علابالو واش راو حايب.,He knows what he wants.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn جاب خدّامة جديدة لدارو.,He employed a new maid.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn هدا هو عشانا لمخيَّر.,This is our favorite dinner.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn مازا عندك كاش فكرة هايلة؟,Do you have any more great ideas?,arq_Arab-eng_Latn قادر نقولوها ب فراز وحدوخرا⸮,Can it be phrased in another way?,arq_Arab-eng_Latn ما نقدرش نخايل حياتي بلا بيك.,I can't imagine my life without you.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn قالت راهي رايحة تعيّط لك من بعد.,She says she will call you later.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn من غير الرياضة، نحبّ نسمع للموسيقة تاع الجاز.,"Apart from sports, I like listening to jazz music.",arq_Arab-eng_Latn ما نقدرش نريّح درك. مازال عندي بزّاف شغل.,I cannot have a rest now. I have a lot of work to attend to.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn صحَّحت روحي.,I corrected myself.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn هو ما يحبّنيش.,He doesn't love me.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn كاش نهار نشّفتو شعركم بالسّيشوار؟,Have you ever dried your hair with a hairdrier?,arq_Arab-eng_Latn تكدب عليك كل وقت.,She lies to you all the time.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn نخافهم كتر من اللي نخافك.,I'm more afraid of them than I am of you.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn هاداك الراجل حبسوه على جال القتيلة.,The man was imprisoned for murder.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn ماعطاليش إسموا تع الصَّح.,He didn't give me his real name.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn قتلوه بالسّيف.,He was killed with a sword.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn قبلنا واش طلبو منّا.,We gave way to their demands.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn كي خلّيت ستاسيۆن تاع تران، شفت راجل.,"When I left the train station, I saw a man.",arq_Arab-eng_Latn بديت نقرا لكتاب.,I started reading the book.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn تقدر تروح للدّار.,You are free to go home.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn واش رايك في هاد الشّابو الاحمر؟,What do you think of this red hat?,arq_Arab-eng_Latn ما ولّيتش نحبّك خلاص.,I don't like you anymore.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn حاجة مليحة كي تقرا بزاف لكتابات.,Reading a lot of books is a good thing.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn ما رانيش قادر نفهّما تاني.,I can't explain it either.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn من بكري و انا نتمنّى تكون عندي طفلة.,I've always wanted a daughter.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn ما راهيش سورپريز تع صسح، ولّا لالا⸮,"It's not much of a surprise, is it?",arq_Arab-eng_Latn راح هاداك الضباب.,The fog has lifted.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn كان خابطها للطّرف.,He was good and drunk.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn وين راه لموشكيل⸮,Where is the problem?,arq_Arab-eng_Latn هادا وين عطيتو لطوم.,I just gave it to Tom.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn ژامي ما عندك كور ولّا كيفاش⸮!,You never have class or what?!,arq_Arab-eng_Latn مارانيش حاب نخدم فضُروف كيما هادي.,I don't want to work under these conditions.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn ما تعاملنيش كي الطفل الصغير.,Don't treat me like a child.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn راح للمسيد.,He went to school.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn راهي تمشط للعود.,She brushes the horse.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn ما عنديش حاجا خير نديرها.,I have nothing better to do.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn حسّيت بلّي كنت مهدّد.,I felt threatened.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn ليوم سّخانا بزّاف.,It is very hot today.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn هاد التّفاحا بدات ترشا.,The apple has begun to decay.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn راهي رايحا تكمّل علييا نروح ل فرانسا كاش نهار، ما علاباليش برك وقتاش.,"It is inevitable that I go to France someday, I just don't know when.",arq_Arab-eng_Latn الريح راه يهبّ من الشمال.,The wind is blowing from the north.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn ما علاباليش ڨع وش لازم ندير دوركا.,I don't know what to do anymore.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn ماتنساش جّي تشوفني غدوا صباح.,You mustn't forget to come and see me tomorrow morning.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn طوم راو يبتسم.,Tom is smiling.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn عيّطت علاخاطرش سرقولي لكارت كريدي.,I'm calling because my credit card has been stolen.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn والديّا رايحين يقّتلوني.,My parents are going to kill me!,arq_Arab-eng_Latn هادي هيّا لماشينا لّخرا.,This is the last train.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn دير بالك على لطفل لقبيح.,Keep an eye on the naughty kid.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn هايليك راي جايا.,There she comes.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn عاونني من فضلك.,Please help me.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn لازم يكون في علمك بلّي ما نقدرش نعاونك.,You must realize that I can't help you.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn ما راك تسالّي والو.,I owe you nothing!,arq_Arab-eng_Latn لازم تشكرني.,You should thank me.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn ماشي حاجا كولّ واحد قادر اديرها.,It's not something anyone can do.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn هادي بلاڨ.,This is a pun.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn تورّي برك بلّي نتا ماشي رۆبۆ.,It only shows you're not a robot.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn واش قادر نخيّر ڨانا⸮,What other options do I have?,arq_Arab-eng_Latn ولّاه ساريو، اپيزۆد 21 قريب بكيت ب ضحك.,"Seriously though, episode 21 made me almost cry while laughing.",arq_Arab-eng_Latn اغسل قبل ما تلبسها لمرّا لولا.,Wash before first wearing.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn كولّ واحد عندو ديكاليتي او ديفابلاس.,Everyone has strengths and weaknesses.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn توحّشت طوم؟,Do you miss Tom?,arq_Arab-eng_Latn بالاك لفرحا لّي تسّانانا ما راهيش لفرحا لّي كونّا نستنّاو فيها.,It may be that the happiness awaiting us is not at all the sort of happiness we would want.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn ما نحبش نڥواياژي بزّاف.,I am not much of a traveller.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn وعلاش تطلب سّماح علا حاجا لّي ما درتهاش⸮,Why are you sorry for something you haven't done?,arq_Arab-eng_Latn ڨع حابّين يتلاقاو بيك، راك مشهور!,Everyone wants to meet you. You're famous!,arq_Arab-eng_Latn ڨع واش تقّقدرو تديرو هووا تديرو كۆنفيانس مان بيناتكوم.,All you can do is trust one another.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn ما كنتش حايب نخّلعك.,I didn't want to surprise you.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn كيفا لقيت لماكلا ف ليسپاس⸮,How do you find food in outer space?,arq_Arab-eng_Latn راهو هنا لپرۆبلام.,Therein lies the problem.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn كونت حاير ادا كاش نهار تبيّن روحك.,I was wondering if you were going to show up today.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn ما نهضرش مليح فرانساوييا!,I don't speak French well enough!,arq_Arab-eng_Latn يمّا ما تهضرش مليح انڨلي.,My mom doesn't speak English very well.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn ما تحڨرش لپوڥوار ديالي.,Don't underestimate my power.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn خلاص لنا السّكّر.,We're out of sugar.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn ادا كانت دّنيا ماشي كيما راهي دۆك، نقدر ندير كۆنفيانس ف لّي جا.,"If the world weren't in the shape it is now, I could trust anyone.",arq_Arab-eng_Latn لّي عايشين ف دار تع زجاڨ، ما لازمش يرميو لحجر.,Those who live in glass houses should not throw stones.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn حبّس! راك تحرج فيها!,Stop it! You're making her feel uncomfortable!,arq_Arab-eng_Latn هاد الدّر للكرا، ماشي للبيع.,"This is a house to let, not to be sold.",arq_Arab-eng_Latn تّحمال قادر اكون انسوپۆرتابل.,Bearing can be unbearable.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn حوايجو دايمن فايحين.,His clothes always smell bad.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn لحيات صعيبا، بصّح انا صويب عليها.,"Life is hard, but I am harder.",arq_Arab-eng_Latn """ما تلاقيناش من قبل ف كاش پلاصا⸮"" سقسا لاتوديان.","""Haven't we met somewhere before?"" asked the student.",arq_Arab-eng_Latn ماراكش بزّاف راپيد.,You're not fast enough.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn ما عندي حتّا واحد قادر اڥواياژي معايا.,I don't have anyone who'd travel with me.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn تحير واش تقدر تسمع ف سامانا وحدا.,You'd be surprised what you can learn in a week.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn نضن علابالي وش كان ايدير هنا طوم.,I think I know what Tom is doing here.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn عندها تلت سنين قريت طوم لفرنسي.,I taught Tom French three years ago.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn ڨـ‬ع واش ندير، هييا تقول بلّي نقدر ندير خير.,"Whatever I do, she says I can do better.",arq_Arab-eng_Latn عمّريه من فضلك.,"Fill it up, please.",arq_Arab-eng_Latn شفت طوم عندها شي دقايق.,I saw Tom a few minutes ago.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn المونطو تاعك شباب بزّاف.,Your coat is very beautiful.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn نكره جدّ لكتيبا ۆفّيسيال.,I utterly despise formal writing!,arq_Arab-eng_Latn نضن تعمل مليح لوكان تروح.,I think you'd better leave.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn جيم ضرب لها البيانو.,Jim accompanied her on the piano.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn واش تخدم؟,What's your occupation?,arq_Arab-eng_Latn نضن رانا رايحين نكونو متأخرين.,I think we're going to be late.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn واش تخّدمي؟,What is your occupation?,arq_Arab-eng_Latn سيپالاپان تكمّل تخمّم.,It's useless to keep on thinking any more.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn خرجت ملمسيد عندها عامين.,She left school two years ago.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn تعلّمت نعيش بلا بيها.,I learned to live without her.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn حبّيت نعاونك.,I'd like to help you.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn تروح فلكار ولا فطونوبيل.,Are you going by bus or car?,arq_Arab-eng_Latn ماشي لِّي جا يقدر ايكون فنَّان.,Not everybody can be an artist.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn هي اللّي كسّرت التاقة.,She is responsible for this broken window.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn فتحت التاقة باش يدخل شويّا هوا.,I opened the window to let in some fresh air.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn فتحت التاقة.,I opened the window.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn خلّيت التاقة مفتوحة.,I left the window open.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn شفت من التاقة.,I looked in the window.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn ما راحاش تصرا.,That won't happen.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn ما جاكش في بالك تغلق التواقي؟,Did it not occur to you to close the windows?,arq_Arab-eng_Latn اوكون غير ما ديكۆنيكتيتش.,I shouldn't have logged off.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn كاين ۆتال تاع ليژان قريب علا هنا⸮,Is there a youth hostel near here?,arq_Arab-eng_Latn شفتو من التاقة.,I saw it from the window.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn قول لي ادا كاينا حاجا نقدر نديرها.,Let me know if there is anything I can do.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn "صعيبا تڨسّر معا واحد يعرف غير اقول ""اه"" ولّا ""لالا"".","It is difficult to keep up a conversation with someone who only says ""yes"" and ""no"".",arq_Arab-eng_Latn راني انتيك.,I feel great.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn '.وينراهي لوري؟ 'راهي فلكوزينا,"""Where's Laurie?"" ""She's in the kitchen.""",arq_Arab-eng_Latn جون ماكانشو هنايا.,John isn't here.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn راك محكوم غدوا لعشيّا؟,Are you busy tomorrow afternoon?,arq_Arab-eng_Latn نستنّا هنا حتى اجّي.,I wait here until she comes.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn ماهوش عاجبني لحال كامل بالنتيجا.,I am not satisfied with the result at all.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn ايبان راو نعسان بزّاف.,He seems to be very sleepy.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn عندي شهر ما سمعتش عليها.,I have not heard from her for a month.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn نشّربو ولاّ ناكلو كاش حاجا.,Let's have a drink or something.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn تحب صحابك تع لقِسم؟,Do you like your classmates?,arq_Arab-eng_Latn الرّاجل كان ياكل لخبز.,The man was eating bread.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn تحب لعومان؟,Do you like swimming?,arq_Arab-eng_Latn تحب تعوم؟,Are you fond of swimming?,arq_Arab-eng_Latn كاش واحد فتح التاقة.,Someone opened the window.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn مادا بيك ما تبكيش.,Please don't cry.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn حبّيت نلقى شكون كسّر التّاقة.,I want to find out who broke the window.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn حبّيت تشوف من التّاقة.,I want you to look out the window.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn سّي ساتو سقساني بزّاف أسئِلا عل إنتخابات.,Mr. Sato asked me many questions about the election.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn يومي راي فرحانا، صح؟,"Yumi is happy, isn't she?",arq_Arab-eng_Latn حوايجو راهم متقوبين كامل.,His clothes are worn out.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn أيوه، هادا وش رانا رايحين نديرو.,"OK, this is what we are going to do.",arq_Arab-eng_Latn لهوا ينقس فلقِمّا تع جبل عالي.,The air is thin at the top of a high mountain.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn عييت ملخدما ديالي.,I am tired of my work.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn حبّط يدِّيك!,Put your hands down!,arq_Arab-eng_Latn لحقو بكري.,They arrived too soon.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn ما تكونش واتق بزّاف منفسك.,Don't be overconfident.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn درك، يا صاحبي، نقّز من التّاقة.,"Now, my young man, jump out the window!",arq_Arab-eng_Latn راك تقرّي السبنيولية؟,Are you teaching Spanish?,arq_Arab-eng_Latn اغلق التّاقة.,Close the window.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn حبّطو التاقة تاعكم.,Roll down your window.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn طوم فتح تاقة.,Tom opened a window.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn التواقي راهوم مفتوحين.,The windows are open.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn هاد الدّار فيها تواقي تاع تلت زجاجات.,This house has triple–pane windows.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn صاب كيفاش يهرب من التّاقة.,He managed to escape through a window.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn هادوك التّواقي دايرين للجنوب.,These windows look to the south.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn اسمح لي، نقدر نفتح التّاقة؟,"Excuse me, but may I open the window?",arq_Arab-eng_Latn بوب دخل للدّار من كاش تاقة.,Bob entered the house through a window.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn دخلت نحلة من التّاقة.,A bee flew out of the window.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn "ريّح ما تشوف فييّا شغول انسان ""نۆرمال"".","Stop seeing me as a ""normal"" person!",arq_Arab-eng_Latn لعيباد ماشي مخلوقين باش اعيشو دايمن.,Humans were never meant to live forever.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn سيپالاپين تلعبها ترجّعني نامن بلّي نامن حوايج ما تامنش بيهوم!,It's no use pretending to make me believe that I believe things you don't believe!,arq_Arab-eng_Latn ژامي ما عندك لوقت ل حوايج امپۆرتانت!,You never have time for important things!,arq_Arab-eng_Latn معمّر ب لخرا.,He's full of shit.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn واش لي حاكمك حتّا ل دۆرك باش ما ترقدش⸮,What keeps you up so late?,arq_Arab-eng_Latn اسمح لي. نقدر نفتح التّاقة؟,Excuse me! May I open the window?,arq_Arab-eng_Latn ما عندكش ڨع ليپريۆريتي لملاح!,You really don't have the right priorities!,arq_Arab-eng_Latn ما نقدرش نعيش حيات كيما هادي.,I can't live that kind of life.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn هادي هي التّاقة للّي كسّرها هاداك الولد.,This is the window which was broken by the boy.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn شكون كسّر التّاقة؟,Who broke the window?,arq_Arab-eng_Latn تقدر تغلق التّاقة من فضلك؟,Would you please close the window?,arq_Arab-eng_Latn تقدر تفتح التّاقة.,You may open the window.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn الشتا كانت تخبط في التّاقي.,The rain was driving against the windows.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn يضهر لي لازم نغلق التّاقة درك.,I think it's time for me to close the window.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn طبّعاتو من التّاقة.,She pushed him out the window.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn شافتو كي كسّر التّاقة.,She saw him break the window.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn الكرسي ما راهوش قدّام التّاقة.,The chair is not near the window.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn """واشنو هووا لپرۆبلام⸮"" سقسات لڨنينا لبيضا صّغيرا.","""What's the matter?"" asked the little white rabbit.",arq_Arab-eng_Latn دخّلت راسها من التّاقة.,She put her head out of the window.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn بردت. ما عليهش نغلق التّاقة؟,I'm cold. May I close the window?,arq_Arab-eng_Latn """وكتاش تولّي ⸮ "" ""علا حساب سحاب.""","""When will you be back?"" ""It all depends on the weather.""",arq_Arab-eng_Latn هادي هي التّاقة اللي كسّرها جاك البارح.,It was the window that Jack broke yesterday.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn اغلق التّاقة باش ما يضّربكش الرّيح.,Shut the window to prevent catching a cold.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn خلاّ التّاقة مغلوقة.,He kept the window closed.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn "فلسطين يقولولها بالعربية ""فلسطين"".","Palestine is called ""Filastin"" in Arabic.",arq_Arab-eng_Latn ما كانش منها!,It can't be!,arq_Arab-eng_Latn تقدري تغلقي التّاقة من فضلك؟,Can you please close the window?,arq_Arab-eng_Latn كاين دايمن حوايج ژامي ما نتعلّمهوم، ما عنديش لاتارنيتا قدّامي!,"There will always be things I will never learn, I don't have eternity before me!",arq_Arab-eng_Latn كاش نهار نجري كيما رّيح.,Someday I'll run like the wind.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn غير توم االلي ما يعرفش ماري هنا.,Tom is the only one here who doesn't know Mary.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn نتا ما تصبرش معايا ڨع.,You're so impatient with me.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn هاديك الطّفلة كسّرت التّاقة.,The girl broke the window.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn لواحد قادر دايمن يلقاني.,One can always find time.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn ماعليهش تغلق التّاقة؟,"Could you close the window, please?",arq_Arab-eng_Latn ماعليهش تغلقي التّاقة؟,Would you close the window?,arq_Arab-eng_Latn """تيليفون راهو اصۆني."" ""دۆرك نريپۆندي.""","""The phone is ringing."" ""I'll get it.""",arq_Arab-eng_Latn من فضلكم، حطّو الكراسى قدّام التّاقة.,Please set these chairs by the window.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn """هادي حاجا انتيريسّانت، "" قالت هيرۆشي.","""This looks pretty interesting,"" Hiroshi says.",arq_Arab-eng_Latn طوم لّيقالك، ولاّ لالا؟,"Tom told you, didn't he?",arq_Arab-eng_Latn ما تنودش صغير لّي راو راقد.,Don't wake up the sleeping child.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn شتى صبّت بزّاف هاد لعام.,There's been a lot of rain this year.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn راني مضروب على لفرانسي هاد ليامات.,I have been obsessed with French recently.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn ما حبّش يعاود يهدر على هاد الشّي.,He didn't want to talk about it anymore.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn جاك يقدر يهدر بالفرنسي.,Jack can speak French.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn إدا كانت النّار، عيّطو لـ119.,"In case of fire, call 119.",arq_Arab-eng_Latn طوم ما خلاّوهش يزور باباه في الحبس.,Tom wasn't allowed to visit his father in prison.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn طوم ما خلاّوهش يدخل للبيت تاع ماري في السبيطار.,Tom wasn't allowed into Mary's hospital room.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn مادرنا والو.,We didn't do a thing.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn ما عندنا حتى دورو.,We don't have any money.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn وعلاش ما تجيش تزورنا⸮,Why don't you come visit us?,arq_Arab-eng_Latn ما عندناش مشكل.,We don't have a problem.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn ما نعرفوش جيرانّا.,We don't know our neighbors.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn عسلاما، طوم.,"Welcome back, Tom.",arq_Arab-eng_Latn وش يقدر ايكون.,What could it be?,arq_Arab-eng_Latn علاقدّاش لحق طوم لّهنا.,What time did Tom get here?,arq_Arab-eng_Latn واش راك حاب ايدير طوم؟,What would you like Tom to do?,arq_Arab-eng_Latn واش رانا نستنّاو؟,What're we waiting for?,arq_Arab-eng_Latn واش كليت؟,What did you eat?,arq_Arab-eng_Latn طيّبت لقهوى.,I made coffee.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn طوم راو يبكي تاني.,"Tom is crying, too.",arq_Arab-eng_Latn راني وحدي هنايا؟,Am I alone here?,arq_Arab-eng_Latn ما رانيش ناوي ندير واش طلب منّي طوم نديرو.,I don't intend to do what Tom asked me to do.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn ما رانيش ناوي ندير هاد الشّي.,I don't intend to do that.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn هاد السبّاط عاد ما يجينيش.,These shoes don't fit me anymore.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn راني ندير فلاتاي.,I'm making tea.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn دارت خدمة هايلة.,She did a great job.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn موالف ايسافر.,He is used to traveling.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn سّڨلا كان وسّمها لعلفا تاع لفاقير.,Rye was called the grain of poverty.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn طوم كان حايب يعرف الصح.,Tom wanted to know the truth.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn لكۆمّونيزم ژامي ما يلحق او انا عايش.,Communism will never be reached in my lifetime.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn نقدر نستعمل لقلم ديالك.,Can I use your pencil?,arq_Arab-eng_Latn شوف وش جبتلي في عيد ميلادي!,Look what she brought me for my birthday!,arq_Arab-eng_Latn طوم كان حايب اكمّل الخدمة.,Tom wanted to finish the job.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn نقدر نستعمل ستيلو ديالك.,Can I use your pen?,arq_Arab-eng_Latn طوم كان حايب يولّي عالم.,Tom wanted to be a scientist.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn زاد القاز في السومة.,Gas prices are up.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn ماشي انا، كۆميسّار!,"It wasn't me, commissioner!",arq_Arab-eng_Latn كيما تولّي تشبه ل تّصويرا ديالك ف لپاسۆپر، تمّاك تقدر تڥواياژي.,"When you're beginning to look like the photo in your passport, you should go on a holiday.",arq_Arab-eng_Latn ديمۆقراطييا هييا لافۆرم لعيّانا ڨع تاع لحوكم، حاشا لخرين لّي تّجربو من قبل.,"Democracy is the worst form of government, except all the others that have been tried.",arq_Arab-eng_Latn ما تزيدش تعيط لطوم.,Don't call Tom anymore.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn مزوجا؟,Is she married?,arq_Arab-eng_Latn ماشي قليل لّي اعيشو كتر من تسعين سنا.,It is not rare at all to live over ninety years.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn مليون عبد مات ف لڨيرّا.,One million people lost their lives in the war.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn كدبت علييّا من قبل، وعلاش نامنك دوركا؟,You've lied to me before. Why should I trust you now?,arq_Arab-eng_Latn كان فرحان بزّاف.,She was very happy.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn انا انسان لّي عندو ليديفۆ، بصّاح هادو ليديفۆ يقّدرو يتّسڨمو.,"I am a flawed person, but these are flaws that can easily be fixed.",arq_Arab-eng_Latn ماريا خطيبتي,Mary is my fiancée.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn سمحلي، ما نقدرش نطوّل.,"I'm sorry, I can't stay long.",arq_Arab-eng_Latn وعلاش ما تروحش ل دّار.,Why don't we go home?,arq_Arab-eng_Latn يعطيك صّحّا بزّاف بزّاف!,Thank you very much!,arq_Arab-eng_Latn نشريك.,I will marry you.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn توحّشتني⸮,Did you miss me?,arq_Arab-eng_Latn نضن طوم زاد في بوسطن.,I think Tom was born in Boston.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn راك مزهور پاسك ما عضّكش.,You're lucky because he didn't bite you.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn راهم ايديرو فشلاضا,They are making a salad.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn ختي قصيرا عليك.,My sister is shorter than you.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn معليش تاطِيونَّا فرشيطا.,Could we have a fork?,arq_Arab-eng_Latn درتو في كاش مضرب؟,Did you put it somewhere?,arq_Arab-eng_Latn وسّمها؟,What's her name?,arq_Arab-eng_Latn اومبعد، رحت، وشنو مرڨت بلّي نسيت ساكادۆ ديالي ف دارهوم.,"After that, I left, but then I realized that I forgot my backpack at their house.",arq_Arab-eng_Latn راك فاطن؟,Are you awake?,arq_Arab-eng_Latn نقدر نطفي تلفزيون؟,Can I turn off the TV?,arq_Arab-eng_Latn ۆه، سروالي لبيض! او كان ژديد.,"Oh, my white pants! And they were new.",arq_Arab-eng_Latn ما ننصحهومش يشريو هاد اطونوبيل.,I don't advise them to buy this car.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn عاود رجّع لافۆرم بعد ما تغسل.,Pull into shape after washing.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn طلق لحبيلا.,He let go of the rope.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn وعلاش تسقسي؟,Why do you ask?,arq_Arab-eng_Latn لبرّانييا احيروني.,Foreign people intrigue me.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn حتّا واحد ما يفهمني.,Nobody understands me.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn الي راتور⸮ الي برك.,Round trip? Only one-way.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn أنا ماشي طالب.,I'm not a student.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn هادي ادي شابّا!,That's a good idea!,arq_Arab-eng_Latn خسارا كيما اموت واحد.,It's a pity when somebody dies.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn حبّيت نعاونكم.,I would like to help you.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn ندّيه.,I'll take him.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn سوما معقولا.,The price is reasonable.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn سمحلي، وين راهوم لبيض⸮,"Where are the eggs, please?",arq_Arab-eng_Latn لالمانييين مارڨين بزّاف.,The Germans are very crafty.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn شحال لازم لوقت باش تلحق ل لاستاسيۆن⸮,How long does it take to get to the station?,arq_Arab-eng_Latn ماراكش سورپري، باينا بلّي كونت علابالك.,"Seeing that you're not surprised, I think you must have known.",arq_Arab-eng_Latn واجب علينا نعاونوهم.,It is our duty to help them.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn ما كونّاش ڨع نستنّاوها.,That is rather unexpected.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn راك في طريقي.,You are in my way.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn وسمو؟,What's his name?,arq_Arab-eng_Latn ما نهضرش ژاپۆنييا.,I don't speak Japanese.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn لمات كيما لامور - ادي سامپل، بصّح تتكۆمپليكا.,"Math is like love - a simple idea, but it can get complicated.",arq_Arab-eng_Latn يرحم والديك افهمني.,Please understand my position.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn ماشي طبيب مليح.,He is no good as a doctor.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn غدوا، نحطّو رجلينا فوق لقمر.,"Tomorrow, he will land on the moon.",arq_Arab-eng_Latn ما تفتحش قبل ما يحبس تران.,Don't open before the train stops.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn باش تدير هادييا، لازم تريسكي.,"In order to do that, you have to take risks.",arq_Arab-eng_Latn لازم تبدّل لحوايج قبل الحفلا تع لعشيّا.,She has to change clothes before tonight's party.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn ما رانيش حايب نسّنّا بزّاف كيما هاكدا.,I don't want to wait that long.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn جدّاتي تحب تشوف بزّاف اتّيليفيزيون.,Grandmother takes great delight in watching television.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn قادر نسقسيق كستيۆن⸮,May I ask a question?,arq_Arab-eng_Latn اقولو بلّ 'هاملت' پياس تع تيياتر لّي ژامي ما كتبو خير منها.,"It is said that ""Hamlet"" is the most interesting play ever written.",arq_Arab-eng_Latn مارانيش حاب نكون بطل.,I don't want to be a hero.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn تهضر طاليانييا⸮,Do you speak Italian?,arq_Arab-eng_Latn لحال راو شباب اودافي ليوم.,It is nice and warm today.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn عندك المعلومات اللّي تكفيك باش تكمّل؟,Do you have enough information to go on?,arq_Arab-eng_Latn كنت داير في بالي ايجي.,I thought he would come.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn كان لاتي بيمّاه مور ما مات باباه.,He cared for his mother after his father died.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn جاب لي ربّي لمعيشا ديالي معاك، انفلوانسات كيفاش نتا تعيش.,I think my living with you has influenced your way of living.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn عندها قريب ربعين سنا في عمرها.,She is about forty.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn معليش نبدّل لاشان.,Do you mind if I change the channel?,arq_Arab-eng_Latn لالا ماشي انا، نتا!,No I'm not; you are!,arq_Arab-eng_Latn تندار فهاد سمانا.,That will be done this week.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn ما صحّت لوش هاديك الخدمة.,He couldn't get the job.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn ما عرفتش منين جات.,I didn't know where it came from.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn ڨع واش مانڥانتي صح.,"All that which is invented, is true.",arq_Arab-eng_Latn لوقتاش العرس؟,When's the wedding?,arq_Arab-eng_Latn پلاصي لكارطا فوق طّابلا تع لحطب تع شان.,Place the deck of cards on the oaken table.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn في عمري 25 سنا.,I'm 25 years old.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn تشطح معايا⸮,Would you like to dance with me?,arq_Arab-eng_Latn الزّهور الشّابّين ما يمدّوش دايمن الفاكية الحلوّة.,Beautiful flowers don't always produce good fruits.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn ربحت.,I have won.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn تصحق سح تسقسي لاكيستيۆن باش تعرف لاريپۆنس⸮,Do you really need to ask the question to know the answer?,arq_Arab-eng_Latn ما راناش في السينيما.,We are not at the cinema.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn عطى لي هديّة شابّة؟,He gave a nice present to me.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn لخسارة لي خسرتها في تيجارا خلاتني بلا دراهم.,The failure in business left me penniless.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn هز توم حاجة من لرض.,Tom picked something up off the floor.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn تشابونا هادي مزيرا بزاف على راسي.,This hat is too tight for me.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn الدّراري يحبّو العصير تاع الفاكية.,Children like fruit juice.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn حبّيت برك نڥيريفيي ليمايل ديالي.,I just wanted to check my email.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn عليمن فوطيت.,Who did you vote for?,arq_Arab-eng_Latn دير روحك شغل ما شفتنيش.,Pretend you didn't see me.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn لابوليس سيزاو كانتيتي كبيرا تع الزطلا فلمسيد.,The police seized a large quantity of drugs at the school.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn عجبتني بزّاف.,I like it very much.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn مانيش فاهم علاش يلعبو تينيس بلميني.,I wonder why we play tennis in miniskirts.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn بابا راح لشِّين.,My father has gone to China.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn نحِّي يدّك عليّا.,Take your hands off me!,arq_Arab-eng_Latn تهدر سبنيوليّا؟,Do you speak Spanish?,arq_Arab-eng_Latn طوم راه غير يزيد عليه الحال.,Tom's condition is worsening.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn روح خيرلك.,You had better go.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn ما تسقسيهومش وين راهوم رايحين.,Don't ask them where they are going.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn كرفس الورقا أو دار بيها بولا.,He crushed the sheet of paper up into a ball.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn راهو كاين الجليد في الطريق. ما تخلّيهش يصوق.,The road is frozen! Don't let him drive!,arq_Arab-eng_Latn إدا بدات تهدر صعيب باش تحبّسها.,"Once she starts talking, she is hard to stop.",arq_Arab-eng_Latn "هاد البلاكة تقول ""ما تعطوش الماكلة للحيوانات"".","This sign says ""do not feed the animals.""",arq_Arab-eng_Latn نتا لّي ديسيدي ادا نروحو تمّا ولّا لالا.,It is up to you to decide whether we will go there or not.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn لمحابسي راو عاقل فسِّيلولا ليوم.,The prisoner is being quiet in the cell today.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn راني حايب نشوف زناقي.,I want to go see the streets.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn عمري ما كليت قريط حيّ.,I've never eaten a live octopus.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn هاديك كانت ڨـ‬نينا قبيحا.,That was an evil bunny.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn ماري راي وحّدها فلغابا.,Mary is alone in the forest.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn عاودنا ولّينا حتّى لتم.,That amounts to the same thing.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn لپۆسيبيليتي تبان امپرۆبابل.,But the possibility seems unlikely.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn مور لفطور عندنا زوج دروس.,After lunch we have two more classes.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn لالا، ماشي صاحبي لّي نخرج معاه جديد.,"No, he's not my new boyfriend.",arq_Arab-eng_Latn سمحلي، مي خلّيني نوجّه تلاتا ليزيرّار ف لارتيكل لّي من فوق.,Excuse me; allow me to point out three errors in the above article.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn هادا وش لقيت فلغار.,This is what I found in the cave.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn هادا راح اكون سوڥنير شباب من لڥواياژ ديالي ل لماريكان.,This will be a good souvenir of my trip around the United States.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn خلِّيهولي ليّا.,Leave it to me.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn طوم و صحابو راهوم يلّعبو في البوكير.,Tom and his friends are playing poker.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn راني رايح نروح لطبيب هاد لعشيّا.,I'm going to go to the doctor this afternoon.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn خلاصولي لكلامي.,I'm at a loss for words.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn ادّار راي باردا.,The house is cold.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn تنساني كاش نهار.,You'll forget about me someday.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn ليماژيناسيۆن تافّيكتي ڨع ليزاسپي ف حياتنا.,Imagination affects every aspect of our lives.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn سحثقّيت موس.,I need a knife.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn السكريتار دارت ارّيسالا داخل لبريّا.,The secretary stuffs the letter into an envelope.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn نزهاو اوكون نشوفو كيفاش لحوايج يتّبدّلو معا لعوام لجايين.,It would be fun to see how things change over the years.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn لقاوه فقاع لواد.,It was found at the bottom of the river.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn ما رانيش حايب نجوّز ڨع حياتي نندمها,I don't want to spend the rest of my life regretting it.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn هادي سورپريز.,It's a surprise.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn سلام واعليكم.,Peace be with you.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn عندك كاپّۆتا⸮,Do you have a condom?,arq_Arab-eng_Latn لمعيشا غلات بلبزّاف.,The cost of life increased drastically.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn لوكان نقولّك لحقيقا كاملا، ما تصدقش.,"If I were to tell you the whole truth, you would be amazed.",arq_Arab-eng_Latn في رايي، ليمتيحانات فسّدو تّربييا.,I think exams are ruining education.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn قول لي ادا لازم نبدّل كاش حاجا.,Let me know if I need to make any changes.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn دّنيا بلا لامور ما عندها حتّا معنا.,Life without love is just totally pointless.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn بزّاف نّاس عايشين لّاهوبال ف لحيات بلا ۆبژكتيف.,Many people drift through life without a purpose.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn .امپۆسّيبل نكون درتها بلا بيك. صاحّيت.,I couldn't have done it without you. Thank you.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn كاين پرۆبلام تمّا ما راكش تشوف فيه.,There's a problem there that you don't see.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn صحقّيتني نمدّلك شوييا دراهم⸮,Do you need me to give you some money?,arq_Arab-eng_Latn راني نسالهالك.,I have a bone to pick with you.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn نتا تفّون! لازم نقولّك كولّش!,You suck dude! I have to tell you everything!,arq_Arab-eng_Latn لكاراكتار ۆبليڨاتوار تع لمسيد قليل وين يتّاناليزا ف لكتابات لّي مكۆنساكرييين ل اتود تع ليموايان باش نديڥلۆپّيو ديزير تع لقرايا عند دراري.,The mandatory character of schooling is rarely analyzed in the multitude of works dedicated to the study of the various ways to develop within children the desire to learn.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn واشنو تحوّس؟,What do you want?,arq_Arab-eng_Latn مّالا ماكانش پرۆبلام ...,Then there is a problem...,arq_Arab-eng_Latn """اه!"" انترژكسيۆن.","""Ah!"" is an interjection.",arq_Arab-eng_Latn """اه، ژّيدۆرانژ تاع ڜّينا مادامبيك، "" قال مارك.","""Yes, orange juice please,"" says Mike.",arq_Arab-eng_Latn نقدر نهدر معا سي براون⸮,May I talk to Ms. Brown?,arq_Arab-eng_Latn راهي ديجا لحداش.,It is already eleven.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn جوّزت كتر من زوج سوايع باش نطرجم شوييّا پاژات ب لانڨلي.,It took me more than two hours to translate a few pages of English.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn وشنو، لكۆنترار ڨانا دايمن صح.,"And yet, the contrary is always true as well.",arq_Arab-eng_Latn باش تكون پارفات، خصها ديفۆ واحد.,To be perfect she lacked just one defect.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn هووا مليح.,He's very sexy.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn تكون مسورپري، موهوم، معناتها ولّيت بديت تفهم.,"To be surprised, to wonder, is to begin to understand.",arq_Arab-eng_Latn أفتح صفحا تسعا.,Open at page nine.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn لحكايا تع لغول تخوف.,The ghost story was terrifying.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn مارانيش حاب نهدر على وليدي.,I don't want to talk about my child.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn عندي حلم.,I have a dream.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn كونت ندير روحي نخدم.,I pretended to work.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn پاري هييا لمدينا شّابّا ڨاع ف لمۆند.,Paris is the most beautiful city in the world.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn عيّطلي فلبيرو.,Call me at the office.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn زادت بمغرفا تع لفضا في فمها.,She was born with a silver spoon in her mouth.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn لازم نتيليفوني.,I have to make some calls.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn طروطار درك، ما نقدرو نديرو والو.,It's too late to do anything about that now.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn افتح لبيبان.,Open the doors.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn هادا عود.,This is a horse.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn هادا عود برك.,This is only a horse.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn كونت مكونترولي روحي مليح.,I was in full control of myself.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn أيا، جيرو.,"Come on, Jiro.",arq_Arab-eng_Latn حنا صحاب قدم.,We're old friends.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn هادا لقط ديالي.,That's my cat.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn نقدر نعّرضك لّعشا,May I invite you to dinner?,arq_Arab-eng_Latn ستيف، سمعت بلّي كنت نتا لمازوزي تع ادّار.,"Steve, I heard you were the baby of the family.",arq_Arab-eng_Latn مسكينا اطّفلا صغيرا ما كانت ادّير والو، غير تبكي.,The poor little girl did nothing but weep.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn شفتها؟,Did you see it?,arq_Arab-eng_Latn التاقة راهي مفتوحة.,The window is open.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn شفتو؟,Have you seen it?,arq_Arab-eng_Latn شفت هادا؟,Did you see that?,arq_Arab-eng_Latn ناضت و مشات للتّاقة.,She stood and walked toward the window.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn دايما نروح لّمسيد على رجليا.,I always go to school on foot.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn إدا راح علينا تران، نروحو فلكار.,"If we should miss the train, we'll go by bus.",arq_Arab-eng_Latn ربحت لاكورس.,Did you win the race?,arq_Arab-eng_Latn صعيب بش تفهمو.,It's very difficult to understand him.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn """جوّزلي لملح، مادابيك."" ""هاو ليك.""","""Pass me the salt, please."" ""Here you are.""",arq_Arab-eng_Latn دير روحك فيمكاني.,Put yourself in my position.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn طوم أطالي كريُّون.,Tom gave me a pen.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn قطع طريق.,He crossed the street.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn لواحد كيما ما يحبش حاجا، كلّي عندو.,Not wanting is the same as having.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn على قدّاش تخرّج دراري؟,What time do you take the children out?,arq_Arab-eng_Latn هربت لدّار.,I ran home.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn مانعرفش نعوم مليح.,I am poor at swimming.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn وسمك؟,What's your name?,arq_Arab-eng_Latn ايبان راو واعي بواش راني نحّس.,He seems to be aware of my feelings.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn عجبك الحال هاد لعشيّا.,Did you have fun tonight?,arq_Arab-eng_Latn قريب ماكاين حتى كتاب.,There are almost no books.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn تتكلّم الفيليبّينيّة؟,Do you speak Filipino?,arq_Arab-eng_Latn تقدّرو تسنّاو شويّا.,Can you wait a little while?,arq_Arab-eng_Latn لُواكن يقرا مليح، يقدر ايجيب ليختيبار ديالو.,"If he studied hard, he would pass the test.",arq_Arab-eng_Latn صاحبي قتارحنّا فكرا مليحا.,My friend put forward a good suggestion.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn عندها بزّاف من لّي ما رحتش ل ديسنيلاند معا فاميلتي.,It has been so long since I last went to Disneyland with my family.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn عندي لحق؟,Am I right?,arq_Arab-eng_Latn كيفاش لقانا؟,How did he find us?,arq_Arab-eng_Latn عندي خبر عيّان ليك.,I have bad news for you.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn لازمني نضرب واحد.,I really need to hit somebody.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn راني حاب برك نولّي لفراش.,I just want to go back to bed.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn يعطيك صّحّا نحّيتلي لاپاتي.,Thanks to you I've lost my appetite.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn رييّح ما تدومانديني كاس! روح سربي ل روحك وحدك.,Stop asking me for a drink! Go get it yourself.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn شكون يامن بربِّي؟,Who believes in God?,arq_Arab-eng_Latn ايا! لعب معايا، راني مكوكر!,"Come on, play with me, I'm so bored!",arq_Arab-eng_Latn سوماترا جزيرا.,Sumatra is an island.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn تقدر تهدر عشرا لوغات.,She is able to speak ten languages.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn طوم راو واقف فلكوانا تع اشّومبرا.,Tom is standing in the corner of the room.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn شّيك تاع لفيزيك ديالي ما دخلوش ادا نحرڨ ليكۆور.,My physics teacher doesn't care if I skip classes.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn راني مديڨوتي من تّربييا ف هاد دّنيا.,Education in this world disappoints me.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn كان ايتيليفونيلي كل يوم.,Ken calls me every day.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn حتّا واحد ماجا.,No one came.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn كان قاعد قدّام خوه.,He was sitting beside his brother.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn تالمان سّخانا تقدر تطيّب بيضا فوق لكاپّۆ تاع طونوبيل.,It's so hot that you could cook an egg on the hood of a car.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn لما كيكون يابس يعيطولو لجليد.,Water in a solid state is called ice.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn عجبك لحال؟,Did you have fun?,arq_Arab-eng_Latn طوم عمرو ما ينسى يقول صحّا.,Tom never forgets to say thank you.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn طوم ديما يتفكّر يقول صحّا.,Tom always remembers to say thank you.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn راو يبرا بلعقل ملمرض ديالو.,He is slowly recovering from his illness.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn تبان بهلول.,You look stupid.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn واعرا عليّا بش نحل هاد لمشكيلا.,It's difficult for me to solve this problem.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn قادر نسّنّا برك.,I can only wait.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn مانيش شافي علا حاجا كيما هادي.,I remember no such thing.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn بالها راو مرتاح.,Her mind is at peace.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn بدا توم يتعلم لفرونسي العام لفات.,Tom started learning French last year.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn شّاريطا ديالك هاديك؟,Is that your carriage?,arq_Arab-eng_Latn مازال ما على بالهومش.,They don't know yet.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn ماكانش واجدلها.,He wasn't ready for it.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn لمات هييا برانش تع لعيلم تقدر تكمّل تديرها ادا نضت غدوا او ديكوڥريت بلّي لونيڥار راح.,Mathematics is the part of science you could continue to do if you woke up tomorrow and discovered the universe was gone.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn هاذ الزربية طويلة بزّاف.,This carpet is very long.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn هوما كُبار.,They are big.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn راني حابّك تقرى هاد لكتاب.,I want you to read this book.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn بنين بزّاف، ياك؟,"It tastes very good, doesn't it?",arq_Arab-eng_Latn كيفاش تعرف بللي توم عمرُه ما راح لبوستون؟,How do you know that Tom has never been to Boston?,arq_Arab-eng_Latn حكايتو كاين منها.,His story is true.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn واشن هاذ الريحة؟,What's that smell?,arq_Arab-eng_Latn راهي تسقسي كيفاش هادي تكون پۆسّيبل.,She's asking how that's possible.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn نقولّو عليها كيجي لمرّا لجايا.,I will tell him about it when he comes next time.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn جيم مازال ما ولاّ لدّار.,Jim has not yet returned home.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn ماتجريش، امشي بالعقل.,"Don't run, walk slowly.",arq_Arab-eng_Latn ما حبّيتهاش.,I didn't like it.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn ناكلو باش نعيشو، ماشي نعيشو باش ناكلو.,"We eat to live, not live to eat.",arq_Arab-eng_Latn تاكُل ف الدار ولاّ برّا؟,Do you eat at home or eat out?,arq_Arab-eng_Latn قدّ ما تاكُل المشماش نتاع كوتشا، قدّ ما تبغي تزيد تاكُل.,"The more you eat Kuqa's apricots, the more of them you'll want to eat.",arq_Arab-eng_Latn يقدر كاش واحد يفتح التاقة؟,Can someone open a window?,arq_Arab-eng_Latn ماتاكُلش الحوت برْك. كول شوية لحم ثاني.,"Don't just eat fish. Eat some meat, too.",arq_Arab-eng_Latn القرنيط في البحر.,The octopus is in the sea.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn كاين سرّاق دخل لهاديك الدّار من كاش تاقة.,The burglar gained access to the house through a window.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn """شكون⸮"" ""يمّاك."".","""Who is it?"" ""It's your mother.""",arq_Arab-eng_Latn تبغي السرمبق؟,Do you like mussels?,arq_Arab-eng_Latn ما علاباليش ايدا عندي لوقت.,I don't know if I have the time.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn ماكلاش لنجاصة واحدة برْك، كلا ثلاثة.,"He didn't just eat 1 pear, but 3.",arq_Arab-eng_Latn صاحّا، هادا كولّش.,"Thanks, that's all.",arq_Arab-eng_Latn اسّنّى، بغيت نقوللك حاجة.,Wait. I want to tell you something.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn لازم نوكّل الكلْب.,I need to feed the dog.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn اسمحلي، تقدر تعاونني؟,"Excuse me, but can you help me?",arq_Arab-eng_Latn نخلّيلك الكتاب عنْد جاري.,I'll leave the book for you with my neighbour.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn حبّيت شويّا دراهم.,I want some money.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn لكوري ولّا تريست من لي مات لحصان.,It's lonely in the saddle since the horse died.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn كاين جنان سغير قُدّام داري.,There is a small garden in front of my house.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn الحوت يعيشو ف البحر.,Fish live in the sea.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn الصالون تاعي عندو تواقي كبار.,My living room has wide windows.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn "كي قال ""ما""، عطاتلُه الما.","When he said ""water,"" she gave him water.",arq_Arab-eng_Latn ايّا نتلاقاو عالوحدة.,Let's meet at one o'clock.,arq_Arab-eng_Latn """كيفاش راك تحسّ روحك⸮"" هووا سقسا.","""How do you feel?"" he inquired.",arq_Arab-eng_Latn ده شغلي.,It's my job.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn ايه اللي كين قاعد بياكله؟,What is Ken eating?,arz_Arab-eng_Latn بتشتغل ايه؟,What's your job?,arz_Arab-eng_Latn جين شكلها فرحانة.,Jane looks happy.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn خلينا ناكل سوشي.,Let's eat sushi.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn معرفهاش.,I don't know her.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn فين الريس؟,Where's the boss?,arz_Arab-eng_Latn يلا اختار.,Make your choice.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn محتاجين مساعدتك.,We require your help.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn الجو روعة. ولّا إيه رأيك؟,"Great weather, isn't it?",arz_Arab-eng_Latn مفيش أي غلط.,There's no mistake.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn توم بيمشي بشويش.,Tom walks slowly.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn آن معجبيها كتير.,Anne has many admirers.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn فكرت انها تستقيل.,She decided to resign.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn افتكر.,I think so.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn في زلازل كتير في اليابان.,Earthquakes frequently hit Japan.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn دي مسؤوليتك.,That's your responsibility.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn ده بنطلوني.,Those are my pants.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn تقدر تمشي.,You may go.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn معنديش أي فلوس.,I have no money.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn عايز الشنطة دي.,I want that bag.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn عندي حاجات كتير محتاجة تتعمل.,I have many things to do.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn حاول مرة تانية.,Try it again.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn إنت بتتكلم مع مين؟,Who are you talking with?,arz_Arab-eng_Latn هنعيّد بكره.,We will celebrate Eid ul-Fitr tomorrow.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn عشان خطري متسألش.,Please don't ask.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn فين فصل توم؟,Where is Tom's classroom?,arz_Arab-eng_Latn الساعة وقفت.,The clock has stopped.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn الساعة بطلت تشتغل.,The clock stopped.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn كين فرحان.,Ken is happy.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn شفته قاعد بيجري.,I saw him running.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn ماري بتعزف ع البيانو.,Mary plays the piano.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn ما تلمسش الكاميرا بتاعتي.,Don't touch my camera.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn قاعد بتمشى معاها.,I'm walking with her.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn المدرسة بتبتدي الساعة تمنية و نص.,School begins at half past eight.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn معدش بيشوف.,He lost his eyesight.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn نانسي عندها بيانو.,Nancy has a piano.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn قربت الساعة تبقى تلاتة.,It's nearly three o'clock.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn لوسي بتحب تلعب تنس.,Lucy likes playing tennis.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn أفتكر إنه فرحان.,I think he's happy.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn هاكل هنا.,I'll eat it here.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn بحب الأفلام.,I love movies.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn جين بتحب تلعب تنس كمان.,Jane plays tennis too.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn بيحبها.,He loves her.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn جريس كان شكلها معصبة.,Grace looked angry.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn فين باباك؟,Where is your father?,arz_Arab-eng_Latn طعمها حلو أوي.,It tastes really good.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn نضف المرايا.,Clean the mirror.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn عايز حاجة حلوة تتاكل.,I want something sweet.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn كارول قاعدة بتذاكر اسباني.,Carol is studying Spanish.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn واضح إنك غلطان.,Clearly you are mistaken.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn خطة حلوة.,That's a good plan.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn أكيد هي صح.,She's correct for sure.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn دي شنطة جين.,This is Jane's bag.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn بحب ألعب رياضة.,I like sports.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn عايز ايه؟,What do you want?,arz_Arab-eng_Latn شفت ده قبل كده.,I've seen that.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn لين بتجري بسرعة.,Lynn runs fast.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn نانسي مبتلعبش تنس.,Nancy doesn't play tennis.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn بس انت مش هناك.,But you're not there.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn بحب الأفلام الفرنسية.,I love French movies.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn بقى عمرها واحد و تمنين.,She turned eighty-one.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn أنا شايف إنك بتشتغل.,I can see that you are working.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn مش فاهم انت عايز تقول إيه.,I don't understand what you're saying.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn كل ولد عندو بسكلتّه.,Each boy has a bike.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn الحفلة دي حاجة ما حصلتش، يا عم!,"That party was off the hook, dude!",arz_Arab-eng_Latn متقراش فِ الأوضة دي.,Don't read in this room.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn البوليس مسكوا المتهم امبارح.,The police arrested the suspect yesterday.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn انت تعبان أوي كده ليه النهرضه؟,Why are you so tired today?,arz_Arab-eng_Latn متوسط إيجار المحلات هنا عامل إيه؟,What’s the average rental for a shop here?,arz_Arab-eng_Latn اتحكم ع المتهم بالإعدام.,The accused was sentenced to death.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn إفتح النور لو سمحت.,"Turn on the light, please.",arz_Arab-eng_Latn ماعرفش أروح هناك إزاي.,I don't know how to go there.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn طول محنا عايشين لازم نشتغل.,"As long as we live, we have to work.",arz_Arab-eng_Latn نانسي مبتبتسمش كتير.,Nancy seldom smiles.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn أكلت إيه؟,What did you have to eat?,arz_Arab-eng_Latn عندي قاموس كويس.,I have a good dictionary.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn يا ريت قلت ميليون جنيه.,Speak of the devil.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn انت من فين ف كندا؟,Where in Canada are you from?,arz_Arab-eng_Latn لازم تركب الباص ده عشان توصل المتحف.,You have to get on that bus to go to the museum.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn الحادثة دي حصلت بسبب إهماله,The accident happened because he wasn't careful.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn صحيت الساعة خمسة الصبح.,I woke up at five this morning.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn مين جيّ معايه؟,Who is coming with me?,arz_Arab-eng_Latn مين هيجي معايه؟,Who's coming with me?,arz_Arab-eng_Latn انتي ملكي الآن.,You're my girl now.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn آسف لإني أزعجتك.,Sorry to trouble you.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn أنا هروح لوحدي,I'll go on my own.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn أقنعته إنه ينسى الموضوع ده.,I persuaded him to give up the idea.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn بيحب يكتب مقالات على ويكيبيديا,He loves writing articles for Wikipedia.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn ايه عنوان سكنك؟,What's your home address?,arz_Arab-eng_Latn الكلاب الميتة مبتعضّش.,Dead dogs don't bite.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn ده مش هيحصل.,That won't happen.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn ما عملتش حاجة غلط.,I haven't done anything wrong.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn أكلنا هناك تلت مرات.,We have eaten there three times.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn بوب ده صاحبي.,Bob is my friend.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn إنت اسمك إيه؟,What's your name?,arz_Arab-eng_Latn الكتب دي بتاعت مين؟,Whose books are these?,arz_Arab-eng_Latn هو بيتنفس؟,Is he breathing?,arz_Arab-eng_Latn باب النجار مخلع.,The cobbler's children go barefoot.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn الرواية دي عندها تلت أجزاء.,This novel consists of three parts.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn هنبتدي أوّل ما هيّ تيجي.,"As soon as she comes, we will begin.",arz_Arab-eng_Latn ده غبي لدرجة انه مش هيخاف من حاجة خطر.,He is too dumb to fear danger.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn ماما قطعت الكيكة.,My mother cut the cake.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn ممكن تولّعلي؟,Will you give me a light?,arz_Arab-eng_Latn رحت باريس.,I have been in Paris.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn الكرفتة الي انت لابسها حلوة.,That's a nice tie you're wearing.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn عايز ايه تاني؟,What else do you want?,arz_Arab-eng_Latn كمان مرة.,One more time.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn اتعشّينا ف مطعم.,We had dinner at a restaurant.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn ممكن تخدني السيما؟,Could you take me to a movie?,arz_Arab-eng_Latn الساعة تلاتة كويس؟,Would three o'clock be all right?,arz_Arab-eng_Latn باكل مع أخويه.,I am eating with my bro.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn ممكن تدي التزكرة دي للي عايزها.,You may give this ticket to whoever wants it.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn ممكن ألغي التزكرة دي؟,Can I cancel this ticket?,arz_Arab-eng_Latn دي تزكرة مجانية.,This is a free ticket.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn التزكرة لشخصين.,The ticket admits two persons.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn بالتزكرة دي، ممكن اتنين يدخلوا ببلاش.,"With this ticket, two people can enter for free.",arz_Arab-eng_Latn هو كان لسه هنا لما انت جيت؟,Was he still here when you arrived?,arz_Arab-eng_Latn ما تلفّش و تدور.,Don't avoid my question.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn شغلتهم إنهم يقطعوا الخشب.,Their job is to cut up the wood.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn الورد ده رحته مميزة.,These flowers have a unique smell.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn احنا بنزرع خضار ف جنينتنا.,We grow vegetables in our garden.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn أنا عارف الولد ده اللي انت مش عارفه.,I know that boy whom you don't know.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn هرجع بعد ساعة.,I'll be back in an hour.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn لو سمحت خلي الموضوع ده سر.,Please keep it secret.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn هي بتعرف تتكلم فرنساوي.,She can speak French.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn روح ساعدهم يا بضّ.,"Go and help them, Bud.",arz_Arab-eng_Latn هارفع عليك قضية.,I'll sue you.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn النور مهم للزرع أدّ ما المية مهمة.,Light is no less necessary to plants than water.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn لازم ما تتكلمش هنا.,You should not talk here.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn بتقول ايه؟,What're you saying?,arz_Arab-eng_Latn دي زميلتي.,She's my classmate.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn لازم تفتكري تقوليله كل اللي تعرفيه.,You must remember to tell him all that you know.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn ما افتكرش ان في أي عيب فإن أي حد يكون فقير.,I think being poor is nothing to be ashamed of.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn ده بيكره نانسي.,He hates Nancy.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn تتجوّزيني؟,Will you marry me?,arz_Arab-eng_Latn فين أقرب مكتب أميريكان اكسبرس؟,Where is nearest American Express office?,arz_Arab-eng_Latn فضل يبص عليّه.,He fixed his eyes on me.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn لمّا متحبيش الناس، همّ كمان مش هيحبوكي.,"When you dislike others, you are disliked by them in turn.",arz_Arab-eng_Latn بتشدّك المزّيكا الياباني؟,Are you interested in Japanese music?,arz_Arab-eng_Latn هي دي النهاية.,This is the end.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn كويس إنّك جيت بدري.,That you have come early is a good thing.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn دي قصيدة حلوة.,That's a great poem.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn بيتر شكله شباب أوي.,Peter looks very young.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn أحسن لك تعتذر.,You should apologize.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn لازم تتكلم بالإنجليزي هنا.,You have to speak English here.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn ما فيش وقت نضيعو.,There is no time to be lost.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn اديتلو كل الفلوس اللي كت عندي.,I gave him what money I had.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn مين أكتر حد بتحترمه في حياتك؟,Whom do you respect most in your life?,arz_Arab-eng_Latn حط الخاتم في صباع ماري.,He put the ring on Mary's finger.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn مش فاهم انت قاعد تقول إيه.,I do not understand you.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn سبوت راح هو كمان؟,"Did Spot go, too?",arz_Arab-eng_Latn اتلغى الإجتماع لأن ما فيش أمل إن الطرفين يوصلوا لإتفاق.,The meeting was called off as there was no hope of agreement on either side.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn ما فيش مخلوقات حية ع القمر.,There is no life on the moon.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn ما فيش حاجة حية ع القمر.,There's no life on the moon.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn أنا كمان رُحت.,I also went.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn بتوجعك فين؟,Where is the pain?,arz_Arab-eng_Latn لبست جاكيتّها.,She put on her sweater.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn ده الكتاب بتاع توني.,This is Tony's book.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn أمريكان كتير بيحبو ياكله همبرجر.,Most Americans like hamburgers.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn أنا من أهل سابورو.,I'm from Sapporo.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn حاسس إني جعان.,I'm getting hungry.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn فضلت تشتغل.,She kept working.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn اقف مكانك و إلا طخيتك.,"Stop, or I'll shoot.",arz_Arab-eng_Latn عيطت جامد.,She wept bitterly.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn أخبارك ايه يا توم؟,"How are you, Tom?",arz_Arab-eng_Latn مش مدينلي وش.,They're ignoring me.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn خطر إن الولاد يطلعوا لوحدهم بالليل.,It is dangerous for children to go out alone at night.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn ما تستعجلش أوي كده.,Don't be in such a hurry.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn شكلك زهئان.,You look bored.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn بصيت حوليّا.,I looked around me.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn مش قادر اشوفهم.,I can't see them.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn استنى شويه.,Wait a moment.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn اتطخيت؟,Were you shot?,arz_Arab-eng_Latn الكلب ده كبير.,That dog is big.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn ده قتل الراجل ده.,He killed that man.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn بيعرف يتكلم ياباني كويس.,He speaks Japanese well.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn سؤال كويس.,It's a good question.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn هامشي كمان شوية.,I'm about to leave.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn إزيك يا عم؟,"What's up, dawg?",arz_Arab-eng_Latn محدش عارف.,No one knows.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn ما تعاملش الناس بناءً على جنسيتهم أو جنسهم أو شغلهم.,"Don't discriminate against people based on nationality, gender, or occupation.",arz_Arab-eng_Latn متقاطعناش.,Don't interrupt our conversation.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn اتنصب عليك.,You've been deceived.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn الحاجة دي تنفع تتّاكل؟,Is this thing edible?,arz_Arab-eng_Latn عندي كحة.,I have a cough.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn ده عشان انتي بنت.,That's because you're a girl.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn محتاجلك.,I need you.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn اتسلينا لما لعبنا بيزبول.,We enjoyed playing baseball.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn الكلام ده مزبوط.,That's absolutely right.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn أنا بخاف م الزلازل.,I'm afraid of earthquakes.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn الباب اتفتح اتوماتيكي.,The door opened automatically.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn مفيش أي مشاكل.,There are no problems.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn لغة وحدة بس ماتكفيش ابداً.,One language is never enough.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn الوردة دي جميلة.,This rose is beautiful.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn يا راجل؟! بتكّلم جد؟,"Really?! Man, you're kidding right?",arz_Arab-eng_Latn في كتاب هناهو.,Here is a book.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn كين بيحبّ يطلع يخيّم.,Ken likes camping.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn هو لوحده.,He is alone.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn هي ف الحمام.,She's in the restroom.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn يا راجل أنا لسة شايفها ع الأخبار، انت هتشككني ف نفسي؟,"Man, I just saw it on the news! Damn, you're making me doubt my own eyes!",arz_Arab-eng_Latn هي بتحب البرتقان؟,Does she like oranges?,arz_Arab-eng_Latn أشكرك على تعاونك.,I appreciate your cooperation.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn اديني الكتاب ده.,Give me the book.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn بابايا بيحب البيتزا.,My father loves pizza.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn عمره ما بياخد دوا عشان الزكام اللي عنده.,He never takes medicine for his cold.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn البسكلتة دي بتاعتي.,This bicycle is mine.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn انا ممل.,I am boring.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn ماري بتتكلم ياباني بشويش.,Mary spoke Japanese slowly.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn السلاحف معندهاش سنان,Turtles don't have teeth.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn كدب علينا.,He lied to us.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn النحل بيعمل عسل.,Bees make honey.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn ده أكتر كرسي بحب أعد عليه.,That's my favorite chair.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn كارلوس طلع الجبل.,Carlos climbed the mountain.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn لأه شكراً.,"No, thank you.",arz_Arab-eng_Latn بتي قتلته.,Betty killed him.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn العصافير زقزقت.,The birds sang.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn بعرف ألعب تنس.,I can play tennis.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn توم مبيعرفش يلعب تنس.,Tom can't play tennis.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn الكلب بتاع كين أبيض.,Ken's dog is white.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn بقينا أصحاب على طول.,We immediately became friends.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn جاك بيجمّع طوابع.,Jack collects stamps.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn اتعود ع السفر.,He's accustomed to traveling.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn ده أخويا الكبير.,He's my older brother.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn احفظ الأسامي دي صم.,Learn these names by heart.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn ايه اسم الطير ده؟,What's that bird called?,arz_Arab-eng_Latn الجو دافي شوية النهارده.,It's fairly warm today.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn فين أقرب أجزخانة؟,Where's the nearest drugstore?,arz_Arab-eng_Latn استنى لحظة.,Wait just a moment.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn ما حدش اتأذى.,Nobody was injured.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn اطرد من شغله.,He lost his job.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn اقفل الباب.,Shut the door.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn السمك رخيص النهارده.,Fish is cheap today.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn بحلم كتير.,I have a lot of dreams.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn هي بتناديني كنجي.,She calls me Kenji.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn قابلت ماري امبارح.,I met Mary yesterday.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn أنا فرحان أوي.,I'm very happy.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn أحياناً بيتفرج ع التلفزيون.,He sometimes watches TV.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn مفاصلي بتوجعني.,My joints ache.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn يمكن يعجبني الكتاب ده.,Perhaps I'll like this book.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn جين جت من استراليا.,Jane comes from Australia.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn الأسعار قلت الأيام دي.,Prices have dropped recently.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn فين الأسنسير؟,Where is the elevator?,arz_Arab-eng_Latn هتندم ع اللي عملته!,You'll regret that!,arz_Arab-eng_Latn دي اختي الكبيرة.,She's my older sister.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn بجد مبتعرفش تسبح؟,Can you really not swim?,arz_Arab-eng_Latn هتمي شكلها فرحانه أوي.,Hitomi looked very happy.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn البضاعة وصلت امبارح.,The goods arrived yesterday.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn ده الكلب بتاع ماري.,This is Mary's dog.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn قلبي كان بيتقطع على العصافير اللي بتموت.,My heart ached for the dying birds.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn أنا بفضّل القعاد في البيت عن الخروج.,I would rather stay at home than go out.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn رفع إيدو.,He raised his hands.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn ادي الكتاب للي عايزه.,Give the book to the guy who wants it.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn املاها.,Fill it up.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn لو سمحت خليني أمشي.,Please let me go.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn الكلاب دي كبيرة.,Those dogs are big.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn ده تقليد.,That's an imitation.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn مش هتروح؟,Won't you go?,arz_Arab-eng_Latn احنا رجّالة.,We are men.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn إلّي بّلاش كَتّر مِنّو.‏‏,"If it's free, get as much as you can.",arz_Arab-eng_Latn ضربني بالغلط.,He hit me by mistake.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn علشان كده أنا خرجت,That's why I quit.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn ايه اللي انت قاعد تقوله ده؟,What are you saying?,arz_Arab-eng_Latn مات م السرطان.,He died of cancer.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn أوقات كتير باخد برد.,I often catch colds.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn شكلنا وقعنا ففخ.,It looks like we fell into a trap.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn نانسي كان شكلها تعبانة أوي.,Nancy looks so tired.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn إدّيني الزبدة لو سمحت.,"Pass me the butter, please.",arz_Arab-eng_Latn جين خرجت تشتري حاجات.,Jane is out shopping.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn أنا وراه.,I'm behind him.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn بحبك.,I love you.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn البوليس مش هيلاقيك هناك,The police will never find you there.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn صعب نسيان اللي حصل.,It's hard to forget what happened.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn عمو مات من خمس سنين.,His uncle died five years ago.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn صاحب في الإيد و لا اتنين عالشجرة!,A friend in hand is worth two in the bush!,arz_Arab-eng_Latn ماقدرش أقول لها دلوقتي. الموضوع مبقاش بالبساطة دي.,I can't tell her now. It's not that simple anymore.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn خربشتني قطة.,I was scratched by a cat.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn القط ينام على الترابيزة.,The cat is sleeping on the table.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn تسلم إيديك!,My compliments to the hands that made this possible.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn توم اطّرد من شغله.,Tom was fired.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn همّ الّتنين في الأوضة.,Both of them are in the room.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn مش مهم.,This is not important.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn توم بيسبح بسرعة أوي.,Tom swims very fast.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn عايزك.,I want you.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn ماعنديش حساب في المنتديات دي.,I do not have an account in these forums.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn ساعدوا بعض في الواجب.,They helped each other with homework.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn هو مابيتكلمش ياباني في البيت.,He doesn't speak Japanese at home.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn الصباح رباح.,The early bird gets the worm.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn هاظبط المنبه على الساعة سبعة.,I'll set the alarm for seven o'clock.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn خايف أكون أكلت حاجة خربانة.,I am afraid I ate something bad.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn تشرّفنا.,Pleased to meet you.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn هو اشترى حاجة لماري.,He bought something for Mary.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn في الوقت ده مسمعناش غير كلام عن حرامية وجرايم قتل والناس اللي ماتت من الجوع.,"During that time, we only heard about thieves, about murders, about men who had died of hunger.",arz_Arab-eng_Latn محتاج أجيب شوية طوابع.,I need to get some stamps.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn إستحالة أعمل كده.,There's no way I'm going to do that.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn كل اللعب كانت مملة.,The games were all boring.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn ممكن آجي بكرة.,I can come tomorrow.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn ثبّتنا السعر على خمستاشر دُلَر.,We fixed the price at $15.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn كل الناس بتحب المكان ده.,Everyone loves that place.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn الصورة دي اتّاخدت في نارا.,This photo was taken in Nara.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn السما زرقا.,The sky is blue.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn بروح المدرسة الساعة سابعة.,I go to school at seven.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn بقالك قد ايه في أوساكا؟,How long have you been staying in Osaka?,arz_Arab-eng_Latn إزّيك؟,How are you?,arz_Arab-eng_Latn عاملة إيه؟,How are you doing?,arz_Arab-eng_Latn بتتكلم انجليزي؟,Do you speak English?,arz_Arab-eng_Latn بتتكلمي انجليزي؟,Do you speak... English?,arz_Arab-eng_Latn أي مجلة هتقضّي.,Any magazine will do.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn ساكن فين؟,Where do you live?,arz_Arab-eng_Latn ماتنسناش!,Don't forget about us!,arz_Arab-eng_Latn ما تنسيناش!,Do not forget about us.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn مش فاهم.,I do not understand.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn مش فاهمة.,I don't understand.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn مش عارف.,I don't know.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn مش عارفة.,I have no idea.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn محدّش ساعدني.,No one helped me.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn خلّينا نبدأ بالدرس العاشر.,Let's start with Lesson Ten.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn بس بابا مش هيعجبه.,But Dad won't like it.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn البنات اعترضوا على خطتنا.,The girls objected to our plan.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn من فضلك سامحني.,Please forgive me.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn من فضلك سامحيني.,Please forgive me!,arz_Arab-eng_Latn ضيّعت محفظتي.,I have lost my wallet.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn محفظتي ضاعت.,I've lost my wallet.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn جيبهالي.,Bring it to me.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn أنا في المطار دلوقت.,I'm at the airport now.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn في كتاب هنا.,There's a book here.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn الحمامة دي طارت من سان فرانسيسكو لنيويورك.,This pigeon flew from San Francisco to New York.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn ممكن تتصاغ بطريقة تانية؟,Can it be phrased in another way?,arz_Arab-eng_Latn توم هيتأخر تاني.,Tom is going to be late again.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn توم جرح نفسه.,Tom hurt himself.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn لأننا نحبك حنحدث تتويبا عشان نديلك تجربة مستخدم حلوة. شفت؟ دحنا بنحبك، هاه؟,"Because we love you, we are updating Tatoeba to bring you a better user experience. See? We love you huh?",arz_Arab-eng_Latn الكاميرا دي معموله فِ اليابان.,These cameras are made in Japan.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn ماعنديش إخوات صبيان.,I don't have any brothers.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn عمري ما حبيت البيولوجي.,I never liked biology.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn محدش هيعرف.,No one will know.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn هتحس إنك أحسن.,You'll feel better.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn مش فاهم أي حاجة انت قاعد تقولها.,I don't understand a thing you're saying.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn هو انا في أمان دلوقتي؟,Am I safe now?,arz_Arab-eng_Latn محتاج تتمرن على لعب الكمان كل يوم.,You should practice playing the violin every day.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn بس بجد الحلقة ٢١ كانت هتخليني أعيط وأنا باضحك.,"Seriously though, episode 21 made me almost cry while laughing.",arz_Arab-eng_Latn حسب اللي سمعتُه، هو راح أمريكا عشان يدرس أحياء.,"According to what I heard, he went over to America to study biology.",arz_Arab-eng_Latn ضربته قلم.,She slapped his face.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn ختم المحاضرة بنكتة ظريفة.,His lecture ended with his witty joke.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn جاك بيعرف يكّلم فرنساوي.,Jack can speak French.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn عايز أشوفك قبل ما تمشي.,I want to see you before you go.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn أنا مابتكلمش ياباني.,I don't speak Japanese.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn """هي بتحب الموسيقى."" ""وأنا كمان.""","""She likes music."" ""So do I.""",arz_Arab-eng_Latn """التليفون بيرن."" ""أنا هارد.""","""The phone is ringing."" ""I'll get it.""",arz_Arab-eng_Latn خلينا نجرّب!,Let's have a try.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn أنا جعان خالص.,I'm very hungry.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn الصبي ده مين؟,Who is that boy?,arz_Arab-eng_Latn ماكنش عارف كده.,He didn't know that.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn توم سنه مش كبير,Tom isn't very old.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn أحب أزوّد كمان شوية زبدة.,I'd like some more butter.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn أكيد فاتتني المحطة و انا نايم.,I must have gone past the station while I was taking a nap.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn الصورة دي بتفكّرني بأيام طفولتي.,The photo takes me back to my childhood days.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn كان شكلها كويس لما شفتها امبارح.,She looked well when I last saw her.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn مش عارف ليه ما وصلش لحد دلوقتي.,I cannot make out why he isn't here yet.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn واحدة وقعت من مركب في البحر.,A woman fell from a ship into the sea.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn أنا اللي اخترت كده.,This is my choice.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn العربية المستعملة دي للبيع.,This used car is for sale.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn اقطع الشجرة الميتة دي، وإلا هتقع على بيتك.,"Cut down that dead tree, or it will fall down on your house.",arz_Arab-eng_Latn هارجع.,I'll come back.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn معالم المشروع مكانتش باينة خالص الشهرين اللي فاتوا.,The details of the project have not been clear for the last two months.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn أنا جعان أوي.,I am terribly hungry.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn ايميلي كتبت رسالة.,Emily wrote a letter.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn ما بطيقوش.,I can't stand him.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn إنت فاهمها؟,Do you understand her?,arz_Arab-eng_Latn لازم اروح الحمام.,I have to go to the toilet.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn دراعي بيوجعني,My arm hurts.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn الكتاب هِنا,The book is here.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn مناخيري بتهرشني,My nose itches.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn "ديما قال: ""بصراحة, أنا مش قادر أفتكر هما مين...""","""To be honest,"" said Dima. ""I really can't remember who they were...""",arz_Arab-eng_Latn واضح قوي إن ده كله كدب ف كدب!,It's so obvious that it's a lie!,arz_Arab-eng_Latn نضف مناخيرك,Wipe your nose.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn جبنا في سيرة القط جا ينط.,Speak of angels and you hear their wings.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn إزاي يحصل لي كده؟,How could this happen to me?,arz_Arab-eng_Latn هي القطة فوق الكرسي ولا تحته؟,Is the cat on the chair or under the chair?,arz_Arab-eng_Latn ده مسجد.,This is a mosque.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn بيتي بنت جميلة، مش كده؟,"Betty is a pretty girl, isn't she?",arz_Arab-eng_Latn راح هناك امبارح.,She went there yesterday.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn الحب حاجة و الجواز حاجة تانية خالص.,Falling in love is one thing; getting married is another.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn ده كتابك.,That is your book.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn أنا معرفش أشكرك إزاي على مساعدتك دي.,I cannot thank you enough for your assistance.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn "بعد إذنك اقطعلي الخشبة دي حتتين. هي كلها على بعضها متر. أنا عاوز الحتة الأولانية تكون 80 سم, والتانية هتبقى 20 سم.","Please cut this piece of wood into two pieces. The total length of it is one meter. I need the first piece to be 80cm, and the other should be 20cm.",arz_Arab-eng_Latn """إنت عرفت إن عندنا مستشفى كبيرة هنا في المدينة؟"" ""إنت فاجئتني!"" ""ليه بس؟"" ""أصل دي المرة التالتة اللي أجي فيها هنا, ومعرفتش غير دلوقتي إن في مستشفى هنا.""","""Did you know that we have a big hospital in this town?"" ""I’m quite surprised to hear that."" ""Why is that?"" ""Well, this is my third visit, and I didn't know till now there was a hospital here.”",arz_Arab-eng_Latn فرشة السنان فين؟,Where's the toothbrush?,arz_Arab-eng_Latn آن مش جايّه الحفلة بتاعتنا.,Anne will not come to our party.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn اللي بيستعمل فرشة السنان دي مش أمي,Whoever uses this toothbrush is not my mother.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn عمري ما حبيت الأحياء.,I never liked Biology.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn عايز جيتار.,I want a guitar.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn الفيلم ده للأطفال.,That film is for children.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn أنا بمثل عمرك.,I'm your age.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn ألف شكر!,Thanks a lot!,arz_Arab-eng_Latn ده مستحيل يغير رأيه.,He is obstinate in his opinion.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn البيت ده بيتأجر بكام؟,How much would it be to rent this house?,arz_Arab-eng_Latn أقدر أشتري البيت ده على كام؟,How much could I buy this house for?,arz_Arab-eng_Latn فضل باصص عليّه.,He stared at me.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn هو ده بالكيلو ولا بالعلبة ولا بالواحدة؟,"Is this sold by the kilo, by the package or individually?",arz_Arab-eng_Latn "بالنسبة لبيتي الجديد أنا محتاج أرض في حدود 15 في 35 متر. لو لقيت أرض للبيع هنا, أعمل حسابي على كام لو في الحدود دي؟ متوسط المتر هنا عامل كام؟","For my new house I'll need a building lot roughly 15 meters by 35. If I found land for sale here, what should I expect to pay for a lot like that? What's the average price per square meter?",arz_Arab-eng_Latn ممكن تيجي.,She may come.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn ممكن أسأل شوية أسئلة؟,May I ask a couple of questions?,arz_Arab-eng_Latn نانسي ابتسمت و هي فرحانة.,Nancy smiled happily.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn الاتوبيس جاي.,The bus is coming.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn الارانب بتحب تاكل الجزر.,Rabbits like to eat carrots.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn مفيش أرض هنا للبيع؟,Is there some land for sale here?,arz_Arab-eng_Latn تسلينا النهارده.,Today was fun.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn ده الكرسي بتاع كنجي.,This is Kenji's chair.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn بقى عازف بيانو.,He became a pianist.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn عندي عيش.,I have bread.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn ماتش التنس اتأجل عشان المطر.,The tennis match was postponed due to rain.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn أنا بردو.,So do I.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn انت نازل؟ (نازل من الاتوبيس او قطار الخ),Are you getting off?,arz_Arab-eng_Latn بالهنا و الشفا!,Enjoy your meal!,arz_Arab-eng_Latn مكتب براءات طوكيو فين؟,Where is the Tokyo patent office?,arz_Arab-eng_Latn وحشتني.,I miss you.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn من زمان أوي والناس مبهورة بقدرته الفظيعة إنه يحل مسائل الرياضة في دماغه من غير ورقة ولا قلم.,From a very early age he amazed everyone with his extraordinary abilities to do mathematical calculations in his head without the use of pen and paper.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn عايز جزمة بني، مش سودا.,"I want brown shoes, not black ones.",arz_Arab-eng_Latn الخبر ده جديد عليَّ.,This news is new to me.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn النهارده حار.,It's hot today.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn خط إيدك شبه خط إيدي.,Your handwriting is similar to mine.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn ده قوي قوة الحصان.,He's as strong as a horse.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn """إنت اتولدت في بوسطن؟"" ""لأ، إتولدت في أستراليا.""","""Were you born in Boston?"" ""No, I was born in Australia.""",arz_Arab-eng_Latn ما تستعديهمش.,Don't antagonize them.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn بقولك اوعى إيدك يا راجل انت!,"Take your fucking hands off me, you bastard!",arz_Arab-eng_Latn مش شايف انه غريبة حبتين؟,Don't you think it's too strange?,arz_Arab-eng_Latn إرسم خط مستقيم.,Draw a straight line.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn أنا عمال أجرب فيها ومش راضية تشتغل.,"I keep trying to fix it, but it's still not working.",arz_Arab-eng_Latn عايز آخد تعسيلة.,I want to take a nap.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn معناها مش اللي انت فاكرُه.,It doesn't mean what you think it means.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn الأخضر بيليق عليك.,Green suits you.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn إعملها بالطريقة دي لو سمحت.,Please do it this way.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn أي كتاب أحسن؟,Which book is better?,arz_Arab-eng_Latn يا استاذ! استنى لحظة.,Hey you! Please wait.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn أنا مصري,I am Egyptian.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn هو التقرير ممكن يبقى صادق؟,Can the report be true?,arz_Arab-eng_Latn أنا مش فاهم في إيه!,I don't understand what's wrong with it!,arz_Arab-eng_Latn أنا متضايق من نفسي.,I'm upset at myself.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn اعملها في أسرع وقت ممكن .,Do it as soon as possible.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn انزل في أسرع وقت ممكن .,Come downstairs as soon as possible.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn عصفور في الإيد و لا عشرة عالشجرة.,A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn سأكتب لك في أقرب وقت ممكن.,I will write to you as soon as I can.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn ايه المبنى اللي بسقف أخضر ده؟,What is that building with the green roof?,arz_Arab-eng_Latn كين ولع الشمع.,Ken lit the candles.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn انت ياباني؟,Are you Japanese?,arz_Arab-eng_Latn أنا ميت م الجوع.,I am very hungry.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn كنت هنا امبارح.,I was just here yesterday.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn متى قطعت اجازتك الصيفيه؟,When are you going on summer vacation?,arz_Arab-eng_Latn في أي حاجة اتغيرت؟,Has anything changed?,arz_Arab-eng_Latn عايز أموت مع جتر ياني.,I want to die with Getter Jaani.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn مش دي سودا؟,Isn't it black?,arz_Arab-eng_Latn مكنش بيقبض مرتب كبير لما خرج ع المعاش.,He wasn't earning a large salary when he retired.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn اترقت.,She was promoted.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn انا زهقان.,I am bored.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn انا حاسس بملل.,I am getting bored.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn إنت مين؟,Who are you?,arz_Arab-eng_Latn يستحسن انك تروح.,You'd better go.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn معظم الناس بيكتبوا عن حياتهم اليومية.,Most people write about their daily life.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn البيت اللي بسقف أخضر ده بيتي.,The house whose roof is green is mine.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn الحته كت هادية.,The area was quiet.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn كايت بتربي كلب.,Kate keeps a dog.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn بحب الكتاب ده أكتر من البقايا.,I love this book above all.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn مش فاهم انت عاوز تقول إيه.,I don't understand what you are saying.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn لا داعي لتدفعني.,You don't have to push me.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn أنا بعتلك الإي ميل ده من إسبوعين,I sent you this email two weeks ago.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn هل ساءلتهم؟,Did you question them?,arz_Arab-eng_Latn أفرغ محفظتك,Empty your bag.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn هطخّو.,I will shoot him.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn معلش اعملها دلوقتي حالا,Please do this immediately.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn إنت بتشوفه دايما؟,Do you see him often?,arz_Arab-eng_Latn الحاجات دي بتاعتك؟,Are these your things?,arz_Arab-eng_Latn لندا بتحب الشوكالاتا.,Linda loves chocolate.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn اتفضل ادخل.,Please come in.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn قربت تبقى تلاتة.,It is almost three.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn بيتر بيحب جين.,Peter loves Jane.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn ده مستحيل.,It's not possible.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn الحاجة دي مش ممكن تحصل.,It is impossible.,arz_Arab-eng_Latn "El pan faise con farina, agua y formientu.","Bread is made from flour, water and yeast.",ast_Latn-eng_Latn Tom ye un neñu traviesu abondo.,Tom is quite a mischievous child.,ast_Latn-eng_Latn Pa mercar una entrá vas tener qu'esperar como poco una hora.,You'll have to wait at least an hour to get a ticket.,ast_Latn-eng_Latn El xefe va enoxase conmigo.,The boss is going to get mad at me.,ast_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Por qué nun fuiste a la oficina?,Why didn't you go to the office?,ast_Latn-eng_Latn "Los nenos, que taben frayaos, quedaron dormíos darréu.","The kids, who were exhausted, fell asleep right away",ast_Latn-eng_Latn Préstame xugar al fútbol.,I like to play soccer.,ast_Latn-eng_Latn "Tolos días, sacando xueves ya vienres, xuntaba colos amigos na tertulia.","Every day, except Thursdays and Fridays, he gathered with his friends for chatting",ast_Latn-eng_Latn La música ye el alma de la xeometría.,Music is the soul of geometry.,ast_Latn-eng_Latn Tom y Mary dixeron que marchaban.,Tom and Mary said that they were leaving.,ast_Latn-eng_Latn Na cama aou durmi la mio moza nun fae fríu.,In the bed where my girlfriend sleeps it is not cold,ast_Latn-eng_Latn Yes mui guapa.,You're very pretty.,ast_Latn-eng_Latn Nun fai falta dir.,You don't need to go.,ast_Latn-eng_Latn "¡Ay, ho! ¿Pues cómo nun fuiste quién d'algamalu inda?","My, my! How come you haven't been able to reach it, yet?",ast_Latn-eng_Latn Tengo fame.,I am hungry.,ast_Latn-eng_Latn Préstame tar contigo.,I like to be with you.,ast_Latn-eng_Latn Una bisarma anda Europa – la bisarma del comunismu.,A spectre is haunting Europe - the spectre of communism.,ast_Latn-eng_Latn Tengo de subir al árbol.,I need to climb the tree.,ast_Latn-eng_Latn Tienes de facelo meyor.,You've got to do better.,ast_Latn-eng_Latn Traime esi vasu lleche.,Bring me that glass of milk.,ast_Latn-eng_Latn Ficisti too lo que pudisti.,You've done all you can.,ast_Latn-eng_Latn Tienes de garrar l'autobús.,You've got a bus to catch.,ast_Latn-eng_Latn Tien la zuna de escargatiar nes ñarres.,He's got the bad habit of picking his nose.,ast_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Crees que ye posible?,Do you think it's possible?,ast_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Quies dir de compres?,Do you want to go shopping?,ast_Latn-eng_Latn Tienes que dir a chucate.,You need to get to bed.,ast_Latn-eng_Latn Prestome ayudar a Tom a mercar lo que-y facía falta.,I was happy to be able to help Tom buy what he needed.,ast_Latn-eng_Latn Ta sangrándome la rodiya.,My knee is bleeding.,ast_Latn-eng_Latn El Burj Khalifa ye por agora el rascacielos más altu del mundu.,Burj Khalifa is currently the tallest skyscraper in the world.,ast_Latn-eng_Latn Vimos daqué estraño nel cielu.,We saw a strange object in the sky.,ast_Latn-eng_Latn "¿Qué cosa cosadiella ye? Una vieya con un diente, apiella a tola xente. La campana.","Guess the riddle. An old woman with one tooth, summons everybody. The bell.",ast_Latn-eng_Latn Toi xintando pasta.,I'm eating pasta.,ast_Latn-eng_Latn El gatu salió del cestu.,My cat came out of the basket.,ast_Latn-eng_Latn Ye la verdá.,It's the truth.,ast_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Apetezte venir al baile?,How would you like to go to a dance?,ast_Latn-eng_Latn Enseñáronme fotos prestoses asgaya.,They showed me a lot of nice pictures.,ast_Latn-eng_Latn Pasé una tarde pistonuda.,I had a lovely night.,ast_Latn-eng_Latn Toi bien namorada.,I'm so in love!,ast_Latn-eng_Latn Toi arguyosu de lo bien que cocina mio pá.,I'm proud that my father is a good cook.,ast_Latn-eng_Latn ¡Munches gracies!,Thanks a lot!,ast_Latn-eng_Latn A la fiesta vinieron sólo seis persones.,Only six people came to the party.,ast_Latn-eng_Latn Sólo queremos d'atopar a Tom.,We just want to find Tom.,ast_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Quién yes tú?,Who are you?,ast_Latn-eng_Latn Ellos llegaron tarde por causa de la tormenta.,They arrived late because of the storm.,ast_Latn-eng_Latn Esto ye lo que tenía que te dicir. Ye de lo más cenciello. Nun se pue ver bien namás que col corazón. Lo esencial nun se ve colos güeyos.,"And now here is my secret, a very simple secret: It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye.",ast_Latn-eng_Latn ¿D'ú vienes?,Where are you from?,ast_Latn-eng_Latn "El maestru, al nun oyer la campana, nun paró de falar.","The teacher, without hearing the bell, didn't stop talking.",ast_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Ulu?,Where is he?,ast_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Ula?,Where is she?,ast_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Ulo?,Where is it?,ast_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Cuál ye'l to profesor favoritu?,Who's your favorite teacher?,ast_Latn-eng_Latn ¡Democracia real yá!,Free democracy now!,ast_Latn-eng_Latn Lleva-y les llaves al to hermanu.,Take the keys to your brother.,ast_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Tienes dalgún llibru pa lleer?,Do you have any books to read?,ast_Latn-eng_Latn Diz Tom que nun se arrepiente de res.,Tom says he doesn't have any regrets.,ast_Latn-eng_Latn Presumes más qu'un ratón encima un quesu.,You brag more than a mouse on cheese.,ast_Latn-eng_Latn Tom deprendióme munches coses útiles.,Tom taught me a lot of useful things.,ast_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Nun te dixe que zarraras la puerta?,Didn't I tell you to close the door?,ast_Latn-eng_Latn Ha acabar too llueu abondo.,It'll all be over soon.,ast_Latn-eng_Latn La verdá ye que yo nunca nun quixe dir allí.,I never actually wanted to go there.,ast_Latn-eng_Latn Inda nun atopé trabayu.,I still haven't found work.,ast_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Qué fais ho?,What do you make?,ast_Latn-eng_Latn Nun diba ser quien de dalo fecho ensin ti.,I wouldn't have been able to do it without you.,ast_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Qué fais ne?,What do you do?,ast_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Préstate correr?,Do you like to run?,ast_Latn-eng_Latn Esa película ye afayadiza pa xente de toles edaes.,That movie is suitable for people of all ages.,ast_Latn-eng_Latn La xente miente dacuando.,"Sometimes, people lie.",ast_Latn-eng_Latn Nun me da más si me cree daquién o non.,I don't care if anyone believes me or not.,ast_Latn-eng_Latn ¡Que semeya más guapa!,What a beautiful picture!,ast_Latn-eng_Latn El cielu del atapecer ye roxu.,The sky at dusk is red.,ast_Latn-eng_Latn El Burj Khalifa ye actualmente el rascacielos más altu del mundu.,Currently Burj Khalifa is the tallest skyscraper in the world.,ast_Latn-eng_Latn """¿Ye ella moza?"" ""Sí.""","""Is she young?"" ""Yes, she is.""",ast_Latn-eng_Latn "¡¿Tu yes faltosu o fais-te, ho?!","You're retarded, or something?!",ast_Latn-eng_Latn Tuvi una xinta llixera.,I ate a light lunch.,ast_Latn-eng_Latn Valíame más tener dexao la pistola au la atopé.,I should've left the gun where I found it.,ast_Latn-eng_Latn "Andorra ye un pequeñu principat, asitiáu entre España y Francia.",Andorra is a small principality situated between Spain and France.,ast_Latn-eng_Latn Nun gastes más perres de les que ganes.,Don't spend more than you earn.,ast_Latn-eng_Latn Esa muyer encaprichose contigo.,That woman is infatuated with you.,ast_Latn-eng_Latn El lladrón tenía ferramientes afayaices pa forzar peslleres.,The thief had special tools for picking locks.,ast_Latn-eng_Latn Siento muncho haber tao tantu tiempu ensín escribite.,I am sorry that I have not written to you for such a long time.,ast_Latn-eng_Latn "Por favor, dime lo que quies.",Please let me know what you want.,ast_Latn-eng_Latn La idea nun ye nueva.,The idea isn't new.,ast_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Necesites les llaves?,You need the keys?,ast_Latn-eng_Latn "¡Fai el favor de vestite, que vamos llegar tarde!",Make the favor of dressing up because we're going to get late!,ast_Latn-eng_Latn ¡Bon nataliegu!,Happy birthday to you!,ast_Latn-eng_Latn El fueu siempre ye peligrosu.,Fire is always dangerous.,ast_Latn-eng_Latn "Pa daquién que se supón ye un espertu, nun paez que usté sepa muncho.","For someone who's supposed to be an expert, you don't seem to know much.",ast_Latn-eng_Latn María ponse toa nerviosa cuando Tom conduz demasiao rápido.,Mary gets nervous when Tom drives too fast.,ast_Latn-eng_Latn Vivimos xuntos.,We live together.,ast_Latn-eng_Latn Ella frotose los güeyos.,She rubbed her eyes.,ast_Latn-eng_Latn Ella ta amurniada.,She's in a depression.,ast_Latn-eng_Latn Préstame trabayar.,I like to work.,ast_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Cual ye'l to equipu favoritu?,Which is your favorite team?,ast_Latn-eng_Latn Nun te queda otra que facelo.,You had no choice but to do it.,ast_Latn-eng_Latn El músicu ye tan popular nel estranxeru como en Xapón.,The musician is famous abroad as well as in Japan.,ast_Latn-eng_Latn Ye más fácil divertise que trabayar.,It is easier to have fun than to work.,ast_Latn-eng_Latn El unicorniu ye un monstruu fabulosu.,The unicorn is a fabulous monster.,ast_Latn-eng_Latn "Pa nuesu que tás nel altor, seya’l to nome santificáu. Amiye’l to reinu.","Our Father who art above, hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come.",ast_Latn-eng_Latn El gatu metióse pente les tables.,The cat went through the boards.,ast_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Qué faes aende?,What are you doing there?,ast_Latn-eng_Latn "Dio-ylu el to xenru, que-y fía bona falta.","Your son-in-law gave it to him, for he needed it badly.",ast_Latn-eng_Latn Les cartes unviáronles el mes pasáu.,They sent the letters last month.,ast_Latn-eng_Latn Vémonos la selmana que vien.,We see each other next week.,ast_Latn-eng_Latn Nun falo castellanu.,I don't speak Spanish.,ast_Latn-eng_Latn Ella dió-y un regalu.,She gave him a present.,ast_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Mancástete?,Did you hurt yourself?,ast_Latn-eng_Latn Nin tú nin naide nun vais quitame de dir.,Neither you nor anyone will prevent me from going,ast_Latn-eng_Latn "Pa entamar, tienes que dexar de fumar.","First, you have to stop smoking.",ast_Latn-eng_Latn Dixo que diba a echa-yos una mano.,He said he would give a helping hand to them.,ast_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Danos permisu pa facer un enllaz de la so páxina al nuestru sitiu corporativu?,Would you please make a hyperlink to our corporate site from your page?,ast_Latn-eng_Latn Nun soi l'únicu que piensa asina.,I am not alone in thinking so.,ast_Latn-eng_Latn "Desque-y lo igües, has llavar les manes que tiénesles abondo puerques.","Once you have fixed it for him, do wash your hands for they are dirty indeed.",ast_Latn-eng_Latn Voi pa la rula. ¿Qué quies de xinta? ¿Xarda o parrochina?,I'm on my way to the fish market. What would you like for lunch? Mackerel or sardine?,ast_Latn-eng_Latn ¡A-neno! ¿Nun oyes? ¡Apurre-y el martiellu ya ten pol clavo!,Kid! Can't you hear? Hand him the hammer and hold the nail!,ast_Latn-eng_Latn "Rapaz, aballa el xiculate, que nun ensame.","Kid, stir the chocolate, so that it doesn't stick.",ast_Latn-eng_Latn Fexo un furacón grande abondo pa mangar n' ello una carrada de gouños.,He made a hole big enough to put inside a chart-load of pebbles,ast_Latn-eng_Latn El budismu orixinose na India.,Buddhism had its beginnings in India.,ast_Latn-eng_Latn Escribió un llibru sobre China.,He wrote a book on China.,ast_Latn-eng_Latn Van de compres.,They are going shopping.,ast_Latn-eng_Latn Tom nun trouxo les sos llaves,Tom didn't bring his keys.,ast_Latn-eng_Latn Dexáronme facer lo que me diera pola gana.,They let me do whatever I wanted.,ast_Latn-eng_Latn "Bien fechu, Tom.","You did well, Tom.",ast_Latn-eng_Latn Rindióse.,He gave up.,ast_Latn-eng_Latn Nun falé con Tom desque salió del hospital,I haven't spoken with Tom since he got out of the hospital.,ast_Latn-eng_Latn La nena dexó escapar al páxaru.,The girl let the bird loose.,ast_Latn-eng_Latn Ía prestame que fixeras una prueba de sangre.,I'd like you to have a blood test.,ast_Latn-eng_Latn El nenu mancóse.,The kid got hurt.,ast_Latn-eng_Latn का देस ह!,What a country!,awa_Deva-eng_Latn केन सैको स बड़का है।,Ken is older than Seiko.,awa_Deva-eng_Latn अलजेरिया मोरा देस ह।,Algeria is my country.,awa_Deva-eng_Latn मेक्सिको मा स्पेनिश बोली जात है।,Spanish is spoken in Mexico.,awa_Deva-eng_Latn फ़्रांस माँ फ़्रांसीसी बोली जात है।,French is spoken in France.,awa_Deva-eng_Latn अंग्रेजी कैनडा मा बोली जात ह का?,Is English spoken in Canada?,awa_Deva-eng_Latn कनाडा माँ अंग्रेजी बोली जात है।,English is spoken in Canada.,awa_Deva-eng_Latn स्पेनिश मेक्सिको मा बोली जात ह का?,Is Spanish spoken in Mexico?,awa_Deva-eng_Latn सिंगापुर मा अंग्रेजी बोली जात है।,English is spoken in Singapore.,awa_Deva-eng_Latn आस्ट्रेलिया मा अंग्रेजी बोली जात है।,English is spoken in Australia.,awa_Deva-eng_Latn स्वित्ज़रलैंड मा फ़्रांसीसी बोली जात है।,French is spoken in Switzerland.,awa_Deva-eng_Latn सुन्नर देस ह।,It's a beautiful country.,awa_Deva-eng_Latn हिआँ भवा एइसा मइँ कहेउँ नाहीं।,I didn't say it happened here.,awa_Deva-eng_Latn मोका तीस मिनट द्या।,Give me thirty minutes.,awa_Deva-eng_Latn नाशी भाखा चीन मा बोली जात है।,The Naxi language is spoken in China.,awa_Deva-eng_Latn माओरी भाखा न्यूज़ीलैंड मा बोली जात है।,The Maori language is spoken in New Zealand.,awa_Deva-eng_Latn "कोंकणी महाराष्ट्र, गोआ अउर करनाटक मा बोली जात है।","Konkani is spoken in Maharashtra, Goa and Karnataka.",awa_Deva-eng_Latn उ दुकान रविवार क बन्द रहत ह।,The shop is closed on Sundays.,awa_Deva-eng_Latn मोरे चाचा क इटली मां एक घर ह।,My uncle has a house in Italy.,awa_Deva-eng_Latn अउर काहे नाहीं?,And why not?,awa_Deva-eng_Latn """काहे?"" ""काहे नाहीं?""","""Why?"" ""Why not?""",awa_Deva-eng_Latn ई काहे ह?,Why is this?,awa_Deva-eng_Latn कल काहे नाहीं?,Why not tomorrow?,awa_Deva-eng_Latn मइँ हुवाँ गवा रहा।,I had gone there.,awa_Deva-eng_Latn ई जनावरन है।,These are animals.,awa_Deva-eng_Latn ऊ दक्खिन स आया।,He came from the south.,awa_Deva-eng_Latn टाम क जनावरन पसन्द है।,Tom likes animals.,awa_Deva-eng_Latn पोलेंड बड़ा देस ह।,Poland is a big country.,awa_Deva-eng_Latn मोका आनिमे पसन्द है।,I like animes.,awa_Deva-eng_Latn टाम क जनावरन पसन्द रहीं।,Tom liked animals.,awa_Deva-eng_Latn पान्डा सुन्नर जनावरन है।,Pandas are beautiful animals.,awa_Deva-eng_Latn उ जनावर ह।,He's an animal.,awa_Deva-eng_Latn टाम जनावर ह।,Tom is an animal.,awa_Deva-eng_Latn वालोनिया सुन्नर देस ह।,Wallonia is a beautiful country.,awa_Deva-eng_Latn इटली एक बहोत सुन्नर देस ह।,Italy is a very beautiful country.,awa_Deva-eng_Latn कौआ उड़ी गवा।,The crow flew away.,awa_Deva-eng_Latn आर्मिनिया पहाड़ी देस ह।,Armenia is a mountainous country.,awa_Deva-eng_Latn का सुन्नर ठउर ह!,What a beautiful place!,awa_Deva-eng_Latn इ ठउर सुन्नर ह।,This place is beautiful.,awa_Deva-eng_Latn टाम क ठउर ल्या।,Take Tom's place.,awa_Deva-eng_Latn इ ठउर मोका पसन्द ह।,I like this place.,awa_Deva-eng_Latn इ फ़ाक्ता सैनफ्रन्सिस्को स न्यूयार्क उड़ेस।,This pigeon flew from San Francisco to New York.,awa_Deva-eng_Latn ऊ एक सेब खात है।,He's eating an apple.,awa_Deva-eng_Latn मोरा नाउँ वांग ह।,My name is Wang.,awa_Deva-eng_Latn ई एक किताब है।,This is a book.,awa_Deva-eng_Latn युक्रेन बड़ा देस ह।,Ukraine is a big country.,awa_Deva-eng_Latn किताब है।,It is a book.,awa_Deva-eng_Latn का चलत ह?,What's going on?,awa_Deva-eng_Latn वेल्श सुन्नर भाषा ह।,Welsh is a beautiful language.,awa_Deva-eng_Latn उ नाउँ केन ह।,That name is Ken.,awa_Deva-eng_Latn हर एक देस क आपन आपन इतिहास होत ह।,Every country has its own history.,awa_Deva-eng_Latn टाम रकत दिहेस।,Tom gave blood.,awa_Deva-eng_Latn रकत नाहीं ह।,It's not blood.,awa_Deva-eng_Latn पानी ह का?,Is there water?,awa_Deva-eng_Latn टाम क पानी क जरूरत रही।,Tom needed water.,awa_Deva-eng_Latn टाम क पानी क जरूरत ह।,Tom needs water.,awa_Deva-eng_Latn मोका पानी क जरूरत ह।,I need water.,awa_Deva-eng_Latn समइ खतम।,Time is up.,awa_Deva-eng_Latn मोका समइ द्या।,Give me time.,awa_Deva-eng_Latn ओका समइ द्या।,Give him time.,awa_Deva-eng_Latn अंग्रेजी एक भाखा ह।,English is a language.,awa_Deva-eng_Latn समइ लागत ह।,It takes time.,awa_Deva-eng_Latn टाम क समइ क जरूरत रही।,Tom needed time.,awa_Deva-eng_Latn समइ ह?,Is there time?,awa_Deva-eng_Latn अउर थोड़ा समइ ल्या।,Take some time.,awa_Deva-eng_Latn तोहरी भाखा तोहार धरम ह।,Your language is your religion.,awa_Deva-eng_Latn "आपन समइ ल्या, योशिदा।","Take your time, Yoshida.",awa_Deva-eng_Latn टाम मसहूर ह।,Tom is famous.,awa_Deva-eng_Latn टाम मसहूर रहा।,Tom was famous.,awa_Deva-eng_Latn टाम मसहूर ह का?,Is Tom famous?,awa_Deva-eng_Latn उ घर मसहूर ह।,That house is famous.,awa_Deva-eng_Latn इ घर मसहूर ह।,This house is famous.,awa_Deva-eng_Latn टाम मसहूर नाहीं रहा।,Tom was not famous.,awa_Deva-eng_Latn टाम बहोत मसहूर ह।,Tom is very famous.,awa_Deva-eng_Latn मइँ ज्यादा मसहूर अहइँ।,I'm more famous.,awa_Deva-eng_Latn मइँ कम मसहूर अहइँ।,I'm less famous.,awa_Deva-eng_Latn बाहेर अँधियारा ह।,It is dark outside.,awa_Deva-eng_Latn फुन का भवा?,Then what happened?,awa_Deva-eng_Latn अराम करा।,Take a rest.,awa_Deva-eng_Latn राजा इ सुबह सिकार करइ गवा।,The king went hunting this morning.,awa_Deva-eng_Latn अराम करा!,Take a rest!,awa_Deva-eng_Latn अराम कर ल्या।,Get some rest.,awa_Deva-eng_Latn टाम क अराम क जरूरत रही।,Tom needed rest.,awa_Deva-eng_Latn टाम क अराम क जरूरत ह।,Tom needs rest.,awa_Deva-eng_Latn टाम क थोडी़ अराम क जरूरत ह।,Tom needs some rest.,awa_Deva-eng_Latn मोका अराम क जरूरत ह।,I need to rest.,awa_Deva-eng_Latn इ मोरी बिटिया ह।,This is my daughter.,awa_Deva-eng_Latn मोरी एक बिटिया ह।,I have a daughter.,awa_Deva-eng_Latn मोरी दुइ बिटियन ह।,I have two daughters.,awa_Deva-eng_Latn उ मोरी बिटिया ह।,She's my daughter.,awa_Deva-eng_Latn मोरी बिटिया क अल्ट्रामेन पसन्द ह।,My daughter likes Ultraman.,awa_Deva-eng_Latn तोहरी बिटियन सुन्नर है।,Your daughters are beautiful.,awa_Deva-eng_Latn मेरी तोहार बिटिया ह का?,Is Mary your daughter?,awa_Deva-eng_Latn इ तोहार बिटियन ह का?,Are these your daughters?,awa_Deva-eng_Latn टाम क एक बिटिया रही।,Tom had one daughter.,awa_Deva-eng_Latn रुमी पहिली बिटिया ह।,Rumi is the first daughter.,awa_Deva-eng_Latn सुज़ुकी जी क तीन बिटियन ह।,Mr Suzuki has three daughters.,awa_Deva-eng_Latn मोरी बड़ी बिटिया विवाहित ह।,Her older daughter is married.,awa_Deva-eng_Latn मोरा नाउँ हाशिमोतो ह।,My name is Hashimoto.,awa_Deva-eng_Latn ओकर नाउँ टाम रहा।,His name was Tom.,awa_Deva-eng_Latn रूस बड़ा ह।,Russia is big.,awa_Deva-eng_Latn टाम बड़ा ह।,Tom is big.,awa_Deva-eng_Latn इ बड़ा ह।,This is big.,awa_Deva-eng_Latn टाम बड़ा ह का?,Is Tom big?,awa_Deva-eng_Latn इ मछरी बड़ी ह।,This fish is big.,awa_Deva-eng_Latn उ घर बड़ा ह।,That house is big.,awa_Deva-eng_Latn मोरा नाउँ साशा ह।,My name is Sascha.,awa_Deva-eng_Latn मोरा नाउँ यामादा ह।,My name is Yamada.,awa_Deva-eng_Latn तोहरा घर बड़ा ह।,Your house is big.,awa_Deva-eng_Latn बाजार बड़ा ह।,The market is big.,awa_Deva-eng_Latn उ ओकर नाउँ जेन राखेस।,They named her Jane.,awa_Deva-eng_Latn हइदराबाद प १९४८ तलक एक निजाम क राज रहा।,Hyderabad was ruled by a nizam until 1948.,awa_Deva-eng_Latn सूरज बड़ा ह।,The sun is big.,awa_Deva-eng_Latn सहर बड़ा ह।,The city is big.,awa_Deva-eng_Latn अमरीका बहोत बड़ा ह।,America is very big.,awa_Deva-eng_Latn घर बड़ा ह।,The house is big.,awa_Deva-eng_Latn ओकायामा बड़ा सहर ह का?,Is Okayama a big city?,awa_Deva-eng_Latn ओकर नाउँ का ह?,What is his name?,awa_Deva-eng_Latn मोरा नाउँ अहमद ह।,My name is Ahmad.,awa_Deva-eng_Latn अकास साफ ह।,The skies are clear.,awa_Deva-eng_Latn मोरा नाउँ जान ह।,My name is John.,awa_Deva-eng_Latn मोरा नाउँ टाम ह।,My name is Tom.,awa_Deva-eng_Latn उ ओकर नाउँ रहा।,That was his name.,awa_Deva-eng_Latn बहोत सुन्नर रहा।,It was very beautiful.,awa_Deva-eng_Latn अजय गरीब ह।,Ajay is poor.,awa_Deva-eng_Latn टोनी खुस रहा।,Tony was happy.,awa_Deva-eng_Latn केन खुस ह।,Ken is happy.,awa_Deva-eng_Latn ऊ खुस ह।,She is happy.,awa_Deva-eng_Latn खुसी का ह?,What is happiness?,awa_Deva-eng_Latn मइँ खुस अहउँ।,I am happy.,awa_Deva-eng_Latn टाम खुस ह।,Tom is happy.,awa_Deva-eng_Latn टाम खुस रहा।,Tom was happy.,awa_Deva-eng_Latn मइँ खुस रहा।,I was happy.,awa_Deva-eng_Latn टाम खुस ह का?,Is Tom happy?,awa_Deva-eng_Latn मोका खुस करा।,Make me happy.,awa_Deva-eng_Latn टाम खुस रहा का?,Was Tom happy?,awa_Deva-eng_Latn मोरा नाउँ शु ह।,My name is Shu.,awa_Deva-eng_Latn ओकर नाउँ टाम ह।,His name's Tom.,awa_Deva-eng_Latn "तू मोका रकत द्या, मइँ तोका आज़ादी देबउँ।","Give me your blood, I will give you freedom.",awa_Deva-eng_Latn मइँ गाभीन अहउँ।,I am pregnant.,awa_Deva-eng_Latn मइँ गाभीन अहउँ का?,Am I pregnant?,awa_Deva-eng_Latn ओकर नाउँ का रहा?,What was his name?,awa_Deva-eng_Latn उ गाभीन ह।,She is pregnant.,awa_Deva-eng_Latn मेरी गाभीन ह।,Mary is pregnant.,awa_Deva-eng_Latn ओकर नाउँ निना ह?,Her name is Nina?,awa_Deva-eng_Latn मोका मोरी भाखा पसन्द ह।,I like my language.,awa_Deva-eng_Latn "टाम, मइँ गाभीन अहउँ।","Tom, I'm pregnant.",awa_Deva-eng_Latn पान्डा गाभीन ह।,The panda is pregnant.,awa_Deva-eng_Latn मोरा नाउँ हेनरी ह।,My name is Henry.,awa_Deva-eng_Latn "भाखा नाहीं, रास्ट्र नाहीं।","No language, no nation.",awa_Deva-eng_Latn जिन्नगी सुन्नर ह।,Life is beautiful.,awa_Deva-eng_Latn ऊ हमै मालुम है।,We know him.,awa_Deva-eng_Latn टाम ह मोरा नाउँ।,Tom is my name.,awa_Deva-eng_Latn जिन्नगी सपन ह।,Life is a dream.,awa_Deva-eng_Latn इ मोरी जिन्नगी ह।,It's my life.,awa_Deva-eng_Latn स्वीडन क आपन भाखा ह।,Sweden has its own language.,awa_Deva-eng_Latn मोका मोरी जिन्नगी पस्न्द ह।,I like my life.,awa_Deva-eng_Latn जिन्नगी सर्कस ह।,Life is a circus.,awa_Deva-eng_Latn माको आक्सिटन भाखा पसन्द ह।,I like the Occitan language.,awa_Deva-eng_Latn अंग्रेजी जर्मेनिक भाखा ह।,English is a Germanic language.,awa_Deva-eng_Latn जिन्नगी एक भेंट ह।,Life is a gift.,awa_Deva-eng_Latn टाम क आपन जिन्नगी पसन्द ह।,Tom likes his life.,awa_Deva-eng_Latn मेरी क आपन जिन्नगी पसन्द ह।,Mary likes her life.,awa_Deva-eng_Latn मनई क जिन्नगी पवित्र ह।,Human life is sacred.,awa_Deva-eng_Latn इ मोरी जिन्नगी ह!,It's my life!,awa_Deva-eng_Latn तेहरान कहां ह?,Where is Tehran?,awa_Deva-eng_Latn अकास बड़ा ह।,The sky is big.,awa_Deva-eng_Latn अकास साफ भवा।,The sky cleared up.,awa_Deva-eng_Latn अकास लाल भवा।,The sky was red.,awa_Deva-eng_Latn तू का जवाब दिहस?,What did you answer?,awa_Deva-eng_Latn निउए एक देस ह।,Niue is a country.,awa_Deva-eng_Latn आइरिश सुन्नर भाखा ह।,Irish is a beautiful language.,awa_Deva-eng_Latn "हां, मुला उ?","Yes, but that?",awa_Deva-eng_Latn हुवाँ कउनो नाहीं रहा।,There was no one there.,awa_Deva-eng_Latn अरबी आसान भाखा ह।,Arabic is a simple language.,awa_Deva-eng_Latn हमेसा मइँ काहे?,Why always me?,awa_Deva-eng_Latn उ सुन्नर ह।,She is beautiful.,awa_Deva-eng_Latn इ सु्न्नर ह।,This is beautiful.,awa_Deva-eng_Latn मेहररूअन सुन्नर ह।,Women are beautiful.,awa_Deva-eng_Latn लारी सुन्नर ह।,Laurie is beautiful.,awa_Deva-eng_Latn मेरी सुन्नर ह।,Mary is beautiful.,awa_Deva-eng_Latn मइँ टाम हन्टर।,I'm Tom Hunter.,awa_Deva-eng_Latn जापान सुन्नर देस ह।,Japan is a beautiful country.,awa_Deva-eng_Latn पाकिस्तान मुस्लिम देस ह।,Pakistan is a Muslim country.,awa_Deva-eng_Latn अमरीका सुन्नर ह।,America is beautiful.,awa_Deva-eng_Latn सुन्नर रहा।,It was beautiful.,awa_Deva-eng_Latn टरकी सुन्नर देस ह।,Turkey is a beautiful country.,awa_Deva-eng_Latn टाम सिकारी ह।,Tom is a hunter.,awa_Deva-eng_Latn उ सुन्नर रहा।,That was beautiful.,awa_Deva-eng_Latn आस्ट्रेलिया सुन्नर देस ह।,Australia is a beautiful country.,awa_Deva-eng_Latn इटली सुन्नर देस ह।,Italy is a beautiful country.,awa_Deva-eng_Latn ब्राजिल बड़ा देस ह।,Brazil is a big country.,awa_Deva-eng_Latn इ एक सुन्नर देस ह।,This is a beautiful country.,awa_Deva-eng_Latn का सुन्नर सहर ह!,What a beautiful city!,awa_Deva-eng_Latn ठीक है।,It's all right!,awa_Deva-eng_Latn फुन राज्यन अउ छोटे देसन विकसित हुएन।,Kingdoms and small countries then developed.,awa_Deva-eng_Latn इ गुलाब सुन्नर ह।,This rose is beautiful.,awa_Deva-eng_Latn मोरा नाउँ जेक ह।,My name is Jack.,awa_Deva-eng_Latn इ नदी सुन्नर ह।,This river is beautiful.,awa_Deva-eng_Latn मोरा नाउँ हाप्किन्स ह।,My name is Hopkins.,awa_Deva-eng_Latn मोरा नाउँ हिसाशी ह।,My name is Hisashi.,awa_Deva-eng_Latn मोरा नाउँ यातारोउ ह।,My name is Yatarou.,awa_Deva-eng_Latn नाउँ का ह?,What's its name?,awa_Deva-eng_Latn उ बहोत सुन्नर ह।,She is very beautiful.,awa_Deva-eng_Latn "कछू किसान रहेन, कछू सिकारी रहेन।","Some were farmers, some were hunters.",awa_Deva-eng_Latn ई इस्कूल है।,This is a school.,awa_Deva-eng_Latn उ मेहरारू सुन्नर ह।,The woman is beautiful.,awa_Deva-eng_Latn मोरा नाउँ फरशाद ह।,My name is Farshad.,awa_Deva-eng_Latn का ह आहके अधिकार?,What are their rights?,awa_Deva-eng_Latn प्राग बहोत सुन्नर ह।,Prague is very beautiful.,awa_Deva-eng_Latn मोरा नाउँ लुइस ह।,My name is Luis.,awa_Deva-eng_Latn उ सहर सुन्नर ह।,The town is beautiful.,awa_Deva-eng_Latn मोरा नाउँ सेली ह।,My name is Sally.,awa_Deva-eng_Latn मोरा नाउँ जिसुंग ह।,My name is Jisung.,awa_Deva-eng_Latn सूचोउ बहोत सुन्नर ह।,Suzhou is very beautiful.,awa_Deva-eng_Latn उ घर सुन्नर ह।,The house is beautiful.,awa_Deva-eng_Latn का सुन्नर घर ह!,What a beautiful house!,awa_Deva-eng_Latn इ एक नाउँ ह।,This is a name.,awa_Deva-eng_Latn "हां, उ सुन्नर ह।","Yes, that's beautiful.",awa_Deva-eng_Latn मेरी बहोत सुन्नर ह।,Mary is very beautiful.,awa_Deva-eng_Latn सबहिं मेहररूअन सुन्नर ह।,All women are beautiful.,awa_Deva-eng_Latn मोरा नाउँ सउन्दरराजन ह।,My name is Soundararajan.,awa_Deva-eng_Latn सचमुच सुन्नर ह।,It's really beautiful.,awa_Deva-eng_Latn ओकर नाउँ मेरी ह।,Her name is Mary.,awa_Deva-eng_Latn बहोत सुन्नर ह।,It's very beautiful.,awa_Deva-eng_Latn उ ठउर मोका पसन्द ह।,I like that place.,awa_Deva-eng_Latn मे अप्रैल क पाछे आवत ह।,May comes after April.,awa_Deva-eng_Latn ओकरे पाछे का भवा?,What happened after that?,awa_Deva-eng_Latn ओकरे पाछे उ घर गएस।,"After that, he went home.",awa_Deva-eng_Latn अल्लाह महान ह!,Allah is great!,awa_Deva-eng_Latn चीन बड़ा देस ह।,China is a large country.,awa_Deva-eng_Latn Seçmək çox çətindir.,It is too difficult to choose.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn O əti bişirdi.,She cooked the meat.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Ata minə bilərəm.,I can ride a horse.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Mənim oxumağa vaxtım yoxdur.,I don't have time for reading.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn O öz səhvlərindən agahdır.,He's aware of his own faults.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Qəzet haradadır?,Where's the newspaper?,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Kilsə bir dağın ətəyindədir.,The church is at the foot of a mountain.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Sənin iki kompüterin yoxdur?,Don't you have two computers?,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Onun kifayət qədər pulu var.,He has enough money.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Sənin yerində olsaydım bunu etməzdim.,I wouldn't do that if I were you.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Gitaraçı mənim qardaşımdır.,The guitar player is my brother.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Bugün gündəliyinə nəisə yazdın?,Did you write anything in your diary today?,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Hər millətin öz dili var.,Every nation has its own language.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Mən Tomun köməyini istəmirəm.,I don't want Tom's help.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Sizi gözləmirdim.,I didn't expect you.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Tom nə varlıdır nə də məşhur.,Tom is neither rich nor famous.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Sevgi hər şeyə cavabdır.,Love is the answer to everything.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn O cavandır.,She is young.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Mən buradan təxminən bir mil uzaqlıqda yaşayıram.,I live about a mile from here.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Tomu niyə tək qoydun?,Why did you leave Tom alone?,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Bəzi şeylər heç vaxt unudulmur.,Some things are never forgotten.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Qılınc istəyirəm!,I want a sword!,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Sənin sevimli mahnın hansıdır?,What is your favourite song?,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Sizin köməyinizə ehtiyacım olacaq.,I'm going to need your help.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Tomun tələsməyinə ehtiyac yoxdur.,There's no need for Tom to hurry.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Hal-hazırda o yoqa müəllimidir.,"At the present time, she is a yoga instructor.",aze_Latn-eng_Latn Evə getmək istəyirsən?,Do you want to go home?,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Mən də nitq söyləməliyəm?,Do I need to make a speech?,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Bəzi minerallar insan sağlamlığı üçün vacibdirlər.,Some minerals are important for human health.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Ümid edirəm arzum həyata keçər.,I hope my dream will come true.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn O Avropaya nə vaxt getdi?,When did he go to Europe?,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Bu həmişə asan olmayıb.,It hasn't always been easy.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Tomun qara velosipedi var.,Tom has a black bicycle.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Mən dünən saat onda yatdım.,I slept at ten o'clock yesterday.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Mən ondan qorxmuram.,I'm not afraid of her.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Ondan qorxmuram.,I'm not scared of her.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Ürəyinin səsinə qulaq as.,Follow your heart.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Ürəyim ağrıyır.,My heart's aching.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Sadəcə ürəyinizin səsini dinləyin.,Just follow your heart.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Mən artıq yorulmuşdum.,I was already tired.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Sənin ürəyin yoxdur.,You don't have a heart.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Onun qəlbi qırıqdır.,His heart is broken.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Mən əzbər öyrənirəm.,I learn by heart.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Oxumadım.,I didn't read.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Onun ürəyi xəstədir.,His heart is sick.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Onlar şahmat oynayırlar.,They play chess.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Bu bir çox adamı təəccübləndirdi.,This surprised many people.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Sən artıq unutmusan.,You've already forgotten.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Ürəyinə qulaq as!,Listen to your heart.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Qəlbim qırıqdır.,My heart is broken.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Onlar qərbə üz tutdular.,They headed westward.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Mən bir partlayış gördüm.,I saw an explosion.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Başını işlət!,Use your head!,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Mənimlə danışma!,Don't talk to me!,aze_Latn-eng_Latn O kütbeyindir.,He is thick-headed.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Sən mənimçün hərşeysən.,You are everything to me.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Başım partlayır.,My head is exploding.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn "O, başını işlətdi.",He used his head.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Qalx yatağan!,"Wake up, sleepy-head!",aze_Latn-eng_Latn O başını yuyur.,She washes her head.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Tom özündənrazıdır.,Tom is big-headed.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn O məndən sadəcə bir neçə il cavandır.,She's only a couple of years younger than me.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn O heç vaxt başını itirmir.,He never loses his head.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Tom çıxışa tərəf getdi.,Tom headed for the exit.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Başın hələ də ağrıyır?,Does your head still ache?,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Bunu içmək fikrim yoxdur.,I'm not going to drink this.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Onun burnu qanadı.,His nose bled.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Burnum qaşınır.,My nose itches.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Qulaqlarıma inana bilmədim!,I couldn't believe my ears!,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Sənin burnun axır.,Your nose is running.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Burnum axır.,My nose is running.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Mənim burnum qanayır.,My nose is bleeding.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Onun burnu qanayır.,Her nose is bleeding.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Bu bahalı deyildi.,It didn't cost much.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn O mənim burnumu sındırdı!,He broke my nose!,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Tom mənim burnumu qırdı.,Tom broke my nose.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Tom burnunu sındırdı.,Tom broke his nose.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Onun uzun burnu var.,He has a long nose.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Pinokkionun uzun burnu var idi.,Pinocchio had a long nose.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Tom və Meri eyni ofisdə işləyirlər.,Tom and Mary work in the same office.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Hamı Toma baxır.,Everyone's watching Tom.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Tomun burnu qırmızı idi.,Tom's nose was red.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Onlar burun buruna idilər.,They were nose to nose.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Onlar həmişəki kimi gecikirlər.,"They're late, as usual.",aze_Latn-eng_Latn Tatoebaya xoş gəlmişsiniz!,Welcome to Tatoeba!,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Mənim burnum çox böyükdür.,My nose is too big.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Bilirəm ki məni sevmirsən.,I know you don't love me.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn "Biraz incidəcək, çox yox.","It will hurt a little, but not much.",aze_Latn-eng_Latn Burnum tutulub.,My nose is stuffed up.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Mənim bacımı gördünüz?,Did you see my sister?,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Uşağın burnundan qan gəlir.,The child's nose is bleeding.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Tom həqiqətən çox danışır.,Tom really does talk a lot.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Burnumu qaşımaq istəyirəm.,I want to scratch my nose.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Piano çalan qız mənim bacımdır.,The girl playing the piano is my sister.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Mənim müəlliməm xanım Lidir.,My teacher is Mrs. Li.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Tomun köməyi olmadan bu mümkün deyil.,This isn't possible without Tom's help.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn "Mən elə bilirdim ki, hamı xoşbətdir.",I thought everyone was happy.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Biz sizi tanıyırıq?,Do we know you?,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Sənin hələ də köməyə ehtiyacın var.,You still need help.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Otaq çox böyükdür.,The room is too big.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Mən onunla hər altı aydan bir görüşürəm.,I meet with him once every six months.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Mən buna öyrəşmişəm.,I'm used to it.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Çox yaxşı. Necəsiniz?,Very good. How are you?,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Sən məni həmişə təəccübləndirirsən.,You always surprise me.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Sandviç yeyirdim.,I was eating a sandwich.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn O sandviç yeyirdi.,She was eating a sandwich.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Tom barmaqlarını yaladı.,Tom licked his fingers.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Tom barmağını kəsdi.,Tom cut his finger.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Elə indicə barmağımı kəsdim.,I just cut my finger.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Barmağımı kəsmişəm.,I've cut my finger.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Gecəniz xeyrə və şirin yuxular.,Good night and sweet dreams.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn İnana bilmirəm ki buradayam.,I can't believe I'm here.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Nikbin olmağa çalış.,Try to be optimistic.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Hər kəs öz ailəsini qorumalıdır.,Everyone must protect their own family.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Kredit kartı ilə ödəmək istəyirəm.,I want to pay with a credit card.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Narahat olma. Mən Tomla danışaram.,Don't worry. I'll talk to Tom.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Tom səni incidəcək.,Tom is going to hurt you.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Biz sizdən heç nə istəmirik.,We want nothing from you.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Biz səndən heç nə istəmirik.,We don't want anything from you.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Pis fikir deyil.,It's not a bad idea.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Tom getmək istəmirdi amma Meri onu getməyə vadar etdi.,"Tom didn't want to go, but Mary made him go.",aze_Latn-eng_Latn Tomun bığı var.,Tom has a moustache.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Qadınların bığlı kişilərdən xoşu gəlir.,Women like men with mustaches.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Əlcəklərin yadından çıxmasın. Hava soyuqdur.,Don't forget your gloves. It's cold.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Üzr istəmək üçün artıq çox gecdir.,It's too late for apologies.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Valideynlərim nəvə istəyirlər.,My parents want grandchildren.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Meri idman dərsinə getdi.,Mary went to her fitness class.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Mənə öz pulumu necə xərcləyəcəyimi öyrətmə!,Don't tell me how to spend my money.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Mən bir az ispanaq yedim.,I ate some spinach.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn O məndən bir az gödəkboyludur.,He's a bit shorter than me.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Bu günkü imtahana yaxşı hazırlaşmısanmı?,Are you well prepared for today's exam?,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Tom heç vaxt ispanaq yemir.,Tom never eats spinach.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn "Deyirlər ki, qıjılar çiçək aça bilir.",They say that ferns can have flowers.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Ondan nümunə götür.,Take a leaf out of his book.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Mənim anam musiqini sevir.,My mother loves music.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Onlar müəllimdirlər.,They are teachers.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Mən ət yeyirəm.,I eat meat.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Uşaqların çoxunun ispanaq yeməkdən xoşu gəlmir.,Many children don't like eating spinach.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Hamı hazırdır.,Everyone is ready.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Qatar 30 dəqiqə gecikir.,The train is 30 minutes late.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Mən mətbəxdə sup yeyirəm.,I'm eating soup in the kitchen.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Sizin ətiniz var.,You have meat.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Mən ingilis dilinə üstünlük verirəm.,I prefer English.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Mən deməli olduğumu demişəm.,I've said what I had to say.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn İntiqam istəyirəm.,I want revenge.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Sən qapını açırsan.,You open the door.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn 2015 Avropa Oyunları Bakıda keçirilib.,The European Games 2015 took place in Baku.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Saat ondur.,It's ten o'clock.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Mən gözələm?,Am I pretty?,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Mən cavabı təkrarlayıram.,I am repeating the answer.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn O müəllimədir.,She is a teacher.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Məni gözləyin!,Wait for me!,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Bu çox qəribə bir heyvandır.,It's a very bizarre animal.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Niyə Yaponiyaya gəldin?,Why did you come to Japan?,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Bu sizin nəvəniz Ninadır.,"This is Nina, your granddaughter.",aze_Latn-eng_Latn Məni gözlə!,Wait for me.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Bu onun səhvi idi.,It was her fault.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Süngər suyu özünə çəkir.,A sponge absorbs water.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Burada içəridə qaranlıqdır.,It's dark in here.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Bu zal çox böyükdür.,This hall is very big.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Qrupa xoş gəlmişsiniz.,Welcome to the group.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn O çəhrayı pomidorlar əkdi.,He planted pink tomatoes.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Maşının var?,Do you have a car?,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Mən Tomu gözləyirdim.,I was expecting Tom.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Mən çox yorğun idim.,I was very tired.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Vanq Lao Tszi pivə deyil. Çaydır.,Wang Lao Ji isn't beer. It's tea.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Mən televizora baxırdım.,I was watching TV.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn "Bir gün o, meşədə canavarla qarşılaşdı.",One day she met a wolf in the woods.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Moskva Rusiyanın paytaxtıdır.,Moscow is the capital of Russia.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Bu mənim günahım deyildi.,It wasn't my fault.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Tom mənə yaxşı bir iş tapdı.,Tom found me a good job.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Kosovo 2016 Olimpiya Oyunlarında iştirak edəcək.,Kosovo will participate in the Olympic Games 2016.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Günəş işıq saçır.,The sun is shining.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn "O, Sendayda yaşamır.",He does not live in Sendai.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Taksi gözləyir.,A cab is waiting.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Mən gözümü ondan çəkə bilmirəm.,I can't take my eyes off her.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Uşaqlar həyatımızın çiçəkləridir.,Children are the flowers of our lives.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Mən qorxmuram.,I am not afraid.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Mən qusmağa başladım.,I started to vomit.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Qusmaq istəyirəm.,I want to vomit.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Tom tunes balığı konservi açdı.,Tom opened a can of tuna fish.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Yetişmiş papayadan qusuntu iyi gəlir.,Ripe papaya smells like vomit.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Tom vedrənin içinə qusdu.,Tom vomited into the bucket.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Den maşının içində qusdu.,Dan vomitted in the car.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Onun əlində nəisə var.,She has something in her hand.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Hər yerdə qan var idi.,There was blood everywhere.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Biz qan qardaşlarıyıq.,We're blood brothers.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Mən qan itirirəm.,I'm losing blood.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn İti görürəm.,I see the dog.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Mən sizin köynəyinizi qurudacağam.,I will dry your T-shirt.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Bu qan deyil.,It's not blood.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Bugünkü səhər yeməyi qurudulmuş skumbriya və miso supu idi.,Today's breakfast was dried mackerel and miso soup.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Biz qan itiririk.,We are losing blood.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Tom əla sürücüdür.,Tom is an excellent driver.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Onlar qan itirirlər.,They are losing blood.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Leykositlər qan hüceyrələridir.,Leukocytes are blood cells.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Biz şəhərətrafında yaşayırıq.,We live in the suburbs.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Mən qarpız xoşlayıram.,I like watermelon.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Mənə bir-iki gün vaxt ver.,Give me a day or two.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Marsın iki peyki var.,Mars has two moons.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Qarpız almısan?,Have you bought a watermelon?,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Qan al-qırmızı idi.,The blood was bright red.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Lap vaxtında gəlmisən.,You've come just in time.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Hər çayın bir mənbəyi var.,Every river has a source.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Tom kartofları qaynatdı.,Tom boiled the potatoes.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Su həyat mənbəyidir.,Water is a source of life.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Bu çayın mənbəyi haradadır?,Where's the source of this river?,aze_Latn-eng_Latn O mənim yeganə xoşbəxtlik mənbəyim idi.,He was my sole source of happiness.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Mən Tomla təklikdə danışmaq istəyirəm.,I want to talk to Tom alone.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Yeganə bilik mənbəyi təcrübədir.,The only source of knowldge is experience.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Qulağım ağrıyır.,My arm hurts.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Balıq insanlar üçün mühüm qida mənbəyidir.,Fish is an important food source for people.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Atam mənim ən böyük ilham mənbəyimdir.,My father is my biggest source of inspiration.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Sizin ürəyiniz yoxdur.,You have no heart.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn "O, saçını düzəltdi.",She smoothed her hair.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Birlikdə çimərliyə getdik.,We went to the beach together.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Sən ya çox cəsursan ya da çox axmaqsan.,You're either very brave or very stupid.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Ananın nə dediyini eşitdin.,You heard what your mother said.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn O almanca danışır.,She speaks German.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Ürəyim çırpınır.,My heart is pounding.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Atanın nə dediyini eşitdin.,You heard what your father said.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Tom süngəri sıxdı.,Tom squeezed the sponge.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Nə dediyimi eşitdin.,You heard what I said.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Mən almanca danışa bilmirəm.,I cannot speak German.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Mənə qarpızları kəsmək üçün bıçaq lazımdır.,I need a knife to cut watermelons.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Mən özbəkcə danışıram.,I speak Uzbek.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Meri qarpız daşıyır.,Mary is carrying a watermelon.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Mən bu il özbək dilini öyrənəcəm.,I will learn Uzbek this year.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Səsin batsa belə oxumağı dayandırma.,Don't stop singing even if you get hoarse.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Bu şeiri kim tacik dilinə tərcümə edib?,Who translated this poem into the Tajik language?,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Qazax dili mənim ana dilimdir.,Kazakh is my native language.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Mənim on üç yaşım var ikən bir xəstəxanada üç ay keçirdim.,I spent three months in a hospital when I was thirteen.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Mən qazaxca danışmıram.,I don't speak Kazakh.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn "Üç ölç, bir biç.","Measure thrice, cut once.",aze_Latn-eng_Latn At qaradır.,The horse is black.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Mənim də bundan xoşum gəlmir.,"I don't like it, either.",aze_Latn-eng_Latn Yaşıl çay içirsiniz?,Do you drink green tea?,aze_Latn-eng_Latn O qaçmağı sevir.,She likes to run.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Sizin müəlliminiz kimdir?,Who is your teacher?,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Tom yaşıl çay içmir.,Tom isn't drinking green tea.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Sənin müəllimin kimdir?,Who's your teacher?,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Yaşıl çay xoşlayırsan yoxsa qara çay?,Do you like green tea or black tea?,aze_Latn-eng_Latn "Hansını xoşlayırsan, yaşıl çay yoxsa qara çay?","Which do you like, green tea or black tea?",aze_Latn-eng_Latn İşləmək mənim xoşuma gəlir.,I like to work.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Biz ona deməməliydik.,We shouldn't have told her.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Onu çox düşünərəm.,I think about that a lot.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Qulaqlarım ağrıyır.,My ears hurt.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Bizim iki qulağımız var.,We have two ears.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Siz mənim dediyimə fikir vermirsiniz. Sizin fikriniz başqa yerdədir.,You're not paying attention to what I'm saying. Your mind is elsewhere.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Onlar qulaqlarını yudular.,They washed their ears.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn "O, kollecdən yeni məzundur.",He is fresh from college.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn O daha yeriyə bilmir.,He can't walk any more.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Bu gəminin yeni bir kapitana ehtiyacı var.,This ship needs a new captain.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Sənin adını xatırlamıram.,I don't remember your name.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Bunlar hamısı boş yerə imiş.,It was all for nothing.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Pul kisəmi itirmişəm.,I have lost my wallet.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Alma ağacları yazda çiçək açırlar.,Apple trees bloom in spring.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Dostlarıma nifrət edirəm!,I hate my friends!,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Bu alma ağacı deyil.,This isn't an apple tree.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Müharibə dörd il çəkmişdi.,The war had lasted four years.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Sənə təzə paltarlar lazımdır.,You need new clothes.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Mən öz işimi gördüm.,I did my job.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Mən bilmirəm sən niyə belə narahatsan.,I don't know why you're so worried.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn O heç kimin bilməsini istəmir.,He doesn't want anyone to know.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn "Siz hardan bildiniz ki, mən kanadalıyam?",How did you know I was Canadian?,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Mənim bu mətni tərcümə etməyə vaxtım yoxdur.,I don't have time to translate this text.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Mən bağımda alma ağacı əkdim.,I planted an apple tree in my garden.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Yeni bir velosiped almaq ücün kifayət qədər pulum yoxdur.,I don't have enough money to buy a new bicycle.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Siz nə vaxt qayıtdınız?,When did you return?,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Sən nə vaxt qayıtdın?,When did you get back?,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Mən dünən kitab aldım.,I bought a book yesterday.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Mən onların arasında oturdum.,I sat among them.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Tom həyətində üç alma ağacı əkdi.,Tom planted three apple trees in his yard.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn "Allah bilir, o hara yoxa çıxıb.",God knows where he has gone.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn "Qalım, ya gedim?",Should I stay or go?,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Tomun çiy soğandan zəhləsi gedir.,Tom hates raw onions.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Sadəcə onları izlə.,Just follow them.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Maşın yolun ortasında dayandı.,The car stopped in the middle of the road.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Siz buddistsiniz?,Are you a Buddhist?,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Tom limonu sıxdı.,Tom squeezed the lemon.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Hara gedirsən.,Where are you heading?,aze_Latn-eng_Latn "Xahiş edirəm, ölmə!",Please don't die!,aze_Latn-eng_Latn "Limonlu çay, zəhmət olmasa.","A tea with lemon, please.",aze_Latn-eng_Latn İsa səni sevir.,Jesus loves you.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn O klaustrofobiyadan əziyyət çəkir.,She suffers from claustrophobia.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn "O dedi ki, xoşbəxtdir.",She said that she was happy.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Mən indi sizə heç nə ilə kömək edə bilmərəm.,There's nothing I can do to help you now.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Mən bunu izah edə bilmirəm.,I can't explain it.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Bu sizin itinizdir.,This is your dog.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Tom və Merinin üç qızı var.,Tom and Mary have three daughters.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Səmaya bax.,Look up at the sky.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Mənim dostlarımın heç biri qolf oynamır.,None of my friends play golf.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Oreqon Vaşinqtonun cənubunda yerləşir.,Oregon is just south of Washington.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Siz ondan daha gözəlsiniz.,You're more beautiful than her.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Tom başını qırxdı.,Tom shaved his head.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Tom istedadlı müğənnidir.,Tom is a talented singer.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Tomun hətta sürücülük vəsiqəsi belə yoxdur.,Tom doesn't even have a driver's license.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Mən kahı xoşlayıram.,I like lettuce.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Bu Bostonun ən yaxşı otellərindən biridir.,This is one of Boston's finest hotels.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Gəmi dənizdədir.,The ship is at sea.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn "Yer, Mars və Yupiter planetdirlər.","The Earth, Mars and Jupiter are planets.",aze_Latn-eng_Latn Bu yer boşdur?,Is this seat free?,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Yaxşı gün idi.,It was a good day.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn İngilis dili beynəlxalq dildir.,English is an international language.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Amma sən orada deyilsən.,But you're not there.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Biz danışmağımızı dayandırdıq.,We broke off our conversation.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Tom tərpənmirdi.,Tom wasn't moving.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Parolu bilmirəm.,I don't know the password.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn "Mənə elə gəlir ki, nəyisə səhv edirəm.",I think that I'm doing something wrong.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Tom evə tərəf qaçdı.,Tom ran toward the house.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Bir dil kifayət deyil.,One language is not enough.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Sən indi evə gedə bilməzsən.,You can't go home now.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn "O, qadını salamladı.",He greeted the woman.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Müharibə haqqında nə düşünürsünüz?,What do you think of war?,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Biz indi tamamilə fərqli insanlarıq.,We're totally different people now.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Mənə təxminən bu böyüklükdə bir qutu lazımdır.,I need a box about this big.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn "O, xəstəxanadadır.",He is in hospital.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Mən vanilli dondurmanı çox sevirəm.,I like vanilla ice cream very much.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Çayı sevirəm.,I like tea.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn "O, öz Opelini satdı və BMW aldı.",She sold her Opel and bought a BMW.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Almaniyanın iki paytaxt şəhəri var.,Germany has two capital cities.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Mən bunu sifariş etməmişəm.,I did not order this.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn "O, yaxşı bir sportsmendir.",He is a good athlete.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom deyir ki, daha belə yaşamaq istəmir.",Tom says he doesn't want to live like this anymore.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Tualet haradadır?,Where is the toilet?,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Kitabı bağla.,Close the book.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Kitabı ört.,Close your book.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Səncə balıqlar eşidə bilir?,Do you think fish can hear?,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Marsda da pişiklər var.,"There are cats on Mars, too.",aze_Latn-eng_Latn Mən bu axşam ona zəng vuracam.,I'll phone her tonight.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Onlar vəziyyəti bizdən yaxşı bilirlər.,They know the situation better than we do.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn İki uşaq yolda oynayırdı.,Two children were playing on the road.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Mənim bacım həkimə ərə gedib.,My sister married a doctor.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Mənim adım Cekdir.,My name is Jack.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn "Məncə o, həkimdir.",I think he is a doctor.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Mən sizin həyatınızı xilas etdim.,I saved your life.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Əlbəttə ki qala bilərsən.,Of course you can stay.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Mən televizora baxacam.,I'll watch television.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Tom və mən yaxşı dostlarıq.,Tom and I are good friends.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Onlar dünən avtobusla zooparka getdilər.,They went to the zoo by bus yesterday.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Hava və su olmadan heç nə yaşaya bilməz.,"Without air and water, nothing could live.",aze_Latn-eng_Latn Məncə sən bundan da artığına layiqsən.,I think you deserve more than this.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn "O, Toma inanır.",He believes Tom.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Bizim riyaziyyat müəllimimiz lövhədə bir çevrə çəkdi.,Our math teacher drew a circle on the blackboard.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn O mənim ürəyimi qırdı.,He broke my heart.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn İdman sərhəd tanımır.,Sport knows no borders.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Mən Tomu görə bilmirəm.,I can't see Tom.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Ağlama. Hər şey yaxşı olacaq.,Don't cry. Everything will be OK.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Mən geyindim.,I dressed myself.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn O geyindi.,She got dressed.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Mən belə soyuğa dözə bilmirəm.,I can't stand this cold.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Mars müharibə allahıdır.,Mars is the god of war.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Mənim Bostonda mənzilim var.,I have an apartment in Boston.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Mən daha Bostonda yaşamıram.,I no longer live in Boston.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Sən bura tez-tez gəlirsən?,Do you come here often?,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Mən sadəcə iki saat yatdım.,I slept just two hours.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Bizim üç həftəmiz var.,We have three weeks.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Biz indi Bostondayıq.,We're in Boston now.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Ördək yoxa çıxdı.,The duck disappeared.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Gecikmə.,Don't be late.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Yıxılmaqdan qorxuram.,I'm afraid to fall.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Rep xoşlayırsan?,Do you like rap?,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Tom bizə nə verib?,What's Tom given us?,aze_Latn-eng_Latn "Günəş sistemində dörd qaz nəhəngi var: Yupiter, Saturn, Uran və Neptun.","The Solar System has four gas giants: Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune.",aze_Latn-eng_Latn Burnunu sil.,Wipe your nose.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Ürəyimi qırdın.,You broke my heart.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Heç Koreya yarımadasında olmusan?,Have you ever been to the Korean Peninsula?,aze_Latn-eng_Latn O üç dildə danışır.,She speaks three languages.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn "Dilin mənşəyi haqqında çoxlu nəzəriyyələr var, amma əslində heç kəs dəqiq bilmir.","There are lots of theories about the origins of language, but, in fact, no one really knows.",aze_Latn-eng_Latn Ən böyük ilham mənbəyiniz nədir?,What is your greatest source of inspiration?,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Qızlar gülməyə başladılar.,The girls began to laugh.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Sörfinq əyləncəlidir.,Surfing is fun.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Onların iki oğlu və bir qızı var.,They have two sons and one daughter.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Sən bu gün tez yatmalısan.,You should go to bed early tonight.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Onlar bizə işgəncə verəcəklər.,They're going to torture us.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Onları tanıyırsan?,Do you know them?,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Dayım mənə bu qol saatını verdi.,My uncle gave me this watch.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Mən yazıçıyam.,I'm a writer.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Hər ailədə biri var.,Every family has one.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Mən səkkiz il əvvəl evləndim.,I got married 8 years ago.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn O niyə gizlənir?,Why is she hiding?,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Gecə çox isti olur.,It is very hot at night.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Siz burada ingiliscə danışmalısınız.,You have to speak English here.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Mən bütün dilləri xoşlayıram.,I like all languages.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Həyatımı sənsiz təsəvvür etməyə çalışırdım.,I've been trying to imagine my life without you.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn İspanağını ye!,Eat your spinach.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn O əyləncəli olmayacaq.,That's not going to be fun.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Mən bu günü heç vaxt unutmayacağam.,I will never forget this day.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Bu dəfə Tom və mən oynayırıq.,This time Tom and I are paying.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Sən yavaş gedirsən.,You go slowly.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Pişik balası yağışda oynayır.,The kitten is playing in the rain.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Tom burnunu qaşıdı.,Tom scratched his nose.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Onlar hələ bizimlə əlaqə saxlamayıblar.,They haven't contacted us yet.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Mən pişiyin qayğısına qalaram.,I'll take care of the cat.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Mən Marsa getmək istəyirəm.,I want to go to Mars.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Tom işdən çıxdı.,Tom quit his job.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn "Düzünü desəm, mən səninlə getmək istəmirəm.","Frankly speaking, I don't want to go with you.",aze_Latn-eng_Latn Sami mənim yaşımda idi.,Sami was my age.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Biz hamımız gedirik.,We're all going.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Tom yəhudi deyil.,Tom isn't a Jew.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Biz birbirimizə baxdıq.,We looked at each other.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Mənim 45 yaşım var.,I'm 45 years old.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Bu qapıları açın!,Open these doors.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Yəhudilər Allah tərəfindən seçilmiş xalqdır.,Jews are a people chosen by God.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn "Toma deyin ki, bu bir səhv idi.",Tell Tom it was a mistake.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn "Bunu təmir edəbiləcək birisi varsa, o da Tomdur.","If anyone can fix this, it's Tom.",aze_Latn-eng_Latn Bir sovetoloq nə təhsil alır?,What does a Sovietologist study?,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Biz çox xoşbəxt idik.,We were very happy.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Tom bir qədəh qırmızı şərab içdi.,Tom drank a glass of red wine.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Ermənistanda çoxlu turist var?,Are there many tourists in Armenia?,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Müəllif braziliyalıdır.,The author is Brazilian.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Playstation 3`ün var?,Do you have a Playstation 3?,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Tom xəstəxanaya gedib Mariyə baş çəkməyə istəklidir.,Tom is eager to go to the hospital to visit Mary.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn "Biz öyrəndik ki, ay yerin ətrafında fırlanır.",We learned that the moon goes around the earth.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Sıfır birdən əvvəl gəlir.,Zero comes before one.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Niyə Ermənistana getmək istədin?,Why did you want to go to Armenia?,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Sənin yekə burnun var.,You have a big nose.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn O varlı bir tacirin oğlu idi.,He was the son of a wealthy merchant.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Onlar evə getmək istəyirlər.,They want to go home.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Biz əlimizdən gələni etdik.,We tried our best.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn İslandiya möhtəşəm idi.,Iceland was fantastic.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Mən island dilini öyrənirəm.,I'm learning Icelandic.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn İslandiya adadır.,Iceland is an island.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Sən sakitləşənə kimi mən nə baş verdiyini sənə deməyəcəm.,I'm not going to tell you what happened until you calm down.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Mən də yaxşıyam.,I am also fine.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn "Mən islan dilini başa düşürəm, amma danışa bilmirəm.","I can understand Icelandic, but I can't speak it.",aze_Latn-eng_Latn Niderland səfirliyi haradadır?,Where is the Dutch embassy?,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Mən Niderland dilini öyrənmək istəyirəm.,I want to study Dutch.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Mən xiyar yeyirəm.,I eat cucumber.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Sizin burnunuz qanayır.,Your nose is bleeding.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn O kahı yuyur.,She washes lettuce.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Biz kahı yuyuruq.,We wash lettuce.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Bu yaxşı dərslikdir.,This is a good textbook.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Tom yekə burnu var.,Tom has a big nose.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn "O, kahını təmizləyir.",He cleans the lettuce.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Mən sadəcə kahı istəyirəm.,I just want lettuce.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Bu qədim qanundur.,This is an ancient law.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Kahı almaq yadından çıxıb.,You forgot to buy lettuce.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Hələ kahı əkməmişəm.,I still haven't planted any lettuce.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Göy qurşağının bütün rəngləri qaradır.,All the colours of the rainbow are black.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn "O, çətirini itirdi.",He has lost his umbrella.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Çətirini itirdin.,You've lost your umbrella.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Emilinin soğandan zəhləsi gedir.,Emily hates onions.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Mən niyə burdayam?,What am I here for?,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Onun bazarlıq etməkdən zəhləsi gedir.,He hates shopping.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Afina Yunanıstandadır.,Athens is in Greece.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Mən tək yaşamaq istəmirəm.,I don't want to live by myself.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Kataloniyanın müstəqilliyi haqqında nə fikirləşirsiniz?,What do you think about Catalunya's independence?,aze_Latn-eng_Latn O elə dedi.,He did say so.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Soğanı kəsim?,Shall I cut the onion?,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Soğan xoşlamıram.,I don't like onions.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Kəpənəkləri sevirəm.,I love butterflies.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Başım ağrıyır.,My head hurts.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Klaviaturam pişiyimin xoşuna gəlir.,My cat likes my keyboard.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Biz o haqda etibarlı mənbələrdən öyrəndik.,We learned about that from reliable sources.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Dəniz suyunun tərkibində duz var.,Seawater contains salt.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Duz qalmayıb.,The salt ran out.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Heç kim sizin xoşbəxt olmağınızı istəmir.,Nobody wants you to be happy.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Duz qalıb?,Is there salt left?,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Yatmazdan əvvəl yemə!,Don't eat before going to bed.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Tom yumurtasını duzladı.,Tom salted his egg.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Əminsən ki Tom ölüb?,Are you sure Tom is dead?,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Bu gün şənbədir.,Today is Saturday.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Mariya əti duzladı.,Maria salted the meat.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Burnumla nəfəs ala bilmirəm.,I can't breathe through my nose.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn «Səyahət etməyi sevirsənmi?» «Bəli.»,"""Do you like to travel?"" ""Yes.""",aze_Latn-eng_Latn Duz götürə bilərəm?,May I take salt?,aze_Latn-eng_Latn "O, yumurtalarını duzladı.",He salted his eggs.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Bu gün biraz sərindir.,It is a little cool today.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Su isti idi.,The water was warm.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Marsın iki peyki var : Fobos və Deymos.,Mars has two moons: Phobos and Deimos.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Tom ukulelesini götürdü və oxumağa başladı.,Tom picked up his ukulele and started to sing.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Duz çəkiylə satılır.,Salt is sold by weight.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn """Necə görünürəm?"" ""Sən dünyada ən gözəl qadınsan.""","""How do I look?"" ""You're the most beautiful woman in the world.""",aze_Latn-eng_Latn Tom xəfifcə gülümsədi.,Tom smiled slightly.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Məktəbə getmək istəmirəm.,I don't want to go to school.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn "O,axmaqdır.",He is foolish.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn "O, müvafiq görünmürdü.",It didn't seem appropriate.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Sabah ona həqiqəti deməyə məcbur olacağam.,I will have to tell him the truth tomorrow.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Bu kitab səhvlər ilə doludur.,This book is full of mistakes.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Uşaq məktəbə gedir.,A child is going to a school.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Bu hansı dildir?,What language is this?,aze_Latn-eng_Latn O hazır olmayacaq.,She won't be ready.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Seks mənim üçün vacibdir.,Sex is important to me.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Sevgi seksdən daha yaxşıdır.,Love is better than sex.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Başınızı işlədin!,Use your head.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Onlar İslandiyadandırlar.,They're from Iceland.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Mən niyə island dili öyrənirəm?,Why am I learning Icelandic?,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Səndə hansı şərabdan var?,What kind of wine do you have?,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Tomun bir qızı var idi.,Tom had one daughter.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn İslandiya əvvəllər Danimarkaya aid idi.,Iceland used to belong to Denmark.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Pisə doğru gedir.,It gets worse.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Səninlə fəxr edirəm.,I am proud of you.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Bu qadını harada gördün?,Where did you see this woman?,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Reykyavik İslandiyanın paytaxtıdır.,Reykjavík is the capital of Iceland.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Kofe içirsiniz?,Do you drink coffee?,aze_Latn-eng_Latn "O, o gözəl qızla tanış olmaq istəyir.",He wants to meet that good-looking girl.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn O oğlan tamamilə dəlidir.,That boy is completely crazy.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Tom əla adam idi.,Tom was a wonderful person.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Sizi belə düşünməyə nə vadar edir?,What makes you think so?,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Mən İslandiyada yaşamaq istərdim.,I would like to live in Iceland.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Kofe istəyirsiniz?,Would you like some coffee?,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Tom Meriylə evlənmək üçün çox kasıbdır.,Tom is too poor to marry Mary.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Bu sərçə uça bilmir. Qanadları qırılıb.,This sparrow can't fly. Its wings are broken.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn "O,soldu.",He lost color.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Oğlan ağır divanı tərpətməyə cəhd etdi.,The boy tried moving the heavy sofa.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Sami İsanı təriflədi.,Sami praised Jesus.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn İsanın anası orada idi.,Jesus' mother was there.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Biz indi Toma kömək edə bilərik.,We can help Tom now.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Barmağımı yandırdım.,I burned my finger.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Bu stol təmizdir.,This table is clean.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Meymunlar ağıllıdırlar.,Apes are intelligent.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn O barmaqlarını yaladı.,He licked his fingers.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Tom bir çox vampirlər kimi tabutda yatmır.,Tom doesn't sleep in a coffin like most vampires.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn İndi nə edəcəyimi bilmirəm.,I don't know what to do right now.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Çində istehsal olunub.,Made in China.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Mən heç nə almıram.,I'm not buying anything.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Çinə xoş gəlmişsiniz!,Welcome to China!,aze_Latn-eng_Latn O çoxlu milli rəqs bilir.,He knows many folk dances.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Çin xoşuna gəlir?,Do you like China?,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Mən əslən Çindənəm.,I'm originally from China.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Bu mənim haqqında danışdığım qadındır.,That's the woman about whom I talked.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Mənim sualıma cavab vermirsən.,You're not answering my question.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Mən heç vaxt onunla işləməmişəm.,I never worked with her.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Emili biraz rumın dili öyrənib.,Emily studied some Romanian.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Mən Çində doğulmuşam.,I was born in China.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Meri mənə kömək etdi.,Mary helped me.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn "O, Çin haqqında kitab yazdı.",He wrote a book about China.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn "Həyat, alman dilini öyrənmək üçün çox qısadır.",Life is too short to learn German.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Mən günahkaram.,I am to blame.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn O Çin vətəndaşıdır.,He's a citizen of China.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Tom barmağını kəsib.,Tom has cut his finger.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Uşaqlar velosipedlərini sürürlər.,The children are riding their bikes.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Qapı açıqdır.,The door is open.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn "Xeyir, vegetarianlar nə toyuq nə də balıq yemirlər.","No, vegetarians don't eat chicken or fish.",aze_Latn-eng_Latn Hörümçəklərin də sevgiyə ehtiyacı var.,Spiders need love too.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn "Soyuq su, zəhmət olmazsa.","Cold water, please.",aze_Latn-eng_Latn Onlar bizə nifrət edirlər.,They hate us.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Hesaba bir az pul qoymaq istəyirəm.,I'd like to put some money into my account.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Mənim atamın çoxlu kitabları var.,My father has many books.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn O özünü karlığa qoyur.,He pretends to be deaf.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Papua Yeni Qvineya alman koloniyası idi.,Papua New Guinea was a German colony.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Bəzən kinoteatra gedərəm.,I sometimes go to the cinema.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Çin Yaponiyadan böyükdür.,China is bigger than Japan.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Kitablarınızı açın.,Open your books.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Onun problemi nədir?,What's his problem?,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Bayrağı dəyişin zəhmət olmasa.,"Change the flag, please.",aze_Latn-eng_Latn Otaqdakı hər kəs Tomu tanıdı.,Everyone in the room recognized Tom.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Mın bayrağı dəyişdim.,I changed the flag.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn "İstəmirəm ki, məni unudasınız.",I don't want you to forget me.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Onların vecinə deyil.,They don't care.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Onlar kömək etmirlər.,They don't help.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Siz öz vəzifənizi yerinə yetirməlisiniz.,You must perform your duty.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Mən bu kitabı oxuyuram.,I'm reading this book.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Onlar Tomu tutdular.,They caught Tom.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Televizoru söndür.,Turn off the TV.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Hələ başlama.,Don't start yet.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn O ölüb?,Is he dead?,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Bu da hesab.,Here's the bill.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Mən sizi qardaşıma təqdim edərəm.,I'll introduce you my brother.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Mən burada yatacam.,I'll sleep here.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Tom əməlli-başlı yorulmuşdu.,Tom was pretty tired.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Südünü iç.,Drink your milk.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Tom sirr saxlaya bilir.,Tom can keep a secret.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Onların vecinə olmayacaq.,They won't care.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Sənə soyuq deyil?,Aren't you cold?,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Təcili yardım gələnə qədər Tom mənimlə qaldı.,Tom stayed with me until the ambulance arrived.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn "O, təkcə ispanca yox, fransızca da danışır.","He speaks not only Spanish, but also French.",aze_Latn-eng_Latn Başqa dil danışa bilmirəm.,I can't speak another language.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Döşəmə soyuqdur.,The floor is cold.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Bu sənin vertolyotundur?,Is it your helicopter?,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Oynaqlarım ağrayır.,My joints ache.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Tom mənə göz vurdu.,Tom winked at me.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Sən Toma daha nə dedin?,What else did you say to Tom?,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Bu sənin evindir.,This is your house.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn O çox xoşbəxt görünür.,She looks very happy.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn İsa sənə nifrət edir.,Jesus hates you.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Mən başım ağrıyır.,My head aches.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Quşlar oxudular.,The birds sang.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn O Toma inandı.,She believed Tom.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Mən unutmadım.,I didn't forget.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Mən məmuniyyətlə sizə kömək edərəm.,I will gladly help you.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Mən qurtarmışam.,I have finished.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Mənim iki uşağım var.,I have two children.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Mən zarafat etmirdim.,I wasn't joking.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Evdə heç kim yox idi.,Nobody was home.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn O Meri ola bilməz. O indi xəstəxanadadır.,That can't be Mary. She's in the hospital now.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Parisdə qar yağır.,It's snowing in Paris.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn "Çox yaxşı, siz kimsiniz?","Very well, who are you?",aze_Latn-eng_Latn Mən qışqırmadım.,I didn't scream.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Mən tamamilə razıyam.,I totally agree.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Yupiter çox böyükdür.,Jupiter is very large.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Onlar gəlməyəcəklər.,They won't come.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Mən Harvarda getdim.,I went to Harvard.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Biz unutmayacağıq.,We won't forget.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Biz söhbət edirdik.,We were talking.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Biz heç vaxt unutmuruq.,We never forget.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Biz burada qalacağıq.,We'll stay here.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn O siqaret çəkmir.,He does not smoke.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Onun üç qardaşı var.,She has three brothers.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Anan evə gələndə danlanacaqsan.,You'll be scolded when your mother comes home.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Bizim qızımız barmağını kibritlə yandırıb.,Our daughter burnt a finger with a match.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Onun üç qızı var.,He has three daughters.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn "Zəhmət olmasa, mənə bir fincan çay gətir.",Please bring me a cup of tea.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Səhvə görə mən cavabdehəm.,I am responsible for the mistake.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Səhvə görə mən məsuliyyət daşıyıram.,I'm responsible for the mistake.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Bizim üç təyyarəmiz var idi.,We had three airplanes.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Tom hovuza tullandı.,Tom jumped into the pool.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Siz necə ölmək istəyirsiniz?,How do you want to die?,aze_Latn-eng_Latn "Qəlbinin səsinə qulaq as, o heç vaxt yalan danışmır.","Follow your heart, for it never lies.",aze_Latn-eng_Latn Bu ağaclar nə vaxt çiçək açacaq?,When will the trees blossom?,aze_Latn-eng_Latn O barədə düşünməməyə çalışıram.,I'm trying not to think about that.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Yupiterin neçə peyki var?,How many moons does Jupiter have?,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Bu şalvar mənə çox böyükdür.,These pants are too big for me.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Hamı məni sevir.,Everyone loves me.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Məni hər kəs sevir.,Everybody loves me.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Körpə ağlayır.,The baby is crying.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn "O dedi ki, köhnə bir maşın alıb.",He said that he bought an old car.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn O kimdir?,Who is he?,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Səni heç kim heç nəyə məcbur etmir.,Nobody's forcing you to do anything.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Sən onu tanıyırsan.,You know her.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn İstəyirəm məni onların yanına aparasan.,I want you to take me to them.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Rəqs etməyi sevirəm.,I love dancing.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Mən kaktus aldım.,I bought a cactus.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Tom əlini ürəyinin üstünə qoydu.,Tom put his hand over his heart.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Bu stol altı nəfər üçün nəzərdə tutulub.,The table sits six people.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Kitab yeni deyil.,The book isn't new.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Bu sizin taleyinizdir.,This is your fate.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Mən ağ atım var.,I've got a white horse.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Tom xəstə görünür.,Tom looks sick.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Onun pulu yox idi.,She had no money.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn O çoxlu şeirlər yazdı.,She wrote a lot of poems.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Kimin müharibədən xoşu gəlir?,Who likes war?,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Lopezin dörd qardaşı var.,López has four brothers.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Hamı sizi sevir.,Everyone loves you.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Xuanitonun dörd bacısı var.,Juanito has four sisters.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Sən mən deyilsən.,You're not me.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Siqaret çəkmək restoranın hər hissəsində qadağandır.,Smoking is prohibited in every section of the restaurant.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Saxlama onu!,Don't stop him.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Doloresin dörd bacısı var.,Dolores has four sisters.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Heç Minnesotada olmusan?,Have you ever been to Minnesota?,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Bu səkkizinci mərtəbədədir.,It's on the eighth floor.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Tom başını işlətdi.,Tom used his head.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Biz sadəcə dostuq?,We're only friends?,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Bu bıçaq yaxşı kəsir.,This knife cuts well.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn O səndən iki yaş böyükdür.,She's two years older than you.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Bıçağım sınıb.,My knife is broken.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Tomun insanları ağlatmaq bacarığı var.,Tom has the knack of making people cry.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Siz dəvət olunmamısınız.,You aren't invited.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Mənim qardaşım böyük bir balıq tutdu.,My brother caught a big fish.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Mənə bıçaq lazımdır.,I need a knife.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn O sənin bıçağın deyil.,That is not your knife.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Eşşəklər dözümlü heyvanlardır.,Donkeys are tough animals.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Siz baxmırsınız.,You aren't looking.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Gələn ay mən burada olmayacam.,I won't be here next month.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn İtin dörd ayağı olur.,A dog has four legs.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Pişik qaradır.,The cat is black.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Mən almanca danışıram.,I speak German.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Sabah qarlı hava gözlənilir.,It's supposed to snow tomorrow.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Onun adı yaxınlarda unudulacaq.,His name will soon be forgotten.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn "O, həmişə məktəbdədir.",She is always at school.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Bir çox insan hökumətə güvənmir.,Many people do not trust the government.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Məşhur olacaqsan.,You will be famous.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom az qalırdı kı, ölsün.",Tom almost died.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Siz də ona qabaqcadan deyə bilərsiniz.,You may as well say it to him in advance.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Mən əvvəllər Toma nifrət edərdim.,I used to hate Tom.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Mən buna layiqəm.,I deserved that.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Elektrikli isidicimizə nəsə olub.,Something is wrong with our electric heater.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn O atasından daha qısa.,He's shorter than his father.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Mənə taksi lazımdır!,I need a taxi!,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Tom idman zalına getməlidir.,Tom should go to the gym.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn "Məncə, buna layiqəm.",I guess I deserved that.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Biz birbirimizə lazımıq.,We need each other.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Tomun üç əmisi var.,Tom has three uncles.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Tom cavab vermədi.,Tom didn't reply.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn İyuldan bəri Tomdan xəbər ala bilmədim.,I haven't heard from Tom since July.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Onun iti var.,He has a dog.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Bir saniyə gözlə.,Wait a second.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn "Qorxma, hər şey yaxşı olacaq!","Do not be afraid, everything will be fine!",aze_Latn-eng_Latn Kimsə Texas haqqında soruşdu.,Someone asked about Texas.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Mənə üç ay ver.,Give me three months.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn O pul verdi.,She gave money.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Su safdır.,The water is pure.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Mən bu kitabla maraqlanıram.,I am interested in this book.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Bu çanta çox ağırdır.,This bag is too heavy.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Sizdən yaxşı diplomat olardı.,You would make a good diplomat.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Tomun ispanaqdan zəhləsi gedirdi.,Tom hated spinach.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Sadəcə bir az İngilisce danışa bilər.,He can speak only a little English.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Restoran hanı?,Where is the restaurant?,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Tallin Estoniyanın paytaxtıdır.,Tallinn is the capital of Estonia.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Bu restoran açıqdır?,Is this restaurant open?,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Bu yeni bir eranın başlanğıcıdır.,This is the beginning of a new era.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Bilmirəm niyə ondan xoşun gəlmir.,I don't know why you don't like her.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Otuz yaşım var.,I am thirty years old.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Tom şəhəri tərk etdi.,Tom left the city.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Tom mağazanı bağlayır.,Tom is closing the store.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Qırmızı bir evim var.,I have a red home.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Mən burda ölmək istəmirəm.,I don't want to die here.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Sən kağız kimi ağappaqsan.,You are as white as a sheet.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Napoleon Bonapart Korsikada doğulub.,Napoleon Bonaparte was born in Corsica.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Referendum tezliklə Korsikanın müstəqilliyini geri qaytaracaqmı?,Will a referendum soon give Corsica back its independence?,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Mən Portuqaliyadayam.,I'm in Portugal.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Mən Portuqaliyadanam.,I am from Portugal.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Portuqaliya istisna deyil.,Portugal is no exception.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn O Portuqaliyadandır.,She's from Portugal.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Lissabon Portuqaliyanın paytaxtıdır.,Lisbon is the capital of Portugal.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Portuqaliyanın çox yaxşı komandası var.,Portugal has a very good team.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn O Fransanın Portuqaliyadakı səfiridir.,She's the French ambassador to Portugal.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Portuqaliyanın birinci paytaxtı hara idi?,What was the first capital of Portugal?,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Sən Portuqaliyada yaşayırsan yoxsa Braziliyada?,Do you live in Portugal or Brazil?,aze_Latn-eng_Latn "Portuqaliyanın ancaq bir qonşusu var, o da İspaniyadır.",Portugal has only one neighbor and it's Spain.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Portuqaliya Fransaya İspaniya qədər yaxıın deyil.,Portugal is not as close to France as Spain.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn O Portuqaliyaya futbol məşqçisi işləməyə getdi.,He went to Portugal to work as a soccer trainer.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Onun ambisiyası sərhəd tanımır.,His ambition knows no bounds.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Bəs Portuqaliya?,What about Portugal?,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Məndən nə istəyirlər?,What do they want from me?,aze_Latn-eng_Latn O Portuqaliya idi.,That was Portugal.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Mənə Tom haqqında danışa bilərsən?,Can you tell me about Tom?,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Sən Portuqaliyada xoşbəxt idin?,Have you been happy in Portugal?,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Sənə kömək edəcəyəm.,I'll help you.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Portuqaliyada minimal əmək haqqı nə qədərdir?,What's the minimum salary in Portugal?,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Bunu nə olduğunu bilirəm.,I know what this is.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Tom mahnı oxumağa başladı.,Tom started to sing.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Mən həmişə bitkiləri sevmişəm.,I've always loved plants.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Marağımı itirdim.,I lost interest.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Neapol cənubi İtaliyada ən böyük şəhərdir.,Naples is the largest city in southern Italy.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Mən çox diqqətli idim.,I was very careful.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Yunanlar da tez-tez balıq yeyirlər.,The Greeks also eat fish often.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Kişilər qadınlar haqqında heç nə bilmirlər.,Men know nothing about women.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Mən onun yanında oturdum.,I sat down next to him.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Qılınc bədəni qorumaq üçün istifadə oluna bilər.,The sword can be used to protect the body.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn "Bir halda ki, İtaliyadasan, Neapolu görməlisən.","Now that you are in Italy, you must see Naples.",aze_Latn-eng_Latn Tom üzünü və əllərini yudu.,Tom washed his face and hands.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Mene kömek ede bilersiniz?,Can you give me a hand?,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Bizim səndən xoşumuz gəlmir.,We don't like you.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn İtaliya üçün darıxıram.,I miss Italy.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Bu İtaliyadır.,This is Italy.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Roma İtaliyadadır.,Rome is in Italy.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn İtaliya yarımadadır.,Italy is a peninsula.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn İtaliya Avropadadır.,Italy is in Europe.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Mənim ana dilim ispan dilidir.,My native language is Spanish.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Almaniya İtaliyaya yaxındır?,Is Germany near Italy?,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Biz İtaliyadayıq.,We're in Italy.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Onlar İtaliyadandırlar.,They are from Italy.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Mən İtaliyadanam.,I'm from Italy.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Mən İtaliyada qalıram.,I'm staying in Italy.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn O İtaliyaya gedib.,She has gone to Italy.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn İtaliya Braziliyadan uzaqda yerləşir.,Italy is far from Brazil.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn İtaliya gözəl ölkədir.,Italy is a beautiful land.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Mən bu kitabı oxumuşam.,I've read this book.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn İtaliya 1935-ci ildə Efiopiyanı işğal etdi.,Italy invaded Ethiopia in 1935.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn İtaliyada nə baş verir?,What's happening in Italy?,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Mənim qardaşım İtaliyaya getdi.,My brother went to Italy.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Britaniya İtaliyadan soyuqdur.,Britain is colder than Italy.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Rusiya İtaliyadan böyükdür.,Russia is bigger than Italy.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn İtaliya çox gözəl ölkədir.,Italy is a very beautiful country.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Bu məhsul İtaliyada istehsal olunub.,This product is made in Italy.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Bu it ağdır.,This dog is white.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Gül sarıdır.,The flower is yellow.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Tom tək idi.,Tom was alone.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Aydaho kartofu ilə məşhurdur.,Idaho is famous for potatoes.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Bu zooparkda neçə panda var?,How many pandas are there in this zoo?,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Mən Türkçe danışa bilmirəm.,I can not speak Turkish.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Onlardan biri Tomun dostu idi.,One of them was Tom's friend.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Tomun qalın saqqalı var.,Tom has a thick beard.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn İkinci semestr başa çatdı.,Second semester has ended.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn O qələbə milli qürur mənbəyinə çevrildi.,That victory became a source of national pride.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Sənə məsləhət verəcək halda deyiləm.,I'm not in a position to give you advice.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Köhnə ev yanıb külə döndü.,The old house was burned to ashes.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Tom duş qəbul edir.,Tom is taking a shower.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Yupiter günəş sistemində ən böyük planetdir.,Jupiter is the largest planet in the Solar System.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn "Çaydansa, kofe istərdim, zəhmət olmasa.","I'd like coffee rather than tea, please.",aze_Latn-eng_Latn Onların toyu sabah olacaq.,Their wedding will be tomorrow.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Ankara Türkiyənin paytaxtıdır.,Ankara is the capital of Turkey.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Sən Almaniyadan zəng vurursan?,Are you calling from Germany?,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Siz doğru seçim etdiniz.,You made the right choice.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Mənim sualıma cavab vermədin.,You haven't answered my question.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Onlar hara getmək istəyirlər?,Where do they want to go?,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Mən buna layiq deyiləm.,I didn't earn this.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Tom bu gün gəlir.,Tom is coming today.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Sənin mənə nə edəcəyimi deməyə haqqın yoxdur.,You have no right to tell me what to do.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Eşq iksiri içdikdən sonra dəlicəsinə sevdaya düşdülər.,They fell madly in love after drinking a love potion.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Siz qaydaları pozdunuz.,You broke the rules.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn O döyüşdə öldü.,He died in battle.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Tədris ili aprelin onu başlayır.,The school year begins on the 10th of April.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn İzah etməyə ehtiyac yoxdur.,There's no need to explain.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn "Onlara de ki, bu vacibdir.",Tell them it's important.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn İzaha ehtiyac yoxdur.,No need to explain.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Mən gəncəm.,I am young.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Mən hər gün futbol oynayıram.,I play soccer every day.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Bu bizim əsas məqsədimizdir.,This is our main goal.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Oldu.,It has happened.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Tom sizə etibar etmir.,Tom doesn't trust you.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Vodka hanı?,Where is the vodka?,aze_Latn-eng_Latn O nə vaxt evə gedəcək?,When will he go home?,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Marsdakı zooparklarda yerdən heyvanlar vardır.,"In the zoos on Mars, there are animals from Earth.",aze_Latn-eng_Latn Onlar nə planlaşdırırlar?,What're they planning?,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Mən sadəcə sənlə danışmaq istəyirəm.,I just want to talk to you.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Fağırlara qida verdiyimdə mənə müqəddəs deyirlər. Fağırların niyə qidası yox deyə soruşduğumda isə mənə kommunist deyirlər.,"When I give food to the poor, they call me a saint. When I ask why the poor have no food, they call me a communist.",aze_Latn-eng_Latn Bu albomda neçə fotoşəkil var?,How many photos are in this album?,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Onlar bütün gecə boyu rəqs etdilər.,They danced all night long.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Sənə ehtiyacım var.,I need you.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Onlar heç nə tapmadılar.,They didn't find anything.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Minnesotaya getmək istəyirəm.,I want to go to Minnesota.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Tom mələk deyil.,Tom is no angel.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Mən bilmirəm o niyə bunu mənə dedi.,I don't know why he said that to me.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Məndən uzaq dur.,Keep away from me.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Bir şüşə pivə neçəyədir?,How much does a bottle of beer cost?,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Niyə Bostona getmədiniz?,Why didn't you go to Boston?,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Niyə Bostona getmədin?,Why did you not go to Boston?,aze_Latn-eng_Latn "Mən, əslində, iş axtarıram",I'm actually looking for a job.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Mən özümü gücsüz hiss edirəm.,I feel powerless.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn O mükəmməl deyil.,He isn't perfect.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Tom kartofları soydu.,Tom peeled the potatoes.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Tom indi sənə kömək edə bilmir.,Tom can't help you now.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Biz kartof supu yedik.,We ate potato soup.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Biz onun dəvətini qəbul etdik.,We accepted his invitation.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Bizim shəhərimizdə her il tedrici deyisiklikler bas verir .,Gradual changes take place in our city every year.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Yaşıl sənə yaraşır.,Green suits you.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Alisaya yaşıl yaraşır.,Green suits Alice.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn O günə iyirmi siqaret çəkir.,She smokes twenty cigarettes a day.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Su qaynamağa başladı.,The water began to boil.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Mən Syuzan Qrinəm.,I'm Susan Greene.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Mən fransız dili müəllimiyəm.,I'm a French teacher.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Stol yaşıldır.,The table is green.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Mən sənə baxmırdım.,I wasn't looking at you.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Mən sizə baxmırdım.,I wasn't looking for you.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Tom ağır xəstədir.,Tom is gravely ill.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Biz bilmirik onun valideynləri sabah gələcəklər ya yox.,We don't know if her parents will come tomorrow or not.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Mən itləri çox sevirəm.,I like dogs very much.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Hələ Floridasan?,Are you still in Florida?,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Mən heç vaxt Floridada olmamışam.,I have never gone to Florida.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Ağzınızı açın!,Open your mouth!,aze_Latn-eng_Latn O kim idi?,Who was it?,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Siz mənim fikirlərimi oxuyursunuz.,You are reading my thoughts.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Qoca kişi yerə yıxıldı.,The old man fell down on the ground.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Tom fransızca danışmağa üstünlük verir.,Tom prefers speaking French.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Qışda mən həmişə yun corabla yatıram.,"In winter, I always sleep with wool socks on.",aze_Latn-eng_Latn Nə edirsən?,What do you make?,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Hansı universitetdə oxuyursan?,At which university are you studying?,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Mənim xalam Nyu-Yorkda yaşayır.,My aunt lives in New York.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Onlar onu ehtiyatla təcili yardım maşınına qaldırdılar.,They lifted him carefully into the ambulance.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Mən atlet deyiləm.,I am not an athlete.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Mən özümlə fəxr edirəm.,I'm proud of myself.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn "Yox, sən başa düşmürsən.","No, you don't understand.",aze_Latn-eng_Latn Siz Milanda işləyirsiniz.,You work in Milan.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Bir həftədə yeddi gün var.,A week has seven days.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Çox adam Cənubi Dakotaya Raşmor dağını görməyə gedir.,Many people go to South Dakota to see Mount Rushmore.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Şimali Dakotada böyük neft yataqları tapılmışdı.,Large oil deposits were found in North Dakota.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Şimali Dakotada turizm yaxşı inkişaf etməyib.,There is little tourism in North Dakota.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Ötən gecə çox yorğun idim.,I was very tired last night.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Texas Meksikayla həmsərhəddir.,Texas borders on Mexico.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn O düşünmədən hərəkət etdi.,He acted without thinking.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Fincan doludur.,The cup is full.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Mayk bizim komandanın kapitanıdır.,Mike is captain of our team.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Onun oğlu Nyu-Yorkdan zəng vurdu.,Her son called from New York.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn O evə sabah qayıdacaq.,She'll return home tomorrow.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Səncə biz haradayıq?,Where do you think we are?,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Texas Yaponiyadan təqribən iki dəfə böyükdür.,Texas is nearly twice as large as Japan.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Hər bir insan ölməlidir.,Every man must die.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Mən açarlarımı itirmişəm.,I've lost my keys.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Şərqi Montana qışda xüsusilə küləkli və soyuq olur.,Eastern Montana is especially windy and cold in the winter.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Bazar həftənin sonuncu günüdür.,Sunday is the last day of the week.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Sən ona deməliydin.,You should have told him.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Kitab köhnədir.,The book is old.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Tom o gündən sonra daha Meri ilə danışmadı.,Tom never spoke to Mary again after that day.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Mən adətən belə yerlərdə yemirəm.,I don't usually eat at places like this.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Səni burda görməyə şadam.,I'm glad to see you here.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Bu gün harada nahar edəcəksən?,Where will you have lunch today?,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Onlar təklifi qəbul etdilər.,They accepted the offer.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Bu salat limon dadı verir.,This salad tastes of lemon.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Paula maşını sabah yuyacaq.,Paula is going to wash the car tomorrow.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Ned Yuta ştatındandır.,Ned comes from the state of Utah.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Bir sual vermək üçün əlini qaldırdı.,He raised his hand to ask a question.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Finiks Arizonanın paytaxtıdır.,Phoenix is the capital of Arizona.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn O daha da sərbəst olmaq istəyir.,She wants to be more independent.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Bizim əsas problemimiz həll edilməmiş qalır.,Our main problem remains unsolved.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Minnesotada insanlar gülərüzlüdürlər.,People in Minnesota are nice.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Heç kim Toma kömək etmək istəmir.,Nobody wants to help Tom.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Zürafələr hardadırlar?,Where are the giraffes?,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Hal-hazırda Minnesotada yaşayıram.,I live in Minnesota right now.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Nyu-York necə idi?,How was New York?,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Brayan Nyu-Yorka yola düşdü.,Brian left for New York.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Con Nyu-Yorkda yaşayır.,John lives in New York.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Biz üçün yarısında orada olacağıq.,We'll be there at half past two.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Biz Nyu-Yorkda yaşayırıq.,We live in New York.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Nyu-York xoşuna gəlir?,Do you like New York?,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Kitab mənimdir.,The book is mine.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Nyu-York böyük şəhərdir.,New York is a big city.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Mənim əmim Nyu-Yorkda yaşayır.,My uncle lives in New York.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Mən hamiləyəm.,I am pregnant.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Mən özüm öz qayğıma qala bilirəm.,I can look after myself.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Bu körpü Nyu-Yorkdadır.,This bridge is in New York.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Mən nə deməliyəm?,What do you want me to say?,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Almaniya Niderlandla həmsərhəddir.,Germany borders the Netherlands.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Mən Niderlanddanam.,I am from the Netherlands.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Bakı Abşeron yarımadasının cənub sahilində yerləşir.,Baku is located on the southern shore of the Absheron Peninsula.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn "Ata, sən hardasan?","Father, where are you?",aze_Latn-eng_Latn O vaxtdan bəri ağlamaq qadağan olunub.,"Since that time, crying has been forbidden.",aze_Latn-eng_Latn Mən müəllimdən hansının daha yaxşı olduğunu soruşdum,I asked the teacher which was the better.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Bütün başlanğıclar çətindir.,All beginnings are difficult.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn "Qida həyat verir, həyat güc verir və güc böyük uğurlar verir.","Food gives life, life gives strength and strength gives great feats.",aze_Latn-eng_Latn Uşaqlar xarici dillər öyrənməlidirlər.,Children have to learn foreign languages.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn "O, əlində qələm tutmuşdu.",He held a pen in his hands.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Terrorizm dünya sülhunun ən böyük düşmənlərindən biridir.,Terrorism is one of the biggest enemies of world peace.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Bizim qızımız yox.,We don't have a daughter.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Sən hər şeyi Toma deməməlisən.,You shouldn't tell Tom everything.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Qatar yola düşməyə hazır idi.,The train was ready to depart.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Mən Maltada yaşayıram.,I live in Malta.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Mən Şotlandiyada yaşayıram.,I'm living in Scotland.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Sən hələ də Şotlandiyadasan?,Are you still in Scotland?,aze_Latn-eng_Latn İclasda nə danışıldığını qısaca deyə bilərsən?,Can you briefly sum up what was said at the meeting?,aze_Latn-eng_Latn İngiltərə və Şotlandiya qonşudurlar.,England and Scotland are neighbours.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Onun bacısı Şotlandiyada yaşayır.,His sister resides in Scotland.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Sənin üçün pis xəbərim var.,I have bad news for you.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Şəkil mənə Şotlandiyanı xatırlatdı.,The picture reminded me of Scotland.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Şotlandiya suyuna görə məşhurdur.,Scotland is famous for its water.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Biz hələ ki Şotlandiyada yaşamırıq.,We don't live in Scotland yet.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Şotlandiya İngiltərədən ayrılmaq istəyir.,Scotland wants to break away from England.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Tom daha burada yaşaya bilməz.,Tom can no longer live here.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn "Böyük Britaniya Uelsdən, İngiltərədən və Şotlandiyadan ibarətdir.","Great Britain consists of Wales, England, and Scotland.",aze_Latn-eng_Latn Polis onu avtomobil sürərkən mesaj yazmaqda günahlandırdı.,The police accused her of texting while driving.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn İngiltərənin iqlimi Şotlandiyanınkından daha mülayimdir.,The climate of England is milder than that of Scotland.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Qrenlandiyada nə qədər eskimos yaşayır?,How many Eskimos live in Greenland?,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Vədlərində durmayan çoxlu siyasətçilər var.,There are many politicians who don't keep their promises.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Yaşıl çay içirsən?,Are you drinking green tea?,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Mən Lüksemburqda yaşayıram.,I live in Luxembourg.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Mən Bostonda yaşayıram.,I live in Boston.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Lüksemburq balaca ölkədir.,Luxembourg is a small country.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn O hələ də Lüksemburqda yaşayır?,Does he still live in Luxembourg?,aze_Latn-eng_Latn "Məncə səni həqiqətən sevirəm, Tom.","I think I really love you, Tom.",aze_Latn-eng_Latn Tənqid etməyə haqqım var.,I have the right to criticise.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn "O, oğlan doğdu.",She gave birth to a baby boy.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Tom ingiliscə öyrənir.,Tom is learning English.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Onlar Yeni Zelandiyaya getdilər.,They went to New Zealand.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Mən Yeni Zelandiyadanam.,I'm from New Zealand.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Oxumanı sevirəm.,I like reading.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Bir qutu açarkən barmağını kəsdi.,He cut his finger in opening a can.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn İtləri sevirəm.,I love dogs.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn "O həm ingiliscə, həm də almanca danışa bilir.",He can speak both English and German.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Onun pulu var?,Does she have money?,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Yeni Zelandiyada ingilis dilində danışılır.,They speak English in New Zealand.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Səndən daha yaxşıyam.,I'm better than you.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Mən səndən daha yaxşıyam.,I am better than you.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Yeni Zelandiya səfirliyi haradadır?,Where is the New Zealand embassy?,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Tom yapon dilini yaponlardan yaxşı danışır.,Tom speaks Japanese better than Japanese do.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Bu mahnını kim oxuyur?,Who sings that song?,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Mən Yeni Zelandiyada olmamışam.,I have not been to New Zealand.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Bu bir balıq deyil.,This is not a fish.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn "O, müqavilədən tam razı qalmadı.",He was not completely satisfied with the treaty.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Ailəmdən nifrət edirəm.,I hate my parents.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Mənə soyuqdur.,I felt cold.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Onun yaşadığı şəhərdən xoşlanmıram.,I don't like the city in which he lives.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Çox dəfə buradayam.,I'm often here.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Tom pendir xoşlayır.,Tom likes cheese.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn En şokoladı çox sevər.,Ann likes chocolate very much.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn "O , yemək yeyir.",She is eating.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn "Terrorizm, bir ölkənin bölünməsi və muxtar bölgələrin meydana gəlməsi üçün ən əhəmiyyətli faktordur.",Terrorism is the most important factor in the division of a country and the creation of autonomous regions.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Uruqvayda hansı dil danışılır?,Which language is spoken in Uruguay?,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Siqaret çəkmək ağciyər xərçənginin ən əhəmiyyətli səbəbidir.,Smoking is the major cause of lung cancer.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Tom sənə həqiqəti deyir.,Tom is telling you the truth.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Hər kəsin içində danışmaq çətindir.,It is hard to speak in public.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Ermənistan dağlıq ölkədir.,Armenia is a mountainous country.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Qulançardan zəhləm gedir.,I hate asparagus.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Kişi qəzet oxuyur.,A man is reading a newspaper.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Siz Ermənistana nə vaxt gedəcəksiniz?,When will you go to Armenia?,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Ermənistanda dəniz yoxdur.,There is no sea in Armenia.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Yorulmuşam.,I am tired.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn "Əgər qayıdanda çörək alsan, minnətdan olaram.",I'd be grateful if you'd buy some bread on the way back.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn İrəvan Ermənistanın paytaxtıdır.,Yerevan is the capital of Armenia.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn "Bob ilbizi yedi, sonra da qusdu.","Bob ate the snail, then vomited.",aze_Latn-eng_Latn Bu vacib deyil.,This is not necessary.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Tom qan verdi.,Tom gave blood.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Bu çay yaşıl çay adlanır.,This tea is called green tea.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Sizdə Ermənistan haqqında hər hansı bir kitab var?,Do you have any books about Armenia?,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Mənim əmioğlum jurnalistdir.,My cousin is a journalist.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Mən jurnalistəm.,I'm a journalist.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Mənim dost oğlanım jurnalistdir.,My boyfriend is a journalist.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Ermənistan Avropa Birliyinin üzvüdür?,Is Armenia a member of the European Union?,aze_Latn-eng_Latn O muzdlu jurnalistdir.,He's a freelance journalist.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Quql Transleyt cümlələri tərcümə edə bilməz və ya ayrı-ayrı sözlərin mənalarını verə bilməz.,Google Translate can't translate phrases or give definitions of individual words.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Onlar bir neçə il İspaniyada yaşadılar.,They lived in Spain for several years.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Mən çox unutqanam.,I'm very forgetful.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn O müəllim olmaq istəyir.,He wants to become a teacher.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn İsa onlara cavab verdi.,Jesus answered them.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Hava limanına gəlir gəlməz ofisinə zəng etdi.,"As soon as he arrived at the airport, he phoned his office.",aze_Latn-eng_Latn O mənə cavanlığında yazdığı şerləri göstərdi.,She showed me the poems that she had written in her youth.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Onlar Tomu qucaqladılar.,They hugged Tom.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Həmişə başqa vaxt var.,There is always another time.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Bir səhv olduğunu düşünürəm.,I think there's been a mistake.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn O Hokkaydonu sevir.,She loves Hokkaido.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Tom pendir xoşlamır.,Tom doesn't like cheese.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Pişiyimiz mətbəxdədir.,Our cat is in the kitchen.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Hər şeyin hazır olduğunu düşünürəm.,I think everything is ready.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Hotel Hardadir?,Where is the hotel?,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Pişik balası masa altında süd içirdi.,The kitten was drinking milk under the table.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn O kitabı bir gündə oxudu.,She read the book in one day.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Bu çox yaxşı çaydır.,This is a very good tea.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Sənin qanın qırmızıdır.,Your blood is red.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn "Yaxşı yemək ve yeterli yuxu, yaxşı bir sağlamlıq üçün tamamile vacibdir.",Good food and enough sleep are absolutely necessary to good health.,aze_Latn-eng_Latn Гэта касцёл.,That's a church.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Мы тут, каб абараніць іх.",We're here to protect them.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Я ўпэўнены, што спаткаў яго дзесьці раней, але я не памятаю, хто ён.","I am sure I met him somewhere, but I do not remember who he is.",bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Забастоўка працягвалася тры дні.,The strike lasted three days.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Наступнага разу не будзе.,There won't be a next time.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Наступны раз тэлефануй загадзя.,Next time phone ahead.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Наступны раз прыходзь з сястрой.,Bring your sister next time.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Дзякуй. Пабачымся наступны раз.,Thanks. See you next time.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Найлепшы спосаб авалодаць замежнай мовай — паехаць у краіну, дзе на гэтай мове размаўляюць.",The best way to master a foreign language is to go to the country where it is spoken.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Губка Боб і Патрык — сябры.,Spongebob and Patrick are friends.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я і наступны раз прыйду.,"Next time, I'm coming, too.",bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Наступны раз твая чарга.,"Next time, it's your turn.",bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том — мой старэйшы брат.,Tom is my older brother.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Пісаць можна на любой мове. Усе мовы на праэкце Tatoeba роўныя.,"You may write in any language you want. On Tatoeba, all languages are equal.",bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я списаў тры нататнікі.,I've used up three notebooks.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Вы сапраўды гэта зрабілі?,Did you really do that?,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Апошнім часам Мюрыэл любіць мяне зліць.,Muiriel likes to annoy me lately.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я люблю свой горад.,I love my city.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn «Нам трэба шмат што зрабіць». — «Напрыклад?»,"""We have a lot of things do to."" ""Such as?""",bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я мушу з табой развітацца.,I must say good-bye to you.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Зараз у мяне няма часу.,I'm busy now.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Яна падобная на грэчаскую багіню.,She looks like a Greek goddess.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Ніхто не ведае Тома так, як яго ведаю я.",Nobody knows Tom like I know Tom.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Якой даўжыні гэты аловак?,How long is this pencil?,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я вывучаю казахскую мову.,I'm learning Kazakh.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Ты ведаеш, што значыць гэты іерогліф?",Do you know the meaning of this word?,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Іран і Расія створаць супольны банк.,Iran and Russia will establish a joint bank.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Калі ласка, папішыцеся тут.",Please sign here.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Калі ласка, дай мне аркуш паперы.",Please give me a sheet of paper.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я чакаю Вас у сябе дома.,I'm waiting for you at my house.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Яна праплакала ўсю ноч.,She wept all the night.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn У рабінавыя ночы цяжка заснуць.,It's hard to fall asleep on stormy summer nights.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Калі ты павяртаешся?,When will you be back?,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Гэта для цябе.,This is for you.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я хачу табе нешта сказаць.,I want to tell you something.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Ёсць рэч, якую я хачу табе сказаць.",I have something I want to say to you.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Я хачу, каб ты сустрэлася з маімі татам і мамай.",I want you to meet my parents.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ты ўжо паабедала?,Have you finished eating your lunch?,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Чаму ты маўчыш?,How come you say nothing?,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ён паехаў ва Урумчы ў панядзелак і павярнуўся сюды на наступны дзень.,He went to Urumqi on Monday and came back here the next day.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Гэта кніга.,This is a book.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ад піцця вялікай колькасці кавы можа павысіцца крывяны ціск.,Drinking a lot of coffee can raise your blood pressure.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я сплю днём і працую ўначы.,I sleep during the day and work at night.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я штодня сачу за авечкамі.,"Every day, I look after the sheep.",bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Горад абараняла вялікая армія.,The town was defended by a large army.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Цяжар народа — наш цяжар.,The people's hardships are our hardships.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn «Вы настаўніца?» — «Так».,"""Are you a teacher?"" ""Yes, I am.""",bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Мне ўсё роўна, верыш ты мне ці не.",I don't care if you trust me or not.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Гэта не толькі незаконна, але і небяспечна.","It's not just illegal, it's also dangerous.",bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Суп загарачы.,The soup is too hot.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Я не ведала, куды яшчэ пайсці.",I didn't know where else to go.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Хутчэй! Мы спазнімся.,Hurry up! We'll be late.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ты дагэтуль не сказаў мне нумар свайго тэлефона.,You still haven't told me what your phone number is.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Жанчыны — не сэксуальныя аб’екты.,Women are not sex objects.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Жанчыны зарабляюць меней за мужчын.,Women earn less than men.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Слова не крыстальнае, празрыстае і нязменнае, гэта скура жывой думкі, і яно можа значна адрознівацца па колеру і зместу у залежнасці ад умоў і часу выкарыстання.","A word is not a crystal, transparent and unchanging, it is the skin of a living thought and may vary greatly in colour and content according to the circumstances and time in which it is used.",bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Жанчыны дасягнулі сваёй мэты.,The women achieved their goal.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я вялікі аматар Гетэр Яані.,I'm a big fan of Getter Jaani.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Карова вялікая, таму яе рогі вялікія; авечка маленькая, таму яе рогі кароткія.",Cows are large and their horns are long; sheep are small and their horns are short.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Жанчыны гуляюць у тэніс.,The women play tennis.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мы жанчыны.,We are women.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Цікавая гіпотэза.,That's an interesting hypothesis.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Колькі людзей ты запрасіла?,How many people did you invite?,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Гетэр Яані — найлепшая спявачка на песенным конкурсе «Еўрабачанне 2011».,Getter Jaani is the best singer in the Eurovision Song Contest 2011.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "І, нарэшце, дванаццаць балаў Эстоніі!","And finally, twelve points to Estonia!",bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я наняла сабе асістэнтку.,I've hired myself an assistant.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я ўласніца гэтага будынка.,I'm the owner of this building.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Клава прашчаецца з мужам.,Klava is bidding farewell to her husband.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Я цалкам упэўненая, што мы выйграем.",I'm pretty sure that we'll win.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Калі б я ведаў яго лепей, я б сказаў яму праўду.","If I knew him better, I would tell him the truth.",bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я хачу памерці разам з Гетэр Яані.,I want to die with Getter Jaani.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Што каму рупіць, той аб тым і жупіць.",The tongue ever turns to the aching tooth.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Кожны з нас быццам месяц: усе маюць цёмны бок, які нікому не паказваюць.","Everyone is a moon, and has a dark side which he never shows to anybody.",bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Перамога малаверагодная, але магчымая.",Victory is unlikely but not impossible.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Дзе ты будзеш?,Where will you be?,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Цікава, калі Анжаліка Агурбаш спявала песню на словы Някляева, ці магла яна ўявіць, што ён будзе балатавацца на прэзідэнта?",I wonder whether Angelica Agurbash could imagine Niaklajeŭ would run for president when she sang a song with his lyrics.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Дэн болей не хоча бачыць Лінду.,Dan doesn't want to see Linda anymore.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Лінда абажае шакалад.,Linda loves chocolate.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Вар’яцтва карыснае для здароўя.,Being crazy is healthy.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Дэн сустрэўся з Ліндай на вуліцы.,Dan met Linda outside.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Лінда сапраўды любіць шакалад.,Linda really likes chocolate.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сёння апошні дзень студзеня.,Today is the last day of January.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Дэн хоча, каб Лінда павярнулася да яго.",Dan wants Linda back.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Дэн прадаў Ліндзе наркотыкі.,Dan sold Linda drugs.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Даруйце, хто гэтая жанчына?","Excuse me, who is this woman?",bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Лінда зайшла ў будынак.,Linda came into the building.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Лінда ўстала, каб заспяваць.",Linda stood up to sing.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Лінда высунула язык.,Linda stuck her tongue out.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Эндру сустракае Лінду ў школе.,Andrew meets Linda at school.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Лінда яшчэ не прыехала.,Linda hasn't arrived yet.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Дэн — муж Лінды.,Dan is Linda's husband.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я таксама там была.,I was there as well.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Давай заспяваем разам песню.,Sing a song with me.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Калі ласка, заспявай песню.",Please sing a song.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Лодку паглынуў туман.,The boat was swallowed up in the fog.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Неба было ўсеянае зоркамі.,The sky was full of stars.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ты не стаміўся?,Are you not tired?,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Давайце заспяваем песню.,Let's sing a song.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Дэн рады за Лінду.,Dan was happy for Linda.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Боль амаль прайшоў.,The pain has mostly gone away.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Дэн паставіў Ліндзе ультыматум.,Dan gave Linda an ultimatum.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Дэн не змог знайсці Лінду.,Dan couldn't find Linda.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn У Беларусі чалавека забіў бабёр.,A man was killed by a beaver in Belarus.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Вы хочаце ведаць мой сакрэт? Ён вельмі просты...,Do you want to know my secret? It's very simple...,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Дэн — былы хлопец Лінды.,Dan is Linda's ex.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Дэн і Лінда — блізняты.,Dan and Linda are twins.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Дэн ведаў, што любіць Лінда.",Dan knew what Linda liked.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn У цябе ёсць яблыкі?,Do you have any apples?,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Дзе ты жывёш?,Where do you live?,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Пакарміце птушку!,Feed the bird!,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Я думаю, яна не прыедзе.",I think that she will not come.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Усё лiсце на дрэве пажоўкла.,All the leaves on the tree have turned yellow.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn У яго вялікая сям'я.,His is a large family.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Гэта добры падручнік.,This is a good textbook.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Заўтра пойдзе снег.,It'll snow tomorrow.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Асцярожна, машына!",Watch out for the car!,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ён знайшоў мой ровар.,He found my bike.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn У мяне грып.,I got the flu.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Усё добра. Я табе дарую.,It's okay. I forgive you.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Дзе Вы жывеце?,Where are you living?,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Дзе пан жыве?,Where do you guys live?,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Гэта ўсяго толькі сон.,It's just a dream.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Наступнай вясной яна будзе вучыцца ў каледжы.,She will be a college student next spring.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я прачытала гэтую справаздачу да абеду.,I read that report before lunch.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Ja razmaŭlaju pa-anhielsku, pa-rasiejsku j pa-hlabalijsku.","I speak English, Russian and Globish.",bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn У канцы вуліцы знаходзіцца паштовае аддзяленне.,There is a post office at the end of the street.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Чаму ты не хочаш мяне слухаць?,Why don't you want to listen to me?,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Кажуць, штотыдзень недзе ў свеце знікае мова.","It is said that every week, a language goes extinct somewhere in the world.",bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Усё пачалося ў гэтай лабараторыі.,It all started in this lab.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я яе не запрасіла.,I didn't invite her.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я вывучала структуру айнскіх сем’яў.,I studied the structure of Ainu families.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Навукоўка прачытала лекцыю пра структуру сусвету.,The scientist gave a lecture on the structure of the universe.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Люся абажае соцрэалістычныя раманы — яны вельмі аптымістычныя.,Lyusya adores social-realistic novels. They're very optimistic.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Корпус арганізаваны не ў выглядзе табліцы, а ў выглядзе графа.",The corpus is not structured as a table but as a graph.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Колькі каштуе гэты горны ровар?,How much does that mountain bike cost?,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Колькі каштуе гэты горны веласіпед?,How much is that mountain bike?,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Не засні.,Don't fall asleep.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Рускія ніколі не ўсмяхаюцца.,Russians never smile.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ці ёсць якіясьці крамы з вялікімі распродажнымі скідкамі?,"Are there any stores with ""going out of business"" sales?",bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я купіў гэта ўчора.,I bought this yesterday.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn У мяне ўсё баліць.,I ache all over.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я магу зрабіць гэта за адзін тыдзень.,I can do it in a week.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Калісьці я гуляла ў камп’ютарныя гульні, але цяпер аддаю перавагу карыснейшым спосабам правесці час. Напрыклад, чытанню каментарыяў у інтэрнэце.","I used to play video games, but now I prefer to do more useful things with my time. Like reading internet comments.",bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ён кінуў камень у возера.,He threw a stone into the lake.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Б’юць па таму слупу, што высоўваецца.",Envy is the companion of honour.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я блізка вакзала.,I am near the station.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я заўсёды забываю імёны людзей.,I'm always forgetting people's names.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Але гэта дзіўна пахне.,But it smells strange.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Гэта не Каляды.,It's not Christmas.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Калі ласка, паведамі мяне, калі знойдзеш якія-небудзь памылкі друку або прапушчаныя словы.",Please let me know if you find any typos or missing words.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я паснедаў а восьмай гадзіне.,I ate breakfast at eight.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я з Англіі.,I come from England.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я забыў PIN-код.,I forgot the PIN number.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я прыняў яе запрашэнне.,I accepted her invitation.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Я вучань, а ён не.","I am a student, but he isn't.",bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Зараз я чытаю кнігу.,I am reading a book now.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Яна не можа спынiць яе.,She cannot stop her.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Матылькі гэтага віда цяпер ужо вымярлі.,Butterflies of this species are now extinct.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Гэта будзе абмяркоўвацца пазней.,That will be discussed later.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я хачу прыняць удзел у гэтай канферэнцыі.,I want to participate in this conference.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Я прыехаў у Японію, каб пабачыць Кіота.",I came to Japan to see Kyoto.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Навошта?,For what purpose?,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я гуляю ў бейсбол.,I am playing baseball.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я добра размаўляю па-англійску.,I am good at speaking English.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я магу зрабіць гэта адна.,I can do it alone.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ён вярнуўся з майстэрні.,He returned from the workshop.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Студзень — першы месяц года.,January is the first month of the year.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Я спадзявалася, што ты сёння будзеш тут.",I was hoping you'd be here today.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я сеў на апошні аўтобус.,I caught the last bus.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Калі Вам гэта патрэбна?,When do you need it by?,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Вялікі дзякуй за ўсё, што ты для мяне зрабіла.",Thanks a lot for all the things you've done for me.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ён штодня голіцца.,He shaves himself every day.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Хто не працуе, той не есць.","No song, no supper.",bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я таленавітая?,Am I talented?,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Кожны ведае яго імя.,Everybody knows his name.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я тут у камандзіроўцы.,I am here on business.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Яго даклад прыцягнуў нашу ўвагу.,His speech captured our attention.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Яго пахавалі на могілках ля царквы.,They buried him in the graveyard by the church.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Аўтобус спыняецца ў кожнай вёсцы.,The bus stopped in every village.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Хэлен, гэта мой стрыечны брат.","Helen, this is my cousin.",bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Заспявай нам песню, калі ласка.","Sing us a song, please.",bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Футбол — старая гульня.,Football is an old game.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сёння раніцай я бачыў Ліз.,I saw Liz this morning.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мой бацька крыху старамодны.,My father is a bit old-fashioned.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Кінь мне мяч назад.,Throw the ball back to me.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Дзе спыняецца аўтобус, што ідзе ў горад?",Where's the bus for the city?,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ён дасведчаны карыстальнік кампутара.,He knows well how to use a computer.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Я плаваю гэтак жа кепска, як бегаю.",I'm as bad at swimming as I am at running.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Гэта яе конь.,That's her horse.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я поўнасцю з табой згодна.,I couldn't agree with you more.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я амаль не злавіў рыбу.,I almost caught the fish.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сіні колер табе пасуе.,Blue looks good on you.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мне крыху нядобра.,I'm not quite well.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Яна амаль не размаўляе па-японску.,She can hardly speak Japanese.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мэг была адзінай дзяўчынкай у джынсах.,Meg was the only girl that was wearing jeans.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Пітэра зараз няма.,Peter is not in now.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ён арыстакрат.,He is an aristocrat.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Як прыемна глядзець на дзіця, што спіць.",It is delightful to look at a sleeping baby.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тут крэслаў на ўсіх хопіць?,Are there enough chairs to go around?,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Ты размаўляеш, быццам начальнік.",You talk as if you were the boss.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ці не маглі б вы завярнуць падарунак?,"Can you gift-wrap this, please?",bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Да Парыжа недалёка.,It is not far to Paris.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Хто напісаў «Гамлета»?,Who wrote Hamlet?,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Чалавек, што чытае газету вунь там, — мой дзядзька.",The man reading a paper over there is my uncle.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Вітаю! Я Тамока Сато з Японіі.,"Hello, I'm Tomoko Sato from Japan.",bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я застануся дома сёння.,I'll stay home today.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Самі быў вельмі слабы.,Sami was very weak.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Вечнага кахання не існуе.,Eternal love doesn't exist.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Цяпер ты можаш выйсці з пакоя.,You can leave the room now.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том ля дзвярэй. Папрасі яго ўвайсці.,Tom is at the door. Please ask him in.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мы ўзважылі розныя меркаванні.,We weighed one opinion against the other.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "У гэтым сказе як раз хапае складоў, каб ён быў хайку.","This is a sentence, that has the syllable count, of a haiku.",bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Яны захапляліся маляўнічай панарамай з узгорка.,They admired the scenic view from the hill.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Яму ўсміхнулася ўдача.,Fortune smiled on him.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Дайце мне яшчэ кубак гарбаты.,Give me another cup of tea.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Калі хочаш дачакацца ад мужчыны шлюбнай прапановы, добра яго накармі!","If you want a man to propose marriage, feed him well.",bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ён заставаўся самотным усё жыццё.,He remained single all his life.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Пара выпраўляцца.,It's about time to start.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ён неахвотна пайшоў на сустрэчу з ёй.,He went to see her reluctantly.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Рым — старажытны горад.,Rome is an old city.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Малады Танака - найдурнейшы ў аддзеле.,Young Tanaka is the stupidest person in the department.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Як і Фадзіль, Лайла вырасла ў Каіры.","Like Fadil, Layla also grew up in Cairo.",bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Чалавек — гэта вада.,Man is water.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Але ведаеш, пра гэты ""іншы свет"" сведчанняў няма.","But you know, there's no telling about that other world.",bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Самі быў вельмі напалоханы.,Sami was very terrified.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я павінен выканаць хатняе заданне да паслязаўтра.,I must get this work done by the day after tomorrow.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Радыё загучнае.,The radio is too loud.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ты паснедаў?,Did you have breakfast?,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Мінулую нядзелю я правёў, чытаючы навелы.",I spent last Sunday reading novels.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Самі быў вельмі сурʼёзны.,Sami was very serious.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я наткнулася на старую сяброўку на вуліцы.,"Walking along the street, I met an old friend.",bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я пасадзіла ружы ў садзе.,I planted roses in the garden.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Яна чакала і чакала, але ён так і не павярнуўся.","She waited and waited, but he never returned.",bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мой бацька выкладае англійскую ў сярэдняй школе.,My father teaches English at a high school.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Я паехала аўтобусам, каб не спазніцца на сустрэчу.",I took a bus so I wouldn't be late for my appointment.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Я табе пазней паясню, у чым справа.",I'll explain the matter to you later on.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я не магу піць малако.,I can't drink milk.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Няма нічога неперакладальнага.,There is nothing that cannot be translated.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я толькі што адтуль прыйшла.,I just came from there.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ты сёння прыгожая.,You look very beautiful today.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Том, ты дзе?","Tom, where are you?",bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "«Іншым разам», — сказала яна.","""Next time,"" he said.",bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ці быў ты ўчора вечарам дома?,Were you home last night?,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Самі быў вельмі грубы.,Sami was very rude.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я вельмі рады.,I'm very happy.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Факты гавораць самі за сябе.,The facts speak for themselves.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Гэта немагчыма.,It's not possible.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я не магу жыць на дзесяць тысяч іен у месяц.,I can't live on ten thousand yen a month.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я люблю глядзець кіно.,I am fond of the cinema.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ты ўжо забранявала білеты на самалёт?,Have you already booked our seats on a plane?,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Самі быў вельмі спакойны.,Sami was very calm.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ты не адна.,You aren't alone.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сонца свеціць.,The sun is shining.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Якога колеру яе валасы?,What colour is her hair?,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ты сапраўды верыш у зданяў?,You really believe in ghosts?,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Гаварыў Самі.,Sami was talking.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сталіца Італіі — Рым.,The capital of Italy is Rome.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Люстэрка адлюстроўвае святло.,A mirror reflects light.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Самі ўсё яшчэ быў там.,Sami was still there.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ты ім дапаможаш?,Will you help them?,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Гэта добрыя навіны?,Is this positive news?,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Самі стаяў пасярод дарогі.,Sami was standing in the middle of the road.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Самі размаўляў з Лайлай.,Sami was speaking to Layla.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Труба — гэта музычны інструмент.,The trumpet is a musical instrument.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Самі быў цвярозы.,Sami was sober.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn На ёй зялёная сукенка.,She is wearing a green robe.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Самі так злаваў.,Sami was so mad.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Самі сядзеў ля мяне.,Sami was sitting next to me.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Не перакладайце з англійскай на японскую літаральна.,Don't translate English into Japanese word for word.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Раскажыце мне, што здарылася.",Tell me about the incident.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мой улюбёны колер — сіні.,My favourite colour is blue.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я патэлефанаваў маці са станцыі.,I called my mother up from the station.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мы хацелі б яшчэ бутэльку віна.,We'd like another bottle of wine.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Іноўэ не любіць камп’ютэры.,Inoue doesn't like computers.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ці ёсць яшчэ ўвогуле нейкая надзея?,Is there any hope whatsoever?,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Гэты пакой дастаткова вялікі.,This room is large enough.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я згубіў свой ключ.,I lost my key.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ежа ячшэ не гатовая.,The food's not ready yet.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Ён не гаворыць па-французску, як і я.","He doesn't speak French, neither do I.",bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Гэта было не сапраўднае каханне.,It wasn't real love.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Чаму вы не прыйшлі?,Why didn't you come?,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ты лепшы за мяне.,You are better than me.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Самі быў сапраўды засмучаны.,Sami was really upset.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Самі не звольняць.,Sami won't be fired.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Гэта я размаўляла з паслом Польшчы.,It was I who spoke with the Polish ambassador.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Самі быў сапраўды збянтэжаны.,Sami was really confused.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Самі гэтаму не паверыць.,Sami won't believe that.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Сіў Вон будзе есці марожанае тады і толькі тады, калі яно ванільнае.",If and only if the ice-cream is vanilla flavour will Xiao Wang eat it.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Пастаўце шклянку на стол!,Put the glass on the table!,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я герцагіня.,I am a duchess.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Твая сястра спіць.,Your sister's sleeping.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Самі размаўляў па тэлефоне.,Sami was on the phone.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Конь — гэта жывёла.,A horse is an animal.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Самі быў у аўтобусе.,Sami was on the bus.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Думаю, Том або гей, або бісэксуал.","Tom is either gay or bisexual, I think.",bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Jon zhubiŭ pracu.,He lost his job.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ja chaču spraviadlivaści.,I want justice.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Самі дагэтуль не ведае, што дакладна здарылася.",Sami still doesn't know what exactly happened.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Які ж ты гультай!,How lazy you are!,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Гэтай кнігі ў мяне няма.,I don't have this book.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Стол зроблены з дрэва.,The desk is made of wood.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Пакуль Яўген заняты перакладам сказаў з рускай на англійскую, я хуценька падабаўляю беларускіх перакладаў і абганю уйгурскую.","While Eugene is busy translating sentences from Russian to English, I'll quickly add some Belorussian translations and jump ahead of Uyghur.",bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn І што цяпер?,"And now, what?",bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Можна мне тут застацца крыху долей?,Is it possible to stay here a little longer?,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я ўжо гатовы.,I'm already ready.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я пайшла паесці ў кітайскі рэстаран у Іакагаме.,I went to eat at a Chinese restaurant in Yokohama.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ён абвінавачваецца ў кіднэпінгу.,He's being accused of kidnapping.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Экспарт зброі быў забаронены.,The export of weapons was prohibited.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Дораэмон часта ўсміхаецца.,Doraemon smiles often.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Mahčyma, heta kaliści spatrebicca.",This may just come in handy someday.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Кукі — наймілейшы з усіх псоў.,Cookie is the cutest of all the dogs.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "І мне было чатырнаццаць год, калі я ўпершыню дакрануўся да піяніна.",And I was fourteen years old before I touched a piano for the first time.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ты не можаш адкласці яго да заўтра?,You can't put him off until tomorrow?,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ён не мой кузэн.,He isn't my cousin.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Пачакай крыху. Я прыгатую табе трошкі.,Wait a bit. I'll prepare some for you.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Кабачкі зялёныя.,Zucchinis are green.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Час ляціць, як страла",Time flies like an arrow.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn У жніўні заняткаў няма.,There are no classes in August.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я тэнісіст.,I'm a tennis player.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Кліент заўсёды правы.,The customer is always right.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Я спытаў яго, куды ён ідзе.",I asked him where he was going.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тоні — выхаваны хлопчык.,Tony is a well-behaved boy.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Ты яшчэ жывы, Sysko?","Are you still alive, Sysko?",bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Вы ведалі, што я францужанка?",Did you know I'm French?,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Усё гэта толькі ліслівасць.,It's nothing but flattery.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Самі проста рабіў сваю працу.,Sami was just doing his job.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Клава любіць усё ірацыянальнае, менавіта таму яна працуе ў дзіцячым садку.","Clava loves all things irrational, and works at the kindergarten for precisely that reason.",bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ён практык і не верыць у магчымасць цудаў.,He's realistic and doesn't believe in the possibility of miracles.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Цуды ёсць, проста мы не заўважаем іх у віры падзей.","Miracles do exist, but we just don't notice them in the flow of events.",bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Не дурыце яму галаву.,Do not fool him.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я не закохвалася так з сямнаццаці год.,I haven't fallen in love like this since I was seventeen.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Пачакайце, не страляйце!","Wait, don't shoot!",bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Што трэба, каб выйграць працэс?",What is needed to win a lawsuit?,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Агонь гарыць.,The fire burns.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Як ён раптам збялеў…,"Boy, did he suddenly turn pale...",bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Яна проста зайздросціць вашай маладосці.,She is totally jealous of your youth.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Тата, я кіну тэатр і не буду болей спяваць.","Daddy, I'll stop doing theater and won't sing anymore.",bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Разетка іскрыць.,There are sparks flying out of the electric socket.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Вы мая гераіня.,You're my heroine.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Заматай провад ізалентай.,Wrap the wire in electrical tape.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Заклей ранку пластырам.,Cover the cut with a bandaid.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Спеў мясцовых птушак падобны да гука дрыля.,The singing of the local birds is akin to the sound of a drill.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Леў перастрыбнуў праз гарачы абруч.,The lion jumped through the burning ring.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Самі быў у слязах.,Sami was in tears.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мой папугай можа цытаваць Шэкспіра!,My parrot can quote Shakespeare!,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Нямае руж без шыпоў.,There is no rose without a thorn.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Лёд растае ў вадзе.,Ice melts in water.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ваш кот чорны.,Your cat is black.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn У бібліятэцы шмат вар’ятаў.,There's a lot of crazies in the library.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn У бібліятэку нельга праносіць ежу.,You're not allowed to carry food into the library.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Жоднае вяселле не абыдзецца без бойкі.,No wedding would be complete without a fight.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тэрмінова выклічце хуткую дапамогу!,Call the ambulance immediately!,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Галандыя — маленькая краіна.,Holland is a small country.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Усе ведаюць і любляць гэтае свята.,Everyone knows and loves this holiday.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Калі ласка, дай мне вады!","Please, give me water!",bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Нідэрланды — маленькая краіна.,The Netherlands is a small country.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Наша ісціная нацыянальнасць — людскі род.,Our true nationality is mankind.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мы мусім абмеркаваць гэта з дырэктарам тэт-а-тэт.,We need to discuss this with the director tete-a-tete.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Яго рэакцыю цалкам немагчыма прадбачыць.,It's completely impossible to foretell his reaction.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Інфекцыя папала ў кроў.,The infection has reached the bloodstream.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "На сваёй радзіме, у Францыі, праэкт Tatoeba стаў культурным і сацыяльным феноменам.","In its home country, France, Tatoeba became a social and cultural phenomenon.",bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Яна вечна ўстаўляе ўсім палкі ў колы.,She's always putting spokes in other people's wheels.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Гэты чалавек памёр усёга некалькі гадзін назад.,The man died a few hours ago.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Ён не ведае, хто збудаваў гэтыя дамы.",He doesn't know who built those houses.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Каву з вяршкамі і цукрам, калі ласка.","Coffee, please, with cream and sugar.",bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ці гэта канадскія грошы?,Is this Canadian money?,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Садавіна і агародніна важныя для збалансованага харчавання.,Fruits and vegetables are essential to a balanced diet.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я зрабіла гэту каробку з кардону.,I used cardboard to make this box.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Гэтая праца каштавала 100 долараў.,The work cost 100 dollars.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Ёсць тысячы фільмаў, якія трэба праглядзець да таго, як памерці.",There are 1000 movies that one must watch before dying.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Калі ты сустрэў яе ўпершыню?,When was the first time you met her?,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Кожны дзясяты чалавек блізарукі.,One in ten people are nearsighted.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ты мусіш болей вучыцца.,You must study more.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Чым болей сыру, тым болей дзірак. Чым болей дзірак, тым меней сыру. Адсюль вывад: чым болей сыру, тым меней сыру.","The more cheese, the more holes. The more holes, the less cheese. Thus: The more cheese, the less cheese.",bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Прывітанне, Мімі! Як справы?","Hi, Mimi! How are you doing?",bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Да Люсі немагчыма дазваніцца.,Lyusya can't be reached by phone.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Люся вельмі наіўная і даверлівая дзяўчына.,Lyusya is a very naïve and credulous girl.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Самі не любіць сабак.,Sami doesn't like dogs.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Праз Ібрагіма Люся згубіла апетыт.,"Because of Ibragim, Lyusya lost her appetite.",bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тата піша кітайскія іерогліфы.,Daddy is writing Chinese characters.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Дзін гуляе на камп'ютары.,Ding is playing on the computer.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Ты яшчэ адкажаш за гэта, Ібрагім!","You shall answer for this, Ibragim!",bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Што гэта за кніга?,What book is this?,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Навошта людзі ідуць у кіно?,Why do people go to the movies?,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Мэры не хацела насіць сэксуальны касцюм на Хэлаўін, таму яна вырашыла апрануцца як жанчына-аміш.",Mary didn't want to wear a sexy costume for Halloween so she decided to dress like an Amish woman.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Залежны стан выкарыстоўваецца ў паўночных дыялектах кітайскай мовы ў наступных выпадках.,The Mandarin passive is used under the following circumstances.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мы добра гуляемся.,We're having fun.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Клава зайздросціла Люсе.,Klava envied Lyusya.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Клава ўсё спрошчвае.,Klava oversimplifies everything.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Клава прашчае мужа.,Klava forgives her husband.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Не турбуй мяне, калі я вучуся.",Don't disturb me while I'm studying.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Не, дзякуй. Я стаміўся.","No, thanks. I am tired.",bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Паабапал дарогі растуць вішні.,On both sides of the road there are cherry trees.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Які хуткі конь!,What a fast horse that is!,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Ля падгор’я ўсцяж распасціраўся луг, і вішні на ім былі пакрытыя кветам, што соладка духмяніў.","At the foot of the mountain, the fields stretched far and wide and in these fields the cherry blossoms were in bloom, giving off a sweet scent.",bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я ведаю твайго бацьку.,I know your father.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мне падабаецца джаз.,I like jazz music.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Кали уйгур сустрэў беларуса, на якой мове яна размаўлялі адзін з адным?","When an Uyghur met a Belarusian, what language did the two speak to each other?",bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я маладая.,I am young.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я веру ў цябе.,I believe in you.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я веру табе.,I believe you.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Гэта ўсё, што я ведаю.",This is all I know.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я замовіла піцу.,I ordered a pizza.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Адкуль мне ведаць?,How should I know?,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ты мяне кахаеш?,Do you love me?,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Я сказаў, што зраблю яе шчаслівай.",I said I would make her happy.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Рускія капіююць французскія манеры, але заўсёды на пяцьдзясят год пазней.","The Russians copy the French ways, but always fifty years later.",bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Гарантыя на гэты гадзціннік — на адзін год.,They guarantee this clock for a year.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Ён, фактычна, мільярдэр.","In fact, he's a billionaire.",bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Табе трэба было наведаць Кіота.,You should have visited Kyoto.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn У Венецыі заўсёды шмат турыстаў.,"In Venice, there are always lots of tourists.",bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Хто гэта чытаў мой дзённік, пакуль мяне не было?",Who was it that read my diary while I was out?,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ён мой стары сябра.,He is an old friend of mine.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я хворы на сэрца.,I am sick at heart.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Яго фатаграфія была ў газеце.,His picture was in the newspaper.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Пойдзем мы ці не не залежыць ад надвор'я.,Whether we go or not depends on the weather.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ён не даў мне аплаціць рахунак за абед.,He didn't allow me to pay the bill for the dinner.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Два школьніка пад адным парасонам? Вельмі нязвычная сітуацыя.,Two male students sharing an umbrella? How strange.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мне нічога не трэба… мне патрэбныя толькі новыя штаны.,I don't need anything... just a new pair of pants.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мы абгаварылі гэтую праблему.,We discussed the problem.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Вільготныя трапічныя экватарыяльныя лясы, размешаныя ў вузкім рэгіёне каля экватара, знікаюць так хутка, што да 2000 года восемдзесят працэнтаў іх могуць быць знішчаныя.","The tropical rainforests, located in a narrow region near the equator, are disappearing so fast that by the year 2000 eighty percent of them may be gone.",bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Учора вечарам я напісаў ліст.,I wrote a letter last night.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мы не гэта планавалі.,This isn't what we planned.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn У цябе ёсць пытанне?,Do you have a question?,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Зараз жа рабі сваё дамашняе заданне.,Do your homework right away.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "—Звычайна, я ў магазіне Армані, купляю касцюм,—адказаў Дзіма.","""I'm in an Armani store buying a suit, of course,"" Dima replied.",bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Яны размаўляюць.,We both are having a conversation.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я працую нават у нядзелю.,I work even on Sunday.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я хацеў бы замовіць столік на дваіх.,I'd like to reserve a table for two.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Гэта аловак.,This is a pencil.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Набліжаліся Каляды.,Christmas drew near.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Боб можа адказаць на ўсе пытанні.,A bean can answer all the questions.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Свет мяняецца ўсё хутчэй і хутчэй.,The world is changing more and more quickly.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Усе ведаюць гэтыя навіны.,Everybody knows the news.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Вынаходніцтва тэлебачання выклікала рашучыя перамены нашага штодзённага жыцця.,The invention of TV caused a drastic change in our daily life.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Гэта мае штаны.,Those are my pants.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Хлопчыка дагэтуль шукаюць.,The boy is yet to be found.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Хаця ён і быў стомлены, ён працаваў.","Even though he was tired, he worked.",bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Калі ласка, пакажыце мне гэтыя фатаграфіі.","Please, show me these photos.",bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Учора ўкралі мой гадзіннік.,I had my watch stolen yesterday.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Вяленая рыба мне не да смаку.,Dried fish is not to my taste.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Знішчэнне навакольнага асяроддзя жудаснае.,The destruction of the environment is appalling.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Квінтэсенцыя свабоды — гэта матэматыка.,The essence of liberty is mathematics.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Вада сцякала ў рыну.,The water ran down the rain pipe.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Зрабі гэта заўтра.,Do that tomorrow.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn У Беларусі жывуць прадстаўнікі розных рэлігій.,Adherents of various religions live in Belarus.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Жанчыны заслугоўваюць гендэрнай роўнасці.,Women deserve equal rights.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Яна паталефанавала мне з Токіа.,She called me up from Tokyo.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Усе намаганні доктара былі марныя, пацыент памёр.",All the doctor's efforts were in vain and the man soon died.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Расія — вельмі вялікая краіна.,Russia is a very big country.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Расія большая, ніж Плутон.",Russia is larger than Pluto.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Мы пратэставалі, але гэта было марна.","We protested, but it was in vain.",bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я марна спрабаваў яе пераканаць.,I tried to persuade her in vain.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Яго нечаканая хвароба ўтрымала нас ад падарожжа.,His sudden illness deterred us from traveling.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ён напісаў кнігу пра Кітай.,He wrote a book on China.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Я радая, што ты мне патэлефанаваў.",I'm glad you called me.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мяне звую Сяа Юй.,My name is Xiao Yu.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я амаль заўсёды перамагаю.,I almost always win.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Меркаванне шакіруе толькі тады, калі гэта ўпэўненасць.",An opinion is shocking only if it is a conviction.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ты іх ведаеш?,Do you know them?,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ізраіль трэба сцерці з карты свету.,Israel should be wiped off the map.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ён купіў газету.,He bought a newspaper.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Колькі яблыкаў?,How many apples are there?,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Чаму ты заўсёды такая цынічная?,Why are you always so cynical?,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Парэчкі меншыя за трускаўкі.,A currant is smaller than a strawberry.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ён часта прыходзіць позна ў школу.,He often comes late to school.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Фадзіль выдаў Лайлу паліцыі.,Fadil sold Layla out to the police.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Калі ён вернецца?,When will he be back?,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ты не разумееш. Ён цябе заб'е.,You don't understand. He'll kill you.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я перакладаю сказы на Татоэбе ў свой вольны час.,I translate sentences on Tatoeba in my spare time.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn У гэтай акторкі шмат прыхільнікаў.,That movie star has many fans.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Гэты стары дом пабудаваны з дрэва.,This old house is made of wood.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Да нашага вялікага здзіўлення, яна затаіла дыханне на працягу трох хвілін.","To our great surprise, she held her breath for three minutes.",bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Фадзіль пазнаў Данію і патэлефанаваў у міліцыю.,Fadil recognized Dania and called the police.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Воцат мае востры смак.,Vinegar has a sharp taste.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Германія — парламентская рэспубліка.,Germany is a parliamentary republic.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Маладая дзяўчына хацела стаць зоркай галубога экрану.,The young girl wanted to be a star of the silver screen.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Яны п’юць у хаце каву.,They drink coffee at home.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я таксама не ведаю.,I don't know either.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Хіба смерць — толькі адзінае выйсце?,Is death the only way out?,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я збіраюся падаць заяву на стыпендыю.,I'm going to apply for the scholarship.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Міліцыянеры ўбачылі Фадзіля ў суседнім парку.,Police spotted Fadil in a nearby park.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Спадзяюся, у мяне атрымаецца стачыць канцы.",I hope I can manage to make both ends meet.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Яны купляюць білеты ў кіно.,We're buying movie tickets.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Яны танцуюць.,They are dancing.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Лекар глядзіць хворага.,The doctor was giving a patient a checkup.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Вішні чырвоныя.,Cherries are red.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ты вядзеш дзённік?,Do you keep a diary?,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Дзе мой гадзіннік?,Where is my clock?,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Гэта на дадзены момант мая найлепшая праца.,This is my best work to date.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Дзе маі гадзіннікі?,Where are my watches?,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Ніхто не ведае, што рабіць.",No one knows what to do.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Правільны адказ.,Your answer is right.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Можна я пайду на спатканне з Кенам, мама?","Can I go on a date with Ken, Mom?",bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn У цябе шмат кніг.,You have many books.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ты маеш шмат кніг.,You have a lot of books.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ты не разумееш.,You don't understand.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Учора быў мой дзень нараджэння.,Yesterday was my birthday.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Таямніца дыялектыкі Гегеля у канечным ліку толькі ў гэтым: ён абвяргае тэалогію з дапамогай філасофіі для таго, каб пасля абвергнуць філасофію з дапамогай тэалогіі.","The secret of Hegel's dialectic lies ultimately in this alone, that it negates theology through philosophy in order then to negate philosophy through theology.",bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Я спадзявалася, што гэта здарыцца.",I was hoping this would happen.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "У чалавека ёсць шмат жаданняў, якія ён на самой справе не хоча здзяйсняць, і лічыць, што гэта не так, было б няправільна. Чалавек хоча, каб гэтыя жаданні засталіся толькі жаданнямі, і яны каштоўныя толькі ў яго ўяўленні; іх спраўджванне прынясло б толькі горкае расчараванне. Адным з іх з’яўляецца жаданне жыць вечна. Калі б яно збылося, чалавеку б вельмі надакучыла вечнае жыццё, і ён бы вельмі моцна захацеў памерці.","Man has many wishes that he does not really wish to fulfil, and it would be a misunderstanding to suppose the contrary. He wants them to remain wishes, they have value only in his imagination; their fulfilment would be a bitter disappointment to him. Such a desire is the desire for eternal life. If it were fulfilled, man would become thoroughly sick of living eternally, and yearn for death.",bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "У нармальнай, прыроднай смерці няма нічога лякаючага; у смерці чалавека, які рэалізаваў сябе і пражыў сваё жыццё.","There is nothing frightening about a normal, natural death, the death of a man who has fulfilled himself and lived out his life.",bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Ён мой найлепшы сябра, таму што мы вельмі добра ладзім, і я магу даверыць яму тое, што не расказаў бы нікому іншаму.",He is my best friend because we just get on well with each other and I can trust him with things that I wouldn't tell anyone else.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Юэбін — гэта адзін з кітайскіх ласункаў.,The mooncake is a kind of Chinese snack.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Як Вас завуць?,What is your name?,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Як Вас клічуць?,What's your name?,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ты ўвесь час глядзіш тэлевізар.,You are always watching TV.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Хто ваш настаўнік англійскай мовы?,Who is your English teacher?,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мы шмат гадоў іграем музыку разам.,We've been playing music together for years.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сабака - разумная жывёла.,A dog is a clever animal.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "А. Лукашэнка сказаў, што «парламент — гэта школа, і людзі, што прайшлі гэту школу, не павінны быць згубленыя».","A. Lukashenko said that Parliament is a school, and the people who graduate from this school shouldn’t be lost.",bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Kawa — гэта рэалізацыя мовы Scheme для JVM, што дазваляе выкарыстоўваць усе бібліятэкі платформы Java.",Kawa is an implementation of Scheme for JVM that allows one to take advantage of all the libraries of Java.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я хацеў бы зарэгістравацца.,I'd like to check in.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Пераначуем, то болей пачуем.",Sleep off the problem.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn У цябе дрэнны настрой?,Are you in a bad mood?,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Чорна-белы сабака ўкусіў мяне.,A black and white dog bit me.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Гэта сцяг Японіі.,This is the flag of Japan.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я яго больш не кахаю.,I no longer love him.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ты запрасіў яго?,Did you invite him?,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мы не можам існаваць без вады.,"Without water, we cannot exist.",bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я яшчэ нічога не еў.,I haven't eaten yet.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мне падабаецца вывучаць гісторыю.,I like studying history.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Вам падабаецца гэты горад?,How do you like this town?,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Надышлі такія часы, калі мы можам падарожнічаць у касмічнай прасторы.",The time has come when we can travel through space.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я вырашыла стаць інжынеркай.,I've decided to become an engineer.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Гэта Тоніна кніга.,This book is Tony's.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Патэлефануй яму сёння вечарам.,Call him tonight.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Яна не сказала мне свайго імені.,She didn't give me her name.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я нічога не ведаю пра Японію.,I don't know anything about Japan.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Прычына простая.,The reason is simple.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Гэта не вельмі добрая праца, але на хлеб хапае.","This isn't a great job, but it helps pay the bills.",bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Саброўства само па сабе — рэч вельмі недакладная, і навад у выпадку стасункаў людзей аднаго полу яно прыймае шмат форм і з’яўляецца па самых розных матывах.","Friendship in itself is something very vague and even in cases of same-sex friendships, it takes many shapes and is brought on by many different motives.",bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Але ёсць людзі, што абіраюць сяброўства, а не каханне, бо яны баяцца згубіць сябра. Яны баяцца паспрабаваць, бо ведаюць, што калі яны паспрабуюць і ў іх не атрымаецца, то знікне нават сяброўства.","But there really are people who choose friendship over love because they are afraid to lose a friend. They are scared to try because they know that if they try and the relationship fails, then even the friendship will be gone.",bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Падазрэнне руйнуе сяброўства.,Suspicion is destructive of friendship.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Паміж мужчынай і жанчынай немагчымае сяброўства. Бывае жарсць, варожасць, пакланенне, каханне, але не сяброўства.","Between men and women there is no friendship possible. There is passion, enmity, worship, love, but no friendship.",bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Няма нічога даражэйшага за сяброўства.,Nothing is as precious as friendship.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Для Іціра сяброўства важнейшае за прыбутак.,Ichiro puts friendship above profit.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тваё сяброўства шмат для мяне значыць.,Your friendship means much to me.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Напішыце сачыненне па тэме „сяброўства“.,"Write an essay on ""Friendship"".",bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я вельмі цаню тваё сяброўства.,I value your friendship very much.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Нас звязвае моцнае сяброўства.,We are bound to each other by a close friendship.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я веру ў сяброўства.,I believe in friendship.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn У сапраўднага сяброўства няма цаны.,True friendship is priceless.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Нас узрушыла іхняе сяброўства.,Their friendship moved us deeply.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сапраўднае сяброўства даражэйшае за грошы.,Real friendship is more valuable than money.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "У верасні будзе год, як я яго ведаю.",By September I will have known her for a whole year.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Джудзі нарадзілася раніцай 5 верасня.,Judy was born on the morning of September 5.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn У верасні ў акіяне шмат медуз.,There are lots of jellyfish in the ocean in September.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn У верасні мне будзе шаснаццаць.,I'll be sixteen in September.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Яны засталіся ў Рыме да верасня.,They stayed in Rome till September.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сёння першага верасня.,Today is September 1st.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Я рады, бо з сённяшняга дня да верасня заняткаў не будзе.","I'm happy because beginning today, we have no school until September.",bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я павярнуўся з Еўропы ў верасні.,I got back from Europe in September.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Я не такі дурань, як ты думаеш.",I'm not as stupid as you think I am.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "26 верасня — Еўрапейскі дзень моў. Рада Еўропы хоча прыцягнуць увагу да шматмоўнай еўрапейскай спадчыны, каб пашырыць развіццё шматмоўнасці ў грамадстве і заахвоціць грамадзян вывучаць мовы. Праэкт Tatoeba — гэта зручны сродак для вывучэння моў, а жывое згуртаванне людзей вакол яго даволі практычны чынам стварае умовы для вывучэння моваў і з’яўлення цікавасці да іх.","The 26th of September is the European Day of Languages. The Council of Europe wants to draw attention to the multilingual heritage of Europe, to foster the evolution of multilingualism in society and to encourage citizens to learn languages​​. Tatoeba, as an easy-to-use learning tool and an active community, promotes the study and appreciation of languages in a very practical way.",bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Гэты верасень часта ішоў дождж.,This September was very rainy.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я працую над гэтым праэктам з пачатку верасня.,I've been working on this project since the beginning of September.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я буду гуляць у судоку і не буду далей траціць на цябе час.,I will play Sudoku then instead of continuing to bother you.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn На Украіне я заўсёды размаўляю па-ўкраінску.,"When in Ukraine, I always speak Ukrainian.",bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Станіслаў Лем нарадзіўся ў 1921 годзе у Львове, Польша (зараз Украіна).","Stanisław Lem was born in 1921 in Lviv, Poland (now Ukraine).",bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Колькі мне будзе каштаваць 3 хвіліны да Польшы?,How much will I pay for 3 minutes to Poland?,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Што зараз адбываецца ў Польшы?,What's happening now in Poland?,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Думаю, мы яшчэ ў Польшы!",I think we are still in Poland!,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Злучаныя Штаты афіцыйна адмянілі эканамічныя санкцыі супраць М’янмы.,The United States has officially ended economic sanctions against Burma.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ты добра размаўляеш на коса.,You speak Xhosa well.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Гэтая краска — найпрыгажэйшая з кветак.,This flower is the most beautiful of all flowers.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мне цяжка іграць на фартэпіяна.,It is difficult for me to play the piano.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Немагчыма адмаўляць, што яе кваліфікацыя вельмі высокая.",There is no denying that she is very efficient.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Гэта маё пытанне.,This is my question.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я ўсё зрабіла.,I've done everything.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Праўда вочы коле.,The truth hurts.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Гэта не цацка!,It's not a toy!,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn «Чаму?» — «А чаму не?»,"""Why?"" ""Why not?""",bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я вырашыла стаць навукоўкай.,I've decided to become a scientist.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Як ты даведаўся пра гэтую навіну?,How did you learn about that news?,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Рынак хутка расшыраецца.,That market has been rapidly expanding.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Гэта аўтобус ці аўтамабіль?,Is that a bus or a car?,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я цябе не пакіну.,I won't forsake you.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ён маладзейшы за майго брата.,He is not so old as my brother.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ён выехаў з Японіі ў канцы гэтага года.,He left Japan at the end of the year.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Лічылі, што Бэн — злачынец.",Ben was believed to be a criminal.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Заўсёды ёсць работа па дому, якую трэба зрабіць.",There are always some chores to be done about the house.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мы мусім датрымлівацца правіл.,We must conform to the rules.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Незнаёмец спытаў дарогу да вакзала.,A stranger inquired about the way to the station.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ён мой найлепшы сябра. Ён мне амаль як брат.,He's my best friend. It's as if he were my brother.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Яна заўсёды носіць абярэг ад зла.,She always carries a charm against evil.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ты такі нецярплівы са мною.,You're so impatient with me.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ты павінен быць менш нецярплівым.,You must be less impatient.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Адзін з нас памыляецца.,One of us is wrong.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мы ведаем яе ўжо шмат год.,We have known her for years.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Калі я ўпершыню сустрэла Бэці, я хвалявалася.","The first time I met Betty, I was nervous.",bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сябры называюць мяне Бэт.,My friends call me Beth.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Яна працягнула працаваць.,She went on working.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Ён лічыць, што ён герой.",He believes that he is a hero.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Цябе не варта чытаць кнігу ў такім цёмным пакоі.,Do not read books in such a dim room.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Табе трэба толькі націснуць на гэту чырвоную кнопку.,You have only to push this red button.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Яічныя жаўткі жоўтыя.,Yolks are yellow.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Калі ласка, пачакайце пять хвілін.",Please wait five minutes.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Месяц адлюстроўваўся ў возеры.,The moon was mirrored in the lake.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Царква акружаная лясамі і азёрамі.,The church is surrounded by woods and lakes.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ці не мог бы ты паўтарыць гэта?,"Could you repeat that, please?",bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Якая ў цябе група крыві?,What is your blood type?,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn На гэтым востраве цёпла ўвесь год.,The island is warm all year.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Мэты вызначаюць, якой ты будзеш.",Goals determine what you are going to be.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Калі ўдзень пахаладала, мне давялося апрануць швэдру.","As the day got cooler, I had to put on a sweater.",bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ён ляжыць на траве.,He is lying on the grass.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я нават не канадка.,I'm not even Canadian.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Твае бацькі зараз дома?,Are your parents in now?,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Казахская мова — мая родная.,Kazakh is my native language.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn У тым месцы заўжды былі прыцемкі.,There was eternal twilight in the place.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn У мяне ёсць тры фотаапараты.,I have three cameras.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я не магу жыць без цябе.,I can't live without you.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Maju nadzieju, što ty heta razumieješ.",I hope you understand that.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я маю дастаткова грошай.,I have enough money.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn У такіх краінах як Нарвегія і Фінляндыя зімой шмат снегу.,"In such countries as Norway and Finland, they have lots of snow in winter.",bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Кажуць, мая сястра прыгожая.",It is said that my sister is beautiful.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Усё астатняе правільна.,It is otherwise correct.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Гэта Эдыта, мая жонка.",This is my wife Edita.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Мы разлічваем на цябе, што ты пабудзіш нас своечасова, таму не засынай.","We're counting on you to wake us up in time, so don't fall asleep.",bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Я не ведаў, што падае снег.",I didn't know it was snowing.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Не трэба размаўляць так голасна.,There's no need to speak so loud.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Лінда любіць шакалад.,Linda likes chocolate.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том шторанку ідзе на шпацыр.,Tom takes a walk every morning.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я мушу скончыць сваю працу.,I must finish my work.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Поспехам ён быў абавязаны як сваім здольнасцям, так і працавітасці.",He owed his success to both ability and industry.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ён паставіў скрынку на стол.,He put the box on the table.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ты п'еш гарбату.,You drink tea.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Прыгожыя кветкі ў прыёмнай.,There were beautiful flowers on the reception desk.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Яна не была ўпэўнена наконт сваёй будучыні.,She felt insecure about her future.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Афганістан і Іран у ХХ стагоддзі некалькі разоў мянялі свае дзяржаўныя гімны.,Afghanistan and Iran both changed their national anthems several times in the course of the 20th century.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я не магу спыніцца чхаць.,I can't stop sneezing.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Згуляем у шахматы яшчэ раз.,Let's play chess another time.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Яна добра ўмее таргавацца, каб дамагчыся нізкага кошта.",She's good at bargaining the price down.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Ты ведаеш, што здарылася?",Do you know what happened?,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Твая жыццёвая пазыцыя не такая як у мяне.,Your philosophy of life is different than mine.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Гэтая машына бяспечная ў кіраванні.,The machine is safely in operation.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Я спадзяваўся, што скончу гэта ўчора.",I hoped to have finished it yesterday.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Біл падняўся рана, каб не прапусціць першы цягнік.",Bill got up early in order to catch the first train.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "У рэшце рэшт, кожны павінны вучыцца сам.",Everyone must learn on their own in the end.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Што лёгка прыходзіць, тое лёгка сыходзіць.","Easy come, easy go.",bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Яны жылі ў Гішпаніі некалькі гадоў.,They lived in Spain for several years.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я хачу вывучыць казахскую.,I want to learn Kazakh.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ты чалавек.,You are human.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Прынясі мне шклянку вады.,Bring me a glass of water.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Ён адмаўляўся ад таго, што ён хворы.",He resigned on the grounds that he was ill.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Дзве жанчыны ўсміхаліся адна адной.,The two ladies smiled at each other.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я дапамог свайму бацьку ўчора.,I helped my father yesterday.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мой дзядуля любіць гуляць.,My grandfather likes to walk.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Лета скончылася.,Summer is gone.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Насельніцтва Нью-Ёрка меншае за насельніцтва Токіё.,The population of New York is smaller than that of Tokyo.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Табе дзесяць гадоў?,Are you ten years old?,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Не чакай ад яго зашмат.,Don't expect too much of him.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Ён прадаў усё, што маў.",He sold all that he owned.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Кветкі засыхалі без вады.,The flowers were dying without water.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn «Я паміраю без цябе». — «Я прыйду на тваё пахаванне».,“I’m dying without you.” “I’ll come to your funeral.”,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Возера сумна вядомае з-за забруджанасьці.,The lake is notorious for its contamination.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Джон з жонкай моцна пасварыліся.,John had a violent quarrel with his wife.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Яна кахае яго больш за ўсё за яго хібы.,She loves him all the more because he has faults.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Калі буду патрэбная, я ў сваім пакоі.","If you need me, I'm in my room.",bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn У параўнаньні з братам ён не такі разумны.,"Compared with his brother, he is not so intelligent.",bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn На тваім месцы я б не казаў такой бязглузьдзіцы.,"If I were you, I would not have said such nonsense.",bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ёсць стол.,There's a table.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Кабета стаіць перад бібліятэкай.,The woman stands before the library.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Як прайшоў урок французскай?,How was the French class?,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Гэта пошта, а то - банк.",This is a post office and that is a bank.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Цікава, чаму яго не было.",I wonder why he was absent.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Самі зайшоў у той пакой.,Sami walked into that room.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Што гатуеш?,What are you cooking?,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Скажы нам, хто ты.",Tell us who you are.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ён любіць усё салодкае.,He likes anything sweet.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Яна мае сем сыноў.,She has seven sons.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Яны далі дачцы імя Джэйн.,They named her baby Jane.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ты штосьці тут згубіў?,Did you lose anything here?,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Гэты парк нагадвае мне пра маё дзяцінства.,This park reminds me of my childhood.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Гэта вельмі рэдкі выпадак.,This is a very rare case.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "У садзе растуць яблыні, слівы, вішні, маліны, агрэст і парэчкі.","In the garden, there are apple trees, plums, cherries, raspberries, gooseberries, and currants.",bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мяне амаль не забілі.,I almost got killed.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Хто аўтар гэтага апавядання?,Who is the author of this story?,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Гэта вельмі дзіўная справа.,It's a very strange case.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Ты калісьці бачыла, як ён плавае?",Have you ever seen him swimming?,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я гавару па-ангельску.,I speak English.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я ня вельмі задаволены ўмовамі.,I am not at all pleased with the condition.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Навіна занадта добрая, каб быць праўдай.",The news is too good to be true.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Усе сказалі, што я не маю рацыю.",Everyone said that I was wrong.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Што з табой здарылася ўчора вечарам?,What happened to you last night?,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Гэта быў толькі жарт.,It was just a joke.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Дзе Корнуал?,Where is Cornwall?,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Я магу перакладаць зь нямецкай на ангельскую даволі добра, але наадварот перакладаць складаней.","I can translate from German to English pretty well, but the other way around is more difficult.",bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Табе падабаюцца яблыкі?,Do you like apples?,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "У братоў Грым Чырвонае Каптурко ніякага роду, а ў Шарля Перо мужчынскага.","Brothers Grimm's Little Red Riding Hood has a neutral gender, while Charles Perrault's has a masculine one.",bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мяне задаволіць любы час.,Any time will suit me.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Гэта два абсалютна розныя меркаванні.,These are completely different opinions.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Гэта ўсё, што я хачу зрабіць.",This is all I want to do.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мая дамашняя работа амаль выкананая.,My homework is nearly complete.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Не хвалюйся аб мінулым!,Don't worry about the past.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Як вы хочаце памерці?,How do you want to die?,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я новы настаўнік.,I'm the new teacher.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Кніга ружовая.,The book is pink.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Каты бачаць у цемяні.,A cat can see in the dark.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я маю слоўнік.,I have a dictionary.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том купіў некалькі прэзерватываў.,Tom bought some condoms.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ён быў абвінавачаны ў крадзяжы юбэлірных упрыгожаньняў.,He was accused of stealing the jewels.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ён хворы на рак лёгкіх.,He's got lung cancer.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ён быў арыштаваны за кіраваньне ў нецьвярозым стане.,He was arrested for drunken driving.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Дэн прыйшоў на пахаванне Лінды.,Dan attended Linda's funeral.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ні ладу ні складу.,Neither fish nor fowl.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Яе твар стаў ружовым.,Her face became pink.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мой нататнік — ружовага колеру.,My notebook is pink.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Дэн болей не давярае Ліндзе.,Dan no longer trusts Linda.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Хто гэта жанчына ў ружовым?,Who is the woman dressed in pink?,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я забыўся патэлефанаваць спадару Форду.,I forgot to call up Mr Ford.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Які бацька, такі й сын.","Like father, like son.",bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Чаму гэта нельга насіць ружовае?,What's wrong with wearing pink?,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я маю ружовы аўтамабіль.,I have a pink car.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ружовы — не натуральны колер валасоў.,Pink is not a natural hair color.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я ніколі не нашу ружовае.,I never wear pink.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мой улюбёны колер памады — ружовы.,My favorite color of lipstick is pink.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Машына маёй сястры ружовага колеру.,My sister's car is pink.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Рускія могуць называць братамі тых самых людзей, краіну якіх яны спусташаюць і якіх саміх яны па-зверску забіваюць.",Russians are able to name as brothers the very people whose country they're devastating and who they are slaughtering.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn У яго не больш за дзве тысячы йен.,"He has no more than 1,000 yen.",bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn У будынку ніхто не жыве.,No man lives in the building.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ты мне патрэбна.,I need you.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Зялёны веласіпед мне падабаецца болей за ружовы.,I like the green bicycle more than the pink.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Вораг прыйшоў у нашу краіну.,The enemy has come to our country.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Што вы гатуеце?,What are you preparing?,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Хм-м-м, як бы мне гэта сказаць?","Hmmm, how shall I say this?",bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Не люблю быць адзін у хаце.,I don't like being home alone.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Навошта мы гэта робім?,What are we doing that for?,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я вельмі шчаслівы ў Грузіі.,I am very happy in Georgia.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я вельмі шчаслівая ў Грузіі.,I'm very happy in Georgia.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Яна - мая выкладчыца.,She's my professor.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn «Сатанінскія вершы» Салмана Рушдзі — сапраўдны шэдэўр сучаснай літаратуры.,“The Satanic Verses” by Salman Rushdie is a real masterpiece of modern literature.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Марка мае болей грошай, ніж ты.",Mark has more money than you.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ніхто не танцуе цвярозым.,No one dances sober.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Дурань, навошта ты з'еў агурок! Ты ж ведаў, што я хацела зрабіць сабе маску з агуркоў!","How come you ate the cucumber, you dimwit? You knew that I wanted to make a cucumber mask!",bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn «Яна чытае кнігу?» — «Так».,"""Is she reading a book?"" ""Yes, she is.""",bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ты любіш сваю маці?,Do you love your mother?,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Прабачце, але я не магу.","I'm sorry, but I can't.",bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мэры ўмее плаваць.,Mary can swim.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Нават не пробуй загаварыць мяне да смерці — я маю Ohropax.,Don't even try to talk me to death - I have earplugs.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я б выпіла язмінавага зялёнага чаю.,I would drink some jasmine green tea.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я нарадзіўся ў 1988 годзе.,I was born in 1988.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Надзея Саўчанка — гэта сапраўдная жывая легенда.,Nadiya Savchenko is a real living legend.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Адзіная розніца паміж мной і вар’ятам у тым, што я не вар’ят.",The only difference between me and a madman is that I'm not mad.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Ага, а ты?",Fine. And you?,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Пакістан — мусульманская краіна.,Pakistan is a Muslim country.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я не маю часу на чытанне кніг.,I have no time to read books.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Хто мяне любіць?,Who loves me?,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ён гаварыў са мной па-нямецку.,He spoke to me in German.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Надвор'е палепшылася.,The weather has improved.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Заменгоф, стваральнік планавай мовы эсперанта, быў акулістам.","Zamenhof, creator of the constructed language Esperanto, was an ophthalmologist.",bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Чалавек, што напісаў гэтую кнігу, — доктар.",The man who wrote this book is a doctor.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Матэматыка — добры урок.,The mathematics class is good.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Гэтыя прэзерватывы твае?,Are these condoms yours?,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Хто хоча какаву?,Who wants hot chocolate?,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Суматра — гэта выспа.,Sumatra is an island.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Яны выйшлі з пакою адзін за адным.,"They went out of the room, one after another.",bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мой бацька не заўсёды ходзіць на работу пешкі.,My father does not always walk to work.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Давай прытворымся інапланецянамі.,Let's pretend we are aliens.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Дабранач, Цімі.","Sleep well, Timmy.",bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Кейт штадзённа п'е шмат малака.,Kate drinks a lot of milk every day.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn У гэтым класе 40 вучняў.,This class consists of forty pupils.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Уйгуры складаюць большасць у Кашгары.,Uyghurs comprise the majority in Kashgar.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ты дазволіш мне паіграць на піаніна?,Will you allow me to play the piano?,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я іх ведаю.,I know them.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Яму пашанцавала знайсці работу.,He had the fortune to find a job.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Нам бракуе часу.,We don't have enough time.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Зямля пакрыта лясамі.,The earth is covered with forests.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn У жырафаў вельмі доўгія шэі.,Giraffes have very long necks.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn У цябе ёсць аловак?,Have you got a pencil?,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ты дрэнны хлопчык.,You are a bad boy.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Гм. Мне здаецца, што я заблуджу, па якой бы дарозе я не пайшоў.",Hmm. I have a feeling I'm going to get lost whichever road I take.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Ці не маглі б Вы мне сказаць, як дайсці да вакзала?",Could you please tell me how to get to the station?,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Асабіста я ніколі не бачыў НЛА.,I myself have never seen a UFO.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "У мяне няма грошаў, але ёсць мары.","I have no money, but I have dreams.",bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Магчыма, заўтра пойдзе снег.",Probably it will snow tomorrow.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Колькі засталося бутэрбродаў?,How many sandwiches are there left?,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Я вагалася, ці ісці з ім у кіно.",I hesitated to go to the movie with him.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Хлопец, які там стаіць, - мой сын.",The boy standing over there is my son.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Самі любіць суніцы.,Sami likes wild strawberries.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Камуністычная партыя — авангард працоўнага класу.,The Communist Party is the vanguard of the working class.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Скоце! Калі ласка, прыгатуй на лэнч хадуны.",Scott! Please make hotdogs for lunch.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn У нас было няшмат часу на пакупкі.,We didn't have much time to do some shopping.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Яна папярэдзіла цябе.,She warned you.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Мае суседзі ўжо паяснілі мне, хто такая Б'ёрк.",My neighbours have already explained to me who Björk is.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Мае суседі па пакоі ўжо паяснілі мне, хто такая Б'ёрк.",My roommates have already explained to me who Björk is.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Алег шчаслівы, што яго нехта любіць.",Oleg is happy that someone loves him.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Калі ласка, абярыце мову інтэрфейсу Image Viewer.",Please select a language for the Image Viewer interface.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Гэй, Пандарку, як гэта ты стаў такі вядомы, што Фарамп пачала пісаць пра цябе сказы?","Hey Pandark, how did you became so famous that Pharamp started writing sentences about you?",bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn У гэтай асацыацыі 30 сяброў.,There are 30 members in the association.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Выкарыстоўваючы бронзу як люстра, можна ахайна апрануцца; выкарыстоўвуючы людзей як люстра, можно зразумець станоўчае і адмоўнае ў сабе; выкарыстоўваючы гісторыю як люстра, можна даведацца пра ўзвышэнне і заняпад дзяржаў.",With bronze as a mirror one can dress neatly; with the example of another person one can see the advantages and disadvantages of himself; from the mirror of history one can know the reason for the rise and fall of states.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я жыву ў гэтай гасцініцы.,I live in this hotel.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я жыву ў гэтым раёне.,I live in this neighborhood.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ён сапраўдны мусульманін.,He is a true Muslim.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn У гэтым доме ніхто не жыве.,Nobody lives in this house.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Хто жыве ў гэтым доме?,Who lives in this house?,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ці размаўляеш ты на лацінскай мове?,Do you speak Latin?,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Гэты эфект заўважылі стваральнікі паўнаэкранных радактараў, такіх як PyRoom, FocusWriter ды DarkRoom.","This effect was noticed by the creators of the full-screen editors, such as PyRoom, FocusWriter and DarkRoom.",bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я хачу меч як гэты!,I want a sword like this!,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Яны ўжо дапамаглі адзін аднаму.,They had once helped each other.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Гэты мост зроблены з дрэва.,This bridge is made of wood.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Блакітны аўтамабіль дарагі.,The blue car is expensive.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я ведаю кожны куток горада.,I know every inch of the town.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я вінны яму ня менш за 50000 ен.,"I owe him no less than 50,000 yen.",bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Спадзяюся пабачыць цябе.,I hope to see you.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Куды вы ездзілі ў мінулую нядзелю?,Where did you go last Sunday?,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Ён не такі малады, як выглядае.",He is not as young as he looks.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Яны правалілі іспыты.,They failed in the examination.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "У яе столькі ж марак, як і ў мяне.",She has as many stamps as I.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Яна стаяла на лесьвіцы і фарбавала столю.,She was standing on a ladder painting the ceiling.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ён шмат ведае пра замежную палітыку.,He knows a lot about foreign affairs.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn А якой гадзіне адпраўляецца цягнік?,What time does the train depart?,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn У іх няма нічога агульнага.,They have nothing in common.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Чамусьці я не змог выбраць unifont, хоць я яго і ўсталяваў, таму мне давялося сабраць dmenu з патчам падтрымкі xft, каб элементы меню на кітайскай паказваліся правільна.","For some reason I couldn’t select unifont even though I’ve installed it, so I had to build dmenu with the xft patch to get Chinese menu entries displayed correctly.",bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я добра сябе адчуваю ў яе прысутнасці.,I feel comfortable in her company.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Я ні снедаў, ні абедаў.",I took neither breakfast nor lunch.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я нічога не еў пасля сняданка і зараз вельмі галодны.,I haven't eaten since breakfast and I'm very hungry.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Чытаць кнігі вельмі цікава.,Reading books is interesting.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Праблема ў тым, што Вы занадта маладая.",The trouble is that you are too young.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Я вельмі спяшаўся, таму ўзяў таксі.","As I was in a hurry, I had to take a taxi.",bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Можа, ты ведаеш, дзе яна жыве?",Do you happen to know where she lives?,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Калі ласка, уключы тэлевізар.",Please turn on the TV.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Не, дзякуй.","No, thank you.",bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я перфекцыяніст.,I'm a perfectionist.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я яшчэ не снедаў.,I haven't eaten breakfast yet.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ja budu čytać knihu.,I'm going to read the book.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Наколькі я памятаю, ён гэта не казаў.","As far as I remember, he didn't say that.",bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Урачы выпісваюць рэцэпты на той жа мове, на якой машыністы ў электрычках аб’яўляюць прыпынкі.",Doctors write prescriptions in the same kind of language in which electric train drivers announce stations.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Што гэта значыць?,What does this stand for?,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Словамі немагчыма перадаць, як моцна Вы памыляецеся.",Words cannot express the extent to which you are wrong.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Што гэта азначае?,What does that mean?,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Гэта кот ці сабака?,Is that a cat or a dog?,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Гэта ўсяго толькі мара.,It's only a dream.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Вы новая няня?,Are you the new nanny?,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Саэбу вельмі падабаецца Гарацый.,Saeb is really fond of Horace.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Не паліце ў гэтым пакоі.,Don't smoke in this room.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Яшчэ трэба багата зрабіць.,Much still remains to be done.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn У мяне свярбіць ў вуху.,I have an itch in my ear.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Яна не высокая.,She is not tall.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Не магу з табой пагадзіцца.,I cannot agree with you.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn З’еш жа яшчэ гэтых мяккіх французскіх булак ды выпі гарбаты.,The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Хутка Каляды.,Christmas is coming soon.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Другая сусветная вайна вылілася ў 1939 годзе.,World war two broke out in 1939.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Як часта ты яго бачыш?,How often do you see him?,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Геніяльныя працы таварыша Сталіна дазволілі савецкай лінгвістыцы заняць вядучую пазіцыю ў светавой навуцы.,Brilliant papers by Comrade Stalin allowed Soviet linguistics to take the leading position in the world.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я крыху вышэйшы за Вас.,I'm a little taller than you.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Як далёка адсюль да горада?,How far is it from here to the city?,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я працягнула пісаць.,I continued writing.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я не заўсёды тут.,I'm not always here.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я села на зямлю.,I sat on the ground.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn У нас шмат снегу зімой.,We have a lot of snow in the winter.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ты вярнулася?,You've come back?,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я яго з’еў.,I ate him.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Давайце пагуляем у тэніс.,Let's play some tennis.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Ніхто не ведае, што з ім сталася.",No one knows what has happened to him.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я іх нават не ведаю.,I don't even know them.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Гадаваць дзіцё — цяжкая праца.,Bringing up a baby is hard work.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Ён нічога не робіць, толькі чытае маньхуа.",He does nothing but read comics.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Я вельмі шкадую, што даставіў вам так шмат непрыемнасцяў.",I felt very sorry that I had put them to so much trouble.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Прыходзьце у мой офіс.,Come on into my office.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Убачымся заўтра ў бібліятэцы.,See you tomorrow at the library.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Я атрымаў тое, што хацеў.",I got what I needed.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Свята Цісі часта згадваецца ў маньхуа, таму я і разумею яго значэнне.",Tanabata comes up in manga a lot so I also know it fairly well.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мама сварыць каня?,Is Mother scolding the horse?,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Гэта таму што ты заўсёды старанна вучышся.,That is because you always study hard.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Калі б я быў маладзейшы ...,Would I only were younger.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Я разумею, што вы кажаце.",I understand what you're saying.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я таксама буду сумаваць па табе.,"I'm going to miss you, too.",bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Стол выкарыстоўваецца мной.,This desk is used by me.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Зрабі яго фотаробат!,Make his identikit!,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Большасць амерыканцаў любяць гамбургеры.,Most Americans like hamburgers.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Калі я вырасту, я хачу стаць каралём.","When I grow up, I want to be a king.",bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мы чулі рык тыгра ўдалечыні.,We heard tigers roaring in the distance.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мне цалкам абыякава.,I don't care at all.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Глокая куздра штэка будланула бокра і курдзячыць бакраня.,A glock coozdre has steckly boodled a boker and is curding a bokerlet.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ён паводзіў сябе разумна.,He has acted wisely.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "У мяне няма нікога, акрамя яе.",I don't have anybody except her.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мы не забылі.,We didn't forget.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мы для гэтага застарыя.,We're too old for this.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ёй не трэба працаваць.,She doesn't need to work.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn У майго сабакі блыхі.,My dog has fleas.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Яны нас усех забʼюць.,They're going to kill us all.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сарві кветку.,Pick the flower.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ты можаш гэта зрабіць?,Can you do this?,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сусвет эгаіста зазвычай малы.,The universe of a self-centered person is usually small.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Слоўнік на стале — мой.,The dictionary on the desk is mine.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Хто будзе даглядаць дзіцё?,Who will look after the baby?,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Табе час ісці.,You must get going.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Гэта можа здацца дзіўным, але гэта праўда.","It may sound strange, but it is true.",bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Гэты гук раздражняе.,This noise is annoying.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Аптыміст глядзіцца ў люстра і стае аптымістычнейшым, а песіміст — песімістычнейшым.","The optimist looks into a mirror and becomes more optimistic, the pessimist more pessimistic.",bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я з Рыма.,I'm from Rome.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Калі глядзець з Месяца, Зямля выглядае як мяч.","Seen from the moon, the earth looks like a ball.",bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ты чытаеш па-французску штодня?,Do you read French every day?,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я не магла згадаць назву песні.,I couldn't remember the title of that song.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Наш галоўны офіс знаходзіцца ў Токіа.,Our new head office is in Tokyo.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Малаверагодна, што наша каманда выйграе.",It's unlikely that our team will win.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn На першым месцы стаіць годнасць.,Dignity comes first.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я буду радая табе дапамагчы.,I will be glad to help you.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ён любіць цукеркі.,He likes sweets.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я рамантую зламаныя радыёпрыёмнікі.,I fix broken radios.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Я думаў, што яны не прыйдуць.",I thought they wouldn't come.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том вярнуўся ў свой пакой.,Tom went back to his room.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я раней ніколі такога ня бачыў.,I've never seen that before.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ня бі мяне.,Don't hit me.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Калі гэта здарылася?,When did this occur?,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Што здарылася, любая?","What's wrong, honey?",bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мы сустрэліся ў царкве.,We met at the church.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ці яна паедзе ў Амерыку ў наступным годзе?,Will she go to America next year?,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Ты ўпэўненая, што не хочаш прыйсці?",Are you sure you don't want to come?,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Суддзя прысудзіў яго да смерці.,The judge condemned him to death.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Ты бачыў, як ён выходзіў?",Did you see him go out?,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Горад пабудаваны ў нізіне.,The city is built on lowland.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ён мне даў яблык.,He gave me an apple.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я часта чытаю кнігі.,I often read books.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Гэтая коўдра яшчэ мокрая.,The blanket is still wet.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn «Ты дзе?» — «Я ў сяброўкі».,"""Where were you?"" ""I was at a friend's house.""",bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мы найшчаслівейшыя.,We're very happy.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я гэтага не казала.,I didn't say this.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Гэта сапраўднае каханне!,That's real love!,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Я не ведаю, што ты збіраешся рабіць.",I don't know what you are going to do.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ты знайшла работу?,Have you found a job?,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Я цалкам упэўненая, што яны не ведаюць, пра што спяваюць.",I'm quite sure they don't know what they are singing about.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ты за гэта заплаціш.,You're going to pay for this.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ёй давядзецца аддацца на літасць суда.,He's gonna have to throw himself on the mercy of the court.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мая машына працуе на алкаголі.,My car is alcohol-powered.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Няшмат людзей ведае, што мы тут насамрэч робім.",Not many people know what we're really doing here inside.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Гэта стакроткі.,These are daises.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Стакротка белая.,The daisy is white.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я люблю цёмны шакалад.,I like dark chocolate.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Я проста радая, што ты ў парадку.",I'm just glad you're safe.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Калі ласка, скажы мне, што гэта жарт.",Please tell me it's a joke.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Я бачыла чалавека, якога некалькі хвілін таму арыштавала міліцыя.",I saw a man get arrested by the police a few minutes ago.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я сёння раніцай бачыла вавёрку.,I saw a squirrel this morning.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Дарослыя ведаюць.,The grown-ups know.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Моладзі трэба сачыць за сваім здароўем.,Young people need to look after their health.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Снег тае вясной.,The snow melts in spring.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Гэта не пра цябе.,This isn't about you.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Tatoeba: Пераходзь на цёмны бок. Мы маем шакаладнае пячэнне.,Tatoeba: Join the dark side. We have chocolate cookies.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сядзь і заплюшчы вочы.,Sit down and close your eyes.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ты паплацішся за гэта.,You're going to pay for this!,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Яна жыве ў вёсцы.,She lives in the village.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Я думала, што я яе лепшая сяброўка.",I thought I was her best friend.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Усё ў руках Божых.,Everything is in the hands of God.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Самі бег.,Sami was running.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn У Лондане зараз сем.,It is seven in London now.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мая суседка па пакоі — вар’ятка.,My roommate is crazy.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn У Сінгапуры размаўляюць па-англійску.,English is spoken in Singapore.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Гэта проста няправільна.,This is just wrong.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Амаль поўнач, ідзі спаць!",It's almost midnight. Go to bed.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ты купіла мне падарунак?!,You bought me a gift?!,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бананы жоўтыя.,Bananas are yellow.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ніякі цягнік не чакае пасажыраў.,No train would wait for passengers.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я хачу пагуляць.,I want to play.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Што ты казала?,What were you saying?,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Ты атрымала тое, што хацела.",You got what you wanted.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Калі мы выкарыстоўваем эсперанта, мы знаходзімся на адным і тым самым узроўні, па меншай мены моўным.","Using Esperanto with him, I sense that we both are at the same level, at least from a linguistic point of view.",bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Якое найдаўжэйшае слова ў казахскай мове?,What is the longest word in the Kazakh language?,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Нам патрэбныя поўныя сказы.,We want complete sentences.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я купіла ёй добры падарунак на Каляды.,I bought her a nice Christmas present.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я не размаўляю па-казахску.,I don't speak Kazakh.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Нам патрэбныя людзі, што размаўляюць на наўатлі! Толькі тых, хто ведае наўатль, можна ахвяраваць Уіцылапочтлі!",We need Nāhuatl speakers! Only Nāhuatl speakers can be sacrificed to Huitzilopōchtli!,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Для мяне замежныя мовы вельмі цікавыя.,I find foreign languages very interesting.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я не люблю вучыць няправільныя дзеясловы.,I don't like learning irregular verbs.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Вазьмі кнігу і чытай яе.,Take a book and read it.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Прымай жыццё з усмешкай!,Face life with a smile!,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Як найлепей нарэзаць цыбулю?,What's the best way to chop an onion?,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ён вернецца не раней за панядзелак.,He will be back by Monday at the latest.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Адна жанчына напісала 30 кніг пра тое, як стаць шчаслівай, а потым пакончыла з сабой.","A woman wrote 30 books about how to become happy, and then committed suicide.",bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ты вымушаеш мяне марыць.,You make me dream.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том піў.,Tom was drinking.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Патэлефануйце мне, калі што-небудзь знойдзеце.",Call me if you find something.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ён ужо мужчына.,He's already a man.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Канікулы цяпер скончыліся.,The vacation is over now.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Гэта абсалютная праўда.,That's the absolute truth.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я сасмяг.,I feel thirsty.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я сасмагнуў.,I am thirsty.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Калі я пытаюся ў людзей, пра што яны больш за ўсё шкадуюць падчас вучобы ў школе, амаль усе адказваюць аднолькава: яны бессэнсоўна патрацілі так шмат часу.","When I ask people what they regret most about high school, they nearly all say the same thing: that they wasted so much time.",bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Неўзабаве Каляды.,It's going to be Christmas soon.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ці ёсць жыццё да смерці?,Is there life before death?,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мой першы камп’ютар меў толькі 128 кілабайтаў памяці!,My first computer had only 128 kilobytes of memory!,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я згубіла сваю любімую асадку.,I lost my favorite pen.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Як даўно аўтар памёр?,How long ago did the author die?,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том ветліва кіўнуў.,Tom nodded politely.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Яны дапамогуць.,They will help.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Demetrius узводзіць на мяне паклёп!,Demetrius is slandering me!,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ён ня ўмее сьпяваць.,He can't sing.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ні ў каго ня можа быць тры розныя даты нараджэньня.,No one can have three different birth dates.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я вядомы актор.,I am a famous actor.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Калі ласка, адчыніце дзьверы!",Please open the door.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Яна сказала яму, што ён мае рацыю.",She told him that he was right.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Полымя свечкі калышацца на мяккім ветрыку.,The candle's flame is flickering in the soft breeze.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Есць легенда, што Эдысан вынайшаў лампачку.",There's a myth that Edison invented the light bulb.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Джон - хлопчык, які чытае кнігу.",John is the boy who is reading the book.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Паспрабуй супакоіцца.,Try to calm down.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn У Вас ёсць расклад?,Do you have a timetable?,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ён умее лічыць ад аднаго да дзесяці.,He can count from one to ten.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Быць ці не быць — вось у чым пытанне.,"To be or not to be, that is the question.",bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ты размаўляеш па-партугальску?,Do you speak Portuguese?,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn Каханне - усяго толькі прыдумка.,Love is only an invention.,bel_Cyrl-eng_Latn বাড়িতে কি কেউ আছেন?,Is anybody home?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn উনি কাছাকাছিই থাকেন।,He lives near here.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি কাছাকাছিই থাকি।,I live near here.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn উনি কি কাছাকাছি কোথাও থাকেন?,Does he live near here?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn হাসপাতালটা কাছাকাছির মধ্যেই আছে।,The hospital is near here.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn সময় বদলে গেছে।,Times have changed.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn ওই ব্যাগটি আমার।,That bag is mine.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn ওটা আমার।,That is mine.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn এটা আমার।,It is mine.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn এই ব্যাগটি আমার।,This bag is mine.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn টম এখনো বিছানায়।,Tom is still in bed.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn এই হাত ব্যাগটি আমার।,This handbag is mine.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn এটা আমার ব্যাগ।,This is my bag.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn বীজগণিত গণিতের একটা শাখা।,Algebra is a branch of mathematics.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn এটা ঠিক যেন এক হাত পিছোনে বেঁধে কারুর সাথে লড়াই করার মতো ব্যপার।,This is like fighting someone with one arm tied behind your back.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn "এটা আপনার বই নয়, এটা আমার।","This is not your book, it's mine.",ben_Beng-eng_Latn একমাত্র টমকেই খুশি বলে মনে হচ্ছে না।,Tom is the only one who doesn't seem happy.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn বস্টন যাওয়ার পরের ফ্লাইটটা কখন?,When is the next flight to Boston?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn ভাষা হোলো যোগাযোগের একটা মাধ্যম।,Language is a means of communication.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আপনাদের যে খাবার পছন্দ হয় সেটা খান।,Eat whatever food you like.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি আর টম একলা ছিলাম।,Tom and I were alone.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn এটা আমার নয়।,This isn't mine.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn এখান থেকে স্টেশন যেতে কতক্ষণ লাগে?,How long does it take from here to the station?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn সবাই সন্তুষ্ট ছিলো।,Everyone was satisfied.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn স্টেশন অবধি হেঁটে যেতে কতক্ষণ লাগে?,How long does it take to walk to the station?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমার ছোট ভাইটা টিভি দেখছে।,My little brother is watching TV.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আগামীকাল কি বৃষ্টি হবে?,Will it rain tomorrow?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn ওটা কি কাছাকাছি আছে?,Is it near here?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি মিলানে কাজ করি।,I work in Milan.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আপনারা কত রাত্রি থাকবেন?,How many nights will you stay?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn ও আমার স্ত্রী।,She's my wife.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn উনি আমার স্ত্রী।,That's my wife.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn এ আমার স্ত্রী।,This is my wife.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি ফুটবল খেলি।,I play football.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn ওই মহিলাটিকে থামান।,Stop that woman.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn তাঁরা সবাই চেঁচালেন।,They all screamed.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আপনি কি করে আশা করেন যে আমি এই কাজটা একলা করবো?,How do you expect me to do all this alone?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি জানি আমরা একে অপরকে এখনো ভালোবাসি।,I know that we still love each other.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমাকে কোন অংশে কম মনে করবেন না।,Don't underestimate me.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn ওটা বিশ্বাস করা খুব কঠিন ছিল।,That was hard to believe.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn উনি কী করেন না করেন আমরা তা কেয়ার করি না।,We don't care what he does.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn টম মারাত্মক ভাবে ভূল।,Tom is dreadfully wrong.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn ইদ্দি ভাষা হিব্রু হরফে লেখা হয়।,Yiddish is written with the Hebrew alphabet.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আপনি ওখানে বসে আছেন কেন?,Why are you sitting there?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আপনি কি নিচে আসবেন?,Are you coming down?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমার দাড়ি কামানো দরকার।,I need to shave.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn ইনি জাপানি বলতে পারেন।,She can speak Japanese.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn নামগুলি বর্ণানুক্রমে লিপিবদ্ধ করা আছে।,Names are listed in alphabetical order.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn এটা ওনার বাড়ি।,This is her house.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আপনার জিনিসপত্র কোথায়?,Where are your things?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn ফুটবল হচ্ছে ব্রাজিলের জনপ্রীয়তম খেলা।,Football is the most popular sport in Brazil.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আপনি কি নুডলস খেতে চান না ভাত খেতে চান?,Do you want to eat noodles or rice?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমার কাছে এটা ছিলো না।,I didn't have it.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn এই বাসটা কি জাদুঘর অবধি যায়?,Does this bus go to the museum?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn তুমি কি খাবে?,What would you like to eat?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn এই গাড়িটা কি জিংগান মন্দির অবধি যায়?,Does this car go to Jingan temple?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি কি জানলাগুলো খুলতে পারি?,May I open the windows?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn এটা টমের গাড়ি।,This is Tom's car.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn তুমি কি কিছু খাবে?,Would you like something to drink?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি লন্ডনে যাওয়ার ট্রেনে উঠেছিলাম।,I got on the train for London.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn সেটা কী?,What is that?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn এটা কী?,What is this?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আপনি কে?,Who are you?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমাদের ট্রেন আটটা তিরিশে ছাড়বে।,Our train leaves at eight-thirty.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি জিলেটিন ছাড়াই প্যানা কট্টা রান্না করি।,I make panna cotta without using gelatin.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আপনি কী চান?,What do you want?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn ও আমার থেকে ছোট।,She is younger than me.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn সে আমার থেকে ছোট।,She's younger than me.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn এ আমার থেকে ছোট।,He's younger than me.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn এখন কটা বাজে?,What time is it?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমাকে কি ট্রেন পাল্টাতে হবে?,Do I have to change trains?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn বাস ভাড়া কত?,How much is the bus fare?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমার বাবা এখানে আছেন।,My father is here.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি এই ঘুষটা নেব না।,I wouldn't accept this bribe.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn তুমি না আসা পর্যন্ত আমি এখানে থাকব।,I'll stay here till you get back.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn বাসগুলো কতক্ষণ অন্তর অন্তর চলে?,How often do the buses run?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn ওনার বয়স কত?,What is his age?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn ওয়াইকিকি যাওয়ার জন্য কত নম্বর বাস নেব?,What number bus do I take to get to Waikiki?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn তুমি বড়ো হয়ে কী হতে চাও?,What do you want to be when you grow up?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn এটাকে নোংরা হতে দিও না।,Don't let it get soiled.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn তুই বড়ো হয়ে কী হবি?,What are you going to be when you grow up?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn তোর নাম কি?,What's your name?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি কি কয়েকটা টাওয়েল পেতে পারি?,Could I have some towels?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn বড় জনের বয়স কত?,How old is the oldest one?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn টিকিট কাউন্টারটা কোথায়?,Where's the ticket counter?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn তুমি কত বছর বয়সে বিয়ে করতে চাও?,At what age do you want to get married?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn """আমি বাড়ি যেতে চাই।"" ""আমিও।""","""I want to go home."" ""So do I.""",ben_Beng-eng_Latn ১৯৪০ সালে প্যারিসের পতন হয়েছিল।,Paris fell in 1940.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn ওর বয়স কত ছিলো?,How old was he?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn কাল রাতে আমি দেরি করে ফিরেছিলাম।,Last night I arrived late.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আপনার গাড়ি আছে?,Do you have a car?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি পরের স্টেশনে নেমে যাচ্ছি।,I'm getting off at the next station.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি আপনার বন্ধু।,I am your friend.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি তোর বন্ধু।,I'm your friend.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি পরের স্টেশনে নেমে যাব।,I'll get off at the next station.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn ঘুমাতে যাওয়ার আগে ওটা শেষ করে ফেলুন।,Finish it before you go to bed.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি যদি ব্যস্ত থাকি তাহলে হয়ত দেরি করে ফিরতে পারি।,If I am busy then I may arrive late.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি তোদের বন্ধু নই।,I am not your friend.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমার বাবা ১৯৪১ সালে মাৎসুয়ামাতে জন্মগ্রহণ করেছিলেন।,My father was born in Matsuyama in 1941.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn সেই চার্চটার বয়স কত?,How old is that church?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn "একটু শুনবেন, এই ট্রেনটা কি ওয়াশিংটন স্কোয়ার অবধি যায়?","Excuse me, does this train go to Washington Square?",ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি স্টেশনে দশ মিনিট দেরি করে পৌছেছিলাম।,I arrived at the station ten minutes late.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি এখনো তোমার বন্ধু আছি।,I'm still your friend.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমাকে এই জাহাজ থেকে নেমে যেতে হবে।,I need to get off this ship.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আপনি বস্টনে কত বছর ধরে আছেন?,How long have you been living in Boston?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn টম বস্টনে কত বছর ধরে আছে?,How long has Tom been living in Boston?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn "আমি আপনার বন্ধু, তাইতো?","I am your friend, right?",ben_Beng-eng_Latn ওনারা সবাই সুখী ছিলেন।,They were all happy.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn "আমি তোমার বন্ধু, তাইতো?","I'm your friend, right?",ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি আমার মালপত্র কোথা থেকে দাবি করব?,Where do I claim my baggage?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn উনি রবিবার রাতে কাজ করেন নি।,He did not work on Sunday night.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn ওটা দেখিনি।,I didn't see it.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আপনি কখনো কাঁচা মাছ খেয়েছেন?,Have you ever eaten raw fish?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn দেখে মনে হচ্ছে আমার পৌছাত দেরি হয়ে যাবে।,It looks like I'm going to arrive late.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আপনি কখনো ঘোড়ায় চড়েছেন?,Have you ever ridden a horse?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn দয়া করে কিছু খান।,Please eat something.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমার মালপত্র এখনো এসে পৌঁছায়নি।,My luggage hasn't arrived yet.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn তোমার কখনো হাড় ভেঙেছে?,Have you ever broken a bone?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn তোমার দাদুর বয়স কত?,How old is your grandfather?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি চাই না যে আপনি যান।,I don't want you to go.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি এখন ফুটবল খেলছি।,I'm playing football now.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমরা প্রত্যেক শনিবার ফুটবল খেলি।,We play football every Saturday.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn দেরি করে পৌছানোর জন্য ক্ষমা চাইছি।,I apologise for arriving late.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি সেটা শুনেছি।,I've heard that.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn ফুটবল আমার প্রিয় খেলা।,Football is my favorite game.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমেরিকানরা ফুটবল কে সকার বলে।,Americans call football soccer.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমরা একসাথে ফুটবল খেলতাম।,We played football together.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn এই আঁকা ছবিটার বয়স কত?,How old is that painting?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি কি এটা একটু দেখেতে পারি?,Can I take a look at it?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি কি একটু বেশীই দেরি করে ফেলেছি?,Have I arrived too late?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমাকে দেখে কত বছর বয়স বলে মনে হয়?,How old do I look?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn এই চিড়িয়াখানাটার বয়স কত?,How old is this zoo?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn অতিরিক্ত মালের জন্য কত দিতে হবে?,What is the charge for extra luggage?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমার এক ভাই আছে।,I have a brother.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn ও কি ফরাশি ভাষা বলতে পারে?,Can he speak French?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn টম রান্নাঘরে একলা প্রাতরাশ করছে।,Tom is eating breakfast alone in the kitchen.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি প্রায় নিশ্চিত।,I'm almost sure.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn জন মন দিয়ে শুনলো।,John listened carefully.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn ও নাচতে চায়।,He wants to dance.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি আমার চোখকে বিশ্বাস করতে পারছিলাম না।,I could not believe my eyes!,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি সবসময় গান লিখতাম।,I used to write songs all the time.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি এমনিতেও কখনও টমের কথা শুনি না।,I never listen to Tom anyway.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি আপনার জন্য ফিরে আসবো।,I'll come back for you.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি ওনার প্রেমে পড়ে গেলাম।,I fell in love with him.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn এখন ৭:৪৫।,It is 7:45.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আপনি আমার কাছ থেকে কত পাবেন?,How much do I owe you?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn উনি আমাকে লিখতে শিখিয়েছেন।,He taught me how to write.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি এখানে ২০১৩ তে এসেছিলাম।,I was here in 2013.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn উনি পার্টিতে না যাওয়াই ঠিক করলেন।,He decided not to go to the party.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি এতেই অভ্যস্ত।,It's what I'm used to.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn টম মেরিকে শাসালো।,Tom threatened Mary.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn টমের আমাকে চায়।,Tom wants me.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আজ আমি টমের কাছ থেকে একটি কল পেয়েছিলাম।,I got a call from Tom today.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn একটু ঘুমিয়ে নিন।,Get some sleep.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি আপনার প্রশ্নটা বুঝতে পারলাম না।,I don't understand your question.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn এই জুতোগুলোর জন্য নতুন সুকতলা চাই।,I need new soles on these shoes.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn টম আমাকে ফরাসি শেখায়।,Tom teaches me French.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn তাহলে তো মুশকিল আছে।,Then there is a problem...,ben_Beng-eng_Latn টম আমাকে ফরাসি পড়াচ্ছে।,Tom is teaching me French.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমরা ভুল রাস্তায় যাচ্ছি।,We're going the wrong way.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আপনার কাছে এটা কি অন্য কোনো রঙের আছে?,Do you have this in any other colors?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn এখান থেকে ট্যাক্সি করে ট্রেন স্টেশন যেতে কতক্ষণ লাগে?,How long does it take to the train station by taxi?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn এটা ভুল রাস্তা!,This is the wrong way!,ben_Beng-eng_Latn গবেষণাটি অসফল হয়েছিলো।,The experiment was a failure.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn তুমি যা বললে তা সত্যি নয়।,What you said is not true.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আপনি ভুল রাস্তায় যাচ্ছেন।,You're going the wrong way.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমরা কখনই এর থেকে ভালো খেলতে পারবো না।,We'll never be able to play any better.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn টম গতকাল বস্টন উড়ে গেছে।,Tom flew to Boston yesterday.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি সবসময় কথা রাখি।,I always keep promises.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি এইটাই খুজছিলাম।,That's what I was looking for.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn টম কোনো কথা না বলে চলে গেল।,Tom left without saying a word.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn সবাই ওঁকে এমি বলে চেনে।,She goes by the name of Amy.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি তোমাকে এটা একশবার বলেছি।,I've told you so a hundred times.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn তাই বুঝি?,Is that so?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn রাষ্ট্রদূতটি ফিরে এসেছেন।,The ambassador has returned.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn এখনো বৃষ্টি পরছে?,Is it still raining?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি একলা ছিলাম না।,I wasn't alone.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি কি চ্যানেলটা পালটাতে পারি?,Can I change the channel?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn ছত্রছাত্রিরা হাসলো।,The students laughed.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি গর্ভবতী।,I am pregnant.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn তুমি কি টমের উপর নজর রাখতে পারবে?,Can you keep an eye on Tom?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn এই ঘড়িটার দাম কত?,How much is this watch?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn চ্যানেলটা পালটাবেন না।,Don't change the channel.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn টম কি ফরাসি বোঝে?,Does Tom understand French?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি এখানে বাস করি।,I live here.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn এইগুলো পাখি।,These are birds.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn তিরিশ অবধি গুনুন।,Count to thirty.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি কি ক্রেডিট কার্ড ব্যবহার করতে পারি?,May I use a credit card?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আপনি কী ভুলে গেলেন?,What did you forget?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি একটা আম খুঁজছি খাওয়ার জন্য।,I'm looking for a mango to eat.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn এটা সত্যি নয়।,This is not true.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn টম আমাকে ছেড়ে চলে গেছে।,Tom has left me.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি ঘুরতে ভালোবাসি।,I love to travel.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn """আমি কি আপনাকে কোনো সাহায্য করতে পারি?"" ""না, ধন্যবাদ। আমি খালি একটু ঘুরে দেখছি।""","""Can I help you?"" ""No, thank you. I'm just looking around.""",ben_Beng-eng_Latn টম আপনার সম্পর্কে আমাকে সব বলেছে।,Tom told me all about you.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি কিছু একটা দেখলাম।,I saw something.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমরা ফুটবল খেলা পছন্দ করি।,We like playing soccer.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আপনার যা ইচ্ছে তাই খেতে পারেন।,You can eat whatever you like.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি এখনো টমকে ভালোবাসি।,I still love Tom.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn কি চমৎকার দিন!,What a lovely day!,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আপনার যেটা ইচ্ছে হয় সেটা খেতে পারেন।,You can eat anything you want.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn জানলাগুলো খোলে?,Do the windows open?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি আপনার ভাষা বুঝি।,I can understand your language.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn এখান থেকে বাঁদিকে নিন।,Turn left here.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn পেনটা ভাঙা।,The pen is broken.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn তাদের বাবা-মায়েরা তাদেরকে দূরে রাখতে চেষ্টা করেছিলেন।,Their parents tried to keep them apart.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আপনি যত ইচ্ছে তত খেতে পারেন।,You can eat all you want.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn ওনার দুটো মেয়ে ছিলো।,He had one daughter.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি ফুটবল পছন্দ করি।,I like football.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn তুমি কি পাগল হয়ে গেছো?,Have you gone mad?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমিও এটা পছন্দ করি না।,"I don't like it, either.",ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি আপনার বইটা পড়ছি।,I'm reading your book.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn যা হওয়ার তাই হবে।,Whatever needs to happen will happen.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি ফুটবল ভালোবাসি।,I love football.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমার বাবা চীনে যাচ্ছে।,My father is going to China.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn ফুটবল খেলা যাক!,Let's play football!,ben_Beng-eng_Latn ফুটবল একটা খেলা।,Football is a sport.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn টম সারাদিন চুপচাপ ছিল।,Tom kept silent all day long.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn টম এখন এখানে নেই।,Tom isn't here now.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আপনার কাছে কোনো কাশির অষুধ আছে?,Do you have any cough medicine?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn কোনো সন্দেহ নেই।,There's no doubt.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn খুব ভালো হয়েছে।,It's well done.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আপনি কি ফলের রস খেতে চান?,Do you want fruit juice?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn উনি সহজেই ওনার মাথা গরম করে ফেলেন।,He loses his temper easily.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn উনি ভালো মানুষ।,He's a good person.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn ও ভালো মানুষ।,She's a good person.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn তিনি ভালো মানুষ।,He is a good person.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমরা কি এটা রাখতে পারি?,Can we keep it?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn টম বাড়ির ভেতরে আছে।,Tom is in the house.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn এটা নিজের ঘর মনে করো।,Make yourself at home.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn এটা নিজের ঘর মনে করুন।,Make yourself at home!,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমাদের সাথে আসছেন না কেন?,Why aren't you coming with us?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমার আর এটা দরকার নেই।,I don't want it anymore.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি স্নান করতে যাবো।,I'm going to take a bath.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn দুপুর হয়ে গেছে।,It is midday.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আপনি কি আসতে চান?,Would you like to come?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn টম ওর মুখ উঁচু রাখার চেষ্টা করেছিল।,Tom tried to keep his chin up.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমাকে শনিবারের আগে বইটা ফেরত দিতে হবে।,I have to give back the book before Saturday.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn তোমরা কি আমার সাথে কেনাকাটা করতে যেতে যাবে?,Would you like to come shopping with me?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn একটু শান্ত থাকার চেষ্টা করো।,Just try to keep calm.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমাদেরকে কোন অংশে কম মনে করবেন না।,Don't underestimate us.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি ওটা অনুভব করলাম।,I felt that.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn ছুৃরিটা কোথায়?,Where's the knife?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আপনি কি ভেতরে আসবেন?,Would you like to come in?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আপনারা কি ভেতরে আসবেন?,Would you like to come inside?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn টমকে আমার থেকে দূরে রাখুন।,Keep Tom away from me.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn বাইরে খেলতে যাবেন?,Would you like to come out and play?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আপনি কি আমাদের সাথে মাছ ধরতে যাবেন?,Would you like to come fishing with us?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn সে ফল খাচ্ছে।,She's eating fruit.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn কে ছিলো?,Who was it?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn কার কাছে আছে?,Who has it?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn এগুলোর দিকে দেখুন।,Look at these.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn তাঁর দুটো বাচ্চা আছে।,She has two children.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn ওনারা পরোয়া করে না।,They don't care.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn টম খুব কমই তার কথা রাখে।,Tom hardly ever keeps his word.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn "আমি আপনার সাথে যেতে পারতাম, কিন্তু আমার সময় ছিল না।","I would have liked to come with you, but I didn't have time.",ben_Beng-eng_Latn "আমি তোমার সাথে যেতে পারতাম, কিন্তু আমার সময় ছিল না।","I would have liked to come along, but I had no time.",ben_Beng-eng_Latn "আমি তোমাদের সাথে যেতে পারতাম, কিন্তু আমার সময় ছিল না।","I would've liked to come with you, but I didn't have time.",ben_Beng-eng_Latn ইতালি খুব সুন্দর দেশ।,Italy is a very beautiful country.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn কী বললে?,What did you say?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn টম একটা ডাইরি রাখার কথা ঠিক করেছেন।,Tom has decided to keep a diary.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn এটা ওর বাড়ি।,This is his house.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি অক্টোবরে জন্মেছি।,I was born in October.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি আর ফেসবুক ব্যবহার করি না।,I don't use Facebook anymore.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn মেরি চেঁচাচ্ছে।,Mary is screaming.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আপনি কি এখনো বই পড়েন?,Do you still read books?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আপনাদের কাছে কি আর কিছু আছে?,Do you have any others?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn ফরাসি কঠিন নয়।,French isn't difficult.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আপনি কী এনেছেন?,What have you brought?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn তুই আমার মেয়ে।,You are my daughter.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি চাই আপনি আমার সাথে আসুন।,I would like you to come with me.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn টম তার কথা রাখে।,Tom keeps his word.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn তিনি খাচ্ছেন।,He is eating.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn টম ফরাসি পড়তে পারে।,Tom can read French.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn এই বইটা কি টমের?,Is this book Tom's?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি ফরাসি পড়তে পারি।,I can read French.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn টম জিতবে না।,Tom won't win.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি ফরাসি শেখা শুরু করছি।,I'm starting to learn French.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn ফরাসি আমার মাতৃভাষা।,French is my native language.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn টমের সাথে ওইভাবে কথা বলবেন না।,Don't speak to Tom like that.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমার নতুন চশমা লাগবে।,I need new glasses.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn টম কাকে কামড়েছে?,Who did Tom bite?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আপনি কি ফরাসি শিখতে চান?,Do you want to learn French?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমরা অন্য কাউকে দোষারোপ করতে পারি না।,We can't blame anyone else.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আপনি বেশি কাজ করেন।,You work too much.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আপনার ভ্রমণের উদ্দেশ্য কী?,What's the purpose of your visit?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn এই বিষয় আপনার কি মত?,What are your thoughts on that?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn বিলটা আজকেই মিটিয়ে দেওয়া যাবে।,The bill could be paid today.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn টম আমাদের সাথে থাকে।,Tom stays with us.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আনন্দ কর।,Have a nice time.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn মজা কর।,Have a good time.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি নিশ্চিত আমার বাবা-মা আমাকে একলা যেতে দেবে না।,I'm sure my parents won't let me go by myself.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn "আমার আঙুর ভালো লাগে, কিন্তু আমি খুব বেশি খেতে পারি না।","I like grapes, but I can't eat too many of them.",ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি কি জানলাটা খুলতে পারি?,May I open the window?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি কোনমতেই তোমাকে এখানে একলা ছেড়ে রেখে যেতে পারবো না।,There's no way I'm going to leave you alone here.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আপনার মেয়ে কেমন আছে?,How is your daughter?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি সহজেই ওনার বাড়ি খুজে পেয়েছিলাম।,I found his house easily.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn তুমি কি করে একটা চার বছর বয়সের বাচ্চাকে একলা ফেলে রেখে যেতে পারো?,How could you leave a four-year-old child all alone?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn উনি আমাকে ওনার নাম বলেননি।,She didn't tell me her name.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn তুমি কি জানো ও কী বললো?,Do you know what he said?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn টম আমাকে চুপ করতে বলল।,Tom told me to keep quiet.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn উনি জিজ্ঞাসা করছেন এটা কি করে সম্ভব।,She's asking how that's possible.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমাদের তিনটে মেয়ে আছে।,We have three daughters.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমার বাড়িতে একটা ফলের বাগান আছে।,My house has a fruit garden.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি আমার মেয়েকে চিনি।,I know my daughter.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আপনি কি আমার বিলটা তৈরি রাখতে পারবেন?,Can you get my bill ready?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn টম চেঁচাতে আরম্ভ করলো।,Tom began to shout.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn টম টেলিভিশন দেখে না।,Tom doesn't watch TV.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn টম মৃত।,Tom is dead.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn জাপানে কবে থেকে আলুর প্রবর্তন হয়ছিল?,When were potatoes introduced into Japan?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি আজ ৮টার সময় উঠেছি।,I got up at 8 o'clock today.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn টম খুব ধার্মিক।,Tom is very religious.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn ইংরাজি আমার মাতৃভাষা নয়।,English is not my native language.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn এটাকে দেখে তো সস্তা মনে হয়েছিল।,It looked cheap.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমার টমের কুকুরকে ভালো লাগে না।,I don't like Tom's dog.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn বরফ পরতে পারে।,It may snow.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমার কিছু করার থাকলে জানিও।,Let me know if there is anything I can do.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn সন্ধ্যেবেলা বরফ পরতে পারে।,It may snow in the evening.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমার কিছু করার থাকলে জানাবেন।,Let me know if there's anything I can do.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn টম চেঁচানো শুরু করলো।,Tom began screaming.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn শ্রোতারা কি শুনছেন?,Is the audience listening?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn টমের কত বছর বয়স?,How old is Tom?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn টম এক মিনিট ধরে তার নিশ্বাস আটকে রাখলো।,Tom held his breath for one minute.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আকাশ দেখে মনে হচ্ছে আজ রাতে বরফ পরা শুরু হতে পারে।,"From the look of the sky, it may begin to snow tonight.",ben_Beng-eng_Latn টম বিছানায় পাশ ফিরে শুলো।,Tom rolled over in bed.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn দুর্ঘটনা অবধারিত।,Accidents are inevitable.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn অনুগ্রহ করে আপনার পাসপোর্টটি দেখাবেন?,"Will you show me your passport, please?",ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি এদের জন্য অপেক্ষা করছিলাম।,I was waiting for them.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn টম চিৎকার আরম্ভ করলো।,Tom started yelling.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn সে কথা বলছিলো।,He was speaking.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমার সঙ্গে আসুন।,Come with me.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমার সঙ্গে আস।,Come with me!,ben_Beng-eng_Latn এই নিন আপনার চাবি।,Here's your key.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn এই নাও তোমার চাবি।,Here is your key.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn টম বধির।,Tom is deaf.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn ওই দরজাটা বন্ধ করুন।,Close that door.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি কি আপনার পাসপোর্টটি দেখতে পারি?,"May I see your passport, please?",ben_Beng-eng_Latn ফুলদানিটা কে ভাঙল?,Who broke the vase?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn টম মারা গেছে।,Tom has died.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn ওটাকে কাছে নিয়ে আসুন।,Bring it closer.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn ওখানে এখন কটা বাজে?,What time is it there?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn বস্টন একটা বড়ো শহর।,Boston is a big city.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn ওই সাইনবোর্ডটিতে কী লেখা আছে?,What is written on that signboard?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn "আমায় ক্ষমা করবেন, কিন্তু এটা সম্ভব নয়।","I'm sorry, but it's impossible.",ben_Beng-eng_Latn আপনি কি ওনাকে বেড়িয়ে যেতে দেখেছেন?,Did you see him go out?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn বস্টনে কি অনেক চিনী রেস্তোরাঁ আছে?,Are there many Chinese restaurants in Boston?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আপনার কাছে কি আপনার পাসপোর্টটা আছে?,Do you have your passport?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আরবী খুব গুরুত্বপূর্ণ ভাষা।,Arabic is a very important language.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn তোমার মা গতকাল মারা গেছেন।,Your mother died yesterday.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn চলে যাও!,Away with you!,ben_Beng-eng_Latn চলে যান।,"Rack off, hairy legs!",ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি বুঝি।,I do understand.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn ঐখানে যান।,Go over there.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn এখান থেকে চলে যান।,Get away from here.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn এখান থেকে চলে যাও।,Get away from here!,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি বুঝেছি।,I got it.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমার মনে হচ্ছে ট্রেনটা দেরী করছে।,It seems to me that the train is late.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn মাত্র একটি ভাষা যথেষ্ট নয়।,One language is never enough.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি বুঝতে পারলাম।,I get it.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি গ্রন্থাগারে।,I'm at the library.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn লোকটির নাম ছিল ফ্রান্সিস্কো পিজ্জারো।,The man's name was Francisco Pizzaro.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn তোমরা কি বোন?,Are you sisters?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn টম আমাকে ভালোবাসে।,Tom loves me.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আপনাকেও ধন্যবাদ।,You are welcome!,ben_Beng-eng_Latn টম কোথায় গেছিল?,Where's Tom been?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি ঠিক আছি।,I am fine.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn তুই কি হতে চাস?,What do you want to be?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি তোমাকে মারতে পারি।,I can beat you.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn কেন্‌ আমাকে দাবায় হারিয়ে দিল।,Ken beat me at chess.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn কোনো অসুবিধা নেই।,There are no problems.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn ইংরাজির অনেক শব্দ লাতিন থেকে উৎপন্ন হয়েছে।,A lot of English words are derived from Latin.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn একটা সমস্যা এখনো রয়েছে।,One problem still remains.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn টম কি এখানে ছিলো?,Was Tom here?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn বিবাহবিচ্ছেদ এখনকার দিনে খুবই সাধারণ হইয়ে গেছে।,Divorce is becoming more common nowadays.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমার ভাল লাগছে।,I feel well.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি ভালো আছি।,I am well.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn তিনজনেই পদত্যাগ করেছেন।,All three have resigned.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn তুমি বোঝ না।,You don't understand.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমার ১৯ বছর বয়স।,I am 19 years old.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn টোনির বয়স কত?,How old is Tony?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn নিয়মগুলো সহজ।,The rules are simple.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn কে না জিততে চায়?,Who doesn't want to win?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn এখানে কথা বলা যাক।,Let's talk here.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমরা প্লেনটাকে দেখলাম।,We saw the airplane.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমিও ফরাসি শিখছি।,I'm also learning French.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn টম গেটের বাইরে অপেক্ষা করলো।,Tom waited outside the gate.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn লিঙ্কন ১৮৬৫ এ মারা গেছিলেন।,Lincoln died in 1865.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমরা আমাদের দেশকে ভালোবাসি।,We love our country.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি সোমবারে সোমবারে কাজ করি।,I work on Mondays.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn তিনজন আহত হন।,Three were injured.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn এটা আমার ছোটো বোন।,This is my younger sister.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি ঠিক বুঝতে পরছি না।,I don't get it.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি এখনই খেলাম।,I just ate.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি ভাবছি তোমাকে জন্মদিনে কী দেবো।,I wonder what I should get you for your birthday.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn টম তিন দিন পর মারা গেলো।,Tom died three days later.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আপনারা কি বুঝতে পারছেন?,Do you understand?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn টম খুব জোরে জোরে নিশ্বাস নিচ্ছে।,Tom is breathing heavily.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn টম অনেক দৌড় জিতেছে।,Tom has won many races.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn সকলেই এখন এটা জানে।,Everyone knows it now.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn টম একটু বেশিই তারাতারি খায়।,Tom eats too fast.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি ওনার আমন্ত্রণ গ্রহণ করলাম।,I accepted her invitation.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি লাজুক।,I am shy.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn টম ওর অফিসে রয়েছে।,Tom is in his office.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn টম চিৎকার করা বন্ধ করলো।,Tom stopped screaming.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn তুমি কি এখন বুঝতে পারছো?,Do you understand now?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn এটার বয়স কত?,How old is this?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn ওটার বয়স কত?,How old is that?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn তাঁর তিনটে মেয়ে আছে।,He has three daughters.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn টম কোথায় গেছে?,Where's Tom gone?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি আপনাদের বন্ধু নই।,I'm not your friend.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn মহাবিশ্বের বয়স কত?,How old is the universe?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আপনারা আজকেই যেতে চাইছেন কেন?,Why do you want to leave today?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি টম।,I am Tom.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমার নাম টম।,My name's Tom.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn টম খাবার ঘরে মেরির সাথে একলা রয়েছে।,Tom is alone in the dining room with Mary.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn টম একা একা উঠোনে বসে সিগার খাচ্ছিলো।,Tom sat alone on the porch smoking a cigar.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn কিছু লোক হাসতে শুরু করলো।,Some people started laughing.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি টমকে মারলাম।,I hit Tom.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn টম আবার চিৎকার করবে।,Tom screamed again.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn বাকি সবাই হাসলো।,Everyone else laughed.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি আমার বাবার জন্য কিছু ওষুধ কিনতে চাই।,I need to buy some medicine for my father.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn কেউ চিৎকার শুরু করলো।,Someone started screaming.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn এই হচ্ছে টমের দিদি।,This is Tom's sister.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn একজন শিক্ষকের জন্য ধৈর্য্য অত্যাবশ্যক।,Patience is essential for a teacher.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn বাচ্চারা কেক পছন্দ করে।,Children like cake.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn এটা আমার ভাই।,This is my brother.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn তুমি কি এই গানে নাচতে পারবে?,Can you dance to this song?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি এটা ব্যবহার করি।,I use it.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আপনি কতটা খেয়েছেন?,How much did you eat?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি তিনটে বিস্ফোরণের আওয়াজ শুনলাম।,I heard three explosions.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আপনি কোথায় থাকেন?,Where do you live?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমরা কি আজ বাইরে খাবো?,Are we eating out tonight?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি ব্যস্ত।,I am busy.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আপনারা তো কিছুই খাচ্ছেন না।,You are not eating anything.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn টম কোথায় থাকে?,Where does Tom live?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn ও আমার বড় দিদি।,She is my elder sister.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn উনি আর এই ব্যপারে কোনো কথা বলতে চান না।,He didn't want to talk about it anymore.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি ওর আমন্ত্রণ গ্রহণ করলাম।,I accepted his invitation.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn ও আমার দিদি।,She's my older sister.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn ঠিক একই ঘটনা বস্টনে তিন বছর আগে ঘটেছিলো।,The same thing happened three years ago in Boston.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn টম আমাদের জিততে সাহায্য করলো।,Tom helped us win.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn টম বস্টনে বড়ো হয়েছে।,Tom grew up in Boston.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn যারা কাঁচের ঘরে থাকে তাদের পাথর ছোড়া উচিত নয়।,People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn তুমি বস্টনে কত বছর ছিলে?,How long have you lived in Boston?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn টেবিলে ওই বইটা কার?,Whose book is that on the table?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমরা আরও খারাপ জিনিস দেখেছি।,We've seen worse.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমার প্রতিবেশীর নাম টম জ্যাকসন।,My neighbor's name is Tom Jackson.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমার একটা পুরানো কম্পিউটার আছে যেটার আমার আর কোনো প্রয়োজন নেই।,I have an old computer that I don't want anymore.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি অনেক ছবি তুলেছি।,I took a lot of pictures.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn এটা খুব ভালো মাটি।,This is very good soil.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি ভয়ে অর্ধেক হয়ে গেছিলাম।,I was scared half to death.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি ভুল করে টমের ছাতা নিয়ে ফেলেছি।,I took Tom's umbrella by mistake.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি খুব ভয়ে পেয়েগেছিলাম।,I was very scared.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn "আমি বাক্যটার মানে বুঝতে পারছি, কিন্তু অনুবাদ করতে পারছি না।","I understand the sentence, but I'm not able to translate it.",ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমার স্বামিকে ফোন করুন।,Call my husband.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn সবাই টমের ট্রেলারের ভেতরে রয়েছে।,Everyone is inside Tom's trailer.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn "উনি যদি ওনার ডাক্তারের পরামর্শ মানতেন, তাহলে হয়তো এখনো বেঁচে থাকতেন।","If he had taken his doctor's advice, he might still be alive.",ben_Beng-eng_Latn আপনি পড়তে পারেন?,Can you read?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn তুমি কখনো সেটা করেছো?,Have you ever done that?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn তোমার এখন কিছু করার চিন্তা ভাবনা আছে?,Do you have any plans right now?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn টমের হাতে সময় আছে।,Tom has time.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি শহরে থাকি না।,I don't live in the city.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn একা থাকাটা কতটা ভয়াবহ হতে পারে সেটা আমি কখনো উপলব্ধিই করিনি।,I never realized how awful living all alone could be.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আপনি কখনো ইউরোপে গেছেন?,Have you ever been to Europe?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn মেরি হাসপাতালে পৌছালো।,Mary arrived at the hospital.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি এই প্রকল্পের একটি অংশ হয়ে গর্বিত।,I am proud to be a part of this project.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn এমনকি টমও কিছুটা প্রভাবিত হয়েছিল।,Even Tom was somewhat impressed.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি কাউকে মারিনি।,I didn't hit anybody.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি কাউকে ধাক্কা মারিনি।,I didn't hit anyone.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমার কাছে তিন বছরের চুক্তি আছে।,I have a three-year contract.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn "আমি যতদুর জানি, তেমন কোনো কাজের অস্তিত্ব নেই।","As far as I know, such a function doesn't exist.",ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি তোমার অভাব অনুভব করছি।,I miss you.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn তুমি কি টমকে চারপাশটা দেখিয়ে আনতে পারবে?,Could you show Tom around?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি কি তমার প্রথম বন্ধু যে জাপান থেকে নয়?,Am I your first friend who's not Japanese?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn শুভ নববর্ষ!,Happy New Year!,ben_Beng-eng_Latn "তুমি খুব একটা কথা বলার লোক নও, তাই না?","You're not much of a talker, are you?",ben_Beng-eng_Latn টম গত অক্টোবর মারা গেছে।,Tom died last October.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn টম ৩০০র ও বেশি গান লিখেছে।,Tom has written more than 300 songs.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আপনার বাড়িটা কী রঙের?,What color is your house?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি এবার যাবো।,I'm going to go.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn টম আমাকে খুব ভালোভাবে চেনে।,Tom knows me very well.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn প্রায় তিরিশজন গ্রামবাসী আহত হয়েছেন।,About thirty villagers were injured.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn এই বাড়িটা আমার দাদুর।,This house is my grandfather's.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn টমের বাবা-মাও গায়ক ছিলেন।,Tom's parents were also singers.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn এই বইগুলো সরাবেন না।,Don't move these books.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn """আপনি যাচ্ছেন না কেন?"" ""কারন আমি যেতে চাই না।""","""Why aren't you going?"" ""Because I don't want to.""",ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি তোমার অবস্থাটা বুঝতে পারছি।,I understand your situation.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn টম মেরিকে মারার চেষ্টা করলো।,Tom tried to hit Mary.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn ওটা আমার বোন।,That's my sister.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি যে গ্রামে থাকি সেটা খুব ছোটো।,The village I live in is very small.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn যুদ্ধে দশ লক্ষ মানুষ তাদের প্রাণ হারিয়েছিলেন।,One million people lost their lives in the war.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn উনি একজন শিক্ষক এবং ঔপন্যাসিক।,He is a teacher and novelist.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn লাইব্রেরিটা বাঁদিকে।,The library is to the left.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি ট্রেনে বারো ঘন্টা কাটিয়েছি।,I spent twelve hours on the train.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আপনি কি এই পাড়াতেই থাকেন?,Do you live in this neighborhood?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn তুমিই টমের একমাত্র বন্ধু ছিলে।,You were Tom's only friend.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn টম একটা গান গাইতে শুরু করলো।,Tom started singing a song.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn হয়ে গেছে?,Are we done?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি কাঁদতে চাই।,I want to cry.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn ম্যাড্রিডের মানুষরা অদ্ভুত হয়।,People from Madrid are weird.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমার এখন খেতে ইচ্ছে করছে না।,I don't feel like eating now.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn ওটা আমার ভাই।,That is my brother.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn এখানে কেউই ওরকম করে না।,Nobody here does that.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn তুমি কি আমাকে ভালোবাসো?,Do you love me?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn টম তার কম্পিউটারে চলচ্চিত্র দেখছে।,Tom is watching a movie on his computer.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি ওনাদের আর একটা টিকিট পাঠাতে বলেছি।,I told them to send me another ticket.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn এটা আপনার চাবি।,This is your key.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি দুদিনে অস্ট্রেলিয়া ফিরে যাব।,I'll return to Australia in two days.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমরা ওনাদেরকে দেখেছি।,We've seen them.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমরা দক্ষিণ আমেরিকাতে ঘুরলাম।,We traveled in South America.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn এই বস্তুটি সহজেই প্রসারিত হয়।,This material stretches easily.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn টম যখন তেরো বছরের ছিলো তখন বস্টনে এসেছিলো.,Tom came to Boston when he was thirteen years old.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি এখন কিছুই খেতে চাই না।,I don't want to eat anything right now.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn সূর্য পূর্বদিকে উদয় হয় আর পশ্চিম দিকে অস্ত যায়।,The sun rises in the east and sets in the west.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমার বিশ্বাস উনি আগামীকাল আসবেন।,I believe he is coming tomorrow.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn কেন ফুটবল খেলোয়াড়।,Ken is a football player.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি কোনমতেই এটা তোমাকে একলা করতে দেবো না।,There is no way I'm letting you do this alone.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি ওনাকে দৌড়াতে দেখেছিলাম।,I saw him running.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn ওনার এক তিক্ত অভিজ্ঞতা হয়েছিলো।,He had a bitter experience.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn টমের আরেকটি সম্ভাবনার কথা মনে পড়ল।,Another possibility occurred to Tom.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn তুমি কি এক মিনিটের জন্য অপেক্ষা করতে পারবে?,Can you wait a minute?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আপনি কি এখন খেতে চান না পরে?,Do you want to eat now or later?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn টম কটার সময় ফোন করেছিল?,What time did Tom call?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn টম কোথা থেকে ফোন করেছিল?,Where did Tom call from?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn কার একটু হট চকোলেট চাই?,Who wants some hot chocolate?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn কেমন আছেন? যাত্রা ভালো ছিল তো?,How are you? Did you have a good trip?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn পুলিশ ডাকুন!,Call the police!,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি ওটা গত বছর করেছিলাম।,I did that last year.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn টম ভাবলেন যে তাবিজটা ওনাকে ডাইনিদের হাত থেকে বাঁচাবে।,Tom thought that the amulet would protect him from witches.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn পুলিশ ডাকো!,Call the police.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn পাঁচটার সময় দেখা হবে।,See you at five.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn "জিজ্ঞাসা কোর না তারা কি ভাবে, জিজ্ঞাসা করো তারা কি করে।",Don't ask what they think. Ask what they do.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn সেটা আমার জীবনের সব থেকে ভালো দিন ছিল।,That was the best day of my life.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি জার্মান ভাষা বুঝি না।,I don't understand German.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি তোমাকে কথা দিলাম।,I give you my word.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn এই গাছটা বয়স কত?,How old is this tree?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn যেটাই পরম সত্য।,That's the absolute truth.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমার তেষ্টা পেয়েছে।,I am thirsty.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn টম স্কুটার চড়ে।,Tom rides a scooter.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আপনি কাস্টমার সারভিসে ফোন করছেন না কেন?,Why don't you call customer service?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn তোমার বাবা-মা গর্বিত হতেন।,Your parents would be proud.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn তুমি কি মনে করো যে টমের বদলে আর কাউকে পাওয়া যাবে?,Do you think we can find someone to replace Tom?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn উনি ইংরাজি পড়াতে সক্ষম।,She is capable of teaching English.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমরা টমকে খুজে পেয়েছি।,We've found Tom.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn টম কি জানে যে তুমি এখানে?,Does Tom know you're here?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn এই দুটো জিনিস সম্পূর্ণ অসম্পর্কিত।,These two things are completely unrelated.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমাদের অবিলম্বে সাহায্যের প্রয়োজন।,We need help immediately.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি আপনাকে বিশ্বাস করি।,I believe in you.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn তুমি আমার নতুন গাড়িটা ব্যবহার করতে পারো।,You may use my new car.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি ওর নাম ভুলে গেছি।,I've forgotten her name.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn ভারী কুয়াশার জন্য একজনকেও দেখা যাচ্ছিলো না।,"Because of the heavy fog, not a single person could be seen.",ben_Beng-eng_Latn টম আলুগুলো ধুলো।,Tom washed the potatoes.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn তিনি এখনো এসে পৌছাননি।,He hasn't arrived yet.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn টম প্রচুর বই পড়ে।,Tom read lots of books.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn গণতন্ত্র স্বাধীনতাকে অনুপ্রাণিত করে।,Democracy encourages freedom.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি অসুস্থ হয়ে পরেছিলাম।,I got sick.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি আপনার সাথে একমত।,I agree with you.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি পাঁউরুটি খাই।,I eat bread.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn এটা নতুন।,This is new.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি পাঁউরুটি খাচ্ছি।,I'm eating bread.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn মুখ সামলে কথা বল!,Hold your tongue!,ben_Beng-eng_Latn এটা সম্পুর্ণরূপে গ্রহণযোগ্য নয়।,This is totally unacceptable.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn এটা রুচির ব্যাপার।,It is a matter of taste.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn টম চূড়ান্তভাবে অপদস্ত হোল।,Tom was utterly humiliated.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি সত্যিই আপনার উদারতার তারিফ করছি।,I really appreciate your kindness.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn টমের অসুখ হয়েছে।,Tom is sick.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn টম অদ্ভুত।,Tom is strange.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn টম শক্তিশালী।,Tom is strong.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn টম ইদানিং বেকার।,Tom is currently unemployed.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn বাস টার্মিনালটা কোথায়?,Where is the bus terminal?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn টম ক্লান্ত।,Tom is tired.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি দেখতে চাই টম কেমন ভাবে থাকে।,I want to see how Tom lives.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn সবাই সুখ কামনা করে।,Everybody desires happiness.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn এই দাঁতটা ব্যথা করছে।,This tooth hurts.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি দাঁত কিড়মিড় করলাম।,I gritted my teeth.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn কচ্ছপের কি দাঁত আছে?,Do turtles have teeth?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn টম মেরি দ্বারা অপদস্ত হয়েছিলো।,Tom was humiliated by Mary.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমার ছেলে অর্থনীতি পড়ছে।,My son is studying economics.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আপনি কি এটা আজ কিনেছেন না গতকাল?,Did you buy it today or yesterday?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn রেফ্রিজারেটর খাবার সংরক্ষণে সাহায্য করে।,Refrigerators help to preserve food.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি জাপানের ব্যাপারে কিছুই জানিনা।,I don't know anything about Japan.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn মোট ছাত্রের সংখ্যা কত?,What is the total number of students?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি এখানে দু এক দিনের জন্য থাকব।,I am going to stay here for a couple of days.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমাকে আবার অক্টোবরে জিজ্ঞাসা করবেন।,Ask me again in October.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn এটা একেবারে অসম্ভব।,It's absolutely impossible.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn বসো!,Go sit down.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি এই নদীতে সাঁতার কাটতাম।,I used to swim in this river.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি এখানে বারো দিনের জন্য আছি।,I am here for twelve days.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn ব্যাঙকক থাইল্যান্ডের রাজধানী।,Bangkok is the capital of Thailand.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমিও ১৭।,"I'm 17, too.",ben_Beng-eng_Latn ওখানেই থাকো।,Stand over there.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমরা এখনও সেটা করতে পারি।,We can still do that.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn টমকে ভেতরেই রাখুন।,Keep Tom inside.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn তুমি কি ওখানে আছো?,Are you there?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি টিকিট কোথা থেকে কিনতে পারব?,Where can I buy a ticket?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn সবাই খুব ব্যস্ত।,Everybody is very busy.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn ওরা ওখানে থাকে।,They live there.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn ওটা ওখানেই রাখুন।,Leave it there.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn এখানে কি হয়েছে?,What happened here?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমাকে ওখানে পাঠান।,Send me there.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমার কাছে টোকিওর একটা ফিরতি টিকিট আছে।,I have a return ticket to Tokyo.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn ওখানে কি কেউ আছেন?,Is somebody there?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি বিদেশে পড়াশুনা করি।,I study abroad.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn উনি জানেন আমরা কোথায় থাকি।,She knows where we live.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn কাছাকাছির মধ্যে একটা হাসপাতাল আছে।,There is a hospital nearby.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি একটা আসন সংরক্ষণ করলাম।,I booked a seat.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমরা কি তৈরি?,Are we ready?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি এই ট্রেনে একটা আসন সংরক্ষণ করতে চাই।,I'd like to reserve a seat on this train.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn বাড়িতেই থাকুন।,Stay at home.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি এখানি কাজ করি।,I work here.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn কে ওখানে?,Who is there?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn টম কি ওখানে ছিলো?,Was Tom there?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমাকে কতবার ক্ষমা চাইতে হবে?,How many times do I have to apologize?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn টিকিট কাটতে হলে আপনাকে আপনার ব্যক্তিগত বিবরণ দিতে হবে।,"To purchase a ticket, you need to enter your personal details.",ben_Beng-eng_Latn পরের বাসটি কখন ছাড়বে?,When does the next bus leave?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn বাসে করে ঘুরতে হলে আপনাকে টিকিট কাটতে হবে।,You'll need a ticket to travel by bus.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn টিকিট পেতে হলে আপনাকে অন্তত এক ঘন্টা অপেক্ষা করতে হবে।,You'll have to wait at least an hour to get a ticket.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn কাঁচটা কারুর দ্বারা ভাঙা হয়েছে।,The glass was broken by someone.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn এটার মানে কী?,What does it mean?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn ওটা কি এখানে আছে?,Is it here?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn টম বাইরে ঘুমালো।,Tom slept outside.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আপনি কি ওখানে ছিলেন?,Were you there?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn খরগোশ গাজর খেতে পছন্দ করে।,Rabbits like to eat carrots.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn ঠিক এখানেই অপেক্ষা করো।,Wait right here.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn এখানে থামান।,Pull over here.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn এখানেই থামুন।,Stop right here.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn টমকে বাইরে নিয়ে যান।,Take Tom outside.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn টম আমাকে চিমটি কাটলো।,Tom pinched me.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn "আচ্ছা, আবার পরে দেখা হবে।","Well, see you later.",ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমাকে কি আসন সংরক্ষণ করতে হবে?,Do I need to book a seat?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn মেরিকে আয়নার সামনে বসে চুল আঁচড়াতে দেখলাম।,I saw Mary sitting in front of a mirror brushing her hair.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি আমার মায়ের মত দেখতে।,I resemble my mother.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি এখন টমের ব্যাপারে ভাবতে পারছি না।,I can't think about Tom now.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn এই নদীটা এইখানে সবথেকে গভীর ।,This river is deepest here.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn খরগোশ গাজর পছন্দ করে।,Rabbits like carrots.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমার মা আসতে পারবে না।,My mother can't come.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn সবাই এখানে আছেন।,Everyone is here.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমার বন্ধু লাগবে।,I need friends.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আপনি কেমন আছেন?,How are you?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমরা এখানে।,We are here.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি টমের সঙ্গে পেরে উঠিনি।,I couldn't keep up with Tom.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি বাইরে দৌড়ে গেলাম।,I ran outside.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn সবাই বাইরে দৌড়ে গেলেন।,Everybody ran outside.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn ভেতরে ফিরে যান।,Go back outside.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn এটা বেশ চমৎকার।,It's quite nice.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn ও জানে আমরা কোথায় থাকি।,He knows where we live.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn শুধু এইখানে সই করুন।,Just sign here.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমার বাবা একজন ডাক্তার।,My father is a doctor.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn কেউই অপরিহার্য নয়।,Nobody is indispensable.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি আপেল খেতে পছন্দ করি।,I like to eat apples.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn মেরি কিছুই জানে না।,Mary knows nothing.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn টম ভেতরে আছে।,Tom is inside.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn তোমার সময় শেষ।,Your time is up.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমার তিন জোরা মোজা চাই।,I want three pairs of socks.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি আপনার মতামত চাই।,I want your opinion.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn টমকে ওখানেই রাখুন।,Keep Tom there.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি আমার টিকিটটি নিশ্চিত করতে চাই।,I'd like to confirm my ticket.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn ওটার অর্থ কী?,What's the meaning of that?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমরা ইংরেজি শিখলাম।,We learned English.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn পরের মোড়টায় ডানদিকে বেঁকে যাবেন।,Turn right at the next corner.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn তুমি কত সুন্দর!,How beautiful you are!,ben_Beng-eng_Latn টম কাছাকাছিই আছে।,Tom is nearby.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn টম এখানে খুশি নয়।,Tom is not happy to be here.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn তুমি কটার সময় ঘুম থেকে ওঠো?,What time do you get up?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি আমার আসন সংরক্ষণটি বাতিল করতে চাই।,I'd like to cancel my reservation.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn টম ওখানে আছে।,Tom is there.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি সংরক্ষণটি তিন দিন থেকে পাঁচ দিনে পালটাতে চাই।,I'd like to change my reservation from three to five nights.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি আমার সংরক্ষণটি বাতিল করতে চাই।,I'd like to change my reservation.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn টম ওখানে থাকে।,Tom lives there.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn টম দৌড়ে উপরে গেলো।,Tom rushed upstairs.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি আমার টিকিটটি বাতিল করতে চাই।,I'd like to cancel my ticket.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn টম আপনাকে দেখে খুশি বলে মনে হচ্চে।,Tom seemed happy to see you.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি আমার টিকিটটি পালটাতে চাই।,I'd like to change my ticket.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn মোড়ে গিয়ে বাঁদিকে বেঁকে যাবেন।,Turn left at the corner.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আতঙ্কবাদিরা ব্যর্থ হলো।,The terrorists have failed.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn টম কি এখানে আছে?,Is Tom here?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn টমকে দেখে খুশি আর উদ্দীপিত বলে মনে হচ্চে।,Tom seems happy and excited.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn টম কি বাড়িতে আছে?,Is Tom home?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn টম কত সুখি মানুষ ছিল।,Tom was such a happy person.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn "যখন টম খুশি, তখন আমিও খুশি।","When Tom's happy, I'm happy.",ben_Beng-eng_Latn ও ওর রুমালটা পরিপাটি করে ভাঁজ করলো।,She folded her handkerchief neatly.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn এটা পৃথিবীর তৃতীয় দীর্ঘতম নদী।,This is the third longest river in the world.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি সব জায়গায় দেখেছি।,I checked everywhere.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn মোড়ে গিয়ে ডানদিকে বেঁকে যাবেন।,Turn right at the crossroad.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আপনি এখানে যতক্ষণ ইচ্ছে থাকতে পারেন।,You may stay here as long as you like.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn তোমার কোনটা দরকার আমাকে বলো।,Tell me which you want.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি জনসাধারণের সামনে অপমানিত হলাম।,I was humiliated in public.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি একই ভুল করেছি।,I've made that same mistake.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn টম একটি সুদর্শন যুবক।,Tom is a handsome young man.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আপনি কি কাল রাতে ব্যস্ত থাকবেন?,Are you busy tomorrow night?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn টম অক্টোবরে পদত্যাগ করেছে।,Tom resigned in October.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn এটা আমার অভিধান।,This is my dictionary.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn দ্বিতীয় ট্রাফিক লাইটে বাঁদিকে বেঁকে যাবেন।,Turn left at the second traffic light.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn রাস্তাটার শেষে ডানদিকে বেঁকে যাবেন।,Turn right at the end of that street.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn টম অন্ধকারকে ভয় পায়।,Tom is afraid of the dark.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn এই রাস্তা ধরে যাবেন আর ব্যাঙ্কের কাছ থেকে ডানদিকে বেঁকে যাবেন।,Go along this street and turn right at the bank.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমার বরফ চাই।,I need ice.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি পালিয়ে গেছিলাম।,I ran away.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি বাড়ি পালিয়ে গেছিলাম।,I ran home.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি বসে পরেছিলাম।,I sat down.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn এই নিন আপনার ব্যাগ।,Here is your bag.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn এই নাও তোমার ব্যগ।,Here's your bag.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn তোমার হাতে সময় আছে?,Do you have time?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি সেটা দেখেছিলাম।,I saw that.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি তাকে দখতে পেলাম।,I saw him.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn তোমার শিক্ষক কে?,Who is your teacher?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn তোমাদের শিক্ষক কে?,Who's your teacher?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি আপনাকে দোষ দিচ্ছি না।,I don't blame you.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি ওদের দেখতে পেলাম।,I saw them.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn অনুগ্রহ করে আওয়াজটা একটু কমান।,"Turn down the volume, please.",ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি বাইরে ছিলাম।,I was away.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি বাইরে গেছিলাম।,I went aboard.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি হারিয়ে গেছিলাম।,I was lost.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমার দেরি হয়ে গেছিল।,I was late.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমার একটা আছে।,I have one.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি জিতে গেছি।,I have won.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি শুনেছি।,I heard it.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি কি করে জানব?,How should I know?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি একজন স্বাধিন মানুষ।,I'm a free man.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn টম আটকে পরেছে।,Tom is trapped.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn টম আসছে।,Tom is coming.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমার ব্যপারে চিন্তা করবেন না।,Don't worry about me.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn পর্যটন অফিসটা কোথায়?,Where is the tourist information office?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আপনি কি অনুগ্রহ করে ওটা একটু লিখে দিতে পারবেন?,"Could you write that down, please?",ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমরা পায়ে হেঁটে ঘুরে ছিলাম।,We traveled on foot.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn টম আমার নাক ভেঙ্গে দিয়েছে।,Tom broke my nose.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn সবাই দেখছে।,Everyone is watching.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn টম নিজের নাক ভেঙ্গে দিয়েছে।,Tom broke his nose.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি হেঁটে যাব।,I will go on foot.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn টমও গীটার বাজায়।,Tom also plays guitar.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমার এটা চাই।,I want this.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি হেঁটে স্কুলে যাই।,I go to school on foot.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn টম কি এখনো আমার উপর রেগে আছে?,Is Tom still mad at me?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমার এটা প্রয়োজন ছিলো।,I wanted this.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আবহবার্তা অনুযায়ী আগামীকাল বিকেলে বৃষ্টি হবে।,The weather report says it will rain tomorrow afternoon.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn পায়ে হেঁটে পনেরো মিনিট।,It's fifteen minutes on foot.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমাকে ব্যপারটা সামলাতে দাও।,Let me handle this.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আপনার প্রিয় টেলিভিশন কার্যক্রমটা কী?,What's your favorite television program?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn টম লড়াইটা শুরু করেছে।,Tom started the fight.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আগে এটা পড়ুন।,Read this first.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn ওদের দেখে আমেরিকান বলে মনে হচ্ছে।,They seem American.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn টম আমাকে সাহায্য করছিলো।,Tom was helping me.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn শ্রেণীকক্ষের মধ্যে অল্পসংখ্যক ছাত্র বাকি ছিল।,There were few students left in the classroom.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn সবাই তৈরি?,Is everybody ready?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn টম খুব তারাতারি খায়।,Tom eats very quickly.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn টিকিটটি ভুলে যেও না।,Don't forget the ticket.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn সবাই পরিশ্রান্ত।,Everyone is tired.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn সবাই হাঁসতে শুরু করলো।,Everyone started laughing.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn টমের সঙ্গে কাজ করা খুব বিরক্তিকর কারণ ও কখনই মেনে নেয় না যে ও ভুল করেছে।,Tom's an irritating person to work with because he'll never admit it when he's made a mistake.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn তাঁরা আমাদের কী করে ভুলে যেতে পারেন?,How could they forget us?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি উত্তরের দক্ষিণে রয়েছি।,I am south of the north.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি পুর্বের পশ্চিমে রয়েছি।,I am west of the east.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমর কফি ভালো লাগে না।,I don't like coffee.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি।,It is I.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমার কফি খেতে ভালো লাগে না।,I don't like to drink coffee.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn টম কি সন্তুষ্ট হয়েছে?,Is Tom satisfied?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn তুমি কি কখনো টমকে ফরাসিতে কথা বলতে শুনেছো?,Have you ever heard Tom speaking French?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমার খুব ভালো ফরাসি অভিধান আছে।,I have a good French dictionary.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আপনি এমনিতে দুপুরের খাবার কটার সময় খান?,What time do you usually eat lunch?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn দুর্ভাগ্যবশত গতকাল বৃষ্টি হয়েছিলো।,"Unfortunately, it rained yesterday.",ben_Beng-eng_Latn ফরাসি শেখা কঠিন নয়।,French isn't difficult to learn.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn গতকাল আমার সতেরোতম জন্মদিন ছিলো।,Yesterday was my seventeenth birthday.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমাদের দুজনের নামই টম।,We're both named Tom.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn ক্লাসে ফরাসিতে কথা বলবে না।,Don't speak French in the class.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn টম মনে করে তুমি নির্বোধ।,Tom thinks you're stupid.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আপনি রবিবার সাধারনত কী করেন?,What do you usually do on Sundays?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn ওই বইটা ফরাসিতে লেখা হয়েছে।,That book is written in French.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn ওই লোকটা টম।,That man is Tom.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn শহরটাকে একটা নদী পুর্ব আর পশ্চিমে ভাগ করেছে।,A river separates the city into east and west.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn ফরাসি সহজ ভাষা নয়।,French is not an easy language.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn তুমি আমার প্রতি বড্ড অধৈর্য্য।,You're so impatient with me.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn যে কেউ এই অভিধানটি ব্যবহার করতে পারেন।,Anyone may use this dictionary.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn চাকরগুলোর চিৎকার সবাইকে জাগিয়ে দিলো।,The servants' screams awakened everyone.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি আপনাকে চাই না।,I don't want you.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn তুই কি আমার দেশে আসতে পারবি?,Can you come to my country?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn এখন একটা সময়।,It's one o'clock.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn এখন সাতটা সময়।,It's seven o'clock.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn এখন পাঁচটা সময়।,It's five o'clock.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn এখন দুইটা সময়।,It's two o'clock.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি ওই ভাবে জীবনযাপন করতে পারবো না।,I can't live that kind of life.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn দুইটা সময়ে আসেন।,Come at two o'clock.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn এখন দশটা সময়।,It's ten o'clock.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn এখন তিনটা সময়।,It's three o'clock.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমার একটা প্রথম শ্রেণীর টিকিট চাই।,I'd like a first-class ticket.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn টম একলা আছে।,Tom is alone.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn অনুগ্রহ করে আমার উচ্চারণটা শুধরে দিন।,Please correct my pronunciation.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আপনি কি আমাকে আপনার বোর্ডিং পাসটা দেখাতে পারবেন?,Can you show me your boarding pass?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn টম মনে করে আপনি নির্বোধ।,Tom thinks that you're stupid.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn তুমি কতক্ষণ ছিলে?,How long did you stay?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি একসময় জ্যোতির্বিজ্ঞানী হতে চেয়েছিলাম।,I once wanted to be an astrophysicist.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আপনি দুপুরের খাবার কটার সময় খান?,What time do you eat lunch?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি আমার ডান পাটা নাড়াতে পারিনি।,I couldn't move my right foot.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমার জীবনবিজ্ঞান কখনই ভালো লাগেনি।,I never liked biology.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn ফরাসিতে এটাকে কী বলে?,What's this called in French?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি ওই গল্পটা জানি।,I know that story.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn দ্বিতীয় বিশ্বযুদ্ধ ১৯৪৫ সালে সমাপ্ত হয়েছিল।,World War II ended in 1945.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আপনি কি নিশ্বাস নিতে পারছেন?,Can you breathe?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি নদীটা সাঁতরে পার হওয়ার চেষ্টা করলাম।,I tried to swim across the river.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি দেখলাম যে আমার মা কিছু জামা ইস্তিরি করতে ব্যাস্ত।,I found my mother busy ironing out some shirts.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn প্রত্যেকে এটা দেখেছিলো।,Everybody saw it.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি পুরোপুরি আমার পছন্দ মতো কোনো জুতো পেলাম না।,I found no shoes completely to my taste.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি আমার ইতালীয়টা আরো ভালো করতে চাই।,I want to improve my Italian.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn এই বাক্যটি ইংরাজিতে অনুবাদ করুন।,Translate this sentence into English.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn টমের কোন কাজ‌ই এখন আমাকে অবাক করে না।,Nothing that Tom does surprises me anymore.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমিও তোমাকে ভালোবাসি।,"I love you, too.",ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি যে ভাবে ব্যবহার করেছি তাতে আমি গর্বিত নই।,I'm not proud of how I acted.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn কী হয়েছে?,What has happened?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমার ব্যবহারে আমি গর্বিত নই।,I'm not proud of my behaviour.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn নিউ ইয়র্কের কোনো একটানা ফ্লাইট আছে?,Is there a nonstop flight to New York?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn ওনারা সবাই কথা বললো।,They all talked.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn এই নিন বিলটা।,Here's the bill.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn এই নাও বিলটা।,Here is the bill.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আর তুমি?,How about you?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি এতে গর্বিত নই।,I'm not proud of it.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি যা করেছি তাতে আমি গর্বিত নই।,I'm not proud of what I did.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি কাছাকাছিই থাকবো।,I'll stay close.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি আমার মালপত্র হারিয়ে ফেলেছি।,I lost my luggage.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি এমন সব কাজ করেছি যাতে আমি গর্বিত নই।,I've done things I'm not proud of.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি গর্বিত নই।,I'm not proud.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি ওইগুলো নেবো।,I'll take those.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি তোমার ভাষা বুঝি।,I understand your language.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি অপেক্ষা করছি না।,I'm not waiting.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি নিখুঁত নই।,I'm not perfect.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn ও জাপানি বলতে পারে।,He can speak Japanese.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn ওইটার দাম কত?,How much does that cost?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি এমন কিছু কাজ করেছি যাতে আমি গর্বিত নই।,I've done some things I'm not proud of.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি এটায় গর্বিত নই।,I'm not proud of this.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি ওতে গর্বিত নই।,I'm not proud of that.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn দাম কত?,What's the price?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn দামটা কত?,What is the price?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি উপস্থিত থাকবো।,I'll be present.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn ওইগুলো একটু বেশি বড়ো।,Those are too big.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমরা ডাক্তার।,We are doctors.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি আপনার সহায়তা করবো।,I'll assist you.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn এইগুলো টমের।,These are Tom's.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি সেটা ব্যবস্থা করে দেবো।,I'll arrange it.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমার জন্য কোনো ডাক আছে?,Is there any mail for me?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn তুমি কাল বিদ্যালয়ে অনুপস্থিত ছিলে কেন?,Why were you absent from school yesterday?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn নুন নেই।,There's no salt.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আপনার কাছে কি আরো বড় বাটি আছে?,Do you have a bigger bowl?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn "অনেক অনেক ধন্যবাদ, ডাক্তারবাবু।","Thank you very much, doctor.",ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি পরের স্টপে নামতে চাই।,I want to get off at the next stop.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn মেরি টুথপেস্টের ঢাকনা খুলে রাখলে টম বিরক্ত হয়ে যায়।,It irritates Tom when Mary leaves the cap off the toothpaste.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn সেটা আনারস।,It's a pineapple.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি আসবো না।,I won't come.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি আনারসগুলো কিনতে চাই।,I want to buy pineapples.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমাকে কি গ্রান্ড হোটেলে নিয়ে যেতে পারবেন?,Could you take me to the Grand Hotel?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আপনি কি অনুগ্রহ করে পরে আবার ফোন করতে পারবেন?,"Could you call again later, please?",ben_Beng-eng_Latn বৃষ্টি পড়ছে।,It is raining.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn ইনি এই বিষয় কথা বলতে চান না।,He doesn't want to talk about it.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn ঊনি এই বিষয় কথা বলতে চান না।,She doesn't want to talk about it.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn এই বইটা শুধু ফরাসিতেই পাওয়া যায়।,This book is only available in French.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn দেরী হয়ে গেছে।,It is late.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আতঙ্কবাদীরা বন্দিদের ছেড়ে দিলো।,The terrorists released the hostages.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn অারো অাস্তে হাঁটো।,Walk more slowly.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি হারবো না।,I won't lose!,ben_Beng-eng_Latn অার কিছু?,Is that all?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn ওনারা ডাক্তার।,They are doctors.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি হারিয়ে গেছি।,I am lost.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn সাঁতার কাটতে পার।,You may swim.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমার ফোন নাম্বার হোল ৭৮৯।,My phone number is 789.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn তুমি প্রিতিদিন কত ঘন্টা করে ফরাসি শেখো?,How long do you study French every day?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আপনার বয়স কত?,How old are you?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি এটা অস্বীকার করি না।,I don't deny it.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn ও পরের এপ্রিলে দশ বছরের হবে।,He will be ten next April.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn ছেলেটা কোথায়?,Where is the boy?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি এখন ঘাবড়িয়ে আছি।,I'm nervous now.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি আমার কাজ করলাম।,I did my work.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি মরে যেতে পারতাম।,I could have died.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আপনি কি কখনো বস্টন দেখতে গেছেন?,Have you ever visited Boston?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আপনি কি কখনো বস্টন গেছেন?,Have you ever been to Boston?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn দরজাটা খোলা।,The door is open.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি আগামীকাল দাঁতের ডাক্তারের কাছে যাবো।,I'll go to the dentist tomorrow.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি কখনই বলবো না।,I'll never tell.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি একলা হয়ে যাবো।,I'll get lonely.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি একটু মজা করছি।,I am just kidding.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি খালি মজা করছি।,I'm only kidding.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আপনার হাতে সময় আছে?,Do you have some time?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn তিনি উঠে দাঁড়ালেন।,He stood up.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn টম একটা ছেলের নাম আর মেরি একটা মেয়ের নাম।,Tom is a boy's name and Mary is a girl's name.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি চেষ্টা করিনি।,I haven't tried.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn তুমি এমনিতে কটার সময় ঘুমাতে যাও?,What time do you usually go to bed?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমাকে কেউ বোঝে না।,Nobody understands me.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমাদের ওখানে নিয়ে চলুন।,Take us there.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn বেড়োবার সময় দরজাটা বন্ধ করে দিও।,Close the door when you leave.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আপনি কটার সময় ঘুমাতে যান?,What time do you go to bed?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমার স্কুল যেতে দেরী হয়েগেছিল।,I was late to school.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn এটা আমাকে পাগল করে দিচ্ছে।,This is driving me crazy.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি তাকে ছাড়া বাঁচতে শিখেছি।,I learned to live without her.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn বৃষ্টি পড়ছিল।,It was raining.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমার সেটাই প্রাপ্য ছিলো।,I deserved that.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি কি খেতে পারি?,Can I eat?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি আপনার থেকে অনেক কিছু শিখেছি।,I've learned a lot from you.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি ভালোই আছি।,I'm doing great.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আপনার দুধটা খান।,Drink your milk.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn ওটা খুলবেন না।,Don't open that.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি ওনার ফোন নাম্বারটা ভুলে গেছি।,I forgot his phone number.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি একদম পাগল।,I'm so mad.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি এর পক্ষে।,I'm for it.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn এই বইটা কি আপনার?,Is this book yours?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি খালি আমার ইমেলটা দেখতে চেয়েছিলাম।,I just wanted to check my email.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn এটা কি আপনার বই?,Is this your book?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn ওটা কি তোমার বই?,Is that your book?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি এখনো ফাইলটা নামাইনি।,I haven't downloaded the file yet.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn "আমি ভেবেছিলাম এটা করা সহজ হবে, কিন্তু আমরা সারাদিন ধরে কাজ করেছি আর এখনো শেষ করে উঠতে পারিনি।","I thought doing this would be easy, but we've been working all day and we're still not finished.",ben_Beng-eng_Latn তুমি কখনো একা থাকবে না।,You'll never be alone.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি পরের বছর ফরাসি শিখবো।,I'm going to study French next year.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn তুমিই ভালো করে জানো।,You should know better.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn এই অষুধটা আমি আমার বাবার জন্য কিনেছি।,I bought this medicine for my father.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn ডাক্তার ডাকো।,Call a doctor.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি একটা সভায় যাচ্ছি।,I'm going to a meeting.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আপনি কি আমার ব্যপারে বলছেন?,Are you referring to me?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn তুমি কিসের ব্যপারে কথা বলছো?,What are you talking about?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আপনি কিসের ব্যাপারে কথা বলছেন?,What are you talking about!?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn এটা হতে পারে না!,It can't be!,ben_Beng-eng_Latn এটা অসম্ভব!,That's not possible.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আপনার কাছে কি আরো বড় মাপের কিছু আছে?,Do you have a larger size?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি নশ্চিত নই।,I'm not certain.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি আপনার ফোন নাম্বারটা হারিয়ে ফেলেছি।,I lost your phone number.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn তেরোজন লোক নিহত হয়েছেন।,Thirteen people were killed.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn এই বইটা ফরাসিতেও পাওয়া যায়।,This book is also available in French.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn তোমরা কি ফরাসি ভাষা বলতে পারো?,Can you speak French?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn এটা খুব নিচু।,It's too low.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn ডাক্তারের সাথে পরামর্শ করুন।,Consult a doctor.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn তুমি আসতে পারবে না কেন?,Why can't you come?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আপনি খুব সাহসী।,You are very brave.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn """কে?"" ""তোমার মা।""","""Who is it?"" ""It's your mother.""",ben_Beng-eng_Latn তুমি খুব সাহসী।,You are very courageous.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn তোমরা খুব সাহসী।,You're very brave.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমার সাহায্য দরকার।,I need help.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আপনাকে দেখে খুব ক্লান্ত লাগছে।,You look very tired.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমার ইন্টারনেট সংযোগ মন্থর,My Internet connection is slow.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি সঠিকভাবে জানিনা।,I don't know exactly.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমরা দেখেছি।,We saw it.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn """আপনি কখন ফিরবেন?"" ""সবকিছুই আবহাওয়ার উপর নির্ভর করছে।""","""When will you be back?"" ""It all depends on the weather.""",ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি আমার পাটা জিরোচ্ছি।,I'm resting my legs.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn পাঁউরুটিটা খেয়ে নাও!,Eat the bread!,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আপনারা কী করছেন?,What are you doing?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn তোমারা কী করছো?,What're you doing?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি আশেপাশে জিজ্ঞাসা করবো।,I'll ask around.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি সঙ্গে যাবো।,I'll come along.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আপনারা সবাই তৈরী?,Are you all ready?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn ওইগুলো কি আপনার?,Are those yours?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি লড়বো।,I will fight.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn টম তারাতারি কথা বলে।,Tom speaks fast.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমার দিকে আসুন।,Come towards me.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমেরিকাতে কোন কোন ভাষায় কথা বলা হয়?,What languages are spoken in America?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn পৃথিবীর এই হাল না হলে আমি যে কোনো কাউকে বিশ্বাস করতে পারতাম।,"If the world weren't in the shape it is now, I could trust anyone.",ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি একা ছিলাম।,I was alone.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি উদ্বিগ্ন ছিলাম।,I was concerned.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn তোমার ওটা করা হয়ে গেছে?,Have you finished it?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn ও ফল খায়।,She eats fruit.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমরাও এখানে আছি।,"We're here, too.",ben_Beng-eng_Latn টম কী করার চেষ্টা করছে?,What's Tom trying to do?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আপনি কি পাগল হয়ে গেছেন?,Have you lost your reason?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn রান্নাঘরে যাবেন না।,Don't go in the kitchen.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আপনি ওখানে যেতে পারেন।,You may go there.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn টম বিখ্যাত।,Tom is famous.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমাকে একটু সবুজ জামাটা দেখাবেন।,Please show me the green shirt.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn ওটা কি রক্ত?,Is that blood?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn বেশীভাগ লোক আমাকে পাগল ভাবে।,Most people think I'm crazy.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn তোমার যেখানে ইচ্ছে হয় বসো।,Sit wherever you like.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn "আপনি নাচতে পারেন, তাই না?","You can dance, can't you?",ben_Beng-eng_Latn "তুমি নাচতে পার, তাই না?","You're able to dance, aren't you?",ben_Beng-eng_Latn তুমি এখানে পড়াশোনা করতে পার।,You can study here.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn "না, আমি নয়, তুমি!",No I'm not; you are!,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আপনি সবসময় অভিযোগ করেন।,You are always complaining.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn তুমি সবসময় অভিযোগ কর।,You're always complaining.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn ওটা আমার লাইন!,That's MY line!,ben_Beng-eng_Latn উনি আমাকে লাথি মারছেন!,He's kicking me!,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি হলুদ রঙ পছন্দ করি।,I like yellow.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি তোমার নাম জানি।,I know your name.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি তোমাকে বিশ্বাস করি।,I trust you.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn তিনি একজন ডাক্তার।,He's a doctor.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমরা আমাদের নিজেদের গান লিখি।,We write our own songs.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি খুব একটা ধৈর্যশীল নই।,I'm not very patient.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি আপনার উপর নির্ভর করে আছি।,I am counting on you.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আপনি কোনো হোটেল সুপারিশ করতে পারবেন?,Can you recommend a hotel?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn তোমার উত্তর সঠিক।,Your answer is right.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn তোমার উত্তর ভুল।,Your answer is wrong.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn ও আমাকে লাথি মারছে!,He is kicking me!,ben_Beng-eng_Latn এই সাইনবোর্ডটিতে কী লেখা আছে?,What is written on this signboard?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn তুমি নিশ্চিত তো?,Are you sure?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আপনি নিশ্চিত তো?,Are you certain?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn এখানে আপনার ঠিকানা লিখুন।,Write your address here.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি একটা সস্তা হোটেল খুঁজছি।,I am looking for a cheap hotel.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn "টম লম্বা, কিন্তু আমার মতো লম্বা নয়।","Tom is tall, but not as tall as I am.",ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমার অল্প জ্বর হয়েছে।,I have a slight fever.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn কেন কী খাচ্ছে?,What is Ken eating?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn গুজবটা সত্যি নয়।,The rumor isn't true.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn সে রেগে গেছিলো।,He got angry.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn তার বদলে আমার সমুদ্রের দিকে মুখ করা একটা ঘর চাই।,I'd like a room facing the ocean instead.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আপনার হাত কি পরিষ্কার?,Are your hands clean?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আপনাদের কি ঘর খালি আছে?,Do you have any vacancies?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি আটটার সময় ঘর ছাড়তে চাই।,I'm going to check out at eight.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn ও খুব ধৈর্যশীল ছিলো।,He was very patient.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আপনার ঘড়ি ঠিক আছে?,Is your watch correct?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আরও সস্তা কোন ঘর আছে?,Do you have any cheaper rooms?,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমি ঘরটা ছেড়ে দিচ্ছি।,I'm checking out.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn আমাকে ছটার সময় জাগিয়ে দেবেন।,Please wake me at six.,ben_Beng-eng_Latn La tmeddel tewwurt-nni.,The door is closing.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Ass-a ad nečč seksu akked tcedluḥt i yimensi.,"Today, we eat couscous with dried meat at dinner.",ber_Tfng-eng_Latn "Walaɣ-t s wallen-iw, sliɣ-as s yimeẓẓuɣen-iw.",I've seen him with my own eyes and heard him with my own ears.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Yeṣṣeɛṣeɛ-d waḍu tawwurt-nni.,The door blew shut.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Tellid tettrud?,Have you been crying?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Malleɣ seg ussemɛen-nwen ur yemɛinen.,I'm sick of your crass hints.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn "Imir-a, testufad?",Are you free now?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn "Iḍan ay yesseglafen, ur ttkerricen.",Dogs that bark don't bite.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Amsaltu-nni yeḍḍef-d argaz-nni ay yellan yettazzal.,The policeman captured the man who was running.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Tazmert ed yidrimen ur ttemfaraqen ara.,Power and money are inseparable.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Ǧǧemt-iyi ad awent-d-ḥkuɣ d acu ay giɣ ass-a.,Let me tell you what I did today.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Terẓem-d tewwurt-nni s leɛqel.,The door opened slowly.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn "Awal d taɣawsa, tira d taɣawsa niḍen.",To speak is one thing and to write is another.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn "Imir-a, awal atan ɣer-k.",You have the floor now.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Yella swaswa deffir-i.,He was right behind me.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Tom iga tuccḍa.,Tom made a mistake.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Igdudanen xeṣren tifranin deg waṭas n yiwunak.,Republicans were defeated in many states.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Ad d-yaweḍ wakud aydeg ara teẓreḍ tidet.,The time will come when you will know the truth.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn "Mi d-yeqqel s axxam, yufa-d arraw-nnes ḍḍsen yagi.","When he returned home, the kids were already asleep.",ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Igerdan nnan-asen ad d-ferḍen taxxamt-nni.,The children were assigned to sweep the room.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Yezmer lḥal ur ẓrin acemma ɣef temsalt-a.,They may not know about it.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Iɣersiwen-a llan tteddun ad negren.,Those animals were in danger of dying out.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Yessefk ad yessiweḍ yiwen isali-a yesseḥzanen i yemma-s.,Somebody must break the sad news to her mother.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Tban-d tugdi deg tmuɣli-nnes.,His eyes betrayed his fear.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Tannayt-inu temgerrad akk ɣef tin-nnek.,My opinion is completely different from yours.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Amdan d tililect kan.,Man's but a bubble.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Azrem yettbeddil taslest.,The snake sheds its skin.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Zemreɣ ad kem-ɛawneɣ?,Can I help?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Zemreɣ ad ken-ɛawneɣ?,May I help you?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Ad geɣ akk ayen umi zemreɣ akken ur kem-ttcewwileɣ deg tezrawin-nnem.,I'll do my best not to disturb your studying.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Tom yedda s asbiṭar acku yella yuḍen.,Tom went to the hospital because he was sick.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn D netta ay d aneggaru ay d-yuwḍen.,He was the last person to arrive.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Iɣir yessawaḍ mliḥ trisiti.,Copper conducts electricity well.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Ay ɣezzif Tony!,What a tall boy Tony is!,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Ta d tasebba yelhan.,That is a fine excuse.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Bdan akk ttaḍsan.,They all began to laugh.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Tiwwura-nni ttalsent ttneḍfasent.,The doors fold back.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Mennaɣ lemmer d ay zmireɣ ad d-qeḍɛeɣ akud-nni ay iṛuḥen.,I wish I could make up for lost time.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn D netta ay d argaz aɣezfan akk ay ẓriɣ deg tmeddurt-inu.,He is the tallest man that I have ever seen.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Teḍsa fell-awent?,Did she laugh at you?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Tom ed Mary ur myussanen.,Tom and Mary don't know each other.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Yewɛeṛ ad tḥemmleḍ yiwen mi ur teẓriḍ ma yella iḥemmel-ik anect ay t-tḥemmleḍ.,It's hard to love somebody when you don't know whether they love you as much as you love them.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Uzzlen ɣer yemma-tsen.,They rushed towards their mother.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Tawwurt-nni tsekkeṛ s tamekt taymanit.,The door locks automatically.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn D netta ay d Chopin n tallit-nneɣ.,He is a Chopin for our times.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Netta seg Lisbun.,He's from Lisbon.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Ur ssawalet akk ɣef teswiɛt.,Don't speak all at the same time.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Ur ssawalemt akk ɣef teswiɛt.,Don't all speak at the same time.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Ur yelli wawal ay izemren ad d-yewṣef acḥal ay tessewhameḍ.,No words can express how amazing you are.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Teẓriḍ yagi asaru-nni?,Have you already seen the film?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Yal ass yesway Yidir isekla-is.,Yidir waters his trees every day.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Baba la yessway tijejjigin-nni.,My father waters the flowers.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn "Txeṣreḍ, naɣ?","You lost, didn't you?",ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Teddid mebɛid!,You went too far!,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Ass-a ddiɣ mraw n yikilumitren.,I walked 10 kilometers today.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Ur reffu!,Don't get angry!,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Ur reffut!,Don't get angry.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Baba yesɛa semmus waytmaten ed teysetmatin.,My father has five brothers and sisters.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Tanemmirt tameqrant ɣef tallalt-nnek.,A big thanks for your help.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Neṛja acḥal n tsaɛtin.,We waited for hours and hours.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Ḥwajeɣ cwiṭ n lkaɣeḍ.,I need some paper.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Maɣef ur tseɛɛud tameddakelt?,Why don't you get yourself a girlfriend?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Tadawsa tezwar idrimen.,Health is more important than money.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn "Mi walaɣ tugna-nni, mmektiɣ-d taḥkayt-nni.","When I saw the picture, I remembered the story.",ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Armi ay yesleb ay la yessawal akka.,He must be crazy to talk like that.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn I tefkeḍ-t i Tom kecc s timmad-nnek?,Why don't you give it to Tom yourself?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn "Ayyur-a, d ""Superman"" ay la d-yettɛeddin deg ssinima.","""Superman"" is showing at the movie theatre this month.",ber_Tfng-eng_Latn I tefked-t i Tom?,Why don't you give it to Tom?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn "Ma tɛawed terza ɣef Fṛansa, ad tili d tikkelt tis kraḍt aydeg ara terzu fell-as.","If she visits France again, she will have been there three times.",ber_Tfng-eng_Latn "Lliɣ lhiɣ-d ed uheyyi n leḥwal-inu, imi ay iyi-d-qqimen kan sin wussan akken ad dduɣ ɣer Fṛansa.","I was busy packing, because I was leaving for France in two days.",ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Melmi ay d tikkelt taneggarut aydeg turgaḍ yir targit?,When was the last time you had a nightmare?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Iɛewwel akken ur yettɛawad akk ad yemlil yid-s nettat.,He was determined never to meet her again.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn I teɣreḍ-as i Tom?,Why don't you give Tom a call?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Aru-as imir-a.,Write to him right away.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn I tefkeḍ-as i Tom talemmiẓt?,Why don't you give Tom a chance?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Melmi ay tebɣiḍ ad tebduḍ?,When will it suit you to start?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn I tefkeḍ-as i Tom cwiṭ n wakud akken ad ixemmem ɣef waya?,Why don't you give Tom some time to think about it?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn I tewted nneḥ?,Why don't you give up?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Ulac aɣilif ma tefkiḍ-iyi-d wa?,"Can you give me this one, please?",ber_Tfng-eng_Latn I tewtem kan nneḥ?,Why don't you just give up?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn I tekkseḍ takebbuḍt-nnek?,Why don't you take your jacket off?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn I thennid-iyi cwiṭ?,Why don't you give me a break?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn I talleḍ-iyi?,Why don't you give me a hand?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Ur ssawal ara s yimi yeččuṛen.,Don't talk with your mouth full.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn D acu n umtiweg aydeg teddrem?,What planet are you from?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn I tefked-iyi-d tafrut-nni?,Why don't you give me the knife?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Tẓewremt deg waddal?,Are you good at sports?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Yella wasmi ay teččid ibeɛɛucen?,Have you ever eaten insects?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn I tefked-aneɣ-d kra n wussan akken ad nxemmem ɣef waya?,Why don't you give us a couple of days to think it over?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Anwi ay d irkasen ay tebɣid?,Which shoes do you want?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn "Iḍelli, llan deg temkarḍit?",Were they in the library yesterday?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Ayen igerrzen akk tzegled-t.,You missed the best part.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Iles yezmer ad yettwasseqdec s tɣariwin yemgerraden.,Language can be used in different ways.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn I tkemmled?,Why don't you go on ahead?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Tzemred ad tennaled ider?,Can you touch the bottom?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Amɣar-nni yemmut imalas yezrin.,The old man died last week.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Tettbaned-d d tamerrayt.,You look like a tourist.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Ad tkeyyfeḍ asigaṛ?,Have a cigar?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn I tkemmleḍ?,Why don't you go ahead?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Anṣuf yes-m s tmiḍi n yifassen.,You're more than welcome.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn "S umata, ntteddu s aɣerbaz ɣef uḍar.",We usually walk to school.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Teḥzen aṭas.,She is very sad.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn I teddud ad twalid?,Why don't you go and have a look?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn I tedduḍ ad twaliḍ?,Why don't you go and see?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Ad icebbeḥ Yuc sseɛd-nnek.,May fortune smile upon you.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn I teddud akked Tom?,Why don't you go and join Tom?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Ad d-tased yid-neɣ!,You're coming with us!,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Ijirmeḍ-nni yembernenneḍ mi t-nnuleɣ.,The earthworm wriggled when I touched it.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Tadawsa d nneɛma tameqrant.,Good health is a great blessing.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn I teddud ad tesseqsid Tom?,Why don't you go ask Tom?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Ad d-tasemt yid-i!,You're coming with me!,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Maɣef ay t-tessudnem?,Why did you kiss him?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn I teqqled ɣer Boston?,Why don't you go back to Boston?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Argaz-a yesɛa ayis.,This man has a horse.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn I teqqled ɣer wesbiṭar ad teẓred Tom amek ay yella?,Why don't you go back to the hospital and see how Tom is doing?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn "I teqqled ɣer usensu-nnek, ad teḍḍsed cwiṭ?",Why don't you go back to your hotel and get some sleep?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Iqqn lmsid s udfl.,The school is closed because of the snow.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Ad tnedmemt ɣef waya kra n wass.,You'll regret it someday.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn I teddud ad d-tesɣed kra n tɣawsa ay icebḥen akken ad tt-telsed deg tmeɣra?,Why don't you go buy yourself something pretty to wear to the party?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn I teddud ad d-tekksed ccek ɣef waya?,Why don't you go check on that?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn "Iiih, acḥal ay timɣurem!","My, how you've grown!",ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Tettlusud irkasen daxel n uxxam?,Do you wear shoes indoors?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn I teddud ad d-tnadid albaɛḍ niḍen ay yeḥwajen ad t-tɛawned?,Why don't you go find someone else who needs your help?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn I teddud ad d-tnadid ɣef Tom?,Why don't you go find Tom?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn I teddud ad tɛumed?,Why don't you go for a swim?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn I teddud ad d-tawyed takeṛṛust?,Why don't you go get the car?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn I teddud ad d-tawyed Tom?,Why don't you go get Tom?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn I teddud ad tɛawned Tom?,Why don't you go help Tom?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Maɣef ara tgem aya?,Why would you do that?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn I teddud ɣer wexxam imir-a?,Why don't you go home now?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn I teddud ad teẓẓled?,Why don't you go lie down?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn I teddud ad d-tessned Tom?,Why don't you go meet Tom?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn I tkemmled war ma ddiɣ yid-k?,Why don't you go on ahead without me?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Ur lliɣ ara bɣiɣ ad mmteɣ.,I didn't want to die.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Tḥemmlem iruka n IKEA?,Do you like IKEA furniture?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn I teddud ɣer wexxam ad teḍḍsed cwiṭ?,Why don't you go on home and get some sleep?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn I teffɣed ad d-tzedmed isɣaren?,Why don't you go out and get some firewood?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Ttwaliɣ-kem d tahuskayt.,I think you're pretty.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn I teffɣed ad turared ed yimeddukal-nnek?,Why don't you go out and play with your friends?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn I teffɣed?,Why don't you go out?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn I teffɣem?,Why don't you two go on a date together?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn I teddud ɣer wexxam n Tom?,Why don't you go over to Tom's?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn I tedduḍ ɣer wexxam n Tom?,Why don't you go to Tom's house?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Zedɣen tama-nneɣ.,They live next door.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Yella wasmi ay tesqedcemt Instagram?,Have you ever used Instagram?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn I teddud ad teẓred Tom?,Why don't you go see Tom?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Tḥemmled tikukiyin n Oreo?,Do you like Oreo cookies?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn I teddud ad teqqimed ɣer tdabut?,Why don't you go sit down at the table?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Temmut deg yiwen n usehwu n usafag.,She died in a plane crash.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Yenna-d dakken kemm d tumliḥt.,He says you're cute.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Llan ttazzalen yidamme ɣef yidmaren-nnes.,Her blood flowed over her chest.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Tessudned-t ula d kemm?,Did you kiss him back?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Kemm maci d yemma.,You're not my mom.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Tseḍḍled tamart-nnek tanezzayt-a?,Did you shave this morning?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Ur tezmired ara ad tged aya.,It is impossible for you to do so.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Tedda s tesnasɣalt.,He went by bicycle.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Eg ayen ara ak-inin.,Do what you're told.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Ur zmireɣ ara ad as-iniɣ aya i Tom.,I can't tell Tom that.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn "Lemmer d ay tebɣid ad tesselhud taspenyulit-nnek, tili maci ɣer Cili ara d-tased.","If you wanted to improve your Spanish, you shouldn't have come to Chile.",ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Teswatid agdil-nnem?,Have you calibrated your monitor?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn D kecc ay iyi-yeslemden aya.,You taught me that.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn A win yufan ad kem-snemmreɣ.,I should be thanking you.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Yessefk ad timɣured.,You need to grow up.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Kemm tifed-tt deg ccbaḥa.,You're prettier than her.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Usreɣ kra n yimir iman-iw akked Tom.,I need a moment alone with Tom.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Kemm tifed-iyi deg ccbaḥa.,You're prettier than me.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Bnan yiwet n tleggit.,They constructed a bridge.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Tesɣid-iyi-d asefk?!,You bought me a gift?!,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn A win yufan ad tḥebsed aya.,You should stop that.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Ula d kemm tcebḥed aṭas.,You're really pretty too.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Twet tawwurt s uqeddami.,She kicked the door.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Cikkeɣ d kečč ay igan aya.,I think you did it.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Tanemmirt ɣef tallalt-nwen. Ssawḍeɣ ɣer yiswi-inu.,"Thanks to your help, I was successful.",ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Aya ur k-yerzi ara.,This isn't about you.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Aql-aɣ swaswa deffir-k.,We're right behind you.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Mazal-ik meẓẓiyed akken ad tzewǧed.,You are too young to marry.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Ur tettawḍem ɣer wacemma.,You're not going anywhere.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn "A Sidi Ṛebbi, ula d kečč???","Oh my God, you too???",ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Fadil la yessewway.,Fadil is cooking.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn "Ur ẓriɣ aya, ur bɣiɣ ad t-ẓreɣ.",I don't know and don't want to know.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Kemm tettekkad deg waya.,You're part of this.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Cikkeɣ teẓram maɣef.,I think you know why.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Amek armi ay teẓrid aya?,How could you know that?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Eg aya skud tzemred.,Do it while you can.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Tesnekred-d annekni-inu.,You've aroused my interest.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Kečč d aɣwali n tidet.,You're such a weirdo.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Zemreɣ ad mmteɣ fell-ak.,I would die for you.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Anda ay nezmer ad nesseɣmer?,Where can we park?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn D acu? D acu ay d-tennid?,What? What did you say?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Yessefk ad txedmemt.,You must work.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Usreɣ kra n yimir iman-iw yid-s.,I need a moment alone with her.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Aya yella yezmer ad am-yeḍru i kemm.,It could have been you.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Aya yella yezmer ad awen-yeḍru i kenwi.,It could've been you.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Kecc tzemred ad tḥebsed aya.,You could stop this.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Aql-ikem deg yizerfan-nnem.,You're within your rights.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Tɛeqled irgazen-a?,Do you recognize these men?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Teɛjeb-ik?,Are you attracted to her?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Ḥemmleɣ imeẓri ay liɣ seg yilemci-inu.,I love the view from my balcony.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Ɛejbeɣ-k?,Are you attracted to me?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Tzemred ad tged tasureft?,Can you make an exception?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Yella kra n unza ay tesɛid?,Do you have any proof?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Sami inu.,Sami is mine.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Kečč d aɛeẓẓug neɣ d amenzug?,Are you deaf or stupid?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Yella kra niḍen ay teɣsed ad t-geɣ?,Is there anything else you want me to do?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Jjmeɣ awal yid-k.,I miss talking with you.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Amek ay la tettḥulfum i yiman-nwen imir-a?,How are you feeling now?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Aseggas aya seg wasmi ay yemmut ɛemmi.,My uncle died a year ago.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Ula d kemm yerza-kem waya.,The same goes for you.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Tḥemmled ad tged addal?,Do you like to exercise?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Mazal Arnold Schwarzenegger yessawal talmanit?,Does Arnold Schwarzenegger still speak German?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Tḥemmled isura n yikkeḍ?,Do you like horror movies?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Mazal Arnold Schwarzenegger yessen talmanit?,Does Arnold Schwarzenegger still know German?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Ɛyiɣ seg wawalen-nnem inmudag.,I'm sick of your crossword puzzles.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Arnold Schwarzenegger irezzu ɣef Tutrict?,Does Arnold Schwarzenegger visit Austria?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Yella wasmi ay tessakled i yiman-nnek?,Have you ever travelled alone?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Yella wasmi ay tessakled i yiman-nnem?,Have you ever traveled alone?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Llant snat tleggiyin.,There were two bridges.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Ula d kemm d tumliḥt mliḥ.,You're pretty cute too.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Yessumer-am-d ad teffɣed yid-s?,Did he ask you out?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn La tettarud i umidul-nnem?,Are you texting your boyfriend?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn La tettarud i tmeddakelt-nnek?,Are you texting your girlfriend?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Gma yebɣa ad yerzu ɣef Liechtenstein.,My brother wants to visit Liechtenstein.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Yif-it ma teddid.,You had better get going.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Yif-it ma teddam.,You'd better get going.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Tettbdid tettbeddiled ṛṛay-nnek?,Are you having second thoughts?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Attan texsef.,She is unconscious.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn La yettnadi yiwen seg yimeddukal-nnes.,He is searching one of his friends.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Fkiɣ-ak-d tuttra.,I asked you a question.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Tgid-t akken iwata a Tom.,"You did fine, Tom.",ber_Tfng-eng_Latn "Asmi ay uḍneɣ, ur d-tusi ad d-terzu fell-i.","When I was sick, she didn't come to visit me.",ber_Tfng-eng_Latn "Asmi ay lliɣ deg wesbiṭar, ur d-tusi ad d-terzu fell-i.","When I was at hospital, she didn't come to visit me.",ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Teslam ayen ay d-nniɣ.,You heard what I said.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Anwa ay ak-d-yefkan aya?,Who gave this to you?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Anwa ay awen-d-yefkan aya?,Who gave you this?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Tikli-nnes tesserfa amsaltu-nni.,His behavior angered the policeman.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Maɣef ay la trewwled fell-i?,Why are you avoiding me?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Yuker-as-d i yiwen n unelmad amuṭu-nnes.,He stole a motorcycle from a student.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Nesɛa-t.,We've got it.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Yeggul ad d-yerr ttaṛ n umeddakel-nni-nnes ay yemmuten.,He vowed to avenge his friend's death.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Tesɛid asmaṛtfun?,Do you have a smartphone?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Ula d kečč tettmahaled din?,"Do you work there, too?",ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Yif-it ma tudfed-d.,You'd better come inside.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Ɛziz fell-asen aṭas.,They're very fond of him.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Tennid-as i yemma-m?,Have you told your mom?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Tennam-as i yemma-twen?,Have you told your mother?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Twalad tameɣra n Wuskaṛen?,Did you watch the Oscars?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Teẓramt keṛheɣ aya.,You know I hate that.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Teɣli tselmadt-nni deg tayri n umezraw-nni.,The teacher fell in love with the student.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn D acu n umeglenfafad ay tesseqdaced?,What antivirus are you using?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Tzemred ad tesqedced tasugint-nnek.,You can use your imagination.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Ad sriɣ tallalt-nnek.,I'm going to need your help.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Maɣef ay la tettgem aya?,Why are you doing that?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Maɣef ay la t-tettmestined?,Why are you protecting him?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Sɛant-t.,They have got it.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Maɣef ay la tt-tettmestined?,Why are you protecting her?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Tḥemmled Bryan Adams?,Do you like Bryan Adams?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Teqqarem ablug-a?,Do you read his blog?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Tlid timikt.,You have one minute.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Tzemred ad d-tefked ugar n yifatusen?,Can you be more specific?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Maɣef ay tḥemmled iysan?,Why do you like horses?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Sanda ara t-tawim?,Where are you taking him?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Tom yettazzal am uɣilas.,Tom is as fast as a leopard.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Sanda ara tt-tawid?,Where are you taking her?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Ad d-tafed amek.,You'll find a way.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Tzemrem ad teddum.,You're free to go.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Tzemremt ad teddumt.,You are free to go.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Tellid teẓrid ad yeḍru waya!,You knew this would happen!,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Tebɣid ad tɛerḍed?,Do you want to try?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Ur la tettkellixed i yiwen.,You're not fooling anyone.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Ur la tettkellixemt i yiwen.,You're not fooling anybody.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Acḥal ay meɣɣret twacult-nnem?,How large is your family?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Tessrud weltma-m!,You made your sister cry!,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn D acu ay tellam tettgem ddukkli?,What were you doing together?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Sseqdaceɣ Internet i tnezzut.,I use the internet to do business.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn D anbac kan ay lliɣ nebbceɣ-kem.,I was just teasing you.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Win yemmuten ur yessawal.,Dead men tell no tales.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Ad k-ssiwḍeɣ s axxam?,Shall I drive you home?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Awey-iyi sanda niḍen.,Take me away.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn "Tzemremt ad d-temmuqqlemt ɣer da, ma ulac aɣilif?",Can you look here please?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Ad ak-d-iniɣ kan tidet. Ḥulfaɣ i yiman-inu qqimeɣ d awḥid.,"To tell the truth, I felt lonely.",ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Tumast n tlelli nettat d tusnakt.,The essence of liberty is mathematics.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn D tidet ad tezwej ayyur ay d-itteddun.,It is true that she'll get married next month.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Nettwali s tiṭṭawin-nneɣ.,We see with our eyes.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Tettarrad aya yettban-d d afessas.,You make it look easy.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Amcic-inu yemmectcaw ed wemcic niḍen.,My cat had a fight with another cat.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Tḥemmled arraw-nnek?,Do you love your children?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Wihin d amawal-inu.,That is my dictionary.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Tom ur yelli yettṛaju yiwen.,Tom wasn't expecting anybody.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Ikerrec-iyi uydi ass n letniyen tanezzayt.,Monday morning I was bitten by a dog.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Argaz amasnag yezmer ad d-yekkes ureɣ ula seg warseḍ.,A wise man can derive gold even from pus.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn "Ma tɣawleḍ, ad d-tqeḍɛeḍ asakac-nni.","Hurry up, and you will be in time for the bus.",ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Amek ay tella tga Amy?,How did Amy look?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Ɛemmi inehheṛ Ford.,My uncle drives a Ford.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Yettxemmim aṭas ɣef baba-s.,He thinks a lot about his father.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Tlid igerdan?,Do you have any kids?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Yessawal aṭas ɣef baba-s.,He talks a lot about his father.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Tlamt igerdan?,Do you have any children?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Wissen ayɣer ay yessawal aṭas ɣef baba-s.,I wonder why he talks a lot about his father.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Feṛḥen akk yes-m.,Everyone is proud of you.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Anwa ay Tom-a ayɣef tezgam tessawalem?,Who is this Tom you always talk about?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Teẓrid aql-iyi ccḍeɣ.,You know I'm wrong.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Tleqqḍed tammiwin-nnem?,Do you pluck your eyebrows?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Ababat-nni ur t-yuɣ wara.,The father is in good health.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn "Teɛyiḍ, naɣ?","You are tired, aren't you?",ber_Tfng-eng_Latn "Teɛyam, naɣ?","You're tired, aren't you?",ber_Tfng-eng_Latn D acu akka ay yeḍran iḍ yezrin?,What happened last night?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Adlis-a ur fessus am wihin.,This book isn't as easy as that one.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Imir-a kan ad d-qqleɣ ɣer-k.,I'll be with you in a few minutes.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Cikkeɣ la d-trennumt seg ddemma-nwent.,I think you're exaggerating.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Kečč seg yimal?,Are you from the future?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Aru isem-nnek ed tansa-nnek ɣef tjellabt-a.,Write your name and address on this envelope.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Ẓriɣ tḥemmlemt-t.,I know you love him.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn La ttṣeggimeɣ ṛṛadyu-nni ay d-ufiɣ mi lliɣ ttedduɣ-d s axxam.,I'm fixing the radio which I found on my way home.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Ixuṣṣ Fadil.,Fadil is missing.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Iḍelli d asidyas.,Yesterday was Saturday.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Maɣef ay tellid d imedreg akk akka?,Why are you so mysterious?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Ad teḥwijed tallalt.,You will need some help.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Ad ẓreɣ Tom din.,I'll see Tom around.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Yessefk ad tecced.,You must eat.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Zwaren akk wiyaḍ-nni.,They went ahead of all the others.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Netta swaswa am kemm.,He's just like you.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Nettat swaswa am kemm.,She's just like you.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Tanemmirt seg wul.,Thank you kindly.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Tettzellid am teqcict.,You throw like a girl.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Tḥeṛced ugar n waya.,You're smarter than that.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Tḥeṛcem ugar n waya.,You are smarter than that.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn D yemma ay d-ireẓẓmen tawwurt.,Mum opens the door.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Tettamnem s yineglusen?,Do you believe in angels?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn D kečč ay iyi-d-yegren deg waya!,You dragged me into this!,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Nekk maci d aferḍas.,I'm not bald.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Ḥemmleɣ kullec deg-k.,I love everything about you.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn "Ama tella tmeddurt d taseɛdit neɣ d tameḥzunt, d nettat ay d agerruj awḥid ay ila umdan.","Happy or unhappy, life is the only treasure which man possesses.",ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Aql-iyi umareɣ yernu d aserhu imi ay tt-mlaleɣ udem s udem.,I am so happy and honored to finally meet her in person.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Ɣabeɣ deg uɣerbaz imi ay uḍneɣ.,I was absent from school because of illness.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Tgid-t akken igerrez.,You did very well.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Tamudrut-inu d tamfimant ugar n tin-nnek.,My apartment is more comfortable than yours.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Beddeɣ-as i weltma ay yellan d tamuḍint.,I took care of my sick sister.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Werjin ddiɣ ɣer Osaka akken ad ẓreɣ ameddakel-inu yuḍnen.,I've been to Osaka to ask after my sick friend.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn La ssawalen fell-ak.,They're talking about you.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Tzemred ad twalid inẓiden-nni?,Can you see the squirrels?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Atan ɣer lbiru-nnes.,He is at his desk.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Llan la ttnadin ɣef wuguren.,They were looking for trouble.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Lliɣ d ameɣbun mi ur tellid ara.,I was miserable without you.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Wa d aseklu unnig aṭas.,This is a very tall tree.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Ur tellim d acemma ɣer-i.,You're nothing to me.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Ulac aɣilif ma rniɣ-d ɣer-wen?,Mind if I join you?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Ulac aɣilif ma rniɣ-d ɣer-went?,You mind if I join you?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Yeqqim ɣer lbiru-nnes yerna yebda yessewjad iman-nnes i ukayad-nni.,He sat at his desk and began to prepare for the exam.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Ulac aɣilif ma tessawḍem-iyi?,Could you drop me off?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Tesɛid aɣawas niḍen?,Have you got another plan?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Tesɛam aɣawas niḍen?,Do you have another plan?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Dima tettabdaded ɣer yidis-nnes!,You always pick his side!,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Ur uḍineɣ ara aɣilif.,I wasn't careful.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Dima tettabdaded ɣer yidis-nnes nettat.,You always pick her side.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn D tidet tennam-d aya?,Did you really say that?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn "Aseggas-a, ur iyi-d-iṣaḥ ara wakud akken ad awiɣ imur-as.",This year I didn't have time to go on holidays.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn D tidet tgam aya?,Did you really do that?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Nekk maci seg tserkemt talemmast.,I'm not middle class.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn "Aw, ur teẓrid ara?","Ooh, you don't know?",ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Ur sqedceɣ ara tiḥilet.,I wasn't dishonest.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Ad iyi-ineɣ Tom lemmer ad iẓer nniɣ-ak-d aya.,"If Tom finds out I told you this, he'll kill me.",ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Mazal-iken meẓẓiyit akken ad tzewǧem.,You're too young to marry.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Maɣef ay tezgam da?,Why are you always here?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Tebɣid tamurrigt?,Do you want a soda?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Llan la ttqehqihen d taḍsa.,They were cracking up.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Tennam i yimawlan-nwen?,Have you told your parents?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Tennulem ider?,Did you touch the bottom?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Tɛerḍem aya uqbel?,Have you tried that before?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Tɛerḍemt aya uqbel?,Have you tried this before?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Melmi ay d tikkelt taneggarut aydeg d-tɛeddaḍ deg tliẓri?,When was the last time you were on TV?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn "Tikkal, tettilid d tagrudant mliḥ.",You are so childish sometimes.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Iyyamt ad neddu ɣer umahil.,Let's go at our work.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn "Iban kan teɛyid, maca ṛju arma d tis 3:00.","You must be tired, but hang on 'til 3.",ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Yessefk ad teddud ɣer sdat.,You need to move on.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn "Deg tidet, fessus ad yelmed umdan.","Actually, it's very easy to learn.",ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Llant tɛeqqacin-nnek ɣer-k?,Do you have your pills?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Tetteffɣem ddukkli?,Are you going out together?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Yella kra ay k-iceɣben?,Is there something troubling you?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Yessefk ad tɣiwlemt.,You must hurry up.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Ssarameɣ Tom ad yili yumer.,I hope Tom is happy.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Ad ẓreɣ ma yella Tom da.,I'll see if Tom's here.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Maɣef ay la tessewlafem?,Why are you taking pictures?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Feṛḥeɣ imi ay yella Tom deg wexxam.,I'm glad Tom is home.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Yella kra niḍen ayɣef tecfid?,Do you remember anything else?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Llant tcemmaɛin akkmani.,Candles were everywhere.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Ur tezmired ara ad telsed aya.,You can't wear that.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Ad k-ssenzeɣ!,I'll tell on you!,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Tellid teẓrid aya seg tazwara.,You knew it all along.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Ur ddiɣ ara s nneyya zeddigen.,I wasn't honest.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Ad teččed cwiṭ n waḍil?,Do you want some grapes?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn "A win yufan, ur tzewwǧed ara.",You shouldn't get married.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Ur ḥemmleɣ ara ad dduɣ ɣer usegnaf.,I don't want to go to the hospital.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn "Ur ttaggad, aql-ik telhid.","Relax, you're doing fine.",ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Wten-k mliḥ.,You got hit hard.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Ɣas ḥseb iman-nnek temmuted.,You're a dead man.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Yessefk ad tesled.,You must listen.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Ad nemmẓer azekka tanezzayt.,See you in the morning.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn La d-tettbaned ur k-yuɣ wara.,You look healthy.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Yeḍsa fell-awen?,Did he laugh at you?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Ur yettfaka ara waya.,This is going to take forever.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn """Yella win ay kem-yeẓran?"" ""Uhu.""","""Did anyone see you?"" ""No.""",ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Yella kra n wufuren ay tesɛid?,Do you have any secrets?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Ttmahaleɣ kan deg uxxam-nnem.,I'm working in your house only.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Anwa ara yilin yezreɛ isali-a?,Who could have spread that news?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Tesṛuḥed tanfult-nnek?,Have you lost your ticket?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Amsegdal-inu ɣer-m ay yella.,You've got my helmet.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Kemm d tageldunt n tidet?,Are you really a princess?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Dɣa d tidet tumned aya?,Do you honestly believe that?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Naɣ tesɛid amawal? Ulac aɣilif ma sqedceɣ-t?,"You have a dictionary, don't you? Can I use it?",ber_Tfng-eng_Latn La d-tteqqalent.,They're coming back.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn "Tikkal, tettxemmimem aṭas.","Sometimes, you think too much.",ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Fadil yella yedder da.,Fadil lived here.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Maɣef ay teddred i yiman-nnek?,Why do you live alone?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn """Ihi acu ay tɣetsed?"" ""Ulac aɣilif ma rriɣ-ak-d s lexbar azekka?""","""What's your decision?"" ""Can I sleep on it?""",ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Tessnem kan ad tezhum deg tmeɣriwin.,All you do is party.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn D acu yellan? Zemreɣ ad k-ɛawneɣ?,What's the trouble? Can I be of any help?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Ulac aɣilif ma mliɣ-ak-d kra?,May I show you something?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Teqreḥ-iyi taɣect-inu yerna sɛiɣ tawla. Tzemred ad iyi-d-tefked kra n usafar yettdawin aḍu?,"My throat hurts, and I have a fever. Can I have some cold medicine?",ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Teqreḥ-iyi tɛebbuḍt-inu. Tzemred ad iyi-d-tefked kra n usafar n tɛebbuḍt?,My stomach hurts. Can I have some stomach medicine?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Ffudeɣ. Tzemred ad iyi-d-tefked lkas n waman?,I'm thirsty. Can I have a glass of water?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Teɛjeb-iyi aṭas tsafa-a. Zemreɣ ad tt-qiseɣ?,I really like this skirt. Can I try it on?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Anwa ara iḥebsen aya?,Who can prevent it?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Ḥwajeɣ akeryun. Zemreɣ ad sqedceɣ yiwen seg widak-nnek?,I need a pencil. Can I use one of yours?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Zegleɣ asafag-inu. Zemreɣ ad rekbeɣ deg usafag ay d-yetteddun?,I missed my flight. Can I get on the next flight?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn "Deg tazwara, lliɣ keṛheɣ-kem.",I hated you at first.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn "Ttxil-k, ejj-iyi ad ɛeddiɣ.",Excuse me. Can I get by here?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Zemreɣ ad t-aruɣ akka?,Can I write it that way?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Zemreɣ ad tt-aruɣ akka?,Can I write it like that?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Zemreɣ ad dduɣ ɣer din ɣef uḍar?,Can I walk there?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Zemreɣ ad d-aseɣ ɣer da ɣef uḍar?,Can I walk down here?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Zemreɣ ad sqedceɣ tamacint-nnek n tira?,Can I use your typewriter?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn A win yufan ad talled imeddukal-nnek.,You should help your friends.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Tebɣid tikukiyin akked watay-nni?,Would you like cookies with your tea?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Tuwḍed-d zik.,You are early.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Ur zmireɣ ara akk ad geɣ aya.,I really can't do that.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn is tufid ad tebbid tayaẓiḍt?,Can you carve the chicken?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Ɣileɣ teɛjeb-ik.,I thought you liked her.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn D awezɣi ad tegzud.,You couldn't possibly understand.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Aql-ik da akked kra niḍen?,Are you here with anyone?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Tgerrzem a imeddukal?,Are you guys all right?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn "Tzemred ad iyi-d-tefked aḍebsi-nnek, ma ulac aɣilif?",Will you please pass me your plate?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Amek ay tettwaḍḍfemt?,How did you get caught?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Ulac aɣilif ma tḥebsed aya imir-a!,Will you stop it already!,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Tellam tettrum?,Were you crying?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn La k-yetteggez urgaz-a?,Is this man threatening you?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Aql-ikem tsekṛed mliḥ.,You got very drunk.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Yella la kem-yetteggez urgaz-a?,Was this man threatening you?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Tettamned s yifɣakalen?,Do you believe in aliens?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Werǧin ḥbisen.,They never gave up.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Ǧǧan-ak-d aya.,Someone left this for you.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Ulac aɣilif ma kecmeɣ ɣer webduz-nwen?,"Can I use your toilet, please?",ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Ur tezmiremt ara ad ten-tesɛumt deg sin.,You can't have both.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Zemreɣ ad sqedceɣ asawal-nnek?,Can I use your phone?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Zemreɣ ad sqedceɣ asawal-nnem?,Can I use your telephone?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Ulac aɣilif ma sqedceɣ imru-nnek?,Can I use your pen?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn """Ulac aɣilif ma sqedceɣ amawal-nnek?"" ""Ih, atan.""","""Can I use your dictionary?"" ""Yes, here you are.""",ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Ulac aɣilif ma sqedceɣ amawal-nnek tasdidt kan?,Can I use your dictionary for a minute?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Tessned argaz-nni?,Do you know that guy?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Yusa-d Yidir ɣer wexxam-nneɣ war ma yettwaɛreḍ-d.,Tom came to our house uninvited.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Ad teswed akapuččinu?,Would you like a cappuccino?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn """Zemreɣ ad sqedceɣ takeṛṛust-nnem? ""D ayen ibanen.""","""Can I use your car?"" ""Sure. Go ahead.""",ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Dania tettwaseḥḥer.,Dania was hooked.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Zemreɣ ad sqedceɣ amawal-a?,Can I use this dictionary?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn """Riɣ-kem,"" ay d-yesbucbec.","""I love you,"" he whispered.",ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Zemreɣ ad sqedceɣ amawal-a-nnek?,Can I use this dictionary of yours?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Tḥemmled abakun akanadi?,Do you like Canadian bacon?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Zemreɣ ad sqedceɣ tasnasɣalt-a?,Can I use this bike?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Tessekref-it tugdi.,He was paralyzed with terror.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Zemreɣ ad sqedceɣ acak n ussikel akken ad xellṣeɣ tabzart-nni?,Can I use my travelers' checks to pay the fee?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Zemreɣ ad sqedceɣ aselkim-inu deg temcuceft?,Can I use my laptop in the bath?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Zemreɣ ad sqedceɣ takarḍa-inu n wesmad?,Can I use my credit card?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn "Tzemred ad teddud yid-i, ma ulac aɣilif?",Will you please come with me?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn D kemm ay d tameddakelt-inu tuqribt akk.,You are my closest friend.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Kerfen yiḍarren-nnes deg sin.,She is paralyzed in both legs.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Kemm d taqcict kan.,You're just a girl.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Gan adiwenni d aɣezfan.,They had a long conversation.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Ur k-ttcewwileɣ ara ma keyyfeɣ?,Will it bother you if I smoke?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Tileggit-nni d tunnigt.,The bridge is high.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Zemreɣ ad t-sqedceɣ?,Can I use it?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Zemreɣ ad sqedceɣ takarḍa n wesmad akken ad xellṣeɣ?,Can I use a credit card for payment?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Zemreɣ ad qisseɣ wa?,Can I try this on?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Tellid tesmayaded fell-aɣ?,Were you spying on us?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Zemreɣ ad qisseɣ tayuga-a n yerkasen?,Can I try on this pair of shoes?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Ɛni la tettṛajud inebgiwen?,Are you expecting any visitors?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Maɣef ay la tettnadid amennuɣ yid-i?,Why are you picking a fight with me?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Kemm d tasegbart igerrzen.,You're a good actress.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Zemreɣ ad ɛerḍeɣ aya?,Can I try it?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Zemreɣ ad t-nnaleɣ?,Can I touch it?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Tḥemmled iselmaden-nnek?,Do you like your teachers?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Ur tesɛid ara afran niḍen.,You have no other choice.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Ulac aɣilif ma xemmemeɣ fell-as?,Can I think about it?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Llant tteddunt ad ssullint.,They were getting married.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Ssuqqel-d aḥric-nni ay yettwaderreren.,Translate the underlined part.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Zemreɣ ad ssiwleɣ yid-k tasdidt?,Can I talk to you for a second?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Taddart teḥwaj tallalt-nnem.,The village needs your help.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Nezmer ad nessiwel nekk yid-k tasdidt?,Can I talk to you alone for a second?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Ḥader iman-nnem deg ubrid-nnem ɣer uxxam.,Be careful on your way back home.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Tlid tawla.,You've got a fever.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Ad d-tasem neɣ uhu?,Are you coming or what?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Hey! Imir-a kan ay terẓa tacirt-nnek tazewwut-inu!,Hey! Your ball just broke my window!,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Fadil yella yeffud tayri.,Fadil craved love.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Tḥemmlem aẓawan aselti?,Do you like Celtic music?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Tḥemmled aẓawan aṭalyani?,Do you like Italian music?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Tettaggaded imčeɣlalen?,Are you afraid of bats?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Tiririt tezmer ad k-tessewhem.,The answer may surprise you.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn D kečč ay d amsaɣ-inu amaway.,You're my best customer.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Keṛheɣ-k aṭas.,I hate you so much.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Friɣ irẓan.,I paid for the damage.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Tesfeqded leḥsabat-nnek?,Have you checked your calculations?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Yettwassaẓer Sami ɣer tkurmut s teɣzef n tmeddurt s ulfus n tlelli tawtilant mi ara yesɛu sḍiset n tmerwin ed sḍis n yiseggasen deg leɛmeṛ-nnes.,Sami was sentenced to life in prison with a possibility of parole when he's sixty-six.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Tḥemmled askaf n texsayt?,Do you like squash soup?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Tɛeẓged neɣ?,Are you deaf or something?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Tɛeẓgem neɣ?,Are you deaf or what?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Zdiɣ akid-s.,I am attached to her.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Tmecḍed acebbub-nnek?,Did you comb your hair?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn La k-txeddeɛ!,She's cheating on you!,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn La kem-ixeddeɛ!,He's cheating on you!,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Ur yesɛi ara taẓdart akken ad yessefrek tagrawt-nni.,He doesn't have the ability to lead that group.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Iban ad dduɣ ɣer temḍelt-nnem.,I will definitely go to your funeral.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Mazal lḥal aṭas.,It is so early.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Yeɛjeb-ik uɛumu ay tɛumed?,Did you enjoy your swim?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Sel i waya!,Listen to this!,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Kemm d tasɣanant?,Are you a religious person?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Yessefrawes-iyi usemmiḍ-a.,This cold weather gives me goosebumps.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Keṛheɣ medden ay igan am kemm.,I hate people like you.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Tzemred ad d-tged cclaḍa-nni?,Could you make the salad?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Ur k-ssuduneɣ ara ma ur tebɣid ara.,I'm not going to kiss you if you don't want me to.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Iban tɛejbed-tt.,She must really like you.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Yella wasmi ay tettwassudned?,Have you ever been kissed?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Tagelda-a teḥwaj agellid amaynu.,This kingdom needs a new king.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Yiwet kan n tmeddurt ara teddred.,You only get one life.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Terrid aya yettban-d d afessas.,You made it look easy.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn D acu n umtiweg aydeg teddred?,What planet do you live on?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Tecbeḥ teḍsa-nnek.,You have a nice laugh.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Sɛiɣ-t.,I have got it.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Nezmer ad nessiwel ɣef memmi-k?,Can I talk to you about your son?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Ɛasset iman-nwen!,You better watch your back!,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Ala Naoko ay ittessen taɣlust.,Only Naoko drinks coffee.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Medden akk llan ḥemmlen Fadil.,Everybody loved Fadil.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Ad as-tessenzed axxam-nnem?,Will you sell your house to her?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Yessefk ad teddud ɣer yimsujji-nnem n tuɣmas.,You must see your dentist.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn D acu ay la tetturared?,What are you playing at?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Yessefk ad tserrḥed.,You need to let go.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Zemreɣ ad ssiwleɣ ed yiwen ay yessnen tajapunit?,Can I talk to someone who speaks Japanese?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Zemreɣ ad ɛawdeɣ ad ssiwleɣ ed Ryoko uqbel ma tgezmed?,Can I talk to Ryoko again before you hang up?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Yesserfay-ik waya?,Does that make you angry?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Ad yeg Yuc akk ayen tessaramem ad yeffeɣ ɣer tidet!,May all of your wishes come true!,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Tanglizit-nnek d tanablalt.,Your English is perfect.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Ad as-teɣrem i tmeṭṭut n baba-twen.,You're going to call your stepmother.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Dɣa d tidet tuysed akk anect-a?,Are you really that desperate?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Tom ur yeẓri akk ara seg wansi ara yebdu.,Tom has no idea where to start.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Tgid aya neɣ uhu?,"You did, didn't you?",ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Ula d kečč tellid tgerrzed.,"You were really good, too.",ber_Tfng-eng_Latn La d-yettban yeɛya.,He seems tired.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Tewwḍed ɣer tɣerwaḍt-nnem.,You have reached your destination.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Amidi-nneɣ amaway d imsujji.,Our best friend is a doctor.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Zemreɣ ad ssiwleɣ ed yemsujji-inu?,Can I talk to my doctor?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn A win yufan ad t-tɛerḍed.,You should try it on.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Ulac aɣilif ma terrid-d ddehn-nnek?,Would you please pay attention?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Tturaren aṭas ddukkli.,They play together a lot.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn "D acu ay tettwalim deg waya, a tiqcicin?","What do you think, girls?",ber_Tfng-eng_Latn D acu ara tinim a imeddukal?,"What do you think, guys?",ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Igerdan tteddun s aɣerbaz akken ad d-lemden tiɣawsiwin.,Children go to school to learn things.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Tesɛid sḍis n yiznan ur yettweɣran ara.,You have six unread messages.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Ɣas ɣer-d i yemsujji.,You'd better send for a doctor.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Tanezzut yid-wen d taḍfi.,Pleasure doing business with you.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn A win yufan ad tesgunfum ugar.,You should get more rest.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Zemreɣ ad ak-d-ḍḍfeɣ tugna?,Can I take your photograph?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Werǧin ad kem-xedɛeɣ.,I'll never betray you.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Yerwi Sami tameddurt-is.,Sami ruined his own life.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn La tessawaled i yiman-nnek?,Are you talking to yourself?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Neẓra d acu ay tgam.,We know what you did.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Zemreɣ ad awyeɣ assuter-nnek imir-a?,Can I take your order now?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Maɣef ay tbeddem din?,Why are you standing there?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Ad ternud aṭas?,Will you be much longer?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Zemreɣ ad awyeɣ wa yid-i?,Can I take this with me?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn """Zemreɣ ad d-ḍḍfeɣ tugniwin da?"" ""Deg beṛṛa kan.""","""Can I take photographs here?"" ""Only outside.""",ber_Tfng-eng_Latn "Ula ma fehmeɣ ayen ay d-tennid, ur zmireɣ ara ad qebleɣ assumer-nnem.","While I see what you say, I can't accept your offer.",ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Aṭas n medden ay iyi-ijerḥen.,I was hurt by many people.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Zemreɣ ad ssuffɣeɣ idlisen?,Can I take books out?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Yif-it ma tejjid-t.,You'd better leave it.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Zemreɣ ad d-ḍḍfeɣ tugna da?,Can I take a picture here?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn La tettwalim targa n tliẓri n Tatoeba.,You're watching Tatoeba TV.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn D imuras ay d-tusid ad ten-tekked da?,Are you here on holiday?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Yella kra n lewṣaya ara d-tejjed?,Can I take a message?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Ur kem-wufqeɣ ara.,I don't agree with you.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn "Zemreɣ ad d-beddleɣ lviza n tmerrit, ad tt-rreɣ d lviza n yiweẓla?",Can I switch over from a sightseeing visa to a business one?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Zemreɣ ad ɣreɣ da?,Can I study here?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Ad tilid d tilellit azekka deg yiḍ?,Are you free tomorrow night?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn "Imir-a, ttwaliɣ nezmer ad nḍebber iɣfawen-nneɣ.",I think we can go on our way now.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Ad awen-d-ɣreɣ deg yiḍ-a.,I'll call you tonight.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn D takesna n tidet!,What a tragedy!,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn """Anda yella baba-k?"" ""Ur sɛiɣ ara baba.""","""Where is your father?"" ""I don't have one.""",ber_Tfng-eng_Latn "Ulac aɣilif ma tḥebsed, ur iyi-tnebbced ara?",Will you stop teasing me?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Zemreɣ ad ḥebseɣ deg Chicago?,Can I stop over in Chicago?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Tetqellqem imir-a?,Are you bored right now?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn "Tsekṛed, ɛni?",Are you drunk or something?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Yella kra n usafar ay tettessed?,Are you on some sort of medication?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Tessawaled tanglizit am yemsiwel aneṣli.,You speak English like a native.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Amek ay aɣ-d-ufan?,How did they find us?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Ur ak-yetteg acemma n diri.,He won't hurt you.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Ur awen-tetteg acemma n diri.,She won't hurt you.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Tzemred ad tessudned afus-inu.,You may kiss my hand.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Ɣas ini-d tidet.,You better tell the truth.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Maɣef ay teḥmid akk anect-a?,Why are you so hot?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Tesɛid axxam d ahuskay.,Nice place you have here.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Ad izeyyen Ṛebbi sseɛd-nnek.,May fortune smile on you.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn D kečč ay yellan d ameddakel-nnes awḥid.,You were his only friend.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Assefhem-nwent yusa-iyi-d d amadwan aṭas.,Your explanation is too abstract for me.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Tḥeqqeɣ ad d-yawey akayad-a.,I am sure of his passing the exam.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Ad ak-d-mleɣ amek.,I'll show you how.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Ur tesɛid ara akk ugur.,Nothing is wrong with you.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn "Tidet kan, ur k-riɣ ara.","Frankly speaking, I don't like you.",ber_Tfng-eng_Latn "Yal tikkelt, ad d-tinid akka.",You say that every time.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Cikkeɣ yessefk ad d-tasem.,I think you should come.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Anwa idis ara taɣed?,Which side are you on?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Amek ara lemdeɣ taṣluvakit?,How can I learn Slovak language?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Yessefk ad tḥedqem ugar.,You must be more polite.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Tessudned-t neɣ werɛad?,Have you kissed him yet?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn """D acu ay la tettged?"" ""Acemma.""","""What are you doing?"" ""Nothing.""",ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Sɛan akud arma d tis mraw snat n yiḍ.,You have until midnight.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Tellid tlid lḥeqq deg kullec.,You were right about everything.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Feṛṛḥeɣ mi ara waliɣ takbabt-nneɣ tazegzawt tettferfir deg waḍu.,I am happy to see our green flag flying in the wind.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn D netta ay d amli asaḍaf n teṛmist.,He is the lawful owner of the company.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Iga aṭas i teṛmist-nnes.,He has done much for his company.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Tqellqen akk fell-ak.,Everybody's concerned about you.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Aseggas yezrin ay bdiɣ xeddmeɣ deg teṛmist-a.,I started working for this company last year.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Tḥemmled ungalen imezruyanen?,Do you like historical novels?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn "Deg yinaw-nnes, yessemɛen-d ɣef ljehd n teṛmist.","In the speech, he referred to the strength of the company.",ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Tzemred ad taẓed cwiṭ?,Could you move over a little?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn D acu akka ay d-tqesded?,What in the world are you getting at?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Mayuko tettḥakaṛ dima tablalt.,Mayuko always aims for perfection.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn I teqqimem ad teččem imensi?,Can you stay for dinner?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn D ccfawat-nnes yelhan ay yesseqdac d leslaḥ.,A good memory is his weapon.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn "Tikkal, d ṣṣber ay d leslaḥ ay yelhan akk.",Patience is sometimes the most effective weapon.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Werǧin d-tecliged seg-i!,You never cared about me!,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn "Ur yesɛi tameṭṭut, wala igerdan, wala imeddukal.","He has no wife, no children and no friends.",ber_Tfng-eng_Latn "Imir-a, tzemred ad tezzid.",You can turn around now.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Ttesseɣ tabyirt.,I drink beer.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Ulac aɣilif ma tesneqsed-as imesli?,Can you turn that down?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Sḥissifeɣ imi amulli-inu yettas-d kan tikkelt i useggas.,"Unfortunately, my birthday is only once a year.",ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Sḥissifeɣ imi ay d-yuweḍ lawan ad dduɣ.,I'm afraid I must say goodbye.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Ttwaliɣ d lexṣara lemmer ad tesṛuḥed tagnit am ta.,I think it a pity for you to lose such a chance.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Ulac aɣilif ma swiɣ iɣisem?,Is it OK if I drink alcohol?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Nesḥissif imi anect-a d tidet.,It is unfortunately true.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Sḥissifeɣ imi anect-a d tidet.,"Unfortunately, it's true.",ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Sḥissifeɣ imi ur seɛɛuɣ aṭas n wakud ilelli.,Unfortunately I will not have much free time.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Sḥissifeɣ imi ay aɣ-ifuk.,We're out of stock.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Sḥissifeɣ imi ay tuḍen.,It's too bad she's ill.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn "S wawal niḍen, netta d ameɛdaz.","In other words, he is lazy.",ber_Tfng-eng_Latn "S wawal niḍen, netta d afenyan.","In other words, he's lazy.",ber_Tfng-eng_Latn "S wawal niḍen, ur ḥemmleɣ ad xedmeɣ yid-s.","In other words, I don't like to work with him.",ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Nennuɣ nekk ed yedrimen; s wawal niḍen: nekk d igellil.,"Money and I are strangers; in other words, I am poor.",ber_Tfng-eng_Latn "S wawal niḍen, nettat d tamenzugt.","In other words, she's dumb.",ber_Tfng-eng_Latn "S wawal niḍen, teqqel d tameṭṭut yelhan.","In other words, she became a good wife.",ber_Tfng-eng_Latn "S wawal niḍen, tugi assumer-nni.","In other words, she wants to refuse the proposal.",ber_Tfng-eng_Latn """Ɣef leḥsab-a, aya ijebbed-d lwelha"", ay d-yenna Hiroshi.","""This looks pretty interesting,"" Hiroshi says.",ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Tettbaned-d d azulal.,You look stupid.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Ad as-tinid yessen kullec.,It seems that he knows everything.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Aya yettban-iyi-d d imseknu.,It seems interesting to me.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Mass Brooke yettban-iyi-d zeddiget nneyya-nnes.,It seems that Mr Brooke is an honest man.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Izudaɣ ttbanen-d d imecṭaṭṭaḥ.,The buildings look so tiny.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Ad ak-d-geɣ imekli n tnezzayt.,I'll make you breakfast.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Ad am-d-geɣ imekli n tnezzayt.,I'll make breakfast for you.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn "Seg-a ɣer da, ntteddu ad negmer iselman.",We go fishing once in a while.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Yella seg-a ɣer ad yemmuqqul tamrint-nnes.,He glanced at his wristwatch now and then.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Tenneknad ɣer tesnitrit?,Are you interested in astrology?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn "Simal la yettibrik yigenni, yerna simal la yettzad waḍu.","The sky grew darker and darker, and the wind blew harder and harder.",ber_Tfng-eng_Latn "Aṭas n wawalen ttwanṭaqen-d akken ay d-ttwarun, ma d kra niḍen, uhu.","Many words are pronounced according to the spelling, but some are not.",ber_Tfng-eng_Latn "Anect ay iɛuss wemdan iman-nnes akken ur itteg tuccḍiwin n tira, yelha.",You cannot be too careful about spelling.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Assekcem n tewsi-a tamaynut d ayen ay izemren ad iḥaz tadamsa n tmurt s lekmal-nnes.,The introduction of the new tax is expected to affect the entire economy.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Simal la ttiwzilen wussan.,The days are gradually shortening.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn "Aḍu-nni yebda yettrusu cwiṭ, cwiṭ.",The wind gradually died down.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn "La tettejjey cwiṭ, cwiṭ.",She is getting better by degrees.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn "Cwiṭ, cwiṭ, yebda yettḥemmil-itt.",He came to like her.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Amur ameqran deg medden ttarun-d ɣef tmeddurt-nsen n yal ass.,Most people write about their daily life.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Ḥku-iyi-d ɣef tmeddurt-nnek n yal ass.,Tell me about your daily life.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Ta d yiwen seg tɣawsiwin ayɣef nemsefham deg tmeddurt-nneɣ n yal ass.,That's one of the conventions of our daily life.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn "Deg tmeddurt-nneɣ n yal ass, neḥwaj aman izedganen.",Pure water is necessary to our daily life.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Tzemred ad iyi-d-tesled imir-a?,Can you hear me now?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Bɣiɣ ad ssneɣ tameddurt n yal ass n Yimarikaniyen.,I want to learn about American daily life.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Yezdeɣ deg Meṛṛuk.,He lives in Morocco.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Ẓriɣ daɣen Lislam dima yella-d d aḥric seg umezruy n Yiwunak Yeddukklen. Yagi tamurt tamezwarut akk ay yesteɛṛfen s tmurt-inu d Meṛṛuk.,"I know, too, that Islam has always been a part of America's story. The first nation to recognize my country was Morocco.",ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Imsujji yesɛa cciɛa meɣɣren deg tmetti aydeg yedder.,The status of a doctor is very high in this community.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Takeṛṛust ɣlayen d azamul n wazal ay yesɛa bab-nnes deg tmetti.,An expensive car is a status symbol.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Idrimen steṛḥiben yes-sen deg yal amkan.,Money is welcome everywhere.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Taɣawsa am ta ur tezmired ad tt-tafed anda ma teddid.,Such a thing cannot be found everywhere.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Taɣawsa am ta ur tezmireḍ ad tt-tafeḍ anda ma teddiḍ.,Such a thing can't be found everywhere.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn "Ma ifat yeffeɣ wawal, ad yezreɛ deg yal amkan.","A word, once out, flies everywhere.",ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Akk imukan cebḥen deg tefsut.,Everywhere looks beautiful in the spring.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Skerkseɣ akken ad kent-ṣṣreɣ.,I lied to protect you.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Tanglizit tettwasselmad deg qrib yal amkan deg umaḍal.,English is taught almost all over the world today.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn D tamsiwt Green ay iyi-yeslemden tanglizit.,Miss Green taught me English.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Copernicus yella yesselmad-d tagnit tettezzi ɣef tafukt.,Copernicus taught that the earth moves around the sun.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Anwa ay ak-yeslemden ccḍeḥ?,Who taught you how to dance?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Tamsiwt Red tesselmed-iyi tajapunit.,Miss Red taught me Japanese.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Imir-a sselmaden tajapunit deg uɣerbaz-nnek?,Is Japanese taught in your school now?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Kkunnren yilefḍan ddaw waccaren-nnem.,Dirt has built up under your fingernails.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Azmumeg yezmer ad kent-yessumar ugar.,Smiling can make you happier.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn "Uhu, ur teslibed ara.","No, you are not crazy.",ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Yella wasmi ay teslid s yiwen isem-nnes Tom Jackson?,Have you ever heard of Tom Jackson?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Tom yenna-iyi-d dakken a win yufan ad dduɣ ɣer din i yiman-inu.,Tom told me that I should go there by myself.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Tzemred ad tbedded ɣef yifassen-nnek?,Can you do a handstand?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Temsusam ddeɛwa deg uxxam-nni.,The house went quiet.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Tḥemmlem ayawurt igersen?,Do you like frozen yogurt?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Tzemred ad tennaled tifednin-nnek?,Can you touch your toes?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Maɣef ay tt-tessudned?,Why did you kiss her?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Maɣef ay yettwaxeyybem akk anect-a?,Why are you so disappointed?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Melmi ay d tikkelt taneggarut aydeg tenniḍ i tmeṭṭut-nnek 'Ḥemmleɣ-kem'?,When was the last time you told your wife 'I love you'?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Kemm d taqcict taɣwalit.,You're a peculiar girl.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Ur icukk ara Sami dakken Layla tuksan ayen-nni.,Sami didn't think that Layla deserved that.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Ẓriɣ d kemm.,I know it was you.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Tessuduned am uslem.,You kiss like a fish.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Yella yessefk ad d-tinid ih.,You should have said yes.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Tili ad d-tinid ih.,You should've said yes.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Tessawaled am tmeṭṭut-inu.,You sound like my wife.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Tɛawzed kra yekka yiḍ?,Were you up all night?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Anwa niḍen ay tettred?,Who else have you asked?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Fadil ira-tt.,Fadil loves her.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Ttesseɣ taɣlust deffir yimensi.,I drink coffee after dinner.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn "Ihi, ad tgemt aya?","So, will you do it?",ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Tṛeggmed-d ad d-tased.,You promised you would come.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Tṛeggmem-d ad d-tasem.,You promised you'd come.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Tanemmirt imi ay d-tbedred aya.,Thank you for mentioning this.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Jjmeɣ ad tilid da.,I miss having you around.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn D acu ara k-yessumaren?,What would make you happy?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Kecc d amelɣun!,You're a coward!,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Tahuski ur tli ara izeɣ.,There is no one standard for beauty.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn D acu ay la d-tessumured swaswa?,What exactly are you suggesting?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Aql-ik la tettged aya tikkelt niḍen.,You're doing it again.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn "Imir-a, tzemred ad tsusmed.",You can shut up now.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Maɣef ay tuggaded?,Why are you freaking out?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Sami yessizdig axxam-nni.,Sami cleans the house.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Yerwel Sami seg uxxam-nni.,Sami fled the house.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Yessewlawel-aɣ yinaw-nnes.,Her speech moved us.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Acḥal n yimezrawen ay yellan deg tneɣrit-nwent?,How many students are there in your class?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Yessefk ad txellṣed snat n tikkal ugar.,You'll have to pay double.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Qqleɣ ur kem-ẓerreɣ ara akk.,I never see you anymore.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Tḥemmled tisfifin n wunuɣen?,Do you like comic books?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Yecca igumma ed tidal.,He ate fruit and vegetables.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn "Ma tesɛamt ugur, ad kent-alleɣ.",I will help you if you are in trouble.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Maɣef ay tbezged akk?,Why are you all wet?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Sami yeẓra axxam-nni.,Sami saw the house.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Tlemded izirigen-nnek?,Have you learned your lines?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Yella wasmi ay tfeṛḥed?,Have you ever been happy?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn D acu n tkamra ay tlid?,What kind of a camera do you have?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Trid ad tbeddled amkan?,Do you want to sit somewhere else?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Iwala Sami yiwen n uxxam.,Sami spotted a house.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Wi i kenwi.,These are for you.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn D acu ay la tettgem a imeddukal?,What are you guys doing?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Tessrud-d yemma-k.,You made your mother cry.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Marie tella tesɛa amcic.,Marie had a cat.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Taseḍsut-a fell-ak.,The joke's on you.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Teɛjeb-ikem tzikkent-nni?,Did you enjoy the exhibition?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Amakar-nni yuzzel s tɣawla.,The thief ran fast.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Trebḥeḍ-t-id.,You earned it.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Taseḍsut-a fell-awen.,The joke is on you.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Yettban-d swaswa am kenwi.,He looks just like you.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Tom ur yessaweḍ ara ad d-yesseḍs Mary.,Tom wasn't able to make Mary laugh.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Fadil ur igi acemma.,Fadil did nothing.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Sami yecfa ɣef uxxam-nni.,Sami remembers that house.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Iban kan teɛyam d axeṣṣar.,You must be terribly tired.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Taṣebḥit ay ttesseɣ taɣlust.,I drink coffee in the morning.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Ass igerrzen.,Enjoy your day.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Tom yeqqim ɣer tmes-nni.,Tom is sitting by the campfire.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Ttixer seg-a!,Move your ass!,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Imsujji yenṣeḥ-it akken ad yeḥbes ddexxan.,The doctor advised him not to smoke.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn A win yufan ad tebbid accaren-nnek.,You should trim your fingernails.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Ad ak-tili d tamsaɛeft yelhan.,She will be a good companion for you.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Ttesseɣ akeffay qrib yal ass.,I drink milk almost every day.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn A win yufan ad teqqimeḍ deg wesbiṭar akken ad tdawiḍ.,You should stay in the hospital for treatment.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Fadil iḥemmel amergaz.,Fadil likes sausage.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn La tettargum tafsut!,In your dreams!,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Ala mi ara ttesseɣ ay ttkeyyifeɣ.,I only smoke when I drink.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn "Ma ur tefkid acemma, ur k-id-yettṣaḥ wacemma.",If you don't give anything you woun't have anything.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Qrib ad d-iwet wenẓar. Mmuqqel s asigna-a aberkan.,It's going to rain soon. Look at those black clouds.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Yif-it lemmer d ay ḍfireɣ tanṣiḥt-nni n yemsujji.,I wish I had followed the doctor's advice.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Tefriḍ-tt-id ed yiman-nnek ma yella ad tedduḍ ɣer temdint s wesnasɣal neɣ s usakac?,Have you decided whether you are going into town by bike or by bus?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn "Ɣef leḥsab-nnek, iselman zemren ad slen?",Do you think fish can hear?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn "Mi d-tekcem tselmadt-nnes, nettat tebded.",She stood up when her teacher came in.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn "Imir-a, la cennun yineglusen.",Angels are now singing.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Tzemred ad iyi-tneṣḥed s kra n temseknewt yelhan?,Can you recommend me a good camera?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Ḥemmlen-t yergazen-nnes.,He is popular with his men.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Yewɛeṛ ad tessiwleḍ yid-s.,It's difficult to speak with him.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Amdan ur yezmir ad yedder war aman.,One can't live without water.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn La ɛerrḍeɣ ad d-sseqsiɣ isseqsiyen-inu s tefṛensist.,I am trying to ask my questions in French.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Ass-a ur sɛiɣ idrimen.,I have no money today.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Affug d afessas ɣef trusi.,Taking off is easier than landing.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Acḥal ay tecbeḥ!,How beautiful she is!,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Sami yukeḍ ad igiǧǧ.,Sami hates moving houses.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Kerrceɣ acenfir-inu.,I bit my lip.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn As-d ad aɣ-tɛawneḍ.,Come and help us.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Japun tettazen inaddalen-nnes ɣer Wuraren Ulimpiyen seg 1912.,Japan has been sending her athletes to the Olympics since 1912.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Ur zmireɣ ad d-xayleɣ iman-inu ffɣeɣ deg lḥal am wa.,I cannot fancy going out in this weather.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Tirga n Mayuko ffɣent ɣer tidet.,Mayuko's dream came true.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Zedɣeɣ deg wegmam-a.,I live in this neighborhood.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Ečč tajilbant-nnem.,Eat your peas.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Anwa ay d alkaẓ n tuɣmas ay tḥemmleḍ akk?,What's your favorite toothpaste?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Tom yetteg akk ayen umi yezmer.,Tom is doing his best.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Llan waṭas n ibaɛac yettzeffiṛen deg yiḥeṛqan.,A lot of insects are chirping in the field.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Sseqɛed iḍarren-nnem.,Straighten your legs.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Qqel ɣer uxxam-nnem.,Go back to your house.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn S tezmert imekli-nnek n tnezzayt.,Enjoy your breakfast.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Llan ttwalin adfel yekkat-d.,They watched the snow fall.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Fadil yudef ɣer uxxam-nni.,Fadil headed into the house.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Mlaleɣ-d yiwen wergaz deg teɣsert-nni.,I met a certain gentleman at the station.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn D taɣlust ay ttesseɣ deg wemkan n ukeffay.,I drink coffee instead of milk.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn """I wumi tefkiḍ amur-im?"" Ay as-yenna gma-s. ""Fkiɣ-t i yemma."" Ay as-terra.","""Whom did you give your share to?"" Her brother asked her. ""I gave it to my mum,"" she answered him.",ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Ahat yessefk ad ɣreɣ talmanit.,Maybe I should study German.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Layla tella deg uxxam-nni.,Layla was in the house.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Tudef Layla ɣer uxxam-nni.,Layla went in the house.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Agerrud n Layla yebda yettiɣwis daɣen.,Layla's baby started screaming again.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Tlid tiwinas d tiberkanin ddaw tiṭṭawin-nnek.,You've got dark circles under your eyes.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Tom ur yebɣi ara ad yecḍeḥ yid-i.,Tom didn't want to dance with me.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Ttesseɣ taɣlust deg tneɣlust.,I drink coffee in a cafe.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Tzemred ad tarded imal?,Can you predict the future?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Is tettahled?,Are you married?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Yella kra n yiwen deg uxxam?,Is somebody in the house?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Tifatuṛin-nneɣ n teẓwert ɣlayit aṭas.,Our energy bills are extremely high.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn La ttesseɣ aman acku ffudeɣ.,I drink water because I am thirsty.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Ad narem ad d-nɛawen.,We'll try to help out.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Acḥal ay tebɛed teɣsert ɣef tɣiwant?,Do you know how far it is from the station to city hall?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Yella yiwen n yiɣrem sdat yilel.,There was a village near the sea.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn D ta ay d tikkelt tamezwarut aydeg ara tessiklem ɣer Roma?,Is this your first trip to Rome?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Ẓriɣ yeɛjeb-ikem.,I know you like him.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Sami atan deg uxxam-nwen.,Sami is in your house.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Agraz i d-mlaleɣ d abugatu.,The man that I met is a lawyer.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Ibayen g-ik mas teḍnid.,You look fat.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Anda ay la tessefrayed ad tekked imuras-nnem?,Where do you intend to spend your vacation?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Sami werǧin iṣeggem axxam-nnes.,Sami never fixed his house.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Sami yessuter ad yawi axxam n Layla.,Sami claimed Layla's house.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Cikkeɣ ad tumar ma yettunefk-as uselkim amaynu.,I think she would be happy to receive a new computer.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Ur yessefk ara ad tzegled asihaṛ-nni.,You can't break the appointment.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Ur d-yemmeslay ara Tom fell-ak.,Tom didn't talk about you.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn "Taswiɛt kan, bdan ttemsudanen s uramsu.",Suddenly they were kissing passionately.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Taṣebḥit ay ttesseɣ aman n ujuj n Lhend.,I drink coconut water in the morning.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Yannay-k kra n yan.,Somebody saw you.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Mugreɣ-d aṭas n wuguren di Miksik axaṭeṛ ur fehmeɣ ara akkʷya tasbenyulit.,I had a difficult time in Mexico because I couldn't understand all of the Spanish.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Tekka-tt-nn tgemmi tuga.,The house was empty.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Ur ttettu ara ad tesseɣsid times-nni.,Don't forget to put out the fire.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Axxam-a d afrag n yilfan.,This house is a pigsty.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Tekka-tt-nn tgemmi tfesta.,The house was silent.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Ass-a maci d letniyen.,Today isn't Monday.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Tekka-tt-nn tgemmi ann zun d iɣ tuga.,The house seemed empty.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Sami atan deg tnezduɣt yettwasnuḍfen.,Sami is under house arrest.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Fulkint tgemma-ad.,These houses are beautiful.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Beddeɣ ɣ dar tgemmi-nnes.,I stopped by her house.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Sami yeqqel d anesbaɣur s ussenzi n yixxamen.,Sami got rich selling houses.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Ur la ttruẓuɣ ara imsemmuden-nwent.,I'm not breaking your idols.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Yebɛed uɣerbaz-nnem ɣef uxxam-nnem?,Is your school far away from your house?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Atan wergaz i yi-d-ifkan taktabt.,There's the man who gave me the book.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Sami yella deg tnezduɣt yettwasnuḍfen.,Sami was under house arrest.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Jjliɣ tisura n tgemmi-inu.,I lost my house keys.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Tettuzdeɣ tgemmi-ad taqburt.,This old house is haunted.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Sgadda tigmmi-nnek.,Get your house in order.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Ttwaliɣ-k d asneknay.,I think you're interesting.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Tmeẓẓey bahra tgemmi-nneɣ.,Our house is very small.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Ad dduɣ ɣr usugar,I'm going to work.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Tiɣilt-nni tettader arma d asif.,The hill slopes downward to the river.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn D taɣlust ay d tissit ay ttesseɣ aṭas akk.,The drink I drink the most is coffee.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Kullu tigemma laḥḥ-tent.,All the houses were gone.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn La bennun axxam.,They are building a house.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Ɣer-iyi-d tameddit-a.,Call me this evening.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Ɣef acḥal n ssaɛa i d-tettkkareḍ wama?,What time do you usually wake up?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn D acu ay d-yenna Malcolm X?,What did Malcolm X say?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn D acu ay d-yufa Christophe Colomb?,What did Christopher Columbus discover?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn D acu ay d-tekla Frida Kahlo?,What did Frida Kahlo paint?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn D acu ay d-yesnulfa Thomas Edison?,What did Thomas Edison invent?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Nufa-d Fadil.,We found Fadil.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn D acu ay iwala Galileo?,What did Galileo see?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Zemreɣ ad qqimeɣ yid-wen?,Can I sit with you?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Anwa ay yenɣa Pizarro?,Who did Pizarro kill?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Neẓra yagi asaru-a.,We've already seen this movie.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Wukud yennuɣ Atahualpa?,Who did Atahualpa fight?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Melmi ay yemmut Geronimo?,When did Geronimo die?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn D acu ay yura Shakespeare?,What did Shakespeare write?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn D acu ay d-tecna Ella Fitzgerald?,What did Ella Fitzgerald sing?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn D acu ay d-yewṣef James Cook?,What did James Cook describe?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn D acu ay iga Ferdinand Magellan?,What did Ferdinand Magellan do?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Anwa ay yerna William Wallace?,Who did William Wallace defeat?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn D acu ay d-yessuneɣ Walt Disney?,What did Walt Disney draw?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Sanda ay yedda Marco Polo?,Where did Marco Polo go?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Anwa ay yessɣer Confucius?,Who did Confucius teach?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Sseɣsi lgaz-nni.,Turn off the gas.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Anda ay d-ilul Woody Allen?,Where was Woody Allen born?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Anwa ay ikerrec Mike Tyson?,Who did Mike Tyson bite?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Anda ay yettwamḍel Michael Jackson?,Where was Michael Jackson buried?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Anwa ay tɛawen Yemma Teresa?,Who did Mother Teresa help?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Anda ay yeɣra umahatma Gandhi?,Where did Mahatma Gandhi study?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Anda ay yettwaḥbes Nelson Mandela?,Where was Nelson Mandela imprisoned?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Ttḥulfuɣ i yiman-inu xir mi ara sweɣ iẓem n uqares yeḥman.,I feel better when I drink hot lemon juice.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Anda ay yettwaɛetteb Guido Fawkes?,Where was Guido Fawkes tortured?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Anwa ay iɛetteb Maurice Papon?,Who did Maurice Papon torture?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Melmi ay yettwenɣ John Kennedy?,When was John Kennedy assassinated?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Anwa ay d-yessukkes Batman?,Who did Batman save?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Anda ay yella ixeddem Edgar Hoover?,Where did Edgar Hoover work?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Seg wansi ay d-yusa Arnold Schwarzenegger?,Where did Arnold Schwarzenegger come from?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Sami yella yesɛa axxam d ahuskay.,Sami had a beautiful house.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Anwa ay yesleɣma Diego Maradona?,Who did Diego Maradona train?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn D acu ay yella yesnuzuy Henry Ford?,What did Henry Ford sell?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn D acu ay yebna Shah Jahan?,What did Shah Jahan build?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn "Ih, cikkeɣ yessefk ad teddud.","Yes, I think you should go.",ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Sami ira axxam n Layla.,Sami likes Layla's house.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn I tawyed wa?,Why don't you get this one?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Axxam n Sami yeqqel yettwamlek.,Sami's house bacame haunted.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn "Tusa-d ɣer uxxam-nwen, naɣ?","She's been over to your place, right?",ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Terramt-t ɣer tmudrut-nwent?,Did you take him back to your apartment?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Tesɛid kra n uɣersiw yettwaṛebban?,Do you own a pet?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Tenna-d dakken kečč d umliḥ.,She says you're cute.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn "Yal ass ttesseɣ 1,7 d alitr n waman.",I drink 1.7 liters of water each day.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Ɣef waya ay k-ḥemmlen medden.,That's why people love you.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Ttxemmimeɣ akken nniḍen.,I think otherwise.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Rezg d aderɣal.,Luck is blind.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Fukeɣ akk amahil-inu zik.,I finished all my work early.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Tom ixemmem akken nniḍen.,Tom thought otherwise.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Melmi ay ilul urgaz-nnem?,When was your husband born?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Ṭum yeɛlem ayɣef?,Does Tom know why?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Anta ay d Tatoeba? D tameddakelt-nnek tamaynut?,Who's Tatoeba? Your new girlfriend?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Sami akked Layla ur ttmeslayen ara yal ass.,Sami and Layla didn't talk every day.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Ulac aɣilif ma swiɣ aya akk?,Is it OK if I drink all of this?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Sami iguǧǧ ɣer uxxam-nni.,Sami moved into that house.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Bɣiɣ ad amneɣ akken nniḍen.,I'd like to believe otherwise.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Ha mayd ijran,That's exactly what happened.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Ɣef wacu ay la ttnaɣen?,What are they fighting about?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Sami ila ɣer-s tasarut-nnes n uxxam.,Sami has his house key.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Isɛa nniya ittamnen akken nnayeḍ.,It's naive to believe otherwise.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Sami yeqqim deg uxxam-nni.,Sami stayed at the house.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Anda ttilint?,Where were they?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Sami atan sdaxel uxxam-nni.,Sami is inside the house.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Ulsen-as i uxxam n Sami.,Sami's house was renovated.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Seḍḍlemt-d acebbub-nwent!,Get your hair cut!,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Ur izad wara ubaraz-nni.,The concert wasn't very good.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Rrẓen-as i Tom kra n yeɣsan deg yiɣil akked ufus.,Tom broke some bones in his arm and hand.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Ssewjed iman-nnek seg tazwara.,Get ready in advance.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Tesɛiḍ agrud?,Do you have a child?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Abaraɣ ed wursu ddren akken.,The fox and the bear lived together.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Imir-a rriɣ-d s tamawt dakken nga tuccḍa.,I see now that we've made a mistake.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Yemma-s dima tetteddu yid-s.,Her mother always accompanies her.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Ur ttettu ad tazneḍ tabṛat-a.,Remember to mail this letter.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Ur ttettut ad taznem tabṛat-a.,Don't fail to mail this letter.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Ad jjeɣ aslem-nni d amuddir.,I will keep the fish alive.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Mazal yessefk ad neddu mraw n yimilen uqbel ma teɣreb tafukt.,We have another ten miles to walk before sunset.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Reḍleɣ-as kra n yedrimen maca werɛad ur ten-id-yerri.,"I lent him some money, but he hasn't returned it yet.",ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Aṭas n yimedyazen ay yettarun ɣef ccbaḥa n ugama.,Many poets write about the beauties of nature.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Ɛreḍ tikkelt niḍen ass n Letniyen.,Try us again next Monday.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn "Taswiɛt kan, teḥbes tmacint-nni-nneɣ.",Our train stopped suddenly.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Tefka-as asefk.,She gave him a present.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Ugur netta ur nesɛi aṭas n yedrimen.,The problem is that we don't have a lot of money.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Yessawal tajapunit ad as-tiniḍ d Ajapuni.,He speaks Japanese as if he were Japanese.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn "Sakkin, yessefk kan ad teccareḍ takarḍa-a.",Then you just have to fill out this card.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Amcic-nni yuẓa s leɛqel kan s agḍiḍ-nni.,The cat crept toward the bird.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Usiɣ-d kan akken ad ɛawneɣ.,I have come here just to help.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Aytmaten-nnes deg sin yid-sen d iselmaden.,Both his brothers are teachers.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Tanglizit ur d iles-inu ayemmat.,English is not my first language.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Sami yessazdeg axxam-nni.,Sami cleaned up the house.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Aqcic-nni yusa-d d tazzla.,The boy came running.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn D kecc ara tt-id-yefrun ma yella ad neddu ɣer din neɣ uhu.,It is up to you to decide whether we will go there or not.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Tamsalt-a tewɛeṛ ugar n wanect-a.,It's more complicated than that.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Yufa-iyi-d takrabaḍt icebḥen.,He found me a nice tie.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Wehmeɣ mi walaɣ izem-nni.,I was surprised to see a lion.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Ad d-tger tamawt ass-a neɣ azekka.,She will notice sooner or later.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Ad d-iger tamawt ass-a neɣ azekka.,He will notice sooner or later.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn IPhone wis 5 yeffeɣ-d iḍelli.,The iPhone 5 was released yesterday.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Wa d isali n diri.,This is bad news.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Tameddurt n Sami maci d ugur-nwen.,Sami's life isn't your problem.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Wa d isali yessefṛaḥen.,This is good news.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Tḥemmel ad teḥmec isekla.,She's a tree hugger.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Ugaɣ tuɣ-itent temrint-a.,Something seems to be wrong with this watch.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Melmi ara teqqled ɣer Ṭṭalyan?,When are you returning to Italy?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn "Ṛuḥet tura, mulac ur tettlaḥaqem ara.","Go at once, otherwise you will be late.",ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Sami yerki axxam n Layla.,Sami ransacked Layla's house.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Snemmireɣ-kent aṭas ɣef ussemter-nwent.,I am very grateful to you for your advice.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn "I kečč, amek?",And how about you?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn "Ṭṭef akken iqwem, faɣ ad tɣliḍ.","Hold on tight, otherwise you will fall off.",ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Ur yetteddu ara uselkim-a n ddeɛwessu.,This damned computer won't work.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Rrbeḥ ed lexṣara qqnen ɣer wussisen-nnem.,Whether you will succeed or not depends upon your own exertions.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn "Ass-a ur stafeɣ ara, ass nniḍen ad qebleɣ.","I'm busy today, otherwise I would accept.",ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Yezmer lḥal ad ilin deg wuguren.,They may be in trouble.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Axxam n Sami yella d ameɛfun.,Sami's house was disgusting.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Tom ur yessin ara ad yenheṛ takeṛṛust.,Tom cannot drive a car.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Sami yella yebɣa axxam deg tmurt.,Sami wanted a country house.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Sami yedda ɣer uxxam-nni.,Sami went to the house.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Axxam n Sami iban-d d abuḍḍlam.,Sami's house seemed dark.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Talast tayiwnant nettat d tasugint-nnem.,The only limit is your imagination.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Iswi n wurar-a netta ad tesṭerḍqed akk tileffuɣin-nni ay yellan deg ugdil.,The aim of this game is to explode all the bombs on the screen.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Tedder ɣ yat tgemmi imeẓẓiyen.,She lives in a small house.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Tulsed tsuɣed mi tellid teḍḍsed.,You cried out during your sleep again.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn D acu n tenga ay tḥemmlemt?,Which subject do you prefer?,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Axxam n Sami yella yettban-d d aɣwali yernu yessaggad.,Sami's house seemed eerie.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Iɛeṭṭel.,He is late.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Tɛeṭlem.,You are late.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Tɛeṭṭel.,She is late.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Tom yesɛa aṭas n yedlisen n tefṛensist.,Tom has a lot of French books.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Ass-a d nekk ara awent-ixellṣen imekli.,Today I'm paying for your lunch.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Yugad Tom.,Tom is afraid.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Yettban-d Tom yeskeṛ.,Tom looked drunk.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Yella Tom d ameṛkanti.,Tom was wealthy.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Yettban-d Tom yerked.,Tom looked calm.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Ukren-iyi takeṛṛust-iw.,My car has been stolen.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Tom d azikan.,Tom was early.,ber_Tfng-eng_Latn Tom nikad ne vara.,Tom never cheats.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Da li znaš šta je rekao?,Do you know what he said?,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Da li si ikada bio u Parizu ?,Have you ever been to Paris?,bos_Latn-eng_Latn "Molim Vas, još kafe.","More coffee, please.",bos_Latn-eng_Latn Je li tvoja?,Is it yours?,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Koliko često Tom viđa Mary?,How often does Tom see Mary?,bos_Latn-eng_Latn To je njihova knjiga.,That book is theirs.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Imame vrijeme?,Do we have time?,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Imam mačko.,I have a cat.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Govorim bosanski.,I speak Bosnian.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Kako se kaže to na italijanskom?,How do you say that in Italian?,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Molimte skini vašu majcu.,Please take off your shirt.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Ne govorim bosanski.,I don't speak Bosnian.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Nemoj prekidati našu konversaciju.,Don't interrupt our conversation.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Tom nemože ostati.,Tom can't stay.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Danas nisam slobodan.,I'm not free today.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Tom je rekao Mariju da ide kući.,Tom told Mary to go home.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Želim kupiti knjigu.,I want to buy a book.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Nemaš vrijeme.,You don't have time.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Kako se kaže XXX na holandskom jeziku?,How do you say XXX in Dutch?,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Život čovjeka nije lak.,The life of a human isn't easy.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Vi ste bili uplašeni.,You were scared.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Veoma volim kahvu.,I like coffee very much.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn On je siromašan ali previše ponosan da traži pomoć.,He is poor but is too proud to ask for help.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Sva ljudska bića rađaju se slobodna i jednaka u dostojanstvu i pravima. Ona su obdarena razumom i sviješću i treba da jedno prema drugome postupaju u duhu bratstva.,All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Učenje jezika nije lak.,Learning a language is not easy.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn "Kako se kaže ""mačka"" na španskom?","How do you say ""cat"" in Spanish?",bos_Latn-eng_Latn """Ne mogu da odustajem"", ona je rekla, ""Ja sam se već zaljubila u njega"".","""I can't help it"", she said, ""I'm already in love with him"".",bos_Latn-eng_Latn Danas posjetio sam muzej.,Today I visited a museum.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn On je iskupio za svoje greške.,He made amends for his mistakes.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Ti nisi smiješan.,You are not funny.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Ti nisi smiješna.,You're not funny.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn "Kako se kaže ""doviđenja"" na nemačkom jeziku?","How do you say ""good bye"" in German?",bos_Latn-eng_Latn Tom je pitao Mariju ako bi on mogao posuditi njen engleski udžbenik.,Tom asked Mary if he could borrow her English textbook.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Ovo nije bilo smiješno.,This was not funny.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Izvini što ja nisam odgovorio na vaše pismo ranije.,Sorry I haven't replied to your letter earlier.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Ovo nije bilo šala.,This was not a joke.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Svi smo željni da vide film.,We are all eager to see the movie.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn On je varao na ispitu biologije.,He cheated on the biology exam.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Knjiga je na stolu.,The book is on the table.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Vratila se iz bolnice.,She returned from the hospital.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Bit ćeš poznat.,You will be famous.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn "Moj je, nije njegov.","It's mine, not his.",bos_Latn-eng_Latn Postoje suptilne razlike između ove dvije slike.,There are subtle differences between the two pictures.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Ne bi trebao poslati taj email.,I shouldn't have sent that email.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn "Mi se približimo, pokušavati razumjeti jedni drugog, ali samo povrijedimo jedni drugog i plačemo.","We get closer, trying to understand each other, but just hurt each other and cry.",bos_Latn-eng_Latn Djeca su cvijeće našeg života.,Children are the flowers of our lives.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Želim jesti malo sira.,I want to eat some cheese.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Želim piti malo vode.,I want to drink some water.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Gdje je uže?,Where's the rope?,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Ja sam u pošti.,I'm in the post office.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Nastavnik radi u gimnaziji.,The teacher works in a high school.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Millie ne jede jabuku.,Millie isn't eating an apple.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn On želi raditi u bolnici.,He wants to work in a hospital.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Radim u bolnici.,I work in a hospital.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Lekar radi u bolnici.,The doctor works in a hospital.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Na stolici je mačka.,There is a cat on the chair.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Ona želi raditi u bolnici.,She wants to work in a hospital.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn U kuhinji je mačka.,There is a cat in the kitchen.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn On radi u velike gradske bolnice.,He works in a big city hospital.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Dječak ima konja.,The boy has a horse.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn On je radio u velike gradske bolnice.,He worked in a big city hospital.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Ja nisam liječnik.,I'm not a doctor.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Ona radi kao bolničarka u lokalnu bolnici.,She works as a nurse in the local hospital.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Djevojka ima bijela konja.,The girl has a white horse.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Ostat ću sa bebom ako želiš ići.,I'll stay with the baby if you want to go.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Ne govoriš engleski.,You do not speak English.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Ona ne govori engleski.,She doesn't speak English.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn On ne govori engleski.,He does not speak English.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Ne govore engleski.,They do not speak English.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Ne govorim engleski.,I don't speak English.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Škola je zatvorena.,The school is closed.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Ona voli cvijeće.,She loves flowers.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Da li ste katolik?,Are you Catholic?,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Ovo je dječak.,This is a boy.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Gdje je moj tanjir?,Where is my plate?,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Ubio sam Bog.,I killed God.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Marija je knjiški moljac.,Mary is a bookworm.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Gdje je muškarac?,Where is the man?,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Živim u Mađarskoj.,I live in Hungary.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Gdje je žena?,Where is the woman?,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Kupila sam kaktus.,I bought a cactus.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Vidim dječaka.,I see the boy.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Gdje je tvoja škola?,Where is your school?,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Nisam tužan.,I'm not sad.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Oni su učitelji.,They are teachers.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Obukao se kao žena.,He dressed up as a woman.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Naša galaksija se zove Mliječni put.,Our galaxy is called the Milky Way.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Tom radi u filmskoj industriji.,Tom works in the film industry.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Mi smo iz Rusije.,We are from Russia.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Elbrus je najviša planina Evrope.,Mount Elbrus is the highest mountain in Europe.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Zovem se Laurie.,My name is Laurie.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Nisam Darth Vader.,I'm not Darth Vader.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Mačka je izašla ispod stola.,A cat came out from under the desk.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Imam novu djevojku; zar nisi znala?,I got a new girlfriend; you didn't know?,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Mogu ići sljedeće sedmice.,I can go next week.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Imam dvije mačke.,I have two cats.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Ne razgovaraj sa njim dok vozi.,Don't speak to him while he is driving.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Neymar je Brazilac.,Neymar is Brazilian.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Moja majka voli muziku.,My mother loves music.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Bezbojne zelene ideje spavaju oštaro.,Colorless green ideas sleep furiously.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Tom je bio preplašen.,Tom was very scared.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Moj broj telefona je 9876-5432.,My telephone number is 9876-5432.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Ja se potpuno složim sa njegov SMS.,I fully agree with his text.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn On živi u Engleskoj.,He lives in England.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Millie jede jabuku.,Millie is eating an apple.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Plašim se noću.,I'm afraid at night.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Idem na put.,I'm going on a trip.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Millie čita svoju knjigu.,Millie is reading her book.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Millie sluša muziku.,Millie is listening to music.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Ona je mlada studentkinja.,She is a young student.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Millie jede hljeb.,Millie is eating bread.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Dobro uvijek pobjeđuje zlo.,Good always triumphs over evil.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Ja sam ponosan na tebe.,I am proud of you.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Zdravo.,How do you do.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Ja ga zovem Tom.,I called him Tom.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Ono je moj brod.,It's my ship.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Šećer je zamijenio med kao sladilo.,Sugar replaced honey as a sweetener.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Ona je moja profesorka.,She's my professor.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Gdje su žirafe?,Where are the giraffes?,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Možeš koristiti ovaj telefon.,You can use this phone.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Ja sam gladan. A ti?,I'm hungry. How about you?,bos_Latn-eng_Latn On je moj prijatelj.,He is my friend.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Ispustio sam moj sendvič.,I dropped my sandwich.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Mačka nije čovjek!,A cat is not a person!,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Volim ovu pjesmu.,I love this song.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Ne živim ovdje.,I don't live here.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Hodam kao pingvin.,I walk like a penguin.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Ko ste vi?,Who are you?,bos_Latn-eng_Latn On je nesrećan muškarac.,He's an unlucky guy.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Naoko živi u bijeloj kući.,Naoko lives in the white house.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Ja sam prevodilac.,I'm a translator.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Znaš li kako radi ova mašina?,Do you know how this machine works?,bos_Latn-eng_Latn "Njegov je, zar ne?","It's his, isn't it?",bos_Latn-eng_Latn "Njegovo je, zar ne?","It is hers, is it not?",bos_Latn-eng_Latn Ko si ti?,"Please, who are you?",bos_Latn-eng_Latn Jesu li oni prijatelji?,Are they friends?,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Ona se zove Lucifera.,Her name is Lucifera.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Kako se zoveš na bosanskom?,What's your Bosnian name?,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Burdž Kalifa trenutno je najviši neboder na svijetu.,Burj Khalifa is currently the tallest skyscraper in the world.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Zovem se Džek.,My name is Jack.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Jesi li ti Ujgur?,Are you an Uighur?,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Ovo je dobar udžbenik.,This is a good textbook.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Ko je ovaj čovjek?,Who is this person?,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Je li on nastavnik?,Is he a teacher?,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Ovo je Copacabana!,This is Copacabana!,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Je li on doktor?,Is he a doctor?,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Na moru su otoci.,There are islands in the sea.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn "To nije mačka, pas je.",That's not a cat. That's a dog.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Karin je Austrijanka.,Karin is Austrian.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn More je zeleno.,The sea is green.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Da li je ono ljubav?,Is it love?,bos_Latn-eng_Latn On je Amerikanac.,He is an American.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Ponosna sam na tebe.,I'm proud of you.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Tom je dijabetičar.,Tom is diabetic.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn "Ustani i predstavi se, molim te.","Stand up and introduce yourself, please.",bos_Latn-eng_Latn Hoćeš li zaplesati sa mnom?,May I have this dance?,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Ja sam Gregor.,I am Gregor.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Kako se ti zoveš?,What's your name?,bos_Latn-eng_Latn "Je li ovo pastuv, ili kobila?",Is this a stallion or a mare?,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Lav je kralj džungle.,The lion is the king of the jungle.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Jesi li ti student?,Are you a student?,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Ovo je moje pitanje.,This is my question.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Želim živjeti u gradu.,I want to live in the city.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn On je naučnik.,He is a scientist.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Ova zgrada bit će izgrađena u gradu.,This building will be built in the city.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Nisam mu ništa rekao.,I haven't told him anything.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Ne vidim nešto čudno.,I didn't see anything strange.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn "Mama, gladan sam.","Mom, I'm hungry.",bos_Latn-eng_Latn Želio bih pomoći.,I'd like to help.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Zvao sam ga.,I called him.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Nikada ne spavam.,I never sleep.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Želim umrijeti!,I want to die!,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Ne želim živjeti s tobom.,I don't want to live with you.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Ne želim ići u školu.,I don't want to go to school.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn "Moja je, nije njegova.","It's mine, not hers.",bos_Latn-eng_Latn Ona ima dvadeset djecu.,She has twenty children.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Mi smo Australijanci.,We are Australians.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn "Ako nas ubodete, zar ne krvarimo?","If you prick us, do we not bleed?",bos_Latn-eng_Latn Ona te voli.,She loves you.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Tvoje šale nisu smiješne.,Your jokes aren't funny.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Ovo nije knjiga za djecu.,This is not a book for children.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Bio sam sretan.,I was happy.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Mam knjigu.,I have a book.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Ja sam sretan.,I am happy.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Ne pijte vodu iz prljave čaše!,Do not drink the water in the dirty glass!,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Ovo je knjiga.,This is a book.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Rušio sam školu.,I demolished the school.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Ja sam ovdje.,I am here.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Ti si lijepa.,You are beautiful.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Ona nije ružna.,She is not ugly.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Ja sam iz Turske.,I'm from Turkey.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Sretan Majčin Dan!,Happy Mother's Day!,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Ona također voli knjige.,She also loves books.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Ne vidim razliku.,I don't see the difference.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Živjet ću u Kambodži.,I'll live in Cambodia.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Namjestili su knjižnicu novima knjigama.,They furnished the library with new books.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Gdje je Laurie?,Where is Laurie?,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Onda vidjet ću što mogu uraditi!,Then I'll see what I can do!,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Živim u Čileu.,I live in Chile.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Zatvori usta i sjedni.,Shut up and sit down.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn "Želio bih sendvič, molim.","I'd like a sandwich, please.",bos_Latn-eng_Latn Jogurt je izrađen od mlijeka i kreme.,Yogurt is made from milk and cream.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Maslac je izrađen od mlijeka.,Butter is made from milk.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Zdravlje je bogatstvo.,Health is wealth.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Šta je najduža njemačka riječ?,What's the longest German word?,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Volim Francusku.,I love France.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Trebam nove cipele.,I need new shoes.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Da.,This is true.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Bio sam juče sretan.,I was happy yesterday.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Mislim da voliš svoj posao.,I think you like your job.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Nema razloga za biti uplašen.,There's no reason to be afraid.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Imam tridest godina.,I am thirty.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Pedeset obitelji živi u ovom malom selu.,Fifty families live in this tiny village.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Pod krevetom je mačka.,There is a cat under the bed.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Ja sam protiv rata.,I am against war.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Juče sam proveo ceo dan u krevetu.,I was in bed all day long yesterday.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Vidio sam psa.,I saw a dog.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn To je njegov auto.,That is his car.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Tirana je glavni grad Albanije.,Tirana is the capital city of Albania.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Knjiga je mala.,The book is small.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Emily je Engleskinja.,Emily is English.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Ta torba je moja.,That bag is mine.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Da li si ti muškarac ili žena?,Are you a man or a woman?,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Ova svijeća nije bijela.,This candle is not white.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn On ima psa.,He has a dog.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Bio sam ljubomoran.,I was jealous.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Postoji mačka.,There is a cat.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Ovo je komunizam.,This is communism.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Kako se zove tvoj prijatelj?,What is your friend's name?,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Studiram matematiku.,I study mathematics.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Hljeb nije svjež.,The bread is not fresh.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Nacrtaj krug.,Draw a circle.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn "Triput meri, jednom seci.","Measure thrice, cut once.",bos_Latn-eng_Latn Trebao bi se stidjeti.,You should be ashamed of yourself.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Voliš li me?,Do you love me?,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Ti si sve za mene.,You are everything to me.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Ovo nije rečenica.,This is not a sentence.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Zove se Tomojuki Ogura.,His name is Tomoyuki Ogura.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Ko je taj čovjek?,Who is that man?,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Mogu živjeti bez vode.,I can live without water.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn "Teka nije tvoja, njegova je.",The notebook is not yours. It's his.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Već sam znao istinu.,I already knew the truth.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn "Dobar dan, kako si?","Good day, how are you?",bos_Latn-eng_Latn Ne treba mi ništa.,I don't need anything.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Hvala svima na dolasku! Vidimo se sljedeći put.,"Thanks for coming, guys! I'll see you next class!",bos_Latn-eng_Latn Slika je u ovoj knjizi.,The picture is in this book.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Kako se zove?,What's its name?,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Želim te jebati.,I want to fuck you.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Pas zove se Ken.,The dog's name is Ken.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Zovem se Hašimoto.,My name is Hashimoto.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn „Gdje živiš?” „Živim u Tokiju.”,"""Where do you live?"" ""I live in Tokyo.""",bos_Latn-eng_Latn Dobro. A vi?,Good. And you?,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Ti si najvažnija osoba u mom životu.,You are the most important person in my life.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Dobro. A ti?,Fine. And you?,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Njegov način govorenja mi dosađuje.,His way of speaking annoys me.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Kako se zovete?,What is your name?,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Stara prijateljica sam.,I'm an old friend.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Otišao sam vidjeti moje roditelje.,I went to see my parents.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Djevojke su zauzete kao pčele.,The girls are as busy as bees.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Ljudi imaju kratko pamćenje.,People have short memories.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Tom je ovdje.,Tom is here.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Kuća je mala.,The house is small.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Djevojke rade.,The girls work.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn "Izvini, ko je ova žena?","Excuse me, who is this woman?",bos_Latn-eng_Latn Ne znam koliko dugo trebat će ovo.,I don't know how long this will take.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Gdje su naši kišobrani?,Where are our umbrellas?,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Bio sam učitelj.,I was a teacher.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Ovo je moj pisaći sto.,This is my desk.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Beč je lijep grad.,Vienna is a beautiful city.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Ti si tako bijelo!,You are so white!,bos_Latn-eng_Latn To je moja mačka.,That's my cat.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Ovaj tepih je ručno rađen.,This rug is handmade.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Trier je najstariji grad u Njemačkoj.,Trier is the oldest city in Germany.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Zahlađuje.,It is cold.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Nije to bila moja greška.,It wasn't my fault.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Moja beba želi govoriti.,My baby wants to talk.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn "On nije naučnik, ali on jeste naš prijatelj.","He's not a scientist, but he is our friend.",bos_Latn-eng_Latn Pas je moj.,The dog is mine.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn """Da li si ti nastavnik?"" ""Da, jesam.""","""Are you a teacher?"" ""Yes, I am.""",bos_Latn-eng_Latn Učit ću njemački.,I'll learn German.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Ja sam student.,I am a student.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Ja sam debeo.,I am fat.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Ja sam profesor.,I am a professor.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Šta je ovo?,What is this?,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Možemo pokušati.,We can try.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Moja čaša je puna.,My glass is full.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Ona nije tajna.,It isn't a secret.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Dječak je mršav.,The boy is thin.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Bio sam u školi.,I was at school.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Ja sam u banci.,I'm at the bank.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn To je tako smiješno.,That's so funny.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Spreman sam da govorim.,I'm ready to talk.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Moj nož je oštar.,My knife is sharp.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Ti si tako slatka.,You're so sweet.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn More je plavo.,The sea is blue.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Muzika je njegova strast.,Music is his passion.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn "Ne odustaj! Možeš izgubiti danas, a pobjediti sutra.",Don't give up. You may lose today and win tomorrow.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Ima li ona novi kompjuter?,Does she have a new computer?,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Imaš li knjigu?,Do you have a book?,bos_Latn-eng_Latn "I ti, Brut?","You too, Brutus?",bos_Latn-eng_Latn Htjela bih potvrditi svoju rezervaciju.,I'd like to reconfirm my reservation.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Bolnica je prepuna.,The hospital is crowded.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn "Izvolite, telefonirajte mi.",Please give me a call.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Vang Lao Đi nije pivo. Čaj je.,Wang Lao Ji isn't beer. It's tea.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Oko čelične zgrade su lale.,There are tulips around the steel building.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Konačno je ispunio moj zahtjev.,He finally fulfilled my request.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Ono je sto.,It is a table.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Predložio bih zarez.,I’d suggest a comma.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Ovo nije sto.,This is not a table.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn To nije riba.,That is not a fish.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Ono nije pas.,It is not a dog.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn To je lutka.,That's a doll.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Naći ćeš knjigu u knjižnici.,You'll find the book in the library.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Mostar je vrlo lijep grad.,Mostar is a very beautiful city.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Ovi tanjiri su ručno obojani.,These plates are hand painted.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Gdje je Banja Luka?,Where is Banja Luka?,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Gdje je pas?,Where is the dog?,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Pušenje je zabranjeno u svakom dijelu restorana.,Smoking is prohibited in every section of the restaurant.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn "Ako dodjes u Rio, ne zaboravi me nazvati da ti budem vodic!","If you come to Rio, don't forget to call me to be your guide!",bos_Latn-eng_Latn Ovo je košulja moga oca.,This is my father's shirt.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Ovo je računar moje majke.,This is my mother's computer.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn On je aristokrat.,He is an aristocrat.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Živim u Sarajevu.,I live in Sarajevo.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Tom vozi automobil.,Tom drives the automobile.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Ne želim raditi pod ovim uvjetima.,I don't want to work under these conditions.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Voliš li glazbu?,Do you like music?,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Oni ne izgledaju sretni.,They don't seem happy.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Pijem mlijeko.,I drink milk.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Ja imam knjigu.,I've got a book.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Nemam vremena da pišem.,I don't have time to write.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Ja probam.,I am trying.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Sutra je Božić.,Tomorrow is Christmas Day.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Ja imam trideset godina.,I am thirty years old.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Ne sviđa mi se velike pse.,I don't like big dogs.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn "U teoriji moguće je, ali u praksi vrlo teško je.","In theory it is possible, but in practice it is very difficult.",bos_Latn-eng_Latn Ova riba je velika.,This fish is big.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Nema greške.,There's no mistake.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Pjevao je pjesmu.,He sang a song.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Želim tu torbu.,I want that bag.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Nisam bolestan.,I am not ill.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Tako sam sretna što te vidim.,I'm so happy to see you again.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Ću te osloboditi.,I'm going to release you.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Znam da ćeš reći ne.,I know you're going to say no.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn „Ko je u automobilu?” „Marija.”,"""Who is in the car?"" ""Marija.""",bos_Latn-eng_Latn Pauk me golica.,The spider tickles me.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Ja sam Ricardo.,I am Ricardo.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Želim te.,I want you.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn "Kako se kaže ""Hvala"" na japanskom?","How do you say ""thank you"" in Japanese?",bos_Latn-eng_Latn Tako se ne postupa s prijateljem.,That's not a way to treat a friend.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Idem kući.,I go home.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Nisam imao/la namjeru da vrijeđam.,It has never been my intention to offend.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn To nam je jedina nada.,That's the only hope we have left.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Ovo je moja žena Edita.,This is my wife Edita.,bos_Latn-eng_Latn Goulennet em eus gant Tom mont d'ar gourmarc'had ha prenañ bara.,I asked Tom to go to the supermarket and buy some bread.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Torret eo bet ar werenn.,The glass got broken.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Kerzh da greviñ!,Go to hell!,bre_Latn-eng_Latn "Roit deomp hor bara bemdeziek ha pardonit deomp hon ofañsoù, evel ma pardonomp d'ar re o deus manket ouzhomp.","Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors.",bre_Latn-eng_Latn Me a gav gwelloc'h ar c'hafe eget an te.,I like coffee better than tea.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Ur c’hreion a zo ganit?,Do you have a pencil about you?,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Mont a ran da glask ac'hanoc'h!,I'm coming for you!,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Kafe 'm befe c'hoant.,I want coffee.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Kavout a rez mat ar c'hafe.,You love coffee.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Ha penaos e c’hallan gouzout?,How should I know?,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Kavout a reomp mat ar c'hafe.,We like coffee.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Kavout a ran mat-tre ar c'hafe.,I like coffee.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Ar c'hafe a gavan mat-tre.,I like coffee very much.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Sot on gant ar c'hafe.,I love coffee.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Sot eo-hi gant ar c'hafe.,She loves coffee.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Kafe a evan.,I drink coffee.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn C'hwerv eo ar c'hafe.,The coffee is bitter.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn "Petra 'gavez gwelloc'h, riz pe bara?","Which do you prefer, rice or bread?",bre_Latn-eng_Latn Da garout a ran.,I love you.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Evañ a rez kafe?,Do you drink coffee?,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Santout a ran ar c'hafe.,I smell coffee.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Dieuredomp.,Let's get divorced.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Prest eo ar c'hafe.,Coffee is ready.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Siler!,What a balance!,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Ober a ran kafe.,I'm making coffee.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn C'hoant 'po kafe?,Do you want some coffee?,bre_Latn-eng_Latn C'hoant 'to kafe?,Do you want coffee?,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Ar c'hafe a evin.,I will drink the coffee.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Ha kavout a rit mat ar c'hafe?,Do you like coffee?,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Penaos e kavez ar stammenn-se ?,What do you think of this sweater?,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Deus da c'hoari ganeomp.,Come play with us.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Sot int gant ar c'hafe.,They love coffee.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Me 'gav mat ar c'hafe tomm-suilh.,I like coffee hot.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Tom a ev kafe.,Tom drinks coffee.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Laosk da vont!,Come off it!,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Ao. Smith a ev kafe.,Mr Smith is drinking coffee.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Kavout a ran gwelloc'h ar c'hafe.,I like coffee better.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Ar c'hafe a gavan gwelloc'h.,I prefer coffee.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Ar c'hafe-mañ a zo re c'hwerv.,This coffee is too bitter.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Evañ a rez re a gafe.,You drink too much coffee.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn "Daoust dezhañ bezañ kozh, yac'h emañ atav.","Even though he's old, he's still healthy.",bre_Latn-eng_Latn Deus amañ ha ro an dorn din.,Come here and help me.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Trikon.,Three of a kind.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Prest oc’h?,Are you ready?,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Chaok!,Take a bite.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Kregiñ a reomp?,Shall we begin?,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Lezel a ran da vont.,I give up.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Ar c'hafe 'zo bet evet ganin.,I drank the coffee.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Diskuizhit!,Take a rest.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Laosk ac'hanon!,Let me go!,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Pebezh memor!,What a memory!,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Kit!,You go first.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Piv a zo o komz?,With whom am I speaking?,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Donemat deoc’h e Tatoeba.,Welcome to Tatoeba!,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Leñvañ a rit?,Are you crying?,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Demat Doktor!,"Good morning, doctor!",bre_Latn-eng_Latn "Ur pennadig, mar plij.","Just one moment, please.",bre_Latn-eng_Latn Penaos eo an amzer?,How is the weather?,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Deus amañ buan.,Come here quickly.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn An Douar a zo ur blanedenn.,The earth is a planet.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Diverromp!,Let's get to the point!,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Gallout a rez skoazell ac’hanomp goude ar skol?,Could you help us after school?,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Lidomp!,We have some celebrating to do.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Beajit mat!,Have a nice flight.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Pegen bras?,How high is it?,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Saouzanañ a ran!,I must be out of my mind.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Pennsaoutiñ a ran!,I must be seeing things.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Torret eo ar voest.,The box is broken.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn An daou a blij din.,I like both.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Tan 'zo ganit ?,Do you have a light?,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Mat ar jeu ?,How are you doing?,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Mat ar jeu ganit ?,How is it going?,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Penaos 'mañ kont ?,You all right?,bre_Latn-eng_Latn C'hoari 'ra ?,How are you going?,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Mat an traoù ?,How are you?,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Mat ar bed ?,How's it going?,bre_Latn-eng_Latn "Salud, c'hoari 'ra ?","Yo, my man!",bre_Latn-eng_Latn Bezañ moal a ginnig ur perzh mat da vihanañ - espern a rit ur bern a champoiñ.,Being bald has at least one advantage - you save a lot on shampoo.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Piv en deus debret an holl gookies?,Who ate all the cookies?,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Gant piv eo bet debret an holl gookies?,Who has eaten all the cookies?,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Glav a ra em c'halon.,It's raining in my heart.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Ezhomm em eus eus un ali.,I need advice.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Pokat d'unan a vutun a zo evel lipat ul luduer.,Kissing a smoker is like licking an ashtray.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Emañ ar goañv o tont.,Winter is coming.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Ober a rae vann.,He was only shamming.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Kreisteiz eo.,It is midday.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Debriñ a rin.,I will eat.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Marv.,Go play in traffic.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Setu me.,Here I come.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Setu hi!,Here she comes.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Douetiñ a ran e teufe.,I doubt if he will come.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Mat eo din.,I'm fine with it.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Pegement e kousto din ?,How much will it cost me?,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Deus amañ a-raok seizh eur.,Come here before seven o'clock.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Koust a raio din ma fost.,It'll cost me my job.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Mat e vo din m'eo mat dit.,"If you're happy, I'm happy.",bre_Latn-eng_Latn Petra 'oac'h oa lavaret...?,You were saying...?,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Renkañ a rez.,You fix it.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Ha dont a rez amañ bep noz?,Do you come here every night?,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Ho paperioù!,Show me your papers!,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Gwelloc'h e kav an te eget ar c'hafe.,He prefers tea to coffee.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Ha klask a rit da gomz gant an den-mañ ?,Are you trying to speak with that person?,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Sellout a reomp.,We are watching.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Deus da azezañ ganeomp.,Come sit with us.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Pebezh goulenn!,What a question!,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Pebezh kanol!,What a gun!,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Pebezh den foll!,What a nut!,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Bloavezh laouen!,Happy New Year!,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Kanañ a raen.,I was singing.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Savit !,Get on your feet.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Petra ober?,What to do?,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Ha mont a rit?,Will you go?,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Komz a rez esperanteg?,Do you speak Esperanto?,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Mont a ri?,Will you be going?,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Erc'h a rae.,It was snowing.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Labourat a rin.,I will work.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Trawalc'h!,Enough is enough!,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Daoust hag-eñ e ra glav?,Is it raining?,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Dour a ev.,He drinks water.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Evañ a ra dour.,He's drinking water.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Gounit a raen.,I have won.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Ne vutun ket.,He doesn't smoke.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Bez e oan o chaseal.,I was hunting.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn C'hoarzhin a raen.,I was laughing.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Lammat a raen.,I was jumping.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Butunat a ran sigaretennoù.,I smoke cigarettes.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Kouezhañ a raen.,I was falling.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn "Deiz mat, Mike.","Good morning, Mike.",bre_Latn-eng_Latn Lâr din pezh peus c'hoant da gaout.,Tell me what you want.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Sell 'ta piv.,Here they come.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Kousket out?,Are you sleeping?,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Deus 'barzh 'ta !,Come on in!,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Kempenn da gambr.,Put your room in order.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Tom a gan.,Tom is singing.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Kaoc'het eo.,This is fucked up.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Ur c'haoc'h 'zo anezhañ.,It's a piece of shit.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Gwell a-se!,That's even better.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Er c'haoc'h on.,I am in the soup.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Kaoc'h! Kollet em eus ma alc'hwezioù!,Oh shit! I've lost my keys!,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Kaoc'h! C'hwitet em eus war ma zren c'hoazh!,"Shit, once again I missed the train!",bre_Latn-eng_Latn Ur gitar am eus c'hoant da gaout.,I want a guitar.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn "Kaoc'h, pelec'h em eus laosket alc'hwezioù du-mañ?","Shit, where the fuck did I put my home keys?",bre_Latn-eng_Latn Studial a ran.,I am studying.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Puten ma ouifen!,Damned if I know.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn N'am eus ket kemeret strinkadenn ebet.,I didn't shower.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn "Deus amañ, John.","Come here, John.",bre_Latn-eng_Latn Plijout a ra deoc'h ar c'hizhier?,Do you like cats?,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Puten! N'eo ket fall!,Damn! It's not bad!,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Glas eo ar c’harr-tan.,The car is blue.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Serr ar c'hast a zor!,Close the fucking door!,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Poent eo kousket.,It's time for bed.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Serr ar c'hast a zor-mañ!,Shut that bloody door!,bre_Latn-eng_Latn "Kerzh d'ober da c'hast a labour-skol, bremañ-diouzhtu!","Go do your fucking homework, right now!",bre_Latn-eng_Latn Bez 'zo ur bern kerioù bras e-barzh ar Brazil.,There are a lot of big cities in Brazil.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Distreiñ a ray.,He will come back.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn N'am eus ket selaouet.,I didn't listen.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Puten! Disoñjet em eus prenañ riz.,Damn! I forgot to buy rice.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Gwenn eo ma c'hazh.,My cat is white.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Mat eo an dour.,Water is good.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn An dour 'zo mat.,The water is good.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Pelec'h emañ ar c'hafe?,Where is the coffee shop?,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Piv out?,Who are you?,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Piv oc’h?,Who are you all?,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Tomm eo hiziv.,It's hot today.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Ne vern.,It doesn't matter much.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn N'eus forzh.,It's not a big deal.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Susan a blij dezhi ar c'hizhier.,Susan likes cats.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Diskenn a rit ?,Are you getting off?,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Piv a gelenn galleg deoc’h?,Who teaches you French?,bre_Latn-eng_Latn E Paris out bet ur wezh bennak?,Have you ever been to Paris?,bre_Latn-eng_Latn 'Oa ket dra ma faot.,It wasn't my fault.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Evel ur plac'h e oa en em wisket.,He dressed up as a woman.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Aon da vat en doa Tom.,Tom was very scared.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn N'eus ket ur fazenn eus homañ.,This is not a sentence.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn N'evan ket kafe.,I do not drink coffee.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Daou gazh am eus.,I have two cats.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn 'Ba' pelec'h komzez Galleg?,Where do you speak French?,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Pemp ha tri a ra eizh.,Five plus three is eight.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Ha rankout a rez hen ober alies?,Do you have to do this very often?,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Fall eo va daoulagad.,I have weak sight.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Greomp an dra-mañ ar buanañ ar gwellañ.,Let's do this as quickly as possible.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn N'eo ket fin an istor.,That's not the end of the story.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Ro e arc'hant da Tom en-dro.,Give Tom back his money.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Ha gellout a rin komz ganeoc'h en un doare prevez?,Can I talk to you in private?,bre_Latn-eng_Latn A-bouez-tre e oa.,That was really important.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Gouzout a ouezen hon dije ranket ober an dra-se.,I knew we should've done that.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Ne rankje ket bezañ ur sekred.,It shouldn't be a secret.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Laosk ac'hanon da zistaoliañ.,Let me help you clear the table.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Anat e oa marteze.,Maybe it was obvious.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom a fell dezhañ kaout bugale, met ket da Mary.","Tom wants children, but Mary doesn't.",bre_Latn-eng_Latn Da belc'h ez aes boaz da besketa?,Where do you usually go fishing?,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Boaz e vez un den amañ.,There's usually someone here.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Gwerzhañ a ra bleunioù.,She sells flowers.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Disoñjet em eus da lavaret dit un dra bennak.,I forgot to tell you something.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Gwelloc'h e vefe ne vefe ket Tom.,That better not be Tom.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn A-du emaoc’h?,Do you agree?,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Komz a rit japaneg?,Do you speak Japanese?,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Komzet em eus gant Tom ar mintin-mañ just a-raok an emgav.,I talked to Tom this morning just before the meeting.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Paour-kenañ e oa.,He was very poor.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Da gousket !,Go to sleep.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Deus da reiñ an dorn deomp.,Come and help us.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn C'hwek-kaer eo ar bara-mañ. Pelec'h eo bet prenet ganit?,This bread is really delicious. Where did you buy it?,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Gouzout a oar ober muioc'h eget kant seurt bara.,She knows how to make more than a hundred types of bread.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Poan e-barzh ma fenn em eus.,I have a headache.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Ma ! Deus 'ta !,"Come on, spit it out!",bre_Latn-eng_Latn Blev hir he deus.,She has got long hair.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Gant e vrec'h o tañsal,"With his arms, he dances.",bre_Latn-eng_Latn Gwellaat a ran ma brezhoneg.,I'm improving my knowledge of Breton.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Ne blij ket dezhi ar vell-droad.,She doesn't like soccer.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Er ger emañ da vamm?,Is your mother at home now?,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Petra a fell dit ober?,What do you want to do?,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Bravoc'h on egedout.,I am more beautiful than you.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Kompren a ran.,I'm catching on.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Koant eo an ti.,The house is pretty.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Sur out?,Are you sure?,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Hag-eñ e selaouez ?,Are you listening?,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Emaon o vont d’ar gêr bremañ.,I'm going home now.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Klañv on.,I am sick.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Peseurt botoù a vo lakaet ganeoc'h?,Which shoes are you going to put on?,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Re ziwezhat eo.,It is too late.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Dont a ran da reiñ sikour dit.,I'm coming to help you.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Deus da sikour ac'hanon.,Come to help me.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Deus amañ !,Come over here!,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Kollet em eus ma c'hreion.,I've lost my pencil.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Brav eo an amzer hiziv.,The weather is fine today.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Ma c'hreion am eus kollet.,I have lost my pencil.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Petra a oas oc’h ober?,What were you doing?,bre_Latn-eng_Latn "Ya, emaon o tont!","Yes, I'm coming!",bre_Latn-eng_Latn Komz a ra saozneg.,He is speaking English.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Kompren a ran da vat.,I do understand.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Bras ha brav eo.,He's tall and gorgeous.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Yac'h on.,I'm in good health.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Skoed em dorn a dalv din-me muioc'h eget daou o vale.,A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Soñj am eus diouto.,I remember them.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Komz a ran svedeg.,I don't speak Swedish.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Digoust eo ar gazetenn-mañ.,This newspaper is free.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Diwezhat e oa adarre.,She was late once again.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Klask a rae ul labour mat.,He was looking for a good job.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Avaloù a blij dit?,Do you like apples?,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Gwell a-se !,So much better!,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Ul levr a zo ganin.,I have a book.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Bara fresk 'm'eus prenet.,I bought fresh bread.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn "Re yaouank out evit mervel, va mignon.","You're too young to die, my friend.",bre_Latn-eng_Latn Mat-tre e oa ar film.,The movie was really good.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Graet ho peus mat c'hwi ho taou.,You both did well.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Naon em eus bremañ.,I'm hungry now.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Evel-se ez a en-dro.,This is how it works.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Pellgomz dezhañ.,Please call him up.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Ne oan ket kousket.,I wasn't asleep.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Gouzout a raen petra am boa d'ober.,I knew what I had to do.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Ar c’hizhier a blij din.,I love cats.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Kelenn a ran.,I am teaching.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Hag heuliet out?,Are you being followed?,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Dihun out?,Are you awake?,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Pelec'h e oa da dad?,Where was your father?,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Da bet eur ez it kuit?,What time do you leave?,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Ac’hann e weler kêr.,From here we see the city.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Andrea eo ma anv.,My name is Andrea.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Laosk anezhañ.,Just leave it.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Pe oad out?,What age are you?,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Poan benn am eus.,My head hurts.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Re ger eo!,That is very expensive!,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Yen eo.,It is cold.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Sec'hed am eus.,I am thirsty.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Ar gwir zo ganit.,You have a point.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Skuizh-marv on.,I am dead tired.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn C'hoant em eus da gaout un dra dous.,I want something sweet.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Deskiñ a rit saozneg bemdez ?,Do you study English every day?,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Chom mousc'hoarzhus.,Keep on smiling.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Chom ganimp.,Stay here with us.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Un den onest on.,I am an honest person.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Komz a rez alamaneg?,Do you speak German?,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Setu ul lizher evidout.,Here's a letter for you.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Kenavo!,See you soon!,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Eñ a leñve.,He was crying.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Da garr-tan a blij din.,I like your car.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Bez e oa o ouelañ.,She was crying.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Bez' ez eus ul levr war an daol.,There is a book on the desk.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Komz din!,Talk to me!,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Komzit din 'ta!,Talk to me.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Debr an dra-mañ.,Eat this up.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Erru eo an nevezamzer.,Spring has come around.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Va marc'h-houarn eo.,This is my bicycle.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Skrivit hoc'h anv mar plij.,Please write down your name.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn "Ne oa ket marc'had-mad an dra-se, keta?","This wasn't cheap, was it?",bre_Latn-eng_Latn Klevet hoc’h eus ar c’heloù?,Have you heard the news?,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Sur on e c’hounezint.,I'm sure they'll win.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Na gomz ket evel-se.,Don't talk like that.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Ul lost hir en deus va c'hi.,My dog has a long tail.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Chom a ra va breur e Tokio.,My brother lives in Tokyo.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Seitek vloaz e vo e miz C'hwevrer.,She'll be seventeen in February.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Mont a ra war fallaat.,It gets worse.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Ne gomprenan ket alamaneg.,I don't understand German.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Tom a bed.,Tom is praying.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Pebezh gwalleur!,What a disaster!,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Pelec'h out bet ganet?,Where were you born?,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Pebezh drasterezh!,What a catastrophe!,bre_Latn-eng_Latn "Glas, gwenn ha ruz eo banniel Bro-C'hall.","The French flag is blue, white and red.",bre_Latn-eng_Latn Pebezh maleur!,What a pity!,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Emañ Tom o soñjal.,Tom is thinking.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Sellout a reont.,They are watching.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Re skuizh e oa evit studial.,He was too tired to study.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn C’hoant az peus da zont?,Do you want to go?,bre_Latn-eng_Latn N'anavezen ket ar ganaouenn-se.,I was not familiar with this song.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Sonerezh a blij dit?,Do you love music?,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Piv eo?,Who is he?,bre_Latn-eng_Latn O leñvañ e oa Tom.,Tom was crying.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Petra emaout o lenn?,What're you reading?,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Pegen brav eo an amzer!,Time is so beautiful.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Penaos eo an amzer hiziv?,What is the weather like today?,bre_Latn-eng_Latn E Tokyo emañ.,He's in Tokyo.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Debriñ a rez kig?,Do you eat meat?,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Ne gomzan ket japaneg.,I don't speak Japanese.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Petra emaout oc'h ober?,What are you doing?,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Petra eo se?,What is it?,bre_Latn-eng_Latn 20 vloaz eo Muiriel bremañ.,Muiriel is 20 now.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Pebezh imbisil.,What an idiot!,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Deomp bremañ.,Let's be going now.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn "Bremañ, debromp.","Now, let's eat.",bre_Latn-eng_Latn Klask adarre.,Try it again.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Leñvañ a reomp.,We are crying.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Huch anezhañ!,Scream it loud!,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Klet eo an ostaleri-mañ.,This coffee shop is cozy.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Livañ a rit gevier.,You are lying.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn "Mersi, Aotrou.","Thank you, sir.",bre_Latn-eng_Latn Sell! Ur steredenn-dared.,Look! There goes a shooting star.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Glav a ra.,It is raining.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn N'eo ket strik.,It's not important.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn N'ouzon ket.,I don't know.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn C'hoant az peus da zañsal ganin?,Do you want to dance with me?,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Lennet ez eus bet ul levr ganin en ur zebriñ.,I read a book while eating.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Ijinour on.,I'm an engineer.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Ul lizher a skriv bremañ.,She is writing a letter now.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Diwezhat eo.,It is late.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Kafe ho po?,Would you like some coffee?,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Deuit tre mar plij.,Please come in.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Ul levr eo.,It's this book.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Komz a rit alamaneg?,Can you speak German?,bre_Latn-eng_Latn "Mammig, pelec'h emañ va frilien?","Mummy, where's my hanky?",bre_Latn-eng_Latn Goulennet en deus diganin pelec’h e oa o chom.,He asked me where she lived.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Kanañ a ran mat.,I can sing well.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Noz vat.,Have a great night.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn O tebriñ bara emañ an den.,The man is eating bread.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Pe skipailh a c'hounezo?,Which team will win?,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Ur c'hi gwenn ha du a zo ganin.,I have a black and white dog.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Leñvañ a ra.,She is crying.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Leñvañ a ra Eliza.,Eliza is crying.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Anavezout a rez anezhañ?,Do you know him?,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Digoriñ a ra ar prenestr.,She opens the window.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Ne oa ket dre ma faot.,It was not my fault.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Sonit an trompilhoù.,Sound the trumpet!,bre_Latn-eng_Latn "Krenit 'ta, frazennoù!","Tremble, you sentences!",bre_Latn-eng_Latn Klaskomp an dra-mañ!,Let's give it a try.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Adgra!,Do it again!,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Amañ emañ.,He is here.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Ar c'hafe a zeu goude ar pred.,Coffee comes after the meal.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Amañ emaomp.,We are here.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Me zo o tebriñ un aval.,I'm eating an apple.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Sot eo gant ar c'hafe.,He loves coffee.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn C'hwi eo ho peus butunet?,Have you been smoking?,bre_Latn-eng_Latn N’en deus ket skrivet al lizher c’hoazh.,He still has not written the letter.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Me 'zo sur ec'h ez da lavaret nann.,I know you're going to say no.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Aze emaon.,I am here.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Fentus eo.,This is funny.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Mat e kavan ma c'hafe skañv.,I'd like my coffee weak.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Kafe a ev?,Is he drinking coffee?,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Penaos e kemerit ho kafe?,How do you take your coffee?,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Ma mamm a vez perc'hennet ganti ur c'hafe.,Mother has a coffee shop.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Al leor ema war an daol.,The book is on the table.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Pegement e koust ur gambr?,How much does a room cost?,bre_Latn-eng_Latn """Pet eur eo?"" ""Dek eur hanter.""","""What time is it?"" ""It is ten-thirty.""",bre_Latn-eng_Latn Ha kafe a ev?,Does he drink coffee?,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Aze emaoc'h ?,Are you there?,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Butuniñ a rez?,Do you smoke?,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Emaon o chom e Bro-Japan.,I live in Japan.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Pet eur eo?,What time is it?,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Ya.,This is true.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Kalz a dud a oa er sonadeg.,There were many people at the concert.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Da garan.,I love you!,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Pegoulz out bet ganet?,When were you born?,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Dimezet out?,Are you married?,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Ar c'hizhier du a blij dit?,Do you like black cats?,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Pa oan dihunet e oan e oan trist.,"When I woke up, I was sad.",bre_Latn-eng_Latn Mat eo ar gwin-mañ.,This wine tastes good.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Evañ a rit gwin?,Do you drink wine?,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Prim eo da garr-tan.,Your car is fast.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Degas a rin gwin.,I'll bring wine.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Ho kwin deoc'h eo.,This is your wine.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Gwin em eus.,I have wine.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Gwin en deus.,He has wine.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Tenn da votoù.,Take off your shoes.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn "Dek, unnek, daouzek, trizek, pevarzek, pemzek, c’hwezek, seitek, triwec’h, naontek, ugent.","Ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty.",bre_Latn-eng_Latn Me 'gave din e oa klañv.,I thought he was sick.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Piv eo an den-se?,Who is that person?,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Ur plac'h koant eo.,She's a beauty.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Ur plac'h binvidik eo.,This is a rich girl,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Ne’m eus ket c’hoant da dreiñ ar frazenn-se.,I don't feel like translating this sentence.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Goustadik e komz va mamm-gozh.,My grandmother speaks slowly.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Aberzhiet e veze tud gwezhall evit an Doueoù. Bremañ ne vez ket graet ken.,We used to sacrifice people to the gods. We don't anymore.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Sevel a ra din.,I've got a boner.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Sevel a ra din eviti.,I have a hard-on for her.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Bandennoù-treset a lennan.,I read comic books.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Butuniñ a c'hall lazhañ.,Smoking can kill.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Kac'het en deus pep-lec'h.,He pooped everywhere.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Kemer a ra Tom kafe.,Tom is getting some coffee.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Ne rin ket se. Kentoc’h mervel.,I won't do that. I'd rather die.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Ar chas a blij kalz dezhi.,She is very fond of dogs.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Peseurt botoù a blij deoc'h?,Which shoes do you like?,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Adlavarit mar plij!,Please say that again!,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Taget on bet.,I've been attacked.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Re ziaes e oa evidon.,It was too difficult for me.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Erc'h a zo abaoe ur miz.,We’ve had snow for the past month.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Paeet em eus pemp dollar evit al levr.,I paid five dollars for the book.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Koshoc’h eo Tom egedon.,Tom is older than me.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Ur ger bras-kenañ eo Tokio.,Tokyo is a very big city.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Plijout a ra dit studial?,Do you like studying?,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Plijout a ra deoc’h studial?,Do you like to study?,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Ha kemer a rafec'h un tammig a vara c'hoazh?,Would you like some more bread?,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Fellout a ra din mervel gant Getter Jaani.,I want to die with Getter Jaani.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Emañ o skrivañ ul lizher.,He writes a letter.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Kregiñ a ran a-benn warc'hoazh.,I start tomorrow.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn N'eus abeg ebet da vezañ spontet.,There's no reason to be afraid.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Kordennoù zo tro-dro d'al lec'h.,Ropes surround the place.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Arabat redek er sal-se.,Do not run in this room.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Burj Khalifa eo ar skrab-oabl brasañ er bed er mare-mañ.,Burj Khalifa is currently the tallest skyscraper in the world.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn E votoù a zo bet koaret gantañ.,He shined his shoes.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Hemañ an heol o parañ.,The sun is shining.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Dav e vefe echuiñ al labour.,The work should be finished.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Petra en deus graet Yann?,What did Jean make?,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Un tasad kafe az po?,Do you want a cup of coffee?,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Setu an ti e oant o chom ennañ.,That's the house they were living in.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn En em gavout a rin ganit a-benn arc'hoazh.,I'll meet you tomorrow.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Warc'hoazh e vo graet al labour ganin.,I'll do the work tomorrow.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn War peseurt kador az teus lakaet al levr?,Which chair did you put the book on?,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Re vihan eo.,He is too small.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn E pelec'h e oas dec'h?,Where were you last night?,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Penaos e rez an dra-se?,How do you do that?,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Mont a ran da aozañ kafe.,I'll make some coffee.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Dont a raio hepdale.,She'll come without delay.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Plijout a ra din beajiñ.,I love trips.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Deoc'h e rin kafe.,I'll make you some coffee.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Fardañ din un tasad kafe mar plij ganit.,Please make me a cup of coffee.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn An erc’h a blij din.,I love snow.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Arabat lezel den ebet dont tre er gambr.,Don't let anyone enter the room.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Ma breur eo Tomas.,Tom is my brother.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Petra a yelo ganit?,What will you drink?,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Aet eo Seamas McSean da anaon warlene.,Séamas Mhicí Sheáin died last year.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Emañ hi o lenn.,She is reading.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Gwelet hon eus ur film farsus disul.,We saw a funny movie last Sunday.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Pegoulz e oa bet amañ a-raok?,When is the last time he was here?,bre_Latn-eng_Latn War da vurev emañ ma levr.,My book is on your desk.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Erruet eo da hanternoz.,He arrived at midnight.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn A-hervez e vez tomm amañ.,They say it's hot here.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Farsus 'vefe.,That would be funny.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Kanañ a rez bepred.,You always sing.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Kregiñ a ran an deskadurezh er gêr.,Education starts at home.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Naetaet hon eus ar sal goude ar skol.,We clean our classroom after school.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Ma c'harrigell din eo.,That's my car.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Un urzhiataer am eus.,I have a computer.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Ma gwin eo.,This is my wine.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Na rez ket daou dra war un dro.,Don't do two things at a time.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Paouezet en deus da lenn ul levr.,He stopped reading a book.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Gwall ziaes eo da dreiñ ar ger-mañ.,It's very difficult to translate this word.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Mont a reas maez.,She went out.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Un dra bennak zo da evañ er yenerez?,Is there anything to drink in the refrigerator?,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Gouest on da lenn spagnoleg aes-walc'h.,I can read Spanish easily.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Aet eo Taro da anaon daou vloaz zo.,Taro died two years ago.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Dezho eo al levr-se.,That book is theirs.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn E du e oa gwisket.,He was dressed in black.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Plijout a ra dezhañ ar vell-droad.,He is keen on soccer.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn An den a ev dour.,The man drinks water.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Mil drugarez!,Thank you ever so much.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn "Ar c'hazh a ra ""mezv"".","The cat says ""meow"".",bre_Latn-eng_Latn Ur struskañval em eus gwelet er zoo.,I have seen an ostrich at the zoo.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Labourat a ran gantañ.,I work with him.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Rankout a ran tapout an tren-mañ.,I have to catch that train.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Kafe pe te?,Coffee or tea?,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Un aktourez brudet e oa.,She was a famous actress.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Deomp.,Let's go on.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Kavout a ran gwelloc'h ar c'hafe evit an te.,I prefer coffee to tea.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Skuizh on.,I am tired.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn C'hoariet em eus tennis evit an enderv.,I will play tennis this afternoon.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Ar c'hafe a zo yen.,The coffee is cold.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Din eo ar c'harr-se.,I own this car.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Gouest e oa da lenn al levr.,He was able to read the book.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Un atant bras o deus ma mamm ha ma zad eno.,My father and mother have a big farm there.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Gris eo e verrloeroù.,Her socks are gray.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Ret eo dit respont d'ar goulennoù-se.,You must answer these questions.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Ha skuizh out?,Are you tired?,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Torret em eus ma brec'h.,I fractured my arm.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Aet e oant d'ar zoo gant ar c'harr-boutin dec'h.,They went to the zoo by bus yesterday.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn "Tri mab am eus. Unan anezhe zo e New-york, met ar re all zo e Londrez.","I have three sons. One is in New York, but the others are in London.",bre_Latn-eng_Latn Aon en deus rak e dad.,He is afraid of his father.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Ret eo dimp dispartiañ ar politikerezh hag ar relijion.,We must separate politics from religion.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Tom a oar kontañ istorioù.,Tom is good at telling stories.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Ne vez ket debret ganin kig alies.,I rarely eat meat.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn "Oh, petra eo an dra-se?","Oh, what is this?",bre_Latn-eng_Latn Einstein a blije dezhañ seniñ violoñs.,Einstein enjoyed playing the violin.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn N'eo ket bet gwelet ken goude-se.,She was never seen again after that.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn En ostaleri-se emaon o chom.,I live in this hotel.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn E Tokio emañ.,He is in Tokyo.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Aet eo kuit eus Tokio da vont da Osaka.,He left Tokyo for Osaka.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Pet karr az teus?,How many cars do you have?,bre_Latn-eng_Latn N'em boa ket c'hoant da vezañ sot dirak ma mignoned.,I didn't want to look stupid in front of my friends.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Dastumet en deus Tom koad evit an tan.,Tom gathered wood for the fire.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Ar fish and ships ne blij ket d'an holl Saozon.,Not all English people like fish and chips.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Ne evan ket boeson.,I don't drink alcohol.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Anavezout a ra mat ar gêr.,He knows the city well.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Emañ ma breur en Aostralia bremañ.,My brother is now in Australia.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Ma eontr en deus roet ur prof dezhañ.,My uncle gave him a present.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Roet en deus ar c'helenner dimp ur bern labour d'ober er gêr.,The teacher gave us a lot of homework.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Emañ ma zi e-kichen an ti-gar.,My house is near the station.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Arabat eo skrivañ gant inkr ruz.,Don't write in red ink.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Div verc'h o deus.,They have two daughters.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Ar gravatenn c'hell-se a fell din.,I would take this brown tie.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Tom n'en deus ket respontet d'e bellgomz.,Tom didn't answer his phone.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Difennet eo komz el levraoueg.,Talking in the library is not allowed.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Pegeit amzer e pad ?,How long does it last?,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Prenañ a reomp pladennoù.,We buy CDs.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Teñval-kenañ eo.,It's very dark.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Sec'h-kenañ eo.,It's very dry.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Tomm eo.,It is hot.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn O tebriñ bara e oa an den.,The man was eating bread.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Burj Khalifa eo ar skraber-oabl uhelañ er bed.,Currently Burj Khalifa is the tallest skyscraper in the world.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Paouez !,Cut it out!,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Penaos emañ an amzer hiziv?,How is the weather today?,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Erc'h a raio a-benn arc'hoazh.,It'll snow tomorrow.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Tomm e oa dec'h.,Yesterday was hot.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Ur ganerez vat eo Maja Keuc.,Maja Keuc is a good singer.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Plijus eo klevet an dra-se!,That's good to hear!,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Emaon o vont da zeskiñ alamaneg.,I'm going to learn German.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Tom ne gompren ket galleg.,Tom doesn't understand French.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn En em santout a ran ma-unan hepti.,I felt lonely without her.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Ar c'hi-se a red buan.,This dog runs fast.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Daoust ma oa glav oc'h ober e oan aet er-maez.,"Even though it was raining, I went out.",bre_Latn-eng_Latn Daou vreur hag ur c'hoar am eus.,I have two brothers and one sister.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Bet e oan el liorzh gant Mari dec'h.,I went to the park with Mary yesterday.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Emañ o vevañ en e garr.,He lives in his car.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Erruout a raio ma breur warc'hoazh veure.,My brother is arriving tomorrow morning.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Ne blij ket din an deizioù avelek.,I don't like windy days.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Kaz en deus evit Nancy.,He hates Nancy.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Ret eo din mont kuit bremañ.,I must go now.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Nevez-erruet eo.,He has just arrived.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Hag eñ ho peus levrioù diwar-benn Armenia?,Do you have any books about Armenia?,bre_Latn-eng_Latn En em c'houlenn a ran petra zo c'hoarvezet?,I wonder what happened.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Daou gazh a zo o kousket war ar gwele.,There are two cats sleeping on the bed.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Brein eo an hanter eus an avaloù-se.,Half of these apples are rotten.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Ha c'hoant az teus da c'hortoz Tom da vat?,Do you really want to wait for Tom?,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Plijout a ra din lenn.,I like reading.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn "Daou zero zo er sifr ""2010"".","There are two zeroes in ""2010"".",bre_Latn-eng_Latn Mestrez-skol eo.,She is a teacher.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Ar glav a heuilh ac'hanon e pep lec'h!,The rain follows me everywhere!,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Emaon o tont d'ar gêr.,I'm coming home.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Dek munut dale zo gant an tren hiziv.,The train is ten minutes late today.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Ned an ket d'ar skol.,I do not go to school.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Lous eo o zreid.,His feet are dirty.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn O zreid zo lous.,Their feet are dirty.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Fellout a ra d'ar gompagnunezh tuta ugent den.,The company want to employ twenty people.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Ha mat e kavez boued Bro-Japan?,Do you like Japanese food?,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Ha dic'hlannoù zo en Alamagn?,Are there floods in Germany?,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Ha c'hwiled-krug zo e Bro-Alamagn?,Are there scorpions in Germany?,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Kristen eo Barack Obama.,Barack Obama is a Christian.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Ha plantet az teus ur wezenn dija?,Have you ever planted a tree?,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Ha gwelet az teus he dremm?,Did you see her face?,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Ha gwelet az teus e zremm?,Did you see his face?,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Ha gwelet az teus o dremm?,Did you see their faces?,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Hag hunvreal a ra ar c'hizhier?,Do cats dream?,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Ha kompren a reont japaneg o-daou?,Do they both understand Japanese?,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Ha plijout a ra Bro-Japan dezhañ?,Does he like Japan?,bre_Latn-eng_Latn O lenn ul levr e oa.,I was reading a book.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Hiziv eo tomm.,It is hot today.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Tomm-kenañ eo hiziv.,It's very hot today.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Anoreksek eo Tom.,Tom is anorexic.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Ur mennozh mat am eus.,I have a good idea.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Bras a-walc'h eo hadennoù an avaloù-greunadez.,Pomegranate seeds are relatively big.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Emaon o vont da gemer un dra bennak da zebriñ.,I'm going to get something to eat.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Anat eo d'an holl emañ e karantez.,It's evident to everybody that he's in love.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Ezhomm am eus da gavout fred.,I need to get a job.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn "Petra zo a-dreuz, dousig ?","What's the matter, love?",bre_Latn-eng_Latn N'eo ket evit paouez da vutuniñ.,It is impossible for him to give up smoking.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Ezhomm am eus da gomz ganit da vat.,I really need to talk to you.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Re ger eo al levr evidon.,This book is too expensive for me.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Ur mennozh eus ar c'hentañ zo ganin.,I had a brilliant idea.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Ha bet out o welet ur zoo ez pro?,Have you visited a zoo in your country?,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Ret eo din gwelet ur mezeg diouzhtu.,I must see a doctor at once.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Barrek-kenañ eo ar yezhoniour war ar rannyezh.,The linguist is quite familiar with the dialect.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Al levr-se n'eo ket diwar-benn ar yezhoniezh.,This book is not about linguistics.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn "Un den divyezhek a c'hall tremen eus ur yezh d'unan all e-kreiz ur frazenn, hag un danvez studi eo ar cheñchamant-se evit ar yezhoniourien.","A bilingual person can change from one language to another in the middle of a sentence, and this code-switching is a topic of study for linguists.",bre_Latn-eng_Latn Ur yezhoniour amerikan e oa Edward Sapir.,Edward Sapir was an American linguist.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn N'oc'h ket sañset butuniñ amañ.,You are not supposed to smoke here.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Emaomp o vont da bediñ Tom ha Mari d'hor fest Halloween.,We're going to invite Tom and Mary to our Halloween party.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Un nozvezh diskar-amzer plijus e oa.,It was a lovely autumn evening.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Treiñ a ra ar menez a-bezh e ruz d'an diskar-amzer.,The whole mountain turns red in autumn.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Ar sezon gwellañ da lenn eo an diskar-amzer.,Autumn is the best season for reading.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Daouarn dous en deus.,He has smooth hands.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn N'o doa ket aour a-walc'h.,They did not have enough gold.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Daoulagad du am eus.,I have black eyes.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Gallout a ran kompren da yezh.,I can understand your language.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Sikour a ra anezhi.,He helps her.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Ur c'harr en deus.,He has a car.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Un haroz eo.,He is a hero.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Ur barzh eo.,He is a poet.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Karout a rae anezhi.,He loved her.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Karout a ra anezhi.,He loves her.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn O labourat emaon.,I am working.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn E oan o vont da zigeriñ an nor.,I answered the door.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Iskis eo Maria.,Maria is a strange woman.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Ar vignoned a ra traoù a-gevret.,Friends do things together.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn "Speredek-kenañ eo, evel e vreur.","He is very bright, and his brother is as bright.",bre_Latn-eng_Latn """N’ouzon ket"" eme dTony.","""I don't know"", said Tony.",bre_Latn-eng_Latn Re izel emañ e c'hopr evit pourveziñ da ezhommoù e familh.,His salary is too low to support his family on.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn """Hey, c'hoari 'ra Tanji?"" ""Kudennoù em eus dre ma n'em eus ket kemeret ur gentel en va skol diaraok."".","""Oy, what's up, Tanji?"" ""I'm having trouble because there's a unit I didn't take at my last school.""",bre_Latn-eng_Latn Deuet e oa ur c'hazh eus dindan an daol.,A cat came out from under the desk.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Ret eo dit dont ganin.,You must come with me.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Ret eo deoc’h dont ganin.,You are to come with me.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Pounneroc’h eo en aour eget an houarn.,Gold's heavier than iron.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Ma c'helljen kanañ mat.,If only I could sing well.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Kemeret ho peus pep tra.,You've taken everything.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Na lârit gaou ebet ken.,Never tell a lie again.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Emichañs.,I hope so.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Kavet hon eus pesked marv er ster,We found some dead fish in the river.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Degouezhet on en ti da seizh eur.,I got home at seven.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn O paouez lenn al levr-mañ emaon,I have just read this book.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Mont a ran d’ar skol bemdez.,I go to school every day.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Dont a rez pe ne zeuez ket?,Are you coming or not?,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Ha prenet 'peus ar botoù-mañ?,Did you pay for those shoes?,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Ha c’hwi?,How about you?,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Dont a ran e miz Gouere.,I'm coming in July.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Ne c’hallit ket debriñ amañ.,You can't eat here.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Me a zebr un aval.,I am eating an apple.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn O klask ac’hanout e oan.,I have been looking for you.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn "Hon Tad a zo en neñv, Hoc’h anv bezet santelaet, Ho rouantelezh deuet dimp, Ho polontez bezet graet War an douar evel en Neñv, Roit dimp hiziv hor bara pemdeziek, Pardonit dimp hor pec’hedoù Evel ma pardonomp d’ar re O deus manket ouzhimp. Ha n’hon lezit ket da gouezhañ en temptadur, Met hon diwallit diouzh an droug. Evel-se bezet graet ! (Amen)","Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us, and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.",bre_Latn-eng_Latn Gant ma teuio.,Let's hope she comes.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Disoñjet en deus Tom prenañ bara.,Tom forgot to buy bread.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Ur c'harr-tan am eus.,I have a car.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Ar botoù-mañ a zo re vihan.,These shoes are too small.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Ar frazenn-se n'eo ket galleg.,This sentence is not French.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Da biv eo ar botoù-mañ?,Whose shoes are those?,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Ur silienn em eus pesketaet.,I have fished an eel.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Botoù am eus kavet.,I found my shoes.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Ne gomzan ket alamaneg.,I don't speak German.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Emaon o klask deskiñ saozneg.,I'm trying to learn English.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Sell ouzhin !,Look at me!,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Prenañ a raint int-hi bara.,They will buy some bread.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Poazhañ a reas-hi bara.,She baked bread.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Ar c'hafe na gav ket mat.,He doesn't like coffee.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn C'hoant em eus e kanfes ur ganaouenn.,I would like you to sing a song.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Pobiñ a ran bara.,I am baking bread.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Lakaet em eus kerkent ma botoù.,I put on my shoes at once.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Debriñ a rae-hi bara.,She ate the bread.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn N’ouzon ket petra ober warc’hoazh.,I don't know what to do tomorrow.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Bara a zo ganto.,They have bread.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Kas an douraer ganit.,Take the watering-can with you.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Un erer bras 'zo bet gwelet ganit?,Have you seen an eagle ?,bre_Latn-eng_Latn N'o deus ket redet.,They didn't run.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Meur a zoare eor a zo.,There are several kinds of anchor.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn "Sell, ur wezenn abelia.",Look! An abelia!,bre_Latn-eng_Latn "Sell, ur wezenn abrikez.",Look an apricot tree!,bre_Latn-eng_Latn "Sell, ur wezenn abrikez japanat!","Look, a Japanese apricot tree!",bre_Latn-eng_Latn "Sell, ur wezenn akasia.",Look an acacia!,bre_Latn-eng_Latn "Sell, ur wezenn akasia roz.",Look a rose acacia!,bre_Latn-eng_Latn "Sell, ur wezenn akajoù.",Look a mahogany!,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Deus da zebriñ ganin.,Come swim with me.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn "Sell, ur wezenn aserola.",Look an acerola!,bre_Latn-eng_Latn "Sell, ur wezenn akokantera.","Look, an acokanthera!",bre_Latn-eng_Latn "Sell, ur wezennig adenia.",Look an adenia!,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Na gomzit ket din!,Don't talk to me!,bre_Latn-eng_Latn "Sell, ur wezennig adenium.",Look an adenium!,bre_Latn-eng_Latn "Sell, un agavezenn.",Look an agave!,bre_Latn-eng_Latn "Sell, ur wezenn ailant.",Look an ailanthus!,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Sell ur wezennig lusenn-ruz.,Look a lowbush cranberry!,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Gallout a rit lenn al levr-mañ.,You can read this book.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Douaroniezh a blij da Vagdalena.,Magdalena is interested in geography.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Bara em eus prenet e ti ar bouloñjer.,I bought a loaf of bread at the baker's.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Demat d'an holl.,"Good morning, everybody.",bre_Latn-eng_Latn Ne’m eus ket amzer.,I am out of time.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Reiñ a raen ur vandenn-dreset da lenn.,I gave her a comic book to read.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn N'em eus klevet anezhañ o kanañ gwezh ebet.,I have never heard her sing.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Plijout a rafe din komz gant da eontr.,I want to talk with your uncle.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn A-du emaon gant ar pezh a zo bet skrivet ganeoc'h.,I agree with what you've written.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Pres zo warnon.,I'm in a hurry.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Amerdourez vihan!,You little snot!,bre_Latn-eng_Latn N'em eus klevet anezhañ o kanañ biskoazh.,I never heard him sing.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Kafe az po?,Will you have some coffee?,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Treiñ a ran ar pezh a fell din !,I translate what I want!,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Dizimez out?,Are you single?,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Dijuniñ a reomp.,We are having breakfast.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Ne’m eus ket arc’hant.,I do not have any money.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Dont a ran eus Bro-Golombia.,I come from Colombia.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Ar paourkaezh bihan!,Poor little boy!,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Tom 'zo bihan.,Tom is small.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Anvet on gantañ Pete.,He calls me Pete.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn An arc'hant a zo mammenn an holl falloberoù.,Money is the root of all evil.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Trugarez vras.,Thank you very much!,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Mersi bras.,Thanks a lot!,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Diaes eo studial ur yezh estren.,Studying a foreign language is hard.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Trugarez evit dont.,Thank you for coming.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Flaerius e oa an aneval bihan.,The small animal gave off a bad smell.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Ur vec'hadenn vihan c'hoazh.,We're almost there.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn C'hwek eo ar bara-mañ.,This bread is delicious.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Ar bara-mañ 'zo c'hwek.,This bread is very delicious.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Antono on.,I am Antonio.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Meunam an evn bihan.,Birdy num num.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Laouen.,The pleasure is mine.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Ur plac'h lent e oa.,She used to be a very shy girl.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Deus amañ ma faotr.,Come here boy.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Ne gomz ket galleg tamm ebet.,He doesn't know French at all.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Ken genaouek out?,Are you that stupid?,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Glas eo va daoulagad.,My eyes are blue.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Bevañ a ra ar pesked er mor,Fish live in the sea.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Leñvañ a rae ma mamm.,My mother was crying.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn N'hellin ket klevout Tom.,I couldn't hear Tom.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Seizh eur eo.,It's seven o'clock.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Butuniñ a ra kalz.,She smokes a lot.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Pelec'h emañ ma c'harr-tan?,Where is my car?,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Piv en deus debret ar bara?,Who ate the bread?,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Mont a ran da brenañ bara.,I'm going to buy some bread.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Hag-eñ emaoc'h o paouez klevet ar pezh hoc'h eus lavaret?,Did you just hear what you said?,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Ma zi 'zo bras.,My house is big.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Bara az peus prenet.,You bought bread.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Ezhomm em eus kafe.,I need coffee.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Klask a ran war-lerc'h ma alc'hwez.,I'm looking for my key.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Ret eo din echuiñ gant ma deverioù,I still have to finish doing my homework.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn En iliz emañ bremañ.,He's at church right now.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Trugarez memes tra.,Thank you just the same.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Debret em eus ho para.,I ate your bread.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Ar plac'h a zebr bara.,The girl is eating bread.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Ar vaouez a zebr bara.,The woman eats bread.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Hag un nebeud bara.,And a little bread.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Ar wreg a zebr bara.,The woman is eating bread.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn An dra-mañ a laka ac'hanon da vezañ trist.,It makes me sad.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Lavaret en deus Tom en doa ezhomm d'ober ur c'housk.,Tom said he needed to take a nap.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Gounit a ra e vara en ur skrivañ.,He earns his bread by writing.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Ar c'hafe 'zo fall-put.,The coffee is nasty.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn N'hall ket bezañ evet ar c'hafe-mañ.,This coffee is undrinkable.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Ur seurt bara eo.,This is a kind of bread.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Debret en deus an den bara.,The man ate bread.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Pelec’h e oamp?,Where were we?,bre_Latn-eng_Latn "Ur bier, mar plij!","A beer, please.",bre_Latn-eng_Latn Dont a ran eus Bro-C'hres.,I'm from Greece.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Kas din kafe.,Get me some coffee.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn N'eus bara ebet ganeomp ken.,We don't have any bread left.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Kresket eo ar bara eus dek yen.,Bread has gone up ten yen in price.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Petra eo da chomlec'h?,What's your home address?,bre_Latn-eng_Latn A-du emaout?,Are you cool with that?,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Din eo?,Is it my turn?,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Petra 'glevan bremañ?,What am I hearing now?,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Ober a raen evel ma ne gleven ket anezhañ.,I pretended not to hear.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Klevout a raen anezho o tabutal.,I could hear them arguing.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Lavaret 'zo bet din e oas pinvidik.,I hear you're rich.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Klevout a ran Tom oc'h huchal.,I could hear Tom yelling.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Klevout a ran Tom o kanañ.,I can hear Tom singing.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Me 'gav din e klevan un dra bennak.,I think I hear something.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Goulennoù 'meus da sevel ouzhoc'h c'hoazh.,I still have questions I want to ask you.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Poan em eus da glevout ac'hanout.,I can barely hear you.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Dont a ran eus Kroatia.,I'm from Croatia.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Demat.,How do you do.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Klevout a ran ur vouezh.,I am hearing a voice.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn "Demat, penaos 'mañ kont ?","Hello, how are you doing?",bre_Latn-eng_Latn Klevout a ran un den o tont.,I hear someone coming.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Gall on.,I am French.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Klevout a ran an telefon o seniñ.,I hear the phone.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Klevout a ran Mari-Vorganed.,I hear sirens.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn "Dihun ac'hanon warc'hoazh da c'hwec'h eur mintin, mar-plij.",Please wake me up at six tomorrow.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Anavezout a reomp anezhañ.,We know him.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Pelec'h emañ ma eurier?,Where's my watch?,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Emen emañ ma eurier?,Where is my clock?,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Pelec'h emañ ma montr?,Where is my watch?,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Droch out?,Are you out of your mind?,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Sinaadez eo ma gwreg.,My wife is Chinese.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Emen emañ ar mirdi tostañ?,Where's the nearest museum?,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Bras-mat on.,I'm pretty tall.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Ma goulenn-me eo.,This is my question.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Me so o h-essae diskiñ Saosneg.,I am trying to learn English.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Bleunioù a blij dit?,Are you interested in flowers?,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Fellout a ra din deskiñ kanañ gisdout.,I want to learn to sing like you.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Emaon o tont eus an amzer da zont.,I'm from the future.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Kavout a ra mat e gafe du.,He likes his coffee black.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Chom er ger zo borodus.,Staying at home is boring.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Ma mamm eo.,This is my mother.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Ma c'hoar a c'hwitelle laouen.,My sister was whistling merrily.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Brudet eo ma c'hoar.,My sister is famous.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Ar Sul 'zo deiz diwezhañ ar sizhun.,Sunday is the last day of the week.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Ma c'harr-tan-me ez eo.,This is my car.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Respont din mar plij.,Please answer me.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Bet out bet ar c'hi gwellañ a c'heller kaout!,You've been the best dog one could desire!,bre_Latn-eng_Latn O tont emaon.,I am coming.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Dont a rez?,Do you come?,bre_Latn-eng_Latn "Deus, c'hoariomp!","Come on, let's play.",bre_Latn-eng_Latn Deus da welet ac'hanon.,Come and see me.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Deus ganeomp!,Come along with us.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Deus amañ diouzhtu.,Come at once.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn "Te, deus amañ.","You, come here.",bre_Latn-eng_Latn "Ishmael, deus amañ!","Ishmael, come over here!",bre_Latn-eng_Latn "Pierre, deus amañ!","Pierre, come here!",bre_Latn-eng_Latn Deus da reiñ an dorn din.,Come help me.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn "Ya, dont a ran!","Yes, I'm cumming.",bre_Latn-eng_Latn Ha gouzout a rit piv eo bet evet ma banne kafe gantañ?,Do you know who drank my coffee?,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Graet em eus kafe.,I made coffee.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Tom a ev nebeut a gafe.,Tom is drinking some coffee.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Kafe em eus evet.,I drank coffee.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Dont a ran eus Saitama.,I come from Saitama.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Emaon o paouez en em gavout.,I just arrived.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn O paouez en em gavout emaon.,I just arrived now.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Deus pa gari.,Come whenever you want to.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Dont a ran eus Bro-Saoz.,I'm from England.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Na c’hoari ket gant an alc’hwez.,Do not play with the key.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Tom a zo gwisket gant ur mantell a zo kalz re ledan evitañ,Tom is wearing a coat that's way too large for him.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Ne glevan ket-se.,I can't hear it.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Stolier eo.,He's an exorcist.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Evañ a ra re a gafe.,He drinks too much coffee.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Me a gav mat kafe mat.,I like good coffee.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn "Seul wezh ma sone kloc'h ar skol, Ivan a groge da sellet er goullo ha da zourenniñ. Goude meur a stolierezh c'hwitet, kompren a reas e dud e oa evit neuze unan eus chas Pavlov adkemeret korf gantañ.","Whenever the school bell rang, Ivan would stare into space and drool. Several failed exorcisms later, his parents realized that he was the reincarnation of one of Pavlov's dogs.",bre_Latn-eng_Latn Seizh dollar mar plij ganit.,"Seven dollars, please.",bre_Latn-eng_Latn Ur c'hazh a gousk sioul.,A cat sleeps soundly.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Goulenn a reas Tom muioc'h a gafe.,Tom asked for more coffee.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Dont a ran eus Bro-Holland.,I come from Holland.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Dont a rez pe ne rez ket?,Will you come or not?,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Deus ma c'hallez!,Come if you can!,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Tomm-tomm eo an te.,The tea is boiling hot.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Klask a rez war va lerc'h? Deus!,You want a piece of me? Come on!,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Dont a ran eus Bro-Rusia.,I am from Russia.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Deus da ganañ ganin.,Come sing with me.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Blaz mat 'zo gant ar c'hafe-mañ.,This coffee tastes great.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Kemeromp un tasad kafe!,Let's get a cup of coffee.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Dont a rez ganin?,Are you coming with me?,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Deus da welet ac'hanon warc'hoazh.,Come and see me tomorrow.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Dont a ran eus Tokyo.,I'm from Tokyo.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Dont a ran eus Bro-Japan.,I come from Japan.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Dont a ran eus Aostralia.,I'm from Australia.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Dont a rez alies amañ?,Do you come here often?,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Dont a ran eus Kolombia.,I'm from Colombia.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Deus ganin bremañ.,Come with me now.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Amanennet eo e vara eus an daou du.,His bread is buttered on both sides.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Deus evel m'emaout.,Come as you are.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Ne labouran ket.,I'm not working.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Dont a ran eus Bro-China.,I am from China.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn O chom amañ emaon.,I live here.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Dont a rez ganeomp?,Are you coming with us?,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Emaon o paouez echuiñ.,I just finished.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Deus d'am burev.,Come to my office.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Daoust hag-eñ emaoc'h war Facebook?,Are you on Facebook?,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Hanter ar meloñsoù a zo bet debret.,Half of the melons were eaten.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Eus a beseurt bro out?,Which country are you from?,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Orañjez eo ma c'hravatenn.,My tie is orange.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Klevout a ran ar pellgomz o seniñ.,I hear a phone ringing.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Bras-kenañ eo e diegezh.,His family is very big.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Brudet eo ar gêr abalamour d'he c'hastell kozh.,The town is famous for its old castle.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Aes e oa al levr-mañ.,This book was easy.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Dont a ran eus Trondheim.,I come from Trondheim.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Deus ken buan ha ma c'hellez.,Come as soon as possible.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Kavout a ra mat e gafe hep sukr.,He likes coffee without sugar.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Gortoz a ran ma teufe.,I expect him to come.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn C'hoant em befe un tasad kafe.,I would like a cup of coffee.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Kalz douar am eus.,I have a lot of land.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Un tasad kafe em bo.,I want to have a cup of coffee.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn C'hoant he doa e teufen.,She wanted me to come.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Ma zad a gav mat e gafe kreñv.,My father likes strong coffee.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Vien a zo ur gêr vrav anezhi.,Vienna is a beautiful city.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Emaon o paouez echuiñ anezhañ.,Just finished it.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Karout a ran ma mamm.,I love my mother.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Servijet he deus din ur c'hafe.,She served me coffee.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Plijout a ra din bezañ ganit.,I like being with you.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Aet eo war zigresk priz ar c'hafe.,The price of coffee has come down.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Priz ar c'hafe a zo digresket.,The price of coffee went down.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Ar c'hafe-mañ 'zo c'hwerv e vlaz gantañ.,This coffee has a bitter taste.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Emañ Tom o c'hoari Frisbee.,Tom is playing frisbee.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Perak e kavit mat ar c'hafe kreñv?,Why do you like coffee strong?,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Hag ur c'hafe a zo?,Is there a cafe?,bre_Latn-eng_Latn "Al levrioù-mañ a zo din, an hini a zo dezhañ.","These are my books, those are his.",bre_Latn-eng_Latn "Ur banne dour, mar plij.","Some water, please.",bre_Latn-eng_Latn 'Gavan ket mat ar c'hafe.,I don't like coffee.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Kousket a blij din.,I like sleeping.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Poent eo mont da gousket.,It's time to go to bed.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Emporzhiañ a reomp kafe eus Bro-vBrezil.,We import coffee from Brazil.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Kavout a ran gwelloc'h an te evit ar c'hafe.,I prefer tea to coffee.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Bez 'zo kafe ha kafe.,"There's coffee, and then there's COFFEE.",bre_Latn-eng_Latn Du eo da gazh.,Your cat is black.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Ur c'hafe am eus kemeret dija.,I've already had a coffee.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Kemeret em eus ur c'hafe dija.,I've had coffee already.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Koant eo ma c'hoar.,My sister is pretty.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn N’eo ket gwenn ar c’hezeg.,The horse is not white.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Butuniñ a rae dalc'hmat.,He kept on smoking all the time.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Prenet he deus ur choanenn vara.,She bought a loaf of bread.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Ouzhpenn an aour a lufr.,All that glitters is not gold.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Gwell eo ur gad tapet evit div o redek.,A bird in the hand is better than two in the bush.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Pegen trist e seblant ar plac'h-se.,How sad that girl looks!,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Gwelet a rin ac'hanout a-benn warc'hoazh.,I'll see you tomorrow.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Da welet a rin a-benn warc'hoazh.,See you tomorrow.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Tom ne c'hall ket disoñjal Mari.,Tom can't forget Mary.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Bara n'he deus ket prenet.,She didn't buy bread.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Ledañ a raen ar fourmaj war ar bara.,I spread the cheese on the bread.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Ret eo din mont bremañ.,I have got to go now.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Ne ouien ket eus pelec'h e oa o tont.,I didn't know where that came from.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Gwir eo diwar-benn ar re vras koulz hag ar vugale.,"That's true not only for children, but also for adults.",bre_Latn-eng_Latn "Aet eo da anaon, peder pe pemp sizhun zo.",He died four to six weeks ago.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Ae 'ta !,Go for it!,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Ne c’hall ket bezañ.,It's not possible.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn "Ha neuze, dont a rez?","Well, are you coming?",bre_Latn-eng_Latn Komz a rit saozneg?,Can you speak English?,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Du eo ar c’hezeg.,The horse is black.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Petra a garfes ober?,What would you like to do?,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Pelec’h emañ ar pont?,Where is the bridge?,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Petra az to?,What will you have to drink?,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Stag da votoù.,Tie your shoes.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Skoulm da votez.,Tie your shoe.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Lakait ho potoù.,Slip on your shoes.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Pelec'h emañ ar botoù?,Where are the shoes?,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Amañ emañ da votoù.,Your shoes are here.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Uzet eo ar botoù.,The shoes are worn out.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Lakait ho potoù mar-plij.,Please put on your shoes.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Selaou a reomp ouzh ar skingomz.,We listen to the radio.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Dilaset eo da votoù.,Your shoes are untied.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Ar botoù-mañ a zo dic’hizet.,Those shoes are old fashioned.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn "Me, n'em eus ezhomm eus netra.",I don't need anything.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Tennañ a ris ma botoù.,I took my shoes off.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn "Muioc'h kafe, mar plij.","More coffee, please.",bre_Latn-eng_Latn Gouzout a rez al livioù a blij dezhi?,Do you know what color she likes?,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Aet eo Tom e karantez gant dousig e vignon karetañ,Tom fell in love with his best friend's girlfriend.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Kas din ma botoù!,Bring me my shoes.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn N’eo ket gwall vras an ti-se.,This house isn't very big.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Ho potoù a blij din.,I like your shoes.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Va zad a zlefe bezañ er gêr bremañ.,My father may be at home now.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Pegement e koust ar botoù-mañ?,How much are these shoes?,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Emen emañ ma c'harr-tan?,Where's my car?,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Dont a ran da glask ac'hanout.,I'm coming to pick you up.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Gwerzhañ a ran botoù.,I sell shoes.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Me 'blij din ar botoù-skañv.,I like light shoes.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Deus da redek ganin.,Come run with me.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Piv a zeuio ganin?,Who will come with me?,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Kelenn a ra saozneg.,He teaches English.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Gant peseurt kelennerien e oas o komz?,Which teachers were you talking to?,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Emen emañ ar botoù?,Where're the shoes?,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Lasañ a reas he botoù.,She laced her shoes.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Tennomp kuit holl ac'hanomp hor botoù.,Let's all take off our shoes.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn C'hoant em boa da lakaat botoù ruz.,I wanted red shoes.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Ar botoù-mañ a zo e re dezhañ.,These shoes are hers.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Ar botoù-mañ a zo da biv?,Whose shoes are these?,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Peseurt botoù a zo re vras?,What shoes are too big?,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Ar votez-mañ az a mat din.,This shoe fits me well.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Me a blij din ar botoù du.,I like the black shoes.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Na denn ket da votoù!,Don't take off your shoes!,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Gwenn eo ar c’hezeg.,The horse is white.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Donemat deoc’h e Tatoeba!,Welcome to Tatoeba.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Blaz ar c'hafe-mañ a zo c'hwerv.,This coffee tastes bitter.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Klevout a ran an avel.,I can hear the wind.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Glav a ra bepred?,Is it still raining?,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Soñjet em eus e oa marv Tom.,I thought Tom was dead.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn N'am lez ket ma unan-penn.,Don't leave me alone.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Na lez ket ac'hanon ma unan-penn.,Don't leave me alone!,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Chom a rin azezet amañ e-keit ma vo o kanañ.,I'll be sitting here while he's singing.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Pegemet eo an horolaj-mañ?,How much is this clock?,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Pegement eo ar montr-mañ?,How much is this watch?,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Pelec'h eman ar gudenn?,Where is the problem?,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Pelec'h emañ ar sal-gibellañ?,Where is the bathroom?,bre_Latn-eng_Latn En em gavet omp asambles a-raok?,Haven't we met before?,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Ne oan ket ma unan.,I wasn't alone.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Gwelet a ran da gazh er jardin.,I see your cat in the garden.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn An dra-mañ a c'hellan kanañ e saozneg.,I can sing it in English.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Er privezioù emañ-hi.,She's in the restroom.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Gwelet em eus anezhañ o redek.,I saw him running.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Din eo holl al levrioù-se.,All these books are mine.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Klevet em eus anezhañ o vont maez.,I heard him go out.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Deus amañ diouzhtu-dak.,Come here right now.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn C'hoant em eus da vezañ pinvidik.,I wish I were rich.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Skrivañ a raio ul lizher.,He will be writing a letter.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn C'hoant em befe da c'houzout neuial.,I wish I could swim.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn """Jamez!"" ""Deo.""","""No way!"" ""Way.""",bre_Latn-eng_Latn Enesennoù so er mor.,There are islands in the sea.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Yen-yen eo.,It's very cold.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Komz a ran un tammig japaneg.,I speak a little Japanese.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Jack eo va anv.,My name is Jack.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Hetiñ a ran dit chañs vat.,I wish you good luck.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn "Londrez, kêrbenn Bro-Saoz, zo war an Davoez.","London, the capital of England, is on the Thames.",bre_Latn-eng_Latn Yao !,Let's hit the road.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn D'an diaoul ganeoc'h !,Take a hike!,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Ur burzhud !,It's a miracle!,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Deomp 'ta !,Let's get going.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Kae da welout !,Check it out!,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Kendalc'homp !,Just keep moving.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Kuit ganit !,Run for it!,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Sed a'e !,You've hit the nail on the head!,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Ur c'harr az peus?,Do you have a car?,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Be peus ur c'harr?,Have you got a car?,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Mat eo !,No problem at all!,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Gwelloc'h dit-te chom hep mont.,You'd better not go.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Gallout a rafec’h sikour ac’hanon?,Can you help me?,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Un tamm bara hag amann.,Some bread and butter.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Deus amañ.,Come up here.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Ne gomzan ket spagnoleg.,I don't speak Spanish.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Krogomp e-barzh !,Let's get started!,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Deuet eo en ur redek.,He came running.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn N'on ket skuizh tamm toud ebet.,I'm not at all tired.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Tanvit !,Have a taste.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Ne goust netra.,It doesn't cost anything.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Anal !,Take a breath.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Ur stal varc’had-mat eo.,That's a cheap store.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn N'eo ket gwerc'h ken.,She's not a virgin anymore.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Enklasker on-me.,I'm a detective.,bre_Latn-eng_Latn C'hwitet az teus kement-tra !,You messed up!,bre_Latn-eng_Latn Оправете си вратовръзката.,Adjust your tie.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том си намести очилата.,Tom adjusted his glasses.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Отново благодаря за всичко.,Thanks again for everything.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Благодаря ти, че се зае с всичко това.",Thanks for taking care of all of this.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Благодаря на всички за поздравите.,Thank you to everyone for the birthday wishes.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Седем по пет прави трийсет и пет.,Five times seven is thirty-five.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Благодаря на всеки един от вас за вашето приятелство и подкрепа.,Thanks to each and every one of you for your friendship and support.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том току-що изпусна влака.,Tom just missed the train.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тя току-що изпусна влака.,She just missed the train.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Току-що изпусна влака.,He just missed the train.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том е свикнал да работи на открито.,Tom is accustomed to working outside.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Кога трябва да върна колата?,When do I have to return the car?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn По кое време ходите до пазара?,What time do you go to the market?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мери току-що изпусна влака.,Mary just missed the train.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Виждаш ли усмивката?,Do you see the smile?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Моливът е черен.,The pencil is black.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Току-що изпуснахте влака, нали?","You just missed the train, didn't you?",bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Коя от двете е по-скъпа?,Which is the more expensive of the two?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Коя от двете е по-тежка?,Which is the heavier of the two?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Аз имам две братовчедки.,I have two cousins.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Имам две сестри - и двете са омъжени.,"I have two sisters, both of whom are married.",bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Трябва да говорим, мило.","We need to talk, honey.",bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Коя от двете книги ви хареса повече?,Which of the two books did you like better?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Мислех си, че е богат.",I thought he was rich.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Той е написал три книги, две от които са бестселъри.","He has written three books, two of which are best sellers.",bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Днес е един адски добър ден.,It's a damn fine day today.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Всички правят тази грешка.,Everyone makes that mistake.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том помогна на Мери да си облече палтото.,Tom helped Mary put her coat on.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn """Противно на вида ти, ти си извратена."" ""Не съм извратена. Аз съм едно чисто и невинно момиче."" ""Да бе, да.""","""Despite appearances, you're a pervert."" ""I'm not a pervert. I'm a pure and innocent young girl."" ""Yeah, yeah, give me a break.""",bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Това е само вода.,This is just water.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Благодаря за комплимента.,Thanks for the compliment.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Надявам се един ден да работя в лабораторията.,I wish to work in the laboratory some day.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Знаеш ли как?,Do you know how?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Никога не е валяло на острова.,It has never snowed on the island.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бебето расте.,The baby is growing up.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Канада е голяма страна.,Canada is a large country.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Преместих се в Англия от Германия, когато бях на девет.",I moved to England from Germany when I was nine.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Вече се е случвало.,It has happened before.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn На мен ми е удобно по всяко време.,Any time will suit me.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ще ми купите ли шафран?,Will you buy for me some saffron?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Индийското знаме се нарича трикольор, защото има ивици в три цвята - шафран, бяло и зелено.","The Indian flag is called the tricolour because it has stripes of three colours – saffron, white and green.",bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Аз бих могъл да ви направя щастливи.,I could make you happy.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Не знаех, че съм била осиновена.",I didn't know I was adopted.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том видя Мери да чака.,Tom saw Mary waiting.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "О, Боже мой!","Oh, my God!",bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Какво му се е случило?,What happened to him?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Защо никога не ми е казвано за това?,Why was I never told about this?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Защо никой никога не ми е разказвал за това?,Why hasn't anybody ever told me about it?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Не му мисли много.,Don't think about it too much.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Не мислиш ли, че си твърде рязък?",Don't you think you are too harsh?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Не мислиш ли, че си малко твърде настоятелен?",Don't you think you are a little too pushy?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Не обичам да ям сардини, защото смятам, че са твърде солени.","I don't like to eat sardines, because I think they taste too salty.",bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тя има дълъг нос.,She has a long nose.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Никога не съм бил смел.,I was never brave.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ти си шефът!,You're the boss!,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Точно под носа ти е.,It's right under your nose.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том има много голям нос.,Tom has a very large nose.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Той току-що е станал директор.,He has just become a principal.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Аз ли съм първият ти приятел, който не е японец?",Am I your first friend who's not Japanese?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Мислех, че излизаме на вечеря.",I thought we were going out to dinner.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Забавлявах се снощи.,I had fun last night.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Толкова съм грозна.,I'm so ugly.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мери е непривлекателна.,Mary is unattractive.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Висок ли е?,Is he tall?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Как е времето.,How is the weather?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том е слаб.,Tom is thin.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Заплащането е нищожно.,The pay is meager.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Вие сте толкова слаб.,You're so skinny.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Тя беше висока, стройна блондика.","She was a tall, slender blonde.",bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Възрастна ли изглеждам?,Do I look old?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Едно време бях млад.,I was young once.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Има много големи градове в Бразилия.,There are a lot of big cities in Brazil.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Съжалявам, нямам дребни.","I'm sorry, I don't have change.",bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Пръстите на ръката са пет: палец, показалец, среден пръст, безименен и кутре.","The hand has five fingers: the thumb, the index finger, the middle finger, the ring finger, and the pinky.",bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Тя усети, че коленете ѝ треперят.",She felt her knees tremble.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Плати на касата.,Pay at the cash register.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тя има татуиран гущер на бедрото си.,She has a tattoo of a lizard on her thigh.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Физическото натоварване прави тялото ти силно.,Exercise makes your body strong.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Той има силно тяло.,He has a strong body.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Какво каза тя?,What did she say?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том не беше толкова лош.,Tom wasn't that bad.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Какво се опитва да постигне Том?,What's Tom after?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Мисля, че тя свърши добра работа.",I think you did a good job.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бил може да бяга по-бързо от Боб.,Bill can run faster than Bob.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том не може да понася присъствието на Мери.,Tom can't stand being around Mary.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn На колко години са братовчедите ѝ?,How old are your cousins?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Кога си роден?,When were you born?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Това е триъгълник.,This is a triangle.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Кой казва, че изреченията трябва да са сериозни?",Who says sentences have to be serious?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том е сърдечен и щедър.,Tom is warm and generous.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Имаме само чай.,We only have tea.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Запътих се към парка.,I walked toward the park.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Трябва ли да слагам масата?,Do I need to set the table?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том щеше да разбере.,Tom would've understood.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Трябва да купя един от тези.,I must buy one of these.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Какво носиш в куфара?,What do you have in your suitcase?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Какво криеш зад гърба си?,What do you have hidden behind your back?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Горещо ли е навън?,Is it hot outside?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Какво държиш в дясната си ръка?,What do you have in your right hand?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Нужно е време, за да се съвземе човек след развод.",It takes time to get over a divorce.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Мисля, че си абсолютно прав.",I think you're absolutely right.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Мисля, че ще си промениш мнението.",I think you'll change your mind.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Почувствахме се успокоени, когато видяхме светлина в далечината.",We felt relieved when we saw a light in the distance.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Транспортът е основен проблем в градовете.,Traffic is a major urban problem.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Той винаги е оставял проблема с образованието на децата си на жена си.,He always left the problem of his children's education to his wife.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Той е шофьор на такси.,He is a taxi driver.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Благодарение на съвременните системи за комуникация и транспорт светът стана по­-малък.,"Because of modern communication and transportation systems, the world is getting smaller.",bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Днес автомобилите са заели мястото на конете като основно транспортно средство.,"Today, automobiles have taken the place of horses as the principal means of transportation.",bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Загубих си чадъра. Трябва да си купя нов.,I've lost my umbrella. I must buy a new one.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Един от основните проблеми за чуждестранния студент е изборът на транспортно средство за придвижване до университетските центрове и сградите на Reggio Emilia.,One of the main problems of an international student surely concerns the choice of means of transport to use in order to reach the university's sites and the facilities of Reggio Emilia.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Ако се съгласите да купите три хиляди, ще Ви направим три процента отстъпка.","If you agree to buy 3000 of them, we'll give you a 3 percent discount.",bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Току-що дадох кръв.,I just gave blood.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Току-що разбрах, че Том е мъртъв.",I just found out Tom is dead.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Просто ми е трудно да повярвам, че Том наистина го вярва.",I just find it hard to believe that Tom really believes that.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Жал ми е за Том.,I just feel sorry for Tom.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Просто се чувствам ужасно.,I just feel awful.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Току-що ти пратих имейл.,I just emailed you.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Просто повече не можех да гледам как Том страда.,I just couldn't watch Tom suffer anymore.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Просто не можах да накарам Том да разбере.,I just couldn't make Tom understand.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тук се чувствам по-сигурен.,I feel safer here.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Чувствам се объркан.,I feel lost.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Не очаквах Том да бъде там.,I didn't expect Tom to be there.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Забелязах, че Том обикновено не си заключва вратата.",I've noticed that Tom doesn't usually lock his door.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Никога не съм опитвал.,I've never tried.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Птиците запяха.,The birds sang.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Никога преди не съм чувал Том да се оплаква.,I've never heard Tom complain before.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Познавам Том от времето, в което ходехме заедно на училище.",I've known Tom since we went to school together.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Трябва да предупредя Том.,I've got to warn Tom.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Трябва да те видя.,I've got to see you.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Трябва да видя Том.,I have to see Tom.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Учудвам се, че Том не спомена Мери.",I'm surprised Tom didn't mention Mary.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Сигурен съм, че не си искал да обидиш Том.",I'm sure you didn't mean to hurt Tom's feelings.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Корабът транспортира суровини от Индонезия.,The ship transports raw materials from Indonesia.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Сигурен съм, че Том ще недоволства.",I'm sure Tom will complain.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Сигурен съм, че Том не мисли така.",I'm sure Tom doesn't think that.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мъжете носеха момчето към болницата.,The men were carrying the boy to the hospital.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Сигурна съм, че Том не те мрази.",I'm sure Tom doesn't hate you.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Сигурен съм, че Том не го мислеше наистина.",I'm sure Tom didn't mean that.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Сигурен съм, че Том не искаше да каже това.",I'm sure Tom didn't mean it.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Сигурен съм, че Том даже не е забелязал, че ти закъсня.",I'm sure Tom didn't even notice you were late.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Сигурен съм, че това няма да се наложи.",I'm sure that won't be necessary.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Съжалявам, но не го вярвам.","I'm sorry, I don't buy it.",bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Кораб, който пренася петрол, се нарича танкер.",A ship that transports oil is called an oil tanker.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Впечатлена съм, Том.","I'm impressed, Tom.",bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Прибрах се, Том.","I'm home, Tom.",bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Страхувам се, че това не е възможно.",I'm afraid that won't be possible.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Опасявам се, че това няма да е достатъчно.",I'm afraid that won't be enough.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Абсолютно сигурен съм, че Том греши.",I'm absolutely certain that Tom is wrong.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Абсолютно сигурна съм, че Том греши.",I'm absolutely certain Tom is wrong.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ще купя подарък на Том.,I'll buy a gift for Tom.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тази кутия е много тежка и не мога да я пренеса.,"This box is very heavy, so I can't carry it.",bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тази кутия е много тежка за мене да я нося.,This is too heavy a box for me to carry.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Помислих си, че може да не се наложи да ходя.",I'd thought it might not be necessary to go.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Никога преди не съм срещал Том.,I'd never met Tom before.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Ако опиташ този сос, ще го намериш за леко солен.",If you taste this sauce you'll find it a bit salty.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn По-добре да отида да видя какво е открил Том.,I'd better go see what Tom found out.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Няма да е зле да отида да видя какво прави Том.,I'd better go check on Tom.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn По-добре да се връщам вкъщи.,I'd better get back home.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Няма да позволя на Том да те нарани.,I won't let Tom hurt you.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Няма да позволя на Том да го направи.,I won't let Tom do that.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Няма да позволя на Том да направи това.,I won't allow Tom to do that.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Наеха хамалска фирма, за да си пренесат нещата на новия адрес.",They hired a moving company to transport their belongings to their new home.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Повече няма да те притеснявам тази вечер.,I won't bother you anymore tonight.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Много стоки се транспортират по света с кораби.,Many goods are transported across the globe by ship.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Беше транспортиран до болницата с хеликоптер.,He was transported to the hospital by helicopter.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Няма да предам доверието Ви.,I won't betray your trust.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Кутията е твърде тежка за носене.,The box is too heavy to carry.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Не мога да нося този куфар. Много е тежък.,I can't carry this suitcase. It's too heavy.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Няма да работя тук за дълго.,I won't be working here long.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Няма да съм тук толкова дълго.,I won't be here that long.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Искам да знам говорил ли си с Том.,I want to know if you've been talking to Tom.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Искам да знам говорила ли си с Том.,I want to know whether you've been talking to Tom.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Искам да купя подарък на Том.,I want to buy a gift for Tom.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Казах ти да наблюдаваш Том внимателно.,I told you to watch Tom carefully.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Казах на Том, че аз не бих го направил.",I told Tom I wouldn't do it.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Казах на Том, че имам планове.",I told Tom I had plans.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Мислех, че не харесваш Том.",I thought you didn't like Tom.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Мислех, че Том не ти харесва.",I thought that you didn't like Tom.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Мислех, че мога да имам доверие на Том.",I thought I could trust Tom.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Малко се поувлякох, докато танцувах, и се качих на масата.",I got a bit carried away when I was dancing and got up on the table.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ранените бяха транспортирани с линейка.,The wounded were transported with an ambulance.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ползваме градския трянспорт.,We use public transportation.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Джейн също играе тенис.,Jane plays tennis too.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Той е доктор.,He is a doctor.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Той е лекар.,He's a doctor.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Алън е поет.,Allen is a poet.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Той я обича.,He loves her.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Зеленото ти отива.,Green suits you.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Моля, говорете по-високо.",Please speak more loudly.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Говори по-високо, ако обичаш.",Could you speak a little louder please?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ще го изям тук.,I'll eat it here.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Мисля, че е щастлив.",I think he's happy.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том носеше нещо.,Tom was carrying something.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Луси обича да играе тенис.,Lucy likes playing tennis.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Почти три часа е.,It's nearly three o'clock.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Нанси има пиано.,Nancy has a piano.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Той изгуби зрението си.,He lost his eyesight.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Училището започва в осем и половина.,School begins at half past eight.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Аз вървя с нея.,I'm walking with her.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Няма да съм в състояние да пренеса Том от другата страна на моста.,I won't be able to carry Tom across the bridge.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Майка ми не може да дойде.,My mother can't come.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мери може да плува.,Mary can swim.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Къде можем да ядем?,When can we eat?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Наистина съм уморен.,I'm really tired.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мери е висока.,Mary is tall.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Колко е сложно?,How complex is it?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Линкълн е умрял през 1865.,Lincoln died in 1865.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Не ми пипай фотоапарата.,Don't touch my camera.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мери свири на пиано.,Mary plays the piano.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Видях го да тича.,I saw him running.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тя познава ли те?,Does she know you?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Нямам пари.,I have no money.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Аз нямам пари.,I've got no money.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Няма проблем да си тръгнеш.,It's okay to go.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Той говори английски много добре.,He speaks English fluently.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Чувствам се добре.,I feel fine.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Това са моите гащи.,Those are my pants.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Това са гащите ми.,These are my pants.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Това е твоя отговорност.,That's your responsibility.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn В Япония често стават земетресения.,Earthquakes frequently hit Japan.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Така мисля.,I think so.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тя реши да се откаже.,She decided to resign.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Аз ще вляза.,I'll get in.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Фред ритна една топка.,Fred kicked a ball.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Те мразеха Том.,They hated Tom.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Това е прекалено дълго.,This is too long.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Моля те, не питай.",Please don't ask.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Пробвай го пак.,Try it once more.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Опитай това пак.,Try it again.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Искам онази чанта.,I want that bag.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Хайде да ядем суши.,Let's have sushi.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Да ядем суши.,Let's eat sushi.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Кучето умира.,The dog is dying.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Светофарите се използват за управление на трафика.,Traffic lights are used to direct traffic.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Джейн изглежда щастлива.,Jane looks happy.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тук ли живееш?,Do you live here?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Аз съм много щастлив!,I'm too happy!,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Каква ти е работата?,What's your job?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Какво работиш?,What is your job?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Съжалявам.,I am sorry.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Свалете ме от тази страна на светофара, ако обичате.",Please let me off on this side of that traffic light.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Какво яде Кен?,What is Ken eating?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Това ми е работата.,It's my job.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Аз никога не съм ходил там, но мисля, че е след светофара.","I've never been there, but I think it's past that traffic light.",bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Невъзможно е.,It's not possible.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Питър обича Джейн.,Peter loves Jane.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Направи избора си.,Make your choice.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Постъпи както искаш.,Do as you like.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Полицията не трябва да взима подкупи.,Police shouldn't take bribes.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Какво е това?,What is that?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Къде е шефът?,Where's the boss?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Честита Нова година!,Happy New Year!,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тя не го хареса.,She didn't like him.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Той не ѝ хареса.,She disliked him.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ще се видим тогава.,See you then.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Не я знам.,I don't know her.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Червеният светофар означава ""Спри"".","The red traffic light indicates ""stop"".",bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Като пребит съм.,I'm incredibly tired.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Умирам от умора.,I am exhausted.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Карай направо по пътя и като подминеш светофара, си там.","Go straight down the road, and when you pass the traffic light you're there.",bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Като стигнеш до светофара, завий надясно.","After you get to the traffic lights, turn right.",bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Стигнахме бързо, понеже движението не беше натоварено.",We made good time since the traffic was light.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Тъй като нямаше много движение, стигнахме бързо до плажа.","Since the traffic was light, we made good time driving to the beach.",bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Виж, това ми е визитката.","Look, this is my business card.",bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Том намери една визитка в джоба си, но не можа да си спомни откъде се е сдобил с нея.","Tom found someone's business card in his pocket, but couldn't remember where he got it.",bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Искам нови визитки.,I want new business cards.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Том не можа да повярва, че Мери наистина го обича.",Tom couldn't believe that Mary really loved him.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Това е моята визитна картичка.,This is my business card.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том даде на Мери визитката си.,Tom gave Mary his business card.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ние се целим в тази цел.,We aim at that objective.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Вчера един пешеходец беше сгазен от камион на тази пешеходна пътека.,Yesterday a pedestrian was run over by a truck at this pedestrian crossing.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Линейката стана неуправляема и едва не прегази един пешеходец.,The ambulance went out of control and came close to running over a pedestrian.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Един полицай се беше вторачил в подозрителен пешеходец.,A policeman was gazing at a suspicious pedestrian.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Внимавайте за пешеходци, когато шофирате.",Look out for pedestrians when you drive a car.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Шофьорът на автобуса не видя пешеходеца.,The bus driver didn't see the pedestrian.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Страх ме е да пресека улицата в Пекин, понеже там шофьорите не се съобразяват с пешеходците.",I'm afraid to cross the street in Beijing since drivers don't respect pedestrians there.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Трима пешеходци станаха жертви на автомобилно произшествие.,Three pedestrians were victims of an accident.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Внимавай за колоездачи и пешеходци.,Watch out for cyclists and pedestrians.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Внимавай, когато пресичаш натоварена улица!",Be alert when you cross a busy street!,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Беше ударена от кола, докато пресичаше улицата.",She was hit by a car while she was crossing the street.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Котка пресече улицата.,A cat ran across the street.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Огледайте се наляво и надясно, преди да пресечете улицата.",Look to the left and right before crossing the street.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Реката, която тече през Париж, се казва Сена.",The river which flows through Paris is the Seine.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Спри да си задаваш безполезни въпроси.,Stop asking yourself useless questions.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Пресечи улицата.,Cross the street.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Пресечете улицата.,Cross the road.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Ядивно значи ""добро за ядене"" и ""полезно за храносмилането"", каквото е червея за жабата, жабата за змията, змията за прасето, прасето за човека и човека за червея.","Edible means good to eat, and wholesome to digest, as a worm to a toad, a toad to a snake, a snake to a pig, a pig to a man, and a man to a worm.",bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Прекоси Тихия океан за трийсет дни.,He crossed the Pacific Ocean in thirty days.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Една минута.,Just a minute.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Минутка.,Just a moment.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Плувам веднъж седмично.,I swim once a week.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Те направиха дупка в стената.,They made a breach in the wall.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Предишният президент на асоциацията е бил арестуван по подозрение за нелоялност.,The former president of a certain association has been arrested on suspicion of breach of trust.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Тя нямаше стимул да работи, след като ѝ бе отказано повишение.",She had no incentive to work after she was refused a promotion.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Да целуваш пушач е все едно да ближеш пепелник.,Kissing a person who smokes is like licking an ashtray.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Трябва да предложим на децата безплатни билети за кино като стимул да посещават училище.,We should offer children free movie tickets as an incentive to attend school.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Накрая, Едип отговори.","Finally, Oedipus replied.",bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Учениците се закачат постоянно.,The schoolboys teased each other endlessly.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Останалите момчета му се подиграваха, когато се подстрига.",The other boys teased him when he got his hair cut.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Благодаря, добре съм!","I'm fine, thanks for asking!",bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Ако хората, които пушат, бъдат лишени от цигарите си, те стават нервни и раздразнителни.","If people who smoke are deprived of their cigarettes, they get nervous and irritable.",bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Трябва да съм изпуснала нещо.,I must've missed something.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Всеки идиот може да бутне плевня, но за да се построи, си трябва дърводелец.","Any jackass can kick down a barn, but it takes a carpenter to build one.",bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Хайде, да тръгваме!","Yeah, let's go!",bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Каква е минималната заплата в Гана?,What's the minimum salary in Ghana?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Каква е минималната заплата в Мексико?,What's the minimum salary in Mexico?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Каква е минималната заплата в Китай?,What's the minimum salary in China?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Каква е минималната заплата в Япония?,What's the minimum salary in Japan?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Каква е минималната заплата в Испания?,What's the minimum salary in Spain?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Каква е минималната заплата в Канада?,What's the minimum salary in Canada?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Каква е минималната заплата в Португалия?,What's the minimum salary in Portugal?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Това бюро ми струва 20000 йени.,"This desk cost me 20,000 yen.",bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Каква е минималната заплата в Египет?,What's the minimum salary in Egypt?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тука имаше цветя.,There were flowers here.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Каква е минималната заплата в Италия?,What's the minimum salary in Italy?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Каква е минималната заплата във Франция?,What's the minimum salary in France?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Каква е минималната заплата в Гърция?,What's the minimum salary in Greece?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Каква е минималната заплата в България?,What's the minimum salary in Bulgaria?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Каква е минималната заплата във Финландия?,What's the minimum salary in Finland?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Каква е минималната заплата в Швеция?,What's the minimum salary in Sweden?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Каква е минималната заплата в Норвегия?,What's the minimum salary in Norway?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Каква е минималната заплата в Дания?,What's the minimum salary in Denmark?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Каква е минималната заплата в Естония?,What's the minimum salary in Estonia?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Каква е минималната заплата в Мароко?,What's the minimum salary in Morocco?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Каква е минималната заплата в Швейцария?,What's the minimum salary in Switzerland?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Каква е минималната заплата в Либия?,What's the minimum salary in Libya?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Каква е минималната заплата в Ливан?,What's the minimum salary in Lebanon?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ти си лош човек.,You are a bad person.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Каква е минималната заплата в Русия?,What's the minimum salary in Russia?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Каква е минималната заплата в Румъния?,What's the minimum salary in Romania?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Каква е минималната заплата в Куба?,What's the minimum salary in Cuba?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Каква е минималната заплата в Бразилия?,What's the minimum salary in Brasil?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Каква е минималната заплата в Аржентина?,What's the minimum salary in Argentina?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Каква е минималната заплата в Лихтенщайн?,What's the minimum salary in Liechtenstein?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Каква е минималната заплата в Шотландия?,What's the minimum salary in Scotland?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Каква е минималната заплата в Англия?,What's the minimum salary in England?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Каква е минималната заплата в Ирландия?,What's the minimum salary in Ireland?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Каква е минималната заплата в Исландия?,What's the minimum salary in Iceland?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Каква е минималната заплата в Украйна?,What's the minimum salary in Ukraine?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Каква е минималната заплата в Беларус?,What's the minimum salary in Belarus?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Каква е минималната заплата в Австралия?,What's the minimum salary in Australia?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Каква е минималната заплата в Нигерия?,What's the minimum salary in Nigeria?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Каква е минималната заплата в Гватемала?,What's the minimum salary in Guatemala?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Каква е минималната заплата в ЮАР?,What's the minimum salary in South Africa?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Каква е минималната заплата в Конго?,What's the minimum salary in Congo?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Каква е минималната заплата в Хърватия?,What's the minimum salary in Croatia?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Каква е минималната заплата в Люксембург?,What's the minimum salary in Luxembourg?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Каква е минималната заплата в Холандия?,What's the minimum salary in the Netherlands?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Каква е минималната заплата в Полша?,What's the minimum salary in Poland?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Каква е минималната заплата в Литва?,What's the minimum salary in Lithuania?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Каква е минималната заплата в Словения?,What's the minimum salary in Slovenia?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Каква е минималната заплата в Латвия?,What's the minimum salary in Latvia?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Каква е минималната заплата в Словакия?,What's the minimum salary in Slovakia?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Каква е минималната заплата в Кипър?,What's the minimum salary in Cyprus?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Каква е минималната заплата в Гибралтар?,What's the minimum salary in Gibraltar?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Каква е минималната заплата в Грузия?,What's the minimum salary in Georgia?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Каква е минималната заплата в Ирак?,What's the minimum salary in Iraq?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Каква е минималната заплата в Сирия?,What's the minimum salary in Syria?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Каква е минималната заплата в Индия?,What's the minimum salary in India?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Каква е минималната заплата в Пакистан?,What's the minimum salary in Pakistan?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Каква е минималната заплата в Кения?,What's the minimum salary in Kenya?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Каква е минималната заплата в Ямайка?,What's the minimum salary in Jamaica?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Каква е минималната заплата в Намибия?,What's the minimum salary in Namibia?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Каква е минималната заплата в Чили?,What's the minimum salary in Chile?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Каква е минималната заплата в Съединените щати?,What's the minimum salary in the United States?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Аз съм много щастлив в Грузия.,I am very happy in Georgia.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Каква е минималната заплата в Обединеното кралство?,What's the minimum salary in the United Kingdom?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Каква е минималната заплата в Чехия?,What's the minimum salary in the Czech Republic?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Каква е минималната заплата в твоята страна?,What's the minimum salary in your country?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Да, женен съм.","Yes, I am married.",bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Каква е минималната заплата в Сиера Леоне?,What's the minimum salary in Sierra Leone?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Каква е минималната заплата в Северна Ирландия?,What's the minimum salary in Northern Ireland?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Иска ми се да можех да говоря френски малко по-добре.,I wish I could speak French a little better.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Жесток сте.,You are cruel.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Това куче е мелез.,This dog is a crossbreed.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Коя е любимата ти порода куче?,What's your favorite breed of dog?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Що за лекар си ти?,What kind of doctor are you?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Какъв адвокат си ти?,What kind of lawyer are you?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Що за човек си ти?,What sort of person are you?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Какъв е тоя абсурд?,What kind of nonsense is this?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тази порода котки нямат опашки.,This kind of cat doesn't have a tail.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Що за човек би направил нещо такова?,What kind of person would do that kind of thing?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Само ако знаеше в каква ситуация съм.,If you only knew what kind of a situation I am in.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Наистина оценявам това, че ми помогнахте да се измъкна от това положение.",I really appreciate you helping me out.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Аз уча електроинженерство в Плимутския университет.,I am studying electrical engineering at the University of Plymouth.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Що за логика е тая: щом не е твое, трябва да е мое?","What kind of logic is this: if it is not yours, it must be mine?",bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Наистина оценявам предложението.,I really appreciate the offer.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Наистина го оценявам, Том.","I really appreciate it, Tom.",bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Наистина съм заинтересуван.,I really am interested.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Наистина се радвам, че си тук.",I really am glad you're here.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Чета много списания.,I read a lot of magazines.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Прочетох още няколко глави, преди да заспя.",I read a couple of more chapters before I went to sleep.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Позвъних на звънеца.,I rang the doorbell.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Избягах от къщи.,I ran out of the house.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Вчера се натъкнах на Том.,I ran into Tom yesterday.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Онзиден се натъкнах на Том.,I ran into Tom the other day.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Вчера по обяд случайно видях Том.,I ran into Tom at lunch today.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Толкова ми липсваше британският акцент.,I missed the British accent so much.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Избягах от къщи, когато бях на тринайсет.",I ran away from home when I was thirteen.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Не успях да се свържа с него.,I couldn't get in touch with him.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Не го приемай лично.,Don't take it personally.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Тези обувки са толкова тесни, че не мога да ги обуя.",These shoes are so tight that I can't put them on.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Спаси детето с риск за собствения си живот.,He saved the child at the risk of his life.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Купих месото, което току-що купихме, във фризера.",I put the meat we just bought in the freezer.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сложете всичката хартия за изхвърляне в това кошче.,Put all your waste paper in this basket.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сложих си дрехите в сушилнята.,I put my clothes in the dryer.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том слага твърде много захар в чая си.,Tom puts too much sugar in his tea.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сложи си шапката.,Put your hat on.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Оставих го на бюрото ти.,I put it on your desk.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сложих го в стаята ти.,I put it in your room.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn За Джон кариерата е по-важна от семейството.,John puts his career before his family.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Облечи си пижамата.,Put on your pajamas.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сложи морковите в тенджерата.,Put the carrots in the pot.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сложи пистолета на масата.,Put the gun on the table.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Винаги се съмняваш в думите ми.,You are always doubting my word.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Много ми се иска да гледам филма.,I'd love to see the movie.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Не го излагайте на дъжд.,Don't expose it to the rain.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Не го излагай на дъжд.,Don't expose it to the rain!,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Сложете лекарството на място, където децата не могат да го достигнат.",Put this medicine where children can't get it.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Наистина ли слагаш толкова много неща в сандвича?,You really put that much in the sandwich?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Можеш да го сложиш където и да е.,You can put it anywhere.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Къде слагаш ударението в думата ""Australia""?","Where do you place the stress in the word ""Australia""?",bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Забравих да сложа марка на плика.,I forgot to put a stamp on the envelope.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Не си слагам захар в кафето.,I don't put sugar in my coffee.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Аз не слагам захар в кафето.,I don't sugar my coffee.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Трябва да си сложа часовника с две минути напред.,I must put my watch forward two minutes.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Никога не подлагам на съмнение неговата честност.,I would never question his honesty.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "В Китай ние слагаме отпред първо фамилията, а после името.","In China, we put our family name first, then our name.",bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Кафето със захар ли го пиеш?,Do you take sugar in your coffee?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Ако бях на твое място, щях да си сложа парите в банка.","If I were you, I'd put the money in a bank.",bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Може ли да добавиш моето име в списъка на чакащите?,Could you put my name on the waiting list?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Слагам го това изречение в Татоеба и никой не може да ме спре!,I'm putting this sentence on Tatoeba and nobody can stop me!,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сложи съда във фурната.,Place the pan in the oven.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Как можем да осъществим това на практика?,How can we put it into practice?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Подреди си книгите.,Put your books in order.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ще си сложиш ли това кимоно?,Will you put on this kimono?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Моля те, разчисти тези документи.",Please get these papers out of the way.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Прибери колата в гаража.,Put the car into the garage.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Майк плува много добре.,Mike swims very well.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Той заби пирони в дъската.,He hammered nails into the plank.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Беше много трудно.,It was very hard.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том не искаше Мери да си играе с неговите деца.,Tom didn't want Mary to play with his kids.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Трябва да си взема душ.,I have to take a shower.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn По това време Том не беше особено щастлив.,"At that time, Tom wasn't very happy.",bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Глоката куздра щеко избудли бокъра и курдячи бокърчето.,A glock coozdre has steckly boodled a boker and is curding a bokerlet.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Взимат си душ.,They're in the shower.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тя е под душа.,She's in the shower.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Той си взимаше душ.,He was in the shower.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Взимам си душ.,I am having a shower.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn От душа не тече вода.,Water is not coming out of the shower.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Готвя се да си взема душ.,I'm going to take a shower.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Искам стая с душ.,I want a room with a shower.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Всеки ден ли си взимаш душ?,Do you shower every day?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том искаше да си вземе душ.,Tom wanted to take a shower.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Позволи ми да си взема един бърз душ.,Let me take a quick shower.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тъкмо си взех душ.,I just showered.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Колко пъти си взимаш душ?,How often do you shower?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Винаги пее под душа.,He always sings while having a shower.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Отивам да си взема душ, че смърдя.",I'm going to take a shower because I stink.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "След първата ми тренировка в зала тялото така ме болеше, че бях като парализиран.","After doing my first workout at the gym, my body ached so much that I felt like a paralytic.",bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Къде тренира?,Where is he practicing?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Той е голям треньор.,He's a great coach.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Още тренирам.,I'm still in training.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тренирам почти всеки ден.,I train almost every day.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бяха добре тренирани и добре снабдени.,They were well-trained and well-supplied.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Физическото натоварване тренира мускулатурата.,Exercise trains the muscles.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Остана без пари.,She ran out of money.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Да не сме се загубили?,Are we lost?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Готови ли сме?,Are we prepared?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Носът ми е запушен.,My nose is stuffed up.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Мисля, че трябва да сменим темата.",I think we should change the topic.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Безопасно ли е?,Are we safe?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том е нащрек.,Tom is attentive.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Потъваме ли?,Are we sinking?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ще посетя господин Браун утре.,I'll visit Mr. Brown tomorrow.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Сигурни ли сме, че искаме да наемем Том?",Are we sure we want to hire Tom?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Намерих дневника ти.,I found your diary.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ти също ли си ерген?,"Are you a bachelor, too?",bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Напълно ли си сигурен, че искаш да го направиш?",Are you absolutely positive you want to do this?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Обвиняваш ли ме в нещо?,Are you accusing me of something?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ти да не би да ме заплашваш нещо?,Are you actually threatening me?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том не може да говори френски.,Tom can't speak French.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том ми помага по френски.,Tom helps me in French.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том говори френски добре.,Tom speaks French well.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том разговаря с мен на френски.,Tom spoke French to me.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том разбира френски.,Tom understands French.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Твоят френски е перфектен.,Your French is perfect.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Трябва да помогна на майка си.,I must help my mother.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Френски ли учиш?,Are you studying French?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том произнесе реч на френски.,Tom gave a speech in French.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Аз разбирам малко френски.,I understand French a little.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Иска ми се да бях продължил с френския.,I wish I'd kept up my French.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ще ви изпратя.,I'll walk you out.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Съчинявам песен на френски.,I'm writing a song in French.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Започнах да уча френски.,I've started learning French.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ще дойда с тебе обратно до хотела.,I'll walk you back to your hotel.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Всеки ден ли се занимаваш с френски?,Do you study French every day?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Няма проблем, ще те придружа до асансьора.","It's no problem, I'll walk you to the elevator.",bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn И двамата ли разбират френски?,Do they both understand French?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том говори ли свободно френски?,Does Tom speak French fluently?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Френският не е моят първи език.,French isn't my first language.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Започна ли да учиш френски?,Have you begun studying French?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тази книга е написана на френски.,This book is written in French.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ще те придружа до изхода.,I'll walk you to the gate.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том може да пее няколко френски песни.,Tom can sing some French songs.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том колко време е учил френски?,How long has Tom studied French?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Не мисля, че Том говори френски.",I don't think Tom speaks French.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Обичам да пиша песни на френски.,I like to write songs in French.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Френският на Том е по-добър от моя.,Tom's French is better than mine.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Защо Том говори френски толкова добре?,Why can Tom speak French so well?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Защо Том искаше да научи френски?,Why did Tom want to learn French?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Да ви е сладко!,Enjoy your meal!,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Всичките ни срещи се провеждат на френски.,All of our meetings are in French.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Имаш ли някакви френски вестници?,Do you have any French newspapers?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Никога не съм чувал Том да говори френски.,I've never heard Tom speak French.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Съвсем сам ли си?,Are you all alone?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Трудно ли е произношението във френския?,Is French pronunciation difficult?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том не говореше френски много добре.,Tom didn't speak French very well.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Добавете този сайт към ""Предпочитани"".",Bookmark this site.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Том говори френски толкова добре, колкото и аз.",Tom speaks French as well as I do.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том говори френски добре като Мери.,Tom speaks French as well as Mary.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том още не може да говори добре на френски.,I'm not good at speaking French yet.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Метнах се на едно колело и подгоних крадеца.,I got on a bicycle and chased after the thief.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Учил съм френски три години.,I've studied French for three years.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тази книга е на лесен френски.,This book is written in easy French.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Том твърди, че може да говори на френски.",Tom claims that he can speak French.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том преподава френски в една гимназия.,Tom teaches French at a high school.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сама ли си в момента?,Are you alone right now?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Исках да говоря с Том на френски.,I wanted to speak in French with Tom.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ще ми се да можех да говоря френски като тебе.,I wish I could speak French like you.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Отсега нататък ще уча по френски по-сериозно.,I'll study French harder from now on.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Въоръжен ли си?,Are you armed?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Том казва, че може малко да говори френски.",Tom says he can speak a little French.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том разговаря с баба си и дядо си на френски.,Tom speaks French to his grandparents.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том разговаря с родителите си само на френски.,Tom speaks only French to his parents.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том преведе писмото на френски.,Tom translated the letter into French.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Книгата на Том беше преведена на френски.,Tom's book was translated into French.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ти наистина говориш френски доста добре.,You really do speak French quite well.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Можеш ли да броиш до сто на френски?,Can you count to one hundred in French?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том подгони Мери.,Tom chased after Mary.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Иска ми се да бях говорил повече на френски.,I wish I could have spoken more French.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Иска ми се да бях говорила повече на френски.,I wish I could've spoken more French.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Писах на учителя си по френски на френски.,I wrote to my French teacher in French.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Сигурен съм, че Том не може да говори френски.",I'm pretty sure Tom can't speak French.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Сигурна съм, че Том не може да говори френски.",I'm pretty sure that Tom can't speak French.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том говори френски като носител на езика.,Tom speaks French like a native speaker.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том преведе договора на френски.,Tom translated the contract into French.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Вие ергени ли сте?,Are you bachelors?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Трябва да пробваш да научиш малко френски.,You should try to learn a little French.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Започна ли вече да учиш френски?,Have you already started learning French?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Уча френски по три часа всеки ден.,I study French for three hours every day.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Френският изобщо не е толкова труден за научаване.,French is not all that difficult to learn.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Не знаех, че Том може да говори френски.",I didn't know that Tom could speak French.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Имам трима приятели, които могат да говорят френски.",I have three friends who can speak French.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Да не ме обвиняваш за неуспехите си?,Are you blaming me for your lack of success?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Имам проблеми с френската граматика.,I'm having a hard time with French grammar.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "И Том, и Мери могат да говорят френски.",Tom and Mary are both able to speak French.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том и Мери си говорят на френски.,Tom and Mary speak to each other in French.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Замина за Португалия да работи като треньор по футбол.,He went to Portugal to work as a soccer trainer.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Да не си зает с нещо?,Are you busy doing something?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn В едно интервю след мача треньорът изрази недоволството си от съдията.,"During an interview after the game, the coach voiced his discontent towards the umpire.",bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Студено ли ти е?,Are you cold?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том преведе един френски роман на английски.,Tom translated a French novel into English.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том преведе казаното от Мери на френски.,Tom interpreted what Mary said into French.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Том четеше писмо, написано на френски.",Tom was reading a letter written in French.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Ти говориш френски добре, нали?","You're good at speaking French, aren't you?",bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том започна да учи френски преди три години.,Tom started studying French three years ago.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Романът на Том беше преведен на френски.,Tom's novel has been translated into French.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Треньорът каза на играчите да не ядат твърде много преди мача.,The coach told the players not to eat too much before the game.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Каква е основната причина да учиш френски?,What's your main reason for studying French?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тя пресече улицата.,She crossed the street.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Успях да се обясня на френски.,I managed to make myself understood in French.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Вие я знаете.,You know it.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Никога не съм си давал сметка, че Том се интересува от френския.",I never realized Tom was interested in French.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Когато говоря на френски, често правя грешки.",I often make mistakes when speaking in French.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Започнах да уча френски, когато бях на тринайсет.",I started studying French when I was thirteen.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Започнах да уча френски на тринайсет.,I started studying French when I was thirteen years old.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Бях изненадан, че Том говори френски толкова добре.",I was surprised that Tom spoke French so well.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Бях изненадана, че Том говори френски толкова добре.",I was surprised Tom spoke French so well.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Съжалявам, но не разбирам френски много добре.","I'm sorry, but I don't understand French well.",bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Някои от учениците на Том говорят френски много добре.,Some of Tom's students speak French very well.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn В гимназията френският ми беше любимият предмет.,"In high school, French was my favorite subject.",bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Има много книги на френски в библиотеката.,There are a lot of French books in the library.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Когато се срещнах за пръви път с Том, той не можеше да говори френски.",Tom couldn't speak French when I first met him.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Не мога да говоря на френски, без да допусна няколко грешки.",I can't speak French without making some mistakes.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Бях приел за дадено, че Том може да говори френски.",I took it for granted that Tom could speak French.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Дочух вашия разговор.,I overheard your conversation.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Иска ми се да мога да говоря френски като носител на езика.,I wish I could speak French like a native speaker.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Дядо ми е много здрав.,My grandfather is very healthy.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ще те помоля да преведеш това писмо на френски.,I'd like you to translate this letter into French.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Разочарована ли си?,Are you disappointed?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Вие лекари ли сте?,Are you doctors?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бих искала да преведете този доклад на френски.,I'd like you to translate this report into French.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Свободен ли си тази вечер?,Are you free this evening?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Според мен френският е език, труден за научаване.","In my opinion, French is a hard language to learn.",bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Жалко, че не разбирам френски по-добре.",It's a pity that I don't understand French better.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Осъзнах, че трябва да полагам малко повече усилия в изучаването на френския.",I realized I needed to study French a little harder.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Бих искал да уча френски, но нямам време за това.","I'd like to study French, but I don't have the time.",bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ще ви помоля да преведете този документ на френски.,I'd like you to translate this document into French.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том попита Мери дали може да заеме учебника ѝ по френски.,Tom asked Mary if he could borrow her French textbook.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Том изобщо не може да говори на френски, затова разговаряхме на английски.","Tom couldn't speak any French, so we spoke in English.",bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Отивам да се изкъпя.,I'm going to take a bath.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том не знае как да пише любовни писма на френски.,Tom doesn't know how to write a love letter in French.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ще ми се сега да се изкъпя.,I feel like taking a bath now.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Днес е горещо, така че можем да се изкъпем в океана.",Today is hot so we can swim in the ocean.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Обичам да си взимам гореща баня всяка нощ преди лягане.,I like to take a hot bath every night before bed.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Учих френски три години с носител на езика.,I studied French for three years with a native speaker.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Заради спирането на водата не можах да се изкъпя.,"Because of the water shortage, I couldn't take a bath.",bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Когато бяхме деца, имахме навика да се къпем в тази река.",We used to bathe in this river in our childhood.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Щях да бъда щастлив, ако можех да говоря френски наполовина толкова добре, колкото го говориш ти.","If I could speak French half as well as you, I'd be happy.",bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Том почти не говореше френски, когато се запознахме.",Tom could hardly speak French at all when I first met him.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Том е единственият ученик в нашия клас, който може да говори френски.",Tom is the only student in our class who can speak French.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Уча френски от доста време, но още не го говоря свободно.","I've been studying French for a long time, but I'm not yet fluent.",bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Съвсем наскоро започнах да уча френски, така че не съм много добър.","I've just started to learn French, so I'm not very good at it yet.",bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Том казва на всички, че не може да говори френски, но това не е вярно.","Tom tells everyone that he can't speak French, but that's not true.",bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Френският ми се подобри, след като се ожених за носителка на езика.",My French got better after I got married to a native French speaker.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Много хора, като чуят как Том говори френски, решават, че той е носител на езика.",Many people who hear Tom speaking French think he's a native speaker.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Най-добрият начин да научиш френски е да живееш във френскоговоряща страна.,The best way to learn French is to live in a French-speaking country.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "За десетте години от последното преброяване, населението е намаляло със 7.15%",For the ten years since the last census the population has shrunk by 7.15%.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "След три години обучение по френски, Том можеше да го говори сравнително добре.","After studying French for three years, Tom could speak it fairly well.",bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Том прекарва цял ден, говорейки френски в училище, а вкъщи говори само на английски.",Tom spends all day speaking French at school and only speaks English at home.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том може да възрази.,Tom might object.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Трябва ли да живееш във френскоговоряща страна за да се научиш да говориш френски свободно?,Is it necessary to live in a French-speaking country to become fluent in French?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Аз би трябвало да знам, нали?","I ought to know, shouldn't I?",bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "В училище ни учеха как да четем френски, но не ни научиха как да го говорим.","We learned how to read French in school, but didn't really learn how to speak it.",bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Дай ми и малко захар.,"Give me some sugar, too.",bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Никога няма да направя същата грешка.,I'll never make that mistake again.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ти също може да дойдеш.,You may also come.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Само ти можеш да ми помогнеш.,You alone can help me.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Защо непрекъснато повтаряш, че имаме много време?",Why do you keep saying there's ample time?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Какъв е годишният ти доход?,What's your annual income?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Колко е сметката?,What does the bill amount to?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Започнах сериозно да се интересувам от антично изкуство.,I've become very interested in ancient art.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "В тази компания трябва да можеш да говориш или английски, или испански.",You must be able to speak either English or Spanish in this company.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Омръзна ми да променям плановете си всеки път, когато решиш, че искаш нещо друго.",I'm tired of altering my plans every time you change your mind.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Може да закъснея, но ще дойда.","I'll be there, although I may be late.",bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Ще се обадиш ли на Том, или искаш аз да го направя?",Are you going to call Tom or do you want me to?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Франция е в Западна Европа.,France is in Western Europe.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Изобщо не ми пука!,I don't give a damn about it!,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Пука ми.,I don't give a damn about it.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Затвори проклетата врата!,Shut the damned door!,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Мисля, че Том трябва да може да направи онова без никаква помощ.",I think Tom should be able to do that without any help.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Искам да мога да казвам истинското си име на хората.,I'd like to be able to tell people my real name.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Изключи проклетата камера!,Turn off the damn camera!,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Честно казано, скъпа, не ми пука!","Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn!",bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Честно казано, скъпи, не ми пука!","Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn.",bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Не ми пука.,I don't give a damn.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "По дяволите, пак изпуснах влака!","Damn, I missed the train again!",bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Доволен ли си?,Are you happy about this?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Листата падат през есента.,Leaves fall in the autumn.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Телевизорът ми спря да работи.,My TV has quit working.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Легни на дясната си страна.,Lie on your right side.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Забравих телефонния ти номер.,I forgot your phone number.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мътните ме взели!,"Well, I'll be damned!",bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Ей ме на де съм, ако това е вярно.",I'll be damned if it's true.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Надявах се, че ще можеш да ми кажеш къде е Том.",I hoped you might be able to tell me where Tom is.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Днес нямам домашно.,I have no homework today.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Той започна да крещи.,He began to shout.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сега трябва да тръгвам.,I've got to go now.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Дай да изясним кое е правилно и кое - грешно.,Let's make clear which is right and which is wrong.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Не мога да те напусна.,I can't leave you.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Няма за какво да се тревожиш.,There's nothing to be worried about.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Боли ме стомахът, докторе.","I have a stomachache, doctor.",bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Ако не беше заради мен, Том не би бил тук.",Tom wouldn't be here if it wasn't for me.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Напоследък не съм виждал Том.,I haven't seen Tom lately.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ще ти дам това безплатно.,I'm giving it to you for free.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том го призна.,Tom admitted that.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Искам нещо за четене.,I want something to read.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Ти искаш да гледаш френски филм, нали така?","You want to watch a French movie, don't you?",bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Кен ме би на шах.,Ken beat me at chess.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том се опита да убеди Мери да отиде на празника на Джон.,Tom tried to persuade Mary to go to John's party.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Утре ще стана рано.,I will get up early tomorrow.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ще ви липсвам.,You're going to miss me.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Да ме свалиш ли се опитваш?,Are you trying to hit on me?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Не, не съм го аз написал.","No, I didn't write it.",bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn И ти ли говориш френски?,"Can you speak French, too?",bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том не обича шах.,Tom doesn't like chess.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Знам няколко френски песни.,I know a few French songs.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Може би трябва да уча френски.,Maybe I should study French.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Френският е труден, нали?","French is difficult, isn't it?",bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Учи ли по френски вчера?,Did you study French yesterday?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Преподавам френски в една гимназия.,I teach French at a high school.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Мисля, че френският ми е наистина лош.",I think my French is really bad.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Мисля, че Том говореше на френски.",I think Tom was speaking French.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Моето мнение е различно от неговото.,My opinion differs from his.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Искам да бъда учител по френски.,I'd like to be a French teacher.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том е изчел доста френски книги.,Tom has read a lot of French books.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том говори френски ужасно.,Tom is terrible at speaking French.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Том говори и френски, и английски.",Tom speaks both French and English.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том говори френски по-добре от Мери.,Tom speaks French better than Mary.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn На срещата Том говори на френски.,Tom spoke in French at the meeting.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том ми преподава френски два пъти седмично.,Tom teaches me French twice a week.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Какви книги на френски си прочел?,What books have you read in French?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Не мога да говоря френски така добре, както Том.",I can't speak French as well as Tom.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Изобщо не знаех, че Том може да говори френски.",I never knew Tom could speak French.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Мисля, че френската граматика е трудна.",I think French grammar is difficult.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Нямаше да сме в това положение, ако ти ни беше помогнала.",We wouldn't be in this mess if you had helped us.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Имам достатъчно пари да го купя.,I have enough money to buy it.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Преподава ли се френски в началните училища?,Is French taught in elementary schools?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Наистина ли е толкова трудно да се говори на френски?,Is it really that hard to speak French?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том не хареса особено часа по френски.,Tom didn't like French class very much.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Никога не съм се качвал на връх Фуджи.,I've never climbed Mt. Fuji.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Том говори френски толкова добре, колкото и Мери.",Tom speaks French as well as Mary does.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тук често чуваме да се говори на френски.,We often hear French being spoken here.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Какъв е най-лесният начин да научиш френски?,What's the easiest way to learn French?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Може ли да разговарям с някой, който говори френски?",Can I talk to someone who speaks French?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Френският език труден за научаване ли е?,Is French a difficult language to learn?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Някои хора казват, че френски се учи лесно.",Some people say French is easy to learn.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Том може да говори френски така добре, както и ти.",Tom can speak French as well as you can.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Можете ли да се обяснявате добре на френски?,Can you make yourselves understood in French?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Продавате ли пътеводители на френски?,Do you sell any guidebooks written in French?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Опитвал ли си се да разкажеш виц на френски?,Have you ever tried telling a joke in French?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мога да говоря само френски и малко английски.,I can only speak French and a little English.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Не говоря френски толкова свободно, колкото Том.",I don't speak French as fluently as Tom does.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Мисля, че Том може сам да направи това.",I think Tom should be able to do that by himself.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Трябва да наема някой, който може да говори френски.",I need to hire somebody who can speak French.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Иска ми се да можех да говоря френски така, както го прави Том.",I wish I could speak French the way Tom does.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Имате ли някакви подобни изрази във френския?,Do you have any similar expressions in French?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Когато бях ученик, си водех дневник на френски.",I kept a diary in French when I was a student.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Знам, че учиш френски в училище.",I know that you are learning French at school.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Страхувам се, че не мога да се изразявам добре на френски.",I'm afraid I can't make myself understood in French.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Дръпни завесата да влезе светлина.,Open the curtains and let the sunshine in.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Приятелите ми твърдят, че говоря по-добър френски, когато съм пиян.",My friends say I speak better French when I'm drunk.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том говори френски по-добре от който и да е от неговите съученици.,Tom speaks French better than any of his classmates.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn До вчера никога не бях чувал Том да говори на френски.,"Until yesterday, I had never heard Tom speak French.",bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Моля те, дай ми още малко време да помисля над това.",Please give me a little more time to think about it.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Трябва да учиш френски, независимо дали ти харесва или не.",You have to study French whether you like it or not.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Колко време отделяш да учиш френски всеки ден?,How much time do you spend studying French every day?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Ще ми се да бях учил френски по-сериозно, докато бях млад.",I wish I had studied French harder while I was young.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ще се запиша на курс по френски следващия семестър.,I'm going to sign up for a French class next semester.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Минаха три години откакто започнах да уча френски.,It's been three years since I started to study French.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Нито едно от децата ми не може да общува на френски.,None of my children are able to communicate in French.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Той се катери по дърветата без проблеми.,He has no trouble climbing trees.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Том каза, че никога не е искал да се жени.",Tom said he never wanted to get married.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том може да ни каже как да направим това.,Tom might be able to tell us how to do that.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мери прекара нейното младежка възраст в изолация.,Mary spent her girlhood in seclusion.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Не се отказвам лесно.,I'm not a quitter.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Забавляваш ли се?,Are you enjoying yourself?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Къщата се събори една седмица по-късно.,The house fell down one week later.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Няма да можем да направим това без помощта ти.,We won't be able to do it without your help.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Прави каквото ти казвам.,Do what I tell you to do.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Време е вече да тръгвам.,It's about time I was going.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Време е да тръгваш за училище.,It's about time you went to school.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Време ти е за лягане.,It's your bedtime.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Не мисля, че ще мога да убедя Том.",I don't think I'll be able to convince Tom.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Той има зелени очи.,He has green eyes.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Имам един глупав въпрос.,I have a stupid question.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Започнете нов абзац тук.,Start a new paragraph here.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Не се притеснявай.Той на пръв поглед изглежда заплашително,но всъщност е приятелски настроен човек.","Don't worry. He may look intimidating at first glance, but he's actually a very friendly person.",bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Сигурен съм, че ще можем да убедим Том.",I'm sure we'll be able to reason with Tom.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Днес е горещо, а?","It's hot today, isn't it?",bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Той не беше твоят брат.,He wasn't your brother.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Умирам да видя Париж.,I'm dying to see Paris.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Изкачвал съм връх Фуджи два пъти.,I've climbed Mt. Fuji twice.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Той какво прави днес?,What did she do today?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Родният език на Джулия е италианският.,Julia's native language is Italian.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том никога не е бил заплашван от никой и нищо.,Tom has never been intimidated by anyone or anything.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том може да бъде тук до 2.30.,Tom might be able to be here by 2:30.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том метна ключовете на Мери.,Tom tossed the keys to Mary.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Тъй като не може да реши проблема по този начин, опита по друг.","Since he could not work out the problem that way, he tried another way.",bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Трябва да отивам до болницата.,I have to go to hospital.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Кен снощи си учи по английски.,Ken studied English last night.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Аз знам малко френски.,I can speak a little French.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Не бях тук миналата седмица.,I wasn't here last week.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Липсваш ми.,I miss you.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Това не е вярно.,It's not true.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Джон дойде преди една седмица.,John arrived a week ago.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Очевидно е, че ти излъга.",It's obvious that you told a lie.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Аз знам истинската причина за неговото отсъствие.,I know the real reason for his absence.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Точно обратното е.,It's just the opposite.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Не мога да кажа обратното.,I can't say the opposite.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Фокусът е върху статистически значими лексико-граматически особености използвани в специфични подмножества от текстове свързани с дадена дисциплина.,The focus is on statistically significant features of lexico-grammar used within particular sub-sets of texts associated with a particular discipline.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Научих доста.,I learned quite a bit.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том не знае кога си тръгна Мери.,Tom doesn't know when Mary left.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тоалетната е на горния етаж.,The toilet is upstairs.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Къде е тоалетната?,Where is the washroom?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Къде са тоалетните?,Where are the toilets?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том почисти тоалетната.,Tom cleaned the toilet.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Пазете тоалетната чиста.,Keep the toilet clean.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Няма тоалетна хартия.,There's no toilet paper.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Студентите не трябва да използват тази тоалетна.,Students must not use this toilet.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Може ли да отида до тоалетната?,May I go to the toilet?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Току-що почистихме тоалетните.,We've just cleaned the toilets.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Трябва да отида до тоалетната.,I need to go to the toilet.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Не пушете в тоалетната.,Don't smoke in the toilet.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тази тоалетна хартия е като шкурка.,This toilet paper is like sandpaper.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Аз купувам само мека тоалетна хартия.,I only buy soft toilet paper.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Извинете, къде е тоалетната?","Excuse me, where's the toilet?",bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Извинете, къде са тоалетните?","Excuse me, where is the toilet?",bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бил често пее в тоалетната.,Bill will often sing in the toilet.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Имаме запаси от тоалетна хартия.,We have a stock of toilet paper.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Извинете, има ли наблизо тоалетна?","Excuse me, is there a toilet nearby?",bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Том се усети, че няма тоалетна хартия.",Tom realized there was no toilet paper.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тук мирише на тоалетна.,It smells like a toilet in here.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мамо! Ще ми подадеш ли тоалетната хартия?,Mum! Can you pass me the toilet paper?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Видях го да влиза в тоалетната преди няколко минути.,I saw him go into the toilet a few minutes ago.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Преводът е като тоалетната хартия: никой не мисли за нея, докато не му потрябва.",Translation is like toilet paper: No one thinks about it until they need it.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том помоли Мери да вземе паста за зъби и тоалетна хартия от супера.,Tom asked Mary to pick up some toothpaste and some toilet paper at the supermarket.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мисля костюмът ми за този Хелоуин да бъде да се омотая с тоалетна хартия като мумия.,I think that my costume for the upcoming Halloween party will be wrapping myself up in toilet paper like a mummy.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Помоли кабинета си за съвет.,He asked his cabinet for advice.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Никой друг не предложи помощ.,Nobody else offered to help.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Беше им забранено да напускат хотела.,They were prohibited from leaving the hotel.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Завъртях бравата.,I turned the doorknob.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Стискай палци.,Cross your fingers.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Почти не ни остана време за вечеря.,We hardly had time to eat our dinner.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ние всички плакахме.,We all cried.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Да стискаме палци.,Let's keep our fingers crossed.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Полейте цветята.,Water the plants.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Котката се храни.,The cat is eating.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Дадох му адреса си.,I gave him my address.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Том разбира това, което ти не разбираш.",Tom understands what you don't.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Стълбището, което води към покрива, е тясно, стръмно и тъмно.","The staircase leading to the rooftop is narrow, steep, and dark.",bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ние пристигнахме първи.,We were the first to arrive.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ранен ли си?,Are you injured?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Това е цитат от една книга.,It's a quote from a book.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мери обича романтичните комедии.,Mary likes romantic comedies.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Съвсем добре си се справяш.,You're doing just fine.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том реши да направи сделка с Мери.,Tom decided to make a deal with Mary.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Компютърът ми не работи вече.,My computer doesn't work anymore.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Показалецът му е по-къс от безименния му пръст.,His index finger is shorter than his ring finger.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Мисля, че си луда.",I think you're mad.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn За това котките те обичат.,That's why cats love you.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Искаш ли малко кафе?,Would you like to have some coffee?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Харесва ми да пея под дъжда.,I like singing in the rain.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Средният пръст е най-дълъг.,The middle finger is the longest.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Можеш ли да говориш френски?,Are you able to speak French?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Аз не отивам до супермаркета за праскови, а за шоколад.","I am not going to the supermarket for peaches, but for chocolate.",bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Въпреки че не изглежда така, прасковите и бадемите са от едно семейство.","Although it it does not seem that way, peaches and almonds are family.",bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Харесва ми да пия мляко.,I like to drink milk.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Може би си изпуснал нещо.,Maybe you missed something.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Каква е вашата връзка с него?,What's your relation with him?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Оставих съобщение.,I left a message.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Русия губи 20 милиона души по време на Втората Световна Война.,Russia lost 20 million people during World War II.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Пеехме песни в хор.,We sang songs in chorus.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Защо по-рано не ми каза за това?,Why didn't you tell me this earlier?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Осъдена на смърт.,Condemned to death.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Защо не ми го каза по-рано?,Why didn't you tell me that earlier?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Защо не ми го казахте по-рано?,Why didn't you tell me that before?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn В края на филма тя е много различна.,She's very different at the end of the film.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Защо не ми го казахте предварително?,Why didn't you tell me in advance?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Беше ли ви казано за проблема?,Have you been told about the problem?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том си нарани коляното.,Tom hurt his knee.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Не го прави пак.,Don't do it again.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Толкова е странно.,It's so weird.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том си обели коляното.,Tom skinned his knee.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Насам, моля.","This way, please.",bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Той пак го направи.,He did it again.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том надмина моите очаквания.,Tom exceeded my expectations.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Джейн е красива колкото сестра си.,Jane is as beautiful a girl as her sister.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Снегът беше до коляно.,The snow was knee deep.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Момчето не можа да устои на глада, затова открадна парите от касата.",Hunger compelled the boy to steal money from the cash register.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Не ме карайте да го правя.,Don't ask me to do that.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Много ми се гади. Искам да повърна.,I feel very sick. I want to throw up.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том със сигурност ще бъде съгласен.,Tom would surely agree.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Да не забравяме, че Том не разбира френски.",Let's not forget that Tom doesn't understand French.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Да убиеш с един куршум два заека.,To kill two birds with one stone.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Работата трябва да бъде свършена до утре.,The work must be completed by tomorrow.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Боли ме цялото тяло.,My whole body is sore.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Децата ви знаят ли френски?,Do your children know French?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Опаковайте го, ако обичате.",Please wrap it up.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Интересува ли те?,Are you interested?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Как ми липсваш.,How I miss you!,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Направи го за мене.,Do it for me.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мечката е дружелюбен звяр в сравнение с тигъра.,A bear is a friendly beast compared to a tiger.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Трябваше да вземем предвид графика.,We should have taken the schedule into consideration.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Нямам нищо за казване.,I have nothing to say.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Той беше сам.,He was alone at the time.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Това, че е прекалено щедър, е най-големият му недостатък.",Being overly generous is his greatest fault.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Той би ми дал да му помогна.,He would let me help him.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Присъствам на срещата.,Attend the meeting.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Шахът е много интелектуална игра.,Chess is a highly intellectual game.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Треньорът чакаше играчите да започнат да плуват.,The coach was waiting for the players to swim.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Винаги закъсняваш.,You are always late.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Вие винаги закъснявате.,You're always late.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Някой тук знае ли френски?,Does anyone here know French?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Можеш ли да си представиш?,Can you imagine that?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Трябва да ходя да си събирам багажа.,I have to go pack.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn На мене ми беше студено.,I felt cold.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Къде е гарата?,Where is the station?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Момчето хвърля камък.,The boy throws a stone.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Те няма да ти помогнат.,They aren't going to help you.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Казвал ли съм ти някога, че ти си най-сладкото нещо на света?",Have I ever told you that you're the sweetest thing in the world?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Ходил ли си някога във Вашингтон, столицата на Съединените Американски Щати?","Have you ever been to Washington, the capital of the United States of America?",bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Честит Ден на Майката!,Happy Mother's Day!,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Много е студено.,It's very cold.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Той е безраличен към страданието на другите.,He is indifferent to the suffering of others.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Споменавал ли съм ви някога, приятели, за първият път, когато се запознах с Том?",Have I ever told you guys about the first time I met Tom?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Мисля, че искам още кафе.",I think I'd like some more coffee.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Споменавал ли съм ти някога какво направихме с Том в Бостън?,Have I ever told you about what Tom and I did in Boston?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Ако имаш някакъв проблем с Том, ще ти помогна.","If you ever have any problem with Tom, I'll help you out.",bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Не ми се излиза довечера.,I don't feel like going out tonight.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ти целуна ли някога децата си? Даже не ги и погледна!,Have you ever kissed your children? You don't even look at them!,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Помислял ли си някога да изпечеш тези картофи във фурната, вместо да ги пържиш?",Have you ever thought about baking your potatoes instead of frying them?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Слушал ли си някога Бранденбургските концерти от Йохан Себастиан Бах?,"Have you ever listened to the Brandenburg Concertos, by Johann Sebastian Bach?",bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ти виждал ли си някога Том и Мери заедно в една и съща стая?,Have you ever seen Tom and Mary in the same room together?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Взимал ли си си някога душ посред нощ?,Have you ever taken a shower in the middle of the night?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Почесвал ли си си някога гърба с чесало, произведено в Япония?",Have you ever scratched your back with a backscratcher made in Japan?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Някога бъркал ли си си в носа, докато учителят е бил там?",Have you ever picked your nose in the presence of the teacher?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Ти задавал ли си ми някога въпрос, а аз да не съм отговорил?",Have you ever asked me a question and I didn't answer?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Той сподели ли ти някога проблемите, които е изживял?",Did she ever confide in you about the problems she was having?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Ако си посещавал Рим, трябва да си видял Колизеума.","If you have ever visited Rome, you must have seen the Coliseum.",bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Заключвал ли си някога вратата на стаята през вечерта?,Have you ever locked the door of your room at night?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Надувал ли си някога толкова голям балон?,Have you ever inflated a balloon as big as this one?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Насърчавал ли си някога децата си да спазват диета?,Have you ever encouraged your children to go on a diet?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Изкопавал ли си някога толкова дълбока дупка?,Have you ever dug a hole as deep as this one?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Преминавал ли си някога през толкова голяма река?,Have you ever crossed a river as big as this one?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Пекъл ли си се някога под слънцето в пустинята Сахара?,Have you ever basked in the sun of the Sahara desert?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Чувал ли си някога за толкова странна традиция?,Have you ever heard of a custom as strange as this?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Служил ли си някога като свидетел в съдебно дело?,Have you ever served as a witness in a court case?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Любопитен съм дали досега си помислил да отидеш при специалист.,I wonder if you have ever considered going to a specialist.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том трудно се справя в подобни ситуации.,Tom has trouble dealing with this kind of situation.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том трудно се справя със стреса.,Tom has trouble dealing with stress.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том трудно се оправя с хора като Мери.,Tom has trouble dealing with people like Mary.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Виждал ли си някога мечка в планината?,Have you ever seen a bear in the mountain?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Прегледай тези документи.,Look through these papers.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Между нас казано, не мисля, че той ще успее.","Just between ourselves, I don't think he's going to succeed.",bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тази стая не ми харесва. Може ли да взема друга?,I don't like this room. May I have another one?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Не ми стана съвсем ясно, но ще се опитам да направя каквото мога.","I don't understand it completely, but I'll try to do what I can.",bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Как е новата работа?,How's your new job going?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Тъй като днес нямаше училище, си останах вкъщи и гледах телевизия цял ден.","Since we had no school today, I stayed home and watched TV all day.",bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Много е вероятно Том да не е разбрал какво направи Мери.,There's a good chance that Tom doesn't know what Mary has done.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Подозирам, че Том няма представа какво е направила Мери.",I suspect that Tom is unaware of what Mary has done.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Подозирам, че Том няма представа какво направи Мери.",I suspect Tom is unaware of what Mary has done.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Чудя се дали Том знае какво направи Мери.,I wonder if Tom knows what Mary did.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том още не е разбрал какво направи Мери.,Tom hasn't found out yet what Mary did.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Трябва да напуснеш веднага.,You should leave immediately.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn И двете деца бяха наказани.,Both children were punished.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Много ли имаш за работа?,Do you have a lot to do?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том трябва да направи това сега.,Tom needs to do that now.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Моите деца често ми искат пари.,My children often ask me for money.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Ще е по-добре, ако не пиеш толкова много кафе късно през нощта.",It would be better if you didn't drink so much coffee late at night.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Не трябва да пиеш толкова много кафе късно през нощта.,You shouldn't drink so much coffee late at night.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Можеш ли да дойдеш утре?,Can you come tomorrow?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том може ли да дойде утре?,Can Tom come tomorrow?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Трябва да сме много внимателни, за да не позволим на някого да чуе какво си говорим.",We need to be very careful not to let anybody hear what we're saying.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Том, можеш ли да дойдеш утре?","Tom, can you come tomorrow?",bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Много хора са допускали същата грешка.,Many people have made the same mistake.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Занапред внимавай повече.,Please take more care in the future.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том рядко си слага захар в кафето.,Tom seldom puts sugar in his coffee.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Трябва да си намериш истинска работа.,You need to get a real job.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Откакто си дошъл тук ли си на къмпинг? Трябва да е било много лошо.,You've been camping out ever since you came over here? Must have been terrible.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Просто го приеми.,Just deal with it.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Като стана дума за Швейцария, ходил ли си някога там през пролетта?","Speaking of Switzerland, have you ever been there in spring?",bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Не е нужно да си артист, за да изживяваш красотата на всеки ден.",You don't need to be an artist in order to experience beauty every day.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Том си помисли, че не е добра идея да оставя Мери вкъщи без детегледачка.",Tom thought it wasn't a good idea to leave Mary at home without a babysitter.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том не искаше да изоставя Мери.,Tom didn't want to leave Mary behind.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Виждал ли си някога червена река?,Have you ever seen a red river?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Невинаги е лесно.,It's not always easy.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Най-накрая седмицата свърши.,The week is finally over.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Помислял ли си да се самоубиеш? Не, не съм човек, който би сложил край на живота си.","""Have you ever thought of killing yourself?"" ""No, I'm not a person who would end their own life.""",bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Трябва да видя това.,I have to see this.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Ходил ли си някога в Ню Йорк? Да, няколко пъти съм бил там.","""Have you ever been to New York?"" ""Yes, I've been there a couple of times.""",bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Не знам дали съм могъл да ти кажа досега, но имаш красиви очи.","I don't know if I've ever told you, but you have beautiful eyes.",bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Можеш ли да ми кажеш защо Том прави това?,Can you tell me why Tom is doing that?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Мислиш ли, че Мери е привлекателна?",Do you think Mary is attractive?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Том често е последният, който си тръгва от работа.",Tom is often the last one to leave the office.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ходил ли си някога в ресторанта на Том? Малко и приятно местенце е.,Have you ever been to Tom's restaurant? It's a nice little spot.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Помисли ли някога какво искаш да правиш в живота?,Have you ever thought about what you want to do with your life?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Том се опита да убеди Мери, че е време да си ходят.",Tom tried to convince Mary that it was time to leave.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Помислял ли си някога колко звезди има на небето?,Have you ever wondered how many stars are in the sky?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Том искаше да си ходи, но Мери искаше да остане още малко.","Tom wanted to leave, but Mary wanted to stay a little longer.",bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Като стана дума за Швейцария, бил ли си някога там през зимата?","Speaking of Switzerland, have you ever been there in the winter?",bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Виждал ли си изобщо новата къща, в която живее Мерилин?",Have you ever seen the new house in which Marilyn lives?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том вече си тръгна.,Tom already left.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Виждал ли си котка, която може да свири Моцарт?",Have you ever seen a cat who can play Mozart?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Ако можех да говоря френски по-добре, можеше и да бях получил работата.","If I could have spoken French better, I might have gotten that job.",bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Много от моите приятели могат да говорят френски.,Many of my friends can speak French.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn На ризата ти ѝ липсва едно копче.,Your shirt has a button missing.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Иди и събуди Том.,Go and wake Tom up.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Майчиният език на Том е френският.,Tom's native language is French.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Събуди се, Том.","Wake up, Tom.",bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Събуждай се, Том.","Wake up, Tom!",bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Том, събуди се.","Tom, wake up.",bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Те не могат да продължат без Том.,They can't continue without Tom.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Моля те, събуди ме в 6:30.",Please wake me up at 6:30.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Утре летя за Бостън.,I'm flying to Boston tomorrow.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Този е ок.,That one's OK.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Не пия алкохол.,I don't drink alcohol.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Баща ми ми каза да не чета книга в леглото.,My father told me not to read a book in my bed.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Аз не пия.,I don't imbibe.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn На Западния фронт нищо ново,Nothing new on the Western Front.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Десет, единадесет, дванадесет, тринадесет, четиринадесет, петнадесет, шестнадесет, седемнадесет, осемнадесет, двадесет.","Ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty.",bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ще те науча да играеш шах.,I will teach you to play chess.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Никой не иска да чуе моите идеи.,No one wants to listen to my opinions.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Калкулаторът на масата е мой.,The calculator on the table is mine.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Веднага се пригответе за път.,Get ready for the trip at once.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Този кораб не е удобен за пътуване в океана.,This ship is not fit for an ocean voyage.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Някои четат книги, само за да минава времето.",Some read books just to pass time.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Това са много стари книги.,These are very old books.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Можеш ли да играеш шах?,Do you know how to play chess?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Последната сламка чупи гърба на камилата.,The last straw breaks the camel's back.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Като допълнение са се сформирали много групи, за да може възрастните да се социализират помежду си и да останат активни участници в Американският живот.",In addition many groups have been formed so that the elderly can socialize with one another and remain active participants in American life.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Проблесна светкавица.,The lightning flashed.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Имаше тъмно кестенява коса.,He had dark brown hair.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Никога не бих те излъгал.,I would never lie to you.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Никога не бих Ви излъгал.,I would never lie to her.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тези се продават навсякъде.,These are on sale everywhere.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Можеш ли да ми обясниш как работи съдомиялната машина?,Could you explain how the dishwasher works?,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Не може да се справи с трудни ситуации.,He can't cope with difficult situations.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Изглежда, че децата ще са принудени да спят на пода.",It seems that the children will have to sleep on the floor.,bul_Cyrl-eng_Latn Cal assegurar-se d'haver apagat el foc abans de marxar.,Be sure to put out the fire before you leave.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn M'has trobat a faltar?,Have you missed me?,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Espero que vingui.,I expect him to come.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Tenim una visita aquesta tarda.,We have a visitor this afternoon.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Ho podria fer.,I could do that.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn A vegades pot ser un noi estrany.,Sometimes he can be a strange guy.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn On és l'estació de ferrocarrils?,Where is the station?,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Passejo cada dia menys quan plou.,I take a walk every day except when it rains.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn "Perdoni, necessito arribar a Barcelona. Encara hi ha vols avui?","Excuse me, I have to get to Barcelona. Are there any flights today?",cat_Latn-eng_Latn Giri a la dreta.,Turn to the right.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn La Mary va explicar el secret al John.,Mary told John the secret.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Hi ha poques botigues i el cinema és terrible.,There are very few shops and the cinema is awful.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn D'on véns?,Where are you from?,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Estic embarassada de quatre mesos.,I'm four months pregnant.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn "Com que he viscut a Tòquio, conec bastant bé la ciutat.","Since I lived in Tokyo, I know that city pretty well.",cat_Latn-eng_Latn "Ell diu que és innocent, però el van tancar a la presó.","He says he's innocent, but they put him in jail.",cat_Latn-eng_Latn Voldria un to més clar.,I want a lighter shade.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Què? Encara no saps conduir?,What... you still don't know how to drive?,cat_Latn-eng_Latn "I amb mi, ja en som un més.","And with me, we are yet one more.",cat_Latn-eng_Latn Ja duus barba?,Have you got a beard already?,cat_Latn-eng_Latn La llibertat no és gratuïta.,Freedom is not free.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Els nostres fills volen bicicletes com les dels fills del veí.,Our children are anxious to have bicycles like those of the children next door.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn "Per la nostra època, hi havia molts estudiants que aprovaven l'examen de graduació sense estudiar.","In our time, there were many students who passed the graduation exam without studying.",cat_Latn-eng_Latn "No gràcies, només miro.","No, thank you. I am just looking.",cat_Latn-eng_Latn """Per què estàs tirant llibres al foc?"" ""Perquè tinc fred.""","""Why are you throwing books in the fire?"" ""Because I'm cold.""",cat_Latn-eng_Latn Maria va tirar la Bíblia al foc.,Mary threw the Bible in the fire.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn El castor té el pèl molt suau.,A beaver's fur is very soft.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn M'estàs escoltant?,Are you listening to me at all?,cat_Latn-eng_Latn És veritat que has estat ausent hui?,Is it true that you were absent yesterday?,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Ells saben qui són.,They know who they are.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Tom està assentat en el band d'enfront.,Tom is sitting in the front passenger seat.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Tom no té fam.,Tom isn't hungry.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Tom és un dels meus assistents.,Tom is one of my assistants.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn No anem a tractar això ara.,Let's not talk about that now.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Tom va arribar tard.,Tom arrived late.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Gràcies per la seua comprensió.,Thank you for your understanding.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn "Vosaltres sou de baix, jo sóc de dalt. Vosaltres sou d'aquest món, jo no sóc d'aquest món.",You are from below; I am from above. You are of this world; I am not of this world.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Tom desitja que no neve demà.,Tom hopes that it doesn't snow tomorrow.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn "Per favor, saluda-lo per mi.",Please say hello to him for me.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn "Oh, s'ha apagat la llum!","Oh, the lights went out.",cat_Latn-eng_Latn Tom no desdejuna quasi mai.,Tom almost never eats breakfast.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Estava feliç amb el seu cotxe nou.,He is pleased with his new car.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Un poc de pa i mantega.,Some bread and butter.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Ella va dir unes paraules d'agraïment pel regal.,She expressed her thanks for the present.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn El Sol està molt lluny de la Terra.,The Sun is very far from the Earth.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Aquell tipus és el meu amic.,That guy's a friend of mine.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Deu tenir uns 40 anys.,She must be about 40.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn "Quan haureu alçat enlaire el Fill de l'home, llavors sabreu que Jo sóc.","When ye have lifted up the Son of Man, then shall ye know that I am he.",cat_Latn-eng_Latn "Porti'm a l'hospital, si us plau.",Please take me to the hospital.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Sa filla i mon fill són bons amics.,His daughter and my son are good friends.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Democràcia real ja!,Free democracy now!,cat_Latn-eng_Latn T'han fet cas.,They listened to you.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Tom parla japonès.,Tom speaks Japanese.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Tom va escollir un llibre interessant per a que Maria el llegira.,Tom picked out an interesting book for Mary to read.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Vam alquilar una película.,We rented a movie.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Més val escoltar la reprensió del savi que la cançó dels necis.,"It is better to hear the rebuke of the wise, than for a man to hear the song of fools.",cat_Latn-eng_Latn Odie eixa escola.,I hate this school.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Vaig a disparar.,I will shoot.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Va perdre tots els diners que tenia.,He lost all the money he had.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Tornaré d'aquí a una hora.,I'll be back in an hour.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Hi ha un home a la porta que et vol veure.,There is a man at the door who wants to see you.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn T'agrada aquesta música?,Do you like this music?,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Està tallant arbres a la muntanya.,He is cutting down trees on a mountain.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn No m'agrada aquest rellotge.,I don't like this watch.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Coneixes el valor de la por?,Do you know the value of fear?,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Tenia ganes de ballar.,She felt like dancing.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Sols espere poder superar açò.,I just hope I can survive this.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Va nevar de dilluns a divendres.,It snowed from Monday to Friday.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn He plantat un pomer al meu jardí.,I planted an apple tree in my garden.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn M'alegra que estigues ací.,I'm glad you're here.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Tens un compte a Twitter?,Do you have a Twitter account?,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Vaig escriure un llibre de cuina.,I wrote a cookbook.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Faré els deures després de veure la televisió.,I'll do my homework after I watch television.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn El meu pare farà quaranta anys d'aquí a poc.,My father will be forty soon.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Ell em va fer una pregunta.,He asked me a question.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn L'Església Catòlica no aprova l'ús de preservatius.,The Catholic Church doesn't condone the use of condoms.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Ja estic acostumat a que se'n riguin de mi.,I'm used to being laughed at.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn "Fins l'any 1986 va ser legal el càstig dels nens a les escoles d'Anglaterra, amb corretges, vares i garrots.","Until 1986, in the schools of England, it was legal to punish children with belts, sticks, and clubs.",cat_Latn-eng_Latn M'alegra que estigueu ací.,I'm glad you are here.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Per què és blanca la neu?,Why is snow white?,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Encara no he menjat res avui.,I haven't eaten anything yet today.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn "Porteu-me un ganivet net, voleu?",Please bring me a clean knife.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Tinc cinc gats.,I have five cats.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn En Jim no vindrà avui.,Jim will not come today.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Quan serà el concert?,When will the concert be held?,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Fa fred.,It is cold.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Jo ignorava que ell era allà.,I didn't know that he was there.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn No entenc aquella pregunta.,I don't understand that question.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn El reconeixement de la parla més avançat es basa en xarxes neuronals.,The most advanced voice recognition techniques are based on neural networks.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn En Tom té un conill.,Tom has a rabbit.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Aquesta és la raó per la qual va entrar a la universitat.,This is the reason why he entered at the university.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn La riada va fer molt de mal.,The flood caused a lot of damage.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Som el que menjem.,We are what we eat.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn El cotxe és molt ràpid.,The car is very fast.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Ell és molt intel·ligent.,He's very intelligent.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Els peixos viuen al mar.,Fish live in the sea.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn La nostra galàxia s'anomena la Via Làctia.,Our galaxy is called the Milky Way.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Benvingut a Tatoeba.,Welcome to Tatoeba!,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Benvinguda a Tatoeba.,Welcome to Tatoeba.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Deixa'm prémer el botó.,Let me push the button.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn "No pots dir ""no"".",You can't say no.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn No ho vaig dir mai.,I have never said it.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Em faries un mapa?,Would you draw me a map?,cat_Latn-eng_Latn A en Tom li agrada la tecnologia.,Tom likes technology.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn "Ulls que no veuen, cor que no dol.","Out of sight, out of mind.",cat_Latn-eng_Latn "Ulls que no veuen, cor que no sent.",Far from eye far from heart.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Hi estic d'acord.,I second that.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Som el que fem.,We are what we do.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn No hi fa res si ve tard o no.,It doesn't matter whether he comes late or not.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn El llatí és una llengua morta.,Latin is a dead language.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Quan serà el debat?,When will the debate take place?,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Ells odien les aranyes.,They hate spiders.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Tom es va negar a obrir la porta.,Tom refused to open the door.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Hauries de dir-li al Tom que la Mary no està planejant anar-hi.,You should tell Tom that Mary isn't planning to go.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn No aprenem per l'escola sinó per plaer.,"We do not learn for school, but we learn for fun.",cat_Latn-eng_Latn Li agrada la flor més bonica.,He likes the most beautiful flower.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Una pintura és un poema sense paraules.,A painting is a wordless poem.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Tu i jo tenim la mateixa edat.,You and me are the same age.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Té por dels gats.,She is afraid of cats.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Em fa mal el pit.,I have a chest pain.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Hi ha molts mobles a la seva cambra.,There is a lot of furniture in his room.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Ser pobre no és cap vergonya.,There is no shame in being poor.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Pregunta'm una cosa més fàcil.,Ask me something easier.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Encara que estic cansat he fet el que he pogut.,"Although I was tired, I did what I was able to do.",cat_Latn-eng_Latn M'ha costat trobar un taxi.,I had trouble getting a taxi.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn M'agrada tocar el piano.,I like to play the piano.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Tenien fam.,They were hungry.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn "La Coca-Cola va inventar la Fanta, en plena Segona Guerra Mundial, per al mercat alemany.","Coca-Cola invented Fanta, in the middle of the Second World War, for the German market.",cat_Latn-eng_Latn No val la pena llegir cap llibre.,No book is worth reading.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Sóc un noi.,I am a boy.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Vosté és sempre benvingut.,You are always welcome.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn T'ho has passat bé?,Did you have a good time?,cat_Latn-eng_Latn El doblatge a l'espanyol era ben bé una merda.,The Spanish voice-over was complete shit.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Ella no és més que la noia del costat.,She's just the girl next door.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Ell m'ha dit que la seva casa era embruixada.,He told me that his house was haunted.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn "Que n'ets, de bella, estimada meva, que n'ets, de bella!","Behold thou art fair, O my love, behold thou art fair!",cat_Latn-eng_Latn La capsa era plena de llibres.,The box was full of books.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Poseu una mica de vi al meu got.,Pour a little wine in my glass.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Estaven massa cansats per escalar la muntanya.,They were too tired to climb a mountain.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Parlo una mica de japonès.,I speak a little Japanese.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Cada diumenge juga a golf.,He plays golf every Sunday.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn "Es miri com es miri, és un problema.","It's a problem, however you look at it.",cat_Latn-eng_Latn Els francesos no mengen prou fibres.,The French do not eat enough fiber.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Has de deixar de fumar.,You must quit smoking.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Vull aprendre anglès standard.,I want to learn standard English.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Els gats prefereixen el peix a la carn.,The cat prefers fish to meat.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn L'any passat vaig viure a New York.,I lived in New York last year.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Han enxampat el lladre aquest matí.,The robber was nabbed this morning.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn La noia que toca el piano és ma germana.,The girl that plays the piano is my sister.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Tot té un final.,Everything has an end.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn El Japó es veu afectat sovint per terratrèmols.,Earthquakes frequently hit Japan.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Aquest llibre està escrit en anglès.,This book is written in English.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Ell va sobreviure a l'accident d'avió.,He survived the plane crash.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Ho saps del cert?,Are you sure?,cat_Latn-eng_Latn L'home era d'estatura mitjana.,The man was of normal height.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Ella parla anglès?,Does she speak English?,cat_Latn-eng_Latn El gat va dormir a sobre la taula.,The cat slept on the table.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn En Toni parla anglès tan bé com vós.,Tony speaks English as well as you.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Per primer cop en deu anys he tornat a la meva vila natal.,I went back to my hometown for the first time in ten years.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Ell beu un got d'aigua tots els dies pel matí.,He drinks a glass of water every morning.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Després de l'accident ella va estar inconscient tot el dia.,She was unconscious for a whole day after the accident.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Necessito un metge!,I need a doctor!,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Angela Merkel va nàixer a l'Alemanya Oriental.,Angela Merkel was born in East Germany.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Jo estudio 3 hores cada dia.,I study for 3 hours every day.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Tinc una pregunta.,I've got a question.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn "En general, els homes són més alts que les dones.","In general, men are taller than women.",cat_Latn-eng_Latn Tinc un amic que li agrado.,I have a boyfriend who loves me.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn En Pedro no té germanes.,Pedro doesn't have a sister.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Hem de seguir les regles.,We must observe the rules.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Hem de respectar les normes.,We have to go by the rules.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn He vist saltar l'home.,I saw the man jump.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Ella està enfadada encara?,Is she still mad?,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Ell és quasi sempre a casa.,He is almost always home.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn No tenim més te.,We've run out of tea.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn On ens anem a trobar?,Where are we going to meet?,cat_Latn-eng_Latn No ens queda te.,We're out of tea.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Nosaltres mengem pomes.,We eat apples.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Normalment vaig a peu a l'escola.,I generally walk to school.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Ell va resoldre el problema pel seu compte.,He solved the problem on his own.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn La meva tieta m'ha portat flors.,My aunt brought me flowers.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Porteu un vestit ben bonic.,That's a pretty dress you have on.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Començaré aquest vespre.,I'll start this evening.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn No hi ha res segur en el món.,There is nothing certain in the world.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Començaré en havent dinat.,I begin this afternoon.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Us ho podeu imaginar?,Can you imagine?,cat_Latn-eng_Latn En Tom tenia prou diners per comprar una mica de menjar.,Tom had enough money to buy a few groceries.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Estic veient el cel.,I see the sky.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Tinc por del gos de Tom.,I'm scared of Tom's dog.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Encara estic enfadat per això.,I'm still upset about it.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn "Per molt estrany que sembli, ell no sabia la notícia","Strange to say, he didn't know the news.",cat_Latn-eng_Latn A quina hora te'n vas?,What time will you be leaving?,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Pare és una bona persona.,Father is a good person.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Este és un cavall.,This is a horse.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Saps la diferència entre un microscopi i un telescopi?,Do you know the difference between a microscope and a telescope?,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Ella se'n va anar de casa als tretze anys.,She left home at age thirteen.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn "Com més en tens, més en vols.","The more you have, the more you want.",cat_Latn-eng_Latn Treballo a l'escola.,I work at school.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn "Com més gran el perill, més gran l'honor.","The more danger, the more honor.",cat_Latn-eng_Latn Em vaig posar roig com una tomaca.,I reddened like a tomato.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Aquesta gorra et pertany?,Does this cap belong to you?,cat_Latn-eng_Latn La transició no serà fàcil.,The transition won't be easy.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn L'aire és a l'home allò que l'aigua als peixos.,Water is to fish what air is to man.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Ho donaria tot per reconquerir-la.,I would give anything to win her back.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Aquest noi no mostra tenir por.,That boy showed no fear.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn El rellotge no funciona.,The watch doesn't work.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Parles català?,Do you speak Catalan?,cat_Latn-eng_Latn No és el gris dels cabells ni el nombre d'anys el que fan l'edat; és vell aquell que perd el sentit de l'humor i ja no té interès per res.,"It isn't the graying hair nor the number of years which makes ""age""; a person is old when they've lost their sense of humour and aren't interested in anything anymore.",cat_Latn-eng_Latn "No vull sentir res d'aquesta història, t'ho prego.",Please don't let me hear any more of that story.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Fa quant de temps que et fa mal el cap?,How long has your head been hurting?,cat_Latn-eng_Latn M'agrada molt el beisbol.,I like baseball very much.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn M'haig de dutxar.,I need to take a shower.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Això no pot fer mal.,That always helps.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Espero no haver fet massa faltes.,I hope there weren't too many mistakes.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn "Els asiàtics normalment tenen el cabell negre,",Asians generally have black hair.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Saben què ha passat.,They know what happened.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn No anem enlloc.,We're not getting anywhere.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn En John s'ha fet policia.,John became a policeman.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn No el veuré mai més.,I won't see him anymore.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Els dies de pluja m'ensopeixen.,Rainy days make me unhappy.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn En Tom és un bon veí.,Tom is a good neighbour.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn És la germana petita d'en Tom.,She's Tom's younger sister.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn "Fes allò que et digui el cor, que no t'enganyarà mai.","Follow your heart, for it never lies.",cat_Latn-eng_Latn Tinc els ulls negres.,I have black eyes.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Saps qui va escriure aquesta novela?,Do you know who wrote this novel?,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Vius a Tokyo?,Do you live in Tokyo?,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Els ocells volen pel cel.,Birds fly in the sky.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Sense aigua les flors es panseixen.,Flowers die if they don't have water.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Ell és el que em va tocar.,He's the one who touched me.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Són paraules buides.,Those are empty words.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn En Tom va visitar la tomba de la Mary.,Tom visited Mary's grave.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Puc repetir-ho vint vegades.,I can repeat it again and again.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn En Tom caminava sol.,Tom walked alone.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn En Tom i la Mary es portaven com nens.,Tom and Mary acted like children.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Molta gent volen dir-te que no ho hauries d'haver fet.,A lot of people are going to tell you that you shouldn't have done that.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Ara molta gent intenta vendre's la casa.,A lot of people are now trying to sell their houses.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Feliç aniversari!,Happy birthday to you!,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Molta gent s'espera a veure què passarà.,A lot of people are waiting to see what is going to happen.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Necessiten un bitllet per anar amb autobús.,You'll need a ticket to travel by bus.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Ella aniria a Washington amb ell.,She would go with him to Washington.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Sé que açò és estrany.,I know that this is weird.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn En Tom no sap la diferència entre un déu i un dimoni.,Tom doesn't know the difference between God and the Devil.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn "Quan estic de mal humor, comence a cantar.","When I'm in a bad mood, I start to sing.",cat_Latn-eng_Latn Ella somnia a ser infermera.,Her dream is to become a nurse.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Quina és l'arrel quadrada de 67?,What is the square root of 67?,cat_Latn-eng_Latn "Encara que plogui, demà vaig a nedar.","Even if it rains, I'll go swimming tomorrow.",cat_Latn-eng_Latn Eixa és l'actitud correcta.,That's the right attitude.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn El seu llibre va vendre milions de còpies.,His book sold millions of copies.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn L'únic fill del rei de Suècia està casat amb una de les filles de Herbert.,The king of Sweden's only son is married to one of Herbert's daughters.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Qui es Tatoeba? La teua nova nóvia?,Who's Tatoeba? Your new girlfriend?,cat_Latn-eng_Latn "Jo sóc Jesús, el qui tu persegueixes.","I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting.",cat_Latn-eng_Latn Se n'ha adonat de seguida.,He noticed straight away.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn «Per què prens aquest medicament?» – «Per a dormir.»,"""Why do you take this medicine?"" ""To sleep.""",cat_Latn-eng_Latn Saps tot.,You know everything.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn "Tinc un abric, però cap barret.","I have a coat, but no hat.",cat_Latn-eng_Latn La fractura entre rics i pobres creix.,The gap between the haves and the have nots is widening.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn El nas del gos és molt sensible.,A dog's nose is very sensitive.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn La vida és una qüestió de prioritats.,Life is a question of priorities.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn L'estudiant va acabar dormint a la classe.,The student ended up sleeping in the classroom.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Ha parlat com si fos ma mare.,She spoke as if she were my mother.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn "Saps on és la ""Tokyo-Tower""?",Do you know where Tokyo Tower is?,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Va descobrir un nou estel.,He discovered a new star.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Tinc un amic que m'estima.,I have a friend who loves me.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn El show va ser cancel·lat.,The show has been cancelled.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn El cantant és molt popular entre els fans adolescents.,The singer is very popular with teenage fans.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn És molt dificil crear una aplicació per a smartphones?,Is it very difficult to create an app for smartphones?,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Que he de portar?,What should I bring?,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Tens deu anys?,Are you ten years old?,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Va informar la polícia de l'accident de trànsit.,He notified the police of the traffic accident.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn "Per cert, has fet la teva tasca?","By the way, have you done your homework?",cat_Latn-eng_Latn Ell va perdre l'últim tren.,He missed the last train.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Hem d'invertir en energia neta i renovable.,"We need to invest in clean, renewable energy.",cat_Latn-eng_Latn Ell és el més gran de dos nois.,He is the taller of the two boys.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn La casa és buida.,The house is vacant.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn El tiet està enfadat.,My uncle is angry.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Ella em va ajudar de bon gust.,She helped me willingly.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Ell va arribar després de què jo marxés.,He arrived after I had left.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Per mi és difícil expressar-me en esperanto.,It's difficult for me to express myself in Esperanto.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn No m'agrada escoltar els plors dels xiquets.,I don't like listening to children crying.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Aquest diccionari és tan útil com el teu.,This dictionary is as useful as yours.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Li dones massa importància al que diu ell.,You attach too much importance to what he says.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn És a la cuina.,It is in the kitchen.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn "Parlant de genocidis, avui és el Dia de la Hispanitat.","Speaking of genocide, today is Columbus Day.",cat_Latn-eng_Latn Com que no hi havien taxis vaig haver de caminar.,"Since there were no taxis, I had to walk.",cat_Latn-eng_Latn Ets un bon noi.,You are a good boy.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn "Ja he tingut suficient, el meu estómac està ple.","I've had enough, so my stomach is full.",cat_Latn-eng_Latn Jo vull escriure un llibre.,I want to write a book.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Sempre m'ha apassionat el futbol.,I've always been passionate about football.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Els sindicats havien amenaçat al govern amb una vaga general.,The labor unions had been threatening the government with a general strike.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn "L'ONU ha fixat el 20 de novembre Dia Universal del Nen. En aquesta data se celebra l'adopció de la Declaració dels Drets de l'Infant. Al Brasil, el Dia del Nen és el 12 d'octubre.","The UN has made November 20 Universal Children's Day. On this date, we celebrate the adoption of the Declaration on the Rights of the Child. In Brazil, Children's Day is October 12.",cat_Latn-eng_Latn El meu tren surt a les sis en punt i arriba a les deu en punt.,My train leaves at six o'clock and arrives there at ten o'clock.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Bona nit a tothom!,"Good night, everyone!",cat_Latn-eng_Latn El cel és net i ple d'estrelles.,The sky is clear and full of stars.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn El que tracta de dir és ben senzill de comprendre.,His meaning is quite plain.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn L'embarcació està unit a l'ancoratge per una cadena.,The boat is attached to the anchor by a chain.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn L'èxit de Marilyn Monroe no la va fer feliç.,Marilyn Monroe's success did not make her happy.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Tinc prou diners per comprar-me un cotxe.,I have enough money to buy a car.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Els joves estimen l'aventura.,Young people love adventure.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Diuen que va morir aquí.,He is said to have died here.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Demá compliré 28 anys.,Tomorrow I'll turn 28.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn El gat és molt astut,Cats are smart.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn M'agraden els gats,I like cats.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn A ell li agraden molt els gats,She adores cats.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Avisa'm quan torni.,Tell me when he returns.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn La llengua internacional Interlingue ha estat publicada en 1922 amb el nom Occidental.,The international language Interlingue was published in 1922 under the name Occidental.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Ella vol tenir un fill el mes vinent.,She will have a baby next month.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn "El nostre estiu és curt, però calorós.","Our summer is short, but warm.",cat_Latn-eng_Latn A cavall regalat no li miris el dentat,One doesn't count the teeth of a gift horse.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn He trobat diners!,I found money!,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Li ha dit Carles,She named him Charles.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Ho cal fer.,It has to be done.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Tot vaixell ha de menester un capità.,Every ship needs a captain.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Ha començat d'aprendre l'esperanto.,He has started to learn Esperanto.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn """Que sou suec?"" ""No, suís.""","""Are you Swedish?"" ""No, Swiss.""",cat_Latn-eng_Latn No hi havia prou cadires a la sala de reunió.,There are not enough chairs in the meeting room.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Ens cal gent talentosa.,We need talented people.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Et dono cinc dòlars.,I'll give you five dollars.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn El camí que duu a l'infern és ple de bones intencions.,The road to Hell is paved with good intentions.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Estem decorant la sala de conferències,We are decorating the conference room.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Ha arriscat la vida per a protegir el seu fill.,She risked her life to protect her child.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn En Tom ho veu d'una manera diferent.,Tom sees this in a different way.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Aquest país té un clima templat.,That country has a mild climate.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Anem al cementeri.,We go to the cemetery.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Tinc dos nebots.,I have two nephews.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Aquella xiqueta és un poc tímida.,That child is a bit shy.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn No he sopat.,I haven't had dinner.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn França és un país d'Europa de l'Oest.,France is a Western European country.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Hom no pot pas plaure a tothom.,You cannot please everyone.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn On puc deixar la bici?,Where can I leave my bike?,cat_Latn-eng_Latn No he preguntat això.,I wasn't asking that.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn No t'oblides de regar les plantes!,Don't forget to water the plants!,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Els meus dies són com l'ombra que declina.,My days are like a shadow that declines.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn "Mira el mapa de la pàgina 25, si us plau.",Look at the map on page 25.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Hi ha quelcom que haig de saber.,There is something I must know.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Mon oncle va partir al Mèxic el 1983 i mai no n'ha tornat.,"My uncle went to Mexico in 1983, never to come back.",cat_Latn-eng_Latn Encara no he trobat un metge.,I haven't found a doctor yet.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Caldrà que verifiqui la meva agenda.,I'll need to check my schedule.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Tornarà a les sis.,He'll return at six.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn M'ha entrat alguna cosa a l'ull.,There's something in my eye.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Som bons amics.,We are good friends.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Ella va ser a Amèrica el mes passat.,She was in the Americas last month.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn He trencat les meves ulleres.,I've broken my glasses.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn "Andorra és un principat petit, situat entre Espanya i França.",Andorra is a small principality situated between Spain and France.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Quin és el problema?,What's the problem?,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Per fi he acabat la meva feina.,"At last, I completed my work.",cat_Latn-eng_Latn Apagà el llum.,He turned off the light.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Això és exactament el què va passar.,That's exactly what happened.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn On anirem després?,Where will we go afterwards?,cat_Latn-eng_Latn No hi ha cap motiu per preocupar-se.,There's no reason to worry.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn "Si us plau, corregeix-me si m'equivoco.",Please correct me if I make a mistake.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Ara sóc a Hong Kong.,I'm in Hong Kong right now.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn "Quan és primavera a l'hemisferi nord, és tardor en l'hemisferi sud.","When it's spring in the Northern Hemisphere, it's autumn in the Southern Hemisphere.",cat_Latn-eng_Latn El Burj Khalifa és ara un tocanúvol més alt del món.,Burj Khalifa is currently the tallest skyscraper in the world.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Moltes gràcies!,Thank you very much!,cat_Latn-eng_Latn No em recordo la significació del mot que vaig cercar ahir al diccionari.,I can't remember the meaning of the word that I looked up yesterday.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Els fonaments mantenen l'estructura de l'edifici.,Foundations maintain the structure of the building.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Em sembla interessant.,I think it's interesting.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Sóc embarassada.,I am pregnant.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn La seva professió és dentista.,He is a dentist by profession.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Les baixes temperatures van mantenir gelades els cims gran part de la primavera.,Low temperatures kept summits frozen most of the spring.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn L'hort és encara a l'ombra.,The garden is still in shadow.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn No sols m'ha donat consells sinó també diners.,He gave me not only advice but also money.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn És un amic meu.,This is a friend of mine.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn M'agrada el pollastre.,I like chicken.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn A la porta li cal una altra capa de pintura.,The door needs another coat of paint.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Hem de reduir la despesa per tal d'estalviar diners.,We must cut our expenses to save money.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn "Inclusivament quan els fets demostraven el contrari, mantenia que no l'havia robat.","Even when the facts demonstrated the opposite, he maintained he hadn't stolen it.",cat_Latn-eng_Latn Tot el gust és meu.,The pleasure's all mine.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn En Tom mai no ha pogut oblidar l'horror de la guerra.,Tom could never forget the horror of the war.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn En Tom no l'ha tornada a veure mai.,Tom never saw her again.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Quasi tot ha millorat.,Most everything has been improved.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Ens agraden les mateixes coses.,We like the same things.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn En Tom no estava gelós.,Tom wasn't jealous.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn A mi m'agrada més mirar les pel·lícules en versió original.,I prefer to watch films in the original.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Ells es varen reunir ahi amb el Ministre d'Assumptes Exteriors.,They met with the Minister of Foreign Affairs yesterday.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Tom ja em va explicar les regles.,Tom has already explained the rules to me.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn No estic enfadada amb tu.,I'm not angry with you.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Les il·lusions no duren gaire.,Illusions are short lived.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn (Ell) ha perdut el seu fill estimat.,He lost his beloved son.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Vàrem jugar a bàsquet al gimnàs.,We played basketball in the gym.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Ho sap tot d'Alemanya.,He knows everything about Germany.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn M'agrada el repte de traduir l'intraduïble.,I like the challenge of translating the untranslatable.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn El 1981 Reagan es va convertir en president dels Estats Units.,Reagan became President of the United States in 1981.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Com els vols?,How do you want them?,cat_Latn-eng_Latn El vostre fill és un geni.,Your son is a genius.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Amb qui parles?,Who are you talking with?,cat_Latn-eng_Latn "Londres és petit, comparat amb Tokio.","In comparison with Tokyo, London is small.",cat_Latn-eng_Latn He escrit una carta.,I have written a letter.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Necessites molts diners?,Do you need much money?,cat_Latn-eng_Latn "Feliç aniversari, estimat amic!","Happy birthday, dear friend!",cat_Latn-eng_Latn Hi ha esperança.,There is hope.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn No podem viure sense aigua.,We cannot live without water.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn "I coneixereu la veritat, i la veritat us farà lliures.","And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.",cat_Latn-eng_Latn Tom ja no va a l'escola.,Tom doesn't go to school anymore.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Li estrenyé la mà al seu amic.,He shook hands with his friend.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Tots els vols s'han cancel·lat pel temporal.,All flights have been cancelled due to the storm.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Tens un llapis per prestar-me?,Could I borrow a pencil?,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Estava en la dutxa quan ha sonat el telèfon.,I was in the shower when the phone rang.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn El terra era molt pedregós.,The ground was very rocky.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn "El que no es menja el cuc, que s'ho menge la cuca.","What the silkworm won't eat, the bug will.",cat_Latn-eng_Latn Això depèn del context.,It depends on the context.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn La situació empitjora a cada dia que passa.,The situation is getting worse and worse day by day.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn La situació està pitjor a cada dia que passa.,The situation is getting worse every day.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn No parlo pas castellà.,I don't speak Spanish.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn La situació deu ser més greu del que us pensàveu.,The situation must be worse than you thought.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn La situació és molt pitjor del que crèiem.,The situation is worse than we believed.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn "A pesar de l'entestament que van posar en convèncer-el, va mantenir la seva oposició al projecte.","Despite the fact they set their heart on convincing him, he maintained his opposition to the project.",cat_Latn-eng_Latn La llimera dóna llimes i el taronger taronges.,Lemons grow on lemon trees and oranges on orange trees.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn La creativitat és un aspecte important per al desenvolupament de l'ésser humà.,Creativity is an important aspect for the development of human.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Ho volen per a demà.,They want it for tomorrow.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Jo no crec!,I don't believe!,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Ella em va parlar en anglès només per presumir.,She spoke English to me just to show off.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Hui no fa tan bon oratge com ahir.,The weather's not as good today as it was yesterday.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Japó és molt diferent de com era 50 anys enrere.,Japan is very different from what it was fifty years ago.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Perque ballares amb ell?,Why didn't you dance with him?,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Abans d'eixir posa't l'abric o et constiparàs.,Put your coat on before you go out or you'll catch cold.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Mercés !,I thank you.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Amb sucre o sense?,With or without sugar?,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Avui fa molt fred,Today is very cold.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn "Quan dono menjar als pobres, em diuen sant. Quan demano per què els pobres no tenen res a menjar, em diuen communista.","When I give food to the poor, they call me a saint. When I ask why the poor have no food, they call me a communist.",cat_Latn-eng_Latn Ella no fuma.,She does not smoke.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Sabies que ell és bo fent cafè?,Did you know he is good at making coffee?,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Obre els ulls sisplau,"Open your eyes, please.",cat_Latn-eng_Latn John viu a Nova York,John lives in New York.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Quan el gos està alegre meneja el rabo.,When the dog is happy it wags its tail.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Ella es la seva amiga,She is her friend.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Tens dificultats per entendre el que les dones o els nens petits et diuen?,Do you have difficulty understanding what women or small children say to you?,cat_Latn-eng_Latn És impossible acampar aquí on no hi ha aigua.,Camping is impossible where there is no water.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn "Què diries tu, si estiguessis en esta situació?",What would you say if you were in this situation?,cat_Latn-eng_Latn El dilluns a la tarda m'avorreixo sempre.,I'm always bored on Monday evenings.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Estudiaré anglés aquesta vesprada.,I am going to study English this afternoon.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn "Sempre canviarem, sempre aprendrem.","Forever we will change, forever we will learn.",cat_Latn-eng_Latn "Jo, el Predicador, vaig ser rei d'Israel a Jerusalem.","I, the Preacher, was king over Israel in Jerusalem.",cat_Latn-eng_Latn Calla't!,"Hey you, shut up!",cat_Latn-eng_Latn Voldria dibuixar un arbre,I would like to draw a tree.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Ho puc fer ara.,I can do it now.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn El vostre pastís està deliciós.,Your cake is delicious.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn "Vam trucar a la porta durant cinc minuts, però va ser en va.","We knocked at the door for five minutes, but in vain.",cat_Latn-eng_Latn "Com més amunt anem, més fresc és l'aire.","As we go up higher, the air becomes cooler.",cat_Latn-eng_Latn La meva afició és col·leccionar joguines antigues.,My hobby is collecting old toys.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Et deixaré decidir,I'll let you decide.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Quina mena de llocs t'agradaria vore?,What kind of places would you like to see?,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Et trobarem a faltar quan marxis.,We shall all miss you when you go away.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Entenc la seva frustració.,I understand his frustration.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Jo tampoc entenc res.,"I, too, didn't understand anything.",cat_Latn-eng_Latn Pensava que arribava a temps.,I thought I was on time.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn En fare setze en septembre,I'll be sixteen in September.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn El meu pare va morir fa quatre anys.,My father died four years ago.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Té vosté un mapa?,Do you have a map?,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Tom diu que ell mai ha intentat menjar menjar de gos.,Tom says that he's never tried eating dog food.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Sam va ser capaç d'entrar a l'equip de bàsquet de l'escola.,Sam made the school basketball team.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn "Mal de molts, conhort de tontos.",Two in distress make sorrow less.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn "Com s'escriu ""pretty""?","How do you spell ""pretty""?",cat_Latn-eng_Latn Estic convençut de la seva inocència.,I am convinced of her innocence.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn La pastanaga és un mos saludable.,A carrot is a healthy snack.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn "M'agradaria aprendre a tocar el piano, la guitarra o la flauta.","I would like to learn to play the piano, guitar or flute.",cat_Latn-eng_Latn La bala va penetrar al seu pit i el va deixar en estat crític.,"The bullet penetrated his chest, leaving him in critical condition.",cat_Latn-eng_Latn Feu clic a la paraula per cercar exemples de frases en el corpus de la llengua amaziga.,Click on the word to look for exemple sentences in the corpus of the Amazigh language.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Jo era sospitós de ser un criminal.,I was suspected to be the criminal.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Sóc venedor.,I'm a salesperson.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Dec tenir el número equivocat.,I must have the wrong number.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn No puc tolerar els covards.,I have no tolerance of cowards.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn T'estimo més que ell.,I love you better than he.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn "Aquest no m'agrada gaire, de fet l'odio.","I don't like him much, in fact I hate him.",cat_Latn-eng_Latn Ell no necessita treballar.,He doesn't need to work.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn No sé del cert quan vindrà.,I don't know for certain when he will come.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn No sé quan vindrà.,I don't know when he will come.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Jo no era conscient que ell estava al davant.,I was not aware of his presence.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn "Sospitava que m'estava dient una mentida, però això no em va sorprendre.","I suspected that he was telling a lie, but that didn't surprise me.",cat_Latn-eng_Latn L'envejo.,I envy him.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Estic segur del seu èxit.,I'm sure of his success.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Li preguntaré on va anar el diumenge.,I will ask him where he went last Sunday.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn El vaig sentir cantant al concert.,I heard him sing at the concert.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Li vaig agrair el que va fer.,I thanked him for what he had done.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Sé que li agrada el jazz.,I know he likes jazz music.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn El vaig veure saltar.,I saw him jump.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Li vaig demanar de pagar la factura immediatament.,I demanded that he pay the bill immediately.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn No sé el motiu pel qual va anar-hi.,I don't know the reason why he went there.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Dono per descomptat que aprovarà l'examen.,I took it for granted that he would pass the exam.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn El vaig veure estripar la carta.,I saw him tear up the letter.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn No era conscient que ell estava allà.,I was ignorant that he was present.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Em sorprèn que acceptés l'oferiment.,I'm surprised that he accepted the offer.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Considero impossible que ell ressolgui el problema.,I thought it impossible for him to solve the problem.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Crec que ho va fer ell.,I think he did it.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Crec que ell ho ha fet.,I think he has done it.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Quina és la seva olor preferida?,What's your favorite smell?,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Aquests llibres són molt vells.,These books are very old.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn El trobo un ballarí fluixet.,I thought him a poor dancer.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Quan el veig ballar no puc parar de riure.,I can not help laughing to see him dance.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Vaig estar content de veure que al final va posar-hi seny.,I was glad to see that he finally came to his senses.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Estic segur de la seva victòria al tennis.,I am sure of his winning the tennis match.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn No sé què li ha passat.,I don't know what has happened to him.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Té un ampli coneixement del món.,He has a broad understanding of the world.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn No em canso mai de parlar.,I never get tired of talking.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn No puc respirar pel nas.,I can't breathe through my nose.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Puc seure aquí?,Can I sit here?,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Ha vingut!,He has come!,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Mai no és massa tard per aprendre.,It is never too late to learn.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn La Magda es casarà amb un espanyol.,Magda is going to marry a Spaniard.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Crec que tinc una dent corcada.,I think I have a cavity.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Li he enviat una carta per fer-li saber la meva decisió.,I sent him a letter to let him know my decision.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Podríeu dir-me com puc ajustar el volum?,Could you tell me how to adjust the volume?,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Aquest cotxe és un trasto.,This car is a pile of rubbish.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Qui menja les abelles?,Who eats bees?,cat_Latn-eng_Latn La mare d'en Cookie ha most de càncer.,Cookie's mother died of cancer.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Qui ha escrit aquesta carta?,Who wrote this letter?,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Qui ha escrit la carta?,Who wrote the letter?,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Us he deixat el sopar al forn.,I have left you your dinner in the oven.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn L'hi han obligat.,He was made to do it against his will.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn No crec en l'existència de Déu.,I do not believe in the existence of God.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn "Si, la llet és molt bona.","Yes, the milk is very good.",cat_Latn-eng_Latn La guerra va durar dos anys.,The war lasted two years.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn "Mentre descansa, escolta música.","While resting, he listens to music.",cat_Latn-eng_Latn Sóc finès però també parlo suec.,"I am Finnish, but I speak also Swedish.",cat_Latn-eng_Latn En aquell moment jo encara estava despert.,"At that time, I was still awake.",cat_Latn-eng_Latn És la primera cosa que mon pare ha escrit.,It's the first thing that my father wrote.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Em fascina la gran flexibilitat d'aquesta llengua.,I'm fascinated by the extraordinary flexibility of this language.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn No tinc altra opció que acceptar l'oferta.,I had no choice but to accept the offer.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Què vol dir això al capdavall?,What does it actually mean?,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Deu anys és molt de temps.,Ten years is a long time.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Maria és l'única noia que he estimat mai.,Mary is the only girl I've ever loved.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Qui mana aquí?,Who is the boss here?,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Tot és il·lusió.,All is illusion.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Ho teniu en un altre color?,Do you have this in another color?,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Avui he treballat molt.,I worked a lot today.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Escric cartes que no envio mai.,I write letters that I never send.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Què us amoïna exactament?,What exactly is your concern?,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Em sap greu haver-te causat tants problemes.,I'm sorry to have caused you so much trouble.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Ella sap parlar japonès.,He's able to speak Japanese.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Ella no és aquí perquè està malalta.,She's absent because she's sick.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Ell és tres anys més gran que ella.,He's three years older than her.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Ella vol saber qui va enviar les flors.,She wants to know who sent the flowers.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Tornaré a açò més endavant.,I'll return to this later.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn L'iPhone és un mòbil extraordinari.,The iPhone is an extraordinary cell phone.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Està molt dotat per a la música.,He has a remarkable aptitude for music.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Qui és aquell home assegut al racó?,Who is the man sitting in the corner?,cat_Latn-eng_Latn No sé exactament quan tornaré a ser aquí.,I don't know exactly when I'll be back.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Hi a una pila de llibres arranjats al racó de la cambra.,There was a neat pile of books in the corner of the room.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Compraria la guitarra si no fos tan cara.,"If that guitar weren't so expensive, I could buy it.",cat_Latn-eng_Latn "El que compta no és en quina universitat has estudiat, sinó que hi has après mentre hi eres.","What's important isn't which university you've graduated from, but what you learned while you were there.",cat_Latn-eng_Latn Seria millor que no anessis amunt i avall amb gent com aquesta.,It'd be better if you didn't associate with men like that.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Això et posarà en perill.,That'll put you in danger.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Va estar-se els darrers cinc dies en aquell hotel.,He's been staying at that hotel for the past five days.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Ella fa cinc dies que no va escola.,She's been absent from school for five days.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Ells tenen una bona relació amb els veïns.,They're on good terms with their neighbors.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn "Treballes massa, reposa una estoneta.",You're working too hard. Take it easy for a while.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn T'hi assembles al teu germà gran.,You look just like your big brother.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Aquest ganivet està molt afilat.,This knife is very sharp.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn No has de dir aquesta mena de coses quan hi ha criatures pel voltant.,You shouldn't say that kind of thing when children are around.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn "Si us plau, perdona'm per no haver-te escrit en tant de temps.",Please forgive me for not having written for a long time.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Quin és el teu propòsit real?,What's your real purpose?,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Això mateix m'he figurat.,That's exactly what I thought.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Crec que l'elecció està clara.,I believe the choice is clear.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Hauries d'haver fet cas del consell del teu mestre.,You should follow your teacher's advice.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Has fet la mateixa errada que la darrera vegada.,You made the same mistake as last time.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn On trobo la llet?,Where can I find the milk?,cat_Latn-eng_Latn M'agradaria veure't abans de marxar cap a Europa.,I'd like to see you before I leave for Europe.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Sóc Tom.,I am Tom.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Hi ha massa coses per fer!,There are too many things to do!,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Puc demanar-li ajuda a ella.,I can ask her to help.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn """Qui és aquella persona?"" ""És en Tom.""","""Who's that person?"" ""That's Tom.""",cat_Latn-eng_Latn Sempre us recordaré.,I will always remember you.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn La lliçó començarà.,The lesson will start.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Fa dos anys qu'en Tom va aprendre a nedar.,"Two years ago, Tom learned how to swim.",cat_Latn-eng_Latn Els pares dels meus pares són els meus avis.,My parents' parents are my grandparents.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Aquesta nit no plourà.,It's not going to rain tonight.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Me l'he trobat a Tòquio de casualitat.,I met him in Tokyo by chance.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Va néixer a Amèrica.,She was born in America.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Ens assegurarem que ningú s'estiga aprofitant del poble americà per al seu propi interès a curt termini.,We're gonna make sure that no one is taking advantage of the American people for their own short-term gain.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Jo vull una espasa com aquesta!,I want a sword like this!,cat_Latn-eng_Latn No tens dret d'interferir en els afers dels altres.,You have no right to interfere in other people's affairs.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn "Mostra'm com es fa, per favor.","Show me how to do it, please.",cat_Latn-eng_Latn Juguem a futbol cada dissabte.,We play soccer every Saturday.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Plou a bots i a barrals.,It's raining cats and dogs.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Què heu fet exactament?,What did you do exactly?,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Siusplau afageixi el meu nom a la llista.,Please add my name to the list.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn "Per primera vegada en més de 6 anys, la taxa d'atur està per davall del 6%.","For the first time in more than 6 years, the unemployment rate is below 6%.",cat_Latn-eng_Latn He sentit a dir que M Inoue s'havia estat en aquest hotel.,I heard that Mr. Inoue has stayed at that hotel.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Tots ens hem de fer la mateixa pregunta.,We must all ask ourselves the same question.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Tenim una cangur per aquesta nit?,Do we have a babysitter for tonight?,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Tinc mal de coll.,I have a sore throat.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Saps que va dir?,Do you know what he said?,cat_Latn-eng_Latn El cotxe va rozar la tanca i es va ratllar.,The car brushed the fence and got scratched.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Cap dels seus estudiants va aprovar l'examen.,Neither of his students passed the exam.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Els nens no escolten sempre els seus pares.,Children don't always listen to their parents.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Avui és dilluns.,It is Monday today.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Són vegetarians.,They are vegetarians.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Aniré a Barcelona el cap de setmana.,I will go to Barcelona on the weekend.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn En Tom no mira la tele.,Tom doesn't watch TV.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Quan tindràs vacances?,When will you have holidays?,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Per què no t'agrada la se formar de parlar.,Why do you dislike his way of speaking?,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Què fas normalment a les vacances?,What do you usually do on holidays?,cat_Latn-eng_Latn "No m'agrada usar consoladors, preferisc els pius de veritat.","I don't like using dildos, I prefer real cocks.",cat_Latn-eng_Latn La Terra és massa petit.,The Earth is too small.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn La meva mare ha sortit de casa fa deu minuts.,My mother left home ten minutes ago.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn La mantega fa bona olor.,The butter smells good.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Jo prefereixo la natació a l'esquí.,I prefer swimming to skiing.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn El rellotge es va aturar.,The clock stopped.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn No vull tornar.,I don't wanna go back.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn En València es parla valencià i espanyol.,In Valencia they speak Valencian and Spanish.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Em vaig perdre quan et vaig visitar per primer cop.,I got lost when I visited you for the first time.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Aquesta torre ofereix una vista de tota la ciutat.,This tower commands a full view of the city.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn El sindicat va negociar amb la directiva.,The union bargained with the management.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Men is nooit te oud om slechte gewoonten af te leren.,One is never too old to unlearn bad habits.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn "Training is geen luxe, het is een investering.","Training is not a luxury, it's an investment.",cat_Latn-eng_Latn Ell va superar moltes dificultats.,He overcame many difficulties.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn El meu nom és Ricardo.,My name is Ricardo.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Estic malalt. Oi que avisaràs un metge?,I'm sick. Will you send for a doctor?,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Tornem a casa.,Let's come back home!,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Van marxar de casa a l'instant.,They lost no time in leaving their home.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Ets més alt que jo.,You're taller than me.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn "Tant en la música com en l'oratòria, s'acostuma a fer servir la pausa per causar un efecte dramàtic.","In music or speaking, a pause is frequently used for dramatic effect.",cat_Latn-eng_Latn Em pot agafar avui el dentista?,Can the dentist see me today?,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Ell va a una escola per sords.,He goes to a school for the deaf.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn M'alegra vore't de nou.,I'm happy to see you again.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Estaven satisfets.,They were satisfied.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn L'operació ve acompanyada de molt de dolor.,The operation is accompanied by a lot of pain.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn "Si passes massa temps al sol sense posar-te crema solar, és probable que et cremis.","If you spend too much time in the sun without putting on sunscreen, you are likely to get a sunburn.",cat_Latn-eng_Latn Preferiria netejar la meva habitació abans que fer els deures.,I'd rather clean my room than spend time doing my homework.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn M'encantaria ser capaç de passar menys temps fent les feines de la llar.,I'd love to be able to spend less time doing household chores.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn M'agradaria passar menys temps a la feina i més temps a casa.,I'd like to spend less time at work and more time at home.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn M'agradaria reduir dràsticament el temps que trigo a netejar la casa.,I would like to drastically decrease the amount of time it takes me to clean the house.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Van alliberar el pres.,They freed the prisoner.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Quant de temps passes a Facebook?,How much time do you spend on Facebook?,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Quant de temps diari passes afaitant-te?,How much time do you spend shaving every day?,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Quant de temps passa vostè amb el seu cònjuge?,How much time do you spend with your spouse?,cat_Latn-eng_Latn "Quant de temps passa, de mitjana, un adolescent mirant la tele cada dia?",How much time does the average teenager watch TV every day?,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Ells van comprar una caixa de galetes.,They bought a box of cookies.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn A la tercera va la vençuda.,These things always happen in threes.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn "Si no estudies molt, continuaràs tenint qualificacions baixes.","If you don't study hard, you'll continue to get poor scores.",cat_Latn-eng_Latn Al principi Déu creà el cel i la terra.,In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn "Son pare es va morir, i per acabar-ho d'adobar, sa mare es va posar malalta.","His father died, and to make matters worse, his mother fell ill.",cat_Latn-eng_Latn Explica'm els teus plans per al futur.,Tell me your plans for the future.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn El jardiner va plantar un roser enmig del jardí.,The gardener planted a rose tree in the middle of the garden.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn M'agraden més les roses blanques que les vermelles.,I like white roses better than red ones.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Ho veuràs per tu mateix.,You'll see it for yourself.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn La nau espacial va fer un aterratge perfecte.,The spaceship made a perfect landing.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn "Un dia, una dona de color, Rosa Parks, estava tornant a casa després d'un llarg dia de treball.","One day, a black woman, Rosa Parks, was returning home after a hard day's work.",cat_Latn-eng_Latn Ella és de Somàlia.,She's from Somalia.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn El jove que conduïa el cotxe estava borratxo.,The young man driving the car was drunk.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Rosa Parks va ser arrestada.,Rosa Parks was arrested.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Ella té dues germanes. Totes dues viuen a Kyoto.,She has two sisters. Both live in Kyoto.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn He viscut a Tokyo des de 1985.,I have lived in Tokyo since 1985.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Sempre duu una Bíblia a sobre.,She always carries a Bible.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Ella sempre estudia escoltant música.,She always studies while listening to music.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Ella va respondre ràpidament a la meva carta.,She answered my letter right away.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn "Li surt fum del cervell, amb tantes idees.",His brain bubbles with new ideas.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn M'encanten els caps de setmana prolongats.,I love three-day weekends.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Ella va sortir de l'habitació sense acomiadar-se.,She left the room without saying goodbye.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Gràcies per la pista.,Thank you for the lead.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn L'esperaré fins les deu.,I waited for him till ten.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Has viatjat a algun lloc últimament?,Have you travelled anywhere recently?,cat_Latn-eng_Latn La Sally canviava el seu pentinat constantment.,Sally was constantly changing her hairstyle.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn La ruta 12 para aprop del teatre d'òpera.,Route 12 stops near the opera house.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn On és el telèfon més proper?,Where is the nearest telephone?,cat_Latn-eng_Latn L'amic del meu pare és un novel·lista famós.,My friend's father is a famous novelist.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn "No vull cridar-te, però ho faré si cal.","I don't want to shoot you, but I will if I have to.",cat_Latn-eng_Latn En Tom va comprar una casa amb sis habitacions.,Tom bought a house with six rooms.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn El bus va arribar deu minuts tard.,The bus arrived ten minutes late.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Prometo ajudar-te.,I promise you I'll help you.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn "Fes el que dic, no faces el que jo faig.","Do as I say, don't do as I do.",cat_Latn-eng_Latn La meva filla no trobarà fàcil per acostumar-se a la nova escola.,My daughter won't find it easy to get accustomed to the new school.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Els vam vore.,We've seen them.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn "Per favor, alça la mà abans de parlar.",Please raise your hand before you speak.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Posa l'arma a la taula.,Put the gun on the table.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn M'encanta viure aquí.,I like living here.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn És tan difícil triar entre el cel i l'infern?,Is it so difficult to choose between heaven and hell?,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Ningú no li fa ombra.,Nobody equals him in strength.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Renta't les mans.,Wash your hands.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Jill és l'única noia del nostre club.,Jill is the only girl in our club.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Acaba d'arribar.,He's just arrived.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Mira! El tren està allà!,Look! The train is there!,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Ella és amable.,She is kind.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn A en Tom no li agraden els gats.,Tom doesn't like cats.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn El dia de Sant Valentí se celebra el febrer.,Valentine's Day is celebrated in February.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Avui vaig a l'hospital.,I'll go to the hospital today.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Pots abaixar la ràdio?,Could you turn down the radio?,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Està jugant a golf.,He is playing golf.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn No hi fa res!,It doesn't matter!,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Van morir quatre soldats i dotze civils.,Four soldiers and twelve civilians were killed.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Vaig ajudar a una dona gran a creuar.,I helped an old lady across.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Aquest llibre és massa car per mi.,This book is too expensive for me.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Deixi que li presenti la Mayuko.,Allow me to introduce Mayuko to you.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Creiem que vindrà.,We think that he will come.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Tenn uns ulls tan bonics...,You have such beautiful eyes.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Fa cara de tenir fam.,He had a hungry look.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Estan presos.,You are under arrest.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Necessiten cures diàries.,They need daily care.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn El gos va beure aigua i se'n va anar.,The dog drank some water and went away.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn El secret de l'èxit és no pensar en el fracàs.,The secret of success is not to think of failure.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn El seu avió es va estavellar a les muntanyes,His airplane crashed in the mountains.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn "En comptes d'anar directament a casa, vaig agafar el camí llarg i vaig parar a l'oficina de correus.","Instead of coming directly home, I took the long way and stopped by the post office.",cat_Latn-eng_Latn En Tom menja molt poc.,Tom eats very little.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn "Al mal temps, fer-li bona cara.",What can't be cured must be endured.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Avui estic cansada.,Today I'm tired.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Siusplau canvia la puntuació.,Please change the punctuation.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Esta águila no pot volar. Les seues ales estan trencades.,This eagle can't fly. Its wings are broken.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Tinc un amic el pare del qual és un pianista famós.,I have a friend whose father is a famous pianist.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn No hi he anat amb motiu del mal temps.,"Owing to bad weather, I didn't go.",cat_Latn-eng_Latn He oblidat el llibre.,I forgot the book.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Es va quedar allí tot el temps,He stayed there all the time.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn No es pot permetre casar-se.,He can't afford to get married.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Tot passa per una raó,Everything happens for a reason.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Heu de ser amables amb els altres.,You must be kind to others.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn "Ell condueix un cotxe, oi?","He drives a car, right?",cat_Latn-eng_Latn Et desitjo el millor!,I wish you the best!,cat_Latn-eng_Latn "Finalment, l'home va confessar que ho havia fet.",The man finally confessed what he had done.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn "Si pogués entendre-ho, t'ho diria.","If I could understand it, I would tell you so.",cat_Latn-eng_Latn Ja ha llegit aquest llibre?,Have you already read this book?,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Es porta bé amb el senyor Brown.,He gets on well with Mr. Brown.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn La mare estava molt ocupada la major part del temps.,Mother was very busy most of the time.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Ells ja són aquí.,They're already here.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Dorm com un bebè,He's sleeping like a baby.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Convé entendre que cada país té la seva cultura.,It is important to understand that each country has its own culture.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Ell va agafar un llibre de la lleixa.,He got the book down from the shelf.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn El desert de la Xina alberga més persones que el Japó.,China's desert supports more people than are in Japan.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn M'han robat el passaport.,My passport's been stolen.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Molta gent va morir en aquell accident.,The accident has caused many deaths.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Estem important una gran quantitat de comestibles.,We import a large quantity of food.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Aquesta és la raó per què no vaig venir ahir.,This is the reason why I didn't come yesterday.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Fes-ho un altre cop.,Try it once again.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Aquest matí m'he aixecat més aviat del que és habitual.,This morning I got up earlier than usual.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Li vaig preguntar on podia aparcar el cotxe.,I asked him where I could park my car.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Aquell país és ric en recursos naturals.,That country is rich in mineral resources.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Ningú no va venir a ajudar-me.,Nobody came to my rescue.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn A ell li agrada molt l'anglès.,He likes English very much.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Les roses fan bona olor.,The roses smell good.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Jo treballo en aquest empresa.,I work at this company.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn "Sortim d'aquí, els polis vénen",We're getting out of here. The cops are coming.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Això seria una cosa que caldria programar,It would be something I'd have to program.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn "Fes-me veure la teva cara, fes-me sentir la teva veu, perquè la teva veu és suau, i la teva cara, bonica.","Shew me thy face, let thy voice sound in my ears: for thy voice is sweet, and thy face comely.",cat_Latn-eng_Latn Necessitem més inflació?,Do we need more inflation?,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Aquesta poma és dolça.,This apple is sweet.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn "L'anglès no és fàcil, però és interessant.","English is not easy, but it is interesting.",cat_Latn-eng_Latn Ella no té més de quinze dòlars,She has no more than fifteen dollars.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn "La vida és dura, però jo sóc més dura.","Life is hard, but I am harder.",cat_Latn-eng_Latn Mai no he trobat un home tan simpàtic.,I've never met such a kind man.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn El pare va mirar la mare amb timidesa.,Dad looked at Mom shyly.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Em va semblar difícil d'usar la màquina,I found it difficult to use the machine.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn "Tracta d'entendre-ho en espanyol, sense traduir-ho a l'anglès.","Try to understand it in Spanish, without translating to English.",cat_Latn-eng_Latn Ell em va donar un exemple.,He gave me an example.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn El partit de beisbol va ser cancel·lat a causa de la pluja,The baseball game was called off due to rain.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn La meva mare sempre està ocupada.,My mother is always busy.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Vine aquí.,Get on in here.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Ell viu a Osaka.,He lives in Osaka.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Sóc francès.,I am French.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Què ha passat?,What's the dealio?,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Agafi l'altra cadira!,Take the other chair!,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Estic esperant el tren,I'm waiting for the train.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Per què està aquí?,Why is he here?,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Puc menjar això?,Can I eat this?,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Què ha dit?,What did she say?,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Què estava fent?,What were you doing?,cat_Latn-eng_Latn No ho sé.,I don't know.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Ell té un gos.,He has a dog.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Estic molt cansat.,I'm very tired.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn "És difícil fer prediccions, especialment sobre el futur!","It's tough to make predictions, especially about the future!",cat_Latn-eng_Latn Me'n vaig.,I'm going to go.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn "Disculpi, quina hora és?","Excuse me, what time is it?",cat_Latn-eng_Latn M'agrada el rock.,I love rock.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn He rebut la vostra carta.,I received your letter.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Ella parla molt.,She talks a lot.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Tens gana?,Are you hungry?,cat_Latn-eng_Latn "Tots els ésser humans neixen lliure i iguals en dignitat i drets i, dotats com estan de raó i consciència, han de comportar-se fraternalment els uns amb els altres.",All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn No et puc deixar aquest diccionari. Sempre el necessito.,I cannot lend this dictionary. I always need it.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn No puc marxar. És massa aviat.,I cannot leave. It's too early.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn És el primer cop que deixo el meu cotxe sense tancar les portes.,This is the first time I've ever left my car without locking its doors.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn No puc saltar al mar. No sé nadar.,I cannot jump to the sea. I don't know how to swim.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn No puc planxar la meva roba. No tinc planxa.,I cannot iron my clothes. I have no iron.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn No puc sentir res. Estic sord.,I cannot hear anything. I'm deaf.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn No puc contractar un conductor. No tinc diners per a fer-ho.,I cannot hire a driver. I don't have money for that.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn No puc fer una migdiada a l'oficina.,I cannot have a nap at the office.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Mai no tindré un fill.,I will never have a son.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Mai no tindré una filla.,I will never have a daughter.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn No puc interrompre el gerent. M'acomiadarà!,I cannot interrupt the manager. He's gonna fire me!,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Ells són molt savis,They really are wise.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn No puc tancar la porta. He perdut la clau.,I cannot lock the door. I have lost the key.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn És el primer cop que menteixo al meu pare i estic avergonyit de mi mateix.,This is the first time I've ever lied to my father and I am ashamed of myself.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Qui va inventar el piano?,Who invented the piano?,cat_Latn-eng_Latn No puc encendre aquesta espelma. Està molla.,I cannot light this candle. It's wet.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Com a mínim dos terroristes són odiats per tothom a excepció d'ells mateixos.,At least two known terrorists are hated by everyone except themselves.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn No puc fer-me el llit. No tinc temps!,I cannot make my bed. I don't have time for that!,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Cap casa té només una cullera.,No house has only one roach in it.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn El resultat de dividir la circumferència d'un cercle pel seu diàmetre és igual a pi.,The result of dividing the circumference of a circle by its diameter is equal to pi.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn El professor tenia un aire sever.,The teacher wore a harsh expression on his face.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn He agafat un peix.,I caught a fish.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn És el primer cop que em faig el llit!,It's the first time I make my bed!,cat_Latn-eng_Latn No puc cometre un error així. El rus és la meva llengua materna.,I cannot make such a mistake. Russian is my native tongue.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Aquest és el noi que va jugar amb la joguina que va espantar la granota que va esquitxar el gos que va perseguir el gat que es va menjar la rata que va matar el ratolí que vivia a la casa que en Jack va construir.,This is the boy who played with the toy that scared the frog that splashed the dog that chased the cat that ate the rat that killed the mouse that lived in the house that Jack built.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn No puc fer riure la Taninna. No li agraden les meves bromes.,I cannot make Taninna laugh. She doesn't like my jokes.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn La vermella és la casa que va construir en Jack.,The red house is the one that Jack built.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn El gos del cantó és perillós.,The dog next door is dangerous.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Jo he ferit els seus sentiments a propòsit,I hurt her feelings on purpose.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Voldries ballar?,Would you like to dance?,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Alguns professors no entenen aquest problema.,Some professors don't understand this problem.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn En Bill odia en George només si la Pat odia en Bill.,Bill hates George only if Pat hates Bill.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Aquest és el gos que perseguia el gat que encalçava el ratolí que vivia a la casa que en Jack va construir.,This is the dog that chased the cat that stalked the mouse that lived in the house that Jack built.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn L'anterior president dels Estats Units és l'únic nord-americà que coneix el president de cada país.,The former president of the United States is the only American who knows the president of every country.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Em vaig quedar molt sorpresa per la mort de Joan.,I was shocked about John's death.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn "Si un estudiant i el seu professor s'avorreixen l'un a l'altre, llavors tots dos estan malgastant el seu temps.","If a student and his or her professor bore each other, then both are wasting their time.",cat_Latn-eng_Latn No tinc temps per explicar-t'ho amb detall.,I don't have time to explain in detail.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Puc fer-ho.,I can do it.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn A la Mary li agrada decorar pastissos.,Mary likes decorating cakes.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Ells ho van descobrir.,They found out.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Ella és intel·ligent i guapa.,She's beautiful and intelligent.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Crec que en Tom està ferit. Li sagna el cap!,I think Tom is hurt. Blood is coming out of his head!,cat_Latn-eng_Latn En Tom va tornar a casa borratxo d'una festa.,Tom came home drunk from a party.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Vam fer gofres.,We made waffles.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Eren parella a l'institut.,They were high school sweethearts.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn "A en Tom, la seva mare el va enganxar masturbant-se.",Tom was caught masturbating by his mother.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn El seu germà és un treballador molt diligent,His brother is a hard worker.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn El significat exacte de la metafísica és controvertit.,The exact meaning of metaphysics is controversial.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Estic considerant anar-me amb ells.,I'm considering going with them.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Hem de comprar-ho a l'estranger.,We have to buy it from abroad.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn No vaig poder aguantar-me les ganes de riure.,I could not subdue the desire to laugh.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn "Si us plau, tanca la porta de darrere teu.",Please shut the door behind you.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Pots venir diumenge a la nit?,Can you come on Sunday evening?,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Els reis tenen els braços llargs.,Kings have long arms.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Em sap greu però no us puc deixar el cotxe el cap de setmana.,"I'm sorry, but I can't lend you my car next weekend.",cat_Latn-eng_Latn Ella l'admirava.,She admired him.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn En John és un bon estudiant.,John is a good student.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn El senyor Ikeda vol comprar un cotxe nou.,Mr Ikeda wants to buy a new car.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn El fort vent indica que s'acosta una tempesta.,The strong wind indicates that a storm is coming.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn El problema més gran del moment és l'atur.,The biggest problem of the hour is unemployment.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Mai no m'he despertat tan aviat.,I've never woken up this early.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn La sotana del sacerdot s'ondulava suaument amb el vent.,The priest's cassock billowed gently in the wind.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn En Mario diu que Ròmul és el fundador de Roma.,Mario says that Romulus is the founder of Rome.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn El ritual sagrat es va dur a terme després d'haver estat posposat en dues ocasions.,The sacred ritual took place after being postponed twice.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Parlem amb tota franquesa.,We talked quite frankly.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn El paper es crema fàcilment.,Paper burns easily.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn La seva nova novel·la és realment interessant en comparació amb l'última.,Her new novel is really interesting as opposed to her last one.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Els nois van passar totes les seves vacances a la granja del senyor Wood.,But the boys spent all their holidays on Mr Wood's farm.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn "Va quedar-se orfe als tres anys, i el va criar un parent llunyà.","An orphan at three, he was brought up by a distant relative.",cat_Latn-eng_Latn Crec que mai no tornarà.,I think he'll never return.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn "La persona que va obrir la porta i va entrar, era un desconegut.",The person who opened the door and came in was an utter stranger.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn El meu pare té un restaurant.,My father has a restaurant.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn És una planta molt decorativa.,It's a very decorative plant.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Que hi ha seients lliures?,Are seats available?,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Gràcies per l'altre dia.,Thank you for the other day.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Et desitjo bona sort.,I wish you good luck.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Us agrada el piano?,Do you like the piano?,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Ell confia en la seva capacitat.,He has confidence in his ability.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Ella no va poder venir perquè estava malalta.,She could not come because she was ill.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Ella sempre està intentant trobar la felicitat.,She is always trying to find happiness.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Pot ploure en qualsevol moment.,It may rain any minute.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn "Els diners no creixen als arbres, ja ho saps.","Money doesn't grow on trees, you know.",cat_Latn-eng_Latn T'he de dir una cosa.,I have something to tell you.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn A aquest llibre li falten dues pàgines.,This book is missing two pages.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Crec que no podem córrer aquest risc.,I don't think we can take that risk.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Van prendre la meva gentilesa per amistat.,They mistook my politeness for friendship.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Coses absolutament absurdes succeeixen en este món.,Absolutely nonsensical things happen in this world.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Fa dos anys des que vaig venir ací.,It is two years since I came here.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn "La música no és una llengua, però algunes llengües són música per les meves orelles.",Music is not a language. But some languages are music to my ears.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Crec que no podem córrer eixe risc.,I don't think that we can take that risk.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Vaig escoltar la història d'ella.,I listened to her story.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn No recorde quina és la meua raqueta.,I can't remember which is my racket.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn "Estic ocupat, no puc ajudar-te.","I'm busy, so I can't help.",cat_Latn-eng_Latn És el director d'un hotel.,He is the manager of a hotel.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Tom no va poder contenir les llàgrimes.,Tom couldn't hold back his tears.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn No sona natural.,It doesn't sound natural.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Només vull estar prop de tu.,I just want to be near you.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Aquesta botiga ven llibres vells.,This store sells old books.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Està content?,Is he satisfied?,cat_Latn-eng_Latn No tinc raons per disculparme,There is no reason for me to apologize.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Està la teva mare a casa?,Is your mum at home?,cat_Latn-eng_Latn "Quan vinguis, fes-m'ho saber.",Let me know whenever you come.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Ella va sortir sense dir ni una paraula,She went out without saying a word.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn "Pren una mica de cafè. Té molt bon gust, crec.","Drink some coffee. It tastes very good, I think.",cat_Latn-eng_Latn Em demano cuant li va costar a Darby el seu nou aument de pitera,I wonder how much Darby's new boob job set her back.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn En vull!,I want some!,cat_Latn-eng_Latn El diccionari recull vora mig milió de paraules.,The dictionary gathers nearly half a million words.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn És una persona molt considerada.,He is a very thoughtful person.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Eres la meua princesa.,You're my princess.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn El pare és a casa.,My father is in.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Em pots amagar de la policia?,Can you hide me from the police?,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Què hi ha?,What is going on?,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Què passa?,What's going on?,cat_Latn-eng_Latn "Pots ajudar-me, per favor?","Can you help me, please?",cat_Latn-eng_Latn Ha esborrat el seu compte de Facebook.,She deleted her Facebook account.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Tu ets mes alt que ella.,You are taller than she.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Ningú no sap on ell viu.,No one knows where he lives.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Aquesta es la meva resposta a la teva pregunta.,This is my answer to your question.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn hi ha una flor sobre la taula.,There is a flower on the table.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn "Ull per ull, dent per dent.","An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.",cat_Latn-eng_Latn Es fa fer ric gracies als terrenys.,Land made him a rich man.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Moltes feines les fan els ordinadors.,A lot of jobs are done by computers.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn No tenim mes remei que anar-hi,We have no choice but to go.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Vestim llana a l'hinvern.,We wear wool in winter.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Ambdues paraules es poden utilitzar d'acord amb la lliure elecció dels usuaris.,Either word can be used according to the free choice of the users.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Vull que en diguis la veritat.,I'd like you to tell me the truth.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn "Per evitar el risc d'incendis o descàrregues elèctriques, no col·loque recipients que continguen líquid damunt de la consola.","To prevent fire or shock hazard, do not place a container filled with liquids on top of the console.",cat_Latn-eng_Latn Esta comprobat que ella es una tafanera.,She is a confirmed gossip.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Ya has lletgit el diari d'avui,Have you read today's paper yet?,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Ara son les cuatre i deu,It's ten past four now.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Aquest matí he anat a classes d'harpa.,This morning I went to my harp class.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn La mare va parar la taula per sopar.,Mother set the table for dinner.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn A la majoria dels americans els agraden les hamburgueses.,Most Americans like hamburgers.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Puc donar fe de la seva inocencia.,I can bear witness to his innocence.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Em vaig mirar al mirall i no em va agradar el que vaig veure.,I looked at myself in the mirror and I didn't like what I saw.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Homes rics solen casar-se amb joves dones trofeu.,Wealthy older men often marry younger trophy wives.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Ho fare pero amb una condicio.,"I'll do it, but there's one condition.",cat_Latn-eng_Latn L'evidència estava en contra meua.,The evidence was against me.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Aquesta aigua té un gust terrible.,This water has an ugly smell.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Te que treballar inclus el diumenge,He had to work even on Sunday.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn No parlis malament d'ell en public.,Don't speak ill of him in public.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn La familia Smith viu al meu barri.,The Smiths live in my neighborhood.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Quina edad te el teu pare?,How old is your father?,cat_Latn-eng_Latn El ca s'esta morint.,The dog is dying.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn A voste l'hi agrada la chocolata blanca,Do you like white chocolate?,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Aixo depen del contexte,That depends on the context.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Ell es molt influent en el seu pais.,He has a great influence on his country.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Només jo puc fer-ho. Ho vaig fer sol.,Only I can do it. I did it alone.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Estas parlant amb mi?,Are you talking to me?,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Na Betty va ser la primera al·lota en venir a la festa.,Betty was the first girl who came to the party.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Crec que vaig perde la cartera.,I think I lost my wallet.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn No m'agradan els rics.,I do not like the rich.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn L'unic gol de la final el marca Andrés Iniesta,The only goal of the final match was scored by Andrés Iniesta.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Gràcies per la seva atenció!,Thank you for your attention!,cat_Latn-eng_Latn El seu llibre és roig.,Her book is red.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Crec que tu ets el meu millor amic.,I think you're my best friend.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Va treballar sense descans per mantenir els seus fills fins que van casar.,She worked without a break to feed her children until they got married.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Porto jersey perque tinc fred.,I'm wearing a sweater because I'm cold.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Que entri el meu estimat al seu jardí per assaborir-ne els fruits saborosos!,"Let my beloved come into his garden, and eat the fruit of his apple trees.",cat_Latn-eng_Latn "Aquest és el teu fill, Maria!","This is your son, Mary!",cat_Latn-eng_Latn Qui es aquell home?,Who is that man?,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Ser qui jo sóc avui ho dec als meus pares.,I owe what I am to my parents.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn El seu cotxe no és bo.,Their car is not good.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Ton pare és alt.,Your father is tall.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Hi ha seixanta segons en un minut.,There are sixty seconds in a minute.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn El nostre equip va competir amb una forta competència,Our team competed with a powerful rival.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn El gos és el millor amic de l'home.,Dog is man's best friend.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Qui és l'home amb qui parlaves?,Who is the man that you were talking with?,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Vaig passar el diumenge passat llegint novel·les,I spent last Sunday reading novels.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Austràlia no és Àustria.,Australia is not Austria.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Em va prendre una setmana guarir-me d'un refredat.,It took me a week to get over my cold.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Ella no va poder venir a causa d'una malaltia,She was unable to come because of illness.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn "Pots confiar en ella, sempre manté les seves promeses.","You can trust her, she always keeps her promises.",cat_Latn-eng_Latn Et sorprendria el que pots aprendre en una setmana.,You'd be surprised what you can learn in a week.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Aquesta novel·la és més interessant que la que vaig llegir la setmana passada.,This novel is more interesting than the one I read last week.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn El meu germà és tan intel·ligent i enginyós que no li puc guanyar en una discussió.,My brother is so smart and witty that I cannot beat him in an argument.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Vine aquí!,Come over here!,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Hem de fer un pas enrere de tant en tant per pensar,We should sometimes pause to think.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Són les vuit del vespre.,It's eight o'clock at night.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn He visto un koala por primera vez.,I saw a koala for the first time.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Els dos nens van tirar de la corda fins que es va trencar.,The two children pulled at the rope until it broke.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn "Digues-li que esperi, per favor.",Please tell him to wait.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Hi havia una llum tènue que mai desapareixia,There was eternal twilight in the place.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Un arxiu TXT és un arxiu de text.,A TXT file is a text file.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn "Amb o sense religió, la gent bona pot comportar-se bé i la gent dolenta pot fer el mal; Perquè la gent bona comenci a fer el mal, necessitem la religió.","With or without religion, good people can behave well and bad people can do evil; but for good people to do evil - that takes religion.",cat_Latn-eng_Latn Vull anar a Amèrica algun dia,I want to go to America someday.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Estic molt agraït per la vostra ajuda.,I am very grateful for your help.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Anem a córrer?,How about running?,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Grècia és un país antic.,Greece is an old country.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn M'alegro de veure't de nou.,Nice to see you again.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Raspatlla't les dents al menys 2 vegades al día.,Brush your teeth twice a day at least.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn No va veure el senyal de stop en la intersecció i va xocar contra un cotxe que venia.,He failed to see the stop sign at the intersection and hit an oncoming car.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Ella és forta.,She is strong.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn El lleó és el rei de la selva.,The lion is the king of the jungle.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Vull anar a Amèrica algun dia.,I want to go to America some day.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn "Si una nació espera ser ignorant i lliure, espera el que mai va ser i mai ho serà.","If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, it expects what never was and never will be.",cat_Latn-eng_Latn Jack mai tornaría a veure la seva germana.,Jack was never to see his sister again.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn A Tom no li agrada el formatge.,Tom doesn't like cheese.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn "Va, prova-ho!",Just go and try it!,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Tu parles el meu llenguatge.,You speak my language.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Bé que hi aniria si no em fes mal el cap.,"I would be good, if I didn't have this headache.",cat_Latn-eng_Latn "Des d'un punt de vista estrictament científic, l'història no pot dir-se ciència.","From a strictly scientific point of view, history cannot be called a science.",cat_Latn-eng_Latn Avui et convido jo a dinar.,"Today, I invite you to have dinner.",cat_Latn-eng_Latn El jove es va ressentir per ser tractat com un covard.,The youngster resented being treated as a coward.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn No hi ha dubte que seré al teu funeral.,I will definitely attend your funeral.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn No puc fer la meva feina sense un ordinador.,I can't do my job without a computer.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Quins aliments són rics en calories i quins no?,Which foods are rich in calories and which aren't?,cat_Latn-eng_Latn No vull sucre.,I don't want sugar.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Els meus pares són morts.,Both of my parents are dead.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn "Per favor, guarda silenci.",Please be quiet.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Li agraden els dolços.,He likes sweets.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Això no sembla real.,It doesn't seem real.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn No ho vendré pas.,I'm not going to sell it.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn "Sisplau, renta'm les esquenes.",Please wash my back.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn "Cristóbal Colón no va trobar la fama, va ser la fama la que va trobar a Cristóbal Colón.",Christopher Columbus did not find fame. It was fame that found Christopher Columbus.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Quants fills tens?,How many children do you have?,cat_Latn-eng_Latn "Per favor, no dubti a trucar.",Please feel free to call me up.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn No ho sabrem mai.,We'll never know.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn No deixi les seves coses enrere.,Don't leave your stuff behind.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Tu ho ets tot per mi.,You are everything to me.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn En Tom va partir el 25 de desembre.,Tom left on Christmas Day.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn A on van ara?,Where are they going to right now?,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Anem a recolzar les pràctiques participatives.,Let us support participatory practices.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn No deixis que entri ningú a l'habitació.,Don't let anyone enter the room.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn No es veia ni una estrella.,Not a star was to be seen.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Estan contents amb la nova casa.,They are satisfied with the new house.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Ets sord?,Are you deaf?,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Quin és el teu secret?,What's your secret?,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Què et passa?,What's wrong with you?,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Què li passa?,What is wrong with him?,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Què li passa a aquet paio?,What is wrong with that guy?,cat_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom i Maria no podien parlar l'un amb l'altre en aquell temps, doncs no parlaven cap llengua comuna.",Tom and Mary couldn't talk to each other then because they didn't speak a common language.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn És la nostra darrera oportunitat.,This is our last chance.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Les coses no són tan senzilles.,Things are not that simple.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn No has de fer-ho.,You don't have to do this.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Estic tan cansat que no puc estudiar.,I'm so tired that I can't study.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn No és fàcil parlar una llengua estrangera.,It's not easy to speak a foreign language.,cat_Latn-eng_Latn Favor quitá tuyo calcetín.,"Take off your socks, please.",cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Nuay quien puede hablá.,No one can say.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ya cae de tuyo lápiz.,You dropped your pencil.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ta gustá yo el color negro.,I like the color black.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn De quien lápiz esté?,Whose pencil is this?,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn De tuyo esté lápiz?,Is this pencil yours?,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn No quiere yo matá cuntigo.,I don't want to kill you.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ta amá silá uno'y otro.,They love each other.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ay dale yo cuntigo un bike na de tuyo cumpleaños.,I will give you a bicycle for your birthday.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ta herví de suyo sangre.,His blood is boiling.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Sangre lang ese.,It's only blood.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Donde parte el aeropuerto?,Where's the airport?,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn El jardinero ya siembrá un pono de rosas na medio del jardín.,The gardener planted a rose tree in the middle of the garden.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Alto le patí flaco.,He's tall and thin.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Cuando kamé recibí el pago?,When do we get paid?,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Necesita tu lavá mano antes de comé.,You need to wash your hands before a meal.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Todas tan cuento si Tom.,Tom speaks loudly.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ya limpiá le cunel casa.,She cleaned the house.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Cuando tu vené?,When will you come?,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Numá confiá masquín cun quien.,Don't trust anybody.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Hindê esté de tuyo maga tenedor.,These are not your forks.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Tiene fe na Dios.,Have faith in God.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn "Aparte de usted, todo kita pobre.","Apart from you, we are all poor.",cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Cosa de tuyo favorito canción?,What's your favorite song?,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Puede usted aumentá nuevo oraciones que usted no sabe qué laya traducí.,You can add sentences that you do not know how to translate.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Hindé yo ta entendé cosa le quiere.,I can't make out what he wants.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ta ulí yo sangre.,I smell blood.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Por que tu nuáy preguntá cumigo?,Why didn't you ask me?,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Dulce este manzanas.,This apple is sweet.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Necesita yo durmí antes man madrugada.,I need to go to sleep before midnight.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Por que ta man imbusterías el magá gente?,Why do people tell lies?,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn El casa de Tom ya destruí totalmente.,Tom's house was completely destroyed.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Cerrá el libro.,Close the book.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ay man miss yo cun ustedes todo.,I will miss you all.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Virá kitá olét.,Let's go back.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Seco el toalla.,The towel is dry.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Mas pronto cucí el cebollón que cunel patatas.,Onions cook more quickly than potatoes.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Sabe tu cosa yo ya hacé?,Do you know what I did?,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ellos ya hace el cósa kanila ya habla.,They did what they were told.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Puede hacé si Tom cunese con uno mano lang.,Tom can do that with one hand.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Quiere quiere yo leche.,I like milk.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn De coche silá ya anda na Chicago.,They went to Chicago by car.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ta gritá comigo este hombre!,This man's shouting at me!,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn HIndê 'se sangre.,It's not blood.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Todo kitá ay murí.,We are all going to die.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Taquí ya yo mediodía.,I'll be home by noon.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn """Tallí de tuyo tícket?"" ""No puede yo encontrá el de mío.""","""Do you have your ticket?"" ""I can't find mine.""",cbk_Latn-eng_Latn El maga medicamentos de Tom es no hay na baño.,Tom's medication's not in the bathroom.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Tiene tu hilo patí aguja?,Do you have needle and thread?,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn No puede kitá mandá cun Tom hacé cosa le no quiere hacé.,We can't make Tom do something he doesn't want to do.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Azul de suyo ojos.,His eyes are blue.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Nupuede si Tom man-answer de tuyo pregunta.,Tom can't answer your question.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Talla le na hospital.,He's in the hospital.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn "El tata de mío esposa, de mío suegro.",My wife's father is my father-in-law.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Falta un tenedor.,One fork is missing.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Favor ablá cumigo pakimodo andá na banco.,Please tell me how to get to the bank.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Este día ya comprá yo un docena de lápiz.,I bought a dozen pencils today.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Dale tu prestá cumigo de tuyo lápiz?,Will you lend me your pencil?,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Cosa clase de vino tu tiene?,What kind of wine do you have?,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Grande de suyo bulî.,She has a big butt.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ya dale yo prestá de mío lápiz cunele.,I lent my pencil to him.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Peligroso gayot travesá na camino.,It is very dangerous to cross this street.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Nuáy si Tom na casa.,Tom isn't home.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Ta andá usted escuela de pie?,Do you go to school on foot?,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Tiene tu lápiz colorao?,Do you have a red pencil?,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Okey lang quedá baklá.,It's okay to be a gay.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Este de mio hermano.,This is my brother.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn De ustedes esté coche?,Is this your car?,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ta ladrá el perro.,The dog is barking.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Sabe tu cosa ta causá cunese?,Do you know what causes that?,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Bonito de suyo ojos.,She has attractive eyes.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ta vendé le frutas.,He sells fruit.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ya dale cumigo prestá si Susie dos libro na nuáy pa yo lé.,"Susie lent me two books, neither of which I have read as yet.",cbk_Latn-eng_Latn No pichí cuneste botón asul.,Don't touch this blue button.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Borles el mujer.,The woman is naked.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Cosa fruta color verde?,What fruit is green?,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn No hay tu cumigo ablá que doctor galê tu.,You didn't tell me that you were a doctor.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Cosa fruta colorao?,What fruit is red?,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Político si Tom.,Tom is a politician.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ya tapá el maga celaje cunel sol.,The clouds hid the sun.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ta vendé tu frutas?,Do you sell fruit?,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn """Donde ya de tuyo primo?"" ""Nuevo lang le ya salé.""","""Where's your cousin?"" ""He just left.""",cbk_Latn-eng_Latn "Masquén no hay dinero, masquén no hay maquinaria política y masquén hay perdé, hay competí kame siempre na torneo de ajedrez este venida 29 de Abril 3030.","Eventhough there's no money, no political machine and even we will lose, we'll still compete in the chess tournament this coming April 29 3030.",cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Hindê se fácil.,That's not easy.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn El maga fruta tiene pipita adentro.,Fruits have seeds in them.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Cosa fruta tu quiere?,What fruit do you want?,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ya ocurrí el accidente ayer aga.,The accident occurred yesterday morning.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ay asé yo se luego.,I'll do it later.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Quiere queda rico y sikát si Tom.,Tom wants to become rich and famous.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Hindé tu puede vené aqui luego de noche.,You can't come over tonight.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Hindé ese amó.,It isn't right.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Hindé necesita andá na tienda si Tom.,Tom doesn't need to go to the store.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ya mirá lang yo cunele ya nerviá man yo.,Just to watch it made me nervous.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Tiene agujero el de suyo calcetín.,There is a hole in his sock.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Si Tom jendêh exactamente mi persona favorito.,Tom's not exactly my favorite person.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Por que necesita yo andá na escuela?,Why do I have to go to school?,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Debe firmi está agradecido na tu nana y tata.,Always be grateful to your mother and father.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ta vendé frutas si Tom.,Tom sells fruit.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Tiene tu más grande carajay?,Do you have a bigger frying pan?,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Puede yo mirá de tuyo pasaporte?,"May I see your passport, please?",cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Yambanggá tu cumigo.,You bumped into me.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Numá olvidá cepillá tuyo diente.,Don't forget to brush your teeth.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn De Estados Unidos ele.,He is from the United States.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ya pipiná le un tenedor.,She picked up a fork.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn "Un día, si Jesús hay virá para kanáton y kita está junto con ele hasta para cuando.","One day, Jesus will return for us and we will be with him forever.",cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ele un haragán,She's a slob.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ta buscá yo de mio hermano.,I am looking for my brother.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Sabe tu quien ya hacé quebrá cuneste ventana?,Do you know who broke this window?,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Devolvé al remitente.,Return to sender.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn No olvidá llamá kanamon apenas tu llegá na Kyoto.,Don't forget to give us a ring when you arrive in Kyoto.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Cosa cuntigo ya hablá?,What were you told?,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Devolvé con el remitente.,Return with the sender.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ya dejá yo cunel de mío esposa.,I left my wife.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Mas quiere yo trabajá solo solo.,I prefer working alone.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Hindé vo de mío tata!,You're not my father!,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ya dejá yo de mío zapatos na escuela.,I left my shoes at school.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Pirmi le ta olvidá de suyo sen.,He always forgets his money.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn "El Entrada, transportación, degradación y absorción del mana alimentos es posible y gracias na serie de conductos, tejidos y órganos que constituido el Sistema de Digestivo. Todo sila ta trabaja junto na manera de coordinado, para asimilá de mejor manera el mana sustancias que kita ta consumí cada día, suplicando kanáton con energía y facilitando de atón desarrollo.","Entry, transportation, breaking-down and absorption of food is possible, and thanks to a series of conduits, tissues and organs that constitute the Digestive System. They all work together in a coordinated fashion in order to better assimilate the substances consumed everyday, supplying us with energy and easing our development.",cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ya dejá yo de mío páyung na taxi.,I left my umbrella in the cab.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ya dejá yo de mío llave na de mío cuarto.,I left my key in my room.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Sabe tu quien ese gente?,Do you know who that person is?,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ya comprá le ticket para eroplano.,He bought a plane ticket.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ya corré si Tom hasta na puerta y ya pricurá salé afuera.,Tom ran to the door and tried to get out.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ya dejá yo de mío maga llave na coche!,I left my keys in the car!,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn No puede tu negá cunese.,You can't deny that.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ya dejá yo de mío sombrero na eroplano.,I left my hat on the plane.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ta hablá lang yo!,I'm just saying!,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn "¡Hola! ¿Qué tal vosotros? Taquí kita ahora por el corto explicación acerca el Órgano Reproductivo. Bueno, ojalá que no vosotros malicioso sobre este tópico.","Hello! How are you? We’re here now for the short explanation about reproductive organ. Well, we hope that you will not think maliciously regarding this topic.",cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Bien difícil aprendé Russian.,Russian is very difficult to learn.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn """Filipinas"" el ""Philippines"" na español.","Philippines is called ""Filipinas"" in Spanish.",cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ta entendé si Tom el cosa tu hindé ta entendé.,Tom understands what you don't.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Tiene ustedes miedo.,You are afraid.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Nusabe yo donde yo principiá.,I don't know where to begin.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Resollá hondo.,Breathe in deeply.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Conoce de mío tata'y nana cunel de mío novia.,My parents know my girlfriend.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Hindé yo ta acordá donde yo ya dejá de mío coche.,I don't remember where I left my car.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Por que na casa ta trabajá si Tom?,Why does Tom work at home?,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Dol ya dejá yo de mío páyung na de tuyo coche.,I think I left my umbrella in your car.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Tiene quien ya puede mirá donde yo ya dejá de mío antipara?,Did anyone see where I left my glasses?,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ta resollá si Tom.,Tom is breathing.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn ¡Buenos Días! ¿Qué tal vosotros todos? Ojalá que alegre vosotros mientras ta precura leé este de atón corto lección sobre el mana partes del Cuerpo.,"""Good Morning!"" ""How are you all?"" ""Hopefully you’re happy while trying to read this short lecture about the Parts of the Body.""",cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Dol allá yo ya dejá de mío maga llave na mesa na cocina.,I think I left my keys on the kitchen table.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Necesita yo esperá hasta llegá aquí si Tom.,I should wait until Tom gets here.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Hindé todo pajaro ta puede volá.,Not all birds can fly.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Tallí tu na casa?,Are you home?,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ya comprá le un docena huevos.,He bought a dozen eggs.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Quiere kamé quedá famoso.,We want to become famous.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ya dejá yo de mío maga llave na mesa. Puede tu llevá kanila aquí?,I left my keys on the table. Could you bring them to me?,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn El mana hojas ya caé.,The leaves fell.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Bien rico gayót si Tom.,Tom is really rich.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Hindé yo ta comé carne.,I don't eat meat.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Nya! Limpiá kitá diaton cuarto.,Let's clean our room.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Contá hasta diez.,Count to ten.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Cerrá de tuyo ojos y contá hasta diez.,Close your eyes and count to ten.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ta dale cuntigo el sen el poder para comprá masquín cosa.,Money enables you to buy anything.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Loco sila con usted.,They're mad at you.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Que hora tu ta durmí?,What time do you go to bed?,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ya dale yo cuntigo?,Did I give it to you?,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ta planeá yo quedá allá por un semana.,I intend to stay there for a week.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ya abductá silá cumigo.,They kidnapped me.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Yan cuento kamé un rato.,We talked to each other for a while.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn No puede kamé ayudá cun Tom.,We can't help Tom.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ay sintá lang yo aquí.,I'm just going to sit here.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Yan masaje le cunele.,She gave him a massage.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Quiere tu ayudá cumigo?,Would you like to help me?,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ya abrazá le cunele.,He hugged her.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Cuando tu andá na Armenia?,When will you go to Armenia?,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ay llevá yo cuntigo allá.,I'll take you there.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ta arreglá si Mary cunel cama.,Mary is making the bed.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Amó se cosa ya pasá?,Is that what happened?,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Tallá yo na de tuyo casamiento.,I was at your wedding.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Cerca ya mediodía.,It's almost noon.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Nuay pa mediodía kamé ya llegá allá.,We arrived there before noon.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ya mirá si Tom cunel luna.,Tom looked at the moon.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn "Si ya sabé era yo que ay vené tu, ya arreglá era yo un poquito cunel casa.","If I'd known you were coming, I would've tidied the house up a bit.",cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Por que man tu hindé sintá aqui?,Why don't you take a seat here?,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Tiene yo dos hijo y dos hija.,I have two daughters and two sons.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Maga mediodía ya kamé ta comé.,We have lunch about noon.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn "Numá tu man lingasa! Masquín tomá yo, no hay se efecto na mi manejada.","Don't worry! Even if I drink, it doesn't have an effect on my driving.",cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ya estudiá le japonés después el cena.,She studied Japanese after dinner.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Quiere yo visitá na New York.,I would like to visit New York.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn OK ya yo ahora.,I'm all right now.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn No puede yo cindí cunel lámpara. Ta durmí el baby.,I cannot switch the lamp on. The baby is sleeping.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Hindé tu entrá?,Won't you come in?,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Hindé yo necesita cunese.,I don't need it.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Entrá tu o hindé?,Are you coming in or not?,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ellos ta admirá a unos otros.,They admire each other.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ay man mirahan kamé mediodía.,We are to meet at noon.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ta cré el mga Cristiano cun Jesucristo.,Christians believe in Jesus Christ.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ya principiá kamé trabajá mediodía.,We began our work at noon.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ay cumprá yo cunese.,I'll buy it.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Tiene yo dos primo.,I have two cousins.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Hasta rodillas de suyo el lodo.,He was knee deep in mud.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Mediodía yo ya llegá na Tokyo.,I arrived in Tokyo at noon.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Bien suerte gayót kamó tres.,You three are very lucky.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn "Si no puede tu hace el cosa tu quiere, ta hace tu el cosa tu puede.","When you can't do what you want, you do what you can.",cbk_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Cósa hora tú usualmente ta salé na casa?,What time do you usually leave home?,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Hindé todo gente puede quedá alegre.,Not every man can be happy.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Por que tu quiere cunese?,Why do you like it?,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn "Necesita, mediodía, tallá ya kitá.",We should be there by noon.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Hindê tan lútang el piedra.,A stone does not float.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Hindé tu debe dependé na ayuda del otro.,You mustn't depend on others for help.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn No man cuento Nihongo.,Don't speak in Japanese.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Nuáy quien ta cré cuntigo.,No one believes you.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Por que nuáy tu acceptá?,Why didn't you accept?,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Nunca yo ay hablá cuntigo.,I'll never tell you.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ayer yo ya llegá.,I arrived yesterday.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn No quiere yo pescao frito.,I don't like fried fish.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Quiere kamé el cosa kamé quiere.,We want what we want.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ya dejá yo de mío maga guantes na library.,I left my gloves in the library.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Dale cumigo mirá el cosa tu ya comprá.,Show me what you bought.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ya pipiná el pajaro un ramita con su pico y después ya volá hasta su pugarán.,The bird picked up the twig with its beak and flew to its nest.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn No hay yo ablá cun Tom.,I haven't told Tom.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn """Tallí cuntigo el llave?"" ""Sí, taquí cumigo.""","""Have you got the key?"" ""Yes, I have it.""",cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Tiene vez ta puede yo oí de mío tata ta cantá na baño.,I sometimes hear my father singing in the bathroom.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ya encontrá yo cunestos.,I found these.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Fuerte el sabor del vinagre.,Vinegar has a sharp taste.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ya cumprá tu pan.,You bought bread.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Necesita le escují enbuenamente su maga palabra.,She had to choose her words carefully.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Hindê si Tom el quien ya prestá de mío coche.,Tom wasn't the one who borrowed my car.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Este noche debe na casa ya yo antes de oscurezca.,I have to be home tonight before it gets dark.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Nusabe yo si ay vené si George.,I don't know if George is coming.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Hindé ese de tuyo cuchillo.,That is not your knife.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Tallá na bodega si Tom.,Tom is in the warehouse.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn No puede yo subí cuneste monte.,I cannot climb this mountain.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Uno lang sacá.,Just take one.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Numá gayót man lingasa cumigo.,Don't worry about me so much.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Quiere gayot yo frito ságuing.,I love fried bananas.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Favor cerrá cunel ventana.,Please close the window.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Puede tu ripití el cosa tu ya ablá?,Can you say that again?,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Tan paypáy si Tom de suyo cuerpo.,Tom is fanning himself.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ya comé le un poco arena.,He ate some sand.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Cuanto dinero tu ya recibí?,How much money have you obtained?,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Comé kitá pakwán!,Let's eat a watermelon!,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Hindé inglés el cosa yo ta escribí.,What I write is not English.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ya decidi yo prova otra vez.,I decided to try again.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Por que tu ta llorá?,Why are you crying?,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ya corré le apenas ya mirá cumigo.,He ran away as soon as he saw me.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ya ganá yo.,I have won.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Por que no quiere silá cumigo?,Why don't they like me?,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Entonces ay hacé tu cunese?,So you'll do it?,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn No quiere yo lé cuneste libro.,I don't want to read this book.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Bien diútay este libro.,This book is very small.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ya comprá le periódico.,He bought a newspaper.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Nuáy le ni un amigo.,He does not have any friends.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Pero no hay tu allá.,But you're not there.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Tapao de snow el monte.,The mountain is covered with snow.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Bien buen gente si Tom.,Tom is a very good man.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Nuay silá comé na aquel restaurant anoche.,They didn't eat in that restaurant last night.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Interesáo pa ba ele?,Is she still interested?,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn "Pará un rato, ha?","Stand for a bit, okay?!",cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ya pará el tren na Baltimore.,The train stopped in Baltimore.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Kamé el tata'y nana de Tom.,We're Tom's parents.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ya acabá ya tu almorzá?,Have you finished breakfast yet?,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn No quiere yo quedá envuelto.,I don't want to be involved.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ya hablá si Tom necesita daw le sombrero.,Tom says he needs a hat.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Cosa tu ya hablá?,What did you say?,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ya palmadeá el jovencita cunel hombre quien ya pichí de suyo bulí.,The young woman slapped the man who pinched her buttocks.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Tallá yo aquel na monte.,I was in the mountains.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Day off de suyo mañana.,Tomorrow is his day off.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Nuáy pa acabá.,It's not done yet.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ya pintá kamé verde cunel casa.,We painted the house green.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Tiene carne este comida?,Does this food contain any meat?,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Sabe tu donde?,Do you know where?,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Quiere volvé si Tom.,Tom wants to come home.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn De suyo el nuevo coche.,The new car is hers.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ya acabá ya yo el trabajo.,I have already finished the job.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ya mira yo conele ta corre.,I saw him running.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ya pateá le cunel balde.,He kicked the bucket.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ya dejá yo el mana llaves con mi pitaca.,I left the keys with my wallet.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Aquí ya hacé cunel meeting.,The meeting was held here.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ya lancéa con Tom na pecho tres veces.,Tom was stabbed in the chest three times.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Poco lang estudiante ta puedé lé Latín.,Few students can read Latin.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ta estudiá yo chino todo'l día.,I study Chinese every day.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ta jugá si Tom baraja junto cun Mary.,Tom is playing cards with Mary.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Bonito el forma del monte.,The mountain has a beautiful shape.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ta cantá el maga pajaro na cielo.,Birds were singing in the sky.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Claro el luna.,The moon is bright.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Tiene tu visita.,You have a guest.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Yan dial si Tom cunel número otra vez.,Tom dialed the number again.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ya hacé ya kamé de amon trabajo.,We've done our job.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ya mirá ya yo cuneste salida antes.,I've seen this movie before.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Tiene miedo si Tom.,Tom is terrified.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Medutin ele.,She is afraid of her own shadow.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ilegal el sabungán na mucho país.,Cockfighting is illegal in many countries.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ta esperanzá yo ganá si Tom.,I hope Tom wins.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ta duelé de mío bulî.,My butt hurts.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Nuáy quien ya ablá na diamante aquel.,No one said it was a diamond.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Derecho el ponô.,The tree is straight.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Verde el mga pono.,The trees are green.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ya gueriá un mansanas si Tom para cumigo.,Tom threw me an apple.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Gordo gente si Tom.,Tom is a fat man.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ya asé le sintí duele cunaquel gato diútay?,Did she hurt that kitten?,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Café ese?,Is that coffee?,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ta tomá si Tom café.,Tom drinks coffee.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ya travesá le na río.,He crossed the river.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Bien kuríput si Tom.,Tom is very stingy.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Rico de mío tío.,My uncle is rich.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Quiere lang yo sabé.,I just want to know.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ay ayudá silá cunel maga pobre.,They will help the poor.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Paít man esté café.,This coffee tastes bitter.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Nuáy le gustá quedá pobre.,He didn't like being poor.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ta tomá tu café?,Do you drink coffee?,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Gordo tu?,Are you fat?,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ya hablá gayot ansina si Tom?,Did Tom really say that?,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Frío el café.,The coffee is cold.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ta agradecé gayot kamé cuntigo por el cosa tu ya hacé.,We are very grateful for what you did.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn "Aumentá pa café, favor.",Please add more coffee.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ta dale cuntigo energía el café!,Coffee gives you energy!,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Nuay entendé si Tom el cosa ya hablá si Mary nuevo lang.,Tom didn't understand what Mary just said.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ya salé sangre de suyo nariz.,His nose bled.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ma-pelo de suyo pecho.,He has a hairy chest.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Puede yo agarrá de tuyo pecho?,Can I touch your chest?,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ya quedá el bala na de suyo pecho.,The bullet lodged in his chest.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ta puedé ulí sangre el maga tiburón.,Sharks can sense blood.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Bien bueno manejá si Tom.,Tom is a pretty good driver.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ancho de suyo cadera.,She has wide hips.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Cosa el noticia?,What is the news?,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Hindé le satisfechao cunel resulta.,He is unsatisfied with the result.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ta nerviá si Tom.,Tom is nervous.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn OK lang ba si quedá yo aquí?,Is it OK if I stay here?,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Necesita tu ayudá cun Tom.,You need to help Tom.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Tiene jardín na atrás de mio casa.,There is a garden at the back of my house.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn "Yan tunganga si Tom na quísame, no puede le durmí.","Tom stared at the ceiling, unable to sleep.",cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Jendêh usted necesita estudía.,You don't have to study.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Sabe tu donde le ta quedá?,Do you know where he lives?,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Nuáy tu andá na escuela ayer.,You were absent from school yesterday.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ya llevá tu cunele volvé na casa?,Did you take him home?,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Nusabe yo quien ustedes.,I don't know who you are.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn De mano lang tu cuneste ya cusí?,Did you sew this by hand?,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Yan túhug aguja na de mío dedo grande.,I pricked my thumb with a needle.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn "Hindé gayot le tan online, masquín na vacación pa le.","She is never online, even during her vacation.",cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Donde ya el maga zapatos?,Where are the shoes?,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Sabe tu quien ese hombre?,Do you know who that guy is?,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Cosa tu ay hacé ancina hora mañana?,What will you be doing at this time tomorrow?,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Necesita yo un gente para ayudá cumigo.,I need somebody to help me.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Bien de noche ya si Tom ya volvé anoche.,Tom came home pretty late last night.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn "Abla yo, puede ya tu andá.",I said you could leave.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Sabe yo cuanto años ya tu.,I know how old you are.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Nusabe yo patí no quiere yo sabé.,I don't know and I don't want to know.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Manada pa plato na mesa.,There are still a lot of dishes on the table.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ya comprá le camisa para cunele.,He bought a dress for her.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Nuay yo vodka.,I don't have vodka.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Puede tu viciá de mío maga bagaje?,Will you look after my baggage?,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Cerca na estación el hotel donde yo ta restá.,The hotel I'm staying at is near the station.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn No quiere carne vaca si Tom.,Tom doesn't like beef.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Todo'l Sábado ta jugá kamé soccer.,We play soccer every Saturday.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Alérgico yo na maíz.,I'm allergic to corn.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Mucho gente ya murí na guerra.,Many people were killed in the war.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Alas 2:30 si Tom ya llegá.,Tom arrived at 2:30.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Nusabe si Robert pakimodo man spell cunel 'crème brûlée'.,Robert does not know how to spell 'crème brûlée'.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ya casá mi hermana un doctor.,My sister married a doctor.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ya conocé yo cunele na Australia.,I met him in Australia.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ya sigui si Tom y Mary cun John.,Tom and Mary followed John.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Yan mirahan kamé otra vez.,I met with him again.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Hindé yo ta tené huyá na pobre lang yo.,I'm not ashamed that I am poor.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ya matá yo cunel conde.,I killed the count.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Yan peleahan el dos perro por causa del bukúg.,The two dogs quarreled over the bone.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn No puede kamé andá allí adentro.,We can't go in there.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Yam puklá si Tom.,Tom went pale.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ya nacé le bulág.,She was born blind.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn No quiere yo andá na banco.,I don't want to go to the bank.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Amó se de tuyo esposa?,Is that your wife?,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Diez minutos para alas nueve ya.,It's ten to nine.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Nunca yo ya puede mirá vaca deberasan.,I've never seen a real cow.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Cuánto el precio de este sombrero?,How much does this hat cost?,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Sabe tu quien ya robá cunel laptop de Tom?,Do you know who stole Tom's laptop?,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Quiere yo tené un novio.,I want a boyfriend.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ya vacia yo agua na balde.,I poured water into the bucket.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Donde ya el maga tenedor?,Where are the forks?,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ayudá cumigo mové cuneste piedra.,Help me move this stone.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ta subí ya el sol.,The sun is rising.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Pensaba yo deverasan aquel.,I thought it was true.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Nuáy cosa ya quedá.,There's nothing left.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ya comprá si Mary un poco de pan.,Mary bought some bread.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ya dale yo de mio tata corbata de seda para regalo.,I gave my father a silk tie.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Tiene un tenedor aquí.,There is a fork here.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ta tomá tu vino?,Do you drink wine?,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ya vené ba aquí si Tom ayer?,Did Tom come here yesterday?,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Hindê tu necesita andá.,You don't need to go.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn "Tiene cuidáo, ha?","Be careful, OK?",cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Flaco gayot tu.,You're so skinny.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn El Dios lang sabe!,God only knows!,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn El Dios el quien ya creá cuntigo.,God created you.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ya pipiná le un piedra.,He picked up a stone.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ta duelé de mío maga pierna.,My legs hurt.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Que se joda cunese!,I don't give a damn about it!,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn De tuyo esté mga llave?,Are these your keys?,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ya butá le cunel ságuing.,He threw the banana away.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Cosa ta pasa alli arriba?,What is going on up there?,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Favor virá aquí ahora mismo.,Please come back at once.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn De tuyo esté páyung?,Is this your umbrella?,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn No usted debe tomá este agua.,You shouldn't drink this water.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Comé cunel pan!,Eat the bread!,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn No quiere yo andá na Boston.,I don't want to go to Boston.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Escuro el cuarto.,The room is dark.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Necesita le páyung.,He needs an umbrella.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ya apagá yo de mío cellphone.,I turned off my phone.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Alboroto el mga vecinos.,The neighbors are noisy.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Nuay tu permiso entrá na ese cuarto.,You aren't allowed to go into that room.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Cosa tu ya hacé anoche?,What did you do last night?,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Donde ya de mío peine?,Where is my comb?,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Donde tu cuando ya ocurí ese?,Where were you when it happened?,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ya peiná tu de tuyo pelo?,Did you comb your hair?,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Necesita yo peiná de mío pelo.,I have to comb my hair.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ya ganá yo na loto.,I won the lottery.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Peiná de tuyo pelo antes tu salé.,Comb your hair before you go out.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Sabe le peiná de suyo pelo.,She knows how to comb her hair.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ya peiná el bátâ mujer cunel pelo de suyo muñeca.,The girl combed her doll's hair.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn No hay kamé idea donde ya ele.,We have no idea where he is.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom, ya olvidá tu peiná de tuyo pelo.","You forgot to comb your hair, Tom.",cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ya rubá si Tom cunel cadenita.,Tom stole the necklace.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ya comprá yo un páyung.,I bought an umbrella.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Por que pa tu necesita peine si calvo man tu?,Why do you need a comb if you're bald?,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn No quiere yo trabajá.,I don't want to work.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Sabe tu el sicreto de Tom?,Do you know Tom's secret?,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Por que pa tu necesita peine si nuay man tu pelo?,Why do you need a comb if you have no hair?,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ta cré gayót tu na mga multó?,You really believe in ghosts?,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Este maga tiempo poco estudiante ya lang ta usá lápiz.,Few students use pencils these days.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Dol ta nerviá si Tom.,Tom seems nervous.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Tiene un cuchara perdido.,There is a spoon missing.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ya hace le trensas de miyo pelo.,She braided my hair.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Quiere ustedes quedá rico?,Do you want to be rich?,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Nusabe pa usá cuchara el batâ diútay.,The baby cannot use a spoon yet.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn No cunele despiertá.,Don't wake him up.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ya pará el resuello de Tom.,Tom stopped breathing.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn No tu olvidá quien tu.,Don't forget who you are.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Con cuidao! Bien caliente el caldo.,Be careful! The soup is very hot.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Bunito de tuyo cadenita.,Your necklace is beautiful.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Todo'l gente ta resollá aire.,All people breathe air.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn "Cosa na Tagalog el ""ventana""?","What is the Tagalog word for ""window""?",cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Por que tu ya dale sen cun Tom?,Why did you give Tom money?,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Difícil yo resollá.,I have difficulty breathing.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn "No resollá, favor.","Hold your breath, please.",cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Duro le ta resollá.,She was breathing hard.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Que hora ya?,What time is it?,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Olor beer de suyo resuello.,He has boozy breath.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Hindê ta resollá si Tom.,Tom's not breathing.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ya comprá yo cuneste desde cun Tom.,I bought this from Tom.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Cosa ya tu asé si hindé ele vené?,"If he doesn't come, what will you do then?",cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Tiene le dos hermana.,She has two sisters.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ya besá le de mío pescuezo.,He kissed my neck.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Waiter de antes si Tom.,Tom used to be a waiter.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn De mio aquel casa con techo verde.,The house with the green roof is mine.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Apretao el anillo.,The ring is tight.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ya cambiá le el tierra na pasó.,She renewed the soil in the flower pot.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Bien alegre gayot le na de mío regalo.,She was very happy with my gift.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Quebrao el pasó.,The flower pot is broken.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn No quiere yo bailá.,I don't want to dance.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ya largá si Tom de suyo tenedor.,Tom put his fork down.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Mga bata kamó.,You are children.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Mabuling el cuchara.,The spoon is dirty.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Tiene aquí un cuchara.,There is a spoon here.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Para caldo este cuchara.,This spoon is for soup.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Para chá este cuchara.,This spoon is for tea.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ta vendé yo maga páyung.,I sell umbrellas.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Tiene tú un agudo sentido del orientación.,You have a sharp sense of direction.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Tiene si Tom cosa preguntá cun María.,Tom has something to ask Mary.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Necesita el printer papel.,The printer needs paper.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn No fumá si no ay quedá corto de tuyo pututuy.,Don't smoke. Smoking can shorten your penis.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Malo sunsacá el maga cosas que vos ya dalé ya.,It is bad to count all the things that you gave.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Makasap este papel.,This paper is rough.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ya mirá yo cun Tom saltá na swimming pool.,I saw Tom jump into the pool.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Hindé ya le tan cuento cumigo.,He doesn't talk to me anymore.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ta usa tu mga aretes caro.,You are wearing expensive earrings.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ta buscá yo un casa.,I'm looking for a house.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Quien tu?,Who are you?,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ya sinta yo na un banco esperando.,I sat waiting on a bench.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn "Favor, llevá cumigo otro tenedor.","Bring me another fork, please.",cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Man mirahan kitá na Domingo.,Let's meet on Sunday.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ay quedá tu famoso.,You will be famous.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Tiene de amon vecino dos perro color brown.,Our neighbor has two brown dogs.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn "Diamon Tata quien t'alli na cielo, bendito el diustéd nombre. Mandá vene con el diustéd reino; Hacé el diustéd voluntad aquí na tierra, igual como allí na cielo. Dale kanamon el pan para cada día. Perdoná el diamon magá culpa, como ta perdoná kamé con aquellos quien tiene culpa kanamon. No dejá que hay caé kamé na tentación y librá kanamon na mal.","Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us, and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.",cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Un masajista yo.,I am a masseur.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ya esribi le cunel palabra.,She wrote the word.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Jendêh bueno sunsacá el mana cosas que usted ya dalé ya.,It's not good to count all the things that you have already given.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Quiere quiere silá frutas.,They like fruit.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Cuando tu ya entrá?,When did you come in?,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ya planchá le un falda.,She ironed a skirt.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Necesita ele ayuda.,He needs help.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Cosa silá ya preguntá cuntigo?,What did they ask you?,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Nunca ya tiñí pelo el mio abuelo.,My grandfather never dyed his hair.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ya visitá yo el casa donde ya nasé si Shakespeare.,I visited the house in which Shakespeare was born.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Donde el presidente?,Where's the president?,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Quiere le frutas.,He wants fruit.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ligiero ele mové.,He moves quickly.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Siguráo tu puedé le hacé conesté?,Are you sure he can do this?,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Sabe yo quiere tu cunakel.,I knew you'd like that.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ta trabajá le desde alas 8 hasta alas 5.,He works from 8 to 5.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ta lavá silá diila mano cun jabón.,They wash their hands with soap.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Necesita tu apurá.,You must hurry up.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn PIrmi abierto el puerta de mío oficina.,My office door's always open.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Quiere quiere silá vino?,Do they like wine?,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ta lé si Tom cunel Biblia.,Tom is reading the Bible.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Tiene tu miedo murí?,Are you afraid of death?,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ya encontrá yo cunel dinero.,I found the money.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Cerca ya el Pascua.,Christmas is coming soon.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Tiene un apán na quísame.,There is a dragonfly on the ceiling.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn "Cosa tu mas quiere, carne o pescáo?","Which do you like better, meat or fish?",cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Sabe tu donde ya andá si Tom?,Do you know where Tom went?,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ya mirá tu cunel cuchillo?,Did you see the knife?,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Siguí ba tu cumigo para na concierto?,Will you come with me to the concert?,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ya encontrá yo cun Tom.,I've found Tom.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Nuáy tu ablá cunele nada?,You didn't tell him anything?,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Puede ba yo usá de tuyo coche este dia?,May I use your car today?,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Quiere pa tu siempre man cuento comigo?,Do you still want to talk to me?,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ya vendé si Tom cunel pulseras.,Tom sold the bracelet.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ya ayudá yo cun Mamang na cucina.,I helped Mommy in the kitchen.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Tiene pirmi cosa para hacé.,There is always something to do.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ya retratá le cunel familia.,He took a photograph of the family.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Tiene silá grande casa.,They have a large house.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn "Cuando cinco años pa lang yo, quiere yo quedá un motorista de bus.",I wanted to be a bus driver when I was five.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Puede tu dale prestá cumigo sen?,Could you lend me some money?,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ay hindé yo siguí cuntigo para na Boston.,I won't be going with you to Boston.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Necesita yo anda alla dayun?,Must I go there at once?,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ya escondé si Tom cunel maga armas de suyo.,Tom hid his weapons.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ya aprendé si Ben pakimodo hacé fuego sin usar posporo.,Ben learned to make a fire without matches.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Tiene un gato adentro de miyo casa.,There's a cat in my house.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ay hindé yo almuersá este día.,I won't eat breakfast today.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ta usá silá cuchillo y tenedor si ta comé.,They eat with a knife and fork.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Donde ya de mío páyung?,Where's my umbrella?,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ya siembrá silá maga ponô de manzanas.,They planted apple trees.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn "Al mirá cumigo, biglá silá ya pará man cuento.","Seeing me, they suddenly stopped talking.",cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Hinde le labá cunel mga plato.,She won't do the dishes.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Tiene kitá visita.,We've got a visitor.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ta pensá yo sabe ya si Tom.,I guess Tom already knows.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Bien joven pa tu para man viaje solo solo.,You are too young to travel alone.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ya olvidá yo llamá con Sr. Ford.,I forgot to call up Mr Ford.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Puede tu hablá cumigo cosa ya sucedé cun Tom?,Can you tell me what happened to Tom?,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Malí silá.,They are wrong.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Quiere yo andá ele allá.,I want him to go there.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Hinde este tigre.,This is not a tiger.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ya oí le el alboroto.,He heard the noise.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Donde tu ta quedá ahora?,Where are you living now?,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Quiere yo tomá café.,I want to drink coffee.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Puede ustedes usá suyo library.,You may make use of his library.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Grande el tiángue.,The market is big.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Pensaba yo puedé kamé teñí diamon pelo igual color.,I thought we could dye our hair the same color.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Taquí ya el ratón! Andá llamá cunel gato!,The rat's here! Go call the cat!,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Por que no puede kitá man cuento ahora?,Why can't we talk now?,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn De quien esos las cosas?,Whose things are those?,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn No quiere yo esperá.,I don't want to wait.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Por que tu busy este día?,Why are you busy today?,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ta semejá ese batâ hombre cun Tom.,That boy looks like Tom.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ya andá le paseá.,He went for a walk.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn "Una una, hindé silá ta cré cunele.","At first, they didn't believe him.",cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ya tomá yo café.,I drank coffee.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Manada amiga si Ann.,Ann has lots of friends.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Nuáy cunele cují.,She didn't get caught.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn De mío el culpa.,I am to blame.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Cuando tu ya mirá cunele?,When did you see him?,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Manada si Tom libro acerca del lenguaje francés.,Tom has a lot of French books.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Tiene vez absent le na escuela.,He is sometimes absent from school.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn No puede tu fumá adentro del elevator.,You may not smoke in the elevator.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Necesita yo andá allá ayer.,I had to go there yesterday.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Quiere gayot le andá.,She really wants to go.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Tiene calentura el paciente este tarde.,The patient is feverish this afternoon.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Man lumús era yo si hindé por causa de tuyo ayuda.,"Without your help, I would have drowned.",cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Man lumús era yo si nuáy tu ayudá.,"Without your help, I would've drowned.",cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Disculpá cumigo que atrasao yo.,Forgive me for being late.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ya cindí un candela si Cecil.,Cecil lit a candle.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ta desnudá si Tom.,Tom is undressing.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Por que nuáy quien ya ayudá cun Tom?,Why didn't somebody help Tom?,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Tiene le dos amigo de otro lugar.,He has two friends who are foreigners.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ya murí si Tom na cama.,Tom died in bed.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Surpresáo silá cuando ya oí silá el noticia.,They were surprised to hear the news.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Bien busy gayot le ahora.,He is very busy now.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ta mirá si Tom na quísame.,Tom is looking at the ceiling.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn "Quiere si Tom andá, pero no puede le andá.","Tom wants to go, but he can't.",cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Quien gahâ ya llevá cunel cake?,I wonder who brought the cake.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn No puede tu comé un sopa usando un tenedor.,You can't eat soup with a fork.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Tiene si María miedo na maga gagamba.,Mary is afraid of spiders.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Cuando ay principiá el salida?,When does the movie start?,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Cosa de tuyo opinión?,What's your opinion?,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Que tal de tuyo nana?,How's your mother?,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Apuráo le para mirá de suyo tata.,She was in a hurry to see her father.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn No quiere yo manejá.,I don't want to drive.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ya limpiá ya yo de mio cuarto.,I've already cleaned my room.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn "Dispensá cumigo, nusabe yo man cuento inglés.","I'm sorry, I don't speak English.",cbk_Latn-eng_Latn No quiere yo quedá.,I don't want to stay.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ya tumbá manada ponô.,Many trees fell down.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ya recomendá de mío maestro de inglés na lé yo cunestos maga libro.,My English teacher recommended that I read these books.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ya comprá yo un libro ayer.,Yesterday I bought a book.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Instalá bien el maná ventiladores y el radiador na tu caja de ordenador.,Install properly the fans and radiator in your computer case.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ya acabá yo lé cuneste novela dentro de tres dias.,I finished reading this novel in under three days.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Vené aquí y ayudá cumigo.,Come here and help me.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Largo de suyo mga braso y pierna.,She has long arms and legs.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ya tumbá el ponô.,The tree fell down.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Hindé ya yo de tuyo maestro.,I am no longer your teacher. (male),cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Sabe tu de donde si Tom?,Do you know where Tom is from?,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Igual igual diila mga edad.,They are the same age.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ya rubá cunel coche.,The car was stolen.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Escují maga libro enbuenamente.,Choose books carefully.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Numá man cuento si lleno el boca.,Do not talk with your mouth full.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Tu lang el quien ya comprá ansina.,You're the only one who bought it.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Na garaje el coche.,The car is in the garage.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ya alcansá ulán cun James.,James was caught in a shower.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Talla le na cocina sentáo ta tomá chá.,She's sitting in the kitchen and drinking tea.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Tiene yo diez ballpen.,I have ten pens.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Buen gente tu.,You are a good person.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ya escapá de mío chonggo!,My monkey ran away!,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ya mirá yo cun Tom anoche.,I saw Tom last night.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Caliente el café.,The coffee is hot.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Tiene le cincuenta dollares.,He had fifty dollars.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Lleno de leche el vaso.,The glass is full of milk.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Cuntá hasta treinta.,Count to thirty.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Bien lasangán man ese.,That makes no sense at all.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Lampás cuarenta años ya yo.,I am over forty.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn A las siete le pirmi ta salé na casa.,He always leaves home at seven.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Llamá cunel policía!,Call the police!,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ya admití le na malí le.,He admitted that he was wrong.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ya dale si Tom mirá cun María de suyo calendario.,Tom showed Mary his calendar.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ta pensá tu nuáy yo quever?,Do you think I don't care?,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Un persona honesto si Tom por eso ta gustá yo cunele.,"Tom is an honest person, so I like him.",cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Tiene tu sen?,Do you have money?,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn De mío tamén se diútay alí.,That small one is also mine.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Hindé lang si Tom el necesita estudiá. Yo también necesita estudiá.,Tom isn't the only one who has to study. I have to study as well.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ya regá le un ponô.,She watered a tree.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Nuáy yo bike.,I don't have a bicycle.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ya sintí culpable si Tom.,Tom felt guilty.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Cosa planeta el pinakacerca na Sol?,Which planet is nearest to the Sun?,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Hindé le bien alegre este dia.,He isn't very happy today.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Por que tu ta ablá se cumigo?,Why are you telling me this?,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ta quemá el ponô.,The tree is burning.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn "Masquín más de ochenta años ya le, enbuenamente para siempre de suyo salud.","Though he is over eighty, he is still healthy.",cbk_Latn-eng_Latn "Y tu, que tal?","And you, how are you?",cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Pensaba yo hermano le de mio.,I thought he was my brother.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Sabe tu donde yo ta quedá?,Do you know where I live?,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Puede yo mandá man tatú?,Can I get a tattoo?,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Abierto el grocery Lunes hasta Sábado.,The supermarket is open Monday through Saturday.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn "Para relajá, resollá hinay-hinay.","To relax, breathe slowly.",cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Cosa el número?,What's the number?,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Mas caro el de tuyo coche contra de mio.,Your car is more expensive than mine.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn "Mas viejo tu, mas dificil aprendé un lenguaje.","The older you are, the more difficult it is to learn a language.",cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Donde el pinakacerca banco?,Where is the nearest bank?,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Donde tu quiere andá?,Where do you want to go?,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Temprano si Tom y Mary.,Tom and Mary are early.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Hindé ya batâ diútay de tuyo hija.,Your daughter is not a child any more.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Cosa tu ya comprá?,What did you buy?,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Hindé tu necesita trabajá gayót.,You don't have to work so hard.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn No hay yo sen na mio bolsa.,I have no money in my pocket.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Tiene kamé sorpresa.,We have a surprise.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ya ensiñá contigo si Tom pakichura hacé ese?,Did Tom teach you how to do that?,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Yam banggá le na un ponô.,He collided with a tree.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Abierto el puerta.,The door is open.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Bunita el jovencita ta trabajá na panaderia.,The girl who works at the bakery is pretty.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Bien sensitivo yo na calor.,I am very sensitive to heat.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Maviento afuera?,Is it windy outside?,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Tiene un diccionario na escritorio.,There's a dictionary on the desk.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Tiene un diccionario na recepción.,There is a dictionary on the desk.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ya subí yo na corral.,I climbed the fence.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Sabe tu cosa ta llamá cunesos?,Do you know what they're called?,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ta comé tu carne?,Do you eat meat?,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Tiene un diccionario encima del escritorio.,There's a dictionary on top of the desk.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Tiene tu masquín cosa lápiz?,Do you have any pencils?,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Nuay más hojas el maga ponô.,The trees are already bare.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ya hablá yo ayudá yo.,I said I would help.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Nusabe yo que ta jugá galê tu chess.,I didn't know you played chess.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Por qué usted ta dormí na un como este?,Why are you sleeping in a place like this?,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Quiere ba gayót tu quedá na Boston?,Do you really want to live in Boston?,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn """Puede yo siguí cuntigo?"" ""Siempre!""","""May I go with you?"" ""Of course.""",cbk_Latn-eng_Latn El maga usuarios de Tatoeba ta llamá Tatoebians.,The users of Tatoeba are called Tatoebians.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Oí cumigo!,Listen to me!,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ya dale yo el libro na de mío amigo.,I gave the book to my friend.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ese de mio favorito canción.,It's my favorite song.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Quiere yo comprá dictionary barato.,I want to buy a cheap dictionary.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ya dale le el perro na de suyo maga amigo.,She gave the dog to her friends.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Yo cerca ya man bungô con Tomas.,I almost collided with Thomas.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ya mirá kamé juego de béisbol na TV.,We watched a baseball game on television.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn "Yo solía preferir el té negro al café, pero recientemente he estado bebiendo una buena cantidad de ambos.","I used to prefer black tea to coffee, but recently I've been drinking a good amount of both.",cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Sabe tu cuando ay virá si Tom?,Do you know when Tom will be back?,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ya ayudá si Mary cun de suyo nana cucí.,Mary helped her mother with the cooking.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Alás nueve ya acabá el party.,The party finished at nine.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Donde el CR?,Where's the restroom?,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ya colectá el maestra cunel maga papel.,The teacher collected the papers.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ya apagá solo solo el candela.,The candle went out by itself.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Man ulán gahá?,Is it going to rain?,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Nusabe yo cosa el nombre de ese animal.,I don't know what that animal is called.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ya mandá yo cun Tom cantá de mío favorito canción.,I asked Tom to sing my favorite song.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ta aparecé yo como fuerte pero na realidad yo dol no hay lang man.,"I might seem strong, but in actuality I am anything but.",cbk_Latn-eng_Latn No tené miedo.,Don't be afraid.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Tallá encima del mesa.,It's on the table.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn No quiere le salé na cama.,She doesn't want to get out of bed.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Bien manada amiga el de mío novio.,My boyfriend has a lot of female friends.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Pulís de suyo tata.,His father was a policeman.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn No puede yo acordá.,I can't remember.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Hindé yo ta acordá.,I don't remember.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Andá yo jugá afuera. Siguí tu cumigo?,I'm going outside to play. Are you coming with?,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Hindê ta nadá el maga piedra.,Stones don't swim.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Cerca ya alás tres.,It's nearly three o'clock.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn "No olvidá hablá ""favor"" y ""gracias"".","Don't forget to say ""please"" and ""thank you"".",cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Sacá cuchara.,Grab a spoon.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn "Emilia, ña! Ta esperá cuntigo tuyo tata.","Come, Emilia! Your father is waiting for you.",cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ta llevá le paseá de suyo perro na parque antes le almuersá.,She walks her dog to the park before breakfast.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Blanco de mio mga perro.,My dogs are white.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn No quiere yo quedá rico.,I don't want to be rich.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn No quiere yo distorbá cun Tom.,I don't want to bother Tom.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Anda yo durmí antes de alas 10 de noche.,I'll go to bed before 10 pm.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Tiene tres hermano si Tom.,Tom has three brothers.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Puede yo priguntá cuntigo?,Can I ask you a question?,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Hecho de palo este puente.,This bridge is made of wood.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ya cindí si Tom cunel ventilador.,Tom turned on the fan.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Tiene tu cellphone?,Do you have a cellphone?,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ya hacé silá sumí diez barco del enemigo.,They sank ten enemy ships.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Cosa el precio desté reloj?,What is the price of this watch?,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Hindé yo puede asé cunese si nuáy tu.,I can't make it without you.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn "Paciencia, pero necesita ya yo volvé.","I'm sorry, but I'll have to go home now.",cbk_Latn-eng_Latn """¿Cuántos años ya usted?"" ""Yo diecisiete años ya.""","""How old are you?"" ""I'm already 17 years old.""",cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ta suplá el viento.,The wind blows.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Nuáy yo quever cunese!,I don't give a damn about it.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Necesita yo un poco de asucar. Tiene tu?,I need some sugar. Do you have any?,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Ocupao usted?,Are you busy?,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Después comé mediodia ya virá yo na oficina.,"After lunch, I returned to the office.",cbk_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Cuántos años ya usted?,How old are you?,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ya preguntá yo con ele si ele ocupado.,I asked him if he was busy.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Nusabe le cantá.,She can't sing.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Pakimodo yo cuntigo hacé mas alegre?,How can I make you happier?,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Mira tu! Tiene yo tatú forma'y flores aquí na mío barriga.,"Look, I got a flower tattoo here on my belly.",cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Donde ya de tuyo hermano?,Where is your brother?,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ta trabajá le na banco.,He works at the bank.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Hindé si Tom necesita vené aqui bien temprano.,Tom didn't have to come so early.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Hay andá tú de pie o de bús?,Will you go on foot or by bus?,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn """De tuyo nombre completo, favor."" ""Tom Miller.""","""Your full name, please."" ""Tom Miller.""",cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ya dejá yo de mío guitarra na de tuyo oficina.,I left my guitar in your office.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Uno lang yo quiere.,I only want one.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Tikû el maga punta del tenedor.,The tines of the fork are bent.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ya dale le mirá cumigo aquel.,He showed it to me.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Favor llevá de tuyo propio cuchara y tenedor.,Please bring your own fork and spoon.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Donde ya de mío lápiz?,Where is my pencil?,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn "Masquén no hay dinero, masquén no hay maquinaria política y masquén hay perdé, hay competí kita siempre na torneo de ajedrez este venida 29 de Abril 3030.","Eventhough there's no money, eventhough there's no political machine and eventhough we'll lose, we will still compete in the chess tournament this coming April 29 3030.",cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Sabe tu cuando le ay vené?,Do you know when she will come?,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn De Germany le.,He's from Germany.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Tallá encima del mesa el libro.,The book is on the table.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn De quien esté vino?,Whose wine is this?,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ya salé na Australia este sumbrero.,This hat is from Australia.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Manada yo cosa ya aprendé este fin de semana.,I learned a lot this weekend.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ta comé yo honey para almuerzo cada aga.,"Every morning, I eat honey for breakfast.",cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ya lambé si Tom cunel honey na de suyo maga dedo.,Tom licked the honey off his fingers.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Ta estudía usted?,Are you studying?,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Quien tiene buyug tiene tamén honey.,He who has bees also has honey.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Entero noche yo ya llorá.,I cried all night.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Usted hay estudía.,You will study.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Puede tú favor entregá conmigo el periódico na mesa?,Could you hand me the newspaper on the table?,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Cosa tu ya decidi?,What did you decide?,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Sabe tu por qué yo rabiao firmi?,Do you know why I'm angry all the time?,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Alas diez le ya acustá para durmí anoche.,He slept at ten o'clock yesterday.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Hinde yo kaya conel frialdad.,I can't stand the cold.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ya dale yo kunele el cosa poco informacion que tiene yo.,I gave him what little information I had.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Cuarenta gente ya atendé.,Forty people attended.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Cuanto el un kilo de uvas?,How much is a kilo of grapes?,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ya chiplá olét si Tom.,Tom whistled again.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ya gritá olét si Tom.,Tom screamed again.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Hindé tu igual cumigo.,You're not like me.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Alegre yo que vivo yo.,I'm glad to be alive.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Tiene tu TV?,Do you have a TV?,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Yan lumús le na río.,He drowned in the river.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ya apagá si Tom cunel ventilador.,Tom turned off the fan.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Quiere yo un ventilador.,I want an electric fan.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Bien manada gayot yo cosa quiere ablá cuntigo.,There's so much I want to say to you.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Abierto el ceiling fan.,The ceiling fan is on.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Hindê ta andá el ventilador.,The fan doesn't work.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ya llegá kamé un poco atrasáo.,We've arrived a little late.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn No hay quien tan cuento cumigo.,No one speaks with me.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn "Enbuenamente ba tu ya durmí anoche, Steve?","Did you sleep well last night, Steve?",cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Cosa clase de gente si Tom?,What sort of a person is Tom?,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Tiene yo pan.,I have bread.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Quiere quiere yo pan.,I like bread.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Tiene silá pan.,They have bread.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Quien ya comé cunel pan?,Who ate the bread?,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Sabroso esté pan.,This bread is delicious.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Aquí na este casa ta quedá de mío amigo.,My friend lives in this house.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ya prepará le para salé al acabar comé na mediodía.,"After she had lunch, she got ready to go out.",cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ya casá le de mío prima.,He married my cousin.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ta visitá si Helen cunel suyo tío cada Domingo.,Helen visits her uncle every Sunday.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Sabe tu cosa ta hacé si Tom?,Do you know what Tom is doing?,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ya alzá si Tom de suyo camiseta y ya dale mirá de suyo barriga.,Tom lifted up his shirt and exposed his belly.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Usted es un bonita mariposa.,You are a beautiful butterfly.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Mas grande yo contra cuntigo.,I'm bigger than you.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Sabe ya si Tom el cosa ya pasa.,Tom already knows what happened.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ta cusí le un camisa.,She is sewing a dress.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn No quiere yo entrameté.,I don't want to intervene.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Abri este puerta.,Open this door.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Pakimodo tu ya llegá aquí?,How did you get here?,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Amó se el de tuyo favorito canción.,It's your favorite song.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn No quiere yo estudia.,I don't like studying.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ya acabá yo quitá cunel maga plato na mesa.,I cleared the table of the dishes.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ya gustá tu de mío sapatos?,Do you like my shoes?,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Tiene le un huevos y ta comé le cunaquel.,He has an egg and is eating it.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ya mandá si Tom cumigo man sundô cun María allá na aeropuerto.,Tom asked me to pick Mary up at the airport.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Quien ya hablá?,Who said it?,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn OK lang cumigo si llevá tu cunese libro.,It's OK with me if you take that book.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Tiene le flores na de suyo mano.,She has flowers in her hand.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Aqui yo ta trabajá.,I work here.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Tiene asma si Tom.,Tom has asthma.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Cansáo ya yo de trabajá entero dia.,I'm very tired from working all day.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Nuay tu obligación ayudá kanamon.,You have no obligation to help us.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Puede llegá el tiempo donde nuay más guerra ay sucedé.,The time may come when we will have no war.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn "De mio se páyung, hindé se de Tom.","That's my umbrella, not Tom's.",cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ya besá le conele.,She kissed him.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Callá boca y oí!,Shut up and listen.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Nuáy kamé quedá na casa ayer.,We didn't stay home yesterday.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Donde kitá?,Where are we?,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Sabe tu donde ya de mío reloj?,Do you know where my watch is?,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Pakimodo tené butikí dentro del barriga de aquel pescáo?,How could that fish have a lizard in its stomach?,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn """Casáo ya yo"", ya contestá si Mary.","""I'm already married,"" replied Mary.",cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ya comé yo karí-karí ayer.,I ate curry yesterday.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Cosa tu quiere?,What do you want?,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ta comé yo pan.,I'm eating bread.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Sabe tu quien ya hacé cunese?,Do you know who made it?,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Sabe tu cosa ya hacé si Tom ayer?,Do you know what Tom did yesterday?,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Oloroso este flores.,This flower smells nice.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn ¿De dónde usted?,From where are you?,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn "Mucho entre kanáton Jendêh familiar con el mana Diptongos pero firmi kita ta puede mira con estos na cada frase, oración y párrafo. Cuestión: ¿Qué laya estos de importante na Lenguaje Zamboangueño Chavacano y cósa galè este diptongo quiere decir? Respuesta: ¡muy importante! este el mana combinación de dos vocales que pronunciado junto na un sílaba, también producí un nuevo sonido.","Many among us are not familiar with diphthongs but they are found in every phrase, sentence and paragraph. Question: How important are they in the Zamboangueño Chavacano Language and what does Dipthong mean? Answer: They are very important! Diphthongs are combinations of two vowels pronounced together in the same syllable, which produces a new distinct sound.",cbk_Latn-eng_Latn ¿De dónde tú?,Where are you from?,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn De tuyo estos las cosas?,Are these your things?,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ya visitá yo cun Nara.,I've visited Nara.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Quiere quiere el maga batâ subí ponô.,Children like climbing trees.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Quien ya siembrá cunel ponô?,Who planted the tree?,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Cósa de usted nombre?,What is your name?,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Cósa de tu nombre?,What's your name?,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Alto esté ponô.,This tree is tall.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn """¿Cuántos dialectos tiene na lenguaje Chavacano?"" ""El lenguaje Chavacano tiene seis dialectos.""","""How many dialects are there in the Chavacano language?"" ""The Chavacano language has six dialects.""",cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Merendá.,Have a snack.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ya subí si Tom na ese ponô.,Tom climbed the tree.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn No puede yo encontrá de mío reloj.,I can't find my watch.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn No quiere yo man cuento sobre de mio hijo.,I don't want to talk about my child.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Dol muerto man esté ponô.,This tree looks dead.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Hindé yo ta ablá que andá tu solo solo.,I'm not telling you to go alone.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Seco ya de mío mga calcetín?,Are my socks dry already?,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Puede tu subí na ese ponô?,Can you climb the tree?,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ya escondé le atrás del ponô.,He hid behind the tree.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ya comprá le arroz.,He bought some rice.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ya sintá silá abajo del ponô.,They sat under a tree.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ay tené gayót yo mucho cuidáo.,I will be very careful.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Quiere sila man junto contigo.,They want to be with you.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Tiene yo ojos.,I have eyes.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Tiene yo maga ojos.,I've got eyes.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Rasca de mío maga ojos.,My eyes itch.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Colorao de suyo maga uñas.,Her nails are red.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Tiene le largo pelo.,She has long hair.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn "Favor, abrí de tuyo ojos.","Open your eyes, please.",cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Necesita yo tijeras.,I need scissors.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn "Masquín cosa tu ablá, ay hindé yo cambiá de mio pensamiento.","No matter what you say, I won't change my mind.",cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Nuevo esté tijeras.,These scissors are new.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Llevá cumigo el tijeras.,Bring me the scissors.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Puede yo prestá de tuyo tijeras?,Can I borrow your scissors?,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Hindê agudo el tijeras.,The scissors are not sharp.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Hindê le ta fumá.,He does not smoke.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ay acabá tu cortá cun el magá pono aquí?,Are you going to cut down all the trees here?,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn No quiere silá na sabé tu.,They don't want you to know.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Sabe tu cosa el diferencia?,Do you know what the difference is?,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn No mata comigo por favor.,Please do not kill me.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ta duelé siempre de mío maga pierna.,My legs still hurt.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ta sintí yo pesao de mío maga pierna,My legs feel heavy.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ya vaciá si Tom agua caliente na tasa.,Tom poured hot water into the cup.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Necesita kitá encontrá cun Tom.,We need to find Tom.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Libro ese.,That's a book.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn No puede yo perdoná el cosa tu ya hacé.,I can't forgive what you did.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Nuáy recibí si Tom cunel pago.,Tom didn't get paid.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Hablá kanamon donde kamé andá.,Tell us where to go.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Quien ta dueñá cuneste casa?,Who owns this house?,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Sabe yo dificil esté.,I know this is difficult.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ya pipiná si Tom un aguja na piso.,Tom picked a needle up off the floor.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Por favor manejá cun cuidáo.,Please drive safely.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ya salvá tu diámon vida.,You saved our lives.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Nuáy si Tom ricibí reply.,Tom didn't get a reply.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Tiene kamé testigo.,We've got a witness.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Bien suerte kitá.,We've been so lucky.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Dale cumigo el vino.,Give me the wine.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Puede tu alcanzá cunesos?,Can you reach those?,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ta duelé de mío pescuezo.,My neck hurts.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Yo una entrá.,I'm going in first.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Donde tu ta entrá escuela?,Where do you study?,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ya quitá si María de suyo maga aretes.,Mary took off her earrings.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Necesita kamé papel.,We need paper.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Necesita ba yo man celos?,Should I be jealous?,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ta cusí le cun hilo patí aguja.,She sews with a needle and thread.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Nuáy ya virá el pajaro.,The bird has not returned.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Cosa tu ta llamá cunese?,What do you call it?,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Uno diinyo tan embusterías.,One of you is lying.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Quien ya escribí cunestos magá carta?,Who wrote these letters?,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ya mirá yo un perro.,I saw a dog.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Quiere tu raspá yo de tuyo tancugû?,Would you like me to shave the nape of your neck?,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Nusabe yo que man hermano galê kandá Guillermo y Tamara.,I didn't know Guillermo and Tamara were brother and sister.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Bien caro man esté!,It's too expensive!,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ta duelé siempre de mío pescuezo.,My neck still hurts.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Sabe tu quien ya escribí cuneste libro?,Do you know who wrote this book?,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Tiene le largo pescuezo.,He has a long neck.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ta ré la cumigo kay manchao de mío maga labios cun tinta de choka.,He's laughing at me because my lips are stained with squid ink.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ya llevá yo cunele na hospital.,I took him to the hospital.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ya mirá yo un perro durmido.,I saw a sleeping dog.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ya hacé palípit si Tom cunel pescuezo del gallina.,Tom wrung the chicken's neck.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ya andá le bien lejos.,He went far away.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn ¡Buena suerte con tu trabajo!,Good luck with your work!,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Nuáy miedo si Emily na mga gagamba.,Emily isn't afraid of spiders.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Deberasan ba esté?,Is this true?,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Puede tu hablá cumigo por que ta hacé si Tom cunaquel?,Can you tell me why Tom is doing that?,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ay discutí kitá cunese luego.,We will discuss that later.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Tiene yo rasquina na pescuezo.,I have a rash on my neck.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ya lambé le de suyo dedo.,He licked his fingers.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ya contá le hasta 100.,He counted to 100.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ya mirá yo un batâ hombre ta corré.,I saw a little boy running.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Grande grande de suyo maga dedo.,He has enormous fingers.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn No puede mirá enbuenamente de mío abuela.,My grandmother can't see very well.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Intumido de mío maga dedo.,My fingers are numb.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Largo el pescuezo del giraffe.,The giraffe has a long neck.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ta chupá el batâ diútay de suyo dedo.,The baby is sucking his finger.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ta puede yo mirá cunel mar y cunel río.,I can see the sea and the river.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ya cae le para na río.,He fell into the river.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ay matá silá comigo.,They'll kill me.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Sabe tu quien esos maga gente?,Do you know who those people are?,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn "Si quiere ya tu andá, anda ya!","If you want to leave, then leave now!",cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ya tirá cun Tom na pescuezo.,Tom was shot in the neck.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Tiene kamé regalo para cuntigo.,We've brought you a present.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Donde puedé encontrá cunel Paris?,Where is Paris?,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Tiene yo dos libro.,I have two books.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Sabe tu quien ta agarrá cunel llave?,Do you know who has the key?,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Dale yo mirá cunele de mío coche.,I will show her my car.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Todo'l dia yo ta usá cunese.,I use it every day.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Todo barco necesita ancla.,Every ship needs an anchor.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Hindé yo ta gustá mga gagamba patí mga culebra.,I don't like spiders and snakes.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Nuáy gente na casa.,There is no one in the house.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ta pensá tu hindé ya necesita trabajá un hombre si ya casá le cun un mujer rico?,"Do you think that, if a man married a rich woman, he wouldn't have to work?",cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Sabe tu quien el encargao?,Do you know who's in charge?,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ya comprá le coche.,He bought a car.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Normal lang esté.,This is normal.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Llamá cumigo si acabao ya.,Call me when it's done.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Eu nunca estive na Espanha.,I've never been to Spain.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Donde ya silá?,Where are they?,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ya golé kamé cunaquel.,We noticed that.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ta temblá de suyo maga dedo.,Her fingers were trembling.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn "Yo un orgulloso Zamboangueño porque este es mi etnia o mi nación etno-lingüístico, mi patrimonia, cultura y identidad.","I'm a proud Zamboangueño because this is my ethnicity or my Ethno-linguistic nation, my heritage, culture and identity.",cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Quiere si Tom tomates?,Does Tom like tomatoes?,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Nunca yo ta cansá man cuento.,I never get tired of talking.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Sabe manejá de tuyo hermano?,Does your brother know how to drive?,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Necesita yo man masaje de mío maga rodillas.,I have to massage my knees.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Quiere yo siguí cuntigo na concierto.,I would like to go to the concert with you.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ya entrá adentro del taxi si Tom.,Tom got into the cab.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn No quiere yo durmí ulét na sofá luego denoche.,I don't want to sleep on the couch again tonight.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Durocabeza le.,She is obstinate.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Sabe tu quien de suyo tata?,Do you know who her father is?,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Quiere también yo jugá.,"I want to play, too.",cbk_Latn-eng_Latn "Aqui ta duelé, no? Dolor se de barriga.","The pain is here, right? That's a stomach ache.",cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Favor aumentá un nuevo oración.,Please add a new sentence.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ya priguntá le cumigo si quiere yo cunel Math.,He asked me whether I like math.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn "Secretaria si Helena, no?","Helena is a secretary, right?",cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ta oí le mga canción religioso.,She listens to religious music.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ya hacé si María tres docenas de cookies para el party de Tom.,Mary baked three dozen cookies for Tom's party.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Poné posas cunele.,Put handcuffs on him.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ay esperá yo hasta mediodía.,I'll wait till noon.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn No butá basura aquí.,Don't throw trash here.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn De verasan quiere tu quedá na un hotel?,Do you really want to live in a hotel?,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Sabe tu cucí?,Can you cook?,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Nuáy adentro si Tom.,Tom isn't inside.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Quiere tu entrá?,Do you want to come in?,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn De Saitama yo.,I come from Saitama.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Quiere quiere yo candy.,I like candy.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ya mirá tamén le cunaquel.,"He saw it, too.",cbk_Latn-eng_Latn "Kay nuay quien interesao oí cumigo, ya callá ya lang yo.","Since no one was interested to listen to me, I just kept quiet.",cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ya comprá le un gallina.,She bought a chicken.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Cuanto cebollón?,How many onions?,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Mapurúl el cuchillo.,The knife is dull.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Agudo el cuchillo.,My knife is sharp.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Mabuling el cuchillo.,The knife is dirty.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ya amulá le cunel cuchillo.,She sharpened a knife.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Hindé yo ta acordá cosa ya pasá.,I don't remember what happened.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Alcanzá cumigo el cuchillo.,Hand me the knife.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ya amulá si Tom de suyo cuchillo.,Tom sharpened his knife.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Donde el cuchillo?,Where's the knife?,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Dale cumigo prestá de tuyo cuchillo.,Please lend me your knife.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Puede yo prestá de tuyo cuchillo?,May I borrow your knife?,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn No hay yo puede durmí enbuenamente kay alboroto afuera.,I couldn't sleep well because it was noisy outside.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Hindé agudo el cuchillo.,The knife is not sharp.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Bien agudo esté cuchillo.,This knife is very sharp.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Tiene yo un cuchillo agudo.,I have a sharp knife.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Necesita si Tom cuchillo agudo.,Tom needs a sharp knife.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ta agarrá si Tom un cuchillo.,Tom is holding a knife.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ya corré el ladrón apenas le ya mirá un pulís.,The thief ran away when he saw a policeman.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ya pipiná si Tom cunel cuchillo.,Tom picked up the knife.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ya dale si Tom de suyo cuchillo cun María,Tom gave Mary his knife.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Cuchillo esté de Tom.,This is Tom's knife.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Difícil pará de fumá.,It is difficult to give up smoking.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ya usá tu de mío cuchillo?,Did you use my knife?,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Necesita tu un ambulancia?,Do you need an ambulance?,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn "Si tiene tu coche, puede tu andá y vené masquín cuando tu quiere.","If you have a car, you can come and go at will.",cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Que tal tuyo hermana?,How is your sister?,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Tiene tu cuchillo?,Do you have a knife?,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Tiene cuidao cunese cuchillo!,Be careful with that knife.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Éste deíla casa.,This is their house.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ya comé yo pescao ayer.,I ate fish yesterday.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ya tapá yo de mio mga orejas.,I covered my ears.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ya pará el viento.,The wind stopped.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Ya quedá más fuerte el viento.,The wind grew stronger.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Mahinâ el viento.,The wind is weak.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Necesita yo cambiá.,I have to change.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn No hay yo quever cosa tu ta hacé con de tuyo sen.,I don't care what you do with your money.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Tiene yo un coche azul.,I have a blue car.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Sueño ba esté?,Is this a dream?,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Quiere andá si Tom.,Tom wants to go.,cbk_Latn-eng_Latn "Si, de mio casa ése.","Yes, that's my house.",cbk_Latn-eng_Latn Gisulayan og buhat ni Tom apan pakyas.,Tom tried and failed.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Bisi ka ba?,Are you busy?,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Moadto siyag New York inig sunod bulan.,He will go to New York next month.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Nakit-an ko ni ilalom sa imong higdaanan.,I found this under your bed.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Nasuya ka lang.,You're just envious.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Kinsa man unyay moatiman sa imong iring.,Who will take care of your cat then?,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Gidungog nga adis adis si Tom.,Tom was a known drug addict.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn "Pamaagi lang ang panarbaho aron may bili ang kinabuhi, apan dili maoy iyang kahulogan.","Works are but means to make life meaningful, not the meaning of life itself.",ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Dili ko gusto ning lengwahea.,I don't like his language.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Maabrihan kadtong manuktok.,Whoever knocks get opened up to.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Sugyot sa maestra ko og iningles nga pagabasahon ko kining mga libroha.,My English teacher recommended that I read these books.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Dili siya kaari kay napuno siya og buluhaton.,She couldn't come because she was busy.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn "Gawas nimo, kabus ming tanan.","Apart from you, we are all poor.",ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Magtuon ka.,You will study.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Giganahan ba sa imong uyab ang mga bulak ?,Does your girlfriend like flowers?,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Nadato si Tom nga iya rang paningkamot.,Tom was a self-made millionaire.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Dili ko mokaon og karne.,I don't eat meat.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Matag dominggo si Helen moduaw sa iyong uyoan.,Helen visits her uncle every Sunday.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Naa ka sa balay?,Are you home?,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Daw bi pakit-a ko sa imoha.,Show me yours!,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Mokalim-an ka tuig na king tunghaan ta.,Our school is fifty years old.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn King nobyo ko daghan og amiga.,My boyfriend has a lot of female friends.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Ayaw baya kalimot og tawag namo kon toa ka na sa Kyoto.,Don't forget to give us a ring when you arrive in Kyoto.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Pakit-a ra ko sa imong pasaporte.,"May I see your passport, please?",ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Dugokon og babaye si Tom.,Tom is attracted to girls.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Nasayod si Tom kinsay uyab ni Maria.,Tom knew who Mary's boyfriend was.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Higopa nang imong sabaw Wan!,"Eat your soup, John!",ceb_Latn-eng_Latn May tigulang nga babae nga gisunog sa kamatayon.,An old woman was burnt to death.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Nakita ko ang akong inahan nga mitipig sa torta.,I saw my mother hiding the cake.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Dili baya ngil-ad mangihing magpungko.,Peeing sitting down is not all that bad.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Makapasubo nako ang maghunahuna sa iyang kamatayon.,It makes me sad to think of her death.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Nakonsensya si Tom.,Tom felt guilty.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Duna ka bay kotse?,Do you have a car?,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Misulat si Emilia.,Emily wrote a letter.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Tibuok hapon kong nanghinlo sa balay.,I spent the whole afternoon cleaning my house.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn """Naa ang imong ticket?"" ""Wala ko kabalo hain ang akoa.""","""Do you have your ticket?"" ""I can't find mine.""",ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Wala ko kabalo hain ang akong relo.,I can't find my watch.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Wala man ko mosulat niya.,Didn't you write him a letter?,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Unsay buot nimong isulti?,What are you implying?,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Ayaw ko hayloag pahiyom.,Never bait me with a smile.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Plamuot jud ni si Mr. Bean.,Mr. Bean is so funny!,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Dunay mga trabaho ang tanan kong igsuon.,All of my brothers have jobs.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Kinahanglan untang miadto ko gahapon.,I had to go there yesterday.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn "Pagbantay, may aliwas.",Beware of the gorilla.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Lantawa ra nang balay nga pula og atop.,Look at the house with the red roof.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Si Maria ang nag-areglar sa akong higdaan.,Mary is making the bed.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Dili siya maestra og kinatchila.,She is not a professor of Spanish.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Pasagdi siyang buhaton na.,Let him do it.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Niwang ka kaayo.,You're so skinny.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Dili kinahanglang moadto si Tom sa tindahan.,Tom doesn't need to go to the store.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Hilo pud raba na.,That is poison as well.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn "Ang paon ginganlan og katahom, mangubit jud raba - dili matagna.","The bait is called beauty, it does entice - one can never foretell.",ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Tawgan ta ka inig abot nako didto.,I'll call you when I get there.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Gikompisal ni Tom kanamo ang tana.,Tom told us everything.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Wala ka ba kadungog nga gitawag ang ngalan mo?,Didn't you hear your name called?,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Gitamparos sa dalaga ang lalaking mikumot sa iyang sampot.,The young woman slapped the man who pinched her buttocks.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Balik intawon karon dayon.,Please come back at once.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Gisaktan ba og karne king pagkaona?,Does this food contain any meat?,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Hain ang doktor?,Where's the doctor?,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Dili moari ang amahan ug inahan mo no?,"Your parents didn't come, did they?",ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Wala ka anay labot.,That's none of your business.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Nahulog siya sa suba.,He fell into the river.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Naglingkod si Tom sa iyang desk.,Tom sat at his desk.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Hain ang pan?,Where's the bread?,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Nangita kog balay.,I'm looking for a house.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Nganong namalit kag bulak?,Why did you buy the flowers?,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Mibundak ang ulan.,It rained cats and dogs.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Unsay imo gibuhat karun adlawa?,What did you do today?,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Dinhay mga tawo gahapon sa among balay.,There were some people at our house yesterday.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Nakahukom ka na ba kon ibaligya ba nimo o dili ang imong balay?,Have you decided whether or not you're going to sell your house?,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Kanus-a ka mipalit sa imong awto?,When did you buy your car?,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Dili kinahanglang magtuon ka.,You don't have to study.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Pila ka oras siya gapuyo sa kusina?,How many hours a day does she spend in the kitchen?,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Nagbahis-bahis ang babae atubangan sa balay.,The girl is pacing in front of the house.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Hapit na ang tingtugnaw.,Christmas is fast approaching.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Kinsa to gani ka?,May I know your name again?,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Kana nakaikag.,This is interesting.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Manag-igsuon si Mari ug si Maki.,Mari and Maki are sisters.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Motulo ka tuig nang nagtuon si Tom og Pinaranses.,Tom began to learn French about three years ago.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Way makalabaw sa akong kahingatag. Pero ihatag ko lang kay hambugero.,"Nobody can outdo my generosity, but I am only a little boastful.",ceb_Latn-eng_Latn "Nagkinahanglan ko og kwarta, kay kinahanglan ko nga magbayad sa akong kuryente.",I need money because I need to pay for my electricity.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Luyo sa iyang pahiyom anaa ang pagbudhi.,Behind her smile lies betrayal.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Magtiwas ko sa akong trabaho aron mahuman dayon.,I'll finish my work so it'll be done soon.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Nahinumdum ako sa imong gisulti kagabii.,I remember what you said last night.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Pasayloang karong duol na lang hinuon mi nagsulting mobisita.,I'm sorry we gave you such short notice of our visit.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Gidugangan nila og babaye ang komitiba.,They added a woman to the committee.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Pinaagi sa pagtudlo sa pagka dili madinagmalon nakigbisog si Martin Luther King Jr. alang sa katungod nga sibil sa mga Amerkanong may dugong Afrikanhon.,Martin Luther King Jr. fought for civil rights for African-Americans by teaching nonviolence.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Wala maminaw kon dili mosunod.,To hear is to obey.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Nakaihi ang bata.,The kid is peeing.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Kumusta ka?,How are you doing?,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Gitangaan ko niya kay dugay kasabot.,I consider him dumb because it takes him forever to understand.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Adtong miaging tuig ra kong mipahulay nag trabaho.,I retired last year.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Unsay suliran mo?,What's your problem?,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Kinahanglang moadto ko sa pansayan.,I have to go to the toilet.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Dili ko kapugngang mokatawa.,I can't hold in my laughter.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Gisiradan ang tamboanan.,The window is closed.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Ang Burj Khalifa ang pinaka tag-as nga edipisyo sa kalibutan.,Burj Khalifa is currently the tallest skyscraper in the world.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Ayaw intawon tug-ani si Tom.,Please don't tell Tom.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Nahurot jud kaguba ang kang Tom nga balay.,Tom's house was completely destroyed.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn "Dili ni ingon sa pag-unsa nimo, pero tinuod giyud na.","I'm not saying this to hurt you, but it is the truth.",ceb_Latn-eng_Latn "Naunsa ka, nabuang ka ba?",What's the matter with you? Are you nuts?,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Masunog ang kurtina.,The curtain can burn.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Igo na niya ang kasamtangang kahimtang.,He is content with his present state.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Ambot unsaon ta ka pagpahibalo.,I don't know how to contact you.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn "Maayo unta kon may script nga manusi sa mga pahayag nga may audio, mangita sa mga hubad nga may audio, ug kutayon niya ang duha ka audio files.","It would be awesome to have a script which looks for sentences with audio, searches for translations with audio, and concatenates the two audio files.",ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Ganahan ka bang pangitaan ko nag solusyon?,Would you like me to do something about it?,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn "Kay dominggo man, dugay ko mibangon.","It being Sunday, I got up late in the morning.",ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Kumusta?,How is it?,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Wala ko magbasa og nobela sa pranses.,I've never read a novel in French.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Sibog na intawon.,Please move on.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Naghagok ko.,Was I snoring?,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Palihog nunot kanako.,Please join me.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Dili man sibo nako sa liogan ning saninaa.,This shirt doesn't fit me round the neck.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Palihog lingkod.,Please sit down.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Duawa ko palihog.,Please visit me.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Wala ko mahimuot.,I was not pleased.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Palihog hawa.,Please just leave.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Nidaog ka?,Did you win?,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Hunong diha palihog.,Please stop there.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Sa una miadto ang mga tawo sa simbahan aron mokumpisal. Karon magsulat sila sa facebook.,"In the past, people went to church for confession. Nowadays they write on Facebook.",ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Kuha palihog og taxi.,Please call a taxi.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Ari intawon nga gutom.,Please come hungry.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Palihog og hulat nako.,Please wait for me.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Ayaw intawon hawa.,Please don't leave.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Itarong ra ko sa plancha.,Please fix the iron.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Tagay palihog.,Please have a drink.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Ibaligya intawon na ngari nako.,Please sell me that.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Pagdali intawon.,Please come quickly.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Palihog hawa lang.,Please just go away.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Hapit intawon namo.,Please drop in on us.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Palihog ayaw usag kaon.,Please eat something.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Ayaw intawon ko pasakiti.,Please don't hurt me.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Palihog ayawg ibutang.,Please don't hang up.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Gusto ko malipayon ka.,I want to please you.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Basaha palihog og usob.,Please read it again.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Puyde ka nang mohawa.,You may go.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Sakto ka.,You got it.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Nabuhat mo.,You did it.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Kinsa na?,Who is that?,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Adto kaw.,You can go.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Kinsa gani to?,Who was it?,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Magbaktas ka moeskwela?,Do you go to school on foot?,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Kinsay naay ing-ato?,Who has it?,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Kinsa nang Tom?,Who is Tom?,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Kinsa na siya?,Who is she?,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Toa siya sa ospital.,He's in the hospital.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Si kinsa ba kita?,Who are we?,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Unsay bag-o?,What is new?,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Grabeng adlawa!,What a day!,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Kinsa imong kauban magselebrar sa Pasko?,With whom are you spending Christmas?,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Masakiton mi.,We are sick.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn "Aw, oo oy!",Of course yes!,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Duna miy iro.,We have a dog.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Gamaya jud ining kwartoha alang namo.,This room is too small for us.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Nia mi sa balay.,We are home.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Ulahi mi.,We are late.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Nasaagmi.,We are lost.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Dia ra mi.,We are here.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Kinsay sunod?,Who is next?,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn "Karong adlawa, nakakita siyag bag-ong higala sa tunghaan.",She met a new friend in school today.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Wala sila kabalo nga Hapon ko.,They don't know that I'm Japanese.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Gialirongan og kakahoyan kadtong gamayng danaw.,The pond was encircled with trees.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Napuno ko og pinaakan sa lamok.,I got a lot of mosquito bites.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Gihatag kanako sa kura ang iyang bendisyon.,The priest gave me his blessing.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Alas singko sa buntag ko mibangon.,I woke up at five this morning.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Wala siya miari aron pagtabang hinunoa paglisodlisod.,"He didn't come to help, but to hinder us.",ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Naay bukag ilawom anang lamesa.,There is a basket under the table.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Burj Khalifay kasamtangang kinahabogang dakbalay sa kalibotan.,Currently Burj Khalifa is the tallest skyscraper in the world.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn "Bisan asa ko moadto, ako mouban kanako.","Wherever I go, I bring myself with me.",ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Wala bay masuko kon buksan ko ning lata?,Is it OK if I open a can?,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Samoka man ka oi!,You are so annoying!,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Dili na matabang sa doktor sa ospital si Tom maong miuli na lang kini.,The doctor at the hospital can't do anything for Tom so that's why he's just going home.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Daghang mitigulang apan wala manigulang.,"Many people are older, but not wiser.",ceb_Latn-eng_Latn May tigom ugma.,There is a meeting tomorrow.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Puta ina ka!,Son of a bitch!,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn "Puno pa karon sa trabaho si Tom, unya pa ka niya matagad.","Tom is busy now, so he can't talk with you.",ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Kinahanglang bantayan niya unsay iyang iyawit.,She had to choose her words carefully.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Unsang matamga ni sa bino?,What kind of wine do you have?,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Absent siya panagsa sa eskuyla.,He is sometimes absent from school.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Kita ka sa langit?,Do you see the sky?,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Ang patatas dili mo kaon og tawo!,Potatoes don't eat people!,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Maayo raman imong buhok.,Your hair looks just fine.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Kinsa toy nakakita nako?,Who saw me?,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Karon nagpuyo ko sa Boston.,I'm living in Boston now.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Nagunsa ka sa taas?,What were you doing up there?,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Unsa nang orasa?,What's the time?,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Bag-ong iroy akong gusto.,I want a new dog.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Pagbinuotan baya samtang wala ko.,Behave yourself during my absence.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Talagsa ra man to siya moadto.,He seldom went there.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Ikapilang presidente sa Pilipinas si PNoy?,How many Philippine presidents were there until Benigno Simeon Aquino III?,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Nakatilawan mo na ba ning putahe-a?,Have you ever eaten this dish?,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Nagubot ang mga tawo dihang gibalita to.,The crowd went wild when the news was announced.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Mahadlok siyag iring.,She is afraid of cats.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Lisod nang pangutanaha.,That's a tough question.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Asang salidahay imong gitan-aw?,Which film did you see?,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Gipasagdan mo bang bukas ang dungawan?,Did you leave the window open?,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Milawom ang dagat.,The sea turns deep by itself.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Molawom ang dagat.,The sea will turn deep by itself.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Dili akoy nagpatapot anang libro mo.,I am not the one who put paste on your book.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Unsa na man?,How are you?,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Gihigugma ta ka.,I love you.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Wala na koy gusto nimo.,I don't like you anymore.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Buot ko masayod.,I am curious.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Laay kaayo ning wa tay buhat.,It is very boring to have nothing to do.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Dili ko gustog ing ana kadugayg pinaabot.,I don't want to wait that long.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Nganong dili mo man nuon mi duawon?,Why don't you come visit us?,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Kuli ra nang mahitabo.,But the possibility seems unlikely.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Talagsa lang ko mobuhat og tarong...ug wala ra man pud diay pulos.,For once in my life I'm doing a good deed... And it is useless.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Wala lang usa ko mobiya.,I shouldn't have logged off.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Wala na ko masayod unsa pay buhaton.,I don't know what to do anymore.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn "Moabot ra man jung maadto kog Pransya, wala lang kabalo kanus-a.","It is inevitable that I go to France someday, I just don't know when.",ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Ang Dios maoy makagagahum sa ngatanan.,God is omnipotent.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Dili ko ganahan og Kemistri.,I hate chemistry.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Ang Dios ana-a sa bisan di-in.,God is everywhere.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Gikinahanglan ni Tom ang kwarta.,Tom wanted the money.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Gisikop si Tom pag talimudto.,Tom was arrested later that morning.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Bayloan ko na.,I'll trade you something for it.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Kinahanglan may buhaton si Tom.,Tom got to do something.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Nakahukom si Tom nga magpaabot.,Tom decided to wait.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Nganong gipatay man ni Tom si Mary?,Why did Tom kill Mary?,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Gibuhat ni Tom suma sa gibahad.,Tom did as promised.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn "Gitug-anan na siya sa tinuod, wala siya mituo.",We told him the truth and he still won't believe it.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Padayona nang inyong gibuhat.,Finish your work.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Akoy makighinabi ni Tom.,I'm going to talk to Tom myself.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Gibilanggo si Tom.,Tom was taken into custody.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Daghang nagalgal anang matanga sa panghunahuna.,That way of thinking influenced a lot of people.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn May mga nagtuong gihiloan si Mary.,Some people think Mary was poisoned.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Giunsa ninyo pagkahulog sa lim-aw? May mituklod namo.,How did you fall into the swamp? Somebody pushed us.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Krimen ba gud kon bayot ko?,"So, if I were gay, would it be a crime?",ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Dili nato mamandar ni Tom ang dili niya ganahang mahitabo.,We can't make Tom do something he doesn't want to do.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Dili to inusarang gibuhat ni Tom.,Tom didn't act alone.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Gitanyag ni Tom kang Mary ang ikatulong bahin sa iyang mapanunod.,Tom offered Mary a third of his inheritance.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Gisuginlan ni Tom si Mary bahin sa kawat.,Tom talked to Mary about the robbery.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Gipakabasura ni Tom si Mary.,Tom considered Mary a piece of garbage.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Minyo ka ba?,Are you married?,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Mialagad og 30 ka tuig si Tom alang sa ikaduhang degri sa pagpatay.,Tom served 30 years for second degree murder.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Asa ka moadto?,Where are you going?,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn "Dili na lang abtan og semana, sugod na pud ta og kat-on.",I have got only a week left before school starts.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Milibotlibot ang kweti sa bulan.,The rocket is in orbit around the moon.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Mihunong ang tren sa Baltimore.,The train stopped in Baltimore.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Hain ang akong antyohos?,Where are my glasses?,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Buot namong makat-og mga awit nga kinatchila.,We want to learn some Spanish songs.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Dako kag lagay.,Your penis is big.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn "Sagad sa Kano, dagkong sakyanay ganahan.","Generally, Americans prefer big cars.",ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Ang amahan sa akong asawa maoy akong ugangan.,My wife's father is my father-in-law.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Patay ba o buhi pa ang bagtok?,Is the rat alive or dead?,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Pamainit o.,Have a snack.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Gihilantan karong hapon ang pasyente.,The patient is feverish this afternoon.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Iya ming gitudloag Iningles.,She is teaching us English.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Makatulo giduslak si Tom sa dughan.,Tom was stabbed in the chest three times.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Iuli nadtos nagpadala.,Return to the sender.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Nangabuang sila nimo.,They're mad at you.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Nalarag ang mga dahon.,The leaves fell.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Buot sa akong amahan nga sa gawas sa nasud ko moeskwela labon bata pa ko.,Father wants me to study abroad while I am young.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Gikawatan ko niya'g kwarta.,He stole money from me.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Dili baya jud si Tom ang kinaham kong tawo.,Tom's not exactly my favorite person.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Wala didto sa banyo ang igtatambal kang Tom.,Tom's medication's not in the bathroom.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Unsay imong kaliwat? Kaliwat ko og Zamboanggahanon!,What is your ethnicity? Zamboangueño!,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Giunsa nimo pagkahagbong sa lim-aw? Gitukmod man gud ko.,How did you fall into the swamp? Somebody shoved us.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Giunsa nimo pagkahagbong sa lim-aw? May mitukmod nako.,How did you fall into the swamp? Someone shoved us.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Unsa na man lay paglaom sa katawhan kon pipila lang ug minoriya pa jud niini ray but-an.,What is the hope for humankind if the smart people are a very small minority?,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Matahom ka nga alibangbang.,You are a beautiful butterfly.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Kinahanglan jud mauli sa balay karong gabhiona sa dili pa kaayo ngitngit.,I have to be home tonight before it gets dark.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Nakaangay sila sa usag-usa.,They admire each other.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Diin sa Austria ka nagdako?,Where in Austria did you grow up?,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Unsang orasa diay ka sagad mogikan sa inyoha?,What time do you usually leave home?,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Unsay imong ngalan?,What's your name?,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Nag-unsa ka?,What are you doing?,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Nagtuon ka?,Are you studying?,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Makainingles ka?,Do you speak English?,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn May kaislahan sa dagat.,There are islands in the sea.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Maglakaw ka ba o mag-bus?,Will you go on foot or by bus?,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Ambot.,I don't know.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Iuli kuyog sa nagpadala.,Return with the sender.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Duhay akong iring.,I have two cats.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Diiy inyo?,Where do you live?,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Dili ko moeskuyla.,I don't want to go to school.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Kinsa diay ka?,Who are you?,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Dili ko doktor.,I'm not a doctor.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Pasayloang naulahi ko.,Sorry I'm late.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Dis-a ka?,Where are you from?,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Alisto ka bahin og direksyon.,You have a sharp sense of direction.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Salamat yamo.,Thank you very much!,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Gisukna ko siya kon napuno ba siyag trabahoon.,I asked him if he was busy.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Ayo ayo sa trabaho!,Good luck with your work!,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn "Mura kag lig-on, huyang man diay to.","I might seem strong, but in actuality I am anything but.",ceb_Latn-eng_Latn "Mas ganahan kadto ko og itom nga tsa kay sa kape, apan karon kusog na ko moinom bisan asa anang duha.","I used to prefer black tea to coffee, but recently I've been drinking a good amount of both.",ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Hapit mi magbangga ni Tomas.,I almost collided with Thomas.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Matawag nga tigtatoeba ang mga tiggamit sa Tatoeba.,The users of Tatoeba are called Tatoebians.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Nasabtan mo ba ako?,Did you understand me?,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Pilay igsuon mong babaye? Pilay igsuong lalaki?,How many sisters do you have? How many brothers?,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Unsay imong gusto?,What do you want?,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Dili man ni asukal.,This isn't sugar.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Gusto mo ba?,Are you enjoying it?,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Ayaw pagpaspas ug sulti.,Don't speak so fast.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Kinahanglan ko moadto sa kasilyas.,I need to go to the toilet.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Nanimuyo si Tom sa usa ka sityu.,Tom lives in a small village.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Kadiyut lang!,Just a moment.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Bahala ka.,This is on you.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Ipa-express nang sulat.,Please send the letter by express.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Hain ang akong pitaka?,Where's my wallet?,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Mobalik ra ko dayon.,I will be back soon.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Ari na ko.,I must be leaving now.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn "Kon lemosito ang anaa, himoa kining lemonada.","When life throws you a lemon, make lemonade!",ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Taga-diin ka man?,Which country are you from?,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Lampini ang bata!,Change the child's nappy!,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Hain man dapit ang imo?,Where's your home?,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Pilay imong edad?,How old are you?,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Segurado ka?,Are you sure?,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn "Nakahibalo ko, kana ang sinugdanan sa kataposan.",I know that this is the beginning of the end.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Unsa may imong hunahuna bahin ana?,What do you think about this?,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Layas!,Get away from here.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Pasayloa ko.,I am sorry.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Mas gwapa niya ang iyang igsuon.,She is less beautiful than her sister.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Nganong mihilak ka?,Why are you crying?,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Hain ka karon?,Where are you?,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Wala koy kuarta.,I have no money.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Namakmak siya kanako.,He lied to me.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Tapti sa imong hulagway ang bongbong.,Post your picture in the wall.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Namiudto ba ka?,Have you eaten lunch yet?,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Dili siya kinahanglang moadto sa tunghaan.,He doesn't have to go to school.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Gigutom ka?,Are you hungry?,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn "Usa, duha, tulo, upat, lima, unom, pito, walo, siyam, napulo.","One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten.",ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Gikapoy ka?,Are you tired?,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Minaayohi nang mga nasilag nimo.,Do good to those who hate you.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Unsay buot mong ipasabot?,What are you talking about?,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Wala siya mahilunang nia ang iyang amahan.,He felt uneasy in his father's presence.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Unsa man ka inig dako nimo?,What do you want to be when you grow up?,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Tabangan ta ka na?,Can I help you?,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Dili ko gustong may adbertisment dinhi sa akong websayt.,I don't want any advertising on my website.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Toa ang libro sa lamesa.,The book is on the table.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Amahan ko siya.,He's my father.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Imo ba kong gihigugma?,Do you love me?,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Taga dinhi ka?,Do you live here?,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Wala tubaga ni Tom ang pangutana ni Mary.,Tom didn't answer Mary's question.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Dili kinaiyanhon ang makaluksaw nga ulan.,Acid rain is not a natural phenomenon.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Moadto na ko.,I want to go.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Gigutom ko.,I am hungry.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn "Dili ni barato, no?","This wasn't cheap, was it?",ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Manarbaho ta ugma.,We'll work tomorrow.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Human na mi og pili.,We've already chosen.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Mag-unsa ka kon ikaw sa akong sitwasyon?,What would you do if you were in my place?,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Gipaak ka ba og insekto?,A bug bit me.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Medyo tinuod pud nang giingon sa higala mo.,"In a way, what your friend has said is true.",ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Miuli dayon ang amahan.,The father immediately went back home.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Unsa ka kadugaya didto?,How long did you stay?,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Mo-alas sais na.,It's nearly six o'clock.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn """Muirriel"" ang password.","The password is ""Muiriel"".",ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Gikaon ang misyonero sa mga tirong.,The missionary was eaten by cannibals.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Pasagdi ko!,Leave me alone!,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Nagbaklay mi uyon sa suba.,We walked along the river.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Gikapoy kaayo ko maong natulog ko dricho.,"I was tired, so I went straight to bed.",ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Wala na jud koy kwarta.,I don't have any money.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Gihalukan ni Tom si Mary sa ferris wheel.,Tom kissed Mary on the Ferris wheel.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Naa ba kay nabuhat?,Have you done anything?,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Maginom ta!,Let's get drunk.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Naghikay mi para kang Sam.,They are going to throw a party for Sam.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn "Gihunahuna kong mao, nan mao ko.","I think, therefore I am.",ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Samot pa kong gimingaw nimo ron.,I'm missing you more than ever.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Ayaw og lakaw.,Don't go away.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Wala siyay undang og hinilak.,She cries continously.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Kumusta imong amahan?,What does your father do?,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Malipayon ka ba?,Are you happy?,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Akong asawa kini.,That's my wife.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Hadlok kong mag-inusara.,I'm afraid to go alone.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Nagpuyo ka ba dinhi?,Is this where you live?,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Gikapoy ko.,I am tired.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Hilom diha oy!,"Hey you, shut up!",ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Pagtuo niya'g komedya ra to sa sugod pa lang.,"At first, she thought it was a joke.",ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Jack akong ngalan.,My name is Jack.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Dili sila kabalo.,They won't know.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Wala pa ko magkita sa asawa ni Tom.,I've never met Tom's wife.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Kinsa imong abogado?,Who is your lawyer?,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Wetsa.,Wait for a few seconds.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Tumanon ba nimu ang saad?,Will you keep your promise?,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Ayna!,"No, not that one!",ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Nakaagni nako ang paglaom nga mahibalik pa siya.,The hope of his return encouraged me.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Ayni!,"No, not this one!",ceb_Latn-eng_Latn """Salamat."" ""Walay sapayan.""","""Thank you."" ""You're welcome.""",ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Palingkora ko!,Let me sit down.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Ugma buhan ang mga gipakitaming.,The hostages will be released tomorrow.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Kamao ka?,Do you know how to do it?,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Yati ra!,Is that really true!,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Buot niyang mag-inusara.,He needs to be alone.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Matay pa ko!,I swear you my life that it's true !,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Hesus hesus hesus!,"Jesus, Mary, and Joseph!",ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Ikay hukom niana.,You be the judge of that.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Maayo pay adto na dayon ka sa dalan.,You'd better set off at once.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Asa ka paingon?,Where are you heading?,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Asa ka gikan?,Where have you been?,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Mouli ko sa akong natawhang lungsod ugma.,"Tomorrow, I am going to my home town.",ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Gutom ko kaayo.,I am very hungry.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Lami ang gilutong sud-an ni Nanay,The viand prepared by Nanay is delicious.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Sa akong pagdagan nadagma ko.,"While I run, I stumble.",ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Pagkaanindot sa akong gitahing kurtina.,How beautiful my sewn drapes are.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Nabasa ang akong hinalay kay miulan ug kalit.,My dried out clothes are getting wet because it is suddenly raining.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Lab-as ang napalit nakong isda ganina sa merkado.,The fish I bought from the market is fresh.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Humot kaayo ang bulak nga tinanom sa tugkaran namo.,The flower planted in our porch is very fragrant.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Hain man dapit ang inyong balay?,Where is your house?,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Napuyo ko ron sa Boston.,I'm now living in Boston.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Nalukop namo ug pinangita sa nawala namong itoy ang tibuok purok.,We search the whole neighborhood for our lost puppy.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Milakaw na lang si Mario kay dugay man ni abot si Dodong.,Mario leaves because Dodong is late.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Nabusog ko ug ayo sa paniudtong gihikay ni Inday.,The lunch prepared by Inday filled me very much.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Milugsong silang Ondoy gahapon sa lungsod.,Ondoy and his companion go downtown.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Giganahan ba sa imong uyab ang mga bulak?,Did your girlfriend like the flowers?,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Pagpalit didto sa tindahan ug tinapa.,Buy canned fish at the store.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Mananom sila Tatay ug mais sa pikas bukid.,Father and his companion will sow corn on the next hill.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Gigutom ko pag-ayo.,I was very hungry.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Gidakop siya.,He got arrested.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Unsa na?,What is this?,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Malipayong pasko!,Have a good Christmas.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Kapin sa gatosan ka pahayag ang iyang gidugang.,He adds over a couple of hundreds sentences.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Walay sad-an sa nahitabo.,It was nobody's fault.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Hilak aron ipakaun ko nimo sa iro.,Stop crying or I'll throw you to the dogs.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Si Tom ang mipasiugdang patyon ang iyang amahan.,Tom masterminded his father's death.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Pakanon ko nimo sa sili.,I'll give you the same amount of chili to eat.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Wala ko kasabot.,I don't understand.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn "Buotan siya, utokan og labaw sa tanan, gwapa.","He is reputable, intelligent, and above all, good looking.",ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Mitugpa ang snow sa taas ug matahom niyang buhok.,"The snowflakes fell on her long, fair hair.",ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Nindot ang imong balay.,Your house is cool.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Tagai kog usa bi.,Please give me one.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Katloan ka tuig ang akong panuigon.,I am thirty.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Bulahang Bag-ong Tuig!,Happy New Year!,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Nagkita mi sa símbahan.,We met at the church.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Ayto!,"No, not that one yonder!",ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Giunsa ba nimo pagsakay dinhi?,By what means of transport did you get here?,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Mahimsog sa panglawas sa tawo.,It's good for people's health.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Dato ang akong amahan.,My father is rich.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Kinsa man ang baligyaan ni Gregor sa awto?,Who will Gregor sell his car to?,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Limpyohan sa katabang ang kuwarto para sa mga bisita.,The maid will clean the guest room.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Ganahan si Tom sa pagkaun ng Bombay.,Tom likes Indian food.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn "Magluto ug keyk kinahanglang ta harina, asukal og itlog.","We need flour, sugar and eggs to make this cake.",ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Duna koy higala nga nagpuyo sa Boston.,I have a friend who lives in Boston.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Unsa ka dugay naghulat ka?,How long have you been waiting?,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Tigulang kaayo si Tom.,Tom is pretty old.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Panawag og pulis!,Call the cops.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Gikapoy na ko.,I'm tired now.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn "Kanus-a pa man, mahuman ang akong trabaho?",When will my work be finished?,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Ipaholug ni Tom ang sulat.,Let Tom send the letter.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Ibaligya nako ang alahas sa mga pumapalit.,I'll sell the jewelry to customers.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Luto-i ang sabaw sa balay!,Cook the soup in the house.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn "Akoa kining balaya, dili imo.","This house is mine, not yours.",ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Nagtrabaho pa siya.,He's still at work.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Modagan mo.,You and your companion will run.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn "Maginum ba ko serbesa, doktor?","Doctor, can I drink beer?",ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Husto!,That's absolutely correct.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Nalipat kag palong sa suga.,You left your lights on.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Gikawat ni Jim ang iyang kamera.,Jim had his camera stolen.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Kinsa na man naghimo kanang kahon?,Who made this box?,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Ambot unsay mahitabo nimo.,I don't know what's going to happen to you.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Gipukaw niya si Tom.,He has woken Tom.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Unsa na man akong mahimo?,What should I do now?,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Dili gihapon niini ginasolusyunan ang problema.,That still doesn't solve the problem.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Unsa na say iyang gipatuotuo?,What has he tricked you into believing this time?,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Inay.,I couldn't say.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Abi ko may lain pa kong kahigayonan pagbuhat niini.,I thought I'd have another chance to do that.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Moadto pud ko.,"I'm going, too.",ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Pila ba tanan ka pulong sa lengwaheng iningles?,How many words are there in the English language?,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Andam ka ba?,Are you ready?,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn "Nabughat ang babaye, kay nagkaun siya'g karne sa kabaw.","The woman has suffered from a collapse, because she ate meat from a water buffalo.",ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Puhon!,I hope so!,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Maayong pag-abot sa Tatoeba!,Welcome to Tatoeba!,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Nahibulong ko.,I want to know.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Nagamaneho si Tom og Ford.,Tom drives a Ford.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Dili ni mga balaod nako.,They're not my rules.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Kugihan si tatay.,Dad is a hard worker.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Modagan to si Joseph.,Joseph would run.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Kun mo bangon si Brunhild dili maayo ang iyang gibati.,If Brunhild gets up then she's not feeling well.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Gilabdan ko.,I have a headache.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Hilakon kaayo ko.,I'm such a crybaby.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn "Kaila ka kinsa sila, diba?","You know who they are, right?",ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Lawom ang dagat.,The sea is deep.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Magpuyo siya sa prisohan sa sunod nga upat ka tuig.,She'll spend the next four years in prison.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Tibuok nga adlaw sila nagpuyo sa baybay.,They spent the entire day on the beach.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Libu-libo ka oras ang kinahanglan nimo pagpatukar sa banjo aron manihasa ka sa paggamit niini.,"To become a professional banjo player, you need to spend thousands of hours practicing.",ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Pila ka oras imong pagpuyo sa opisina aron magtrabaho?,How many hours a day do you spend in your office?,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Igo ba ang oras nga imong ginahatag sa imong mga anak?,Are you spending enough time with your kids?,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Pasayawa siya!,Dance with him!,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Tan-awon nato.,We shall see.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Dal-on ko unya tong akong iro aron imong makita. - Naboang ka? Ayaw paghalahala og dala og hayop dinhi!,I'll bring my dog here so you can see it. Are you crazy? Don't you dare bring animals in here!,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Wala miy nataligam-an.,We take nothing for granted.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Buot sa akong amo nga sa eroplano ta mosakay.,My boss wants us to take the plane.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Bukas ba sa tanan kining dakbalaya?,Is this building open to the public?,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Buot ni Tom masayran ni Mary nga wala siya maitok niini.,Tom wanted Mary to know that he didn't hate her.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Giuhaw ko.,I am thirsty.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Hulathulat lang usa.,Wait a moment.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Unsay inyong gikagubtan?,What's all this noise about?,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Napatay sa tigpana ang lagsaw.,The archer killed the deer.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn "Kabasa kog Iningles, dili lang kalitok.","I can read English, but I can't speak it.",ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Pagdala diri sa taas og usa ka baldeng hyelo.,Will you send up a bucket of ice?,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Kinsay mibuhat ato?,Who did it?,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Mao nay balaod.,It's the law.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Wa ko mabalaga.,I don't worry about that.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Wala siyay sala pinasubay ining ebidensiyaha.,It follows from this evidence that she is innocent.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Ambot lang.,I have no idea.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn "Ang akong gihunahuna nga nahigugma siya kanako, pero sa tinuod ang tuyo makighilawas.","I thought that he loved me, but in reality he just wanted to have sex with me.",ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Basa pa ang habol.,The blanket is still wet.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Dili ko tanan ni mabuhat.,I can't do all of this.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Bata pa ang babaye.,The woman is young.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Modagan ta.,You and I will run.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Modagan mi.,We but not including you will run.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Modagan ri.,This one nearer to me will run.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Modagan ni.,This will run.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Modagan na.,That will run.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Modagan to.,That would run.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Modagan to siya.,That one would run.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Modagan na siya.,That one will run.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Modagan ni siya.,This one will run.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Modagan ni sila.,This group will run.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Modagan na sila.,They will run.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Modagan to sila.,They would run.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Mga wala damhang linugdangan kadto toy gipahibalo.,Unexpected results were announced.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Modagan na si Joseph.,That Joseph will run.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Modagan ni si Joseph.,This Joseph will run.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Modagan ni sila si Joseph.,This Joseph and companion will run.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Modagan na sila si Joseph.,That Joseph and companion will run.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Modagan to sila si Joseph.,Joseph and companion would run.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Modagan tong tawhana.,That particular person would run.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Modagan nang tawhana.,That particular person will run.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Hadlok siyag mawad-ag kwarta.,She's afraid of losing money.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Modagang ning mga tawhana.,These particular persons will run.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Modagan nang mga tawhana.,Those particular persons will run.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Modagan tong mga tawhana.,Those particular persons would run.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Modagan tong tawo.,That person yonder will run.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Modagan nang tawo.,That person will run.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Modagan ning tawo.,This person will run.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Modagan ning mga tawo.,These men will run.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Modagan nang mga tawo.,Those men will run.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Kanindut nimug sinina!,What a beautiful dress you have on!,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Dili ko makahinapon.,I don't speak Japanese.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Sunod semana moabri ang bag-ong tindahan.,The new store opens next week.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Mingaw ka ba?,Are you sad?,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Usahay mora'g mingaw ko.,I feel sad every now and then.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Ang mga ba-o kay walay ngipon.,Turtles don't have teeth.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Naugdaw ang tibuok lungsod sa sunog.,The entire town was destroyed in a fire.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Misulod siya sa iyang kwarto aron mopahulay.,She went inside her room so she could rest.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Wala silay mahimo.,They can't do anything.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Iyang gisulat ang kaugalingon niyang ngalan.,He wrote his own name.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn May iro nga naggukod.,A dog is following us.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Ayaw og saba ni Joana ha.,Do not relay this information to Joana.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Kasaba ba sa motor.,The engine is noisy.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn May naghulat nako.,Someone waits for me.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Binulan ipaputlan ang akong buhok,I get a haircut every month.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Inadlaw maligo ko.,I take a bath every day.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Konektado ang tanan.,Everything is connected.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Nag-uban sila magbakasyon.,They vacationed together.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Dili ginapakaon sa esperansa ang atong mga pamilya.,Hope doesn't feed our familes.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Importante ang pamilya.,Family is important.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Makasuya man na ang imong katapolan.,Your laziness will make you unhappy.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Kinsa man gihurot ang mga biskwit?,Who ate all the cookies?,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn "Bitaw, naa koy suliran kaninyong Amerikano!","Yes, I have a problem with you Americans!",ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Hustong pagkaluto kining itlog.,This egg was perfectly cooked.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Maanyag ka.,You are beautiful.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Unsa man kana?,What is it then?,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Unsa may lami ining sabawa?,How does this soup taste?,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Wala ko masayod.,I don't know that.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Pila na kaha tanan karon ka YouTube nga akawont sa tibuok kalibotan?,How many YouTube accounts are there in the world to date?,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Maayo pang ihatod ta lang hinuon ka ning kotse taman sa inyo.,It's better if I drove you all the way home.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Buhaton ko gyud na.,I'm going to do that.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Toa sa langit ang langgam.,The bird is in the sky.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn "Wala siyay mahimo, manghipos na lang.",He can't do anything but keep silent.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Dili man ni akoa.,This isn't mine.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Paisano ta.,We are compatriots.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Hala dili raba motoo.,"Uhuh, you do not believe it?",ceb_Latn-eng_Latn "Dili oy, dili man tambok si Laurie.","No, Laurie isn't fat.",ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Hinay siyag linaktan.,She walks at a slow pace.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Wala siya molakaw - mipundo ra siya og balay.,He hasn't gone anywhere - he's at home.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Tibuok balay jud ni Tom ang naguba.,Tom's house is completely destroyed.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Gamatoy ang pan.,This loaf of bread is small.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Dili man ko kahimo aning trabahoa.,I'm just not cut out for this kind of work.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Maligo ko.,I'm going to take a shower.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Daw moulan.,It seems like it'll rain.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Ayaw pugsa kon dili ka kahimo ha.,Don't force it if you can't do it.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn "Kon buot ka, hala layas karon dayon!","If you want to leave, then leave now!",ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Bata pa ka.,You're still young.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn May nabati si Tom.,Tom is hearing something.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Kinsa man to si Mona Lisa?,Who was Mona Lisa?,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Wala jud siyay hilig sa diyande.,He is not interested in art at all.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Wala koy iring.,I don't have a cat.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Layo ba na nganhi?,Is it far from here?,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Tungang gabii misibat si Tom.,Tom left at midnight.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Nakaila ko dayon sa imong tingog.,I recognized your voice right away.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Tagurhay dunggan nato.,We have two ears.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Unsay iyang nabuhat?,What has he done?,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Mananap si Tom.,Tom is cruel.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Kumusta si Mary?,How is Mary?,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Nagsakay ang kap-atag walo ka tripulante.,Forty-eight sailors are on board.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Nagpakitambag ka kanako.,You asked for my advice.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Nakamedalya siyag bronse.,She won a bronze medal.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Gibuksan sa drayber sa bus ang lukob.,The bus driver opened the door.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Nalimtan ni Tom ang ngalan ko.,Tom doesn't remember my name.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Mao ka!,If you said so!,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Nagbasa kana siya.,He is reading.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Gidala mo na ba ang mga kahon didto sa arkoba?,Have you already carried the boxes up to the attic?,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Walay kadasig kono ang mga batan-on sa bag-ong panahon.,It is said that the younger generation today is apathetic.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Yawa ra!,Is that for real!,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Nagbuntis ko.,I am pregnant.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Buot kong ugmaron ang akong Binisaya.,I'd like to improve my Cebuano.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn May ikasugyot ka bang nindot nga kan-anan?,Can you recommend a good restaurant?,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Hinaut nga di makalimot hunahunaon nato nga mag-igsoon ta.,Hopefully we will never forget that we're siblings.,ceb_Latn-eng_Latn Počítač je nyní naprostou nezbytností.,A computer is an absolute necessity now.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn "Ve Spojených státech je automobil nezbytností, a ne přepychem.",In the United States the automobile is a necessity and not a luxury.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Bydlím v Kobe.,I live in Kobe.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Ještě nikdy nebyl v zahraničí.,He has never been abroad.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Podej mi sůl.,Pass me the salt.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Ušila nové šaty pro svoji dceru.,She made a new dress for her daughter.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Chodíval do práce pěšky.,He used to walk to his office.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn "Jak je vidět, Tom má strach.",Tom is obviously scared.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Udělal jsi to naschvál?,Did you do that purposely?,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Odpočiňme si trochu.,Let's rest a little bit.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Máš občanku?,Do you have your passport?,ces_Latn-eng_Latn "Dávej si pozor, co říkáš!",Be careful what you say!,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Tenhle telefon nefunguje.,This telephone doesn't work.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Já už ho nemiluji.,I do not love him anymore.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Nesplnili podmínky.,They did not fulfill the conditions.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Můžu jít na procházku?,Can I go for a walk?,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Smrti nikdo neunikne.,Nobody can escape death.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Mám rád tenhle druh jablek.,I like this kind of apple.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Nemohl bych tomu zabránit.,I couldn't have prevented this.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn "Návyk mění přepychové požitky v jednotvárné, každodenní potřeby.",Habit converts luxurious enjoyments into dull and daily necessities.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Nebyla to párty.,It wasn't a party.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Prase je růžové.,The pig is pink.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Můj sen je stát se pilotem.,My dream is to become a pilot.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Nikdy už pak svého otce neviděla.,She never saw her father again.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Tom ve skutečnosti není Kanaďan.,Tom isn't really Canadian.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn On jí jablko.,He's eating an apple.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Jedí jablka.,They're eating apples.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Jíme jablka.,We are eating apples.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn "Nevím, co se pokazilo.",I don't know what went wrong.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Bydlívali jsme spolu.,We used to live together.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom se vrátil do rodného města, aby navštívil svoje rodiče během letní dovolené.",Tom returned to his hometown to visit his parents during the summer break.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Prosím.,Don't mention it.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Lidé jí říkají Yotchan.,People call her Yotchan.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Bylo pro něj těžké skrýt svou pýchu nad svými úspěchy.,It was difficult for him to hide his pride in his success.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Zpíval jsem píseň.,I sang a song.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Jaký je počet obyvatel vašeho města?,How many people live in your town?,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Ti psi jsou ale velcí!,Those dogs are big.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Nebojte se mluvit anglicky s chybami.,Don't be afraid of making mistakes when speaking English.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Pojďme si odpoledne zaplavat.,Let's have a swim in the afternoon.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Do toho vám nic není.,It's none of your business.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Ten stařec tam bydlel sám.,The old man lived there by himself.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Nakonec stejně nepřišel.,He did not turn up after all.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Při první návštěvě u vás jsem zabloudil.,I got lost when I visited you for the first time.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Přineste mi vlhký ručník.,Bring me a moist towel.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Moc mu nedůvěřuj.,Don't put much confidence in him.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Snídani jsem vynechal.,I skipped breakfast.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn To jméno nepoznávám.,I don't recognize that name.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Jak dlouho ještě bude takové chladno?,How long will this cold weather go on?,ces_Latn-eng_Latn V Tokiu vám žijí všelijací lidé.,All sorts of people live in Tokyo.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Tvůj názor je poněkud staromódní.,Your opinion seems to be out of date.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn "Vypadá to, že bikiny jsou letos v módě.","It seems that bikinis are ""in"" this year.",ces_Latn-eng_Latn "Člověk, na kterého jsem čekal, se nedostavil.",The man I was waiting for didn't turn up.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Rozzlobil jsem ho.,I have made him angry.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Lidi vlci za normálních okolností nenapadají.,Wolves won't usually attack people.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Kdy mi vrátíš ty peníze?,When will you return the money to me?,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Byl jsem překvapen.,I was surprised.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Kovbojové vjeli do neznámého města.,The cowboys rode into an unknown town.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Momentálně nemám čas.,I'm busy at the moment.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn "To, jak moc sám zestárl, pozná člověk z tváří těch, které znával jako mladý.",One can tell how much one has aged by looking at the faces of those one knew when one was young.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Penis je jedním z mužských pohlavních orgánů.,The penis is one of the male reproductive organs.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Při čtení dopisu vypadala smutně.,"When she was reading the letter, she looked sad.",ces_Latn-eng_Latn Byli to takříkajíc oběti války.,"They were, so to speak, casualties of war.",ces_Latn-eng_Latn Málem jsem se udusil rybí kostí.,I nearly choked on a fishbone.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Jsem naštvaný na vás oba.,I'm mad at both of you.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Mohl byste mluvit pomaleji?,Would you mind speaking more slowly?,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Prosil bych to zabalit.,I'd like to have that gift wrapped.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Z čeho se vyrábí máslo?,What is butter made of?,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Jsem stejně velký jako můj otec.,I'm as tall as my father.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Rád poslouchám klasickou hudbu.,I like to listen to classical music.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn "Měj se na pozoru před každým, kdo si činí nárok na objektivitu.",Beware of anyone who claims objectivity.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn "Víme, že to je pro vás těžké.",We know this is hard for you.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn "Děkuji, že jsi zavřel dveře.",Thank you for closing the door.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn V té době nebyly v Japonsku žádné železnice.,There were no railroads at that time in Japan.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn "Teď ne, drahá.","Not now, honey.",ces_Latn-eng_Latn Ještě nikdy nepřišel do školy pozdě.,He has never been late for school.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn "Je mi líto, už žádné nemám.","I'm sorry, I haven't any left.",ces_Latn-eng_Latn "Den se zeptal Lindu, jaké plány má do budoucna.",Dan asked Linda what her plans for the future were.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Ze všeho nejvíc chtějí žít v míru.,"They want, more than anything else, to live in peace.",ces_Latn-eng_Latn "Astronomové tvrdí, že objevili devátou planetu sluneční soustavy.",Astronomers claim they have discovered the ninth planet of the Solar System.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Mám cukrovku.,I'm a diabetic.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Provozuješ nějaký sport?,Do you practice any sport?,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Nejsi oškliv.,You're not ugly.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Jak je to odsud daleko k moři?,How far is it from here to the sea?,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Nevěděl jsem o jeho přítomnosti.,I was not aware of his presence.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Můj kamarád žije mimo město.,My friend lives outside the city.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Kuba se nachází v Jižní Americe.,Cuba is in South America.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn "Nemyslím si, že to Tom udělá.",I don't think Tom will do that.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Proč bych se měl učit francouzsky?,Why should I learn French?,ces_Latn-eng_Latn "Prosím, přidej si mě na Facebooku.",Please add me on Facebook.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn "Víš alespoň, co to je?",Do you even know what that is?,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Odpusť a zapomeň.,Forgive and forget.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Na co jste čekali?,What were you waiting for?,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Tom je bilingvní.,Tom is bilingual.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Měl bych tě znát?,Am I supposed to know you?,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Tom potřebuje nové boty.,Tom needs new shoes.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Jak se žije v Německu?,How's life in Germany?,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Já jsem duhu nikdy neviděl.,I've never seen a rainbow.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn "Poradila mu, aby si nekupoval ojeté auto.",She advised him not to buy a used car.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn To pochybuju.,I doubt it.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn "Nejsem tady, abych bojoval.",I'm not here to fight.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Nepláču.,I'm not crying.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom mě nežádal, což jsem preferoval.",Tom didn't ask me which I preferred.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Potřebuju být sám.,I need to be alone.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Potřebuje být sám.,He needs to be alone.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Kdy vrátil?,When is he coming back?,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Jsem z Rio de Janeira v Brazílii.,"I am from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.",ces_Latn-eng_Latn "Ano, samozřejmě.","Yes, of course.",ces_Latn-eng_Latn V sedm hodin přijel na nádraží.,They arrive at the train station in seven hours.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Milují Toma.,They love Tom.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Existuje naléhavá potřeba kvalifikovaných učitelů.,There is an urgent need for qualified teachers.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Příští pondělí mám být v Bostonu.,I'm supposed to be in Boston next Monday.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Můžete doporučit jiný hotel?,Can you recommend another hotel?,ces_Latn-eng_Latn "Kuře, tuňák a sójové boby jsou dobrým zdrojem proteinu.","Chicken, tuna and soybeans are good sources of protein.",ces_Latn-eng_Latn My jsme hodní kluci.,We're the good guys.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Existuje naléhavá potřeba najít účinnější způsob léčby tohoto onemocnění.,There is an urgent need for a more effective method of treating this disease.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Tom leží nemocný v posteli.,Tom is sick in bed.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Jaká je tvoje dohoda?,What's your deal?,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Je naléhavě zapotřebí dárců krve.,There is an urgent need for blood donors.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Je naléhavě zapotřebí pitné vody.,There is an urgent need for drinking water.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Moje sestřenice je žurnalistka.,My cousin is a journalist.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Je naléhavě zapotřebí peněz.,There is an urgent need for money.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn V době nouze budu po tvém boku.,I'll stand by you in time of need.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Daruji ti nové kolo k narozeninám.,I will give you a new bicycle for your birthday.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Lidé mají sklon podceňovat své budoucí potřeby.,People have a tendency to underestimate their future needs.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Není se třeba ptát. Stejně to víte.,There's no need to ask. You know it anyway.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn "Nesnáším, když se na mě křičí.",I hate being shouted at.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Netřeba se omlouvat; já chápu.,No need to apologize; I understand.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn To by Toma nikdy nenapadlo.,Tom never would've thought of that.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Ten obchod prodává široký sortiment výrobků.,That store sells a wide range of goods.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Na jídelním lístku byl široký výběr pokrmů.,There was a great variety of dishes on the menu.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn "Já jen doufám, že tentokrát se nic zlého nepřihodí.",I just hope nothing goes wrong this time.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn "Kdybych měl křídla, býval bych ji letěl zachránit.","If I had wings to fly, I would have gone to save her.",ces_Latn-eng_Latn Kéž by psal častěji.,I wish he would write more often.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn "Byl bych rád, kdyby psal častěji.",I would like him to write more often.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn "Byla bych ráda, kdyby psal častěji.",I would like for him to write more often.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Kéž bychom mohli odejít z tohoto hrozného místa.,I just wish we could leave this horrible place.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Dávám přednost kávě.,I prefer coffee.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Sport je dobrý pro tvé zdraví.,Sport is good for your health.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Zatím od něj nemám žádné zprávy.,I have heard nothing from him yet.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Nějak mi došla inspirace.,I'm not inspired anymore.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Vypila sklenici mléka.,She drank a cup of milk.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Nemám žádné sestry.,I don't have any sisters.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn V pokoji byly čtyři kusy nábytku.,There were four pieces of furniture in the room.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn "Potíž je v tom, že si nepamatuji, kde jsem zaparkovala auto.",The trouble is that I can't remember where I parked the car.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Kdybych jen byl vyšel z domu o pět minut dříve.,If only I had left home five minutes earlier.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Tom zdvořile smekl klobouk.,Tom lifted his hat politely.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Kéž bych byl chytrý.,I wish I were clever.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Kéž bych byl tak bohatý jako on.,I wish I were as rich as he.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Kéž bych mohl jet do Japonska.,I wish I could go to Japan.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Chovej se úměrně svému věku.,Act your age.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Mluv více potichu.,Speak more quietly.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Kéž bych dovedla hrát na klavír tak dobře jako Susie.,I wish I could play the piano as well as Susie.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Kolik máte zaměstnanců?,How many employees do you have?,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Kéž bych se s ní byl oženil.,I wish I had married her.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Kéž bych dobře uměl zpívat.,If only I could sing well.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Kéž by tu byl.,I wish he were here.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Kéž bych nebyl koupil něco tak zbytečného.,I wish I had not bought such a useless thing.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Autobus byl přecpaný. Kéž bych byl jel taxíkem.,The bus was very crowded. I wish I had taken a taxi.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Kéž bych měl hodně peněz.,I wish I had a lot of money.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Kéž bych byl vyšší.,I wish I were taller.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Kéž bychom měli zahradu!,If only we had a garden!,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Pracovala v Belgii.,She worked in Belgium.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Kéž bych znovu byl mladý.,I wish I were young again.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Kéž bych ji byl viděl.,I wish I had seen her.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Kéž bych měl přítele jako ty.,I wish I had a friend like you.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Kéž bychom měli více času.,I wish we had more time.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Kéž bych byl mladší.,I wish I were younger.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Kéž bych byla mladší.,If only I was younger.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Kéž bys byla mohla jít s námi.,I wish you could come with us.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Kéž bych se byl zamlada víc učil.,I wish I'd studied harder when I was young.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Kéž bys o mně přestal pochybovat.,I wish you would stop doubting me.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Kéž bych byl poslechl lékařovu radu.,I wish I had followed the doctor's advice.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Kéž by si mě vzal.,If only he would marry me!,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Kéž bych byl bohatý.,I wish I were rich.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Kéž by nám pomohl náš otec.,Would that our father were here to help us.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Kéž by má práce byla pestřejší.,I wish there was more variety in my work.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Kéž bys přišel na můj večírek.,I wish you were coming to my party.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn "Kéž by mě napadlo, co říct.",I wish I could think of something to say.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Kéž by to byla pravda!,If only that were true!,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Kéž by přišel.,Let's hope she comes.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Prohlédl si dům.,He looked around the house.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Kéž bych se byl zamlada učil anglicky pilněji.,I wish I had studied English harder when I was young.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Kéž bych byl včera večer šel do divadla.,I wish I had gone to the theater last night.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Kéž bys mi byl řekl pravdu.,I wish you had told me the truth.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Kéž bych se byl řídil tvou radou.,If only I had taken your advice.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Kéž by metro nebylo každé ráno tak plné.,I wish the subway wasn't so crowded every morning.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn "Nezapomeň, co jsem ti řekl.",Don't forget what I told you.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Kéž bys tolik nekouřil.,I wish you wouldn't smoke so much.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Kéž bych byl poslechl tvou radu.,I wish I had listened to your advice.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Můžu to klidně udělat hned.,I might as well do it now.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Kéž by brzy zapršelo!,I hope it will rain soon!,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Kéž bych dovedl plavat.,I wish I could swim.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Tohle je velmi legrační.,This is very amusing.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Kéž bych byl po tvém boku!,I wish I were by your side!,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Jak slané je příliš slané?,How salty is too salty?,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Kéž bys mi byla nablízku.,I wish you were close to me.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn "Kdybych jen věděl, kde je!",I wish I knew where he was!,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Tom možná bude muset vyučovat francouzštinu.,Tom might have to teach French.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Kéž by mi rozuměl!,I wish he'll understand me!,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Kéž by bylo víc lidí jako ty.,I wish there were more people like you.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Vezmi si něco k jídlu.,Have something to eat.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Rád bych pomohl.,I'd be glad to help.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Učí se francouzsky dva roky.,She has been studying French for a few years.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Zlomil jsem si ruku.,I fractured my arm.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Běžel jsem celou míli.,I ran for a mile.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Všechny labutě jsou bílé.,All swans are white.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Pořád vypadáš ustrašeně.,You still seem to be upset.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom má problém, jak se vypořádat s bolestí.",Tom is having trouble dealing with the pain.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn "Myslím, že by to pomohlo.",I think that would help.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Směřujeme na sever.,We are heading North.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Úmyslně jsem neporušil žádná pravidla.,I didn't intentionally break any rules.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Pořád Toma nenávidím.,I still hate Tom.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom je nerad tím, kdo to stále musí dělat.",Tom doesn't like being the one who always has to do that.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Nenarodili jsme se sami pro sebe.,We are not born for ourselves.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Chtěl bys být astronautem?,Would you like to be an astronaut?,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Nepoužívej je.,I don't use them.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn "Nemůžu uvěřit, že se to stalo.",I can't believe this happened.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Jsi ženatý (vdaná)?,Are you married?,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Proč jsi neudělal svůj domácí úkol?,Why haven't you done your homework?,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Přivedl jsem přítele.,I brought a friend.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn "Nejsi jediný, kdo má hlad.",You're not the only one who's hungry.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Manželství mění lidi.,Marriage changes people.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Jsem proti manželství.,I'm against the marriage.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Tom včera v noci zemřel.,Tom passed away last night.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Tom to udělal pouze jednou.,Tom has done that only once.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom mi řekl, že to vyřeší.",Tom told me he would sort it out.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Chci se vrátit.,I want to come back.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom mi řekl, že to dá do pořádku.",Tom told me that he would sort it out.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Tom byl zadržen kvůli jízdě bez řidičáku.,Tom was arrested for driving without a license.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Tom byl zatčen za jízdu bez řidičského oprávnění.,Tom was arrested for driving without a licence.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn "Zajímalo by mě, zdali je Tom stále unavený.",I wonder whether Tom is still tired.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Jsem dospělý.,I'm an adult.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom ví, co chce říct.",Tom knows what he has to say.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Tom bude nejspíš slavný.,Tom is probably going to be famous.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Mary chce být baletkou.,Mary wants to be a ballerina.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom právě usínal, když zaslechnul klepání na dveře.",Tom was about to fall asleep when he heard a knock on the door.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn "Chodila jsi s Tomem, když jste byli na střední škole, že?","Tom was your boyfriend when you were in high school, wasn't he?",ces_Latn-eng_Latn Počítali jsme s tvojí pomocí.,We're counting on your help.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn "Ublížíš-li druhému, ublížíš i sobě.","If you hurt other people, you hurt yourself too.",ces_Latn-eng_Latn Na nic nesahej!,"Hey, don't touch anything!",ces_Latn-eng_Latn Už nemůžu angličtinu ani vystát.,I'm fed up with English.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn "Usmívejte se do fotoaparátu, prosím.","Smile at the camera, please!",ces_Latn-eng_Latn Chodí do školky.,He goes to kindergarten.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Tak či tak by na tom nemělo záležet.,It shouldn't matter either way.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn "Co jsi jedl, když jsi pobýval v Austrálii?",What did you eat when you were in Australia?,ces_Latn-eng_Latn To je ale krásná kniha.,This is a beautiful book.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Je zaneprázdněna péčí o své děti.,She is busy with the care of her children.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Tom vždycky navaří o víkendu.,Tom does all the cooking on weekends.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn "Kdo umí líp francouzsky, Tom nebo Marie?","Who can speak French better, Tom or Mary?",ces_Latn-eng_Latn Milovala mě tak jak já ji.,She loved me in the same way that I loved her.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn "Mohla bys, prosím tě, zavolat později?","Could you call again later, please?",ces_Latn-eng_Latn "Sotva Tom uslyšel výstřely, vyběhl z domu.","As soon as Tom heard the gunshots, he ran out of the house.",ces_Latn-eng_Latn "Ona je chudá, ale šťastná.","She is poor, but happy.",ces_Latn-eng_Latn Kutub Minar a Červená pevnost se nacházejí v Dillí.,The Qutub Minar and Red Fort are in Delhi.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Váš otec je lékař?,Is her father a doctor?,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Právě jsme dosnídali.,We've just finished breakfast.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Někdo se musí starat o pacienta.,Somebody must care for the patient.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn To je moje sestra. Jmenuje se Julia.,This is my sister. She is called Julia.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Nespi s rozsvíceným světlem.,Don't sleep with the light left on.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Mast už není.,There's no more ointment.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn "Chceš, abych zavolal Toma?",Do you want me to call Tom?,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Narodila se v Americe.,She was born in America.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn "Myslím, že budeme potřebovat Tomovu pomoc.",I think we're going to need Tom's help.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Je mi to ukradený!,I don't give a damn about it!,ces_Latn-eng_Latn O co tu opravdu jde?,What's this really about?,ces_Latn-eng_Latn "Chceš-li, můžeš přijít.",You may come if you like.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Pozor na imitace.,Beware of imitations.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Tyto rifle jsou vytahané.,These jeans are baggy.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Jaký nádherný den!,What a lovely day it is!,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Tvůj návrh vypadá logicky.,Your suggestion seems reasonable.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom nemá rád Mary, ale já ji mám rád.","Tom doesn't like Mary, but I like her.",ces_Latn-eng_Latn Tady je vánoční dárek od něj.,This is a Christmas present from him.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Marino miluje mléko.,Mary likes milk very much.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Tato silnice je pro auta uzavřena.,This road is closed to cars.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Trochu se učím anglicky.,I am learning a little English.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn "Nechtěla, aby zemřel.",She didn't want him to die.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Tom si to chce promyslet.,Tom wants to think it over.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn "Měli by svou zprávu raději vylepšit, jinak nebude přijata.",They'd better beef up their report or it won't be accepted.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn "Rád sleduji, když se svléká.",I like to watch her undress.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Zkušenost bude pro tebe dobrá.,The experience will do you good.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Zmizel s penězi.,He absconded with the money.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Vypadá strhaně svým monotóním každodením životem.,He seems to be oppressed by his monotonous daily life.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Můj strýc zemřel před rokem.,My uncle died a year ago.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn "Jablko, které jsem našel, je zelené.",The apple that I found is green.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Většina lidí chce slyšet jen svou vlastní pravdu.,Most people only want to hear their own truth.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Nikdy jsem nečetl tu knihu.,I never read that book.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Vyhýbal se tomu všemi prostředky.,He avoided it in every way.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Měla na hlavě černý klobouk.,She was wearing a black hat.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn "Nevím, jestli na večírek jít nebo ne.",I don't know whether to go to the party or not.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn "Bylo pro mě samozřejmé, že se přidáš.",I took it for granted that you would join.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Málokdy vychází v neděli.,She rarely goes out on Sundays.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Přišel čas.,It's about time.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Chlapec jel na koni poprvé.,The boy rode a horse for the first time.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Kostel je hned na druhé straně ulice.,The church is just across the street.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Nevěřím v Boha.,I don't believe in God.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Archeologie odhaluje tajemství minulosti.,Archeology reveals the secrets of the past.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Navštívil jsi doktora?,Did you go to see a doctor?,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Bolí mě koleno.,My knee hurts.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Je neslušné zírat na lidi.,It's impolite to stare at people.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Je až po uši zamilovaný do Mary.,He's head over heels in love with Mary.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Jak vyložit tuto větu?,How is this phrase to be interpreted?,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Může se čtení z karet vyplnit ve skutečnosti?,Can tarot card readings come true?,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Pro tebe nepřekládám!,I don't translate for you!,ces_Latn-eng_Latn "Prosím, nedělej to.",Please don't do this.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Susan má ráda kočky.,Susan likes cats.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn "Pochybuji, že přijde.",I'm doubtful that he's going to come.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Nikdy s ním neměla schůzku.,She has never gone on a date with him.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn "Tohle je moje. Nevím, kde je tvoje.",That is mine. I don't know where yours is.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn "Uvidíme, co se teď stane.",Let's see what happens now.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Minulý týden jsme nechali vymalovat Tomův pokoj.,We just had Tom's room painted last week.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Kéž bych ti mohl dát více.,I wish I had more to give you.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Kéž bys mi to byl neřekl.,I wish you hadn't told me.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Tom se zdál být laskavý.,Tom looked like he was attentive.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Také jsem Tomovi neměl věřit.,I shouldn't have trusted Tom either.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Pojďme tu chvíli posedět a poslouchat.,Let's just sit here a while and listen.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Dej to do složky.,Put it in the file.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn "Rozumíte, co říkám?",Do you understand what I'm saying?,ces_Latn-eng_Latn "Když řekla, že je těhotná, málem jsem z toho měl infarkt.","When she told me that she was pregnant, I almost had a heart attack.",ces_Latn-eng_Latn "Ještě jsem nikoho nepoznal, koho bych miloval jako tebe.",I've never met someone that I love as much as I love you.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Jen jsem chtěl říct díky.,I just wanted to say thanks.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Většina kritiky se snesla na předsedy.,The brunt of criticism was borne by the chairmen.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn "Říká, že má ráda květiny.",She says she likes flowers.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn "Pozvali každého, jenom mě ne.",Everyone except me was invited.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Na stole byla kočka.,There was a cat on the table.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Země je pokrytá sněhem.,The ground is covered with snow.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Tom a Mary právě obědvají.,Tom and Mary are now eating lunch.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Tom je pravý muž.,Tom is a real man.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn "Pojďme radši domů, než abychom jedli tady.","Instead of eating here, let's go home.",ces_Latn-eng_Latn Stal se z něj slavný herec.,He became a famous actor.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Jsi zlý člověk.,You are a bad person.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Ještě nepřišel.,He hasn't come yet.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Tom i já jsme velice zaneprázdnění.,Tom and I are very busy.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Výtah je mimo provoz.,The elevator is out of order.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Jsem trochu unavený.,I'm a little bit tired.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Jsem černá ovce rodiny.,I'm the black sheep of the family.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn "Co myslíš, že udělá?",What do you think she is going to do?,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Nastav druhou tvář.,Turn the other cheek.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Jsem v Londýně.,I am in London.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Kde je knihovna?,Where is the library?,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Je mi do zpěvu.,I feel like singing.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Tom si bude stěžovat určitě.,I'm sure Tom will complain.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Zčervenala.,She blushed red.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Představím tě jim.,I'll introduce you to them.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn "Myslí si, že jeho práce nemá smysl.",He thinks his job is pointless.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Setkali jsme se s jedním spisovatelem.,We met a writer.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn "Když se nebudeš chovat, budu ti muset dát zaracha.",If you don't start behaving I'll have to ground you.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Bydlím v Athénách.,I live in Athens.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Viděl jsem jej umřít.,I saw him die.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Zvířata běží.,The animals run.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Nejsem líný.,I'm not lazy.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Mám přátele.,I have friends.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn "Ví, jak si uklidit svůj pokoj.",He knows how to tidy his room.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Had spolkl celou krávu.,The snake swallowed the whole cow.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn "Co myslíš, že jsem jí řekl?",What do you think I told her?,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Jaké plány máš na víkend?,What kind of plans do you have for the weekend?,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Mám žízeň.,I am thirsty.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Mám žízeň. Dal bych si šálek kávy.,I am thirsty. I would like to have a cup of coffee.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn "Protože jsem měl žízeň, napil jsem se vody.","Since I was thirsty, I drank water.",ces_Latn-eng_Latn Mám to!,I have found it!,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Já mám vždy žízeň.,I'm always thirsty.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Nemáš žízeň?,Aren't you thirsty?,ces_Latn-eng_Latn "Mám žízeň. Dejte mi, prosím, něco studeného k pití.",I am thirsty. Please give me something cold to drink.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Šel jsem do kostela dnes ráno.,I went to church this morning.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Prosím smaž tento soubor.,Please delete this file.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Ten soubor je poškozený.,The file is corrupt.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Proč nejít do kina?,Why not go to the movies?,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Který soubor je správný?,Which is the correct file?,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Musíš ten soubor přejmenovat.,You must change the file name.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Žraloci jsou nechvalně známí svou krvežíznivou povahou.,Sharks are infamous for their blood thirsty natures.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Mám velkou žízeň.,I'm very thirsty.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Měl jsem velkou žízeň a chtěl jsem se napít něčeho studeného.,I was very thirsty and I wanted to drink something cold.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Měl velkou žízeň a požádal o trochu vody.,He was very thirsty and asked for some water.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn "Měl takovou žízeň, že by vypil studnu.",He was thirsty enough to drink a well dry.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Chlapec má žízeň.,The boy is thirsty.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Máte žízeň?,Are you thirsty?,ces_Latn-eng_Latn "Piju vodu, protože mám žízeň.",I drink water because I am thirsty.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Oni páchnou.,They smell bad.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Podej vody žíznícím a pokrmu hladovějícím.,Give water to the thirsty and food to the hungry.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Měl jsem hlad a žízeň.,I was hungry and thirsty.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Měl žízeň.,He was thirsty.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Slyšel jsi o německém zákonu o čistotě piva?,Have you heard of the German Beer Purity Law?,ces_Latn-eng_Latn "Než skončil výlet, měli jsme velkou žízeň.",By the end of the trip we were very thirsty.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn "Máš žízeň, chceš vodu?","You are thirsty, do you want water?",ces_Latn-eng_Latn Jsme unavení a máme žízeň.,We're tired and thirsty.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn "Zdá se, že tvůj pes má žízeň.",It looks like your dog is thirsty.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn "Řekni jí, že mám žízeň.",Tell her that I am thirsty.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Nemám žízeň.,I am not thirsty.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Hoši mají žízeň.,The boys are thirsty.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Máš asi žízeň.,You're probably thirsty.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Kůň má žízeň.,The horse is thirsty.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Mám najednou velkou žízeň.,I'm suddenly very thirsty.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Dostal jsem žízeň.,I got thirsty.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn "Kdyby ses tolik nenajedl, nebyl bys teď tak ospalý.","If you had not eaten so much, you would not be so sleepy now.",ces_Latn-eng_Latn "Ne, nejsem ospalý.","No, I'm not sleepy.",ces_Latn-eng_Latn "Vyčisti si zuby, jakkoli jsi ospalý.","Brush your teeth, however sleepy you are.",ces_Latn-eng_Latn Pořád se cítím ospalý.,I always feel sleepy.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn "Spal jsem jen dvě hodiny. Není divu, že jsem ospalý.",I slept only two hours. No wonder I'm sleepy.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Jsem teď velice ospalý.,I'm very sleepy now.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Já jsem dnes taky velmi ospalá.,"I'm very sleepy today, too.",ces_Latn-eng_Latn Tlustá bílá kočka seděla na zdi a pozorovala je ospalýma očima.,A fat white cat sat on a wall and watched them with sleepy eyes.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Zdá se být velice ospalý.,He seems to be very sleepy.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Vypadá ospalá. Možná včera večer zůstala dlouho vzhůru.,She looks sleepy. She may have stayed up late last night.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Jsem ospalý.,I am tired.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Smrt není triviální záležitost.,Death is not a trivial matter.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Vystřihl jsem článek z časopisu.,I cut the article out of the magazine.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn "Víš, čí rodiče to jsou?",Do you know whose parents they are?,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Tehdy jsem začal rozumět.,I then began to understand.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Nevím co budeme dělat.,I don't know what we'll do.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn "Toto oblečení je krásné, ale drahé.","These clothes are beautiful, but pricey.",ces_Latn-eng_Latn "Nevím, co se mohlo stát.",I don't know what could've happened.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Pod postelí je schována spousta černých koček.,There are many black cats hiding under the bed.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn "Mary se tomu smála, když jsem jí to řekl.",Mary laughed about it when I told her.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom se tomu smál, když jsem mu to řekl.",Tom laughed about it when I told him.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn "Rozbij, rozbij zdi mezi lidmi!","Break, break the walls between the peoples!",ces_Latn-eng_Latn Líbí se mi tvé auto.,I like your car.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn """Mary?"", zašeptala Alice.","""Mary?"" Alice whispered.",ces_Latn-eng_Latn Pokusím se to opravit později.,I'll try to fix it later.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Nový počítač je desetkrát rychlejší než ten starý.,The new computer is ten times faster than the old.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn "Nemůžeš-li najít právníka, který zná právo, najdi takového, který zná soudce.","If you can't get a lawyer who knows the law, get one who knows the judge.",ces_Latn-eng_Latn To je trojúhelník.,This is a triangle.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Nezajímá mne materiální zisk.,I'm not interested in material gain.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Nepřijde ti to divné?,Doesn't that seem strange to you?,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Strašně mi chybíš.,I miss you badly.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Čekám na tebe celé dopoledne.,I've been waiting for you all morning.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Tom tě nezastaví.,Tom won't stop you.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Mary byla v každém případě nejhezčí holka na slavnosti.,Mary was definitely the prettiest girl at the party.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Čekám tady skoro tři hodiny.,I've been waiting here nearly three hours.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn "Čekám na to, abych si s tebou promluvil.",I've been waiting to speak with you.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Můj otec je vždy zaneprázdněn.,My father is always busy.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Čekám do noci.,I've been waiting up.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Prostě to zmizelo.,It just vanished.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Tom to nechápe.,Tom doesn't get it.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn V jaké jsi třídě?,What grade are you in?,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Jak se to dělá?,How is it done?,ces_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom nám nemusí pomáhat, pokud nechce.",Tom doesn't have to help us if he doesn't want to.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Musíme jet malou oklikou.,We need to make a slight detour.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Jsem si toho vědom.,I'm aware of that.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Ta loď přepravuje surovou bavlnu.,The ship is carrying raw cotton.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Jaká je vaše národnost?,What's your nationality?,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Nebudu lhát.,I won't lie.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Je obětní beránek.,He's the scapegoat.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn "Jdeš přesně tam, kam jsem chtěl jít.",You're heading exactly where I wanted to go.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Je zubařem.,He is a dentist.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn """Čí jsou to ovce?"" ""Ty jsou moje.""","""Whose sheep are these?"" ""They are mine.""",ces_Latn-eng_Latn Tohle na mě nezkoušej.,Don't come it with me.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Vypadá mladě.,He looks young.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Co si o tom myslíš?,What do you think about it?,ces_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom má vědět, jak to udělat.",Tom is supposed to know how to do that.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Nebylo třeba spěchat.,There was no hurry.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn "Zdálo se, že Tom má vše, co potřebuje.",Tom seemed to have everything he needed.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Před otevřením zatřepejte.,Please shake before opening.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Myji své auto jednou za týden.,I wash my car once a week.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Bude pršet.,It is going to rain.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Tom je můj zubař.,Tom is my dentist.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Kolik by sis přál?,How much would you like?,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Je placen týdenně.,He is paid by the week.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Mluví Marťani anglicky?,Do Martians speak English?,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Mám dvě kočky.,I have two cats.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Usmáli se jeden na druhého.,They smiled at each other.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn "Vše, co jsem vám řekl, je pravda.",Everything I told you is the truth.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn "Už jste někdy viděli tak hezký film, jako je tento?",Have you already seen as nice a movie as this one?,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Jeho příběh mě velmi dojal.,I was very moved by his story.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Věděl jsi to předtím?,Did you know that before?,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Na stanici jsou to dvě míle.,The station is two miles away.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Jeho hrubost mě velice překvapila.,I was surprised by his rudeness.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Šel jsem do nemocnice zeptat se na jeho zdraví.,I went to the hospital to ask about his health.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Co řekl?,What did he say?,ces_Latn-eng_Latn "Podívej se, kdo se vrátil.",Look who's back.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Připadalo nám to jako hra.,It seemed like a game to us.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Jak moc mě miluješ?,How much do you love me?,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Připadlo mi to jako hra.,It seemed like a game to me.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Mluvil jsem s nimi francouzsky.,I spoke French to them.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Nebylo by to vůči tobě fér.,It wouldn't be fair to you.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Viděla jste někoho podezřelého?,Did you see anyone suspicious?,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Tom neřekl ani slovo od svého příchodu sem.,Tom hasn't said a word since he got here.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn "Bojí se, že může přijít pozdě.",He's afraid that he might be late.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Už dlouho jsem o Tomovi nepřemýšlel.,I haven't thought about Tom in a long time.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom nesnáší, když ho lidé nechávají čekat.",Tom hates it when people keep him waiting.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Tom šel do kuchyně a nalil si šálek kávy.,Tom went into the kitchen and poured himself a cup of coffee.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Mám černé oko.,I have a black eye.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Napište váš datum narození.,Write the date of your birth.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Vyhodil jsem to.,I threw it away.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Nikdo nechce mluvit.,No one wants to speak.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Skoro Toma neznám.,I hardly knew Tom.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Jen zmlkněte a poslouchejte!,Just shut up and listen.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Má sestra má ráda sladkosti.,My sister likes sweets.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Představím tě teď zbytku posádky.,I am going to introduce you to the rest of the crew.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Nedávej mu její adresu.,Don't let him know her address.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Došel mi benzín.,I ran out of fuel.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn "Vím, že je ti špatně.",I know you feel bad.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Benzín se používá jako pohonná hmota.,Gasoline is used for fuel.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Tom nelhal.,Tom wasn't lying.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn "Myslím, že jsme ztratili Toma.",I think we lost Tom.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Dal trochu mléka kočce.,He gave some milk to the cat.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn "Byl prvním člověkem, který vystoupil na Mt. Fuji v zimě.",He was the first man to climb Mt. Fuji in winter.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Kdo udělal tyhle fotky?,Who took these pictures?,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Potřebuji odpočinek.,I need to rest.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn To nebyla moje chyba.,It wasn't my mistake.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Mohu tam jít pěšky.,I can go there by foot.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Ta polévka by snesla více česneku.,The soup needs more garlic.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Oba dva psi spí.,Both dogs are asleep.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Japonsko je závislé na importu surovin.,Japan depends on imports for raw materials.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Tom přijel domů v půl třetí.,Tom arrived home at 2:30.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Tom zmínil vaše jméno.,Tom mentioned your name.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Ukázal nám nádherný klobouk.,He showed us a beautiful hat.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Jak to mám používat?,How do I use this?,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Kolik vás je?,How many of you are there?,ces_Latn-eng_Latn "Jsi nejnudnější člověk, kterého znám.",You are the most boring person I know.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn "Chci vědět, co mohu teď mohu udělat.",I want to know what I can do right now.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Málo močím.,I do not urinate much.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Mám hrozně rád oba dva.,I like both of them very much.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Vypadáš jako Frank Sinatra.,You look like Frank Sinatra.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Chce se mi počkat.,I feel like waiting.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Rád poslouchám hudbu.,I love listening to music.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom o tom nic neví, že?","Tom doesn't know anything about this, does he?",ces_Latn-eng_Latn Mají tři děti a ani jedno nemluví anglicky.,"They have three children, and none speaks English.",ces_Latn-eng_Latn Je hezká.,She is beautiful.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Vždy chodí pozdě na hodinu.,He's always late to class.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Vždy si do mě rýpe.,He is always finding fault with me.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Ty bys nelhala.,You wouldn't lie.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn "Nemá smysl se s ním potkávat, když nemáš moc co nabídnout.","There's no point in you meeting them, since you don't have much to offer.",ces_Latn-eng_Latn "Víš moc dobře, jak se to stalo.",You know very well how it happened.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn K tomuhle problému neexistuje jednoduché řešení.,There is no simple solution for this problem.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn "Nemám nic, co bych ti mohla dát.",I don't have anything to give to you.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn "Nemám nic, co bych ti mohl dát.",I don't have anything to give you.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Slyšeli to všichni?,Did everybody hear that?,ces_Latn-eng_Latn "Mnoho povolaných, ale málo vyvolených.","Many are called, but few are chosen.",ces_Latn-eng_Latn Nenechávej rozsvícenou lampičku.,Don't leave the light on.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn "Když jsem otevřel dveře, zjistil jsem, že spí.","When I opened the door, I saw that she was sleeping.",ces_Latn-eng_Latn To jsou mé knihy.,These are my books.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Řekl něco?,Did he say something?,ces_Latn-eng_Latn "Ona ho zná od doby, kdy byli velmi mladí.",She has known him since they were very young.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn "Ještě nikdy nebyla v autě, které by řídil on.",She has never been in a car driven by him.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Byl jsem velmi rozzlobený.,I was very angry.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Mám hnědé vlasy.,I have brown hair.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Tento obchod je otevřen od 9 do 18 hodin.,This shop is open from 9 to 6 o'clock.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Co je na tom špatného?,What's wrong with this?,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Umí dobře hovořit španělsky.,She can speak Spanish well.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn "Vím, co udělal.",I know what he did.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Na to se nedá jednoduše odpovědět.,There is no easy answer.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn "Odkuď jste, Kareno?","Where are you from, Karen?",ces_Latn-eng_Latn Zavolej okamžitě lékaře!,Call the doctor right away.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Cena benzínu stále stoupá.,The cost of gasoline keeps on going up.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Co se ti na ní líbí?,What do you like about her?,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Prodává vůbec ještě někdo olovnatý benzín?,Does anyone actually sell leaded gasoline anymore?,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Dnes jsem koupil benzín za čtyřicet dolarů.,I bought forty dollars' worth of gasoline today.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn "Cena benzínu je tak vysoká, že velké auto si koupit nemůžeme.",The price of gasoline is so high that we cannot buy a big car.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Jaký nádherný pár!,What a charming couple!,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Cisternový kamion s benzínem narazil do brány a vybuchnul.,The gasoline truck ran into the gate and blew up.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Benzín se prodává po litrech.,Gasoline is sold by the liter.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom si myslí, že odpověď je ""ano"".",Tom thinks the answer is yes.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Benzín už není levné palivo.,Gasoline is no longer a cheap fuel.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Přijdeš dolů?,Are you coming down?,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Nevíme zapomenout dát do auta trochu benzínu.,We need to remember to put some gasoline in the car.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Vystoupíš?,Are you getting off?,ces_Latn-eng_Latn "Pozor, zlý pes!",Beware of the dog!,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Šel bych pro ni ohněm v benzínem promočených spodkách.,I'd walk through fire with gasoline-soaked underpants for her.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn "Koukej, mami, umím číst!","Look Mummy, I can read!",ces_Latn-eng_Latn Benzín je hořlavější než mazut.,Gasoline is more flammable than fuel oil.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Benzín je v těchto končinách vzácný.,Gasoline is scarce around here.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Tom cítil benzín.,Tom could smell gasoline.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn "Bydlím v zemi, kde je litr benzínu levnější než litr vody.",I live in a country where the cost of a liter of gasoline is cheaper than the cost of a liter of water.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn O všechno se postarám.,I'm going to take care of everything.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Museli jsme setkání odložit.,We had to put off the meeting.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Tohle už vůbec není vtipné.,That's not funny at all anymore.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Tom vyzvednul kanystr benzínu a dal se do chůze zpět ke svému automobilu.,Tom picked up the can of gasoline and started walking back to his car.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Nemám chuť jí povědět pravdu.,I don't feel like telling her the truth.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn To byl ovčák.,That was a shepherd.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Benzín stojí ve Francii víc než ve Spojených státech.,Gasoline costs more in France than in the United States.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn "Děkuji ti, že jsi přišla.",I thank you for coming.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn "Děkuji ti, že jsi přišel.",Thank you for coming!,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Jíš.,You are eating.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Umí dobře plavat.,She swims well.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Tetanovka mě bolela víc jak to psí kousnutí.,The tetanus shot hurt me more than the dog bite did.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Je taky spisovatel.,"He's a writer, too.",ces_Latn-eng_Latn Snědl salát ze sleďů.,He ate a herring salad.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Máš psa?,Do you have a dog?,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Řekl mi jí něco milého.,He told her something sweet.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Po letech se vrátil.,He came back many years later.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Za to jídlo jsem zaplatil 5 dolarů.,I paid 5 dollars for the food.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Být chudý není ostudou.,There is no shame in being poor.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Tom nemohl vidět nic.,Tom couldn't see anything.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Měla bys té příležitosti využít.,You should take advantage of this chance.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Tom neviděl nic.,Tom saw nothing.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Nevím jak je Tom starý.,I don't know how old Tom is.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Vypadá to hodně draze.,It looks really expensive.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Už ho víc neuvidím.,I won't see him anymore.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Všechno má svůj důvod.,There's a reason for everything.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Jak se to mohlo stát?,How could it have happened?,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Každý třetí v tomto městě vlastní auto.,One out of three people in this city owns a car.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Klimatizace je rozbitá.,The air conditioner is broken.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn "Nemá skoro řádné peníze, ale nějak si vystačí.","He has hardly any money, but he gets by.",ces_Latn-eng_Latn Každý třetí v tomto městě má své vlastní auto.,One out of three persons in this city has his own car.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Ženský šatník není bez černých šatiček kompletní.,A woman's wardrobe isn't complete without a little black dress.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Chytila toho zloděje.,She got the thief.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Má matka dělá koláč.,My mother is making a cake.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Tom musel běžet.,Tom had to run.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Sešla z cesty.,She lost her way.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Zapomeň na to. Nestojí to za to.,Forget it. It's not worth it.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Tom měl pivo.,Tom had a beer.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Máte zdravotní pojištění?,Do you have health insurance?,ces_Latn-eng_Latn To je kostel.,That's a church.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Nafťáky jsou populární v Evropě.,Diesels are popular in Europe.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Automobily s naftovým pohonem jsou populární v Evropě.,Diesel cars are popular in Europe.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Má mě rád?,Does he like me?,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Má mě ráda?,Does she like me?,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Tom jezdí starým nafťákem.,Tom drives an old diesel.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn "Tohle je věta, která má správný počet slabik na haiku.","This is a sentence, that has the syllable count, of a haiku.",ces_Latn-eng_Latn Tom neměl kam jít.,Tom had nowhere to go.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Vůbec nechápu co říkáš.,I can not make out at all what you say.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Ten nákladní vůz je poháněn naftovým motorem.,The truck is powered by a diesel engine.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Tom býval novinářem.,Tom used to be a journalist.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn V neděli do školy nechodím.,I don't go to school on Sunday.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Tom zná Mary.,Tom knows Mary.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Nikdo jí v téhle masce nepozná.,No one will recognize her in this mask.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Nenadechuj se přímo z lahve obsahující benzen.,Don't inhale directly from the bottle containing benzene.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Ráda bych tě viděla.,I'd like to see you.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Rád bych tě viděl.,I would so much love to see you.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn On by to rád slyšel.,He would be glad to hear that.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Nesnáším manuálové stránky bez příkladů.,I hate man pages without examples.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn "Rád bych, kdyby ses s ním setkal, abys vyslechl jeho názor.",I want you to meet him in order to hear his opinion.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Musím pospíchat.,I must hurry.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn "Četl jsem, že prezidentem Brazílie je žena. Jmenuje se Dilma.",I read that the president of Brazil is a woman. Her name is Dilma.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Oba moje rodiče jsou lékaři.,My parents are both doctors.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Velmi rád zkouším nové věci.,I love trying new things.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Poslouchejme hudbu.,Let's listen to music.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn "Neposlouchej ho, plácá nesmysly.","Don't listen to him, he's talking nonsense.",ces_Latn-eng_Latn Takový je život!,So goes life!,ces_Latn-eng_Latn "Chcete, abych odešla?",Do you want me to leave?,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Měl jsi být s námi.,You should've been with us.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Byl tak kromě Toma ještě někdo jiný?,Was there anybody else besides Tom?,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Bylo to strašidelné?,Was it scary?,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Vrátil se do své rodné vesnice.,He returned to his native village.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Čekal jsem až přijede autobus.,I waited for a bus to come.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Byli nemocní.,They were sick.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Zůstanu s ní.,I'll stay with her.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn (On) umí hrát na kytaru.,He can play the guitar.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Prosím oprav to.,Please fix that.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn "Musím jít, i kdyby lilo jako z konve.",I have to go even if it rains cats and dogs.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Objednali jsme si čínu.,We've ordered Chinese food.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn "Už se nepamatuju, co se stalo.",I don't remember what happened anymore.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Snažím se dělat pro všechny to nejelpší.,I'm trying to do what's best for everybody.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Tom nemůže přestat překládat.,Tom can't stop translating.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Tom prodal svůj dům.,Tom sold his house.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Nikdo nám nevěří.,No one trusts us.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn "Nemám rád, když mě přerušují.",I don't like to be interrupted.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn (On) je opilý.,He is drunk.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Tom se snaží dohodnout.,Tom is trying to cut a deal.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Dříve nikdy nebyl problém.,There's never been a problem before.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Mluvit cizím jazykem znamená prolomit hranice. Mluvit více jazyky znamená prolomit jich několik. Mluvit esperantem je chtít je prolomit všechny naráz.,To speak a foreign language is to break a boundary. To speak many languages is to break several. But to speak Esperanto is to want to break all at once.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Tady jste skončili.,You're done here.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Znám ji přes dvacet let.,I've known her for more than twenty years.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Itálie je daleko od Brazílie.,Italy is far from Brazil.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Ráno moudřejší večera.,Sleep off the problem.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn "Nevěděl jsem, odkud to přišlo.",I didn't know where it came from.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Pozval jsi ho?,Did you invite him?,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Zůstat doma není žádná sranda.,Staying home isn't fun.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn "Ne chci jíst buřty na oběd, protože mám raději maso s bramborami.","I don't want to eat sausage for lunch, because I prefer meat with potatoes.",ces_Latn-eng_Latn Chceš kávu?,Would you like some coffee?,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Tatoeba je droga.,Tatoeba is addictive.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Je ještě mladá.,She's still young.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Dveře byly otevřené.,The door was open.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn "Jak se zdá, mohu jít, že jo?","So I can go, right?",ces_Latn-eng_Latn Tom předložil svůj dům na prodej.,Tom has put his house up for sale.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Tom nenávidí rodiče.,Tom hates his parents.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Buďme všichni přáteli.,Let's all be friends.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Čtu tyto noviny.,I'm reading this newspaper.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Kolik stojí dřevěná židle?,How much does the wooden chair cost?,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Proč nám Tom pomáhá?,Why is Tom helping us?,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Doktor cítil svůj pulz.,The doctor felt his pulse.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Chci být taky šťastný.,"I want to be happy, too.",ces_Latn-eng_Latn Bude se starat o mé kočky po dobu mého pobytu v zahraničí.,He will look after the cats for me while I'm abroad.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Tokio má počet obyvatel větší než jakékoli jiné město v Japonsku.,Tokyo has a larger population than any other city in Japan.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Jsem zamilovaný do Tomovo přítelkyně.,I'm in love with Tom's girlfriend.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Park je plný dětí.,The park is filled with children.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Prostě zůstaň tady.,Just stay here.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn V kolik hodin se zavírá muzeum?,What time does this museum close?,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Ten pes se válí po zemi.,The dog is rolling over on the ground.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn S nikým jsem o tom nemluvil.,I haven’t talked about this to anyone.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn "Sněz tu polévku, než vystydne.",Eat your soup before it gets cold.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Zdraví je ten nejlepší dar.,Health is the greatest gift.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Raději bych si s tebou promluvil v soukromí.,I'd prefer to speak to you in private.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn "Marie trvala na tom, že to neudělala.",Mary insisted that she didn't do it.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Bydlíval jsem tu poblíž.,I used to live near here.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Jsou to zlí lidé.,Those are bad people.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Je učitelem?,Is he a teacher?,ces_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom dělá věci, které já dělat nebudu.",Tom does things that I won't do.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Jak je to možné?,How is that possible?,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Dnes jsem navštívil muzeum.,Today I visited a museum.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Z Toma je nyní muž.,Tom is a man now.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn "Podzimní listí křupalo Tomovi pod nohama, jak kráčel po cestě k hlavnímu vchodu Mary.",Autumn leaves crunched under Tom's feet as he walked up the path to Mary's front door.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn "Týden se dělí na sedm dní: pondělí, úterý, středa, čtvrtek, pátek, sobota a neděle.","A week is divided into seven days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.",ces_Latn-eng_Latn Choval se jako džentlmen.,His behavior was that of a gentleman.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Sami to stihl na hodinu přesně na čas.,Sami made it to class on time.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Chodila s ním.,She used to date him.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Lucka má ráda Marii.,Lucy likes Mary.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Nechci o tom teď mluvit.,I don't want to talk about it now.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Tom možná už nikdy nebude moct chodit.,Tom may never be able to walk again.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Potřebuje tě.,She needs you.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Neplánuji tu být tak dlouho.,I don't plan to be here that long.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Chceš kafe?,Do you want coffee?,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Nedaleko je hračkárna.,There is a toy shop in the neighborhood.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Já nemohu tě jen tak tu nechat.,I can't just leave you here.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Zavolám později.,I'll call later.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn "Myslel jsem si, že to stojí za to zkusit.",I thought it was worth a try.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Všimli si toho.,They noticed that.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Nikdo tady není.,There's no one here.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Úplně zešílel!,He went totally apeshit!,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Nestrkej nos do mých věcí.,Keep your nose out of my business.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Umí dobře šplhat na stromy.,She is good at climbing up a tree.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Už jsem tu chybu udělal.,I've already made that mistake.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Vyšla mlčky z pokoje a zavřela dveře.,She went out of the room in silence and closed the door.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Mlčky položila sluchátko telefonu.,She hung up in silence.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Jeho návrh ji rozzuřil.,She was outraged by his proposal.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Ze msty zapálili sousedům dům.,They set fire to their neighbour's house in revenge.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Vysvětlím to později.,I'll explain this later.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Vstala se slzami v očích.,She rose to her feet with tears in her eyes.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn "Nechci, abys to někomu říkal.",I don't want you to tell anyone.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Tom vykoupal to dítě.,Tom gave the baby a bath.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Chci akorát zpátky svoji práci.,I just want my job back.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Jednali na základě informace.,They acted on the information.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn "Jsem Štírka, ale mírná.","I am a Scorpio, but gentle.",ces_Latn-eng_Latn Zkus nebýt hlupák.,Try not to be stupid.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Žádosti byly zamítnuty.,The requests were denied.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Byl zastřelen.,He was shot to death.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn "Budeš si přát, abys byl studoval pilněji.",You'll wish you had studied harder.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Nepřišel.,He did not come.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Má sestra často pláče.,My sister often cries.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Chyběl jsi mi.,I missed you.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Chyběla jsi mi.,I missed you!,ces_Latn-eng_Latn "Vím, že život je krátký.",I know that life is short.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn "Chci, abyste udělali tento test.",Here's a test I want you to take.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Vypráví hodně o otci.,He talks a lot about his father.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn "To by mě zajímalo, proč tolik mluví o svém otci.",I wonder why he talks a lot about his father.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Tom mi dluží poměrně velkou sumu peněz.,Tom owes me a relatively large sum of money.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Tom byl architekt.,Tom was an architect.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Tento muž není můj manžel.,This man isn't my husband.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Tom shodil 30 kilo.,Tom lost 30 kilograms.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Byla to moje chyba.,This was my fault.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom udělá, co bude moci.",Tom will do his best.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn "Chceš, aby pomohli?",Do you want them to help?,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Jsem často nachlazená.,I often catch colds.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Jak ses naučil tak dobře francouzky?,How did you learn to speak French so well?,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Tom chce vidět svého syna.,Tom wants to see his son.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn "Pojď, hraj si se mnou, nudím se!","Come on, play with me, I'm so bored!",ces_Latn-eng_Latn "Jen doufám, že jsem vás nenudil.",I just hope I didn't bore you.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Vyřešil jsem záhadu.,I've figured out the puzzle.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Odkud jsi?,Where are you from?,ces_Latn-eng_Latn "Když muž otevře pro ženu dveře auta, tak je buď žena nová anebo auto nové.","When a man opens the door of a car for a woman, either the woman is new, or the car.",ces_Latn-eng_Latn Chci se učit Nizozemsky.,I want to study Dutch.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Toto jablko je kyselé.,This apple tastes sour.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Nejsem si zvlášť jistá jak tohle slovo vyslovit.,I'm not too sure how to pronounce that word.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Byl rozený umělec.,He was born to be a painter.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Tom určitě nepřestal.,I'm sure Tom didn't just stop.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn "Přestěhovali bychom se do většího domu, kdybychom měli více peněz.",We would move to a bigger house if we had more money.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Součet z pěti a třech je osm.,The sum of 5 and 3 is 8.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Já jsem Tom.,I am Tom.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Chodíš sem často?,Do you come here often?,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Rychle jsem si na to zvykl.,I got used to it quickly.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Tom dovolil Mary ho políbit.,Tom let Mary kiss him.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn "Je nádherný den, že?","It's a beautiful day, isn't it?",ces_Latn-eng_Latn "Nataša se sice narodila v Rusku, ale rusky neumí.","Natasha was born in Russia, but she doesn’t speak Russian.",ces_Latn-eng_Latn "Když zahnete do leva, uvidíte bílou budovu.","If you turn to the left, you'll see a white building.",ces_Latn-eng_Latn "Udělám to tak, jak jsi mi řekl.",I'll do it the way you've told me to do it.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn "Nevěděli jsme, kterým autobusem pojedeme.",We didn't know which bus we would take.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn V Bostonu je mnoho parků.,There are many parks in Boston.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Má matka se o tom nezmínila.,My mother didn't mention it.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Mary chodí na rande se dvěma různými chlapy zároveň.,Mary is dating two different guys at the same time.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Co máte v kufříku?,What do you have in your suitcase?,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Co máš schované za zády?,What do you have hidden behind your back?,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Co máš v pravé ruce?,What do you have in your right hand?,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Láska se neobejde bez žárlivosti.,Love is never without jealousy.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn "Přestože dnes Tom vyrazil z domova dřív, do práce přišel pozdě.","Even though Tom left home early today, he was late for work.",ces_Latn-eng_Latn Co se ti nelíbí?,What don't you like?,ces_Latn-eng_Latn "Problém je ten, že postrádá zkušenosti.",The trouble is that she lacks experience.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Obchod se zavřel v pět hodin.,They closed the shop at five.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Nasedli na metro.,They took the metro.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Opravdu Tom chce dalšího psa?,Does Tom really want another dog?,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Podle Toma je Mary divoká v posteli.,"According to Tom, Mary is wild in bed.",ces_Latn-eng_Latn "Řekl jsem Tomovi, že ho Mary nemá v oblibě.",I told Tom Mary didn't like him.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn "Řekl jsem Tomovi, že si Mary chce půjčit jeho mandolínu.",I told Tom Mary wanted to borrow his mandolin.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Vystoupil na příští zastávce.,He got off at the next bus stop.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn "Řekl jsem Tomovi, že Mary dar nepřijme.",I told Tom Mary wouldn't accept the gift.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Zamýšlel jsem mít tu úlohu touto dobou hotovou.,I'd intended to have my homework finished by now.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn "Promiňte, mám prosbu.","Excuse me, I have a request.",ces_Latn-eng_Latn "Já vím, co tu dělá Tom.",I know what Tom is doing here.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn "Následuj mne, prosím.","Come with me, please.",ces_Latn-eng_Latn "Rozhodl jste se, co si chcete objednat?",Have you decided what you want to order?,ces_Latn-eng_Latn "Zdá se, že všechny holky se zamilovaly do Toma.",All the girls seem to have fallen in love with Tom.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn "Když se chce, tak to jde.","Where there's a will, there's a way.",ces_Latn-eng_Latn Tom je pohledný chlap.,Tom is a handsome guy.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Tom je zajímavý chlap.,Tom is an interesting guy.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Tom je dost přiblblý chlap.,Tom is a pretty stupid guy.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn "Přikázal mi, abych šel sám.",He ordered me to go alone.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Našel jsi další obrázek?,Did you find another picture?,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Potřebuji tě.,I need you.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Nemůžeme ignorovat tento problém.,We can't ignore this problem.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Tom a Mary žijí v McMansionu.,Tom and Mary live in a McMansion.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Mohli byste prosím zavolat doktora?,"Could you call a doctor, please?",ces_Latn-eng_Latn "Vaše jméno, prosím.","Your name, please.",ces_Latn-eng_Latn Obloha se brzy vyjasní.,The sky will soon clear.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Hrávali jsme si spolu.,We used to play together.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Tom a Mary se dostali do hádky.,Tom and Mary got into an argument.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Tvůj názor se nepočítá.,Your opinion doesn't count.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn "Myslím, že Tom je do Mary zamilovaný.",I think Tom is in love with Mary.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn "Kolik myslíš, že Tomovi platí?",How much do you think Tom gets paid?,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Každý muž se postupně postavil a představil se.,Each man stood up in turn and introduced himself.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Kde je táta?,Where is Father?,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Rád bych zemřel na stáří.,I'd like to die of old age.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Můj otec kouří.,My father smokes.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Táta čeká.,Father is waiting.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Za jakým účelem?,For what purpose?,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Dosáhl svého cíle.,He achieved his purpose.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Všechno má svůj cíl.,Everything has a purpose.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Dorazili do Paříže ve stejnou dobu.,They arrived in Paris at the same time.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn "Je to něco, co bych chtěl zkusit udělat.",That's something I'd like to try doing.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn "Není to nic, čeho by ses musel bát.",That's nothing you need to worry about.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Tom sedí na gauči a čte si časopis.,"Tom is sitting on the sofa, reading a magazine.",ces_Latn-eng_Latn Někdo mě vydírá.,Somebody is blackmailing me.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Ta televize byla pořád zapnutá.,The TV was on all the time.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Voda stále vytéká.,Water is still gushing out.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom si neuvědomil, že to Mary potřebuje udělat.",Tom didn't realize Mary needed to do that.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Kéž bych byl tak hezký jako on.,I wish I were as handsome as he.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Neodvážil se něco říci.,He didn't dare say anything.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom měl strach, že se nachladí.",Tom was afraid of catching a cold.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Maria je velmi atraktivní.,Mary is quite attractive.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Má rád kopanou.,He likes soccer.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Kopaná se mi líbí.,I like soccer.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Mám rád kopanou.,I like football.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Udeřil jí do tváře.,He punched her in the face.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Kéž bych mohl na koncert.,I wish I could go to the concert.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Ihned odjíždíme.,We leave immediately.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Jsem opravdu nadšený.,I'm really excited.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn "Řekněme, že máš pravdu.",Let's presume you're right.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Jakým jazykem se mluví v Americe?,What do they speak in America?,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Všechny tyto kytky vypadají stejně.,All those flowers look alike.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Byla ustanovena dočasná vláda.,A temporary government was established.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn "Věděl jsem, že vyhrajeme.",I knew we were going to win.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Ten starý muž přilákal velký dav k sobě svou hudbou.,The old man drew a large crowd around him by his music.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Pořád si stěžuješ.,You're always complaining.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Tom vypadá trochu nesvůj.,Tom is looking a bit embarrassed.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Mám rád obě.,I like both.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Mám ráda obě.,I like them both.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Miluju zvířata.,I love animals.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Tato otázka se objevila často.,This question has often come up.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Vyhoďte židle se zlomenýma nohama.,Throw away the chairs whose legs are broken.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn "Je to pravda, že je mrtvá.",It's true that she's dead.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn "Nečekal jsem, že to bude stát tolik.",I didn't expect it to cost so much.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn "Nečekal jsem, že se Tom zamiluje do Marie.",I didn't expect that Tom would fall in love with Mary.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Můj sen je žít v klidu na venkově.,My dream is to live a quiet life in the country.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Ta poznámka byla od něj.,The note was from him.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Ta kapela hraje velmi dobře.,The band plays really well.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Pekla chléb.,She baked bread.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Tomovi se pobyt zde bude líbit.,Tom is going to like being here.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn "Doufám, že to přehédne.",I hope he will overlook it.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Mohl by sis toho tentokrát nevšímat?,Could you please overlook it this time?,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Neměli bychom přehlížet tomovu minulost.,We can't ignore Tom's past.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Už vážím dost.,I already weigh enough.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Účet dosáhl 500 dolarů.,The bill amounted to 500 dollars.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Je velký chlapec.,He's a big boy.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Je tu někdo?,Is anybody here?,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Kdo je tvůj právník?,Who's your lawyer?,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Ničeho se nebojím.,I fear nothing.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn "Ty si myslíš, že jsem tlustá, že ano?","You think I'm fat, don't you?",ces_Latn-eng_Latn Tito ptáci nemigrují.,These birds don't migrate.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Vážně potřebuje tvoji pomoc.,She really needs your help.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn To je ten hotel.,That's the hotel.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Nemůžeš být tak svědomitý.,You cannot be too diligent.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn "To, co říkají, je pravda.",What they say is true.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Nemůžu tu sklenici otevřít.,I can't open this jar.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Já to nechci.,I don't want it.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Nebuď nedočkavý!,Don't be impatient!,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Je tohle dobrá angličtina?,Is this good English?,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Opravdu si vážím tvé podpory.,I really appreciate your support.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Kdo další nesnáší Toma?,Who else hates Tom?,ces_Latn-eng_Latn "Právě jsem hovořil s tvým učitelem francouzštiny a ten mi řekl, že si na jeho hodinách počínáš dobře.",I've just spoken to your French teacher and he says you're doing well in his class.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Tomovi by se mělo blahopřát.,Tom should be congratulated.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Tvoji právníci tě chtějí vidět.,Your lawyers want to see you.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Oni tam Toma nechtějí.,They don't want Tom there.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Tom se očividně baví.,Tom is obviously enjoying himself.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Už jsi tu knihu přečetl?,Have you read the book yet?,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Gloka kuzdra štěko budlanula bokra a kurd'ači bokře.,A glock coozdre has steckly boodled a boker and is curding a bokerlet.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Má manžela a dvě dcery.,She has a husband and two daughters.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Vždycky jsem chtěl zkusit naučit se francouzský jazyk.,I've always wanted to try to learn French.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn "Takový byl plán, že?","That was the plan, wasn't it?",ces_Latn-eng_Latn Ukrojila jablko nožem.,She cut the apple with a knife.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn "Pamatuji si vzhled toho člověka, ale zapomněl jsem jeho jméno.","I remember the man's face, but forgot his name.",ces_Latn-eng_Latn Vůbec není hezká.,She is far from beautiful.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Vzal si jí kvůli penězům.,He married her for her money.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Jsi můj jediný opravdový kamarád.,You're my only real friend.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Nemám partnera.,I don't have a partner.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Jsi opilý.,You are drunk!,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Zabiju tě.,I'll kill you.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Tom mě přiměl k odchodu.,Tom made me leave.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Mé plány žalostně ztroskotaly.,My plans failed miserably.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Žením se v říjnu.,I'm getting married in October.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Včera nic nesnědl.,He didn't eat anything yesterday.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Vezmeme se v říjnu.,We'll get married in October.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Ještě není ani říjen.,It's not even October yet.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Tom má narozeniny v říjnu.,Tom has a birthday in October.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Jsme tu od října.,We've been here since October.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Tom by měl být do října zpět.,Tom should be back by October.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Tom byl zatčen 20. října.,Tom was arrested on October 20th.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Tom v říjnu zemřel na rakovinu.,Tom died of cancer in October.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Tom tady pracoval do října 2013.,Tom worked here until October 2013.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Kde budeš v říjnu?,Where will you be in October?,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Žena mě opustila v říjnu.,My wife left me in October.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Billův otec byl obchodní cestující.,Bill's father was a traveling salesman.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn "Udělal jsi to jen proto, abys mě naštval?",Did you do that just to annoy me?,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Přijedu dvacátého října.,I'll arrive on October twentieth.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn "Průměrné lidské tělo obsahuje dost kostí, aby vytvořilo celou lidskou kostru.",The average human body contains enough bones to make an entire human skeleton.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Bydlíme tady od října.,We've been living here since October.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Nebyl jsem tam od října.,I haven't been there since October.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn V říjnu tady hodně prší.,It rains a lot here in October.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Jak dlouho to tam trvá autobusem?,How long does it take to get there by bus?,ces_Latn-eng_Latn "Víš, že nemůžu.",You know I can't.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Pracuji v baru.,I work at a bar.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Kdy jsi to koupila?,When did you buy it?,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Četl jsem ten článek.,I read the article.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Můj otec je podnikatel.,My father is a businessman.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Cítím se jaksi unavený.,I'm feeling sort of tired.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Neboj se mluvit na veřejnosti.,Don't be afraid of speaking in public.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Tom stál uprostřed pokoje.,Tom stood in the middle of the room.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Mohl bych si zvyknout tady žít.,I could get used to living here.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Bývala bych ráda jela do Bostonu s tebou.,I would've loved going to Boston with you.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Rád bych býval jel do Bostonu s vámi.,I would have loved going to Boston with you.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn "Byla to dlouhá válka, protože žádná ze stran nechtěla ustoupit.",It was a long war because neither side would give in.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Já to musím mít.,I must have this.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Vůbec to nechápu.,I can't understand this at all.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn "Tatoeba je jako zahrada: musíš zasadit semínka, starat se o ně a pozorovat jejich růst.","Tatoeba is like a garden: you must plant seedlings, tend to them and watch them grow.",ces_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom Mary přesvědčil, aby řekla pravdu.",Tom convinced Mary to tell the truth.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn "Řekla, že je šťastná.",She said that she was happy.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Je mi to opravdu líto!,I'm really sorry!,ces_Latn-eng_Latn "Jsem rád, že vás opět vidím.",I'm glad to see you again.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Baví mě matematika.,I like mathematics.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Miluješ mě?,Do you love me?,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Je mi mnohem lépe.,I feel much better.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Hans je německé jméno.,Hans is a German name.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Je to nezbytné.,This is necessary.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Tom nelže.,Tom doesn't lie.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Co učitel vysvětluje?,What's the teacher explaining?,ces_Latn-eng_Latn To vysvětluje mnohé.,That explains a lot.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Věž se zřítila.,The tower collapsed.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Japonština je náš rodný jazyk.,Japanese is our mother tongue.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Dal mi čaj bez cukru,He gave me tea without sugar.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn "Udělej to ještě, stejně jako předtím.","Do it again, just like before.",ces_Latn-eng_Latn Už s Tomem nežiji,I'm not living with Tom anymore.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Mé dveře jsou vždy otevřené.,My door is always open.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Chlapec se naučil číst.,The boy has learned to read.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Tom nalil Mary sklenku vína.,Tom poured Mary a glass of wine.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Můžu ho teď vidět?,Can I see him now?,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Tvoje chování se mi nelíbí.,I don't like your behavior.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Jak se máš? Dlouho jsem tě neviděl.,How are you going? I haven't seen you for a long time.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Jaká je nejsmutnější píseň na světě?,What's the saddest song in the world?,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Tom chce Mary zpátky.,Tom wants Mary back.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn "Myslím, že jen musíme být trpěliví.",I think we just have to be patient.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Pan White přečetl některé dopisy díků svým studentům.,Mr White read out some letters of thanks to his students.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Ten návrh zákona prošel na poslední chvíli.,The bill passed at the last moment.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Ta poznámka byla mířená na tebe.,The remark was aimed at you.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Jaké místnosti jsou ve tvém domě?,What rooms are there in your house?,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Tom mi připomíná svého otce.,Tom reminds me of his father.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Čekám na další kapitolu.,I wait for the next chapter.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Jsi složitý a nenapravitelný.,You are difficult and incorrigible.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Tom je velmi opatrný.,Tom is very careful.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Každý má nějaké nedostatky.,Everybody has some faults.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn "Myslím, že nemůžeš pochopit ten pocit, aniž bys byl ze stejné generace.",I think you can't understand that feeling unless you're from the same generation.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Tom mi dluží třicet dolarů.,Tom owes me thirty bucks.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Lev vyrval maso z mrtvé žirafy.,The lion ripped the flesh from the dead giraffe.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn "Pokud jdeš odpoledne do knihovny, vrátil bys pro mě prosím dvě knížky, když tam budeš?","If you are going to the library this afternoon, would you please return two books for me whilst you are there?",ces_Latn-eng_Latn Tom celou tu věc prospal.,Tom slept through the whole thing.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Tom velmi přemýšlel.,Tom has been doing a lot of thinking.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Nemám to číslo.,I don't have the number.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn "To jsou ty nejhnusnější boty, které jsem kdy viděl.",They're the ugliest shoes I've ever seen.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Proč v úterý zůstává doma?,Why does she stay at home on Tuesdays?,ces_Latn-eng_Latn "Musíme se rozhodnout, a to rychle.","We have to decide, and soon!",ces_Latn-eng_Latn Tom vypadá nepřátelsky.,Tom seems unfriendly.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Dan bude příští týden mrtev.,Dan will be dead next week.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Musím Mary naučit anglicky.,I have to teach Mary English.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Včera jsem byl velmi opilý.,I was really drunk last night.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Po škole se sejdu s přítelem.,I'm meeting a friend after school.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Jsi plešatý?,Are you bald?,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Tom to ukryl za dveřmi.,Tom hid it behind the door.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Ruka ruku myje.,One hand washes the other.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Toto je dlouhý seznam.,This is a long list.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Na co se to vy dva díváte?,What are you two staring at?,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Už nemusím nosit brýle.,I don't have to wear glasses any more.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Tohoto pracovníka je lehké nahradit.,This worker is easy to replace.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Tom ukázal svou odvahu tváří v tvář nebezpečí.,Tom showed his courage in the face of danger.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Je nic než lhář.,He is nothing but a liar.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Tom si koupil Geigerův čítač.,Tom bought a Geiger counter.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Nevěřili mi.,They did not believe me.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom mi řekl, že býval bohatý.",Tom told me he used to be rich.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Proč to Tom dělal?,What did Tom do that for?,ces_Latn-eng_Latn "Bojíš se, že mám pravdu, že?","You're afraid that I'm right, aren't you?",ces_Latn-eng_Latn Tom se už nebojí.,Tom isn't afraid anymore.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Měl bys Tomovi dát trochu času.,You should give Tom some time.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Utekla ze své země.,She fled her country.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom nemá s kým si hrát, tak je osamělý.","Tom has no one to play with, so he's lonely.",ces_Latn-eng_Latn Neotravuj mě.,Don't bother me.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Hoď ten balón Tomovi.,Throw the ball to Tom.,ces_Latn-eng_Latn Kao malago' hao bumaila yan guåhu?,Would you like to dance with me?,cha_Latn-eng_Latn Para guiya u åpåsi todu.,She will pay for everything.,cha_Latn-eng_Latn Guidza i taotao ni matmo korason nya ninangga.,He is a man whose heart is filled with hope.,cha_Latn-eng_Latn Ohala homlo' hao ti åpmam.,I hope that you will get well soon.,cha_Latn-eng_Latn Ågang i polisia!,Call the police!,cha_Latn-eng_Latn Humanao si nana-nya para estados unidos para u edzak fino' ingles.,Her mother went to the United States to learn English.,cha_Latn-eng_Latn "Sa' ni hafa hongga ginen guidza, hu fongge' gue' ta'lo.","Because I didn't hear from him, I wrote to him again.",cha_Latn-eng_Latn Gaige si tåta gi kusina?,Is dad in the kitchen?,cha_Latn-eng_Latn Taimanu na linekka' ogsŏ' fuji?,How high is Mt. Fuji?,cha_Latn-eng_Latn Man ma'udai gi tren.,They got into the train.,cha_Latn-eng_Latn "Anai mafiti pat magualu sakkan-hu, hu tutuhon mamåhan kandi ni salape'hu mismo ya todo i tiempu hu fåfahan måsmelu.","When I was 17 or 18 years old, I started buying candy with my own money and I always bought marshmallows.",cha_Latn-eng_Latn "Maila' mågi, ga'lågȗ.",Come here doggie.,cha_Latn-eng_Latn Gof respetadzon attista siha idza frånsia.,Artists are highly respected in France.,cha_Latn-eng_Latn Mangangasi si Tom.,Tom is teasing.,cha_Latn-eng_Latn Umadotgan i hugua kuåttȗ.,The two rooms are connected.,cha_Latn-eng_Latn Debi bai få'pos på'guguha'?,Do I need to leave immediately?,cha_Latn-eng_Latn Bai karera gi ega'an.,I leave in the morning.,cha_Latn-eng_Latn Dzan hagu lokkue'.,Don't mention it.,cha_Latn-eng_Latn Esti na måkina ma fåbrika idza frånsia.,This machine was manufactured in France.,cha_Latn-eng_Latn Siempre dzamu gue'.,You'll come to like her.,cha_Latn-eng_Latn Sen triste dzu' tumungo' na mumatai si tatamu.,It saddens me greatly to know that your father died.,cha_Latn-eng_Latn Adzu siha na tånŏ' eståba påttěn frånsia.,Those countries used to belong to France.,cha_Latn-eng_Latn "Adahen maolek, na gi papa' enao siha na kondishon, tåya remedio ki tafan ñodda' otrŏ fafahan.","Bear in mind that, under such circumstances, we have no alternative but to find another buyer.",cha_Latn-eng_Latn Todȗ taotåguě man mafa'nyågŏ librě jzan manačaigua mamiresě respetȗ jzan tininas. Man manå'ě abilidåt rason jzan kunsiensa jza ufan átråta unŏ jzan otrȗ kȗmŏ mohon manye'lŏ.,All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.,cha_Latn-eng_Latn Maolek pågȗ. Cha'mȗ luhan. Sinya un angkokku dzŏ' gåtos pot gåtos.,It's OK now. Don't worry. You can depend on me one hundred percent.,cha_Latn-eng_Latn Dångkulŏ gumå'hu.,My house is big.,cha_Latn-eng_Latn Atanon i kastidzu.,That castle is beautiful.,cha_Latn-eng_Latn Sinya un kånnu' todo malago'mȗ.,You can eat all you want.,cha_Latn-eng_Latn Ni ti tinaka' hugua såkkan mumedzing fumino' pottuges si Melissa.,Melissa became fluent in Portuguese in less than two years.,cha_Latn-eng_Latn Håfa na'ånmŏ?,What is your name?,cha_Latn-eng_Latn Man komite ham pot prutekshon famagu'on.,We are in commission concerning the protection of children's rights.,cha_Latn-eng_Latn Guåha dångkulŏn plåsan kareta gi me'nan estasion tren.,There is a large parking lot in front of the station.,cha_Latn-eng_Latn Nina'matman i gobetnadot ni ineppen i komishon.,The governor was surprised by the commission's response.,cha_Latn-eng_Latn Båsȗn taifondȗ.,It's a cup without a saucer.,cha_Latn-eng_Latn Kuåntŏ i kumishŏn?,How much is the commission?,cha_Latn-eng_Latn Sigi ha' mås man netbiŏs.,They became more and more nervous.,cha_Latn-eng_Latn "Guåhŏ bai falag i tasi, lao hågŏ, otronya påtti, un falag i eskuela.","I will go to the sea, but you, on the other hand, will go to school.",cha_Latn-eng_Latn """Nobelu? Hu chatli'ě' nobelu."" Ai musa, asi'ě' guě' ni chatfino'nya.","""Novels? I hate novels."" Oh muse, forgive her blasphemy.",cha_Latn-eng_Latn Håfa gi ofisina?,How's things at the office?,cha_Latn-eng_Latn Kinalesan kabadzȗ i dos guihi na puengi.,The couple took a horse carriage that evening.,cha_Latn-eng_Latn "Guaha hu hungok. Imposipblě, tåya' taotao gi halom guma'.","""I heard something."" ""Impossible, there's nobody in the house.""",cha_Latn-eng_Latn "Gi sena gi sigenti dia, ha introdusi dzu' gi asaguånya.","The next day, at suppertime, I was introduced to her husband.",cha_Latn-eng_Latn "Dzanggěn lataftaf mohon kahulŏ' si Sam, ti umadingo ni bås.","If Sam had woken up earlier, he wouldn't have missed the bus.",cha_Latn-eng_Latn "Enfin, hu uma i tåguan tataotaonya gi 'inai.","At last, I brought her exhausted body upon the beach.",cha_Latn-eng_Latn I kabådzu tai kangilung; i guaka yan kinilu man gai kangilung.,The horse doesn't have horns; the ox and the sheep have horns.,cha_Latn-eng_Latn En faktutura tulȗ' pot gåtus (3%) na kumishȗn.,We charge a commission of 3%.,cha_Latn-eng_Latn Pumåra macho'chȗ i bisikletåhu.,My bicycle has gone out of commission.,cha_Latn-eng_Latn Mahuchom esti na kåha.,This register is out of commission.,cha_Latn-eng_Latn "An bumiåhe dzu', ganyahu plinen.","When I travel, I prefer to travel by air.",cha_Latn-eng_Latn "Hafa adai, guahu si Nancy.","Hello, I am Nancy.",cha_Latn-eng_Latn Man ririses i famagu'on på'gŏ.,The students are having a recess now.,cha_Latn-eng_Latn Man dångkulȗ esti siha na ga'lågŏ.,These dogs are big.,cha_Latn-eng_Latn Meggai na mansåbě ma konsidedera esti na te'ori.,Most experts think a lot of his theory.,cha_Latn-eng_Latn Ti presiso un kuenta enao na fåktŏ.,You need not take account of the fact.,cha_Latn-eng_Latn Ha nyangon dzu' gi sigenti oga'an: Ta buetta hit Paris. Ilegnya ti guailadzi bai såga na maisa gi adzu na lugåt na'mase'. Depotsi taiguenao.,"The following morning she said close to my ears: ""We're going back to Paris tonight. He says that there's no way that he'll leave me alone in such a sad place. That's how it is.""",cha_Latn-eng_Latn Pådzon-niha i man rikȗ ma dispresia i mamobblî.,The rich are apt to look down upon the poor.,cha_Latn-eng_Latn Poddung i presiun kåtně.,The price of meat dropped.,cha_Latn-eng_Latn Adzuda yȗ' sumoda'ě kŏtbåta ni umaddza dzan esti na såkȗ.,Help me pick out a tie to go with this suit.,cha_Latn-eng_Latn Naturåt para guidza fumino' franses.,It comes natural to him to speak French.,cha_Latn-eng_Latn "Maolek esti na gaseta, no?","It's a very good newspaper, isn't it?",cha_Latn-eng_Latn Umetupak si Jim ginen i bantalå'an.,Jim went fishing from the pier.,cha_Latn-eng_Latn Cha'ot-hu kuåttŏ nai bula man-tsitsipa.,Being in a room full of smokers is my pet peeve.,cha_Latn-eng_Latn Umaksidentî sa' båba mañugon.,The accident was due to bad driving.,cha_Latn-eng_Latn Humahalom dzȗ' hådzî tumutuhon i fåbulas tsispas.,I wonder who started that rumor.,cha_Latn-eng_Latn Ni håfa na lengguåhě un estudia ti siña hao sin diksionårio.,"Whatever language you study, you cannot do without a dictionary.",cha_Latn-eng_Latn Minegaiña na taotao ma kontra gera.,The people at large are against war.,cha_Latn-eng_Latn "Månu na pen anako'ña, ini pat enao?","Which is longer, this pen or that one?",cha_Latn-eng_Latn Ma na'atlibes i preposiȗn lai åntěs di ma påsa.,The bill was eviscerated before being passed by the legislature.,cha_Latn-eng_Latn Ha esgaihon dzu' si George asta i gimå'hu.,George accompanied me home.,cha_Latn-eng_Latn Ma'å'ñao si Mary ga'lågȗ.,Merry is scared of dogs.,cha_Latn-eng_Latn I mediu tempo na hotnaleru siha impottante påtten niha gi kinalamten i ekonomia.,Part-time workers play an important role in the development of the economy.,cha_Latn-eng_Latn Hafa adai tatatmanu hao?,"Hello, how are you?",cha_Latn-eng_Latn Agupa' påguan notze buena.,Tomorrow is Christmas Day.,cha_Latn-eng_Latn Na' adzao dzȗ' fan salåppî'.,Would you lend me some money?,cha_Latn-eng_Latn I Komision ma konklusa na ahě' i ineppi.,The commission concluded that the answer was no.,cha_Latn-eng_Latn Todȗ mannyichi'.,They all smiled.,cha_Latn-eng_Latn Guåha traidot entre hita.,We have a traitor among us.,cha_Latn-eng_Latn "I ""A"" sinku biåhe anako'nya ki i ""B"".",A is 5 times as long as B.,cha_Latn-eng_Latn Sa' håfa na tanto taotao mabisisita Kyoto?,Why do so many people visit Kyoto?,cha_Latn-eng_Latn Tådza' guåha bai enakompanya hao gi pokatmŏ?,May we accompany you on your walk?,cha_Latn-eng_Latn Un fabobot pat un kokontra i planuña ni ha proponě gi miting?,Are you for or against the plan he put forward at the meeting?,cha_Latn-eng_Latn Tanga didide' si biuhu.,My grandfather is a bit hard of hearing.,cha_Latn-eng_Latn Enao guě' mås dångkulȗ propbleman måmě.,That was our biggest problem.,cha_Latn-eng_Latn Geftao dzan plasidȗ si Tom.,Tom is generous and kind.,cha_Latn-eng_Latn Onların ziyan olmasına izin verme.,Don't let them go to waste.,cha_Latn-eng_Latn Ni ngai'an nahong un linguåhe.,One language is never enough.,cha_Latn-eng_Latn I la manche/English Channel sumepåpara inglatera dzan frånsia.,The English Channel separates England and France.,cha_Latn-eng_Latn Numangu si Tom gi saddŏk,Tom is swimming in the river.,cha_Latn-eng_Latn I geran gof tumutuhŏn i dekådan 1990.,The 1990s began with the Gulf War.,cha_Latn-eng_Latn Numangu si Tom kada' ha'åně.,Tom goes swimming every day.,cha_Latn-eng_Latn Ha osgi si tatånya.,She takes after her father.,cha_Latn-eng_Latn Måsa i mansåna,The apple is ripe.,cha_Latn-eng_Latn Guse'nya ha na'fonhådzan che'cho'nya gi nigap.,She must have finished the work yesterday.,cha_Latn-eng_Latn Punȗ' i kandit.,He turned off the light.,cha_Latn-eng_Latn Chatmata guě'.,He has poor eyesight.,cha_Latn-eng_Latn "I palåbran ""amour"" ginen i ottsitan i trobadores, sinoke humudzongya ""ameur"".","The French word ""amour"" comes from the Occitan language through the troubadours, otherwise it would be ""ameur"".",cha_Latn-eng_Latn Inglatera un tåno' anai ti man inå'atmas i polisia.,England is a land where the policemen carry no revolvers.,cha_Latn-eng_Latn Håfa uttimoña esti na dråma?,How does this drama end?,cha_Latn-eng_Latn Sa' håfa na i mattsing mås kalan taotao ke otro gå'ga'?,Why have the apes evolved more than other animals?,cha_Latn-eng_Latn Mappot ma esplikan ñaihon håfa kumeke ilegña.,It is difficult to convey the meaning exactly.,cha_Latn-eng_Latn Umaliansa islan dzan frånsia.,Iceland entered into an alliance with France.,cha_Latn-eng_Latn Hu nesisita i kemmŏn.,I have to use the bathroom.,cha_Latn-eng_Latn I presidenten frånsia ha bisita Okinawa.,The President of France visited Okinawa.,cha_Latn-eng_Latn Ti menosña interisåntě esti na lepblŏ ki enao.,This book is not less amusing than that one.,cha_Latn-eng_Latn Ni håfa kinano'ña asta ke guě' ma reskåta.,She did not eat anything until she was rescued.,cha_Latn-eng_Latn Si Tom ha fafata na påtgon riku guě'.,Tom claimed he was the son of a rich man.,cha_Latn-eng_Latn Ti pot håfa lao umo'otru i asaguanya yanggen ha sangan nyanyaihon dzu'. Lao diberas dimasiau lokkue ha mensionan nyaihon dzu'.,"For some reason, her husband seemed to dislike that she spoke of me. In truth, she talked too much about me.",cha_Latn-eng_Latn "Taimanu masångan-ña ""good bye"" gi fino' Aleman?","How do you say ""good bye"" in German?",cha_Latn-eng_Latn I hues ha talabira i desision finåt.,The judge reversed the final decision.,cha_Latn-eng_Latn Muna'huyong si Yu'us i tåno'.,God created the world.,cha_Latn-eng_Latn Kao siña hu ayuda hao?,May I help you?,cha_Latn-eng_Latn Deposita esti na tsek gi akuentahu tsek.,Deposit this check in my checking account.,cha_Latn-eng_Latn Mås ki hu 'agradesi i inadzudåmŏ.,I am more than grateful to you for your help.,cha_Latn-eng_Latn Bai hu konne' hao guatu guihi.,I'll take you there.,cha_Latn-eng_Latn Oi? Gagaigě hao ha'?,Hello? Are you still here?,cha_Latn-eng_Latn Me'nan esti guě' hafa hu chocho'guě diåriȗ.,I swear this is what I do every morning.,cha_Latn-eng_Latn Ha såsangan si Tom na tulo simåna guě' ti chumochȗ.,Tom claimed that he had not eaten for three weeks.,cha_Latn-eng_Latn Ilegnya si Tom na karetånya adzu i ta li'ě' gi nigap ni guaguan yan agaga'.,Tom claimed that he owned that expensive-looking red car we saw yesterday.,cha_Latn-eng_Latn Ti guidzadza libiånŏ esti na tso'tsu'.,This work is not necessarily easy.,cha_Latn-eng_Latn Håfa tatamanu hao?,How are you?,cha_Latn-eng_Latn Åpmam tiempo ti hu li'e hao.,"Long time, no see.",cha_Latn-eng_Latn Håyi nå'ån-mu?,What's your name?,cha_Latn-eng_Latn Nå'ån-hu si Jack.,My name is Jack.,cha_Latn-eng_Latn Taotao månu hao?,Where are you from?,cha_Latn-eng_Latn "Taotao månu hao, Karen?","Where are you from, Karen?",cha_Latn-eng_Latn Ta fañocho!,Enjoy your meal!,cha_Latn-eng_Latn Ginen gumera frånsia dzan rusia.,France was at war with Russia.,cha_Latn-eng_Latn Malagȗ' dzu' malak frånsia.,I would like to go to France.,cha_Latn-eng_Latn Buen biåhe.,I hope you have a good trip.,cha_Latn-eng_Latn Mångge i kemmon?,Where's the toilet?,cha_Latn-eng_Latn Hu guiaya hao.,I love you.,cha_Latn-eng_Latn Bula håsuli iyo-ku hovercraft.,My hovercraft is full of eels.,cha_Latn-eng_Latn Si Mary mås gagȗ' entrě man-ga'tsongya eskuela.,Mary's the laziest of her schoolmates.,cha_Latn-eng_Latn Umaguaiya si Nicholas yan si Maria.,Nicholas and Maria love each other.,cha_Latn-eng_Latn Umatungo' i dos palao'an.,The two women know each other.,cha_Latn-eng_Latn Pot fabot tuge' fan påpa'.,Please write it down.,cha_Latn-eng_Latn Machocho'chȗ' si Harry gi tienda oran tanoris.,Harry works part-time at the local supermarket.,cha_Latn-eng_Latn 我們試試看!,Let's have a look.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我该去睡觉了。,We should go to sleep.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 你在干什麼啊?,What are you doing?,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 這是什麼啊?,What is this?,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 今天是6月18号,也是Muiriel的生日!,Today is June 18th and it is Muiriel's birthday!,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 生日快乐,Muiriel!,"Happy birthday, Muiriel!",cmn_Hans-eng_Latn Muiriel现在20岁了。,Muiriel has turned twenty.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn "密码是""Muiriel""。","The password is ""Muiriel"".",cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我很快就會回來。,I will be back soon.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我不知道。,I don't know.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我不知道應該說什麼才好。,I'm at a loss for words.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 這個永遠完不了了。,This is never going to end.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我只是不知道應該說什麼而已……,I just don't know what to say.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 那是一隻有惡意的兔子。,That was an evil bunny.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我以前在山里。,I was in the mountains.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 那是一张近照吗?,Is it a recent picture?,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我不知道我有沒有時間。,I don't know whether I have time or not.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 剛才我的麥克風沒起作用,不知道為什麼。,For some reason the microphone didn't work earlier.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 到了最後,大家一定要靠自己學習。,Everyone must learn on their own in the end.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 世界上的教育都讓我失望。,Education in this world disappoints me.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 选择什么是“对”或“错”是一项艰难的任务,我们却必须要完成它。,"It is a difficult task, choosing what is ""right"" or ""wrong"", but you have to do it.",cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 這樣做的話什麼都不會改變的。,That won't change anything.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 這個要三十歐元。,This will cost €30.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我一天賺一百歐元。,I make €100 a day.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 也许我会马上放弃然后去睡一觉。,I may give up soon and just nap instead.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 那是不會發生的。,That won't happen.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我会尽量不打扰你复习。,I will try not to interrupt you while you are studying.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 不要擔心。,Don't be worried.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我很想你。,I miss you.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我明天回來的時候會跟他們聯絡。,I'll call them tomorrow when I come back.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我一直都比較喜歡神秘一點的人物。,I always liked mysterious characters more.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 你應該去睡覺了吧。,You should sleep.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我要走了。,I'm going to go.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我請他們再寄給我一張票。,I told them to send me another ticket.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我不能活那種命。,I can't live that kind of life.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我曾經想過當個太空物理學家。,I once wanted to be an astrophysicist.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我從來沒喜歡過生物學。,I never liked biology.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 可惜这是真的。,It is unfortunately true.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 大部份的人覺得我瘋了。,Most people think I'm crazy.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 不,我不是!你才是!,No I'm not; you are!,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 那是我該說的話!,That's MY line!,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 他在踢我!,He's kicking me!,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 你肯定吗?,Are you sure?,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 那就表示有問題...,Then there is a problem...,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 哦!有一隻蝴蝶!,"Oh, there's a butterfly!",cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 趕快!,Hurry it up!,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 如果我可以像那樣的話...,If I could be like that...,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 你是在跟我開玩笑吧?!,Are you freaking kidding me?!,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我長大後想當國王。,"When I grow up, I want to be a king.",cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我好胖哦。,I'm so fat.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 那又怎樣?,So fuckin' what.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我要把他射下來。,I will shoot him.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 那是因為妳是女生。,That's because you're a girl.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我会不高兴,但我不会自杀。,"I'd be unhappy, but I wouldn't kill myself.",cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 以前讀高中的時候﹐我每天早上六點起床。,"Back in high school, I got up at 6 a.m. every morning.",cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 你問這個幹什麼?,Why do you ask?,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 你待了多久?,How long did you stay?,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我不知道它是从哪里来的。,I didn't know where it came from.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 這個不重要。,This is not important.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 哪裡有問題?,Where is the problem?,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 不要再把我当成“正常” 人!,Don't treat me as common people.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 所有被发明的都是真的。,"All that which is invented, is true.",cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 感到惊讶、感到惊奇就是明白的开始。,"To be surprised, to wonder, is to begin to understand.",cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 宇宙毫无疑问是无限的。,There's no doubt: the universe is infinite.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 要变得完美,她就是少了一个缺点。,To be perfect she lacked just one defect.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 然而,相反的理论往往也是真的。,"And yet, the contrary is always true as well.",cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我们看东西不是看其实质,而是以我们的主观意识看它们的。,"We don't see things as they are, but as we are.",cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 世界就是一个疯子的囚笼。,This world is just an insane asylum.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我叫Jack。,My name is Jack.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 从来就没有徒劳的爱情。,Love is never wasted.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 生活就是當你忙著進行你的計劃時總有其他的事情發生。,Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 没有欲望就等于拥有。,Not wanting is the same as having.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 聖誕節快樂!,Have a good Christmas.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 罗马不是一天建成的。,Rome was not built in a day.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 你是从哪个国家来的?,Which country are you from?,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 你要待多久?,How long are you going to stay?,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 那個在教室寫信的人是我的朋友。,That person writing the letter in the classroom is my friend.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 他喜歡看他爸爸在美國寫的中文書。,He likes to read the Chinese book his father wrote in America.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 你想買什麼給他?,What do you want to buy for him?,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 他没钱买新车。,He does not have the money for buying a new car.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 他写了一封情书给我。,He wrote me a love letter.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 咬我手的就是这条狗。,It was that dog that bit my hand.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 他没有能力买新车。,He can't afford to buy a new car.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 她很喜歡看中文書。,She loves to read Chinese books.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我們為甚麼不幫他們?,Why don't we help them?,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 總是在下雨。,It's always raining.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我還是單身。,I'm still single.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 你昨天有沒有打電話給他?,Did you call him up yesterday?,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 只要你微笑,我就会高兴。,"If you smile, I'll be happy.",cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 箱子残破。,The box is broken.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 今天是星期三。,Today is Wednesday.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我覺得看電視很浪費時間。,I think of watching TV as a waste of time.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 你有两本书。,You have two books.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 加拿大比日本大。,Canada is larger than Japan.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 請把枕頭和毯子拿給我。,Please take the pillow and blanket and give them to me.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 他工作時發生意外,受了傷。,He got hurt in the accident at work.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 希望你父母會讓我們結婚吧。,I hope that your parents will allow us to marry.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 他賺那麼多錢,根本用不完。,He earns more money than he can spend.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 他在門前走來走去,不知道該不該進去。,"He walked back and forth in front of the door, hesitating to enter.",cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我們之間已經沒有感情了。,I don't like him any more than he likes me.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 這條領帶多少錢?,How much is this tie?,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我不同意你這個觀點。,I can't go along with you on that point.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 這個問題暫時放在一邊。,That problem has been shelved for the time being.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我父亲现在在医院。,My father is in the hospital now.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 盡可能地多閱讀書籍。,Read as much as possible.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 法语课过得怎样?,How was the French class?,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我相信他會獲勝。,I believe he can win.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 她被她自己的影子嚇到。,He is afraid of his own shadow.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 你們應該多吃纖維。,You need to eat more fiber.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 對我而言這是重要的。,"For me, it is important.",cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 强宾不压主。,A guest should not try to make himself superior to the host.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 他的所有朋友都认为他很幸福。,All his friends believed him happy.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我介绍一下。,Let me introduce it.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 有些相片是冒著生命危險拍的。,Some of the photos have been taken at the risk of life.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我有越南朋友。她叫仙。,I have a Vietnamese friend. Her name is Tiên.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 汤姆正在打扫他的房间。,Tom is cleaning his room.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 房间没有桌子.,There are no tables in the room.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 奇怪。,This is strange.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 凱薩琳已成为皇室的正式成员。,Kate has become a full member of the royal family.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 英国皇家的一位高级人员告诉了CNN,剑桥公爵夫人嫁给威廉王子 一年之后,达到了所有的目标,并且成功地成为了英国皇室的“正式成员”。,"A senior royal told CNN that the Duchess of Cambridge has fulfilled all of her objectives one year after marrying Prince William and has become a ""full member"" of the British monarchy.",cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 代表她、威廉还有他的弟弟哈利的聖詹姆斯宮现在认为,凱薩琳的“入会时期”已经结束了。,"St James Palace represents her, William and his brother Harry, and now regards her ""induction"" as complete.",cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 知情者也说,剑桥公爵夫人对近十二个月的成就也感觉“满意”。,"The source also said that the Duchess of Cambridge feels ""fulfilled"" by her achievements over the last twelve months.",cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 现在太晚了。,It's too late now.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn Luke,我是你的表妹。,"Luke, I am your cousin.",cmn_Hans-eng_Latn Luke,我是你的爸爸。,"Luke, I am your father.",cmn_Hans-eng_Latn Luke,我是你的兒子。,"Luke, I am your son.",cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我們都想知道她為什麼甩了這麼好的一個男人。,We all wondered why she had dumped such a nice man.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn """ 我已經長大了不玩蟲了"",這個男孩說。","""I'm too old to be playing with bugs,"" said the boy.",cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 對於這個計劃我同意他的意見。,I agreed with him on the plan.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 那些失去父母双亲的孩子被称为孤儿。,"Children whose parents are dead are referred to as ""orphans"".",cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我抓到了這個男人正在偷錢。,I caught the man stealing the money.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我四點要離開。,I am leaving at four.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 他們明天晚上都會去北京大學上課。,"Tomorrow night, they will all go to Beijing University to attend class.",cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 不可殺人。,Thou shalt not kill.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我是一名電腦科學家。,I'm a computer scientist.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我請她出去約會。,I asked her out on a date.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我給她買了一個不錯的聖誕禮物。,I bought her a nice Christmas present.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我沒做不尋常的事。,I did nothing out of the ordinary.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 貝蒂似乎對這個消息感到驚訝。,Betty seemed surprised at the news.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我確定他們會贏。,I'm sure they'll win.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我不了解他。,I can't figure him out.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我現在正在踢足球。,I'm playing football now.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 等火車很無聊。,It's boring to wait for a train.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 爱不释手,Something can't get out of hand.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 她欣喜若狂。,She was beside herself with joy.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 你爺爺住在哪裡?,Where does your grandfather live?,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 下午可能會下雪。,It may snow in the afternoon.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 所有月份中我最喜歡五月。,I like May the best of all the months.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我會帶他跟我一起去醫院。,I'll take him with me to the hospital.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我再来试试。,I'll try again.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 你吃过饭了没,Have you eaten?,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 老師說地球是圓的。,The teacher said that the earth is round.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 这个计划现在正在讨论中。,This plan is being discussed right now.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 你嘗過真正飢餓的滋味嗎?,Do you know what it is like to be really hungry?,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我吃了魚子醬。,I ate caviar.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我是跑得最快的人。,I am the fastest runner.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我是最快的跑者。,I'm the fastest runner.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我聽不太清楚。,I can't hear very well.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 打網球怎麼樣?,How about playing tennis?,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我和一位朋友住在一起。,I am staying with a friend.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 如果Bob 听从了我的忠告,一切都还应该好好的。,"If Bob had listened to and followed my advice, everything would have gone better.",cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 他承认他撒谎了。,He made an admission that he had lied.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我對音樂有興趣。,I am interested in music.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我在美国工作的父亲上周寄给我们一封信。,"My father, who is now working in America, wrote us a letter last week.",cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 丽萨不但会说英文,而且会说法文。,Lisa speaks not only English but also French.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我無法把我的視線從你身上移開。,I can't take my eyes off her.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 凱薩琳去年结婚之前,有人表达了担心说,因为她出生于平民家庭,可能要与被突然置于公众视野来的压力搏斗。,"Before Kate was married last year, some expressed concerns that as she was born a commoner, she would struggle with the pressure of being thrust into the public eye.",cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我睡不著。,I couldn't sleep.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我不能接受你的禮物。,I cannot accept your gift.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 一个国家纸的产量和它的文明程度密切相关。,The amount of paper produced by a country is closely related to its cultural standards.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 认识您很高兴。,I am glad to meet you.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn Shh!不要出聲……我們現在捉迷藏,要搞的話快點找一個地方躲藏一邊了。,"Shh! Don't make a sound. We are playing hide-and-seek now. If you want to talk, go find somewhere else to hide.",cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 星期二那天很冷。,Tuesday was certainly cold.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 那不是我的錯。,It wasn't my fault.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 您住在哪里?,Where do you live?,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn Crouch 先生,你在做什么?,"Mr. Crouch, what are you doing?",cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 您的手机号码是多少?,What is your phone number?,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn "我的教練說:""失敗乃成功之母""。","My coach said, ""Failure teaches success.""",cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 你有多高?,How tall are you?,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 在任何情況下你都不能離開這個房間。,Under no circumstances must you leave the room.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我下個月將去澳洲。,I will be leaving for Australia next month.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 对我来说都一样。,It's all the same to me.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 沒有什麼比挑別人的錯更容易的事了。,Nothing is easier than finding fault with others.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我玉米過敏。,I'm allergic to corn.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 必須獲得有關當局的批准才能進入這座建築物。,It is necessary to obtain the sanction of the authorities to enter this building.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我去年得了中耳炎。,I had otitis media last year.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 她五點前不會回來。,She won't be back till five.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 他對藝術一點也不感興趣。,He is not interested in art at all.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 这个男子竟然是一个私家侦探。,The man turned out to be a private detective.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我聽不到你的聲音。,I can't hear you.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我沒去,但我留在家裡。,"I didn't go, but stayed at home.",cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我要求說明這個錯誤。,I demand an explanation for this mistake.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 他在对什么大发雷霆啊?,What is he so angry about?,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我新接触這種工作。,I'm new at this kind of work.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 當我閱讀的時候,我最快樂。,I am happiest when I am reading.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 貝蒂迷上了跳舞。,Betty is crazy about dancing.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我很抱歉給你添麻煩了。,I am sorry to trouble you.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我很抱歉打擾你了。,I'm sorry to trouble you.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我今天在東京。,I am in Tokyo today.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 湯姆是瑪莉最要好的朋友。,Tom is Mary's best friend.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我對我的工作感到滿意。,I am content with my job.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 他打牌很容易被騙。,He is an easy mark at cards.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 他看起来很担心自己的健康。,He seemed worried about his health.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 湯姆完全不懂得法語。,Tom doesn't know any French.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 她上週去旅行了。,She set out on a trip last week.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 他們互相幫忙做功課。,They helped each other with homework.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我會彈蕭邦。,I can play Chopin.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我有麻煩了。,I am in trouble.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我不理解你,I don't understand you.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 汤姆再也不是懒惰的孩子了。,Tom is no longer a lazy child.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我不知道他在那裡。,I didn't know that he was there.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 昨天我買了這個。,I bought this yesterday.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我在這家店買了這支手錶。,I bought this watch at the store.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 他欺骗了她。,He swindled her.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我清理了桌子。,I cleared the table.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我可以在一週內做。,I can do it in a week.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我正在學如何打字。,I'm learning how to type.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 在德國還有野生的熊嗎?,Are there still wild bears in Germany?,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我全身酸痛。,I ache all over.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 熊會爬樹。,Bears can climb trees.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 汤姆是个好人吗?,Is Tom really a nice guy?,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我總是忘記別人的名字。,I'm always forgetting people's names.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我在車站附近。,I am near the station.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我八點鐘吃了早餐。,I ate breakfast at eight.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 广场被鲜明的灯火照亮。,The square was illuminated by bright lights.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 无数星星在天上闪烁。,Countless stars were twinkling in the sky.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 熊猫是很美的动物。,Pandas are beautiful animals.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我们需要更多员工。,We need more staff.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我把照片從相本上撕了下來。,I tore the picture out of the album.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我游泳可以游得很快。,I can swim very fast.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 他是城裏最有錢的人。,He is the richest man in town.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我接受了她的邀請。,I accepted her invitation.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 瑜珈起源於印度。,Yoga comes from India.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 請開車開慢一點。,Please drive the car more slowly.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我現在要去這家商店。,I am going to the store now.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我是個學生,但他不是。,"I am a student, but he isn't.",cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我現在正在讀一本書。,I am reading a book now.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我願意參加這場會議。,I am willing to attend the meeting.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我的漢語並不完美,但能大致聽懂他所說的。,"My chinese is far from perfect, but I can roughly understand everything he is saying.",cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我很高興我在那裡。,I'm glad I was there.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 這位建築師顯然是一位無微不至的建築師。,You can see that the architect paid scrupulous attention to detail.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 格雷厄姆格林是我最喜歡的作家。,Graham Greene is my favorite author.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我趕上了最後一班公車。,I caught the last bus.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 委員會是由科學家和工程師組成的。,The committee consists of scientists and engineers.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我來日本看京都。,I came to Japan to see Kyoto.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 您何時需要它?,When do you need it by?,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我總是在外面吃飯。,I always eat out.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我在打棒球。,I am playing baseball.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我擅長說英語。,I am good at speaking English.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我與他聯繫。,I am in touch with him.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我可以獨自做。,I can do it alone.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我是岩本和人。,I am Kazuto Iwamoto.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我經常忘記別人的名字。,I am constantly forgetting names.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我沒在寫信。,I am not writing a letter.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 你固然是錯了,但也不能怪你。,"On the one hand, you are wrong, but on the other hand, I can't blame you for that.",cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 花子虛張聲勢。,Hanako called his bluff.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 你昨晚有讀法文嗎?,Did you study French yesterday?,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 他每天刮鬍子。,He shaves daily.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我住在我姑姑家。,I'm staying at my aunt's.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 他們慢慢地向前進。,They moved ahead slowly.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我們在火車上十個小時。,We were on the train for ten hours.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 但它聞起來很奇怪。,But it smells strange.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 每個人都知道他的名字。,Everybody knows his name.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我想跟你说点事。,I want to talk to you about something.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 這個孩子正在鏗鏗鏘鏘地玩著他的玩具。,The kid is clanging away with his toy.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 戈登對日本的生活方式感興趣。,Gordon is interested in the Japanese way of life.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 在你上床睡覺之前,你必須把鬧鐘設定好。,You've got to set the alarm clock before you go to bed.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我在這裡出差。,I am here on business.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 他的演講吸引了我們的注意。,His speech captured our attention.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 證據對他有利。,The evidence was in his favor.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 你無法把這個手提箱關上,因為你已經塞了太多東西進去了。,You can't get the suitcase closed because you've stuffed too much into it.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 據我所知,她很難被取悅。,"To the best of my knowledge, she's hard to please.",cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 他們把他埋葬在教堂旁的墓園。,They buried him in the graveyard by the church.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 請為我們唱首歌吧。,"Sing us a song, please.",cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 今天早上我看到了利茲。,I saw Liz this morning.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 他没要去日本。,He didn't want to go to Japan.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 這個月有很多工資。,My salary was high this month.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我請我父親幫忙。,I asked for my father's help.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 对不起,我来晚了。,I'm sorry I'm late.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 這些橘子很酸。,These oranges are very sour.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我再同意你不過了。,I couldn't agree with you more.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我非常同意你。,I really agree with you.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我天生是一個樂觀主義者。,I am an optimist by nature.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我生性樂觀。,I'm an optimist by nature.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我幾乎釣到了魚。,I almost caught the fish.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我的胸罩髒了。,My bra is dirty.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我有點不舒服。,I'm not quite well.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我無法讓他明白。,I couldn't make him understand it.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 失物招领处在哪儿?,Where is the lost and found?,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我負擔不起打網球的費用。,I can't afford to play tennis.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我會寫中文。,I write Chinese.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 他被你迷住了。,He's crazy about you.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 你們是中國人嗎?,Are you Chinese?,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我在想那個問題。,I am thinking about that matter.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我請他在這裡等。,I asked him to wait here.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我買給了他們每人一份禮物。,I bought them each a present.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我同意您的意見。,I agree with your opinion.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我來自四國。,I am from Shikoku.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 当且仅当冰淇淋是香草口味,小王会吃这个冰淇淋。,If and only if the ice-cream is vanilla flavour will Xiao Wang eat it.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我擅長足球。,I'm good at soccer.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我有一輛自行車。,I have a bicycle.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 今天是五號。,Today is the fifth.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 你们这些家伙真不懂事。,You guys are totally clueless.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我知道我会赢。,I know I will win.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我們的欄杆是鐵做的。,Our fence is made of iron.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我可以自己做。,I can do it by myself.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我會游泳。,I'm able to swim.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 那個囚犯在牢裡待了兩個月。,The prisoner was behind bars for two months.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我買了一張專輯給約翰。,I bought John an album.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我可以等你。,I can wait for you.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我有點醉了。,I am a bit drunk.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 這個孩子知道如何游泳,所以她不會在水裡溺死。,"The child knows how to swim, so she won't drown in the water.",cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 你在寫什麼?,What are you writing?,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 一位老人打斷了我們的談話。,An old man broke into our conversation.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 你今天真的很有生產力。,You are really very productive today.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 因此,必须进行额外的测试以确保完整的安全性。,"As a consequence, additional tests must be carried out to ensure complete security.",cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我已經完成了我今天6點任務列表的4點。,I have already completed 4 out of 6 tasks on my to-do list today.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 電影什麼時候開始?,When does the movie start?,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 這完全是浪費時間。,It is a sheer waste of time.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 你的行為已經冒犯了他的尊嚴。,Your action has offended his dignity.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我不記得哪個是我的球拍。,I can't remember which is my racket.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我參加戲劇社。,I belong to the drama club.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我在這家商店買了一頂帽子。,I bought a hat at the store.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 喬治在一個大農場上工作。,George works on a big farm.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我可以聽見門砰砰作響。,I could hear doors slamming.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我很滿意我的工作。,I'm satisfied with my work.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 她跑得很快是为了赶上其他成员。,She ran very fast to catch up with the other members.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我打赌他没搞定。,I bet he doesn't make it.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 这本书是托尼的。,This book is Tony's.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 这本书属于托尼。,This book belongs to Tony.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我怎么去警察局?,How can I get to the police station?,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 他来了我们就开始。,We will start when he comes.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我出了工伤。,I had an accident at work.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 明天見!,See you tomorrow!,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 工厂的面积是1000平方米。,"The area of the factory is 1,000 square meters.",cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 汤姆还不清楚要不要上大学。,Tom is still uncertain about whether to go to college or not.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我们到达村子的时候天是暗的。,It was after dark when we got to the village.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 贪得无厌。,Appetite comes with eating.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 你有空的时候来看看我们。,Do come and see us when you are free.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 汤姆对玛丽笑了笑,她也笑着回应了。,"Tom smiled at Mary, and she smiled back.",cmn_Hans-eng_Latn QA团队发现了一个重大bug,因此,建议重新审查所有工作。,"QA team has discovered a serious bug. In consequence, it is recommended that all works be reviewed from the beginning.",cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 完成这个工作不会花太长时间。,It won't take long to finish the job.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 玫瑰香水的味道充满了房间。,The smell of roses filled the room.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 这幅画被估价数百万元。,The value of the painting was estimated at several million dollars.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 汤姆比玛丽大三岁。,Tom is three years older than Mary is.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 她不承认她的错误。,She's not admitting her mistake.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我一点都不怕你。,I'm not the least bit scared of you.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 今天我爱整个世界。,Today I love the entire world.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我連你叫什麼都不知道。,"I don't even know what you are called, mate.",cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 在加拿大有很多區域砍伐樹木是非法的。,"In Canada, there are many areas where it is illegal to log trees.",cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我很快會趕上你。,I will soon catch up with you.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 在越南發生的事就像惡夢一樣。,What happened in Vietnam was like a bad dream.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 这个盒子没有那个盒子大。,This box is not as big as that one.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 有多少無辜的人在越南被殺了?,How many innocent people were killed in Vietnam?,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我請你喝杯咖啡。,I treat you to a cup of coffee.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 它没有教她说话。,It did not teach her to speak.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 謠言是假的。,The rumors were false.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我觉得像这样句子听起来更自然。,I think the sentence would sound more natural like that.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 孩子们正在花园里摘花。,The kids are picking flowers in the garden.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 所有的模型都有错,不过有些还是有用的。,"All models are wrong, but some are useful.",cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 挪威位於北歐,是個高度發展的國家。,"Norway, located in Northern Europe, is a highly developed country.",cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 据说他大把钱。,It is said that he was very rich.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我也不喜欢他。,"I don't like it, either.",cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 这是在吵什么呀?,What's the commotion?,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我也不喜欢她。,I do not like him either.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 12月份巴厘岛极其炎热和潮湿。,It is extremely hot and humid in Bali in December.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 您必须预先付钱。,You must pay in advance.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 你们晚上给我打电话了吗?,Did you call me up last night?,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 他挑起爭議性高的話題,製造紛爭。,He sows discord by raising controversial subjects.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我父亲的名字叫Fritz。,My dad's name is Fritz.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 六边形有六条边。,An hexagon has six sides.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 赠与比接受更让人觉得幸福。,It is more blessed to give than to receive.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 提交申请的最后期限是星期五。,The due date for submitting the application is this Friday.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我永远不会忘记那次跟她一起去夏威夷。,I'll never forget going to Hawaii with her.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 他是倒数第三个到的。,He was the last but two to arrive.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 你当我说话在放屁,是吗?,"You think that I'm just talking nonsense, don't you?",cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 没有我们能还做的事。,There's nothing else we can do.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 翻译帮助我们更好地了解自己的母语。,Translating helps us to know our mother tongue better.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 你在哪儿修的照相机?,Where did you get your camera repaired?,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 他们对法语有很好的掌握度。,They had a good command of French.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 她有点儿面包。,She has a little bread.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我痛恨他的黄段子。,I really hate his dirty jokes.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我的肩膀很痛,我不知道怎么办。,"My shoulder hurts so much, I don't know what to do.",cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 排球很有意思。,Volleyball is a lot of fun.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我的傘在哪?,Where is my umbrella?,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我们结束了讨论。,We closed the discussion.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 这条路上的车辆不多。,There is not much traffic on this road.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 你该把事实说出来。,You should tell the truth.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 这张沙发起码可以坐三个人。,This sofa can seat three people easily.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 水是液体。冻起来就成了固体。,"Water is liquid. When it freezes, it becomes solid.",cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 他们互相尊重。,They have mutual respect.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 在山巔上有一個村莊。,There is a village over the mountain.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 您很容易就能看出区别。,You'll be able to see the difference very easily.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 你们很容易就能看出区别。,You'll be able to see the differences very easily.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我想你。我需要见你。我能来吗?,I miss you. I need to see you. Could I come over?,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 当我打开门的时候,我发现他睡着了。,"When I opened the door, I found him asleep.",cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我們還是不要再見面了。,It would be better for both of us not to see each other anymore.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 那是你姐姐还是妹妹?,Is your sister older than you?,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 這裏附近有沒有郵政局?,Is there a post office around here?,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 他没疯。,He is no fool.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 她生病了。,She is sick.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 为了不去聚会,他编了个好借口。,He cooked up a good excuse for not going to the party.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我不禁想我的儿子一直都在生。,I cannot help thinking that my son is still alive.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 珍妮不会游泳。,Jane is not able to swim.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 她是个数学天才。,She was a genius in mathematics.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我不推荐在那家餐馆吃饭。食物糟糕透了。,I don't recommend eating in that restaurant. The food is awful.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 你们是个非常好的团队,但他们的是最好的。,"Your team is very good, but theirs is the best.",cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 没有错误。,There's no mistake.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 他是个无可救药的家伙。,He's a hopeless case.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 工厂制造弹药。,The factory produces ammunition.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 他就是在这间屋子里出生的。,He was born in this very room.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 他是一個撲克牌高手。,He is very good at poker.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 空气对人来说就是水对鱼的意义。,Air is to us what water is to fish.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我感觉轻松了。,I feel relieved.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 按住痛处。,Rub salt in the wound.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 日本的公司通常都會為員工提供制服。,Japanese companies generally provide their employees with uniforms.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 你不要着急。,Don't worry about it!,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 学生们崇拜新的英语老师。,The students adore the new English teacher.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 难民从整个国家涌来。,Refugees poured in from all over the country.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我们在这里应该是安全的。,We should be safe here.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 他是我們的英文老師。,He is our teacher of English.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我现在真需要来杯喝的。,I really need a drink now.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 你完成你的功课了吗?,Have you finished your homework?,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 雖然下着大雪,但他還是來了。,He came in spite of the heavy snow.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 您的牙要拔掉。,Your tooth must be extracted.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 一条狗被卡车碾过。,A dog was run over by a truck.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 这儿有人去过夏威夷吗?,Has anybody here been to Hawaii?,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 請問售票處在哪裏?,Where can I buy tickets?,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 请拼一下您的名字。,"Spell your name, please.",cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我要把这本书留给自己。,I'll keep that book for myself.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 那张木椅要多少钱?,How much does the wooden chair cost?,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 湯姆昨天晚上在看電視嗎?,Was Tom watching TV last night?,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 那辆车是三辆之中最漂亮的。,That car is the most beautiful of the three.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 如果我運氣夠好的話,說不定會贏。,I may win if I have luck.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 他的衬衫被酱汁弄脏了。,His shirt was stained with sauce.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 他围绕着他的孩子们坐着。,He sat surrounded by his children.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 她声称自己没罪。,She declared that she was not guilty.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 你什么时候看见过冰雹吗?,Have you ever seen it hail?,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 那房子因为其少有的形状被突显出来。,The house stood out because of its unusual shape.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn Bill在去纽约的路上。,Bill is en route to New York.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我住在羅馬。,I lived in Rome.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我想要出国。,I want to go abroad.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 她总是指望我,指望我能帮她。,She always expects me to help her.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 直到如今已经不是新鲜事。,So far there has been no news.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 章鱼有几只手?,How many arms does an octopus have?,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 万一我来晚的话,你不要等我。,"If by any chance I'm late, please don't wait for me.",cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 鱿鱼有几只手?,How many arms does a squid have?,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 那个嬰兒還不會走路。,The baby can't walk yet.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 公园在什么方向?,Which direction is the park in?,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 很多单词我都不懂。,There are many words that I don't understand.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我哥哥擅長數學。,My brother is good at mathematics.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我觉得他大概来自意大利。,I think that he's from Italy.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我很好奇那个建筑物是什么时候建造的。,I wonder when this building was constructed.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我叫湯姆。,My name is Tom.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 他被同學欺負。,He was made fun of by his classmates.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 很多月亮在土星四周绕轨道运行。,Many moons orbit around Saturn.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 明年四月你英文是不是會已經學了十年了?,By next April will you have studied English for ten years?,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我爱树干。,I love the trunk.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 咖啡不能引起我的兴趣。,Coffee does not arouse my interest.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 用望遠鏡能看見星星。,You can see the stars using a telescope.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 昨天他們離開了。,They set out last night.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我京都去過兩次。,I have been to Kyoto twice.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 你喜欢这个城市吗?,Do you like the city?,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我的爸爸現在不在家。,My dad is not home at the moment.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我每天早上洗脸。,I wash my face every morning.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 如果我知道你生病了,我会去医院看望你。,"If I knew you were sick, I would have gone to the hospital to pay you a visit.",cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 請你八點叫我起床。,Get me up at eight.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 你住在那裡多久了?,How long did you live there?,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我不可以借這本書給你。,I cannot lend this book to you.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 他整個上午都在看書。,He spent the morning reading a book.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 月光在照耀著。,The moon is shining.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 他很快就會來的。,He will come soon.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我跟你一樣高。,I'm as tall as you.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我找不到我的手提箱。,I can't find my suitcase.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我決定每天用功讀書。,I decided to study every day.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 世界上有超過一百五十個國家。,There are more than 150 nations in the world.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我熟悉這個主題。,I am familiar with this subject.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我幾乎總是在放學後打棒球。,I almost always play baseball after school.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我對這個故事感興趣。,I am interested in this story.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我幾乎無法了解他說的話。,I can hardly understand what he says.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我不能忍受。,I can't stand it.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我對這位作者的名字很熟悉。,I am familiar with the author's name.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我買不起一輛車。,I cannot afford to buy a car.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我找不到我的筆。,I can't find my pen.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我對他的進步感到很滿意。,I'm satisfied with his progress.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我現在正在彈鋼琴。,I am playing the piano now.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我摔斷了右腿。,I broke my right leg.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我對這附近很熟悉。,I am familiar with this neighborhood.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我只能代表我自己講話。,I can only speak for myself.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 好暗。,It was so dark.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn Tom是二零一零年五月五日出生的。,"Tom was born on May 5, 2010.",cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 這場交通意外讓他失明了。,The traffic accident deprived him of his sight.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 今天出奇的熱。,It's insanely hot today.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 到底發生了什麽事。,What actually happened?,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 反正已經太晚了。,"It's too late, anyhow.",cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 如果我有時間我會來。,"I will come, time permitting.",cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 那只鳥是死還是活的?,Is the bird alive or dead?,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 她對音樂有興趣。,She is interested in music.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 谢谢,我吃饱了。,"Thanks, I'm full.",cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 她太累了学不动了,She is too tired to study.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 為了給他生日驚喜,我準備了一個非常棒的蛋糕。,"In order to give him a surprise on his birthday, I prepared a fantastic cake.",cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 日本人是勤奋的国民。,The Japanese are an industrious people.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我是两年前毕业的。,I graduated two years ago.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 汤姆,我想跟玛丽谈话。,"Tom, I want to talk to Mary.",cmn_Hans-eng_Latn “你要在罗马待多久?”“周二就走。”,"""How long will you remain in Rome?"" ""Until Tuesday.""",cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 你到底在这儿做什么?,Whatever are you doing here?,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 你有兩個弟弟。,You have two younger brothers.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 那個男孩已經有八天沒上學了。,The boy has been absent from school for eight days.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn “你怎么来了?”他惊讶地问我。,"""What are you doing here?"" he asked me in surprise.",cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 由于噪音,我无法集中精力工作了。,I can't concentrate on my work because of the noise.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 有时候,我不得不读一些无聊的小说。,Sometimes I have to read boring novels.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 他是个咄咄逼人的的人。,He is an aggressive person.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 他们喜欢那个,They love that.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 这里终年寒冷。,It is very cold here all the year round.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我想关闭我的储蓄账户。,I am thinking of closing my savings account.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我通常在外面吃饭。,I usually eat out.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我问了比尔他旅行期间天气怎么样。,I asked Bill what the weather had been like during his travel.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 这个工作完成了!我们进入下一步吧!,Ha - this work finished! Let's go to next stage!,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 小心不要在单行道逆向行驶。,Be careful not to drive the wrong way on a one-way street.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 点击图片进入下一页!,Click the picture to go to the next page!,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 保险使我们意识到我们生活在一个不安全的世界中,可能会生病、面临危险、出现意外等等,我们必须要面对。,"Insurance makes us remember that the world we live in isn't completely safe; we might fall ill, face danger or encounter the unexpected.",cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 你每个月洗几次车?,How often do you wash your car a month?,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 她的手表指向凌晨三点。,Her watch read three o'clock in the morning.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 整個地方完全地被雪遮蓋住了。,The whole place was simply blotted out with the snow.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 气压计下降了 - 要下雨了。,The barometer is falling. It is going to rain.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 屋里有人吗?,Is there anybody in the house?,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 沒有他的幫助我也能做。,I can do without his help.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 沒有她的幫忙我也能做。,I can do it without her help.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 因为你我们才迟了。,It's because of you that we were late.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 有人站在墙后。,Someone is standing behind the wall.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 舉行了一場歡送會以紀念瓊斯先生。,A farewell meeting was held in honor of Mr Jones.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我儿子下周要去法国了。,My son is going to leave for France next week.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 气温突然下降了。,The temperature has suddenly dropped.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 她總是關心我的健康。,She always cared about my health.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 消息在城里传遍了。,"In the city, the information is flooding.",cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 您怎麼看這個問題?,How do you view this matter?,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 他参加辩论,He participated in the debate.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我們現在去哪裡?去劇場還是電影院?,Where are we going now? To the theatre or the cinema?,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 说英语很有用。,Speaking English is useful.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我父亲是个大夫。,My father is a doctor.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 这些措施可以预防疾病蔓延。,These measures can prevent the disease from spreading.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 请给我同样的东西。,"Give me the same, please.",cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 告诉他该去哪儿。,Tell him where he should go.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我喜欢狗,我妹妹喜欢猫。,I like dogs and my sister likes cats.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 炎炎夏日,空调全天开放让我们保持凉爽。,"On a hot summer day, the air conditioner works all day to keep us cool.",cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 去伯明翰的火车从3号站台出发。,The train for Birmingham leaves from platform 3.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 爸爸说他明年就要被升为部门主管了。,Dad said he'd be promoted to section manager next year.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 她下午会洗自行车。,She is going to wash the bike this afternoon.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 当我死去的时候,谁将庆祝呢?,Who will commemorate me when I'm dead?,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 專職作家沒有固定的收入。,Professional writers do not have a regular income.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我在校庆后打扫的时候弄掉了一把学校的钥匙,我被迫写了一份检讨。,I lost a school key when I was cleaning up after the school festival and I was then required to write an apology letter.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 女孩给我了一枝红玫瑰和一枝白玫瑰。,The girl brought me a red and a white rose.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 谁是你老师?,Who is your teacher?,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我不想被牵扯到这件事里。,I don't want to be involved in that matter.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我听到电话响了。,I heard the telephone ringing.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 她有一張照片。,She has a picture.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 她上樓了。,She went upstairs.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 印度在亚洲。,India is in Asia.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 東歐的酒精消耗量比西歐高。,Alcohol consumption is higher in Eastern Europe than in Western Europe.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 今天早饭我吃了些腌鲱鱼。,Today I had some kipper for breakfast.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 你说Tom对我们隐藏了一些事情?,Are you saying Tom's hiding something from us?,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 您知道這附近有便宜的旅館嗎?,Would you know a cheap hotel in the near?,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 你能来我真高兴。,I'm really glad you're here.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 学习一种外国的语言不够了。,It is not enough to study the language of a foreign country.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 要说锻炼身体,虽然我痛恨大部分的运动,觉得它们真的无聊,但是我喜欢去健身房举重。,"As for physical exercise, although I loathe most sports (I think they're really boring), I do like going to the gym to lift weights.",cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 就在沙发上。,It's just there on the sofa.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 汤姆不在你的联盟里。,Tom is out of your league.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 你的眼睛真漂亮。,You have beautiful eyes.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 你真的很漂亮。,You're really beautiful.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 在百货商店前有个书店。,There is a bookstore in front of the department store.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 你對這場比賽有甚麼感想?,How did you feel about the game?,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 你是个美人。,You're a beautiful woman.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 你怎麼知道那是湯姆的?,How do you know that belongs to Tom?,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 昨天在下雨。,It was raining yesterday.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 你昨天去哪裡了?,Where did you go yesterday?,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 为什么汤姆叫我玛丽?,Why does Tom call me Mary?,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 汤姆被玛丽替换下来。,Tom was replaced by Mary.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我希望你早点告诉我。,I wish you had told me this earlier.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 放弃这个想法吧,Give up such ideas.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 你能在我的背上涂些防晒霜吗?,Can you put some suntan lotion on my back?,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 这可真好。,This is quite good.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 你知道怎么恢复已删除的文件吗?,Do you know how to recover a deleted file?,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 相比第二本,我更喜欢汤姆的第一本书。,I liked Tom's first book more than the second.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我希望人们满意。,I hope people are satisfied.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我有一個主意。,I had an idea.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我認為安喜歡傑克。,I think Ann loves Jack.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 今天许多学校因为风暴停课。,Many schools are closed today because of the storm.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 那是我兒子。,It's my son.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 汤姆买了新笔记本。,Tom bought a new notebook.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 你有更好的理由嗎?,Do you have a better explanation?,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我对这种愚蠢的行为表示非常的气愤。,I'm getting endlessly annoyed by this foolishness.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 这让我感到沮丧。,It makes me feel sad.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 你想再要点茶吗?,Do you want some more tea?,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 要是你注意你的外国朋友,可能会对他们跟你不一样的传统和习惯感到惊讶。,"If you pay attention to your foreign friends, you may be surprised that their customs and habits are different from yours.",cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 請通知我。,Please keep me updated.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 法國人覺得世界上沒有不可能的事。,French people don't think of anything as impossible.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 他有七个儿子。,He has seven sons.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 湯姆感到十分寂寞。,Tom felt very lonely.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 人生在世,總要有目標和追求的。,We must have something to live for.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我們能比他們做得多。,We can do more than they can.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 稍有頭腦的人都不會在公眾場合裏說出這種話來。,A sensible man wouldn't say such a thing in public.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 他總是在挑剔別人的毛病。,He is always finding fault with others.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 彼得每星期都至少會和身在美國的父母談一次電話。,Peter talks with his parents in the United States on the phone at least once a week.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 恐怕他永远也不会承认自己的罪行。,I'm afraid he will never admit his guilt.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 歐洲人是世界上最大的酒精消費者。,Europeans are the largest consumers of alcohol in the world.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 蛋黃是黃色的。,Yolks are yellow.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我有一份工资很高工作时间理想的工作.,I have a good-paying job with excellent hours.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 你是不是老师?,Are you not a teacher?,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 当迈克返回到简的家的时候,她睡得正熟。,"When Mike returned to Jane's house, she was sleeping.",cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我喜歡喝天然的礦泉水。,I like to drink natural mineral water.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我很喜歡逛二手書店和二手衣店。,I like shopping in used-book stores and in used-clothing shops.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 他好久沒有寫信給他們了。,He has not written to them for a long time.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 他们把房子装饰了一下。,They decorated the room.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 那个小女孩打开了窗户。,The little girl opened the window.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我發現了一些有趣的東西。,I've discovered something interesting.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 请给我找一把椅子。,"Get me a chair, please.",cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 他做了一个演讲。,He made a speech.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 大家都說他是個好人。,Everyone says that he's a good man.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 否则,用左手传递食物会被认为是不礼貌的,因为左手是用来洗澡的。,"Otherwise, it is considered impolite to pass food with the left hand, because the left hand is used for bathing.",cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 你是决定做这个工作的那个人,对吗?,"You're the one who decided to do this job, right?",cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 他们买了跟你同款的相机。,They bought the same camera as you.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 汤姆是个护士。,Tom was a nurse.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 自由有價。,One must pay for freedom.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我不應該做那件事的。,You shouldn't have done that.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 你自己选择了这份工作,是吗?,"You chose this job yourself, right?",cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 路遙知馬力,日久見人心。,It's in times like these that the character of a person becomes apparent.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 不要相信他說的話。,Don't believe what she says.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 你最好听取他的意见。,You had better take her advice.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 他的妻子是瑞典人。,His wife is Swedish.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 为了不被洪水冲走,有的人紧紧地抱着树干长达数个钟头。,Some people clung to tree branches for several hours to avoid being washed away by the floodwaters.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn Tom和Mary都是独生子女。,Tom and Mary are both only children.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn Tom是想着去安慰Mary的。,Tom wanted to comfort Mary.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 让读者去评判。,The proof is left to the reader.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 他失明了。,He lost his eyesight.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 玛丽会游泳。,Mary can swim.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 你是在找工作吗?,Are you looking for work?,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 遇不到你。,I can't meet you.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我只想休息一下,I just need a break.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 你在找工作吗?,Are you looking for a job?,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 为什么你不吃蔬菜?,Why don't you eat vegetables?,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 他讓你上當。,You were duped by him.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 以前那里没有过猫。,There weren't any cats.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 你应该承认自己的失败。,You should acknowledge your failure.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 你朋友离婚了吗?,Has your friend divorced?,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 那儿没有猫。,There was no cat.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 没有真实的幻觉。,There are no real visions.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 你有四只狗。,You have four dogs.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 照相機被別人借走了。,The camera has been borrowed by someone else.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我父亲住在名古屋有30年了。,My father has been living in Nagoya for 30 years.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 讓我獲勝,但如果我不能獲勝,讓我在嘗試時可以勇敢。,"Let me win. But if I cannot win, let me be brave in the attempt.",cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 美女也会做奇怪的事情.,Beauty can do strange things.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我跟那个事件没有什么关系。,I had nothing to do with that incident.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 中国比日本大得多。,China is much larger than Japan.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我们今晚在外面吃饭吧。,Let's eat out tonight.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 她嘲笑我的詩。,She scoffed at my poem.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 左看右看,"Look to your left, look to your right.",cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 给我时间,让我把所有我有的都给你!,Give me time to give you everything I have!,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 他拉上了他的包。,He zipped his bag shut.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我特別喜歡小扁豆湯。,I love lentil soup.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 你要用這個嗎?,Will you use this?,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn Tom有說什麼嗎?,Did Tom say anything?,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我認為它很難。,I think it's very difficult.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我们是不是直飞美国?,Are we making a nonstop flight to the U.S.?,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 这是猫还是狗?,Is that a cat or a dog?,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 請不要用我的名字。,Please don't use my name.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我認識了一個叫Tom的年輕人。,I met a young man whose name was Tom.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 租车是必须的吗?,Is it obligatory to rent a car?,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我在談我的朋友。,I'm talking about my friend.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 既然你们这么说,那让我再想想。,"Since you all say that, I must think again.",cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 探寻的人,终归能找到。,"Who searches, finds.",cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 湯姆知道我在波士頓住過。,Tom knows that I used to live in Boston.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我們沒有電。,We have no electricity.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 找到法迪勒并不难。,Finding Fadil isn't hard.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 村井一家已經回日本了?,The Murais have gone back to Japan?,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我以前是醫生。,I was a doctor.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 湯姆確實是位好老師。,Tom certainly is a good teacher.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 你看起来就像湯姆。,You look just like Tom.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 湯姆甚麼也没說。,Tom didn't say a single word.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 湯姆錯了。,Tom is wrong.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 她会十门语言。,She is able to speak ten languages.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 听到这样的消息我真的很难过。,I'm really sorry to hear that.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 在阿什兰水也有。,"There's water in Ashland, too.",cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我步行了。,I went on foot.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我是不会系领带的。,I won't be wearing a tie.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 湯姆是我的遠亲。,Tom is a distant relative of mine.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我需要證據。,I need evidence.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 這手錶是防水的。,This watch is waterproof.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn “你完成了吗?”“正相反,我还没开始呢。”,"""Have you finished?"" ""On the contrary, I have not even begun yet.""",cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 死了多少人?,How many people died?,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我们学中文已经两年了。,We studied Chinese for 2 years.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 葡萄牙不是个例外。,Portugal is not an exception.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我們幾乎像兄弟一樣。,We're almost like brothers.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我們就像兄弟一樣。,We're just like brothers.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn Kate的爸爸從車站走路回家。,Kate's dad walks home from the bus stop.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 暴风妨碍了我们准时到达。,The storm prevented us from arriving on time.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 当我试着把玻璃杯放进水槽时,我的手打了滑,玻璃杯打碎了。,When I tried to set the glass down in the sink my hand slipped and it shattered to pieces.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 谁跟你说用左手写字的?,Who told you to write with your left hand?,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 麻煩你把音量調低一點。,"Turn down the volume, please.",cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 在早晨,我总是喝一杯咖啡。,I always drink a cup of coffee in the morning.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn Juddy 看着我。,Judy looked at me.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我有很多事想做,但就是沒時間做。,I simply haven't the time to do everything I want to do.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 她爸爸很高。,Her father is tall.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 他总是改变想法。,He's always changing his mind.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我正在读报纸。,I'm reading the newspaper.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 爱是盲目的,但是嫉妒却可以看到即使并不存在的东西。,"Love is blind, but jealousy can see even nonexistent things.",cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 她的写作很好。,Her writing is very good.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 你该学他。,You should learn from his example.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 他装同性恋。,He pretends to be gay.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 在公共场所请控制自己不要吸烟。,Please refrain from smoking in public places.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 那个用意大利语怎么说?,How do you say that in Italian?,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 那边现在是几点?,What time is it there now?,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 附近有没有一个青年旅舍?,Is there a youth hostel near here?,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 十年前他住在這裡。,He lived here ten years ago.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 好,定了。,All right. It's a deal.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 你衬衣的纽扣快掉了。,Your shirt button is coming off.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 你快要走了。,You will be going soon.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我希望你能來和我一起工作。,I'd like you to come work for me.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我們住在一起。,We live together.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我在去第四医院。,I'm going to the Number Four hospital.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我认为他不可能解决这个问题。,I think it's impossible for him to solve the problem.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 没有上下文就没有词义。,"No context, no text.",cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 交通高峰期该有更多公交车。,There ought to be more buses during the rush hours.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 你知道我住哪吗?,Do you know where I live?,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 昨天出故障的是他的车,不是我的车。,"It was his car, not mine, that broke down yesterday.",cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 瑞士的苹果必须好一点才行。,Switzerland needs better apples.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 她以为我是医生。,She supposed me to be a doctor.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 发展经济和保护环境哪一个更重要?,"Which is more important, economic development or environmental protection?",cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我蛮喜欢那个歌手。,I like that singer a lot.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 你还是去看病吧。,You'd better see a doctor.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 你养宠物吗?,Do you have any pets?,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 他年紀還小,不應該自己一個人去。,He is too young to go there alone.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 不要踐踏草地。,Don't trample on the grass.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 但我们什么共同点都没有。,But we don't have anything in common at all.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我在学两门外语。,I am learning two foreign languages.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我偏愛繁體字。因為有大量的簡體字的閱讀材料,我也認識很多簡體字。,"I prefer traditional characters. Due to the abundance of reading materials in simplified characters, I can recognize many of them too.",cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 这个问题不能解决。,There is no solution.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 看电视吧。,Let's watch TV.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我是老师。,I'm a teacher.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 他没有很多钱。,He doesn't have much money.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 这是我父亲工作的那座楼。,That is the building where my father works.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 花園裡充滿了花朵。,The garden was filled with flowers.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 问题就是我忘记把车停在哪里。,The trouble is that I can't remember where I parked the car.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我上個月在波士頓。,I was in Boston last month.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 你在圣誕節去教堂嗎?,Do you go to church on Christmas Day?,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 你有袋子嗎?,Do you have a bag?,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 你自己应该知道吧。,You yourself should know.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 如果你喜欢。,If you like.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 明天我想睡得晚一点。,I'd like to sleep late tomorrow.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 汤姆喜欢热的。,Tom likes it hot.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 可能只是巧合。,It could be just a coincidence.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 谁吃蜜蜂?,Who eats bees?,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我听了感到抱歉。,I'm sorry to hear it.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 她是老师的宝贝。,She is a teacher's pet.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 狮子很强壮。,A lion is strong.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 沒有空氣和水,人類就無法生存。,Both air and water are indispensable for life.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 她很怕熱。,She is sensitive to the heat.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我說話的時候請你不要插嘴。,Please don't interrupt me while I'm talking.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我爸爸不是每天都走路上班的。,My father does not always walk to work.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 很多經濟學家都不知道這點。,Many economists are ignorant of that fact.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我興奮得說不出話來。,I held my breath in excitement.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 湯姆開始唱歌。,Tom started singing.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我們明天一大早出發。,We are leaving early tomorrow morning.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 他走到哪裏,他的狗就跟到哪裏。,His dog follows him wherever he goes.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 你喜歡吃牛肉麵嗎?,Do you like noodles with beef?,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 把肉切成薄片。,Cut the meat into thin slices.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 专家说只有百分之十五左右的快乐来自收入、资产等财政的因素。,"Experts say only about 15 percent of happiness comes from income, assets and other financial factors.",cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 鍋銹掉了。,The frying pan is rusty.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn Tom每天早上去散步。,Tom goes for a walk every morning.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 你是怎么学会说话的?,How did you learn to speak?,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我想写很多句子,I want to write a lot of sentences.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 這塊肉烤得不錯。,This meat is roasted well.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 你好,紅衣服的女生!,"Hello, girl with the red dress!",cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 就算你不喜歡,你也要負責管理。,"Even if you do not like it, you must take charge of it.",cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 讓我想一想。,Let me think.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 哪一本书都行。,Any book will do.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我跟她去过波士顿。,I once went to Boston with her.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我把我的网球拍落在火车上了。,I left my tennis racket on the train.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 你是中學學生嗎?,Are you a high school student?,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我很累,我想我要去睡觉了。,I'm tired; I think I'm going to go to bed.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 這條領帶和那件上衣很配。,This tie and that jacket go well together.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我没有任何借口。,I don't have an excuse.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我應該不能再見到他了。,There is little chance of my meeting him again.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 這是共產主義。,This is communism.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 謝謝!真是體貼。,"Oh, thanks! How thoughtful.",cmn_Hans-eng_Latn John 和 Jane 是兩夫婦。,John was married to Jane.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 玛丽还没有开始。,Mary has not started yet.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我度過了美好的時光。,I had a wonderful time.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 整个晚上他都在开玩笑逗我们开心。,He entertained us with jokes all evening.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 再做一次,和之前一樣。,"Do it again, the same as last time.",cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 你希望我幫忙嗎?,Do you wish me to help?,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 總是會有人談論。,There's always someone talking.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 装病是没用的。,There is no point in pretending to be sick.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 獲得諾貝爾獎後,她仍謙虛如昔。,"After winning the Nobel prize, she remained as modest as ever.",cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我送你回家吧。,Let me take you home.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 賭博網站讓用戶投注在將滅絕的物種上,因為墨西哥灣漏油。,Gambling site lets users bet on which species will go extinct because of the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 你也是其中一个吧!,"You're one of them too, aren't you?!",cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 在我看來,她有一種誇張的傾向。,It seems to me that she has a tendency to exaggerate.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 很多人都跟我說要我休假。,A good many people have told me to take a holiday.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 昨天哥哥去福岛给当地居民帮忙了。我对放射量的增加很害怕。,Yesterday my big brother went to Fukushima to help the locals. I'm very afraid of the rise in radiation levels.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 他非常想要一辆自行车。,He was anxious for a bicycle.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我跟朋友打了網球,可是我輸了。,"I played a match of tennis with my friend, but lost.",cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 如果可能的話我想去世界各地旅行。,I want to go on a journey around the world if possible.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我的生日在星期日。,My birthday falls on Sunday.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我爸爸有藍色和灰色的領帶。,My father has a blue and gray tie.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 敞開你的心扉。,Open up your mind.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 打開你的心胸。,Open your heart.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我指望你的帮助。,I'm counting on your help.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 今天午餐時間,我們常去的飯館關門了,因為他們家在辦喪事。,"At lunchtime today, our usual restaurant was closed because of a funeral in the family.",cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 士兵们对危险习以为常。,Soldiers are used to danger.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 在法国,你在大使馆工作还是领事馆?,In France did you work at the embassy or in the consulate?,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 布羅尼斯瓦18歲。,Bronisław is eighteen years old.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn Felicja喜歡看電視。,Felicja enjoys watching TV.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 卡利納是布羅尼斯瓦的女朋友。,Kalina is the girlfriend of Bronisław.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 拉多斯瓦夫西,馬立克和馬切伊喜歡在PlayStation2上玩遊戲。,"Radosław, Marek and Maciej like playing games on the PlayStation 2.",cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 你们永远不会孤立无援的(永远不会无人管的)。,You'll never be alone.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 希望你可以出席這場宴會。,I hope you will be able to come to this party.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 黑的电话比白的花钱多。,The black telephone costs more than the white.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我是去年认识他的。,I got acquainted with him last year.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 馬格達萊納對我很有禮貌。,Magdalena is very polite to me.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 他知道怎么玩棒球。,He knows how to play baseball.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 你爸爸在哪里?,Where's your father?,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 她僱了一個私人偵探看守她的丈夫。,She employed a private detective to keep a watch on her husband.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 汤姆知道玛丽不会让他失望。,Tom knew Mary wouldn't let him down.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 汤姆写给我了。,Tom has written to me.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我藉由聽音樂來鼓舞我自己。,I cheered myself up by listening to music.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn Kate很同情他。,Kate sympathized with him.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 當她的孩子在公共場合行為表現不好的時候,她覺得很尷尬。,She was very embarrassed when her child behaved badly in public.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 對不起,航班已經客滿了。,"Sorry, the flight is already full.",cmn_Hans-eng_Latn Elen不会说英语。,Ellen does not speak English.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我知道我听见了什么。,I know I heard something.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 賀都非常喜歡運動。,Kazu likes sports very much.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 飞机准备好了。,The plane is ready.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我不想跟你交朋友。,I don't want to be friends with you.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 汤姆拿起罐子读标签。,Tom picked up the jar and read the label.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我对那些事记忆犹新,就好像发生在昨天。,I remember the event as vividly as if it were just yesterday.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 很快你就会不想她了。,Pretty soon you will stop thinking of her.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 你能9点过来吗?,Can you come at nine?,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我没想听,但是我听到您(你们)说什么了。,"I didn't mean to eavesdrop, but I did overhear you.",cmn_Hans-eng_Latn Getter Jaani 多麼偉大啊!,How great Getter Jaani is!,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 在两次正餐间吃东西是不好的。,It is not good to eat between meals.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 做多少算多少。,Catch as catch can.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 由于大雾飞机改飞慕尼黑了。,"The airplane was redirected to Munich, because of the fog.",cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 他們正在聊天。,They are having a chat.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我所知道的是他放棄了這個計劃。,All that I know is that he gave up the plan.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我决定告诉她我爱她。,I decided to tell her that I love her.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 玛丽亚留着一头长发。,Maria has long hair.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 贾克说英语。,Jack speaks English.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 他向我大發脾氣。,He entirely lost his temper with me.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 下一趟火车几点开?,What time does the next train leave?,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 你应该睡觉。,You should go to bed.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 他不在的時候每一件事都出錯了。,Everything chose to go wrong during his absence.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我们都叫他迈克。,We call him Mike.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 猫三天就会忘记我们照顾了它三年,而狗三年内都会记得我们养了它三天。,"A cat will forget three years of kindness in three days, feed a dog for three days and he will remember it for three years.",cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 吉姆有時與他的妻子意見分歧。,Jim sometimes has disagreements with his wife.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我對未來感到有希望。,I feel hopeful about the future.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 那家工厂生产玩具。,That factory manufactures toys.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 这样想的人很少。,Few people think so.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 你覺得這部新電影怎樣?,What do you think of the new movie?,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 給這本書畫插畫的畫家很好。,The artist who illustrated this book is very good.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 你比較喜歡哪一個,搖滾樂還是古典音樂?,"Which do you like better, rock music or classical music?",cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 火車來了。,Here comes the train.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 她保守秘密。,She keeps secrets.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 他不服老。,He refuses to accept his old age.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我多想会开车啊!,How I wished I could drive a car!,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 他法语说得很好。,He is fluent in French.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我不想買車。,I didn't feel like buying a car.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 他的玩笑他有意思了。,His joke was great.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我是Tom Hunter。,I'm Tom Hunter.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 请您解释一下他们没来的原因。,Tell me the reason why they are absent.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我可以向你推薦這本書。,I can recommend this book to you.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 你知道这张画是谁画的吗?,Do you know who painted this picture?,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 她没有还我钱。,She didn't give me my money back.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我跟我父親一樣高。,I'm as tall as my father.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 他决定出国去。,He decided to go abroad.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我的手臂斷了。,I broke my arm.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 你度过了很不安宁的一夜。,You've had a very restless night.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 不要在冰上滑倒啊。,Don't slip on the ice.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 用便宜的肉就做不到好汤。,Cheap meat doesn't make good soup.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我不知道要做什麼。,I didn't know what to do.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我在伦敦。,I am in London.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 他给我看了他的影集。,He showed me his album.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我为了赶上第一列火车很早就起床了。,"I got up early, so that I could catch the first train.",cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 你不是他的对手。,You're no match for him.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我搆不到它。,I can't reach it.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 这件连衣裙完全适合我。,This dress fits me very well.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 他用刀切了肉。,He cut the meat with a knife.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我在家裡。,I am in the house.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 你每天来这里吗?,Do you come here every day?,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 對不起,她不在這裡。,I'm sorry she's not here.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 埃菲尔铁塔和卢浮宫在同一座城市。,The Eiffel Tower is in the same city as the Louvre Museum.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 沒有她的幫助我做不到。,I can't do without her help.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 她用左手写字。,She writes with her left hand.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 在这里一直有那么多人吗?,Are there always so many people here?,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 火車開出的時候,他們都揮手向父母道別。,They waved good-bye to their parents as the train pulled out.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我很开心你喜欢。,I'm glad you liked it.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 不好意思,我母亲不在家。,"I'm sorry, my mother's not at home.",cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 即使是一個小孩子都能理解。,Even a child can understand that.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我感覺到自己的心在劇烈地跳動。,I felt my heart beating violently.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 他的成功是毫無疑問的。,His success is out of question.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 他潛心研究音樂。,He applied himself to the study of music.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 他去義大利的目的是學習音樂。,He went to Italy for the purpose of studying music.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 他有非凡的音樂天份。,He has a remarkable aptitude for music.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 你用啲咩嚟撩耳屎㗎?,What do you use to pick wax out of your ears?,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 他喜歡音樂和運動。,He likes both music and sports.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 他在演奏音樂。,He is playing music.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 他寫了很多書講述他在外國的經歷。,He has written lots of books about his experience abroad.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 他邊聽音樂邊寫信,"He wrote a letter, listening to music.",cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 為了研讀音樂他去了義大利。,He went to Italy in order to study music.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 教小孩並不容易。,It isn't easy to teach little kids.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 麦克,你听到了没?,"Did you hear that, Mike?",cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 他幾乎對那個動物一無所知。,He knows almost nothing about that animal.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 您在找什么吗?,Are you looking for something?,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 请一定要来。,Do come by all means.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 這是一條河嗎?,Is this a river?,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 今晚见到汤姆了。,I met Tom tonight.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我经常忘记别人的名字。,I always have trouble remembering names.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我們從酒店裏可以把整個公園看得清清楚楚。,We could see the full extent of the park from the hotel.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 汤姆很不情愿。,Tom is reluctant.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 汤姆非常棒。,Tom is excellent.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 不用麻煩在這樣的雨天來。,Don't bother coming in this rain.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 她的笔迹漂亮极了。,She writes beautifully.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 灯已关了。,The lights are out.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 光傳播得比聲音快,所以我們先看到閃電,然後才會聽見雷聲。,It is because light travels faster than sound that we see lightning before we hear thunder.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 汤姆的手大。,Tom's hands are large.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 谁也不知道他是否爱她。,No one knows if he loves her or not.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 现在浴室空着哟。,No one's in the bath.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 汤姆赤裸着上身。,Tom is naked from the waist up.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 這種飲料是免費招待的。,This drink is on the house.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 瑪麗亞和納塔利婭去購物。他們為自己買些東西。,Maria and Natalia go shopping. They buy something for themselves.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 请把您的护照给我看一下。,"Show me your passport, please.",cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 你等一会然后再给我打电话,可以吗?,May I ask you to call me back later?,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 立刻走,否則你會遲到。,"Go at once, otherwise you will be late.",cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 有足夠的光線讀書。,There is enough light to read by.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我離開了他。,I took leave of him.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 你進入我的房間之前都要敲門。,You are always to knock before entering my room.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 上帝賜予我健康的身體。,I am blessed with good health.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我很幸運有健康的身體。,I'm blessed with good health.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 这个城堡好美。,The castle is beautiful.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我的右眼瞎了。,I am blind in the right eye.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我三點鐘可以來。,I can come at three.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 警方會把你關在牢裡二十年。,The police will put you behind bars for twenty years.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 教師必須了解孩子。,Teachers must understand children.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 不要進入我的房間。,Don't come into my room.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 警察會把你關在牢裡。,The police will put you behind bars.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我昨天去看了電影。,I went to see the movies yesterday.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我们近期内的情况应该会好转。,Our situation should improve in the near future.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我的公寓在四樓。,My apartment is on the fourth floor.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我找不到我的鞋子。,I can't find my shoes.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我總是用功讀書。,I always study hard.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 行。,So be it.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 在某種程度上我能了解你。,I can understand you to some extent.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我的房間就在樓下。,My room is just below.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我的房間就在樓上。,My room is just above.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 她陶醉在幸福裡。,She is drunk with happiness.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我的房間很小。,My room is very small.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 波蘭的首都是華沙。,The capital of Poland is Warsaw.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 他抱怨菜的味道不好。,He complained of the dish tasting bad.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 别多管闲事。,None of your business.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 這個角度會過於狹窄。,The angle would be too narrow.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我請這個男孩把球扔回來。,I asked the boy to throw the ball back.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我的房間很亂。我必須把它弄整齊。,My room is very untidy. I must put it in order.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我的房間是你的三倍大。,My room is three times as large as yours.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 电影已经开始了吗?,Has the movie started yet?,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn "我的房間很舒適, 即使它小了一點。","My room is comfortable, if it is a little small.",cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我的房間是不可侵犯的避難所。,My room is an inviolable refuge.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我怎么没想到。。。,How did I not think of it?,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 從我的房間望出去是街道。,My room looks out on the street.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 年复一年,污染问题变得越来越严重了。,"From year to year, pollution problems are becoming more and more serious.",cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我的房間面向花園。,My room faces the garden.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我們正在看電視。,We are watching TV.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我的房間面向東邊。,My room faces east.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 廣告慫恿我們買奢侈品。,Advertisements urge us to buy luxuries.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 當聽到這個消息她看起來高興。,She looks happy on hearing the news.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我找到了我要的书。,I was able to find the book I was looking for.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn "因為我的房間面向南邊, 即使在冬天都不會那麼冷。","As my room faces south, it is not so cold even in winter.",cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 他們在英國住了多久?,How long did they live in England?,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn "我的房間面向南邊, 陽光充足非常舒適。","My room faces south, which makes it sunny and very comfortable.",cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我的房間在樓上的左邊。,My room is upstairs on the left.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 这个暖气不能让那个大房间热起来。,This heater won't heat up that large room.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我要一间有淋浴的单人间。,"I'd like a single with a shower, please.",cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我會帶你看看我的房間。,I'll show you my room.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn “到维也纳步行要多久?” “对不起,我是外地人。”,"""How long does it take to get to Vienna on foot?"" ""Sorry, I'm a stranger here.""",cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 請問我可以看看這個房間嗎?,"May I see the room, please?",cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 去度假的时候我要租辆车。,"When I go on vacation, I'll rent a car.",cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我所有的西裝都是訂做的。,I have all suits made to order.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 没关系,以后不这么说就好了。,"It's fine, just make sure you don't say that again.",cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我的衣服被油弄髒了。,My clothes were dirty with oil.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我的沒有你的好。,Mine is not so good as yours.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我带他出去散了散步。,I took him out for a walk.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 有几个船员溺水而亡。,Some of the crew were drowned.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 菜單上有各種各樣的菜色。,There was a great variety of dishes on the menu.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 更棒的是房子還有一個漂亮的花園。,What is still better is that the house has a beautiful garden.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 灰塵鑽進了我的一隻眼睛。,Dust got into one of my eyes.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 喬治被騙買了這塊土地。,George was tricked into buying the land.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我到達倫敦了。,I arrived in London.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我非常以我的父親為榮。,I'm very proud of my father.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我參加帆船社。,I belong to the sailing club.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我請他幫我。,I asked him to help me.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我在考慮出國。,I am thinking of going abroad.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn 我會踢足球。,I can play soccer.,cmn_Hans-eng_Latn Usi ev tre?,Is he at home?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Usi hi tre?,Is she at home?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Nyns yw res dhis y wul.,You don't have to do it.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Pyth yw res dhis y wul?,What must you do?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Homm yw yeyn.,This is cold.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Keslowena dhis!,Congratulations to you!,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Homm yw hy thigen.,This is her handbag.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Hemm yw mappa.,This is a map.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Trigys ov yn Nihon.,I live in Japan.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Gorthargyadow yw an tybyans ma.,This idea is controversial.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Gorthargyadow yw an govyn ma.,This question is controversial.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn An apposyans yw es.,The exam is easy.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn An apposyans yw kales.,The exam is difficult.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yw an apposyans hedhyw?,Is the exam today?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Kales o an apposyans.,The exam was difficult.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Desk yw hemma.,This is a desk.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yw hemma dha gensa apposyans?,Is this your first examination?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Moos yw honna.,That is a table.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Res yw dhis kavos ober.,You must find work.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn A allsewgh ow gweres?,Could you help me?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Liwans yw hemma.,This is a painting.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn My a vynn kavos dehen rew.,I want ice cream.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn My a vynn gweles dha ji.,I want to see your house.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn "Gwra ow gweres, mar pleg.","Help me, please.",cor_Latn-eng_Latn Res vydh dhywgh kemeres an dhiwros ma.,You'll have to take this bicycle.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Ichiro Tanaka yw ow hanow.,My name is Ichiro Tanaka.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn A ble’th os ta devedhys?,Where do you come from?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn A ble’th owgh hwi devedhys?,Where are you from?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Henn yw dha lyver.,That is your book.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Res yw dhymm koska.,I need to sleep.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yma paper-nowodhow dhe’n maw.,The boy has a newspaper.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Res yw dhywgh assaya!,You have to try!,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Hager yw homma.,This is ugly.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Res yw dhymm assaya.,I need to try.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Re vyghan ov.,I'm too small.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Res yw dhedha mos.,They need to go.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Pub seythen yth a dhe byskessa.,Every week he goes fishing.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Lowen on ni.,We are happy.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Ma logos oth ola an dowr.,Mice are drinking the water.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yma dhymm dew vab ha diw vyrgh.,I have two sons and two daughters.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Honn yw ow skol.,That is my school.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Ni a allas gul hemma.,We could do this.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Mr Smith yw dyskador da.,Mr Smith is a good teacher.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn My re gavas Tony.,I found Tony.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Nyns yw res dhis godhvos.,You don't need to know.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn My a wel dha gath y’n lowarth.,I see your cat in the garden.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn My a yll konvedhes Tomm.,I can understand Tom.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Homm yw pluven.,This is a pen.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Res o dhymm hedhi.,I had to stop.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn My a gar ow mamm.,I love my mother.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Eus dhis karr-tan?,Do you have a car?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Stevel Mr Johnson o onan vras.,Mr. Johnson's room was a large one.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Homm yw ow fluven blomm.,This is my pencil.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Res yw dhymm gwaynya.,I need to win.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn My a bonyas yn-mes.,I ran outside.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Res yw dhymm tybi.,I have to think.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Res yw dhymm gweres.,I have to help.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Nyns yw Sowsnek es ragov.,English is not easy for me.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Ni a dhallathas dhe hwegh eur.,We started at six.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Piw os?,Who are you?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Ple’th esos ta?,Where art thou?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Ple’th esowgh whi?,Where are you?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Ingo a’s kar.,Ingo loves her.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn An venyn a dheber bara.,The woman eats bread.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Ple’ma va?,Where is it?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Ple’mons i?,Where are they?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yma hi ow ponya.,She is running.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Ny allav vy kewsel Frynkek.,I can't speak French.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Nyns yw res dhis gweres.,You don't have to help.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Dhe by le y hwrussys ta mos de?,Where did you go yesterday?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yma dhe’m modrep tri flogh.,My aunt has three children.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yth esov ow redya an New York Times.,I'm reading the New York Times.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yw res dhymm studhya?,Do I have to study?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Res yw dhymm gul honna.,I must do that.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Gorhemynadow a Gernow!,Greetings from Cornwall!,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Rych owgh.,You are rich.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yma dhodho mab aral.,He has another son.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Hi a leveris y vos teg.,She said that he was handsome.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Res yw dhymm fistena dhe glass.,I must hurry to class.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yw res dhymm mos genes?,Must I go with you?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn My a skrifas an lyver na.,I wrote that book.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Bras yw an chi na.,That house is big.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Res yw dhywgh gweles medhek.,You must see a doctor.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Nowydh yw homma.,This is new.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yw res dhymm mos?,Do I have to go?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Hemm yw ow broder.,This is my brother.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Ev yw ow broder.,He is my brother.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Nyns yw res dhis assaya.,You don't have to try.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Ow broder yw ev.,He's my brother.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Homm yw ow whor.,This is my sister.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Henn yw ow broder.,That is my brother.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Ow broder yw henna.,That's my brother.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Honn yw ow hwor.,That's my sister.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Ow hwor yw honna.,That is my sister.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Ow hwor yw homma.,She's my sister.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Ow hwor yw hi.,She's my older sister.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Hi yw ow hwor.,She is my elder sister.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn "Pan dhifunis, yth esen y’n karr-tan.","When I woke up, I was in the car.",cor_Latn-eng_Latn Nyns yw boghosek.,She isn't poor.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yma tri broder dhedhi.,She has three brothers.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Res yw dhymm kerdhes yn lent.,I have to walk slowly.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Ev a omwolgh.,He washes himself.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Ple’ma Britney Spears?,Where is Britney Spears?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yw res dhymm gul henna?,Do I have to do that?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn A allav vy mos dhe’th kevewy haneth?,Can I come to your party tonight?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Nyns yw res dhis kewsel.,You don't have to speak.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yw hemma gwir?,Is this true?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn My a breder y fedhydh tas pur dha.,I think you will be a great father.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yw homma frynkek?,Is this French?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yw hemma gwin?,Is this wine?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yw hemma lowr?,Is this enough?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yw hemma nowydh?,Is this new?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yw hemma da lowr?,Is this OK?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yw hemma Tom?,Is this Tom?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yw hemma radyo?,Is this a radio?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yw hemma dha garr?,Is this your car?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yw homma dha bluven?,Is this your pen?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yw homma avon?,Is this a river?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Gwell yw genowgh koffi.,You prefer coffee.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yw homma bleujen?,Is this a flower?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yw an karr ma nowydh?,Is this car new?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yw hemma lyther?,Is this a letter?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yw hemma dha lyther?,Is this your letter?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Gwell yw genev rudh.,I prefer red.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yw hemma dha win?,Is this your wine?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn “A vyn’ta y brena?” “Mynnav.”,"""Do you want to buy it?"" ""Yes.""",cor_Latn-eng_Latn My a wel lion.,I see a lion.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn "Yn poynt da, meur ras. Ha genes sy?","Fine, thank you. And you?",cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yw an nowodhow ma gwir?,Is this news true?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yw hemma dha ji?,Is this your house?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn "Gav dhymm, my a’th pys.",Please forgive me.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yw homma dha gath?,Is this your cat?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn My a gar Ostrali.,I love Australia.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn A yll Tom dos ynwedh?,"Can Tom come, too?",cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yw homma y lawlen?,Is this his umbrella?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yw honna y lawlen?,Is that his umbrella?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yw honna hy glawlen?,Is that her umbrella?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yw homma agan ostel?,Is this our hotel?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Gwell yw genev redya.,I prefer to read.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn A nyns yw res dhis oberi?,Don't you have to work?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Na wra megi y’n gweli!,Don't smoke in bed.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Res yw dhymm kewsel genes.,I must speak with you.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Res yw dhymm kewsel genowgh.,I must talk with you.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Res yw dhodho diberth lemmyn.,He must leave now.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Ny vynnons dos.,They won't come.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yma dhedha dew vab hag unn vyrgh.,They have two sons and one daughter.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Ass os ta teg!,How beautiful you are!,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Hemm yw aga chi.,This is their house.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Ple fydh Tomm?,Where's Tom going to be?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Nyns o res dhywgh govyn.,You didn't have to ask.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Kewgh gansa.,Go with them.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn An lyver na yw byghan.,That book is small.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Mamm wynn Tomm ov.,I'm Tom's grandmother.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Res yw dhymm gweles hemma.,I have to see this.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn My a wayt y fynnowgh ow gweres.,I hope that you'll help me.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Google yw ow dyskador.,Google is my teacher.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Ny gonvedhav hemma.,I don't understand this.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Res yw dhymm kavos henna.,I have to find that.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yma delen ow kodha.,A leaf is falling.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Res vydh dhis gortos.,You'll have to wait.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yw res dhywgh gortos?,Do you have to stay?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Mir orthiv.,Look at me.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yw res dhymm diwiska?,Do I have to undress?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Res yw dhymm gul hemma.,I have to do this.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Ny allav vy kewsel lemmyn.,I can't talk now.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Eus marth dhis?,Are you surprised?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Kas o genev Tom.,I hated Tom.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yth esa marth dhymm.,I was surprised.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Kas yw gansa benenes.,They hate women.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yw res dhywgh oberi haneth?,Do you have to work tonight?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Res yw dhymm studhya lemmyn.,I have to study now.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yw res dhis mos lemmyn?,Do you have to go now?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yw res dhis gul henna?,Do you have to do that?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Nyns yw Almaynek yeth es.,German is not an easy language.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yw res dhis diberth lemmyn?,Do you need to leave now?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Kas yw genev homma.,I hate this.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Homm yw aga thigen.,This is their handbag.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yth esa marth dhodho ynwedh.,He was surprised too.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Homm yw y digen.,This is his handbag.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn A allav vy kavos ki?,Can I get a dog?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Nyns eus marth dhymm.,I'm not surprised.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Homm yw dha digen.,This is your handbag.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Homm yw ow thigen.,This is my handbag.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Hemm yw agan chi.,This is our house.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yw res dhyn mos lemmyn?,Do we have to go now?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Res yw dhymm godhvos moy.,I need to know more.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yth esov vy ow astelwolya.,I am windsurfing.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yw res dhymm gul neppyth?,Do I have to do anything?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Homm yw agan esedhva.,This is our living room.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Hemm yw dha lyver.,This is your book.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Hemm yw dha ji.,This is your house.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yw da genes gwin frynkek?,Do you like French wine?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Ev o drog pes gans y gentrevek.,He was displeased with his neighbor.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn My yw dyskador ynwedh.,"I am a teacher, too.",cor_Latn-eng_Latn My yw dyskadores ynwedh.,"I'm a teacher, too.",cor_Latn-eng_Latn Os ta demedhys?,Are you married?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Gwynn yw an ki.,The dog is white.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn My a vetyas orth Maria de.,I met Mary yesterday.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn An ki a vynn diberth.,The dog wants to leave.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Nyns yw res dhis mos ena.,You don't have to go there.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yma Tom ow klanhe y stevel.,Tom is cleaning his room.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Goliys yw Tom.,Tom is wounded.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yw res dhymm ygeri an fenester?,Do I have to open the window?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yw an gewer hweg?,Is the weather nice?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yth esov war y lergh.,I'm behind him.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yw res dhis gul hemma lemmyn?,Do you have to do this now?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yma va ow tybri aval.,He's eating an apple.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yw res dhis gul henna lemmyn?,Do you need to do that now?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yw res dhywgh gul henna lemmyn?,Do you have to do that now?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Ev a gews Arabek.,He speaks Arabic.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yw res dhymm gul hemma lemmyn?,Do I have to do this now?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Py par lyver a brensys?,What sort of book did you buy?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Py lyver a brensys?,What book did you buy?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Gwra redya an lyver ma!,Read this book!,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Ple’ma Laurie?,Where is Laurie?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yw res dhymm dybri genes?,Do I have to eat with you?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Kas yw genev skol.,I hate school.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn My a wel an maw.,I see the boy.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn My a wel maw.,I see a boy.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Kas yw genen Tom.,We hate Tom.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Da yw an te-ma.,This tea is good.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Ple’ma’n ostel?,Where is the hotel?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Nyns yw da genowgh ilow.,You don't like music.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yw res dhymm dybri gansa?,Do I have to eat with them?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Kas yw genev Nadelik.,I hate Christmas.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Kas yw genev dygolyow.,I hate holidays.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yw res dhyn gortos ragos?,Do we need to wait for you?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Nyns yw res dhedhi oberi.,She doesn't need to work.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yw res dhyn gortos ragdha?,Do we need to wait for them?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yw res dhyn gul hemma arta?,Do we need to do this again?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Gwir yw an hwedhel ma.,This story is true.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Mamm Tomm ov vy.,I'm Tom's mother.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Ty a allas gul hemma.,You could do this.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Ny allav vy diberth hwath.,I can't leave yet.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Eus kov dhis?,Do you remember?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Kewsewgh dhodho.,Talk to him.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn O res dhwygh gortos termyn hir?,Did you have to wait a long time?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Gorhel yw henna.,That is a ship.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Kows dhedhi.,Talk to her.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Nyns yw res dhis fistena.,You don't need to hurry.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yma kov dhymm a henna.,I remember that.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn A ny gerydh kathes?,Don't you like cats?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yma Shishir orth ow holya.,Shishir is following me.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yma diw bellwolok dhyn.,We have two television sets.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Ev a vynn dha weres.,He is going to help you.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Skrif dhedhi.,Write to her.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn An onan ma yw haval orth an onan na.,This one is similar to that one.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Ev yw haval orth dha vroder.,He is similar to your brother.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Nyns yw res dhywgh studhya.,You don't have to study.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Res yw dhymm dos tre.,I need to come home.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Nyns yw res dhwygh gorthebi.,You don't have to answer.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Nyns yw res dhis mos.,You don't have to go.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Ro dhymm korev aral.,Bring me another beer.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Dewgh dhyn.,Come to us.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn "Ro dhymm forgh aral, mar pleg.","Bring me another fork, please.",cor_Latn-eng_Latn Ny allav vy oberi haneth.,I can't work tonight.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Ple'ma an stevel-omwolghi?,Where is the bathroom?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Ple'ma an bisva?,Where is the toilet?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Ple'ma an lyver?,Where is the book?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Ple'ma an lyverva?,Where is the library?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Ple'ma an maw?,Where is the boy?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Hemm yw ki.,This is a dog.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Ple'ma an gorsav?,Where is the station?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Ple'ma popti?,Where is a bakery?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Ple'ma an skol?,Where is the school?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Ple'ma an tren?,Where is the train?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Ple'ma an kyttrin?,Where is the bus?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Eus kov dhis a henna?,Do you remember that?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn An fos na yw yeyn.,That wall is cold.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Res o dhymm klewes henna.,I needed to hear that.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yma bugh dhymm.,I have a cow.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Ple'ma medhek?,Where is a doctor?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Ple'ma klavji?,Where is a hospital?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Ple'ma an gath?,Where is the cat?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Ple'ma an klavji?,Where is the hospital?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Ple'ma an den?,Where is the man?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Ple'ma an varghas?,Where is the market?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Ple'ma an boos?,Where is the food?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Ple'ma an fordh?,Where is the road?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Nyns o res dhis fistena.,You didn't need to hurry.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Ple'th esa pubonan?,Where was everyone?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Ple'th esa an kreslu?,Where was the police?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Ple'th esa an kuntelles?,Where was the meeting?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Nyns yw res dhywgh dybri.,You don't have to eat.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yeyn yw an fos na.,This wall is cold.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Dewgh genev.,Come with me.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Skwith o an maw.,The boy was tired.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Ny welis Tomm.,I didn't see Tom.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Ow hothmans owgh hwi.,You're my friends.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Nyns yw res dhyn mos.,We don't have to go.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Kewgh genev.,Go with me.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Nyns yw da ganso koffi.,He doesn't like coffee.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Nyns yw da ganso eva koffi.,He doesn't like to drink coffee.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Dewgh dhymm.,Come to me.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn "Eus, yma dew.","Yes, there are two.",cor_Latn-eng_Latn My a vynn kewsel.,I want to talk.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn My a dhybris an avalow rudh.,I ate the red apples.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Hemm yw gwir.,This is true.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Tom re brenas carr-tan nowydh.,Tom has bought a new car.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Ny’gas gwelas Tomm.,Tom didn't see you.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Ny’n gwelas Tomm.,Tom didn't see it.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn "“Yw dha wreg Brythones?” “Nag yw, nyns yw Brythones, Albanes yw.”","""Is your wife British?"" ""She isn't British, she's Scottish.""",cor_Latn-eng_Latn My a ober ganso.,I work with him.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Fatla genes hedhyw?,How are you today?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Fatla genowgh hwi hedhyw?,How do you feel today?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Kas yw genev hy hatt.,I hate her hat.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yma diw gath dhybm.,I have two cats.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yma dhymm koweth.,I have a friend.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Ass yw a krev!,How strong he is!,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Kas yw genev y hatt.,I hate his hat.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yw hemma dha erlyver?,Is this your dictionary?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn An re na yw howlvleujen.,Those are sunflowers.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Kas yw genev an traow na.,I hate those things.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Garow yw morladron.,Pirates are cruel.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Hemm yw aval glas.,This is a green apple.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Agan tas yw henna.,That is our father.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Kas yw genev an tybyans na.,I hate that idea.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Kewgh gansa!,Go with them!,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Ny yll'ta dybri omma.,You can't eat here.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Ev a vynn metya orthis.,He wants to meet you.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yma dhedha diw vyrgh.,They have two daughters.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Hwi a yll gul devnydh a’m karr-tan nowydh.,You may use my new car.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn My a allsa amma dhis.,I could kiss you.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Jori a wor kewsel peder yeth.,Jorge can speak four languages.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Jori a wor kewsel peswar tavas.,Jorge is able to speak four languages.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Koth yw an lyver na.,That book is old.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn "Ov, demedhys ov.","Yes, I am married.",cor_Latn-eng_Latn Edgar Degas yw ow hanow.,My name is Edgar Degas.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yw res dhedha y wul?,Do they have to do it?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Pandr’a vynnyn dhe dhybri?,What will we eat?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yth esa dhodho unn vyrgh.,He had one daughter.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Ny allav koska.,I can't sleep.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Nyns os ta ow broder.,You are not my brother.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yw da genowgh gwin gwynn?,Do you like white wine?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Ny yllyn koska.,I couldn't sleep.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yma lost hir dhe’m ki.,My dog has a long tail.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Hweg yw an aval ma.,This apple is sweet.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Hemm yw yey.,This is ice.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Res yw dhedha gorthebi an govyn.,They have to answer the question.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yth hevel na wor Tomm kewsel Frynkek.,Tom doesn't seem to know French.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yw da genes choklet gwynn?,Do you like white chocolate?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Homm yw euthyk.,This is terrible.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Nyns yw kas genev skol.,I don't hate school.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Skrifewgh dhymm.,Write to me.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Kows dhymm.,Speak to me.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Ev a gemmer mel yn le sugra.,He takes honey instead of sugar.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Mall o gensi mos tre.,She was eager to go home.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Nyns yw res dhywgh oberi hedhyw.,You don't have to work today.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Bras yw hemma.,This is big.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Ny yll'ta diberth omma.,You can't leave here.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yma diw desen.,There were two cakes.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Homm yw da.,This is good.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn An gwav ma yw tomm.,This winter is warm.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Koynt yw hemma.,This is odd.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Res yw dhyn kevewya.,We must party.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Nyns o res dhywgh gowleverel.,You didn't have to lie.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Res yw dhyn gul neppyth.,We need to do something.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yw res dhis oberi dy Sul?,Do you need to work on Sunday?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Nyns yw res dhis diberth.,You don't have to leave.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn My a brenas naw flour.,I bought nine flowers.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Nyns yw res dhis dos a-vorow.,You don't have to come tomorrow.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Homm yw koynt.,This is strange.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Fatla genes?,How are you?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Res yw dhyn studhya.,We have to study.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yth esov vy ow skrifa lyver.,I'm writing a book.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Da lowr yw homma.,This is OK.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yma pymp kowethes dhymm.,I have five friends.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Bras yw an aval na.,That apple is big.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Res yw dhyn gwaynya.,We have to win.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Nyns yw res dhyn fistena.,We don't need to hurry.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Hweg yw hemma.,This is sweet.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Gwynn o an tewes war an treth.,The sand on the beach was white.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Res yw dhyn hedhi.,We have to stop.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn A wra glaw hedhyw?,Will it rain today?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Mowes teg yw Laurie.,Laurie is a beautiful girl.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Res yw dhyn dybri.,We need to eat.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn My a dhe’n skol pub myttin.,I go to school every morning.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Hir yw an losten na.,That skirt is long.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Res yw dhymm skrifa lyther. Eus genes paper?,I have to write a letter. Do you have some paper?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Ymons i ow tybri avalow.,They're eating apples.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Da yw genev dehen rew.,I like ice cream.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Nyns yw Tom tas Maria.,Tom isn't Mary's father.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yth esov vy ow tybri aval.,I am eating an apple.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Hi a wor kewsel Spaynek.,She can speak Spanish.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yma hi ow tybri aval.,She's eating an apple.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yth eson ni ow tybri avalow.,We're eating apples.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Peber ov.,I'm a baker.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn My a vynn oberi.,I will work.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Skrif dhodho.,Write to him.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Tom a vynna y brena.,Tom wanted to buy it.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Res o dhymm ponya.,I had to run.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Benyn deg os.,You're a beautiful woman.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Lever ow bos klav.,Say I am sick!,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Res yw dhyn dalleth lemmyn.,We must start now.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Kows dhyn.,Talk to us.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Seytek bloodh yw ow howethes.,My friend is seventeen years old.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Hemm yw ow jynn-amontya.,This is my computer.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Homm yw pluven blomm.,This is a pencil.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Kewsewgh dhedha.,Talk to them.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Skrif dhedha.,Write to them.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Deus genev.,Come with me!,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Pur deg yw dha bows.,Your dress is very nice.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Res yw dhyn mos arta.,We must go back.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Kows genev.,Speak with me.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Drog yw genev Tom.,I dislike Tom.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Ev eth dhe brenassa.,He went shopping.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Ke ganso.,Go with him.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Ke gensi.,Go with her.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Deus genen.,Come with us.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Karr yw hemma.,This is a car.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Res o dhywgh studhya Sowsnek.,You had to study English.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Mirewgh orthiv.,Look at me!,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Res yw dhyn oberi lemmyn.,We must work now.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yth esa hi ow mires orthis.,She was looking at you.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yth esa ev ow mires orthis.,He was looking at you.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yma hi ow mires orthis.,She's looking at you.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Mir orto.,Look at him.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yth esa hi ow mires orto.,She was looking at him.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yth esa ev ow mires orti.,He was looking at her.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Mir orthyn.,Look at us.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yma hi ow mires orthyn.,She's looking at us.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Ny yllyn klewes Tom.,I couldn't hear Tom.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Nyns eus genen marnas te.,We only have tea.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yma ki gwynn dhodho.,He has a white dog.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Margh yw hemma.,This is a horse.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn An gador ma yw hager.,This chair is ugly.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yw henna oll?,Is that all?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Ny dheuth an prener.,The customer did not come.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Nyns yw res dhywgh gul hemma.,You don't need to do this.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Nyns yw res dhis gul henna.,You don't need to do that.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn An bleujyow na yw teg.,Those flowers are beautiful.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Nyns yw res dhywgh gul henna.,You don't have to do that.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Nyns yw res dhyn gul henna.,We don't have to do that.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Byghan yw an lyver ma.,This book is small.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yw henna gwir?,Is that true?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Res o dhymm gweres Tom.,I had to help Tom.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yw hemma dha gorev?,Is this your beer?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn An lyver ma yw poos.,This book is heavy.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn My a’m beus diwros koth.,I have an old bicycle.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Nyns yw res dhyn gul hemma.,We don't have to do this.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Nyns yw res dhyn redya henna.,We don't have to read that.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yw henna da lowr?,Is that okay?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn An hwedhel ma yw gwir.,This is a true story.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Tomm a’n gwelas.,Tom saw him.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Tomm a’s gwelas.,Tom saw her.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Tom re omwolghas.,Tom has washed himself.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Tomm re’n gwelas.,Tom has seen it.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Teg yw an avon ma.,This river is beautiful.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Nyns o res dhedha dos.,They didn't need to come.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn An re na yw da.,Those are good.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Bras yw an pysk ma.,This fish is big.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yw henna frynkek?,Is that French?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Nyns yw res dhis oberi hedhyw.,You don't need to work today.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Da yw an desk ma.,This desk is good.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yw an re na eskisyow nowydh?,Are those new shoes?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Ke dhe-ves!,Away with you!,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Tomm yw an kota ma.,This coat is warm.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn I a vynn dos.,They want to come.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Nyns yw res dhywgh leverel henna.,You don't have to say that.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn "“Tomm, lavar dhymm, mar pleg …” – “Mar pleg!”","""Tom, say to me, please ..."" - ""Please!""",cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yw honna agas stevel?,Is that your room?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Nyns yw res dhywgh godhvos henna.,You don't need to know that.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yw res dhyn mos?,Do we have to go?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Pyth yw an niverow na?,What are those numbers?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn An desen ma yw hweg.,This cake is sweet.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Da yw an kig-ma.,This meat is good.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Res yw dhyn y wul arta.,We must do it again.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Res o dhyn diberth yn uskis.,We had to leave quickly.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Ottomma dha gi.,Here is your dog.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yw henna hweg?,Is that sweet?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Kosel yw an stevel ma.,This room is quiet.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Res o dhymm godhvos moy.,I had to know more.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Res o dhymm leverel neppyth.,I had to say something.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn An re na yw ow howethesow.,Those are my friends.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn My a garsa eva hanafas te.,I want to drink a cup of tea.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Nyns yw res dhis diberth lemmyn.,You don't need to leave now.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Res o dhyn kerdhes tre.,We had to walk home.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Glan yw an voos ma.,This table is clean.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Res o dhyn gweres Tom.,We had to help Tom.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Nyns yw res dhymm gul henna.,I don't need to do that.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn An re na yw ow eskisyow.,Those are my shoes.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn My a vynn an eskisyow na!,I want those shoes!,cor_Latn-eng_Latn An gweli ma yw poos.,This bed is heavy.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn An jydh ma yw dy Gwener.,This day is Friday.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yw henna koffi?,Is that coffee?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn An jydh ma yw dy Sul.,Today is Sunday.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Prenn yw an voos ma.,This table is wooden.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Res yw dhyn oberi war-barth.,We need to work together.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn An re na yw re vras.,Those are too big.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Py liw yw an re na?,What color are those?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Dy Sul yw an jydh ma.,It's Sunday today.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yth esa kath dhymm.,I had a cat.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn My a bonyas tre.,I ran home.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yth esa peswar flogh dhymm.,I had four children.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yth esa gols loos dhymm.,I had gray hair.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yth esa mab dhymm.,I had a son.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn I eth dhe byskessa.,They went fishing.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yth esa nown dhymm.,I was hungry.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yma nown dhyn.,We are hungry.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yth esa nown dhedha.,They were hungry.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Nyns yw res dhis bos omma.,You don't have to be here.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yma nown dhedha.,They are hungry.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yth esa nown dhodho.,He was hungry.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Nyns ov medhoges.,I'm not a doctor.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Hi o mar deg avel brialli.,She was as pretty as a primrose.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Ny vynnav vy mos dhe'n skol.,I don't want to go to school.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yma nown bras dhymm.,I'm very hungry.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Pyth esowgh hwi ow kul?,What are you doing?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Eus seghes dhis?,Are you thirsty?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Res o dhywgh bos ena.,You had to be there.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yth esa seghes dhodho.,He was thirsty.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Ple'th esos ta ow mos?,Where are you going?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yma seghes dhis.,You are thirsty.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn An re ma yw enevales.,These are animals.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yth esa seghes dhymm.,I was thirsty.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Ple'th esowgh hwi ow mos?,Where are you going to?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yma seghes bras dhymm.,I'm very thirsty.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Res o dhymm leverel honna.,I had to say that.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yth esa seghes bras dhymm.,I was very thirsty.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yma nown ha seghes dhedhi.,She's hungry and thirsty.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yma nown ha seghes dhodho.,He's hungry and thirsty.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yma nown ha seghes dhymm.,I'm hungry and thirsty.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yma anwos warnav.,I have a cold.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yma anwos warnav lemmyn.,I have a cold now.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yma anwos warnodho.,He has a cold.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yma anwos warnedhi.,She has a cold.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yma anwos warnodho lemmyn.,He has a cold now.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yw henna nowydh?,Is that new?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn An kist yw bras ha poos.,The box is big and heavy.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yth esen ni ow koslowes orth ilow.,We were listening to music.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Res o dhymm mos ena de.,I had to go there yesterday.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn "Deg, ugens, deg warn ugens, dew-ugens, deg ha dew-ugens, tri-ugens, deg ha tri-ugens, peswar-ugens, deg ha peswar-ugens, kans.","Ten, twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety, one hundred.",cor_Latn-eng_Latn Pyth yw homma?,What is this?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn An re ma yw da.,These are good.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yma drog penn dhodho.,He has a headache.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn An re ma yw poos.,These are heavy.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Ny veu an lavar-ma treylys whath.,This sentence hasn't yet been translated.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Meur ras a’th ro.,Thank you for your present.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Pur dhrog yw genev!,I'm really sorry!,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yma drog penn bras dhymm.,I have a bad headache.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Res yw dhyn assaya hemma.,We have to try this.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn My a wel an chi.,I see the house.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Ow hothman a’m gweresas.,My friend helped me.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yma dhodho seyth mab.,He has seven sons.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yma dhedhi seyth mab.,She has seven sons.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Eus drog penn dhywgh?,Have you got a headache?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Ragos sy yw hemma.,This is for you.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Ragos sy yw homma.,This is for you!,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Res o dhodho gortos yn gweli.,He had to stay in bed.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Ny wrug Tom goslowes.,Tom didn't listen.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yma drog penn dhymm hwath.,I still have a headache.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yma dhedha mab.,They have a son.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yma drog penn bras dhymm hedhyw.,I have a bad headache today.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn An lyvrow ma yw nowydh.,These books are new.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yeyn yw yn chi.,The house is cold.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yma drog penn dhymm an myttin ma.,I have a headache this morning.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yma own dhodho.,He is afraid.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn My a vynn y ri dhe Tom.,I'll give it to Tom.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn A nyns yw res dhis mos dhe'n skol hedhyw?,Don't you have to go to school today?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn My a vynn hy ri dhe Tom.,I'm going to give it to Tom.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yw an re ma dha draow?,Are these your things?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yma’n howl ow splanna.,The sun is shining.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yma’n edhen yn hy neyth.,The bird is in its nest.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Ple hwelsys ta Nancy?,Where did you see Nancy?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yth esa drog penn dhymm.,I had a headache.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Red an lyver ma!,Read this book.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Y leverir yma ev yn Breten Veur.,It is said that he is in Britain.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yth esa drog penn dhedhi.,She had a headache.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Prag y studhydh Frynkek?,Why do you study French?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yth esa drog penn dhymm an jydh oll de.,I had a headache all day yesterday.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn A Ostrali yth yw Jane devedhys.,Jane comes from Australia.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Nyns o res dhyn fistena.,We didn't need to hurry.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yw henna agas karr?,Is that your car?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Hi a wra ergh yn-mes.,It snows outside.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Nyns o res dhedhi dos.,She didn't need to come.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Nyns o res dhis dos.,You didn't have to come.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn "Gwag os, dell dybav.",I suppose you're hungry.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yma lies kothman dhe Wella.,Bill has many friends.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yma lies koweth dhe Wella.,Bill has a lot of friends.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Nyns o res dhywgh dos.,You didn't need to come.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Pandr’a hwarva?,What's the matter?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn "Pes, my a’th pys.",Please go ahead.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn A wre’ta convedhes Frynkek?,Do you understand French?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn A nyns yw hi medhoges?,Isn't she a doctor?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Res yw dhis dalleth.,You have to start.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn A wra ergh yn Boston?,Does it snow in Boston?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn My a garsa kewsel orth Judy.,I'd like to speak to Judy.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn A allav vy kewsel orth Judy?,Can I speak with Judy?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Nyns o res dhymm mos.,I didn't have to go.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Res yw dhis assaya!,You have to try.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yth esen ow pobas tesen.,I was baking a cake.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yw res dhyn mos ena?,Do we have to go there?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yw henna dha ji?,Is that your house?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yw res dhymm gortos tre hedhyw?,Must I stay home today?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Prag yth yw ow sagh gwag?,Why is my bag empty?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Hi a vynna metya orthiv.,She wanted to meet me.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yth esen ow redya lyver hag onan pur dha o va.,We were reading a book and it was a very good one.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Res yw dhyn diberth lemmyn.,We have to leave now.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Nyns yw res dhis mos a-ji.,You don't have to go inside.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Goslow orthiv.,Listen to me.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Pyth yw dha hanow?,What is your name?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Pyth yw agas hanow?,What's your name?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom a gews Frynkek yn ta, dell brederav.",I think Tom speaks French well.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Py hanow owgh hwi?,What are you called?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom a gews Frynkek yn ta, dell grysav.","Tom speaks French well, I think.",cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yma drog penn dhymm.,I have a headache.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Ple feu Tom genys?,Where was Tom born?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Pyth yw hy hanow?,What's her name?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Pyth yw y hanow?,What's his name?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Nyns yw ow thas.,He's not my father.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Ni a studh Arabek.,We study Arabic.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Res yw dhyn y wul lemmyn.,We must do it now.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Ki Mary yw hemma.,This is Mary's dog.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Nyns en vy mar grev avel ow thas.,I was not as strong as my father.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yma hi ow kul ergh lemmyn.,It's snowing now.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Eus arghans dhedha?,Do they have money?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Goslow orthiv!,Listen to me!,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Ny evav aga dowr.,I don't drink their water.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Nyns o res dhymm govyn.,I didn't have to ask.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Ny wor ow mamm lewya karr-tan.,My mother cannot drive a car.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yw henna agas mamm?,Is that your mother?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn My a’th konvedh.,I understand you.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Prag y fynnydh y wodhvos?,Why do you want to know that?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Eus arghans dhis?,Do you have money?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yma ev ow mires orth arghpedrevanes.,He's looking at dinosaurs.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Hemm yw kig da.,This is good meat.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Nyns yw res dhywgh mos ena.,You don't need to go there.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Eus mona dhis?,Do you have any money?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Goslow orta.,Listen to them.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn My a brederis y vos klav.,I thought he was sick.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Ple y’n gwelowgh?,Where do you see him?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Nyns yw res dhis mos a-vorow.,You don't need to go tomorrow.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn My re bia ow kortos.,I've been waiting.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Goslow orto.,Listen to him.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Ty a wra anwosi.,You will catch cold.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn An keun na yw bras.,Those dogs are big.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yth eses tre de.,You were at home yesterday.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Ow hath a vynn kara hemma.,My cat will love this.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn My a gara Maria.,I used to love Mary.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Nyns o res dhis gul hemma.,You didn't have to do this.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yma ev ow skollya termyn.,He is wasting time.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Res yw dhywgh goslowes orthyn.,You have to listen to us.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Ni a wre gwari war-barth.,We used to play together.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Res yw dhywgh goslowes orthiv.,You need to listen to me.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn An re ma yw ydhyn.,These are birds.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Ow gwreg yw homma.,This is my wife.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Nyns o res dhedhi gul an ober na.,She didn't need to do that work.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Nyns o res dhis prena an lyver.,You didn't need to buy the book.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Res yw dhywgh goslowes orta.,You need to listen to them.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Nyns o res dhodho dri an lawlen.,He didn't need to bring an umbrella.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Nyns o res dhis dri dha lawlen.,You didn't need to bring your umbrella.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Kig yar yw hemma.,That's the meat of a hen.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Res yw dhis goslowes orti.,You need to listen to her.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Ev a allsa y wul.,He could do it.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yw henna ragov?,Is that for me?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Res yw dhyn mos dhe skol.,We must go to school.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Nyns o res dhywgh dri agas glawlen.,You needn't have brought your umbrella.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn My a vynn ri dhodho an lyver a-vorow.,I will give him the book tomorrow.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn My a vynn ri dhedhi an lyver a-vorow.,I will give her the book tomorrow.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn An re ma yw pluvennow.,These are pens.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Res yw dhyn dybri neppyth.,We need to eat something.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Nyns o res dhywgh prena an lyver ma.,You didn't need to buy this book.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn My a vynn ri dhodho y lyver a-vorow.,I'll give him his book tomorrow.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Lowen yw Ken.,Ken is happy.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Nyns o res dhymm mos dhe Almayn.,I didn't need to go to Germany.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Ni a wrug koska yn tylda pur byghan.,We slept in a very small tent.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Nyns o res dhymm gwertha ow harr.,I didn't need to sell my car.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Noth o an baban.,The baby was naked.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yma Tom orth y synsi.,Tom is holding it.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yma kudyn bras dhe Tom.,Tom has a big problem.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Ny wor den vyth hy hanow.,No one knows her name.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Nyns o res dhedhi mos dhe'n kuntelles.,She didn't need to go to the meeting.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Ny wor den vyth y hanow.,Nobody knows his name.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Da yw genev goslowes orth ilow dha.,I like to listen to good music.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Nyns o res dhymm kemeres an lawlen genev.,I didn't need to take an umbrella with me.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Ny wor den vyth aga hanow.,No one knows their name.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn An re ma yw teg.,These are beautiful.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Ki byghan yw.,It is a small dog.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Honn yw skath.,That is a boat.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Eus drog penn dhis?,Do you have a headache?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Nyns yw res dhymm goslowes orthowgh.,I don't have to listen to you.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn "Koth, hager ha tew yw.","She's old, ugly and fat.",cor_Latn-eng_Latn Ygor an darasow ma.,Open these doors.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Ple’ma hi?,Where is she?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Edhom yw dhymm a vona.,I need money.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Edhom yw dhymm a arghans.,I'm in need of money.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yw henna drogober?,Is that a crime?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn An re ma yw borelesyow.,These are daises.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Ple’ma dha gerens?,Where are your parents?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Res yw dhyn gwiska eskisyow.,We have to wear shoes.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Nyns yw res dhymm godhvos hemma.,I don't need to know this.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Devedhys ov a Frynk.,I am from France.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yma drog penn dhymm hedhyw.,I have a headache today.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Hi a vydh glaw a-vorow.,It'll rain tomorrow.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Fatel yw an gewer yn agas bro?,How is the weather in your country?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yw henna agas hwor?,Is that your sister?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yth esen vy ow redya.,I was reading.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yth esov vy ow redya an paper nowodhow.,I'm reading the newspaper.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yma bosti omma.,There's a restaurant here.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Da yw genev gwav.,I like winter.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Ev a wel dha vargh.,He sees your horse.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Hi a wel dha vargh.,She sees your horse.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn A allav vy usya an bluven ma?,May I use this pen?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Nyns ov gwag.,I'm not hungry.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Res yw dhyn gul henna.,We have to do that.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yma ki gwynn dhe Tom.,Tom has a white dog.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yw an edhen byw po marow?,Is the bird alive or dead?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Pubonan a wor henna.,Everybody knows that.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Da yw genev gwenton.,I like spring.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Da yw gans Maria mires orth an bellwolok.,Mary likes watching TV.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Da yw genev henna.,I like that.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yw henna agas diwdros?,Is that your bicycle?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Da yw genev tus.,I like men.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Nyns yw res dhyn diberth hwath.,We don't need to leave yet.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn My a bareusis hansel rygdhi.,I prepared breakfast for her.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yma drog penn euthyk dhymm.,I have a terrible headache.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Da yw genev glas.,I like blue.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yth esa drog penn dhodho.,He had a headache.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Goslow orti.,Listen to her.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Da yw genev benenes.,I like women.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn My a vynn ki nowydh.,I want a new dog.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Da yw genev Tatoeba.,I like Tatoeba.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yma dhymm kath ha ki.,I have a cat and a dog.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yma dhymm ki ha kath.,I have a dog and a cat.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yma dhymm unn ki hag unn gath.,I own one dog and one cat.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yma dhymm unn gath hag unn ki.,I own one cat and one dog.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Fatel yw an gewer yn-mes?,How is the weather outside?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Da yw genev bara.,I like bread.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Da yw genev mel.,I like honey.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn "Ro dhyn diw gollell ha peder forgh, mar pleg.","Give us two knives and four forks, please.",cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yw honna kath?,Is that a cat?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Ni a allas kana war-barth.,We could sing together.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Da yw genev dillas.,I like clothes.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn An re ma yw agan deskys.,These are our desks.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn My a dhallathas skrifa an lyver.,I started writing the book.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Gwynn yw ow heun.,My dogs are white.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Nyns yw res dhis bos ena.,You don't need to be there.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yma enesow y’n mor.,There are islands in the sea.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yw honna edhen?,Is that a bird?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Res yw dhedhi koska moy.,She needs to sleep more.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yma ganso diwla smodh.,He has smooth hands.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Da yw genev bleujyow.,I like flowers.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Res yw dhywgh gul hemma.,You need to do this.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Da yw genev melyn.,I like yellow.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn My re welas ki.,I have seen a dog.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Kemmer with.,Take care of yourself.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Ha ty?,How about you?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yw res dhywgh mos?,Do you need to go?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Nyns yw res dhyn bos omma.,We don't have to be here.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn "Skrif dhymm lyther, mar pleg.",Please write a letter to me.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yw henna lowarn?,Is that a fox?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Res yw dhywgh dos genev.,You must come with me.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Ple’ma dha fleghes?,Where are your kids?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Gwynn yw ki Tom.,Tom's dog is white.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn A wodhes?,Do you know?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yma lies lyver dhe’m tas.,My father has a lot of books.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Na wrewgh ygeri an daras.,Don't open the door.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Da yw genev eva.,I like to drink.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Eus pellwolok y’th chambour?,Is there a television set in your bedroom?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Hemm yw ki bras.,This is a big dog.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Nyns yw res dhis gorthebi hedhyw.,You don't have to answer today.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Gourvleydh yw ev.,He's a werewolf.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Res yw dhyn kewsel moy.,We need to talk more.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Nyns o res dhis gul henna.,You didn't need to do that.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Ni a vynn hwath gweres.,We still want to help.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Da yw genev dybri pysk.,I like to eat fish.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Res yw dhyn leverel nebonan.,We have to tell someone.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Nyns yw res dhyn mos ena.,We don't need to go there.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Res yw dhyn golghi an leur.,We must wash the floor.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn My a redyas lyver ha my ow tybri.,I read a book while eating.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yma dhedhi deg flogh.,She has ten children.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yma dhodho deg flogh.,He has ten children.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yma dhymm kolon.,I have a heart.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn My a vynn kavos aval.,I want an apple.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yma ev ow redya.,He is reading.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Ple’th os ta trigys lemmyn?,Where do you live now?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Res yw dhymm studhya.,I need to study.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Res yw dhyn assaya neppyth.,We have to try something.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Nyns yw res dhis gul hemma!,You don't have to do this!,cor_Latn-eng_Latn My a’th kar!,I love you!,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Dy’gol vydh a-vorow.,Tomorrow is a holiday.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn A-vorow y fydh dy’gol.,Tomorrow's a holiday.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn My a’s gorras y’th roum.,I put it in your room.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Tom a omwolghas.,Tom washed himself.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn My a’th kar.,I love you.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Nyns esa den vyth y’n stevel.,There wasn't anyone in the room.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Nyns esa den vyth y’n stevel-na.,There wasn't anybody in that room.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Ottomma ki Mary.,Here is Mary's dog.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yma dha gi omma.,Your dog is here.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Gwynsek o de.,It was windy yesterday.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yma dha gi ena.,Your dog is over there.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Res yw dhodho gorfenna y ober tre hedhyw.,He must finish his homework today.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Trigys yw yn ogas.,She lives nearby.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Da yw gensi ponya.,She likes to run.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Prag y hwruss’ta henna?,Why did you do that?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Gourvleydhes yw gwell ages sugneres-goos.,Werewolves are better than vampires.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Ty a allas y wul.,I could do it.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Ny wonn henna.,I don't know that.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn My a yv leth.,I drink milk.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Res yw dhyn ponya lemmyn.,We have to run now.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Klavji bras yw.,It's a big hospital.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Ple y’s gwelsys?,Where did you see her?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Ple y’s gwelsowgh?,Where did you see them?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Henn o gow.,That was a lie.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Kig ha pysk a werth an gwerthji na.,That store sells meat and fish.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Nyns yw res dhis gorthebi an govyn ma.,You don't have to answer this question.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn My a allas gorthebi y wovyn.,I could answer his question.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yowann yw ow noy.,John is my nephew.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Nyns yw res dhywgh gorthebi an govyn ma.,You do not have to answer this question.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yma nebonen ow kana.,Someone is singing.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Hi a bareusis aga boos.,She prepares their food.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Ple’ma dha ji?,Where is your house?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Nyns ov dha vab.,I'm not your son.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yma dhymm karten gresys.,I have a credit card.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Nyns ov agas mab.,I am not your son.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Ple’ma agas chi?,Where is his house?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Res yw dhyn y wul.,We have to do it.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Ple’th os ta trigys?,Where do you live?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Nyns yw res dhymm glanhe ow stevel.,I don't have to clean my room.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Ple’ma y ji?,Where is her house?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Ple’ma hy chi?,Where's his home?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Pyth esos ta ow kegina?,What are you cooking?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn A gewsir Sowsnek yn Canada?,Is English spoken in Canada?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Ty a allas gweres.,You could help.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn I a armas rag gweres.,They shouted for help.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Ny vynnav gorwedha.,I don't want to lie down.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Gwell yw genev keun.,I prefer dogs.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Nyns yw res dhis y wul omma.,You don't have to do it here.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Nyns yw da gans Tom owravalow.,Tom doesn't like oranges.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Nyns yw da gans Tom nejya.,Tom doesn't like to fly.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Ny wor Maria tra vyth.,Mary knows nothing.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Res yw dhis mos dhe’n skol.,You must go to school.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Glyb yw hi.,It is wet.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Tomm yw hi.,It is hot.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yeyn yw hi.,It is cold.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Howlyek yw hi.,It is sunny.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Ass yw drog an gewer?,Isn't the weather bad?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Ass yw splann an gewer?,Isn't the weather great?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Nyns yw da gensi pysk.,She doesn't like fish.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Res yw dhywgh hwi mos dhe’n skol.,They have to go to school.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Tom res eth dhe’n gweli.,Tom has gone to bed.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Res o dhedhi sevel y'n tren.,She had to stand in the train.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Nyns esens i ena.,They weren't there.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Kas o gensi hy gour.,She hated her husband.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Nyns eses ta ena.,You weren't there.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Res yw dhymm dalleth.,I have to start.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Fatel yw an gewer hedhyw?,What is the weather like today?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Os ta studhyer?,Are you a student?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Ny ylli Tomm kavos Maria.,Tom couldn't find Mary.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yma nown dhymm.,I am hungry.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Henn yw y vargh.,That's his horse.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yma pymp pluven blomm omma.,There are five pencils here.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Res yw dhymm dybri yn lent.,I must eat slowly.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Nyns yw da genev hav.,I don't like summer.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Py eur yw hi?,What time is it?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn dy'Lun yw hedhyw.,Today is Monday.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn dy'Meurth yw hedhyw.,Today is Tuesday.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn dy'Mergher yw hedhyw.,Today is Wednesday.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn dy'Yow yw hedhyw.,Today is Thursday.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn dy'Gwener yw hedhyw.,Today is Friday.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn dy'Sadorn yw hedhyw.,Today is Saturday.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Trigys ov vy yn chi yn Druru.,I live in a house in Truro.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Henn o y hanow.,That was his name.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn O da genes an lyver?,Did you like the book?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Bythkweth ny welis kammneves.,I've never seen a rainbow.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yw hemma ow gwin?,Is this my wine?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn My a wra mos dhe'n diwotti.,I'm going to the pub.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Kerys ov gans ow mamm.,I am loved by my mother.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Ow mamm a’m kar.,My mother loves me.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Da yw genev dowr.,I like water.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn A nyns eus dhywgh pluven?,Don't you have a pen?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Nyns yw homma ow hath vy.,This is not my cat.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yma drog penn euthyk dhymm!,I have a terrible headache!,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Ev a bew an karr-tan na.,That car is his.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Ow mamm a gegin yn ta.,My mother cooks well.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Pes bloodh os ta?,How old are you?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Den heb tavas a gollas y dir.,A man without his language has lost his land.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Kows yn lent!,Speak more slowly!,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Dewdhek bloodh ov.,I'm twelve years old.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Dewdhek bloodh ov vy.,I am 12 years old.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Ny vynnav oberi.,I don't want to work.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn My a aswon an mowesi na.,I know those girls.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yw hemma ow thremengummyas?,Is this my passport?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yma teyr myrgh dhodho.,He has three daughters.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Ev a gews peder yeth.,He speaks four languages.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yw res dhymm mos lemmyn?,Do I have to go now?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn My a breder y kews Tom Frynkek yn ta.,I think that Tom speaks French well.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Pur dha o henna.,That was very good.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Res yw dhis gweres.,You have to help.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Ny vynnav dos.,I won't come.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Ni a dhibarthas war-barth.,We left together.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Res yw dhywgh gweres.,You need to help.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Nyns yw res dhymm studhya haneth.,I don't have to study tonight.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Piw yw an dus na?,Who are those men?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Ev a dhibarthas a-varr.,He left early.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Y garr yw henna.,That is his car.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Henn yw hy harer.,That's her boyfriend.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yw homma hy glawlen?,Is this her umbrella?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Hi a dhibarthas a-varr.,She left early.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Eth bloodh yw hi.,She is eight.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Py lies lyver eus dhis?,How many books do you have?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Py lies lyver eus dhywgh?,How many books have you got?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Ny borth Tom kov a Varia.,Tom doesn't remember Mary.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn My a besyas oberi.,I continued working.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn "Toshio, piw yw da genes?","Toshio, who do you like?",cor_Latn-eng_Latn Py par ilow yw da gans Tom?,What kind of music does Tom like?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yma’n dhewbries ow mos yn-mes a’n eglos.,The couple are going out of the church.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Gwynn yw keun.,Dogs are white.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yma’n eglos na war vre.,That church stands on a hill.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yma’n eglos war an vre.,The church stands on the hill.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Nyns ov studhyer.,I'm not a student.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn "Penn-bloedh lowen, Shishir!","Happy birthday, Shishir!",cor_Latn-eng_Latn Nyns yw da genev an koffi.,I don't like the coffee.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Ple’th yw trigys dha das gwynn?,Where does your grandfather live?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Res yw dhymm gweres ow mamm.,I must help my mother.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Nyns yw res dhywgh sevel.,You don't need to stand up.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Emily a vynn dyski Greka.,Emily wants to learn Greek.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yth esa Pablo ha María omma.,Pablo and María were here.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Saw ny yll den vyth ow gweres.,But nobody can help me.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Es’ta owth eva gwin?,Did you drink wine?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Hi a gegin ragdho.,She cooks for him.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yma hi ow kegina ragdho.,She is cooking for him.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Piw a skrifas an lyther ma?,Who wrote this letter?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Genys veuv yn Tokyo yn 1968.,I was born in Tokyo in 1968.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Nyns yw da genev keun bras.,I don't like big dogs.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Avan yw pur gostek.,Raspberries are very expensive.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Piw a skrifas an lyther na?,Who wrote that letter?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Piw a skrifas an lyther?,Who wrote the letter?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Ny allav y gonvedhes.,I cannot understand it.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Ny allav hy honvedhes.,I can't understand it.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Ev a yll neyja.,He can swim.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Prag ymons i ow kul hemma?,Why are they doing this?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Prag yth es’ta ow kul hemma?,Why are you doing this?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Prag yth esos ow kul hemma?,Why do you do it?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Ple’ma dha dhewlagas?,Where are your eyes?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Res yw dhymm kavos an gorthyp.,I must find the answer.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Kales yw redya kanji.,It's difficult to read kanji.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn A allav vy mos yn-mes a’n stevel?,Can I go out of the room?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn A Bow Frynk yth ov devedhys.,I'm from France.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Nyns yw da genev kerdhes.,I don't like to walk.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Res yw dhymm koska lemmyn.,I need to sleep now.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Ass yw da an gewer?,Isn't the weather good?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Ny yll Tom dha weres lemmyn.,Tom can't help you now.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yw da gensi owravalow?,Does she like oranges?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Ny goskav yn ta.,I do not sleep well.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Ny allav koska yn ta.,I can't sleep well.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yw da genes owravalow?,Do you like oranges?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Ev a wrug eva botellas a win.,He drank a bottle of wine.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Skwych ev yn farow.,Turn it off.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Nyns eus ki dhymm.,I don't have a dog.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Pandr’a vyn’ta dhe gavos?,What do you want to have?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yth esa own dhe Susanne.,Susan was terrified.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Nyns ov skwith.,I'm not tired.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Hy hares yw henna.,That's her girlfriend.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn My a gar viajya.,I like traveling.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Nyns eus pellwolok y’m stevel.,There is no TV in my room.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yw res dhymm mos genowgh?,Do I have to go with you?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn A welydh an den po an bleydh?,Do you see the man or the wolf?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yth esen ni ow mires orth an lymnans.,We were looking at the picture.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yma dhe Ruben tri mab.,Ruben has three sons.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Seytek bloodh yw ow howeth.,My friend is seventeen.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Na wra ankevi skrifa dhymm.,Don't forget to write me.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Da yw gansa mowesi.,They like girls.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Ny yll ev dos; klav yw.,"He cannot come, he is ill.",cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yma tri hi dhymm.,I have three dogs.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Ny yll ev dos drefen y vos klav.,"Because he's sick, he can't come.",cor_Latn-eng_Latn Ny vynnav ankevi henna.,I won't forget that.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Ny vynnav ankevi hemma.,I won't forget this.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn My a gar an gan-ma.,I love this song.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Ass ov vy skwith!,I'm so tired.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn My eth dhe Loundres.,I went to London.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn My a vetyas orth koweth.,I met a friend.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn My a vetyas orth kothman.,I met my friend.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Prag yth esowgh owth eva dowr?,Why are you drinking water?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn My a vetyas orth ow hothman.,I ran into my friend.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Res yw dhodho gorthebi an govyn.,He needs to answer the question.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Ny gonvedhas Tom.,Tom didn't understand.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Hi eth dhe’n cinema ganso.,She went to the cinema with him.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn My a wrug eva an dowr.,I drank the water.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Ny gonvedhas Tom tra vyth.,Tom didn't understand a thing.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Farshad yw ow hanow.,My name is Farshad.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Yma diw gath dhe Ken.,Ken has two cats.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn 25 bloodh ov.,I'm 25 years old.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn "Eus dhis hwor, Juan?","Do you have a sister, Juan?",cor_Latn-eng_Latn Ev a verwis warleni.,He died last year.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Tom a verwis nans yw teyr bledhen.,Tom died three years ago.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn My a gar Sowsnek ynwedh.,"I like English, too.",cor_Latn-eng_Latn Drog yw an gewer hedhyw.,The weather is bad today.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Ymons i orth dha wortos a-dherag an daras.,They are waiting for you in front of the door.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn I a yll dos.,They can come.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn My a vynn dybri an keus.,I want to eat the cheese.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Ro dhymm an lo.,Give me the spoon.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn "Nos da, Mammik.","Good night, Mom.",cor_Latn-eng_Latn Dhe by le yth esos ta orth agan gorra?,Where are you taking us?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Goslow orti!,Listen to her!,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Tracy a gollas hy dewweder.,Tracy lost her glasses.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Tom yw marow.,Tom is dead.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Ple’ma’n arghantti?,Where is the bank?,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Tom re verwis.,Tom has died.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Ny vynn Tom dybri henna.,Tom won't eat that.,cor_Latn-eng_Latn Gdzeż won je?,Where is he?,csb_Latn-eng_Latn Nó tim wodjimkú të trzimjesz mòjã rãkã.,You are holding my hand in that picture.,csb_Latn-eng_Latn Ve szkòli je novi knôp.,There's a new boy in school.,csb_Latn-eng_Latn "To dô vjele rzeczi wo mòji przirodze, co tëch të nje vjész.",There are a lot of things you don't know about my personality.,csb_Latn-eng_Latn Tvòja krev je czervjonô.,Your blood is red.,csb_Latn-eng_Latn To bëło przódë lat.,It was a long time ago.,csb_Latn-eng_Latn To bëło dôvno.,That was a long time ago.,csb_Latn-eng_Latn "Wona je ta, co naszewo psa fùdrëje.",She is the one who feeds our dog.,csb_Latn-eng_Latn "Jô móm vjele drëchóv, co mje pòmôgajõ.",I have a lot of friends to help me.,csb_Latn-eng_Latn "To nje je to, co jô rzek.",That's not what I said.,csb_Latn-eng_Latn Zó czim vë szúkôce?,What are you looking for?,csb_Latn-eng_Latn Dërch je szansa.,There's still a chance.,csb_Latn-eng_Latn Vë njigdë nje wodrzeklë nó to pitanjé.,You never answered the question.,csb_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom je barzo dobri drëch, ale ma nje jesma ze sobõ.","Tom is a very close friend, but he's not my boyfriend.",csb_Latn-eng_Latn "Jô sã czëjã nôszczestlëvszi, cjéj jô bjegóm.",I feel happiest when I'm running.,csb_Latn-eng_Latn "Ten starëszk je, jak to sã rzecze, chòdzõci słovôrz.","That old man is, so to speak, a walking dictionary.",csb_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom a Mary sã pòtka v lazaretovim bùfece, v dzénj smjerce Maryczënéwo tatka.",Tom and Mary met in the hospital cafeteria the day Mary's father died.,csb_Latn-eng_Latn Jô całi czas gòrznô bëła.,I was nervous the whole time.,csb_Latn-eng_Latn Chcesz të perscji vëknõc?,Do you want to learn Persian?,csb_Latn-eng_Latn Jô móm jabkò.,I have an apple.,csb_Latn-eng_Latn Pòd mòjimi vërami je straszëdło.,There is a monster under my bed.,csb_Latn-eng_Latn Tom chce nasz wodkôz przed pôłnjã.,Tom wants our report before lunch.,csb_Latn-eng_Latn Jô lúbjã zajce.,I like hares.,csb_Latn-eng_Latn "Jô mëslił, że chcesz sã rozdac.",I thought you wanted a divorce.,csb_Latn-eng_Latn Je Tómk wumarłi?,Is Tom dead?,csb_Latn-eng_Latn Chcã sã havajszczëznë wuczëc.,I want to learn Hawaiian.,csb_Latn-eng_Latn "Jô sã mòcno pòspjévôł, temù jem vzõł taksóvkã.","As I was in a hurry, I had to take a taxi.",csb_Latn-eng_Latn Tom jinsztalëje novõ programã.,Tom is installing new software.,csb_Latn-eng_Latn Fadil a Layla mjeszka pòd jednim dakã.,Fadil and Layla were living under the same roof.,csb_Latn-eng_Latn "Jô jem zicher, że móm jewo gdzes pòtkóné, le nji mògã pamjãtac, chto won je.","I am sure I met him somewhere, but I do not remember who he is.",csb_Latn-eng_Latn Jô jem sztúdanjt.,I'm a student.,csb_Latn-eng_Latn Mùszã jô płacëc vprzódk?,Do I have to pay in advance?,csb_Latn-eng_Latn Tom mô diplomã z lesinstva.,Tom has a degree in forestry.,csb_Latn-eng_Latn Czas a pjõdze to je jedno.,Time is money.,csb_Latn-eng_Latn Të zrobjił felã.,You made an error.,csb_Latn-eng_Latn Skõdkaż va jesta?,Where are you from?,csb_Latn-eng_Latn Ellie je barzo bjałczënô.,Ellie is very feminine.,csb_Latn-eng_Latn Jô mùszã do szandaróv jic.,I've got to go to the police.,csb_Latn-eng_Latn Jes të ale bladi!,You look so pale.,csb_Latn-eng_Latn Jakùż sã zvje pjes wod tvòjé sostrë?,How is your sister's dog called?,csb_Latn-eng_Latn "Jô mëszlã, co vszëtcë mjiższi lëdze bë mjelë na dietã jic.",I think all fat people should go on a diet.,csb_Latn-eng_Latn Já dáł Tomkôvi Marijin numer telefônu.,I gave Tom Mary's phone number.,csb_Latn-eng_Latn Ten njimá njižódnëch drëchóv.,He does not have any friends.,csb_Latn-eng_Latn Wôn zamk svôje wôčë.,He closed his eyes.,csb_Latn-eng_Latn To dô vjele lëdzi v tim parkú.,There are a lot of people in the park.,csb_Latn-eng_Latn To mjasto je pjãkné.,The town is beautiful.,csb_Latn-eng_Latn Mje sã nje vjidzi jewo ôrt gôdanjô.,I do not like the way he talks.,csb_Latn-eng_Latn "Môja wôtčëzna je tam, gdze je môja dëša.","My fatherland is there, where my soul is.",csb_Latn-eng_Latn Kùleż dzévczãt je nó tim wobrazú?,How many girls are there in this picture?,csb_Latn-eng_Latn "Dzis reno mój drëch zjád všëden břád, chtëren môja sostra mjaa kûpjoné.","This morning, my friends ate the fruits that my little sister had bought.",csb_Latn-eng_Latn Won mô novõ mjiłosc nalazłé.,He's found a new love.,csb_Latn-eng_Latn Jô jewo nje kùsznõł. Won kùsznõł mjã.,I didn't kiss him. He kissed me.,csb_Latn-eng_Latn Njichto rzúcił v Toma kam.,Someone threw a rock at Tom.,csb_Latn-eng_Latn Tom wocar so zmòklëznã z łësënë.,Tom wiped the sweat from his forehead.,csb_Latn-eng_Latn Kniżka je môłô.,The book is small.,csb_Latn-eng_Latn "Chteż rzecze, co prosté rzeczë nje sõ dobré?",Who says that simple things aren't good?,csb_Latn-eng_Latn Nji móm dłëżé bòlenjô v głovje.,My head doesn't ache anymore.,csb_Latn-eng_Latn To nje je prôvda.,This is not true.,csb_Latn-eng_Latn Môce vë rezervacëjõ?,Do you have a reservation?,csb_Latn-eng_Latn Cjéjże sã ze mnõ wożenjisz?,When are you going to marry me?,csb_Latn-eng_Latn Jô znajã vszëtcji drobnotë.,I know all the details.,csb_Latn-eng_Latn Wogôrd nôleżi chëczóm.,The garden belongs to the house.,csb_Latn-eng_Latn "Wonji szúkalë za flachã, gdze bë mòglë telc pòstavjic.",They were looking for a place at which they could pitch the tent.,csb_Latn-eng_Latn Jô bë mjilé szed nazôd bënë.,I'd better get back inside.,csb_Latn-eng_Latn Të nje brëkùjesz mòjewo pòzvòlénjstva.,You don't need my permission.,csb_Latn-eng_Latn Vjidzã różã.,I see a rose.,csb_Latn-eng_Latn Jidã pjechti.,I go on foot.,csb_Latn-eng_Latn Tómk kùsznõł jã v wobje skarnji.,Tom kissed her on both cheeks.,csb_Latn-eng_Latn Vë jesce cerzplëvô bjałka.,You are a patient woman.,csb_Latn-eng_Latn Jô czãsto rézëjã.,I often travel.,csb_Latn-eng_Latn Nje mëszlã velovac na nôblëższi velacëji.,I don't plan to vote at the upcoming election.,csb_Latn-eng_Latn Navjedzisz të mjã?,Are you going to come visit me?,csb_Latn-eng_Latn Tom robji v môłi fyrmje.,Tom works for a small company.,csb_Latn-eng_Latn Mòja jisba mô dva wokna.,My room has two windows.,csb_Latn-eng_Latn "Njechtërni lëdze vjerzõ, co lëczba trzënôsce przënôszô njeszczescé.",Some people believe that the number 13 brings bad luck.,csb_Latn-eng_Latn Przinjdzë a wuzdrzë.,Come and see.,csb_Latn-eng_Latn Jô sã zvjã Sally.,My name is Sally.,csb_Latn-eng_Latn To je Tomóv zédzjerk.,That's Tom's watch.,csb_Latn-eng_Latn Acz wonji tú robjõ?,What are they doing here?,csb_Latn-eng_Latn Cjéjże të sã wożenjisz?,When will you get married?,csb_Latn-eng_Latn Perscji nje je żimcji jãzëk.,Persian is not a difficult language.,csb_Latn-eng_Latn Jô żdżã za autobùsã.,I'm waiting for the bus.,csb_Latn-eng_Latn Mój tatk vzõn mje vczerô vjeczór do kina.,My father took me to the movies last night.,csb_Latn-eng_Latn Móm vjele kniżk.,I have a lot of books.,csb_Latn-eng_Latn Mùzika a mjiłosc to je jedno.,Music is love.,csb_Latn-eng_Latn Veznji ë bjéj!,Take it and go!,csb_Latn-eng_Latn "Tacjé jãzëcji jak rúscji, pòlascji, czescji a bùłgarscji majõ pòspólné słovjanscjé kòrzenje.","Such languages as Russian, Polish, Czech and Bulgarian have common Slavic roots.",csb_Latn-eng_Latn Wona je wosoblëvje vrazlëvô na môrz.,She is exceedingly sensitive to the cold.,csb_Latn-eng_Latn Je Tómk wużarti?,Is Tom drunk?,csb_Latn-eng_Latn Won jú trzë lata je wumjarłi.,He has been dead for three years.,csb_Latn-eng_Latn Dvjérze sõ ôpen.,The door is open.,csb_Latn-eng_Latn Nje bãdzë głúpi.,Don't be foolish.,csb_Latn-eng_Latn Wona mô robòtã nalazłé.,She found a job.,csb_Latn-eng_Latn "Jô sã zavjatëjã, że wo Tomje wonji rzeklë vjele rzeczi.",I bet they said a lot of things about Tom.,csb_Latn-eng_Latn Të strõdë sõ dalek stõdk.,Those beaches are far from here.,csb_Latn-eng_Latn Won nji móże lëdac tacjéwo zortë zachòvanjô.,He doesn't tolerate that type of behaviour.,csb_Latn-eng_Latn Më so kúpjimë autół.,We are gonna buy ourselves a car.,csb_Latn-eng_Latn Ceż to je ten straszni zvãk?,What is that awful noise?,csb_Latn-eng_Latn Lëdze sõ njelogiczni.,Humans are illogical.,csb_Latn-eng_Latn Ten sztimer pòtrzébùje kapténë.,This ship needs a captain.,csb_Latn-eng_Latn "To, co wona rzekła, nje je richtich.",What she said is wrong.,csb_Latn-eng_Latn Mój tatk bdze mje fjinancovò pòmôgôł.,My father will support me financially.,csb_Latn-eng_Latn Won gôdô v pjinc jãzëkach.,He speaks five languages.,csb_Latn-eng_Latn "Szkòda, le tacjé je żëcé.","That's life, unfortunately!",csb_Latn-eng_Latn "Të nji môsz dosc dëtkóv, doch jo?","You don't have enough money, do you?",csb_Latn-eng_Latn Pòjmë v park v kòsz-balã grac.,Let's go play basketball in the park.,csb_Latn-eng_Latn Wonji mjenjõ svòjã wudbã.,They'll change their minds.,csb_Latn-eng_Latn Jô vjedno rzeknã jo!,I always say yes!,csb_Latn-eng_Latn Vjitéj! Jakùż cë to jidze?,Hi! How are you?,csb_Latn-eng_Latn Mjedvjedze czãsto drapjõ svòjimi chrzebtami wo kórã bómóv.,Bears often scratch their backs on the bark of trees.,csb_Latn-eng_Latn "Vjédz, co të mje nje przestrôszôsz.",Know that you're not scaring me.,csb_Latn-eng_Latn Jô pòszed v zó.,I went to the zoo.,csb_Latn-eng_Latn Wona pòdzëkòva za darënk.,She thanked for the present.,csb_Latn-eng_Latn "Z pjersza vóm sã nje vjidza ta wudba, ale terôzcji vë mést jesce z tim spòkójni.","At the beginning you had disliked the idea, but now you seem to be content.",csb_Latn-eng_Latn "Jô so wudbôł ji rzec, że jô kòchóm jegò.",I decided to tell her that I love him.,csb_Latn-eng_Latn Won jú je chłop.,He's already a man.,csb_Latn-eng_Latn Ken mô dva kòtë.,Ken has two cats.,csb_Latn-eng_Latn Snjég taje na zimkú.,The snow melts in spring.,csb_Latn-eng_Latn Ta farva je përznã przëcemnô.,The colour is a bit too dark.,csb_Latn-eng_Latn Starszé tepjichji sõ drogszé jak nové.,Older carpets are more valuable than newer carpets.,csb_Latn-eng_Latn Wona nje brëkùje robjic.,She doesn't need to work.,csb_Latn-eng_Latn Njiżódno panstvò bë nji mja sã mjeszac v bënové spravë drëdzjéwo panstva.,No country should interfere in another country's internal affairs.,csb_Latn-eng_Latn Jô dóm ji knigã vjitro.,I will give her the book tomorrow.,csb_Latn-eng_Latn Tom mô dvòje dzeci.,Tom has two children.,csb_Latn-eng_Latn Jane vëzdrzi na szczestlëvõ.,Jane looks happy.,csb_Latn-eng_Latn Ceż të robjisz?,What are you doing?,csb_Latn-eng_Latn Ale jô nji mjôł strach.,But I wasn't afraid.,csb_Latn-eng_Latn Të bë lepjé sã spitôł Toma.,You'd better ask Tom.,csb_Latn-eng_Latn Kãdëż je młot?,Where is the hammer?,csb_Latn-eng_Latn Jô jem përznã głodni.,I'm slightly hungry.,csb_Latn-eng_Latn Jô jem gazétnjik.,I am a journalist.,csb_Latn-eng_Latn Won mô kòło.,He has a bicycle.,csb_Latn-eng_Latn Jô jem szkólni.,I'm a teacher.,csb_Latn-eng_Latn Tí vjedno jamrëjõ.,They always complain.,csb_Latn-eng_Latn Tak co jesz njigdë sã tú nje zdarzëło.,This type of thing never used to happen here.,csb_Latn-eng_Latn Gònji jã kòjot.,She is being chased by a coyote.,csb_Latn-eng_Latn "Gvësno je cos, co v tim jô pòmòc mògã.",I'm sure there must be something I can do to help.,csb_Latn-eng_Latn Gdzeż je tvòja sostra?,Where is your sister?,csb_Latn-eng_Latn Znajesz të Browna?,Do you know Mr. Brown?,csb_Latn-eng_Latn Të zavjele mëslisz.,You think too much.,csb_Latn-eng_Latn Chteż chce mjã vjidzec?,Who wants to see me?,csb_Latn-eng_Latn To nje mdze ten slédni rôz.,This won't be the last time.,csb_Latn-eng_Latn Wona przechòdzi krizis strzédnëch lat.,She's going through a midlife crisis.,csb_Latn-eng_Latn Jô vjidzôł gò płakac.,I saw him cry.,csb_Latn-eng_Latn Dlôcz të nervùjesz sostrã?,Why are you annoying your sister?,csb_Latn-eng_Latn Dzisô je sobòta.,It's Saturday today.,csb_Latn-eng_Latn Słova nji mògõ wopjisac tã snôżõ.,Words cannot describe the beauty.,csb_Latn-eng_Latn "Amerikanovje majõ vjelgõ fanjtazëjõ, cjéj vëmiszlajõ mjona.",Americans have a great imagination when inventing names.,csb_Latn-eng_Latn Më rôd słëchómë na gòvôr ptôchóv.,We like to listen to birds singing.,csb_Latn-eng_Latn Rúsëjô je ten nôvjikszi krôj na svjece.,Russia is the largest country in the world.,csb_Latn-eng_Latn Më kòchómë snôżõ.,We love beauty.,csb_Latn-eng_Latn Jô móm półbrata ë półsostrã.,I have two cousins.,csb_Latn-eng_Latn Won zapłacił le dzesinc talari zó tã kòszëlã.,He only paid ten dollars for that shirt.,csb_Latn-eng_Latn Czãsto jô czëtajã komjikse v mòjim wolnim czasú v robòce.,I often read comic books in my spare time at work.,csb_Latn-eng_Latn Mój ópa vczas vstôjô.,My grandfather gets up early.,csb_Latn-eng_Latn Jô tam wostónã do zvón szesc.,I'll stay there till six o'clock.,csb_Latn-eng_Latn Nje woblakéj sã jak letnjik.,Don't dress like a tourist.,csb_Latn-eng_Latn Të bë móg nas przepùscëc.,You could let us go.,csb_Latn-eng_Latn Narkòticji to je rek dzisdnjovéwo spòla.,Drugs are a cancer of modern society.,csb_Latn-eng_Latn Cjéjże mô przinc ten sztimer?,When is the ship due to arrive?,csb_Latn-eng_Latn "Je to cos, co Tom bë chcôł?",Is that what Tom would want?,csb_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom zakłôdôł, co Mary nje mdze na zabavje.",Tom assumed Mary wouldn't be at the party.,csb_Latn-eng_Latn To je zdróv trzasłim bëc.,It's healthy to be mad.,csb_Latn-eng_Latn Jô sã zvjã Ricardo.,My name is Ricardo.,csb_Latn-eng_Latn "Të sã zaletkò nje pòddôvôsz, doch jo?","You don't give up too easily, do you?",csb_Latn-eng_Latn Sadnji so tamò.,Sit right there.,csb_Latn-eng_Latn Nje bjegéj vkół z bersztõ do zãbóv v gãbje.,You shouldn't run around with a toothbrush in your mouth.,csb_Latn-eng_Latn "To je vjedzec, jô przëszed cë pòmòc.","Needless to say, I've come here to help you.",csb_Latn-eng_Latn Dô to v Njemcach vjeldzjé rzécji?,Are there big rivers in Germany?,csb_Latn-eng_Latn Żółwie nié mają zãbòw.,Turtles don't have teeth.,csb_Latn-eng_Latn "Jô jem Fyn, le mògã téż pò szvédzkú.","I am Finnish, but I speak also Swedish.",csb_Latn-eng_Latn Ten múr je dva métrë grëbi.,The wall is two meters thick.,csb_Latn-eng_Latn "Jô cë radzã, że të bë njechôł kùrzëc.",I advise you to stop smoking.,csb_Latn-eng_Latn Jô wotemk dvjérze pòmale.,I opened the door slowly.,csb_Latn-eng_Latn Móm pravje kùpca.,I'm with a client.,csb_Latn-eng_Latn Mòglë vë bë mje taksóvkã wobsztelovac?,Can you call a taxi for me?,csb_Latn-eng_Latn Wona kòżden dzénj kùrzi dvadzesce cigaret.,She smokes 20 cigarettes a day.,csb_Latn-eng_Latn "Skõdkaż të vjész, co vjid je chùtszi jak zvãk?",How do you know that light travels faster than sound?,csb_Latn-eng_Latn Je mje jé żôl.,I feel sorry for her.,csb_Latn-eng_Latn Przëdéj trochã mléka.,Add a little milk.,csb_Latn-eng_Latn "Je cos, co jô mùszã vjedzec.",There's something I have to know.,csb_Latn-eng_Latn Jes të nasz njedrëch?,Are you our enemy?,csb_Latn-eng_Latn Wona je barzo snôżô.,She is very beautiful.,csb_Latn-eng_Latn Jô jem jinżinéra.,I'm an engineer.,csb_Latn-eng_Latn "Jô mëslił, co Tom mjôł njechóné kúrzëc.",I thought Tom had quit smoking.,csb_Latn-eng_Latn Jô gôdajã pò szvédzkú.,I speak Swedish.,csb_Latn-eng_Latn Pjijesz të zelonõ arbatã?,Do you drink green tea?,csb_Latn-eng_Latn Dzisôdnja lëdze majõ vjikszé pòczëcé ë vëbjérajõ zdrovõ jôdã.,People are more conscious nowadays and choose healthy food.,csb_Latn-eng_Latn Njé tak chùtkò!,Not so fast!,csb_Latn-eng_Latn Dzisô je njedzela.,Today is Sunday.,csb_Latn-eng_Latn Gdzeż va jedzeta na latné ferije?,When are you going on summer vacation?,csb_Latn-eng_Latn Kréacionism je gòvno.,Creationism is bullshit.,csb_Latn-eng_Latn Jewo szczirosc je vãtplëvô.,Their honesty is questionable.,csb_Latn-eng_Latn Jem przëdôł jesz jedno zdanjé.,I added yet another sentence.,csb_Latn-eng_Latn Ten kalkùlatór na stole je mój.,The calculator on the table is mine.,csb_Latn-eng_Latn Ta kniga sã ejnfach czëtô.,It is easy to read this book.,csb_Latn-eng_Latn Jô nji móm njiżódnë sostrë.,I have no sisters.,csb_Latn-eng_Latn Won przeczëtôł głosno vjerszã.,He read the poem with a loud voice.,csb_Latn-eng_Latn Jakùż dónjc na autobùsovi pòżdôvk?,How do I get to the bus station?,csb_Latn-eng_Latn Je tvòja mëma doma?,Is your mum at home?,csb_Latn-eng_Latn Dokõdzeż chceta jic?,Where do you want to go?,csb_Latn-eng_Latn Jakùż stôri won je?,How old is he?,csb_Latn-eng_Latn Jô bë chca mjec vëcé.,I wish I had more.,csb_Latn-eng_Latn Jesce vë Wujgùr?,Are you an Uighur?,csb_Latn-eng_Latn "Cjéj më vëzdrzelë v dół, jesmë vjidzelë vjele bùdinkóv.","When we looked down, we saw many buildings.",csb_Latn-eng_Latn Won je mój sõsôd.,He's my neighbour.,csb_Latn-eng_Latn Jô móm sã pòrtugalscjéwo dva ksãżëce wuczoné.,I have studied Portuguese for two months.,csb_Latn-eng_Latn "To je ten nôvjikszi jidiotism, jacji jô móm v żëcim vjidzoné.",It's the most idiotic thing I've seen in my life.,csb_Latn-eng_Latn Të môsz skòpjicõ knig.,You have many books.,csb_Latn-eng_Latn Tómk zamjar v Rzimje.,Tom died in Rome.,csb_Latn-eng_Latn Kòscół je wobeszłi lasami a jezorami.,The church is surrounded by woods and lakes.,csb_Latn-eng_Latn Wostanji z nama.,Stay with us.,csb_Latn-eng_Latn Jô bë mjilé béł ptôchã jak rëbõ.,I'd rather be a bird than a fish.,csb_Latn-eng_Latn Jacji të jes zgnjiłi!,How lazy you are!,csb_Latn-eng_Latn Płacimë vësokõ danj.,We pay a high rent.,csb_Latn-eng_Latn Jô nje vjidzã jinszé mòżnotë.,I don't see another option.,csb_Latn-eng_Latn Jô chcã napjisac knigã.,I want to write a book.,csb_Latn-eng_Latn Pjes łaje.,The dog is barking.,csb_Latn-eng_Latn Won rôcził mjã na rozegracëjõ.,He invited me to a party.,csb_Latn-eng_Latn Të nji môsz serca.,You have no heart.,csb_Latn-eng_Latn Won rôcził mjã na zabavã.,He invited me to the party.,csb_Latn-eng_Latn To słëchô nama.,That belongs to us.,csb_Latn-eng_Latn "Wona nje ba tak bògatô, co kòżden dzénj bë fùdrova svòjewo psa mjãsã.",She wasn't wealthy enough to feed her dog meat every day.,csb_Latn-eng_Latn Të mje zdradził.,You betrayed me.,csb_Latn-eng_Latn Jô móm do Bòstonu jachac.,I've got to go to Boston.,csb_Latn-eng_Latn Won je barzo beszédni człovjek.,He is a very modest man.,csb_Latn-eng_Latn Kadúczné semjã je czãsto brëkòvóné v lëdovim lékarzenjim.,Seed of wacholder is often used in folk medicine.,csb_Latn-eng_Latn Jô robjił całi tidzenj.,I worked all this week.,csb_Latn-eng_Latn Vjikszosc lëdzi pjisze wo svòjim codnjovim żëcim.,Most people write about their daily life.,csb_Latn-eng_Latn "Andora je môłé ksãżtvò, chtërno sã pòcigô mjedzë Szpanjolskõ a Francëjõ.",Andorra is a small principality situated between Spain and France.,csb_Latn-eng_Latn Të móżesz svòje pôłnje do szkòłë przënjesc.,You may bring your own lunch to school.,csb_Latn-eng_Latn "Jô przësigóm, John. Dzisô jô njechóm kùrzëc.","I swear, John. As of today, I quit smoking.",csb_Latn-eng_Latn Sami béł za Laylënéwo privatnéwo mechanjika.,Sami worked as Layla's private mechanic.,csb_Latn-eng_Latn "Ananase majõ v se enzim nazvóni bromelina, jacji rozkłôdô njejednë bjôłtka.",Pineapples contain an enzyme denominated bromelain that decomposes some proteins.,csb_Latn-eng_Latn "Mòrmònji majõ zakôzóné pòligamjijé, le chtërni adepcë dërch jã praktikùjõ.","The Mormons have outlawed polygamy, but some adherents still practice it.",csb_Latn-eng_Latn "Dlôcz të płaczesz, mùlkù?","What are you crying about, sweetheart?",csb_Latn-eng_Latn To pjismjono vëchôdô dva raze wob mjesidz.,The magazine is issued twice a month.,csb_Latn-eng_Latn Tom kòżden dzénj zjé do frisztëkù tã jistnõ rzecz.,Tom eats the same thing for breakfast every day.,csb_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom a Mary pevno nje rzeknõ Johnovi, co wonji jewo nje lúbjõ.",Tom and Mary won't likely tell John they don't like him.,csb_Latn-eng_Latn Tom nje dozvòli Mary to zôs zrobjic.,Tom won't allow Mary to do that again.,csb_Latn-eng_Latn "Jô nje mëslił, co nasze karno je pò prôvdze tak lëché.",I didn't think our team was really this bad.,csb_Latn-eng_Latn "Jô jem té vjarë, że lëdze bë mjelë cãżkò robjic.",I believe that people should be hardworking.,csb_Latn-eng_Latn "Rzeczë Tomòvi, won nji mô na Marënã zabavã przinc.",Tell Tom he can't go to Mary's party.,csb_Latn-eng_Latn Jô navjedzã mòjewo wujã v Kioto v to lato.,I will visit my uncle in Kyoto this summer.,csb_Latn-eng_Latn "Mary to zrobja, bò wona nji mja vibjorë.",Mary did that because she had no choice.,csb_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom nje przëbôcził Mary, co wona bë to zrobja.",Tom didn't remind Mary to do that.,csb_Latn-eng_Latn Jô rzôdkò robjã felã.,I seldom make a mistake.,csb_Latn-eng_Latn Jô mùszã to wobaczëc.,I must see it.,csb_Latn-eng_Latn "Va vszëtcë nji móżeta pò francëzkú, doch jo?","You all don't speak French, do you?",csb_Latn-eng_Latn Burdż Chalifa je dzisôdnja nôwikszim bùdinkã na swiece.,Burj Khalifa is currently the tallest building in the world.,csb_Latn-eng_Latn Wona mô wo wo përznã dëtkóv proszoné.,She asked him for some money.,csb_Latn-eng_Latn Jes të dërch ve Szkòcce?,Are you still in Scotland?,csb_Latn-eng_Latn Mój ópa béł gbúr.,My grandfather was a farmer.,csb_Latn-eng_Latn Mae Muiriel yn ugain mlwydd oed.,Muriel is twenty years old.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Dw i'n hoffi bod gyda thi.,I like being with you.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Tom ydy fy ffrind gorau.,Tom is my best friend.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Dylai fo ddangos parch i mi.,He should show me respect.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Mae arna' i gymaint o ofn.,I am so afraid.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Mi es i i'r gwely yn hwyr yn y nos.,I went to bed late in the night.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Siopwr dw i.,I am a shopkeeper.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Mae llygaid du 'da fi.,I have black eyes.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Wyt ti'n byw yn Nhokyo?,Do you live in Tokyo?,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Mae cath wen 'da fi.,I have a white cat.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Roeddwon i'n meddwl roeddwt ti'n cysgu.,I thought you were sleeping.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Mae Tom yn chwyrnu.,Tom is snoring.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Dw i ar goll.,I am lost.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Cyflwyna dy waith cartref ar ddydd Llun.,Submit your homework on Monday.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Dw i'n hoffi cŵn.,I like dogs.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Dyn ni ym Mharis.,We are in Paris.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Cewch wared ohoni hi.,Get rid of her.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Mae hi'n hoffi coffi.,She likes coffee.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn "Mae Layla yn fam i chwech, yn byw yn ne dwyrain Lloegr.","Layla is a mother of six, living in the south west of England.",cym_Latn-eng_Latn Peidiwch â dweud celwydd!,Don't tell lies!,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Mae’n hollol warthus.,It's completely disgraceful.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Dydw i ddim yn gwylio teledu.,I don't watch TV.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn I ble mae Tom yn mynd?,Where's Tom going?,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Mae rhaffau yn amgylchu'r lle.,Ropes surround the place.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Dydy Tom ddim yn deall Ffrangeg.,Tom doesn't understand French.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Mae Tom yn chwarae ffrisbi.,Tom is playing frisbee.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Teimlas yn unig hebddi.,I felt lonely without her.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Mae hi'n hoffi gwrando ar gerddoriaeth.,She likes to listen to music.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Mae'r ci hwn yn rhedeg yn gyflym.,This dog runs fast.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn 'Dwi yn y tŷ.,I am in the house.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Gyda pha stryd y dylem ddechrau?,Which street should we start with?,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Ble wyt ti’n mynd nawr?,Where are you going now?,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Dw i am gael rhywbeth i'w fwyta.,I'm going to get something to eat.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Dw i'n meddwl dy fod ti'n gallu ei wnaed o.,I think you can do it.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Dwi eisiau bwyta losin Siapaneaidd.,I want to eat Japanese sweets.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn A oes yna orlifoedd yn yr Almaen?,Are there floods in Germany?,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Mae'n braf cwrdd â chi.,It's nice to meet you.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Mae'n amlwg i bawb ei fod e mewn cariad.,It's evident to everybody that he's in love.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Dw i angen cael swydd.,I need to get a job.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn A oes yna sgorpionau yn yr Almaen?,Are there scorpions in Germany?,cym_Latn-eng_Latn "Be' sy'n bod, cariad?","What's the matter, love?",cym_Latn-eng_Latn Mae e'n gwybod ble dyn ni'n byw.,He knows where we live.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Wyt ti'n hoffi bwyd Japaneaidd?,Do you like Japanese food?,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Dw i wir angen siarad gyda thi.,I really need to talk to you.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Mae Barack Obama yn Gristion.,Barack Obama is a Christian.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Wyt ti am dalu amdano?,Are you gonna pay for it?,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Dw i'n hoffi cennin.,I like leeks.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Pa bryd wyt ti'n mynd?,When are you going?,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Dw i'n hoffi cennin a selsig.,I like leeks and sausages.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Mae'r llyfr hwn yn rhy ddrud i mi.,This book is too expensive for me.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Dw i'n bwyta bara.,I am eating bread.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Dwi wedi blino'n racs.,I am exhausted.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Dw i'n gweithio fel ysgrifenyddes ar fferm.,I work as a secretary on a farm.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Dw i'n dod o Awstralia.,I come from Australia.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Roedd gen i syniad gwych.,I had a brilliant idea.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Mae gen i frawd hŷn.,I have an older brother.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Gad i mi wybod.,Let me know.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Gadewch i mi wybod.,Let me know!,cym_Latn-eng_Latn "Ein Tad yn y nefoedd, sancteiddier dy enw; deled dy deyrnas; gwneler dy ewyllys, ar y ddaear fel yn y nef. Dyro inni heddiw ein bara beunyddiol, a maddau inni ein troseddau, fel yr ym ni wedi maddau i'r rhai a droseddodd yn ein herbyn; a phaid â'n dwyn i brawf, ond gwared ni rhag yr Un drwg.","Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name. Your Kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as in heaven Give us today our daily bread. Forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us. Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.",cym_Latn-eng_Latn Mae e'n gallu darllen yn dda.,He is good at reading.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Mae e'n ei helpu hi.,He helps her.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Cwestiwn: Ai gi neu gath yw Cwci? Ateb: Un o rhein.,Question: Is Cookie a dog or a cat? Answer: One of those.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Wyt ti wedi ymweld â sw yn dy wlad di?,Have you visited a zoo in your country?,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Dych chi'n peintio'r llawr?,Are you painting the floor?,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Mae'n rhaid i mi gychwyn.,I have to start.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Dw i'n bwyta selsig.,I'm eating sausages.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Nid oes cwrw yma.,There is no beer here.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Mae 'na ynysoedd yn y môr.,There are islands in the sea.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Mae'n rhaid i mi weld meddyg ar unwaith.,I must see a doctor at once.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn 'Rwyf tu ôl iddo.,I'm behind him.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Wyt ti'n mynd i chwarae pêl-droed yfory.,You are going to play football tomorrow.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Pam wnest ti gadael dy swydd?,Why did you quit your job?,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Mae'r ieithydd yn eitha gyfarwydd â'r dafodiaith.,The linguist is quite familiar with the dialect.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Dych chi'n gwisgo menig?,Are you wearing gloves?,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Dw i'n dilyn y car hwn.,I am following that car.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Nid yw'r llyfr hwn am ieithyddiaeth.,This book is not about linguistics.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Am beth ydyn ni’n aros felly?,What then are we waiting for?,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Tybed wyt ti'n gwybod sut i wneud hynny.,I suppose you know how to do that.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Doedd neb yn gwybod.,No one knew.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Ddoe oedd o.,It was yesterday.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Roedd Tom wedi gweithio.,Tom had worked.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Mae fy chwaer yn hoffi dawnsio.,My sister likes to dance.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Dw i'n chwarae yn yr ardd.,I'm playing in the garden.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Dywedodd Mari a wnaeth hi feddwl na fyddai Tomos yn gwneud hynny yfory.,Mary said she thought that Tom wouldn't do that tomorrow.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn "Gall berson dwyieithog newid o un iaith i iaith arall yng nghanol frawddeg, ac mae'r cyfnewid-cod hwn yn bwnc astudio i ieithyddion.","A bilingual person can change from one language to another in the middle of a sentence, and this code-switching is a topic of study for linguists.",cym_Latn-eng_Latn Mae hi'n bwrw glaw.,It is raining.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Ieithydd Americanaidd oedd Edward Sapir.,Edward Sapir was an American linguist.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Mae'r nos yn dywyll.,The night is dark.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Rwyt ti'n chwarae yn yr ardd.,You're playing in the garden.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Mae e'n chwarae yn yr ardd.,He's playing in the garden.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Mae hi'n chwarae yn yr ardd.,She's playing in the garden.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Dyn ni'n chwarae yn yr ardd.,We're playing in the garden.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Bob wythnos yr â i bysgota.,I go fishing every week.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Maen nhw'n chwarae yn yr ardd.,They're playing in the garden.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Mae gen i'r ffliw a dw i wedi blino.,I have flu and I'm tired.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Mi wyt ti'n tynnu fy nghoes.,You're pulling my leg.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Atgyfododd Crist!,Christ is risen!,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Sasha yw fy enw i.,My name is Sasha.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn 'Rydyn ni'n hapus.,We are happy.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Paid ag ysmygu yn y gwely!,Don't smoke in bed!,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Ble mae'i thŷ?,Where is her house?,cym_Latn-eng_Latn 'Rwy'n byw yn Hyogo.,I live in Hyogo.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Nid yw ef yn ein hoffi.,He doesn't like us.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Llyfr newydd yw'r llyfr hwnnw.,That book is a new book.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Wyt ti'n byw yma?,Do you live here?,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Dwyt ti ddim i fod i ysmygu yma.,You are not supposed to smoke here.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Cafodd hi ei geni yn America.,She was born in America.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Mae'r bachgen yn bwyta bara.,The boy is eating bread.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Mae gennyf lyfr.,I have a book.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Ble mae'i dŷ?,Where is his house?,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Rhaid i chi ateb y cwestiwn.,You have to answer the question.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Dw i mewn drama.,I am in a play.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Llosgodd ei sigarét o dwll yn ei ffrog hi.,His cigarette burnt a hole in her dress.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Merch deg yw Laurie.,Laurie is a beautiful girl.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Mae gennyf gerdyn gredid.,I have a credit card.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Mae'r athro newydd yn y dosbarth.,The new teacher is in the class.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Mae'r athrawes newydd yn y dosbarth.,The new teacher is in the classroom.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Maen nhw yn darllen llyfr.,They are reading a book.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Mae Tom wedi mynd i'r gwely.,Tom has gone to bed.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Byddent yn dod o hyd inni.,They'll find us.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Dw i'n gweld dy geffyl di.,I see your horse.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Diolch am edrych ar ôl y plant.,Thanks for taking care of the kids.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Mae Ken yn hapus.,Ken is happy.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn "Ar hyn o bryd, Burj Khalifa yw'r nendwr uchaf yn y byd.",Burj Khalifa is currently the tallest skyscraper in the world.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Mae hi'n fyd creulon.,It's a cruel world.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Dwi'n hapus.,I am happy.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Beth wyt ti’n wneud?,What are you doing?,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Dw i'n hoffi bananas yn fwy nag afalau.,I like bananas more than apples.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Beth ydy Tom yn darllen?,What's Tom reading?,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Sul y mamau hapus!,Happy Mother's Day!,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Mae hanner yr afalau hyn wedi pydru.,Half of these apples are rotten.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn """Mae gen ti gyfnod canolbwyntio iâr."" ""Mae ieir yn blasus."" ""Fy mhwynt yn union.""","""You have the attention span of a chicken."" ""Chickens are delicious."" ""My point exactly.""",cym_Latn-eng_Latn Rydw i'n bwyta.,I am eating.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Iaith hardd yw'r Gymraeg.,Welsh is a beautiful language.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn "Ddoe, aeth fy chwaer i Kobe.","Yesterday, my sister went to Kobe.",cym_Latn-eng_Latn Mae Eliza yn crio.,Eliza is crying.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Y broblem yw bod egni solar yn rhy ddrud.,The problem is that solar energy is too expensive.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Mae'r bobl yn dioddef.,The people are suffering.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Mae e'n dod o Gymru.,He comes from Wales.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Dw i eisiau cysgu.,I want to sleep.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Rydw i'n bwyta cinio.,I'm eating lunch.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Dw i wedi ennill y gêm.,I have won the game.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Mae Tom yn dal.,Tom is tall.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Mae Tom yn benfoel.,Tom is bald.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Doedd bron ddim arian ar ôl.,There was scarcely any money left.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Dydy o ddim yn gallu cyfri.,He can't count.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Mi dreuliodd o lawer o'i amser yn darllen.,He spent much of his time reading.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Doedd ddim digon o aur gyda nhw.,They did not have enough gold.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Panda wyt ti.,You are a panda.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Ddaeth Tom?,Did Tom come?,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Mae fy marn i yn debyg i dy farn di.,My opinion is similar to yours.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Mathemateg ydy ein gwers cyntaf ni.,Our first lesson is math.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Mae hi'n bwyta ei chinio yn yr adref.,She has lunch at home.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Mae ci 'da fe.,He has a dog.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Heddiw yw dydd Gwener.,Today is Friday.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Peidiwch â chymryd ei hochr ef bob amser.,Don't always take sides with him.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Wyt ti'n siarad.,Are you talking?,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Mae Tom yn wallgof dros Mary.,Tom is crazy about Mary.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Ble mae'r problem?,Where is the problem?,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Mae car 'da fe.,He has a car.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Dw i ddim yn teimlo'n dda.,I'm not feeling well.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Aeth Alice i'r gwely am ddeg o'r gloch.,Alice went to bed at ten.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Rydym yn gwylio.,We are watching.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Mae hi'n bwrw eira eto.,It's snowing again.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Arwr yw e.,He is a hero.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Rhedodd yr arth ar fy ôl i.,The bear ran after me.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn "Pan ydw i'n rhoi bwyd i'r tlodion, 'dw y'n cael 'ngalw i'n saint. Pan ydw i'n gofyn pam nag oes bwyd gyda'r tlodion, 'dw y'n cael 'ngalw i'n gomiwnydd.","When I give food to the poor, they call me a saint. When I ask why the poor have no food, they call me a communist.",cym_Latn-eng_Latn Mae'r glaw yn fy nilyn i bob man!,The rain follows me everywhere!,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Beth wyt ti'n ei wneud dydd Sul nesa'?,What are you doing next Sunday?,cym_Latn-eng_Latn "Yn ôl Meic, mi brynodd Mac gar newydd.","According to Mike, Mac bought a new car.",cym_Latn-eng_Latn Be' sy'n bod gyda Tom?,What's up with Tom?,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Mae'r bwrdd hwn yn lân.,This table is clean.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn "Mae'r Gymraeg, Cernyweg a'r Llydaweg oll yn perthyn yn agos i'w gilydd.","Welsh, Cornish and Breton are all closely related.",cym_Latn-eng_Latn Gwelodd y ddraig hi.,The dragon saw her.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Cerddon nhw adre.,They walked home.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Dw i'n prynu bara.,I'm buying bread.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Carodd e hi.,He loved her.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Dw i'n yfed te.,I drink tea.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Mae e'n ei charu hi.,He loves her.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn O ble ydych chi wedi dod?,Where have you come from?,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Mae hi'n rhy hwyr.,It is too late.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Bwydodd o ei gi ar yr un pryd bob dydd.,He fed his dog at the same time every day.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn "Mae Tom yn byw yn Boston, hefyd.","Tom lives in Boston, too.",cym_Latn-eng_Latn Wyt ti'n siarad Saesneg?,Do you speak English?,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Mae ganddo ddwylo esmwyth.,He has smooth hands.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Dw i'n gweithio.,I am working.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn "S'mae, fy enw i yw Pekka. Beth yw dy enw di?","Hi, how are you? My name is Pekka. What is your name?",cym_Latn-eng_Latn Dw i'n teimlo'n hapus.,I feel happy.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn "Un, dau, tri, pedwar, pump, chwech, saith, wyth, naw, a deg ydy rhifau.","One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, and ten are numbers.",cym_Latn-eng_Latn Faint o bres oes gen ti?,How much money do you have?,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Mi gaeodd o'r drws yn flin.,He angrily closed the door.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn "Ein Tad, yr hwn wyt yn y nefoedd, sancteiddier dy enw.","Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name.",cym_Latn-eng_Latn Pasiwch y ddwbled i mi.,Hand me the doublet.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Ydi hwn eich archwiliad cyntaf?,Is this your first examination?,cym_Latn-eng_Latn "Un, dau, tri, pedwar, pump, chwech, saith, wyth, naw, deg.","One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten.",cym_Latn-eng_Latn Prynais gar yn Neri ddoe.,I bought a car in Derry yesterday.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Dw i'n mwynhau gweithio mewn siop.,I enjoy working in a shop.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Dw i'n hoffi dawnsio gyda Maria,I like dancing with Maria.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Mae'r te yn rhy oer.,The tea is too cold to drink.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Dwi am fynd draw i weld Tomas.,I want to go round to see Tom.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Ble mae'r tamponau?,Where are the tampons?,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Ydy o'n yfed coffi?,Does he drink coffee?,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Dw i ddim yn deall.,I don't understand.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Torrodd Tom ei ffêr,Tom broke his ankle.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Tom yw fy unig blentyn.,Tom is my only child.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn "A tithau, Brutus?","You too, Brutus?",cym_Latn-eng_Latn Mae gennych lawer o lyfrau.,You have a lot of books.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Mae'r llawr yn llithrig iawn,The floor is very slippery.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Mae hi'n dweud ei bod hi'n unig.,She says that she's lonely.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Meddwl gadarn mewn corff cadarn.,A sound mind in a sound body.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Wyddost ti?,Do you know?,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Dw i'n gweithio bob dydd ond Dydd Sul.,I work every day save Sundays.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Heddwas dych chi?,Are you a police officer?,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Mae'r gwr yn yfed dwr.,The man drinks water.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Rhaid bod nhw o'u cof.,They must be mad.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Di i eisiau eich parch.,I want your respect.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Ond tydi hi ddim yn ddigon i it.,But it isn't enough for you.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Rydw i'n bwyta yma.,I'm eating here.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Gwyliwn.,We will watch.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Roedd hi'n niwlog iawn.,It was very misty.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn "O Bortiwgal ydyn ni, a chi?","We are Portuguese, and you?",cym_Latn-eng_Latn Ydy dy ffrind yn siarad Esperanto?,Does your friend speak Esperanto?,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Mae gan y coffi hwn flas chwerw.,This coffee has a bitter taste.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Athrawes ydy hi.,She is a teacher.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Nid fel hyn y dylai pethau fod.,Things shouldn't be like this.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Mae Tom a Mary yn chwarae Cluedo gyda'u ffrindiau.,Tom and Mary are playing Cluedo with their friends.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Mae ganddi blodau coch.,She has red flowers.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Dwi i'n methu cysgu rwan.,I can't sleep now.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Mae'r myfyrwyr yn gwirioni at yr athro Saesneg newydd.,The students adore the new English teacher.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Fel arall y dylai hi fod.,It should be the other way round.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Mae un o gŵn fy ffrind yn dew.,One of my friend's dogs is fat.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Faint o arian oes gyda ti?,How are you fixed with money?,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Does dim rhaid i Tom ymddiheuro i Mary.,Tom doesn't have to apologize to Mary.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Pa fathau o frechdanau sydd gennych?,What types of sandwiches do you have?,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Pa fathau o frechdanau sydd gennyt ti?,What sort of sandwiches do you have?,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Dydy Ellen ddim yn gallu siarad Cymraeg.,Ellen doesn't speak Welsh.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Mae swydd arall gen i.,I got another job.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Dydyn nhw ddim yn dod.,They are not coming.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn "Esgusodwch fi, ond o ble ydych chi'n dod?","Please, where are you from?",cym_Latn-eng_Latn Doedd gan Cesar ddim beic.,Caesar did not have a bike.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Dw i'n hen.,I am old.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Mae'n well gen i Saesneg.,I prefer English.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Beth yw ystyr yr ymadrodd hwn?,What is the meaning of this phrase?,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Peidiwch â gwneud sŵn.,Don't make noise.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Dw i'n hoffi tennis.,I like tennis.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Dw i methu nofio.,I can't swim.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn "Ty'd ymlaen, ti'n tynnu fy nghoes.","Come on, you're pulling my leg.",cym_Latn-eng_Latn Ddyweda i byth wrth neb pwy wyt ti mewn gwirionedd.,I'll never tell anyone who you really are.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Mae gen i gi mawr.,I have a big dog.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Mae'n rhaid i mi fynd rŵan.,I must go now.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Mae Tom yn siarad.,Tom is talking.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Mae hi'n darllen.,She is reading.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Fe wnaeth Mari ei swydd hi.,Maria did her job.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Mae'r tywydd yn oer.,The weather is cold.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Mae o newydd gyrraedd.,He has just arrived.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Dw i'n hoffi coffi.,I like coffee.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Mae hi'n studo bwrw.,It's raining cats and dogs.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Mae ei theulu yn fawr iawn.,His family is very big.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Mae'r trên yn gyflym iawn.,The train is very fast.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Mae'r dyn yn cryf.,The man is strong.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Rydym ni am wahodd Tom a Mary i'n parti Nos Galan Gaeaf.,We're going to invite Tom and Mary to our Halloween party.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Oes gennych chi unrhyw lyfrau am Armenia?,Do you have any books about Armenia?,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Ni chafodd e ginio.,He didn't have lunch.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Dw i'n hoffi hwn.,I like this.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Dw i'n hoffi siarad Cymraeg.,I like to speak Welsh.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn "Os wyt ti eisiau rhedeg, yna rheda.","If you want to run, then run.",cym_Latn-eng_Latn Roedd yr afal yn flasus.,The apple was tasty.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Mae hi'n piso bwrw.,It's pissing down.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Diflanodd yr hwyaden.,The duck disappeared.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Tywynna'r bryn gan liwiau hydrefol.,The hill glows with autumnal colors.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Mae'r ferch yn hoffi ceffylau.,The girl likes horses.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Dw i'n casáu'r bwyd yn y ffreutur.,I hate the food in the refectory.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Mae llyfr gen i.,I've got a book.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Wyt ti erioed wedi plannu coeden?,Have you ever planted a tree?,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Mae'r plant wedi anghofio eu gwaith cartref.,The children have forgotten their homework.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Wyt ti wir eisiau aros am Tom?,Do you really want to wait for Tom?,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Ydych chi'n hoffi gyrru?,Do you like to drive?,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Dw i methu yfed coffi heb siwgr.,I can't drink coffee without sugar.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Phryna i mo'r car yfory.,I won't buy the car tomorrow.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Roedd hi'n noswaith hydrefol hyfryd.,It was a lovely autumn evening.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Gest ti amser da ddoe?,Did you have a good time yesterday?,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Dw i'n hoffi gweithio.,I like to work.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Dw i'n hoffi darllen.,I like reading.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Mae hi fan hyn.,She is here.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Mae hi'n cantores.,She is a singer.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Dw i'n hoffi yfed llaeth.,I like to drink milk.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Mae gan gath gynffon a phedair coes.,A cat has a tail and four legs.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Ydych chi'n adnabod Mr. Bingley?,Do you know Mr Bingley?,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Mae'r hydref yma.,The autumn is here.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Dw i'n gweithio yfory.,I'm working tomorrow.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Try'r mynydd i gyd yn goch yn yr hydref.,The whole mountain turns red in autumn.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Ysgrifennodd Alexander frawddegau yn yr iaith Ferber.,Alexander wrote sentences in the Berber language.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Mae'r dail yn newid eu lliw yn yr hydref.,The leaves change their colour in autumn.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Mae'n rhaid dangos parch.,You must show respect.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Arabeg yw fy mamiaith.,Arabic is my mother tongue.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Sut wyt ti?,How are you?,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Sut dych chi?,How are you doing?,cym_Latn-eng_Latn "Yn yr hydref, syrth y dail o'r coed.","In autumn, leaves fall from trees.",cym_Latn-eng_Latn A oes yna unrhyw draethau yn yr Almaen?,Are there any beaches in Germany?,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Dwi byth yn codi cyn saith.,I never get up before seven.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn A oes yna ddaeargrynfeydd yn yr Almaen?,Are there earthquakes in Germany?,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Mae hi'n siarad Sbaeneg yn dda.,She speaks Spanish well.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Roedd yr ardd yn llawn o flodau melyn.,The garden was full of yellow flowers.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Mae aros adre yn ddiflas.,Staying at home is boring.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Dw i'n dod o'r Eidal a dw i'n siarad Eidaleg.,I come from Italy and I speak Italian.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Wyt ti'n adnabod Mr. Bingley?,Do you know Mr. Bingley?,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Fel deilen yn yr hydrefwynt.,Like a leaf in the autumn wind.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Mae o'n ddigon hen i fynd i'r ysgol.,He's old enough to go to school.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Dydy Tom ddim yn hoffi astudio.,Tom doesn't like studying.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Mae llygod yn yfed y dŵr.,Mice are drinking the water.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Athrawes dych chi?,Are you a teacher?,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Dw i'n dod o Frasil.,I come from Brazil.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Peidiwch â thaflu sbwriel fan yma.,Don't throw garbage away here.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn "Sut dych chi, Dylan?","How are you, Dylan?",cym_Latn-eng_Latn Dw i'n dod o Siapan.,I come from Japan.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Beth sydd fel arfer yn achosi'r boen?,What usually causes the pain?,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Hoffwn i ymgeisio am y swydd honno.,I would like to apply for that job.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Mae marwolaeth yn barhaol.,Death is permanent.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn "Does dim arian 'da fi, ond breuddwydion 'da fi.","I have no money, but I have dreams.",cym_Latn-eng_Latn Mi brynais i docyn.,I bought a ticket.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Dwi'n meddwl dy fod ti'n tynnu fy nghoes.,I think you're pulling my leg.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Ble mae'r gath?,Where's the cat?,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Roedd y plant yn chwarae yn y parc.,The children were playing in the park.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Faint o'r gloch yw hi?,What time is it?,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Welaist ti ei hwyneb hi?,Did you see her face?,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Welaist ti ei wyneb o?,Did you see his face?,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Roedd Tom yn siarad.,Tom was talking.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Welaist ti eu wynebau?,Did you see their faces?,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Ydy cathod yn breuddwydio?,Do cats dream?,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Mae fy nghariad yn crio.,My beloved is crying.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn "Mae yna ddau sero yn y rhif ""2010"".","There are two zeroes in ""2010"".",cym_Latn-eng_Latn Mae astudio iaith dramor yn anodd.,Studying a foreign language is hard.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Ydy'r ddau ohonynt yn deall Siapaneg?,Do they both understand Japanese?,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Oes ganddyn nhw arian?,Do they have money?,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Wyt ti dal yn ei garu o?,Do you still love him?,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Mae hi'n heulog.,It is sunny.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Oes ganddo arian?,Has he got money?,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Ydy o'n hoffi Siapan?,Does he like Japan?,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Ond fe gysgodd fel baban.,But he slept like a baby.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Ydy cariad yn bodoli?,Does love exist?,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Dw i'n caru Tatoeba.,I love Tatoeba.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Oes ganddi hi gariad?,Does she have a boyfriend?,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Ydy'r cloc yna yn gweithio?,Does that clock work?,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Dw i'n dy garu di.,I love you.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Mae o'n gweithio oriau hir.,He works long hours.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Mae'n amhosib iddo rhoi'r gorau i ysmygu.,It is impossible for him to give up smoking.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Dyma fy nghyfrinach i. Mae hi'n syml iawn. Dim ond efo'r galon mae gweld yn iawn. Mae'r hyn sy'n bwysig anweledig i'r llygad.,"And now here is my secret, a very simple secret: It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye.",cym_Latn-eng_Latn Does gen i ddim amser.,I have no time.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Does gen i ddim arian.,I don't have money.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Dw i'n hoffi Hokkaido.,I like Hokkaido.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Sut mae'r tywydd?,How is the weather?,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Fy enw I yw Jack.,My name is Jack.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Graddiais o brifysgol eleni.,I graduated from university last year.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Mae'r frawddeg ddim yn wneud synnwyr.,The sentence makes no sense.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Mae Tom yn hynod o olygus.,Tom is incredibly handsome.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Mae'r pysgod yn byw yn y môr.,Fish live in the sea.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Ydych chi'n meddwl felly?,You think so?,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Mae'n rhaid i mi ysgrifennu llythyr.,I have to write a letter.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Wyt ti erioed wedi bwyta cig morfil?,Have you ever eaten whale meat?,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Dw i'n hoffi selsig.,I like sausages.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Mae'n rhaid i mi redeg.,I must run.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Ble mae'r llyfr?,Where is the book?,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Mae'n rhaid i mi brynu blodau i'm cariad.,I have to buy flowers for my love.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Mae'r ci yn cysgu yn y car.,The dog's sleeping in the car.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Mae'r car yn las.,The car is blue.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Elli di gerdded?,Can you walk?,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Dw i'n hoffi gwrando ar gerddoriaeth glasurol.,I like to listen to classical music.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Dw i'n gweithio mewn ysgol Gymraeg.,I work in a Welsh school.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Mae yna gath ar y bwrdd.,There is a cat on the table.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Dydy hi ddim yn rhy anodd i ddysgu Ffrangeg.,It's not too hard to learn French.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Roedd hi'n oer tu allan.,It was cold outside.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Mae'r bwrdd yn yr ystafell fyw.,The table is in the living room.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Dw i eisiau dysgu sut i chwarae gwyddbwyll.,I want to learn how to play chess.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Wyt ti'n hoffi astudio?,Do you like studying?,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Rhoddodd Mary ei chyfeiriad i mi.,Mary gave me her address.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Rwy'n berffeithydd.,I'm a perfectionist.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Beth yw'r gwahaniaeth rhwng pentref a dinas?,What's the difference between a village and a city?,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Dw i'n gwerthfawrogi'r cyngor.,I appreciate the advice.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Mae fy mrawd yn cyrraedd bore 'fory.,My brother is arriving tomorrow morning.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Mae fy llygaid yn las.,My eyes are blue.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Mae o'n medru gweld drwy gefn ei phen.,He has eyes at the back of his head.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Mae'r tywydd yn braf heddiw.,The weather is nice today.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Ydyn nhw'n caru cathod?,Do they love cats?,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Bardd yw e.,He is a poet.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Creda Tom mewn tylwyth teg.,Tom believes in fairies.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Roeddwn i'n darllen llyfr.,I was reading a book.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Dw i methu aros yma heno.,I can't stay here tonight.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Gofynodd y dewin am wirfoddolwr o'r gynulleidfa.,The magician asked for a volunteer from the audience.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Wyt ti'n hoffi golff?,Do you like golf?,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Dych chi'n gweithio mewn tre?,Do you work in a town?,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Mae o'n dalach na'i frawd.,He is taller than his brother.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Esgusodwch fi. Ydych chi'n siarad Saesneg?,Excuse me. Do you speak English?,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Cewch wared ohono fe.,Get rid of him.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Faint yw hwn?,How much is this?,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Dydi hi ddim yn dda i orfwyta.,It's not good to overeat.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Ble mae'r toiled?,Where is the toilet?,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Mae Tom yn casáu pawb.,Tom hates everybody.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Penblwydd Hapus!,Happy birthday to you!,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Mae hi'n braf iawn heddiw.,It is very fine today.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Pa bryd wnawn ni ail-baentio ei hystafell hi?,When will we repaint her room?,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Nid yw Cymru ar Werth.,Wales is not for sale.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Mae'r ffilm yn dechrau mewn pum munud.,The movie starts in five minutes.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Doeddwn i ddim yn barod.,I wasn't ready.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn """Beth yw enw dy wraig?"" ""Dydw i ddim yn briod.""","""What's your wife's name?"" ""I'm not married.""",cym_Latn-eng_Latn Mae fy hofrenfad yn llawn llyswennod.,My hovercraft is full of eels.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Gwelon nhw gath yn yr ardd.,They saw a cat in the garden.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn "Mae hi'n honni bod hi'n gwybod dim byd amdano fe, ond dw i ddim yn ei chredu hi.","She claims that she knows nothing about him, but I don't believe her.",cym_Latn-eng_Latn Mae hi'n honni bod hi'n gwybod dim byd amdano fe.,She claims that she knows nothing about him.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn "Pwnc heddiw ydyw ""y broblem o bobol Siapanaidd sydd wedi cael eu herwgipio gan Ngogledd Corea"".","Today's topic is ""the problem of Japanese people abducted by North Korea"".",cym_Latn-eng_Latn Cuddiodd y llwynog yn y goeden wag.,The fox hid in the hollow tree.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Pa het wyt ti'n hoffi?,What hat do you like?,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Dyma eich allwedd.,Here is your key.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Mae'r ci yn ddu.,The dog is black.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Mae'r coffi yn oer.,The coffee is cold.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Gŵr tŷ dw i.,I am a house-husband.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Dych chi'n fy neall i.,You understand me.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Athro di-waith dw i.,I am an unemployed teacher.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Dylwn i drio y razor trydan hwn cyn ei brynu o.,I should try this electric razor before buying it.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Mae'r dŵr yn poeth.,The water is hot.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Mae'r dŵr yn glân.,The water is clean.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Pam wyt ti'n drist?,Why are you sad?,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Mae hi eisiau dawnsio.,She wants to dance.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Mae ganddo fab a dwy ferch.,He has a son and two daughters.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Ysgrifennydd dw i.,I'm a secretary.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Mae'r bachgen yn prynu ci.,The boy is buying a dog.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Peidiwch â gadael iddi hi ddianc!,Don't let her escape!,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Peidiwch â gadael iddo fo ddianc.,Don't let him get away.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Dwi'n meddwl dwi am fynd adre.,I think it's time I went home.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Rydyn ni'n awyddus iawn i weld y ffilm.,We are all eager to see the movie.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Mae annwyd arnaf i.,I've got a cold.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Actor Cymraeg mewn theatr dw i.,I am a Welsh-speaking actor in a theatre.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Ble mae Rhufain?,Where is Rome?,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Mae fy nhad fel ffrind i mi.,My father is like a friend to me.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Ydy Tom a Mary yn cofio unrhyw beth?,Do Tom and Mary remember anything?,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Hwyl fawr a phob lwc.,Goodbye and good luck.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Ble mae'r swyddfa bost?,Where is the post office?,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Dwyt ti ddim yn fy ngharu i.,You don't love me.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Defol!,Get the hell out of here!,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Mae Tom yn astudio.,Tom is studying.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Nofiodd Tom gyda'i fab.,Tom swam with his son.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Dw i angen nodiadur er mwyn ysgrifennu fy nodiadau.,I need a notebook to write my notes.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Paid â darllen fy nyddiadur.,Don't read my diary.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Peidiwch â darllen fy nyddiadur.,Don't read my diary!,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Roedd hi eisiau bod yn athrawes.,She wanted to be a teacher.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Rwyt ti'n hŷn na fi.,You're older than me.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Mae'r tŷ yn mawr.,The house is big.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Dydw i ddim yn gwybod ei rhif ffôn hi.,I don't know her telephone number.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn "Rhaid i ni benderfynu, ac yn fuan!","We have to decide, and soon!",cym_Latn-eng_Latn "Er ei bod hi'n bwrw glaw, mi es i allan.","Even though it was raining, I went out.",cym_Latn-eng_Latn Wyt ti'n hoffi te?,Do you like tea?,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Mae gen i ddau frawd ac un chwaer.,I have two brothers and one sister.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Mae'n oer iawn nawr.,It's very cold now.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Mi es i i'r parc gyda Mary ddoe.,I went to the park with Mary yesterday.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Mae o'n byw yn ei gar.,He lives in his car.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Bydd hi'n gweithio.,She will be working.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Rwyt ti'n berffaith normal.,You're perfectly normal.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Wnest ti anghofio unrhyw beth?,Did you forget anything?,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Mae Tom yn anorecsig.,Tom is anorexic.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Dw i ddim yn hoffi dyddiau gwyntog.,I don't like windy days.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Mae hi'n saith o'r gloch.,It's seven o'clock.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Roedd y tywysog ar goll yn y goedwig.,The prince was lost in the woods.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Mae'n stori amwys.,It's a vague story.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Mae o'n casáu Nancy.,He hates Nancy.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Owen dw i.,I am Ricardo.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Rydyn ni angen prynu anrheg iddyn nhw.,We need to buy a gift for them.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn "Sut dych chi, Tom?","How are you, Tom?",cym_Latn-eng_Latn Dw i'n mynd i ddysgu almanaeg.,I'm going to learn German.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Mae o wedi marw yn y fan a’r lle.,He died on the spot.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn """Pwy dych chi?"" ""Tom dw i.""","""Who are you?"" ""I'm Tom.""",cym_Latn-eng_Latn Mae o'n gwneud mor â mynydd o bethau.,He's making a mountain out of a molehill.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Wyt ti'n hoffi cathod?,Do you like cats?,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Dw i'n dod adre.,I'm coming home.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Myfyrwraig feddygol oedd hi.,She was a medical student.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Roedd rhaid i mi aros adre.,I had to stay home.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Roedd hi'n sefyll yng nghanol yr ystafell.,She was standing in the middle of the room.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn "Yn sicr, mae'n mynd i bwrw glaw.","It's going to rain, for sure.",cym_Latn-eng_Latn Dw i'n mynd i'r eglwys ar ddydd Sul.,I go to church on Sunday.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Mae Tocio yn ddinas enfawr.,Tokyo is a huge city.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn """A beth ydych chi'n yfed?"" ""Cwrw, os oes gen i, neu ddŵr os nad oes gen i gwrw."" ""'Tydych chi ddim yn yfed gwin?""","""And what do you drink?"" ""Ale if I have it, or water if I don't have ale."" ""Don't you drink wine?""",cym_Latn-eng_Latn "Dim problem, wrth cwrs, os chi'n mynd",Of course it's not a problem if you go.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Pam ydych chi'n chwerthin ar fy mhen i?,Why are you laughing at me?,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Nid yw un iaith byth yn ddigon.,One language is never enough.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Mae Tom yn swrth iawn.,Tom is very blunt.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Pwy ydw i?,Who am I?,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Rwyt ti'n ddynes.,You are a woman.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Mae'r dyn yn tal.,The man is tall.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Mae o'n hunanol iawn.,He's really selfish.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Trydanwr mewn theatr dych chi?,Are you an electrician in a theater?,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Mae hi wedi bod yn ddiwrnod da.,It's been a good day.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Dw i'n heneiddio.,I'm getting old.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Gaf i eistedd yma?,May I sit here?,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Mae'r trên yn ddeng munud yn hwyr heddiw.,The train is ten minutes late today.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Mae eu traed yn fudr.,His feet are dirty.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Dywedais wrth Tomas.,I told Tom.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Mae'r cwmni eisiau cyflogi ugain o bobl.,The company want to employ twenty people.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Pwy sy'n mynd i'r farchnad?,Who goes to the market?,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Dros fy nghrogi!,Over my dead body!,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Mae hi wedi bod yn bwrw glaw yn ddi-stop am dri diwrnod.,It's been raining non-stop for three days.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Beth mae Tom yn gwneud?,What is Tom doing?,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Beth ydy Tom?,What is Tom?,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Pwy ydy Tom?,Who is Tom?,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Mae hi'n chwipio bwrw.,It's raining very hard.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Ble mae'r banc agosaf?,Where is the nearest bank?,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Mae llygad ddu 'da fi.,I have a black eye.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Tybed beth ddigwyddodd?,I wonder what happened.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Does dim cath gyda fi.,I don't have a cat.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Mae hi'n bwrw hen wragedd a ffyn.,It is raining cats and dogs.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Rwy'n gweithio mewn banc.,I work in a bank.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Mae yna ddwy gath yn cysgu ar y gwely.,There are two cats sleeping on the bed.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Yr hydref yw'r tymor gorau ar gyfer darllen.,Autumn is the best season for reading.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Blwyddyn Newydd Dda!,Happy New Year!,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Paid eistedd ar y bench na.,Don't sit on that bench.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Mae e'n byw yng Nghaerdydd.,He lives in Cardiff.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Dw i ddim yn hoffi coffi.,I don't like coffee.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Dw i'n gwisgo esgidiau.,I am wearing shoes.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Does gennym ni ddim byd i'w trafod.,We have nothing to discuss.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Pwy ydych chi?,Who are you?,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Dw i'n byw yn Japan.,I live in Japan.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Pwy wyt ti?,"Please, who are you?",cym_Latn-eng_Latn Dw i'n gallu deall dy iaith di.,I can understand your language.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Beth yn union ydy synnwyr cyffredin?,What exactly is common sense?,cym_Latn-eng_Latn "Sut dych chi, Draig?","How are you, Dragon?",cym_Latn-eng_Latn Es i i'r siop.,I went to the shop.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Dw i'n hoffi gwrando ar y radio.,I like to listen to the radio.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Gofynodd Tom i Mari beidio mynd ar ei phen ei hun.,Tom asked Mary not to go alone.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Mae'r ystafell cyfarfod i lawr y grisiau.,The meeting room is downstairs.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Dw i'n dod o Loegr.,I'm from England.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Barlys ydy ein prif gynnyrch.,Barley is our main product.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Rydw i'n yfed llaeth.,I'm drinking milk.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Gwraig tŷ dw i.,I am a housewife.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Oes ci gyda fe?,Has he got a dog?,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Oes ci gyda hi?,Has she got a dog?,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Dw i'n casáu'r byd oherwydd bod y byd yn fy nghasáu innau.,I hate the world because the world hates me.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Beth ydych chi’n wneud?,What're you doing?,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Mae Tom wedi bod yn tyfu barf trwy'r haf.,Tom has been growing a beard all summer.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Roeddwn i'n ddyn cyfoethog.,I was a rich man.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Prynais tair potel o win.,I bought three bottles of wine.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Nid Tom ydw i.,I'm not Tom.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Mae gen i syniad da.,I have a good idea.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Welais i Tom yn rhedeg lawr y stryd.,I saw Tom running down the street.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Mae hi'n bwrw glaw tu allan.,It's raining outside.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Mi glywais i'r dail yn siffrwd.,I heard the leaves rustling.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Mae gan y ddwy ferch llygaid gleision.,Both girls have blue eyes.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Mae Tatoeba yn wefan gyfieithu.,Tatoeba is a translation website.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Cafodd ei fagu gan ei daid a'i nain.,He was raised by his grandparents.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Nes i newydd orffen darllen y llyfr.,I just finished reading the book.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Dych chi'n siarad.,You are talking.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Dylwn i ddim wedi gofyn i ti i wnaed hynny.,I shouldn't have asked you to do that.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Ydych chi'n siarad Saesneg?,Can you speak English?,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Dw i'n rhy fyr.,I'm too short.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Gwna beth sy'n iawn.,Do what is right.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Ble mae'r safle bws?,Where's the bus stop?,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Tybed beth ddigwyddodd iddo?,I wonder what happened to him.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Dw i'n hoffi plant.,I like children.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Dw i'n dysgu cerddoriaeth.,I'm learning music.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Pa danlwybr sy'n mynd i ganol y dref?,What subway goes to the center of town?,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Dydw i ddim eisiau brechdanau.,I do not want any sandwiches.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn "Mae o'n sgrechian, nid canu.","He's screaming, not singing.",cym_Latn-eng_Latn Ble mae'r menyn?,Where's the butter?,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Mae'r dref yn enwog am ei hen gastell.,The town is famous for its old castle.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Rydw i'n bwyta reis nawr.,I'm eating rice now.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Dw i'n nofio yn y cefnfor.,I'm swimming in the ocean.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Mae gen i ddwy gath.,I have two cats.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Rydyn ni wedi gwylio'r ffilm 'ma dwywaith.,We've watched this film two times.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Mae'r ty yn fach,The house is small.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Ble mae'r ysbyty?,Where is the hospital?,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Rhaid bod chi wedi'ch cynhyrfu.,You must be pretty upset.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Dw i'n hoffi ieithoedd.,I like languages.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Roedd y llyfr hwn yn hawdd.,This book was easy.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Dw i ddim yn hoffi pobl.,I dislike people.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Sgen i ddim waith heddiw.,I am free from work today.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Mae traean yn llai na hanner.,A third is less than a half.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Mae gen i lawer o dir.,I have a lot of land.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Dw i'n trio dysgu Saesneg.,I'm trying to learn English.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn Mae hadau grawnafal yn gymharol fawr.,Pomegranate seeds are relatively big.,cym_Latn-eng_Latn "Da vi lagde an, så vi vores ven på molen.","When we landed, we saw our friend on the pier.",dan_Latn-eng_Latn En vaskemaskine er en nødvendighed for ethvert hus.,A washing machine is a must for a house.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Som dessert tager jeg en banan.,"As dessert, I take a banana.",dan_Latn-eng_Latn Hvor længe vil dette kolde vejr fortsætte?,How long will this cold weather continue?,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Et barn er aldrig for varmt klædt på.,A child is never too warmly dressed.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg vil føle mig ensom når du er gået.,I'll be lonely after you've gone.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Han blev verdensberømt.,He became world famous.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Hvordan har du det for tiden?,How are you doing these days?,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Jorden er for lille.,The Earth is too small.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Organisationen spiller en hovedrolle i bevarelse af dyrelivet.,The organization plays a principal role in wildlife conservation.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Militæret slog opstanden ned inden for få timer.,The military quashed the revolt within a matter of hours.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Hvad er dit telefonnummer?,What's your phone number?,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Vi har valget mellem død eller underkastelse.,We have the alternative of death and submission.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Tom har ikke et kontor.,Tom doesn't have an office.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Kassen er tung.,The box is heavy.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn "Han kommer tilbage om to timer, lad os i mellemtiden lave aftensmaden.","He'll be back in two hours. In the meantime, let's prepare dinner.",dan_Latn-eng_Latn "Bare hent appen, installer den og kør den. Så let er det!","Just download the app, install it, and run it. It's as easy as that!",dan_Latn-eng_Latn "Beethoven gik hen til klaveret, satte sig og begyndte at spille.","Beethoven went over to the piano, sat down and began to play.",dan_Latn-eng_Latn Han skulle have været her for ti minutter siden.,He should have been here ten minutes ago.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Hvor er disse børns forældre?,Where are these childrens' parents?,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Er dette et trickspørgsmål?,Is this a trick question?,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Min bedstefar har et meget godt helbred.,My grandfather is very healthy.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Kan du forklare os hvordan opvaskemaskinen fungerer?,Could you explain how the dishwasher works?,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Vores skole ligger nær stationen.,Our school is near the station.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Der er endnu lidt kaffe i kanden.,There is little coffee left in the pot.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Vi er en familie på fem.,We are a family of five.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom bor i skoven, uden strøm og rindende vand.",Tom lives in the woods without electricity and running water.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn "Det positive heltal 126 har primfaktorerne 2, 3, 3 og 7.","The positive integer 126 has the prime factors 2, 3, 3 and 7.",dan_Latn-eng_Latn Dette kryds er farligt.,This intersection is dangerous.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Tom taler aldrig om sine ekser.,Tom never talks about his exes.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg er hjemme.,I'm at home.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Den mistænkte er en lyshudet kvinde.,The suspect is a caucasian female.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Dette er umuligt.,This is impossible.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn "Hans far kalder ham ""Tom"".",His dad calls him Tom.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Det passer.,This is true.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Forskelsbehandling på grund af køn er forbudt.,Discrimination on the basis of gender is prohibited.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Rom havde flere sindssyge kejsere.,Rome had several mad emperors.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn "Da skisæsonen endnu ikke er begyndt, vil jeg i stedet klatre.","Since ski season hasn't started, I'll practice climbing.",dan_Latn-eng_Latn Hun har røde blomster.,She has red flowers.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn De reder ikke op.,They don't make beds.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Han ankom helskindet.,He arrived safe and sound.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Gik du til butikken?,Did you go to the shop?,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Tom slap fuglen fri.,Tom set the bird free.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Tom gik med vilje med vrangen ud på sin skjorte bare for at irritere Mary.,Tom purposely wore his shirt inside out just to irritate Mary.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn I morgen ved samme tid vil vi være i London.,"About this time tomorrow, we will be in London.",dan_Latn-eng_Latn Pigen slap fuglen fri.,The girl let the bird loose.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Hver nat hører jeg radio.,I listen to the radio every night.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg studerer på et universitet i Boston.,I study at a university in Boston.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Kan det passe at klokken allerede er otte?,Is it possible that it's already eight o'clock?,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Tom og Maria er hjemme i dag.,Tom and Mary are at home today.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn I Mars' zoologiske haver er der dyr fra Jorden.,"In the zoological gardens of Mars, there are animals from Earth.",dan_Latn-eng_Latn I de zoologiske haver på Mars er der dyr fra Jorden.,"In the zoos on Mars, there are animals from Earth.",dan_Latn-eng_Latn "Det var søndag, og butikkerne var lukket.","It was Sunday, and shops were closed.",dan_Latn-eng_Latn Over min døde krop!,Over my dead body!,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg vil gerne vide hvem du har i sinde at danse med.,I want to know who you're going to the dance with.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn En af hundene er i live.,One of the dogs is alive.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn De har bygget det.,They built it.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn "Sam er en filosof, ikke sandt?","Sam is a philosopher, isn't he?",dan_Latn-eng_Latn Huset gik billigt.,The house went cheap.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Næste gang må du godt spørge mig først før du bruger min bil.,"Next time, ask me before you use my car.",dan_Latn-eng_Latn "Du kan regne med mig, Jim.","You can count on me, Jim.",dan_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg kan ikke holde ud at arbejde her.,I'm fed up with working here.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn "Jeg kommer ikke til at ændre mening, uanset hvad der sker.","I shall not change my mind, no matter what happens.",dan_Latn-eng_Latn Har du et hus?,Do you have a house?,dan_Latn-eng_Latn En frø i en brønd kender ikke verdenshavet.,A frog in a well doesn't know the ocean.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Han kan være i fare.,He may be in danger.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Vi valgte ham til borgmester.,We elected him mayor.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Han taler ikke meget.,He doesn't talk much.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Tom har nogle nysgerrige naboer.,Tom has some nosy neighbors.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Den afrikanske elefant har større ører end den asiatiske.,The African elephant has bigger ears than the Asian elephant.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Ifølge hende så kommer han ikke.,"According to her, he isn't coming.",dan_Latn-eng_Latn Fortovene var våde efter regnen.,The sidewalks were wet after the rain.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Linda skal giftes.,Linda is getting married.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Den gamle fyr er lige så sund og stærk som en eg.,The old fellow is as healthy and as strong as an oak.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Afrikanske elefanter har større ører end asiatiske.,African elephants have bigger ears than Asian elephants.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Vådt tøj klæber til huden.,Wet clothes adhere to the skin.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Der er ingen printere her.,There are no printers here.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn "Se, her kommer dit tog!","Look, here comes your train.",dan_Latn-eng_Latn Tom gennempryglede Mary.,Tom beat up Mary.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Han er ved at skrive et brev til sine forældre.,He is writing a letter to his parents now.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Kommer De herhen i eftermiddag mellem to og tre.,Come here this afternoon between two and three.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Fantastisk! Tusindvis af fisk!,Wow! Thousands of fish!,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Lagnerne var gennemblødte af sved.,The sheets were soaked with sweat.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Mange landmænd måtte under tørken skille sig af med en del af besætningen for at spare på foderomkostninger.,Many farmers had to divest themselves of stock during the drought to save on feeding costs.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg er så misundelig over dine skålformede bryster.,I'm so jealous of your bowl-shaped boobs.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Det faldt ikke på plads.,That didn't come out right.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Vejret har været godt hele ugen; det er på høje tid at vi tog på vandretur.,The weather has been nice all week; it is high time we went on a hike.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Den gamle kone låner penge ud til tre procent i rente.,The old woman lends money at the rate of three percent.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn De bor i en lille rønne.,They live in a wretched little house.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Mary udgav sig for at være sin storesøster.,Mary pretended she was her older sister.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Lås døren!,Lock the door!,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Cookie blev opfostret af Tom.,Cookie was raised by Tom.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Flere end halvtreds piger var til stede ved festen.,There were more than fifty girls at the party.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Han ejer en kat og to hunde.,He owns one cat and two dogs.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg er helt forvirret.,I'm totally confused.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Han ejer én kat og to hunde.,He has a cat and two dogs.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg kan lide folkesange.,I like folk songs.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Kvinderne spiller tennis.,The women play tennis.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Du ligner Harry Potter.,You look like Harry Potter.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn "I går var i dag endnu i morgen, men i morgen vil i dag allerede være i går.","Yesterday, today was still tomorrow, but tomorrow, today will already be yesterday.",dan_Latn-eng_Latn Hunden er død.,The dog is dead.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Ved vaskehallen ved siden af indkøbscenteret.,At the car wash next to the shopping mall.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Dræb mig! Dræb mig! Dræb mig fuldstændig!,Kill me! Kill me! Kill all of me!,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Dick spillede på klaveret og Lucy sang.,Dick played the piano and Lucy sang.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Der gives store bøder for uretmæssig parkering på en handikapparkeringsplads.,There are heavy fines for parking in a disabled zone without a permit.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg er træt og jeg vil hjem.,I'm tired and I want to go home.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg er træt og jeg vil gå hjem.,I am tired and I want to go home.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg er ikke sikker på om det her er korrekt.,I'm not sure if this is correct.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Hvad kan jeg gøre for dig i aften?,What can I do for you this evening?,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Du skulle gå til lægen.,You should go see a doctor.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg elsker farverne.,I love the colours.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Udlændingen vænnede sig hurtigt til den japanske mad.,The foreigner soon got used to Japanese food.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Det er for tidligt at gå i seng.,It's too early to go to bed.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Man bør ikke cykle på fortovet.,One shouldn't ride a bicycle on the pavement.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn De fleste mennesker baserer deres politiske position på følelser fremfor beviser.,Most people base their political positions on feelings rather than evidence.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Havskildpadder har ikke tænder.,Turtles don't have teeth.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Kunst er min passion.,Art is my passion.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg kan ikke få nok af det.,I cannot get enough of it.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Vi er for øjeblikket midt i en borgerkrig.,We're currently in the middle of a civil war.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn "Mary ønskede at få børn lige med det samme, men Tom sagde at han gerne ville vente.","Mary wanted to have babies right away, but Tom said that he wanted to wait.",dan_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg har hørt at Bob og Lucy har slået op.,I hear that Bob and Lucy have broken up.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Ingen sagde det.,Nobody said that.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Dater du Tom?,Are you dating Tom?,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Tom cykler tit i skole.,Tom often rides his bicycle to school.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg er vegetar.,I'm a vegetarian.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Chile er ikke Kina.,Chile is not China.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Tom lovede at være her senest 2:30.,Tom promised to be here by 2:30.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Dette bord er lavet af hårdt træ.,This desk is made of hard wood.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Min søster spiller hver dag på klaver.,My sister plays piano every day.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Ulykker sker hver dag i denne sportsgren.,Accidents happen every day in this sport.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg håber at ingen af dem var med i trafikuheldet.,I hope that neither of them was involved in the traffic accident.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Vi så skrækkelige scener i fjernsynet.,We saw terrible scenes on TV.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Du har hvad der skal til for at slå igennem!,You have what it takes to succeed.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn De mennesker er indianere.,Those people are Indians.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Er det derfor at Tom gerne ville tale med dig?,Is that why Tom wanted to talk to you?,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Indianerne blev meget glade for gaven.,The gift delighted the Indians very much.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn De siger at jeg er en gammel kone.,They say that I'm an old woman.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg tror alle er sultne.,I think everybody's hungry.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Hvorfor var du i fængsel?,Why were you in prison?,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Tom vidste ikke at Mary forstod fransk.,Tom didn't know that Mary understood French.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Piraten har et træben.,The pirate has a peg leg.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Tom gav Mary en highfive.,Tom gave Mary a high five.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Vil du gå ud med mig?,Will you go out with me?,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Lad være at overdrive!,Don't overdo it.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Hvad er problemet?,What's the problem?,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg hader interviews.,I hate interviews.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Han tjener til livets ophold ved at skrive.,He earns his living by writing.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn """Er din kone britisk?"" ""Hun er ikke britisk, hun er skotsk.""","""Is your wife British?"" ""She isn't British, she's Scottish.""",dan_Latn-eng_Latn Det er helt skoven.,It is a complete mistake.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Det er jordbærsæson.,Strawberries are in season now.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn "Dit afkom skal tage sine fjenders porte i besiddelse, og i din sæd skal alle jordens folk velsignes, fordi du adlød mig.","'Your offspring shall possess their enemies' gates, and in your seed shall be all nations blessed because you obeyed my command thus.'",dan_Latn-eng_Latn Skriv til mig så snart du kan.,Please write to me as soon as you can.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg vil gerne spørge om prisen på den der model i vinduet.,I would like to ask about the price of that model in the window.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Tom var førhen en drukkenbolt.,Tom used to be a heavy drinker.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Hvor er wc'et?,Where's the toilet?,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Vi er i krig.,We are at war.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Aber er intelligente.,Monkeys are intelligent.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Du er for ærlig.,You're being too honest.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg vil aldrig nogensinde glemme Tom.,I'll never ever forget Tom.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg kan ikke lide at lære uregelmæssige udsagnsord.,I don't like learning irregular verbs.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg håber Tom har det bedre i dag.,I hope Tom feels better today.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg glæder mig til det.,I look forward to it.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Han var forud for sin tid.,He was ahead of his time.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Meldte du det til politiet?,Did you report that to the police?,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Er det ikke på tide at I to blev gift?,Isn't it about time you two got married?,dan_Latn-eng_Latn På dette hotel serveres der morgenmad fra 07:00 til 10:00.,In this hotel breakfast is served from 7:00 A.M. to 10:00 A.M.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Hvad mon Tom laver nu?,I wonder what Tom is doing now.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Tom tager bussen til byen.,Tom takes the bus to the city.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn "Rolig nu, fortæl hvad der er sket.",Calm down and tell us what happened.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Hvad ved du?,What do you know?,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Verdens største teleskop er på De Kanariske Øer.,The world's largest telescope is in the Canary Islands.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg sælger computere.,I sell computers.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg tager afsted i overmorgen.,I'm leaving the day after tomorrow.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg havde ingen alternativ.,I had no alternative.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Damaskus ligger i Syrien.,Damacus is located in Syria.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Det ville ikke skade hvis du smilede lidt en gang imellem.,It wouldn't hurt if you smiled a little once in a while.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Han lovede at sælge.,He promised to sell.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Vi sælger appelsinjuice.,We sell orange juice.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn "Du vil sige og gøre ting, som dine forældre sagde og gjorde, selv om du har sværget aldrig at gøre det.","You will say and do things your parents said and did, even if you swore you would never do them.",dan_Latn-eng_Latn "Jeg husker huset, i hvilket jeg voksede op.",I remember the house where I grew up.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Man høster hvad man sår.,You reap what you sow.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Han sælger aviser til os.,He sells us paper.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg kan sælge dette.,I could sell this.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg solgte en bog.,I sold a book.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Hans roman solgte godt.,His novel sold well.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Hun solgte sin bil til ham.,She sold him her car.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Hvem solgte denne bil til dig?,Who sold you this car?,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg er uskyldig. Det sværger jeg på.,"I'm innocent, I swear.",dan_Latn-eng_Latn "Lad mig tage mine briller på, for jeg kan ikke høre dig.",Let me put on my glasses since I can't hear you.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg ved godt jeg ikke er den mest begavede pige i verden.,I know I'm not the brightest girl in the world.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn De var temmelig trætte efter at have arbejdet hele dagen.,They were pretty tired after having worked all day.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Den er tung som bly.,This is as heavy as lead.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg havde nogle problemer med at finde hendes hus i går.,I had some trouble finding her house yesterday.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Der har tidligere været en kaffebar nær ved parken.,There used to be a coffee shop near the park.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn "Lad nu være, vil du ikke nok?","Give me a break, will you?",dan_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg har dobbelt statsborgerskab.,I have dual citizenship.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Monaco er et skattely.,Monaco is a tax haven.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Stil dit spørgsmål.,Ask your question.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Mange soldater kyssede deres koner farvel.,Many of the soldiers kissed their wifes goodbye.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Ingen spurgte dig.,No one asked you.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Tom sagde ikke et ord.,Tom didn't say a word.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg er nødt til at gå på toilettet.,I've got to go to the men's room.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg skal på toilettet.,I have to go to the toilet.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Du spørger aldrig.,You never ask.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Fiskeri er ikke lige min kop te.,Fishing just isn't my line.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Spørg ham om det.,Ask him about it.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Lad os spørge ham.,Let's ask him.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg spurgte efter ham.,I asked after him.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Han havde vænnet sig af med at ryge.,He got out of the habit of smoking.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Han spurgte efter dig.,He asked after you.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Vær venlig ikke at spørge.,Please don't ask.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Dette er en hest.,This is a horse.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Tom spurgte om vej.,Tom asked for directions.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Vær venlig at spørge en anden.,Please ask someone else.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Spørg ham om hans navn.,Ask him his name.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Det her er en elefants stødtand.,This is an elephant's tusk.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Svar på mine spørgsmål.,Answer my questions.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Lad Tom svare.,Let Tom answer.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Tom svarede med det samme.,Tom answered immediately.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Tom kan svare.,Tom can answer.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Tom ønsker svar.,Tom wants answers.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg svarede ja.,I answered yes.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Hvad svarede du?,What did you answer?,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Marker det rigtige svar.,Mark the right answer.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Hans svar var ikke korrekt.,Her answer was incorrect.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Er mit svar korrekt?,Is my answer correct?,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Spørgsmålet blev besvaret.,The question was answered.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg kunne ikke svare.,I couldn't answer.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Sikken et overfladisk svar.,What a superficial answer!,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg nægter at svare.,I refuse to answer.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn "Hun ledte efter sine børn, men kunne ikke finde dem nogen steder.","She looked for her children, but couldn't find them anywhere.",dan_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg har brug for Tom.,I need Tom.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Lad være med at kalde mig karl smart.,Stop calling me Miss Smarty-pants.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn """Nu, drenge."" sagde han.","""Now, boys."" he said.",dan_Latn-eng_Latn Hvordan har du det i dag?,How do you feel today?,dan_Latn-eng_Latn "Jeg stod op klokken seks, spiste morgenmad og gik derefter i skole.","I got up at six, ate breakfast and then went to school.",dan_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg ved ikke hvad årsagen til hans pludselige succes er.,I don't know what the reason is for his sudden success.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Tallinn er Estlands hovedstad.,Tallinn is the capital of Estonia.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Situationen skiftede det følgende år.,The situation changed the following year.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Du er nødt til at spørge en anden.,You'll have to ask someone else.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Hunden kunne ikke gø.,The dog couldn't bark.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Du kan ikke se luft med dine øjne.,You can't see air with your eyes.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Tom har brug for hjælp.,Tom needs help.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Luft er usynlig.,Air is invisible.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Han stiller hele tiden dumme spørgsmål.,He's always asking silly questions.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Hun hørte en lyd.,She heard a noise.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Aber elsker bananer.,Monkeys love bananas.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Har du en kæreste?,Do you have a girlfriend?,dan_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom var overrasket over, at Mary stadig var oppe.",Tom was surprised that Mary was still up.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Den bog er ikke til salg.,That book's not available for purchase.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Det er virkelig pinligt.,This is really embarrassing.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn "Er katten ude af huset, danser musene på bordet.","If the cat is outside, the mice dance on the table.",dan_Latn-eng_Latn Forlad os ikke!,Don't leave us.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg studerer musik på et universitet i Boston.,I study music at a university in Boston.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Det var et mareridt.,It was a nightmare.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Det er det rene volapyk.,It's all Greek to me.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Det er rent volapyk.,It is all Greek to me.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn En halv million børn i Niger lider stadig af underernæring.,Half a million children still face malnutrition in Niger.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Tom havde brug for os.,Tom needed us.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Mary har købt en falsk Gucci-håndtaske.,Mary bought a fake Gucci handbag.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Vores firma besluttede at anvende ensartede gebyrer.,Our company decided for consistent fees.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Tom malker koen.,Tom is milking the cow.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Kommer du tilbage i morgen?,Will you come back tomorrow?,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Du har rigtignok mange spørgsmål!,You certainly have a lot of questions.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom er højere end Dan, men Tim er den højeste fyr i gruppen.",Tom is taller than Dan but Tim is the tallest guy in the group.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Tom har malket koen.,Tom milked the cow.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg kunne ikke vente et sekund mere.,I couldn't wait another second.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Dan lærte at spille guitar.,Dan was learning how to play the guitar.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Hvem af jer er den ældste?,Which one of you is the oldest?,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg har været over hele verden.,I've been all over the world.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Har I andre CD'er?,Do you have other CDs?,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Kig engang på det hus der!,Look at that house.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Du malkede koen.,You milked the cow.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg ved at jeg ikke ved det.,I know that I don't know.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Maria har malket koen.,Mary milked the cow.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Vi malkede koen.,We milked the cow.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Han er en fremragende hjernekirurg.,He's an excellent brain surgeon.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Tom har halsbrand.,Tom has heartburn.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn På den anden side af bjerget ligger der en landsby.,There is a village over the mountain.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn De har malket koen.,They milked the cow.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Har du halsbrand?,Do you have heartburn?,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Han har købt noget til Mary.,He has bought something for Mary.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Han indrømmede at jeg havde ret.,He admitted that I was right.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Vær en mand!,Be a man.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Hvornår vil du være på stationen?,What time will you get to the station?,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Man kan ikke sælge koen og drikke mælken.,You cannot sell the cow and drink the milk.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Tom råbte.,Tom was shouting.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn De er jævnaldrende.,They are the same age.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Tom kritiserede Mary foran alle.,Tom criticized Mary in front of everyone.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Vil du være så venlig at hjælpe mig med at oversætte dette?,Would you please help me translate this?,dan_Latn-eng_Latn "Hvad sker der, Sarah?","What's going on, Sarah?",dan_Latn-eng_Latn Drik ikke vandet i det snavsede glas!,Do not drink the water in the dirty glass!,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Elektriske pærer forbruger elektricitet.,Lightbulbs consume electricity.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Giv mig venligst noget at drikke.,Please give me something to drink.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Hvad ville tysk være uden kommaer!,What would German be without commas!,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Mary gav børnene en julekalender så de kunne tælle dagene til jul.,Mary gave the children an Advent calendar to help them count the days until Christmas.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Tom brændte tungen på den varme ost.,Tom burned his tongue on the hot cheese.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn "Jeg drikker ikke, og jeg ryger heller ikke.",I neither drink nor smoke.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg kan overhovedet ikke tale fransk.,I can't speak French at all.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn De har en meget dejlig lejlighed.,They have a very nice apartment.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Hun synes jeg er dum.,She thinks I'm stupid.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Den her er ikke min bil. Det er Toms.,This car isn't mine. It's Tom's.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Tom havde brug for Mary.,Tom needed Mary.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Tag dig sammen!,Pull yourself together!,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg pløjede marken.,I plowed the field.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg er sulten!,I am hungry.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn En fugl kan flyve.,A bird can fly.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Han gik rundt og spredte løgne om hende.,He went around spreading lies about her.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Hvad er der i det skab?,What's in that box?,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Han studerer fransk og webdesign.,He's studying French and web design.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Går du i skole på lørdag?,Do you have school on Saturdays?,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg tror du kan hjælpe os.,I believe you can help us.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg tror I kan hjælpe os.,I think you can help us.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Pigerne udbredte mange falske rygter og løgne om Mary.,The girls spread many false rumors and lies about Mary.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Hold op med at udbrede disse løgne!,Stop spreading these lies!,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Vil du være så venlig at støve bordet af?,Will you please wipe the dust off the table?,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Bor du i området?,Do you live in the area?,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Den er i din taske.,You have it in the bag.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Tom og hans bror bor sammen.,Tom and his brother live together.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg ønskede ikke at lave mad.,I didn't want to cook.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Inden for ét år brød aktiemarkedet sammen.,"Within one year, the stock market collapsed.",dan_Latn-eng_Latn Må jeg åbne vinduet?,May I open the window?,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Tom kan stadig læse uden briller.,Tom can still read without glasses.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Er dette dit skab?,Is this your locker?,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Må jeg åbne vinduerne?,May I open the windows?,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Der var engang en konge der havde en eneste datter.,Once on a time there was a king who had an only daughter.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Denne hund er min.,This dog is mine.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Det vil sne i morgen.,It's going to snow tomorrow.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Tom begår altid de samme fejl.,Tom always makes the same mistakes.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Bogstaverne sch i tyske ord og sh i engelske bliver på esperanto skrevet som ŝ. Det sparer plads og blæk.,"The letters ""sch"" in German words and ""sh"" in English are written ""ŝ"" in Esperanto. That saves space and ink.",dan_Latn-eng_Latn Tom ydmygede Mary foran alle.,Tom humiliated Mary in front of everyone.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Han sparkede til bolden.,He kicked the ball.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Tom lyttede til lyden af ​​bølgerne.,Tom listened to the sound of the waves.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Min far er på sit værelse.,My father is in his room.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Tom stillede askebægeret foran Mary.,Tom put the ashtray in front of Mary.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Vi blev besejret i dag.,We got beat today.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Manden var fuld som en allike.,The man was drunk as a mouse.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Fremtiden tilhører dem der tror på skønheden i deres drømme.,The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Den original opdrætter kakerlakker i en tændstikæske.,That weirdo breeds cockroaches in a matchbox.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn "Ethvert fjols kan rive en stald ned, men det kræver en tømrer at bygge én.","Any jackass can kick down a barn, but it takes a carpenter to build one.",dan_Latn-eng_Latn Sandheden kom endelig frem i lyset ved hans retssag.,The truth finally came out at his trial.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Bliv på stien.,Stay on the path.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Det vil blive varmt i dag.,It's going to be hot today.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Vi fik meget sne sidste år.,We had a lot of snow last year.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Hele nabolaget blev overrasket over denne nyhed.,The whole neighborhood was surprised at this news.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Kan jeg se dem?,Can I see them?,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Godnat og sov godt!,Good night and sleep tight!,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Hvor mange elefanter er der tilbage i Afrika?,How many elephants are left in Africa?,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Han er ølbrygger af profession.,He is a brewer of beer by trade.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Hun kan ikke spille golf.,She doesn't know how to play golf.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn "Der var så dejligt ude paa landet; det var sommer, kornet stod gult, havren grøn, høet var rejst i stakke nede i de grønne enge.","It was beautiful in the country, it was summer-time; the wheat was yellow, the oats were green, the hay was stacked up in the green meadow.",dan_Latn-eng_Latn I værelset er der fire møbler.,There are four pieces of furniture in the room.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Der var fire møbler i værelset.,There were four pieces of furniture in the room.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Vi ser sjældent Tom køre på cykel.,We seldom see Tom riding a bicycle.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg kan godt lide brombær.,I love blackberries.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Sikke en varm dag!,What a hot day!,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg kan godt lide at spille klaver.,I like to play the piano.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Alle hunde har brug for en masse kærlighed.,All dogs need lots of love.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Marika stoler ikke længere på mig.,Marika doesn't trust me anymore.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Han er her for at udspionere os.,He is here to spy on us.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Tom friede til Mary foran kirken.,Tom proposed to Mary in front of the church.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Tom græder tit når han er fuld.,Tom often cries when he's drunk.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Tom er beruset.,Tom is drunk.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Tom er fuld.,Tom is smashed.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Dette er et stort hus.,This is a big house.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Dette er en bil.,This is a car.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn I kan regne med mig.,You can count on me.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Forurening har en katastrofal virkning på økologien i en region.,Pollution has a disastrous effect on the ecology of a region.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg vil gøre alt bortset fra det.,I will do anything but that.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Hun græd af glæde da hun hørte at hendes søn havde overlevet flystyrtet.,She cried for joy when she heard that her son had survived the plane crash.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn "Marokko hedder ""Al-Maghrib"" på arabisk.","Morocco is called ""Al-Maghrib"" in Arabic.",dan_Latn-eng_Latn Ikke alle var tilfredse.,Not everyone was satisfied.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Kan du lide denne bluse?,Do you like this blouse?,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Tom er min læge.,Tom is my doctor.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Dette er opskriften på en katastrofe.,This is a recipe for disaster.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg kender pigen som du talte med i går.,I know the girl you were talking to yesterday.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Vi ses.,See you later.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Han glemmer altid sine penge.,He always forgets his money.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn "Næste gang, jeg ser denne sætning, vil jeg oversætte den.","Next time I see this sentence, I will translate it.",dan_Latn-eng_Latn Vi er også startet på samme måde.,"We, too, have started in the same way.",dan_Latn-eng_Latn En nevø er en brors søn.,A nephew is the son of a brother.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Lav ikke noget dumt.,Don't do anything stupid.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg har mange plader.,I have many discs.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn "Endelig knagede det ene æg efter det andet: ""pip! pip!"" sagde det, alle æggeblommerne var blevet levende og stak hovedet ud.","At length one shell cracked, and then another, and from each egg came a living creature that lifted its head and cried, ""Peep, peep.""",dan_Latn-eng_Latn Hun takkede for gaven.,She thanked for the present.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Tom har mavepine.,Tom has a stomachache.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Du er meget arrogant.,You are very arrogant.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg har ikke nogen børn endnu.,I don't have any children yet.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Marie manglede ideer.,Marie was short of ideas.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Pennen er mægtigere end sværdet.,The pen is mightier than the sword.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Tom studerer.,Tom is studying.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Du ved at du kan stole på mig.,You know you can trust me.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Tom faldt af sin cykel.,Tom fell off his bicycle.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Min bror er god til at spille tennis.,My brother is good at playing tennis.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Måske var han syg.,Maybe he was sick.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Desuden kan jeg flyve.,"Moreover, I can fly.",dan_Latn-eng_Latn Træk dit sværd.,Draw your sword.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg elsker dig mere end jeg elsker hende.,I love you more than I love her.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg har to katte.,I have two cats.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Der findes mange dårlige mennesker i verden.,There are a lot of bad people in the world.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Der er gjort store fremskridt.,Great progress has been made.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Hun har allerede talt med præsidenten.,He's already spoken with the president.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Renterne udgør tre tusind kroner om året.,"The interest amounts to NOK 3,000 a year.",dan_Latn-eng_Latn Fyrretræsmøbler er ikke ret populære for tiden.,Pine furniture is not very popular at the moment.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Penge bringer ikke altid lykke.,Money does not always bring happiness.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Disse oplysninger er fortrolige.,This information is confidential.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg er ikke et monster.,I'm not a monster.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg er ikke et uhyre.,I am not a monster.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Dine råd har været til stor hjælp.,Your advice has been of great help.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Vi lander om femten minutter.,We will be landing in 15 minutes.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg er en uafhængig journalist.,I'm a freelance journalist.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Det var ikke uventet.,It was not unexpected.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Du må have spist søm.,You must be crazy.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Ser jeg træt ud?,Do I look tired?,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Han er praktisk taget en omvandrende ordbog.,"He is, so to speak, a walking dictionary.",dan_Latn-eng_Latn Dette er ikke det bedste eksempel.,That's not the best example.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Tom tog pengene.,Tom took the money.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Foråret kom.,Spring has come around.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Tom rensede sin riffel.,Tom cleaned his rifle.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Han er taxachauffør.,He is a cab driver.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg forstår jer ikke.,I do not understand you.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Men hvor meget vandt du?,But how much did you win?,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Han bruger for mange penge.,He spends too much money.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Dette er et skovrigt område.,This is a heavily wooded area.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Han har et godt ry.,He has a good reputation.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Han er biolog.,He is a biologist.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg har smerter i min arm.,I have pain in my arm.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg føler en lille sult.,I'm feeling a bit hungry.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Tom sms'er til Mary.,Tom is texting Mary.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Ved du hvordan man behandler en førstegradsbrænding?,Do you know how to treat a first-degree burn?,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Der er kun en stol tilbage.,There's just one chair left.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Der er mere end 50.000 bøger i dette bibliotek.,"There are more than 50,000 books in this library.",dan_Latn-eng_Latn "Tyvene forsøgte at stjæle kvindens bil, men det kunne de ikke, da de ikke var i stand til at køre i en bil med manuelt gear.","The thieves tried to steal the woman's car, but they couldn't because they didn't know how to drive a manual.",dan_Latn-eng_Latn Terningerne er kastet.,The die is cast.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg er næsten lige så gammel som du er.,I'm almost as old as you are.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Tom grinte højt.,Tom laughed loudly.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Lad os få en snak med Tom.,Let's go have a chat with Tom.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn "Hvis de dengang havde vidst hvad der snart ville ske, så ville de have ændret deres planer.","Had they known what was about to happen, they would have changed their plans.",dan_Latn-eng_Latn I er hjemme.,You're at home.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Du er hjemme.,You are at home.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn I hvilken klasse går du?,What grade are you in?,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Løs denne tredjegradsligning: x³ + 2x² − x − 2 = 0.,Solve this cubic equation: x³ + 2x² − x − 2 = 0.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Der er ikke plads til alle.,There's not enough room for everybody.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg håber at det vil lykkes mig at komme på holdet.,I'm hoping to make the team.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Mine øjne er blå.,My eyes are blue.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn """Tom, skynd dig."" ""Jeg kommer!""","""Tom, hurry up."" ""I'm coming!""",dan_Latn-eng_Latn Du er nødt til at gå på diæt.,You need to go on a diet.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Der skete en ulykke.,There was an accident.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Der er sket en ulykke.,There has been an accident.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Vores modersmål er japansk.,Our native language is Japanese.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Min far plejede at sige at tid er kostbar.,My father used to say that time is precious.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg er et barn.,I am a child.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Min far plejede at sige at tid er penge.,My father used to say that time is money.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Folkemassen demonstrerede for menneskerettigheder.,The crowd demonstrated in support of human rights.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn "Efter at jeg havde lavet lektier, fik jeg en snak med mor.","Having done my homework, I had a chat with Mom.",dan_Latn-eng_Latn Mit telefonnummer er 789.,My telephone number is 789.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Tom krydsede gaden.,Tom crossed the street.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Hun sælger frugt.,She sells fruits.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Politibetjenten forfulgte indbrudstyven.,The policeman chased the burglar.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Betjenten eftersatte indbrudstyven.,The policeman chased the thief.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Er denne computer tilsluttet internettet?,Is this computer connected to the Internet?,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg bryder mig ikke om hunde.,I don't like dogs.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Tom stillede en flaske whisky hen foran Mary.,Tom put the bottle of whiskey in front of Mary.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Gør Darwin stor igen!,Make Darwin great again.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Du ser Tatoeba-TV.,You're watching Tatoeba TV.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn De her er mine yndlingssko.,These are my favorite pair of shoes.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Læreren var meget vred.,The teacher was very angry.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Katten har to ører.,The cat has two ears.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Hun er feminist.,She's a feminist.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Tom er mellembarn.,Tom is a middle child.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Måske vil Tom ikke lyve for os mere.,Perhaps Tom won't lie to us anymore.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn "Det er nemt for min søster og mig at shoppe sammen, eftersom vi begge er vintertyper.","It's easy for my sister and me to go shopping together, seeing as how we're both ""winters.""",dan_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg tror på mirakler.,I believe in miracles.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg har aldrig snakket med Tom.,I've never spoken to Tom.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Vi har kendt hende i mange år.,We've known her for many years.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg ønsker ikke at kende sandheden.,I don't want to know the truth.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg er ikke på kontoret i dag.,I'm not in the office today.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Fortæl mig noget jeg ikke ved.,Tell me something that I don't know.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Er det en sommerfugl eller et møl?,Is it a butterfly or a moth?,dan_Latn-eng_Latn "Men den stakkels ælling, som sidst var kommet ud af ægget, og så så fæl ud, blev bidt, puffet og gjort nar af, og det både af ænderne og hønsene.","But the poor duckling, who had crept out of his shell last of all, and looked so ugly, was bitten and pushed and made fun of, not only by the ducks, but by all the poultry.",dan_Latn-eng_Latn Tom blev ansat i oktober.,Tom was hired in October.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Min kone er fra Italien.,My wife is italian.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Alt gik galt.,It all went wrong.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn I de fleste europæiske lande skal biler køre i højre side af vejen.,"In most of the countries in Europe, cars have to keep to the right.",dan_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg kørte i bil til arbejde.,I went to work by car.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg var tyk da jeg var yngre.,I was fat when I was younger.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Tom elsker Australien.,Tom loves Australia.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg er frisør.,I'm a hairdresser.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg havde ingen anelse om at Tom ikke var lykkelig her.,I had no idea Tom wasn't happy here.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Tom parkerede lastbilen foran Marys hus.,Tom parked the truck in front of Mary's house.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Hun har en god røv.,She has a nice ass.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg kender dig næsten ikke.,I barely know you.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg blev meget syg.,I became very ill.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Tom kan nok ikke fordrage mig.,Tom probably hates my guts.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Krigen brød ud i 1939.,The war broke out in 1939.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Der er billeder i ordbøger for børn.,There are pictures in children's dictionaries.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Efter min mening er tysk det bedste sprog i verden.,"In my opinion, German is the best language in the world.",dan_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg fødtes i Boston.,I was born in Boston.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg har knap nok penge til fødevarer.,I barely have enough money for groceries.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Den bil er hendes.,That car is hers.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Du må ikke forlade mig!,You mustn't leave me!,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Programmeringssprog er hendes hobby.,Programming languages are her hobby.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Vi skal tidlig op i morgen.,We have to get up early tomorrow.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Vi skal tidlig op i morgen tidlig.,We have to get up early tomorrow morning.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Programmeringssprog er hans hobby.,Programming languages are his hobby.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Kan nogen tage telefonen?,Can someone accept that phone call?,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Hun er en naturlig skønhed.,She's a natural beauty.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Han kunne stadig ikke huske mit navn.,He still couldn't remember my name.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Tom parkerede sin bil foran Marys hus.,Tom parked his car in front of Mary's house.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Det er et spørgsmål om personlig smag.,It's a question of personal taste.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Der var ingen på stranden.,There was no one on the beach.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Ræk din hånd op.,Raise your hand.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn """Hvad er det der er så sjovt?"" ""Ikke noget.""","""What's so funny?"" ""Nothing.""",dan_Latn-eng_Latn Hvem gemmer sig bag gardinet?,Who is hiding behind the curtain?,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Tom stillede en kop kaffe hen foran Mary.,Tom put a cup of coffee in front of Mary.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom er forfærdelig tynd, er han ikke?","Tom is awfully skinny, isn't he?",dan_Latn-eng_Latn Derhjemme taler vi ungarsk.,"At home, we speak Hungarian.",dan_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg lever i Tyrkiet.,I live in Turkey.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Hvordan udtaler man dette ord?,How is the word pronounced?,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg har kun drukket to glas vin.,I only had two glasses of wine.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Du skal vide at jeg er forelsket i Mary.,You should know that I'm in love with Mary.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg følte mig meget lettet da jeg hørte nyheden.,I felt very relieved when I heard the news.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Det er fordi du er en pige.,That's because you're a girl.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Vi varmer os i sommersolen.,We are basking in the summer sun.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Mit fly ankom kl. 21.,My flight arrived at 9 pm.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Vejret er skyet.,The weather is cloudy.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Kom du med toget?,Did you come by train?,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Spørgsmålet er hvornår.,The question is when.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn "Er der nogen, der kan udtale dette ord?",Is there anyone who can pronounce this word?,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Det er tåget vejr.,The weather is foggy.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Det er tåget.,It is foggy.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Mit fjernsyn har opgivet ånden.,My TV has quit working.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg kan ikke holde disse smerter ud længere.,I cannot put up with this pain any more.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Det er hedt.,The weather is hot.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Vi regner med at være tilbage i Boston på mandag.,We're expected back in Boston on Monday.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Klokken elleve er OK med mig.,Eleven o'clock is good for me.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn "Jeg sagde: ""Tag det!""",I said take it.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Du har såret Toms følelser.,You've hurt Tom's feelings.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Dette burde ikke komme som en overraskelse for nogen.,This shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Tag den her eller den der.,Take this or that.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Lad os give Tom en stor hånd.,Let's give Tom a big hand.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn "Den stakkels ælling vidste hverken, hvor den turde stå eller gå, den var så bedrøvet, fordi den så så styg ud og var til spot for hele andegården.","The poor duckling did not know where to go, and was quite miserable because he was so ugly and laughed at by the whole farmyard.",dan_Latn-eng_Latn Tom har en splint i fingeren.,Tom has a splinter in his finger.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Du har meget sexede ben.,You have very sexy legs.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Hvad koster disse øreringe?,How much are these earrings?,dan_Latn-eng_Latn """Hvornår vil Tom være her?"" ""Gid jeg vidste det.""","""When will Tom get here?"" ""I really wish I knew.""",dan_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg er en sygeplejerske.,I am a nurse.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Dette er ikke sukker.,This isn't sugar.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg har spillet fodbold i går.,I played soccer yesterday.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg ser nu Dagens Rusland.,I'm now watching Russia Today.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Hjemme taler vi kun fransk.,"At home, we speak only French.",dan_Latn-eng_Latn Angela Merkel har en doktorgrad i fysik.,Angela Merkel has a PhD in Physics.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Kom her!,Get in here!,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Faderen var veteran fra Koreakrigen.,The father was a veteran of the Korean War.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Forvent det uventede.,Expect the unexpected.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Alle børn i den klasse er meget høflige.,All the children in this class are very polite.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg har lært af mine fejltagelser.,I learned from my mistakes.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Pas på at du ikke skærer dig!,Be careful not to cut yourself.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Er jeg bange for døden.,Am I afraid of death?,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Hun var smukkere end alle de andre.,She was more beautiful than all the others.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg er bange for myg.,I'm afraid of mosquitoes.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Tom bliver ved med at komme i problemer.,Tom keeps getting into trouble.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Det er ikke tilladt at ryge i skolen.,You are not supposed to smoke at school.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg er bange for jordskælv.,I'm afraid of earthquakes.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn De elsker det.,They love it.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Araknofobi er frygten for edderkopper.,Arachnophobia is the fear of spiders.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn "Jeg læste, at Brasiliens præsident er en kvinde. Hun hedder Dilma.",I read that the president of Brazil is a woman. Her name is Dilma.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Lige nu ville jeg ikke bytte med Tom.,I would hate to be in Tom's shoes right now.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Brevet var adresseret til mig.,The letter was addressed to me.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Tom pyntede på regnskabet.,Tom cooked the books.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Han tog hen til isenkrambutikken for at købe en skovl.,He went to the hardware store to get a shovel.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Det er jeg bange for.,I fear so.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Har du i sinde at dele det der?,Are you going to share that?,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Han siger han har en høne at plukke med dig.,He says he has a bone to pick with you.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Tom er enebarn.,Tom is an only child.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg har altid villet skrive en børnebog.,I've always wanted to write a children's book.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg vil gerne have dem pakket ind hver for sig.,Could you wrap them up separately?,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Hvordan ville du beskrive dig selv?,How would you describe yourself?,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg elsker at rejse.,I love to travel.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg rejser gerne.,I like traveling.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Det eneste spørgsmål er hvor.,The only question is where.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg kender ikke hans virkelige navn.,I don't know his real name.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn "Siden dengang Maria så hvorledes tunfisk blev fanget, er hun holdt op med at spise dem.",Mary no longer eats tuna now that she's seen how the fish are caught.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Mange hajarter er truet af udryddelse.,Many shark species are threatened with extinction.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Sandsynligheden for at blive angrebet af en haj er meget ringe.,The likelihood of being attacked by a shark is very low.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Vil du have denne her?,Do you want this?,dan_Latn-eng_Latn "Havde han prøvet én gang til, ville det være lykkedes for ham.","Had he tried it once more, he would have succeeded in it.",dan_Latn-eng_Latn Tom er nysgerrig.,Tom is curious.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Du har intet af være bange for.,You have nothing to fear.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn De tog metroen.,They took the metro.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Hvad er din type præcist?,What is your type exactly?,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg kan lide at rejse.,I like to travel.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg er canadier.,I'm a Canadian.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Hun fortalte ham at hendes far var død.,She told him that her father had died.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Sikke et vejr.,What weather !,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Bed Tom om at hjælpe Mary.,Tell Tom to help Mary.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Hun er gået for vidt.,She went too far.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg forstår ikke hvad der foregår her.,I don't understand what's going on here.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Behandl mig ikke som en hund.,Don't treat me like a dog.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg så hele ulykken med mine egne øjne.,I saw the whole accident with my own eyes.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn "Jeg sværger at jeg vil sige sandheden, hele sandheden og intet andet end sandheden.","I swear that I will tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.",dan_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg holder af at rejse.,I like travelling.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn "Da jeg var seksten, spillede jeg tennis for første gang.","When I was sixteen, I played tennis for the first time.",dan_Latn-eng_Latn Drengen bruger briller.,The boy is wearing glasses.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Tom har den rette indstilling.,Tom has the right attitude.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Det vigtigste er at du forstår mig.,The most important thing is that you understand me.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Fugle flyver sydpå om vinteren.,Birds fly south in the winter.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Han var min ven.,He was my friend.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Velkommen til Tatoeba!,Welcome to Tatoeba!,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Spørgsmålet nu er hvordan.,The question now is how.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Er de canadiske?,Are they Canadian?,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Det var det hele værd.,It was all worth it.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Kunsten at tabe er ikke svær at mestre.,The art of losing isn't hard to master.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Vi har inviteret ham hjem til os.,We invited him to our house.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Du burde gå tidligt i seng.,You should go to bed early.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Tom er så meget ældre end jeg er.,Tom is so much older than I am.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Denne vej fører til floden.,This road leads to the river.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Tom forelskede sig i Mary uden nogensinde at have mødt hende.,Tom had fallen in love with Mary without ever meeting her.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Glem ikke at poste dette brev.,Don't forget to mail this letter.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Mange venner kom for at vinke farvel til mig.,A lot of friends came to wave goodbye to me.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Den lille sorte hund er farlig.,The little black dog is dangerous.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Han er canadisk.,He is Canadian.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Sommetider er det meget vanskeligt at forklare sin ide.,It is sometimes very hard to put your idea across.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Vil du have hvidvin eller rødvin?,Would you like white wine or red?,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Kan du fortælle præcist hvad der skete?,Can you give an exact report of what happened?,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Han har overtrådt en lov.,He violated a law.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Forbrydere skal straffes.,Criminals should be punished.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn I ved alle hvad I har at gøre.,You all know what you have to do.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Toms hus er til salg.,Tom's house is for sale.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Hun er journalist.,She is a journalist.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Tom stod op og klædte sig på.,Tom got out of bed and put his clothes on.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Peters kone er brunette.,Peter's wife is a brunette.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg hører at du lige er blevet gift.,I hear you just got married.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Ude i skoven stod der sådant et nydeligt grantræ.,Out in the forest stood a pretty little Fir Tree.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg har hørt at du lige er blevet gift.,I heard you just got married.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Min yndlingsret er kartoffelchips.,Chips are my favorite food.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg tror at de lyver.,I think they're lying.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Hvornår tager du på ferie i år?,When are you going on holiday this year?,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Det her er kommunisme.,This is communism.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Tegnet '&' står for 'og'.,The sign '&' stands for 'and'.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Du er ikke canadisk.,You're not Canadian.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn """Taler du tysk?"" ""Nej, jeg er franskmand.""","""Do you speak German?"" ""No, I'm French.""",dan_Latn-eng_Latn "Du så den film, gjorde du ikke?","You saw that movie, didn't you?",dan_Latn-eng_Latn Tom er nok den bedste sanger i vores klasse.,Tom is probably the best singer in our class.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Hvor mange hustruer har du haft?,How many wives have you had?,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg er femogfirs år gammel.,I am eighty-five years old.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn """Oh, var jeg dog sådant et stort træ, som de andre!"" sukkede det lille grantræ.","""Oh, if I were only as great a tree as the others!"" sighed the little Fir.",dan_Latn-eng_Latn Hun forstår virkelig at lave mad.,She really knows how to cook.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Hvad han siger har intet at gøre med dette problem.,What he says has nothing to do with this problem.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg sov bedre end jeg gjorde sidste nat.,I slept better than I did last night.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Han kiggede gennem mikroskopet.,He looked through the microscope.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Sikke en køn pige!,What a pretty girl!,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Har Tom nogensinde truet dig?,Did Tom ever threaten you?,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Er det dækket af min forsikring?,Is that covered by my insurance?,dan_Latn-eng_Latn "Hvis himlen faldt ned på jorden, ville det være let at fange fugle.","If the sky fell to the earth, bird catching would be easy.",dan_Latn-eng_Latn Solopgangens skønhed er ubeskrivelig.,The beauty of the sunrise was beyond description.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn "I efteråret kom altid brændehuggerne og fældede nogle af de største træer, det skete hvert år, og det unge grantræ, som nu var ganske godt voksent, skælvede derved, thi de store, prægtige træer faldt med en knagen og bragen til jorden; grenene blev hugget fra.","In the autumn woodcutters always came and felled a few of the largest trees; that was done this year too, and the little Fir Tree, that was now quite well grown, shuddered with fear, for the great stately trees fell to the ground with a crash, and their branches were cut off.",dan_Latn-eng_Latn Der var næsten ingen biler på parkeringspladsen.,There were almost no cars in the parking lot.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Vores datter har brændt fingeren på en tændstik.,Our daughter burnt her finger with a match.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn "Rundt om på væggene hang portrætter, og ved den store flisekakkelovn stod store kinesiske vaser med løver på låget; der var gyngestole, silkesofaer, store borde fulde af billedbøger, og med legetøj for hundred gange hundred rigsdaler, i det mindste sagde børnene det.","All around the walls hung pictures, and by the great stove stood large Chinese vases with lions on the covers; there were rocking-chairs, silken sofas, great tables covered with picture-books, and toys worth a hundred times a hundred dollars, at least the children said so.",dan_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg er meget glad i Georgien.,I am very happy in Georgia.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn "Oh, hvor træet bævede!","Oh, how the Tree trembled!",dan_Latn-eng_Latn Marmelade fås på glas.,Jam comes in a jar.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn "Ellers tak, men tak for venligheden.","Thanks, though. I appreciate it.",dan_Latn-eng_Latn Giv mig et godnatkys!,Kiss me goodnight.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Hans hus ligger på en bakkeskråning og har en fantastisk udsigt.,His house stands on the hill-side and commands a splendid view.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg troede du var lovet til Mary.,I thought you were promised to Mary.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Han vil studere engelsk i næste uge.,He is going to study English next week.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn "TV er skadelig, da det holder din hjerne i en passiv tilstand.",TV is harmful in that it keeps your mind in a passive state.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Tom går næsten altid med hat.,Tom almost always wears a hat.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Tom har skudt genvej.,Tom took a short cut.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn "En mand der taler sandt, har brug for en hurtig hest.",A man who speaks the truth needs a fast horse.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Tom er kommet tilbage.,Tom has come back.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn De spiller fodbold i morgen.,They'll be playing soccer tomorrow.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Der herskede en uhyggelig stilhed der.,There was an eerie silence.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Hvor bor din bedstemor?,Where does your grandmother live?,dan_Latn-eng_Latn """Gud bevare os!"" skreg frøknerne og slukkede hurtigt ilden.","""Heaven preserve us!"" cried the young ladies; and they hastily put the fire out.",dan_Latn-eng_Latn """Jeg er helt alene."" ""Men det er jo ikke sandt. Du har da venner!""","""I'm all alone."" ""But that's not true. You have friends!""",dan_Latn-eng_Latn """En historie! en historie!"" råbte børnene.","""A story! a story!"" shouted the children.",dan_Latn-eng_Latn Og tjenestekarlen kom og huggede træet i små stykker.,And the servant came and chopped the Tree into little pieces.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn "Ved hvert knald, der var et dybt suk, tænkte træet på en sommerdag i skoven, en vinternat derude, når stjernerne skinnede; det tænkte på juleaften og Klumpe-Dumpe, det eneste eventyr, det havde hørt og vidste at fortælle, og så var træet brændt ud.","At each explosion, which was a deep sigh, the Tree thought of a summer day in the woods, or of a winter night there, when the stars beamed; he thought of Christmas-eve and of Klumpey-Dumpey, the only story he had ever heard or knew how to tell; and then the Tree was burned.",dan_Latn-eng_Latn "Drengene legede i gården, og den mindste havde paa brystet guldstjernen, som træet havde båret sin lykkeligste aften; nu var den forbi, og træet var forbi og historien med; forbi, forbi, og det bliver alle historier!","The boys played in the garden, and the youngest had on his breast a golden star, which the Tree had worn on its happiest evening. Now that was past, and the Tree’s life was past, and the story is past too: past! past!—and that's the way with all stories.",dan_Latn-eng_Latn Tom så en YouTube-video.,Tom watched a YouTube video.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn "Selvom Tom er sprogvidenskabsmand, kan han ikke tale nogen fremmedsprog.","Even though Tom is a linguist, he does not speak any foreign languages.",dan_Latn-eng_Latn Layla har haft en lesbisk affære.,Layla had a lesbian affair.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Tom hældte mælk i koppen.,Tom poured milk into the cup.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Prisen på uld falder.,Wool prices are falling.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Den hund er tyk.,That dog is big.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Det er farligt at gå derhen alene.,It's dangerous to go there alone.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg tager til Irland til sommer.,I will go to Ireland this summer.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Marie tørrer sit hår foran spejlet.,Marie is drying her hair in front of the mirror.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom, gør noget! Der er en slange inde i teltet!","Tom, do something. There's a snake inside the tent!",dan_Latn-eng_Latn Hvor skal jeg betale?,Where should I pay?,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Han var tilfreds med hotelværelset.,He was pleased with the hotel room.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Du sælger sko.,You sell shoes.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Tom bliver sjældent syg.,Tom seldom gets sick.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn "De var trætte, men lykkelige.","They were tired, but happy.",dan_Latn-eng_Latn Der er ikke luft nok i dette dæk.,This tire doesn't have enough air in it.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Hvad har Tom skrevet?,What did Tom write?,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Alle hendes børn blev født med Downs syndrom.,All of her children were born with Down syndrome.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Det har jeg ikke sagt!,I didn't say that.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Lad os være ærlige.,Let's be honest.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn For mig er det noget volapyk.,It's double Dutch to me.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Egernet klatrede op i træet.,The squirrel climbed the tree.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Vi finder ud af noget!,We will figure something out!,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Det er for varmt i dag til at træne.,It's too hot to exercise today.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Han ved intet om elektronik.,He knows nothing about electronics.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn "Lad mig vide, hvis du har brug for hjælp.",Let me know if you need any help.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Tom er ikke uundværlig.,Tom isn't indispensable.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Der er ingen trafikpropper.,There's no traffic jam.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Tom har deltidsarbejde.,Tom works part-time.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Vi trodsede elementerne for til fods at komme hen til stationen.,We braved the elements to walk to the station.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Har du nogen i blå?,Do you have any in blue?,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Han er syndebukken.,He's the scapegoat.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Bad jeg dig ikke om ikke at gøre det?,Didn't I ask you not to do that?,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Hvad er Toms storesøsters navn?,What's Tom's older sister's name?,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Marys bedstefar høstede med le.,Mary's grandfather used to harvest by scythe.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Dan så Linda græde nær en mønttelefon.,Dan saw Linda crying near the pay phone.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn "Vores hud er dækket med talg, en naturlig fugtighedsbevarende olie.","Our skin is coated with sebum, a natural moisturizing oil.",dan_Latn-eng_Latn Får han bryst eller flaske?,Do you breastfeed or bottlefeed him?,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Hun kopierede en sætning.,She copied a sentence.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Det Arabiske Forår var ikke en fejltagelse men en bevidst fejl.,The Arab Spring was not a mistake but an intentional mistake.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn De onanerede hinanden.,They masturbated each other.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Har du set det virke?,Have you seen it work?,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Der var ingen blomster eller træer i hans gade.,There were no flowers or trees on his street.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Hun behøver hjælp.,She needs help.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Det vil måske regne i eftermiddag.,It might rain this afternoon.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Hvor kan jeg parkere?,Where can I park?,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Hun vandede et træ.,She watered a tree.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Printeren fungerer ikke.,The printer doesn't work.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Hun vandt en telefon.,She won a phone.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn "Hans kone er så smuk som en drøm, for slet ikke at tale om hans datter.","His wife is as beautiful as a dream, not to mention his daughter.",dan_Latn-eng_Latn "Hvad der anses som værende uhøfligt i et sprog, bliver ikke nødvendigvis anset som værende uhøfligt i et andet.",What is considered impolite in one language may not be considered impolite in another language.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Elefanter drikker vand.,Elephants drink water.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Hun bar en maske.,She wore a mask.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Tigeren er et kødædende dyr.,A tiger is a beast of prey.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Er I klar til at flyve?,Are you ready to fly?,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg vil flyve til Tyskland.,I will fly to Germany.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn En drage er et fantasidyr.,Dragons are imaginary animals.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg genkendte dem ikke.,I did not recognise them.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn "Udover det, kan jeg flyve.","In addition, I can fly.",dan_Latn-eng_Latn Fluen er på loftet.,The fly is on the ceiling.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg har en sorthvid hund.,I have a black and white dog.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg misunder ikke folkene i Det Hvide Hus.,I do not envy the people at the White House.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Han tog fejl af datoerne.,He got the date wrong.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Min plastflaske er gået i stykker.,My plastic bottle broke.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Hun vaskede et tæppe.,She washed a carpet.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg beundrer dit mod.,I admire your courage.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Har du nogensinde set en elefant flyve?,Have you ever seen an elephant fly?,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg kan lære dig at flyve.,I can teach you how to fly.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Hvorfor er I ikke gået til politiet?,Why haven't you gone to the police?,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Han er bange for at flyve i flyvemaskine.,He is scared of flying on an airplane.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn "Jo større de er, jo tungere falder de.",There's safety in numbers.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Hvor længe har du haft det udslæt?,How long have you had this rash?,dan_Latn-eng_Latn "Hvis jeg var en fugl, ville jeg flyve hen til dig.","Were I a bird, I would fly to you.",dan_Latn-eng_Latn Hannover er Niedersachsens hovedstad.,Hanover is the capital of Lower Saxony.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Tom er Johns bror.,Tom is John's brother.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Tom satte æbletærten og kaffekanden på bordet.,Tom put the apple pie and the pot of coffee on the table.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Tænk over det.,Think about that.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Lad mig tænke.,Let me think.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Jorden er mindre end solen.,The earth is smaller than the sun.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Det må være frygteligt svært for hende at klare husholdningen alene efter skilsmissen.,"It must be terribly difficult, running her household on her own after divorcing.",dan_Latn-eng_Latn Hr. White er et fornuftigt menneske.,Mr. White is a rational man.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Mener du det?,So that's what you think.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Katten er under bordet.,The cat is under the table.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn De giftede sig i Boston.,They married in Boston.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn "Hvordan har du det, Mike?","How are you, Mike?",dan_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg tror jeg forstår.,I do think I understand.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Han har brug for noget at drikke.,He needs something to drink.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg tror jeg kan.,I think I can.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Han bor et stenkast fra skolen.,He lives within a stone's throw of the school.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Tænk før du taler.,Think before you speak.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Taler du til din hund?,Do you talk to your dog?,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Tænk på din fremtid.,Think about your future.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Hun græd krokodilletårer da han gik.,She cried crocodile tears when he left.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Tom tager en stor risiko.,Tom is taking a big risk.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Tom søgte hjælp for ludomani.,Tom sought help for problem gambling.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Tilsæt vaniljeekstrakten.,Add the vanilla extract.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Alle er væk på nær Tom og Mary.,Everybody has left except Tom and Mary.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Tom nåede hjem lige inden det begyndte at regne.,Tom got home just before it started to rain.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Gør ikke dig selv til grin!,Don't make a fool of yourself!,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg har ikke tid til at skrive.,I have no time to write.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Tak fordi du er min ven.,Thank you for being my friend.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Hvor mange hovedstæder har Sydafrika?,How many capital cities does South Africa have?,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Hvor mange cifre har det tal?,How many digits does that number have?,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Politiet fandt Dan død på køkkengulvet.,The police found Dan dead on the kitchen floor.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg tænker stadig.,I'm still thinking.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg tror Tom ved det.,I think Tom knows.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg skal tænke.,I have to think.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg tror du gik i panik.,I think you panicked.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Hvad blev der stjålet?,What was stolen?,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Har du haft mareridt?,Did you have nightmares?,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Hun giftede sig penge til.,She married money.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Han vred armen om på mig.,He twisted my arm.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Vi lejede en lejlighed.,We rented an apartment.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn "Hvem er hurtigst, du eller Tom?","Who's faster, you or Tom?",dan_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg er ikke ret god til at lave mad; derfor spiser jeg tit ude.,"I'm not very good at cooking, so I eat out a lot.",dan_Latn-eng_Latn Hvem traf beslutningen?,Who made the decision?,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Hvis bil er den her?,Whose car is this?,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Hvor er Toms far?,Where's Tom's father?,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg har købt et Picassomaleri.,I bought a Picasso.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Hvad er problemet nu?,What's the problem now?,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Tom har engang beskrevet Mary som en kvinde med et gaminagtigt udseende.,Tom once described Mary as having a gamine look.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Hvad er der i køleskabet?,What's in the fridge?,dan_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom var overbevist, men det var jeg ikke.","Tom was convinced, but I wasn't.",dan_Latn-eng_Latn "Hvis jeg laver en eksempelsætning, kan du så rette den for mig?","If I write an example sentence, can you correct it for me?",dan_Latn-eng_Latn Livet er som en stor hovedvej.,Life is like a big highway.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg begyndte at få problemer med at forstå hvad jeg selv sagde.,I started having trouble understanding what I was saying myself.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn "Jeg beder dig stemme på Arbejderpartiet, fordi da får du en regering, som kan tage ansvar for landets økonomi.","I am asking you to vote for the Labour Party, because that would give you a government that can truly take responsibility for the county's economy.",dan_Latn-eng_Latn "Hvis du er sulten, så kan du spise brødet.","If you are hungry, you can eat the bread.",dan_Latn-eng_Latn Han har oversat Homer fra græsk til engelsk.,He translated Homer from the Greek into English.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn "En mand kom på gaden hen til Tom og begyndte at tale til ham, men Tom havde ingen anelse om hvem han var.","A man came up to Tom in the street and started talking to him, but Tom had no idea who he was.",dan_Latn-eng_Latn Kvinden spiser brød.,The woman eats bread.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Mange amerikanere kan lide hurtige biler.,Many Americans like fast cars.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Tom er balletdanser.,Tom is a ballet dancer.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Tom spiller altid videospil.,Tom is always playing video games.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg tror du har ret.,I think you're right.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Drengen kan ikke lide gulerødder.,The boy doesn't like carrots.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn "I min barndom plejede jeg at komme her ofte, kigge mig omkring og tænke.","During my childhood, I used to come here frequently, look around and think.",dan_Latn-eng_Latn "En gammel, usikker gangbro er den eneste måde at komme til den anden side af kløften.","An old, rickety footbridge is the only way to get to the other side of the gorge.",dan_Latn-eng_Latn Maleren døde ung.,The painter died young.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Fattigdommen har lært ham at stå på egne ben.,Poverty had taught him to stand on his own feet.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Mange lande har lavet love der forbyder rygning på offentlige steder.,Many countries have passed laws to prohibit people from smoking in public places.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Mange tak for den fremragende kaffe.,Thank you very much for the excellent coffee.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Vær så venlig at sende os flere oplysninger.,Please send us more information.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Hvor vil du rejse hen?,Where do you want to travel?,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg vil lave et nyt sæt tøj til dig.,I'll make you a new suit.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Lazarus Zamenhof er polsk.,Lazarus Zamenhof is Polish.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Er du nysgerrig?,Are you curious?,dan_Latn-eng_Latn En stadig stigende del af befolkningen er ikke i stand til fuldt ud at udnytte det tyske sprogs udtrykskraft.,An increasingly greater part of the population is not capable of fully utilizing the power of expression of the German language.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Den her bil bruger meget brændstof.,This car consumes a lot of fuel.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom kunne ikke tro, at Mary faktisk kyssede ham.",Tom couldn't believe that Mary had actually kissed him.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Vi finder ud af det senere.,We'll find out later.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Du kan komme til skade hvis du ikke følger sikkerhedsforskrifterne.,You may injure yourself if you don't follow safety procedures.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Hvor mange træer er der i denne park?,How many trees are there in this park?,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Kommer du over til pandekager?,Wanna come over to my place for pancakes?,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg kan slet ikke svømme.,I cannot swim at all.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg er student.,I am a college student.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg er en student.,I'm a student.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg er en elev.,I'm a high school student.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg er elev.,I am a student.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Syede du det i hånden?,Did you sew this by hand?,dan_Latn-eng_Latn "For nogle dage siden flyttede min veninde Sophie fra Edmonton, Alberta til Victoria, British Columbia.","A few days ago, my girlfriend Sophie moved from Edmonton, Alberta to Victoria, British Columbia.",dan_Latn-eng_Latn Det er muligvis sandt.,Maybe it's true.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn """Tom skal giftes!"" ""Og hvem er den lykkelige?""","""Tom is getting married."" ""Who's the lucky girl?""",dan_Latn-eng_Latn Hvem er kvinden?,Who is the woman?,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Vi har endnu ikke fundet skydevåbnet.,We haven't found the gun yet.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Hun taler både engelsk og fransk.,She speaks both English and French.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Tag æblet og halver det.,Take the apple and divide it into halves.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg rejser med det samme.,I am leaving right away.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Alle tænker det samme.,Everyone thinks the same thing.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Det er en lille hund.,It is a small dog.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Der er ingen pakvogn i dette tog.,On this train there is no baggage car.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Hvad fik dig til at tænke sådan?,What made you think so?,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg tror han gjorde det.,I think he did it.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg tror hun er syg.,I think she is sick.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg synes han er ærlig.,I think he is honest.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Tom drak et glas appelsinjuice.,Tom drank a glass of orange juice.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Døden er alle menneskers skæbne.,Death is the fate of all people.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Mary Hat var i New Orleans i denne uge.,Mary Hat was in New Orleans this week.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Hvem forrådte os?,Who betrayed us?,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg har en tysk bil.,My car is German.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Tom spurgte Mary om vej.,Tom asked Mary for directions.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn En fremmed vendte sig mod mig og spurgte om vej.,A stranger came up to me and asked the way.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Mit køretøj er tysk.,My vehicle is German.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn En glok kustra budlede stækt bokkeren og kurder den lille bokker.,A glock coozdre has steckly boodled a boker and is curding a bokerlet.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn "Spørg hende om, hvornår hun planlægger at vende hjem.",Ask her when she will come back.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn "Den, som har haft størst indflydelse på mit liv, var ingen anden end min nu afdøde mor Mary.",The one who most influenced my life was no other than my late mother Mary.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn "Når du selv får børn, vil du forstå det.","When you have kids of your own, you'll understand.",dan_Latn-eng_Latn "Jeg kommer og besøger dig, John.","I'll call on you, John.",dan_Latn-eng_Latn Her er mit hus.,Here is my house.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg er sygeplejerske.,I'm a nurse.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Tom har brunt hår og blå øjne.,Tom has brown hair and blue eyes.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Tom gik med klipklapper og hawaiiskjorte.,Tom was wearing flip-flops and a Hawaiian shirt.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Samuelo hjælper hvem som helst som beder ham om det.,Sam helps whoever asks him to.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg tror han tager fejl.,I think that is wrong.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg tror på dig.,I believe in you.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Tro på dig selv.,Believe in yourself.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Ingen tror på mig.,No one believes me.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg tror på Tom.,I believe Tom.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg læser denne avis.,I'm reading this newspaper.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Vi tror på jer.,We believe in you.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Samuel hjælper enhver som spørger ham.,Samuel helps anyone that asks him.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn De tror på det.,They believe it.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Hvem blev dræbt af Pizarro?,Who did Pizarro kill?,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Tom har tidligere været ret god til at spille tennis.,Tom used to be pretty good at tennis.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Dette er meget vigtigt for os.,This is very important to us.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Tag trappen!,Enter by means of the staircase!,dan_Latn-eng_Latn "Da han trådte ind i hallen, kom to mænd hen til ham.","As he entered the hall, two men approached him.",dan_Latn-eng_Latn Kan nogen tro på dig?,Can anyone believe you?,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Hvilke foranstaltninger bør vi træffe?,What action should we take?,dan_Latn-eng_Latn "Vidste du at den stjerne der er nærmest Jorden, er Solen?",Did you know that the star nearest to Earth is the Sun?,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Tom er en dårlig chauffør.,Tom is a bad driver.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg troede vi var venner.,I thought we were friends.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Emily skrev sætningen.,Emily wrote the sentence.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn "I dag er en tomme nøjagtig 2,54 centimeter.",An inch is now precisely 2.54 centimeters.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg tror på hendes historie.,I believe her story.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Fortæl Tom hvilken bus han skal tage.,Tell Tom which bus to take.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg tog til Danmark.,I went to Denmark.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg tog til Sverige.,I went to Sweden.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg tog til Norge.,I went to Norway.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg ønsker at tro.,I want to believe.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg tror altid på dig.,I always believe you.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg tror på at kærlighed eksisterer.,I believe love exists.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Han er taxichauffør.,He is a taxi driver.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Hun sang en sang.,She was singing a song.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Tom vil betale for alt.,Tom will pay for everything.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Vi tog med Mary til Boston.,We went to Boston with Mary.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn "Var det nu vinter, og sneen rundt omkring lå gnistrende hvid, så kom tit en hare springende, og satte lige over det lille grantræ. Oh, det gjorde det så fortørnet!","When it was winter, and the snow lay all around, white and sparkling, a hare would often come jumping along, and spring right over the little Fir Tree. Oh! this made him so angry.",dan_Latn-eng_Latn Hun havde brug for pengene.,She needed the money.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Du burde have vidst bedre.,You should have known better.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg kan lide laks.,I like salmon.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Tom smækkede med døren på vej ud.,Tom slammed the door on his way out.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Tro ikke på Tom.,Don't believe Tom.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Hun er ikke min bedstemor. Hun er min mor.,She's not my grandma; she's my mom.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Tom forsøgte at stjæle gudernes nektar og ambrosia.,Tom tried to steal the gods' nectar and ambrosia.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg har en masse bøger i min bogreol.,I have a large number of books on my bookshelf.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Sælger I sportssko?,Do you sell sport shoes?,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Alice vendte tidligt hjem fra arbejde med en kraftig hovedpine.,Alice returned home early from work with a severe headache.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Er du stadigvæk gal på mig?,Are you still mad at me?,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Han er den højeste af alle drengene.,He is the tallest of all boys.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Hvad lavede Tom her?,What was Tom doing here?,dan_Latn-eng_Latn De må være lykkelige.,They must be happy.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Hvor mange gange skal jeg sige det til dig?,How many times do I have to tell you?,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg har ikke brug for en sagfører.,I do not need a lawyer.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn "Du ønsker at se en fransk film, gør du ikke?","You want to watch a French movie, don't you?",dan_Latn-eng_Latn Tom sagde til mig at jeg ikke skulle gå med en lyserød skjorte.,Tom told me I shouldn't wear a pink shirt.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Tom er blevet skudt med strømpistol tre gange.,Tom has been tasered three times.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Bemærk at du har et ekstra mellemrum mellem disse to ord.,Note that you have an extra space between these two words.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg ved ikke hvad jeg skal gøre.,I don't know what to do.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Han og datteren sendte ofte sms'er til hinanden indenfor deres eget hjem.,His daughter and he often texted each other inside their own home.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Vi tager ikke imod drikkepenge her.,We don't accept tips.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Vore ansatte tager ikke imod drikkepenge.,Our employees do not accept tips.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn """Hvad er du for én?"" spurgte de, og ællingen drejede sig til alle sider, og hilste så godt den kunne. ""Du er inderlig styg!"" sagde vildænderne, ""men det kan da være os det samme, når du ikke gifter dig ind i vor familie!""","""What sort of a duck are you?"" they all said, coming round him. He bowed to them, and was as polite as he could be, but he did not reply to their question. ""You are exceedingly ugly,"" said the wild ducks, ""but that will not matter if you do not want to marry one of our family.""",dan_Latn-eng_Latn En ide kom til mig.,An idea came to me.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Find katten.,Find the cat.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Denne bog tilhører mig.,This book belongs to me.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Johannes' kone er engelsklærer.,John's wife is an English teacher.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Ingen har en fastnettelefon i dag.,Nobody has a landline these days.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg har ikke en fastnettelefon.,I don't have a landline.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg skal studere.,I must study.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn "Da der ikke fandtes fingeraftryk, stod politiet på bar bund.","Without fingerprints, the police had nothing to go on.",dan_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg springer til det værst tænkelige scenarie.,I'm jumping to the worst-case scenario.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn "Ja, jeg ved det.","Yes, I know.",dan_Latn-eng_Latn Tom har en ti-gears cykel.,Tom has a ten-speed bike.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Tom prøver at forstå.,Tom is trying to understand.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Tom ringede til Mary for at høre hvordan hun havde det.,Tom called Mary to see how she was doing.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg vil have sex med hende.,I want to have sex with her.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Alle vognene i toget blev fyldt op ti minutter før afgang.,All the coaches of the train were packed to capacity ten minutes before it started.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg vil gerne høre en historie!,I want to hear a story.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Kender du Marikas e-mailadresse?,Do you know Marika's e-mail address?,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Hvor var alle?,Where was everyone?,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Tom går sjældent ud efter mørkets frembrud.,Tom rarely goes out after dark.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Tom var synligt irriteret.,Tom was visibly annoyed.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg vil råde dig til at besøge Imperial War Museum i London.,I recommend you visit the Imperial War Museum in London.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Tom og Mary er gode børn.,Tom and Mary are good kids.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Tom sagde at han syntes at jeg så ud som om jeg kedede mig.,Tom said he thought that I looked like I was bored.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg er helt alene her.,I'm all alone here.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg har hørt meget om dig.,I've heard a lot about you.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Hvor mange sprog taler man verden over?,How many languages are spoken worldwide?,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Hvor mange eskimoer bor der i Grønland?,How many Eskimos live in Greenland?,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg tog pludselig på.,I've suddenly started to gain weight.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Du kender slet ikke til kvindernes skønhed her!,You have no idea how pretty the girls are around here!,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Du drikker altid alene.,You're always drinking alone.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg så en hanløve.,I saw a male lion.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg har set en hunløve.,I saw a lioness.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg har en chef der er meget yngre end mig.,I have a boss who's much younger than me.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Hun er en meget imødekommende nabo.,She is a most gracious neighbor.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg gad vide hvad der skete hjemme hos Tom i aftes.,I wonder what happened at Tom's house last night.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn "Det er svært at erstatte en medarbejder, der er så kvalificeret som han er.",It is difficult to replace an employee that is as qualified as he is.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Er du færdig med det blad?,Are you finished with that magazine?,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Bilbao er en by i Baskerlandet.,Bilbao is a city in the Basque Country,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Du kan skrive i hvilket som helst sprog du måtte ønske. I Tatoeba er alle sprog lige.,"You may write in any language you want. On Tatoeba, all languages are equal.",dan_Latn-eng_Latn Du må holde op med at drikke.,You have to stop drinking.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Dine gæster venter.,Your guests are waiting.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Du havde ret.,You were right.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Hekse græder ikke.,Witches don't cry.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg har få bøger.,I have few books.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg spurgte alle hvad det var.,I asked everyone what that was.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn De lærer esperanto.,They're learning Esperanto.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Uret er lavet i Schweiz.,The watch is manufactured in Switzerland.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg har dræbt ham.,I have killed him.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Der skal ikke hastværk til andet end til at fange lopper.,"Do nothing in haste, except catching fleas.",dan_Latn-eng_Latn Verden er blå og du ligeså.,"The world is blue, and so are you.",dan_Latn-eng_Latn Sagde han ikke til jer hvem han var?,Didn't he tell you who he was?,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg vil sælge det så snart jeg finder en køber.,I will sell it as soon as I find a buyer.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Mary bor i samme hus som jeg gør.,Maria lives in the same house as me.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg troede at du kunne lide fester.,I thought you liked parties.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg vidste ikke at tofu smagte så godt.,I didn't know tofu was this tasty.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Hvor mange katte har du?,How many cats do you have?,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Denne bærbare computer er meget tynd.,This laptop computer is very thin.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Hun ventede på dig i to timer.,She waited for you for two hours.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Kim og jeg er jævnaldrende.,Kim and I are the same age.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Denne laptop er meget tynd.,This laptop is very thin.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Det er billigere at tage bussen.,It is cheaper to go by bus.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg har ikke gjort det.,I didn't do it.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg dør af sult.,I am dying of hunger.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Tom har blond hår og grønne øjne.,Tom has blond hair and green eyes.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Du kan regne med hende.,You can count on her.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn Ødelæg alt.,Bring everything to ruin.,dan_Latn-eng_Latn "Maria sagte, sie wisse nicht, wo Tom sei.",Mary said she didn't know where Tom was.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Wie lange sollen Tom und ich hierbleiben?,How long are Tom and I supposed to stay here?,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Tom und Maria wollen nicht mehr mit uns singen.,Tom and Mary say they don't want to sing with us anymore.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Wo musst du das machen?,Where do you have to do that?,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Maria hat den ganzen Morgen ihr Zimmer aufgeräumt.,Mary spent all morning cleaning her room.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Tom und Maria tranken ihren Kaffee.,Tom and Mary drank their coffee.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Maria meinte, ich trüge eine Perücke.",Mary said she thought I was wearing a wig.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Maria sagte, sie habe das von Tom gelernt.",Mary said she learned how to do that from Tom.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom teilte Maria mit, dass Johannes beschlossen hätte, das zu unterlassen.",Tom told Mary that John had decided not to do that.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Maria glaubt, ich würde sie lieben.",Mary thinks I love her.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Diese drei hübschen Mädchen sind alle Nichten von mir.,These three pretty girls are all nieces of mine.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Es ist nicht einfach, ein Gedicht in eine fremde Sprache zu übersetzen.",It's not easy to translate a poem in a foreign language.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Es ist strengstens verboten, diesen Satz zu übersetzen!",It is strictly forbidden to translate this sentence!,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Wo muss ich aussteigen?,Where do I get off?,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Es gibt dafür einen Grund.,There's a reason for it.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Tom und Maria sahen besorgt aus.,Tom and Mary looked like they were concerned.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom und Maria sagten, noch mal könnten sie das nicht.",Tom and Mary said they couldn't do that again.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Wie oft macht Tom das in der Stunde?,How many times an hour does Tom do that?,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Wo möchte Tom hingehen?,Where does Tom want to go?,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom weiß nicht, dass er das nicht mehr soll.",Tom doesn't know he shouldn't do that anymore.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom möchte wissen, warum du das getan hast.",Tom would like to know why you did that.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom liebt es, Improvisationstheater zu spielen.",Tom loves to play improvisational theatre.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Maria sagte, sie habe es vorgestern versucht.",Mary said she tried to do that the day before yesterday.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Ich habe eine Tochter, die mit Tom zur Schule geht.",I have a daughter that goes to school with Tom.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Tom scheint viel über Australien zu wissen.,Tom seems to know a lot about Australia.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Wir brauchen täglich mindestens acht Stunden Schlaf.,We need at least eight hours of sleep each day.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Maria dachte wohl, sie müsse das heute tun.",Mary probably thought she was going to have to do that today.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Maria fragte mich, ob sie sich meinen Schirm ausleihen dürfe.",Mary asked me if she could borrow my umbrella.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Ich muss morgen Nachmittag spätestens um halb drei in Boston sein.,I need to be in Boston by 2:30 tomorrow afternoon.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Ich bin auf einem Bauernhof ganz in der Nähe von Boston aufgewachsen.,I grew up on a farm not too far from Boston.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Tu, was dein Herz dir sagt!",Do as your heart dictates.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Ich habe Tom und Maria nichts gesagt, was sie nicht schon gewusst hätten.",I didn't tell Tom and Mary anything they didn't already know.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Wo kommt es her?,Where's it from?,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Für den Unfall konnten wir nichts.,We were not to blame for the accident.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Ich benutze kein Duschgel.,I don't use shower gel.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom und Maria warten darauf, dass du ihnen hilfst.",Tom and Mary are waiting for you to help them.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Lass uns etwas versuchen!,Let's try something.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Ich muss schlafen gehen.,I have to go to sleep.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Ich kann nicht besonders gut kochen; daher esse ich oft auswärts.,"I'm not very good at cooking, so I eat out a lot.",deu_Latn-eng_Latn Was ist das?,What is this?,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Heute ist der 18. Juni und das ist der Geburtstag von Muiriel!,Today is June 18th and it is Muiriel's birthday!,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Geburtstag, Muiriel!","Happy birthday, Muiriel!",deu_Latn-eng_Latn Muiriel ist jetzt 20.,Muiriel has turned twenty.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Das Passwort ist ""Muiriel"".","The password is ""Muiriel"".",deu_Latn-eng_Latn Ich werde bald zurück sein.,I will be back soon.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Ich wusste, dass das Zeitverschwendung wäre.",I knew it would be a waste of time do that.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Ich finde keine Worte.,I'm at a loss for words.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Das wird nie enden.,This is never going to end.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Ich weiß einfach nicht, was ich sagen soll.",I just don't know what to say.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Das war ein böses Kaninchen.,That was an evil bunny.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Ich war in den Bergen.,I was in the mountains.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Ich weiß nicht, ob ich Zeit dazu habe.",I don't know if I have the time.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Aus irgendeinem Grund hat das Mikrofon gerade nicht funktioniert.,For some reason the microphone didn't work earlier.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Letztendlich muss jeder selbst lernen.,Everyone must learn on their own in the end.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Die Ausbildung in dieser Welt enttäuscht mich.,Education in this world disappoints me.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Zum Lernen sollte man nicht gezwungen werden. Zum Lernen sollte man ermutigt werden.,Learning should not be forced. Learning should be encouraged.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Es ist eine schwere Aufgabe, zwischen ""richtig"" und ""falsch"" zu unterscheiden, aber man muss es tun.","It is a difficult task, choosing what is ""right"" or ""wrong"", but you have to do it.",deu_Latn-eng_Latn Das wird nichts ändern.,It won't change anything.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Das wird 30 € kosten.,This will cost €30.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Ich verdiene 100 Euro pro Tag.,I make €100 a day.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Es kann sein, dass ich bald aufgebe und stattdessen ein Nickerchen mache.",I might give up soon and have a kip instead.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Das liegt daran, dass du nicht allein sein willst.",It's because you don't want to be alone.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Das wird nicht passieren.,That won't happen.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Manchmal kann er ein seltsamer Junge sein.,Sometimes he can be a strange guy.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Ich werde mir Mühe geben, dich nicht beim Lernen zu stören.",I'll do my best not to disturb your studying.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Ich kann mich nur fragen, ob es für alle anderen dasselbe ist.",I can only wonder if this is the same for everyone else.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Ich vermute, das ist anders, wenn du darüber längerfristig nachdenkst.",I suppose it's different when you think about it over the long term.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Mach dir keine Sorgen.,Don't worry about it!,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Ich vermisse dich.,I miss you.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Ich werde sie morgen anrufen, wenn ich zurückkomme.",I'll call them tomorrow when I come back.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Ich mochte mysteriöse Charaktere schon immer mehr.,I always liked strange personalities.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Du solltest schlafen.,You should sleep.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Ich sagte ihnen, sie sollen mir ein neues Ticket schicken.",I told them to send me another ticket.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Du bist so ungeduldig mit mir.,You're so impatient with me.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Ich kann so ein Leben nicht leben.,I can't live that kind of life.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Ich wollte mal Astrophysiker werden.,I once wanted to be an astrophysicist.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Ich mochte Biologie noch nie.,I never liked biology.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Die letzte Person, der ich meine Idee erzählt habe, dachte, ich wäre bekloppt.",The last person I told my idea to thought I was nuts.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Wenn die Welt nicht so wäre wie sie jetzt ist, könnte ich jedem vertrauen.","If the world weren't in the shape it is now, I could trust anyone.",deu_Latn-eng_Latn Unglücklicherweise stimmt es.,It is unfortunately true.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Sie sind zu sehr damit beschäftigt, sich gegenseitig zu bekämpfen, als dass sie sich gemeinsamen Idealen widmen könnten.",They are too busy fighting against each other to care for common ideals.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Die meisten Leute denken, ich sei verrückt.",Most people think I'm crazy.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Nein, ich bin es nicht, du bist es!",No I'm not; you are!,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Das war mein Satz!,That's MY line!,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Er tritt mich!,He is kicking me!,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Bist du sicher?,Are you sure?,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Dann haben wir ein Problem...,Then there is a problem...,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Oh, da ist ein Schmetterling!","Oh, there's a butterfly!",deu_Latn-eng_Latn Beeil dich!,Hurry it up!,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Es überrascht mich nicht.,It doesn't surprise me.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Wenn ich so sein könnte...,If I could be like that...,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Aus irgendeinem Grund fühle ich mich nachts lebendiger.,For some reason I feel more alive at night.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Das kommt auf den Zusammenhang an.,It depends on the context.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Willst du mich verdammt nochmal auf den Arm nehmen?!,Are you freaking kidding me?!,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Das ist das Dümmste, was ich je gesagt habe.",That's the stupidest thing I've ever said.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Ich will nicht erbärmlich sein, ich will cool sein!!",I don't want to be lame; I want to be cool!!,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Wenn ich groß bin, will ich ein König sein.","When I grow up, I want to be a king.",deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Es ist wundervoll in Amerika zu sein, wenn man hier ist, um Geld zu verdienen.","America is a lovely place to be, if you are here to earn money.",deu_Latn-eng_Latn Ich bin so dick.,I'm so fat.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Na und?,So fuckin' what.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Ich werde ihn erschießen.,I will shoot him.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Ich bin kein echter Fisch, ich bin nur ein einfaches Plüschtier.","I'm not a real fish, I'm just a mere plushy.",deu_Latn-eng_Latn Ich sag's ja nur!,I'm just saying!,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Wahrscheinlich war es das, was ihre Entscheidung beeinflusst hat.",That was probably what influenced their decision.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Ich habe mich immer gefragt, wie es wäre, Geschwister zu haben.",I've always wondered what it'd be like to have siblings.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Das hätte ich gesagt.,This is what I would have said.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Es würde ewig dauern, alles zu erklären.",It would take forever for me to explain everything.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Es liegt daran, dass du ein Mädchen bist.",It's because you're a girl.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Manchmal kann ich es nicht vermeiden, Gefühle zu zeigen.",Sometimes I can't help showing emotions.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Es ist ein Wort, für das ich gerne einen Ersatz finden würde.",It's a word I'd like to find a substitute for.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Das wäre etwas, das ich programmieren sollte.",It would be something I'd have to program.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Ich beabsichtige nicht, selbstsüchtig zu sein.",I don't intend to be selfish.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Lass uns über das Schlimmste, das passieren könnte, nachdenken.",Let's think about the worst that could happen.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Wie viele enge Freunde hast du?,How many close friends do you have?,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Ich bin vielleicht asozial, aber das heißt nicht, dass ich nicht mit Leuten rede.","I may be antisocial, but it doesn't mean I don't talk to people.",deu_Latn-eng_Latn Das ist immer so gewesen.,That has always been so.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Ich denke, es ist am besten, nicht unhöflich zu sein.",I think it is best not to be impolite.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Man kann immer Zeit finden.,One can always find time.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Ich wäre unglücklich, aber ich würde keinen Selbstmord begehen.","I'd be unhappy, but I wouldn't kill myself.",deu_Latn-eng_Latn Damals im Gymnasium bin ich jeden Morgen um 6 Uhr aufgestanden.,"Back in high school, I got up at 6 a.m. every morning.",deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Als ich aufgewacht bin, war ich traurig.","When I woke up, I was sad.",deu_Latn-eng_Latn Das ist am Ende einigermaßen erklärt.,That is somewhat explained at the end.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Ich dachte, du würdest gerne neue Sachen lernen.",I thought you liked to learn new things.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Die meisten Menschen schreiben über ihr Alltagsleben.,Most people write about their daily life.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Wenn ich dir ein Marshmallow schicken könnte, Trang, würde ich es tun.","If I could send you a marshmallow, Trang, I would.",deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Um das zu tun, musst du Risiken eingehen.","In order to do that, you have to take risks.",deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Jeder Mensch, der allein ist, ist allein, weil er Angst vor den anderen hat.",Every person who is alone is alone because they are afraid of others.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Warum fragst du?,Why are you asking?,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Ich bin kein Künstler. Ich hatte niemals das Zeug dazu.,I am not an artist. I never had the knack for it.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Ich kann es ihr jetzt nicht sagen. Das ist nicht mehr so einfach.,I can't tell her now. It's not that simple anymore.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Ich bin ein Mensch, der viele Fehler hat, aber diese Fehler können leicht korrigiert werden.","I am a flawed person, but these are flaws that can easily be fixed.",deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Immer, wenn ich etwas finde, das mir gefällt, ist es zu teuer.","Whenever I find something I like, it's too expensive.",deu_Latn-eng_Latn Wie lange bist du geblieben?,How long did you stay?,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Vielleicht wird es für ihn genauso sein.,Maybe it will be exactly the same for him.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Unschuld ist eine schöne Sache.,Innocence is a beautiful thing.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Die Menschen waren nie dazu gedacht, ewig zu leben.",Humans were never meant to live forever.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Ich will meine Ideen nicht verlieren, selbst wenn einige von ihnen ein bisschen extrem sind.","I don't want to lose my ideas, even though some of them are a bit extreme.",deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Ich denke, ich habe dazu eine Theorie.",I think I have a theory about that.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Das macht neugierig.,That is intriguing.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Meinst du gerade, dass du absichtlich deine Schönheit versteckst?",You are saying you intentionally hide your good looks?,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Ich habe kein Konto in diesen Foren.,I do not have an account in these forums.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Wenn jemand fragen sollte, was die Pointe der Geschichte sei, ich wüsste es wirklich nicht.","If anyone was to ask what the point of the story is, I really don't know.",deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Ich wusste nicht, woher es kam.",I didn't know where it came from.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Ich denke, dass mein Zusammenleben mit dir deine Lebensweise beeinflusst hat.",I think my living with you has influenced your way of living.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Dies ist nicht wichtig.,This is not important.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Ich möchte es nicht.,I don't want it.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Sie fragt, wie das möglich ist.",She's asking how that's possible.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Du läufst einfach vor den Problemen des Lebens davon.,You're just running away from life's problems.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Wenn du den Liedtext anschaust, bedeutet er nicht wirklich viel.","If you look at the lyrics, they don't really mean much.",deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Es gibt da ein Problem, das du nicht siehst.",There's a problem there that you don't see.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Du kannst das machen!,You can do it.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Meinem Physiklehrer ist es egal, wenn ich den Unterricht schwänze.",My physics teacher doesn't care if I skip classes.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Ich wünschte, ich könnte nach Japan gehen.",I wish I could go to Japan.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Ich hasse es, wenn viele Leute da sind.",I hate it when there are a lot of people.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Ich muss ins Bett gehen.,I have to go to bed.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Danach gehe ich, aber dann merke ich, dass ich meinen Rucksack vergessen habe.","After that, I left, but then I realized that I forgot my backpack at their house.",deu_Latn-eng_Latn Ich werde dich heute nichts mehr fragen.,I won't ask you anything else today.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Nächste Woche wird es vielleicht Frost geben.,It may freeze next week.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Obwohl er sich entschuldigt hat, bin ich immer noch wütend.","Even though he apologized, I'm still furious.",deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Die Polizei wird euch dazu bringen, die Kugeln zu finden.",The police will get you to find the bullets.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Danke, dass Sie mir letzten Endes erklärt haben, warum die Leute mich für einen Idioten halten.",Thanks for having explained to me at last why people take me for an idiot.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Das war nicht meine Absicht.,It was not my intention.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Danke für Ihre Erklärung.,Thank you for your explanation.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Theoretisch mache ich gerade Mathe.,"Theoretically, I'm doing math.",deu_Latn-eng_Latn Was passierte?,What's the matter?,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Wenn du mich nicht so gekannt hast, dann hast du mich einfach gar nicht gekannt.",If you didn't know me that way then you simply didn't know me.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Es hat mir fast Angst gemacht, dich einen ganzen Tag nicht online zu sehen.",It almost scared me not to see you online for a whole day.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Ich weiß nicht, was du meinst.",I don't know what you mean.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Mein Computer muss mir zu etwas nützen.,My computer has got to be useful for something.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Du wolltest mit mir über Freiheit sprechen?,You wanted to tell me about freedom?,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Oh, jetzt ist es wirklich verwirrend...","Uh, now it's really weird...",deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Wenn ich dich erschrecken wollte, würde ich dir erzählen, was ich vor ein paar Wochen geträumt habe.","If I wanted to scare you, I would tell you what I dreamt about a few weeks ago.",deu_Latn-eng_Latn Man kann nicht alles von den Schulen erwarten.,One can't expect everything from schools.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Es gibt viele Wörter, die ich nicht verstehe.",There are many words that I don't understand.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Ich mag es nicht, wenn Mathematiker, die viel mehr als ich wissen, sich nicht genau ausdrücken können.",I don't like it when mathematicians who know much more than I do can't express themselves explicitly.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Du bist nicht wirklich dumm.,You are not actually an idiot.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Ich muss dir eine dumme Frage stellen.,I need to ask you a silly question.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Ich weiß nicht, wie ich es beweisen soll, so selbstverständlich wie es ist!","I don't know how to demonstrate it, since it's too obvious!",deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Ich hätte nicht gedacht, dass ich eines Tages bei Wikipedia ""Viagra"" nachschauen würde.","I wouldn't have thought I would someday look up ""Viagra"" in Wikipedia.",deu_Latn-eng_Latn Kann man das anders ausdrücken?,Can it be phrased in another way?,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Niemand wird's erfahren.,Nobody will know.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Ich habe eine Lösung gefunden, aber ich habe sie so schnell gefunden, dass es nicht die richtige Lösung sein kann.","I found a solution, but I found it so fast that it can't be the right solution.",deu_Latn-eng_Latn Das scheint mir interessant!,It seems interesting to me.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Nur, dass es hier nicht so einfach ist.","Except that here, it's not so simple.",deu_Latn-eng_Latn Ich mag gerne Kerzenlicht.,I like candlelight.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Was hast du geantwortet?,What did you answer?,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Nein, er ist nicht mein neuer Freund.","No, he's not my new boyfriend.",deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Es ist schade, dass ich nicht abnehmen muss.",It's too bad that I don't need to lose weight.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Hast du nie Unterricht oder was?!,You never have class or what?!,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Ich werde also Sudoku spielen, anstatt dich weiter zu stören.",I will play Sudoku then instead of continuing to bother you.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Wo ist das Problem?,Where is the problem?,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Das ist keine große Überraschung, oder?","It's not much of a surprise, is it?",deu_Latn-eng_Latn Ich mag dich nicht mehr.,I don't like you anymore.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Ich bin neugierig.,I am curious.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Ich will nicht so lange warten.,I don't want to wait that long.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Warum kommst du uns nicht besuchen?,Why don't you come visit us?,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Aber die Möglichkeit scheint unwahrscheinlich.,But the possibility seems unlikely.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Hat Tom wirklich eine Freundin?,Does Tom really have a girlfriend?,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Es war eine schlechte Idee, sich abzumelden.",I shouldn't have logged off.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Ich weiß nicht mehr, was ich tun soll.",I don't know what to do anymore.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Es ist unvermeidbar, dass ich eines Tages nach Frankreich gehe, ich weiß nur nicht, wann.","It is inevitable that I go to France someday, I just don't know when.",deu_Latn-eng_Latn Ich hasse Chemie.,I hate chemistry.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Ich wollte nicht, dass das passiert.",I didn't want this to happen.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Du kannst vermutlich erahnen, was indessen passiert.",You can probably guess what happens though.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Bevor du dich versiehst, wirst du in der Zeitung sein.","Next thing you know, you'll be in the papers.",deu_Latn-eng_Latn Was für andere Optionen habe ich?,What other options do I have?,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Ich habe nicht viel von einem Reisenden.,I am not much of a traveller.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Ich habe nichts Besseres zu tun.,I have nothing better to do.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Ich kann es auch nicht erklären.,I can't explain it either.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Aber im Ernst, die Episode 21 hat mich fast vor Lachen weinen lassen.","Seriously though, episode 21 made me almost cry while laughing.",deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Es zeigt nur, dass du kein Roboter bist.",It only shows you're not a robot.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Wie könnte ich ein Roboter sein? Roboter träumen nicht.,How could I be a robot? Robots don't dream.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn """Daran habe ich nie gedacht"", sagte der alte Mann. ""Was sollen wir tun?""","""I have never thought about it"", said the old man. ""What should we do?""",deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Das ist nichts, was jeder Beliebige tun kann.",This is not something that anyone can do.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Ich weiß nicht, ob ich es noch habe.",I don't know if I still have it.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Was denkst du, was ich gerade gemacht habe?",What do you think I've been doing?,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Unterschätze nicht meine Macht!,Don't underestimate my power.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Meine Mutter spricht nicht sehr gut Englisch.,My mother doesn't speak English very well.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Ich spreche nicht gut genug Französisch!,I don't speak French well enough!,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Ich fragte mich, ob du heute kommen würdest.",I was wondering if you were going to show up today.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Dort liegt das Problem.,That's where the problem is.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Wie findest du Nahrung im Weltraum?,How do you find food in outer space?,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Ihr müsst nichts tun, außer euch zu vertrauen.",All you need to do is trust each other.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Alle wollen dich kennenlernen. Du bist berühmt!,Everyone wants to meet you. You're famous!,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Wieso tut dir etwas leid, das du nicht gemacht hast?",Why are you sorry for something you haven't done?,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Ich verabscheue förmliches Schreiben zutiefst!,I utterly despise formal writing!,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Ausländer machen mich neugierig.,Foreign people intrigue me.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Was auch immer ich tue, sie sagt, ich kann es besser.","Whatever I do, she says I can do better.",deu_Latn-eng_Latn Warum bist du um diese Uhrzeit noch wach?,What keeps you up so late?,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Du wärst überrascht, was man in einer Woche lernen kann.",You'd be surprised what you can learn in a week.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Ich habe niemanden, der mit mir reisen würde.",I don't have anyone who'd travel with me.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Du bist nicht schnell genug.,You're not fast enough.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Das Leben ist hart, aber ich bin härter.","Life is hard, but I am harder.",deu_Latn-eng_Latn Ertragen kann unerträglich sein.,Bearing can be unbearable.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Hör auf! Sie fühlt sich dadurch unbehaglich!,Stop it! You're making her feel uncomfortable!,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Nur die Wahrheit ist schön.,Nothing is beautiful but the truth.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Morgen wird er auf dem Mond landen.,"Tomorrow, he will land on the moon.",deu_Latn-eng_Latn Ich spreche kein Japanisch.,I can't speak Japanese.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Das ist ein Wortspiel.,This is a pun.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Niemand versteht mich.,No one understands me.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Ich habe gelernt, ohne sie zu leben.",I learned to live without her.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Das bringt nichts mehr, weiter nachzudenken.",It's useless to keep on thinking any more.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Mir gehen in diesen Tagen zu viele Dinge durch den Kopf.,I have too many things on my mind these days.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Ich wollte gerade meine E-Mails abrufen.,I just wanted to check my email.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Musst du wirklich die Frage stellen, um die Antwort zu erfahren?",Do you really need to ask the question to know the answer?,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Du kannst nicht von mir erwarten, dass ich immer an alles denke!",You can't expect me to always think of everything!,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Ich vermute, dass es hinter jeder Sache, die wir tun müssen, etwas gibt, das wir tun wollen...","I suppose that behind each thing we have to do, there's something we want to do...",deu_Latn-eng_Latn Du hast wirklich nicht die richtigen Prioritäten!,You really don't have the right priorities!,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Man darf nicht darauf warten, dass die anderen für einen denken!",Don't expect others to think for you!,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Du hast nie Zeit für die wichtigen Dinge!,You never have time for important things!,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Das ist die Mühe nicht wert, so zu tun, als würdest du mich dazu bringen, zu glauben, dass ich Dinge glaube, die du nicht glaubst.",It's no use pretending to make me believe that I believe things you don't believe!,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Das würde zu lange dauern, dir zu erklären, warum das nicht funktionieren wird.",It would take me too much time to explain to you why it's not going to work.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Ich bin so blöd... ich versuche, dir Dinge zu erklären, die ich selbst nicht verstehe.",I'm so dumb... I'm trying to explain things to you that I don't understand myself.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Hör auf, mich als einen ""normalen"" Menschen anzusehen!","Stop seeing me as a ""normal"" person!",deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Du könntest zumindest versuchen, ein bisschen höflicher zu sein, auch wenn das nicht in deiner Natur liegt.","You could at least try to be a bit more polite, even though it's not like you.",deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Es gibt immer Dinge, die ich nie lernen werde, ich habe nicht ewig Zeit.","There will always be things I will never learn, I don't have eternity before me!",deu_Latn-eng_Latn Das ist nicht möglich!,It can't be!,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Ich wünschte, ich könnte mir mehr aus Noten machen, aber scheinbar habe ich an einem gewissen Punkt in meinem Leben entschieden, dass es nicht mehr so wichtig sei.","I wish I could care more about my grades but it seems that, at a certain point of my life, I decided they wouldn't be so important anymore.",deu_Latn-eng_Latn "„Wer rastet, der rostet“ ist ein Sprichwort.","""A rolling stone gathers no moss"" is a proverb.",deu_Latn-eng_Latn Willst du etwas zum Trinken?,Would you like something to drink?,deu_Latn-eng_Latn """Wer ist es?"" ""Es ist deine Mutter.""","""Who is it?"" ""It's your mother.""",deu_Latn-eng_Latn „Wann wirst du zurückkommen?“ – „Das hängt ganz vom Wetter ab.“,"""When will you be back?"" ""It all depends on the weather.""",deu_Latn-eng_Latn „Was ist los?“ fragte das kleine weiße Kaninchen.,"""What's the matter?"" asked the little white rabbit.",deu_Latn-eng_Latn „Was passiert in der Höhle? Ich bin neugierig.“ „Ich habe keine Ahnung.“,"""What's going on in the cave? I'm curious."" ""I have no idea.""",deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Wir müssen lernen, als Brüder zusammen zu leben, oder wir werden als Narren zusammen untergehen.","We must learn to live together as brothers, or we will perish together as fools.",deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Öh, wie funktioniert das?",Uh... How's that working?,deu_Latn-eng_Latn """Um die Wahrheit zu sagen, ich habe Höhenangst."" ""Du bist ein Angsthase!""","""To tell you the truth, I am scared of heights."" ""You are a coward!""",deu_Latn-eng_Latn """Vertraue mir"", sagte er.","""Trust me,"" he said.",deu_Latn-eng_Latn """Danach habe ich gesucht"", erklärte er.","""This is what I was looking for!"" he exclaimed.",deu_Latn-eng_Latn "„Das sieht ziemlich interessant aus“, sagt Hiroshi.","""This looks pretty interesting,"" Hiroshi says.",deu_Latn-eng_Latn Ihre Kommunikation ist vielleicht viel komplexer als wir dachten.,Their communication may be much more complex than we thought.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn """Das Telefon klingelt."" ""Ich geh' dran.""","""The phone is ringing."" ""I'll get it.""",deu_Latn-eng_Latn """Das ist sehr nett von Ihnen"", antwortete Willie.","""That's very nice of you,"" Willie answered.",deu_Latn-eng_Latn """Danke für die Hilfe."" ""Keine Ursache.""","""Thanks for the help."" ""Don't mention it.""",deu_Latn-eng_Latn Irgendwann werde ich wie der Wind rennen.,Someday I'll run like the wind.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn """Sie mag Musik."" ""Ich auch.""","""She likes music."" ""So do I.""",deu_Latn-eng_Latn Ich wollte das nicht noch einmal machen.,I didn't want to do it again.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Lass es mich wissen, wenn es irgendetwas gibt, was ich tun kann.",Let me know if there is anything I can do.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Möglicherweise ist das Glück, das uns dort erwartet, überhaupt nicht die Art Glück, die wir uns wünschen würden.",It may be that the happiness awaiting us is not at all the sort of happiness we would want.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Du entscheidest, ob wir dahin gehen oder nicht.",It is up to you to decide whether we will go there or not.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Das fängt nicht vor acht Uhr dreißig an.,It doesn't start until eight thirty.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Ich wünsche mir ein Boot, das mich weit weg von hier bringt.",I want a boat that'll take me far away from here.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "„Ich habe Lust, Karten zu spielen.“ – „Ich auch.“","""I feel like playing cards."" ""So do I.""",deu_Latn-eng_Latn """Sind wir uns nicht schon einmal begegnet?"", fragte der Student.","""Haven't we met somewhere before?"" asked the student.",deu_Latn-eng_Latn Ein Japaner würde so etwas nie tun.,A Japanese would never do such a thing.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Vielleicht hat Tom ein paar gute Ideen.,Tom may have some good ideas.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Der Bogenschütze tötete den Hirsch.,The archer killed the deer.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Der Kommunismus wird nie erreicht werden, solange ich lebe.",Communism will never be reached in my lifetime.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Der Roggen wurde Arme-Leute-Getreide genannt.,Rye was called the grain of poverty.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "In den 1950ern sagte man den Finnen nach, eine der ungesündesten Ernährungsweisen der Welt zu haben.","In the 1950's, the Finns were cited as having one of the least healthy diets in the world.",deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Wenn du einen Fehler siehst, dann korrigiere ihn bitte.","If you see a mistake, then please correct it.",deu_Latn-eng_Latn Lege das Kartenspiel auf den Eichentisch.,Place the deck of cards on the oaken table.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Die Deutschen sind sehr listig.,The Germans are very crafty.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Wenn man nicht isst, stirbt man.","If you don't eat, you die.",deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Wie schreibt man ""pretty""?","How do you spell ""pretty""?",deu_Latn-eng_Latn Wieso gehen wir nicht heim?,Why don't we go home?,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Es tut mir leid, ich kann nicht lange bleiben.","I'm sorry, I can't stay long.",deu_Latn-eng_Latn 10 Jahre sind eine lange Zeit zum Warten.,Ten years is a long time to wait.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn „Wieso gehst du nicht?“ – „Weil ich nicht will.“,"""Why aren't you going?"" ""Because I don't want to.""",deu_Latn-eng_Latn Eine Million Menschen haben im Krieg ihr Leben verloren.,One million people lost their lives in the war.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Ich kam vor drei Jahren nach Tokyo und seither habe ich hier gelebt.,I came to Tokyo three years ago and have been living here ever since.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Ich habe mehr als einen Monat lang in Nagoya gelebt.,I lived in Nagoya for over a month.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Es ist überhaupt nicht selten, länger als neunzig Jahre zu leben.",It is not rare at all to live over ninety years.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Zuerst werde ich ein Schema meiner neuen Website machen.,"First, I'm going to do an outline of my new website.",deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Demokratie ist die schlechteste Regierungsform, abgesehen von allen anderen, die ausprobiert wurden.","Democracy is the worst form of government, except all the others that have been tried.",deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Wenn man beginnt, seinem Passfoto ähnlich zu sehen, sollte man in den Urlaub fahren.","When you're beginning to look like the photo in your passport, you should go on a holiday.",deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Ich war's nicht, Kommissar!","It wasn't I, commissioner!",deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Oh, meine weiße Hose! Sie war neu.","Oh, my white pants! And they were new.",deu_Latn-eng_Latn Bei so vielen Leuten wurde er natürlich etwas nervös.,With so many people around he naturally became a bit nervous.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Beim Verlassen des Bahnhofs sah ich einen Mann.,"When I left the train station, I saw a man.",deu_Latn-eng_Latn Und niemand hat Ihnen geholfen?,And nobody helped you?,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Du bist ein Engel!,You're an angel.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Die Madrilenen sind verrückt.,The people from Madrid are crazy.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Nun gut, die Nacht ist sehr lang, oder?","Well, the night is quite long, isn't it?",deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Du hast Glück gehabt, dass er dich nicht gebissen hat.",You're lucky because he didn't bite you.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Hast du mich vermisst?,Did you miss me?,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Die Vergangenheit kümmert mich nicht.,I don't worry about the past.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Sind sie alle gleich?,Are they all the same?,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Vielen Dank!,Thank you very much!,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Wo sind bitte die Eier?,"Where are the eggs, please?",deu_Latn-eng_Latn Ich nehme ihn.,I'll take him.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Das ist eine Überraschung.,It's a surprise.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Das ist eine gute Idee!,That's a good idea!,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Hin- und Rückfahrt? Nur Hinfahrt.,Round trip? Only one-way.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Es ist schade, wenn jemand stirbt.",It's a pity when somebody dies.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Der Mund blieb ihnen offen stehen.,They were left speechless.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Donnerwetter! Das ist nicht schlecht!,Damn! It's not bad!,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Nach der Wäsche in Form bringen.,Pull into shape after washing.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Vor dem Tragen waschen.,Wash before first wearing.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Nicht öffnen, bevor der Zug hält.",Don't open before the train stops.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Wer im Glashaus sitzt, sollte nicht mit Steinen werfen.",Those who live in glass houses should not throw stones.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Man sagt, Liebe mache blind.",They say love is blind.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Oh, tut mir leid.","Oh, I'm sorry.",deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Mathe ist wie Liebe - eine einfache Idee, aber es kann kompliziert werden.","Math is like love - a simple idea, but it can get complicated.",deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Antworten sind nur dann nützlich, wenn sie neue Fragen aufwerfen.",The only useful answers are those that raise new questions.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "An sich selbst zu zweifeln, ist das erste Zeichen von Intelligenz.",To have doubts about oneself is the first sign of intelligence.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Arm ist nicht, wer zu wenig besitzt, sondern, wer zu viel haben möchte.","Poor is not the one who has too little, but the one who wants too much.",deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Da du nicht überrascht bist, denke ich, musst du es gewusst haben.","Seeing that you're not surprised, I think you must have known.",deu_Latn-eng_Latn Wie lange braucht man bis zum Bahnhof?,How long does it take to get to the station?,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Das wird eine gute Erinnerung an meine Reise durch die Vereinigten Staaten sein.,This will be a good souvenir of my trip around the United States.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Entschuldigung, erlauben Sie mir, auf drei Fehler in dem obigen Artikel hinzuweisen.",Excuse me; allow me to point out three errors in the above article.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Heute lassen wir die Arbeiter mal früher Feierabend machen.,Let's let the workers go home early today.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Es ist schwierig, ein Gespräch mit jemandem zu führen, der nur ""Ja"" und ""Nein"" sagt.","It is difficult to keep up a conversation with someone who only says ""yes"" and ""no"".",deu_Latn-eng_Latn Sprichst du Italienisch?,Do you know Italian?,deu_Latn-eng_Latn """Ich kann bei diesem Lärm nicht denken"", sagte sie auf die Schreibmaschine starrend.","""I can't think with that noise,"" she said, as she stared at the typewriter.",deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Man sagt, dass ""Hamlet"" das interessanteste Stück sei, das je geschrieben wurde.","It is said that ""Hamlet"" is the most interesting play ever written.",deu_Latn-eng_Latn """Mama, darf ich einen Keks essen?"" ""Nein, darfst du nicht. Man sollte nicht zwischen den Mahlzeiten essen.""","""Mom, please can I have a biscuit?"" ""No, you can't; you shouldn't eat between meals.""",deu_Latn-eng_Latn Könnte ich eine Frage stellen?,May I ask a question?,deu_Latn-eng_Latn """Wie fühlst du dich?"", fragte er.","""How do you feel?"" he inquired.",deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Es ist ziemlich schwierig, Französisch nach 2, 3 Jahren zu beherrschen.",It's quite difficult to master French in 2 or 3 years.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Es ist mir unmöglich, es dir zu erklären.",It's impossible for me to explain it to you.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Ich möchte nicht mein restliches Leben damit verbringen, es zu bereuen.",I don't want to spend the rest of my life regretting it.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Es wäre lustig zu sehen, wie die Dinge sich im Lauf der Jahre ändern.",It would be fun to see how things change over the years.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Das hätte ich nie gedacht.,I would never have guessed that.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Die Fantasie hat Auswirkungen auf alle Aspekte in unserem Leben.,Imagination affects every aspect of our lives.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Du wirst mich eines Tages vergessen.,You'll forget about me someday.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Das ist ziemlich unerwartet.,That is rather unexpected.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Ich frage mich, wie lange es dauern wird.",I wonder how long it's going to take.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Ich kann ohne Fernsehen nicht leben.,I can't live without a TV.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Ich hätte es ohne dich nicht machen können. Danke.,I couldn't have done it without you. Thank you.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Ohne Anstrengung erreicht man nichts.,Nothing is achieved without effort.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Viele Menschen wandern ziellos durchs Leben.,Many people drift through life without a purpose.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Ein Leben ohne Liebe hat überhaupt keinen Sinn.,Life without love is just totally pointless.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Lasst es mich wissen, wenn ich irgendwelche Änderungen machen muss.",Let me know if I need to make any changes.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Ich denke, dass Prüfungen die Erziehung ruinieren.",I think exams are ruining education.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Wir können wegen des Lärms nicht schlafen.,We can't sleep because of the noise.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Hast du ein Kondom?,Do you have a condom?,deu_Latn-eng_Latn „Eine Katze?“ fragte der alte Mann.,"""A cat?"" asked the old man.",deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Tu, was auch immer er dir befiehlt.",Do whatever he tells you.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Ich kann in 10 Minuten zur Schule gehen.,I can walk to school in ten minutes.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Ich habe über zwei Stunden gebraucht, um einige Seiten Englisch zu übersetzen.",It took me more than two hours to translate a few pages of English.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Es ist schon 11 Uhr.,It's already eleven.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Könnte ich Fräulein Brown sprechen?,May I talk to Ms. Brown?,deu_Latn-eng_Latn """Ja, Orangensaft bitte"", sagt Mike.","""Yes, orange juice please,"" says Mike.",deu_Latn-eng_Latn """Ah!"" ist ein Ausruf.","""Ah!"" is an interjection.",deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Du bist gar kein Millionär, oder?","You're not really a millionaire, are you?",deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Die Verpflichtung zum Schulbesuch wird selten analysiert in der Vielzahl der Werke, die den mannigfaltigen Arten gewidmet sind, bei Kindern den Wunsch zu lernen zu entwickeln.",The mandatory character of schooling is rarely analyzed in the multitude of works dedicated to the study of the various ways to develop within children the desire to learn.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Mann bist du doof! Ich muss dir echt alles erklären!,You suck dude! I have to tell you everything!,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Ich habe ein Hühnchen mit dir zu rupfen.,I have a bone to pick with you.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Ist es nötig, dass ich dir Geld gebe?",Do you need me to give you some money?,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Paris ist die schönste Stadt der Welt.,Paris is the most beautiful city in the world.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Ich dachte immer, einen Herzanfall zu haben, sei die Art der Natur, dir zu sagen, dass du sterben musst.",I always thought that having a heart attack was the way nature told you to die.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "He, ich habe vielleicht kein Geld, aber ich habe immer noch meinen Stolz.","Hey, I may have no money, but I still have my pride.",deu_Latn-eng_Latn Ich habe einen Traum.,I have a dream.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Das ist meine Freundin Rachel, wir sind zusammen ins Gymnasium gegangen.",This is my friend Rachel. We went to high school together.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Die Lebenshaltungskosten sind drastisch gestiegen.,The cost of life increased drastically.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Alles Erfundene ist wahr.,"All that which is invented, is true.",deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Überrascht sein, sich wundern, heißt anfangen, zu verstehen.","To be surprised, to wonder, is to begin to understand.",deu_Latn-eng_Latn Zweifellos ist das Universum unendlich.,There's no doubt that the universe is infinite.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Zur Vollkommenheit fehlte ihr nur ein Fehler.,To be perfect she lacked just one defect.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Und doch, auch das Gegenteil ist immer wahr.","And yet, the contrary is always true as well.",deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Wir sehen die Dinge nicht, wie sie sind, sondern wie wir sind.","We don't see things as they are, but as we are.",deu_Latn-eng_Latn Die Welt ist ein Irrenhaus.,This world is just an insane asylum.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Kein Schüler beschwert sich je, Schmerzen im Frontallappen der linken Gehirnhälfte zu haben.",No student has ever complained of pains in the front lobe of the left side of the brain.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Du hast mir die Augen dafür geöffnet, wie es ist, wenn alles gut geht.",You opened up my eyes to what it's like when everything is right.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Du hast mich gefunden, wo sonst niemand gesucht hat.",You found me where no one else was looking.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Du bist an meiner Seite, jetzt ist alles gut.",You're by my side; everything's fine now.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Wie, du weißt nicht?!",What do you mean you don't know?!,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Du siehst dumm aus.,You look stupid.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Ich denke, ich werde schlafen gehen.",I think I'm gonna go to sleep.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Ich muss einkaufen gehen, ich komme in einer Stunde zurück.",I have to go shopping. I'll be back in an hour.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Ich heiße Jack.,My name is Jack.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Es gefällt mir sehr gut.,I like it very much.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Sehen wir uns morgen?,We're meeting up tomorrow?,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Wie heißt das auf Italienisch?,How do you say that in Italian?,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Ist es weit von hier?,Is it far from here?,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Das sind nicht meine Sachen!,These things aren't mine!,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Danke, das ist alles.","Thanks, that's everything.",deu_Latn-eng_Latn Tanzt du mit mir?,Will you dance with me?,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Wie viel Uhr ist es?,What time is it?,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Das ist die Art von Arbeit, für die ich geschaffen bin.",That is the sort of job I am cut out for.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Wann gehst du ins Bett?,What time do you go to bed?,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Es ist nicht meine Schuld!,It's not my fault!,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Ich möchte eine Nacht bleiben.,I'd like to stay for one night.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Könnten Sie für mich wählen? Das Telefon hängt zu hoch.,Could you dial for me? The telephone is too high.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Gibt es hier in der Nähe eine Jugendherberge?,Is there a youth hostel near here?,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Wo sind die Duschen?,Where are the showers?,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Öffnen Sie den Mund!,Open your mouth!,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Ist es schlimm?,Is it bad?,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Ich habe meine Brieftasche verloren.,I have lost my wallet.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Ich bin einverstanden.,That's fine by me.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Liebe ist nie verschwendet.,Love is never wasted.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Leben ist das, was dir zustößt, während du gerade damit beschäftigt bist, andere Pläne zu machen.",Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Nicht wollen ist das Gleiche wie haben.,Not wanting is the same as having.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Er ist sehr sexy.,He's very sexy.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Lass mich in Ruhe!,Leave me alone!,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "„Gib mir bitte das Salz.“ „Hier, nimm.“","""Pass me the salt, please."" ""Here you are.""",deu_Latn-eng_Latn Es gibt zu viele Dinge zu tun!,There are too many things to do!,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Wie alt bist du?,How old are you?,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Los, spiel' mit mir, mir ist so langweilig!","Come on, play with me, I'm so bored!",deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Denk nicht mal dran, meine Schokolade zu essen!",Don't you even think of eating my chocolate!,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Hör auf, mich um ein Getränk zu bitten! Geh, hol dir selbst eins.",Stop asking me for a drink! Go get it yourself.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Dank dir habe ich meinen Appetit verloren.,Thanks to you I've lost my appetite.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Ich habe wirklich das Bedürfnis, jemanden zu schlagen.",I really need to hit somebody.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Das ist so lange her, dass ich mit meiner Familie ins Disneyland gegangen bin.",It has been so long since I last went to Disneyland with my family.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Meine Eltern streiten sich dauernd wegen Kleinigkeiten. Das regt mich so auf!,My parents keep arguing about stupid things. It's so annoying!,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Wenn du dich nicht mit Sonnencreme eincremen willst, ist das deine Sache. Aber beschwer' dich später nicht bei mir, wenn du Sonnenbrand hast.","If you don't want to put on sunscreen, that's your problem. Just don't come complaining to me when you get a sunburn.",deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Meine Freunde sagen immer, ich sei zu ruhig, aber meine Familie sagt immer, ich sei zu nervig.","My friends always say I'm too calm, but my family always says I'm too annoying.",deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Ich hasse diese Spinnen; wegen denen flippe ich jedes Mal aus, wenn ich sauber mache.",I hate those spiders. They're always there to freak me out when I'm cleaning.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Zu nervig... Ich kann nicht einmal einen Computer benutzen, ohne Kopfweh zu bekommen!",So annoying... Now I get a headache whenever I use the computer!,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Es ist so heiß, dass man Eier auf den Motorhauben der Autos braten könnte.",It's so hot that you could cook an egg on the hood of a car.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Wer kennt dieses Problem nicht?!,Who doesn't know this problem?!,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Heute ist es sehr heiß.,It's very hot today.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Es ist niemand gekommen.,No one came.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Ich habe noch nie einen roten Kühlschrank gesehen.,I have never seen a red refrigerator.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Er hat sein Wort gebrochen.,He broke his word.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Lieber für das gehasst werden, was man ist, als geliebt werden für das, was man nicht ist.",Better to be hated for who you are than loved for who you're not.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Es ist einsam im Sattel, seit das Pferd gestorben ist.",It's lonely in the saddle since the horse died.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Die Mathematik ist der Teil der Wissenschaft, den man weiter betreiben könnte, wenn man morgen aufwachen würde und entdecken würde, dass das Universum weg ist.",Mathematics is the part of science you could continue to do if you woke up tomorrow and discovered the universe was gone.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Meine Augen sind ein Ozean, in dem sich meine Träume spiegeln.",My eyes are an ocean in which my dreams are reflected.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Ihr kennt den Satz, wir ernten, was wir säen. Ich habe den Wind gesät und hier ist mein Sturm.","You know the phrase, we reap what we sow. I have sown the wind and this is my storm.",deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Schau mich an, wenn ich mit dir rede!",Look at me when I talk to you!,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Was wäre die Welt ohne Frauen?,What would the world be without women?,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Was wäre, wenn du eine Rede halten würdest, und niemand käme?",What if you gave a speech and nobody came?,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Ich weiß nicht, was ich sagen soll, um dich zu trösten.",I don't know what to say to make you feel better.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Er ist nicht mein Typ.,He's not my type.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Ich versuchte, die Zeit totzuschlagen.",I was trying to kill time.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Wie bist du auf diese verrückte Idee gekommen?,How did you come up with this crazy idea?,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Wer will heiße Schokolade?,Who wants some hot chocolate?,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Sprechen Sie bitte langsamer!,"Speak more slowly, please!",deu_Latn-eng_Latn Tom hinkt etwas beim Gehen.,Tom walks with a slight limp.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Wir wissen, wo Tom ist.",We know where Tom is.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Und was werden wir machen?,And what are we going to do?,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Ich habe Kopfweh.,I've got a headache.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Wo kann man telefonieren?,Where can one make a phone call?,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Ich muss zugeben, dass ich schnarche.",I must admit that I snore.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Heute Abend gehen wir in die Kirche.,Tonight we're going to church.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Wie geht's dir? Hattest du eine gute Reise?,How are you? Did you have a good trip?,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Ich fühle mich nicht gut.,I'm not feeling well.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Rufen Sie die Polizei!,Call the police!,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Das ist zu teuer!,It is too expensive.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Sie gibt nur vor zu schlafen, deswegen schnarcht sie nicht.",She's faking sleep. That's why she's not snoring.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Meine Schuhe sind zu klein, ich brauche neue.",My shoes are too small. I need new ones.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Hauen wir ab von hier, die Bullen kommen.",We're getting out of here. The cops are coming.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Fröhliche Weihnachten!,Have a good Christmas.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Das wäre zu cool, wenn ich zehn Sprachen sprechen könnte!",It would be so cool if I could speak ten languages!,deu_Latn-eng_Latn """Wenn du müde bist, wieso gehst du nicht schlafen?"" ""Weil ich zu früh aufwachen werde, wenn ich jetzt schlafen gehe.""","""If you're tired, why don't you go to sleep?"" ""Because if I go to sleep now I will wake up too early.""",deu_Latn-eng_Latn Du hättest mir zuhören sollen.,You should have listened to me.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Das ist ein totales Schlamassel und es geht mir auf die Nerven.,"It's a complete mess, and it's getting on my nerves.",deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Wenn der Körper berührt wird, schicken Rezeptoren in der Haut Nachrichten zum Gehirn und verursachen die Ausschüttung von chemischen Stoffen wie Endorphinen.","When the body is touched, receptors in the skin send messages to the brain causing the release of chemicals such as endorphins.",deu_Latn-eng_Latn Was bringt das mit sich?,What does it involve?,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Man erwartet, dass 2006 hundertfünfzigtausend Paare in Shanghai heiraten.",One hundred and fifty thousand couples are expected to get married in Shanghai in 2006.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Die Ausgewählten werden umfassende medizinische und psychologische Tests machen müssen.,Those selected will have to face extensive medical and psychological tests.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Eine halbe Million Kinder im Niger leidet immer noch an Unterernährung.,Half a million children still face malnutrition in Niger.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Es wird fünf bis zehn Jahre dauern, bis die Technologie bereit ist.",It will take five to ten years for the technology to be ready.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Fahrräder sind Hilfsmittel für städtische Nachhaltigkeit.,Bicycles are tools for urban sustainability.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Die französische Regierung hat ein Online-Spiel auf den Markt gebracht, das Steuerzahler auffordert, den Staatshaushalt auszugleichen.",The French government has launched an online game that challenges taxpayers to balance the national budget.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Er wäre froh, das zu hören.",He would be glad to hear that.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Was glauben Sie ist wahr, obwohl Sie es nicht beweisen können?",What do you believe is true even though you cannot prove it?,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Computer machen die Leute dumm.,Computers make people stupid.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Fragt nicht, was sie denken. Fragt, was sie tun.",Don't ask what they think. Ask what they do.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Wenn Sie versuchen, etwas zu beweisen, hilft es zu wissen, dass es wahr ist.","When you're trying to prove something, it helps to know it's true.",deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Was die Welt verändert, ist Kommunikation, nicht Information.","What changes the world is communication, not information.",deu_Latn-eng_Latn Die meisten wissenschaftlichen Durchbrüche sind nichts anderes als die Entdeckung von etwas Selbstverständlichem.,Most scientific breakthroughs are nothing else than the discovery of the obvious.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Wenn Sie etwas nicht verstehen, dann, weil Sie sich nicht des Kontextes bewusst sind.","If you don't understand something, it's because you aren't aware of its context.",deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Die Vergangenheit kann man nur kennen, nicht ändern. Die Zukunft kann man nur ändern, nicht kennen.","The past can only be known, not changed. The future can only be changed, not known.",deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Die Schlüsselfrage ist nicht, was ich gewinnen kann, sondern, was ich verlieren kann.",The key question is not what can I gain but what do I have to lose.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Alles, was falsch verstanden werden kann, wird falsch verstanden werden.",Anything that can be misunderstood will be.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Jedes Universum, das einfach genug ist, um verstanden zu werden, ist zu einfach, um einen Geist hervorzubringen, der es versteht.",Any universe simple enough to be understood is too simple to produce a mind able to understand it.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Warum ist das Leben so voll mit Leiden?,Why is life so full of suffering?,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Trotz der Wichtigkeit von Schlaf ist sein Zweck ein Rätsel.,"Despite the importance of sleep, its purpose is a mystery.",deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Was bedeutet es, im 21. Jahrhundert einen gebildeten Verstand zu haben?",What does it mean to have an educated mind in the 21st century?,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Leidenschaft schafft Leiden.,Passion creates suffering.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Der Zug aus Genf wird in den Bahnhof einfahren.,The train from Geneva will arrive at the station.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Ich würde ihm gerne ein Geschenk zu seinem Geburtstag machen.,I would like to give him a present for his birthday.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Ich sterbe vor Hunger!,I'm dying of hunger.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Hast du Freunde in Antigua?,Do you have friends in Antigua?,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Ein Kubikmeter entspricht 1000 Litern.,A cubic meter corresponds to 1000 liters.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Ich habe so viel Arbeit, dass ich eine Stunde länger bleibe.",I have so much work that I will stay for one more hour.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Ich bin verheiratet und habe zwei Kinder.,I am married and have two children.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Er spielt sehr gut Klavier.,He plays the piano very well.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Ich möchte in Paris studieren.,I'd like to study in Paris.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Ihr wisst nicht, wer ich bin.",You don't know who I am.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Warum isst du kein Gemüse?,Why don't you eat some vegetables?,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Warum gehen Leute ins Kino?,Why do people go to the movies?,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Ich ziehe mich aus.,I am undressing.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Das Auto fuhr gegen die Mauer.,The car crashed into the wall.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Es gibt keine reellen Visionen.,There are no real visions.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Es bringt nichts, mir ""Hallo, wie geht's?"" zu sagen, wenn du sonst nichts zu sagen hast.","There's no point saying ""Hi, how are you?"" to me if you have nothing else to say.",deu_Latn-eng_Latn "In einem Wörterbuch wie diesem sollte es mindestens zwei Sätze mit ""Kühlschrank"" geben.","In a dictionary like this one there should be at least two sentences with ""fridge"".",deu_Latn-eng_Latn Der Kreationismus ist eine Pseudowissenschaft.,Creationism is a pseudo-science.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Der Wind hat sich beruhigt.,The wind calmed down.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Ich will nicht um deine Hand anhalten!,I don't want to propose to you!,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Gib mir Zeit, dir alles zu geben, was ich habe!",Give me time to give you everything I have!,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Ein Demokrat ist ein freier Bürger, der sich dem Willen der Mehrheit beugt.",A democrat is a free citizen who yields to the will of the majority.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Wir wissen, dass Tom hier ist.",We know Tom is here.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Rom ist nicht an einem Tage erbaut worden.,Rome wasn't built in a day.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Keine Antwort ist auch eine.,Silence gives consent.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "„Bist du fertig?“ – „Im Gegenteil, ich habe noch nicht einmal begonnen.“","""Have you finished?"" ""On the contrary, I have not even begun yet.""",deu_Latn-eng_Latn """Guten Morgen"", sagte Tom mit einem Lächeln.","""Good morning"", said Tom with a smile.",deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Warum sagt man ""Guten Tag!"", wenn der Tag nicht gut ist?","Why does one say ""Good day"" when the day is not good?",deu_Latn-eng_Latn Wein ist in Flaschen gefüllte Poesie.,Wine is poetry put into a bottle.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Das war der schönste Tag in meinem Leben.,That was the best day of my life.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Ich verstehe kein Deutsch.,I don't understand German.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Ich habe meine Entscheidung getroffen.,I have made my decision.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Ich gebe dir mein Wort.,I give you my word.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Wir wissen, dass es nicht darum geht.",We know it's not about that.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Du bist die große Liebe meines Lebens.,You are the great love of my life.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Objektiv sein heißt, nicht zu verraten, zu wem man hält.",Being objective means not telling everybody whose side you are on.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Wir haben einen Papst.,We have a Pope.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Ein Mathematiker ist ein Mensch, der einen ihm vorgetragenen Gedanken nicht nur sofort begreift, sondern auch erkennt, auf welchem Denkfehler er beruht.","A mathematician is a man who not only understands the idea put forth before him, but who sees as well the error in its foundations.",deu_Latn-eng_Latn Das Ganze ist mehr als die Summe seiner Teile.,The whole is greater than the sum of the parts.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Die Mathematik ist dem Verlangen nicht abträglich.,Mathematics is not detrimental to the appetite.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Eine mathematische Wahrheit ist weder einfach noch kompliziert, sie ist.",A mathematical truth is neither simple nor complicated; it is.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Mathematiker sind Dichter, nur müssen sie das, was ihre Fantasie schafft, auch beweisen.","Mathematicians are poets, except that they have to prove what their fantasy creates.",deu_Latn-eng_Latn Die Mathematik ist wie die Logik der Physik.,Mathematics is like the logic of physics.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Die Mathematiker sind eine Art Franzosen: redet man zu ihnen, so übersetzen sie es in ihre Sprache, und dann ist es alsobald ganz etwas anders.",Mathematicians are like French people: whatever you tell them they translate it into their own language and turn it into something totally different.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Ein Experte ist jemand, der die schlimmsten Fehler kennt, die in seinem Gebiet gemacht werden können und weiß, wie man sie vermeidet.","An expert is someone who knows some of the worst mistakes that can be made in his field, and how to avoid them.",deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Mathe zu machen ist die einzige gesellschaftlich akzeptable Art, sich in der Öffentlichkeit selbstzubefriedigen.",Doing math is the only socially acceptable way to masturbate in public.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Es gibt 10 Arten von Menschen in der Welt: die, die das Binärsystem verstehen, und die, die es nicht verstehen.","There are 10 types of people in the world: those who understand binary, and those who don't.",deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Ich denke nicht, also bin ich nicht.","I don't think, therefore I am not.",deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Heutzutage wollen wir, dass unsere Kinder ihre eigenen Entscheidungen treffen, aber wir erwarten, dass uns diese Entscheidungen passen.","Nowadays we want our children to make their own decisions, but we expect those decisions to please us.",deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Mach dir keine Sorgen, sei fröhlich!","Don't worry, be happy!",deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Im Alter von sechs Jahren hatte er gelernt, eine Schreibmaschine zu bedienen und er erklärte dem Lehrer, dass er nicht lernen müsste, mit der Hand zu schreiben.",At the age of six he had learned to use the typewriter and told the teacher that he did not need to learn to write by hand.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Ich finde Fremdsprachen sehr interessant.,I find foreign languages very interesting.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Ich lerne nicht gerne unregelmäßige Verben.,I don't like learning irregular verbs.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Nimm ein Buch und lies es!,Take a book and read it.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Stell dich dem Leben lächelnd!,Face life with a smile!,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Die meisten Schulen wurden nicht konzipiert, um die Gesellschaft zu verändern, sondern um sie zu reproduzieren.","Most schools were designed not to transform society, but to reproduce it.",deu_Latn-eng_Latn Du bringst mich zum Träumen.,You make me dream.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Ich bin außer mir vor Freude.,I'm beside myself with joy.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Er ist schon ein Mann.,He's already a man.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Die Ferien sind jetzt vorbei.,The vacation is over now.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Ich habe Angst zu fallen.,I'm afraid to fall.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Abendgarderobe ist erwünscht.,Evening dress is desired.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Das ist die reine Wahrheit.,That's the absolute truth.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Es ist kalt.,It is cold.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Wenn ich Leute frage, was sie in Bezug aufs Gymnasium am meisten bedauern, sagen fast alle das Gleiche: dass sie so viel Zeit verschwendet haben.","When I ask people what they regret most about high school, they nearly all say the same thing: that they wasted so much time.",deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Wenn man nicht machen kann, was man will, macht man, was man kann.","When you can't do what you want, you do what you can.",deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Wenn man ihm den kleinen Finger gibt, so nimmt er die ganze Hand.","If you give him an inch, he'll take a mile.",deu_Latn-eng_Latn Du hast Recht.,You are right.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Das hast du absichtlich getan!,You did this intentionally!,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Du hast ihm nichts gesagt?,You didn't tell him anything?,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Du hast mir den Kopf verdreht.,You made me lose my mind.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Du bist mein Typ.,You're my type.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Du bist unwiderstehlich.,You are irresistible.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Könntest du bitte später zurückrufen?,"Could you call again later, please?",deu_Latn-eng_Latn Mit wem spreche ich?,With whom am I speaking?,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Ich akzeptiere, aber nur unter einer Bedingung.","I accept, but only under one condition.",deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Lächle jetzt, heul' später!","Smile now, cry later!",deu_Latn-eng_Latn Das Leben ist schön.,Life is beautiful.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Verdirb mir nicht mein Vergnügen nach der ganzen Mühe, die ich mir gemacht habe.",Don't ruin my fun after all the pain that I put myself through.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Es gibt Tage, an denen ich den Eindruck habe, dass mein Gehirn mich im Stich lassen will.",There are days where I feel like my brain wants to abandon me.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Ich kann mir nicht gleichzeitig die Nägel schneiden und bügeln!,I can't cut my nails and do the ironing at the same time!,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Ich halte es nicht mehr aus! Ich habe seit drei Tagen nicht mehr geschlafen!,I can't take it anymore! I haven't slept for three days!,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Er will nicht, dass du ihm von deinem Sexualleben erzählst.",He doesn't want you to tell him about your sex life.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Hast du schon Bananenkuchen gegessen?,Have you eaten a banana pie?,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Warum heiratet man eine Frau, wenn man Männer liebt?",Why would you marry a woman if you like men?,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Wenn du keine Kinder kriegen kannst, kannst du immer noch welche adoptieren.","If you can't have children, you could always adopt.",deu_Latn-eng_Latn Dein Name ist?,What are you called?,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Was hat dich dazu gebracht, deine Meinung zu ändern?",What made you change your mind?,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Hey, schau' mal, ein Affe mit drei Köpfen!","Hey, look, a three-headed monkey!",deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Es ist schade, dass man Wunder nicht kaufen kann, wie man Kartoffeln kauft.",It's a pity that you can't buy miracles like you would buy potatoes.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Ich liebe Lasagne.,I love lasagna.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Wenn man weiß, dass etwas Unangenehmes geschehen wird, dass man zum Beispiel zum Zahnarzt oder nach Frankreich gehen wird, dann ist das nicht gut.","If you know that something unpleasant will happen, that you will go to the dentist for example, or to France, then that is not good.",deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Tatsächlich ist ein halbes Auge sehr nützlich, denn mit einem halben Auge kann ein Tier die Hälfte von einem anderen Tier sehen, das es auffressen will, und ihm aus dem Weg gehen, und es wird selber das Tier fressen, das nur ein Drittel-Auge oder nur 49% eines Auges hat, weil dieses ihm nicht schnell genug aus dem Weg gehen wird, und das Tier, das aufgefressen wurde, wird keine Kinder bekommen, weil es tot ist.","Half an eye is very useful actually, because an animal can see half of another animal, which wants to eat it, and can get out of the way, and it will eat the animal, which has only one-half eye or only 49% of an eye, because this to it will not be enough, and the animal, which was eaten up, will have no children, because it is dead.",deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Primzahlen sind wie das Leben, sie sind völlig logisch, aber es ist unmöglich, Regeln für sie zu finden, selbst wenn man seine ganze Zeit dem Nachdenken darüber widmet.","Prime numbers are like life; they are completely logical, but impossible to find the rules for, even if you spend all your time thinking about it.",deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Wenn man eine Augenbraue hochzieht, kann das bedeuten ""Ich habe Lust, mit dir Sex zu haben"", aber auch ""Ich finde, dass das, was du gerade gesagt hast, vollkommen idiotisch ist.""","If you raise an eyebrow, it can mean ""I want to have sex with you"", but also ""I find that what you just said is completely idiotic.""",deu_Latn-eng_Latn Das Gehirn ist nur eine komplizierte Maschine.,The brain is just a complicated machine.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Ein Stundenplan ist ein Ausweis für die Zeit, nur, wenn man keinen Stundenplan hat, ist die Zeit nicht da.","A schedule is an identity card for time, but, if you don't have a schedule, the time isn't there.",deu_Latn-eng_Latn Dieses Pinguinbaby ist so niedlich!,This baby penguin is too cute!,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Ich bin im Krankenhaus. Ich wurde vom Blitz getroffen.,I'm at the hospital. I got struck by lightning.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Gib die Hoffnung nicht auf, noch ist nicht alles verloren.","Do not despair, all is not yet lost.",deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Seien wir ehrlich, es ist unmöglich. Wir werden es nie schaffen.","Let's face it, it's impossible. We're never gonna make it.",deu_Latn-eng_Latn Was ist ihre größte Inspirationsquelle?,What is your greatest source of inspiration?,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Man heiratet nicht jemanden, mit dem man leben kann - man heiratet die Person, ohne die man nicht leben kann.",You don't marry someone you can live with — you marry the person whom you cannot live without.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn In der Theorie gibt es keinen Unterschied zwischen Theorie und Praxis. Aber in der Praxis gibt es einen.,"In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice. But, in practice, there is.",deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Bleibt nicht im Bett, sofern ihr nicht im Bett Geld verdienen könnt.","Don't stay in bed, unless you can make money in bed.",deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Es gibt Leute auf der Welt, die so hungrig sind, dass Gott ihnen nicht erscheinen kann, außer in Form von Brot.","There are people in the world so hungry, that God cannot appear to them except in the form of bread.",deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Alles, was zu dumm ist, um gesagt zu werden, wird gesungen.",Anything that is too stupid to be spoken is sung.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Es erfordert Weisheit, um Weisheit zu verstehen: die Musik ist nichts, wenn das Publikum taub ist.",It requires wisdom to understand wisdom: the music is nothing if the audience is deaf.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Ich habe gerade die Briefe nochmal gelesen, die du mir geschickt hast.",I was rereading the letters you sent to me.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Ich will nicht in die Schule gehen.,I don't want to go to school.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Es ist aus zwischen uns, gib mir meinen Ring zurück!",It's over between us. Give me back my ring!,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Es regnet.,It is raining.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Ich hatte vor, heute an den Strand zu gehen, aber dann fing es an zu regnen.","I was planning on going to the beach today, but then it started to rain.",deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Sie ist wirklich intelligent, oder?","She's really smart, isn't she?",deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Eine Meinung ist nur dann schockierend, wenn sie eine Überzeugung ist.",An opinion is shocking only if it is a conviction.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Menschen, die lieben, zweifeln an nichts oder zweifeln an allem.","People who love doubt nothing, or doubt everything.",deu_Latn-eng_Latn Gerechtigkeit ist teuer.,Justice is expensive.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Freiheit besteht darin, alles machen zu können, was keinem anderen schadet.",Liberty consists of being able to make everything as harmless as possible.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Der Langsamste beim Versprechen ist der Treueste beim Einhalten.,He who is slow to promise is best in keeping them.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Ein Kind ist nicht ein Gefäß zum Vollfüllen, sondern ein Feuer zum Anzünden.","A child is not a vessel for filling, but a fire to light.",deu_Latn-eng_Latn Jede Meinung ist eine Mischung aus Wahrheit und Irrtum.,Every opinion is a mixture of truth and mistakes.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Das Leben ist eine tödliche, sexuell übertragbare Krankheit.",Life is a fatal sexually transmitted disease.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Wenn zwei Menschen immer die gleiche Meinung haben, ist einer von ihnen überflüssig.","If two men always have the same opinion, one of them is unnecessary.",deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Unsere Meinung ist eine Idee, die wir haben; unsere Überzeugung eine Idee, die uns hat.",Our opinion is an idea which we have; our conviction an idea which has us.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Morgen werde ich in der Bibliothek lernen.,"Tomorrow, I'm going to study at the library.",deu_Latn-eng_Latn Zu spät.,It's too late.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Gestern bin ich in den Zoo gegangen.,I went to the zoo yesterday.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Wir haben die Schlacht gewonnen.,We won the battle.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Hallo? Bist du noch da?,Hello? Are you still there?,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Ich mache jeden Tag das Mittagessen.,I make lunch every day.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Heute Morgen habe ich ferngesehen.,I watched TV this morning.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Ich habe während des Essens ein Buch gelesen.,I read a book while eating.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Ich habe während der Mittagspause ein wenig geschlafen, weil ich so müde war.",I slept a little during lunch break because I was so tired.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Ich habe letzte Woche begonnen, Chinesisch zu lernen.",I started learning Chinese last week.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Es ist einfacher, Leute im Internet anzubaggern als auf der Straße.",It is easier to hit on people on the Internet than in the street.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Ich wohne nahe am Meer, also kann ich oft an den Strand gehen.",I live near the sea so I often get to go to the beach.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Eines Tages werde ich eine Zuckerwattemaschine kaufen.,Someday I'll buy a cotton candy machine.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Es ist praktisch, einen Laptop zu haben.",It's practical to have a laptop.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Deine Brille ist auf den Boden gefallen.,Your glasses fell on the floor.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Wie oft am Tag schaust du dich im Spiegel an?,How many times a day do you look at yourself in the mirror?,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Letztes Jahr sind wir nach London gegangen.,We went to London last year.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Sie will nicht darüber sprechen.,She doesn't want to talk about it.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Ich habe meine Inspiration verloren.,I lost my inspiration.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Ich brauche mehr Zeit.,I need more time.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Wenn du nichts zu tun hast, schau an deine Zimmerdecke.","If you don't have anything to do, look at the ceiling of your room.",deu_Latn-eng_Latn Das bedeutet nichts!,It doesn't mean anything!,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Sei bitte geduldig, das braucht Zeit.",Be patient please. It takes time.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Schließ beim Hinausgehen die Türe.,Close the door when you leave.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Das ist so eine traurige Geschichte.,This is such a sad story.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Wenn es keine Lösung gibt, dann gibt es kein Problem.","If there's no solution, then there's no problem.",deu_Latn-eng_Latn Mein kleiner Bruder sieht fern.,My younger brother is watching TV.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Es ist anmaßend von Menschen, anzunehmen, dass unsere Aufgabe ist, zu tun, was nur Gott tun kann.",It's presumptuous for humans to assume that our task is to do what only God can do.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Ein kluger Leser sollte bereit sein, alles abzuwägen, was er liest, einschließlich der anonymen Quellen.","An astute reader should be willing to weigh everything they read, including anonymous sources.",deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Katja leugnete, dass sie eine Anarchistin war, indem sie behauptete, dass sie nur wünschte, Veränderung in unserer Regierung zu machen, nicht, sie zu zerstören.","Denying she was an anarchist, Katja maintained she wished only to make changes in our government, not to destroy it.",deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Blindheit ist verantwortlich für eine erschütternde Anzahl von Opfern schlechter Gesundheit, Leiden und Verlust von Würde und Verminderung der Lebensqualität von Menschen in der ganzen Welt.","Blindness is responsible for a staggering toll of poor health, suffering, and loss of dignity and diminution in the quality of lives of people worldwide.",deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Bildung und Bewegung von Hurrikanen sind unberechenbar, sogar mit unserer modernen Technologie.","The formation and movement of hurricanes are capricious, even with our present-day technology.",deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Wenn man ein Telegramm sendet, ist Kürze unerlässlich, weil einem jedes Wort berechnet wird.","When you send a telegram, brevity is essential because you will be charged for every word.",deu_Latn-eng_Latn "David hat ein leidenschaftliches Interesse an Ästhetik - den Eigenschaften, die ein Gemälde, eine Skulptur, eine musikalische Komposition oder ein Gedicht Auge, Ohr oder Geist gefallen lassen.","David has a keen interest in aesthetics — the qualities that make a painting, sculpture, musical composition, or poem pleasing to the eye, ear, or mind.",deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Trotz Trangs regelmäßigen Liebesbeteuerungen hat Spenser immer noch Angst, dass sie irgendwann aufhören wird, ihn zu lieben.","Despite Trang's constant affirmations of love, Spenser is still afraid someday she will fall out of love with him.",deu_Latn-eng_Latn Hast du ihn in der Universität getroffen?,You met him at the university?,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Aaah!! Mein Computer ist kaputt!,Aaah!! My computer is broken!,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Die privaten Colleges und Universitäten der Vereinigten Staaten sind selbstständig.,The private colleges and universities of the United States are autonomous.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Jedes Mal, wenn ich in ein neues Warcraft-Spiel eintrete, stehe ich einem neuen Team von Gegnern gegenüber.","Every time I join a new game of Warcraft, I am pitted against a new team of adversaries.",deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Seit ich weiß, dass die Universität existiert, will ich hingehen.","From the moment that I knew that the university existed, I've wanted to go there.",deu_Latn-eng_Latn Meine Wahlunlust kommt von meiner Abneigung gegen Politik.,My apathy for voting comes from my distaste for politics.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Es ist der Aufstieg der Monarchen, der ihre Untertanen vom Aufstand abhält.",The ascendancy of monarchs is what keeps their subjects from rebellion.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Sarah war scharfsinnig genug, um zu merken, dass ihre Freunde versuchten, ihr einen Streich zu spielen.",Sarah was discerning enough to realize that her friends were trying to prank her.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Das Orchester macht misstönende Geräusche beim Stimmen.,The orchestra makes discordant noises when tuning up.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Die Unstimmigkeit zwischen den Geschichten der zwei Unfallbeteiligten war so groß, dass die Behörden Schwierigkeiten hatten, zu entscheiden, welche Seite die Wahrheit erzählte.",The discrepancy between the stories of the two parties involved in the accident was so great that the authorities had a hard time deciding which side was telling the truth.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Ja, das passiert von Zeit zu Zeit.","Yes, it happens from time to time.",deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Ich habe große Angst, von denen verschmäht zu werden, für die ich Liebe und Zuneigung empfinde.",I have a great fear of being disdained by those I love and care about.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Die meisten Leute haben große Unlust, früh aufzustehen, selbst wenn sie es müssen.","Most people have great disinclinations to get out of bed early, even if they have to.",deu_Latn-eng_Latn Die meisten Leute wollen nur ihre eigene Wahrheit hören.,Most people only want to hear their own truth.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Es ist gut, Ideale zu haben... findest du nicht?",It is good to have ideals... don't you think?,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Der Schüler entschloss sich dazu, seine Hausarbeit zu kürzen, indem er alle unnötigen Details strich.",The student decided to abridge his paper by taking out unnecessary details.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Die Menschen in der Welt setzen sich immer für mehr Freiheit und Gleichheit ein.,People in the world are always advocating for more freedom and equality.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Politiker werden stets getadelt für skandalöses und unangebrachtes Verhalten.,Politicians are always censured for outrageous or inappropriate behavior.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Frau Eichler war für ihren Ruf bekannt, streng zu ihren Schülern zu sein.",Ms. Eichler had a notorious reputation for being austere to her students.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Wenn Sie uns nicht zuhören, werden wir auf Zwang zurückgreifen müssen.","If you don't listen to us, we will have to resort to coercion.",deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Wenn ich Migräne habe, vermindert Aspirin meine Beschwerden nicht.","When I have migraines, aspirin doesn't alleviate the pain for me.",deu_Latn-eng_Latn Spensers sarkastische und scherzhafte Bemerkungen werden oft als Zeichen von Doppelwertigkeit missinterpretiert und zu ernst genommen.,Spenser's sarcastic and joking remarks are often misinterpreted as signs of ambivalence and often taken too seriously.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Für ihn war Hunger ein theoretischer Begriff; er hatte immer genug zu essen.,"To him, hunger was an abstract concept; he always had enough to eat.",deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Der verurteilte Drogendealer war gewillt, sich den Behörden zu fügen, um seine Todesstrafe zu einer lebenslänglichen Freiheitsstrafe zu vermindern.",The convicted drug dealer was willing to comply with the authorities to have his death sentence reduced to a life sentence.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Der Irakkrieg ist ein unberechenbares Thema der politischen Debatte; ein falsches Wort und ein Streit könnte sich entzünden.,The war on Iraq is a volatile subject of political debate; any wrong word and a heated argument could spark.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Mein nächster Türnachbar ist ein Virtuose, dessen Geschick am Klavier ihm einen Namen unter den Musikexperten eingebracht hat.",My next door neighbor is a virtuoso whose skills with the piano have earned him a name among music experts.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Er hatte es satt, die ganze Zeit von Leuten verunglimpft zu werden, die neidisch auf sein Können waren.",He was sick of being vilified all the time by people who were jealous of his ability.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Sven war so wortreich, dass seine Freunde sich darauf verlegten, ihn ein Plappermaul zu nennen.",Sven was so verbose that his friends resorted to calling him a chatterbox.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Sogar Leute, die nicht an die katholische Kirche glauben, verehren den Papst als ein symbolisches Oberhaupt.",Even people who don't believe in the Catholic church venerate the Pope as a symbolic leader.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Unsicher, welchen Freier sie heiraten wollte, schwankte die Prinzessin und nannte einmal den einen, einmal den anderen.","Unsure of which suitor she wanted to marry, the princess vacillated, saying now one, now the other.",deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Die neulichen Skandale, in die Messdiener und religiöse Oberhäupter verwickelt waren, haben den Glauben, den die Leute in die Kirche haben, unterminiert.",The recent scandals involving altar boys and religious leaders have undermined the faith people have in the Church.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Als sich das Flugzeug Turbulenzen näherte, bat der Pilot die Passagiere an Bord des Flugzeugs, ihre Sitzgurte zu schließen.","As the plane was approaching turbulence, the pilot asked the passengers aboard the plane to fasten their seat belts.",deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Obwohl sein Aufenthalt in Europa kurzlebig war, fühlte Spenser, dass er vom Reisen mehr über Beziehungen mit anderen Menschen gelernt hatte, als er es im College getan hatte.","Though his stay in Europe was transient, Spenser felt he had learned much more about interactions with other people from traveling than he did at college.",deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Jason war ein wortkarges Individuum, daher war es immer eine echte Überraschung, wenn er etwas sagte.","Jason was a taciturn individual, so it was always a real surprise when he said anything.",deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Der König war seiner Schmeichler, die ihn beständig anpriesen, müde, also schickte er sie weg.","The king was tired of his sycophants always praising him, so he sent them away.",deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Wenn Spenser nicht weiterhin Sätze hinzufügt und übersetzt, werden die anderen Mitwirkenden ihn sicher übertreffen.","If Spenser doesn't keep adding and translating sentences, the other contributors will surely surpass him.",deu_Latn-eng_Latn In seinen Aufsätzen war immer zu viel Überflüssiges geschrieben.,There was always too much superfluous writing in his essays.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Sein Aufsatz gab nur eine oberflächliche Analyse des Problems, daher war es eine richtige Überraschung für ihn, als er die beste Note in der Klasse bekam.","His essay gave only a superficial analysis of the problem, so it was a real surprise to him when he got the highest grade in the class.",deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Es kommt darauf an, was du mit an Gott ""glauben"" meinst.","It depends what you mean by ""believe"" in God.",deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Professoren sollten alles im Detail erklären, nicht knapp sein und immer ihren Studenten auftragen, heimzugehen und ihre Bücher zu lesen.","Professors should explain everything in detail, not be succinct and always tell students to go home and read their books.",deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Wenn ich keine Antwort gegeben hätte, hätte ich nicht gesprochen.","If I wouldn't answer, I wouldn't talk.",deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Die Ankläger bei Gericht müssen ihre Klagen erhärten, um einen Verdächtigen als schuldig zu beweisen.",Prosecutors in court have to substantiate their claims in order to prove a suspect is guilty.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Laut einer landesweiten Umfrage in den USA ist es ein geläufiger Glaube, dass Moslems mit Terrorismus verbunden sind.","It is a prevalent belief, according to a nationwide poll in the United States, that Muslims are linked with terrorism.",deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Mein Zimmerkamerad ist verschwenderisch, was das Geldausgeben für Filme betrifft; er kauft sie am Tag, wo sie herauskommen, ohne Rücksicht auf den Preis.","My roommate is prodigal when it comes to spending money on movies; he buys them the day they're released, regardless of price.",deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Essen und Trinken wurden bei der Hochzeit in solch einem Überfluss serviert, dass Braut und Bräutigam begannen, sich zu fragen, ob sie nicht mehr Gäste einladen hätten sollen.",Food and drink were served in such profusion at the wedding that the bride and groom began to wonder if they should not have invited more guests.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Die Verbreitung der Nutzung des Internets hat eine neue Generation von jungen Leuten hervorgebracht.,The proliferation of Internet usage has given birth to a new generation of young people.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Meine Freunde sagen, dass ich ein überaus produktiver Schreiber bin, aber ich habe seit Monaten nichts geschrieben.","My friends say I'm a prolific writer, but I haven't written anything for months.",deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Blinde entwickeln manchmal eine ausgleichende Fähigkeit, die Nähe der Gegenstände um sie herum zu spüren.",Blind people sometimes develop a compensatory ability to sense the proximity of objects around them.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Ein Geizhals hortet Geld nicht, weil er klug ist, sondern weil er habgierig ist.",A miser hoards money not because he is prudent but because he is greedy.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Als beide Mädchen John sagten, dass sie Gefühle für ihn hatten, wusste der nicht, mit welchem Mädchen er zusammen sein sollte.","When both girls told John they had feelings for him, he was in a quandary as to which girl he should be with.",deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Sogar jetzt, viele Jahre nach dem Kalten Krieg, ist immer noch viel Verbitterung zwischen Russen und Deutschen, besonders in Gebieten, die einst von der Sowjetunion besetzt waren.","Even now, many years after the cold war, there is still much bitterness between Germans and Russian, especially in areas which were occupied by the Soviet Union.",deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Johnson ist ein Einsiedler; er zieht es vor, sich vom Rest der Schüler in unserer Klasse abzusondern.",Johnson is a recluse; he prefers to isolate himself from the rest of the students in our class.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Die Bierflaschen, die ich zu der Party mitbrachte, waren überflüssig; die Familie des Gastgebers besaß eine Bierbrauerei.",The bottles of beer that I brought to the party were redundant; the host's family owned a brewery.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Die Zeugen waren imstande, die falsche Aussage des Verdächtigen zu widerlegen.",The witnesses were able to refute the false testimony of the suspect.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Jeanne d'Arc weigerte sich, ihre Überzeugung zu leugnen, dass die Stimme, die sie hörte, von niemand anderem als Gott war.",Joan of Arc refused to renounce her belief that the voice she heard was from God and none other.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Schockiert durch die Ereignisse des 11. September, verurteilten Politiker in der ganzen Welt die Terroristen für ihre verwerfliche Tat.","Shocked by the events of September 11th, politicians all over the world condemned the terrorists for their reprehensible deed.",deu_Latn-eng_Latn "James hatte große Angst, im Unterricht Fehler zu machen und zurechtgewiesen zu werden.",James had a great fear of making mistakes in class and being reprimanded.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Meine Eltern würden meinen Bruder verstoßen, wenn sie herausfänden, dass er schwul ist.",My parents would repudiate my brother if they ever found out he was gay.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Um zu verhindern, dass seine Originalidee kopiert würde, verlegte sich Henry auf Schweigsamkeit.","In order to keep his original idea from being copied, Henry resorted to reticence.",deu_Latn-eng_Latn Ich würde gerne meine vorhergehende Erklärung widerrufen.,I would like to retract my previous statement.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Um sein Publikum für sich zu gewinnen, griff der Redner auf die Anwendung rhetorischer Techniken zurück, die er in seinen Kommunikationskursen gelernt hatte.","To win his audience, the speaker resorted to using rhetorical techniques he learned from his communication courses.",deu_Latn-eng_Latn Tim ist ein großer Fan von satirischen Komödien.,Tim is a huge fan of satirical comedy.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Obwohl Alfred penibel beim Erfüllen seiner Aufgaben bei der Arbeit ist, ist er weniger gewissenhaft bei seinen Pflichten zu Hause.","Though Alfred is scrupulous in fulfilling his duties at work, he is less conscientious about his obligations at home.",deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Spensers Mutter überprüft oft jeden kleinen Fehler, den er macht.",Spenser's mother often scrutinizes him for every small mistake he makes.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Die Leute sind oft sehr skeptisch gegenüber Dingen, wenn kein glaubwürdiger Beweis gegeben ist.",People are often quite skeptical about things unless given believable proof.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Manchmal hat er Schwierigkeiten, seine Auffassungen gut auszudrücken.",He sometimes has trouble expressing his opinions.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Jimmy versuchte, seine Eltern dazu zu kriegen, ihn mit seinen Freunden quer durch das Land fahren zu lassen.",Jimmy tried to cajole his parents into letting him drive across the country with his friends.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Popmusiker kommen durch die Schmeichelei ihrer treuen Fans zur vollen Entfaltung.,Pop artists thrive on the adulation of their loyal fans.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Wir müssen lernen, Widrigkeiten anmutig zu begegnen.",We must learn to meet adversity gracefully.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Bill Clinton sprach eine mehrdeutige Sprache, als er gebeten wurde, sein Verhältnis mit Monika Lewinsky zu beschreiben.",Bill Clinton spoke in ambiguous language when asked to describe his relationship with Monica Lewinsky.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Er war eine gütiger alter Mann, der sich freiwillig anbot, den Rasen seiner Nachbarn kostenlos zu mähen.",He was a benevolent old man who volunteered to mow his neighbors' lawns for free.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Sein strenger Ton und seine laute Stimme täuschten über sein innerliches Zartgefühl und seine liebevolle Wesensart hinweg.,His stern tone and loud voice belied his inner sensitivity and caring nature.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Welches Kriterium wendeten Sie an, als Sie diesen Aufsatz als den Sieger auswählten?",What criterion did you use when you elected this essay as the winner?,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Trickbetrüger machen sich die Leichtgläubigkeit unerfahrener Geldgeber zu Nutze und betrügen sie um ihr Geld.,Con artists take advantage of the credulity of inexperienced investors and swindle them out of their money.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Ich kann nicht einen Schritt Salsa tanzen.,I cannot dance one single step of Salsa.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Selbst wenn deine Sätze tatsächlich sinnfrei waren, hast du zumindest das Glück, schöne Sätze bilden zu können.","Even if your sentences were actually senseless, you at least have the luck to be able to form beautiful sentences.",deu_Latn-eng_Latn Ich mag meine Arbeit sehr gerne.,I like my job very much.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Ray war bereit, Gary's Geschichte zu bestätigen, aber die Polizei war noch immer nicht überzeugt, dass einer von beiden die Wahrheit erzählte.","Ray was willing to corroborate Gary's story, but the police were still unconvinced that either of them were telling the truth.",deu_Latn-eng_Latn Der Mörder wurde schuldig gesprochen und zu lebenslänglicher Haft verurteilt.,The murderer was convicted and sentenced to life in prison.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Die Einvernehmlichkeit deutet darauf hin, dass wir gegen die vorgeschlagene Idee sind.",The consensus indicates that we are opposed to the proposed idea.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Ein kleiner Waldbrand kann sich leicht ausbreiten und schnell ein großer Flächenbrand werden.,A small forest fire can easily spread and quickly become a great conflagration.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Obwohl er seine Haftstrafe im Gefängnis abgesessen hatte, verzieh die Öffentlichkeit dem Mörder sein Verbrechen nie ganz.","Even though he had served his time in prison, the murderer was never quite condoned by the public for his crime.",deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Ich finde, Wörter mit präzisen Bedeutungen kann man sich am einfachsten merken.",I find words with concise definitions to be the easiest to remember.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Er war immer noch verärgert über den Unfall, trotz den versöhnlichen Worten seiner Frau.",He was still mad about the accident despite his wife's conciliatory words.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Eine grobe Untersuchung seiner Zähne gab zu erkennen, dass er eine Zahnfleischentzündung hatte.",A cursory examination of his teeth indicated that he had gingivitis.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Es war eine Überraschung zu sehen, dass sich die Studenten am Abend des Abschlussballs alle anständig verhielten.",It was a surprise to see all the students behaving with decorum on prom night.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Der Zeitungsartikel beschrieb den Angeklagten wie einen Schuldigen, obwohl er erwiesenermaßen unschuldig war.","The news article painted the defendant as a guilty man, even though he had been proven innocent.",deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Der Politiker drängte auf eine Reform, indem er die Bestechlichkeit der Regierungsverantwortlichen anprangerte.",The politician pushed for reform by denouncing the corruption of the government officials.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Die Verderbtheit der Taten des Königs brachte die Leute dazu, zu glauben, dass er nicht mehr als eine Tyrann sei, den man stürzen müsse.",The depravity of the king's deeds lead the people to believe he was nothing more than a tyrant that needed to be overthrown.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Ich habe von dir geträumt.,I dreamt about you.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Ich brauche einen neuen Computer.,I need a new computer.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Ich werde nicht verlieren!,I won't lose!,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Ich bin zu spät in die Schule gekommen.,I was late to school.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Der Unterricht fängt bald wieder an.,Classes are starting again soon.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Ich glaube, ich werde niesen... Gib mir ein Taschentuch.",I think I'm gonna sneeze. Give me a tissue.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Einen Moment lang habe ich geglaubt, er wäre verrückt geworden.","For a moment there, I thought he had gone mad.",deu_Latn-eng_Latn Dieser Tag war nur Zeit- und Geldverschwendung.,This day was just a waste of time and money.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Das hat mich überrascht, ich wusste nicht, was ich tun sollte.",It caught me off guard; I didn't know what to do.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Aber das hast du mir ja nie gesagt!,But you've never told me about this!,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Ich habe das Layout meiner Website geändert.,I've changed my website's layout.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Wenn wir klein sind, kommt uns alles so groß vor.","When we are small, everything seems so big.",deu_Latn-eng_Latn Er wird mich nicht schlagen.,He won't beat me.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Ich muss die Wäsche machen, solange die Sonne noch da ist.",I have to do laundry while it's still sunny.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Ich bin spazieren gegangen, um Luft zu schnappen.",I went for a walk to get some air.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Tut mir leid, ich denke nicht, dass ich können werde.","Sorry, I don't think I'm gonna be able to.",deu_Latn-eng_Latn Du hattest eine Menge Zeit.,You had plenty of time.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Hör auf, mich zu kritisieren!",Stop criticizing me!,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Los! Sprich mit mir, Trang.","Come on! Talk to me, Trang.",deu_Latn-eng_Latn Ich bin fast fertig.,I'm just about done.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Nimm den anderen Stuhl!,Take the other chair!,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Wie viele Sandwichs sind noch übrig?,How many sandwiches are there left?,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Ich bin nicht mehr inspiriert.,I'm not inspired anymore.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Ich werde mich nicht auf sein Niveau herablassen.,I won't stoop down to his level.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Wir konnten den Sonnenuntergang vom Fenster aus sehen.,We could see the sunset from the window.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Das macht mich verrückt.,This is driving me crazy.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Hast du gesagt, ich könne nie gewinnen?",Did you say that I could never win?,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Draußen ist es ganz dunkel.,It's all dark outside.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Was ist passiert? Überall in der Wohnung ist Wasser.,What happened? There's water all over the apartment.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Während der Sommerferien habe ich um Mitternacht Abendessen gegessen.,"During summer breaks, I ate dinner at midnight.",deu_Latn-eng_Latn Du kannst deinen Aufsatz jetzt beenden.,You can finish your essay now.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Du wirst die Dinge sagen und tun, die deine Eltern sagten und taten, selbst wenn du geschworen hast, das nie zu tun.","You will say and do things your parents said and did, even if you swore you would never do them.",deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Ich bin am Leben, obwohl ich kein Lebenszeichen gebe.",I am alive even though I am not giving any sign of life.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Versuche nie, zu sterben.",Never try to die.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Das Leben beginnt, wenn man realisiert, wer man wirklich ist.",Life begins when we realize who we really are.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Das Leben beginnt, wenn man entscheidet, was man von ihm erwartet.",Life starts when you decide what you are expecting from it.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Das Leben beginnt, wenn man Steuern zahlt.",Life begins when you pay taxes.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Das, was du nicht hast, ist besser als das, was du hast.",What you don't have is better than what you do have.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Das Leben beginnt, wenn du bereit bist, es zu leben.",Life begins when you're ready to live it.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Es ist nie zu spät zum Lernen.,Nobody is too old to learn.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Es ist erst 5 Uhr morgens und trotzdem ist es hell.,"It's just five in the morning, but nevertheless it is light out.",deu_Latn-eng_Latn Er erzählte mir seine Lebensgeschichte.,He told me the story of his life.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Ich habe nie gesagt, ich sei zerbrechlich.",I never said I was fragile.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Ich frage mich, ob ich für diese Welt gemacht bin.",I wonder if I am made for this world.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Von was redest du?,What're you talking about?,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Ich will ein Bonbon.,I want a piece of candy.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Ich wusste, es würde heute lustig sein.",I knew that today would be fun.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Leider würden viele Leute Dinge glauben, die man ihnen per E-Mail sagt, die sie persönlich erzählt nicht plausibel finden würden.",Sadly many people will believe things told to them via an email which they would find implausible face-to-face.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Das mag wie an den Haaren herbeigezogen erscheinen, aber es ist ein echtes Problem.","It might sound far-fetched, but this is a real problem.",deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Die Polizei ist gut darin zu verstehen, dass jemand meine Kreditkarte gestohlen hat und viel Geld abgehoben hat. Es ist viel schwieriger, ihnen beizubringen, dass „jemand mein magisches Schwert gestohlen“ hat.","The police are really good at understanding ""Someone stole my credit card and ran up a lot of charges."" It's a lot harder to get them to buy into ""Someone stole my magic sword.""",deu_Latn-eng_Latn Wann essen wir? Ich habe Hunger!,When are we eating? I'm hungry!,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Ich mag die Schule nicht.,I don't like school.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Ich habe morgen Unterricht.,I have class tomorrow.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Ich kann es nicht glauben!,I can't believe it!,deu_Latn-eng_Latn „Danke!“ – „Keine Ursache!“,"""Thanks."" ""You're welcome.""",deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Wie spricht man ""pronounce"" aus ?","How do you pronounce ""pronounce""?",deu_Latn-eng_Latn Der Winter ist meine Lieblingsjahreszeit.,Winter is my favorite season.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Es ist schwierig, großartige Ideen zu haben.",It's difficult to have great ideas.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Aus welchem Land kommst du?,Which country are you from?,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Die Sachverhalte deuten an, dass die optimale Dauer einer Vorlesung 30 statt 60 Minuten wäre.",The data suggest that the optimum length of a lecture may be 30 instead of 60 minutes.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Ich neige dazu, die Bilder anzuschauen, bevor ich den Text lese.",I tend to look at the pictures before reading the text.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Ich habe viel von dir gelernt.,I learned a lot from you.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Ich habe zwölf Stunden im Zug verbracht.,I spent twelve hours on the train.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Sie ist an diesem Wochenende krank geworden.,She got sick this weekend.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Warte mal, jemand klopft an meiner Tür.","Hold on, someone is knocking at my door.",deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Er ist reich, er braucht kein Geld!",He's rich. He doesn't need money!,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Er schläft wie ein Baby.,He's sleeping like a baby.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Sie machen zu viel Lärm, ich kann mich nicht konzentrieren.",They're making too much noise. I can't concentrate.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Ich habe Lust auf eine Massage. Ich muss mich entspannen.,I want a massage. I need to relax.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Du bist krank, du musst dich ausruhen.",You're sick. You have to rest.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Links ist ein Geheimweg.,There's a secret path on the left.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Smith hat jahrelang die Auswirkungen von Schlaf und Schlafmangel auf das Gedächtnis und das Lernen untersucht.,Smith has spent years studying the effects of sleep and sleep loss on memory and learning.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Sie fordert das Unmögliche.,She's asking for the impossible.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Er ist spurlos verschwunden.,He disappeared without a trace.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Es kann keinen Fortschritt geben ohne Kommunikation.,There cannot be progress without communication.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Ich kann meine Handflächen auf den Boden setzen, ohne meine Knie zu beugen.",I can place the palms of my hands on the floor without bending my knees.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Jeder würde gerne glauben, dass Träume wahr werden können.",Everyone would like to believe that dreams can come true.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Die beste Art, seine Träume zu realisieren, ist, aufzuwachen.",The best way to make your dreams come true is to wake up.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Die Welt dreht sich nicht um dich.,The world doesn't revolve around you.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Die Welt ist voller Dummköpfe.,The world is full of fools.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Sagst du gerade, dass mein Leben in Gefahr ist?",Are you saying my life is in danger?,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Hast du eine Vorstellung davon, wie mein Leben aussieht?",Do you have any idea what my life is like?,deu_Latn-eng_Latn An diesem Ort herrscht eine geheimnisvolle Stimmung.,This place has a mysterious atmosphere.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Ich freue mich darauf, Ihre Gedanken zu diesem Thema zu hören.",I look forward to hearing your thoughts on this matter.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Und was macht es, wenn ich schwul bin? Ist das ein Verbrechen?",So what if I am gay? Is it a crime?,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Mein Leben ist leer ohne ihn.,My life is empty without him.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Ich will nicht durch meine Prüfungen fallen.,I don't want to fail my exams.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Meine Mutter hat zwei Flaschen Orangensaft gekauft.,My mother bought two bottles of orange juice.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Sie trug einen schwarzen Hut.,She was wearing a black hat.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Wir haben Pfannkuchen zum Frühstück gemacht.,We made pancakes for breakfast.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Was hast du heute zum Mittagessen gegessen?,What did you have for lunch today?,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Ich habe den ganzen Nachmittag damit verbracht, mit Freunden zu schwätzen.",I spent the whole afternoon chatting with friends.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Ich will unabhängiger sein.,I want to be more independent.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Wirst du dort den ganzen Tag stehen bleiben?,Are you just going to stand there all day?,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Ein Kaninchen hat lange Ohren und einen kurzen Schwanz.,A rabbit has long ears and a short tail.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Mein Herz war voller Freude.,My heart was filled with happiness.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Er will schlechte Erinnerungen ausradieren.,He wishes to erase bad memories.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Sie dürfen Ihr Auto hier nicht parken.,"Sir, you are not allowed to park your car here.",deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Wir müssen ihn dringend ins Krankenhaus bringen, er ist schwer verletzt!",We have to take him to the hospital immediately; he is seriously injured!,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Ich werde dein Geheimnis hüten.,Your secret will be safe with me.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Ich will dein Gejammer nicht mehr hören.,I don't want to hear any more of your complaining.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Sag ihnen, dass sie mich anrufen sollen, bevor sie losgehen.",Tell them to call me before they leave.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn So einen ungerechten Vorschlag hättest du ablehnen sollen.,You should have refused such an unfair proposal.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Ich habe nicht die Kraft, es weiter zu versuchen.",I don't have the strength to keep trying.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Mathematik ist nicht einfach das Auswendiglernen von Formeln.,Mathematics is not just the memorization of formulas.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Ich hatte nicht vor, diesen Eindruck bei dir zu hinterlassen.",I didn't mean to give you that impression.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Ja! Ich habe zweimal hintereinander gewonnen!,Yes! I won twice in a row!,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Ich habe es satt, Fastfood zu essen.",I'm tired of eating fast food.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Die Zimmer dieses Hotels sind wirklich sehr schlecht schallgedämpft. Ich kann meinen Nachbarn seinen Kaugummi kauen hören!,The rooms in this hotel are really very bad at muffling sounds. I can hear my neighbor chewing his gum!,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Ich habe es satt, es satt zu haben.",I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Ich kann es gar nicht erwarten, in den Urlaub zu fahren.",I can't wait to go on a vacation.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Das Wesen der Mathematik liegt in ihrer Freiheit.,The essence of mathematics is liberty.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Kannst du dir vorstellen, wie unser Leben ohne Elektrizität aussehen würde?",Can you imagine what our lives would be like without electricity?,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Eins, zwei, drei, vier, fünf, sechs, sieben, acht, neun, zehn.","One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten.",deu_Latn-eng_Latn Wo ist die Toilette?,Where's the restroom?,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Das Wesen der Freiheit liegt in der Mathematik.,The essence of liberty is mathematics.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Seine Geschichte war zu lächerlich, um von irgendjemandem geglaubt zu werden.",His story was too ridiculous for anyone to believe.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Wie viele Stunden Schlaf brauchst du?,How many hours of sleep do you need?,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Jeder Mensch ist eine Welt.,Each person is a world.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Die Temperatur des menschlichen Körpers bewegt sich um 37 °C.,The temperature of the human body hovers around 37°C.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Wenn es möglich ist, öffne das Fenster nicht, ich habe keine allzu große Lust, Luftzüge in meinem Rücken zu spüren.",Avoid opening the window; I have no great desire to feel air currents on my back.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Ich habe die französische Staatsbürgerschaft, aber ich bin von vietnamesischer Abstammung.",I have French nationality but Vietnamese origins.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Dieser humanitäre Verein sucht Ehrenamtliche, um im Monat Dezember Mahlzeiten an Obdachlose auszuteilen.",This humanitarian group looks for volunteers to distribute meals to the homeless during the month of December.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Es ist sehr frustierend, zu versuchen, seine Brille wiederzufinden, wenn man ohne Brille nichts sieht.",It's very frustrating to try to find your glasses when you can't see anything without glasses.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Denkst du, dass die Menschen eines Tages den Mond besiedeln werden?",Do you think mankind will someday colonize the Moon?,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Welche berühmten Lieder hättet ihr gerne komponiert, und warum?","What famous songs do you wish you had composed, and why?",deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Ich werde mir eine neue Kamera kaufen, dieses Mal eine digitale.","I'm going to buy myself a new camera, digital this time.",deu_Latn-eng_Latn Ich bin verrückt nach dir.,I am crazy about you.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Ich weiß nicht, was schlimmer ist.",I don't know what is worse.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Das Leben im Gefängnis ist schlimmer als das Leben eines Tieres.,Life in prison is worse than the life of an animal.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Ich bin stolz, an diesem Projekt teilzuhaben.",I am proud to be a part of this project.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Ist es notwendig, das menschliche Wissen durch die Erforschung des Weltraumes auszuweiten?",Is it necessary to expand human knowledge with space exploration?,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Die Schönheit liegt im Auge des Betrachters.,Beauty lies in the eyes of the one who sees.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Wer kauft diese Art von Kunst?,Who buys this type of art?,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Die NASA lässt verlauten, dass sie schon genügend Informationen besitzt, um zu bestätigen, dass ein Besuch des Menschen auf dem roten Planeten möglich ist.",NASA says it has sufficient information to say that a human visit to the red planet is feasible.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Echte Frauen haben Kurven.,Real women have curves.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Wieso können wir uns nicht selber kitzeln?,Why can't we tickle ourselves?,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Die Antwort führt uns in einen Teufelskreis.,The answer leads us to a vicious circle.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Ich bin zu faul, meine Hausaufgaben zu machen.",I'm too lazy to do my homework.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Was... du kannst immer noch nicht Auto fahren?,What... you still don't know how to drive?,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Und mit mir sind wir schon einer mehr.,"And with me, we are yet one more.",deu_Latn-eng_Latn Hast du schon einen Bart?,Have you got a beard already?,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Ich fühle, dass ich frei bin.",I feel that I am free.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Ich verspüre ein Brennen im Magen.,I'm experiencing some heartburn.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Die Freiheit ist nicht kostenlos.,Freedom is not free.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Wie weckt man die Begierde einer Frau?,How to arouse a woman's desire?,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Das Verlangen taucht zwischen Bedürfnis und Nachfrage auf.,The desire emerges between need and demand.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Während wir den Nachtisch aßen, wuchs der Wunsch, in dieses Land zu reisen.","As we ate dessert, the desire grew to travel in this country.",deu_Latn-eng_Latn Ich habe eine Verknüpfung auf dem Desktop hergestellt.,I created a shortcut on the desktop.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Ich will einen MP3-Player!,I want an MP3 player!,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Wo bist du?,Where art thou?,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Mein Bruder ist sehr wichtig. Zumindest denkt er das.,My brother is very important. At least he thinks he is.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Beim Pizzaessen ärgerte er seine Schwester.,While eating a pizza he was annoying his sister.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Was?! Du hast meinen Schokoladenbären gegessen?!,What?! You ate my chocolate bear?!,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Nein, ich kann Sie nicht reinlassen, es ist eine Person zu viel.","No, I cannot let you in, there's one person too many.",deu_Latn-eng_Latn Er wird euch ins Gras beißen lassen.,He will make you eat dirt.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Wohin gehst du?,Where are you heading?,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Er macht so ein Gesicht.,He makes a face like this.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Er schaut wie sieben Tage Regenwetter.,He's got a face like a month of wet Sundays.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Scheiße, wer ist der Vollidiot, der es wagt, mich mitten in der Nacht anzurufen?!","Holy crap, who's the asshole who dares call me in the middle of the night?!",deu_Latn-eng_Latn Er hat gerade eine interessante Serie von Artikeln veröffentlicht.,He has just published an interesting series of articles.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Du gehst mir auf den Wecker!,You piss me off!,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Unmöglich!,It is impossible.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Das ist eine Sackgasse.,It's a dead end.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Ich vertraue Übersetzungen nicht unbedingt.,I don't necessarily trust translations.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Seine Leidenschaft zu teilen bedeutet, sie voll zu leben.",To share one's passion is to live it fully.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Sie bewegt sich wie eine Königin und zeigt, dass sie den Rhythmus im Blut hat.",She moves like a queen and shows that she has rhythm in her blood.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Vorgestern hast du alle beeindruckt, aber ich kannte dich schon.","The day before yesterday you impressed everyone, but I already knew you.",deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Wenn ich dir mein Haus zeigen würde, mein Viertel von damals, würdest du verstehen, woher ich komme?","If I showed you my house, my neighborhood back then, would you understand where I am from?",deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Schau wie alle hinter meinem Rücken über mich herziehen, weil ich eine Frau geheiratet habe, die dreißig Jahre jünger als ich ist.",Look how they all speak ill of me behind my back because I married a woman thirty years younger than me.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Das Leben ist nicht lang, es ist breit!","Life is not long, it is wide!",deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Als ich in deinem Alter war, war Pluto ein Planet.","When I was your age, Pluto was a planet.",deu_Latn-eng_Latn Sie ist am Rand eines Nervenzusammenbruchs.,She is on the verge of a nervous breakdown.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Elefanten sind die größten derzeitig lebenden Landtiere.,Elephants are the largest land animals alive today.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Wahrscheinlich hat es die Zeit nicht erlaubt, ein schönes Foto in lebhaften Farben zu machen.",Time probably didn't permit the taking of a pretty picture with vivid colours.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "In ihrem Pantherfellsessel sitzend, las die junge Frau mit der roten Unterwäsche laut ein Buch mit dem Titel ""Die schwarze Prinzessin"".","Sitting in her panther hide chair, the young woman, clad in red lingerie, was reading aloud a book titled ""The Black Princess"".",deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Ich werde dir zeigen, dass man aus seiner Asche wiederauferstehen kann.",I will show that it's possible to be reborn from one's ashes.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Wenn du mir das Tanzen beibringst, werde ich dir meine versteckten Narben zeigen.","If you teach me how to dance, I will show you my hidden scars.",deu_Latn-eng_Latn Die Aufzüge eines Wolkenkratzers sind lebenswichtige Systeme.,The elevators in a skyscraper are vital systems.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Ein Strom kam aus Eden, um den Garten zu bewässern und von dort aus teilte er sich, um vier Seitenarme zu bilden.","A river flowed through Eden to water the garden, and there it split into four branches.",deu_Latn-eng_Latn Lassen Sie die geschälten und in Stücke geschnittenen Kartoffeln 20 Minuten im kochenden Wasser garen.,Cook the peeled and chopped potatoes for 20 minutes in boiling water.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Obst und Gemüse sind unentbehrlich für eine ausgewogene Ernährung.,Fruits and vegetables are essential to a balanced diet.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Käse ist ein festes Nahrungsmittel, das aus der Milch von Kühen, Ziegen, Schafen oder anderen Säugetieren hergestellt wird.","Cheese is a solid food made from the milk of cows, goats, sheep, and other mammals.",deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Ich mag Cavalieri, Tonelli und Fubini immer noch nicht, und morgen habe ich schon meine mündliche Analysisprüfung.","I still don't like Cavalieri, Tonelli, or Fubini... and my oral calculus exam is already tomorrow.",deu_Latn-eng_Latn Ich dusche gewöhnlich abends.,I usually take a shower in the evening.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Er verbrachte den Abend damit, ein Buch zu lesen.",He spent the evening reading a book.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Du hast den ganzen Morgen über dieses Problem nachgedacht. Mach' eine Pause, geh' Mittagessen.",You have been thinking about this problem the whole morning. Take a break; go eat lunch.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Wenn ich es nicht jetzt tue, dann werde ich es nie tun.","If I don't do it now, I never will.",deu_Latn-eng_Latn Gute Nacht. Träum was Schönes.,Good night. Sweet dreams.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Dieses Lied ist so bewegend, dass es mir die Tränen in die Augen treibt.",This song is so moving that it brings tears to my eyes.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Es gibt viele Dinge über meine Persönlichkeit, die du nicht weißt.",There are a lot of things you don't know about my personality.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Vielleicht hast du Recht, ich war egoistisch.","Perhaps you are right, I have been selfish.",deu_Latn-eng_Latn Jeder verdient eine zweite Chance.,Everyone deserves a second chance.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Ich habe gerade gesehen, dass der Botschafter Saudi-Arabiens in Washington zurückgetreten ist.",I've seen just now that the ambassador of Saudi Arabia has resigned.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Wenn man hingegen um Geld bittet, muss man gewisse Bedingungen annehmen.","When we borrow money, we must agree on the conditions.",deu_Latn-eng_Latn Was ist der Vorteil dieser Technologie?,What is the advantage of this technology?,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Wenn Sie nicht über dieses Programm verfügen, können Sie es jetzt herunterladen.","If you do not have this program, you can download it now.",deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Der Mensch denkt, Gott lenkt.","Man proposes, God disposes.",deu_Latn-eng_Latn Die Schlagzeile fiel mir heute Morgen auf.,The headline caught my eye this morning.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Wenn du von den anderen sprichst, tust du es mit verschränkten Armen.","When you speak about the others, you do it with your arms crossed.",deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Fülle das folgende Formular aus, um zu erfahren, wer du in deinem vorigen Leben gewesen sein könntest.",Complete the following form to know who you could have been in a previous life.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Gonzales schenkt allen seinen Angestellten in Europa ein Fahrrad.,Gonzales offers a bike to all his employees in Europe.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Es gibt 1000 Filme, die man sehen muss, bevor man stirbt.",There are 1000 movies that one must watch before dying.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Die Kreativität ist ein wichtiger Aspekt für die Entwicklung des Menschen.,Creativity is an important aspect for the development of human.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Die Textilindustrie wird sich in den nächsten Jahren an einen Markt des freien Wettbewerbs anpassen.,In the coming years the textile industry will adapt to the advent of free trade.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Haben Sie Schwierigkeiten zu verstehen, was Ihnen Frauen oder kleine Kinder sagen?",Do you have difficulty understanding what women or small children say to you?,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Man muss nicht für jede Person ein anderes Gericht vorbereiten.,You don't have to make a different dish for every person.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Man hat mir gesagt, ich sei pragmatisch, und ich bin es.","I have been told that I am pragmatic, and I am.",deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Ich ziehe es vor, eine Lösung für Probleme zu suchen und sie nicht nur anzuprangern.","I prefer to look for a solution to problems, not only to report them.",deu_Latn-eng_Latn Ich habe keine Ideen mehr.,I'm running out of ideas.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Die sieben Fragen, die sich ein Ingenieur stellen muss, sind: wer, was, wann, wo, warum, wie und wie viel.","The seven questions that an engineer has to ask himself are: who, what, when, where, why, how and how much.",deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Fragst du dich immer noch, was der Sinn des Lebens ist?",You are still asking yourself what the meaning of life is?,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Wann kann man sagen, dass ein Mensch Alkoholprobleme hat?",When can one say that a person has alcohol issues?,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Denk daran, dass wir alle im selben Boot sitzen!",Remember that we are all in the same boat.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Alles, was man über das Leben wissen muss, habe ich von einem Schneemann gelernt.","All I need to know about life, I learned from a snowman.",deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Überprüfe, dass dein Benutzername und dein Passwort richtig geschrieben sind.",Check that your username and password are written correctly.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Auf alle Fälle muss man in dem Referendum am 18. Februar mit ""ja"" abstimmen.","In any case, you need to vote ""yes"" in the February 18th referendum.",deu_Latn-eng_Latn Abschiede sind immer traurig.,Goodbyes are always sad.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Vergiss uns nicht!,Don't forget about us!,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Die Zeit ist sehr schnell vergangen.,Time has passed very fast.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Welcher ist Ihr Koffer?,Which is your luggage?,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Ich habe Husten und ein bisschen Fieber.,I have a cough and a little fever.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Mach den Schrank auf der linken Seite auf, dort sind die Flaschen.","Open the cupboard to the left, the bottles are in there.",deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Es gibt auch Nachtclubs, wo Flamenco getanzt wird.",There are also nightclubs where you dance flamenco.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Im Eintritt ist ein Getränk inbegriffen.,The entrée includes a beverage.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Ich schlage vor, dass wir am Freitag ausgehen.",I suggest that we go out on Friday.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Meine schwarzen Schuhe müssen an den Absätzen gerichtet werden.,My black shoes need heel repairs.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn So schlage ich zwei Fliegen mit einer Klappe.,That way I kill two birds with one stone.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Das gefällt mir nicht so gut wie auf die Kinder aufzupassen.,I don't like it as much as taking care of children.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Diese Tassen gefallen mir nicht, die auf dem Tisch gefallen mir besser.",I don't like these cups; I prefer those on the table.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Haben Sie Berufserfahrung?,Do you have professional experience?,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Ich hatte weder Zeit zum Einkaufen noch, um mich von meiner Mutter zu verabschieden.","I had neither the time to go shopping, nor to say goodbye to my mother.",deu_Latn-eng_Latn Ich würde gerne den blau gestreiften Rock anprobieren.,I would like to try the blue striped skirt.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Wie viel Trinkgeld gibt man in Spanien?,How much do you leave for a tip in Spain?,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Wer hat dieses Bild gemalt?,Who painted this picture?,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Um diese Zeit ist ein unglaublicher Verkehr.,"At this hour, there is incredible traffic.",deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Wir Männer sind es gewohnt, auf die Frauen zu warten.",We men are used to waiting for the women.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Schämst du dich nicht, so zu reden?",Aren't you ashamed to talk like that?,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Ich werde niemandem die Pistole auf die Brust setzen, um in Barcelona zu bleiben.",I won't put a pistol against anybody's chest in order to stay in Barcelona.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Jetzt muss ich gehen, sie rufen gerade meinen Flug auf.","Now I have to leave, they're calling for my flight.",deu_Latn-eng_Latn Er ist Argentinier und gibt Tennisunterricht.,He's Argentinean and he gives tennis lessons.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Könnten Sie uns erklären, wie die Spülmaschine funktioniert?",Could you explain how the dishwasher works?,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Zeigen Sie mir das bitte auf dem Plan.,"Please, can you indicate this to me on the map?",deu_Latn-eng_Latn Der Wasserhahn tropft.,The faucet is dripping.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Sagen Sie uns bitte, wo ein Lebensmittelgeschäft ist.",Please tell us where there is a spice shop.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Ich möchte meine Wertsachen abholen.,I want to recover my valuables.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Ich habe einen Herzschrittmacher.,I've got a pacemaker.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Ich hätte gerne Batterien für dieses Gerät.,I would like batteries for this device.,deu_Latn-eng_Latn Kann ich mit Kreditkarte bezahlen?,Can I pay by credit card?,deu_Latn-eng_Latn "Myslim se, až mója francojšćina jo wjelgickano špatna.",I think my French is really bad.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Wóna jo žywa na jsy.,She is living in the village.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Njejsom twóje pšašanje rozměł.,I didn't understand your question.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Wón jo mój młodšy bratš.,He's my younger brother.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Tom njejo rowno doma.,Tom isn't at home now.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Mam lubjej kafej.,I prefer coffee.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Wón ma dwě źowce.,He has two daughters.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Tom njejo taki tłusty kaž ja.,Tom is not as fat as me.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Wón jo mój nan.,He is my father.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Wóna jo młoda była.,She was young.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Wóni su swój cil dostali.,They reached their destination.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn To buźo pitśku traś.,That's going to take some time.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Som student. A ty?,I'm a student. And you?,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn To jo mója maś.,This is my mother.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Kótare źiwadło jo to?,Which theater is that?,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn "Wěm, což se mysliśo.",I know what you are thinking.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Anja jo žywa w Gdańsku.,Ania lives in Gdańsk.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Źo jo mójo awto?,Where's my car?,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom pśebywa wětšy źěl swójogo casa, aby Mariji pomagał.",Tom spends a majority of his time helping Mary.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Njamam psa.,I don't have a dog.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Tom grajo na orgelach w našej cerkwi.,Tom plays organ at our church.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn To jo był tšašny tyźeń.,It was an awful week.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Ja se znojm.,I am sweating.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn To jo napšawdu zajmne było.,It was really interesting.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn "Ja com wěźeś, co jo se stało.",I would like to know what happened.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Njamam awto.,I have no car.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Ptašk jo w njebju.,The bird is in the sky.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Wón jo wjele glucnjejša ako wón.,She's much happier than him.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Njamam kólaso.,I don't have a bicycle.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn "To jo mě luto, až pśeśiwim śi.",I'm sorry to contradict you.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Njepótrjebujom wěcej kredit.,I no longer need a loan.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Njeglědajucy na zakaz gólc jo kurił.,The boy smoked even though it was not allowed.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Wumyjom se ruce.,I wash my hands.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn "Jo było tak zymno, až njejsom spaś mógł.",It was so cold that I couldn't sleep.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Ja budu knigły cytaś.,I'm going to read the book.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn "Njepšašaj se mě, co jo to było!",Don't ask me what it was.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn "Njemusyš wótegroniś, jolic njocoš.",You don't have to answer if you don't want to.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn To jo wjelgin dobre.,That's very good.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn "Jo, pśiźom!","Yes, I'm coming.",dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Tom co sławny byś.,Tom wants to be famous.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Tom jo se rowno smjejkotał.,Tom just smiled.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn "Njepowědam derje engelšćinu, lěcrownož som šesć lět w šuli wuknuł.",I don't speak English well even though I took it for six years at school.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Wumyj swójej noze.,Wash your feet.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Jogo štrumpa ma źěru.,There is a hole in his sock.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Njebjo jo módre.,The sky is blue.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Pódaj mě pšosym cukor.,Please pass me the sugar.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Maš rad muziku?,Do you like music?,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn "Wěm, źož sy.",I know where you are.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Com jadne knigły.,I want a book.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Tom jo wót swójogo kafeja srěbkotał.,Tom took a sip of coffee.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Mójej noze bólitej.,I have sore feet.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Wjele płaśi toś ta šapka?,What is the price of this cap?,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Tom jo se rowno smjał.,Tom just laughed.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn K comu maš noze?,What do you have your feet for?,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Toś ta wucbnica jo zestarjona.,That textbook is out of date.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Wucho mě swjerbi.,My ear is itching.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn "Myslim se, až nazyma jo nejrědnjejšy lětny cas.",I think autumn is the most beautiful season of the year.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Tom se njegóźi za toś te źěło.,Tom is unfit for that job.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Co cyniš?,What are you doing?,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Som tak tłusty.,I'm so fat.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Krokodil jo Tomasa žrał.,Tom ate a crocodile.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom jě ze swójeju lěweju ruku, ale wón pišo ze swójeju pšaweju.","Tom eats with his left hand, but he writes with his right.",dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Musym mě wucabnika wěźeś.,I have to know the teacher's name.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn To jo dobre znamje było.,That was a good sign.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Tom jo dermotne awto dobył.,Tom won a free car.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Afrikańske słony maju wětšej wušy ako aziske słony.,African elephants have bigger ears than Asian elephants.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Wóna jo bogate indiske źowća wuwucowała.,She taught rich Indian girls.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Słon jo šery.,The elephant is grey.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Sy južo lětajucy słon wiźeł?,Have you ever seen a flying elephant?,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Som žurnalist.,I am a journalist.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Tom njejo taki tłusty ako ja.,Tom is not as fat as I am.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Maśo afrikańske słony?,Do you have African elephants?,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Słon ma dłujki nos.,An elephant has a long nose.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom a Marija matej wokoło dwaźasća źiśi, ale se njejstej wěstej dokładneje licby.","Tom and Mary have about 20 children, but they're not quite sure of the exact number.",dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Woglědanje jo dermotne.,The visit is free of charge.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Tam jězdźi naš bus.,There goes our bus.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn "Psy njamógu powědaś, ale jo se zdało, ako by wócy psa groniłej: ""Ně, njamam doma."".","Dogs can't speak, but it appeared as if the eyes of the dog said, ""No, I don't have a home.""",dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Wjele wuknikow jo na wašej šuli?,How many pupils are there in your school?,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Com Toma zasej wiźeś.,I want to see Tom again.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Jeje zuby su běłe byli.,Her teeth were white.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn "Jaj, a derekam!","Oh, my back.",dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Kak se wašej maśeri źo?,How's your mother?,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Chirurg jo něco w pacienśe zabył.,The surgeon forgot something inside the patient.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Něnto njamam cas.,I don't have time now.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Com w groźe bydliś.,I want to live in a castle.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Sy jadnosame góle?,Are you an only child?,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Tom grilujo měso.,Tom is grilling meat.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Wón se stara wó swóju swójźbu.,He provides for his family.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn To jo rostlina družyny Schlumbergera truncata.,This is a plant of the species Schlumbergera truncata.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom jo Mariju załapił pśi tom, gaž wóna jo pjenjeze z kase kšadnuła.",Tom caught Mary stealing money from the cash register.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Njamam rad wóń toś togo płoda.,I don't like the way this fruit smells.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Wóni su wjelike.,They are big.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Wóna jo sněžynku z papjery wubasliła.,She made a paper snowflake.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Kakosć wódy jo wjelgin wažna za zgótowanje piwa.,The quality of the water is very important when making beer.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Znajośo mě?,Do you know me?,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn "Móžośo mnjo groniś, co toś to słowo wóznamjenijo?",Can you tell me what this word means?,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Móje włose su take njerěšne!,My hair is so dirty!,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Tu jo mója wutšoba.,Here is my heart.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Wóna ma suche włose.,She has dry hair.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Gólc jo muske źiśe.,A boy is a male child.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Kuždy znajo kazń.,Everyone knows the law.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Nowy plan se na našych idejach złožyjo.,The new plan is based on our idea.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Naju póśěg se rowna dyrdakojstwoju.,Our relationship is like an adventure.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn "Wón móžo cyniś, co wón co!",He can do what he wants!,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Cogodla sy sam?,Why are you alone?,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn "Wóna jo mimo šła, bźez togo až jo mě wiźeła.",She passed by without seeing me.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Wón derje engelšćinu powěda.,He speaks English well.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Dalokož wěm wón jo kriminelny.,"For all I know, he's a criminal.",dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Ja hyšći cakam na móju skazanku.,I'm still waiting for my order.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn To jo kamel Toma.,This is Tom's camel.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Wóna jo njerěšne talarje do womyjadła stajiła.,She put the dirty dishes in the sink.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Tom jo do plěwańskego basena skócył.,Tom jumped into the swimming pool.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn How njesmějośo wóstaś.,You must not stay here.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn "Njewěm, cogodla njamaš rad ju.",I don't know why you don't like her.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Tom ma dwa kompjutera.,Tom has two computers.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Rěka źěli město do pódzajtšnego a pódwjacornego źěla.,A river separates the city into east and west.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn "Wuglěda ako Łatyńšćina, ale to njejo.","Looks like Latin, but it is not.",dsb_Latn-eng_Latn "Njejo notnje, až wóstanjoš.",There is no need for you to stay here.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Bóžko jo se dešćowiło.,"Unfortunately, it rained.",dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Móje źiśi su w šuli.,My children are in school.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Wóna jo melodiju na klawěrje grała.,She played a tune on the piano.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Źowćo jo samotne.,The girl is lonely.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn "Ně, budu to zapłaśiś.","Hey, nah, I got it.",dsb_Latn-eng_Latn To jo prědny raz.,This is the first time.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Wóni cytaju jogo knigły.,They're reading his book.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Ja musym se zuby cysćiś.,I have to brush my teeth.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Móžoš to z e-mejlu pósłaś?,Can you send that by email?,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Wón jo studěrował elektromechaniku a buddhizm na tudejšej uniwersiśe.,He studied electromechanics and Buddhism at the local university.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Tom jo był sam.,Tom was alone.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Śpa jo namała.,The room is quite small.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Móje wucho jo źinsa rano kšawiło.,My ear was bleeding this morning.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Som mócne bóli měł.,I was in great pain.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn "To jo mě luto, ale som pśeśiwo toś tomu projektoju.","I'm sorry, but I am opposed to this project.",dsb_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom groni, až jo śěžko, wuknuś cuzu rěc.",Tom says that learning a foreign language is hard.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn "Wěm, źo su.",I know where they are.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Mam krowu.,I have a cow.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Tom južo znajo wěrnosć.,Tom already knows the truth.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Wón njepśełožujo žednje móje sady.,He never translates my sentences.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn "Pótrjebujom wěcej pśikładow, aby rozměł, kak toś te słowo se wužywa.",I need more examples to know how this word is used.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Wócyń flašu.,Open the bottle.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Njejsom był nigdy w Nowoseelandskej.,I have not been to New Zealand.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Powědaśo makedońšćinu?,Do you speak Macedonian?,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn "Tam jo dama, kótaraž se wó was pšaša.",There's a lady asking for you.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Cogodla sy kwětki kupił?,Why did you buy flowers?,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn To jo foto mójeje mólby.,This is a photograph of my drawing.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Sta bźezdźěłabnych spě tam wódnjo a w nocy.,Hundreds of unemployed men sleep there day and night.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Nejskerjej wón njebuźo žeden wuspěch měś.,He is not likely to succeed.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Som gójc.,I am a doctor.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Źo se chowaš?,Where are you hiding?,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Njamam lušt wuknuś.,I don't feel like studying.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Kak cesto źoš na tyźeń w supermarku nakupowat?,How many times a week do you go shopping at a supermarket?,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Wóna co planet wumóc.,She wants to save the planet.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Ja zajmujom se za toś te knigły.,I am interested in this book.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Sy glucny w twójom domje?,Are you happy in your house?,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Glědaj ze swójima wušoma.,See with your ears.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Źowćo z dłujkimi włosami jo Judy.,The girl with the long hair is Judy.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Kněz Suzuki jo wuznamny wědomnostnik.,Mr. Suzuki is a great scientist.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Bus jo był połny.,The bus was full.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Cogodla njejźoš do póstole?,Why don't you go to bed?,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Toś te knigły su wjelgin stare.,These books are very old.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Mam jabłuko.,I have an apple.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Ptaški maju wótšej wócy.,Birds have sharp eyes.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn "Jo widobnje, až to jo łdža.",It is obvious that that is a lie.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Nimska lažy w Srjejźnej Europje.,Germany is in Central Europe.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn "Znajoš někogo, kótaryž spiwkoco pśi źěle?",Do you know anyone who hums while they work?,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Njejsom z twójim rozjasnjenim spokojny.,I'm not satisfied with your explanation.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Bźez toś tych knigłow ja njeby wuknuś mógł.,"If it were not for this book, I couldn't study.",dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Kócki nježeru banany.,Cats don't eat bananas.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Wóno jo wjelgin droge.,It is very expensive.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Wóna jo samodruga abo jano tłusta?,Is she pregnant or just fat?,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Toś ten wuž njejo gadojty.,This snake is not venomous.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Wón pśecej žortujo.,He is always joking.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Wón ma kolaso.,He has a bicycle.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Com knigły napisaś.,I want to write a book.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Toś ta zemja jo bogata na humusu.,That soil is rich in humus.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Mašina jo defektna wót zachadnego mjaseca.,The machine has been out of order since last month.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Kak se twójej žeńskej źo?,How's your wife?,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Pśicyna wognja jo njeznata.,The origin of the fire is unknown.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Źowćo skoka.,The girl is jumping.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Mój nan njejo doma.,My father isn't home.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Wóna mě pśecej wěri.,She always believes me.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Tom ma dwě góleśi.,Tom has two children.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Powědaju Marsowe wobydlarje engelski?,Do Martians speak English?,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Wóna jě płod.,She's eating fruit.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Cogodla koalamjadwjeźe njamaju pupk?,Why don't koalas have navels?,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Wokolina jo była wjelgin měrna.,The surrounding area was very quiet.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Powědamy doma francojšćinu.,We speak French at home.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Mamy tśi psy a jadnu kócku.,We keep three dogs and a cat.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Tom płaśi.,Tom is paying.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Wjele rěcow jo w Europje?,How many languages are there in Europe?,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Tom powěda francojšćinu wopšawdu derje.,Tom speaks French really well.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Wóna zajmujo se jano za ryby a šwoby.,She's only interested in fish and cockroaches.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Som mucny kaž pjelch.,I am tired like a dormouse.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Mjasec jo wobswěśował śpu.,The moon lit the room.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn "Njejsom wiźeł, až sy tak dobry kuchaŕ.",I didn't know you were such a good cook.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Kompjuter jo kompleksna mašina.,A computer is a complex machine.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Mója maśeršćina jo francojšćina.,My native language is French.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Wón jo pśeliš wěrkojty.,He's too trusting.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn "Ja njewěm, chto to jo.",I don't know who it is.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Wótcakujom wót njeje list.,I'm expecting a letter from her.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Sy gdy taku wěc słyšał?,Have you ever heard of such a thing?,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Kněz Ricardo jo wjelgin dobry wucabnik.,Mr. Ricardo is a very good teacher.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Wóna jo młodša ako jogo źowka.,She's younger than his daughter.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Tekst jo pśeliś dłujki.,The text is too long.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Zagroda kněza White jo wjelika.,Mr White's yard is large.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Som rowno tak wjeliki ako mój nan.,I'm as tall as my father.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Wjelika wóda jo žni znicyła.,The flood ruined the crops.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn "Mam rad psy, ale mója sotša ma rada kócki.","I like dogs, but my sister likes cats.",dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Wěcej to njok.,I don't want that anymore.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Njejsom bogaty a njok byś.,"I'm not rich, nor do I wish to be.",dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Musym ned hyś?,Do I have to go right now?,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Tom studěrujo francojšćinu.,Tom is majoring in French.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Źo jo mój wobjed?,Where's my lunch?,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Za co se zajmujośo?,What are you interested in?,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Tom njama bankowe konto.,Tom doesn't have a bank account.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Kupka jo była pśeliś wjelika.,The group was too large.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Pytam běłu minikóšulu!,I am looking for a white mini skirt!,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Bóli mě kśebjat.,I have a pain in my back.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Mam někotare francojske knigły.,I have some French books.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Słony maju dwě wušy.,Elephants have two ears.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Powědaš derje francojšćinu?,Do you speak French well?,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Hyšći se sy njerozsuźił?,Haven't you decided yet?,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Sy mój nan.,You are my father.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Na Marsu teke su kócki.,"There are cats on Mars, too.",dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Wón jo se dnja 28. julija 1888 naroźił.,"He was born on July 28th, 1888.",dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Toś ta góra jo ze sněgom pókšyta.,That mountain is covered with snow.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Za cas zymy cesto mam zymnej noze.,I often have cold feet in winter.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Wóda jo cysta.,The water is clean.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn W toś tom domje bydlim.,This is the house I live in.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Wón jo pśez gólu šeł.,He walked through the forest.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn "Wón jo łdgaŕ, a ty teke.","He's a liar, and you're another.",dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Som bźezdźěłabny.,I am out of work.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Wiźim twóju kócku w zagroźe.,I see your cat in the garden.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Wětš dujo.,The wind is blowing.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Nimska jo znata ako kraj basnikarjow a myslarjow.,Germany is known for being the country of poets and thinkers.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Sy samodruga?,Are you pregnant?,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Njamógu twóje zaźaržanje pódprěś.,I cannot support your conduct.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Dojki su wužytne zwěrjeta.,A dairy cow is a useful animal.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Pótrjebujom nowe awto.,I need a new car.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Wón móžo francojšćinu powědaś a pisaś.,He can speak and write in French.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Pytam źěło.,I'm looking for a job.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Som sebjezastaraŕ.,I am self-catering.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Ja znajom jogo derje.,I am well acquainted with him.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Musym francojšćinu wuknuś.,I must learn French.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn My smy nagromadu pěśnasćo wósobow.,We are fifteen in all.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Bóžko słony njamógu derje spiwaś.,"Unfortunately, elephants can't sing well.",dsb_Latn-eng_Latn To som.,This is me.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Znajom jogo wjelgin derje.,I know him very well.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Kak wjele wołojnikow maš?,How many pencils do you have?,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn "Mysliš se, až změjomy pěkne wjedro.",Do you think we'll have good weather?,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Som wucabnik.,I'm a teacher.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Wy njamóžośo mě pomagaś.,You can't help me.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Mamy dosć wódy.,We have water enough.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Njepowědam japańšćinu.,I can't speak Japanese.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn To su móje knigły.,This is my book.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Móžoš jogo zazwóniś?,Can you call him?,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Ja by z tobu wjacerjaś kśěł.,I'd like to have dinner with you.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Pśichod pótrjebujo zajźonosć.,Future needs past.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Smy tšašne sceny w telewiziju wiźeli.,We saw terrible scenes on TV.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn A ja wótegranjam: ně.,And I answer: no.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn "Myslim se, až maš pšawo.",I think that you're right.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Ja by se lubował.,I would be loved.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Woblutosćim toś ten rozsud.,I regret that decision.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Žrawiki su dobre plěwarje.,Sharks are good swimmers.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Grimanje se grimoco.,The thunder roared.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Słony su žywe w Aziji a Africe.,Elephants live in Asia and Africa.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Źo sy wuknuł francojšćinu?,Where did you learn French?,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Źinsa jo pětk.,Today is Friday.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Som dobry taksijowy šofer.,I'm a good taxi driver.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Smy z Nimskeje.,We are from Germany.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Budu śi pjenjeze witśe daś.,I will give you the money tomorrow.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Gibamy se na pódpołnoc.,We are heading North.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Smej z Nimskeje.,We're from Germany.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Pjas spi na weranźe.,A dog is sleeping on the porch.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Njecytaj take knigły.,Don't read that kind of book.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Chowaj jo na chłodnem městnje.,Keep it in a cool place.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn "To jo waša konkluzija, nic mója.","That's your conclusion, not mine.",dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Wón rady słyšy radijo.,He likes to listen to the radio.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn "Som myslił, až njeby wón pśišeł.",I thought he wouldn't come.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Muski krokodil jo žrał beju.,A male crocodile ate a female dog.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Salvador Dalí jo był spański wuměłc.,Salvador Dalí was a Spanish artist.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Maśo alergiju pśeśiwo někakim rostlinam?,Are you allergic to any plants?,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn "Ty sy wusnuł, Tom?","Are you sleeping, Tom?",dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Klima jo how ako we Francojskej.,The climate here is like that of France.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Tom jo swóju wucbnicu francojšćiny zgubił.,Tom lost his French textbook.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Grajoš muzikowy instrument?,Do you play a musical instrument?,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Mója manźelska jo gójcowka.,My wife is a doctor.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Wóna ma małkej noze.,She has small feet.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Mam dwě kócce.,I have two cats.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Cogodla njewopytajoš twóje pjenjeze slědk dostaś?,Why don't you try to take your money back?,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Tom jo wjelgin dobrośiwy a wjelikomyslny luź.,Tom is a very kind and generous man.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Som francojšćinu w Parisu wuknuł.,I learned French in Paris.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Njejsćo z gójcom.,You're not a doctor.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Sy wjelgin dobry wuměłc.,You are a very good artist.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Wugasni pšosym radijo.,"Turn off the radio, please.",dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Kubłański system musy wěcej fleksibelny byś.,The education system needs to be more flexible.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Mam tak wjele pjenjez ako wón.,I've got as much money as he has.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Na wšu njegluku jo se chopiło sněg padaś.,"To make matters worse, it began snowing.",dsb_Latn-eng_Latn "Wóna njejo chórobna sotša, ale gójcowka.","She is not a nurse, but a doctor.",dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Toś ta śpa ma rědny wuglěd na góru.,This room has fine view of the mountain.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Śpa jo była śamna a zymna.,The room was dark and cold.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Za cas wójny by płaśizny kšuśe regulěrowane.,Prices were strictly regulated during the war.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn "Prědna kupka studěrujo rano, druga kupka studěrujo wjacor.","The first group studies in the morning, and the second group studies in the afternoon.",dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Baskišćinu wuknjom.,I'm learning the Basque language.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Jogo žywjenje jo w tšachośe.,His life is in danger.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Wy njesmějośo tu waše awto bźez dowólnosći parkowaś.,You must not park your car there without permission.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Pśikłady w toś tem słowniku se góźe lažko rozměś.,The examples in this dictionary are easy to understand.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Musyš na kuždy pad toś ten film wiźeś.,You really must see that movie.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn "To jo prědny raz, až se pśi wognje grěju.",This is the first time I've ever warmed myself by a fireplace.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Kótare zwěrjeta se nejlěpjej ako domacne zwěrjeta za źiśi góźe?,Which animals make the best pets for children?,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Wóna njejo bogata daniž sławna.,She's neither rich nor famous.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Nan Toma sejźi w popajźeństwje.,Tom's father is in jail.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Tykańc słoźi słodko.,The cake tastes sweet.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Kótara rěc se w Mexiko powěda?,What is the language spoken in Mexico?,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Wjele bratšow maśo?,How many brothers do you have?,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Wóna jo Japanarka.,She is Japanese.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Pó mójich znajobnosćach wón jo spšawny a spušćobny.,"To the best of my knowledge, he is honest and reliable.",dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Tom njewóstanjo.,Tom isn't staying.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Yen jo słabšy ako dolar.,The yen is weaker than the dollar.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn "Njemusyš nic groniś, kótarež njocoš groniś.",You don't have to say anything you don't want to say.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Zelezo wóźi śopłotu cele derje.,Iron transmits heat well.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Kopańca jo wěcej popularna ako tenis.,Soccer is more popular than tennis.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Gólc jo jabłuko jědł.,The boy ate the apple.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Persišćina njejo śěžka rěc.,Persian is not a difficult language.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Njespušć nas!,Don't leave us.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Coš persišćinu wuknuś?,Do you want to learn Persian?,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn "Pšašajśo jogo, ga slědujuce lětadło źo.",Ask him when the next plane leaves.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Pjacoš w twójej kuchni.,You bake in your kitchen.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Ja som wóno w telewiziju wěźeł.,I saw it on TV.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Móje bydlenje jo bliske.,My apartment is near.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Kócka ma dwě wušy.,The cat has two ears.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn My gromaźimy listowe znamki ze cełego swěta.,We collect stamps from all around the world.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Som tłusty.,I am fat.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Mam rad wuchace.,I like hares.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Com tu dlej wóstaś.,I want to stay here longer.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Njelubujom kafej.,I don't like coffee.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn "Pokazuj mě, kak to funkcioněrujo.",Show me how it works.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Buź wobglědniwy! Nož jo wjelgin wótšy.,Be careful! The knife is very sharp.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Krokodile maju wótše zuby.,Crocodiles have sharp teeth.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Ja njepijom nigdy tej z mlokom.,I never drink tea with milk.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn "Wóna njejo mója starka, ale mója mama.",She's not my grandma; she's my mom.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn My smy měr lubujucy lud.,We are a peace-loving nation.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn "Źiśe, kótaregož grajki pytam, jo mój syn.","The child whose toy I am looking for, is my son.",dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Mam problem a pótrjebujom twóju radu.,I have a problem and I need your advice.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Groń mě mě źewjetego mjaseca.,Tell me the name of the ninth month.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Wótegrono jo pšawe.,The answer is right.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Słon jo mócne zwěrje.,An elephant is a strong animal.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom ma wjelikej, módrej wušy.","Tom has big, blue eyes.",dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Njewuraźujomy z teroristami!,We don't negotiate with terrorists.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Wóna jo wjele powědała.,She talked a lot.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Módry słon ma rowno tak wjelikej wušy kaž rožojty słon.,A blue elephant's ears are as big as the ones of a pink elephant.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Sy źěłał wěcej ako ja.,You worked more than I did.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Som wjelgin tłusty.,I'm very fat.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Som knigły z wjele wobrazami pytał.,I searched for a book with many pictures.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Banka ma filiale we wšych źělach kraja.,The bank has branches in all parts of the country.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Njewěm.,I don't know.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Njejsom gójc.,I'm not a doctor.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Tom a Marija matej dwě kócce.,Tom and Mary have two cats.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn W kuchni jo kócka.,There is a cat in the kitchen.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Rozmějom twóju rěc.,I understand your language.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Mam rad kócki.,I like cats.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Naša kócka jo w kuchni.,Our cat is in the kitchen.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Słony su wjelicke zwěrjeta.,The elephant is an enormous creature.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Tam jo kócka.,There is a cat.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn "Wěm, až nic njewěm.",I know that I know nothing.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Źiśi Toma a Marije rad jěźe słynicy.,Tom and Mary's children like strawberries.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Nejwětše wukniki chójźe pěšy k šuli.,Most students walk to school.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Kócki njamaju rad wódu.,Cats don't like water.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Dostanu cesto list wót njogo.,I often get a letter from him.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Toś ta myš bu wót mójeje kócki skóńcowana.,This mouse was killed by my cat.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Wjele cukora wužywaš?,How much sugar do you use?,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Kócka spi na bliźe.,The cat sleeps on the table.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Budu witśe tam byś.,I'll be there tomorrow.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Pótrjebujom śpu za dwě wósobje.,I need a room for two people.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn "Myslim se, až mój kompjuter jo był pitśku drošy ako twój.",I think my computer was a tad more expensive than yours.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Som student.,I'm a student.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Mam něco za tebje.,I have something for you.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn "Myslim se, až wón jo glucny.",I think he's happy.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Marija jodlujo.,Mary is a yodeler.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Śpa jo była śamna.,The room was dark.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Smjejkocśo se pšosym do kamery.,"Smile at the camera, please!",dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Glědaj pšosym lěpjej w pśichoźe.,Please take more care in the future.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Smějom se tebje za twójim starstwom pšašaś?,Might I ask your age?,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Som śi z wjelikim gólcom wiźeł.,I saw you with a tall boy.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Mam jano małku zagrodu.,I have only a small garden.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Tom jo wujšeł aby wunamakał kaki zogol jo był tam.,Tom went outside to discover what all the commotion was about.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Jeje swójźba jo wjelgin wjelika.,His family is very large.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Njamam kócku.,I don't have a cat.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Wón njejo se tšacha wědobny był.,He was not aware of the danger.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Mój wujk wucy engelšćinu na uniwersiśe.,My uncle teaches English at the university.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Com hebrejšćinu wuknuś.,I want to study Hebrew.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Mam wjele knigłow.,I have many books.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Wóna bydli we wjelickem domje.,She lives in a huge house.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Ja musym źěłaś.,I have to work.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Mójo awto njezaskócyjo.,My car won't start.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Jěm rad tykańc.,I like eating cake.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Mjatel pjerchoco.,The butterfly flutters.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Wiźimy jogo kuždy źeń.,We see him every day.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Kluc se njejo góźił niźi namakaś.,The key was nowhere to be found.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn "Wěš, co dejš cyniś?",Do you know what you need to do?,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn "Słyńco swěśi wob źeń, mjasec swěśi w nocy.",The sun shines during the day; the moon during the night.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Wóna jo swójogo manźela wó źaseś lět pśežywiła.,She survived her husband by ten years.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn "Som chudy student, a njamóžom śi płaśiś.",I'm a poor student and I can't pay you.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Ja som twója starša sotša.,I'm your elder sister.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Som ceły cas nerwozny był.,I was nervous the whole time.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn To jo ako wustśěl klincało.,That sounded like a gunshot.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Kak wjele źowćow jo na toś tom wobrazu?,How many girls are there in this picture?,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn To jo mój problem z Tomom.,That's my problem with Tom.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Njamóžom jo.,I can't do it.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn To jo eufemizm!,That's a euphemism.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Teke ty njejsy janźel.,You aren't an angel as well.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn My wšitke su wó tom wěźeli.,We all knew about it.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn My su wšo wó tom wěźeli.,We knew all about it.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Źiśe pótrjebujo lubosć.,A child needs love.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Słon jo wjelgin wjelike zwěrje.,An elephant is a very large animal.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Wóda jo marznuła.,The water turned to ice.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn "Njejsom wěsty, lěc com to wěźeś.",I'm not sure I want to see this.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Wón jo wumarły wót tśoch lět.,He has been dead for three years.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Tom njoco tak dłujko cakaś.,Tom doesn't want to wait that long.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Telefon jo znowa zwónił.,The telephone rang again.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Tom tužny wuglěda.,Tom looks sad.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn "Myslim se, až som w zachadnem žywjenju princesna była.",I think that I was a princess in a past life.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Studěrujom Korejańšćinu.,I study Korean.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Wóna jo mě wutšobu łamała.,She broke my heart.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Tom grajka z kócku Marije.,Tom is playing with Mary's cat.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Coš pśichod wěźeś?,Do you want to know the future?,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Tom jo hyšći w póstoli.,Tom is still in bed.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Snaź wón znajo toś te tšojenje.,Perhaps he knows this story.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Wón póchada ze Zjadnośonych statow Ameriki.,He is from the United States.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Com finšćinu wuknuś.,I'd like to learn Finnish.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn "Pšosym groń nam, cogodla musyš tu wóstaś.",Please tell us why you need to stay here.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Com letišćinu wuknuś.,I'd like to learn the Latvian language.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Ja powědam z Tomom a Mariju francojšćinu.,I speak French with Tom and Mary.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn To jo dobre měso.,This is good meat.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Wóna ma rada toś togo basa.,She likes that bass.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Tom pitśku powěda francojšćinu.,Tom knows some French.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Dešć praskota na kšywo.,Rain was pattering on the roof.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Njelubujom jajka.,I don't care for eggs.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Wucabnik a wukniki su w muzeju.,The teacher and the pupils are in the museum.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn To wóni wše gronje.,They all say that.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Źo wóna jo to wuknuła?,Where did she learn this?,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Jack gromaźi listowe znamki.,Jack collects stamps.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Tom njerozmějo sanskrit.,Tom doesn't understand Sanskrit.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Wón njamóžo plěwaś.,He cannot swim.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn To jo jogo rozsud.,It is his decision.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn "Sada, kótaraž rowno cyta, njeeksistěrujo.",The sentence you're reading doesn't exist.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Znajośo jogo bratša?,Do you know his brother?,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn "Com, aby ty spiwał.",I want you to sing.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Som jadne knigły cytaś kśěł.,I wanted to read a book.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Njejsom twój pśijaśel.,I'm not your boyfriend.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Rozsuźujomy gromaźe.,We make decisions together.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Maju mroje wušy?,Do ants have ears?,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Tom jo nan tśich źiśi.,Tom is the father of three children.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Tom njekuri daniž pijo.,Tom doesn't smoke or drink.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn "Cogodla źoš pěšy, jolic maš awto?",Why do you walk when you have a car?,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Toś te źiśi caka na swóju maś.,Those children are waiting for their mother.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn To jo było njeplanowane.,It wasn't planned.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Klěb se z muki gótujo.,Bread is made from flour.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Tom jo swóju cytańsku brylu wótstajił.,Tom took his reading glasses off.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Som se w kopicy zgubił.,I was lost in the crowd.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Źinsa jo njeźela.,Today is Sunday.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Wjele płaśi toś te radijo?,How much is this radio?,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Ja ako grajaŕ wuglědam?,Do I look like an actor?,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Witśe daju jomu jogo knigły.,I'll give him his book tomorrow.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Na kupje njejo žywjenje.,There is no living on the island.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Toś ta kista jo śěžka.,This box is heavy.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Dny dlejše bywaju.,The days are growing longer.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn To jo pjas.,This is a dog.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Wóno jo kradu wjelike.,It's quite large.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Wobglědujśo sebje toś te fota!,Look at these photos.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Z jadnogo mjaseca wóna jo w hospitalu.,She has been in hospital for a month.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Pawoł jo mudrjejšy ako Otto.,Paul is smarter than Otto.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Cogodla płacośo?,Why are you crying?,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Cogodla wósoł ma tak dłujkej wušy?,Why does the donkey have such long ears?,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Tom njejo głupak.,Tom isn't stupid.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Tom njejo głupjeńc.,Tom is no fool.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Wóna jo se se w Americe naroźiła.,She was born in America.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Wóni jěźe z nožom a widlickami.,They eat with a knife and fork.,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn "Glědaj, což groniš!",Be careful what you say!,dsb_Latn-eng_Latn Songkuro ginayo lo?,How big will it be?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Langad-langadon ku diya!,My longing for you is killing me!,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Tuminongkiad oku id solinaid piginawaan ku maya tanakwagu ku do tolu' toun di tinu.,I recently broke up with my boyfriend of three years.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Nokoilo' oku papapanau do korita lolobi po mantad duo nohopod toun.,I've been able to drive for more than twenty years.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Luminabus i Tom.,Tom was out.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Manu oku poposolon di Tom.,I want to make Tom jealous.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Orohian ko' do kumaau.,You like swimming.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Au kou mangandad no sominggu?,Couldn't you have just waited a week?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Osonong tomod ura tinan nu mantad doho.,You're in better shape than I am.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Mamadil oku kama dau.,I'm gonna shoot him.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Nokoumbal kou nokorongou diti tangon no?,Have you heard this story already?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Obuli ko' daa lumisok kaka ri?,Can you keep a secret?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Apagon gatang ilo piano nga lobi apagon gatang nogi iri korita.,"A piano is expensive, but a car is more expensive.",dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Minsingilo' ko' nangku boros Inggilis?,Do you study English?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Milo' oku daa mokianu kamus nu?,May I borrow your dictionary?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Otopot toi maso id jam nu?,Is your watch correct?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Tinantu i pososoriuk nopo tumau sompomogunan nga milo' gompion gisom do hatus toun tobontol.,Some scientists predict that the world oil reserves will be used up within a century.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Manu ko' do apol?,Do you like apples?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Mada oku dii.,I don't think so.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Olumis ilo wotik.,That's a pretty colour.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Au oku nokoilo nunu o taakan ku kosodop.,I can't remember what I ate last night.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Nokoumbal ko' minoi hilo'd Paris di gulu?,Have you ever been to Paris?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Kikaraja isido dot oruhai sabaagi do mananaip.,She got a part-time job as a typist.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Manahak nopo do tunturu tokoro nga onuan disio do tunturu ngai iso longon.,"Give someone the little finger, and he will take the whole hand.",dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Muhot oku diya po toruhai kio.,I want to ask you one last favor.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Ih singa nopo nga wowoyoon hiri'd gowuton.,The lion is the king of the jungle.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Au tagal tikit.,No tickets are needed.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Au tagal yahai ponongkiboros diolo.,We don't need to talk to them.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Nunu binoli nu?,What did you buy?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Obulou ilo tawan.,The sky is blue.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Orohian nogi mintong do pulitik tulun Amorika kokomoi do timpu pomilian do pirisidion.,"It's interesting to observe American politics, especially during a presidential election.",dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Iti nopo nga bunsiling di Mike.,This is Mike's bicycle.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn "I Tom nopo nga tambalut di tosonong, nga miagal do bakas kokitanan dau om iri no sabap au oku songkuro muhang dau.","Tom is very good friend, but he looks like a wild boar so I don't consider him a potential love interest.",dtp_Latn-eng_Latn I Andi Smith songulun mongigia boros Inggilis?,Is Mrs. Smith an English teacher?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Papapanau i Tom korita di Mary montok pakayaan hilo'd id Boston.,Tom drove Mary's car to Boston.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Nokuro tu apatut yahai maan dilo?,Why would we need to do that?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Apatut no korikot i Tom hilo'd pogun Australia dinondo.,Tom should already be in Australia by now.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Maan oku do tosikap kio.,I have to hurry!,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Umbalan ku no koti.,I have to try.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Rongoho no sawo nu oi Tom.,"Listen to your wife, Tom.",dtp_Latn-eng_Latn "Atuukoi, iti nopo nga tangaraat nodi!","Oh my god, it's complete chaos!",dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Ongotumbayaan i toinsanan.,Everybody believes it.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Amu kopunong sisimbar nu.,Your answer is wrong.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Poopio ilo rinomos id labus.,Put the garbage outside.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Otopot ko diti?,Are you sure this is real?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Awasiu iti waig do tikanas.,This soup tastes good.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Mamaraag i tongo injiniur dilo sunsuyon tu karaag dot oruhai.,The engineers blew up the bridge because it was about to collapse.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Honggo ko dii?,Where are you?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Au oku milo wonsoyon dilo nga mogot daa haro uhupan di Tom.,I can't do that unless I have Tom's help.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Kapatai matu iyau id onom tulan kangku daa.,I have expected his death for six months.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Olunggui oku om ohuyan i.,I'm broke and tired.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Mumang ko doho iyadaan?,Do you want me to leave?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Mintong oku po kalandor ku.,Let me check my calendar.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Mulau yahai kangku daa.,I think we're all a bit crazy.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Mongowit oku dau muli walai kama.,I should get him home.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Kumoiso isio hiti'd gana'.,He was a pioneer in this field.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Au oku mokiuhup mantad dika.,I haven't asked you for help.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Nunu o mangan nu?,What do you think you're doing?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Nunu o tosorou nu?,What are you thinking?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Alansan no daa korongou ko.,I wish you'd listen.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Minaan oku do pomusarahan dot osinang.,I made a lucky guess.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Miagal o Labit maya kawo o bongol om bosing.,Rabbits are related to beavers and squirrels.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Nunu ilo?,What is that?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Posik no.,It's time to get up.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Aiso tulun milo poimpasi gisom do duo nahatus toun.,Nobody can live to be two hundred years old.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Norongou oku dilo pomoinan nopo ti nga au mangasou pimbalajaran nu. Nga montok doho au milo.,I've noticed that having fun doesn't interfere at all with your studies. I just can't.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Momupu isido do gonob dau.,She washes her skirt.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Nung kosorou oku diri tootopot nga pinapadagang i Tom do korita dau kumaa di Mary do gatang 500 Dollar nopo.,"If I remember correctly, Tom sold his car to Mary for only 500 dollars.",dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Maai no awi ti.,Let's end this.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Au noukab po Tatoeba.org tu haro kinoundaran.,Tatoeba.org is offline for maintenance.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Osonong no maan nu dilo.,You'd be good at it.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Obuli oku mamalanja dokoyu do tiinumon?,Can I offer you a drink?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn I tanak ti nopo nga tanak ku.,This boy is my son.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Au yau noilaan kaka yoku nopo nga i tulun Gipun.,She doesn't know that I'm Japanese.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Somoonu yahai kopibooboros dilo kawagu.,I'd rather discuss this at a later time.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Orohian i Ania do kompiuto.,Ania is interested in computers.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Napatai i Tom id toun 2013 tu toruol do Pneumonia.,Tom died in 2013 of pneumonia.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Apatut ko popoundaliu dilo?,Will I have to move?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Iman-imanon ku nopo nga mongugusap.,My aim is to be a doctor.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Milo' oku mambarai baino?,Can I order now?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Milo' oku mambarai lo tiso?,Can I order one?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Maan oku awasi kumaa Tom bo.,I'll be good to Tom.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn A'haro duo susumikul hiti'd kalas dinondo.,Two students are absent today.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Haro isai milo' monguhup doho?,Can someone help me?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Milo' oku moboros montok Tom.,I can speak to Tom.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Milo' ko' mangandad maya doho.,You can stay with me.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Milo' ko' mangandad maya dahai.,You can stay with us.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Nokokito do Tom kangku daa.,I bet it was Tom.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Milo' ko' moboros montok Tom.,You can talk to Tom.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Milo' otumbayaan kaka i Tom?,Can Tom be trusted?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Ingkuro no maan i Tom dilo?,How can Tom do that?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Kasaga' tokou maan dilo?,Can we afford that?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Kasaga' tokou maan diti?,Can we afford this?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn "Ruminikot iyahai mantad mogisuwai-suwai o bansa om boros, nga’ koinsanai dahai nosompuru id hontolon di miagal. Lobi’ mantad ko’ nunu nopo, manu iyahai do momusou di Yohuwah, Kinorohingan di rinait id Baibol om i Minomorun do koinsanai’d nunu nopo. Monotos iyahai do momit di Yesus Kristus om oondos iyahai do roitan tulun Kristian. Monikid dahai nga’ mamakai maso bagi’d monguhup tulun suwai do minsingilo’d Baibol om Pomorintaan do Kinorohingan. Iyo do sasi’, mimboros iyahai pasal di Yohuwah, i Kinorohingan om pomorintaan Dau, om iri noddi do roitan iyahai’d Sasi-sasi’d Yohuwah.","We come from hundreds of ethnic and language backgrounds, yet we are united by common goals. Above all, we want to honor Jehovah, the God of the Bible and the Creator of all things. We do our best to imitate Jesus Christ and are proud to be called Christians. Each of us regularly spends time helping people learn about the Bible and God’s Kingdom. Because we witness, or talk, about Jehovah God and his Kingdom, we are known as Jehovah’s Witnesses.",dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Alaid oku au nokopikito diya!,I haven't seen you for so long!,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Haro no susumikul do poingirikau hilo om mogiakan-akan.,Some students were sitting on the bench and having lunch.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Hiti no pakarajaan ku.,That's where I work.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn "Otopot nodi toilaan nu dot osonong, nga iri podi kaala tu osusa o momonsoi dilo.","It is true that yours is a good idea, but I am afraid it will be hard to put into practice.",dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Nung yoho nopo diya nga au oku mongoi maan dilo.,"If I were you, I wouldn't do a thing like that.",dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Hinonggo oku milo' momoug?,Where can I wash up?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Tokou nga milo' korikot?,"Can we come, too?",dtp_Latn-eng_Latn "Pobolio do uwai gatang, poinsawato' do dagang","Buy low, sell high.",dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Pohoroon o kopolintaan do oloson dot au gatangon montok popokito do kohompit id abaabayan.,The government will provide interest-free loans to firms that participate in the program.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Ingkuro mongija dilo?,How is that spelled?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Au oku katantu hatus pihatus.,I'm not 100% sure about that.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Milo' tokou mongoi insomok?,Can we get closer?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Milo' mongundar?,Can it be fixed?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Nokuro tu mongowit do baino?,Why bring it up now?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Orohian o tasu di Tom silaon id turos do wokon.,Tom's dog likes to lick people's faces.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Siakan oku daa sokirim.,I would like to eat ice cream.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Haro do songulun manahak korita montok Tom.,Someone gave Tom a car.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Bolian ku do biir kumaa Tom.,I'll buy Tom a beer.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Minamatai i Betty id disido.,Betty killed her.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Muhang oku disido.,I love her.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Yoho nopo nga i Tom Hunter.,I'm Tom Hunter.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Isai monguhup isido?,Who helps her?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Norikot oku kosodop.,I came yesterday.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Tuminuong mato disido.,Her eyes darkened.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Milo' ko' mogidu baino.,You can let go now.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Minananom isido do tusak ros mantad jam ko-12 nodi.,She has been planting roses since 12 o'clock.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Mumang i Tom do posulian.,Tom wanted revenge.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Monuduk i Gundoling Jones dahai kaka o pibabarasan boros Inggilis.,Mr Jones teaches us English conversation.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Milo' tokou poimpanau lo.,We can make it work.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Milo' oku popoguli do barayan kumaa dika.,I can pay you back.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Milo' tokou monuhu' do piza.,We can order a pizza.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Milo' oku popo'opi diti.,I can put this right.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Milo' tokou po maan dilo.,We can still do that.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Milo' oku po monguhup dika.,I can still help you.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Milo' oku po maan dilo.,I can still do that.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Nadawatan do pimato 't' id boros ti?,Is the 't' pronounced in this word?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Isai mogodu tokou baino?,Who can stop us now?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Moi oku rikot hiti om tumabi.,I came by to say hi.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Milo' tokou moboros kaka ti.,We can talk about it.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Koodop tokou ngawi.,We were all asleep.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Pobolio' moomis kumaa doho.,Buy me some candy.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Totopot nopo ti nga manganu do nunu gunoon montok do id tutok ku. Iri no sabap di minsingiloh oku do boros-boros sompogunan tintod do kapataian.,I have actually decided to start putting my brain to some use. I'm going to start to learn as much foreign languages as possible before I die.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Honggo kamar jamban?,Where is the bathroom?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Atantu no kihulu isio.,He's naturally hairy.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Milo' oku koruhang Tom id walai.,I can take Tom home.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Au oku karati diti ayat.,I don't understand this sentence.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Pinoundaliu i Mary dualai miampai di komolohingan dau.,Mary moved home to be with her parents.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Rumikot tokou miruba dika.,We came to see you.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Milo' tokou poimpanau muli walai.,We can all walk home.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Milo' oku ongoion dika hino.,I can take you there.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn "Nakahantoi i Tom do numbul soginumu 10,000.","Tom won $10,000 in the lottery.",dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Au tagal i.,It's not important.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Noodop yau miagal do baragang.,He's sleeping like a baby.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Milo' kito maan pibarasan?,Can you and I talk?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Nokuro tu minuhot nu dii?,Why do you ask?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Pibarasan kito kama.,You and I should talk.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Au koontok lo.,That won't happen.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Naawi oku nodi do soginumu hatus Yuro sangadau.,I make €100 a day.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Ula' gia lo!,Cut me some slack.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Nu maan nu id suab?,What are you doing tomorrow?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Au oku kokodos id kowowoyoon disio dit a' ih patangon di wokon.,I can't stand his impoliteness.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Mambalut kito.,You and I are friends.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Mugad oku daa.,I have to leave now.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Nokoongoi matu i Tom hilo'd walai poopian tusin dinondo.,Tom has probably already been to the bank today.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Nokoumbal kou po nangku minonongkiboros miampai di Tom?,Have any of you ever talked to Tom?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Haro nopo tusin nga noboli no dilo.,"If I had had enough money, I could have bought it.",dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Muhang kito do pamainan.,You and I love games.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Agayo tandaha disio.,He has a huge cock.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Kusai kito.,You and I are men.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn "Sontob nintorusan nga kopiagal no, nga haro po nintorusan do lobi mantad do suai.","All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.",dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Nunu nopo lisih nu doho?,What do you love about me?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Tambalut kito ii tosonong.,You and I are good friends.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Duo kou om yoku nopo nga susumikul.,Both you and I are students.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Minanahak yahai do pokionuan kopio diolo.,We gave way to their demands.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Tambalut kito ii talaid.,You and I are old friends.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Mimboros iyolo Poransis.,They spoke French.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Koinsanai do ayat-ayat diti mositi do kitanda dot mundorong.,All of these sentences need a full stop.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Popointutun iyau di tanak tondu dau kumaa doho.,He introduced me to his daughter.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Alasu tadau baino tokuri.,Today it's quite hot.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Kitoilaan ku mantad ko disio.,My idea went against his.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn "Au alaid diti, korikot nodi kalansanan dau sabaagi do dukutur.","At last, her dream to be a doctor came true.",dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Nabagalan dilo kaban o buuk.,The box was full of books.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Naraag ngawi ilo kakamot haddis.,The hard disk was completely destroyed.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Lihungan isido ndo bilik ku.,She will clean my room.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Tolu no tondu poingkakat hilo'd bar.,There were three women standing at the bar.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Manu yahai tolu bilik.,We need three rooms.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn "Nung mumboyo ko' nopo boros ka di mimpupulitik, kasalu' kopio diya.","If you believe what politicians say, it's really your own fault.",dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Orotian oku do togumu toi ko tokuri.,I understand it more or less.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn I Tom nopo nga mongongonsok dit au osonong.,Tom is a bad cook.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Oponsol nopo kolidasan tinan ku.,My health is my only capital.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Iti nopo nga tugu-wangon dahai monguhup diya.,It's our job to help you.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Olundus no tobuk nu.,Your hair's beautiful.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Monuduk i gundoling Wang do boros Sina kumaa dahai.,Mr. Wang teaches us Chinese.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Nababak ilo galas.,The glass got broken.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Yoho okon ko songulun mogigindapu.,I am not a businessperson.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Mongotus no kama ilo sogit kapatayan.,The death penalty should be abolished.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Hombo kunsi di pinoopi ku?,Where did I put my keys?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Osodu hilo'd kadai taakanon mantad hodi sitisin kuritapui.,The restaurant was far from the train station.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Minoi tokou hilo'd walai sasambayang.,We also went to the temple.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Ingaa toi tulun poiloon tiya au tagal moi rikot hiti baino?,Didn't anybody tell you that you didn't have to be here today?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Otogod ginawo di Tom id tokito.,Tom seemed really annoyed.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Isio nopo nga tomulok mantad ko tobpinai kusai ku tolu toun.,He is junior to my brother by three years.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Haro po tulun dit au minomusorou sondiri.,Some people never seem to learn how to think for themselves.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Au tagal poboroso diri.,You don't need to say anything.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Haro gorija poinsomok do walai ku.,There is a church near my house.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Wayaan ngawi gisom do bandar Rome.,All roads lead to Rome.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Nokuro tu minooi ko konihab dangadau di?,Why did you suddenly leave yesterday afternoon?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Nunu komoyon nu?,What are you talking about?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn "Sumoliwan iyau mantad do bilik miampai aiso boros ""hino ko no"".",He left the room without even saying goodbye.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Nunu noilaan nu kokomoi pomomonsoyon diti?,What do you think about this plan?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Isai susuminding ih tongosonong id kopuru-puruan tokou?,Who is the best singer in our company?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Au otogod i Mary ka di Tom.,Tom said Mary didn't seem angry.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Saya dihentikan oleh kedai buku dan dibeli dan buku yang menarik.,I stopped by a bookstore and bought and interesting book.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Mangakan yahai id dangadau mikuwo do tinahak disio do pondulung montok doho.,We were in the middle of lunch when he gave me a ring.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Pinorotu diolo do bodilan atom hodi Hiroshima.,They dropped an atomic bomb on Hiroshima.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Poiloon di Mary kumaa dogo kowili mikuwo do pananrasuk isido po.,Mary wanted me to look the other way while she was getting dressed.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Limo Reals gatang iso kaban do anggur Argentina!,Argentinian grapes for five reals a box!,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Au i Tom nokoumbal dot a'adahan moi sikul.,Tom is never late for school.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Manu oku diya maan do baino.,I want you to do that right now.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Hombo o tanak ku?,Where's my son?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Mangandad oku do solinaid satanga jam.,I have been waiting for almost half an hour.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Au i Tom oilaan tu au tagal maan no dilo.,Tom didn't know he no longer needed to do that.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Lobi ongolumis isido.,She has become more and more beautiful.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Haro tulun koilo mimboros Jipun?,Does anyone know the Japanese language?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Haro o ropuan hilo nga ingaa o suduon.,"There's a fireplace, but there's no firewood.",dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Alaid nangku iyolo poingiyon hiti'd watas?,Weren’t they a long time in the town?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Popongoo' oku po laid diti kuukurama kio.,Let me finish this first.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Mongoi oku ruba di Tom hilo'd sitisin id jaam 2.30.,I'm meeting Tom at the station at 2:30.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Kotoluadan tu pangalap.,Thanks for the invite.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Kopiwosian!,How do you do.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Muli isio dualai di tiinu.,He came back home a while ago.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Mangandad iyolo ngawi.,They're all waiting.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Milo' oku poposuang dika.,I can get you in.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Koruhang oku dau baino.,I'm with him now.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Abalantas boroson nu nga pamadawot nu au sumongkuro tosonong.,"Your accent's good, but your pronunciation's a little bit off.",dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Poimpanau o GPS ku.,My GPS works very well.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Au nabagal songulun.,There is one less.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn "Om ontong oku no, om korongou ku no ot iso' o kondiu di mintulud do hilo'd sawat do mimboros dot opuhod do poingkaa, “Obungou no! Obungou no! Obungou no o koinsanai'd tulun do hiti'd pomogunan dot orongou i tolu kawagu o moloikat do popouni di torumpit diyolo' do tiinu'!” ka.","""In my vision, I heard an eagle, calling aloud as it flew high overhead, 'Disaster, disaster, disaster, on all the people on earth at the sound of the other three trumpets which the three angels have yet to blow!'""",dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Au iyolo koilo momoguno do tanda rombituon.,They don't know how to use an asterisk.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Otood ko' dii?,Are you happy?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Au osonong kopio i Tom sabaagi do tapa.,Tom is a failure as a father.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Isai ngaran nu?,What is your name?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Au ku koilo'.,I don't know.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn "Nung minonimpuun oku minsingilo' do limo boros mantad limo toun di gulu, koilo' oku mimboros dondo.","If I had started learning these languages five years ago, I would know them now.",dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Nakabasa ko do ngawi?,Did you read everything?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Manu kopio i Tom do sanggalas kupi talasu.,Tom really wanted a cup of hot black coffee.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Kumaraja oku miampai di Tom.,I'll work with Tom.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Binoros di Tom ilo.,Tom said that.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Osongulun i Tom do mirikau.,Tom sat alone.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Adalaan om osogit.,It was very cold that winter.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Au isai oudut.,No one cheated.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Oborulong i Tom po tokuri.,Tom is a little confused.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Au yahai apalid. Oilaan oku do hombo yahai.,We're not lost. I know where we are.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn "Nung yoho nopo nga iya, maan oku'ndo saat do tobulou.","If I were you, I'd paint it blue.",dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Songkuro rinaat diti?,How bad could it be?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Haro ko kokusaian dit au koilo moginum?,Are there still men yet who don't drink?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Koilo' ko' mimboros Inggilis?,Do you speak English?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Nu mangan nu?,What are you doing?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Au songkuro kosorob iri suduon toyopos.,Wet firewood doesn't burn well.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Nu habar nu?,How are you?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Okuro-kuro ko' no?,How are you doing?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Kipogun tokoro hilo'd rahat.,There are islands in the sea.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Mogiakan tokou.,We eat together.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Honggo tongoyon nu?,Where did you go?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Duo no kitungau ku.,I have two cats.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Poinlisok kanto i Tom.,Tom is probably still hiding.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Honggo ko' poingiyon?,Where do you live?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Mada oku mongoi id sikul.,I don't want to go to school.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Isai ko'?,Who are you?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Yoku okon gia mongugusap.,I'm not a doctor.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Hinonggo tadon nu?,Where are you from?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Kotoluadan do tagayo!,Thank you very much!,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Gulion ku kawagu kio.,I will be back soon.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Nu pokionuan nu?,What do you want?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn """Pounsikou."" ""Miagal nopo.""","""Thank you."" ""You're welcome.""",dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Piro tumur nu?,How old are you?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn "Iti no songinlisok ku, do toulan diti: Iti nopo miampai ginawo dot okito do nunu topurimanan id tokito.","And now here is my secret, a very simple secret: It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye.",dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Hombo kinosusuon nu om piro no toun nu?,Where were you born and how old are you?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Ingkuro no milo' iyolo maan lo hodi?,How can they do that?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Kotobian do Toun Wagu!,Happy New Year!,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn "Iso, duo, tolu', apat, limo, onom, turu', walu', siam, hopod.","One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten.",dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Nakasawo ko' no?,Are you married?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Siou.,I am sorry.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Ompunai oku.,Please forgive me.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Nokuro tu mihad ko' dii?,Why are you crying?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Honggo ko' dii?,Where art thou?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Witilon ko' no?,Are you hungry?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Kumaraja oku miampai disio.,I work with him.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Nohuyan ko' no?,Are you too tired?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Nu komoyon nu?,What are you talking about!?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Koupus ko' nangku doho?,Do you love me?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Oponsol nokopio momogompi kolidasan tinan tokou.,Health is the most precious thing we have.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Pokitonon oku do kawagu.,Please show me another one.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Milo' oku monguhup diya?,Can I help you?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Mada oku do tusin.,I didn't want the money.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Ilo buuk id timpak do mija'.,The book is on the table.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Nokoumbal ko' minongoi id Miksiko?,Have you ever been to Mexico?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Okuro-kuro no tadau dinondo?,How will the weather be tomorrow?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Hinonggo kopio tongoyon nu?,Where do you want to go?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Au oku mimboros Jipun.,I don't speak Japanese.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Kobolingkaangan nopo ti nga apagon kopio gatang do sel suria.,The problem is that solar energy just costs too much.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Au nosukup todop di Maria.,Mayuko doesn't get enough sleep.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Insasamadan ko' doho.,You make me happy.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Nokuro tu au ko tumimpuun do boroson pogulu?,Why don't you start talking first?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Louson tian ku!,I am hungry.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Mongopi isio do buuk id timpak do mija'.,He put the book on the desk.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Kotutun ko' dau?,Do you know him?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Nosogitan ku ti.,I caught a cold.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn "Nung mokiambalut ko' doho, ponokiambalut do tambalut ku nogi.","If you want to become my friend, then also become the friend of my friend.",dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Au oku milo iyonon id saaralom do waig. Yoku okon ko sada.,I cannot live in water. I'm not a fish.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Ngaran ku nopo nga i Jack.,My name is Jack.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Iya nopo nga mongingia'.,You are a teacher.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Oilaan ku daa ilo nopo kosiwatan di tagayo.,I know it's a great opportunity.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Iya nopo nga tambalut ku.,You are my friend.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Omulok ko' po.,You're still young.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Mongoi oku mantad do Chicago id tadau koonom kawagu dongkosuabon.,I'm leaving for Chicago next Saturday morning.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Kotigog oku do rumuba diya.,I'm surprised to see you.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Au i Tom minomoli do ruti paun.,Tom didn't buy bread.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Kinosusuon ku id kosodop.,Yesterday was my birthday.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Totopot nopo ti nga nasala iyau i.,"Frankly speaking, he's wrong.",dtp_Latn-eng_Latn "Oi Tom, tolipoun montok diya.","Tom, you're wanted on the phone.",dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Mositi oku momongo diti id jaam ko-2 satanga.,I have to finish doing this by 2:30.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Kanou sumakai do bas mongoi hilo'd bandar po kawagu.,Let's go by bus to see more of the city.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Mongoi oku doid kosuabon.,I'll go tomorrow morning.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Nunu o kaantakan nung au ko rumamit di Tom?,What'll happen to you if you don't obey Tom?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Andasan ku nopo daa om nokoongoi kou di.,I thought you guys had already left.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Natagadan di tanganak do komolohingan tu oruya iyolo.,Parents punish their children for misbehavior.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Iya susumikul?,Are you a student?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Apagau i Tom a'adahan.,Tom is rarely late.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Kagayat ginawo dau kokomoi di kusai kihulu-hulu.,She attracts hairy men.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Polontopon ilo sitisin koritapui do mantad suab.,The train station will be closed from tomorrow.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Ingaa no iyau hilo'd dualai dau soira tinolipoun ku dau.,He wasn't at home when I called on him.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Haro hulu kangkab di Tom.,Tom has a hairy chest.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Kihulu kangkab dau.,He has a hairy chest.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn "Mokiuhup oku po, obuli?","Can I get a little help, please?",dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Haro kopio hulu longon di Tom.,Tom has really hairy arms.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Haro no iso pinggan maya do tolu tontolu ginuring id timpak do mija.,"On the table, there was a plate with three fried eggs on it.",dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Manu oku daa kosiwatan maya diah.,I'd like to spend more time with you.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Nokuro di Tom? Napatai iyau dii?,What happened to Tom? Is he dead?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Kootusan nopo raha nga onomal.,The blood test is normal.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Naantakan do longon di Tom o timbakan.,Tom was shot in the arm.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Isio no minoboros do tangon kaka doho gisom do kapatayan ku.,It was his narrative that bored me to death.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Manu oku diya.,I need you.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Mangakan oku do mii.,I eat noodles.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Siou tu alaid no rikoton ku.,I'm sorry I'm late.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Hinonggo sikul nu?,Where is your school?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Ingaa tulun milo tondingon mantad do kolundusan disido.,Her beauty is incomparable.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Nunu iti?,What on earth is this?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Au oilaan tu omura gatang ti.,It's shockingly inexpensive.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Lumangad oku diya.,I'll miss you.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn I songulun nopo mooi pagasu do bakas totuong.,One hunts wild boar at night.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Mada oku daa poimpasi miampai aiso diya.,I can't live without you.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Kada iduo ilo kogos kio.,Don't let go of the rope.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Kopisanangan Kinorikatan id Tatoeba!,Welcome to Tatoeba!,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Nu gia kanu?,What did you say?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Isai mongingia' nu?,Who is your teacher?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Oupus oku diya!,I love you.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Kopiruba kawagu kio!,See you later!,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Otopot ko' kangku daa.,I think you're right.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Nunu taakanon dot au milo akanon di toruol do diabetik?,What foods should a diabetic not eat?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Olidas i Tom kasasari.,Tom is always healthy.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Au i Tom monguro mangakan do daging om kantang monikid tadau.,Tom wouldn't mind eating meat and potatoes every day of the week.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Obuli ba' iya!,You can do it.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Otumbayaan ku diya.,I trust you.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Siongoi oku patai maya di Getter Jaani.,I want to die with Getter Jaani.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Olombon oku kopio.,I'm so fat.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Moi oku odop no koti.,I have to go to sleep.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Haro no korita nu?,Have you got a car?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Noilaan oku do kosongkuro daa atangkangau ko dii.,I know how busy you've been.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn "Monginsian kou nod tulun do suwai do miagal do Tapa' dokoyu tu' monginsian,'' ka dau.","Be merciful, just as your Father is merciful.",dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Kosorou ko' nangku doho?,Do you remember me?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn "Atuukoi, obuli ko daa kada oku kagangau dii?","Oh, dear, can you please not disturb me?",dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Au ko mumboyo doho nodi kio?,"You don't trust me anymore, do you?",dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Lohowo pulis.,Call the police.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Minsingilo isio po baino.,He's now studying.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Napatai isido id minggu nakatalib.,She died a week later.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Orohian oku do momiloyuk om momolukis nogi.,"I like music, but I also like paintings.",dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Isido no songulun do kikowowoyoon dot alaab.,She has a very open personality.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Hinonggo oku miruba Tom?,Where can I meet Tom?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Mugad oku do baino.,I must leave now.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Koilo' yau mimboros Poransis.,He speaks French.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn "Nunu komoyon ""Tatoeba""?","What does ""Tatoeba"" mean?",dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Milo' ko' monguhup doho?,Can you help me?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Manu ko do sogimpasi hiri suang jiil?,Do you want to spend the rest of your life in jail?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Nokosunud i Tom kumaa doho tu poingiyon ko hilo'd pogun Australia.,Tom told me you used to live in Australia.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Toruol diri nga mongodu doho mooi labus.,Illness prevented me from going out.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Manu oku modop.,I want to sleep.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn "Hiti oku monongkiboros kokomoi do bisnis, okon ko songkiboroson.","I came here to talk business, not to chit-chat.",dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Andasan di Tom nopo inbismin dau nga hopod pihatus do pogulion.,Tom expected at least a ten percent return on his investment.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Oubas yahai sabaagi do tobpinai.,We're practically brothers.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Tombolog id hilo tawan.,The bird is in the sky.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Au iyau momboros.,He does not say.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Nunu noilaan nu?,What do you think about this?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Au kalantoi tokou.,We have failed.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Karati ko' nangku doho?,Do you understand me?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Au oku koilo'.,I do not know.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Karati yau boros Poransis.,He understands French.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Nokuro ko' maan do miagal diti?,Why did you do that?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Honggo walai dokoyu?,Where are you living?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Au osonong habar disido.,She's in a bad mood.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Onuai oku do sanggalas waig.,"A glass of water, please.",dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Boros Poransis lo?,Is that French?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Napalid ko' no?,Are you lost?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Nokuro ko' songulun nodi?,Why are you alone?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Otopot kopio kanu.,You are absolutely right.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Nu komoyon ti?,What does it mean?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Oruol tian ku.,I have a stomachache.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Orohian yahai mamain.,We like playing.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Nga au oku koilo poingkuro ma mongonsok do kebab!,But I don't know how to cook kebabs!,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Isai mimboros Poransis?,Who speaks French?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Koilo' oku mimboros Poransis.,I know French.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Iya lo?,Is it yours?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Karati i Tom mimboros Poransis.,Tom understands French.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Au oku orotian.,I don't get it.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Otopot iti?,Can this be true?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Monuduk i Tom do boros Poransis.,Tom teaches French.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Milo' ko' mokiuhup mantad doho.,You can use my help.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Minsingilo' i Tom do boros Poransis.,Tom studies French.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Milo' i Tom mongoi gulu?,Can Tom go first?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Poingkuro ma i Tom maan diti?,How can Tom do this?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Mimboros i Tom do Poransis.,Tom speaks French.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Minsingilo' tokou mimboros Poransis.,We study French.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Monuduk oku do boros Poransis.,I teach French.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Mimboros oku do Poransis.,I speak French.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Umbalai bogia.,Let's try something.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Orohian oku do Poransis.,I like French.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Asanaan oku do Poransis.,I hate French.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Apagon no boros Poransis.,French is difficult.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Minsingilo oku do boros Poransis.,I study French.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Au oku mongoi karamaian di Tom.,I wasn't at Tom's party.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn "Nung arasaman suabino, undorongon ku hiti'd walai.","If it rains the day after tomorrow, I'll stay at home.",dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Haro Pisbuk nu?,Are you on Facebook?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Yoku nopo nga susumikul.,I'm a student.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn "Minirikau i Tom hodi pompod do kadai poginuman, om kakatan dau do bior.","Tom sat at the end of the bar, nursing a beer.",dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Isai manu moi pagasu?,Who wants to go hunting?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Nokuro tu moi ko ponong disido?,Why are you siding with her?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Honggo tapa nu?,Where is your father?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Milo' tokou mokiuhup mantad dika.,We can use your help.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Nokointutun i Layla do koinsanan mokiiyut hilo'd potimbangan.,Layla knew all the hookers of the neighborhood.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Isai minonuduk dika mimboros Poransis?,Who teaches you French?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Nokuro dii?,What's going on?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Minsingilo' yau sondiri do boros Poransis.,He taught himself French.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Katama ko' tomod.,You are very brave.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Tulun yau Poransis kanto.,She may be French.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Yoho okon ko robot.,I'm not a robot.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Monongkumut i Tom di Mary.,Tom covered Mary with a blanket.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Orohian oku do wayang Poransis.,I love French movies.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Au oku milo' moi podsu id totuong.,I cannot take a shower at night.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn I Yanks nopo nga tambalut.,The Yanks are our friends.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Andasan ku daa om orohian ko' dilo.,I think you liked it.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Suminuli iyau do sondiri.,He revenged himself.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Kawasa ikoyu monurat do nunu boros do mogisusuai. Miiso boros-boros id Tatoeba.,"You may write in any language you want. On Tatoeba, all languages are equal.",dtp_Latn-eng_Latn "Mada oku dilo hodi basaan, pokitonon oku do kawagu.",I don't like this shirt. Show me another one.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Alansan oku do kounsikahan nu!,I wish you happiness!,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Jaam kopiro mangakan dougotuong?,What time do you have dinner?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Apatut no au ko lumogos di Tom minaan dilo.,You shouldn't let Tom do that.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Haro no himpun nu?,Do you have a cellphone?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Haro tansar do kayu id posorili do tumo.,The garden was surrounded by a wooden fence.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Milo' oku mangandad hiti.,I can wait out here.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Milo' tokou maan dilo?,Can we do that?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Koilo' i Tom mimboros Poransis do okuri-kuri.,Tom knows some French.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Nunu onsokon nu?,What are you cooking?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Milo' tokou mongoi baino?,Can we go now?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Monuduk i Tom dahai do boros Poransis.,Tom teaches us French.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Apatut no noilaan i Tom mantad ko mumboyo di Mary.,Tom should have known better than to trust Mary.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Abalantas i Tom mimboros Poransis.,Tom speaks French fluently.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Milo' tokou mangakan ti?,Can we eat this?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Yau nga mimboros Poransis.,He also speaks French.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Ingkuro no tokou milo' monuang?,How can we get in?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Apagon no mimboros Poransis.,Speaking French is difficult.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Au oku moginum do wain do ponuangan di Tom.,I didn't drink the wine Tom poured for me.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Milo' i Tom maan diti?,Can Tom do it?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Milo' tokou tumanud?,Can we join in?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Milo' tokou popo'opi ti?,Can we keep it?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Maan oku ndo rasuk wagu montok diya.,I will make a new suit for you.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Tumilombus iyolo mamanau.,They kept on walking.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn "Olumis no iri sangkakib ruti dot au koilo poiloon, nga iri no haro tangon towongon do mogisusuai kakib ruti.","The loaf of bread was so fine that nobody could even describe it, for only in fairyland does one find such marvelous loaves.",dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Nopili' iyau do silihon di potulud.,He decided to become a pilot.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn "Nakaanu i tongo pakaraja do rasuk pakakaraja, om tinantu diolo mooi pupu dilo kasasari.","The company provides workers uniforms, but it's expected they will wash them regularly.",dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Olundus ko no.,You are beautiful.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Fungsi nopo poruhangan om pokurian nga pongintaban.,Addition and subtraction are functions of mathematics.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Nunu pomusarahan nu?,What are you thinking about?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Sumonu maan diti do tinu.,Let the matter rest for the time being.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Nababak ilo sondulu do monokot dilo hodi.,The nail that sticks up gets hammered down.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Araatan oku dikoyu.,I hate you.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Noulau ko' no?,Are you crazy?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Nokosunud oku kumaa Tom ula'.,I asked Tom to stop.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Milo' ko' korikot id hiti.,You can come in here.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Nu mangan nu id walai ku tinu?,What would you do if you were in my place?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Milo' ko' mimboros soginumu apat nohopod boros mogisusuai.,You can speak roughly forty different languages.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Intang-intangan kio.,Keep an eye on it.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Milo' oku mongumbal maya Tom.,I can deal with Tom.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Mongoi hodi boros ka dau.,He advised me to go there.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Yoku nga milo' nogi maan dilo.,"I can do it, too.",dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Mintong oku do TV id maamaso do suab.,I will be watching TV about this time tomorrow.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Haro lobi po mantad ko tiso mamatai do tungau.,There's more ways than one to kill a cat.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Kakal po tama nu id walai?,Is your mother at home?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Nosunudan ku do moi hiti id tadau ko-13.,I was told to be here on the 13th.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Mantad hombo pinomolian nu dino?,When did you buy it?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Araat ko topurimanan ku id tokito ti?,Do I look as bad as I feel?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Napalid ilo tanak tondu hiri'd gowuton dot otuong.,The poor girl lost her way in the dark woods.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Au oku oilaan do piagalan diri.,I'm not sure I feel the same.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Orohian oku mangakan do ipol.,We love eating apples.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Osogit.,It is cold.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn "Mumang yahai do ipol, urin, ruti om kasang montiga mantad do supamakit.","We need apples, oranges, bread and peanut butter from the supermarket.",dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Kada pologoso oku poingandad.,Don't keep me waiting.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Milo' oku maan baino.,I can do it now.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Ika nga milo' maan nogi.,"You can do it, too.",dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Au i Tom mooi sakai do tiksi tu mamanau iyau nopo.,Tom didn't need to take a taxi. He could have walked.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Mokiuhup ko' mantad disido kio.,Get her to help you.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Minintong oku do TV kosodop.,I watched TV yesterday.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Milo' oku maan do pongintobon.,I can do the math.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Mokiampun oku tu alaid ko' poingandad.,Sorry to keep you waiting.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Nunu nopo kaakan toi ko koposion do poingiyon nu nga pilion nu sondiri.,"What you eat, or what kind of life you live, are decided by you alone.",dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Nakasalu' do monodos suratan. Siou.,It's a typo. Sorry.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Inkuro no au oku asaga' dika?,How can I refuse you?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Minanabpo oku do sada maya longon ku kosodop.,I caught a big fish yesterday with my bare hands.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Oubas isido moi panangkus tintod do taakanon dongkosuabon.,She is in the habit of jogging before breakfast.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Milo' tokou monguhup dika.,We can get you help.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Iti nopo nga totopot!,It is the truth!,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Au oku nokoumbal nokoruba di Tom.,I never met Tom.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Milo' oku sumakai do koritapui.,I can go by train.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Milo' yahai monguhup Tom baino.,We can help Tom now.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Kimiapid oku di kusai.,I have a twin brother.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Milo' ko' muli walai.,You can head on home.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Oruhai bogia.,Stay a moment.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Milo' ko' mongigit palad ku.,You can hold my hand.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Milo' oku monguhot isai dii?,Can I ask who?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Milo' yau monguhup dika.,He can help you out.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Minsingiloh oku do boros Basque.,I am learning Basque.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Noilaan ku diya tu manu ko' doho.,I knew you wanted me.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Milo' oku mongoi id hilo?,Can I be there?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Milo' oku maan do otulid?,Can I be honest?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Mogihum toinsanan do kataadan.,Everyone seeks happiness.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Milo' oku molos mantad dika?,Can I borrow yours?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Poingkuro ma uhupan ku?,How can I be helpful?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Osonong wowoyoon ku ih.,My boss is very nice.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Milo' oku monguhup dilo.,I can help with that.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Milo' oku mintong do intornit?,Can I go surfing?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Nonggo oku mongihum lo hodi?,Where can I find it?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Ika okon ko tondu.,You're not a woman.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Milo' oku mongoi do kawagu?,Can I go next?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Manu ko mongoruhang paganakan nu id Jorman?,Do you want to bring your family to Germany?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Milo' oku lumohou dika?,Can I call you?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Piro no buuk dot onuan nu?,About how many books do you have?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Tulun au mumboyo kopio.,Woe to infidels.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Ihumo taakanon montok tokou.,Get us something to eat.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Poingkuro no olingan ku dilo?,How can I forget it?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Milo' oku mokianu dilo?,Can I have it?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn "Siou, aiso isio hiti.","Sorry, he is not here.",dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Milo' oku onuai lo tiso?,Can I have one?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Milo' tokou monoromo.,We can take a hint.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Siou tu aiso isido hiti.,I'm sorry she's not here.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Milo' oku mokianu diti?,Can I have this?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Nokoruba ku i Tom id walai dau.,I met him at Tom's house.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Amu osonong kolidasan tinan disido id piipiro tulan.,Her health has been declining these past few months.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Ogumu moti maan dilo.,There's a lot to do.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Nosusu isido om guminayo nondo hilo'd Osaka.,She was born and brought up in Osaka.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Iri no nangku nasalaan ku.,This would be a mistake.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Mongowit ko' do buuk?,Did you bring the book?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Minoi iyolo id sitisin maya do korita diolo.,They drove to the station by car.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Araat o kokitanan di Tom?,Do you think Tom is ugly?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Kotobian Tadan Tongoondu dit Sompomogunan!,Happy International Women's Day!,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Mamason i dukutur kumaa di tama ku do tingkodon momungkus.,The doctor advised my father to give up smoking.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Poingkuro ma popotingkod diti?,How do you stop this?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Uka nunu pomusarahan ku?,I'm not sure what I was thinking.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Ogumu kopio kosiwatan nu.,You had plenty of opportunity.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Monolipon ku'ndo kaagu id duo nohopod minit.,I'll call back in twenty minutes.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Ih Harry nopo nga 40 toun nodi.,Harry is only 40.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Ingaa nopo do nunu pakayan ku.,I don't have any nice clothes.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Ngaran nopo sampaganakan dau nga Smith tintod do pisasawaan dau.,She was a Smith before her marriage.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Monotos tokou kopio do kumaraja.,We all work too hard.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Ruputan tokou it kinoutusan soira noilaan.,We will report the results when known.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Nakasalu i Tom suminakai do kuritapui.,Tom may have taken the wrong train.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Apatut no manahak do pantang kumaa di mongingia.,One's teachers should be treated with respect.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Haro piipiro uhoton ku.,I've got a few questions.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Intangai po isai nopo kamanang!,Let's see who wins!,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Au i Tom pinotungubon di Mary.,Tom didn't let Mary kiss him.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Manu oku daa duo hut dug miampai dot ogumu lado'.,I want two hot dogs with lots of pepper.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Songkuro linaid dot iyonon nu hilo'd Kanada?,How long did you stay in Canada?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Otogod ko'?,Are you mad?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Langadon ko' nangku doho?,Did you miss me?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Ondos di kogumuan tulun daa om noulau oku ih.,Most people think I'm crazy.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Nokokito oku no sisimbar montok ponguhatan nu.,"Finally, I found the answer to your question.",dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Monuduk oku do boros Poransis hilo'd sikul tasawat.,I teach French at a high school.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Tondu ti nopo nga bantaton.,This woman is a prostitute.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Poopion ku do dunsul ku id suang kaban pakakas.,I keep my hammer in the toolbox.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Nakaanu maso do karaja sikul id duo minggu mantad baino.,The assignment is due two weeks from today.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Nakaanu i Tom do karaja.,Tom got a job.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Okuro-kuro habar di paganakan nu?,How is it going with your family?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Alansan oku daa osonong-sonong i Tom.,I hope Tom does well.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Atalang no tuni di Tom.,Tom's voice was clear.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Milo' ko' mirikau id ponong ku.,You can sit next to me.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Pounsikou tu onuon ko do tusak.,Thank you for the flowers.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Haro bonong id suang do tatalanan ku.,I've got a frog in my throat.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Nunu nopo komi' nu nga otopot kopio.,All that you say is perfectly correct.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Milo' ko' momoguno puun ku.,You can use my phone.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Nokoidu' tokou daa ii.,We managed to escape just in time.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Ogumu poingiyon hilo'd pogun tokoro maan pagapon.,That island's population lives on fishing.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Moi i Tom ruba dotokou hiti id jaam 2:30.,Have Tom meet us here at 2:30.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Otopot nopo om au oku nokoumbal nokokito diri.,"Actually, I've never seen one.",dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Norikot oku nodi hiti kosodop.,I came here yesterday.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Minoi i Tom supping hilo'd talun-alun.,Tom went downtown to do shopping.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Momilogot-logot isido mamanau.,She walked very carefully.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Antangai gambar lo.,Have a look at that picture.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Ungkam haro maso toi ko amu.,I don't know if I'll have time.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Ih kosoruan nga mimban-simban iri susuyan dau.,"Generally speaking, history repeats itself.",dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Napatai no taki dau goduo.,Both his grandfathers are dead.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Nunu kanu di?,What are you saying?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Ihumon i Tom ndo dahai.,Tom will find us.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn "Soira nopo papadalin boros do ayat nga haro nondo maan i suai popunongo nokomoi. Mantad diri, poposonong tokou do toilaan kokomoi do boros id toilaan tokou.","When translating sentences, we often get corrections by other users, so we improve our knowledge of the languages we already know.",dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Nokoumbal ko nokokito diti?,Have you ever seen this before?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Au ko ndo kosodia.,You will not be ready.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn I tapa di tambalut ku nopo nga songulun pamain piano do nointutunan.,I have a friend whose father is a famous pianist.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Honggo tiso dot aramai: mokinongou do loyuk sosongulun toi ko maya di tulun?,Which is more enjoyable: listening to music alone or with other people?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Otopot matu.,Maybe it's true.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Kologos i Tom do boros kad Mary.,Tom ignored Mary's advice.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Asaru magadau hiri'd Itali.,It's always sunny in Italy.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Nunu nopo jaam piya nga milo' do solinaid nopo daa omura gatang dau.,Any watch will do as long as it is cheap.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Asaga' yau doho mongoi.,She allowed me to go.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Au i Tom siongoi ruba di Mary nodi.,Tom never wants to see Mary again.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Minamanau i Tom om i Mary hilo'd suang gowuton.,Tom and Mary hiked inside the jungle.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Vi pagigis min tro multe.,You charged me too much.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Orohian oku do polumison bilik ku maya do tusak bunga.,I like to decorate my room with flowers.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Au oku milo iyonon miampai aiso tondu.,I can't live without a woman.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Tou no i Tom mangan toi ko amu kangku daa.,I'm not sure whether Tom will do that or not.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Migogut i Tom om i Mary.,Tom and Mary argue quite often.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Ihumon ku ndo diya id hinonggo-nonggo nopo om patayon tiya.,I'm going to find you wherever you are and kill you.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Muli ku ndo suab.,I'll come back tomorrow.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn "Tumanud ponoriukan diolo, amu i tulun Amorika orohian kokomoi di Gipun.",The research done by them shows that Americans are not interested in Japan.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Minanakau iyau do jaam ku.,He stole my watch.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Alansan no daa korikot o kalansanan nu.,May all of your wishes come true!,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Minoi iyau solowot disido hilo'd lamin pongusapan monikid tadau koiso.,He went to visit her at the hospital every Monday.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Au oku opusou di Tom.,I don't care much for Tom.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Nunu o kasarahan nu?,What do you remember?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Kosorou ko' po soira kumoinsan ko' mokinongou sinding Beatles?,Can you remember the first time you heard the Beatles?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Lubpu nopo ti nga kosoruan do toruol kumaa di tanganak.,Chicken pox is a common sickness in children.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Paatadai komi nu hiti kio.,"Leave me a message, please.",dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Miagal do koilo oku momoguno mosin ti.,This machine is familiar to me.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn "Tu kiganggut yau nopo, korolosi o kokitanan di kumoinsan nga iyau tulun tosonong.","Possibly because he's got a beard, he looks scary at first glance but he's really a kind man.",dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Manu ko' popoilo kumaa di Tom?,Do you want to tell Tom?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Koilo ko' nangku songkuro sinodu ralan mantad hiti'd sitisin gisom hilo'd bandar?,Do you know how far it is from the station to city hall?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn "Haro tobpinai kusai nu, Pedro?","Do you have a brother, Pedro?",dtp_Latn-eng_Latn "Haro tabang nu, Pedro?",Does Pedro have an older brother?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn "Haro tadi kusai nu, Pedro?",Does Pedro have a younger brother?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn "Haro no songulun susumikul tulun Turki hilo'd sikul Magdalena, ngaran dau i Resit.",There's a Turkish student at Magdalena's school. His name is Reşit.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Asapou nokopio rasam do kosodop totuong.,It rained hard last night.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Au oku pinoporuol diolo.,I didn't hurt them.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Oligkang i Tom.,Tom is handsome.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Koligagaanan nung adalaan do moginum.,It is dangerous to drink too much.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Milo' kito maan ti.,We can both do it.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Haro o tungau do milo mintong dot otuong.,Cats have the ability to see in the dark.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Boros dau lo minonuduk doho umbalan po kawagu.,His advice encouraged me to try it again.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Au oku kokito poingkuro daa pologoson nu dilo.,I don't see how you can ignore this.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Mambasa i Tom do majala'.,Tom is reading a magazine.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn "Haro lisih, haro nunu.",Love is everything.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Koirak oku kaka diya.,I am laughing at you.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Honggo pinirubaan nu diolo?,Where did you meet them?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn "Miagal dika, amu insan nopo ounsikou.",People like you are never happy.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Milo' oku korikot do osopung.,I can come in early.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Ih sawo tondu nopo nga songulun Amorika mantad do taki todu di tinaru Poland.,The bride is American with Polish origins.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Olumis isido id tontok do komulakan disido.,She was beautiful when she was young.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Alansan no daa koinsomok ko doho.,I wish you were close to me.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Au i Tom karati do nunu boros di Mary kad boros Poransis.,Tom said he didn't understand what Mary said in French.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Au ko tunguban di Tom miagal diri kangku daa.,I bet Tom never kissed you like that.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Hiboko'!,Get away from here.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Koilo' ko' papapanau dilo korita?,Can you drive a car?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Gopuso molohing dokoyu tintod do minsodu mantad kampung dokoyu.,Hug your parents before leaving your hometown.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Nunu o kataadan?,What is happiness?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn "Tontok tadau tangaanak diti, notoluadan no lobi po 50 basikal.","On Children's Day, more than 50 bicycles were donated.",dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Hiti i Tom tamangon doho.,Tom is here to protect me.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Au sumongkuro otopot ngawi ilo ponontudukan do Ikea kasasari.,Ikea instructions are not always perfect.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Iri no uhoton ku dii.,That's what I want to ask.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Mongiwang ko' baino?,Are you open now?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Osilaan i Mary do roo dau.,Mary can lick her own chin.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Kada pokiruhang oku id Pisbuk. Kangku diya nodi mada oku maan do nunu kumaa diya.,"Don't add me on Facebook, I've already told you that I don't want anything more to do with you.",dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Nga okuri no kalansanan di tulun.,But people have a little hope.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Nokokito oku do pomodsuan.,"By chance, I found a hot spring.",dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Aiso koinsanai pakaraja tuminindapou.,Not all of the staff was present.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Nosogitan nu dii?,Are you too cold?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Nokoilo yahai dilo ngawi.,We know all this.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Ih Ann nopo nga songulun tanak tondu.,Ann is a little girl.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Nokosodia i Tom do monguhup.,Tom is ready to help.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Kinorotuon nopo palampag watu wagu nga mamatai apat tulun pakaraja.,The collapse of the new concrete platform killed four workers.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Nokuro tu tumogod ko doho?,Why are you angry with me?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Au osonong tomod timpu diti.,This isn't a very good time.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Pakarajaan di Tom nopo dinondo nga papapanau luri.,Tom is apparently a truck driver.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn "Au ko' otood, Tom?","Are you unhappy, Tom?",dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Au ko kopio orotian kangku daa.,I don't think you really understand.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn "Kitimpu 2 minit ko nopo, obuli daa monongkiboros kito?","If you have a couple minutes, could you hear me out?",dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Monongkiboros oku disido.,I need to talk to her alone.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Au awasi dilo?,Is it as bad as that?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Odoromot o puok.,Owls are cute.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Korita disio nopo nga Ford.,His car is a Ford.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Mintong i Tadi kusai ku do TV.,My brother watches television.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Au oku koilo songkuro daa kataadan diri.,I don't know how to be happy anymore.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Milo' oku kumaraja hiti?,Can I work here?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn "Tikid kosuabon, momosik ilo tandaha di sotimbang dahai.","Every morning, the neighbour's rooster woke us.",dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Tumilombus iri masam-rasam sangadau.,The rain continued all day.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Ungkalat ko'?,Are your eyes open?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Aiso timpu mangakan baino ka di Tom.,Tom says doesn't have the time to eat right now.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Yoku nopo nga i dukutur.,I was a doctor.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Milo' oku mumboyo dau?,Can I trust him?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Kada ihumo- humo o rontob dokoyu kumaa mato tongoulun. Ihumo noh rontob dilo id suang ginawo dokoyu soira do otoronong nga kobontugan koimagon. Nung sokiro nopo kointutun kou sondiri nga ih pimboroson diolo montok dokoyu nga amu ih koponinduol dokoyu.,"Do not search for what you are worth in the eyes of people, but rather try to find it in your conscience is free your status is automatically elevated. If you truly know yourself, you would not be hurt by what others about you.",dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Obuli oku daa mamalanja dokoyu tiinumon oi sumandak?,Can I offer you ladies a drink?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Au tokou miiyon hiti.,We're not staying.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Koontok ti?,Can this be it?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Milo tokou muli walai?,Can we go home?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Nunu apatut o owitan ku?,What should I bring?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Aiso no otomon dilo.,That's nothing to be proud of.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Orohian oku do mananom.,I love gardening.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Oilaan oku daa di Tom amu no kadalaai do kumaraja.,I'm sure Tom won't be willing to work late.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Inkuro ma tokou monguhup i Tom?,How can we help Tom?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Au oku osonong kopio.,I'm not very well.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Inkuro ma tokou monguhup dika?,How can we help you?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Hiti oku id pangadadan do lori.,I'm at a truck stop.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Au iyau koilo do nunu dot apatut mangan dau.,He doesn't know what he's supposed to do.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Oruhai sido do koirak.,She started laughing.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Mugad tokou mantad Tokyo hilo'd Osaka minggu tobontol.,We'll leave Tokyo for Osaka next week.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Alaid oku poingandad disio sangadau.,I waited for him all day long.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Milo tokou mongiduan baino?,Can we leave now?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Winonsoi ilo tirikohonon mantad do palasitik.,This chair is made of plastic.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Ongoyon ku maya diya nung oponsol ih.,I will go with you if necessary.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Au oku koihum disido hinonggo-honggo.,I couldn't find her anywhere.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Au oku araatan do tinaru tulun nga...,"I'm not racist, but...",dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Milo' tokou moi suang?,Can we go inside?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Otumbayaan ku dau nopo nga i tulun Amorika.,I believe him an American.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Ih toruol nopo tundu-undu nga kosoruan miagal do ontokon do gonit mantad hiri'd tawan.,A heart attack often comes like lightning from a blue sky.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Nokuro tu ogumu tongo kara mantad ko dupot wokon?,Why have the apes evolved more than other animals?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Onuai yahai do sombotol wain po kaagu.,We'd like another bottle of wine.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Pogidu ko' mantad doho baino.,Get away from me now.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Au i Tom om Mary kopitungub id labus walai.,Tom and Mary never kiss each other in public.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Poingkuro ma kaanu oku do winagat?,How do I gain weight?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Umbalan i Tom kasasari do nunu nopo topot id pomusarahan dau.,Tom always tries to do what he thinks is right.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Haro tinan di Tom hilo'd wayaan do tindal.,Tom's body was found along a deserted road.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Insan nopo katapatan ku.,I am right for once.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Sigog ka om posimbanan no ilo tonsi tinan kumaa do lunok soginumu 50 pihatus.,Hence 50 percent of the muscle can give way to fat.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Tobonon tokou suab.,We're closed tomorrow.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Umbalan ku ndo dilo.,I will give it a try.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Kada boroso miampai do noponu taakanon id suang kabang nu.,Don't speak with your mouth full.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Milo ko' mangangat do biig ku?,Could you carry my bags for me?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn """Omulok isido?"" ""Oh""","""Is she young?"" ""Yes, she is.""",dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Mantad yahai hilo'd Poransis.,We are from France.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Nokuro tu minigit ko' disido do longon?,Why were you holding her hand?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Monongkiambalut yahai?,Can we still be friends?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Yoku nga osonong nogi.,I'm fine too.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Mongoi oku hilo'd sikul jaam koturu.,I go to school at seven.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Kanou maan tokou dot atangkangau nopo tinomod dahai.,Let's pretend we're busy.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Aiso suai do lobi toponsol mantad ko piombolutan.,There is nothing more important than friendship.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Magandad isio solinaid do sajaam.,He kept waiting for hours and hours.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Natagakan diolo kogumuan.,They have lost a lot.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Nokouli isido do hopod minit katalib do timpu kokoboongon.,She came back ten minutes after the explosion.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn "Oi Tom, nunu siakan nu don totuong diti?","Tom, what do you want to have for dinner?",dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Mongoi i Tom hilo'd supamakit monikid tadau.,Tom goes to the supermarket almost every day.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Iti nopo nga tonggungan nu.,It's your responsibility.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Umbalan ku pisingilaan do boros Inggilis.,I am trying to learn English.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Mongoi oku no.,It's time to say goodbye.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Milo' tokou mirikau hiti?,Can we sit here?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Okuro-kuro da nogonitan i Tom?,How bad was Tom hurt?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Osinang montok diya.,It's easy for you.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Milo' i tongulun momoli lo hodi?,Can people buy these?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Mamain i tangaanak id siriba do guas toonsom.,The children are playing under the lime tree.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Nokoumbal ko' minomogompi di baragang?,Have you ever had a baby?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn "Noilaan ko' do poposimban diri, nga mada ko' dii.","You know how to change it, you just don't want to.",dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Natagakan ku do imil atodon nu?,I've lost your email address.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Milo' oku mangakan dilo ipol?,May I eat this apple?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Mimpanau nopo nga osonong montok kolidasan.,Walking is nice.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Honggo tiso wayaan diolo?,Which direction were they heading in?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Nakasawo isido no?,Is she married?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Minanampasi matu i Tom doho.,Tom probably saved my life.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Honggo isio?,Where is he?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Haro i Tom do manuk tagayo.,Tom has a huge cock.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Otuong tomod hodi suang bilik om ihum-ihumon dahai do wayaan id totobon.,The room was so dark that we had to feel our way to the door.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Kinosusuon ku id tulan kohopod.,I was born in the month of October.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Sawo dau nopo nga tambalut ku.,His wife is one of my friends.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Witilon duo kou no?,Are you two hungry?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Maan oku sondiri do tinu.,I'll be on my own.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Moi yahai intong wayang. Kaino tumanud dahai.,We are going to the movies. Come with us.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Anawau kopio ilo binabang tadau baino.,The sun's glare is strong today.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Suminimbar i Yesus diolo.,Jesus answered them.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Irikau hiti.,Please have a seat here.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Ingkuro no oku milo' monguhup Tom?,How can I help Tom?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Haro no apat nohopod susumikul hilo'd kalas disido.,There are about forty students in her class.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn "Manu i Tom mongoi, nga haro karaja dau amu nootus nopongo.","Tom wanted to go, but he had lots of things to do.",dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Soira tongoyon ilo koritapui do kawagu?,When does the next train leave?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Yoho i zombi!,I'm a zombie!,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Otood ginawo disido tu nakalantoi id panantaban.,She was happy that she passed the exam.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Au oku songkuro oilaan dilo kaantakan.,I'm not sure that's the case.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Mamain i Tom do tanak kusai dau.,Tom is playing with his son.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Au oku koilo' mimboros Inggilis.,I can't speak English.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Aiso tikit nu montok abaabayan dinondo di?,Do you have any tickets for today's performance?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Iti no kinoiyonon pogindopuan ku.,This is my business address.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Milo' oku monolipoun.,I can make a call.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Ingaa no kaantakan nodi.,It'll never happen again.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Nokuro tu minoboli ko'd tusak bunga?,Why did you buy flowers?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Songinlisakai lo.,Please keep it secret.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Milo tokou monguhup diolo?,Can we help them?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Minggiak-giak isido i.,She orgasmed repeatedly.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Sikapai bogia.,Be quick about it.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Pakadaada.,Keep it quiet.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Tumanud ko mongoi tombului id tontok koundarangan miampai di Tom?,Do you plan to spend your summer vacation with Tom?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Minanahak i Tom doho disio kinoiyonon.,Tom gave me his address.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Mulau nopo lisih.,Love is crazy.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Ilo okon ko boogian dot araat.,That's not even the worst part.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Songkuro ginayo linimput nu?,How big is your room?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Asaga oku do pataaman do tusin mantad ko manahak dau.,I would rather throw the money away than give it to him.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Pinoilo di Tom kumaa di Mary isio nopo nga dukutur.,Tom told Mary he was a doctor.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Nunu komoyon ayat ti?,What does this sentence mean?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Soira milo' oku kondaliu?,When can I move in?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Norongou oku do nokopitingkod no karaja nu.,I heard you got fired.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Mamatos isido doho moi rikot.,She promised me to come.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Miagal do noilaan i Tom do numaan dau.,Tom seems to know exactly what he's doing.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Mamakai i Tom do tupi.,Tom is wearing a hat.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Manu i Tom do sokodungon nu.,Tom needs your support.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Mogot daa intang-intangan nu.,You'd better be careful.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Monimpad tungau do biik.,Cats catch mice.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Osomok moti patayon ku.,I nearly died.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Hopod om duo no kitanak diolo.,They have twelve children.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Milo' oku popotimpak korita ku hiti?,Can I park here?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Milo' oku monguhot di Tom?,Can I question Tom?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Ih tomodon ku nopo au koodop nga ogumu do inumon kupi.,In order to stay awake I may have to drink more coffee.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Nokorikot no koritapui!,Here comes the train!,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Oi tungau! Pogidu!,"Scram, you cats!",dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Muli oku id Boston. Ula nodi pakayaan ku hilo'd Chicago.,I'm going back to Boston. I've had enough of Chicago.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Ingkuro oku kagampot id Tom?,How can I reach Tom?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Nokoumbal oku pinopouni do torumpit id tontok posikulan do tiim.,I played trumpet in our high school band.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Milo' ku posuango' id tonsilot nu?,Can I stroke your pussy?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Haro duo kiik.,There were two cakes.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Kokito ko' dii?,Can you see?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Kokito ko' doid sodu?,Can you see far?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Kokito ko' dilo?,Can you see that?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Kokito ko' di Tom?,Can you see Tom?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Kokito ko' diyolo?,Can you see them?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Nokuro i Andi Yamada nabantug id sikul?,Why is Mrs. Yamada popular in your school?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Mintutun i tongulun ngawi kaka disio.,He is known to everyone.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Minonondos i tanak kusai tu mongudut id timpu do panantaban id sikul.,The boy was accused of cheating during the exam.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn I Tom nopo nga tambalut ii tosonong kanto.,Tom seems like a good friend.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Koilo ko' kumaau?,Can you swim well?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Olumis ko' tomod nopo sorohon ku.,You're much prettier than I remember.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Kada pomoros boros suai mantad Esperanto!,Don't use a language other than Esperanto!,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Au oku asaga.,I can't afford it.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Milo' oku mirikau lo hodi?,Can I sit there?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Mogidu i Tom mantad do sikul.,Tom cut school.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Kotigog i ginawo di Tom soira mokinongou boros kadi Mary.,Tom was a little surprised that Mary said that.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Soira oku koruba di Tom?,When can I see Tom?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Milo' oku mongintong pogi?,"Can I see, too?",dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Milo' oku tumimpuun id suab?,Can I start tomorrow?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Toi gia?,Is that so?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Milo' oku magandad?,Can I stay over?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Mongiau o tungau ku.,My cat barks.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Otopot gia dii?,Is that really true?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Nokoumbal oku poingiyon hilo'd Rio de Janerio solinaid apat toun.,I have been living in Rio de Janeiro for four years.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Umbalai no do poingkaa.,Try to do it like that.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Isai oku milo' monongkiboros?,Who can I talk to?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Au tokou noontok?,Are we safe now?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Ika nga id walai?,"Are you home, too?",dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Kokito ko' do nunu?,Can you see anything?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Kopio gia?,Are you really sure?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Okito oku diya.,I can see you.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Nunu popoilo' oku kumaa Tom?,What can I tell Tom?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Au oku kokito diya.,I can't see you.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Milo' oku lumansan diolo?,Can I trust them?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Muli ko' no?,Are you walking home?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Poingkuro ma popoilo' tiya?,What can I tell you?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn "Pamanango oku no. Nga nung sokiro amu oku kamanang, pologoso oku do katama do pongumbalan.","Let me win. But if I cannot win, let me be brave in the attempt.",dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Milo' oku mumboyo di Tom?,Can I trust Tom?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Nokosunud oku kumaa Tom hibok.,I asked Tom to leave.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Milo' oku monguhot nunu iti?,Can I ask what it is?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Poingkuro oku lumansan dika?,How can I trust you?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Intangai wonsoyon ku ti.,Look at what I made.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Pogidu ko' mantad tanak ku.,Get away from my son.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Sonong kopiruba diya!,Nice seeing you!,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Ongoi sakai id suang korita bin.,Get back in the van.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Hiti oku do mija' ku.,I'll be at my desk.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Okuro-kuro daa toruol lo?,How bad is the pain?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Okuro-kuro da kogonitan i Tom?,How bad is Tom hurt?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Osonong o kokitanan do ngawi.,Everything looked nice.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Nunu kawasa ku nopo nga mongumbal.,All I can do is try.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Maha oku daa monguhup.,I'd be glad to help.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Sumakai oku id korita do tinu.,I'll be in my car.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Ounsikahan oku nung mongoi.,I'll be happy to go.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Osonong-sonong oku no dilo.,I'd be OK with that.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Nakaanu ko' do surat ku?,Did you receive my letters?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Nakaanu ko' nopongo monolipoun di Tom?,Have you been able to contact Tom?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Mulau ko' nodii?,Have you lost your reason?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Mogidu oku mantad watas kakadayan do tinu.,I'll be out of town.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Milo' oku momoguno diti?,Can I use this?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Mulau yau.,She is crazy.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn I tulun no koilo mongirak ko tayam do suai.,Man is the only animal that laughs.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Yau nopo nga tungau ku.,That's my pussy.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Agayo yau miagal doho.,He's as big as I am.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Kada lihuai id dangadau kio.,Be there at noon.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Asaru oku otood maya diya.,"Being with you, I will always be happy.",dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Orohian oku do tungau.,I like cats.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Winagat nopo di Tom nga 70 kilogram.,Tom weighs at least 70 kilograms.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn "Intangai, pokitonon ku ndo diya.","Look, I'll show you.",dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Nokoumbal ko' nokotorika rasuk nu sondiri?,Have you ever ironed your clothes by yourself?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Owito iyolo montok doho.,Bring them to me.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Mogot daa iyau id suang walai po gulu tintod do momolohou dau.,You had better make sure that he is at home before you call on him.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Olundus ilo tusak.,What a beautiful flower!,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Au oku otumbayaan diya.,I can't believe you.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Milo' oku koruhang i Tom?,Can I bring Tom?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Walai dau hilo'd salatan do bawang.,His house is on the south side of the river.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Monuang i Tom do waig id suang do butul.,Tom filled the bottle with water.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Kada sunudai toinsanan.,Don't tell anyone that.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Owito barait ku.,Bring me my bag.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Orohian ko' di tulun ngawi.,You like everyone.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Nokuro tu korikot ko' hiti?,Why did you come here?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Tumulud o tombolog hilo'd tawan.,Birds fly in the sky.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Nokoilo ko'd ngaran sumandak di Tom?,Do you know Tom's girlfriend's name?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Asapou kopio rasam hiti dahai kosodop.,We had a heavy rainfall last night.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Akan no waig rinapa nu oi John!,"Eat your soup, John!",dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Au oguno i sangkalas ku. Nokosikul nodi iyolo apat toun nga au po koilo momoguno boros posugkuan! Susumikul nopo koilo mimboros nga aiso id kalas.,My classmates are pathetic. They have studied for four years and yet they can't conjugate verbs! The only student who can speak well is not in the class anymore.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Osonong oku ih.,I am fine.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Monurat oku do surat id boros Inggilis.,I wrote a letter in English language.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Orohian i Tom moi hilo'd tumo dau tintod do moi karaja.,Tom likes to work in the garden before going to work.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Ososogit lapap ku.,My feet are freezing.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Mamatai ku ndo diya.,I will kill you.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Yoho okon gia basug toi?,"I'm not stupid, am I?",dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Guminawo yahai diya.,We all love you.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Muhang yahai diya.,We all like you.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Nokorongou i Tom do sinding di Mary.,Tom was entranced by Mary's singing.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Noopian do padsakayan nu hodi onuan ku.,You're parked in my spot.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Oilaan ku do komoyon nu.,I know what you meant.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Pantangon oku do sabap.,I obey only reason.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Nokoilo oku diya'd topurimanan kaka i Tom.,I know how you feel about Tom.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Guminakom iyau doho.,He arrested me.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Atantu no ilo tompu mooi patayo do golupo.,That fox must have killed the hen.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn "Nokoilo tokou do nunu dotokou, nga au oilaan do nunu kaantakan dotokou.","We know what we are, but know not what we may be.",dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Okuri po poiloon nu.,Your explanation lacks concreteness.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Nokoilo' yau do haro korita wagu nu.,He knew that you have a new car.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Minananrasuk isido miagal do pinorikot.,She is dressed like a bride.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Intangai po diolo'd sinakagon do sukodwagu.,Take a liberal view of young people.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Monongkoilo oku.,I want to know.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Isai nopo amu no mungkomi nga ondos dau nopo sala dau nga abaal.,Whoever shuts up when he notices he's wrong is wise.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Milo' ko' miyon hiti.,You can stay in here.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn "Tumanud ponoriukan dinondo, okuri no tulun ginumuan do poingiyon hilo'd bandar metropolis.",A recent survey revealed that the population density in the metropolis was decreasing.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Aiso nodi saapan diolo lolobi do apat nohopod toun.,They had not fought for more than forty years.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Jaam kopiro pakayaan ku hilo'd tutumpoon kapal tutumulud?,What time should I go to the airport?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Osonong kopio ih.,It was really good.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Haro waig hodi toi?,Is there water there?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Ongoi lintuhun mantad pantas.,Just get off the stage.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Au isio minanahak ngaran dau tootopot.,He didn't give me his real name.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Tanak topuhawang nopo iyolo.,They're just rich kids.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Tanak oku po.,I'm just a kid.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Oruol likud ku.,My back hurts.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Apatut no tulun ginawaan di tina sondiri.,One should love one's own mother.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Moi iyau tombului hilo'd pogun Hawaii maya di paganakan.,He traveled to Hawaii with the family.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Miagal do haro kobolingkangan iyau ih.,He seems to be in trouble.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Pologoson nu doho.,You underestimated me.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Osonong-sonong kangku daa.,I think things will be OK.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Sumangod nangku i Israil di Iran?,Will Israel attack Iran?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Nokoumbal ko minoi insomok di tondu?,Have you ever dated a girl?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Papadagang oku do payung.,I sell umbrellas.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Kinoiyonon ku hilo'd Gipun.,I live in Japan.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Noilaan ku diti apagon.,I know this is hard.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Manu oku mundorong kio.,"I'm going to rest, OK?",dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Yoku nopo nga mongugusap.,I'm a doctor.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Nokuro au isai sinunudan montok doho?,Why was I not informed?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Nakaramit oku dilo.,I've already accepted it.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Milo' tokou moboros kumaa Tom.,We can talk to Tom.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Kotoh!,Served you right!,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Orohian oku kopio diolo.,I really liked them.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Awak ikut kah atau bantah?,Are you for or against this?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Haro no apol id timpak do mija'.,There is an apple on the table.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Poposurung yau do kupi' montok doho.,She served me coffee.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Langadon oku diya soira ingaa no iya.,I'll miss you after you've gone.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Poboroso do otulid kumaa doho bogia.,Be honest with me.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Lohowon iyau ndo Mary id minggu tobontol ka di Tom.,Tom says he'll call Mary next week.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn John nopo nga manangaman ku.,John is my nephew.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Duo no kimononginan ku.,I have two nephews.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Nokoidu i manakau soira nokokito iyau do pulis.,The thief ran away when he saw a policeman.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Mongoi oku koti.,I must be on my way.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Misawo i manangaman ku id suab.,My nephew is getting married tomorrow.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Ula no piodu kou goduo oi!,"Stop fighting, you two!",dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Yoku nopo nga manangaman Tom.,I'm Tom's nephew.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Noilaan oku dilo sundait.,I bet I can guess.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Kinoyonon manangaman dau id Amorika.,His nephew lives in America.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Tom nopo nga mononginan Mary.,Tom is Mary's nephew.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn I Tom gia manangaman nu?,Is Tom your nephew?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Mirikau i tiwanon ku.,My father-in-law is sitting.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Sumiliu ko' monongiwan ku.,You'll be my son-in-law.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Araatan oku di tiwanon ku.,I hate my mother-in-law.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Minoboli i Mary do pipiro rasuk.,Mary bought several dresses.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Monotos oku do monongkoilo diya.,I'm having a hard time understanding you.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Iyau no monongiwan ku.,He's one of my in-laws.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Yau nopo nga tipagon Mary.,She's Mary's sister-in-law.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Umbalai bogia Tom!,"Bring it on, Tom.",dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Mongoi i Yumi hilo'd taman om main tinis.,Yumi goes to the park to play tennis.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Suai ilo.,That was different.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Milo' oku mongoruhang dahai.,I can get us in.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Owito ilo tongulun hiti.,Bring those men here.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Kolihis ginawo iti tangon.,This is an interesting story.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Owito i Tom hiti.,Bring Tom in here.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Yoku okon gia mongingia' nu nogi.,I'm not your teacher anymore.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Isai ngaran sawo di Tom?,What's Tom's wife's name?,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Miyon oku maya molohing ku.,I live with my parents.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Poruhango i Tom maya dika.,Bring Tom with you.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Owito pakakas nu.,Bring your tool box.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Maan ku ndo nunu komilaan ku.,I'll do everything I can.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Pinoilo oku di Tom tu au po momongo dilo.,Tom told me that he hadn't done that yet.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Osonong tomod ilo kusai hiti'd jabatan ku.,The guys in my department are so nice.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Uka moti hombo isido baino?,I don't even know where she is right now.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Alansan oku kopio.,I'm full of hope.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Minamatos iyau korikot id jaam kaapat.,He promised me that he would come at four.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn Nababak oku do susuangan tusak baino.,I broke a vase today.,dtp_Latn-eng_Latn "Αν έχεις να πεις κάτι, πες το.","If you have something to say, say it.",ell_Grek-eng_Latn Αυτό είναι το παλιό μου ποδήλατο.,This is my old bicycle.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Την καταστρέψατε.,You ruined it.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Δεν μπορείς να κάνεις τίποτα.,You can't do anything.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Η Ολλανδία είναι μικρή χώρα.,The Netherlands is a small country.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Η απάντησή σας διαφέρει από τη δική μου.,Your answer differs from mine.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Πέστε της να μου γράψει.,Tell her to write me.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Ο σίδηρος είναι ένα χρήσιμο μέταλλο.,Iron is a useful metal.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Πέστε του να μου γράψει.,Tell him to write me.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Πέστε τες να μου γράψουν.,Tell them to write me.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Πέστε της ότι δε θέλουμε να πάμε.,Tell her we don't want to go.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Πέστε του ότι δε θέλουμε να πάμε.,Tell him we don't want to go.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Πέστε τες ότι δε θέλουμε να πάμε.,Tell them we don't want to go.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Εξαρτάται από σας.,That depends on you.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Έχουμε μια δουλειά για σένα.,We've got a job for you.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Ζω τη ζωή.,I live life.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Γιατί σου αρέσει η Χαβάη;,Why do you like Hawaii?,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Ο Τομ αγαπάει τα ζώα.,Tom loves animals.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Μένω στο Μιλάνο.,I live in Milan.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Από πού είστε;,Where are you from?,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Τώρα εξαρτάται από σένα.,Now it's up to you!,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Ο Τομ είναι εξαρτημένος από την Μαίρη.,Tom depends on Mary.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Τα παλιά χρόνια οι άνθρωποι θεωρούσαν ότι η γη είναι επίπεδη.,It used to be thought that the earth was flat.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn "Με άλλα λόγια, είναι τεμπέλης.","In other words, he is lazy.",ell_Grek-eng_Latn Ο πατέρας μου αγαπάει την μάνα μου.,My father loves my mother.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Εγώ έτσι είπα.,I said that.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Είστε ακόμη ζωντανός.,You're still alive.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Έχει συννεφιά;,Is it cloudy?,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Ξέρω τη διεύθυνσή της.,I know her address.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Γιατί δεν κοιμάσαι το βράδυ;,What keeps you up at night?,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Είναι σίγουρος ότι θα έρθει.,He is sure that he will come.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Οι περισσότερες απ' αυτές είναι Καναδέζες.,Most of them are Canadians.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Δεν πάω.,I'm not going.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Έχεις πονοκέφαλο;,Does your head hurt?,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Αυτή κατάφερε να πάρει αυτό που ήθελε.,She succeeded in getting what she wanted.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Το κόστος διαβίωσης ανέβηκε.,The cost of living has risen.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Δεν υπάρχουν σχόλια προς στιγμήν.,There are no comments for now.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Ψόφησα από την κούραση.,I am dead tired.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Τι λέει η αλεπού;,What does the fox say?,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Είμαι έγκυος.,I am pregnant.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Τίποτα δεν είναι τέλειο.,Nothing is perfect.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Το ψυγείο μου δε δουλεύει.,My refrigerator is out of order.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Δεν μπορώ να πιστέψω κανέναν πια.,I can't believe anyone anymore.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Ο Τομ δεν είναι καλός στην οδήγηση.,Tom isn't good at driving.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Δε θα σε αφήσω να πεθάνεις.,I won't let you die.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Έχεις τίποτα πιο φτηνό;,Do you have anything cheaper?,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Ο Τομ έφυγε στις τέσσερις το πρωί.,Tom left at four in the morning.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Σκέπτομαι να πάω στο Παρίσι.,I'm thinking of going to Paris.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn 'Εχουν περάσει τρία χρόνια από τότε που με άφησε.,It's been two years since she left me.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Η απόδρασή του από την φυλακή ήταν καλά σχεδιασμένη.,His escape from prison was well planned.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Τι είναι σήμερα;,What is today?,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Θα ανοίξω την πόρτα.,I will open the door.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Ήμουν τόσο θυμωμένη.,I was so mad.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Που πήγε το άλογο;,Where did the horse go?,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Ο αδελφός μου δουλεύει σε τράπεζα.,My brother works in a bank.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Πήγες στο καζίνο.,You went to the casino.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Αυτή η γυναίκα μου είπε ψέματα.,This woman lied to me.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Θα μπορούσες να το εξηγήσεις πιο απλα;,Could you explain it more simply?,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Η ιδιοκτησία είναι κλοπή.,Property is theft.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Πόσα γράμματα έστειλες στον Τομ;,How many letters did you send to Tom?,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Μου αρέσει το κίτρινο.,I like yellow.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Η παιδοφιλία είναι έγκλημα.,Paedophilia is a crime.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Ο πατέρας μου νομίζει ότι έχει πάντα δίκιο.,My father thinks that he's always right.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Ο αδερφός μου είναι καθυστερημένος.,My brother is a retard.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Με ποιόν είστε εκεί;,Who are you there with?,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Αυτός δεν είναι καλύτερος απ΄τον κλέφτη.,He is no better than a thief.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn "Γειά σου Τζον, πως τα πας;","Hey John, how's it going?",ell_Grek-eng_Latn Απλά κουράστηκα.,I was just tired.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Ο Τομ απλά δεν καταλαβαίνει.,Tom just doesn't understand.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Πως είναι η Μαίρη;,How is Mary?,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Βρέχει σήμερα.,It's raining today.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Αυτά τα αυτοκίνητα είναι δικά μας.,These cars are ours.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Αυτή η φράση δεν ανήκει σε μένα.,This sentence does not belong to me.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Γιατί φοβάσαι τον Ντέρεκ;,Why are you afraid of Derek?,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Θα πιεί λίγο γάλα.,She's going to drink some milk.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Το γεύμα σύντομα θα είναι έτοιμο.,Lunch will be ready soon.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Έριξες αλάτι;,You threw salt?,ell_Grek-eng_Latn "Άλφα, βήτα και γάμμα είναι γράμματα της ελληνικής αλφαβήτου.","Alpha, beta and gamma are Greek letters.",ell_Grek-eng_Latn Γνωρίζεις πότε θα επιστρέψουν;,Do you know when they will be back?,ell_Grek-eng_Latn "Είναι ένα ντροπαλό, ανασφαλές, υπερβολικά ευαίσθητο κορίτσι.","She is a shy, insecure, overly sensitive girl.",ell_Grek-eng_Latn Δεν μπορώ να αναπνεύσω.,I can't breathe!,ell_Grek-eng_Latn 'Ελα εδώ αμέσως.,Come here right now.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Χαμήλωσε τη μουσική.,Turn down the music.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Είσαι η μόνη μου ελπίδα.,You are my only hope.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Πόσο κάνουν αυτά τα μήλα;,How much are these apples?,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Πόσο κάνουν αυτές οι πατάτες;,How much are these potatoes?,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Πόσο έχει αυτό το καπέλο;,How much is this hat?,ell_Grek-eng_Latn "Μερικές φορές πέφτω, αλλά ποτέ δεν τα παρατάω.","Sometimes I fall, but I never give up.",ell_Grek-eng_Latn Το πέος σου είναι μεγάλο.,Your penis is big.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Κανένας δε γνωρίζει γιατί.,No one knows why.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Θέλω μόνον να πω ευχαριστώ σε όλους σας.,I just want to say thanks to you all.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Γεια! Μπορείς να με ακούσεις;,Hello! Can you hear me?,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Μου αρέσουν πολύ τα σκυλιά.,I like dogs very much.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Θέλω να πω κάτι πολύ σημαντικό.,I want to say something very important.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Θα ήθελα να ανταλλάξω γιεν σε δολλάρια.,I'd like to change yen to dollars.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Σε παρακαλώ εξήγησέ το πιο απλά.,Please explain it more simply.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Από την προφορά κατάλαβα ότι αυτός είναι αμερικανός.,I understood from his accent that he was an American.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Η Λίαν λατρεύει τις κοτομπουκιές.,Leanne loves chicken nuggets.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Αγαπάω τη Λιάν.,I love Leanne.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Έχω δύο αδερφούς και τρεις αδερφές.,I have two brothers and three sisters.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Το μωρό μου έχει κατουρήσει την πάνα του.,My baby has peed in his nappy.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Η Λιάν μένει στο Λέστερ.,Leanne lives in Leicester.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Όλοι πρέπει να υπακούν στο Σύνταγμα.,Everyone has to obey the constitution.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Ο σκύλος τρώει ένα μήλο.,The dog is eating an apple.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn "Καλύτερα κάτι, απ'το τίποτε.",Something is better than nothing.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Είσαι ο άγγελός μου.,You are my angel.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Πού είναι οι κάλτσες μου;,Where are my socks?,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Φτιάχνω σούπα.,I'm making soup.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Ο Τομ πουλάει υπολογιστές.,Tom sells computers.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Τι προκάλεσε αυτούς τους τραυματισμούς;,What caused these injuries?,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Πως τραυματίστηκες;,How did you get injured?,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Η μπανάνα είναι γλυκιά.,The banana is sweet.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn "Ό,τι κι αν συμβεί, μην ξεχνάς να χαμογελάς.","No matter what happens, don't forget to smile.",ell_Grek-eng_Latn "Ο Τομ έχει πάει ήδη σπίτι, αλλά η Μαίρη είναι ακόμα εδώ.","Tom has already gone home, but Mary is still here.",ell_Grek-eng_Latn Η γάτα ήπιε το γάλα της.,The cat drank her milk.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Θα μπορούσα να το χρησιμοποιήσω;,May I use that?,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Το καπέλο μου δεν είναι καινούριο.,My hat is not new.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Θα ήθελα να βρω μια δουλειά που μου αρέσει να κάνω.,I'd like to find a job that I enjoy doing.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Η πατρική μου γλώσσα είναι τα Γιαπωνέζικα.,My native language is Japanese.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Μπορείς να με βουθήσεις να βρω μια καλή δουλειά;,Can you help me find a good job?,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Δεν νιώθω καλά σήμερα.,I do not feel well today.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Αναρωτιέμαι τι πρέπει να κάνω για να βρω δουλειά.,I wonder what I need to do to find a job.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Τα παιδιά και οι μεθυσμένοι δεν ψεύδονται.,Children and drunks don't lie.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Αυτό το αυτοκίνητο είνα εύκολο στο χειρισμό.,This car is easy to handle.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Σήμερα πήρα ένα πολύτιμο μάθημα.,Today I've learned a valuable lesson.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Μην μεταφράζεις την πρόταση αυτολεξεί.,Do not translate the sentence word for word.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Το καλοκαίρι εδώ είναι πολύ θερμό.,It is very hot here in the summer.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Αυτός ο καφές είναι πολύ πικρός.,This coffee is too bitter.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Δεν θέλω να έχω καμία σχέση μαζί σου!,I don't want to have anything more to do with you!,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Τα κοράλλια είναι ζώα ή φυτά;,Are corals animals or plants?,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Ο γιατρός μου είπε να μην τρώω πάρα πολύ.,The doctor told me not to eat too much.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Δώστε μια ευκαιρία στην ειρήνη.,Give peace a chance.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Δεν νομίζεις ότι υπερβάλλεις;,Don't you think you're overreacting?,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Ο Τομ είναι άσχημος.,Tom is ugly.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Είναι 8:30.,It's half past eight.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Μαμά βιάσου! Όλοι περιμένουν.,"Mom, hurry up! Everyone's waiting.",ell_Grek-eng_Latn Πρέπει να γυμνάζομαι περισσότερο.,I need to exercise more.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Δεν έχουμε πού να πάμε.,We have no place to go.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Ο άνδρας θέλει να μάθει την αλήθεια.,The man wants to know the truth.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn "Είμαι πολύ κουρασμένος, γι'αυτό θα πάω για ύπνο νωρίς σήμερα.","I'm really tired, so I'm going to go to bed early tonight.",ell_Grek-eng_Latn "Νυστάζεις, πάνε για ύπνο.","You're sleepy, so go to bed.",ell_Grek-eng_Latn Υποθέτω πως είστε καλύτερος απ' τον Τομ.,I guess you're better than Tom.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Νομίζω πως είναι ψεύτρες.,I think they're liars.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Ο Τομ αγόρασε τρεις ντουζίνες αυγά.,Tom bought three dozen eggs.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Νόμιζα πως ήταν μια χαρά.,I thought it was fine.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Ο Τομ έφερε το μεσημεριανό του σήμερα.,Tom brought his lunch today.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Αρνούμαι να φοβηθώ.,I refuse to be afraid.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Ανυπομονούσα να μιλήσω στον Τομ.,I couldn't wait to talk to Tom.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Στ' αλήθεια αγαπούσα τη δουλειά μου.,I really loved my job.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Αγαπώ να βοηθάω τους ανθρώπους.,I love helping people.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Δεν μπορούσα να κάνω τίποτα για τον Τομ.,I couldn't do anything for Tom.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Γνωρίζω πολλούς πιλότους.,I know lots of pilots.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Δεν είμαι καλά.,I'm not well.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Ήθελα απλώς να τραγουδήσω.,I just wanted to sing.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn "Παραδόξως, έχει δίκιο.","Paradoxically, he is right.",ell_Grek-eng_Latn Ελπίζω να συνεχιστεί αυτό.,I hope that continues.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Ελπίζω αυτό να συνεχιστεί.,I hope that that continues.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Ο Τομ έφαγε πρωινό ολομόναχος.,Tom ate breakfast all alone.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Αισθάνομαι πολύ ασφαλής εδώ.,I feel very safe here.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Είναι δύσκολα τα Γαλλικά;,Is French difficult?,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Λένε ότι γεννήθηκε στη Γερμανία.,They say that he was born in Germany.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Ο Τομ έφτασε εδώ χτες βράδυ.,Tom arrived here last night.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Μου άρεσε εκείνο το τραγούδι.,I liked that song.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Έχω μάθει τόσα πολλά απ' τον Τομ.,I've learned so much from Tom.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Ο Τομ αυτοκτόνησε το 2013.,Tom killed himself in 2013.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Δε θα ξαναμιλήσω ποτέ στον Τομ.,I'll never speak to Tom again.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Ο Τομ είναι πολύ εύπιστος.,Tom is very impressionable.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Θυμάστε την πρώτη φορά που πήγαμε για μπάνιο μαζί;,Do you remember the first time we went swimming together?,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Θυμάσαι την πρώτη φορά που πήγαμε για μπάνιο μαζί;,Do you remember the first time that we went swimming together?,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Θέλω σοκολάτα!,I want chocolate!,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Νομίζω ότι ο Τομ έπαιξε καλά.,I think Tom played well.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Νομίζεις ότι ο Τομ μπορεί να σε βοηθήσει;,Do you think Tom can help you?,ell_Grek-eng_Latn "Εσύ με καταλαβαίνεις, κι αυτό είναι το πιο σημαντικό.","You understand me, and that's the most important thing.",ell_Grek-eng_Latn Ο Τομ ήθελε να γίνει επιστήμονας.,Tom wanted to be a scientist.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Το νερό της λίμνης είναι πολύ κρύο.,The water of the lake is very cold.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Είσαι ακόμα στην Φλόριντα;,Are you still in Florida?,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Καλλιεργώ ορχιδέες.,I raise orchids.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Αγόρασα αυτόν τον εκτυπωτή χθες.,I bought this printer yesterday.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Ξέρω ότι αυτό είναι αλήθεια.,I know this is true.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Αυτό δεν ενόχλησε καθόλου τον Τομ.,That didn't bother Tom at all.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Ποτέ δεν είπα την αλήθεια στον Τομ.,I never told the truth to Tom.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Όλοι συμφωνήσαμε με τον Τομ.,We all agreed with Tom.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Συχνά παίζει κιθάρα.,He often plays the guitar.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Έλα στο γραφείο μου.,Come to my office.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Ο Τομ είναι ένας πλαστικός χειρουργός.,Tom is a plastic surgeon.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Υπάρχει λίγο νερό στο ποτήρι.,There's a little bit of water in the glass.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Χρειάζομαι έναν χάρτη.,I need a map.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Τα εγγόνια μου ζουν στη Βοστώνη.,My grandkids live in Boston.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Μην συγχέετε τους κομήτες με τους αστεροειδείς.,Don't confuse comets and asteroids.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Είναι δάσκαλοι.,They are teachers.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Δε μπορώ να φανταστώ την ζωή μου χωρίς εσένα.,I can't imagine my life without you.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Ο Τομ ήταν επικίνδυνος.,Tom was dangerous.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Ας πάρουμε το ασανσέρ.,Let's take the elevator.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Έχετε δυο λουλούδια.,You have two flowers.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Τα Περσικά δεν είναι δύσκολα.,Persian is not hard.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Μιλάω πέντε γλώσσες.,I speak five languages.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Δεν είναι δύσκολα τα Περσικά.,Persian's not hard.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Συμφωνήσαμε στα πάντα.,We have agreed on everything.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Θεωρώ πως τα μακαρόνια είναι ένα απο τα καλύτερα φαγητά του κόσμου.,I consider spaghetti to be one of the greatest foods in the world.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Σήκωσε το αριστερό χέρι.,Raise up your left hand.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Θα μπορούσα να μιλήσω στον Τομ;,Could I speak to Tom?,ell_Grek-eng_Latn "Όταν ήμουν νέος, πήγαινα στην εκκλησία όλες τις κυριακές.",I went to church every Sunday when I was a boy.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Όλοι κάνουν λάθη.,Everyone makes mistakes.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Υπάρχουν πολλές μεγάλες πόλεις στη Βραζιλία.,There are a lot of big cities in Brazil.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Ο Μάικ είναι ο ψηλότερος από τους τρεις.,Mike is the tallest of the three.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Μιλάς καταλανικά;,Do you speak Catalan?,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Ξέρω πού μένει.,I know where he lives.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Αύριο θα χιονίσει.,It'll snow tomorrow.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Οι μπότες του Τομ ήταν λερωμένες.,Tom's boots were muddy.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Αυτός είναι πολιτικός απ΄όλες τις απόψεις.,He is a politician in all senses.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Φέρ' τα μαζί σου.,Bring them with you.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Το ήμισυ του παγκόσμιου πληθυσμού ζει σε πόλεις.,Half of the world’s population lives in cities.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Μίλησα στον Τομ.,I told Tom.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Είστε Καναδέζος;,Are you Canadian?,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Έχεις απολύτως δίκιο.,You're completely right!,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Αυτή μιλάει τρεις γλώσσες.,She speaks three languages.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Ο Τομ φορούσε ένα μαύρο παλτό.,Tom was wearing a black coat.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Έχουμε πολλά να μας κρατήσουν απασχολημένες.,We have plenty to keep us busy.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Δε σας εμπιστεύονται.,They don't trust you.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Ο Τομ πήγε στη Βοστώνη με τη Μαίρη.,Tom went to Boston with Mary.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Η Κέιτ δεν γιορτάζει τα γενέθλιά της σχεδόν ποτέ.,Kate hardly ever celebrates her birthday.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Σου έχω πει πράγματα που δεν έχω πει ποτέ σε κανέναν άλλον.,I've told you things I've never told anyone else.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn "Αν ήμουν πλούσια, θα ταξίδευα παντού.","If I were rich, I would go travelling everywhere.",ell_Grek-eng_Latn Δεν μπορούμε να εμπιστευτούμε τον Τομ.,We can't trust Tom.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Δεν θέλει να διαβάσει σήμερα.,He doesn't want to study today.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Δεν φοράς παντελόνι.,You're not wearing any pants.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Έχω μόνο δυο χέρια.,I only have two hands.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Δεν είμαι αστρολόγος.,I'm not an astrologer.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Έχεις οικογένεια;,Do you have a family?,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Ο Τομ δεν μπορούσε να αποφασίσει τί να κάνει.,Tom couldn't decide what to do.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Πιστεύεις σε τέτοια πράγματα;,Do you believe in such things?,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Πρέπει να γυρίσω στη δουλειά.,I've got to get back to work.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Ο Τομ δεν είναι σαν και σένα.,Tom isn't like you.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Μην υπογράψεις το συμβόλαιο με μολύβι.,Don't sign the contract with a pencil.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Πες του την αλήθεια.,Tell him the truth.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Μου θυμίζει εσάς.,It reminds me of you.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Ο Τομ σας αγαπάει.,Tom loves you.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Φαίνεσαι κατηφής.,You look gloomy.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Έχετε ρύζι;,Do you have rice?,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Σκέψου το.,Think about it.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Ο Τομ είναι ασταμάτητος.,Tom is unstoppable.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Ο Τομ είναι βίαιος.,Tom is fierce.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Ο Τομ περιμένει.,Tom is waiting.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Ο Τομ είναι αδύναμος.,Tom is weak.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Ο Τομ είν' αδύναμος.,Tom is powerless.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Δεν πάω στο σχολείο με το λεωφορείο.,I don't go to school by bus.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Αυτός είναι συμμαθητής μου.,He is my classmate.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Δε ζήτησα ποτέ τη συμβουλή σου.,I never asked your advice.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Έχω χάσει το πορτοφόλι μου.,I have lost my wallet.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Ακούω τον ήχο του ταμπούρλου.,I hear the drum.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Δε μ' αγαπάτε!,You don't love me!,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Έχουμε μεγάλο κοινό απόψε.,We have a big audience tonight.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Καλώς ορίσατε στο σπίτι μου.,Welcome to my home.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Ο Τομ είναι διάσημος.,Tom is famous.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Ο Τομ είναι φανταστικός.,Tom is fantastic.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Μου αρέσουν τις γλώσσες.,I like languages.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Ο Τομ δεν έχει πολλά βιβλία.,Tom doesn't have many books.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Ο Τομ δεν έρχεται συχνά εδώ.,Tom doesn't often come here.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Ο Τομ δεν μπορεί να μιλήσει καλά τα Γαλλικά.,Tom can't speak French well.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Ο Τομ δεν μπορεί να σου πει τίποτα.,Tom can't tell you anything.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Ο Τομ αποφάσισε να κρατήσει ημερολόγιο.,Tom decided to keep a diary.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Ο πελάτης έχει πάντα δίκιο.,The customer is always right.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Ο Τομ είναι καλός στα μαθηματικά.,Tom is good at mathematics.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Είναι καλός στα μαθηματικά ο Τομ.,Tom is good at math.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Ο Τομ μας επέτρεψε να τον βοηθήσουμε.,Tom allowed us to help him.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Ο Τομ είναι νέος και ταλαντούχος.,Tom is young and talented.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn "Πορτοκαλί, το αγαπημένο μου χρώμα.",My favourite colour is orange.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Το σκόρδο κάνει καλό στην υγεία.,Garlic is good for one's health.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Δεν είμαι σε φόρμα.,I'm not in good shape.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Το μέλλον ανήκει σε εκείνους που πιστεύουν στην ομορφιά των ονείρων τους.,The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Πάω σχολείο.,I go to school.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Δεν μπορώ να σας τη δώσω.,I can't give it to you.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Μην κατηγορείς τον Τομ.,Don't blame Tom.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Τι θέλετε να πείτε;,What do you want to say?,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Δεν μπόρεσα να δω τίποτε.,I couldn't see anything.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn "Σε παρακαλώ, δίδαξέ με Γαλλικά.",Please teach me French.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Είναι μακρύ το μολύβι;,Is the pencil long?,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Θα σε πυροβολήσω.,I'll shoot you.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Δεν μπορώ.,I can not.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Ο Τομ δεν ενδιαφέρεται για τις επιστήμες.,Tom has no interest in science.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Η αστυνομία ερευνάει τη δολοφονία.,The police are investigating the murder.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Θα σας τα φέρω.,I'll bring them to you.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Λέγεται ότι ο πόλεμος θα τελειώσει σύντομα.,It is said that the war will end soon.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Ο Τομ πίνει μόνο εμφιαλωμένο νερό.,Tom drinks only bottled water.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Δε θα πετάξει!,It won't fly!,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Βούρτσισε τα δόντια σου κάθε μέρα.,Brush your teeth every day.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Αυτός μου το δώσε.,He gave it to me.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn "Δε κάνουν ποτέ λάθος, έτσι;","Nothing is ever their fault, is it?",ell_Grek-eng_Latn Είσαι δεκαεπτά χρόνων;,Are you 17?,ell_Grek-eng_Latn "Ο Τομ πήγε στο ταχυδρομείο, για να στείλει ένα γράμμα.",Tom went to the post office to mail a letter.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Ποιος απ' αυτούς είναι δικός μου;,Which one of them is mine?,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Έχετε δίκιο.,You are right.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Δε μπορώ να διαβάσω αυτό το βιβλίο δίχως να δακρύσω.,I cannot read this book without shedding tears.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn "Είμασταν φτωχοί, αλλ΄ευτυχισμένοι.","We were poor, but we were happy.",ell_Grek-eng_Latn Αυτός δούλευε εννιά με πέντε.,He worked from nine to five.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn "Αυτός είναι καλός βιολιστής, έτσι δεν είναι;","He's a good violinist, is this not true?",ell_Grek-eng_Latn Βασάνισε έναν κρατούμενο.,He tortured a prisoner.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Βασάνισε μία κρατουμένη.,She tortured a prisoner.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Σκέφτομαι να πάω στο εξωτερικό.,I am thinking of going abroad.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Τίποτε δεν συμβαίνει τυχαία.,Nothing happens by chance.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Δώσε μια φωτιά.,Give me a light.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Φαίνεται ότι ο πατέρας του είναι δικηγόρος.,It seems that his father is a lawyer.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Αυτό είναι στυλό ή μολύβι;,Is this a pen or a pencil?,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Ο σύζυγός μου είναι γιατρός.,My husband is a doctor.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Αυτό το αυτοκίνητο φτιάχθηκε στην Ιαπωνία.,This car was made in Japan.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Γνωρίζετε τον άνθρωπο που στέκεται πάνω στη γέφυρα;,Do you know the man standing on the bridge?,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Χρειαζόμαστε περισσότερους εθελοντές.,We need more volunteers.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Χάρηκα για τη γνωριμία.,Nice to meet you.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Το σπίτι σου καίγεται!,Your house is on fire!,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Ποιανού είν' αυτό το σκυλί;,Whose dog is this?,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Ποιανού γιος είσαι;,Whose son are you?,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Η Αιμιλία διψάει.,Emily is thirsty.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Η προεδρική εκλογή δεν είναι διαγωνισμός ομορφιάς.,The presidential election is not a beauty contest.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Το αεροπλάνο έκανε μια τέλεια προσγείωση.,The plane made a perfect landing.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Έτσι και είναι.,This is true.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Δε διαφωνώ.,I don't disagree.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Τρώω.,I am eating.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Κλειδώθηκα έξω από το σπίτι μου.,I locked myself out of my house.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Δεν μπορώ να πιω γάλα.,I can't drink milk.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Δεν ψήφισα.,I didn't vote.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Δε μελέτησε καθόλου.,He didn't study at all.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Πού πηγαίνει;,Where is he going?,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Ο Τομ δεν είναι ψεύτης.,Tom is not a liar.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Έχω μια ερώτηση για τον Τομ.,I have a question for Tom.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Δε θα πας;,Won't you go?,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Αυτό το λεξικό είναι ενημερωμένο.,The dictionary is up to date.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Δε μ' αρέσει καθόλου αυτή η πόλη.,I don't like this city at all.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Γιατί είναι θυμωμένοι;,Why are they angry?,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Γιατί είναι θυμωμένη;,Why is she angry?,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Δε χόρευα!,I wasn't dancing!,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Σ' αρέσει η λευκή σοκολάτα;,Do you like white chocolate?,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Είναι η καλύτερή μου φίλη.,She's my best friend.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Ένα από τα όνειρά μου είναι να μάθω Ισλανδικά.,One of my dreams is to learn Icelandic.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Ο Μίλαν Κούντερα είναι ο αγαπημένος μου συγγραφέας.,Milan Kundera is my favourite writer.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Σ΄αυτόν δεν αρέσει το ψάρι.,He doesn't like fish.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Δεν υπάρχει κανένα γρασίδι στη Σελήνη.,There is no grass on the moon.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Ήταν δικοί μου.,They were mine.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Το ατύχημα συνέβη δύο ώρες πριν.,The accident happened two hours ago.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Δώσε μου ένα πορτοκάλι.,Give me an orange.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Πόσο κάνει αυτό το ρολόι;,What is the price of this watch?,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Το γέλιο είναι μεταδοτικό.,Laughter is contagious.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn "Όχι Γιάννης, Γιαννάκης.",It's all the same.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Το τηλέφωνο είναι μια θαυμάσια συσκευή.,The telephone is one wonderful device.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Έγραψα ένα τραγούδι για το Tatoeba.,I wrote a song about Tatoeba.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Με ξεπερνάει.,That goes over my head.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn "Τι θα 'κανες, αν ήσουν στη θέση μου;",What would you do if you were in my place?,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Μαθαίνεις γαλλικά ;,Are you studying French?,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Στους ζωολογικούς κήπους στον Άρη υπάρχουν ζώα από τη Γη.,"In the zoos on Mars, there are animals from Earth.",ell_Grek-eng_Latn Είναι άκαρδος.,He has a heart of stone.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Η κόρη της δεν είναι καλή μαγείρισσα.,Her daughter is not a good cook.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Είμαι σύφωνος με το σχέδιό του.,I agree to his plan.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Δεν μπορώ να σε πιστέψω.,I can't believe you.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Ο Θωμάς ήταν σαν αδελφός για μένα.,Tom was like a brother to me.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Δε μπορείς να έχεις την πίτα ολόκληρη και το σκύλο χορτάτο.,You can't have it both ways.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Καλωσήρθατε στη χώρα μας!,Welcome to our country!,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Καλωσήρθατε στις ΗΠΑ.,Welcome to the US.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn "Καλωσήρθατε, κυρίες και κύριοι!","Welcome, ladies and gentlemen!",ell_Grek-eng_Latn Καλωσήρθες στο σπίτι μας.,Welcome to our home.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Χτες αγόρασα γουρούνι στο σακί.,I bought a pig in a poke yesterday.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Καλωσήρθατε στον Καναδά!,Welcome to Canada!,ell_Grek-eng_Latn "Τι θα 'κανες, αν ήσουνα στη θέση μου;",What would you do in my place?,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Δε χρειάζεται να ανακαλύψεις τον τροχό.,You don't need to reinvent the wheel.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Ο ασθενής τη σκαπούλαρε.,The patient got over the critical stage.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Νίπτω τας χείρας μου.,I wash my hands of it.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Είναι εντάξει;,Is she okay?,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Κάνει ορνιθοσκαλίσματα.,He has bad handwriting.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Αυτός έδωσε τη ζωή του για τη χώρα του.,He gave up his life for his country.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Αυτή του πέθανε στα χέρια του.,She died in his arms.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Μιλάς καλά τα Γαλλικά!,You speak good French!,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Η απάντηση μας οδηγεί σ' έναν φαύλο κύκλο.,The answer leads us to a vicious circle.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Εγώ είμαι από τη Δανία.,I'm from Denmark.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Νομίζω ότι το νομοσχέδιό μας είναι ρεαλιστικό.,I think that our bill is realistic.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Ο Τομ πιστεύει ότι η Μαίρη σκότωσε τον Τζον.,Tom believes Mary killed John.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Δεν έχουν αναφερθεί σοβαροί τραυματισμοί.,No serious injuries have been reported.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Ο Τομ συνέχισε να μιλάει στη Μαίρη.,Tom continued to talk to Mary.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Είμαστε πολύ ιδιότροποι.,We're very particular.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Ο Τομ ακούει τη Μαίρη.,Tom is listening to Mary.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Ποιός είναι ο αγαπημένος σου σκηνοθέτης;,Who's your favorite movie director?,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Αυτό θα μπορούσε να συμβεί στον καθένα.,This could happen to anybody.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Ο Τομ έχει τρεις αδερφές.,Tom has three sisters.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Ο Τομ είναι απλώς λίγο ντροπαλός.,Tom is just a little shy.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Στέκομαι στη σκιά.,I'm standing in the shade.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Δε μιλούσαν Γαλλικά.,They weren't speaking French.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Ο Τομ δεν έβγαλε τα παπούτσια του.,Tom didn't take his shoes off.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Είμαστε ακόμη πολύ απασχολημένοι.,We're still very busy.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn "Αυτό είν' ένα καλό μέρος, για να κατασκηνώσει κανείς.",This is a good place to camp.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn "Όχι άσχημα, αλλά είμαι λίγο κουρασμένος.","Not bad, but I'm a bit tired.",ell_Grek-eng_Latn Ο Τομ πέθανε στην Αυστραλία το 2013.,Tom died in Australia in 2013.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Στον Τομ αρέσουν τ' αστεία μου.,Tom likes my jokes.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Είμαστε ακόμη στη Βοστώνη.,We're still in Boston.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Δεν ξέρω όλη την αλήθεια.,I don't know the whole truth.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Οι δρόμοι είναι καλυμμένοι με χιόνι.,The streets are covered with snow.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Δεν είδα τίποτα απολύτως.,I didn't see anything at all.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Ο Τομ πέθανε πέρσι τον Οκτώβρη.,Tom died in October last year.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Υπάρχουν μόνο τρία απ' αυτά.,There are only three of them.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Αυτή είναι γαλλίδα στην καταγωγή.,She is of French birth.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Έχω ένα εκατομμύριο ερωτήσεις.,I have a million questions.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Δεν είμαστε ανταγωνιστικές.,We're not competitive.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Τα πράγματα άλλαξαν δραματικά.,Things changed dramatically.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Ο Τομ έχει ήδη πει ναι.,Tom has already said yes.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Εξέτασα τα δόντια μου στον οδοντογιατρό.,I had my teeth examined at the dentist's.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Είμαστε όλες από τη Βοστώνη.,We're all from Boston.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Υπάρχει βόμβα στ' αεροπλάνο.,There's a bomb on the plane.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Είναι εκεί ο Τόνι;,Is Tony there?,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Ήμουν μάρτυρας.,I was a witness.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Έχω μια αδερφή.,I have one sister.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Έχετε τίποτα φτηνότερο;,Do you have less expensive ones?,ell_Grek-eng_Latn "Παρακαλώ, Ξακκ!","You are welcome, Jack!",ell_Grek-eng_Latn Είμαστε εδώ για να διασκεδάσουμε.,We're here to have fun.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Φυσάει δυτικός άνεμος.,The wind is blowing from the west.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Δεν μου αρέσει αυτό το παιχνίδι.,I don't like this game.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Αυτή τον συμβούλεψε να διαβάζει περισσότερα βιβλία.,She advised him to read more books.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Εμείς κολυμπήσαμε στη θάλασσα.,We swam in the sea.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Δεν έρχεται κανείς.,No one is coming.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Ο Τζακ δεν είν' εδώ.,Jack isn't here.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Θα έπρεπε να εξετάσετε τα μάτια σας από ένα γιατρό.,You should get your eyes examined by the doctor.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Ο Τόνι ζει στο Κόμπε.,Tony lives in Kobe.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Υπάρχει χώρος μέσα.,There's room inside.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Ο Τζον δεν είν' εδώ.,John isn't here.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn "Όταν δίνω φαγητό στους φτωχούς, με λένε άγιο. Όταν ρωτάω γιατί είναι φτωχοί, με λένε κομμουνιστή.","When I give food to the poor, they call me a saint. When I ask why the poor have no food, they call me a communist.",ell_Grek-eng_Latn Ο Ντέιβιντ είναι σπίτι.,David is at home.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn "Σας παρακαλώ, μελετήστε εδώ.",Please study here.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Έτρεξα έξω.,I ran outside.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Αυτός σπουδάζει νομικά στο Χάρβαρντ.,He is studying law at Harvard.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Όλες έτρεξαν έξω.,Everybody ran outside.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Βλέπεις τι συμβαίνει όταν δεν ακούς;,Do you see what happens when you don't listen?,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Ο χρυσός είναι ο βασιλιάς των βασιλέων.,Gold is the king of kings.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Του αρέσουν τα αστεία μου.,He likes my jokes.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Νομίζω πως είμαι χοντρός.,I think I'm fat.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Ο Μπιν έζησε στη Σινγκαπούρη.,Bin lived in Singapore.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Ο Τομ είναι κάποιος που εμπιστεύομαι.,Tom is someone that I trust.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Μπήκα μέσα.,I went inside.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Έζησα στη Ρώμη.,I lived in Rome.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Ποια είναι η απάντησή σας;,What's your answer?,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Μπορώ να καθίσω εδώ;,Can I sit here?,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Ο Λώρι ζει στη Μελβούρνη.,Laurie lives in Melbourne.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Πες το στα Γαλλικά.,Say it in French.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Το μολύβι μου είναι κόκκινο.,My pencil is red.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Είναι ο Λώρι σπίτι;,Is Laurie at home?,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Σε εμπιστεύομαι.,I'm trusting you.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Τα πορτοκάλια έχουν πολύ βιταμίνη C.,Oranges contain a lot of vitamin C.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Αυτή ψάχνει τα κλειδιά απ΄το αυτοκίνητό της.,She is looking for her car keys.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Η Μαίρη είναι εκεί μέσα.,Mary's in there.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Τράβα μια γραμμή εδώ.,Draw a line here.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Κρέμασε τα ρούχα σου εδώ.,Hang your clothes here.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Η Νάνσι φαίνεται πολύ κουρασμένη.,Nancy looks very tired.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Αυτή είναι οπαδός του Φρόϋντ.,She is a follower of Freud.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Πρέπει να είσαι πιο προσεκτικός.,You've got to be more careful.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Ο Τομ μαγειρεύει καλά.,Tom cooks well.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Σε είδα εκεί.,I saw you there.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Η σύζυγός μου ήταν εκεί.,My wife was there.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Μπορείτε να με βοηθήσετε.,You can help me.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Δεν είμαι δω.,I'm not here.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Δεν είστε ασφαλείς.,You aren't safe.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Είμαι στο κρεβάτι.,I'm in bed.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Θα το θάψουμε.,We'll bury it.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Στ' αλήθεια μ' αρέσει αυτή η ιστορία.,I really like this story.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Έχεις χάσει την απόδειξη;,Have you lost the receipt?,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Δε φεύγουμε.,We're not leaving.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Έκλεψες το καπέλο μου.,You stole my hat.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Αύριο είναι μια καινούρια μέρα.,Tomorrow is a new day.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Έχασα το λεωφορείο.,I missed the bus.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Το λεωφορείο είναι πλήρες.,The bus is full.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Στον Τομ αρέσουν τα παιχνίδια.,Tom likes games.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Αυτός είναι ο σκύλος του Τομ.,This is Tom's dog.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Έχετε ένα σπίρτο;,Do you have a match?,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Θα πάμε να επισκεφτούμε τον Τομ.,We'll go visit Tom.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Ποιανού είν' αυτό το σπίτι;,Whose house is this?,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Πρέπει να πάω να βρω τον Τομ.,I must go and find Tom.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Γιατί μου είπατε ψέματα;,Why did you lie to me?,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Ο Τομ αρνήθηκε ν' ακούσει.,Tom refused to listen.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Ο Τομ δεν ήθελε να παίξει πόκερ.,Tom didn't want to play poker.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Πού είναι τα παιδιά μου;,Where are my children?,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Έχεις κάπου να πας;,Do you have someplace to go?,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Ο Tom είναι απασχολημένος με την προετοιμασία του ταξιδιού του.,Tom is busy preparing for his trip.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Κάποιος έρχεται.,Someone is coming.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Βοηθήστε με να τη σηκώσω.,Help me lift it.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Αυτή είναι η σημαία της Ιαπωνίας.,This is the flag of Japan.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Πού θέλουν να πάνε;,Where do they want to go?,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Ο Τομ δε φοράει γάντια.,Tom isn't wearing gloves.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Πού είναι τα ρούχα μου;,Where are my clothes?,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Ο Τόνι στάθηκε στην πόρτα.,Tony stood at the door.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Ο Τομ βοήθησε τη Μαίρη να βάψει τα μαλλιά της.,Tom helped Mary dye her hair.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Ο Τζον δεν έχει φίλους εδώ.,John has no friends here.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Ποιο είναι το σχέδιό μας;,What's our plan?,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Ποιος είναι στην πόρτα;,Who's at the door?,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Ο Τομ αγαπάει τα σκυλιά περισσότερο από τις γάτες.,Tom likes dogs better than cats.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Το αξίζω.,I deserve it.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Το φαγητό στη Γερμανία είναι φτηνό.,Food is cheap in Germany.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Έχουμε τρία λεπτά.,We've got three minutes.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Έχω δύο βιβλία.,I've got two books.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Έχω δυο βιβλία.,I have two books.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Θέλω να σε δω.,I want to see you.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Μου αρέσει να κολυμπάω στη θάλασσα.,I like swimming in the sea.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Θέλω να σας δω.,I wanna see you.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Μ' αρέσει να κολυμπάω στη θάλασσα.,I like going swimming in the sea.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Ο Τομ δεν ήταν στο δωμάτιό του.,Tom wasn't in his room.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Αυτό το βιβλίο είναι για σας.,This book is for you.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Μεγάλωσα σ' εκείνη τη γειτονιά.,I grew up in that neighborhood.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Ήρθαμε να παίξουμε.,We came to play.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Σ' αρέσει να ζωγραφίζεις;,Do you like to draw?,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Μπορώ να κοιμηθώ στον καναπέ;,Can I sleep on the couch?,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Θα είναι εκεί σε δέκα λεπτά.,He'll be there in ten minutes.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Θα 'ναι εκεί σε δέκα λεπτά.,He'll be along in ten minutes.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Πού 'ναι η απόδειξη;,Where's the receipt?,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Πού είναι η απόδειξη;,Where is the receipt?,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Είναι η πρώτη σας μέρα στο σχολείο;,Is it your first day at school?,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Ο Τομ είναι δημοφιλής.,Tom is popular.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Ποιος σε πλήρωσε;,Who paid you?,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Έχεις φάει ποτέ σ' αυτό το εστιατόριο;,Have you ever eaten at this restaurant?,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Έχετε φάει ποτέ σ' αυτό το εστιατόριο;,Have you ever eaten at that restaurant?,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Ο Τομ άκουσε τον θόρυβο.,Tom heard the noise.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Δε ξέρω γιατί το έκανα.,I don't know why I did that.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Ακούγεται επικίνδυνο.,It sounds dangerous.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Η εταιρία άλλαξε χέρια τρεις φορές.,The company has changed hands three times.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Ο Τομ τιμωρήθηκε.,Tom is being punished.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Σε συμπονώ.,I feel for you.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Ο Τομ ήταν ακόμα εργένης εκείνη την εποχή.,Tom was still a bachelor at that time.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Κατά φωνή κι ο γάιδαρος.,Speak of the devil.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Κατά φωνή...,Speak of the Devil and he doth appear.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Είμαι τριάντα χρονών.,I am thirty years old.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Θα σας συναντήσω στο νοσοκομείο.,I'll meet you at the hospital.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Είναι η μόνη σας ελπίδα.,It's your only hope.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Ο Τομ έκανε πολλά λάθη.,Tom made a lot of mistakes.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Δε σκοπεύω να χάσω.,I don't plan on losing.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Ο Τομ είναι μεγάλος φαγάς.,Tom is a big eater.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Πάω στοίχημα ότι ξέρεις Γαλλικά.,I bet you know French.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Ευχαριστώ πού ήρθατε παιδιά! Θα σας δω αύριο!,"Thanks for coming, guys! I'll see you tomorrow!",ell_Grek-eng_Latn Ο Τομ με αποφεύγει.,Tom avoids me.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Ήρθα όσο πιο γρήγορα μπορούσα.,I came as fast as I could.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Αυτός είναι ο ποιητής που γνώρισα στο Παρίσι.,That is the poet I met in Paris.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Εβαλε τον εαυτό του σε πολλούς μπελάδες εξαιτίας μου.,He put himself to much trouble on my behalf.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Ροχάλιζα;,Was I snoring?,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Παραλίγο να σκοτωθώ.,I was almost killed.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Είμαι φωτογράφος.,I'm a photographer.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Τον συνέλαβαν.,They arrested him.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Θέλουμε τον Τομ.,We want Tom.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Είσαι ένας ψεύτης.,You're a liar.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Είσαι μια ψεύτρα.,You are a liar.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Πότε μπορώ να ταξιδέψω;,When can I travel?,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Έχασες ένα σκουλαρίκι.,You lost an earring.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Μη με διακόπτεις.,Don't interrupt me.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Μη με διακόπτετε.,Don't interrupt me!,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Αυτά τα βιβλία είναι πολύ παλιά.,These books are very old.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Δε θέλω να με βρει ο Τομ.,I don't want Tom to find me.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Μπορείς να μου δώσεις τα κλειδιά;,Can you give me the keys?,ell_Grek-eng_Latn "Τομ, γιατί το κάνεις αυτό;","Tom, why are you doing this?",ell_Grek-eng_Latn Πρέπει να είσαι πολύ περήφανος για τον Τομ.,You must be very proud of Tom.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Ο Τομ είναι πιο έξυπνος από μένα.,Tom is smarter than I am.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Ο Τομ δεν έχασε το λεωφορείο.,Tom didn't miss the bus.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Ο Τομ έπιασε ένα ψάρι.,Tom caught a fish.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Οι γιατροί σώζουν ζωές.,Doctors save lives.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Ο Τομ δεν έχει αρκετά χρήματα.,Tom doesn't have enough money.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Δε θα σ' αφήσω ποτέ ξανά.,I'll never leave you again.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Μου αρέσει να χορεύω.,I like to dance.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Ο Τομ δεν έχει κόκκινα μαλλιά.,Tom doesn't have red hair.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Έχεις διαβάσει αυτό το βιβλίο;,Have you read this book?,ell_Grek-eng_Latn "Το ξέρω, ότι σας αγαπάει ο Τομ.",I know that Tom loves you.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn "Όταν τρώμε, δε μιλάμε.",Be quiet at the table.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Πόσων χρόνων είστε; Είμαι είκοσι έξι.,How old are you? I'm twenty-six.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn "Πες μου ποιος είν' ο φίλος σου, να σου πω ποιος είσαι.",You can tell what a person is like by looking at his friends.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Είναι Καναδοί· έτσι δεν είναι;,"They're Canadians, aren't they?",ell_Grek-eng_Latn Μου είπαν να περιμένω εδώ.,They told me to wait here.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Ξέρετε πού είναι η Χόλι;,Do you know where Holly is?,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Γιατί δε βοήθησες τον Τομ;,Why didn't you help Tom?,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Δε δουλεύουμε για τον Τομ.,We don't work for Tom.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Δε μ' αρέσει να περιμένω.,I don't like waiting.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Βοήθησες τον Τομ;,Did you help Tom?,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Ο Τομ έχει έναν αδερφό.,Tom has one brother.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Ακούστε τη βροχή.,Listen to the rain.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Ο Τομ δε σας θέλει.,Tom doesn't want you.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Ο Τομ είναι πολύ ντροπαλός.,Tom is very shy.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Ο Τομ πέθανε στην ηλικία των τριάντα.,Tom died at the age of thirty.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Η Φλωρεντία είναι η πιο όμορφη πόλη στην Ιταλία.,Florence is the most beautiful city in Italy.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Το Παρίσι είναι η πιο όμορφη πόλη στον κόσμο.,Paris is the most beautiful city in the world.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Πόσα σχολεία υπάρχουν στην πόλη σου;,How many schools are there in your city?,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Η πόλη που μεγάλωσα είναι πολύ όμορφη.,The city I grew up is very beautiful.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Το αλεύρι γίνεται από σιτάρι.,Flour is made from wheat.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Έχει τρεις αδερφούς.,She has three brothers.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Αυτοί οι μαθητές είναι Κορεάτες.,These students are Korean.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Ελπίζω να τους δω.,I hope to see them.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Κλείνουμε στις 2:30.,We close at 2:30.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Ο αθλητισμός δε γνωρίζει σύνορα.,Sport knows no borders.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Γιατί θες να γίνεις γιατρός;,Why do you want to be a doctor?,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Αυτός είναι διάσημος ως μεγάλος ζωγράφος.,He is known as a great painter.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Δεν αγαπάω τον Τομ.,I don't love Tom.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Ακόμη αγαπάω τον Τομ.,I still love Tom.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Σου αρέσει το αυτοκίνητό σου;,Do you like your car?,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Αυτό το αυγό μυρίζει άσχημα.,This egg smells bad.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Που είναι η βότκα;,Where is the vodka?,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Πότε φεύγεις;,When are you leaving?,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Δεν χρειαζόμαστε βίζα για να πάμε στη Γαλία.,We don't need a visa to go to France.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Βελτιώθηκαν τα γαλλικά του Tom;,Has Tom's French improved?,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Το να μιλάς για τη μουσική είναι σαν να χορεύεις για την αρχιτεκτονική.,Talking about music is like dancing about architecture.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Μισώ το σιδέρωμα.,I hate ironing.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Είμαι ένα τέρας.,I'm a monster.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn "Δεν θέλω να είμαι μίζερος,θέλω να είμαι κούλ.",I don't want to be lame; I want to be cool!!,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Λυπάμαι γι 'αυτήν.,I feel sorry for her.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Αυτή η μίζερη παλιά εκκλησία είναι το παλαιότερο κτίριο στην χώρα μας.,This miserable old church is the oldest building in our country.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Ο γιος σας είναι άρρωστος.,Your son is sick.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Δεν μου αρέσουν τα κακά παιδιά.,I don't like bad boys.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Είναι αρκετά αξιολύπητο θέαμα.,It is quite a sorry sight.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Δείχνεις λυπητερή μ'αυτό το φόρεμα,You look pathetic in that outfit.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Το πέος σου είναι μικρό.,Your penis is small.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Δεν μου χρειάζεται η συμπόνια σου.,I don't want your pity.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Μην τολμήσεις να λυπηθείς για μένα.,Don't you dare feel sorry for me.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Θα το μετανιώσω γι'αυτό.,I'm going to regret this.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Το βιογραφικό σου είναι πολύ εντυπωσιακό.,Your resume is very impressive.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Μην κάνεις κάτι για τ'οποίο θα το μετανιώσεις αργότερα.,Don't do something you'll regret.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Τρώμε στις έξι.,We eat at six.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Δεν πρόκειται να αγοράσουμε τίποτα σήμερα.,We're not going to buy anything today.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Γράψε το όνομά σου με μολύβι.,Write your name in pencil.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Δεν μπορώ να σου πω αυτό που μου είπε ο Θωμάς.,I can't tell you what Tom told me.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn "Το τελευταίο πρόσωπο στο οποίο είπα την ιδέα μου, συμπέρανε ότι είμαι τρελός.",The last person I told my idea to thought I was nuts.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Ήθελες να μου πεις για την ελευθερία;,You wanted to tell me about freedom?,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Δεν μπορούμε να ζήσουμε χωρίς οξυγόνο.,We can't live without oxygen.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn "Εάν ήθελα να σε τρομάξω,θα σου διηγούμουν αυτό που ονειρεύτηκα μερικές βδομάδες πριν.","If I wanted to scare you, I would tell you what I dreamt about a few weeks ago.",ell_Grek-eng_Latn Ποιός σου ανέφερε για τον θάνατό της;,Who broke the news of her death to you?,ell_Grek-eng_Latn "Αυτό που σου είπα γι 'αυτόν, ισχύει και για τον αδελφό του.",What I told you about him also applies to his brother.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Διηγήθηκε στον υιό του μια ενδιαφέρουσα ιστορία.,He told his son an interesting story.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Αγόρασες γατοτροφή;,Did you buy cat food?,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Άν γνώριζα γι´αυτό θα στο 'λεγα.,"If I knew that, I'd tell you.",ell_Grek-eng_Latn Ποτέ δεν θα μάθουμε ποιος το έκανε.,We're never going to find out who did that.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Είμαι ο μόνος που δεν θέλει να το κάνει.,I'm the only one who doesn't want to do that.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Είμαι ο μόνος που δεν ήθελε να το κάνει.,I'm the only one who didn't want to do that.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Είμαι ο μόνος που δεν χρειαζόταν να το κάνει.,I'm the only one who didn't need to do that.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Σου αρέσει το baseball;,You like baseball?,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Έχει πιάνο;,Does she have a piano?,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Έτρεξα σπίτι.,I ran home.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Είμαστε φοιτήτριες.,We are students.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Πέστε της ότι είμαστε απασχολημένοι.,Tell her we're busy.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Πέστε του ότι είμαστε απασχολημένοι.,Tell him we're busy.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Πέστε τους ότι είμαι απασχολημένος.,Tell them I'm busy.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Πέστε τους ότι είμαστε απασχολημένες.,Tell them we're busy.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Πες τες ότι θα είμαστε έτοιμοι.,Tell them we'll be ready.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Άφησε το αυτοκίνητο στο γκαράζ.,Put the car into the garage.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Πες της ότι είμαστε εδώ.,Tell her we're here.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Πέστε του ότι είμαστε εδώ.,Tell him we're here.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Αυτή δεν απάντησε σε όλες τις ερωτήσεις.,She did not answer all the questions.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Πες τες ότι είμαστε εδώ.,Tell them we're here.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Είσαι σίγουρος ότι δεν κρυώνεις;,Are you sure you're not cold?,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Πες της να σταματήσει.,Tell her to stop.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Πήγαινε στο δωμάτιό σου!,Go to your room!,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Πέστε του να σταματήσει.,Tell him to stop.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Ποιος σκότωσε τον κατάσκοπο;,Who killed the spy?,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Αυτή ξύπνησε.,She woke up.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Πες της να πάψει ν' ανησυχεί.,Tell her to stop worrying.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Θα ξέρω αύριο.,I'll know tomorrow.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Πείτε του να πάψει ν' ανησυχεί.,Tell him to stop worrying.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Η αδερφή μου είναι όμοφρη.,My sister is beautiful.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Πες τους να πάψουν ν' ανησυχούν.,Tell them to stop worrying.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Πες του να φύγει.,Tell him to leave.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Πέστε τους να φύγουν.,Tell them to leave.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Πέστε της να φύγει.,Tell her to leave.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Πως χτύπησες τόσο πολύ;,How did you get hurt so badly?,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Πες της να έρθει σπίτι.,Tell her to come home.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Τέτοιοι ποιητές σαν τον Μίλτον είναι σπάνιοι.,Poets like Milton are rare.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Το σώμα προσαρμόζεται γρήγορα στις αλλαγές της θερμοκρασίας.,The body quickly adjusts itself to changes in temperature.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Ποιό είναι το αγαπημένο σου επιτραπέζιο παιχνίδι;,What's your favorite board game?,ell_Grek-eng_Latn "Ω, τίποτε το ιδιαίτερο.","Oh, nothing special.",ell_Grek-eng_Latn Πες του να έρθει σπίτι.,Tell him to come home.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Πες τες να έρθουν σπίτι.,Tell them to come home.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Πες της να έρθει να με δει.,Tell her to come see me.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Ο πατέρας μου είναι απασχολημένος τώρα.,My father is busy now.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Πείτε του να έρθει να με δει.,Tell him to come see me.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Πες τους να έρθουν να με δουν.,Tell them to come see me.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Πέστε της ότι είμαι αθώος.,Tell her I'm innocent.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Πέστε του ότι είμαι αθώα.,Tell him I'm innocent.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Πέστε τους ότι είμαι αθώα.,Tell them I'm innocent.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Πέστε της ότι δεν είμαι εδώ.,Tell her I'm not here.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Πέστε του ότι δεν είμαι εδώ.,Tell him I'm not here.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Πέστε τες ότι είμαι στο γραφείο.,Tell them I'm in the office.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Η γλόκη κούζντρα μπουντλάνησε στεκώς τον μπόκρο και κουντρίζει το μποκρόπουλο.,A glock coozdre has steckly boodled a boker and is curding a bokerlet.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Πείτε του ότι είμαι στο γραφείο.,Tell him I'm in the office.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Πέστε της ότι είμαι στο γραφείο.,Tell her I'm in the office.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Πέστε τους ότι έρχομαι.,Tell them I'm coming.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Πέστε του ότι έρχομαι.,Tell him I'm coming.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Πέστε της ότι έρχομαι.,Tell her I'm coming.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Πες της ότι δε θα 'μαι εκεί.,Tell her I won't be there.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Πέστε του ότι δε θα 'μαι εκεί.,Tell him I won't be there.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Πες τες ότι δε θα 'μαι εκεί.,Tell them I won't be there.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Θα της πεις;,Will you tell her?,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Σπούδασα στη Βοστώνη από το έτος 2003 έως το 2007.,I studied in Boston from 2003 to 2007.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Θα του πεις;,Will you tell him?,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Θα τις πεις;,Will you tell them?,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Γιατί ο Τομ πίνει τόσο πολύ;,Why does Tom drink so much?,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Της είπες;,Did you tell her?,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Του είπες;,Did you tell him?,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Τις είπατε;,Did you tell them?,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Καλά είσαι.,You're doing fine.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Τι θα της πεις;,What'll you tell her?,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Τι θα του πείτε;,What'll you tell him?,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Η Μαίρη είναι φίλη του Τομ.,Mary is Tom's girlfriend.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Η βαλίτσα μου έσπασε.,My suitcase is broken.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Τι θα τις πεις;,What'll you tell them?,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Θα μείνουμε εδώ μέχρι την Κυριακή.,We will stay here until Sunday.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Ο αδερφός μου θα με σκοτώσει.,My brother will kill me.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Δεν περίμενα να σε ξαναδώ.,I didn't expect to see you again.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Αυτός έγραψε πολλά βιβλία για την Κίνα.,He wrote a lot of books on China.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Τι τους είπατε;,What did you tell them?,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Τι της είπες;,What did you tell her?,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Στη γάτα αρέσει να παίζει στον κήπο.,The cat loves playing in the garden.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Θέλω να τους ευχαριστήσω.,I want to thank them.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Εκείνη την εποχή είμασταν πλούσιοι.,"At that time, we were quite rich.",ell_Grek-eng_Latn Μη ξεχάσεις να κλείσεις την πόρτα.,Don't forget to close the door.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Μπορείτε να έρθετε αύριο;,Can you come tomorrow?,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Αυτός δεν είναι τίγρης.,This is not a tiger.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Πέστε τους ότι είμαι έτοιμος.,Tell them I'm ready.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Πέστε τες ότι είμαι έτοιμος.,Tell them that I'm ready.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Είσαι παιδί θαύμα;,Are you a wunderkind?,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Πέστε της ότι είμαι άρρωστος.,Tell her I'm sick.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Ο Τομ διάβαζε βιβλίο ενώ περίμενε το λεωφορείο.,Tom read a book while he was waiting for the bus.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Συναντήθηκα μ' αυτόν στον σταθμό.,I met him at the station.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Πες του ότι είμαι άρρωστος.,Tell him I'm sick.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Αυτή είναι η οδοντόβουρτσά μου.,That's my toothbrush.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Πείτε τους ότι είμαι άρρωστη.,Tell them I'm sick.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Μην τ' αγγίζεις αυτό.,Don't touch that.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Τον σκότωσες;,Did you kill him?,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Ξέρω ένα μέρος που μπορούμε να πάμε.,I know a place we can go.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Αυτός μένει σε ένα μεγάλο σπίτι.,He lives in a large house.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Πέστε της ότι είμαι έτοιμη.,Tell her that I'm ready.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Μην αργείτε στη δουλειά.,Don't be late for work.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Αυτός πάντα ζούσε στο Τόκιο.,He's always been living in Tokyo.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Ο Τομ έχει πολλούς εχθρούς.,Tom has a lot of enemies.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Πες του ότι είμαι έτοιμος.,Tell him that I'm ready.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Έκανε κρύο τη νύχτα.,The night was cold.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Δε θέλω να πεθάνω!,I don't want to die!,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Τι κάνει ο γιός σου στη Γερμανία;,What does your son do in Germany?,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Γιατί δεν ρωτάς τον Τομ;,Why don't you ask Tom?,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Πού μένετε;,Where are you staying?,ell_Grek-eng_Latn "Πού είναι οι τουαλέτες, παρακαλώ;","Where are the toilets, please?",ell_Grek-eng_Latn Τι είναι ο πληθυσμός της Γαλλίας;,What is the population of France?,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Ο καφές είναι πικρός.,The coffee is bitter.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Έπρεπε να σου το είχα πει εδώ και καιρό.,I should have told you this long ago.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Αυτός είναι στο τηλέφωνο τώρα.,He's now on the phone.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Αγόρασα ένα σπίτι.,I bought a house.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Έπρεπε να το είχες σκεφτεί από την αρχή.,You should have thought of that in the beginning.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Κουράστηκα πολύ από την ανάγνωση.,I am very tired with reading.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Δεν είμαι καθολικός.,I'm not Catholic.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Το μήλο είναι πάνω στο τραπέζι.,The apple is on the table.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Ο πατέρας μου είναι πλούσιος.,My father is rich.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Η γάτα έφαγε το ποντίκι.,The cat ate the mouse.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Ο πατέρας μου δεν είναι σπίτι.,My father isn't home.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Δεν νομίζεις ότι υπερβάλλεις λίγο;,Don't you think you're overreacting just a little bit?,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Συνέλαβαν το γείτονά μου το περασμένο βράδυ.,My neighbor was arrested last night.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Η ελληνική γλώσσα δεν είναι εύκολη.,Greek is not an easy language.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Δε θέλω να με δουν.,I don't want them to see me.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Το σχέδιο τους μου φαίνεται ενδιαφέρον.,Their plan sounds interesting to me.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Τώρα έχει δέκα βαθμούς κάτω απ'το μηδέν.,It is ten degrees below zero now.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn "Οι γονείς του Τομ πήραν διαζύγιο, όταν ήταν ακόμα πολύ μικρός.",Tom's parents got divorced when he was very young.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Είμαι στη λίστα.,I'm on the list.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Πέτα την έξω.,Throw her out.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Πέτα τον έξω.,Throw him out.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Πρέπει να της πω.,I have to tell her.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Πρέπει να του πω.,I have to tell him.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Πρέπει να τις πω.,I have to tell them.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Νομίζω πως πρέπει να της πούμε.,I think we have to tell her.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Νομίζω πως πρέπει να του πούμε.,I think we have to tell him.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Νομίζω πως πρέπει να τις πούμε.,I think we have to tell them.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Θα πρέπει να της πω.,I'll have to tell her.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Θα πρέπει να του πω.,I'll have to tell him.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Θα πρέπει να τις πω.,I'll have to tell them.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Προσπάθησα να της πω.,I tried to tell her.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Προσπάθησα να του πω.,I tried to tell him.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Προσπάθησα να τις πω.,I tried to tell them.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Δε θέλω να της πεις.,I don't want you to tell her.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Δε θέλω να του πείτε.,I don't want you to tell him.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Δε θέλω να τους πεις.,I don't want you to tell them.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Τι άλλο του 'πατε;,What else did you tell him?,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Της είπες για μας;,Did you tell her about us?,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Του είπες για μας;,Did you tell him about us?,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Τις είπατε για μας;,Did you tell them about us?,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Πες της πως είν' επείγον.,Tell her it's urgent.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Πες του πως είν' επείγον.,Tell him it's urgent.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Πες τους πως είν' επείγον.,Tell them it's urgent.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Η Άννα δεν μπορεί να βρει δουλειά.,Ann can't find a job.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Πες της να μην αργήσει.,Tell her not to be late.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Πες του να μην αργήσει.,Tell him not to be late.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Πες τους να μην αργήσουν.,Tell them not to be late.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Επιτέλους βρήκε ένα στοιχείο για το μυστήριο.,"At last, he found a clue to the mystery.",ell_Grek-eng_Latn Ακόμα και άρρωστο το αγόρι πήγε στο σχολείο.,"Even though he was sick, the boy still went to school.",ell_Grek-eng_Latn Ποιά εφημερίδα παίρνετε;,What newspaper do you take?,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Αυτή είναι δική σου επιλογή.,It's your choice.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Στο τέλος αυτός έκοψε τα ναρκωτικά.,He finally kicked the bad habit.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Κανένας δεν απάντησε στο τηλέφωνο.,Nobody answered the telephone.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Το τραίνο σας φεύγει από την πλατφόρμα 10.,Your train leaves from Platform 10.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Η Αννα πάντα διατηρεί καθαρό το δωμάτιό της.,Ann always keeps her room clean.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn "Όχι, εγώ δεν τραγουδώ.","No, I don't sing.",ell_Grek-eng_Latn Χρειαζόμαστε μεγαλύτερο πληθωρισμό;,Do we need more inflation?,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Ποιοί είναι οι γονείς σας;,Who are your parents?,ell_Grek-eng_Latn "Το ένα τρίτο των παιδιών που πεθαίνουν πριν κλείσουν τα πέντε τους χρόνια, είναι υποσιτισμένα.",One third of children who die before the age of 5 die from malnutrition.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Πότε θα πάμε σπίτι;,When will we go home?,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Έριξε μιά ματιά στο κορίτσι.,He stole a glance at the girl.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Ο Τομ μιλάει στη Μαίρη.,Tom is talking to Mary.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Αποφάσισα να της πω ότι την αγαπώ.,I decided to tell her that I love her.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Έχεις δει την κόκκινη γραβάτα μου;,Have you seen my red tie?,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Στην Κολομβία μιλούν ισπανικά.,They speak Spanish in Colombia.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Ήρθε στο Τόκιο όταν ήταν δεκαοκτώ χρονών.,She came to Tokyo at the age of 18.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Είσαι σίγουρος ότι δε θυμάσαι;,Are you sure you don't remember?,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Θα αφήσει σύντομα τη γονεϊκή στέγη.,He leaves the parental roof soon.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Είναι αυτός ο σταθμός;,Is that the railroad station?,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Ευχαριστώ πολύ για το γράμμα σου.,Thank you very much for your letter.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Διαβάζετε;,Are you studying?,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Ο Τομ δε θα 'λεγε ποτέ ψέματα στη Μαίρη.,Tom would never lie to Mary.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn "Γαλλία, σ' αγαπώ!","France, I love you!",ell_Grek-eng_Latn O Κος Φροστ είναι επιλέξιμος για την θέση.,Mr Frost is eligible for the post.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Θα πρέπει να επιλέξουμε το κατάλληλο πρόσωπο για κάθε θέση.,We must select a suitable person for any post.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Θα σας κάνω ευτυχισμένο.,I will make you happy.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn "Τι συνέβη, Σάλι;","What happened, Sally?",ell_Grek-eng_Latn Η Νάνση μελέτησε σκληρά.,Nancy studied hard.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Ο Τόνι ήταν χαρούμενος.,Tony was happy.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Η Σούζαν ήταν τρομοκρατημένη.,Susan was terrified.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Μπορεί να διαβάσει και να γράψει.,He can read and write.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Η Κιμ χαμογέλασε γλυκά.,Kim smiled sweetly.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Ποιος είσαι εσύ;,Who are you?,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Βοήθησα τον Τόνι.,I helped Tony.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Πήγα στο εξωτερικό.,I went aboard.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Πέστε του να μην έρθει.,Tell him not to come.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Πέστε τες να μην έρθουν.,Tell them not to come.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Δουλεύετε;,Are you working?,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Έχει δυο κόρες.,She has two daughters.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Δε φοβάμαι τις αστραπές.,I'm not afraid of lightning.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Γιατί αγοράσατε χελώνα;,Why did you buy a turtle?,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Τι κάνουν τα παιδιά στον κήπο;,What do the kids do in the garden?,ell_Grek-eng_Latn αυτό δεν είναι δικαιολογία,That's not much of an excuse.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Έκανα πολλές ερωτήσεις.,I asked a lot of questions.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Όλα όσα ξέρω για την ηθική τα οφείλω στο ποδόσφαιρο.,"What I know about morals, I owe to soccer.",ell_Grek-eng_Latn Θα πίστευα μόνο σε ένα Θεό που θα ήξερε να χορεύει.,I would only believe in a God that knows how to dance.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn "Χωρίς μουσική, η ζωή θα ήταν ένα λάθος.","Without music, life would be an error.",ell_Grek-eng_Latn "Ό,τι δε μας σκοτώνει μας κάνει πιο δυνατούς.",That which does not kill us makes us stronger.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Παρακοιμήθηκα.,I fell asleep.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Ο θεός είναι νεκρός. Κι εγώ δεν αισθάνομαι τόσο καλά.,God is dead. And I don't feel so good either.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Οι θεοί μας είναι νεκροί.,Our gods are dead.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Φάνηκε σαστισμένος.,He looked bewildered.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Τις βρήκαμε.,We found them.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Το πείραμα απέτυχε.,The experiment failed.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Τι ώρα φεύγεις;,What time are you leaving?,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Τον ενοχλήσαμε.,We disturbed him.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Ξέρασα.,I threw up.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Η Μπέτη ήρθε τελευταία.,Betty came last.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Ο Ααρών σκότωσε την Ελισάβετ.,Aaron killed Elizabeth.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Ο Άμποτ σκότωσε τη Μαίρη.,Abbott killed Mary.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Μόλις έφτασε.,He just arrived.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Ήρθε ο κύριος Σμιθ.,Mr. Smith came.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Την ξεγέλασε.,He fooled her.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Θύμωσε.,He got angry.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Ο πυρετός του υποχώρησε.,His fever subsided.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn """Πόσο χρονών είσαι;"" ""Είμαι δεκαέξι χρονών.""","""How old are you?"" ""I'm 16 years old.""",ell_Grek-eng_Latn Το αίμα σου είναι κόκκινο.,Your blood is red.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Πέστε της να μας βοηθήσει.,Tell her to help us.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Πέστε της να με βοηθήσει.,Tell her to help me.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Πέστε τες να με βοηθήσουν.,Tell them to help me.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Πέστε της να κάνει το ίδιο.,Tell her to do the same.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Πέστε του να κάνει το ίδιο.,Tell him to do the same.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Πέστε τους να κάνουν το ίδιο.,Tell them to do the same.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Πες της ότι είμαι εδώ,Tell her that I'm here.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Η Τζέιν παντρεύτηκε νέα.,Jane married young.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Πέστε του ότι είμαι εδώ,Tell him that I'm here.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Βιαστείτε! Το κοντσέρτο αρχίζει!,Hurry! The concert is starting!,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Πες τες ότι είμαι εδώ,Tell them that I'm here.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Ποιος έφαγε το ψωμί;,Who ate the bread?,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Πέστε της ευχαριστώ.,Tell her thanks.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Πέστε του ευχαριστώ.,Tell him thanks.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Πέστε τους ευχαριστώ.,Tell them thanks.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Αυτό το βιβλίο δεν περιέχει πολύ κείμενο.,There's not so much text in this book.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Πες της πως είναι σημαντικό.,Tell her it's important.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Πες του πως είναι σημαντικό.,Tell him it's important.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Πες τους πως είναι σημαντικό.,Tell them it's important.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Την ξέρουμε ήδη εδώ και πολλά χρόνια.,We've known her for many years.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Πού ακριβώς μένεις;,Where exactly do you live?,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Υποθέτω πως είσαι Καναδέζα.,I assume that you're Canadian.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Ποιος σας έμαθε Γαλλικά;,Who taught you French?,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Είσαι υπερ ή κατά της έκτρωσης;,Are you for or against abortions?,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Πες της ότι είμαι απασχολημένος.,Tell her I'm busy.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Πες του ότι είμαι απασχολημένος.,Tell him I'm busy.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Συγνώμη που δεν απάντησα στο γράμμα σου νωρίτερα.,Sorry I haven't replied to your letter earlier.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Πείτε της ότι θα το κάνω.,Tell her I'll do it.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Πείτε του ότι θα το κάνω.,Tell him I'll do it.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Πείτε τους ότι θα το κάνω.,Tell them I'll do it.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Πηγαίνω εκεί κάθε χρόνο.,I go there every year.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Πες της ότι δε θα το κάνω αυτό.,Tell her I won't do that.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Πες του ότι δε θα το κάνω αυτό.,Tell him I won't do that.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Πες τους ότι δε θα το κάνω αυτό.,Tell them I won't do that.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Με κόβει λόρδα.,I'm ready to eat a horse.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Πείτε της ότι δε θέλω να πάω.,Tell her I don't want to go.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Πείτε του ότι δε θέλω να πάω.,Tell him I don't want to go.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Σήμερα γίνομαι τεσσάρων χρονών.,Today I am four years old.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Πείτε τες ότι δε θέλω να πάω.,Tell them I don't want to go.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Νιώθω μοναξιά.,I feel lonely.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Πες της για το ταξίδι σου.,Tell her about your trip.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Μιλάς ιταλικά;,Do you know Italian?,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Πες του για το ταξίδι σου.,Tell him about your trip.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Είναι μακριά από δω;,Is it far from here?,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Δεν φταίω εγώ!,It's not my fault!,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Ο Τομ κι εγώ δεν είμαστε Καναδοί.,Tom and I aren't Canadians.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Ο Τομ είναι παντρεμένος με μια Καναδέζα.,Tom is married to a Canadian.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Δεν κράτησε το λόγο του.,He broke his word.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Πέστε τες για το ταξίδι σας.,Tell them about your trip.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Δεν ήρθε κανείς.,No one came.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Δεν είναι ο τύπος μου.,He's not my type.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Δεν αισθάνομαι καλά.,I'm not feeling well.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Πονάει το κεφάλι μου.,I've got a headache.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Αυγά θέλω.,I want eggs.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Είμαι παντρεμένος και έχω δύο παιδιά.,I am married and have two children.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Νόμιζες πως ήμουν Καναδός;,Did you think I was Canadian?,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Η επιτροπή αστικού σχεδιασμού αποδέχτηκε την πρότασή μας.,The urban planning committee has accepted our proposal.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Πόσα μέτρα έχει ένα χιλιόμετρο;,How many meters are there in a kilometer?,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Διασκέδασα πολύ.,I had a lot of fun.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Ο Τόνυ μιλά τόσο καλά αγγλικά όσο και εσύ.,Tony speaks English as well as you.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Έχεις δίκιο.,You have a point.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Θέλω χρόνο.,I want time.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Θέλω αυτός ο υπολογιστής να επισκευαστεί.,I want this computer repaired.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Θέλω αυτοί οι άνθρωποι να βγούν από εδώ.,I want these people out of here.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Θέλω από σένα την αλήθεια.,I want the truth from you.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Θέλω να μου πεις την αλήθεια.,I want you to tell me the truth.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Θέλω το μερίδιό μου από τα χρήματα.,I want my share of the money.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Θέλω δικαιοσύνη.,I want justice.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Τα θέλω όλα.,I want everything.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Θέλω λεπτομέρειες.,I want details.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Θέλω απαντήσεις.,I want answers.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Θέλω ένα δικηγόρο.,I want a lawyer.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Θέλω μιά απάντηση από σένα κατά το δυνατό συντομότερα.,I want an answer from you as soon a possible.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Θέλω ένα καινούριο φόρεμα.,I want a new dress.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Περπάτησα ως εδώ.,I walked here.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Έπαιζα εδώ.,I used to play here.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Το καταλαβαίνω.,I understand it.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Καταλαβαίνω απόλυτα.,I understand completely.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Πότε είχατε την τελευταία σας σεξουαλική επαφή;,When did you last have sexual intercourse?,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Νόμιζα πως ήσασταν Ιάπωνες.,I thought you were Japanese.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Το βρήκα δύσκολο να λύσω το πρόβλημα.,I found it difficult to solve the problem.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Έχετε διάρροια;,Do you have diarrhea?,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Νομίζω ότι ήταν θυμωμένος.,I think he was angry.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Υποθέτω πως δε με έχεις καταλάβει πλήρως.,I guess you didn't quite understand me.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Υποθέτω πως είχα άδικο.,I guess I was wrong.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Πήρα αυτό που ήθελες.,I got what you wanted.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Ο Τομ μιλάει άπταιστα τα Γαλλικά.,Tom speaks French fluently.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Μιλάει ο Τομ Γαλλικά;,Does Tom speak French?,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Ψάχνω κάποιον που μιλά γαλλικά.,I'm looking for someone who can speak French.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Είναι δύσκολη η γαλλική προφορά;,Is French pronunciation difficult?,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Μπορεί κανείς να μου το εξηγήσει;,Could someone explain it to me?,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Τα Γαλλικά σας βελτιώνονται.,Your French is improving.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Κάντε διπλό κλικ στην εικόνα.,Double-click on the icon.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Κατέθεσε εναντίον του.,She testified against him.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn "Παρακαλώ, απάντησε στα Γαλλικά.",Please answer in French.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Δε μπορεί να το κάνει.,He can't do it.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Δεν είπε τίποτα.,She did not say anything.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Ο Τομ δε μπορούσε να βρει κάτι καλύτερο να κάνει.,Tom couldn't find anything better to do.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Είναι αυτό το σωστό τρένο για Βοστόνη;,Is this the right bus for Boston?,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Είναι καλλιτέχνες.,They are artists.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Το σπίτι του βρίσκεται δίπλα σε ένα ποτάμι.,His house is by a river.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Πείτε μας για το ταξίδι σας.,Tell us about your trip.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Ο Τομ δε μπορεί να ζήσει χωρίς τηλεόραση.,Tom can't live without a TV.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Με ρώτησε αν κοιμήθηκα καλά την προηγούμενη νύχτα.,He asked me if I had slept well the night before.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Τι θα της λέγατε να κάνει;,What would you tell her to do?,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Τι θα του λέγατε να κάνει;,What would you tell him to do?,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Τον συναντήσαμε πηγαίνοντας εκεί.,We met him on the way there.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Τι θα τις λέγατε να κάνουν;,What would you tell them to do?,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Είναι αυτά καλά Γαλλικά;,Is this good French?,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Μελετάω Γαλλικά.,I'm studying French.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Γιατί δεν της λες;,Why don't you tell her?,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Μαθαίνω Γαλλικά.,I'm learning French.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Έχω κάτι να πω.,I have something to say.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Τι θέλεις;,What do you want?,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Γιατί δεν τις λες;,Why don't you tell them?,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Γιατί δεν του λέτε;,Why don't you tell him?,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Του αρέσει να παίζει ποδόσφαιρο.,He likes to play football.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Όλοι τους μιλάνε Γαλλικά.,They all speak French.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Φοβήθηκα.,I was frightened.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Παντρεύτηκα.,I got married.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Του αρέσουν τα Γαλλικά του Τομ;,Does Tom like French?,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Έχουμε μιλήσει γι' αυτό.,We've talked about it.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Υπάρχει πολύς χώρος εδώ μέσα.,There's a lot of room in here.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Ο Τομ έφερε μερικά λουλούδια στη Μαίρη.,Tom brought Mary some flowers.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Είχα αρχίσει να βαριέμαι λίγο.,I was getting a little bored.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Έφτασα εδώ λίγα λεπτά πριν από εσάς.,I arrived here a few minutes before you.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Ο Τομ είπε ότι ήταν τυχερές.,Tom said they were lucky.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Είστε Καναδός· έτσι δεν είναι;,"You're Canadian, aren't you?",ell_Grek-eng_Latn Ο Τομ δε φαίνεται να είναι Καναδός.,Tom doesn't seem to be a Canadian.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Είμαστε γιατροί.,We are doctors.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Θέλω να δω το βίντεο!,I want to see the video!,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Η Ελλάδα είναι αρχαία χώρα.,Greece is an old country.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Ο Τομ πρέπει να 'ναι ένοχος.,Tom must be guilty.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Είναι μακριά αλλά την αγαπώ ακόμα.,"She is far away, but I still love her.",ell_Grek-eng_Latn Θα είμαι εκεί σε δεκαπέντε λεπτά.,I'll be there in fifteen minutes.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Ο Τομ δε δουλεύει πιά.,Tom doesn't work anymore.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Ο Τομ ισχυρίστηκε ότι δεν το είπε ποτέ αυτό.,Tom claims he never said that.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Και ο Τομ και ο Τζον παντρεύτηκαν Καναδέζες.,Both Tom and John married Canadian women.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Βαδίζω σαν πιγκουίνος.,I walk like a penguin.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Ο Τομ έκανε πολλά σπουδαία πράγματα.,Tom did a lot of great things.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Είστε σίγουρος ότι μπορεί να το κάνει αυτό ο Τομ;,Are you sure Tom can do that?,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Δεν θα πω σε κανέναν γι' αυτήν.,I won't tell anyone about her.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Τη θέλω.,I want her.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Μιλήστε της.,Talk to her.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Μιλήστε του.,Talk to him.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Σχεδόν κάθε μέρα αυτός πηγαίνει στο ποτάμι και ψαρεύει.,Almost every day he goes to the river and fishes.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn "Ναι, ξέρω.","Yes, I know.",ell_Grek-eng_Latn Θέλω να πεις την αλήθεια.,I want you to tell the truth.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Νομίζω ότι ο Τομ είναι επικίνδυνος.,I think Tom is dangerous.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Ο Τομ μ' άφησε να οδηγήσω τ' αμάξι του.,Tom let me drive his car.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Κολυμπάς καλύτερα από μένα.,You swim better than me.,ell_Grek-eng_Latn Washington estis la plej fama viro en Usono.,Washington was the most famous man in the United States.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Manjo diris, ke ŝi ne scias, kie estas Tomo.",Mary said she didn't know where Tom was.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Ili havas multajn studentojn.,They have many students.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Viaj plendoj min kolerigas.,Your complaints upset me.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Vi rajtas viziti nin en ĉiu momento.,You can come to visit us anytime you want.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Mi tre konfuziĝis.,I was very puzzled.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Tomo atendos Manjon en la vestiblo je duona horo post la dua.,Tom will be waiting for Mary in the lobby at 2:30.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Ĉu vi parolas en la ĉina?,Do you speak Chinese?,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Manjo diris sin ne voli, ke iu el ni helpu al Tomo.",Mary said she didn't want any of us to help Tom.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Ni estis surterigitaj sur senhoman insulon.,We were landed on a lonely island.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Vi lavis vin.,You washed yourself.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Tomo deziras ekscii, kial vi faris tion.",Tom would like to know why you did that.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Tiu biciklo estas lasita tie ĉi ekde komenco de la monato.,This bicycle has been left here since the beginning of this month.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Mi kuŝis sur mia dorso.,I was lying on my back.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Ne parolu japane.,Don't speak in Japanese.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Mi amas mian urbon.,I love my city.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Tio estas via kulpo.,It's your fault.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Ĉu vi povus alporti japanan ĵurnalon al mi?,Could you bring me a Japanese newspaper?,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Vi ne scias, kion li diris al mi.",You don't know what he told me.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Japaninoj estas supozataj mane lertegaj.,Japanese women are believed to be very clever with their hands.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Tio ne estas mia tasko.,That's not my job.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Japanoj emas pensi tiele.,Japanese people tend to think that way.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Japanoj havas tri manĝojn tage.,Japanese people take three meals a day.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Japanoj manĝas rizon almenaŭ unufoje en tago.,The Japanese eat rice at least once a day.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Japanoj manĝas precipe rizon.,The Japanese live mainly on rice.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Ni komencos morgaŭ, se permesos la vetero.","We will start tomorrow, weather permitting.",epo_Latn-eng_Latn Fervojaro etendiĝas sur tuta Japanujo.,A network of railroads spreads all over Japan.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Ĉu vi volas edzinigi min?,Will you marry me?,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Mi ĉiutage ekzercis min.,I practiced every day.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Mi laboris je dimanĉo, do havis libertempan lundon.","I worked on Sunday, so I had Monday off.",epo_Latn-eng_Latn Ĉu vi liveras je dimanĉo?,Do you deliver on Sundays?,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Mi ne povis kredi al miaj okuloj.,I couldn't believe my eyes.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Tomo ĉiam havas bonan humoron.,Tom is always in a good mood.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Mi ne povas atendi renkonti vin.,I can't wait to meet you all.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Tomo estas entuziasma tenisanto.,Tom is an avid tennis player.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Mi ne povas atendi ĝis la sekvonta semajno.,I can't wait until next week.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Tomo estas estimata studento.,Tom is an honor roll student.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Mi ne povas zorgi nur pri vi.,I can't worry just about you.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Mi legis la libron de la komenco ĝis la fino.,I read the book from beginning to end.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Li ne laboris je dimanĉo vespere.,He did not work on Sunday night.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Ŝi lernas naĝi.,She's learning to swim.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Laktobovino estas utila besto.,A dairy cow is a useful animal.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Mi ŝatus viziti Aŭstralion iam.,I'd like to visit Australia someday.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Bonvenon, John! Ni atendis vin.","Welcome, John! We were waiting for you.",epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Li neniam preterlasas, ĉiutage legi la gazetojn.",He never misses reading the papers every day.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Kiam vi povas veni al mia domo?,When can you come to my house?,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Aŭ eniru, aŭ eliru.",Either come in or go out.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Mi ne atendas por aŭskulti tion! Adiaŭ!,I'm not staying to listen to this! Have a nice day!,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Ha ha ha! Ĉu vi volas mortigi ĉiujn muŝojn?,Hahaha! Do you want to kill all flies?,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Sur la tablo staras botelo da ĉampano kaj du glasoj.,On the table were a bottle of champagne and two glasses.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Kiom kostas enirbileto?,How much is the entrance fee?,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Ne. Mi ne trovas tion tre plezuriga.,No. I don't find that very funny.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Ni lavis niajn manojn.,We washed our hands.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Mia urino klaras.,My urine is clear.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Hej, ĉu vi povus doni rakonton pri ĝi morgaŭ? Mi estas tre interesita, kaj mi esperas, ke vi povos.","Hey, could you tell a story about it tomorrow? I'm very interested, and I hope you can.",epo_Latn-eng_Latn Kato postsekvis muson.,A cat ran after a mouse.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Tio estas la respondo al mia demando!,That's the response to my question!,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "He, mi provis saluti vin familiece.","Hey, I was trying to familiarly greet you.",epo_Latn-eng_Latn Ŝia filo pereis en la aŭtomobila akcidento.,Her son was killed in a traffic accident.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Mi gajnis la argumentadon.,I won the argument.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Katoj estas puregaj bestoj.,Cats are very clean animals.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn He! Ĉiu paŝu en linio! Sekvu min!,Hey! Everybody get in line! Follow me!,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Kato povas vidi en mallumo.,A cat can see in the dark.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Ili ne havas sinkritikon.,They have no self-criticism.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn La paciento ne povas teni sian manĝaĵon ene.,The patient can't keep his food down.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Kato kapablas vidi multe pli bone dumnokte.,A cat can see much better at night.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn La milito estis finita.,The war had ended.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Post varma bano en la liton.,"Time for a hot bath, and then it's bedtime.",epo_Latn-eng_Latn Ne eblas vidi Romon en unu tago.,It's impossible to see Rome in a day.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Varmo transformas glacion en akvon.,Heat changes ice into water.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Lia kritiko koncernis nur malgravaĵojn.,His criticism only referred to incidental matters.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Kion utilas mia scio de tri fremdaj lingvoj, se mi ne scias kion diri?",What's the point of my knowing three foreign languages if I don't know what to say?,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Kion utilas mia scio de tri fremdaj lingvoj, se neniu aŭskultas min?",What's the point of my knowing three foreign languages if no-one listens to me?,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Mi ne plu povas elteni la bruon.,I can't put up with the noise any longer.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Ne moku maljunulojn.,Don't make fun of old people.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Maljuniĝante oni ekkonscias, ke nur la sano gravas.",As you get older you start to feel that health is everything.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Tomo aĉetis robon por sia filino.,Tom bought his daughter a dress.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Je kioma horo alvenos la fino de la mondo?,What time is the world going to end?,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Mi senstreĉiĝis aŭdante la mesaĝon.,I was relieved when I heard the message.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Spaceto mankas ĉi tie inter tiuj du vortoj.,A space is missing here between these two words.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Jaron post jaro la malpurigo pliiĝas.,"From year to year, pollution is worsening.",epo_Latn-eng_Latn Atentu dum via rehejmeniro.,Be careful on your way back home.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Ĉi tiu estas utila informo.,This is useful information.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Mi lavas mian vizaĝon ĉiuvespere, por forlavi la kosmetikaĵojn.",I wash my face every evening to get my makeup off.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Jaron post jaro la malpurigaj problemoj iĝas ĉiam pli gravaj.,"From year to year, pollution problems are becoming more and more serious.",epo_Latn-eng_Latn La trajno baldaŭ alvenos.,The train is about to arrive.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Vi povus esti pli repaciĝema.,You could be more forgiving.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Mi relative certas pri tio, ke Tomo iris eksteren antaŭ la pafo, ne post ĝi.","I'm pretty sure Tom went outside before the gunshot, not after.",epo_Latn-eng_Latn Pli maljunaj homoj ankoraŭ memoras la murdon al Kennedy.,Older people still remember the Kennedy assassination.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Tomo kaj Manjo petis monon de mi.,Tom and Mary asked me to give them money.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Ne eblas labori en tiel malluma ĉambro.,It's impossible to work in a room this dim.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn La maljuna s-ro Smith ŝparas laŭeble plej multe.,Old Mr Smith is saving as much money as he can.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Oni parolas la hispanan ne nur en Hispanio.,Spanish is spoken not only in Spain.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Kie Tomo kaj Manjo volas labori?,Where do Tom and Mary want to work?,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Vi eble volas ekscii tion, kio estis la fino de Priamo?",Haply the fate of Priam thou would'st know.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Mi havas filinon, kiu iras al la lernejo kun Tomo.",I have a daughter that goes to school with Tom.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Densa nebulo malfruigis nian flugon.,A thick fog delayed our flight.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Manjo diris, ke ŝi provis fari tion antaŭhieraŭ.",Mary said she tried to do that the day before yesterday.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Atentu dum vi hejmeniros.,Be careful on the way home.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Nia aviadilo ne povis surteriĝi pro la densa nebulo.,Our plane couldn't land on account of the dense fog.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Ĉiu impostpaganto rajtas scii, kien iras lia mono.",Each taxpayer has the right to know where his money goes.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Mi povas nenion aldoni al tio.,I can't add anything to that.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Ŝi skribis al li afablan leteron kaj dankis lin pro lia helpo.,"She wrote him a friendly letter, and thanked him for his help.",epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Tomo esperas, ke li iĝos advokato.",Tom hopes to become a lawyer.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Tomon ŝajne ne interesis tio, kion mi diris.",Tom didn't seem to be interested in what I was saying.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Preskaŭ ĉiuj pordoj estis fermitaj.,Almost all the doors were closed.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Mi ne volis fari tion denove.,I didn't want to do it again.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Mi venkis Tomon en la ŝakludo.,I beat Tom at chess.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Tomo ankoraŭ atendas vin.,Tom is still waiting for you.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Surprizis min, ke Tomo ne konas Manjon.",What surprised me was that Tom didn't know Mary.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn La instruisto donis al ŝi multan informon pri la universitato.,The teacher gave her a lot of information about the university.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Eble Tomo havos iom da bonaj ideoj.,Tom may have some good ideas.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Mi havis cerbatakon.,I had a cerebral contusion.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Tomo faris nur tri erarojn.,Tom made only three mistakes.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Farmistoj semas grenojn printempe.,Farmers sow grain seeds in spring.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Tomo aspektas, kvazaŭ li pensas.",Tom looks like he's thinking.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Terkultivado estas la landa ekonomio.,Agriculture is economy of the country.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Nur pri uni afero Tomo eraris.,Tom only got one thing wrong.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn La farmistoj laborantas sur la kampoj.,Farmers are busy working in the field.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Terkulturistoj semas printempe.,Farmers sow seeds in the spring.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Tomo devas resti, kie li estas.",Tom needs to stay where he is.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Mi ne volas ĉesi labori.,I don't want to stop working.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Mi volas diri nenion.,I don't want to say anything.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Boacoj estas amikemaj bestoj.,Reindeer are friendly animals.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Oni donu ŝancon al Tomo.,Tom should be given a chance.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Manjo ne certis, ĉu la plano plaĉas al ŝi.",Mary wasn't sure she liked the plan.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Ruiniga tertremego trafis la ŝtatan ĉefurbon.,A devastating earthquake hit the state capital.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Tomo aspektas mortinta.,Tom looks dead.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Mi vere deziras, ke Tomo kondutu bone.",I really wish Tom would behave himself.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Manjo ne interesiĝis pri li.,Mary was not interested in him.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Mi precize scias, kiel vi sentas vin.",I know precisely what you are feeling.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Tomo sur lampofosto vidis anoncon proponantan rekompencon por la revenigo de perdita hundo, kiu respondas al la nomo Manjo.",Tom saw a notice on a lamp post offering a reward for the return of a lost dog that answers to the name of Mary.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Tomo tagmanĝis kun Manjo.,Tom had lunch with Mary.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Mi rigardis Tomon kaj ridis.,I looked at Tom and laughed.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Tomo ricevis telefonvokon de Manjo frue ĉi-matene.,Tom had a telephone call from Mary early this morning.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Ĉevalo estas besto.,A horse is an animal.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Aktoroj, artistoj, muzikistoj kaj verkistoj povas uzi malsamajn formojn, inkluzive de vortoj parolitaj kaj skribitaj, agoj, koloroj kaj sonoj.","Actors, artists, musicians, and writers may use many forms including spoken and written words, actions, colors and sounds.",epo_Latn-eng_Latn Mi nun havas familion.,I have a family now.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Mi sendis leteron al li por sciigi mian decidon.,I sent him a letter to let him know my decision.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Mi havas dorsodoloron.,I have a backache.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Ni faros, kiel vi diras.",We'll do as you say.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Vi sciu, ĉu vi jes aŭ ne aĉetos ĝin.",It is up to you whether to buy it or not.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "La eksplodo tiel fortis, ke la tegmento forbloviĝis.",It was such a powerful explosion that the roof was blown off.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Mia filino havis cerboskuon.,My daughter had a concussion.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Mi ne povas rezisti al la allogo de grandaj profitoj.,I could not resist the lure of great profits.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Konfidon estas malfacile akiri, sed facile perdi.","Confidence is hard to build, but easy to destroy.",epo_Latn-eng_Latn Tomo havis kun Manjo tiklaĵon traktendan.,Tom had a score to settle with Mary.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Li diras, ke li ankoraŭ havas tiklaĵon traktendan kun vi.",He says he has a bone to pick with you.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Ĉiuj ovoj en la skatolo rompiĝis.,All the eggs in the box were broken.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Tomo konfesis.,Tom has confessed.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Mi rekomendas meti komon tien.,I suggest putting a comma here.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn La kampo kovrita per papavoj estas poezia pejzaĝo de somero.,The poppy-covered field has become the summer's poetical landscape.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Ĉu vi ankoraŭ bezonas monon?,Do you still need money?,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Ne konsideru tion laŭ maniero tiom persona!,Don't take it so personally.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn La leĝo estas klara.,The law is clear.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Ĉu la nova trejnisto plibonigis la kvaliton de la teamo?,Has the new coach improved the team's quality?,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Li ne alvenis ĝis post kiam la koncerto finiĝis.,He didn't arrive until the concert was over.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Kion vi scias?,What do you know?,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Ŝiaj haroj estas sekaj.,Her hair is dry.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Ni ŝajnigu nin eksterteranoj.,Let's pretend we're aliens.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Nu, ni parolu senkaŝe!","Well, let's talk turkey.",epo_Latn-eng_Latn Maria iris al la persika bosketo proksima al sia domo por trankvile mediti.,Mary made her way to the small grove of peach trees near her house for some quiet reflection.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "La pozitiva entjero cent dudek ses havas la primfaktorojn du, tri, tri kaj sep.","The positive integer 126 has the prime factors 2, 3, 3 and 7.",epo_Latn-eng_Latn Mi ne bezonas novan televidilon.,I don't need a new TV.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn """Kial diable vi faris tion?"", demandis la alia virino.","""Why in the world would you do that?"" the other asked.",epo_Latn-eng_Latn La knabino estis submetita al lia krueleco.,The girl was at the mercy of his cruelty.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Mi estas senkulpa, mi ĵuras.","I'm innocent, I swear.",epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Mi fajfas pri tio, ĉu vi venas aŭ ne.",It makes no difference to me whether you come or not.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn La homoj eliradis el siaj hejmoj por aŭskulti lian muzikon.,The people came out of their houses to listen to his music.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Ili aĉetos ion.,They'll buy something.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Ni devas obei la leĝaron.,We must abide by the law.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Ni iomete babilu pri detaloj el nia fako.,Let's talk shop for a while.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Ŝia konduto estas admirinda.,His behavior is worthy of praise.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Ŝi komplezis konduki min al malsanulejo.,She was so kind as to take me to the hospital.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Mi ne kontraŭas vian planon.,I don't object to your plan.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Ĉu vi memoris la naskiĝtagon de via patro?,Do you remember when your father's birthday is?,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Li emas fari multajn demandojn.,He tends to ask a lot of questions.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Ŝajne mi bezonos iom da tempo por kutimiĝi al la vivo ĉi tie.,It seems like it will take me a while to get accustomed to life here.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Mi vidos ĉiujn post du semajnoj.,See everyone in two months.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Li portigis al mi sian pakaĵon.,He made me carry his baggage.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Forpasis persono grava por la socio.,Someone important to society has passed away.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Mi estis ĝardenisto.,I used to be a gardener.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Kion oni skribis sur la muron?,What is written on the wall?,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Tom nun ne bone povas turni sian dorson al Mary.,Tom can't very well turn his back on Mary now.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Tomo ne sciis, al kiu doni la koverton.",Tom didn't know who to give the envelope to.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Mi scias vin ne seriozaj.,I know you're not serious.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Taga pavo (Inachis io) estas bela kaj facile rekonebla papilio.,The peacock (Inachis io) is a beautiful and easily recognizable butterfly.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Vi ne havas memkritikon.,You have no self-criticism.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Mi vere ŝatis la supon.,I really liked the soup.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Simio dancas por mono.,The monkey dances for money.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Tomo ne scipovas konduki aŭton.,Tom is not able to drive a car.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Mi konas vian patrinon.,I know your mother.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Vi ĵus gajnis 5000-dolaran premion en Kalifornia ŝtata konkurso pri sekureco pro ĝusta uzo de via sekurzono.,You have just won a prize of $5000 in a California state safety competition for proper use of your seatbelt.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn """Ĉu vi ludas piedpilkon?"" – ""Ne, sed mi ludas tenison.""","""Do you play football?"" ""No, but I play tennis.""",epo_Latn-eng_Latn Labori en la farmejo tre kontentigas lin.,He's in his element when working on the farm.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Escepte de la prononcado ĉiu povas perfekte paroli la francan.,"Except for pronunciation, everyone can speak good French.",epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Mi ne scias la ŝlosilon al la sukceso, sed la ŝlosilo al malsukceso estas provi plaĉi al ĉiuj.","I don't know the key to success, but the key to failure is trying to please everybody.",epo_Latn-eng_Latn Mia aŭto estas ŝtelita.,My car has been stolen.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Ribelo prepariĝis.,A rebellion was brewing.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Ĉu ĝi estas originala pentraĵo?,Is that an original painting?,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Ĉiuj veloj mallevitis.,All the sails were taken down.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Tomo vidis elefantogregeton.,Tom saw a small herd of elephants.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Tio ne estas io, kion oni forgesos.",That's not something you forget.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Povas neĝi dum la vespero.,It may snow in the evening.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "La tagmanĝo pretas, patro.","Dinner is ready, Father.",epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Mi supozis, ke vi interesiĝas pri Tom.",I thought you cared about Tom.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Lia teatraĵo furoris.,His play was a hit.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Certe pluvos antaŭ ĉi tiu vespero.,It may well rain before tonight.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Eĉ infano povas respondi la demandon.,Even a child can answer the question.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Mi timas, ke vi havas misan numeron.",I'm afraid you have the wrong number.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Pri la kuirado ŝi scias ĉion.,She knows everything about cooking.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Tomo mortis pro kancero en 2013.,Tom died from cancer in 2013.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Tio estas demando, kiun vi ne devas antaŭmeti.",That's a question you shouldn't ask.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Estu iomete pli indulgema!,Be a little more clement!,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Terpomoj estas legomoj.,Potatoes are vegetables.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Mi ne petis por naskiĝi!,I did not ask to be born!,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Mi devus esti pasintjare vendita mian domon.,I should've sold my house last year.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Ĝi estas tre malfacila langorompilo.,It's a very difficult tongue-twister.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Mi volas, ke vi parolu al mi.",I want you to talk to me.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Tomo estas tre sukcesinta.,Tom has been very successful.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Estu iomete pli favorkora!,Be a little more gracious!,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Estu iomete pli kompata!,Be a little more merciful!,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Estu iomete pli kompatema!,Be a little kinder!,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Ĉi tiu ringo estas tre multekosta.,This ring is very expensive.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "La patrino de Barack Obama, Ann Dunham, estis antropologo.","Barack Obama's mother, Ann Dunham, was an anthropologist.",epo_Latn-eng_Latn La sukceso de la hebrea devus servi al la Esperanto-movado kiel fonto de kuraĝigo kaj de inspiro.,The success of Hebrew should serve the Esperanto movement as a source of encouragement and inspiration.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Tomo havas fraton laŭnome Johano.,Tom has a brother named John.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Tomo estas seriozega.,Tom is deadly serious.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Mi ne plu verkas poezion.,I don't write poetry anymore.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Tomaso sekvis min tie.,Tom followed me here.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Ĉu la bigamio estas krimo en Aŭstralio?,Is bigamy a crime in Australia?,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Bruas la sala ŝaŭmo; jam surteriĝinte, la monstroj sin antaŭenĵetas; fulmas iliaj sangokoloraj okuloj, kaj sibladas iliaj gorĝoj, dum iliaj fenditaj langoj kiel pikiloj senĉese sin ĵetas.","Lashed into foam, behind them roars the brine; / now, gliding onward to the beach, ere long / they gain the fields, and rolling bloodshot eyne / that blaze with fire, the monsters move along, / and lick their hissing jaws, and dart a flickering tongue.",epo_Latn-eng_Latn Kia estas la aspekto de la nova aŭto de Tom?,What does Tom's new car look like?,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Kies vico lavi la telerojn?,Whose turn is it to wash the dishes?,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Ambaŭ el miaj gepatroj ankoraŭ vivas.,Both of my parents are still living.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "La vivo ne estas problemo solvenda, sed realo spertenda.","Life isn't a problem to be solved, but a reality to be experienced.",epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Vi ricevis, kion vi deziris.",You got what you wanted.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Mi demandas min ĉu tiu ĉi lakto ankoraŭ estas bongusta.,I wonder if this milk is still good.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Manjo petis sian familion pri prunto.,Mary asked her family for a loan.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Ĉu vi scias, kio mankas al vi?",Do you know what you are missing?,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Mi sentas min vundebla.,I feel vulnerable.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Hirundo estas migra birdo.,The swallow is a migratory bird.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Ĉu vi trinkas mineralan akvon kun glaciaj kuboj?,Do you drink mineral water with ice cubes?,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Estas neniu, kiu ne scias tiun fakton.",There is no one but knows the fact.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Neniu ŝatas esti priparolata post la dorso.,No one likes to be talked about behind their back.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Hodiaŭ Tomo denove dormis dum la leciono.,Tom slept in class again today.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Ĉu vi mem faris vian hejmtaskon?,Did you do your homework by yourself?,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Memproklamita demokrato, kiu pro sia bonŝanco vivas en demokrata lando, sed konstante insultas pri la stultaj politikistoj sen ligi sin mem politike, verŝajne ne komprenis la vorton “demokrateco”.","A self-proclaimed democrat, who is lucky enough to live in a democratic country, but who constantly swears at politicians without committing himself to politics, has probably not understood the word ""democracy"".",epo_Latn-eng_Latn Mi estis ĉi tie en 2013.,I was here in 2013.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Koncerne tion estas neniu diferenco.,It doesn't make any difference.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Mia patrino estas ĉiutage hejme.,My mother is home every day.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Ion ŝi maldiras al ni.,There's something she's not telling us.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn La politikisto akceptas aŭdiencojn dum merkredoj.,The politician receives on Wednesdays.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Mi faris ĝin mem.,I made it myself.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Mi mem faris ĝin.,I myself did it.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Ŝirmita kontraŭ la ventoj, vasta kaj serena estas la haveno, sed proksime, per teruraj erupcioj, Etno ektondras: ĉu ŝpruce suprenpelante fumajn nubojn tiel nigrajn kiel peĉon, kaj incandeskantan cindron, aŭ flamkolorajn bulojn, kiuj leviĝas al la steloj; ĉu ekĵetante for la ŝtonajn internaĵojn de l' monto, perforte elĉerpitajn; kaj vomante ruĝardan lafon, kiu, ĝemegantan en la vulkana sino, alvenas al kratero per varmegaj ondoj.","It was a spacious harbour, sheltered deep / from access of the winds, but looming vast / with awful ravage, AEtna's neighbouring steep / thundered aloud, and, dark with clouds, upcast / smoke and red cinders in a whirlwind's blast. / Live balls of flame, with showers of sparks, upflew / and licked the stars, and in combustion massed, / torn rocks, her ragged entrails, molten new, / the rumbling mount belched forth from out the boiling stew.",epo_Latn-eng_Latn Mi petis lin sendi al ni la libron.,I asked him to send us the book.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Nokte vi dormas.,At night you sleep.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Mi pensas, ke vi trovos tion interesa.",I think you're going to find this interesting.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Vi kuris en la ĝardeno.,You ran in the garden.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Ili venis al Osako en la komenco de majo.,They arrived in Osaka at the beginning of May.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn La korforma lageto estas la fiero de la reĝa paro.,The heart-shaped pond is the pride of the royal couple.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Ili formis sin en grupoj de kvinopoj.,They formed themselves in groups of five.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Samio fariĝis pastro.,Sami became a priest.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Tom provis kaŝi sian nervozecon.,Tom tried to hide his nervousness.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Tiu laboro estas plenumita duone.,This work is half-done.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn La maljuna pino estas tiel sana kaj forta kiel kverko.,The old fellow is as healthy and as strong as an oak.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Mi esperas, ke vi kapablas konfirmi vian asertojn per pruvoj.",I hope you've got some proof to back up your allegations.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Ni laŭeble plej baldaŭ sciigos vin.,We'll contact you as soon as we can.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Ŝajne via fiksita disko fragmentiĝis.,It looks like your hard disk is fragmented.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Bonvolu gladi tiun T-ĉemizon por mi.,"Can you iron this T-shirt for me, please?",epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Bone, mi ĝojas, ke vi povis veni.",O.K. I'm glad you could come.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn En la centro de la urbo estas multaj altaj konstruaĵoj.,There are many tall buildings downtown.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Antaŭvideble ŝi iĝos centjara.,She is likely to live to be one hundred.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Ĝi malvarmiĝis.,It has cooled off.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Mi vidis ŝin antaŭ unu semajno.,I saw her a week ago today.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Francujo situas sude de Anglujo.,France is to the south of England.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Mia patro laboras por banko.,My father works for a bank.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Mi morgaŭ iros al la dentisto.,I'm going to the dentist tomorrow.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Ili ne sciis, ke tio ne eblas, ili do faris ĝin.","They did not know it was impossible, so they did it.",epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Tomo ĉiam utiligas du vekhorloĝojn, kiam li uzas fruan flugon.",Tom always sets two alarm clocks when he's catching the early morning flight.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Per flatado oni ne povas ion gajni.,There is nothing to be gained by flattery.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Ĉu li konscias la malfacilaĵojn?,Is he aware of the difficulty?,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Ĉu vi konscias, ke oni ne diras bonon pri vi?",Are you aware of the fact that you are not spoken well of?,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Ne ĉiuj viroj saĝas.,Not all men are wise.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Ĉu vi scias, ĉu ŝi jes aŭ ne scipovas paroli angle?",Do you know whether or not she can speak English?,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Ŝi reportis pruntitan libron en la bibliotekon.,She returned a book to the library.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Iam ni faros la mondon pli bona loko.,We will someday make the world a better place.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Jen kial mi faris, kion mi faris.",That's why I did what I did.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Neniam Tom konsentas kun Mary.,Tom never agrees with Mary.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Mia plej ŝatata koloro estas la bruna.,My favorite color is brown.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Tom revenos.,Tom will come back.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Kiam venis via patro hejmen?,When did your dad come home?,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Venu je la dua.,Come at two o'clock.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn La instruistino fingromontris al mi kaj petis min kuniri kun ŝi.,The teacher pointed her finger at me and asked me to go with her.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Ni tagmanĝos, post kiam ni revenos hejmen.",We'll eat lunch after we get home.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Se tiu knabo ne mortintus en la trafikakcidento, li nun estus studento.","If that boy had not been killed in the traffic accident, he would be a college student now.",epo_Latn-eng_Latn Li subite sentis emon por verki romanon.,He felt a sudden urge to write a novel.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Li vivis peke.,He led a life of vice.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Ŝi invitis min trinki kafon kun ŝi.,She invited me over for coffee.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Mi rezervis por la hotelo monaton antaŭe.,I made hotel reservations one month in advance.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Ĉu ne iu vidis lin?,Hasn't anyone seen him?,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Ĉu ne iu vidis ilin?,Hasn't anyone seen them?,epo_Latn-eng_Latn La akuzito senhezite apelaciis kontraŭ la verdikto.,The defendant appealed against the sentence without hesitation.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Tomo lasas neniun eniri en lian domon.,Tom doesn't allow people to enter his house.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Gasa akvo ne estas tre ŝatata en Ameriko.,Fizzy water isn't very popular in America.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Oni prave diras, ke tempo estas mono.",It is truly said that time is money.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Ĉu Tomaso scipovas danci?,Does Tom know how to dance?,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Ni havas ankoraŭ malnovan valvotelevidilon.,We still have an old tube television.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom demandis Mary, kie la hundo estas.",Tom asked Mary where the dog was.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom demandis Mary, ĉu ŝi ŝatas lin.",Tom asked Mary whether she liked him.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Horore estas, ke la fenomeno de infansoldatoj ankoraŭ persistas.",It is horrendous that the phenomenon of child soldiers still exists.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Malbonaj respondoj montras la vojon al la bonaj.,Bad answers show the way to the right ones.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Ni ludis basketbalon en la gimnastika halo.,We played basketball in the gym.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Morgaŭ posttagmeze mi havos dungan konversacion.,I have a job interview at two o'clock tomorrow afternoon.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Ĉu vi povas citi verson el la Hamlet-teatraĵo?,Can you quote a line of Hamlet?,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Mi trajnos al Aŭstralio.,I will go to Australia by train.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Mi estas la vicpatro de Tomo.,I'm Tom's stepfather.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Mi opiniis, ke vi volas atendi.",I thought you wanted to wait.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Ne gravas al mi tio, kion vi pensas.",I don't really care what you think.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Neniam plu lasu tion okazi!,Don't let that happen again!,epo_Latn-eng_Latn La Hummer-aŭtomobiloj estas benzinvoraj.,Hummers are big gas guzzlers.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn La ĥemia ekzameno ne estis komplika.,The chemistry exam was a doddle.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Malgraŭ ĉiuj siaj riĉoj li tute ne feliĉas.,"In spite of all of his riches, he is not at all happy.",epo_Latn-eng_Latn Iuj konsideras lin la plej elstara boksisto el ĉiuj tempoj.,Some say that he was the greatest boxer who ever lived.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Ni ankoraŭ ne testis la medikamenton ĉe homoj.,We haven't tried the drug out on humans yet.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Tomo devus jam delonge esti en la lito.,It's well past Tom's bedtime.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "La angla lingvaĵo uzata en la eseo estas tro bona. Ne eblas, ke ŝi mem skribis ĝin.",The English used in the composition is too good. She can't have written it herself.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Tomo diris, ke mi alfrontu la veron.",Tom told me to face the truth.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Jen ĉio kion ni scias pri vi.,That's all we know about you.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Tomo plu ploras.,Tom is still crying.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn La angla lingvaĵo de ĉi tiu eseo estas tro bona.,The English of this composition is too good.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "La benzinvendisto estis ne tre ĝoja, kiam ni aĉetis nur ĵurnalon de li.",The petrol pump attendant wasn't very thrilled when we only bought a newspaper from him.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn La publiko ŝajnis tedita.,The audience appeared bored.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Maria ricevis plurajn premiojn por sia poezio.,Mary has received several prizes for her poetry.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Ni devus sendi Ĝordanon al la malsanulejo.,We ought to send Jordan to the hospital.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Tio ne anoncas ion bonan.,It doesn't bode well!,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Ŝi malŝatas paroli antaŭ publiko.,She hates speaking in public.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Ĉu li petis vin iĝi lia edzino?,Did he propose to you?,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Vi ne diris veron al mi, ĉu mi pravas?","You lied to me, didn't you?",epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Ĉu vi sciis, ke li bone scipovas, kiel prepari kafon?",Did you know he is good at making coffee?,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Ĉu ŝi malamas min?,Does she hate me?,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Mi rekte pagas.,I am paying with cash.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Mia fratino petis, ke mi pruntu al ŝi la vortaron.",My sister asked me to lend her the dictionary.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn La kunveno komenciĝis per diskuto pri ĝeneralaĵoj por disrompi la glacion.,The meeting started with some general chit-chat to break the ice.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Nin mirigis la elokventeco de la knabeto.,We marveled at the little boy's eloquence.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Manjo estas unu el la plej belaj knabinoj de la tuta lernejo. Tamen ŝi ankoraŭ neniam havis koramikon.,"Mary is one of the prettiest girls in the whole school. Despite that, she's never had a boyfriend.",epo_Latn-eng_Latn Tiun problemon ni traktos en la tria ĉapitro.,We will deal with this problem in Chapter Three.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Mi ofte havas malfacilaĵojn.,I am often in difficulties.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Mi havas ne sufiĉe da mono por vojaĝi.,He doesn't have enough money to travel.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn La onidiro disvastiĝis tra la tuta urbo.,The rumor spread all over the town.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Mi havas amikon kies patro estas kapitano de granda ŝipo.,I have a friend whose father is the captain of a big ship.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Estas precize tio, kion Tomo bezonas.",That's just what Tom needs.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Ju pli ofte vi legos la libron, des malpli vi komprenos ĝin.","The more you read the book, the less you will understand it.",epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Mi ne toleras la bebojn, kiuj ploras.",I can't stand babies crying.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn La trezoro estas ankoraŭ enterigita en la arbaro sub arbo.,"The treasure is still in the forest, where it is buried under a tree.",epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Oni kredas, ke Jesuo Kristo kaŭzis multajn miraklojn.",Christ is believed to have worked many miracles.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Tomo kaj mi kutime interparolas france.,Tom and I usually speak to each other in French.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn La patrino metas sur la tablon la sukerujon.,The mother puts the sugar bowl on the table.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Li estas junulo kun promesplena estonteco.,He is a promising youth.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Tio estas mia komputilo.,This is my computer.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Ĉi tie ne ventas.,There's no wind here.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Ne rezignu, kaj daŭre skribu.",Do not give up and keep writing.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Tomo sciis pri tio.,Tom knew about this.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Ŝajnas, ke ŝi estis bela, kiam ŝi estis juna.",She seems to have been beautiful in her young days.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Ni vidis sufiĉe da tio.,We've had enough of that.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Dankegon, vi ĉiam diras vortojn pli agrablajn, ol mi.","Thank you very much, you always say more agreeable things than I do.",epo_Latn-eng_Latn Mi vere ne komprenas modernajn skulptaĵojn.,I just don't get modern sculpture.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Ŝi fumis cigaredon.,She smoked a cigarette.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Ne forgesu renkonti min morgaŭ matene.,Don't forget to see me tomorrow morning.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Kio estas lia okupo?,What is his business?,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Kio estas ŝia okupo?,What's her occupation?,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Ŝi sajne ne interesiĝas pri piedpilkado.,She seems to have no interest in soccer.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Kiel tio povis tiom pligraviĝi?,How did things get this far?,epo_Latn-eng_Latn La bruo estis baldaŭ regata.,The noise was quickly brought under control.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Li vivas en la supro de la monteto.,He lives at the top of the hill.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Li koncentris sian atenton sur tio, kion ŝi diris.",He concentrated his attention on what she said.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Mi estas sendependa ĵurnalisto.,I'm a freelance journalist.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Kie troviĝas lia kliniko?,Where is his clinic situated?,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Ne diru malbonajn aferojn pri aliaj.,Don't say bad things about others.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Ili kredas, ke Jonjo estas honesta.",They believe that Jane is honest.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Je liaj diroj mi restis senvoĉa.,His words rendered me speechless.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Ni elektis Johanon kiel nian ĉefon.,We chose John to be our captain.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Tom profunde ekinteresiĝis pri la historio de arto.,Tom became deeply interested in art history.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Faru tion, kiel li diras al vi.",Do it the way he tells you to.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn La infanoj finfine endormiĝis.,The kids are finally asleep.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Por mi junio estas la plej grava monato de la jaro.,"For me, June is the most important month of the year.",epo_Latn-eng_Latn La vidaĵo ekkaptis mian atenton.,The sight arrested my attention.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Ĉu vi sukcesas elteni lian konduton?,Can you put up with the way he behaves?,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Rigardu lin kaj faru, kion li faras.",Watch him and do what he does.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Tom deziris fariĝi diplomato.,Tom wanted to become a diplomat.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Ĉi tiuj bestoj ankaŭ estas tre afablaj.,"These animals are very friendly, too.",epo_Latn-eng_Latn Kial vi ĉiuj estas tiom kontentaj?,Why are you all so happy?,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Toĉjo diris: ""Mi ŝatas tion.""","Tony said, ""I like it.""",epo_Latn-eng_Latn Mi ne scias kiel esprimi mian dankemon.,I don't know how to express my gratitude.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Ni konsideras Tomon honesta.,We consider Tom to be honest.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Atendu! Ni devas rekonsideri nian strategion.,Hold it! We need to rethink our strategy here.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Trompi aliulojn estas malbone, sed trompi sin mem estas pli malbone.","It's wrong to deceive people, but worse to deceive yourself.",epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Tio, kion li diras, absolute ĝustas.",What he says is absolutely correct.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Manjo diris, ke nur ŝi devis fari tion.",Mary said she was the only one who had to do that.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Vi vidu, ke homoj ne kreas tempon; se ni ja farus tion, ĝi neniam mankus.","You see, humans don't create time; if we did we'd never run out of it.",epo_Latn-eng_Latn Mi havas nukrigidiĝon.,I have a stiff neck.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Ili staris vidalvide.,They stood face to face.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Tomo ne kapablis teni laborpostenon aŭ vivi memstare.,Tom was unable to hold a job or live by himself.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Kiom da politikistoj necesas por enigi lampon?,How many politicians does it take to screw in a lightbulb?,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Mi estas pacifisto.,I am a pacifist.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Jen tio, kion mi timas.",This is what I am afraid of.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Mi pensas ke ĉi tiu ne funkcios.,I don't think this is going to work.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Biskvito estas mia hundo.,Cookie is my dog.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Ne faru al vi malĝustan opinion.,Don't get the wrong idea.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "En bela printempa tago Johano, fosante en la sablujo en la ĝardeno, trovis skatoleton. En ĝi estis brila klaptranĉilo kun enigma enskribo.","On a nice spring day, when Jan was digging in the sandbox in the backyard, he found a small box. In the box was a shining switchblade with a mysterious inscription.",epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Bonŝance troviĝis Armani-butiko apud la strateto, kie Dima dormintis.","Thankfully, there was an Armani store just outside the alley where Dima had slept.",epo_Latn-eng_Latn Mary bonhumoras hodiaŭ.,Mary is in a good mood today.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Dimanĉe la muzeo ne estas malfermata.,The museum isn't open on Sundays.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Sinjoro Brown havas kvar infanojn.,Mr Brown has four children.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Mi disponas nur kvindek metrojn da ŝnuro.,I only have fifty meters of rope.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Post kiam oni ekipis Tomon kun artefarita dentaro, Manjo komplimentis lin pro lia bonega rideto. ""La rideto estas vera, sed la dentoj estas falsaj,"" li diris, iom mallaŭdante sin.","After Tom was fitted with a set of false teeth, Mary complimented him on his great smile. ""The smile is real, but the teeth are fake,"" he said, a little self-deprecatingly.",epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Kion vi kredas, ke ŝi nun faras?",What do you think she is doing now?,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Krom la angla li instruas ankaŭ matematikon.,"Apart from English, he also teaches math.",epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Ĉu vi scias, kien ŝi iris?",Do you know where she went?,epo_Latn-eng_Latn La libroj kaj dokumentoj estas dismetitaj en la tuta ĉambro de via fratino.,The books and documents are scattered all over your sister's room!,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Ŝi devigis min eliri kun ŝi.,She forced me to go out with her.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Ne parolu tro laŭte. Vi vekus ŝin.,Don't speak too loud. You'll wake her up.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Neniu volus aflikti vin.,No one would want to hurt you.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "En scienco, oni povas malkovri plej multe, studante tion, kio ŝajnas la malplej grava.","In science, one can learn the most by studying what seems the least.",epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Iun tagon, mi esperas leviti.",I hope I can levitate one day.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn La vestoj de Manuela estas tre elegantaj.,Manuela's clothes are very stylish.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Tom estis tre malsana.,Tom was really sick.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Tiu urbo havas grandan televidostacion.,This city has a big TV station.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn La urso polusa estas la urso orta post kiam ties koordinatsistemo estis transformita.,A polar bear is a rectangular bear after a coordinate transform.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Estu reveninte, antaŭ ol mallumiĝas.",Be back before it gets dark.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Vi ne demandis min pri io.,You haven't asked me anything.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Li nun estas nehaltigebla, sed la demando estas, dum kiom da tempo li povos resti ĉe la apogeo de sia kariero.",He's unstoppable right now but the question is how long he can remain at the pinnacle of his career.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Li ne povas aĝi malpli ol 30 jarojn.,He can't be under thirty.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Estas la tria fojo, ke vi malfruas ĉi-semajne.",It's the third time you've been late this week.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Mi ne pensis, ke li tiel timemas.",I did not think he was so timid.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Laŭ la meteorologiaj prognozoj, heliĝos morgaŭ.","According to the weather forecast, it will clear up tomorrow.",epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Ĉiuj scias, ke li perdis sian kruron en la milito.",Everybody knows that he lost his leg in the war.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Tio ĉi donas al mi forton por daŭrigi.,This gives me the strength to go on.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Mi deziras promeni.,I want to take a walk.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Mi ne povas toleri vidi lin tiel plori.,I can't bear to see him cry like that.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Ne maltrankviliĝu pri tio, kion li diris.",Don't bother with what he said.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Ĉu vi scias, kiam li venos?",Do you know when he will come?,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Tiu besto estas tre inteligenta.,This animal is very intelligent.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Li sidas sur la benko.,He's sitting on the bench.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Li aĝas du jarojn malpli ol mi.,He's two years younger than me.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Mi ne iras eksteren.,I'm not going outside.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Pluvegas ekstere.,It's raining buckets outside.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn La radio estas grandega invento.,Radio is a great invention.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Plenigu la suban formularon.,Fill out the form below.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Tiu hundo savis la vivon de tiu knabineto.,This dog saved that little girl's life.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Ne estas oranĝo sur la tablo.,There isn't an orange on the table.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Ŝi estis mia unua koramikino.,She was my first girlfriend.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn La bela vetero pliigas nian plezuron.,Nice weather added to our pleasure.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Li estas mirinda edukisto.,He's a wonderful educator.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Eĉ se mi konsentas pri tio, mi ne samopinias kun vi.","Even if I admit that, I cannot agree with you.",epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Mi ne scias, kio okazas ĉi tie, sed mi intencas malkovri tion.","I don't know what's going on around here, but I intend to find out.",epo_Latn-eng_Latn Mi nomis mian hundon Reks.,I named my dog Rex.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Ekde kiam mi vidis ŝin, estis kvazaŭ mi ĉiam konis ŝin.",I knew her the instant I saw her.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Ŝi diris al mi: ""Kiu unue envenis?""",She asked me who had arrived first.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Ĝi probable estas nur deliraĵo.,It's probably just a phase.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Mi nur volas, ke vi sciu, kiom mi bedaŭras.",I just want you to know how sorry I am.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Mia fratino havas laboron.,My sister has a job.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Promesu al mi, ke vi plenumos vian promeson.",Promise that you will keep your promise.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Mi tenisis.,I was playing tennis.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Ĉu vi decidis, kie ni tagmanĝos?",Did you decide where you're going to have lunch?,epo_Latn-eng_Latn La beleco mem estas nur la perceptebla bildo de la infinito.,Beauty itself is but the sensible image of infinite.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Ĉiuj ŝatas terpomfingrojn.,Everybody likes French fries.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Mia germana vortlisto enhavas nun du mil vortojn.,My German vocabulary list is up to two thousand words now.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Li volis instrui la anglan en la lernejo.,He wanted to teach English at school.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Tomo estas tre malaminda.,Tom is very obnoxious.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Dum mi purigis post la lerneja festivalo, mi perdis ŝlosilon de la konstruaĵo kaj mi devigatis skribi pardonpetan leteron.",I lost a school key when I was cleaning up after the school festival and I was then required to write an apology letter.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Tomo atendis dum tri horoj.,Tom has waited for three hours.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Tie, kun la okuloj al la plafono, dum mia cigaro eligas malrapidan nubon lazuran, kiu forŝvebas kiel matena nebulo, mi revidas vian rideton, vian belan tiaman rideton.","There, gazing at the ceiling, as my cigar slowly gives off a bluish smoke that dissipates like morning mist, I see your smile once more, the lovely smile of yesteryear.",epo_Latn-eng_Latn Ĉu kiu ajn manĝis kun vi?,Did anyone eat with you?,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Tomo supozeble vizitis Manjon ĉi-posttagmeze.,Tom must have seen Mary this afternoon.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Miamo estas la plej granda urbo de Florido.,Miami is the biggest city in Florida.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "La rezulto de ĉia serioza esploro povas nur esti starigo de du demandoj, kie antaŭe estis nur unu.",The outcome of any serious research can only be to make two questions grow where only one grew before.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn La urbo estis infektita de nekonataj fremdaj vortoj.,The town was flooded with strange foreign words.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Nia instruisto diris, ke akvo bolas ĉe cent gradoj.",Our teacher said that water boils at 100ºC.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Mi trovas ŝin tre alloga, tiel blanke vestita.","She looks very charming, dressed in white.",epo_Latn-eng_Latn Li mortis en miaj manoj.,He died in my arms.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn """Ĉu vi ne trovas ĝin iom granda?"" demandis la vendistino.","""But don't you think that it's a little big?"" asked the shopkeeper.",epo_Latn-eng_Latn La trafiklumo iĝis verda.,The traffic light turned green.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Tajpu vian pasvorton per la klavaro.,Type your password on the keypad.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Tiu pako estas tiom dika, ke ĝi ne povas esti sendita perpoŝte.",This baggage is too big to send by mail.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Onidire ĉio pli grandas en Teksaso, tio ankaŭ koncernas la absurdon de la apikado de la leĝo.","They say everything's bigger in Texas, and that includes absurdity in law enforcement.",epo_Latn-eng_Latn Pli bona estas malgranda gajno ol granda perdo.,Better a small gain than a great loss.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn La sama forto surmetita al pli malgranda surfaco kaŭzos pli da premo.,The same force spread over a smaller area will produce more pressure.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Kelkfoje mi scivolas, ĉu ĉi tiu mondo ekzistas sole en ies kapo, kaj ke li reve ekzistigas nin ĉiujn. Eble tiu estas ja mi.","Sometimes I wonder if this world is just in someone's head, and he dreams us all into existence. Perhaps it's even me.",epo_Latn-eng_Latn "La historio tute ne similas al tio, kion oni legas en la libroj pri historio.",History is nothing like what you read in history books.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Jen ekzemplo de la moderna angla vivo.,This is an instance of modern British life.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Mi konas lin kiel honestan personon.,I know him to be honest.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Tomo estis pafita, dum li prirabis delikataĵejon.",Tom was shot while robbing a convenience store.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Ĉu tiu konstruaĵo estas malfermita al publiko?,Is this building open to the public?,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Tomo ne estas surda, sed Manjo jes.","Tom isn't deaf, but Mary is.",epo_Latn-eng_Latn Mi ne havas tempon por vi.,I don't have time for you.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Li malpacienciĝis pro ajna malfruiĝo.,He was impatient of any delays.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Ne ĉio akiras ŝancon ekzisti.,Not everything gets a chance to exist.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Lia edzino estas belega kiel sonĝo, sed ne tute kiel lia filino.","His wife is as beautiful as a dream, not to mention his daughter.",epo_Latn-eng_Latn Li parolis kun granda entuziasmo pri la spektaklo.,He spoke with great enthusiasm of the theatrical performance.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn La leĝo validiĝos en la unua de aprilo.,The law will be effective from the 1st of April.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Mi vekiĝis kun rigida nuko.,I woke up with a stiff neck.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Multaj infanoj ne tre bone aŭdas la diferencon.,A lot of children don't hear the difference very well.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Estas du aŭ tri plumoj sur la skribotablo.,There are two or three pens on the desk.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Ĉu vi konas la nomon de la knabo staranta tie?,Do you know the name of the boy standing over there?,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Mi preskaŭ certas pri tio.,I'm almost certain about that.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Li ne povas sekvi spurojn de sia antaŭulo.,He cannot follow in the footsteps of his child.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Vi rompis mian koron.,You broke my heart.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Manjo vestis sin relative ekscite.,Mary is wearing some sexy clothes.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Je kioma horo la vespermanĝo estos servita?,What time is dinner served?,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Mia patro ne permesos ĝin.,My father won't allow it.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Precipe, zorgu vin.","Above all, take care of yourself.",epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Pli teruras timi la morton, ol morti.",It is more cruel to fear death than to die.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Ŝi estas ege ruza.,She is very cunning.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Mi ne estas la speco de persono kiu eksponas siajn intimajn aventurojn.,I'm not the kind to kiss and tell.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Ni agnoskas vian rajton je tiu posedaĵo.,We concede your right to this property.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn La nova registaro promesis deĵeti la korupton el la lando.,The new government promised to rid the country of corruption.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Ni ne estas pretaj je tio.,We're not ready for this.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Pelu mizeron tra l' pordo, ĝi revenos tra fenestro.","Drive out your needs through the door, and they will come back through the window.",epo_Latn-eng_Latn Gepatroj vidas la novan generacion kiel generacion tre malproksiman de la realo kaj postkurantan nerealigeblajn revojn.,Parents look to the new generation as a generation that is far from reality and busy running after unrealistic dreams.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn En la ŝranko troviĝas kelkaj vestoj.,Inside the closet are some clothes.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Ĉu vi volus scii, kiu ŝi estas?",Would you like to know who she is?,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Bonvolu subskribi la kontrakton.,Please sign your name on the contract.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn """Kaj ĉu ĉio nun estas en ordo?"" demandis la senpacienca vendistino, kiam Dima finis la konversacion.","""Well?"" the impatient shopkeeper asked, once Dima had ended the call. ""Is everything all set now?""",epo_Latn-eng_Latn Helen estas nature optimisma.,Helen is by nature an optimist.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Fotoj pri ĉerkoj kovritaj de flagoj disŝutiĝis en la gazetojn.,Pictures of coffins covered with flags went all over the papers.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Sur la vivvojo, ne estas reveno.",There is no returning on the road of life.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Mi volus certe scii tion.,I'd like to know for sure.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn """Jes, tiu estas mi,"" diris Al-Sayib. ""Sed almenaŭ unu el ni estas en ĉiu lando. Kaj ni ĉiuj ŝatas Fanta-n kaj konigi al novuloj ilian ĝustan lokon.""","""Yes, that's me,"" said Al-Sayib. ""But there's at least one of us in every country. And we all like Fanta, as well as putting noobs in their place.""",epo_Latn-eng_Latn """Walakum-us-Salam, Al-Sajib!"" Dima respondis. ""Pri kio vi okupas vin nuntempe?""","""Walakum-us-Salam, Al-Sayib!"" Dima replied. ""What are you up to these days?""",epo_Latn-eng_Latn """Mi bezonas iom da mono,"" diris Dima kun honta voĉo.","""I need some money,"" Dima said, with a tone of embarrassment.",epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Rilatoj bazitaj sur mono finiĝos, kiam la mono elĉerpiĝos.",Relationships built on money will end when the money runs out.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Tomo certe donas la impreson, ke li ne scias, kion li estas faranta.",Tom certainly gives the impression that he doesn't know what he's doing.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Tomo ludantas en la ĝardeno.,Tom is playing in the backyard.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Nenion faru, nur por montri ke vi povas.",Never do anything just to show you can.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn """Ĉu eblus..."" scivolis Dima, ""ke mi finfine trovis la ĝustan Al-Sajib?""","""Could it be...?"" Dima wondered. ""Did I finally get the right Al-Sayib?""",epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Mi volas voli, kion vi volas.",I want to want what you want.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Tiuj tri estas liaj filinoj.,Those three are his daughters.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Li estas verkisto famkonata pro siaj romanoj kaj rakontoj.,He is an author famous for his novels and stories.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Mi prezentas al vi faman etnologon.,I introduce you to a great ethnologist.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Ne ĉesas pluvi.,The rain's not letting up.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Ĝi estas tre populara artiklo.,This is a real popular item.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn """Dima?!"" Al-Sajib tiel ekmiris, ke li faligis sian Fanta-n sur sian komputilon kaj tiel ruinigis sian ĉason pri novuloj. ""Dima?! Ĉu tiu vere estas vi?!""","""Dima?!"" Al-Sayib was so shocked that he dropped his Fanta on his computer, thereby ruining his noob hunt. ""Dima?! Is that really you?!""",epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Toni diris, ke li ne scias tion.",Tony said he didn't know.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn La uniformoj malsimilas laŭ la lernejoj.,Uniforms differ from school to school.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Ŝi havas maloftan antaŭnomon.,She has a rare given name.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn La japana ekonomio regresas.,The Japanese economy is in depression.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Kaj mi nun estas en Lviv!,And I'm in Lvov now!,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Mi povis apenaŭ paŝi tiumomente.,I could barely walk at that time.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Niaj registaroj iĝis eksterteruloj vivantaj inter homa loĝantaro.,Our governments have become space aliens living among a human population.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Traduku la frazon, kiun vi volas traduki. Ne estu influata de tradukoj en aliajn lingvojn.",Make a good translation of the sentence that you are translating. Don't let translations into other languages influence you.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Tomo ofte iras al Bostono por viziti sian familion.,Tom often goes to Boston to visit his family.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Kial vi provokas min?,Why are you picking a fight with me?,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Ĉu ŝi vidis nin?,Did she see us?,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Sen oksigeno, vi povas nenion bruligi.",You cannot burn anything without oxygen.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Hodiaŭ matene relative varmegas.,It's pretty hot this morning.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Iĝu deca.,Make yourself presentable.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Amo, estas vidi ŝin eĉ en siaj sonĝoj.",Love is seeing her even in your dreams.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Bonvolu plenigi la ĉi-inkluzivitan formularon por kandidatiĝo al la posteno.,Please fill out the attached application form.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Ni scias, ke tio okazos iam en la sekvaj tri tagoj.",We know it'll happen sometime in the next three days.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Jen precize tio, kion mi volis.",This is just what I wanted.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Bedaŭrinde, ni ne plu havas ĉinajn brioĉojn.","I'm sorry, we're all out of manti.",epo_Latn-eng_Latn Estis nekredebla festo.Vi devus vere enveni.,"It was a nice party. You should have come, too.",epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Je tiu preciza momento, la bombo malaktiviĝis.",It was at that very moment that the bomb went off.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn La japana teamo gajnis la ormedalon de tiu konkurado.,The Japanese team won the gold medal for this competition.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Mia avino estis farmistino.,My grandmother was a farmer.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Permesu, ke mi donos mian interpretadon de la rakonto.",Let me tell you my side of the story.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Kiu ajn deziras tion, povas ĝin preni.",Whoever wants it may take it.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Mi komencis tiun laboron antaŭ kvar jaroj.,I started doing this work 4 years ago.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn La domo de Tomo estas aĉetebla.,Tom's house is for sale.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Li estas forta kaj brava, sed precipe afabla.","He is strong, brave and, above all, kind.",epo_Latn-eng_Latn La germana lingvo estas ĝermana lingvo.,German is a Germanic language.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Se vi planas iri al Aŭstralio, ni iru kune.","If you're planning to go to Australia, let's go together.",epo_Latn-eng_Latn """Malfortigitaj de l' milito, repelitaj de l' sorto en iliaj atakoj kontraŭ la urbo dum tiom multe da jaroj, la grekaj estroj, inspiritaj de l' dia Palasa, konstruis ĉevalon (el ligno la tuta strukturo kaj la partoj kiuj ĝin kovras) tiel altan kiel monton, kaj kiu, laŭ la famo, kiun ili disvastigis, estas al la dioj oferon celantan ties protektadon por ilia revenvojaĝo al Grekio. ""","""Broken by war, long baffled by the force / of fate, as fortune and their hopes decline, / the Danaan leaders build a monstrous horse, / huge as a hill, by Pallas' craft divine, / and cleft fir-timbers in the ribs entwine. / They feign it vowed for their return, so goes / the tale.""",epo_Latn-eng_Latn Vi rajtas naĝi tiom longe kiom vi volas.,You may swim as long as you want.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Tio estas tro malfacila por mi.,It's too difficult for me.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Kia aĉa filmo!,What a bad movie!,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Mi estas ĉi tie jam du horojn.,I've already been here two hours.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Kiun vortaron vi konsultis?,Which dictionary did you refer to?,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Malseka klimato estas karakterizaĵo de la duoninsulo.,A humid climate is characteristic of the peninsula.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn La policano simple ne volis liberigi la suspektiton.,The policeman wouldn't let go of the suspect.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn La ŝtelisto forkuris kun la mono.,The thief got away with the money.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn """Kio estas la pluralo de nazio?"" - ""Aĉuloj.""","""What is the plural of Nazi?"" - ""Assholes.""",epo_Latn-eng_Latn Estas jam la sepa.,It's already seven.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Tomo insistis pri restado por helpi nin enordigi ĉion post la festeto.,Tom insisted on staying and helping us clean up after the party.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Judy estas la sola virino en tiu kunveno.,Judy is the only woman on the board.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Mi volas instrui ion al vi.,I want to teach you something.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Cemento hardiĝas en la daŭro de 2-3 horoj.,Cement hardens in 2-3 hours.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Tomo kaj Manjo estas geamikoj.,Tom and Mary are friends.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Mi esperas, ke li preteratentos mian eraron.",I hope my mistake will escape his notice.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn De dek jaroj la prezidantino estas kunligita al la organizaĵo.,The chairperson has been associated with the organization for ten years.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Li ne sukcesas ĝin fari.,He can't do that.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Tio devis esti forprenita.,It has to be removed.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Neniu kredos je tiu onidiro.,Nobody will believe that rumor.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Mi ne povas diri, ke tio ne doloris.",I can't say that didn't hurt.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Oni diras, ke vi ĵus geedziĝis.",I hear you just got married.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Kie vi deziras vivi?,Where would you like to live?,epo_Latn-eng_Latn La ununura filo de la maljunulo mortis antaŭ tri jaroj.,The old man had his only son die three years ago.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Ĉiu persono gravas.,Every person counts.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Ne tiom indignu!,Don't be so outraged.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Veras, ke konduto ne reguligeblas, kaj leĝoj ne kapablas devigi vin ami min, sed la leĝoj povas malpermesi homrabi min, kaj mi kredas, ke tio relative gravas.","It is true that behavior cannot be legislated, and legislation cannot make you love me, but legislation can restrain you from lynching me, and I think that is kind of important.",epo_Latn-eng_Latn Ĉi-matene li havas bonan apetiton.,He has a good appetite this morning.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Nenio povas pardoni lian malafablan konduton.,Nothing can excuse him for such rude behavior.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Pacon al liaj cindroj!,Peace to his ashes!,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "La gazetartikolo prezentis la akuziton kulpa, kvankam li pruviĝis senkulpa.","The news article painted the defendant as a guilty man, even though he had been proven innocent.",epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Ili invadas la urbon, mergitan en ebrieco kaj dormo; la gardostarantojn ili masakras kaj, malferminte la pordegojn, ili enlasas la aliajn militistojn, kiuj grupiĝas kiel interkonsentite.","Now, stealing forward, on the town they fall, / buried in wine and sleep, the guards o'erbear, / and ope the gates; their comrades at the call / pour in and, joining bands, all muster by the wall.",epo_Latn-eng_Latn Ŝi ŝajne malŝatas vin.,"She hates you, it seems.",epo_Latn-eng_Latn "La senco de la vivo ĉiam eskapis al mi, kaj mi kredas, ke ĝi plu eskapos. Mi tamen ŝatas ĝin.",Life's meaning has always eluded me and I guess it always will. But I love it just the same.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Mi ŝatas manĝi ĉokoladon, ĉar ĝi estas mia ŝatata nutraĵo.","I love to eat chocolate, as it is my favorite food.",epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Ĉu vi estas certa, ke vi volas forlasi vian laboron?",Are you sure that you want to quit your job?,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Mi amas mian edzinon.,I love my wife.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Danĝeras ludi per fajro.,Playing with fire is dangerous.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn La kanadaj funkciuloj pesis la provizojn de ĉiu homo.,Canadian officials weighed the supplies of each man.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Ŝi enamiĝis kun rusa enmigrinto.,She fell in love with a Russian immigrant.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Vi faras ĉion, kion mi ordonas al vi ne fari.",You do everything I tell you not to.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Mi freneze enamiĝis kun li.,I fell madly in love with him.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Mi ne kredas al vi. Vi konstante mensogas.,I don't believe you. You're always lying.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Ĉu vi ne volas esti denove enamiĝinta?,Don't you want to be in love again?,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Mi tiel amas vin.,I love you so much.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Laŭ mi, mi plu disponas apenaŭ sufiĉan tempon por fini tion.","I still have just enough time to get this done, I think.",epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Vi ne scipovas danci, ĉu?","You can't dance, can you?",epo_Latn-eng_Latn Al kio viaopinie tiuj fenomenoj atribueblas?,"In your reckoning, what accounts for these phenomena?",epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Patro Kristnasko, mi volas amikinon kiel Kristnaskan donacon.","Santa Claus, I want to receive a girlfriend for Christmas.",epo_Latn-eng_Latn Ilia kiso malkovritis de Charlotte.,Their kiss had been discovered by Charlotte.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Manjo estas senbridulino.,Mary is a tomboy.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Mi tion faris kaj denove farus.,I did it and I would do it again.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Ofte timo pri malbono kondukas nin al pli malbona.,Often the fear of one evil leads us into a worse.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Mi simple volis pasi, por saluti lin.",I just wanted to drop by to say hi.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Hieraŭ ni havis diskuton ĉirkaŭ teo.,We had a chat over tea yesterday.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Feliĉas, kiu en siaj versoj povas facilanime transiri de gravo al dolĉo, de plezuro al severo.","Happy him who with ease can steer, from grave to gay, from lively to severe.",epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Mi sonĝis, ke aidoso estos kuracebla antaŭ ol mi mortos.",I have a dream that AIDS will be cured in my lifetime.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Mi maltrafis la filmon. Ĉu vi spektis ĝin?,I missed the movie. Did you watch it?,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Mi volas vidi vin ĉi-posttagmeze en mia oficejo.,I want to see you in my office this afternoon.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Mi ne bezonas falsajn amikojn.,I don't need fake friends.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Rapidu malrapide; kaj ne malkuraĝiĝante dudekfoje remetu vian laboraĵon sur la teksilon.,"Hasten slowly, and without losing heart, put your work twenty times upon the anvil.",epo_Latn-eng_Latn Ekde nun mi deziras iri aliloken.,I'd like to go somewhere else now.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Frenezulo ĉiam trovas pli frenezan ulon, kiu admiras lin.",A fool always finds a greater fool to admire him.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Oro donas koloron de beleco eĉ al la malbelo; sed ĉio iĝas malalloga per malriĉo.,Gold gives an air of beauty even to ugliness: but with poverty everything becomes frightful.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Eble Tomo povos solvi tiun problemon.,Maybe Tom can solve this problem.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Vi estas ege skeptikaj.,You're very skeptical.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn La fameco de multaj samtempuloj estas ligita al la stulteco de iliaj admirantoj.,A good deal of contemporary celebrity is tied to fan stupidity.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Mirakloj nomiĝas mirakloj, ĉar ili ne okazas!",Miracles are called miracles because they don't happen!,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Ĉu vi ne opinias, ke tio povus esti iomete peza?",Don't you think it might be a bit heavy?,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Li venas el Osako, kiel montras lia akĉento.","He is from Osaka, as is shown by his accent.",epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Ŝi havas nek amikon nek parencon, kiu prizorgas ŝin.",She doesn't have any friends or relatives to take care of her.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Mi havas mil kvincent brutojn.,"I have 1,500 head of cattle.",epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Mi kredis, ke vi estas la amiko de Tom.",I thought you were Tom's friend.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Mi ne scias, kiamaniere igi vin feliĉa.",I don't know how to make you happy.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Tiu monumento estas dediĉita al la soldatoj, kiuj oferis siajn vivojn por sia lando.",This monument is dedicated to the soldiers who gave their lives to their country.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Ŝi kredis, ke mi estas kuracisto.",She thought that I was the doctor.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Mi aŭdis, ke homoj endormiĝas en siaj bankuvoj.",I've heard that some people sleep in bathtubs.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Morgaŭ posttagmeze mi havos libertempon.,I'm taking tomorrow afternoon off.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Ili cedis la monteton al la malamikaj fortoj.,They abandoned the hill to enemy forces.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Mi volas flue paroli la rusan.,I want to be able to speak Russian fluently.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Ĉar pluvis, ni devis manĝi nian piknikon interne.","Since it was raining, we had to eat our picnic lunch indoors.",epo_Latn-eng_Latn La hupado estas evitenda dumnokte. Dumnokte oni prefere uzu la reflektorajn signalojn.,"Using the horn at night should be avoided. At night, flash the headlights instead.",epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Kiel ajn vi konsideras la aferon, la pruvoj akumuliĝas kontraŭ ni.","No matter how you look at it, the odds are stacked against us.",epo_Latn-eng_Latn Mi ne povas gravediĝi. Mi estas sterila.,I cannot get pregnant. I am sterile.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Mi nur volas scii, kial vi kondukis min ĉi tien.",I just want to know why you brought me here.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Kiom da kilometroj entute veturis tiu aŭto?,What mileage do you get with this car?,epo_Latn-eng_Latn La du regionoj diferencas laŭ religio kaj kulturo.,The two regions differ in religion and culture.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Ĉar mi ne sukcesis ekdormi, mi pretigis por mi kafon.","I was unable to sleep, so I made myself some coffee.",epo_Latn-eng_Latn Estas alia kialo.,There's another reason.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Kial vi tiel parolas?,Why are you talking like that?,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Kiu do estis tiu kanzono, kiun vi kantis?",What was that song you were singing?,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Ĉu vi preferas dum televidado subtekstojn aŭ plie ŝatas sinkronajn tekstojn?,Do you prefer it when TV shows are subtitled or dubbed?,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "La fiŝaĵon, kiun mi manĝis hieraŭ vespere, mi ne bone digestis.",The fish I ate yesterday did not agree with me.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Mi ŝatas kanti kaj ludi gitaron.,I like singing and playing the guitar.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Ŝi ne estas ordinara lernantino.,She is no ordinary student.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Mi ĉiam pensis, ke Tomo estas amuza.",I always thought Tom was funny.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Tomo komencis legi.,Tom started reading.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Tomo ŝatas la hundon de Manjo.,Tom likes Mary's dog.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Tomo ŝatis spekti militajn dokumentarojn.,Tom liked to watch military documentaries.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Mi ne vidas tion.,I don't see it.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Ne nur laboristoj mem, sed ankaŭ iliaj edzinoj, fratinoj, patrinoj kaj gefiloj ekde kvarjara aĝo, estas kruelege ekspluatataj.","Not only the workers, but also their wives, sisters, mothers, and daughters older than four are being cruelly exploited.",epo_Latn-eng_Latn Ŝi tiel afablis por konsili min.,She was kind enough to give me advice.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Tomo ĉesis serĉi la trezoron kaj reiris hejmen.,Tom stopped looking for the treasure and went back home.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Ĉu Tomo diris, kial Manjo iris al Bostono?",Did Tom say why Mary went to Boston?,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Kio estas malĝusta en tio?,What's wrong with that?,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Li mortis post kelkaj tagoj.,He died a few days later.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Kun Japanio oni ofte asocias la monton Fuĵi.,They often associate Japan with Mt. Fuji.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Mi ne volas iĝi via edzino.,I don't want to be your wife.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Ili masturbis unu la alian.,They masturbated each other.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Estas ia malhelpaĵo.,There is something wrong.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Mi perdis mian edzinon pro trafikakcidento.,I lost my wife due to a traffic accident.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Tomo devas ĉesigi tion.,Tom needs to stop doing that.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Permesu al mi preni vian mantelon.,Let me take your coat.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Unu afero, kiu ne ŝanĝiĝos, estas mia salajro.",One thing that won't change is my salary.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Tomo havas nemortigan tumoron en la maldekstra pulmo.,Tom has a benign tumor in his left lung.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Mi volas, ke vi havu tion ĉi.",I want you to have this.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Mi iru lernejen.,I have to get to school.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Mi provis kaŝi mian seniluziiĝon.,I tried to hide my disappointment.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Ĉu vi vere kredas, ke mi iel rilatis al tio?",Do you really think I had something to do with that?,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Kial tiu tuta dramo?,Why all the drama?,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Ĉu vi tenos tiun sidlokon por mi?,Will you keep this seat for me?,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Ili ne kaptos nin.,They're not going to catch us.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Ni ne havas trinkeblan akvon.,We have no drinking water.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Ĉu vi estas en via hejmo?,Are you home?,epo_Latn-eng_Latn En unu letero li diras: »La vivo estas nur sonĝo.«,"In one letter he remarks, ""Life is but a dream"".",epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Fine, la bebo endormiĝis.","At last, the baby fell asleep.",epo_Latn-eng_Latn En la posta stacio preskaŭ ĉiuj eliris la trajnon.,"At the next station, nearly everyone got off the train.",epo_Latn-eng_Latn Subskribu je tiu ĉi linio.,Sign above this line.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Via sango estas ruĝa.,Your blood is red.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn La rompita fenestro estis kovrita per alnajlitaj tabuloj.,The broken window was boarded up.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Ĉu la bebo kapablas paŝi?,Can the baby walk?,epo_Latn-eng_Latn La kato estas en sia korbo.,The cat is in its basket.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Kiom longe vi estis en Japanio?,How long were you in Japan?,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Se vi malserene rigardas en tiu ĉi metio, la klientaro forrestos.","In this line of work, if you make a grim face the customers won't come.",epo_Latn-eng_Latn Piedpilkado estas pli populara ol tenisado.,Soccer is more popular than tennis.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Mi havas demandon pri viaj antaŭaj komentoj.,I have a question regarding your earlier comments.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn La dua mondmilito eksplodis en la jaro 1939.,World war two broke out in 1939.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Vole-nevole, frue aŭ malfrue via patrino paciĝu kun la ideo, ke ŝia filino plenkreskintas.","Whether your mother likes it or not, she will sooner or later have to accept the idea that her daughter has grown up.",epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Mi pensas, ke tiu politiko signifas serbojn, kroatojn kaj islamanojn.","I think this politics means Serbs, Croats, and Muslims.",epo_Latn-eng_Latn Mi gajnis tridek poentojn.,I scored thirty points.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Tomaso komprenis, ke li estas alia ol la ceteraj infanoj.",Tom realized that he wasn't the same as the other kids.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Ĉu vi memoras la demandon?,Do you remember the question?,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Ken mallevis la brakojn.,Ken laid down his arms.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Tomo estas kun siaj hundoj.,Tom is with his dogs.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Tomo ŝatas nin ĉiujn, sed pleje li ŝatas Manjon.","Tom loves us all, but he loves Mary the most.",epo_Latn-eng_Latn Ŝi estas tre afabla najbaro.,She is a most gracious neighbor.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Tomo serĉas siajn ŝlosilojn.,Tom is looking for his keys.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Estas tre silente ĉi tie.,It's very silent here.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Estos vintro baldaŭ.,It will be winter soon.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Ĉu mi povas mallonge paroli kun vi?,Can I speak with you a moment?,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Mi ne volas legi ĝin.,I don't want to read it.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Mi vidas, ke Volapuko estas bona lingvo.",I see that Volapük is a good language.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Ni devas irserĉi helpon.,We need to get help.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Ĝi estis tre malrapida trajno. Ĝi haltis en ĉiu malgranda stacio.,It was a very slow train. It stopped at every little station.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Mi vidis leoninon.,I saw a lioness.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Ankaŭ mi volis scii.,I wanted to know as well.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Mi vidis virleonon.,I saw a male lion.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Ankaŭ mi volus scii.,I would like to know as well.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Jen bona plano.,This is a good plan.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn La najbarina hundo bojas.,My neighbour's dog barks.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Ĉu vi volas scii?,Do you want to know?,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Mi ŝatas ekskursojn.,I like trips.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Resumu la mesaĝon al unu paĝo.,Boil down the report to one page.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Mi rampetas, kiel suĉinfano.",I am crawling like a baby.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Mi bezonis plian tempon.,I needed more time.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn En la strato estis tute kviete.,It was totally quiet in the street.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Mi ŝatas vivi ĉi tie.,I like living here.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Ferioj taŭgas por tiuj, kiuj laciĝas dum la jaro.",Vacations are good for people who get tired during the year.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Vi scias, kion fari.",You know what to do.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn La kampoj estas kovritaj de sovaĝaj floroj.,The fields abound in wild flowers.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Kun kiu Tomo edziĝis?,Who did Tom marry?,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Johano estas klaĉema.,John is a gossip.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Tie ĉi iam estis domo.,There used to be a house here at one time.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn La arkitekto fanfaronis ke li ricevis prestiĝan rekompencon.,The architect boasted that he had received a prestigious award.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn La arbo ĵetis longan ombron.,The tree cast a long shadow.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Tomo faras promenon ĉiumatene.,Tom takes a walk every morning.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Beringa Markolo disigas Azion de Norda Ameriko.,The Bering Strait separates Asia from North America.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Li plenumis la planon.,He carried out the plan.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Ni havas novan najbarinon.,We have a new neighbor.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Ĉu vi havas filinon?,Do you have a daughter?,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Miaopinie, definitiva paco estas nur iluzio.","In my opinion, permanent peace is nothing but illusion.",epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Ne pensu ĉe la lasta folieto: kiu venos post mi, ja elturniĝos.","When you use the last sheet, don't think: ""The person after me will manage just fine.""",epo_Latn-eng_Latn Mi malamas intervjuojn.,I hate interviews.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Fakte, Marie Curie estis polino, ne francino.","In fact, Marie Curie is Polish, not French.",epo_Latn-eng_Latn Manjo malplaĉis al Tomo.,Tom disliked Mary.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "La tasko ŝajnis pli-malpli simpla, sed laborigis min unu semajnon.","The job looked quite simple, but it took me a week.",epo_Latn-eng_Latn Tomo estas tre postula.,Tom is very choosy.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Mi ne volas fari ion ajn, kio difektus mian amikecon por vi.",I don't want to do anything to jeopardize my friendship with you.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Se mi havintus sufiĉe da tempo, mi povintus vidi pli da Aŭstralio.","If I'd had enough time, I could've seen more of Australia.",epo_Latn-eng_Latn Mi volas indi vian amikecon.,I want to be worthy of your friendship.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn La homo estas pli danĝera malamiko por la homo ol la fortoj de naturo aŭ la sovaĝaj bestoj.,Man is a more dangerous foe to man than the elements of nature or animals in the wild.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Mi ne memoras iun, kiu malamas vin pli ol Tom faras.",I can't think of anyone who hates you more than Tom does.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Mi devas paroli al vi private.,I must speak with you alone.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Li kuŝis surdorse sur la lito.,He lay on his back on the bed.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Li ne estas klerulo.,She's not the brightest girl in the world.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Multan dankon al ĉiuj.,"Thank you very much, everybody.",epo_Latn-eng_Latn Pureco estas atingebla nur proksimume.,Purity is at best an approximation.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Mi vizitos Kioton.,I will visit Kyoto.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn La korpuso de Tatoeba estas heterogena en multaj dimensioj.,Tatoeba's corpus is heterogeneous in many dimensions.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Miaj frazoj ne estas netuŝeblaj.,My sentences are not sacrosanct.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Mi havas senton, ke ĉi nokto estos bona nokto!",I have a feeling that tonight is going to be a good night!,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "De kvin jaroj, senlaboreco estis rekorde malalta en Januaro.",The unemployment rate dropped to a five-year low in January.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Vi similas al maŝino.,You're like a machine.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Jen ĉio. Mi faris ĉion, kion mi povis.",That's it. I've done everything I can.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Ĉu vi bonvolas malfermi fenestron? - Certe.,Could you please open a window? - Sure.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Vi rajtas inviti aliajn personojn.,You can invite other people.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Pardonu, ĉu iu povas diri al mi, kie estas la duŝejo?","Excuse me, could someone tell me where the bathroom is?",epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Atendu momenton nur, bonvolu.","Just wait a minute, please.",epo_Latn-eng_Latn Ĉu jes? Kion vi serĉis?,Yes? What were you looking for?,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Bonvolu ne manĝigi la bestojn.,Please don't feed the animals.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Mi vertas, ke vi ne seniluziigos min.",I'm sure you won't disappoint me.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Multan dankon! Ĝi estas bela.,Thank you very much! It's beautiful.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "En ordo, ni aŭdis vin la unuan fojon.","All right, we heard you the first time.",epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Tuj kiam vi estos fininta tion, mi ŝatus, ke vi ekpreparu la vespermanĝon.","As soon as you have done that, I would like you to start preparing supper.",epo_Latn-eng_Latn Kion vi diris? Mi ne aŭdis.,What did you say? I didn't hear.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Necesas ke la koridoroj estu bone purigitaj.,It is necessary that the halls be well cleaned.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Ne lasu vin trompiĝi per la ŝajnaĵoj!,Don't be fooled by appearances.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Ho, mi trovis ĝin, ne zorgu.","Oh, I found it, nevermind.",epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Malstreĉiĝu, soldatoj.","At ease, soldiers.",epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Hej, John, rigardu tion.","Hey, John, look at this.",epo_Latn-eng_Latn Tomo sendis tekston al Manjo.,Tom sent Mary a text.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn En multaj landoj estas normale por ĉiuj televidprogramoj havi subtitolojn.,In many countries it is normal for all television programmes to have subtitles.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Mi ne indas vian amikecon.,I don't deserve your friendship.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Mi ne volas konjekti.,I wouldn't want to speculate.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Ĉu vivi kelktempe eksterlande estu integra parto de la edukado de ĉiu infano?,Should spending time abroad be made an integral part of every child's education?,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Mi ne estas forta.,I'm not strong.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Mi estas dotita per relative fortega imago.,I've got a pretty vivid imagination.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Tomo falpuŝiĝis pro ludilo postlasita sur la planko de lia filo, kaj tordis al si la ŝultron.",Tom tripped on a toy his son had left on the floor and dislocated his scapula.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Vi nur devas fermi viajn okulojn.,You have only to close your eyes.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Mi konsideras, ke la plej malbona parto de aviadilaj vojaĝoj estas la ĉirkaŭvagado en flughavenaj salonoj.","To my mind, the worst part of air travel is the hanging around in airport lounges.",epo_Latn-eng_Latn Tomo igis nin purigi la aŭtejon.,Tom made us clean the garage.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Lingvoj, kiujn neniam oni trovus kune en tradicia sistemo, ja povas konektiĝi en Tatoeba.","Languages that would have never found themselves together in a traditional system, can be connected in Tatoeba.",epo_Latn-eng_Latn Tomo ne sufiĉe spertis pri la traktado de tiaj problemoj.,Tom didn't have enough experience in dealing with that kind of problem.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Sed de kie ni prenas tiujn frazojn? Kaj kiel ni tradukas ilin?,But where do we get those sentences? And how do we translate them?,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Kompreneble, tio ne povas esti laboro por unu sola persono. Tial Tatoeba estas kunlaboriga.","Obviously, this cannot be the work of one person. This is why Tatoeba is collaborative.",epo_Latn-eng_Latn De mia vidpunkto vi devus denove provi la ekzamenon.,In my view you should try the exam again.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Ĉiu libere povas kontribui.,Everyone is free to contribute.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Kaj ĉiu havas la eblon kontribui.,And everyone has the ability to contribute.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Kaj verdire, ĉi projekto bezonas ĉiun.","And actually, this project needs everyone.",epo_Latn-eng_Latn Vi tute ne scias pri la beleco de virinoj ĉi tie!,You have no idea how pretty the girls are around here!,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Ni volas kapti la unikecon de ĉiu lingvo. Kaj ni volas same kapti ilian evoluadon tra la tempo.,We want to capture all the uniqueness of each language. And we as well want to capture their evolution through time.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Kiom da lingvoj oni parolas tutmonde?,How many languages are spoken worldwide?,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Mi komprenas ĉion nun.,I understand everything now.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Ni esperu, ke ĝi restos tiel.",Let's hope it stays that way.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Ĉiuj deziris paroli kun Tomo.,Everyone wanted to talk to Tom.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Sed vi ja scias, ke estus malbone kolekti ĉiujn ĉi frazojn kaj konservi tion por nur ni. Ĉar estas tiom fareble per ĝi. Pro tio Tatoeba estas malfermita. Nia fontokodo malfermitas. Nia datumaro malfermitas.","But you know, it would be sad to collect all these sentences, and keep them for ourselves. Because there's so much you can do with them. Which is why Tatoeba is open. Our source code is open. Our data is open.",epo_Latn-eng_Latn Bonvolu ne nutri la animalojn.,Please do not feed the animals.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Ĉu vi certas pri ĝi?,Are you certain about this?,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Neniu bona ago restas senpuna.,No good deed goes unpunished.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Ni eldonas ĉiujn frazojn kiujn ni kolektas kun permesilo Krea Komunaĵo - Atribuite.,We're releasing all the sentences we collect under the Creative Commons Attribution license.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Tio signifas, ke vi povas reuzi ilin libere por tekstolibro, por programaro, por esplorada projekto, por io ajn!","This means you can reuse them freely for a textbook, for an application, for a research project, for anything!",epo_Latn-eng_Latn Mia edzo kaj mia filino dormegas kiel marmotoj.,My husband and daughter are fast asleep.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Sed tio ne estas ĉio. Tatoeba ne estas nur malferma, kunlaborema, plurlingva frazaro. Estas parto el ekologia sistemo kiun ni volas krei.","But that's not the whole picture. Tatoeba is not just an open, collaborative, multilingual dictionary of sentences. It's part of an ecosystem that we want to build.",epo_Latn-eng_Latn Iamaniere ŝi ne plu alparolas min.,She barely speaks to me anymore.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Tomo absolute ne ŝanĝiĝis de post la mezlernejo.,Tom hasn't changed a bit since college.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Bilbao estas urbo en Eŭskio.,Bilbao is a city in the Basque Country,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Tomo starigis kelkajn demandojn, al kiuj Manjo ne volis respondi.",Tom asked a few questions that Mary didn't want to answer.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Mi ne devas raporti al vi pri miaj agoj.,I am not accountable to you for my actions.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Ŝi vendis bildkartojn.,She sold postcards.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Ni nur deziras ke vi diru la veron.,We just want you to tell the truth.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Ni volas irigi la lingvilojn ĝis la sekvonta nivelo. Ni volas vidi novigadon en la lingvolerna pejzaĝo. Kaj tio ne povas okazi sen malfermitaj lingvaj rimedoj, kiuj ne povas esti konstruitaj sen komunumo, kiu ne povas kontribui sen efika platformo.",We want to bring language tools to the next level. We want to see innovation in the language learning landscape. And this cannot happen without open language resources which cannot be built without a community which cannot contribute without efficient platforms.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Kiom da eskimoj loĝas en Gronlando?,How many Eskimos live in Greenland?,epo_Latn-eng_Latn En junio estas multaj pluvaj tagoj.,We have many rainy days in June.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Restis botelo de la vino.,A bottle of the wine was left.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Mi volas, ke Nino venku.",I want Nino to win.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Lia reputacio sekvas lin ĉie.,His reputation goes with him wherever he goes.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Ĉu ĉi-vespere ĉeestas turistoj ĉi tie, hazarde?","Are there any tourists here this evening, by any chance?",epo_Latn-eng_Latn Vi estas homo malbona.,You are a bad person.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Bonvolu ne forgesi sendi la leteron.,Please remember to mail the letter.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Li ofte ŝanĝas sian opinion.,He often changes his mind.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn La lumo estingiĝis.,The light went out.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Memoru, kion mi diras al vi!",Remember what I tell you!,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Tomo ebria pro vino rakontis al Manjo siajn plej profundajn sekretojn.,"Tom, drunk on wine, told Mary his deepest secrets.",epo_Latn-eng_Latn Ŝi malfacile gravediĝis.,She had trouble getting pregnant.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Ne ĉio estas nigra kaj blanka.,Not everything is black and white.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Kiam virino estas murdita, ŝia edzo aŭ koramiko ĉiam estas la plej suspektata persono.","When a woman is murdered, the husband or boyfriend is always the number one suspect.",epo_Latn-eng_Latn Ni devas ekscii je kioma horo Tom alvenos.,We need to find out what time Tom will be arriving.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Kiam vi lastfoje faris tion?,When was the last time you did that?,epo_Latn-eng_Latn La bebo kriis la tutan nokton.,The baby screamed all night.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "La instruisto diris al ili, ke ili ne naĝu en la rivero.",The teacher told them not to swim in the river.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Plantu tiujn semojn antaŭ la somera eko.,Plant these seeds before summer sets in.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn La reviziita horaro efektiviĝos je la 5a tago de ĉi tiu monato.,The revised timetable will go into effect on the 5th of this month.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Malbona novaĵo rapide kuras.,Bad news travels quickly.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn La inaŭgura ceremonio okazis laŭ la horaro.,The opening ceremony took place on schedule.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Ŝtonoj ne naĝas.,Stones don't swim.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Ni devigatis prokrasti nian foriron.,We were compelled to put off our departure.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Ĉu vi ne intencas iri?,Aren't you going to go?,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Via telegramo alvenis precize tiam, kiam mi estis telefononta al vi.",Your telegram arrived just as I was about to telephone you.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Neniu veturigas min ien ajn.,Nobody takes me anywhere.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Ni ne devus atendi tro da helpo de Tom.,We shouldn't expect too much help from Tom.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Mi ne volis ke tio finiĝos tiel.,This is not how I wanted this to end.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Alveninte en la flughaveno li telefonis al sia edzino.,"Upon arriving at the airport, he made a phonecall to his wife.",epo_Latn-eng_Latn En ĉi tiu rivero estas danĝere naĝi.,It's dangerous to swim in this river.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Ŝi instruas al mi kiel naĝi.,She taught me how to swim.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Mi bezonas la interligan flugon al Bostono.,I want to get a connecting flight to Boston.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Ne naĝu en la lageto.,You mustn't swim in the pond.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn La organizaĵo asociiĝis kun neniu politika partio.,The organization is not connected with any political parties.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn La piloto surterigis la aviadilon sur la kampon.,The pilot landed the airplane in the field.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Azio estas ĉirkaŭ kvaroble pli granda ol Eŭropo.,Asia is roughly four times the size of Europe.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Bonvolu resti sidanta ĝis nia alveno en la finstacio.,Please stay seated until we reach the terminal.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn La plej multaj infanoj de Tomo iĝis instruistoj.,Most of Tom's children became teachers.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Mia amiko ne estas malsukcesinto.,My boyfriend is not a loser.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Se estus iom pli varme, ni povintus trinki nian teon en la ĝardeno.","We could have our tea in the garden, were it a little warmer.",epo_Latn-eng_Latn Kie estas la enirejo por UA 111?,Where is the boarding gate for UA 111?,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Mi ŝatus iam koni vin pli bone.,I would like to get to know you better.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Kiel prepariĝis tiu kuko?,How was this cake made?,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Li faligas arbojn sur monto.,He is cutting down trees on a mountain.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Legado havas regulojn.,Reading has its rules.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Li havas sufiĉan monon por aĉeti domon.,He's got enough money to buy a house.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Tiu infano ne kapablas resti kvieta eĉ dek minutojn.,The boy cannot keep quiet for ten minutes.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Tímea estas hungarino loĝanta en Pollando.,Tímea is a Hungarian living in Poland.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Mi vin invitos.,I'll treat you.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Rakontu al ŝi, kion ŝi diris al vi.",Tell her what she told you.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Mi feliĉegas pri via sukceso.,I am delighted at your success.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Tio terure multe kostas.,It's terribly expensive.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Kuracado ebligos resanigi la malsanulon.,A treatment will cure the disease.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Liaj ŝercoj proksimas al insultado.,His jokes border on the insulting.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn La sciencisto provis malkovri la leĝojn de la Naturo.,The scientist tried to discover Nature's laws.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Se oni povus mortigi per rigardo, mi jam estus malviva.","If looks could kill, I'd be dead by now.",epo_Latn-eng_Latn Mi neniam kantis en karaokea trinkejo kaj neniam faros tion.,"I have never sung, and never will sing, in a karaoke bar.",epo_Latn-eng_Latn Mi preferas ferii en la vintra periodo.,I prefer winter holidays.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Mi vidis la foton, kiun vi faris de tiu fiŝo.",I saw the picture you took of that fish.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Ni faros tion kiam ni havos tempon.,We'll do it when we have time.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn La mondo komenciĝis sen homaro kaj finiĝos sen ĝi.,The world began without man and it shall end without him.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn La vero gravas pli ol beleco.,Truth is more important than beauty.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Ili iras al la preĝejo dimanĉe.,They go to church on Sundays.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Mi estas inunde malseka.,I'm soaking wet.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Mi alkĉasas en mia libertempo.,I hunt elk in my leisure-time.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Karaj amikoj, nur diru, kion vi bezonas!","Dear friends, just say what you need!",epo_Latn-eng_Latn Mi ŝatus paroli duope kun vi.,I'd like to talk with you in private.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Kial pikintaj abeloj mortas?,Why do bees die after stinging?,epo_Latn-eng_Latn La raportoj pri mia morto estas ege troigitaj.,The reports of my death are greatly exaggerated.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Ni lasis nenion al la hazardo.,We left nothing to chance.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Ĝi estas via unika okazo.,It's your only chance.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Mi metos la libron por vi ĉe mia najbaro.,I'll leave the book for you with my neighbour.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Ŝi estas vera putino.,She's a total bitch.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Lasu min esti via alibio.,Let me be your alibi.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Ŝi edziniĝis, havante la aĝon de 17 jaroj.",She got married at the age of 17.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Robinson konsideras la naturon kiel simplan sciencan studobjekton, kiun li povas ekspluati por propra uzo kaj plezuro.",Robinson considers nature a mere object of scientific study to exploit for his own uses and pleasure.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Dan havas talenton kontakti fremdulojn.,Dan is good at making approaches to strangers.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Milito ne estas neeviteblaĵo.,War is not inevitable.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Vi estas kuraĝa homo!,You're a daring man!,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Mi vidis strangan virinon tie.,I saw a strange woman there.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Mi ne scias, kion mendi.",I don't know what to order.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Mi vidas nenian diferencon.,I don't see any difference.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Tomo estas sola.,Tom is alone.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Mi ne plu bezonas lin.,I don't need him anymore.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Mi ne plu bezonas ĝin.,I no longer need it.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Denove pluvas.,It's raining again.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Vi iom troigas tion.,You're carrying this too far.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Li insistas ludi plian ludon.,He insists on playing another game.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Mi iris al la pakaĵara ofico por repreni valizeton, kiun mi deponis tie.",I made my way to the luggage office to collect the suitcase I had left there.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Mi ĵus skribontis leteron, kiam li alvenis hejme.",I was just going to write a letter when he came home.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Mi estas la plej aĝa.,I'm the oldest.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Ĉi iu parolas angle ĉi tie?,Does anyone here speak English?,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Aviadilo surteriĝis sur la alteriĝejon.,An airplane touched down on the runway.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Ni ne povos pli longe teni la malamikaron malproksima.,We can't hold the enemy off much longer.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Li diras, ke li ĉiam estis fidela al sia edzino.",He says he has always been true to his wife.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Ĉu en la ĉambro estas televidilo?,Is there a TV in the room?,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Vi ne pravis.,You were wrong.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Kies krajono ĉi tio estas?,Whose pencil is this?,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Ni movis niajn sakojn, liberigante sidlokon por la maljunulino.",We moved our bags to make room for the elderly lady to sit down.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Mia avo mortis en la sama ĉambro, en kiu li estis naskita.",My grandfather died in the same room in which he was born.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Tion li faris antaŭ la dungitaro.,He did it in front of the staff.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Mi serĉas mian globkrajonon.,I'm looking for my ballpoint pen.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Mi serĉas mian plumingon.,I'm looking for my pen.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Vi estas labormaniulo.,You are a workaholic.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Ĉi tiu domo apartenas al mi.,This house belongs to me.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Mia edzino aĉetis novan infanĉareton.,My wife bought a new pram.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Mi aprezas defion.,I enjoy a challenge.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn La rubujo malbone odoris.,The rubbish dump stinks.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Tio estas via problemo!,That's your funeral.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Mark havas mian libron.,Mark has my book.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Mi tute ne parolas la francan.,I don't speak any French.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Li haltigis la aŭton.,He stopped the car.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Miaj haroj estas hirtaj.,My hair is a mess.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Mi laboras por ŝpari por mia enskribo en la fakultato.,I am working to save for my college tuition.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Mi bedaŭras, ke mi implikis vin en tion.",I'm sorry I dragged you into this.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Bonvolu eniri la ĉambron.,Please come into the room.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Mi vidis lumon tre malproksiman.,I saw a light far away.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Kie mi povus butikumi?,Where can I do some shopping?,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Se vi vere havas liberan tempon, legu libron. Depruntu ĝin en la biblioteko de via kvartalo.","If you really have free time, read a book. Borrow one from the ward library.",epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Ne, sidiĝu.","No, sit down.",epo_Latn-eng_Latn Li fokusigis sian entreprenon je la urba regiono.,He centered his business on the metropolitan area.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Lia akĉento indikas, ke li estas eksterlandano.",His accent suggests he is a foreigner.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Li levis ion blankan de sur la strato.,He picked up something white on the street.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Mi faris ĉion, kion vi petis.",I did everything you asked.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Mi konsideras vian silenton kiel konsenton.,I interpreted your silence as consent.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Kiu volas esti amata, amu.","He who would be loved, must love.",epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Mi trovis birdon, kies flugilo estis grave vundita.",I found a bird whose wing was severely damaged.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Ĉu ni alvenos ĝustatempe por la koncerto?,Will we be in time for the concert?,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Ĉu vi scias, kiam la vendejo fermiĝas?",Do you know what time the shop is closed?,epo_Latn-eng_Latn La ŝipestro iros al la meteorologia oficejo por havi raporton pri la nuna situacio.,The captain will go to the meteorological office to get a weather briefing.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn La unua monato de la jaro estas januaro.,The first month of the year is January.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Ĉu mi venu venontan dimanĉon?,Shall I come next Sunday?,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Unu el la valizoj estas tute malplena.,One of the suitcases is completely empty.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Vi ne bezonas kunporti tagmanĝaĵon.,You don't need to carry lunch with you.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Mi havis longan konversacion kun ŝi.,I had a long conversation with her.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Ĉu vi iam vidis tiom bonan filmon?,Have you ever seen a film this good?,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Ekzistas multaj libroj pri la temo.,There are books and books on the subject.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "La konservita ludo ŝajnas difektita kaj ne uzebla. Finu la ludon, forigu la konservitajn donitaĵojn kaj rerulu la ludon.",The saved game appears to be damaged and cannot be used. Please quit the game and then restart after removing the save data.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Mi scias, ĉu li ja aŭ ne estas malamiko.",I know whether or not he is an enemy.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Li ĉiam venas ĝustatempe.,He's always on time.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Al kio servas tio?,What is this thing used for?,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Mi denove alvokos post dudek minutoj.,I'll call back in twenty minutes.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Li frape demetis siajn ŝuojn, sen antaŭa mallaĉado.",He kicked his shoes off without untying them first.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Ha lo! Mi estas Miĉjo.,"Hello, I'm Mike.",epo_Latn-eng_Latn """Jen vi,"" diris la pasaĝerprizorgisto.","""Here you are,"" the steward says.",epo_Latn-eng_Latn Tom kisis sian nevinon.,Tom kissed his cousin.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn La aviadilo alvokis la flugdirektan turon.,The plane buzzed the control tower.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Ĝi bongustas!,It is delicious.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Mi vere esperas, ke tio estas sonĝo.",I sure hope this is a dream.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Mi havas neniom da planoj.,I have no plans whatsoever.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn La aviadilo surteriĝis laŭ la instrukcioj el la kontrolturo.,The jet plane landed following the instructions of the control tower.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Dankon pro tio, ke vi veturigis min.",Thanks for giving me a lift.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Kion ŝi faris hodiaŭ?,What did she do today?,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Pri mi ĉio estas en ordo.,With me everything is OK.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Ellitiĝon en malvarma mateno mi trovas malfacila.,I find it hard to get up early on cold mornings.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Ŝi malakceptis mian peton.,She turned down my request.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Tio, kion li diris, evidentiĝis vera.",What he said turned out to be true.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Mi ŝatas fiŝaĵon.,I like fish.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Mi ŝatus manĝi ion.,I'd like something to eat.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn La metio de fluggvidanto estigas grandegan streĉiĝon.,Air traffic controller is an extremely high pressure job.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Li estas ŝatata de ĉiu.,Everybody likes him.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn "Mi volas, ke la laboro baldaŭ finiĝu.",I want the work done quickly.,epo_Latn-eng_Latn Mille jaoks?,For what purpose?,est_Latn-eng_Latn Tom on ära tööülesandeid täitmas.,Tom is away on assignment.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Vesi on vedelik.,Water is a liquid.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Mul on suur palve.,I have a big favor to ask.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Sa oled hammustanud rohkem kui jõuad närida.,You've bitten off more than you can chew.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ma suudan vaevu oma käsi liigutada.,I can barely move my arms.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Kas sulle meeldib see korter?,Do you like the apartment?,est_Latn-eng_Latn Tom hoidis Mari oma käte vahel.,Tom held Mary in his arms.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Meil ei ole Tomi enam vaja.,We don't need Tom anymore.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ma ei olnud nagunii eriti hõivatud.,I wasn't very busy anyway.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Künkalt võime näha kaunist merevaadet.,From the hill we can have a beautiful view of the sea.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ma olen rahul tulemusega.,I'm happy with the result.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Kui kaunis vaade!,What a beautiful view!,est_Latn-eng_Latn Keegi ei usalda enam Tomi.,Nobody trusts Tom anymore.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Kas sa ei anna kunagi alla?,Don't you ever give up?,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ma olen nii läbi! Ma tahan lihtsalt minna koju vanni ning seejärel magama.,"I'm exhausted! I just want to go home, take a bath, and go to bed.",est_Latn-eng_Latn Kuidas see ikkagi juhtus?,How did that happen again?,est_Latn-eng_Latn Tomil oli vale aadress.,Tom had the wrong address.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Tom sattus autoõnnetusse.,Tom was in a car accident.,est_Latn-eng_Latn "Ma tean, milles asi on.",I know what this is about.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ma ei vaja voodit.,I don't need beds.,est_Latn-eng_Latn "Sa oled näinud, milleks ma võimeline olen.",You've seen what I can do.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Sa jooksutasid mootori kinni.,You've stalled the engine.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Mul ei ole hetkel raha kaasas.,I do not have money with me at the moment.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Sa isegi ei kuula mind.,You're not even listening.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Kus mu sinine õnnemüts on?,Where's my lucky blue cap?,est_Latn-eng_Latn Millal küll see lõppeb?,When's this going to stop.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Kus on pudeliavaja?,Where's the bottle opener?,est_Latn-eng_Latn Mis on su ema nimi?,What's your mother's name?,est_Latn-eng_Latn Mis Tomil minu vastu on?,What's Tom got against me?,est_Latn-eng_Latn "Ma ei räägi sulle, mis juhtus kui sa maha ei rahune.",I'm not going to tell you what happened until you calm down.,est_Latn-eng_Latn "Kui vana on kõige vanem inimene, keda sa tead?",How old is the oldest person you know?,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ma ei tea midagi naistest.,I know nothing about women.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ma ei usalda sind enam.,I don't trust you anymore.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Sa ei saa seda enam teha.,You can't do that anymore.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Kes võtaks selle äriprojekti rahastamise enese peale?,Who will provide capital for the venture?,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ma aitan sind nüüd.,I'm going to help you now.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ma ostsin selle oma tüdrukule.,I bought this for my girlfriend.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Tom hakkas kaasa laulma.,Tom started singing along.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ühest keelest ei piisa kunagi.,One language is never enough.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ma pean seda tegema.,I must do that.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Lind on taevas.,The bird is in the sky.,est_Latn-eng_Latn "See, kas ta opereerib või mitte, sõltub siirdelundi saadaval olekust.",Whether he has the operation depends upon the availability of the organ.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Kus sa praegu elad?,Where are you living now?,est_Latn-eng_Latn Klaasis on natuke vett.,There's a little bit of water in the glass.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ma kõnnin nagu pingviin.,I walk like a penguin.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Täna ma külastasin muuseumi.,Today I visited a museum.,est_Latn-eng_Latn On mitu tegurit.,There are many factors.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Juba on hommik.,It is already morning.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Mu jalg on jälle surnud!,My foot's asleep again!,est_Latn-eng_Latn Kohtumiseni!,Bye for now.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Maasikad on talvel kallid.,Strawberries are expensive in the winter.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Sa oled selle tõesti välja teeninud.,You've really earned this.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Sellises kärestikus ujuma minna oleks väga mõtlematu.,It is very imprudent to swim in the rapids.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Su käekiri on loetamatu.,Your handwriting is illegible.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Tema hoolimatu autojuhtimine lõppes surmaga.,His reckless driving brought about his death.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Valitsus deklareeris maksude vähendamise kavatsust.,The government has declared its intention to reduce taxes.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Mis kasu on rääkimisest?,What's the use of talking?,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ma pole riides.,I'm not dressed.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ta koputas uksele.,She knocked on the door.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Toas on piisavalt külalisi.,There are plenty of guests in the room.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Selle ettevõtte tugevuse aluseks on tulevikku suunatud strateegia.,The strength of the firm is attributed to its future-oriented strategy.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Kaladel on lõpused ja uimed.,Fish have gills and fins.,est_Latn-eng_Latn "Tänu sinu heale tegutsemisele, läks kõik hästi.",Everything came out satisfactorily through your good offices.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ta vihkab ämblikke.,He hates spiders.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ta on õpilane.,He's a student.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Tom kuulab oma iPodi.,Tom is listening to his iPod.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Tomil on saladus.,Tom has a secret.,est_Latn-eng_Latn "Tule, Tom. See on lõbus!","Come on, Tom. It'll be fun.",est_Latn-eng_Latn Tomil on armas pruut.,Tom has a cute girlfriend.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Kas me sööme täna väljas?,Are we going to eat out tonight?,est_Latn-eng_Latn "Kui vanad olid su lapsed, kui te Bostonisse kolisite?",How old were your kids when you moved to Boston?,est_Latn-eng_Latn Kas mu prantsuse keel on tõesti nii halb?,Is my French really that bad?,est_Latn-eng_Latn "Vabandage mind, aga kas te teate, mis kell on?","Excuse me, do you know what time it is?",est_Latn-eng_Latn Kes pani sulle su hüüdnime?,Who gave you your nickname?,est_Latn-eng_Latn Kuidas sa said omale hüüdnime?,How did you get your nickname?,est_Latn-eng_Latn Kas sul on hüüdnimi?,Do you have a nickname?,est_Latn-eng_Latn Tom keeldus seda tunnistamast.,Tom refused to admit it.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ma oleksin pidanud ei ütlema.,I would've said no.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ma oleksin pidanud ütlema jah.,I would've said yes.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Sa pead reegleid järgima.,You need to follow the rules.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ma pean aitama Tomil oma tuba koristada.,I have to help Tom clean his room.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Tom mängib õues.,Tom is playing outside.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Kas Tom on vasaku- või paremakäeline?,Is Tom left-handed or right-handed?,est_Latn-eng_Latn Tom jäi tihti kooli hiljaks.,Tom was often late for school.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ma tahan sinna veelkord minna.,I want to go there again.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Mulle meeldiks natuke veel magada.,I'd like to sleep a little longer.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ma tahaksin klaasikest veini.,I'd like a glass of wine.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ma tahan pitsat süüa.,I want to eat pizza.,est_Latn-eng_Latn "Ma tahaksin süüa korea toitu, mis poleks vürtsikas.",I want to eat some Korean food that isn't spicy.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ma tahan Tomi häält kuulda.,I want to hear Tom's voice.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ma tahan saada heaks kuulajaks.,I want to become a good listener.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ma tahan seda raamatut lugeda.,I want to read that book.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ma tahan saada arstiks.,I want to become a doctor.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Mul on vaja mõningaid muudatusi teha.,I need to make some changes.,est_Latn-eng_Latn "Mida Tom teeks, kui ta saaks teada?",What would Tom do if he found out?,est_Latn-eng_Latn Tom pani oma maja põlema.,Tom set his house on fire.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Kuidas te Tomiga läbi saate?,How are you and Tom getting along?,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ta tormas poest välja.,He dashed out of the store.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Õunad on punased.,Apples are red.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Tomile meeldivad enamus ta õpetajatest.,Tom likes most of his teachers.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Tom kandis mokassiine.,Tom was wearing moccasins.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ma naudin pikki jalutuskäike rannas.,I enjoy long walks on the beach.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Tom tahab avada oma enda restorani.,Tom wants to open his own restaurant.,est_Latn-eng_Latn "Sa ju tead, kes on Tom?","You know who Tom is, don't you?",est_Latn-eng_Latn Mul pole aega puhkuseks.,I don't have time to take a break.,est_Latn-eng_Latn "Ma arvasin, et Tom õpib prantsuse keelt.",I thought that Tom was studying French.,est_Latn-eng_Latn "Ma soovin, et ma oleksin sinuga.",I wish I was with you.,est_Latn-eng_Latn "Ma soovin, et sa oleksid minuga.",I wish you were with me.,est_Latn-eng_Latn "Ma sooviksin, et ma oleksin su kõrval.",I wish I were by your side.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ma sooviksin su kõrval olla.,I wish I were by your side!,est_Latn-eng_Latn Sa pole minust parem.,You aren't any better than me.,est_Latn-eng_Latn "Sa peaksid ütlema, mida sa mõtled.",You should say what you think.,est_Latn-eng_Latn See on huvitav pakkumine. Ma mõtlen selle peale.,That's an interesting proposal. I'll think about it.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Sul on väga hea mälu.,You have a very good memory.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Kõik näivad väsinud välja.,Everyone looks tired.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Kas sa tunned ennast süüdi?,Do you feel guilty?,est_Latn-eng_Latn Kus nad olid?,Where were they?,est_Latn-eng_Latn Mis ma oskan öelda?,What could I say?,est_Latn-eng_Latn Miks ma peaksin maksma?,Why should I pay?,est_Latn-eng_Latn Kus Tom täna on?,Where's Tom today?,est_Latn-eng_Latn Kas sa ei tea?,Don't you know?,est_Latn-eng_Latn "Kas see oli kõik, mida sa nägid?",Was that all you saw?,est_Latn-eng_Latn "Sa arvad, et tead mind päris hästi, eks?","You think you know me pretty well, don't you?",est_Latn-eng_Latn Sa suudad ju seda?,"You can do this, can't you?",est_Latn-eng_Latn "Kas on midagi erilist, mida ma sinu heaks teha saaksin?",Is there anything special I can do for you?,est_Latn-eng_Latn Miks see sind häirib?,Why does it bother you?,est_Latn-eng_Latn Miks me peaksime sind aitama?,Why should we help you?,est_Latn-eng_Latn Miks sa läksid välja?,Why did you go out?,est_Latn-eng_Latn Millal sa viimati käisid väljas söömas?,When was the last time you ate out?,est_Latn-eng_Latn Miks sa ei lähe esimesena?,Why don't you go first?,est_Latn-eng_Latn Palju see maksab?,What does it cost?,est_Latn-eng_Latn Mida naised tegelikult tahavad?,What do women really want?,est_Latn-eng_Latn Mida nad veel tahavad?,What more do they want?,est_Latn-eng_Latn Mida sa veel tahtsid?,What else did you want?,est_Latn-eng_Latn Miks kõik on nii keeruline?,Why is everything so difficult?,est_Latn-eng_Latn Kas sa võtad selle?,Will you take it?,est_Latn-eng_Latn Kas sa ei märganud seda?,Didn't you notice it?,est_Latn-eng_Latn "Sa käid kolmandas klassis, jah?","You're in third grade, right?",est_Latn-eng_Latn Mida sa sellest veel tead?,What else do you know about that?,est_Latn-eng_Latn Kuidas sa selle ära arvasid?,How did you guess that?,est_Latn-eng_Latn Kes see veel on?,Who on earth is that?,est_Latn-eng_Latn Mis keel see oli?,What language was that?,est_Latn-eng_Latn Kas sa teed seda?,Will you do that?,est_Latn-eng_Latn Miks sa peaksid seda tegema?,Why should you do that?,est_Latn-eng_Latn Kas nad on vennad?,Are they brothers?,est_Latn-eng_Latn Kas sa tead seda?,Do you know this?,est_Latn-eng_Latn Kas sa teadsid seda?,Did you know this?,est_Latn-eng_Latn Kes selle tõi?,Who brought this?,est_Latn-eng_Latn Kes on juhataja?,Who's the manager?,est_Latn-eng_Latn Kas see on vale?,Is that wrong?,est_Latn-eng_Latn Kas see pole mitte igav?,Isn't it boring?,est_Latn-eng_Latn Mida ma teen?,What am I doing?,est_Latn-eng_Latn Mis just juhtus?,What was happening?,est_Latn-eng_Latn Millal Tom tuleb?,When's Tom coming?,est_Latn-eng_Latn Kuidas su jalaga on?,How's your leg?,est_Latn-eng_Latn Miks Tom nii hiljaks jääb?,Why is Tom so late?,est_Latn-eng_Latn Kes need kirjutas?,Who wrote these?,est_Latn-eng_Latn Oled sa päris kindel?,Are you quite sure?,est_Latn-eng_Latn Karp oli tühi.,The box was empty.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Elu pole kunagi lihtne.,Life is never easy.,est_Latn-eng_Latn See kõik oli nii lihtne.,It was all so easy.,est_Latn-eng_Latn See oli liiga lihtne.,It was too easy.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ma olin natuke näljane.,I was a bit hungry.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Tom sõitis minema.,Tom drove away.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Nad ei ütle.,They won't stay.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Seda on lihtne öelda.,That's easy to say.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Tom ei palvetanud.,Tom didn't pray.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ma tunnen ennast täna hästi.,I feel fine today.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Kassil on kaks kõrva.,The cat has two ears.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ma lähen homme.,I'm going tomorrow.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Nad ei teadnud.,They didn't know.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Me teame seda nüüd.,We know it now.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Kommunism — see on nõukogude võim pluss kogu maa elektrifitseerimine.,Communism is Soviet power plus the electrification of the whole country.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Laual on süüa.,There's food on the table.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ma joon köögis vett.,I'm drinking water in the kitchen.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Manchester United võitis matši seisuga neli kahele.,"Manchester United won the match, four to two.",est_Latn-eng_Latn Ma olen väsinud ja ma tahan magada.,I am tired and I want to go to bed.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ma ei saa teid sellega aidata.,I can't help you with this.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Tomil on allergia maasikate vastu.,Tom is allergic to strawberries.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ma tahan mängida.,I want to play.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Münt on hõbedane.,The coin is silver.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Üritame Tomi naerma ajada.,Let's try to make Tom laugh.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Tatoeba oli ajutiselt kättesaamatu.,Tatoeba was temporarily unavailable.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ma jään õhtuni.,I'll stay until evening.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ma jään homseni.,I'll stay until tomorrow.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ma jään ülehomseni.,I'll stay until the day after tomorrow.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Sa pead esmaspäevast reedeni koolis käima.,You have to go to school from Monday to Friday.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Mary lõi Tomi munadesse.,Mary kicked Tom in the nuts.,est_Latn-eng_Latn See oli minu sõrm.,That was my finger.,est_Latn-eng_Latn "Mary, tule ruttu! Meie aeda maandus just lendav taldrik!","Mary, come quick! A flying saucer has just landed in our garden.",est_Latn-eng_Latn See kõlab nagu Hollywoodi filmi süžee.,This sounds like the plot of a Hollywood movie.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Me sünnime kõik hulluna.,We are all born mad.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Kes seda usub?,Who will believe this?,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ta kannab punast särki – see on märk!,He's wearing a red shirt; it's a sign!,est_Latn-eng_Latn "Kui sa räägiksid vähem ja kuulaksid rohkem, võiksid sa midagi õppida.","If you would talk less and listen more, you might learn something.",est_Latn-eng_Latn "Meil on see, mille me ära oleme teeninud.",We have what we deserve.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Nad on liiga purjus.,They are too drunk.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Head rahvusvaheist naistepäeva!,Happy International Women's Day!,est_Latn-eng_Latn Kõik inimesed sünnivad vabadena ja võrdsetena oma väärikuselt ja õigustelt. Neile on antud mõistus ja südametunnistus ja nende suhtumist üksteisesse peab kandma vendluse vaim.,All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ta lükkas mütsi kuklasse.,He pushed his hat back on his head.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Kass püüdis rotid kinni.,The cat caught the rats.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Vestlus kestis üle kesköö.,Conversation lasted beyond the midnight.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Vastastikusel austusel põhinev vestlus.,Discussion is based upon mutual respect.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Lõpuks jõudsime välja kompromissile.,In the end we reached a compromise.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Kas siis valetamine on ikka alati patt?,Is it always a sin to tell a lie?,est_Latn-eng_Latn Kohtunik mõistis ta aastaks ajaks vangi.,The judge sentenced him to one year's imprisonment.,est_Latn-eng_Latn "Pole midagi, mis sunniks mind sulle oma tegevuse kohta aru andma.",I'm not accountable to you for my conduct.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Kannatlikkus viib sihile.,It is a long lane that has no turning.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Alustuseks soovitame me sul minna enda profiilile ja märkida milliseid keeli sa räägid või millistest sa huvitatud oled.,"To start things off, we encourage you to go to your profile and let us know which languages you speak or are interested in.",est_Latn-eng_Latn Ta neelas oma uhkuse alla.,He swallowed his pride.,est_Latn-eng_Latn See on hobune.,This is a horse.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ta ei teadnud seda.,He didn't know that.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Isa on hea inimene.,Father is a good person.,est_Latn-eng_Latn See tänav on pime.,This street is dark.,est_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom arvas, et Maria ei saa prantsuse keelest aru.",Tom thought that Mary didn't understand French.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Mul on sind väga vaja.,I want you too badly.,est_Latn-eng_Latn See on huvitav uudis.,It's an interesting piece of news.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ma õpin tihti muusika taustal.,I often study while listening to music.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Naerata.,Smile for the camera.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Jaapanis sõltub palk enamasti vanusest ja tööstaažist,In Japan wages are usually in proportion to seniority.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ma ei saa aru.,I don't understand.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Tahan jäätist.,I want an ice cream.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Burj Khalīfah on praegu maailma kõrgeim pilvelõhkuja.,Burj Khalifa is currently the tallest skyscraper in the world.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ma mängin aias.,I'm playing in the garden.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ta on juba söönud.,He has already eaten.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ta istub pingil.,He's sitting on the bench.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Just siis buss peatus.,"Just then, the bus stopped.",est_Latn-eng_Latn Ta läks teiste edust kuuldes kadedusest roheliseks.,"Upon finding out about the others' success, she turned green with envy.",est_Latn-eng_Latn Olen üheksateistkümnene.,I am 19 years old.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Kaselehed on juba kollaseks läinud.,The birch leaves have already turned yellow.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Sa näed kõike mustades värvides.,You see everything in black colours.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ma tahan raamatu. Kus on raamatupood?,I want a book. Where is the bookstore?,est_Latn-eng_Latn Mis kiri see on?,What is this letter?,est_Latn-eng_Latn Tom tahab aidata.,Tom wants to help.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ta on aednik.,He's a gardener.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Mu silmad ei toimi enam väga hästi.,My eyes don't work very well anymore.,est_Latn-eng_Latn "Nüüd, ma olen hõivatud.",Now I am busy.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Jänes jookseb aias.,The hare is running in the garden.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ma olen Tomist vanem.,I'm older than Tom.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Mine pessu.,Go wash up.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Küünarnukid laualt ära.,Stop resting your elbows on the table.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Mu isa ajab vannitoas habet.,My father is shaving in the bathroom.,est_Latn-eng_Latn See romaan tüütab mind.,This novel bores me.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Võiks isegi öelda et natuke palju,I could say that it is a bit much actually.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ma joon tee ära.,I will drink the tea.,est_Latn-eng_Latn See kell on katki.,This watch is broken.,est_Latn-eng_Latn tagant järgi mõtlen et Charles polnud küll tähtsam,Afterwards I realised that Charles was not the most important at that time.,est_Latn-eng_Latn See on väga tõhus.,It's very effective.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Mida sa annad talle?,What will you give her?,est_Latn-eng_Latn vb peaks ära lõpetama,Maybe I should end this.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ma joon kohvi.,I will drink the coffee.,est_Latn-eng_Latn et tahtsin nagu temaga olla ja jätsin sõbrannad kus kurat,I wanted to be with him and that is why I left my friends from the background.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ta on inglise keele õpetaja.,He is a teacher of English.,est_Latn-eng_Latn peaks muidu jah uurima mis tema tunneb ja arvab,"Yes, I should try to figure out what she is thinking and feeling.",est_Latn-eng_Latn Ta on väga tundlik.,He is very sensitive.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Heather on armas tüdruk.,Heather is a cute girl.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Mis värvi on see kala?,What colour is this fish?,est_Latn-eng_Latn Mul on valge kass.,I have a white cat.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Minu isa kuulab klassikalist muusikat.,My father listens to classical music.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ilus tüdruk on voodis.,The beautiful girl is in bed.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ma käisin eile kinos.,I went to the cinema yesterday.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Miks sa oma šokolaadi ära ei söönud?,Why didn't you eat your chocolate?,est_Latn-eng_Latn Õde on haige.,The nurse is ill.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ma olen siin.,I am here.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Mul on lehm.,I have a cow.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ma ei taha sinuga koos elada.,I don't want to live with you.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Kahvel on väike.,The fork is small.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Pole viga.,It's all right!,est_Latn-eng_Latn Lisage palun kvaliteedi sertifikaat.,Please attach a certificate of quality.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Mis on su lemmik jalgpallimeeskond?,What's your favorite soccer team?,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ma olen paks.,I am fat.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Tal oli raskes haigus 1823 aasta sügisel.,He had a serious illness in the autumn of 1823.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Tom kukkus jalgrattalt maha.,Tom fell off his bicycle.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Oota veidi.,Wait a moment.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Oota korra.,Wait one moment.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Tom viis su venna loomaaeda.,Tom took your brother to the zoo.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Vampiir imeb minu verd.,The vampire is sucking my blood.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ma ei proovi laiselda.,I'm not trying to be lazy.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ma hoiatasin teda ohu eest.,I warned him about the danger.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Sõpruse terviseks!,For our friendship!,est_Latn-eng_Latn See hoone rajatakse linnas.,This building will be built in the city.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ma tahan neid siia.,I want them here.,est_Latn-eng_Latn "Kas see on see, mida Tom on sulle rääkinud?",Is that what Tom has been telling you?,est_Latn-eng_Latn Lõvid on värvipimedad.,Lions are colorblind.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Selle jakiga sa ei külmu ära.,With this jacket you will not freeze.,est_Latn-eng_Latn See juhtus kolm aastat tagasi.,It happened three years ago.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Minu sõbrale meeldib šokolaadijäätis.,My friend likes chocolate ice-cream.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Me läheme kesklinna.,We're going downtown.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Nende poja nimi on John.,Their son's name is John.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Pood sattus olema eile täis.,The store happened to be crowded yesterday.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ma elan Montenegros.,I live in Montenegro.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ta jõi peol kaks klaasi veini.,She drank two glasses of wine at the party.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Heather läheb kooli kell kaheksa.,Heather goes to school at eight o'clock.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Miks sa käitud nagu laps?,Why are you acting like a child?,est_Latn-eng_Latn Kas sa tahad midagi?,Do you want anything?,est_Latn-eng_Latn Kas sa tahad midagi süüa?,Do you want anything to eat?,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ma tahan õuna.,I want an apple.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Kas sa jood õlle?,Do you drink beer?,est_Latn-eng_Latn Kas sa oled minu sõber?,Are you my friend?,est_Latn-eng_Latn Selle bussipeatuse ees kunagi oli restoran.,There used to be a restaurant in front of this bus stop.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ma ei mäleta tema seletust.,I can't remember his explanation.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Kas ma olen teie sõber?,Am I your friend?,est_Latn-eng_Latn Teie sõber on siin.,Your friend is here.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Minu tüdruksõber on väga ilus.,My girlfriend is very beautiful.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Meil on autot vaja.,We need a car.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Meie oleme igavesti üheskoos.,We will be together forever.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ma tahan raamatu.,I want a book.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Õed on haiglas.,The nurses are in the hospital.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Õde ei ole siin.,The nurse is not here.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Kas ma võin tühistada pileti?,Can I cancel this ticket?,est_Latn-eng_Latn Mul on kaks kassi.,I have two cats.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Kelle ratas see veel on?,Whose bicycle is that?,est_Latn-eng_Latn Kas me ootame veel külalisi?,Are we expecting any other guests?,est_Latn-eng_Latn Tom läks vennaga loomaaeda.,Tom took his brother to the zoo.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Marial oli ilus kleit seljas.,Mary was wearing a pretty dress.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Menüüs oli suur valik roogi.,There was a great variety of dishes on the menu.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Tom on minust rikkam.,Tom is richer than I am.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Tom on sotsialist.,Tom is a socialist.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Kuu on ere.,The moon is bright.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Kirjandus on rahvuse tulevik.,Literature is the future of a nation.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Nad tahtsid pulmapilti Eiffeli torni ees.,They wanted a wedding picture in front of the Eiffel Tower.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ma ühinen nendega.,I'm going to go join them.,est_Latn-eng_Latn See on otse su nina all.,It's right under your nose.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ma kavatsen proovida.,I'm going to give it a go.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Kas sa armastad oma ema?,Do you love your mother?,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ma viin su koju.,I'm going to get you home.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Külalised on köögis.,The guests are in the kitchen.,est_Latn-eng_Latn "Ma lähen kontrollin, kuidas Tomil on.",I'm going to check on Tom.,est_Latn-eng_Latn "Mul on hea meel, et sain aidata.",I'm glad to be of service.,est_Latn-eng_Latn "Mul on hea meel, et see sobib sulle.",I'm glad it works for you.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ma ületan kiirust.,I'm doing the speed limit.,est_Latn-eng_Latn "Eesti rahvaarv on umbes 1,3 miljonit inimest.",Estonia's population is about 1.3 million people.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ma olen suurepärane kuulaja.,I'm an excellent listener.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Mulle see sobib.,I'm comfortable with that.,est_Latn-eng_Latn See on minu enda jalgratas.,This is my own bike.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Sul on ilus kodu.,Your house is beautiful.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Talle meeldib raamatuid lugeda.,He likes reading books.,est_Latn-eng_Latn "Kardan, et Tom ei ole siin.",I'm afraid Tom isn't here.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ma olen päris hea ujuja.,I'm a pretty good swimmer.,est_Latn-eng_Latn "Ma kardan, et see võib Tomile haiget teha.",I'm afraid I may hurt Tom.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Sooviksin linna kaarti palun.,I'd like a map of the city.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ma vabastan su.,I'm going to release you.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ma räägin Tomiga sellest.,I'll talk to Tom about it.,est_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom, ma ei jäta sind kunagi.","I'll never leave you, Tom.",est_Latn-eng_Latn Tom on kolmkümmend.,Tom is thirty.,est_Latn-eng_Latn "Ma usaldan, mis Tom ütles.",I'll take Tom at his word.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ma võtan esimese vahetuse.,I'll take the first shift.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ma aitan sind mõne hetke pärast.,I'll help you in a minute.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Tom ei räägi kodus prantsuse keelt.,Tom doesn't speak French at home.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ma ei varastanud seda. Ma ainult laenasin.,I didn't steal it. I only borrowed it.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Kui palju sul Facebookis sõpru on?,How many friends do you have on Facebook?,est_Latn-eng_Latn "Kui Tom poleks sind päästnud, oleksid sa surnud.",You'd be dead if Tom hadn't saved you.,est_Latn-eng_Latn "Kas sa arvad, et Tom valetab meile?",Do you think Tom is lying to us?,est_Latn-eng_Latn Huvitav kuhu Joe läks?,I wonder where Joe went?,est_Latn-eng_Latn "Mul ei ole hobisid, jalgpall välja arvatud.","I don't have hobbies, except for football.",est_Latn-eng_Latn Me oleme Tatoebas kõik sõbrad!,We're all friends on Tatoeba!,est_Latn-eng_Latn Kahju.,It's a pity.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Grammatika on väga raske.,Grammar is very difficult.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Me peaksime tõenäoliselt Tomilt küsima.,We should probably ask Tom.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Tom ei söö nii palju kui Mari.,Tom doesn't eat as much as Mari.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Mul on sülearvuti.,I have a laptop.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ma lähen täna välja.,I'm going out today.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ta süda on õnne täis.,His heart is full of happiness.,est_Latn-eng_Latn On ainult üks viis elada.,There's only one way to live.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Mul ei ole teisi hobisid peale jalgpalli.,I don't have any other hobbies besides football.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ma olen su suhtumise üle uhke.,I am proud of your attitude.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Mitte kõik brasiillased ei naudi karnevali.,Not all Brazilians enjoy Carnival.,est_Latn-eng_Latn "Kass, mis sa leidsid, on minu oma.",The cat which you found is mine.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Õnnetus juhtus kaks tundi tagasi.,The accident happened two hours ago.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ma võin sinna jala minna.,I can go there by foot.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Muidu me peame selle tellimuse tühistama.,Otherwise we will have to cancel this order.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Lõpuks olen ma oma Briti passi kätte saanud.,I have finally received my British passport.,est_Latn-eng_Latn "Nii-nii-nii, mis meil siin on?","Well, well, well, what have we here?",est_Latn-eng_Latn Kuidas teil kõigil läheb?,How is everybody?,est_Latn-eng_Latn Mu enesealalhoiuinstinkt hoiab mind tagasi täiesti korras lennukitest välja hüppamast.,My sense of self preservation keeps me from jumping out of perfectly good airplanes.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Roomajate kehad on soomustega kaetud.,The bodies of reptiles are covered by scales.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Millega Tom viimasel ajal tegeleb?,What's Tom up to nowadays?,est_Latn-eng_Latn Millest veel rääkida on?,What's left to talk about?,est_Latn-eng_Latn Mis sellel viga on?,What's so wrong with that?,est_Latn-eng_Latn Mis sul täna õhtul plaanis on?,What're you up to tonight?,est_Latn-eng_Latn Mis praegu toimub?,What's going on right now?,est_Latn-eng_Latn Mida sa juua tahad?,What'll you have to drink?,est_Latn-eng_Latn Me lahendame selle koos ära.,We'll solve this together.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Me aitame sul Tomi päästa.,We'll help you rescue Tom.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Me jääme siia mõneks ajaks.,We'll be here for a while.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Tom ei ole selles kuigi hea.,Tom's not very good at it.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Me saame sinuta hakkama.,We'll do fine without you.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Meil on piisavalt süüa.,We'll have plenty of food.,est_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom on ohtlik, onju?","Tom's dangerous, isn't he?",est_Latn-eng_Latn Tom ei ole selle üle õnnelik.,Tom's not happy with that.,est_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom, sa oled kõvasti kasvanud.","Tom, you've grown so fast.",est_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom, sa pead üles tõusma.","Tom, you've got to get up.",est_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom, see ei ole ainult sinu asi.","Tom, this isn't about you.",est_Latn-eng_Latn Klaas on tühi.,The glass is empty.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Tom naeratas tunnustavalt.,Tom smiled appreciatively.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Tom tahtis Mari heakskiitu.,Tom wants Mary's approval.,est_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom teadis, et Mari ei olnud hõivatud.",Tom knew Mary wasn't busy.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ma olen taimetoitlane.,I am a vegetarian.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Tom näeb välja nagu oleks ta purjus.,Tom looks like he's drunk.,est_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom lubas mulle, et ta tuleb.",Tom promised me he'd come.,est_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom on see, kes on rikas.",Tom is the one who's rich.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Seal ei ole midagi.,There's nothing out there.,est_Latn-eng_Latn See kell on palju parem kui see.,This watch is far better than that one.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ma ei hoia sind tagasi.,I'm not holding you back.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ma olen merehaige.,I feel seasick.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Milline on parim viis reisimiseks?,What's the best way to travel?,est_Latn-eng_Latn Me muudame tulevikku.,We are changing the future.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Kas see on tõesti teadus?,Is that really science?,est_Latn-eng_Latn Igapäevaelu võib vahel minna veidi monotoonseks.,Everyday life can get a bit monotonous at times.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Meie vanaisa on haige.,Our grandfather is ill.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ainult tegin nalja.,I just meant it as a joke.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Mul ei ole midagi muud lisada.,I really have nothing else to say.,est_Latn-eng_Latn "Tere hommikust, unimüts.","Good morning, you sleepyhead.",est_Latn-eng_Latn Seemned on idanenud.,The seeds have germinated.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ta on ainult inimene.,He is only a man.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Pesulõkse kasutatakse riiete kuivama riputamiseks.,Clothespins are used to hang up clothes.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ta ettepanek ei ole eriti oluline.,His proposal isn't very important.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Maja on külm.,The house is cold.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ilus olemisel on palju häid külgi.,There are many benefits to being beautiful.,est_Latn-eng_Latn See mäng ei ole halb.,This game is not bad.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Mul on 64-bitine protsessor.,I have a 64-bit processor.,est_Latn-eng_Latn "Keegi ütles mulle, et ma ei peaks sind usaldama.",Somebody told me that I shouldn't trust you.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Jalgpallimängija tegi suure vea.,The football player has made a huge mistake.,est_Latn-eng_Latn "Kui mul igav hakkab, hakkavad halvad asjad juhtuma.","When I get bored, bad things happen.",est_Latn-eng_Latn Kõik jäävad rahule.,Everyone will be satisfied.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Me oleks esperanto keele selgeks õppinud kui meil oleks rohkem aega olnud.,We would have learned Esperanto if we'd had more time.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ma tahtsin ainult teada kas sa oled hädas.,I just wanted to know if you were in trouble.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ma tahan rootsikeelset raamatut.,I want a book in Swedish.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Joome endi terviseks.,Let's drink to us.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Mis sa pärastlõunal teed?,What will you do this afternoon?,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ma ei jäta neid.,I'm not leaving them.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ta väitekiri on parem kui minu oma.,His dissertation is better than mine.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Katsu natuke grammatikat õppida.,Try to learn some grammar.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Su kriitikal pole alust.,Your criticism is unfounded.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Kas sa oled sakslane?,Are you German?,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ta kardab et te olete eksinud.,She is afraid you might be lost.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Laud on roheline.,The table is green.,est_Latn-eng_Latn See on tunnustatud Ameerika kirjanik.,That is a recognized American author.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Tom vastas otsekohe.,Tom responded immediately.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Mul on suur maja.,I have a big house.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ma olen puu all.,I'm under the tree.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Mul on palju sõpru.,I have many friends.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Mary on mu naine.,Mary is my wife.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Valge kass on puu all.,The white cat is under the tree.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ma olen restoranis.,I'm at the restaurant.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Mulle ei meeldi elada üksi.,I don't like living alone.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Tüdruk joob tee.,The girl is drinking tea.,est_Latn-eng_Latn See on minu laud.,It is my table.,est_Latn-eng_Latn See on minu koer.,This is my dog.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Kass magab laual.,The cat is sleeping on the table.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Mul on kass.,I have a cat.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Mul on süda.,I have a heart.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Mul on auto.,I have a car.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ma olen õnnelik.,I am happy.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ta kirjutas kirja.,He wrote a letter.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ma elan Bukarestis.,I live in Bucharest.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Tom põgenes vanglast.,Tom broke out of jail.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Kui vana sa oled?,How old are you?,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ma joon vett.,I drink the water.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ma kirjutan raamatu.,I'll write a book.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ma loen raamatu.,I'll read the book.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ma võtsin raamatu.,I took the book.,est_Latn-eng_Latn See on suur koer.,It is a big dog.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ma ei laula.,I don't sing.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ma elan elu.,I live life.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ma olen väga häbelik.,I'm very shy.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Elu on kingitus.,Life is a gift.,est_Latn-eng_Latn "Kus on munad, palun?","Where are the eggs, please?",est_Latn-eng_Latn Ma olen kodus.,I'm at home.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Kes see on?,Who is that?,est_Latn-eng_Latn Sõda kestis kaks aastat.,The war lasted two years.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ma pole veel Tomile helistanud.,I haven't called Tom yet.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Mul on sinine maja.,I have a blue house.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Mul on punane maja.,I have a red house.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Mul on roheline maja.,I have a green house.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Sa oled ilus tüdruk.,You're a beautiful girl.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Mul on maja.,I have a house.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Delfiinid on väga intelligentsed.,The dolphins are very intelligent.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Jutt siirdus poliitikale.,The conversation switched to politics.,est_Latn-eng_Latn See raamat on ülekaalulisuse kohta.,This is a book about obesity.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ma olen kindel et ma olen temasse armunud.,I am sure I am in love with her.,est_Latn-eng_Latn "Räägin küll hiina keelt, aga ei oska seda lugeda.","I can speak Chinese, but I can't read it.",est_Latn-eng_Latn Ma aitan sind.,I will help you.,est_Latn-eng_Latn See on pikk jutt.,It's a long story.,est_Latn-eng_Latn "Pole sellist kohta maailmas, mille kohta ma saaks öelda, et ma olen sealt pärit.",I have no place that I can say I'm from.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Uus õpetaja on klassis.,The new teacher is in the classroom.,est_Latn-eng_Latn "Me arvame, et on aeg rohkem naeratada.",We think it's time to smile more often.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Kas ma olen valmis?,Am I ready?,est_Latn-eng_Latn On liiga külm.,It's too cold.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Kes selle pildi tegi?,Who took the picture?,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ära noid aknaid lahti tee.,Do not open those windows.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ärge noid aknaid avage.,Don't open those windows.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Kas sa räägid türgi keelt?,Do you speak Turkish?,est_Latn-eng_Latn Tom ei tea oma tugevust.,Tom doesn't know his own strength.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ta on lootustandev üliõpilane.,He is a promising student.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Tule mind homme vaatama.,Come tomorrow to see me.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Kas sa oled selle ettepaneku poolt või vastu?,Are you for or against the proposal?,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ta jäi tõesti haigeks.,He really got sick.,est_Latn-eng_Latn "On selge, et kellelgi ei ole mingeid uusi ettepanekuid.",It is clear that no one has anything new to suggest.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ilmaennustuse järgi on homme pilvine.,They forecast it will be cloudy tomorrow.,est_Latn-eng_Latn "Kuigi sadas, läksin ma välja.","Although it was raining, I went out.",est_Latn-eng_Latn See ei ole seda väärt!,It isn't worth it!,est_Latn-eng_Latn "Paistab, et hakkab sadama, kas pole?","It looks like it's going to rain, right?",est_Latn-eng_Latn Kuidas teil seal läheb?,How's it going over there?,est_Latn-eng_Latn Sinuta ei ole ma midagi väärt.,"Without you, I am nothing.",est_Latn-eng_Latn Ma armastan seda naist.,I'm in love with this woman.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ma tundsin ta kohe ära.,I recognised him immediately.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ma tundsin ta otsekohe ära.,I recognized him immediately.,est_Latn-eng_Latn "Nad keeldusid minuga rääkimast, hoolimata mu siirast palvest.",They refused to talk to me in spite of my earnest request.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Tee seda kusagil mujal.,Do it somewhere else.,est_Latn-eng_Latn "Las ma räägin Sulle, mida ma täna tegin.",Let me tell you what I did today.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ma ei leia iial tõelist armastust.,I'll never find true love.,est_Latn-eng_Latn "Kuhuiganes ma ei vaataks, seal on ainult liiv ja liiv.","Wherever I look, there's only sand and more sand.",est_Latn-eng_Latn Ta elab ranna lähedal.,He lives near the beach.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Kes on roolis?,Who's at the wheel?,est_Latn-eng_Latn "Kui sa ei ole kunagi midagi nii rumalat teinud, siis lase käia ja proovi ära.","If you've never done something so stupid before, go ahead and try.",est_Latn-eng_Latn Kaheksajalg Paulil oli õigus.,Octopus Paul was right.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Tom tõstis häält.,Tom raised his voice.,est_Latn-eng_Latn "Kuu aega ei sadanud tilkagi vihma, seetõttu pidid nad kaevama kaevu.","Not a drop of rain fell for a month, so they had to dig a well.",est_Latn-eng_Latn Ma austan sind.,I respect you.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ma olen häbelik.,I am shy.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Tema poeg on kaheksa aastane.,His son is eight years old.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Tom astus tuppa.,Tom stepped inside.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ma kirjutan kirja.,I'm writing a letter.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Tom vihkab mind ikka veel.,Tom still hates me.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ma pean nüüd koju minema.,I have to go home now.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Tom seisis vaikselt.,Tom stood silently.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ma pean minema.,I have to go.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Tom lõpetas nutmise.,Tom stopped crying.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Alatasa unustan ma inimeste nimed ära.,I'm always forgetting people's names.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Kas sa oled õhtusöögiks valmis?,Are you ready for dinner?,est_Latn-eng_Latn Kas sa oled valmis minema?,Are you ready to go?,est_Latn-eng_Latn Tel Aviv on ilus linn.,Tel Aviv is a beautiful city.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ma olen mees.,I'm a man.,est_Latn-eng_Latn "Nii kaugele minevikku kui ma suudan mäletada, on mul alati olnud mõtteid ja ideid, mis tol hetkel tundusid et teevad mind unikaalseks.","As far back as I can remember, I have had thoughts and ideas which at the time, seemed to make me unique.",est_Latn-eng_Latn See maja eksisteerib.,This house will exist.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Me tahame seda.,We want it.,est_Latn-eng_Latn """Kui vana sa oled?"" — ""Ma olen kahekümne kolme aastane.""",How old are you? - I'm twenty-three years old.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Raamat on riiulil.,The book is on the shelf.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Kus on köis?,Where's the rope?,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ma ei ole halb inimene.,I'm not a bad person.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ma ei ole hea inimene.,I'm not a good person.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ma olen näljane!,I am hungry.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Kas ma pole ilus?,Am I not beautiful?,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ta on ilus naine.,She is a beautiful woman.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Kas sa oled loll?,Are you stupid?,est_Latn-eng_Latn See laud on valge.,This table is white.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Minu nimi on Roberto.,My name is Roberto.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ma kardan kõrgust.,I'm afraid of heights.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ma olin õpetaja.,I was a teacher.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Kas sa räägid iiri keelt?,Do you speak Irish?,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ma räägin iiri keelt.,I speak Irish.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ma ei räägi iiri keelt.,I don't speak Irish.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Usk teeb imesid!,Faith works miracles!,est_Latn-eng_Latn See ei ole kala.,This is not a fish.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Laual on apelsin.,There is an orange on the table.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ma lähen sinna lennukiga.,I will go there by plane.,est_Latn-eng_Latn See on kala.,This is a fish.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ma olen hiinlane.,I am Chinese.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ma söön liha ära.,I will eat the meat.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Laupäev on nädala viimane päev.,Saturday is the last day of week.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ma läksin Londonisse.,I went to London.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Me läksime Londonisse.,We went to London.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Temast saab hea arst.,He will become a good doctor.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Lõvi on džungli kuningas.,The lion is the king of the jungle.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Kus on hotell?,Where is the hotel?,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ta hakkas kaalus juurde võtma.,She began to gain weight.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Mida see sõna tähendab?,What does that word mean?,est_Latn-eng_Latn Mitte keegi ei tulnud.,No one came.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ma pean magama minema.,I have to go to sleep.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Mis meid ootab?,What's waiting on us?,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ma seletan sulle millalgi.,I'll fill you in sometime.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ma pean sellega leppima.,I'll have to live with it.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ma helistan sulle peale lõunat.,I'll call you after lunch.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ma parem lähen ja räägin Tomiga.,I'd better go talk to Tom.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ma pean minema koju ja end välja magama.,I have to go home and get a good night's sleep.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ma ei teeks seda Tomile iialgi.,I'd never do that for Tom.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Parem helistan Tomile uuesti.,I'd better call Tom again.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ma ütlesin Tomile et see polnud minu oma.,I told Tom it wasn't mine.,est_Latn-eng_Latn "Ma ütlesin sulle, et see ei toiminud.",I told you it didn't work.,est_Latn-eng_Latn "Ma ei arvanud, et sa pahaks paned.",I didn't think you'd mind.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Kuidas see peaks toimima?,How's it supposed to work?,est_Latn-eng_Latn Me kolisime projekti uude serverisse.,We moved the project to a new server.,est_Latn-eng_Latn "Hei, anna see mulle tagasi.","Hey, give that back to me.",est_Latn-eng_Latn "Siin on see, mis sa küsisid.",Here's what you asked for.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Kas te ei tunnegi üksteist?,Don't you know each other?,est_Latn-eng_Latn "Kas sa ei teagi, mis see on?",Don't you know what it is?,est_Latn-eng_Latn Asitõendid ei toeta väidet.,The evidence doesn't support the claim.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ta ei teinud seda.,She didn't do it.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ära muretse. Ma ei räägi välja.,Don't worry. I won't tell.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ta otsib head tööd.,He is seeking a good job.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ära jäta mind enam kunagi.,Don't ever leave me again.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Tom tuleb sinuga kaasa.,Tom will be going with you.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Me kõik tahame sinuga kaasa tulla.,We all want to go with you.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Kas sul on lapsed kaasas?,Are your children with you?,est_Latn-eng_Latn Kuidas võisin ma sind üldse usaldada?,How could I ever trust you?,est_Latn-eng_Latn Kas sa hoiaks seda minu jaoks?,"Hold this for me, will you?",est_Latn-eng_Latn Tom jättis kõik oma asjad sulle.,Tom left everything to you.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Tom seletab seda sulle.,Tom will explain it to you.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Meil on vaja kohe rääkida.,We need to talk right now.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Keera raadio veidi valjemaks.,Turn up the radio a little bit.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ma üritan artiklit kirjutada.,I'm trying to write an article.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Jah.,This is true.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Meeldiv kohtuda. Ma olen sipelgaõgija.,Pleased to meet you. I am an anteater.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Sa murdsid oma käe.,You broke your arm.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Sa oled mulle ühe õlu võlgu.,You owe me a beer.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ma üritan ta sinu jaoks üles leida.,I'll try to find her for you.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Sa andsid endast parima.,You did your best.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Sa ei saa meid mõlemat tappa.,You can't kill us both.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Kahjuks on see tõsi.,"Unfortunately, it's true.",est_Latn-eng_Latn Sa oled tark poiss.,You're a smart boy.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Tom võtab klaveritunde.,Tom takes piano lessons.,est_Latn-eng_Latn See on väga väike raamat.,This is a very small book.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Mul ei ole midagi süüa.,I have nothing to eat.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Leedu on Euroopa Liidu liige.,Lithuania is a member of the European Union.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Venemaa on suur.,Russia is big.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Sa blokeerisid mind Facebookis ja nüüd sa sured.,"You blocked me on Facebook, and now you're going to die.",est_Latn-eng_Latn Ma õpin inglise keelt.,I'm learning English.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ma olen Samuel.,I am Samuel.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Me istusime lõkke ümber.,We sat around the campfire.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Kas sa oled seda mängu veel mänginud?,Have you played that game again?,est_Latn-eng_Latn Linn on ilus.,The town is beautiful.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Lehed langevad.,Leaves are falling.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ta langeb.,He is falling.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Nad lähevad.,They are going.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Sa tuled.,You are coming.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Sul on palavik.,You've got a fever.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Leht ja puu langevad.,The leaf and the tree are falling.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Me vaatame.,We are watching.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ma soovin näha.,I wish to see.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Sa vaatad.,You are watching.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Tal on kolm tütart.,He has three daughters.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Kas sul on vaja veini juua?,Do you need to drink wine?,est_Latn-eng_Latn Kas sa soovid veel?,Would you like some more?,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ma ei soovi midagi hävitada.,I'm not trying to destroy.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ma pesen oma auto ära.,I will wash my car.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Mul on kolm koera.,I have three dogs.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Minu maja asub ookeani ääres.,My house is by the ocean.,est_Latn-eng_Latn "Kas Tom ütles sulle, kuhu ta pani oma võtmed?",Did Tom tell you where he put his keys?,est_Latn-eng_Latn Mul on süda paha.,I feel sick.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Suitsetamine mõjutab meie tervist.,Smoking affects our health.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Keegi peab selle töö ära tegema.,Somebody has to finish this job.,est_Latn-eng_Latn "Täna õhtul öötaevas, tähed säravad väga eredalt.","Tonight in the night sky, the stars are shining very brightly.",est_Latn-eng_Latn "Olen üritanud üle saada oma tagasihoidlikkusest, aga asjata.","I have tried to overcome my shyness, but to no avail.",est_Latn-eng_Latn Kus ma olen?,Where am I?,est_Latn-eng_Latn Me ei teadnud seda ja ei olnud sellest ka kuulnud.,We had neither known nor heard about it.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Kas sa oled aru saanud oma veast?,Did you understand your mistake?,est_Latn-eng_Latn "Kiirusta, muidu jääd hiljaks.",Hurry up or you'll be late.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ma jõin klaasi piima.,I drank a glass of milk.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Mul on viis kassi.,I have five cats.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Nad tulevad tagasi.,They will return.,est_Latn-eng_Latn "Ärge kirjutage sõnu ""borš"" ja ""kapsasupp"" saksa keeles!","Never write the words ""bortsch"" and ""shchi"" in German!",est_Latn-eng_Latn "Mulle on üpris selge, et see on tõde.",It's quite clear to me that this is the truth.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Nägid sa seda päikesetõusu? See oli päris ilus.,Did you see the sunrise earlier? It was really beautiful.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Karu sööb õuna.,The bear is eating an apple.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Tom ei tee tihti oma kodutöid enne õhtusööki.,Tom doesn't often do his homework before dinner.,est_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom ütles mulle, et Mary on dieedil.",Tom told me that Mary was on a diet.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Koer sööb õuna.,The dog is eating an apple.,est_Latn-eng_Latn "Esiteks räägime sellest, mida Tom tegi.","First, let's talk about what Tom did.",est_Latn-eng_Latn "On Tom teadlik sellest, mida Mary tegi?",Is Tom aware of what Mary did?,est_Latn-eng_Latn Nad söövad õunu.,They're eating the apples.,est_Latn-eng_Latn "Võib-olla Tom ei teinud seda, mida kõik ütlevad, et ta tegi.",Maybe Tom didn't do what everyone says he did.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Kas sul pangakonto on?,Do you have a bank account?,est_Latn-eng_Latn Palun aidake mind.,Please help me.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Tom aitaks meid kui ta saaks.,Tom would help us if he could.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ta ostis kana.,She bought chicken.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ma armastan kana.,I love chicken.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Tom lõi araks.,Tom chickened out.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Mina lõin araks.,I chickened out.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Alguses ma ajasin sinu su vennaga segamini.,"At first, I mistook you for your brother.",est_Latn-eng_Latn Kus oled sa?,Where are you?,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ma ei saa sinust aru.,I don't understand you.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ma ei tunne sind.,I don't know you.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ma ei ole ilus.,I'm not pretty.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Kus raamatud on?,Where are the books?,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ma olen Ricardo.,I am Ricardo.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ma pole sinu peale vihane.,I'm not mad at you.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ta maksab krediitkaardiga.,He pays with a credit card.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ta on minu õde.,She's my sister.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Minu nimi on Ricardo.,My name is Ricardo.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Sul polnud ilmselgelt õigus.,You were clearly mistaken.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Su käsi on külm nagu jää.,Your hand is as cold as ice.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Minu laptop kasutab Linuxit.,My portable computer uses Linux.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Kus on Cornwall?,Where is Cornwall?,est_Latn-eng_Latn Tuba oli soe.,The room was warm.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Aja jooksul haavad paranevad.,Wounds heal as time passes.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ta unustas lampi välja lülitada.,She forgot to turn off the light.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Need autod on valmistatud Jaapanis.,These cars are made in Japan.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Auk on lai.,The hole is wide.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ta viskus valu pärast maha.,He threw himself down on the ground in pain.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Tom varastas mu raha ära.,Tom stole my money.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Mida sa teed siin?,What are you doing here?,est_Latn-eng_Latn Takso ootab.,A cab is waiting.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Anna mulle päev või paar.,Give me a day or two.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Joo minuga.,Have a drink with me.,est_Latn-eng_Latn See on elu tõsiasi.,It's a fact of life.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Mul on võlg maksta.,I have a debt to pay.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Sadas tugevat vihma.,A heavy rain fell.,est_Latn-eng_Latn "Mul on töö, mis vajab tegemist.",I have a job to do.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Võta paar päeva vabaks.,Take a few days off.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Vaata seda.,Take a look at that.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Sel oli mulle suur tähendus.,It meant a lot to me.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ära sellest kellelegi räägi.,Don't tell anyone about this.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Vaata neid.,Take a look at these.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ma söön palju liha.,I eat a lot of meat.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ma tahan mõõka nagu see siin!,I want a sword like this!,est_Latn-eng_Latn Roomlaste väed olid väsinud.,The Roman troops were exhausted.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Tom elab Roomas,Tom lives in Rome,est_Latn-eng_Latn Sakslased ei tohi neid aidata.,Germans mustn't help them.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ma noogutasin julgustavalt.,I nodded encouragingly.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ta noogutas julgustavalt.,She nodded encouragingly.,est_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom, räägi mulle tõtt, sest ma saan teada niikuinii.","Tom, tell me the truth because I'll find out anyway.",est_Latn-eng_Latn See pole enam seesama.,It's not the same anymore.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Lahku minna poleks turvaline.,It's not safe to split up.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ma olen väga väsinud praegu.,I'm very tired right now.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Enam ei lähe kaua.,It's not going to be long.,est_Latn-eng_Latn See ei ole nii pikk nimekiri.,It's not such a long list.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Sedasi on palju kergem.,It's much easier this way.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Sa kukud alla.,You'll fall down.,est_Latn-eng_Latn See on raske küsimus.,It's a difficult question.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Kahe päeva pärast saan ma 13.,"In two days, I'll turn 13.",est_Latn-eng_Latn Mina ei räägi eesti keelt.,I don't speak Estonian.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ma ei ole kunagi Tomi naist näinud.,I've never met Tom's wife.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ma just lõpetasin õhtusöögi.,I've just finished dinner.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Mul on see kontrolli all.,I've got it under control.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ma olen praegu väga õnnetu.,I'm very unhappy just now.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ma olen selle üle väga elevil.,I'm very excited about it.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Kas sul on lemmikloom?,Do you own a pet?,est_Latn-eng_Latn Kuidas sõit läks?,How did the trip go?,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ma ei taha piirata oma tegevust ainult ühe firmaga,I don't want to be tied to one company.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Sa ei taha teada.,You don't want to know.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Mari on haldjaprintsess.,Mary is a fairy princess.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Mari jagab lilli.,Mary is giving out flowers.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Tom on antisemitist.,Tom is an anti-Semite.,est_Latn-eng_Latn "Pane selga soojad riided, öine õhk on väga külm.","Put on warm clothes, the night air is very cold.",est_Latn-eng_Latn Sa sõitsid liftiga kolmandale korrusele.,You took the elevator up to the third floor.,est_Latn-eng_Latn "Mul on täiesti ükskõik, mis ta arvab.",I couldn't care less about what he thinks.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Kukkusin trepist alla ja lõin pea ära.,I fell down the stairs and hit my head.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Soovin et sa eksiks.,I wish you were wrong.,est_Latn-eng_Latn "Soovin et sa eksiks, aga tean et sul on õigus.","I wish you were wrong, but I know that you're right.",est_Latn-eng_Latn Me jalutame sidrunipuude vahel.,We walk among the lemon trees.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Lubasin oma koeral vabalt ringi joosta.,I allowed my dog to run freely.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Kas sa häbened mind?,Are you ashamed of me?,est_Latn-eng_Latn Me joome viinamarja-banaani segumahla.,We are drinking grape-banana juice.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Jõudsid oma sihtkohta.,You have reached your destination.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Rannas on suured kivid.,There are big stones on the ground.,est_Latn-eng_Latn John saatis mulle saksakeelse kirja.,John sent me a letter written in German.,est_Latn-eng_Latn "Ma loeksin seda raamatut, aga ei ole aega.","I would read this book, but I don't have the time.",est_Latn-eng_Latn "Ta ei ole esimene, vaid teine.",He's not first but second.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ema jäi mõtlema.,The mother fell into deep thought.,est_Latn-eng_Latn On kuum päev.,It's a hot day.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Hobune võib joosta väga kiiresti.,A horse can run very fast.,est_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom läks kalale, aga ei saanud midagi.","Tom went fishing, but didn't catch anything.",est_Latn-eng_Latn Ta ei saanud sõba silmale.,He did not sleep a wink.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Kutsusin oma naabri hommikusöögile.,I invited my neighbor to breakfast.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Kas sa teeksid mulle kohvi?,Will you make coffee for me?,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ta lasi mul oma kabinetis töötada.,He let me work in his office.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Šampust imporditakse Prantsusmaalt.,Champagne is imported from France.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ta sai klaverimängijaks.,He became a pianist.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ta seisis tee ääres.,He was standing at the side of the road.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ma teen selle järgmine kord heaks.,I will make up for it next time.,est_Latn-eng_Latn "Tal oleks see õnnestunud, oleks ta vaid proovinud.",He would have succeeded had he tried.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Küsi mult ükskõik mida!,Ask me anything!,est_Latn-eng_Latn Mulle meeldib astronoomia.,I love astronomy.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ta on minust kolm aastat vanem.,He's three years older than I am.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ma tundsin õlas tugevat valu.,I felt a severe pain on the shoulder.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Arst kasutas minu kõhu uurimiseks röntgenit.,The doctor used X-rays to examine my stomach.,est_Latn-eng_Latn "Proovi seda uut ülikonda selga, siis näeme, kas see istub.",Try on this new suit to see if it fits well.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ilma veeta ei ole elu.,There is no life without water.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Maja kõik uksed on lukus.,Every door in the house is locked.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ta ei ole mu tädipoeg.,He's not my cousin.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ta ei ole mu onupoeg.,He isn't my cousin.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ta sai üldise imetluse objektiks.,She became an object of universal admiration.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Täna ei olnud pilvi.,There were no clouds today.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Kas sa kuulaksid ühte muusikapala?,Will you listen to a piece of music?,est_Latn-eng_Latn Palun laula laulu.,Please sing a song.,est_Latn-eng_Latn "Kui me kodust ära oleme, siis ei valmista meile miski rohkem rõõmu kui kodust paki saamine.","When we are away from home, nothing gives us more pleasure than to receive a parcel from home.",est_Latn-eng_Latn Ma tahan laulu laulda.,I want to sing a song.,est_Latn-eng_Latn "Kui ta naeratas, nägid lapsed tema pikki halle hambaid.","When he smiled, the children saw his long, gray teeth.",est_Latn-eng_Latn Puhkame.,Let's take a rest.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Peale sinu ei ole mul ühtegi tõelist sõpra.,I have no other true friend than you.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Kas sipelgatel on kõrvad?,Do ants have ears?,est_Latn-eng_Latn Puu on roheline.,The tree is green.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Teatud mõttes mõjub viisakas kõnestiil hävitavalt suhtlusõhkkonna siirusele.,"Polite language, in a sense, spoils a casual atmosphere.",est_Latn-eng_Latn Lõbutse hästi.,Have a nice time.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ta andis lahkumisavalduse sisse.,He handed in his resignation.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Tom pidi enne filmi lõppu kinost lahkuma.,Tom had to leave the movie theater before the movie was over.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Kõik on valmis.,Everyone is ready.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Sa võid alustada.,You may begin.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Seal toimub midagi.,There's something going on there.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Tom ei rääkinud kellelegi teisele.,Tom didn't tell anyone else.,est_Latn-eng_Latn "Sa nõustud Tomiga, eks?","You agree with Tom, don't you?",est_Latn-eng_Latn Ma avasin aeglaselt ukse.,I opened the door slowly.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Rikas inimene peab kõrget tulumaksu maksma.,A man of wealth has to pay a lot of income tax.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ta kannab prille.,He is wearing glasses.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Tom suri loomulikku surma.,Tom died a natural death.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Mulle ei meeldi su ettepanek.,I don't like your suggestion.,est_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom on nutikas, kas pole?","Tom is sharp, isn't he?",est_Latn-eng_Latn Tom on juba seal.,Tom is already there.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Tom istutas oma aeda lilli.,Tom planted some flowers in his yard.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Kaenlaalused olid higised.,I perspired under the arms.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Kas sa soovisid midagi?,Did you make a wish?,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ma sain hakkama täiesti uskumatu veaga.,I have made a prize mistake.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Kas sa liitud meie klubiga?,Will you join our club?,est_Latn-eng_Latn "Ma tean, et sa sündisid Bostonis.",I know you were born in Boston.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Miks sa sellele tööle ei kandideerinud?,Why didn't you apply for the job?,est_Latn-eng_Latn Mary on päris nunnu.,Mary is pretty cute.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Meil on lõbus.,We're having a good time.,est_Latn-eng_Latn "Kõigi maade proletaarlased, ühinege!","Workers of all lands, unite!",est_Latn-eng_Latn Me võime seda hiljem teha.,We can do that later.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ma tahan veel õlut.,I want another beer.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Sadas.,It was raining.,est_Latn-eng_Latn "Ta pole pikka kasvu, aga on tugev.","He's not tall, but strong.",est_Latn-eng_Latn Laual oli pakk paberit.,There was a pack of paper on the table.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Kes oleks julgenud?,Who would have dared?,est_Latn-eng_Latn Me läksime randa.,We went to the beach.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Kas sul sõnastikku on?,Do you have a dictionary?,est_Latn-eng_Latn See raamat kuulub mulle.,This book belongs to me.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Sain sõbralt kirja.,I got a letter from a friend.,est_Latn-eng_Latn "Ma mõistan küll, aga ometigi nõus ma sellega pole.","I understand, but I cannot agree.",est_Latn-eng_Latn Ma räägin prantsuse ja inglise keelt.,I speak French and English.,est_Latn-eng_Latn See on täiesti loogiline.,That makes perfect sense.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Mu pastakas sai tühjaks.,My pen is out of ink.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ta aitas oma sõpru.,She helped her friends.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Mis loom on suur?,Which animal is big?,est_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom on siin ainuke, kes prantsuse keelt räägib.",Tom is the only one here that can speak French.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Mul pole sellega midagi pistmist.,I have nothing to do with the matter.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Räägime sellest.,Let's talk about this.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Sa oled valel korrusel.,You're on the wrong floor.,est_Latn-eng_Latn "Mu ema tahab, et ma Šveitsis õpiksin.",My mom wants me to study in Switzerland.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ta ei saa tõenäoliselt kuulsaks.,He probably won't become famous.,est_Latn-eng_Latn "Ta arvas, et sa tunned Tomi.",He thought you knew Tom.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Mida me õhtuks sööme?,What are we having for dinner tonight?,est_Latn-eng_Latn See on kõigest mänguasi.,It's just a toy.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Kui näljane sa oled?,How hungry are you?,est_Latn-eng_Latn Sul on väga palju tegemist.,You're very busy.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ma andsin Tomile oma taskulambi.,I handed Tom my flashlight.,est_Latn-eng_Latn "Tundub, et Tom meeldib sulle.",You seem to have a crush on Tom.,est_Latn-eng_Latn "Kui homme sajab, siis ma ei lähe.","If it rains tomorrow, I will not be going.",est_Latn-eng_Latn Tom istus minu kõrval.,Tom was sitting next to me.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Tal ei olnud pliiatsit.,She didn't have any pencils.,est_Latn-eng_Latn "Ma läksin sinna, sest ma tahtsin minna.",I went there because I wanted to.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ma ei räägi saksa keelt.,I don't speak German.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Mida sa Tomiga teinud oled?,What've you done to Tom?,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ma loen seda raamatut.,I'm reading this book.,est_Latn-eng_Latn "Tomile ei meeldi, kuidas Mary naerab.",Tom doesn't like the way Mary laughs.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Nad ei saanud läbi.,They didn't get along.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Tom peaks koju minema.,Tom had better go home.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Anna raport mulle.,Give me the report.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Mootor töötab hästi.,The engine works well.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Mida?! Holkil oli poeg? Aga ta polnud ju abielus.,What! Holk had a son? But he was not married.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ma ei kavatsenud peretraditsioone jätkata.,I was not going to keep up the family tradition.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Millises koolis sa käisid?,What school do you go to?,est_Latn-eng_Latn "Mulle öeldi, et ma seda ei puutuks.",I was told to leave this alone.,est_Latn-eng_Latn "Tomil on kõrini inimestest, kes ütlevad talle, mida ta peab tegema.",Tom is tired of people telling him what to do.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ma lähen Saksamaale oma peigmehele külla.,I'm going to Germany to visit my boyfriend.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Tom ei unusta kunagi oma naisele lilli tuua nende pulma-aastapäevaks.,Tom never forgets to give his wife flowers on their wedding anniversary.,est_Latn-eng_Latn "Mulle meeldib hommikusöögiks süüa mune, kuid mu õde eelistab kaerahelbeputru.","I like eggs for breakfast, but my sister prefers oatmeal.",est_Latn-eng_Latn Su vabandus on vastu võetud.,Your apology's accepted.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Mul on praegu tegemist.,I'm kind of tied up right now.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ma käisin enne hommikusööki duši all.,I showered before breakfast.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ma küsisin talt küsimuse.,I asked him a question.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ma ei saa sind endaga kaasa võtta.,I can't take you with me.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Päike on punane.,The sun is red.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Tom ja Mari plaanivad abielluda.,Tom and Mary are planning to get married.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Aitäh kutse eest.,Thank you for your invitation.,est_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom pani kraani tööle, aga sellest ei tulnud midagi.","Tom turned on the water faucet, but nothing came out.",est_Latn-eng_Latn See on sinust väga optimistlik.,That's very optimistic of you.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Seal ei ole palju lootust.,There is not much hope.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Tom proovis enda ära tappa.,Tom tried to kill himself.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Lõpeta Tomist halva rääkimine.,Stop bad mouthing Tom.,est_Latn-eng_Latn "Ma tean, kuidas te töötate.",I know how you guys work.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ma palusin tal kirjast neli koopiat teha.,I asked her to make four copies of the letter.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Kas sulle meeldib see plaan?,Do you like the plan?,est_Latn-eng_Latn "Ma sõitsin ainult selleks Bostonisse, et Tomile sünnipäevakingitus teha.",I drove all the way to Boston just to give Tom a birthday gift.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Kuidas see mul kahe silma vahele jäi?,How did I miss this?,est_Latn-eng_Latn Nad kõndisid edasi.,They kept walking.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Tom on Mary pärast väga mures.,Tom is very worried about Mary.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Kas ma saan raamatu eest tšekiga maksta?,Can I pay for the book by check?,est_Latn-eng_Latn Kas sul õlut on?,Do you have any beer?,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ma üritan natuke koristada.,I'm trying to tidy things up a bit.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Oktoober on alles kolme kuu pärast.,October is still three months off.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Näita mulle oma käsi.,Show me your hands.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Mu ema teeb isale torti.,My mother is making a cake for my father.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Mängi seda uuesti.,Play it again.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Tom ei tulnud koju.,Tom didn't come home.,est_Latn-eng_Latn "Mulle meeldib see, mida sa tegid.",I like what you did.,est_Latn-eng_Latn See raamat pole müügiks.,This book is not for sale.,est_Latn-eng_Latn See sinine seljakott on raske.,This blue backpack is heavy.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Paljudele inimestele meeldib reisida.,Many people like to travel.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Kas sulle meeldib õppida?,Do you enjoy studying?,est_Latn-eng_Latn Kõik vihkavad mind.,Everybody hates me.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Tom ei pesnud nõusid ära.,Tom didn't do the dishes.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Tom oli oodanud midagi päris teistsugust.,Tom had expected something quite different.,est_Latn-eng_Latn "Tundub, et sa oled algse eesmärgi unustanud.",You seem to have lost sight of original objective.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ma pole alati pühapäeviti kodus.,I'm not always home on Sundays.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Oravad söövad nii seemned ja pähkleid kui ka putukaid ja seeni.,"Squirrels eat seeds and nuts, as well as insects and mushrooms.",est_Latn-eng_Latn Tomil oli vangla halvakvaliteedilisest toidust kõrini.,Tom was fed up with eating the low quality food provided by the prison.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Selles raamatus on palju pilte.,This book contains many pictures.,est_Latn-eng_Latn "Lapsed istusid lõkketule ümber ja kuulasid, kuidas Tom kummituslugusid rääkis.",The children sat around the campfire and listened to Tom tell ghost stories.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Tom ja Mary tegid piparkoogioravaid.,Tom and Mary made some gingerbread squirrels.,est_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom ei mõistnud, miks Mary sellise otsuse teinud oli.",Tom couldn't understand why Mary had made that decision.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Minu isa on sinu isast tugevam.,My dad is stronger than your dad.,est_Latn-eng_Latn "Ma võin kihla vedada, et Tom oskab prantsuse keelt rääkida.",I bet Tom can speak French.,est_Latn-eng_Latn "Tomi orav on pime, ta kardab kõrgust ja on pähklite vastu allergiline. Ma ei usu, et ta ilma Tomita ellu jääks.","Tom's squirrel is blind, afraid of heights and allergic to nuts. I don't think that he would survive without Tom.",est_Latn-eng_Latn "Ma ei suuda uskuda, et ma seda ütlesin!",I can't believe I just said that!,est_Latn-eng_Latn Minu meelest on neil õigus.,I think they're right.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ma otsustasin sinna minna.,I made up my mind to go there.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Tom pani kogemata oma tee sisse soola.,Tom put salt in his tea by mistake.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ekspordisektori seis on nutune.,The export business isn't doing well.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ma pean ootama.,I have to wait.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Meil on tõsi taga.,We mean business.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ta lõi palli välja.,He hit the ball out of bounds.,est_Latn-eng_Latn "Kergeusklikke inimesi on palju, nii et on võimalus, et Tom saab valituks.","There are a lot of gullible people, so there is a chance that Tom will be elected.",est_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom annab meile, mida me vajame.",Tom gives us what we need.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Nad on väga head.,They're very good.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ma ei saa sellesse sekkuda.,I can't get involved in this.,est_Latn-eng_Latn "Ma võiksin sulle Tomi kohta selliseid asju rääkida, mis sind üllataksid.",I could tell you things about Tom that would surprise you.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Mis ees ootab?,What lies ahead?,est_Latn-eng_Latn "Kui sa räägid inimesega keeles, mida ta mõistab, puudutab see ta mõistust. Kui sa räägid temaga tema enda keeles, puudutab see ta südant.","If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his language, that goes to his heart.",est_Latn-eng_Latn Tom ei saanud mu küsimustele vastata.,Tom couldn't answer my questions.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Mul on küllaltki kiire olnud.,I've been fairly busy.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Meie hinnaläbirääkimised äripartneriga lõppesid tulemuslikult.,We have come to an arrangement with the dealer about the price.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ta abiellus mu nõbuga.,He married my cousin.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Kas sul on leiba?,Do you have any bread?,est_Latn-eng_Latn Tom kummardas viisakalt.,Tom bowed politely.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Me peaksime Tomile appi minema.,We'd better go help Tom.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Mõrvar on ikka veel vabaduses.,The murderer is still at large.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ma jään sinuga.,I'm staying with you.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Tom on oma autos üksi.,Tom is alone in his car.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Miks sa täna siin oled?,Why are you here today?,est_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom teeskles, et ta on Mary sõber.",Tom pretended to be Mary's friend.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Kas ma võiksin sinuga üksi rääkida?,May I speak to you alone?,est_Latn-eng_Latn Madu neelas konna alla.,The snake swallowed a frog.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Sa ei saa minuga Bostonisse tulla.,You can't come to Boston with me.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Sa kardad.,You are afraid.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Kas ma pole veel piisavalt kannatanud?,Haven't I suffered enough?,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ma igatsen oma kassi.,I miss my cat.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ma olin noor ja mul oli raha vaja.,I was young and I needed the money.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Me reisime Eestis järgmisel kuul.,We're going to travel to Estonia next month.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ta pani kõik oma juveelid väikesesse punasesse karpi.,She put all her jewels into a little red box.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Noor naine selle puu all näib olevat kurb.,The young woman under that tree looks sad.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Oleks mul sinusugune sõber.,Tom doesn't get along with his neighbors.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Tom on otsustanud minna.,Tom has decided to go.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Sõda algas kolm aastat hiljem.,The war began three years later.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Need pildid on ilusad.,These pictures are beautiful.,est_Latn-eng_Latn "Teisisõnu, ta reetis meid.","In other words, he betrayed us.",est_Latn-eng_Latn Sul poleks olnud tarvis kiirustada.,You didn't need to hurry.,est_Latn-eng_Latn "Ma ei teadnud, et ta seal oli.",I didn't know that he was there.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Tom on praegu töötu.,Tom is currently unemployed.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Kas ma võin su vanade raamatute kogu vaadata?,May I see your collection of old books?,est_Latn-eng_Latn Lastele meeldib puuviljamahl.,Children like fruit juice.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ma tahan head sõnaraamatut.,I want a good dictionary.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Nende pulmad on homme.,Their wedding will be tomorrow.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Linnud lendasid lõunasse.,The birds flew to the south.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Uurimine käib.,The investigation is under way.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Tema tütrest on saanud kena naine.,His daughter has become a pretty woman.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Kõik nende saladused on paljastatud.,All their secrets have been revealed.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Misako abiellus eelmisel juunikuul kanadalasega.,Misako married a Canadian last June.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ta suutis ujuda üle jõe.,We managed to swim across the river.,est_Latn-eng_Latn „Kus sa elad?“ „Ma elan Tokyos.“,"""Where do you live?"" ""I live in Tokyo.""",est_Latn-eng_Latn Me ei saa kunagi teada.,We'll never know.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Mu vend elab väikeses külas.,My brother lives in a small village.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ära puuduta mind!,Don't touch me!,est_Latn-eng_Latn Mis sul viga on?,What is the matter with you?,est_Latn-eng_Latn Taevas näeb ähvardav välja.,The sky looks threatening.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Terve pere on väljas jalutamas.,The whole family is out for a walk.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ta on pere must lammas.,He is the black sheep of the family.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Üks on uus ja teine on vana.,"One is new, and the other is old.",est_Latn-eng_Latn Kas sul pliiats on?,Do you have a pencil?,est_Latn-eng_Latn "Naised, kes esimesel silmapilgul paistavad olevat täiesti tavalised, ei paista ka olevat abiellumisega nii suures rutus.","Women who, at first glance, appear to be completely ordinary also don't seem to be in that much of a rush to get married.",est_Latn-eng_Latn Esimesel silmapilgul paistis ta lahke ja õrn.,"At first sight, he seemed kind and gentle.",est_Latn-eng_Latn Jaanuar on aasta esimene kuu.,January is the first month of the year.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Esimese silmapilgul paistis küsimus kerge olevat.,"At first sight, the question seemed easy.",est_Latn-eng_Latn Pisikesena paistev sündmus võib viia suurepärase tulemuseni.,An apparently small event may lead to a great result.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Mul on sinised silmad.,I have blue eyes.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ma tegelen Tomiga ise.,I'll deal with Tom myself.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ma armastan sind.,I love you.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Mul on sulle üks palve.,I have a favor to ask of you.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Tohin ma sult ühte teenet paluda?,May I ask you to do me a favor?,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ma tahaks proovida.,I'd like to give it a try.,est_Latn-eng_Latn See noor kriitik on magnetiks mõnelgi pool.,That young critic is in high demand for a lot of places.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Selle raamatu lugemiseks pole sõnastikku vaja kasutada.,You don't have to use a dictionary when you read this book.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Mida sovietoloogid uurivad?,What does a Sovietologist study?,est_Latn-eng_Latn Raamat on laual.,The book is on the table.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ma unustasin oma sõnastiku alumisele korrusele.,I left my dictionary downstairs.,est_Latn-eng_Latn See toimis ju kenasti?,"I did good work, didn't I?",est_Latn-eng_Latn Mul pole raha.,I have no money.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Kuidas sul täna õhtul läheb?,How're you doing tonight?,est_Latn-eng_Latn Tom on Maša vanaisa.,Tom is Mary's grandfather.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ta on noor ja kena väljanägemisega.,He's young and attractive.,est_Latn-eng_Latn "Näe, see siin on veel parem.",Here's an even better one.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Aafrika on inimkonna häll.,Africa is the cradle of humanity.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ma tahan koju minna.,I want to go home.,est_Latn-eng_Latn "Mul on hea meel, et te kaks jälle sõbrad olete.",I'm happy you two are friends again.,est_Latn-eng_Latn Mida teha kui oled väsinud?,What to do when you're tired?,est_Latn-eng_Latn Kas sa jääksid korraks vait?,Could you shut up for a second?,est_Latn-eng_Latn Mida turult saab osta?,What can you buy at the market?,est_Latn-eng_Latn Ma õpin välismaal.,I study abroad.,est_Latn-eng_Latn "Itzali irratia, arren.","Turn off the radio, please.",eus_Latn-eng_Latn Zuk nahiko ondo dakizu frantsesez.,Your French is good enough.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Goitik behera miatzen dizkiote.,They are examining him from top to bottom.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Ni 1950eko apirilaren 3an sortu nintzen.,"I was born on April 3, 1950.",eus_Latn-eng_Latn Hizkuntza ergatibo asko dago munduan eta euskara horietako bat da.,There are many ergative languages in the world and Basque is one of them.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Muirielek orain 20 urte ditu.,Muiriel is 20 now.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Hori da Tom bilatzen zegoena.,That's what Tom was looking for.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Zenbat pertsonak daude Europan?,How many people are there in Europe?,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Haiek ez dute haragirik jaten.,They don't eat meat.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Kirolari ona da.,He is a good athlete.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Tom atsegin dut zuen zintzoa delako.,I like Tom because he's honest.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Eskerrik asko egia esateagatik.,Thanks for telling me the truth.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Maitasuna itsua da. Gorrotoa ere itsua da.,Love is blind. Hate is also blind.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Jim kanadarra da.,Jim is Canadian.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Negua oso hotza izan da.,The winter has been very cold.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Tracyk bere betaurrekoak galdu zituen.,Tracy lost her glasses.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Hemen egongo naiz arratsalde guztian.,I'll be here all afternoon.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Tom sozialista da.,Tom is a socialist.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Non nago?,Where am I?,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Gorrotatzen ditugu.,We detest them.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Logura zara laztana?,"Are you sleepy, honey?",eus_Latn-eng_Latn Egarri naiz.,I am thirsty.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Beltz guztiak ez dira ikatz,All that glitters is not gold.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn "Garrantzitsuena ez da zein unibertsitatetan graduatu zaren, baizik eta zer ikasi duzun unibertsitatean.",What is important is not which university you've graduated from but what you've learned in the university.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn """Non bizi zara?"" ""Tokion bizi naiz.""","""Where do you live?"" ""I live in Tokyo.""",eus_Latn-eng_Latn Urduri dago eta erraz izutzen da.,He's nervous and gets scared easily.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Non aurkitu zenuen giltza hau?,Where was it that you found this key?,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Lorautsa buru batetik beste batera ekartzen duten erleak dira liburuak.,Books are the bees that carry pollen from one mind to another.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Beti izan da horrela.,This is always the way it has been.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Zer da zarata hori?,What's that noise?,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Askatasuna ez da doakoa.,Freedom is not free.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Begetarianoa naiz.,I am a vegetarian.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Zergatik galdetzen duzu?,Why do you ask?,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Aulki hau itsusia da.,This chair is ugly.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Gaur asteartea da.,Today is Tuesday.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Lantoki ari zara?,Are you at work?,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Plater hauek ez daude garbi.,These plates aren't clean.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Hitz batek ezpata batek baino sakonago zauritzen du.,A blow with a word strikes deeper than a blow with a sword.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Nahi dudan gauza bakarra bakarrik egotea da.,All I want is to be left alone.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Jendearen gustukoa naiz.,People like me.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Errusieraz hitz egin dezake.,She can speak Russian.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Ez dakit zer nahi duzu esan.,I don't know what you mean.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn "Errusieraz erraz hitz egiten du, edo hori esan zidan behintzat.","He speaks fluent Russian, or at least that's what he told me.",eus_Latn-eng_Latn Tomek ez du ondo lorik egin hainbat arrazoiengatik.,Tom didn't sleep well for a multitude of reasons.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Ez dut uste Tom joan nahi izango denik,I don't think Tom wants to leave.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Kalea bustita dago.,The street is wet.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Ume guztiak egiatiak dira.,All the boys are honest.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Liburu bat erosi nuen.,I bought a book.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Eseri ahal naiz?,Do you mind if I sit down?,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Berak whiski saltzen du.,He sells whisky.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Gizon hori basotik galdu zen.,The man lost his way in the woods.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Bera eskolara bizikletaz joaten da.,He goes to school by bicycle.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Uste dut bihar etorriko dela.,I believe he is coming tomorrow.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Egia da gaixorik dagoela.,It is true that he is ill.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Diru asko behar duzu?,Do you need much money?,eus_Latn-eng_Latn ez zaitez hain azkar,Don't be hasty.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn "Gauero nahikoa atseden baldin baduzu, askoz hobeto sentituko zara.","If you get enough rest every night, you'll feel much better.",eus_Latn-eng_Latn Tom jadanik altzatu da.,Tom is already standing.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Tomek ez du inoiz besteengan pentsatzen.,Tom never thinks about others.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Aita emaitzarekin kontent zen.,My father was happy with the result.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Biak zoriontsuak ginen.,We were both happy.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Mutil horrengandik aldendu beharko lirateke.,You should stay away from that guy.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Emakume horrengandik aldendu beharko lirateke.,You should stay away from that woman.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Dirudi bere ahalegin guztiak haren karrerara dedikatzen dizkiola.,She seems to devote all her efforts to her career.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Gaur gauean izotz handia egingo duela aurreikusten da.,A heavy frost is expected tonight.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Irakuts iezadazu zure helbide berria.,Let me know your new address.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Ibaiaren ondoan kanpatu genuen.,We went camping near the river.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Tom etxera joan zen lasterka.,Tom ran home.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Beharrezko gauzak bihar erosiko ditut.,I'll buy what I need tomorrow.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Zergatik zigortzen ditu?,What are you punishing them for?,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Zein da txakur bat zigortzeko modurik onena?,What's the best way to punish a dog?,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Heriotzatik ihes egin nuen.,I escaped death.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Zuk uste duzu?,Do you think so?,eus_Latn-eng_Latn "Gustatuko litzaidake bakarrik momentu batez geratzea, axola ez bazaizu.","I'd like to be left alone for a while, if you don't mind.",eus_Latn-eng_Latn Emakumeak kazetari bat zela pentsatu nuen.,I thought of the woman as a journalist.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn "Epe luzean, gehiago praktikatu beharko duzu.","In the long run, you will have to practise more.",eus_Latn-eng_Latn Zer erosi nahi duzu?,What do you want to buy?,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Bidai on.,Enjoy your trip.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Ibai honek ura lasterra du.,The flow of this river is fast.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Iraun zuen bitartean dibertigarria izan zen,It was fun while it lasted.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Gaur naizena nire osabari sor diot.,My uncle has made me what I am today.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Askotan hiztegi horretan hitzak bilatzen ditut,I often look up words in that dictionary.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn "Gorputza ikutua denenan, larruko errezeptoreek mezuak bidaltzen dizkiote garunari endorfina moduko substantzia kimikoen askatzea sortuz.","When the body is touched, receptors in the skin send messages to the brain causing the release of chemicals such as endorphins.",eus_Latn-eng_Latn NIre aita operazioaren ondoren ongi sentitu da.,My father has been in good shape since his operation.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Bera egoera guztietan geldoa da,He is passive in everything.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn "Nire arreba txikia hogeita bat urte ditu, unibertsitateko ikaslea da.",My sister is twenty-one years old and a college student.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn "Zuhaitz bat hiltzen bada, erein ezazu beste bat bere tokian","If a tree dies, plant another in its place.",eus_Latn-eng_Latn Nire osabarekin bizi naiz.,I live with my uncle.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Nire gelakidearekin bizi naiz.,I live with my roommate.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Etxe berria eraiki dut.,I built a new house.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn "Barkatu, utzidazu goiko artikuluan dauden hiru akats seinalatzea",Excuse me; allow me to point out three errors in the above article.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Etxe berria eraiki zuen.,He built a new house.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Etxe berria erosi zuen lehengo egunean.,She bought a new house the other day.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Etxe berri baten bila nabil.,I am in search of a new house.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Inork etxe berri bat nahi du?,Does anyone want a new house?,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Tomek etxe berria erosi du.,Tom bought a new house.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Zer edango duzu?,What will you drink?,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Zer edango duzue?,What'll you drink?,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Gero esango dizut.,I'll tell you later.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Ziur nago bihar etorriko dela.,I'm sure he will come tomorrow.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Bihar etorriko da.,He will come tomorrow.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Beharbada bihar etorriko da.,Perhaps she will come tomorrow.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Tomek ez daki Mary bihar etorriko denentz.,Tom doesn't know if Mary will come tomorrow.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Bihar etorriko naiz.,I will come tomorrow.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Bihar etorriko da?,Will he come tomorrow?,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Ez naiz bihar etorriko.,I will not come tomorrow.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn "Osakan jaio nintzen, baina Tokion hazi nintzen.","I was born in Osaka, but brought up in Tokyo.",eus_Latn-eng_Latn "Bostonen jaio nintzen, baina Chicagon hazi nintzen.","I was born in Boston, but I was brought up in Chicago.",eus_Latn-eng_Latn Kyoton jaio nintzen 1980an.,I was born in Kyoto in 1980.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Biodibertsitatea urtero gutxitzen jarraitzen du.,Biodiversity continues to decline each year.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Hiroshiman jaio nintzen 1945ean.,I was born in Hiroshima in 1945.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Tokion jaio nintzen 1968an.,I was born in Tokyo in 1968.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Osakan jaio nintzen 1977an.,I was born in Osaka in 1977.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Osakan jaio nintzen 1977. urtean.,I was born in 1977 in Osaka.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Junko neska ederra da.,Junko is a beautiful girl.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Suitza herrialde polita da.,Switzerland is a beautiful country.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Viena hiri polita da.,Vienna is a beautiful city.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Lurra planeta polita da.,The earth is a beautiful planet.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Japonia herrialde polita da.,Japan is a beautiful country.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Emakume ederra da.,She is a beautiful woman.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Turkia herrialde polita da.,Turkey is a beautiful country.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Mary neska ederra da.,Mary is a beautiful girl.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Australia herrialde polita da.,Australia is a beautiful country.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Sri Lanka uharte polita da.,Sri Lanka is a beautiful island.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Mary emakume ederra da.,Mary is a beautiful woman.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Damasko hiri ederra da.,Damascus is a beautiful town.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Italia herrialde polita da.,Italy is a beautiful country.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Tel Aviv hiri polita da.,Tel Aviv is a beautiful city.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Hiri polita da.,It is a beautiful city.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Maitasuna zer den jakin nahi dut.,I want to know what love is.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Ez dakit zer den maitasuna.,I don't know what love is.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Badakizu zer den maitasuna?,Do you know what love is?,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Atzo etorri nintzen.,I came yesterday.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Clivek ingeniari elektronikoa izan nahi du.,Clive wants to be an electronic engineer.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Tom uste duzun baino argiagoa da.,Tom is smarter than you think.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Ez daki ezer elektronikari buruz.,He knows nothing about electronics.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Zure erlojua idazmahaian dago.,Your watch is on the desk.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Hura ingelesa da.,He is an Englishman.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Oraindik ez da osagai elektronikoak zirkuitu inprimatuari soldatzen hasi.,He hasn't started soldering the electronic components on the PCB yet.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Elektroiek atomoaren nukleoaren inguruan orbitatzen dute.,Electrons orbit around the nucleus of the atom.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn "Taro, joan zaitez hortzak garbitzera.","Taro, go brush your teeth.",eus_Latn-eng_Latn Garbitu ondo hortzak.,Brush your teeth well.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Ekuazio diferentzialak deribatuak dituzten ekuazioak dira.,Differential equations are equations involving derivatives.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Ez dakit nola frogatu ekuazio matematiko hau.,I don't know how to prove this math equation.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Ekuatoreak Lurra bi hemisferiotan banatzen du.,The equator divides the earth into two hemispheres.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Hemen ez dut inor ezagutzen.,I don't know anyone here.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Tomek Australian egin zuen lan.,Tom has worked in Australia.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Wang jauna txinatarra da.,Mr Wang is from China.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Tom musikaria da.,Tom is a musician.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Txinatik itzuli zen.,He came back from China.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Nire etxea handia da.,My house is big.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Hona hemen gure eskola.,That is our school.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Esku mazela lurrera pausa dezaket belaunak plegatu gabe.,I can place the palms of my hands on the floor without bending my knees.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Hiru anai ditu.,She has three brothers.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Lehiaketan urrea lortu zuen.,He won gold in the competition.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Zoritxarrez egia da.,"Unfortunately, it's true.",eus_Latn-eng_Latn Zer esan nahi du hitz horrek?,What does this word mean?,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Sarah aski argi zen bere lagunak berekin jostatzekotan zirela ohartzeko.,Sarah was discerning enough to realize that her friends were trying to prank her.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Zakurrak ohoina gelditu du.,The policeman arrested the thief.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Ziur zaude?,Are you sure?,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Bi hanburgesa eskatu nituen.,I ordered two hamburgers.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Ez dut hura ezagutzen.,I don't know him.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Sentitzen dut nire hitza bete ez izana.,I regret not having kept my promise.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn "Jende guztiarengan zatoz, dantza gaitezen!","Come on everyone, let's dance!",eus_Latn-eng_Latn Eta berokia erantziko bazenu?,Why don't you take your coat off?,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Jainkoa existitzen da?,Does God exist?,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Oso atsegin dut.,I like it very much.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn "Ez bagaituzue behatzen, gu aditu arte bermatzeko egin beharretan izanen gaituzue.","If you don't listen to us, we will have to resort to coercion.",eus_Latn-eng_Latn Ez ginen ezer egiten ari.,We weren't doing anything.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Nirekin dantza egingo?,Would you like to dance with me?,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Nafarroa munduan mirestua izango zela esan zuen Shakespearek.,"Shakespeare said: ""Navarre shall be the wonder of the world.""",eus_Latn-eng_Latn Italia oso herri ederra da.,Italy is a very beautiful country.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Ez da nire errua!,It's not my fault!,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Aldaketa asko egin dituzte.,They made many changes.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Hegazkin bat hartu nuen nire bizitzan lehen aldiz.,I took an airplane for the first time in my life.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Ireki ahoa!,Open your mouth!,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Txarra al da?,Is it bad?,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Diru-zorroa galdu dut.,I have lost my wallet.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Maitasuna ez da inoiz xahutzen.,Love is never wasted.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Oso erakargarria da.,He's very sexy.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Zure erruz gosea pasa zait.,Thanks to you I've lost my appetite.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Politikaz higuin naizenetik bozkatzerako nekea sortu zait.,My apathy for voting comes from my distaste for politics.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Jende multzo handi batek presidentearen dirkurtsoaren zain zegoen.,A great crowd waited for the president to speak.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Oino eginbeharreko ainitz bada.,Much still remains to be done.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Ahizpa eta biok etorri gara.,My sister and I have come.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Salneurriak jaisten ari direla dirudi.,Prices seem to be going down.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn "Egun, hondartzarat joateko asmoz ibili naiz bainan joatekotan euria hasi zuen.","I was planning on going to the beach today, but then it started to rain.",eus_Latn-eng_Latn Zure amak kaka jaten du.,Your mum eats shit.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Ideia ulertzen duzu?,Do you get the idea?,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Nola heldu zen Tom hona?,How did Tom get here?,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Zure etxean bezala zaude.,Make yourself at home.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Zapata beltzak guztatzen zaizkit.,I like the black shoes.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Berataz nekatu egin zen.,She married him.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Zertarako erabiltzen duzu hau?,What do you use this for?,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Liburu honek irudi azko ditu.,This book has a lot of pictures.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Ez nuen ulertu haren txantxa.,I didn't get his joke.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Alferra izatea leporatu zidan.,She reproached me for being lazy.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn "Noski, aurrera.","Of course, you may.",eus_Latn-eng_Latn Hark maileguan hartu du bizilagunaren autoa.,He borrows the car from his neighbor.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Tom lanera bakarrik joate autatu zuen.,Tom chose to go work alone.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Nancyk zoriontsu egin zuen irribarre.,Nancy smiled happily.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Windows-en bezterik ez dabil.,It only works on Windows.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Irratia egunero entzuten duzu etxean?,Do you listen to the radio at home every day?,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Fruituak ez ukitu!,Do not touch the fruit!,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Atzo ospitalera joan nintzen.,I went to the hospital yesterday.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Txoria zeruan dago.,The bird is in the sky.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Nahitara mindu dut.,I hurt her feelings on purpose.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Tom erantzuna ez zekiela esan zuen.,Tom said he didn't know the answer.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Batzutan beldurtu egiten nauzu.,Sometimes you scare me.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Handia naizenean erregea izan nahi dut.,"When I grow up, I want to be king.",eus_Latn-eng_Latn Parisen esagutseaz oroitzen naiz.,I remember having met him in Paris.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Gaur egungo nire neskalaguna gimnasioan ezagutu nuen.,I got to know my current girlfriend at the gym.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Zuk jakiteak ez nau arritzen.,It doesn't surprise me that you know.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Denbora gutxi barru nire urtebetetzea izango da.,It'll be my birthday soon.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Gose izango gara.,We'll be hungry.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn "Luke, neu nauk hire aita.","Luke, I am your father.",eus_Latn-eng_Latn "Ni neu joan beharrean, mezulari bat bidali dut.","Instead of going myself, I sent a messenger.",eus_Latn-eng_Latn Tomek gehiago behar du.,Tom needs more.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Nik ere 17 urte ditut.,"I'm 17, too.",eus_Latn-eng_Latn Hori gertatzea lehenago ere ikusi genuen.,We've seen that happen before.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Tomen trena duela bost minutu joan zen.,Tom's train left five minutes ago.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Zer nahi zuen?,What did he want?,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Zein desberdintasun dago piano eta arrain baten artean?,What is the difference between a piano and a fish?,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Hirugarren orrialdean dago.,It's on page 3.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Badakizu nork hil zuen?,Do you know who killed her?,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Zergatik hil zenuen?,Why did you kill her?,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Norbaitek gu hiltzen saiatu zen.,Somebody tried to kill us.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Katua eta txakurra bezala ibili.,They fight like cats and dogs.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Oraintxe ez dut deus berezirik erraiteko.,I have nothing particular to say now.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Mangia jardun.,It's raining cats and dogs.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Izurra izurtu.,To floop the floop.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Kreditu txartela etxean ahaztu dut.,I left my card at home.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Oso polita haiz.,You're very pretty.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn "Afaria pronto dagoenez, nahi dugunean jan dezakegu.","Dinner is ready, so we can eat whenever we want.",eus_Latn-eng_Latn Gutun bat bidali zidan.,He sent me a letter.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Denori ametsa gauza lezakela sinesteko gogoa heltzen zaio.,Everyone would like to believe that dreams can come true.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Eraman hizkion giltzak hire nebari.,Take the keys to your brother.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Eraman hizkiok giltzak hire anaiari.,Bring the keys to your brother.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn "Hasteko, erretzeari utzi behar diozu.","First, you have to stop smoking.",eus_Latn-eng_Latn """Juma-k eskolako matrikula ordainduko du. Eta Hamisi-k?"" ""Ez, berak ez du ordainduko.""","""Juma will pay school fees. How about Hamisi?"" ""No, he will not pay them.""",eus_Latn-eng_Latn Zer berri?,How are things?,eus_Latn-eng_Latn "Bai, honako hau ondo dago. Zenbat balio du?","Yes, this one is very nice. How much does it cost?",eus_Latn-eng_Latn Zenbat balio du honek?,How much is this worth?,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Zenbat balio du txapel honek?,What is the price of this cap?,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Zenbat balio du eraztun honek?,How much is this ring worth?,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Ze moduz zaude?,How are you?,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Hau zaldi bat da.,This is a horse.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Gaur auto handi bat bidetik atera da.,A big car flew off the road today.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn "Begietatik urruti, bihotzetik urruti.","Out of sight, out of mind.",eus_Latn-eng_Latn Abiadura murriztu behar duzu.,You need to slow down.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Zenbat denbora itxaroten duzu?,How long will you wait?,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Gogoratzen duzu lehenengo mailako irakaslearen izena?,Do you remember your first grade teacher’s name?,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Otsoak bi oilo harrapatu zituen.,The wolf snatched two hens.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Telefonoz hitz egin nuen.,I talked on the telephone.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Bi katu dauzkat.,I have two cats.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Ez dut berriro egingo.,I won't do it again.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn "Roma inoiz bisitatu baldin baduzu, Koliseoa ikusia izan behar duzu.","If you have ever visited Rome, you must have seen the Coliseum.",eus_Latn-eng_Latn Roma bisitatzea merezi duen hiria da.,Rome is a city worth visiting.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Tom eta bere amama liburutegira joan ziren.,Tom and his grandmother went to the bookstore.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn "Hura aberatsa da, dudarik gabe, baina ez dut konfindantza beregain.","He is without a doubt rich, but I don't trust him.",eus_Latn-eng_Latn Bere poemak ulertzen zailak dira.,His poems are hard to understand.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Nagusira estutik.,Through difficulties to honors.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Bizirik irautea zuri zor dizut.,I owe it to you that I am still alive.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Kamara hau nahi dut.,I want this camera.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Badirudi astronomian interesa duela.,It seems that he is interested in astronomy.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Aska iezadazu besoa.,Let go of my arm.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Esaldi guzti horiek amaierako puntu bat behar dute.,All of these sentences need a full stop.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Tatoeba kultura da.,Tatoeba is culture.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Emakume batek ez luke hori mereziko.,No women would buy that.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Haragirik jaten al duzu?,Do you eat meat?,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Nire medikuak medikamentu hau hartzeari uztea aholkatu dit.,My doctor has advised me to stop taking this medicine.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Farmazia batean egiten dinat lan.,I work in a pharmacy.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn "Hiru izozki, mesedez.","Three ice-creams, please.",eus_Latn-eng_Latn Nun dago farmazia bat?,Where is there a drugstore?,eus_Latn-eng_Latn "Hospitale bat, mesedez?","A hospital, please?",eus_Latn-eng_Latn Begiratu ile luzedun neskari,Look at the girl whose hair is long.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Harek garrasi fuerte egin zuen laguntza eske.,He strongly cried out asking for help.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Esaldi hau ez da frantsesa.,This sentence is not French.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Galyalılar ordusu fethedildi.,The army of the Gauls was conquered.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Zure anai nagusiarekin konfunditu zintudan.,I mistook you for your brother.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Ados al zaude?,Do you agree?,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Ezin duzu berarekin hitz egin,You're not allowed to talk to her.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Ez dut gaztelera mintzatzen.,I don't speak Spanish.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Zinez damugarri da.,It is truly regrettable.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn "Kaixo, Frreman jauna ba al dago?","Hello, is Mr Freeman in?",eus_Latn-eng_Latn Hura gelatik irten zen agurrik esan gabe.,She left the room without saying goodbye.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Ez dut japoniera hitz egiten.,I don't speak Japanese.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Ez gara aurkitu lehen? galdetu zuen ikasleak.,"""Haven't we met somewhere before?"" asked the student.",eus_Latn-eng_Latn Tomek eta Maryk ez diote elkarri hitz egiten.,Tom and Mary are not talking to one another.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Zein da zure iritzia?,What's your opinion?,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Ez joateko erregutu nion.,I begged her not to go.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Ez ahaztu gurekin gero!,Don't forget about us!,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Garbitu nuelako uzkurtu zen.,It shrunk because I washed it.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Zopa beroegia zegoela-eta kexatu zen.,He complained that the soup was too hot.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Ez du garrantzirik.,It's not important.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn "Ez zait inporta zuri dirua uztea, baldin eta hilabete bukaera baino lehen itzultzen badidazu.",I don't mind lending you the money provided you pay it back within a month.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Talde bat hamaika jokalariz osatzen da.,A team is composed of eleven players.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Galdera bat egin niezazuke?,May I ask you a question?,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Ez ahaztu txartelik.,Don't forget the ticket.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Galdera bat egiten ahal dizut?,Do you mind if I ask you a question?,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Dolar bat ehun zentimo da.,A dollar is equal to a hundred cents.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Dolar batek 110 yen balio ditu.,One dollar is equivalent to 110 yen.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Dolar bat uzterik bai?,Can you spare a buck?,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Euria etxabotaka ari du kanpoan!,It's really coming down out there!,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Yarda bat hiru oin dira.,A yard is equal to three feet.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Txoria adar-tartera hegaldatu da.,A bird flew into the tree.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn "Urtarrilaren 5etik 15era, mesedez.","From the 5th to the 15th of January, please.",eus_Latn-eng_Latn Mozarren musika gustatzen zaizu?,Do you like Mozart's music?,eus_Latn-eng_Latn "Kezkatuta nago, ez ote den eguerdiko ordu batak arte etorriko.",I'm afraid he won't be here until 1:00.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Pozik nago bueltatu zarelako.,I'm glad to see you back.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Ordu bete barru itzuliko naiz.,I will be back in an hour.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Nire bizitza kontraesan hutsa da.,My life's a contradiction.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Ordu betean bukatuko dut.,I'll finish it in one hour.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Etxera bidean nire lagun batekin topatu nintzen.,I met one of my friends on my way home.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Utzidazu hitz egiten.,Let me speak.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Mendiko eraikina gure eskola da.,The building on the mountain is our school.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Lasaitu!,Take it easy!,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Hemen aste bete geratzeko asmoa dut.,I plan to stay there a week.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Atzo neska bat ito zen aintziran.,A girl drowned in the pond yesterday.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn "Ongi etorri Wikipediara, edonork aldatu dezakeen entziklopedia askera.","Welcome to Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia that anyone can edit.",eus_Latn-eng_Latn Gizon bat agertu da atarian.,A man appeared at the door.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Herrialde hori petrolioan aberatsa da.,That country abounds in oil.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Tom ez zen eskolara joan.,Tom didn't go to school.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Ez zara arduratsua.,You're not responsible.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Inork ez du jakingo.,Nobody will know.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Zutaz guztiz maitemindua nago.,I'm totally and completely in love with you.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Arroza dauzkagu.,We have rice.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn 16 urte beteko ditut hurrengo hilean.,I'll be sixteen years old next month.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Ezingo diogu Tomi lagundu.,We won't be able to help Tom.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Tom aspaldi hil zen.,Tom died a long time ago.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn "Gamelu bat, nolabait esateko, ontzi bat da basamortuan.","A camel is, so to speak, a ship on the desert.",eus_Latn-eng_Latn "Komikiak arras gogoko dituzu, ezta?","You really like comic books, don't you?",eus_Latn-eng_Latn Paisai hau zoragarria da.,This place is great.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Ez dago bulegoan.,He is out of the office.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Ezin zaituztet entzun.,I can't hear you.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn """Tatoeba""-k japonieraz ""adibidez"" esan nahi du.","""Tatoeba"" means ""for example"" in Japanese.",eus_Latn-eng_Latn Bikiak zarete?,Are you twins?,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Horixe harrituta nengoela.,You bet I was surprised.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Tom ez da egon eskolan,Tom wasn't in school today.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Esnatu.,Wake her up.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Hark hil egingo da ez badiogu laguntzen.,He'll die if we don't help him.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Ben-ek eskuak bere poltzikoetan jartzen ditu,Ben put his hands in his pockets.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Hiru hegazkin dauzkagu.,We have three airplanes.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Ez dakit zer egingo dudan Tom-ekin,I don't know what I'm going to do with Tom.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Mina okerrera egiten ari da.,The pain is getting worse.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Kontrola zaitez!,Get a grip on yourself!,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Bere kontakizuna sinesgarri ematen du.,His story sounds believable.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Haserretutako jendetzak eraikina eraso egin zuen.,The angry mob attacked the building.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Banku batean eseri zen,She sat on a bench.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Nor da azkarragoena hemen?,Who is the fastest one here?,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Peter medikua izan nahi zuen.,Peter wanted to become a doctor.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Uste dut ulertu nuela,I think I understood.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Non dago jolasten?,Where is he playing?,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Tomek ez du ezagutzen Maryrekin hizketan dagoen umea.,Tom doesn't know the boy talking to Mary.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Negar egiteko zorian zegoen,She was on the verge of crying.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Bere laguntzaile kualifikatuaren esku utzi zuen bere autoritatea.,He delegated his authority to his competent assistant.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Berarentzat dena txarto joan zen.,Everything went wrong for him.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Horri buruz asko pentsatu dut,I've thought a lot about it.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Denbora asko galdu dut jadanik,I've already lost too much time.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Hobe da berandu inoiz ez baino.,Better late than never.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn "Kaixo, zer moduz zaude?","Hello, how are you doing?",eus_Latn-eng_Latn Galdera ona.,A good question.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Txori honek giza ahotsa imitatu dezake.,This bird can imitate the human voice.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn "Eguzkiak egunez argitzen du, ilargiak gauez.",The sun shines during the day; the moon during the night.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Telebista itzaltzeaz ahaztu nintzen ohera joan aurretik.,I forgot to turn off the television before going to bed.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Bakarrik etorri zen.,She came alone.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn "Itzaldu irratia, mesedez.",Please turn off the radio.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Zer ari zara egiten?,What are you doing?,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Benetan gogoko dudan argazkia da.,It is a photograph that I really like.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Ikasle gehienak motxilarekin joaten dira eskolara.,Most students carry backpacks to school.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Nik gidatuko zaitut aireporturaino.,I'll drive you to the airport.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Atzo zure aitarekin tupust egin nuen.,I bumped into your father yesterday.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Atzo zure aita ezagutu nuen.,I met your dad yesterday.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Ni ez naiz ona.,I am not good.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Liburu hau oso erabilgarria da guretzat.,This book is very useful for us.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Ideia on bat bururatu zitzaidan.,A good idea came into my head.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn "Telebista oso hezigarria iruditzen zait. Norbaitek pizten duen bakoitzean, beste gela batera noa eta liburu bat irakurtzen dut.","I find television very educating. Every time somebody turns on the set, I go into the other room and read a book.",eus_Latn-eng_Latn Gaixorik nago.,I am sick.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Urte berri on!,Happy New Year!,eus_Latn-eng_Latn "Gabon, ama.","Good night, Mom.",eus_Latn-eng_Latn Urte berri on opa dizuet.,I wish you a Happy New Year.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Sagar bat dago idazmahai gainean.,There is an apple on the desk.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Ez dut ezer entzuten.,I don't hear anything.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Non zeuden?,Where were you?,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Sami lanpetuta ematen du.,Sami seems busy.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Zein alkandora-neurri erabiltzen duzu normalean?,What shirt size do you normally use?,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Belea ikatza bezain beltza da.,The raven is as black as coal.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn "Askoren mina, tontoen atsegina.",Two in distress make sorrow less.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Orain arte ikusi dudana gustatzen zait.,I like what I've seen so far.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Non egon zara? Denok deitu dizute,Where have you been? Everyone phoned you.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Nire anaiak tartagatik ordaindu du.,My brother paid for the cake.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Goizero parkera joaten da.,He goes to the park every morning.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Oso polita zaude gau onetan.,You look so beautiful tonight.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Goazen piknikera.,Let's go to the picnic.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Primeran pasa genuen piknikean.,We had lots of fun at the picnic.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Egingo al dugu piknik bat?,How about going on a picnic?,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Eguraldi ideala dago piknik baterako.,It's ideal weather for a picnic.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Laylak Kairoko natiboa da.,Layla is a Cairo native.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Norekin dantzatu nahi zenuen?,Who did you want to dance with?,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Konbultsioak zeuzkan.,She has convulsions.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Gustatu litzaidake beste leku batean jesartzea.,I'd rather sit somewhere else.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Zenbat kotxeak dauzka Tomek?,How many cars does Tom own?,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Badakizu non erosi ahal dudan horrelako bat?,Do you know where I can buy one of those?,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Zure semeek baino azkarrago zara?,Are you smarter than your children?,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Tomek benetan joan nahi da?,Does Tom really want to go?,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Badaki Tomek ezin dudala igeririk egin?,Does Tom know I can't swim?,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Gizon horiek ezagutzen dituzu?,Do you know those men?,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Italian gaude.,We're in Italy.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Hori egingo zenuke Tomerekin batera?,Will you do that with Tom?,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Etorri ona eta lagundu.,Come here and help me.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Zergatik Tomek ez zegoen gaur hemen?,Why wasn't Tom here today?,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Osaba bat daukat hori egiten duela.,I have an uncle who does that.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Norekin zegoen Tomek igeri egiten?,Who was Tom swimming with?,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Benetan hori edango duzu?,Are you really going to drink that?,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Nork esan zuen Tomek gezurra esaten ari zela?,Who did Tom say was lying?,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Tomek bainu jantzia zeraman.,Tom was wearing a swimsuit.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Ba al dakizu berak zer esan duen?,Do you know what she said?,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Zein da zure kapela?,Which hat is yours?,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Zer egin duzu nire poltsarekin?,What have you done with my bag?,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Ez naiz sugeen beldur.,I'm not afraid of snakes.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Nork ez du esagutzen horrelako esaera zahar errazik?,Who doesn't know such a simple proverb?,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Bera ez da medikua.,He is not a doctor.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Bizirik egoten naizen bitartean ez dut utziko hori gertatzea.,"As long as I live, I won't let it happen.",eus_Latn-eng_Latn Irten aurretik zurekin hitz egin nahi dut.,I want to talk to you before you leave.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Erabiltzaile izenak aldatu egin daitezke?,Can usernames be changed?,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Kolonbiakoa izatea da onena.,Being Colombian is the best.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Hona etorri ginen hiri berri bat sortzeko.,We came here to build a new town.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn "Nire etsailea nire ahultasunez aprobetxatzen bada, ezinezkoa izango da niretzat irabaztea.","If my adversary takes advantage of my weakness, it will be impossible for me to win.",eus_Latn-eng_Latn "Ez denez oso leku segurua, etxera heldu nahi dut berandu izan baino lehen.","As it's not a very safe area, I want to get home before it's late.",eus_Latn-eng_Latn Ez daukat modurik jakiteko egia edo gezurra esaten ari den.,I have no way of knowing whether she's telling the truth or not.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Agur eta zorte on.,Goodbye and good luck.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn "Jim ez da abokatua, medikua baizik.",Jim is not a lawyer but a doctor.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Zoroa egon behar zara egia ukiezina ezeztatzen jarraitzeko.,You have to be crazy to keep denying such an irrefutable truth!,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Ezin du ezeztatu bertan egon zela denbora osoan.,He can't deny he was there at that time.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Taxi bat hartu nuen eskontzan denboran egon ahal izateko.,I took a taxi so that I could be at the wedding just in time.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn "Ospitalera joan nintzen txekeo bat egiteko, nire gaizotasunaren zergaitia aurkitu ahal dezaten.",I went to the hospital to have me checked so that they can find the cause of my disease.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Figaro deitzen didate egunero piku asko jaten ditudalako.,They call me Figaro because I eat so many figs everyday.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Samik bere seme- alabekin marrazki bizidunak ikusten zituen.,Sami watched the cartoons with his children.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Samik umeentzako telesail hau maite du.,Sami loves this children's TV show.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Samik bere hiztegi arabiarra hobeto zuen.,Sami improved his Arabic vocabulary.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Samik hori ulertu ahal du.,Sami can understand that.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Biharko nahi dute.,They want it for tomorrow.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Non dago justizia?,Where's the justice?,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Oso hizketakide interesgarria zara.,You are a very interesting interlocutor.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Guzti hau zentsugabea da.,All this is absurd.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Ideia bikaina da.,It is a super idea.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn "Beraz, ez zaude oso asperturik?","So, you're not too bored?",eus_Latn-eng_Latn Bere lagunekin dago.,He is with his friends.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Tomek Frantziara joan zen duela bi hilabete.,Tom went to France two months ago.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Txakurra faltan botatzen dut.,I miss the dog.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Zure txakurra gorra da?,Is your dog deaf?,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Zergaitik zure txakurrak erren egiten hari du?,Why is your dog limping?,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Txakur hori ez da nirea.,This dog isn't mine.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Tomek pasta maite du.,Tom loves pasta.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Atzamarra apurtu nintzen,I broke my toe.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Eskuko atzamarra apurtu nintzen.,I broke my finger.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Gaurko partiduan Tom atezaina da.,"For today's match, Tom is the goalkeeper.",eus_Latn-eng_Latn Alpetara joango gara eskiatzera.,We are going skiing in the Alps.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Goazen jolas dendara.,Let's go to the toy store.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Hamarreraino zenbatu dezakezu?,Can you count to ten?,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Txakurkumea ikusten duzu?,Do you see the puppy?,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Laguntzarik behar duzu zure etxerako lanekin?,Do you need help with your homework?,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Norbaitek anbulantzia deitu du!,Somebody call an ambulance!,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Orkatila apurtuta dago.,The ankle is broken.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Hitz berriak ikasten ari da.,He is learning new words.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Zure gurazoak bilatzen zabiltza?,Are you looking for your parents?,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Testu hau ez da itzultzeko erraza.,This text isn't easy to translate.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn "Jende guztiak ariketa egingo balu, medikuek ez lukete lanik izango astetan.","If everyone exercised, doctors would be out of business in weeks.",eus_Latn-eng_Latn Badaude zenbait katu portu ondoan bizi direnak.,There are several cats that live near the pier.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn "Tomek gozogileari aurpegiko bat eman zion. Gozogileak harakinari. Harakinak Maryri. Eta azkenik, Mary Tomeri.","Tom slapped the baker. The baker slapped the butcher. The butcher slapped Mary. And, finally, Mary slapped Tom.",eus_Latn-eng_Latn Hiri onetan erligio askatasuna dago,There is freedom of religion in this country.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Gaur Independentzia Eguna da.,Today is Independence Day.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Laster arte.,See you soon.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Eguerdi aldera bazkaldu al dute Ken-ek eta Joe-k?,Did Ken and Joe eat lunch about noon?,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Nekatuta zegoela esan nuen.,I said I was tired.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Gero arte!,I'll see you later.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn "Bat batean, min bizi bat somatu nuen sabelean.","All of a sudden, I felt a sharp pain in my stomach.",eus_Latn-eng_Latn Gero arte.,See you later!,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Erretzea osasunarentzat txarra da.,Smoking is harmful to your health.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn 1940ko maiatzaren 31an jaio nintzen.,I was born on the 31st of May in 1940.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Non dago eguzkia?,Where is the sun?,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Beti pentsatu nuen naturak zu hiltzea nahi zuenean bihotzekoa ematen zizula.,I always thought that having a heart attack was the way nature told you to die.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Ordenagailuan jolastu nahi dut.,I want to play on the computer.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn "Kaixo, nire izena Pekka da. Zer da zure izena?","Hi, my name is Pekka. What is your name?",eus_Latn-eng_Latn Hura oso nekatuta zegoen lan egiten jarraitu ahal izateko.,She was too tired to go on working.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Adin guztietako jendearentzat da egokia filma hori.,That movie is suitable for people of all ages.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Edaten du kaferik?,Does he drink coffee?,eus_Latn-eng_Latn "Belgikan, flandriarrek egunen batean independentzia aldarrikatu nahi dute.","In Belgium, Flemish people want to declare their independence someday.",eus_Latn-eng_Latn Kuzdra glokak bokra esteki budlatu eta bokritxoa kurdaten du.,A glock coozdre has steckly boodled a boker and is curding a bokerlet.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Urarik gabe ezingo zenuke bizi,You couldn't live without water.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Txinatarra edo japoniarra al zara?,Are you Chinese or Japanese?,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Gizonak sagar bat jaten du,The man ate an apple.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Ingelesa egunez egun gogor ikasi nuen.,I studied English very hard day after day.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Kaixo! Egun on!,Hello! Good morning!,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Gustatzen zaizu?,Are you enjoying it?,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Zuhaitz handi batek etxea estaltzen ari zitzaigun.,A tall tree hid his house from our view.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Gakoak behar dituk?,You need the keys?,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Ilea luzeegia duzu,Your hair is too long.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Zuen kotxea azkarra da.,Your car is fast.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Kolore urdina gogoko dut.,I like the color blue.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Samik egia ezagutzen du.,Sami knows the truth.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Oraindik oso nekatuta nago.,I'm still very tired.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn "Beste behin, mesedez.","Once more, please.",eus_Latn-eng_Latn Lo egitera joan beharra dut.,I have to go to sleep.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Kolore berdea gogoko dut.,I like the green colour.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Mutilak liburu bat erosi du.,The boy bought a book.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Sally izena dut.,My name is Sally.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn "Aupa, Roger. Ondo nago.","Hi, Roger. I'm pretty good!",eus_Latn-eng_Latn """Mila esker"".""Ez horregatik"".","""Thanks."" ""You're welcome.""",eus_Latn-eng_Latn "Kaixo, Sepideh naiz.","Hello, I am Sepideh.",eus_Latn-eng_Latn Mutilek txanpon bat aurkitu dute.,The boys have found a coin.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Kolore horia gogoko dut.,I like the colour yellow.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Oso nekatuta nago,I'm so tired.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Kolore laranja gogoko dut.,I like the color orange.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Zergatik ez itxaron bihar arte?,Why not wait until tomorrow?,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Zer uzte duzu PC kulturari buruz?,What do you think about PC culture?,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Idazleek abesti asko dakite.,The writers know many songs.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Kolore morea gogoko dut.,I like the color violet.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Ezin dut bihar arte itxaron.,It can't wait until tomorrow.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Tomek eta Maryk ez dute elkarrekin hitz egiten.,Tom and Mary aren't talking to each other.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Norekin joan zen Tom-ek eskiatzera.,Who did Tom go skiing with?,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Hau eztabaida dezakegu bihar?,Could we discuss this tomorrow?,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Berak igerilekua dauka.,He has a swimming pool.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn "Argazkia atera behar genuela jakin izan banu, arropa hobeak jantziko nituzkeen.","If I'd known we were going to take a photo, I'd have dressed better than this.",eus_Latn-eng_Latn Tom and Mary ez dira inoiz egon jatetxe horretan.,Tom and Mary have never been to that restaurant.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Zein da zure telefono zenbakia?,What's your phone number?,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Badakizue bera non bizi den?,Do you know where he lives?,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Ez naiz ezertaz gogoratzen.,I don't remember anything.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Etxerako bidean dago.,She's on her way home.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Hortzak garbitzera joan zaitez.,Go brush your teeth.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Esaldi bat idazten ari naiz alemanieraz.,I'm writing a sentence in German.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Ez da bidezkoa.,That isn't fair.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Etxe hori nirea da.,That house is mine.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn 100 yen ordaindu zituen liburu horrengatik.,"He paid 1,000 yen for this book.",eus_Latn-eng_Latn "Ez dago atzerriko herrialderik, bidaiaria da soilik atzerritar.",There is no foreign land; it is the traveller only that is foreign.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn "David gaixorik dago, ezta?","David's sick, right?",eus_Latn-eng_Latn Nire lagun minak aholku onak ematen dizkit beti.,My best friend always gives me good advice.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Etorri gurekin,Come along with us.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Nire bizikleta konpondu didate.,I got my bicycle repaired.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Hiru hilabete pasatu ziren Japonetik joan zenetik.,It has been three months since he left Japan.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Ez hain agudo!,Not so fast!,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Ez kezkatu,Don't worry about it!,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Ez dut inoiz amore ematen.,I never give up.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn "Medikuaren aholkuak jarraitu izan ez bazenitu, momentu honetan gaixo egon zintezke.","If you had not followed the doctor's advice then, you might be ill now.",eus_Latn-eng_Latn Itzultzeaz nekatzen naizen lehenengo aldia da.,This is the first time I've ever got tired of translating.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Maite dut zurekin egotea.,I like to be with you.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Ebakuntzarik behar dut?,Do I need an operation?,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Tom heroi bat da.,Tom is a hero.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Gitarra jo nahi dut.,I want to play the guitar.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Ez naiz atzerrian duela aste asko egon.,I haven't been outside in weeks.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Beti heltzen da garaiz.,Always arrive on time.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Orain dela bi aste ezagutu nuen.,I became acquainted with her two weeks ago.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn "Atea ixti dut, ziur naiz.",I'm sure I locked the door.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Arriskuan egon zara.,You were in danger.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn "Jar ezazu termometro hau mingainapean, mesedez.",Please put this thermometer under your tongue.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Estatu Batuetan lagun batzuk dauzkat.,I have a few friends in the United States.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Berak ulertu ez duela ulertu uste dut.,I am afraid that he did not understand.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Ahin aspergarria izan zen iha ahurrausi egin nuen.,It was so boring that I almost yawned.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Hitz zeuden egiten asmakizunetan.,They were speaking in riddles.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn "Nik dakit Gaztelania, Euskara eta Ingelesa apur bat.","I know Spanish, Basque and some English.",eus_Latn-eng_Latn Sami hasi zen nire arropa kentzen.,Sami started taking my clothes off.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Bera bere katuarekin jolasten zuen.,He played with his cat.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Tom ez zidan esan berandu etortzearen arrazoia.,Tom didn't tell me the reason why he was late.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Ez dut bizia galdu nahi oraindik.,I don't want to die yet.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Tomek bere pololarekin amaitu zuen.,Tom broke up with his girlfriend.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Nire Aita dela gutxi euki du paralisi zerebrala.,My dad has recently got a cerebral palsy.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Tom zigarreta erretzen ikusi nuen.,I saw Tom smoking a cigarette.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Ordu bat egon gara zuri itxaroten.,We've been waiting for you for an hour.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn A ze argazki polita!,What a beautiful picture!,eus_Latn-eng_Latn "Egunan zear ikasten dut, eta arratsaldean lan egiten dut.","I study during the day, and in the evening I work.",eus_Latn-eng_Latn Aurkari bikaina zara.,You're a worthy opponent.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Berriak oraintxe bertan jaso ditut.,I just got the news.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn "Nire arrebak ez zuen ""Kaixo"" esan.","My sister did not say ""Hello.""",eus_Latn-eng_Latn Bera pentsatzen zegoena banekien.,I knew what she was thinking.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Tom-ek ez zuen inoiz ere gehiago ikusi.,Tom never saw her again.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Mozkortuta zaude?,Are you drunk?,eus_Latn-eng_Latn "Kaixo, Tomoko Sato naiz, japoniarra.","Hello, I'm Tomoko Sato from Japan.",eus_Latn-eng_Latn Gerran zehar milioi bat pertsonak bizia galdu egin zuten.,A million people lost their live during the war.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Uste dut hogeita hamar dolar prezio altuegia dela hau ordaintzeko.,I think that thirty dollars is too high a price to pay for this.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Ez gaude ezer egiten.,We're not doing anything.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Ez dago inor sukaldean.,There's nobody in the kitchen.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Jendea Hong Kong-en protestaka dabil.,People are protesting in Hong Kong.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Nongoa da zure laguna?,Where is your friend from?,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Horiek urtxintxak dira.,Those are squirrels.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Urtxintxak intxaurrak jatea gustuko dute.,Squirrels like to eat nuts.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Urtxintxak hurrak jan zituen.,The squirrel ate the hazelnuts.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Tomek aita bezalakoa zen Maryrentzat.,Tom was like a father to Mary.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Tom-ek urtxintxak ditu gustuko.,Tom likes squirrels.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Bere txakurrarekin atera zen.,She went out with her dog.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Bostonen ezagutzen dudan pertsona bakarra zara.,You're the only person I know here in Boston.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Gerra bukatu zen urtean jaio nintzen.,"The year the war ended, I was born.",eus_Latn-eng_Latn "Arrasti on, zelan?","Good evening, how are you?",eus_Latn-eng_Latn Zer abesti da hau? Lehenago entzun dut baina ez zait izenburua burura etortzen.,"What's this song? I've heard it before, but I can't remember the name.",eus_Latn-eng_Latn "Hitz egin ezazu altuago denek zu entzun ahal izateko, mesedez.",Please speak louder so everybody can hear you.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Hamahiru urtetik beherako umeak ez dira igerileku honetan onartzen.,Children under thirteen years of age are not admitted to this swimming pool.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Odol asko galdu nuen.,I lost a lot of blood.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Mugatu ezazu zure aurkezpena 30 minututara mesedez.,Please limit your presentation to 30 minutes.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Kontzerturako sarrerak hementxe daude salgai.,The tickets for the concert are on sale here.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Orain ez dut irakurtzeko gogorik.,I am in no humor for reading now.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Oso larria al da?,Is it really bad?,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Txakurren sarrera debekatuta dago eraikin honetan.,You aren't permitted to bring dogs into this building.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Mila esker!,Thanks a million.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Ez zen nire errua izan.,It wasn't my fault.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Pasa den urtean jaio zen.,She was born last year.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Ni Jorge naiz,I am Jorge.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Milwaukeen gertatu zen.,It happened in Milwaukee.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Gogoan dut esan zenuena.,I remember what you said.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Ni auzo honetan bizi naiz.,I live in this neighborhood.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn "Ingelera zaila da, ezta?","English is difficult, isn't it?",eus_Latn-eng_Latn Bera nire laguna da.,This is my friend.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn "Liburu hori lodia da, baina ez da oso garestia.","That book is thick, but it's not very expensive.",eus_Latn-eng_Latn Zuk guztia dakizu.,You know everything.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Fred astelehenean Europara joango da.,Fred is going to Europe on Monday.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn "Mesedez, zuritu itzazu patatak.",Please peel the potatoes.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Semaforoa berde jarri da.,The light has turned green.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Garagardoa edatea gustuko duzu?,Do you like to drink beer?,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Aitak autoa garbitzeko agindu zidan.,Father told me to wash the car.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Nire aldizkaria ikusi duzu?,Have you seen my magazine?,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Bihar euria egingo duela uste dut.,I think tomorrow is going to rain.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Osabak opari bat eman zidan.,My uncle gave me a present.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Tomek Mary ezagutu zuen orain dela hiru urte.,Tom met Mary three years ago.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Bere iritzia nerearekiko ezberdina da.,His opinion is different from mine.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Tom droga gaindosi batek jota hil zen.,Tom died from a drug overdose.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Jaiegun asko daude Brasilen.,There are many holidays in Brazil.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Sarrera debekatua 18 urtetik beherakoentzat.,Entrance is restricted to those above 18.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Sentitzen dut min egin bazaitut.,"I'm sorry, if I hurt you.",eus_Latn-eng_Latn Ez zigun hitzik esan.,He did not say a word to us.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Gizona zutitu zen.,The man stood up.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Ez dira nire etsaiak.,They're not my enemies.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Atzo ikasle amerikar bat ezagutu nuen.,I met a student from America yesterday.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Jakintzak libreak bilakatzen gaitu eta hobeak.,Knowledge makes us free and better.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Nire aita duela lau urte hil zen.,My father died four years ago.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Ezin du aukeratu.,He can't choose.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn "Baso bat ur, mesedez.","A glass of water, please.",eus_Latn-eng_Latn Tomo estas farbisto.,Tom is a painter.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn "Zuk badakizu zer esan zuen Tomek, ezta?","You know what Tom said, don't you?",eus_Latn-eng_Latn Uste dut jende asko hori egiten duela.,I think many people do that.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Horregatik heldu zen berandu eskolara.,That is why he was late for school.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Ez neukan dirurik auto bat ordaintzeko.,I wasn't able to rent a car.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Nork idatzi zuen liburu hau?,Who wrote this book?,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Goazen futbolean jokatzera!,Let's play football!,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Dudarik gabe baten batek atea irekita utzi zuen.,Someone must have left the door open.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Ireki begiak!,Open your eyes.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Haren itzulpena jatorrizkoarekin bat dator.,His translation is faithful to the original.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Ez dakit zer egin.,I don't know what to do.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Joan gaitezen ahal dugun guztia ikustera.,Let's go and see as many things as we can.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Romak niretzat xarma asko du.,Rome has a lot of charm for me.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Lurra borobila denik inork ukatu ezin duen kontua da.,No one can deny the fact that the earth is round.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Bere txirrindua urdina da.,His bicycle is blue.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Azken boladan ez dago gai on askorik.,There aren't many good tunes coming out nowadays.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Hura eta ni lehengusuak gara.,He and I are cousins.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Horrela ezagutu nuen zure ama.,That's how I met your mother.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Hurrengo astean zehatz-mehatz azalduko dizut.,I'll explain in detail next week.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Inorrek ez zidan laguntzarik eskaini.,No one helped me.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Hura triste sentitu zen lehengo aldiz zenbait hilabetetan.,She was sad for the first time in months.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Tomek hari bat lotu zion kometari.,Tom attached the string to the kite.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Honek ez du zentzurik.,This doesn't make sense.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Izkinako etxea gurea da.,The house on the corner is ours.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Txakurrak gaixo dirudi.,The dog looks sick.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Harek ez du nahi zure sezu bizitzaz hitz egin diezaiozun.,He doesn't want you to tell him about your sex life.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Zaila da harekin hitz egitea.,It is difficult to talk to him.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Haren jarrera harrotasun seinalea da .,Her manner marks her pride.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Denbora asko itxaron genuen parkean.,We waited in the park for a long time.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Susan Greene naiz.,I'm Susan Greene.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn "Kaixo, zer moduz?","Hi, how are you?",eus_Latn-eng_Latn Hura joan zen agurrik ere guri esan gabe.,She went away without so much as saying good-bye to us.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Nahiko.,I've had enough.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Euria ari du.,It is raining.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Kalkulatu.,Do the math.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Kendu.,Take it off.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Euria egin du igandetik hona.,It has been raining since Sunday.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Sinatu egin zenuen?,Did you sign?,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Noiz ezkonduko zara?,When are you getting married?,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Horrek ez du ezer aldatuko.,That won't change anything.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Ez zaitu arduratzen.,Don't worry about it.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Ez du inork entzuten?,Doesn't anyone listen?,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Ez naiz garbitzen.,I do not wash myself.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Inork ez nau ulertzen.,Nobody understands me.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Ikasten egon al zara?,Have you been studying?,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Ezin izango dugu ihes egin.,We won't be able to escape.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Lotara joan behar dut.,I need to go to sleep.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Tomek ezingo du honetaz ezer ulertu.,Tom won't be able to understand any of this.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Uste dut ezingo duzula egin.,I think that you won't be able to do it.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Hori da bilatzen ari naizena.,That's what I'm looking for.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Ez dakit irabaziko edo galduko dudan.,I don't know whether I will win or lose.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Kondoirik ba al duzu?,Do you have a condom?,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Egin al duzu dantzan nirekin?,Do you want to dance with me?,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Leihoa zabaltzea nahi duzu?,Do you want me to open the window?,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Buruko mina daukat.,I have a headache.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Ez zait gustatzen aditz irregularrak ikastea.,I don't like learning irregular verbs.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Ezin dut ezer sentitu,What is the incubation period?,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Uste dut hori Tomek gaur egin ahal duela.,I think Tom will be able to do that today.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Hartu liburu bat eta irakur ezazu!,Take a book and read it.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Erortzeko bildurra daukat.,I'm afraid to fall.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Beranduago deituko al didazu?,"Could you call again later, please?",eus_Latn-eng_Latn Bizitza polita da.,Life is beautiful.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn "Nire ustez, Tom lagundu ahal digu honi konponbidea aurkitzen.",I think Tom will be able to help us figure this out.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Hurrengoan hobeto abestuko duzu.,You will be able to sing better next time.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Etxera zazpietan bueltatu behar dut.,I have to be back home by seven.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Ez dut gehiago nahi,I don't want any more.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Filmak bi ordu irauten du.,The film lasted 2 hours.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Atzerriko hizkuntzak gustatzen zait!,I like foreign languages!,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Txakurrak gorroto ditut.,I hate dogs.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Ez da inor geratzen.,There's no one left.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Zurekin amets egin dut.,I dreamt about you.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Oh! Erakuts iezadazu faborez.,Oh! Show it to me please.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Euskara maite dut.,I love Basque.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Haren imajinazioa besterik ez da.,It's just your imagination.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Zenbat balio du euritako honek?,How much does this umbrella cost?,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Gustatuko litzaidake botak eramatea.,I would like to purchase some boots.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Produktua sartzeko momentu egokia dela uste dut.,I think that it is the right time to introduce the product.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Jesar zaitez.,Just have a seat.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Gogoratzen al zara?,Do you remember?,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Gizon lotsatia naiz.,I am a shy boy.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Egunsentia ikusi nuen.,I saw the sunrise.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Esaidazu egia.,Tell me the truth.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Txakurra ez ekarri.,Don't bring your dog with you.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Sar zaitez.,Come right in.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Zer eraman behar dut?,What should I bring?,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Berak ez du kapelarik eramaten.,He had no hat on.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Hura Osakan bizi da.,He lives in Osaka.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Panpina japoniarra da.,This is a Japanese doll.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Akatsak egiteko joera dugu.,We tend to make mistakes.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Bisitari guztiak etxera itzuli ziren banaz-bana.,All the visitors returned home one after another.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Hura berehala etorri zen.,She came at once.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Hura etera itzuli zen denbora asko pasa ondoren.,He returned home after a long absence.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Bete ezazu honako txantiloi hau zure aurreko bizitzan zein izan zitezkeen jakiteko.,Complete the following form to know who you could have been in a previous life.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn "Barkatu, Zer ordu da?","Excuse me, what time is it?",eus_Latn-eng_Latn Nire aitak pianoa jotzen ikastea gomendatu zidan.,My father encouraged me to learn how to play the piano.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Jokuaren arauak azaldu nizkion.,I explained the rules of the game to them.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Idazkera formala benetan arbuiatzen dut!,I utterly despise formal writing!,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Hura Ken bain askoz ere zaharragoa da.,He is much older than Ken.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Tatoeba ikasleekin gelan erabil daitekeen tresna bat da.,"Tatoeba is a tool, which can be used with students in class.",eus_Latn-eng_Latn Begira ezazu,Check it out!,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Mila esker.,Thanks a lot!,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Tomek ezin du egin.,Tom isn't able to do it.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Suitzar giltzadiak ez du ß giltzarik.,The Swiss keyboard doesn't have a ß.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Hau Tonyren liburua da.,This book is Tony's.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn "Etxetik irten ondoren, konturatu nintzen giltza etxearen barruan geratu zela.","After I had left the house, I realized that the key was still in the house.",eus_Latn-eng_Latn Bihar libre egongo da.,He will be free tomorrow.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn "Egon da sufrimendu nahiko, hilketak eta destrukzioa. Utzi orain.","There has been enough suffering, death and destruction. Let it end now.",eus_Latn-eng_Latn Zure begiak polita dira,You have beautiful eyes.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Zu begiak politak dauka,You have pretty eyes.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Layla Sami gorroto zuen .,Layla hated Sami.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Mari altua da.,Mary is tall.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Hura auzora aldatu zen.,He moved into my neighborhood.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Bidai horretarako diru asko behar da.,The trip calls for a lot of money.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Gerra Hotza Bigarren Mundu Gerraren ondoren hasi zen.,The Cold War began after World War Two.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Tom oso beldurtuta egon zen.,Tom was very scared.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Historiako klasean lo geratu zen.,He dozed off in history class.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn """Zer moduz?"" ""Ondo, eskerrik asko.""","""How are you?"" ""I am fine, thank you.""",eus_Latn-eng_Latn Hark epean egingo du?,Will she make it in time?,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Paris Frantzian dago.,Paris is in France.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Nora joango gara afaltzera gaur gauean?,Where are we going for dinner tonight?,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Parisen nago.,I am in Paris.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn "Hemen egon nintzen hamar-hamarretan, baina zuk ez zinen egon.","I was here exactly at ten o'clock, but you weren't.",eus_Latn-eng_Latn "Izoskia erosi dizut, muzu bat eman dituzu.","If you buy me an ice cream, I'll give you a kiss.",eus_Latn-eng_Latn Etxe bat dut.,I have a house.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Ze eguraldi arraroa.,What strange weather!,eus_Latn-eng_Latn "Hurrengo urtean, datorren urteari buruz pentsa dezagun",Let's think about next year next year.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Grezia antzinako herria da.,Greece is an old country.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Batxilergoan titulua eskuratu nuen.,I graduated from senior high.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Lurra laua dela sinesten duena naiz.,I'm a flat-earther.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Uste dut hautaketa argi dagoela.,I believe the choice is clear.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Pentsatu dezakezu irtenbiderik.,Can you think of a solution?,eus_Latn-eng_Latn "Lehenengo aldiz, duela 6 urte baino gehiago, langabezi tasa %6aren azpitik dago.","For the first time in more than 6 years, the unemployment rate is below 6%.",eus_Latn-eng_Latn Epean egin dezakegu hau.,Will we make it in time?,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Bizitza on bat nahi dut nire familiarentzako.,I want a good life for my family.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Zer esan duzu berriz?,What did you say again?,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Hasten gara?,Shall we begin?,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Beroki bat erosi du,She bought a coat.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Geldi. Ez dut egin nahi.,Stop. I don't want to.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Bizikleta dute?,Do they have a bicycle?,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Tomas futbol jokalaria da.,Tom is a football player.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Lau egunez geratzen naiz Pekinen,I'll remain in Beijing for four days.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Berlinen hamar egunez geratuko naiz.,I'll stay in Berlin for ten days.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn "Auto hau nire aitarena da, baina laster nirea izango da.","This car is my father's, but it'll soon be mine.",eus_Latn-eng_Latn "Berandu helduko nintzateke, Tomek eraman ez banindu.",I would have been late if Tom hadn't given me a ride.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Eraikinak hogei solairu ditu.,The building has twenty floors.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Tomek eta biok batzutan elkar lan egiten dugu.,Tom and I sometimes work together.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Ez nago ziur ideia ona edo txarra den.,I'm not sure if that was a good thing or a bad thing.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Ez zara inoiz bakarrik egongo.,You will never be alone.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Nik zu baino bekatari txikiagoa naiz.,I'm no less of a sinner than you.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn "Gainerako guztian bezala, zerbait ederra dago bekatuan.","As in everything else, there's something beautiful about sin.",eus_Latn-eng_Latn Izarrak ateratzen hasi ziren.,The stars were beginning to appear.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Nire begiak urdinak dira.,My eyes are blue.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Odol-fluxua etengabekoa eta jarraitua izan ohi da.,The blood stream is usually constant and continuous.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Horrela da. Inkestek egiatzen dute.,That's right. Surveys confirm it.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Pitxer bat aurkitu nuen barruan hainbat txanpon zaharrekin.,I found a pot in which there were several old coins.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Ezta kirurgia plastikoak ere ez du ezer eragingo zure itsusitasunean.,Even plastic surgery won't do anything for your ugliness.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Scott-ek lehendabizi erlojua liburu baten truke aldatu zuen eta gero liburua diru truke.,"Scott first changed a watch for a book, then the book for money.",eus_Latn-eng_Latn Bere amak arrazoia zeukan.,His mother was right.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Gure taldeak Lehoiei 3 eta 0 irabazi zien.,Our team beat the Lions 3 to 0.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Berak bere belarria paretaren kontra jarri zuen.,He pressed his ear against the wall.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Ez dut uste eskaera ona denik.,I don't think that's a reasonable request.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Berari asko gustatzen zaio poemak idaztea.,She is very fond of writing poems.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Lore asko ditut.,I have a lot of flowers.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Hemen lan egitea gustoko dut,I enjoy working here.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Errez aurkitu nuen bere bulegoa.,I found his office easily.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Esne hau arraro usaintzen du.,This milk smells funny.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Animaliengandik bereizten gaituena hitz egiteko ahalmena da.,We are different from animals in that we can speak.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Atzo ez nuen tenisera jolastu,I did not play tennis yesterday.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Bizikleta hau nire anai txikiarena da.,This bike belongs to my younger brother.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Golfak liluratu egiten nau.,I love golf.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn "Ni antisoziala banaiz ere, horrek ez du esan nahi jendearekin hitz egiten ez dudanik.","I may be antisocial, but it doesn't mean I don't talk to people.",eus_Latn-eng_Latn Esneak gustu garratza du.,The milk tastes sour.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Hark ez zuen aipatu bere atzerapenaren zergatia.,She didn't mention the reason for being late.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Kreditu-txartela onartzen al du?,Do you accept credit cards?,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Ez egin lehenik pentsatu gabeko zeozer.,Don't do anything hasty.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Kubazulotik atera ezin diren hiru gizon daude.,There are three men trapped in the cave.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Kanpoan hiru gizon daude zure zain.,There are three men waiting for you outside.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Nazionalismoa ez da abertzaletasunarekin nahastu behar.,Nationalism is not to be confused with patriotism.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Aurreko egunena erositako erlojua galdu nuen.,I lost the watch I had bought the day before.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Bonbilla erreta dago.,The light is out.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Nobelagile famatua jaio zen etxea da honako hau.,This is the house where the famous novelist was born.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn George oso hiztuna da.,George is quite talkative.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Inork ezin du esan etorkizunean gertatuko dena.,No one can tell what'll happen in the future.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Musika entzunez igo nuen nire animoa.,I cheered myself up by listening to music.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Ez dut ulertzen.,I don't understand it.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Hari ez zaio gustatzen presa sar diezaiotela.,He hates being told to hurry up.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Hark aitzaki bat asmatu zuen bere atzerapenerako.,He invented an excuse for being late.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Klasetik irten ondoren ez zuen ikasi.,I don't study after school.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Uste dut hobe izango zela hori bertan behera utziko bazenu.,I don't think you should spend any more time trying to do that.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Gaur goizean joatean telebista piztuta utzi duzu.,You left the TV on when you left this morning.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Tom nekatuta zegoen etxera heltzean,Tom looked tired when he got home.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn "Mary eta Tom bikiak dira, baina ez dira batere antzekoak","Mary and Tom are twins, but they're nothing alike.",eus_Latn-eng_Latn Musika gustatzen zaizu?,Do you like music?,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Naturak ez ditu inoiz ez bere legeak apurtzen,Nature never breaks her own laws.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Gertatzen ari dena ulertu gabe jarraitzen duzu?,Do you still not understand what's going on?,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Badakizu persieraz?,Do you know Persian?,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Bero naiz.,I feel warm.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn "Gabonak noiz ailegatuko, irrikitan nago.",I am looking forward to Christmas.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Zapata hauek urte bat iraun dute.,These shoes have lasted one year.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Orain heldua zara.,You're grown up now.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Zer egin duzu gaur?,What have you done today?,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Non dago zure anaia?,Where is your brother?,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Nola aurkitu dituzu giltzak?,How did you find the keys?,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Berak ez ditu aldizkari asko irakurtzen.,He doesn't read many newspapers.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Blai eginda nago barruko arroparaino.,I got soaked to the skin.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Dama hori aktoresa zela esaten zen.,It was said that that lady was an actress.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Hura ezagutzen al duzu?,Do you know her?,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Hark 20 zigarro erretzen ditu eguneko.,She smokes 20 cigarettes a day.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Nahasketa bukatu zen.,The confusion is all over.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Hark beso boteretsuak ditu.,He has powerful arms.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Eskerrik asko nire laguna izateagatik.,Thanks for being my friend.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn "Gorroto nuen, baina zure laguntza behar dugu esaten zuen.",He said that he hated me but needed my help.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn "Ez nauzu ezagutzen? - Ez, nik ez.","Do you know me? - No, I don't.",eus_Latn-eng_Latn Nola du izena animalia honek japonieraz?,What do you call this animal in Japanese?,eus_Latn-eng_Latn "Gosaldu aurretik, berak parkera txakurra eramaten du.",She takes her dog to the park before breakfast.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Hori askotan gertatzen da.,Such a thing occurs frequently.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Nik hiru neba dauzkat.,I have three brothers.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Lagun asko dituzte.,They have many friends.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Tomek frantsesez ere hitz egiten du?,"Does Tom speak French, too?",eus_Latn-eng_Latn Ez du axola non nagoen.,Where I am doesn't matter.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Postetxea itxita dago.,The post office is closed.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Gaixorik zaude?,Are you ill?,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Tom gaixorik dago.,Tom is ill.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Astronautek espazio-jantziak janzten dituzte.,Astronauts wear spacesuits.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn "1991n, Eileen Collins astronauta bihurtu zen.","In 1991, Eileen Collins became an astronaut.",eus_Latn-eng_Latn Austronauta izan nahi dut.,I want to be an astronaut.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Zientzialari gehienek uste dute zulo beltz bat dagoela gure galaxia den Esne Bidearen erdialdean.,Most scientists believe that there is a black hole in the center of our very own Milky Way.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Liburua fisika kuantikoari buruzkoa zen.,The book was about quantum physics.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Tomek teleskopio bat nahi du.,Tom wants a telescope.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Galileok hasierako teleskopioa hobetu zuen.,Galileo perfected the early telescope.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Teleskopio hau kontu handiz erabili behar da.,This telescope must be used carefully.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Teleskopioa kolimatu behar duzu.,You need to collimate the telescope.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Galileok ez zuen teleskopioa asmatu.,Galileo did not invent the telescope.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Nork asmatu zuen karaokea?,Who invented karaoke?,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Nork asmatu zituen betaurrekoak?,Who invented glasses?,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Nork asmatu zuen telefonoa?,Who invented the telephone?,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Nork asmatu zuen makina hau?,Who invented this machine?,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Nork asmatu zuen pianoa?,Who invented the piano?,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Hori egiteko arriskutan jarri behar zara.,"In order to do that, you have to take risks.",eus_Latn-eng_Latn Nork asmatu zuen lehen automobila?,Who invented the first automobile?,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Zer asmatu zuen Bell-ek?,What did Bell invent?,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Marconik irratia asmatu zuen.,Marconi invented the radio.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Bell-ek telefonoa asmatu zuen.,Bell invented the telephone.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Ba al dakizu nork asmatu zuen bolbora?,Do you know who invented gunpowder?,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Garbigailua asmakizun zoragarria da.,The washing machine is a wonderful invention.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Ba al dakizu nork asmatu zuen telegrafoa?,Do you know who invented the telegraph?,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Sinu eta kosinu funtzioek -1 eta 1 arteko balioak hartzen dituzte (-1 eta 1 barne).,The functions sine and cosine take values between -1 and 1 (-1 and 1 included).,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Honako hau lapitz bat da.,This is a pencil.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn "Aljebran, monomorfismoa homomorfismo injektibo bat da.",In algebra a monomorphism is an injective homomorphism.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Independentziaren egun zoriontsua!,Happy Independence Day!,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Noiz ixten da museoa?,What time does this museum close?,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Zer motatako garagardoa edaan nahi izango duzu?,What kind of beer would you like to drink?,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Hark hilda egon behar dela suposatzen da.,He's supposed to be dead.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Samik ezin du hau gertarazi.,Sami can't make this happen.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Samik hau egin behar du gaur.,Sami has to do this today.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Samik Majid-ri bere emazte hiltzea eskatu zion.,Sami asked Majid to kill his wife.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Samik guztia galduko du.,Sami will lose everything.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Samik bere autoa eta etxea galdu zituen.,Sami lost his car and house.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Samik gertakizuna paperean ikusi zuen.,Sami saw the story in the paper.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Sami guztia zekien.,Sami knew it all.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Zure laguntzarik gabe ezin izango nuen lana amaitu,"If it had not been for your help, I couldn't have completed the work.",eus_Latn-eng_Latn Eskerrik asko galdetzeagatik.,Thanks for asking.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Sami zorionezko gizona zen.,Sami was a lucky man.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Sami hilketa baten biktima izan zen.,Sami was the victim of a murder.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Birritan egon naiz Kioton,I've gone to Kyoto twice.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Sami ondoko gelan zegoen.,Sami was in the next room.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Samik dirua zeukan.,Sami had the money.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Samik ez zuen hau egin behar.,Sami didn't have to do this.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Sami bere emazteaz fidatu zen.,Sami trusted his wife.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Samiren gauzak lapurtuak izan ziren.,Sami's items were stolen.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Denda itxi zuten,They closed the shop.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Samik bi pertsona hil zituen diruagatik.,Sami killed two people for money.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Samik niretzako zerbait zeukan.,Sami has something for me.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Samik Laylarekin denbora gehiago pasatu zuen.,Sami spent more time with Layla.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Bizikleta bat dute?,Do you have a bicycle?,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Samik Laylaren ontzia lapurtu zuen.,Sami stole Layla's boat.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Samik Laylari nork tiro egin zion bazekien.,Sami knows who shot Layla.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Samik isla pribatua erosi zuen.,Sami bought a private island.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Nire maleta hartzeko itxaroten ari naiz.,I'm waiting for my suitcase.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Tom ez zen oso urrun joan.,Tom didn't get very far.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Samik oraindik ez du ardura onartu.,Sami still hasn't accepted responsibility.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Samik bi bizitza gidatzen zegoen.,Sami was leading two lives.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Samik erruduntasuna onartu zuen.,Sami admitted guilt.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Samik lur jo egingo du.,Sami will be ruined.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Hau da nire ordenagailua.,This is my computer.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Sekula ez naiz Europan izan.,I have never been to Europe.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn 1974-ko ekainaren 4an jaio nintzen.,"I was born on June 4, 1974.",eus_Latn-eng_Latn Hau ez zen horrela gertatu.,That's not the way it happened at all.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn "Leihotik begiratu genuen,baina ez genuen ezer ikusi.",We looked out the window but saw nothing.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Altuak dira?,Are they tall?,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Jakin nahi duzu zer pentsatzen dudan?,Do you want to know what I think?,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Eskutitz bat idatzi zuen.,He wrote one letter.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Tom kolpe gogorra jaso zuen buruan,Tom received a heavy blow on the head.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Liburu hauek ez dira umeentzako.,These books aren't for children.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Arriskuak handiegiak dira.,The risks are too great.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Tom gurekin haserretuta dago.,Tom is angry with us.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn "Zuk Tomeri ez badiozu esaten, nik egingo dut.","If you don't tell Tom, then I will.",eus_Latn-eng_Latn Hilabetero zenbat aldiz joaten zara zinemara?,How often a month do you go to the movies?,eus_Latn-eng_Latn "Bere buruaz beste egiten saiatu zen, baina ez zuen lortu",He tried to kill himself but it ended in failure.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Tom emagizon bezala sentitzen da.,Tom identifies as queer.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Tom ordu bat gehiago itxarotea erabaki zuen,Tom decided to wait for another hour.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn "Eguzkitan dago, baina ura hotz dago","It's sunny, but the water is cold.",eus_Latn-eng_Latn Etorri nirekin abestera,Come sing with me.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Ziur zaude poliziari deitu nahi diozula? Galdetu nion,"""Are you sure you want to call the police?"" I asked her.",eus_Latn-eng_Latn Gizona ezin da bizi bere ametsak barik.,Man can't live without dreams.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Hemen izan zen kontzertua,This is where the concert took place the other day.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Azpertuta nago.,I am bored.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Nire amamaren hortz artifizialak dira,These are my grandmother's artificial teeth.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Gezurrak esatea doa nire printzipioen kontra,It is against my principles to tell a lie.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Lincoln-ek irabazi zituen hauteskundeak.,Lincoln won the election.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Zelan heltzen naiz zure etxera?,How do I get to your house?,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Zeri buruz mintzatzen ari da?,What is she talking about?,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Hunkitua igartzen zaio.,She seems excited.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Autobus honek berrogehi eta hamar bidaiari eraman ahal ditu,This bus can carry fifty passengers.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Tom-ri ez zitzaion gustatu diru nahikoa ez edukitzea,Tom doesn't like it when he doesn't have enough money.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Ez dago lekurik izkutatzeko,There's nowhere for you to hide.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Gure jatetxea jatetxe hori baino hobea da.,Our restaurant is better than that restaurant.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Oraindik hemen zaudete?,Are you still here?,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Astelehenean ikusten gara,See you on Monday.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Ezkerrean dago,It's on the left.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Soilik denbora gehiago behar dut,I just need more time.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Nork egingo zuen hori?,Who would do that?,eus_Latn-eng_Latn hiru umeetako bakoitzak sari bat jaso zuen,Each one of the three kids got a prize.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Badakit zergatik horrela den,I know why that is.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Bero asko egiten du hemen.,It's very hot here.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Hotz asko egiten du hemen.,It's very cold here.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Poliziak berari buruzko datu garrantzitsu bat lortu du,The police got an important piece of information from him.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Hemen itxaron guk bueltatu arte,Wait here until we get back.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Badago lekurik hor pertsona bat gehiagorentzat?,Is there any space for one more person?,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Beste arazo bat kotxea non gelditzea da.,Another problem is where to stop the car.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Berak seguraski oso trebea da.,He certainly is smart.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Hamaikak dira jada. Oraintxe joan beharra dut.,It's already eleven o'clock. I must be leaving now.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Ez diete beti gurasoei jaramon egiten.,They don't always obey their parents.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Zer ordutan etorriko zara?,What time are you coming?,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Sorpresa bat da.,It's a surprise.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Horain bakarrik dago.,He is now on his own.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Erretzeari uztea erabaki zuen.,He decided to quit smoking.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Berak bere kamera propioa dauka.,He has his own room.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Gogoko duzuna aukera dezakezu.,You may choose what you like.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Bera heldu arte itxarongo dut.,I'll wait here until she comes.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Gogoko duzun liburua aukera dezakezu.,You may choose any book you like.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Sarrera nahi duzunari eman diezaiokezu.,You may give the ticket to whomever you like.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Nor da gogokoen duzun egilea?,Who is your favorite author?,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Nor da gogokoen duzun musikagilea?,Who is your favorite composer?,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Bere logelan garbiketa egiten zuen.,He was cleaning his room.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Berak esan zidan bere aitak irakalea izan zela.,He told me that his father was a teacher.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Nire gurasoekin bizi naiz.,I live with my parents.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Zer esan nahi duzu?,What do you mean?,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Mendietako etxe bat dut.,I have a house in the mountains.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Jatetxean erretzea debekatuta zegoen.,Smoking in the restaurant was forbidden.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Hemen bizi naiz nire txakurrarekin.,I live here with my dog.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Orduan zergatik saldu duzu?,Then why have you sold it?,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Tom ni baino aundiagoa da.,Tom is bigger than me.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Tom hil zen auto istripu batean.,Tom was killed in a car crash.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Errebeldeak exekutatuta izan ziren.,The rebels were executed.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Tomek Mary Johnekin dantzatzen ikusi zuen.,Tom saw Mary dancing with John.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn "Sinetsi edo ez, ez nago sarkastikoa izaten une honetan.","Believe it or not, I'm not sarcastic this time.",eus_Latn-eng_Latn Guztiok goaz edo ez da inork joaten.,Either we all go or nobody goes.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Ganon beste trikimailu bat dauka gordeta.,Ganon has another trick up his sleeve.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Gaur egun daude artikulu asko engainagarria berrietakoak,There are many misleading news articles nowadays.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Uste dut eman al didala buruko mina.,I think that would give me a headache.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Norbaitek badaki Japonieraz?,Does anyone know Japanese?,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Zalantzarik gabe!,Without a doubt!,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Harritu egin ginen bere portaeragatik.,We were surprised at his conduct.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Nire puntuak galdu ditut.,I lost my points.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn Tomek erakargarri zeudela esan du.,Tom said you were good-looking.,eus_Latn-eng_Latn "Tað var ein fuktigur, gráur summardagur síðst í juni.","It was a humid, grey summer day at the end of June.",fao_Latn-eng_Latn Hon grætur.,She is crying.,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Hann má koma sunnanífrá.,He must be from the South.,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Tann vakri maðurin er høgur.,The handsome man is tall.,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Tann vakra konan er høg.,The beautiful woman is tall.,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Eg havi lisið ein bók.,I have read the book.,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Tann høga konan er vøkur.,The tall woman is beautiful.,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Eg eri ikki errin av framferð mínari.,I'm not proud of my behaviour.,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Hvussu eitur tú?,What is your name?,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Eg fari at hyggja at sjónvarpi.,I'll watch television.,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Hetta er kona mín.,This is my wife.,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Tær eru bara tríggjar gentur í flokkinum.,There are only three girls in the class.,fao_Latn-eng_Latn "Tá hann hevði latið seg í, fór hann út i køkin.",He dressed up and went to the kitchen.,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Hon er so vøkur sum mamma sín.,She is as beautiful as her mother is.,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Tað eru oyggjar í sjónum.,There are islands in the sea.,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Stuttligt at hitta teg.,I'm pleased to meet you.,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Kann mann keypa eplir her?,Is it possible to buy potatoes here?,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Eg hati hansara foreldur.,I hate his parents.,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Eg veit ikki loyniorðsins.,I don't know the password.,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Hvussu eita tygum?,What's your name?,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Tað regnaði í gjár.,It rained yesterday.,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Hvussu gongur tað?,How are you?,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Tom hataði sínar foreldur.,Tom hated his parents.,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Rósa er ein vøkur blóma.,A rose is a beautiful flower.,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Tað er í ordan!,It's all right!,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Elskar tú mammu tína?,Do you love your mother?,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Hann hugsar bara um seg sjálvan.,He thinks only about himself.,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Eg eri sjúkur.,I am sick.,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Tað er ein lygn!,That's a lie!,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Tom er horvin.,Tom has disappeared.,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Eg dámi mjólkina og breyðina.,I like milk and bread.,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Eg nýti róma út í mínum kaffi.,I put cream in my coffee.,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Tann høgi maðurin er vakur.,The tall man is handsome.,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Systir mín dámar bommini.,My sister likes sweets.,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Ein tjørn er eitt lítið vatn.,A pond is a little lake.,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Hann nýtti mjólk út í sínum kaffi.,He put milk in his coffee.,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Eg elski teg.,I love you.,fao_Latn-eng_Latn "Eg haldi, at hatta ikki er nøkur býtt loysn.",I think that's not a daft solution.,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Eg standi og hugsi um mínum børn.,I am thinking about my children.,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Hvar er vesi?,Where is the toilet?,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Eg fari at giftast.,I'm going to get married.,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Dagarnir koma akandi.,The days are dragging slowly by.,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Eg tørvi tíni hjálp.,I need your help.,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Eg havi mist min pengapung.,I lost my wallet.,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Í dag fleyg ein stórur bilur av vegnum.,A big car flew off the road today.,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Eg las aldri bókina.,I never read that book.,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Hann hevur lisið bókina úti.,He has read the book outside.,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Tú skal lesa bókina.,You must read this book.,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Hvussu komi eg til bussteðgiplássið?,How do I get to the bus station?,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Samtykkja tit gjaldkort?,Do you accept credit cards?,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Eitt høgt hús vórðu reist fyri mítt húsið.,A tall building was built next to my house.,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Eg má tosa við teg.,I have to speak with you.,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Eg eri ikki lækni.,I'm not a doctor.,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Hann er ungur og framasøkin.,He is young and ambitious.,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Hetta er eitt orðtak.,This is a proverb.,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Ikki nerta meg!,Don't touch me!,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Hetta er eitt ross.,This is a horse.,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Dryssa sukur á tá tær eru bakaðar.,Sprinkle sugar on when they are baked.,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Eg fer í kirkju.,I'm going to church.,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Hatta ljóðar ikki so gott.,That doesn't sound good.,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Grikkaland er eitt gamalt land.,Greece is an old country.,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Nú er søgan øll.,Now the story is over.,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Sitrón er súrur.,Lemon is sour.,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Hann liggur á sjúkrahúsinum.,He is in hospital.,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Eitt mál er als ikki nóg mikið.,One language is never enough.,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Kunnu tygum vísa mær?,Can you show me?,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Ein dúgva ímyndar ein frið.,A dove is a symbol of peace.,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Eg eri ein maður.,I am a man.,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Maðurin er ikki ungur.,The man is not young.,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Hon spælir guitar.,She can play the guitar.,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Eg hyggji at sjónvarpi.,I'm watching television.,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Eg veit ikki nær fer hann.,I don't know when he will come.,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Hvat kjøt smakkar best?,Which meat tastes the best?,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Bilurin er grønur.,The car is green.,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Bilurin er brúnur.,The car is brown.,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Bilurin er gráur.,The car is grey.,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Bilurin er reyður.,The car is red.,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Bilurin er svartur.,The car is black.,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Tom er kommunistur.,Tom is a communist.,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Eg skilji. Takki.,"Yes, I understand. Thank you.",fao_Latn-eng_Latn Bilurin er appelsingulur.,The car is orange.,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Bilurin er góður.,The car is good.,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Bilurin er ringur.,The car is bad.,fao_Latn-eng_Latn """Hvar býrt tú?"" ""Eg búgvi í Tokyo.""","""Where do you live?"" ""I live in Tokyo.""",fao_Latn-eng_Latn Konan er høg.,The woman is tall.,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Óhappið hendi knappliga.,The accident happened all of a sudden.,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Hetta er eitt vakurt land.,This is a beautiful country.,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Eg eigi betala seðilin í dag.,I have to pay this bill today.,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Hann liggur aldri.,He never lies.,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Konan er ikki vøkur.,The woman is not beautiful.,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Hann dugir ivaleyst betur enn teg.,He is much better than you.,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Sært tú handa myndin?,Can you see the picture?,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Nancy er úr London.,Nancy is from London.,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Hatta er sín hestur.,That's his horse.,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Og nú skal eg siga tær mítt loyndarmál. Tað er sera einfalt: einans við hjartanum kanst tú síggja rætt. Tað avgerandi er ósjónlegt fyri eyganum.,"And now here is my secret, a very simple secret: It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye.",fao_Latn-eng_Latn Mínir hundarnir eru hvítu.,My dogs are white.,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Eg eri bestur.,I'm the best.,fao_Latn-eng_Latn "So hugdi hann kvikliga uttan um seg at vita, um nakar sá.",And then he quickly looked around to make sure that nobody saw it.,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Tann nýggi stólurin er lavendilbláur.,This new chair is lavender-blue.,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Eg eri ikki sjúkur.,I'm not sick.,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Eg hugbítur at síggja hana.,I want to see her.,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Eg mátti fara til Boston.,I had to go to Boston.,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Sum eg var bangin!,How afraid I was!,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Eingin veit.,No one knows.,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Tom fortaldi ikki nøkrum tað.,Tom didn't tell anybody about it.,fao_Latn-eng_Latn "Jú meiri, jú betri.","The more, the better.",fao_Latn-eng_Latn "Eg haldi, tað er ein ávaring.",I think it is a warning.,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Her hevur ikki verið nakar.,No one has been here.,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Góða nátt Tatoeba. Vit síggjast í morgin.,"Good night, Tatoeba. See you tomorrow.",fao_Latn-eng_Latn Knappliga leyp Tom á føtur.,Tom sprang to his feet.,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Onkur fortaldi mær tað.,Someone told me that.,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Hvat ætlar tú at gera?,What are you going to do?,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Kettan er ikki deyð.,The cat is not dead.,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Gloymið tað.,Forget about it.,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Ert tú inni?,Are you at home?,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Betty fór til sjóvar gjár.,Betty went to the sea yesterday.,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Eg gloymi teg ongantíð.,I'll never forget you.,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Maðurin er høgur.,The man is tall.,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Træið er grønt.,The tree is green.,fao_Latn-eng_Latn "Eg helt, at tú vildi ikki at tosa við okkum.",I thought you didn't want to talk to us.,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Eg kann ikki fara higar.,I can't leave here.,fao_Latn-eng_Latn "Øll hava rætt til vernd av andaligum og evnisligum áhugamálum í sambandi við eitt og hvørt vísindaligt, bókmentaligt ella listarligt verk, sum avvarðandi hevur greitt úr hondum.","Everyone has the right to the protection of the moral and material interests resulting from any scientific, literary or artistic production of which he is the author.",fao_Latn-eng_Latn Eg fari at leiga ein bil.,I will rent a car.,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Hesin bilurin er vakrari enn tykkara.,This car is prettier than yours.,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Hví grætur tú?,Why are you crying?,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Eg vil skriva einn bók.,I want to write a book.,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Sunnudagur er síðsti dagur í vikuni.,Sunday is the last day of the week.,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Mín maður doyði ikki.,My husband didn't die.,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Mín kona doyði ikki.,My wife didn't die.,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Gleðilig jól!,Have a good Christmas.,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Eg tími ikki í skúla.,I don't want to go to school.,fao_Latn-eng_Latn "Faðir vár, tú sum ert í himlunum! Heilagt verði navn títt; komi ríki títt, verði vilji tín sum í himli so á jørð; gev okkum í dag okkara dagliga breyð; og fyrigev okkum skuldir okkara, so sum vit fyrigeva skuldarum okkara; og leið okkum ikki í freistingar; men frels okkum frá tí illa. Tí at um tit fyrigeva monnum misgerðir teirra, so skal himmalski faðir tykkara eisini fyrigeva tykkum; men fyrigeva tit ikki monnum, so skal faðir tykkara ikki heldur fyrigeva misgerðir tykkara.","Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name. Your Kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as in heaven Give us today our daily bread. Forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us. Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.",fao_Latn-eng_Latn Hann er lærari.,He is a teacher.,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Eg eri lækni.,I'm a doctor.,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Heimsins núverandi hægsti bygningur eitur Burdj Khalifa.,Burj Khalifa is currently the tallest building in the world.,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Tað er mín hundur.,That's my dog.,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Eg flúgvi til Hanoi í morgin.,I'm flying to Hanoi tomorrow.,fao_Latn-eng_Latn "Ja, súreplið er reytt.","Yes, the apple is red.",fao_Latn-eng_Latn Eg vaknaði tíðliga fyrrapartin.,I woke up early this morning.,fao_Latn-eng_Latn "Øll hava krav um rættindi og frælsi, sum eru nevnd í hesi yvirlýsing, uttan mun til ættarslag (rasu), húðarlit, kyn, mál, átrúnað, politiska ella aðra sannføring, tjóðskaparligan ella samfelagsligan uppruna, ognarviðurskifti, føðing ella aðra støðu.","Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status.",fao_Latn-eng_Latn Mállæran er sera torfør.,Grammar is very complicated.,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Hevur tú brævið við tær?,Do you have the letter with you?,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Bókin liggur á borðinum.,The book is on the table.,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Hann er bøssi.,He is gay.,fao_Latn-eng_Latn "Eg segði tað, at hann ikki skuldi havt nakað.",I said that he should not have anything.,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Eg man at hava eina gittaru.,I want a guitar.,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Eg ivi at hann er sakførari.,I doubt that he's a lawyer.,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Hann hevði ongantíð verið í Okinawa fyrr.,He has never been to Okinawa before.,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Tí trúgvi eg ikki!,I don't believe it!,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Ken hevði ongantíð verið í Nýjorvík.,Ken has never been to New York.,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Bilurin er hvítur.,The car is white.,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Hatta var sera gott.,That was very good.,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Tom og Mary flúgva til Boston í morgin.,Tom and Mary are flying to Boston tomorrow.,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Eg fati ikki hetta orðið.,I don't understand this word.,fao_Latn-eng_Latn "Null, ein, tveir, tríggir, fýra, fimm, seks, sjey, atta, níggju, tíggju.","Zero, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten.",fao_Latn-eng_Latn Tú ert skít!,You are drunk!,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Bilurin er bláur.,The car is blue.,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Blóman er reyð.,The flower is red.,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Keiro er størsti býur í Afrika.,Cairo is the biggest city in Africa.,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Nær kann eg vitja teg?,When can I visit you?,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Eg havi tvær kettur.,I have two cats.,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Tom er mínum húsbónda.,Tom is my husband.,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Hvussu gongur?,How is it going?,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Skjaldbøkur hava ikki tenn.,Turtles don't have teeth.,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Hon er ótrúliga vøkur.,She is very pretty.,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Tað er tín hundur. Hvar er mín?,Here is your dog. Where is mine?,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Hann drakk ein øl.,He drank beer.,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Tú kanst ikki hjálpa mær.,You can't help me.,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Segði og fór avstað.,Said and left.,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Ein gomul kona gongur yvir vegnum.,An old woman is walking across the road.,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Sólin skínur.,The sun is shining.,fao_Latn-eng_Latn "Altso, problemið hjá mær er, at eg kan ikki lesa hard.","You see, my problem is that I am not able to read aloud.",fao_Latn-eng_Latn "Eg visti ikki, hvat eg skuldi siga.",I didn't know what to say.,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Hetta er eitt súreplatræ.,This is an apple tree.,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Elaine liggur á sjúkrahúsinum.,Elaine is in hospital.,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Súreplið fall av træsins.,The apple fell from the tree.,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Øll menniskju eru fødd fræls og jøvn til virðingar og mannarættindi. Tey hava skil og samvitsku og eiga at fara hvørt um annað í bróðuranda.,All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.,fao_Latn-eng_Latn "Fái meg ikki at trúgva, at eg umsíðir hitti teg.",I can't believe I finally managed to meet you.,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Mánin skínur.,The moon is shining.,fao_Latn-eng_Latn "Ein, tveir, tríggir, fýra, fimm, seks, sjey, atta, níggju, tíggju.","One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten.",fao_Latn-eng_Latn Vit mugu fara.,We have to go.,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Eg eiga at fara heim.,I have to go home.,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Emilía skrivaði tann setningin.,Emily wrote the sentence.,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Eg er ikki tín móður.,I'm not your mother.,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Hvøm sást tú?,Whom did you see?,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Eg kann ikki betala Tom í dag.,I can't pay Tom today.,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Hann ikki minnist meg.,He doesn't remember me anymore.,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Lívið er sum ein stórur motorvegur.,Life is like a big highway.,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Týskland hevur tveir høvuðstaðir.,Germany has two capital cities.,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Bilurin er gulur.,The car is yellow.,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Eg skal veksla eitt sindur av pengum.,I'd like to change some money.,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Sólin kemur upp í eystri og setur í vestri.,The sun rises in the east and sets in the west.,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Hetta er mín telda.,This is my computer.,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Duga tygum enskt?,Do you speak English?,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Súreplið er reytt.,The apple is red.,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Eg dugi ikki japanskt.,I don't speak Japanese.,fao_Latn-eng_Latn "Lívið er ikki eitt ævintýr. Um tú missir tín skógv um dimmið, ert tú fullur.","Life is not a fairytale. If you lose your shoe at midnight, you're drunk.",fao_Latn-eng_Latn Eg dugi ikki spanskt.,I don't speak Spanish.,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Tað er alvíst um allar bygdir.,That is common knowledge in every village.,fao_Latn-eng_Latn "Eg tosi enskt, franskt og spanskt.","I speak English, French and Spanish.",fao_Latn-eng_Latn Hvussu nógv kostar tað?,How much is it?,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Hvat sært tú?,What did you see?,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Eg havi hoyrt um teg.,I've heard about you.,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Hvussu gamal ert tú?,How old are you?,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Hvat feilar?,What is wrong?,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Tað kann kava.,It may snow.,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Vit keyptu tað bíligasta teið.,We bought the cheapest tea.,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Hvørji sást du í dansinum í gjár?,Who did you see at the party yesterday?,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Kan eg fáa matseðilin?,"May I have the menu, please?",fao_Latn-eng_Latn Eg eigi at fara til Danmarkar i morgin.,I have to go to Denmark tomorrow.,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Arbeiðir tú í morgin?,Are you working tomorrow?,fao_Latn-eng_Latn "Eg legði til merkis, at teir arbeiddu á keiini allan dag.",I noticed that all day long men were working on the quayside.,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Hon man at granska tónlist og dans.,She wants to study music and dance.,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Tom er tolandi.,Tom is tolerant.,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Tom kanska dámar teg.,Maybe Tom likes you.,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Eg eri muslimur.,I am a Muslim.,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Tom er ótolandi.,Tom is intolerant.,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Hvat leitar tú eftir?,What are you looking for?,fao_Latn-eng_Latn "Tú krógvar tað eisini fyri Eiriki, so hann fær einki at vita.","You are hiding it from Eric as well, so that he won't get to know anything.",fao_Latn-eng_Latn Kann eg koyra tína orðabók?,Can I use your dictionary?,fao_Latn-eng_Latn New York er størsti býurin i heimin.,New York is the biggest city in the world.,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Sum tiðin gongur!,How time flies!,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Lívið er stutt.,Life is short.,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Er tú tilfriðs nú?,Are you satisfied now?,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Hon má koma sunnanífrá.,She must be from the South.,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Hon er fríteinkjari.,She is an atheist.,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Hon er á Majorca og sólar sær.,"She is in Mallorca, sunbathing by the sea.",fao_Latn-eng_Latn Eingin hevði nakrantíð skrivað honum eitt bræv.,Nobody has ever written a letter to him.,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Tom er í býnum.,Tom is in town.,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Hann hevur ongar vinir.,He does not have any friends.,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Eg kann ikki bara vera eftir her.,I can't just stay here.,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Mary dugir japanskt.,Mary can speak Japanese.,fao_Latn-eng_Latn "Tá ið teir komu av útróðri, ella hvar teir so høvdu verið, plagdu teir at syngja ein sálm.","When they returned from fishing, or from wherever they had been, they were wont to sing a hymn.",fao_Latn-eng_Latn Hvat fyri breyð etur tú?,What sort of bread are you eating?,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Eg havi nógvan fepur.,I have a high temperature.,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Tann dúgvan ímyndar ein frið.,The dove is a symbol of peace.,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Hvussu eita tygum til fornavn?,What is your first name?,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Hann er í heit góðum lag í dag.,He's in a good mood today.,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Eg droymdi kaldum dreym í nátt.,I had a bad dream last night.,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Hon er ein sjúkrasystir.,She is a nurse.,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Hvar eru foreldrini hjá tær?,Where are your parents?,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Tað er lýtt.,It is warm.,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Eg veit hvar hann er.,I know where he is.,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Hvat er kursurin?,What is the exchange rate?,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Skjaldbøkur eru skriðdýr.,Turtles are reptiles.,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Eg drakk mjólk.,I drank milk.,fao_Latn-eng_Latn "Har vóru nógv fólk, eg ikki kendi.","Many people were there, I didn't know.",fao_Latn-eng_Latn "Tað var eitt meistaraverk, teir ofta tosaðu um.",That was a masterpiece they often talked about.,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Hann sær tín hestin.,He sees your horse.,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Tað var bara ein dreymur.,It was only a dream.,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Han er so fátækur sum ein kirkjurotta.,He's as poor as a church mouse.,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Fá hana at flyta seg!,Make her move!,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Tað er einn appilsin.,This is an orange.,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Eg gleði meg til jóla.,I am looking forward to Christmas.,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Hvar er París?,Where is Paris?,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Nagoya er millum Tokyo og Osaka.,Nagoya is between Tokyo and Osaka.,fao_Latn-eng_Latn "Far alt fyri eitt, annars verða tú ov sein.","Go at once, otherwise you will be late.",fao_Latn-eng_Latn "Vit halda hetta loyndarmálið okkara millum, takk.",Please keep this secret.,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Eg dugi eitt sindur av fronskum.,I speak a little French.,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Hvar er bókan?,Where is the book?,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Tær rosinurnar eru súrar.,The grapes are sour.,fao_Latn-eng_Latn Tom fer av Kobe fyrramorgin.,Tom is leaving Kobe tomorrow morning.,fao_Latn-eng_Latn "Sinä osaat puhua ranskaa, etkö osaakin?","You can speak French, can't you?",fin_Latn-eng_Latn Huonon sadon tähden vehnän hinta on noussut viimeisen kuuden kuukauden aikana.,"Because of the poor harvest, wheat prices have gone up in the last six months.",fin_Latn-eng_Latn Tomi etsii kohtuullisen hintaista käytettyä autoa.,Tom is looking for a reasonably-priced used car.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Miksi tätä sanotaan ranskaksi?,What do you call this in French?,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Olen hyvin väsynyt.,I'm very tired.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Hän teki asiat niin hyvin kuin osasi.,She did the best she could.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Olen iloinen ettei se ollut minä.,I'm glad it wasn't me.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Hän tarvitsee avustajia.,She needs assistants.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Tomin mielestä ranskan opettaminen oli ihanaa.,Tom loved teaching French.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn En voi tottua Tomiin.,I can't get used to Tom.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Tom pitää ranskan opettelusta.,Tom likes learning French.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Tom ei pidä opiskelusta.,Tom doesn't like studying.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn "Mikään siitä mitä Tom sanoi, ei ollut totta.",None of what Tom said was true.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Tomia ei suuremmin napannut opiskella.,Tom didn't feel much like studying.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn "Luulen, että voin auttaa siinä.",I think I can help with that.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Ymmärrän ongelman.,I understand the problem.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Tomia ei tosiaankaan huvittanut opiskella.,Tom didn't really feel like studying.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Tom halusi ostaa sen.,Tom wanted to buy it.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn "Tomia ei huvittanut opiskella, ei sitten yhtään.",Tom didn't feel like studying at all.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Tom tykkää kuunnella musiikkia opiskellessaan.,Tom likes to listen to music while he's studying.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Tomi otti itsestään kuvan iPhonella.,Tom took a picture of himself with his iPhone.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Tappakaa zombit.,Kill the zombies.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom kertoi minulle, ettei hän tykkää opiskella aamulla.",Tom told me that he doesn't like to study in the morning.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn "Kuten monet koulumme oppilaat, Tomkin valvoo myöhään yöhön opiskellen.","Like many students at our school, Tom stays up until late at night studying.",fin_Latn-eng_Latn Tom opettelee ranskaa.,Tom is learning French.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn "Haluaisin, että luottaisit minuun.",I wish you'd trust me.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Meillä oli paljon sadetta viime kuussa.,We had a lot of rain last month.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Neuvottelut epäonnistuivat.,The negotiations fell through.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn "Unohdetaan koko juttu, jooko?","Let's forget the whole thing, OK?",fin_Latn-eng_Latn Sinun pitäisi ihan tosissaan lukea se.,You really should read it.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn "Mari on melko tavanomainen, mutta Tomin mielestä hän on kuin Kekkosesta seuraava.","Mary is fairly plain, but Tom thinks she's the bee's knees.",fin_Latn-eng_Latn Voit olla täällä niin kauan kuin haluat.,You can stay as long as you want.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Tahdoin vain kuulla Tomin äänen.,I just wanted to hear Tom's voice.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Välittikö Tom?,Did Tom mind?,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Et saa tarpeeksi liikuntaa.,You don't get enough exercise.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Mennään sisään.,Let's go indoors.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Tomi oli mustelmien peitossa.,Tom was covered in bruises.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Joku päivä voitan sinut.,Someday I'll beat you.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Opetteleeko Tom ranskaa?,Is Tom learning French?,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Kirjoita minulle jotakin.,Write me something.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Vene ankkuroi lähelle rannikkoa.,The boat anchored near the shore.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Tom itseopiskeli ranskaa.,Tom taught himself French.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Tomin soihtu sammui ennen kuin hän pääsi ulos luolasta.,Tom's torch died on him before he could get out of the cave.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn "Nukuin vähän lounastauolla, koska olin liian väsynyt.",I slept a little during lunch break because I was so tired.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Tom halusi olla varma.,Tom wanted to be sure.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Tom töin tuskin puhuu ranskaa.,Tom barely speaks French.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Älä aliarvioi Tomia.,Don't underestimate Tom.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Tom haluaa opetella ranskaa.,Tom wants to learn French.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Te olette jo syöneet.,You have already eaten.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Olen ehkä rakastunut Tomiin.,Maybe I'm in love with Tom.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Tom halusi olla pitkä.,Tom wanted to be tall.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn En ole hänelle kateellinen.,I don't envy him.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Tom laulaa toisinaan ranskaksi.,Tom sometimes sings in French.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Tom puhuu ranskaa taitavasti.,Tom is proficient in French.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Tom opiskelee ranskalaista filologiaa pääaineenaan.,Tom is majoring in French.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Tomi pitää juustohampurilaisista.,Tom likes cheeseburgers.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Kaikki nauroivat paitsi Tomi.,Everyone laughed except for Tom.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Opiskeleeko Tomkin ranskaa?,Is Tom also studying French?,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Minä en tiedä.,I don't know.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn En tiedä onko minulla aikaa.,I don't know if I have the time.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Tomi söi hampurilaisen.,Tom ate a hamburger.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Tomin vanhemmat ei tykkää musta.,Tom's parents don't like me.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Kuulin kun Tom puhui ranskaa.,I heard Tom speaking French.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Hänen puheensa vangitsi huomiomme.,His speech captured our attention.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Tomi yritti suudella minua kerran.,Tom tried to kiss me once.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn En enää tiedä mitä minun pitäisi tehdä.,I don't know what to do anymore.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn "Olen varma, että Tomi liioittelee.",I'm sure Tom is exaggerating.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Tom halusi olla yksin.,Tom wanted to be alone.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Haluan ostaa tusinan banaaneja.,I want to buy a dozen bananas.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Hän on vielä töissä.,He's still at work.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Tuo tyttö taitaa olla vähän ujo.,She's a bit shy.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Mä söin aamiaisen mun parvekkeella.,I ate breakfast on my balcony.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Telkkari on päällä.,The TV's on.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Haluaisin teidän saavan kaksi vierekkäistä huonetta.,I'd like you to get two adjacent rooms.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Minä haluan pizzaa!,I want pizza!,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Tom ei kyennyt puolustamaan itseään.,Tom couldn't defend himself.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Se alkaa 6:30.,It begins at six-thirty.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Anna minulle jousesi.,Give me your bow.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Neuvon sinua pitämään huolta omista asioistasi.,I'd advise you to mind your own business.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Aika monta ihmistä tuli kokoukseen eilen.,Quite a few people came to the meeting yesterday.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Sinä muistutat minua jostakusta.,You remind me of somebody.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn "Vaikka hän on kiinalainen, hän ei puhu kiinaa.","Although he is Chinese, he doesn't speak Chinese.",fin_Latn-eng_Latn "Olen varma, että tämä kaikki on väärinkäsitystä.",I'm sure this is all a misunderstanding.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn "Mitä Tom todella tarvitsi, oli hyvä ystävä, jolle hän voi puhua.",What Tom really wanted was a good friend he could talk to.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn En tuntenut Tomia koskaan.,I never knew Tom.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn En itse asiassa ole tiennyt sitä.,I actually never knew that.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn En koskaan tuntenut vanhempiani.,I never knew my parents.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn En tiennyt koskaan hänen oikeaa nimeään.,I never knew his real name.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn En koskaan tuntenut Tomia oikeasti.,I never really knew Tom.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Tom lähti juuri lomalle.,Tom just went on vacation.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Tomi tulee kotiin yleensä kuuden aikoihin.,Tom usually gets home at about six o'clock.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn "Minulla ei ollut aavistustakaan, että sinulla olisi lapsia.",I never knew you had children.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn "Minulla ei ollut aavistustakaan, mitä Tom puuhasi.",I never knew what Tom was doing.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Hän oli pukeutunut valkeaan.,She wore a white dress.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Hän on yhä vihainen.,He's still mad.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Tämä tie vie asemalle.,This road will lead you to the station.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Haluan mennä kotiin nukkumaan.,I want to go home and sleep.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Tom on onnellisempi nyt.,Tom is happier now.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Galileo pudotti kaksi rautakuulaa tornin huipusta.,Galileo dropped two iron balls from the top of the tower.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn "Minulla ei ollut aavistustakaan, mikä hänen nimensä oli.",I never knew what his name was.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Viimeaikaiset edistysaskeleet lääketieteessä johtavat uuteen aikakauteen sairaanhoidossa.,Recent advances in medicine will usher in a new age in medical care.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn "Minulla ei ollut aavistustakaan, että Tomin äiti olisi japanilainen.",I never knew Tom's mother was Japanese.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Tom on aika hyvin perillä modernista populaarimusiikista.,Tom is quite knowledgeable about modern popular music.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Millaisia koruja tulet pitämään tämän puvun kanssa?,What sort of jewelry are you going to wear with this dress?,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Japanilaiseen kulttuuriin perehtyneisyys on hyvä asia.,Being knowledgeable about Japanese culture is a good thing.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Kuu on syksyllä kaunis.,The moon is pretty in the fall.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn "Minulla ei ole ketään, joka matkustaisi minun kanssani.",I don't have anyone who'd travel with me.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Minä osaan työni.,I know my job.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Tom näytti Marille miten valmistetaan sushia.,Tom showed Mary how to make sushi.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Isoisäni menehtyi aikaisemmin kuin isoisoisäni.,My grandfather predeceased my great-grandfather.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Pesen käteni.,I wash my hands.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Tom kysyi minulta pidänkö minä ranskan opiskelusta.,Tom asked me if I liked studying French.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Pesen käteni siitä.,I wash my hands of it.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn En ymmärrä saksaa.,I don't understand German.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Ymmärrän kieltäsi.,I understand your language.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn En enää pidä Tomista.,I don't like Tom anymore.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Tom tahtoi tavata Marin.,Tom wanted to meet Mary.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Seuraavana aamuna lumiukko oli kadonnut jälkiä jättämättä.,"The next morning, the snowman had completely melted.",fin_Latn-eng_Latn "Ajattelin, että olisi mukavaa yllättää Tomi.",I thought it'd be fun to surprise Tom.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Kuulostaa hauskalta.,That sounds like fun.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Etsin kadonnutta kieltä.,I am in search of the lost language.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Minkään ei pitäisi estää avioeroa.,Nothing should prevent divorce.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn "Minulle on sanottu, että olen käytännöllinen, ja niin minä olenkin.","I have been told that I am pragmatic, and I am.",fin_Latn-eng_Latn Tuomas halaa Maria.,Thomas hugs Maria.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn "Tämä laulu on niin liikuttava, että se saa kyyneleet nousemaan silmiini.",This song is so moving that it brings tears to my eyes.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Me tarvitsemme lisää aseita.,We need more guns.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Mulla on tosi hauskaa.,I'm having lots of fun.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Laimea kompromissiratkaisu on parempi kuin ei mitään.,A watered down compromise resolution is better than none at all.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Sinä et tullut kouluun eilen.,You did not come to school yesterday.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Odota odotushuoneessa.,Wait in the waiting room.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Tom istui kuljettajan paikalle ja ajoi pois.,Tom got into the driver's seat and drove off.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Olet tullut hulluksi.,You've lost your marbles.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Tämä kukka on musta.,This flower is black.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn "Pitäkää tauko, pojat.","Take a break, guys.",fin_Latn-eng_Latn Mursin Tomin nenän.,I broke Tom's nose.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Tom tahtoi mennä Marin kanssa naimisiin.,Tom wanted to get married to Mary.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn "Tomi on todella välitön, eikö niin?","Tom is very spontaneous, isn't he?",fin_Latn-eng_Latn Tom kasteli kukat.,Tom watered the flowers.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Lattialla on verilammikko.,There was a pool of blood on the floor.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn "On hyvä merkki, jos heistä ei kuulu mitään.",No news is good news.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Säikäytinkö sinut?,Did I startle you?,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Miksi kassini on tyhjä?,Why is my bag empty?,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Missäköhän kaikki ovat.,I wonder where everyone is.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Ooksä koskaa nähny Tomii ilma rillei?,Have you ever seen Tom not wearing glasses?,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Opin vähän ranskaa.,I learned a little French.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn "Jos näet jonkun lähestyvän sinua ilmeisenä aikeenaan tehdä sinulle hyvää, sinun pitäisi juosta henkesi edestä.","If you see a man approaching you with the obvious intention of doing you good, you should run for your life.",fin_Latn-eng_Latn Miksi sinä haluat lähteä tänään?,Why do you want to leave today?,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Se ei ole tärkeä.,It's not important.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Mitkä ovat sinun matkatavarasi?,Which is your luggage?,fin_Latn-eng_Latn "Hän ehti, mutta hän ei ehtinyt.","He made it, but she didn't.",fin_Latn-eng_Latn "Seitsemän kysymystä, jotka insinöörin täytyy kysyä itseltään, ovat: kuka, mitä, milloin, missä, miksi, miten ja kuinka paljon?","The seven questions that an engineer has to ask himself are: who, what, when, where, why, how and how much.",fin_Latn-eng_Latn En osaa laulaa hyvin.,I can't sing well.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Lääkärit tutkivat mahaani.,The doctors are examining my stomach.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Ethän sinä noin tekisi?,"You wouldn't do that, would you?",fin_Latn-eng_Latn Minulla on tässä vähän muuta tekemistä.,I'm kind of busy.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Hän on muuttunut paljon sitten viime kerran.,He changed a lot since the last time.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Tomi oli jännittynyt.,Tom was excited.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Tom tahtoi ottaa nokoset.,Tom wanted to take a nap.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Haluatko jatkaa?,Do you want to continue?,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Bussi oli ilmeisesti myöhässä.,Apparently the bus was late.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn "Kahdesti ja kolmasti olin sinua rakastanut, ennen kuin tunsin naamaasi tahi nimeäsi.",Twice and thrice had I loved thee before I knew thy face or name.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Mul on kissa.,I have a cat.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn "Kerro meille, miksi sinun täytyy jäädä tänne.",Please tell us why you need to stay here.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn "Houston, meillä on ollut ongelma.","Houston, we've had a problem here.",fin_Latn-eng_Latn Mari kutoo Tomille kaulahuivia.,Mary is knitting Tom a scarf.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Tom tahtoi laihtua.,Tom wanted to lose weight.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Missä maito on?,Where's the milk?,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Tomi saattaa olla vakavissa vaikeuksissa.,Tom could be in serious trouble.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn "Se juna oli niin täynnä, että meidän piti seistä koko matka Osakaan.",The train was so crowded that we were obliged to stand all the way to Osaka.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Leivotaan keksejä.,Let's bake cookies.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Se on vain väliaikainen korjaus.,It's only a temporary fix.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Mä leikin mun pojan kaa.,I play with my son.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn "Tiedätkö, miksi Tomi ei juo?",Do you know why Tom doesn't drink?,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Tom on tietokonenörtti.,Tom is a computer geek.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Minne hän menee?,Where is he going?,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Tavataan vakiopaikassa.,I'll meet you at the usual place.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Missä hän on?,Where is he?,fin_Latn-eng_Latn En ole ajatellut asiaa paljoa.,I haven't given it much thought.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Mene etsimään se.,Go look for it.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn "Älä anna muunkielisten lauseitten vaikuttaa käännökseesi, vaan hio käännöksestäsi hyvä alkulauseen pohjalta.",Make a good translation of the sentence that you are translating. Don't let translations into other languages influence you.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Minun täytyy antaa kirja takaisin ennen lauantaita.,I have to give back the book before Saturday.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Me lähdimme junalla.,We left by train.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Hän kävi useita kertoja.,He came several times.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn En halua sitä enää.,I don't want it anymore.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Kuten haluatte.,As you wish.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn "En uskonut, että olisit kiinnostunut.",I didn't think you'd be interested.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Haluatko sinä hedelmämehua?,Do you want fruit juice?,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Se on hyvin tehty.,It's well done.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Ei ole epäilystäkään.,There's no doubt.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Halusin kysyä häneltä siitä,I wanted to ask him about that.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Haluaisitko mennä kävelylle puistoon minun kanssani?,Would you like to take a stroll around the park with me?,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Petaa sänky.,Make your bed.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Olen kasvissyöjä.,I am a vegetarian.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Älä ahmi.,Eat more slowly.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Ohjeeni olivat selvät.,My instructions were clear.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Vietin junassa kaksitoista tuntia.,I spent twelve hours on the train.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Seurasin Tomia.,I followed Tom.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Kotona oleminen on tylsää.,Staying at home is boring.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Rakastatko sinä vanhempiasi?,Do you love your parents?,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Asuin ennen siellä.,I used to live there.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Juna lähti juuri.,The train has just gone.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Minulla on todella rento olo.,I feel very relaxed.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Ranskaa on vaikea oppia.,French is difficult to learn.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Emme ole vielä tehneet mitään.,We haven't done anything yet.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Tomi on nirso ja maistaa harvoin mitään uutta.,Tom is a picky eater and seldom tries anything new.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Matkusteletko ulkomaille usein?,Do you often travel abroad?,fin_Latn-eng_Latn "Se on minun CDni, eikö olekin?","It's my CD, isn't it?",fin_Latn-eng_Latn "Hän pelkää, että eksyn.",He's afraid I'll get lost.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Hän on juonut olutta.,He's been drinking beer.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Älä anna hänen enkelimäisen ulkomuotonsa hämätä sinua.,Don't be fooled by her angelic looks.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn En osaa kuvitella elämääni ilman Internetiä.,I can't imagine life without the internet.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Pyysin hyvitystä.,I asked for a refund.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Voin hoitaa sen täältä käsin.,I can handle it from here.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Päämieheni haluaa sopia.,My client is willing to make a deal.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn En nähnyt mihin pallo meni sen jälkeen kun se osui puuhun.,I didn't see where the ball went after it hit the tree.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Minulla ei ole aikaa lukea.,I don't have time to read.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn "Annan sinulle anteeksi, koska et tiennyt mitä olit tekemässä.",I forgive you because you didn't know what you were doing.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Annoin kirjan ystävälleni.,I gave the book to my friend.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Tomi luotti Mariin täysin.,Tom trusted Mary completely.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Kuulin avunhuudon.,I heard a call for help.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn "Olin ajatellut, että olisi ollut hyvä, jos olisin voinut tavata hänet siellä.",I had thought that it would be good if I had been able to meet her there.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Pitää ottaa tilaisuudesta vaari.,You have to seize the opportunity with both hands.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Meidän työmme on melkein hoidettu.,Our work is almost over.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Miksi sinä toit meidät tänne?,Why did you bring us here?,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Minun oli saatava se pois sydämeltäni.,I had to get that off my chest.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Kuka tuo tyttö on?,Who's that girl?,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Mistä ostit tuon?,Where did you buy that?,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Tomi on paljon pidempi kuin minä.,Tom is much taller than me.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn "Kerron Tomille, että sinä soitit.",I'll tell Tom that you called.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Tyttäreni sai aivotärähdyksen.,My daughter had a concussion.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Lukitsin itseni huoneeseeni.,I locked myself in my room.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Pidän kovasti ihmisille puhumisesta.,I love talking to people.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Näin heidän suutelevan.,I saw them kissing.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Olin vähän myöhässä.,I was a bit late.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Saavun neljän tunnin sisällä.,I will arrive in four hours.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn En tunnista tuota nimeä.,I don't recognize that name.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn "Haluaisin tehdä sen, mutta valitettavasti minulla ei ole aikaa.","I'd like to do it, but unfortunately I don't have the time.",fin_Latn-eng_Latn Pianon soittaminen on hänen suosikkiajanvietteensä.,Playing the piano is her favorite pastime.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Tom ei onnistunut löytämään kotikaupunkiaan kartalta.,Tom couldn't find his hometown on the map.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Minä pidän huolen lopusta.,I'll take care of the rest.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Mitä tämä tarkoittaa?,What does this mean?,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Voinko valokuvata täällä?,Can I take pictures here?,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Voinko ottaa valokuvia täällä?,May I take pictures here?,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Voinko ottaa valokuvan täällä?,Can I take a picture here?,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Tuo on ruma fontti.,This is an ugly font.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Minulla ei ole sen kanssa minkäänlaista ongelmaa.,I've got no problems at all with it.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Hän on todella kiltti.,He was kindness itself.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Hän on todella ystävällinen.,He is extremely friendly.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn "Jos ajat varovaisesti, vältät onnettomuudet.",If you drive carefully you'll avoid accidents.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Oikeuden päätös oli hänelle epäedullinen.,The judgement was against him.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Ei ole mitään syytä siihen miksi minun pitäisi auttaa häntä.,There is no reason why I should help him.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Laita jätteesi ulkona oleviin roska-astioihin.,Please put your waste in the bins outside.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Se kaikki päättyi yhtä äkillisesti kuin se alkoikin.,It all ended as suddenly as it started.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn "Mitä pitäisit, jos tulisit ensi vuonna viettämään viikon kanssamme?",How would you like to come and spend a week with us next year?,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Hänellä ei ole motivaatiota.,He lacks motivation.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Anteeksi kun annoin sinun odottaa niin kauan.,Sorry to have kept you waiting so long.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Olen saanut tarpeekseni hänestä.,I've had just about enough of her.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Tekstillä tarkoitamme mitä tahansa merkityksellisen mittaista kommunikointiin liittyvää tilannetta.,With text we mean any communicative situation of significant length.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Olen liian vanha tähän maailmaan.,I am too old for this world.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Mitä kuuluisia kappaleita toivoisit säveltäneesi ja miksi?,"What famous songs do you wish you had composed, and why?",fin_Latn-eng_Latn "Ajatus oli niin edistyksellinen, etten voinut ymmärtää sitä.",The idea was so advanced that I couldn't understand it.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Pidätkö kalastamisesta? Voisimme mennä joskus yhdessä.,Do you like fishing? Maybe we could get together sometime.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn "Minun täytyy pahoitella sitä, etten ole kirjoittanut niin pitkään aikaan.",I must apologize to you for not writing for so long.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Nukuin TV:n edessä.,I slept in front of the TV.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Tom on edelleen työtön.,Tom is still unemployed.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Hän lähti kotoa viisi vuotta sitten eikä hänestä ole kuultu sen jälkeen.,"She left home five years ago, and has never been heard of since.",fin_Latn-eng_Latn "Kaikki, mitä haluan sinun tekevän, on puhuvan meille.",All I want you to do is talk to us.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Hän oli hieman parempi kuin vastustajansa.,He had a slight edge on his opponent.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn "Epäilin, että hän valehteli, mutta se ei yllättänyt minua.","I suspected that he was telling a lie, but that didn't surprise me.",fin_Latn-eng_Latn Dean voi tosiaankin syödä paljon.,Dean can really put away the food.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn "Ja perustamisestamme lähtien amerikkalaiset muslimit ovat tuoneet omat rikkautensa Yhdysvaltoihin. He ovat taistelleet sodissamme, palvelleet hallitusta, puolustaneet kansalaisoikeuksia, aloittaneet uusia yrityksiä, opettaneet yliopistoissamme, loistaneet urheiluareenoillamme, voittaneet Nobelin palkintoja, rakentaneet korkeimmat rakennuksemme ja sytyttäneet Olympiasoihdun.","And since our founding, American Muslims have enriched the United States. They have fought in our wars, served in government, stood for civil rights, started businesses, taught at our Universities, excelled in our sports arenas, won Nobel Prizes, built our tallest building, and lit the Olympic Torch.",fin_Latn-eng_Latn "John ei voi niin hyvin, että hän voisi mennä tänään kouluun.",John isn't well enough to go to school today.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Se kaikki riippuu siitä tukevatko he meitä vai eivät.,It all depends on whether they will support us.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Pidät varmasti molempia kirjoja mielenkiintoisina.,You'll find both of the books interesting.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Meidän täytyy tehdä töitä niin kauan kuin elämme.,We must work as long as we live.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn "Näyttää sitä, että meillä on kaikki.",It looks like we have everything.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Miksi Japani on antanut saastumisen päästä niin pahaksi?,Why has Japan let pollution get so bad?,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Taivas oli kirkas ja selkeä.,The sky was bright and clear.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Tomin täytyy valita kunnian ja kuoleman väliltä.,Tom must choose between honor and death.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn "Olin tosi väsynyt, joten menin aikaisin nukkumaan.",I was very tired so I went to bed early.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn "Tomi haluaa, että hänen tyttärensä menee naimisiin.",Tom wants his daughter to get married.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Transistorin keksiminen aloitti uuden aikakauden.,The invention of the transistor marked a new era.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Vain muutamia jäseniä ilmestyi kokoukseen.,Only a few members turned up at the meeting.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn "Vakuutut pian siitä, että olen oikeassa.",You will soon be convinced I am right.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn "Lupaa minulle, että teet sen.",Promise me you'll do that.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn "Arvostaisin sitä suuresti, jos sinulla olisi aikaa tavata herra Fukuoka tai esitellä hänet joillekin yhteistyökumppaneistasi.","I would appreciate it if you could find time to see Mr Fukuoka, or to introduce him to one of your associates.",fin_Latn-eng_Latn Vanha mies istuu siellä jalat ristissä.,"The old man was sitting there, with crossed legs.",fin_Latn-eng_Latn Anna minulle vähän lisää suklaata.,Please give me a little more chocolate.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn "Jokaisella on oikeus lähteä pois mistä tahansa maasta, sisältäen oman maan, ja palata maahansa.","Everyone has the right to leave any country, including his own, and to return to his country.",fin_Latn-eng_Latn Sää muuttui paremmaksi.,The weather turned better.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Näin pojan.,I caught sight of the boy.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Hän julkisti väitteeni olevan totta.,He announced my statement to be true.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Oksat taipuivat mutta eivät katkenneet.,The branches gave but did not break.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Vaunussa oli joitakin työkaluja ja muutamia lisäaseita.,In the wagon were a few tools and some extra guns.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Cuzco on yksi maailman mielenkiintoisimmista paikoista.,Cuzco is one of the most interesting places in the world.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Kaikki kuvassa olijat hymyilevät onnellisesti.,Everybody in the picture is smiling happily.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Se sopii kuin nakutettu.,That hit the spot.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Tom tietää kuka kolaroi Maryn auton kanssa.,Tom knows who crashed into Mary's car.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Tom tahtoi lohduttaa Maria.,Tom wanted to comfort Mary.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn En muista.,I don't remember.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Tuomari määräsi yleisön olemaan hiljaa.,The judge charged the audience to be silent.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn "Ei väliä kuka tämän kirjan kirjoitti, mutta hän on todella fiksu.","No matter who it was that wrote this book, he's very clever.",fin_Latn-eng_Latn Pidän oopperasta.,I like opera.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn En muista sitä.,I can't remember.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Sellaisen asian sanominen ei ole sinun tapaistasi.,It is beneath you to say such a thing.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn "Herään yleensä seitsemältä ja menen nukkumaan yhdeltätoista, paitsi sunnuntaisin.",I usually get up at seven and go to bed at eleven except on Sundays.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Asun enoni kanssa.,I live with my uncle.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Se tosiasia on tieteen näkökulmasta katsottuna erittäin tärkeä.,That fact is of great importance from the viewpoint of science.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Nimikirjaimeni on kirjoitettu salkkuni päälle.,My initials are on my briefcase.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Emme löydä englanninkielistä vastinetta japanin sanalle ”giri”.,We cannot find an English equivalent for the Japanese 'giri'.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Sopisiko kello yhdeksän?,Would 9 o'clock be all right?,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Syön aamupalaa joka aamu.,I have breakfast every morning.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Kaikin voimin opiskelu maksaa itsensä takaisin.,It will pay you to study hard.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Se on mun broidin kaveri.,He's a friend of my brother's.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Tulen takaisin puoli seitsemältä.,I will return at 6:30.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Palaan 6:30.,I'll be back at 6:30.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn "”Ovatko nämä ruoat gluteenittomia?” ”Kyllä vain, kaikki ruokamme ovat gluteenittomia.”","""Are these dishes gluten free?"" ""Yes, of course, all of our dishes are gluten free.""",fin_Latn-eng_Latn Palaan puoli seitsemältä.,I'll return at 6:30.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn "Mä oon aika varma, et Tomi valehtelee.",I'm pretty sure Tom's lying.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Tom on poikamies.,Tom is a bachelor.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Hävitin sateenvarjoni.,I lost my umbrella.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Unohdin lukita etuoven.,I forgot to lock the front door.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Meneekö Tomilla ihan hyvin?,Is Tom doing OK?,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Tom oli toivonut voittavansa arpajaisissa.,Tom had hoped that he would win the lottery.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Rakastan sisarustani.,I love my sibling.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Tulen takaisin kotiin puoli seitsemältä.,I come back home at 6:30.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Mitä muuta Tom sanoi?,What else did Tom say?,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Tulen takaisin 6:30.,I'll be back at six-thirty.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn "Minä selitin, miksi meidän piti tehdä se.",I explained why we had to do it.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Miksi me emme kysy häneltä neuvoa?,Why don't we ask his advice?,fin_Latn-eng_Latn "Sanoitko sinä, etten koskaan voisi voittaa?",Did you say that I could never win?,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Neitoperhonen (Inachis io) on kaunis ja helposti tunnistettava perhonen.,The peacock (Inachis io) is a beautiful and easily recognizable butterfly.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Yuuko ei ole koskaan puhunut ulkomaalaiselle.,Yuko has never spoken with a foreigner.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Pitää paikkansa.,This is true.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Nauroiko Tomi?,Did Tom laugh?,fin_Latn-eng_Latn "Annamme Tomin tehdä, mitä häntä huvittaa.",We let Tom do whatever he wants.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Miksi teet noin aina minulle?,Why do you always do that to me?,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Minulla on huono ruokahalu.,I have a poor appetite.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Muutama naapureista tuli toivottamaan meidät tervetulleiksi asuinalueelle.,A few of the neighbors came by to welcome us to the neighborhood.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Teit sen oikein hyvin.,You've done it very well.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Mä osallistuin siihen seminaariin.,I attended the seminar.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Talvella sataa lunta.,In winter it snows.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Tänä iltana saattaa sataa lunta.,It might snow this evening.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Kymmenen päivää putkeen satoi lunta.,It snowed for ten consecutive days.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Hän on professori.,She is a professor.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Hän asuu yhä vanhempiensa kanssa.,He still lives with his parents.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Kenkäni ovat liian pienet.,My shoes are too small.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Miksei Tomi sanonut meille?,Why didn't Tom tell us?,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Viime yönä tässä lähistöllä oli suuri tulipalo.,Last night there was a big fire in the neighbourhood.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Herra Ford omistaa tämän maan.,Mr Ford owns this land.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Kirjani on tässä.,My book is here.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Yksikään näistä kirjoista ei ole hyödyllinen.,None of these books are useful.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Yli kaksisataa vierasta osallistui Tomin ja Marin häihin.,Over two hundred guests attended Tom and Mary's wedding.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn "Se, joka ei juo seurassa, on joko varas tai vakooja.",Someone who doesn't drink in company is either a thief or a spy.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Me miehet olemme tottuneet odottamaan naisia.,We men are used to waiting for the women.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Alan tylsistymään.,I'm getting bored.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Kiitos teille kaikille syntymäpäiväonnitteluista!,Thank you everyone for the birthday wishes!,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Kunpa olisit soittanut ensin.,I wish you'd called first.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Se maksaa enemmän kuin luulin.,That costs more than I thought.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Se on osa työtäni.,That's part of my job.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Se on ratkaisu pulmaan.,That's the solution to the puzzle.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn "Tuoli antoi periksi kun Tom istui sille, ja hän rojahti lattialle loukaten selkänsä.","The chair gave way as Tom sat on it, and he crashed to the floor injuring his back.",fin_Latn-eng_Latn Projekti täytyy saada valmiiksi viimeistään viikon loppuun mennessä.,The project has to be finished by the end of the week at the latest.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Teksti ilmaisee kirjoittajan ajatuksia ja tunteita.,The text represents the thoughts and the feelings of the author.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Kääntäjä samaistaa itsensä alkuperäisen tekijän uskomuksiin.,The translator identifies himself with the author's beliefs.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Vieraalle kulttuurille tyypilliset osatekijät vaihdetaan kääntäjien paikalliselle kulttuurille tyypillisille osatekijöille.,The typical elements of a foreign culture are changed into the typical elements of the local culture of translators.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Vieraan kulttuurin tyypilliset osatekijät säilytetään käännetyssä tekstissä.,The typical elements of a foreign culture are kept in the translated text.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Tässä laatikossa on viisi omenaa.,There are five apples in this box.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Varkaat murtautuivat palatsiin ja varastivat prinsessan timantit.,Thieves broke into the palace and stole the princess's diamonds.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Tällä on minun hyväksyntäni.,This has my approval.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn "Voisinko saada vielä vähän teetä, jos sitä on vielä pannussa jäljellä?",May I have some more tea if there is any in the pot?,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Tämä on minun voileipäni.,This is my sandwich.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Sinä et löydä Tomia.,You're not going to find Tom.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Tämä on todella tärkeää minulle.,This is very important to me.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn "Saisinko kupin kahvia, kiitos.",Could I have a cup of coffee?,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Tässä pitäisi olla enemmän kuin riittävästi.,This should be more than enough.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Isä käy joka aamu lenkillä.,My father goes jogging every morning.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Mä tykkään pitää homman yksinkertaisena.,I like to keep it simple.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Odotan sinua huoneessani.,I'll wait for you in my room.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Minä en tykkää metrossa matkustamisesta.,I don't like riding the subway.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Tämän vuoden sää on aika epätavallinen.,This year's weather is rather unusual.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Ystäväni isä on tunnettu kirjailija.,My friend's father is a famous novelist.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Yhtä äkkiä äiti puhkesi lauluun.,"Suddenly, my mother started singing.",fin_Latn-eng_Latn Käytän Firefox-selainta.,I use Firefox.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Tomi yritti pestä veren pois vaatteistaan.,Tom tried to wash the blood off his clothes.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Tom nappasi mukaansa kahvin ja muffinin työmatkallaan.,Tom grabbed a coffee and muffin on his way to work.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Hän on hyväsydäminen tyttö.,She has a gentle heart.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn "Spiderman on kyllä siisti, mutta hämähäkit eivät niinkään.",Spider-Man is cool. Spiders are NOT.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Tom teki munakokkelia.,Tom made some scrambled eggs.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Hän on köyhä mutta onnellinen.,"She is poor, but happy.",fin_Latn-eng_Latn Hän ei puhu englantia yhtä sujuvasti kuin sinä.,She doesn't speak English as fluently as you.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Tom ei käy täällä koskaan.,Tom never comes here.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Olen huono pukemaan ajatuksiani sanoiksi.,It's hard for me to put my thoughts into words.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Tom kaipaa tosissaan Amerikkaa ja hän haluaa mennä sinne takaisin.,Tom really misses America and he wants to go back.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom sanoi, että hän oli hämmentynyt ja turhautunut.",Tom said that he was confused and frustrated.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Jäisitkö vielä juttelemaan hetkeksi muiden lähdettyä?,Why don't you hang around a while after everyone else leaves so we can talk?,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Mary valvoi eilen yömyöhään.,Mary stayed up late last night.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Tom pelasti henkeni.,Tom saved my life.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Tom oli epävarma.,Tom was hesitant.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn "Olen yrittänyt soittaa hänelle pitkin päivää, mutta numero on aina varattu.","I've tried calling him all day, but the line is busy.",fin_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom oli epäonnekseen pankissa, kun aseellinen ryöstö tapahtui.",Tom was unlucky to be in the bank when the holdup took place.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Yliopisto on ajanhukkaa.,University is a waste of time.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn "Ensimmäinen kapina on teologian mielivaltaa, Jumalan aavetta vastaan. Niin pitkään kuin taivaissa on Herra, olemme orjia maassa.","The first revolt is against the supreme tyranny of theology, of the phantom of God. As long as we have a master in heaven, we will be slaves on earth.",fin_Latn-eng_Latn "Hitunen filosofiaa johtaa ateismiin, mutta enemmän vie taas takaisin Jumalaan.","Small amounts of philosophy lead to atheism, but larger amounts bring us back to God.",fin_Latn-eng_Latn Väkivaltaa ei suvaita.,Violence will not be tolerated.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Emme vielä tiedä lääkkeen sivuvaikutuksia.,We don't yet know the side effects of the drug.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Bussi tuli kymmenen minuuttia aikataulusta jäljessä.,The bus arrived ten minutes late.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Pukeuduimme.,We got dressed.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn "Ihminen on todella vapaa, jopa ruumiillistuneessa muodossaan, jos hän tietää Jumalan todelliseksi vaikuttajaksi ja ihmisen kyvyttömäksi vaikuttamaan mihinkään.","A man is truly free, even here in this embodied state, if he knows that God is the true agent and he by himself is powerless to do anything.",fin_Latn-eng_Latn Tapasimme juhlissa.,We met at a party.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Muinaiset roomalaiset rakensivat tämän sillan.,The bridge was built by the Romans.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn "Kuka olisikaan uskonut silloin, että Tomilla oli vain seitsemän vuotta elinaikaa jäljellä?",Who would have thought back then that Tom had only seven years to live?,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Miksi me juhlimme?,Why are we celebrating?,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Puiset tuolit ovat kalliita.,Wooden chairs are expensive.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn "Et voi olla partiopoika, mutta voisit olla partiotyttö.","You can't be a Boy Scout, but you could be a Girl Scout.",fin_Latn-eng_Latn Sinulla ei ole oikeutta arvostella/tuomita näitä ihmisiä.,You have no right to pass judgement on these people.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Haluaisin siirtää rahaa tililtäni toiselle.,I'd like to transfer some funds from my account to another account.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn "Mikäli, Luoja paratkoon, kuolen joskus, olkoon tämä hautakirjoituksenani: musiikki riitti todistamaan hänelle Jumalan olemassaolon.","If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph: The only proof he needed for the existence of God was music.",fin_Latn-eng_Latn Ostin eilen kirjan.,"Yesterday, I bought a book.",fin_Latn-eng_Latn Eilen ostin kirjan.,I bought a book yesterday.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn "Hän menetti omaisuutensa, perheensä ja ystävänsä.","She lost her money, her family and her friends.",fin_Latn-eng_Latn "Lupaa, ettet pidä minua pilkkanasi.",Promise me you won't make fun of me.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn "Lupaa, ettet naura.",Promise me you won't laugh.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Lopeta uteleminen.,Stop being nosey.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Hän kääntyi buddhalaisesta kristityksi.,He was converted from Buddhism to Christianity.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn "Heti kun menet ulos asemalta, käänny vasemmalle.","As soon as you leave the station, turn left.",fin_Latn-eng_Latn Vuoret heijastuvat järven pintaan.,The mountains are reflected in the lake.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Tom osallistui Bostonin maratoniin.,Tom participated in the Boston marathon.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn "Tomilla on veli, joka on arkkitehti.",Tom has a brother who is an architect.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Tajusitko sen juuri äsken?,Did you just realize that?,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Tom toivoo tapaavansa sinut lokakuussa.,Tom hopes to see you in October.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn "Hän sanoo, ettei hän aio lopettaa tupakointia.",He says that he won't give up smoking.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Olet kovin ystävällinen.,That's very sweet of you.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Tiedätkö miten syömäpuikkoja käytetään?,Do you know how to use chopsticks?,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Tuomari armahti hänet.,The judge pardoned him.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Tomi lupasi minulle tulevansa.,Tom promised me he'd come.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Nyt on aika mennä kotiin.,It's time to go home now.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Ruoki koira.,Please feed the dog.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Ruoki kissa.,Please feed the cat.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Sinulla ei ole mahdollisuuttakaan.,You haven't got a chance.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Pidätkö kalasta?,Do you like eating fish?,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Kaikki ovat niin ilkeitä minulle.,Everyone is so mean to me.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Opiskelen yliopistossa Hyogossa.,I study at the University of Hyogo.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn "Kirjoittaisin hänelle kirjeen, jos vain tietäisin osoitteen.","If I knew his address, I would write to him.",fin_Latn-eng_Latn Esitelmän suosituskesto on korkeintaan 30 minuuttia.,Please limit your presentation to 30 minutes.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn En jaksa nostaa tätä kiveä omin voimin.,I have no strength to lift this stone.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Tämä on aivan liian kallis.,This is far too expensive.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Hän on hyväsydäminen nainen.,She has a kind heart.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Osaako hän pyöräillä?,Can she ride a bicycle?,fin_Latn-eng_Latn "Olen jo kertonut sinulle kaiken, minkä tiedän siitä.",I've already told you all I know about that.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Minua hermostuttaa vähäsen juuri nyt.,I'm feeling a little nervous right now.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Olet selvästi tehnyt tämän ennenkin.,It is plain that you have done this before.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Kaikki on nyt hyvin.,Everything's all right now.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Kahden päivän päästä täytän 13.,"In two days, I'll turn 13.",fin_Latn-eng_Latn Veljeni on todella samannäköinen kuin minä.,My brother looks very similar to me.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Nuorin siskoistani laulaa tosi hyvin.,My youngest sister sings very well.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Vielä jokin päivä ajokorttisi otetaan pois.,"One day, they're going to take away your driver's license.",fin_Latn-eng_Latn Tom sai ilmaisen upgreidauksen ykkösluokkaan.,Tom got a free upgrade to business class.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Miehen nähtiin käyttäytyvän epäilyttävästi hieman ennen räjähdystä.,A man was seen acting suspiciously shortly before the explosion.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Tämä olut on sinulle.,This beer is for you.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Pahastutko jos kysyn sinulta henkilökohtaisen kysymyksen?,Would you mind if I ask you a personal question?,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Voisitko jättää minut hetkeksi yksin?,Would you mind leaving me alone for a minute?,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Luetko Tomin blogia?,Do you read Tom's blog?,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Pääsin juuri töistä.,I have just finished my work.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Missä te menette?,Where are you all going?,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Tämä keitto on kamalan tulista.,The soup is terribly hot.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Jopa Tomi on vähän yllättynyt.,Even Tom is a little surprised.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Kuka uskoo Jumalaan?,Who believes in God?,fin_Latn-eng_Latn He viis veisasivat varoituksista.,They gave no heed to the warning.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Pystyn hädintuskin uida.,I can hardly swim.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Päädyin vankilaan.,I ended up in jail.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn "Ette saa ikinä tietää, jos ette yritä.",You'll never know unless you try.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Hän lähetti sinulle terveisensä.,She sent you her best wishes.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Anna minun kokeilla.,Let me try.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Äänestimme esitystä vastaan.,We voted against the proposal.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Kuvat tekivät hänen kertomuksestaan todentuntuisemman.,The photo he showed added color to his story.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Tarvitsen toimiston.,I don't need an office.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Hänen oli pakko tehdä töitä jopa sunnuntaina.,He had to work even on Sunday.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Tämä vanha päällystakki ei ole enää pitokelpoinen.,This old coat has had it.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Kuka antoi sinulle luvan tehdä tuota.,Who gave you permission to do that?,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Miksi et syö lihaa?,Why don't you eat meat?,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Uskooko kukaan meitä?,Will anyone believe us?,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Vihollisten viholliset eivät ole välttämättä liittolaisia.,Enemies of enemies aren't always allies.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn "Se on painava, mutta saan sen kyllä jotenkin kannettua.","It's heavy, but I can manage it.",fin_Latn-eng_Latn Etkö tykkää tytöistä?,Do you not like girls?,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Jätä se ammattilaisten huoleksi!,Leave that job to the experts!,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Yhtäkkiä valot sammuivat ja tuli pimeää.,The lights suddenly went out and it become dark.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Päiväkodin lapset kävelivät puistossa käsikädessä.,The kindergarten children were walking hand in hand in the park.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Bush uskoo Jumalaan.,Bush believes in God.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Hän tuntee minut.,He knows me.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Miehillä on noin 7 tai 8 kertaa enemmän testosteronia kuin naisilla.,Men have about 7 to 8 times more testosterone than women.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Tom tahtoi nähdä Marin uudestaan.,Tom wanted to see Mary again.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Sinulla on täysi oikeus tehdä tuo.,You have every right to do that.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Tomi oli siihen aikaan vain lapsi.,Tom was just a kid at that time.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn "En anna Tomille ikimaailmassa anteeksi, mitä hän teki.",I'll never ever forgive Tom for what he did.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Tom tahtoi nähdä Marin onnellisena.,Tom wanted to see Mary happy.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Tom olisi auttanut sinua.,Tom would've helped you.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Koira ei satuta sinua.,The dog will not harm you.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Ei ole kotia paikkaa parempaa.,There is no place like home.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Hän ei saanut tuosta mitään tolkkua.,He could not make head or tail of it.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Tomi on tarpeeksi vanha päättämään itse.,Tom is old enough to decide for himself.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn "Sataa todella kovaa,vai? Kastuitko?","It's really raining hard, isn't it? Did you get wet?",fin_Latn-eng_Latn Kukaan ei arvannut niin tapahtuvan.,No one expected that to happen.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom ei tiennyt, että Mari oli palannut takaisin Bostonista.",Tom didn't know that Mary was back from Boston.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Tom tahtoi lähettää viestin.,Tom wanted to send a message.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Tomi pitää shakin pelaamisesta.,Tom likes playing chess.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn On meillä aina parantamisen varaa.,We can always improve.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Kukaan ei lue pitkiä viestejä.,Nobody reads long messages.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn "Tomi sanoo, että he tarvitsevat lisää aikaa.",Tom says they need more time.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn En tuntenut koskaan isääni.,I never knew my father.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Miksi sinun isäsi löi sinua?,Why did your father beat you?,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Ook sä maksanu vuokran?,Have you paid the rent?,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Tomi ei ollut sokea syntyessään.,Tom was not born blind.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Tom halusi pysähtyä ajattelemaan.,Tom wanted to stop and think.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Tomi lepäsi hetken.,Tom rested for a moment.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Hän nauroi haljetakseen.,He died laughing.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Olen halkeamaisillani uteliaisuudesta.,I'm bursting with curiosity.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Postitoimisto on tuo ruskea rakennus.,The post office is that brown building.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn "Uskotko, että Jumala on olemassa?",Do you believe that God exists?,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Hän teki niin kuin hän sanoi tekevänsä.,He did as he said he would do.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Tom teki niin kuin hän sanoi tekevänsä.,Tom did as he said he would do.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Minulla on paljon kameroita.,I have a lot of cameras.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Mitään ei puutu.,Nothing is missing.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn En voi varsinaisesti sanoa olevani iloinen eläkkeelle jäämisestäni.,I can't say I'm happy about retirement.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Ennaltaehkäisevät keinot olivat tarpeettomia.,Precautionary measures were unnecessary.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Et saa alustaa tätä levykettä.,You mustn't format this floppy disk.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn En tiennyt koskaan hänen etunimeään.,I never knew his first name.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Tomi ei pelkää käärmeitä.,Tom isn't afraid of snakes.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn "Ennen uskottiin, että vain ihmiset pystyvät käyttämään kieltä.",People used to think that only humans could use language.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Olen tyytyväinen kaikkeen.,I'm satisfied with everything.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Ei ollenkaan.,"Nope, not at all.",fin_Latn-eng_Latn Kuinka kauan olet ollut ulkomailla?,How long have you been abroad?,fin_Latn-eng_Latn "Miltä sinusta tuntuisi tässä tilanteessa, jos olisit Tom?",How would you feel in this situation if you were Tom?,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Etsin avaintani.,I'm looking for my key.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn "En ole vakuuttunut siitä, että Tom puhuu totta.",I'm not convinced Tom is telling the truth.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn "Kaikki on hyvin, Tom. Kaikki on hyvin nyt.","It's all right, Tom. Everything's all right now.",fin_Latn-eng_Latn "Jotkut ovat kalliita, kun taas toiset ovat todella halpoja.","Some are expensive, and others are very cheap.",fin_Latn-eng_Latn Myönnän olevani huolimaton.,I admit to being careless.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Minut nimettiin enoni mukaan.,I was named after my uncle.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn "Vaikuttaa siltä, että varas murtautui sisään yläkerran ikkunasta.",It seems that the burglar broke in through an upstairs window.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Nyt heillä on kolme lasta.,Now they have three children.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Olen nainen.,I am a woman.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn On melko kylmä.,It is pretty cold.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Bill on matkalla New Yorkiin.,Bill is on his way to New York.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Koko oppi yhä nopeasti.,Koko continued to learn fast.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Rakeita sataa pääasiassa kesäisin.,"As a rule, hail falls in summer.",fin_Latn-eng_Latn Tom rakensi laivan pullon sisään.,Tom built a ship inside a bottle.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Hän pitää paljon musiikista.,He likes music very much.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn "Tunnetko jonkun lääkärin, joka puhuu japania?",Do you know any doctors who speak Japanese?,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Matkustin sinne bussilla ja junalla.,I went there by bus and train.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom ei tiedä, mitä tilaisi.",Tom doesn't know what to order.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Oletko tyytyväinen uuteen taloosi?,Are you pleased with your new house?,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Tomilla on maatila.,Tom has a ranch.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Hänellä kesti kymmenen minuuttia ratkaista ongelma.,It took him ten minutes to solve the problem.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Tapasin Fredin kadulla.,I met Fred on the street.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Hänen hiuksensa ovat pitkät ja kauniit.,Her hair is long and beautiful.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Kerro jotain maastasi.,Tell me something about your country.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Jatka tätä katua pitkin noin viisi minuuttia.,Go along this street about five minutes.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Tom ei ole tyhmä tyyppi.,Tom is not a dumb guy.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Syötitkö papukaijoja?,Did you feed the parrots?,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Tom ei ole kovin hyvä tanssimaan.,Tom is not a very good dancer.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn "Minulla ei ollut aavistustakaan, että sinusta tuntui siltä.",I never knew you felt that way.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Sunnuntain jälkeen koittaa maanantai.,After Sunday comes Monday.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Sodassa kuoli paljon ihmisiä.,A lot of people were killed in the war.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom sanoi, ettei hän juonut kahvia.",Tom said he didn't drink coffee.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Tämä passi on voimassa viisi vuotta.,This passport is valid for five years.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Vihaan sinua.,I hate you!,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Hän soitti minulle useita kertoja.,She called me many times.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Me suutelimme.,We kissed each other.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Oli hirveä sää.,It was dreadful weather.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Lähetä matkatavarasi etukäteen.,Send your baggage in advance.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn "Tulen niin nopeasti, kuin voin.",I'll come as soon as I can.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Tom laittoi musiikkia soimaan.,Tom put on some music.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Hänellä on hyvä maine liikemiehenä.,He has a good record as a businessman.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn En ole liian väsynyt.,I am not too tired.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Toi on mun lempituoli.,That's my favorite chair.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn "Toivon, että nuhasi menee nopeasti ohi.",I hope you'll get over your cold soon.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Olen kiivennyt Aso-vuorelle.,I climbed Mt. Aso.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Kysyt väärältä henkilöltä.,You're asking the wrong person.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Tom teki pelin ensimmäisen maalin.,Tom scored the first goal of the game.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Olen käynyt Pariisissa.,I have been in Paris.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Poliisit tulevat.,The police are coming.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Hänellä on kokemusta lastenhoidosta.,She knows well how to deal with children.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Heidän nationalisminsa oli yksi sodan aiheuttajista.,Their nationalism was one cause of the war.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Jää sulaa vedeksi.,Ice melts in water.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn "Poika oli niin väsynyt, ettei jaksanut ottaa enää askeltakaan.",The boy was so tired that he couldn't take one more step.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Päiväkirjan pitäminen on hyvä tapa.,Keeping a diary is a good habit.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Onko se auki sunnuntaina?,Is it open on Sunday?,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Niin minäkin.,So do I.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Tom ja Mary jätettiin yksin.,Tom and Mary were left alone.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Hän käveli rantaa pitkin.,He walked along the shore.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Näytät kalpealta.,You look pale.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Selkäni on kipeä.,I have a backache.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Onko meitä olemassa?,Do we exist?,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Hän näyttää olevan humalassa.,She looks as if she were drunk.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Meidän täytyy jäädä.,We have to stay.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Monet ulkomaalaiset puhuvat hyvää japania.,Many foreigners speak good Japanese.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn John ei välitä vaatteistaan vähääkään.,John doesn't give a shit about his clothes.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Tämä laulu muistuttaa minua aina kouluajoistani.,This song always reminds me of my school days.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Hän on hulluna baseballiin.,He is crazy about baseball.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Haluaisitko hieman lisää kastiketta?,Would you like some more gravy?,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Pänttäsin ehkä kaksi tuntia.,I studied for perhaps two hours.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Ole hyvä ja täytä tämä kaavake ensin.,Please fill out this form first.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn "Poliisi sanoi tytöille: ""Onko tämä teidän autonne?""","The policeman said to the girls, ""Is this car yours?""",fin_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom haluaa talon, jossa on suuri piha ja valkoinen paaluaita.",Tom wants a house with a big yard and a white picket fence.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Missä minun pitäisi maksaa?,Where should I pay?,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Tom oli ystäväni.,Tom was my friend.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom oli niin hermostunut, että hän melkein oksensi.",Tom was so nervous that he almost threw up.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Olen opettaja.,I'm a teacher.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn En itse asiassa koskaan käynyt korkeakoulua.,I didn't actually go to college.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Olen vilustunut.,I have a cold.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Kaikki ihmiset hengittävät ilmaa.,All people breathe air.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Juoksimmen koko matkan asemalle.,We ran all the way to the station.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Juna lähtee kymmenen minuutin kuluttua.,The train leaves in ten minutes.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn "Minua on pyydetty tiedottamaan sinulle, että isäsi on kuollut onnettomuudessa.",I was told to inform you that your father was killed in an accident.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Meidän pitää tehdä se tällä viikolla.,We have to do that this week.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Kaikissa kielissä on kulttuuria.,All the languages have a culture.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Vanhemmat rakastavat lapsiaan.,Parents love their children.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Kuinka pitkä olet?,How tall are you?,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Sukat haisevat pahalta.,The socks smell bad.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn "Jos syöt liikaa, lihoat.","If you eat too much, you will get fat.",fin_Latn-eng_Latn Mitä teit?,What were you doing?,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Opetelkaa runo ensi viikoksi.,Memorize the poem by next week.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Aivot ovat vain monimutkainen kone.,The brain is just a complicated machine.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn "Etkö tiedä, mitä eilen tapahtui?",Don't you know what happened yesterday?,fin_Latn-eng_Latn En ole syönyt mangoa koskaan aikaisemmin.,I have never eaten a mango before.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Olemme varmoja voitostamme.,We're confident of our victory.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Minulla on herne oikeassa sieraimessani.,There's a pea in my right nostril.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn "Toinen puhuu englantia, toinen japania.","One speaks English, and the other speaks Japanese.",fin_Latn-eng_Latn "Se tekee neljä kruunua, kiitos.","It will be four crowns, please.",fin_Latn-eng_Latn "Vaikka seisoin auringossa, minua palelsi.","Though I was sitting in the sun, I still felt chilly.",fin_Latn-eng_Latn Hän kehitti uuden kaavan.,He worked out a new formula.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Puhun ruotsia.,I speak Swedish.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn "Minä luulin, että sinulla oli jo iPhone.",I thought that you already had an iPhone.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Luulin juuri nähneeni jotakin.,I think I just saw something.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Annan sinulle niin monta kuin haluat.,I'll give you as many as you like.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Kirje tiedotti hänen kuolemastaan.,The letter informed her of his death.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Jää luoksemme täksi yöksi.,Stay with us tonight.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn "Nuo kolme vuotta kuluivat kuin kolme päivää, kuin unessa.","Those three years went by like three days, like in a dream!",fin_Latn-eng_Latn Kuinka monta litraa öljyä on barrelissa?,How many litres of oil are there in a barrel?,fin_Latn-eng_Latn "Minun piti perua kyseinen tilaus, koska meillä ei ollut tarpeeksi rahaa sen maksamiseen.",I had to cancel that order because we didn't have enough money to pay for it.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Sinun pitäisi leikkauttaa hiuksesi.,You should get your hair cut.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Tom otti iPhonensa ulos takintaskustaan.,Tom took his iPhone out of his coat pocket.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Jatkoimme työntekoa tuntikausia syömättä mitään.,We kept on working for hours without eating anything.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Sinun tarvitsee vain lukea muutamia sivuja tästä kirjasta.,You have only to read a few pages of this book.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn He toivoivat myyvänsä osakkeet vielä korkeampaan hintaan.,They hoped to sell the stocks at even higher prices.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Hän söi leipää ja voita.,He ate bread with butter.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn "Olisin oikein kiitollinen, jos voisit auttaa minua.",I'd be very grateful if you could help me.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Hän on juoksija.,She is a runner.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Kesäloman aikana ystävystyin monien kyläläisten kanssa.,"During the summer vacation, I made friends with many villagers.",fin_Latn-eng_Latn Hän yritti alentaa painoaan.,He tried to reduce his weight.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Hän talletti paljon rahaa pankkiin.,He deposited a lot of money in the bank.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Näytät aivan isältäsi.,You look just like your father.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Ei ole mitään hyvän kuuman kylvyn veroista.,There's nothing like a good hot bath.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Olen odottanut oikeaa hetkeä.,I've been waiting for the right moment.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn "Siinä tapauksessa että jokin ei ole selvää, ota meihin yhteys.","In case something is not clear, please contact us.",fin_Latn-eng_Latn Olet jo saattanut lukea tämän kirjan.,You may have read this book already.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Hän lopetti suhteen tyttöystäväänsä; siksi hän usein yrittää tappaa itsensä.,He broke up with his girlfriend; that's why he often tries to kill himself.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Olin toivonut saaneeni tämän loppuun eilen.,I had hoped to have finished this yesterday.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Mikset voi jättää minua yksin?,Why can't you leave me alone?,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Unohdimme lukita oven.,We forgot to lock the door.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Kahdeksantoista minuuttia myöhemmin taistelu oli ohi.,"Eighteen minutes later, the battle was over.",fin_Latn-eng_Latn Tarvitsen muutaman minuutin.,I'll need a few minutes.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Olimme verolakien uudistamisen puolesta.,We were in favor of reforming the tax laws.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn "Tyttö tanssi tavalla, joka toi iloa katsojille.",The girl danced in a way that brought joy to the audience.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Olitteko siellä?,Were you there?,fin_Latn-eng_Latn En koskaan tehnyt virhettä.,I never made a mistake.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn "Anteeksi. Uskoisin, että se on minun paikkani.",Excuse me. I believe that is my seat.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Hän etsi taskuistaan avainta.,He searched his pockets for the key.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Tein kaiken mitä minun oletettiinkin tekevän.,I did everything I was supposed to do.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Emme osaa kertoa mikä on parempi.,We cannot tell which is better.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Oletan ettet ole nähnyt Tomia tänä aamuna.,I assume you haven't seen Tom this morning.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Viikonloppuisin nousin myöhemmin kuin tavallisesti.,On weekends I got up later than usual.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Tämä kirja maksaa 3000 jeniä.,"This book costs 3,000 yen.",fin_Latn-eng_Latn "Olet juovuksissa, Tomi. Mene taksiin. Me lähdemme kotiin.","You're drunk, Tom. Get in the taxi. We're going home.",fin_Latn-eng_Latn Hän tietää miten veitsiä teroitetaan.,He knows how to sharpen knives.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Tomi oli rohkea.,Tom was brave.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Vokaaliharmonia on tärkeä unkarin kielessä.,Vowel harmony is important in the Hungarian language.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Ostin uuden puvun.,I bought a new suit.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Vanhempani ovat huolissaan terveydestäni.,My parents worry about my health.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Hän puhui Korean sodan lopettamisesta.,He talked about ending the war in Korea.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Me olemme olleet ystäviä jo kolmekymmentä vuotta.,We've been friends for over thirty years.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Hän on minun poikani.,It's my son.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Yhtäkkiä Tomi purskahti itkuun.,Suddenly Tom began to cry.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Tomi on käyttäytynyt oudosti viime aikoina.,Tom has been acting odd lately.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Äsken ostamani paita on oikein sievä.,The shirt that I've just bought is very nice.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn "Minulla on jotain, mistä minun täytyy puhua kanssasi.",I have something I need to talk to you about.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Otin tavakseni mennä hölkkäämään joka aamu.,I make it a rule to go jogging every morning.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Hän harvoin menee ulos.,She seldom goes out.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Pankki sulkeutuu kello 15.,The bank closes at 3pm.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Hän on taatusti kotoisin etelästä.,He must be from the South.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Mitä tarkoittaa katakreesi?,What does catachresis mean?,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Näytät kauhealta. Mitä tapahtui?,You look terrible. What happened?,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Tomi on hyökkäävä.,Tom is aggressive.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Älä minua aseellasi osoita.,Don't point your gun at me.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Tom otti omenan hedelmämaljasta.,Tom took an apple from the fruit bowl.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Voimmeko levätä hetken?,Can we rest a while?,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Vihaan täällä olemista.,I hate being here.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Hän käski minun tavata hänet hänen luonaan.,He told me to meet him at his house.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Tomi on asunut Bostonissa viimeiset kolme vuotta.,Tom has lived in Boston for the last three years.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Hän käski minun tavata hänet ravintolassa.,He told me to meet him at the restaurant.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Tunnen oloni hieman apeaksi tänään.,I'm feeling a little blue today.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn "Lähetä se minulle, kun ehdit.",Send it to me when you have time.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn "Kaikki tietävät, että Tomi valehtelee.",Everyone knows Tom is lying.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Tämä kannettava tietokone on kevyt.,This laptop is light.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Tämä on todella hyvää.,This is delicious.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Pojan on toteltava isää.,The son must obey the father.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn En luottaisi heihin.,I wouldn't trust them.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Etkö sinä muista?,Don't you remember?,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Minun elämäni on tylsää.,My life is boring.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Tarvitsen kannettavan tietokoneen.,I need a laptop.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Ole varovainen ylittäessäsi tietä.,Take care when you cross the street.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Kuinka monta konserttia järjestetään tänä vuonna?,How many concerts will be organized this year?,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Hän ei ole kirjoittanut heille pitkään aikaan.,He has not written to them for a long time.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Olenko turvassa täällä?,Am I safe here?,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Ei! Minä vihaan parsakaalia!,No! I hate broccoli!,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Pidätkö tämän tekemisestä?,Do you like doing this?,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Tom ei tiedä miksi.,Tom doesn't know why.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Olitko tietoinen tästä?,Were you aware of this?,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Haavoittunut nainen oli brasilialainen turisti.,The wounded woman was a Brazilian tourist.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Oletko koskaan lukenut tätä?,Have you ever read this?,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Minne laitan laukkuni?,Where do I put my bags?,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Ovatko he edistyneet?,Have they made progress?,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Tom avasi läppärinsä.,Tom opened his laptop.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Ketä me odotamme?,Who are we waiting for?,fin_Latn-eng_Latn "Olet tavannut jo herra Smithin, etkö olekin?","You've met Mr. Smith already, haven't you?",fin_Latn-eng_Latn Miksi tarvitsen asianajajan?,Why do I need a lawyer?,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Pian on sadekausi.,It'll soon be the rainy season.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Teeskentelin tekeväni töitä.,I pretended to work.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Oliko tämä jonkun muun ajatus?,Was this somebody else's idea?,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Ansaitsen ylennyksen.,I deserve a promotion.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Minut pidätettiin.,I was arrested.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Tämä kangas on todella sileä ja silkkinen.,This cloth is really smooth and silky.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Se oli suuri ilta.,It was a great night.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Olenko loukannut sinua?,Have I offended you?,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Kissat kehräävät.,The cats are purring.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn "Mistä sinä niin päättelet, että en pysty tehdä sitä?",What makes you think I won't be able to do it?,fin_Latn-eng_Latn "Tomi sanoi, että hän olisi kiireinen puoli kolmeen saakka.",Tom said he'd be busy until 2:30.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Minusta on ihanaa matkustaa yksin.,I love traveling alone.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Voinko kertoa sinulle pienen salaisuuden?,Can I tell you a little secret?,fin_Latn-eng_Latn "Luulen, että olemme nyt turvassa.",I think we're safe now.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Tomi vois kertoo teille.,Tom could tell you.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Onko tämä sateenvarjo sinun?,Is this umbrella yours?,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Dekaani kätteli kutakin valmistuvaa opiskelijaa.,The dean shook hands with each of the graduating students.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Ehkä olet liian nuori.,Maybe you're too young.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn "Jos aurinkoa ei olisi, niin emme voisi elää.","If there was no sun, we would not be able to live.",fin_Latn-eng_Latn "Olen kertonut sinulle kaiken, mitä sinun pitää tietää.",I've told you all you need to know.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Palaan takaisin tunnin kuluttua.,I'll be back in an hour.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Kuinka kauan olet soittanut rumpuja?,How long have you been playing the drums?,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Valitettavasti minulla ei ole aikaa.,I'm afraid I won't have the time.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn "Useiden kysymysten jälkeen selvisi, että Tomin ranskan osaaminen oli varsin rajoittunutta, joten Mari vaihtoi englantiin.","After several questions it turned out that Tom's experience in French was rather limited, so Mary switched to English.",fin_Latn-eng_Latn Voisimme pitää sen salaisuutena.,We could keep it a secret.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn "Mitä tahansa tapahtuu, en muuta mieltäni.","No matter what happens, I will never change my mind.",fin_Latn-eng_Latn "Jos Tom olisi pystynyt puhumaan ranskaa paremmin, hän olisi pystynyt kertomaan kaikille miltä hänestä tuntui.","If Tom had been able to speak French better, he would've been able to tell everybody how he really felt.",fin_Latn-eng_Latn "Saattaa olla, että en osaa puhua ranskaa yhtä hyvin kuin Tom, mutta pystyn yleensä kommunikoimaan asiat, jotka haluan sanoa.","I may not be able to speak French as well as Tom, but I can usually communicate what I want to say.",fin_Latn-eng_Latn Pane vaatetta päällesi tai saat flunssan.,"Put some clothes on, you'll catch a cold.",fin_Latn-eng_Latn Sanoitte haluavanne enemmän vastuuta.,You said you wanted more responsibility.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Mitä piditte elokuvasta?,How did you enjoy the movie?,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Minkä kannettavan tarvitsen?,Which laptop do I need?,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Olen täällä auttaakseni sinua.,I'm here to help you.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn "Otapa pala kakkua, jos vain maistuu.",Help yourself to a piece of cake.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Mitä on kaikki tämä?,What is all this?,fin_Latn-eng_Latn "Lupasin itselleni, etten koskaan enää puhuisi hänelle.","I promised myself, that I never gonna talk to him again.",fin_Latn-eng_Latn Nainen pesee kasvonsa.,The woman washes her face.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Minulla on Asuksen kannettava.,I have an Asus laptop.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn "”Mistä Tom on saanut ranskan osamisensa? Hän ei ole koskaan astunut jalallaankaan ranskankieliseen maahan, eikä hänellä ole ranskaa puhuvia ystäviäkään.” ”Uskoisin, että hän katsoo paljon ranskalaisia elokuvia netissä.”","""Where does Tom get his ability in French? He's never set foot in a French-speaking country, and he has no French-speaking friends, either."" ""I believe he watches a lot of French movies on the Internet.""",fin_Latn-eng_Latn Tom käytti paljon aikaa yrittäessään opetella soittamaan käyrätorvea.,Tom spent a lot of time trying to learn how to play the French horn.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn "En halunnut käyttää enempää aikaa siihen, että yrittäisin saada Tomin vakuuttuneeksi, että hänen pitäisi opiskella ranskaa.",I didn't want to spend any more time trying to convince Tom to study French.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn "Luulen että olen saanut selville, miksei Tom koskaan oppinut puhumaan ranskaa kovin hyvin.",I think I've figured out why Tom has never learned to speak French so well.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Tämä viini maistuu hyvältä.,This wine tastes good.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom ja Mari puhuivat ranskaa, mutta he vaihtoivat englantiin, kun Joni tuli huoneeseen.","Tom and Mary were speaking in French, but switched to English when John entered the room.",fin_Latn-eng_Latn He tarjosivat vieraille vähän kahvia.,They offered the guests some coffee.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Hänen vaimonsa on ruotsalainen.,His wife is Swedish.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Voinko lainata kannettavaasi?,Can I borrow your laptop?,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Vain auringon takia pystymme elämään.,"If it were not for the sun, we could not live.",fin_Latn-eng_Latn Älä sekoita julkisia ja henkilökohtaisia asioitasi.,You should not confuse business with personal affairs.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Aion säästää enemmän rahaa.,I'm going to save more money.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Tomi on minun sankarini.,Tom is my hero.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Vain auringon takia olemme ylipäänsä elossa.,"If it were not for the sun, we could not live at all.",fin_Latn-eng_Latn Tomi teki itsemurhan.,Tom has committed suicide.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Wenjin on kiinalainen nainen.,Wenjin is a Chinese woman.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Älä pilkkaa toisia.,Don't make fun of others.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Minä odotinkin sitä!,I was expecting it!,fin_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom nautti Ranskan matkastaan paljon enemmän kuin Mari, koska hänen ranskan osaamisensa oli parempi kuin Marin.",Tom enjoyed his trip to France much more than Mary because his command of French was better than hers.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Minä annan sinulle läppärin.,I'll give you a laptop.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Tämä rakennus on todella iso.,This building is very large.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Häiritsemmekö sinua?,Are we disturbing you?,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Sinun tulee keskittyä tiehen kun olet ajamassa.,You should concentrate on the road when you're driving.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn "Voikohan joku, joka ei tunne mustaa, puhua valkoisesta?",Can someone who does not know the meaning of black really talk about what white is?,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Sopiiko tulla sisään?,Can I come in?,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Tomi harrastaa golfia.,Tom's hobby is golf.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Minulla ei ole rahaa mukanani.,I have no money on me.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Tämä taiteilija kuoli nuorena.,This artist died young.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Istutamme siemeniä.,We're planting seeds.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Missä on takkisi?,Where is your jacket?,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Voinko lainata tätä sanakirjaa?,May I borrow your dictionary?,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Tämä tuoli on liian matala minulle.,This chair is too low for me.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Minun pitää maksaa vuokra.,I need to pay the rent.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Kannettavan omistaminen on käytännöllistä.,It's practical to have a laptop.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Tomi on todella arvaamaton.,Tom is very unpredictable.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Vanhus puhuu joskus itsekseen.,The old man sometimes talks to himself.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn "Häiritseekö sinua, jos tupakoin?",Do you mind my smoking?,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Mä oon tosi köyhä.,I'm very poor.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Kolme moottoripyöräilijää on kuollut tässä risteyksessä tänä vuonna.,Three motorcyclists have died at this intersection this year.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn "Olen varma, että tulet menestymään.",I'm certain of your success.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Miksi vauva itkee?,Why is the baby crying?,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Kannettava on parempi kuin pöytäkone.,A laptop is better than a desktop.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn "Älä pelkää, ei se ole mitään!","It's nothing, don't be afraid!",fin_Latn-eng_Latn Kannettavani käyttöjärjestelmä on Linux.,I'm running Linux on my laptop.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Se kuuluu veljelleni.,It belongs to my brother.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Isäänsä verrattuna hän on pinnallinen.,"Compared to his father, he is shallow.",fin_Latn-eng_Latn """Tiedätkö missä Lappi on?"" hän kysyi porolta.","""Do you know where Lapland is?"" she asked the reindeer.",fin_Latn-eng_Latn Vahdin painoani.,I'm watching my weight.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Kaipaan sinua.,I'll miss you.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Myrkyllinen käärme puraisi Tomia.,Tom was bitten by a venomous snake.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn "Käykö, että aloitan?",Is it OK if I start?,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Leikkaa liha ohuiksi siivuiksi.,Cut the meat into thin slices.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Hänen kannettavansa on jo viisi vuotta vanha.,His laptop is already five years old.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Kukaan ei ole täydellinen.,Nobody is perfect.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Tomin kommentti oli tahditon.,Tom's remark was tactless and insensitive.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn "Jos kerron äidilleni, hän huolestuu, joten en aio kertoa hänelle.","If I tell my mother, she'll worry, so I don't think I'll tell her.",fin_Latn-eng_Latn Minulla on hammassärkyä ja haluan mennä hammaslääkäriin.,I have a toothache and I want to go to the dentist.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Hän pelaa joka viikonloppu golfia.,She plays golf every weekend.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Palelen.,I feel cold.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Läppärini on toiminut tosi hitaasti viime aikoina.,My laptop has been running so slow lately.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn He vihaa hämppyhäkkejä.,They hate spiders.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Lipun ostaminen vaatii jonottamista.,You must stand in a line to buy the ticket.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Hän osaa puhua englannin lisäksi ranskaa.,She can speak not only English but also French.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Näytät hyvin väsyneeltä.,You look very tired.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Lehdet putosivat hiljaa maahan.,Leaves were dropping silently to the ground.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Voin elää vedettä.,I can live without water.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Milloin palaat?,When will you come back?,fin_Latn-eng_Latn "Koskaan ei voi tietää, mitä tapahtuu huomenna.",You never know what will happen tomorrow.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Suuret kaupungit on merkitty karttaan punaisilla pisteillä.,Cities are designated on this map as red dots.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Ostitko sen tänään vai eilen?,Did you buy it today or yesterday?,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Kuka soitti poliisille?,Who called the cops?,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Etkö pidä omenoista?,Don't you like apples?,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Ei yksi pääsky kesää tee.,One swallow does not a spring make.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn En voi sallia itselleni ateriaa sellaisessa kalliissa ravintolassa.,I can't afford to eat in such an expensive restaurant.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Hänet diskattiin varaslähdön jälkeen.,He was disqualified after a false start.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn "Usko niitä, jotka etsivät totuutta; kaihda niitä, jotka ovat löytäneet sen.","Believe those who seek truth, beware those who find it.",fin_Latn-eng_Latn Isäni oli jo 40-vuotiaana täysin kalju.,My father was completely bald by the time he was forty.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Hän vetää rakoa.,He's getting away.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn "Tomi oli onnekas, että hän sai kasvaa monikielisessä ympäristössä.",Tom was lucky to grow up in a multilingual environment.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Hän kirjoitti minulle kirjeen.,He wrote me a letter.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn "Minulle on yhdentekevää, mitä ihmiset puhuvat.",I don't care what people say.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Kuka maksaa laskun?,Who's going to foot the bill?,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Haluaisin lähteä Pariisiin opiskelemaan taidetta.,I wish to go to Paris to study art.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Minun täytyy muistuttaa sinua lupauksestasi.,I must remind you of your promise.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Hän ei ole enää täällä.,He is no longer here.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn "Pyydän anteeksi, jos olen loukannut sinua.",I apologize if I hurt your feelings.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Kanit ovat sukua majaville ja oraville.,Rabbits are related to beavers and squirrels.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Tom aikoo laittaa talonsa myyntiin.,Tom is going to put his house up for sale.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn En halua asua yksin.,I don't want to live alone.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Etkö ole vieläkään päättänyt?,Haven't you decided yet?,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Rakastan arabian kieltä.,I love Arabic.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn "Hän myönsi, ettei osaa puhua ranskaa.",She acknowledged that she couldn't speak French.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Palasin Japaniin.,I returned to Japan.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Hevonen juoksi lujaa.,The horse ran fast.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Tässä kaupungissa on paljon kauniita rakennuksia.,There are a lot of beautiful buildings in this town.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Syntymäpäiväni sattuu tänä vuonna perjantaille.,My birthday falls on Friday this year.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Hän osti kameran pojalleen.,He bought his son a camera.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Tämä on minun kissani.,That's my cat.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn "No, voit olla oikeassa.","Well, you might be right.",fin_Latn-eng_Latn Tavataan tänään.,Meet me tonight.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Peukalonkynteni irtosi.,I had my thumbnail torn off.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Tomi on vain ihan vähän Maria pidempi.,Tom is only just a little bit taller than Mary.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Minun veljeni ei ole kotona huomenna.,My brother won't be at home tomorrow.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Oletko tehnyt jonkin uudenvuodenlupauksen?,Did you make any New Year's resolutions?,fin_Latn-eng_Latn "Kerro Tomille, että minulla on häntä ikävä.",Tell Tom I miss him.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Hän oli kriittisessä tilassa.,He was in critical condition.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Joko lopetetaan tältä päivältä?,What do you say to calling it a day?,fin_Latn-eng_Latn "Mitäs sanot, joko päivä on pulkassa?",How about calling it a day?,fin_Latn-eng_Latn "Tiedätkö, mistä syystä hän lintsasi tänään?",Do you know the reason why he cut class today?,fin_Latn-eng_Latn "Yksi, kolme ja viisi ovat parittomia lukuja.","One, three, and five are odd numbers.",fin_Latn-eng_Latn Kukaan ei ota meitä vakavasti.,No one takes us seriously.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Minua ei kutsuttu Tomin juhliin.,I didn't get an invitation to Tom's party.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Pronssihaarniska oli hyödytön saksonien väsymätöntä hyökkäystä vastaan.,The bronze armor was useless against the Saxons' relentless attack.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Tomilla on jotain kerrottavaa Marille.,Tom has something to tell Mary.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Etkö pysty erottamaan mielikuvitusta todellisuudesta?,Can't you divorce fantasy from reality?,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Lainasin Tomille minun sateenvarjoni.,I lent Tom my umbrella.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn "Tulkaa, kun haluatte.",Come at any time you like.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Paulan täytyy auttaa isäänsä keittiössä.,Paula has to help her father in the kitchen.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Bill puhuu hieman japania.,Bill speaks a little Japanese.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Eilen satoi.,It rained yesterday.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Hän osallistui tapaamiseen.,He took part in the meeting.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Kannettavassani on sisäänrakennettu kortinlukija.,My laptop has a built-in card reader.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn "Jos olisin sinun housuissasi, auttaisin häntä.","If I were in your shoes, I would help him.",fin_Latn-eng_Latn Hän sanoi ostaneensa tuon kirjan tuossa päivää aikaisemmin.,He said he had bought that book there the day before.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Pue pyjama päällesi.,Put on your pajamas.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Olet oikeassa. Menen taksilla.,You are right. I will go by taxi.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Toivottavasti paranet pikaisesti.,I wish you a quick recovery.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Juot teetä.,You drink tea.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn """Minun olisi pitänyt käyttää kondomia"", valitti Tomi.","""I should have used a condom,"" lamented Tom.",fin_Latn-eng_Latn Tiedätkö kuka varasti Tomin kannettavan?,Do you know who stole Tom's laptop?,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Isoäiti kantoi pöydän itse.,Grandmother carried the table by herself.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Venäjä on suurempi kuin Pluto.,Russia is larger than Pluto.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Minä en ole kovin onnekas.,I'm not very lucky.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Tomi ei tiedä paljoa urheilusta.,Tom doesn't know much about sports.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Se ei ollenkaan yllättänyt meitä.,That didn't surprise us at all.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn "Minun täytyy lähteä, koska vaimoni odottaa minua.",I have to go; my wife is waiting for me.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Mun luona on bileet tänä yönä.,I've got a party tonight.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Tomi kieltäytyi yhteistyöstä.,Tom refused to cooperate.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Brian pyjamassaan on keskittynyt lukemiseen kotonaan aamulla.,"Brian, in his pajamas, is engaged in reading in the house in the morning.",fin_Latn-eng_Latn Mari pitää kannettavaansa mukanaan aina.,Mary keeps her laptop with her at all times.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Kello käy.,The clock is ticking.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Rakastan lauseita oravista!,I love sentences about squirrels!,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Mikä on sen nimi?,What's its name?,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Voisitko kertoa minulle mihin olet menossa?,Would you mind telling me where you're going?,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Voisitko kertoa minulle mitä odotat?,Would you mind telling me what you're waiting for?,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Voisitko kertoa minulle ketä odotat?,Would you mind telling me who you're waiting for?,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Voisitko kertoa minulle miksi olet täällä?,Would you mind telling me why you're here?,fin_Latn-eng_Latn "Haittaako sinua, jos kysyn sinulta muutamia kysymyksiä?",Would you mind if I asked you some questions?,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Hän oli yötä tätinsä luona.,He stayed at his aunt's house.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn "Moi. Ellen ole erehtynyt, niin te olette meidän uusia naapureitamme.","Hi. If I'm not mistaken, you're our new neighbors, aren't you?",fin_Latn-eng_Latn Se on huono asia minulle.,That is bad to me.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn "Panetko pahaksesi, jos kysyn sinulta pari kysymystä?",Would you mind if I ask you a few questions?,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Minun kannettavassani ei ole optista levyasemaa.,My laptop doesn't have an optical disk drive.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Voisitko kertoa minulle kuka olet?,Would you mind telling me who you are?,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Voisitko kertoa mistä sait tämän?,Would you mind telling where you got this?,fin_Latn-eng_Latn "Haittaako sinua, jos liityn seuraasi ensi kerran kun menet kävelylle?",Would you mind if I tag along with you next time you go for a walk?,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Hänen olisi pitänyt tietää.,He should have known.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn "Anteeksi kun keskeytän, mutta voisitko avata ikkunan?","Excuse me for interrupting you, but would you mind opening the window?",fin_Latn-eng_Latn Tekeekö teidän mieli lähteä uimaan?,Do you feel like going swimming?,fin_Latn-eng_Latn "Katsopa peiliin, kaveri.","Look in the mirror, pal.",fin_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom on vihainen, koska Mari lainasi hänen kannettavaansa kysymättä lupaa.",Tom is angry because Mary borrowed his laptop without asking.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Pahastutko jos suutelen sinua?,Would you mind if I kissed you?,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Haluan todella vain suudella sinua. Panetko pahaksesi?,I just really want to kiss you. Would you mind?,fin_Latn-eng_Latn "Anteeksi kun vaivaan, mutta voisitko sulkea oven?","I hate to bother you, but would you mind closing the door?",fin_Latn-eng_Latn "Tiedän, että on melko myöhä, mutta pahastutko, jos tulen nyt käymään? Minun täytyy puhua kanssasi eräästä asiasta.","I know it's kind of late, but would you mind if I came over now? I have something I need to discuss with you.",fin_Latn-eng_Latn Hän halusi kovasti tietää pääsykokeen tulokset.,She was anxious to know the entrance exam results.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn On aika ruokkia koira.,It's time to feed the dog.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Meidän pitää opiskella ahkerammin.,We must study harder.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Voisitko kertoa minulle mitä oikein teet?,Would you mind telling me what you're doing?,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Voisitko kertoa minulle miten pääsit tänne?,Would you mind telling me how you got here?,fin_Latn-eng_Latn "Haittaako, jos istun kanssasi?",Would you mind if I sit with you?,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Hän oli rehellinen mies.,He was an honest man.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Hän ei ole minun isäni.,He's not my father.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Tämä nainen on sokea.,This woman is blind.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Hän asuu Roomassa.,He lives in Rome.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Emme ottaneet osaa siihen.,We weren't involved in that.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Poliitikko ei hävennyt ottaneensa lahjuksia.,The politician was not ashamed of having taken bribes.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Minulla oli tapana ajaa moottoripyörällä töihin.,I used to ride a motorcycle to work.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Missä sinun isäsi on?,Where is your father?,fin_Latn-eng_Latn "Se salasana on ""Muiriel"".","The password is ""Muiriel"".",fin_Latn-eng_Latn Tässä lauseessa on viisi sanaa.,This sentence has seven words in it.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Se on merkki.,That's a sign.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Minun veljeni asuu Tokiossa.,My brother lives in Tokyo.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Mikä sinua huolettaa?,What are you worried about?,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Puhelimesi ei toimi tässä luolassa.,Your phone's not going to work in this cave.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Mitä sinä kerroit Tomille siitä?,What did you tell Tom about it?,fin_Latn-eng_Latn ”Voinko käyttää läppäriäni kylvyssä?” ”Et voi.”,"""Can I use my laptop in the bath?"" ""No, you can't.""",fin_Latn-eng_Latn Te ette kutsuneet minua.,You didn't invite me.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Tomi työskentelee rakennusalalla.,Tom works in construction.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Ihmiset oppivat enemmän yrittämällä korjata televisiota kuin katsomalla sitä.,You learn more from trying to repair a TV than from watching one.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Minä olen toimittaja.,I'm a journalist.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Se on periaatekysymys.,It's a question of principle.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Tomilla ei ole hiuksia.,Tom has no hair.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Hän tuli tapansa mukaan myöhässä.,He came late as usual.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Tomi ei yleensä osta kalliita vaatteita.,Tom doesn't usually buy expensive clothes.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn "On tiedettyjä tietoja; on asioita joita tiedämme tietävämme. Me tiedämme myös että on tiedettyjä tietämättömyyksiä; toisin sanoen tiedämme että on joitain asioita joita me emme tiedä. Mutta on myös tietämättömiä tietämättömyyksiä - ne, joita emme tiedä olevamme tietämättä.",There are known knowns; there are things we know we know. We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns – the ones we don't know we don't know.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Me aiomme yrittää.,We're going to try.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Sormesi ovat nätit.,Your fingers are pretty.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Tom kieltäytyi maksamasta laskua.,Tom refused to pay the bill.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Kaikki kutsuttiin paitsi minä.,All were invited but me.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Olet minulle velkaa.,You owe me money.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Elä pitkään ja menesty.,Live long and prosper.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Tom on epäluotettava.,Tom is unreliable.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Oletko aikeissa tulla Bostoniin uudestaan?,Do you have any plans to come back to Boston?,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Meidän täytyy taistella vastaan.,We have to fight back.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn "Kuulin, että menit juuri naimisiin.",I hear you just got married.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Kimppuumme on hyökätty.,We're being attacked.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Ystäväni on kaksikielinen.,My friend is bilingual.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Marilla on kauniit ruskeat silmät.,Mary has beautiful brown eyes.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Minulta kului useita tunteja sen piirtämiseen.,It took me several hours to draw it.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Hän maalasi seinän punaiseksi.,She painted the wall red.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn En käytä näitä kenkiä enää koskaan.,I'm never wearing these shoes again.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Vanhempasi olivat todella ylpeitä sinusta.,Your parents were very proud of you.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Hän suunnitteli sen uuden rakennuksen.,He designed the new building.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Tom halusi saada vähän täsmäharjoittelua ennen kuin hän meni toimistolle.,Tom wanted to get in a little target practice before he went into the office.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Hänen ranskansa on sujuvaa.,He is fluent in French.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Hän on todennäköisesti kuollut.,He is probably dead.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Tomi ja Mari ovat samalla aallonpituudella.,Tom and Mary are on the same wavelength.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn On ihanaa katsoa sinun ruoanlaittoasi.,I love watching you cook.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Xiaoming Wang ei ole koskaan ollut Yhdysvalloissa. Hän todella haluaa mennä ensi vuonna.,Xiaoming Wang has never been to America. He really wants to go next year.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Minä tarvitsen sinua.,I need you.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Miksi ihmiset kadehtivat toisiaan?,Why do people envy each other?,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Minun täytyy tarkistaa se.,I need to check it.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn "Tämä on erityisen hyvä ostos opiskelijoille tai liikemiehille, jotka matkustavat ja haluavat kevyen kannettavan.",This is an extremely good deal for students or business people who travel and want a light laptop.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn "Ihmiset roikkuivat tunteja puunoksissa, jotta tulvavesi ei veisi heitä mukanaan.",Some people clung to tree branches for several hours to avoid being washed away by the floodwaters.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Kuumana kesäpäivänä ilmastointijärjestelmä paiskii töitä viileentääkseen meitä.,"On a hot summer day, the air conditioner works all day to keep us cool.",fin_Latn-eng_Latn Jane luultavasti tulee.,Maybe Jane will come.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Mitä jos sulkisit leipäläpesi?,How about you shut your big mouth?,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Markku halusi lohduttaa Liisaa.,Markku wanted to comfort Liisa.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Kannattaa käydä New Yorkissa.,New York is worth visiting.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Milloin bussi nro neljä saapuu?,When does No.4 bus arrive?,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Haluan syödä kimbapia.,I want to eat kimbap.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Mitä hakukonetta käytät?,Which search engine do you use?,fin_Latn-eng_Latn Verotarkastaja huomasi erinäisiä poikkeavuuksia yhtiön tilastoissa.,The auditor picked up some anomalies in the company's accounts.,fin_Latn-eng_Latn "Heti kun näin hänet, tiesin hänen olevan minulle vihainen.","The moment I saw him, I knew he was angry with me.",fin_Latn-eng_Latn "Au commencement, Dieu créa le ciel et la terre.",In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Nous sommes de votre avis.,We agree with you.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Cette montagne a une hauteur de trois mille mètres.,"This mountain has an altitude of 3,000 meters.",fra_Latn-eng_Latn Le problème est que je n'ai pas de temps pour cela.,The problem is I don't have time for it.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Il est constamment à court d'argent.,He's always short of money.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Il tend à la paresse.,He is inclined to be lazy.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Je voudrais aller chercher mes affaires.,I would like to go and get my stuff.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Il a fait de moi ce que je suis aujourd'hui.,He has made me what I am today.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Nous sentions comme la terre tremblait.,We felt the earth tremble.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Un vieil homme vivait autrefois sur cette île.,There once lived an old man on that island.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn "À moins de vous dépêcher, vous serez en retard à l'école.","Unless you hurry, you will be late for school.",fra_Latn-eng_Latn Je veux te le faire payer.,I want to pay it back to you.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Les cours des devises varient quotidiennement.,The exchange rates for foreign currency change daily.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Prenez l'ascenseur qui va au quatrième étage.,Take the elevator to the fifth floor.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Je suis ici jusqu'à trois heures.,I will stay here till three o'clock.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Cette bourse d'étude m'a été accordée par le conseil départemental.,This study grant was given to me by the departmental council.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn "Même après un accouchement, il est mauvais de boire de l'alcool pendant la période d'allaitement.","Even after delivery, it is bad to drink alcohol during the period of breastfeeding.",fra_Latn-eng_Latn Les religions monothéistes sont un grand mensonge pour l'humanité.,Monotheistic religions are a big lie for humanity.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Tu as l'air surpris.,You look surprised.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn J'aurais dû la fermer.,I should have kept my mouth shut.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Il aurait dû la fermer.,He should have kept his mouth shut.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Elle aurait dû la fermer.,She should have kept her mouth shut.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Tu aurais dû la fermer.,You should have kept your mouth shut.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Vous auriez dû la fermer.,You should've kept your mouth shut.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn "Lorsqu'elle était jeune, elle était très belle.","When she was young, she was very beautiful.",fra_Latn-eng_Latn Elle n'a jamais rêvé qu'elle le rencontrerait à l'étranger.,She never dreamed she'd meet him overseas.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Je rencontre quelqu'un pour dîner.,I'm meeting someone for dinner.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn J'aimerais donner ceci à quelqu'un auquel nous pouvons nous fier.,I'd like to give this to somebody we can trust.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn J'aimerais épouser quelqu'un comme toi.,I'd like to get married to someone like you.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn L'eau sur la route était seulement un mirage.,The water on the road was just a mirage.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Il est strictement interdit de traduire cette phrase !,It is strictly forbidden to translate this sentence!,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Il me faut quelqu'un à qui je puisse parler.,I need someone who I can talk to.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn "J'ai besoin de quelqu'un, maintenant.",I need someone now.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn J'ai besoin de quelqu'un à qui je puisse me fier.,I need somebody I can trust.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Je connais quelqu'un qui peut t'aider.,I know someone who can help you.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Je connais quelqu'un qui peut nous aider.,I know somebody who can help us.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn J'ai engagé quelqu'un aujourd'hui.,I hired someone today.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn J'ai entendu quelqu'un parler.,I heard somebody talking.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Il me faut le dire à quelqu'un.,I have to tell someone.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Il me faut m'entretenir avec quelqu'un.,I have to talk to somebody.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Il me faut trouver quelqu'un pour m'aider.,I have to find someone to help me.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Il me fallait le dire à quelqu'un.,I had to tell somebody.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Quelqu'un ici sait-il comme le faire ?,Does someone here know how to do this?,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Quelqu'un a-t-il mentionné mon nom ?,Did somebody mention my name?,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Quelqu'un est-il mort ?,Did someone die?,fra_Latn-eng_Latn L'espagnol n'est pas seulement parlé en Espagne.,Spanish is not only spoken in Spain.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Elle a prétendu qu'elle ne l'avait pas entendu.,She made believe that she had not heard him.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn "Le port creusé dans ces rivages / garde un calme profond ; mais par d'autres orages / l'épouvantable Etna trouble, en grondant, ces lieux ; / bientôt déploie en l'air des colonnes de feux ; / tantôt, des profondeurs de son horrible gouffre, / de flamme et de fumée, et de cendre et de soufre, / dans le ciel obscurci lance d'affreux torrents ; / tantôt, des rocs noircis par ses feux dévorants / arrachant les éclats, de ses voûtes tremblantes / vomit, en bouillonnant, ses entrailles brûlantes.","It was a spacious harbour, sheltered deep / from access of the winds, but looming vast / with awful ravage, AEtna's neighbouring steep / thundered aloud, and, dark with clouds, upcast / smoke and red cinders in a whirlwind's blast. / Live balls of flame, with showers of sparks, upflew / and licked the stars, and in combustion massed, / torn rocks, her ragged entrails, molten new, / the rumbling mount belched forth from out the boiling stew.",fra_Latn-eng_Latn Il n'y a rien de plus rafraîchissant qu'une bière froide par une journée chaude.,There is nothing more refreshing than a cold beer on a hot day.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Nous ne pouvons pas satisfaire vos besoins.,We cannot meet your needs.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn T'ai-je entendu parler à quelqu'un ?,Did I hear you talking to someone?,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Quelqu'un pourrait-il me passer un couteau ?,Could someone hand me a knife?,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Quelqu'un pourrait-il aller me chercher une cuillère ?,Could somebody get me a spoon?,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Quelqu'un peut-il ouvrir une fenêtre ?,Can someone open a window?,fra_Latn-eng_Latn "Quelqu'un peut-il m'aider, je vous prie ?",Can somebody please help me?,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Quelqu'un ici peut-il me donner un coup de main ?,Can somebody give me a hand here?,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Quelqu'un peut-il m'aider ?,Can somebody help me?,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Quelqu'un peut-il m'amener en voiture ?,Can someone give me a lift?,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Attendez-vous quelqu'un ?,Are you expecting someone?,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Attends-tu quelqu'un ?,Are you waiting for someone?,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Cherchez-vous quelqu'un ?,Are you looking for somebody?,fra_Latn-eng_Latn On ne peut pas apprendre le japonais sans apprendre les kanjis.,We can not learn Japanese without learning Kanji.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Tout le monde t'apprécie.,Everyone likes you.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Tout le monde sait ça.,Everyone knows that.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Tout le monde attend dans la pièce d'à côté.,Everyone is waiting in the other room.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Tout le monde est silencieux.,Everyone is silent.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Tout le monde a peur.,Everyone is scared.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Tout le monde est dans le salon à regarder la télé.,Everyone is in the living room watching TV.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Tout le monde est là.,Everyone is here.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn "Tout le monde est parti, maintenant.",Everyone is gone now.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Tout le monde est épuisé.,Everyone is exhausted.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn "Tout le monde toussait, dans la salle de classe.",Everyone in the classroom was coughing.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Tous les membres de l'assistance chantèrent en chœur.,Everybody in the audience sang along.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Tout le monde prends du bon temps.,Everybody's having a good time.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Tout le monde s'amuse.,Everybody is having a good time.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Tout le monde a des secrets.,Everybody has secrets.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Tout le monde est déjà parti.,Everybody has already left.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Tout le monde est mort.,They're all dead.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Tout le monde a applaudi.,Everybody was clapping.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn "Tout le monde buvait du vin, à la fête.",Everyone at the party was drinking wine.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn "Tout le monde me déteste, à l'école.",Everybody at school hates me.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Qu'est-ce que tout le monde regarde ?,What's everyone staring at?,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Tout le monde va-t-il bien ?,Is everybody OK?,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Tout le monde est-il prêt ?,Is everybody ready?,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Chacun est-il prêt ?,Is everyone ready?,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Est-ce que ça va bien pour tout le monde ?,Is everybody okay?,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Tout le monde s'amuse-t-il ?,Is everybody having a good time?,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Est-ce que tout le monde s'amuse ?,Is everyone having fun?,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Je m'entends avec tout le monde.,I get along with everybody.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Presque tout le monde était en retard.,Almost everyone was late.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Où sont tous les autres ?,Where's everyone else?,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Où sont toutes les autres ?,Where's everybody else?,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Où est-ce que tout le monde se rend ?,Where's everyone going?,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Il n'y a pas de place pour tout le monde.,There isn't room for everyone.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn "Je connais tout le monde, ici.",I know everybody here.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn "Je sortais de chez moi, lorsqu'il s'est mis à pleuvoir.","I was leaving home, when it started to rain.",fra_Latn-eng_Latn Pratiquement tout le monde est venu.,Just about everyone came.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn "Si tu fais ça, tout le monde va te détester.","If you do that, everyone's going to hate you.",fra_Latn-eng_Latn Les écailles de ce poisson reluisent avec la lumière.,The scales of this fish shine with the light.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Pouvons-nous y croire ?,Can we believe that?,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Ma mère joue bien du piano.,My mother plays the piano well.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Est-ce que nous sommes des écureuils fous ?,Are we mad squirrels?,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Tom a une tonsure.,Tom has a bald spot.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Nous avons parlé de cela hier.,We talked about this yesterday.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn « Crois-moi » dit-il.,"""Trust me,"" he said.",fra_Latn-eng_Latn Je ne l'ai jamais aimé.,I've never liked him.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Quelle personne es-tu ?,What kind of man are you?,fra_Latn-eng_Latn C'est combien pour aller jusqu'à l'hôtel Hilton ?,How much is the fare to the Hilton Hotel?,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Quel est le nom de ton bateau ?,What's the name of your ship?,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Je n'ai pas compris un seul mot.,I did not understand a word.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Prête attention à ce que tu manges !,Pay attention to what you're eating!,fra_Latn-eng_Latn C'était ma faute.,It was my mistake.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Quel livre veux-tu ?,Which book do you want?,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Je crois que tu la connais.,I think you know her.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Je crois que tu le connais.,I think you know him.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Tu dois te laver les cheveux.,You should wash your hair.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn "Je t'ai rencontré, et je t'ai aimé encore plus qu'avant.",I liked you even more when I met you.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Viens ici !,Come over here!,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Elle est absente en cours.,She absented herself from the lesson.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Il a hissé le drapeau.,He raised the flag.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn L'assassin confessera bientôt son crime.,The murderer will soon confess his crime.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Il me l'a reproché.,He blamed it on me.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn J'ai reçu une lettre de mon ami.,I received a letter from my friend.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Quelle heure est-il à Londres maintenant ?,What time is it in London now?,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Tom s'est fait une tasse de thé.,Tom made himself a cup of tea.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Tom s'est fait beaucoup d'argent avec cette affaire.,Tom made good money on that deal.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Il ne connaît pas du tout l'anglais.,He doesn't know English at all.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Tom s'est promis qu'il ne ferait plus jamais la même erreur.,Tom made a promise to himself that he would never make the same mistake again.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn L'école est très loin d'ici.,The school is very far from here.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Je pense que ce n'est qu'un hasard.,I think it is a mere coincidence.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn "Chaque fois que je te vois, je pense à mon père.","Every time that I see you, I think of my father.",fra_Latn-eng_Latn Il a trouvé l'expérience plaisante.,He found the experience enjoyable.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Tom aimait beaucoup sa famille.,Tom loved his family very much.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Ce jus de fruit a un goût acide.,This juice tastes sour.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Il est avec ses parents.,He's with his parents.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Tom a perdu son porte-monnaie.,Tom lost his wallet.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Tom a perdu son parapluie.,Tom lost his umbrella.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Elle a eu le courage de se renseigner à propos des résultats de l'examen.,She had the courage to go and inquire about the results of the exam.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Il veut aller en Afrique.,He wants to go to Africa.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Il a beaucoup travaillé et terminé le rapport en une semaine.,"He worked hard, finishing the report in one week.",fra_Latn-eng_Latn J'ai eu peur de m'endormir en conduisant.,I was afraid I might fall asleep while driving.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Elle est toujours aussi belle.,She is as beautiful as ever.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Il ne s'en sortira pas.,He won't get away.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn La route est recouverte d'asphalte.,The street is paved with asphalt.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn La climatisation ne fonctionne pas.,The AC doesn't work.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Les États-Unis d'Amérique du Nord exportent du blé dans le monde entier.,The United States of America export wheat throughout the world.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Tom a oublié l'anniversaire de leur premier rendez-vous.,Tom forgot the anniversary of their first date.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn "D'habitude, qu'est-ce qui cause la douleur ?",What is usually the cause for the pain?,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Jane est allé à la banque pour retirer un peu d'argent.,Jane went to the bank to take out some money.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Parfois des questions nous informent plus que des réponses.,"Sometimes, questions provide us with more information than answers.",fra_Latn-eng_Latn Ce café est trop fort.,This coffee is too bitter.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn J'aime toutes sortes de peintures.,I like all sorts of paintings.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Ferme cette porte !,Shut that door.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Elle a dit qu'elle sera ici vers six heures.,She told me she would be here about six.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Le commerce entre Les États-Unis et la Chine a beaucoup augmenté.,There has been a large increase in trade between the United States and China.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Un rhinocéros est très grand.,The rhinoceros is very big.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Il a finalement réussi son projet d'aller en Thaïlande.,He finally went through with his plan to go to Thailand.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Papa est-il dans la cuisine ?,Is dad in the kitchen?,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Elle travaille aussi dur que n'importe quel autre étudiant.,She works as hard as any other student.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Voici ce qui manquait encore !,As if it weren't enough already!,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Redonne-moi mon petit sac.,Give me back my bag.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Je ne répondrai plus aux questions.,I'm not going to answer any more questions.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Il est vendeur de voitures.,He's a car salesman.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn La chance est aveugle.,Luck is blind.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Nous vivons dans un monde compliqué.,We live in a complicated world.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Nous vivons dans un monde très compliqué.,We live in a very complicated world.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Tente ta chance !,Try your luck!,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Je ne connais pas son numéro de téléphone.,I don't know her telephone number.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Tu es veinarde.,You're in luck.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Vous êtes vraiment le frère de Tom ?,Are you really Tom's brother?,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Il ne m'a pas reconnue.,He didn't recognize me.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Thomas mange comme un cochon.,Tom eats like a pig.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Thomas cria comme une femme.,Tom screamed like a woman.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Thomas pleura comme un bébé.,Tom cried like a baby.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Bats-toi comme un homme !,Fight like a man!,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Agis comme un humain.,Act like a man.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Il est au bureau.,He is at the office.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn "Je n'espère rien, je n'ai peur de rien ; je suis libre.","I hope for nothing, I fear for nothing, I am free.",fra_Latn-eng_Latn Il était en colère après elle.,He was angry with her.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Je n'ai pas froid aux yeux.,I'm not scared.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Elle n'a pas froid aux yeux.,She is not afraid of anything.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Comment as-tu pu laisser passer cela ?,How could you have let it happen?,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Tom n'a jamais été en prison.,Tom has never been in prison.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Je ne peux rien ajouter à cela.,I can't add anything to that.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Tom est mort du cancer en 2013.,Tom died from cancer in 2013.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Tom dit qu'il veut apprendre à jouer du hautbois.,Tom says he wants to learn how to play the oboe.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Cette texte n'est pas une texte traduite.,This text is not a translated text.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Votre nom figure plus bas dans la liste.,Your name's further down the list.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn "En entrant au café, j'ai aperçu deux jeunes hommes qui regardaient une partie de lutte à la télévision.","As I entered the café, I found two young men watching a wrestling match on television.",fra_Latn-eng_Latn Les pommes de terre sont des légumes.,Potatoes are vegetables.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Il a la poisse.,He has very bad luck.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Il est digne de confiance.,He is trustworthy.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn "Le seigle, le blé et l'orge sont des céréales.","Rye, wheat, and barley are cereals.",fra_Latn-eng_Latn Je commence à en avoir assez de vos plaintes.,I'm getting tired of your complaints.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Les fritures ne me réussissent pas.,Fried food does not agree with me.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Je suis son cadet de quatre ans.,I am four years younger than him.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn L'hirondelle est un oiseau migrateur.,The swallow is a migratory bird.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Je suis fatiguée de tous ces mensonges.,I'm tired of all these lies.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Je commence à en avoir assez de tes mensonges.,I'm getting tired of your lies.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Rien n'est evident.,Nothing is obvious.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Nous sommes à la recherche d'un hébergement.,We are looking for lodging accommodations.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn La population était écrasée sous les impôts.,The population was crushed by the taxes.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Tom retira ses vêtements et les mit dans la machine à laver.,Tom took his clothes off and put them into the washing machine.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Combien de temps Tom va-t-il être à Boston ?,How long will Tom be in Boston?,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Pourriez-vous m'indiquer le chemin du zoo ?,Could you tell me the way to the zoo?,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Discutons du problème avec eux.,Let's discuss the problem with them.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Ce fut difficile pour elle de répondre à la question.,She found it difficult to answer the question.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn La même solution est valable dans ce cas.,The same explanation is true of that case.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Elle a du mal à nager.,She was having a hard time swimming.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn La nuit on dort.,At night you sleep.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Je n'aime pas les grandes villes.,I dislike big cities.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Est-ce que vous dormez mal la nuit ?,Do you have trouble sleeping at night?,fra_Latn-eng_Latn L'étudiant a été pris en train de tricher.,The student was caught in the act of cheating.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Pourquoi les hommes ne sont-ils pas sincères ?,Why do people use indirectness?,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Tu courais dans le jardin.,You ran in the garden.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn C'est une des meilleures artistes actuelles.,She is among the best artists of today.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn En fait je suis un idiot.,I'm actually a mutt.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Mon père a l'habitude venir à la maison à six heures.,My father usually comes home at six.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Il a gelé cette nuit.,It frosted last night.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Puis-je emprunter le vôtre ?,Can I borrow yours?,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Il ne viendra pas aujourd'hui.,He will not come today.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn "J'ai essayé de maîtriser l'anglais pendant plus de dix ans, mais je n'ai pas réussi.","I tried to master English for more than ten years, but I failed!",fra_Latn-eng_Latn Combien y a-t-il de plumes sur le bureau ?,How many pens are there on the desk?,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Aujourd'hui j'ai étudié le chinois pendant deux heures.,Today I studied Chinese for two hours.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Il a raté le train de 8h30.,He missed the 8:30 train.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn "Après l'hiver, le printemps.","After winter, spring comes.",fra_Latn-eng_Latn "Cette voiture a été élue ""voiture de l'année"".","This car was selected the ""car of the year"".",fra_Latn-eng_Latn Presque tous sont venus.,Almost everyone came.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Vous ne pouvez pas être trop prudent quand vous conduisez.,You can't be too careful when you drive.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Deux élèves sont absents aujourd'hui.,Two students are absent today.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn D'entendre la nouvelle m'a rendu joyeux.,I was beside myself with joy when I heard the news.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Le football est plus populaire que le tennis.,Soccer is more popular than tennis.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Aucun de nous n'est assez stupide pour croire qu'il a dit la vérité.,None of us is so foolish as to believe that he was telling the truth.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn "En découvrant que les autres avaient réussi, elle devint verte de jalousie.","Upon finding out about the others' success, she turned green with envy.",fra_Latn-eng_Latn "Veuillez accrocher votre manteau dans l'antichambre, s'il vous plait.",Please hang your coat in the anteroom.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Ils sont sur le chemin de la maison.,They are on their way home.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Ce train est-il le bon pour Tokyo ?,Is this the right train for Tokyo?,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Je pense que c'est très regrettable qu'il mourut aussi jeune.,I think it's a great pity that he died so young.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Nous étions tenus de rester à la maison.,We should've stayed at home.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Venez-vous de Urumko ?,Are you from Urumqi?,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Il ne compte pas du tout sur moi.,He doesn't altogether trust me.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Le professeur est assis sur la chaise.,The teacher sits on the chair.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Au-dessus du cadavre tournaient des vautours.,Vultures circled above the dead body.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn J'habite tout près.,I live near here.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn C'est un livre intéressant.,It's an interesting book.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Vous devriez utiliser cette chance.,You had better avail yourself of this opportunity.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Le problème se résout tout seul.,The problem resolved itself.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Les blessés ont été transportés loin du lieu de l'accident.,The injured were removed from the scene.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn "Madame Hughes, voici Peter Brown.","Mrs. Hughes, this is Peter Brown.",fra_Latn-eng_Latn La classe commence à 8h30.,The class begins at 8:30.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Actuellement Tom ne regarde pas la télévision.,Tom isn't watching TV now.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Cendrillon avait deux belles-sœurs perfides.,Cinderella had two wicked stepsisters.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn "Dès le départ, je n'ai jamais eu l'intention d'habiter dans une grande ville.",I had no intention of living in a large city from the start.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Ken te cherchait.,Ken was looking for you.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn "Ils étaient tous tellement fatigués qu'ils ne pouvaient rien faire, sauf bailler.",They were all so tired that they could do nothing but yawn.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Voudras-tu couper tous les arbres ici ?,Are you going to cut down all the trees here?,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Tom a reçu un prix du meilleur vendeur de l'entreprise.,Tom got an award for the highest sales at his company.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Veux-tu bien mettre la table contre le mur ?,Please put the table next to the wall.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn "Quand tu es à Rome, agis comme un Romain.","When in Rome, do as the Romans do.",fra_Latn-eng_Latn L'avion atterrira dans une heure.,The plane will land in an hour.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn "Après sa licence, il est devenu professeur.","Having graduated from college, she became a teacher.",fra_Latn-eng_Latn Le champ était couvert de mauvaises herbes.,The field was rank with weeds.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Tu dois faire la queue pour acheter un ticket.,You must stand in a line to buy the ticket.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn J'ai l'habitude de faire mes courses dans ce supermarché.,I usually do my shopping at this supermarket.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Es-tu déjà allé à l'étranger ?,Have you ever been abroad?,fra_Latn-eng_Latn La maison est en construction.,The building is under construction.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Je vais au magasin.,I am going shopping.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Les filles dansent légèrement comme un ballet de papillons.,The girls were dancing lightly like so many butterflies.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Je te remercie très sincèrement de m'avoir montré les erreurs.,I thank you sincerely for having shown me the errors.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn M'as-tu téléphoné hier soir ?,Did you call me up last night?,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Tony peut courir rapidement.,Tony can run fast.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn "Qui vivra, verra.",Let's wait and see.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Je n'ai plus peur.,I'm not afraid anymore.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Comment épelle-t-on votre nom de famille ?,How do you spell your family name?,fra_Latn-eng_Latn "Lorsqu'il a demandé qui avait cassé la fenêtre, tous les garçons ont pris un air innocent.","When he asked who had broken the window, all the boys put on an air of innocence.",fra_Latn-eng_Latn Elle est allée se promener.,She's out for a walk.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn "C'est laquelle, sa maison à lui ?",Which house is his?,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Je propose que nous restions à la maison pour regarder la télévision.,I suggest we stay home and watch television.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Nous sommes tous deux animés du même esprit.,He and I are like-minded.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn N'oublie-pas de le rencontrer demain.,Remember to see him tomorrow.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn La victoire est à nous.,The victory is ours.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Il écrit souvent à ses parents.,He often writes to his parents.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Je respecte Monsieur Brown.,I respect Mr. Brown.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Les cambrioleurs sont en prison.,The burglars are in prison.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Tom a toujours voulu aller dans l'armée de l'air.,Tom always wanted to join the air force.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn "Tu crois que nous la trouverons, sa maison à elle ?",Do you think that we'll find her house?,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Elle a donné une réponse soudaine.,She made an abrupt answer.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Je vais m'évanouir si je ne m'assieds pas.,I'll drop if I don't sit down.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Elle a des cheveux secs.,She has dry hair.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Elle est très intéressée par la musique.,She has a great interest in music.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Il pense que vous avez besoin de dormir davantage.,He thinks that you need to sleep more.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Quelle est la hauteur du Mont Fuji ?,How high is Mt. Fuji?,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Il y avait un drapeau en haut du mât.,There was a flag at the top of the pole.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn De quoi parle-t-il ?,What is he talking about?,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Refroidis ton doigt brûlé sous l'eau courante.,Cool the burned finger in running water.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn C'est facile de trouver un exemple.,It's easy to find an example.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Jouons ici ce dimanche.,Let's play this Sunday.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Nous étions cuits.,We were wasted.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Très peu nombreux sont ceux qui connaissent leur groupe sanguin.,Very few people know what their blood group is.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn C'est notre unique spectacle.,It's our only show.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn "S'il ne pleut pas, alors je m'en irai.","Unless it rains, I will go, too.",fra_Latn-eng_Latn Garde la tête basse !,Keep your head low.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Mon avis diffère un peu du vôtre.,My opinion is a little different from yours.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn C'est horriblement lent.,It's excruciatingly slow.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Pourquoi ont-ils refusé votre proposition ?,Why did they turn down your proposal?,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Vingt personnes ont participé à la fête.,Twenty people attended the party.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn J'ai beaucoup travaillé le mois dernier.,I worked hard last month.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Je le considère parmi les meilleurs compositeurs du Japon.,I rate him among the best modern composers in Japan.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Sa femme a eu des jumeaux.,His wife gave birth to twins.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Il a crié très fort en demandant de l'aide.,He strongly cried out asking for help.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn La fille à côté est très belle.,The girl who lives next door is very pretty.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn La mère met le sucrier sur la table.,The mother puts the sugar bowl on the table.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Encore une tasse de café ?,How about another cup of coffee?,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Pouvez-vous répéter ce que vous venez de dire ?,Would you please repeat what you just said?,fra_Latn-eng_Latn La route est longue.,The way is long.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Il n'écoute jamais ce que j'essaye de lui dire.,He never hears what I'm trying to say.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Il prit cette décision.,He decided on that.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Je ne pouvais pas comprendre ses idées.,I couldn't understand his ideas.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn L'étranger parle le japonais comme si c'était sa langue natale.,The foreigner speaks Japanese as if it were his native language.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Tom a parlé sans cesse toute la nuit.,Tom kept talking all night.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn J'aime prendre le petit-déjeuner avec toi.,I like having breakfast with you.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Il n'y a presque plus de lait dans le verre.,There's almost no milk left in the glass.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Je me demande s'ils se sépareront.,I wonder if they'll get divorced.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Je ne supporte pas ce type.,I can't stand that guy.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Pouvez-vous me donner votre numéro de téléphone?,Can you give me your phone number?,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Quelque chose ne va pas avec les freins.,Something is wrong with the brakes.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Vous avez dû dépenser une fortune pour cette bague de mariage !,You must have dropped a bundle for that wedding ring!,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Je n'ai jamais été interpellé par un étranger.,I have never been spoken to by a foreigner before.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Je me suis fait beaucoup d'amis.,I've made lots of friends.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Il a refusé de mentionner le projet.,He wouldn't mention the plan.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn "Je ne voulais pas attraper froid, je ne suis donc pas sorti.","I didn't want to catch a cold, so I didn't go out.",fra_Latn-eng_Latn C'est quelque chose de complètement différent.,That's a horse of a different color.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn La tempête de neige se poursuivit.,The snowstorm continued.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Mon grand-père a l'habitude de déjeuner à six heures.,My grandfather usually eats breakfast at six.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Ne te soucie pas de mon chien.,Don't worry about my dog.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Il ne montre aucun intérêt pour la science.,He doesn't show any interest in science.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Il a été accusé de vol de bijoux.,He was accused of stealing the jewels.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Vous pouvez stationner ici.,You can park here.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Je sais que certaines personnes valorisent mon travail.,I know that some people value my work.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Elle a accepté son cadeau.,She accepted his gift.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Demain c'est le samedi 5 février 2011.,"Tomorrow is Saturday, February 5th, 2011.",fra_Latn-eng_Latn J'ai un point de côté.,I've got a pain in my side.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn "Dans cette bibliothèque, il y a beaucoup de livres.",There are a great many books in this library.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Tom est à Boston maintenant.,Tom is in Boston now.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Nous visons tous au succès.,We all strive for success.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Je suis sans voix.,I'm at a loss for words.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Elle a rencontré quelqu'un que beaucoup de monde rencontre.,She met somebody who many people meet.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Le mariage a eu lieu à l'hôtel Ritz.,The wedding took place at the Ritz Hotel.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Lave le bureau !,Wash the writing table.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Quel est ton programme télévisé préféré ?,What is your favorite TV program?,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Il fait froid déjà depuis hier.,It has been cold since yesterday.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Bienvenue dans notre restaurant !,Welcome to our restaurant!,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Je veux que toute ma famille soit fière de moi.,I want my whole family to be proud of me.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn "Un des plus gros problèmes dans notre société moderne, c'est que les gens ne voient pas le monde comme moi.",One of the biggest problems in our modern society is that the people don't see the world as I do.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Un monument a été érigé à la mémoire des défunts.,A monument was erected in memory of the deceased.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Je l'ai convaincue d'être à la maison.,I persuaded her to be at home.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Arrête de faire comme si tu ne me connaissais pas !,Stop pretending you don't know me.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn "Tout est changé, désormais.",That's all changed now.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Mais il est préférable de rester chez soi.,But it is better to stay at home.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Nous devons nous diviser.,We have to split.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Je te trouverai.,I'll find you.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Il faut que l'on facilite l'étude des langues.,It is necessary to make the study of languages easier.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn "Vous pouvez vous habiller, maintenant.",You can get dressed now.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn "Il faut que je m'y mette, maintenant.",I need to get started now.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Vous auriez dû y être prêts depuis hier.,You were supposed to have this finished by yesterday.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Pourquoi n'essayez-vous pas de prendre un peu de repos ?,Why don't you try and get some sleep?,fra_Latn-eng_Latn "J'ai été invité pour aller à l'étranger, mais je ne veux pas.","I was invited to go abroad, but I don't want to.",fra_Latn-eng_Latn "À cause de l'accident, je suis arrivé en retard à l'école.",Because of the accident I went too late to school.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Voyager plein d'espoir est meilleur que d'arriver.,To travel hopefully is a better thing than to arrive.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Le mobilier de son bureau a pu donner lieu à une déduction d'impôt.,He could deduct the furnishing of his work room from his taxes.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Quel était donc cette chanson que tu as chantée ?,What was that song you were singing?,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Pourquoi parlez-vous ainsi ?,Why are you talking like that?,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Quelle est la personne la plus à même d'enregistrer ma plainte ?,Who's the best person to speak with to file a complaint?,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Sais-tu où est resté Tom ?,Do you know where Tom's staying?,fra_Latn-eng_Latn J'ignore où vous résidez.,I don't know where you live.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn J'ai des problèmes de concentration.,I have problems concentrating.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Que pensez-vous de ce travail ?,What do you think of this work?,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Les deux régions se distinguent par la religion et la culture.,The two regions differ in religion and culture.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn De nombreux animaux sauvages moururent parce qu'il n'y avait aucune nourriture.,A lot of wild animals died because there wasn't any food.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Nous sommes du Canada.,We are from Canada.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn De nombreux clients viennent consulter cet avocat.,Many clients come to that lawyer for advice.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Pour une fois dans ma vie je fais un bon geste... Et ça ne sert à rien.,For once in my life I'm doing a good deed... And it is useless.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn "Nous ne sommes pas prêts à avoir un enfant, actuellement.",We're not ready to have a kid now.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Nous sommes maintenant en phase.,We're on the same page now.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Nous sommes désormais des gens complètement différents.,We're totally different people now.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Il faut que ce soit maintenant.,It's got to be now.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Vous ne pouvez pas changer d'avis maintenant.,You can't change your mind now.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Je veux que tu te concentres sur ici et maintenant.,I want you focus on the here and now.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Je veux des gardes postés ici et je les veux maintenant !,I want guards posted here and I want them here now.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Nous avons maintenant un peu de temps.,We have a bit of time now.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn "Mon ordinateur fonctionne au poil, maintenant.",My computer works fine now.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Je m'en fais désormais une idée.,I get the picture now.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Je vous souhaite à toutes bonne chance.,I wish you all good luck.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Il faut joindre l'utile à l'agréable.,Usefulness must be combined with pleasantness.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Tu fais désormais partie de la bande.,You're part of the gang now.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn L'air conditionné semble désormais fonctionner.,The air conditioner seems to be working now.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Peut-être es-tu encore en veine.,You may still be in luck.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Ils sont actuellement en train de l'amener pour lui poser des questions.,They're bringing him in for questioning now.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Je suis maintenant disposé à discuter.,I'm in the mood to talk now.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn C'est ainsi que je me sens actuellement.,That's how I feel now.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Ils veulent simplement faire ta connaissance.,They just want to get to know you.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Personne n'avait de solution toute prête.,Nobody was able to suggest a solution.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Je n'ai pas besoin de me faire sermonner par toi.,I don't need to be lectured by you.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn J'apprécierais que tu m'aides.,I'd appreciate it if you'd help me.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn La salière était sur la table.,The salt cellar was on the table.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Bonne chance ! Vous en aurez besoin.,Good luck. You'll need it.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Tu m'intimides toujours.,I'm still intimidated by you.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn La salière sera sur la table.,The salt cellar will be on the table.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Je leur donnerai à manger.,I will give them food.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Je souhaite que cela soit vrai.,I wish that were true.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Ça porte malheur de dire ça.,It's bad luck to say that.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Une calamité a été évitée par pure chance.,A calamity was avoided by sheer luck.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Tom a pris trois grandes respirations.,Tom took three deep breaths.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Elle a attribué son succès à la bonne fortune.,She attributed her success to good luck.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn C'est ce que j'adore chez Tom.,That's what I love about Tom.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn "Si j'en ai si cruellement besoin, il me faut le cultiver. Je n'ai pas le choix.","If I want it so badly, I need to cultivate it. I have no choice.",fra_Latn-eng_Latn Je l'assurais de mon plus profond regret.,I showed him my deepest regret.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Tout le monde vous apprécie.,Everybody likes you.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Je suis venu pour vous souhaiter bonne chance.,I came to wish you good luck.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn "Afin de l'isoler de toute bactérie, aucune visite ne lui est autorisée.","In order to isolate him from bacteria, and such, he is not allowed visitors.",fra_Latn-eng_Latn "Bien entendu je me suis excusé, en précisant que le premier rendez-vous était prioritaire.","Of course I apologised, saying that the first appointment had priority.",fra_Latn-eng_Latn "Je ne connais pas la clé du succès, mais celle de l'échec est d'essayer de plaire à tout le monde.","I don't know the key to success, but the key to failure is trying to please everybody.",fra_Latn-eng_Latn Ne tenez aucun compte de ce qu'il dit.,Don't take any notice of what he says.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn "Même si tu n'as rien à te reprocher, tu devrais t'excuser.","Even if you are not to blame, you should apologize.",fra_Latn-eng_Latn Je t'ai dit tout ce que je savais.,I told you everything I knew.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn "J'ai appelé Susan pour m'excuser, mais elle m'a raccroché au nez.","I called Susan to apologize to her, but she hung up on me.",fra_Latn-eng_Latn Merci beaucoup d'être ainsi fidèle à notre magasin depuis si longtemps.,Thank you very much for patronizing our store for a long time.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Je dois dire que je t'envie.,I have to say I envy you.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Vous m'avez presque brisé la mâchoire.,You nearly broke my jaw.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn "Il est onze heures, les enfants doivent aller au lit, ils ont école demain.",It's 11 o'clock. The children must go to bed. They have school tomorrow.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Ça ne peut pas vous faire de mal.,It can't hurt you.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn On pouvait voir l'allégresse dans le visage du président lorsqu'il annonça que nos actions vont être cotées au premier marché de la bourse de Tokyo.,You could see the elation in the president's face when he announced that our shares are going to be listed on the First Section of the TSE next year.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Il perçoit un salaire à six chiffres.,He has a six-figure salary.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Beaucoup de gens ne pouvaient pas le reconnaître sous ce déguisement.,Quite a few people couldn't recognize him in that disguise.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn "Si vous pouviez venir, je serais vraiment heureux.","If you could come, I'd be really happy.",fra_Latn-eng_Latn Dois-je garder la chambre ?,Must I stay in bed?,fra_Latn-eng_Latn J'ai fait connaître mes intentions à mes parents.,I made known my intentions to my parents.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Tom est vendeur de voiture.,Tom is a car salesman.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Je chie dans ton lait.,I shit in your milk.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Arrêtez de vous poser des questions sans intérêt.,Stop asking yourself useless questions.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Ne t'approche pas de ça !,Don't go near that!,fra_Latn-eng_Latn La beauté est le pouvoir dont une femme se sert pour charmer un amoureux et pour terrifier un mari.,Beauty is the power by which a woman charms a lover and terrifies a husband.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn "Ouais, allons-y !","Yeah, let's go!",fra_Latn-eng_Latn Sami ne sait pas faire l'accent égyptien.,Sami can't do an Egyptian accent.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn """Je ne te laisserai pas faire du mal à mes amis!"" ""Je n'avais pas l'intention de faire du mal à tes amis.""","""I won't let you hurt my friends!"" ""I wasn't going to hurt your friends.""",fra_Latn-eng_Latn Je serai là tout de suite.,I'll be there right away.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn J'ai une autre bonne idée.,I have another good idea.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Il faut que je boive.,I have to drink.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Lis un livre !,Read a book!,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Il a dit qu'il a écrit.,He said that he had written.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn J'emploierai la magie contre lui et le changerai en grenouille.,I'll use magic on him and turn him into a frog.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Leur voyage fut remis en raison de la pluie.,Their trip was postponed because of the rain.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Je dois écrire des lettres.,I have to write some letters.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn J'aurai des lettres à écrire.,I'll have some letters to write.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn J'aime étudier.,I love learning.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn J'ai acheté quelque chose pour Marie.,I bought something for Mary.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Qui suis-je ? D'où viens-je ? Y a-t-il une vie après la mort ? Que signifie la vie sur la Terre ?,Who am I? Where do I come from? Is there life after death? What is the meaning of life on earth?,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Elaine est à l'hôpital.,Elaine is in hospital.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn J'apprends l'anglais parce que je veux aller aux États Unis.,I'm studying English because I plan to go to the United States.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Il t'aime.,He loves you.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Ne regarde pas la télévision.,Don't watch TV.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Tu me comprends.,You understand me.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Prêter attention à ce que tu fais est une des clés les plus importantes pour réussir.,Paying attention to what you are doing is one of the most important keys to success.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Il était vraiment bon marché.,It was really cheap.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn J'ai appris que tu venais juste de te marier.,I heard you just got married.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn "Si ce n'est pas maintenant, alors quand ?","If not now, then when?",fra_Latn-eng_Latn "Je ne sais qu'une chose, c'est que je ne sais rien.",I only know this: that I know nothing.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn J'ai fait un rêve effrayant.,I had a terrible dream.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Qui écrit lit deux fois.,He who writes reads twice.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn On apprend en se trompant.,One learns by one's mistakes.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Marie sait pourquoi.,Mary knows why.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Nous savons pourquoi.,We know why.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Ils savent pourquoi.,They know why.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Lucie connaît Marie.,Lucy knows Mary.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Aimes-tu les cheeseburgers ?,Do you like cheeseburgers?,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Courons jusqu'à l'arrêt de bus.,Let's run to the bus stop.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn "Dans son discours, il s'étendit sur l'importance de l'éducation.",In his speech he dwelt on the importance of education.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn "Elle te déteste, semble-t-il.","She hates you, it seems.",fra_Latn-eng_Latn L'équipement de son bureau était déductible des impôts.,The furnishing of his work room was tax deductible.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Il a pu déduire l'équipement de son bureau de ses impôts.,He could write off his work room's furnishing from his taxes.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn On connait par les fleurs l'excellence du fruit.,We know by the flowers the quality of the fruit.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Le voleur s'introduisit par une fenêtre cassée.,The thief entered through a broken window.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Veuillez mettre votre ceinture de sécurité.,Please fasten your seat belt.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Les miracles s'appellent des miracles parce qu'ils ne se produisent pas !,Miracles are called miracles because they don't happen!,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Je me suis arrêté pour pouvoir fumer une cigarette.,I stopped so I could smoke a cigarette.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Je me suis arrêté pour fumer.,I stopped to smoke.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Je le vis traverser la route.,I saw him crossing the road.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Tu m'as trahie.,You betrayed me.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Le malheur des uns fait le bonheur des autres.,Two in distress make sorrow less.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn "Super histoire, mon vieux !","Cool story, bro.",fra_Latn-eng_Latn Pourquoi n'admets-tu pas ton erreur ?,Why don't you admit your mistake?,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Nous sommes en train de chercher Tom.,We're looking for Tom.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Ça ne te concerne pas.,This doesn't involve you.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Il y a des livres ici.,There are books here.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Je ne supporte pas d'être traitée comme une enfant.,I can't stand being treated like a child.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Tom dormait dehors.,Tom slept outside.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn "C'est exact, mais qu'est-ce que ça vous fait ?","That's right, but what's it to you?",fra_Latn-eng_Latn "Oui, et alors ?","Yes, what of it?",fra_Latn-eng_Latn Il va venir cet après-midi.,He will come this afternoon.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn La revue parait deux fois par mois.,The magazine is issued twice a month.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn J'apprécierais que vous m'accompagniez.,I'd appreciate it if you'd come with me.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Ça ne saurait pas fonctionner.,It won't work.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Je la reconnus du premier coup d'œil.,I recognized her at first sight.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn "Monsieur, il n'est pas permis de garer votre voiture ici.","Sir, you are not allowed to park your car here.",fra_Latn-eng_Latn Le Président va-t-il démissionner ?,Is the chairman going to resign?,fra_Latn-eng_Latn N'écrivez jamais les mots « borchtch » et « chtchi » en allemand !,"Never write the words ""bortsch"" and ""shchi"" in German!",fra_Latn-eng_Latn J'ai parlé avec tout le monde.,I talked to everybody.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn "Bonsoir, tout le monde !","Good evening, everyone.",fra_Latn-eng_Latn "Parfois, il semble que tout le monde me déteste.",Sometimes it seems that everybody hates me.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Je vais le dire à tout le monde.,I'm going to tell everybody.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Sois poli avec tout le monde !,Be polite to everyone.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Pourquoi tout le monde chuchote-t-il ?,Why's everyone whispering?,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Pourquoi tout le monde est-il si calme ?,Why's everybody so quiet?,fra_Latn-eng_Latn L'argent nous permettra de tenir à peu près un mois.,The money will carry us for about a month.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Il n'y a personne chez moi.,There's nobody home.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Il n'y a personne chez nous.,No one is home.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Personne ne va t'employer.,Nobody's going to hire you.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Personne ne va vous employer.,Nobody will hire you.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Personne n'était chez moi.,Nobody was home.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Personne ne m'a dit que vous étiez ici.,Nobody told me you were here.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Personne ne me vit.,No one saw me.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Personne n'y vit.,Nobody lives there.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Personne ne sait ce que je ressens.,Nobody knows how I feel.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Personne ne m'invita à la fête.,Nobody invited me to the party.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Personne n'entendit la cloche sonner.,Nobody heard the bell ring.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Personne n'a encore pris de décision.,Nobody has made a decision yet.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Personne ne peut y mettre un terme.,Nobody can stop it.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn La bougie s'est éteinte d'elle-même.,The candle went out by itself.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Personne ne peut me battre.,Nobody can beat me.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Personne ne m'a demandé quoi que ce soit.,Nobody asked me anything.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Personne ne me rend grâce.,Nobody appreciates me.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Qui que ce soit d'autre se trouvait-il alentour ?,Was there anyone else around?,fra_Latn-eng_Latn J'espère n'avoir offensé personne.,I hope I haven't offended anyone.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Qui que ce soit a-t-il de quelconques autres questions ?,Does anyone have any other questions?,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Quiconque en a-t-il connaissance ?,Does anybody know about this?,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Quiconque a-t-il besoin de quoi que ce soit ?,Does anybody need anything?,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Quiconque s'en soucie-t-il ?,Does anyone care?,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Quiconque sait-il que vous êtes ici ?,Does anyone know you're here?,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Quiconque m'entend-il ?,Does anybody hear me?,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Tom s'est frayé un chemin à travers la foule.,Tom made his way through the crowd.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn "Dans ma famille, ce sont tous des lève-tôt.",My family are all early risers.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Qui que ce soit a-t-il un ouvre-boîte ?,Does anybody have a can opener?,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Te fies-tu à quiconque ?,Do you trust anyone?,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Reconnaissez-vous quiconque ?,Do you recognize anyone?,fra_Latn-eng_Latn "Si tu fais triste mine dans ce métier, les clients ne viendront pas.","In this line of work, if you make a grim face the customers won't come.",fra_Latn-eng_Latn "Connaissez-vous quiconque, ici ?",Do you know anyone here?,fra_Latn-eng_Latn "Connais-tu quiconque, ici ?",Do you know someone here?,fra_Latn-eng_Latn "Connaissez-vous qui que ce soit, ici ?",Do you know anybody here?,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Le chat est dans son panier.,The cat is in its basket.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Je ne suis d'aucune utilité à qui que ce soit.,I'm no use to anyone.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Quiconque se trouve-t-il à bord ?,Is anyone on board?,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Quiconque se trouve-t-il là-dedans ?,Is anyone in there?,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Quiconque est-il déjà là ?,Is anyone here yet?,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Quiconque va-t-il manger ça ?,Is anyone going to eat that?,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Qui que ce soit d'autre se trouve-t-il dans la maison ?,Is anyone else home?,fra_Latn-eng_Latn N'importe qui pourrait faire ça.,Anyone could do that.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn As-tu pris un parapluie avec toi ?,Did you bring an umbrella with you?,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Ils remontèrent la rivière à la rame.,They rowed up the river.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Qui que ce soit est-il là ?,Is anybody there?,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Quiconque s'y trouve-t-il ?,Is there anyone there?,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Qui que ce soit est-il prêt pour le dessert ?,Is anybody ready for dessert?,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Ai-je manqué à quiconque ?,Did anyone miss me?,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Y a-t-il qui que ce soit là-dedans ?,Anybody in here?,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Qui que ce soit est-il blessé ?,Is anybody hurt?,fra_Latn-eng_Latn C'est pourquoi je me fie à toi.,That's why I trust you.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Qui que ce soit d'autre a-t-il peur ?,Is anybody else scared?,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Je ne le dirai à personne.,I won't tell anyone.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Bienvenue à Tatoeba !,Welcome to Tatoeba!,fra_Latn-eng_Latn "Si vous ne vous fiez pas à eux, ils ne se fieront pas à vous.","If you don't trust them, they won't trust you.",fra_Latn-eng_Latn Il vit l'accident sur le chemin de l'école.,He saw the accident on the way to school.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Je ne me suis jamais fait de souci à ton sujet.,I was never worried about you.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Il passe le temps.,He idles away his time.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Où allez-vous en vacances cet été ?,Where are you going to vacation this summer?,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Je ne cesse de penser à vous.,I never stop thinking about you.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Je n'écris pas à ton sujet.,I'm not writing about you.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn L'eau pétillante n'est pas très populaire en Amérique.,Fizzy water isn't very popular in America.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn J'ai tout lu à ton sujet.,I've read all about you.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn "Selon mon opinion, un site web bien conçu ne devrait pas requérir de défilement horizontal.","In my opinion, a well-designed website shouldn't require horizontal scrolling.",fra_Latn-eng_Latn Tout ne se rapporte pas à vous.,Not everything is about you.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn J'ai le même sentiment à ton sujet.,I feel the same way about you.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn "Après quelques recherches sur Google, je suspecte que ce que vous dites n'est peut-être pas vrai.","After a bit of googling, I suspect that what you said may not be true.",fra_Latn-eng_Latn J'ai un peu faim.,I'm a bit hungry.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn J'ai un petit peu faim.,I'm a little bit hungry.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn J'ai légèrement faim.,I'm slightly hungry.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Je n'aurais pu résoudre cette affaire sans toi.,I couldn't have solved this case without you.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn "Soudain, ma mère se mit à chanter.","Suddenly, my mother started singing.",fra_Latn-eng_Latn Quel livre intéressant !,What an interesting book!,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Je dois acheter un nouveau tapis pour cette pièce.,I have to buy a new carpet for this room.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Nous nous portons mieux sans vous.,We're better off without you.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn J'ai estimé qu'il était préférable de ne pas y aller sans vous.,I figured it was better not to go without you.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Elle me montra sa nouvelle voiture.,She showed me her new car.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn J'ai estimé qu'il était préférable de ne pas y aller sans toi.,I figured that it was better not to go without you.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn L'homme qui conduit le bus est un bon ami à moi.,The man driving the bus is a good friend of mine.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Elle a bon cœur.,She has a kind heart.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Je peux le faire avec ou sans toi.,I can do this with you or without you.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn J'ignore si je peux y parvenir sans toi.,I don't know if I can make it without you.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn J'ai su que je te voulais au moment même où je t'ai vu.,I knew I wanted you the moment I saw you.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Veuillez vous asseoir ici.,Please sit here.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn J'ai tant à vous montrer.,I have so much to show you.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Je sais qu'il n'a pas dit de bonnes choses à mon sujet.,I know that he didn't say good things about me.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Quel est votre auteur favori ?,Who is your favorite author?,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Qui est votre auteur favori ?,Who's your favorite writer?,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Ne fume pas ici.,Don't smoke here.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Notre réfrigérateur ne fonctionne plus.,Our fridge doesn't work anymore.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Je pourrais vous enseigner.,I could tutor you.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Je pouvais voir que c'était toi.,I could see it was you.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Je suis désolé si ma présence vous embarrasse.,I'm sorry if my being here embarrasses you.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn J'aime vivre ici.,I like living here.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Je connais le remède à ce qui te fait souffrir.,I know the cure for what ails you.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Je me réjouis d'être celui qui te le dit.,I'm glad to be the one who tells you.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn L'architecte se vantait d'avoir reçu une récompense prestigieuse.,The architect boasted that he had received a prestigious award.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Fous-moi juste la paix ! Tu es pathétique !,Just leave me alone. You're pathetic.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn "Si seulement j'avais vendu cette propriété avant l'explosion de la bulle économique, je n'aurais pas perdu tout cet argent.",If only I'd sold that property before the economic bubble burst I wouldn't have lost all that money.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn "Je voyagerai à travers l'Europe en vélo, cet été.",I'll travel across Europe by bicycle this summer.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Mes bagages ne sont pas arrivés. Que s'est-il passé?,My luggage didn't arrive. What happened?,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Parlons d'abord des expériences faites en laboratoires.,"First, let us talk about the experiments conducted in laboratories.",fra_Latn-eng_Latn Il me rendait fou.,It was driving me crazy.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Il tient pour principe de faire une promenade chaque matin.,He makes it a rule to take a walk every morning.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Je suis désolé de m'en être pris à toi.,I'm sorry if I snapped at you.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn "Vous pouvez me mettre en prison mais vous ne pouvez me donner de quartiers plus étroits que ce dont, marin, j'ai disposé ; vous ne pouvez me donner nourriture plus grossière que celle que, marin, j'ai toujours mangée ; vous ne pouvez me rendre plus solitaire que ce que, marin, j'ai été.","You can put me in jail, but you cannot give me narrower quarters than as a seaman I have always had; you cannot give me coarser food than as a seaman I have always eaten; you cannot make me lonelier than as a seaman I have always been.",fra_Latn-eng_Latn "À long terme, nous serons tous morts.",In the long run we are all dead.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Il confectionna une petite statue à base d'argile molle.,He made a little statue out of soft clay.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Je n'ai parlé à personne.,I didn't talk to anybody.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Je n'ai vu personne l'employer.,I didn't see anyone using it.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Je n'ai vu personne d'autre.,I didn't see anyone else.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Je n'ai sauvé personne.,I didn't rescue anybody.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Je n'avais pas l'intention de blesser qui que ce fut.,I didn't mean to hurt anyone.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn J'ignorais que quiconque était là.,I didn't know anyone was there.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Personne ne te l'a-t-il dit ?,Didn't anyone tell you?,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Personne ne t'a-t-il interrogé ?,Didn't anyone question you?,fra_Latn-eng_Latn L'avez-vous dit à qui que ce soit ?,Did you tell anybody?,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Avez-vous vu qui que ce soit de suspect ?,Did you see anyone suspicious?,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Avez-vous vu qui que ce soit sur la plage ?,Did you see anyone on the beach?,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Avez-vous vu qui que ce soit partir ?,Did you see anyone leave?,fra_Latn-eng_Latn As-tu vu qui que ce soit ?,Did you see anyone?,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Avez-vous vu qui que ce soit ?,Did you see anybody?,fra_Latn-eng_Latn As-tu vu qui que ce soit d'autre ?,Did you see anybody else?,fra_Latn-eng_Latn As-tu embrassé qui que ce soit ?,Did you kiss anybody?,fra_Latn-eng_Latn As-tu tué qui que ce soit ?,Did you kill anybody?,fra_Latn-eng_Latn As-tu enlacé qui que ce soit ?,Did you hug anybody?,fra_Latn-eng_Latn As-tu appelé qui que ce soit d'autre ?,Did you call anyone else?,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Ai-je oublié qui que ce soit ?,Did I forget anyone?,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Qui que ce soit vous a-t-il vu ?,Did anybody see you?,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Quiconque vous a-t-il vu ?,Anybody see you?,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Le bâtiment fut gravement endommagé par un incendie.,The building was heavily damaged by fire.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Quiconque vous y a-t-il vu ?,Did anyone see you there?,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Quiconque t'y a-t-il vu ?,Did anybody see you there?,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Qui que ce soit vous a-t-il vu sur la plage ?,Did anyone see you on the beach?,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Penses-tu que c'est une bonne idée de nourrir ton chien avec les déchets de repas ?,Do you think it's a good idea to feed your dog table scraps?,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Quiconque vous a-t-il vu entrer ici ?,Did anyone see you come in here?,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Quiconque a-t-il vu ce qui s'est passé ?,Did anybody see what happened?,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Je vous ai contrariées.,I've upset you.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn L'homme est pour l'homme un ennemi plus dangereux que les forces de la nature ou les bêtes sauvages.,Man is a more dangerous foe to man than the elements of nature or animals in the wild.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Je n'aurais jamais dû te quitter.,I never should've left you.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Je n'aurais jamais dû vous quitter.,I never should have left you.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Je t'ai mené précisément où je voulais.,I got you all right where I want you.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Je ne veux surtout pas vivre dans une grande ville.,I have no wish to live in a large city.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn C'est pourquoi nous te voulons.,That's why we want you.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Je suppose que je ne voulais pas vous décevoir.,I guess I didn't want to disappoint you.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn J'ai vu un homme âgé tombé sur le dos dans la rue.,I saw an old man fall on his back in the street.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Je ne t'aurais jamais tiré dessus.,I never would've shot you.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Je ne vous aurais jamais tiré dessus.,I never would have shot you.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Je t'ai presque tiré dessus.,I almost shot you.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn "Lorsqu'il est triste, il se retire.","When he's sad, he withdraws from other people.",fra_Latn-eng_Latn J'ai l'impression que cette nuit va être une bonne nuit !,I have a feeling that tonight is going to be a good night!,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Ça ne peut pas être bon pour toi.,That can't be good for you.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Sa musique me fit grande impression.,His music made a deep impression on me.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn "En janvier, le nombre de chômeurs est tombé au plus bas depuis cinq ans.",The unemployment rate dropped to a five-year low in January.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Je suppose que c'est bon pour vous.,I guess that's good for you.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Ça ne devrait pas être dur pour toi.,That shouldn't be hard for you.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Nous assemblâmes tout l'équipement.,We got all the materials together.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Ça dépend du temps.,It depends on the weather.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn "Passe plus tard, j'ai quelque chose pour toi !","Come by later, I have something for you.",fra_Latn-eng_Latn Ma sœur possède un piano.,My sister has a piano.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Il y a un type en bas qui te demande.,There's a guy downstairs asking for you.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn L'Islam émergea au septième siècle dans la péninsule arabique.,Islam emerged in the Arabian Peninsula in the seventh century.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn J'aurai un déjeuner qui t'attendra.,I'll have lunch waiting for you.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Ils te soutiendront.,They'll be rooting for you.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Il s'assiérait des heures à lire des histoires de détectives.,He would sit for hours reading detective stories.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Bien sûr j'attends.,Of course I'll wait.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Je ne suis pas heureux.,I'm not happy.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Je ne suis pas heureuse.,I am not happy.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Je ne suis pas contente.,I'm not satisfied.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Elle a mené ses affaires au succès.,She guided her business to success.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Il est illégal de copier un livre sans l'autorisation de l'auteur.,It is illegal to copy from books without the author's permission.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn La ville entière fut détruite par un incendie.,All of the town was destroyed by a fire.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Son assiduité lui a rapporté le succès.,His diligence earned him success.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Mon oncle m'a donné un beau cadeau.,I was given a nice present by my uncle.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn J'étudie jour et nuit.,I studied around the clock.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Elle a vendu des cartes postales.,She sold postcards.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Vous vendiez des pommes au marché.,You used to sell some apples at the market.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Tu as vendu des pommes au marché.,You sold some apples at the market.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Tom n'aime pas les chats.,Tom doesn't like cats.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Nous écoutâmes la fusillade.,We listened to the shooting.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Vous avez vendu des pommes au marché.,She sold some apples at the market.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Tom aime la neige.,Tom likes snow.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Aujourd'hui est un jour formidable !,Today is a good day!,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Elle est aimable.,She is kind.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Il sera heureux de vous voir.,He'll be glad to see you.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Bois-tu de la bière ou du vin ?,Do you drink beer or wine?,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Mon pantalon est mouillé.,My trousers are wet.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Je bois sa bière.,I drink his beer.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Ce pantalon est sale.,These trousers are dirty.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Je ne sais pas précisément où je suis né.,I don't know the exact place I was born.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn "Elle n'est pas gentille avec lui. À vrai dire, elle n'est gentille avec personne.","She isn't kind to him. In fact, she's not kind to anyone.",fra_Latn-eng_Latn Je viens de petit-déjeuner.,I've just eaten breakfast.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Je veux acheter quelques pantalons.,I want to buy a few pairs of trousers.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Maria est en train de porter une burqa.,Maria is wearing a burqa.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Apporte de l'eau avec le seau.,Bring water with the bucket.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn "Je ne bois pas de bière, je bois seulement de l'alcool.","I don't drink beer, only spirits.",fra_Latn-eng_Latn Je l'aime en dépit de ses défauts.,I love him despite his faults.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn C'est un beau manteau.,That's a nice coat.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn J'ai trouvé une paire de gants sous la chaise.,I found a pair of gloves under the chair.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn J'ai vu votre père.,I saw your father.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Regarde ! Le train est là !,Look! The train is there!,fra_Latn-eng_Latn C'est ta vie quotidienne qui est ton temple et ta religion !,Your daily life is your temple and your religion.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn C'est son caractère qui fait à chacun sa destinée.,It is his character that makes each one his destiny.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn "Elle a acheté un grille-pain, une cafetière, un œufrier et un batteur-mixeur.","She bought a toaster, a coffeemaker, an egg cooker and a hand mixer.",fra_Latn-eng_Latn J'ai froid ce matin.,I feel cold this morning.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn "Il existe différents types de niqab, dont certains couvrent tout le visage.","There are different types of niqab, some of which cover the entire face.",fra_Latn-eng_Latn Le jardin était rempli de jolies fleurs.,The garden was full of beautiful flowers.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn """Cœur"" et ""chœur"" ont la même prononciation.","""Heart"" and ""choir"" have the same pronunciation.",fra_Latn-eng_Latn Qui va loin des yeux va loin du cœur.,"Out of sight, out of mind.",fra_Latn-eng_Latn La burqa est un choix.,The burqa is a choice.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Où est ma pipe en écume de mer ?,Where is my Meerschaum pipe?,fra_Latn-eng_Latn La marche des Beurs a éclaté suite à plusieurs épisodes de racisme et de violence.,The Beurs March broke out after several episodes of racism and violence.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Il faut protéger l'unité nationale.,It is necessary to protect the national unity.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Le vieillard mourut de faim.,The old man starved to death.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Étais-tu avec quelqu'un ?,Were you with anyone?,fra_Latn-eng_Latn J'ai un ami avec lequel je corresponds.,I have a friend I correspond with.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Je voudrais louer une maison.,I'd like to rent a house.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Je n'ai simplement pas su comment.,I just didn't know how.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Je ne veux pas té déranger.,I don't want to bother you.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Je n'ai simplement pas bien dormi.,I just didn't sleep well.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Je n'ai simplement voulu prendre aucun risque.,I just didn't want to take any chances.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Je ne voulais simplement pas vous contrarier.,I just didn't want to upset you.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Essayons quelque chose !,Let's try something.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Qu'est-ce que tu fais ?,What are you doing?,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Qu'est-ce que c'est ?,What is this?,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Aujourd'hui nous sommes le 18 juin et c'est l'anniversaire de Muiriel !,Today is June 18th and it is Muiriel's birthday!,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Joyeux anniversaire Muiriel !,"Happy birthday, Muiriel!",fra_Latn-eng_Latn Muiriel a 20 ans maintenant.,Muiriel is 20 now.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn "Le mot de passe est ""Muiriel"".","The password is ""Muiriel"".",fra_Latn-eng_Latn Je serai bientôt de retour.,I will be back soon.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Je ne sais pas.,I don't know.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn J'en perds mes mots.,Words fail me.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Ça ne va jamais finir.,This is never going to end.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Je ne sais simplement pas quoi dire...,I just don't know what to say.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn C’était un méchant lapin.,That was an evil bunny.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn J'étais dans les montagnes.,I was in the mountains.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Est-ce que c'est une photo récente ?,Is it a recent picture?,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Je ne sais pas si j'ai le temps.,I don't know if I have the time.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Pour une certaine raison le microphone ne marchait pas tout à l'heure.,For some reason the microphone didn't work earlier.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Tout le monde doit apprendre par soi-même en fin de compte.,Everyone must learn on their own in the end.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn L'éducation dans ce monde me déçoit.,Education in this world disappoints me.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn L'apprentissage ne devrait pas être forcé. L'apprentissage devrait être encouragé.,Learning should not be forced. Learning should be encouraged.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn "C'est une tâche difficile, choisir ce qui est ""bon"" ou ""mauvais"", mais il faut le faire.","It is a difficult task, choosing what is ""right"" or ""wrong"", but you have to do it.",fra_Latn-eng_Latn Ça ne changera rien.,That won't change anything.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Ça coûtera 30 €.,This will cost €30.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Je gagne 100€ par jour.,I make 100 euros per day.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Il se peut que j'abandonne bientôt et fasse une sieste à la place.,I may give up soon and just nap instead.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn C'est parce que tu ne veux pas être seul.,It's because you don't want to be alone.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Ça n'arrivera pas.,That won't happen.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Parfois il peut être un gars bizarre.,Sometimes he can be a strange guy.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Je ferai de mon mieux pour ne pas perturber tes révisions.,I'll do my best not to disturb your studying.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Je ne peux que me demander si c'est la même chose pour tous les autres.,I can only wonder if this is the same for everyone else.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Je suppose que c'est différent quand tu y penses à long terme.,I suppose it's different when you think about it over the long term.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Ne t'inquiète pas.,Don't worry about it!,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Tu me manques.,I miss you.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Je les appellerai demain quand je reviendrai.,I’ll call them tomorrow when I return home.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn J'ai toujours plus apprécié les personnages mystérieux.,I always liked mysterious characters more.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Tu devrais dormir.,You should go to sleep.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Je leur ai dit de m'envoyer un autre ticket.,I told them to send me another ticket.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Tu es tellement impatiente avec moi.,You're so impatient with me.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Je ne peux pas vivre comme ça.,I can't live that kind of life.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Il fut un temps où je voulais être astrophysicien.,I once wanted to be an astrophysicist.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Je n'ai jamais aimé la biologie.,I never liked biology.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn La dernière personne à qui j'ai raconté mon idée a pensé que j'étais cinglé.,The last person I told my idea to thought I was nuts.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn "Si le monde n'était pas dans l'état où il est maintenant, je pourrais faire confiance à n'importe qui.","If the world weren't in the shape it is now, I could trust anyone.",fra_Latn-eng_Latn C'est malheureusement vrai.,It is unfortunately true.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Ils sont trop occupés à se battre entre eux pour s'occuper d'idéaux communs.,They are too busy fighting against each other to care for common ideals.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn La plupart des gens pensent que je suis fou.,Most people think I'm crazy.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn "Non je ne le suis pas, c'est toi qui l'es !",No I'm not; you are!,fra_Latn-eng_Latn C'est ma réplique !,That's my line!,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Il me donne des coups de pied !,He's kicking me!,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Est-ce que tu es sûr ?,Are you sure?,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Alors il y a un problème...,Then there is a problem...,fra_Latn-eng_Latn "Oh, il y a un papillon !","Oh, there's a butterfly!",fra_Latn-eng_Latn Dépêche-toi !,Hurry it up!,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Ça ne me surprend pas.,It doesn't surprise me.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Si je pouvais être comme ça...,If I could be like that...,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Pour une certaine raison je me sens plus vivant la nuit.,For some reason I feel more alive at night.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Ça dépend du contexte.,It depends on the context.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Est-ce que tu te fous de moi ? !,Are you freaking kidding me?!,fra_Latn-eng_Latn C'est la chose la plus stupide que j'ai jamais dite.,That's the stupidest thing I've ever said.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn "Je ne veux pas être lamentable, je veux être cool ! !",I don't want to be lame; I want to be cool!!,fra_Latn-eng_Latn "Quand je serai grand, je veux être roi.","When I grow up, I want to be king.",fra_Latn-eng_Latn "L'Amérique est un endroit charmant pour vivre, si c'est pour gagner de l'argent.","America is a lovely place to be, if you are here to earn money.",fra_Latn-eng_Latn Je suis si gros.,I'm very fat.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Et alors ?,So fuckin' what.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn J'vais l'descendre.,I'm gonna shoot him.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn "Je ne suis pas un vrai poisson, je ne suis qu'une simple peluche.","I'm not a real fish, I'm just a mere plushy.",fra_Latn-eng_Latn Je ne fais que parler !,I'm just saying!,fra_Latn-eng_Latn C'était probablement ce qui a influencé leur décision.,That was probably what influenced their decision.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Je me suis toujours demandé ce que ça ferait d'avoir des frères et sœurs.,I've always wondered what it'd be like to have siblings.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn C'est ce que j'aurais dit.,This is what I would have said.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Ça me prendrait l'éternité pour tout expliquer.,It would take forever for me to explain everything.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn C'est parce que tu es une fille.,That's because you're a girl.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Parfois je ne peux pas m'empêcher de montrer des émotions.,Sometimes I can't help showing emotions.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn C'est un mot pour lequel j'aimerais trouver un substitut.,It's a word I'd like to find a substitute for.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Ce serait quelque chose qu'il faudrait que je programme.,It would be something I'd have to program.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Il n'est pas dans mon intention d'être égoïste.,I don't intend to be selfish.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Réfléchissons au pire qui pourrait arriver.,Let's consider the worst that could happen.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Combien d'amis proches est-ce que tu as ?,How many close friends do you have?,fra_Latn-eng_Latn "Il se peut que je sois antisocial, mais ça ne veut pas dire pas que je ne parle pas aux gens.","I may be antisocial, but it doesn't mean I don't talk to people.",fra_Latn-eng_Latn C'est toujours tel que ça a été.,This is always the way it has been.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Je pense que c'est mieux de ne pas être impoli.,I think it is best not to be impolite.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn On peut toujours trouver du temps.,One can always find time.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn "Je serais malheureux, mais je ne me suiciderais pas.","I'd be unhappy, but I wouldn't kill myself.",fra_Latn-eng_Latn À l'époque du lycée je me levais à 6h tous les matins.,"Back in high school, I got up at 6 a.m. every morning.",fra_Latn-eng_Latn Quand je me suis réveillé j'étais triste.,"When I woke up, I was sad.",fra_Latn-eng_Latn C’est ce qui est expliqué à la fin.,That is somewhat explained at the end.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Je pensais que tu aimais apprendre de nouvelles choses.,I thought you liked to learn new things.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn La plupart des gens écrivent à propos de leur vie quotidienne.,Most people write about their daily life.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn "Si je pouvais t'envoyer un marshmallow, Trang, je le ferais.","If I could send you a marshmallow, Trang, I would.",fra_Latn-eng_Latn "Pour faire cela, il te faut prendre des risques.","In order to do that, you have to take risks.",fra_Latn-eng_Latn Chaque personne qui est seule est seule parce qu'elle a peur des autres.,Every person who is alone is alone because they are afraid of others.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Pourquoi demandes-tu ?,Why are you asking?,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Je ne suis pas un artiste. Je n'ai jamais eu l'esprit pour ça.,I am not an artist. I never had the knack for it.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Je ne peux pas lui dire maintenant. Ce n’est pas si simple.,I can't tell her now. It's not that simple.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn "Je suis une personne qui a des défauts, mais ces défauts peuvent être facilement corrigés.","I am a flawed person, but these are flaws that can easily be fixed.",fra_Latn-eng_Latn "Chaque fois que je trouve quelque chose que j'aime, c'est trop cher.","Whenever I find something I like, it's too expensive.",fra_Latn-eng_Latn Combien de temps es-tu restée ?,How long did you stay?,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Peut-être que ce sera la même chose pour lui.,Maybe it will be exactly the same for him.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn L'innocence est une belle chose.,Innocence is a beautiful thing.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Les humains n'ont jamais été faits pour vivre éternellement.,Humans were never meant to live forever.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn "Je ne veux pas perdre mes idées, même si certaines d'entre elles sont un peu extrêmes.","I don't want to lose my ideas, even though some of them are a bit extreme.",fra_Latn-eng_Latn Je pense que j'ai une théorie à ce sujet.,I think I have a theory about that.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn C'est intriguant.,That is intriguing.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Tu es en train de dire que tu caches intentionnellement ta beauté ?,You are saying you intentionally hide your good looks?,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Je n’ai pas de compte sur ces forums.,I do not have an account in these forums.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn "Si quelqu'un devait demander quel est le but de l'histoire, je ne saurais vraiment pas.","If anyone was to ask what the point of the story is, I really don't know.",fra_Latn-eng_Latn Je ne savais pas d'où ça venait.,I didn't know where it came from.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Je pense que le fait que j'ai vécu avec toi a influencé la façon dont tu vis.,I think my living with you has influenced your way of living.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Ce n'est pas important.,This is not important.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Je n'ai pas aimé.,I didn't like it.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Elle demande comment c’est possible.,She's asking how that's possible.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Tu ne fais que fuir les problèmes de la vie.,You're just running away from life's problems.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn "Si tu regardes les paroles, elles ne signifient pas vraiment grand-chose.","If you look at the lyrics, they don't really mean much.",fra_Latn-eng_Latn Il y a un problème que tu ne vois pas.,There's a problem there that you don't see.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Tu peux le faire !,You can do it.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Mon prof de physique s'en fiche si je sèche les cours.,My physics teacher doesn't care if I skip classes.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn J'aimerais bien pouvoir aller au Japon.,I wish I could go to Japan.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Je déteste ça quand il y a trop de gens.,I hate it when there are a lot of people.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Je dois aller au lit.,I have to go to bed.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn "Après ça, je pars, mais je me rends compte que j'ai oublié mon sac chez eux.","After that, I left, but then I realized that I forgot my backpack at their house.",fra_Latn-eng_Latn Je ne t'en demanderai pas plus pour aujourd'hui.,I won't ask you anything else today.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Il se peut qu'il gèle la semaine prochaine.,It may freeze next week.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn "Même s'il s'est excusé, je suis encore en colère.","Even though he apologized, I'm still furious.",fra_Latn-eng_Latn La police vous fera trouver les balles.,The police will get you to find the bullets.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Merci de m'avoir expliqué finalement pourquoi on me prend pour une imbécile.,Thanks for having explained to me at last why people take me for an idiot.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Ce n'était pas mon intention.,It was not my intention.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Merci pour ton explication.,Thank you for your explanation.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn "Théoriquement, je suis en train de faire des maths.","Theoretically, I'm doing math.",fra_Latn-eng_Latn Qu'est-ce qui s'est passé ?,What is it?,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Ça m'a presque fait peur de ne pas te voir connectée pendant toute une journée.,It almost scared me not to see you online for a whole day.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Je ne sais pas ce que tu veux dire.,I don't know what you mean.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Il faut bien que mon ordinateur me serve à quelque chose.,My computer has got to be useful for something.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Tu voulais me parler de liberté ?,You wanted to tell me about freedom?,fra_Latn-eng_Latn "Euh, là c'est vraiment bizarre...","Uh, now it's really weird...",fra_Latn-eng_Latn "Si je voulais te faire peur, je te raconterais ce dont j'ai rêvé il y a quelques semaines.","If I wanted to scare you, I would tell you what I dreamt about a few weeks ago.",fra_Latn-eng_Latn On ne peut pas tout attendre des écoles.,One can't expect everything from schools.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Il y a beaucoup de mots que je ne comprends pas.,There are many words that I don't understand.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Je n'aime pas quand les mathématiciens qui en savent beaucoup plus que moi ne savent pas s'exprimer explicitement.,I don't like it when mathematicians who know much more than I do can't express themselves explicitly.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn T'es vraiment pas bête.,You're really not stupid.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Je dois te poser une question idiote.,I need to ask you a silly question.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Je ne sais pas comment le démontrer vu que c'est trop évident !,"I don't know how to demonstrate it, since it's too obvious!",fra_Latn-eng_Latn J'aurais pas imaginé qu'un jour j'irais chercher « viagra » dans Wikipédia.,"I wouldn't have thought I would someday look up ""Viagra"" in Wikipedia.",fra_Latn-eng_Latn Est-ce qu'on peut formuler ça d'une autre manière ?,Can it be phrased in another way?,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Personne ne saura.,Nobody will know.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn "J'ai trouvé une solution, mais je l'ai trouvée tellement vite que ça peut pas être la bonne.","I found a solution, but I found it so fast that it can't be the right solution.",fra_Latn-eng_Latn Ça me paraît intéressant !,It seems interesting to me.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn "Sauf que là, c'est pas si simple.","Except that here, it's not so simple.",fra_Latn-eng_Latn "Moi, j'aime bien la lumière des bougies.",I like candlelight.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Qu'est-ce que tu as répondu ?,What did you answer?,fra_Latn-eng_Latn "Non, c'est pas mon nouveau petit ami.","No, he's not my new boyfriend.",fra_Latn-eng_Latn C'est dommage que je n'aie pas besoin de maigrir.,It's too bad that I don't need to lose weight.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn T'as jamais cours ou quoi ? !,You never have class or what?!,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Je vais donc jouer au Sudoku au lieu de continuer de te déranger.,I will play Sudoku then instead of continuing to bother you.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Où est le problème ?,Where is the problem?,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Je ne peux qu'attendre.,I can but wait.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn "Ce n'est pas tellement une surprise, non ?","It's not much of a surprise, is it?",fra_Latn-eng_Latn Je t'aime !,I love you!,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Je ne t'aime plus.,I don't like you anymore.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Je suis curieux.,I am curious.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Je ne veux pas attendre aussi longtemps.,I don't want to wait that long.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Pourquoi ne viens-tu pas nous voir ?,Why don't you come visit us?,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Mais la possibilité semble improbable.,But the possibility seems unlikely.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Je n'aurais pas dû me déconnecter.,I shouldn't have logged off.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn "C'est inévitable que j'aille en France un jour, je ne sais juste pas quand.","It is inevitable that I go to France someday, I just don't know when.",fra_Latn-eng_Latn Je déteste la chimie.,I hate chemistry.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Je ne voulais pas que ça arrive.,I didn't want it to happen.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Tu devines probablement ce qui va arriver.,You can probably guess what happens though.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn "Avant même que tu ne le saches, tu seras dans les journaux.","Next thing you know, you'll be in the papers.",fra_Latn-eng_Latn Quelles autres options ai-je ?,What other options do I have?,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Je ne suis pas un grand voyageur.,I am not much of a traveller.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Je n'ai rien de mieux à faire.,I have nothing better to do.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Je ne peux pas l'expliquer non plus.,Neither can I explain it.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Tout le monde a ses forces et ses faiblesses.,Everyone has strengths and weaknesses.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn "Mais sérieusement, l'épisode 21 m'a presque fait pleurer de rire.","Seriously though, episode 21 made me almost cry while laughing.",fra_Latn-eng_Latn Ça montre seulement que tu n'es pas un robot.,It only shows you're not a robot.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Comment pourrais-je être un robot ? Les robots ne rêvent pas.,How could I be a robot? Robots don't dream.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn "« Je n'y ai jamais pensé », dit le vieil homme. « Que devrions-nous faire ? »","""I have never thought about it"", said the old man. ""What should we do?""",fra_Latn-eng_Latn Ce n'est pas quelque chose que n'importe qui peut faire.,It's not something anyone can do.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Je ne sais pas si je l'ai encore.,I don't know if I still have it.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Qu'est-ce que tu crois que j'étais en train de faire ?,What do you think I've been doing?,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Ne sous-estime pas ma puissance.,Do not underestimate my power.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Ma maman ne parle pas très bien anglais.,My mom doesn't speak English very well.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Je ne parle pas assez bien français !,I don't speak French well enough!,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Je me demandais si tu allais venir aujourd'hui.,I was wondering if you were going to show up today.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn C'est là que réside le problème.,That's where the problem is.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Comment trouves-tu de la nourriture dans l'espace ?,How do you find food in outer space?,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Vous n'avez rien à faire sauf vous faire confiance.,All you can do is trust one another.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn "Tout le monde veut te rencontrer, tu es célèbre !",Everyone wants to meet you. You're famous!,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Pourquoi es-tu désolée pour quelque chose que tu n'as pas fait ?,Why are you sorry for something you haven't done?,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Je déteste absolument l'écriture formelle !,I utterly despise formal writing!,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Les étrangers m'intriguent.,Foreign people intrigue me.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn "Quoique je fasse, elle dit que je peux faire mieux.","Whatever I do, she says I can do better.",fra_Latn-eng_Latn Qu'est-ce qui te retient éveillé si tard ?,What keeps you up so late?,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Tu serais surprise de ce que tu peux apprendre en une semaine.,You'd be surprised what you can learn in a week.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Je n'ai personne qui veuille voyager avec moi.,I don't have anyone who'd travel with me.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn "La vie est dure, mais je suis encore plus dur.","Life is hard, but I am harder.",fra_Latn-eng_Latn Supporter peut être insupportable.,Bearing can be unbearable.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Arrête ! Tu la mets mal à l'aise !,Stop it! You're making her feel uncomfortable!,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Rien n'est beau que le vrai.,Nothing is beautiful but the truth.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn "Demain, il va alunir.","Tomorrow, he will land on the moon.",fra_Latn-eng_Latn Je ne parle pas japonais.,I don't speak Japanese.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn C’est un jeu de mots.,This is a pun.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Personne ne me comprend.,Nobody understands me.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn J'ai appris à vivre sans elle.,I learned to live without her.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Ça ne sert plus à rien de continuer à réfléchir.,It's useless to keep on thinking any more.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn J'ai trop de choses dans la tête ces jours-ci.,I have too many things on my mind these days.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Je voulais juste vérifier mes emails.,I just wanted to check my email.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Est-ce que tu as vraiment besoin de poser la question pour connaître la réponse ?,Do you really need to ask the question to know the answer?,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Tu peux pas attendre de moi que je pense toujours à tout !,You can't expect me to always think of everything!,fra_Latn-eng_Latn "Je suppose que derrière chaque chose que l'on doit faire, il y a quelque chose que l'on veut faire...","I suppose that behind each thing we have to do, there's something we want to do...",fra_Latn-eng_Latn T'as vraiment pas les bonnes priorités !,You really don't have the right priorities!,fra_Latn-eng_Latn N'attends pas que les autres pensent pour toi !,Don't expect others to think for you!,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Tu n'as jamais le temps pour les choses importantes !,You never have time for important things!,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Ce n'est pas la peine de faire semblant de me faire croire que je crois des choses que tu ne crois pas !,It's no use pretending to make me believe that I believe things you don't believe!,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Ça me prendrait trop de temps pour t'expliquer pourquoi ça ne va pas marcher.,It would take me too much time to explain to you why it's not going to work.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Je suis trop bête... J'essaie de t'expliquer des choses que je ne comprends pas moi-même.,I'm so dumb... I'm trying to explain things to you that I don't understand myself.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Arrête de me considérer comme quelqu'un de « normal » !,"Stop seeing me as a ""normal"" person!",fra_Latn-eng_Latn "Tu pourrais au moins essayer d'être un peu plus poli, même si ce n'est pas dans ta nature.","You could at least try to be a bit more polite, even though it's not like you.",fra_Latn-eng_Latn "Il y aura toujours des choses que je n'apprendrai jamais, je n'ai pas l'éternité devant moi !","There will always be things I will never learn, I don't have eternity before me!",fra_Latn-eng_Latn C'est pas possible !,This can't be!,fra_Latn-eng_Latn "J'aimerais pouvoir m'inquiéter plus pour mes notes mais il semblerait qu'à un certain moment de ma vie, j'ai décidé que cela n'était finalement pas si important.","I wish I could care more about my grades but it seems that, at a certain point of my life, I decided they wouldn't be so important anymore.",fra_Latn-eng_Latn « Pierre qui roule n'amasse pas mousse » est un proverbe.,"""A rolling stone gathers no moss"" is a saying.",fra_Latn-eng_Latn Veux-tu quelque chose à boire ?,Want to drink something?,fra_Latn-eng_Latn « Qui est-ce ? » « C'est ta mère. »,"""Who is it?"" ""It's your mother.""",fra_Latn-eng_Latn « Quand vas-tu revenir ? » « Tout dépend du temps qu'il fera. »,"""When will you be back?"" ""It all depends on the weather.""",fra_Latn-eng_Latn """Qu'est-ce qui ne va pas ?"" demanda le petit lapin blanc.","""What's the matter?"" asked the little white rabbit.",fra_Latn-eng_Latn « Qu'est-ce qu'il se passe dans la grotte ? Je suis curieux. » « Je n'en ai aucune idée. »,"""What's going on in the cave? I'm curious."" ""I have no idea.""",fra_Latn-eng_Latn "Nous devons apprendre à vivre ensemble comme des frères, ou nous périrons ensemble comme des idiots.","We must learn to live together as brothers, or we will perish together as fools.",fra_Latn-eng_Latn Euh... Comment ça marche ?,Uh... How's that working?,fra_Latn-eng_Latn "« Pour être franc, j'ai le vertige » « Tu es un trouillard ! »","""To tell you the truth, I am scared of heights."" ""You are a coward!""",fra_Latn-eng_Latn "« C'est ce que j'étais en train de chercher », s'exclama-t-il.","""This is what I was looking for!"" he exclaimed.",fra_Latn-eng_Latn "« Ça semble très intéressant », dit Hiroshi.","""This looks pretty interesting,"" Hiroshi says.",fra_Latn-eng_Latn Il se peut que leur communication soit beaucoup plus complexe que nous le pensions.,Their communication may be much more complex than we thought.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn « Le téléphone sonne. » « Je vais répondre. »,"""The phone is ringing."" ""I'll get it.""",fra_Latn-eng_Latn "« C'est très gentil de votre part », répondit Willie.","""That's very nice of you,"" Willie answered.",fra_Latn-eng_Latn « Merci de m'aider. » « Il n'y a pas de quoi. »,"""Thanks for the help."" ""Don't mention it.""",fra_Latn-eng_Latn Un jour je courrai comme le vent.,Someday I'll run like the wind.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn « Elle aime la musique. » « Moi aussi. »,"""She likes music."" ""So do I.""",fra_Latn-eng_Latn "S'il te plaît, ne pleure pas.",Please don't cry.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Fais-moi savoir s'il y a quoi que ce soit que je puisse faire.,Let me know if there's anything I can do.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Il se peut que le bonheur qui nous attend là-bas ne soit pas du tout le genre de bonheur que nous voudrions.,It may be that the happiness awaiting us is not at all the sort of happiness we would want.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn C'est à toi de décider si nous allons là-bas ou non.,It is up to you to decide whether we will go there or not.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Ça ne commence pas avant huit heures trente.,It doesn't start until eight thirty.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Je veux un bateau qui m'emmènera loin d'ici.,I want a boat that'll take me far away from here.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn """J'ai envie de jouer aux cartes."" ""Moi aussi.""","""I feel like playing cards."" ""So do I.""",fra_Latn-eng_Latn « Ne nous sommes-nous pas rencontrés quelque part avant ? » demanda l'étudiant.,"""Haven't we met somewhere before?"" asked the student.",fra_Latn-eng_Latn Un Japonais ne ferait jamais une telle chose.,A Japanese would never do such a thing.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Allen est un poète.,Allen is a poet.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn L'archer tua le cerf.,The archer killed the deer.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Le communisme ne sera jamais atteint de mon vivant.,Communism will never be reached in my lifetime.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Le seigle était appelé le grain de la pauvreté.,Rye was called the grain of poverty.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn "Dans les années 50, on citait les Finnois comme ayant les régimes alimentaires les moins sains du monde.","In the 1950's, the Finns were cited as having one of the least healthy diets in the world.",fra_Latn-eng_Latn Si tu vois une faute alors corrige-la s'il te plaît.,"If you see a mistake, then please correct it.",fra_Latn-eng_Latn Place le jeu de cartes sur la table en bois de chêne.,Place the deck of cards on the oaken table.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Les Allemands sont très ingénieux.,The Germans are very crafty.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn "Si on ne mange pas, on meurt.","If you don't eat, you die.",fra_Latn-eng_Latn "Comment épelles-tu ""pretty"" ?","How do you spell ""pretty""?",fra_Latn-eng_Latn Et si nous retournions à la maison ?,Why don't we go home?,fra_Latn-eng_Latn "Je m'excuse, je ne peux pas rester longtemps.","I'm sorry, I can't stay long.",fra_Latn-eng_Latn 10 ans est une longue période à attendre.,Ten years is a long time to wait.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn """Pourquoi tu n'y vas pas ?"" ""Parce que je ne veux pas.""","""Why aren't you going?"" ""Because I don't want to.""",fra_Latn-eng_Latn Un million de personnes ont perdu la vie pendant la guerre.,One million people lost their lives in the war.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Je suis venu à Tokyo il y a trois ans et ai vécu ici depuis.,I came to Tokyo three years ago and have been living here ever since.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn J'ai vécu plus d'un mois à Nagoya.,I lived in Nagoya for over a month.,fra_Latn-eng_Latn Sy is alles foar him.,She is everything to him.,fry_Latn-eng_Latn Goemoarn allegear.,"Good morning, everybody.",fry_Latn-eng_Latn Goejûn.,Have a nice evening.,fry_Latn-eng_Latn Tom sil foar alles betelje.,Tom will pay for everything.,fry_Latn-eng_Latn Hy is alles foar har.,He is everything to her.,fry_Latn-eng_Latn Kinne jo stadicher prate asjebleaft?,"Speak more slowly, please!",fry_Latn-eng_Latn Aného is in stêd yn Togo.,Aného is a city in Togo.,fry_Latn-eng_Latn Wêrom?,Why is that?,fry_Latn-eng_Latn Do bist alles foar my.,You are everything to me.,fry_Latn-eng_Latn It reint yn Nederlân.,It rains in the Netherlands.,fry_Latn-eng_Latn Dat is te djoer!,It's too expensive!,fry_Latn-eng_Latn Ik sil foar alles betelje.,I'll pay you for everything.,fry_Latn-eng_Latn Badajoz is in stêd yn Spanje.,Badajoz is a city in Spain.,fry_Latn-eng_Latn "As ik de earmen wat te iten jou, neame se my in hillige. As ik se freegje wêrom't de earmen neat te iten hawwe, neame se my in kommunist.","When I give food to the poor, they call me a saint. When I ask why the poor have no food, they call me a communist.",fry_Latn-eng_Latn Hy is in hear.,He is a gentleman.,fry_Latn-eng_Latn Sy is in studint.,She is a student.,fry_Latn-eng_Latn Ik lês in boek.,I am reading a book.,fry_Latn-eng_Latn "Boppe stienen fjouwer opmakke bêden, mar op trije waard noait sliept.","Upstairs there were four made beds, but on three nobody ever slept.",fry_Latn-eng_Latn "Twa kear yn 'e wike kaam de túnman om it gers te meanen, dêrom koe ik nea yn it lange gers lizze.","Twice a week, the gardener would come to mow the lawn, so I could never lie down in the tall grass.",fry_Latn-eng_Latn It reint yn Sweden.,It rains in Sweden.,fry_Latn-eng_Latn "Bûter, brea, en griene tsiis; wa't dat net sizze kin, is gjin oprjochte Fries.","Butter, bread and green cheese; whoever can't say that is not an upright Frisian.",fry_Latn-eng_Latn Oan de ein fan it paad stie in brievebus. Op in dei lei der in spannende brief yn en dy wie foar my.,"At the end of the path there was a mailbox. One day, there was an exciting letter in it, and it was for me.",fry_Latn-eng_Latn Wêr is it treinstasjon?,Where is the railroad station?,fry_Latn-eng_Latn "Doe't ik lyts wie, kamen pake en beppe noch om op te passen. Jûns op bêd lies beppe my foar. Of pake fertelde in ferhaal.","When I was little, grandpa and grandma would come to baby-sit. At night in bed grandma would read to me. Or grandpa would tell a story.",fry_Latn-eng_Latn De jonge streake it famke om it kin en tute har op 'e wangen.,The boy stroked the girl on the chin and kissed her on the cheeks.,fry_Latn-eng_Latn Mem wie bang dat ik smoarch wurde soe.,Mother was afraid I would get dirty.,fry_Latn-eng_Latn De man yt. De frou yt. It bern yt.,The man is eating. The woman is eating. The child is eating.,fry_Latn-eng_Latn Miskien fûn hy it wol in goed idee.,Maybe he liked the idea.,fry_Latn-eng_Latn Wêr wennet dyn pake?,Where does your grandpa live?,fry_Latn-eng_Latn Tom sil net maklik opjaan.,Tom won't give up easily.,fry_Latn-eng_Latn De kat is yn it hûs.,The cat is in the house.,fry_Latn-eng_Latn Tom die dat trije wiken lyn.,Tom did that three weeks ago.,fry_Latn-eng_Latn "Ik meitsje fiere reizen, sjoch frjemde lannen, doch dingen dy'k nea earder die.","I'm making far journeys, seeing foreign countries, doing things I never did before.",fry_Latn-eng_Latn Ik bin sa ling as dyn.,I'm as tall as you.,fry_Latn-eng_Latn ik ha deselde problemen lykas do dy hast.,I have the same trouble as you have.,fry_Latn-eng_Latn Boeken binne bijen dy't stomoal fan it iene nei it oare ûnthâld drage.,Books are the bees that carry pollen from one mind to another.,fry_Latn-eng_Latn Ik hâld fan dy.,I love you.,fry_Latn-eng_Latn Ik sjoch triennen yn dyn eagen.,I see tears in your eyes.,fry_Latn-eng_Latn Bist altyd te let.,You are always late.,fry_Latn-eng_Latn Wat dochsto?,What do you do?,fry_Latn-eng_Latn Yn’e fierte hear ik it lûd fan sêft rûzjende weagen.,In the distance I hear the sound of softly murmuring roads.,fry_Latn-eng_Latn Prate jo Ingelsk?,Do you speak English?,fry_Latn-eng_Latn Ik moat dy ferlitte.,I have to leave you.,fry_Latn-eng_Latn In protte bern hearre it ferskil net sa goed.,A lot of children don't hear the difference very well.,fry_Latn-eng_Latn Ik hoopje ek op sinneskynwaar yn it wykein.,I also hope for sunny weather at the weekend.,fry_Latn-eng_Latn Ien hûn blaft nei ûnbekenden.,A dog barks at strangers.,fry_Latn-eng_Latn Jou yn it Ingelsk antwurd op de folgjende fragen.,Answer the following questions in English.,fry_Latn-eng_Latn Ik ferstean gjin Dútsk.,I don't understand German.,fry_Latn-eng_Latn Hy wurdt mei koarten heit.,He'll become a father soon.,fry_Latn-eng_Latn Moarns wurd ik altyd om sân oere hinne wekker.,In the morning I always wake up around seven o'clock.,fry_Latn-eng_Latn Tom hat in Android-tillefoan.,Tom has an Android phone.,fry_Latn-eng_Latn Twa plus twa is fjouwer.,Two plus two makes four.,fry_Latn-eng_Latn It famke sjongt en dûnset en laket dan nei my.,The girl sings and dances and then laughs at me.,fry_Latn-eng_Latn Jûns gean ik om tsien oere op bêd.,"In the evening, I go to bed at ten.",fry_Latn-eng_Latn Ik begryp it net.,I do not understand.,fry_Latn-eng_Latn Tom leit siik yn bêd.,Tom is lying ill in bed.,fry_Latn-eng_Latn Hy seach gjinien.,He saw nobody.,fry_Latn-eng_Latn Ik sjoch der nei út.,I look forward to it.,fry_Latn-eng_Latn Wat is der te rêden?,What's the matter?,fry_Latn-eng_Latn Aardich om my jo yn ’e kunde te kommen.,Nice to meet you.,fry_Latn-eng_Latn Ik fertelde har datst do in aardich famke bist.,I told her that you're a nice girl.,fry_Latn-eng_Latn "Hy wurket by in wittenskiplik ynstitút dêr't taalkundigen, letterkundigen, histoarisy, sosjologen, ekonomen en oare wittenskippers ûndersyk dogge nei alles wat mei kabouters te krijen hat.","He works at a scientific institute where linguists, literature scholars, historians, sociologists, economists, and other scholars investigate everything that has to do with gnomes.",fry_Latn-eng_Latn Ik wol ien nije hûn.,I want a new dog.,fry_Latn-eng_Latn Is it allegear echt foarby?,Is it really all over?,fry_Latn-eng_Latn Hy is no beskikber.,He is available now.,fry_Latn-eng_Latn Wat is dyn namme?,What's your name?,fry_Latn-eng_Latn Wat is jo namme?,What is your name?,fry_Latn-eng_Latn Ik sil dy nea ferjitte.,I'll never forget you.,fry_Latn-eng_Latn Hy is in Koreaan.,He is a Korean.,fry_Latn-eng_Latn "Asto no seist: ""Ik hâld fan dy,"" dan sis ik dat ek tsjin dy.","If you say, ""I love you,"" then I will also say that to you.",fry_Latn-eng_Latn Dit is in hynder.,This is a horse.,fry_Latn-eng_Latn Myn mem hâldt fan muzyk.,My mother loves music.,fry_Latn-eng_Latn Hokker ferskil is der tusken in doarp en in stêd?,What's the difference between a village and a town?,fry_Latn-eng_Latn Hy is in Nederlanner.,He is a Dutchman.,fry_Latn-eng_Latn Sy is in Nederlanner.,She is a Dutchwoman.,fry_Latn-eng_Latn "Dit is myn geheim. It is tige simplel: kinst it bêste sjen mei it hert. Dêr't it om giet, dat is mei de eagen net te sjen.","And now here is my secret, a very simple secret: It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye.",fry_Latn-eng_Latn Ik ha him dat útlein.,I explained it to him.,fry_Latn-eng_Latn Griekelân is in âld lân.,Greece is an old country.,fry_Latn-eng_Latn Pyongyang is de haadstêd fan Noard-Koreä.,Pyongyang is the capital of North Korea.,fry_Latn-eng_Latn De sinne skynt al ieuwen oer ûs lân.,The sun has been shining over our country for ages.,fry_Latn-eng_Latn Yann iet bôle.,Yann ate bread.,fry_Latn-eng_Latn Ik kom út Noard-Koreä.,I am from North Korea.,fry_Latn-eng_Latn Hoe âld bisto?,How old are you?,fry_Latn-eng_Latn Sy is net myn freondinne. Hja is myn suster.,She's not my girlfriend. She's my sister.,fry_Latn-eng_Latn Prate jo Folapúk?,Do you speak Volapük?,fry_Latn-eng_Latn Frysk is myn memmetaal.,Frisian is my mother tongue.,fry_Latn-eng_Latn Sy is syn freon.,She is his friend.,fry_Latn-eng_Latn Noard-Koreä en Súd-Koreä syn buorlannen.,North Korea and South Korea are neighbors.,fry_Latn-eng_Latn Ik bin in seefûgel.,I am a seagull.,fry_Latn-eng_Latn Alle minsken wurde frij en gelyk yn weardigens en rjochten berne. Hja hawwe ferstân en gewisse meikrigen en hearre har foar inoar oer yn in geast fan bruorskip te hâlden en te dragen.,All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.,fry_Latn-eng_Latn Ik studear yn Nymwegen.,I study in Nijmegen.,fry_Latn-eng_Latn "Yn 'e keamer stie in piano, mar der wie nimmen dy't derop spile.","In the room there was a piano, but there was nobody who played it.",fry_Latn-eng_Latn Ja.,This is true.,fry_Latn-eng_Latn "It wie in fochtige, graue simmerdei oan de ein fan Juny.","It was a humid, grey summer day at the end of June.",fry_Latn-eng_Latn Se foel bijna flauw doe't se it bloed seach.,She nearly fainted when she saw the blood.,fry_Latn-eng_Latn Spitich!,What a pity!,fry_Latn-eng_Latn Ik bin in helt.,I'm a hero.,fry_Latn-eng_Latn Sy is in Koreaan.,She is a Korean.,fry_Latn-eng_Latn "Ien, twa, trije, fjouwer, fiif, seis, sân, acht, njoggen, tsien.","One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten.",fry_Latn-eng_Latn "De Nederlânske flagge is read, wyt en blau.","The Dutch flag is red, white and blue.",fry_Latn-eng_Latn "Als de kat fan hûs is, stekt de mûs de steert omheech.","When the cat is away, the mice will play.",fry_Latn-eng_Latn It is net allegearre goud wat der blinkt.,All that glitters is not gold.,fry_Latn-eng_Latn "Dy't him ienkear baarnd hat, dy mijt it fjoer.",A fox is not caught twice in the same snare.,fry_Latn-eng_Latn In keap is in keap.,It is no use crying over spilt milk.,fry_Latn-eng_Latn Better in blyn hynder as in leech helter.,Half a loaf is better than none.,fry_Latn-eng_Latn De appel falt net fier fan de beam.,Like breeds like.,fry_Latn-eng_Latn "Wat men net wit, dat deart jin net.",Ignorance is bliss.,fry_Latn-eng_Latn Ån spräke as uler nooch.,One language is never enough.,fry_Latn-eng_Latn Ik hjit Robin.,My name is Robin.,fry_Latn-eng_Latn Is dat wol goed?,Is that okay?,fry_Latn-eng_Latn De organisaasje organisearret alle jierren in stik as wat moetingen fan frijwilligers dy't de doarren bylâns geane om Fryske boeken te ferkeapjen.,"Every year, the organisation organises a number of meetings of volunteers who go door-to-door to sell Frisian books.",fry_Latn-eng_Latn Se is in akteur.,She is an actor.,fry_Latn-eng_Latn Dit is myn computer.,This is my computer.,fry_Latn-eng_Latn Hja hat de doar read ferve.,She has painted the door red.,fry_Latn-eng_Latn It snijt yn Ruslân.,It snows in Russia.,fry_Latn-eng_Latn "Moarns let, de hiele dei let.","If you are late in the morning, you will be late the whole day.",fry_Latn-eng_Latn "Muzyk is gjin taal, mar sommige talen klinge as muzyk yn 'e earen.",Music is not a language. But some languages are music to my ears.,fry_Latn-eng_Latn Ik hold fan de âlde man.,I loved the old man.,fry_Latn-eng_Latn "Wit jo it seker, Tom?","Are you sure, Tom?",fry_Latn-eng_Latn Wa is dêr?,Who is there?,fry_Latn-eng_Latn Amsterdam is de haadstêd fan Nederlân.,Amsterdam is the capital of the Netherlands.,fry_Latn-eng_Latn Lit my gean!,Let me go!,fry_Latn-eng_Latn Lit my mei rêst!,Leave me alone!,fry_Latn-eng_Latn Ik wit it noch net.,I don't know yet.,fry_Latn-eng_Latn Ik wit net wat it is.,I don't know what it is.,fry_Latn-eng_Latn "Nee, ik wit it net.","No, I don't know.",fry_Latn-eng_Latn Is dyn mem thús?,Is your mum at home?,fry_Latn-eng_Latn Ik bin wurch.,I am exhausted.,fry_Latn-eng_Latn Dat is deagewoan.,That's dead normal.,fry_Latn-eng_Latn Ik ha toarst.,I am thirsty.,fry_Latn-eng_Latn Gean mar sitten.,Please take a seat.,fry_Latn-eng_Latn Kin ik mei in kreditkaart betelje?,Can I pay by credit card?,fry_Latn-eng_Latn Wa nimt noch tiid foar in lange brief oan in freon?,Who still takes time for a long letter to a friend?,fry_Latn-eng_Latn De Burj Khalifa is no de heechste wolkekliuwer op de wrâld.,Burj Khalifa is currently the tallest skyscraper in the world.,fry_Latn-eng_Latn Wêr is it húske?,Where's the restroom?,fry_Latn-eng_Latn Kin ‘t ús wat skele?,Do we care?,fry_Latn-eng_Latn Wêr is dyn skoalle?,Where is your school?,fry_Latn-eng_Latn De plysjemannen wiene tefreden.,The officers were satisfied.,fry_Latn-eng_Latn Beide binne wij sykjend nei eat wat der net is.,We are both looking for something that isn't there.,fry_Latn-eng_Latn Kin jo my helpe?,Can you help me?,fry_Latn-eng_Latn Prate jo Italiaansk?,Do you speak Italian?,fry_Latn-eng_Latn Prate jo Japansk?,Do you speak Japanese?,fry_Latn-eng_Latn Ik swalkte doelleas yn it rûn.,I was drifting about aimlessly.,fry_Latn-eng_Latn It is hjir noch krekt as eartiids.,It's still just as before here.,fry_Latn-eng_Latn Ik praat gjin Japansk.,I can't speak Japanese.,fry_Latn-eng_Latn Ik wie op syk nei eat wat der net wie.,I was searching for something that didn't exist.,fry_Latn-eng_Latn Wat kostet it?,How much is it?,fry_Latn-eng_Latn Ik kin dy mar net ferjitte.,I just can't forget about you.,fry_Latn-eng_Latn Ik kom út Singapore.,I'm from Singapore.,fry_Latn-eng_Latn Wêr komme jo wei?,Where are you from?,fry_Latn-eng_Latn Ik hjit Jack.,My name is Jack.,fry_Latn-eng_Latn Myn namme is Hopkins.,My name is Hopkins.,fry_Latn-eng_Latn Ik ha gjin swurd.,I don't have a sword.,fry_Latn-eng_Latn "Hoi, myn namme is Ken Saitou.","Hi, my name is Ken Saitou.",fry_Latn-eng_Latn Wêrom joust my net wat ik ha wol?,Why don't you give me what I want to have?,fry_Latn-eng_Latn """Tanke wol."" ""Graach dien.""","""Thank you."" ""You're welcome.""",fry_Latn-eng_Latn "Goejûn, hoe is 't mei jo?","Good evening, how are you?",fry_Latn-eng_Latn Wolkom!,You're quite welcome.,fry_Latn-eng_Latn Goeie.,How do you do.,fry_Latn-eng_Latn Do dochst gewoan neat ferkeard.,You just don't do anything wrong.,fry_Latn-eng_Latn "Ik hâld fan dy, sa asto bist.",I love you just as you are.,fry_Latn-eng_Latn Ik ha myn twifels.,I have my doubts.,fry_Latn-eng_Latn Kondooms syn wichtich.,Condoms are important.,fry_Latn-eng_Latn Myn hâlding hie se oertsjûge.,My manner had convinced them.,fry_Latn-eng_Latn "Each om each, tosk om tosk.","An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.",fry_Latn-eng_Latn "Minsken meitsje sich folle mear soargen oer de ivichheid nei harren dea as oer de ivichheid dy't sich foar harren berte al ôfspile hat. It is lykwols itselde tal ivichheid, dy't sich útrôlet nei alle rjochtingen fanôf it punt wêr't we stean.","People worry a lot more about the eternity after their deaths than the eternity that happened before they were born. But it’s the same amount of infinity, rolling out in all directions from where we stand.",fry_Latn-eng_Latn Belle de plysje!,Call the police!,fry_Latn-eng_Latn Myn hovercraft sit fol mei iel.,My hovercraft is full of eels.,fry_Latn-eng_Latn Sy is har freon.,She is her friend.,fry_Latn-eng_Latn "Ik snijde de holle, earms en fuotten derôf.",I cut off the head and the arms and the legs.,fry_Latn-eng_Latn Hongaarsk is myn memmetaal.,Hungarian is my mother tongue.,fry_Latn-eng_Latn Froulju en bern earst!,Women and children first!,fry_Latn-eng_Latn Myn bêste freon is in Rus.,My best friend is a Russian.,fry_Latn-eng_Latn Nach robh fhios agaibh gun do shiubhail e bho chionn mu dà bhliadhna?,Didn't you know that he passed away about two years ago?,gla_Latn-eng_Latn —Dè ur cor? —Droch chor. —Nach bochd sin.,"""How are you?"" ""Not well."" ""That's unfortunate.""",gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tha na h-oileanaich seo nan Coirèanaich.,Those students are Korean.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tha feum aig Tòmas air àite-fuirich.,Tom needs a place to stay.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Chan eil iasg anns an allt ann.,There is no fish in the burn.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tha am bòrd anns an t-seòmar sin glè shnog.,The table in that room is very nice.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tha mi a' smaoineachadh gum bheil uisge ann fon bhòrd.,I think that there is water under the table.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Bha am bàta fo sheòl.,The boat was under sail.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn 'S e oileanaich a tha annainn uile.,We're all students.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn "Bha ròn ann anns an uisge, agus air a’ chladach.",There was a seal in the water and another on the shore.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Cò tha Pedro?,Who is Pedro?,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tha an litir seo dhan chaillich.,This letter is to the old woman.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Nach robh iad aig a’ mhuir tron oidhche?,Aren’t they on the sea during the night?,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Bha sgeul mun chaileig sin anns an naidheachd.,The story about the girl was in the news.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn 'S toigh le Tòmas bàrdachd a dhèanamh.,Tom likes to write poetry.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Bha sgeulachd inntinneach anns an litir dhan bhalach.,There was an interesting story in the letter to the boy.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Bha slat fhada ùr ann anns a’ bhùth.,There’s a new long fishing rod in the shop.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Nach robh iad ùine fhada anns a’ bhaile?,Weren’t they a long time in the town?,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Bha an cù dubh air an fheur ris a’ ghrèin.,The black dog on the grass was exposed to the sun.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn """Am faod thu an doras a dhùnadh?"" ""Faodaidh tusa.""","""Could you close the door?"" ""You could.""",gla_Latn-eng_Latn 'S e oileanaich a tha ann an dithis dhinn.,We're both students.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Bha latha math ann.,It was a good day.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Thòisich Tòmas ag ionnsachadh na Fraingis trì bliadhna air ais.,Tom has been studying French for three years.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Thòisich Tòmas ag ionnsachadh na Fraingis faisg air trì bliadhna air ais.,Tom has been studying French for about three years.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn "Bha a’ ghrian blàth anns a’ mhadainn, ach tha i fuar an-dràsda.","The sun was warm in the morning, but it's cold at this moment.",gla_Latn-eng_Latn Bha i anns an leabaidh tron mhadainn a leughadh leabhar.,She was in bed during the morning reading a book.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn "Tha a’ Ghàidhlig glè inntinneach, nach eil?","Scottish Gaelic is very interesting, isn’t it?",gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tha an nighean ris an uinneig oir tha a’ ghrian glè bhlàth an-diugh.,"The lass is at the window, because the sun is very hot today.",gla_Latn-eng_Latn Chan eil saoigh gun choimheas.,There is no hero without compare.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn B' e Èirisgeach a bh' innte.,She was from Eriskay.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn S' e Èirisgeach a th' ann an Tàmas.,Tom is from Eriskay.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn 'S e Èirisgeach a bh' ann am Màiri.,Mary was from Eriskay.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn "Tha mi toilichte ur coinneachadh, a Thàmais.","Pleased to meet you, Tom.",gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tha an dèideag agam briste.,My toy is broken.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn "Thèid prògram telebhisein seo leth riumsa, co-dhiù.","This TV show is growing on me, anyway.",gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tha falt fada oirre.,She has got long hair.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Chaidh e thall thairis an-uiridh.,He went abroad last year.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn ’S e Diluain a tha ann an-diugh.,It is Monday today.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn """'S toil leatha ceòl."" ""'S toil is leamsa.""","""She likes music."" ""So do I.""",gla_Latn-eng_Latn Cò tha a' chailleach sin?,Who is that old woman?,gla_Latn-eng_Latn ’S e Dimàirt a tha ann an-diugh. Tha mi a' ceannach iasgan.,Today is Tuesday. I am buying fishes.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Chan eil an càr aca math.,Their car is not good.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Chan eil Frangais agamsa.,I can't speak French.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Chan eil an t-sìde cho math an-diugh 's a bha e an-dé.,The weather's not as good today as it was yesterday.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn ’S e Didòmhnaich a bha ann an-dè.,It was Sunday yesterday.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Bha a chainnt iomchaidh san t-suidheachadh.,His speech was suitable for the occasion.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn An e Disathairne a bhios ann a-màireach?,Will it be Saturday tomorrow?,gla_Latn-eng_Latn 'S e Diluain a tha ann an-diugh agus 's e Dimàirt a bhios ann a-màireach.,It's Monday today and it will be Tuesday tomorrow.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Dè an latha a tha ann a-rithist?,What day is it again?,gla_Latn-eng_Latn "’S e Diardaoin a th’ ann, agus bidh làraidh an sgudail a’ tighinn an-diugh.",It's Thursday and the bin lorry will be coming today.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn ’S e Dihaoine là an sgudail ann an Sasainn.,Friday is bin day in England.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn 'S fheàrr cinnteach na caillteach.,Better sure than a loser.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tha mi ag èisteachd air an òran seo.,I'm listening to this song.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn "Cha bhi an làraidh a’ tighinn a-màireach, ma-thà.","The bin lorry will not be coming tomorrow, then.",gla_Latn-eng_Latn "Tha mi an dòchas gum bi, oir tha am bion làn.","I hope it'll come, because the trash can is full.",gla_Latn-eng_Latn Dè tha sibh a' dèanamh?,What are you doing?,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tha mi a’ leughadh leabhar mun chànain.,I'm reading a book about languages.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn An robh sibh aig an taigh an-dè?,Were you at home yesterday?,gla_Latn-eng_Latn An robh thu aig an taigh an-dè?,Were you home yesterday?,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Bha e ag obair anns an oifis a-raoir.,He was working at the office yesterday evening.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Cha robh mi ag obair an-dè.,I was free from work yesterday.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Am bi sibh ag obair aig an taigh-osda a-màireach anns a' mhadainn?,Will you be working at the hotel tomorrow in the morning?,gla_Latn-eng_Latn """Dè a fhuair thu?"" ""Fhuair mi dà leabhar Gàidhlig.""","""What did you get?"" ""Two Gaelic books.""",gla_Latn-eng_Latn Am bi thu ag obair aig an taigh-osda a-màireach anns a' mhadainn?,Are you going to work in the hotel tomorrow morning?,gla_Latn-eng_Latn """Dè a thug thu dhi am-bliadhna?"" ""Thug dà adhann.""","""What did you give her this year?"" ""Two frying pans.""",gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tha iad a’ bruidhinn ri chèile.,They're talking among themselves.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Air rèir do mheas ort fhèin 's ann a mheasas càch thu.,As you see yourself so will others see you.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn "Tha thu trang an-dràsda, nach eil?","You are busy now, aren't you?",gla_Latn-eng_Latn "Tha sibh trang an-dràsda, nach eil?","You're busy now, aren't you?",gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tha mi trang an-dràsda.,I am busy now.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn A bheil thu trang an-dràsda?,Are you busy now?,gla_Latn-eng_Latn """Cò a thug dhuinn a' bhideo seo?"" ""Tòmas.""","""Who gave us this video?"" ""Tom did.""",gla_Latn-eng_Latn —An toigh leat bàrdachd a dhèanamh? —'S toigh.,"""Do you like to write poetry?"" ""Yes.""",gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tha mi ag iarraidh don t-Suain.,I want to go to Sweden.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Bha mi ag èisteachd ri òran glè bhòidheach an-dè.,I was listening to a really beautiful song yesterday.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tha e gle dorcha.,It is very dark.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn "Tha mi trang an-dràsda, agus chan urrain dhomh a chluich còmhla riut.",I am busy now and can't play with you.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tha sinn ag obair gu trang anns an achadh an-diugh.,We are working hard on the field today.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Bha am fear ag obair gu trang anns an achadh an-dè.,The man was working hard on the field yesterday.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Bidh iad ag obair gu trang anns an achadh an-màireach.,They will be working hard on the field tomorrow.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Bha e ag obair gu trang anns an achadh a-raoir.,He was working hard on the field last night.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tha mo mhac ag obair gu trang anns an achadh an-dràsda.,My son is working hard on the field right now.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn A bheil fios aig duine dè thachair?,Does anyone know what happened?,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tha coimpiutair agam.,I have a computer.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tha mi glè thoilichte a' cluinntinn gu bheil Gàidhlig agad.,I am very glad to hear that you speak Scottish Gaelic.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Sheideadh e na h-adharcan de ghobhar.,It would blow the horns off a goat.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tha mi uabhasach toilichte a' cluinntinn gu bheil thu ag iarraidh fuireach ann an Alba.,I am really glad to hear that you want to live in Scotland.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn "Tha mi toilichte a' cluinntinn gu bheil fìos agaibh, dè an t-ainm a th' oirre.",I am glad to hear that you know how she is called.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tha mòran obair ga dhèanamh.,There's a lot of work to be done.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn "Thuirt Tòmas rium sa Fhraingis, ""Chunnaic Ailis Màiri a-bhòin-dè.""","Tom told me in French, ""Alice saw Mary the day before yesterday.""",gla_Latn-eng_Latn Thuirt Tòmas rium sa Fhraingis gun chunnaic Ailis Màiri a-bhòin-dè.,Tom told me in French that Alice saw Mary the day before yesterday.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn "Tha mi an dòchas gu bheil an teaghlach agad gu dòigheal, a charaid.","I hope that your family is fine, my friend.",gla_Latn-eng_Latn "Chuir Tòmas ceist orm, ""Am faca Ailis Màiri a-bhòin-dè?""","Tom asked me, ""Did Alice see Mary the day before yesterday?""",gla_Latn-eng_Latn "Tha mi 'n dòchas gu bheil do theaghlach gu math, a charaid.",I hope your family is well.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn "Tha Tòmas a' cur ceist orm, ""Carson a chunnaic Ailis Màiri a-bhòin-dè?""","Tom is asking me, ""Why did Alice see Mary the day before yesterday?""",gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tha dà bhrathair aige. Tha fear dhiubh a' fuireach ann an Osaka agus am fear eile ann an Kobe.,"He has two brothers, one lives in Osaka and the other in Kobe.",gla_Latn-eng_Latn "Bidh Tòmas a' cur ceist orm, ""Càite a fhaca Ailis Màiri a-bhòin-dè?""","Tom will ask me, ""Where did Alice see Mary the day before yesterday?""",gla_Latn-eng_Latn Is coma leam cofaidh.,I dislike coffee.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn "Bheir Tòmas rium, ""Chan fhaca Ailis Màiri a-bhòin-dè.""","Tom will tell me, ""Alice didn't see Mary the day before yesterday.""",gla_Latn-eng_Latn Is coma leis mi.,He dislikes me.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Cha robh duine am bu coma le Tòmas.,Nobody disliked Tom.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn "An ceann trì bliadhna, ràinig mi fileantachd.","At the end of three years, I became fluent.",gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tha cuimhne mhath agam air.,I remember him well.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Cà bheil an t-oileanach?,Where is the student?,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Chan urrainn dha phiuthar ruit a bhruidhinn an-diugh.,Your sister can't talk to you today.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn A bheil cuimhne agad oirnn?,Do you remember us?,gla_Latn-eng_Latn "An ceann dàichead bliadhna 's a aon deug, dhealasaich Tòmas is Màiri ri chèile.","At the end of fifty-one years, Tom and Mary divorced.",gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tha mòran leabhraichean air eachdraidh aige.,He has a lot of books on history.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Cha chosg an iris gu lèir ach dà not gus a chur sa phost.,"The magazine only costs two pounds, including shipping.",gla_Latn-eng_Latn Cha tèid agam air deagh Fhraingis a sgrìobhadh.,I can't write good French.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Làmh fhada is cead a sìneadh.,"It is certainly a tasty delicacy. To all of you I say ""bon appetit.""",gla_Latn-eng_Latn Nollaig Chridheil!,Have a good Christmas.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Bliadhna math ùr!,Happy New Year!,gla_Latn-eng_Latn B' fheudar dhuinn lann an claidheamh a pheantadh airson dath ùr a chur air.,We'd have to paint the blade of the sword in order to change the color.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Feuch a bheil cùrsa Fraingis air astar aca.,Let's see if they have a distance-learning French course.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Is cuimhne leam mòran rudan.,I remember many things.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Is cuimhne leam an duine sin.,I remember that guy.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Am faca tu mo leannan?,Did you see my boyfriend?,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tha feum agam air do chuideachadh.,I need you to help me.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Chan iongnadh gur lugha le Tòmas sinne.,No wonder Tom hates us.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Gura math a thèid leat!,I wish you good luck.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Thuirt Tòmas gun do shaoil e gun robh am foghlam cudromach.,Tom said that he thought that education was important.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Is miann orm a bhith òg.,I wish I were young.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tha teine math teth ann bhon ghual seo.,There is good fire from this coal.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Carson nach eil sibh ag éisteachd?,Why aren't you listening?,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Thig còmhla rium.,Come with me.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Cha chreid mi gu bheil i ag obair.,I don't think that she is working.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Dè ur beachdan?,What's your opinion?,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tapadh leibh airson am fiosrachadh.,Thank you for the information.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Bu toil leam gun cuiridh sibh m' ainm dhan stòr-data agaibh airson na cùrsa.,I would like you to add my name to your mailing list for the course.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tha seo nas fhurasta na bha Tòmas an dùil.,This is easier than Tom expected.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Na gabhaibh dragh!,Don't worry about it!,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Faodaidh sinn am bus fhaighinn às a' bhaile seo.,We can catch the bus from this town.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn "Chan fheum mise a dhol, ach feumaidh tusa.","I don't have to go, but you do.",gla_Latn-eng_Latn Cia mheud truinnseir a th' againn?,How many plates do we have?,gla_Latn-eng_Latn ’S fhiach còig dolaran aon not.,Five dollars are worth one pound.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn 'S dòcha leam.,I suppose so.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn 'S dòcha leam gu bheil an t-acras ort.,I suppose you're hungry.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn 'S beag orm an coltas sin!,I hate that look!,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Chan eil e math air seinn.,He doesn't sing well.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn 'S dòcha leam gu bheil gràdh agad oirre.,I suppose you like her.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn "’S cha tèid a glòir air chall, dh’aindeoin gò is mì-run mòr nan Gall.","Her glory will not be lost, despite the deceit and great malice of the Lowlanders.",gla_Latn-eng_Latn 'S dòcha leam gu bheil gaol agad air.,I suppose you love him.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn 'S dòcha leam gu bheil gaol agad oirre.,I suppose you love her.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Rugadh mise ann an Osaka.,I was born in Osaka.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn """An gabh thu tì no cofaidh?"" ""Cha ghabh idir.""","""Would you like tea or coffee?"" ""Neither.""",gla_Latn-eng_Latn Chan eil fhios agam dè seòrsa duine a th' ann.,I don't know what kind of person he is.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tha mi ag aontachadh ribh.,I agree with you.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tha e glè luath.,It is very fast.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Is i Gàidhlig an aon chànain am beul nam bàrd ’s nan èisg.,Gaelic is the only language in the mouths of bards and fish.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Chuir mi fearg air.,I irritated him.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Gheibh thu leabhar innteanach ma thig thu do Chomhairle nan Leabhraichean!,You will get an interesting book if you go to Comhairle nan Leabhraichean.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tha mis' ag iarraidh uisge teth.,I want hot water.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Bha an taigh-òsta seo glè fhaisg air an loch.,This hotel was very near the lake.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tha an taigh-òsta sin glè fhaisg air an loch.,That hotel is very near the lake.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tha an taigh-òsta seo glè fhaisg air an loch.,This hotel is very near the lake.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Dà cheud not 's a h-ochd an duine agus ceud dà fhichead not ’s a trì deug airson oileanaich.,Two hundred eight pounds per person and a hundred fifty three for students.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Dè cho sean 's a tha e?,How old is he?,gla_Latn-eng_Latn 'S le Tòmas an sealbh seo.,Tom owns this property.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Cha stad fiù 's aon tacsi.,Not even one taxi stopped.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Dè an dath as fheàrr leibh?,What is your favourite colour?,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Bidh Tòmas ag obair.,Tom will work.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn A bheil fearg agad?,Are you angry?,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tha Nara cho sean ri Kyoto.,Nara is as old as Kyoto.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Carson a tha thu nad aonar?,Why are you alone?,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tha seo sgoinneil!,This is awesome.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tha mi an dùil a thighinn.,I expect to come.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn "'S e ainm fìona a th' ann am ""Madeira"".",Madeira is the name of a wine.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Cha chreid mi gun obraich e.,I don't think it will work.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Am faca sibh seo fhathast?,Have you seen this yet?,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Chan eil mi ga thuigsinn.,I don't understand it.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn An do leugh thu seo fhathast?,Have you read this yet?,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tha fearg aig m' athair orm.,Father is angry with me.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tha seo cudromach.,This is important.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Trobhad an-seo 's cuidich leam.,Come here and help me.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn A bheil àite ann airson daoine a bharrachd?,Is there space for one more person?,gla_Latn-eng_Latn """Dè tha thu ag iarraidh?"" ""Tha mi ag iarraidh cù.""","""What do you want?"" ""I want a dog.""",gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tha mi ag iarraidh fuireach an-seo.,I want to stay here.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tha an taigh-beag beag.,The toilet is small.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tha iad ag ithe nan ùbhlan aca.,They are eating their apples.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tha e coltach ri athair.,He looks like his father.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Chaidh i a-steach anns an tacsaidh.,She got in the taxi.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Thàinig mi a-mach anns an tacsaidh.,I got out of the taxi.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tha e fuar.,It is cold.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tha mi air an iuchair agam a chall.,I've lost my key.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn A bheil fios agad càite bheil tùr Tokyo?,Do you know where Tokyo Tower is?,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Chuir an litir aige fearg oirre.,His letter made her angry.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Seall far a bheil mise an-diugh!,Look where I am today.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn B' e Janet a bhuannaich a' chiad duais.,It was Janet that won first prize.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tha taigh beag againn.,We have a small house.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Nach eil Tòmas oirre fhaicinn?,Hasn't Tom seen her?,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Chan eil òran ann am bràthair Thòmais.,Tom can't sing.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Cha bhi Tòmas oirnn fhaicinn.,Tom won't have seen us.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tha sin uabhasach math.,That's very good.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn An robh Tòmas ort fhaicinn an t-seachdain a chaidh?,Had Tom seen you last week?,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Saoilidh mi gun robh fearg aige.,I think he was angry.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn A bheil e cho teth a h-uile latha?,Is it this hot every day?,gla_Latn-eng_Latn 'S mise Sasha.,My name is Sascha.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn "Halò, 's mise Màiri. Dè an t-ainm a tha ort?","Hello, I'm Mary. What's your name?",gla_Latn-eng_Latn "Halò, 's mise Tòmas. Dè an t-ainm a tha ort?","Hello, I'm Tom. What's your name?",gla_Latn-eng_Latn """Cò dhibh a rinn seo?"" ""Cha mhi.""","""Which of you did it?"" ""Not me.""",gla_Latn-eng_Latn "Gabhaibh mo leisgeul, dè an t-ainm a tha ort?",Excuse me. What's your name?,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tha mi gu math!,I'm doing okay.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tha mi glè sgìth.,I'm very tired.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Ràinig sinn an stèisean aig sia uairean.,We got to the station at six.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn "Nuair a chaidh Màiri a-steach anns an t-seòmair, bha Jack a' sgur a bhruidhinn air ball.","When Mary entered the room, Jack suddenly stopped talking.",gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tha e mar chù a’ mùin air an t-sneachd.,He is running around like a headless chicken.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tha esan na dheagh shaor.,He is a good carpenter.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Fàilte gu Tatoeba.,Welcome to Tatoeba!,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Chan fheum thu a thighinn dhan oifis a dh'obair Disathairne.,You need not come to the office on Saturdays.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn """An robh thu nad chòcaire air a' bhàta sin?"" ""Cha robh.""","""Were you a cook on that boat?"" ""No, I wasn't.""",gla_Latn-eng_Latn Dè an aois a tha thu?,How old are you?,gla_Latn-eng_Latn 'S e nothaist a tha thu.,You're an idiot.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Bha brògan geala oirre.,She had white shoes on.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tha na laithean a' fàs nas fhaide 's nas fhaide.,The days are getting longer and longer.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tha mòran obair ri dhèanamh.,There's a lot of work to be done!,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Dè an diofar a tha eadar Calum agus Màiri?,What is the difference between Malcolm and Mairy?,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tha sràdag ann an Tòmas.,Tom has a temper.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn 'S iongnadh leam cò thàinig.,I wonder who has come.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tha an t-éigh glè thiugh.,The ice is very thick.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Chan eil casan ann.,It's not possible.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn 'S iongnadh leam cò ise.,I wonder who she is.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn A bheil thu deich bliadhna a dh'aois?,Are you ten years old?,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tha mi a' dol dhan bhùth.,I am going to the shop.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tha mi gu dòigheal.,I am well.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn ’S fheàrr leam cofaidh.,I prefer coffee.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn A bheil Beurla agad?,Do you speak... English?,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Bidh mi gu trang anns an fheasgar.,I will be busy this afternoon.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn 'S e bean uasal a th' innte.,She is a woman of noble birth.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tha mo bràithair anns an Astràilia an-dràsta.,My brother is now in Australia.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn B' àbhaist dhomh leann òl.,I used to drink beer.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Thug brathair mo mhathar preasant dha.,My uncle gave him a present.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Bha e sgoinneil. Chaidh mi a Kyoto.,It was great. I went to Kyoto.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Thug an neach-teagaisg cus obair-dachaigh dhuinn.,The teacher gave us a lot of homework.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn B' ann orra a bha an t-acras.,They were the ones who were hungry.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Saoil gun innsidh sibh dhuinn cò as a thàining sibh.,Tell us where you came from.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Bha iad a' bruidhinn mu do dhèidhinn.,They were talking about you.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tha mi a' leughadh leabhar.,I'm reading a book.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn """An tigeadh tu a dh'Astràilia?"" ""Thigeadh gu dearbh.""","""Would you come to Australia?"" ""Yes indeed.""",gla_Latn-eng_Latn Mharbh Betty i.,Betty killed her.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Rugadh is thogadh mise ann an Astràilia.,I was born and raised in Australia.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Is caileag glè bhòidheach Heather.,Heather is a very beautiful girl.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Chan eil e ceart.,It's not right.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Bha iongnadh air Eamag.,Emily was surprised.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Am bheil thu a' coinneamh le duine an-seo?,Are you meeting someone here?,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Chan fheum mi falbh.,I don't have to go.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Bha Eamag ag èisteachd ri ceòl.,Emily was listening to music.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Chunnaic mi e le m’ shùilean fhèin.,I saw it with my own eyes.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Chan eil feum aig Tàmas falbh.,Tom doesn't have to go.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn """Nach can tusa gun robh mi ceart gu leòr?"" ""Canaidh.""","""Won't you say that I was right?"" ""I will.""",gla_Latn-eng_Latn Thachair e bho chionn barrachd air trì latha.,This happened more than three days ago.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Rinn i an obair gun dragh sam bith.,She did the work without any difficulty.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Chaidh e a-null thairis.,He went abroad.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn 'S ann à Boston a tha mi.,I'm from Boston.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tha thu fortanach gu bheil càirdean cho math agad.,You are fortunate for having such good friends.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn 'S ann à Sasainn a tha e.,He comes from England.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Glac iad Tom.,They caught Tom.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Dè rinn thu leis an leabhar agam?,What did you do with my book?,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Feuchaidh mi an ceist seo fhreagairt ma dh'fhaodas mi.,I'll try to answer this question if I may.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Dùin an doras sin.,Close that door.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Am faod mi faighneachd dè an aois a tha sibh?,May I ask how old you are?,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tha e glè fhuar an-diugh.,It's very cold today.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Dh'iarr mi oirbhse sguir dheth.,I asked you to stop it.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Chaidh cron mòr a dhèanamh air a' chàr agam san tubaist.,My car was badly damaged in the accident.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn A bheil thu ag èisteachd ri ceòl?,Are you listening to music?,gla_Latn-eng_Latn "A Thàmais, fuirich san t-sèithear!","Tom, stay in your seat!",gla_Latn-eng_Latn Chan eil càil fhios agam air dè a thachair.,I have no idea what happened.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Am bi sibh daonnan trang?,Are you always busy?,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Chruthaich Dia e.,God created him.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Thuirt Juliana dhomh gur ann à São Paulo a tha thu.,Juliana told me you're from São Paulo.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Cha do cheannaich mi an leabhar seo.,I didn't buy this book.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Chruthaich Dia i.,God created her.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Dh'èist mi ri òran glè bhòidheach an-dè.,I listened to a very beautiful song yesterday.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tha mi a’ dhèanamh m’ obair-dachaigh.,I'm doing my homework.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Chan e mise as coireach.,It wasn't my fault.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tha mi air mo sheòladh post-dealain a dhìochuimhneachadh.,I've forgotten my email address.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Chan eil mi ag iarraidh dol dhan sgoil.,I don't want to go to school.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Innis dhomh an t-ainm a tha air an naoidheamh mìos.,Tell me the name of the ninth month.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Càite a bhithinn a' dol? Chan innsidh mi dhut!,Where would I be going? I won't tell you!,gla_Latn-eng_Latn 'S iongnadh leam cò iad.,I wonder who they are.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Chi mi ann sibh.,I'll see you there.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Bheil thu cinnteach?,Are you sure?,gla_Latn-eng_Latn 'S tusa gràdh mo bheatha.,You're the love of my life.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tha e meadhan là.,It is midday.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tha mi eòlach air na h-oileanaich a tha seo.,I know these students.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tha nighean agus balach aig Tòmas agus Màiri.,Tom and Mary have a daughter and a son.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn "A bheil fios agad, cò ise?",You know who she is?,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tha sin math gu leòr.,That's good enough.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tha fios agam gum bheil fios agad gum bheil fios agam.,I know that you know that I know.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Dùin do bheul agus èisd!,Shut up and listen!,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Cha bu chòir dhuibh dol a-mach.,You ought not to go out.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn 'S e DVD a th' ann.,This is a DVD.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tha fios agam nach eil fhios agam.,I know that I don't know.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn """Cò leis a tha an leabhar?"" ""'S e le Tòmas.""","""Whose is the book?"" ""It's Tom's.""",gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tha an latha fuar.,The day is cold.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tha an teine teth.,The fire is hot.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tha i a' leughadh.,She is reading.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Chan eil sgoil mhòr aig Tòmas.,Tom hasn't had much education.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tha sgoil mhòr aig Tòmas.,Tom is a well-educated person.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn 'S iongnadh leam cò dh'innlich e.,I wonder who invented it.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tha agam ri stampaichean a cheannach.,I need to buy stamps.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Bhruidhinn air ceòl.,I talked about music.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Bha sgoil mhòr agus tòrr chànanan aig Tòmas.,Tom was highly educated and spoke several languages fluently.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tha mi ag obair ann am banca.,I work in a bank.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Càit' an robh i a' dol?,Where was she going?,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Dh'fhosgail mi am bogsa. Bha e falamh.,I opened the box. It was empty.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Chan eil gràdh orm aig a' bhalach is tha gaol agam air.,The boy I love doesn't love me.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tha feum agam air stampa.,I need a stamp.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tha mi a' feitheamh air an trèan.,I'm waiting for the train.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Cha toil leam bailtean mòra.,I don't like big cities.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Cha robh thu sgìth.,You weren't tired.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Bha thu sgìth.,You were tired.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Nach robh thu sgìth?,Weren't you tired?,gla_Latn-eng_Latn An robh thu sgìth?,Were you tired?,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Mharbh Betty e.,Betty killed him.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Seasamaid an aghaidh na gràine-chinnidh.,Say no to racism.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Rinn i an aon mearachd a-rithist.,She made the same mistake again.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Cha do dh'fhàg Tàmas Astràilia.,Tom hasn't left Australia.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Bha mi glè sgìth.,I was very tired.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Bha mi glè sgìth a-raoir.,I was very tired last night.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tha na leabhraichean seo gu math sean.,These books are very old.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Bha mi glè sgìth an-diugh.,I was very tired today.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn 'S ann leamsa a tha an taigh seo.,This house is mine.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Cha b' urrainn dhomh cadal air sgàth na fuaim.,I could not sleep because of the noise.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Chan ann leamsa a tha an taigh seo.,This house is not mine.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Is leamsa a tha an taigh seo.,"This house is mine, not yours.",gla_Latn-eng_Latn Carson nach mhàir Fraingis anns an dùthaich seo?,Why didn't French last in this country?,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Cuiridh mise fòn thuice a-nochd fhèin.,I'll phone her tonight.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn 'S e taigh Thòmais a tha ann.,It's Tom's house.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Sin taigh Thòmais.,That's Tom's house.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Cà bheil taigh Thòmais?,Where is Tom's house?,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Rach do thaigh Thòmais.,Go to Tom's house.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Seo oileanaich.,These are students.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Cò leis a tha?,Who owns it?,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Cò leis a tha am fearann seo?,Who owns this land?,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Cò leis a tha an taigh seo?,Who owns this house?,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Thig Tòmas a dh'Astràilia an-ath-bhliadhna.,Tom will come to Australia next year.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tha cat is cù agam. Tha an cat dubh agus tha an cù geal.,I have a cat and a dog. The cat is black and the dog is white.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn """An leatsa an taigh?"" ""Chan e.""","""Do you own the house?"" ""No.""",gla_Latn-eng_Latn """An e oileanach a tha annad?"" ""'S e.""","""Are you a student?"" ""Yes.""",gla_Latn-eng_Latn Nach robh aice ach còig notaichen?,Didn't she only have five quid?,gla_Latn-eng_Latn """Nach ann tric a bhios sibh aig an taigh?"" ""Chan ann.""","""Aren't you often home?"" ""No, I'm not.""",gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tha an taigh beag.,It is the toilet.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn """An ann a-nochd a chì sibh am film?"" ""Chan ann.""","""Will you see the film tonight?"" ""No.""",gla_Latn-eng_Latn Bha na cloinn a' cluich anns a' phàirc.,The children were playing in the park.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn """Am faca sibh am film sin?"" ""Chunnaic.""","""Did you see that movie?"" ""Yes.""",gla_Latn-eng_Latn "Tha e glè fhuar san t-seòmar seo, nach eil?","It's very cold in this room, isn't it?",gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tha am boirreanach ceart.,The woman is right.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn """Am faic thu taigh-tasgaidh a-rithist?"" ""Chì.""","""Will you see the museum again?"" ""Yes.""",gla_Latn-eng_Latn Na ruith anns an t-seòmair seo.,Do not run in this room.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Shuidh e sìos gus nobhail a leughadh.,He sat down to read a novel.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn """An robh sibh nur stiùiriche am buidheann-carthannachd sin?"" ""Bha.""","""Were you the director of that charity?"" ""Yes.""",gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tha mòran oileanaich aca.,They have many students.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Chan eil mi ach air dà no trì deochannan òl.,I've only had two or three drinks.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn An e balach no nighean a th' ann?,Is it a boy or a girl?,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Càite an do lorg thu an rud neònach seo?,Where did you find that strange thing?,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Canaidh e gur ise a mhàthair.,He'll say that she's his mother.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn """Am b' ann fon bhòrd a bha an cù?"" ""B' ann.""","""Was the dog under the table?"" ""Yes.""",gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tha mi duilich.,I am sorry.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn An urrainn dhut snàmh?,Can you swim?,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tha coltas brònach ort.,You look gloomy.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tha an t-uabhas de dhaoine anns a' phàirc.,There are a great many people in the park.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Dè tha thu a' dèanamh?,What're you doing?,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Càite am bi sinn a' dol a-nochd?,Where are we going tonight?,gla_Latn-eng_Latn """Nach saoil thu gur ann an-dè a chunnaic sinn an aiseag?"" ""Saoilidh.""","""Don't you think we saw the ferry yesterday?"" ""Yeah.""",gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tha i gaothach an-dràsda.,It's now windy.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn 'B ann o chionn dà mhìos a thòisich Tòmas ag ionnsachadh na Fraingis.,"Two months ago, Tom began to learn French.",gla_Latn-eng_Latn Bu mhath leam sin fheuchainn.,I want to try this.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tha i grianach an-dràsda,It's sunny just now.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Abair latha.,What a day.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Càite a bheil do ghùnan sìod?,Where are your silk gowns?,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tha i sgòthach an-duigh.,It's cloudy today.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tha là brèagha ann.,It's a beautiful day.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Chan eil airgead sam bith agad.,You haven't any money.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tha deagh shìde ann.,The weather is good.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Ciamar a tha an t-sìde ?,How's the weather?,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Cuir stampa air a' phasgan agus chuir anns a' phost e.,Put a stamp on the parcel and post it.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Chunnaic mi reul an-diugh.,I saw a star today.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Cha robh mi trang an-dè.,I wasn't busy yesterday.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Nì mi rudeigin.,I'll do something.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Mòran taing!,Thank you very much!,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Càite an do cheannaich thu na brogan seo?,Where did you buy these shoes?,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Chan eil Fraingis agam.,I don't speak French.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tha an t-uisge ann.,It is raining.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tha a falt fada.,Her hair is long.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Bha mi trang a' còcaireachd.,I was busy cooking.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tha gu leòr agam.,I have enough.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Bha gu leòr agaibh.,You had enough.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Bidh gu leòr aice.,She will have enough.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Biodh gu leòr aig Tàmas.,Tom would have enough.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Bithidh do thoil ri dhèanamh.,You'll have enough to do.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tha mise cho sgìth ri cù!,I am as tired as a dog.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Mo ghaoil air do dhà shùil.,I love your eyes.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn 'S ann do Dhia a bhuineas slàinte.,Salvation is God's affair.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Chan eil guth ri ràdh.,There is nothing to be said.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Thòisich mi air ionnsachadh dha-rìribh san Dàmhair.,I started to learn it seriously in October.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Cha robh Tòmas airson fàgail idir.,Tom didn't want to leave at all.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Càite a bheil thu fhèin ag obair?,Where do you work?,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tha a' chaileag bòidheach.,The girl is beautiful.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Chunnaic Tàmas gu leòr.,Tom saw enough.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Dè fon ghrèin a tha sin?,What on Earth is that?,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Cha tug mi cuireadh dhutsa.,You weren't invited.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Thug Tòmas cuireadh dha Mhàiri.,Tom invited Mary.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn A bheil Gàidhlig na h-Èireann agaibh?,Do you speak Irish?,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tha gu leòr aig Tàmas ri ràdh.,Tom has enough to say.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn "An tèid aig Tòmas air tighinn ann? Nach tèid? Uill, tha sin duilich.","Can Tom make it? He can't? Well, that's unfortunate.",gla_Latn-eng_Latn "Cha tèid agam air tighinn ann, duilich.","I can't come, sorry.",gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tha mi ro thrang aig m' obair.,I'm too busy at work.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tha Tàmas 'n dùil gur e.,Tom expects so.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Fònaidh mise Dihaoine e.,I'll call him on Friday.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn """Am bi an deuchainn doirbh?"" ""Bidh nas doirbhe na fear sa chaidh.""","""Will the exam be difficult?"" ""It will be more difficult than the last one.""",gla_Latn-eng_Latn Carson a thuirt thu gum bu choir dhomh Fraingis ionnsachadh?,Why did you say that I should learn French?,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tha fearg aig Ciorstag orm.,Karen is angry with me.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn 'S toil leam sneachd.,I like snow.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn 'S toil leis sneachd.,She likes snow.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Feumaidh mi falbh.,I must go.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn An gabh thu sin?,Will you take that?,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Is mise Jack.,My name is Jack.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Bha Tàmas an dùil gun robh Màiri gu sunndach.,Tom expected Mary to be in good spirits.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tha e a' bruidhinn gu luath.,He is speaking quickly.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Thig gun dàil.,Come without delay.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Is coma le Tàmas Màiri.,Tom hates Mary.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tha mi coma.,I don't care.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn An urrainn dhuibh bruidhinn nas maille?,Can you talk more slowly?,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Am bheil do mhàthair a-staigh?,Is your mum at home?,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Cha do thuig mi sin.,I don't understand.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Chan eil ach beagan Gàidhlig agam.,I only speak a little Gaelic.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Stad e faisg air cathair Thòmais.,He stopped by Tom's chair.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn 'S bhòidheach an latha.,It's a beautiful day!,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Suidh aig ceann a' bhùird.,Sit at the head of the table.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Dè a' phrìs a tha seo?,How much does this cost?,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Chan ann an-dè a rugadh ise.,She wasn't born yesterday.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Dè na tha seo?,How much does it cost?,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tha droch shìde ann,The weather is bad.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn B' fheàrr Iùdas làmh rium.,I'd rather have Judas by my side.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Rinn mi mo chasan.,I ran away.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Mo mhallachd aig na caoraich mhòr.,My curses on the big sheep.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tha trì fichead bliadhna 's a trì on dh'fhàg mi Dùthaich 'IcAoidh.,It's been sixty-three years since I left Sutherland.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tha am fear àrd.,The man is tall.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Rinn Tàmas a chasan.,Tom ran away.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn 'S ann agamsa a tha am fear dubh.,The black one is mine.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Chaidh e thall thairis bho chionn dà bhliadhna.,He went abroad two years ago.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tha cuimhn’ agam air an-dràsda.,I remember it now.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tha gaol agam ort.,I love you.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tha an t-acras orm.,I am hungry.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn B' urrainn dhomh cuir Spànntis air an dàn sin.,I could translate that poem to Spanish.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn "Triùir a thig gun iarraidh, gaol, èud agus eagal.","Three things that come unwanted: love, jealousy, and fear.",gla_Latn-eng_Latn Chuala mi òran breagha an-dè.,I heard a beautiful song yesterday.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn "Duin an dòras, mas e do thoil e.",Close the door please.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn "Tionailidh maoin, maoin, agus tionailidh fiachan, fiachan.",The rich get richer and the poor get poorer.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn B' àbhaist dha leann òl.,He used to drink beer.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn B' àbhaist dhi leann òl.,She used to drink beer.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tha e a-nis air slighe na fìrinn.,He passed away.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Carson nach èist thu rium?,Why don't you listen to me?,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Dèan math an aghaidh 'n uilc.,Turn the other cheek.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Seall air an taigh ud.,Look at that house.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Ch' an fhuiling an onair chùd.,Honor cannot be repaired.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Thachair e an-uiridh.,It happened last year.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Nach gorm na cnuic a tha fada bhuainn.,How green are the hills that are far from us.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Chan eil an t-eagal orm idir.,I'm not afraid at all.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn A bheil thu ag iarraidh siùcar?,Do you want sugar?,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tha an cu mòr a' cur eagal orra.,The big dog is frightening them.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Cairson a tha fearg ort?,Why are you angry?,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tha sin a' cur fearg oirre.,This makes her angry.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Bha Tòmas air Fraingis ionnsachadh.,Tom had learned French.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn "Breac à linne, slat à coille ‘s fiadh à fìreach - mèirle às nach do ghabh Gàidheal a-riamh nàire.","A trout from the river pool, a staff from the wood, and a deer from the moor - ""thefts"" of which no Gael was ever ashamed.",gla_Latn-eng_Latn "Cha bhi 'm bochd soghail, saibhir.",The extravagant poor will never be wealthy.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tha beagan Beurla aig mo mhàthair.,My mother speaks little English.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn "Mur h-eil a-nist, cuine?","If not now, when?",gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tha eagal orm.,I am afraid.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn "Halò, ciamar a tha thu, a chàraid choir?","Hi, how are you, my dear friend?",gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tha Tàmas agus Màiri a’ bruidhinn ri chèile.,Tom and Mary are talking to each other.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Is fheàrr Gàidhlig bhriste na Gàidhlig sa chiste.,Better broken Gaelic than no Gaelic at all.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Is toigh leam a bhith a' sgrìobhadh an-seo.,I like to write here.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Am toigh leat a bhith a' leughadh Tatoeba?,Do you like to read Tatoeba?,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Cha shoirbh triubhas a chur air cat.,It's not easy to put breeches on a cat.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Chaill e a h-uile rud a bh' aige.,He lost everything he owned.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Is buaine bladh nas saoghal.,Glory lasts longer than life.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Chòrd am pàrtaidh glan le Tòmas,Tom had a lot of fun at the party.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Is buaine na gach ni 'n naire.,Shame lasts longer than anything.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tha Beurla an cànan a tha a' fuireach 'nam chrìdhe.,English is the language that dwells in my heart.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Am mac mar an t-athair.,Son is like father.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn 'S dòcha leam gu bheil gràdh agad air.,I suppose you like him.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tha mi ag iarraidh dol do Lunnainn.,I want to go to London.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn "Buillean an-diugh, tuiream a-màireach.","Revenge today, mourning tomorrow.",gla_Latn-eng_Latn "Tha mi duilich, ach feumaidh mi dol dhachaigh an-dràsta.","I'm sorry, but I'll have to go home now.",gla_Latn-eng_Latn Dè an aois a tha e?,What is his age?,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Na gabh dragh!,Don't worry about it.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Dè an t-ainm a th' ort?,What's your name?,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Dè an t-ainm a th' oirre?,What's her name?,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Càite a bheil thu ag obair?,Where are you working?,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Càite bheil a' Chòrn?,Where is Cornwall?,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Dè tha thu a' deànamh an-diugh?,What are you going to do today?,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Dè bha iad a' deànamh an-dè?,What were they doing yesterday?,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Thàinig sinn air adhart nuair a chaidh sinn dhan cùrsa Fraingis sin.,We made a lot of progress when we went to that French class.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tha mi a' dol dhan leabaidh.,I'm going to bed.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Ann an a-màireach a bhios tu a' falbh air saor-làithean?,Are you going to be on vacation tomorrow?,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tha mo phiuthar ainmeil.,My sister is famous.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tha mi uabhasach duilich seo a chluinntinn.,I am really sorry to hear that.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Thachair mi ri poileas ach cha do thug e toighe dhomhsa idir.,I ran into a policeman but he didn't notice me at all.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Cuine a bhios tu a' tighinn a dh'Alba?,When will you be coming to Scottland?,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Cò còmhla ris a bhios tu a' tighinn?,Whom are you going to come with?,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Sin agad e.,There you have it.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Chan eil an duine aig a bheil fios a-staigh.,There is nobody at home who knows that.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Bu mhath leam rudeigin òl.,I want to drink something.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tha mi cinnteach gum bi i a' sein anns an eaglais a-màireach.,I'm sure she is going to sing at church tomorrow.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tha thu uabhasach laghach .,You're very nice.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tha mi a' saoilsinn gu bheil fear ann an-sin.,I think that there is a man there.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn "Tha mi a' smaoineachadh gur e deagh spòrs a bh' ann, gu dearbh!","I think that it was a lot of fun, indeed!",gla_Latn-eng_Latn A bheil naidheachd agad dhomh?,Do you have any news for me?,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Bha an t-iasg a' snàmh anns an uisge.,The fish was swimming in the water.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Is leamsa an eilean ud.,I own that island.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tha i glè bhrèagha an-diugh.,It's lovely weather today.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tha mi a' gabhail biadh uabhasach blasta dhachaidh.,I'm having a very delicious meal at home.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Am bi sibh ann?,Will you be there?,gla_Latn-eng_Latn 'S dòcha leam gun thig iad.,I suppose they are coming.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Feumaidh sinn seasamh an aghaidh na gràine-chinnidh.,We have to stand up against racism.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Mar sin leat!,I'll catch you later.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Carson a thèid daoine don taigh-dealbh?,Why do people go to the cinema?,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Chan eil an t-uisge ann.,It is not raining.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Nì mi m' obair-dachaigh às dèidh dhomh coimhead air an telebhisean.,I'll do my homework after I watch television.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn """Am faod sinn a dhol ann?"" ""Faodaidh air chòir 's gum bi sibh modhail.""","""Can we come?"" ""You may as long as you are polite.""",gla_Latn-eng_Latn Chì mi iad an-ath-sheachdain.,I will see them next week.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn "Ar n-Athair a tha air nèamh, Gu naomhaichear d'ainm. Thigeadh do rìoghachd. Dèanar do thoil air an talamh, mar a nìthear air nèamh. Tabhair dhuinn an-diugh ar n-aran làitheil. Agus maith dhuinn ar fiachan, amhail a mhaitheas sinne dar luchd-fiach. Agus na leig ann am buaireadh sinn; ach saor sinn o olc","Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name. Your Kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as in heaven Give us today our daily bread. Forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us. Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.",gla_Latn-eng_Latn Na dèan cadal trom.,Don't sleep too deeply.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn An do thuit Tòmas ann an gaol le Màiri?,Did Tom fall in love with Mary?,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Chan eil no mise ag iarraidh seo fhaicinn cuideachd.,I don't want to see this either.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Thèid mi dhan taigh-bìdh aig leth-uair an dèidh seachd anns an fheasgar.,I will go to the restaurant at 7:30 pm.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Carson nach urrainn dhut mìneachadh dé tha thu a' déanamh?,Why can't you explain what you're doing?,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tha e a' leughadh leabhraichean a-mhain fad an latha.,He does nothing but read books all day long.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tha Tòmas a' dol a-nìos an staidhre.,Tom is going upstairs.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Chan eil iad a’ cuideachadh.,They don't help.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Chan òl mise càil.,I won't drink anything.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn "Tha mo theaghlach gu math, tapadh leat.","My family is fine, thanks.",gla_Latn-eng_Latn Chan eil ach beagan Fraingis agam.,I only speak a little French.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Òlaidh ise fìon dearg.,She will drink red wine.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Taing mhòr!,Thanks a lot!,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Cha bhi Tòmas sgìth.,Tom won't be tired.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn 'S oidhche mhath 's inntineach a bh' innte.,It was a good and interesting night.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Chan eil ach beagan Gàidhlig na h-Èireann agam.,I only speak a little Irish.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Am bi Tòmas a' dol dhan clas Fraingis?,Will Tom be going to French class?,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Chan fhaca mo mhàthair am ballach air an t-sràid.,My mother didn't see the boy on the street.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Cha chreid mi mo chluasan.,I couldn't believe my ears.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Cha bhiodh Tòmas gu sunndach.,Tom would not be in a good mood.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Gabh math an latha.,Enjoy the day.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tha an là brèagha.,The day is beautiful.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tha dà chat agam.,I have two cats.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Càit a bheil thu a’ fuireach?,Where do you live?,gla_Latn-eng_Latn dè an saoghal a tha agad?,How is life treating you?,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Chuir ise litir dhomh.,She sent me a letter.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Bha an fhianais nam aghaidh.,The evidence was against me.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn ’S e do bheatha.,You are welcome!,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tha an leabhar aige dearg.,Her book is red.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tha an leabhar aice dearg.,His book is red.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tha mi ann an Hong Kong an-dràsta.,I'm in Hong Kong right now.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn A bheil sibh nur oileanaich?,Are you students?,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tha mi gleamach,I am boring.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tha Tàmas math air an t-snàmh.,Tom is good at swimming.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tha mi làn misneachd an-diugh.,I'm full of confidence today.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn "A Tharo, tha an dìnnear deiseil.","Taro, dinner is ready.",gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tha an aimsir cho math sa ghabhas.,The weather is as fine as can be.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Cha b' urrainn dha nas fheàrr a dhèanamh.,He couldn't do any better.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tha Tàmas nas àirde na Màiri.,Tom is taller than Mary.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Cha do rinn e turadh.,The weather didn't clear.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Dé do chor?,How are things?,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tha mi nam shaor.,I'm working as a carpenter.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn 'S e saor a th' annam.,I am a carpenter.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Chan eil mi a' dol leat.,I don't agree.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn A bheil e ag òl cofaidh?,Is he drinking coffee?,gla_Latn-eng_Latn abair dealbh breagha!,What a beautiful picture!,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tha mi an dòchas gum bi e math.,I hope it will be good.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Bidh mi trang a-màireach.,I will be busy tomorrow.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Cò thusa?,Who are you?,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Chì mi a-rithist thu.,I'll see you later.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tuigsinn?,Do you understand?,gla_Latn-eng_Latn "Chuir Tòmas ceist orm, ""Nach fhaca Ailis Màiri a-bhòin-dè?""","Thomas asked me, ""Didn't Alice see Mary the day before yesterday?""",gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tuigidh mi sin!,I can understand that.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Bu chuimhne leam far an do thogadh mi.,I remembered where I was born.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tha fear dhuinn ceàrr.,One of us is wrong.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tha mi an aghaidh a pheantadh a-rithist a chionn ’s gun deach e a' peantadh dìreach an-uiridh.,I'm against painting it again because it was painted just last year.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn 'S ann à Kyoto a tha mi.,I'm from Kyoto.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Cha bhiodh Tòmas mì-toilichte oirre.,Tom wouldn't be unhappy with her.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn """Dè a ghabhas sibh?"" ""Gabhaidh trì cupannan cofaidh.""","""What would you like?"" ""I'd like three cups of coffee, please.""",gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tha e a' nighe a' char.,He washes the car.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Bidh mi a' dol tràth dhan leabaidh air sgàth 's gum feumaidh mi dùsgadh tràth.,I go to bed early because I have to wake up early.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Am faca tu cangarù riamh?,Have you ever seen a kangaroo?,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tha mi ag iarraidh dotair fhaicinn.,I'd like to see a doctor.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn A bheil mapa agaibh?,Do you have a map?,gla_Latn-eng_Latn 'S toigh leam ithe.,I like eating.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn —An aithne dhut Tòmas? —Chan aithne.,"""Do you know Tom?"" ""No.""",gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tha mi ag òl an cofaidh.,I'm drinking the coffee.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn 'S ann mar sin a bha e riamh.,It's always been that way.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn 'S ann à Boston a thàinig mi.,I came from Boston.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Ruigidh mi air a' 23mh dhen Chèitean.,I'll arrive on 23 May.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn """An gabh thu uisge-beatha neo fìon?"" ""Cha gabh idir, tapadh leat.""","""Would you like whiskey or wine?"" ""I'll pass, thank you.""",gla_Latn-eng_Latn Càite bheil an t-aran?,Where is the bread?,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Càit an deach sin an déidh sin?,Where will we go afterwards?,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Nach eil thu toilichte?,Aren't you pleased?,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tha mi an dòchas gu bheil fios aig a h-uile duine dé tha seo a' ciallachadh.,I hope everyone knows what this means.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Chruthaich Dia thu.,God created you.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tha e ceart.,This is correct.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Cheannaich mi leabhar an-dé.,Yesterday I bought a book.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Faodaidh tu falbh a-nis.,You can go now.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tha e ceart agad.,You've got it in one. That's right.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn 'S iongnadh leam dè tachraidh.,I wonder what will happen.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tha an sgeul seo fada nas inntinniche na am fear ud.,This story is far more interesting than that one.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tha i a' teagaisg na Fraingis dhuinn.,She's teaching us French.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Càite bheil Iain a' fuireach?,Where does John live?,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Bha mi nam oileanach aig an àm sin.,I was a student at that time.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tha lodan uisge ann air sgàth 's gun robh an t-uisge ann an-dè.,There are puddles because it was raining yesterday.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn "Taro, tha an dìnnear deiseil.","Taro, dinner's ready!",gla_Latn-eng_Latn 'S e Burj Khalifa an togalach as airde san t-saoghal.,Burj Khalifa is currently the tallest building in the world.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tha mòran leabhraichean eachdraidh aige.,He has many history books.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn A bheil fada bho thòisich thu san obair an sin?,Have you been working there for long?,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tha an caisteal air taobh eile na h-aibhne.,The castle is on the other side of the river.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Feumaidh tu dol còmhla ri Tòmas an-dràsta.,You need to go with Tom now.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tha biadh gu leòr againn.,We have enough food.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tha nighean agus dithis bhalach aig Tòmas agus Màiri.,Tom and Mary have one daughter and two sons.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tha iomadh leòmhainn ann an Afraga.,In Africa there are many lions.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Feumaidh e dol a Shasainn san t-samhradh.,He has to go to England in the summer.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Bheil an obair a' còrdadh riut?,Do you enjoy the work?,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Ciamar a tha sibh?,How are you?,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Ciamar a tha thu?,How is it going?,gla_Latn-eng_Latn "Is e clas soirbh a bidh ann? Chan e, is e clas as doirbh a tha ann!","Will it be an easy class? No, it is the hardest class!",gla_Latn-eng_Latn Feumaidh i dol a Shasainn san t-samhradh.,She must visit England this summer.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn "—An lugha ort Tòmas? —Cha lugha idir, tha gràdh agam air!","""Do you hate Tom?"" ""Of course not, I am quite fond of him!""",gla_Latn-eng_Latn """An tigeadh tu do Bhoston?"" ""Cha tigeadh.""","""Would you come to Boston?"" ""No.""",gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tha mi tinn.,I am sick.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Chaochail e an-dè.,He died yesterday.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Cha chuimhne leam.,I don't remember.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tha feum agaibh air.,You need it.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn A bheil fón-laimh agad?,Do you have a mobile phone?,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Ist is èisd.,Shut up and listen.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn "Thoir dhomh an iris, mas e do thoil e.","Give me the magazine, please.",gla_Latn-eng_Latn Cha robh smùid air Tòmas.,Tom wasn't drunk.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tha mi ag ionnsachadh na Gàidhlig.,I am learning Gaelic.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Nach toir thu dhomh glainne bainne a bharrachd?,Will you give me another glass of milk?,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Is e Ricardo mo ainm.,My name's Ricardo.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Dh'ithe am fear aran.,The man ate bread.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Cha chreid mi gu bheil Fraingis aice.,I don't think she can speak French.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Is coma leam uighean.,I dislike eggs.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Nach tèid thu dhan taigh cèilidh a-nochd?,Won't you go to the cèilidh tonight?,gla_Latn-eng_Latn —Dè do chor? —Deagh chor. —'S math sin.,"""How are you?"" ""Quite well."" ""That's good.""",gla_Latn-eng_Latn Is caomh leam cànanan!,I like languages!,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Is toigh leam cànanan!,I appreciate foreign languages!,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Shuidh e sìos ri ùr-sgeul a leughadh.,He sat down to read a story.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tha cànanan a' còrdadh rium!,I like languages.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Carson nach eil thu ag èisteachd rium?,Why aren't you listening to me?,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Choinnich Tàmas ri Màiri ann an 1972.,Tom met Mary in 1972.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Rinn e an obair gun dragh sam bith.,He did the work without any difficulty.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Cha tèid aig Tòmas air deagh Fhraingis a sgrìobhadh.,Tom can't write good French.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn """Tha mòran Fraingis agad."" ""Chan eil mi cho fileanta riut.""","""You speak French well."" ""I'm not as fluent as you are.""",gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tha dithis chloinne aig Tòmas.,Tom has two children.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tha mi leisg.,I am lazy.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn 'S toil le Màiri sneachd.,Mary likes snow.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tha mi ag obair.,I am working.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tha mi ag obair an seo.,I'm working here.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Dè a' phrìs?,How much is it?,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tha mi ag ithe.,I am eating.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tha smòcadh toirmisgte anns na taighean bidh ann an California.,Smoking is banned in restaurants in California.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tha mi ag ithe an seo.,I'm eating here.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tha mi ag ithe ubhal.,I'm eating an apple.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tha i ag òl an t-uisge.,She is drinking the water.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Cuin nach robh Tòmas sàbhailte?,When was Tom in danger?,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tha mi ag òl uisge anns an cidsin.,I'm drinking water in the kitchen.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tha mi ag ionnsachadh Gàidhlig.,I'm learning Scottish Gaelic.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tha Tòmas ag obair.,Tom is working.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Feumaidh mi mo mhàthair a chuideachadh.,I have to help my mother.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Feuch a-rithist e.,Try it again.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Feuchaibh a-rithist e.,Try it once more.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tha a mhac aig a' cholaiste a-nis.,His son is in college now.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tillidh e ro cheann trì uair a thìde.,He will return within 3 hours.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Bu toil leam a coinneachadh.,I'd like to see her.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Thòisich Tòmas obair.,Tom began working.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Eil thu airson tighinn?,Do you want to come?,gla_Latn-eng_Latn """An òl thu fìon?"" ""Òlaidh.""","""Do you drink wine?"" ""Yes.""",gla_Latn-eng_Latn Fuirichibh dà dhiog.,Wait a moment.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Fuirich mionaid.,Wait a minute.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tha seo doirbh.,This is difficult.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tha am ballach ag ithe aran.,The boy is eating bread.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tha e fuar an-diugh!,It's cold today!,gla_Latn-eng_Latn """Tha seinn annam,"" thuirt Tòmas.","""I can sing,"" said Tom.",gla_Latn-eng_Latn Chan eil òran na bhràthar.,His brother can't sing.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn An robh thu ann?,Were you there?,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Cha dèan e feum.,He won't do.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Is beag feum a tha ort.,You're really useless.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn 'S e am feum a thug oirnn falbh.,Dire necessity forced us to leave.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tha an taigh mòr.,The house is big.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn ’S urrainn dhomh snàmh.,I can swim.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Cheannaich mi carbaid ann an Doire an-dè.,I bought a car in Derry yesterday.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn ’S urrainn dhomh leum.,I can jump.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Bha e cho bochd nach b' urrainn dha aran a cheannach.,He was so poor that he couldn't buy bread.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Innis dhomh dè ni thu ann an Shounan.,Tell me what you did in Shounan.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn 'S ann ormsa a tha an t-acras.,I'm the one who's hungry.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Feuchaidh mi Beurla ionnsachadh.,I'm trying to learn English.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Aire air an rathad!,Pay attention on the road.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Chan iongnadh gu bheil fearg mhòr aige.,No wonder he is so angry.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Dè do bheachd?,What do you think?,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tha mise a' dol don tràigh.,I will go to the beach.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Saoil an tùras gu Astràilia caran daor?,Isn't the trip to Australia quite expensive?,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tha seo èibhinn.,This is funny.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Rinn mi obair anns a' ghàrradh.,I did some work in the garden.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Nach shaoileadh duine gur e Tòmas a rinn e?,Wouldn't one suppose that Tom did it?,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tha mi agad a-nis.,Now I understand what you mean.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tha còig bhò anns a’ bhaile bheag.,There are five cows in the little village.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn B’fheàrr leam a bhith a’ siubhal ‘nam aonar.,I prefer walking by myself.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tha fìon-dhearc agad.,You have red wine.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tha iasg math dhut.,Fish is good for you.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Seo an rothair agam.,Here is my bicycle.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tha mi à Siakoku.,I am from Shikoku.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Thèid mi air siubhal a' bhaile ann an uair gu leth. Am bu toigh le duine tiginn cuide rium?,I'm going to go for a walk around town in an hour and a half. Would anyone like to come with?,gla_Latn-eng_Latn """Am b' e Tòmas cò a thug dhuinn a' bhideo seo?"" ""Cha b' e.""","""Was it Tom who gave us this video?"" ""No, it wasn't.""",gla_Latn-eng_Latn Chan eil ach aon mhiann agam.,I have but one wish.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Na dèan dà rud aig an aon àm.,Don't do two things at once.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Dè rinn thu leis a' chàr ud?,What did you do with that car?,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tha am bainne nas fheàrr na am bùrn.,Milk is better than water.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Seo a bheachd.,This is his opinion.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Bheir Tòmas dhuinn a-màireach e.,Tom will give it to us tomorrow.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Is fheàrr dhut falbh.,You had better go.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Bheir Tòmas do Mhàiri a-màireach e.,Tom will give it to Mary tomorrow.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Cò a nì seo?,Who's going to do this?,gla_Latn-eng_Latn "Feumaidh tu a dhol a-nìos neo feumaidh mise a dhol sìos, tha mi coma co-dhiù.","Either you have to come up or I have to go down, I don't care either way.",gla_Latn-eng_Latn Dè a dh'òl Tòmas?,What did Tom drink?,gla_Latn-eng_Latn 'S ann tioram a bha an latha.,It was a dry day.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Bidh àite-fuirich a' dhìth air Tòmas.,Tom will need a place to stay.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Chaochail Taro o chionn dà bhliadhna.,Taro died two years ago.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tha am faclair mòr.,The dictionary is big.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Gheall Tòmas gun tilleadh e a dh'aithghearr.,Tom promised that he would be back soon.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn 'S dòcha leam gum bi turadh ann.,I hope the weather is going to be dry.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn ’S e an fhìrinn a tha agam.,I'm telling the truth.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn """An tèid thu dhan Eilean Sgiathanach san Lùnastal?"" ""Thèid.""","""Are you going to the Isle of Skye in August?"" ""Yes.""",gla_Latn-eng_Latn Thig an t-acras na 's tric no aon-uair.,Hunger will come more than once.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Bu toigh leotha m' fhaicinn.,They would like to see me.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn """An ann do Ghlaschu slighe Mallaig a thèid thu?"" ""'S ann.""","""Will you go to Glasgow via Mallaig?"" ""Yes, I will.""",gla_Latn-eng_Latn """An do cheannaich thu an Audi?"" ""Cha do cheannaich, bha e uabhasach daor.""","""Did you buy the Audi?"" ""No, it was so expensive.""",gla_Latn-eng_Latn Gheall mi gun tillinn a dh'aithghearr.,I promised that I would return soon.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tha Tòmas ag ràdh gu bheil e oirbh fhaicinn.,Tom says that he has seen you.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn 'S beag air Tòmas an ceannach.,Tom doesn't like to buy them.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tha fear aig an doras a tha ag iarraidh bruidhinn riut.,There's a man at the door who's asking to speak with you.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Bha Tòmas ri m' thaobh fad an latha.,Tom was with me all day.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Cò leis a tha am biadh seo?,Whose is this food?,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Gabhaidh mi fras a h-uile latha.,I shower every day.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn A bheil Beurla aige?,Can he speak English?,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Cha robh fios agam gun robh thu cho math air còcaireachd.,I didn't know you were such a good cook.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Am bu toil leibh ar faicinn an-diugh?,Would you like to see us today?,gla_Latn-eng_Latn 'S aithne dhomh Tòmas.,I know Tom.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn A bheil Gearmailtis agaibh?,Can you speak German?,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tha Tòmas a' dol sìos an staidhre.,Tom is going downstairs.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Is neònach leam gu bheil Tòmas ag ionnsachadh Fraingis.,I think it's silly that Tom is learning French.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn "Tha dùil aig Tòmas mo phòsadh, ach chan eil agam ris a phòsadh.","Tom expects to marry me, but I am not obliged to marry him.",gla_Latn-eng_Latn "Bha dùil aig Tòmas Màiri a phòsadh, ach cha robh aice ris a phòsadh agus cha do phòs.","Tom expected to marry Mary, but she didn't have to marry him and didn't.",gla_Latn-eng_Latn Am bu toil le Tòmas Màiri a phòsadh?,Would Tom like to marry Mary?,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Is neònach leam nach do dh'ionnsaich Tòmas an cànan a tha aig a h-uile duine.,I think it's silly that Tom didn't learn the language that everyone speaks.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Bhithinn toilichte do chuideachadh.,I would be happy to help you.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tha thu i mo thuigsinn.,You understand me.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn B' àbhaist dhomh a dhol a dh'Uibhist as t-samhraidh.,I used to go to Uist in the summer.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn """An òl thu am fìon?"" ""Chan òl.""","""Will you drink the wine?"" ""No.""",gla_Latn-eng_Latn B' àbhaist do Thòmas a dhol a dh'Astràilia as t-samhraidh.,Tom used to go to Australia in the summer.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Bidh mi fadalach.,I will be late.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn —Am faod dhomh an leabhar seo a cheannach? —Faodaidh.,"""Could I buy this book?"" ""Yes.""",gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tha an deireadh-sheachdain ann.,The weekend is here.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn —Am bu toil leat Màiri a phòsadh? —Bu toil.,"""Would you like to marry Mary?"" ""I would.""",gla_Latn-eng_Latn Chruthaich Dia mi.,God created me.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn A bheil am pathadh ort?,Are you thirsty?,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tha mi 'n dòchas gu bheil thu gu math.,I hope that you are good.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tha dithis bhalaich is triùir nigheanan aig Tòmas.,Tom has two sons and three daughters.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn —Am bu chòir dhomh sin a dhèanamh? —Cha bu choir.,"""Should I do that?"" ""No.""",gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tha balach agus dithis nighean aig Tòmas.,Tom has one son and two daughters.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tha balach agus nighean aig Tòmas.,Tom has a son and a daughter.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn A bheil thu ag iarraidh leann?,Do you want a beer?,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tha triùir bhalaich agus nighean aig Tòmas.,Tom has three sons and one daughter.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tha beagan Gàidhlig agam.,I speak a little Scottish Gaelic.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tha nighean agus triùir bhalaich aig Tòmas agus Màiri.,Tom and Mary have three sons and a daughter.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn A bheil Beurla agus Gàidhlig agad?,Do you speak English and Scottish Gaelic?,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Phòs nighean Thòmais balach Mhàiri.,Tom's daughter married Mary's son.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Chan eil sinn a' fuireach ann an Alba fhathast.,We don't live in Scotland yet.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Dè tha ceàrr leis?,What is wrong with him?,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Cò nach eil airson Gàidhlig a bhruidhinn?,Who wouldn't like to speak Gaelic?,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tha clann aig Tòmas.,Tom has children.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Cha bhithinn toilichte le sin.,I wouldn't be pleased with that.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tha agam ri fear a cheannaich a-màireach.,I have to buy one tomorrow.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Cò nach eil airson Fraingis a bhruidhinn?,Who wouldn't like to speak French?,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tha triùir chloinne aig Tòmas.,Tom has three children.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tha feum agam air rothair ùir.,I need a new bicycle.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tha caileag bhòidheach anns a’ phàipear ann.,There is a beautiful girl on the paper.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tha an cù donn beag ann fon bhòrd sin.,There is a small brown dog under that table.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn An robh sibh air a’ mhonadh an-dè?,Were you in the moor yesterday?,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tha an t-ìm air an aran glè mhath.,The butter on the bread is very good.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Bha ròn ann air a’ chladach.,There was a seal on the shore.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Bha e uabhasach stoirmeil anns an fheasgar.,It was very stormy in the afternoon.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Chan eil uisge ann anns an t-sruth.,There is no water in the stream.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn 'S dòcha leam gu bheil thu ceart.,I suppose you are right.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tha mi sa ghàrradh.,I am in the garden.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn An robh e luath leis an t-seòl?,Was he quick with the sail?,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Bha sìth ann tron t-saoghal.,There was peace all over the world.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Chan eil foghlam tro mheadhann na Fraingis gu feum.,French-medium education isn't necessary.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn A bheil am bainne bhon fhiadh sin uabhasach math?,Is the milk from this deer really good?,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Nach eil aran ùr anns a’ bhocsa ann?,Was there fresh bread in the box?,gla_Latn-eng_Latn "Bha an duine, leis a’ chù, cho mall air a’ chnoc.",The person with the dog was so slow on the hill.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tha taigh ann thairis air an t-sruth.,There is a house across the stream.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Bha an cù anns a’ bhocsa fon bhòrd.,The dog was in the box under the table.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tha gual ann anns an t-sruth.,There is some coal in the stream.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Chan urrainn dhomh ga faicinn.,I can't see her.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Rinn na h-oileanaich gàire.,The students laughed.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn A bheil thu a' smaointinn gum bheil falt donn glè bhòidheach?,Do you think that brown hair is very beautiful?,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Bha mi air an rathad dhan bhaile.,I was on the road to the town.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tha an latha air a’ mhonadh math dhut.,A day on the road is good for you.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Bha an làr fliuch le uisge.,The floor was wet with water.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tha feuch grom ann anns an achadh.,There is green grass on the field.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tha an taigh ùr faisg air an allt luath.,The new house is near the fast burn.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Dh'fhàg na h-oileanaich.,The students left.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn 'S fìor toil le mo mhàthair ceòl.,My mother loves music.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Nach eil iad a’ dol dhan chèilidh anns a’ bhaile?,Aren’t they going to the ceilidh in the town?,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Bha am fear ag ithe aran.,The man was eating bread.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Bha Tòmas ag obair.,Tom was working.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Chan eil mi a' seinn.,I'm not singing.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Chan eil mo charaid a' cleachdadh bainne.,My friend doesn't use milk.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tha am faclair beag.,The dictionary is small.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Cha bu chòir dhut dol a-mach.,You shouldn't go out.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn "Aon latha, thachair i le madadh-allaidh anns a' choille.",One day she met a wolf in the woods.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tha sinn nar oileanaich.,We are students.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Bhìd an broc an gille.,The badger bit the boy.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tha cat geal aice.,She has a white cat.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Na dèan cadal leis an t-solas air.,Don't go to sleep with the light on.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tha eileanan anns a' mhuir.,There are islands in the sea.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Am bruidhinnear an Fhraingis ann an Canada?,Do they speak French in Canada?,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Bha iad cho dòigheil còmhla.,They were so happy together.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn —Dè do chor? —Cor math.,"""How are you?"" ""Good.""",gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tha na h-eòin a' seinn.,The birds are singing.,gla_Latn-eng_Latn Tá mé ag foghlaim na Gaeilge.,I'm learning Irish.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá sé maith ag an marcaíocht.,He is good at riding a horse.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn ’Séard a rinne siad ná an fhuinneog a bhriseadh.,What they did was break the window.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá mé ag féachaint ar an teilifís anois.,I'm watching TV now.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá an crann in ann fás.,The tree is able to grow.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Ní úsáideann Hamisi bainne.,Hamisi doesn't use milk.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Úsáideann na páistí siúcra.,The children use sugar.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn "Bíonn cuma áthais uirthi i gcónaí, ach níl áthas uirthi ar chor ar bith.","She is always looking happy, but she is not happy at all.",gle_Latn-eng_Latn Níl go leor aráin.,There is not enough bread.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Ba mhaith liom taisteal ar eitleán.,I want to travel by airplane.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Úsáideann mo chara siúcra.,My friend uses sugar.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Ní úsáideann mo chara bainne.,My friend doesn't use milk.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Cheannaigh mé ceamara maith.,I bought a good camera.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá a fhios agat go leor rudaí.,You know many things.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá an taoiseach ag labhairt liom.,The chief is speaking to me.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Chaill mé m'eochair.,I lost my keys.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Is í Buenos Aires príomhchathair na hAirgintíne.,Buenos Aires is the capital of Argentina.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Níl sé thar mholadh beirte.,It's nothing to write home about.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Bhí mé neamharmtha.,I was unarmed.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Is mise Farshad.,My name is Farshad.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá fáilte romhat.,You are welcome!,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá sé ina chónaí faoi shíocháin.,He lives in peace.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Is as an Ghréig mé.,I'm from Greece.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn "Cé nach bhfuil mórán airgid, tá fonn orm an péintéireacht seo a cheannach.","Although we don't have much money, I want to buy this painting.",gle_Latn-eng_Latn Is Gaeilge teanga álainn é.,Irish is a beautiful language.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Bhí faitíos orthu romhat.,They were afraid of you.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Bhí Tom ag iarraidh mé gar a dhéanamh dó.,Tom wanted me to do him a favor.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn An féidir liom leat a bhaint?,Can I touch you?,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá sí ag léamh.,She is reading.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Níl aithne agam air.,I don't know him.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Is cosúil go gcónaíonn sé saor ó chíos i dteach duine éigin.,He always seems to be living rent-free in somebody's house.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Bhí Tom ag iarraidh mé a fheiceáil láithreach bonn.,Tom wanted to see me right away.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá an madra mór bán ag féachaint ar an gcat sin.,The big white dog looks at that cat.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Ní athraíonn rud ar bith ó thús go deireadh,Nothing changes from beginning to end.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Níl aithne agam orthu.,I don't know them.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Beidh an teach seo ann.,This house will exist.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Inniu a tháinig siad?,Did they come today?,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Ní mac léinn í Eimíle.,Emily is not a student.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Conas atá d'iníon?,How is your daughter?,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Chuaigh siad go dtí an zú ar an mbus inné.,They went to the zoo by bus yesterday.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Chonaiceamar scannán greannmhar an Domhnach seo caite.,We saw a funny movie last Sunday.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Níor mhaith liom é a fheiceáil ar chor ar bith.,I don't want to see him at all.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Canfaidh Pua.,Pua is going to sing.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Ba mhaith le Tom scaradh le Mary.,Tom wants to break up with Mary.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn "Tá triúr mac agam. Tá duine díobh i Nua-Eabhrac, ach tá an chuid eile i Londan.","I have three sons. One is in New York, but the others are in London.",gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá Pua ag canadh ag an eaglais.,Pua is singing at church.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá cat ag Millie.,Millie has a cat.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá madra ag Millie.,Millie has a dog.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Foilsíodh an chéad iris deich mbliana ó shin.,The first edition was published ten years ago.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Is í an litríocht todhchaí an náisiún.,Literature is the future of a nation.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá faitíos air roimh a athair.,He is afraid of his father.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Iriseoir is ea é.,He's a journalist.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Ní dhéanfaimid dearmad.,We shall not forget.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn "Tá Gaeilge líofa agam, ach nílim á úsáid go minic.","I speak Irish fluently, but don't use it very often.",gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá orm scaradh an pholaitíocht ón gcreideamh.,We must separate politics from religion.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá Tom ag iarraidh thú a fheiceáil thíos staighre.,Tom wants to see you downstairs.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Ceapaim gur féidir linn seo a láimhseáil.,I think we can handle this.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tiocfaidh sí gan mhoill.,She'll come without delay.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Rinne sé rud an-amaideach.,He did a very foolish thing.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn "Ó, cad é seo?","Oh, what is this?",gle_Latn-eng_Latn Táim níos áille ná tusa.,I am more beautiful than you.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá beirt pháistí ina suí ar an gclaí.,Two children are sitting on the fence.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Cé a chreidfidh seo?,Who will believe this?,gle_Latn-eng_Latn An labhraítear an Béarla i gCeanada?,Is English spoken in Canada?,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tosaím amárach.,I start tomorrow.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá cónaí orm san ostán seo.,I live in this hotel.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Ba mhaith le roinnt daoine an bunreacht a leasú.,Some people want to amend the constitution.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn "Cá bhfuil tú, a Chaitríona?","Where are you, Caitríona?",gle_Latn-eng_Latn "An raibh a fhios agat é seo, a Chiaráin?","Did you know this, Ciarán?",gle_Latn-eng_Latn "Nuair a dhúisigh mé, bhí brón orm.","When I woke up, I was sad.",gle_Latn-eng_Latn Is fearr léi ceol ciúin.,She prefers quiet music.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá sé i dTóiceo.,He is in Tokyo.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn D'fhág sé Tóiceo chun Ósaca.,He left Tokyo for Osaka.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Is cathair an-mhór é Tóiceo.,Tokyo is a very big city.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Is é do leabhar.,It's your book.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn "Smaoiním, mar sin, tá mé ann.",I think therefore I am.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá sé ró-bheag.,He is too small.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn D'fhan sí in ostán.,She stayed at a hotel.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá siad ag léamh leabhair.,They're reading a book.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Imeartas focal is ea é seo.,This is a pun.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Cé mhéad carr atá agat?,How many cars do you have?,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Ospidéal is ea é seo.,This is a hospital.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tógaimid nuachtán.,We take a newspaper.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Ní thaitníonn iasc agus sceallóga le gach Sasanach.,Not all English people like fish and chips.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Níl rothar agam.,I don't have a bicycle.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Ní ólaim an t-alcól.,I don't drink alcohol.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Is peann é seo.,This is a pen.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Ba mhaith le Tom go mbainimid taitneamh as.,Tom wants us to enjoy ourselves.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Is mian liom foclóir maith.,I want a good dictionary.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá mé fuar.,I am cold.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn An bhfuil tú fuar?,Are you cold?,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Bhí mé réidh.,I was ready.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn D'éirigh mé as an dtraein.,I got off the train.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn An bhfuil tú dall i ndáiríre?,Are you truly blind?,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Is peann luaidhe é seo.,This is a pencil.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá áthas orm bualadh leat.,I'm happy I met you.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Téann sí siar ar a focal.,She goes back on her word.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Cá ndeachaigh tú?,Where did you go?,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Is abairt í seo.,This is a sentence.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Cá bhfuil tú ag dul?,Where are you going?,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Is duine é seo.,This is a person.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Is carr é seo.,This is a car.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Is leabhar é seo.,This is a book.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá go leor airgid agam.,I have enough money.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Is mise Ricardo.,I am Ricardo.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Ní féidir liom mo chóta a chaitheamh sa teaspach seo.,I can't keep my coat on in this heat.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Is liomsa an carr seo.,This car is mine.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Scríobhann sé litir.,He writes a letter.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá aithne aige ar an gcathair go maith.,He knows the city well.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn D'fhreagair Smith go raibh brón ort,Smith replied that he was sorry.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá mo dheartháir san Astráil anois.,My brother is now in Australia.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn "Ní síscéal é an saol. Má chailleann tú do bhróg ag meán oíche, tá tú ar meisce.","Life is not a fairytale. If you lose your shoe at midnight, you're drunk.",gle_Latn-eng_Latn "Seacht ndollar, más é do thoil é.","Seven dollars, please.",gle_Latn-eng_Latn Thug m'uncail bronntanas dó.,My uncle gave him a present.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Is é do locht féin.,It's your own fault.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn 4 d'Iúil shona!,Happy Fourth of July!,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Thug an múinteoir a lán oibre bhaile dúinn.,The teacher gave us a lot of homework.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá sé an-tirim.,It's very dry.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá sé an-dorcha.,It's very dark.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Nílimid ag iarraidh drochphoiblíochta.,We don't want any bad publicity.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Fáilte chuig an Vicipéid.,Welcome to Wikipedia.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Níl fhios agam.,I don't know.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn "Nuair a bhíonn an cat amuigh, bíonn an luch ag rince.","When the cat leaves, the rat dances.",gle_Latn-eng_Latn Chuirfeadh tú isteach ar an phost sin.,You would apply for that job.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá sé seo éasca.,This is easy.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Níl tuilleadh botún ar bith uainn.,We don't want any more mistakes.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Is scríbhneoir í an cailín Éireannach atá ag scríobh as Gaeilge.,"The Irish girl, who is writing in Irish, is a writer.",gle_Latn-eng_Latn Sílim go bhfuil an t-úrscéal seo suimiúil gach uair a léim é.,"Every time I read this novel, I find it very interesting.",gle_Latn-eng_Latn Seasaigí siar le bhur dtoil.,Please stand back!,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá mé ag imirt sa ghairdín.,I'm playing in the garden.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Táim i ngrá.,I'm in love.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn D'éist Tomás go géar.,Tom listened attentively.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tosaíonn an t-oideachas sa bhaile.,Education starts at home.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Níl aon eolas agam faoin mBéarla.,I have zero knowledge of English.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn An bhfuil an leabhar agaibh?,Do you have the book?,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Níl an leabhar seo scríofa as Béarla.,This book is not written in English.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Nílimid ag iarraidh Tom a scanrú ar shiúl.,We don't want to scare Tom away.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn An mo fháinní iad sin?,Are those my earrings?,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Ba chóir duit sé a iarraidh.,You should try it.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn An ndearna tú iarracht é fós?,Have you tried it yet?,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Cén teanga atá á labhairt aige?,What language is he speaking?,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá cailín Éireannach ag scríobh.,An Irish girl is writing.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Cén fáth a bhfuil Tom ag iarraidh muidne a dhéanamh seo?,Why does Tom want us to do this?,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Bhí Tomás ag caitheamh tobac.,Tom was smoking.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Ba bheag duine nár tháinig in am.,Almost everyone arrived on time.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Cén fáth an ndeachaigh tú ansin?,Why did you go there?,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Cén áit a raibh tú inné?,Where were you yesterday?,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Thug mé an t-airgead don bhean.,I gave the money to the woman.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Táim ag scríobh leabhair duit.,I'm writing you a book.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Bhí sí sa bhaile ag an deireadh seachtaine.,She was at home at the weekend.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Déanfaidh mé iarracht ar litir a scríobh duit.,I'll try to write you a letter.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Stop an bhean agus d'fhéach sí air.,The woman stopped and looked at him.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn An ndéanfaidh tú staidéar tar éis teacht abhaile duit?,Will you study after you come home?,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá an t-uisce glan.,The water is clean.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn An bhfuil tú ag labhairt Gaeilge?,Are you speaking Irish?,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Ceapaim nach teanga deacair í an Ghaeilge.,I think that Irish is not a difficult language.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Labhraítear Spáinnis ina lán tíortha.,Spanish is spoken in many countries.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Glanaimid ár rang tar éis scoile.,We clean our classroom after school.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn An bhfuil Tatairis agat?,Do you speak Tatar?,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá leabhar gramadaí agam.,I have a grammar book.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Ní inseoidh mé d'aon duine cad a tharla duit.,I won't tell anyone what happened to you.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Ní mise do mhúinteoir.,I'm not your teacher.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Is breá liom a bheith cuideachtúil.,I love being sociable.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Ba mhaith leo a casadh leat.,They want to meet you.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Thug mé an tseamróg don chailín álainn.,I gave the shamrock to the beautiful girl.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá sí ag ól beorach lenár gcairde sa bhialann.,She is drinking beer with our friends in the restaurant.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Nár bhuaileamar riamh?,Haven't we met before?,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Cad atá sibh ag ithe?,What are you eating?,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá seamróg ag an gcailín álainn.,The beautiful girl has a shamrock.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá Niall ina chónaí i mBaile Átha Cliath.,Niall lives in Dublin.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá uisce agat agus ólann tú é.,You have water and you drink it.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Is mise ceann na scoile.,I'm the head of the school.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn An bhfuil Fraincis agat?,Can you speak French?,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá eagla ort.,You are afraid.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Is í Kazan príomhchathair na Tatarstáine.,Kazan is the capital of Tatarstan.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Ba mhaith linn rud a phlé le Tom.,We want to have a word with Tom.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá páiste le siondróm Down agam.,I have a child with Down syndrome.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá sé ag léamh.,He is reading.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá sí ina cónaí i mBéal Feirste.,She lives in Belfast.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Chuir Tomás a fhéinphic ar líne.,Tom put his selfie online.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Ní thuigim do cheist.,I don't understand your question.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá sé ag foghlaim Béarla.,He is learning English.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Caithfidh mé péire bróg nua a cheannach.,I must buy a new pair of shoes.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Níl ach dhá inscne sa Ghaeilge.,There are only two genders in Irish.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Cad atá sé ag foghlaim?,What is he learning?,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá Aimee an-tuirseach i láthair na huaire.,Aimee is very tired at the moment.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Níl an t-iasc san uisce.,The fish is not in the water.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Is scoil í sin.,That is a school.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Is teilifís í seo.,This is a television.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá an t-iasc dearg ag snámh san aigéan.,The red fish is swimming in the ocean.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Cheannaigh mé carr i nDoire inné.,I bought a car in Derry yesterday.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Táim ag foghlaim Gaeilge go mall.,I'm learning Irish slowly.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Is carr a cheannaigh mé i nDoire inné.,It's a car that I bought in Derry yesterday.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá sé meán lae.,It is midday.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá grá againn don chailín sin.,We love that girl.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Is i nDoire a cheannaigh mé carr inné.,It’s in Derry that I bought a car yesterday.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá mé ag labhairt le mo mhac léinn.,I'm speaking with my student.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá beirt iníon acu.,They have two daughters.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Thógfainn an carbhat donn seo.,I would take this brown tie.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Is é Páras príomhchathair na Fraince.,Paris is the capital of France.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá cosc ar chaint sa leabharlann.,Talking in the library is not allowed.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Bhí Tomás ar buile.,Tom was furious.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá trí cupán caife ólta agat.,You've drunk three cups of coffee.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn An gúna gorm a chaithfidh mé.,I'll wear the blue dress.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Cad é an focal is fearr leat?,What's your favourite word?,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Is iad do pháistíse a bhí mall.,It's your children who were late.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá an bord seo bán.,This table is white.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn "Le mí anuas, ní raibh sneachta ar bith againn.","For the past month, we've had no snow at all.",gle_Latn-eng_Latn Is gorm é an dath is fearr liom.,My favourite colour is blue.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Amárach a bheidh muid ag imeacht.,We'll be leaving tomorrow.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn An bhfuil do charr nua?,Is your car new?,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Mise a cheannaigh an carr.,I bought the car.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Ní théim ar scoil in aon chor.,I never go to school.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá Tom thuas staighre lena páistí.,Tom is upstairs with the children.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Ag caint le mo mhuintir a bhí mé.,I was talking to my family.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Ní fheicim aon rud.,I don't see anything.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Bhris sé an fhuinneog.,He broke the window.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Am bheil thu ag iarraidh a dhol?,You want to go?,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Ba mhaith liom an bhábóg seo a cheannach.,I'd like to buy this doll.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Cá bhfuil Tehran?,Where is Tehran?,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Bhí Tomás ag plobaireacht.,Tom was babbling.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Is cuimhin liom na laethanta sásta a chaith mé faoin tuath gach uair a fhéachaim ar an ngrianghraf seo.,I never see this photo without being reminded of my happy days in the countryside.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá sé anseo.,He is here.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Buíochas le Dia gur tháinig tú orm.,Thank God you found me.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Is amhlaidh a bhris sé an fhuinneog.,"The fact is, he broke the window.",gle_Latn-eng_Latn Is amhlaidh a thitfidh tú!,You’re really going to fall!,gle_Latn-eng_Latn An ólann tú tae?,Do you drink tea?,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Ní mo chuid cairde iad.,They are not my friends.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn ’Séard a dúirt sé go raibh sé sásta.,What he said was that he was satisfied.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn "Tá Tom ag ithe, fós.",Tom is still eating.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Táimid inár gcónaí i mBéal Feirste.,We live in Belfast.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn ’Séard a chonaic tú ná deilf.,What you saw was a dolphin.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Ní bheidh a fhios againn go dtí an bhliain seo chugainn.,We won't know until next year.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn ’Sé a rinne é ná Éamonn.,The one who did it was Éamonn.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Chan Tom an t-amhrán is fearr le Mary.,Tom sang Mary's favorite song.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá mé ag féachaint ar an teilifís.,I'm watching TV.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá a lán cathracha móra sa Bhrasaíl.,There are a lot of big cities in Brazil.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Chuaigh Tom abhaile don deireadh seachtaine.,Tom went home for the weekend.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Chuaigh Tom go dtí an linn snámha.,Tom went to the swimming pool.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá páistí Tom thíos staighre.,Tom's children are downstairs.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Is margadh maith é seo.,This is a good deal.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Is teach maith é seo.,This is a good house.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Is ceamara maith é seo.,This is a good camera.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn An amhlaidh a thiocfaidh sibh?,Will you really come?,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Is ceist mhaith í seo.,This is a good question.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn An é Seán atá ag obair?,Is it Seán that's working?,gle_Latn-eng_Latn An ag obair atá tú?,Are you working?,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Níl a fhios agam fós.,I don't know yet.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn "Níl, níl a fhios agam.","No, I don't know.",gle_Latn-eng_Latn Níl aithne agam ort.,I don't know you.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Níl a fhios agam rud ar bith.,I don't know anything.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Níl aithne agam uirthi.,I don't know her.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn An tusa a cheannóidh an bia?,Is it you who'll buy the food?,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Níl Béarla agam.,I don't know English.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Níl a fhios agam cén fáth.,I don't know why.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Níl aithne agam ar Tomás.,I don't know Tom.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Níl a fhios agam go díreach.,I don't know exactly.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Níl Gearmáinis agam.,I don't know German.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Ba mhaith linn sé.,We want it.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Níl Fraincis agam.,I don't know French.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Mo dheartháir is é Tomás.,Tom is my brother.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Táim sa bhaile.,I'm at home.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Níl snámh agam.,I don't know how to swim.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Inné is ea a cheannaigh mé carr.,Yesterday is when I bought a car.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn "Sínigh d'ainm ar an doiciméad seo, le do thoil.",Put your name on this document.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Carr is ea a cheannaigh mé.,It's a car that I bought.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn D'ith mé martbhorgaire i McDonald's.,I ate a hamburger at McDonald's.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá sláinte níos fearr ná saibhreas.,Health is better than wealth.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá an t-ábhar seo an-phráinneach.,This matter is very urgent.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Cad é ba mhaith leat mé a thabhairt ort?,What do you want me to call you?,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá an t-ábhar seo an-tábhachtach.,This matter is very important.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Clúdaigh do chosa le blaincéad.,Cover your feet with a blanket.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Nílimid ag iarraidh ach rudaí a dhíol leat.,We just want to sell you things.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn An bhfaca tú m'athair?,Did you see my father?,gle_Latn-eng_Latn An bhfaca tú mo cheamara?,Did you see my camera?,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Bhí mé an-thuirseach aréir.,I was very tired last night.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá m'iníon ag tvuíteáil anois.,My daughter is tweeting now.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Ba mhaith liom caint leatsa.,I want to talk to you.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá sé fuar.,It is cold.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Saor ó locht atá sé de réir na fianaise seo.,From this evidence it follows that he is innocent.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn An bhfaca tú mo mháthair?,Did you see my mother?,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá sé seo deacair.,This is difficult.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn An bhfaca tú mo dheirfiúr?,Did you see my sister?,gle_Latn-eng_Latn An bhfaca tú mo dheartháir?,Did you see my brother?,gle_Latn-eng_Latn An bhfaca tú mo mhadra?,Did you see my dog?,gle_Latn-eng_Latn An bhfaca tú mo chat?,Did you see my cat?,gle_Latn-eng_Latn An bhfaca tú mo mhac?,Did you see my son?,gle_Latn-eng_Latn An bhfaca tú m'iníon?,Did you see my daughter?,gle_Latn-eng_Latn An bhfaca tú m'uncail?,Did you see my uncle?,gle_Latn-eng_Latn An bhfaca tú m'aintín?,Did you see my aunt?,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Ní ceist éasca é.,It's not an easy question.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Rachaidh mé ar ais abhaile amárach.,Tomorrow I'm going back home.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Is é an féinmharú gníomh an éadóchais.,Suicide is an act of desperation.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Cad atá Caoimhe ag déanamh?,What is Caoimhe doing?,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Cad atá Saoirse ag déanamh?,What is Saoirse doing?,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Cad atá Oisín ag déanamh?,What is Oisín doing?,gle_Latn-eng_Latn An bhfuil mé do chara?,Am I your friend?,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Cad atá Ciarán ag déanamh?,What is Ciarán doing?,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá an teach beag,The house is small.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Cad atá Caoimhín ag déanamh?,What is Caoimhín doing?,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Cad atá Mallaidh ag déanamh?,What is Mallaidh doing?,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Cá bhfuil an t-ospidéal?,Where's the hospital?,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Táimid ag an cogadh.,We are at war.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tháinig tú ar ais.,You came back.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá mo dheartháir níos láidre ná mé.,My brother is stronger than me.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá an t-éan sa spéir.,The bird is in the sky.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Bhí sí ag iompar clainne cheana féin.,She was already pregnant.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Caithfidh mé gloiní gréine.,I will wear sunglasses.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn "Níl, níl mé bómánta.","No, I'm not stupid.",gle_Latn-eng_Latn Caithfidh mé imeacht.,I have to go.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Cá ndeachaigh an cat agus an madra aréir?,Where did the cat and the dog go last night?,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá mé ag ithe cáise.,I'm eating cheese.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Táim ag éisteacht leis an amhrán seo.,I'm listening to this song.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Ní chanaim.,I do not sing.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Chuaigh mé ag sciáil i gCeanada an geimhreadh seo caite.,"Last winter, I went to Canada to ski.",gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá go leor airgid ag an seanfear.,The old man has enough money.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Cad é nach bhfuil Tom ag iarraidh muid a fheiceáil?,What doesn't Tom want us to see?,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Chualamar torann.,We heard a noise.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Ní thuigim an focal seo.,I can't understand this word.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá an leabhar ar an sheilf.,The book is on the shelf.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Beidh sé ag scríobh litir.,He will be writing a letter.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Ca bhfuil an téad?,Where's the rope?,gle_Latn-eng_Latn An dtuigeann tú ciall an fhocail seo?,Do you know the meaning of this word?,gle_Latn-eng_Latn "Chas sí air an lampa, mar bhí sé dorcha.",She switched on the lamp because it was dark.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Ní ghlachfadh Tom é sin.,Tom wouldn't say yes.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Bhí mé sásta sin.,I was so happy.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Is é an Neiptiún t-ochtú pláinéad an ghrianchórais.,Neptune is the eighth planet of the solar system.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Bhí mé díomách sin.,I was so disappointed.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Ní duine maith mé.,I'm not a good person.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Conas a deirtear an focal seo?,How do you pronounce this word?,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Cad eile atá tú ag iarraidh mé a rá leat?,What else do you want me to say?,gle_Latn-eng_Latn D'éirigh sé dorcha.,It grew dark.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Bhí Béarla aici níos fearr ná mise.,Her English was better than mine.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Ní cheannaím ach carranna buí.,I only buy yellow cars.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Déan tae te duit féin.,Make some hot tea for yourself.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Nach bhfuil mé go hálainn?,Am I not beautiful?,gle_Latn-eng_Latn An bhfuil aithne agat ar a hathair?,Do you know his father?,gle_Latn-eng_Latn An bhfuil aithne agat ar a athair?,Do you know her father?,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Sé Éamonn a rinne é.,Éamonn is the one who made it.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Is bean álainn sí.,She is a beautiful woman.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Is fuath léi a fear céile.,She despised her husband.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Cé aige a raibh an fhuinneog briste?,By whom was this window broken?,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Ní níonn Tomás a charr in aon chor.,Tom never washes his car.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tabharfaidh mé duit é.,I'll get them for you.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Bhí an cailín ag amharc ar an gcé.,The girl was gazing at the dock.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Níor inis mé di é sin.,I never told him that.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Fuair mé an t-airgead.,I found the money.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Is cinnte go mbeidh turas fada ann.,It's going to be a long trip.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá an fear faoin gcrann.,The man is under the tree.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Glaoigh orm sula n-imí tú.,Call me before you leave.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn "Fan liom, táim ag teacht.","Wait for me, I am coming.",gle_Latn-eng_Latn Níl an bean go hálainn.,The woman is not beautiful.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Cheannaigh mé dhá bhuidéal bainne.,I bought two bottles of milk.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Cad atá tú ag foghlaim?,What are you learning?,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Ní féidir le duine éigin é a cheilt i gcónaí.,It can't be kept secret forever.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Is é Baile Átha Cliath príomhchathair na hÉireann.,Dublin is the capital of Ireland.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tabharfaidh mé freagra duit amárach.,I'll give you my answer tomorrow.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Ní mian liom tú bheith sa tóir orm.,I don't want you following me.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá an teach glan.,The house is clean.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Is stíl í seo!,This is style!,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Ba dheartháireacha Romulus agus Remus.,Romulus and Remus were brothers.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn An mbeidh sé te arís amárach?,Will it be hot again tomorrow?,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Cén fáth nach ndéanfaidh tú?,Why don't you?,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá tart íota air.,His thirst is fierce.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn An bhfuil tú bómánta?,Are you stupid?,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Is é Tom mo chara is fearr.,Tom is my best friend.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Chuir sé lámh ina bhás féin.,He killed himself.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá sé ag ithe.,He is eating.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn An bhfuil málaí sa siopa seo?,Are there any bags in this shop?,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Cén fáth a mbeidís ag iarraidh Tom a ghortú?,Why would they want to harm Tom?,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá sé go han-deas.,It's very nice.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Aontaím leat faoin bpointe seo.,I agree with you on this point.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Fáilte go hIfreann!,Welcome to Hell!,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Cár mhaith leat mé a thosú?,What do you want me to start on?,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Is mian liom tiomáint.,I want to drive.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Is mian liom maireachtáil.,I want to live.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Is féidir le aon leanbh sin a dhéanamh.,Any child can do that.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Bhí Tom saonta.,Tom was naive.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Cad é an tuarastal íosta san Astráil?,What's the minimum salary in Australia?,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá an bláth dearg.,The flower is red.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Ní maith le na cait na madraí.,Cats don't like dogs.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Is mian liom gol.,I want to cry.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Is mian liom damhsa.,I want to dance.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Táim i Tehran.,I'm in Tehran.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá eisceachtaí ann.,There are exceptions.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá an t-iolar bán.,The eagle is white.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Foghlaimíonn daoine ó thaithí.,People learn from experience.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Níl aon fhadhb ann.,There is no problem.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Ní ghléasann tú féin.,You don't dress yourself.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Íosfaidh mé seacláid.,I will eat chocolate.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá mé ag snámh san aigéan.,I'm swimming in the ocean.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn An bhfuil sin mídhleathach?,Is that illegal?,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Ní duine olc mé.,I'm not a bad person.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Ní raibh sé daor.,It wasn't expensive.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn ’Séard atá uaim anois ná uachtar reoite.,What I want now is ice cream.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Táim ag obair i siopa mo charad.,I work at my friend's shop.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Do mhuinéal a bhriseadh a dhéanfaidh tú!,You’ll break your neck!,gle_Latn-eng_Latn "Tá brón orm, ní féidir liom cabhrú leat.","I'm sorry, I can't help you.",gle_Latn-eng_Latn Ollamh is ea mo dheartháir.,My brother is a professor.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn An bhfuil grá agat mo dheirfiúr?,Do you love my sister?,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Is féidir leat teacht.,You can come.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Sa Spáinn a bhuail mé le Mattias.,I met Mattias in Spain.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá leabharlann ag an scoil.,The school has a library.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn "Amárach atá tú ag imeacht, nach ea?","It's tomorrow that you’re leaving, isn’t it?",gle_Latn-eng_Latn An bhfuil leabharlann ag an scoil?,Does the school have a library?,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Is Francach mé.,I am French.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Ní mise a d’ith an píosa cáca deireanach.,It wasn't me that ate the last piece of cake.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Mhúch mé an ríomhaire.,I turned the computer off.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Lá álainn is ea é.,It's a beautiful day.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Cén fáth a mbeimis ag iarraidh pionós a chur ort?,Why would we want to punish you?,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Ag a hocht a chlog a imeoimid.,We'll leave at eight o’clock.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn "Is í Eibhlín a chonaic mé ag an leabharlann, ní hí Sorcha.","I saw Eibhlín at the library, not Sorcha.",gle_Latn-eng_Latn Ba mhaith linn thú taitneamh a bhaint as.,We want you to have a good time.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Cá bhfuil an t-aerfort?,Where's the airport?,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Sin é an teach a bhfanaim ann.,That is the house that I stay in.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá grá agam duit.,I love you.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Sin í an bhean a bhfanann siad léi.,That is the woman they stay with.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Sin iad na gasúir a mbeidh tú ag tabhairt an leabhar dóibh.,Those are the children you'll be giving the book to.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Cé hiad na daoine a bhfaca mé leo í?,Who are the people I saw her with?,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Ar mhaith leat triail a bhaint as?,Would you like to give it a try?,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Cén chaoi a bhfuil tú?,How are you?,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Cócarálann sí go maith.,She cooks well.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá an fear a bhfaighidh tú litir uaidh ar saoire anois.,The man that you'll get a letter from is on holiday now.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá sé ródhaor!,That is too expensive.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Feicim na gasúir a raibh slaghdán orthu.,I see the children who had a cold.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Ar réitíodh an rún seo?,Has anybody solved this mystery?,gle_Latn-eng_Latn An í sin an bhean a bhfuil a fhios aici an freagra?,Is that the woman who knows the answer?,gle_Latn-eng_Latn An féidir liom d'fhón a úsáid?,Can I use your phone?,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Sin é an fear a bhfuair a bhean bás.,That's the man whose wife died.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Sin iad na daoine ar bhuaigh a bpáiste an chéad duais.,That's the woman whose son is sick.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Sin é an teach ar fhan mé ann.,That's the house I stayed in.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Sin í an bhean ar fhan siad léi.,That’s the woman they stayed with.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Sin iad na gasúir ar thug tú an leabhar dóibh.,Those are the children you gave the book to.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Sin iad na daoine ar chuir mé caoi ar a gcarr.,Those are the people whose car I repaired.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Bhí greim daingean ag an Eaglais Chaitliceach ar an tsochaí.,The Catholic Church had a strong grip on society.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Sin é an teach a raibh siad ina gcónaí ann.,That's the house they were living in.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Bhris mé mo lámh.,I fractured my arm.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Is le Brian an carr.,The car is Brian’s.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Cén teach a bhfanann sibh ann?,Which house do you stay in?,gle_Latn-eng_Latn An é seo é?,Is he the one?,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Cén bhean a bhfanann tú léi?,Which woman do you stay with?,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Is mór an teach.,The house is big.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Cé na múinteoirí a raibh tú ag caint leo?,Which teachers were you talking to?,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá ocras orm!,I am hungry.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Cén chathaoir ar chuir tú an leabhar uirthi?,Which chair did you put the book on?,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Cén bhean a bhfuil a mac tinn?,Which woman's son is sick?,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Bhí áthas orm.,I was happy.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Cé leis a bhfanann tú?,Who do you stay with?,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Cé dó ar thug tú an leabhar?,To whom did you give the book?,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Céard faoi a raibh sibh ag caint?,What were you talking about?,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Cé a bhfuil a leabhar anseo?,Whose book is here?,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Cé leis é?,Whose is it?,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Ba bheag nár thit mé i laige nuair a chuala mé an scéal.,I nearly fainted when I heard the story.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Cén chaoi a ndearna sé é?,How did he do it?,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Goidé an dóigh a ndéanann tú sin?,How do you do that?,gle_Latn-eng_Latn "Ár n-Athair atá ar neamh, Go naofar d'ainim, Go dtagfadh do ríocht, Go ndéantar do thoil ar an talamh mar a dhéantar ar neamh. Ár n-arán laethúil tabhair dúinn inniu, agus maith dúinn ár bhfiacha mar a mhaithimidne dár bhféichiúna féin","Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name. Your Kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as in heaven Give us today our daily bread. Forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us. Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.",gle_Latn-eng_Latn Táim tuirseach traochta.,I'm worn out.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá an bhean ag caint gan stad gan staonadh.,The woman is talking non-stop.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá a fhios agat cad é atá mé ag iarraidh thú a rá liom.,You know what I want you to say.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Caithin a bheidh tú ag teacht ar ais ó Milan?,When are you going to return from Milan?,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Ní raibh sé ag éisteacht léi.,He wasn't listening to her.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Léim ar aire!,Jump to attention!,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Thaitin sé go mór liom.,I enjoy it a lot.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Ní bac ar bith é airgead.,Don't mind the money at all.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Ná bac leis sin anois!,Don't bother with that now!,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Bhí sé ag obair don chomhairle.,He worked for the council.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn An bhfuil moladh agat?,Do you have a recommendation?,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Bhí moladh ag gach duine uirthi.,Everybody had advice for her.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Is duine cainteach í.,She is a talkative person.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn An bhfuil tú go maith ag leadóige?,Are you good at tennis?,gle_Latn-eng_Latn An bhfuil tú go maith ag matamaitice?,Are you good at mathematics?,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Dar leis,According to him,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Níl sé sásta ar chor ar bith.,He wasn't at all satisfied.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Is dócha gur chóir duit moilliú.,You may want to slow down a bit.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Ní thugann sé aon tacaíocht di.,He doesn't give her any support.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá arán uaim.,I want bread.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Is cathair ar uisce é an Veinéis.,Venice is a city on water.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá sé leathuair tar éis a haon.,It's half past one.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Bhíodh sí ina cailín an-chúthail.,She used to be a very shy girl.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Is amhránaí é.,He is a singer.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn An féidir leat carr a thiomáint?,Can you drive a car?,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Cad atá á dheineamh agaibh?,What are ye doing?,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá an seanduine ina shuí.,The old man is sitting.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Is laoch mé.,I'm a hero.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Is báicéir mé.,I'm a baker.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Is diabéiteach mé.,I'm a diabetic.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá an cailín óg ag canadh.,The young girl is singing.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Is ciotóg mé.,I'm a lefty.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá mé ag dul.,I am going.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Is é seo tús le ré nua.,This is the beginning of a new era.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Is tusa cara Tomás.,You're Tom's friend.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Is fear díolacháin mé.,I'm a salesman.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Is biachlár é seo.,This is a menu.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Labhraím Gaeilge gach lá.,I speak Irish every day.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Rinne sí an obair go cúramach.,She did the work carefully.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Is féidir go ndúirt an dochtúir é sin.,The doctor might have said that.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Déanann sé botúin mar a dhéanann gach duine eile.,He makes mistakes like everyone else.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Is breá le mo thuismitheoirí dul ag scí gach geimhreadh.,My parents enjoy skiing every winter.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Ní gá dom bheith ag obair níos mó.,I no longer need to work.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá na Seapánaigh ina n-oibrithe an-díograiseacha den chuid is mó.,"Generally, the Japanese are very diligent workers.",gle_Latn-eng_Latn Níl aon rud ithe agam le cúpla leathanta anuas.,I haven't eaten for days.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá na hóstáin ar fad lán ar an tsráid seo.,All the motels on this road are full.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Ba mhaith liom ithe.,I would like to eat.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Níl críoch ar amaidí na ndaoine.,Human stupidity is without limits.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Neartaíonn agus saorann eolas muid mar phobal.,Knowledge makes us free and better people.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá an leabhar seo nua.,This book is new.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Níor inis mé dó é sin.,I never told her that.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Is eagal liom a rá go bhfuil sé imithe agus ní fhillfidh sé choíche.,"I regret to say that he's gone, never to return.",gle_Latn-eng_Latn An bhfuil fear an teach istigh?,Is the master of the house at home?,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Buíochas le Dia nach raibh aon duine gortaithe.,Thank God that nobody was hurt.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Nach glórach an tsráid seo!,How noisy this street is!,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Níl tú ramhar.,You're not fat.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Táim ag snámh in abhainn.,I am swimming in a river.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Feicim do chat sa ghairdín.,I see your cat in the garden.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá turasóirí Francacha ann freisin.,There are also French tourists.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá sí ag sábháil airgid le dul thar lear.,She is saving money to go abroad.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Ní hé m'athair é.,He's not my father.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Go raibh míle maith agat!,We thank you very much!,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Ní hé ach páiste é.,He is only a child.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Cá bhfuil na leabhair?,Where are the books?,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Ní hé ach fear é.,He is only a man.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Is mian liom carr nua a cheannach.,I want to buy a new car.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá go leor airgid aige.,He has enough money.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá sé tábhacht go gcloiseann sí an rud seo.,It's important that she hears this.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Cá bhfuil Tomás i bhfolach?,Where's Tom hiding?,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Inniu an Chéadaoin.,Today is Wednesday.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn In am is i dtráth.,All in good time.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn An éiróidh sibhse as an troid le bhur dtoil?,Will you guys please stop fighting?,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Is féidir leat trí leabhar a fháil ar iasacht ag an am céanna sa leabharlann seo.,"At this library, you can borrow up to three books at a time.",gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá an cailín go hálainn.,The girl is beautiful.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn An dtiocfaidh tú liom go dtí an cheolchoirm?,Will you come with me to the concert?,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá siad ina gcónaí i mBéal Feirste.,They live in Belfast.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Is féidir liom a bheith neamhchlaonta.,I can be impartial.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Thug sé roinnt airgid dom.,He gave me some money.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Caitheann sé éadaí dubha i gcónaí.,He always wears black clothes.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Níl sé go róluath.,It's not too early.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Ní leor teanga amháin.,One language is never enough.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn An bhfuil Mary sa ghairdín?,Is Mary in the garden?,gle_Latn-eng_Latn An bhfuil grá agat do do mháthair?,Do you love your mother?,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Táim sa charr.,I'm in the car.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Is maith liom ceoldráma.,I like opera.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn An té atá gortaithe gortaíonn sé duine eile.,Hurt people hurt people.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Cá bhfuil críochfort na mbus?,Where is the bus terminal?,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Cosnóidh sí thú.,She will protect you.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Ní oibríonn an chlódóir.,The printer doesn't work.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Cén fáth a bhfuil tú ag fágáil sláin?,Why are you saying goodbye?,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Ithim lón ar uair an mheán lae.,I have lunch at noon.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn "Is mór cosúil cara ná múinteoir, an múinteoir nua.",The new teacher is more like a friend than a teacher.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn An bhfuil ocras ort?,Are you hungry?,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá an fear óg.,The man is young.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn "Is sár-éasca blas nádúrtha bheith agat i do theanga féin. Is sár-éasca, freisin, blas mínádúrtha bheith agat nuair nach bhfuil sé do theanga féin.","It's very easy to sound natural in your own native language, and very easy to sound unnatural in your non-native language.",gle_Latn-eng_Latn Is tusa mo chara.,You are my friend.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Ní mbiodh eagla orm.,I will not be afraid.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Is téacsleabhar maith é seo.,This is a good textbook.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Ba mhaith liom an t-uaireadóir seo a mhalartú ar cheann nach bhfuil chomh daor leis.,I would like to exchange this watch with a cheaper one.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Cad atá tu ag déanamh?,What are you doing?,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Cé a bhris an buidéal?,Who broke the bottle?,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Ná rith sa seomra seo.,Do not run in this room.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Cad é go díreach atá tú ag iarraidh a fháil uainn?,What do you really want from us?,gle_Latn-eng_Latn D'fhéadfadh Tomás é a dhéanamh.,Tom would've been able to do that.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn "Cé go raibh an aimsir tirim, thug mé mo chóta dó nuair a bhí sé ag dul amach.","Even though the weather was fine, I gave him my coat as he was going out.",gle_Latn-eng_Latn Breathnaíonn tú go foirfe.,You look perfect.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Ná hoscail do leabhar.,Don't open your book.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Ní raibh muid in ann déanamh amach ceard a bhí Paul ag iarraidh a dhéanamh.,We couldn't figure out what Paul wanted to do.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Léarscáil is ea í seo.,This is a map.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Labhair sí go mímhúinte.,She spoke impolitely.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Measaim gur duine cneasta Tom.,I think Tom is sincere.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Is fear mé.,I am a man.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Aontaím leis an ráiteas.,I agree with the statement.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Ní féidir le duine a bhás a fháil ó choinneáil istigh a anála.,You cannot kill yourself by holding your breath.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Ní Éireannach mé.,I am not Irish.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá mé ag ithe úill.,I'm eating an apple.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá seanchairpéad níos luachmhaire ná cairpéad nua.,Older carpets are more valuable than newer carpets.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Is é an leon rí na dufaire.,The lion is the king of the jungle.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Dia duit! Cén chaoi a bhfuil tú?,Hi! How are you?,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá mé ag obair.,I am working.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Is imeartas focal é seo.,This is a play on words.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá sárBhéarla agat.,You have superb English.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá mé ag ithe.,I am eating.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá mé ag ithe ríse anois.,I'm eating rice now.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Is féidearthacht é domhan eile.,Another world is possible.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn "Nuair a thugaim bia do na boicht, tugtar naomh orm. Nuair a chuirim an cheist, cén fáth nach bhfuil bia ag na boicht, tugtar cumannaí orm.","When I give food to the poor, they call me a saint. When I ask why the poor have no food, they call me a communist.",gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá otharcharr uainn.,We want an ambulance.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Rugadh mé i 1988.,I was born in 1988.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Cá mhéad peann atá agat?,How many pens do you have?,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Chuir sí a coinne ar ceal.,She cancelled her date.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá malairt tuairimí ann faoin bpointe seo.,Opinions vary on this point.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá an seomra dorcha.,The room is dark.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá an buachaill tanaí.,The boy is slim.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá an tolg compordach.,The sofa is comfortable.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá an poll leathan.,The hole is wide.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá an poll caol.,The hole is narrow.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá an cluiche leadránach.,The game is boring.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá an focal faire gearr.,The password is short.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá an chathair bheag.,The city is small.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá tríocha giotár le Tom.,Tom owns about thirty guitars.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá an chathair mhór.,The city is big.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá an teach te.,The house is warm.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá an bosca trom.,The box is heavy.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá an bus mall.,The bus is slow.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá an leabhar sean.,The book is old.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá an leabhar nua.,The book is new.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Níl ach cluiche é seo.,This is just a game.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Chonaic mé iad é a mharú.,I saw them kill it.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá aithne mhaith agam ar an bpáirt seo den chathair.,I know this part of the city well.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Bhuamar an crannchur.,We won the lottery.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá sé ceart go leor.,It's all right!,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá siad ag rith gan bhróga.,They're running without shoes.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Lá Idirnáisiúnta na mBan sona!,Happy International Women's Day!,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Cad tá uait?,What's up with you?,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Is cuma liom.,It makes no difference to me.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Cé a ghoid mo chuid eochracha?,Who stole my keys?,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Is mian liom codladh.,I want to sleep.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Fuair Dick bás nuair a bhí sé deich mbliana d'aois.,Dick died when he was ten years old.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Is maith liom cócaireacht.,I love cooking.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Labhraíonn Tom ró-thapaidh.,Tom talks too fast.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn An féidir liom do ghuthán a úsáid?,May I use your phone?,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Níl dochar ar bith sa chuid is mó de nathracha an oileáin seo.,Most snakes on this island are harmless.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Ní féidir liom labhairt.,I can't talk.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn An bhfuil fear an tí sa mbaile?,Is the householder at home?,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá caíonna ann.,There are conditions.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá sí ag fiuchadh uibheacha sa chistin.,She's boiling eggs in the kitchen.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Níl aon rud agat.,You have nothing.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Bhíos traochta.,I was exhausted.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Níl ionat ach bean as a meabhair!,You are one disturbed woman!,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Níl an abairt úsáideach.,The sentence isn't useful.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá sé soiléir nach bhfuil puinn daonnachta ag Tomás.,It's clear Tom doesn't have an ounce of humanity.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Yohannis is ainm dom.,My name is Yohannis.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Is maith liom Bhreatnais a labhairt.,I like to speak Welsh.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Níl a fhois agam cá bhfuil m'eochracha.,I don't know where my keys are.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Beidh sé ag cur sneachta amárach.,It'll snow tomorrow.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Conas atá an aimsir inniu?,How is the weather today?,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Ní mian liom a bheith i mo chodladh.,I don't want to sleep.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá an grian ag taitneamh.,The sun is shining.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Is é an rud a dhéanfaidh mé ná an seomra a ghlanadh.,What I'll do is: I'll clean the room.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn An bhfuil usice ansin?,Is there water there?,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Is maith liom é sin a chloisteáil!,That's good to hear!,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá sé ag cur.,It is raining.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Cén fáth a raibh Tom ag gol?,Why was Tom crying?,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Cad é sin?,What is this?,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Ní mór duit aire mhaith a thabhairt don phointe seo.,Special care should be taken on this point.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Cuir na málaí ansiúd.,Put the bags over there.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn "An bhean atá ina cónaí béal dorais, tá sí ag obair sa Státseirbhís anois.",The woman who lives next door is working for the Civil Service now.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Níor aontaigh aon duine leis.,No one agreed with him.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Céard is ábhar taighde don tSoivéideolaí?,What does a Sovietologist study?,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Ní cheannódh aon bhean sin.,No women would buy that.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn "A haon, a dó, a trí, a ceathair, a cúig, a sé, a seacht, a hocht, a naoi, a deich.","One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten.",gle_Latn-eng_Latn Is cathair mhór í New York.,New York is a big city.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn An bhfuil tú ag foghlaim Gaeilge as do stuaim féin?,Are you learning Irish on your own?,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Ná habair mura bhfuil rud ináirithe le rá agat.,Don't speak unless you have something worth saying.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá mo mhadra glan.,My dog is clean.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá mo mhadra an-ghlan.,My dog is very clean.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá sé ceoch.,It is foggy.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Níl iníon againn.,We don't have a daughter.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá leabhar anseo.,There's a book here.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn D'fhan an buachaill ina thost.,The boy remained silent.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Ólaim uisce.,I drink water.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Cá bhfuil príomhchathair na Stát Aontaithe Mheiriceá?,Where is the capital of the United States of America?,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Ni fheicimid arís é.,We won't see him again.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Cá mhéad atá air an hata dearg?,How much for that red hat?,gle_Latn-eng_Latn "Uair a bhí mise ag fás suas, chonaic mé an buachaill is láidre sa mbaile. Agus ó chonaic mé an t-aonad san, nídh 'acainn dom dol im choladh.","When I was growing up, I saw the largest boy in the village. Since I saw that unit, I have not been able to sleep.",gle_Latn-eng_Latn Ba chéasadh croí dó a bhí inti.,She gave him hell.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá an oíche dorcha.,The night is dark.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Déanfaidh mé staidéar tar éis teacht abhaile dom.,I'll study after I come home.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Beathaím mo mhadra le dhá chupán beathú madra gach tráthnóna.,I feed my dog two cups of dog food every evening.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Rachaidh mé ag siopadóireacht tráthnóna inniu cé nach bhfuil mórán airgid agam.,"I'll go shopping this afternoon, though I don't have much money.",gle_Latn-eng_Latn D'fhág sé chun Meiriceá sa deireadh thiar.,"At last, he went to America.",gle_Latn-eng_Latn Buailfidh mé leat ag stáisiún na mbusanna.,I'll meet you at the bus station.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Chodail siad.,They were sleeping.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Meabhraigh chun na fuinneoga a dhúnadh.,Remember to shut the windows.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá Cáit ag léamh an nuachtáin.,Cáit is reading the newspaper.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn B'fhearr dúinn dul isteach ann.,We'd better get inside.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Bailigh leat amach as seo!,Get out of here!,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Itheann sí arán.,She eats bread.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn An bhfuil tú cinnte go dteastaíonn uait bheith anseo?,Are you sure you want to be here?,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá náire air gur theip air.,He is ashamed of his failure.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Bhí mé ag an bpicitúrlann.,I was at the cinema.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Cén áit a bhfuil an stáisiún meitreo is gaire dúinn?,Where's the nearest metro station?,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá an fear ard.,The man is tall.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Ní airde mé ná eisean.,I'm not as tall as he is.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn An raibh tú i d'aonar?,Were you alone?,gle_Latn-eng_Latn "Haigh, conas atá tú?",Hi. How are you?,gle_Latn-eng_Latn D'fhoghlaim mé a lán rudaí sa cheacht seo.,I learned many things in this lesson.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Níor mhaith liom dul ar scoil.,I don't want to go to school.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Táim ag scríobh leabhar.,I'm writing a book.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Bhí liathróid sacair ag Saimí.,Sami had a soccer ball.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Is cailín álainn í Leanne.,Leanne is a lovely girl.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá do mháthair ina cónaí sa Ghaeltacht.,Your mother lives in Gaeltacht.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Táim ag dul go teach mo sheanmháthar.,I'm going to my grandmother's.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá carr nua uaim.,I want a new car.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Gan aon agó!,Without a doubt!,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá súil agam gur féidir liom é a dhéanamh.,I hope that I can do it.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Is maith liom Tom.,I like Tom.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn "Mar murach tusa, ag Dia atá a fhios cén uair a gheobhaimis amach faoin mbotún sin a rinne iad.","If it weren't for you, God knows when we'd find out about their mistake.",gle_Latn-eng_Latn Bhí sé cosúil le aisling.,It was like a dream.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Is maith liom sacar.,I like football.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Caithfidh mé bláthanna a cheannach le mo chailín.,I have to buy flowers for my girlfriend.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá an madra ag codladh sa charr.,The dog is sleeping in the car.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Is iomaí iasc san abhainn seo.,Fish abound in this river.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Fuair muid bricfeasta ag a seacht a chlog.,We ate breakfast at seven.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Cá bhfuil oifig an phoist?,Where is the post office?,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Is buachaill mór é John.,John is a big boy.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Conas atá an aimsir?,How's the weather?,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Níl ticéad agam.,I don't have a ticket.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Níl carr agam.,I don't have a car.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Níl bosca agam.,I don't have a box.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá sé ag ceannach an ríomhaire.,He is buying the computer.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá sí ag ceannach an ríomhaire.,She is buying the computer.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Níl claíomh agam.,I don't have a sword.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá deartháir níos sine agam.,I have an older brother.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Níl deirfiúr agam.,I don't have a sister.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Ní raibh mé in ann stop a chur Tom.,I couldn't stop Tom.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Níl cat agam.,I don't have a cat.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Is maith liom teangacha!,I like languages!,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Níl teaghlach agam.,I don't have a family.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn An bhfuil tú ag dul abhaile?,Are you going home?,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Níl fiabhras orm.,I don't have a fever.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Níl madra agam.,I don't have a dog.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Níl peann luaidhe agam.,I don't have a pencil.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Níl rogha agam.,I don't have a choice.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Níl cailín agam.,I don't have a girlfriend.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Níl buachaill agam.,I don't have a boyfriend.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Táimid inár gcónaí i gConamara.,We live in Connemara.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Aithníonn ciaróg ciaróg eile.,Birds of a feather flock together.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Níl fón póca agam.,I don't have a cellphone.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Níl gunna agam.,I don't have a gun.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Níl teach agam.,I don't have a home.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Níl eochair agam.,I don't have a key.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Níl pas agam.,I don't have a passport.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Táim i mo chónaí sa tSeapáin.,I live in Japan.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Níl arm agam.,I don't have a weapon.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Níl neacht agam.,I don't have a niece.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá oileáin ar an bhfarraige.,There are islands in the sea.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Níl teileafón agam.,I don't have a telephone.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Níl scian agam.,I don't have a knife.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Níl béan chéile agam.,I don't have a wife.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Bhí an fear ag ithe arain.,The man was eating bread.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Cheannaigh mé rud duit.,I bought you something.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Cheannaigh mé ceamara.,I bought a camera.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Níl freagra agam.,I don't have an answer.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Níl ceapachán agam.,I don't have an appointment.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Bíonn Tomás ag amharc ar an teilifís i gcónaí,Tom is always watching television.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Amhránaí maith is ea Maja Keuc.,Maja Keuc is a good singer.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn An dtuigeann tú Tom?,Do you understand Tom?,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá aisling agam.,I have a dream.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn """Go raibh maith agat."" ""Ná habair é.""","""Thank you."" ""You're welcome.""",gle_Latn-eng_Latn Bhí aithne ag Tom orm.,Tom knew me.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Níl ach mearaithne agam ort.,I barely know you.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá Tom ag dul i bhfeabhas.,Tom is improving.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá tinneas goile orm.,I have a stomachache.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá teaghlach agam.,I have a family.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn "Chuir an rud a dúirt Tom fearg ort, nár chuir?","What Tom said made you angry, didn't it?",gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá carr agam.,I have a car.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá ríomhaire agam.,I have a computer.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn An bhfeiceann tú rud ar bith ansin?,Can you see anything at all there?,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá peann agam.,I have a pen.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá rothar agam.,I have a bicycle.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá iníon agam.,I have a daughter.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Andreas is ainm dom.,Andreas is my name.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá fiabhras orm.,I have a fever.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá foclóir agam.,I have a dictionary.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Ba mhaith liom thú rud éigin a ghealladh dom.,I want you to promise me something.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá fuacht orm.,I have a cold.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Níl a fhois agam cad ba cheart a rá le Tom.,I don't know what to say to Tom.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá áirithint agam.,I have a reservation.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá fadhb agam.,I have a problem.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn An é sin an chúis a bhfuil tú ag iarraidh mé a ghortú?,Is that why you want to hurt me?,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá ceist agam.,I have a question.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá madra agam.,I have a dog.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá víosa agam.,I have a visa.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá bord agam.,I have a table.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá pas agam.,I have a passport.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá deirfiúr agam.,I have a sister.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá trucail agam.,I have a truck.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn "Tá, tá ort.","Yes, you must.",gle_Latn-eng_Latn An bhfuil orm déanamh deifir?,Must I hurry?,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá orm déanamh staidéar.,I must study.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá ort fágáil.,You must leave.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá ort dul.,You must go.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá oraibh dul.,You must get going.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá ar gach duine fáil bháis.,Everyone must die.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Conas ar feidir linn iad a fháil?,How can we find them?,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá oraibh obair.,You must work.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá mac an bhean sin tinn.,That woman's son is sick.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Táim ag dul abhaile.,I'm going home.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Léim an leabhar.,I read the book.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá buachaill aici.,She has a boyfriend.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Cé nuair a rachaidh Sita go dtí Eluru?,When will Sita go to Eluru?,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá an rís agus ceapaire aige.,He has the rice and a sandwich.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Itheann na páistí.,The children eat.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá an cluife seo éasca.,This game is easy.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Ólann sé bainne agus ólaimid uisce.,He drinks milk and we drink water.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá Leanne ina cónaí i Leicester.,Leanne lives in Leicester.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá nuachtán agam.,I have a newspaper.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Bhí Eimíle ag éisteacht le ceol.,Emily was listening to music.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá mé ag tnúth leis.,I look forward to it.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Bhí iontas ar Eimíle.,Emily was surprised.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Fáilte! Conas atá tú?,"Hi, how are you?",gle_Latn-eng_Latn Is bleachtaire é.,He is a detective.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn "D'fhéadfadh sé a bheith saibhir, ach tá sé ceachartha.","He may be rich, but he is stingy.",gle_Latn-eng_Latn Ní dhearna mé d'airgead é.,I didn't do it for money.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn An itheann tú rís i do thír féin?,Do you eat rice in your country?,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Is aingeal thú!,You're an angel!,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá an bia go maith.,The food is good.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Níl an bia go maith.,The food is not good.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Ní dheachaigh éinne ann.,Nobody went there.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Chreid mé leis ar dtús.,I believed him at first.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá na mná rialta ag canadh.,The nuns are singing.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn D'fhostaigh mé Tom.,I hired Tom.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Cén slí abhfuil an trá?,Which way is the beach?,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Is maith an t-anlann an t-ocras.,Hunger is the best sauce.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Ní mian liom ceapairí ar bith.,I don't want any sandwiches.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Bíonn cluasa ar an gcoill.,The walls have ears.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Folaíonn grá gráin.,Love is blind.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Cad a gceapann tú as?,What do you think of it?,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Roberto is ainm dom.,My name is Roberto.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá sé a dó a chlog.,It's two o'clock.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tosaíonn scoil ag a hocht a chlog ar maidin.,School begins at 8:10 a.m.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Ní mhian liom bhur n-aghaidheanna a fheiceáil.,I don't want to see your faces.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn "An Esperanto, teanga oifigiúil an Aontais Eorpach, anois!","Esperanto, an official language of the European Union, now!",gle_Latn-eng_Latn An bhfuil leabhar agat?,Do you have a book?,gle_Latn-eng_Latn An bhfuil rud cearr léi?,Is there a problem with her?,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Cad is ainm duit?,What is your name?,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Is máthair maith thú.,You are a good mother.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá feirm mhór ag mo mháthair agus m'athair ann.,My father and mother have a big farm there.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá eagla ar airde orm.,I'm afraid of heights.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá sí ag ól an uisce.,She is drinking the water.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Ní ach dul ar gcúl bheag é.,It's only a minor setback.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Ba mhúinteoir mé.,I was a teacher.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Cad atá ag cuir isteach ar Tom i ndáiríre?,What's really bothering Tom?,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Dúirt Tom nach raibh sé ag iarraidh bheith ag caint.,Tom said he didn't want to talk.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Codlaíonn smaointe glasa neamhdhaite go fíochmhar.,Colorless green ideas sleep furiously.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Ná bí déanach don cruinniú amárach.,Don't be late for the meeting tomorrow.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá fadhb acu.,They have a problem.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá plean acu.,They have a plan.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá páiste acu.,They have a kid.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá mac acu.,They have a son.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá teach deas acu.,They have a nice house.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá teach mór acu.,They have a large house.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn An bhfuil ríomhaire acu?,Do they have a computer?,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá gairdín mór acu.,They have a large garden.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá a fhios agam sin.,I know that.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Cad é a bhí tú a dhéanamh?,What were you doing?,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Ná caith cnámha ag an madra.,Don't throw bones to the dog!,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá aithne agam ar an gcailín sin.,I know that girl.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Ní maith liom an t-ainm sin.,I don't like that name.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá ort freagairt na ceisteanna seo.,You must answer these questions.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Bhí sin go hiontach.,That was brilliant.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá m'athair ag dul go dtí an tSín.,My father is going to China.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Cén náisiúntacht atá agat?,What's your nationality?,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tuigeann tú mé.,You understand me.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Ba ghnách linn dlúthchairde.,We used to be close friends.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Ni rud é a bhfuil fonn orm a dhéanamh.,It isn't something I want to do.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn An í sin eolaíocht i ndáiríre?,Is that really science?,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Bhí stoirm ann.,There was a storm.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Bhí sé grianmhar.,It was sunny.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Is Tuircis í mo mháthairtheanga.,My native language is Turkish.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Is mian liom a bheith ina haisteoir.,I want to be an actress.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Is cat Thomáis é.,This is Tom's cat.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá sin go hálainn.,That is beautiful.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Caithfidh mé a insint duit rud éigin.,I must tell you something.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Is maith liom an tSín.,I like China.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Labhraím leat.,I talk to you.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Is Cóiréach mé.,I am Korean.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Ba mhaith liom teileagram a sheoladh.,I want to send a telegram.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn John is ainm dom.,My name is John.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Is foclóir maith é seo.,This is a good dictionary.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Ba é seo mo smaoineamh.,This was my idea.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Táim i bPáras.,I am in Paris.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn D'ithinn pizza.,I used to eat pizza.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá mé i bPáras.,I'm in Paris.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá úll agat.,You have an apple.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Beidh coinne agam le m'iarleannán.,I'm going to have a date with my ex.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Ní Ceanadach mé.,I am not Canadian.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá mé tinn.,I am sick.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Ní insíonn sé bréag riamh.,He never lies.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn An Malaeisiach é?,Is he Malaysian?,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Bhí na páistí ag súgradh sa pháirc.,The children were playing in the park.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Ní Cóiréach é Chen.,Chen is not Korean.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Cén fáth a bhfuil siad anseo?,Why are they here?,gle_Latn-eng_Latn "Bhí triúr mac ag a mháthair, agus is é an mac is óige.","His mother had three sons, and he was the youngest.",gle_Latn-eng_Latn Cosnaíonn sé 2 euro.,It costs 2 euros.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Cén t-am a mbeidh sé anseo?,What time will he be here?,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Cá raibh tú aréir?,Where were you last night?,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Buailfidh mé leat amárach.,I'll meet you tomorrow.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Is Ramudu é.,He is Ramudu.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Is mian liom rud éigin a insint duit.,I want to tell you something.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Cén teach a gcónaíonn siad ann?,Which house do they live in?,gle_Latn-eng_Latn An tú féin atá ann?,Is that you?,gle_Latn-eng_Latn ’Sé an chaoi ar ghortaigh sé é féin.,He actually hurt himself.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Ab é an chaoi ar shiúil tú ón mbus?,Did you walk from the bus?,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Díoltar bláthanna ansin.,Flowers are sold there.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Cá bhfuil Máire?,Where is Mary?,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Labhraítear Fraincis san Eilvéis.,French is spoken in Switzerland.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Ní imrítear mórán sacair ansin.,Not much soccer is played there.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Leigheas sé an tinneas a bhí orm.,He cured my illness.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn An labhraítear Gearmáinis freisin?,Is German spoken too?,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Deirtear go mbíonn sé te anseo.,They say it's hot here.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Bhí bróga bán uirthi.,She had white shoes on.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Éiríonn siad go moch sa teach seo.,They get up early in this house.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Cad atá tú ag ithe?,What're you eating?,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Imreofar cártaí anocht.,There will be card-playing tonight.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Cén aois thú?,How old are you?,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Caithfear dul abhaile.,One must go home.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Gortaíodh Máire i dtimpiste.,Máire was injured in an accident.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Níor gortaíodh aon duine eile.,No one else was injured.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Briseadh an ghloine.,The glass got broken.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Freagraíodh an cheist.,The question was answered.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Ní bhfuarthas é.,It wasn't found.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn An bhfacthas í?,Was she seen?,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Díolaim seo leat.,I sell this to you.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá an madra go hálainn.,The dog is beautiful.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Sílim go ndeachthas ann.,I think that someone went there.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn An bhfuil Bulgáiris agat?,Do you speak Bulgarian?,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Nach rabhthas sásta?,Weren't they satisfied?,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Chuaigh Seán go dtí an siopa.,John went to the store.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Táthar saibhir anseo.,People are rich here.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Ba mhaith liom leabhar a scríobh.,I want to write a book.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn An bhfuiltear compordach? Níltear.,Are people comfortable? No.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Thrasnaigh siad an tAigéan Atlantach.,They crossed the Atlantic Ocean.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Rugadh i Meiriceá mé.,I was born in America.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Rugadh i Sasana í.,She was born in England.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Is féidir liom é a dhéanamh.,I can do it.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá bláthanna dearga aici.,She has red flowers.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Is féidir é sin a dhéanamh.,It can be done.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Ba cheart duit an obair a chríochnú.,You should finish the work.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Ba cheart an obair a chríochnú.,The work should be finished.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Teastaíonn níos mó uainn.,We need more.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Bhodlain an chusdra ghloca an bocar go steice agus tá sí ag curdeamh an bhocairin.,A glock coozdre has steckly boodled a boker and is curding a bokerlet.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Teastaíonn níos mó.,More is needed.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Chuir Tom an leabhar ar an deasc.,Tom laid the book on the desk.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn D’éirigh liom san obair.,I succeeded in the work.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Is snámhóir mé.,I'm a swimmer.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn D’éirigh leis an obair.,The work was successful.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá páirc álainn i lár an bhaile.,There is a beautiful park in the center of the town.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Cailleadh Séamas Mhicí Sheáin anuraidh.,Séamas Mhicí Sheáin died last year.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Is minic a mbíonn sé ag seinn ar an ngiotár.,He often plays the guitar.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Feictear dom go mbeidh siad mall.,It seems to me that they will be late.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Caitheadh sé go raibh lucht éisteachta mór ag an gceolchoirm.,There must have been a large audience at the concert.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Rugadh Caitríona in 1985.,Caitríona was born in 1985.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Táim i mo bhall den club leadóige.,I'm in the tennis club.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn An bhfuil Gaeilge agat?,Do you speak Irish?,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Ní chloisfear mórán ceoil sa teach ósta sin.,One won’t hear much music in that pub.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Cailleadh a hathair.,Her father died.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Bádh é.,He was drowned.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá an bhean ard ag éisteacht leis an gcapall donn.,The tall woman is listening to the brown horse.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Goideadh mo chuid airgid.,My money was stolen.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Marófar thú!,You’ll be killed!,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Gearrtar siar níos mó gach bliain.,They cut back more every year.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá lochán beag anseo.,There is a small pond here.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Níor cheart drochfhocail a rá.,One should not say bad words.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Nach ndearnadh rud ar bith faoi sin?,Was nothing done about that?,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tabharfar an tuarascáil duit nuair a scríobhfar í.,You’ll be given the report when it is written.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Ní réiteoidh an bunreacht nua fadhbanna na hÉigipte.,The new constitution will not solve the problems of Egypt.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Ní dhearna Tomás d'airgead é.,Tom didn't do it for money.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Ní maith liom í.,I don't like her.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Nílim go deas.,I'm not pretty.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá Gaeilge agam.,I speak Irish.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Níl Gaeilge agam.,I don't speak Irish.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Bhraith mé go breá.,I felt bad.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Léirigh sé conas a tharla an timpiste.,He explained how the accident came about.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Ní fhaca Tomás rud ar bith.,Tom saw nothing.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Cén fáth ar chóir do Tom Mary a fheiceáil?,Why should Tom want to see Mary?,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Ní dochtúir mé.,I'm not a doctor.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Ní comhtharlú é seo.,This is not a coincidence.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Dún an doras! Tá siorradh anseo!,Shut the door! There is a draught here!,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Ní raibh comhtharlú é.,It was not a coincidence.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Ní thuigim an dán seo.,I don’t understand this poem.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Bhí seisear mac ag monarc.,A monarch had six sons.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá feirm ag mo thuismitheoirí freisin.,My parents also have a farm.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Ceapaim go dtuigeann tú mé.,I think you understand me.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Caitheann sé go maith lena chuid fostaithe.,He treats his employees well.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá mó dheirfiúr álainn.,My sister is beautiful.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Chomhairligh an dochtúir leis gur fearr éirí as an deoch.,The doctor advised him to abstain from drinking.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn "Bhí an fear bocht sínte amach ar an talamh, gan aithne gan urlabhra.","The poor man was stretched out on the ground, unconscious.",gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá mo chuisle go tapaigh.,My pulse is fast.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Is madra mór é.,It is a big dog.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Ag Bríd atá an t-airgead.,Bríd has the money.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Is mo leabhar é seo.,This is my book.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Cheannaigh mé roinnt leabhair ón siopa leabhar.,I bought a few books from the bookstore.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Táim ag foghlaim Spáinnise.,I am learning Spanish.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Fuair Tomás léasadh teanga.,Tom received a tongue lashing.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Níl caife fágtha ann.,There's no coffee left.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá gach duine ar meisce.,Everyone is drunk.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá an t-uisce glas.,The water is green.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá sé an-fhuar inniu.,It's very cold today.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá cat ann.,There is a cat.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá buachaill ann.,There is a boy.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Thóg siad fál timpeall na feirme.,They built a fence around the farm.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá peann ann.,There is a pen.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn An mian leat leadóg a imirt linn?,Do you want to play tennis with us?,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Nach bhfuil tú sásta?,Aren't you satisfied?,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá bonn óir ann.,There is a gold coin.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá rós buí ann.,There is a yellow rose.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Feicfidh mé anocht sibh.,I'll see you tonight.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá forc ann.,There is a fork.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá spúnóg ann.,There is a spoon.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá scian ann.,There is a knife.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Níl uaim dul ar scoil.,I don't want to go to school!,gle_Latn-eng_Latn Tá gabhlóg anseo.,There is a fork here.,gle_Latn-eng_Latn O policía pitou ó coche para que parase.,The policeman whistled for the car to stop.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn "Ela non sabe o que quere, iso é o que importa.","She knows what she wants, that's what matters.",glg_Latn-eng_Latn Bon proveito!,Enjoy your meal!,glg_Latn-eng_Latn As localidades impuxeron prohibicións ó desenvolvemento.,Localities imposed bans on development.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Tom intentou reducir os seus gastos.,Tom tried to cut down on his expenses.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Non a coñezo e non coido querer coñecela.,I don't know her and I don't think I want to.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Naquela noite deixei a miña adealla baixo unha cunca de café que estaba do revés na mesa.,"That evening I left my tip under a coffee cup, which I left upside down on the table.",glg_Latn-eng_Latn Xa é tarde.,It's already late.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn "Ás veces, as preguntas provennos con máis información que as respostas.","Sometimes, questions provide us with more information than answers.",glg_Latn-eng_Latn Foi testemuña do accidente de camiño á escola.,He witnessed the accident on his way to school.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Pensei que poderías axudarme.,I thought you could help me.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn El ten oito anos máis ca ti.,He is older than you by eight years.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn O característico pelo rizo da señora Tanaka estaba de punta tras a súa orella.,Mrs Tanaka's characteristic curly hair was sticking up behind her ear.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Eu vivo en Luxemburgo.,I live in Luxembourg.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Non esperara demasiado antes de que aparecese.,I had not waited long before he appeared.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Ela se agachou ao lado do portão.,She crouched down by the gate.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Este ano tivemos máis neve có ano pasado.,This year we had more snow than last year.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn "O Xapón aínda non é suficientemente comprendido por outros países, e os xaponeses, así mesmo, encontran os estranxeiros difíciles de comprender.","Yet Japan is still not sufficiently understood by other countries, and the Japanese, likewise, find foreigners difficult to understand.",glg_Latn-eng_Latn Estou camiñando por un parque.,I'm taking a walk in a park.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn "Non tiña nada que dicir, polo tanto marchou.","He had nothing to say, so he left.",glg_Latn-eng_Latn Tom toca nun club de jazz tres noites a semana.,Tom performs in a jazz club three nights a week.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Miña nai púxose a coser.,Mother busied herself with sewing.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Arranxareino con el.,I'll fix it up with him.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn "Por favor, permanezan de pé.",Please remain standing.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn "Podo entender o español escrito, pero o español na fala sóame a chinés.",I can understand written Spanish just a little but spoken Spanish is Greek to me.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Esta novela é tan fácil que mesmo un cativo pode lela.,This novel is so easy that even a child can read it.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn A biblioteca ten oitenta anos.,The library is eighty years old.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Tom aínda non sabe nadar.,Tom can't swim yet.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Colleuno a policía.,The police have caught him.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Préstache o pelo curto.,You look nice with your hair short.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Tal problema é difícil de tratar.,Such a problem is hard to deal with.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Que sería a vida sen esperanza?,What would life be without hope?,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Chamamos o noso can Pochi.,We call our dog Pochi.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Esto é unha tolería.,This is insane.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Adoita vir tarde.,He often comes late.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Un novo ano sempre trae esperanza.,A new year always brings hope.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Hai un gran número de incendios forestais en América.,There are a great many forest fires in America.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Para levar ou para comer aquí?,"For here, or to go?",glg_Latn-eng_Latn "Susan, a irmá de Xoán, é moi intelixente.","Susan, Juan's sister, is very intelligent.",glg_Latn-eng_Latn Tivo a sorte de casar cunha rapaza linda.,He had the good fortune to marry a pretty girl.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Heime constipado e teño febre.,"I caught a cold, and I have a fever.",glg_Latn-eng_Latn O seu crime merecía a pena de morte.,His crime deserved the death penalty.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn No outono a lúa é bonita.,The moon is beautiful in fall.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Teño sede.,I am thirsty.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Estou cansa.,I am tired.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Levo xersei porque teño frío.,I'm wearing a sweater because I'm cold.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Se vou á festa levarei unhas botellas de viño.,"If I go to the party, I'll take some bottles of wine.",glg_Latn-eng_Latn "Se ela espera que lle dean cinco días pagados de permiso no traballo, vaise a levar un chasco.","If she expects them to give her five days off work with pay, she's going to be disappointed.",glg_Latn-eng_Latn "Se a dor segue, ten que ir ao médico.",If the pain continues you have to go to the doctor.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Se temos problemas de cartos sempre podemos botar man dos nosos aforros.,If we have money problems we can always dip into our savings.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn "Se se dá présa, aínda poderá facturar a equipaxe e subir ao avión.","If you hurry, you can grant your luggage and get into the plane.",glg_Latn-eng_Latn "Se segues bebendo así, estarás bébedo moi pronto.","If you keep on drinking like that, you'll be drunk very soon.",glg_Latn-eng_Latn "Se necesita algo, pídello á camareira.","If you need anything, ask the chambermaid.",glg_Latn-eng_Latn Se me pagas a entrada quedamos en paz.,If you pay for my ticket then we will be quits.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn En moitos lugares os cegos venden billetes de lotería.,In many places blind persons sell lottery tickets.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Na miña casa é a miña nai a que manda.,In my house it's my mother who's the boss.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Nun ano hai doce meses.,In one year there are twelve months.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Pola noite adoito estudar matemáticas.,I usually study math in the evening.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Pola mañá escribo no parque.,"In the morning, I write in the park.",glg_Latn-eng_Latn O teclado suízo non ten o ß.,The Swiss keyboard doesn't have a ß.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn No verán levo camisolas de mangas curtas.,In the summer I wear short-sleeved shirts.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn A cea está lista?,Is dinner ready?,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Vai en hora o voo vinte e tres?.,Is flight 23 on time?,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Sempre fai un tempo tan horrible en abril?.,Is it always so awful in April?,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Hai quen desfruta da soidade.,Some people enjoy solitude.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn É certo que virá mañá?,Is it certain that he will come tomorrow?,glg_Latn-eng_Latn É correcto dicilo así?,Is it correct to say it like this?,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Fai vento?,Is it windy?,glg_Latn-eng_Latn O museo de arte está por aquí?,Is the museum of art around here?,glg_Latn-eng_Latn "Oh, a luz apagouse.","Oh, the lights went out.",glg_Latn-eng_Latn "Se chove mañá, quedareime en casa.","If it rains tomorrow, I'll just stay at home.",glg_Latn-eng_Latn A comida de aquí non é moi boa.,The food isn't very good here.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn O uranio ten que ser enriquecido antes de que poida ser utilizado en armas nucleares.,Uranium has to be enriched before it can be used in nuclear weapons.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn "Linux é un sistema operativo gratis, deberías probalo.",Linux is a free operating system; you should try it.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn A miúdo uso SSH para ter acceso remoto ao meu computador.,I often use SSH to access my computers remotely.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn A maioría dos desenvolvedores detestan depurar código; é máis entretido crear erros que corrixilos.,Most developers hate debugging; it's more fun to create bugs than to correct them.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Teño que configurar este servidor cun apropiado sistema de devasa.,I need to configure this server with an appropriate firewall system.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Cando volviches de Alemaña?,When did you come back from Germany?,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Temos poucos cartos.,We ran short of money.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn O xerente ten moitos problemas.,The manager has many problems.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn O leite ten un sabor agre.,The milk tastes sour.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Esta porta permite acceder ao xardín.,This gate allows access to the garden.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Cal é o río máis longo do mundo?,What is the longest river in the world?,glg_Latn-eng_Latn A que hora ides traballar?,What time do you go to work?,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Quen es ?,Who are you?,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Estabamos todos excitados polo resultado da experiencia.,All of us were excited with the result of the experiment.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Eu durmo na miña habitación.,I sleep in my room.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Debemos abolir a pena de morte.,We should abolish the death penalty.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Cal é a lingua falada en México?,What is the language spoken in Mexico?,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Previmos que chegariamos a ese lugar no prazo de dúas semanas.,We calculated that we could reach the place within two weeks.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn O paxaro mergullou a cabeza na auga.,The bird dipped its head into the water.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Por que estás a chorar?,Why are you crying?,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Eu estiven en Barato.,I have been to India.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Esta ponte está en Nova York.,This bridge is in New York.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Mais sei cociñar ben.,But I am able to cook well.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn El é máis alto ca min.,He's taller than me.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Roubáronme o pasaporte.,Someone stole my passport.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Tom desbotou o ofrecemento de Mary.,Tom declined Mary's offer.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Non son canadiense.,I am not Canadian.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn "En rematando co libro, volve pólo onde o atopaches.","When you're done with the book, put it back where you found it.",glg_Latn-eng_Latn Atópaste mal?,Do you feel sick?,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Podo convencerte facilmente da súa inocencia.,I can easily convince you of his innocence.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Ningunha muller mercaría iso.,No women would buy that.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn O saber fainos libres e mellores.,Knowledge sets us free and makes us better people.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn "Cando me viu, botou a correr.","When he saw me, he ran away.",glg_Latn-eng_Latn "A boa fame, non hai pan duro.",Hunger is the best cook.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn A pena de morte foi suprimida o ano pasado.,The death penalty was done away with last year.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Fumar non é ben para a saúde.,Smoking is not good for the health.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn A miña cámara pode gravar vídeos de alta definición.,My camera can shoot high-definition video.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Atopeime cun lobo nun soño.,I met a wolf in a dream.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Ninguén o admira máis ca min.,No one admires him more than I do.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Gústame ir ver xogos de béisbol.,I like to go and watch baseball games.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Os alumnos desobedeceron ó seu profesor.,The pupils disobeyed their teacher.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Ha chover axiña. Mira aquelas nubes escuras.,It's going to rain. Look at those dark clouds.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Fixemos amizade con eles.,We made friends with them.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn "Están a meter moito barullo, non me podo concentrar.",They're making too much noise. I can't concentrate.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Tatoeba é cultura.,Tatoeba is culture.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Ela está tan fermosa coma sempre.,She is as beautiful as ever.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn O amor é o milagre da civilización.,Love is the miracle of civilization.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn "Por favor, agarda por min na estación.",Please wait for me at the station.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Eu nacín en Osaca.,I was born in Osaka.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Este dereito non poderá ser invocado contra unha acción xudicial realmente orixinada por delitos comúns ou por actos contrarios aos propósitos e principios das Nacións Unidas.,This right may not be invoked in the case of prosecutions genuinely arising from non-political crimes or from acts contrary to the purposes and principles of the United Nations.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Imaxine que ten vostede unha esposa.,Imagine that you have a wife.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Alí non hai nada.,There's nothing there.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Súa nai vive soa no campo.,Her mother lives in the country all by herself.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn O experto en aviación analizou as estatísticas polo miúdo.,The aviation expert analyzed the statistics in detail.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Mellor irmos a outra sala. Eles escoitaríannos facilmente aquí.,We should better go to another room. They'd easily hear us here.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Tom non fixo ningún intento para responder á cuestión.,Tom made no attempt to answer the question.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Agora eu son libre.,I'm free now.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Estou famento porque non almorcei.,I'm hungry because I haven't had lunch.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Estades ocupados mañá pola tarde?,Are you busy tomorrow afternoon?,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Dous xeados de vainilla por favor.,Two vanilla ice creams please.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Ela atopábase coma se vise unha pantasma.,She felt as if she had seen a ghost.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Tom precisa tomar un día de descanso.,Tom needs to take a day off.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Tereino en conta.,I'll keep it in mind.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Non ve o bosque tralas árbores.,The trees don't let him see the forest.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Foi Marie Curie quen descubriu o radio.,It was Marie Curie who discovered radium.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn "Se chove, esta noite non vou saír.","If it is raining, I won't go out tonight.",glg_Latn-eng_Latn Hai cartas ou mensaxes pra min?,Have I any letters or messages?,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Deixao.,Just leave it.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn "El tentou deixa-lo tabaco, pero foi inútil.",He tried to give up smoking but in vain.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Podo axudarte dalgunha maneira?,Can I help in any way?,glg_Latn-eng_Latn O corvo considérase paxaro de mal agoiro.,The raven is regarded a bird of bad omen.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Un ano ten doce meses.,A year has twelve months.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Esta é a rapaza cuxo pai é doutor.,That is the girl whose father is a doctor.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Ela viviu soa desde que morreu o seu home.,She has lived alone ever since her husband died.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn El repousa no sofá.,He is lying on the sofa.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Non me retruques.,Don't answer me back.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn "Hai a quen lle gusta o béisbol, e a quen lle gusta o fútbol.","Some people like baseball, others like soccer.",glg_Latn-eng_Latn Non está clara a diferenza entrámbalas dúas versións.,The difference between the two versions isn't clear.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn As dúas irmás sempre pelexaban entre elas.,The two sisters were always quarreling with each other.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn As lentes de sol custan vinte euros.,The sunglasses cost twenty euros.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn "A bo entendedor, poucas palabras.",A word is enough to a wise man.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn O amor comeza a xurdir entrámbolos dous.,Love begins to emerge between the two.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Entre os convidados á festa había dúas mulleres estranxeiras.,Among the guests invited to the party were two foreign ladies.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn "De tal pao, tal racha.","Like father, like son.",glg_Latn-eng_Latn Tom vive so no bosque.,Tom lives by himself in the woods.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Miles de familias quedaron sen fogar.,Thousands of families were left homeless.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn "¡Zapateiro, aos teus zapatos!","Cobbler, keep to thy last!",glg_Latn-eng_Latn Existen 340 especies de colibrís.,There are 340 species of hummingbirds.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn "Tódolos seres humanos nacen libres e iguais en dignidade e dereitos e, dotados como están de razón e conciencia, deben de se comportar fraternalmente os uns cos outros.",All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Fuches capaz de facer todo o que querías?,Were you able to do everything you wanted to get done?,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Despois da tempestade vén a calma.,Every cloud has a silver lining.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Algún día has saber a verdade.,You will know the truth some day.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Estiven levantado ata moi tarde a noite pasada.,I stayed up till very late last night.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn "Toda persoa ten dereito a un nivel de vida axeitado que lle asegure, así como á súa familia, a saúde e o benestar, e en especial a alimentación, o vestido, a vivenda, a asistencia médica e os servizos sociais precisos; teñen así mesmo dereito aos seguros en caso de desemprego, enfermidade, invalidez, viuvez, vellez ou outros casos de pérdida dos seus medios de subsistencia por circunstancias independentes da súa vontade.","Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family, including food, clothing, housing and medical care and necessary social services, and the right to security in the event of unemployment, sickness, disability, widowhood, old age or other lack of livelihood in circumstances beyond his control.",glg_Latn-eng_Latn Os homes e as mulleres necesítanse os uns aos outros.,Men and women need each other.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Non foi miña culpa.,It wasn't my fault.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Hai un gato na cociña.,There is a cat in the kitchen.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Entre gustos non hai disputas.,There's no point in arguing over tastes.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Debes ir ao traballo.,You should go to work.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Estou tremendo de medo.,I'm trembling out of fear.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Quen está xa esperto?,Who is already awake?,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Ken prendeu as candeas.,Ken lit the candles.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn "Cando collín o meniño no colo, este comezou a chorar.","The moment I held the baby in my arms, it began to cry.",glg_Latn-eng_Latn Ámbolos dous son bos profesores.,They are both good teachers.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Ela colleu o seu bebé no colo.,She clutched her baby in her arms.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn El estaba sentado no chan.,He was sitting on the floor.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Collamos o tren.,Let's take a train.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Oxalá eu fose máis novo.,I wish I were younger.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Bótote de menos.,I miss you.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn "A palabra ""esperanto"" significa ""aquel que espera"". Foi o sobrenome do creador da lingua internacional.","The word ""esperanto"" means ""one who hopes"". It was the pseudonym of the creator of the international language.",glg_Latn-eng_Latn Pero non creo que sexa estraño de todo.,But I don't think it's strange at all.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Xúpiter é o maior planeta do sistema solar.,Jupiter is the most massive planet in the solar system.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn "Investir en educación é, sen dúbida, o único xeito eficaz de tirar un país da pobreza.",Investment in education is undoubtedly the only effective way to bring a country out of poverty.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Fai un pouco de frío hoxe.,It is a little cool today.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Falas comigo?,Are you talking to me?,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Acontece que el vira unha bolboreta rara.,He happened to catch sight of a rare butterfly.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Eu non lle dixera nada.,I haven't told him anything.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn O parque estaba ateigado de xente.,The park was full of people.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Canto custa o quilo de piña?,How much is the kilo of pineapple?,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Ela falou coma se fose a miña nai.,She talked as if she were my mother.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Quero ver a meu pai.,I would like to see my father.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Decidiron elixilo como presidente.,They agreed to elect him as president.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Hai dous meses que cheguei a Toquio.,It has been two months since my arrival in Tokyo.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn "Por favor, sé máis coidadoso no futuro.",Please take more care in the future.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Debemos manter esta información en segredo polo momento.,We should keep this information under wraps for the time being.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn O meu reloxo foi roubado.,My watch has been stolen.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Ela levantou a man.,She raised her hand.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn "Cristobal Colón pediu que se lle adicara unha ""Semana de Colón"" enteira para celebrar a súa gloria, pero ao final só obtivo un día e só nos Estados Unidos.","Christopher Columbus demanded that an entire ""Columbus Week"" be set aside to celebrate his glory, but in the end only got a day, and only in America.",glg_Latn-eng_Latn Onte á noite choveu moito.,We had a heavy rain last night.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Non pode estar máis canso.,I couldn't be any more tired.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn O can mordeume a man.,The dog bit me in the hand.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn O meu avó está moi san.,My grandfather is very healthy.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Cantas horas de sono precisas?,How many hours of sleep do you need?,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Fai moito frío.,It's very cold.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Non quero volver a verte xamáis.,I never want to see you again.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Esa ponte é moi bonita.,That bridge is very beautiful.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn El tiña un paquete debaixo do brazo.,He held a package under his arm.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Anne estaba a piques de saír de casa cando o teléfono comezou a soar.,Anne was just about to leave the house when the phone began ringing.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Convidoume á festa.,He invited me to the party.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Teño dous irmáns e tres irmás.,I have two brothers and three sisters.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn "Penso, polo tanto existo.","I think, therefore I am.",glg_Latn-eng_Latn Tes Facebook?,Are you on Facebook?,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Vírono saír da casa.,He was seen to come out of the house.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn O negro vaiche ben.,Black suits you.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Resolvín ser médica.,I made up my mind to be a doctor.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn "Despois de botaren catro anos na cadea, ceibáronos por boa conduta.","After spending four years in jail, he was set free for good behaviour.",glg_Latn-eng_Latn Non teño ganas de ver a tele esta noite.,I don't feel like watching TV tonight.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Por que non tes familia?,Why don't you have a family?,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Concentrábase na aprendizaxe de preposicións.,He concentrated on his study of prepositions.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn As súas bromas facían escarallarnos de risa.,His jokes had us in stitches.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Axudou a mellorar as condicións de vida dos traballadores.,He helped to ameliorate the living conditions of working men.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn A ela gústanlle estes gatos.,She likes these cats.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Almorcei ás 7:30.,I had breakfast at 7:30.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Contou as súas historias dunha forma moi inusual.,He told his stories in a very unusual way.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Non me insultes diante doutros.,Don't insult me in company.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Cada un dos seus fillos ten a súa propia habitación.,Each of his children has his own room.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Tráeme algo de auga fría.,Bring me some cold water.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Os empregados ameazaron cunha folga para protexer os beneficios dos traballadores.,Employees threatened a strike to protect worker benefits.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Traballas esta noite?,Are you working tonight?,glg_Latn-eng_Latn En moitos lugares a natureza está ameazada polas actividades humanas.,"In many places, nature is threatened by human activity.",glg_Latn-eng_Latn Sería mellor que te asegurases de que está na casa antes de chamalo.,You had better make sure that he is at home before you call on him.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Daquela temos un problema...,Then there is a problem...,glg_Latn-eng_Latn A nosa filla é rubia mentres que nós os dous temos o pelo louro.,Our daughter has red hair while both of us have blonde hair.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Non podes vivir sen osíxeno.,You can't live without oxygen.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn "Canto máis comas, máis gordo te has pór.","The more you eat, the fatter you'll get.",glg_Latn-eng_Latn Non sei que hora é.,I don't know what time it is.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn "Se ves un erro, entón corríxeo, por favor.","If you see a mistake, then please correct it.",glg_Latn-eng_Latn A túa habitación é o dobre de grande cá miña.,Your room is twice the size of mine.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Vai nevar hoxe á noite?,Is it going to snow tonight?,glg_Latn-eng_Latn A sorte está na miña contra.,Luck is against me.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Os soldados resistiron o ataque do inimigo.,The soldiers resisted the enemy attack.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Prefiro a natación ao esquí.,I prefer swimming to skiing.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Xacando adicábase á música.,He devoted himself to music in those days.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Daquela ninguén vivía na illa.,No one lived on the island at that time.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn "Nada máis chegar á aldea, foi dereito a vela.","On arriving in the town, he went straight to see her.",glg_Latn-eng_Latn Vexo o neno.,I see the boy.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Onde vives?,Where do you live?,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Sae un bo lume deste carbón.,There is good fire from this coal.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Que comiches no almorzo?,What did you eat for breakfast?,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Son moi sensíbel á calor.,I am very sensitive to heat.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Quedarei aquí uns días.,I am going to stay here for a couple of days.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Quéntame.,Warm me up.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn O coche en fronte de min é de Karam.,The car that's in front of me is Karam's.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Non teño nada en particular que facer mañá.,I have nothing in particular to do tomorrow.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn A iakuza estivo a atormentar a Hiroshi.,The yakuza were tormenting Hiroshi.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Vivimos nunha cidade fermosa.,We live in a beautiful city.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Ela é atractiva cando se viste de blanco.,She is attractive when she is dressed in white.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Hai cinco anos que viñeron do Xapón.,It is five years since they came to Japan.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Non se debe poñer o carro diante dos bois.,Don't put the cart before the horse.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Non te quero mancar.,I don't want to hurt you.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn "Agarde a súa vez, por favor.","Wait for your turn, please.",glg_Latn-eng_Latn Ela rexeitou a miña petición.,She turned down my request.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Axudareite despois do traballo se non estou demasiado baldado.,I'll help you after work if I'm not too tired.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn É a nosa obriga axudarlles.,It is our duty to help them.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Tom foi condenado e sentenciado a morte.,Tom was convicted and sentenced to death.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Estabamos cociñando tempura naquel momento.,We were cooking tempura at that time.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Os famentos paxaros estaban a comer do alimentador para páxaros.,The hungry birds were eating from the bird feeder.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Non esquezas pega-lo selo na carta.,Don't forget to put a stamp on your letter.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Non sei se aínda o teño.,I don't know if I still have it.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Nunca te esquecerei.,I'll never forget you.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Sempre estamos expostos a algún tipo de perigo.,We are always exposed to some kind of danger.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Mamá é maior ca papá.,Mom is older than Dad.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn O parecer non é querer nin é ser.,Looks can be deceiving.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Ela non distingue entre o correcto e o incorrecto.,She can't tell right from wrong.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn El sempre di a verdade.,He always tells the truth.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn "Se tivese cartos abondos, podería mercar este libro.","If I had enough money, I could buy this book.",glg_Latn-eng_Latn El non é intelixente abondo como para contar de cabeza.,He doesn't have enough brains to do sums in his head.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Non son médico.,I'm not a doctor.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn El sabe moito das bolboretas.,He knows a lot about butterflies.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Algunhas persoas coidan que o goberno ten poder de máis.,Some people think the government has way too much power.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Non hai mal que cen anos dure.,Everything has an end.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Non deixes para mañá o que poidas facer hoxe.,Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn "En varios países europeos, a divisa actual é o euro e o seu símbolo é ""€"" e o euro é a división da lira turca entre dous.","In several European countries, the current currency is the euro. Its symbol is €. One euro is worth about two Turkish lira.",glg_Latn-eng_Latn Puxo unha gorra na cabeza.,He put a cap on his head.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn É case un milagre.,It's almost a miracle.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn "Como a estrada está húmida esta mañá, debeu chover esta noite.","Since the road is wet this morning, it must have rained last night.",glg_Latn-eng_Latn É difícil contestar a túa pregunta.,Your question is hard to answer.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Que tal se me promoves de só amigo a noivo?,How about giving me a promotion from just-a-friend to boyfriend?,glg_Latn-eng_Latn El tiña prexuízos en contra das mulleres que conducen.,He was prejudiced against women drivers.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn "Mal de moitos, consolo de parvos.",Two in distress make sorrow less.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Es un rañas.,You are a mean person.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn O exceso de bebida é unha das causas de impotencia.,Excessive drinking is one of the causes of impotence.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Encántame o polo.,I love chicken.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Un verdadeiro amigo teríache advertido.,A true friend would advise you.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Acabo de estar no aeroporto para despedirme del.,I have just been to the airport to see him off.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Veu dunha das familias máis ricas de América.,He came from one of the richest families in America.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Non sae auga da ducha.,Water is not coming out of the shower.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Insistiu en que fosemos.,She insisted on us going.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn A felicidade é unha flor delicada.,Happiness is a feeble flower.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn É bo ler bos libros cando un é novo.,It's a good thing to read good books when you are young.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Canto diñeiro tes aforrado?,How much money do you have saved up?,glg_Latn-eng_Latn A madeira quéimase doadamente.,Wood burns easily.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn "Non te me achegues demasiado ao estanque, non vaias caír nel.",Don't go too close to the pond so that you won't fall in.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Non te me vaias sen despedirte.,Don't go off without saying good-by.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Ampliouse o ximnasio da escola.,The school gymnasium was enlarged.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn "Sabes nadar, non si?","You can swim, can't you?",glg_Latn-eng_Latn Feliz Día Internacional da Muller!,Happy International Women's Day!,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Non sexas tímido.,Don't be shy.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Estou tan canso!,I'm so tired!,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Son un covarde coas cascudas.,I'm a coward when it comes to cockroaches.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Tom non podía identificar o problema.,Tom couldn't identify what was wrong.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Canto custan dez pratos de papel?,How much do ten paper plates cost?,glg_Latn-eng_Latn O xílgaro é un paxaro moi interesante.,The goldfinch is a very interesting bird.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn O meu orgullo impediume pedirlle prestado diñeiro.,My pride prevented me from borrowing money from him.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Estás seguro do prezo dese coche?,Are you sure about the cost of that car?,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Deixamos África para sempre.,We left Africa forever.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Becho malo nunca morre.,Ill weeds grow apace.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Dise que o alcalde acepta subornos.,It's said that the mayor is on the take.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Tivo éxito non polo seu talento senón en virtude dos seus constantes esforzos.,He has succeeded by virtue of his constant efforts rather than his talent.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Correr é bo para a saúde.,Running is good for the health.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn A fantasma de Cock Lane é un conto de fantasmas inglés do século 18.,The Ghost of Cock Lane is an English ghost story from the 18th century.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Bo nadal!,Have a good Christmas.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn "Forma parte da actividade, non polos cartos, senón por aprender da experiencia.",Take part in the activity not for money but for learning through experience.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Pasámolo de marabilla.,We had a glorious time.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn El pinchou unha árbore no seu xardín.,He cut down a tree in his garden.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn As gaivotas están a voar baixo.,The sea gulls are flying low.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Só che restan dez segundos de vida.,You have only ten seconds left to live.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Meu irmán fala demasiado.,My brother talks too much.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Non cheiras algo estraño?,"It smells weird, doesn't it?",glg_Latn-eng_Latn "Antes de nada, aprende a fórmula de memoria.","First of all, learn the formula by heart.",glg_Latn-eng_Latn Non vou aturar ningunha desas mentiras.,I am not having any of those lies.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Non hai por que ter medo.,There's no reason to be afraid.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Tom sabe que non vai ser quen de ir a Boston con Mary.,Tom knew that he wouldn't be able to go to Boston with Mary.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Hai persoas abafadas polas débedas.,There are people drowning in debt.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Estou a estudar.,I am studying.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn O rapaz case afogou.,The boy was almost drowned.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn O asasino asfixiou a súa vítima cunha almofada.,The assassin smothered his victim with a pillow.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Dóeme a gorxa.,I have a sore throat.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Por que che gusta tanto Boston?,Why do you like Boston so much?,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Hoxe quedo na casa.,I'll stay in the house today.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Cómpre facer sempre todo o posíbel.,You should always do your best.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn "Non puiden ir aí, porque a miña nai estaba enferma.","Because my mother was ill, I could not go there.",glg_Latn-eng_Latn Lémbroo ben.,I remember him well.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn O tren viaxa a unha velocidade de 50 millas por hora.,The train is traveling at the rate of 50 miles an hour.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn "Se vén, dille que agarde por min.","If he comes, tell him to wait for me.",glg_Latn-eng_Latn Érgome ás seis e media.,I get up at 6:30.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Só restan dúas semanas para o Nadal.,Christmas is just two weeks from now.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Adoita ir ó McDonalds.,He usually goes to McDonald's.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Está a chover?,Is it raining?,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Mirou ao ceo.,He looked up at the sky.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Gozou desas visitas.,He enjoyed those visits.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Sorpréndeme.,It surprises me.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Non podes diferenciar entre fantasía e realidade?,Can't you divorce fantasy from reality?,glg_Latn-eng_Latn "Xa que logo, cómpre diminuír os custos.","Therefore, it is necessary to reduce the cost.",glg_Latn-eng_Latn Están cociñando agora.,They're cooking now.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Estou coniñando agora.,I'm cooking now.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn El está cociñando agora.,He's cooking now.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Ela está cociñando agora.,She's cooking now.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Eles len un libro.,They're reading a book.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Por que non entras?,Why don't you come in?,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Os paxaros son vermellos.,The birds are red.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Vou a pé.,I go on foot.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn A Melanie gústalle comer pizza.,Melanie likes eating pizza.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Ela é unha boa estudante.,She is a good student.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Isto dáme forzas para continuar.,This gives me the strength to go on.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Podes confiar en nós.,You can trust us.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Que che fai sorrir?,What makes you smile?,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Que teño que dicirle a Tom agora?,What should I tell Tom now?,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Os gatos parecen moi contentos.,The cats seem very happy.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Podes facer todo o que queiras.,You may do whatever you want.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Mary marchou xa á súa viaxe.,Mary has already left on her trip.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Os xogos de azar son legais en Nevada.,Gambling is legal in Nevada.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn "Segundo a predición meteorolóxica, a tempada de choiva comeza a vindeira semana.","According to the weather report, the rainy season will start next week.",glg_Latn-eng_Latn Non vin o accidente.,I didn't see the accident.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Queres que abra a caixa?,Do you want me to open the box?,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Tom era o noso heroe.,Tom was our hero.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Adoitaba facer moitos esforzos para obter todo sobresaíntes.,He used to try very hard to get straight As.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn "Non hai regra algunha, pero existen excepcións.","There is no rule, but there are some exceptions.",glg_Latn-eng_Latn "Estes non son peixes, senón mamíferos.",These aren't fish but mammals.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Preocúpaste demasiado polo teu peso.,You worry too much about your weight.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn A morte de Ronnie James Dio entristeceume moito.,Ronnie James Dio's death made me very sad.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Onde se atopa a rapaza?,Where's the girl?,glg_Latn-eng_Latn A árbore é verde.,The tree is green.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Tes talles máis pequenos?,Do you have smaller sizes?,glg_Latn-eng_Latn "Cando medre, quero ensinar historia.",I want to teach history when I grow up.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Encántame a comida italiana.,I love Italian food.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Eu prefiriría coller un taxi que camiñar.,I'd rather take a taxi than walk.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Non os coñezo.,I don't know you guys.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Cóntame como solucionaches o problema.,Tell me how you solved the problem.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn "Papá estaba na súa oficina, debaixo do noso piso.","Daddy was in his office, under our flat.",glg_Latn-eng_Latn A miúdo dícese que o xaponés é un idioma difícil de aprender.,Japanese is often said to be a difficult language to learn.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Van construír un novo hotel aquí o vindeiro ano.,A new hotel will be built here next year.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Esas fotos son dela.,Those photos are hers.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Este bus pode levar cincuenta pasaxeiros.,This bus can carry fifty passengers.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Preciso as chaves.,I need the keys.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn O espertador espertou a Mayuko.,The alarm woke up Mayuko.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Non quero pór sucias as mans.,I don't want to get my hands dirty.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Son estudante universitario e quero aprender moito.,I am a university student and I want to learn a lot.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Quero verte no teu despacho en media hora.,I want to see you in your office in half an hour.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Tom dixo que non quería nada.,Tom said he didn't want anything.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Iso é o que dixéches o ano pasado.,That's what you said last year.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Vostede ten irmáns?,Do you have any brothers?,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Estou pensando en mandalo traducir ao inglés.,I am thinking of getting it translated into English.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn O té está tan quente que non podo bebelo.,The tea is so hot that I cannot drink it.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn "Hai poucos, se algún, homes así.","There are few, if any, such men.",glg_Latn-eng_Latn Tendes algo que ver con este grupo?,Do you have something to do with this group?,glg_Latn-eng_Latn El baixou na seguinte estación.,He got off at the next station.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Teño un problema co meu coche.,I have a problem with my car.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Tom poderá optar a liberdade condicional en cinco anos.,Tom will be eligible for parole in five years.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Tom ha poder axiña conducir un coche.,Tom will be able to drive a car soon.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn "¿Teño que facturar esta equipaxe, ou podo levala na man?","Do I have to check this luggage, or can it be carry-on?",glg_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Viches ese filme?,Did you ever see that movie?,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Cada prezo ten a súa razón de ser.,Each price has its reason.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Espero que non se sente ninguén diante de nós.,I hope no one sits in front of us.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Ela está relacionada con el mediante matrimonio.,She is related to him by marriage.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn A primeira muller espida que vin foi nunha revista de National Geographic.,The first naked woman I saw was in a National Geographic magazine.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Quero descubrir a orixe deste rumor irresponsable.,I want to find out the source of this irresponsible rumor.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Non teño ganas de estudar hoxe inglés.,I don't feel like studying English today.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Non tes que chamarme.,You need not have called me.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn "Se o tempo o permite, visitarei o museo.","If time permits, I'll visit the museum.",glg_Latn-eng_Latn Case acertas.,You're almost right.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn "Sam, que estás a facer?","Sam, what are you doing?",glg_Latn-eng_Latn debeu de chover esta noite; a rúa está mollada.,It must have rained during the night; the road is wet.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Escoita e cala!,Be quiet and listen!,glg_Latn-eng_Latn O vento levou o meu sombreiro.,I had my hat blown off by the wind.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn ¡Din que nos vai chover!,They say we're going to get rain!,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Recibámolo cun gran sorriso.,Let's receive him with a happy smile.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Sinto que nos deixes.,I'm sorry you're leaving us.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Os paxaros voan.,The birds fly.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Eles esqueceron pecha-la porta con chave.,They forgot to lock the door.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Poida que chovera unha chisca onte á noite.,It may have rained a little last night.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Axiña que o viu chiscoulle un ollo e fíxolle sinais para que quedase con ela.,She winked at him as soon as she saw him and signed for him to stay with her.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn El non puido facer iso só.,He cannot have done it by himself.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn As leis da herdanza adoitan ser complexas.,"Usually, inheritance laws are complex.",glg_Latn-eng_Latn Ela reclama o herdo.,She claims the inheritance.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Non sei onde están.,I don't know where they are.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Tatoeba é unha ferramenta que pode empregar cos alumnos na clase.,"Tatoeba is a tool, which can be used with students in class.",glg_Latn-eng_Latn O problema é que estes días ando algo escaso de cartos.,The trouble is that I am short of money these days.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Es tan intelixente!,You are so smart!,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Gústame traballar.,I like to work.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Procurei algo no meu gardarroupa pra me poñer.,I looked in my closet for something to wear.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn As lembranzas que teño dela comezaron a esvaecerse.,My memory of her has begun to recede.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn As lembranzas que tiña dela comezaban esvaecerse.,She had begun to recede in my memory.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Isto non é unha frase.,This is not a sentence.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn O urdú é a miña lingua materna.,Urdu is my mother tongue.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Os seus zapatos son marróns.,His shoes are brown.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Dádeme un trisco de xiz.,Give me a piece of chalk.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Cresme?,Do you believe me?,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Que feliz estou hoxe!,How happy I am today!,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Cando o podo chamar?,When can I call you?,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Comprei unha botella de cervexa na tenda de licores.,I bought a bottle of beer at the liquor store.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Non leves máis cartos dos que precises.,Don't carry more money than you need.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Sei que vas dizer nom.,I know you're going to say no.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Interésame a historia de Asia.,I am interested in Asian history.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Non é tan intelixente coma o seu irmán.,He is not as intelligent as his brother.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Non obstante é un fastío ordenar o cuarto.,"However, it's a pain putting the room in order.",glg_Latn-eng_Latn Chámoa todos os días.,I call her up every day.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn A aguia está a piques de aterrar.,The eagle is about to land.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Tom quere mudarse a Boston.,Tom wants to move to Boston.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Quero que o mundo enteiro teña a oportunidade de ser capaz de facer o que queira.,I want the whole world to have the opportunity to be able to do what it wants.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn "Ela saíu hai nada da universidade, así que non ten experiencia.","She is fresh from college, so she has no experience.",glg_Latn-eng_Latn O raparigo agachou as orellas sen dicir nada.,The little boy hung his head and said nothing.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn A guerra durou dous anos.,The war lasted two years.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Afeccionados pelexaron uns cos outros despois do partido de fútbol.,Supporters fought with each other after the football match.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Burj Khalifa é actualmente o rañaceos máis alto do mundo.,Burj Khalifa is currently the tallest skyscraper in the world.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Eric comezou a cantar.,Eric has begun to sing.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Cal é a túa oración favorita?,What is your favorite sentence?,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Deixou aos seus estudantes estas famosas palabras.,He left his students these famous words.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Australia exporta moita la.,Australia exports a lot of wool.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn A gravadora estaba posta sobre a mesa.,The tape recorder was lying on the table.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Os seus alumnos o adoraban.,His students adored him.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Tom tivo sorte de atopar as súas chaves.,Tom was lucky to find his keys.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn A temporada de chuvias empeza hacia finais de xuño.,The rainy season sets in about the end of June.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Sempre me chamaches dende a súa casa.,You always called me from her house.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Tom lanzou una pedra á árbore,Tom threw a rock at the tree.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Agora teño 30 anos.,I am 30 years old now.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Tom encheu o seu bolso de noces.,Tom filled his bag with walnuts.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Velaquí está o teu libro.,Here is your book.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Canto costa unha noite?,How much for the night?,glg_Latn-eng_Latn El veu para pedi-la nosa axuda.,He came to ask us for our help.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Podes camiñar un pouco para que podamos pechar a porta?,Could you move forward so we can close the door?,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Tes dúas flores.,You have two flowers.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn "Benvido á casa, irmanciño!","Welcome home, little brother!",glg_Latn-eng_Latn Afíxenme a vivir só.,I am used to living alone.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Testemuñou contra el.,She testified against him.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Dásme unhas anchoas con olivas?,Can I have some anchovies with olives?,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Gústame como falas.,I like the way you talk.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Chámaa mañá.,Call her tomorrow.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn ¡A cea está lista!,Dinner is ready!,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Pregunteime se a súa historia era certa.,I wondered if her story was true.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Él aínda anda solto.,He is still on the loose.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Detesto ao mozo de Mary.,I hate Mary's boyfriend.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Chama un taxi para que nos recolla.,Call a taxicab to take us.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn "Dende a barra de menú ""Responder"" selecciona"" crear mensaxe de seguemento"". A mensaxe á que contestas está citada.","From the menu-bar's ""Reply"" select ""create follow-up message"". The message you reply to is quoted.",glg_Latn-eng_Latn "Todo ben, grazas.","I am fine, thank you.",glg_Latn-eng_Latn Temos que estar no traballo ás nove.,We have to be at work by nine.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn "Ao xubilarse seu pai, el herdou o negocio.",On his father's retirement he took over the business.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Cedín ás súas demandas.,I gave way to their demands.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Miña nai saíu da casa hai dez minutos.,My mother left home ten minutes ago.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Fun membro do club de fútbol cando estaba no instituto.,I was a member of the soccer club when I was in junior high.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Unha lingua nunca é abondo.,One language is never enough.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Está a uns 133 quilómetros de Londres.,It's about 133 kilometers from London.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Quero ir ao monte.,I want to go to the mountain.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Tom quería pasar o resto da súa vida en America.,Tom wanted to spend the rest of his life in America.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Estaba moi emocionada.,She was very excited.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Levou os manteis á lavandaría.,She took the tablecloths to the laundry.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Mostroume a súa foto en privado.,He showed me her picture in private.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Nesa esquina antes había unha farmacia.,There used to be a drugstore on that corner.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Por favor poña moita nata líquida no meu café.,Please put a lot of cream in my coffee.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Moita xente na nosa veciñanza posúe pistolas.,A lot of people in our neighborhood own guns.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Debeu ser cousa da súa irmá.,It must have been his sister's doing.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Canta fame tes?,How hungry are you?,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Todas a voces se extinguiron no clímax.,All voices were extinguished in the climax.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Eu penso que iso é verdade.,I think that it's true.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Había un bo número de estudantes na sala.,There were a number of students in the room.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn O seu negocio está sempre cheo de clientes.,His store is always crowded with customers.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Remataches o libro?,Have you done with the book?,glg_Latn-eng_Latn "O significado da vida para a maioría das persoas redúcese a tres letras: CCD - comer, cagar e durmir.","The meaning of life for most people fits into three letters: ESS - eat, shit, sleep.",glg_Latn-eng_Latn "Para o listo, un rastro é abondo.","For the intelligent, a hint is sufficient.",glg_Latn-eng_Latn El tivo un fillo chamado Quian.,He had a son named Qian.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Grazas por lelo ata o final.,Thank you for reading to the end.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn "Pra facer cartos, un primeiro ten que desexa-los cartos.",To make money one must want money.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn El aínda estaba aquí cando chegaches?,Was he still here when you arrived?,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Miña nai dicía polo miúdo que ela estaba garbosa de min.,Mother often said that she was proud of me.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Deixei as chaves coa miña carteira.,I left the keys with my wallet.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn O inglés é xeralmente un pobo conservador.,The English are generally a conservative people.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn A rapaza viúva fíxose de novo noiva.,The young widow got engaged once more.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Bo día. Vémonos pronto.,Good day. See you soon.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Avó fala moi lentamente.,Grandfather speaks very slowly.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Este cheiro dame noxo.,This smell disgusts me.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn O clima estase a volver máis frío.,The weather is becoming cooler.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Non se pode confiar nel.,He can't be trusted.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Costoume moito encontrar o teu piso.,It was very hard for me to find your flat.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Tom axuda a Mary a mover o moble.,Tom helps Mary move the furniture.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Máis sorte a próxima vez.,Better luck next time.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Non podo aceptar esta teoría.,I can't accept this theory.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Canto dan de adealla en España?,How much do you leave for a tip in Spain?,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Que lle aconteceu a Tom?,What happened to Tom?,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Hai condicións baixo as cales romper unha promesa ou dicir unha mentira é aceptable.,There are conditions under which breaking a promise or telling a lie are acceptable.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn O que dixo a profesora fixo que Mary estudase aínda máis forte.,What the teacher said got Mary to study harder.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Recibiu un trato moi duro.,He received rough treatment.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn É completamente insoportable.,He is utterly impossible.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Es moito más alto do que adoitabas ser.,You are much taller than you used to be.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Puxo a foto de volta na súa man.,She put the picture back in his hand.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn El non é estúpido.,He's not stupid.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Sinto compaixón polas persoas con esa enfermidade.,I feel sympathy for people with that disease.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Eu podo falar español.,I can speak Spanish.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn "Nesta sociedade onde todo é desbotábel, é unha virtude usar algo até que se esgote.","In this society where everything is disposable, it is a virtue to use something until it wears out.",glg_Latn-eng_Latn Escribín a canción para ela.,I wrote the song for her.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Os meus beizos están selados.,My lips are sealed.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Gustaríanos distribuír o seu produto no Xapón.,We would like to distribute your product in Japan.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Tom devece por mercar un coche novo.,Tom is eager to buy a new car.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn O final do outono en Escocia é bastante frío.,Late autumn in Scotland is rather cold.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Dirixiuse cara á porta a fume de carozo.,He headed for the door at full speed.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Queres botar unha ollada?,Do you want to look into it?,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Teño unha reserva.,I've got a reservation.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn O tren fixo unha pequena parada.,The train made a brief stop.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Ti es unha persoa.,You're a person.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Seica vou ter que vernizar de novo o estante.,It looks like I'm going to have to varnish my bookshelves again.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn O vapor abafou as miñas lentes.,The steam has fogged my glasses.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Hai moitos cadros na parede.,There are many paintings on the wall.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn "Ademais de ser doutor, é escritor.","In addition to being a doctor, he is a writer.",glg_Latn-eng_Latn Non empregue o ascensor en caso de incendio.,"In case of fire, do not use the lift.",glg_Latn-eng_Latn A anciá está demasiado feble para se erguer da cama.,The old woman is too weak to get out of bed.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Hai unha biblioteca en cada cidade de América.,There is a library in every city in America.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn "Vamos, tócaa.","Come on, touch it.",glg_Latn-eng_Latn El non morreu en balde.,He didn't die in vain.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Tódolos seus esforzos eran en balde.,All their efforts were in vain.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn A vida no campo é moi tranquila en comparación coa vida na cidade.,Country life is very peaceful in comparison with city life.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Unha persoa que é sapiosexual séntese atraída pola intelixencia doutra persoa máis que pola súa apariencia.,A person who is sapiosexual feels attracted by the intelligence of another person more than by outward appearance.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Son Ricardo.,I am Ricardo.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Ela ten que estar xalundes.,She must be somewhere.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn É marabilloso estar aquí.,It's wonderful to be here.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Ela está no corredor da morte.,She is on death row.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn É sábado.,It is Saturday.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn O teu plan parece mellor có meu.,Your plan seems better than mine.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Este é o mellor restaurante indio de todo Toquio.,This is the best Indian restaurant anywhere in Tokyo.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn O virus do sarampión é moi contaxioso,The measles virus is very contagious.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Non teño guitarra.,I don't have a guitar.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn El tiña dor de cabeza.,He had a headache.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Tom riuse do chiste de Mary.,Tom laughed at Mary's joke.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Ela perdeu o pouco diñeiro que tiña.,She lost what little money she had.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Tom pasa moito tempo no teléfono.,Tom spends a lot of time on the phone.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Benvido ao noso fogar.,Welcome to our home.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Deberías compralo para ti mesmo.,You should buy it for yourself.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn En lugar de comer aquí imos para casa,"Instead of eating here, let's go home.",glg_Latn-eng_Latn Podo tirar unha foto?,Can I get a picture?,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Isto é un morcego?,Is that a bat?,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Está moi afastado de aquí?,Is it very far from here?,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Que maneira é esa de respostar?,Is that the way to answer?,glg_Latn-eng_Latn "Sen o mapa, el perderíase.","Without the map, he would have gotten lost.",glg_Latn-eng_Latn Non poderei quedar contigo mañá porque me xurdiu algo inesperado.,I won't be able to meet you tomorrow because something unexpected has come up.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Non é Nadal.,It's not Christmas.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn El salvoulle o día.,He saved the day.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Nós somos como irmáns.,We're like brothers.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Non deberías visitar ao meu avó hoxe.,You shouldn't visit my grandfather today.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Foi atraído polo seu sorriso.,He was attracted by her smile.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Non sabía que él falaba inglés.,I didn't know that he could speak English.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Quen che cortou o pelo?,Who cut your hair?,glg_Latn-eng_Latn El chegou por fin.,He finally arrived.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn El corta o pelo unha vez ao mes.,He gets a haircut once a month.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn O meu fillo é xornalista.,My son is a journalist.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Que é o que máis che gusta almorzar?,What's your favorite breakfast food?,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Se estás ocupado podo facelo por ti.,"If you're busy, I can do that for you.",glg_Latn-eng_Latn O neno falaba cos seus ollos acesos.,The child talked with his eyes shining.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn O meu irmán leva enfermo dende onte.,My brother has been sick since yesterday.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn O profesor Smith é recoñecido por ser un dos máis grandes eruditos da filoloxía inglesa.,Professor Smith is recognized to be one of the greatest scholars in English philology.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Se cadra ela non se lembra do meu aniversario.,Perhaps she doesn't remember my birthday.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Quería que me cortaran o pelo e mo deixaran curto.,I wanted my hair cut short.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Si. Non. Se cadra. Non o sei.,Yes. No. Maybe. I don't know.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Estábao esperando!,I was expecting it!,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Os elefantes son os animáis terrestres máis grandes do mundo.,Elephants are the world's largest land animals.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn "Se el mo pide, doullo; se non, non.","If he asks, I will give it; if not, not.",glg_Latn-eng_Latn "Non importa quen o diga, non mo creo.","No matter who says so, I don't believe it.",glg_Latn-eng_Latn "Gústame este, lévomo.",I like this. I'll take it.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Mil iens abondarán.,A thousand yen will do.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn "Por favor, móvanse cara á parte de atrás do bus.",Please move to the rear of the bus.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Precisamos que alguén nos axude.,We need someone to help us.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Tomei un almorzo livián.,I had a light lunch.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Abofé que sei o que dixo.,I really know what he said.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn As flores murchan rápido unha vez que as cortas.,Flowers soon fade when they have been cut.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn El durmiu coa fiestra aberta.,He slept with the window open.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn El fíxome dúas cuestións.,He asked me two questions.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Pódemo envolver?,Can you pack it?,glg_Latn-eng_Latn "Malia tódolos seus erros, é respectado por todos.",Despite his errors everyone respects him.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Os vellos andan engorde.,Old people walk slowly.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Fale amodo e claramente.,Speak slowly and clearly.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Aquiles foi un heroe da antiga Grecia.,Achilles was an ancient Greek hero.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Pensa que é un fracaso por iso se dá á bebida.,He thinks he is a failure so he drinks.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn O río flúe paseniño cara ao mar.,The river flows slowly to the sea.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Ela afastouse de nós camiñando paseniño.,She got away from us by walking slowly.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Miña tía morreu de cancro de pulmón.,My aunt died of lung cancer.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn O xardín precisa que o reguen.,The flower garden needs watering.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Perdonámolo.,We forgive him.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Que é isto?,What is this?,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Isto é un DVD.,This is a DVD.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn O inverno está chegando.,Winter is coming.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Onte traballei máis de oito horas.,I worked more than eight hours yesterday.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Pensas que algo así é posible?,Do you think such a thing is possible?,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Pouco a pouco comezarás a comprender o texto sen traducións nin explicacións.,Little by little you will begin to comprehend the text without translations or explanations.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Pouco a pouco vai escurecendo.,It's getting darker little by little.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn "Paseo tódolos días, agás cando chove.",I take a walk every day except when it rains.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn "A xente precisa expresarse, non poden facelo agás que a sociedade lles dea a liberdade de facelo.",People need to express themselves; they cannot do so unless society allows them liberty to do so.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Por que morren as abellas despois de picar?,Why do bees die after stinging?,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Se fas iso vas quedar en ridículo.,"If you do that, you're going to subject yourself to ridicule.",glg_Latn-eng_Latn Deberías facelo pronto.,You should do that soon.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn O meu móbil non funciona.,My cell phone doesn't work.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn O Servizo Secreto tiña que responder pola seguridade do presidente,The Secret Service has to answer for the safety of the president.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Es amigo de Tom?,Are you a friend of Tom's?,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Está a túa escola nesta cidade?,Is your school in this town?,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Pediume que che comunicara os seus desexos.,He asked me to communicate his wishes to you.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Agarda por min!,Wait for me!,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Ela sentou ao meu carón.,She sat next to me.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn "Vamos, rápido.","Come on, hurry up.",glg_Latn-eng_Latn Algunhas veces non podo evitar amosa-los meus sentimentos.,Sometimes I can't help showing emotions.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Meu nome é Ricardo.,My name's Ricardo.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn """Podería amosarme a súa licenza de conducir, por favor?"" Dixo o vendedor.","""May I please see your driver's license for identification?"", said the clerk.",glg_Latn-eng_Latn Estabamos a piques de marchar cando comezou a chover.,We were just about to leave when it rained.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Perder saúde é máis serio que perder diñeiro.,Loss of health is more serious than loss of money.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn O meu noivo traballa nunha escola de idiomas e adórao.,My significant other works at a language school and loves it very much.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Vimos enseguida.,We'll be right over.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Téñome que barbear.,I need to shave.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Estabas sobrio naquel intre?,Were you sober at that time?,glg_Latn-eng_Latn "Vamos, imos aló.","Come on, let's go.",glg_Latn-eng_Latn "Vamos, apura.","Come on, hurry up!",glg_Latn-eng_Latn Teño una bicicleta vella.,I have an old bicycle.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Heite sentir ben se marchas.,I'll miss you very much if you go.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Es un dicionario andante?,Are you a walking dictionary?,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Sempre quixen aprender a tocar o óboe.,I've always wanted to learn to play the oboe.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Tom esmagou a caixa co seu pé.,Tom crushed the box with his foot.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Cando empezaches a aprender alemán?,When did you begin learning German?,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Síntome marabillosamente refrescado.,I am feeling wonderfully refreshed.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn San Valentín cae en domingo este ano.,St. Valentine's Day falls on Sunday this year.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Ven e escribe o teu nome.,Come and write your name.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Onde podemos facer unha chamada?,Where can we make a phone call?,glg_Latn-eng_Latn A súa conducta decepcionou a moitos dos seus amigos.,His behavior disappointed many of his friends.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Ela gústame sobre todo pola súa amabilidade.,I like her all the more for her kindness.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Pode que lle leve un chisco.,It might take a little while.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn O meu pai contraxo unha pneumonía o mes pasado.,My father contracted pneumonia last month.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Estou agardando a miña vez.,I'm waiting my turn.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Ese é un vestido precioso.,That's a beautiful dress.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Está no estranxeiro.,He is abroad.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Por que non lle pedimos consello?,Why don't we ask his advice?,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Tom non pensa que a pronunciación do francés de Mary é moi boa.,Tom doesn't think Mary's French pronunciation is very good.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Dúas semanas de chuvascos causaron inundacións.,Two weeks of heavy rain resulted in flooding.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Traballa duro na oficina por un salario pequeno.,She works hard in the office for a small salary.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Non me refiro a ti.,I don't mean you.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Dime con quen andas e direiche quen eres.,"Tell me your friends, and I will tell you who you are.",glg_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Queres vir pescar comigo?,Do you want to go fishing with me?,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Escolle aqueles amigos que te beneficien.,Choose such friends as will benefit you.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Os hackers encontran novas formas de infiltrarse en redes privadas ou públicas.,Hackers find new ways of infiltrating private or public networks.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Que temperatura vai facer mañá?,What's the temperature going to be tomorrow?,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Creo que o tempo solucionará o problema.,I think time will solve the problem.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn O bourbon está feito de millo.,Bourbon is made from corn.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Viaxar ao estranxeiro é unha das miñas cousas favoritas.,Traveling abroad is one of my favorite things.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Que fixéches con ese libro?,What did you do with that book?,glg_Latn-eng_Latn "As cores da bandeira estadounidense son vermello, branco e azul.","The colors of the American flag are red, white and blue.",glg_Latn-eng_Latn Era un traveso cando era neno.,He was naughty when he was a boy.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Gustaríanos escalar esa montaña.,We'd like to climb that mountain.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Anhela formar parte da comunidade dos ricos.,He longs for the fellowship of the rich.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Él fala coma se fose rico.,He talks as if he were rich.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Adoito pensar no lugar onde te coñecín.,I often think about the place where I met you.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Pero entendo o que di.,But I understand what he says.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Hai moitas líneas aéreas neste aeroporto.,There are many airlines in this airport.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn O goberno impuxo un novo imposto aos granxeiros.,The government imposed a new tax on farmers.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Fun ó aeroporto para despedirme dél.,I have been to the airport to see him off.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn "Quito, Ecuador, está un pouco ao sur do ecuador.","Quito, Ecuador, is a little south of the equator.",glg_Latn-eng_Latn É imposible alcanzala meta.,That aim is impossible to attain.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Él ten unha mucama.,He has a maid.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Hoxe é o teu cumpreanos.,Today is your birthday.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Había fume saíndo da cheminea.,Smoke was rising from the chimney.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Todos os seus libros están escritos en italiano.,All of her books are written in Italian.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Non teño tempo.,I don't have time.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Mete un pau no cu.,Shove a stick up your ass.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn A nosa casa é a sua casa.,Our house is your house.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn El colleu un libro do andel.,He got the book down from the shelf.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn "A verdade é que es alto, ¿eh?","You really are tall, aren't you?",glg_Latn-eng_Latn De verdade que sodes un caso perdido.,You really are hopeless.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn O meu número de teléfono é 789.,My telephone number is 789.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Quero ter a miña propia habitación.,I want to have my own room.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Non era máis que unha broma.,It was nothing but a joke.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Estudo no estranxeiro.,I study abroad.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Déulle a súa aprobación para o encontro.,She gave her assent to the match.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Collo vacacións dende o 20 de xullo ata o 8 de agosto.,I'm taking a vacation from July 20 through August 8.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Quite a chaqueta se ten calor.,Take off your jacket if you're warm.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Importaríache se quedase por aquí algún tempo?,Would you mind my staying here for some time?,glg_Latn-eng_Latn "En xeral, aos rapaces gústanlles as lambonadas.","In general, children are fond of candy.",glg_Latn-eng_Latn "No exercicio dos seus dereitos e no disfrute das suas libertades, toda persoa estará soamente suxeita ás limitacións establecidas pola ley co único fin de asegurar o recoñecemento e o respeto dos dereitos e libertades dos demáis, e de satisfacer as xustas exixencias da moral, do órden público e do benestar xeral nunha sociedade democrática.","In the exercise of his rights and freedoms, everyone shall be subject only to such limitations as are determined by law solely for the purpose of securing due recognition and respect for the rights and freedoms of others and of meeting the just requirements of morality, public order and the general welfare in a democratic society.",glg_Latn-eng_Latn O italiano é a miña lingua materna.,Italian is my mother tongue.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Non o aturo.,I can't stand him.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Estou namorado de ti.,I'm in love with you.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Baixa o volume do televisor.,"Turn the TV down, please.",glg_Latn-eng_Latn "Dámo, Tom.","Give it to me, Tom.",glg_Latn-eng_Latn Tusín sangue.,I coughed up blood.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Parece que ela te odia.,She seems to hate you.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Ela veu aquí para verme.,She came here to see me.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Non hai nada como o fogar.,There is no place like home.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Estou engordando.,I'm gaining weight.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Tim escribe coma se fora zurdo.,Tim writes as if he were left-handed.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Son xornalista.,I am a journalist.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Atopamos un cravo espetado no pneumático.,We found a nail stuck in the tire.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Como podo ir ata alá?,How can I get there?,glg_Latn-eng_Latn O teléfono negro é máis caro que o branco.,The black telephone costs more than the white.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Non puidemos contactar con eles ata que xa era demasiado tarde.,We were unable to make contact with them until it was too late.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Por que debería pedirche desculpas?,Why should I apologize to you?,glg_Latn-eng_Latn El estaba en Francia.,He was in France.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Creo que bebín demais.,I think I drank too much.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Todas as flores do xardín son amarelas.,All the flowers in the garden are yellow.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Non importa canto chova que eu irei.,I will go there even if it rains.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Teño un negocio en Internet.,I have an internet business.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Parece que tes prexuízos coas ideas que veñen doutros países.,You seem to be prejudiced against ideas that come from foreign countries.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Deixei de fumar.,I stopped smoking.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Gústame a comida china en xeral.,I like Chinese food in general.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Chámote despois.,I'll call you later.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Miña nai está facendo unha tarta.,My mother is making a cake.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Castigárono por mentir.,He was punished for lying.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Xa non podo máis con este frío.,I can't stand this cold anymore.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn El actuou coma se o insultaramos.,He acted as though we had insulted him.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn El e eu somos curmáns.,He and I are cousins.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Por hoxe basta.,Let's call it a day today.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Gústache o tenis?,Do you like tennis?,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Un malentendido moi común sobre Cristóbal Colón é que unha vez impresionou a unha tribu de nativos predicindo unha eclipse luar. A verdade é que él a CAUSOU.,A common misconception about Christopher Columbus is that he once impressed a tribe of natives by predicting the lunar eclipse. The truth of the matter is that he CAUSED it.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn A moza da que che falei vive en Kioto.,The girl I told you about lives in Kyoto.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Hai moitos paxaros neste parque.,There are many birds in this park.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Non lle deu resposta a súa pregunta.,He didn't give an answer to the question.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn É mellor estar aproximadamente no certo que estar completamente equivocado.,It's better to be approximately right than completely wrong.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Canto costa esta radio?,How much is this radio?,glg_Latn-eng_Latn El está ansioso por ler o libro.,He is anxious to read the book.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Perdín a tua dirección de correo electrónico.,I lost your mail address.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Poseer intelecto é o que nos diferencia dos animais.,The possession of intellect is what distinguishes us from wild animals.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn O conductor acelerou.,The driver increased his speed.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Sabía que virías.,I knew you'd come.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn "Para empeorar as cousas, enfermou.","To make matters worse, he fell ill.",glg_Latn-eng_Latn A súa nai estaba ocupada preparando a cea.,Her mother was busy cooking the dinner.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Volvo deseguida.,I will be back soon.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn O cazador pillou ao raposo.,The hunter caught the fox.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Agora é a miña rolda.,It's now my turn.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Ela arriscou a súa vida para salvar a un rapaz de afogar.,She saved the drowning child at the risk of her own life.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn O can persigue ao raposo.,The dog is after the fox.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Esa noite ía moito frío.,The night was so cold.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Déixoche escoller a ti.,I'll let you decide.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Podes falar inglés.,You can speak English.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Dígocho nun día máis ou menos.,I'll let you know in a day or so.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Non gastes máis cartos dos que ganas.,Don't spend more than you earn.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Iso non é o que eu escoitei.,That's not what I heard.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Os bombeiros botaron a porta abaixo.,The firemen battered down the door.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Criou a ese rapaz a un precio moi alto.,She raised that child at a great cost.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn A doniña recoñécese polo seu fedor.,The weasel is noted for its bad smell.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Quero ir unha vez máis.,I want to go there once more.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Unha caterva esperaba pra velo.,A crowd waited to see him.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn "Nos non fumamos, pero séntese e fume sen preocuparse.","We don't smoke, but be willing to sit and smoke.",glg_Latn-eng_Latn El barbéase catro veces á semana.,He shaves four times a week.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Os teixugos cavan buratos fondos.,Badgers dig deep holes.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Esta ponte parece segura.,This bridge looks secure.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Á fin chegou a miña vez.,"At last, my turn came.",glg_Latn-eng_Latn Hoxe temos moitísimas novas traducións en galego e euskera.,Today we have many new translations in Galician and Basque.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Choveu arreo.,It rained nonstop.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn A ninguén lle gusta a guerra.,No one likes war.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Eu estábame a duchar nese momento.,I was taking a shower then.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Entendo unha parte do que el quere dicir.,I partially understand what he means.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Ela éche pel e óso.,She is all skin and bone.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Rematei o traballo.,I finished the work.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Quen rompeu a fiestra?,Who broke the window?,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Vimos casas antigas derrubadas.,We saw some old houses pulled down.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn É arrestado por poñer en perigo o benestar dun menor.,You're under arrest for endangering the welfare of a minor.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn "De súpeto, tres cans apareceron diante de nós.","All of a sudden, three dogs appeared in front of us.",glg_Latn-eng_Latn Non preciso nada.,I don't need anything.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn "Bruto apuñala ao César, e este cae ao chan.","Brutus stabs Caesar, and Caesar falls.",glg_Latn-eng_Latn Ela estuda matemáticas.,She studies mathematics.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn "De súpeto, deuse de conta de que lle faltaba a carteira.",He suddenly noticed his wallet was missing.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Á miña filla gústalle brincar con bonecas.,My daughter likes to play with dolls.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Estudeino en profundidade.,I studied it thoroughly.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn "Oh, síntoo.","Oh, I'm sorry.",glg_Latn-eng_Latn Cómprenos ler cando menos un libro ao mes.,We should read at least one book a month.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Tiven que botar unha boa carreira para colle-lo tren.,I really had to run for it to catch the train.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn El adaptou a historia para os nenos.,He adapted the story for children.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn El meteu a chave na pechadura.,He put the key in the lock.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn "Non sexas ridículo! Nós non descendemos dos monos, só temos con eles un antepasado común.","Don't be ridiculous! We are not descended from apes, we only have a common ancestor.",glg_Latn-eng_Latn "Vamos, non sexas parvo.","Come on, don't be silly.",glg_Latn-eng_Latn A democracia representativa é unha forma de goberno.,Representative democracy is one form of government.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Jack e mais eu acordamos traballar na oficina por quendas os sábados.,Jack and I agreed to take turns working at the office on Saturdays.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Ten fillos?,Do you have children?,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Unha cadea é tan forte como o é o seu elo máis débil.,A chain is no stronger than its weakest link.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Se cadra perdeu o avión.,He may have missed the plane.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Por que custou tanto estabelecer que a neurona era a unidade básica do tecido nervioso?,Why was it so hard to establish that the neuron is the most basic unit of nervous tissue?,glg_Latn-eng_Latn "Os gobernos, para ensinar como desfrutar dos móbiles sen sermos dominados por eles, decidiron estabelecer regras de comportamento que limitan o seu uso en lugares públicos, como nas igrexas, nas escolas ou durante os exames.","Governments, in order to teach how to enjoy cell phones without being controlled by them, have established behavior rules that limit their use in public places, such as in churches, in schools, or during tests.",glg_Latn-eng_Latn Hoxe coñecín a miña nova mestra de filosofía.,"Today, I met my new philosophy teacher.",glg_Latn-eng_Latn Teño que marchar arestora.,I have to leave now.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Á terceira vai a boa.,These things always happen in threes.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Onde está a licencia?,Where is the license?,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Velaquí está a túa bolsa.,Here's your bag.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Meu irmán é capaz de correr tan rápido coma min.,My brother can run as fast as I.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn O noso uniforme de educación física eran só pantalons cortos pero dende hoxe son mallas.,Our P.E. kit was just shorts but now it's spats from today.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Ao remate fracasei.,I failed after all.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn "Hai poucos erros, se é que hai algún.","There are few, if any, mistakes.",glg_Latn-eng_Latn Falamos sueco.,I speak Swedish.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Tom é tres anos máis novo que Mary.,Tom is three years younger than Mary.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Agardou pola súa rolda.,He waited his turn.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn "Pódesme dar medio quilo de zanco de polo, por favor?","Could I have half a kilo of chicken thighs, please?",glg_Latn-eng_Latn "Aínda que, probabelmente poidas imaxinar o que acontece.",You can probably guess what happens though.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Como está tua filla?,How is your daughter?,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Os ingleses entraron no comercio do té xacando.,The English entered into the tea trade at that time.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Que che pasou onte?,What happened to you yesterday?,glg_Latn-eng_Latn "Está nubrado, levo o paraugas.","It being cloudy, I took my umbrella with me.",glg_Latn-eng_Latn Barbéome tódalas mañás.,I shave every morning.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn "Algunhas persoas que falan inglés cren que a omisión do suxeito non existe nesa lingua, sen embargo, o suxeito omítese en frases coma ""thank you"" ou ""bless you"".","Some English speakers think that omission of the subject does not occur in their language, however, the subject of phrases like ""thank you"" or ""bless you"" is omitted.",glg_Latn-eng_Latn É vostede xaponés?,Are you a Japanese citizen?,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Los Ángeles é un dos lugares que me gustaría visitar.,Los Angeles is one of the places that I'd like to visit.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Que hora é? Son as dez e media.,"""What time is it?"" ""It is ten-thirty.""",glg_Latn-eng_Latn El tomou veleno por erro.,He took poison by mistake.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Quen máis pode contestar á miña pregunta?,Who else can answer my question?,glg_Latn-eng_Latn "Segundo o mestre, foi unha ledicia aprendela.","As far as the teacher was concerned, she was a joy to teach.",glg_Latn-eng_Latn Pode preparar a miña conta o máis pronto posible?,Please make out my bill as soon as possible?,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Espetei un cravo na parede para pendurar un cadro.,I hammered a nail into the wall in order to hang a painting.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Vexo a televisión.,I watch television.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Non ten bo aspecto. Ben seguro que bebeu de máis onte á noite.,He doesn't look well. Probably drank too much last night.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Non precisas chamarme por teléfono.,You don't need to call me.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Que tipo de traballo a tempo parcial ten vostede?,What kind of part-time job do you have?,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Viaxou vostede durante o verán?,Did you go anywhere for the summer?,glg_Latn-eng_Latn O home é o único animal que pode rir.,Man is the only animal that can laugh.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Non lles caen ben os meus amigos.,They don't like my friends.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Desamarrei os cordóns dos zapatos.,I loosened my shoelaces.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Esta caixa é dunha cor distinta ao daquela.,This box is a different colour to that one.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn "Chamámolo ""heroe"", pero el traizoounos.","We called him a ""hero"", but he betrayed us.",glg_Latn-eng_Latn Penso que non choverá mañá.,I don't think it'll rain tomorrow.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Anoa os cordóns.,Tie your shoelaces.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Saliu con el durante uns dous anos.,She has been dating him for about two years.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Vou aforrar máis cartos.,I'm going to save more money.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn As tesoiras son para cortar pero poden usarse tamén para apuñalar.,Scissors are meant for cutting but can also be used to stab.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Alégrame volver verche.,I'm happy to see you again.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn ¡Vostede ten un gusto caro! -exclamou a dependenta- Está seguro de que non quere mirar as nosas versións máis baratas primeiro?,"""You have expensive taste!"" the shopkeeper exclaimed. ""Are you sure you don't want to look through our cheaper variants first?""",glg_Latn-eng_Latn Alégrame verte de novo.,Glad to see you again.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn A miña nai tratou de reconciliar á parella.,My mother tried to reconcile the couple.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Virei se cómpre.,I'll come if necessary.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn A rapariga tiña medo da súa propia sombra.,The girl was afraid of her own shadow.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Sabes onde está ela?,Do you know where she is?,glg_Latn-eng_Latn El quitou os zapatos a patadas sen desagulletalos primeiro.,He kicked his shoes off without untying them first.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Podo preguntarlle o seu nome?,May I ask your name?,glg_Latn-eng_Latn El fíxome unha pregunta.,He asked me a question.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Bo día. Temos bo tempo hoxe.,Good morning. We have good weather today.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Non podo superalo.,I can't get over it.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Quen é o dono deste terreo?,Who owns this land?,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Asegúrolle que non vou chegar tarde.,I assure you that I won't be late.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn A miña muller morreu de cancro.,My wife died of cancer.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Arrédate de min.,Keep away from me.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn O can é o mellor amigo do home.,The dog is the human's best friend.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn "Casa, meu fillo, cando quixeres - miña filla, casa cando puideres.","Son, marry whenever you want - daughter, marry when you can.",glg_Latn-eng_Latn Vou empezar nun traballo novo a vindeira semana.,I am going to start a new job next week.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn O aceite é extraído das olivas.,Oil is extracted from olives.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn A aguia é a raíña das aves.,The eagle is king of birds.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn "A ensalada rusa faise con patacas, olivas, atún e outras verduras.","Russian salad is made with potatoes, olives, tuna, and other vegetables.",glg_Latn-eng_Latn Fareite feliz.,I'll make you happy.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Visitou Europa varias veces.,He has visited Europe several times.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn "Por seres novo, podes traballar todo o día.","Being young, he can work all day long.",glg_Latn-eng_Latn A educación neste mundo decepcióname.,Education in this world disappoints me.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Isto é o Xapón.,This is Japan.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Temos que aproveitarnos desta situación.,We have to take advantage of this situation.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn "Lisca de aquí, e axiña.","Get out of here, and quickly.",glg_Latn-eng_Latn Grazas por este agasallo marabilloso.,Thank you for the wonderful gift.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Sabes a resposta?,Do you know the answer?,glg_Latn-eng_Latn El é profesor de inglés.,His job is to teach English.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Os meus pés son pequenos comparados cos teus.,My feet are small compared to yours.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Non podo deixar de mirala.,I can't take my eyes off her.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Coñezo ao teu pai.,I know your father.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Tiven que escoller entre ambos os dous.,I had to choose between the two.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Comprei dúas botellas de leite.,I bought two bottles of milk.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Non podía lembrarme do seu nome.,I couldn't remember his name.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Nadar éme divertido.,I find swimming fun.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Oínlle saír.,I heard him go out.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Mañá é o seu aniversario.,Tomorrow is her birthday.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn "Escoitareite, sobre todo cando non esteamos de acordo.","I will listen to you, especially when we disagree.",glg_Latn-eng_Latn A nosa mestra está a cualifica-los traballos.,Our teacher is marking papers.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Temos dúas fillas.,We have two daughters.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn A Tom gústalle o seu café negro.,Tom likes his coffee black.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn "Tanto ten o que digas, fareino ao meu xeito","Whatever you say, I'll do it my way.",glg_Latn-eng_Latn Faloulle a ela do seu plan.,He told her about his plan.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Non me gusta xogar aos comecartos.,I don't like to play on the slot machines.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Debatemos este problema ata ben entrada a noite.,We discussed the problem far into the night.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn "Ela é pobre, pero é feliz.","She is poor, but she is happy.",glg_Latn-eng_Latn Os pais de Mary desaprobaron a súa decisión de tatuarse.,Mary's parents disapproved of her decision to get tattooed.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn A xuventude do noso país non se interesa pola política.,The youth of our land are not interested in politics.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Perdeou os estribos e comezou a chamarme cousas.,He lost his temper and began calling me names.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn "Ao final, o seu desexo cumpriuse.",He finally got his wish.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Alégrome de verche.,I'm happy to see you.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Vostede gañou moitas competicións.,You won many competitions.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn O avogado saíu coa súa secretaria.,The lawyer went out with the secretary.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Quen quere chocolate quente?,Who wants hot chocolate?,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Eu vinos destruír o edificio vello.,I watched them destroy the old building.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn O meu pai vai traballar tódolos días ás oito.,My father goes to work at eight every day.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Podo responder a túa pregunta.,I can answer your question.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Non o coñecemos.,We don't know him.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Puxo moito énfase neste punto.,He put great emphasis on this point.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Ten vostede algo de leite?.,Do you have some milk?,glg_Latn-eng_Latn "Sen o Sol, non poderiamos vivir na Terra.","Without the Sun, we could not live on the Earth.",glg_Latn-eng_Latn Esa palabra é moi difícil de traducir.,That word is very hard to translate.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Non estou seguro diso. Depende.,I'm not sure about that. It depends.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn "Linguas como o Francés, italiano e español teñen as súas orixes do latín.","Such languages as French, Italian and Spanish come from Latin.",glg_Latn-eng_Latn Eles detiveron o seu xogo e ollaron en fite para min.,They stopped their game and stared at me.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Visteu-se coma umha mulher.,He dressed up as a woman.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Bill vive preto do mar.,Bill lives near the sea.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Os rexeitados séntense deprimidos.,The rejected feel dejected.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Os sapos convértense en príncipes só nos contos de fadas.,Frogs turn into princes only in fairy tales.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Ás veces é difícil ser discreto e honesto ao mesmo tempo.,Sometimes it's hard to be tactful and honest at the same time.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Fixamos as nosas tarifas para os próximos tres anos.,We have fixed our fees for the next three years.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn "Dez, vinte, trinta, corenta, cincuenta, sesenta, setenta, oitenta, noventa, cen.","Ten, twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety, one hundred.",glg_Latn-eng_Latn Veño de estar na casa do meu tío.,I've just been to my uncle's house.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn A xente tómase as cousas demasiado a peito e o bo comportamento duns recompensa o mal comportamento doutros.,People take things too personally and the good behaviour of some rewards the bad behaviour of others.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Saíu un tema novo na conversa.,A new topic came up in conversation.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Es realmente marabillosa.,You're really wonderful.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn El ocasionounos non poucos problemas.,He has given us not a little trouble.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Mirei pola ventá.,I looked out the window.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn "Gústache o inglés, non é certo?.","You like English, don't you?",glg_Latn-eng_Latn Gostaríame mercar un Picasso.,I'd like to buy a Picasso.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn "Se non vas ao concerto, tampouco vou eu.","If you are not going to the concert, then neither am I.",glg_Latn-eng_Latn Tes unha pregunta?,Do you have a question?,glg_Latn-eng_Latn O exército de Napoleón avanzou até Moscova.,Napoleon's army has advanced to Moscow.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn El é rico mentres que o seu irmán maior é pobre.,He is rich while his elder brother is poor.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Achegouse á estación.,He approached the station.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Ela gañou moitas competicións.,She won many competitions.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Atopeime coa túa nai na biblioteca.,I ran across your mother in the library.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn É unha boa idea ler este libro.,It is a good idea to read this book.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Como é Nova Zelandia? A súa poboación está tan dispersa coma a de Australia?,What's New Zealand like? Is it as sparsely populated as Australia?,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Non oín nada.,I didn't hear anything.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn "Se non les o xornal, estás desinformado. Se les o xornal, estás mal informado","If you don't read the newspaper, you're uninformed. If you read the newspaper, you're mis-informed.",glg_Latn-eng_Latn Que fixeches onte pola noite?,What did you do last night?,glg_Latn-eng_Latn A cidade está a cincuenta millas ao norte de Londres.,The city is fifty miles above London.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Grazas pola marabillosa cea.,Thank you for the wonderful dinner.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn "Cristobal Colón pediu que se lle adicara unha ""Semana de Colón"" enteira para celebrar a súa gloria, pero ao final só obtivo un día e só en América.","Christopher Columbus demanded that an entire ""Columbus Week"" be set aside to celebrate his glory, but in the end only got a day, and only in the United States.",glg_Latn-eng_Latn Fixémoslle chorar.,We made him cry.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Demostrouse que as pulgas que viven nos cans saltan máis que as que viven nos gatos.,It was proven that fleas living on dogs jump higher than fleas living on cats.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn El regaloulle unha boneca.,He presented her with a doll.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn "O seu ensaio facía só unha análise superficial do problema, así que foi unha gran sorpresa para el obter a nota máis alta da clase.","His essay gave only a superficial analysis of the problem, so it was a real surprise to him when he got the highest grade in the class.",glg_Latn-eng_Latn ¡Faino xa!,Do it now.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn A porta non debe deixarse aberta.,The door must not be left open.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Deulle un óso ao can.,He gave the dog a bone.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Deberías dar un bo exemplo aos teus nenos.,You should set a good example to your children.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Fíxoo pola súa irmá.,She made it for her sister.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn El vive nesta rúa.,He lives on this street.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn "Que coa calor e a humidade, non durmín ben.","What with the heat and the humidity, I didn't sleep well.",glg_Latn-eng_Latn Alugamos o piso.,We rented the flat.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Arrendamos o piso.,We rent the flat.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn "Darren será xulgado. ¡Se perde, é pena de morte!","Darren is to be put through a trial. If he fails, it's the death penalty!",glg_Latn-eng_Latn Botáronlle a culpa a Xurxo polo fracaso.,They blamed George for the failure.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Eu creo nas pantasmas.,I believe in ghosts.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn O home do tempo di que teremos chuvia pola tarde.,The weatherman says we'll have rain in the afternoon.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn As matemáticas son unha materia doada para min.,Mathematics is an easy subject for me.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn El ten o costume de chuspir no chan.,He has the habit of spitting on the ground.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Quen lle lanzou unha pedra ao meu can?,Who threw a stone at my dog?,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Merqueime un coche.,I've bought a car.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Cando chegou fixen café.,"When he arrived, I made coffee.",glg_Latn-eng_Latn Vinlle cruzar a estrada.,I saw him crossing the road.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Teño que atopalo.,I have to meet him.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Prefiro facelo pola miña conta.,I prefer to do it on my own.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Doulle pouca importancia á aparencia dun.,I attach little importance to a person's appearance.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn O mestre berroulles.,They were scolded by the teacher.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Pedíronlle ao seu irmán que lles axudase coa súa tarefa.,They asked his brother to help them with their homework.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Estou revisando o seu informe.,I'm looking through his report.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn A miña nai está a dieta.,My mother is on a diet.,glg_Latn-eng_Latn Mi name isch Hopkins.,My name is Hopkins.,gsw_Latn-eng_Latn Mi name isch Yamada.,My name is Yamada.,gsw_Latn-eng_Latn "Mir gaats guet, danke.","I'm fine, thanks.",gsw_Latn-eng_Latn "Danke, mir gaats guet.","Thanks, I'm fine.",gsw_Latn-eng_Latn Mir gaats nöd so guet.,I don't feel well.,gsw_Latn-eng_Latn Und dir?,What about you?,gsw_Latn-eng_Latn Ich han mis Portmone verloore.,I lost my wallet.,gsw_Latn-eng_Latn Mr hänn is schon lang nümme g'seh.,"Long time, no see.",gsw_Latn-eng_Latn Fröit mi.,Pleased to meet you.,gsw_Latn-eng_Latn Häts da es Spitaal i de Nööchi?,Is there a hospital nearby?,gsw_Latn-eng_Latn S Büsi isch wiis.,The cat is white.,gsw_Latn-eng_Latn Ich wünsch Ihne e schöne Daag.,Have a nice day.,gsw_Latn-eng_Latn Wiä häissät Si?,What is your name?,gsw_Latn-eng_Latn Wiä häissisch zum Nachnamä?,What is your last name?,gsw_Latn-eng_Latn En Guete!,Have a nice meal!,gsw_Latn-eng_Latn Was isch dini Mueterschpraach?,What is your native language?,gsw_Latn-eng_Latn Gueti Reis!,Have a good journey!,gsw_Latn-eng_Latn Ich verstand nit.,I don't understand.,gsw_Latn-eng_Latn Bitte schwätze Sie langsamer.,"Speak more slowly, please!",gsw_Latn-eng_Latn S Buech isch violett.,The book is violet.,gsw_Latn-eng_Latn Bitte schwätz langsamer.,"Speak more slowly, please.",gsw_Latn-eng_Latn Bitte schriibe Sie das uf.,Please write it down.,gsw_Latn-eng_Latn S Huus isch schöön.,The house is pretty.,gsw_Latn-eng_Latn D Blueme isch schöön.,The flower is beautiful.,gsw_Latn-eng_Latn Merci.,I thank you.,gsw_Latn-eng_Latn Nüt z'dangge.,You are welcome!,gsw_Latn-eng_Latn Gäärn gscheh.,You are welcome.,gsw_Latn-eng_Latn "Sy, oder Nödsy, das isch hie d Frag.","To be or not to be, that is the question.",gsw_Latn-eng_Latn Chönd Si langsamer redä?,Can you speak more slowly?,gsw_Latn-eng_Latn Ich liib dich.,I love you.,gsw_Latn-eng_Latn I ha Di gärn.,I love you!,gsw_Latn-eng_Latn Gueti Besserig.,Get well soon!,gsw_Latn-eng_Latn S Buech isch root.,The book is red.,gsw_Latn-eng_Latn Löhn Si mi in Ruh.,Leave me alone!,gsw_Latn-eng_Latn Loh mi in Ruh.,Leave me alone.,gsw_Latn-eng_Latn Si isch d Betty.,She is Betty.,gsw_Latn-eng_Latn Mir sind nöd eifersüchtig.,We are not jealous.,gsw_Latn-eng_Latn Chömer?,Can we go?,gsw_Latn-eng_Latn Riefe Sie dr Polizei!,Call the police!,gsw_Latn-eng_Latn Rief dr Polizei!,Call the police.,gsw_Latn-eng_Latn Mis Luftchüssiboot isch volle Aal.,My hovercraft is full of eels.,gsw_Latn-eng_Latn Ai Sprooch isch nie gnueg.,One language is never enough.,gsw_Latn-eng_Latn Ich chumm us Boston.,I come from Boston.,gsw_Latn-eng_Latn Bis schpööter!,See you later!,gsw_Latn-eng_Latn Wiä häschs?,How are you?,gsw_Latn-eng_Latn Ich bi ledig.,I am single.,gsw_Latn-eng_Latn Bisch verhäiraatet?,Are you married?,gsw_Latn-eng_Latn Was isch din Prueff?,What is your occupation?,gsw_Latn-eng_Latn Was sind Si vo Prueff?,What's your occupation?,gsw_Latn-eng_Latn Gömer?,Shall we go?,gsw_Latn-eng_Latn Chönd ir mir hälfä?,Can you help me?,gsw_Latn-eng_Latn Mir sind nöd riich.,We are not rich.,gsw_Latn-eng_Latn Froit mi.,Nice to meet you.,gsw_Latn-eng_Latn Ich ha Durscht.,I am thirsty.,gsw_Latn-eng_Latn Chan ich Ihnä hälfä?,Can I help you?,gsw_Latn-eng_Latn Vo wo sind Si?,Where are you from?,gsw_Latn-eng_Latn En guetä mitenand!,Enjoy your meal!,gsw_Latn-eng_Latn Ich chumm us Saitama.,I come from Saitama.,gsw_Latn-eng_Latn En schöönen Aabig.,Have a nice evening.,gsw_Latn-eng_Latn Es schööns Wuchenend!,Have a nice weekend.,gsw_Latn-eng_Latn Alles Gueti!,All the best!,gsw_Latn-eng_Latn En schööne Taag!,Have a nice day!,gsw_Latn-eng_Latn "Mir gaats guet, dankächöön.","I am fine, thank you.",gsw_Latn-eng_Latn Ich ha Hunger.,I am hungry.,gsw_Latn-eng_Latn Ich au.,Nice to meet you too.,gsw_Latn-eng_Latn Ich wäiss es nöd.,I don't know.,gsw_Latn-eng_Latn Wiä alt bisch?,How old are you?,gsw_Latn-eng_Latn Si chommät us Beijing.,They come from Beijing.,gsw_Latn-eng_Latn Chunnsch us Tokio?,Do you come from Tokyo?,gsw_Latn-eng_Latn Wiä häissisch?,What's your name?,gsw_Latn-eng_Latn Chunnsch us Berlin?,Do you come from Berlin?,gsw_Latn-eng_Latn Ir chommät us Taipei.,You come from Taipei.,gsw_Latn-eng_Latn S Büsi isch bruun.,The cat is brown.,gsw_Latn-eng_Latn Si chommät us Schweden.,You come from Sweden.,gsw_Latn-eng_Latn S Mäitli isch schöön.,The girl is beautiful.,gsw_Latn-eng_Latn D Blueme isch blau.,The flower is blue.,gsw_Latn-eng_Latn S Büsi isch alt.,The cat is old.,gsw_Latn-eng_Latn Er chunnt us Hangzhou.,He comes from Hangzhou.,gsw_Latn-eng_Latn D Blueme isch gäl.,The flower is yellow.,gsw_Latn-eng_Latn "D Rächnig, bitte.","The check, please.",gsw_Latn-eng_Latn Dä Hund isch wiis.,The dog is white.,gsw_Latn-eng_Latn Dä Hund isch schöön.,The dog is beautiful.,gsw_Latn-eng_Latn Dä Hund isch root.,The dog is red.,gsw_Latn-eng_Latn Dä Hund isch schwarz.,The dog is black.,gsw_Latn-eng_Latn D Blueme isch root.,The flower is red.,gsw_Latn-eng_Latn Ich red Änglisch.,I can speak English a little.,gsw_Latn-eng_Latn Ich verschtaa nöd.,I do not understand.,gsw_Latn-eng_Latn S Büsi isch schwarz.,The cat is black.,gsw_Latn-eng_Latn S tuet mir läid.,I am sorry.,gsw_Latn-eng_Latn Chasch das wiederholä?,Can you repeat that?,gsw_Latn-eng_Latn Dankäschöön!,Thank you very much!,gsw_Latn-eng_Latn Bitteschöön.,Don't mention it.,gsw_Latn-eng_Latn D Frau isch jung.,The woman is young.,gsw_Latn-eng_Latn D Frau isch nöd jung.,The woman is not young.,gsw_Latn-eng_Latn Er chunnt us Gämf.,He comes from Geneva.,gsw_Latn-eng_Latn Chunnsch us Beijing?,Do you come from Beijing?,gsw_Latn-eng_Latn S Buech isch alt.,The book is old.,gsw_Latn-eng_Latn S Buech isch schwarz.,The book is black.,gsw_Latn-eng_Latn S Buech isch blau.,The book is blue.,gsw_Latn-eng_Latn S Buech isch gäl.,The book is yellow.,gsw_Latn-eng_Latn S Buech isch grüen.,The book is green.,gsw_Latn-eng_Latn S Buech isch bruun.,The book is brown.,gsw_Latn-eng_Latn S Buech isch orange.,The book is orange.,gsw_Latn-eng_Latn S Huus isch root.,The house is red.,gsw_Latn-eng_Latn S Buech isch rosa.,The book is pink.,gsw_Latn-eng_Latn Tom hät es Velo.,Tom has a bicycle.,gsw_Latn-eng_Latn Ich ha chalt.,I am cold.,gsw_Latn-eng_Latn S Büsi isch härzig.,The cat is adorable.,gsw_Latn-eng_Latn S Buech isch wiis.,The book is white.,gsw_Latn-eng_Latn Ich han es bitzeli Chopfweh.,I have a slight headache.,gsw_Latn-eng_Latn Ich han Chopfweh.,I have a headache.,gsw_Latn-eng_Latn D Frau isch schöön.,The woman is beautiful.,gsw_Latn-eng_Latn Si chunnt us Düütschland.,She comes from Germany.,gsw_Latn-eng_Latn Wiä häissisch zum Vornamä?,What is your first name?,gsw_Latn-eng_Latn Er hät es Velo.,He has a bicycle.,gsw_Latn-eng_Latn Ich ha es Velo.,I have a bicycle.,gsw_Latn-eng_Latn Mi name isch Jack.,My name is Jack.,gsw_Latn-eng_Latn יש מגרש גולף סמוך?,Is there a golf course near here?,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn "אתה לא משחק גולף, נכון?","You don't play golf, do you?",heb_Hebr-eng_Latn אמא שלי משחקת גולף מצוין.,My mother can play golf very well.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn השפעת מנעה ממנו לשחק גולף.,The flu prevented him from playing golf.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn היית מעדיף לשחק טניס או גולף?,Would you rather play tennis or golf?,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn אין לתום חשק לשחק גולף.,Tom didn't feel like playing golf.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn תום נפגע על ידי כדור גולף.,Tom got hit with a golf ball.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn את חושבת שתחושת הבחילה שלך קשורה לעבודתך?,Do you think your feeling of malaise is related to your job?,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn היה לו מספיק מרץ לרוץ מראתון.,He had enough stamina to run a marathon.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn גידים ורצועות הם עדינים יותר מאשר אתה עשוי לחשוב.,Tendons and ligaments are more fragile than you might think.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn "עורקים, ורידים ונימים הם שלושת סוגי כלי הדם.","Arteries, veins, and capillaries are the three main types of blood vessel.",heb_Hebr-eng_Latn לבז עיניים חדות.,The falcon has sharp eyes.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn גיצים עפו מתוך הארובה.,Sparks were coming out of the chimney.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn "באופן גורף, להיות שותף לדבר עבירה, כולל רצח, פרושו שידעת שהפשע מתרחש ולא עשית דבר כדי למנוע אותו.","Generally speaking, being an accessory to any crime, including murder, means you knew it was happening and did nothing to try and stop it.",heb_Hebr-eng_Latn "כל פעם שתאונה קורית, הדבר הראשון אותו מחפשים הרופאים הוא צמיד, ענק או אביזר אחר היכול לספק מידע לגבי הנפגע.","Whenever an accident happens, the first thing the doctors look for is a bracelet, a necklace, or some accessory that can provide some information about the patient.",heb_Hebr-eng_Latn הפעוט בכה.,The toddler cried.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn הוא השתהה בכיתה לאחר סוף השיעורים.,He lingered in the classroom after school was over.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn ניחוח ארוחת הערב מאתמול עדיין ריחף במטבח.,The smell of last night's dinner was still lingering in the kitchen.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn "כרגע יש בידינו אוכמניות, אסנה, דובדבנים, תותים, אפרסקים ונקטרינות.","Right now, we have blueberries, blackberries, cherries, strawberries, peaches and nectarines.",heb_Hebr-eng_Latn המזכירה הלכה למחסן להביא את התיק.,The secretary went to the storage room to retrieve the file.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn בית החולים מגביל את מספר המבקרים שמותר להם להיכנס לחדר הטיפול הנמרץ.,The hospital restricts the number of visitors who can enter the intensive care unit.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn אינך יכול לביית זאב.,You cannot tame a wolf.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn ראיתי סנאי לבקן היום.,I saw an albino squirrel today.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn הרגלו השתלטני מרתיח אותי.,His overbearing manner infuriates me.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn קשה לי לסבול אותו מאחר שהוא שתלטן כזה!,I find it difficult to put up with him as he's such an overbearing control freak!,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn הרעש מסיח את הדעת.,The noise is distracting.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn היא לא נתנה לכשלון לרפות את ידיה.,She did not let failure discourage her.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn אל תתחמק מהשאלה.,Don't evade the question.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn הוא נלהב מגולף הרבה יותר ממני.,He is much more of a golf enthusiast than I am.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn הייתי רוצה להזמין מקום לגולף מחר.,I'd like to make a reservation to play golf tomorrow.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn תום לא משחק גולף כפי שהיה רגיל.,Tom doesn't play golf as much as he used to.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn תום הודה שהוא לא ברמה של מרי בגולף.,Tom admitted that he was no match for Mary in golf.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn תום מצא מקום בו יוכל לשחק גולף בחינם.,Tom found a place where he could play golf for free.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn "תום אוהב גולף, אבל מרי חושבת שזה אטי ומשעמם.","Tom likes golf, but Mary thinks it's slow and boring.",heb_Hebr-eng_Latn אל לו לאב להתנער מאחריותו לילדיו.,A father shouldn't shirk his responsibilities to his children.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn התחמקנו מכדור רובה.,We dodged a bullet.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn היא התחמקה מהנשיקה.,She dodged the kiss.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn המבצעים כבר בתהליכים.,Operations are already underway.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn המיזם כבר בדרך.,The project is underway.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn "את תמיד מספרת לנו כמה סיגנונך מעודן, ולמרות זאת את מאזינה לזבל הזה?","You always tell us how refined your tastes are, and yet you listen to that trash?",heb_Hebr-eng_Latn אומללותה הפכה לחדווה כששמעה את קולו.,Her unhappiness turned to bliss when she heard his voice.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn הוא רק צל של עצמו בעבר.,He's just a husk of his former self.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn "אם אתה פועל כך נגדי, לא אומר מילה אחת נוספת.","If you turn on me like that, I won't say another word.",heb_Hebr-eng_Latn הוא קמצן וחסר רחמים.,He's greedy and ruthless.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn הוא אנוכי ורודף בצע.,He is selfish and greedy.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn אנו בשבוע השני של גל חום אכזרי.,We're in the second week of an unrelenting heat wave.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn האחריות הזאת היא לנטל עליו.,That responsibility is a burden to him.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn הוא היה לנטל על הוריו.,He was a burden to his parents.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn "תום מסתייג משיחה עם אמו על אפשרות אישפוזה בבית זקנים, משום שהוא יודע עד כמה היא מתנגדת לרעיון.",Tom is reluctant to talk to his mother about her going into a nursing home because he knows she will be violently opposed to the idea.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn תום היה שיכור ובלתי נסבל במסיבה.,Tom was drunk and obnoxious at the party.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn הוא הוגלה מהממלכה.,He was banished from the kingdom.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn לתושבי הכפר הייתה דיעה קדומה כלפי כל פנים חדשות.,The villagers had a bias against any newcomer.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn עליך לשפוט בנושא ללא משוא פנים.,You have to judge the case without bias.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn קשה להתנער מהרגל לאחר שהוא מתקבע.,A habit is very difficult to shake off once it is formed.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn היא המשיכה והפכה לאישתו.,She went on to become his wife.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn מהתחלות לא מבטיחות הוא המשיך והפך למנהיג מכובד.,"From unpromising beginnings, he went on to become a respected leader.",heb_Hebr-eng_Latn לעצי ליבנה יש קליפה בהירה.,Birch trees have white bark.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn הלהבה רטטה בשעה שינקה את השעווה המותחת ואיכלה את הפתיל.,The flame flickered as it consumed the wax and the wick of the candle.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn ניגנתי באקורדיאון.,I played the accordion.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn היה זה שקול מצידך לחסוך את הכסף.,It was prudent of you to save money.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn אולי יתמזל מזלנו ונתפוס את הגנב.,Maybe we'll get lucky and catch the thief.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn מחירי המניות עלולים לזנק.,Stock prices could skyrocket.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn כל מה שאת עושה זה קטנוניות. הייתי רוצה שתגידי פעם דבר מועיל יותר.,All you ever do is nitpick. I wish you could say something more constructive.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn פאסטה עשירה בפחמימות.,Pasta is high in carbohydrates.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn לחשוב שהם ישתמשו בשפה כל כך גסה! זה ממש דוחה.,To think they would use such indecent language! It's really disgusting.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn הערותיו הגסות ימחקו מהפרוטוקול.,His obscene remarks will be expunged from the record.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn נמאס לי מההעוויות המטופשות של תום.,I'm fed up with Tom's silly antics.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn תום סובב את הידית ופתח את הדלת.,Tom twisted the knob and opened the door.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn כל כך קל להיות שקול; כל כך קשה להיות קל דעת.,It is so easy to be solemn; it is so hard to be frivolous.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn את חושבת שהתביעה הזאת סתמית?,Do you feel that this lawsuit is frivolous?,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn הסיפור שלך נשמע קצת מוגזם להערכתי.,Your story seems a bit far-fetched to me.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn לך ותרביץ לבריון הזה.,Go and beat up that bully.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn תפסיק להעניש את עצמך.,Stop beating yourself up.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn הקטור היה רברבן וישיר באופן לא רגיל היום. על פי רוב הוא שקט כמו פגר.,Hector's uncommonly brash and outspoken today. He's usually deathly quiet.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn "היא אהבה גברים שמנים, אז היא החליטה להמיר את דתה לבודהיזם.","She loved fat men, so she decided to convert to Buddhism.",heb_Hebr-eng_Latn הוא מומר טרי לדת הקאתולית.,He is a recent convert to Catholicism.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn התפניות בעלילה היו צפויות.,The plot twists were predictable.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn הוא בכיין כזה - הוא עדיין מקטר על העבודה הקשה מדי ועל אכזריותה של אישתו כלפיו.,He's such a whiner - he's still ranting about how his job is too difficult and how his wife is mean to him.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn זה מבחן סיבולת גופני.,This is a physical endurance test.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn ספורט שומר אותנו בכושר.,Sports keep us in good shape.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn אני מקווה שהאירוע הזה לא יגרום לך צער כשתנסי לעזוב את המדינה.,I hope that incident won't cause you any grief when you try to leave the country.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn היא הייתה פקעת עצבים אמש.,She was a bundle of nerves last night.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn אני חוששת שאהיה לנטל עליך.,I am afraid I'll be a burden to you.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn אני חושש שאפול עליכם לנטל.,I'm afraid I'll be a burden to you.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn שמרים גורמים לבירה לתסוס.,Yeast makes beer ferment.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn בננות הן מקור טוב לאשלגן.,Bananas are a good source of potassium.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn אני תוהה אם חשיפה מתמדת לפרסומות עלולה לגרום להפרעה בריכוז.,I wonder whether constant exposure to commercials can lead to attention deficit disorder.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn "מעסיקים לא יכולים לסרב להעסיק עובדים בגלל גזע, דת, מוצא עדתי, צבע עור, מין, גיל, מצב משפחתי, נכות או נטיה מינית.","Employers cannot refuse to hire workers because of their race, religion, ethnic origin, skin colour, sex, age, marital status, disability or sexual orientation.",heb_Hebr-eng_Latn אגרנו את הקש בגורן.,We stored the hay in the barn.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn זה כמו לחפש מחט בערימת שחת.,It is like looking for a needle in a haystack.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn "בראש ובראשונה, עליך לברר מדוע אתה נמצא פה.","First and foremost, you need to figure out why you're here.",heb_Hebr-eng_Latn נסה לתרגל לפחות פעם בשבוע.,Try to exercise at least once a week.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn תן לי עודף בשטרות ובמטבעות.,Give me change in bills and coins.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn את מוכנה לפרוט לי שטר של חמישה דולר?,Can you change a five-dollar bill?,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn הג'ינס שלי מתפקעים בתפרים.,My jeans ripped at the seams.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn "עליה בסיכון שטפונות משפיעה על בטיחות האדם ועל בריאות, נכסים, תשתית, כלכלה ואקולוגיה באיזורים רבים בארה""ב.","Increasing flooding risk affects human safety and health, property, infrastructure, economies, and ecology in many basins across the United States.",heb_Hebr-eng_Latn "תמורות באקלים, מלחמת אזרחים, קשיי מימון ותוהו ובוהו בתשתיות כולם גרמו לזעזועים במדינה הזאת.","Climate change, civil war, financial hardship, and infrastructural chaos have all caused turmoil in this country.",heb_Hebr-eng_Latn תום מעודו לא שיחק גולף.,Tom has never played golf.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn אני חושב שהדבר היחידי ממנו נהנית היה גולף.,I thought the only thing you really enjoyed was golf.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn תום איום בגולף.,Tom is terrible at golf.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn הוא לא ידע שתום משחק גולף.,I didn't realize Tom played golf.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn אני חושב שאמרת שאתה נהנה מגולף.,I thought you said you enjoyed golf.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn איפה קנית את מחבטי הגולף שלך?,Where did you buy your golf clubs?,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn אני חושב שתום נהג לשחק גולף.,I think Tom used to play golf.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn "תום עדיין משחק גולף, נכון?","Tom still plays golf, doesn't he?",heb_Hebr-eng_Latn אני רוצה להשתפר בגולף.,I want to become better at golf.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn תום בעצם די טוב בגולף.,Tom is actually pretty good at golf.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn תום לימד את מרי איך לשחק גולף.,Tom taught Mary how to play golf.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn אני שומע שאתה טוב בגולף.,I hear you're good at golf.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn היה לי כיף לשחק גולף.,I had a good time playing golf.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn שיחקנו גולף למרות הגשם.,We played golf in spite of the rain.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn הצטרפתי למועדון הגולף לפני שלוש שנים.,I joined the golf club three years ago.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn הוא חבר במועדון הגולף.,He's a member of the golf club.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn הוא לא יודע לשחק גולף.,He doesn't know how to play golf.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn אני משחק גולף כבר זמן רב.,I've been playing golf for a very long time.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn שני הוריי לא משחקים גולף.,Both of my parents do not play golf.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn הוא משחק גולף אפילו כשיורד גשם.,He'll play golf even if it rains.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn "אפילו אם יורד גשם, הוא ישחק גולף.","Even if it rains, he'll play golf.",heb_Hebr-eng_Latn תום לא יודע לשחק גולף.,Tom doesn't know how to play golf.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn הוא שיחק גולף כל יום בחופש שלו.,He played golf every day during his vacation.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn כדור בסיס משעשע הרבה יותר מגולף.,Baseball is a lot more fun than golf.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn שכחתי כמה אתה טוב בגולף.,I forgot how good you were at golf.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn תום כבר לא משחק כל כך הרבה גולף.,Tom doesn't play golf so much anymore.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn גם תום וגם אני משחקים גולף.,Tom and I both like to play golf.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn מגרשי גולף כוללים 9 או 18 חורים.,Golf courses have either 9 or 18 holes.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn שיחקנו גולף יחד במשך שנים.,We've been playing golf together for years.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn זה לא גדול יותר מכדור גולף.,It's no bigger than a golf ball.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn אתה רוצה לשחק גולף או לא?,Do you want to play golf or not?,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn מעולם לא שיחקתי גולף עם תום יותר.,I'll never play golf with Tom again.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn תום נהג לשחק גולף עם אבי.,Tom used to play golf with my father.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn מתי בפעם האחרונה שיחקת גולף?,When was the last time you played golf?,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn תום הוכה למוות עם מחבט גולף.,Tom was beaten to death with a golf club.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn טום נאלץ לקבל החלטה קשה.,Tom had to make a difficult decision.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn תום משחק גולף שלוש או ארבע פעמים בחודש.,Tom plays golf three or four times a month.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn אני לא אוהב ענפי ספורט כמו טניס וגולף.,I don't like such sports as tennis and golf.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn "אם ירד גשם מחר, לא אשחק גולף.","If it should rain tomorrow, I won't play golf.",heb_Hebr-eng_Latn באיזו שעה יגיע סוף העולם?,What time is the world going to end?,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn אני אוהב את עירי.,I love my city.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn זה נכון שהוא מטיב לשחק גולף.,It is true that he is good at playing golf.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn זה לא השם שלי.,It is not my name.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn זה איננו שמי.,That's not my name.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn אויב הגיע לארץ שלנו.,The enemy has come to our country.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn ספר לי על החלומות שלך.,Tell me about your dreams.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn חסר כאן רווח בין שתי המילים האלה.,A space is missing here between these two words.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn הוא למד גולף על ידי צפייה באחרים ולמידה מהם.,He learned golf by watching others and following their example.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn אני בכלל לא יודע איך לשחק גולף.,I don't know how to play golf at all.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn אבא שלי היה מצוברח כי הוא לא היה יכול לשחק גולף מחמת מזג האוויר.,Father was in a bad mood since he couldn't play golf because of bad weather.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn לאמא היה מצב רוח רע כי היא לא יכלה לשחק גולף בגלל מזג האוויר הגרוע.,Mother was in a bad mood since she could not play golf because of bad weather.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn אתה יכול ללמד אותי לשחק גולף?,Can you teach me how to play golf?,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn שיחקתי גולף עם תום הרבה פעמים.,I've played golf with Tom many times.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn שיחקתי לאחרונה הרבה גולף.,I've been playing a lot of golf.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn למרות הגשם הוא ישחק גולף.,"Even though it is raining, he will play golf.",heb_Hebr-eng_Latn מגרש הגולף הזה לא פתוח לאנשים שאינם חברים.,This golf course is not open to non-members.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn הוא שיחק גולף יום אחר יום במשך החופש שלו.,He played golf day after day during his vacation.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn היא הגישה מועמדות למועדון הגולף.,She applied for the membership in a golf club.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn השכנים העשירים חברים במועדון גולף פרטי.,My rich neighbors belong to a private golf club.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn היא הכתה אותו למוות עם מחבט גולף.,She beat him to death with a golf club.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn תום רוצה לשחק גולף עם אבא של מרי.,Tom wants to play golf with Mary's father.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn גולף הוא הספורט שאני לא אוהב.,Golf is the sport that I don't like.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn מי מאמן את הקבוצה?,Who coaches the team?,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn אני המאמן.,I'm the coach.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn זה המאמן שלי.,This is my coach.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn המאמן מתוסכל?,Is the coach frustrated?,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn אנו זקוקים לקצת אימון.,We need some coaching.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn אימון הוא החיים שלי.,Coaching is my life.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn מי היה המאמן?,Who was the coach?,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn תום המאמן.,Tom is the coach.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn תום היה מאמן.,Tom was a coach.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn הוא מאמן גדול.,He's a great coach.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn "אין ספק שהוא עשיר, אבל אני לא בוטח בו.","He is without a doubt rich, but I don't trust him.",heb_Hebr-eng_Latn הוא החליט שלא להגיש תלונה.,He decided not to press charges.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn אולי נמות.,We might die.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn חשבתי שאולי תרצה שתום ישחק אתך גולף.,I thought you might want Tom to play golf with you.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn לתום לא ממש אכפת עם המכונית שלו מלוכלכת.,Tom doesn't really care if his car is dirty.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn הייתי יכול לשחק גולף עכשיו במקום לעשות את זה.,I could be playing golf right now instead of doing this.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn זה סודי ביותר.,It's top secret.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn הוא זה שטיפל לה בפצע.,He is the one who took care of her wound.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn לתום אין בכלל חברים שאוהבים גולף.,Tom doesn't have any friends who like to play golf.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn לא היה מגיע לתום למות.,Tom didn't deserve to die.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn תום לא נתן הרבה למרי.,Tom didn't give Mary much.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn לא היה לתום זמן רב.,Tom didn't have much time.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn תזהר שמא תקרע את הבגדים שלך במסמר ההוא.,Be careful not to tear your clothes on that nail.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn תום טוב בגולף אבל לא טוב במיוחד לטניס.,"Tom is good at golf, but not very good at tennis.",heb_Hebr-eng_Latn "החנות של תום מוכרת מחבטי גולף, כדורי גולף, נעלי גולף ואביזרים אחרים.","Tom's store sells golf clubs, balls, shoes and other accessories.",heb_Hebr-eng_Latn זה ספר שלה.,This is her book.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn זה הספר שלה.,This book is hers.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn תצחצח שיניים.,Brush your teeth.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn "תום אומר שהוא מתכוון לשחק איתנו גולף היום אחה""צ.",Tom says he intends to play golf with us this afternoon.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn כמעט כל הפנאי של תום מוקדש למגרש הגולף.,Almost all of Tom's free time is spent on a golf course.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn את צריכה להתאמן בנגינה בכינור כל יום.,You should practice playing the violin every day.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn אני עדיין לא משחק גולף טוב כפי שרציתי.,I still can't play golf as well as I'd like to.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn הם באמת רצו לדעת מה קרה.,They really wanted to know what happened.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn מדוע אנו קוראים לחנוכה חג האורות?,Why do we call Hanukkah The Festival of Lights?,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn "אני רוחצת את פני כל ערב, כדי להסיר את האיפור.",I wash my face every evening to get my makeup off.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn "מה תועלת ידיעתי שלוש שפות, כשאיש לא מקשיב לי?",What's the point of my knowing three foreign languages if no-one listens to me?,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn "מה יתרון זה שאני מדבר שלוש שפות זרות, כשאינני יודע מה לומר?",What's the point of my knowing three foreign languages if I don't know what to say?,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn הביקורת עסקה רק בקטנות.,His criticism only referred to incidental matters.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn אי אפשר לראות את רומא ביום אחד.,It's impossible to see Rome in a day.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn המלחמה נגמרה.,The war had ended.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn החולה לא יכול לשמור על האוכל בפנים.,The patient can't keep his food down.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn היי! כולם לצעוד בשורה! אחרי!,Hey! Everybody get in line! Follow me!,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn ניסיתי לברך אותך בלבביות.,"Hey, I was trying to familiarly greet you.",heb_Hebr-eng_Latn זאת התשובה לשאלתי!,That's the response to my question!,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn "היי, התוכל לספר על כך מחר? אני מתעניינת מאוד ומקווה שתוכל.","Hey, could you tell a story about it tomorrow? I'm very interested, and I hope you can.",heb_Hebr-eng_Latn לא. זה לא משעשע אותי.,No. I don't find that very funny.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn הא הא הא! האם את מנסה להרוג את כל הזבובים?,Hahaha! Do you want to kill all flies?,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn תום לא נראה כל כך עסוק.,Tom doesn't seem too busy.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn תום הסביר את הבעיה שלו.,Tom explained his problem.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn אני לא נשארת להקשיב לזה! שלום!,I'm not staying to listen to this! Have a nice day!,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn תום חש עצמו קצת מתוח.,Tom felt a little nervous.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn ברוך הבא ג'ון! חיכינו לך.,"Welcome, John! We were waiting for you.",heb_Hebr-eng_Latn תום חש עצמו די מאויים.,Tom felt quite threatened.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn תום הצטרך להתפטר בסופו של דבר.,Tom finally had to retire.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn האופניים האלו ננטשו פה מאז תחילת החודש.,This bicycle has been left here since the beginning of this month.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn אבל הפרשות העכורות לא נעלמות. לעולם הם אינן נעלמות. למה זה כך?,But the sad things don't go away. They never do. Why is that so?,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn תום חייך חיוך רחב למרי.,Tom gave Mary a big smile.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn "כדי לדייק, שתיתי יין אדום.","To be precise, I drank red wine.",heb_Hebr-eng_Latn "לדבר באופן פשטני, הרופא מתקן את האנשים.","Roughly speaking, a doctor repairs people.",heb_Hebr-eng_Latn אני חושב שאנמנם לזמן מה.,I think I'll snooze for a while.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn טום אינו מרוויח די כסף כדי לתמוך במשפחתו.,Tom doesn't earn enough money to support his family.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn "ושוב, למה אמרת כתובת?","To rephrase, why did you say an address?",heb_Hebr-eng_Latn "את מרגישה את עצמך עייפה מאוד. כן, עייפה מאוד.","You are feeling very tired. Yes, you are feeling very tired.",heb_Hebr-eng_Latn "מצד אחד, המקום זול, מצד שני הוא יותר מדי חם.","On the one hand, the place is cheap. On the other hand, it's too hot.",heb_Hebr-eng_Latn בא לך לרקוד?,Do you feel like dancing?,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn אינני יודע מה זה.,I don't know what this is.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn "כן, זה נכון.","That's right, yes.",heb_Hebr-eng_Latn אני צמא לראות אותך.,I can't wait to see you.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn אני לא יכול בלעדיך.,I cannot be without you.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn יש לך שיער יפה.,You have beautiful hair.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn העיניים שלך יפות.,Your eyes are beautiful.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn הידיים שלך יפות.,Your hands are pretty.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn האצבעות שלך יפות.,Your fingers are pretty.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn את אהובתי.,You're my beloved.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn את יקרה לי.,You're dear to me.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn "כשנכנסתי לחדרו, הוא הראה לי את הגביעים הרבים שזכה בהם במשך עשרים שנות הגולף שלו.","When I went into his room, he showed me the numerous trophies he had won during the twenty years he had played golf.",heb_Hebr-eng_Latn אתה חזק.,You are strong.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn כדאי לנו לשחק יחד גולף פעם.,We should play golf sometime.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn אתה גבר שלי.,You're my man.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn אתה מתוק שלי.,You're my sweetie.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn הוא משחק גולף כל סוף שבוע.,He plays golf every weekend.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn יש לך קול יפה.,You have a beautiful voice.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn תום לא שיחק גולף.,Tom didn't play golf.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn יש לך לב טוב.,You have a good heart.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn את בליבי.,You're in my heart.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn "בני נסע ללונדון, למקום שבו נולדתי.","My son went to London, where I was born.",heb_Hebr-eng_Latn אנחנו זוג נפלא.,We make a great couple.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn לא ידעתי את זה.,I didn't know that.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn לא ידעתי זאת.,I did not know this.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn אתה חלום חיי.,You're a dream come true.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn צפויה עליה בטמפרטורה.,A rise in temperatures is expected.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn למה אנשים אוהבים גולף?,Why do people like golf?,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn ידעתי את זה.,I knew it.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn ידעתי זאת.,I knew it!,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn את עדיין משחקת גולף?,Do you still play golf?,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn תום משחק גולף היום.,Tom is playing golf today.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn אני תמיד שותה כוס חלב לפני השינה.,I always drink a glass of milk before going to sleep.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn תום טוב בגולף.,Tom is good at golf.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn יהיה מעונן.,It'll be cloudy.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn הדירה שלי נמצאת בקומה הראשונה.,My flat is located on the first floor.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn יהיה מעונן חלקית.,It'll be partly cloudy.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn יהיה בהיר.,It'll be sunny.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn יהיה חם.,It'll be hot.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn "בני הזוג נפרדו, לָנצח.","The couple parted, never to meet again.",heb_Hebr-eng_Latn יהיה יבש.,It'll be dry.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn צפוי גשם.,They're predicting rain.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn צפוי שלג.,Snow is expected.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn מספר המשלוח למעקב שלך הוא: 111222333.,Your tracking number is: 111222333.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn צפוי שרב כבד.,An intense heat wave is predicted.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn החנינו את המכונית בחניון חינמי.,We parked our car in a free parking lot.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn צפויות רוחות חזקות.,Strong winds are expected.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn עניתי על השאלה.,I answered the question.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn אולי יש זול יותר?,Maybe there's a cheaper one.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn אטוס לשם.,I will go there by plane.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn תענה על השאלה.,Answer the question.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn תעני על השאלה.,Answer the question!,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn אתה נראה איום ונורא.,You look awful.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn הפוליטיקאי מקבל קהל בימי רביעי.,The politician receives on Wednesdays.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn הפוליטיקאי חלקלק כצלופח!,The politician is as slippery as an eel!,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn האם הכנת את שיעורי הבית בעצמך?,Did you do your homework by yourself?,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn "כאשר הלך טום בלילה ברחוב, אדם שהוא לא הכיר איים עליו בסכין ושדד ממנו את כספו.","When Tom was walking down the street at night, a man he didn't know threatened him with a knife and robbed him of his cash.",heb_Hebr-eng_Latn אני צריכה עט.,I need a pen.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn אני צריכה נייר מדפסת.,I need printer paper.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn אני צריכה לוח שנה.,I need a calendar.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn אני צריכה עפרונות צבעוניים.,I need colored pencils.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn אני צריך עפרונות צבעוניים.,I need coloured pencils.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn אני צריכה דבק.,I need glue.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn אני צריכה דבק שפתון.,I need a glue stick.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn אני צריכה סרט הדבקה.,I need the tape.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn אני צריכה מעטפות.,I need envelopes.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn אני צריכה צבע.,I need paint.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn אני צריכה סרגל.,I need a ruler.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn אני צריכה עט הדגשה.,I need a marker.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn אני צריכה מספריים.,I need scissors.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn אני צריך מספריים.,I need a pair of scissors.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn אני צריכה שקית.,I need a bag.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn ביקשתי ממנו שישלח לנו את הספר.,I asked him to send us the book.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn אני רואה ספר.,I see a book.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn היא התאמצה לשחות.,She was having a hard time swimming.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn אני צריכה עט כדורי.,I need a ball point pen.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn יש לה שתי בנות.,She has two daughters.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn הם הגיעו לאוסקה בתחילת מאי.,They arrived in Osaka at the beginning of May.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn אני צריך מחדד עפרונות.,I need a pencil sharpener.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn הם הסתדרו בקבוצות של חמישה.,They formed themselves in groups of five.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn הפצועים פונו מהזירה.,The injured were removed from the scene.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn מדברים ספרדית בהרבה ארצות.,Spanish is spoken in a whole bunch of countries.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn האם מרי גרה בסמוך לנהג האוטובוס שאיתו עובד ג'ון?,Does Mary live next door to the bus driver that worked with John?,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn הבעיה היא שאין לי כסף.,The problem is that I don't have any money.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn מה הנקודות הקטנטנות האלה?,What are those little dots?,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn היא ירדה במדרגות.,She went down the stairs.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn הוא כבר חודש בחופשת מחלה.,He has been on sick leave for a month now.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn אני יכול לרכוב על האופניים?,May I ride a bicycle?,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn מה אתה עושה פה?,What are you doing here?,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn מה את עושה כאן?,What're you doing here?,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn "מצטער, אבל המלאי נגמר.","I'm sorry, but we're out of stock.",heb_Hebr-eng_Latn היום אתה בטח עם פתיל קצר.,You've sure got a short fuse today.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn הכנת את שיעורי הבית בעצמך?,Did you do the homework by yourself?,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn לא היתה לה שימלה ללבוש במסיבה.,She had no dress to attend the party in.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn הוא לא הצליח להעיר את הארי.,He failed to wake Harry up.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn חברים ארגנו לי מסיבת יום הולדת.,My friends celebrated my birthday.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn נא להעתיק את זה.,Please copy this.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn "השאלה היא: ""מי יעשה את זה?""",The question is who will do it.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn אנו בעד דמוקרטיה.,We stand for democracy.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn אני נגד כל סוג של מלחמה.,I'm opposed to any type of war.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn מתי ראית אותה רוקדת איתו?,When did you see her dancing with him?,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn עכשיו יש לי זמן.,Now I've got some time.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn היא הבחינה בסירה במרחק.,She noticed a boat in the far distance.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn הוא ידוע בכל הארץ.,He is known to the entire country.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn אין לי כל מושג מה הסיבה.,I have no idea what the reason is.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn זו היתה השגיאה הגדולה של חיי.,It was the biggest mistake of my life.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn נהג אוטובוס אחראי לבטיחות הנוסעים.,A bus driver is responsible for the safety of the passengers.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn אני חושב שאניה היא מאד יפה.,Ania looks very cute to me.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn אני צריך נייר למדפסת.,I need paper for a printer.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn אני בטוח שהמאמצים שלך יניבו הצלחה.,I'm sure your efforts will result in success.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn כאן יש פגם.,There's a defect here.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn אתה נראה עייף.,You're looking tired.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn "כן, אני מבין. תודה.","Yes, I understand. Thank you.",heb_Hebr-eng_Latn אין לדעת מה יקרה בעתיד.,You never know what'll happen.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn הוא שוב הרצה לנו על התפיסות החביבות עליו.,He lectured us about his pet theories again.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn אף מילה לאף אחד.,Don't breathe a word of it to anyone.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn גרמנו לו לנסוע.,We made him go.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn ברזל מוליך חום היטב.,Iron transmits heat well.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn הצעיר העשיר והנהנתן נמשך למרבה הפלא לחיים הסגפניים והקפדניים שחברי כמה מנזרים ניהלו.,"The wealthy, self-indulgent young man felt oddly drawn to the strict, ascetic life led by members of some monastic orders.",heb_Hebr-eng_Latn כל מה שאתה צריך לעשות זה לקבל את עצתו.,All that you have to do is to follow his advice.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn אפילו ילד מסוגל לענות על השאלה.,Even a child can answer the question.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn אדום מנוגד היטב לכחול.,Red contrasts well with blue.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn המחזה שלו היה להיט.,His play was a hit.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn אראה את כולם בעוד שבועיים.,See everyone in two months.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn "למרבה ההפתעה, היא דיברה אנגלית ממש טוב.","To my surprise, she spoke English very well.",heb_Hebr-eng_Latn כנראה אצטרך לזמן מסויים כדי להתרגל לחיים פה.,It seems like it will take me a while to get accustomed to life here.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn הוא נוטה להציג שאלות רבות.,He tends to ask a lot of questions.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn תום אוכל בחזירות.,Tom eats like a pig.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn "אני חף מפשע, אני נשבע.","I'm innocent, I swear.",heb_Hebr-eng_Latn אינני זקוק לטלוויזיה חדשה.,I don't need a new TV.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn את מה אתה יודע?,What do you know?,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn אתה בלבי.,You are in my heart.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn הוא לא בא עד אחרי שהקונצרט הסתיים.,He didn't arrive until the concert was over.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn המלחמה תמה.,The war ended.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn את לא יכולה לרכוב על סוס.,You can't ride a horse.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn אתה צריך לעבוד ביום ראשון?,Must you work on Sunday?,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn מה אתה אוכל לארוחת בוקר?,What do you have for breakfast?,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn את חייבת להחליט אם את רוצה לבוא או לא.,You ought to decide whether or not you want to go.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn הרבה מהלקוחות של תום הם מיליונרים.,Many of Tom's clients are millionaires.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn "תום מיליארדר, לא מיליונר.","Tom is a billionaire, not a millionaire.",heb_Hebr-eng_Latn תום חלם תמיד להיות עשיר כקורח.,Tom always dreamed of being a multi-millionaire.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn "כל אחד שעבד בפרויקט הזה, הפך למיליונר.",Everyone who worked on that project became a millionaire.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn "אני מבינה, התלוצצת.","I understand, you were joking.",heb_Hebr-eng_Latn האם זה מספיק?,Is this enough?,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn "תפוחים טובים לבריאות, וחוץ מזה הם טעימים מאוד.","Apples are good for your health, and, in addition, they taste great.",heb_Hebr-eng_Latn "היית צריך לנעול, או לפחות לסגור את כל הדלתות.","You should have locked, or at least closed, all the doors.",heb_Hebr-eng_Latn "אני עוזבת עכשיו, אבל אחזור כעבור זמן מה.","I'm leaving now, but I'll be back in a while.",heb_Hebr-eng_Latn אני בדיוק אמרתי את אותו הדבר לג'ון.,I was just saying the very same thing to John.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn לקחתי לג'ון ספר ונתתי לג'יין אחר.,I took a book from John and gave another one to Jane.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn אני קורא רק את התרגום הראשון.,I read only the first translation.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn אני מנסה להרוס חפץ רק תוך שימוש במחשבה שלי.,I try to destroy an object using just my mind.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn "הדבר היחידי הוא, שחד-קרן איננו קיים.","The only thing is, unicorns don't exist.",heb_Hebr-eng_Latn מה תעשה באוניברסיטה?,What are you going to do in college?,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn אנו יודעים שאנו קרובים יותר לקופים מאשר למכרסמים. בדומה החתולים והכלבים קרובים יותר אחד לשני מאשר לפרות או לחזירים.,We know that we are closer to monkeys than to rodents. Similarly cats and dogs are closer to one another than to cows or pigs.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn "תודה, חבר. אתה חביב וישר.","Thank you, friend. You are fair and just.",heb_Hebr-eng_Latn אני בדיוק נזכרת במשהו.,I just remembered something.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn האדם בן תמותה.,Man is bound to die.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn "סיימתי את זה, אחרי מאמצים רבים, למרות שזה דרש רק מחשבה מעטה.","I did it, through much hard work, though it took but little thought.",heb_Hebr-eng_Latn אני משחק כדורעף הרבה.,I play volleyball a lot.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn אני כל כך בודדה. אני חשה שאני חייבת לבכות.,I am so lonely I think I'm going to cry.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn "ממממ, מאכל זה הוא טעים!","Yum, this food is delicious!",heb_Hebr-eng_Latn אתה אוהב לשחק כדורעף?,Do you like playing volleyball?,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn אני רוצה לסגור את החשבון.,I want to close the account.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn "את יכולה להיות מהירה יותר מעכשיו. אל תחשבי בלבד, דעי שאת מסוגלת.","You're faster than this. Don't just think you are, know you are.",heb_Hebr-eng_Latn תום חזה בדמעות בעיניי מרי.,Tom saw the tears in Mary's eyes.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn אני אוהבת אותך כמו אח.,I love you like a brother.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn אני שמחה כעת שבאת.,I'm happy now that you've arrived.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn בואו נשחק כדורעף.,Let's play volleyball.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn הם השתתפו בישיבה.,They took part in the assembly.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn אני רוצה למשוך מזומנים.,I'd like to withdraw some cash.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn היא השתתפה בכינוס.,She took part in the assembly.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn הוא השתתף בישיבה.,He took part in the assembly.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn השתתפתי בישיבה.,I took part in the assembly.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn השתתפנו בישיבה.,We took part in the assembly.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn הוא לא זוכר אותי יותר.,He doesn't remember me anymore.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn ענה מהר ככל האפשר!,Answer as soon as possible!,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn היה לי מאמן טוב.,I had a good coach.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn "טוב, בטוח שאף פעם אינני מטיל ספק, שהמאמן שלי צודק.","Well, of course, I would never doubt that my coach is right.",heb_Hebr-eng_Latn הוא מסוגל לרוץ מאה מטרים בפחות מעשר שניות.,He can run a hundred meters in less than ten seconds.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn שכחתי את הקוד הסודי.,I forgot the PIN number.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn תום מדריך הגייה.,Tom is a speech coach.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn אני לא המאמן.,I'm not the coach.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn אני רוצה לשנות את הקוד הסודי.,I want to change the PIN number.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn "אני חושב שלא חסרה לי חברה, אבל אני עייף.","I don't mean to be unsociable, but I'm tired.",heb_Hebr-eng_Latn הילדות משחקות כדורעף חופים.,The girls are playing beach volleyball.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn הנשיא התיישב על כסאו כשגבו לחלון.,The president was sitting in the chair with his back to the window.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn טום אמר לי שמרי לא תרצה לשחק כדורעף איתנו.,Tom told me Mary wouldn't want to play volleyball with us.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn תום עוזר המאמן החדש.,Tom is the new assistant coach.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn עננים שחורים מתכנסים. יירד גשם.,Dark clouds are rolling in. It's going to rain.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn את יודעת לאן היא הלכה?,Do you know where she went?,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn אתה יודע לאן היא הלכה?,Do you know where he went?,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn "למעשה, אין לי שום כוונה להפסיק בדיוק עכשיו.","Actually, I have no intention to quit right now.",heb_Hebr-eng_Latn אתה יודע לאן הוא הלך?,Do you know where she's gone?,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn הייתי רוצה ללכת.,I'd like to go.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn "מעולם לא אימנת בעבר, נכון?","You've never coached before, have you?",heb_Hebr-eng_Latn המאמנים לחצו ידיים אחרי המשחק.,The coaches shook hands after the game.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn המאמן אמר שתום הצליח נפלא.,The coach said that Tom did great.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn תום סרב להכנע.,Tom would not relent.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn הוא אימן אותנו חצי שנה.,He has coached us for half a year.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn הוא אמר שהוא קנה מכונית משומשת.,He said that he had bought a used car.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn הוא לא רוצה לחנות את מכוניתו ברחוב.,He didn't want to park his new car on the street.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn הוא לא בא לעבודה באוטו שלו.,He didn't come to work with his car.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn "הוא קנה רכב חדש, אבל אנו לא ידענו על כך דבר.","He bought a new car, but we didn't know anything about that.",heb_Hebr-eng_Latn איש לא ידע שקניתי רכב חדש.,Nobody knows that I have bought a new car.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn המאמן אמר לי שאני צריך להתאמן יותר.,The coach told me I needed to practice harder.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn אני אוהב את הדגל החדש של דרום אפריקה.,I like the new South African flag.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn קנאי זרק פצצה על המרכבה של המלך.,A fanatic threw a bomb at the king's coach.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn אני הולך לעבודה עם השכן שלי.,I go to work with my neighbor.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn איש לא מסוגל לאהוב אותו.,Nobody can love him.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn האם את שם למעטה?,Are you down there?,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn הוא לא אוהב שום ספורט.,He doesn't like any sport.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn כולם חשו ברעש האדמה מלבדי.,"Everybody felt the earthquake, except me.",heb_Hebr-eng_Latn היא לא אוהבת אף אחד.,She doesn't like anyone.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn אל תשכח להיפגש אתי מחר בבוקר.,Don't forget to see me tomorrow morning.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn איש לא אוהב אותה.,Nobody likes her.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn בגלל זה איש לא אוהב אותה.,This is why nobody likes her.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn המאמן דחק בקבוצה שלו שלא תהיה זחוחה אחרי ארבעה נצחונות ברצף.,The coach urged his team not to be complacent following their four consecutive wins.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn האוניברסיטה אינה אלא בזבוז זמן.,The university is a waste of time.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn היא בחרה לוותר ללחץ של ההורים.,She had chosen to succumb to parental pressure.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn אף פעם לא דגתי עם תום.,I've never been fishing with Tom.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn תום מאמן גרוע.,Tom is a bad coach.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn הוא עשיר לפחות כמו כל גבר אחר מהעיירה הזאת.,He is as rich as any man in this town.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn אבוי למנוצחים!,Woe to the conquered!,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn אימנו אותי היטב.,I was very well coached.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn השמיים כל כך כחולים כפי שכחול יכול להיות.,The sky is as blue as blue can be.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn שום דבר לא ישווה למסע באוויר.,There is nothing like air travel.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn אני כבר לא המאמן שלך.,I'm not your coach anymore.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn דבר לא מוצא חן כמו תעופה.,Nothing is so pleasant as traveling by air.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn מקומות ריקים מהדהדים הכי טוב.,Empty places produce the best echoes.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn "בבקשה, קחי מה שתרצי.",Please get whatever you like.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn "האם היית אוכלת את הפכסם האחרון מהצלחת, אם אחרים מסתכלים?",Would you eat the last cookie on the plate if other people were watching?,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn אל תגיד דברים רעים על אחרים.,Don't say bad things about others.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn אני לא אוהב אותך יותר; אני עצוב.,I don't love you any more; I'm sad.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn תום מחובר למכשירי ניטור.,Tom is hooked up to monitors.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn הם ניטרו את תקשורת הרדיו של האויב.,They monitored the enemy's radio communications.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn זה לא מספיק.,That isn't enough.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn "הא הא הא, לא מספיק!","Heh heh, not enough.",heb_Hebr-eng_Latn המחזור שלי באחור.,I'm late with my period.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn האמת תיגלה בפניך.,The truth shall be revealed to you.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn "היכונו, כי הסוף קרוב.","Prepair yourselves, for the end is near.",heb_Hebr-eng_Latn ההורים צריכים לפקח על מקום המצאם של הילדים.,Parents should monitor their children's whereabouts.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn אינני יודעת לשרוק.,I can't whistle.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn אינני יודע לשרוק.,I cannot whistle.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn היא לבשה שחורים.,She was dressed up in black.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn אפקח על ההתקדמות שלך מהמחשב שלי.,I'll monitor your progress from my computer.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn האם לא ידעתם שהוא מת לפני שנתיים?,Didn't you know that he passed away two years ago?,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn אינני יודעת איך להביע את תודתי.,I don't know how to express my gratitude.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn תום רוצה להיות דיפלומט.,Tom wants to be a diplomat.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn זאת הייתה טעות.,It was a mistake.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn זו הייתה טעות.,That was an error.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn החזיון כבש את תשומת לבי.,The sight arrested my attention.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn שמעתי צעקות.,I heard screaming.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn תום לפתע התחיל להתעניין בהיסטוריה של האמנות.,Tom became deeply interested in art history.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn תום יצעק.,Tom will scream.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn חכה! אנחנו צריכים כאן לחשוב מחדש על האסטרטגיה שלנו.,Hold it! We need to rethink our strategy here.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn "סליחה, שכחתי את שמך.","I'm sorry, I forgot your name.",heb_Hebr-eng_Latn זה ברגע זה בעדיפות אצלי.,That is my priority at the moment.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn אשמור את סודך.,I'll keep your secret.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn היא צעקה והתעלפה.,She screamed and fainted.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn תום צעק לעזרה.,Tom screamed for help.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn התינוק צועק.,The baby is screaming.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn התינוקות צועקים.,The babies are screaming.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn רציתי שטום יבוא.,I wanted Tom to come.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn הצעקות שלך מפחידות אותי.,Your screams frightened me.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn שמעתי את תום צועק.,I heard Tom scream.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn שמעתי שתום צעק.,I heard Tom screaming.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn שמעתי אותך צועק.,I heard you scream.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn שמעתי אותך צועקת.,I heard you screaming.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn תום צעק בכאב.,Tom was screaming in pain.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn ניסיתי לצעוק.,I tried to scream.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn שמעתי צעקה.,I heard a scream.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn תום התחיל שוב לצעוק.,Tom started screaming again.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn תום צעק באימה.,Tom screamed in horror.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn תום החניק צעקה.,Tom stifled a scream.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn אני אוהב את המשחק הזה.,I love this game.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn תום צעק על מרי.,Tom screamed at Mary.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn אתה גר כאן?,Do you live here?,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn היו מאתיים איש בחדר.,There were two hundred people in the room.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn תום שמע מישהו צועק.,Tom heard someone scream.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn תום שמע את מרי צועקת.,Tom heard Mary's scream.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn תום צעק ביסורים.,Tom screamed in agony.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn תום צועק הרבה.,Tom screams a lot.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn הנער צעק לעזרה.,The boy screamed for help.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn התינוק צרח כל הלילה.,The baby screamed all night.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn זעקה בקעה את הדממה.,A scream broke the silence.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn הנער התחיל לצעוק.,The boy began to scream.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn הצעקות שלהם מלאו את האוויר.,Their screams filled the air.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn צעקות המשרתים העירו את כולם.,The servants' screams awakened everyone.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn אל תתן לו לצעוק.,Don't let him scream.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn תפסיק לצעוק באוזניים שלי.,Stop screaming in my ears.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn אני עומד לצעוק.,I'm going to scream.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn בוודאות שמעתי צעקה.,I definitely heard a scream.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn בדיוק שמעתי מישהו צועק.,I just heard someone scream.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn גם תום וגם מרי צעקו.,Tom and Mary both screamed.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn תום התחיל לצעוק בכאב.,Tom began screaming in pain.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn תום צעק משהו בצרפתית.,Tom screamed something in French.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn הסרט הזה הוא פגז.,That movie is a scream.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn לכן תום צעק.,That was why Tom screamed.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn אחד מהצעירים צעק.,One of the youngsters screamed.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn כל הנשים צעקו.,All the women were screaming.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn תום ומרי צועקים.,Tom and Mary are screaming.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn תום המשיך לזעוק לעזרה.,Tom kept screaming for help.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn תום התחיל לזעוק לעזרה.,Tom started screaming for help.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn תום התחיל לצעוק על מרי.,Tom started screaming at Mary.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn תום בהחלט צועק המון.,Tom sure screams a lot.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn אני על סף צעקות.,I'm about to scream.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn התינוק בעט וצווח.,The baby was kicking and screaming.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn היא פלטה צעקה של אימה.,She uttered a scream of terror.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn קהל זועם צרח עליה.,An angry crowd screamed at her.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn לא שמעת אותי צועקת?,Didn't you hear the scream?,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn בוא נלך או שאצרח.,Let go or I'll scream.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn תום ריסן את הדחף לצרוח.,Tom resisted the urge to scream.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn אני רוצה לשמוע אותך צורח.,I want to hear you scream.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn "אנא, אל תצרח עלי.",Please don't scream at me.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn שמעתי מישהו צועק את שמי.,I heard someone screaming my name.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn הן תום והן מרי צרחו.,Both Tom and Mary were screaming.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn חשבתי ששמעתי צעקה.,I thought I heard a scream.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn אבדתי את עשתונותי והתחלתי לצווח.,I freaked out and started screaming.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn תום פתח את פיו לצעוק.,Tom opened his mouth to scream.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn תום התעורר בצרחה מחלום בלהות.,"Tom woke from his nightmare, screaming.",heb_Hebr-eng_Latn למה אתה צורח עלי?,Why are you screaming at me?,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn תום זעק שמרי תעזור לו.,Tom screamed to Mary for help.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn צעק חזק ככל שתוכל.,Scream as loud as you can.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn היא צווחה כשראתה נחש.,She screamed when she saw a snake.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn לוס אנג'לס היא העיר השנייה בגודלה בארצות הברית.,Los Angeles is the second largest city in the United States.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn היא צרחה שזאת אשמתי.,She screamed that I was to blame.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn "כמה מהסטודנטים שיחקו טניס, והאחרים שיחקו כדורעף.","Some of the students played tennis, and the others played volleyball.",heb_Hebr-eng_Latn אני לא רוצה שתצעק.,I don't want you to scream.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn תום צעק חזק ככל יכולתו.,Tom screamed as loud as he could.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn נחרדנו מהזעקה הפראית.,We were frightened by a savage scream.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn אני כל כך משועמם שאני יכול לצעוק.,I'm so bored I could scream.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn שכחתי שאתה בקבוצת כדורעף.,I forgot you were on the volleyball team.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn "הוא אף פעם לא אמר לה, היכן החביא את היהלומים.",He never told her where he hid the diamonds.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn אלה הדיסקים שלי.,Those are my CDs.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn "אתה יכול לנהוג מכונית, לא כן?","You can drive a car, can't you?",heb_Hebr-eng_Latn אין סוכר בקערה.,There is no sugar in the bowl.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn "אנשים מסויימים מעדיפים הליכה בתלם, בעוד אחרים מחפשים חדשנות.","Some people prefer conformity, while others seek novelty.",heb_Hebr-eng_Latn אתה משחק כדורת?,Do you bowl?,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn "לאחר שהוא הלך, מרי נשארה לבד במשפט הזה.","He gone, Mary remained thus alone in this sentence.",heb_Hebr-eng_Latn קערת אורז שוקלת קרוב ל-180 גרם.,A bowl of rice is about 180 grams.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn "את מבינה אותי, וזה הכי חשוב.","You understand me, and that's the most important thing.",heb_Hebr-eng_Latn היא שפכה את החלב לתוך קערה.,She poured the milk into a bowl.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn הכלב יושב ליד הקערה.,The dog is sitting by the bowl.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn נשיקה בלי שפם היא כמו קערת מרק בלי מלח.,A kiss without a mustache is like a bowl of soup with no salt.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn קונכיית החלזון היא בעלת צורה סלילית.,A snail's shell is spiral in form.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn כמה קערות אורז אכלת?,How many bowls of rice did you eat?,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn אלך לשחק באולינג איתך.,I'll go bowling with you.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn תום לא אכל חמוצים בשמיר.,Tom didn't eat dill pickles.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn טום יושב מול הטלוויזיה. הוא לא לומד גרמנית.,Tom's sitting in front of the TV. He's not studying German.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn "מריה חיכתה לו, אבל הוא לא הגיע.",Maria waited for him but he didn't come.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn "מריה חיכתה לו, אבל הוא לא בא.","Maria waited for him, but he didn't come.",heb_Hebr-eng_Latn "הכול נכון מבחינה דקדוקית, אבל דוברים שזו שפת האם שלהם לא אומרים דבר כזה.","It's grammatically correct, but native speakers wouldn't say that.",heb_Hebr-eng_Latn "הכול נכון דקדוקית, אבל דוברים ילידים לא אומרים כך.","Grammatically, it's correct, but native speakers wouldn't say something like that.",heb_Hebr-eng_Latn אני מקווה שמריה תכתוב בקרוב.,I hope Maria will write soon.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn גברת סוון היא המורה שלנו לאנגלית.,Ms. Swan is our English teacher.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn לא קרה שום דבר במהלך היום.,Nothing happened today.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn "אני הולכת הרבה ברגל, כי זה בריא.","I walk a lot, because it's healthy.",heb_Hebr-eng_Latn "אני הולך הרבה ברגל, כי זה בריא.","I walk a lot, since it's healthy.",heb_Hebr-eng_Latn הבית שאני גר בו כבר ישן.,The house that I live in is old.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn "מריה אוהבת לאכול פירות טריים, כי זה מאוד בריא.","Maria likes to eat fresh fruit, because it is very healthy.",heb_Hebr-eng_Latn חשתי מנודה.,I felt excluded.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn חשתי מבוכה.,I felt confused.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn מריה ביקשה ממני לעזור לה במתמטיקה.,Maria asked me to help her with her math.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn "לפחות היום, האם הוא עשה משהו נכון?","At least today, have you done something right?",heb_Hebr-eng_Latn האם את לא מבינה את זה?,Don't you understand that?,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn הוא הזמין אותי אישית.,He personally invited me.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn הוא הזמין אותי באופן אישי.,He invited me personally.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn "הכי חשוב, שאת מבינה אותי.",It's very important that you understand me.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn "הכי חשוב, שאתה מבין אותי.",The most important thing is that you understand me.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn נשענו על מרפקינו.,We leaned on our elbows.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn הקש את הסיסמא שלך באמצעות לוח המקשים.,Type your password on the keypad.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn הגעתי מוקדם.,I arrived early.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn הוא נפטר בזרועותי.,He died in my arms.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn התרכזת.,You were concentrating.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn כמעט חייכתי.,I almost smiled.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn מיאמי היא העיר הגדולה בפלורידה.,Miami is the biggest city in Florida.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn האם מישהו אכל איתך?,Did anyone eat with you?,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn "שם, עם העינים אל התקרה, בשעה שהסיגר שלי מדיף עשן כחלחל באיטיות, שנספג כמו ערפל בוקר, אני רואה מחדש את חיוכך, את חיוכך היפה של פעם.","There, gazing at the ceiling, as my cigar slowly gives off a bluish smoke that dissipates like morning mist, I see your smile once more, the lovely smile of yesteryear.",heb_Hebr-eng_Latn האם החלטת איפה תאכל ארוחת צהרים?,Did you decide where you're going to have lunch?,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn שנן את החוקים האלה.,Remember these rules.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn היא הייתה החברה הראשונה שלי.,She was my first girlfriend.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn היא פחדה לחצות את הרחוב.,She was afraid to cross the road.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn אי אפשר לאלף זאב.,You can't tame a wolf.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn אתה משתמש במילון הזה כמו בקביים. אתה ממש לא צריך אותו.,You're using that dictionary as a crutch. You don't really need it.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn "אני הולכת לטייל, מכיוון שמזג האוויר היום מעולה.",I'm going out for a walk because the weather today is marvelous.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn "התעייפתי, אבל למרות זאת אני לא יכולה להירדם!","I'm tired, but I still can't go to sleep.",heb_Hebr-eng_Latn "התעייפתי, ולמרות זאת אני לא יכולה להירדם!","Despite the fact that I'm worn out, I can't fall asleep.",heb_Hebr-eng_Latn משקלה של קערת אורז קרוב ל-180 גרם.,A bowl of rice weighs about 180 grams.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn זה קשה לי מדי.,This is too difficult for me.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn "לעולם לא אעבוד עבור תום, לא משנה כמה הוא מבטיח לשלם לי.",I'll never work for Tom no matter how much he promises to pay me.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn אני כבר שעתיים כאן.,I've already been here two hours.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn אורכו של הסרט היה שעתיים.,The film lasted 2 hours.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn יש לנו שני ילדים.,We have two kids.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn נענשתי.,I was punished.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn השוטר פשוט לא רצה לשחרר את החשוד.,The policeman wouldn't let go of the suspect.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn המקום הזה מעורר צמרמורת.,This place is creepy.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn טום תמיד חוגר את חגורת הבטיחות.,Tom always wears his seatbelt.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn הגנב נמלט עם הכסף.,The thief got away with the money.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn הורעלתי.,I was poisoned.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn הוא קרא ספר שנכתב באנגלית.,He read a book written in English.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn הוא לא יכול לדבר לא אנגלית ולא צרפתית.,He can speak neither English nor French.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn תום לעולם לא היה מנסה לעשות דבר כזה בלי עזרה.,Tom would never try to do something like that without our help.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn שמעתי צעקות בחדר הסמוך.,I heard screaming in the next room.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn אני חושבת ששמעתי מישהו צועק.,I think I just heard somebody scream.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn "צעקתי, אבל אף אחד לא שמע אותי.","I screamed, but nobody could hear me.",heb_Hebr-eng_Latn תום הביט מסביב בדירה כדי לראות מה יוכל למצוא.,Tom was looking around the apartment to see what he could find.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn "תינוק לא מסוגל לדבר, אז הוא צועק עד שהוא מקבל את מבוקשו.","An infant is not capable of speaking, so it just screams until it gets what it wants.",heb_Hebr-eng_Latn חשתי שאני צריך לצרוח.,I felt like screaming.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn תום נכנס לחשבון.,Tom logged in.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn איפה אוכל למצוא מונית?,Where can I find a taxi?,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn שברתם את הכללים.,You broke the rules.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn זה כרטיס הביקור שלי.,This is my business card.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn """תודה"". ""בבקשה"".","""Thanks."" ""You're welcome.""",heb_Hebr-eng_Latn "הוא מגיע מאוסקה, כפי שמעיד המבטא שלו.","He is from Osaka, as is shown by his accent.",heb_Hebr-eng_Latn אני יכול להבין מדוע אתה לא רוצה לאכול שם.,I can understand why you don't want to eat there.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn היא חשבה שאני רופא.,She thought that I was a doctor.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn הגנב הצליח להיכנס דרך חלון שבור.,The thief entered through a broken window.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn אני רוצה יותר כסף.,I want more money.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn אני רוצה לצרוח.,I want to scream.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn שמענו צרחות בחוץ.,We heard screaming outside.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn תום שמע את הצעקה.,Tom heard the scream.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn רציתי לצרוח.,I wanted to scream.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn אני לא רואה את זה.,I don't see it.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn תום יכול היה לשמוע צעקות.,Tom could hear screaming.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn האם אתה מעדיף בטלוויזיה כיתוביות או דיבוב?,Do you prefer subtitled or dubbed TV shows?,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn צרחת פעם בקולנוע?,Have you ever screamed in a movie theater?,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn צרחתי בכל מאודי.,I screamed at the top of my lungs.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn תום ראה מה קורה והתחיל לצעוק.,Tom saw what was happening and started screaming.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn תום ומרי צעקו אחד על השני.,Tom and Mary were screaming at each other.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn אל תגעי בחפצים שלי.,Don't touch my stuff.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn תום ומרי התחילו לצרוח אחד על השני.,Tom and Mary started screaming at each other.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn אל תדבר כל כך בקול רם. אתה תעיר אותה.,Don't speak too loud. You'll wake her up.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn אל תגע בחפצים שלי.,Don't touch my things.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn תום גנח בכאבים וזעק לעזרה.,Tom moaned in pain and screamed for help.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn אני זוכרת את האימה שחשתי כשהיא צעקה.,I remember the horror I felt when she screamed.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn יש לו בעיות להתעורר בזמן.,He has trouble waking up on time.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn היא הכריחה אותי ללכת איתה.,She forced me to go out with her.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn גיליתי שקשה לגרום לכך שישמעו אותי מפאת הרעש.,I found it difficult to make myself heard due to the noise.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn תום התחיל לצעוק כמו נערה בת חמש עשרה.,Tom started screaming like a 15-year old girl.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn הספרים והמסמכים מפוזרים בכל החדר של אחותי.,The books and documents are scattered all over your sister's room!,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn צריך לפשט את לימוד השפות.,It is necessary to make the study of languages easier.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn הודעתי לו על בית הספר שלנו.,I told him about our school.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn מה את חושבת שהיא תעשה כעת?,What do you think she is doing now?,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn ביום ראשון המוזיאון לא פתוח.,The museum isn't open on Sundays.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn העולם בסופו של דבר לא נחרב ב-21 בדצמבר 2012.,"When all was said and done, the world was not destroyed on December 21, 2012.",heb_Hebr-eng_Latn במה יאמינו עכשיו כל האידיוטים שנותרו בחיים?,Now what will all the idiots believe who remained alive?,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn המצח שלה בער מחום.,Her forehead burned with fever.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn מישהו שדד את מרי.,Someone robbed Mary of her money.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn האם תום רוצה לראות אותי עכשיו?,Does Tom want to see me now?,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn הערך של השכלה טובה לא יכול להימדד בכסף.,The value of a good education cannot be measured in terms of money.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn הערך של חינוך טוב לא יכול להימדד בכסף.,The value of a good education can't be measured in terms of money.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn אין דבר יותר חשוב מחמלה.,Nothing is as important as compassion.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn הדוד שלי נוסע במכונית פורד.,My uncle drives a Ford.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn האירוע התרחש בחצות.,The incident took place at midnight.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn אני אוהבת חצילים.,I love eggplant.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn אני אוהב חציל.,I love brinjal.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn תום ומרי היו באותה כיתה בשנה שעברה.,Tom and Mary were in the same class last year.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn טום ומרי השתתפו בנשף מסיכות.,Tom and Mary attended a costume party.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn הוא הלך הביתה שלוש שעות מאוחר יותר.,He went home three hours later.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn "לא הפועלים בלבד, אלא גם נשותיהם, אחיותיהם, אמותיהם וילדיהם מגיל ארבע, מנוצלים באכזריות.","Not only the workers, but also their wives, sisters, mothers, and daughters older than four are being cruelly exploited.",heb_Hebr-eng_Latn "אתה יכול לשלם ב-4, או 6, או 12 תשלומים.","You can make 4, 6 or 12 payments.",heb_Hebr-eng_Latn היום זו התורנות של ג'ון.,John is on duty today.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn בעצם נולדתי בבוסטון.,"In fact, I was born in Boston.",heb_Hebr-eng_Latn תנסה לשתות במתינות.,Try to be moderate in drinking.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn לא שמעתי כלום.,I've heard nothing.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn הגחלים להטו באש.,The coal was glowing in the fire.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn הוא חושב שאני מאוהב בה.,He thinks I'm in love with her.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn תעשה משהו עם הדימום בפצע.,Do something for the bleeding from the wound.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn האורחים שלנו יושבים בסלון.,Our visitors are sitting in the living room.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn "סליחה, אבל את זה לא הזמנתי.","Sorry, but that's not what I ordered.",heb_Hebr-eng_Latn האם אתה יפני?,Are you Japanese?,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn כאב הבטן חלף.,The stomach pains went away.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn אני אוכל את הכל.,I'm eating everything.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn למשפחה היה ספק גדול לגבי ההסבר שקיבלו מהצבא.,The family had grave doubts regarding the explanation it received from the army.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn את יודעת כמה זה עלה לי?,Do you know how much it cost me?,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn אף סטודנט מעולם לא התלונן על כאבים באונה הקדמית השמאלית של המוח.,No student has ever complained of pains in the front lobe of the left side of the brain.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn הוא הודה לי על בואי.,He thanked me for coming.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn יש לו ילדים?,Does he have any children?,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn אין לך זמן בשבילי.,You do not have time for me.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn ואם הילד שלך היה כזה?,And what if your child was like that?,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn ומי טען שיהיה קל?,And who claimed it would be easy?,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn האם יש לכם בית באיטליה?,Do you own a house in Italy?,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn המנהל נזף בך.,The director reprimanded you.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn אז מה אתם מציעים?,So what are you suggesting?,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn הרחוב היה זרוע בפרסומות.,The street was full of advertisements.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn היא משתמשת באיפור זול.,She uses cheap makeup.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn תום קם מכסאו.,Tom got up from his stool.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn תום קם מהספסל.,Tom got up from the bench.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn דברים רבים העסיקו את תום.,Tom had a lot on his mind.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn עלי לפרוש.,I should retire.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn לתום היתה כתובת לא נכונה.,Tom had the wrong address.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn תום היה טרוד בעבודתו.,Tom has been busy working.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn לתום היו תסמינים דמויי שפעת.,Tom had flu-like symptoms.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn יש לתום משהו שאנו רוצים.,Tom has something we want.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn תום סיפר לי עליך.,Tom has told me about you.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn תום אחז את מרי בזרועותיו.,Tom held Mary in his arms.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn תום זקף שלוש אצבעות.,Tom held up three fingers.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn תום חיקה רופא.,Tom impersonated a doctor.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn תום מתגונן למדי.,Tom is a little defensive.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn תום רגשני במקצת.,Tom is a little emotional.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn תום אכלן בררן מאד.,Tom is a very fussy eater.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn תום ישן על הספה.,Tom is asleep on the sofa.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn תום ידידותי באופן קיצוני.,Tom is extremely friendly.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn תום חש בטוב היום.,Tom is feeling good today.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn בתחנה הבאה כמעט כולם ירדו מהרכבת.,"At the next station, nearly everyone got off the train.",heb_Hebr-eng_Latn "באחד המכתבים הוא מעיר: ""החיים הם רק חלום"".","In one letter he remarks, ""Life is but a dream"".",heb_Hebr-eng_Latn תום נמצא שם איפה שהוא.,Tom is in there somewhere.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn המתנתי במשך שעות.,I've been waiting for hours.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn תום אינו חובב מחנאות.,Tom is not a happy camper.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn חתום מעל שורה זו.,Sign above this line.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn בשבת שעברה עשיתי קניות.,I went shopping last Saturday.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn "אל לְךָ להפעיל את המגהץ, את קומקום המים החשמלי ואת התנור החשמלי בבת אחת.","Don't use the iron, electric kettle, and electric stove at the same time.",heb_Hebr-eng_Latn תום מפנה שלג עם את חפירה.,Tom is out shoveling snow.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn תום מצייר תמונה בצבעים עם מכחול.,Tom is painting a picture.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn תום חושש מהחושך.,Tom is scared of the dark.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn השן שלי כואבת שזה לא יאומן.,My tooth is giving me unbelievable pain.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn השן שלי גורמת יסורים נוראיים.,My tooth is making me suffer horribly.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn תום מודאג במידה מסויימת.,Tom is somewhat concerned.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn תום משנן את רשומותיו.,Tom is studying his notes.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn תום הוא זה שעשיר.,Tom is the one who's rich.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn תום הוא זה עם המכונית.,Tom is the one with a car.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn תום הוא היחידי שם.,Tom is the only one there.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn תום מנסה לעזור לך.,Tom is trying to help you.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn תום גדול ממני כפליים.,Tom is twice as big as me.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn תום עובד על המכונית.,Tom is working on the car.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn תום לא נמצא פה כדי לעזור לנו.,Tom isn't here to help us.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn תום לא אומר שום דבר.,Tom isn't saying anything.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn יש לי חבל באורך 50 מטר בלבד.,I only have fifty meters of rope.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn תום קפץ למים.,Tom jumped into the water.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn תום קפץ מתוך המכונית.,Tom jumped out of the car.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn אני באו בריצה מתוך הבנין הדולק כשהם צועקים.,"People came running out of the burning building, screaming.",heb_Hebr-eng_Latn הלוואי שתום היה מפסיק לצעוק כל הזמן.,I wish Tom would stop screaming all the time.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn "היא שמעה אותו צועק, אז היא רצה לחדר השינה שלו.","She heard him scream, so she ran into his bedroom.",heb_Hebr-eng_Latn תום ניתר מעל לגדר.,Tom jumped over the fence.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn תום אכל כריך אחד בלבד.,Tom just ate one sandwich.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn תום נסחף.,Tom just got carried away.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn "אחד נשאר, והאחר הלך.",One stayed and the other went away.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn תום המשיך לקרוא בספר.,Tom kept reading the book.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn תום ידע שמרי אינה עסוקה.,Tom knew Mary wasn't busy.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn "הנער צעק לעזרה, אבל לא הצליח להישמע.","The boy screamed for help, but couldn't make himself heard.",heb_Hebr-eng_Latn תום יודע שמרי מקניטה.,Tom knows Mary is teasing.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn אני כל כך כועסת שאני רוצה לצעוק ולשבור את הכל!,I'm so mad I want to scream and break everything!,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn תום הקשיב לרגע.,Tom listened for a minute.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn אני לא רוצה לראות אותך עוד.,I don't want to see you again.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn אני לא רוצה לראות אותך עוד אף פעם.,I don't ever want to see you again.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn אני לא רוצה לראות אותך יותר.,I never want to see you again.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn הייתי צורחת בקול לו ראיתי עקרב בחדר שלי.,I would scream very loudly if I saw a scorpion in my room.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn תום דמה מאד לך.,Tom looked a lot like you.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn אמש שמענו קולות של יריות וצעקות ברחוב מחוץ לחלוננו.,"Last night, we heard sounds of gunshots and screaming on the street outside our window.",heb_Hebr-eng_Latn תום הביט מסביב בחפזון.,Tom looked around quickly.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn הנערה צעקה כשהיא ראתה את הלהבות.,The girl screamed when she saw the flames.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn תום הביט במצפנו.,Tom looked at his compass.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn בחלל איש לא יכול לשמוע אותך צועק.,"In space, no one can hear you scream.",heb_Hebr-eng_Latn תום הביט בקריאת המחוגים.,Tom looked at the readout.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn סוכנות כשרונות מייצגת שחקנים.,A talent agency represents actors.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn מי מייצג את ההנהלה?,Who represent the executive management?,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn תום הסתכל במגירות.,Tom looked in the drawers.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn תום הסתכל מעבר לגדר.,Tom looked over the fence.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn תום נראה מופתע מאוד.,Tom looked very surprised.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn תום נראה דומה מאד לג'ון.,Tom looks a lot like John.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn כשלושים מדינות היו מיוצגות.,About thirty countries were represented.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn מינינו אותו כנציגנו.,We appointed him as our representative.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn אתם בוחרים את הנציג שלכם בהצבעה.,You elect your representative by voting.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn תום נראה מאושר באופן יוצא מן הכלל.,Tom looks extremely happy.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn נראה שתום שיכור.,Tom looks like he's drunk.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn תום העדיף תמיד ממשל ייצוגי.,Tom has always favored representative government.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn "לנער, אביו ייצג סמכות.","For the boy, his father represented authority.",heb_Hebr-eng_Latn הוא ייצג את הכיתה שלו בישיבה.,He represented his class at the meeting.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn מרי ייצגה את הקבוצה שלה בתחרות.,Mary represented her team in the competition.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn ניצחנו בקרב.,We won the battle.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn אל תתפרץ לדבריהם של זקנים.,Don't interrupt the elderly.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn לא הייתי רוצה להקלע למצב הזה.,I wouldn't want to get thrown into a situation like that.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn אל תתן לכלב לישון במיטה שלנו.,Don't let the dog sleep in our bed.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn נציגים של הוועד סוכרים את פיהם לגבי המשא ומתן עם ההנהלה.,Union representatives remained tight-lipped about their negotiations with management.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn היום אתם נשארים שניכם בבית.,Today both of you are staying home.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn אני חושבת שהנעליים האלה יקרות מדי.,I find those shoes too expensive.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn תום התקרב קמעה.,Tom moved a little closer.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn עורך הדין ייצג את הלקוח שלו בפגישה.,The lawyer represented his client at the meeting.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn התנדפי! אעשה זאת בעצמי.,Get out of here! I'll do it myself.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn תום לעולם אינו נראה מרוצה.,Tom never seems satisfied.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn סגן הנשיא ייצג את מדינתו בכנס הבינלאומי.,The vice president represented his country at the international conference.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn התרשמתי.,I was impressed.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn תום פתח את הדלת יותר.,Tom opened the door wider.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn תום בעל עסק למכוניות.,Tom owns a car dealership.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn תום היה מרשים.,Tom was impressive.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn תום העמיד פנים שאינו מסתכל.,Tom pretended not to look.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn תום פרץ את תא האכסון.,Tom pried the locker open.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn זה די מרשים.,It's rather impressive.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn תום הסיר את כסיותיו.,Tom pulled off his gloves.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn לא מרשים אותי.,I'm not impressed.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn תום הסיר את הפיאה של מרי.,Tom pulled off Mary's wig.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn תום לא התרשם.,Tom wasn't impressed.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn תום שלף את הארנק שלו.,Tom pulled out his wallet.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn השארתי אותו על השולחן.,I left it on the table.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn תום חבש מגבעת לראשו.,Tom put a cap on his head.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn אני ממש מתרשמת.,I'm really impressed.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn אני מתרשם באמת.,I'm truly impressed.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn תום הכניס את המכונית להילוך חניה.,Tom put his car into park.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn תום סידר את הברדק בחדר שלו.,Tom put his room in order.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn תום ממש מתרשם.,Tom is really impressed.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn תום נעל את נעליו בחזרה.,Tom put his shoes back on.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn "מרשים, לא?","Impressive, isn't it?",heb_Hebr-eng_Latn תום אירגן לי לינה ללילה.,Tom put me up for a night.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn תום היה מרשים מאד.,Tom was very impressive.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn איזה ספר מעניין!,What an interesting book this is!,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn התרשמתי מאד.,I was very impressed.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn תום התרשם כראוי.,Tom was duly impressed.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn תום לבש סוודר חם.,Tom put on a warm sweater.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn תום הכניס את המכונית להילוך.,Tom put the car into gear.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn הילדים מתרשמים.,The kids are impressed.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn הכישורים שלך מרשימים אותי.,Your skill impresses me.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn זה היה מרשים מאד.,It was very impressive.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn דומה שתום התרשם מאד.,Tom seemed very impressed.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn הנתונים מרשימים.,The figures are impressive.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn תום הרשים אותי ממש.,Tom really impressed me.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn ממש התרשמתי.,I was really impressed.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn תום גם הרשים אותי.,Tom also impressed me.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn התרשמתי באמת.,I was truly impressed.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn תום בוודאי התרשם.,Tom was certainly impressed.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn מה הרשמים שלך?,What are your impressions?,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn אני אוהב לחיות כאן.,I like living here.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn תום צריך את עזרתנו באמת.,Tom really needs our help.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn תום שטף את הצלחות.,Tom rinsed the plates off.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn תום אמר שהוא לא מבין את זה.,Tom said he didn't get it.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn תום אמר שהוא לא תופס את זה.,Tom said that he didn't get it.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn תום אמר שהוא היה אמן.,Tom said he was an artist.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn תום אמר שהוא אמן.,Tom said that he was an artist.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn תום אמר שזה יקר מדי.,Tom said it cost too much.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn יש לי כל כך הרבה להראות לך.,I have so much to show you.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn תום התחיל לקרוא.,Tom began to read.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn ההבהוב מסביב לארובה ניזוק.,The flashing around the chimney is damaged.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn "פרס של 50,000 פראנקים הוצע עבור החזרת המונה ליזה.",A reward of 50 000 francs was offered for the return of the Mona Lisa.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn המונה ליזה נגנבה מהלובר בפריז בשנת 1911.,The Mona Lisa was stolen from the Louvre in 1911.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn האם הפקס הוא צורה מודרנית של הטלגרף?,Is the fax a modern form of the telegraph?,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn הגג דולף בשלושה מקומות שונים.,The roof leaks in 3 different places.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn תום דחף את מרי.,Tom pushed Mary.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn תום דחף אותי.,Tom pushed me.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn אתה נראה אדיש.,You seem unenthusiastic.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn הם בנו גדר מסביב לחוה.,They built a fence around the farm.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn אתה לא צעיר כמו טום.,You're not as young as Tom.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn את נראית חדל אישים.,You seem incompetent.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn החולצה הזאת היא בגודל תקני.,This shirt is the standard size.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn הוא היה במקום הלא נכון בזמן הלא נכון.,He was at the wrong place at the wrong time.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn אני רק רוצה להיות שכן טוב.,I only want to be a good neighbor.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn השוטר החל לחנוק אותו.,The policeman put him in a chokehold.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn בירה מהחבית טעמה טוב במיוחד ביום חם.,Draft beer tastes especially good on a hot day.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn טום הפסיק לבכות.,Tom stopped crying.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn "שמי טמאקו; ואת, מה שמך?","My name is Tamako, and yours is?",heb_Hebr-eng_Latn "אני לא צריך כסף, אלא את עצתך.","What I need is not money, but your advice.",heb_Hebr-eng_Latn "זה באמת מרק טעים מאוד, לא כן?","This soup is really delicious, isn't it?",heb_Hebr-eng_Latn "זה באמת מרק טעים מאוד, נכון?","This soup is really delicious, right?",heb_Hebr-eng_Latn היום פגשתי את המורה החדש שלי לפילוסופיה.,"Today, I met my new philosophy teacher.",heb_Hebr-eng_Latn היה הרבה שלג בשנה שעברה.,We had a lot of snow last year.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn יצאה לי הרוח מהמפרשים.,I became discouraged.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn תום הכביד מאד על מרי.,Tom gave Mary a hard time.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn תום סימן למרי סימן הסכמה.,Tom gave Mary the OK sign.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn תום נותן לנו מה שאנו צריכים.,Tom gives us what we need.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn כדאי לשמוע לעצתו.,It's worthwhile to take his advice.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn אתה יכול גם לקבל את עצתו.,You may as well follow his advice.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn עליך לפעול על פי עצתו.,You should follow his advice.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn במעיל הזה אין כיסים.,This coat hasn't pockets.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn המעיל הזה חסַר כיסים.,This coat doesn't have pockets.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn המען שעל החבילה שגוי.,The address on this parcel is wrong.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn הצופרים הופעלו.,The sirens went off.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn "אני אקשיב לך, במיוחד בעִתות של אי-הסכמה.","I will listen to you, especially when we disagree.",heb_Hebr-eng_Latn "כשהוא ישן, גנב פרץ פנימה.","While he was sleeping, a robber broke in.",heb_Hebr-eng_Latn "אני מותשת, ולמרות זאת אני לא יכולה להירדם!","I'm exhausted, but even so, I can't fall asleep!",heb_Hebr-eng_Latn מה הרגשתך בעניין זה?,How do you feel about it?,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn חשתי מאוכזבת.,I felt disappointed.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn חשבתי אחרת.,I thought otherwise.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn בסופו של דבר הסכמתי.,I eventually agreed.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn הוא משחק בחוץ.,He is playing outdoors.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn הנקמה מתוקה.,Revenge is sweet.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn "אני אנקום על העלבון הזה, אתה יכול להיות בטוח בכך!","I will get revenge for this insult, you can be sure of that!",heb_Hebr-eng_Latn צעדתי אחורנית.,I stepped backwards.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn אתה צריך רק לעצום את עיניך.,You have only to close your eyes.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn אבא שלו יפני.,His father is Japanese.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn עצרו אותי.,I got arrested.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn התחלתי לצחקק.,I started chuckling.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn דיברתי מוקדם מדי.,I spoke prematurely.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn הכחשתי הכל.,I denied everything.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn יש לך בת?,Do you have a daughter?,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn יש לנו שכנה חדשה.,We have a new neighbor.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn מה לא תקין בזה?,What's wrong with that?,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn סרבתי לקבל טיפול.,I refused treatment.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn מי היו המכבים?,Who were the Maccabees?,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn בחג החנוכה נהוג לשחק בסביבון בעל ארבעה צדדים.,During the feast of Hanukkah it is customary to play with a four sided dreidel.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn מהם שני הנסים שנעשו לעם ישראל בחנוכה?,What were the two miracles that were done for the people of Israel on Hanukkah?,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn נראית המום.,You looked shocked.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn השעון פגום.,The clock is defective.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn תום כמעט אף פעם לא אוכל ארוחת בוקר.,Tom seldom eats breakfast.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn תום אומר שזה היה רעיון שלך.,Tom says it was your idea.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn תום ראה שמרי לוכדת דג.,Tom saw Mary catch a fish.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn תום ישב על ספסל בסביבה.,Tom sat on a nearby bench.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn תום אמר שאת היית פה.,Tom said you were in here.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn תום אמר שאתה היית פה.,Tom said that you were in here.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn תום אמר שאת רוצה מים.,Tom said you wanted water.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn תום אמר שאתה רוצה מים.,Tom said that you wanted water.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn תום אמר שנזקקת לעבודה.,Tom said you needed a job.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn תום אמר שהצטרכת עבודה.,Tom said that you needed a job.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn תום אמר לתת לך את זה.,Tom said to give you this.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn תום אמר שמרי שמנה מדי.,Tom said Mary was too fat.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn אתה יודע מה הסוד שלי? זה פשוט מאד...,Do you want to know my secret? It's very simple...,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn תום לא התנגד יותר מדי.,Tom didn't put up a fight.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn לעולם אין אנו צוחקים.,We never laughed.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn תום לא לבש מדים.,Tom didn't wear a uniform.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn הוא ייענש.,He will be punished.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn התיאבון בא עם האוכל.,Appetite comes with eating.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn הירח זורח מעל ההרים.,The moon is coming up over the mountains.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn העצבים שלו בגדו בו ברגע האחרון.,His nerve failed him at the last moment.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn תום הדליק את האורות.,Tom flipped on the lights.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn תום המשיך לשחות.,Tom kept swimming.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn מרי נראתה יפה.,Mary looked beautiful.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn חמאה עושים מחלב.,Butter is made from milk.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn עצור פה.,Stop right here.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn איך היא תשלם את חובותיה?,How will she pay her debts?,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn שתי התמונות האלה יפות.,These are two nice pictures.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn אקח אותו.,I'll take him.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn אחת המזוודות ריקה לחלוטין.,One of the suitcases is completely empty.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn זה הגורם המעכב.,That's the snag.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn הוא מצטער על כך שהוא לא התאמץ יותר בבית הספר.,He regrets not having worked harder at school.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn זה עשוי היטב.,It's well done.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn מי ישמור על הכלב כשנלך?,Who'll take care of the dog while we are gone?,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn הבה ניפגש בחזית של המלון.,Let's meet in front of the hotel.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn יש לו אופי פסיבי.,He has a passive character.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn יש משהו נוסף שאוכל להביא לך?,Is there anything else I can get you?,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn המקסיקנים נכנעו.,The Mexicans surrendered.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn יש משהו רע מאד.,Something is very wrong.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn אתה באמת האמנת לזה?,Did you actually believe that?,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn הדולפין הוא יונק.,A dolphin is a mammal.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn היה צריך לקטוע את היד של טום.,Tom's arm had to be amputated.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn אני לא מאמין לאף מילה.,I don't believe one word of it.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn חכה עד שש.,Wait till six.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn עלינו לקצץ עלויות.,We need to cut costs.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn אנחנו נוטשים את המקום. השוטרים מגיעים.,We're getting out of here. The cops are coming.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn מתי המופע הבא?,What time is the next performance?,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn החברה הזאת נוהגת בשוויון נפש בעניין בטיחות עובְדיה.,This company is indifferent to the safety of its workers.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn האם אתה נהנה מחיים כאלה?,Do you enjoy living like this?,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn זה פשוט מאד לשימוש.,It's very easy to use.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn מה דעתך על הנושא הזה?,What are your thoughts on this?,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn "אין אלוהים מבלעדי אללה, ומוחמד הוא שליחו של אללה.","There is no god but God, and Muhammad is the messenger of God.",heb_Hebr-eng_Latn "רוב המתכנתים שונאים את שלב הדיבוג. זו הנאה גדולה יותר לתכנת באגים, מאשר לסלק אותם.",Most developers hate debugging; it's more fun to create bugs than to correct them.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn זה היה הדבר הכי מכאיב בחיים שלי.,It was the most painful thing in my life.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn כל אדם נחשב.,Every person counts.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn טום חולה בסרטן.,Tom has cancer.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn תום אטום לביקורת.,Tom is not open to criticism.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn היה לו חתול לבן.,He's got a white cat.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn האם תתני לי את מספר הטלפון שלך?,Can I have your phone number?,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn אתה חלק ממני.,You're part of me.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn יש לה חתול לבן.,She has a white cat.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn הייתה לי שיחה ממושכת איתה.,I had a long conversation with her.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn בשבוע הבא אני נוסע לניו יורק.,"Next week, I'm going to New York.",heb_Hebr-eng_Latn אני אסע לניו יורק בשבוע הבא.,I will go to New York next week.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn זה היה די מרשים.,That was quite impressive.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn מה הייתה ההתרשמות שלך?,What was your impression?,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn הוא מיקד את העסק שלו באיזור העירוני.,He focused his business on the metropolitan area.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn הוא שכח קטע של הנאום ונאלץ לאלתר כמה זמן.,He forgot a section of the speech and had to improvise for a while.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn תום יתרשם.,Tom would be impressed.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn אפילו תום התרשם.,Even Tom was impressed.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn איפה הדברים שלך?,Where are your things?,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn זה היה מרשים ביותר.,It was most impressive.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn תום לא היה מתרשם.,Tom would've been impressed.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn תום לא מרשים אותי.,Tom doesn't impress me.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn תום לא הרשים אותי.,Tom didn't impress me.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn תום ויתר.,Tom gave in.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn המועמד הרשים את הבוחנת לטובה.,The applicant impressed the examiner favorably.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn הוא תאר את העובדות בקצרה.,He gave a bald statement of the facts.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn אני מצטערת שערבתי אותך בענין.,I'm sorry I dragged you into this.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn אני זקוקה לסיוע.,I had to get some help.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn איפה אני יכולה לערוך קניות?,Where can I do some shopping?,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn חשבתי שתתרשמי.,I thought you'd be impressed.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn אני רוצה באמת להרשים את תום.,I really want to impress Tom.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn זכור לי שהזכרתי זאת פעם או פעמים.,I remember mentioning it once or twice.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn ראיתי אור מרוחק.,I saw a light far away.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn חשבתי שזה מרשים מאד.,I think it's very impressive.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn אני חושב שתתרשם.,I think you'll be impressed.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn אני לא מתרשמת בקלות.,I'm not very easily impressed.,heb_Hebr-eng_Latn मेरे दादा ओसाका के हैं।,My grandfather is from Osaka.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn भूल गयी?,Did you forget?,hin_Deva-eng_Latn इस दवाई को हर छः घंटे लेना।,Take this medicine every six hours.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn उन्होंने अनाथ बच्चे को गोद ले लिया।,They adopted the orphan.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn कमरा नम्बर पंद्राह में तौलिये नहीं हैं।,There are no towels in room 15.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn मुझे खाँसी की दवाई चाहिए।,I need coughing medicine.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn मैंने तुम्हे बताने की कोशिश करी थी।,I tried to tell you.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn यह नदी बहुत सुन्दर है।,This river is beautiful.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn मैं उसके साथ सैर के लिए गया।,I accompanied her on a walk.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn मुझे यह तस्वीर जल्द-से-जल्द बनवानी है।,I want this photograph developed as soon as possible.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn वह अपने बेटे को नहीं देख पाया तो वह आत्महत्या कर लेगा।,He will commit suicide if he can't see his son.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn मुझे डर था कि तुम मुझे छोड़ दोगे।,I was scared that you might leave me.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn उन्होंने एक-दूसरे को देखा।,They looked at each other.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn अंग्रेज़ी बोलना मुश्किल होता है क्या?,Is it hard to speak English?,hin_Deva-eng_Latn इस बच्चे को सच का आदर और सच का पालन करना सिखाना होगा।,The child must be taught to respect the truth and to tell the truth.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn मैंने उसको पैसे देने की कोशिश करी पर उसने इनकार कर दिया।,"I tried to give her some money, but she wouldn't take any.",hin_Deva-eng_Latn "वह बहुत ध्यानपूर्वक है, इसलिए बहुत कम ग़लतियाँ करती है।","She is very careful, so she seldom makes mistakes.",hin_Deva-eng_Latn दुनिया एक छोटा सा गाँव है।,The world is a small village.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn माँ ने उसके लिए एक सुन्दर सी गुड़िया खरीदी।,Mother bought a beautiful doll for her.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn यह मेरी बहन की तस्वीर है।,This is a picture of my sister.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn "उसे खाने की बर्बादी करना पसंद नहीं था, तो उसने अपना खाना खाकर खतम किया।",He finished his dinner because he didn't like to waste food.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn चीनी अक्षर पढ़ने में मुश्किल होते हैं।,Kanji are difficult to read.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn वह उनके सवालों का जवाब नहीं दे सकता।,He cannot answer their questions.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn हमारी मुलाकात ग़लती से हो गई।,Our meeting was quite accidental.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn "जो ढूँढता है, उसीको मिलता है।","Who searches, finds.",hin_Deva-eng_Latn गड्ढा पाँच फ़ुट चौड़ा है।,The hole is about five feet across.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn मेरा पूरा शरीर भारी सा लगता है।,My whole body feels heavy.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn वह अकलमंद है।,He is possessed of intelligence.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn जवाब न देना भी एक तरह का जवाब होता है।,No answer is also an answer.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn मुझे शहर का नक्शा चाहिए।,I'd like a city map.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn उसने अपनी सिगरेट पीने की बुरी आदत छोड़ दी।,He broke himself of the bad habit of smoking.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn इस सूप में मछली का स्वाद है।,This soup smacks of fish.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn मेरी जापान जाने के लिए पैसे जुटा रही है।,Mary is setting by money to go to Japan.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn यह जूते उसके हैं।,These shoes are hers.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn यह मुफ़्त है।,It's for free.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn यह मुफ़्त का है।,It is free of charge.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn वह खाना न तो आदमी न जानवर को खिलाने लायक था।,The food was not fit for man or beast.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn पिछले शनिवार से मौसम बहुत अच्छा है।,It has been fine since last Friday.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn उसने ग़लती करने के लिए हमसे माफ़ी माँगी।,He asked our pardon for making a mistake.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn मैं समझ नहीं पा रहा था कि वह कहना क्या चाहता था।,I couldn't make out what he wanted to say.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn आपातकालीन स्तिथि में मुझे क्या नम्बर मिलाना चाहिए?,What number should I call in case of an emergency?,hin_Deva-eng_Latn जीन्ज़ धुलकर भी साफ़ नहीं लग रहीं थीं।,The jeans looked none the cleaner for having been washed.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn उसके साथ रास्ते पर कुछ हुआ होगा।,Something must have happened to him on the way.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn मैं तुम्हें एक बात की सलाह देता हूँ।,Let me give you a piece of advice.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn अगर थक गए हो तो पढ़ाई करने से कोई फ़ायदा नहीं है।,There is no point in studying if you are feeling tired.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn उसे दरवाज़ा खोलते ही किसी चीज़ के जलने की बदबू सुँघाई दी।,"The instant he opened the door, he smelt something burning.",hin_Deva-eng_Latn वह तुम्हारे सर के लिए बहुत छोटा है।,That's too small to fit on your head.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn तुम्हे दोपहर में क्या करने का मन है?,What do you want to do in the afternoon?,hin_Deva-eng_Latn स्टेशन इन दो नगरों के बीच स्थित है।,The station is located between these two towns.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn यह शेर बहुत पालतू है।,This lion is very tame.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn सारे विद्यार्थी उसका आदर-सम्मान करते थे।,All the students look up to him.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn उसे अपनी उम्र के बारे में सोचना चाहिए था।,He ought to have made allowances for his age.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn मेरी बहन को बच्चों से बहुत प्यार है।,My sister is very fond of children.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn क्रिस को सात सोने के सिक्के मिलते हैं!,Chris gets 7 gold coins!,hin_Deva-eng_Latn यह दवाई तुम्हारा गला साफ़ कर देगी।,This medicine will clear up your cold.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn तुम्हे इतना जल्दी आने की ज़रूरत नहीं थी।,You didn't have to come so early.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn फ़ूल पानी की कमी से मर गया।,The flower died for want of water.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn मैं टॉम और जॉन के बीच में बैठा।,I sat between Tom and John.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn यह उपन्यास सिविल वॉर के बारे में है।,The novel is centered on the Civil War.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn यहां एक हरा मैदान था; अब एक सुपरमार्केट है।,Here stood a green field; now it is a supermarket.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn बाईं तरफ़ को मुड़ोगे तो तुम्हें डाक घर नज़र आएगा।,"Turning to the left, you will find the post office.",hin_Deva-eng_Latn हम कोई समझौता कर सकतें हैं क्या?,Can we effect a compromise?,hin_Deva-eng_Latn इससे कोई फरक नहीं पड़ता कि तुम कब आते हो|,It doesn't matter when you come.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn तुम्हे अपने अँडे कैसे पसंद हैं?,How do you like your eggs done?,hin_Deva-eng_Latn काश मैं तुम्हारी मदद कर सकता।,I wish I could help you.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn जब लोग उसके खिलाफ़ जातें हैं तो वह गुस्सा हो जाता है।,He tends to get angry when people oppose him.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn मुझे हर तरह के फूल पसंद हैं।,I like flowers of every description.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn तुम्हे अपने समय का ठीक से इस्तेमाल करना चाहिए।,You should make good use of your time.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn घायलो की संख्या कम है पर पिछले सवा सौ वर्षों में ज्वालामुखी विस्फोटो के कारण बहुत लोग मरे है ।,"Although fatalities tend to be rare, many people died as a result of volcanic eruptions during the last quarter century.",hin_Deva-eng_Latn मतलबी इनसान केवल अपनी भावनाओं के बारे में ही सोचता है।,A selfish man thinks of nothing but his own feelings.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn हड़तालियों ने अपने-आप ही हड़ताल बंद कर दी।,The strikers called off the strike of their own accord.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn मैं आज घर साफ़ करने के बजाय सैर करने जाऊँगी।,"Instead of cleaning the house today, I think I'll take a walk.",hin_Deva-eng_Latn मुझे लगता है कि वह एक बुरा आदमी है ।,I think he's a bad person.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn हमे पेट्रोल पम्प ढूँढना चाहिए क्योंकि गाड़ी में पेट्रोल खतम होने वाला है।,We need to look for a gas station because this car will soon run out of gas.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn बिगड़े हुए बच्चों को खुश नहीं कर सकते।,There is no satisfying spoiled children.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn वे मेरी किस्मत के उतार चढ़ाव में लगातार मेरे साथ रहीं हैं।,She has been with me through the ebb and flow of my fortunes.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn मेरे माता-पिता के विवाह विच्छेद के हालात उनके काम के प्रति अत्याधिक लगाव से पैदा हुए थे।,The conditions that lead to my parents' divorce were engendered by their obsessive attitude toward work.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn उनका पहला जवाब प्रशंसनीय था।,His first answer was laudable.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn मैं तुम्हारे साथ एक हद तक सहमत हूँ।,I agree with you to a degree.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn वे जापानी हैं या चीनी?,Are they Japanese or Chinese?,hin_Deva-eng_Latn वह धीरे-धीरे ठीक हो जाएगा।,He will get better little by little.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn उसने कहा था कि वह मुझसे अगले दिन मिलेगा।,He said he would see me the next day.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn जंगल के जानवर मर गए।,The animals in the forest died off.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn मुझे घर के कामकाज में मदद करनी पड़ी।,I had to help with the housework.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn किसी ने दरवाज़े पर खटखटाया।,Someone knocked on the door.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn मैं तुम्हारे साथ इस बारे में अकेले में बात कर सकता हूँ क्या?,May I talk with you in private about the matter?,hin_Deva-eng_Latn अपने पति की मृत्यु के बाद मित्रों के फोन और पत्रों से नेन्सी को काफी सांत्वना मिली।,Nancy received much solace from the cards and phone calls received from friends in the weeks after her husband died.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn एक तीर से दो शिकार।,Kill two birds with one stone.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn हमारे पास पीने के लिए पानी नहीं था।,We had no water to drink.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn सर्दियों में हमारे होठ फट जातें हैं।,In winter our lips get chapped.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn "अपनी ज़बान बंद रखो, नहीं तो मारे जाओगे।","Hold your tongue, or you'll be killed.",hin_Deva-eng_Latn उसे अंदर भेजो।,Let him in.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn इस साल ज़्यादा बारिश नहीं हो रही है।,It isn't raining much this year.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn दुल्हन अचानक से हँस पड़ी।,The bride suddenly laughed.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn तुम्हे इस तरह की आदत तोड़ देनी चाहिए।,You must get rid of such a habit.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn गेट को खुला छोड़ दिया गया था।,The gate was left open.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn टीचर मेरा जवाब सुनकर निराश थीं।,The teacher was disappointed at my answer.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn दरवाज़े पर कोई अजीब सा इनसान है।,There is a strange man at the door.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn ऐसे नतीजे के लिए तुम्हारे माता-पिता पर दोष नहीं डाला जा सकता।,Your parents are not to blame for such a result.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn वह अमीर है हो है पर कंजूस भी है।,"He may be rich, but he is stingy.",hin_Deva-eng_Latn मैं अपनी नानी से हफ़्ते में दो बार मिलने जाता हूँ।,I visit my grandmother twice a week.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn उसने अपने ही घर को आग लगा दी।,He set fire to his own house.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn बाहर नहीं जाना चाहते हो क्या?,Don't you want to go out?,hin_Deva-eng_Latn रात को चाँद कैसे चमकता है?,How does the moon shine at night?,hin_Deva-eng_Latn मैं जो भी कहता हूँ वह मेरा यकीन कर लेता है।,He believes whatever I say.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn संचार के एक नए माध्यम का विस्तार हुआ - रेल।,A new means of communication was developed — the railway.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn तुम बिजली से खाना पकाती हो या गैस से?,Do you cook by gas or electricity?,hin_Deva-eng_Latn आखिरकार हमे सच्चाई का पता चल गया।,"At last, the truth became known to us.",hin_Deva-eng_Latn मेरी बीवी ने अभी-अभी मेज़ को साफ़ किया है।,My wife has just cleared the table.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn इस दीवार पर मत झुँको।,Don't lean against this wall.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn मुझे इस तरह का संगीत पसंद नहीं है।,I am not keen on this kind of music.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn रविवार को खुला होता है क्या?,Is it open on Sunday?,hin_Deva-eng_Latn "तथापि, यह नोट करना उपयुक्त है कि यह प्रक्रिया अगले वर्ष जारी रहेगी।","It is, however, apposite to note that this process will continue in the year ahead.",hin_Deva-eng_Latn पीछे बैठे हुए लोगों के लिए थोड़ी ऊँची आवाज़ में बोलो।,Speak louder for the benefit of those in the rear.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn टॉम मैरी के साथ संभोग करता है।,Tom has sex with Mary.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn राष्ट्रपति कल बयान देने वालें हैं।,The President is to make a statement tomorrow.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn माफ़ कीजिए पर हम आपकी मदद नहीं कर सकते।,We are sorry we can't help you.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn मैंने पिछली बार जब चार्ली को देखा था वह एक छोटा सा बच्चा था।,Charlie was a mere child when I saw him last.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn मैंने अभी काम ख़तम नहीं किया है।,I have not finished the task yet.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn तुम्हारे कोई भाई हैं क्या?,Do you have any brothers?,hin_Deva-eng_Latn यह तुम्हारी सेहत के लिए अच्छा नहीं है।,It's not healthy for you.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn उसके पास बैंक में बहुत पैसे हैं।,He has plenty of money in the bank.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn कितने बजे खुलता है?,What time does it open?,hin_Deva-eng_Latn यहाँ समलैंगिक विवाह वैध है।,Same-sex marriage is legal here.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn उसने हमसे बहुत देर तक इंतेज़ार करवाया।,He kept us waiting for a long time.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn तापमान गिरता है।,The temperature falls.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn अभी हम सेक्स नहीं करते।,We don't have sex anymore.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn मुझे मालूम नहीं कल बारिश होगी या नहीं।,I don't know if it will rain tomorrow.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn मेरे पास कुछ पैसे हैं।,I have some money.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn """क्या बात है?"" छोटे सफ़ेद खरगोश ने पूछा।","""What's the matter?"" asked the little white rabbit.",hin_Deva-eng_Latn तुमने मुझे डरा दिया!,You startled me!,hin_Deva-eng_Latn और-तो-और वह बीमार भी पड़ गया।,"To make matters worse, he fell ill.",hin_Deva-eng_Latn उसने अपने बेटे का नाम जेम्स रखा।,He named his son James.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn डॅन और लिंडा सेक्स करने लगे।,Dan and Linda began to have sex.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn अगर ऐसी बात है तो मैं पुलिस को फ़ोन मिलाता हूँ।,"In that case, call the police.",hin_Deva-eng_Latn मैं कभी इतना खुश नहीं हुआ हूँ।,Never have I been so happy.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn हमारे लिए एक-दूसरे को समझना बहुत ज़रूरी है।,It is very important for us to know each other.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn आप वहाँ जाएँगे क्या?,Will you please go there?,hin_Deva-eng_Latn हमारे औरडर का क्या हुआ?,What happened to our order?,hin_Deva-eng_Latn जब आपने अखबार पढ़ लिया हो तो मुझे दे दीजिएगा।,Please give me the paper when you have done with it.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn इस नदी में बहुत कम मछलियाँ पकड़ीं गईं।,The number of fish caught in this river was very small.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn अधिक आश्चर्य की बात क्या है?,What's more surprising?,hin_Deva-eng_Latn मुझे परीक्षा की तैयारी करने के लिए कम-से-कम दस घंटे लगेंगे।,It will take me no less than 10 hours to prepare for the exam.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn मुझे इतनी अधिक निराशा हुई है।,I am so disappointed.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn उसने दरवाज़े के पास एक कुत्ता देखा।,He saw a dog near the door.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn भारत में आप हिमालय क्षेत्र में ऐसे अनेक साधुओं को देख सकते हैं जिन्हें भविष्यदर्शी कहा जा सकता है।,"In India, you can find many saints in the Himalayan region who could be called prescient.",hin_Deva-eng_Latn सर्दियों में गरम कपड़े पहनो।,Wear warm clothes in winter.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn न तो वन्य जीवों और न ही घरेलू जीवों को मृत्यु का पूर्वाभास होता है।,Neither wild nor domestic animals appear to have any premonition of death.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn पैसे बहुत ज़्यादा हैं क्या?,Too much money?,hin_Deva-eng_Latn सॉफ़्टवेयर सेक्स की तरह होता है: मुफ़्त में मिले तो बेहतर।,Software is like sex: it's better when it's free.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn तुम शहर के इस हिस्से को अच्छी तरह से जानते हो क्या?,Do you know this part of the city very well?,hin_Deva-eng_Latn कुछ दिन पहले उसकी माँ हस्पताल में चल बसीं।,The other day her mother passed away in the hospital.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn महानगरों में स्थानीय जनता आगन्तुकों के साथ स्वतंत्रता पूर्वक घुल-मिल जाती है।,"In metro cities, the local population mingles freely with visitors.",hin_Deva-eng_Latn मेरी प्यारी सी नन्ही सी बिल्ली एक हफ़्ते से गायब है।,My dear little cat has been missing for a week.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn वह फिल्म में हमेशा अपनी मां से झगड़ता रहता था।,He always got in a fight with his mother in the movie.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn मेरी नानी धीरे-धीरे बोलतीं हैं।,My grandmother speaks slowly.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn हवा बीजों को दूर-दूर तक लेजाती है।,The wind carries seeds for great distances.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn सेक्स के बाद मैं उसके पेट पर सिर रख कर सो गया।,"After sex, I fell asleep with my head on her belly.",hin_Deva-eng_Latn मैंने उसको अपनी कामयाबी के बारे में बताया।,I informed her of my success.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn वह बीमार नहीं हो सकता।,He can't be ill.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn गांव के प्रधान ने अनाज को घुन आदि से बचाने के लिए एक विशाल अन्नागार बनाने का निर्णय किया।,The village head decided to build a large granary to protect the grain from the weevils.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn मुझे टिकटें कहाँ से लेनीं होंगीं?,Where should I pick the tickets up?,hin_Deva-eng_Latn "हम एक दूसरे से प्यार करते हैं, मगर अब हम सेक्स नहीं करते।","We love each other, but we don't have sex anymore.",hin_Deva-eng_Latn पुलिस ने हत्या की गुथी को सुलझाने के लिए कड़ा प्रयास किया।,The police tried hard to unravel the mystery of killing.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn अंततः अपराधी ने मामले के सभी तथ्यों को उजागर कर दिया।,The criminal disclosed all the facts of the case eventually.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn अगर कुछ हो भी जाता है तो मैं कोई-न-कोई जुगाड़ कर लूँगा।,"If something does happen, I'll just play it by ear.",hin_Deva-eng_Latn "टीचर ने कहा, ""बस आज के लिए इतना ही।""","The teacher said, ""That's all for today.""",hin_Deva-eng_Latn तुम्हे क्लब के नियमों का पालन करना होगा।,You must observe the rules of the club.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn मैं अभी आता हूँ।,I'm coming at once.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn यह साबित कर दिया गया कि वह चोर था।,It was proved that he was a thief.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn क्या लंड है!,What a dick!,hin_Deva-eng_Latn आप चावल में लगे घुन को देख सकते थे।,You could see the weevils that have infested the rice.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn "कुछ बच्चों ने यह सोचा कि वे लोरी रच सकते हैं, तस्वीर में रंग भर सकते हैं या टैड्डी बियर बना सकते हैं।","Some children thought that they could compose a lullaby, paint a picture, or make a teddy bear.",hin_Deva-eng_Latn मैंने उसके साथ तुम्हारा नाम लिया था।,I mentioned your name to him.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn चोरों ने घर के मालिक का मुंह बंद कर दिया तथा उसे कुर्सी से बाँध दिया।,The burglars gagged the home owner and tied him to a chair.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn टॉम चिंतित था।,Tom was worried.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn मैं तो बस एक गरीब किसान ही हूँ।,I am nothing but a poor peasant.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn आपका पत्र पिछले महीने की २९ तारीख को प्राप्त हुआ।,Your letter was received on 29th ultimo.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn कहा जाता है कि वह बीमार है।,It is said that he is sick.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn अच्छा केक है।,It is a good cake.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn आप चारागाहों में जानवरों के रिरियाने की आवाज़ों को सुन सकते हैं।,You can hear animals yammer in the meadows.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn जब उसके पति की मौत हो गई उसने सारी उम्मीद छोड़ दी।,She was in despair when her husband died.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn इन सवालों का जवाब देना आसान है।,These questions are easy to answer.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn इस पक्षी का नाम क्या है?,What do you call this bird?,hin_Deva-eng_Latn इस चिड़िया का नाम क्या है?,What is the name of this bird?,hin_Deva-eng_Latn "चाहे जितनी भी ज़ोर से बारिश हो, हम कल निकल चलेंगे।","However hard it may rain, we will start tomorrow.",hin_Deva-eng_Latn मुझे अपनी घड़ी ठीक करनी है। धीरे चल रही है।,I must adjust my watch. It's slow.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn तापमान क्या है?,What's the temperature?,hin_Deva-eng_Latn हम रोज़ एक-दूसरे से फ़ोन पर बात करते हैं।,We communicate with each other by telephone every day.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn वह ईमानदार लगता है।,It appears that he is honest.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn तुम्हे अपनी रिपोर्ट मुझे सोमवार को सौंप देनी चाहिए।,You should hand in your report to me Monday.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn वह मेरा पुस्तक है।,That is my book.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn "तुम्हें जीने दूँ या मरने दूँ, यह मेरे ऊपर है।",It's up to me whether I kill you or let you live!,hin_Deva-eng_Latn मैं कॉफ़ी पीता हूँ।,I drink coffee.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn मुझे उसके प्रस्ताव को अस्वीकार करना पड़ा।,I had to decline his offer.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn उसने मुझे चिट्ठी का जवाब न देने के लिए डाँटा।,She reproached me for not answering the letter.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn यह रेशम जैसा लगता है।,This feels like silk.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn यह कपड़ा बहुत रेशमी है।,This cloth is really smooth and silky.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn कृपया भविष्य में अपने बेतुके दोषारोपणों को अपने पास ही रखें।,Please keep your ludicrous accusations to yourself in future.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn उसने सफ़ेद कपड़े पहने हुएँ हैं।,She is dressed in white.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn वह हरफनमौला है।,He is a jack of all trades.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn गाँव पर गहरा कोहरा छा गया।,A thick mist covered the countryside.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn उसे धोका मत दो।,Don't deceive him.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn लंदन में धुंध छा गई थी।,The haze enveloped London.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn मेरे लिए थोड़ी जगह बनाओगे क्या?,Will you make room for me?,hin_Deva-eng_Latn वह बहुत पैसेवाली औरत है।,She is a wealthy woman.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn मुझे चलना चाहिए।,"Well, I must be going.",hin_Deva-eng_Latn मेरे हुक्म की तामील की जाय।,My orders should be carried out.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn तुमने मेरी जान बचाली।,You're a life saver.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn हमने थोड़ी देर आराम किया।,We rested for a while.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn मैं रोज़ बीस मील चलता हूँ।,I cover twenty miles a day.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn मैं पिछले महीने लंदन में था।,I was in London last month.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn उसे उसके खाने से फ़र्क नहीं पड़ता।,He is indifferent to what he eats.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn यह उसकी चिट्ठी का जवाब है।,It's an answer to her letter.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn वह ओसाका से वापस कब आया?,When did he come back from Osaka?,hin_Deva-eng_Latn """क्या करूँ?"" मैंने अपने-आप से पूछा।","""What shall I do?"" I said to myself.",hin_Deva-eng_Latn बोलने और करने में फ़र्क होता है।,"Talking is one thing, doing is another.",hin_Deva-eng_Latn "उसके दो भाई हैं, एक ओसाका में रहता है और दूसरा कोबे में।","He has two brothers, one lives in Osaka and the other in Kobe.",hin_Deva-eng_Latn मेरा परिवार छोटा है।,My family is small.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn चीन बड़ा देश है।,China is a large country.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn "वह शोख, चंचल और तेज तर्रार लडकी है।","She is a vivid, playful and fiery girl.",hin_Deva-eng_Latn मैं आपका फ़ोन इस्तेमाल कर सकता हूँ क्या?,Could I please use your phone?,hin_Deva-eng_Latn मुझे पनाह चाहिए!,I want shelter.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn तुम्हारी बारी है। इस तरफ़ आओ।,It's your turn. Please come this way.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn उसपर कत्ल का इलज़ाम लगाया गया।,He was accused of murder.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn पता नहीं कैसे पर टॉम ने कर दिया।,"I don't know how, but Tom did it.",hin_Deva-eng_Latn हम आजीवन आपके साथ है।,We are with you your whole life.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn वह हमेशा कोई नया काम आज़माती रहती है।,She always tries something new.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn तुम कहाँ गए थे?,Where did you go?,hin_Deva-eng_Latn एक पढ़ा-लिखा दंभी व्यक्ति नाव में सवार हुआ।,An educated/literate arrogant person got into a boat.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn मुझे नहीं पता कि टॉम को क्या पता है।,I don't know what Tom knows.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn यह बहुत मुश्किल था।,It was very difficult.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn "वह बगीचे में है, गुलाब के फूल लगा रही है।",She's in the garden planting roses.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn मुझे नहीं पता कि उन्हें क्या पता है।,I don't know what they know.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn इस किताब में बहुत सारी तस्वीरें हैं।,This book contains many pictures.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn उन्होंने डूबते हुए जहाज़ को छोड़ दिया।,They abandoned the sinking ship.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn वह बूढ़ा आदमी आँखें बंद करके कुरसी में बैठा था।,The old man sat in the chair with his eyes closed.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn वह मेरे पड़ोसियों में से एक है।,He is one of my neighbors.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn वह मेरे लिए मुश्किल है।,It is difficult for me.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn तुम्हे इस किताब का अनुवाद करने में कितना समय लगा?,How long did it take you to translate this book?,hin_Deva-eng_Latn कम्पनी ने उसकी सेवाओं की पहचान में उसे सोनी की घड़ी दी।,The company gave him a gold watch in acknowledgement of his services.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn उस आदमी ने सारी उम्मीद छोड़दी।,The man lost all hope.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn उसने पीछे मुड़कर मुझपर मुस्कुराया।,He looked back and smiled at me.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn आसमान बादल-बादल हो गया।,The sky clouded over.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn उस आदमी ने कत्ल किया।,The man committed murder.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn डॉक्टर ने उसको छुट्टी लेने की सलाह दी।,The doctor advised that she take a holiday.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn मैंने किसी को पीछे से मेरे नाम पुकारते हुए सुना।,I heard someone call my name from behind.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn उनके लिए बाहर जाना बहुत ज़रूरी है।,It's important for them to go out.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn तुम्हें जैसे ही यह पत्र मिले मुझे लिखकर जवाब देना।,Write back to me as soon as you get this letter.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn मैं तुमसे निराश हूँ।,I'm disappointed with you.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn मुझे यह कुत्ता अच्छा लगता है।,I like the dog.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn उसको हमेशा पैसों की कमी होती है।,He's always running short of cash.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn उन्होंने ख़ज़ाना ढूँढने के लिए यहाँ-वहाँ खोदा।,They dug here and there for treasure.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn पर तुमने मुझे यह पहले कभी बताया नहीं था!,But you've never told me about this!,hin_Deva-eng_Latn हम कल शायद नहीं जीतेंगे।,We may not win tomorrow.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn हमे यहाँ हफ़्ते में एक बार मिलना चाहिए।,Let's get together here once a week.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn "कूटशब्द ""Muriel"" है।","The password is ""Muiriel"".",hin_Deva-eng_Latn "मानो या न मानो, उसके तीन बच्चे हैं।","Believe it or not, she has three children.",hin_Deva-eng_Latn आ सको तो आना।,Come if you can.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn अभी तक बुर्ज खलीफा दुनिया की सबसे लम्बी इमारत है।,Burj Khalifa is currently the tallest skyscraper in the world.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn इस किताब को अक्सर वयस्क पढ़ा करते हैं।,This is a book often read by adults.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn "इसी को हम ""तेम्पुरा"" कहते हैं।","This is what we call ""tempura"".",hin_Deva-eng_Latn वह पूरी कहानी को नहीं समझ पायी ।,She could not understand the whole story.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn कया तुम ध्यान से किताब पाढ़ सकते हो ?,Are you able to read the book attentively?,hin_Deva-eng_Latn पुराने ज़माने में लोग परिश्रम से सफ़र करते थे,"In the past, people used to travel by a diligence.",hin_Deva-eng_Latn एक समय वे सफ़र करने में परिश्रम करते थे,Once upon a time they used to travel by a diligence.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn यह काम इतना सरल है की कोई बच्चा भी इसे कर सकता है।,This work is simple enough that even a child can do it.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn आप एक अच्छे कलाकार है,You are a very good artist.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn मेरे पास एक शब्दकोश है।,I have a dictionary.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn फ़िल्म शुरू हो चुकी होगी।,The film should have already started.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn वह खाना ऐसा बुरा है कि मैं उसको भूलकर भी नहीं खाना चाहती हूँ।,That food is so bad that I wouldn't dream of eating it.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn मुझे नहीं पता था कि आप इतने अमीर हैं।,I didn't know you were so rich.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn वह हर वक़्त मज़ाक करता रहता है।,He is always joking.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn "आँखों को झुकाएं, ख़यालात को बुलंद करें...",Closing your eyes helps you think better.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn मेरे घर में चार कमरे हैं।,There are four rooms in my house.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn कुछ आदमियों को वह पता नहीं है।,Some people don't know about that.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn इस ग़लती के लिए मैं ज़िम्मेदार हूँ।,I am responsible for this mistake.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn पुलिस ने उस लड़की के क़ातिल को हरासत में ले लिया।,The police arrested the man who had murdered the girl.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn मैं मेट्रो लेकर स्कूल जाती हूँ।,I go to school by subway.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn मुझे जगे रहने के लिए शायद और कॉफ़ी पीनी पड़ेगी।,In order to stay awake I may have to drink more coffee.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn वह कभी-कभार मुझसे मिलने आता है।,He comes to meet me sometimes.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn किसी ने मेरी से उसके पैसे चुरा लिए।,Someone robbed Mary of her money.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn वह ज़रूरत से ज़्यादा पैसे कमाता है।,He earns more money than he can spend.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn मैं क्योटो गया हुआ हूँ।,I have been to Kyoto.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn कोई भी नई भाषा सीखने में ग़लतियों से डरना नहीं चहिए।,You must not be afraid of making mistakes when learning a language.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn यहाँ कैफ़े है क्या?,Is there a cafe?,hin_Deva-eng_Latn मायुको साईकल चला सकती है।,Mayuko can ride a bicycle.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn मैं उससे सच्चा प्यार करता था।,I truly loved her.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn बाग के सारे फूल पानी की कमी की वजह से मर गए।,All the flowers in the garden died for lack of water.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn सारे फूल मुरझा गए हैं।,The flowers have all withered.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn मैं कल कनाडा वापस आऊँगा।,I will come back to Canada tomorrow.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn "अगर मुझे उसका पता पता होता, तो मैंने उसे चिट्ठी लिखी हुई होती।","If I had known her address, I would have written to her.",hin_Deva-eng_Latn "वैसे, तुम कभी होक्काईदो गई हुई हो क्या?","By the way, have you ever been to Hokkaido?",hin_Deva-eng_Latn मुझे नहीं पता कि वह आएगी कि नहीं।,I don't know if she will come.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn मुझे नहीं पता कि यह चिट्ठी किसने लिखी है।,I don't know who wrote this letter.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn गेंद फेंकिए।,Please throw the ball.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn अफ़्रीका को एक समय में अंधेर महाद्वीप बुलाया जाता था।,Africa was once called the Dark Continent.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn मैं उसके आने से पहले अपना होमवर्क खतम कर लूँगा।,I will get through with my homework before he comes.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn मैं कल अमेरिका जाऊँगी।,I will go to America tomorrow.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn वह अभिनेता है।,He is an actor.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn मुझे गणित पसंद है।,I like maths.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn मैं सफ़र पर उसके साथ गया।,I accompanied him on the trip.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn मैं स्कूल चलकर जाती हूँ।,I go to school on foot.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn तुम्हारी साईकल मेरी साईकल जैसी है।,Your bicycle is similar to mine.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn तुम उससे छोटे हो क्या?,Are you younger than him?,hin_Deva-eng_Latn मेरी जीन्स पैंट धुलाई में सिकुड़ गई।,My jeans shrank in the wash.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn हम धमाके से डर गए।,We were startled at the explosion.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn पर वे कल यहाँ आएँगे।,But they will come here tomorrow.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn """आप कहाँ रहते हैं?"" ""मैं टोक्यो में रहता हूँ""","""Where do you live?"" ""I live in Tokyo.""",hin_Deva-eng_Latn उसने तुम्हें कुछ बताया क्या?,Did he tell you anything?,hin_Deva-eng_Latn हेलेन घर आते ही बीमार पड़ गई।,No sooner had Helen come home than she fell sick.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn वह नतीजे के लिए बेचैन है।,He is anxious about the result.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn "मेरे लिए उससे ""ना"" कहना बहुत मुश्किल था।",It was hard for me to refuse his request.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn वह लंदन तीन बार जा चुका है।,He has been to London three times.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn डॉक्टर ने मेरी चोटों पर पट्टी लगाई।,The doctor bound my wounds.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn मुझे तुम्हारी दया नहीं चहिए।,I don't want your pity.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn मुझे नहीं पता वह कैसे निकल भागा।,I have no idea how he escaped.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn वह मुझे उसकी माँ की याद दिलाती है।,She reminds me very much of her mother.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn आदमी सत्तर प्रतिशत पानी का बना हुआ है।,Man is 70% water.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn कर्मचारियों को अपने बाल छोटे कटाने होते हैं।,Workers must have their hair cut short.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn मुझे उसकी झलक दिखाई दी।,I caught a glimpse of her.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn घर में सब-कुछ ठीक है।,Everything is all right at home.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn मुझे अभी खाना खाने का मन नहीं है।,I don't feel like eating now.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn मुझे अभी तक उस फ़िल्म को देखने का मौका नहीं मिला है।,I haven't had a chance to see the movie yet.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn उसके दिए गए कारण को समझना मुश्किल है।,The reason which he gave is hard to understand.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn "हमारे पास ग्राहक नहीं थे, तो हमने दुकान जल्दी बंद करदी।","We had no customers, so we shut the shop early.",hin_Deva-eng_Latn वे आमने-सामने खड़े हुए।,They stood face to face.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn भूख ने उसे चोरी करने पर मजबूर किया।,Hunger drove him to steal.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn वह खेत पर सुबह से शाम तक काम करता है।,He works on the farm from morning till night.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn "तुम आज जाओ या कल, इससे ज़्यादा फ़र्क नहीं पड़ेगा।",It will not make much difference whether you go today or tomorrow.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn यह नियम तुमपर भी लागु होता है।,"This rule applies to you, too.",hin_Deva-eng_Latn वे सब जिमखाने में मिले।,They gathered in the gym.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn अधनंगे बाहर जाना बहुत शर्मदार होता है।,To go out half-naked is shameful.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn मुझे अब चाबी मिल सकती है क्या?,"Can I have the key now, please?",hin_Deva-eng_Latn वह गाना गाते हुए आया।,He came singing a song.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn क्या मुझे बता सकते हो कि मशीन को कब बंद करना है?,Can you tell me when to switch the machine off?,hin_Deva-eng_Latn मैं अपने काम से थक चुका हूँ।,I am tired of my work.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn हम अक्सर ग़लतियाँ कर बैठते हैं।,We often make mistakes.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn सारे पंछी उड़ नहीं सकते।,Not all birds can fly.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn अगर मेरे पास पंख होते तो मैं उड़कर तुम्हारे पास चला आता।,"If I had wings, I would fly to you.",hin_Deva-eng_Latn इस समस्या को सुलझाना बहुत कठिन है।,This problem is hard to solve.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn यह समस्या बहुत कठिन है।,It is a difficult problem.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn क्या है उनके अधिकार?,What are their rights?,hin_Deva-eng_Latn वह हमेशा काली काफ़ी पीता है।,He always drinks black coffee.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn उसने मेरे जवान होने का फ़ायदा उठाया।,He took advantage of my youth.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn तमाम इनसान आज़ाद और हुकू़क़ और इज़्ज़त के इतिबार से बराबर पैदा हुए हैं। इन्हें ज़मीर और अक़ल वदीयत हुई हैं। इसलिए इन्हें एक दूसरे के साथ भाईचारे का सुलूक करना चाहीए।,All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn मैं अगले महीने मेरे दोस्त के साथ होक्काइदो जाउँगी।,I'll go to Hokkaido next month with my friend.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn मुझे मालूम है आप मेरे साथ बात नहीं करना चाहते।,I know that you don't want to talk to me.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn मैंने कभी न सोचा था कि टॉम को दिल का दौरा पड़ जाएगा |,Tom's the last person I would've expected to have a heart attack.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn टॉम एक छोटी कंपनी के लिए काम करता है |,Tom works for a small company.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn सच्ची बात तो यह है कि मुझे कोई परवाह नहीं।,"The truth is, I don't have any problem with it.",hin_Deva-eng_Latn यह स्थान मुझे बेहद भयानक लगता है |,This place gives me the creeps.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn टॉम धीरे-धीरे पीछे हटा |,Tom slowly retreated.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn बोतल छोड़।,Let go of the bottle.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn मैं टॉम के लिये तैयार था।,I was ready for Tom.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn मेरे लौटने पर क्या तुम यहाँ होगे?,Will you still be here when I get back?,hin_Deva-eng_Latn तुम ने टॉम को कहाँ भेजा?,Where did you send Tom?,hin_Deva-eng_Latn टॉम की कौन सुनता है?,Who listens to Tom?,hin_Deva-eng_Latn वे टॉम को पीटने लगे।,They begin beating Tom.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn वे टॉम से डरते हैं।,They're afraid of Tom.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn अब तुम्हारी बारी है।,Now it's your turn.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn वे हमारे लिये रुके हैं।,They're waiting for us.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn हम तीन हैं।,There are three of us.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn मैं ज्योत्षी हूँ |,I am an astrologer.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn मुझे अपने तरीके से करने दीजिए।,Let me do it my way.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn तीन दिन हो गए हैं।,It's been three days.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn ज़्यादा दूर नहीं है।,It isn't much further.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn तुम्हारे ही भले के लिये है।,It's for your own good.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn असली पैसा नहीं है।,It's not real money.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn अभी भी काम नहीं कर रहा है।,It's still not working.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn कल रात के लिये शुक्रिया।,Thanks for last night.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn टॉम कितना डरा हुआ होगा।,Tom must be so scared.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn मैंने कल कुछ ज़्यादा ही खा लिया।,I ate too much yesterday.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn मैंने आज कुछ ज़्यादा ही खा लिया।,I ate too much today.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn मैं मंगोलीयाई नहीं हूँ।,I am not Mongolian.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn पता नहीं यहाँ क्या चल रहा है।,I don't know what's going on around here.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn टॉम बहुत कम बोला।,Tom said very little.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn मर्द भी कभी-कबार रोते हैं।,Even men sometimes cry.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn मज़ाक है।,It's a joke.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn टॉम का है?,Is this Tom's?,hin_Deva-eng_Latn मैं अपने बच्चों को टीवी नहीं देखने देता।,I don't let my kids watch TV.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn टॉम मेरे जितना मोटा नहीं है।,Tom is not as fat as me.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn वे तुम्हें देख नहीं सकते।,They can't see you.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn टॉम तो यहाँ अभी तक आया भी नहीं है।,Tom isn't even here yet.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn पिछले साल मैं टॉम को जानता नहीं था।,I didn't know Tom last year.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn टॉम इस तरफ़ आ रहा है।,Tom is headed this way.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn वे हम से डरते हैं।,They're afraid of us.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn टॉम बिलकुल हमारी तरह है।,Tom is just like us.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn वे हम से झूठ बोल रहे हैं।,They're lying to us.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn टॉम ने हम से झूठ बोला है।,Tom has lied to us.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn तुम टॉम के लिये क्यों काम कर रहे हो?,Why are you working for Tom?,hin_Deva-eng_Latn टॉम कल क्या करेगा?,What'll Tom do tomorrow?,hin_Deva-eng_Latn उन्होंने टॉम को कभी पकड़ा नहीं।,They never caught Tom.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn मैंने टॉम को माफ़ किया।,I forgave Tom.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn टॉम कितना पागल है?,How crazy is Tom?,hin_Deva-eng_Latn वे टॉम को नहीं देख सकते।,They can't see Tom.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn अरे! यह क्या है?,"Hey, what's this?",hin_Deva-eng_Latn अरे! वह क्या है?,"Hey, what's that?",hin_Deva-eng_Latn अपने प्रत्येक दिन को सर्वोत्कृष्ट बनाएं।,Make each day your masterpiece.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn टॉम गाने वाला नहीं है।,Tom isn't going to sing.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn टॉम कमरे में आया।,Tom came into the room.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn डर के जीने की तुलना में तो मर जाना ही बेहतर है।,It is better to die on your feet than to live on your knees.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn टॉम हमारा सबसे अच्छा पाइलट है।,Tom is our best pilot.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn टॉम ने सभ कुछ किया।,Tom did it all.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn "मेरे विचार से यदि आप इन्द्रधनुष चाहते हैं, तो आपको वर्षा को सहना होगा।","The way I see it, if you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain.",hin_Deva-eng_Latn हर सदस्य को सदस्यता शुल्क भरना होगा।,Each member has to pay a membership fee.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn "जब आप जागृत अवस्था में होते हैं, तो ही सर्वश्रेष्ठ स्वप्नों का सृजन होता है.",The best dreams happen when you're awake.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn वह जाग रहे हैं।,He is awake.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn नन्हे शिशु के जन्म का अर्थ है कि भगवान यह चाहते हैं कि यह दुनिया बनी रहे।,A baby is God's opinion that the world should go on.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn अपने पिता को मेरे आने का पैग़ाम दें।,Tell my father that I've arrived.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn निकम्मे लोग सिर्फ खाने पीने के लिए जीते हैं।,Worthless people live only to eat and drink.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn आपकी अनुपस्तिथि में बहुत कुछ हो चुका है |,A lot's happened while you've been away.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn हम कुछ नहीं करते।,We don't do anything.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn "क्रोध कभी भी बिना कारण नहीं होता, लेकिन कदाचित ही यह कारण सार्थक होता है।","Anger is never without a reason, but seldom with a good one.",hin_Deva-eng_Latn आपको कैसे पता था टॉम उसको नापसंद करेगा?,How did you know Tom wasn't going to like it?,hin_Deva-eng_Latn ज्ञान में पूंजी लगाने से सर्वाधिक ब्याज मिलता है।,An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn आपके विचार में हमें अपना तम्बू कहाँ गाड़ना चाहिए?,Where do you think we should pitch our tent?,hin_Deva-eng_Latn हमें न अतीत पर कुढ़ना चाहिए और न ही हमें भविष्य के बारे में चिंतित होना चाहिए; विवेकी व्यक्ति केवल वर्तमान क्षण में ही जीते हैं।,"We should not fret for what is past, nor should we be anxious about the future; men of discernment deal only with the present moment.",hin_Deva-eng_Latn "“व्यक्ति कर्मों से महान बनता है, जन्म से नहीं।","A man is great by deeds, not by birth.",hin_Deva-eng_Latn आप भींची मुट्ठी से हाथ नहीं मिला सकते।,You cannot shake hands with a clenched fist.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn "क्योंकि ख़ुशी का कोई अस्तित्व नहीं है, हमें उसके बिना खुश रहने का प्रयत्न करना चाहिए |","Since happiness doesn't exist, we have to strive to be happy without it.",hin_Deva-eng_Latn "अपने दुश्मनों को माफ कर दें, लेकिन उनके नाम कभी न भूलें।","Forgive your enemies, but never forget their names.",hin_Deva-eng_Latn आज आप क्या पका रहे हैं?,What are you cooking today?,hin_Deva-eng_Latn निष्ठा से काम करने वाले ही सबसे सुखी हैं।,People who work sincerely are the happiest.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn प्रकृति की गति अपनाएं: उसका रहस्य है धीरज।,Adopt the pace of nature: her secret is patience.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn मुझे ऐसे मित्र की आवश्यकता नहीं जो मेरे साथ-साथ बदले और मेरी हां में हां भरे; ऐसा तो मेरी परछाई कहीं बेहतर कर लेती है।,I don't need a friend who changes when I change and who nods when I nod; my shadow does that much better.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn प्रश्न कर पाने की क्षमता ही मानव प्रगति का आधार है.,The power to question is the basis of all human progress.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn "जिनसे प्रेम करते हैं, उन्हें जाने दें, वे यदि लौट आते हैं तो वे सदा के लिए आपके हैं। और अगर नहीं लौटते हैं तो वे कभी आपके थे ही नहीं।","If you love somebody, let them go, for if they return, they were always yours. And if they don't, they never were.",hin_Deva-eng_Latn शिक्षा का ध्येय है एक खाली दिमाग को खुले दिमाग में बदलना।,Education's purpose is to replace an empty mind with an open one.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn हर इंसान मरता है। लेकिन कोई एक ही जीता है।,Every man dies. Not every man really lives.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn पूरा जीवन एक प्रयोग है।,All life is an experiment.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn अपने माता पिता से आप प्रेम और हंसी सीखते हैं और पांव पांव चलना भी।,From your parents you learn love and laughter and how to put one foot before the other.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn "कुछ लोग, चाहे जितने बूढ़े हो जाएं, उन की सुंदरता नहीं मिटती।","Some people, no matter how old they get, never lose their beauty.",hin_Deva-eng_Latn बहुधा वातावरण में परिवर्तन से कहीं अधिक व्यक्ति के भीतर ही बदलाव की ज़रूरत होती है।,Very often a change of self is needed more than a change of scene.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn आप को सब कुछ नहीं मिल सकता। आप इसे रखेंगे कहां?,You can't have everything. Where would you put it?,hin_Deva-eng_Latn सुविचरों से सुफल उपजते हैं और कुविचारों से कुफल।,"Good thoughts bear good fruit, bad thoughts bear bad fruit.",hin_Deva-eng_Latn "सदा जवान रहने के लिए मुख का सौंदर्य नहीं, मस्तिष्क की उड़ान ज़रूरी है।","When it comes to staying young, a mind-lift beats a face-lift any day.",hin_Deva-eng_Latn खेल ही वास्तव में बचपन का काम है।,Play is really the work of childhood.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn सादगी का मतलब है सीमित बोरिया बिस्तर के साथ ज़िंदगी का सफ़र तय करना।,Simplicity is making the journey of this life with just baggage enough.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn वह उनके साथ पोकर खेलती है।,She plays poker with them.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn "आप वास्तविकता से अपनी आंखे मूंद सकते हैं, मगर स्मृतियों से नहीं।",You can close your eyes to reality but not to memories.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn लाल बेहतर है।,Red is better.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn आप किसी व्यक्ति को धोखा देते हैं तो आप अपने आप को भी धोखा देते हैं।,"When you betray somebody else, you also betray yourself.",hin_Deva-eng_Latn मुझे लाल गुलाब पसंद हैं।,I like red roses.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn मुझे जूते चाहिए थे।,I wanted red shoes.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn तुम तो सुन भी नहीं रहे हो।,You're not even listening.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn आशावादी होने में क्या कष्ट है? रो तो कभी भी सकते हैं।,It doesn't hurt to be optimistic. You can always cry later.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn अकेलापन निर्धनता की पराकाष्ठा है।,Loneliness is the ultimate poverty.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn सूरज लाल है।,The sun is red.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn सभी सेब लाल होते हैं।,All apples are red.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn टॉम कभी भी लाल कपड़े नहीं पहनता।,Tom never wears red.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn उसकी आँखें लाल हैं।,His eyes are red.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn तुम्हारे होंठ लाल हैं।,Your lips are red.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn आप आराम की ज़िंदगी चाहते हैं तो आप को कुछ परेशानी तो उठानी ही होगी।,"If you want a place in the sun, you've got to put up with a few blisters.",hin_Deva-eng_Latn नागरिकता के दैनिक व्यवहार के बिना लोकतंत्र का दैनिक निर्वाह हो ही नहीं सकता।,There can be no daily democracy without daily citizenship.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn उसने लाल कपड़े पहने हैं।,She's wearing red.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn मेरी गाड़ी लाल रंग की है।,My car is red.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn तुम्हारा ख़ून लाल रंग का है।,Your blood is red.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn फूल लाल है।,The flower is red.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn हम जिस चीज़ की तलाश कहीं और कर रहे होते हैं वह हो सकता है कि हमारे पास ही हो।,What we are seeking so frantically elsewhere may turn out to be the horse we have been riding all along.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn उसने लाल ड्रेस चुनी।,She chose the red dress.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn अपना हाथ आगे बढ़ाने से कभी मत हिचकिए।,Never hesitate to hold out your hand.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn महिलाओं के लिये स्ट्रिप क्लब है।,It's a strip club for women.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn पॅट ने अपने कपड़े उतार दिये और ग़ोता लगाया।,Pat stripped off his clothes and dived in.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn दूसरे का आगे बढ़ा हाथ थामने से भी कभी मत हिचकिए।,Never hesitate to accept the outstretched hand of another.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn टॉम ने अपने गंदे कपड़े उतार दिये और उन्हें वॉशिंग मशीन में डाल दिया।,Tom stripped off his dirty clothes and threw them into the washing machine.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn मैरी ने अपने कपड़े उतार दिये।,Mary stripped off her clothes.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn मन जो स्नेह संजो सकता है उन में से सबसे पवित्र है किसी नौ वर्षीय का निश्छल प्रेम।,The purest affection the heart can hold is the honest love of a nine-year-old.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn उसकी छोटी बहन चोदने लायक है।,His little sister is fuckable.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn मैंने पाया है कि सुख लगभग हर बार कठोर श्रम की प्रतिक्रिया ही होता है।,"Happiness, I have discovered, is nearly always a rebound from hard work.",hin_Deva-eng_Latn मित्र वे दुर्लभ लोग होते हैं जो हमारा हालचाल पूछते हैं और उत्तर सुनने को रुकते भी हैं।,Friends are those rare people who ask how we are and then wait to hear the answer.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn मैंने कई दोस्तों को चोदा।,I fucked lots of friends.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn किसी चीज़ की आवश्यकता न रह जाने की स्थिति ही सच्ची समृद्धि है।,True affluence is to not need anything.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn उनके खर्च घटाने के प्रयास ज़्यादा सफल नहीं हुए।,Their efforts to curtail spending didn't quite succeed.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn जनवरी में मैं उनके साथ था।,I was with him in January.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn "युवा बने रहने का रहस्य है ईमानदारी से जीना, धीरे धीरे खाना और अपनी उम्र जाहिर न करना।","The secret to staying young is to live honestly, eat slowly, and lie about your age.",hin_Deva-eng_Latn बकवास बंद कर!,Cut the bullshit!,hin_Deva-eng_Latn कभी कभार सुख के पीछे भागना छोड़ कर बस सुखी होना भी एक अच्छी बात है।,Now and then it's good to pause in our pursuit of happiness and just be happy.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn चिंताएं ले कर बिस्तर पर जाना अपनी पीठ पर गठरी ले कर सोने के समान है।,To carry care to bed is to sleep with a pack on your back.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn असफल व्यक्तियों में से निन्यानवे प्रतिशत वे लोग होते हैं जिन की आदत बहाने बनाने की होती है।,Ninety-nine percent of all failures come from people who have the habit of making excuses.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn प्यार एक ऐसा खेल है जिसे दो व्यक्ति खेल सकते हैं और जिस में दोनों ही जीतते हैं।,Love is a game that two can play and both win.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn अंतर्दृष्टि का स्नेहमय संवाद है हास्य।,Humor is the affectionate communication of insight.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn यह घड़ी धीरे चलती है।,The clock is slow.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn “कितनी भयावह बात है कि हमें पर्यावरण की रक्षा के लिए अपनी ही सरकार से संघर्ष करना पड़ता है।,It is horrifying that we have to fight our own government to save the environment.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn ईमानदारी किसी कायदे कानून की मोहताज़ नहीं होती।,Integrity has no need of rules.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn मेरी पसंदीदा फ़िल्म है फ़ेल्लीनी की सॅटाइरिकॉन।,My favourite movie is Fellini's Satyricon.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn "हम जब तक खुद मां बाप नहीं बन जाएं, मां बाप का प्यार कभी नहीं जान पाते।",We never know the love of a parent till we become parents ourselves.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn हो सकता है कि मैं आपके विचारों से सहमत न हो पाऊँ,I may not agree with what you say.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn एक मीठा बोल सर्दी के तीन महीनों को ऊष्मा दे सकता है।,One kind word can warm three winter months.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn टॉम घर पर अकेला था।,Tom was at home alone.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn मुझे तो अतीत के इतिहास से कहीं अच्छे लगते हैं भविष्य के सपने।,I like the dreams of the future better than the history of the past.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn जीवन का अर्थ ही क्या रह जाएगा यदि हम में सतत प्रयत्न करने का साहस न रहे।,What would life be if we had no courage to attempt anything?,hin_Deva-eng_Latn तुम्हारा सबसे पसंदीता खाना कौनसा है?,What's your favorite food?,hin_Deva-eng_Latn हमारी क्लास में पचास लड़के हैं।,Our class consists of fifty boys.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn वह व्यक्ति ग़रीब नहीं है जिस के पास थोड़ा बहुत ही है। ग़रीब तो वह है जो ज़्यादा के लिए मरा जा रहा है।,"It is not the man who has too little, but the man who craves more, that is poor.",hin_Deva-eng_Latn ईंधनों में पेट्रोल भी अब सस्ता नहीं रहा।,Petrol is no longer a cheap fuel.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn वैसे तुम हो कौन?,"Who are you, anyway?",hin_Deva-eng_Latn अगर कोई भी दिक्कत हो तो मुझसे कहना।,Drop me a line when you are in trouble.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn मेरे मोहल्ले में बहुत सारे लोग हैं।,There are a lot of horses in my neighbourhood.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn दस साल बहुत लम्बा समय होता है।,Ten years is a long time.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn असुरक्षित सेक्स खतरनाक होता है।,Having unprotected sex is dangerous.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn कौवे काले होते हैं।,Crows are black.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn वह तो कोई भी कर सकता है।,Anyone could do that.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn वह पाँच साल की है।,She is five years old.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn टॉम मेरा दोस्त है।,Tom is my friend.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn सेक्स मेरे लिये महत्त्वपूर्ण है।,Sex is important to me.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn ऐसा माना जाता है कि मानव शिकारियों द्वारा की गई लूटमार ही अनेक प्रजातियों के लुप्त होने का बड़ा कारण है।,The depredations of human hunters are thought to have been the key factor that pushed many species to extinction.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn उस कवि ने बहुत सारी कविताएं लिखीं थीं।,The poet wrote many poems.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn क्या तुम मेरे साथ जर्मनी जाना चाहती हो?,Do you want to go to Germany with me?,hin_Deva-eng_Latn मैं हड़बड़ी में दौड़ गया।,I ran away in a hurry.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn शहर में सबसे अच्छा होटल कौन सा है?,Which is the best hotel in the town?,hin_Deva-eng_Latn वह अंग्रेज़ी की पढ़ाई लंदन आया।,He came to London to study English.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn आग बहुत खतरनाक होती है।,Fire is very dangerous.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn मैं आग को हाथ नहीं लगा सकता।,I cannot touch fire.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn आग के पास आओ।,Come near the fire.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn टॉम को पानी की ज़रूरत थी।,Tom needed water.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn टॉम को पानी की ज़रूरत है।,Tom needs water.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn हमें पानी की ज़रूरत है।,We need water.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn मुझे पानी की ज़रूरत है।,I need water.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn इस सवाल पर बहुत बात-चीत हुई थी।,The question was much discussed.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn मैं पानी पीती हूँ।,I drink water.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn तुम्हारे पास पानी है।,You have water.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn मैं नतीजे से खुश हूँ।,I am pleased with the result.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn मुझे पानी दो।,Give me water.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn उन्होंने कुत्ते का नाम 'शिरो' रखा।,They named the dog Shiro.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn टॉम हमारे साथ आना चाहता है।,Tom wants to come with us.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn मुझे थोड़ा सा पानी चाहिए।,I want some water.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn शीतयुद्ध द्वितीय विश्वयुद्ध के बाद शुरू हुआ।,The Cold War began after World War Two.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn मैं बस पानी पीता हूँ।,I only drink water.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn उन्हें टॉम चाहिए।,They want Tom.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn पानी कैसा है?,How's the water?,hin_Deva-eng_Latn पानी ठंडा था।,The water was cold.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn पानी ठंडा है।,The water is cold.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn तुम पानी बरबाद कर रहे हो।,You're wasting water.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn हम पानी बरबाद कर रहे हैं।,We're wasting water.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn टॉम को पानी मिल रहा है।,Tom is getting water.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn पानी नीला था।,The water was blue.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn मैं जानता हूं कि विरोधी सदस्य गलत हो सकता है।,I know that the opposition member might be wrong.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn क्या ओसाकावासी लालची होते हैं?,Are Osakans greedy?,hin_Deva-eng_Latn ज़बान संभाल।,Watch your language.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn कुरसियाँ काफ़ी हैं क्या?,Are there enough chairs?,hin_Deva-eng_Latn संस्कृति भाषा का सर्वनाश करती है।,Culture destroys language.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn वह तो मेरी लाईन है!,That's MY line!,hin_Deva-eng_Latn क्योंकि मैं अनुवादक बनना चाहती हूँ।,Because I want to be a translator.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn मुझे तुम्हारी भाषा आती है।,I know your language.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn मैं उसके घिसे-पिटे विचार का खंडन नहीं करना चाहता हूं।,I don't want to refute this outworn idea.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn मुझे एक ब्लडी मेरी चाहिए।,I'd like a Bloody Mary.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn मैं फ़ारसी भाषा बोलता हूँ।,I speak the Persian language.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn अंग्रेज़ी एक अंतर्राष्ट्रीय भाषा है।,English is an international language.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn मुझे मेरी तलवार दे दो।,Give me my sword.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn तुमने कैसे बनाया?,How did you make it?,hin_Deva-eng_Latn इस मस्जिद को एक नये इमाम की ज़रूरत है।,This mosque needs a new imam.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn इस्तांबुल में कितनी मस्जिदें हैं?,How many mosques are there in Istanbul?,hin_Deva-eng_Latn नदी बहती है।,A river flows.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn उसे बच्चे नहीं चाहिए।,She doesn't want kids.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn मेरे पती आलसी हैं।,My husband is lazy.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn मैं जीवन से प्यार करता हूँ क्योंकि और है ही क्या।,I love life because what more is there.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn तुम वहाँ नहीं जाना चाहती।,You don't want to go there.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn विवाह एक ढका हुआ पकवान है।,Marriage is a covered dish.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn वे दौड़ते रहे।,They kept running.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn दोस्ती निस्संदेह रूप से निराश प्रेम की कसक के लिए उत्तम मरहम है।,Friendship is certainly the finest balm for the pangs of disappointed love.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn "पाप से नफरत करो, पापी से प्यार.","Hate the sin, love the sinner.",hin_Deva-eng_Latn उसने मरम्मत में कमियां पाई थीं।,He had found shortcomings in the repair.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn प्रातःकाल का भ्रमण पूरे दिन के लिए वरदान होता है।,An early-morning walk is a blessing for the whole day.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn किसी भी नींव का सबसे मजबूत पत्थर सबसे निचला ही होता है।,The most solid stone in the structure is the lowest one in the foundation.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn किसी निर्दोष को दंडित करने से बेहतर है एक दोषी व्यक्ति को बख़्श देने का जोख़िम उठाना।,It is better to risk saving a guilty man than to condemn an innocent one.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn टॉम की सुनो।,Listen to Tom.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn भाग्य अवसर से संयोग की तैयारी भर है।,Luck is a matter of preparation meeting opportunity.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn हम जो हैं वही बने रहकर वह नहीं बन सकते जो कि हम बनना चाहते हैं।,We cannot become what we need to be by remaining what we are.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn ऐसा कोई युग कभी नहीं रहा जिस में अतीत का गुणगान और वर्तमान पर विलाप न किया गया हो।,There has never been an age that did not applaud the past and lament the present.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn जोखिम उठाइये! पूरी जिंदगी एक जोखिम है।,Take a chance! All life is a chance.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn सब से आगे निकलने वाला व्यक्ति सामान्यतया वह होता है जो कर्म और दुस्साहस के लिए इच्छुक रहता है।,The man who goes the furthest is generally the one who is willing to do and dare.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn मैं जाऊंगा।,I will go.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn "कुशलतापूर्वक किसी की बात सुनना अकेलेपन, वाचालता और कंठशोथ का सब से बढ़िया इलाज है।","Skillful listening is the best remedy for loneliness, loquaciousness, and laryngitis.",hin_Deva-eng_Latn "हम जो हैं वह हमें ईश्वर की देन है, हम जो बनते हैं वह परमेश्वर को हमारी देन है।",What we are is God's gift to us. What we become is our gift to God.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn आप किसी चीज़ का विशद ज्ञान हासिल करना चाहते हैं तो इसे दूसरों को सिखाने लगिए,"If you would thoroughly know anything, teach it to others.",hin_Deva-eng_Latn "ज़िंदगी तो कुल एक पीढ़ी भर की होती है, पर नेक काम पीढ़ी दर पीढ़ी चलता है।",Life is for one generation; a good name is forever.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn "आप का कोई भी काम महत्वहीन हो सकता है, किंतु महत्वपूर्ण तो यह है कि आप कुछ करें।","Almost everything you do will seem insignificant, but it is important that you do it.",hin_Deva-eng_Latn "आप जब तक अपनी हैसियत से समझौता नहीं कर लेते, आप के पास जो कुछ है उस से आप संतुष्ट नहीं रह सकेंगे।","Until you make peace with who you are, you'll never be content with what you have.",hin_Deva-eng_Latn टॉम को सुलाओ।,Put Tom to bed.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn "शरीर के मामले में जो स्थान साबुन का है, वही आत्मा के संदर्भ में आंसू का।","What soap is for the body, tears are for the soul.",hin_Deva-eng_Latn "कोई परिस्थिति, कोई उद्देश्य, किसी भी प्रकार का कोई कानून, किसी अंतर्निहित रूप से अवैध कार्य को कभी वैध नहीं बना सकता है।","No circumstance, no purpose, no law whatsoever can ever make licit an act which is intrinsically illicit.",hin_Deva-eng_Latn है न यह अजीब बात कि हम उन चीज़ों के बारे में सब से कम बात करते हैं जिन के बारे में हम सब से अधिक सोचते हैं।,Isn't it strange that we talk least about the things we think about most?,hin_Deva-eng_Latn भारतीय राष्ट्रीय कांग्रेस और भारतीय जनता पार्टी भारत की सबसे प्रमुख राजनीतिक दल हैं।,The Indian National Congress and the Bharatiya Janata Party are the most prominent political parties in India.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn "डाक टिकट की तरह बनिए, मंजिल पर जब तक न पहुंच जाएं उसी चीज़ पर जमे रहिए।",Be like a postage stamp. Stick to one thing until you get there.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn सबसे महत्त्वपूर्ण यौन अंग होता है दिमाग।,The most important sex organ is the brain.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn "चरित्र को बनाए रखना आसान है, उस के भ्रष्ट हो जाने के बाद उसे सुधारना कठिन है।",Character is much easier kept than recovered.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn जो व्यक्ति किसी तारे से बंधा होता है वह पीछे नहीं मुड़ता।,He who is fixed to a star does not change his mind.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn सपना था।,It was a dream.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn किसी काम को करने के बारे में बहुत देर तक सोचते रहना अक़सर उस के बिगड़ जाने का कारण बनता है।,To think too long about doing a thing often becomes its undoing.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn "छोटी छोटी बातों का आनंद उठाइए, क्योंकि हो सकता है कि किसी दिन आप मुड़ कर देखें तो आप को अनुभव हो कि ये तो बड़ी बातें थीं।","Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things.",hin_Deva-eng_Latn विकल्पों का न होना बुद्धि को बढ़िया ढंग से परिमार्जित कर देता है।,The absence of alternatives clears the mind marvelously.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn एक ही चीज़ है जो बहुमत को नहीं मानती और वह है मनुष्य की अंतरात्मा।,The one thing that doesn't abide by majority rule is a person's conscience.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn "आप अपनी सोच बदल दीजिए, आपकी दुनिया बदल जाएगी।",Change your thoughts and you change your world.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn टॉम गाएगा।,Tom will sing.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn एक क्रियान्वित विचार तीन अधूरे विचारों से कहीं बेहतर है।,One thought driven home is better than three left on base.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn आँख के बदले आँख' के प्राचीन सिद्धान्त से तो एक दिन सभी अंधे हो जाएंगे।,The old law about 'an eye for an eye' leaves everybody blind.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn हमारे लक्ष्य निर्धारित करते हैं कि हम क्या बनने जा रहे हैं।,Goals determine what you are going to be.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn क्या आप आज रात मेरे साथ सेक्स करना चाहतीं हैं?,Do you want to have sex with me tonight?,hin_Deva-eng_Latn तूफ़ानों से पेड़ों की जड़ें और गहरी व मज़बूत होती है।,Storms make trees take deeper roots.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn कोई सपना देखे बिना कुछ नहीं होता।,Nothing happens unless first a dream.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn मैं दोनों लड़कीयों को जानता हूँ।,I know both of the girls.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn मुझे तुम्हारे साथ वक़्त बिताना अच्छा लगता है।,I like spending time with you.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn "क्या बात है, मैरी? चाहो तो तुम मुझ से बात कर सकती हो।","What's the matter, Mary? You can talk to me if you want.",hin_Deva-eng_Latn मैं तो बस मजाक कर रहा था।,I was only joking.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn मैं तो बस मजाक कर रहा थी।,I was just joking.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn मुझे उसके सामने नहीं रोना था।,I didn't want to cry in front of him.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn तुम कौनसे स्कूल गये थे?,What school did you go to?,hin_Deva-eng_Latn उसे अपने एक विद्यार्थी से प्यार हो गया।,She fell in love with one of her students.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn उसने तो शुक्रिया तक नहीं कहा।,She didn't even say thanks.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn मेरे परिवार को मुझ पर बहुत गर्व है।,My family is very proud of me.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn राजा सुलेमान अपनी बुद्धी के लिये जाने जाते थे।,King Suleiman was known for his wisdom.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn उनमें से एक शायद झूठ बोल रहा है।,One of them is probably lying.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn नॉर्वे में बस ५० लाख लोग रहते हैं।,Only 5 million people live in Norway.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn मुझे ये कल तक खतम करना है ।,I've been given until tomorrow to finish this.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn अगर टॉम हमारी मदद नहीं करेगा तो हम ये समय पर कभी नहीं कर पायेंगे।,"If Tom doesn't help us, we'll never be able to finish this on time.",hin_Deva-eng_Latn मुझे टॉम को ढूँढने में समय लग गया।,It took me a while to find Tom.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn टॉम को ढूँढने में समय नहीं लगना चाहिए।,It shouldn't take long to find Tom.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn गर्भ-निरोध गर्भावस्था से सस्ता होता है।,Contraception is cheaper than pregnancy.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn फिले के लैंडिंग स्थल का नाम आगिल्किआ रखा गया।,Philae's landing site was named Agilkia.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn यूरोपीय संघ में सबसे गरीब देश कौन सा है?,What is the poorest country in the European Union?,hin_Deva-eng_Latn मैं तुम से बड़ा हूँ। तुम्हें मेरी सुननी चाहिए।,I'm older than you. You have to listen to me.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn स्पुट्निक २ वातावरण में जल जाने पर लाइका की मौत हो गयी।,Laika died when Sputnik 2 burned out in the atmosphere.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn रोज़ेटा यूरोपीय अंतरिक्ष एजेंसी ने बनाया था।,Rosetta was built by the European Space Agency.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn रोज़ेटा कुछ ही घंटों में एक धूमकेतु पर लैंड करने की कोशिश करेगा।,Rosetta will try to land on a comet in a few hours.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn बस एक मिनट ही तो लगेगा।,It'll only take a minute.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn बस एक मिनट लगेगा।,It will only take a minute.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn मुझे एक कंबल चाहिए।,I want a blanket.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn दुनिया की लोकसंख्या १८०४ में पहली बार एक अरब तक पहुँच गयी।,The world population reached one billion for the first time in 1804.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn टॉम सिलाफ़न बजाता है।,Tom plays the xylophone.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn ५ अरब सालों में सूर्य एक लाल दानव तारा बन जाएगा।,The sun will become a red giant in about 5 billion years.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn तुम ने उससे शादी क्यों की?,Why did you marry him?,hin_Deva-eng_Latn यह पिशाच एक रक्त बैंक के लिये काम करता है।,This vampire works for a blood bank.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn यह फाइल एन्क्रिप्टेड है।,This file is encrypted.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn तुम पकड़े कैसे गये?,How did you get caught?,hin_Deva-eng_Latn तुम लोग ठीक हो?,Are you guys all right?,hin_Deva-eng_Latn तुम बिलकुल भी बेवकूफ नहीं हो।,You're not stupid at all.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn लावा खतरनाक होता है।,Lava is dangerous.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn उसने तुम से क्या कहाँ?,What did he say to you?,hin_Deva-eng_Latn नमक का उपयोग बर्फ पिघलाने में किया जाता है।,Salt is used to melt snow.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn लगभग सभी इनसान कपड़े पहनते हैं।,Almost all humans wear clothes.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn यह स्क्रू चीन में बना है।,This screw is made in China.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn यह प्लास्टिक की गिलहरी चीन में बनी है।,This plastic squirrel was made in China.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn मेरी आज रात टॉम के साथ डेट है।,I have a date with Tom tonight.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn मेरी उसके साथ आज रात डेट है।,I have a date with her tonight.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn शॉन कॉनरी एक स्काटिश अभिनेता हैं।,Sean Connery is a Scottish actor.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn मुझे बात करने के लिये वक़्त नहीं है।,I don't have time to talk.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn मुझे एक तोता चाहिए।,I want a parrot.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn इस तोते के हरे पर हैं।,This parrot has green feathers.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn ज़िंदगी इतनी मुश्किल क्यों होती है?,Why is life so difficult?,hin_Deva-eng_Latn प्यार इतना मुश्किल क्यों होता है?,Why is love so difficult?,hin_Deva-eng_Latn चिकी अच्छा तोता है।,Chiqui is a good parrot.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn चिकी एक ऐसा तोता है जो एस्पेरांतो में बात करता है।,Chiqui is a parrot that speaks Esperanto.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn मैंने शुरू किया।,I started it.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn मैं उसके साथ हूँ।,I'm with him.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn हेरोइन हो सकता है।,It could be heroin.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn बिना न्याय के शांति नहीं हो सकती है।,There can never be peace without justice.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn अच्छा नहीं है।,It's not good.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn वह जगह खाली है।,The place is empty.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn बदलाव कभी आसान नहीं होता।,Change is never easy.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn टॉम ने अपनी बीयर नीचे रख दी।,Tom set down his beer.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn दरवाजे पर मेरा नाम है।,My name is on the door.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn टॉम कभी पकड़ा नहीं गया।,Tom never got caught.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn कैंसर हो सकता है।,It could be cancer.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn हो सके तब कॉल करना।,Call me when you can.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn टॉम साँस नहीं ले पा रहा था।,Tom couldn't breathe.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn टॉम अपनी पूरी कोशिश कर रहा है।,Tom is trying his best.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn ऐसे कैसे हो सकता है?,How could that be?,hin_Deva-eng_Latn और क्या हो सकता है?,What else would it be?,hin_Deva-eng_Latn टॉम बहुत कलात्मक है।,Tom is very artistic.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn टॉम कलात्मक लगता है।,Tom seems artistic.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn टॉम काफी कलात्मक है।,Tom is quite artistic.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn टॉम कलात्मक नहीं है।,Tom isn't artistic.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn सुबह हो भी गयी?,Is it morning already?,hin_Deva-eng_Latn टॉम मैरी को साथ ले गया।,Tom took Mary along.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn "टॉम अच्छा है, है ना?","Tom is nice, isn't he?",hin_Deva-eng_Latn "टॉम खुश है, है ना?","Tom is happy, isn't he?",hin_Deva-eng_Latn "टॉम यहाँ है, है ना?","Tom is here, isn't he?",hin_Deva-eng_Latn टॉम ने मुझे रोकने की कोशिश की।,Tom tried to stop me.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn यह मेरे लिये आसान नहीं है।,This is easy for me.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn टॉम मुझे देख रहा था।,Tom was looking at me.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn टॉम मेरे उपर रहता है।,Tom lives above me.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn क्या टॉम ने मेरे बारे में पूँछा?,Did Tom ask about me?,hin_Deva-eng_Latn इसका क्या मतलब हो सकता है?,What could it mean?,hin_Deva-eng_Latn गलती मेरी थी।,The mistake was mine.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn मेरा पर्स चोरी हो गया है.,My purse has been stolen.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn निर्णय मेरा था।,The decision is mine.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn यह लड़ाई मेरी है।,This fight is mine.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn यह सोना मेरा है।,This gold is mine.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn यहाँ का कुछ भी मेरा नहीं है।,Nothing here is mine.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn यह पैसा मेरा है।,This money is mine.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn यह सोने की खान है।,This is a gold mine.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn टॉम ने हिलने की कोशिश की।,Tom tried to move.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn वे पिछली रात चले गये।,They left last night.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn ठंडी रात थी।,It was a cold night.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn टॉम रात को काम करता है।,Tom works at night.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn टॉम पूरी रात काम करता है।,Tom works all night.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn "मेरा जवाब अभी भी ""नहीं"" है।",My answer is still no.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn "टॉम ""नहीं"" कहने वाला है।",Tom is going to say no.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn टॉम इस वक़्त कहाँ है?,Where's Tom right now?,hin_Deva-eng_Latn टॉम अभी आराम कर रहा है।,Tom is resting now.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn अभी सब ठीक है।,It's all OK now.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn तुम अभी इस वक़्त यहाँ क्यों हो?,Why are you here now?,hin_Deva-eng_Latn अभी टॉम को जुकाम है।,Tom has a cold now.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn मैं किस मंज़िल पर हूँ?,What floor am I on?,hin_Deva-eng_Latn टॉम ने कोट पहन कर देखा।,Tom tried putting on the coat.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn खिड़की खुली थी।,The window was open.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn पिंजरा खुला है।,The cage is open.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn वह अपने राजा तथा देश के साथ गद्दारी करता है।,He betrays his king and country.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn और कोई विकल्प नहीं हैं।,There are no options.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn क्या मंगाऊँ?,What should I order?,hin_Deva-eng_Latn यह जगा हमारी है।,This place is ours.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn टॉम को कब पता चला?,When did Tom find out?,hin_Deva-eng_Latn तुम्हें कैसे पता चला?,How did you find out?,hin_Deva-eng_Latn खेल खतम नहीं हुआ है।,The game is not over.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn खतम नहीं हुआ है।,It's not over.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn मालिक मैं हूँ।,I'm the owner.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn टॉम को पार्टी करना पसंद है।,Tom loves to party.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn वह विओलिन बजाती सुनाई दी.,She was heard playing the violin.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn बढ़िया योजना थी।,It was a great plan.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn टॉम लोकप्रिय था।,Tom was popular.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn टॉम गरीब तो कभी था ही नहीं।,Tom never was poor.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn टॉम को जेल भेज दिया गया।,Tom was sent to prison.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn यदि आपने जून से पहले कार्य सम्पूर्ण करना है तो आपको अधिक अच्छा कार्य करना पड़ेगा.,"If you are to finish the work before June, you will have to work much better.",hin_Deva-eng_Latn जल्दी से दरवाजा बंद कर दीजिए।,Shut the door quickly.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn टॉम बहुत शांत है।,Tom is very quiet.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn उसने उसकी तरफ हाथ फिराया.,He waved at her.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn आपका कमरा तैयार है।,Your room is ready.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn टॉम बहुत अमीर है।,Tom is very rich.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn इससे में बहुत अमीर बन गया।,It made me very rich.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn टॉम काफी अमीर है।,Tom is quite rich.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn कृपया बताएं अब मुझे क्या करना चाहिए.,Please tell me what I should do.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn टॉम अमीर बनना चाहता था।,Tom wanted to be rich.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn टॉम अमीर हुआ करता था।,Tom used to be rich.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn "कल मैं देवता बना, लेकिन इसमें मुझे मज़ा नहीं आया। इसलिए आज मैं शैतान बन गया।","Yesterday I became a god, but found that a bit boring, so today I became a devil.",hin_Deva-eng_Latn मुझे अपनी अँगूठी देखने दीजिए।,Let me see your ring.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn टॉम ने एक कमरा किराये पर लिया।,Tom rented a room.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn बूढ़ी औरत अपनी पोती पर मुस्कुराई।,The old lady smiled at her granddaughter.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn वह बूढ़ी औरत अपनी पोती पर मुस्कुराई।,That old woman smiled at her granddaughter.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn उसने डॉक्टर बन ने की उम्मीद त्याग दी.,He abandoned his hope of becoming a doctor.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn आपको कुछ नए प्रॉडक्ट्स दिखाना चाहते हैं।,We have some new products we'd like you to see.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn "साफ़ है कि अमरीकी अपनी समस्याएँ भी सुलझा नहीं सकते हैं, तो फ़िर वे खुद को बाकी दुनिया की समस्याएँ सुलझाने के काबिल कैसे समझ सकते हैं?","It is clear that the Americans can't even solve their own problems, so how can they possibly think themselves capable of dealing with the rest of the world's problems?",hin_Deva-eng_Latn क्या टॉम अभी भी स्कूल में है?,Is Tom still in school?,hin_Deva-eng_Latn गैलीलियो ने क्या देखा?,What did Galileo see?,hin_Deva-eng_Latn टॉम बहुत स्वार्थी है।,Tom is very selfish.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn दरअसल मुझे वह पसंद नहीं है।,"As a matter of fact, I dislike him.",hin_Deva-eng_Latn टॉम सात बजे घर पहुँचा।,Tom got home at seven.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn हमने सुना।,We heard it.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn अपने परिवार के लिए खाना खरीदना भी मेरे लिए मुश्किल है।,I can barely afford to buy enough food to feed my family.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn टॉम अभी गाड़ी नहीं चला सकता।,Tom isn't able to drive yet.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn शायेद हिमपात होगा.,Maybe it will snow.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn टॉम कभी पतला तो था ही नहीं।,Tom never was skinny.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn टॉम पतला हुआ करता था।,Tom used to be skinny.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn मेरे परिवार में हर कोई जल्दी उठता है।,Everyone in my family gets up early.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn टॉम सोने जा रहा है।,Tom is going to sleep.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn लगता है टॉम को बहुत नींद आई है।,It seems Tom is very sleepy.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn मुझे कोई आवाज़ सुनाई दी।,I heard a noise.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn उसने विदेश में पढ़ने का निर्णय लिया।,He made up his mind to study abroad.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn "अगर आपके पास थोड़ा समय हो, तो कृपया निम्न वाक्यों का अनुवाद करेंगे?","If you have a time, could you translate some sentences below, please?",hin_Deva-eng_Latn "उस दिन ठंड थी, और ऊपर से बारिश होने लगी।","It was cold that day, and moreover it began to rain.",hin_Deva-eng_Latn मुझे लगता है वह आएगा।,I expect him to come.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn मुझे साल्सा नाचना बिलकुल नहीं आता।,I cannot dance one single step of Salsa.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn टॉम रुका क्यों?,Why did Tom stop?,hin_Deva-eng_Latn अच्छी कहानी थी।,It was a nice story.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn यह बहुत अजीब है।,This is very strange.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn टॉम काफी शक्तिशाली है।,Tom is quite strong.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn अंग्रेज़ी में समझाया तो चलेगा क्या? जिन्हें अंग्रेज़ी से तकलीफ़ है वो हाथ उठाएँ।,"Is it fine if I explain in English? Anyone who wouldn't be comfortable with English, please raise your hand.",hin_Deva-eng_Latn वह अच्छा सूट है।,That's a nice suit.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn यह सर्बिया का तीसरा सबसे बड़ा शहर है.,It's the third biggest city of Serbia.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn दोनों अध्यापक हैं।,They both are teachers.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn "एक शब्द में कहूँ तो, मुझे लगता है वो बेवकूफ़ है।","In a word, I think he's a fool.",hin_Deva-eng_Latn मैं वह क्यों पहनूंगा?,Why would I wear that?,hin_Deva-eng_Latn मैं तुम्हारे साथ ऐसा नहीं करना चाहती.,I don't want to do this with you.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn वैसा कभी करते हो?,Do you ever do that?,hin_Deva-eng_Latn मुझे अभी घर जाना है.,I have to go home already.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn टॉम कुछ भी सही ढंग से नहीं कर सकता.,Tom can't seem to do anything right.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn मेरे पापा का घर है।,This is my father's house.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn मेरे पिताजी का घर है।,It is my father's house.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn वे कौनसे रंग के हैं?,What color are they?,hin_Deva-eng_Latn इनसान सपने देखे बिना जी नहीं सकता है।,Man can't live without dreams.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn मेरे पास काफी वक़्त नहीं है।,I don't have enough time.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn मेरी नर्सरी टीचर है।,Mary is a kindergarten teacher.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn "जैसे दीपक बुझता है, वैसे ही आदमी मरता है।","As a light goes out, so a man dies.",hin_Deva-eng_Latn टॉम आज नहीं आयेगा।,Tom won't come today.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn क्या तुम टॉम के साथ काम करते हो?,Do you work with Tom?,hin_Deva-eng_Latn क्या आपका नाम टॉम है?,Is your name Tom?,hin_Deva-eng_Latn क्या तुम्हारा नाम टॉम है?,Is Tom your name?,hin_Deva-eng_Latn हम एक ऐसे दुश्मन के विरुद्ध काम कर रहे हैं जो कपटपूर्ण विधियां अपनाने में प्रवीण है।,We are working against an enemy who is very insidious in his methods.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn क्या आप ने टॉम का खून किया?,Did you murder Tom?,hin_Deva-eng_Latn फैसला टॉम का है।,The decision is Tom's.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn टॉम बहुत बदसूरत है।,Tom is very ugly.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn टॉम काफी बदसूरत है।,Tom is quite ugly.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn मेरा परिवार धनी है।,My family is wealthy.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn हत्यार हो सकता है।,It could be a weapon.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn टॉम जीत रहा था।,Tom was winning.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn टॉम जीत नहीं रहा है।,Tom isn't winning.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn टॉम शायद गलत है।,Tom is probably wrong.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn "उनका जवाब ""हाँ"" है।",Their answer is yes.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn लगता है वे तुम पर भरोसा करते हैं।,They seem to trust you.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn टॉम तुम से झूठ क्यों बोलेगा?,Would Tom lie to you?,hin_Deva-eng_Latn टॉम तुम्हारा इंतजार करेगा।,Tom will wait for you.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn वे तुम्हें क्या कहते हैं?,What do they call you?,hin_Deva-eng_Latn टॉम ने तुम्हें क्या कहा?,Why did Tom call you?,hin_Deva-eng_Latn टॉम जवान लगता है।,Tom seems young.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn यह कुर्सी तुम्हारी है।,This chair is yours.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn मैं वहाँ नहीं जा सकता।,I can't go there.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn मैं यह अभी नहीं कर सकता।,I can't do this now.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn मैं यह तुम्हारे सिवा नहीं कर सकता।,I can't do this without you.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn गाड़ी के नीचे देखा?,Did you look under the car?,hin_Deva-eng_Latn कोई कबूतर दिखें?,Did you see any pigeons?,hin_Deva-eng_Latn वह किताब छिपाओ।,Hide that book.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn कितना साफ है।,It's so clean.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn किस के लिये है?,Who's it for?,hin_Deva-eng_Latn अभी यहाँ है।,Now it's here.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn मुझे उसमें विश्वास है।,I believe in it.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn बच्चों को लाओ।,Bring the kids.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn तुम मेरी मदद कर सकते हो।,You can help me.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn हमने यह वाला चुना।,We chose this one.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn सर्जन मैं हूँ।,I'm the surgeon.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn मेरा वहीं मतलब है।,I do mean that.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn वह भी अच्छा है।,"That's good, too.",hin_Deva-eng_Latn मैं भी कर सकता हूँ।,"I can do it, too.",hin_Deva-eng_Latn "लुई, तुम्हारे दोस्त आ रहे हैं।","Louie, your friends are coming.",hin_Deva-eng_Latn मैं तुम से लड़ूंगा।,I will fight you.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn मैं तुम से शादी करूंगा।,I'll marry you.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn अंधेरा हो रहा था.,It was getting dark.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn तब तो तुम मुझे जानते भी नहीं थे।,You didn't even know me then.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn "तुम्हें संगीत तो पसंद है, है ना?","You do like music, don't you?",hin_Deva-eng_Latn आप तो यह भी जानते कि मैं कौन हूँ।,You don't even know who I am.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn "तुम अभी झूठ बोल रहे हो, है ना?","You're lying now, aren't you?",hin_Deva-eng_Latn तुम तो मेरा नाम तक नहीं जानते।,You don't even know my name.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn तुम कुछ ज़्यादा ही शक्कर डालते हो।,You put in too much sugar.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn मैं वैसी चीजें नहीं करता।,I don't do stuff like that.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn सुना है तुम फिर से शादी कर रहे हो।,I hear you're getting married again.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn तुमने मेरी मदद की।,You helped me.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn पुलिस को बुलाना चाहिए था।,You should've called the cops.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn चाबियाँ मेज़ पर हैं।,The keys are on the table.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn आपको पुलिस को बुलाना चाहिए था।,You should have called the cops.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn तुम तो वहाँ कल थे भी नहीं।,You weren't even there yesterday.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn तुम तो बिलकुल भी थके हुए नहीं लगते हो।,You don't seem tired at all.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn तुम बिलकुल भी डरे हुए नहीं लगते हो।,You don't seem afraid at all.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn "आसपास देखो, टॉम।","Look around you, Tom.",hin_Deva-eng_Latn उस खेल में बहुत मज़ा आया।,That game was fun.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn यह कमरा बहुत बड़ा है।,This room is very large.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn "अरे, टॉम कहाँ है?","Hey, where's Tom?",hin_Deva-eng_Latn टॉम यह कैसे करता है?,How does Tom do this?,hin_Deva-eng_Latn क्या टॉम को तैरना पसंद है?,Does Tom like swimming?,hin_Deva-eng_Latn अब टॉम क्या करेगा?,What'll Tom do now?,hin_Deva-eng_Latn टॉम क्यों नहीं कर सकता?,Why can't Tom do it?,hin_Deva-eng_Latn टॉम किस कमरे में है?,What room is Tom in?,hin_Deva-eng_Latn अभी भी बहुत गरम है।,It's still hot.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn यह सब क्या है?,What's all this?,hin_Deva-eng_Latn वहाँ उपर क्या है?,What's up there?,hin_Deva-eng_Latn टॉम ने एक काँच तोड़ी।,Tom broke a glass.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn इसका दाम क्या है?,What's the price of this?,hin_Deva-eng_Latn चावल डालें और धीरे-धीरे उस समय तक पकाएं जब तक कि दानें पारभासी (स्वच्छ) न हो जाएं।,Add the rice and cook gently until the grains begin to turn translucent.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn टॉम को भागना पसंद है।,Tom likes running.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn टॉम ने किसी को देखा।,Tom saw somebody.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn तुम तो कोशिश भी नहीं कर रहे।,You aren't even trying.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn नाटक में कलाकार अचानक से दैत्य में परिवर्तित हो गया।,"In the play, the actor suddenly transmogrified into a monster.",hin_Deva-eng_Latn तुम्हें अभी बहुत कुछ सीखना है।,You have a lot to learn.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn तुम और मैं वैसे नहीं हैं।,You and I aren't like that.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn तुम्हें तो यहाँ होना भी नहीं चाहिए।,You shouldn't even be here.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn हमने पारिवारिक शापिंग साइट पर इस प्रकार की अश्लीलता देखने की कभी कल्पना नहीं की थी।,We simply didn't expect to see such filth on the family shopping site.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn "फ्लू के सर्वाधिक सामान्य लक्षणों में ज्वर, ठंड लगना, पसीना, शक्तिहीनता, सिरदर्द और मतली शामिल हैं।","The most commonly reported flu symptoms are fever, chills, sweating, astheania, headache and nausea.",hin_Deva-eng_Latn क्या वे ज़िंदा हैं?,Are they live?,hin_Deva-eng_Latn वह मेरी किताब है।,That's my book.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn तुमने उसे जाने क्यों दिया?,Why did you let him go?,hin_Deva-eng_Latn आपने उसे जाने क्यों दिया?,Why did you let her go?,hin_Deva-eng_Latn तुमने उन्हें जाने क्यों दिया?,Why did you let them go?,hin_Deva-eng_Latn तुमने मुझे जाने क्यों दिया?,Why did you let me go?,hin_Deva-eng_Latn मुझे पीठ की तकलीफ है I,I have back problems.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn तुमने हमें जाने क्यों दिया?,Why did you let us go?,hin_Deva-eng_Latn कला क्या होती है?,What is art?,hin_Deva-eng_Latn वह ओसाका में रहता है।,He lives in Osaka.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn तुम्हारे बहुत सारे दुशमन हैं।,You've got a lot of enemies.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn मुझे अंग्रेज़ी पसंद है।,I like English.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn मुझ से ज़्यादा तुम्हें इसकी ज़रूरत है।,You need this more than I do.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn हम सब टॉम के लिए दुःखी थे।,We all felt sorry for Tom.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn तुम तो सच-मुच सुंदर लगते हो।,You really do look beautiful.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn तुम्हें और मेहनत से पढ़ाई करनी चाहिए थी।,You should've studied harder.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn आपको और मेहनत से पढ़ाई करनी चाहिए थी।,You should have studied harder.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn तुम्हारे पास तीन महीने बचे हैं।,You've got three months left.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn तुम ने कुछ ज़्यादा ही पी ली है।,You've had too much to drink.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn तुम ने कहा था तुम वैसा नहीं करोगे।,You said you wouldn't do that.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn मुझे घर में थोड़ा काम करना है I,I have some stuff to do at home.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn मिली एक केला खा रही है।,Millie is eating a banana.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn वो मजेदार था I,It was sort of fun.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn मुझे उसकी चिंता नहीं है।,I'm not worried about that.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn मैंने गलत चीज़ की है।,I've done the wrong thing.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn मैंने सही चीज़ की है।,I've done the right thing.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn मैं टॉम का मज़ाक नहीं उड़ा रहा था।,I wasn't making fun of Tom.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn अब पछताए क्या होत जब चिड़िया चुग गई खेत।,It's no use crying over spilt milk.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn "जैसा देस, वैसा भेस।","When in Rome, do as the Romans do.",hin_Deva-eng_Latn जैसा करोगे वैसा भरोगे।,You reap what you sow.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn इस अल्फाज का मतलब क्या है?,What is the meaning of this word?,hin_Deva-eng_Latn टॉम मेरे कमरे में है।,Tom is in my room.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn मैंने पहला पृष्ठ पढ़ा लिया I,I've read the first page.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn अगला उम्मीदवार कौन है?,Who's the next candidate?,hin_Deva-eng_Latn हमारा मुख्य कार्यालय ओसाका में है।,Our main office is in Osaka.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn फ़ेसबुक पर हमें लाइक करें!,Like us on Facebook!,hin_Deva-eng_Latn वह ओसाका से कब लौटा?,When did he return from Osaka?,hin_Deva-eng_Latn मैं वह कल करने वाला था।,I was going to do it yesterday.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn मैं थोड़ा पागल हूँ।,I'm a little crazy.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn जंगल क्या होता है I,What's a jungle?,hin_Deva-eng_Latn मुझे तुम्हारे साथ जाना चाहिए था।,I should've gone with you.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn अब तुम यहाँ क्या कर रहे हो?,What are you doing here now?,hin_Deva-eng_Latn टॉम को पैर में गोली लगी।,Tom was shot in the leg.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn वैज्ञानिक नए प्रयोग पर काम कर रहे है I,The scientists are working on a new experiment.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn बड़ा अस्पताल है।,It's a big hospital.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn टॉम कल हमारे साथ तैर रहा था।,Tom was swimming with us yesterday.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn मुझसे कल संपर्क स्थापित करना।,Establish contact with me tomorrow.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn यह बड़ी ख़बर है।,This is big news.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn बड़ी रात थी।,It was a big night.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn बड़ा कमरा है।,It's a big room.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn मैं एक जानवर हूँ I,I'm an animal.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn तुम्हारी स्कूल कितनी बड़ी थी?,How big was your school?,hin_Deva-eng_Latn बड़ी दुनिया है।,It's a big world.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn सब टॉम के लिए दुःखी थे I,Everyone felt sorry for Tom.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn टॉम गोश्त नहीं खाता है।,Tom doesn't eat meat.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn मैं चीन में पैदा हुआ था।,I was born in China.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn ख़ालिद के पास तरह-तरह के कलम है।,Khalid has a variety of pens.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn चीन में भी अंग्रेज़ी सीखी जाती है।,"English is studied in China, too.",hin_Deva-eng_Latn पता नहीं कैसे पर उसने कर दिया।,"I don't know how, but she did it.",hin_Deva-eng_Latn स्वीस कीबोर्ड पर ß नहीं होता।,The Swiss keyboard doesn't have a ß.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn मेरा जन्मदिन है।,It's my birthday.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn अमीर हो कर मरने से बेहतर है अमीर हो कर जीना।,"It is better to live rich, than to die rich.",hin_Deva-eng_Latn तुम स्टारक्राफ़्ट बड़ी अच्छी तरह से खेलते हो।,You play Starcraft really well.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn टॉम को कुत्ते पसंद नहीं।,Tom doesn't like dogs.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn मैं मदद नहीं कर सकता।,I can't help.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn वह जहाज़ कल होनोलूलू के लिए रवाना होगा।,The ship leaves for Honolulu tomorrow.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn मुझे नहीं पता कि उसे क्या पता है।,I don't know what he knows.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn मैंने इस परीक्षण को मुश्किल पाया।,I found this test difficult.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn भारत एशिया में है।,India is in Asia.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn भारत एक विकासशील देश है।,India is a developing country.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn भारत में कितने राज्य हैं?,How many states does India have?,hin_Deva-eng_Latn मैं भारत लौट रहा हूँ।,I am going back to India.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn रजनीकान्त भारत में सुपरस्टार है।,Rajinikanth is a superstar in India.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn मैं भारत जाना चाहता हूँ।,I want to go to India.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn लगता है आप भारत से हैं।,It looks like you are from India.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn "वह अंग्रेज़ है, मगर भारत में रहता है।","He's English, but lives in India.",hin_Deva-eng_Latn एशिया में तीसरा सबसे बड़ा देश भारत है।,India is the third largest country in Asia.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn मैने यह समस्या कठिनाई से सुलझाई।,I solved this problem with difficulty.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn क्या हिन्दी भारत भर की पाठशालाओं में सिखाई जानी चाहिए?,Should Hindi be taught in schools across India?,hin_Deva-eng_Latn मराठी बोलते हो?,Do you speak Marathi?,hin_Deva-eng_Latn हम टॉम को यहाँ नहीं छोड़ सकते।,We can't leave Tom here.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn हम कल रात वहाँ थे।,We were there last night.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn अभी हम टॉम की मदद कर सकते हैं।,We can help Tom now.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn अभी हम एक साथ रहते हैं।,We live together now.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn वायुयान हवाई अड्डे पर उतर गया है।,The aircraft has landed at the airport.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn हमने टॉम को बाहर फेंक दिया।,We threw Tom out.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn हम पिज़ा मंगा सकते हैं।,We can order a pizza.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn हमें लगता है तुम सही हो।,We think you're right.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn हम बस पढ़ाई कर रहे थे।,We were just studying.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn यहाँ कोई गोश्त नहीं खाता है।,Nobody here eats meat.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn लोग उतर रहे हैं।,People are getting down.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn हमें ऐसा नहीं करना चाहिए।,We shouldn't do this.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn क्या होशियार कुत्ता है!,What a clever dog!,hin_Deva-eng_Latn मुझे नया चश्मा चाहिए।,I need new glasses.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn क्या तुम मुझे फ़्रांसीसी सिखाओगे?,Will you teach me French?,hin_Deva-eng_Latn टिकट भूलना मत।,Don't forget the ticket.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn बस हुक्म दीजिए।,Just give the order.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn टॉम को वह पता नहीं है।,Tom doesn't know that.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn कुछ तोड़ना मत।,Don't break anything.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn अंदर आओ।,Come on in.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn तुम मुझे क्यों नहीं बता सकते?,Why can't you tell me?,hin_Deva-eng_Latn मैंने जो कहा वह भूल जाओ।,Forget what I said.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn वह बाहर गये है।,He has gone out.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn वे दोनों तुमसे उम्र में बड़े हैं।,They're both older than you.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn टॉम कवी है।,Tom is a poet.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn अगले साल मैं अमरीका जाने वाला हूँ।,I am going to go to America next year.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn सुंदर भाषण था।,It was a beautiful speech.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn क्या वह इस साल अमरीका जाने वाली है?,Is she going to go to America this year?,hin_Deva-eng_Latn मैं बहुत सारे चीज़ें करता हूँ।,I do a lot of things.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn जर्मनी में वह कहाँ रहता है?,Where does he live in Germany?,hin_Deva-eng_Latn टॉम साम्यवादी है।,Tom is a communist.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn "टॉम शादीशुदा है, उसके तीन बच्चे हैं और वह बोस्टन में रहता है।","Tom is married, has three kids, and lives in Boston.",hin_Deva-eng_Latn उसे बदले में क्या चाहिए?,What does he want in return?,hin_Deva-eng_Latn हमारे साथ गाओ।,Sing with us.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn यह काफ़ी अच्छा सवाल है।,That's a pretty good question.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn मेरे सिर में दर्द हो रहा है।,I have a headache.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn मैं तुम्हारी मदद करने वाला हूँ।,I'm going to help you.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn मैंने टॉम को मेरी कहानी बताई।,I told Tom my story.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn कौन जाना चाहता है?,Who wants to go?,hin_Deva-eng_Latn टॉम ने एक बंदूक चलाई।,Tom shot a gun.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn कुछ सुनाई दे रहा है?,Can you hear anything?,hin_Deva-eng_Latn तुम ने मुझे वह कल बताना चाहिए था।,You should've told me that yesterday.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn अगले साल मैं हवाई जा रहा हूँ।,Next year I'm going to Hawaii.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn """मेरी माँ अमरीकी है और पिता उइघुर।"" ""सच?"" ""नहीं! मैं बस मज़ाक कर रहा था।""","""My mother's American, and my father is Uighur."" ""Really?"" ""No! I was joking!""",hin_Deva-eng_Latn यह किस तरह की पंछी है?,What kind of bird is this?,hin_Deva-eng_Latn मैं छः बजे स्टेशन पहुँचा।,I reached the station at six.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn "पहले खाएंगे, फिर जाएंगे।","First we'll eat, and then we'll go.",hin_Deva-eng_Latn टॉम ने उसे बताया।,Tom told her.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn कोई फरक नहीं पड़ता।,It makes no difference.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn "राष्ट्रपति जी, मेरा नाम खान है, और मैं आतंकवादी नहीं हूँ।","Mr. President, my name is Khan and I am not a terrorist.",hin_Deva-eng_Latn इसे दोबारा पढ़ें।,Read it again.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn ये किताबें काफ़ी पुरानी हैं।,These are very old books.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn एक अमीर आदमी सुनहरे बिस्तर पर सो रहा है।,There's a rich man sleeping on a golden bed.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn मुझे याद नहीं।,I can't remember.,hin_Deva-eng_Latn "वह आग जला नहीं सकता था, इसलिए उसने मछली को कच्चा खाया।","As he had no way of making fire, he ate the fish raw.",hin_Deva-eng_Latn Moraš više raditi.,You must work more.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Nisam sudjelovao u razgovoru.,I didn't take part in the conversation.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Biti će mi drago doći.,I will be glad to come.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Kakav je ovo film? Je li popularan?,What kind of movie is it? Is it popular?,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Trgovina igračaka je zatvorena.,The toy store is closed.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Ta činjenica ne smije biti zaboravljena.,This fact must not be forgotten.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Otišao je na more da bi plivao.,He went to sea to swim.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn "Pobijedili smo bez problema, jer su ostali igrači bili slabi.","We won hands down, because the other players were weak.",hrv_Latn-eng_Latn "Njezin sastav je vrlo dobar, osim nekoliko grešaka u izgovoru.",Her composition is very good except for a few errors in spelling.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Sudjelovanje muslimana u politici je od velike važnosti za društvo.,The participation of Muslims in politics is of fundamental importance to society.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Želiš li čaj ili kavu?,Would you like tea or coffee?,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn "Kažem li svojoj majci, brinut će se, zato mislim da joj neću reći.","If I tell my mother, she'll worry, so I don't think I'll tell her.",hrv_Latn-eng_Latn "Ne možeš čitati tu novelu, a da ne plačeš.",You cannot read this novel without crying.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Korijeni stabla su se duboko ukorijenili u zemlju.,The tree's roots extend deep into the earth.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn "Kao i u mnogim aspektima britanskog života, postoje dobri povijesni razlozi za to.","And as with so many aspects of British life, there's a good historical reason for it.",hrv_Latn-eng_Latn "Dobar dan, kako vam mogu pomoći?","Good day, how may I help you?",hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Ovo vino je vrlo ukusno.,This wine tastes great.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn "Tatoeba: Gdje je pozornost za detalje sveta, a kazna brza.","Tatoeba: Where attention to detail is sacred, and punishment is swift.",hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Gdje si rođen?,Where were you born?,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn "Molim te, primi ovaj mali dar.",Please accept this little gift.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn "Prije bih bio gladan, nego nešto ukrao.",I would rather starve than steal.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Išla je u Takasu-kliniku.,She went to the Takasu clinic.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Volim sport.,I like sport.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn "Koliko ja znam, nikada nije došao na vrijeme.",He has never come on time that I know of.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn "Vidjet ćeš da je siromašan, kada budeš vidio/vidjela njegov dom.","If you see his house, you'll know that he is poor.",hrv_Latn-eng_Latn "Vašu ulaznicu, molim.",Let me check your ticket.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Očekujem da će doći.,I expect him to come.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Tom i Mary su odlučili posvojiti Johna.,Tom and Mary decided to adopt John.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Što misliš o japanskoj hrani?,What do you think of Japanese food?,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Pušenje ubija.,Smoking can kill.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Vi ste njezine kćeri.,You are her daughters.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Koje vino imaš?,What kind of wine do you have?,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Nisam imao dovoljno novca da kupim sve što nam je trebalo.,I didn't have enough money to buy everything we needed.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn "Ne, to je sve.","No, that's all.",hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Povraća mi se.,I feel like vomiting.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Netko je potrošio mnogo novca da bi ukrasio ovaj stan.,Somebody spent a lot of money to decorate this place.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn "Oprostite, možete li to ponoviti?","Pardon me, can you repeat that?",hrv_Latn-eng_Latn S takvom cijenom vaš proizvod neće preživjeti konkurenciju na japanskom tržištu.,"With this price, your product would not be competitive in the Japanese market.",hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Ne postoji ništa vrijednije od ljubavi.,There's nothing as precious as love.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Htio bih da Bog postoji.,I wish God did exist.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Mogu li uzeti tvoj rječnik?,Can I use your dictionary?,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Hoćeš li otvoriti vrata?,Will you open the door?,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn To se mora promijeniti.,This must be changed.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Hoću novi bicikl.,I want a new bike.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Ne znam hoću li imati vremena.,I don't know if I'll have time.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Kada će se sagraditi ovaj hram?,When was this temple built?,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Koja je tvoja omiljena TV zvijezda?,Who is your favorite TV star?,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Hoćemo li stići na koncert?,Will we be in time for the concert?,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Nitko me ne razumije.,Nobody understands me.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Dojim svoje dijete.,I'm breast-feeding my baby.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn "Ne, nikada nisam tamo bio.","No, I've never been there.",hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Stvarno nemam vremena.,I really don't have the time.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Tko je tvoj omiljeni skladatelj?,Who is your favorite composer?,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Tom je zamolio Mary da se pretvara da mu je žena.,Tom asked Mary to pretend to be his wife.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Ostavljam ti to.,I'm leaving it to you.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn To ne može biti istina.,That cannot be true.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Danas je više oblaka nego jučer.,There are more clouds today than yesterday.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Zašto ste sami?,Why are you alone?,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Kakvo je vrijeme u New Yorku?,What's the weather like in New York?,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Igrali smo na plaži.,We played on the beach.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn To su umjetne suze.,Those tears are artificial.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn I što ako sam homoseksualac? Zar je to zločin?,So what if I am gay? Is it a crime?,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Rekao si mi da nećeš biti ovdje danas.,You told me you wouldn't be here today.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Zlato je skuplje od željeza.,Gold is more precious than iron.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Evo restorana u kojem često jedem.,Here's a restaurant I often eat at.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn On je gurav.,He is hunchbacked.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Ona uvijek marljivo radi.,She always works hard.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Koji broj?,What's the number?,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn "Djevojke su lagano plesale, kao mnoštvo leptira.",The girls were dancing lightly like so many butterflies.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Dugo je govorila o svojim inozemnim iskustvima.,She talked long of her experiences abroad.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Kunići imaju duga uha.,Rabbits have long ears.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Ne razumiju me kada govorim njemački.,I can't make myself understood in German.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Sviđa mu se talijanska kuhinja.,He likes Italian food.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn On kaže da će doći.,He says he will come.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Muškarac je ustao i zapjevao.,The man stood up and began to sing.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Možete li mi poslati brošuru?,Could you send me a brochure?,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Rodio se u Ohiu.,He was born in Ohio.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn On često citira Shakespeara.,He often quotes from Shakespeare.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn To jelo je ukusnije od onoga.,This dish is more delicious than that one.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Žena mu je otvorila vrata.,His wife opened the door for him.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Svatko umire.,Everyone must die.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Odlučila sam joj reći da ga volim.,I decided to tell her that I love him.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn "On nije znanstvenik, ali nam je prijatelj.","He's not a scientist, but he is our friend.",hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Ona je moja prva ljubav.,She's my first love.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn I malo kruha.,And a little bread.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Bio je strašno ranjen.,He was badly wounded.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Uvijek govori o vladi s prijezirom.,He always speaks of the government with contempt.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn To svatko zna.,Anybody knows it.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Želim da mi se san ostvari.,I wish my dream would come true.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Ona će platiti najviše 50 dolara.,She will pay 50 dollars at most.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Pozdravio nas je i otišao.,"He bade us farewell, and went away.",hrv_Latn-eng_Latn "Ukratko, neki pištolji imaju odlične sigurnosne sustave kako bi spriječili slučajna opaljivanja (npr. kod ispuštanja), a drugi nemaju.","In short some guns have excellent security systems to prevent accidental firing (e.g. when dropped), others don't.",hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Daj mu vremena.,Give him time.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Ljeto je gotovo.,Summer is over.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Ona govori i engleski i njemački.,She can speak both English and German.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Čovjek je racionalno biće.,Man is a rational animal.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Studiram američku dramu.,I'm studying the American drama.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Vatra se proširila na susjednu zgradu prije nego što su vatrogasci pristigli.,The fire had spread to the next building before the firemen came.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Zato sam ga otpustio.,This is why I fired him.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Otac mi je kupio tu knjigu.,Father bought me the book.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn On ima oči na potiljku.,He has eyes at the back of his head.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Isplati se posjetiti muzej.,The museum is worth a visit.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn "Ukoliko pronađem tvoju putovnicu, smjesta ću te nazvati.","If I find your passport, I'll call you at once.",hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Radio sam na tome dan za danom.,I worked on it day after day.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Ne volim učiti po ovakvoj vrućini.,I don't like studying in this heat.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Nema koristi da ga se pokuša nagovoriti.,It is no use your trying to persuade him.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Ne može doći jer je bolestan.,"Because he's sick, he can't come.",hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Nisam baš bio spreman.,I was hardly prepared.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Napustit ću školu.,I'm going to leave school.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Iznosio sam svoje cipele.,I've worn out my shoes.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Vani je poput ljeta.,It's like summer outside.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Čini se da Cathy voli glazbu.,It seems that Cathy likes music.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn "Učiteljica je, ne čuvši zvono, nastavila pričati.","The teacher, not having heard the bell, didn't stop talking.",hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Ona će stići u Tokio početkom sljedećeg mjeseca.,She will arrive in Tokyo at the beginning of next month.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Dao sam svojoj majci devetnaest cvijetova za Majčin dan.,I gave my mother 19 flowers on Mother's Day.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Učiteljica mi je dodijelila najduže poglavlje.,The teacher allotted the longest chapter to me.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Vozio je auto ulicom.,He was driving a car along the street.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Govoriti engleski je zabavno.,Speaking in English is fun.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Nadam se da sutra neće padati kiša.,I hope it does not rain tomorrow.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Oni su zaista pobijedili.,They did win.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Brinuo se za dijete.,He looked after the baby.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Bol je malo popustila.,The pain has lessened a little.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Svi učitelji su bili mladi i voljeli podučavati.,All our teachers were young and loved teaching.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Organizirao je bojkot autobusnog prijevoza.,He organized a boycott of the bus service.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Njegova priča možda nije istinita.,His story may not be true.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Visoko je podignuo trofej.,He held the trophy up high.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Inzistirala je da on ode u bolnicu.,She insisted that he should go to the hospital.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Svi smo zurili u nju; toliko se promijenila.,All of us stared at her; she had changed so much.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Svi vole to mjesto.,Everyone loves that place.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Kada odlaziš?,When are you leaving?,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn "Kažeš ""siromašan"", ali postoji puno stupnjeva siromaštva.","You say ""poor"", but there are many degrees of poverty.",hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Tvar je dovoljno lagana da pluta na vodi.,The substance is light enough to float on the water.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Čini se da je to prilično veliki muzej.,Looks like that's a pretty big museum.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Dobro je građen.,He's well built.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Popustili smo njihovim zahtjevima.,We gave way to their demands.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Njegovo mišljenje je razumno.,His opinion is reasonable.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Umirem od gladi!,I am dying of hunger.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Trebao bih vježbati više.,I should exercise more.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Oni su inzistirali da ja moram platiti taj novac.,They insisted on my paying the money.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Informacije kakve trebamo nisu uvijek dostupne.,The sort of information we need is not always available.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Tu smo kuću ispitali prije nego smo odlučili da li ćemo ju kupiti.,We went over the house before deciding whether to buy it.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn U muzeju smo vidjeli mumiju.,We saw a mummy at the museum.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Zapljeskali smo.,We clapped our hands.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn "U svakom slučaju, doći će on.",He will come after all.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Tom je išao na plažu.,Tom went to the beach.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn On je čovjek u kojeg se možeš pouzdati.,He is a man of his word.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn On je moj neprijatelj.,He is my enemy.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn "Mislio sam proći po bilješkama još jedan put, ali nije bilo vremena.","I was going to run over the notes one last time, but there wasn't time.",hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Ako i provodiš mnogo vremena unutra možeš vježbati dižući koljena koliko god visoko možeš dok hodaš ili dok hodaš u mjestu.,"Even if you spend most of your time indoors, you can do some exercise by raising your knees as high as you can while walking or walking in place.",hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Savjetovala ga je da ne uzima toliko soli.,She advised him not to use too much salt.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Luđak.,He is crazy.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Ovo je dokaz.,This is evidence.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Radi što želiš. Uopće me ne zanima.,Do whatever you want. I don't care.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn On je pospan.,He is sleepy.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Gdje su žene?,Where are the women?,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Ja sam žena.,I'm a woman.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Ovo je život.,This is the life.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Planeti prate eliptičnu orbitu.,The planets follow elliptical orbits.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Zašto životinje ne mogu pričati?,Why can't animals talk?,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Tom je vođa tima.,Tom is the leader of the team.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn "Ponudio bih vas šalicom kave, ako biste imali vremena.",I would offer you a coffee if you had the time.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Mary je vođa tima.,Mary is the leader of the team.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Artur glumi negativca.,Arthur is playing the bad guy.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Oni su lopovi i ubojice.,They're thieves and murderers.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Svi ljudi moraju umrijeti.,All men must die.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Ne vidim prometne znakove u ovoj magli.,I can't see the road signs in this fog.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Mislim da je ovo očito.,I hold this as self-evident.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Trebao bi znati bolje.,You should know better.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Tom nije anđeo.,Tom is no angel.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Ne pravi me budalom.,Don't make a fool of me.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Je li Tom jeo večeru?,Did Tom eat dinner?,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Tom šeta svoga psa.,Tom is walking his dog.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Vrlo si hrabar.,You are very brave.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn To nije istina!,That's a lie.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn "Moja sestra je mršava, a ja sam debeljuškast.","My sister is thin, but I'm a little overweight.",hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Što radiš?,What are you doing?,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Došao sam na stanicu na vrijeme.,I arrived at the station on time.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Ostavi me na miru!,Leave me alone.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Kako mogu znati da me nećeš prijaviti nakon što ti pomognem?,How do I know you won't turn me in after I help you?,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Na kraju sve ispliva na površinu.,Murder will out.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Izgleda da će Tom početi raditi ovdje.,It looks like Tom is going to start working here.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Onaj tko piše čita dvaput.,He who writes reads twice.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Prijavila se na španjolski.,She signed up for a Spanish course.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Dan je naučio slavenske jezike svih zemalja Istočne Europe koje je posjetio.,Dan learned the Slavic languages of all the Eastern European countries he visited.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Mrtvi ne govore.,Dead men tell no tales.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Tomov pas je napao Mary.,Tom's dog attacked Mary.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn "Ti se slažeš s Tomom, zar ne?","You agree with Tom, don't you?",hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Ti bi trebao koristiti dezodorans.,You should use a deodorant.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn "Njegov je, zar ne?","It's his, isn't it?",hrv_Latn-eng_Latn "Njegovo je, zar ne?","It is hers, is it not?",hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Moja pretpostavka je da Tom to neće htjeti.,My guess is that Tom isn't going to want that.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Interlingue je jednostavan i lijep jezik.,Interlingue is an easy and beautiful language.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn "Ako ne radiš, ne možeš jesti.","If you don't work, you can't eat.",hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Ljudi koji ne rade neće biti nahranjeni.,"People who don't work, won't be fed.",hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Ti si to trebao reći Tomu.,You were supposed to tell Tom that.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Zašto si tako pametan?,Why are you so smart?,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Neki ljudi se udebljaju kada prestanu pušiti.,Some people gain weight when they stop smoking.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Marcus je postao uzurpator.,Marcus became a usurper.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Već sam pokušala.,I've already tried.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Ljutim se na tebe.,I'm angry with you.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Uvijek se žališ.,You are always complaining.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Ja sam Ricardo.,I am Ricardo.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Moram se vratiti doma do sedam.,I have to be back home by seven.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Ovo je dobar udžbenik.,This is a good textbook.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Volim tvoju hrabrost.,I admire your courage.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Mislim da se Tom i Mary sviđaju jedno drugome.,I think Tom and Mary like each other.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Mislim da su Tom i Mary zaljubljeni.,I think Tom and Mary are in love.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Je li fino?,Does it taste good?,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Tko ti je kupio ovo?,Who bought you this?,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Moj otac pliva jako dobro.,My father swims very well.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn On je učiteljova maza.,He is the teacher's pet.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn "To nije mačka, pas je.",That's not a cat. That's a dog.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Možeš li preporučiti hotel u blizini zračne luke?,Can you recommend a hotel near the airport?,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Možeš li preporučiti neke druge hotele?,Can you recommend any other hotels?,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Ima li nekih drugih hotela koje možeš preporučiti?,Are there any other hotels you can recommend?,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Neću ići u školu sutra.,I won't go to school tomorrow.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Moja starija sestra dobro pjeva.,My older sister is good at singing.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Ostavio sam svoju kreditnu karticu u kući.,I left my credit card at home.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn "Da, odmah dolazim.","Yes, I'm coming immediately.",hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Koja je cijena ovoga kišobrana?,What's the price of this umbrella?,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Koliko je ovaj kišobran?,How much is this umbrella?,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Šef me je pozvao u svoj ured.,My boss called me into his office.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Tom želi svoj novac danas.,Tom wants his money today.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Bio sam na planinama.,I was in the mountains.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Ne znam imam li vremena.,I don't know if I have the time.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Sutra ne moraš ići u školu.,You don't have to go to school tomorrow.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn To se neće dogoditi.,That won't happen.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn U boljoj si formi nego ja.,You're in better shape than I am.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Edukacija u ovom svijetu me razočarava.,Education in this world disappoints me.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Mary je Tomova sestra blizanka.,Mary is Tom's twin sister.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Oni nemaju ništa.,They have nothing.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Tom je pokušao zastrašiti Mary.,Tom tried to intimidate Mary.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Tom je vidio Mary s drugim muškarcem.,Tom saw Mary with another man.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Tom ima iznenađenje za Mary.,Tom has a surprise for Mary.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Svi su tražili Toma.,Everybody was looking for Tom.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Tom nije član našeg kluba.,Tom isn't a member of our club.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Rado ću pogledati taj film.,I'd love to see the movie.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Pjeva mi se.,I feel like singing.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Tom je htjeo vidjeti Marynu sobu.,Tom wanted to see Mary's room.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Tom je Maryn bivši.,Tom is Mary's ex.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Tomova nova djevojka je vrlo mlada.,Tom's new girlfriend is very young.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn To uopće ne utječe na njega.,This doesn't affect him at all.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Tom je bio uhićen tri puta.,Tom has been arrested three times.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Trošiš previše novca.,You're spending too much money.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Jesu li ti ruke čiste?,Are your hands clean?,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Tom je studirao lingvistiku na fakultetu.,Tom studied linguistics in college.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Ima slomljeno srce.,His heart is broken.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Je li tvoj sat točan?,Is your watch correct?,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn "Simbol ""&"" znači ""i"".",The sign '&' stands for 'and'.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Ne moraš se cifrati.,You don't have to dress up.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Naše vrijeme je ograničeno.,Our time is limited.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Francuski je njegov materinski jezik.,French is his mother tongue.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Imam računalo.,I own a computer.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Moj treći muž mi je kupio ovo.,My third husband bought me this.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Sve u svemu on je dobar učitelj.,"All things considered, he is a good teacher.",hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Mogu li posuditi ovaj cd?,May I borrow this CD?,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Tomova profesija je vozač teretnih kamiona.,Tom drives a truck for a living.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Radnici su bili goli do pasa.,The workers were naked to the waist.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Jebi se!,Go screw yourself!,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Namjeravam ukinuti ropstvo.,I intend to abolish slavery.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Mogao bi imati pravo.,You may be right.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Dokad ćeš ostati u Japanu?,Until when will you stay in Japan?,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Nisi bio trebao doći tako rano.,You shouldn't have come so soon.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Smijem li posuditi tvoj rječnik?,May I borrow your dictionary?,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Kako se zove ova ulica?,What is the name of this street?,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Dobrodošao na Tatoeba.,Welcome to Tatoeba!,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Možete li doći?,Can you come?,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Oni su tu.,They are here.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Ona je starija od mene šest godina.,She's six years older than me.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Ne znam engleski tako dobro kao on.,I can't speak English as well as he can.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Tom stalno prigovara.,Tom complains all the time.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Imam biljke.,I have plants.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Danas mi se ne da ništa.,Today I don't feel like doing anything.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Bolničarka je koristila tlakomjer kako bi mi izmjerila krvni tlak.,The nurse used a sphygmomanometer to check my blood pressure.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Upravo sam očistio svoju sobu.,I have just cleaned my room.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Kome pripada ova vila?,Who owns this villa?,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Smiri se.,Take it easy.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Mnoge vrste cvijeća uskoro će izrasti.,Many kinds of flowers will come out soon.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Mary ne upotrebljava sol.,Mary doesn't use salt in her cooking.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Skladatelji skladaju glazbu.,Composers create music.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Tom te voli više nego bilo koga drugoga.,Tom likes you more than anybody else.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Moj ured je na četvrtom katu sive šesterokatnice.,My office is on the fourth floor of that gray six-story building.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Sama se probudila.,She woke up on her own.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Tom je napokon shvatio da je bio u krivu.,Tom finally realized that he'd been wrong.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Who sent me a telegram?,Who sent me a wire?,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Šest je mongolskih rečenica na Tatoebi zasada.,There are six sentences in Mongolian in Tatoeba as of now.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn "Ako ne dobijem sutra svoj novčanik, glave će padati.","If I don't get my wallet back by tomorrow, heads will roll!",hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Tom je napokon shvatio da je Mary bila u pravu.,Tom finally realized that Mary was right.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Uvijek je bio posvećen glazbi.,He has always devoted himself to music.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Šutnja je zlato!,Silence is golden.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Htio sam biti astrofizičar.,I once wanted to be an astrophysicist.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Svi poznaju njegovo ime u okolici.,His name is known to everybody in this area.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn On ne zna svirati gitaru.,He doesn't know how to play the guitar.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Želim još jednu čašu piva.,I want another beer.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Jesi li planirao nešto specijalno?,Were you planning something special?,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Možete li sutra doći na sastanak?,Can you come to the meeting tomorrow?,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn "Ne mogu sutra doći na zabavu, ali hvala na pozivu.","I cannot go to the party, but thank you for inviting me all the same.",hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Ovaj čovjek je pijan.,This man is drunk.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Mr Koizumi je pun sebe.,Mr Koizumi thinks an awful lot of himself.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Morala sam te vidjeti.,I had to see you.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Nema smisla pokušavati bilo što drugo.,It's no use trying anything.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Sinoć je vdio NLO na nebu.,"Last night, he saw a UFO in the sky.",hrv_Latn-eng_Latn "Predajem se. Što god da učinim, nikada ne izgledaš zadovoljno.","I give up. No matter what I do, you never seem to be satisfied.",hrv_Latn-eng_Latn "Tome, imamo problem.","Tom, we have a problem.",hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Tom nas sustiže.,Tom is gaining on us.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Je li ovo mjesto gdje Tom sjedi?,Is this where Tom sits?,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Tom ne treba jesti ako ne želi.,Tom doesn't have to eat it if he doesn't want to.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Zapisao sam njegov broj na komadiću papira.,I wrote down his phone number on a scrap of paper.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Vratili su se zajedno iz kina.,They came back from the cinema together.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Zabrinut je za majčino zdravlje.,He is anxious about his mother's health.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Zadovoljan se smijao.,"Satisfied, he smiled.",hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Imam malo engleskih knjiga.,I have few English books.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Jesi li čuo vijesti na radiju?,Did you hear the news on the radio?,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Sigurno je ta lisica ubila kokoš.,That fox must have killed the hen.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Strašna bitka se dogodila na Kasserineu u zapadnom Tunisu.,A terrible battle took place at Kasserine in western Tunisia.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Otrov se proširio cijelim njegovim tijelom.,The poison spread through his whole body.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Želim se malo odmoriti jer je domaća zadaća gotova.,I want to rest a little because all the homework is finished.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Vrh planine Fuji je prekrio snijeg.,The top of Mt. Fuji was covered with snow.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Tom voli čaj više nego kavu.,Tom likes tea better than coffee.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Žurim.,I'm in a hurry.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Jasno je da ćeš nam reći nešto što još nismo čuli.,You show that you have something new to reveal,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Imam dovoljno novaca da kupim tu knjigu.,I have enough money to buy this book.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Čak i dan danas žene se bore protiv diskriminacije.,"Even today, however, women struggle against discrimination.",hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Njegovi romani su omiljeni među mladim osobama.,His novels are popular among young people.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Kut od 90 stupnjeva se zove pravi kut.,An angle of 90 degrees is called a right angle.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Želiš li znati koji je tvoj problem?,Do you want to know what your problem is?,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn "Znati je ništa, mašta je sve.","Knowing is nothing, imagination is everything.",hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Napravio si istu pogrješku kao i prošli put.,You made the same mistake as last time.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Treba popraviti moj sat.,My clock needs to be fixed.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Kišilo je danima.,It rained for many days.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Otišao sam u banku.,I've been to the bank.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Ta žena me plaši. Uvijek viče i razgovara sama sa sobom.,That woman scares me. She's always shouting and talking to herself.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Kažnjena je zbog nepažljive vožnje.,She was punished for careless driving.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Obećao je ne pušiti.,He promised not to smoke.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn "Nakon Cezarove smrti, komet je sjajio sedam dana.","After the death of Caesar, a comet shone for seven days.",hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Knjiga je mala.,The book is small.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Jeste li zauzeti sutra poslijepodne?,Are you busy tomorrow afternoon?,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Koliko je star?,How old is he?,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Mađarska i Slovačka su susjedi.,Hungary and Slovakia are neighbors.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Došao sam ovdje da studiram.,I came here to study.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Kako je to povezano s time?,How is this connected to that?,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Želim nekog drugog.,I want another.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn "Dobro jutro, Mike.","Good morning, Mike.",hrv_Latn-eng_Latn "Trebat ćeš pronaći jeftinije, zamjenske sastojke, iako svoj recept temeljiš na bakinom.","You'll need to find cheaper, alternative ingredients even though you're basing your recipe on your grandmother's.",hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Tímea je Mađarka i živi u Poljskoj.,Tímea is a Hungarian living in Poland.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Lidia ima plavu ravnu kosu.,Lidia has blonde straight hair.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Moj stariji sin je Lech Zaręba.,My elder son is Lech Zaręba.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Već je jedanaest sati. Odavno si već trebao biti u krevetu.,It's already eleven. It's high time you were in bed.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Zbijao je šale o tome.,He made a joke about it.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn "Novi si, huh?","You're new, huh?",hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Zašto si došao u Japan?,Why did you come to Japan?,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Iznenađen sam što tvoja obitelj ima japanski auto.,I am surprised that your family has a Japanese car.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Penis je jedan od muških spolnih organa.,The penis is one of the male reproductive organs.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn "Želim unajmiti auto, pokažite mi molim Vas cjenik.","I want to rent a car, please show me a price list.",hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Izgleda mlado.,He looks young.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Što radi tvoj otac?,What does your father do?,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Ja sam turist.,I'm a tourist.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Htio bih da sam učio više dok sam bio mlađi.,I wish I'd studied harder when I was young.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Zrakopov je sigurno sletio.,The airplane made a safe landing.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Ostavili su problem neriješen.,They left the problem unsolved.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Ellen ne govori engleski.,Ellen does not speak English.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Prekrasne li duge!,What a beautiful rainbow!,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Žedan sam.,I am thirsty.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Život je lijep.,Life is beautiful.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Imaš li bojicu kod sebe?,Do you have a pencil?,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Poznaješ zakon.,You know the law.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Koliko je stara ova knjiga?,How old is this book?,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Izgleda da vjeruje u ispravnost onoga što je rekao.,It seems that he believes what he said is right.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Upravo jedem jabuku.,I am eating an apple.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Hvala ti za prekrasnu večeru.,Thank you for the wonderful dinner.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Slikao sam ju.,I took a picture of her.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Imamo pravo živjeti gdje god želimo.,We have a right to live wherever we want to.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Jesi li završila?,Have you finished it?,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Jedemo doručak unutra.,We are eating breakfast indoors.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Pijan je.,He is drunk.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Jednom je posjetila New York.,She has visited New York once.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Vrijeme ostaje loše.,The weather stayed bad.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Mjesec se okreće oko Zemlje.,The moon revolves around the earth.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Proglasili su ga kapitenom nogometne ekipe.,They made him captain of the team.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Sada se svi oni zabavljaju.,They're all having fun now.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Na stolu je vaza.,There is a vase on the table.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn "Kad sam se probudio, provalnik je bio u mojoj sobi.","When I woke up, there was a burglar in my room.",hrv_Latn-eng_Latn On se boji letenja avionom.,He is scared of flying on an airplane.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Kupio sam staru lampu.,I bought an old lamp.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Želim ti nešto reći.,I want to tell you something.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Zašto bi te trebao slušati?,Why should I listen to you?,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn "On vozi auto, zar ne?","He drives a car, doesn't he?",hrv_Latn-eng_Latn U zaštićenim područjima lov je zabranjen.,In protected areas hunting is prohibited.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn On dobro zarađuje.,He gets a good salary.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Znam.,I know that.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Živim u New Yorku.,I live in New York.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Ne viči na mene.,Don't shout at me.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Ona već duže vrijeme uči svirati glasovir.,She had long been learning to play the piano.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Tom je moj stariji brat.,Tom is my oldest brother.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Vlada ne daje sve od sebe da bi riješila stambeno pitanje.,The government is not doing its best to solve the housing problem.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Mary je primijetila da jedna od Tomovih stolica nedostaje.,Mary noticed that one of Tom's chairs was missing.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Nemarni ljudi su se živi smrznuli tijekom ekspedicije na Antarktiku.,The reckless men froze to death during their expedition to the Antarctic.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Kod kuće pričamo samo francuski.,"At home, we speak only French.",hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Uvijek sam spreman za ono što slijedi.,I'm always ready for what comes next.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Napustila je tvrtku.,She quit the company.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Vrijeme nema kraja. Beskrajno je.,Time has no end. It's endless.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Imam obilje vremena za to.,I have plenty of time to do that.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Leanne ima plave oči.,Leanne has got blue eyes.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Taj pas jede gotovo sve.,This dog eats almost anything.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Vjenčali su se u tajnosti.,They married in secret.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Leanne živi u Leicesteru.,Leanne lives in Leicester.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Moj je otac već bio u Svemiru.,My father's already been to space.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Po prirodi je nježan.,He is gentle by nature.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Ovo je ukusno.,This is delicious.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Izbacila ga je.,She threw him out.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Sretan sam kao mačka u pidžami.,I am as happy as a cat in pajamas.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn To je predobro da bi bilo istinito.,That's too good to be true.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Vratio se iz inozemstva jučer.,He returned from abroad yesterday.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Život nikad ne ostaje isti.,Life never stays the same.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Taj auto mora biti popravljen.,This car needs repairing.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Dobro ti ide. Samo se opusti. Budi svoj.,You're doing fine. Just relax. Be yourself.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Želim ispraviti ovaj članak.,I want to correct this article.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn "Sva živa bića imaju mozak, osim Toma.","All human beings have brains, except Tom.",hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Sva živa bića imaju mozga.,All human beings have brains.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn On ima mnogo neprijatelja u svijetu politike.,He has many enemies in the political world.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Zbog pljačke je poslan u zatvor.,He was sent to jail for the robbery.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Izgleda poznato.,She looks familiar.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn "Papir je bijel, ali je snijeg bjelji.",The paper is very white but the snow is whiter.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Mary je Tomova kći jedinica.,Mary is Tom's only daughter.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Šetali su se uz plažu.,They strolled along the beach.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn "Nećeš me ostaviti, zar ne?","You aren't going to leave me, are you?",hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Emily je bila iznenađena.,Emily was surprised.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Ja mislim da bi Tom mogao to učiniti.,I think Tom could do that.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Emily će me iznenaditi.,Emily will surprise me.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn "Obećajem, neću ti više lagati.",I promise I won't lie to you again.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Sada mi lažeš.,You're lying to me now.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Ona živi blizu plaže.,She lives near the beach.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Mislim da će biti lijep dan.,I think it's going to be a nice day.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Pokušaj raditi jednu po jednu stvar.,Try to do one thing at a time.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Koliko knjiga mogu uzeti odjednom?,How many books can I take out at one time?,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Rim nije izgrađen u jedan dan.,Rome was not built in a day.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Izvukao sam keca.,I drew an ace.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Izgubio sam sve.,I've lost everything.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Koji kurac?,What the fuck?,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Koji je to kurac?,What the fuck is that?,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Koji kurac si rekao?,What the fuck did you say?,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Mi ćemo biti tamo u dva i pol.,We'll be there by 2:30.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Koji kurac se događa ovdje?,What the fuck is going on here?,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Volim Istanbul.,I love Istanbul.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Moram ići u Istanbul.,I must go to Istanbul.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Bit ćemo tamo u dva i pol.,We'll be there at half past two.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Vrijeme u Istanbulu je jako hladno.,The weather is very cold in Istanbul.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Hvala na vašoj čokoladi.,Thank you for your chocolate.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Znate li vas dvojica Toma?,Do you both know Tom?,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Koji glupi komentar!,What a stupid comment!,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Ja ću ih sve ubiti.,I'll kill all of them.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Mislim da mogu.,I think I can do it.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Želim te jebati.,I want to fuck you.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Danas je vrijeme u Istanbulu vrlo sunčano.,"Today, the weather in Istanbul is really sunny.",hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Razmisli o tome.,Have a think about that.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Restoran je prazan.,The restaurant is empty.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Tko je zaključao vrata?,Who locked the door?,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Ja neću gubiti vrijeme.,I'm not going to waste time.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Što Tom čeka?,What's Tom waiting for?,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Smrt je slična snu.,Death is similar to sleep.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Ona se boji smrti.,She is afraid of death.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Ona je jučer vidjela jednog jako visokog muškarca.,She saw a very tall man yesterday.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Ja se bojim smrti.,I am afraid of death.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Koje je godište tvoj auto?,What is the year of your car?,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Dan je lingvist.,Dan is a linguist.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Tom reagiu mal.,Tom reacted badly.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Tom je mehaničar.,Tom is a mechanic.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Sve što sam htio(htjela) je učiniti te sretnom(sretnim).,All I wanted was to make you happy.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn "Što radiš, Tome?","What're you doing, Tom?",hrv_Latn-eng_Latn "Gdje ti živiš, Tome?","Where do you live, Tom?",hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Gdje je moj djed?,Where's my grandfather?,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Tom zarađuje mnogo novaca.,Tom earns a lot of money.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Ti si jako lijepa žena.,You're a very beautiful woman.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Ja činim sve što je u mojoj moći.,I will do my best.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Mi vas sve volimo.,We love you all.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Ubiti ću te!,I will kill you!,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Ne ubij.,Thou shalt not kill.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn On je moj susjed.,He's my neighbour.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Što je rekla?,What did she say?,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Imate li rezervaciju?,Do you have a reservation?,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Vrata se ne zatvaraju.,The door won't close.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Vrata se ne otvaraju.,The door won't open.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Znaš li nešto o Tomu?,Do you know anything about Tom?,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Išli su na plažu.,They went to the beach.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn To je lijep džemper.,That's a nice sweater.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Ovaj ugovor je ništavan.,This bond is null and void.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Živi u blizini.,She lives nearby.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn On se pokušao ubiti.,He tried to kill himself.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Žalit ću se upravitelju.,I am going to complain to the manager.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Moj mobitel je ukraden.,My mobile has been stolen.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Idi čekati van.,Go wait outside.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Hoćeš li me naučiti igrati šah?,Will you teach me how to play chess?,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn To nije tvoj problem.,It's not your problem.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Nije pokušala prevesti pismo.,She didn't try to translate the letter.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Tom nikome ne vjeruje.,Tom doesn't trust anyone.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Što ćeš raditi sutra?,What are you going to do tomorrow?,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Sjedni i zatvori oči.,Sit down and close your eyes.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Burj Khalifa je trenutno najviši neboder na svijetu.,Burj Khalifa is currently the tallest skyscraper in the world.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Znaš li turski?,Do you know Turkish?,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Ubio se.,He killed himself.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Nikamo ne idem.,I am not going anywhere.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Govorite li engleski?,Do you speak English?,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn "Zdravo, kako si?",Hi! How are you?,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn "Bok, kako si?","Good day, how are you?",hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Ne vjeruj strancima.,Never trust a stranger.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Gdje smo?,Where are we?,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Imam osamnaest godina.,I'm 18 years old.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Mislim da svi troje znamo što treba napraviti.,I think all three of us know what needs to be done.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Oprostite. Možete li me usmjeriti na najbližu stanicu metroa?,Excuse me. Can you direct me to the nearest subway station?,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Dobar dan.,Have a nice day.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Izgubio sam svoju putovnicu!,I've lost my passport!,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn "Hvala, to je sve.","Thanks, that's everything.",hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Dobar dan! Ja sam Joe Carlton. Mogu li razgovarati s Michaelom?,Hello. This is Joe Carlton. May I speak to Michael?,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn "Ne, hvala.","No, thank you.",hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Koliko to stoji?,How much is this?,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn "I ti, Brute?","You too, Brutus?",hrv_Latn-eng_Latn "Dobar dan, dali mogu dobiti knjigovođu?","Hello, is the accountant there, please?",hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Nazvali se krivi broj.,You have the wrong number.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Bi li volio da pogledam tvoju kuću?,Would you like me to see you home?,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Čuo sam ju kako pjeva u svojoj sobi.,I heard her singing in her room.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Ne smiješ takvo što govoriti pred djecom.,You shouldn't say that kind of thing when children are around.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Krivo je nazvala.,She dialed the wrong number.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Biste li mi pokazali put do autobusne stanice?,Could you show me the way to the bus stop?,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn On igra golf.,He is playing golf.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Zovem se Sally.,My name is Sally.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn "Oprostite, koliko je sati?","Excuse me, what time is it?",hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Možeš uvijek računati na mene.,You can count on me any time.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Nitko nije htio o tome govoriti.,No one wanted to talk about those things.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Gdje je tvoj pas?,Where is your dog?,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Nisam sretan zbog te situacije.,I'm not happy with this situation.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn "Znam jedno, a to je da ništa ne znam.",I know that I know nothing.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn U toj knjizi autor uspoređuje Japan i Ameriku.,"In this book, the writer contrasts Japan with America.",hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Stvarno? Nisam znao.,Really? I didn't know that.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Nikakve kiše tijekom protekla tri mjeseca nije bilo.,There hasn't been any rain for the past three months.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Posudit ću ti svoju knjigu za zabilješke.,I'll lend you my notebook.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Rođena sam 1979. godine.,I was born in 1979.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn To ostavlja loš okus.,It leaves a bad aftertaste.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Zla je vještica bacila zle čini na muškarca i pretvorila ga u kukca.,The wicked witch cast an evil spell on the man and turned him into an insect.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Takav običaj je karakterističan za Britance.,Such a custom is characteristic of the British.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Ova karta vrijedi mjesec dana.,This ticket holds good for a month.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Dobro kuhaš?,Are you a good cook?,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Pola četiri je.,It's half past three.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Meni se sviđa pješačiti.,I like to walk.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Oblaci postaju tamniji.,The clouds are getting darker.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Hoće li deset tisuća yena biti dovoljno?,Will ten thousand yen do?,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Jučer sam bio vrlo zauzet.,I was very busy yesterday.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Prema Tomu Jane se udala prošli mjesec.,"According to Tom, Jane got married last month.",hrv_Latn-eng_Latn "Tata, kupi mi vuvuzelu.","Daddy, buy me a vuvuzela!",hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Želim tamo otići još jedanput.,I want to go there once more.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Još ne mogu vjerovati da sam to učinio.,I still can't believe I did it.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Želim dečka.,I want a boyfriend.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Misliš li da je on to napravio?,Do you think he did it?,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Zagreb je glavni grad Hrvatske.,Zagreb is the capital of Croatia.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Maurski utjecaj je vidljiv u glazbi i arhitekturi ove zemlje.,Moorish influence is evident in the music and architecture of this land.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Vojnik je udarcem probudio Laylu.,The soldier kicked Layla awake.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Misliš li da je ona to napravila?,Do you think she did it?,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn U antikvarijatu sam slučajno našao ovu knjigu.,I found this book by chance in a secondhand bookstore.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn "Hej, čekajte me.","Hey, wait for me.",hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Očigledno je da je ljudsko ponašanje opasnije nego zračenje.,It's evident that human behaviour is more dangerous for the environment than radiation.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Vide Dana.,They see Dan.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Je li popularno?,Is it popular?,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Tom neće izgubiti.,Tom isn't going to lose.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn "Mars je ""crveni planet.""",Mars is a red planet.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Ona je slavna pjevačica.,She is a noted singer.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Jesi li kupio ovu knjigu?,Did you buy this book?,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Mislio sam da ćemo ići negdje.,I thought we were going to go somewhere.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Znate li vi dvoje išta?,Do you two know something?,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Izvadio je olovku.,He got out his pen.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Nešto sam te htio pitati.,I wanted to ask you something.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Tom je bio jako sretan.,Tom was very happy.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Evo Japan.,Here is Japan.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Je li ovo vaš telefon?,Is this your phone?,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Nemam ženu.,I don't have a wife.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Nemam suprugu.,I have no wife.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Ovo je riba.,It's a fish.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Tom ima gitaru.,Tom has a guitar.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Nije svjestan da nema vremena za te stvari.,He doesn't realize that he doesn't have time for these things.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Promočio sam do kože.,I'm soaked to the bone.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Odlično sam doručkovao u sedam.,I had an excellent breakfast at seven.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Dali se želiš oženiti za mene??,Will you marry me?,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Ideš li doma?,Are you going home?,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Ideš li kući?,Are you on your way home?,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Moja sestra je niža od tebe.,My sister is shorter than you.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Uzaludno je dalje navaljivati na njega.,It's fruitless to press him further.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn "Kad sam se jutros probudio, padala je kiša.","When I got up this morning, it was raining.",hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Što želite?,What do you want?,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Ovo je najbolje knjiga koju sam ikada čitao.,It's the best book that I've ever read.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Nekoliko ljudi je ubijeno.,Several people were killed.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn On trči svako jutro.,He goes running every morning.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Nisam mogao zadržati suze.,I couldn't control my tears.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Otvori vrata!,Open the door!,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Ima li ona dijece?,Does she have children?,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Reći ću ti,I'll tell you.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Vidimo ono što želimo vidjeti.,We see what we want to see.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Djevojke su sramežljive.,The girls are shy.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Koliko dugo ti treba s biciklom odavde do tvoje kuće?,How long does it take from here to your house by bike?,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn """Voliš li zmije'"" ""Naravno da ne.""","""Do you like snakes?"" ""Of course not.""",hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Ovo je trokut.,This is a triangle.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Koliko imaš vremena?,How much time do you have?,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Što si govorila?,What were you saying?,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Zaljubio sam se u nju na prvi pogled.,I fell in love with her at first sight.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn "Da bi bio dobro dijete, trebaš ići u krevet i rano ustajati.","To be a good child, you need to go to bed and get up early.",hrv_Latn-eng_Latn "U najboljem slučaju, možemo isporučiti unutar tri radna dana.","In most cases, we can deliver within three business days.",hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Ove novine su besplatne.,This newspaper is free.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Ja ne pjevam.,I don't sing.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Ima više djevojčica nego dječaka u našoj školi.,There are more girls than boys in our school.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Što si radio tamo?,What did you do in there?,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Što si radila tamo?,What did you do there?,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Djeca su se igrala u vrtu.,The children played in the garden.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Želim znati kako je to isplanirao.,I want to know how he planned this.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Ne gledam baš televiziju.,I don't really watch TV.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn To je skandalozna ideja!,It's a scandalous idea!,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Izgubila je svoj put.,She lost her way.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Pitam se što znači ova rečenica.,I wonder what this phrase means.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Djeca su bila željna pažnje.,The children were hungry for affection.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Prije ili poslije dogodi se svakome.,Sooner or later it happens to everyone.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Imam dvije mačke.,I have two cats.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Autobus je stigao s deset minuta zakašnjenja.,The bus arrived ten minutes late.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Možete li mi pomoći s nečim?,Can you help me with something?,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Sally je bila vrlo tužna što ne ide kući za praznike.,Sally was very sad about not going home for the holidays.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Hoćeš li mi dati euro?,Can you give me a euro?,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Svi smo željni vidjeti film.,We are all eager to see the movie.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Pokušao sam pisati lijevom rukom.,I tried writing with my left hand.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Tom previše radi.,Tom is working too hard.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn "Da, živio sam tamo puno godina.","Yes, I lived there for many years.",hrv_Latn-eng_Latn On gleda olimpijadu.,He's watching the Olympics.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn "Kralj je mrtav, živio kralj!","The king is dead, long live the king!",hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Moraš se naviknuti na dvije stvari da bi učinila život podnošljivim: loše vrijeme i ljudsku nepravdu.,You have to get used to two things to make life bearable: bad weather and the injustice of people.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Tajfun se bliži Japanu.,A typhoon is approaching Japan.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Koliko je sati?,What time is it?,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Njezin otac je Japanac.,His father is Japanese.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn "Nikad ne piši riječi ""boršč"" i ""šči"" na njemačkom!","Never write the words ""bortsch"" and ""shchi"" in German!",hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Imam pitanje.,I've got a question.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Njegovo objašnjenje me je uvjerilo.,I was convinced by his explanation.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Kada počinje igra?,What time will the game start?,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Bolje da nisi vozio moj auto.,You'd better not have driven my car.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Ti si jako strpljiv učitelj.,You are a very patient teacher.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Napravio sam papirnati avion.,I made a paper plane.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn On će se vratiti najkasnije u ponedjeljak ujutro.,He'll be back by Monday morning at the latest.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Oni će smanjiti svoje troškove.,They will cut down on their expenses.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn "Rajčice, bilo svježe ili kuhane, su uvijek ukusni dodatak.","Whether they are raw, or cooked and fried, tomatoes are always a tasty addition.",hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Hoćeš li nam se pridružiti?,Will you join us?,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Mary ne želi poslušati prijateljev savjet,Mary won't listen to her friend's advice.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn "Gdje je svjetlost, tu je i sjena.","Where there's good, there's also bad.",hrv_Latn-eng_Latn To cvijeće cvjeta u proljeće.,These flowers bloom in the spring.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Uzet ću tvoj prijedlog u obzir.,I'll consider your suggestion.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn To je hotel.,This is a hotel.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Nada nije strategija.,Hope is not a strategy.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Ona je plavooka kineska muslimanka.,She's a blue-eyed Chinese Muslim.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Čujem neku buku.,I hear the noise.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn "Danas, da bi poslao telegram u SAD-eu bilo kamo u svijetu, sve što moraš učiniti je prenijeti poruku telefonom.","Today, to send a telegram in the States to anywhere in the world, all you have to do is to give the message over the telephone.",hrv_Latn-eng_Latn "Oprosti mi, moja ljubavi.","Forgive me, my love.",hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Ona će danas poslijepodne oprati bicikl.,She is going to wash the bike this afternoon.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Koliko to košta?,How much does it cost?,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Tko je izmislio ovaj uređaj?,Who invented this machine?,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Želio bih sada naručiti piće.,I would like to order drinks now.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Možeš li govoriti glasnije? Ne mogu te čuti?,Could you speak up? I can't hear you.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn "Radim sada, nazvat ću te poslije.","I'm at work now, so I'll call you later.",hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Londonska klima se razlikuje od Tokijske.,The climate in London is different to that of Tokyo.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Pjevač je bio poznat mladim ljudima.,The singer was known to young people.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Nije imala brata.,She had no brother.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Ova voda nije pitka.,This water isn't drinkable.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Imaš li kemijsku olovku?,Do you have a pen?,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Zatvori prozor prije nego što odeš u krevet.,Close the window before going to bed.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Volim čitati pri dnevnom svjetlu.,I like reading by daylight.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn On će se vratiti poslije deset minuta.,He will be back in ten minutes.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn "Kao dijete, Bob je živio u Bostonu.","As a child, Bob lived in Boston.",hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Ne bulji u ljude.,Don't stare at people.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Želim sladoled za desert.,I want ice cream for dessert.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Ne podcjenjujte me.,Don't underestimate me.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Jeste li to sami napravili?,Did you make this yourself?,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Roman je vrlo uzbudljiv.,The novel is very exciting.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Nije bio jeo cijeli dan i bio je gladan.,He hadn't eaten all day long and was very hungry.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Nazovi me kada stigneš tamo.,Call me up when you get there.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Mašta je temelj čitave civilizacije.,Imagination is the root of all civilization.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Najprije razgovarajmo o eksperimentima urađenima u laboratorijima.,"First, let us talk about the experiments conducted in laboratories.",hrv_Latn-eng_Latn "Često se spotaknem od nešto kao ništa ne vidim, poput šišmiša u mraku.",I often stumble over something as I am blind as a bat in the dark.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Naoružali su se pištoljima.,They armed themselves with guns.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Ugljikov dioksid sam po sebi nije otrovan.,Carbon dioxide is not a poison in itself.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Zadovoljstvo je pratiti bejzbolsku utakmicu na TV-u.,It is a pleasure to watch a baseball game on TV.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Ona živi sretan život sa svojim suprugom blizu mora u Kamakuri.,She's leading a happy life with her husband near the sea in Kamakura.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Kasnio je zbog nesreće.,He was late as a result of the accident.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn "Još čašu piva, molim.","Another glass of beer, please.",hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Čovjek se sastoji od 70% vode.,Man is 70% water.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Majka mi je reka da očistim sobu.,My mother told me to clean the room.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Možete li mi dodati sol?,"Pass me the salt, please.",hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Ne volim muškarce poput njega.,I don't like men like him.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Oni su sjeli.,They sat down.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Ovaj labud je crn.,This swan is black.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Ona studira engleski.,She studies English.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Kao što znaš već.,As you already know.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Bi li mi mogao još jednom reći kako se zoveš?,Could you tell me your name again?,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Pala je u nesvjest.,She fell into unconsciousness.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Jesi li se ikad ugrijao s vatrom?,Have you ever warmed yourself by a fire?,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Do kraja lipnja oni su bili spremni glasati.,"By the end of June, they were ready to vote.",hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Danas popodne će kišiti.,It is going to rain this afternoon.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn "Pasvord je ""Muiriel"".","The password is ""Muiriel"".",hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Odmakli su naprijed goneći ga.,They have gone forward in pursuit.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Imaš jako prodorne oči.,You have very piercing eyes.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Obično kupujem u toj trgovini.,I usually do my shopping at this supermarket.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Živimo na Zemlji.,We live on the earth.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Jako je vruće.,The weather is hot.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Papir lako gori.,Paper burns easily.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Razvijam Android aplikaciju.,I'm developing an Android application.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Nekada smo bili neprijatelji ali smo zakopali ratnu sjekiru i sada smo u prijateljskim odnosima.,"At one time we were enemies, but we've buried the hatchet and we are now on friendly terms with each other.",hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Sve mi je rekao.,He told me everything.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Pokupila je lijepa kamenja.,She picked up beautiful stones.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Čekao sam ju jako dugo.,I waited for her for a really long time.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn To su lijepe cipele.,Those are nice shoes.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Izašao sam na pogrešnoj stanici.,I got off at the wrong station.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Ja sam iz Italije i govorim talijanski.,I come from Italy and I speak Italian.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn "Kada učim, slušam glazbu pomoću slušalica.","When I study, I listen to music with earphones.",hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Te cipele mi ne odgovoraju.,These shoes don't fit my feet.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Danas je 18-sti lipanj i rođendan od Muiriel!,Today is June 18th and it is Muiriel's birthday!,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn "Ovaj gradić, kao i mnogi gradići u Engleskoj, ima prilično dugu povijest.","And like many small towns in England, it has quite a long history.",hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Samo je 5 mjeseci otkada je taj Francuz stigao u Japan.,It is only a few months since that Frenchman came to Japan.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Ona mora posjetiti Englesku ovog ljeta.,She must visit England this summer.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Jesi li kupio meso u trgovini?,Did you buy any meat in the supermarket?,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn "Dr. Patterson: Da, bilo je užasno.","Dr. Patterson: Yes, it was horrible.",hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Tom nije nikada bio u Bostonu.,Tom has never been to Boston.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Kada se otvara klub?,What time does the club open?,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Izašli su iz busa i hodali 2 kilometra po suncu.,They got out of the bus and walked two kilometres in the hot sun.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn "Ako im ne smetaš, ni oni tebi neće smetati.","If you don't bother them, they won't bother you.",hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Ne vrijedi žaliti.,It's not worth crying over.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Tom još uvijek izgleda iznenađeno.,Tom still looks surprised.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn "Stari učitelj je počeo nostalgično govoriti o dobrim, starim vremenima.",The old teacher began to talk about the good old days.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn "Išli smo u crkvu svake nedjelje, kada smo bili u Americi.",We went to church every Sunday when we were in America.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Tip je nevjerojatan.,He has bats in the belfry.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Potresi često pogađaju Japan.,Earthquakes frequently hit Japan.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn On studira američku povijest.,He studies American history.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn "Ne mogu zapamtiti njezin broj telefona, unatoč velikom trudu da zapamtim.",I can't remember her phone number no matter how much I try.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Tom duboko udahnu.,Tom inhaled deeply.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Ne da mi se izaći večeras.,I can't be bothered to go out tonight.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Zar nemate nijednog prijatelja?,Don't you have any friends?,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Bilo je jako lako.,It was very simple.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Ovaj cvijet lijepo miriše.,This flower smells beautiful.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Željeli bismo razgovarati s Tomom.,We'd like to speak with Tom.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Plače mi se.,I feel like crying.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Čeka te kod kuće.,She's waiting for you at home.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Ozbiljno je počeo raditi.,He began working in earnest.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Uživali smo zajedno pjevati.,We enjoyed singing songs together.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Snažan zemljotres jačine 8.8 je danas pogodio japanske otoke.,A massive earthquake of magnitude 8.8 hit the Japanese islands today.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Ne zaboravi zaključati vrata!,Don't forget to lock the door!,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Imam ujnu koja živi u Kyotu.,I have an aunt who lives in Kyoto.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Jesi li ikada bio stvarno zaljubljen?,Have you ever really been in love?,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn I ja sam isto tu.,I am also here.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn I ja sam ovdje.,"I'm here, too.",hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Mary. Tako se zovem.,Mary. That's my name.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Slušaj svoje srce.,Listen to your heart.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Čiča miča gotova priča.,And they all lived happily ever after.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Radi i ne pričaj.,Act. Don't talk.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Umrla mi je na rukama.,He died in your arms.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Razuman je u svojim pitanjima.,He is reasonable in his demands.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Djevojka vidi dječaka.,The girl sees the boy.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn To je jedan od najvećih ljetnih muzičkih festivala.,It is one of the biggest summer music festivals.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Pada kiša.,It is raining.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn "Sretan rođendan, Muiriel!","Happy birthday, Muiriel!",hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Misliš li da ja sam diktator?,Do you think that I'm a dictator?,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Naučiti sve ove rečenice napamet ne dolazi u obzir.,It is out of the question to learn all these sentences by heart.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Dođi ovamo i pojedi čokoladni kolač!,Come here and eat chocolate cake!,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Znanstvenici su u dolini tražili kosti dinosaura.,The scientist searched for the bones of the dinosaurs in the valley.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Njegov sin je izbačen iz škole.,His son was expelled from school.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Ovo je moje pitanje.,This is my question.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn "Šalicu čaja, molim.","A cup of tea, please.",hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Kucao je na vrata.,He knocked at the door.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Srela sam tvog tatu jučer.,I met your dad yesterday.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Kratkoća je sestra talenta.,Brevity is the soul of wit.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Dobio sam na lutriji i idemo na Bahame.,I won the lottery and we're going to the Bahamas.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Kako se ti zoveš?,What's your name?,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Nemam novaca.,I don't have any money.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Heather mi vjeruje.,Heather believes me.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Volite li svoju majku?,Do you love your mother?,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Gdje si slikao to?,Where did you get this photo taken?,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn To bi mogao biti neki trik.,It could be some kind of trick.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Daj ovu knjigu komugod tko je hoće.,Give this book to whoever wants it.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Trebam pomoć!,I need help!,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Radije bih umro nego da se predam.,I would rather die than surrender.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Ova godina je novi izazov za mene.,This year is a new challenge for me.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn """Što je znanost ikad napravila za čovječanstvo?"", rekao je, dok je komunicirao s nekim na drugoj strani svijeta preko računala kojeg pokreće struja.","""What has science ever done for humanity?"" he said, as he communicated with someone on the other side of the world via a computer powered by electricity.",hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Koliko dugo možeš držati dah?,How long can you hold your breath?,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Dodaj tjesteninu u kipuću vodu.,Add the pasta to the boiling water.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Jako mi se sviđa ovo hladno vrijeme.,I like this cold weather very much.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Možeš ostati u sobi.,You can stay in a room.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Imamo vino.,We have wine.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Želio bih kupiti psa.,I would like to buy a dog.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Previše si mršav!,You are too skinny!,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn "Trebamo biti tolerantni prema svemu i svakome, samo ne prema netoleranciji.","We should practice tolerance toward each and everyone, just not toward intolerance.",hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Jesi li ti jedina osoba koja ima ključ ovih vrata?,Are you the only one who has a key to this door?,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Utopljenik je vikao upomoć.,The drowning man shouted for help.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Otporan sam na hladnoću.,I am resistant to cold.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Ne mijenjaj tako često svoja mišljenja.,Don't change your mind so often.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Je li Bog uistinu stvorio svijet u jednom danu?,Did God really create the earth in a single day?,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Egzibicionist bi bio idealni partner za voajera.,An exhibitionist would be the ideal partner for a voyeur.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Znatiželja je ubila mačku.,Curiosity killed the cat.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Dat ću ti sve što želiš.,I'll give you anything that you want.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Prije i poslije vježbanja treba se protegnuti.,One should stretch before and after exercising.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Zemlja je premala.,The Earth is too small.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Posuđujem knjige iz gradske knjižnice.,I borrow books from the city library.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Ušli smo u restoran i jeli.,We entered the restaurant and had lunch.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Šta to znači?,What does that mean?,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Ljudi su komplicirani organizmi.,People are complicated organisms.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Mačke se ne vole močiti vodom.,Cats hate to get wet.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Ti si sljedeći.,It's your turn next.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Protiv je rasne diskriminacije.,He's opposed to racial discrimination.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn On proučava podrijetlo američkog džeza.,He is studying the origin of jazz in America.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn To je zbog toga što si djevojka.,That's because you're a girl.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Doći ću kada završim svoju domaću zadaću.,I'll come when I have done my homework.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Premijer će sutra dati izjavu.,The prime minister will make an announcement tomorrow.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Kuća je izgorjela do pepela.,The house was burnt to ashes.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn "Jedan, dva, tri, četiri, pet, šest, sedam, osam, devet, deset.","One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten.",hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Besmisleno je dokoličariti za vrijeme studentskog života.,It is absurd to idle away the student life.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn "Moguće je biti u miru, a on bira rat.","When it is possible to have peace, he chooses war.",hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Nisi li sretan?,Aren't you happy?,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Ovi vatrometi su veličanstveni.,These fireworks are spectacular!,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Auto je spreman.,The car is ready.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Cvjetovi će izgledati još ljepše u vazi.,The flowers will look more beautiful in the vase.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Napustila je svoju djecu.,She left her children.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Zbog mećave naš vlak je kasnio jedan sat.,Our train was an hour late because of the heavy snow.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn On je dobar gubitnik.,He is a good loser.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Što je ta nova zgrada?,What is that big new building?,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Imate li problema s razumijevanjem onog što vam žene ili mala djeca kažejo?,Do you have difficulty understanding what women or small children say to you?,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Twitter nije istinski prijatelj.,Twitter is not a real friend.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Pusti me da idem sama.,Let me go alone.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Kad bih ja bio takav...,If I could be like that...,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Išli su zrakoplovom od Berlina do Istanbula.,They took an airplane from Berlin to Istanbul.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Šiša se triput mjesečno.,He gets a haircut three times a month.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Imamo sreću da smo dobili bitku.,We had the luck to win the battle.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn "Bez tvoje suglasnosti, ništa se ne može učiniti u vezi toga.","Without your consent, nothing can be done about it.",hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Nije zlato sve što sja.,All that glitters is not gold.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn "Imam sina i kći. Sin mi je u New Yorku, a kći u Londonu.","I have a son and a daughter. My son is in New York, and my daughter is in London.",hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Ovaj auto je bolji u usporedbi s onim.,This car is better as compared with that one.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Gdje možemo promijeniti jene u dolare?,Where can we exchange yen into dollars?,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Mogu li se pouzdati u tebe za posao?,May I count on you to get me the job?,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Ne znam što je gore.,I don't know what is worse.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Kada ste stigli u Pariz?,When did you come to Paris?,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Zove se Tomojuki Ogura.,His name is Tomoyuki Ogura.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Nazovi me ponekad.,Call me sometime.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Danas ujutro sam susreo Tonia na putu do škole.,I met Tony on my way school this morning.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn "Ima lijep cvijet, ali ne rađa plodove.","Its flower is beautiful, but it bears no fruit.",hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Tko je bila posljednja osoba na tom računalu?,Who was the last person to log on to the computer?,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Prije smo živjeli u Parizu.,We lived in Paris before.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Kako se zove?,What's its name?,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Pas zove se Ken.,The dog's name is Ken.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Dobro. A vi?,Good. And you?,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Dobro. A ti?,Fine. And you?,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Tisuću južnokorejskih vona je otprilike 0.88 američkih dolara.,A thousand South Korean Won equals about 0.88 US dollars.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Kako se zovete?,What is your name?,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Kvalificiran si da budeš liječnik.,You are qualified to be a doctor.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Želim željeti ono što ti želiš.,I want to want what you want.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Majka je puno razmišljala.,The mother fell into deep thought.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Tom živi u Parizu.,Tom lives in Paris.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn "Bok, ja sam Nancy.","Hello, I am Nancy.",hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Danas imam puno toga za obaviti.,Today I have a lot of things to do.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Prodao nas je.,He sold us out.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Danas je rođendan moje sestre.,Today is my sister's birthday.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Svaki postupak ima svoju posljedicu.,Every action has its consequence.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Vidimo da ne možemo pobijediti.,We see that we are unable to get the upper hand.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Tom je nakratko promislio o posljedicama.,Tom took a moment to consider the consequences.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Pročitaj po mogućnosti što više knjiga.,Read as many books as you can.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn "Što se mene tiče, ne protivim se tvojem mišljenju.","As for me, I don't object to your point of view.",hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Uzmi samo onoliko koliko ti treba.,Keep as many as you need.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Nikada neću zaboraviti kako si bio ljubazan.,I'll never forget your kindness.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Dali si sam?,Are you alone?,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Treba biti više autobusa tijekom sati najživljeg prometa.,There ought to be more buses during the rush hours.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Tom me uopće ne poznaje.,Tom doesn't even know me.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Hoćete li uključiti TV?,Will you turn on the TV?,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Tom pije puno pive.,Tom drinks a lot of beer.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn On se želi oženiti mojom kćeri.,He wants to marry my daughter.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Radimo na pravima žena.,We're working on women's rights.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Mislim otići u planine.,I am thinking of going to the mountains.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Ljudi nemaju novca.,People have no money.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Nedjeljom bi često išao pecati.,He would often go fishing on Sunday.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Ja nikada nisam rekao takvo što.,I have never said such things.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Učini to čim brže.,Let it be done at once.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Zašto ne biste podijelili kekse s Jimom?,Why don't you share your cookies with Jim?,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Ljudi katkad uspoređuju smrt sa snom.,People sometimes compare death to sleep.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Hodali smo uz plažu.,We walked along the beach.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn "Layla i Salima su živjele u istom stanu, ali bilu se veoma različite žene.","Layla and Salima lived in the same apartment, but they were very different women.",hrv_Latn-eng_Latn John voli šah.,John likes chess.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Učitelj nas je upozorio da bi ispit mogao biti težak.,The teacher warned us that the test would be hard.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Mi smo tri usamljene žene.,We are three lonely women.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Ovdje smo večeras zbog dobrog razloga.,We're here tonight for a good cause.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn "Sjednite na trenutak, molim.",Please sit down for a moment.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Tvoje kćerke su se pretvorile u žene.,Your daughters have turned into women.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Kralj je izgubio svoju moć.,The king was shorn of his power.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Sve žene vole dijamante.,All women like diamonds.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Uskoro ću se vratiti.,I will be back soon.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Tom poznaje državnog tajnika.,Tom knows the Secretary of State.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Moramo zadovoljiti potražnju.,We have to meet the demand.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn To je ono što žene hoće.,That's what women want.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Uskoro se vraćam.,I'll return immediately.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Upravo sam ručao.,I've just finished lunch.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Cijelo tijelo me svrbi.,My whole body itches.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Pas je moj.,The dog is mine.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Što znači UN?,What does UN stand for?,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Moram učiniti što je ispravno.,I have to do what's right.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Metak je probušio kacigu.,A bullet pierced the helmet.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Zašto se zanimaš za mene?,Why are you interested in me?,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn To je bila najveća greška u mom životu.,It was the biggest mistake of my life.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Jeste li završili zadaću?,Are you through with your homework?,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Prodat ćemo svoju kuću.,We're going to sell our house.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Moj muž kaže da je treba.,My husband says he needs her.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Dobro je što imam kći.,It's good that I have a daughter.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Odaberi jednu osobu.,Choose one person.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Tom je sretan.,Tom is delighted.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Fokusiraj svoju kameru na cvijet.,Focus your camera on the flower.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn "Kojeg god je podrijetla, Valentinovo je uvijek imalo dugu i romantičnu povijest.","Whatever the origin is, Valentine's Day has had a long and romantic history.",hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Što je ovo?,What is this?,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Tko je taj čovjek?,Who is that man?,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Nimalo nisam zadovoljan stanjem.,I am not at all pleased with the condition.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Reci mu da ne kasni u školu.,Tell him not to be late for school.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn "Neka ti Bog pomogne, brate, za to što si nama dvojici tako pomogao.","God help thee, brother, as thou hast so helped two of us.",hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Ja sam iz Turske.,I am from Turkey.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Ja sam iz Hrvatske.,I'm from Croatia.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Želiš li jesti dinosaura?,Do you want a dinosaur to eat?,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Što znači to točno?,What exactly does that mean?,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn "Mama! Ta teta i čovjek se drže za ruke, oni su jako dobri prijatelji, zar ne?","Mama! That lady and man are holding hands, they're great friends aren't they!",hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Uvijek razmisli prije nego što nešto rekneš.,You should always think before you speak.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn On pije previše alkohola.,He drinks too much alcohol.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Sklonite izvan dosega djece.,Put it where children can't get at it.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Čovjek je društvena životinja.,Man is a social animal.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Svaki dan idem na posao.,I go to work every day.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Ako želite.,If you want.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Svaki dan radim osim nedjeljom.,I work every day except Sunday.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn "Što je nešto više zabranjeno, to je poželjnije.","The more things are forbidden, the more popular they become.",hrv_Latn-eng_Latn To me ljuti.,That makes me angry.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Radi točno kako ti kažem.,Do exactly as I say.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Mnoge engleske riječi potječu iz latinskog.,Many English words are derived from Latin.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Odmah sam kod tebe.,I'll be right with you.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Pusti me da spavam još deset minuta.,Let me sleep for another ten minutes.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Sviđa mi se kako si uredio stan.,I love what you've done with the place.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Nemam nikoga da mi pomogne.,I have no one to help me.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn On je jedini Amerikanac koji je preplivao kanal La Manche.,He is the only American who has swum the English Channel.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Koliko dugo spava medvjed?,How long does a bear sleep?,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Učiniti ću te sretnim.,I'll bring you happiness.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Rizik je velik.,There's a large risk involved.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Moj otac ne pije previše sake.,My father doesn't drink so much sake.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Moram li sada ići?,Do I need to go right now?,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Nemoguće je popraviti.,It's impossible to fix.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Mrzim komarce.,I hate mosquitoes.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Učiti strani jezik je teško.,Learning a foreign language is difficult.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Bio sam preumoran da išta pojedem.,I was too tired to eat anything.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Jesi li zauzet?,Are you busy?,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Tko je taj čovjek s druge strane stola?,Who is the man at the other side of the table?,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Oni mogu govoriti malo španjolskoga.,They are able to speak Spanish a little.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn "Grčki i latinski su korisni jezici, zato ih učim.",Greek and Latin are useful languages. That's why I study them.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Završio sam posao.,I finished the work.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn To je lutka.,That's a doll.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Jučer je bilo toplo.,"Yesterday, it was hot.",hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Obožavam čitati knjige.,I love reading books.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Hrvatska se nalazi u jugoistočnom dijelu Europe.,Croatia is in the southeastern part of Europe.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Hrvatska je zemlja u jugoistočnom dijelu Europe.,Croatia is a country in the southeastern part of Europe.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Ptica može letjeti.,A bird can fly.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn "Hrvatska se zove ""Hrvatska"" na hrvatskom jeziku.","Croatia is called ""Hrvatska"" in Croatian.",hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Vlakovi u Srbiji su strašno spori.,The trains in Serbia are terribly slow.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Ne mogu vjerovati da je tako jednostavno.,I can't believe it's that simple.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Prijestolnica Srbije je Beograd.,The capital city of Serbia is Belgrade.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Ta tvrtka je na klimavim nogama zbog loših dugova.,That company is on the rocks because of bad debts.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn "Englezi nazivaju elevatore ""liftovima.""","English people call elevators ""lifts"".",hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Italija je jako lijepa država.,Italy is a very beautiful country.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Firenca je najljepši grad u Italiji.,Florence is the most beautiful city in Italy.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Rim se nalazi u Italiji.,Rome is in Italy.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Volim te.,I love you!,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn "Švicarska se nalazi između Francuske, Italije, Austrije, i Njemačke.","Switzerland is situated between France, Italy, Austria and Germany.",hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Ova je taška koju sam kupila u Italiji.,This is the handbag I bought in Italy.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Kad se vraćaš natrag u Italiju?,When are you going back to Italy?,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Prijestolnica Italije je Rim.,The capital of Italy is Rome.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn On je bio sin bogatoga trgovca.,He was the son of a wealthy merchant.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn "Ima puno starih gradova u Italiji. Rim i Venecija, na primjer.","There are a lot of old cities in Italy. Rome and Venice, for example.",hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Bolesnik je trenutno izvan opasnosti.,The patient is out of danger now.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Sjećam se još prvog puta.,I still remember the first time.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Zapalio je svoju vlastitu kuću.,He set fire to his own house.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Moja obitelj ide svake godine u Italiju.,My family goes to Italy every year.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Danas nemam domaću zadaću.,I don't have any homework today.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn On je rođen u malom gradu u Italiji.,He was born in a small town in Italy.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Ispričaj nam priču o duhovima!,Tell us a ghost story!,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Jesi li imao taj dan poduku iz klavira?,Did you have a piano lesson that day?,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Želim živjeti u Italiji.,I want to live in Italy.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Hrana u Italiji je bila odlična.,The food was great in Italy.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Italija je daleko od Brazila.,Italy is far from Brazil.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Pokaži mi kako se radi to.,Teach me how you do it.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Dođi i pomozi mi.,Come to help me.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Reći istinu je puno lakše nego lagati.,Telling the truth is much easier than lying.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Želim ići u Italiju.,I want to go to Italy.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Krave daju mlijeko.,Cows give milk.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Italija je poluotok.,Italy is a peninsula.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Vlada je nametnula novi porez na vino.,The government has imposed a new tax on wine.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Italija se nalazi u Europi.,Italy is in Europe.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Šećer se otapa u vrućoj vodi.,Sugar melts in hot water.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn "On ne uči mnogo, ali ima dobar uspjeh u školi.","He does not study hard, but does very well at school.",hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Ne želim ići u Italiju.,I don't want to go to Italy.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Ne mogu se raditi dvije stvari istovremeno.,You can't do two things at once.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Još nije napisao pismo.,He still has not written the letter.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Ima puno otoka u Grčkoj.,There are many islands in Greece.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Stranac je na vratima.,There is a strange man at the door.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Krivica je naša.,We're to blame.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Proglasili su ga krivim.,They adjudged him guilty.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Vidjeli smo ih.,I saw them.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Italija nije Grčka.,Italy isn't Greece.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Supruzi i supruge bi trebali pomagati jedno drugome dokle god žive.,Husbands and wives should help each other as long as they live.,hrv_Latn-eng_Latn Njejsym twoje prašenje rozumił.,I didn't understand your question.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Tom njeje runje doma.,Tom isn't at home now.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn "Mi je žel, zo znapřećiwjam ći.",I'm sorry to contradict you.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Mam radšo kofej.,I prefer coffee.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Tom njeje tak tołsty kaž ja.,Tom is not as fat as me.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Na łuce rostu kwětki.,Flowers are growing in the meadow.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Wona bě młoda.,She was young.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Woni su swój cil docpěli.,They reached their destination.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn To budźe tróšku trać.,That's going to take some time.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn "Wěm, štož wy mysliće.",I know what you are thinking.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Anja je žiwa w Gdańsku.,Ania lives in Gdańsk.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Hdźe je moje awto?,Where's my car?,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom přebywa wulki dźěl swojeho časa, zo by Mariji pomhał.",Tom spends a majority of his time helping Mary.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Nimam psa.,I don't have a dog.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Njewěm.,I don't know.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Wón njepřełožuje ženje moje sady.,He never translates my sentences.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Wumyj twojej noze.,Wash your feet.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn To bě strašny tydźeń.,It was an awful week.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Ja so poću.,I am sweating.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Tom hra na pišćelach w našej cyrkwi.,Tom plays organ at our church.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Ja jako hrajer wupadam?,Do I look like an actor?,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn "Ja chcu wědźeć, što je so stało.",I would like to know what happened.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Nimam awto.,I have no car.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn To je woprawdźe zajimawe było.,It was really interesting.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn To je wołojnik.,This is a pencil.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Wona je wjele zbožowniša hač wón.,She's much happier than him.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Nimam koleso.,I don't have a bicycle.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Najebać zakaza hólc je kurił.,The boy smoked even though it was not allowed.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Słónco je žołte.,The sun is yellow.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Njepotrjebuju wjace kredit.,I no longer need a loan.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Wočakuju wot njeje list.,I'm expecting a letter from her.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Ja budu knihu čitać.,I'm going to read the book.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Wumyju so ruce.,I wash my hands.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn "Myslu, zo zhubjach moje kluče.",I think I lost my keys.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn "Njedyrbiš wotmołwić, jeli nochceš.",You don't have to answer if you don't want to.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Tom je so runje smějkotał.,Tom just smiled.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn "Haj, přińdu!","Yes, I'm coming.",hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Skónčnje namakach rozwjazanje za problem.,I finally found the solution to the problem.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn "Njerěču derje jendźelšćinu, hačrunjež sym šěsć lět w šuli wuknył.",I don't speak English well even though I took it for six years at school.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Njebjo je módre.,The sky is blue.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Podaj mi prošu cokor.,"Pass me the sugar, please.",hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Chirurg je něšto w pacienće zabył.,The surgeon forgot something inside the patient.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Wona ma małkej noze.,She has small feet.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn "Wěm, hdźež sy.",I know where you are.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Tom je wot swojeho kofeja srěbał.,Tom took a sip of coffee.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Mojej noze bolitej.,I have sore feet.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn K čemu maš noze?,What do you have your feet for?,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Kelko płaći tuta čapka?,What is the price of this cap?,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Tom so za tute dźěło njehodźi.,Tom is unfit for that job.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Sym tołsty.,I am fat.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Wucho mje swjerbi.,My ear is itching.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Sym tak tołsty.,I'm so fat.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Tom so runje směješe.,Tom just laughed.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Słon je sylne zwěrjo.,An elephant is a strong animal.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Sym jara tołsty.,I'm very fat.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn "Wěš, što maš činić?",Do you know what you need to do?,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom jě ze swojej lěwej ruku, ale wón pisa ze swojej prawej.","Tom eats with his left hand, but he writes with his right.",hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Najwjetši šulerjo chodźa pěši k šuli.,Most students walk to school.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Tu je nětko moje potajnstwo. Je cyle jednore: Jenož z wutrobu woprawdźe widźiš... To bystotne wóčko njewidźi.,"And now here is my secret, a very simple secret: It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye.",hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Tom je bjezpłatne awto dobył.,Tom won a free car.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn To je dobre znamjo było.,That was a good sign.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Afriske słony maja wjetšej wuši hač aziske słony.,African elephants have bigger ears than Asian elephants.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Wona je bohate indiske holcy wuwučowała.,She taught rich Indian girls.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Słon je šěry.,The elephant is grey.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Sy hižo lětacy słon widźał?,Have you ever seen a flying elephant?,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn "Wón je zełžanc, a ty tež.","He's a liar, and you're another.",hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Wčera bě njedźela.,It was Sunday yesterday.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Słon je jara wulke zwěrjo.,An elephant is a very large animal.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Maće afriske słony?,Do you have African elephants?,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Słon ma dołhi nós.,An elephant has a long nose.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Tom nochce tak dołho čakać.,Tom doesn't want to wait that long.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Andorra je małe wjerchowstwo wupřestrjewa so mjez Španiskej a Francoskej.,Andorra is a small principality situated between Spain and France.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn "Wona njeje chorobna sotra, ale lěkarka.","She is not a nurse, but a doctor.",hsb_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom a Marija matej wokoło dwaceći dźěći, ale so njejstej wěstej dokładneje ličby.","Tom and Mary have about 20 children, but they're not quite sure of the exact number.",hsb_Latn-eng_Latn "Sada, kotraž runje čita, njeeksistuje.",The sentence you're reading doesn't exist.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Znajeće jeho bratra?,Do you know his brother?,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Tam jězdźe naš bus.,There goes our bus.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn "Psy njemóžeja rěčeć, ale je so zdało, jako by wóčce psa prajiłoj: ""Ně, nimam doma."".","Dogs can't speak, but it appeared as if the eyes of the dog said, ""No, I don't have a home.""",hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Kelko šulerjow je na wašej šuli?,How many pupils are there in your school?,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Chcu Toma zaso widźeć.,I want to see Tom again.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Sy jednotliwe dźěćo?,Are you an only child?,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Jeje zuby běchu běłe.,Her teeth were white.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Nětko nimam čas.,I don't have time now.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Chcu w hrodźe bydlić.,I want to live in a castle.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Tom griluje mjaso.,Tom is grilling meat.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom je Mariju hrabnył při tym, hdyž wona je pjenjezy z kasy kradnyła.",Tom caught Mary stealing money from the cash register.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Hólc je muske dźěćo.,A boy is a male child.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Nimam rady wóń tutoho płodu.,I don't like the way this fruit smells.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Kotre dźiwadło je to?,Which theater is that?,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Wona je sněženku z papjery spasliła.,She made a paper snowflake.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Ne trjebaš mojeje dowolnosće.,You don't need my permission.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Znajeće mnje?,Do you know me?,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Moje włosy su tak mazane!,My hair is so dirty!,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Wona je žiwa na wsy.,She is living in the village.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Wón je mój nan.,He is my father.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Wone su wulke.,They are big.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Wona ma suche włosy.,She has dry hair.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Tom płaći.,Tom is paying.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Holca skaka.,The girl is jumping.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Kóždy znaje zakoń.,Everyone knows the law.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Čehodla sy sam?,Why are you alone?,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Naju poćah so runa dyrdomdejstwu.,Our relationship is like an adventure.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Wón derje jendźelšćinu rěči.,He speaks English well.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn "Wona je nimo šła, bjez toho zo je mje widźała.",She passed by without seeing me.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Ja hišće hladam mojeje skazanki.,I'm still waiting for my order.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn To je kamel Toma.,This is Tom's camel.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Tu njesměće wostać.,You must not stay here.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Sym dobry taksowy šofer.,I'm a good taxi driver.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn "Wupada kaž Łaćonšćina, ale to njeje.","Looks like Latin, but it is not.",hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Tom ma dwaj kompjuteraj.,Tom has two computers.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn "Njeje nuznje, zo wostanješ.",There is no need for you to stay here.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Bohužel je so dešćowało.,"Unfortunately, it rained.",hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Moje dźěći su w šuli.,My children are in school.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Holca je samotna.,The girl is lonely.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn "Móžeće mni prajić, što tute słowo woznamjenja?",Can you tell me what this word means?,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn "Ně, budu to zapłaćić.","Hey, nah, I got it.",hsb_Latn-eng_Latn To je prěni raz.,This is the first time.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Wone čitaja jeho knihu.,They're reading his book.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Ja dyrbju sej zuby čisćić.,I have to brush my teeth.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Móžeš to z e-mejlku pósłać?,Can you send that by email?,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Wón studowaše elektromechaniku a buddhizm na tudyšej uniwersiće.,He studied electromechanics and Buddhism at the local university.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Tom je był sam.,Tom was alone.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Moje wucho je dźensa rano krawiło.,My ear was bleeding this morning.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn My smy měr lubowacy lud.,We are a peace-loving nation.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Sym sylne bóle měł.,I was in great pain.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn "Pokazuj mje, kak to funguje.",Show me how it works.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn "To je mi žel, ale sym přećiwo tutomu projektej.","I'm sorry, but I am opposed to this project.",hsb_Latn-eng_Latn "Wěm, hdźe su.",I know where they are.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Tom hižo znaje wěrnosć.,Tom already knows the truth.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Słony su hoberske zwěrjata.,The elephant is an enormous creature.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Dźěłaše ty wjace hač ja.,You worked more than I did.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Wočiń blešu.,Open the bottle.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn "Potrjebuju wjace přikładow, zo by rozumił, kak tute słowo so wužiwa.",I need more examples to know how this word is used.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Njeběch nihdy w Nowoseelandskej.,I have not been to New Zealand.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Rěčiće makedonšćinu?,Do you speak Macedonian?,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn "Tam je dama, kotraž so wo was praša.",There's a lady asking for you.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Sta bjezdźěłnych spja tam wodnjo a w nocy.,Hundreds of unemployed men sleep there day and night.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn To je foto mojeje mólby.,This is a photograph of my drawing.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Mam jenož małku zahrodu.,I have only a small garden.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Čehodla sy kwětki kupiła?,Why did you buy flowers?,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Sym lěkar.,I am a doctor.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Hdźe so chowaš?,Where are you hiding?,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Kak často dźeš na tydźeń w superwikach nakupować?,How many times a week do you go shopping at a supermarket?,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Wón so stara wo swoju swójbu.,He provides for his family.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Wona mni přeco wěri.,She always believes me.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Ja zajimuju so za tutu knihu.,I am interested in this book.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Muski krokodil žerješe psycu.,A male crocodile ate a female dog.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Tom hrajka z kóčku Marije.,Tom is playing with Mary's cat.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Sy zbožowny w twojim domje?,Are you happy in your house?,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Jack hromadźi listowe znamki.,Jack collects stamps.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Hladaj ze swojimaj wušomaj.,See with your ears.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Holca z dołhimi włosami je Judy.,The girl with the long hair is Judy.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Čehodla njeńdźeš do łoža?,Why don't you go to bed?,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Knjez Suzuki je wuznamny wědomostnik.,Mr. Suzuki is a great scientist.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Bus bě połny.,The bus was full.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Tute knihi su jara stare.,These books are very old.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Wobhladujće sej tute fota!,Look at these photos.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Ptaki maja wótrej woči.,Birds have sharp eyes.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn "Je wočiwidnje, zo to je łža.",It is obvious that that is a lie.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Němska leži w Srjedźnej Europje.,Germany is in Central Europe.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Njejsym z twojim rozjasnjenjom spokojny.,I'm not satisfied with your explanation.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn "Znaješ někoho, kotryž zynči při dźěle?",Do you know anyone who hums while they work?,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Bjez tuteje knihi njebych wuknyć móhł.,"If it were not for this book, I couldn't study.",hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Kóčki nježeru banany.,Cats don't eat bananas.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Wono je jara drohe.,It's very expensive.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Tutón had njeje jědojty.,This snake is not venomous.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Kak so wjedźe waša mać?,How's your mother?,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Wón přeco žortuje.,He's always laughing and having fun.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Wón ma koleso.,He has a bicycle.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Chcu knihu napisać.,I want to write a book.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Mašina je defektna wot předchadneho měsaca.,The machine has been out of order since last month.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Tuta póda je bohata na humusu.,That soil is rich in humus.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Mój nósnik je módry.,My scarf is blue.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Kak so twoja mandźelska wjedźe?,How's your wife?,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Rěka dźěli město do wuchodneho a zapadneho dźěla.,A river separates the city into east and west.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Přičina wohnja je njeznata.,The origin of the fire is unknown.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Mój nan njeje doma.,My father isn't home.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Wona jě płód.,She's eating fruit.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Čehodla koalamjedwjedźe nimaja pupk?,Why don't koalas have navels?,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Wona je wjele rěčała.,She talked a lot.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Woda je čista.,The water is clean.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Wokolina bě jara měrna.,The surrounding area was very quiet.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn "Bě tak zymno, zo njemóžach spać.",It was so cold that I couldn't sleep.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Rěčimy doma francošćinu.,We speak French at home.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Mamy tři psy a jednu kóčku.,We keep three dogs and a cat.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Kelko rěčow je w Europje?,How many languages are there in Europe?,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Tom rěči francošćinu woprawdźe derje.,Tom speaks French really well.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Wona zajimuje so jenož za ryby a škabry.,She's only interested in fish and cockroaches.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Mam rady kóčki.,I like cats.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Měsačk wobswěćowaše stwu.,The moon lit the room.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Sym mučny kaž połch.,I am tired like a dormouse.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn My smy cyłkownje pjećnaće wosobow.,We are fifteen in all.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Kompjuter je kompleksna mašina.,A computer is a complex machine.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Moja maćeršćina je francošćina.,My native language is French.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Naša kóčka je w kuchni.,Our cat is in the kitchen.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Wón je přejara dowěry.,He's too trusting.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Sy hdy tajku wěc słyšał?,Have you ever heard of such a thing?,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn "Myslach, zo njeby wón přišoł.",I thought he wouldn't come.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Moja mandźelska je lěkarka.,My wife is a doctor.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Wona bě hišće słaba po swojej chorosći.,She was still weak after her illness.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Tekst je přejara dołhi.,The text is too long.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Wulka woda je žně zničiła.,The flood ruined the crops.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn "Mam rady psy, ale moja sotra ma rady kóčki.","I like dogs, but my sister likes cats.",hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Jeho žiwjenje je w strachu.,His life is in danger.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Wjace to nochcu.,I don't want that anymore.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Njejsym bohaty a nochcu być.,"I'm not rich, nor do I wish to be.",hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Tom studuje francošćinu.,Tom is majoring in French.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Za čo so zajimujeće?,What are you interested in?,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Hdźe je mój wobjed?,Where's my lunch?,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Krokodile maja wótre zuby.,Crocodiles have sharp teeth.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Skupina bě přejara wulka.,The group was too large.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Pytam běłu minisuknju!,I am looking for a white mini skirt!,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Boli mje chribjet.,I have a pain in my back.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Słony maja dwě wuši.,Elephants have two ears.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Mam někotre francoske knihi.,I have some French books.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn "Njeprašej so mi, što bě to!",Don't ask me what it was.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Kotre měry ma regal?,What are the measurements of the shelf?,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn "Wón móže činić, što wón chce!",He can do what he wants!,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Rěčiš derje francošćinu?,Do you speak French well?,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Hišće so ty njerozsudźeše?,Haven't you decided yet?,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Chcu knihu.,I want a book.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Wón je so dnja 28. julija 1888 narodźił.,"He was born on July 28th, 1888.",hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Tuta hora je ze sněhom zawodźěta.,That mountain is covered with snow.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn W tutym domje bydlu.,This is the house I live in.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Sym bjezdźěłny.,I am out of work.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Wón je přez lěs šoł.,He walked through the forest.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Widźu twoju kóčku w zahrodźe.,I see your cat in the garden.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Wětr wěje.,The wind is blowing.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Budu jutře tam być.,I'll be there tomorrow.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Sy samodruha?,Are you pregnant?,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Němska je znata jako kraj basnikow a myslerjow.,Germany is known for being the country of poets and thinkers.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Potrjebuju stwu za dwě wosobje.,I need a room for two people.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Njemóžu twoje zadźerženje podpěrać.,I cannot support your conduct.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Pytam dźěło.,I'm looking for a job.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Wón móže francošćinu rěčeć a pisać.,He can speak and write in French.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Dalokož wěm wón je kriminelny.,"For all I know, he's a criminal.",hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Ja znaju jeho derje.,I am well acquainted with him.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Sym samozastaraćel.,I am self-catering.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Dyrbju francošćinu wuknyć.,I must learn French.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Bohužel słony njemóžu derje spěwać.,"Unfortunately, elephants can't sing well.",hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Sym Korejčan.,I am Korean.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn To je jara dobre.,That's very good.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn To sym.,This is me.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Znaju jeho jara derje.,I know him very well.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Kelko wołojnikow maš?,How many pencils do you have?,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Zbožowy Mjezynarodny Dźeń Žonow!,Happy International Women's Day!,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn "Mysliš, zo změjemy rjadne wjedro?",Do you think we'll have good weather?,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Sym wučer.,I'm a teacher.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Dyrbju mjeno wučerja wědźeć.,I have to know the teacher's name.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Wy njemóžeće mi pomhać.,You can't help me.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Njerěču japanšćinu.,I don't speak Japanese.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Móžeš jeho zazwonić?,Can you call him?,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn To je moja kniha.,This is my book.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Přichod potrjebuje zańdźenosć.,Future needs past.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Bych z tobu wječerjeć chcył.,I'd like to have dinner with you.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Jeho nohajca ma dźěru.,There is a hole in his sock.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Smy strašne sceny w telewizu widźeli.,We saw terrible scenes on TV.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn A ja wotmołwju: ně.,And I answer: no.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn "Myslu, zo maš prawo.",I think that you're right.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Bych so lubował.,I would be loved.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Słony su žiwe w Aziji a Africe.,Elephants live in Asia and Africa.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Kajkosć wody je jara wažna za zhotowanje piwa.,The quality of the water is very important when making beer.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Hrimanje hrimota.,The thunder roared.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Wobžaruju tutón rozsud.,I regret that decision.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Žrawcy su dobre płuwacy.,Sharks are good swimmers.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Hdźe ty wuknješe francošćinu?,Where did you learn French?,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Dźensa je pjatk.,Today is Friday.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Ptak je w njebju.,The bird is in the sky.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Hibamy so na sewjer.,We are heading North.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Hdźe so zetkamy?,Where are we going to meet?,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn "Njewěm, čehodla nimaš rady ju.",I don't know why you don't like her.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Smy z Němskeje.,We are from Germany.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Smój z Němskeje.,We're from Germany.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Pos spi na werandźe.,A dog is sleeping on the porch.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn "To je waša konkluzija, nic moja.","That's your conclusion, not mine.",hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Chowaj je na chłódnym městnje.,Keep it in a cool place.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Wona je młódša hač jeho dźowka.,She's younger than his daughter.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Wón rady słyša radijo.,He likes to listen to the radio.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Knjez Ricardo je jara dobry wučer.,Mr. Ricardo is a very good teacher.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Zahroda knjeza White je wulka.,Mr White's yard is large.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Salvador Dalí bě spaniski wuměłc.,Salvador Dalí was a Spanish artist.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Maće alergiju přećiwo někajkim rostlinam?,Are you allergic to any plants?,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn "Ty wusny, Tom?","Are you sleeping, Tom?",hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Hraješ hudźbny instrument?,Do you play a musical instrument?,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Tom je swoju wučbnicu francošćiny zhubił.,Tom lost his French textbook.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Potrjebuju nowe awto.,I need a new car.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Hdźe je hamor?,Where is the hammer?,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Smějkotajće so prošu do kamery.,"Smile at the camera, please!",hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Mam dwě kóčki.,I have two cats.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Tom je jara dobroćiwy a wulkomyslny čłowjek.,Tom is a very kind and generous man.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Sym francošćinu w Parisu wuknył.,I learned French in Paris.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Nječitaj tajku knihu.,Don't read that kind of book.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Čehodla njespytaš twoje pjenjezy wróćo dóstać?,Why don't you try to take your money back?,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Sy jara dobry wuměłc.,You are a very good artist.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Njejsće z lěkarjom.,You're not a doctor.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Mamy dosć wody.,We have water enough.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Kubłanski system dyrbi bóle fleksibelny być.,The education system needs to be more flexible.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Wuzamkuj prošu radijo.,"Turn off the radio, please.",hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Sym runje tak wulki kaž mój nan.,I'm as tall as my father.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Na wšě njezbožo je so započało sněhować.,"To make matters worse, it began snowing.",hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Stwa bě ćmowa a zymna.,The room was dark and cold.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Tuta stwa ma rjany wuhlad na horu.,This room has fine view of the mountain.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Za čas wójny bychu płaćizny kruće regulowane.,Prices were strictly regulated during the war.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn "Prěnja skupina studuje rano, druha skupina studuje nawječor.","The first group studies in the morning, and the second group studies in the afternoon.",hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Baskišćinu wuknu.,I'm learning the Basque language.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn "Njejsym widźał, zo sy tak dobry kuchar.",I didn't know you were such a good cook.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Wy njesměće tu waše awto bjez dowolnosće parkować.,You must not park your car there without permission.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn "To je prěni raz, zo so při wohnje wohrěwam.",This is the first time I've ever warmed myself by a fireplace.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Dyrbiš bjezwuměniće tutón film widźeć.,You really must see that movie.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Kotre zwěrjata so najlěpje jako domjace zwěrjata za dźěći hodźa?,Which animals make the best pets for children?,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Mam něšto za tebje.,I have something for you.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Nan Toma sedźi w jastwje.,Tom's father is in jail.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Tykanc słodźi słódko.,The cake tastes sweet.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Kotra rěč so w Mexiko rěki?,What is the language spoken in Mexico?,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Wona je Japanka.,She is Japanese.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Po mojich znajomosćach wón je sprawny a spušćomny.,"To the best of my knowledge, he is honest and reliable.",hsb_Latn-eng_Latn "Njedyrbiš ničo prajić, kotrež nochceš prajić.",You don't have to say anything you don't want to say.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Yen je słabši hač dolar.,The yen is weaker than the dollar.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn To je jeho rozsud.,It is his decision.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Železo wodźi ćopłotu cyle derje.,Iron transmits heat well.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Tom ma dwě dźěsći.,Tom has two children.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Kopańca je bóle popularna hač tenis.,Soccer is more popular than tennis.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Hólc je jabłuko jědł.,The boy ate the apple.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Tuta wučbnica je zestarjena.,That textbook is out of date.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Njewopušći nas!,Don't leave us.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn To bě njeplanowane.,It wasn't planned.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Chceš persišćinu wuknyć?,Do you want to learn Persian?,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn "Prašejće jeho, hdy sćěhowace lětadło dźe.",Ask him when the next plane leaves.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Twoja kniha je na blidźe.,Your book is on the desk.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Ja sym wono w telewizu wědźał.,I saw it on TV.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Pječeš w twojej kuchni.,You bake in your kitchen.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Moje bydlenje je bliske.,My apartment is near.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Kóčka ma dwě wuši.,The cat has two ears.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Chcu tu dlěše wostać.,I want to stay here longer.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn My hromadźimy listowe znamki ze cyłeho swěta.,We collect stamps from all around the world.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Mam rady zajacy.,I like hares.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn "Myslu, zo nazyma je najrjeńši počas.",I think autumn is the most beautiful season of the year.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Njelubuju kofej.,I don't like coffee.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Budź kedźbny! Nóž je jara wótry.,Be careful! The knife is very sharp.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Nowy plan so na našich idejach załoži.,The new plan is based on our idea.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Ja njepiju nihdy čaj z mlokom.,I never drink tea with milk.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn "Wona njeje moja wowka, ale moja mama.",She's not my grandma; she's my mom.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn "Dźěćo, kotrehož hrajki pytam, je mój syn.","The child whose toy I am looking for, is my son.",hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Tom je do płuwanskeho basenka skočił.,Tom jumped into the swimming pool.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Mam problem a potrjebuju twoju radu.,I have a problem and I need your advice.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Praji mi mjeno dźewjateho měsaca.,Tell me the name of the ninth month.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn To je rostlina družiny Schlumbergera truncata.,This is a plant of the species Schlumbergera truncata.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Krokodil žerješe Tomaša.,Tom ate a crocodile.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Wotmołwa je prawa.,The answer is right.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Mam kruwu.,I have a cow.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Tom chce sławny być.,Tom wants to be famous.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Njewuradźujemy z teroristami!,We don't negotiate with terrorists.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom ma wulkej, módrej wuši.","Tom has big, blue eyes.",hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Rěča Marsowi wobydlerjo jendźelsce?,Do Martians speak English?,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Módry słon ma runje tak wulkej wuši kaž róžojty słon.,A blue elephant's ears are as big as the ones of a pink elephant.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Banka ma filiale we wšěch dźělach kraja.,The bank has branches in all parts of the country.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Njejsym lěkar.,I'm not a doctor.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Tom wuńdźe zo by wunamakał kajka hara bě tam.,Tom went outside to discover what all the commotion was about.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Tom a Marija matej dwě kóčce.,Tom and Mary have two cats.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn W kuchni je kóčka.,There is a cat in the kitchen.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Rozumju twoju rěč.,I understand your language.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn "Ja njewěm, štó to je.",I don't know who it is.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Tam je kóčka.,There is a cat.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Dyrbju hnydom hić?,Do I have to go right now?,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn "Wěm, zo ničo njewěm.",I know that I know nothing.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Dźěći Toma a Marije rady jědźa truskalcy.,Tom and Mary's children like strawberries.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Kóčki nimaja rady wodu.,Cats don't like water.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Dóstanu často list wot njeho.,I often get a letter from him.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Tuta myš bu wot mojeje kóčki skóncowana.,This mouse was killed by my cat.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Kelko cokora wužiwaš?,How much sugar do you use?,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Na Marsu tež su kóčki.,"There are cats on Mars, too.",hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Tu je moja wutroba.,Here is my heart.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Kóčka spi na blidźe.,The cat sleeps on the table.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Dejki su wužitne zwěrjata.,A dairy cow is a useful animal.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn "Myslu, zo mój kompjuter bě tróšku dróši hač twój.",I think my computer was a tad more expensive than yours.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Sym student.,I am a college student.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn "Myslu, zo wón je zbožowny.",I think he's happy.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Směm so tebje za twojej starobu prašeć?,Might I ask your age?,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Marija jodluje.,Mary is a yodeler.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Žony su rjane.,Women are beautiful.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Wona njeje bohata ani sławna.,She's neither rich nor famous.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Kedźbuj prošu lěpje w přichodźe.,Please take more care in the future.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Što činiš?,What are you doing?,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Kelko płaći tute radijo?,How much is this radio?,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Jeje swójba je jara wulka.,His family is very large.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Nimam kóčku.,I don't have a cat.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Mój wuj wuči jendźelšćinu na uniwersiće.,My uncle teaches English at the university.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Ja dyrbju dźěłać.,I have to work.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Wón njebě so stracha wědomy.,He was not aware of the danger.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Mam wjele knihow.,I have a lot of books.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Ja sym twoja starša sotra.,I'm your elder sister.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Chcu hebrejšćinu wuknyć.,I want to study Hebrew.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Moje awto njezaskoči.,My car won't start.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Widźimy jeho kóždy dźeń.,We see him every day.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Jěm rady tykanc.,I like eating cake.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Mjetel pjerchota.,The butterfly flutters.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Tom nima bankowe konto.,Tom doesn't have a bank account.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Kluč so njehodźiše nihdźe namakać.,The key was nowhere to be found.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn "Słónco swěći wodnjo, měsačk swěći w nocy.",The sun shines during the day; the moon during the night.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn "Sym chudy student, a njemóžu ći płaćić.",I'm a poor student and I can't pay you.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Widźech ći z wulkim hólcom.,I saw you with a tall boy.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Běch cyły čas nerwozny.,I was nervous the whole time.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Kelko holcow je na tutym wobrazu?,How many girls are there in this picture?,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Dny dlěše bywaja.,The days are growing longer.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Wona bydli w hoberskim domje.,She lives in a huge house.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Sym žurnalist.,I am a journalist.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Wón połoži knihu na blido.,He put the book on the table.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Njemóžu je.,I can't do it.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Wona chce planet wuchować.,She wants to save the planet.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn My wšě su wo tym wědźeli.,We all knew about it.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn To je eufemizm!,That's a euphemism.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Nimam lóšt wuknyć.,I don't feel like studying.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Sym žona.,I'm a woman.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn My su wšo wo tym wědźeli.,We knew all about it.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Kelko bratrow maš?,How many brothers do you have?,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Dźěćo potrjebuje lubosć.,A child needs love.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn "Njejsym wěsty, hač chcu to wědźeć.",I'm not sure I want to see this.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Woda mjerznješe.,The water turned to ice.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Wón je mortwy wot třoch lět.,He has been dead for three years.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Mam jabłuko.,I have an apple.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Telefon je znowa zwonił.,The phone rang again.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Tom zrudny wupada.,Tom looks sad.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Tom je hišće we łožu.,Tom is still in bed.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn "Myslu, zo sym w zańdźenym žiwjenju princesna była.",I think that I was a princess in a past life.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Studuju Korejšćinu.,I study Korean.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Chceš přichod wědźeć?,Do you want to know the future?,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Za čas zymy často mam zymnej noze.,I often have cold feet in winter.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Wona je mi wutrobu łamała.,She broke my heart.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Snadź wón znaje tutu stawiznu.,Perhaps he knows this story.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Tom njewostanje.,Tom isn't staying.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Je chlěb?,Is there any bread?,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Wón pochadźa ze Zjednoćenych statow Ameriki.,He is from the United States.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Nichtó njeznaje jeho mjeno.,Nobody knows his name.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom praji, zo je ćežko, wuknyć cuzu rěč.",Tom says that learning a foreign language is hard.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Maja mrowje wuši?,Do ants have ears?,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Chcu finšćinu wuknyć.,I'd like to learn Finnish.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Budu ći pjenjezy jutře dać.,I will give you the money tomorrow.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Chcu letišćinu wuknyć.,I'd like to learn the Latvian language.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Ja rěču z Tomom a Mariju francošćinu.,I speak French with Tom and Mary.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn To je dobre mjaso.,This is good meat.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Wona ma rady tutoho basa.,She likes that bass.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn To woni wšě praja.,They all say that.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Dešć praskota na třěchu.,Rain was pattering on the roof.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Tom tróšku rěči francošćinu.,Tom knows some French.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Njelubuju jejka.,I don't care for eggs.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Wučer a šulerjo su w muzeju.,The teacher and the pupils are in the museum.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Wona je swojeho mandźelskeho wo dźesać lět přežiwiła.,She survived her husband by ten years.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Hdźe wona je to wuknyła?,Where did she learn this?,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Tom njerozumje sanskrit.,Tom doesn't understand Sanskrit.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Wón njemóže płuwać.,He cannot swim.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Najskerje wón njebudźe žadyn wuspěch měć.,He is not likely to succeed.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Kak ty rěkaš?,What is your name?,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn "Chcu, zo by ty spěwał.",I want you to sing.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Sym knihu čitać chcył.,I wanted to read a book.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Njejsym twój přećel.,I'm not your boyfriend.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Tom je nan třoch dźěći.,Tom is the father of three children.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Rozsudźujemy hromadźe.,We make decisions together.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Tom njekuri ani pije.,Tom doesn't smoke or drink.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn "Čehodla dźeš pěši, jeli maš awto?",Why do you walk when you have a car?,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Persišćina njeje ćežka rěč.,Persian is not a difficult language.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Tom njeje hłupak.,Tom isn't stupid.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Chlěb so z muki zhotowja.,Bread is made from flour.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Tute dźěći hladaja swojeje maćerje.,Those children are waiting for their mother.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Tom je swoju čitansku brylu wotebrał.,Tom took his reading glasses off.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Wopytanje je darmotne.,The visit is free of charge.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Sym so w kopicy zhubił.,I was lost in the crowd.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Jutře dam jemu jeho knihu.,I'll give him his book tomorrow.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Stwa bě ćmowa.,The room was dark.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Na kupje njeje žiwjenje.,There is no living on the island.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Tuta kista je ćežka.,This box is heavy.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn To je mój problem z Tomom.,That's my problem with Tom.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Tež ty njejsy jandźel.,You aren't an angel as well.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn "Kedźbuj, štož prajiš!",Be careful what you say!,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn To je pos.,This is a dog.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Wono je chětro wulke.,It's quite large.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Z jedneho měsaca wona je w hospitalu.,She has been in hospital for a month.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Pawoł je mudriši hač Otto.,Paul is smarter than Otto.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Nochcu z mjedwjedźom być.,I don't want to be a bear.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn To je kaž wutřěl klinčało.,That sounded like a gunshot.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Čehodla wosoł ma tak dołhej wuši?,Why does the donkey have such long ears?,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Woni jědźa z nožom a widličkami.,They eat with a knife and fork.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Wona je melodiju na klawěrje hrała.,She played a tune on the piano.,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Sym student. A ty?,I'm a student. And you?,hsb_Latn-eng_Latn Házas vagyok.,I'm already hitched!,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Házas vagyok, és van két gyerekem.",I am married and have two children.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Ez a könyv a lányé.,This book is hers.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Várj egy kicsit!,Wait one second.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Tom elsápadt.,Tom turned pale.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Hol van a szépművészeti múzeum?,Where's the museum?,hun_Latn-eng_Latn A vonatban állnia kellett.,She had to stand in the train.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Folytatta a munkát.,She proceeded with the work.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Milyen volt a franciaóra?,How was the French class?,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Volt egyszer egy szegény ember és egy gazdag asszony.,"Once upon a time, there lived a poor man and a rich woman.",hun_Latn-eng_Latn Mit szólna egy csésze teához?,Would you like to have a cup of tea?,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Mit szólnál egy csésze kávéhoz?,How about a cup of coffee?,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Mit szólnál egy csésze forró kávéhoz?,How about a cup of hot coffee?,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Az épület húszemeletes.,The building has twenty floors.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Mikor kezdődik?,When does it start?,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Azt hiszem orvoshoz kellene menned.,I think you should see a doctor.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Feltehetőleg megölte őt.,She allegedly killed him.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Ez nagy összeg.,It's a large amount.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Nem volt más választása, mint belenyugodni a sorsába.",She had no choice but to accept her fate.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Nagyon kedvel téged.,He likes you very much.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Ez a lárma elviselhetetlen.,This noise is unbearable.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Nem más, mint egy barát.",He's just a friend.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn El kellett neki mondania.,He must have told her.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Helyesled azt, amit csinál?",Do you approve of what she is doing?,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Ne mondd ki ezt a szót.,Avoid saying this word.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Mi a kedvenc festményed?,What's your favorite painting?,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Felmászott a létrára.,He climbed up the ladder.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Bizonyítékokra van szükségem.,I need proofs.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Valami miatt mindig panaszkodik.,He's always complaining about something.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Mindig panaszkodik a főnökére.,He is always complaining about his boss.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Te mit mondanál a helyemben?,What would you say if you were in my place?,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Ne is figyelj Tomira! Valamivel mindig baja van.,Just ignore Tom. He always seems to be complaining about something.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Nehezünkre esett a munkánkkal foglalkozni, mert ő mindig nyafogott.",We had a hard time doing the job because he was always complaining.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Ő nem beszél sokat.,He doesn't talk much.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Kezdjük veled.,Let's start with you.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Tomi halála után röviddel a felesége újraházasodott.,Tom's wife remarried shortly after his death.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn A saját szememmel láttam és a saját fülemmel hallottam őt.,I've seen him with my own eyes and heard him with my own ears.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Ezt a tévékészüléket HDMI kábel nélkül szállítjuk.,This TV doesn't come with an HDMI cable.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Nincs mitől félned.,There is nothing to be scared of.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Elnéztem valamit?,Did I miss something?,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Elszégyellte magát amiatt, amit látott.",He felt ashamed about what he saw.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn A fotót meghamisították.,The photograph was falsified.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Vírussal fertőzött a számítógéped.,Your computer is infected with a virus.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Elpusztította az ellenségeit.,He exterminated his enemies.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn A képen két férfi és egy nő áll egy fa mellett.,There are two men and a woman standing next to a tree in the picture.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Megkarcoltam a lemezeimet.,I scratched my records.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Az utat az azt övező szikláról leeső kövek zárták el.,The road is blocked by stones fallen from a nearby rock.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Edzenem kell.,I have to exercise.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Ne tegyen úgy, mintha nem tudná, miről beszélek!",Don't act like you don't know what I'm talking about.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom nem riad vissza semmilyen harctól, teljesen mindegy, kivel áll szemben.","Tom won't back down from any fight, no matter who he's up against.",hun_Latn-eng_Latn Tamás nem ismer téged.,Tom doesn't know you.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Azt gondoltam, helyesen cselekszem.",I thought I was doing the right thing.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Ez is, mint mondtam, a munkád része.","This is also part of your work, as I told you before.",hun_Latn-eng_Latn Télen nem szívesen eszem fagyit.,I don't enjoy eating ice cream during the winter.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Én magam írtam a dalaimat.,I wrote my songs myself.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Részletes utasításokat adtam neki.,I gave him detailed instructions.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Isten ments, hogy Tommal történjen valami!",God forbid that anything should happen to Tom.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Nem akarom azt, hogy félj tőlem.",I don't want you to fear me.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Tom és Mary berágtak Johnra.,Tom and Mary are mad at John.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Nekem kellett volna megkapni azt az előléptetést.,I should've gotten that promotion.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Szeretek szotyolát rágcsálni.,I like cracking sunflower seeds.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Nem tudsz vagy nem akarsz?,You can't or you won't?,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Tomnak együtt kellett élnie a tettei következményeivel.,Tom had to live with the consequences of his actions.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Én tudom, milyen az, valakit elveszíteni.",I know what it's like to lose someone.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Tom nagyon álmosnak tűnik.,Tom seems very sleepy.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Mari fodrász.,Mary is a hairdresser.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Elég jól ismerjük egymást.,We know each other quite well.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Tom nem akart válaszolni a kérdésre.,Tom didn't want to answer the question.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Ez számomra volapük.,It's all Greek to me.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Tudna nekem egy jobb árat mondani?,Can you give me a better price?,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Nincs rá időm, hogy segítsek neked a munkádban.",I have no time to help you with the work.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom elhatározta, hogy megpróbál tabletta nélkül aludni.",Tom decided to try sleeping without a pillow.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Tom telve van reménnyel.,Tom is full of hope.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Nem lesz ennek jó vége.,This isn't going to end well.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Egy férfi nem sír nyilvánosság előtt.,Man will not cry in public.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Clinton akkoriban Arkansas kormányzója volt.,Mr. Clinton was governor of Arkansas at the time.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Az alma, amit adott neked, milyen színű volt?",What was the color of the apple he gave you?,hun_Latn-eng_Latn A kormányzó visszaélt a hatalmával.,The governor abused his authority.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Úgy gondolom, még várhatnánk egy fél órát.",I think we should wait another half an hour.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Hogyan jutok el az állomásra?,How can I get to the station?,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Mert én értek kínaiul.,Because I speak Chinese.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom nem tudja, mi történt, mert nem volt ott.",Tom doesn't know what happened because he wasn't there.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Tudom, hogy Johann őszinte.",I know that John is honest.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Ez van, ezt kell szeretni.",That's the way the cookie crumbles.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Három kutya követ négy macskát a kerítésig.,Three dogs are following four cats to the gate.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Gondoltam, hogy talán akarnál enni valamit.",I thought you might like something to eat.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Lent leszek, ha szükséged van rám.",I'll be downstairs if you need me.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Nem alszom ágyban.,I don't sleep in a bed.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Szabad még egyszer hívnom téged?,May I call on you again?,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Kérem.,Don't mention it.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "A szó elszáll, az írás megmarad.","Words fly, texts remain.",hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Nem bánod, ha ők is jönnek?",Do you mind their coming too?,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Kato úrnő volt tavaly a tanárod?,Was Ms. Kato your teacher last year?,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Néhány gyerek könnyen, a többiek nehezen tanulják a nyelveket.",Some children learn languages easily and others with difficulty.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Senki sem lakik ebben a házban.,Nobody lives in this house.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Az egy magas épület, ugye?","That is a high building, is it not?",hun_Latn-eng_Latn Megjavította-e az új edző a csapat minőségét?,Has the new coach improved the team's quality?,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Megteszem, ha megfizetik.",I'll do it if they pay me.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Idővel jön a tapasztalat.,Experience is acquired with time.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Nem vagyok az a trendi típus.,I'm not the trendy type.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Azt javasoltam, hogy azonnal kezdjünk hozzá.",I suggested that we should start at once.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn A kutyák okosak.,Dogs are smart.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn A gyógyszer és az alkohol gyakran nem fér össze.,Medication and alcohol often don't mix.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom kinyitotta az ajtót, mielőtt még Maria kopogni tudott volna.",Tom opened the door before Mary had a chance to knock.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn A nyári szünidő után a gyerekeknek vissza kell menniük az iskolába.,"After the summer holidays, the children have to go back to school.",hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Inkább tartanék macskát, mint kutyát.",I would rather have a cat than a dog.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom megvakartatta Marival a hátának azt a részét, amelyet nem ért el.",Tom got Mary to scratch the part of his back he couldn't reach.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Elhitette velem azt, hogy nem hallott engem.",She pretended that she didn't hear me.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Szóról szóra fordította le.,She translated it word for word.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Tom és Mary fenn voltak a Mayflower fedélzetén.,Tom and Mary were on board the Mayflower.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Az emberek saját földet akarnak.,People want to own land.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Valaki néz engem.,Something is watching me.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Megparancsolta, hogy azonnal hagyjam el a szobát.",He ordered me to leave the room at once.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Kimehetek játszani?,May I go out to play?,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Jelenléte fontos nekem.,Its presence is important for me.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Kapcsold be a rádiót!,Turn on the radio.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Semmi más nem kell..., csak egy új nadrág.",I don't need anything... just a new pair of pants.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn A nagybátyám tíz évig élt Párizsban.,My uncle has lived in Paris for ten years.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Nagyanyám 75 éves.,My grandma is 75 years old.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Jómagam sohasem voltam ott.,I have never been there myself.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn A sebe végzetes volt.,The wound was fatal to him.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Túl messzire mentél.,You went too far.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Kérte a számomat.,He asked for my number.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn A rózsák jó illatúak.,Roses smell sweet.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom azt mondta, hogy nem látott semmit.",Tom said that he didn't see anything.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Tom odaégette a borjút.,Tom branded the calf.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Aláírtam a szerződést.,I signed the contract.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Tomi aláírt egy beleegyezési nyilatkozatot.,Tom signed a confession.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Tomi aláírta a papírokat.,Tom signed the papers.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Tomi aláírta az iratot.,Tom signed the document.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Itt a tavasz. Napról-napra melegebb van.,Spring is here. It is getting warmer every day.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Tomi ellátta aláírásával a szerződést.,Tom signed the contract.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Anyám sokat segít.,My mom helps me a lot.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn A csoki édes.,Chocolate tastes sweet.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Édes volt.,It tasted sweet.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Sztár vagy.,You're a star.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Akkora vagy!,You're so big.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Mindig mosolyog.,She smiles a lot.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Az a gyerek mindig mosolyog.,She is always smiling.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Az önsajnálat nem segít.,Self-pity won't help you.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Nagyon dögös vagy.,You're so hot.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Nem számít, milyen sokáig maradhatsz fenn, reggel hétkor kelj fel.","No matter how late you may stay up, get up by seven in the morning.",hun_Latn-eng_Latn Nem vagy álmos?,Aren't you sleepy?,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Az élet csodaszép.,Life is sweet.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Hogy tetszett?,How did you like it?,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Jártál valaha külföldön?,Have you ever visited a foreign country?,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Ne gyere későn, oké?","Don't come late, okay?",hun_Latn-eng_Latn Nem akart megbántani.,He didn't mean to hurt you.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "A jogosítványomat használtam, hogy igazoljam magam.",I used my driver's license to identify myself.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Nem volt víz a kútban.,There was no water in the well.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Mr. Smith angolul tanít engem.,Mr. Smith teaches me English.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Ágyban kéne maradnia három vagy négy napig.,You should stay in bed for three or four days.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Van egy nagy lyuk a zoknidon.,There is a big hole in your stocking.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Tomnak azt kéne tennie, amit Mary mond.",Tom should do what Mary says.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Ma jó a kedve.,She's in a good mood today.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "A lányom kórházban van, mert megsérült egy közlekedési balesetben.",My daughter is in hospital because she was injured in a traffic accident.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Tudok gitározni.,I can play the guitar.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Maryt elrabolták a kalózok.,Mary was kidnapped by pirates.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Klabaster és Gizmo macskák.,Klabaster and Gizmo are cats.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Nem akar beszélni róla.,She doesn't want to talk about it.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Nem akarlak lelőni, de megteszem, ha kell.","I don't want to shoot you, but I will if I have to.",hun_Latn-eng_Latn A fiam mindig nagyon független volt.,My son has always been very independent.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Minden reggel találkozom Michaelával a metrón.,I meet Mihaela every morning at the subway.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Az olaj ára emelkedik.,The price of oil is going up.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Meddig kell várnom?,How long do I have to wait?,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Meg tudná mondani, hányas méret ez?",Can you tell me what size this is?,hun_Latn-eng_Latn A zaj az idegeimre megy.,The noise gets on my nerves.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Holnap Kumamotoba megyek, hogy lássam Aoi urat.",I will go to Kumamoto to see Mr Aoi tomorrow.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Örülök, hogy találkoztunk.",It's nice to see you.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Autóval mentek az állomásra.,They went to the station by car.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn A cég tankönyveket ad ki.,The firm publishes educational books.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Tom gyakran gondolja meg magát.,Tom changes his mind a lot.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Moziba mész?,Are you going to a movie?,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Rémálmom volt.,I had a nightmare.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn A gyerekek imádnak a homokban ásni.,Children love to dig in the sand.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Pierce-t 1852-ben választották meg.,Pierce was elected in 1852.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn A nők általában 10 évvel tovább élnek mint a férfiak.,Women usually live 10 years longer than men do.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn 1969-ben adták ki.,It was published in 1969.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn A macskák látnak a sötétben?,Do cats see in the dark?,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Az infláció csökken.,Inflation is down.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Tomnak soha többé nem kell Mary miatt aggódnia.,Tom doesn't have to worry about Mary anymore.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn CD-ket veszünk.,We buy CDs.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Tomnak nincs láza.,Tom doesn't have a fever.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Egyre több pár megy külföldi nászútra.,More and more couples go on honeymoon trips abroad.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Csak kíváncsiságból kérdezem.,I only ask out of curiosity.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Sok ember van a parkban.,There are a lot of people in the park.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Az inge szürke, a nyakkendője sárga volt.",His shirt was gray and the tie was yellow.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Ha nem tanulsz, meg fogsz bukni a vizsgán.","If you don't study, you will fail the exam.",hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Kevésbé türelmes, mint a bátyja.",He is less patient than his brother.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Tegnap nem voltunk otthon.,We weren't at home yesterday.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Tom a huszadik születésnapját ünnepelte a múlt héten.,Tom celebrated his twentieth birthday last week.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Az újságban olvastam róla.,I read about it in the newspaper.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Egy cégnél, ahol dolgoztam, az összes dolgozó fizetését ellopták egy sötét téli éjszakán.",I have worked for one company where the payroll was snatched on a dark winter's night.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Rögtön sejtettem, hogy az a férfi pénzt akart tőlem kicsalni.",It occurred to me that the man was trying to cheat me out of my money.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Tudod, hogy a templomban van?",Do you know she's in the church?,hun_Latn-eng_Latn A mókusok tényleg gyorsan futnak.,Squirrels can run really quickly.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Édesszájú vagyok.,I like sweets.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Mindig elsőként nyílik panaszra a szája.,He's always the first to complain.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Ugye nem panaszkodik mindig Tom?,"Tom doesn't always complain, does he?",hun_Latn-eng_Latn Mindig kevesli a fizetését.,He is always complaining about his low salary.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Mindig panaszkodik, hogy milyen kicsi a szobája.",He is always complaining about how small his room is.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Ha ezt érted, a többi majdnem ugyanaz.","If you understand this one, then the others are nearly the same.",hun_Latn-eng_Latn "- Tetszett neki a film? -Igen, tetszett.","""Did she like the film?"" - ""Yes, she did.""",hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom mindig panaszkodik, hogy nincs elég szabad ideje.",Tom is always complaining that he doesn't have enough free time.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Választ akarok kapni.,I need answers.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Meg tudná mutatni ezen a képen, hogy ki volt az a férfi?",Can you identify the man using this picture?,hun_Latn-eng_Latn A házat egy tornádó rombolta le.,The house was destroyed by a tornado.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Többé nem tudok belenyugodni a sértéseibe.,I can't put up with his insults any longer.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Ezt a mondatot körülbelül egy órával ezelőtt az utcán hallottam.,I heard this sentence on the street about an hour ago.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom egy szót sem fog elhinni abból, amit mondasz neki.",Tom won't believe a word you tell him.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Tudtam, hogy meg tudod csinálni, Tom.","I knew you could do it, Tom.",hun_Latn-eng_Latn Egy szívességet szeretnék kérni tőled.,I would like to ask you a favor.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Miért fehér a hó?,Why is snow white?,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Hányan vannak most a listán?,How many people are on the list now?,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Másik államban él.,He lives in another state.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn A baseball messze a legnépszerűbb sport Japánban.,Baseball is by far the most popular sport in Japan.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Ő a tökéletes pasi.,He's the perfect guy.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Kérjük, adja meg a nevét és a címét ezen az űrlapon!",Please fill in your name and address on this form.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn A földeken dolgozik.,He works in the fields.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Közös a hazánk.,We are compatriots.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Jól aludtál?,Did you sleep well?,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Nem szavaztam.,I didn't vote.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Tanulnod kellene.,You should be studying.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Nem érdekel, hogy ki korán kel, aranyat lel, én aludni akarok.","I don't care if the early bird gets the worm, I want to sleep.",hun_Latn-eng_Latn A következő kereszteződésnél jobbra!,Turn right at the next intersection.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Bejött a szobába.,He came into the room.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Nem akarom többé látni.,I don't want to see him again.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Mindenki arról beszél, hogy mi történt a megbeszélésen.",Everybody's talking about what happened at the meeting.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Taro két éve meghalt.,Taro died two years ago.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Minden könyvtári könyvet vissza kell vinni év végéig.,You should return all the library books before the end of the year.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Tom jóval éjfél után ért haza.,It was well after midnight when Tom got home.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Kérlek, ne keress!",Please don't try to find me.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Követtél?,Have you been following me?,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Amikor kicsi voltam, szerettem volna háziállatnak egy barnamedvét, hogy megijessze a szomszédokat.","When I was little, I wanted to have a pet brown bear to scare my neighbors.",hun_Latn-eng_Latn Ezt hosszú csend követte.,There followed a long silence.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Nagyon meg kéne javítani a tetőt.,The roof is really in need of repair.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Arthur kora ötvenes éveiben járt.,Arthur was in his early fifties.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Ez az utolsó vonat.,This is the last train.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Egész nap teniszeztem.,I played tennis all day.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn A megjelenés kötelező.,Attendance is mandatory.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom Jacksoné a ló, amelyik megnyerte a versenyt.",The horse that won the race is owned by Tom Jackson.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Izgatottan várom a Karácsonyt.,I am looking forward to Christmas.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Hosszú szárazság után tegnap esett az eső.,It rained yesterday after it had been dry for a long time.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Tom egész nap állást keresett.,Tom spent all day looking for a job.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Járnak iskolába a gyerekek?,Do the children go to school?,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Gyerekek játszanak a parton.,Several children are playing on the beach.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Nyelvtan szempontjából rendben van, de egy anyanyelvű nem mondana ilyet.","Grammatically, it's correct, but native speakers wouldn't say something like that.",hun_Latn-eng_Latn Hoznál nekem egy pohár vizet?,Would you fetch me a glass of water?,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Mióta figyeltetek minket?,How long have you been watching us?,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Nyilvánosan megaláztak.,I was humiliated in public.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Tom adta kölcsön nekem azt a DVD-t.,Tom loaned me that DVD.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Ez benne volt a tervedben?,Was that part of your plan?,hun_Latn-eng_Latn A lámpa szürke.,The lamp is grey.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Szeretném mindenkinek a figyelmét kérni.,"Could I have everyone's attention, please?",hun_Latn-eng_Latn Tomi két lánnyal randevúzik egyidőben.,Tom is dating two girls at the same time.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Becsuknád az ajtót?,"Could you close the door, please?",hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Legyen szíves, itt írja alá.","Could you just sign right here, please?",hun_Latn-eng_Latn Elmennél végre?,"Would you leave, please?",hun_Latn-eng_Latn Kell nekem egy bélyeg.,I need a stamp.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Szükségem van egy bélyegre.,I need to get a stamp.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Pihentünk egy kicsit.,We rested for a while.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Aki keres, az talál.","Who searches, finds.",hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Ez nem az én esernyőm, hanem valaki másé.",This isn't my umbrella; it's somebody else's.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Tom éppen rám néz.,Tom is looking at me.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Tom nem kedveli a családomat.,Tom doesn't like my family.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Senki nem szerzett elég szavazatot ahhoz, hogy megnyerje a szavazást.",No man received enough votes to win the nomination.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn A macska a lábtörlőn van,The cat is on the mat.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Az autó lerobbant, úgyhogy gyalogolnunk kellett.","The car broke down, so that we had to walk.",hun_Latn-eng_Latn Tegnap elmentem a háza előtt.,I passed by her house yesterday.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Tényleg szakítani akarsz a barátnőddel?,Do you really want to break up with your girlfriend?,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Te hiszel a szellemekben?,Do you believe in the existence of ghosts?,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Mindenki elszótlanodott.,Everyone was speechless.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Elmegyek a boltba.,I am going to the store now.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Most a boltba megyek.,I'm going to the store now.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Van egy iskola a házam közelében.,There is a school near my house.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Mosás közben egy óvszert talált a fia farzsebében.,While doing the wash she found a condom in the back pocket of her son's pants.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn A nővérem minden reggel hajat mos.,My sister washes her hair every morning.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Így felhasználsz a művedben, anélkül, hogy beszéltél volna velem?",You're using me in your art like this without consulting me?,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Bár a Föld felületének csupán két százalékát borítják őserdők, ott él a világon fellelhető állat-, növény- és rovarfaj fele.","Although rainforests make up only two percent of the earth's surface, over half the world's wild plant, animal and insect species live there.",hun_Latn-eng_Latn Még mindig alszik mindenki.,Everyone's still asleep.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Kíváncsi vagyok, élvezte-e az utolsó meccset.",I wonder if he enjoyed the last match.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Nem kétlem, hogy ide fog jönni.",I don't doubt that she will come here.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Az éjszakába nyúlóan vitatkoztunk a dologról.,We discussed the matter far into the night.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn A matematika óra jó.,The mathematics class is good.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Két szép fia van.,He has two beautiful boys.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Szavazással döntünk.,We'll decide by voting.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn A fejlett országoknak segíteniük kell a fejlődő országokon.,Advanced countries must give aid to developing countries.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Egyedül fogok beszélni vele.,I will speak to her alone.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Ez a szokásos eljárás.,It's standard procedure.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Én tudom, hogy úgy történt.",I knew it would happen this way.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Szörnyen fontos.,It's terribly important.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Gyere ki velem.,Come outside with me.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Senki sem pótolhatatlan.,Nobody is indispensable.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Köszönöm, hogy önként jelentkeztél.",Thanks for volunteering.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Micsoda cirkusz!,What a palaver!,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Valami nem volt kóser.,Something wasn't kosher.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Nem értem ezt a verset.,I don’t understand this poem.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Jó leszek.,I'll be good.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Általában sosem vagyok otthon, amikor a füvet nyírják, ezért csak a lenyírt gyepet látom.","I wasn't usually home when the lawn was cut, so all I ever saw were the results.",hun_Latn-eng_Latn Az üzletünk nincs nyitva.,Our store isn't open.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Hagyd azt itt.,Leave that there.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Sírsz?,Are you crying?,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Ne bámulj engem.,Stop staring at me.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn A vihar még hevesebbé vált.,The storm became even more violent.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Elmész Tomival?,Will you go with Tom?,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Betti szereti a klasszikus zenét.,Betty likes classical music.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Jakab nagyon szigorú a gyermekeivel.,Jack is very severe with his children.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Nem vagyok biztos benne, miért kötelezték bezárni az éttermet.",I'm not sure why they were forced to close the restaurant.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn A halál végleges.,Death is permanent.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Most túlságosan elfoglalt vagyok ahhoz, hogy beszéljünk.",I'm too busy to talk to you now.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Őszintén remélem, hogy hamar meggyógyul.",I sincerely hope that you will soon recover from your illness.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Akarsz is valamit mondani?,Are you implying something?,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Ne menj át ezen a hídon!,Don't cross this bridge.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Körülbelül 133 kilométerre van Londontól.,It's about 133 kilometers from London.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Akarod, hogy hívjak egy taxit?",Would you like me to call a taxi?,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Mi van veled? Sápadtnak tűnsz.,What's the matter with you? You look pale.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Nem tudtam, hová mehetnék.",I didn't know where to go.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom nem engedte Marynek, hogy a többi gyerekkel játsszon.",Tom didn't let Mary play with the other children.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Őrülten féltékeny a feleségére.,He is madly jealous of his woman.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Hogyan tudjuk bebizonyítani, hogy ez valóban megtörtént?",How can we prove it actually happened?,hun_Latn-eng_Latn A rendőr a szokásos éjszakai őrjáratán volt.,The policeman was on his usual nightly round.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Azt hiszem megtudom csinálni a szabadidőmben.,I think I can do it in my spare time.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Néhány hónapon belül feledésbe fog merülni.,It'll be forgotten in a few months' time.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Te nem törődsz velem.,You don't care about me.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Találkoztál a húgommal, igaz?","You met my sister, didn't you?",hun_Latn-eng_Latn Nekem ez elég.,That's enough for me.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Tanítson meg dzsúdózni!,Teach judo to me.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Ő engem nem érdekel.,I don't care about him.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Nem érdekel engem a politika.,I don't care about politics.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Egész éjszaka sírt.,She kept crying all night long.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Nagyjából két órát tanulok minden nap.,I study about two hours every day.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn A sikere részben a szerencsének köszönhető.,His success was due in part to good luck.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Tom gyorsan beszél.,Tom talks fast.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Tom sokat beszél.,Tom talks quite a lot.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Biztos vagyok benne, hogy tetszik az új munkád.",I'm sure you like your new job.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Valami nyilvánvalóan rossz.,Something's obviously wrong.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Az úszóverseny lesz a következő olimpia fő eseménye.,Swimming will be the main event of the next Olympics.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Nem az igazi.,Something's not quite right.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Mire gondolsz, amikor a rádióaktivitás szót meghallod?","What do you think of when you hear the word ""radioactivity""?",hun_Latn-eng_Latn Nem tartozik rád.,This is none of your business.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Az a hír kapott szárnyra, hogy kirúgták.",There are rumors in the air that he was fired.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Japán ön?,Are you Japanese?,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Ausztrália fiataljainak nevében beszélünk.,We are speaking on behalf of the young people of Australia.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Tisztában vagy vele, mi a barátság?",Do you know what friendship is?,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Ördögien jól táncol az idős nagymamád!,Your old grandma dances well.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Laurie otthon van?,Is Laurie at home?,hun_Latn-eng_Latn A fia hét éve eltűnt.,His son disappeared seven years ago.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Most, hogy Mary elment, Tom boldogabb.","Now that Mary has left, Tom is happier.",hun_Latn-eng_Latn Nem döntenek fontos dolgokról.,They don't decide important matters.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn A motor megint beindult.,The engine started again.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Te értetted, mit mondott?",Did you make out what he said?,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Szorosan ölelkeztek.,They embraced tightly.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn A macskák nem szeretnek vizesek lenni.,Cats dislike being wet.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Mit csinálnak ott?,What are they doing there?,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Mondtad, hogy Mary szép, de nem gondoltam, hogy ennyire.","You said Mary was beautiful, but I didn't think she would be this beautiful.",hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Biztos vagyok benne, hogy korán elmegy.",I'm sure he'll leave early.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Szerintem segíteni fog nekem.,I think she'll help me.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Bajban van, mert látott valamit, amit nem kellett volna.",She's in trouble because she saw something that she shouldn't have.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn A kutya bizonyára éhes.,The dog must be hungry.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Párizsban vannak?,Are they in Paris?,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Tomot vadállatok ölték meg.,Tom was killed by wild animals.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Ki kell találnunk valamit.,We'd better think of something.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Gyengéden a vállára tette a kezét.,He put his hand gently on her shoulder.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "1941-ben tért haza Európából, mikor kitört a háború.","He returned home from Europe in 1941, when the war broke out.",hun_Latn-eng_Latn Kölcsönadtál egy könyvet.,You lent a book.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Az életét bízná rá.,She trusts him with her life.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Én vagyok a legjobb.,I'm the best.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Olyan mérges volt, hogy nem tudott beszélni.","He could not speak, he was so angry.",hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Szívesen veled mentem volna, de nem volt rá időm.","I would have liked to come with you, but I didn't have time.",hun_Latn-eng_Latn Pont most történt egy baleset.,An accident just happened.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Sato úr jól beszél angolul.,Mr. Sato speaks English well.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Két hét telt el.,Two weeks went by.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Tom elsétált az étteremből.,Tom walked away from the restaurant.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn 1917-ben Európa háborúban állt.,"In 1917, Europe was at war.",hun_Latn-eng_Latn Tom csak horgászni akar.,Fishing is the only thing Tom wants to do.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn A 23-as jobban áll rajtad.,The 23 fits you better.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Miért akarnál segíteni Tomon?,Why would you want to help Tom?,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Ezt a tényt nem szabad elfelejteni.,This fact must not be forgotten.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Azt akarom, hogy szállj le rólam!",I want you to get off my back.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Ön tudni fogja, hogy mit tegyen.",They'll know what to do.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Kell valami étel.,I need food.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Elengedné a karom?,Please let go of my arm.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom rákényszerült, hogy eladja a gazdaságát.",Tom was forced to sell his farm.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Amikor ma reggel felkeltem, észrevettem, hogy a hegytetőt beborította a hó.",I awoke this morning to find the summit of the mountain covered with snow.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Ma este későn kell vacsoráznunk a találkozó miatt.,Tonight we have to eat dinner late because of the meeting.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Kaptál tőlük bármit is?,Did you get anything from them?,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Kérlek, add meg a címedet.","Please, give me your address.",hun_Latn-eng_Latn Nagyon beteg.,He's very ill.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Tud a fivéred autót vezetni?,Can your brother drive a car?,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Fel fog robbanni.,It's going to explode.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Szeretem a leveseket sok zöldséggel.,I like soups with lots of vegetables.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Csak nem szarkazmust hallok ki a szavaidból?,Do I detect sarcasm?,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Ehhez senkinek nincs joga.,No one has that right.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Senki nem tudja a választ.,No one has the answer.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Amikor utoljára láttalak titeket, akkor még csak kislányok voltatok.","When I saw you last time, you were just little girls.",hun_Latn-eng_Latn A fenébe! Nem találom a pénztárcámat.,Damn! I can't find my wallet.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Valaki ellopta az utazási csekkjeimet.,Someone stole my travelers checks.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Nagy veszteségnél jobb a kis nyereség.,Better a small gain than a great loss.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Amit Tomi mondott, annak semmi értelme.",What Tom said doesn't make sense.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Nagy lelkesedéssel beszélt a színházi előadásról.,He spoke with great enthusiasm of the theatrical performance.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Ki beteg?,Who is sick?,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Majd várok odakint.,I'll just wait outside.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Valamikor asztrofizikus akartam lenni.,I once wanted to be an astrophysicist.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Sohasem kedveltem a biológiát.,I never liked biology.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Sajnos igaz.,It is unfortunately true.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Ha itt talál, megöl.","If he'll find you here, he'll kill you.",hun_Latn-eng_Latn "A legtöbb ember azt hiszi, hogy őrült vagyok.",Most people think I'm crazy.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Jársz iskolába?,Do you go to school?,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Nem, nem én vagyok, hanem te!",No I'm not; you are!,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Segíteni fogok neked a takarításban.,I'll help you clean up.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Melyik iskolába jársz?,What school do you go to?,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Ez az én válaszom!,That's MY line!,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Hová jár a húgod iskolába?,Where does your sister go to school?,hun_Latn-eng_Latn - Nem - ismételte az angol.,"""No,"" repeated the Englishman.",hun_Latn-eng_Latn Elnökként beiktatták őt.,He was inaugurated as President.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Ez sokat segítene.,That would be helpful.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Mondd meg az igazat!,Tell the truth.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "- Még valamit? - Nem, ennyi volt az egész.","""Anything else?"" ""No, that's all.""",hun_Latn-eng_Latn Szeretek nevetni.,I like to laugh.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Van itt egy probléma...,Then there is a problem...,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Ki kell kapcsolódnod.,You must relax.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Ó, itt van egy pillangó!","Oh, there's a butterfly!",hun_Latn-eng_Latn Siess!,Hurry it up!,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Ha ilyen lehetnék...,If I could be like that...,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Kápéra van szükségem.,I need cash.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Láttam néhány madarat elrepülni.,I saw some birds flying away.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Biztosan ön Tamás édesapja.,Surely you are Tom's father.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Japánból jött.,She is from Japan.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "A legutóbbi felmérések kimutatták, hogy a nagyvárosok népsűrűsége folyamatosan csökken.",A recent survey revealed that the population density in the metropolis was decreasing.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Értékelem a segítségedet és a barátságodat.,I value your help and friendship.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Tamás valahol errefelé lakik.,Tom lives around here somewhere.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "A felesége álomszép, a lányát meg már ne is említsem.","His wife is as beautiful as a dream, not to mention his daughter.",hun_Latn-eng_Latn Menekülnöd kell.,You must escape.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Lehetnél kicsit kedvesebb.,Be a little kinder!,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Tamás folyton tanul.,Tom studies all the time.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Később ma még ő is visszautazik.,He is also returning late today.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Ha nagy leszek, király akarok lenni.","When I grow up, I want to be a king.",hun_Latn-eng_Latn Ne hajtson annyira a bosszú!,Do not be so vengeful!,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Olyan kövér vagyok.,I'm so fat.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Egy darabka sült halat belemártottam a majonézbe.,I dipped a piece of the fried fish in the mayonnaise.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Kezdek belefáradni a panaszáradatodba.,I'm getting tired of your complaints.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Ez az aktuális ár.,That's the going rate.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Mennyi idejébe tellett megírni ezt a könyvet?,How long did it take you to write this book?,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Anyámra hasonlítok.,I resemble my mother.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Lelövöm!,I will shoot him.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Részemről nincs kifogás.,"As for me, I have no objection.",hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Azért, mert lány vagy.",That's because you're a girl.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Ezt az időt sajnos a családomtól kellett elvenni.,"Unfortunately, I had to take this time away from my family.",hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Lehetnék boldogtalan, de nem lennék öngyilkos.","I'd be unhappy, but I wouldn't kill myself.",hun_Latn-eng_Latn Tomi jól vezet.,Tom is good at driving.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Üdvözölt bennünket.,He bade us welcome.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Pénzen nem tudod megvenni sem az egészséget, sem a boldogságot.","Money cannot buy health, nor happiness.",hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Úgy tűnik, mindjárt elered az eső.",It looks as if it is going to rain.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Koncentrálnunk kell a figyelmünket.,We must focus.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Te takarítod fel.,You clean up.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Nélküled is boldogulnánk.,We'll do fine without you.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Itt a környéken laknak.,They live nearby.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Igaz, hogy művelt, de hiányzik belőle a bölcsesség.","It is true he is a learned man, but he lacks common sense.",hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Úgy viselkedett, mint egy gyerek.",He behaved like a child.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Háromszor hánytam.,I threw up three times.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Más megoldás is kell, hogy legyen.",There must be another way.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn A nyelvem hegyén van a szó.,The word is on the tip of my tongue.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Inna valamit?,Do you want to drink something?,hun_Latn-eng_Latn A parkban tömeg volt.,There were a crowd of people in the park.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Tájfun közelít Japánhoz.,A typhoon is approaching Japan.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Egyszer és mindenkorra tisztáztam, hogy nem akarok vele együtt végigcsinálni egy bevásárlást.",I told her once and for all that I would not go shopping with her.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Esküszöm égre és földre, hogy nem hazugság.",I'm not lying. I swear to God!,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Gyűjtsd össze a gondolataidat, mielőtt nekiállsz dolgozni.",Collect your thoughts before you begin your work.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Elnyerte a szeretetét.,He won her love.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Azt akarja, hogy barátok legyenek csak.",She wants him to be just a friend.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Az iskola felé tartott.,She was on her way to school.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Illatos a gyertya.,The candle smells nice.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Ezek történnek.,This kind of thing happens.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Azon dolgozom.,I'm working on that.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Szeretnéd tudni, hogy csináltam?",Would you like to know how I did that?,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Hideg volt.,It was cold.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Sajnálom, hogy nem tudtam korábban írni, de beteg voltam.","I'm sorry, I couldn't write earlier because I was ill.",hun_Latn-eng_Latn Sok a könyv.,"There are many books, aren't there?",hun_Latn-eng_Latn Nem hoztam magammal meleg ruhát.,I didn't bring any warm clothes.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Következőben eggyel nagyobbat kellene venned.,"Next time, you should buy a larger size.",hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Menjünk, igyunk meg egy kávét.",Let's go grab a cup of coffee.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Nyugati szél fúj.,The wind is blowing east.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Téged meglőttek, Tom.","You got shot, Tom.",hun_Latn-eng_Latn Lementem a lifttel.,I went down by elevator.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Tom egy szökevény.,Tom is a refugee.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Igazi tengerészt faragunk belőled.,We'll make a sailor out of you yet.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Tudod, hogy mennek itt a dolgok?",Do you know what's going on?,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Nem fogok neked hazudni.,I won't lie to you.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Éva nem is olyan csúnya lány.,Eva is not such an ugly girl.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Tanuld meg irányítani, vagy az fog irányítani téged.",Learn to control it or it will control you.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Nem hiszem el, hogy Tom igent mondott.",I can't believe Tom said yes.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Add a kést!,Give me the knife.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "A buszunk főképp akkor jön késve, ha sietünk.",Our bus comes late particularly when we are in a hurry.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Egy szivar volt Tomi szájában.,Tom had a cigar in his mouth.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Vidéken sok fa nő.,The countryside has many trees.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Japán tele van meglepetésekkel.,Japan is full of surprises!,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Nekem is tudsz venni egyet?,Can you buy one for me as well?,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "El tudod hinni, hogy Tom még csak tizenhárom?",Can you believe Tom is still only thirteen?,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Eldöntötte, hogy Amerikába megy.",She made up her mind to go to America.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Ki mondta ezt neki.,Who told him that?,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Beszélhetnénk erről később?,Could we talk about this later?,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Kicsit halkabban, kérem!","Less noise, please.",hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Megyek, megetetem a kacsákat.",I'm going to go feed the ducks.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Miért nem szeretsz minket?,Why don't you like us?,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Egy ruhát varr.,She is sewing a dress.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Tom látni akarja a fiát.,Tom wants to see his son.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Támogatjuk ebben az ügyben.,We aided him in his business.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Ma este nem akarok Tomi mellé ülni.,I don't want to sit next to Tom tonight.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Már nyertél.,You've already won.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Ereszt a gumi.,The tire leaks air.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Ez nem jövendölés.,It isn't a prophecy.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Azért jött, hogy megkérjen minket, hogy segítsünk neki.",He came to ask us to help him.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Jefferson, amerikai elnök, kereskedelmi tilalmat rendelt el Európával.",President Jefferson ordered a ban on trade with Europe.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Ami engem illet, nincs semmi hozzáfűznivalóm.","As for me, I have nothing to say.",hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Kért minket, hogy mi is menjünk vele.",He begged us to go with him.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Apám holnap jóízű ételt főz majd nekem.,My father will prepare a tasty meal for me tomorrow.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn - Nagyon jó lehet magasnak lenni. - Úgy véled? Nem igazán olyan jó. Folyton bevered a fejed a plafonba.,"""It must be great to be tall."" ""Do you think so? It's not really that great. You keep bumping your head on the ceiling.""",hun_Latn-eng_Latn A túlkínálat csökkenő árakat von maga után.,Excessive supply leads to a drop in prices.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn A szobám ki lett takarítva.,I had my room cleaned.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Miért kérdezed?,Why do you ask?,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Meddig maradtál?,How long did you stay?,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Nem tudtam, honnan jött.",I didn't know where it came from.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Ez nem fontos.,This is irrelevant.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Az ebéd délben van.,Lunch is at noon.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Hol van itt probléma?,Where is the problem?,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Semi pénzért sem válnék meg tőle.,I wouldn't sell that at any price.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Egyszer majd sajnálni fogod ezt.,You will be sorry for it some day.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Ne tekints rám többé úgy, mint egy ""normális"" személyre!",Don't treat me as common people.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Hívom az ügyvédemet.,I'm calling my lawyer.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Valószínűleg ismét neked van igazad.,"You, probably, once again right.",hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Amit feltaláltak, mind igaz.","All that which is invented, is true.",hun_Latn-eng_Latn Nem itta meg a tejet.,She didn't drink the milk.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Az igazat megvallva, én már láttam ezt a filmet.","To tell the truth, I've already seen that movie.",hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Meglepődni, csodálkozni, - ez a megértés kezdete.","To be surprised, to wonder, is to begin to understand.",hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Tomi mindig panaszkodik, igaz?","Tom always complains, doesn't he?",hun_Latn-eng_Latn A világegyetem kétségtelenül végtelen.,There's no doubt: the universe is infinite.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Ha nem megy el az iskolába, nem beszélek vele többé.","If he doesn't go to school, I will not talk to him anymore.",hun_Latn-eng_Latn Át fog költözni Új-Zélandba.,She will be relocated to New Zealand.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Mérgesen lépett fel vele szemben.,She kicked him hard.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Csinálnod kell.,You must do it.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn A tökéletessége csak egy hibán múlt.,To be perfect she lacked just one defect.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Találkoztunk mi már?,Have we met?,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Fáradtnak érzed magad?,Are you feeling tired?,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Túl erős a fény.,It's too bright.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn A hajó tegnap áthaladt az egyenlítőn.,That ship crossed the equator yesterday.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Igazán nem hittem volna, hogy ez megtörténik.",I didn't really think it would happen.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Tomi radikális.,Tom is radical.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Abba kell hagynod a piálást.,You must quit drinking.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Mondják, hogy a szerelem vakká tesz.",They say love is blind.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "És mégis, az ellenkezője is mindig igaz.","And yet, the contrary is always true as well.",hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Nem úgy látjuk a dolgokat, mint amilyenek, hanem úgy, amilyenek mi vagyunk.","We don't see things as they are, but as we are.",hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Úgy hallottam, hogy bébiszittert keresel.",I heard you were looking for a babysitter.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Vissza kell utasítanod.,You must deny it.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Egy padon ült.,She sat on a bench.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn A világ egy őrültek háza.,This world is just an insane asylum.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Tominak nincsenek megtakarításai.,Tom has no savings.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn A nevem Jack.,My name is Jack.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Rá ne lépj!,Don't tread on it.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn A szerelem sohasem pazarlás.,Love is never wasted.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn - Ezt a szerelemért vagy a pénzért fogod megtenni. - A pénzért.,"""Are you gonna do it for the love or the money?"" ""I'm gonna do it for the money.""",hun_Latn-eng_Latn Bizonyára esni fog.,It certainly looks like rain.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Ha egy filozófus válaszol, többé már nem értem meg a kérdésemet.","When a philosopher answers me, I no longer understand my question.",hun_Latn-eng_Latn Csendesedett a szél.,The wind has dropped.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Biztos, hogy ő egy kedves ember, de nem nagyon okos.","He is a nice person, to be sure, but not very clever.",hun_Latn-eng_Latn Nem tudom abbahagyni a nevetést.,I can't stop laughing.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn El fogom olvasni ezt a könyvet.,I'll read this book.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Szándékosan megpróbálsz összezavarni?,Are you intentionally trying to confuse me?,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Munkát keresel?,Are you looking for work?,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Kötelező autót bérelni?,Is it obligatory to rent a car?,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Útját kell állnod.,You must stop him.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Bizonyára tévedsz.,You must be mistaken.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom azt mondta, hogy használhatom a számítógépét.",Tom told me that I could use his computer.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Írjál nekem!,Write to me.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Pénzre volt szükségem.,I needed money.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Általában ötkor megyek haza.,I usually go home at five.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Nos, jössz?","Well, are you coming?",hun_Latn-eng_Latn A zene túl hangos.,The music is too loud.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Már megint itt van a karácsony?,Is it Christmas again already?,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Sokat olvasok.,I read a lot.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Akarod, hogy tegyek néhány szál virágot a hajadba?",Do you want me to put some flowers in your hair?,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Szednünk kell a lábunkat.,We must hurry.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Holnap matekdoga lesz.,There's a math test tomorrow.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Néhány szomszéd nagyon hangos.,Some neighbors are very noisy.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Elővigyázatosnak kell lenned.,You must be cautious.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Amikor én kisgyerek voltam, bárhol tudtam aludni.","When I was a child, I could sleep anywhere.",hun_Latn-eng_Latn Több kell nekünk.,We need more.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Mi az ő foglalkozása?,What's her occupation?,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Csakugyan tetszik?,Do you really like it?,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Ez képen jobban néz ki, mint a valóságban.",That looks better in the picture than in reality.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Szakértő kell nekünk.,We need experts.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Végül a busz megállt.,"At last, the bus stopped.",hun_Latn-eng_Latn Ne lépjél üvegcserepekre!,Don't step on the broken glass.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Aludnunk kell.,We need sleep.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Rózsákat ültettem a kertbe.,I planted roses in the garden.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Idő kell.,We need time.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Szeretném tudni, ki kezdte ezt.",I want to know who started this.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Nem olvasnak annyi regényt, mint valamikor.",Novels aren't being read as much as they used to be.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Itt lesz nemsokára?,Will he be here soon?,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Meg tudsz őrizni egy titkot?,Can you keep a secret?,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "- Apa, miért kék az ég? - Hát mert az!","""Daddy, why is the sky blue?"" ""Well, it just is.""",hun_Latn-eng_Latn Mire kell neked ez az autó?,What are you going to use this car for?,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Hála istennek, ateista vagyok.",Thank God I am an atheist.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Tom megjelenésében és személyiségében is az apjára hasonlít.,"In both appearance and personality, Tom is exactly like his father.",hun_Latn-eng_Latn Elolvadt a hógolyó a kezemben.,The snowball melted in my hand.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Nem jött válasz.,There was no response.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Na végre, hogy esik!","Thank God, it is finally raining.",hun_Latn-eng_Latn Ennyire egyszerű.,It's just that simple.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Tomi felbontott egy sört.,Tom opened a beer.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Ezen a gyarmaton ő élet és halál ura.,In this colony he is lord of life and death.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Ez nagyon furcsa.,This is very strange.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Atatürk 1881-ben született Szalonikiben.,"Atatürk was born in 1881, Thessaloniki",hun_Latn-eng_Latn Ez a hajó elment.,That ship has sailed.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Maga részeg!,You are drunk!,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Ez az igazgató érzékeny a kritikára.,This director is not insensitive to criticism.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Hogy lehetsz ennyire érzéketlen?,How can you be so insensitive?,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Jó vagyok hozzád ma reggel.,I'm being good to you this morning.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Nem iszol túl sok kávét.,Don't drink too much coffee.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Itt van egy törülköző, ezt használhatod.",Here's a towel that you can use.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Meg akarod ezt ma csinálni?,Do you want to do that today?,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Ne közelíts a barátnőmhöz!,Stay away from my girlfriend.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Lehet, hogy holnap esni fog.",It'll probably rain tomorrow.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom azt mondta, hogy Mary eljön vacsorára.",Tom said Mary was coming over for dinner.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Köszönöm, hogy segítettél.",Thanks for helping me.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Nehezére esik apámnak abbahagyni az ivást.,It's hard for my father to give up drinking.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Korábban is történt ilyen.,It's been done before.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Meg kell nézned ezt a filmet.,You have to see this movie.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Noha nem én nyertem, de azért sikerült kapnom egy vigaszdíjat.","I didn't win, but at least I got a consolation prize.",hun_Latn-eng_Latn Én megtartottam a szavamat.,I kept my word.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Illik hozzád a kék.,Blue suits you well.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Fordítsuk komolyra a szót!,Let's get serious.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Mondta Tom, hogy tudni vélte, mi a probléma.",Tom said he thought he knew what the problem was.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Biztos, szomjas vagy.",You must be thirsty.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Az érdekeink ütköznek az övékkel.,Our interests conflict with theirs.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Hol van a szennyes?,Where is the laundry?,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Már bekövetkezett.,It's already happened.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Légy kedves másokhoz!,Be kind to others.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Lenne az ellen kifogásod, ha segítenék?",Would you mind if I help?,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Számos csillag volt látható az égen.,Numerous stars were visible in the sky.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn A vállamon aludt el.,She fell asleep on my shoulder.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn A lánynak kevés pénze volt.,She had a little money.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Ezen a vidéken nincs elég víz.,Water is scarce in this area.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Kettejük közül ő a szorgalmasabb.,He is the more diligent of the two.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Útban van.,They are in the way.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "A kapitány megparancsolta az embereinek, hogy tüzeljenek.",The captain ordered his men to fire.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Itt van a nyelvemen a szó.,I have the word on the tip of my tongue.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Kérem, hogy hétfőn jöjjön.",Please come on Monday.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Vannak itt emberek, akiknek szükségük van a segítségedre.",There are people here who need your help.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn A város szó szerint Mussolininek köszönheti a létét?,Does the city literally owe its existence to Mussolini?,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Ha nagy leszek, pilóta leszek. És te mi leszel?","When I grow up, I'll be a pilot. And what will you be?",hun_Latn-eng_Latn Mussolini volt a fasizmus alapítója.,Mussolini was the founder of fascism.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Ki volt ma itt az első?,Who was the first one here today?,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Tom meghalt.,Tom has died.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Nincs benne elég kurázsi.,He doesn't have the courage.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Be kell avatkoznunk.,We must intervene.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn A Nap egy közepes csillag.,The sun is a medium-sized star.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Attól tartok, nem jön el.",I am afraid he won't come.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom azt mondja, soha többé nem megy el.",Tom says he'll never go again.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Tomi nem részeg, Mari viszont igen.","Tom isn't drunk, but Mary is.",hun_Latn-eng_Latn Megadom neked a honlaphoz a linket.,I'll give you the link to the website.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Jól érzem magam a saját bőrömben.,I feel good in my own skin.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Tom megváltoztatta a véleményét?,Did Tom change his opinion?,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Sokat jelent nekem.,It means a lot to me.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Mikor látogatsz meg ismét?,When will you visit me again?,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Ez a szó nem található a listán.,This word is not found in the list.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Vissza kell menned.,You must go back.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Néhány ember lenéz másokat, csak mert kevesebb pénzük van.",Some people look down on others because they have less money.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Nem tudok törökül.,I can't speak Turkish.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Azonnal cselekednünk kell.,We must act at once.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Muszáj rám bíznod magad.,You must trust me.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Bíznod kell bennünk.,You must trust us.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Kiadó házat keresek.,I am looking for a house to rent.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn A nyelv tudomásunk szerint egy emberi találmány.,"Language, as we know it, is a human invention.",hun_Latn-eng_Latn "A tanárunk egy gentlemen, a szó igazi értelmében.",Our teacher is a gentleman in the true sense of the word.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Nem volt alkalmam elmenekülni.,I had no chance to escape.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Sem az eszperantó, sem az interlingua nem alkalmaz kettős tagadást.",Neither Esperanto nor Interlingua employ double negative.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Tomi otthon van?,Is Tom at home?,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Nagyon szeretek síelni.,I like skiing very much.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Beszéltem Tomival telefonon.,I spoke to Tom on the phone.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom véletlenül besétált egy szobába, ami tele volt öltönyös emberekkel.",Tom accidentally walked into a room full of people wearing suits.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Ács vagyok.,I'm a carpenter.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Tedd fel a fejhallgatót!,Put the headphone on.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Ezt komolyan gondolja?,Are you being serious?,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Ez komoly?,Is it serious?,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Egy ember meghalt.,One person was killed.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Elvesztettem a jegygyűrűmet.,I lost my wedding ring.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Kérlek, gondold át!",Please think it over.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Az emberi agy körülbelül három fontot nyom.,The human brain weighs about three pounds.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Ez a kedvenc kifejezésem.,That's my favorite expression.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Ez az egyik kedvenc kifejezésem.,That's one of my favorite expressions.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Senki sem hallgat meg téged.,No one is listening to you.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Nagyon sürgős ez a dolog.,This matter is very urgent.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Gyere már, dolgunk van.","Come on, we have work to do.",hun_Latn-eng_Latn Művészetben megegyezik az ízlésünk.,Our tastes in art agree.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Nem látta a táblát?,Didn't you read the sign?,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Merry fél a kutyáktól.,Merry is scared of dogs.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Tomi gazdagabb Marinál.,Tom is richer than Mary.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn A hősök most mind a föld alatt fekszenek.,Now all heros lie under the earth.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Nekem ne rendelj semmit.,Don't order anything for me.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Engem senki sem szeret.,Nobody loves me.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Szereti a narancsot.,She likes oranges.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Ő már nincs itt.,He is no longer here.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Miért sietsz ennyire?,Why are you in such a hurry?,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Miért vagy az asztal alatt?,Why are you under the desk?,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Miért mentél Japánba?,Why'd you go to Japan?,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Túl sokat iszol.,You drink too much.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Ideülhetek?,May I sit here?,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Nagy fiú vagy, viselkedj!","Now you are a big boy, behave yourself.",hun_Latn-eng_Latn Éppen egy hosszú levelet ír.,He's writing a long letter.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn A gépi fordítás nem megbízható.,You can't trust computer translation.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Felkapcsolták a világítást.,The light is on.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Senki sem látott semmit.,Nobody saw anything.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Nyáron szeretek meztelenül úszni a tóban.,In the summer I like to swim naked in the pond.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn A gyermekek már elmentek az iskolába.,The children have already gone to school.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Tom egész nap dolgozott tegnap.,Tom worked all day yesterday.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Ő nem a fiam, hanem az unokaöcsém.","He is not my son, but my nephew.",hun_Latn-eng_Latn Péter egy kandúrt vásárol.,Peter is buying a tomcat.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Zenehallgatás a hobbim.,My hobby is to listen to music.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Tom már nem lakik Bosztonban.,Tom doesn't live in Boston anymore.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Ez a fiú az ő fivére.,This boy is his brother.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Egy spanyol emberrel dolgozom.,I'm working with a Spaniard.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn A nővérem titkárnőként dolgozik egy bankban.,My sister works as a secretary at a bank.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Nem emelte fel a kezét.,He did not put up his hand.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Számítok önre, hogy csatlakozik hozzánk.",I'm counting on you to join us.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Számítok rátok, hogy csatlakoztok hozzánk.",I am counting on you to join us.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Szeret Ön táncolni?,Do you like to dance?,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Most menjünk moziba?,Shall we watch the movie now?,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Nem tudom megtalálni. biztos vagy benne, hogy ő itt van?",I can't find it. Are you sure it's here?,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Hamlet talán nem akart megházasodni. Akárhogy is, Hamlet csak egy volt, de sok ember megegyezik ebben vele.","Hamlet probably didn't want to get married. There was only one Hamlet, however there are many people like him.",hun_Latn-eng_Latn Vihar egy pohár vízben.,Storm in a teacup.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Ez egy lesújtó történet.,That's a depressing story.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Az állatok nem tudnak különbséget tenni az igaz és hamis dolgok között.,Animals cannot distinguish between truth and falsehood.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn A személyiség és vértípus közti kapcsolat tudományosan nem bizonyított.,A connection between personality and blood type has not been scientifically proven.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Nagyon meleg volt.,It was very hot.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Nem dolgoztatod meg a tested eléggé.,You don't get enough exercise.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Na mozdulj már!,Get your arse into gear!,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Told ide vissza a segged!,Get your butt over here!,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "A matematikaoktatás ma érdekesebb volt, mint máskor.",Today's math class was more interesting than usual.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Lázas vagy?,Do you have a fever?,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Rossz a leheleted.,You have foul breath.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Zamenhof, a tervezett eszperantó nyelv kezdeményezője, szemorvos volt.","Zamenhof, creator of the constructed language Esperanto, was an ophthalmologist.",hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Nem tudtad, hogy Tom homoszexuális?",You didn't know Tom was gay?,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Az eszperantóban a hangsúly mindig az utolsó előtti szótagra esik.,"In Esperanto, the main stress always falls on the second-to-last syllable.",hun_Latn-eng_Latn Mióta tanulsz eszperantóul?,For how long have you been studying Esperanto?,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Úgy gondolom, meg tudom csinálni.",I think I can do it.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Túlságosan fáradt vagyok.,I'm too tired.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Úgy tűnik, hogy ez a marhaszelet véres. Kíváncsi vagyok, elég sokáig sütötték-e.",This steak seems rare. I wonder if it was cooked long enough.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Kórházba kellene menned.,You should go to the hospital.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Elkezdtem eszperantóul tanulni.,I began to learn Esperanto.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Az eszperantó egy tervezett, nemzetközi nyelv.",Esperanto is an international planned language.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Nem tudod ezt bizonyítani.,You can't prove that.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Zamenhof, a tervezett eszperantó nyelv megalkotója, szemorvos volt.","Zamenhof, the creator of Esperanto, was an ophthalmologist.",hun_Latn-eng_Latn Mennyit keres havonta?,How much money does he make a month?,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Az élet az, ami megtörténik veled, miközben más tervekkel foglalkozol.",Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Jó nap ez a mai!,Today is a good day!,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Két óra van.,It's two o'clock.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Olyan képet vág, hogy legszívesebben bemosnál neki egyet.",He's making the kind of face you want to punch.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn A lányok aludtak.,The girls were asleep.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Elmentem megnézni a szüleimet.,I went to see my parents.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Nagy nap ez a mai, fiam!","Today is a big day, son!",hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Várjunk csak, most mit is akarsz tenni?","Wait, what are you trying to do?",hun_Latn-eng_Latn Találtam lakóhelyet.,I found a place to live.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Ne próbálj meg mindenért engem hibáztatni!,Don't try to blame this all on me.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Vennünk kellett volna még egy üveg bort.,We should have bought another bottle of wine.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Eljönnél velem a folyóhoz?,Won't you go with me to the river?,hun_Latn-eng_Latn A gyakori szex nem jó.,Frequent sex is not good.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Tudod, hogy nem a spanyol nyelv rovására terjesztem a portugált.",You know that I am not promoting Portuguese over Spanish.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Ellentmondásos választ kaptam tőle.,She gave me a conflicting answer.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Tökéletesre fejlesztette a nehéz esetű vevőkkel való bánásmódot.,She has perfected the art of handling difficult customers.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Alkalomadtán bekapcsolom a televíziót.,I watch TV now and then.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Add oda azt a darab papírt, majd én megvizsgálom.","Give me that piece of paper, and I will inspect it!",hun_Latn-eng_Latn Érdemes megnézni a várat.,The castle is worth visiting.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Letörölte verejtékező homlokát.,He dried his sweaty forehead.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn A véletlen egy síközpontban hozott össze bennünket.,Chance has thrown us together at a skiing resort.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Házas vagyok és van egy lányom.,I am married and I have a daughter.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Az állatok az erdőben élnek.,Animals inhabit the forest.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Fejbevágott, és elszaladt.",She hit me on the head and she ran away.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Azt mondta nekem, hogy valaha gazdag ember volt.",He told me how he had once been a rich man.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Megkértem, hogy randizzon velem, de nemet mondott.","I asked him out, but he said no.",hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Két fiam van. Az egyik Nara, a másik Tsu.",I have two sons. One is in Nara and the other in Tsu.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Elküldted nekem a fényképedet.,You sent me your photo.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Ez egy véletlenszerű mondat.,This is a random sentence.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn A könyv illusztrációi nagyon jók.,The book's illustrations are very good.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Azt mondják, a háborúnak nemsokára vége.",It is said that the war will end soon.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Először is mutatnék neked valamit.,"First, there's something I'd like to show you.",hun_Latn-eng_Latn Én túlléptem rajta. Neked is ezt kellene tenned.,"I got over it. You should, too.",hun_Latn-eng_Latn Tom ezt mindet tudja és még többet is.,Tom can do all that and more.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Talán segítséget kellene szereznünk.,Maybe we should get some help.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Ne csináld ezt! Ez nem a te munkád.,Don't do that. It's not your job.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Pihennie kellett.,He needed to rest.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Nem emlékszem rá, hogy raktam-e már bele sót.",I do not remember if I have already added salt.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Iskolánk a város központjában található.,Our school is in the center of the town.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Három táncos táncolta a nehéz táncot.,Three dancers danced the difficult dance.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Aláírták a szerződést.,The treaty was signed.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Hogyan kezeli ön a stresszt?,How do you handle stress?,hun_Latn-eng_Latn A politikai reformok talán javítanak a szegények életkörülményein.,Political reforms may ameliorate the living conditions of the poor.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Büdös ez a tojás.,This egg smells bad.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Tamás eltékozolta az egész örökségét.,Tom squandered his entire inheritance.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Vidd haza!,Take it home.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Szeretsz utazni?,Do you like trips?,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Meg kell próbálnunk.,We must try.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Mária kellett Tominak.,Tom needed Mary.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Sikerük nagyban összefügg a szorgalmukkal.,Their success has a lot to do with their diligence.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Egy cigi?,How about a smoke?,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Az összes pénzemet Tamásnak adtam.,I gave Tom all my money.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Ön milyen mértékig felelős az ő cselekedeteiért?,To what extent can you answer for his deed?,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Tom szeret írni.,Tom likes writing.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Nagyon gyorsan tudok írni.,I can write very fast.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "A Sinano hosszabb, mint bármely más Japán folyó.",The Shinano is longer than any other river in Japan.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Jöjjünk össze újra jövőre.,Let's get together again next year.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Linda nagyon szereti a csokoládét.,Linda likes chocolate very much.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Kívülről meg tudod tenni.,You can do it from the outside.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Tehetek érted valamit?,Is there something I can do for you?,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Ajándékot keresek az édesanyámnak.,I am looking for a present for my mother.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Elfogyott a szappanunk.,We're out of soap.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Három üveg bort kellett volna vennünk.,We should've bought three bottles of wine.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Tom jól tud írni.,Tom can write well.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Tom most egy könyvet ír.,Tom is writing a book.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Baszd meg anyád, köcsög.","Fuck your mom, bitch.",hun_Latn-eng_Latn Kurva anyád!,Son of a bitch!,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Ő egy kurva.,She's a bitch.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Ne felejtsd el ráírni az irányítószámot!,Don't forget to write the zip code.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn A kurva életbe.,Life is a bitch.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Ne legyél köcsög.,Don't be a bitch.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Ő egy igazi kurva.,She's a complete bitch.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Ő egy kőszívű ribanc.,She's a cold-hearted bitch.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn - Az a köcsög tökön rúgott.- Megérdemelted.,"""That bitch kicked me in the balls."" ""You deserved it.""",hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Tudja, mit akar.",She knows what she wants.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Tomi haja hátra van fésülve.,Tom wears his hair slicked back.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "A szemétláda ellopta a hátizsákom, megette a szendvicsem és beleszart a termoszomba.","Son of a bitch stole my backpack, ate my sandwich, and shit in my Thermos!",hun_Latn-eng_Latn Te hülye!,You are stupid.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Ez hülye!,This is silly!,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Elmentem egy sörre a barátokkal.,I went to drink a beer with friends.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Aki nem ismer idegen nyelveket, semmit sem tud a sajátjáról.",Anyone who doesn't know foreign languages knows nothing of his own.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Neki túl sok könyve van.,He has too many books.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Ez nekem nem tetszik. Mutasson nekem mást.,I don't like this. Show me another.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Láttam, hogy valaki ellopta az árut.",I saw somebody steal the merchandise.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Segített a barátainak.,She helped her friends.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Nem tudom, hogy miért csináltam ezt.",I don't know why I did that.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn A repülőtér egy karnyújtásnyira található.,The airport is close at hand.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Ez kellett Tominak.,Tom needed this.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Úgy gondolom, a levesből hiányzik egy csipet só.",I think the soup needs a bit of salt.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Tom megint becsapott minket.,Tom tricked us again.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Amikor kinyitotta az ajtót, azonnal érezte, hogy ég valami.","The instant he opened the door, he smelt something burning.",hun_Latn-eng_Latn Tom hamarosan házasodik.,Tom is getting married.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Ön szereti a szardellát?,Do you like anchovies?,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Szükségünk van a válaszra.,We need an answer.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Szeretnék még egyszer beszélgetni vele.,I'd like to talk to her again.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Az én franciám egyáltalán nem jó.,My French is not good at all.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn A kanapé alatt van a tv-távirányító.,There is a TV remote control under the couch.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Mi egy pár vagyunk.,We're a couple.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Azt mondtam nekik, hogy rendben vagyok.",I told them I was fine.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Az ember nem olyan mindenható, mint Isten.",Man is not as almighty as God.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Mennyire fáj?,How much does it hurt?,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Számítanak az első benyomások.,First impressions matter.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Azon az estén korán feküdtem le.,I went to bed early that night.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Ez nagy hiba volt.,This was a big mistake.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Ő nem a testvérem, hanem a feleségem.","She is not my sister, she's my wife.",hun_Latn-eng_Latn Nem értem a kérdés jelentését.,I don't understand the meaning of the question.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Miért akarod elkérni a kocsimat?,Why do you want to borrow my car?,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Tom megoldotta a rejtvényt.,Tom solved the puzzle.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Ő egy gyenge akaratú ember.,He is a man of weak character.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Ez a könyv unalmas.,This book is boring.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Mari leborotválta a lábát.,Mary shaved her legs.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Kivel mentél szörfözni?,Who did you go surfing with?,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Ezt a játékot úgy veszik, mint a cukrot.",That toy is selling like hot cakes.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn A mobilom leesett a földre.,My cellphone fell on the floor.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Ellene vagyok a gyerek előkészítő iskolába járatásának az ő akarata ellenére.,I'm against us forcing the child to go to cram school.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Nagyon hideg van ebben a szobában, igaz?","It's very cold in this room, isn't it?",hun_Latn-eng_Latn Tegnap későn értem haza.,I got home late yesterday.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Tom a délutánt Maryvel töltötte.,Tom spent the afternoon with Mary.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Nem szidhatlak. Az én hibám volt.,I can't blame you. It was my fault.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Én tegnap érkeztem ide.,I arrived here yesterday.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Együtt kell odamennünk.,We have to go there together.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Több pénzt költöttünk a vártnál.,We spent more money than was expected.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Van söröm.,I've got beer.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Hagyhatnék egy üzenetet?,May I leave a message?,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Tudom, hogy Tom a barátod.",I know Tom is your friend.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn A mopszok nem valami aranyosak.,Pugs are not cute.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Tom egy csónakban lakik.,Tom lives on a boat.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Megevett egy darab tortát.,He ate a piece of the pie.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Ő és én hasonlóan gondolkodunk.,He and I are like-minded.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Önök beszélnek oroszul?,Do you speak Russian?,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Tominak szüksége volt rád.,Tom needed you.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Mindenki azt akarja hallani, amit hallani akar.",Everyone wants to hear what everyone wants to hear.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Tominak figyelemre van szüksége.,Tom needs attention.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn A szomszédasszonyom kleptomániás.,My neighbor is a kleptomaniac.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn A doktornő mintát vett a nyálkahártyából.,The doctor has taken a swab from the mucous membrane.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Külföldi vagyok.,I am a foreigner.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Nem kevesebbet, mint száz dollárt fizettem ezért a tollért.",I paid not less than a hundred dollars for this pen.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Róma sem egy nap alatt épült fel.,Rome was not built in a day.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Melyik országból jöttél?,Which country are you from?,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Éhesek.,They are hungry.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Rögtön visszajövök.,I will be back soon.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Tomit fel kell tartóztatni.,Tom needs to be stopped.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "A tanulást nem kényszeríteni, hanem bátorítani kell.",Learning should not be forced. Learning should be encouraged.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Attól tartok, ez az igazság.",I fear that is the truth.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Bolond vagy?,Are you mad?,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Ez azért van, mert nem akarsz egyedül lenni.",This is because you do not want to be alone.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Néha különös fiúnak látszik.,Sometimes he can be a strange guy.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Csak kérdezem magamban, hogy ez mindenki másnak ugyanaz-e.",I can only wonder if this is the same for everyone else.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Feltételezem, hogy ez a dolog másnak tűnik, ha sokáig gondolkodol rajta.",I suppose it's different when you think about it over the long term.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Olyan türelmetlen vagy velem.,You're so impatient with me.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Az utolsó személy, akinek elmondtam az ötletemet, őrültnek tartott.",The last person I told my idea to thought I was nuts.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Ha a világ nem olyan lenne, mint most, akkor mindenkiben bízhatnék.","If the world weren't in the shape it is now, I could trust anyone.",hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Túlságosan elfoglaltak az egymás elleni küzdelemmel ahhoz, hogy közös eszméknek szenteljék magukat.",They are too busy fighting against each other to care for common ideals.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Minden adandó alkalommal írok.,I write every chance I get.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Belém rúg!,He is kicking me!,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Tomi bútorokat gyárt.,Tom makes furniture.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Valamiért éjjel élénkebbnek érzem magam.,For some reason I feel more alive at night.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Kiment Tomi.,Tom went outside.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Ez a szövegkörnyezettől függ.,It depends on the context.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Bejött Tom.,Tom walked inside.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Továbbment Tomi.,Tom walked on.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Minden út Helsingörbe vezet.,All roads lead to Elsinore.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Elmehetünk máshová?,Could we go somewhere else?,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Őrült volt Tom.,Tom was mad.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Abba kell hagyni az időpocsékolást.,You need to stop wasting time.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Az orvos megszegte a hippokratészi esküt.,The doctor broke the Hippocratic Oath.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Nem örült neki Tom.,Tom wasn't pleased.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Csupán tíz százalékát használjuk az agyunknak.,We only use 10% of our brain.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Nem volt elégedett Tom.,Tom wasn't satisfied.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Nem szánalmas, hanem közkedvelt akarok lenni!!",I don't want to be lame; I want to be cool!!,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Tudom, hogy még mindig nem vagy vele elégedett.",I know you're still not satisfied.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn A kérésedet elutasították.,Your request is denied.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Nevettek és sírtak egyszerre.,They laughed and cried at the same time.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Csodálatos dolog Amerikában lenni, ha azért vagy itt, hogy pénzt keressél.","America is a lovely place to be, if you are here to earn money.",hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Oda se neki, miket mond!",You should ignore what he says.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Sírt-rítt.,He cried and cried.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Mi történt ott pontosan?,What exactly happened there?,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Jordan úr egy kicsit meglepett volt.,Mr Jordan was a little surprised.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Németországba repülök majd.,I will fly to Germany.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Csak a napos oldalát nézik az amerikai gazdaságnak.,They are looking at only the sunny side of the American economy.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn A gazdaság stabilitása minden kormány célja.,A stable economy is the aim of every government.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn A kapitalizmus az ember ember által történő kizsákmányolása. A kommunizmus pontosan ennek az ellentéte.,Capitalism is the exploitation of man by man. Communism is the exact opposite.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn A kommunizmustól való félelem nagyon erős volt abban az időben.,Fear of communism was very strong at that time.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Mivel a kommunizmus összeomlott, mostanában a kapitalizmust vádolják azzal, hogy ""világuralomra tör"".","As communism has collapsed, capitalism is now accused of trying to ""dominate the world.""",hun_Latn-eng_Latn "A kommunizmus az a rendszer, amelyet a Szovjetunióban gyakoroltak.",Communism is the system practiced in the Soviet Union.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Minden szobához van saját fürdőszoba.,Each room has its own bathroom.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn A hozzászólásaid mindig nagyon hasznosak számomra.,Your comments were always very helpful to me.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Ön nem volt ott? - kérdezte Jordan úr.,"""Weren't you there?"" asked Mr Jordan.",hun_Latn-eng_Latn Meg kellett volna vitatnod egy ügyvéddel.,You should've consulted your lawyer.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Egy új műsort néztünk a tv-ben.,We watched a new program on television.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Gyuri bácsi nem jött hozzánk soha üres kézzel látogatóba.,Uncle George never visited us without some present.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Hol tudunk parkolni?,Where can we park?,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Tomi nem néz háborús filmeket.,Tom doesn't watch war movies.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Látni akarjuk.,We want to see it.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Gyuri osztotta-szorozta az utazás költségeit.,George calculated the cost of the trip.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Beveszed azt a magyarázatot?,Do you buy that explanation?,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Jól beszélsz kínaiul?,Do you speak Chinese well?,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Egy étteremben ebédeltünk.,We had dinner at a restaurant.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn György nem veszi komolyan a tanulást.,George is not serious about his study.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Hatig ott maradok.,I'll stay there till six o'clock.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Azt mondják, megfázott.",He is said to have a cold.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "György szegény, mégis mindig boldog.","George is poor, but he's always happy.",hun_Latn-eng_Latn George hasba vágta őt.,George hit him in the stomach.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Én próbáltam.,I tried it.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Nem sok minden változott azóta.,Not much has changed since then.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Ha megfogadtad volna a tanácsom, most nem ülnél a slamasztikában.","If you had taken my advice, you wouldn't be in such trouble.",hun_Latn-eng_Latn A rendőrség nagyon hamar megtalálta.,The police found them out very soon.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn George egy nagy farmon dolgozik.,George works on a big farm.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Néhény embert nem kellene a kormányhoz engedni.,Some people shouldn't be allowed to drive.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn György sok sajtot evett reggelire.,George had a lot of cheese for breakfast.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn György születésétől fogva becsületes.,George is very honest by nature.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Régóta ismerem őket.,I've known them a long time.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Első pillantásra felismertem.,I recognized her at first glance.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Ha mérges vagy, számolj tízig, ha nagyon mérges vagy, százig.","When angry, count ten; when very angry, a hundred.",hun_Latn-eng_Latn A pénz minden rossz gyökere.,Money is the root of all evil.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Ha nincs hír, az jó hír.",No news is good news.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Gondoskodni fogok a szüleimről, ha megöregednek.",I'll take care of my parents when they get old.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn A szobámban nincs óra.,"In my room, there are no clocks.",hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Mary olyan kedves lány, hogy mindenki szereti.",Mary is so nice a girl that she is loved by everybody.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Szedd össze a játékaidat!,Gather your toys together.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Két szemem van.,I have two eyes.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Hirtelen kialudtak a fények.,"Suddenly, all the lights went out.",hun_Latn-eng_Latn a szexuális zaklatás komoly probléma lehet a munkahelyen.,Sexual harassment can be a serious problem in the workplace.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Tom és Mary párnacsatáztak.,Tom and Mary had a pillow fight.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Szomorúan mosolyogva beszéli kezdett.,"Smiling sadly, she began to talk.",hun_Latn-eng_Latn A pénz szeretete minden gonosz forrása.,Love of money is the root of all evil.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Amikor végre úgy döntött Tom, hogy beismeri homoszexualitását, már mindenki tudta.","When Tom finally decided to come out of the closet, everyone already knew he was gay.",hun_Latn-eng_Latn Régi újságpapírok gyűjtésével és eladásával keresik meg a kenyérre valót.,They earn their living by collecting and selling old newspapers.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Ez a téma rendkívül ellentmondásos.,This subject is extremely controversial.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Részeg vagy vagy mi?,Are you drunk or something?,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Épp most láttam őket.,I've just seen them.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Kölcsönkérhetem ezt a CD-t?,May I borrow this CD?,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Az az érzésem, senki sem foglalkozik olyan sokat a hangsúlyozással, mint az oroszok.",I've got a feeling that nobody cares about their accent as much as the Russians.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Érdekelnek a virágok?,Are you interested in flowers?,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Csak a boldogság számít.,All that matters is to be happy.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Hetente három órát tanulunk angolul.,We learn English three hours a week.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Ez mind miattad van.,All of this is because of you.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Azt akarom, hogy letartóztassák Tomot.",I want Tom to be arrested.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Kórházban kellene lenned.,You should be in a hospital.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Hálásnak kellene lenned.,You should be grateful.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Büszkének kellene lenned.,You should be proud.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Gyakran repülsz?,Do you fly frequently?,hun_Latn-eng_Latn A fiú a barátaival úszik.,The boy is swimming with his friends.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Fél órán át álltak a dugóban.,They were hung up in a traffic jam for half an hour.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Vettünk egy nagy zongorát, ami a fél nappalit elfoglalta.",We bought a grand piano which took up half of our living room.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn Beállt a sérült játékos helyett.,He substituted for the injured player.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn A jobb zoknid kifordítva vetted fel.,You have your right sock on wrong side out.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Épp elkezdtem volna írni egy levelet, mikor hazaért.",I was just going to write a letter when he came home.,hun_Latn-eng_Latn "Կարծեմ ես քեզ ասեցի, որ արագ քայլես:",I thought I told you to go faster.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Ինչպե՞ս կարող էինք չնկատել:,How could we not have noticed?,hye_Armn-eng_Latn "Նա լավ է լսում, բայց վատ է խոսում:",He is a good listener but a poor speaker.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Բոլոր արկղերը դատարկ են:,All the boxes are empty.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Գնացե՛ք:,Get outta here!,hye_Armn-eng_Latn "Երբ նա գա, ինձ տեղյակ պահեք:",Let me know when he will arrive.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Նրանք գնացի՞ն:,Have they gone?,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Ես ավստրիացի եմ:,I am Australian.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Կարո՞ղ ես խոսել ֆրանսերեն:,Can you speak French?,hye_Armn-eng_Latn "Այս օձը կենդանի՞ է, թե սատկած:",Is the snake alive or dead?,hye_Armn-eng_Latn "Խորհեք այդ մասին և կհասկանաք, որ ես ճիշտ եմ:",Reflect on it a while. You'll see I'm right.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Ես ամեն տարի լինում եմ քաղաքում:,I visit the city yearly.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Նա վախում է մթությունից:,She's afraid of the dark.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn "Կա՞ն շներ, որոնք հում ձուկ են ուտում:",Are there dogs that eat raw fish?,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Ես ձեզ երբեք չեմ տեսել:,I never saw you.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn "Թոմը ինձ ասաց, որ համալսարանում ֆրանսերեն չի սովորել:",Tom told me he didn't take French in high school.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Թոմին մի քանի անգամ զգուշացրել են:,Tom has been warned more than once.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Սրա վրա շտրիխեր չկան:,It's not barcoded.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn "Էսպերանտո, միջազգային ու հեշտ լեզու.",Esperanto is an international and easy language!,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Ձեր շունը քանի՞ տարեկան է:,How old is your dog?,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Մենք դա կանենք:,We'll do that.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Թոմը շրջվեց և վազեց Մերիի ետևից:,Tom turned and ran after Mary.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Արի իրար հետ նկարվենք մայրիկիս համար:,Let's get a picture of us together for my mom.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Թոմը կարող է ցանկացած պահի գնալ ակումբ Մերիի երգելը լսելու:,Tom can go hear Mary sing at that club whenever he wants to.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn "Կներեք, կարո՞ղ եմ հաղորդագրություն թողնել:","Can I leave a message, please?",hye_Armn-eng_Latn Ո՞րն է քո սիրելի թռչունը:,What is your favorite bird?,hye_Armn-eng_Latn "Թոմը շատ բան չասաց, ինչը վատ նշան է:","Tom didn't say much, which is a bad sign.",hye_Armn-eng_Latn Մութը ընկնելուց հետո մի գնա:,Don't go out after dark.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Հանձնիր դա ինձ:,Hand it to me.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn "Ինչպե՞ս կարող է լինել, որ չիմանաս:",How can you not know?,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Ես ձիու միս երբեք չեմ կերել:,I've never eaten horsemeat.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn "Թոմը չի ուզում, որ տեսնեն, թե ինչպես է նա խոսում ձեզ հետ:",Tom doesn't want to be seen talking to you.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Թոմը պետք է Մերիից օգնություն խնդրեր:,Tom should've asked Mary for help.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn "Ես այդքան փող չունեմ, որ դա գնեմ:",I have no money to buy it.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn "Դժբախտաբար, դա ճիշտ է:",Unfortunately this is real.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Ընտանիքիդ մասին մտածիր:,Think of your family.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Դուք հոգնել եք ոչինչ չանելուց:,You are tired from doing nothing.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn "Կարծում եմ, որ դու գիտես, թե ինչի եմ քեզ կանչում:",I think you know why I'm calling you.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Զինվորները պարտավոր են հրամանները կատարել:,Soldiers must follow orders.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Երեկոյի համար պլաներ ունե՞ք:,Do you have plans tonight?,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Ես ինքնուրույն եմ կատարել այդ աշխատանքը:,I finished the work by myself.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Ես կարող եմ հաշվարկը կատարել:,I can do the math.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Մեկնիր ինձ թղթապանակը:,Hand me the briefcase.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn "Ես կարծում եմ, որ Թոմը գիթառ նվագել գիտի:","Tom can play the guitar, I think.",hye_Armn-eng_Latn Կարո՞ղ ենք մեքենա վարձել:,Can we rent a car?,hye_Armn-eng_Latn "Ես ուզում եմ երաշխավորել, որ կատարյալ լինի:",I want to make sure it's perfect.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Այս առավոտ ջերմաստիճանն ընկավ զրոյից ցածր:,The temperature has fallen below zero this morning.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Ես քեզ այս խնդիրը լուծելու համար հինգ րոպե եմ տալիս:,I'll give you five minutes to work out this problem.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Ես զզվում եմ բռնությունից:,I abhor violence.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Իմ համակարգիչը թանկ է:,My computer is expensive.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn "Ես ուրախ եմ, որ քեզ մոտ ստացվեց:",I am glad that you have succeeded.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Ես երկու կատուներ ունիմ:,I have two cats.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn "Ի դեպ, նրան ի՞նչ է պատահել:","By the way, what is the matter with him?",hye_Armn-eng_Latn "Լավ կլինի, որ որքան հնարավոր է շուտ տուն գնաս:",You'd better go home as soon as possible.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Ի՞նչ կասես կինո գնալու մասին:,What do you think of going to a movie?,hye_Armn-eng_Latn "Նոռմալ կլինի՞, եթե նստեմ այստեղ:",Is it OK if I sit here?,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Քարտեզը պատի վրա է:,The map is on the wall.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn "Berlin hasanq, new-yorkn el kehasnenq.","We've made it to Berlin, onwards to New York.",hye_Armn-eng_Latn Ես բժիշկ եմ: Ինչ կասես քո մասին?,I'm a doctor. How about you?,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Դա ինձ հիմա՛ ուղարկիր:,Send it to me now.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn "Նա մի մարդ է, ում վրա դու կարող ես ապավինել:",He's a man you can rely on.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn "Հենց նա հասավ օդանավակայան, զանգահարեց իր գրասենյակ:","As soon as he arrived at the airport, he phoned his office.",hye_Armn-eng_Latn "Ուզում եմ, որ ինձ օգնեք այստեղից դուրս գալ:",I want you to help me get out of here.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Կինը սենյակի մեջ է:,The woman is in the room.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Դուք բառարան ունե՞ք:,Do you have a dictionary?,hye_Armn-eng_Latn "Ես չգիտեմ, Թոմն ինչու չեկավ, և չեմ էլ ուզում հարցնել նրան:",I don't know why Tom didn't come and I don't want to ask him.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn "Ես ուզում եմ, որ Թոմը սպանված լինի:",I want Tom killed.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Ես քեզ տալու որևիցե բան չունեմ:,I don't have anything to give to you.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Չեմ ուզում դպրոց գնալ:,I don't want to go to school.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Կանայք փոխում են աշխարհը:,Women change the world.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Աթոռները ծառի տակ են:,The chairs are under the tree.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn "Մարդիկ կան, որնք երեխա են ունենում, քանի որ չեն կարող շուն պահել:",There are people who have children because they can't afford a dog.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Խնձորը սեղանի վրա է:,The apple is on the table.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Հարցրու Թոմին դրա մասին:,Ask Tom about it.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Ես կաթոլիկ չեմ:,I'm not Catholic.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Ես տուն գնել:,I bought a house.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Մի՛ մոռացիր մեզ:,Don't forget about us!,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Դա րա գործն է:,That's his business.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Ես բուսակեր եմ:,I am a vegetarian.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Ես ինձ մի տեսակ հոգնած եմ զգում:,I feel kind of tired.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Ես երբեք չեմ մոռանա այդ օրը:,I will never forget this day.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Ձին կենդանի է:,A horse is an animal.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn "Ինձ չի հետաքրքրում, թե ինչ դուք կանեք դրա հետ:",I don't care what you do with it.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Միսթեր Յոշիդան շատ լավ գլուխ է հանում Ֆրանսիաի պատմությունից:,Mr Yoshida is at home in French history.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn "Հավատացնում եմ ձեզ, որ չեմ ուշանա:",I assure you that I won't be late.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Չեմ ափսոսում դրա համար:,I don't regret it.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Նրա տղային մենք Ջիմի ենք անվանում:,We call his son Jimmy.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Այս տարածքում երեք հատ քեմփինգի վայրեր կան:,There are three campgrounds in this area.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Ձեր երեխաները ֆրանսերեն գիտե՞ն:,Do your children know French?,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Իմ քույրը հիմա չի սովորում:,My sister isn't studying now.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Ամենավատ թշնամին հին բարեկամն է:,The most terrible enemy is a former friend.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Գիրք կարդալով ես գիտելիքներ եմ ստանում:,I get knowledge by reading books.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Ես Թոմի նշանածն եմ:,I'm Tom's fiancée.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Պատասխանը` 42:,The answer is 42.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Դու հիմա՞ր ես:,Are you an idiot?,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Դու երբևիցե Ամերիկայում եղե՞լ ես:,Have you ever been to America?,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Google Translate-ը չի կարող արտահայտություններ թարգմանել կամ առանձին բառերի սահմանումներ տալ:,Google Translate can't translate phrases or give definitions of individual words.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Ես դեռ այնքան էլ վստահ չեմ:,I'm not quite sure yet.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Ես ուսուցիչ չեմ:,I am not a teacher.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Բարի գալուստ Վիքիպեդիա,Welcome to Wikipedia.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Մենք ամեն ինչ կարգավորել ենք:,We've arranged everything.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Ծառը կանաչ է:,The tree is green.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Դուք ինձ լսու՞մ էիք:,Have you been listening to me?,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Ի՞նչ:,What did you say?,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Ժպտա՛:,Smile for the camera.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Ոչ ոք չեկավ:,No one came.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Ես ատում եմ օպերան:,I hate opera.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Բոլորը սկսեցին ծիծաղել։,All started to laugh.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Մինչև ականջներս պարտքերի մեջ եմ:,Got into debt right up to my ears.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Մենք չենք կարող կանգ առնել:,We can't stop.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Ճապոնիան և Կորեն հարևաններ են:,Japan and Korea are neighbours.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn "«Թոմ դու գիտե՞ս թե սա ինչ գիր է: » «Հավանական է Թիբետական է, բայց ես ոչ մի սինվոլ չեմ կարողանում կարդալ:»","""Tom, do you know what kind of script this is?"" ""Probably Tibetan, but I can't read a bit of it.""",hye_Armn-eng_Latn "Ես քեզ լսում եմ, բայց չեմ տեսնում:","I hear you, but I don't see you.",hye_Armn-eng_Latn Թոմը չի կարող առաջս առնել:,Tom can't stop me.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Ես դեռ Թոմին չեմ զանգել:,I haven't called Tom yet.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Կարծում էի ուզում ես խաղալ:,I thought you wanted to play.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn "Կան այնպիսի մարդիկ, որոնք հաճույք են ստանում աշխատանքից` նրանք սիրում են աշխատել:","There are some people who enjoy work - in fact, they love to work.",hye_Armn-eng_Latn Հասկանո՞ւմ եք թե ինչ եմ ասում:,Do you see what I'm talking about?,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Ես քեզ մինչև կայարան կճանապարհեմ:,I'll accompany you to the station.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Հայրս մահացել է երկու տարի առաջ:,My father passed away two years ago.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn "Կինոն համամարդկային երեք լեզուներից մեկն է, մյուս երկուսը մաթեմատիկան և երաժշտությունն են:","Film is one of the three universal languages, the other two: mathematics and music.",hye_Armn-eng_Latn Նա երաժշտություն էր լսում:,She was listening to music.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Լավ եղեք:,Take care of yourself.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Զվարճացեք:,Have a nice time.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Զվարճացիր:,Have a good time.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Սա ձին.,This is a horse.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Անունդ ի՞նչ է:,What's your name?,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Խնդրում եմ՝ եկեք և տարեք ինձ:,Please come and get me.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Ամբողջ գիշեր այստե՞ղ ես անցկացրել:,Did you stay here all night?,hye_Armn-eng_Latn "Ի դեպ, որտեղի՞ց ես:","By the way, where are you from?",hye_Armn-eng_Latn Որտեղի՞ց ես:,Where are you from?,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Շատ աշխատողների մոտ մատեր էին պակասում:,Many of the workers had missing fingers.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Գնացի դուռը բացելու:,I went to open the door.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Ես փրկել եմ քո կյանքը:,I saved your life.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Դու այս պլանին որևէ առարկություն ունե՞ս:,Do you have any objection to this plan?,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Մելանին ուտում է խնձորը:,Melanie is eating an apple.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Դա վախենալի հնարավոր վիճակ է:,That's a frightening possibility.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Ու՞մ եք դուք ուղարկել վարդերը:,Who did you send roses to?,hye_Armn-eng_Latn "Ես գիտեմ, ինչն ինձ հետ այնպես չէ:",I know what's wrong with me.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Թոմը կարդում է իր դստեր համար:,Tom reads to his daughter.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Դա անորոշ էր:,It was vague.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Շնորհակալություն բոլորին գալու համար:,Thank you all for coming.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Ձեր մոտ սա լավ չի ստացվում:,You're not good at this.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Կրիաները ատամներ չունեն:,Turtles don't have teeth.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Ու՞մ է պետք դա տալ:,Who should we give it to?,hye_Armn-eng_Latn "Կարո՞ղ ես ասել ինձ, ով է գալու երեկոյան:",Can you tell me who is coming tonight?,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Փողոցում խաղալու համար արդեն շատ մութ է:,It is too dark to play outside.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Թոմը շատ ստեղծագործական ոգի ունի:,Tom is extremely creative.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Արի մի քիչ էլ մոտենանք:,Let's get a little closer.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Նա ցանկացած պահի կարող է վերադառնալ:,He should be back any minute.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Ես մեքենայով կգամ:,I'll come by car.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Մեկ ժամ առաջ ձյունը դադարել է:,It stopped snowing an hour ago.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Թոմը գրել է սա երեք շաբաթ առաջ:,Tom wrote this three weeks ago.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Թոմը առաջարկեց ինձ կինոթատրոն Մերիի հետ գնալ:,Tom suggested that I go to a movie with Mary.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Թոմը անտուն չէ:,Tom isn't homeless.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn "Մի՛ արա դա, Թո՛մ:","Don't do it, Tom.",hye_Armn-eng_Latn Պետք է Թոմի ետևից գնացած լինեի:,I should've gone after Tom.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Ի՞նչ ես դու առաջարկում ինձ անել:,What do you suggest I do?,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Անգլերեն լեզվին տիրապետելն օգտակար է:,Speaking English is useful.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn "Կարծում եմ՝ ես գիտեմ, թե ինչ է պատահել:",I think I know what happened.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Կարո՞ղ ես թարգել բղավել:,Can you stop yelling?,hye_Armn-eng_Latn "Լավ կանես, որ ետ քաշվես:",You'd better back off.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Թոմը չափազանց գեղատեսիլ տղամարդ է:,Tom is an extremely good-looking man.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn "Թոմը լսեց, թե ինչպես տվեցին նրա անունը:",Tom could hear his name being called.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Մասնակիցների ցանկը հետևյալն է.,The list of participants is as follows.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Թոմը երեկ տուն շուտ վերադարձավ:,Tom came home early yesterday.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn "Ես միևնույն է կարծում եմ, որ դու ինձ խաբել ես:",I still believe you cheated me.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Ես շատ ուրախ Ջորջիայում.,I am very happy in Georgia.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Այո:,"Yes, she will.",hye_Armn-eng_Latn Պատասխանը քեզ կզարմացնի:,The answer will surprise you.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Ես դրանից առաջ երբեք Բոսթոնում չէի եղել:,I'd never been to Boston before.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn "Ես ասացի որոշ բաներ, որոնք ի նկատի չունեի:",I said some things I didn't mean.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Նա նրանից երկու տարի երիտասարդ է:,She's two years younger than him.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn "Ե՛վ Թոմը, և՛ Մերին, երկուսն էլ շատ լավ մանկավարժներ են:",Tom and Mary are both very competent teachers.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Թոմը հիմա ձեզ հետ խոսելու ժամանակ չունի:,Tom doesn't have time to talk to you now.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Սենյակում մութ է:,The room is dark.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Ինչու՞ է Թոմը սա անում:,Why is Tom doing this?,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Ինչ-որ մեկը հարձակվել է Թոմի վրա:,Someone attacked Tom.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Դու միանգամայն ճիշտ ես:,You are absolutely right.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Սա է իմ ընտրությունը:,This is my choice.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Դուք միանգամայն ճիշտ եք:,You're absolutely right.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Նա շտապում էր գնալ տուն:,She was in a hurry to go home.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Թոմի սենյակը շատ փոքր է:,Tom's room is very small.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Թոմը երբեք այդ տեսքը ունեցող վերարկու չէր հագնի:,Tom would never wear a coat that looked like that.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Մենք Բոստոնում լավ ժամանակ կանցկացնենք:,We'll have a great time in Boston.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Դու սիրունիկ բալիկի նման ես:,You seem like a nice kid.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Ես խոսեցի Թոմի հետ երեկ երեկոյան:,I spoke to Tom last night.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Ձեռնաշղթաներ հագցրեք նրա վրա:,Put handcuffs on him.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Մոռացեք Թոմի մասին:,Forget about Tom.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Քսան աշակերտներից միայն մեկն էր կարդացել գիրքը:,"Out of twenty students, only one has read the book.",hye_Armn-eng_Latn Ինձ պետք է այդ ժապավենը:,I need that tape.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Մենք մահից հազիվ-հազ պրծանք:,It was a pretty close call.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Դու այնքան կրքոտ ես:,You're so intense.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Google Translate-ը բավարար չէ Ubuntu Translations-ի համար: Առավել ևսUbuntu-ի քաղաքականությանը դեմ է դրան:,"Google Translate is not good enough for Ubuntu Translations. Furthermore, this is against Ubuntu policy.",hye_Armn-eng_Latn Թոմը ընդունեց առաջարկը առանց վերապահումների:,Tom accepted the proposal without reservation.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Սա հեշտ չէ:,This isn't easy.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Գործի տեղը կտեսնվենք:,See you at work.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn "Հավանաբար, շատ բան չի փոխվել:","Apparently, not much has changed.",hye_Armn-eng_Latn "Ես չգիտեմ, էլ ինչ կարող եմ անել քեզ համար:",I don't know what more I can do for you.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Դա շատ զվարճալի է:,It's great fun.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn "Դու ինձ չես ստի, այդպե՞ս չէ:","You wouldn't be lying to me, would you?",hye_Armn-eng_Latn Ես ինժեներ եմ։,I'm an engineer.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Սա գիրք է:,It is a book.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Սա թռչուն է:,It is a bird.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Ի՟նչ է ուսումնասիրում խորհրդագետը:,What does a Sovietologist study?,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Դուք պատրաստվու՞մ եք այս տարի արձակուրդ գնալ:,Are you going to go on holiday this year?,hye_Armn-eng_Latn "Դուք պետք է իմանաք, որ ես սիրահարված եմ Մերիին:",You should know that I'm in love with Mary.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Դաշտի տերերը հաղթեցին:,The home team won.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Ես քննությունը տապալեցի:,I failed the exam.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Նա հավատաց ճշմարտությանը:,He believed in the truth.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Ես ընդամենը ցանկանում եմ հնավարություն ունենալ ներողություն խնդրել:,All I want is a chance to say I'm sorry.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn "Ես նույիսկ չէի էլ մտածում, որ Թոմը քեզ դուր է գալիս:",I didn't think you even liked Tom.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Ես բժիշկ չեմ:,I'm not a doctor.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Թոմը պետք է ինձ շնորհակալություն ասի:,Tom should thank me.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Թոմը իսկապես հարգում է քեզ:,Tom really respects you.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Սենյակում մենակ Թոմն ու Մերին են մնացել:,Tom and Mary are the only ones still in the room.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Մենք սպասելուց ենք եղել:,We've been waiting.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Թոմը չի կարող ընդունել քո նվերը:,Tom can't accept your gift.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Թոմն ու Մերին ուժասպառ էին:,Tom and Mary were exhausted.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Այժմ ես պետք է Թոմին տեսնեմ:,I need to see Tom now.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Ճապոներեն չեմ խոսում:,I don't speak Japanese.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Դա սյուրպրիզ է:,It's a surprise.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Ցուրտ է:,It is cold.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Անձրև է գալիս:,It is raining.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Մեզ մասին չմոռանաս:,Do not forget about us.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Կարևոր չէ:,It's not important.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Տոմսը չմոռանաս:,Don't forget the ticket.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Բարի վերադարձ:,I'm glad to see you back.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Չգիտեմ:,I don't know.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Դա ոչինչ չի փոխի:,That won't change anything.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn "Ամեն դեպքում, շնորհակալություն:","Thank you, anyway.",hye_Armn-eng_Latn Շնորհակալություն: - Խնդրեմ:,"""Thank you."" ""You're welcome.""",hye_Armn-eng_Latn "Ծաղրո՞ւմ ես, ինչ է:",Are you kidding me?,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Միացյալ Նահանգներում աշխատանք գտնելը դժվար է:,It is difficult to find a job in the United States.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Թող իրենց գործն անեն:,Let them do their jobs.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Դու երբևէ Բոստոնում եղե՞լ ես:,Have you ever visited Boston?,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Ես հաճույքով կծանոթանայի Թոմի հետ:,I'd love to meet Tom.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Մյուսը չի աշխատում:,The other one doesn't work.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Դա հին անուն է:,It's an old name.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Խնդրում եմ՝ անունս մի հիշատակիր:,Please don't use my name.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Եկեք փորձենք:,Let's have a look.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Սենյակում շատ մարդ կար:,There were a lot of people in the room.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Թոմը պիտի այստեղ մի տեղ լինի:,Tom has got to be here someplace.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn "Թոմը գիտի, թե ես որտեղ եմ ապրում:",Tom knows where I live.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn "Պարտատերերն ավելի լավ հիշողություն ունեն, քան պարտապանները:",Creditors have better memories than debtors.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Դուք հարցին չեք պատասխանում:,You're not answering the question.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Սա առյուծ է:,This is a lion.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Ես էլ եմ թեյ խմում:,"I drink tea, too.",hye_Armn-eng_Latn Նա իմ տնօրենն է:,He is my boss.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Դուռը բացելով ես նրան գտա մերկ տեսքով բազմոցին փռված:,"When I opened the door, I found her naked, stretched on the sofa.",hye_Armn-eng_Latn Հացը թարմ է:,The bread is fresh.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Մենք անկեղծ էինք:,We were up front.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Թոմը իր բլոգից իմ կայքի վրա հղում կատարեց:,Tom linked to my website from his blog.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Մի րոպե կգա՞ս:,Come in for a minute.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Թոմը ամբողջ ուժով փորձում է ծխելը թարգել:,Tom is trying hard to give up smoking.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Համալսարանը ավարտելուց երեք ամիս առաջ Թոմը մահացավ:,"Three months before Tom was to graduate from college, he died.",hye_Armn-eng_Latn Թոմը և Մերին քայլեցին մարդաշատ մայթով:,Tom and Mary walked down the busy sidewalk.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Դա հիասքանչ էր:,It was terrific.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Ինչի՞ համար ես կանգնում:,What are you stopping for?,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Առաջ Թոմը ատում էր Բոսթոնը:,Tom used to hate Boston.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Դուք պետք է սա ստորագրեք:,You need to sign that.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Այդ գնդակը կարող էր ինձ հարվածել:,That ball could've hit me.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Ես չեմ կարող կանգնել դրա մասին մտածելու համար:,I can't stand to think about it.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Չի կարող ուշ լինել:,I can't be late.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Իմ մայրիկը գեղեցիկ է:,My mother is beautiful.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Սպանել երկու նապաստակ:,To kill two birds with one stone.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn "Այժմ կանայք շատ ավելի քիչ են ժամանակ ծախսում տնային աշխատանքների վրա, քան առաջ:",The time women spend doing housework is now a lot less than it used to be.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Ես հոգնած չեմ:,I'm not tired.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Մենք միասին ենք աշխատում:,We work together.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Ես սրա մասին ոչինչ չգիտեմ:,I don't know anything about this.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Ինձ դուր է գալիս այստեղ:,I like it here.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Դու իրավունք ունես քո կարծիքը ունենալ:,You're entitled to your opinion.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Դուք իրավունք ունեք ձեր կարծիքը ունենալ:,You are entitled to your opinion.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn "Ես վազում եմ, որպեսզի հասնեմ գնացքին:",I am running in order to catch the train.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Ես հիմա գիրք եմ կարդում:,I am reading a book now.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn "Ասա նրան, որ ես քնած եմ:",Tell her that I am sleeping.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn "Ես միշտ կարող եմ քնել, որտեղ էլ որ լինեմ:",I can always sleep wherever I am.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Դու հենց հիմա ինչ-որ բա՞ն ես անում:,Are they doing anything right now?,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Ես ուսանող եմ:,I am a college student.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Իմ ամենամեծ երջանկությունը կարդալն է:,I am happiest when I am reading.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Թոմը հավելյալ մանրամասնություններ չտրամադրեց:,Tom provided no further details.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Այս մանրամասնությունները չեն հրատարակվի:,These details won't be published.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Դու չես կարող անել դա: Դա ապօրինի է:,You can't do that. It's illegal.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Թոմը մի շատ մանրամասն զեկույց գրեց:,Tom wrote a very detailed report.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Մի լեզուն երբեք հերիք չէ:,One language is never enough.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn "Առողջ սնունդը կարևոր է առողջ մարմին, առողջ գիտակցություն և արդյունքում՝ առավելագույն արդյունավետություն ունենալու համար։","Healthy food is essential for a healthy body and a healthy mind, and as a result, promotes maximum efficiency.",hye_Armn-eng_Latn ես քեզ սիրում եմ:,I love you.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Ես քեզ սիրում եմ:,I love you!,hye_Armn-eng_Latn ես քեզ կարոտում եմ:,I miss you.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Թոմը փորձեց վաճառողուհու հետ ֆրանսերեն խոսել:,Tom tried to speak French to the saleslady.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Դե դա այլ դեպք է:,"Well, that's different.",hye_Armn-eng_Latn Մանրամասնությունները դեռ ճշտվում են:,Details are still being finalized.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn "Թոմը աղաչեց, որ մենք համբերատար լինենք:",Tom begged us to be patient.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Դա լսելով՝ Թոմը թեթևություն ապրեց:,Tom was relieved to hear that.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn "Թոմը ասում է, որ խնդիր չկա:",Tom says it's OK.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Ոչ ոքի համար կարևոր չէ:,No one cares.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Թոմը իրոք քեզ սիրում է:,Tom does love you.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn "Թոմը ձեզ պատմե՞լ է, թե ինչ է եղել։",Did Tom tell you what happened?,hye_Armn-eng_Latn "Որևէ մեկը գիտի՞, թե արդյոք ճաշարանը բաց է, թե ոչ:",Does anybody know if the cafeteria is still open?,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Թոմը Մերիի մասին ոչինչ չգիտի:,Tom doesn't know anything about Mary.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Թոմը Մերիի մասին ոչ մի բան չգիտի:,Tom knows nothing about Mary.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Դպրոցում կտեսնվենք:,See you at school.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Սոդան և աղն ավելացնել ջրին։,Add salt and baking soda to the water.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn "Կներե՛ս, որ այսքան ուշացա:",I'm sorry I took so long.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn "Կներե՛ք, որ այսքան ուշացա:",I'm sorry that I took so long.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn "Թոմը ասաց, որ մի քանի րոպե կուշանա:",Tom said that he'd be a few minutes late.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn "Հույս ունեմ, քեզ դուր եկավ երկար հանգիստը:",I hope you enjoyed the long weekend.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Երեխան լացեց մինչև քնելը:,The baby cried herself to sleep.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn "Թոմը պետք է իմանա, ինչ արգելքների արջև է կանգնած:",Tom needs to know what he's up against.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Անհապաղ վե՛րջ տվեք դրան:,Stop that immediately.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Տա՛ր սա վերև:,Take it upstairs.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn "Թոմը բղավեց, որ կանգնեցնի ինձ:",Tom tried to stop me.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Թոմը ներկայացրեց ինձ Մերիին:,Tom introduced me to Mary.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn "Թոմը ընդամենը ուզում էր գտնել մի կին, որը կընդուներ այն ամբողջ սերը, որը Թոմը կարող էր առաջարկել:",All Tom wanted was to find a woman who would accept all the love he had to give.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Ես քեզ հետ խոսելու ժամանակ այլևս չունեմ:,I don't have time to talk with you anymore.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Թոմին պի՛նդ պահեք:,Hold Tom tight.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Ես չեմ կարող թարգել մտածել պատահածի մասին:,I can't stop thinking about what happened.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Թոմը նորից կսպանի:,Tom will kill again.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Ես ինչ-որ բա՞ն եմ բաց թողել:,Have I missed something?,hye_Armn-eng_Latn "Թոմը կուզենար գնալ Մերիի երեկոյին: Ցավոք, նա անելու ուրիշ բաներ ուներ:","Tom would have liked to attend Mary's party. Unfortunately, he had other things he had to do.",hye_Armn-eng_Latn Թոմին շատ նման մեկը կանգնած է դարպասի մոտ:,Someone who looks a lot like Tom is standing near the gate.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Դուք եք առաջնորդը:,You're the leader.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn "Ես կուզեի իմանալ, թե սա ինչպես պատահեց:",I need to know how this happened.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Թոմը Մերիից աշխատանք խնդրեց:,Tom asked Mary for a job.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Ես պարապում եմ:,I am studying.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Թոմին դուր եկավ Ավստրալիան:,Tom liked Australia.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn "Թոմը ասաց, որ նրան մի տաս հատ ձու է պետք:",Tom said he needed a dozen eggs.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Նա արյան կորստի պատճառով թուլացած էր:,He was weak from the loss of blood.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Ես դա ամենևին չեմ հասկանում:,I don't understand that at all.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Թոմը զանգեց հարևաններին:,Tom called the neighbors.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn "Թոմը ասաց, որ կօգնի ինձ:",Tom said he would help me.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Մենք Բոսթոն կվերադառնանք միասին:,We'll go back to Boston together.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Ես Թոմից հաղորդագրություն ստացա:,I got a message from Tom.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn "Մենք հույս ունենք, որ շուտով նորից կբացվենք:",We hope to reopen soon.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Այս գործի համար որևէ մեկը մտքովդ անցնու՞մ է:,Do you have someone in mind for the job?,hye_Armn-eng_Latn "Եկեք մենք ձեզ ասենք, թե ինչու ենք եկել:",Let us tell you why we came.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Դու իրո՞ք ուզում ես ճշմարտությունն իմանալ:,Do you really want to know the truth?,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Դու չես կարող անել դա առանց ինձ:,You can't make it without me.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Թոմը իմ տանը երբեք չի եղել:,Tom has never been to my house.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Թոմը իրոք ուզում էր Բոսթոն գնալ Մերիի հետ:,Tom really wanted to go to Boston with Mary.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Բաժակը մաքուր է:,The glass is clean.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Ինչի՞ մասին էիր ուզում Թոմի հետ խոսել:,What did you want to talk to Tom about?,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Ինչպե՞ս է քո համարը:,What's your number?,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Որոշումը կայացված է:,The decision has been made.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Շատ հաճելի էր ծանոթանալ ձեզ հետ։,Nice to meet you.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn ես ուզում էի անընդհատ կարդալ այդ գիրքը:,I've always wanted to read that book.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Ես հեռուստացույց կդիտեմ:,I'll watch TV.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Դա իրոք տպավորիչ է:,That's really impressive.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Նյու Յորքը աշխարհի ամենամեծ քաղաքն է:,New York is the biggest city in the world.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Ամենաարագ վազողը չի կարող վազել 100 մետրը 9 վայրկյանում:,The fastest runner can't run 100 meters in 9 seconds.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Սա աշխարհի ամենամեծ մեքենան է:,This is the biggest car in the world.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn "Դու պետք է իմանաս, որ ես սիրահարված եմ Մերիին:","You should know, I am in love with Mary.",hye_Armn-eng_Latn Մերին իր դպրոցական ընկերներից ամենածույլն է:,Mary's the laziest of her schoolmates.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Իմ դանակը սուր է:,My knife is sharp.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Թոմը ոչ մի մանրամասնություն բաց չթողեց:,Tom left out no details.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Մեզ հայտնի են բոլոր մանրամասնությունները:,We have all the details.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Ինձ մանրամասնությունները հայտնի չեն:,I don't have any details.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Թոմը մանրամասնությունների մեջ չխորացավ:,Tom didn't go into detail.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Թոմը այլ մանրամասնություններ չհայտնեց:,Tom gave no other details.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Էլի՞ մանրամասնություններ կան:,Are there any more details?,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Մանրամասնությունների մեջ չեմ խորանում:,I'm not going into details.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Ոչ մի մանրամասնություն բաց մի թող:,Don't skip over any details.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Ավելի մանրամասն քարտեզ ունե՞ս:,Do you have a more detailed map?,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Մանրուքների մասին մի վիճաբանի:,Don't quibble about the details.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Մանրամասնությունները իսկապես կարևոր չեն:,The details really don't matter.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Ջրով լցնել կաթսան:,Fill the pot with water.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Թոմը հավելյալ մանրամասնություններ չհայտնեց:,Tom didn't give further details.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Թոմին այլ մանրամասնություններ հայտնի չէին:,Tom didn't have further details.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Այլ հավելյալ մանրամասնություններ առկա չէին:,No further details were available.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Այս գիրքը ընդգրկում է բազմազան սննդամթերք և դրան առողջությանը վերաբերող կարևոր փաստեր։,This book includes a variety of foods and their important facts related to health.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Հերիք է այդ աղջկան նայես:,Stop looking at that girl.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn "Ես, իրոք, հիասթափված եմ ձեզանից:",I'm really disappointed in you.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn "Աշխատելիս՝ աշխատեք, խաղալիս՝ խաղացեք:","Work while you work, play while you play.",hye_Armn-eng_Latn Թոմը տորթ է թխել Մերիի համար:,Tom baked a cake for Mary.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Թոմը Մարիամին տարավ տուն:,Tom took Mary home.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn "Ես հավատում եմ, որ դուք հաջողության կհասնեք:",I believe that you will succeed.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn "Արի խոսենք նրա մասին, թե ինչպես է սա աշխատելու:",Let's talk about how this is going to work.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Մենք արդեն հանդիպե՞լ ենք:,Have we met?,hye_Armn-eng_Latn "Խնդրում եմ հիշեցրու, որ ժամը իննին զանգեմ Ջոնին:",Please remind me to call John at nine.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Թոմը չափը անցնում է:,Tom is overdoing it.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Թոմը միանշանակ մեր աջակցությունն ունի:,Tom definitely has our support.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Դու նրանից հասակով ես:,You are taller than she is.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Ես հայ եմ։,I am Armenian.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn "Ես կարծեցի, որ Թոմը Մերիին մի քանի հարց կտա:",I thought Tom would ask Mary a few questions.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn "Ես գտնում եմ, որ Թոմի հետ շատ հեշտ է զրուցել:",I find Tom very easy to talk to.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Ամեն անգամ Բոսթոն գալիս՝ Թոմը այցելում է Մերրին:,Tom visits Mary every time he's in Boston.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Ուղղակի ասա ինձ՝ իրականում ինչու ես այստեղ:,Just tell me why you're really here.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Այս բանը ինչպե՞ս է աշխատում:,How does this thing work?,hye_Armn-eng_Latn "Ես գիտեմ, ով է դա:",I know who that is.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn "Կարո՞ղ եք ասել ինձ, ով է գալու երեկոյան:",Can you tell me who's coming tonight?,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Արածը չես վերադարձնի:,The damage is done.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Նա ցանկանում է տաք կաթ խմել:,She wants to drink some warm milk.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Արցունքից արագ ոչինչ չի չորանում:,Nothing dries more quickly than a tear.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn "Ես սիրում եմ տխրել: Ես գիտեմ, որ մարդկանց մեծ մասը փորձում է խուսափել ցանկացած տեսակի տխուր զգացմունքներից: Սակայն ես կարծում եմ, որ դա սխալ է:",I like to feel sad. I know that most people try to avoid any kind of sad feeling. But I think that is wrong.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn "Ես կարծում էի, որ նա իրավունք չուներ դա անել:",I believed that he had no right to do that.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Քանի՞ տարի ես դու այստեղ ապրել:,How many years have you lived here?,hye_Armn-eng_Latn "Թոմը չգիտի, թե ինչպես ասի անգլերեն այն ամենը, ինչ ուզում է:",Tom doesn't know how to say what he wants to say in English.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn "Քրիսը շատ գրավիչ և հարուստ է, բայց ոչ շատ համեստ:","Chris is very attractive and wealthy, but not very modest.",hye_Armn-eng_Latn "Քո նետումը շատ ավելի լավն է, քան իմը:",Your pitching is far superior to mine.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Ես սկսեցի մտածել Թոմի մասին:,I started thinking about Tom.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Ես շատ ուրախ Վրաստանում.,I'm very happy in Georgia.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Թեքվիր այս ուղղությամբ:,Turn this way.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Նա ընդունեց մեր հրավերը։,She accepted our invitation.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Խելամիտ է:,This is reasonable.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Այս կինը բժիշկ է։,This woman is a doctor.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Ես չափից դուրս գեր եմ։,I'm too fat.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Լոգարանի խողովակները խցանվել են,The bathroom pipes are clogged with sewage.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Ես թուրքերեն եմ սովորում։,I am learning Turkish.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Բարև:,How do you do.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Թոմն ունի այն ամենն ինչ ուզում է։,Tom has everything he wants.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Դու երբևէ գնացե՞լ ես Փարիզ:,Have you ever gone to Paris?,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Քեզ չի վերաբերվում։,It doesn't concern you.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Բոլոր ուսանողները անգլերեն են սովորում :,All the students study English.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Նա ուրախ է թվում այստեղ:,She seems happy to be here.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Ես ապրում եմ Երևանում:,I live in Yerevan.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Պարոն Վանգը սովորաբար ննջում է խորհրդակցական սենյակում:,Mr. Wang usually has a nap in the meeting room.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn "Խնդրում եմ, թույլ տվեք օգնել:",Please let me help.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Ի՞նչ ես անում իմ գրասենյակում։,What're you doing in my office?,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Գրքերը ո՞րտեղ են։,Where are the books?,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Պաշարները սկսեցին վերջանալ։,The supplies began to run out.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Ես ջուր եմ խմում։,I drink water.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Խնդրում եմ նշել այս տեղեկությունները օգտագործման ձեր եղած պայմանները:,Please specify any conditions you have for the use of this information.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Դու սիրու՞մ ես մայրիկիդ:,Do you love your mother?,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Ւնձ համար մի զառնուկ նկարիր...,Draw me a sheep!,hye_Armn-eng_Latn "Թոմը ուզում էր երկար քնել, բայց չկարողացավ:","Tom wanted to sleep late, but was unable to.",hye_Armn-eng_Latn Տունը փոքր է:,The house is small.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Մի օր կհասկանաս:,"One day, you will understand.",hye_Armn-eng_Latn Թոմը սկսեց երգել:,Tom began singing.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Ես պետք է թարգմանեմ նախադասությունները:,I must translate the sentences.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn "Թոմը ավելի լավ երգեց, քան Մերին:",Tom sang better than Mary.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Նույնիսկ ամենափոքր երեխաները այդպիսի բաներ գիտեն:,Even the smallest child knows that kind a thing.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Ասիայում շատ մարդիկ կան:,There are many people in Asia.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn "Ես կարծում եմ, որ այնտեղ մարդ կա:",I think that there is a man there.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Այնտեղ ֆերմայում մարդ է աշխատում:,There is a man working on the farm.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Քո կյանքում ինչ-որ մեկը կա՞:,Is there a man in your life?,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Մի բարձրահասակ մարդ կա լսարանում :,There is a tall man in the classroom.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn "Մարդը, ով նստած է այնտեղ հայտնի երգիչ է:",The man sitting over there is a famous singer.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Մոտակայքում որևէ կինոթատրոն կա՞:,Are there any movie theaters near here?,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Անիմա՞ստ է թվում:,Does this sound stupid?,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Այսօր լավ եղանակ է:,The weather is good today.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Ես չեմ երգում:,I do not sing.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Անգույն կանաչ մտահաղացումները զայրացած քնած են:,Colorless green ideas sleep furiously.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Թոմը շատ ինքնամփոփ մարդ է:,Tom is a very private man.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn "Ես ավարտել էի իմ տնային աշխատանքը, երբ դու զանգահարեցիր ինձ:",I had finished my homework when you called me.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn "Նույնիսկ եթե նա չգա, մենք ստիպված ենք սկսել:","Even if he doesn't come, we'll have to begin.",hye_Armn-eng_Latn Հրաձգայինս բե՜ր:,Get my rifle.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Գլոկան կուզդրու շտեկող բոդլեց բոկրին ու կուդրում է բոկրիկին։,A glock coozdre has steckly boodled a boker and is curding a bokerlet.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn "Նույնիսկ եթե ստացվի այնպես, որ մենք ուշանանք, դա մեզ չի անհանգստացնի:","Even if we end up being late, it doesn't bother us.",hye_Armn-eng_Latn Ես միրգ եմ ուտում և ջուր եմ խմում:,I eat and drink fruit and water.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Թոմը վերադարձավ սենյակ:,Tom came back inside the room.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Մարիան իր մատը դրեց իմ շուրթերին:,Mary put her finger on my lips.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn "Այն, ինչ թույլատրվում է Յուպիտերին, չի թույլատրվում ցուլին:",What is permitted to Jove is not permitted to an ox.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Ի՞նչ է պատահել:,What is wrong?,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Կներե՞ք:,I beg your pardon?,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Ես բացարձակապես չեմ կարող հաստատել առաջարկությունը:,I absolutely cannot approve the proposition.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn "Դու կարծեցիր, որ ես դա մոռացե՞լ եմ:",Did you think that I'd forgotten that?,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Դուռը բաց թողե՛ք:,Leave the door open.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Նա իմ ավագ եղբորից փոքր է երեք տարով:,He's three years younger than my older brother.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn "Ամեն մարդու աշխատանքը, լինի դա գրականություն, երաժշտություն, նկարչություն, ճարտարապետություն կամ որևէ այլ բան, միշտ էլ իր դիմապատկերն է:","Every man's work, whether it be literature or music or a picture or architecture or anything else, is always a portrait of himself.",hye_Armn-eng_Latn "Ձիերը ավելի մեծ են քան շները, բայց կատուները ավելի փոքր են քան շները:","Horses are bigger than dogs, but cats are smaller than dogs.",hye_Armn-eng_Latn Եմիլին նամակ մը կը գրէ։,Emily is writing a letter.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Քանի՞ լեզու եք խոսում:,How many languages can you speak?,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Լեզու ուսանիլը կը սիրեմ։,I love learning languages.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn "Նա կրկնակի ծանր է, քան նրա կինը:",He is twice as heavy as his wife.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Դուք երբևէ եղե՞լ եք Մեքսիկայում:,Have you ever been to Mexico?,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Տանը որևէ մեկը կա՞:,Is anybody home?,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Թոմը ժամանեց ուղիղ ժամանակին:,Tom arrived just in time.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn "Թոմին թվում էր, որ նա պահվածքը հմայիչ էր:",Tom thought he was being cute.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Դա ընդամենը իմ կարծիքն է:,That's just my opinion.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Թոմը գլուխ է գովում իր նոր մեքենայով:,Tom is bragging about his new car.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Իսկ մեզ մոտ դեռ ձյուն կա.,There is still snow in our country.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn "Ես նայեցի ժամացույցիս և հասկացա, որ մեկ ժամ շուտ եմ եկել:",I checked my watch and realized I was an hour early.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Դեռ ձեզանից քանի՞սը կան այնտեղ:,How many more of you are there?,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Թոմին հիվանդանոց տար:,Take Tom to the hospital.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Ինձ մոտ դեռ մի քանի րոպե մնացել է:,I've got a few minutes left.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Հագիր քո ձեռնոցները:,Put your gloves on.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Թոմը Մերիին խորհուրդ տվեց գնալ ինչքան կարելի է շուտ:,Tom advised Mary to leave as soon as possible.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Ի՞նչը այնպես չէ ինձ հետ:,What's wrong with me?,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Թոմը փախած է:,Tom is a runaway.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Ե՞րբ ես ինձ ասել:,When did you tell me?,hye_Armn-eng_Latn "Թոմը ասաց, որ ես պետք է խոսեմ քո հետ:",Tom said I should talk to you.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn "Թոմը ասաց, որ ես պետք է խոսեմ ձեզ հետ:",Tom said that I should talk to you.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Թոմը Բոստոնից մի աղջկա հետ ամուսնացավ:,Tom married a girl from Boston.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Այս նկարը այդքան էլ լավը չէ: Նա պետք է մի բան անի այս ոտքի ետևում գտնվող գծի հետ:,This drawing is less than great. He needs to do something with the line here at the back of the leg.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Սրբիչները կեղտոտ են:,The towels are dirty.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn "Ես դեռ չգիտեմ,արդյո՞ք նա հասել է այնտեղ, թե ոչ:",I have not yet learned whether he reached there or not.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Դա իսկակա՞ն ադամանդ է:,Is that a real diamond?,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Ինչպե՞ս է ձեր համարը:,What is your number?,hye_Armn-eng_Latn "Ասում են, որ Թոմ Ջեքսոնը Բոսթոնի ամենալավ իրավաբաններից մեկն է:",I hear that Tom Jackson is one of the best lawyers in Boston.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Ես կրկին կփորձեմ:,I will try again.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Թոմը մահացավ հիմար դժբախտ պատահարի արդյունքում:,Tom got killed in a freak accident.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn "Ես ունեմ հենց այն, ինչ որ պետք է քեզ:",I have just what you need.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Նա ամուսնացավ անցյալ տարի:,She got married last year.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Ես ավելիին եմ արժանի:,I deserve more.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Ես պետք է կոշիկներս հագնեմ:,I have to put my shoes on.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Ինչու՞ կանգնեցրիր ինձ:,Why did you stop me?,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Ես մի շաբաթ տանն եմ նստել:,I stayed home for a week.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn "Թոմը կանգնեց այնտեղ՝ սպասելով, որ անցնի երթևեկությամբ լի փողոցը:","Tom stood there, waiting to cross the busy road.",hye_Armn-eng_Latn Ես էլ եմ դրա մասին մտածել:,"I've been thinking about it, too.",hye_Armn-eng_Latn "Թոմը ավելացրեց իր սեփական անունը այն մարդկանց ցուցակում, որոնք ուզում էին մասնակցել պարին:",Tom added his own name to the list of people who wanted to take part in the dance.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn "Ես կասկածում եմ, որ հենց դա է պատահել:",I doubt that's what really happened.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn "Ես կասկածում եմ, որ դա իրականում պատահել է:",I doubt that that's what really happened.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Ես եմ Թոմին բաց թողել:,I'm the one who let Tom get away.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Միշտ տարբերակներ կան:,There are always options.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Պետք է Թոմից հետո գնացած լինեի:,I should have gone after Tom.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn "Սա հյուրանոց է, այլ ոչ թե հասարակաց տուն:","This is a hotel, not a brothel.",hye_Armn-eng_Latn Պայմանագրերը արդեն բանակցված են:,Contracts have already been negotiated.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Թոմը ի՞նչ է կարդում:,What's Tom reading?,hye_Armn-eng_Latn "Ենթադրվում էր, որ դու կսպասես:",You were supposed to wait.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Չնստե՞նք:,Why don't we go sit down?,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Մայրիկս տանն է:,My mother is at home.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Իմ ընկերներից ոչ ոք սուրճ չի խմում:,None of my friends drink coffee.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Նա պատրաստ էր օգնել նրան մեքենա լվալու հարցում:,She was ready to help him with washing the car.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn "Իմ նպատակն է բավականաչափ անգլերեն սովորել, որպեսզի կարիք չլինի հետս բառարան կրել ճանապարհորդելիս:",My aim is to learn enough English so I don't need to carry a dictionary with me when I travel.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Թոմը այսօր շատ ավելի ուժեղ է:,Tom is much stronger today.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Թոմը միացավ հոր հետ:,Tom was reunited with his father.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Թոմը ուրախ չէր տեսնել այնեղ Մերիին:,Tom wasn't happy to see Mary there.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Հիասքանչ կլինի:,It'll be wonderful.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Դու բախտավո՞ր ես:,Are you lucky?,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Ի՞նչ են նրանք սպասում:,What are they waiting for?,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Ես նոր եմ վերադարձել Բոստոն:,I just got back to Boston.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Այցելուներին բարի գալուստ:,Visitors are welcome.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Սվիտերդ թարս ես հագել:,Your sweater's on backwards.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Դուք ձեր սվիտերը թարս եք հագել:,Your sweater is on backwards.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Թոմը սկսեց ծիծաղալ:,Tom started laughing.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Մենք անպայման խնդիրներ կունենանք:,We'll have troubles for sure.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Մեծ հավանականությամբ Թոմը չգիտի Մերին ինչ է արել:,There's a good chance that Tom doesn't know what Mary has done.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Ֆրանսիան Արեւմտյան Եվրոպայում:,France is in Western Europe.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Ես դեռ պետք է խոսեմ Թոմի հետ:,I still need to talk to Tom.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Մինչ ուտելը ես գիրք էի կարդում:,I read a book while eating.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn "Ես վազում էի այնքան արագ, որքան կարող էի:",I ran as fast as I could.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn "Վազելով այնքան արագ, որքան կարող էի՝ ես կարողացա բռնել իմ ընկերոջը:","Running as fast as I could, I was able to catch up with my friend.",hye_Armn-eng_Latn "Շատ օտար լեզու սովորողները չեն հասնում սահուն խոսելուն այն պատճառով, որ ավելի շատ խոսում են լեզու սովորելու մաին, քան խոսում են այդ լեզվով:",The reason why many language learners never become fluent is that they talk the walk more than they walk the talk.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Սենյակներում մարդ չկա:,The rooms are deserted.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn "Իմ թխած տորթը դու ոչ դե դու ես կերել, այլ քո քույրը:","The cake I made was not eaten by you, it was eaten by your sister.",hye_Armn-eng_Latn Այս իրերը իմը չեն:,These things aren't mine!,hye_Armn-eng_Latn "Նա չէր ցանկանում, որ նա պոկեր խաղար:",She didn't want him to play poker.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Թոմը իմ հաճախորդը չէ:,Tom isn't my client.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Ես ու Թոմը կգնանք միասին:,Tom and I'll go together.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Դա էլ է ճիշտ:,"That's true, too.",hye_Armn-eng_Latn "Մերին միշտ ցանկանում է, որ Թոմը խոսի իր զգացմունքների մասին:",Mary always wants Tom to talk about his feelings.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn "Եթե ասպիրինը թուլացնելու է իմ գլխացավը, ես մի քանի հաբ կխմեմ այս ահավոր դեղի փոխարեն:","If aspirin will ease my headache, I will take a couple tonight instead of this horrible medicine.",hye_Armn-eng_Latn Թոմը իր մոր հետ է:,Tom is with his mother.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Ե՞րբ ես գնումներ կատարում:,When do you shop?,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Թոմը իր մազերը ի՞նչ գույնի է ներկել:,What color did Tom dye his hair?,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Թոմին դեռ պետք չէ գալ:,Tom doesn't need to come yet.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Թոմը Մերիից լավ է լողում:,Tom swims better than Mary does.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn "Թոմը ավելի լավ է լողում, քան Մերին:",Tom swims better than Mary.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn "Ես զգում էի, որ նա կարող է սովորեցնել ինձ կարդալ:",I felt that he could teach me to read.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Նա շաբաթական չորս անգամ է սափրվում:,He shaves four times a week.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Թոմը շատ տաղանդավոր երաժիշտ է:,Tom is a very talented musician.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Մենք փորձի հիման վրա ենք սովորում:,We learn by experience.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Ես պետք է հենց հիմա սրա վերջը դնեմ:,I need to end this now.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Մենք միևնույն է լավագույնն ենք:,We're still the best.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Թոմը ի՞նչ գրքեր է կարդում:,What kind of books does Tom read?,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Ինչու՞ է Թոմը վազում:,Why is Tom running?,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Թոմը իր ընկերներից շատ օգնություն է ստանում:,Tom gets a lot of help from his friends.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Ես կաթ եմ խմում:,I'm drinking milk.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Նոր մետրոն ինձ հնարավորություն է տալիս դպրոց հասնել 20 րոպեում:,The new subway enables me to get to school in 20 minutes.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn "Երբ ես երեխա էի, մայրս ինձ ստիպում էր ամեն օր կանաչեղեն ուտել:","When I was a child, my mother made me eat green vegetables every day.",hye_Armn-eng_Latn Նա խոզանակով մաքրեց փոշին:,She brushed away the dust.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Թոմը սիրալիր է Մերիի հետ:,Tom is friendly with Mary.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Թոմի սենյակը շատ փոքր էր:,Tom's room was very small.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Եկեք գնանք այն սրճարանում մի բաժակ սուրճ խմենք:,Let's go drink a cup of coffee at that coffee shop over there.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Դա ընդամենը քո կարծիքն է:,That's your opinion.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Ես այստեղ եմ գտնվում հանդիպման համար:,I'm here for the meeting.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Թոմը նոր մեքենա է ուզում:,Tom wants a new car.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn "Ըստ իմ փորձի, ֆրանսերենի քերականությանը տիրապետելու համար մեկ տարի է պահանջվում:","According to my experience, it takes one year to master French grammar.",hye_Armn-eng_Latn Առաջ Թոմը առատաձեռն էր:,Tom used to be generous.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Թոմը ինձանից լավ է ֆրանսերեն կարդում:,Tom reads French better than I do.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn "Թոմը այնքան հիմար չէր, որ վիճի Մերիի հետ:",Tom knew better than to argue with Mary.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn "Ինչ հետաքրքիր չէ, թե որքան այն արժի: Ես միևնույն է կգնեմ այն:",I don't care how much it costs. I'm going to buy it anyway.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Նրանք սկսել են ժամեր առաջ:,They started hours ago.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn "Դա հեշտ է ասել, բայց դա հեշտ չէ անել:","It's easy to say, but it's not easy to do.",hye_Armn-eng_Latn Ես մանկուց գիտեմ Ջիմին:,I've known Jim since I was a child.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Դա հեշտ կլինի:,This will be easy.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Ինչ վերջապես մեկը կօգնի՞ թե ո՛չ:,Won't somebody please help me?,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Նա զբաղված է երեխաների խնամքով:,She is busy with the care of her children.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Թոմը Բոստոնի ո՞ր մասում է ապրում:,What part of Boston does Tom live in?,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Ես ունեմ երկու եղբայր և երեք քույր:,I have two brothers and three sisters.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn "Ես ցանկանում եմ ապրել իմ կյանքը առանց սթրեսների և անհանգստությունների: Ես չեմ ուզում լինել հարուստ կամ հայտնի, ես պարզապես ուզում եմ երջանիկ լինել:","I want to live my life without stress and worries. I don't need to be rich or famous, I just want to be happy.",hye_Armn-eng_Latn "Թոմը Մերրից մի քիչ դրամ խնդրեց, որ կարողանա ուտելու մի բան գնի:",Tom asked Mary for some money so he could buy something to eat.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Ես սիրում եմ ակվիտաներեն լեզու:,I like the Occitan language.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Գիրքը սեղանի վրա է։,The book is on the table.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn "Այո, նա մեր մենեջերն է։","Yes, she's our manager.",hye_Armn-eng_Latn Դուք հաճա՞խ եք թռչում:,Do you fly frequently?,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Այս երեխայի մայրը տնօրեն է:,That child's mother is a director.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Արի երկար-բարակ չխոսենք ու գործի անցնենք:,Let's stop beating around the bush and cut to the chase.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Ես պատրաստ եմ:,I am ready.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Գրիր ինձ:,Write to me.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn "Ես պարզապես ուզում եմ ի վիճակի լինել այցելել իմ երեխաներին, երբ ուզեմ:",I just want to be able to visit my children whenever I want to.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn "Մենք օգնեցինք Թոմին, որքան կարող էինք:",We helped Tom the best we could.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Վաղը Թոմը վաղ պետք է գնա դպրոց:,Tom has to go to school early tomorrow.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn "Թոմը չգիտի, որտեղ է ապրելու մյուս տարի:",Tom doesn't know where he's going to live next year.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn "Թոմը տատանվեց, թե արդյոք արժի քննարկել այդ թեման Մերիի հետ:",Tom hesitated to discuss the subject with Mary.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn "Չեմ հիշում, անցյալ գիշեր ինչ եմ կերել:",I can't remember what I ate last night.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Թոմը նշանի մատանին չի կրում:,Tom doesn't wear a wedding ring.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Մենք պատրաստվում ենք զվարճանալ:,We're going to have fun.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Ես այդպիսի կյանք չեմ պատկերացնում:,I can't imagine such a life.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Մեզ Թոմը պետք չէ:,I didn't need Tom.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn "Թոմը Մերիին ասաց, որ նորից չուշանա:",Tom told Mary not to be late again.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Այլևս չեմ դիմանում:,I can't take it any more.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Չե՞ս հասկանում:,Don't you get it?,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Թոմը հոյակապ տեսք ունի:,Tom sounds perfect.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Ես սկսեցի ապրել մենակ:,I began living by myself.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Մեզ մի սպասի:,Don't wait for us.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Սա իմ հեծանիվն է:,This is my bicycle.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Ես բռունցքով հարվածեցի Թոմի երեսին:,I punched Tom in the face.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Սա կարևոր չէ:,This is not important.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Ես դրա հետ պետք է որ մի բան կարողանամ անել:,I should be able to do something about that.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Այս հրատարակությունը մի քանի շատ լավ գիրք է հրատարակել:,This publisher has put out some very good books.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Թոմը աշխատում էր հիվանդանոցում:,Tom worked at a hospital.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Այս շունը գեյ է:,This dog is gay.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn "Թոմը ուշադրություն չի դարձնում նրան, թե ինչպես է հագնվում:",Tom doesn't pay much attention to how he dresses.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Շնորհակալություն ամեն ինչի համար:,Thanks for everything.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Թոմը տեսավ Մերիին այս շաբաթ:,Tom saw Mary earlier this week.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Անձրև եկավ:,It was raining.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Մայրս ընթրիք է պատրաստում:,My mother is preparing supper.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Թոմը Մաշայից մի քանի րոպե ուշ մտավ սենյակ:,Tom came into the room a few minutes after Mary.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn "Ես գիտեմ, թո Թոմը քեզ դուր չի գալիս:",I know that you don't like Tom.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Սովորելու նպատակով ես Ամերիկա եմ մեկնել:,I went to America to study.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Դեգան ծնվել է ավելի քան 150 տարի առաջ:,Degas was born more than 150 years ago.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Ես Թիւրք եմ։,I am Turkish.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Վաղը շոգ է լինելու:,It will be hot tomorrow.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Երկուքնալ կ՛ապրի։,Both are alive.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Չեմ երազում:,I don't dream.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Ամբողջ օրը քունս տանում է:,I feel like sleeping all day.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Սպասի՛ր ինձ մեքենայի կողքին:,Wait beside the car for me!,hye_Armn-eng_Latn "Ես կարծում էի, որ նա գալիս է:",I thought he was coming.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn "Ես հանկարծ տեսա հայելու մեջ իմ արտապատկերումը, և այն ինձ շշմեցրեց։",I suddenly saw myself reflected in a window pane and it startled me.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Ես չէի կարողանում հասկանալ նրա մտքերը:,I couldn't understand his ideas.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Ես նրանից ոչ մի լուր չունեմ անցյալ հունիսից:,I haven't heard from him since last June.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Այս արկղը պարունակում է 5 խնձոր:,This box contains five apples.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn "Նա կրկնակի մեծ է, քան ես:",He is twice as old as I am.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Մենք հույս ունենք ժամանակին ժամանել:,We hope to arrive on time.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn ",,Բուրջ-խալիֆը,, ներկայումս համարվում է աշխարհի ամենաբարձր երկնաքերը:",Burj Khalifa is currently the tallest skyscraper in the world.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Ես կուզեի պատուհանի մոտ նստել:,I'd like to sit by the window.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Թոմը Մերրին իր մեքենայով տուն տարավ:,Tom gave Mary a ride home.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Ես երբեք չեմ եղել Անգլիայում:,I have never been to England.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Այդ ժամանակներում այնտեղ նախնադարյան մարդիկ էին ապրում:,At that time a primitive people lived there.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Թող իմ գործը հանգիստ անեմ:,Let me do my work in peace.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Ինչու՞ ենք մենք վազում:,Why are we running?,hye_Armn-eng_Latn "Ես մտածում էի, որ Մերին դեռ ինձ սիրում է:",I thought Mary still loved me.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn "Ես մտածեցի, որ Մերին դեռ ինձ սիրում է:",I thought that Mary still loved me.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Նա պետք է հետևեր Մերիի խորհրդին:,She should have followed Mary's advice.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn "Ես չգիտեմ՝ սոված է Թոմը, թե ոչ:",I don't know whether Tom is hungry or not.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn "Դե, է՞լ ինչ կարող եմ ես անել քեզ համար:","Now, what else can I do for you?",hye_Armn-eng_Latn Տվեք դա իմ շանը: Նա ամեն ինչ կուտի:,Give it to my dog. He'll eat anything.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn "Ուզու՞մ ես տեսնել, ինչ եմ հենց նոր սարքել:",Do you want to see what I just made?,hye_Armn-eng_Latn "Թոմը հաճախ էր լսել Մերիի մասին, բայց դեռ չէր հանդիպել նրան:","Tom had often heard about Mary, but hadn't yet met her.",hye_Armn-eng_Latn "Ասա ինձ, ինչ ես փնտրում, ու ես կօգնեմ քեզ դա գտնել:",Tell me what you're looking for and I'll help you find it.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Այդ ի՞նչ է՝ դու փորձում ես հումո՞ր անել:,Are you trying to be funny?,hye_Armn-eng_Latn "Արա այն, ինչ ես խնդրել եմ:",Do as I asked.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn "Իհարկե կարող եմ, չնայած նրան, որ Շանհայերեն համարյա չեմ խոսում:","Sure I can, although I can't really speak Shanghainese.",hye_Armn-eng_Latn Նա մեղադրվում էր զարդեր գողանալու մեջ:,He was accused of stealing the jewels.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Այսօր մենք ամբողջ օրը կանցկացնենք տանը:,We'll be at home all day today.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Դանակ ունե՞մ։,Do I have a knife?,hye_Armn-eng_Latn "Դա շատ ուժեղ ցնցեց նրան, և որոշ ժամանակ նա չէր ցանկանում որևէ բանի մասին խոսել: Կարծում եմ, որ բավականաչափ ժամանակ կանցնի, մինչ նա նոռմալ վիճակի մեջ կվերադառնա:","It gave her quite a shock, and she didn't want to talk about anything for a while. I think it'll be a while before she's back to normal.",hye_Armn-eng_Latn "Ես նրան մի փունջ վարդ նվիրեցի, որպես շնորհակալություն իր հյուրասիրության համար:",I gave a bunch of roses to her in return for her hospitality.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Ամեն ինչ ունի իր դրական ու բացասական կողմը:,There are pros and cons to anything.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Թոմը քո չափ խելացի չէ:,Tom isn't as smart as you.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn "Ես գիտեմ, որ դու Թոմին չգիտես:",I know you don't know Tom.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn "Համոզվա՞ծ եք, որ նրան կարելի է վստահել:",Are you sure you can trust her?,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Իմ օդաթիռը լի է օձաձկերով,My hovercraft is full of eels.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Բոլոր խնձորները կարմիր են:,Every apple is red.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Զբաղվա՞ծ էիր:,Were you busy?,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Ես չեմ մեռել:,I'm not dead.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Թարգմանությունը բնօրինակին հավատարիմ է մնացել:,The translation is true to the original.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Ճապոնիայի բնակչությունը կրճատվում է:,The Japanese population is shrinking.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn "Ես պատասխանի էի սպասում, բայց ոչ ոք չպատասխանեց:",I waited for the answer but nobody answered.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Արդեն ժամը 11 է:,It is already eleven.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Ես ուղղակի անտեսում եմ նրանց:,I just ignore them.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Մենք պարտավոր ենք հասնել այնտեղ:,We ought to get over there.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Բոլոր հանրակառքները լեցուն է։,All of the buses are full.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Ծովում կան կղզիներ:,There are islands in the sea.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Նրա սենյակի պատերը կարմիր են:,Her room has red walls.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Մնա այնտեղ:,Stand over there.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Ես չեմ սիրում լռությունը:,I don't like silence.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Չափումների մեջ ճշգրտությունը անհրաժեշտ է:,Precision in measurement is necessary.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn "Իտալո Կալվինոն վերադարձավ Իտալիա, երբ նա դեռ մանուկ էր:",Italo Calvino returned to Italy when he was still just a boy.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn "Ես չէի գիտակցում, որ ինձ հետևում էին:",I wasn't conscious of anyone watching me.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Թոմը և Մերին ճաշեցին լռության մեջ:,Tom and Mary ate in silence.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Ես չեմ կարող քեզ թույլ տալ անել սա:,I can't let you do this.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Թոմը Մերիին թուղթը ցույց տվեց:,Tom showed Mary the paper.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn "Թոմը եկել է, որ օգնի մեզ:",Tom has come to help us.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Դա մի փոքր ցավոտ կլինի:,This is going to hurt a bit.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Թոմին պետք չեղավ դա ինձ բացատրել:,Tom didn't have to explain it to me.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Թոմը նայեց Մերիի աչքերի մեջ:,Tom looked Mary in the eyes.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Ինչու՞ ինձ չգրեցիք:,Why didn't you write me?,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Ամենից շատ ես խնձոր եմ սիրում:,I like apples best.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Աղախինը փոշեկուլով մաքրում էր սենյակը:,The maid was cleaning the room with the vacuum cleaner.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Ես ուզում եմ նորից սկսել:,I want to start over.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Դուք Թոմի ազգանունը գիտե՞ք:,Do you know Tom's last name?,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Քո կարծիքով՝ ես պե՞տք է անեմ դա:,Do you think I should do this?,hye_Armn-eng_Latn "Թոմին դուր չի գալիս, թե ինչպես է Մերին վարվում իր շան հետ:",Tom doesn't like the way Mary treats her dog.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn "Դու ինձ սուտ ես ասել, այդպե՞ս չէ:","You lied to us, didn't you?",hye_Armn-eng_Latn "Թոմը փակեց աչքերը և ձևացավ, որ քնած է:",Tom closed his eyes and pretended to be asleep.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Թոմը նայեց իր ժամացույցին:,He glanced at his watch.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn "Ինձ թվում է, ես լսարանում ինչ-որ բան եմ թողել:",I think I left something in the classroom.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Թոմին ինչ-որ բան է պետք:,Tom needs something.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Նա իրոք շատ լավ է խոսում:,He speaks really well.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Ինչու՞ են նրանք այդքան չար մեր նկատմամբ:,Why are they so mean to us?,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Դա լավ խորհուրդ է:,That's good advice.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn "Թոմը մտավ նախասենյակ և տեսավ, որ Մերին արդեն սպասում է:",Tom entered the lobby and found Mary waiting.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn "Կարծում եմ, դա է պատճառը, որ ես քեզ այդքան դուր չեմ գալիս:",I think this is the reason why you don't like me so much.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Դու բացի ուտելուց ոչինչ չես անում:,You do nothing else but eat.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Նա հեռացավ տնից իր ամբողջ ունեցվածքով:,She left home with everything she owned.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Յոթանասուն կամ ութսուն տարին մարդու կյանքի նորմալ տեւողությունն է:,Seventy or eighty years is the normal span of a man's life.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Այդ ավիացիոն ընկերությունը միայն բեռնափոխադրումներ է կատարում:,That aircraft company deals in freight only.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn «Ի՞նչ է պատահել» «Իմ համակարգիչը հենց նոր վթարի ենթարկվեց»:,"""What's wrong?"" ""My computer just crashed.""",hye_Armn-eng_Latn Լավ միտք է:,It's a good story.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn "Այնպես եմ զգում, կարծես Թոմին արդեն վաղուց եմ ճանաչում:",I feel as if I've known Tom for years.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn "Ես Թոմին հարցրեցի, թե արդյոք նա առաջարկներ ունի:",I asked Tom if he had any suggestions.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Նա իմ ընկերը չէ:,He's not my boyfriend.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Թոմն ամբողջ օրը տանջվում էր գլխացավից:,Tom has been suffering from a headache all day.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Իրանը կհարձակվի՞ Իսրայելի վրա:,Will Iran attack Israel?,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Ֆիններենը շատ հետաքրքիր լեզու է:,Finnish is a very interesting language.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Մանրը պետք չէ:,The details aren't necessary.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Ինչո՞ւ են Թոմին հեռացրել աշխատանքից:,Why was Tom fired?,hye_Armn-eng_Latn "Չեմ հավատում, որ դա ճիշտ է:",I don't think that's true.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Իմ հայրը դերասան էր:,My father was an actor.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Ինձ շանտաժի են ենթարկում:,I'm being blackmailed.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Ինձ մի քիչ պաղպաղակ թող:,Leave me some ice cream.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Սա նրանց տեղն է:,This is their place.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Դուք մահից վախենո՞ւմ եք:,Are you afraid of death?,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Ձեր տղան ինչո՞վ է զբաղվում:,What does your son do?,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Նա սովորել է մեքենա վարել:,She managed to drive a car.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Ջուդին շատ լավ է պարում:,Judy dances very well.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Ես ձեր հետ չէի խոսում:,I wasn't talking to you.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Չփորձվե՛ս ինձ դիպչել:,Don't even touch me.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn "Չէ, չի կարելի:","No, you may not.",hye_Armn-eng_Latn Երեկ ես քո գրիչի նման գրիչ եմ առել:,I bought a pen like yours yesterday.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Ես դաշնամուր եմ նվագում:,I play the piano.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Փուչիկը կպայթի:,The balloon will burst.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Դա դեմ է իմ սկզբունքներին:,It's against my principles.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn "Լսել եմ, որ Տոկյոի և Օսակայի միջև հեռավորությունը մոտավորապես տաս կիլոմետը է:",I heard that the distance between Tokyo and Osaka is about 10 km.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Գնա ատամներդ լվա:,Go brush your teeth.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn Ես որոշել եմ «այո» ասել:,I've decided to say yes.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn "Ակնհայտորեն, Թոմը տխուր է:",Tom is clearly upset.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn "Խնդրում ենք հացը վերցնել բռնիչով,շնորհակալություն","Please take the bread with the tongs, thank you.",hye_Armn-eng_Latn "Վանդակնում երգող թռչուններ կան, այդպես չէ՞:","There are birds singing in the cage, aren't there?",hye_Armn-eng_Latn Այգում երեխաներ են խաղում:,There are some children playing in the park.,hye_Armn-eng_Latn "“Vu devas lernar dicar ‘No’.” — “No, ton me ne devas lernar.”","""You have to learn to say 'No'."" — ""No, that I don't have to learn.""",ido_Latn-eng_Latn Qua esas la nombro di habitanti di India?,What is the population of India?,ido_Latn-eng_Latn La sukro dissolvesas en l'aquo.,Sugar dissolves in water.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn India esas dense populizata.,India is populous.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Ol esis chambro tre granda.,It was a very big room.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn India esas la sepesma maxim granda naciono en la mondo.,India is the seventh largest country in the world.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Ka vu irgatempe iris al India?,Have you ever been to India?,ido_Latn-eng_Latn "Sama sordidajo, diferanta dio.","Same shit, different day.",ido_Latn-eng_Latn Quale diferas tua opiniono de ilua?,How does your opinion differ from his?,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Quante ta ligna sidilo kustas?,How much is that wooden chair?,ido_Latn-eng_Latn "Tu ya ton dicas, ma me ne konkordas.","You may well say so, but I cannot agree.",ido_Latn-eng_Latn Ka vu havas ilua telefonnumero?,Do you have his phone number?,ido_Latn-eng_Latn "Me pensas, ke me bezonas drinkajo.",I think I need a drink.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Il esis tre fatigita.,He was very tired.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Ka tu ankore kolektas postmarki?,Are you still collecting stamps?,ido_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom dicis, ke il ne volis parolar France.",Tom said he didn't want to speak in French.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Il montris a me sua kolekturo de postmarki.,He showed me his stamp collection.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Jack kolektas postmarki.,Jack collects stamps.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Kenji tenisas.,Kenji plays tennis.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn La puero qua pleas la gitaro esas Ken.,The boy playing the guitar is Ken.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Me arivis en la staciono.,I arrived at the station.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Ka tu memoras la tempo kande ni esis infanti e voyajadis en treno?,"Do you remember the time when we were children, and travelled on a train?",ido_Latn-eng_Latn Il esas fiera esar mediko.,He is proud of being a doctor.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Uzante Tatoeba on lernas lingui.,"By using Tatoeba, one learns languages.",ido_Latn-eng_Latn "Quale la ago, tale la pago.","As you make your bed, so you must lie in it.",ido_Latn-eng_Latn Vu mustas komencar balde.,You must start soon.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn La cielo esas plena de steli.,The sky is full of stars.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Mea spozino odias kati.,My wife really hates cats.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn La cielo esis plena de steli.,The sky was full of stars.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Siorino Brown skribis libro pri politiko.,Mrs. Brown wrote a book on politics.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Qua esas ica muliero?,Who is this woman?,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Mea nov automobilo tre plezas me.,I am really pleased with my new car.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Me povus durar dum hori.,I can hold out for hours.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Yen la biro.,Here is beer.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Ka vu komprenas siorino Kunze?,Do you understand Mrs. Kunze?,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Nulu volas esar sen pekunio.,Nobody ever wants to be without money.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Qua linguon parolos la exterterani?,I wonder what language aliens would speak in.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Layla jus ocidis sua spozo.,Layla has just murdered her wife.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Ka pluvas?,Is it raining?,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Tu donis a me nur kinadek centimi.,You gave me only fifty cents.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Elu mankis irg espero.,She was bereft of all hope.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Me esas de Singapuro.,I'm from Singapore.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Ilu kredas ke il es richa.,He makes believe he is rich.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Semblas ke il es richa.,It seems that he is rich.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Ka vu savas la urbo ube ilu habitas?,Do you know the town where he lives?,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Il iraceskas tre facile.,He loses his temper quite easily.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Il esis naske richa.,He was born rich.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn La mulieri ludas teniso.,The women play tennis.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn El esas tre bela.,You're very beautiful.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Me tre amas elua fratino.,I love her sister very much.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Il esas biologiisto.,He is a biologist.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn La muliero esas preske surda.,The woman is almost deaf.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Tua pulso es normala.,Your pulse is normal.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Me vidas vua kavalo.,I see your horse.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Elu regardis dope.,She looked behind.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn "Vereso esas tro simpla, on nur povas atingar lo per voyo komplexa.","The truth is too simple, one can only go there by way of the complex.",ido_Latn-eng_Latn Ka tu studias?,Are you studying?,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Ilu montris me multa fotografi bela.,He showed me a lot of beautiful photos.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Onu povas vidar steli nokte.,Stars can be seen at night.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Esas multa libri en la biblioteko.,There are a lot of books in the library.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Esas komplexa linguo.,It is a complicated language.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Me konocis amba tua genitori.,I knew both your parents.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Ni pagos vu segun quante vu laboros.,We will pay you according to the amount of work you do.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Voluntez chanjar la flago.,"Change the flag, please.",ido_Latn-eng_Latn "For-prenez amo, e nia Tero esos tombo!","Take away love, and our earth is a tomb!",ido_Latn-eng_Latn Ka me darfas parolar kun siorino Brown?,May I talk to Ms. Brown?,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Il selektis la maxim bona libro.,He picked out the best book.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn "Kerlo, ekpazez!","Dude, step off!",ido_Latn-eng_Latn Il ofte sidas apud me ed askoltas muziko.,He often sits by me and listens to music.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Il probis parolar kun ni per la Franca.,He tried to speak French to us.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn "Quo eventas, kerlo?","What's up, dude?",ido_Latn-eng_Latn "Ta partio esis bona, kerlo.","That party was great, Dude.",ido_Latn-eng_Latn La testi povis refutar la nevera atesto dil suspektito.,The witnesses were able to refute the false testimony of the suspect.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Du frati kune departis voyajar.,Two brothers set out on a journey together.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Ube tu volas lojar?,Where do you want to live?,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Ka tu preparita?,Are you guys ready?,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Tom mustis rikomencar.,Tom had to start over again.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Me facos omna to quon vu dicos.,I'll do everything you tell me to do.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Til kande me mustas sejornar en la hospitalo?,How much longer will I have to stay in the hospital?,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Ka vu esas felica?,Are you happy?,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Me kustumale promenis singla matine.,I used to take a walk every morning.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Morge me iros a Teheran.,Tomorrow I'll come to Tehran.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Me ne povas marchar pluse.,I can walk no farther.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Me prizas ludar basketbalo.,I like to play basketball.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Qua manjis la pano?,Who ate the bread?,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Vua konduto esas tote shaminda.,Your conduct is absolutely shameful.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Mary esas fiera militanto.,Mary is a proud warrior.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn La atleto ecelis en omna speci di sporti.,The athlete excelled in all kinds of sports.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Ne me sequas!,Don't follow me.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Il esis granda muzikisto.,He was a great musician.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Me pensas ke esas la tempo por me parolar al chefo pri ca problemo.,I think it's time for me to talk to the boss about this problem.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn "Irgakoze tu dicos, me mariajos el.","Whatever you say, I'll marry her.",ido_Latn-eng_Latn Me timas ke tu ne povas mariajar el.,I'm afraid you can't marry her.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Il explikis sua projeto a mea filio ed a me.,He explained his plan both to my son and to me.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Ni devas netigar la tekto de la nivo.,We have to clear the snow from the roof.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Me savas ke la pekunio ne esas omno.,I know that money isn't everything.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Volfo ululas.,A wolf is howling.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn La laboristi esis fiera pri sua laboro.,The workers were proud of their work.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Muziko es la linguo internaciona.,Music is the international language.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Tom esis che la chambro.,Tom was in the room.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn "Quante plu me aquiras, tante plu me deziras. Quante plu me deziras, tante min me aquiras. Quante min me aquiras, tante min me deziras. Quante min me deziras, tante plu me aquiras.","The more I get, the more I want. The more I want, the less I get. The less I get, the less I want. The less I want, the more I get.",ido_Latn-eng_Latn Ka tu prizas nivo?,Do you like snow?,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Me esas en Perth.,I'm in Perth.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn "E dum ke elu ne ankore kunesas kun ni, me konocas ke mea avino spektas, alonge la familio ke facis qua me nun esas. Li mankas a me cavespere. Me konocas ke mea debajo a li esas nemezurebla. A mea fratino Maya, mea fratino Alma, omna altru di mea frati, me dankas vu tre multe por l'omna suporto ke vi donacis a me. Me esas gratitudoza a li.","And while she's no longer with us, I know my grandmother's watching, along with the family that made me who I am. I miss them tonight. I know that my debt to them is beyond measure. To my sister Maya, my sister Alma, all my other brothers and sisters, thank you so much for all the support that you've given me. I'm grateful to them.",ido_Latn-eng_Latn "Ilu dicis ke ilua patro esis malada, ma lo esis mentio.","He said his father was ill, but that was a lie.",ido_Latn-eng_Latn Ni plendas pri nia vicini.,We complain about our neighbors.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Voluntez korektigar la frazo.,Please correct the sentence.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Tu parolas l'Angla fluante.,You speak fluent English.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Li esas brilante reda!,They are bright red!,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Mea fratino mariajis sua kompano di mez-skolo.,My sister married her high school classmate.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Selektez la suba ligilo por signatar la peticiono!,Click below to sign the petition!,ido_Latn-eng_Latn "Ilu venis a Tokio, ed ibe ilu mariajis elu.","He came up to Tokyo, and there married her.",ido_Latn-eng_Latn La filmo esis vere emociganta.,That movie was really moving.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Ica vesto esas tro granda por me.,This dress is too big for me.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Il departos por New York nexta-semane.,He is leaving for New York next week.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Voluntez kompletigar la suba formulario.,Fill out the form below.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Vu ne devas venar tante frue.,You don't need to come so early.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Me ne savas quale me facis lo. Importas ke me facis lo.,I don't know how I did it. What's important is that I did it.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Donez ol ad il.,Give it to him.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn El serchis pardono pri sua agi kulpoza.,She sought forgiveness for her guilty acts.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn La skopo di mama esis diplomizesar ma la skopo di papa esis mama.,Mom’s goal was to graduate college but dad’s goal was mom.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn La kato dormas sur la stulo.,The cat is sleeping on the chair.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Me havis dubiti.,I had doubts.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn John esas mea nevo.,John is my nephew.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Nulu savas ube ol esas.,Nobody knows where it is.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn La mondo di sonji es multopla fazo ube virtuala realesi penetras una di altra.,The world of dreams is a set of stages where virtual realities permeate one another.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Ne omna homo povas esar artisto.,Every man can't be an artist.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Ol esas tro mikra.,You're too small.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Quala sorto di kansoni esas populara hodie?,What kind of songs are popular these days?,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Me debas mea suceso a tua helpo.,I owe my success to your help.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn "Segun mea savo, ne esas tala vorto.","As far as I know, there is no such word.",ido_Latn-eng_Latn Ica esas mea domo dum la vintro.,This is my house in the winter.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Sendez ol per aerposto.,Send it by airmail.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Vi es bela.,You are beautiful.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Ca es la maxim alta turmo en Japonia.,This is the tallest tower in Japan.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn El havas spozulo e du filiini.,She has a husband and two daughters.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Ka tu esas dicanta ke tu ne esas mea patro?,Are you telling me you are not my father?,ido_Latn-eng_Latn "Saluto, mea amikino!","Hello, my friend!",ido_Latn-eng_Latn Ica konfero atraktis 150 diplomacisti.,This conference attracted 150 diplomats.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn La diskurso dil politikisto esis ofensiva.,The politician's speech was offensive.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Il ekvarsis lua glaso.,He emptied his glass.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Homo devas esar honesta.,A man must be honest.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Il tranchis la kordo kun lua denti.,He cut the rope with his teeth.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Pacienteso esas vertuo.,Patience is a virtue.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Me esas pasable bone edukanta kerlo.,I'm a fairly well-educated guy.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Tom tacas.,Tom is silent.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Li expozis la libri al suno.,They exposed the books to the sun.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Me alaktas mea infanteto.,I'm breast-feeding my baby.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Ni povis vidar la lumi dil urbeto la fore.,We could see the lights of the town in the distance.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Plu bona ulo kam nulo.,Something is better than nothing.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Ilua nepoto rezidas en Nederlando.,His grandchild lives in the Netherlands.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Me havas dek plumi.,I have ten pens.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Me volas la ventizilo.,I want the fan.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Me iris a Hokkaido por vidar la glacio flotacanta.,I went to Hokkaido to see the floating ice.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Vu mustas venar ed havar konverseto kun ni.,You must come and have a chat with us.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Havez bela sundio!,Have a beautiful Sunday!,ido_Latn-eng_Latn L'antiqui kredis ke la tero esas plata.,The ancients believed the earth was flat.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn La morbo esas ankore en la unesma fazo.,The disease is still in the primary stage.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Ni kredigez ke ni esas bovgardisti.,Let's make believe that we are cowboys.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Ni vekis tre frue por vidar la sun-levo.,We woke up very early in order to see the sunrise.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Haltez la veturo hike.,Stop the car here.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Elu joyegis vidar lua spozo retrovenar de ilua voyajo ad Iran.,Her heart burst with gladness to see her husband return home from his overseas tour of Iran.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Esas pluvoza dio.,It's a rainy day.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Me serchis mea chambro.,I looked for my room.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Querigez la polico!,Call the police!,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Nancy studiis multe.,Nancy studied hard.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Voluntez ne des-quietesar.,Please don't be upset.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn "Lundio, mardio, merkurdio, jovdio, venerdio, saturdio e sundio esas la sep dii en un semano.","Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday are the seven days of the week.",ido_Latn-eng_Latn Elu portis reda sharpo cirkume elu kolo.,She wore a red scarf around her neck.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Il natis tra la rivero.,He swam across the river.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Me savas ube vu povas trovar ilu.,I know where you can find him.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Tom e Mary es che la Hilton hotelo.,Tom and Mary are at the Hilton Hotel.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Me donos a vu kin dolari.,I'll give you five dollars.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Ka vu konocas la inventero di ta mashino?,Do you know who invented this machine?,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Me iras singla-yare.,I go every year.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Quo esas la sekretajo?,What's the secret?,ido_Latn-eng_Latn La populo de Kolumbia parolas la Hispana.,The people from Colombia speak Spanish.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Kad esas kato sub la tablo?,Is there a cat under the table?,ido_Latn-eng_Latn "Me savas, ke Tom esis amiko di tu.",I know Tom was a friend of yours.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn La Burj Khalifa nun esas la maxim alta ciel-skrapero en la mondo.,Burj Khalifa is currently the tallest skyscraper in the world.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn La pueri ludis en la parko.,The children were playing in the park.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn L'infanti konstruktas kasteli ek sablo sur la plajo.,The children built a sand castle on the beach.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Ka ni povas interparolar?,Can we talk?,ido_Latn-eng_Latn La elefanto es la maxim grosa de omna quarpeda animali.,The elephant is the bulkiest of all four-legged animals.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Nula komenco ante bona pripenso.,Think before you act!,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Elu havas bela okuli.,She has beautiful eyes.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Me dubitas pri lua suceso.,I have doubts about his success.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Me dankas tu pro invitar me al festo.,Thanks for inviting me to the party.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Me memoris lo.,I remembered it.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Me es tre kontenta pri mea nov automobilo.,I'm really pleased with my new car.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn L'Angliana plenesas de latinida vorti.,English is full of Romance words.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Ne expozez la fotografuri al suno.,Don't expose photos to the sun.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Ube me devas pozar ol?,Where should I put it?,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Tom dicis ke ilu ne savis quo Mary volis ke ilu komprir.,Tom said he didn't know what Mary wanted him to buy.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn "Un del jemeli es vivanta, ma la altra mortis.","One of the twins is alive, but the other is dead.",ido_Latn-eng_Latn Mem l'infanti savas lo.,Even children know that.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn La chambro esas plena de homi.,The room is full of people.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Qua esas la chefurbo di Haiti?,What is the capital of Haiti?,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Elu habitas la sama domo en quan habitis elua avi.,She lives in the same house her grandparents lived in.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Il retrovenis pos tri dii.,He came back three days after.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Nur dek-e-kin minuti.,Only fifteen minutes.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Pro quo la policistaro es hike?,Why are the police here?,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Me ne kredas singla vorto di quan altri dicabas pri el.,I don't believe a word of what people have been saying about her.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Vu devas sequar la konsilo di la mediko.,You should follow the doctor's advice.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Lu finis omna exameni.,She finished all of the exams.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn "Saluto, quale tu standas?","Hello, how are you?",ido_Latn-eng_Latn "Me nultempe kantis, e nultempe kantos en karaoke drinkeyo.","I have never sung, and never will sing, in a karaoke bar.",ido_Latn-eng_Latn Ilua onklino havas tri kati.,His aunt has three cats.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn La uzo di nova teknologio atraktas plusa klienti.,The use of new technology is attracting more costumers.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Ilu staceskis kun lua chapelo en manuo.,He stood up with his hat in his hand.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Jane natas plu bone kam Yumi.,Jane swims better than Yumi.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn La afero finas bone.,The affair ends well.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn "El questionis il, kad il esis Josef.",She asked him if he was Joseph.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn "Me esperas, ke tu bone dormis.",I hope you slept well.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Mea denti doloras.,I've got a toothache.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Tu mustas respondar ca questiono.,You have to answer this question.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Sami spionas puerini.,Sami stalks girls.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Me drinkas lakto.,I drink milk.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Me prizas promenar nokte.,I like walking at night.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Me vokos tu quik kande me esos libera.,I'll call you as soon as I'm free.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn "Il dicas sempre a me ""Bona jorno"", kande me vidas il.","He always says ""Hello"" when I see him.",ido_Latn-eng_Latn Pueri ludas en la korto.,Children play in the yard.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Me esas Lin.,I am Lin.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Me volas plusa glaso de biro.,I want another beer.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Li komencis kun forta atako kontre la enemiko.,They began with a strong attack against the enemy.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Me havas nulo plubona facenda.,I have nothing better to do.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Me retrovenis.,I have returned.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Me kompris un plusa libro ultre to.,I bought one other book in addition to this one.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Il donis osto a la hundo.,He gave the dog a bone.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn "Pasinta nokte, ilu vidis NIFO en la cielo.","Last night, he saw a UFO in the sky.",ido_Latn-eng_Latn El esas putanino.,She is a whore.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn "Regardante la putaninfiliacho jetanta stoni ad turbo, il dicis: ""Atencez, vu povos frapar vua patro"".","Seeing the son of a whore throwing rocks at a crowd, he said: ""Be careful, you could hit your father.""",ido_Latn-eng_Latn Me prizas to omna quo es bela.,I love whatever is cute.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Cadie la vetero esas tre bela.,"Today, the weather is very nice.",ido_Latn-eng_Latn La hani esis serchanta manjajo.,Chickens were looking for food.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Ni forjetis oli.,We threw them away.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Nula vivo sen muziko.,There is no life without music.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Tom sempre portas verda stelo.,Tom always wears a green star.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Yen tua libro.,Here is your book.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Ilu esis tre okupita ca-semane.,He has been very busy this week.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Ni esabis soldati.,We had been soldiers.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Un yaro havas dek-e-du monati.,One year has twelve months.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Omnu springis vers ilu.,Everybody rushed towards him.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Sur la tablo esas libro.,There is a book on the table.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn La yunino singlutis en la angulo dil lernochambro.,The girl was sobbing in the corner of the schoolroom.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Quo igis tu venar adhike?,What made you come here?,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Quale tu komprenus ca vorti?,How would you take these words?,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Elu konsilis ad il prenar la pekunio.,She advised him to take the money.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Voluntez prenar lo.,"Take it, please.",ido_Latn-eng_Latn Tom povas kurar rapide.,Tom can run fast.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Me es geyala.,I am gay.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Me ocidis Deo.,I killed God.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn "On dicas, ke vampiri nauzeas pro alio, ma to esas tote nevera. A vampiri, fakte, alio tre bone saporas, li exemple juas spicizar sua hamburgeri per olu.","They say vampires are disgusted by garlic, but that's completely untrue. To vampires, actually, garlic is delicious; for example, they enjoy spicing up their hamburgers with it.",ido_Latn-eng_Latn Ilu tardesis pro la nivo.,He was late because of the snow.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Ka vere? Tu aspektas multe plu yuna.,Really? You look so young.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Ne esis aquo en la rivero.,There was no water in the river.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Me skribis letro a Jim.,I wrote a letter to Jim.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Ico esas nur tua imaginado.,It's just your imagination.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn De kande tu bezonas to?,How soon do you need it?,ido_Latn-eng_Latn La viro esas manjanta pano.,The man is eating bread.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Li vivas en ica urbo.,They live in this town.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Sango fluas tra la veni.,Blood runs in the veins.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Me probos itere.,I will try again.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn La guvernerio nominis komitato por inquestar la acidento.,The government appointed a committee to investigate the accident.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Qua esas la temo di lua romano maxim recenta?,What is the theme of his latest novel?,ido_Latn-eng_Latn La oldi tro multe regardas retroe la pasinto.,Old people look back on the past too much.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Bona civitano obedias la legi.,A good citizen obeys the laws.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Ta experimento duktis a granda deskovro.,That experiment led to a great discovery.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Ni ludis teniso hiere.,We played tennis yesterday.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Me ne volas parolar pri lo.,I don't want to talk about it.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Draki esas fiktiva bestii.,Dragons are imaginary animals.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Me aceptis ca robo po baza preco.,I bought this dress at a low price.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn "Esus bona afero, ke tu lektez ca libro, segun me.",I think it good for you to read this book.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn To es tro chera!,This is too expensive!,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Semblas ke esas poka personi kapabla solvar ta problemo matematikal.,There seem to be few people who can solve that math problem.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Ilu posedas un kato e du hundi.,He owns one cat and two dogs.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Me vidis longharara puerino.,I saw a girl with long hair.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Esas la maxim bona profesiono en la mondo.,It's the best job in the world!,ido_Latn-eng_Latn La Sun kustumale publikigas artikli pri la statala guvernerio.,The Sun regularly publishes articles covering state government.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn "Motelo similesas hotelo, ma olta es min granda e precipue uzata da personi qui vehas automobile.",A motel is like a hotel only much smaller and is used mostly by people traveling by automobile.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Ol esis varma jorno.,It was a warm day.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Ilu marchis klaudikante.,He walked with a limp.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Me ne plus savas quon facar.,I don't know what to do anymore.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Mea patro formis ta qua me es nun.,My father made me what I am.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Me odias kemio.,I hate chemistry.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Esas tro multa sukro en la kafeo.,There's too much sugar in the coffee.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Me devis irar ibe hiere.,I had to go there yesterday.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Ilua ambicio esas senlimita.,His ambition knows no bounds.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Ka tu prizas ica gardeno?,Do you like this garden?,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Me vere prizis ta filmo!,I really liked that film!,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Manjez e drinkez.,Eat and drink.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Ulu probable furtis tua horlojo.,Someone must've stolen your watch.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Voluntez tacar.,Please don't say anything.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Ilu kuregas por abordar la treno.,He is in a hurry to catch the train.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Il explozeskis pro furio.,He was bursting with fury.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn El kisas il.,She is kissing him.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Desfacilesas facar co.,This is difficult to do.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Li savos quale agar.,They'll know what to do.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Omnu havas forta e febla traiti.,Everyone has strengths and weaknesses.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Ilu esas vere egoista.,He's really selfish.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Esas tro multa informajo por traktar.,That's too much information to cover!,ido_Latn-eng_Latn To nur montras ke tu ne esas roboto.,It only shows you're not a robot.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Ka tu vidis li?,Have you seen them?,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Me povas komprenar quon el dicas.,I can understand what she is saying.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn "Republiko esas naciono di qua la chefo ne esas rejo, ma prezidanto.","A republic is a nation whose head is not a king or queen, but a president.",ido_Latn-eng_Latn Infanto bezonas amo.,A child needs love.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Lola dansis kun gracio.,Lola danced with grace.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Papiliono esas vorto tre bela.,Butterfly is a very nice word.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Guvernar klaso postulas omna onua kapablesi kom docisto.,To control a class calls for all your skills as a teacher.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Me ne savas se me ankore havas to.,I don't know if I still have it.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn To omna quon me savas esas ke me ne savas omno.,All I know is that I do not know everything.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn La studenti ne povis respondar.,The students could not give an answer.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Me prizas la teniso.,I like tennis.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Quante kustas ica kravato?,How much is this tie?,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Mea matro ne parolas la Angla tre bone.,My mom doesn't speak English very well.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn La libro skribesas da mea spozulo.,The book is being written by my husband.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Mea gepatri ne esis boni.,My parents were not good people.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Me nultempe vidis il vestizita per jeans.,I never saw him in jeans.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Me nulafoye questionis tu pri irgo.,I never asked you anything.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Ni ne vidis el recente.,We haven't seen her of late.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Qua linguon on parol en Usa?,Which language is spoken in the U.S.A.?,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Amerika abolisis la sklaveso ye la yaro 1863.,America did away with slavery in 1863.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Ni havas multo facenda hodie.,We have a lot of things to do today.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Ni trovis la puero dormante profunde.,We found the boy fast asleep.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Ka vu ne kredas ke ico esas ridikula?,Don't you think this is ridiculous?,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Voluntez donar ol a me.,"Give it to me, please.",ido_Latn-eng_Latn La festo esis omno ecepte plezuroza.,The party was anything but pleasant.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Ol es libera lando.,It's a free country.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn "Quante plu alta ni iris, tante plu koldeskis.","The higher we went, the colder it became.",ido_Latn-eng_Latn Semblas ke esas nula voyo ek nia desfacilajo.,It seems that there is no way out of our difficulty.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Li natis kontreflue.,They swam against the stream.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Desaparez de mea vivo!,Get out of my life!,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Me gustis la kuko quan el koquis.,I tasted the cake she cooked.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Ka vi manjas rizo en via lando?,Do you eat rice in your country?,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Vu esas fortunoza por havas tala bona amiki.,You are fortunate for having such good friends.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Quik pos ke ni sideskis el adportis a ni kafeo.,"As soon as we sat down, she brought us coffee.",ido_Latn-eng_Latn "La problemi internaciona mustas solvesar per la diplomaco, ne per la milito.","International problems must be solved by diplomacy, not war.",ido_Latn-eng_Latn "Hastez, puero!","Hurry up, child!",ido_Latn-eng_Latn Quo esas la minima quanto di salario en Rumania?,What's the minimum salary in Romania?,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Li esis tre ecitita.,They were very excited.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Parto di ca tereno esas mea.,A part of this land is mine.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Tu timas la morto.,You are afraid of death.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Me serchis la libro dum un horo.,I looked for the book for an hour.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Me konocas ilu.,I know him.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Hike venas nia instruisto.,Here comes our teacher.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Me konocas lu.,I recognize him.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Ambe Ken e Meg esas mea amiki.,Both Ken and Meg are my friends.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn David Beckham esas Angliano.,David Beckham is English.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Me ne povas imaginar la vivo sen tu.,I can't imagine life without you.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Me vidis viro enirar la chambro.,I saw a man enter the room.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Nova papo elektesis.,A new pope has been elected.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Ka me povas rezervar stulo aden Hawaii por Kristonasko?,Can I reserve a seat to Hawaii for Christmas?,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Esas facila por simio klimar sur arboro.,It is easy for a monkey to climb a tree.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Ube esas tua onkli?,Where are your uncles?,ido_Latn-eng_Latn La vintro venas.,Winter is coming.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Il explikis lua projeti detaloze.,He explained his plans in detail.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Savo esas povo.,Knowledge is power.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Konocado esas povo,Knowing is power.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn "Hokkaido esas tre fora, ka ne?","Hokkaido is very far, isn't it?",ido_Latn-eng_Latn La rugbio esas sporto qua nultempe interruptesas pro la pluvo.,Rugby is a sport which is never called off by rain.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Li habitas en domo.,They live in a house.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Esas desfacila konocar su ipsa.,It is difficult to know oneself.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn "Plu ridikule esas parolar lingui konstruktita kam esar geyala, bisexua o transsexuala.","It's more ridiculous to speak constructed languages than to be gay, bisexual or transsexual.",ido_Latn-eng_Latn Plu bona esas regnar en l'Inferno kam servar en la Cielo.,"Better to reign in Hell, than serve in Heaven.",ido_Latn-eng_Latn Naoki esis povra e habitis kabaneto.,Naoki was poor and lived in a hut.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Naoki esis povra e habitis kabano.,Naoki was poor and lived in a cabin.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Ta puero parolas quaze il esus adulta.,That boy talks as if he were a grown up.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Kad esas multa arbori en la parko?,Are there many trees in the park?,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Esis nulu ibe.,There was nobody there.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Tua nova robo bele konvenas a tu.,Your new dress really looks good on you.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Qua esas lektanta?,Who is reading?,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Ne obliviez extingar la fairo.,Don't forget to put out the fire.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn La puerino esas saltanta.,The girl is jumping.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn La kavalo esas saltanta.,The horse is jumping.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Mary havis mutonyuno di qua la lanofelo esis blanka quale nivo.,Mary had a little lamb whose fleece was white as snow.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn La puerulo esas saltanta.,The boy is jumping.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Ube esas la zoo?,Where's the zoo?,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Ol ja kustas multe.,It already costs a lot.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Ka tu voyajas multe?,Do you travel much?,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Me nultempe vekis tale frue.,I've never woken up this early.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Il savas parolar Japoniane.,He can speak Japanese.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Quo iracigis tu?,What made you mad?,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Me volus komendar sandwicho.,I would like to order a sandwich.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Me prizas marchar.,I like to walk.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn "Subite, me doloris ye la stomako.","All of a sudden, I felt a sharp pain in my stomach.",ido_Latn-eng_Latn Me prizas promenar.,I like walking.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Yunulo kantas avan la pordo.,A young man is singing in front of the door.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Tom atingis por la kafeo.,Tom reached for the coffee.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Helpar tu esas mea devo.,It's my duty to help you.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Multa fishi mortis.,Many fish died.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Ne timez kritikar Israel.,Don't be afraid of criticizing Israel.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Multa fishi perisis.,A lot of fish perished.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Ilu ne prontesos.,He will not be ready.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Li havas ula relato kun la skandalo.,They have something to do with the scandal.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Ka tu havas krayono?,Do you have a pencil?,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Ka vi dicos a me la verajo?,Will you tell me the truth?,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Il docas l'Angla.,He teaches English.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Ka tu aludas me?,Are you referring to me?,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Me tre prizas la hundi.,I like dogs very much.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Il perdis omna espero.,He has lost all hope.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Ne tushez ta butono!,Don't touch that button!,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Tu ludis teniso hiere.,You played tennis yesterday.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Ta libro esas mikra.,That book is small.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Por certigar ke me dicis omna justaji en la letro.,To make sure that I said all the right things in the letter.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Ka tu pronta?,Are you ready?,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Me esis serchanta tu.,I have been looking for you.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Me memoras en-postigar la letro.,I remember mailing the letter.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Olu ne prontesos.,It will not be ready.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Il ne volas vartar por tu.,He doesn't want to wait for you.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn "Kande me vekis, nevis.","When I awoke, it was snowing.",ido_Latn-eng_Latn Forsan lo esas vera.,Maybe it's true.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Me havis longa diskuto kun el.,I had a long talk with her.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Me sempre memoras mea patro kande me vidas ta fotografuro.,I always think of my father when I look at this picture.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Me drinkas aquo pro ke me durstas.,I drink water because I am thirsty.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Ka ca letro skribesis da Ken?,Was this letter written by Ken?,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Tu memorigas da me tua fratulo.,You remind me of your brother.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Quante fora de hike esas al staciono?,How far is it from here to the station?,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Me obliviis post-markizar la letro ante sendar ol.,I forgot to put on the stamp before I mailed the letter.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Ube esas tua skolo?,Where is your school?,ido_Latn-eng_Latn "Se vu par-skribis la letro, me en-postigos ol.","If you have written the letter, I'll post it.",ido_Latn-eng_Latn Ica bifsteko semblas esar kruda. Me ponderas sive ol esis koquita sat longe.,This steak seems rare. I wonder if it was cooked long enough.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Me ne multe dormis lasta nokto.,I didn't sleep much last night.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn "Sioro Roland, quon vu pensas pri ta problemo?","Mrs. Roland, what do you think of this problem?",ido_Latn-eng_Latn Ilu ne esas la sola persono kun ica opiniono.,He isn't the only one with this opinion.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Me esas okupata per skribar letri e diskursar.,I'm busy with writing letters and giving speeches.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Tom havas la perfekta alibio.,Tom has the perfect alibi.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Kad vu laboras en urbo?,Do you work in a town?,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Voluntez vartar til ke me par-finis skribar ita letro.,Please wait until I have finished writing this letter.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Me deziras kafeo.,I'd like some coffee.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn "Me devas skribar letro, ma me ne povos facar lo til morge.","I have to write a letter, but I won't be able to get at it until tomorrow.",ido_Latn-eng_Latn Sequez vua propra kurso e lasez la homi parolar.,Follow your own path and let people talk.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn "Pos skribar la letro, me pozos ol en posto-buxo.","After I write the letter, I'll mail it in a mailbox.",ido_Latn-eng_Latn Me par-finas skribar la letro.,I've finished writing the letter.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Ka me darfas telefonar tu morge?,May I call you tomorrow?,ido_Latn-eng_Latn "Ne esas facila tasko, skribar letro.",It is no easy task to write a letter.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Il rezidas en ca vicineyo.,He lives in this neighborhood.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Ilu demandas vua opiniono.,He asks for your opinion.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Tom esas elektro-teknikisto.,Tom is an electrical engineer.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Me havas du nevi.,I have two niblings.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Lu qua regardas fixe la cielo falias sua skopo.,"If you stare at the sky, you'll miss the target.",ido_Latn-eng_Latn La maxim bona maniero por skribar letri esas skribar irga to quo esas en vua mento.,The best way to write letters is to put down whatever is in your mind.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Tatoeba esas gratuita programaro.,Tatoeba is free software.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Ni havas du filiini e du filiuli.,We have got two daughters and two sons.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Ka vu opinionas ke me devas skribar?,Do you think I should write?,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Voluntez sendar la letro esprese.,Please send the letter by express.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Voluntez helpar me trovar laboro.,Please help me find a job.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn "Quik pos lektar la letro, elu ploreskis.","As soon as she read the letter, she began to cry.",ido_Latn-eng_Latn "Me kambiis mea ""yen"" po dolari.",I converted my yen into dollars.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Irez a via loki.,Get in your places.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Kirurgio esas la maxim bona solvo.,Surgery is the best solution.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Tom e Mary regardis a l'altra senparole.,Tom and Mary looked at each other speechlessly.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Ne existas vivo sen aquo.,There is no life without water.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Me ne havis sexual relati kun ta homino.,I did not have sexual relations with that woman.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Tomo ankorfoye esas ebria.,Tom is drunk again.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Ni havas nulo facenda.,We have nothing to do.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn "Se omna profesori enoyigis omna sua studianti, lor omna profesori misuzas sua tempo.","If all professors bore all of their students, then all professors are wasting their time.",ido_Latn-eng_Latn La pueri ludis meze di strado.,The children were playing in the middle of the street.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn La kardelo esas tre interesanta ucelo.,The goldfinch is a very interesting bird.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Fumas tro multa sigareti e drinkas tro multa alkoholo esas danjeroza.,Smoking too many cigarettes and drinking too much alcohol is dangerous.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Danko pro tua tempo.,Thanks for your time.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Voluntez klozar la pordo.,Close the door please.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Esis multa kozi qua iritis me pri ta kontrato.,There were many things that bothered me about that contract.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Mea pedi esas plu mikra kam le tua.,My feet are smaller than yours.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Kelki dicas ke ilu esas la maxim richa homo en ica urbeto.,People say that he is the richest man in this town.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn La nebulo impedis l'avioni departar.,The fog prevented the planes from taking off.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Homo havas la habileso parlar.,Man has the ability to speak.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn La normaleso es tediva.,Normalcy is boring.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Qua linguo parolesas en Usa?,Which language is spoken in the United States of America?,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Il esas un de mea vicini.,He is one of my neighbours.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Me ne povas permisar vu por facar lo.,I can't allow you to do that.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Me opionas ke ni facis tre bona laboro.,I think we did a very good job.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Nulu povas trublar vera amikeso.,Nobody can disturb a true friendship.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn "Me dezirus studiar kun tu cavespere, ma me ne povas.","I'd like to study with you tonight, but I can't.",ido_Latn-eng_Latn Ube esas la libro?,Where is the book?,ido_Latn-eng_Latn La formo esas tre importanta.,Shape is very important.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Takada esas la maxim richa de ni omna.,Takada is the richest out of all of us.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn "Aquo esas liquido. Kande ol frostas, olu solideskas.","Water is liquid. When it freezes, it becomes solid.",ido_Latn-eng_Latn Il ne plus esas puero.,He's not a boy anymore.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn El prizas la kantisto.,She likes the singer.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn On ne povas vivar sen aquo.,One can't live without water.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Tom ne frequentas kirko.,Tom doesn't go to church.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Ka vu havas dishi regionala?,Do you have any regional dishes?,ido_Latn-eng_Latn El konfundis mea fratulo a me.,She mistook my brother for me.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Me donos ica mesajo ad il quik kande il arivos.,I'll give him this message the moment he arrives.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Tom esas absenta.,Tom is missing.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn "Meaopinione, feliceso havas kelka bezoni fundamentala.","In my opinion, happiness has a few fundamental requirements.",ido_Latn-eng_Latn La docisto omisis l'exerco ye pagino 21 di la libro.,The teacher omitted the exercise on page 21 of the book.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn "En Hokkaido, on facas kavali ek palio.","In Hokkaido, they make horses of straw.",ido_Latn-eng_Latn Me esas kontenta ne komprir tala kozo.,I am glad I did not buy such a thing.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Tu esas tro yuna por amoreskar.,You are too young to be in love.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Tom esas shovinisto.,Tom is a chauvinist.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Elu esas fiera pri elua filiulo.,She is proud of her son.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn "Ma quon vu opinionas, ka vere esas multa spioneri inter ni?","But what do you think, are there really many spies among us?",ido_Latn-eng_Latn Ka vu volas sideskar?,Would you like to sit?,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Vu povas lokacar biciklo en ita butiko.,You can hire a bicycle by the hour at this shop.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn la ludo esis tre interesiva.,The game was very interesting.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn "Ilqua deziras troa multo, ganas nulo.","He who desires too much, gets nothing.",ido_Latn-eng_Latn El montris sua albumo a me.,She showed me his album.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Me deziras portar ito kun me.,I'd like to take this with me.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Prismato des-kompozas lumo.,A prism decomposes light.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Ta esas un de la taski me devas facar singla-die.,This is one of the jobs I have to do every day.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Telefonez ni sen-page ye 1-800-446-2581.,Call us toll-free at 1-800-446-2581.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn L'uceli flugas.,The birds fly.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Elu prizas muziko plu bona ke ulo altra.,She likes music better than anything else.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn "Ilu ne esis che su, tam ofte esas la kazo pri lu.","He was not at home, as is often the case with him.",ido_Latn-eng_Latn "Il aspektas richa, ma ne esas.",He is wealthy in appearance but not in reality.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Tom esas konsakrita ad heroeno.,Tom is addicted to heroin.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Tom prizas parolar pri la vetero.,Tom likes talking about the weather.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Me kelke fatigesas.,I'm a bit tired.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Ni laboras ca-instante.,We're working at the moment.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Omnu vartas desquiete.,Everyone is waiting anxiously.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn "Kavalo, leono, hundo, kapro, ti esas bestii.","Horse, lion, dog, goat: these are animals.",ido_Latn-eng_Latn Elua pelo esas plu blanka kam nivuro.,Her skin is whiter than snow.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Voluntez montrar vua reklamaco-etiketi.,May I see your claim tags?,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Tala kozo ne povas esar trovata omnaloke.,Such a thing cannot be found everywhere.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Pintizez tua krayono.,Sharpen your pencil.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Il esos bona spozulo.,He'll make a good husband.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Papagayo es kapabla imitar la homala parolo.,A parrot can imitate human speech.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Me suspektas ke il esas mentiero.,I suspect him to be a liar.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Tom konocas maxim bone.,Tom knows best.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Me studias la Koreana.,I study Korean.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Haruko prizas varma printempi.,Haruko likes warm springs.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Co ne esas sukro.,This isn't sugar.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Me ne volis co eventar.,I didn't want this to happen.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Ka tu konocas la viro stacanta sur la ponto?,Do you know the man standing on the bridge?,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Ka vu vere povas natar?,Can you really swim?,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Me prizas irar al cinemo.,I like to go to the movies.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Rusia esos dominacor da motorbicikeri!,Russia will be controlled by motorcyclists!,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Quale tu nomesas?,What is your name?,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Merkez ica reguli.,Keep these rules in mind.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Tom esas heme.,Tom is at home.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Ol esis longa de ok metri.,It was eight meters long.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Ito esas harpo.,This is a harp.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Ka tu standas bone?,Are you alright?,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Me cesis fumar sis monati ante nun.,I quit smoking six months ago.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Ka vu amas vua matro?,Do you love your mother?,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Mea sango ne es plu reda kam la via.,My blood is no redder than yours.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Mea spozulo esas en kongreso. Ka tu volas drinkar kelka kafeo?,My husband is at a conference. Would you like to get some coffee?,ido_Latn-eng_Latn "O tu eroras, o me.",Either you or I am wrong.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn To es mea E-postal adreso.,This is my email address.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Me tristeskas.,I felt bad.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Qua ne amas elu?,Who doesn't love her?,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Me havas multa amiki en landi stranjera.,I have many friends in foreign countries.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Me movas plu bone.,I move better.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Me koaktigos tu nultempe mariajar il.,I will never force you to marry him.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Ilu retrovenos.,He will come back.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Ne jetez ulo tra la fenestro.,Do not throw anything out of the window.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn La pluvo sequas me omnaloke!,The rain follows me everywhere!,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Mea kavalo es blanka.,My horse is white.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Libro havas pagini.,A book has pages.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Ne regardez la televidilo.,Don't watch TV.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Ka vu parolas l'Araba?,Do you speak Arabic?,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Ka tu jus sentis ke la tero tremis?,Did you feel the earth shake just now?,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Ca hundo esas geyo.,This dog is gay.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Tu mankos la nutrajo Japoniana en l'USA.,You will miss Japanese food in the United States.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Quon tu volas?,What do you want?,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Pro quo tu volas esar flegisto?,Why do you want to be a nurse?,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Esas lundio.,It is Monday.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Kristo riviveskabas!,Christ is risen!,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Fulmino frapis la turmo.,Lightning struck the tower.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Sep esas fortunoza nombro.,Seven is a lucky number.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn On dicas ke sep esas fortunoza nombro.,Seven is said to be a lucky number.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Ka ni povos irar adsur la luno en la proxima futuro?,Can we get to the moon in the near future?,ido_Latn-eng_Latn La chefi de sep landi asistis la kun-veno.,The top leaders of seven countries attended the meeting.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn On ne povas facar l'omleti sen ruptar l'ovi.,You cannot make omelets without breaking eggs.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Sep-a-dek od ok-a-dek yari esas la normala longeso di homala vivo.,Seventy or eighty years is the normal span of a man's life.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Me audis ke el venis adhike.,I heard that she came here.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Il esis bon amiko.,He was a good friend.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Tom ne manjas fishi.,Tom doesn't eat fish.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Me ne parolas la Germana.,I don't speak German.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Me arivis hike ya nun.,I arrived here just now.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Ube vi lernis la Franca?,Where did you learn French?,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Quante kustas ica radio?,How much is this radio?,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Centi de homi perisis.,Hundreds of people were killed.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn "Se esas nula solvo, do esas nula problemo.","If there's no solution, then there's no problem.",ido_Latn-eng_Latn Dek-e-tri Usani mortis.,Thirteen Americans were killed.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Ka irgu altra iras?,Is anyone else going?,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Flori ed arbori bezonas pura aero ed aquo.,Flowers and trees need clean air and water.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Me havas du kati.,I have two cats.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Me es che l'aeroportuo nun.,I'm at the airport now.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Me volus komendar drinkajo nun.,I would like to order drinks now.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Parolar la Angla linguo ne esas facila.,Speaking English is not easy.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Ta domo e ta lando esas mea!,This house and this land are mine.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Me ekiris de la chambro.,I left the room.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Ilua hobii esas plear gitaro e kantar.,His hobbies are playing the guitar and singing.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Tom marchis trans la strado.,Tom walked across the street.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Ne profitas lektar pluse.,It's not worth reading any further.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Ni konocis la una la altra dum multa yari.,We've known each other for years.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Rozo esas bela floro.,A rose is a pretty flower.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn El parolis a me susurante.,She spoke to me in a whisper.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Il engajis nova servistino.,He employed a new maid.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Lu es homeosexuala.,They are homosexual.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn El ludis teniso omna-sundie.,She used to play tennis every Sunday.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn La dicionario sur la skribotablo esas mea.,The dictionary on the desk is mine.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Uladie me renkontris il.,One day I met him.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Quo esas ta dicionario?,What's that vocabulary?,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Ube me povas trovar bona geyklubo?,Where can I find a good gay club?,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Me prizas vua amiki.,I like your friends.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Elu dependas de sua spozo.,She's dependent on her husband.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn "Me es la kuratanto de ca infanto, e lu es mea kuratato.","I am the caretaker of this child, and they are my care-receiver.",ido_Latn-eng_Latn La hundi respiras cirkume 30 foyi en minuto.,Dogs breathe approximately 30 times a minute.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Nun extere plu obskureskas.,It's getting darker outside now.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn La puerulo restis silence.,The boy remained silent.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Qua tu esas?,Who are you?,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Me bezonas kafeo.,I need coffee.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn La frukto de ta arboro ne esas manjenda.,The fruit of this tree is not to be eaten.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Me nuntempe pardonos vu.,I will never forgive you.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Me nuntempe pardonos tu.,I'll never forgive you.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Nun manjez tua dineo.,Now eat your supper.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Me jus retrovenis.,I have just returned.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Tom iris aden la bosko.,Tom went into the woods.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Kelka homi havas rara animali kom dorlot-bestii.,Some people keep rare animals as pets.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn La tifono perdis sua forco.,The typhoon has lost its power.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Me ja parlektis ta libro.,I have already finished this book.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Me ne povas manjar pluse.,I cannot eat any more.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn El voyajas cirkum la mondo.,She is traveling around the world.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Me ne povas irar pluse.,I can't go any farther.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Mea amiko ne ludas teniso.,My friend doesn't play tennis.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Me ne povas tolerar tala mala standi pluse.,I can't put up with such bad conditions any more.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn La kato miaulis.,The cat meowed.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Danko de la fundo di mea kordio!,"Thank you, from the bottom of my heart!",ido_Latn-eng_Latn Permisez a me prizentar me.,Allow me to introduce myself.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Me evos dek-e-quar.,I am going to be fourteen.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Multa spozini plendas pri la chera preci.,Many wives complain about high prices.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn La Hipotezo di Reimann esas ne-pruvita.,The Riemann Hypothesis is unproven.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Italiana politikisti iracigas me.,Italian politicians make me mad.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Ni mustas esar alerta pri danjero.,We must be alert to dangers.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Il prizas peskar.,He likes fishing.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn La informo delektis il.,The news delighted him.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Esis kalma nokto.,It was a quiet night.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Modi oldeskis e pasis.,Fashions grow old and die.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn La vetero tasemane esas bona.,The weather this week has been good on the whole.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Ka tu audis la roro di la leoni?,Did you hear the roar of the lions?,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Ka vi parolas Volapük?,Do you speak Volapük?,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Vu ne plus esas yuna.,You're not young anymore.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Ni nule judikez homi pro lia aspekto.,We should never judge people by their appearance.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Ka tu savas quale uzar komputero?,Do you know how to use a computer?,ido_Latn-eng_Latn El iris ad Italia.,She went away to Italy.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Mili de fishi trovesas flotacanta en la lago.,Thousands of dead fish have been found floating in the lake.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Me ne povas laborar dum ke vu stacas ibe.,I can't work with you standing there.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn "Til kande tu arivis ibe, la suno sub-iris.","By the time you got there, the sun had set.",ido_Latn-eng_Latn Il iris ad Italia por studiar muziko.,He went to Italy for the purpose of studying music.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Ilua gambo mordesis da krokodilo.,His leg was bitten by a crocodile.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Kad ol esas tua?,Is it yours?,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Pro ke vu dicas to.,Since you say so.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Quanton tu bezonas?,How much do you need?,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Quante kustas cinemo-bilieto?,How much does a cinema ticket cost?,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Me ne blamas tu.,I don't blame you.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Me prizas kurar.,I like jogging.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Forsan John savas ulo pri Sioro Black.,John might know something about Mr Black.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Tu trovos tua ludili e libri.,You will find your toys and books.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Il ne venos a la leciono morge.,He won't come to class tomorrow.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Il ofte permisas me uzar lua skrib-mashino.,He often lets me use his typewriter.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn E quon me devas agar nun?,And what do I have to do now?,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Brosez vua denti pos repastar.,Brush your teeth after meals.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Me arivos ibe ye 1700 kloki.,I'll be there at five p.m.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Do ni komencez.,Then let us begin.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn "Quale tu standas, Tom?","How are you, Tom?",ido_Latn-eng_Latn Elu ne arivis hike til nun.,She has not come here yet.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Il ofte disipas tempo.,He often spends his time idly.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Ilu iris ski-glitar en Hokkaido.,He went skiing in Hokkaido.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Me ne povas imaginar vu kondutar tale.,I cannot see you behaving like that.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Me regretas ke mea amiko ne esas hike.,I am sorry that my friend is not here.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Me esperas ke vu tote risaneskos.,I hope you will be completely cured.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Ilu nultempe projetas facas ulo sen praktikar lo.,He never makes a plan without putting it into practice.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn llu quik negis lo.,He instantly denied it.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn "Mi volas dulita chambro por quar nokti, kustanta cirkume kinadek dolari po nokto",I'd like a double for four nights from tonight for about fifty dollars a night.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn "Se tu donos la pomo a me, Helena, plu bela kam omna cetera mulieri, esos tua.","If you give me the apple, Helen, more beautiful than all other women, will be yours.",ido_Latn-eng_Latn Ica libro havas multa imaji.,This book has a lot of pictures.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Tom mustas irar che la banko.,Tom has to go to the bank.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Un linguo nulatempe suficos.,One language will never be enough.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Me lavas mea manui ante dejunar.,I wash my hands before eating lunch.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Me havas nulo dicinda ad il.,I've got nothing to say to him.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Atencez to quon tu es aganta!,Watch what you're doing!,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Ka ta esas vespertilio?,Is that a bat?,ido_Latn-eng_Latn En Wals ni havas proverbo.,In Wales we have a proverb.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn On kredas ke baleni havas propra linguo.,It is believed that whales have their own language.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Esez nula plusa mondo-milito!,May there never be another world war!,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Sami emocis pro la donaco da Layla.,Sami was touched by Layla's gift.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Me ne savas qua butonon me devas presar.,I don't know which button to push.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Me kredis ke vu esis Tom.,I thought you were Tom.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Me havas filiino.,I have a daughter.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Ne atencez elu.,Don't mind her.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Ka tu volas inter-disputar?,You wanna fight?,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Saluto. Ka me povas parolar kun sioro Johnson?,"Hello. May I speak to Mr Johnson, please?",ido_Latn-eng_Latn Quante kustas bilieto por la espreso-treno?,How much is the express?,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Tom interesas su pri monto-klimado.,Tom is interested in mountaineering.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Tom parolabas ye la telefonilo dum un horo.,Tom has been talking on the phone for an hour.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Ni selektis il kom nia chefo.,We chose him to be our leader.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Ube esas la infanti?,Where are the children?,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Me esas kelke konfuzigita.,I'm a little confused.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Voluntez lektar ici reporti sorgoze.,Please read these reports carefully.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Ol nultempe eventis.,It never happened.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Tom esas psikopato.,Tom is a psychopath.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Kantez kansono kun me.,Sing a song with me.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Mary iraceskis.,Mary got mad at me.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Pro quo ol ne funcionis?,Why didn't it work?,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Me ne plus kredas lo.,I don't believe it any longer.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Ta brosilo facesas ek kamel-pilo.,This brush is made from camel hair.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Ula vundurin tempo ne ri-sanigas.,Some wounds time never heals.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Me volas savar quanta pekunio esas disponebla en mea konto.,I would like to know how much money there is in my account.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Forsan il savas qua ruptis la fenestri.,Possibly he knows who broke the windows.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn On konsideras l'Angla esar internacionala linguo.,English is considered an international language.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Me savas lo vera.,I know the truth.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn El iracegas kontre me.,She is very angry with me.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Tom esas vua amiko.,Tom is your friend.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Quale vu nomesas?,What's your name?,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Il agis plu bone kam lasta-foye.,He has done better than last time.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Esas desfacila finar la laboro en un dio.,It is difficult to finish the work in a day.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Esas interesiva ke nulu remarkis ta eroro.,It is interesting that no one noticed that mistake.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Tu studias l'Angla.,You study English.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Quante esas alta la Monto Blanka?,How high is Mont Blanc?,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Me volas vidar il omna-kuste.,I want to see him at all costs.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Me pruntis ica libro de il.,I borrowed this book from him.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Me parolis kun el dum horo.,I talked to her for an hour.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Ica filmon me ja vidis per televiziono.,I've already watched this film on the telly.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Sensheligez du de la banani.,Peel two of the bananas.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Ica hundi esas granda.,These dogs are big.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Multa aquo bezonesas.,Much water is needed.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn "Me mem volis presar ilua manuo, ma seque me memoris, ke me mortigabis viro.","I even wanted to shake his hand, but then I remembered that I had killed a man.",ido_Latn-eng_Latn Me indutas pan-loncho per mustardo.,I am spreading mustard on a slice of bread.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Vi sivagas moskito e glutas kamelo.,You strain at a gnat and swallow a camel.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Ube esas la TV guvernilo?,Where's the remote control for the TV?,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Me renkontris anciena amiko hazarde en Tokio.,I met an old friend by chance in Kyoto.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn "Pro quo frazi? ...vu questionus. Nu, pro ke frazi esas plu interesiva.","Why sentences? …you may ask. Well, because sentences are more interesting.",ido_Latn-eng_Latn La datumi esas insertita aden la komputero.,The data has been fed into the computer.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn """Ka tu pensas ke lu venos?"" - ""Me esperas ke ne.""","""Do you think he'll come?"" ""I hope not.""",ido_Latn-eng_Latn Anke me prizas la kuki.,I too like candies.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn La Hispaniani havas du surnomi.,Spaniards have two surnames.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Pos preske un monato me ankore memoras la vorto.,After almost a month I still remember the word.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Li trovis l'una l'altra.,They found each other.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Me ne povas deskovrar quale apertar ita valizo.,I can't figure out how to open this suitcase.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn La libro di Jack esas interesanta.,Jack's book is interesting.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Kun qua vi dineas?,With whom are you eating dinner?,ido_Latn-eng_Latn La serpentala-mordo esis fatala.,The snake bite was fatal.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Mea onklino esas plu olda kam mea matro.,My aunt is older than my mother.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Elua patro servis kom senatano di Usa.,His father had served as a United States senator.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Elu havas la granda domo nur por elu.,She has the large house to herself.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Tom rinsis sua boko.,Tom rinsed his mouth.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Me pensas ke trotar esas bona exerco.,I think jogging is good exercise.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Me savas per lua parol-maniero ke il ne esas usano.,I know from his speech that he is not an American.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Tu esas tre kurajoza.,You are very courageous.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Lu esas yogano.,He is a yogi.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn La milito duris du yari.,The war lasted two years.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Ucelo povas flugar.,A bird can fly.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Elu konsideros ica.,She will consider this.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Elu laboras en banko.,She works in a bank.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Me nur regardas.,I'm just looking.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Me ne parolas la Hispaniana.,I don't speak Spanish.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Il ne plus esas sola.,He isn't lonely anymore.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Ka tu havas ula relato kun il?,Are you related to him?,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Il havas poka amiki hike ecepte tu.,He has few friends here except you.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Ica esas la fenestro qua ruptesis dal puero.,This is the window which was broken by the boy.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Me volus diskutar ulo kun tu.,I'd like to discuss something with you.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Mea teo esas tro dolca.,My tea is too sweet.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn "Me venos, la vetero permisante.","I will come, weather permitting.",ido_Latn-eng_Latn Il ne havas libera tempo por sporto.,He has no leisure for sport.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Quon tu facas hike?,What are you doing here?,ido_Latn-eng_Latn "Pos koito anusala kun mea kompanulo, ni ordinare bezonas kompleta lavo.","After having anal sex with my boyfriend, we usually need to have a good wash.",ido_Latn-eng_Latn La tasko esas tante desfacila ke me ne povas efektigar lo.,The task is so difficult that I cannot accomplish it.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn "Forsan la gilotino ne perfektesas ma ol esas la maxim bona sistemo, qua existas.",The guillotine may not be perfect but it's the best system we have.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Ni esas homini.,We are women.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn "Qua kozon tu preferas, trotar o vehar bicikle?","Which do you like better, cycling or jogging?",ido_Latn-eng_Latn Pro quo tu lernas la Angla omnadie?,Why do you study English every day?,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Li havas du filiini.,They have two daughters.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Nun dicez a me.,Now tell me.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn "Ilu dicas ""me volas"" kande ilu deziras ulo, e dicas ""no"" kande ilu ne deziras lo.","He says ""want"" when he wants something, and ""no"" when he does not.",ido_Latn-eng_Latn Yen ke ni esas en Himeji staciono.,Here we are at Himeji Station.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Ni esas hike!,Here we are!,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Kompletigez la frazo.,Complete the sentence.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Dii ventoza ne plezas me.,I don't like windy days.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn La dineo esis tante bona!,The dinner was so good!,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Kelly direktas la novajo-fako.,Kelly carries the news department.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Ilu provizos a tu per to quon tu bezonas.,He will provide you with what you need.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Donez a me kin dii.,Give me five days.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Onu facez la lumo!,Let there be light!,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Ne esas yusteso kande tanta kelki havas tanta multo e tanta multi havas tanta kelko.,There is no justice when so few have so much and so many have so little.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Ta revuo vizesas al adolecanti.,That magazine is aimed at teenagers.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Tu darfas libere enirar la biblioteko.,You can enter the library freely.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn "E Deo dicis: ""Onu facez la lumo"". E la lumo facesis.",And God said: Let there be light. And there was light.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn La parko esas en la centro di la urbo.,The park is in the center of the city.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Esez kalma e kondutez bone!,Keep quiet and behave well!,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Me ne savas quon dicar ad il.,I didn't know what to say to him.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Me esas gravida.,I am pregnant.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Me ja esas pronta.,I'm already ready.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn L'amoro esas sufro.,To love is to suffer.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Hiere eventis trafiko-acidento avan la domo.,There was a traffic accident in front of the house yesterday.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn "Tu povas kurar, ma tu ne povas celar tu.","You can run, but you can't hide.",ido_Latn-eng_Latn Cafoye me pardonas la afero.,I'll let it go this time.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn La puero manjis la pomo.,The boy ate the apple.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Il fumis dum la tota tempo.,He kept on smoking all the time.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Qua librin tu lektis en l'Angla?,What books have you read in English?,ido_Latn-eng_Latn La mondo konsistas ek maro e tero.,The earth is made up of sea and land.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Omna stuli esas rezervita.,All seats are reserved.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Ca agro esas mea proprietajo.,This land is my property.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Nia esquado desvinkis.,Our team lost.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Marchado esas agreabla.,Walking is nice.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Ka vu volas taso de kafeo?,Do you want a cup of coffee?,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Ta esas bela urbeto.,This is a gorgeous town.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Elu ne povas koquar bone.,She can't cook well.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Ilu adiis ilua familio.,He said good-bye to the family.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Ka vu povas dicar a me vua adreso?,Can you tell me your address?,ido_Latn-eng_Latn "Quale on dicas ""cat"" en la Hispaniana?","How do you say ""cat"" in Spanish?",ido_Latn-eng_Latn La petali flotacis sur la surfaco dil aquo.,The petals floated on the surface of the water.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn La questionari disdonesis hazarde.,The questionnaires were distributed at random.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Me notis lua telefon-numero en mea agendo.,I took down her telephone number in my notebook.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Elu questionis se ni volus koquar.,She asked us if we would like to cook.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn La aeroplano flugis super la insulo.,The plane flew over the island.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Il jus kompris automobilo uzita.,He has just bought a used car.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Kad esas multa bestii en la zoo?,Are there many animals in the zoo?,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Ka vu havas kurso por komencanti?,Do you have a course for beginners?,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Voluntez enirar.,Please come in.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn La revolucionala konsilantaro kun-venis por projetar strategio.,The revolutionary council met to plan strategy.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Ilu esas perfektesisto.,He is a perfectionist.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Fugis tauro kun pantalono kurta.,A bull with short trousers has escaped.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Kapitano responsas pri sua navo e sua kruo.,A captain is in charge of his ship and its crew.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Bob es la sola studianto en nia klaso qua povas parlar la Hispana linguo.,Bob is the only student that can speak Spanish in our class.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Ube me povas kambiar yen po dolari?,Where can I exchange yen for dollars?,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Dum ca matinala promenado me povis obtenar bonega fotografuri.,"In a morning stroll, I was able to take excellent photos.",ido_Latn-eng_Latn Ica dicionario pozas speciala emfazo sur uzo.,This dictionary puts a special emphasis on usage.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Morge me retrodonos la pekunio quan tu prestis a me.,"Tomorrow, I'll return the money you lent me.",ido_Latn-eng_Latn Mea fratino esas dek centimetri plu alta kam me.,My sister is 10 centimetres taller than I am.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn To ne esas exakte quon me pensabis.,That's not exactly what I had in mind.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Li dicas ke me esas oldino.,They say that I'm an old woman.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn El aceptis ilua donacajo.,She accepted his gift.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Ne fulez la gazono.,Don't walk on the grass.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Elu mortis kin yari ante nun.,She has been dead five years.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn "Ilu saltis aden la rivero, defiante la frostita aquo.",He jumped into the river in defiance of the icy water.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Lavar vesti e tuki esas mea laboro.,Washing clothes and sheets is my work.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn El pavoras pri la tondri.,She is frightened of thunder.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Me ne volas parolar pri la vetero.,I don't want to talk about the weather.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn La genieso esas un po cent inspirado e non-a-dek-e-non po cent transpirado.,Genius is one percent inspiration and 99 percent perspiration.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn La drako es imaginara kreuro.,The dragon is an imaginary creature.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Kad esas animal-parko en Boston?,Is there a zoo in Boston?,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Me esas certa.,I am sure.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Il ne prizas la kafeo.,He doesn't like coffee.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Quanta proverbin ni lernis til nun?,How many proverbs have we learned so far?,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Semblas a me ke il venas de Anglia.,It seems to me that he is from England.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Tu adminime devas portar kravato.,You should at least wear a tie.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Ka me darfas prenar plusa peco di kuko?,May I have another piece of cake?,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Me ne komendis to.,I did not order this.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Ka vu objektus se me fumos?,Would you mind if I smoked?,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Vu devas fumar mine.,You should smoke less.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Esas dek personi en ica chambro.,There are ten people in this room.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Me facas komerco ye la inter-reto.,I do business on the internet.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn La bilieto por la koncerto kustas plu multe kam la bilieto por la cinemo.,The concert ticket costs more than the cinema ticket.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn La fumo di tabako produktas la kancero.,Tobacco smoke is productive of cancer.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Me ne dormas bone.,I do not sleep well.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Mea patro ne prizas muziko.,My father does not like music.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Ka tu metos ica kimono?,Will you put on this kimono?,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Me decidabas divenor ciencisto.,I've decided to become a scientist.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Tu dicis to mi-horo ante nun.,You said that half an hour ago.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Tom cesis movar.,Tom stopped moving.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Ye qua kloko el naskis?,What time was she born?,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Me ne drinkas multa biro.,I don't drink much beer.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn El esas mediko.,She is a doctor.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Ni lernis ke Newton deskovris la lego di gravitado.,We learned that Newton discovered the law of gravitation.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn "Me volas studiar exterlande, mem se mea genitori objecionas.","I want to study abroad, even if my parents are against it.",ido_Latn-eng_Latn Ube esas vua kamiono?,Where's your truck?,ido_Latn-eng_Latn La ceno distraktis l'atenco di la duktanto de la voyo.,The scenery diverted the driver's attention from the road.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Il kompris Honda.,He bought a Honda.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn La homini esas homi.,Women are people.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn La ciklo di sango.,The cycle of blood is not regular.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Vivar en urbo diferas sat multe de vivar en ruro.,Living in the town is quite different from living in the country.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn La preci duros augmentar.,Prices will continue to rise.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Me volas ke il pleez la gitaro.,I want him to play the guitar.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Rakontez a ni la rakonto del komenco til la fino.,Tell us the story from beginning to end.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Me kredas ke il esos kun ni hodie.,I believe he'll be with us today.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Ne tushez mea libri per sordida manui.,Don't handle my books with dirty hands.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Kioto vizitesas da multa turisti.,Kyoto is visited by many tourists.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Me trovis mea glaso ruptita.,I found my glass in pieces.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Ka tu volus plusa sauco?,Would you like some more gravy?,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Le Johnson prizas havar partii.,The Johnsons love to have parties.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Me kaptis bela papiliono.,I caught a beautiful butterfly.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Ni natis en la lago.,We swam in the lake.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Me nultempe oblivias vizajo.,I never forget a face.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Tu esas la chefo.,You're the boss.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Skribez tua nomo per la krayono!,Write your name with the pencil.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Me perdis me en tua universo.,I lost myself in your universe.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn El esas egoista muliero.,She is a selfish woman.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Mark havas mea libro.,Mark has my book.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Manjez plu multa legumi fresha.,Eat more fresh vegetables.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn La soldati gardis la ponto.,The soldiers guarded the bridge.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Me perdis mea bilieto.,I've lost my ticket.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Kad arivis letri por me?,Have any letters arrived for me?,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Betty mortigis il.,Betty killed him.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Tua opiniono semblas esar bona ideo.,Your opinion sounds like a good idea.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Me mustas helpar el.,I've got to help him.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn "El esas vere inteligenta, ka ne?","She's really smart, isn't she?",ido_Latn-eng_Latn Me bezonas tua konsilo.,I require your advice.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Tua opiniono diferas tre multe kam la mea.,Your opinion is quite different from mine.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn "Yes, me amas to.","Yes, I love this.",ido_Latn-eng_Latn To ne esas posibla!,This is impossible!,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Nulu venis.,No one came.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn La puerino esis persequata dal oldulo.,The young girl was chased by the old man.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Me trovos solvuro por la problemo.,I will come up with a solution to the problem.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Ni esas to quon ni pensas.,We are what we think.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Quala bela ciel-arko!,What a beautiful rainbow!,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Ka to esas tante mala?,Is that so bad?,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Por plusa detali vokez Gisèle.,"For further details, call Gisèle.",ido_Latn-eng_Latn Ka tu komendis la libro?,Did you order the book?,ido_Latn-eng_Latn El vartis avan la edifico.,She was waiting in front of the building.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Tu audas me.,You hear me.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Qua esas la yunino en la rozea robo?,Who is the girl in the pink dress?,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Me ne volas ke irgu pleez mea gitaro.,I don't want anyone to play my guitar.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Il divenis famoza aktoro.,He became a famous actor.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Me komprenas tua linguo.,I understand your language.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Me ofte voyajas.,I travel often.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Ibe nulu povas audar tu.,Nobody can hear you there.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn "Me volas kredar,",I want to believe.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Ube tu esis?,Where were you?,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Omna di mea amiki prizas vu.,All of my friends like you.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Il ja esas hike.,He is already here.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Tom esas terorigata dicar a stranjeri.,Tom is terrified of talking to strangers.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Voluntez tirar la kordo.,Please pull the rope.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Ni natis trans la rivero.,We managed to swim across the river.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn La yunino esas sola.,The girl is lonely.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Vua saneso importas plu multe.,Your health is more important.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Ica kamizo kustas dek dolari.,This shirt costs ten dollars.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn "Vu darfas irar adheme, se vu volas.",You can go home if you like.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Es danjeroza por infanti ludar proxime ta lageto.,It is dangerous for children to play near this pond.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Me vekis ye kin kloki ca-matine.,I woke up at five this morning.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Ton me supozas.,I assume so.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn El amoras il e me.,She loves him and me.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Me montros a vu quale peskar.,I'll show you how to catch fish.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn "Furtisto furtas dum longa tempo, ma tandem ilu pendos.","A thief steals for a long time, but eventually he will hang.",ido_Latn-eng_Latn Fisho volas natar.,Fish wants to swim.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Ca yunino ne havas matro.,The girl has no mother.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Sideskez irgube tu volez.,Sit wherever you like.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn El kustumas arivar tarde a la skolo.,She tends to be late for school.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Quo marveloza vetero!,What wonderful weather!,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Ilu marchis avan me.,He walked ahead of me.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Poka homi habitas la insulo.,Few people live on the island.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Me volas dormar pluse.,I want to sleep a little more.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Tom komencis lektar.,Tom started reading.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Me esas tre felica.,I'm very happy.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Ho! Ta aspektas delicoza.,Wow! That looks delicious.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Elu decensis de la tekto.,She climbed down from the roof.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Metez vua vestono.,Put on your coat.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Ta mondo nur esas dementerio.,This world is just an insane asylum.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Voluntez vizitar Sioro Anderson dum retrovenar.,Why don't you look in on Mr Anderson on your way back?,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Il esas realisto e ne kredas la posibleso di mirakli.,He's realistic and doesn't believe in the possibility of miracles.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Quante ofte tu manjas fisho?,How often do you eat fish?,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Ica esas importanta eventajo.,This is an important event.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Ka tu facis ol per tu ipsa?,Did you make it for yourself?,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Ni pasis tranquila jorno en ruro.,We spent a quiet day in the country.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Ilu sempre regardas vu. Ilu mustas amar vu.,He's always looking at you. He must love you.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn "Montrez vua vundita brakio a me, pliz.",Please show me your injured arm.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Telefonez al hemo ante departar vua laboreyo.,Be sure to call home before you leave the office.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn La ludo esis ecitigiva pasintanokte.,The game was exciting last night.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Mea sinistra brakio dormeskabas.,My left arm is asleep.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Homo ne povas vivar sen revi.,Man can't live without dreams.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Ni es aganta vakanco dusemana.,We are taking a fortnight's holiday.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Ka vu povus adportar altra varma toalo a me?,Could you bring me another hot towel?,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Me pensis ke elu evas admaxime 30.,I thought she was 30 at most.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Ni diskutos pri ca problemo morge.,We're going to discuss the problem tomorrow.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn "Dum somero, me iros al Francia.","During summer, I'm going to go to France.",ido_Latn-eng_Latn Du lasta linei di ca dokumento esas preske tote ne-lektebla.,The last two lines of the document are mostly illegible.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Ilu esos libera morge.,He will be free tomorrow.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Ni habitas proxim granda biblioteko.,We live near a big library.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn La lakto havis mala saporo.,The milk tasted bad.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn La kalendario havas multa bela imaji.,The calendar has many pretty pictures.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Ta libro apartenas a Tony.,This book is Tony's.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Klimato efektigas homi en singla lando.,The climate affects people in every land.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Ilua nova automobilo esas la belajo.,His new car is a beauty.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn He tu! Quon tu agas?,"Hey, you! What are you doing?",ido_Latn-eng_Latn No... me volas dicar yes.,"No... I mean, yes.",ido_Latn-eng_Latn Me vidis la cinematografuro per la video-aparato.,I saw the movie on video.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn "Hola, Quale vu standas?","Hi, how do you do?",ido_Latn-eng_Latn Elu admiras John pro ilua kurajo.,She admires John for his courage.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Me havas un mil e kinacent bovi.,I have one thousand and five hundred cows.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn El vere esas bona yunino.,She's a really nice girl.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Me ne povas manjar.,I can't eat.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Ka Tom drinkas kafeo?,Does Tom drink coffee?,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Esas la yaro duamil e dekeun.,This year is two thousand eleven.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Me vidis homo vestizita quale ninjo.,I saw a man dressed like a ninja.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Me prizas tua okuli!,I like your eyes!,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Quante alta esas la turmo?,How tall is that tower?,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Kande finos la pluvosezono?,When will the rainy season be over?,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Elu mariajis su kun richa oldulo.,She married a rich old man.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Voluntez forirar!,Please go away!,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Quale standas vua filiino?,How is your daughter?,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Me facis ica fotografuro un semano ante nun.,I took that picture a week ago.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn "Ka tu es certa, ke Tom dicas la verajo?",Are you certain Tom is telling the truth?,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Ni marchis alonge la rivero.,We walked along the river.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Me regretas venar adheme tante tarde.,I'm very sorry I came home so late.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn L'ovi esas en la korbo.,The eggs are in the basket.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Ni promenis alonge la rivero.,We took a walk along the river.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Vu povas serchar frazi kun ula vorto ed obtenar tradukaji por ita frazi.,You can search sentences containing a certain word and get translations for these sentences.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Me dormeskis lektante libro.,I fell asleep while reading a book.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Me preferas habitar ruro plu kam urbo.,I prefer living in the country to living in the city.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn "Vu povas elektar to, quon vu volas.",You may choose whichever you want.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn La pluvo divenis nivo.,The rain changed into snow.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Li habitas en sociala lojeyo.,They live in the projects.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn La kompanio kompris nova komputorala sistemo.,The company has purchased a new computer system.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn "Quale vu savas, on komparas vivo kun voyajo.","As you know, life is comparable to a voyage.",ido_Latn-eng_Latn "Me donos a vu omno, ma ne ico.",I'll give you anything but this.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Li ne sempre obedias a sua genitori.,They don't always obey their parents.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Ilu decidis cesar fumar.,He decided to quit smoking.,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Ka tu volas irar?,Do you want to go?,ido_Latn-eng_Latn Tu es un bon medico.,You're a good doctor.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn It va evenir bentost.,It'll happen soon.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Qualmen se lee ti-ci ideogramme?,How do you read this kanji?,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Quo significa PTA?,What does PTA mean?,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo ha perdit mi horloge.,I lost the watch.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn To va bentost changear.,That'll change soon.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Li café es tre calid.,The coffee is very hot.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Quo manca?,What is missing?,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Quant tu besona?,How much do you need?,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Nequí venit!,No one came.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Li gemelles assistet.,The twins helped.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Quant esset ta?,How many were there?,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Mi matre es un fémina.,My mother is a woman.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Ti flor odora bon.,This flower smells nice.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Li puella con li long puellas ta es Judith.,That girl who has long hair is Judy.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Noi ne va haver un chance.,We won't stand a chance.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Noi ne es un pare.,We're not a couple.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo ne have un dom.,I don't have a house.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo svimmat in li mare.,I swam in the sea.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Li can apare malad.,The dog seems to be sick.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Li nase de Tom esset rubi.,Tom's nose was red.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Li vive imita li arte mult plu quam li arte imita li vive.,Life imitates art far more than art imitates life.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo have un dom.,I have a house.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Tom ne es ancor in hem.,Tom's not home yet.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Un infante ne es un matur hom.,A child is not a mature person.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Li rubi jup es nov.,The red skirt is new.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Li stradas ne es secur in li nocte.,The streets aren't safe at night.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Ella ne es plu mi amica.,She is no longer my friend.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Qualmen es li tempe in Boston?,How's the weather in Boston?,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Lass li infantes venir!,Let the children come!,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Tom ne comprende it.,Tom doesn't get it.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo ancor ne parla bon francesi.,I'm not good at speaking French yet.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Vu nequande es satisfat.,You're never satisfied.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Ili ruinat mi vive.,They ruined my life.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn It es evident que ella ne ama su marito.,It's obvious that she doesn't love her husband.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Li conditiones esset desfacil.,The conditions were difficult.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Il ama cates.,He loves cats.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Il furtet mi horloge.,He stole my watch.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo va dar it a Tom.,I'll give it to Tom.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Ella melcat li vacca.,She milked the cow.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo ne dit que it esse facil.,I didn't say it was easy.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn To ne es un cat. It es un cane.,That's not a cat. It's a dog.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Il ne es plu interessat in me.,He's no longer interested in me.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Ella ne have li billete.,She doesn't have the ticket.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Tom labora.,Tom is working.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Donald Trump va esser li sequent presidente del Unit States de America.,Donald Trump will be the next president of the United States of America.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Tom studia in Harvard.,Tom is studying at Harvard.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Li buxe esset tro pesant.,The box was too heavy.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yer pluviat.,It rained yesterday.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Quo tu pensa pri ella?,What do you think about her?,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Tom es in grav dangere.,Tom is in grave danger.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo besona un medico.,I need a doctor.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Ti frase ne es italian.,This sentence is not in Italian.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Noi have du filias.,We have two daughters.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn "Yo ne posse, benque yo vole.",I cannot even though I want to.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn U es mi fratre?,Where is my brother?,ile_Latn-eng_Latn It ne hay aqua.,There is no water.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo have du filias e du filios.,I have two daughters and two sons.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Pro quo tu menti?,Why are you lying?,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo ama li sole.,I love the sun.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Mi filia es ancor un infante.,My daughter is but a child.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Marta ama te.,Marta loves you.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo porta mi costume de balne sub mi vestimentes.,I'm wearing my swimsuit under my clothes.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Il pensa que il es un heróe.,He believes that he is a hero.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo va monstrar te li via.,I'll show you the way.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Il ne dat it a me.,He didn't give it to me.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Tu esset un grand auxilie.,You've been really helpful.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo have un filia.,I have a daughter.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Tom ne venit a hem.,Tom didn't come home.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Es il es un de tui amicos?,Is he a friend of yours?,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo have un amico.,I have a friend.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Ella cocina nu.,She's cooking now.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Il cocina nu.,He's cooking now.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Li mann es fort.,The man is strong.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn It hat niveat.,It had snowed.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Il have un filio e du filias.,He has a son and two daughters.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn U es li cat?,Where is the cat?,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo ne vole far to.,I don't want to do that.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn To es un tre bon nova.,That's very good news.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Li internet es un labirinte.,The Internet is a labyrinth.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn To es vermen un bon nova.,That is really good news.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Il have du filias.,He has two daughters.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo have un bon nova.,I have good news.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo regardat Tom morir.,I watched Tom die.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Li filia de un rey es un princessa.,A king's daughter is a princess.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo esset in li scola.,I was in school.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Nequí esset ta.,No one was there.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Noi deve trovar li clave.,We've got to find the key.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Qualmen tu standa die?,How are you today?,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Ili have du filias.,They have two daughters.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn To changea omnicos.,That changes everything.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Roses odora bon.,Roses smell good.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo fat projectes.,I made plans.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Mi fratre have un conto che Twitter.,My brother has a Twitter account.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Ella have un marito e du filias.,She has a husband and two daughters.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Vaccas have ubres.,Cows have udders.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo es timid.,I am shy.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Tui nómine di it omnicos.,Your name says it all.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Il have deci vaccas.,He has ten cows.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Tom melca li vacca.,Tom is milking the cow.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Noi deve advertir les.,We must warn them.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo have un vacca.,I have a cow.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Quande esset to?,When was that?,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Il melcat li vacca.,He milked the cow.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo deve dormir nu.,I need to sleep now.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Tom ne ama me.,Tom doesn't like me.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom, tui vive es in dangere.","Tom, your life's in danger.",ile_Latn-eng_Latn Tom e Mary ne es ocupat.,Tom and Mary aren't busy.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Noi ha melcat li vacca.,We milked the cow.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Mi sestra plora sovente.,My sister often cries.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo espera que yo posse far it.,I hope that I can do it.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Animales ne es ludettes!,Animals are not toys!,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo va besonar auxilie.,I will need some help.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Il eat in li cité por amusar se.,He went to the city to have a good time.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn To es un fantastic idé!,This is a fantastic idea.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Pro quo tu di to a me?,Why are you saying that to me?,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Interlingue es un facil e bell lingue.,Interlingue is an easy and beautiful language.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Esque it es un avie?,Is it a bird?,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Esque vu have sestras?,Do you have any sisters?,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Ti furcette es sordid.,This fork is dirty.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Chascun ama su land.,Everybody loves his country.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn U tu esset?,Where have you been?,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Tom di que il es rich.,Tom says he is rich.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Omnes eat dormir.,Everyone went to sleep.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn U es Polonia?,Where is Poland?,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Polonia es un grand land.,Poland is a big country.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Polonia ancor ne es perdit.,Poland is not yet lost.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo pensa que noi es ancor in Polonia!,I think we are still in Poland!,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Zagreb es li cité capital de Croatia.,Zagreb is the capital of Croatia.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn On comprat un nov robe por ella.,A new dress was bought for her.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Desde li annu 2006 Montenegro es denov un índependent state.,Since 2006 Montenegro is an independent state again.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Tom have du fratres. Ili ambi habita in Boston.,Tom has two brothers. They both live in Boston.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo es un amico de Tom e Maria.,I'm a friend of Tom and Mary's.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Tom audit passus.,Tom heard footsteps.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn U es mi sac?,Where's my bag?,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Ti tapisse es bell.,This carpet is beautiful.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo ne vole luder.,I don't want to play.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Ella volet comprar li libre.,She wanted to buy the book.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo es enoyant.,I am boring.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo odia ti tapisse.,I hate this carpet.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Ella lavat un tapisse.,She washed a carpet.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo have plu robes quam mi sestra.,I have more dresses than my sister.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Tom esset un carpentero.,Tom was a carpenter.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo es un carpentero.,I am a carpenter.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Mi grandpatre es un carpentero.,My grandfather is a carpenter.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Tom esset trist e solitari.,Tom was sad and lonely.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Il have un telefon.,He has a telephone.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn It es sur li punta de mi lingue.,It's on the tip of my tongue.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo pensa que ella have du infantes.,I think she has two children.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Su patre esset un carpentero.,His father was a carpenter.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo pensa que ella have du filios.,I think she has two sons.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo es in hem.,I am at home.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn U es su cane?,Where is his dog?,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Estque to es tui cane?,Is this your dog?,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Il comprat un robe por ella.,He bought a dress for her.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Esque vu parla nederlandesi?,Do you speak Dutch?,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Mary es li step-sestra de Tom.,Mary is Tom's stepsister.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo ne vole parlar tui lingue.,I don't want to speak your language.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Quo tu aprende?,What are you learning?,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Quo tu studia?,What are you studying?,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Mi matre comprat un nov robe.,My mother bought me a new dress.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Tom crede que tu menti.,Tom thinks you're lying.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Simios es inteligent.,Monkeys are intelligent.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo posse ear.,I can go.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Ti té es bon.,This tea is good.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn To es tui vin.,This is your wine.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Intensiv cursus sempre es max exhaustente.,Intensive courses are always the most exhausting.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn U es tui vestimentes?,Where are your clothes?,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Vu es un bon cocinero.,You are a good cook.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo ferro-glatta mi robe.,I am ironing my dress.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Nederland ha ganiat li championatu mundel in li annu 2010.,The Netherlands won the 2010 World Cup.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Ti-ci robe es modic.,This dress is cheap.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Tom cavalcat sin sedle.,Tom rode the horse bareback.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo ne comprende nederlandesi. It es desfacil.,I don't understand Dutch. It's difficult.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Di it altrimen.,Say it in another way.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo odia lunedís.,I hate Mondays.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo labora in un hospitale.,I work in a hospital.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Pro quo tu ne auxilia Tom?,Why don't you help Tom?,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Il maritat un actoressa.,He married an actress.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn To un mal die por me.,That's a bad day for me.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Il tracta me quam su sclavo.,He treats me like his slave.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Mi hem es mi castelle.,My home is my castle.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Ajax Amsterdam es li max famosi football club de Nederland.,Ajax Amsterdam is the most famous footbal club of the Netherlands.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Li timid scolero murmurat su response.,The shy pupil murmured his answer.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo ja dir que yo ne save qualmen on fa to.,I already said I don't know how to do that.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Mi nómine es Sally.,My name is Sally.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo balnea.,I'm taking a bath.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Noi ne va maritar.,We're not getting married.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo have solmen un sestra.,I have one sister.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Noi ne es plu infantes.,We're no longer children.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Il save li secrete.,He knows the secret.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo pensa que Tom parlat francesi.,I think Tom was speaking French.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Quo vu ha videt in Tegucialpa?,What have you seen in Tegucigalpa?,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo ne va auxiliar te.,I will not help you.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Esque tu dansa con me?,Will you dance with me?,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Esque vu ne crede me?,Don't you believe me?,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo ne pensa que tal coses existe.,I don't believe such things exist.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Il esset tre felici.,He was very happy.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn To es mi idé.,That's my idea.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo ne save u yo es.,I don't know where I am.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Noi deve trovar it.,We must find it.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Noi deve trovar les.,We must find them.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Tom e yo es amicos.,Tom and I are friends.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Noi manja pomes.,We eat apples.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo ne ha audit vos.,I didn't hear you.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Tom ne porta un camise.,Tom is shirtless.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Ili es cantatores.,They are singers.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Un dirndl es un traditional robe quel es portat in li sud de Germania e Austria.,Dirndl is a type of traditional dress that is worn in Southern Germany and Austria.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn It es tre calid hodie.,It's very warm today.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Dick morit in li etá de deci annus.,Dick was ten years old when he died.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Tu es mi amico.,You are my friend.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo es John.,I am John.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Noi ne have mult moné.,We don't have much money.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo ha manjat tro mult hodie.,I ate too much today.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yer yo ha incontrat Mary.,I met Mary yesterday.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Quo fa tui patre!,What does your dad do?,ile_Latn-eng_Latn It ne es tant complicat.,It's not that complicated.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Esque ili es fratres?,Are they brothers?,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Il ama animales.,He likes animals.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Il es tam alt quam ella.,He is as tall as her.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo visitat un litt cité in Catalonia.,I visited a small town in Catalonia.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Muriel have nu 20 annus.,Muiriel has turned twenty.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Muriel es nu in li etá de 20 annus.,Muiriel is 20 now.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Ella leet li libre in un die.,She read the book in one day.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn To es un frequent errore inter studentes japanes.,This is an error common among Japanese students.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Quande tu vole it?,When do you want it?,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo ama Tatoeba.,I love Tatoeba.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo save tro mult.,I know too much.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Lava te li visage.,Wash your face.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Esque it es un papilion o un tinea?,Is it a butterfly or a moth?,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Noi va dever forlassar li cité.,We'll have to leave town.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo es ci nu.,I am here now.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Tom es un scientist.,Tom is a scientist.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo deve esser cert.,I need to be sure.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo deve esser cert que vu comprende to.,I need to be sure that you understand this.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo besona li veritá.,I need the truth.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Tom ne menti.,Tom doesn't lie.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo ne save qualmen tippar li signe interrogativ renversat per ti-ci tastatura.,I don't know how to type an inverted question mark using this keyboard.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo es un extrano.,I'm a foreigner.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Esque tu veni con noi?,Will you go with us?,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Li mare esset calm.,The sea was calm.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Li ocean esset calm.,The ocean was calm.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Esque tu es li autor de ti libre?,Are you the author of this book?,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Li vive es desfacil.,Life is difficult.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Omnicos es possibil.,Everything is possible.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn To es important.,This is important.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Ti fronte es tre calid. Yo pensa que tu have febre.,Your forehead is quite hot. I think you have a fever.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Mi familie amat Tom.,My family loved Tom.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo resta du dies ci.,I'll be staying here for two days.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom, esque tu es ci?","Tom, are you here?",ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo habita in Hungaria.,I live in Hungary.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Deo creat li munde in six dies.,God created the world in six days.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Mi matre ne mentionat it.,My mother didn't mention it.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Austria ludet contra Australia.,Austria played against Australia.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn To es un seriosi problema.,This is a serious issue.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn To es un seriosi afere.,It's no laughing matter.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn To es un tre bell flor.,This is a very beautiful flower.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Japan es un bell land.,Japan is a beautiful country.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Pro quo yo ne fa to?,Why don't I do that?,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo nequande ha provat traducter un libre.,I have never tried to translate a book.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Darwin developat li teorie de evolution.,Darwin developed the evolutionary theory.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Tom captet un grand pisc.,Tom caught a big fish.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn "Ella ama me, ma yo ne ama la.",She loves me. But I do not love her.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Solmen mi matre comprende me vermen.,Only my mother really understands me.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Bill esset in Japan.,Bill was in Japan.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Li village besona vor auxilie.,The village needs your help.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Fa to por me!,Do that for me.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Quant libres tu ha leet?,How many books do you have?,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Qualmen standa tui familie?,How's it going with your family?,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Hodie yo ha videt un stelle.,"Today, I saw a star.",ile_Latn-eng_Latn Ili parlat pri li amore.,They talked about love.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo ne vole audir to.,I don't want to hear that.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Ti bux es pesant.,This box is heavy.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo ne menti.,I don't lie.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Quo vu save pri Israel?,What do you know about Israel?,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Pro quo tu hesita?,Why do you hesitate?,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Mi nómine ne es Tom.,My name isn't Tom.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn To es remarcabil.,This is remarkable.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Magdalena e Ania es bon amicas.,Magdalena and Ania are good friends.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Il ingageat Tim.,He hired Tom.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo manja un libre.,I eat a book.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Tu deve venir con noi.,You must come with us.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Su patre esset un alcoholico.,His father was an alcoholic.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn "Esque tu es satisfat, Tom?","Are you satisfied, Tom?",ile_Latn-eng_Latn Ti buxe contene quin pomes.,This box contains five apples.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo ne es un rebello.,I'm no rebel.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Qui es li autor de ti raconta?,Who is the author of this story?,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo deve saver li veritá.,I must know the truth.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo vole ear a Bali.,I want to go to Bali.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo pensat que omnes vell saver to.,I thought everyone knew that.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo pensat que il veni.,I thought he was coming.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Pro quo tu odia le?,Why do you hate him?,ile_Latn-eng_Latn It ne esset facil.,It wasn't easy.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Li nocte esset frigid.,The night was cold.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn "Bon, alquí deve esser bon.",Well someone has to be good.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Esque il have un cane?,Does he have a dog?,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Li avies vola.,The birds fly.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo odia surprises.,I hate surprises.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo ne ha obliviat Tom.,I haven't forgotten Tom.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn To esset histeric.,That was hysterical.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Li chambre have du fenestres.,The room has two windows.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Li via es long.,The way is long.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Aron mortat Elizabeth.,Aron killed Elizabeth.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Tui filias es bell.,Your daughters are beautiful.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo videt un cane.,I saw a dog.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Li anim es eterni.,The soul is eternal.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Tom ne savet que Mary esset in li cité.,Tom didn't know that Mary was in town.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Qual es vor nómine?,What's your name?,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Italia es un peninsul.,Italy is a peninsula.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Esque tu vole manjar?,Do you want to eat?,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Su roman esset traductet in japanesi.,His novel was translated into Japanese.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Qualmen on di XXX in anglesi?,How do you say XXX in English?,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo es amorat in ella.,I'm in love with her.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Esque tu vole luder?,Do you want to play?,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo havet li sam sentiment.,I felt the same way.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo posse superviver sol.,I can survive alone.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo cluder per clave li porta.,I locked the door.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Benevenit a Tatoeba!,Welcome to Tatoeba!,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo sercha un scola in quel on posse picter portretes.,I'm looking for a school where I can paint portraits.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo vole criar.,I want to scream.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Li violentie durat du semanes.,The violence lasted for two weeks.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Nequí del infantes sede.,None of the children are sitting.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo have un pom.,I have an apple.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Noi savet omnicos pri it.,We knew all about it.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo posse recomandar te ti libre.,I can recommend this book to you.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo ne save qui il es.,I don't know who it is.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo vide un mann.,I see a man.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn """Quo es con te, Maria?"" ""Yo ne save.""","""What's wrong, Mary?"" ""I don't know.""",ile_Latn-eng_Latn Tom es yun e ambitiosi.,Tom is young and ambitious.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Quande tu aprende?,When do you study?,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Il ne ama nos.,He doesn't love us.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Nequí savet u ella esset.,Nobody knew where she was.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Tom desconsentit.,Tom didn't agree.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Noi vermen ne have témpor.,We really don't have time.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo ama mi matre.,I love my mother.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Ella ha ruptet me li cordie.,She broke my heart.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo es felici e content.,I'm happy and satisfied.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Esque tu save qui mortat Tom?,Do you know who killed Tom?,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Tu deve amar la tre mult.,You must love her very much.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Tom ne volet far li sam erra quam su sestra.,Tom didn't want to make the same mistake as his sister.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Ella esset mi max bon amica.,She was my best friend.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Esque tu ama me? Esque tu vermen ama me?,Do you love me? Do you really love me?,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Omnes es confuset.,Everyone is confused.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo atende ja plu quam un hor.,I've been waiting for over an hour.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn U ili vive?,Where do they live?,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Ella evidentmen ama te.,She obviously loves you.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Il evidentmen ama te.,He obviously loves you.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo vole passar li tot die con te.,I want to spend the whole day with you.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Lor filosofies es identic.,Their philosophies are identical.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo pensa que Tom interessa se por me.,I think Tom's interested in me.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Tom lavat li auto.,Tom washed the car.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Tom va venir plu tard.,Tom will come later.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Tom labora in un bank.,Tom works in a bank.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Tom es setosi.,Tom is thirsty.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Li biblioteca es in li centre del cité.,The library is in the middle of the city.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo ne es un studiante.,I'm not a student.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Esque tu save su matre?,Do you know his mum?,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Tu ne es rich.,You're not rich.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo posse bon cantar.,I can sing well.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo lava me.,I wash myself.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn U vu studiat?,Where did you study?,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo ne crede it!,I don't believe it!,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Mi sinushalter es sordid.,My bra is dirty.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo habita in Sarajevo.,I live in Sarajevo.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Mi amicos trahit me.,My friends betrayed me.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo volet saver quo evenit.,I wanted to know what happened.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo ne standa bon.,I am not good.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Li Federation Bosnia e Herzegovina consiste ex deci cantones.,The Federation Bosnia-Herzegovina consists of ten cantons.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo veni del futur.,I'm from the future.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Il pruvat esser honest.,He proved to be honest.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Lincoln esset trist que il ne hat ganiat.,Lincoln was sad that he had not won.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo vole habitar in li cité.,I want to live in the city.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn It esset solmen un joca.,It was nothing but a joke.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Qualmen esset li miel-lune?,How was the honeymoon?,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Tu deveni pigri!,You are becoming lazy!,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Li miel-lune ha passat.,The honeymoon is over.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo save quo Tom fa.,I know what Tom is doing.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Ti question ne concerne me.,The question doesn't concern me.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Ella ne es un cantatora.,She's no singer.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Esque to es tui chambre?,Is this your room?,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo ha esset che li dentist.,I've been to the dentist.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Il adopted li orfan.,He adopted the orphan.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Ili adopted li orfan.,They adopted the orphan.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Li cuple decidet adopter un orfan.,The couple decided to adopt an orphan.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn It esset un cochemare.,It was a nightmare.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo have sovente cochemares.,I often have nightmares.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn To es un cochemare.,This is a nightmare.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn It esset solmen un cochemare.,It was only a nightmare.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo ama Tom plu quam alquó.,I love Tom more than anything.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Bob es mi amico.,Bob is my friend.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Bob esset tre felici.,Bob was very happy.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Bob auxiliat me.,Bob helped me.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Cleopatra esset tre inteligent. Ella parlat adminim nin lingues.,Cleopatra was very smart. She spoke at least nine languages.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Bob e Tom es fratres.,Bob and Tom are brothers.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Laborar quam un formica.,Work as the ant.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Noi deve comensar.,We should get started.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Tom mortat Maria.,Tom killed Mary.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn U tu comprat ti-ta libre?,Where did you buy that book?,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Noi ama Bob plu quam Tom.,We love Bob more than Tom.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo es solmen un hom.,I'm only human.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo melca mi capra.,I am milking my goat.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Ella volet devenir cantatoressa.,She wanted to be a singer.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn To ne es corect.,This isn't correct.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Noi es contra li guerre.,We are against war.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Li guerre finit in li annu 1945.,The war ended in 1945.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Il morit in li guerre.,He died in the war.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo plana laborar in un bordelle.,I plan to work in a brothel.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Li guerre finit.,The war ended.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Noi es in guerre.,We're at war.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Germania es un frigid land.,Germany is a cold country.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Il parlat con un puella.,He was talking to a girl.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo ne perseque te.,I don't follow you.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Tom ne possede un auto.,Tom doesn't own a car.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Noi ne have regules.,We don't have any rules.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Tom save quo noi fa.,Tom knows what we're doing.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo parla Interlingua.,I speak Interlingua.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn To ne eveni chascun die.,This doesn't happen every day.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo es un orfan.,I'm an orphan.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn To ne esset mal.,That wasn't bad.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Ortografie es tre important.,Orthography is very important.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Ti lette es tre comfortabil.,This bed is very comfortable.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Ti lette ne es comfortabil.,This bed is not comfortable.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Ella have un nov amico.,She has a new boyfriend.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Tom have un nov auto.,Tom has a new car.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Emina have un nov costume de balne.,Emina has a new swimsuit.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo va trovar te.,I'll find you.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Mi filio es jurnalist.,My son is a journalist.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Esque vu have bir?,Do you have beer?,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Il morit in mi brasses.,He died in my arms.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Miami es li max grand cité de Florida.,Miami is the largest city in Florida.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Su color es rubi.,Its color is red.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Il regardat ex li fenestre.,He looked out of the window.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Ella reservat un chambre.,She reserved a room.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo va dormir sur li sofa.,I'll sleep on the couch.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo ne deveni jalusi.,I don't get jealous.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Esque to ne es un bon nova?,Isn't that good news?,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Dublin es li cité capital de Irland.,Dublin is the capital of Ireland.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo lude football.,I play soccer.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Quo es li bon nova?,What's the good news?,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo ne es maladijat pro cáncere.,I don't have cancer.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn To vermen evenit.,This really happened.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Ella nascet in li annu 1960.,She was born in 1960.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Mi amico vole habitar in Azerbaidjan.,My friend wants to live in Azerbaijan.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Esque tu posse comprender ti lingue?,Can you understand this language?,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Ella es ci.,She is here.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo have pecunie.,I have money.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn It es facil por te.,It's easy for you.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Pane es fat de frument.,Bread is made from wheat.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo vole un pare de gantes.,I want a pair of gloves.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo ne audit te.,I did not hear you.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn To es un explication.,That's one explanation.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn It es evident que tu ha mentit.,It's evident that you told a lie.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn John havet un brilliant idé.,John had a brilliant idea.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo lee un libre.,I read a book.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo deve restar ci.,I must stay here.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo constructet ti dom per mi propri manus.,I built this house with my own hands.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn To es tui victorie.,This is your victory.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo videt le per mi propri ocules.,I saw him with my own eyes.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn It es un miracul!,It's a miracle!,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Il lee su libre.,I read his book.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Buttre es fat de lacte.,Butter is made from milk.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Ili esset perfect.,They were perfect.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Quant pomieros es in vor fructe-jardin?,How many apple trees do you have in your orchard?,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Hodie mi bebé nascet.,Today my baby was born.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Il maritat un tre yun puella.,He married a very young girl.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Poc persones es capabil comprender su teories.,Few people are able to understand his theories.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo dormit.,I was sleeping.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Tom es tre modest.,Tom is very humble.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Noi labora por Tom.,We work for Tom.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Tu fat simplicmen to quo tu devet far.,You just did what you had to do.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Qui es li puella in li rosi robe?,Who is the girl in the pink dress?,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Talmen es li vive.,Such is life.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Tu posse usar mi dictionarium.,You can use my dictionary.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo comprat un nov chapel por mi sestra.,I'm buying my sister a new hat.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Il save omnicos.,He knows everything.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Esque tui menstruation es normal?,Is your menstruation normal?,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Puellas perdi lor virginitá plu e plu tost.,Girls are losing their virginity earlier and earlier.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Esque tu save u il habita?,Do you know where he lives?,ile_Latn-eng_Latn U es li biblioteca?,Where is the library?,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo ama te.,I love you.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo tre ama te.,I love you so much.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Me ama te!,I love you!,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Mayuko esset tre fatigat.,Mayuko was very tired.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Noi ne posse far it.,We can't do that.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Tom melcat li vacca.,Tom milked the cow.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Esque Paris es tre distant?,Is Paris far away?,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Esque tu es ja pret?,Are you ready yet?,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Pro li nebul il ne posset vider tre lontanmen.,He couldn't see very far because of the fog.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo deve vider Tom.,I must see Tom.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Esque tu es in London?,Are you in London?,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Tom es li chofero de Mary.,Tom is Mary's chauffeur.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Noi previdet li guerre.,We foresaw the war.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Mersí pro li invitation!,Thanks for the invite.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo deve dir alquó a Tom.,I have to tell Tom something.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Li autobus esset plen.,The bus was full.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Mersí pro li don.,Thank you for the gift.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Mary ha ja comensat.,Mary has already started.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn To es li fine.,This is the end.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Ella have un filia de qui nómine es Mary.,She has a daughter whose name is Mary.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Mary passa hores in li chambre balneari.,Mary spends hours in the bathroom.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Tom trovat it.,Tom found it.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Mary cocina sin sale.,Mary doesn't use salt in her cooking.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yer yo eat al parc con Mary.,I went to the park with Mary yesterday.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Esque tu ancor vive?,Are you still alive?,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Qualmen on melca un vacca?,How do you milk a cow?,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Qui ne save it?,Who doesn't know it?,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Mary es un brav puella.,Mary is a brave girl.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Ne compra to!,Don't buy that.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Esque tu posse scrir?,Can you write?,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo conosse le tre bon.,I know him very well.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Nequí vole to.,No one wants that.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo ne vole parlar con Tom.,I don't want to talk to Tom.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo es de Canada.,I'm from Canada.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Oblivia it!,Forget about that.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Li filias tricota,The daughters knit.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Esque tu vole it vermen?,Do you really want it?,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Tom esset li max bon amico de Maria.,Tom was Mary's best friend.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Esque tu conosse su patre?,Do you know her father?,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo ne vole que Maria forlassa me.,I don't want Mary to leave me.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn U es li plage?,Where's the beach?,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Li vacca es un simbol de Europa.,The cow is a symbol of Europe.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Deman es un nov die.,Tomorrow's a new day.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Li vacca have un long caude.,A cow has a long tail.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn It hay du vaccas in li village.,There are two cows in the village.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Quande il arivat ci?,When did he arrive here?,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo perdit mi clave.,I lost my key.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Il have ancor un filio.,He has another son.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Il save qualmen on melca un vacca.,He knows how to milk a cow.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Mi dom es micrissim.,My house is tiny.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo nequande oblivia un facie.,I never forget a face.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Mi sestra lude con pupés.,My sister plays with dolls.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Ti pupé have grand ocules.,This doll has big eyes.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo ne es tui pupé.,I'm not your doll.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Ella ama li pupé quam su propri sestra.,She loves the doll like her own sister.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Ti pupé es un don de mi tanta.,This doll is a gift from my aunt.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Mamá comprat me un bell pupé.,Mom bought a pretty doll for me.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Il donat la un pupé.,He presented her with a doll.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Li litt puella have un pupé in li manus.,The little girl has a doll in her hands.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Ella dat me un pupé.,She gave me a doll.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Chascun del puellas have un pupé in li brasse.,Each of the girls has a doll in her arms.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Ella have un bell pupé.,She has a pretty doll.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Mi sestra lude con un pupé.,My sister is playing with a doll.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Mi filia ama luder con pupés.,My daughter likes to play with dolls.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn To es un pupé.,That's a doll.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Chascun ama pupés.,Everyone loves puppets.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Quant pupés tu have?,How many dolls do you have?,ile_Latn-eng_Latn To es mi pupé.,That's my doll.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Li puella péctinat su pupé li capilles.,The girl combed her doll's hair.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Sauron vole que chascun hobbit time le.,Sauron wants every hobbit to fear him.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Quo vu sercha?,What're you looking for?,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Il es un Cicero in li eloquentie.,He is a Cicero in eloquence.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Noi besona un nov strategie.,We need a new strategy.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Li torte es deliciosi.,The pie is delicious.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Tom es un potent mann.,Tom is a powerful man.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Brasil es un grand land.,Brazil is a big country.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo ne posse parlar con te ci. To es tro dangerosi.,I can't talk to you here. It's too dangerous.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo ama le. Yo ne posse changear to.,I love him. I can't help it.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo apen conosse la.,I barely know her.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo apen conosse le.,I barely know him.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Tom es fort.,Tom is strong.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo dit a Tom quo tu fat.,I told Tom what you did.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Noi have un plan.,We have a plan.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Tri infantes sedet sur li sofa.,Three children sat on the sofa.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Kyoto have mult universitás.,Kyoto has many universities.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo ha comprendet to quo ella ha dit.,I got what she was saying.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Qui ha dit to a il?,Who told him that?,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Pro quo tu ha mentit?,Why did you lie?,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Tom vole vider su filio.,Tom wants to see his son.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo vole aprender nederlandesi.,I want to study Dutch.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Mary auxiliat su matre preparer li manjage.,Mary helped her mother prepare dinner.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Tom laborat quam jardinero.,Tom worked as a gardener.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Esque tu anc savet to?,"Did you know that, too?",ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo scrit un lettre a il.,I wrote him a letter.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Tom parlat con firm voce.,Tom spoke in a firm voice.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Tom anhela.,Tom is panting.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Il es li max rich mann del munde.,He is the richest man on earth.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo senti tui dolore.,I feel your pain.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn To es li unic alternative.,This is the only alternative.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo ne posse lamentar.,I have nothing to complain about.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Ne es tant critic.,Do not be so critical.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Usa tui instincte!,Use your instincts.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Esque tu have un tatuage?,Do you have a tattoo?,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Quel strangi cane!,What a strange dog!,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Esque tu porta li robe por li prim vez?,Are you wearing that dress for the first time?,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Il have du maritat filias.,"He has two daughters, who are married.",ile_Latn-eng_Latn Ili ha perdit mult.,They have lost a lot.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo questiona me quo ha evenit.,I wonder what happened.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Li contextu es important.,Context is important.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Hodíe es mi anniversarie.,Today is my birthday.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Li cat es brun.,The cat is brown.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn A fraude continua.,The fraud goes on.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Ella comprat pane.,She bought bread.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo save que tu ama chocolate.,I know you like chocolate.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo es un studianta de Italia.,I'm a student from Italy.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Noi posse confider nos a Tom.,We can rely on Tom.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Ella es quam un matre a me.,She is like a mother to me.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn To quo on fa es plu important quam to quo on di.,What you do is more important than what you say.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn U vu ha conossentat vos?,Where did you guys meet?,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo ne ama caseo.,I don't like cheese.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo pensa quaeMaria es li max bell fémina qui yo ha alquande videt.,I think Mary is the most beautiful woman I've ever seen.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Nor tren subitmen stoppat.,Our train stopped suddenly.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Tom jace sur li herbe sub un pomiero.,Tom is lying on the grass under an apple tree.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Tom posit a Maria un suficent desfacil question.,Tom asked Mary a rather difficult question.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn To es mi vive!,This is my life.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Deo save que it es ver.,God knows that it is true.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Fórsan ella es plu alt quam tu.,She might be taller than you.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Li lingue matrin es hispan.,My native language is Spanish.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo ne save un response a to.,I don't know the answer to that.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Noi nequande parla.,We never talk.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Adminim trianti studiantes esset absent.,At least thirty students were absent.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo ea prender te in deci minutes.,I'll pick you up in ten minutes.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo nequande ha dúbitat to.,I never doubted that.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Tom asserte que il es felici.,Tom claims that he's happy.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Tom eat in li taverne.,Tom walked into the bar.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo va ci atender a vu.,I'll wait for you here.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo ha leet mult de su romanes in un traduction.,I have read many of his novels in translation.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo va atender ci a te.,I'm going to wait here for you.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Qualmen es to possibil?,How is that possible?,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Maria esset mocat in li scole pro su pesa.,Mary was bullied at school because of her weight.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn To es un mal signe.,That's a bad sign.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Ma yo esset sempre tro pigri.,But I was always too lazy.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Ella maritat yun.,She married young.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo ne pensa que yo posse manjar to.,I don't think I can eat this.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Quelcvez it es facil.,Sometimes it's easy.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo ne amat it.,I didn't like it.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo obliviat alimentar mi cane.,I forgot to feed my dog.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo dit te que Tom es ne mi amico.,I told you Tom isn't my friend.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Ella ne es ci nu.,She isn't here now.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Li idé esset bon.,The idea was good.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Ne combatte con me.,Don't fight with me.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn "Por reciver plu informationes, ples visitar nor internet-págine.","For more information, please visit our website.",ile_Latn-eng_Latn Benevenit in Boston!,Welcome to Boston.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Ne tucha li herbe.,Don't touch the grass.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Neproquó!,It doesn't matter.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo deve incontrar le.,I have to meet him.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo odia lacte.,I hate milk.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Ples ignorar mi comentas supra.,Please ignore my comments above.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Mary sovente porta long jupes.,Mary often wears long skirts.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Amicos es tre important por ella.,Friends are very important to her.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Esque vu have infantes?,Do you have any children?,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo ha decidet.,I have decided.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn U es vor genitores?,Where are your parents?,ile_Latn-eng_Latn U es tui patre?,Where is your father?,ile_Latn-eng_Latn U es tui matre?,Where's your mother?,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo deve laborar.,I have to work.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Tui gastes atende.,Your guests are waiting.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Ti lette es tro dur por dormir in it.,This bed is too hard to sleep in.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Ella promesset donar a me un anelle.,She's promised to give me a ring.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo deve finir mi labor.,I must finish my work.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Li edificie es alt.,The building is tall.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Li aqua es calid.,The water is hot.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Li café es frigid.,The coffee is cold.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn To es Brian Rock.,This is Brian Rock.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo sercha un long e calid lanin jup.,"I'm looking for a warm, woolen skirt.",ile_Latn-eng_Latn Ann es un litt puella.,Ann is a little girl.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Ella es un blond puella.,She is a blonde girl.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Qui es ti puella?,Who is this girl?,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo conosse li puella.,I know the girl.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Li bell puella es mi sestra.,That pretty girl is my sister.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Ella es vermen un bon puella.,She is really a good girl.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Qui es vu?,Who are you all?,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Ella ama curt jupes.,She likes short skirts.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Janet comprat un jup e un bluse.,Janet bought a skirt and a blouse.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Ella vole basar le.,She wants to kiss him.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo vole basar te.,I want to kiss you.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Li bebé esset nud.,The baby was naked.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Li fémina es nud.,The woman is naked.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn U tu es?,Where were you?,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo es gravid.,I am pregnant.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Mi jup es tro long.,My skirt is too long.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn "Quam yo pensat, ella es un virgina!","As I thought, she's a virgin!",ile_Latn-eng_Latn Ples clúder li fenestre.,Would you please close that window?,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Il lude football.,He plays soccer.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn To es un bell robe.,This is a pretty dress.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Il comprat un nov robe por su filia.,He bought his daughter a new dress.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Li robe es tre bell.,Your dress is very nice.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Tu es mi princessa.,You're my princess.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Phoenix es li cité capital de Arizona.,Phoenix is the capital of Arizona.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn E feminisme? Quo tu pensa pri feminisme?,"And feminism, what do you think about feminism?",ile_Latn-eng_Latn Tu deve dormir.,You should sleep.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Quo esset li question?,What was the question?,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Quo esset li response de Tom?,What was Tom's answer?,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Su voce es plu bon.,Her voice is better.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo esset nud.,I was naked.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Ili anc videt le.,They also saw him.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Li precie es alt.,The price is high.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Sylvie habita in Alsatia.,Sylvia lives in Alsace.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Qualmen tu va auxiliar Tom?,How are you going to help Tom?,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Mary esset mi amica.,Mary was my friend.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo ne posset vider to quo yo ha videt.,I couldn't believe what I was seeing.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Ella esset ocupat.,She was busy.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn It ne esset un complet victorie.,It was not a complete victory.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo nequande fa to.,I never do that.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Maria es jolli.,Mary is pretty.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Ti ove malodora.,This egg smells bad.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Finalmen il maritat la.,He eventually married her.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Omni puellas ama cavalles.,All girls love horses.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Mary ne ama me.,Mary doesn't like me.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Tom es alt e fort.,Tom is tall and strong.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Tom e Mary es carpenteros.,Tom and Mary are carpenters.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Tom es in hem hodie.,Tom is at home today.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn U tu es nu?,Where are you now?,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Li glacieros desgela.,The glaciers are melting.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Amicos es tre important.,Friends are very important.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo have un old auto.,I have an old car.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Tom narrat me omnicos.,Tom told me everything.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Noi cantat canzones in li cor.,We sang songs in chorus.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Tom personalmen invitat me.,Tom personally invited me.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Tom completmen ignorat me.,Tom completely ignored me.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn "Yo parla irlandesi fluentmen, ma yo ne usa it frequentmen.","I speak Irish fluently, but don't use it very often.",ile_Latn-eng_Latn Tom fa Mary felici.,Tom makes Mary happy.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Esque tu save pro quo il ne posset venir?,Do you know why he couldn't come?,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Tom monstrat a Maria.,Tom pointed to Mary.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Noi posse ear.,We can go.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Deo ne fa errores.,God doesn't make mistakes.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Tom batte Maria.,Tom is beating Mary.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Li jup es verdi.,The skirt is green.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Omnes es contra me.,Everybody is against me.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Tu ne es tam important quam tu pensa.,You're not as important as you think you are.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn To es pro que tu es un puella.,That's because you're a girl.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Quel jup tu ama?,Which skirt do you like?,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo save u li pecunie es.,I know where the money is.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Homes ama canes.,People love dogs.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Ti frase es regretabilmen totmen íncomprensibil.,"Unfortunately, this sentence is completely incomprehensible.",ile_Latn-eng_Latn Il have mult amicos ci.,He has a lot of friends here.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo ama les.,I like them.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Li pisc vole escapar.,The fish wants to escape.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Japan es un rich land.,Japan is a rich country.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Esque vu parla macedonesi?,Do you speak Macedonian?,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Li policie arestat tri mannes.,The police arrested three men.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo senti tre solitari.,I feel very lonely.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo vole dormir.,I want to sleep.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Omnes odia me.,Everyone hates me.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo vole plorar.,I want to cry.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Tom ne ignora te.,Tom isn't ignoring you.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Tu ha ganiat mi cordie.,You've won my heart.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Mi marita es chast e pie.,My wife is chaste and pious.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo es un honest person.,I'm an honest person.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Il es dentist.,He is a dentist.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Li canes es in li jardin.,The dogs are in the garden.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Ti loco es un labirinte.,This place is a labyrinth.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Tom standa plu bon hodie.,Tom is doing better today.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Tu ne es un fémina.,You're not a woman.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Ella portat un rubi robe.,She wore a red dress.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Li munde es litt.,The world is small.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Hiromi porta un nov robe.,Hiromi wears a new dress.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn It eveni quelcvez.,It happens sometimes.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Esque it es un stul?,Is it a chair?,ile_Latn-eng_Latn It es un stul.,It is a chair.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Ella sue un robe.,She is sewing a dress.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Mi nov robe es rubi.,My new dress is red.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Tom es un carpentero.,Tom is a carpenter.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn U es li telefon?,Where's the phone?,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo ne comprende ti poema.,I don’t understand this poem.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Li robe de Carol es tro long.,Carol's dress is long.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo es un povri carpentero.,I'm a poor carpenter.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Il es un bon carpentero.,He is a good carpenter.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Tom es un habil carpentero.,Tom is a skillful carpenter.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Il ama musica.,He loves music.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Ella porta un blu robe.,She is wearing a blue dress.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Tu es un bon carpentero.,You're a good carpenter.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn "Mi marita porta un blu robe,",My wife is wearing a blue dress.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Esque tu have un auto?,Have you got a car?,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Tom besat su cusina.,Tom kissed his cousin.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Tom ha besat mi cusina.,Tom kissed my cousin.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Mi dom es plu litt.,My house is smaller.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Tom comensat hihicar.,Tom started giggling.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Mi nómine es Ricardo.,My name is Ricardo.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Li robes de Manuela es tre elegant.,Manuela's dresses are very elegant.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo vole revar.,I want to dream.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Friedrich Nietzsche esset un german filosof.,Friedrich Nietzsche was a German philosopher.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo es in li restorería.,I'm at the restaurant.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Ella es un yun studianta.,She is a young student.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo ama calcular.,I like to calculate.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Chascun have su precie.,Everyone has his price.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Li rey opresset su popul.,The king oppressed his people.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Li marita de Tom yer parturit un puella.,Tom's wife had a baby girl yesterday.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Pro quo tu comprat li flores?,Why did you buy the flowers?,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Tu es un instructor.,You're a teacher.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Mersí pro li lettre.,Thank you for your letter!,ile_Latn-eng_Latn "Quo significa ""Tatoeba""?","What does ""Tatoeba"" mean?",ile_Latn-eng_Latn It es tre humid.,It's very humid.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Ella nequande ea a Paris.,She never goes to Paris.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo vole vider mi infantes.,I want to see my kids.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Noi es tant felici.,We are so happy.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Tom restat in hem pro que it pluviat.,Tom stayed at home because it was raining.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Lass nos far it.,Let's do it.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Qui es ti homes?,Who are these people?,ile_Latn-eng_Latn It esset un bon idé crear Tatoeba.,Creating Tatoeba was a good idea.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Esque tu have un telefon?,Do you have a phone?,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo va esser tranquil.,I'll be quiet.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo deve trovar la.,I have to find her.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Ili ingageat Tom.,They hired Tom.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn To es li dom in quel yo nascet.,This is the house where I was born.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Mary ingageat Tom.,Mary hired Tom.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Ma yo ne have moné.,But I don't have money.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Noi ingageat Tom.,We hired Tom.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn U es li surtida?,Where's the exit?,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo regreta si yo genat te.,I am sorry if I disturbed you.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Tom ha decidet studiar jurisprudentie.,Tom decided to study law.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Esque tu comprende me?,Try to understand me.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Til deman.,See you tomorrow.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Ella lava su jup.,She washes her skirt.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Li guerre ha unit li american popul.,The war had united the American people.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo ne posset comprender su idés.,I couldn't understand his ideas.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Il studia american historie.,He studies American history.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Raconta tui amices pri Tatoeba!,Tell your friends about Tatoeba.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Li munde ne es perfect.,The world isn't perfect.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Il riscat su vive por it.,He risked his life for it.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo ja ha comensat leer ti libre.,I've already started reading that book.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo ne trinca bir.,I don't drink beer.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Ne omni avies posse volar.,Not all birds can fly.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Ella dit a me que ella es gravid.,She told me she was pregnant.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Blanc columbes es bell avies.,White doves are pretty birds.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Il auxiliat mi matre e mi sestras.,He helped my mother and my sisters.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Il vide tui cavalle.,He sees your horse.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Li avies canta.,The birds are singing.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Partú esset flores.,There were flowers everywhere.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Esque Tom ne esset in su chambre?,Wasn't Tom in his room?,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Esque li avie mort o vivent?,Is the bird alive or dead?,ile_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom ne es medico, ma psichologo.",Tom is not an M.D. but a Psychologist.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Mi filio ancor ne posse leer o scrir.,My son can neither read nor write yet.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Ella volet inbrassar li árbor.,She wanted to hug the tree.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Tu debi mi un besa!,You owe me a kiss.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Tom ne es un heróe,Tom is no hero.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo ne odia me self.,I don't hate myself.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Tom ne audacia dir li veritá.,Tom doesn't dare to tell the truth.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Ella adultijat in li GDR.,She grew up in the German Democratic Republic.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo ne ama aranés e serpentes.,I don't like spiders and snakes.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Angela Merkel adultijat in li ex-German Democratic Republika.,Angela Merkel grew up in the former German Democratic Republic.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Ella debi me pecunie.,She owes me money.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Mi marita odia cates.,My wife really hates cats.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Pro quo Tom ne posse venir?,Why can't Tom come?,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Esque tu esset malad?,Were you sick?,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Qual experientie!,What an experience!,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Tu ja save tro mult.,You already know too much.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo have quin amicos.,I have five friends.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo ne save qualmen.,I don't know how.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo ne save omnicos.,I don't know everything.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo ne ama surprises.,I don't like surprises.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo es rich.,I am rich.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo ne save quande.,I don't know when.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn "O, mi blanc pantalon! It esset nov.","Oh, my white pants! And they were new.",ile_Latn-eng_Latn Li verne ha passat e li estive comensa.,Spring has passed and summer starts.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo senti nequó.,I feel nothing.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo ha passat li estive che mi oncle.,I stayed at my uncle's during the summer.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Li estive ha passat.,The summer is over.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Ci it es tre calid durante li estive.,It's very hot during the summer.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Tom e Maria sedet apu unaltru sur li sofa.,Tom and Mary sat side by side on the sofa.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn To esset tro dulci!,It was too sweet!,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo ne nega it.,I'm not denying that.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo volet laborar durante ti estive.,I wanted to work this summer.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn It es ja estive.,Summer has come.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn "Yes, hodie es venerdí.","Yes, today is Friday.",ile_Latn-eng_Latn Li estive es li max calid seson.,Summer is the hottest season.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Li scurel manjat la ex li manu.,The squirrel ate out of her hand.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo va lassar la far quam ella vole.,I am going to let her do as she likes.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Un pillul por chascun maladie.,A pill for every ill.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo sercha batteries.,I'm looking for batteries.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Mi manu es in calid aqua.,My hand is in warm water.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Il have un bon cordie.,He has a kind heart.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn It es tro calid.,It's too hot.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Nud púeres svimmat in li rivere.,Naked boys were swimming in the river.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Durant li orgie Megumi curret nudmen circum li gazon.,During the orgy Megumi ran naked round the lawn.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo es completmen nud.,I'm completely naked.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Esperanto es un international planlingue.,Esperanto is an international planned language.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Tom avigilat se nudmen.,Tom woke up naked.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo ne es un sorciera.,I am not a witch.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Li libre es sur li table.,The book is on the table.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn "Ante tu mori, tu vide li anelle!",Before you die you see the ring!,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Tom es nor vicino.,Tom is our neighbor.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn "U tu ha esset, Tom?","Where have you been, Tom?",ile_Latn-eng_Latn Fumar es permisset.,Smoking is permitted.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo es ja un li tren.,I'm already on the train.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Quo eveni?,What's going on?,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Ella have verdi ocules.,She has green eyes.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo ne save pro quo yo ride.,I don't know why I'm laughing.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Maria es li max bon amica de mi filia.,Mary is my daughter's best friend.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo vole manjar li caseo.,I want to eat the cheese.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Qui ha inventet to?,Who invented that?,ile_Latn-eng_Latn To es mi decision.,This is my decision.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Ella maritat un marinero.,She married a sailor.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn "Yo espera, que tu standa bon.",I hope you're doing well.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo ama un fémina.,I love a woman.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Ples auxiliar me.,"Help me, please.",ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo have un blu auto.,I have a blue car.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo va comprar un calendare.,I'll buy a calendar.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo ama torte.,I love cake.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn "Yo espera, que tu va ganiar.",I hope you win.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo deve dormir.,I have to go to sleep.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Tom ne hesitat.,Tom didn't hesitate.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Puelles es puelles e púeres es púeres.,Girls are girls and boys are boys.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Mary es un tre pretti puella.,Mary is a very pretty girl.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo ne comprende german.,I don't understand German.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Qui es ti fémina?,Who is that woman?,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Li Unit States consiste del 50 states federal.,The United States is composed of 50 states.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn "Bon die, qualmen standa vu?","Good day, how are you?",ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo va luder football deman.,Tomorrow I'll go and play football.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo fat it.,I did it.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo manja li pom.,I'll eat the apple.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo aprende Toki Pona.,I'm learning Toki Pona.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Pro quo tu vole aprender ti lingue?,Why do you want to learn this language?,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Esque tu have fratres e sestras?,Do you have brothers and sisters?,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo ne esset pret.,I wasn't ready.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Tu deve responder sincerimen.,You must answer honestly.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Esque Tom esset felici?,Was Tom happy?,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo manja un pom.,I eat an apple.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo ja esset in Roma.,I have been to Rome.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo ha esset in Paris.,I have been in Paris.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Kosovo es nu un índependent state.,Kosovo is now an independent country.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Nos jettat les for.,We threw them away.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Kosovo esset un provincia de Serbia.,Kosovo was a province of Serbia.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Esque tu have témpor?,Do you have time?,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Ja 109 states ha reconosset li índependentie de Kosovo.,Already 109 states have recognized the independence of Kosovo.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Esque ella es bell?,Is she beautiful?,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Fa me felici!,Make me happy.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Mi nómine es Ivan.,My name is Ivan.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo ha obliviat alquó.,I've forgotten something.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Klava invidiat Lyusya.,Klava envied Lyusya.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Priština es li cité capital de Kosovo.,Pristina is the capital of Kosovo.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Hodie yo ne have moné.,I have no money today.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Qui esset Mona Lisa?,Who was Mona Lisa?,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo ha fat it.,I've done it.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo pensa que il es honest.,I think that he is honest.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Ella explicat it.,She explained it.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn U es un spegul?,Where's a mirror?,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Ella videt se in li spegul.,She saw herself in the mirror.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Il regardat le in li spegul.,He looked at him in the mirror.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Ili regardat se in li spegul.,They are looking at themselves in the mirror.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Ti dom es grand.,That house is big.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Mi bebé vole parlar.,My baby wants to talk.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Il conosset ne.,He knew me.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo posse monstrar a te li fotos.,I can show you the pictures.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo posse vider me in li spegul.,I can see myself in the mirror.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Ella cocina bon.,She cooks well.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn To es solmen un temporari solution.,It's only a temporary fix.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Tom e Mary ne vole infantes.,Tom and Mary don't want children.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Chascun posse partiprender.,Anybody can participate.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Su ver nómine es Lisa.,Her real name is Lisa.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo have un dictionarium.,I have a dictionary.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn To es mi dictionarium.,That is my dictionary.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Il usat li dictionarium.,He used the dictionary.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Mi preferet color es rubi.,My favorite color is red.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo have li dictionarium.,I have the dictionary.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Tatoeba es un dictionarium.,Tatoeba is a dictionary.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn It es un dictionarium.,It's a dictionary.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo ne save quande ella va arivar.,I don't know when she will arrive.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo ne save quande il va arivar.,I don't know when he will arrive.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Sercha it in tui dictionarium.,Look it up in your dictionary.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo deve usar li dictionarium.,I have to use the dictionary.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo besona un bon dictionarium.,I need a good dictionary.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Tom ha trovat li dictionarium de Maria.,Tom found Mary's diary.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Esque to ne es tui dictionarium?,Isn't that your dictionary?,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo ne have un bon dictionarium.,I haven't a very good dictionary.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo es un vrac.,I'm a wreck.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Ti cane ne morde.,That dog doesn't bite.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Tom doce francesi a mi infantes.,Tom teaches French to my children.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo pensa que Tom es stult.,I think that Tom is stupid.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo va dir te quo li problema es.,I'll tell you what the problem is.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn To ne va esser agreabil.,It won't be pleasant.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Tom ama architectura.,Tom loves architecture.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom ne es rich, ma il es felici.","Tom isn't rich, but he's happy.",ile_Latn-eng_Latn Tom ama cocinar.,Tom loves to cook.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Tom aportat to.,Tom brought this.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Tom finalmen changeat su nómine.,Tom finally changed his name.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Maria provat consolar Tom.,Mary tried to comfort Tom.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Tu es sempre felici.,You're always happy.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn To es un bon idé. Yo va far to.,That's a good idea. I'm going to do that.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Markku volet consolar Liisa.,Markku wanted to comfort Liisa.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn MI vicino es un carpentero.,My neighbor is a carpenter.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Qui va consolar me?,Who will console me?,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Esque tu es ancor felici?,Are you still happy?,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Ili es felici.,They are happy.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo have tri fratres.,I have three brothers.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn To es un puella.,This is a girl.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Esque Tom save?,Does Tom know?,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Tu deve esser felici.,You should be happy.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn To es mi amico de Japan.,This is my Japanese friend.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Yo espera que tu es anc felici.,"I hope you're happy, too.",ile_Latn-eng_Latn Li libre es micri.,The book is small.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Esque il es maritat?,Is he married?,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Tom ne vole te.,Tom doesn't want you.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn It es un old manuscrite.,It is an old manuscript.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Roosevelt es remplazzat de Trumen.,Roosevelt is replaced by Truman.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Tom ne parla.,Tom doesn't talk.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Russia devenit comunistic.,Russia became communist.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn America guverna li munde.,America rules the world.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Féminas ne havet li jure votar.,Women didn't have the right to vote.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Shane es un modelle por Joey.,Shane is a model for Joey.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Joey representa li familie.,Joey represents the family.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Il menti quam un oration funeral.,He lies like a funeral sermon.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Tom es conservativ.,Tom is conservative.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn It es un real afere.,It's the real thing.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Vaduz es li cité capital de Liechtenstein.,Vaduz is the capital of Liechtenstein.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Esque Liechtenstein es un europan land?,Is Liechtenstein a European country?,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Mi fratre vole visitar Liechtenstein.,My brother wants to visit Liechtenstein.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Shane monstra que il es un caudard.,Shane shows he is a coward.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Joey ne comprende Shane.,Joey doesn't understand Shane.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Joey es fascinat de Shane.,Joey is fascinated by Shane.,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Pro quo tu venit?,Why did you come?,ile_Latn-eng_Latn Mi amor pro te es difficile a explicar.,My love for you is hard to explain.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Iste dogma es plus tosto un paradoxo.,This dogma is rather a paradox.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Proque tu non le demanda directemente?,Why don't you ask him directly?,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Post vostre morte vos essera lo que vos esseva ante vostre nascentia.,After your death you will be what you were before your birth.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn "Mesmo quando io studiava mathematica, physica e informatica, il me ha sempre parite que le problema del conscientia es possibilemente le plus interessante inter illos que le scientia debe solver.","Even when I was studying mathematics, physics, and computer science, it always seemed that the problem of consciousness was about the most interesting problem out there for science to come to grips with.",ina_Latn-eng_Latn Ille se perdeva in cammino a hic.,He got lost on his way here.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Il depende del contexto.,It depends on the context.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Oh quante tempore sin vider te!,How long has it been!,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Proque non pote io rememorar me le nomine del puera que io ora essaya de oblidar?,Why can't I remember the name of the girl I'm trying to forget?,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Mi fratre vive in Anglaterra desde plus de trenta annos.,My brother has lived in England for more than thirty years.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn "Cata die es un parve vita: cata eveliar se e levar se es un parve nascentia, cata nove matino es un parve juventute, cata ir al lecto a reposar e dormir es un parve morte.","Each day is a little life: every waking and rising a little birth, every fresh morning a little youth, every going to rest and sleep a little death.",ina_Latn-eng_Latn Leger es multo importante pro me.,Reading is very important to me.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Un homine solmente pote esser ille mesme durante que ille es sol.,A man can be himself only so long as he is alone.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn "Oh amicos, non iste tonos!","Oh friends, not these tones!",ina_Latn-eng_Latn Leger equivale a pensar con le testa de un altere persona in vice de con su proprie testa.,Reading is equivalent to thinking with someone else's head instead of with one's own.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Racistas son personas stupide.,Racists are dumb people.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn "Solmente le mutar es eterne, perpetue, immortal.","Change alone is eternal, perpetual, immortal.",ina_Latn-eng_Latn Tom a pena equilibrava su budget quando ille habeva un pauco plus de vinti annos.,Tom could barely make ends meet when he was in his early twenties.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Que pensa tu que occurrera?,What do you think will happen?,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Io vole corriger iste articulo.,I want to correct this article.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Lege iste libro.,Read this book.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Ille esseva multo capace e mesmo talentose.,He was very gifted and talented.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Cata homine pensa que le limites de su campo visual es le frontieras del mundo.,Every man takes the limits of his own field of vision for the limits of the world.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Ille scribe libros.,He writes books.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Le prudentia es le filia le plus vetule del sagessa.,Caution is the eldest daughter of wisdom.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Claude tu libro.,Close your book.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Tom es multo amicabile.,Tom is very friendly.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Le aqua es componite de hydrogeno e oxygeno.,Water consists of hydrogen and oxygen.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Ha il sedias reservate in le traino?,Are there reserved seats on the train?,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Nos es colligente flores.,We are picking flowers.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Il es regrettabile que io non pote accompaniar te.,It is regrettable that I can't go with you.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn "Cata separation anticipa nos alique del experientia del morte, cata nove incontro face nos prelibar alique del resurrection.","Every parting gives a foretaste of death, every reunion a hint of the resurrection.",ina_Latn-eng_Latn "In mi opinion, ille ha ration.","In my opinion, he is correct.",ina_Latn-eng_Latn "Si tu non mangia, tu mori.","If you don't eat, you die.",ina_Latn-eng_Latn Le die esseva calorose.,The day was hot.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Soldatos porta armas.,Soldiers bear arms.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Tu debe parlar a illa in persona.,You must talk to her in person.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Ille nunquam satisfacera le expectationes de su parentes.,He will never live up to his parent's expectations.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Iste septimana esseva un experientia meraviliose.,This week has been an amazing experience.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn "Le die esseva pluviose, e mesmo pejor, tonitruante.","The day was rainy, and what was worse, thundering.",ina_Latn-eng_Latn Tom me diceva que ille esseva determinate a facer isto.,Tom told me that he was determined to do that.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Su beltate me ha surprendite.,I was struck by her beauty.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Le logica feminin non semper es logic.,Feminine logic is not always logical.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Io ama multo mi matre.,I love my mother very much.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Nos ha minus de un hora.,We've got less than an hour.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Io esseva prendite de un estranie sensation.,A strange feeling came over me.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Mi auto es a vostre disposition.,My car is at your disposal.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Ille esseva picturate como un clown.,He was painted like a clown.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Su observationes es foras de loco hic.,Your remarks are out of place here.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Esque vos ja ha essite in un relation a distantia?,Have you ever been in a long distance relationship?,ina_Latn-eng_Latn "Ille es sedite a un tabula, con false amicos e feminas impudic.","He sits at a table, surrounded by false friends and shameless women.",ina_Latn-eng_Latn Illa ha recomenciate a plorar.,She began to cry again.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Io facera isto.,I'll do that.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Traduce iste texto.,Translate this text.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Io manda un message a Tom.,I'm texting Tom.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Tom es assatis ric.,Tom is quite wealthy.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Tom me ha indicate le strata.,Tom showed me the way.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Su facie exprime su tristessa profunde e su regret.,His face expresses deep sorrow and repentance.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Proque Tom me mira in celle modo?,Why is Tom looking at me that way?,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Tom se sentiva del mesme modo.,Tom felt the same way.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Tom face sempre a su modo.,Tom always gets his own way.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Io non es prejudiciose.,I'm not biased.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Tu ancora non pote ir a casa.,You can't go home yet.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Io offereva a su patre un vitro de punch.,I offered her father a glass of punch.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Tu sape que io te ama.,You know I love you.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Me place le attitude de Tom.,I like Tom's attitude.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Io es felice pro que tu ha retornate.,I'm glad you got back.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Tu ha facite un promissa.,You made a promise.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Tu ha lucrate.,You made a profit.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Tu non pote negar isto.,You can't deny it.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Tu me ha arretrate.,You made me late.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Vos me debe un favor.,You owe me a favor.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Vos debe vider isto.,You've got to come see this.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn "Per favor, face lo que nos peteva a vos.",Please do what we asked you to do.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn "Al aves le Natura ha date alas, e al homine, le ration.","Wings to the bird, mind to the human.",ina_Latn-eng_Latn Finalmente io les ha dicite adeo.,"Finally, I took leave of them.",ina_Latn-eng_Latn "Cata esser human es parte del toto que nos nomina Universo, un parte limitate in le tempore e in le spatio. Ille percipe se mesme, su pensatas e sentimentos como alique separate del resto — un sorta de illusion optic de su conscientia. Iste illusion es un sorta de prision pro nos, post que illo restringe nos a nostre desiros personal e al affecto que nos senti pro parve numero de personas qui es bastante proxime a nos. Nostre deber es liberar nos de iste prision per allargar nostre circulo de compassion pro imbraciar tote le creaturas vive e tote le natura in su beltate.","A human being is part of the whole, called by us Universe, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest — a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.",ina_Latn-eng_Latn Le tabula e le lecto stava in lor placias anterior.,The table and the bed stood in their former places.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Isto va costar te un grande quantitate de moneta.,That will cost you a lot of money.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Io ira facer isto.,I'll go do that.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn """Esque tu me recognosce? — io le ha demandate. — Nos es vetule cognoscentias"".","""Do you recognize me?"" I asked him. ""We are old friends.""",ina_Latn-eng_Latn Le vetulo fingeva non haber audite mi question.,The old man pretended not to hear my question.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Un pictura es un poema sin parolas.,A painting is a wordless poem.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Illa partiva sin mesmo dicer nos a revider.,She went away without so much as saying good-bye to us.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Qui tu pensa que tu es?,Who do you think you are?,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Qui vos pensa que vos es?,Who in the world do you think you are?,ina_Latn-eng_Latn "Io sperava, que le punch laxarea le lingua de mi vetule cognoscentia.",I hoped that some punch would loosen the tongue of my old friend.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Io non costuma biber aqua del tappo.,I'm not used to drinking tap water.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Io non esseva in error: le vetulo non refusava le vitro offerite.,I was not mistaken: the old man did not refuse the glass he was offered.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Esque io debe lavar le lactuca?,Should I wash the lettuce?,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Il ha plure cavos de aqua super le camminos.,There are several puddles on the roads.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Io prefere le natation al ski.,I prefer swimming to skiing.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn "Al secunde vitro, ille ha devenite parlator.","During the second glass, he became talkative.",ina_Latn-eng_Latn Iste pisce non es venenose.,This fish is free from poison.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Hic ille ha comenciate a narrar me con detalios su disgratia.,Here he began to recount his misfortune in detail.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn """Proque tu stude le anglese tanto forte?"" ""Pro devenir un instructor del anglese.""","""Why are you studying English so hard?"" ""To be an English teacher.""",ina_Latn-eng_Latn Illa face calefacer aqua pro le the.,She is heating water for the tea.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Duo feminas canta.,Two women sing.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Io soleva sonar le trombon.,I used to play the trombone.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn "Nostre domo, nostre regulas.","Our house, our rules.",ina_Latn-eng_Latn Nos lunchava in un restaurant apud le cammino.,We had lunch at a roadside restaurant.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Isto es un auto.,This is a car.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Lava le auto.,Wash the car.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Tu habeva un catto.,You had a cat.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Le piano esseva inventate in 18e seculo per Bartolomeo Cristofori.,The piano was invented in the 18th century by Bartolomeo Cristofori.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Iste aqua es potabile.,This water is safe to drink.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Tote le poter al syndicatos!,All power to the syndicates!,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Isto es aqua passate.,That's water under the bridge.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Isto es plus clar que le aqua.,This is clearer than water.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Isto es como portar aqua al mar.,This is like bringing water to the sea.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Jesus ha cambiate aqua in vino.,Jesus turned water into wine.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Le aqua bulli a cento grados.,Water boils at one hundred degrees.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn In 1492 Antonio de Nebrija diceva que le lingua esseva al servicio del imperio.,In 1492 Antonio de Nebrija said that language is the handmaiden of empire.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Io non ha moneta pro comprar le dictionario.,I have no money to buy the dictionary with.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Tom vole un microscopio.,Tom wants a microscope.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Esque tu sposa sape guidar?,Can your wife drive?,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Que ha tu viste in Tegucigalpa?,What have you seen in Tegucigalpa?,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Isto es immunditias.,This is garbage.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Ille ha brachios multo forte.,He has very strong arms.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn "Le prime revolta es contra le supreme tyrannia del theologia, del phantasma de Deo. In tanto que nos habera un domino in le celo, nos essera sclaves super le terra.","The first revolt is against the supreme tyranny of theology, of the phantom of God. As long as we have a master in heaven, we will be slaves on earth.",ina_Latn-eng_Latn Isto es mi casa.,This is my house.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Mi madre es ric.,My mother is well off.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn "Io es Jesus, que tu perseque.","I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting.",ina_Latn-eng_Latn Depost quante tempore va arrivar mi commanda?,How long until my order arrives?,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Tu sempre plange.,You are always complaining.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Como es vos iste dies?,How are you doing these days?,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Le ranas time le serpentes.,Frogs are afraid of snakes.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn "Le turco es super le puncto de devenir le secunde lingua le plus usate in Tatoeba, superpassate solmente per le anglese.","Turkish is about to become the second most used language in Tatoeba, surpassed only by English.",ina_Latn-eng_Latn Su conducta ha contrariate su amicos.,His behavior alienated his friends.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn "Quando le duo pueras diceva a John, que illas ha sentimentos pro ille, ille non sapeva con qual puera ille debe esser.","When both girls told John they had feelings for him, he was in a quandary as to which girl he should be with.",ina_Latn-eng_Latn Ibi un capo vade verso le mar.,There a cape pushes out into the sea.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Io ha le parola super le puncta del lingua.,The word is on the tip of my tongue.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Le die sequente le hussar se sentiva pejo.,The next day the hussar was worse.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Ille notava le numero del telephono.,He wrote down the telephone number.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn "Como consequentia del nove methodo que G.F. Göransson developpava, le precio de aciero esseva reducite a un quarto.","As a result of the new method developed by G.F. Göransson, the price of steel was reduced to a quarter.",ina_Latn-eng_Latn Ille me demandava qui io es.,He asked me who I was.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Io non ha mesmo idea de qual es le problema de Tom.,I have no idea what Tom's problem is.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Su problema es que ille es pigre.,The trouble with him is that he is lazy.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Non mangia durante al minus tres horas.,Don't eat for at least three hours.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Le aqua non se combina con le oleo.,Water and oil don't mix.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn "Un die plus tarde, le hussar esseva completemente sanate.","Another day passed, and the hussar recovered completely.",ina_Latn-eng_Latn "Illa es belle, non importa lo que illa porta.",She looks pretty no matter what she wears.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Le calor es intense.,The heat is intense.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Guarda tu camera tanto nette que tu pote.,Keep your room as neat as you can.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn "Iste vice, mi objectivo es Paris.",This time my goal is Paris.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Nostre carga es reconstruer le muro.,Our task is to rebuild the wall.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn "Pro le homine, il es tanto impossibile demonstrar le existentia de Deo quanto il esserea, mesmo pro Sherlock Holmes, demonstrar le existentia de Arthur Conan Doyle.",It is as impossible for man to demonstrate the existence of God as it would be for even Sherlock Holmes to demonstrate the existence of Arthur Conan Doyle.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Le povre patre a pena osava demandar le sacristano si illa habeva assistite al officio.,The poor father forced himself to ask the sexton whether she had been to mass.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Nos ha le alternativos del morte e le submission.,We have the alternative of death and submission.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Nos ha un ric hereditage historic.,We have a rich historical heritage.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Le patatas ha remanite calide.,The potatoes stayed hot.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Guarda te de qui pretende objectivitate.,Beware of anyone who claims objectivity.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Io dormiva solo duo horas.,I only slept two hours.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Le familia reside in un yurt.,The family lives in a yurt.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Le aqua super le cammino non ha un evacuation sufficiente.,The water on the road's surface isn't draining sufficiently.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Theista e atheista: le lucta inter illes ha le scopo de decider si Deo debe esser appellate Deo o reciper un altere nomine.,Theist and atheist: the fight between them is as to whether God shall be called God or shall have some other name.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Le mangiar deveni frigide.,The food becomes cold.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Le contento del bottilia es aqua.,The bottle contains water.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Tu es special.,You are special.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Salute!,How do you do.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Le aere pare humide.,The air seems damp.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Le can dormi.,The dog sleeps.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Io pote reparar le calefactor.,I can fix the heater.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Le sol cosa que un pisce non pote jammais trovar es aqua; e le sol cosa que le homine nunquam potera trovar es Deo.,The one thing that a fish can never find is water; and the one thing that man can never find is God.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Illa attrahe viros villute.,She attracts hairy men.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Celle puera ama celle musica.,That girl likes that music.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Vos non vos face un idea de lo que es le ver amor.,You have no idea what true love is.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Le dies mie declina como un umbra.,My days are like a shadow that declines.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn "Le homines eminente es como le aquilas, que construe lor nidos super locales elevate e solitari.","Great men are like eagles, and build their nest on some lofty solitude.",ina_Latn-eng_Latn Ille spectava le celo.,He looked up at the sky.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn "In hiberno ille se plange del frigido, e in le estate ille se plange del calor.","During the winter, he complains about the cold and during the summer he complains about the heat.",ina_Latn-eng_Latn Io non viagia jammais sin mi diario. Uno debe semper haber alique sensational pro leger in le traino.,I never travel without my diary. One should always have something sensational to read in the train.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Un speculo es melior que un tote rango de portraits ancestral.,A mirror is better than an entire row of ancestral portraits.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Le puero marchava in le cavos de aqua.,The boy walked through the puddles.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Io ha duo cattos.,I have two cats.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Toto lo que tu debe facer es attender su responsa.,All that you have to do is to wait for his reply.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Le catto chassa le scuriolo.,The cat chases the squirrel.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Nos ora face planos pro le vacantias.,We're making plans for the holidays.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn "Lucy esseva le plus timide e le plus belle inter le pueras del pais, Caroll le plus valente e le plus nobile inter le pueros del canton.","Lucy was the shyest and most beautiful of all the girls in the land, and Caroll was the bravest and noblest of all the boys in the township.",ina_Latn-eng_Latn Nos ora programma le ferias.,We are making plans for the holidays.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn "In le parte monogame de nostre mundo, maritar se significa que le derectos es dividite in duo partes equal e que le deberes es duplicate.","In our monogamous part of the world, to marry means to halve one’s rights and double one's duties.",ina_Latn-eng_Latn Le mundo es un imagine vive de Deo.,The world is a living image of God.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Pro que tu non lo diceva a illa?,Why didn't you tell her?,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Il non me ha jammais placite tanto le arrivata del primavera.,I've never been so glad about the spring's coming.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn "Io parla le espaniol con Deo, le italiano con le feminas, le francese com le viros, e le germano con mi cavallo.","I speak Spanish to God, Italian to women, French to men, and German to my horse.",ina_Latn-eng_Latn Vinti falcones escappa ante un uluco.,Twenty sparrowhawks flee before an owl.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Que bon es reposar post un longe viage!,It's so good to take a rest after a long voyage.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn "Offensas pote esser pardonate, ma non oblidate.","Injuries may be forgiven, but not forgotten.",ina_Latn-eng_Latn "Ille qui cognosce e illo que es cognoscite es un sol. Personas simple imagina que Deo debe star illac, durante que illes es hic. Il non es assi. Deo e io, nos es un in cognoscimento.","The knower and the known are one. Simple people imagine that they should see God as if he stood there and they here. This is not so. God and I, we are one in knowledge.",ina_Latn-eng_Latn Oshtylech va maritar se post duo dies.,Oshtylech is marrying on the day after tomorrow.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Io lo perdeva.,I lost it.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Io ha perdite lo.,I've lost it.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Le tempesta de nive calmava se gradualmente.,The snowstorm gradually abated.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Tu ha scripte un texto admirabile! Il ha nulle dubita de que tu ha un corde de poeta e un grande talento.,You wrote a splendid text. There is no doubt that you have the heart of a poet and a great talent.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Elay conta passo a passo toto lo que illa ha vidite e audite.,"Elay is relating, step by step, what she saw and heard.",ina_Latn-eng_Latn "Le religion es le obra magistral del arte del trainamento animal, nam illo traina le homines quanto al modo como illes debera pensar.","Religion is the masterpiece of the art of animal training, for it trains people as to how they shall think.",ina_Latn-eng_Latn Nos ha multe cosas a facer hodie.,We have a lot of things to do today.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn "Cercante le auro, le alchimistas discoperiva multe altere cosas de plus grande valor.",The alchemists in their search for gold discovered many other things of greater value.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Su lingua non me place.,I don't like his language.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Io pensava que il poterea esser un opportunitate.,I thought it might be a possibility.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn "A iste puncto de su meditation, le general esseva interrumpite per le ruito del porta que se aperiva.","At this point in his meditation, the general was interrupted by the sound of the door opening.",ina_Latn-eng_Latn Toto isto es multo inquietante.,All of this is very worrying.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn "In tu placia, io acceptarea le consilio de ille.","Were I you, I would follow his advice.",ina_Latn-eng_Latn "Le honorabile Benignus amava extraordinarimente le vita, ma su amor al moneta esseva prodigiose.","The honest Benignus loved life extraordinarily, but he loved gold prodigiously.",ina_Latn-eng_Latn Como es il possibile?,How is that possible?,ina_Latn-eng_Latn "Le medico percipe tote le debilitate del esser human; le advocato tote le malitia, le theologo tote le stupiditate.","The doctor sees all the weakness of mankind; the lawyer all the wickedness, the theologian all the stupidity.",ina_Latn-eng_Latn Tom ha un sanitate ferree.,Tom seems to be as fit as a fiddle.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn "Quanto plus destituite de intelligentia es un homine, tanto minus mysteriose le pare le existentia.","The more unintelligent a man is, the less mysterious existence seems to him.",ina_Latn-eng_Latn Ille ama le bottilia.,He drinks a lot.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Nos vive in un mundo complicate.,We live in a complicated world.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Prendeva tu le prime traino?,Did you catch the first train?,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Es iste le cammino directe al Prado?,Is this the direct way to the Prado?,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Sr. Smith viveva in Kyoto tres annos retro.,Mr Smith lived in Kyoto three years ago.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Il ha multe factores.,There are many factors.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn "Le sagios ha sempre dicite le mesme cosas, e le stultos, qui es le majoritate, ha sempre facite exactemente le contrario.","The wise have always said the same things, and fools, who are the majority, have always done just the opposite.",ina_Latn-eng_Latn Dice la que illa le adjuta.,Tell her to help him.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Subito nos audiva le crito acute de un catto.,"All of a sudden, we heard the sharp cry of a cat.",ina_Latn-eng_Latn Nos nos amusa ben.,We are having a good time.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Illa es nullemente angelic.,She is by no means angelic.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Como illa curre rapidemente!,How fast she is running!,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Tom non hesitava a dicer a omnes lo que ille pensava.,Tom had no qualms about telling everybody what he thought.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Tom habeva le habitude irritante de quasi nunquam responder a messages de e-mail.,Tom had the annoying habit of hardly ever answering email messages.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Il es quasi le hora.,It's almost time.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Subito mi matre comenciava a cantar.,"All of a sudden, my mother began to sing.",ina_Latn-eng_Latn Esque tu matre es in casa?,Is your mother at home?,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Illa me telephonava multo tarde heri nocte.,She called me very late last night.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Per favor monstra me le cammino al section de negotios.,Please show me the way to the business section.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Le paupertate le impediva de frequentar le schola.,Poverty prevented him from attending school.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Ille trahe sempre avantage del errores facite per su rivales.,He always takes advantage of the mistakes made by his rivals.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Ille repeteva lentemente su nomine.,He repeated his name slowly.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Nos cocinava tempura a ille momento.,We were cooking tempura at that time.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Hawaii es vermente le pais de lacte e melle.,Hawaii's really the land of milk and honey.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Su theoria es basate sur elaborate investigationes.,His theory is based on elaborate investigation.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Que nos bibe un pauc de caffe.,Let's get some coffee.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Il es bon esser in casa.,It's good to be home.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Ubi se trova le zoo?,Where's the zoo located?,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Le vetulo non poteva supportar su infortuna.,The old man could not bear his misfortune.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Tu pote usar mi auto tanto longe como tu guida con prudentia.,You can use my car as long as you drive it carefully.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Non cerca faltas in altere personas.,Don't try to find fault with others.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Io ha sete. Per favor da me un bibita frigide.,I'm thirsty. Please give me a cold drink.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Le classe se incontra un vice per septimana.,The class meets once a week.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Per favor attende usque nos ha le resultatos del examine.,Please wait until we get the results of the examination.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Comprar libros esserea un bon cosa si nos anche poteva comprar le tempore pro leger los.,To buy books would be a good thing if we also could buy the time to read them.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Sr. Thomas es un inseniator multo habile.,Mr Thomas is a very able teacher.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn "Secundo un estimation, le production de aciero attingera le 100 milliones de tonnas iste anno.","According to an estimate, steel production will reach 100 million tons this year.",ina_Latn-eng_Latn Io vole vider le director del compania.,I want to see the director of the company.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Iste nove cantator es vermente superbe.,This new singer is really great.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Io voleva solmente que tu me accepta.,I just wanted you to accept me.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Iste es le parola que io trovava in le dictionario.,This is the word I found in the dictionary.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Ille porta sempre vestimentos obscur.,He always wears dark clothes.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Ille faceva un excusa solmente pro adaptar se al occasion.,He made an excuse just to suit the occasion.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Io insenia anglese pro le classes del secunde anno.,I teach English to the second year classes.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Judy es un studente extrememente habile.,Judy is a most clever student.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Nos va dar un festa deman vespere.,We are going to give a party tomorrow evening.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Probabilemente illa tentava incitar te contra su amicos.,Probably she tried to set you against her friends.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Kate esseva stupefacite per le comportamento de ille.,Kate was astonished by his behavior.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Prender cura significa esser vive.,Caring means being alive.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Le obreros esseva orgoliose de lor travalio.,The workers were proud of their work.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Illa ha senso de humor.,She has a sense of humor.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Le Murais ha retornate a Japon?,The Murais have gone back to Japan?,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Nos studia durmente in preparation pro le examines.,We are studying hard in preparation for the exams.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Que genere de film vole tu reguardar?,What kind of movie do you want to watch?,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Da me cinque dies.,Give me five days.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Non essaya de viver pro semper. Tu non succedera a facer lo.,Do not try to live for ever. You will not succeed.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Io la videva quitar le camera.,I saw her leaving the room.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn "Si io es obtuse, io es al minus industriose.","If I am dull, I am at least industrious.",ina_Latn-eng_Latn Ille succedera sin dubita.,He will succeed without doubt.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Illa ama me; illa non plus se accostuma a su anterior condition de vita.,She loves me; she has grown unused to her former state of life.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Io spera que le joco de balla de hodie non essera annullate.,I hope today's ball game won't be canceled.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn "Ni tu ni illa oblidara, lo que ha evenite.",Neither she nor you will forget what has happened.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Tu te servi de un speculo pro vider tu facie: tu te servi de obras de arte pro intervider tu anima.,You use a glass mirror to see your face; you use works of art to see your soul.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Le personas dolite dole personas.,Hurt people hurt people.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn In mi opinion nos debe usar nostre tempore in un maniera un poco plus constructive.,I think we should use our time a bit more constructively.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Io non es necessarimente in accordo con le toto que io dice.,I don't necessarily agree with everything I say.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn "Cessa de parlar, per favor. Io ha besonio de concentrar mi attention a mi joco.",Please stop talking. I need to concentrate on my game.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Il ha multe gente hic.,There are a lot of people here.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Le homine es libre al momento in le qual ille lo vole esser.,Man is free at the instant he wants to be.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn A iste libro manca duo paginas.,This book is missing two pages.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Mi mundo es tu!,My world is you!,ina_Latn-eng_Latn "Le prime duo cameras esseva in le obscuritate, in le tertie il habeva un lumine.","The first two rooms were dark, in the third there was a light.",ina_Latn-eng_Latn Illa prevideva que le libro haberea multe successo.,She predicted the book would be very successful.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Ille es in linea; que debe io facer?,He's online; what do I do?,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Ille ha legite multe libros.,He's read a lot of books.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Deo es le esser absolute.,God is the absolute being.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Illes face multe cosas insimul.,They do many things together.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Lo que ora te occurre jam me ha occurrite.,What's happening to you has already happened to me.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Que nos incontra nos ante le porta principal a 2:30.,Let's meet in front of the main gate at 2:30.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Io ha fallite de maniera deplorabile.,I failed miserably.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn "Il vale melio riscar de lassar impunite un persona culpabile, que condemnar un innocente.",It is better to risk sparing a guilty person than to condemn an innocent one.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Proque tu vole esser presentate a ille?,Why do you want to be introduced to him?,ina_Latn-eng_Latn "Si Deo non existeva, il esserea necesse inventar le.","If God did not exist, it would be necessary to invent him.",ina_Latn-eng_Latn Le fide consiste in creder lo que le ration non pote creder.,Faith consists in believing what reason cannot.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn "No, io non pensa assi.","No, I don't think so.",ina_Latn-eng_Latn Le interprete debe haber le capacitate de transmitter rapidemente al ascoltatores le ideas del parlator. Le exactitude del traduction non debe esser perfecte. Il non ha tempore sufficiente pro pensar a tote le detalios.,An interpreter needs to be able to communicate the ideas of the speaker to the listeners fast. The preciseness of the translation does not need to be perfect. There is not enough time to consider all details.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Io ha legite un libro.,I read a book.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Io es Ricardo.,I am Ricardo.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Tom ha donate a su filio un consilio paternal.,Tom gave his son some fatherly advice.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Iste homine crita a me!,This man's shouting at me!,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Io esseva serie.,I was serious.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn A me place tote le typos de musica.,I like all kinds of music.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Io deberea haber remanite a Boston.,I should've stayed in Boston.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Io es anque inseniante.,"I am a teacher, too.",ina_Latn-eng_Latn Il es obvie que illa non se importa con nos.,It's obvious that she doesn't care about us.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Le conferentia special ha essite postponite usque le proxime die a causa del mal tempore.,The special lecture was put off until the next day due to the bad weather.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Que dice tu de vader al cinema?,What do you say to going to the movies?,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Io non vole vader.,I don't want to go.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Esque Tom es christian?,Is Tom a Christian?,ina_Latn-eng_Latn "Tote le animales es equal, sed certe animales es plus equal que le alteres.","All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.",ina_Latn-eng_Latn """Proque dar colpos de pugno a nazis?"" ""Proque io ama le pace.""","""Why punch Nazis?"" ""Because I love peace.""",ina_Latn-eng_Latn On cognosce un arbore per su fructo.,A tree is known by its fruit.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Io vermente vole saper.,I really want to know.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Un sol lingua nunquam bastara.,One language will never be enough.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Il me placerea studer le francese.,I'd like to study French.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Io pote prender plus pro te.,I can get you more.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Le mundo besonia plus de affecto.,The world needs more tenderness.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Mangia le pan!,Eat the bread!,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Marco comprava un auto pro su filio.,Marco bought his son a car.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Nihil es sacre.,Nothing is holy.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Illa es un puera educate.,She is an educated girl.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Le musica es meraviliose pro le anima.,Music is wonderful for the soul.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Io volerea saper plus del technologia empleate in le construction del pyramides egyptian.,I would like to know more about the technology which was used in the construction of the Egyptian pyramids.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Tu va rider.,You're going to laugh.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Necuno de illes sape le francese.,None of them knows French.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Necuno de illas sape le francese.,None of them know French.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Io crede que Tom e Mary ama le un le altere.,I think Tom and Mary like each other.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Mary ha le perturbation de anxietate generalisate.,Mary has generalized anxiety disorder.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Esque le gusto es bon?,Does it taste good?,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Le construction del hospital es quasi terminate.,The construction of the hospital is about to end.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Qui comprava isto pro te?,Who bought you this?,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Io pensa que io ha rumpite mi bracio.,I think I've broken my arm.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Qui ha comprate isto?,Who bought this?,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Tom e io passava le die insimul.,Tom and I spent the day together.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Io ha besonio de ir nunc.,I need to go now.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Io non ha trovate ulle cosa nove.,I didn't find anything new.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Io es le jardinero.,I'm the gardener.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Il non es prudente eveliar un serpente dormiente.,It's not good to wake a sleeping snake.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Il non es consiliabile leger in un sala obscur.,It's not good to read in a dark room.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Quante pomos ha tu?,How many apples do you have?,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Esque io pote vider isto?,Can I see that?,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Io prende lo que io vole.,I get anything I want.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Io vide isto.,I see that.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Mi catto ha fame.,My cat is hungry.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Tu es un bon catto.,You're a good cat.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Io vide que vostre nomine es grec.,I see that you have a Greek name.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Io pensa que io deberea perder un poco de peso.,I should probably lose a little weight.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Como on pote creder sin saper? Forsan le sentimentos son plus intense del pensatas.,How can you believe without knowing? Maybe feelings are more intense than thoughts.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Io gania 100 euros cata die.,I make €100 a day.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Deo es le origine de omne cosas.,God is the cause of all things.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Isto costara 30 euros.,This will cost €30.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Isto non evenira.,That won't happen.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Como on pote creder sin vider? Forsan le visiones son plus real que le vista.,How is it possible to believe without seeing? Perhaps the real is not what one sees.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Io ha 12 annos e que es isto?,I'm 12 years old and what is this?,ina_Latn-eng_Latn E quare tu demanda?,And why do you ask?,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Quanto grande es Jupiter?,How big is Jupiter?,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Io ira.,I'm going to go.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Le romanos appella Zeus Jupiter.,The Romans call Zeus Jupiter.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Tu deberea dormir.,You should sleep.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Le sagio parla proque ille ha alique a dicer. Le stulto parla proque ille non pote non dicer alique.,A wise man speaks because he has something to say; a fool because he has to say something.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Jupiter es un planeta gigante.,Jupiter is a giant planet.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Vole tu un altere tassa de the?,Would you like another cup of tea?,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Desira vos un altere tassa de the?,Would you care for another cup of tea?,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Vole vos un tassa de the?,Would you like a cup of tea?,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Crede vos in phantasmas?,Do you believe in ghosts?,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Non vole tu un the?,Won't you have some tea?,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Le the ha essite introducite ab China.,Tea was introduced from China.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Prefere tu the o caffe?,Would you like tea or coffee?,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Le the pote esser preparate pro cinquanta personas.,Fifty persons can be accommodated for tea.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Illes retornara forsan.,They may come back.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn "Si tu mitte plus folios de the in le theiera, le the habera un melior gusto.","If you put more tea-leaves in the teapot, the tea will taste better.",ina_Latn-eng_Latn Le theiero es un specie de camellia.,The tea tree is a kind of camellia.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Per favor disincombra le cosas de the.,Please clear away the tea things.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Le qualitate del the diminue.,The quality of tea is going down.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn "Que prefere tu, the o caffe?","Which do you prefer, tea or coffee?",ina_Latn-eng_Latn "Que prefere tu haber, the o caffe?","Which would you rather have, tea or coffee?",ina_Latn-eng_Latn "Que te place plus, the o caffe?","Which do you like better, tea or coffee?",ina_Latn-eng_Latn Non me ha jammais placite la biologia.,I never liked biology.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn The e caffe adjuta a comenciar le die.,Tea and coffee helps to start the day.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Tu es si impatiente con me.,You're so impatient with me.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Jupiter e Saturno son gigantes gasose.,Jupiter and Saturn are gas giants.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Le the es troppo forte. Adjunge un poco de aqua.,The tea is too strong. Add some water.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Nos ha exhaurite le the.,We've run out of tea.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Qual es tu secreto?,What's your secret?,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Me placerea un the.,I'd like a tea.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Isto es nostre ultime opportunitate.,This is our last chance.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Io es felice de cognoscer te.,I'm glad to meet you.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Un cavallo ben educate non se inquieta a causa de un can latrante.,A well-bred horse doesn't care about a barking dog.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Vos vos cognosce?,Do you know each other?,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Il non ha aqua.,There's no water.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Per favor face saper nos lo.,Please let us know.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Io non le audiva arrivar.,I didn't hear him coming.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Io tirara a ille.,I'm gonna shoot him.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Le affaires non es tanto simple.,Things are not that simple.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Il non es facile parlar un lingua estranie.,It's not easy to speak a foreign language.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Il es proque tu es un puera.,That's because you're a girl.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Isto es lo que io haberea dicite.,This is what I would have said.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn On sempre pote trovar tempore.,One can always find time.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Esque isto es Jupiter o un tauro?,Is this Jupiter or a bull?,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Io crede que il es melior non esser impolite.,I think it is best not to be impolite.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn "Quando io me ha eveliate, io esseva triste.","When I woke up, I was sad.",ina_Latn-eng_Latn Io pensava que il te placeva apprender nove cosas.,I thought you liked to learn new things.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Io non sape quando ille venira hic.,I don't know when he'll come here.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Proque me demanda tu?,Why do you ask?,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Quante tempore ha restate tu?,How long did you stay?,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Le innocentia es un cosa belle.,Innocence is a beautiful thing.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Saturno ha annellos.,Saturn has rings.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Io ha arrivate troppo tarde.,I arrived too late.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Illo non me ha placite.,I didn't like it.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Maria es un lesbiana.,Mary is a lesbian.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Isto non es importante.,This is not important.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Saturno devorava su infantes.,Saturn devoured his children.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Io promitte que io te mantenera in securitate.,I promise you I'll keep you safe.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Io non sapeva de ubi illo habeva venite.,I didn't know where it came from.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Saturno es un planeta.,Saturn is a planet.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Isto es intrigante.,That is intriguing.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Il me placerea poter ir a Japon.,I wish I could go to Japan.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Io non tolera quando il ha multe gente.,I hate it when there are a lot of people.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Tu non es melior que io.,You're no better than me.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Il ha ibi un problema que tu non vide.,There's a problem there that you don't see.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Io caca in tu lacte.,I shit in your milk.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Esque nunc tu ascolta musica?,Are you listening to music?,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Ille es tu patre.,He's your father.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Ille ha essite mi prime amor.,He's my first love.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn """Qui es ibi?"" — illa demandava, sin levar su capite. Ille ha restate silente.","""Who is there?"" she asked without raising her head. He remained silent.",ina_Latn-eng_Latn Le anciano retornava a su habitation.,The old man went back to his lodging.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Toto pote evenir.,Anything can happen.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn "Reserva vos de judicar, pro que on non judica vos.","Do not judge, or you too will be judged.",ina_Latn-eng_Latn Le Via Lactee es un pallide riviera de luce que se extende a transverso le celo.,The Milky Way is a faint river of light that stretches across the sky.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Isto ha evenite in le autumno. Nubilos gris coperiva le celo.,This happened in autumn. Light gray clouds covered the sky.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Le pejor ceco es ille qui non vole vider.,The worst blind man is the one who does not want to see.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Ille esseva includite in le affaire.,He was included in the deal.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Isto es un statua de Saturno.,This is a statue of Saturn.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Vos filtra un mosquito e ingluti un camelo.,You strain at a gnat and swallow a camel.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn — Esque tu cognosceva le decedito? — io le ha demandate in cammino.,"""Did you know the dead man?"" I asked him on the way.",ina_Latn-eng_Latn Le Jorno International del Feminas (le 8 de martio 2014) celebra importante realisationes del feminas in tote le mundo.,International Women's Day (March 8th 2014) celebrates important achievements of women all over the world.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn — Esque le viagiantes se le rememora?,"""And do the travellers remember him?""",ina_Latn-eng_Latn Io amarea revider te.,I'd like to see you again.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Ille non comprende lo que tu dice.,He doesn't understand what you say.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Quanto debe io pagar pro iste costume?,What do I need to pay for that suit?,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Tom debeva comenciar de novo.,Tom had to start over again.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Deo non es morte; certemente Ille vive.,"God is not dead, He is surely alive.",ina_Latn-eng_Latn Maria vole devenir un inseniante.,Mary wants to become a teacher.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Le anglese es plen de parolas romance.,English is full of Romance words.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Tom excelle e academica- e athleticamente.,Tom excels both academically and athletically.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Tu me ha disillusionate.,You've let me down.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Le tempore face oblidar multe memorias.,Time erases many memories.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Multe fluvios disbucca in le mar.,Many rivers flow into the sea.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Multe gratias!,Thank you very much!,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Volerea vos cantar nos un cantion in francese?,Would you sing us a song in French?,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Multe judeos ha essite deportate per le germanos.,Many Jews were expelled by the Germans.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Nos es australianos.,We are Australians.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Illes ganiava le medalia de argento.,They won the silver medal.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Io ganiava le medalia auree.,I won the gold medal.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Io non debera jammais creder que Deo joca al datos con le mundo.,I shall never believe that God plays dice with the world.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn "Le moralitate ha le plus alte importantia — pro nos, non pro Deo.","Morality is of the highest importance — but for us, not for God.",ina_Latn-eng_Latn Hic le errores es le anima del dialogo.,"Here, mistakes are the soul of dialogue.",ina_Latn-eng_Latn Dice me lo que tu pensa.,Tell me what's on your mind.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn "Un conviction profundemente emotional del presentia de un poter superior, que se revela in le universo incomprensibile, es lo que forma mi idea de Deo.","That deep emotional conviction of the presence of a superior power, which is revealed in the incomprehensible universe, forms my idea of God.",ina_Latn-eng_Latn "Io non ha vidite jammais, in tote mi vita, un cemeterio tanto triste.",Never in all my life have I seen such a dreary graveyard.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn "Non perde jammais un opportunitate de vider alique belle, post que le beltate es le scriptura de Deo.","Never lose an opportunity of seeing anything beautiful, for beauty is God's handwriting.",ina_Latn-eng_Latn "Deo forsan non joca al datos con le universo, sed alique estranie occurre con le numeros prime.","God may not play dice with the universe, but something strange is going on with the prime numbers.",ina_Latn-eng_Latn Ille nunquam ha soniate de isto.,He didn't even dream about that.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Qual es vostre fructo preferite?,What's your favorite fruit?,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Io es gay.,I am gay.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Le formula chimic del aqua is H₂O.,The chemical formula for water is H₂O.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Io te volerea visitar.,I would like to visit you.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Io vole nec tu auro nec tu argento.,I don't want your gold or your silver.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn "Le artista debe esser in su obra assi como Deo es in le creation, invisibile e omnipotente; on debe sentir le ubique, sed nunquam vider le.","The artist must be in his work as God is in creation, invisible and all-powerful; one must sense him everywhere but never see him.",ina_Latn-eng_Latn Io sape que tu es le inseniator.,I know that you're a teacher.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Omnes es felice in mi familia.,All are happy in my family.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Nos pote comprender un insinuation.,We can take a hint.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn "Tu pote natar, ma io non lo pote.","You can swim, but I can't swim.",ina_Latn-eng_Latn Le medietate del mal que existe in iste mundo es causate per personas qui vole sentir se importante.,Half the harm that is done in this world is due to people who want to feel important.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Da me le libro verde.,Give me the green book.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn "Il ha phrases cuje traduction in certe linguas care de senso e, pro esso, on debe evitar.","There are sentences whose translation into certain languages doesn't make sense and, therefore, should be avoided.",ina_Latn-eng_Latn Ille lo trova normal.,He thinks that's normal.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Ille non es medico.,He's no doctor.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Nos non ha ancora arrivate a medietate del cammino usque al cyma del monte. Esque tu es jam lasse?,We're less than halfway to the top of the mountain. Are you already tired?,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Ille ha circa quaranta annos.,He is about forty.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Multes es le appellates e pauches es le elegites.,"Many are called, but few are chosen.",ina_Latn-eng_Latn Ille es un artista multo dotate.,He's a very talented artist.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn "In su obra, le autor debe esser como Deo in le universo: presente ubique, ille non pote esser vidite in ulle loco.","The author, in his work, must be like God in the Universe, present everywhere and visible nowhere.",ina_Latn-eng_Latn Le terra ride — le flores lo demonstra.,Earth laughs in flowers.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Toto in le Natura contine tote le fortias del Natura.,Everything in Nature contains all the powers of Nature.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Nos deberea haber le dicite le veritate.,We should have told him the truth.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Attacha tu carro a un stella.,Hitch your wagon to a star.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Io abomina citationes. Dice me lo que tu sape.,I hate quotations. Tell me what you know.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Illa sonava un walzer de rhythmo multo lente.,She played a very-slow-rhythmed waltz.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Io netta con aspirator e omne floccos de pulvere e vetere preoccupationes dispare.,"I do the cleaning with the vacuum, and all the dust and the old apprehensions disappear.",ina_Latn-eng_Latn "Il me place le silente ecclesia ante le initio del servicio divin, plus que qualcunque predication.","I like the silent church before the service begins, better than any preaching.",ina_Latn-eng_Latn Illa time esser sol con le patiente.,She is afraid of being alone with the patient.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Le Natura monstra semper le colores del spirito.,Nature always wears the colors of the spirit.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn "Quanto plus nos habe, tanto minus nos possede.",The more we have the less we own.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Mi color preferite es blau.,My favorite color is blue.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Mi color favorite es blau.,My favourite colour is blue.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Io crede que ille es vermente tu amico.,I do believe that he's your friend.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Le revelation le plus alte es que in cata homine Deo es.,The highest revelation is that God is in every man.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Illes me faceva ir illac.,They made me go there.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Toto o nihil.,All or nothing.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Io bibe le caffe.,I'm drinking the coffee.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Il habeva necuno al plagia.,There was no one on the beach.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Esque Tom bibe caffe?,Does Tom drink coffee?,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Il es multo frigide iste nocte.,It's so cold tonight.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Mi capillos es multo fede.,My hair is very ugly.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Ubi tu vole viver?,Where do you want to live?,ina_Latn-eng_Latn "Le mundo integre es un scena, e omne viros e feminas es solmente actores.","All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players.",ina_Latn-eng_Latn Isto es un furto!,It's a steal.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Illa crede que illa pote cantar.,She thinks that she can sing.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Illa me faceva vender le can.,She made me sell the dog.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Io furbi mi bottas et exi — le vetere sordidessa sera replaciate per le nove.,I polish my boots and go out — the old dirt will give way to the new.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Le can es multo importante.,The dog is very important.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Io suppone que illo non es bon.,I assume it's not good.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Io non ha plus de moneta in mi portamoneta.,I have no more money in my wallet.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Io les videva occider lo.,I saw them kill it.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn On pote creder toto.,We can believe everything.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Esque tu le crede?,Do you believe him?,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Io ha votate pro Ken.,I voted for Ken.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Pote tu indicar me le cammino?,Can you explain the way to me?,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Io es un poco irate contra te.,I'm a little angry with you.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Le precios ha augmentate.,Prices went up.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Le anno nove arriva.,New Year's arriving.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Non usar le ascensor in caso de incendio.,"In case of fire, do not use the lift.",ina_Latn-eng_Latn Le repasto non es ancora preste.,The food's not ready yet.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Tu egoismo te facera perder tu amicos.,Your selfishness will lose you your friends.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Le invio mentionate hic supra ha essite debitemente livrate.,The above-mentioned mail item has been duly delivered.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Ille se presentara como candidato le proxime anno.,He will run for the next year's election.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Io non ha infantes.,I don't have children.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Le libertate es un del possessiones le plus preciose del imagination.,Liberty is one of imagination's most precious possessions.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Le avion volava super le montania.,The plane flew over the mountain.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Proque es tu hic?,Why are you here?,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Joey representa le familia.,Joey represents the family.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Sur le luna io pesarea solmente dece-cinque kilos.,On the moon I would weigh only fifteen kilos.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Il es un hora.,It's one o'clock.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Hodie il face frigido.,It's cold today.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Joey non comprende Shane.,Joey doesn't understand Shane.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Hebreo es un lingua difficile.,Hebrew is a difficult language.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Shane monstra que ille es un coardo.,Shane shows he is a coward.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Shane es un parangon pro Joey.,Shane is a model for Joey.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Nemo es plus intelligente que ille.,Nobody is cleverer than he.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Quando retornara tu a Italia?,When are you returning to Italy?,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Joey es fascinate per Shane.,Joey is fascinated by Shane.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Le parte anterior del casa es pingite in blanc.,The front of the house is painted white.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Le hacha es multo importante in le cultura american.,The axe is very important in American culture.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Illas es un sorta de prostitutas.,They're like prostitutes.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Non sputar super le solo!,Don't spit on the floor!,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Le feminas non habeva le derecto de votar.,Women didn't have the right to vote.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Io prefere le estate.,I like summer the best.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Le studentes ha retornate.,The students have returned.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn America governa le mundo.,America rules the world.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Tener se al dextra!,Keep to the right!,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Le functionario non poteva tractar le plancto ille mesme.,The official could not deal with the complaint himself.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Ille esseva felice de haber realisate su sonio.,He was happy for having realized his dream.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Le timor del morte es pejor que le proprie morte.,Fear of death is worse than death itself.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Io ha apprendite multo de su libros.,I learned a lot from his books.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Vostre invitatos attende.,Your guests are waiting.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Il es difficile decider se ubi vader.,It is difficult to decide where to go.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Iste horologio avantia un minuta.,That clock is one minute fast.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Que creder nunc?,What are we to believe now?,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Nos non sapeva qual pisce prender primo.,We did not know what fish to catch first.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn On non pote biber aqua de mar perque es troppo salate.,You can't drink seawater because it is too salty.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Non specta le television.,Don't watch TV.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Il ha nulle cosa que es bon o mal: il es nostre mente que fabrica iste etiquettas.,There is nothing either good or bad but thinking makes it so.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Le lore es un ancian familia.,Theirs is an old family.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn "Sanguine hungare es ""sanguine"" ""ver""!",Hungarian blood is true blood!,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Le papilion sedeva se super le mano.,The butterfly landed on the hand.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn "Le etate auree es ante nos, non detra nos.","The golden age is before us, not behind us.",ina_Latn-eng_Latn "Ille ""actor"" hungare possede plure ""cines"".",That Hungarian actor owns several cinemas.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Meg parla troppo.,Meg talks too much.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn "In general, le viros es physicamente plus forte que le feminas.","Generally speaking, men are physically stronger than women.",ina_Latn-eng_Latn Tu responsa es false.,Your answer is wrong.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Nos ha bon novas.,We have good news.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Per hasardo io le incontrava.,I met him by chance.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Nostre schola comencia a octo horas.,Our school begins at eight.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Illo oleva vermente ben.,It smelled really good.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Aperi le oculos.,Open your eyes.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Vostre sposa es irate contra vos.,Your wife is mad at you.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Le assassino confessava su crimine.,The murderer confessed his crime.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Illa me contava lo que illa habeva vidite in Australia.,She told me about what she saw in Australia.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Le aqua non es potabile.,The water is not fit to drink.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Le aqua non es bibibile.,The water is not potable.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Le traino non ha ancora arrivate.,The train hasn't arrived yet.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn "Esque il ha habite ""jam"" un ""mar"" hungare?",Is it possible that a Hungarian sea has ever existed?,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Viver sol es le destino de tote le grande animas.,To live alone is the fate of all great souls.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Tracta un obra de arte como tu tractarea un prince. Lassa que illo te parla primo.,Treat a work of art like a prince. Let it speak to you first.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Le religion es le metaphysica del homine commun.,Religion is the metaphysics of the common people.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn "Le homines ha besonio de alicun sorta de activitate externe, proque internemente illes es inactive.","Men need some kind of external activity, because they are inactive within.",ina_Latn-eng_Latn "A mi aviso, il valerea melio si tu vadeva illac.","In my opinion, it would be better if you went there.",ina_Latn-eng_Latn Un corde pesante non es in relation con un lingua agile.,A heavy heart bears not a nimble tongue.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn "Io pote esser tanto mal quanto le pejor, sed, gratias a Deo, io es tanto bon quanto le melior.","I may be as bad as the worst, but, thank God, I am as good as the best.",ina_Latn-eng_Latn Le grande flexibilitate de iste lingua me fascina.,I'm fascinated by the extraordinary flexibility of this language.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Il ha un puncto particular in le qual le animales monstra ver sagessa quando comparate con nos — io vole dicer lor maniera quiete e placide de gauder del momento presente.,"There is one respect in which brutes show real wisdom when compared with us — I mean their quiet, placid enjoyment of the present moment.",ina_Latn-eng_Latn "Ascolta cata persona, ma parla a pauches.","Give every man thy ear, but few thy voice.",ina_Latn-eng_Latn E illes que on videva dansante ha essite considerate como folles per illes qui non poteva audir le musica.,And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Shakespeare es recognite como le plus grande dramaturgo.,Shakespeare is recognized to be the greatest dramatist.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Le novas de su morte nos choccava.,We were shocked at the news of his death.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Dormir es le melior meditation.,Sleep is the best meditation.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn "Le musica es un lege moral. Illo da anima al universo, alas al mente, volo al imagination, e incantamento e gaitate al vita e a toto.","Music is a moral law. It gives soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, and charm and gaiety to life and to everything.",ina_Latn-eng_Latn Io sape toto.,I know everything.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Ille qui es vertiginose pensa que le mundo es girante.,He that is giddy thinks the world turns round.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn "Parve quantitates de philosophia induce nos al atheismo, ma quantitates major reporta nos a Deo.","Small amounts of philosophy lead to atheism, but larger amounts bring us back to God.",ina_Latn-eng_Latn Tom es tu amico.,Tom is your friend.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Le musica exprime lo que non pote esser dicite e super le qual il es impossibile esser silente.,Music expresses that which cannot be said and on which it is impossible to be silent.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Io comprava un diario rubie.,I bought a red diary.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Ille curre in avante de me.,He is running ahead of me.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Io volerea apprender un pauco super le vita quotidian american.,I want to learn about American daily life.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn "Io es suspiciose al personas a qui non place le canes, mais io ha fide in un can quando non le place un persona.","I'm suspicious of people who don't like dogs, but I trust a dog when it doesn't like a person.",ina_Latn-eng_Latn Io ha un sensation de que alique terribile va evenir.,I have a feeling that something dreadful is going to happen.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Alexandre committe errores. Isto proba que ille non es un robot.,Alexander makes mistakes. It proves he's not a robot.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn "Tu deberea tractar iste information in le texto principal, non in le notas.","You should treat this information in the main body of the text, not in the notes.",ina_Latn-eng_Latn Io non poteva resister al pression que illes exerceva super me.,I didn't resist the pressure they forced on me.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Il ha plure urbes grande in Brasil.,There are a lot of big cities in Brazil.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn "Si on le audi parlar, on le prenderea pro un estraniero.","To hear him speak, you'd take him for a foreigner.",ina_Latn-eng_Latn Ubi es le exito?,Where is the way out?,ina_Latn-eng_Latn "Deo es le creator. Le celo, le terra, le homine, toto ha essite create per Ille, excepte Ille ipse.",God is the creator. Heaven and Earth and people and everything apart from God are created.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Sape tu parlar le japonese?,Can you speak Japanese?,ina_Latn-eng_Latn "Un pictor pinge su picturas super tela. Sed le musicos pinge lor imagines super le silentio. Nos provide le musica, e vos provide le silentio.","A painter paints his pictures on canvas. But musicians paint their pictures on silence. We provide the music, and you provide the silence.",ina_Latn-eng_Latn "Gratias al football, tote le mundo cognosce le bandieras de Germania, de Brasil, de Italia o de Argentina.","Thanks to football, the whole world knows the flags of Germany, Brazil, Italy, or Argentina.",ina_Latn-eng_Latn Ha tu audite que un effractor penetrava in le casa de mi vicino?,Have you heard that a burglar broke into my neighbor's house?,ina_Latn-eng_Latn "Le potentia economic o militar, in iste caso, es minus importante que le glorias sportive.","Economic or military power, in this case, is less important than glory in sports.",ina_Latn-eng_Latn "Pauc personas saperea describer le bandieras de Iraq, Afghanistan o Kosovo, malgrado le constante apparition de iste paises in le novas international.","Few people can describe the flags of Iraq, Afghanistan, or Kosovo, despite the constant appearance of these countries in international news.",ina_Latn-eng_Latn Ancora minus cognite que le bandieras es le signification que illos porta.,Even less well known than the flags is their meanings.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Io regretta de haber vos facite attender durante si longe tempore.,I'm sorry I have kept you waiting so long.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Io possede un catto.,I own one cat.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Illes vive a proximitate.,They live nearby.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Tu es bon.,You are good.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Ille es multo sensibile al frigido.,He is very sensitive to cold.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn De que te occupava tu?,What were you doing?,ina_Latn-eng_Latn "Omnes es lunaticos, ma ille qui pote analysar su illusiones es appellate un philosopho.","All are lunatics, but he who can analyze his delusions is called a philosopher.",ina_Latn-eng_Latn "Qui observa un mappa de America Central hodie trovara ibi septe parve nationes. Un de illos es Belize, excolonia britannic – tunc appellate Honduras Britannic – ubi hodie se parla le lingua anglese.","Whoever looks at a map of Central America will see seven small nations. One of them is Belize, a former British colony — then called British Honduras — where today the English language is spoken.",ina_Latn-eng_Latn Le femina esserea plus incantator si on poteva cader in su brachios sin cader in su manos.,Woman would be more charming if one could fall into her arms without falling into her hands.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Ubi es tu moneta?,Where is your money?,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Io non ha nihil.,I have nothing.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Io ha un catto.,I have a cat.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Ille ha un can e sex cattos.,He has a dog and six cats.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Le mathematica es scribite pro mathematicos.,Mathematics is written for mathematicians.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Nos debe tener un jornal cata jorno.,We must keep a diary every day.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Io non pote aperir iste valise.,I can't get this suitcase open.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Musica in le anima pote esser audite per le universo.,Music in the soul can be heard by the universe.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Illes non ageva con rapiditate.,They didn't act quickly.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Quanto pesa tu valise?,What's the weight of your suitcase?,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Deo ha usate belle mathematica in crear le mundo.,God used beautiful mathematics in creating the world.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Io non pote creder que Tom se rememora ab me.,I can't believe Tom remembers me.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Il non comencia usque octo horas e trenta.,It doesn't start until eight thirty.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Il es multo popular.,It's very popular.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Es melior donar que prender.,It is better to give than to take.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Hodie io me levava de bon hora.,Today I got up early.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Io penso que ille es un pauco depressive.,I think he's a bit depressing.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn """Ubi es su libros?"" ""Illos es super le tabula.""","""Where are your books?"" ""They are on the desk.""",ina_Latn-eng_Latn Ille retornava a cinque horas.,He came back at 5 o'clock.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Illa gusta spectar aves.,She likes birdwatching.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Le absurditate del situation era quasi comic.,The absurdity of the situation was almost comical.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn "Il ha geometria in le susurration del chordas, il ha musica in le spatiamento del spheras.","There is geometry in the humming of the strings, there is music in the spacing of the spheres.",ina_Latn-eng_Latn Extrahe lo de ubi tu vole.,Pull out and put down.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn "Ille acquiesceva a attender que veni le cavallos, e ha demandate le dinar.",He agreed to wait for horses and ordered supper.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Ille lege multo.,He read a lot.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Illes ha arrivate tarde a causa del tempesta.,They arrived late because of the storm.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn On cognosce un homine per le compania que ille organisa.,A man is known by the company he organizes.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Le analyse abstracte del mundo per le mathematica e le physica es basate super le conceptos de spatio e tempore.,The abstract analysis of the world by mathematics and physics rests on the concepts of space and time.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn "Foras de mi camera, filio de puta!","Get out of my room, son of a bitch!",ina_Latn-eng_Latn Io non es un grande natator.,I'm not a great swimmer.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Io non es un bon persona.,I'm not a good person.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Io non es inseniante.,I'm not a teacher.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Io non es un mal persona.,I'm not a bad person.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn "Le mathematica non cognosce racias o frontieras geographic; pro le mathematica, le mundo cultural es un sol.","Mathematics knows no races or geographic boundaries; for mathematics, the cultural world is one country.",ina_Latn-eng_Latn Io non es un baby.,I'm not a baby.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Esque vos pote resolver iste problema?,Can you figure out this problem?,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Io demandava a Mike de adjutar me.,I asked Mike to help me.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Le suavitate de interlingua esseva plus apte pro mi vision poetic.,The sweetness of Interlingua was more suited to my poetic vision.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Esque il te place exercitar plus tosto sol que in classe?,Do you like to exercise alone or with a class?,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Le arte de facer mathematica consiste in trovar ille caso special que contine tote le germines de generalitate.,The art of doing mathematics consists in finding that special case which contains all the germs of generality.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Nos recipeva un visita durante que tu prendeva un ducha.,We had a visitor when you were taking a shower.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Tom non essera un problema.,Tom won't be a problem.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Le mundo es un libro e cata passo aperi un pagina.,The world is a book and each step opens a page.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn "Le poesia es un forma de mathematica, un relation extrememente rigorose con le parolas.","Poetry is a form of mathematics, a highly rigorous relationship with words.",ina_Latn-eng_Latn Es vos secur que vos vole isto?,Are you sure you want this?,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Ille non ha multo a offerer.,He hasn't got a lot to give.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn "Tu es fede, ma comocunque io te ama.","You're ugly, but I love you anyway.",ina_Latn-eng_Latn Que significa illo?,What's the meaning of that?,ina_Latn-eng_Latn "Nec melior, nec pejor, simplemente differente.","No better, no worse, just different.",ina_Latn-eng_Latn Cata minuta es importante.,Every minute counts.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Le mediator cognosce multo ben le cultura del femina.,The mediator knows better the culture of the woman.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Le femina es un prostituta.,This woman is a prostitute.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Le aqua bullira post circa cinque minutas.,The water will come to a boil in 5 minutes or so.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Le absentia occulta le personas. In veritate nos non ha amicos absente.,Absence blots people out. We really have no absent friends.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn "Le musica, a vices, simila plus perfumo que mathematica.",Music at times is more like perfume than mathematics.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Il es un cosa que le feminas jam sape.,It's a thing women already know.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Explicar le riscos es multo importante.,Explaining the risks is very important.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Le femina se ha submittite a un aborto tres vices.,The woman practiced abortion three times.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Le feminas non debe submitter se al aborto multe vices.,Women shouldn't practice abortion too much.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Le interpretation es confirmate per le immigrante.,The interpretation is confirmed by the immigrant.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Qualque elementos implicit pote esser explicitate.,Some implicit elements can be made explicit.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Le immigrante confessa su crimine.,The immigrant confesses his crime.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Il es un demanda valide.,It's a genuine question.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Le immigrante dice le cosas explicitemente.,The immigrant says things explicitly.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn "Si actiones dice plus que parolas, proque le penna es plus forte que le spada?","If actions mean more than words, why is the pen mightier than the sword?",ina_Latn-eng_Latn "Io pensa que illos debe esser, al minus, duo vices plus longe.",I think they must be at least twice as long.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Le stratas principal es large e belle.,The main streets are wide and beautiful.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Le presente es le unic realitate e le unic certitude.,The present is the only reality and the only certainty.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Logica e mathematica es nihil plus que structuras linguistic specialisate.,Logic and mathematics are nothing but specialised linguistic structures.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Io habita in iste casa durante tres annos.,I've lived in this house for three years.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Io peteva a mi matre eveliar me a quatro horas.,I asked Mother to wake me up at four.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Como es possibile un error in mathematica?,How is an error possible in mathematics?,ina_Latn-eng_Latn "Il non existe un grano de arena, non mesmo un atomo que pote devenir nihil, totevia le homine crede que le morte es le annihilation de su esser.","There is not a grain of dust, not an atom that can become nothing, yet man believes that death is the annihilation of his being.",ina_Latn-eng_Latn Io es multo occupate.,I'm very busy.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Le coton absorbe aqua.,Cotton sucks up water.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn "Fugir significa mover se de maniera mysteriose, usualmente portante le proprietate de un altero.","To abscond means to move in a mysterious way, commonly with the property of another.",ina_Latn-eng_Latn "Le dolor, in general, ha disparite.",The pain has mostly gone away.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Multo belle. Multe gratias!,Very beautiful. Thank you very much!,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Multe gratias pro vostre responsa tanto detaliate.,Thank you very much for the very detailed response.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn """Multe gratias pro toto."" ""Il ha essite un placer.""","""Thank you very much for everything."" ""You are welcome.""",ina_Latn-eng_Latn Nos vos regratia in avantia pro le consideration que vos potera dar a nostre demanda.,Thank you very much for the consideration you will give to our request.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Io vole biber.,I want to drink.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Esque tu ha un mappa?,Do you have a map?,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Il ha un mappa sur le bureau.,There is a map on the desk.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Iste penna es melior que ille.,This pencil is better than that one.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn "Multe gratias, vos es semper plus flattatori que io.","Thank you very much, you always say more agreeable things than I do.",ina_Latn-eng_Latn Le mathematica es le musica del ration.,Mathematics is the music of reason.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Illa nunc planta rosarios in le jardin.,She's in the garden planting roses.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Multissime gratias!,Thanks a lot!,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Tom supponeva que Mary parlava nonsenso simplemente proque ille non la comprendeva.,Tom assumed Mary was talking nonsense simply because he didn't understand her.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Limita vos al factos.,Stick to the facts.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Rumpera illes le barriera de dece secundas in iste concurso de cento metros?,Will they break the ten-second mark in the hundred-metre race?,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Facer generalisationes pare esser un parte de nostre pensamento pois que nos tende a cercar patronos in nostre ambiente.,Making generalizations seems to be in line with how we think since we tend to look for patterns in the world around us.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn "Esque tu te jam ha baniate, Takashi?","Have you taken a bath yet, Takashi?",ina_Latn-eng_Latn "Io promitte esser un marito excellente, ma da me un sposa qui, como le luna, non va apparer me tote le dies in le celo.","I promise to be an excellent husband, but give me a wife who, like the moon, will not appear every day in my sky.",ina_Latn-eng_Latn "Post le silentio, lo que plus se approxima a exprimer le inexprimibile es le musica.","After silence, that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is music.",ina_Latn-eng_Latn Tu non es tanto juvene como Tom.,You're not as young as Tom.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn "Quanto plus potente e original es un mente, tanto plus illo se inclinara al religion del solitude.","The more powerful and original a mind, the more it will incline towards the religion of solitude.",ina_Latn-eng_Latn Nos mangia hic.,We eat here.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Ille ha triumphate de su inimico.,He defeated his enemy.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn "Nemo pote dar vos pace, si non vos mesme.",Nobody can bring you peace but yourself.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Le studentes era instruite a apprender le poema de memoria.,The students were told to learn the poem by heart.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Ecce nostre garantia.,Here is our guarantee.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Experientia non es lo que eveni a vos; il es lo que vos face con illo que eveni a vos.,Experience is not what happens to you; it's what you do with what happens to you.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Le Terra es troppo parve.,The Earth is too small.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn "Esque le musica non pote esser definite como le mathematica del sensos, e le mathematica como le musica del ration? Le musico senti mathematica, le mathematico pensa musica: musica le sonio, mathematica le vita practic.","May not music be described as the mathematics of the sense, mathematics as music of the reason? The musician feels mathematics, the mathematician thinks music: music the dream, mathematics the working life.",ina_Latn-eng_Latn Tom es fer de su travalio.,Tom is proud of his work.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Il ha cosas cognoscite e il ha cosas incognoscite; inter le unes e le alteres il ha le portas del perception.,"There are things known and there are things unknown, and in between are the doors of perception.",ina_Latn-eng_Latn Un altere mundo es possibile.,Another world is possible.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn "Le scopo non pote justificar le medios, pro le simple e obvie ration que le medios empleate determina le natura del scopos producite.","The end cannot justify the means, for the simple and obvious reason that the means employed determine the nature of the ends produced.",ina_Latn-eng_Latn Paris es le capital de Francia.,Paris is the capital of France.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Le esperanto es le lingua de totes.,Esperanto is everyone's language.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Io me levava pro salutar les.,I got up to greet them.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Le linguage es un codice.,Language is a code.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Tu es un hypocrita!,You're a dobber!,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Io es del mesme opinion.,I have the same opinion.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Ille sempre mantene su camera ben ordinate.,He always keeps his room as neat as a pin.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Ille sempre mantene su camera nette.,He always keeps his room clean.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Ille sempre parla como si ille sapeva toto.,He always talks as if he knows everything.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Ille studia a omne momento.,He is always studying.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Ille sempre se oblida del cosas.,He is always forgetting things.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Ille es sempre occupate.,He is busy all the time.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Ille sempre dice le veritate.,He always tells the truth.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Ille sempre lege le comics.,He's always reading comics.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Ille sempre lassa le fenestra aperte durante que ille dormi.,He always leaves the window open while he sleeps.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Ille es sempre sin expression.,He is always expressionless.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Ille sempre se preoccupa con su filia.,He's always worrying about his daughter.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Ille sempre quere fama e ricchessa.,He is always seeking for fame and wealth.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Ille sempre quere fama.,He is always going after fame.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Ille es sempre allegre.,He is always cheerful.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Ille es sempre fidel a su amicos.,He is always true to his friends.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Quando ille vadeva a Europa?,When did he go to Europe?,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Quando ille retorna a casa?,When will he go home?,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Quando ille veniva a vider te?,When did he come over to see you?,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Quando ille retornava?,When did he get back?,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Ille non specificava quando ille retornarea.,He didn't specify when he would return.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Quando ille vadeva a Kyoto?,When did he get to Kyoto?,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Ille etiam non nos salutava quando ille nos incontrava.,He didn't so much as greet us whenever he met us.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn On non compra le felicitate.,One does not buy happiness.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Io me face iste mesme question.,I keep asking myself that same question.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Su nomine es cognoscite in tote le mundo.,Her name is known all over the world.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Uno non pote viver solmente de amor.,You cannot live by love alone.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Io non succede a trovar mi parapluvia!,I can't find my umbrella!,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Mi telephono mobile ha essite furate.,My cellphone has been stolen.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Iste aqua pote esser bibite sin risco.,This water can be drunk without risk.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Que te dole?,What hurts you?,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Io non pote jocar al tennis tanto ben como Tom.,I can't play tennis as well as Tom.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Le fascismo es un maladia social que on debe eradicar a tote costo.,Fascism is a social pathology to be eradicated at all costs.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Tu faceva lo que debeva esser facite.,You did what had to be done.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Le futuro es plus presso de lo que vos crede.,The future is closer than you think.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn "Si un homine ha nihil a mangiar, le cosa le plus intelligente que ille pote facer es jejunar.","If a man has nothing to eat, fasting is the most intelligent thing he can do.",ina_Latn-eng_Latn Fido es un nomine bizarre pro un catto.,Fido's a weird name for a cat.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Ille faceva su auto recular a in le garage.,He backed his car into the garage.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn "Si le majoritate del homines remane ignorante de nostre ver natura, il es proque le cognoscentia de se mesme es alique penose, e assi nos prefere le placer del illusion.","If most of us remain ignorant of ourselves, it is because self-knowledge is painful and we prefer the pleasure of illusion.",ina_Latn-eng_Latn "Il ha alique singularmente interessante concernente le buddhismo e le mathematica, specialmente super le physica quantic, e le punctos que illos ha in commun. Isto nos ha fascinate durante longe tempore.","There's something uniquely interesting about Buddhism and mathematics, particularly about quantum physics, and where they meet. That has fascinated us for a long time.",ina_Latn-eng_Latn Io non pote trovar mi porta-folio.,I can't find my briefcase.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Mi patre labora in un fabrica.,My father works in a factory.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Ille nunquam parla del accidente.,He never speaks of the accident.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Le discoperta de Deo es le arrivata al proprie esser.,The finding of God is coming to one's self.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn "Per medio de un succession de errores, le homine approcha le veritate inattingibile.",Man approaches the unattainable truth through a succession of errors.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Illa non es su soror mais su matre.,"She's not his sister, but his mother.",ina_Latn-eng_Latn Qui semina collige.,You reap what you sow.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Forsan tu non ha audite de isto.,You may not have heard about this.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Le regina esseva imprisionate in le Turre de London.,The queen was imprisoned in the Tower of London.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Nos es povre proque nos es honeste.,We are poor because we are honest.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Tote le cattos son belle.,All cats are beautiful.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Quante libros il ha sur le tabula?,How many books are there on the table?,ina_Latn-eng_Latn In iste firma il ha plus de feminas que viros.,"In this company, there are more women than men.",ina_Latn-eng_Latn Mi religion consiste in un humile admiration del spirito illimitate e superior que se revela mesmo in le detalios minute que nos pote perciper con le debile e ineffective attributos de nostre mente.,My religion consists of a humble admiration of the illimitable superior spirit who reveals himself in the slight details we are able to perceive with our frail and feeble mind.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn "No, io ha un idea melior.","No, I have a better idea.",ina_Latn-eng_Latn Non entrara tu?,Aren't you coming in?,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Nunquam scriber le parolas 'borshch' e 'shchi' in germano!,"Never write the words ""bortsch"" and ""shchi"" in German!",ina_Latn-eng_Latn """Qual es tu credentia? Christianismo? Judaismo? Buddhismo? O es tu atheista?"" ""No, io es humorista!""","""What is your religion? Christianity? Judaism? Buddhism? Or are you an atheist"" ""No, I'm a humorist!""",ina_Latn-eng_Latn Ille canta multo ben.,He sings very well.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Il debe haber un maniera de transversar le fluvio.,There must be some way of traversing the river.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn "Le pensamento pythagoric esseva dominate per le mathematica, sed illo esseva etiam profundemente mystic.","Pythagorean thought was dominated by mathematics, but it was also profoundly mystical.",ina_Latn-eng_Latn "Le deos deride nos, ergo que nos deride los.",The gods mock us? Let's mock them too.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn "Multe tragedias son comedias disguisate e quando le philosophos ha plorate via omne su lacrimas, illes ride.","Many tragedies are disguised comedies. When philosophers have shed their last tear, they will laugh.",ina_Latn-eng_Latn Pro formar le plural in esperanto on adde un j al singular.,"To form the plural in Esperanto, add a j to the singular.",ina_Latn-eng_Latn """A que pensa tu?"" — ""Io pensa a te.""","""What are you thinking about?"" ""I'm thinking about you.""",ina_Latn-eng_Latn "In esperanto, le substantivo fini sempre per o.",Esperanto nouns always end in o.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Esperanto ha solmente un articulo definite e non ha articulo indefinite.,In Esperanto there is no indefinite and only one definite article.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Sperantia e patientia conduce al potentia.,Hope and patience lead to power.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn "Quanto le leges del mathematica concerne le realitate, illos non es certe; e quanto illos es certe, illos non concerne le realitate.","As far as the laws of mathematics refer to reality, they are not certain; and as far as they are certain, they do not refer to reality.",ina_Latn-eng_Latn "Il ha tante idiomas in le mundo, ma il non ha ulle parola que pote exprimer quanto io te ama.",There are so many languages in the world but there is not any word that can express how much I love you.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn "Al football, un jocator es excludite del match con un carta rubie.","In soccer, a player is sent off with a red card.",ina_Latn-eng_Latn Con que frequentia ha tu visitate Kioto?,How often did you visit Kyoto?,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Io videva le partita desde le initio usque al fin.,I watched the play from beginning to end.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Io me sentiva debile de fame.,I felt faint with hunger.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Io es stressate debite al incompetentia de illes.,I'm stressed out due to their incompetence.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Ille time.,He is afraid.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Io va retornar tu libro le martedi si io lo habera finite.,I will return your book on Tuesday if I have finished it.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn "Su sorores, assi como ille, vive nunc in Kioto.",His sisters as well as he are now living in Kyoto.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Hodie es le 18 de junio e il es le anniversario de Muiriel.,Today is June 18th and it is Muiriel's birthday!,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Muiriel ha 20 annos ora.,Muiriel is 20 now.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Esque tu iva al schola heri?,Did you go to school yesterday?,ina_Latn-eng_Latn "Regrettabilemente, io non pote acceptar tu invitation. Io habe altere planos pro ille jorno.","I'm sorry, but I can't accept your invitation. I have other plans on that day.",ina_Latn-eng_Latn "Leva te e presenta te, per favor.","Stand up and introduce yourself, please.",ina_Latn-eng_Latn Isto non finira jammais.,This is never going to end.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn "Le unic cosas que le preoccupation nos apporta es capillos gris, recepta de remedios e remedios.","The only things the concern brings are white hair, prescription drugs and medicines.",ina_Latn-eng_Latn Simplemente io non sape que dicer.,I just don't know what to say.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Illo esseva realmente un miraculo.,It really was a miracle.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Io esseva in le montanias.,I was in the mountains.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Es illo un photo recente?,Is it a recent picture?,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Io non sape si io habe le tempore.,I don't know if I have the time.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Admiration es nostre polite recognoscentia del similitude inter alicuno e nos mesme.,Admiration is our polite recognition of another's resemblance to ourselves.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Le education in iste mundo me disappuncta.,Education in this world disappoints me.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Tu es in melior forma que io.,You're in better shape than I am.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Tu es melior que io.,You're better than me.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn """Passa me le sal, per favor."" ""Ecce illo.""","""Pass me the salt, please."" ""Here you are.""",ina_Latn-eng_Latn Le prisa de Constantinopolo marca le fin del Medievo.,The conquest of Constantinople marks the end of the Middle Ages.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn "Hasta te, joca con me, io es si enoiate!","Come on, play with me, I'm so bored!",ina_Latn-eng_Latn Gratias a te io ha perdite mi appetito.,Thanks to you I've lost my appetite.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Io vermente ha besonio de colpar alicuno.,I really need to hit somebody.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Tu ha prendite le clave improprie.,You took the wrong key.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Quanto costa?,How much is it?,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Tu ha cambiate multo.,You changed a lot.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Le mathematica es le fundamento de omne cognoscimento exacte del phenomenos natural.,Mathematics is the foundation of all exact knowledge of natural phenomena.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Qui es ille typos?,Who are those guys?,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Maria ha longe capillos.,Maria has long hair.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Il non es necessari que tu veni deman.,You don't have to come tomorrow.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn "Essente un linguage, le mathematica pote esser utilisate non solmente pro informar sed etiam, inter altere cosas, pro seducer.","Being a language, mathematics may be used not only to inform but also, among other things, to seduce.",ina_Latn-eng_Latn Nostre stock es exhauste pro le momento.,We're out of stock now.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Actualmente nos non lo ha in stock.,Currently we don't have it in stock.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Non es tu quasi preste?,Aren't you almost ready?,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Non ha vos quasi finite?,Aren't you almost finished?,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Ma que es isto?,What on Earth is this?,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Que diabolo es isto?,What the hell is this?,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Io simplemente lo dice!,I'm just saying!,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Le regulas del logica es pro la mathematica lo que los del structura es pro le architectura.,The rules of logic are to mathematics what those of structure are to architecture.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Io es multo ingrassiate.,I'm so fat.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn "Io pote esser insociabile, ma isto non vole dicer que io non parla con le personas.","I may be antisocial, but it doesn't mean I don't talk to people.",ina_Latn-eng_Latn Es aperte le supermercato iste vespere?,Is the supermarket open this evening?,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Le majoritate del personas scribe super lor vita quotidian.,Most people write about their daily life.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn "Si nos descendeva troppo profundemente in le structura de qualcunque cosa, nos trovarea mathematica sol.",Go down deep enough into anything and you will find mathematics.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Le esseres human non ha essite facite pro durar un eternitate.,Humans were never meant to live forever.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Io crede que io ha un theoria super isto.,I think I have a theory about that.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Un absurdo es un enunciation o un credentia manifestemente contrari a nostre proprie opinion.,An absurdity is a statement or belief manifestly inconsistent with one's own opinion.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn A qui parlava tu?,Who did you talk to?,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Illos sembla photographos.,They seem to be photographs.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Io pensa que on me ha lavate le cerebro.,I think I've been brainwashed.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn "Pareva tanto real, ma io suppone que era solmente un sonio folle.","It seemed so real, but I guess it was just a crazy dream.",ina_Latn-eng_Latn Il resta ancora multo a facer.,There's still much to do.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn "On appella Germania ""Deutschland"" in germano.","Germany is called ""Deutschland"" in German.",ina_Latn-eng_Latn Tu pote facer lo.,You can do it.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Le amor es un insanitate temporari curabile per le maritage o per remotion del patiente ab le influentias sub le quales ille contraheva le maladia.,Love is a temporary insanity curable by marriage or by removal of the patient from the influences under which he incurred the disorder.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Tu solmente fugi del problemas del vita.,You're just running away from life's problems.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Tom diceva que Maria non sape como parlar le francese.,Tom said Mary didn't know how to speak French.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Proque non es tu vestite?,Why aren't you dressed?,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Illes se ha vestite.,They put their clothes on.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Le vicinos sub le quales io vive es multo ruitose.,My upstairs neighbors are very noisy.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn A mi inseniante de physica non importa si io es absente ab le lectiones.,My physics teacher doesn't care if I skip classes.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn "Frequenta le lectiones, comprendite?","Don't skip classes, okay?",ina_Latn-eng_Latn A tote le mundo il place ganiar.,Everyone likes winning.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Io debe ir al lecto.,I have to go to bed.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Ille plenava le vitro de vino.,He filled the glass with wine.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Toto isto non es multo seducente.,None of this is very seductive.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn A nemo il place perder.,No one likes losing.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn "Le contrasigno es ""Muiriel"".","The password is ""Muiriel"".",ina_Latn-eng_Latn Io non ha parolas.,I'm at a loss for words.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Tu es le melior matre in le mundo.,You're the best mom in the world.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Un vice io desirava esser un astrophysico.,I wanted to be an astrophysicist once.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Nos esseva in retardo proque le traffico esseva congestionate.,We were late as a result of the traffic jam.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn "Responsabilitate es un carga distachabile que pote facilemente esser transferite al humeros de Deo, le Fato, le Fortuna, le Sorte o un vicino nostre. In le dies del astrologia on soleva discargar lo super un stella.","Responsibility is a detachable burden that can easily be shifted to the shoulders of God, Fate, Fortune, Luck or one's neighbor. In the days of astrology it was customary to unload it upon a star.",ina_Latn-eng_Latn Il me place jocar al chacos.,I enjoy playing chess.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Illes sembla surprendite.,They seem surprised.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Maria habe expectationes non realistic.,Mary has unrealistic expectations.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Io spera que toto essera in ordine.,"Hopefully, everything will be OK.",ina_Latn-eng_Latn "Forsan tosto io cedera, e in vice de isto, io facera un parve somno.",I may give up soon and just nap instead.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Io non la ha jammais vidite rider.,I've never seen her laugh.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Il es proque tu non vole esser sol.,It's because you don't want to be alone.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Me place ascoltar musica classic.,I like to listen to classical music.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Ille a vices pote esser un typo estranie.,Sometimes he can be a strange guy.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Le bebe reptava sur manos e genus.,The baby crawled on hands and knees.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Io habe un estranie sensation.,I have a funny feeling.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Nos vadeva totes al fenestra pro vider lo que eveniva.,We all looked out the window to see what was happening.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Specta le celo.,Look up to the skies.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Il es multo improbabile.,It's very unlikely.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Io facera le melior possibile pro non turbar tu studios.,I'll do my best not to disturb your studying.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Vos pote scriber in qualcunque lingua que tu vole. A Tatoeba tote le linguas es equal.,"You may write in any language you want. On Tatoeba, all languages are equal.",ina_Latn-eng_Latn A qui pertine iste casa?,Who owns this house?,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Peccato confessate es a medietate pardonate.,A sin confessed is half forgiven.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Io les telephonara deman quando io retornara.,I'll call them tomorrow when I come back.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Io non es jammais libere le dominica.,I am never free on Sundays.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Iste can es grande.,That dog is big.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Io volerea haber un amico como tu.,I wish I had a friend like you.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Io debe renovar mi passaporto.,I must renew my passport.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Isto non es tu cultello.,That is not your knife.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Non dice isto.,Don't say that.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Il me place jocar al football.,I like to play soccer.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Qual can es le tue?,Which dog is yours?,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Io es un furnero.,I'm a baker.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Ille venira deman.,He will come tomorrow.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Al principio ille non me placeva.,"At first, I didn't like him.",ina_Latn-eng_Latn Que te face pensar que isto non es ver?,What makes you think that isn't true?,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Qual damno!,What a pity!,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Le catto escappava de esser colpate per le auto.,The cat escaped from being hit by the car.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Un error cognoscite es melior que un veritate incognite.,A known mistake is better than an unknown truth.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn "Ben, ben! Nos nos incontrara a cinque horas.","All right, we'll meet at five.",ina_Latn-eng_Latn Le Aquila ha atterrate.,The Eagle has landed.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn "Pro un homine isto es un parve passo, ma pro le humanitate illo es un salto gigantesc.","This is one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind.",ina_Latn-eng_Latn Io es curte de moneta.,I have little money with me.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Le geologistas ha un dicto — le roccas se rememora.,Geologists have a saying — rocks remember.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Dice le que io non lo ha legite.,Tell him I didn't read it.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Dice la que io non lo ha legite.,Tell her I didn't read it.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Io jam lo ha facite.,I already did that.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Le foco es sempre periculose.,Fire is always dangerous.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Io non le videra jammais.,I will never see him.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Le scientia non me place.,I do not like science.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn "Nos appella Sacre Scriptura le libros de nostre sancte religion, distincte del scriptos false e profan super le quales se funda tote le altere fides.","We call scriptures the sacred books of our holy religion, as distinguished from the false and profane writings on which all other faiths are based.",ina_Latn-eng_Latn Il me place ascoltar le musica.,I like listening to music.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Io ama ascoltar le musica.,I like to listen to music.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Io sape lo que es in iste cassa.,I know what's in the box.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Qual surprisa!,What a surprise!,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Esque tu ha legite le libro de Haruki Murakami?,Have you read Haruki Murakami's book?,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Tom sempre pensa que ille ha ration.,Tom always thinks he's right.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Como pote tu dicer isto?,How can you say that?,ina_Latn-eng_Latn "Non plus sapiente que facer, io le ha petite consilio.","Not knowing what to do, I asked him for advice.",ina_Latn-eng_Latn Io vide nihil.,I can't see anything.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Esque tu pote apprender?,Can you learn?,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Io desirarea que tu esseva presso me.,I wish you were close to me.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Io ha besonio de tu adjuta.,I need your help.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Tu auto me place.,I love your car.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Io crede que tu ha torto.,I think that you're wrong.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Il non es mi intention offender te de qualcunque maniera.,It is not my intent to hurt you in any way.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Qui me ha inviate un telegramma?,Who sent me a wire?,ina_Latn-eng_Latn A Taboeba uno insenia del maniera le plus efficace possibile — per medio de exemplos.,At Tatoeba you teach in the most efficient way possible — through examples.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Le melior modo de realmente cognoscer un persona es vider como ille se comporta quando ille es absolutemente libere de eliger.,The best way to really know a person is to see how he behaves when he is absolutely free to choose.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Lassa me dicer un cosa.,Let me say one thing.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Face attention in descender.,Be careful going down.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Io vole tu opinion.,I want your opinion.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Su scarpas blanc lassa tracias rubide.,Her white shoes leave dark red traces.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn "Le planatores, aeroplanos sin motor, es meraviliose machinas volante. Il es le plus proxime que on pote arrivar a esser un ave.","Gliders, sail planes, they're wonderful flying machines. It's the closest you can come to being a bird.",ina_Latn-eng_Latn Io non es occupate hodie.,I'm not busy today.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Le musica es le mediator inter le vita spiritual e le vita sensual.,Music is the mediator between the spiritual and the sensual life.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Hodie io ha nihil plus que facer.,I have nothing more to do today.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Io lege un magazine.,I am reading a magazine.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Tu bicycletta es melior que le mie.,Your bike is better than mine.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn "Tu es fatigate, e io tamben.","You are tired, and so am I.",ina_Latn-eng_Latn "Secundo hi horologio, il es quatro horas.",It's four o'clock by my watch.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Io olface per le naso.,I smell with my nose.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn "Vos es fatigate, nonne?","You are tired, aren't you?",ina_Latn-eng_Latn Io pensa con mi testa.,I think with my head.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Non es vos fatigate?,Are you not tired?,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Le catto dormi.,The cat sleeps.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Que te inspira le plus?,What inspires you most?,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Iste pictura es conspicue per su colores discordante.,The lack of harmony between colors makes this painting stand out.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Illa ora compra le computator.,She is buying the computer.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn """Debe io portar te al altere latere?"" – ""Isto esserea multo gentil de tu parte!""","""Should I carry you to get across?"" ""That'd be very nice of you!""",ina_Latn-eng_Latn Le major parte de istes pertine a Tom.,Most of these are Tom's.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Ha tu un scopo del vita?,Do you have a life goal?,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Ha tu nove calceos?,Do you have new shoes?,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Diana es le belle dea del luna e del silvas.,Diana is the beautiful goddess of the Moon and the forest.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Io vole inseniar francese.,I want to teach French.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Da me foco pro accender mi cigarretta.,Give me a light for my cigarette.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Io non lo ha facite deliberatemente.,I didn't do it deliberately.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Le interdiction non es plus prendite seriosemente per alcuno.,No one takes the ban seriously anymore.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Nemo prende plus le interdiction seriosemente.,The ban is no longer taken seriously by anyone.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Mi auto es defectuose.,My car is broken.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Io pensa que vos es stupide.,I think you're stupid.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Io ha comprate iste cappello quando io esseva in Boston.,I bought this hat when I was in Boston.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Il es semper un placer ascoltar vos.,It's always nice to hear you.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Le docente habeva comenciate a poner nos questiones.,The teacher began to ask us questions.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Mi ex-sposa vole ruinar mi nove relation.,My ex-wife wants to ruin my new relationship.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Nos ascolta musica celtic.,We're listening to Celtic music.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Io pensa que es troppo tosto in le matino pro visitar Tom.,I think it's too early in the morning to visit Tom.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Que nos face un promenada post que il ha cessate de pluver.,Let's go for a walk after it stops raining.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Ascolta! Non sia si insolente!,Listen up! Don't be so insolent!,ina_Latn-eng_Latn Milles de candelas se illuminava in le ecclesia durante le ceremonia.,Thousands of candles illuminated the church during the ceremony.,ina_Latn-eng_Latn "Non sia pigre, apporta me los tu mesme.","Don't be lazy, bring me them yourself.",ina_Latn-eng_Latn "Patientia es un forma minor de desperation, disguisate de virtute.","Patience is a minor form of despair, disguised as a virtue.",ina_Latn-eng_Latn Seekor kucing muncul dari kolong meja.,A cat appeared from under the desk.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Libur musim dinginnya mulai hari apa?,When does your winter vacation begin?,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Anda mencari sesuatu?,Are you looking for something?,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Mata Tom biru.,Tom's eyes are blue.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Peraturan ini akan diberlakukan tahun depan.,This regulation will take effect next year.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Saya sepenuhnya setuju.,I agree totally.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Rumah ini penuh dengan sarang laba-laba.,This house is full of spider webs.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn "Secara umum, seni memerintah adalah mengambil sebagian besar uang dari satu bagian penduduk, kemudian memberikannya kepada bagian yang lain.","Generally speaking, the art of governing consists in taking the most money from one part of the citizens, in order to give it to another part.",ind_Latn-eng_Latn Tom ngomongnya cepat yah.,Tom speaks very fast.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Tom pergi melewati sungai yang dangkal dengan berjalan kaki.,Tom went splashing through the shallows.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Tom matanya biru.,Tom's eyes are green.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Dia menolak permintaanku dengan mengatakan bahwa dia sibuk.,"He declined my request, saying that he was busy.",ind_Latn-eng_Latn Di sana sekarang jam berapa?,What time is it there now?,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Pedih rasanya melihat anak-anak yang menderita karena kelaparan di Afrika.,My heart aches for the starving children in Africa.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Apa kau tidak bisa berbahasa Inggris?,Are you not able to speak English?,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Grup itu sedang sangat aktif saat ini.,That group is presently very active.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn "Menurutku pistol itu tidak berpeluru, tapi kamu masih harus berhati-hati.","I don't think the gun is loaded, but you should still be very careful.",ind_Latn-eng_Latn Apa yang membuatmu memutuskan untuk datang kemari?,What made you decide to come here?,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Tom tidak dapat melakukan apapun untuk menolong Mary.,Tom could do nothing to help Mary.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Aku tidak berbicara dengan bahasa Inggris.,I wasn't speaking English.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn "Ketika Sir Alex Ferguson melihat pemainnya mulai kelelahan, dia selalu mengganti mereka.","When Sir Alex Ferguson saw that his players were getting tired, he always substituted them.",ind_Latn-eng_Latn Itulah yang dibicarakan oleh Tom.,That's all Tom talks about.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Jane terlihat bahagia.,Jane looks happy.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Penelitian selanjutnya akan memungkinkan kami untuk memperoleh pengetahuan penting lain terkait dengan samudra.,Further investigation will offer many opportunities to obtain more valuable knowledge of the ocean.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Saya sangat menyukai kalian.,I like you very much.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Angin utara yang dingin membuat dedaunan pohon berubah menjadi kecoklatan.,The cold north wind turned the leaves brown.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Kamu tidak boleh datang terlambat ke sekolah.,You must not be late for school.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Aku lebih baik mati ketimbang hidup dengan menanggung malu.,I would die before I live on in shame.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn "Aku tidak bisa berenang, sama seperti batu.",I can no more swim than a stone can.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn "Dia tidak mengangkat teleponnya, pasti dia sedang tidur.",He must have been sleeping because he didn't answer the telephone.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Dia sudah menyelesaikan pekerjaannya.,He has finished his work.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Bagaimana pendapatnya terhadap berita ini?,What was her reaction to the news?,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Di sekolah ini ada 41 guru dan sekitar 800 siswa.,There are forty-one teachers and about eight hundred students in this school.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Saya tidak pernah mengatakan itu.,I have never said that.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Kami mengecam dia atas perilakunya.,We criticized her for her behavior.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Dia pergi memancing sebagai ganti bermain tenis.,He went fishing instead of playing tennis.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Aku tidak pernah berkata itu.,I've never said that.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Saya tidak pernah berkata itu.,I never said that.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Jam berapa sekarang?,What's the time?,ind_Latn-eng_Latn "Ada banyak dugaan mengenai asal usul bahasa, tetapi faktanya tidak ada seorangpun yang tahu secara pasti.","There are many guesses about how language began, but the fact is that no one really knows.",ind_Latn-eng_Latn Anda datang ke kota ini untuk urusan apa?,What has brought you to this city?,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Apakah kamu tidak tahu kalau tidak sopan untuk menanyakan usia kepada perempuan?,Do you not know that it's impolite to ask a woman how old she is?,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Aku benar-benar tidak memahamimu.,I don't get you at all.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Tambahkan sedikit gula.,Put in a little more sugar.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Adakah masalah dengan cara mereka membesarkan anak-anaknya?,What does it matter how they bring up their own children?,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Dia menjadi bersemangat setelah melihat pemandangan indah itu.,He was excited to see the beautiful scenery.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Dia tidak memiliki keturunan untuk menggantikannya.,He has no children to succeed to him.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn "Berbicara tentang wisata, apa kau pernah pergi ke Kobe?","Speaking about trips, have you ever been to Kobe?",ind_Latn-eng_Latn Aku kena flu berat.,I had a bad cold.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Bangunan besar itu gemerlap dengan cahaya.,The big building was blazing with lights.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Kurang lebih seperti itu.,That's my best guess.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Sulit untukku mempercayai berita itu.,I could hardly believe my ears when I heard the news.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Aku tidak berpikir kalau Tom akan ada di sekolah besok.,I don't think Tom will be at school tomorrow.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Kedua politikus itu bertatap muka untuk pertama kalinya.,The two politicians met face to face for the first time.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Beritahu Tom aku tidak suka padanya.,Tell Tom I don't like him.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Tom memakan semua yang ibunya berikan padanya.,Tom eats everything that his mother gives him.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Tom tidak pernah melihat Mary lagi.,Tom never saw Mary again.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Berapa besar Anda mematok biaya per jamnya?,How much do you charge by the hour?,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Baik Tom dan Mary keduanya berasal dari Boston.,Both Tom and Mary are from Boston.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Dia meminta kami untuk mematuhi peraturan.,He urged us to obey the rule.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom masih TK, kan?","Tom is still in kindergarten, isn't he?",ind_Latn-eng_Latn "Pada akhirnya, dia memilih anak kucing yang satunya.","Finally, she chose another kitten.",ind_Latn-eng_Latn Tom tidak terluka dalam kecelakaan kereta itu.,Tom wasn't injured in the train wreck.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Banyak hal yang didengar oleh Pizzaro tentang imperium Inca itu benar adanya.,Many of the things Pizzaro had heard about the Inca treasure were true.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Apa yang terjadi?,What has happened?,ind_Latn-eng_Latn "Kamu tidak tahu siapa aku, kan?","You have no idea who I am, do you?",ind_Latn-eng_Latn Aku bengal ketika bom itu meledak di hadapanku.,I was stunned when the bomb blew in front of me.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Apakah ada sesuatu hal yang ingin kau ketahui?,Is there something in particular that you want to hear?,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Kamu sakit?,What's the matter?,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Omongan orang ini adalah yang paling tidak masuk akal yang pernah aku dengar!,This man's ramblings are the furthest from the truth I've ever heard!,ind_Latn-eng_Latn "Aku telah menjadi mati, penghancur dunia.","I am become death, the destroyer of worlds.",ind_Latn-eng_Latn Petugas pemadam kebakaran menerobos masuk ke dalam rumah yang sedang terbakar.,The fireman rushed into the burning house.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Apa yang selalu membuatmu khawatir?,What's always on your mind?,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Mereka ini adalah anak-anakku.,These are my children.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Aku ingin berterima kasih kepada Tom atas apa yang ia lakukan.,I'd like to thank Tom for all he's done.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Mereka ini adalah anak-anak laki-lakiku.,These are my boys.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Apa suasana hatimu sedang buruk?,Are you in a bad mood?,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Rumah itu milikku.,That house belongs to me.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Kamu tidak apa-apa?,Are you alright?,ind_Latn-eng_Latn "Kalau para tamu tidak keberatan, mereka dipersilahkan tidur di lantai dasar.","If the guests don't mind, they are welcome to sleep in the basement.",ind_Latn-eng_Latn "Kalau dia tidak keberatan, saya bisa menjemput putrinya dari sekolah hari ini.","If she doesn't mind, I can pick up her daughter from school today.",ind_Latn-eng_Latn "Kalau mereka tidak keberatan, mereka dipersilahkan makan sisa makanan di kulkas.","If they don't mind, they are welcome to eat the leftovers in the fridge.",ind_Latn-eng_Latn Aku lupa kalau Tom tahu cara memainkan akordion.,I forgot Tom knew how to play the accordion.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Saya melihat Tom dan Mary berangkat bersama.,I saw Tom and Mary leave together.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Saya melihat mereka berangkat bersama.,I saw them leave together.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Saya putuskan untuk berusaha sedikit lagi.,I've decided to go a little further.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Sulit sekali mencari pekerjaan.,Finding work is difficult.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Sudah pernah hujan di hutan.,It has been raining in the forest.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Sedang hujan di hutan.,It was raining in the forest.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Sudah hujan di hutan.,It has rained in the forest.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Turun hujan di hutan.,It rained in the forest.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Hanya mereka yang berani segagal-gagalnya dapat meraih setinggi-tingginya.,"Only those who dare to fail greatly, can ever achieve greatly.",ind_Latn-eng_Latn "Saya sudah mempelajari agama Anda, tapi saya tidak menyukainya.","I studied your religion, but I didn't like it.",ind_Latn-eng_Latn Saya tidak tertarik kepada agama Anda.,I'm not interested in your religion.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Aku telanjang!,I am naked!,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Kami tidur.,We are sleepy.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn "Mary, tolong peluk aku.","Mary, please hug me.",ind_Latn-eng_Latn Rute manapun yang Anda pilih memerlukan waktu dua jam.,"Whichever of the routes you choose, allow about two hours.",ind_Latn-eng_Latn Sudah berapa lama Anda tinggal di pulau tersebut?,How long did you live on the island?,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Saya tidak keberatan dengan itu.,I don't have any problem with that.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn "Tolong jangan coba-coba kabur, sebab mata musuh-musuhmu sedang mengawasi.","Do not try to run away, please, because the eyes of your enemies are watchful.",ind_Latn-eng_Latn Kami menonton film bagus kemarin.,We saw a good film yesterday.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Dia menjalani tes pemeriksaan HIV.,She got tested for HIV.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Kau - tolong jangan marah - komunis aneh.,"You are - do not be angry, please - a strange communist.",ind_Latn-eng_Latn Aku hampir saja tenggelam.,I came near to being drowned.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Berikan uangmu.,Give me your money.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Nama Anda mempengaruhi kepribadian Anda.,Your name affects your personality.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Sepertinya ada lift di sekitar sana.,It looks like there's an elevator over there.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Pizza favorit saya adalah pizza pepperoni.,My favorite pizza is pepperoni pizza.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Pizza favorit saya adalah Hawaiian Pizza.,My favorite Pizza is Hawaiian.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Itu Tom. Apa yang dia lakukan di luar sana?,It's Tom. What's he doing out here?,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Tidak dapat dipungkiri keberaniannya patut dikagumi.,We could not but admire his courage.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Selamat datang di Tatoeba.,Welcome to Tatoeba.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Nancy tersenyum bahagia.,Nancy smiled happily.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Mengapa kamu tidak memperoleh pekerjaan?,Why don't you get a job?,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Opera apakah yang sedang dipertunjukkan di Lincoln Center saat ini?,What operas are being performed at the Lincoln Center right now?,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Karena itulah dia tidak pergi belajar ke luar negeri.,That's why he did not go overseas to study.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Bawang dan bawang putih adalah obat yang mujarab untuk mengobati flu biasa.,Garlic and onion are good remedies against the common cold.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Anda ingin segelas kopi lagi?,Would you like another cup of coffee?,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Bisakah kamu lebih pelan?,Can you slow down a little?,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Selamat datang di situs Proyek Tatoeba.,Welcome to the Tatoeba Project website.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Kamera ini berapa harganya?,How much is this camera?,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Payung ini berapa harganya?,How much does this umbrella cost?,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Tom menyadari Mary tidak sedang bercanda.,Tom realized Mary wasn't kidding.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Taman itu dikelola oleh pemerintah.,The park is governed by the city.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Bahasa Prancisnya jago ya. Belajar di mana?,Your French is really good. Where did you study?,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Tom sekarang menyadari Mary tidak sedang bercanda.,Tom now knows Mary wasn't kidding.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Kita banyak membuang waktu.,We waste a lot of time.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Aku pikir kau perlu bertemu dengan Tom.,I thought you might want to see Tom.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Kita harus melakukannya dengan benar.,We have to do this the right way.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Aku bertemu dengan Tom Januari ini.,I met Tom this January.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Tom tidak tahu perbedaan fabel dan dongeng.,Tom doesn't know the difference between a fable and a fairytale.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Tom menyetrika bajunya.,Tom ironed his shirt.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Oranye itu warna apa?,What colour is orange?,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Kulkas kecilnya kotor.,The little fridge is dirty.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Tom perlu menurunkan berat badan tiga atau empat kilo.,Tom needs to lose three or four kilos.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Dia dikenal sebagai seorang penyanyi rok.,He is known as a rock singer.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Sepedamu mirip dengan milikku.,Your bicycle is similar to mine.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Apa yang sudah kau perbuat pada Tom?,What have you done to Tom?,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Aku pikir aku sudah ingat bagaimana cara melakukannya.,I think I remember how to do that.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Kaki Tom terluka.,Tom hurt his leg.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Aku makan apel.,I am eating an apple.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Kereta tersebut terguling.,The train was overturned.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Tom tidak terlihat memiliki masalah.,Tom doesn't seem to be having any problems.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Tom mengajak Mary pergi menonton film bersamanya.,Tom asked Mary to go to a movie with him.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Aku sudah melakukan pekerjaan itu selama lima tahun.,I've been in that line of work for five years.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Tom tidak berkata sepatah kata pun sepanjang sore.,Tom hasn't said a word all evening.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Saya pergi ke sekolah pada Pukul delapan.,I go to school at eight o'clock.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Itu pesananku.,Those are my orders.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Kamu minum berapa banyak semalam?,How much did you drink last night?,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Tom bisa menggantikan Mary.,Tom could replace Mary.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Aku memberitahu istriku untuk cepat bersiap-siap.,I told my wife to get ready in a hurry.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Siapa yang memberitahumu aku sakit?,Who told you I was sick?,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Siapa yang memberitahumu kalau aku sakit?,Who told you that I was sick?,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Tom mendorong pintunya dan membukanya sedikit.,Tom nudged the door open a crack.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Aku sangat sibuk dengan pekerjaan ini akhir-akhir ini.,I'm tied up with this job recently.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Berapa banyak waktu yang kau butuhkan?,How much time will you need?,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Tom hampir tidak mempercayainya.,Tom could scarcely believe it.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Itulah kenapa aku harus melakukan ini.,That's why I have to do this.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Bagaimana kamu bisa terluka?,How did you get injured?,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Aku pikir Tom harus tetap tinggal.,I think Tom should stay.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Aku dapat surat dari temanku di London.,I got a letter from a friend of mine in London.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Aku sudah tidak tahan lagi dengan cuaca panas ini.,I just can't stand this hot weather anymore.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Aku tidak tahan dengan cuaca panas ini.,I can't put up with this hot weather.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Aku tidak tahan dengan iklim panas ini.,I can't stand this hot weather.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Tom mungkin saja sudah pergi.,Tom may have already left.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Tom perlu mengubah gaya hidupnya.,Tom needs to change his lifestyle.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Kamu tidak harus datang besok.,You don't have to come tomorrow.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Pak White pergi ke Kanada.,Mr. White went to Canada.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn "Antara Ken dan Tom, siapa yang berlari dengan cepat?","Who runs faster, Ken or Tony?",ind_Latn-eng_Latn Tom dan Mary bermain tenis seharian.,Tom and Mary played tennis all day long.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Ayo pergi dan lihat.,Let's go and take a look.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Dapat didistribusikan sesuai dengan GPL.,May be distributed in accordance with the GPL.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Aku berjalan-jalan di taman.,I'm taking a walk in a park.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Apakah ada pepatah yang mirip dalam bahasa Jepang?,Do you have a similar saying in Japanese?,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Saya tahu dia tidak dapat bekerja lagi.,I know that he can no longer work.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn "Selamat pagi, semuanya.","Good morning, everybody.",ind_Latn-eng_Latn Maaf membuatmu menunggu.,I'm sorry to have kept you waiting.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn """Selamat pagi,"" kata Tom sambil tersenyum.","""Good morning"", said Tom with a smile.",ind_Latn-eng_Latn Tom ingin tahu apakah Mary bisa memahami bahasa Prancis.,Tom wondered if Mary could understand French.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Dia meninggal dunia kemarin siang.,She died yesterday afternoon.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Aku dibilang bodoh sama Tom.,Tom called me an idiot.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Tolong panggilkan taksi.,Please call a taxi.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Tom hidup hingga usia 97 tahun.,Tom lived to be 97 years old.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Tolong diam sebentar.,Be quiet for a moment.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Kapan ulang tahunmu?,When's your birthday?,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Tasmu terbuka lo.,Your bag's open.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn "Selamat ulang tahun, Muriel!","Happy birthday, Muiriel!",ind_Latn-eng_Latn Tolong jangan menggunakan bahasa Prancis.,Please don't use French.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Aku suka lasagna.,I love lasagna.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Apakah ini adalah sebuah deklarasi perang?,Is this a declaration of war?,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Apakah mencari tumpangan dilarang di Australia?,Is hitchhiking prohibited in Australia?,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Tom tidak suka disentuh.,Tom doesn't like to be touched.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Kamu tidak seperti dirimu hari ini.,You're not yourself today.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn """Seekor kucing?"" tanya pria tua itu.","""A cat?"" asked the old man.",ind_Latn-eng_Latn Kamu sedang melihat apa?,What are you all looking at?,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Aku tidak dapat melupakanku ketika aku mencobanya.,I couldn't forget you if I tried.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Tom bilang ia berencana untuk mengunjungi mantan kekasihnya di Boston.,Tom said he was planning on visiting an old girlfriend in Boston.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Tom saat ini berusia tiga tahun.,Tom is three years old now.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Pria tua itu tertabrak sebuah mobil dan segera dilarikan ke rumah sakit.,The old man was hit by a car and was immediately taken to the hospital.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Aku tahu seberapa berartinya dirimu bagi Tom.,I know how much you meant to Tom.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Aku akan naik ke lantai atas.,I'll go upstairs.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Tom pindah ke Boston.,Tom is relocating to Boston.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Apakah kamu siswa dari Jepang?,Are you a Japanese student?,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Tom meminjam sedikit uang dari Mary.,Tom borrowed some money from Mary.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Apa makanan kesukaanmu?,What's your favorite food?,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Dia memperkirakan bahwa adat kebiasaan itu telah dimulai sejak jaman kolonial.,He dates the custom from the colonial days.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Pernah melihat UFO?,Have you ever seen a UFO?,ind_Latn-eng_Latn """Apakah kau melihat ponselku?"" ""Ada di meja.""","""Have you seen my cell phone?"" ""It's on the table.""",ind_Latn-eng_Latn Suhunya minus 6 derajat.,It's six degrees below zero.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Apakah kamu sudah minum obat?,Have you taken your medicine yet?,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Tadi kamu di mana?,Where were you?,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Kamu pasti lelah setelah perjalanan jauh.,You must be tired after such a long trip.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Tom telah melakukan sedikitnya tiga kali usaha untuk melarikan diri.,Tom has attempted to escape at least three times.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Silakan mampir ke kantor saya kapanpun juga.,Drop by my office any time.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Aku hanya memberi tahu Tom apa yang Mary beritahu padaku.,I only told Tom what Mary told me.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn "Tadinya dia akan makan malam bersama kami, tetapi tiba-tiba dia jatuh sakit.","He was to have dined with us, but he became seriously sick all of a sudden.",ind_Latn-eng_Latn Aku sedang merokok tadi.,I was smoking.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Aku kira Tom dan Mary bahagia.,I thought Tom and Mary were happy.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Aku ingin kau menyembunyikan hal ini.,I'd like you to keep this a secret.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Apakah Anda pernah ke Amerika?,Have you ever been to America?,ind_Latn-eng_Latn "Pengetahuan itu bukan apa-apa, tetapi imaginasi adalah segalanya.","Knowing is nothing, imagination is everything.",ind_Latn-eng_Latn Kami menyebut lembaran-lembaran dari lapisan batu yang keras ini 'pelat'.,We call these slabs of the solid-rock layer 'plates'.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Peluangnya adalah dua dibanding satu.,The odds are two to one.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Kenapa aku perlu melakukan ini?,Why do I need to do this?,ind_Latn-eng_Latn "Kamu membuat kesalahan dengan sengaja, kan?","You made the mistake on purpose, didn't you?",ind_Latn-eng_Latn Mari kita mulai pestanya.,Let's start the party.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Kamu membuat lelucon yang tidak lucu.,You made a joke that wasn't funny.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Sebaiknya kamu mendapat pemeriksaan dokter.,You had better consult the doctor.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn ini istri saya Edita.,This is my wife Edita.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn ini istriku.,This is my wife.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Bintang yang tak terkian berkerlapan di langit.,Countless stars were twinkling in the sky.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Ini betul!,This is true!,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Kopi ini tidak cukup panas.,This coffee is not hot enough.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Apa kamu punya pertanyaan tentang makanannya?,Do you have any questions about the food?,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Apakah Anda sudah pergi ke tempat pemungutan suara?,Have you already gone to the polls today?,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Dia mencintai anak-anaknya.,She loves her children.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn "Permisi, saya lewat.","Excuse me, I'm coming through.",ind_Latn-eng_Latn Apakah Anda memiliki uang tunai senilai lebih dari sepuluh ribu Euro?,Do you have cash worth more than ten thousand euros?,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Dimana kursi saya?,Where is my seat?,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Kamu membuatku bosan!,You're boring me!,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Kamu dicari pada sambungan telepon. Ini dari Tom.,You're wanted on the phone. It's from Tom.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn "Dia pernah berkata, ""Aku ingin menjadi seorang ilmuwan"".","He said, ""I want to be a scientist.""",ind_Latn-eng_Latn Kita semua harus makan.,We all have to eat.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Saya bangun pada pukul lima pagi.,I woke up at five this morning.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Aku minta maaf untuk apa yang terjadi sebelumnya.,I'm sorry about the other day.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Kamu tahu siapa yang melukis gambar ini?,Do you know who painted this picture?,ind_Latn-eng_Latn "Mudah didapat, mudah hilang.","Easy come, easy go.",ind_Latn-eng_Latn Jet itu telah mendarat di Tokyo.,The jet landed at Tokyo.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Apa kau pernah mendonorkan darah?,Have you ever donated blood?,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Kita tidak boleh membuang-buang percuma stok energi kita.,We mustn't waste our energy stocks.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Dia kembali dari Singapura bulan Januari depan.,He comes back from Singapore next January.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Buku ini milikmu?,Is this book yours?,ind_Latn-eng_Latn "Mana yang lebih kamu suka, wine putih atau merah?","Which do you like better, white wine or red wine?",ind_Latn-eng_Latn Televisi tidak berfungsi.,The TV doesn't work.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Hujankah?,Is it raining?,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Bahasa belanda itu tidak sulit dipelajari.,It's not difficult to learn Dutch.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Selalu terjadi sesuatu di sini.,There is always something happening here.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Bisakah kau berkendara lebih cepat? Kita sedang terburu-buru!,Can you drive a little faster? We are in a hurry.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Saya alergi akan serbuk bunga.,I am allergic to pollen.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Ibu dan ayah pulang ke rumah.,Mom and dad came home.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Ibu dan ayah pulang kembali ke rumah.,Mom and dad came back home.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn "Sejauh yang saya tahu, Tom tidak pernah mencoba membunuh diri.","As far as I know, Tom has never tried to commit suicide.",ind_Latn-eng_Latn Bahkan Tom sedikit terkejut.,Even Tom is a little surprised.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Ibu dan ayah saya tidak di rumah sekarang.,My mother and father aren't home right now.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Orang tua saya tidak di rumah sekarang.,My parents aren't home right now.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Menurutmu apa arti ini?,What do you think this means?,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Apakah kamu menyukai kejutan?,Do you like surprises?,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Ini adalah sushi yang enak.,This is good sushi.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Apakah Tom suka berenang?,Does Tom like to swim?,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Lakukan apapun yang diperlukan.,Do whatever it takes.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Tidakkah kamu menyesal membuat tato itu?,Don't you regret getting that tattoo?,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Bukankah dulu kamu adalah seorang guru?,Didn't you used to be a teacher?,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Saya masuk ke dalam.,I went inside.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Berarti apakah ini untukmu?,What does this mean for you?,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Bagaimana Tom mengetahui hal itu?,How does Tom know about that?,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Apa yang Tom rasakan tentang hal itu?,How does Tom feel about that?,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Apakah Tom mengatakan sesuatu kepadamu tentang hal itu?,Did Tom say anything to you about that?,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Benarkah Tom menyangka saya akan mempercayai itu?,Does Tom really expect me to believe that?,ind_Latn-eng_Latn "Mungkin itu apa yang Tom akan lakukan, tetapi saya tidak mungkin pernah melakukan hal itu.","Maybe that's what Tom would do, but I wouldn't do that.",ind_Latn-eng_Latn Saya berandai-andai apakah Tom masih mengingat bagaimana cara untuk melakukannya.,I wonder if Tom still remembers how to do that.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Apakah Tom tahu berapa banyak yang kamu keluarkan untuk itu?,Does Tom know how much you paid for that?,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Bahkan Tom terkejut mendengarkan itu.,Even Tom was surprised to hear that.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Mungkin Tom akan menyukai itu.,Maybe Tom would like that.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Jangan biarkan Tom mendengarkanmu mengatakan itu.,Don't let Tom hear you say that.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Saran darinya sangat bermanfaat.,His advice was very helpful.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Sudah berapa lama Tom di sana?,How long was Tom there?,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Tom hanya tidak suka padaku.,Tom just doesn't like me.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Apakah kamu tahu Tom berkerja di sana?,Did you know Tom worked there?,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Kotak ini berisi apel.,This box contains apples.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Bukankah kamu dan Tom pernah melakukan hal itu?,Didn't you and Tom ever do that?,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Apa kau tidak jenuh terus-terusan makan di sini?,Aren't you sick of eating here?,ind_Latn-eng_Latn "Sudahlah, Tom, kita tidak punya waktu untuk hal ini.","Look, Tom, we don't have time for this.",ind_Latn-eng_Latn Apakah Tom mengetahui apa yang harus dilakukan dengan ini?,Does Tom know what to do with this?,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Apakah Tom memintamu untuk menulis ini?,Did Tom ask you to write this?,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Pada ketinggian itu cuaca dapat berubah secara cepat tanpa peringatan.,At that altitude the weather can change rapidly without warning.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Tom bukanlah penghianat.,Tom isn't the traitor.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Bolehkah saya meminjam itu?,Can I borrow those?,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Apakah saya menghubungi anda pada saat yang kurang tepat?,Have I called you at a bad time?,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Tom berharap dia memiliki waktu yang lebih panjang.,Tom wished he had more time.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn "Permisi, apakah Tom di sini hari ini?","Excuse me, is Tom here today?",ind_Latn-eng_Latn Saya ingin menunjukkan Tom apa yang kubawa hari ini.,I'd like to show Tom what I bought today.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Apa yang ingin kamu lakukan hari ini?,What are you up to today?,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Sudah berapa lama kamu dan Tom bersama?,How long have you and Tom been together?,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Berapa lama kamu dan Tom bersama?,How long were you and Tom together?,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Kuharap kita akan segera bertemu lagi.,I hope we'll see each other again soon.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Pernahkah kamu memikirkan tentang Tom?,Do you ever think about Tom?,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Pungutlah kertas yang ada diatas lantai.,Pick up that paper there on the floor.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Apakah kamu memiliki perasaan terhadap Tom?,Do you have feelings for Tom?,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Apakah kamu mendapatkan ini dari Tom?,Did you get this from Tom?,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Dia nampak bingung.,She looks confused.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn "Aku bersyukur kamu dapat melakukannya, Tom.","I'm glad you could make it, Tom.",ind_Latn-eng_Latn "Jika ada orang yang dapat memperbaikinya, orang itu adalah Tom.","If anybody can fix it, it's Tom.",ind_Latn-eng_Latn "Apakah kamu memahami maksudku, Tom?","Do you understand me, Tom?",ind_Latn-eng_Latn "Dapatkah kamu melihatku, Tom?","Could you look at me, Tom?",ind_Latn-eng_Latn Pria tua itu hampir tertabrak sebuah mobil.,The old man was almost hit by a car.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn "Dapatkah saya berbicara denganmu sebentar, Tom?","Could I speak to you for a moment, Tom?",ind_Latn-eng_Latn "Bagaimana perasaanmu sekarang, Tom?","How are you feeling now, Tom?",ind_Latn-eng_Latn "Apakah kamu baik-baik saja, Tom?","Are you feeling all right now, Tom?",ind_Latn-eng_Latn Kami dapat mempercayai Tom.,We can count on Tom.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Topi itu terlihat bagus dipakai oleh Tom.,That hat looks really good on Tom.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Tom memberitahu Mary bahwa dia tidak ingin melakukan apapun.,Tom told Mary that he didn't have to do anything.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Bagaimana jalannya kencanmu dengan Tom?,How did your date go with Tom?,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Tom terhuyung-huyung keluar.,Tom staggered out.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn "Tunggu sebentar, Tom.","Hang on just a second, Tom.",ind_Latn-eng_Latn "Permisi, saya ingin bertemu dengan Tom.","Excuse me, I'm here to see Tom.",ind_Latn-eng_Latn "Permisi, apakah kamu melihat Tom dimana?","Excuse me, have you seen Tom?",ind_Latn-eng_Latn "Dapatkah saya mempercayai perkataanmu terhadap itu, Tom?","Do I have your word on that, Tom?",ind_Latn-eng_Latn "Apa yang kamu rasakan tentang ini, Tom?","How do you feel about this, Tom?",ind_Latn-eng_Latn Tidak ada orang yang cukup memperhatikan Tom.,Nobody pays much attention to Tom.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Aku sadar kalau apa yang telah aku pilih ternyata tidak membuatku tertarik.,I realized that what I had chosen didn't really interest me.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Biarkan saya mengucapkan selamat tinggal kepada Tom.,Let me say goodbye to Tom.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Bisakah kau mencetaknya untukku?,Can you print that out for me?,ind_Latn-eng_Latn "Pulanglah ke istrimu, Tom.","Go home to your wife, Tom.",ind_Latn-eng_Latn Saya akan pergi selama beberapa waktu.,I could be away for some time.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Saya akan pergi sebentar dan mungkin akan kembali akhir bulan depan.,I'll be away for a while and expect to be back towards the end of next month.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Dia orang pertama yang tiba.,He was the first person to arrive.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Aku masih belum menikah saat pertama kali kita bertemu.,I wasn't married when we first met.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Petunjuk penyusunan dari Ikea tidak selalu sempurna.,Ikea instructions are not always perfect.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Hari ini kami tutup.,We're closed today.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Ini adalah sebuah bencana ekologis.,It's an ecological disaster.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Apa kamu sudah punya kamus bahasa Inggris-Vietnam?,Have you got an English-Vietnamese dictionary?,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Akhirnya! Mimpi kita menjadi nyata!,"Our dream has come true, at last!",ind_Latn-eng_Latn Kenapa mereka datang kemari?,Why do they come here?,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Dengarkanlah orang yang sedang berbicara.,Listen to who's talking.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Aku tidak tertarik untuk melakukan hal ini lagi.,I have no interest in doing this anymore.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn "Satu hal yang aku tahu, aku tidak tahu apa-apa.",The one thing I know is that I know nothing.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Saya membutuhkan seseorang yang bisa berbahasa Prancis.,I need someone who can speak French.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Itu bukanlah hal yang mengejutkan.,That's not surprising.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Kita tidak dapat memahami sains tanpa sebuah hipotesis.,We cannot conceive science without a hypothesis.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Pemilihan waktu itu sangat penting.,Timing is very important.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn "Hei, kamu! Sedang apa?","Hey, you! What are you doing?",ind_Latn-eng_Latn Dia akan menjadi dokter ketika sudah besar.,He will be a doctor when he grows up.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Bagaimana bisa tercapai simpulan seperti ini?,How did you arrive at this conclusion?,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Dia duduk di hadapan piano dan mulai memainkannya.,She took her seat at the piano and began to play.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Tom menghadapi hari yang sangat buruk.,Tom had a very bad day.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Tom pandai berbahasa Perancis.,Tom is proficient in French.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Saya punya dua ekor kucing.,I have two cats.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Ini tidak mungkin.,It is impossible.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Aku menangis semalam suntuk.,I cried all night long.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Seorang temanku sedang belajar di luar negeri.,A friend of mine is studying abroad.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Dia tidak berkata apapun.,He didn't say a word.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Ayo beritahu dia.,Let's go tell her.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Jangan bercanda!,Don't kid me!,ind_Latn-eng_Latn "Mungkin itu tidak berarti apa-apa bagimu, tetapi itu sangat berarti bagiku.","That may mean nothing to you, but it means a lot to me.",ind_Latn-eng_Latn Saya akan kembali dalam tiga jam.,I'll be back in three hours.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Dia menggambar dua buah persegi pada papan tulis.,He drew two squares on the blackboard.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Hal pertama yang perlu Anda lakukan ketika memilih sebuah buku yaitu memilih buku yang benar-benar membuat Anda tertarik.,The first necessary thing in choosing books to read is to select those which really interest you.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Cobalah berenang!,Try and swim!,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Bagaimana jika Tom tidak kembali?,What if Tom doesn't come back?,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Ini makanan.,This is food.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Inilah cinta sejati.,This is true love.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Kami tahu Tom akan melakukan apa saja yang kami perintahkan.,We know Tom will do whatever we tell him to do.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Saya juga suka suara penyanyi ini.,I also like this singer's voice.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Sejak awal sudah saya benci.,I initially hated it.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Tom tidak bohong.,Tom doesn't lie.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Saya membaca buku dari awal sampai akhir.,I read the book from cover to cover.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Mengapa kita tidak naik taksi?,Why don't we take a taxi?,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Mobilnya biru.,The car is blue.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Tuliskan nama dan alamat anda pada amplop ini.,Write your name and address on this envelope.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Ada apa?,What's going on?,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Beruntung kalau kamu bisa bernyanyi.,It's good if you can sing.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn "Awalnya aku mengira ia adalah seorang guru, tapi ternyata bukan.","At first, I thought he was a teacher, but he wasn't.",ind_Latn-eng_Latn Maling itu kabur saat melihat polisi.,The thief ran away when she saw the policeman.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Jim suka dengan dokternya.,Jim likes the doctor.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Aku dengar bos Tom menolak memberinya kenaikan gaji.,I heard that Tom's boss refused to give him a raise.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn India adalah negara terbesar ketiga di Asia.,India is the third largest country in Asia.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Ada masalah apa?,What's the problem?,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Dia tidak menemukan hal yang mencurigakan.,She didn't notice anything suspicious.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Sepertinya kereta tidak akan datang tepat waktu.,It seems unlikely that the train will arrive on time.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Hari ini hari Selasa.,Today is Tuesday.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Sehat?,Is everything OK?,ind_Latn-eng_Latn "Aku memberi Tom perintah langsung, tapi dia tidak mengacuhkannya.","I gave Tom a direct order, but he ignored it.",ind_Latn-eng_Latn Dia lebih baik daripada saya.,He's better than I.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Harganya terlalu mahal!,The price is too high.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Pakaian apa yang paling kamu sukai?,What's your favorite item of clothing?,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Klabaster dan Gizmo adalah kucing.,Klabaster and Gizmo are cats.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Ada masalah?,Where is the problem?,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Lelucon tentang ibu tiri itu lucu karena sesuai dengan kenyataan.,Mother-in-law jokes are funny because they're true.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Banyak maskapai penerbangan di bandar udara ini.,There are many airlines in this airport.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Dia mengambil pinjaman uang.,He ran into debt.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Aku bisa bercerita tentang banyak hal dengan sahabatku.,I can talk about anything with my best friend.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Aku tidak sanggup kalau harus berbelanja di toko semahal itu.,I can't afford to shop at such an expensive store.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Jumlah penderita AIDS semakin bertambah.,The number of people suffering from AIDS has increased.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Apa semuanya baik-baik saja?,Is everything all right?,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Hari ini adalah sebuah hari yang indah di Boston.,It's a beautiful day here in Boston.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Apa kamu butuh bantuan?,Do you need a hand?,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Tom pandai matematika.,Tom is good at mathematics.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Tom tidak memperhatikan Mary.,Tom paid no attention to Mary.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Perdagangan manusia adalah tindak pidana.,Human trafficking is a crime.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn "Di dalam hidup, kita semua berjuang untuk mencapai kesuksesan, namun sedikit sekali orang yang berhasil.","We all try hard to make the grade in life, but only a few succeed.",ind_Latn-eng_Latn Kapan terakhir kali kamu memberi makan sapi-sapi itu?,When was the last time you fed the cows?,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Saya lebih suka pergi keluar daripada diam di rumah.,I would prefer to go out than stay in.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Kamu sedang buru-buru?,Are you in a hurry?,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Kamu adalah satunya harapan kita.,You are our only hope.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Aku mengenal dia.,I have an acquaintance with her.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Baju itu memikat hatinya untuk masuk ke dalam toko,The dress allured her into the store.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Bis itu berhenti dan kami masuk,The bus stopped and we got on.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn "Air dalam tanki tinggal sedikit, mungkin juga habis","There's little water in the tank, if any.",ind_Latn-eng_Latn Mereka memutuskan untuk bermukim di Virginia tahun itu,They decided to settle down in Virginia that year.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Saya tidak menyangka ia bisa berbuat sekejam itu,I never thought he was capable of doing something so cruel.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Kau harus membayar harganya,You have to pay the price.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Tahun 1990-an dimulai dengan peristiwa Teluk,The 1990s began with the Gulf incident.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn """Aku ingin buku itu"", katanya pada dirinya sendiri.","""I want that book"", he said to himself.",ind_Latn-eng_Latn Dalam waktu dekat ini kita akan mampu mengobati AIDS,"In the near future, we will be able to put an end to AIDS.",ind_Latn-eng_Latn "Pada pagi saya tiba di sana, saya berjalan-jalan dalam hutan Oak","The morning after I arrived there, I took a walk into the woods of oaks.",ind_Latn-eng_Latn Saya tidak pernah mendengarnya berbahasa Inggeris.,I have never heard him speak English.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn "Jika dia bertanya, saya akan berikan. Jika tidak, tidak.","If he asks, I will give it; if not, not.",ind_Latn-eng_Latn Saya membeli ini.,I bought it.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Kamu pasti salah hitung.,You must've measured wrong.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Sekarang dia bekerja di Perancis.,He is now working in France.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Ia memperoleh keuntungan yang besar.,They gained great wealth.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Apakah sore ini akan hujan?,Will it rain this afternoon?,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Tunggu sebentar!,Wait just a second.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Tom punya dua saudara lelaki yang tinggal di Boston.,Tom has two brothers who live in Boston.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Tom butuh taksi.,Tom needs a cab.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn "Jika pihak yang lain tidak menawarkan informasi pribadi, lebih baik dibiarkan saja.","If the other party does not offer personal information, however, it is better to leave it alone.",ind_Latn-eng_Latn Kemarin cuacanya berawan.,It was cloudy yesterday.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Ibu saya mengalami kesembuhan sepenuhnya dari neuralgia.,My mother made a complete recovery from neuralgia.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Biarkan mereka mengurus diri sendiri.,Let them take care of themselves.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Saya tidak serajin kakak saya.,I am not so diligent as my brother.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Waktunya telah tiba kita bisa menjelajah ruang angkasa.,The time has come when we can travel through space.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Saya akan mendengarkanmu sepenuh hati.,I am all ears.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Saya heran kenapa tak seorang pun memberi tahu saya.,I wonder why nobody told me.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Tidak semua hal bisa dijelaskan.,Not everything can be explained.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Saya tidak makan daging.,I don't eat meat.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Kalimat ini tidak jelas.,This paragraph is vague.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn "Kemarin, saya pergi ke pasar membeli jeruk peras.","Yesterday, I went to the market to buy some sweet oranges.",ind_Latn-eng_Latn Jeruk peras rasanya tidak terlalu masam.,Sweet oranges are not very sour.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Saya malu dengan kejadian kemarin.,I am ashamed about what happened yesterday.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Kamu menyakiti dia.,You hurt him.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Terima kasih atas koreksinya.,Thank you for the corrections.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Terjemahkan kalimat ini.,Translate this sentence.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Dia orangnya pendiam.,He is a quiet man.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Mukanya masam saat dia tahu bahwa nilainya turun.,He has a disappointed look on his face because he knows that his grade went down.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn "Turunan itu sangat curam, lebih baik lewat sebelah kiri.","That slope is very steep, better go through the left side.",ind_Latn-eng_Latn Sebelah kiri ada dua buah toko permata.,On the left there are two diamond stores.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Apakah itu permata yang kita cari selama ini?,Is that the jewel we've been looking for all this time?,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Dia tidak akan pernah mempercayaiku lagi.,He will never believe me again.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Saya tidak ingin kamu sakit karena saya.,I don't want you getting hurt because of me.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Baru dibuang.,I just threw it away.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Saya sedang sibuk dan tidak bisa pergi.,I am busy now and can't go out.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Sulit meninggalkan kebiasaan buruk.,It's very hard to get rid of bad habits.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Mereka mengenal kita.,They know us.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Bayi itu tertidur.,The baby fell asleep.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn "Saya orang Jepang, tetapi tidak tinggal di Jepang.","I'm Japanese, but I don't live in Japan.",ind_Latn-eng_Latn Saya membacakan surat untuknya.,I read the letter to him.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Dia punya seekor anjing dan enam ekor kucing.,She has a dog and six cats.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Dia menutup pintu.,He closed the door.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Ikan ini warnanya apa?,What colour is this fish?,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Saya sedang memburu seekor rusa jantan.,I'm tracking a buck.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Biar saya coba.,Let me have a try at it.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Kamu harus selalu ketuk pintu sebelum masuk ke kamar saya.,You are always to knock before entering my room.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Tidak terjadi apa-apa pada saya.,Nothing happens to me.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Semoga cepat sembuh!,Get well soon!,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Ini membahayakan kesehatan Anda.,This is a hazard to your health.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn "Saya mengetuk pintu, tapi tidak ada orang yang menjawab.","I knocked on the door, but nobody answered.",ind_Latn-eng_Latn Dia meremas tangannya.,He squeezed her hand.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Saya belum yakin.,I'm not sure yet.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Kamu tahu situs web Wikipedia?,Do you know the Wikipedia website?,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Ia pergi berburu rusa.,He went deer hunting.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Apa kamu suka musik?,Do you like music?,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Kelinci punya telinga yang panjang.,Rabbits have long ears.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn "Sayang sekali, dia sakit.",It's too bad she's ill.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Saya harus menolong Tom.,I need to help Tom.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Saya belum pernah melihat Anda seperti itu sebelumnya.,I'd never seen you like that before.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Merkurius adalah planet terkecil dalam tata surya kita.,Mercury is the smallest planet in our solar system.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Kakakku adalah insinyur.,My brother is an engineer.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn "Permisi, sekarang jam berapa?","Excuse me, do you know what time it is?",ind_Latn-eng_Latn Ia tidak punya kemampuan untuk menjadi seorang guru.,He has no capacity to be a teacher.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Anda ingin bertanya sesuatu pada saya?,Do you want to ask me some questions?,ind_Latn-eng_Latn "Cucu saya itu, anak dari anak saya.",My grandson is the son of my son.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Kamu mengenal seseorang di sini?,Do you know anyone here?,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Tolong pergi ke rumah saudaramu Amnon.,"Go, please, to the house of your brother Amnon.",ind_Latn-eng_Latn Apakah kamu tinggal di sini?,Do you live here?,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Aku penasaran apa yang sedang dilakukan Tom sekarang.,I wonder what Tom is doing now.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Mereka ada di kelas Joe tahun lalu.,They were in Joe's class last year.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Jangan buat aku tertawa!,Don't make me laugh!,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Aku ingin pergi bersamamu.,I want to go with you.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Aku tidak peduli Tom terlihat seperti apa.,I don't care what Tom looks like.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Gerbang Bradenburg adalah salah satu tengaran yang paling terkenal di Jerman.,The Brandenburg Gate is one of the most famous landmarks in Germany.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn "Aku mau kopi, roti panggang, dan jeli.","I want coffee, toast, and jelly.",ind_Latn-eng_Latn Aku tidak mau mendengar tentang semua pacar lamamu.,I don't want to hear about all your old girlfriends.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn "Meskipun kau adalah pacarku, bukan berarti aku harus setuju denganmu.",Just because you're my girlfriend doesn't mean I have to agree with you.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Tom tidak dapat mengendalikan dirinya ketika Mary mencium John.,Tom couldn't control himself when he saw Mary kissing John.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Dia mengantarku pulang.,She gave me a ride home.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Kamu siapa?,Who are you?,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Tom mengira Mary terlihat sangat senang.,Tom thought Mary seemed really happy.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Pekerjaannya terlihat kurang baik.,His work showed want of care.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Pernahkah Anda mendengarkan seri kesembilan dari Beethoven?,"Have you ever listened to Beethoven's ""Ninth""?",ind_Latn-eng_Latn "Jangan manja gitu. Sepatu merah yang kamu mau itu sudah terjual, yang ada cuma yang biru.","Stop being so selfish. The red shoes you wanted are sold out, and only the blue ones are left.",ind_Latn-eng_Latn Kejadian ini terjadi sebelum aku menerima suratmu.,This happened prior to receiving your letter.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Ini adalah tempat yang sangat bagus.,This is a fantastic place.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Kami sudah kehilangan tiga hari.,We've already lost three days.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Kami semua sangat bersemangat.,We're all very excited.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Saya tidak bisa ikut ke restoran bersamamu nanti malam.,I can't go to the restaurant with you tonight.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Tuliskan itu.,Write that down.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Apa kau punya kopi?,Do you have any coffee?,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Saya tahu kamu tidak bisa mengerjakannya.,I knew you couldn't do it.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Aku keceplosan mengatakan hal yang seharusnya tidak aku katakan.,A foolish impulse made me say what I should have left unsaid.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Saya akui bahwa saya mengkhawatirkanmu.,I have to admit I was worried about it.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Saya tidak bisa pergi.,I couldn't go.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn "Hari ini tidak seperti kemarin, sama sekali tidak panas.",It isn't anywhere near as hot today as it was yesterday.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Kemarin hujan.,It rained yesterday.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Dia takut adiknya akan gagal.,He has a fear that his brother will fail.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Kau harus menjaga mulutmu agar tetap diam.,You should keep your mouth shut.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Apa ada telepon dari Tom?,Did Tom call?,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Jangan takut.,Don't be afraid.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Aku merasa ingin berteriak dengan keras seakan aku ini gadis kecil.,I feel like crying out loud as if I were a little girl.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Dikatakan bahwa bangsa Viking lebih dulu menemukan benua Amerika sebelum Columbus.,It's said that the Vikings discovered America before Columbus did.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Bolehkah saya tahu siapa Anda?,May I ask who you are?,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Anak saya sangat mirip dengan ibunya.,She looks just like her mother.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Kami tidak perlu menghadiri rapat itu.,It is not necessary for us to attend the meeting.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Seseorang memberitahuku kalau Tom meninggalkan istrinya.,Someone told me Tom left his wife.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn "Untuk A cukup, tetapi tidak demikian untuk B.","A is enough, but B is not enough.",ind_Latn-eng_Latn Apa kau pikir seorang pengidap neurosis akan menyebut dirinya begitu?,Do you think real neurotics really go and call themselves such?,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Pakai jubahmu dengan benar.,Pull your robe together.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Kau salah jika berpikir bahwa dia berbuat salah.,You are mistaken if you think he is wrong.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Pesawatnya tiba di New York tepat pada waktunya.,The plane arrived at New York on schedule.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Aula ini dapat menampung 2000 orang.,This hall holds two thousand people.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Permohonan kenaikan gaji kalian kembali ditolak.,I'm afraid that your request for a pay raise was turned down again.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Kita harus menghindari perang nuklir apapun yang terjadi.,We have to avoid the nuclear war by all means.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Kamu bisa berbahasa Inggris tidak?,Can you speak English at all?,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Tempelkan sebuah perangko pada amplopnya.,Stick a stamp on the envelope.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Aku lebih memilih tinggal di rumah.,I would rather stay at home.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Belajar bahasa Inggris membutuhkan kerja keras.,Learning English is hard work.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn "Jika seseorang tidak berkesempatan untuk menguasai bahasa yang diinginkannya ketika menginjak dewasa, maka kecil kemungkinan ia akan bisa mencapai tingkatan penutur asli dalam bahasa tersebut.","If a person has not had a chance to acquire his target language by the time he's an adult, he's unlikely to be able to reach native speaker level in that language.",ind_Latn-eng_Latn Buang semua sampahmu dari kamar ini.,Please get all of your junk out of this room.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Kamu masih marah?,Is he still mad?,ind_Latn-eng_Latn "Kalau saja kau tidak bertingkah bodoh, kita tidak akan mendapat masalah semacam itu.","If it had not been for your foolishness, we would never have been in that trouble.",ind_Latn-eng_Latn Aku mempergunakan kesempatan yang baik ini.,I made use of this good opportunity.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Apa yang sedang kamu baca?,What are you reading?,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Yang Tom inginkan adalah kedamaian dan ketenangan.,All Tom wanted was some peace and quiet.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Tom melakukan apa yang Mary minta dengan berat hati.,Tom grudgingly did what Mary asked.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Bolehkah saya membuka jendela?,Can I open the window?,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Aku harap aku bisa berbahasa Inggris.,I wish I could speak English.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Aku ingin menguasai bahasa Inggris.,I'd like to master English.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Mereka akan mengikutimu.,They will follow you.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Kalimat ini membosankan.,This sentence is boring.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Mereka menyelesaikan proyek itu sesuai dengan jadwal.,They finished the project on schedule.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Dia gugup sebelum ujian masuk.,She was nervous before the entrance exam.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Mengapa kamu gagal di ujian masuk?,Why did you fail on the entrance examination?,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Dia nampaknya akan lulus pada ujian masuk itu.,He's likely to pass the entrance examination.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Dia belajar keras agar dapat lulus di ujian masuk.,He is working hard in order to pass the entrance examination.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Saya sudah jelaskan padanya.,I explained it to him.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Panas dan terang dibutuhkan untuk eksistensi kita.,Heat and light are necessary for our existence.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Keluargaku adalah keluarga besar.,My family is a large one.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Apa yang sedang kamu khawatirkan?,What are you worried about?,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Tomlah yang pantas mendapatkan penghargaan.,It's Tom who deserves credit.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Ada batu di dalam sepatu saya.,There is a stone in my shoe.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn "Mereka akan tetap bahagia, terlepas dari apa yang akan mereka dapatkan kembali.",The men will be happy no matter what they get back.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Sebuah angin kencang berhembus kemarin.,A strong wind blew yesterday.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Aku harap aku bisa berenang.,I wish I could swim.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Mereka pulang kembali ke Jepang.,He went back to Japan.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Saya harus pergi ke toilet.,I need to go to the toilet.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Mereka saling jatuh cinta.,They're in love.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn "Tanpa mengatakan sepatah kata maupun menangis, ia terdiam dan pergi ke luar.","He neither spoke nor wept, but went out in silence.",ind_Latn-eng_Latn Saya menikmati Parade Easternya.,I enjoyed watching the Easter Parade.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Dia tinggal di dekat kampus.,He lives off campus.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Dia si Mei. Dia memasak di dapur.,She is called Mei. She is cooking in the kitchen.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn "Jika ada kamus kanji yang murah di Jepang, aku akan membelinya.","If there's a cheap kanji dictionary in Japan, I will buy it.",ind_Latn-eng_Latn Dia berkata bahwa dia sangat ingin pergi ke sana.,She said that she was eager to go there.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Rumahnya berlantai tiga.,The house has three stories.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Sekarang dia tidak ada di sini. Mengapa kamu mencarinya?,He is not here right now. Why are you looking for him?,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Dia adalah seorang DJ.,He's a DJ.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Mematuhi aturan adalah kewajiban kita semua.,It is our duty to obey the law.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Tom lebih pandai bermain catur daripada saya.,Tom plays chess better than me.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Banyak dari siswa SMA Amerika yang tidak tahu kalau Perang Saudara terjadi antara tahun 1861 dan 1865.,Many American high-school students do not know that the Civil War took place between 1861 and 1865.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Tolonglah aku.,I need help.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Aku ingin bertemu Tom.,I want to meet with Tom.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Apa kamu sudah lihat ini?,Have you seen this?,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Bolehkah saya berbicara denganmu?,May I talk to you?,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Kami bisa berangkat kapanpun juga.,We're ready to leave.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Saya tidak takut hantu.,I'm not frightened of ghosts.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Anda akan menuju ke mana?,Where are you heading?,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Kamu juga tidak buruk.,"Yours is not bad, either.",ind_Latn-eng_Latn "Karena kedai minum yang biasa kukunjungi berada di bawah jalur kereta api, aku selalu mendengar suara kereta api lewat ketika sedang minum.","My favorite bar is located below the railway, so I always hear the clanging noise of the trains passing by when I'm drinking.",ind_Latn-eng_Latn Apa kamu menyukai kota ini?,How do you like this town?,ind_Latn-eng_Latn "Apa kabar, Mike?","How are you, Mike?",ind_Latn-eng_Latn Apa saya masih mampu melakukannya?,Will I still be able to do it?,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Dia memberikannya sesuatu untuk diminum.,She gave him something to drink.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Saya masih belum menentukannya.,I'm still undecided.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Sebuah kehormatan bisa bertemu Anda.,It's a privilege to meet you.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Siapa ayahmu?,Who is your father?,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Apa yang biasanya kamu lakukan saat libur?,What do you usually do on holidays?,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Aku ketakutan.,I was frightened.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Dia telah menulis sebuah surat.,He wrote one letter.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Tom mempertegas bahwa dia tidak ingin bertemu dengan Mary.,Tom made it clear that he didn't want to see Mary.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Ini bisa digunakan sebagai pisau.,It can be used as a knife.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Aku tidak tahu siapa yang menggambar gambar ini.,I don't know who painted this picture.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Terima kasih atas kedatangannya.,Thanks for dropping by.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Dia tidak sepenuhnya mempercayaiku.,He doesn't altogether trust me.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Apa kamu benci aku?,Do you hate me?,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Ini kantor saya.,This is my office.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Orang Mesir biasanya makan apa?,What do they live on in Egypt?,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Australia lebih kecil daripada Amerika Selatan.,Australia is smaller than South America.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Siapa mau cokelat panas?,Who wants hot chocolate?,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Dia meminjam banyak uang darinya.,She owes him a lot of money.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Tidak ada yang boleh keluar tanpa permisi.,No one is to leave without permission.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Patuh pada hukum itu diperlukan.,It's necessary to comply with a law.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Aku suka pakaian-pakaian yang mencolok.,I like showy clothes.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn "Semua mobil yang ada di tempat parkir berwarna putih, kecuali tiga mobil.",All but three of the cars in the parking lot were white.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Angkat kepalamu.,Turn on your back.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Ken dan saudara laki-lakinya hampir serupa.,Ken and his brother are very much alike.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Tom mencari tempat makan dengan harga yang terjangkau.,Tom was looking for place to eat that had reasonable prices.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Tom menyalahgunakan kepercayaan yang aku berikan.,Tom abused my trust.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Seseorang mengetuk pintu.,Someone is knocking on the door.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Kami perlu bicara dengan Anda.,We need to speak with you.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Kapan kamu mulai?,When did you start?,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Saya mengembalikan pisau yang telah saya pinjam.,I returned the knife that I borrowed.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn "Si gadis mendengarkan musik, si pemuda membaca buku.","The girl listened to music, the boy was reading a book.",ind_Latn-eng_Latn Dia harus membeli sebuah mobil bekas.,He should have bought a used car.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Hari ini saya ada waktu luang.,"It's a slow day, huh.",ind_Latn-eng_Latn Dia tidak bermaksud menyakiti perasaanmu.,He did not intend to hurt your feelings.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Manusia tidak bisa hidup di Mars.,Humans can't live on Mars.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Kami sudah muak dengan keluhanmu.,We're fed up with your complaining.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn "Di mana bumi dipijak, di situlah langit dijunjung.","When in Rome, do as the Romans do.",ind_Latn-eng_Latn Mobil itu menabrak dinding.,The car crashed into the wall.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Saya harap kamu tidak akan merokok terlalu banyak.,I wish you wouldn't smoke so much.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Kamu terlihat bahagia hari ini.,You look happy today.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Pelayanan surat di negara itu tidak cepat.,Mail service in that country is not quick.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Apa yang ingin kamu lakukan selanjutnya?,What do you want to do next?,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Tom tidak punya mobil.,Tom doesn't have a car.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Yang memecahkan kaca kemarin adalah Tom.,It was Tom that broke the window yesterday.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Dengan siapa saya bicara?,Who am I talking with?,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Aku pergi ke kebun binatang kemarin.,I went to the zoo yesterday.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Saya harap dia bisa membantuku.,I hope he can help you.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Kamu harus memperhatikan kendaraan ketika akan menyeberang jalan.,Look out for cars when you cross the road.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Saya membeli jam tangan di toko itu.,I bought a watch in that shop.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn "Saya pikir akan sibuk sekali, namun setelah ujian baru ada waktu lagi.","I think I'll be very busy, but after the test I will have more time.",ind_Latn-eng_Latn "Silakan kamu jalan lurus ke depan, setelah melewati lampu lalu lintas maka akan sampai.","Go straight down the road, and when you pass the traffic light you're there.",ind_Latn-eng_Latn Tom melakukannya.,Tom did it.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Ayah akan membunuhku.,My dad will kill me.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Keretanya di sini.,The train is here.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Bagaimana kelihatannya?,How does it look?,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Sapporo merupakan kota terbesar kelima di Jepang.,Sapporo is the fifth largest city in Japan.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Kepalaku masih terasa pusing.,My head still felt giddy.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Kau punya banyak waktu.,You had plenty of time.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn "Kemarin, dia tidak melakukan apa-apa.",She had nothing to do yesterday.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Semuanya sama.,They're all the same.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Saya tidak tahu kapan dia akan muncul.,I'm not sure as to when he will turn up.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Ibunya telah memaafkan kesalahannya.,My mother excused his mistake.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Dunia tidak berputar mengelilingimu.,The world doesn't revolve around you.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Dia menolongku.,He's helping me.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Kami membuat kue dadar untuk makan pagi.,We made pancakes for breakfast.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Saya tidak mau lagi.,I don't want any more.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Terima kasih telah membantu Tom.,Thanks for helping Tom.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Kami tidak punya banyak masalah.,We don't have a lot of trouble.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Pemburu tersebut menembak seekor beruang.,The hunter shot a bear.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Ken dan adik laki-lakinya sangat mirip.,Ken and his little brother are very alike.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Kuharap dia akan menungguku.,I hope he'll wait for me.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Kerugiannya mencapai satu juta dolar.,The loss amounts to a million dollars.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Tom masih tidak mengangkat teleponnya.,Tom is still not answering his phone.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn "Pada musim gugur, dedaunan berubah warna dan berguguran.","In autumn, leaves change color and fall.",ind_Latn-eng_Latn Dia telah mengajar musik selama 30 tahun.,She taught music for thirty years.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Dan di sinilah mereka.,And here they are.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Bisakah saya membayar dengan menggunakan kartu kredit?,Can I pay by credit card?,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Bisakah Anda mengulanginya sekali lagi?,Could you please repeat it once again?,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Aku suka pergi memancing dengan ayahku.,I like to go fishing with my father.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Aku bersiap untuk kemungkinan terburuk.,I'm getting ready for the worst.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Dia terlihat muda.,He looks young.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Aku lebih suka mebel modern.,I prefer modern furniture.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Aku akan mengambil mobilku.,I'll take my car.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Aku tidak mengharapkan apa-apa darimu.,I don't expect anything from you.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Aku akan pergi mandi.,I'm going to have a shower.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Ayo masuk kembali ke dalam.,Let's go back in.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn "Kalau saja kau adalah Tom, apa yang kau inginkan?","If you were Tom, what would you want?",ind_Latn-eng_Latn Aku tahu dia akan setuju.,I knew he would accept.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Tom tidak yakin kau akan suka dengan ide itu.,Tom didn't think you would like the idea.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Aku kira itu benar adanya.,I thought it was true.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Tom percaya pada Mary.,Tom has confidence in Mary.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Aku ingin menunjukkan foto Tom ini kepadamu.,I'd like to show this picture of Tom to you.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Apa ini akan memakan waktu beberapa lama?,Is this going to take a while?,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Apa yang Tom kenakan di pesta?,What did Tom wear to the party?,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Kamu tidak memilikiku.,You don't own me.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Dah!,I'll see you later.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Polisi melihat pelaku kriminal itu melarikan diri.,The police caught sight of the criminal running away.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Ombaknya tinggi.,The waves are high.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Saya tidak terbiasa dengan perawatan seperti itu.,I'm not used to treatment like that.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Dia menganggap kalau dirinya berhasil berkat keberuntungannya.,He attributes his success to good luck.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Hore!,We did it!,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Kereta kita akan berangkat pukul 9. Jangan khawatir. Kita pasti bisa tepat waktu.,"""Our train leaves at 9:00."" ""Don't worry. We'll make it.""",ind_Latn-eng_Latn "Sekarang, mereka belum sampai.","So far, they haven't arrived.",ind_Latn-eng_Latn "Maaf, saya melupakannya.","Sorry, I forgot.",ind_Latn-eng_Latn Cepat!,Step on it!,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Cara yang modern telah memajukan industri.,Modern methods have pushed industry forward.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Buruan!,Get a move on.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn "Itu mengagumkan sekali, bukan?","That's awesome, right?",ind_Latn-eng_Latn Semangat!,Go for it.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Kamu bisa masuk ke perpustakaan dengan bebas.,You can enter the library freely.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Pertanyaannya adalah apa yang akan kita lakukan sekarang.,The question is what do we do now.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Saya tercekat sehingga tidak bisa berkata-kata.,I've got a frog in my throat.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn "Kalau tidak mau pergi, kamu tak usah pergi",You don't have to go unless you want to.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn "Mohon maaf, kami kehabisan stok barang tersebut.",I'm afraid we don't have any left.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Ini adalah danau terindah yang pernah aku lihat.,This is the most beautiful lake that I have ever seen.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Mari kita pecat dia.,Let's fire him.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Kamu perlu melihat gambar besar itu di sini.,You need to look at the big picture here.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Kami telah memutuskan untuk menunda rapat hingga hari Minggu berikutnya.,We've decided to move the meeting to next Sunday.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Saya tidak mau pergi ke sekolah.,I don't want to go to school.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Mungkin lebih baik aku buang saja ini ke tempat sampah.,I should probably just toss this in the trash.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Tom dibingungkan oleh pertanyaan itu.,Tom was confused by the question.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn "Kalau kamu lelah, lebih baik kamu istirahat sekarang.","If you're tired, you should go to bed.",ind_Latn-eng_Latn Ini alami.,This is natural.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Orang tua itu marah dan merasa sakit hati.,The old man is angry and bitter.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Aku tidak menyangka Tom hadir dalam rapat.,I didn't expect Tom to be at the meeting.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Siapa?,Who is it?,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Kami melakukan yang terbaik.,We did our best.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Dia langsung tidur sesampainya di rumah.,He went to bed the moment he arrived home.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn """Seragam apaan tuh?"" ""Oh ini! Aku mau main hoki soalnya.""","""Is that some sort of uniform?"" ""Oh right, it's because I play field hockey.""",ind_Latn-eng_Latn Aku akan menemanimu.,I'll accompany you.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Gaya rambut itu cocok di kalangan siswa SMA perempuan.,The hairstyle has caught on with the girl students.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn "Banyak buku telah dipublikasikan, namun hanya sedikit diantara mereka yang menarik untuk dibaca.","Many a book is published, but of them only a very few are worth reading.",ind_Latn-eng_Latn Kami telah melakukan yang terbaik yang kami bisa.,We've done the best we can.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Saya meminjam uang.,I borrow money.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Dia terkenal di kalangan para siswa.,He's popular with the students.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Kami telah melakukan yang kami bisa.,We've done what we could.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Aku tidak bisa pergi sebelum dia datang.,I can't go until he comes.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Kami terkadang bertemu di toko.,We meet sometimes at the shop.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn "Tidak ada barang lain di dalam kamar, kecuali hanya sebuah ranjang yang sudah lapuk.",The room was empty except for a shabby bed.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Hal itu di luar kemampuan saya.,Such things are beyond my powers.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Senyum.,Smile for the camera.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Mengerti.,I get the point.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Adikku berenang dengan baik.,My brother swims well.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Dia punya kesempatan yang bagus untuk sukses.,He has a good chance to succeed.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Apa kau meninggalkan tip?,Did you leave a tip?,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Aku tidak setuju dengan dia.,I don't agree with him.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Serigala biasanya tidak menyerang manusia.,Wolves won't usually attack people.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Tom mulai mengerti.,Tom began to understand.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Aku tertular pilekmu.,You've given me your cold.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Aku membawakanmu sesuatu.,I brought you a little something.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Aku harus minum obat.,I have to take medicine.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Yesus dilahirkan Maria.,Jesus was born of Mary.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Aku merasa sangat lelah.,I feel really tired.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Dia bukan seorang pembohong.,She's not a liar.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Dia mempunyai watak yang mirip dengan ayahnya.,His character resembles his father's.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Aku harus menonton sebuah film dokumenter.,I should watch a documentary.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Kamu sedang menipu dirimu sendiri.,You are deceiving yourself.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn "Aku sudah mencoba semuanya yang ada di toko, tapi tidak ada yang cocok denganku.","I must have tried on everything in the shop, but nothing looked right on me.",ind_Latn-eng_Latn Aku suka dengan sifat optimismu.,I like your optimism.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Tom sedang makan siang.,Tom is having lunch.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Apakah di sini salju turun dengan deras saat musim dingin?,Does it snow a lot here in the winter?,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Bisakah kau tidak ikut campur dalam urusan ini?,Could you stay out of this?,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Ada banyak sekali hal yang ingin kulakukan.,There's so much I want to do.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Tom dan Mary berdiri berdekatan satu sama lain.,Tom and Mary were standing close to each other.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Tolong jangan biarkan hal ini terulang kembali.,Please don't let this happen again.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Itu hanya mimpi buruk.,It was only a nightmare.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Kamp milik musuh telah terkepung sampai pagi tiba.,"Until the morning, the camp of the enemy army was surrounded.",ind_Latn-eng_Latn Anda tidak boleh kehilangan kesabaran Anda ketika menangani anak-anak.,You should not lose your patience when dealing with kids.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Tom dan Mary juga ada di sini.,"Tom and Mary are here, too.",ind_Latn-eng_Latn Apakah aku memberitahumu kalau aku memiliki ini?,Did I tell you I had this?,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Saya tidak dapat pergi.,I can't go.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Kebun binatang itu penuh sesak dengan para wisatawan.,The zoo is crowded with visitors.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Kamu paham kan kenapa kamu sedang dihukum?,"You understand why you're being punished, don't you?",ind_Latn-eng_Latn Mereka menentang teori evolusi Darwin.,They opposed Darwin's theory of evolution.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Aku akan senang jika aku tidak perlu menghadapi permasalahan ini!,It would be wonderful if I didn't have to deal with this issue!,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Dia ekonom yang cerdas.,He's a brilliant economist.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Los Angeles adalah kota terbesar kedua di Amerika Serikat.,Los Angeles is the second largest city in the United States.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Tom laki-laki pertama yang membuatku patah hati.,Tom was the first guy who broke my heart.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Aku pikir kita harus memberitahu Tom yang sebenarnya.,I suppose we should tell Tom the truth.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Pengelola investasi global kaya raya ini memiliki sebuah rumah di Hampton.,This wealthy hedge fund manager has a home in the Hamptons.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Berhenti memandangnya dengan tampang bodoh seperti itu.,Stop gawking at him.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Tepungnya dibuat menjadi roti.,Flour is made into bread.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Kuharap aku tidak mengganggumu.,I hope I haven't interrupted you.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Ia mengizinkannya pergi keluar sendirian.,She allowed him to go alone.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Aku ingin tahu apa hidupku ini berharga?,I wonder if my life is worth living.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Aku ingin tahu apa aku punya alasan untuk hidup?,I wonder if I have any reason to live.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Bisakan itu diungkapkan dengan cara lain?,Can it be phrased in another way?,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Tintanya masih basah.,The ink is still wet.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Aku pikir aku adalah seorang putri di kehidupanku yang sebelumnya.,I think that I was a princess in a past life.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Mari kita rayakan hari ulang tahun ini dengan meriah!,Let's have a good birthday celebration!,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Aku selalu pergi ke sekolah dengan berjalan kaki.,I always walk to school.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Kami masih mencari.,We're still searching.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Kau benar-benar tidak punya harapan.,You really have no hope.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Kau benar-benar putus asa.,You really are desperate.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Bagaimana kalau Tom mengetahuinya?,What if Tom finds out?,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Sesuatu telah berubah.,Things have changed.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Surat itu akan tiba besok.,The letter will arrive tomorrow.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Hari Valentine dirayakan pada bulan Februari.,Valentine's Day is celebrated in February.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Mereka membayar bea masuk.,They paid customs duties.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Tom tidak seperti dirinya hari ini.,Tom isn't quite himself today.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Dia menghembuskan nafas terakhirnya.,He breathed his last breath.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Memerlukan pemberitahuan pabean.,A customs declaration is required.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Apakah kamu sedang mendengarkan bahasa Inggris?,Are you listening to English?,ind_Latn-eng_Latn "Diet dan senam lantai, seperti crunch perut, dapat membantu mengecilkan perut buncit.","Diet and floor exercises, such as abdominal crunches, can help to get rid of a pot belly.",ind_Latn-eng_Latn Di mana layanan Bea dan Cukai?,Where is the Customs Service?,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Ayahku bersikeras memintaku untuk pergi melihat tempat itu.,My father insisted I should go to see the place.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Walikota menunjukkan kepada para warga bagaimana caranya bertindak.,The mayor prescribed to the citizens how to act.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Petugas Bea dan Cukai memeriksa kotak-kotak.,The customs officials examined the boxes.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Ken terpikirkan sebuah ide yang bagus.,Ken hit on a good idea.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Aku hanyalah seorang laki-laki.,I'm just a man.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Kamu memiliki pendengaran yang tajam.,You have very acute hearing.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Aku tidak punya pilihan. Aku harus melakukan ini.,I don't have a choice. I have to do this now.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Pembumian Mars dan Venus menjadi kenyataan beberapa generasi setelahnya.,Terraforming Mars and Venus became a reality generations later.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Para ahli telah lama menangani permasalahan itu.,The experts have long been handling the problem.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Siapa karakter favoritmu di Glee?,Who's your favorite character on Glee?,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Silakan isi Pemberitahuan Pabean.,Please fill out the Customs Declaration Form.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Sekolah kami ada di seberang sungai.,Our school is across the river.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Cukup cukup!,Enough is enough!,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Dedaunan pohonnya menjadi merah.,The tree leaves turned red.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Bagaimana kalau kamu membantunya?,Why don't you help him?,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Kenapa kamu tidak membantunya?,Why aren't you helping him?,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Kantor Bea dan Cukai ada di perbatasan.,The customs office is at the border.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Apartemen-apartemen ini didesain khusus untuk keluarga muda.,These apartments are designed specifically for young families.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Ada bunga mawar di depan bangunan baja itu.,There are roses in front of the steel building.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn "Di sebelah kiri atas tertulis ""Dijual"".","In the upper left corner it says ""For sale"".",ind_Latn-eng_Latn Aku mau pergi ke tengah kota.,I'm going to the center of town.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Katakan padaku kenapa kau tidak melakukan apa yang aku minta.,Tell me why you didn't do what I asked.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Aku mau pergi ke pusat kota.,I'm going downtown.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Salah satu kudaku mati kemarin.,One of my horses died yesterday.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Petinju itu bangun pada hitungan kesembilan.,The boxer got up on the count of nine.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Ini membingungkan.,This is puzzling.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Aku masih menunggunya sejak hari itu.,I am still waiting for him since that day.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Tom memeluk Marie.,Tom embraces Marie.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn "Kalaupun aku seorang homoseksual, apakah itu termasuk perbuatan kriminal?","And if I were gay, would that be a crime?",ind_Latn-eng_Latn Aku tidak menyukai kesemuanya.,I don't like all of them.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Dia mengatakan kalau dia sudah mengembalikan bukunya ke perpustakaan.,He claimed that he had returned the book to the library.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Bisakah kau membantuku? Aku tidak tahu bagaimana cara mengoperasikan mesin ini.,Can you help me? I can't make out how to start this machine.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Saya masih pelajar saat itu.,I was still a student then.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn "Jika Spenser tidak terus menambah dan menerjemahkan kalimat, para kontributor lain sudah pasti akan melampauinya.","If Spenser doesn't keep adding and translating sentences, the other contributors will surely surpass him.",ind_Latn-eng_Latn Tidak ada satupun dari buku-buku itu yang menarik.,Neither of those books is interesting.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Tom mematikan lampu dan pergi tidur.,Tom turned off the light and went to sleep.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Keluarkan tanganmu dari sakumu.,Take your hand out of your pocket.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Kau harus tetap terjaga.,You must stay awake.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Kita semua tahu kalau kau tidak mengonsumsi daging.,We all know you don't eat meat.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Sudah hentikan!,Cut it out!,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Sudah hentikan.,Knock it off.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Dia datang setelah aku membaca majalah selama beberapa saat.,I had been reading a magazine for some time when she came.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn "Meskipun dia telah tiada, aku tetap mencintainya lebih dari apapun juga.","Although she is gone, I still love her more than anything.",ind_Latn-eng_Latn Aku pikir kita punya beberapa urusan yang belum diselesaikan.,I think we have some unfinished business.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Daerah itu memiliki sumber daya mineral yang relatif berlimpah.,That area is relatively rich in natural resources.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Saya hanya bergurau.,I am only joking.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Aku akan berusaha semaksimal mungkin untuk melakukan pekerjaan itu.,I am going to put my heart into the work.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Minuman anggur terbuat dari anggur.,Wine is made from grapes.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Aku kehabisan akal.,I was at my wit's end.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Aku tidak percaya padamu.,I don't believe you.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Apakah jawaban saya tepat?,Is my answer correct?,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Jumlah penduduk Amerika yang berusia lebih dari 65 tahun adalah 12.5% dari total populasi.,Americans who are over sixty-five make up 12.5% of the total population.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn "Terlepas dari berapa jumlah uangnya, Brian ingin kita mengembalikan seluruhnya sebelum minggu depan.","Regardless of the amount, Brian wants the correct, entire amount by next week.",ind_Latn-eng_Latn Orang Inggris pada umumnya konservatif.,"Englishmen are, on the whole, conservative.",ind_Latn-eng_Latn Dia memanggilku pengecut.,He called me a coward.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Tom menembakkan senapannya.,Tom fired his rifle.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Dia memulai kembali hidupnya dari awal.,He turned over a new leaf in life.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Aku muak.,I'm fed up.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Kami memilih John untuk menjadi kapten kami.,We chose John to be our captain.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Kalian semua mau pergi ke mana?,Where are you all going?,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Seorang dokter mendatangi kami.,We sent for a doctor.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Kamu menuju ke mana?,Where are you headed?,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Saya beradu mulut dengan kakak perempuan saya.,I had a quarrel with my sister.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Kau ingin pergi ke mana?,Where do you want to go?,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Anda ingin pergi ke mana?,Where would you like to go?,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Dia ingin pergi ke mana?,Where does he want to go?,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Petugas Bea dan Cukai meminta saya untuk membuka koper saya.,A customs official asked me to open my suitcase.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Kau pernah ke London?,Have you been to London?,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Ke mana saja kamu dari tadi?,Where have you been?,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Anda harus membuka barang bawaan anda untuk pemeriksaan pabean.,You have to unpack your luggage for customs inspection.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Dari mana saja Anda?,Where've you been?,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Anda akan pergi ke mana di hari libur?,Where will you go for the vacation?,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Kau harus berkonsultasi dengan doktermu.,You should consult your doctor.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Tadi kau mau pergi ke mana?,Where were you going?,ind_Latn-eng_Latn "Ada gula, ada semut.",Sugar draws ants.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Bahasa Inggris Anda meningkatkan.,Your English is improving.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn "Setelah melalui pemeriksaan pabean, saya bebas pergi ke mana pun yang saya inginkan.","After getting through customs, I was free to go wherever I wanted.",ind_Latn-eng_Latn Rencana itu tidak sesuai dengan apa yang ia pikirkan.,That plan didn't agree with his way of thinking.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Ke mana perginya?,Where did it go?,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Cuacanya makin buruk aja ya sepertinya.,"Looks like the weather's gotten worse, eh?",ind_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom, kamu pembohong.","Tom, you're a liar.",ind_Latn-eng_Latn Apel-apel itu besar.,The apples are big.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Tom itu anggota geng. Kamu harus menjauhinya.,Tom is a gang member. You should stay away from him.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Saya suka coklat.,I like chocolate.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Ke mana mereka pergi?,Where did they go?,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Kemungkinan dia adalah seorang dokter.,I think he is a doctor.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Itu ada di bawah kursi.,It is under the chair.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Masih belum ada kabar darinya.,I still haven't heard from him.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Aku tidak keberatan dengan rencanamu.,I don't object to your plan.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn "Semalam, ia menelponku larut malam sekali.",She called me up very late last night.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn "Di Belanda, sudah menjadi kebiasaan saat membangun rumah jika sudah mencapai bagian tertinggi dan atap sudah siap dipasang, pemilik rumah menjamu para tukang bangunan dengan istilah ""bir atap"" untuk memberi selamat. Sebuah bendera kemudian dipasang di bubungan. Jika pemilik rumah agak pelit, yang dipasang bukan bendera, tetapi sapu.","In the Netherlands, it is the custom that, when during the construction of a house the highest point has been reached and the roof is ready for tiling, the client treats the construction workers to so-called ""tile beer"" to celebrate this. A flag is then placed on the ridge of the house. If the client is too stingy to treat, not a flag, but a broom is placed.",ind_Latn-eng_Latn Mari saya coba!,Let me try.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Aku tidak akan pernah melakukannya lagi.,I'll never do this again.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Telepon aku kalau sudah siap.,Call me when you're ready.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Tom menangis.,Tom was crying.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Semoga sukses dengan pekerjaan barumu.,Good luck with the new job.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Biarkan saya yang membayar.,Let me pick up the check.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Tom selalu ceria kapanpun itu.,Tom is always cheerful.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Malu banget.,I am deeply ashamed.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Kepalaku sakit.,My head hurts.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn "Mukamu pucat, kamu gak apa-apa? Ke rumah sakit aja sekarang.","Your face looks pale. Are you OK? Maybe it would be better if you went to the hospital, don't you think?",ind_Latn-eng_Latn Tolong duduk sebentar.,Please remain seated for a few minutes.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Setelah makan malam tidak boleh pergi keluar.,You must not go out after dinner.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Bisakah kau mengirimiku sebuah brosur?,Could you send me a brochure?,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Saya cuma melihat-lihat.,I'm simply looking.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Tom pingsan.,Tom blacked out.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Saya sama sekali tidak bisa berbahasa Prancis.,I can't speak French at all.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Jangan bangunkan dia.,Don't wake her up.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Bea dan Cukai akan meminta bukti pembayaran.,Customs will ask for a receipt.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Tom masuk ke mobil.,Tom got in the car.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Bisa tolong bantu saya sebentar?,I'd like a little help.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Bisa tolong Anda tutup pintunya?,Would you mind shutting the door?,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Tom akan melewati Boston dalam perjalanan mengunjungi Mary.,Tom will be driving through Boston on his way to visit Mary.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Barang-barang ini mendapat pembebasan bea masuk.,"These articles are exempt from ""Droits de douane"".",ind_Latn-eng_Latn Kenapa kamu membutuhkan uang kembalian?,Why do you need change?,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Baiklah. Berapa banyak?,All right. How many?,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Biarkan saya mencoba!,Let me try!,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Nama saya Hashimoto.,My name is Hashimoto.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Kembalikan dompetku.,Give me back my wallet.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Bill tidak pernah salah/lupa mengirim hadiah ulang tahun pada ibunya.,Bill never fails to send a birthday present to his mother.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Aku ketinggalan keretaku.,I missed my train.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Apa pekerjaan Anda?,What is her profession?,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Besok saya akan pergi ke Hokkaido.,I will go to Hokkaido tomorrow.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Saya tidak setuju.,That's fine by me.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Kita wajib melalui pemeriksaan bea dan cukai saat kedatangan.,It's necessary to go through customs on arriving.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Aku mulai muak dan lelah dengan hal ini.,I'm getting sick and tired of this.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Mengapa kamu tidak mau katakan kebenaran pada kami?,Why don't you want to tell us the truth?,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Aku sudah tidak tahan lagi.,I can't take this anymore.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Ini tidak dihitung.,It just doesn't count.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Komentar-komentar lebih lanjut sudah tidak diperlukan.,Any further comment is redundant.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Dia sedang mencari kunci mobilnya.,She is looking for her car keys.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Jangan menjelek-jelekkan namaku di depan umum.,Don't insult me in company.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Tom selalu sehat.,Tom is always healthy.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Mereka berkata seperti apa?,What are they saying?,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Tom tidak sedang mengantuk.,Tom wasn't a bit sleepy.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Mohon pemberitahuan pabean anda.,"Your customs declaration, please.",ind_Latn-eng_Latn Tom tidak sedang berada di kamarnya.,Tom is not in his bedroom.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Dia mustahil untuk dikalahkan.,He is impossible to beat.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Kamu bukan lagi seorang anak kecil.,You are no longer a mere child.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Ini adalah angka keberuntunganku.,It's my lucky number.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Apa kamu sadar akan apa yang kamu perbuat?,Do you realize what you're doing?,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Apakah Anda memiliki asuransi jiwa?,Do you have life insurance?,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Apa yang dia cari?,What did he look up?,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Berat badan Marie bertambah.,Marie gained weight.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Itu sangat menjengkelkan.,That's pretty annoying.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Sulit untuk melaksanakan tugas tersebut.,It is difficult to execute the task.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Kurasa sudah waktunya bagiku menyisihkan sedikit waktu untuk bersama dengan anak-anakku.,I think it's time for me to spend a little time with my children.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Ini kembalian Anda.,Here is your change.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn "Tersenyumlah sekarang, menangislah kemudian!","Smile now, cry later!",ind_Latn-eng_Latn "Tidak, jangan katakan apa-apa! Aku tidak ingin Tom mengetahuinya.","No, don't say anything! I don't want Tom to know.",ind_Latn-eng_Latn Ibunya mengkhawatirkan anaknya.,His mother is worried about him.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn "Jika aku bisa terlahir kembali, aku ingin jadi kucing.","If I'm reincarnated, I want to come back as a cat.",ind_Latn-eng_Latn Pernahkah kau mengunjungi Roma?,Have you ever visited Rome?,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Aku suka toko ini.,I like this store.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Ini tidak seperti kamu menangis di bioskop.,It's not like you to cry at movies.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Aku takut kucing.,I'm afraid of cats.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn "Hari ini berawan dan kemungkinan hujan, jadi kita lebih baik tidak pergi berselancar.","Since it's cloudy with a chance of rain today, we shouldn't go surfing.",ind_Latn-eng_Latn Tidak ada waktu yang bisa disia-siakan.,I don't have time to waste.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Tak perlu menangis seperti anak kecil.,There's no need to cry like a child.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Tom mulai bernyanyi.,Tom started to sing.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Sikapnya padaku berbeda dari biasanya.,Her behaviour toward me was a departure from the norm.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Apa yang makan Kan?,What is Ken eating?,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Kemarin bulan purnama.,It was a full moon yesterday.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Dia tidak peduli dengan uang.,He doesn't care about money.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Software aplikasi apakah yang paling kamu sukai?,What's your favorite free software application?,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Semua orang merasa tegang karena ceritanya.,Everybody was thrilled by his story.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Kenapa orang selalu terlalu sinis.,Why are people always so cynical?,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Saya mau sampah ini dibuang.,I want this garbage out of here.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Makan pagi telah dipesan.,Breakfast is served.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Apa yang membuat pikiranmu berubah?,What made you change your mind?,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Dia memenangkan sebuah mobil.,She won a free car.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Apakah kamu paham dengan apa yang kamu katakan?,Do you understand what you're saying?,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Saya menemukan seekor kecoa mati di dalam ruang rapat.,I have found a dead cockroach in the meeting room.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Dia dipercayai tidak bersalah.,It is believed that he was innocent.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Nama saya Ichiro Tanaka.,My name is Ichiro Tanaka.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Tikus itu diperangkap ke dalam jebakan dengan potongan keju besar.,The mouse was lured into the trap by a big piece of cheese.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Apa kamu tahu jam berapa sekarang?,Do you know what time it is?,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Aku melempar satu.,I threw one.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Taksi itu menunggu di luar.,The taxi is waiting outside.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Berapa lama waktu yang dibutuhkan?,How long will it take?,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Aku tidak tahu apa yang salah dengan itu.,I don't see what's wrong with that.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Saya memperhatikan bahwa seekor binatang kecil sedang melihat ke arah kita.,I noticed that a small gray animal was looking toward us.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Aku tak dapat hidup tanpamu.,I can't live without you.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Aku ingin menyewa sebuah mobil.,I'd like to rent a car.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Kita tidak dapat lepas dari masa lalu.,We can never get rid of the past.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn "Maaf, jam berapa sekarang?","Excuse me, what is the concept of time?",ind_Latn-eng_Latn Dia memberikannya sesuatu yang dingin untuk diminum.,She gave him something cold to drink.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Ramen instan tidak baik untuk kesehatanmu.,Cup ramen are bad for your health.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Jangan merokok di ruangan ini.,Don't smoke in this room.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Perkembangan pesat negara itu berkaitan erat dengan karakter penduduknya.,The rapid growth of the country has a lot to do with the characteristics of the people.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Kami ingin memiliki rumah kami masing-masing.,We want a house of our own.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Dia bisa mengatasi persoalan itu.,He can cope with the problems.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Wajahnya memerah.,Her face became pink.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Dia dikendalikan oleh ketakutannya.,He was guided by his fears.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Kami bertemu di depan pintu rumahku.,We met at the door of my house.,ind_Latn-eng_Latn Það er of flókið að velja.,It is too difficult to choose.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Ég drekk ekki svo mikið af bjór.,I don't drink that much beer.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hún er með sólgleraugu.,She's wearing sunglasses.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Ég drekk ekki mikið af bjór.,I don't drink much beer.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Stundum veita spurningar okkur meiri upplýsingar en svör.,"Sometimes, questions provide us with more information than answers.",isl_Latn-eng_Latn Í Bandaríkjunum voru sett lög til að koma í veg fyrir tölvuglæpi.,Laws to prevent computer crimes were enacted in the USA.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Það er meiri vindur í dag en í gær.,It's windier today than it was yesterday.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Árið 1900 yfirgaf hann England og kom aldrei aftur.,"In 1900 he left England, never to return.",isl_Latn-eng_Latn Farðu beint niður eftir götunni og þegar þú ferð framhjá umferðarljósunum ertu kominn.,"Go straight down the road, and when you pass the traffic light you're there.",isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hún á enga bræður.,She doesn't have any brothers.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Ég var svo fúll.,I was so unhappy.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Ég vona að við hittumst fljótlega aftur.,I hope we'll see each other again soon.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Brennt barn forðast eldinn.,A fox is not caught twice in the same snare.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Maria Callas var fræg óperusöngkona.,Maria Callas was a famous opera singer.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Margir sem hafa hingað til eytt pening í að skemmta sér þurfa nú að spara.,A lot of people who have up until now been spending money having a good time now need to be more careful with their money.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn "Hefur þú hitt bróður minn, Masao?","Have you met Masao, my brother?",isl_Latn-eng_Latn Veltu þér yfir á bakið.,Turn on your back.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hún var svo hissa og sorgmædd að hún kom ekki upp orði.,"Between astonishment and sorrow, she could not speak a word.",isl_Latn-eng_Latn "Jafnvel þótt mér þætti eitthvað undarlegt, vissi ég ekki hvað það var.","Even though I felt that there was something strange, I just didn't know what it was.",isl_Latn-eng_Latn Landið er í vondu efnahagslegu ástandi.,The country is in a bad economic state.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Góða þakkargjörðarhátíð!,Have a nice Thanksgiving!,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Á einhver hérna þetta úr?,Does somebody here own this watch?,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Takk fyrir matinn.,Thanks for the dinner.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hann sóttist eftir atkvæðum okkar.,He solicited our votes.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Ég á fjölskyldu.,I have a family.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Það er erfitt að fá vinnu í augnablikinu.,It's difficult to get a job at the moment.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Ég fæddist þann tuttugasta og þriðja mars nítjánhundruð sextíu og níu í Barselóna.,I was born on 23 March 1969 in Barcelona.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn "Enska er erfið, er það ekki?","English is difficult, innit?",isl_Latn-eng_Latn Ég hef ekki reykt í mörg ár.,I haven't smoked for years.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Frábærar fréttir!,What wonderful news!,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hvað með að taka skák í kvöld?,How about playing chess tonight?,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Til hamingju með nýju vinnuna.,Congratulations on your new job.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn En það fyrsta sem við segjum er „góðan daginn.“,"But the first thing we say is ""hello.""",isl_Latn-eng_Latn Best væri ef ég hitti hann í eigin persónu.,It would be best if I met him in person.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Vindinn lægði.,The wind calmed down.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Í þremur orðum get ég dregið saman allt sem ég hef lært um lífið: Það heldur áfram.,In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life — It goes on.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Sólin braust í gegnum skýin.,The sun broke through the clouds.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn "„Þú hefur áhuga á svona löguðu?“ „Nei, eiginlega ekki.“","""You're interested in this sort of thing?"" ""No, not really.""",isl_Latn-eng_Latn Mér þykir auðveldast að muna orð með gagnyrtum skilgreiningum.,I find words with concise definitions to be the easiest to remember.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Fyrirgefið mér mína vitleysu líkt og ég fyrirgef þeim sína vitleysu sem telja sig mæla af viti.,Forgive me my nonsense as I also forgive the nonsense of those who think they talk sense.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Það jafnast ekkert á við ís um sumar.,There is nothing like ice cream in the summer.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Ég fer á fætur klukkan sex þrjátíu.,I get up at 6:30.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hvar er sólin?,Where is the sun?,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Mér finnst fótbolti skemmtilegri en hafnabolti.,I prefer soccer to baseball.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Það er mjög heitt í dag.,It is very hot today.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Ég trúi því ekki að hann sé svona þunglyndur.,I can't believe that he is that depressed.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hann hefur þekkingu á hagfræði.,He has a knowledge of economics.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Uglur geta ekki séð á daginn.,Owls cannot see in the daytime.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hr. Fujimori er frægur um allan heim.,Mr Fujimori is famous all over the world.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Svín deila ákveðnum einkennum með mönnum.,Pigs share certain characteristics with human beings.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Sú eldri af dætrunum tveim er í háskóla.,The older of the two daughters is in college.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Þú nærð aldrei bröndurunum mínum.,You never get my jokes.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Gætum við fengið gaffal?,Could we have a fork?,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hr. Ford á þetta land.,Mr Ford owns this land.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Það voru ekki fleiri en eitt hundrað farþegar um borð í ferjunni.,There were not more than one hundred passengers on board the ferry.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Það vantar gaffal.,There is a fork missing.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Það féll gaffall af borðinu.,A fork fell off the table.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hann er ekki eins feitur og hann var.,He is not as fat as he was.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn "Gafflar voru notaðir um margra ára skeið í Evrópu og Austurlöndum nær, en bara til matargerðar.","Forks were used for many years in Europe and the Near East, but only for cooking.",isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hvað heitir höfuðborg Finnlands?,What's the capital city of Finland?,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hvar eru túrtapparnir?,Where are the tampons?,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Það er nær ómögulegt að framkvæma það.,It is next to impossible to carry it out.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Náðu í það og settu það á eldinn.,"Get it, and put it on the fire.",isl_Latn-eng_Latn Sannaðu það með tilraun.,Prove it by experiment.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Læknirinn lagði áherslu á að sjúklingurinn ætti einungis fáeina daga ólifaða.,The doctor emphasized that the patient had only a few days.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Sjúklingurinn var útskrifaður af sjúkrahúsinu.,The patient was discharged from hospital.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Sjúklingnum fer stöðugt fram.,The patient is steadily recovering.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Sjúklingnum fór fram dag frá degi.,The patient was recovering daily.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Sjúklingurinn lá í rúminu með lokuð augun.,The patient was lying in the bed with his eyes closed.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Mætti ég færa þér þetta sem tákn um þakklæti mitt?,May I present this to you in token of my appreciation?,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Ég veit ekki hvernig ég get látið þakklæti mitt í ljós.,I don't know how to express my thanks.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Mig langar að láta í ljós þakklæti mitt.,I'd like to express my gratitude.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Mér detta engin orð í hug til að láta í ljós þakklæti mitt.,I can't think of the right words with which to express my thanks.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Mér þótti erfitt að framkvæma það.,I found it difficult to put it into practice.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Það er kominn tími til að þú farir í skóla.,It is about time you went to school.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Flettu því upp í orðabók.,Look it up in the dictionary.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Ástand sjúklingsins breytist dag frá degi.,The patient's condition changes from day to day.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Líf sjúklingsins var í hættu.,The patient's life was in danger.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Ástand sjúklingsins batnaði.,The condition of the patient turned for the better.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Sjúklingurinn mun brátt ná sér af veikindum sínum.,The patient will soon recover from his illness.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Sjúklingnum var leyft á fætur.,The patient was allowed up.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Komdu hingað niður.,Come down here.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Sjúklingnum batnaði smám saman.,The patient got better little by little.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Dan breytti lífi Lindu.,Dan changed Linda's life.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Þetta er hross.,This is a horse.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Dan spilaði í beinni útsendingu í útvarpinu.,Dan played live on the radio.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Gjafmildi er sumum eðlislæg.,Generosity is innate in some people.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Við geymdum heyið í hlöðunni.,We stored the hay in the barn.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Dan var að læra að spila á gítar.,Dan was learning how to play the guitar.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hvenær fæ ég borgað?,When do I get paid?,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Dan hafði samband við systur Lindu.,Dan contacted Linda's sister.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn John lék á gítar og vinir hans sungu.,John played guitar and his friends sang.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Dan spilaði á fiðlu fyrir börn með krabbamein.,Dan played violin for children with cancer.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Dan skildi fiðluna sína eftir í skólanum.,Dan left his violin at school.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Dan kom með fiðluna til Lindu.,Dan brought the violin to Linda.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Tom hefur enn ekki hringt í Mary.,Tom hasn't called Mary yet.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Fékkstu það lánað?,Did you borrow it?,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hann varð ástfanginn af yngri konu.,He fell in love with a younger woman.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Ertu með netfang?,Do you have an e-mail address?,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Fox missti af tækifæri til að verða kvikmyndastjarna.,Fox missed a chance to be a movie star.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hvernig er á klappstýruæfingum?,How is cheerleading practice?,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Gæti ég fengið sneið af ostaköku?,Could I have a slice of cheesecake?,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Framherjinn skoraði mark.,The forward kicked a goal.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Ostur og smjör eru afurðir unnar úr mjólk.,Cheese and butter are products made from milk.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Mundirðu kenna mér að búa til ost?,Would you teach me how to make cheese?,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Þeir sem nota gaffla eða matarprjóna halda oft að fólk sem gerir það ekki sé ósiðað.,Those who use forks or chopsticks often think people who don't are uncivilized.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Það er einungis lítil áhöfn um borð í olíuflutningaskipinu.,The tanker has only a small crew on board.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn "Taro, farðu og burstaðu tennurnar.","Taro, go and brush your teeth.",isl_Latn-eng_Latn Gaffalnotendur hafa sögulega verið í minnihluta.,Fork-users have historically been in the minority.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn "Taro, farðu að bursta tennurnar.","Taro, go brush your teeth.",isl_Latn-eng_Latn "Gaffalnotendur eru aðallega í Evrópu, Norður-Ameríku og rómönsku Ameríku; matarprjónanotendur í Austur-Asíu og fingranotendur í Afríku, Mið-Austurlöndum, Indónesíu og Indlandi.","Fork-users are mainly in Europe, North America, and Latin America; chopstick-users in eastern Asia and finger-users in Africa, the Middle East, Indonesia, and India.",isl_Latn-eng_Latn Þú verður að leggja hart að þér við námið.,You must study hard.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Þú ættir að leggja hart að þér við vinnuna.,You should work hard.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn "Það er lítið, ef nokkurt, vatn í tankinum.","There's little water in the tank, if any.",isl_Latn-eng_Latn Ykkur mun fara fram í hlutfalli við getu ykkar.,You will progress in proportion to your abilities.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Phoenix er höfuðborg Arizona.,Phoenix is the capital of Arizona.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Dansararnir lifnuðu virkilega við í latnesku dönsunum.,The dancers really came to life during the Latin numbers.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Ferjan tók að hreyfast og við vorum komin yfir eftir hálftíma.,The ferry started to move and we were across in half an hour.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hver hreyfing dansarans var fullkomin.,Each movement of the dancer was perfect.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Finndu Púertó Ríkó á korti.,Locate Puerto Rico on a map.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Það er oft vitnað til verka Feuerbach.,The work of Feuerbach is frequently referred to.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Tom er hærri en Dan en Tim er hæsti gaurinn í hópnum.,Tom is taller than Dan but Tim is the tallest guy in the group.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn "Í tíma og ótíma, þá vil ég slaka á og gleyma öllu.","From time to time, I want to relax and forget everything.",isl_Latn-eng_Latn Við getum ekki farið strax. Við þurfum að bíða eftir Tom.,We can't leave yet. We need to wait for Tom.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Þú ert mikilvægasta manneskjan í lífi mínu.,You are the most important person in my life.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Þú ert fallegasta kona sem ég hef séð.,You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Litlausar grænar hugmyndir sofa brjálæðislega.,Colorless green ideas sleep furiously.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Við vorum að lesa.,We were reading.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Geturðu núna lagað ónýta dekkið mitt?,Can you fix my broken tire now?,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Ég er byrjuð að lesa bókina.,I started reading the book.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn "Heilbrigðisritarinn sagði konunni að hún mætti ekki koma með hundinn sinn inn, vegna þess að gæludýr máttu ekki vera inni á heilsugæslustöðinni.","The health care secretary told the woman that she could not bring her dog inside, because pets were not allowed inside the clinic.",isl_Latn-eng_Latn Kötturinn svaf á borðinu.,The cat slept on the table.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Enginn hafði það í sér að segja að hann hefði rangt fyrir sér.,No one had the heart to say he was wrong.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hefurðu þvegið hendurnar?,Have you washed your hands?,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Enginn getur aðskilið þau.,No one can separate them.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hann er alltaf með dökk gleraugu.,He always wears dark glasses.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Enginn var að veita henni athygli.,Nobody was paying attention to her.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Enginn var að hlusta á ræðumanninn.,None were listening to the speaker.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Enginn hvatti hana.,No one encouraged her.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Maður á að borða til að lifa en ekki lifa til að borða.,"One must eat to live, and not live to eat.",isl_Latn-eng_Latn Ég kvæntist þegar ég var 19 ára gamall.,I got married when I was 19 years of age.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Ég er ekki í skapi til að læra.,I don't feel like studying.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Ég er ekki í skapi til að hjálpa þér.,I don't feel like helping you.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hann vinnur alla nóttina.,He works all night.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Ég er ekki í skapi til að drekka bjór í kvöld.,I do not feel like drinking beer tonight.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Tom er hjúkrunarfræðingur og besti vinur hans er sjúkraliði.,Tom is a nurse and his best friend is a practical nurse.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Ég er ekki í skapi til að fara út akkúrat núna.,I don't feel like going out right now.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Ég er ekki í skapi til að fara út í kvöld.,I can't be bothered to go out tonight.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Ég er ekki í skapi til að borða núna.,I'm not in a mood to eat right now.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Ég er ekki í skapi til að fara út.,I'm not in a mood to go out.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Ég er ekki í skapi til að horfa á sjónvarpið í kvöld.,I don't feel like watching TV tonight.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Allir eru tilbúnir.,Everyone is ready.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Allir eru til.,Everybody is ready.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Ég var ekki virkilega í skapi til að fara út.,I wasn't really in the mood to go out.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn "Ekkert okkar langar til að fara, en annað hvort þú eða konan þín þarf að fara.","None of us want to go, but either you or your wife has to go.",isl_Latn-eng_Latn Enginn getur hjálpað mér.,No one can help me.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Engan langar til að lenda í slysi. Vandamálið er að fólk langar ekki nógu mikið til að lenda ekki í slysi.,No one wants to have an accident. The trouble is that people do not want hard enough to not have an accident.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn "Enginn gleymdi verkefninu sínu, er það nokkuð?","No one forgot their assignment, did they?",isl_Latn-eng_Latn Engum líkar að vera gert grín að á almannafæri.,Nobody likes to be made fun of in public.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Plönturnar hljóta að hafa dáið vegna þess að enginn vökvaði þær.,The plants must have died because no one watered them.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Enginn gat gefið rétta svarið.,Nobody could give the correct answer.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Enginn getur áorkað neinu án erfiðis.,No one can achieve anything without effort.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Fyrir hvað er það?,What is it for?,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Það er áhugavert að enginn tók eftir þessum mistökum.,It is interesting that no one noticed that mistake.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Það virðist vera að enginn hafi vitað sannleikann.,It seems that no one knew the truth.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Það virðist vera að enginn viti sannleikann.,It seems that no one knows the truth.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Enginn hefur séð fuglinn fljúga.,Nobody has seen the bird fly.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Enginn maður á lífi mundi trúa því.,No man alive would believe it.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Ekki leyfa neinum að koma nærri eldinum.,Don't let anyone come near the fire.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Enginn gat fundið hellinn.,No one could find the cave.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Allir lofa drenginn.,Everyone praises the boy.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Það virtist sem allir væru óþreyjufullir að ljúka jólainnkaupunum snemma þetta árið.,"Everyone, it seemed, was anxious to get their Christmas shopping done early this year.",isl_Latn-eng_Latn Allir sýndu fanganum samúð.,Everybody showed sympathy toward the prisoner.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Tom er ráðgáta.,Tom is a mystery.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Allir hafa rétt á að vera önugir öðru hverju.,Everyone is entitled to be moody once in a while.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Allir eru að kalla eftir allsherjarbreytingum.,Everybody is calling for sweeping reforms.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Tom þekkti Mary.,Tom knew Mary.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Allir þekktu raunverulegar tilfinningar hennar.,Everybody knew her true feelings.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Tom söng fyrir Mary.,Tom sang to Mary.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Það vita það allir að hann er enn á lífi.,Everybody knows for a fact that he is still alive.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Ég verð að fara á hárgreiðslustofuna og láta laga rótina mína.,I have to go to the salon and get my root touched up.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Tom og Mary vinna á sömu skrifstofunni.,Tom and Mary work in the same office.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Sástu systur mína?,Did you see my sister?,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Þú ættir að taka þér frídag.,You should take a day off.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Ekki gleyma farmiðanum þínum.,Don't forget your ticket.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Við tengjum nafn Darwins við þróunarkenninguna.,We associate Darwin's name with the theory of evolution.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Á morgun ætla ég að læra á bókasafninu.,"Tomorrow, I'm going to study at the library.",isl_Latn-eng_Latn Ertu þreyttur núna?,Are you tired now?,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Heldurðu að Tom laug að okkur?,Do you think Tom lied to us?,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hversu lengi bjóstu þarna?,How long did you live there?,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Tom á tvo bræður sem búa í Boston.,Tom has two brothers who live in Boston.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hvað ertu kominn langt?,How far along are you?,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hún er bara barn.,She's only a child.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Ég er ekki viss um þetta.,I'm not sure about this.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hvert fóru þau?,Where did they go?,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Þetta hafa verið þurrustu sex mánuðirnir í þrjátíu ár.,This has been the driest six months in thirty years.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Ég vil ekki trufla.,I don't want to intervene.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Einmanna fólk viðheldur eigin einmannaleika með ótta sínum við annað fólk.,Lonely people perpetuate their own loneliness through their fear of others.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Ég heyrði í þér.,I heard you.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Ég vildi óska að ég væri ungur aftur.,I wish I was young again.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Það er ekkert betra en að fara í góðan göngutúr.,There's nothing better than taking a nice walk.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hvað gerðirðu í gærkveldi?,What did you do last night?,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hver fann upp símann?,Who invented the telephone?,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Ég hef ekki haldið neinum leyndarmálum frá þér.,I haven't kept any secrets from you.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hún man kannski ekki eftir mér en ég man eftir henni.,"She may not remember me, but I do remember her.",isl_Latn-eng_Latn Mundu að við erum öll á sama báti.,Remember that we're all in the same boat.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Ólympíuleikarnir eru haldnir fjórða hvert ár.,The Olympic Games are held every four years.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Af hverju ertu vakandi?,Why are you awake?,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Augun mín eru aum.,My eyes are sore.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Mundu eftir að póstleggja bréfið á leiðinni í skólann.,Remember to post the letter on your way to school.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Ég er viss um að ég hafi hitt hann einhversstaðar en ég man ekki hver hann er.,"I am sure I met him somewhere, but I do not remember who he is.",isl_Latn-eng_Latn Google er lygari.,Google is a liar.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Stúlkan gerði sér grein fyrir hættunni.,The girl was aware of the danger.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Ég vil þér ekki mein.,I mean you no harm.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Ég hef gaman af skíðum.,I like skiing.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Mig langar að ferðast um heiminn.,I want to travel around the world.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hæ! Hvað segirðu?,Hi! How are you?,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Gætirðu lánað mér pennann þinn?,Would you lend me your pen?,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hver er ég?,Who am I?,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Það eru fleiri en ein leið til að drepa kött.,There's more ways than one to kill a cat.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Þú ættir að koma strax.,You should come at once.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Mér líkar ekki að læra óreglulegar sagnir.,I don't like learning irregular verbs.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Þegiðu meðan ég er að tala.,Be quiet while I'm speaking.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hún sagði bless.,She said goodbye.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Vertu hljóð meðan ég er að tala.,Be quiet while I am speaking.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Réttu upp höndina ef þú veist svarið.,Raise your hand if you know the answer.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Það ætti að skýla þessum blómum fyrir regninu.,These flowers should be sheltered from the rain.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Það er hollt að vera ruglaður.,It's healthy to be mad.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Það er hollt að vera geðveikur.,It's healthy to be crazy.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Láttu mig hafa eina pappírsörk.,Give me a sheet of paper.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hún fór til dyra til að bjóða vini sína velkomna.,She went to the door to welcome her friends.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hann tapaði trúverðuleika sínum vegna þess að hann sveik vin sinn.,He lost his credibility because he betrayed a friend.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Þú hefur svo sannalega ástríðu fyrir mat.,You really have a passion for food.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Ég fer að hátta klukkan ellefu.,I go to bed at eleven.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Sæktu það og settu það á eldinn.,Fetch it and put it on the fire.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Dyrnar eru stundum opnar.,The door is sometimes open.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Ég skil ekki af hverju hún kom ekki.,I can't figure out why she didn't come.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hvernig kynntist þú honum?,How did you get to know him?,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Ertu með smokk?,Do you have a condom?,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Þeir gengu í hjónaband.,They got married.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Systir hennar lítur út fyrir að vera ung.,Her sister looks young.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Þetta bragðast vel.,This tastes good.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Niðurstaðan er enn óviss.,The result is still in doubt.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Vertu svo vænn að búa mér til mjólkurhristing.,Please make a milkshake for me.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Af hverju komst þú ekki í teitina í gær?,Why didn't you show up at the party last night?,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Af hverju er hann að horfa á mig eins og hann þekki mig.,Why is he looking at me as though he knows me?,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hann fór að syngja.,He started singing.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Notaðu höfuðið til tilbreytingar.,Use your head for a change.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Þú bara getur ekki unnið dag hvern frá morgni til kvölds. Þú verður að taka þér frí öðru hverju.,You can't just work all day every day. You need to take a vacation once in a while.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Ferðastu mikið?,Do you travel much?,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Býrðu hér?,Do you live here?,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Veistu svarið?,You know the answer?,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Þú ert of klár til að leysa ekki erfiða dæmið.,You are too clever not to solve the hard problem.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Það er enginn glæpur að sleppa morgunmat öðru hverju.,It's no crime to skip breakfast once in a while.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Tama fer stundum í einn í göngutúr.,Tama sometimes goes for a walk by himself.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Ég hugsa að það sé villa í reikningnum mínum.,I think there's a mistake in my bill.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Reikningurinn nam 100 dollurum.,The bill amounted to 100 dollars.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Fleiri hafa iðrast orða en þagnar.,More have repented speech than silence.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Gæti ég vinsamlegast fengið reikninginn?,"May I have the check, please?",isl_Latn-eng_Latn Reikningurinn nemur fimmtíu dollurum.,The bill amounts to fifty dollars.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Komdu að hitta mig öðru hverju.,Come and see me once in a while.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Förum út að borða til tilbreytingar.,Let's dine out for a change.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Ég sé um reikninginn.,I'll foot the bill.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Þú verður að njóta þín og skemmta þér öðru hverju.,You need to enjoy yourself and have fun once in a while.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Reikningurinn nemur 500 dollurum.,The bill amounts to 500 dollars.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Ég hafði tækifæri til að hitta hann í París.,I had a chance to meet him in Paris.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Honum var augsýnilega brugðið þegar hann rakst á mig.,He was evidently surprised when he came across me.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Það vill svo til að ég hef skilið bókina eftir heima.,"As it happens, I have left the book at home.",isl_Latn-eng_Latn Kannski man hún ekki eftir afmælinu mínu.,Perhaps she doesn't remember my birthday.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Það er líklegt að það rigni á morgun.,It is likely to rain tomorrow.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Það er líklegt að hún komi.,It is probable that she will come.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Það vildi til að ég var ekki með neinn pening á mér.,It so happened that I had no money with me.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Þýsk stafsetning var fyrst stöðluð árið nítján hundruð og eitt.,German spelling was standardised for the first time in nineteen hundred and one.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Vannstu heimavinnuna þína sjálfur?,Did you do your homework by yourself?,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Ég hef ekki enn fundið fullkominn eiginmann.,I have yet to find a perfect husband.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Þú ert að vinna of mikið. Taktu því rólega í svolítinn tíma.,You are working too hard. Take it easy for a while.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Þú vinnur of mikið.,You work too hard.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Þú ert ekki nógu gamall til að fara einn í sund.,You are not old enough to go swimming by yourself.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Ég slökkti á lampanum og sofnaði.,I turned the lamp off and fell asleep.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Þú gast talið upp á tíu þegar þú varst tveggja ára gamall.,You could count to ten when you were two years old.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Þú gast talið upp á tíu þegar þú varst tveggja.,You could count to ten when you were two.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Kanntu að elda kjöt?,Do you know how to cook meat?,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Ganga er frábær æfing.,Walking is an excellent exercise.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Fleiri amerísk herskip voru send til Panama.,Several American warships were sent to Panama.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Það eina sem þú þarft að gera er að biðjast afsökunar fyrir að vera sein.,All you have to do is apologize for being late.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn "Þú verður ekki sein, er það nokkuð?","You won't be late, will you?",isl_Latn-eng_Latn Borðarðu brauð í hádegismat?,Do you have bread for lunch?,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hvað borðarðu í morgunmat?,What do you have for breakfast?,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Þú hlýtur að vera morgunsvæfur.,You must be a late riser.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Veistu ekki að þú ert aðhlátursefni alls bæjarins?,Don't you know that you are the laughingstock of the whole town?,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Það er nauðsynlegt að þú farir til læknis undir eins.,It is necessary for you to see a doctor at once.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Þú verður að fara heim undir eins.,You must go home at once.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Strútar geta ekki flogið.,Ostriches can't fly.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Það var varla hægt að heyra rödd hennar yfir hávaðann.,Her voice could hardly be heard over the noise.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Pósturinn kemur fyrir hádegi.,The mail arrives before noon.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Brúðkaupið þeirra er á morgun.,Their wedding is tomorrow.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Strákurinn breytti ekki skoðun sinni.,The boy didn't change his opinion.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Barnið grét alla nóttina.,The baby cried all night.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Þetta er fólk.,These are people.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn "Ég get þýtt tiltölulega vel úr þýsku í ensku, en öfugt er það erfiðara.","I can translate from German to English pretty well, but the other way around is more difficult.",isl_Latn-eng_Latn "Þú ferð ekki í skólann á sunnudögum, er það nokkuð?","You don't go to school on Sunday, do you?",isl_Latn-eng_Latn Ég tók því sem gefnu að þú héldir með mér.,I took it for granted that you were on my side.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Heldurðu dagbók?,Do you keep a diary?,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hvað gerirðu venjulega á sunnudögum?,What do you usually do on Sundays?,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Þú ættir að skammast þín.,You ought to be ashamed.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Þú munt læra hvernig á að gera þetta fyrr eða síðar.,You'll learn how to do it sooner or later.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Þú verður að vera kominn aftur á sunnudaginn hið síðasta.,You must be back on Sunday at the latest.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Þú hlýtur að hafa vakað lengi frameftir.,You must've stayed up late.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Þú ert að taka stóra áhættu með því að treysta honum.,You're running a big risk in trusting him.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Ég er stolt af þér.,I'm proud of you.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Þú lítur mjög föl út.,You look very pale.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Geturðu greint hveiti frá byggi?,Can you tell wheat from barley?,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Ætlarðu að hitta einhvern hérna?,Are you meeting someone here?,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Þú mátt bjóða hverjum sem þú vilt.,You may invite whomever you like.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Þú verður að byggja upp hugrekki.,You must build up your courage.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Eftir hverjum ertu að bíða?,Who are you waiting for?,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Þú kannt að hafa lesið þessa bók nú þegar.,You may have read this book already.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Þér lítur út fyrir að leiðast.,You look bored.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hvað langar þig til að verða þegar þú verður stór?,What do you want to be when you grow up?,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Rútan stoppar á Hótel Íslandi.,The bus stops at Hotel Iceland.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Þú veist talsvert mikið um súmóglímu.,You know quite a lot about Sumo.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Þú lítur örsmá út við hliðina á súmóglímukappa.,You look tiny next to a sumo wrestler.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Þú ert of viðkvæm fyrir hávaða.,You are too sensitive to noise.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Þú ert andfúl.,You have foul breath.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Þú reiðir þig of mikið á aðra.,You depend too much on others.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Þú ert of gagnrýnin á annara manna galla.,You are too critical of others' shortcomings.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Þú ert of hnýsin í annara manna mál.,You are too inquisitive about other people's affairs.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Það vildi til að það varð lestarslys snemma þann morguninn.,There happened to be a train accident early that morning.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Þú mátt ekki reiða þig á aðra um hjálp.,You mustn't depend on others for help.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn "Það er að segja, þau áttu nokkur hundruð pund sem þau höfðu ætlað að nota til að kaupa hús strax og þau kæmu.","That is to say, they had a few hundred pounds, with which they had intended to buy a house as soon as they arrived.",isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hvað er þetta? Þetta er rúta.,What is this? This is a bus.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hvað er þetta? Þetta er steinn.,What is this? This is a stone.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hvað er þetta? Þetta er borð.,What is this? This is a table.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hvað er þetta? Þetta er stóll.,What is this? This is a chair.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hvað er þetta? Þetta er kirkja.,What is this? This is a church.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hvað er þetta? Þetta er maður.,What is this? This is a man.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hvað er þetta? Þetta er rós.,What is this? This is a rose.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hvað er þetta? Þetta er kona.,Who is that? That is a woman.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hvað er þetta? Þetta er búð.,What is this? This is a shop.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hvað er þetta? Þetta er bíll.,What is this? This is a car.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Konan er að vinna.,The woman is working.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Maðurinn er að lesa dagblað.,The man is reading a newspaper.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Barnið er að drekka mjólk.,The child is drinking some milk.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Barnið er að borða brauð.,The boy is eating bread.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Ég er að læra listasögu.,I study art history.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Ég er að borða hádegismat.,I'm eating lunch.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Ég er að lesa bók.,I was reading a book.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Það kann að vera að hann muni aldrei verða frægur.,It may be that he will never be famous.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hann mun líklega gleyma að skila bókinni minni.,He will probably forget to return my book.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Það er möguleiki að hann nái prófinu.,There is a chance that he will pass the exam.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Líkurnar eru að hann muni sigra.,The chances are that he will win.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Ég vona að þú náir þér fljótt af kvefinu.,I hope you'll get over your cold soon.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Mér finnst gaman að elda.,I like to cook.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn "Því meira sem hlutirnir breytast, því meira haldast þeir óbreyttir.","The more things change, the more they stay the same.",isl_Latn-eng_Latn Leikkonan er að læra hlutverk.,The actress is studying her role.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn "Hvernig hefurðu það, elskan?","How are you, darling?",isl_Latn-eng_Latn Sýndu mér vinsamlegast myndirnar.,"Show me the photos, please.",isl_Latn-eng_Latn Þetta fólk lagði mikið af mörkum til heimsfriðar.,Those people contributed greatly to world peace.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Nýju húsin eru jafnhá.,The new houses are of a uniform height.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Ég hef komið á hvorugan þessara staða.,I've been to neither of those places.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Þessir smábændur þurfa sárlega á landi að halda til að rækta hrísgrjón.,Those peasants badly need land to grow rice.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Vinsamlegast mundu að póstleggja bréfin.,Please remember to mail the letters.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Þessir krakkar eru hugsanlegir viðskiptavinir.,Those children are potential customers.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Þessi börn hafa engan til að sinna þeim.,Those children have no one to care for them.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Ég pantaði pítsu.,I ordered a pizza.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Það er búið að snjóa í fjóra daga.,It snowed for four days.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Það er búið að snjóa stöðugt í fjóra daga.,The snow lasted four days.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Ég er svo þreyttur að ég nenni ekki að læra í kvöld.,I'm so tired that I don't feel like studying tonight.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Ég vil koma honum á óvart.,I want to surprise him.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Við ættum að senda Jordan á sjúkrahús.,We ought to send Jordan to the hospital.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Mennirnir litu þöglir á Jessie.,The men looked at Jessie in silence.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Teningunum hefur verið kastað.,The die is cast.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Ég kom honum á óvart.,I did surprise him.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Ég klæðist jakkafötum en án bindis.,I wear a suit but wear no tie.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Ég er í jakkafötum en er ekki með bindi.,"I wear a suit, but not a tie.",isl_Latn-eng_Latn Ég þvæ mér.,I wash myself.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Ég þvæ sokkana mína.,I wash my socks.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Það óskiljanleglegasta við heiminn er að hann er skiljanlegur.,The most incomprehensible thing about the world is that it is at all comprehensible.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Ég var voðalega vonsvikinn þegar ég frétti að ég hefði ekki náð prófinu.,I was really disappointed when I found out that I hadn't passed the exam.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hvað í fjáranum ertu að gera?,What the hell are you doing?,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Ég var fimmtán ára á þessari mynd.,I was fifteen years old in this picture.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hvern fjárann ertu að gera?,What the heck are you doing?,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Ég fæddist árið nítjánhundruð áttatíu og átta í Jórvík.,I was born in 1988 in York.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Ég vil þig.,I want you.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Ég vil að þú komir hingað.,I want you to come here.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Ég vil að þú sért hér.,I want you to be here.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Mig langar til að vinna með fyrirtækinu þínu.,I want to work with your company.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Mig langar til að segja þér nokkuð undarlegt.,I want to tell you a strange thing.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Mig langar til að nýta tækifærið til að tala við ríkisstjórann.,I want to take advantage of the opportunity to speak to the governor.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Ég vil fara í bað.,I want to take a bath.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Þessir stólar eru fyrir.,Those chairs are in the way.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Mig langar til að eyða lífinu með þér.,I want to spend my life with you.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Mig langar til að sýna þér stórfenglegt útsýni.,I want to show you a spectacular view.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Danmörk er fangelsi.,Denmark’s a prison.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hann er fyrir framan hurðina.,He is in front of the door.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Ertu fokking heimskur?,Are you fucking stupid?,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Farðu til fjandans!,Go to hell!,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hann er undir stólnum.,He is under the chair.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hún er undir stólnum.,She is under the chair.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Það er undir stólnum.,It is under the chair.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Vinsamlegast segðu mér hvar þú býrð.,Please tell me where you will live.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Veist þú hvað gerðist?,Do you know what happened?,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Afhverju eru engir leigubílar á stöðinni í dag?,Why are there no taxis at the station today?,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Það hefur fengið lánað mörg orð frá erlendum tungumálum.,It has a great many words borrowed from foreign languages.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Það er synd að þú getur ekki ferðast með okkur.,It is a pity that you cannot travel with us.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Þú varst svo almennilegur við mig og ég átti virkilega ánægjulega ferð. Þakka þér kærlega.,"You were so nice to me, and I had a really pleasant trip. Thanks so much.",isl_Latn-eng_Latn Engum nemendum er leyfilegt að fara inn í herbergið.,No student is allowed to enter the room.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Fjandinn hafi það!,To hell with it!,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hann var hræddur þegar apinn hoppaði að honum.,He was scared when the monkey jumped at him.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Ekki opna hurðina.,Don't open the door.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Af hverju ertu upptekinn í dag?,Why are you busy today?,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Vinsamlegst haldið ró ykkar.,Please remain calm.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Það væri ósanngjarnt ef við færum svo illa með hann.,It would be unfair if we treated him so badly.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Ég kann ekki að syngja.,I can't sing.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn "Þar sem þetta er mikilvægt, vil ég að þú sjáir til þess persónulega.","Since this is important, I'd like you to attend to it yourself.",isl_Latn-eng_Latn Allir meðlimir hafa aðgang að þessum bókum.,All members have access to these books.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Við höfum ennþá nægan tíma.,We still have plenty of time.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Ég gat ekki talað vel þann dag.,I couldn't speak well that day.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hann talar fimm tungumál.,He speaks five languages.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Ég þoli það ekki lengur!,I can't stand it anymore.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Þau eru ekki lítil börn.,They are not little children.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Nýjustu tónverk hans eru bara tilbrigði við hans fyrri verk.,His latest musical pieces are just variants of his earlier work.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Þessi blóm hafa dáið.,Those flowers have died.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Þessar myndir voru málaðar af honum.,Those pictures were painted by him.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn "Einn, tveir, þrír, fjórir, fimm, sex, sjö, átta, níu, tíu.","One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten.",isl_Latn-eng_Latn Herinn sat um kastalann í marga daga.,The army besieged the castle for many days.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hver á þessa bók?,Whose is that book?,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Þessi hamborgari er ódýr miðað við japanska hamborgara.,This hamburger is inexpensive for a Japanese hamburger.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Ég vildi gjarnan að þú læsir þetta enska bréf.,I want you to read this English letter.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Ég veit ekki hvað þetta er.,I don't know what it is.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Jack talar ensku.,Jack speaks English.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hvað viltu fá að borða?,What would you like to eat?,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Til hamingju með afmælið!,Happy birthday to you!,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Ég vil fá mitt eigið herbergi.,I want to have my own room.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Þú mátt nota orðabók í prófinu.,You can use a dictionary for this exam.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Ég er þér ósammála.,I disagree with you.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Þetta er bara afsökun.,That's just an excuse.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Bróðir minn hefur aldrei klifrað fjallið Fúji.,My brother has never climbed Mt Fuji.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn "Fortíðin verður einungis þekkt, en henni ekki breytt. Framtíðinni verður einungis breytt, en hún ekki þekkt.","The past can only be known, not changed. The future can only be changed, not known.",isl_Latn-eng_Latn Ég elska móður mína.,I love my mum.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Ég elska mömmu mína.,I love my mom.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Mér þykir súkkulaði gott.,I like chocolate.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Þessi bók er til þín.,This book is for you.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Mér er kalt.,I feel cold.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hitamælar fara oft undir frostmark.,Thermometers often go below zero.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Frá hvaða landi ertu?,Which country are you from?,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hitamælirinn fór undir frostmark.,The thermometer went down below zero.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hvað heitirðu?,What's your name?,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Konan er falleg.,The woman is beautiful.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Kuldabylgja gekk yfir Japan.,A cold wave passed over Japan.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Heimurinn okkar er bara lítill hluti alheimsins.,Our world is only a tiny part of the universe.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hver er maðurinn?,Who is that man?,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Þau segja að hann sé búinn að vera dauður í tvö ár.,They say that he has been dead for two years.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Þú sást ekki neitt.,You didn't see anything.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Ég var með slæman magaverk.,I had a bad stomach-ache.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Loftið er slæmt hérna. Viltu opna gluggan?,The air is bad here. Will you open the window?,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Ég þarf ennþá að losna við þetta teppi.,I still have to get rid of this carpet.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Ekki láta þennan hund koma nálægt mér!,Don't let that dog come near me!,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hvaða tungumál talar þú í þínu landi?,What language do you speak in your country?,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Bíllinn bilaði.,The car broke down.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Ég er að frjósa.,I am cold.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Búðin gæti þegar verið lokuð.,The store might be closed already.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Það borgar sig ekki að spila tölvuleiki.,It doesn't pay to play video games.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Við ákváðum að fresta fundinum þangað til næsta sunnudag.,We decided to put off the meeting until next Sunday.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Ég finn vissulega fyrir kuldanum.,I do feel the cold.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Enska er notuð af mörgum manneskjum.,English is used by many people.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Við vonumst til að komast upp á toppinn fyrir myrkur.,We hope to reach the summit before it gets dark.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Eru frátekin sæti fyrir þessa kvikmynd?,Are there reserved seats for this film?,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Ég hef týnt veskinu mínu.,I have lost my wallet.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hversu langt er til flugvallarins?,How far is it to the airport?,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Í hvaða átt er ströndin?,Which way is the beach?,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Ég vil panta hótelbergi.,I'd like a hotel reservation.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Vinsamlegast ekki tala svona hratt.,Please don't speak so fast.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn "Afsakaðu mig, ég er týndur.","Excuse me, I'm lost.",isl_Latn-eng_Latn Farangurinn minn er horfinn.,My baggage is missing.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Ég borðaði kavíar.,I ate caviar.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Fegurð sem hennar er sjaldgæf.,Such beauty as hers is rare.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hann sýndi mér ljósmyndaalbúmið sitt.,He showed his photograph album to me.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hún ráðlagði honum að fara í langt frí.,She advised him to take a long holiday.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Elskarðu mig?,Do you love me?,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Er það nærri húsinu þínu?,Is it near your house?,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Kannski verður hann góður kennari.,Maybe he will be a good teacher.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hvaða ástæða er fyrir þessari lygi?,What is the reason for that lie?,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hún ráðlagðihonum að taka sér hvíld en hann fylgdi ekki ráðum hennar.,"She advised him to take a rest, but he didn't follow her advice.",isl_Latn-eng_Latn Ég fann bananann á bröttum fjallavegi.,I found the banana on a steep mountain road.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Trúir þú á drauga?,Do you believe in ghosts?,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Ég er gift og á tvö börn.,I am married and have two children.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hún er mér kær.,She is dear to me.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hann er hræddur við föður sinn.,He is afraid of his father.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hann er hræddur við pabba.,He is afraid of Father.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Mér er illt í fætinum.,My foot hurts.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Ég keypti þessa bók í Maruzen bókabúðinni.,I bought this book at Maruzen Bookstore.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Get ég fengið þig til að opna hurðina fyrir mig?,Would you be so kind as to open the door for me?,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Ég á reiðhjólið við dyrnar.,The bicycle by the door is mine.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Við búum í samfélagi; ekki bara í hagkerfi.,We live in a society; not just in an economy.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Ég borða kvöldmat klukkan korter yfir sjö.,I eat dinner at quarter past seven.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Í húsinu okkar er engin lyfta.,There is no elevator in our house.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hann spilaði á píanóið og hún söng.,He played the piano and she sang.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hver er að spila á píanóið.,Who is playing the piano?,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Það er brjálæði að fara út í þessu veðri.,It is bonkers to go out in this weather.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Skórnir þínir eru hér.,Your shoes are here.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Veikir og þreyttir mennirnir náðu að lokum fjallabænum þar sem hann beið.,"The sick, tired men finally reached the mountain town where he was waiting.",isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hvar sástu konuna?,Where did you see the woman?,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hvernig get ég leyst þetta vandamál?,How can I solve this problem?,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Frá hvaða landi kemurðu?,What country are you from?,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hann er veikur.,He is ill.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Sally gaf honum jólagjöf.,Sally gave him a Christmas present.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Bókasafnið er lokað á sunnudögum.,The library is closed on Sundays.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Ég er ekki alveg sáttur með hvernig þessi setning er orðuð.,I'm not quite happy with the wording of this sentence.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hvað kostar þetta bindi?,How much is this tie?,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Sólin sest alltaf í vestri.,The sun always sets in the west.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Ég keypti þrjár vínflöskur.,I bought three bottles of wine.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hún bakaði köku handa mér.,She made me a cake.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Áttu pening?,Do you have money?,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Klukkan er átta um morgun.,It's eight o'clock in the morning.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Lokaðu dyrunum á eftir þér.,Shut the door behind you.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Börnum finnst ekki öllum epli góð.,Not all children like apples.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Það var ekki hægt að skilja spurningarnar hans.,It was impossible to understand his questions.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Þú talar mjög góða spænsku.,You speak Spanish very well.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Þarftu lyklana?,You need the keys?,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Þarftu pening?,Do you need money?,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Væri þér sama þótt ég reykti?,Would you mind if I smoke?,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Mér er sama þótt þú reykir.,I don't mind if you smoke.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Er þér sama þótt ég reyki?,Do you mind if I smoke?,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Reykingar eru leyfðar.,Smoking is permitted.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Væri þér sama þótt þú reyktir ekki?,Would you mind not smoking?,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Mér þætti betra að þú reyktir ekki svona mikið.,I'd rather you didn't smoke so much.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Reykirðu ekki?,Don't you smoke?,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Þú munt lifa lengur ef þú reykir ekki.,You will live longer if you don't smoke.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Þú verður að hætta að reykja.,You must stop smoking.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Á hverjum mánudegi þvoði frú Evans öll föt fjölskyldunnar í baðkarinu.,Every Monday Mrs. Evans washed all the family's clothes in the tin bath.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hann segist ekki ætla að hætta að reykja.,He says he will not give up smoking.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Ég heiti því að ég muni hætta að reykja.,I give my pledge that I will quit smoking.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Ég reyki ekki.,I don't smoke.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Reykingar eru ekki góðar fyrir heilsuna.,Smoking is not good for one's health.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hann las fljótlega í gegnum útdrættina til að finna greinina sem hann var að leita að.,He quickly read through the abstracts to find the paper he was looking for.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hver er stelpan í bleika kjólnum?,Who is the girl in the pink dress?,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hafið í huga að reykingar eru ekki góðar heilsu ykkar.,Keep in mind that smoking is not good for your health.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Þetta er aðeins úr fókus.,That's a little out of focus.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Ég mundi glöð hjálpa þér en ég er mjög upptekin.,"I would be glad to help you, but I am very busy.",isl_Latn-eng_Latn Ég fer þótt svo það rigni á morgun.,I will go even if it rains tomorrow.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Það er lítið af mjólk eftir í flöskunni.,There is little milk left in the bottle.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Það er lítið af víni eftir í flöskunni.,There is little wine left in the bottle.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Það er smá mjólk eftir í flöskunni.,There is a little milk left in the bottle.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Það er ekkert vatn eftir í flöskunni.,There is no water left in the bottle.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Gæti ég fengið að tala við Bill?,May I speak to Bill?,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hann ætti að koma.,He should come.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Það sést þegar þú unnir því sem þú gerir.,"When you love what you do, it shows.",isl_Latn-eng_Latn Kína er mun stærra en Japan.,China is much larger than Japan.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Ég kom þangað í gær.,I arrived here yesterday.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hann féll á prófinu þar sem hann hafði ekki lært nóg.,He failed the exam because he had not studied enough.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hann er maður fárra orða.,He is a man of few words.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Góða nótt. Dreymi þig vel.,Good night. Sweet dreams.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hiroshi er að saga viðinn niður í fjalir.,Hiroshi is sawing the wood into boards.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Geturðu synt eins hratt og hann?,Can you swim as fast as he?,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Það er synd að stela jafnvel svo litlu sem títuprjón.,It is a sin to steal even a pin.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Þú ert ekki með hita.,You don't have a temperature.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Títuprjónninn stakkst inn í fingurinn hans og það tók að blæða.,The pin pierced his finger and it began to bleed.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn "Mig langar að læra erlendis, jafnvel þótt foreldrar mínir séu því mótfallnir.","I want to study abroad, even if my parents are against it.",isl_Latn-eng_Latn Þú gætir alveg eins farið strax.,You may as well leave at once.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn "Reyndar, það er það sem ég hélt.","Actually, that's what I thought.",isl_Latn-eng_Latn Danny hefur ekkert fegurðarskyn.,Danny has no sense of beauty.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Í hvert skipti sem sígarettur hækka í verði reyna margir að hætta að reykja.,"Every time cigarettes go up in price, many people try to give up smoking.",isl_Latn-eng_Latn Stundum reyki ég bara til að gefa höndunum mínum eitthvað til að gera.,Sometimes I smoke just to give my hands something to do.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Ég þarf að fara þótt það rigni sem hellt sé úr fötu.,I have to go even if it rains cats and dogs.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn "Ég sjálfur var ekki meðvitaður um það, en ég kann að hafa öfundað hann af velgengninni.","I myself was not conscious of it, but I may have been jealous of his success.",isl_Latn-eng_Latn Bill er hafnaboltamaður.,Bill is a baseball player.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Bill geigaði á fyrsta boltanum.,Bill missed the first ball.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hvað sem þú kannt að segja mun ég ekki skipta um skoðun.,"Whatever you may say, I will not change my opinion.",isl_Latn-eng_Latn Bill lagði hundrað dollara til hliðar fyrir ferðina.,Bill put aside a hundred dollars for his trip.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Við lögðum hvítan dúk á borðið?,We placed a white tablecloth over the table.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Er hann kennari?,Is he a teacher?,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Mig langar að taka pilluna.,I'd like to take the pill.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hindúar og múslimar eru allir bræður.,Hindus and Muslims are all brothers.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Bill var í Japan.,Bill was in Japan.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Bill talar smá japönsku.,Bill speaks a little Japanese.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Bill kann aðeins í japönsku.,Bill can speak a little Japanese.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Bill er algerlega ólíkur bróður sínum.,Bill is completely unlike his brother.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Bill klikkar aldrei á því að senda móður sinni afmælisgjöf.,Bill never fails to send a birthday present to his mother.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Bill líkist föður sínum að skapgerð.,Bill resembles his father in character.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Bill gat ekki fengið Mary til að skilja hvað hann var að segja.,Bill was unable to get Mary to understand what he said.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Bill er í ritstjórninni.,Bill is on the editorial staff.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Sækjast sér um líkir.,Birds of a feather flock together.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Líkur sækir líkan heim.,A man is known by the company he keeps.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Það rignir.,It is raining.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Það er kalt.,It is cold.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Það kemur á óvart.,It's a surprise.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Jafnvel þótt við gerum þetta munu líða önnur sextíu ár áður en gatið í ósonlaginu yfir Suðurskautslandinu lagast.,"Even if we do this, it will be another sixty years before the Antarctic ozone hole is repaired.",isl_Latn-eng_Latn Það er ekki mikilvægt.,It's not important.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Ekki gleyma miðanum.,Don't forget the ticket.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Okkar er ánægjan.,It's our pleasure.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Að tala frönsku er erfitt.,To speak French is difficult.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Frænka mín á von á barni í næsta mánuði.,My cousin is having a baby next month.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Svona er hún bara.,That is just her way.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Lestu í gegnum greinina.,Read through the article.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Af hverju kemurðu ekki út að dansa með mér?,Why don't you come dancing with me?,isl_Latn-eng_Latn "Mér þykir það leiðinlegt, en ég er upptekinn í augnablikinu.","I'm sorry, I'm busy right now.",isl_Latn-eng_Latn Ég var átján þá.,I was eighteen then.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Við ættum að geta klárað verkefnið á fimm dögum.,We should be able to complete the work in five days.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Það sem þér var kennt er rangt.,What you were taught is wrong.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Bíllinn stoppaði ekki.,The car didn't stop.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Ekki fleygja rusli hérna.,Don't throw trash here.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Vinsamlegast lánaðu mér hnífinn þinn.,Please lend me your knife.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn "Hann er ekki kærastinn minn, þetta er bara vinátta á sérkjörum.",He's not my boyfriend. Just a friend with benefits.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hann er ekki kærastinn minn. Bara vinur og bólfélagi.,He's not my boyfriend. We're just friends with benefits.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Ég heiti Jack.,My name is Jack.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Enginn sá fuglinn fljúga.,Nobody saw the bird fly.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hef ég ekki rétt fyrir mér?,Am I not right?,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hesturinn tilheyrir mér.,The horse is mine.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hafið skilur Írland frá Englandi.,A sea separates Ireland and England.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Henni þótti hann nota of mikinn straum.,She considered him extravagant with electricity.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Af hverju fórstu til Japans?,Why did you go to Japan?,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Herra og frú West eru í brúðkaupsferð sinni.,Mr. and Mrs. West are on their honeymoon.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Jones fæddist í Bandaríkjunum.,Jones was born in the United States.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Picasso er frægur listamaður.,Picasso is a famous artist.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Ég á fund með prófessornum klukkan 13:30.,I have an appointment with the professor at 1:30.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn "Er þetta bókin þín, Mike?","Is this your book, Mike?",isl_Latn-eng_Latn Rödd fólksins er rödd Guðs.,The voice of the people is the voice of God.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Nokkrum mínútum eftir að hafa lokið vinnu sinni fór hann í háttinn.,"A few minutes after he finished his work, he went to bed.",isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hvenær kemurðu?,When will you come?,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hvað er klukkan?,What time is it?,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Ég er svöng.,I am hungry.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Ég hef það gott.,I am fine.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Ég hugsaði um þig.,I was thinking about you.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Þú ert hálfviti.,You're an idiot.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Þú ert fallegur.,You are beautiful.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Þau ættleiddu litlu stúlkuna.,They adopted the little girl.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn "Taktu eplin mín, drengurinn minn, og seldu þau í bænum.","Take my apples, boy, and sell them in the city.",isl_Latn-eng_Latn Þú verður að hlýða foreldrum þínum.,You must obey your parents.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn "Ungi maður, leyndarmál velgengi minnar er að á unga aldri uppgötvaði ég að ég væri ekki Guð.","Young man, the secret of my success is that at an early age I discovered that I was not God.",isl_Latn-eng_Latn Ég bý hjá frænda mínum í Tókýó.,I am staying with my uncle in Tokyo.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Ég er frá Tókýó.,I'm from Tokyo.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Vinsamlegast reyktu ekki.,Please don't smoke.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Á morgun er sunnudagur.,Tomorrow is Sunday.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hálfnað er verk þá hafið er.,Starting is half the task.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Ákaflega er þetta sorgleg saga.,How sad a story this is!,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Fyrst þú hefur ekkert með þetta að gera þarftu ekki að hafa neinar áhyggjur.,"Since you have nothing to do with this matter, you don't have to worry.",isl_Latn-eng_Latn Ef ég þarf að fara einu sinni aftur til Kjótó mun ég hafa farið þangað fjórum sinnum á þessu ári.,"If I have to go to Kyoto once more, I will have visited it four times this year.",isl_Latn-eng_Latn Afsakið en ég þarf að flýta mér. Ég hef engan tíma til að útskýra þetta í þaula.,"Sorry, but I have to hurry. I have no time to explain this in detail.",isl_Latn-eng_Latn Ég hef svo mikið að gera að ég verð að fresta ferðinni minni.,I have so much work to do that I have to put off my trip.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn "„Ég þarf að míga.“ „Jonny, svona á maður ekki að segja. Segðu: „Afsakið mig, ég þarf að fara á klósettið.““","""I have to pee."" ""Jonny, that's not the right thing to say. Say, 'Excuse me. I need to go to the toilet.'""",isl_Latn-eng_Latn Ég þarf að skrifa bréf. Ertu með pappír?,I have to write a letter. Do you have some paper?,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Þú þarft ekki að fara í teitina nema þú viljir.,You don't have to go to the party unless you want to.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Settu það vinsamlegast á vigtina.,Please put it on the scale.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Er John við núna?,Is John available now?,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Flóðbylgjurnar óðu yfir hrísgrjónaakrana og flæddu yfir bæina.,Tsunamis swept through rice fields and flooded the towns.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Áhugamál mitt er að spila á píanó.,My hobby is playing the piano.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hvað þýðir þetta skilti þarna?,What does this sign mean?,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Það er neðanjarðarlest í Kazan.,There is a metro in Kazan.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Strákurinn sem er að lesa bókina heitir John.,The boy reading a book is John.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn John er strákurinn sem er að lesa bókina.,John is the boy who is reading the book.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Við Tony lékum okkur saman í gær.,Tony and I played together yesterday.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Við eigum tvö börn.,We have two children.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hann er Frakki.,He is French.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Ég fékk bréf frá vini mínum.,I got a letter from my friend.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Ég kom hingað í gær.,I came here yesterday.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Kína er stærra en Japan.,China is bigger than Japan.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Ég drekk kaffi á morgnanna.,I drink coffee in the morning.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Maðurinn burstar tennurnar.,The man brushes his teeth.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hvenær ferðu aftur til baka?,When are you coming home?,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Kötturinn sefur ofan á stólnum.,The cat is sleeping on the chair.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Jakkafötin mín eru grá.,My suit is grey.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Ég veit það ekki.,I don't know.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Ég þekki það ekki.,I do not know.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Ég skil þetta ekki.,I don't get it.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Leyniorðið er „Muiriel“.,"The password is ""Muiriel"".",isl_Latn-eng_Latn Muiriel er orðin tuttugu ára.,Muiriel is 20 now.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn "Til hamingju með afmælið, Muiriel!","Happy birthday, Muiriel!",isl_Latn-eng_Latn Ég verð að fara að sofa.,I'm going to sleep.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Er þetta nýleg mynd?,Is it a recent picture?,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hafðu ekki áhyggjur.,Don't worry about it!,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hann er stundum svolítið skrítinn.,He's strange sometimes.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Þú skuldar mér afsökunarbeiðni fyrir það.,You owe me an apology for that.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Þú átt heima á betri stað en þessum.,You belong in a better place than this.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Peter kom rennandi niður hæðina á sleðanum sínum.,Pete came coasting down the hill on his sled.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn "Jarðskjálfti, 8,9 á Richterskalanum, verður í Japan og veldur gríðarmikilli flóðbylgju.","An earthquake, 8.9 on the Richter scale, hits Japan and causes a massive tsunami.",isl_Latn-eng_Latn Latína er dautt tungumál.,Latin is a dead language.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Bill varð reiður og uppnefndi Dick.,Bill got mad and called Dick names.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Bill hefur mikið af frumlegum hugmyndum.,Bill has a lot of original ideas.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Bill gerði ekkert annað en að grínast.,Bill did nothing else but joke.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn "Bill hafði alltaf verið hljóðlátur, heimakær maður en eftir fáeina mánuði í starfinu breyttist persónuleiki hans.","Bill had always been a quiet, home-loving man, but after a few months in the job, his personality changed.",isl_Latn-eng_Latn Bill er góður í stærðfræði.,Bill is good at mathematics.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Bill var rekinn úr vinnunni í síðustu viku.,Bill was canned from his job last week.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Bill stakk sér í ána til að bjarga drukknandi barninu.,Bill dove into the river to save the drowning child.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Þú verður að yfirstíga erfiðleikana.,You have to overcome the difficulties.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn "Þú hefur gleymt að greiða þér, Tom!","You forgot to comb your hair, Tom.",isl_Latn-eng_Latn Er hann að drekka kaffi?,Is he drinking coffee?,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Ertu að hlusta á tónlist?,Are you listening to music?,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hvað sagði hann við þig?,What did she say to you?,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Undantekningin sannar regluna.,Exceptions prove the rule.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hann þarf hjálp.,He needs help.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hann er að þrífa bílinn.,He is washing the car.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Ég er að stóla á þig.,I'm depending on you.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Ég hef aldrei farið til útlanda.,I've never been abroad.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Eldhúsdyrnar opnuðust.,The kitchen door opened.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hann heyrði það.,He heard it.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Af hverju varstu ekki hjá okkur?,Why didn't you stay with us?,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Viltu vinna í Þýskalandi?,Do you want to work in Germany?,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Við getum ekki sofið út af hávaðanum.,We can't sleep because of the noise.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Þú ert enn of ung til að fá ökuskírteini.,You're still too young to get a driver's license.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Þú býrð í Sankti Pétursborg.,You live in St. Petersburg.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Nixon fæddist í Kaliforníu.,Nixon was born in California.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Allir hata hana.,Everybody hates her.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Tom er sá eini sem kann ekki að meta sterkan mat.,Tom is the only one here who doesn't like spicy food.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Þetta er ómögulegt!,This is impossible!,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Okkur veitir ekki af hjálp þína.,We can use your help.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hann keypti nýja orðabók handa mér.,He bought me a new dictionary.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Okkur líkar ekki við rigningu.,We don't like rain.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Tom skrifaði undir samninginn.,Tom signed the contract.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Tréð er grænt.,The tree is green.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Af hverju reyndirðu að hlaupa í burtu?,Why did you try to run away?,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hann trúir Tom.,He believes Tom.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hún kom til Japans í þeim tilgangi að læra japönsku.,She came to Japan for the purpose of studying Japanese.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Játning er góð fyrir sálina.,Confession is good for the soul.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Vinsamlegast segðu honum að bíða.,Please tell him to wait.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Þessi kastali er fallegur.,This castle is beautiful.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Langar þig í eitthvað?,Do you want anything?,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Klukkan er fjögur á úrinu mínu.,It's four o'clock by my watch.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Ég skil vandamálið þitt.,I understand your problem.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Fjöldi nemenda sem fara til útlanda fer vaxandi.,The number of students going abroad is on the increase.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Ef þú ætlar að fara til útlanda þarftu að hafa vegabréf.,"If you are going abroad, it's necessary to have a passport.",isl_Latn-eng_Latn Mér líkar ekki við að vera í annarra manna fötum.,I do not like wearing anybody else's clothes.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Aðstæðurnar leyfðu mér ekki að fara til útlanda.,The circumstances did not allow me to go abroad.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Það er penni á skrifborðinu.,There is a pen on the desk.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Sittu hjá mér.,Sit with me.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Japanskir ferðamenn í útlöndum eru eyðsluglaðir.,Japanese tourists abroad are big spenders.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Útibú í útlöndum eru að gefa út vörur í hæsta gæðaflokki.,Overseas subsidiaries are putting out top-of the-line products.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Ertu laus seinni partinn á föstudag?,Are you free on Friday afternoon?,isl_Latn-eng_Latn "Gleður mig að sjá þig, Tom.","I'm glad to see you, Tom.",isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hvert er símanúmer Neyðarþjónustunnar?,What is the emergency telephone number?,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hún fylgdi honum til Japan.,She accompanied him to Japan.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hún sakaði hann um að hafa logið að sér.,She accused him of having lied to her.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hún dáði hann.,She admired him.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hún dáir hann.,She adores him.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hún seldi honum bílinn sinn.,She sold him her car.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hún sagði honum hve gömul hún var.,She told him her age.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hún ráðlagði honum hvað hann ætti að gera.,She advised him about what to do.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hún ráðlagði honum gegn því.,She advised him against doing it.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hún ráðlagði honum að trúa ekki öllu sem kennarinn segir.,She advised him not to believe everything the teacher says.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hún ráðlagði honum að fá ekki peninga að láni frá vinum sínum.,She advised him not to borrow money from his friends.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hún ráðlagði honum að kaupa ekki notaðan bíl en hann fylgdi ekki ráðum hennar.,"She advised him not to buy a used car, but he didn't follow her advice.",isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hún ráðlagði honum að kaupa ekki notaðan bíl.,She advised him not to buy a used car.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hún ráðlagði honum að gera það ekki.,She advised him not to do that.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hún ráðlagði honum ekki að gera það.,She didn't advise him to do it.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hún er sterk.,She is strong.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hún ráðlagði honum að drekka ekki of mikið.,She advised him not to drink too much.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn "Hún ráðlagði honum að keyra ekki of hratt, en hann vildi ekki hlusta.","She advised him not to drive too fast, but he wouldn't listen to her.",isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hún ráðlagði honum að keyra ekki of hratt.,She advised him not to drive too fast.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hún ráðlagði honum að borða ekki á milli mála.,She advised him not to eat between meals.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hún ráðlagði honum að fara ekki þangað einsamall.,She advised him not to go there by himself.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hún ráðlagði honum að fara ekki.,She advised him not to go.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hún ráðlagði honum að reykja ekki.,She advised him not to smoke.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hún ráðlagði honum að eyða ekki öllum peningunum sínum á kærustuna sína.,She advised him not to spend all his money on his girlfriend.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn "Hún ráðlagði honum að nota ekki of mikið salt, en hann hlustaði ekki á hana.","She advised him not to use too much salt, but he wouldn't listen to her.",isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hún ráðlagði honum að nota ekki of mikið salt.,She advised him not to use too much salt.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hún sagði honum frá dagsetningu næsta fundar.,She advised him of the date for the next meeting.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hún gaf honum ráð um hvernig halda ætti sér í heilsu.,She advised him on how to stay healthy.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hún ráðlagði hinum um það mál.,She advised the others on that matter.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hún ráðlagði honum hvaða bækur hann ætti að lesa.,She advised him on what books to read.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hún ráðlagði honum hvaða bækur hann ætti að kaupa.,She advised him on which book to buy.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hún ráðlagði honum að spara.,She advised him to save money.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hún ráðlagði honum að halda sér fyrir í rúminu í tvo daga í viðbót.,She advised him to stay in bed for two more days.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hún ráðlagði honum að hann ætti að halda sig heima.,She advised him that he should stay at home.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hún ráðlagði honum að vera varkárari.,She advised him to be more careful.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hún ráðlagði honum að vera á réttum tíma.,She advised him to be punctual.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hún ráðlagði honum að verða kennari.,She advised him to become a teacher.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hún ráðlagði honum að taka fyrstu lestina um morguninn.,She advised him to catch the first train in the morning.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hún ráðlagði honum að koma aftur undir eins.,She advised him to come back at once.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hún ráðlagði honum að koma fyrir klukkan 2:30.,She advised him to come by 2:30.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hún ráðlagði honum að minnka reykingarnar en hann taldi sig ekki geta það.,"She advised him to cut down on smoking, but he didn't think that he could.",isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hún ráðlagði honum að minnka reykingarnar.,She advised him to cut down on smoking.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hún ráðlagði honum að stunda meiri líkamsrækt.,She advised him to do more exercise.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hún ráðlagði honum að drekka meiri mjólk en hann taldi það ekki vera góð ráð.,"She advised him to drink more milk, but he didn't think this was good advice.",isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hún ráðlagði honum að drekka meiri mjólk.,She advised him to drink more milk.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hún ráðlagði honum að stunda líkamsrækt.,She advised him to exercise.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hún ráðlagði honum að festa sætisólarnar.,She advised him to fasten his seat belt.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hún ráðlagði honum að æfa sig á hverjum degi.,She advised him to get exercise every day.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hún ráðlagði honum að æfa sig meira.,She advised him to get more exercise.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hún ráðlagði honum að hætta að drekka.,She advised him to give up drinking.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hún ráðlagði honum að hætta að reykja en hann hlustaði ekki á hana.,"She advised him to give up smoking, but he wouldn't listen to her.",isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hún ráðlagði honum að hætta að reykja.,She advised him to give up smoking.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hún ráðlagði honum að fara til útlanda meðan hann væri enn ungur.,She advised him to go abroad while he was still young.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hún ráðlagði honum að fara hjólandi.,She advised him to go by bicycle.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hún ráðlagði honum að fara heim snemma.,She advised him to go home early.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hún ráðlagði honum að fara á strangan matarkúr.,She advised him to go on a strict diet.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hún ráðlagði honum að fara þangað einn en hann taldi það ekki góð ráð.,"She advised him to go there alone, but he didn't think that was good advice.",isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hún ráðlagði honum að fara þangað einn.,She advised him to go there alone.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hún ráðlagði honum að fara þangað.,She advised him to go there.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hún ráðlagði honum að fara á spítalann en hann fylgdi ekki ráðum hennar.,"She advised him to go to the hospital, but he didn't follow her advice.",isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hún ráðlagði honum að fara á sjúkrahúsið.,She advised him to go to the hospital.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hún ráðlagði honum að fara á lögreglustöðina en hann var hræddur við að fara.,"She advised him to go to the police station, but he was afraid to.",isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hún ráðlagði honum að fara á lögreglustöðina.,She advised him to go to the police station.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hún ráðlagði honum að fara til lögreglunnar?,She advised him to go to the police.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hún býr nærri.,She lives nearby.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hún ráðlagði honum af fara fyrr af stað.,She advised him to leave earlier.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Það er engin önnur leið til að skilja setninguna.,There is no other way to understand the sentence.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hún ráðlagði honum að hlusta á lækninn sinn.,She advised him to listen to his doctor.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hún ráðlagði honum að léttast.,She advised him to lose weight.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Heldur mundi ég deyja en gera það!,I'd rather die than do it!,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hún ráðlagði honum að lesa þessar bækur.,She advised him to read those books.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Þú átt að biðja hana afsökunar fyrir það.,You are to apologize to her for it.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Ég varð ástfanginn af henni við fyrstu sýn.,I fell in love with her at first sight.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Fundinum lauk klukkan fjögur um eftirmiðdaginn.,The meeting ended at 4:00 p.m.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Þetta er ástæðan fyrir því að ég kom aftur.,This is why I came back.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hún ráðlagði honum að fara til tannlæknis.,She advised him to see the dentist.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Stelpan sem vinnur í bakaríinu er sæt.,The girl who works at the bakery is cute.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hún ráðlagði honum að hætta að taka þessi lyf en honum fanst hann þurfa þess.,"She advised him to stop taking that medicine, but he felt he needed to.",isl_Latn-eng_Latn Ég er einn og níutíu á hæð.,I'm 1.9 meters tall.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hún ráðlagði honum að hætta að taka þessi lyf.,She advised him to stop taking that medicine.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hún ráðlagði honum að hætta að vinna svona mikið.,She advised him to stop working so much.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hún ráðlagði honum að leggja harðar að sér við námið.,She advised him to study harder.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Geturðu ekki greint rétt frá röngu.,Can't you tell right from wrong?,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Þú ert góður nemandi.,You are a good student.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Þú hlustar aldrei. Ég gæti allt eins talað við vegginn.,You never listen. I might as well talk to the wall.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hún ráðlagði honum að taka sér hvíld.,She advised him to take a rest.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn "Þú hefðir átt að læsa, eða að minnsta kosti loka, öllum hurðunum.","You should have locked, or at least closed, all the doors.",isl_Latn-eng_Latn Það eina sem þú þarft að gera er að reyna þitt besta.,All you have to do is try your best.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hún ráðlagði honum að taka lyfin.,She advised him to take the medicine.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hún ráðlagði honum að taka peningana.,She advised him to take the money.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hann spurði mig hvert hann ætti að fara.,He asked me where to go.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Enginn talaði við mig.,Nobody spoke with me.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Lokaðu glugganum áður en þú ferð í háttinn.,Close the window before going to bed.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hún ráðlagði honum að segja kærustunni sinni að hann elskaði hana.,She advised him to tell his girlfriend that he loved her.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hundurinn er minn.,The dog is mine.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hann býr ekki í hverfinu mínu.,He doesn't live in my neighborhood.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hún ráðlagði honum að fara til Boston því hún taldi það vera fallegustu borg í heimi.,"She advised him to visit Boston, because she thought it was the most beautiful city in the world.",isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hún ráðlagði honum að fara á þetta safn.,She advised him to visit that museum.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hún ráðlagði honum að ganga frekar en að taka strætisvagn.,She advised him to walk instead of taking a bus.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hún ráðlagði honum að leggja harðar að sér.,She advised him to work harder.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Ertu með eða á móti stríðinu?,Are you for the war or against it?,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Þú gerðir sömu mistök og síðast.,You made the same mistake as last time.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hún ráðlagði honum hvar hann ætti að gista.,She advised him where he should stay.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hún ráðleggur honum hvernig hann eigi að halda sér í heilsu.,She advises him on how to stay healthy.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hún ráðleggur honum um tæknileg mál.,She advises him on technical matters.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hún var honum sammála um hvað ætti að gera við gamla bílinn.,She agreed with him on what to do with the old car.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hún var honum sammála að ég ætti að fara á fundinn.,She agreed with him that I should go to the meeting.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hún var honum sammála.,She agreed with him.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hún á að hafa drepið hann í sjálfsvörn.,She allegedly killed him in self defense.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hún á að hafa drepið hann.,She allegedly killed him.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hún á að hafa myrt hann.,She allegedly murdered him.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn "Hún segir alltaf fallega hluti um hann, sérstaklega þegar hann er á svæðinu.","She always says nice things about him, especially when he's around.",isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hún segir alltaf fallega hluti um hann.,She always says nice things about him.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hún talar alltaf hátt við hann af því að hann hefur slæma heyrn.,She always speaks to him in a loud voice because he's hard of hearing.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hún talar alltaf hátt við hann.,She always speaks to him in a loud voice.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Þú fórst yfir á rauðu ljósi.,You ran a red light.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hún bað hann afsökunar fyrir að vera sein.,She apologized to him for being late.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hún gekk til hans með bros á vör.,She approached him with a smile on her face.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hún reifst við hann um peninga.,She argued with him about money.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hún reifst við hann um menntun barnanna þeirra.,She argued with him about their children's education.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hún reifst við hann og sló hann svo.,She argued with him and then hit him.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hún bað hann um peninga til að kaupa nýjan kjól.,She asked him for some money to buy a new dress.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hún bað hann um pening.,She asked him for some money.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hún spurði hann hvernig hún ætti að komast á stöðina.,She asked him how to get to the station.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Þú kannt að hafa rétt fyrir þér en ég er á móti þinni skoðun.,"You may be right, but I am against your opinion.",isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hún spurði hann hvernig ætti að kveikja á vélinni.,She asked him how to turn on the machine.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hún spurði hann hvort hann vissi símanúmerið mitt.,She asked him if he knew my telephone number.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Brúin er allt annað en örugg.,That bridge is anything but safe.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hún spurði hann hvort hann væri nemandi við þennan skóla.,She asked him if he was a student at this school.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn "Ef ég væri ríkur, myndi ég kaupa fínt hús.","If I were rich, I would buy a fine house.",isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hún spurði hann hvort hann væri hamingjusamur.,She asked him if he was happy.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hefur þú sýnt foreldrum þínum það?,Did you show it to your parents?,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Allt virðist ganga vel.,Everything appears to be going well.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hún bauð honum á stefnumót en hann sagði nei vegna þess að hann taldi að stelpur ættu ekki að bjóða strákum á stefnumót.,"She asked him out on a date, but he said no since he thought girls should not ask boys out.",isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hún bauð honum á stefnumót.,She asked him out on a date.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hún spurði hann spurninga sem hann gat ekki svarað.,She asked him questions that he couldn't answer.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hún spurði hann spurninga.,She asked him questions.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hún spurði hann nokkurra spurninga en hann neitaði að svara.,"She asked him some questions, but he refused to answer.",isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hún spurði hann nokkurra spurninga.,She asked him some questions.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hún bað hann um að hringja seinna en hann gleymdi því.,"She asked him to call her later, but he forgot to.",isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hvaða gítar átt þú?,Which guitar is yours?,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hún bað hann um að koma inn í húsið sitt en hann neitaði því.,"She asked him to come into her house, but he refused.",isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hún bað hann um að koma inn í húsið sitt.,She asked him to come into her house.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hún bað hann um að gefa sér pening svo hún gæti farið á veitingastað með vinum sínum.,She asked him to give her some money so she could go to a restaurant with her friends.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hún bað hann um að gefa sér pening.,She asked him to give her some money.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hún bað hann um að hjálpa föður hennar að þrífa bílskúrinn en hann sagðist vera of upptekinn til að hjálpa.,"She asked him to help her father clean the garage, but he said that he was too busy to help.",isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hún bað hann um að hjálpa föður sínum að þrífa bílskúrinn en hann sagðist vera of upptekinn til að hjálpa.,"She asked him to help his father to clean the garage, but he said he was too busy to help.",isl_Latn-eng_Latn Það er allt í lagi.,Everything is all right.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Það lítur út fyrir að Bill muni fara í læknisfræði eftir allt saman.,It looks like Bill will go to medical school after all.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Bill er mikill bardagamaður.,Bill is a great fighter.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Bill gekk til liðs við fyrirtækið okkar fyrir þremur árum.,Bill joined our company three years ago.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Bill bjó til fallegan kjól handa mér.,Bill made me a nice dress.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Bill kom með bókina handa mér.,Bill brought me the book.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Við verðum að kaupa þau að utan.,We have to buy them from abroad.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn "Fátækur eins og hann er, er hann gjafmildur.","Poor as he is, he is generous.",isl_Latn-eng_Latn Sjúklingurinn er nú úr hættu.,The patient is out of danger now.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Bill kom með glas af vatni handa mér.,Bill brought me a glass of water.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Bill er besti vinur minn.,Bill is my best friend.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Bill bankaði laust í öxlina á mér.,Bill tapped me on the shoulder.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Bill tók yfirlýsingu mína sem sanna.,Bill accepted my statement as true.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Bill er mér tveimur árum yngri.,Bill is my junior by two years.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Bill græddi talsvert á prentverksmiðjunni.,The printing business made Bill a small fortune.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Umfram allt var Bill áhyggjufullur um að þyngjast.,"Above all, Bill was worried about gaining weight.",isl_Latn-eng_Latn Bill grét áfram í marga tíma.,Bill kept on crying for hours.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Bill býr nærri sjónum.,Bill lives near the sea.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Bill var mjög elskaður af hinum börnunum í skólanum.,Bill was much loved by the other children in his school.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Bill kom að heimsækja mig síðasta haust.,Bill came to see me last autumn.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Lögreglan handtók manninn sem myrti stúlkuna.,The police arrested the man who had murdered the girl.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Bill talaði japönsku með undraverðri leikni.,Bill spoke Japanese with surprising fluency.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Bill hreykir sér af því að eiga stærsta bílinn í hverfinu.,Bill boasts of owning the biggest car in the neighborhood.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Ég er yngri en hann.,I'm younger than him.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Ekki fara frá okkur.,Don't leave us.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hvar varstu í gær?,Where were you yesterday?,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hvað finnst þér um japönsku?,What do you think of Japanese?,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Ég gæti ekki gert mig skiljanlega erlendis.,I couldn't make myself understood in a foreign country.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Ég mun segja þér mína skoðun.,I'll give you my opinion.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Verðið á gulli flöktir daglega.,The price of gold fluctuates daily.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Vísindamaðurinn er frægur hvort tveggja innanlands og erlendis.,The scientist is famous both at home and abroad.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Bill fór svo snemma á fætur að hann náði fyrstu lestinni.,Bill got up so early that he caught the first train.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Vélin hans fer til Hong Kong klukkan tvö eftir hádegi.,His plane leaves for Hong Kong at 2:00 p.m.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Bill kom alla leið frá Flórída.,Bill came all the way from Florida.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Bill var vitlaus í mótorhjól.,Bill was crazy for a motorbike.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Bill er á leiðinni til New York.,Bill is on his way to New York.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Bill getur hlaupið hraðar en Bob.,Bill can run faster than Bob.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Bill er ekki eins hávaxinn og Bob.,Bill is not as tall as Bob.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Bill fer oft í garðinn.,Bill often goes to the park.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Bill er algjört fífl.,Bill is a regular fool.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Bill leikur sér oft einsamall með leikföng.,Bill often plays with toys by himself.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Þú kaupir ekki hamingjuna.,Money can't buy happiness.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Bill skráði sig í prófið.,Bill signed up for the exam.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Bill var drepinn af þessum manni.,Bill was killed by that man.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Bill langaði bara að hugga Móniku en hún túlkaði það eins og hann væri hrifinn af henni.,"Bill just wanted to comfort Monica, but she interpreted it as romantic interest.",isl_Latn-eng_Latn Bill hætti að reykja.,Bill stopped smoking.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Stóra systir mín er góð í að spila á gítar.,My older sister plays the guitar well.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Bill syngur oft í baðherberginu.,Bill will often sing in the toilet.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hví reif Bill bréfið í tætlur?,Why did Bill tear the letter into pieces?,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Þú getur reiknað með henni.,You can count on her.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Ég er að deyja úr hungri.,I am dying of hunger.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Þessi fartölva er mjög þunn.,This laptop is very thin.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Úrið er búið til í Sviss.,The watch is manufactured in Switzerland.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hermdu hverja setningu eftir mér.,Repeat each sentence after me.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Þau afþökkuðu boðið í veisluna okkar.,They declined the invitation to our party.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Ég er að leita að ákveðnum gömlum manni.,I'm looking for a certain old man.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hún trúir ekki á Guð.,She doesn't believe in God.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hann er hennar vinur.,He is her friend.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Ég er eins leiður og einmanna og hægt er að vera.,I am as sad and lonely as can be.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Þú mátt ekki borða neitt í tvo daga.,You must not eat anything for a few days.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Þúsundir útlendinga ferðast til Japans á hverju ári.,Thousands of foreigners visit Japan every year.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Ég hef ekki heyrt neitt frá henni enn.,I've heard nothing from her as yet.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Þessi stóll hérna er of lágur fyrir mig.,This chair is too low for me.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hann hlustar á allt sem þú segir.,He listens to whatever you say.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hún sá mörg dýr á veginum.,She saw many animals on the way.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn "Já, það er það. Loftið er mjög rakt.","Yes, it is. There's a lot of moisture in the air.",isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hann fær ekki leyfi til að koma hingað aftur.,He shall not come here again.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Ég gæti vel hugsað mér einn kaffibolla enn.,I'd like to have another cup of coffee.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Mamma mín er alltaf að kvarta yfir mér.,My mother is always complaining about me.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Við litum út um gluggan en sáum ekki neitt.,"We looked out the window, but we didn't see anything.",isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hann skemmtir okkur með skondnu sögunum sínum.,He amuses us with his funny stories.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Þú verður að efna loforðin þín.,You must keep your promises.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Þú verður að efna þau loforð sem þú gefur.,You must keep the promises you make.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn "Já, ég held að þú eigir að fara.","Yes, I think you should go.",isl_Latn-eng_Latn Leyfðu mér að gera þetta.,Let me do that.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hann á margar sögubækur.,He has many history books.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Þær kunna að veiða.,They can fish.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hann er í góðu skapi í dag.,He's in a good mood today.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Nýja vinnan hans gaf honum fínar tekjur.,His new job brought him a handsome income.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hún er að baða barnið.,She is bathing the baby.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Við gætum hist niðri í bæ. Væri það hentugt fyrir þig?,We could meet downtown. Would that be convenient for you?,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Þú þarft ekki að fara í skólann á sunnudaginn.,You don't have to go to school on Sunday.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Ég hlakka til þess.,I'm looking forward to it.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Ég vona að það hætti að rigna.,I hope it stops raining.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hvern hittirðu?,Who did you meet?,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Það var engin sjáanleg hætta.,There was no visible danger.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Flettu upp orðinu í orðabókinni.,Look up the word in the dictionary.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hann er enskur en býr á Indlandi.,"He's English, but lives in India.",isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hann þjáist af tannpínu.,He is suffering from toothache.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hún er tveimur árum yngri en ég.,She is two years younger than I.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Það skiptir ekki máli hvort svarið þitt sé rétt eða rangt.,It doesn't matter whether your answer is right or wrong.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Það skiptir ekki máli hvort þú komir eða ekki.,It doesn't matter whether you come or not.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Það skiptir ekki máli.,It doesn't matter.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Það skiptir engu.,That doesn't matter.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hún útskýrði ástæður sínar fyrir okkur.,She explained her reasons to us.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Það skiptir engu hvort liðið vinnur leikinn.,It doesn't matter which team wins the game.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Hvort þér líki það eða ekki skiptir ekki máli.,Whether you like it or not doesn't matter.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Það skiptir ekki máli hvaðan hann er.,It doesn't matter where he comes from.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Það skiptir engu máli hvort hann samþykkir eða ekki.,It doesn't matter whether he agrees or not.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Það skiptir ekki máli hvort hann kemur eða ekki.,It doesn't matter whether he comes or not.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Þú ættir að biðjast afsökunar.,You should apologize.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Það skiptir ekki máli hvort hann kemur seint eða ekki.,It doesn't matter whether he comes late or not.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Þú þarft ekki að biðjast afsökunar.,You don't have to make an apology.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Það skiptir engu hvort hún viðurkenni sekt sína eða ekki.,It doesn't matter whether she admits her guilt or not.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Það skiptir ekki máli hvort þú svarir eða ekki.,It doesn't matter whether you answer or not.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Kanntu að keyra bíl?,Can you drive a car?,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Þú ættir síður að keyra bíl.,You had better not drive a car.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Það er ekki hægt að vera of varkár þegar maður er að keyra.,You cannot be too careful when driving.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Ekki kenna óheppni um mistökin þín.,Don't set your failure down to bad luck.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Það skiptir mig engu.,It doesn't matter to me.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Það skiptir mig ekki nokkru máli.,It doesn't matter to me one bit.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Þú ættir að vera vinum þínum trúr.,You should be true to your friends.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Það skiptir mig engu hver sigrar.,It doesn't matter to me who wins.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Þú ættir að læra að hafa hemil á sjálfum þér.,You should learn to restrain yourself.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Ertu með þitt eigið herbergi?,Do you have a room of your own?,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Þú ert frjáls til að fara heim.,You are free to go home.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Þú ættir að læra að nota orðabókina þína.,You should learn how to use your dictionary.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Kanntu að nota orðabók?,Do you know how to use a dictionary?,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Þú verður að skera niður aukaútgjöld til að lifa ekki um efni fram.,You must cut down on extra expenses in order to live within your means.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Þú ert ábyrgur fyrir því sem þú gerir.,You are responsible for what you do.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Þú ert ábyrgur fyrir gerðum þínum.,You should be responsible for your actions.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Þú ættir að skammast þín fyrir hegðun þína.,You should be ashamed of your conduct.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Þú verður að sinna skyldu þinni.,You must perform your duty.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Þú ættir að hugsa betur um öryggi þitt.,You should be more thoughtful of your safety.,isl_Latn-eng_Latn Fadil sparò al cane di Dania.,Fadil shot Dania's dog.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Chi le ha detto che Tom l'ha fatto?,Who told you that Tom did that?,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Tom non rispose alle mie telefonate.,Tom didn't return my phone calls.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Sarei felice di farlo per te.,I would be happy to do that for you.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Ti potresti fare male.,You might get hurt.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Vi dirò come nuotare.,I'll tell you how to swim.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Tom mi fece un grande favore.,Tom did me a big favor.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Torni a letto ora.,Go back to bed now.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Non posso venire al lavoro domani.,I can't come to work tomorrow.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Lui soffre di incontinenza urinaria.,He wets his bed.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Prepariamoci per sabato.,Let's get ready for Saturday.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Tom non si ingelosisce.,Tom doesn't get jealous.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Com'è stato il vostro esame?,How was your test?,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Siamo sorpresi dalla notizia.,We are surprised at the news.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Tom voleva sedersi.,Tom wanted to sit down.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Il dottore gli ha dato un sedativo.,The doctor gave him a sedative.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Noi abbiamo avuto un test.,We had a test.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Le chiamerete?,Are you going to call them?,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Chi non semina non raccoglie.,"As you sow, so will you reap.",ita_Latn-eng_Latn Tom ha letto un libro.,Tom read a book.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Chi più spende meno spende.,Buy cheap and waste your money.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Mi sbarazzerò di lei.,I'll get rid of her.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Mi sbarazzerò di lui.,I'll get rid of him.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Tom è a Boston a visitare sua nonna.,Tom is in Boston visiting his grandmother.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Sono venuta a parlare con lui.,I came to talk to him.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Chi vince ha sempre ragione.,Might makes right.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Ho chiesto loro di starne fuori.,I asked them to stay out of it.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Non mettermi alla prova.,Don't test me.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Lo avete dato a loro?,Did you give it to them?,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Perché andare a Boston adesso?,Why go to Boston now?,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Siamo delle scoiattoli pazzi?,Are we mad squirrels?,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Gli direbbe che sono pronta?,Would you tell him I'm ready?,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Non studierà il francese?,Aren't you going to study French?,ita_Latn-eng_Latn La pioggia mi ha impedito di andare.,The rain prevented me from going.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Hai superato l'esame.,You passed the test.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn "Errare è umano, perdonare è divino.","To err is human, to forgive divine.",ita_Latn-eng_Latn Il cane è il miglior amico dell'uomo.,Dogs are man's best friends.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn È molto sporco.,You're very dirty.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Sono andato a nuotare con loro.,I went swimming with them.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn "Il silenzio è d'oro, la parola d'argento.","Speech is silver, silence is gold.",ita_Latn-eng_Latn Le direste che sono pronto?,Would you tell her I'm ready?,ita_Latn-eng_Latn La moglie si alzò dalla sedia. Poi guardò la porta.,The wife stood up from her chair. She then looked at the door.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Nessuno si era ammalato.,No one got sick.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Non dirgli che sei uno sbirro.,Don't tell him you're a cop.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Chi comprenderà la perdita?,Who will understand the loss?,ita_Latn-eng_Latn L'erba del vicino è sempre la più verde.,The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn L'uomo propone e Dio dispone.,"Man proposes, God disposes.",ita_Latn-eng_Latn So cosa gli avete detto.,I know what you told him.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn So cosa le hai detto.,I know what you told her.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Hai delle lezioni con lui?,Do you have classes with him?,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Non mi piaceva all'inizio.,I didn't like him at first.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Non è il mio ombrello.,That's not my umbrella.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn "L'evaporazione dagli oceani, laghi e fiumi crea il 90% dell'acqua nell'aria.","Evaporation from oceans, lakes, and rivers creates 90% of the water in air.",ita_Latn-eng_Latn Pensavo che vi importasse di Tom.,I thought you cared about Tom.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn "Come gli scienziati continuano a ripetere, non c'è necessariamente qualcosa di buono o di cattivo in ogni scoperta scientifica.","As scientists keep insisting, there is neither good nor bad in any scientific discovery.",ita_Latn-eng_Latn Tutti quelli che venirono sulla strada furono sorpresi.,Everybody that came to the street was surprised.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Glielo disse e lei sorrise.,He told her and she smiled.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Questo è lo stesso tipo di macchina fotografica che ho perso.,This is same type of camera as the one I lost.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn "Giudicando da com'è il cielo, avremo bel tempo.","Judging from how the sky looks, we'll be having fine weather.",ita_Latn-eng_Latn Tom non voleva che Mary uscisse con altri ragazzi.,Tom didn't want Mary to go out with other guys.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Si abituò a svegliarsi presto.,She acquired the habit of rising early.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn La ragazza immagina di essere una dottoressa,The girl imagines that she is a doctor.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Ognuno dei suoi figli ha la sua stanza.,Each of his children has his own room.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Vorrei che tu andassi lì.,I'd like you to go there.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Confermerò la mia prenotazione del volo.,I will confirm my plane reservation.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Vorresti altri biscotti?,Would you care for more cookies?,ita_Latn-eng_Latn "Vorrei un altro bicchiere d'acqua, per favore.","I'd like another glass of water, please.",ita_Latn-eng_Latn "Se fossi in te, le chiederei di sposarti.","If I were you, I would propose to her.",ita_Latn-eng_Latn Quali tipi di cibo giapponese ti piacciono?,What kinds of Japanese food do you like?,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Secondo me dovresti cambiare le tue abitudini alimentari.,I think you should change your eating habits.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn In quel momento l'autobus si fermò.,"Just then, the bus stopped.",ita_Latn-eng_Latn Perché molta gente ama così tanto John Lennon?,Why do many people like John Lennon so much?,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Tom conosce l'uomo con cui Mary è arrivata.,Tom knows the man Mary came with.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn La domanda è chi ha commesso quell'errore.,The question is who made that mistake.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Pensavo che ti fossi trasferito a Boston.,I thought you moved to Boston.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Ho fatto una lista di cibi che non posso mangiare.,I've made a list of foods that I can't eat.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Non c'è fumo senza arrosto.,Where there's smoke there's fire.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Lei è la segretaria del signor Uda.,She is Mr. Uda's secretary.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Kate Middleton è ora la duchessa di Cambridge,Kate Middleton is now the duchess of Cambridge.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Tokyo è intervenuta subito.,Tokyo wasted no time in taking action.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Perché non sei arrivato qui prima?,Why didn't you get here sooner?,ita_Latn-eng_Latn John è più intelligente di Bill.,John is cleverer than Bill.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Quali piatti di carne servite?,What kinds of meat dishes do you serve?,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Potresti mostrarmi una mappa del mondo?,Will you show me a map of the world?,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Credo di non essere tagliato per la vita di città.,I don't think I'm cut out for city life.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Una cosa che devi sapere di me è che sono ossessionato dalla puntualità.,One thing you should know about me is that I'm obsessed with punctuality.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Indosserai questo kimono?,Will you put on this kimono?,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Questo è tutto quello che posseggo.,That's all I have.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Ho dei begli occhi.,I have got beautiful eyes.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Pensavo che si fosse trasferita a Boston.,I thought that you moved to Boston.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Tom mi disse che era possibile noleggiare una bicicletta,Tom told me that it was possible to rent a bicycle.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Tom è un mio caro amico.,Tom is a dear friend of mine.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Non sapevo del tuo piano,I didn't know about your plan.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Ricordo di aver cantato quella canzone tempo fa.,I remember singing that song long ago.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn C'è un posto dove posso sdraiarmi?,Is there some place I can lie down?,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Il prete che parla francese sarà qui la prossima settimana.,The priest who speaks French will be here next week.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Dovremmo ignorare questi dati. Non sono per niente accurati.,We should leave out this data. It's far from accurate.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Questo messaggio non ha senso.,This message doesn't make sense.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Mi lanciava acini d'uva e io provavo a prenderli con la bocca.,She tossed me grapes and I tried to catch them with my mouth.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Sta arrivando.,It's getting there.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Cantiamo una canzone.,Let's sing a song.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Mi aspetto che torni per le sei.,I expect her back by six o'clock.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Vorrei non aver comprato una cosa così inutile.,I wish I had not bought such a useless thing.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Mia sorella è molto brava a suonare la chitarra.,My sister can play the guitar very well.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn "Puoi darmi una mano, Taro?","Would you lend me a hand, Taro?",ita_Latn-eng_Latn Vorrei parlare di nuovo con loro.,I'd like to speak to them again.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Qualcun altro si è accorto di questo?,Did anyone else notice this?,ita_Latn-eng_Latn L'ho ringraziato per avermi aiutato.,I thanked him for helping me.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Dagli una mano e si prenderà il braccio.,Give him an inch and he'll take a mile.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Tom non deve andare a scuola.,Tom doesn't have to go to school.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Avrei dovuto lasciarlo andare a pescare.,I should've let him go fishing.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Tu non ti vestivi.,You didn't dress yourself.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Perché non le licenziate e basta?,Why don't you just fire them?,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Non volevo che mi vedessero.,I didn't want them to see me.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Potrei avere tre ciambelle alla cannella?,Could I have three cinnamon donuts?,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Puoi dirmi dove cambiare treno?,Will you tell me where to change trains?,ita_Latn-eng_Latn "Posso avere un po' d'acqua, per favore?","Can I have some water, please?",ita_Latn-eng_Latn Non ti ho chiesto di andare là.,I didn't ask you to go there.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Jane non è morta di morte naturale.,Jane didn't die a natural death.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Non le ho chiesto di andare lì.,I didn't ask her to go there.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Perché ci vorrebbe aiutare?,Why would you want to help us?,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Il sig. García è molto buono.,Mr. García is very nice.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn È una statua di dimensioni naturali.,It's a lifesize statue.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn L'avrei dovuta lasciare andare a pescare.,I should've let her go fishing.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn È disposto ad aiutarli?,Are you willing to help them?,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Il cane saltò su una sedia.,The dog jumped over a chair.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Faresti meglio a dirglielo presto.,You'd better tell him soon.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Vuoi andare da qualche parte? Anche Tom viene.,"Do you want to go somewhere? Tom's coming, too.",ita_Latn-eng_Latn Vuoi andare da qualche parte?,Do you want to go somewhere?,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Fareste meglio a dirlo presto a loro.,You'd better tell them soon.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Voglio vincere per una volta.,I want to win for once.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Devo vederli ora.,I have to see them now.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Molte compagnie pubblicizzano i loro prodotti in TV.,Many companies advertise their products on TV.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Tu hai detto di no.,You said no.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Qualcuno gli farà del male.,Someone's going to hurt him.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn C'è una mosca nel caffè.,There is a fly in the coffee.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Sapete come raggiungerla?,Do you know how to reach her?,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Noi possiamo farlo?,Can we do it?,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Ha deciso?,Have you decided?,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Avete deciso?,Did you decide?,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Ti sei deciso?,Did you make up your mind?,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Possono venire alla riunione domani?,Can they come to the meeting tomorrow?,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Puoi distruggere la scatola per aprirla.,You can tear the box open.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn A volte abbiamo bisogno di guardare indietro per sapere dove stiamo andando.,Sometimes we need to look back to know where we are going to.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Pensavo che fossi in palestra.,I thought you were at the gym.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Pensavo che fosse in palestra.,I thought that you were at the gym.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Avete bisogno di qualcosa in più?,Do you need anything in addition?,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Non posso uscire dal lavoro fino alle cinque.,I can't leave work until five o'clock.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Ti stai dimenticando qualcosa.,You're forgetting something.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Non spari al messaggero.,Don't shoot the messenger.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Vorrei chiederti qualcosa.,I'd like to ask you something.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Dove sono dirette?,Where are they headed?,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Lascerò andare Tom.,I'll let Tom go.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Sarei d'accordo per aiutare.,I'd be willing to help.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Non fare del male al cane.,Don't hurt the dog.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Ripeti dopo di me.,Repeat after me.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Quel giorno verrà.,That day shall come.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Tutta la torta è finita.,All of the cake is gone.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Vi ho appena lasciato un messaggio.,I just left you a message.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Vorrei chiederti di Tom.,I'd like to ask you about Tom.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Il ragazzo e la ragazza sembrano conoscersi.,The boy and the girl seem to know each other.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn In realtà sono nato a Boston.,I was actually born in Boston.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Cosa succederebbe se premessi questo pulsante?,What would happen if I pushed this button?,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Posso fare loro qualche domanda?,May I ask them a few questions?,ita_Latn-eng_Latn """E cosa c'è nel palazzo sul lato opposto del cortile?"" ""Ci sono delle stalle al piano terra e dei fienili sopra di esse.""","""And what's in the building on the other side of the yard?"" ""There are stables on the ground floor and haylofts above them.""",ita_Latn-eng_Latn Tom ha un Dreamcast.,Tom has a Dreamcast.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Cercherò di essere a casa in anticipo.,I'll try to be home early.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Ho un Dreamcast.,I have a Dreamcast.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Vorrei essere il tuo fidanzato.,I'd like to be your boyfriend.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Sto giocando con il mio Dreamcast.,I'm playing with my Dreamcast.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Temo di non capire.,I'm afraid I don't understand.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn In realtà sono qui per affari.,I'm actually here on business.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn È da tanto che lo conosci?,Have you known him long?,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Vi conoscete da tanto tempo?,How long have you known her?,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Ogni anno è la stessa storia.,Every year it's the same story.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Tom non vuole essere sospeso.,Tom doesn't want to be suspended.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Le vidi al ristorante.,I saw them at the restaurant.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Avreste dovuto avvertire prima Tom.,You should've warned Tom earlier.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Sappiamo chi l'ha fatta.,We know who did it.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn È da tanto che la conosci?,Have you known her long?,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Ieri io e mia moglie siamo andate a teatro.,Yesterday my wife and I went to the theatre.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Non li ho mai visti più felici.,I've never seen them happier.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Questo gli farà male.,This is going to hurt him.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Non mi piace che le persone mi guardino.,I don't like people looking at me.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Non hai amici?,Don't you have any friends?,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Perché non vai ad aiutarlo?,Why don't you go help him?,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Ho mandato loro un appunto.,I sent them a note.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Digli che non sono qua.,Tell him I'm not here.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Portami un po' di ghiaccio.,Get me some ice.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn La porta era chiusa a chiave?,Was the door locked?,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Dille che non sono qua.,Tell her I'm not here.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Tom sembrava davvero arrabbiato.,Tom looked really angry.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Tom è davvero arrabbiato ora.,Tom is really angry now.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Devo salvarla a tutti i costi.,I must save her at all costs.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Gli ospiti se ne sono andati tutti.,The guests are all gone.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Stavano per spararle.,They were going to shoot her.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Sapevo che sarebbe successa prima o poi.,I knew it would happen sooner or later.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Gli stavano per sparare.,They were going to shoot him.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Io e Tom potremmo andare a pescare insieme.,Tom and I might go fishing together.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Sto parlando con loro in questo momento.,I'm talking to them right now.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Pensi che dovrei fermarla?,Do you think I should stop her?,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Pensi che dovrei fermarlo?,Do you think I should stop him?,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Come l'hai fatta ridere?,How did you get her to laugh?,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Come l'ha fatto ridere?,How did you get him to laugh?,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Che bella foto!,What a beautiful picture!,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Come li hai fatti ridere?,How did you get them to laugh?,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Non lo lascerò morire.,I won't let him die.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Sono un giornalista indipendente.,I'm a freelance journalist.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Io e Tom ci amiamo.,Tom and I love each other.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Fecero tutti un lavoro favoloso.,Everyone did a fabulous job.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Io e Tom ci amiamo ancora.,Tom and I still love each other.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Tom si è scordato di comprare un regalo per Mary.,Tom forgot to buy Mary a present.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Ho detto loro che li avrei aiutati.,I told them I would help them.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Il paese è isolato economicamente e politicamente.,The country is isolated economically and politically.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Uno dei miei autori preferiti è Herman Melville.,One of my favorite authors is Herman Melville.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Non la troveranno lì.,They won't find her there.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Tutti lo volevano fare.,Everybody wanted to do that.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Perché non vai a suonare con lei?,Why don't you go play with her?,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Deve farlo domani.,You have to do that tomorrow.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Perché gli ha sparato?,Why did you shoot him?,ita_Latn-eng_Latn È uno zuccone.,He's a bonehead.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Noi abbiamo intenzione di fare così.,We intend to do so.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Mia madre ha cucinato dieci uova.,My mother has cooked ten eggs.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Noi non lo vogliamo più.,We don't want that anymore.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Quanto costano le arance?,What do the oranges cost?,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Quanto costa il succo d'arancia?,How much does the orange juice cost?,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Tom è a Boston ora.,Tom is in Boston now.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn La cercai dappertutto.,I searched all over for her.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Lo cercai dappertutto.,I searched all over for him.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Il Bangladesh è un paese asiatico.,Bangladesh is an Asian country.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Noi abbiamo parlato del test di ieri.,We talked about yesterday's test.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Mi piacerebbe parlare di lui.,I'd like to talk about him.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Mi piacerebbe parlare di lei.,I'd like to talk about her.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Lo faremo immediatamente.,We'll do it right away.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn È stata malata a letto per una settimana.,She has been sick in bed for a week.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Un vento freddo soffiava.,A cold wind blew in.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Sono un intermediario che introduce gli affari.,I am an intermediary who introduces business.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Io non ho interesse a farlo.,I have no interest in doing that.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Le dica che sarò di ritorno.,Tell her I'll be back.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn La collega il cui marito è francese è andata a Parigi.,The colleague whose husband is French has left for Paris.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Che lingua era?,What language was that?,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Sono un buon cristiano.,I'm a good Christian.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Sta molto meglio oggi.,She's much better today.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Rosa Parks si rifiutò di cedere il suo posto a un passeggero bianco.,Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat for a white passenger.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Sono quello che li ha uccisi.,I'm the one who killed them.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Sarei felice di andare con te.,I'd be happy to go with you.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Quanto rimani?,How long are you staying?,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Voglio sentire una storia.,I want to hear a story.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Stiamo andando a nord.,We're going north.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Devi essere più tollerante.,You need to be more tolerant.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Non chiedere chi sono.,Don't ask who I am.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn "Allora, l'hai già detto a lei?","So, have you told her yet?",ita_Latn-eng_Latn "A nome dell'azienda, vi do il benvenuto.","On behalf of the company, I welcome you.",ita_Latn-eng_Latn I cani stanno andando nella stessa direzione.,The dogs are going in the same direction.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Tom era un accanito fumatore.,Tom was a chain smoker.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Cosa stava facendo Tom quaggiù?,What was Tom doing down here?,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Abbiamo già abbastanza ragioni per preoccuparci.,We already have enough to worry about.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn I Long vendono oggetti usati a casa loro domani.,The Longs are having a garage sale tomorrow.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Non passerà molto tempo prima che lui si faccia vivo.,It will not be long before he turns up.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Voglio anche giocare.,I also want to play.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Me ne sbarazzerò.,I'll get rid of it.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn La saliera era sul tavolo.,The salt cellar was on the table.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Mi passi la saliera.,Pass me the salt cellar!,ita_Latn-eng_Latn La saliera sarà sul tavolo.,The salt cellar will be on the table.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Non ho provato a fermarli.,I didn't try to stop them.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Penso che questo maglione ti starà bene addosso.,I think this sweater will look good on you.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Lo posso fare per lei.,I can do that for her.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Tom è scappato via di fretta.,Tom went off in a hurry.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn La saliera è sul tavolo.,The salt cellar is on the table.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Gli ho lasciato trascorrere la notte a casa mia.,I let him spend the night in my house.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Tom apparentemente lo vuole fare.,Tom apparently wants to do that.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Io prenderò due o tre giorni liberi.,I'll take two or three days off.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Noi giochiamo a baseball.,We play baseball.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Sono venuto a parlare con lei.,I came to talk to her.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Le sue mani erano blu per via del freddo.,His hands were blue because of the cold.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Un uomo venne a vederlo.,A man came to see him.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Il cielo è limpido oggi.,The sky's clear today.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Tom sembra orribile.,Tom sounds horrible.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Tom sembra impressionato.,Tom looks impressed.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Tom sembra perfetto.,Tom sounds perfect.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Tom sembra matto.,Tom sounds mad.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Voi pensate che io sembri grassa?,Do you think I look fat?,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Soltanto ieri ho ricevuto la tua lettera.,I just got your letter yesterday.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Tom sembrava ferito.,Tom seemed hurt.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Tom sembra molto deluso.,Tom looks very disappointed.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Tom era molto deluso.,Tom was very disappointed.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Tom sembrava un po' deluso.,Tom looked a little disappointed.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Noi non stiamo facendo nulla di nuovo.,We're not doing anything new.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Tom sembrava matto.,Tom sounded mad.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Tom sta imparando.,Tom is learning.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Siamo molto orgogliosi di ciò che abbiamo realizzato.,We are very proud of what we have accomplished.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Non sono sicura che ci sia un problema.,I'm not sure there's a problem.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Tom è sempre preoccupato.,Tom is always preoccupied.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Tom non sembrava preoccupato.,Tom didn't seem preoccupied.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn L'hanno portata via.,They have taken her away.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn C'è altro che vuole?,Is there anything else you want?,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Tom sembrava piuttosto disperato.,Tom sounded pretty desperate.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Pensavo che Tom sembrasse felice.,I thought Tom sounded happy.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Io pensavo che Tom sembrasse sconvolto.,I thought Tom sounded upset.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Io pensavo che Tom sembrasse felice.,I thought Tom looked happy.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Tom sembrava gentile.,Tom seemed nice.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Tom era carino.,Tom was cute.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Tom ha una bella pelle.,Tom has nice skin.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Tom sembra così gentile.,Tom seems so nice.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Tom è sempre carino.,Tom is always nice.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Tom è davvero carino.,Tom is really nice.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Tom ha un gemello identico.,Tom has an identical twin.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Sembrava che Tom stesse bene.,Tom seemed fine.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Siamo stanche e assetate.,We're tired and thirsty.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Non potete dirci di non andare.,You can't tell us not to go.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Tom è preoccupato per qualcosa.,Tom is preoccupied with something.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Tom è preoccupato per i suoi studi.,Tom is preoccupied with his studies.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Tom è un po' preoccupato in questo momento.,Tom is a little preoccupied right now.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Sembra che Tom sia un po' preoccupato.,It looks like Tom is a little preoccupied.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Tom sembra nervoso.,Tom sounds nervous.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Tom sembrava irrequieto.,Tom seemed troubled.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Come va stasera?,How're you doing tonight?,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Tom aspettava nervosamente.,Tom waited nervously.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Tom sembrava nervoso.,Tom seemed nervous.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Tom è solo nervoso.,Tom is just nervous.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Tom aveva paura di essere rifiutato.,Tom was afraid of being rejected.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Tom si guardava intorno nervosamente.,Tom looked around nervously.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Tom fa innervosire tutti.,Tom makes everyone nervous.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Tom sembra piuttosto nervoso.,Tom looks pretty nervous.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Tom era piuttosto nervoso.,Tom was quite nervous.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Forse Tom era nervoso.,Maybe Tom was nervous.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Tom era molto nervoso.,Tom was very nervous.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Tom era visibilmente nervoso.,Tom was visibly nervous.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Tom sembrava veramente nervoso.,Tom seemed really nervous.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Non li avete visti a cena?,Didn't you see them at dinner?,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Le betulle hanno la corteccia bianca.,Birch trees have white bark.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Avete studiato ieri?,Did you study yesterday?,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Dovremmo essere lì ad aiutarla.,We should be there helping her.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Sembrava che andasse tutto bene.,Everything seemed OK.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Tom sembrava calmo.,Tom appeared calm.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Tom è un fascio di nervi.,Tom is a nervous wreck.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Tom sembrava piuttosto nervoso.,Tom seemed rather nervous.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Tom sembra estremamente nervoso.,Tom looks extremely nervous.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Tom si sentiva molto nervoso.,Tom felt very nervous.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Anche Tom è nervoso.,"Tom is nervous, too.",ita_Latn-eng_Latn "Non essere nervoso, Tom.","Don't be nervous, Tom.",ita_Latn-eng_Latn Tom non sembra essere nervoso.,Tom doesn't appear to be nervous.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Io e mia sorella andammo al castello.,My sister and I went to the castle.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Dovremmo chiamare un'ambulanza.,We should call an ambulance.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Questi uomini sono abituati al duro lavoro.,These men are used to hard work.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Chiedi loro di non andare lì.,Ask them not to go there.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Datemi un'ora per raggiungere la stazione.,Allow an hour to get to the station.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Tom sembrava distratto.,Tom seemed distracted.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Dovevano proteggerti.,They were supposed to protect you.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Tom sembra leggermente distratto.,Tom seems slightly distracted.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Tom sembrava piuttosto distratto.,Tom looked pretty distracted.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Tom sembrava un po' distratto.,Tom looked a little distracted.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Tom mi dice che sei intelligente.,Tom tells me you're smart.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Che cane intelligente!,What a clever dog!,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Avete i miei occhiali da sole e li rivoglio.,You've got my sunglasses and I want them back.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Lei dorme abbastanza?,Do you get enough sleep?,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Tom e Mary sono là?,Are Tom and Mary there?,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Questa è la struttura più imponente che abbia mai visto.,This is the most massive structure I have ever seen.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Tom si rammarica di avere insultato Mary.,Tom regrets insulting Mary.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Tom non sembra nervoso.,Tom doesn't look nervous.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Penso che farei meglio ad aiutarli.,I think I'd better help them.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Preferirei morire piuttosto che cedere.,I would rather die than yield.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Ho mangiato qua prima.,I've eaten here before.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Tom non uccise mai nessuno.,Tom never killed anybody.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Devi fare pratica.,You're supposed to be practicing.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn "Questo è un uomo, quella è una donna.","This is a man, that is a woman.",ita_Latn-eng_Latn Solo una volta l'ho sentito suonare il pianoforte.,I heard him play the piano only once.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Io non mentirò mai a Tom.,I'll never lie to Tom.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Tom sembra felice.,Tom seems happy.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Tom ha una mente brillante.,Tom has a brilliant mind.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Tom era così tremendo.,Tom was so awful.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Tom non può incolparci di questo.,Tom can't blame this on us.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Lui non sa molto del Giappone.,He doesn't know a lot about Japan.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom è lì per aiutare Mary, vero?","Tom is there to help Mary, isn't he?",ita_Latn-eng_Latn Tom sembra sicuro.,Tom seems confident.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn La mia macchina è in riparazione.,My car is under repair.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Penso che dovrebbe scusarsi con l'insegnante.,I think he should apologize to the teacher.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Tom sembrava sicuro di se stesso.,Tom seemed sure of himself.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Tom sembrava molto sicuro di se stesso.,Tom seemed very sure of himself.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Abbiamo dormito bene.,We had a sound sleep.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Tom sembra quasi una ragazza.,Tom almost looks like a girl.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Tom sembra meravigliato.,Tom seems dazed.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Tom sembra stupefatto.,Tom looks baffled.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Non sono innamorato di loro.,I'm not in love with them.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Non sono innamorato di Layla.,I'm not in love with Layla.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Non sono più innamorato di Tom.,I'm not in love with Tom anymore.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Quando ci siamo conosciuti?,When did we meet?,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Non sono innamorato di nessuno.,I'm not in love with anyone.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Non sono sinceramente innamorato di Layla.,I'm not truly in love with Layla.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Lei ha fatto così tanto.,You've done so much.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Tom sembra abbattuto.,Tom seems dejected.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Non posso fare niente per loro.,I can't do anything for them.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Tom sembra scoraggiato.,Tom looks discouraged.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Tom sembra avvilito.,Tom looks dejected.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Io non indosso una cravatta ogni giorno.,I don't wear a tie every day.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Ho bisogno che garantisca per me.,I need him to vouch for me.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Tom è abbattuto.,Tom is dejected.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn È un'immagine bellissima!,It is a beautiful image.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Tom era debole.,Tom was helpless.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Avresti dovuto chiamarci.,You should've called us.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Non verrai domani?,Aren't you going to come tomorrow?,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Posso aprire una lattina?,May I open a can?,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Offriamola a Tom.,Let's offer it to Tom.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Non canterai con noi?,Aren't you going to sing with us?,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Ci abbiamo pensato.,We thought about that.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Tom è di cattivo umore adesso.,Tom is in a bad mood now.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Sono piuttosto impegnata qui.,I'm pretty busy here.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Queste macchine possono uccidere il vostro tempo libero.,These machines can kill your free time.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn L'aeroplano decollò alle 2:30.,The plane took off at 2:30.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Loro sono fratelli?,Are they brothers?,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Chissà quanto vorrebbe queste ali!,I wonder how it would be to have wings!,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Non è ora che voi ve ne andiate?,Isn't it time for you to leave?,ita_Latn-eng_Latn "Per piacere, riempia il fronte.",Please fill up the front.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn "È intelligente, ma continua a non piacermi.","He's intelligent, but I still don't like him.",ita_Latn-eng_Latn Penso che butterò via alcuni dei miei vecchi vestiti.,I think I'll throw some of my old clothes away.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Il suo compleanno è il 5 maggio.,Her birthday is May 5th.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn "Eri impegnato, vero?","You were busy, weren't you?",ita_Latn-eng_Latn Continuava a fissarmi.,He kept staring at me.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Sono uno dei migliori amici di Tom.,I'm one of Tom's best friends.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Non ho fatto nulla di interessante oggi.,I've done nothing interesting today.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Sei sorda o stupida?,Are you deaf or stupid?,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Devi essere dalla mia parte.,You're supposed to be on my side.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Io non sono un folle.,I'm not a fool.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Era la mente dietro il complotto.,He was the brains behind the plot.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Tom sta intervistando Mary.,Tom is interviewing Mary.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Quanto bene li conoscete?,How well do you know them?,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Diventò necessario farlo.,It became necessary to do that.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Era con lei quella sera?,Were you with her that evening?,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Perché non va a prenderlo?,Why don't you go get him?,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Voglio sapere perché sta succedendo questo.,I want to know why this is happening.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Mi scusate?,I beg your pardon?,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Voglio stringerle.,I want to hold them.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Sei un prude.,You're a prude.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Ho bisogno di stare calmo.,I need to stay calm.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn """Il corvo e la Volpe"" è una delle più famose favole di de La Fontaine.","""The Crow and the Fox"" is one of the most famous of La Fontaine's fables.",ita_Latn-eng_Latn Sono stato assurdamente fortunato.,I've been absurdly lucky.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Tom continua a non avere una ragazza.,Tom still doesn't have a girlfriend.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Tu devi essere al piano di sotto.,You're supposed to be downstairs.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Tu sei un moralista.,You are a prude.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn "Ad Haiti, lui è un ambasciatore.","In Haiti, he is an embassador。",ita_Latn-eng_Latn Tom lavora in una fabbrica.,Tom works in a factory.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Il risultato del sondaggio sarà presto conosciuto.,The result of the poll will be known soon.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Tom non lo permetterebbe.,Tom wouldn't allow it.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Lei ha pianto per l'emozione.,She wept with emotion.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Tom si sentiva necessario.,Tom felt needed.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Noi sappiamo chi è lui.,We know who he is.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Sto per premere il pulsante.,I'm about to push the button.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Ho visto qualcosa di diverso.,I saw something different.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn "Ho provato a farmi aiutare da Tom, ma non ha voluto.","I tried to get Tom to help me, but he wouldn't.",ita_Latn-eng_Latn Utilizzerai questo?,Will you use this?,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Lei è una puritana.,She's a prude.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Che tipo di pistola aveva Tom?,What kind of gun did Tom have?,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Tom ha rivolto a Mary uno sguardo glaciale.,Tom gave Mary an icy glare.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Tom era felicissimo.,Tom was overjoyed.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Dovresti scegliere un lavoro in relazione ai tuoi talenti e interessi.,You should choose a job in relation to your talents and interests.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Tu non sei richiesto.,You're not needed.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Tom ha girato la pagina rapidamente.,Tom turned the page quickly.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Non devi saperlo.,You're not supposed to know that.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn La polizia ha arrestato Tom questo pomeriggio.,The police arrested Tom this afternoon.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Nessuno ha una risposta.,No one has an answer.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn È un moralista.,He's a prude.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Io ho letto i romanzi.,I read the novels.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn "Sei stata impegnata, vero?","You've been busy, haven't you?",ita_Latn-eng_Latn "Anche se avesso voluto farlo, non avrei potuto.","Even if I wanted to do that, I couldn't.",ita_Latn-eng_Latn Cosa c'è qui?,What's in here?,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Tom ha vinto la corsa?,Did Tom win the race?,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Sei più che il benvenuto a venire.,You're more than welcome to come.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn "A giudicare da quello che dici, deve essere un grande scrittore.","Judging from what you say, he must be a great writer.",ita_Latn-eng_Latn Perché non vai a prenderla?,Why don't you go get her?,ita_Latn-eng_Latn "No, non sono arrabbiata con lei, sono solo delusa.","No, I'm not mad at you, I'm just disappointed.",ita_Latn-eng_Latn Voi non siete richiesti.,You aren't needed.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Che cosa ti piaceva a riguardo?,What did you like about it?,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Tom mentì al poliziotto.,Tom lied to the policeman.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Si perde sempre.,She always gets lost.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Tom sembra distrutto.,Tom looks distraught.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Lavoriamo entrambe a tempo pieno.,We both work full time.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Tom sembra esaurito.,Tom seems distressed.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Tom sembra imbarazzato.,Tom seems embarrassed.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Diversi uomini stanno pescando dalla riva del fiume.,Several men are fishing from the riverbank.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Io penso che sia del veleno per ratti.,I think that's rat poison.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Mi stava facendo impazzire.,It was driving me crazy.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Quando ritornate in ufficio?,When are you coming back to the office?,ita_Latn-eng_Latn L'ho trovato!,I found it!,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Sei molto sporco.,You're really dirty.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Questa è solo una simulazione.,This is only a simulation.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Tom si rovesciò un po' di vino sulla camicia.,Tom spilled some wine on his shirt.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Feci loro un favore.,I did them a favor.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Sami è sicuro al 100%.,Sami is 100% certain.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Non gli dica niente.,Don't tell him anything.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Eravate con Tom per tutto il tempo?,Were you with Tom the whole time?,ita_Latn-eng_Latn I miei pensieri si attaccano alle ragnatele delle strade di Leopoli.,My thoughts are stuck in the web of Lviv's streets.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn È solamente lunedì.,It's only Monday.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Tu dovevi essere preparato.,You were supposed to be prepared.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Ha il vantaggio di essere bilingue.,He has the advantage of being bilingual.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Saranno fornite istruzioni.,Instructions will be provided.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Sembra che Tom si vergogni.,Tom looks ashamed.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Tom si vergogna di me.,Tom is ashamed of me.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Tom si vergognava di voi.,Tom was ashamed of you.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Penso ancora che fare questo sia un errore.,I still think doing this is a mistake.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn "Avete quasi finito, vero?","You're almost done, aren't you?",ita_Latn-eng_Latn Mi piace vivere qui.,I like living here.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn "Nella maggior parte dei casi, la gente, anche la più viziosa, è molto più naïf e sempliciotta di quanto noi supponiamo che sia. E questo vale anche per noi stessi.","In most cases, people, even the most vicious, are much more naive and simple-minded than we assume them to be. And this is true of ourselves too.",ita_Latn-eng_Latn A me serve un laptop.,I need a laptop.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn È molto più facile di quanto pensassi.,It's a lot easier than I thought.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Tom non è preoccupato.,Tom isn't worried.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Non so come rivolgermi a te.,I don't know how to address you.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Devo andare ad aiutarla.,I have to go help her.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Stanno aprendo la finestra.,They are opening the window.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom è orrendo, vero?","Tom is creepy, isn't he?",ita_Latn-eng_Latn Tom non è assetato.,Tom isn't thirsty.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Quelle sono delle mele davvero grandi.,Those are really big apples.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn La matematica è fondamentale per tutte le scienze.,Mathematics is basic to all sciences.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Lei deve essere lì ora.,You're supposed to be there now.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Sono sicura che Tom chiamerà.,I'm sure Tom will call.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Tom non sta guardando la TV ora.,Tom isn't watching TV now.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Lui iniziò a imparare l'inglese.,He began to learn English.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Quale valigia è di Tom?,Which suitcase is Tom's?,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Lui non è potuto venire perché era malato.,He couldn't come because he was ill.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Tom non è lì.,Tom isn't there.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn È una domanda interessante.,That's an interesting question.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Noi non siamo vestiti.,We're not dressed.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Tom non ha aiutato Mary.,Tom didn't help Mary.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Allora rimani in giardino!,"Stay in the garden, then!",ita_Latn-eng_Latn "Senza l'ausilio delle stelle, perdemmo irrimediabilmente la rotta.","Without the aid of the stars, we lost our course with no hope of finding it again.",ita_Latn-eng_Latn Tu devi essere a scuola.,You're supposed to be in school.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Tom non ha sentito niente.,Tom heard nothing.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Non rimandare mai a domani quello che puoi fare oggi.,Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Li faremo ascoltare.,We'll get them to listen.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Devi essere a Boston.,You're supposed to be in Boston.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Tom non ha colpito Mary.,Tom didn't hit Mary.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Sta pagando?,Are you paying?,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Tom non ha baciato Mary.,Tom didn't kiss Mary.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Grazie per il libro.,Thanks for the book.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Sami pensava che fosse divertente.,Sami thought it was funny.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Potete dirmi come mai Tom è a Boston?,Can you tell me why Tom is in Boston?,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Torniamo ad essere amici.,Let's be friends again.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Tom sembra interessato.,Tom seems interested.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Stavo soltanto ballando con Tom.,I was only dancing with Tom.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Tom sembra interessante.,Tom seems interesting.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Tom sembra smarrito.,Tom seems lost.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Tom sembra ipnotizzato.,Tom seems mesmerized.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn "Tu sei sempre il benvenuto qui, Tom.","You're always welcome here, Tom.",ita_Latn-eng_Latn Tom sembra ragionevole.,Tom seems reasonable.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Non lo saprai mai finché non provi.,You'll never know until you try.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Tom sembra ringiovanito.,Tom seems rejuvenated.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Tom sembra scettico.,Tom seems skeptical.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Potete entrare.,You may enter.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Tom sembra stoico.,Tom seems stoic.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Tom si vergogna del suo corpo.,Tom is ashamed of his body.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Tom sembra sbalordito.,Tom looks stunned.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Chi è il suo personaggio immaginario preferito?,Who's your favorite fictional character?,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Cosa pensa Tom di tutto questo?,What does Tom think about all this?,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Stavo solo danzando con lui.,I was only dancing with him.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Stavo solo danzando con lei.,I was only dancing with her.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Stavo solo ballando con Mary.,I was only dancing with Mary.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Avete scelto un nome?,Have you picked a name?,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Ha già scelto un nome?,Have you picked a name yet?,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Io non sono male!,I'm not bad!,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Perché queste cose capitano sempre a me?,Why do these things always happen to me?,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Perché queste cose succedono sempre a te?,Why do these things always happen to you?,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Risolvere dei puzzle è divertente.,Solving puzzles is fun.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Qualcosa di terribile è successo il venti ottobre.,Something terrible happened on October 20.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Perché non dici la verità a Tom e basta?,Why don't you just tell Tom the truth?,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Non dirle che sei uno sbirro.,Don't tell her you're a cop.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Cos'è capitato il venti ottobre?,What happened on October twentieth?,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Hai scelto un nome per il bebè?,Have you picked a name for the baby?,ita_Latn-eng_Latn I guerrieri non si lamentano mai!,Warriors never complain!,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Perché queste cose capitano sempre a Tom?,Why do these things always happen to Tom?,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Perché queste cose capitano sempre a Mary?,Why do these things always happen to Mary?,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Tom sembra teso.,Tom looks jittery.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Loro non ci conoscono.,They don't know us.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn È il mio tipo di sandwich preferito.,That's my favorite kind of sandwich.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Non hai mai detto niente.,You never said anything.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Vendevate delle mele al mercato.,You used to sell some apples at the market.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Hai venduto delle mele al mercato.,You sold some apples at the market.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn È stato duro finire il lavoro.,It was tough to finish the work.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Non tornerò mai indietro.,I'm never going back.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Tu dov'è che vai?,Where are you going?,ita_Latn-eng_Latn A Tom piace la neve.,Tom likes snow.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Non volevo perdere così tanto tempo.,I didn't want to waste so much time.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Tom non ha ascoltato.,Tom didn't listen.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Perché vorrebbe farle del male?,Why would you want to hurt her?,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Tom ha ricevuto un'e-mail da Mary.,Tom received an email from Mary.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Dove sono Tom e Mary?,Where are Tom and Mary?,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Tom non sembrava malato.,Tom didn't look sick.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Maria sta indossando un burqa.,Maria is wearing a burqa.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Come posso sapere se un fungo è velenoso?,How can I tell if a mushroom is poisonous?,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Non mi attaccare.,Don't attack me.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Si avvicina il mio compleanno.,My birthday is coming up.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Ero piuttosto malato lunedì.,I was pretty sick on Monday.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Hai mai avuto un problema simile a questo?,Have you ever had a problem similar to this?,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Stavo provando molto dolore.,I was feeling a lot of pain.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn So esattamente come si sente Tom.,I know exactly how Tom feels.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Non penso che Tom viva qui.,I don't think Tom lives here.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Io non penso che Tom viva qui.,I don't think that Tom lives here.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Bevo la sua birra.,I drink his beer.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Io bevo la sua birra.,I drink her beer.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Bevo della birra.,I drink beer.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Dimmi se sei felice.,Tell me if you're happy.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn "Lei ha comprato un tostapane, una macchina per il caffè, un cuociuova e un mixer a mano.","She bought a toaster, a coffeemaker, an egg cooker and a hand mixer.",ita_Latn-eng_Latn Non posso nascondermi in eterno.,I can't hide forever.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Non so. Sono appena arrivato qua.,I don't know. I just got here.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn "Scusatemi, senza wasabi, per piacere.","Excuse me, without wasabi, please.",ita_Latn-eng_Latn Il burqa è una scelta.,The burqa is a choice.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Butto via molte cose.,I throw lots of things away.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Chiesi a Tom cosa non andava.,I asked Tom what was wrong.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Hai nuotato molto?,Did you swim much?,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Ho sentito che Tom era in Australia.,I heard Tom was in Australia.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Tom ha trovato lavoro come carpentiere.,Tom got a job as a carpenter.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Bisogna proteggere l'unità nazionale.,It is necessary to protect the national unity.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn "Esistono diversi tipi di niqab, alcuni dei quali coprono tutto il viso.","There are different types of niqab, some of which cover the entire face.",ita_Latn-eng_Latn Lui ride perché il film è divertente.,He's laughing because the film is funny.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Stavo sudando un po'.,I was sweating a little bit.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Tom ha anche una cotta per Mary.,Tom also has a crush on Mary.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Non mi parlare!,Don't talk to me!,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Mary è sicuramente attraente.,Mary is certainly attractive.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Ho sentito la casa tremare.,I felt the house shake.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Io sono andato in una scuola cattolica.,I went to a Catholic school.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Mia madre non è sempre a casa.,My mother is not always at home.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Non ero lì all'epoca.,I wasn't there at that time.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Questo film non è neanche lontanamente appassionante come quello.,This movie is not anything like as exciting as that one.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Io vorrei vedere cos'ha Tom.,I'd like to see what Tom has.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Io lavoro in quel lato della città.,I work on that side of town.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Tom e John sono i figli di Mary.,Tom and John are Mary's sons.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Tom e Mary si assomigliano molto.,Tom and Mary are a lot alike.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Non vorrei morire qui.,I wouldn't want to die here.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Domenica Tom ha una giornata libera.,Tom has Monday off.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Si può cambiare la propria condizione sociale attraverso il duro lavoro.,You can change your social condition through hard work.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Vorrei andare in Francia.,I would like to go to France.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Gli americani possono essere molto competitivi.,Americans can be very competitive.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Quanto spesso vi guardate allo specchio?,How often do you look at yourself in a mirror?,ita_Latn-eng_Latn L'America è molto patriottica.,America is very patriotic.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Siete pregati di inserire una cassetta nel videoregistratore e premere il pulsante di registrazione.,Please put a cassette in the VCR and press the record button.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Mostrano sempre il loro amore per l'America.,They always show their love for America.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Gli americani discendono da degli immigrati e sono molto patriottici.,"Americans descend from immigrants, and they are very patriotic.",ita_Latn-eng_Latn Lo sport in America è molto importante.,Sport in America is very important.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Tom vide il sorriso di Mary.,Tom saw Mary's smile.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Il Puritanesimo viene dall'Inghilterra ad opera dei primi coloni.,Puritanism comes from England by the first settlers.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn I Puritani erano molto importanti.,Puritans were very important.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Lutero era scandalizzato dalla vendita di indulgenze.,Luther was scandalised by the sale of indulgences.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Che motivo c'è di fare figli se si possono adottare?,Why have kids when you can adopt?,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Dio ha già deciso il destino degli umani.,God has already decided the fate of humans.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn "Per Calvino, Dio ha già deciso il nostro destino.","For Calvin, God has already decided our fate.",ita_Latn-eng_Latn L'ultima volta l'ho visto nel parcheggio.,I last saw him in the car park.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn La Chiesa non è necessaria.,The Church is unnecessary.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Hai delle lezioni con lei?,Do you have classes with her?,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Per gli americani si può leggere la Bibbia per conto proprio.,"For Americans, you can read the Bible by your own.",ita_Latn-eng_Latn In America c'è uno studio diretto dei libri.,"In America, there's a direct study of books.",ita_Latn-eng_Latn Il confessionale permette di negoziare gli errori.,The confessional allows to negotiate on errors.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Vede l'uccello sul cavo del telefono?,Do you see the bird on the telephone wire?,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Il plagio in America è rigidamente punito.,Plagarism in America is strictly punished.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn La redenzione è un grande problema nella cultura americana.,Redemption is a big problem in the American culture.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Mantenga il segreto.,Keep the secret.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Com'è andato il seminario?,How was the seminar?,ita_Latn-eng_Latn La stanno fissando tutti.,Everyone is staring at her.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn È difficile credere che Maria sia riuscita a fare ciò che avete detto.,It's hard to believe Mary would do what you said she did.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Sami cercò di essere forte.,Sami tried to be strong.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Tom ha risposto alle domande del poliziotto.,Tom answered the policeman's questions.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn John è un pettegolo.,John is a gossip.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Gli altri non ti vogliono qui.,The others don't want you here.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Tom e Mary si odiano davvero a vicenda.,Tom and Mary really hate each other.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn "Sebbene capisca quello che state dicendo, io non posso essere d'accordo con Voi.","While I see what you say, I can't agree with you.",ita_Latn-eng_Latn So che sei un vigliacco.,I know you're a coward.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn So che ci amiamo l'un l'altro ancora.,I know we still love each other.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Dio ha scelto di salvare soltanto alcuni individui.,God has chosen to save only a few individuals.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn "Se io sono in un patto, anche lui lo è.","If I'm in a pact, so is he.",ita_Latn-eng_Latn Era un mediatore.,He was a mediator.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Ogni Cristiano ha la Chiamata Generale.,Every Christian has the General Calling.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Visse nel diciottesimo secolo.,He lived in the eighteenth century.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn È morto a 83 anni.,He died at 83 years old.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Dissi a Tom di sbrigarsi.,I told Tom to hurry up.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Il suo libro è rosso.,Her book is red.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Voglio che prestiate attenzione.,I want you to pay attention.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Digli di aspettare nell'atrio.,Tell him to wait in the lobby.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Tom e Mary giocano spesso a biliardo.,Tom and Mary often play billiards.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Io non verrò perché sono ammalato.,I won't come because I'm sick.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Le dica di aspettare nell'atrio.,Tell her to wait in the lobby.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Mi dispiace di non aver potuto aiutare Tom.,I'm sorry I couldn't help Tom.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn In un almanacco si possono trovare informazioni sulle fasi lunari.,In an almanac you can find information about the phases of the moon.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Tom non aveva bisogno del mio aiuto.,Tom didn't need my help.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Che cielo azzurro!,What blue sky!,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Tom ha bisogno di una stanza più grande.,Tom needs a bigger room.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Questi animali sono molto amichevoli.,These animals are very friendly.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Franklin convince la Francia ad aiutare gli americani.,Franklin convinces France to help Americans.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Franklin scrive degli articoli per il giornale dei suoi fratelli sotto un altro nome.,Franklin writes articles for his brothers' newpaper under another name.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn L'almanacco era molto utile.,The almanac was very useful.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Ho cercato di contattarla.,I've tried to contact her.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Le idee di Franklin formarono la base dell'Università del Pennsylvania.,Franklin's ideas formed the basis of the University of Pennsylvania.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Questo non è il ragazzo che è stato qui ieri.,This isn't the boy that was here yesterday.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Franklin creò un fornello ecologico.,Franklin created an ecological stove.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Gli ho detto di stare al chiuso.,I told him to stay indoors.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Firma i documenti più importanti.,He signs the most important documents.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Non avresti dovuto permetterlo.,You shouldn't have let this happen.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn A Boston erano tutti congregazionalisti.,"In Boston, they were all congregationalists.",ita_Latn-eng_Latn Lei firma i documenti più importanti.,She signs the most important documents.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Lo sapevamo che un giorno sarebbe successo.,We knew one day it would happen.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Le ho detto di stare al chiuso.,I told her to stay indoors.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Non voglio più sentirne parlare.,I never want to hear his name again.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Mary raramente usa lo smalto.,Mary seldom uses nail polish.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn La sua congrega evoca i demoni.,Her coven conjures the demons.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn "Un testo può essere coerente ma non coeso, e viceversa.","A text could be coherent but not cohesive, and vice versa.",ita_Latn-eng_Latn Non mi piaceva inizialmente.,I didn't like her at first.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Cos'è successo qui oggi?,What happened here today?,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Sono stato un idiota a crederle.,I was an idiot to believe her.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Le pubblicità devono attirare l'attenzione.,Ads have to attract the attention.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Ti ho detto di venire presto.,I told you to come early.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Inizialmente non mi piaceva.,"At first, I didn't like him.",ita_Latn-eng_Latn Tutte le società sono diventate capitaliste.,All societies have become capitalist.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Ho dei piani per cenare con lei.,I have dinner plans with her.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn La Russia non era capitalista.,Russia wasn't capitalist.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Ho dei piani per cenare con lui.,I have dinner plans with him.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn La gente compra delle cose di cui non ha bisogno.,People buy things they don't need.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Perché li hai portati qui?,Why did you bring them here?,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Il nuovo allenatore ha migliorato la qualità della squadra?,Has the new coach improved the team's quality?,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Non avete visto degli uccelli?,Didn't you see any birds?,ita_Latn-eng_Latn C'erano delle belle donne al club la scorsa notte.,There were beautiful women at the club last night.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Avvicinati a me.,Come closer to me.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Pensavo che lo avessero trovato.,I thought they found him.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Pensavo che l'avessero trovata.,I thought they found her.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Lasciala fare il lavoro sporco.,Let her do the dirty work.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn "Un testo coerente ""ha senso"".","A coherent text ""makes sense"".",ita_Latn-eng_Latn Se il testo non ha senso non è coerente.,"If the text doesn't make sense, it isn't coherent.",ita_Latn-eng_Latn La porterò da loro.,I'll take you to them.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn """Me ne sono andato alle sei ieri."" ""Per prendere il treno?"" ""No, per comprare alcuni regali di Natale.""","""I left at six yesterday."" ""To take the train?"" ""No, to buy some Christmas presents.""",ita_Latn-eng_Latn Dicci di cosa parla il testo.,Tell us what the text is about.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Lascia parlare Tom.,Let Tom speak.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Perché Tom si sta comportando in modo così stupido?,Why is Tom acting so stupid?,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Penso che abbiamo una buona squadra.,I think we have a good team.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Tom ha scritto a Mary questa settimana.,Tom wrote to Mary this week.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Tom ha scritto una canzone su Mary.,Tom has written a song about Mary.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Tom scrisse una canzone su Mary.,Tom wrote a song about Mary.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Penso che questo sia buono per noi.,I think this is good for us.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Penso che questa sia una buona regola.,I think this is a good rule.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Un pappagallo può imitare la voce di una persona.,A parrot can mimic a person's voice.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Penso che le cose andranno bene.,I think things will be fine.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Io penso che le cose andranno bene.,I think that things will be fine.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Tom pensa che Mary sia un'idiota.,Tom thinks Mary is an idiot.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Penso che il nostro sia molto meglio.,I think ours is much better.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Tom ha detto a Mary di rilassarsi e basta.,Tom told Mary to just relax.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Tom è stato assunto da noi nel 2013.,Tom was hired by us in 2013.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Tom mi ha detto di stare rilassato.,Tom told me to stay relaxed.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Anche io pensavo che fosse divertente.,"I thought it was funny, too.",ita_Latn-eng_Latn Penso che tu sappia la risposta.,I think you know the answer.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Spero che Tom si sposi presto.,I hope Tom gets married soon.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Non avevo idea che Tom stesse venendo.,I had no idea Tom was coming.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Stavo cercando di perdere peso.,I was trying to lose weight.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn "Erano stanche, ma felici.","They were tired, but happy.",ita_Latn-eng_Latn Gli altri non la vogliono qui.,The others don't want her here.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Non dovrò rifarlo.,I won't have to do it again.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Shane stava solo tenendo d'occhio un fratello.,Shane was just looking out for a brother.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Non rifarò questo.,I won't be doing this again.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Tom e Mary ora sono fidanzati.,Tom and Mary are now engaged.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Tom e Mary sono brave persone.,Tom and Mary are good people.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Sia Tom che Mary hanno trent'anni.,Tom and Mary are both thirty.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Tom e Mary hanno entrambi trent'anni.,Both Tom and Mary are thirty.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Siete assieme?,Are you together?,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Sto facendo quello che ami fare.,I'm doing what I love to do.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Sia Tom che Mary non sanno nuotare.,Tom and Mary both can't swim.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Tom e Mary sono ancora annoiati.,Tom and Mary are still bored.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Mi divertirò lì.,I'll have a good time there.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Penserò a quello che ho fatto.,I'll think about what I did.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Sono stufo di questo sistema.,I'm fed up with this system.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Non parla la nostra lingua.,He doesn't speak our language.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Tom ha fatto a tutti delle domande.,Tom asked everyone questions.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Tom ha chiesto a Mary di spiegarlo.,Tom asked Mary to explain it.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Sono contento di essere arrivato qui in orario.,I'm glad I got here on time.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Tom sembra essere molto intelligente.,Tom appears to be very smart.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Tom ha fatto molto più di quello.,Tom did a lot more than that.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Finirò nei guai.,I'm going to get in trouble.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn La Russia diventò comunista.,Russia became communist.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Tom non ha convinto tutti.,Tom didn't convince everyone.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn La qualità della vita stava peggiorando.,Quality of life was worsening.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Tom fece quello che voleva fare.,Tom did what he wanted to do.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Quando ti hanno fatto la multa?,When did they fine you?,ita_Latn-eng_Latn L'America domina il mondo.,America rules the world.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Quante biro ha?,How many pens do you have?,ita_Latn-eng_Latn I paragrafi inglesi sono diversi dai paragrafi italiani.,English paragraphs are different from Italian paragraphs.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Portalo lontano da qua.,Get him away from here.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn L'argomento di un testo non è sempre nella prima riga.,The topic of a text isn't always in the first line.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Tutti hanno delle possibilità universali.,Everyone has universal possibilities.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Il bene e il male sono solo dei nomi.,Good and bad are just names.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Le donne non avevano il diritto di voto.,Women didn't have the right to vote.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn La natura è una filosofia complicata.,Nature is a complicated philosophy.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Andate al cinema questo weekend?,Are you going to the movies this weekend?,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Non essere mai conformista.,Never be a conformist.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Il festival non era ben organizzato.,The festival was not well organised.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Non dobbiamo parlare con lui.,We don't need to talk to him.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Le donne non sono essenziali nei western.,Women are not essential in Westerns.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Sono come delle prostitute.,They're like prostitutes.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Vedo una piccola nave.,I see a small ship.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Tu puoi entrare.,You can come in.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn La natura non viene minacciata dall'uomo.,Nature is not threatened by man.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Mi fermerò da te per qualche giorno.,I will stay at your place for some days.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Il troncone è come un fallo della natura.,The stump is like a phallus of nature.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Joe e Shane diventano come fratelli di sangue.,Joe and Shane become like blood brothers.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Quale dei due ha il pene più grande?,Which of the two has the bigger penis?,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Generalmente gli uomini nei western bevono whisky.,Generally men in Westerns drink whisky.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Pensavo che fosse ovvia.,I thought it was obvious.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Shane viene insultato.,Shane gets insulted.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn L'uomo dovrebbe odorare d'uomo.,Man should smell like a man.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Shane non comincia una rissa.,Shane doesn't start a fight.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Shane mostra di essere un codardo.,Shane shows he is a coward.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Shane è un personaggio emersoniano.,Shane is an emersonian character.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Shane mostra la voce interiore emersoniana.,Shane shows the emersonian inner voice.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Joey non capisce Shane.,Joey doesn't understand Shane.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Joey rappresenta la famiglia.,Joey represents the family.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn La tentazione deve restare invisibile.,Temptation has to remain invisible.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn A Sami piacerà la zuppa di Layla.,Sami will like Layla's soup.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Joey considera Shane allo stesso livello di Joe.,Joey considers Shane as equal as Joe.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Joey è fissato con la pistola di Shane.,Joey is fixated with Shane's gun.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn È buona o cattiva come l'uomo che la utilizza.,It is as good or bad as the man using it.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Per Mary la pistola è un'arma.,"For Mary, the gun is a weapon.",ita_Latn-eng_Latn Le persone sarebbero migliori senza le pistole.,People would be better without guns.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn In Italia non si può utilizzare una pistola se il rapinatore non ha un'arma.,In Italy you can't use a gun if the robber doesn't have a weapon.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Tory vuole mostrare che non è un codardo.,Tory wants to show he isn't a coward.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn In Italia il bambino è un simbolo di innocenza.,In Italy the child is a symbol of innocence.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Comprese subito il significato delle parole di lei.,He soon comprehended the significance of her words.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Molti americani vogliono sposarsi il quattro luglio.,Many Americans want to get married on the fourth of July.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Io volevo andare con Tom.,I wanted to go with Tom.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn "Se si è americani, si ha un dovere civile per il proprio paese.","If you are American, you have a citizen duty for your country.",ita_Latn-eng_Latn Sbarazziamoci di quella.,Let's get rid of that one.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn La metafora della morte è una metafora della violenza.,The metaphor of death is a metaphor of violence.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Qui è dove si sono conosciuti Tom e Mary.,This is where Tom and Mary met.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Ogni individuo deve capire cos'è giusto per lui.,Every individual has to understand what is right for himself.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Tom sarà d'accordo con me.,Tom will agree with me.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Mi è piaciuta davvero la conversazione che abbiamo avuto sulla politica.,I really enjoyed the talk we had about politics.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Lui è troppo giovane.,He is too young.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn C'è una trappola contro Joe.,There's a trap against Joe.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Il bene non può combattere il bene.,Good cannot fight good.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Joe è fisicamente più forte di Shane.,Joe is physically stronger than Shane.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Shane spiega a Joey perché se ne sta andando.,Shane explains to Joey why he's leaving.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Shane è un deus ex machina.,Shane is a deus ex machina.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn I blue jeans sono un simbolo dell'America.,Blue jeans are a symbol of America.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Le scuole superiori in America non sono come quelle in Italia.,High schools in America aren't like the ones in Italy.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn In America c'è la stessa scuola per tutti.,In America there's the same school for everyone.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Sembra che voi vi siate divertiti molto.,It sounds like you had a great time.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn L'albero cadde durante il tifone.,The tree fell over in the typhoon.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Le tasse sono troppo alte.,Taxes are too high.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Io ho sentito tutto.,I heard about everything.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Sentii tutto.,I heard everything.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Io porterò a Tom un po' di cibo.,I'll take Tom some food.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Nel settore primario si può essere autosufficienti.,"In the primary sector, you can be auto-sufficient.",ita_Latn-eng_Latn Come si chiama questo ristorante?,What is the name of this restaurant?,ita_Latn-eng_Latn I bambini sono molto importanti per il mercato.,Children are very important for the market.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Tom deve essersi sbagliato.,Tom has to be mistaken.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Roosevelt muore prima della fine della guerra.,Roosevelt dies before the end of the war.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Roosevelt viene sostituito da Truman.,Roosevelt is replaced by Truman.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn State dicendo che sono maleducato?,Are you saying I'm impolite?,ita_Latn-eng_Latn La Russia ha perso 20 milioni di persone durante la Seconda Guerra Mondiale.,Russia lost 20 million people during World War II.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Stalin fa preoccupare le altre persone.,Stalin makes the other people worried.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Perché li aiuterei?,Why would I help them?,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Perché li dovrei aiutare?,Why should I help them?,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Di solito mi alzo presto la mattina.,I usually get up early in the morning.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Vive per conto suo.,She lives by herself.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Lui vive per conto suo.,He lives by himself.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Lui si intromise nella sua vita privata.,He intruded on her privacy.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Questo è un errore ortografico comune.,This is a common misspelling.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Sono sicuro che sarai d'accordo con me.,I'm sure you'll agree with me.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Sto passeggiando nel parco con i miei figli.,I'm walking in the park with my children.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Nancy viene da quella che chiamiamo aristocrazia.,Nancy comes from what we call the aristocracy.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Perché Tom dovrebbe aiutarvi?,Why should Tom help you?,ita_Latn-eng_Latn I film della Disney sono una visione americana della società.,Disney films are an American vision of society.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn "Nel corso del tempo, le porte in legno possono deformarsi o gonfiarsi, rendendo la porta difficile da chiudere.","Over time, wooden doors can warp or swell, making the door difficult to close.",ita_Latn-eng_Latn Pinochet applicò una dittatura militare.,Pinochet applied a military dictatorship.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Nessuna nave poteva arrivare a Cuba.,No ship could arrive in Cuba.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Churchill era molto anti-comunista.,Churchill was very anti-communist.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn """Gran Torino"" è una rivisitazione moderna dei film western.","""Gran Torino"" is a modern revisitation of Western movies.",ita_Latn-eng_Latn Walt è un prodotto della Guerra Fredda.,Walt is a product of the Cold War.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Restiamo qui.,Let's stay here.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Walt è un ex soldato.,Walt is an ex-soldier.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Era un soldato in Corea.,He was a soldier in Korea.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Di' loro dove siamo andate.,Tell them where we've gone.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Era una soldatessa in Corea.,She was a soldier in Korea.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Ha una medaglia d'argento per le sue azioni.,He has a silver medal for his actions.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Ha lavorato in una fabbrica della Ford.,He worked in a Ford factory.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Questa è discriminazione!,This is discrimination!,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Walt non dà nulla alla sua famiglia dopo la sua morte.,Walt gives nothing to his family after his death.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Walt non combatte la violenza con la violenza.,Walt doesn't fight violence with violence.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Si sacrifica per la comunità.,He sacrifies himself for the community.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Non uscite con lei.,Don't go out with her.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Certi valori rendono le persone americane.,Certain values make people American.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Il cane è molto importante.,The dog is very important.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Cosa dovremmo fare con lei?,What should we do with her?,ita_Latn-eng_Latn "Thao è come Joey in ""Shane"".","Thao is like Joey in ""Shane"".",ita_Latn-eng_Latn Cosa dovremmo fare con lui?,What should we do with him?,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Qual è la cosa giusta?,What is the right thing?,ita_Latn-eng_Latn "Vito e Pino sono figli di Salvatore, e si battono sempre.","Vito and Pino are sons of Salvatore, and they are always fighting.",ita_Latn-eng_Latn Mookie agisce da mediatore tra la comunità nera e la comunità italiana.,Mookie acts as a mediator between the black community and the Italian community.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Possiamo chiamarla adesso?,Can we call her now?,ita_Latn-eng_Latn I neri devono comprare la birra dai coreani.,The blacks have to buy beer from the Koreans.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Quanto bene la conosce?,How well do you know her?,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Ogni tipo di musica vuol dire qualcosa.,Each type of music means something.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Non dimentichiamo i diritti umani.,Let's not forget human rights.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Walt si sacrifica per Thao e sua sorella.,Walt sacrifies himself for Thao and his sister.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Sono tornato a casa tardi.,I came back home late.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Lei si sacrifica per la comunità.,She sacrifies herself for the community.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Tom andò a scuola in macchina.,Tom drove to school.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Non c'è niente qui dentro?,Isn't there anything in here?,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Tom ha bevuto tre bicchieri di vino.,Tom drank three glasses of wine.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Che stazione è questa?,What station is it?,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Tom fece del suo meglio per aiutare Mary.,Tom tried his best to help Mary.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Correggete gli eventuali errori.,Correct the errors if there are any.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Quant'è il biglietto?,How much is the ticket?,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Non laverò i piatti.,I won't wash the dishes.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Ai rifugiati furono dati cibo e coperte.,Food and blankets were given to the refugees.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Tom non ne sa molto di musica.,Tom doesn't know much about music.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Quanto bene lo conosci?,How well do you know him?,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Voi scriverete una lettera.,You will write a letter.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Faresti meglio ad osservarlo.,You'd better watch him.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Faresti meglio ad osservarla.,You'd better watch her.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn C'è un problema con il mio ordine.,There is a problem with my order.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Dille di essere qui per le due e mezza.,Tell her to be here by 2:30.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Potrebbe conoscere i fatti.,She may know the facts.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Chiedimi qualsiasi cosa difficile oggi.,Ask me something hard today.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Tom non ha accesso al database.,Tom does not have access to the database.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Mille volte grazie per la tua gentilezza.,A thousand thanks for your kindness.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn È mai stata in Australia?,Have you ever been to Australia?,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Non ti rivogliono.,They don't want you back.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn L'America è bellissima.,America is beautiful.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Digli di essere qua per le due e mezza.,Tell him to be here by 2:30.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn "Meglio vivere un giorno da leone, che cento anni da pecora.",It is better to live one day as a lion than 100 years as a sheep.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Oggi è una buona giornata!,Today is a good day!,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Pensavo che ti importasse di Tom.,I thought that you cared about Tom.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Noi speriamo che lo spettacolo vi piacerà.,We hope you will enjoy the show.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Tom dove voleva vivere?,Where did Tom want to live?,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Odia farsi dire di sbrigarsi.,He hates being told to hurry up.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Non inganno nessuno.,I'm not fooling anybody.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Stiamo tutti bene.,We're all OK.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Entra nella fila.,Get in line.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Churchill è un politico molto conservatore.,Churchill is a very conservative politician.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Cos'è un'argomentazione?,What is argumentation?,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Le illustrazioni del libro sono molto buone.,The book's illustrations are very good.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn È nato a Roma.,He was born in Rome.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn "L'uomo passa la vita a ragionare sul passato, a lamentarsi del presente, di temere il futuro.","Man spends his life in reasoning on the past, in complaining of the present, in fearing future.",ita_Latn-eng_Latn Dovrei portarlo a casa.,I should get him home.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn "Dichiarare guerra dopo un attacco a sorpresa è prevedibile, ma uccidere oltre diecimila non-combattenti con una bomba è qualcosa di inaudito.","Declaring war after a surprise attack is to be expected, but killing over ten thousand non-combatants with a bomb is something unheard of.",ita_Latn-eng_Latn Io ero il primo insegnante di francese di Tom.,I was Tom's first French teacher.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Sta ingrassando.,You're getting fat.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Mento a loro in continuazione.,I lie to them all time.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Tutti gli hanno sorriso.,Everyone smiled at him.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Mi fa male il mignolo.,My little toe hurts.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Le misurazioni devono essere precise.,The measurements need to be precise.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Possiamo fermarci quando vogliamo.,We can stop whenever we want.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Ha detto che non sarebbe mai successo.,You said it would never happen.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn La tecnica della violinista era eccellente.,The violinist's technique was excellent.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Perché Tom dovrebbe cantare questa canzone?,Why should Tom sing that song?,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Lo sai che non mi piacciono le uova.,You know that I don't like eggs.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Lo sa che non mi piacciono le uova.,You know I don't like eggs.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Dove ha imparato il francese Tom?,Where did Tom learn French?,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Qual è il nome del tuo cane?,What's your dog's name?,ita_Latn-eng_Latn La stanza era piena di persone.,The room was full of people.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn La camera era piena di persone.,The room was too crowded.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Parlo arabo.,I speak Arabic.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Quando posso vedere Tom?,When can I see Tom?,ita_Latn-eng_Latn "Ehi, sarò subito di ritorno.","Hey, I'll be right back.",ita_Latn-eng_Latn Le antiche usanze si stanno estinguendo rapidamente oggi.,Ancient customs are dying out quickly today.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Mi fa stare male.,It makes me sick.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Cosa fate lunedì prossimo?,What are you doing next Monday?,ita_Latn-eng_Latn È perfettamente innocua.,It's perfectly harmless.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Sami lo fa ancora.,Sami still does that.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Penso che Tom stia facendo un buon lavoro.,I think Tom's doing a good job.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Tom ha dato a Mary un bicchiere di vino rosso.,Tom handed Mary a glass of red wine.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn La malattia mi ha impedito di venire a scuola.,Illness prevented me from coming to school.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Tom è stato aggredito sulla strada di casa.,Tom got mugged on his way home.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Il giovane vuole bere.,The young guy wants to drink.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Sono in un gruppo di canto.,I'm in a singing group.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Loro sono in un gruppo di canto.,They're in a singing group.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Lei è occupata adesso e non riesce a parlare con te.,She's busy now and can't speak to you.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Non siamo terroristi.,We're not terrorists.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Sta nuotando nella piscina.,He is swimming in the pool.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Cos'hai fatto con loro?,What did you do with them?,ita_Latn-eng_Latn "Sono esposte al pascolo pecore e cavalli, e ci sono anche dei cani da pastore. Che ne dite di fare una visita una volta?","Sheep and horses are set out to pasture, there are sheepdogs too. How about giving it a visit once?",ita_Latn-eng_Latn Non avevo capito che stavo diventando così flaccida.,I didn't realize I was getting so flabby.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Impara come mantenere le cose sotto controllo dal nostro esperto.,Learn how to keep things in control from our expert.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn La morte conclude l'esistenza finita dell'uomo.,Death ends man's finite existence.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Il nuovo tablet costa un occhio della testa.,The new tablet costs an arm and a leg.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Che cosa sono queste pastiglie?,What are these tablets?,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Sostengo la proposta.,I support the proposal.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn È impegnata adesso e non riesce a parlare con voi.,She's busy now and can't talk with you.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Lei ci ha dato molto da mangiare.,She gave us lots to eat.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Sei sicuro dal pericolo qui.,You are secure from danger here.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Tom ama il wrestling professionistico.,Tom loves professional wrestling.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Sono cresciuto con lui.,I grew up with him.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Ora provo a modificare questa frase.,Now let's try to change this sentence.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Non è il nostro lavoro.,That's not our job.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Gli scoiattoli saltavano di ramo in ramo.,The squirrels jumped from branch to branch.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Metà mela era marcia.,Half of the apple was rotten.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Vendetti la mia casa nel 2013.,I sold my house in 2013.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Lui non è molto bravo in matematica.,He is not very good at mathematics.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Tom ha ignorato tutti gli avvertimenti di Mary.,Tom ignored all of Mary's warnings.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Tom ignorò tutti gli avvertimenti di Mary.,Tom disregarded Mary's advice completely.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Il fienile è in fiamme.,The barn's on fire.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Tom era il secondo miglior battitore della squadra.,Tom was the second-best hitter on the team.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Sto iniziando ad amare questa immagine!,I'm starting to love this picture!,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Ringraziai Mary per il suo aiuto.,I thanked Mary for her help.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Sai dove posso trovarlo?,Do you know where I can find it?,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Tom doveva proteggerci.,Tom was supposed to protect us.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Lo sappiamo che vi piace Tom.,We know you like Tom.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Tom era così sicuro.,Tom was so certain.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn È un'occasione speciale.,It's a special occasion.,ita_Latn-eng_Latn Tom karo Mary padha bengok-bengokan.,Tom and Mary yelled at each other.,jav_Latn-eng_Latn Kowe ngerti lagu iki?,Do you know this song?,jav_Latn-eng_Latn "Dhèwèké mbukak cendhélané, sanadyan aku wis nglarang.","She opened the window, even though I told her not to.",jav_Latn-eng_Latn Ngapa kowé ora nggolèk panggon liya kanggo tinggal?,Why don't you just find another place to live?,jav_Latn-eng_Latn Jaré Tom aku butuh paraban.,Tom said I needed a nickname.,jav_Latn-eng_Latn Aku ora isa lunga.,I couldn't go.,jav_Latn-eng_Latn Kowe arep lunga kapan?,When do you want to go?,jav_Latn-eng_Latn "Aku ngelih, durung mangan kawit mau isuk.","I am hungry, have not had food since the morning.",jav_Latn-eng_Latn "Nalika dhèké krungu wartané, dhèké malih pucet.","The moment she heard the news, she turned pale.",jav_Latn-eng_Latn Aku keciliken.,I was too small.,jav_Latn-eng_Latn Kowé kayané ora ngerti sing tenané piyé.,You seemed not to know the truth.,jav_Latn-eng_Latn Tom seneng karo kuwi.,Tom loved it.,jav_Latn-eng_Latn Aku wis tahu ning Hokkaido.,I've been to Hokkaido before.,jav_Latn-eng_Latn Dhèwèké duwé gula.,They have sugar.,jav_Latn-eng_Latn "Nalika iku, aku piuju arep lunga.",I was about to leave my house.,jav_Latn-eng_Latn Aku isih njajal ngulinakaké.,I'm still trying to get used to it.,jav_Latn-eng_Latn Endang tekaa.,Come at once.,jav_Latn-eng_Latn Manuké ana ing awang-awang.,The bird is in the sky.,jav_Latn-eng_Latn Dhèwèké ora bisa nembang.,He can't sing.,jav_Latn-eng_Latn ꦣꦺꦏꦺꦢꦶꦒꦼꦒꦸꦪꦸꦏꦤ꧀ꦕꦏꦤ꧀ꦕꦤꦺ,He was laughed at by his friends.,jav_Latn-eng_Latn "Dhèwèké isa basa Perancis, lan jebulé dhèwèké isa basa Inggris barang.","He can speak French, and it goes without saying he can speak English too.",jav_Latn-eng_Latn Kowe sapa?,Who are you?,jav_Latn-eng_Latn Kayané aku arep lelungan minggu iki.,I think I will take a vacation this week.,jav_Latn-eng_Latn Ana pirang apel sing tok duwé?,How many apples do you have?,jav_Latn-eng_Latn Kowé luwih apik katimbang aku.,You're better than me.,jav_Latn-eng_Latn ꦣꦺꦏꦺꦮꦶꦱ꧀ꦫꦧꦶ,They got married.,jav_Latn-eng_Latn Panjenengan langkung saé katimbang kula.,You are better than me.,jav_Latn-eng_Latn Bènaké dhèwèké ngentèni.,Let him wait!,jav_Latn-eng_Latn Sadurungé aku durung tau mlebu kelas iki.,I have never been inside this classroom.,jav_Latn-eng_Latn Olèhku ngarani kuwi nyanggarunggèni.,That looks suspicious to me.,jav_Latn-eng_Latn Aku kudu tangi mruput.,I have to get up early.,jav_Latn-eng_Latn Rasané kaya lagi mangan ès krim.,I feel like having an ice-cream.,jav_Latn-eng_Latn Tom pingin mélu politik.,Tom wanted to go into politics.,jav_Latn-eng_Latn Tom seneng njogèd.,Tom loves to dance.,jav_Latn-eng_Latn Aku kenal dhèké.,I know them.,jav_Latn-eng_Latn "Percaya apa ora, kuwi tenanan.","Believe it or not, that is true.",jav_Latn-eng_Latn Kok ora ana sing arep tok omongaké kenapa?,Why don't you have anything to say?,jav_Latn-eng_Latn Ann nduwé kanca akèh.,Ann has lots of friends.,jav_Latn-eng_Latn Dhèwèké mengakaké cendhéla.,She opens the window.,jav_Latn-eng_Latn Aja negori wit sing isih enom.,Don't cut young trees.,jav_Latn-eng_Latn Sapa sing ngandhani kowe mrene?,Who told you to come here?,jav_Latn-eng_Latn Ana woh-wohan lan iwak-iwakan nèng pasar iki.,There's fruit and meat in this market.,jav_Latn-eng_Latn Aku kudu nèlpon Tom.,I ought to give Tom a call.,jav_Latn-eng_Latn Tom nawani aku wédang kopi.,Tom offered me a cup of coffee.,jav_Latn-eng_Latn Aku dhèwèkan nèng kéné.,I'm alone here.,jav_Latn-eng_Latn Tom ngéwangi akèh.,Tom helped a lot.,jav_Latn-eng_Latn Iki artine apa?,What does this mean?,jav_Latn-eng_Latn Kepiye koe nyebutne iki?,What do you call this?,jav_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom kuwi kédhé, pa?",Is Tom left-handed?,jav_Latn-eng_Latn Cetha dhèwèké isa basa Inggris.,Of course she can speak English.,jav_Latn-eng_Latn Aku dilairaké tanggal 18 Maret 1994.,I was born on 18th March 1994.,jav_Latn-eng_Latn ꦠꦺꦴꦩ꧀ꦩꦸꦁꦏꦱꦶꦱꦼꦱꦺꦴꦫꦲꦺꦱꦫꦤꦠꦼꦩ꧀ꦧꦁꦏꦁꦲꦺꦤ꧀ꦢꦃ,Tom closed his speech with a beautiful song.,jav_Latn-eng_Latn Jenengé Tom.,His name is Tom.,jav_Latn-eng_Latn Tom mesthi nang kéné.,Tom is always here.,jav_Latn-eng_Latn Aku sujana marang patiné dhéké.,I have a suspicion about his death.,jav_Latn-eng_Latn Kowé jajal sopan sithik.,You should try to be more polite.,jav_Latn-eng_Latn Dhèwèké ora bisa diandelaké merga dhèwèké kerep goroh.,She cannot be relied on because she often tells lies.,jav_Latn-eng_Latn Aku kangen kowe.,I miss you.,jav_Latn-eng_Latn Tom mudheng apa sing kudu dirampungaké.,Tom understands what needs to be done.,jav_Latn-eng_Latn "Iwaké dhongé aja diguwak, isa dienggo pakan kucing.",The fish isn't supposed to be thrown away. It can be used to feed cats.,jav_Latn-eng_Latn Aku katuron nalika sinau ana ing méjaku.,I fell asleep while studying at my desk.,jav_Latn-eng_Latn Aku pembantune Tom,I'm Tom's nanny.,jav_Latn-eng_Latn Ora penting nggo kowé ngerti apa ora.,That's not important for you to know.,jav_Latn-eng_Latn Tabuh pira?,What time is it?,jav_Latn-eng_Latn Ora ana perkara penting liyané sing arep tak omongké.,I have nothing else worth saying.,jav_Latn-eng_Latn Tulung awasi bayiné sedhéla.,Keep an eye on the baby for a while.,jav_Latn-eng_Latn Nèng endi pasaré?,Where is the market?,jav_Latn-eng_Latn Aku krungu ceritané kowé karo Tom.,I heard about you and Tom.,jav_Latn-eng_Latn Aku wisuh nganggo kuwi.,I wash my hands of it.,jav_Latn-eng_Latn Kowé sarujuk apa ora marang panemuné?,Are you for or against his idea?,jav_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom wis lunga, durung?",Has Tom left?,jav_Latn-eng_Latn Apa sing pingin tok retèni?,What do you want to know?,jav_Latn-eng_Latn Aku ngerti kowè ora isa nggarap kuwi.,I knew you couldn't do it.,jav_Latn-eng_Latn Kowé nduwe apa menèh nèng sakmu?,What else do you have in your pocket?,jav_Latn-eng_Latn Tak akoni aku sumelang marang kuwi.,I have to admit I was worried about it.,jav_Latn-eng_Latn Ora ana siji-sijia sing perduli.,No one cares.,jav_Latn-eng_Latn Aku kudu menyang kakus.,I have to go to the toilet.,jav_Latn-eng_Latn Dhèké mlaku banter.,He walks fast.,jav_Latn-eng_Latn Dhèwèké kanda yèn arep mlayu 200 kilometer sedina lan dhèwèké nglakoni.,He said he would run 200 kilometers in a day and he did.,jav_Latn-eng_Latn Tom bisa basa Perancis amèh padha apiké kaya aku.,Tom can speak French almost as well as me.,jav_Latn-eng_Latn Apa sing dikarepaké Tom?,What does Tom mean?,jav_Latn-eng_Latn Akèh sing medèn-medèni wong akir-akir iki.,Many things frighten people these days.,jav_Latn-eng_Latn Gelem tak kandani ora?,Can I tell you something?,jav_Latn-eng_Latn Apa bener yèn wong modèrn kuwi kalong wayah turuné?,Is modern society suffering from sleep deprivation?,jav_Latn-eng_Latn "Rama kula wonten pundi, inggih?",Where's my father?,jav_Latn-eng_Latn Kayané ora apa-apa.,It's probably OK.,jav_Latn-eng_Latn Kayané awakdhéwé bakal tekan Boston sakdurungé surup.,I think we'll reach Boston before dark.,jav_Latn-eng_Latn Umuré sewelas taun.,He's eleven years old.,jav_Latn-eng_Latn "Awakmu kok ora nggugu pituturé, ta?",Why don't you listen to his advice?,jav_Latn-eng_Latn "Yèn sira muni, ""Aku tresna marang sira,"" mangka aku uga bakal muni ngono marang sliramu.","If you say, ""I love you,"" then I will also say that to you.",jav_Latn-eng_Latn Tak arani kowé ngerti nèng endi lungané Tom.,I thought you might know where Tom went.,jav_Latn-eng_Latn Kaé dudu baja.,They're not metal.,jav_Latn-eng_Latn Aku ora isa teka nèng restoran karo kowé mengko bengi.,I can't go to the restaurant with you tonight.,jav_Latn-eng_Latn Tak pikir Tom kuwi nèng omah turu.,I thought Tom was home asleep.,jav_Latn-eng_Latn "Dhèwèké menyang sekolah numpak bis, pa?",Does he go to school by bus?,jav_Latn-eng_Latn Anggona jus limun katimbang werak.,Use lemon juice instead of vinegar.,jav_Latn-eng_Latn Aku ora doyan kopi.,I don't like coffee.,jav_Latn-eng_Latn Paksi-paksinipun gadhah warni abrit.,The birds are red.,jav_Latn-eng_Latn Kuwi waé ora cukup.,That's not enough.,jav_Latn-eng_Latn Tom wegah nglakoni kuwi.,Tom didn't want to do it.,jav_Latn-eng_Latn Menyata saka amben.,Please get off the couch.,jav_Latn-eng_Latn Kowé wis adus apa durung?,Have you taken a bath?,jav_Latn-eng_Latn Tom nganggep Mary kuwi ora isa ndandani jamé.,Tom didn't think Mary could fix his watch.,jav_Latn-eng_Latn Aku ora nemokaké endi-endi sing wangun.,I don't find any of this interesting.,jav_Latn-eng_Latn Dhèwèké ora ngerti apa-apa.,They don't know anything.,jav_Latn-eng_Latn Endi jamku?,Where is my watch?,jav_Latn-eng_Latn Awakdhéwé kabèh urip nèng bumi.,We all live on planet Earth.,jav_Latn-eng_Latn "Saka adoh, padhas karang gedhé kaé katon kaya gedhong tuwa.","Seen from a distance, the big rock looks like an old castle.",jav_Latn-eng_Latn Tom ora seneng musik sing mbribèni.,Tom doesn't like loud music.,jav_Latn-eng_Latn Panjenengan wonten ngriku boten?,Are you down there?,jav_Latn-eng_Latn Kasunyatané isih kaya ngono nganti pirang-pirang dina sabanjuré wartané tekan.,It was not until few days later that the news arrived.,jav_Latn-eng_Latn Tom ora saala kuwi.,Tom isn't that bad.,jav_Latn-eng_Latn Dhèwèké ora nduwé karcis.,She does not have a ticket.,jav_Latn-eng_Latn Ana sing klèru nèng kéné.,There's something wrong here.,jav_Latn-eng_Latn Kuwi sing mesthi diujaraké simbokku.,That's what my mom always said.,jav_Latn-eng_Latn Kowé kuwi mesthi telat.,You are always late.,jav_Latn-eng_Latn Bapaké Tom pulisi.,Tom's father is a police officer.,jav_Latn-eng_Latn Pametuné malah sawaliké saka sing dikarepaké awakdhéwé.,The result was contrary to our plan.,jav_Latn-eng_Latn Ora ana sing narik kawigatèn nèng kalawarta kuwi.,There was nothing interesting in the newspaper.,jav_Latn-eng_Latn Tom minebaké banjur ngunci lawangan lemariné.,Tom closed the closet door and locked it.,jav_Latn-eng_Latn ꦲꦏꦸꦩꦼꦤ꧀ꦣꦶꦁꦩ꧀ꦭꦏꦸꦠꦶꦤꦶꦩ꧀ꦧꦁꦔꦼꦤ꧀ꦠꦺꦤꦶꦧꦶꦱ꧀ꦱꦧꦚ꧀ꦗꦸꦫꦺ,I would rather walk than wait for the next bus.,jav_Latn-eng_Latn Gubugé diobong.,The hut was set on fire.,jav_Latn-eng_Latn Wong dhuwur kaé klambèn ireng.,The tall man wears a black suit.,jav_Latn-eng_Latn Dhèwèké bakal nekakaké Tom.,She will bring Tom.,jav_Latn-eng_Latn ꦲꦏꦸꦏꦸꦕꦶꦮꦩꦫꦁꦱꦩ꧀ꦥꦺꦪꦤ꧀,I'm disappointed with you.,jav_Latn-eng_Latn "Kowé rak durung ndelok Tom, ta?","You haven't seen Tom, have you?",jav_Latn-eng_Latn Ora isa tak lilakaké kanggo mbanjuraké iki.,I can't permit this to continue.,jav_Latn-eng_Latn "Kowé ora pingin lunga, pa?",Don't you want to go?,jav_Latn-eng_Latn Dhèwèké mesthi bener.,She's correct for sure.,jav_Latn-eng_Latn Aku ya ora ngerti,I don't know either.,jav_Latn-eng_Latn Wingi udan.,It rained yesterday.,jav_Latn-eng_Latn Tom kenal aku,Tom knows me.,jav_Latn-eng_Latn Aku ora bakal ngejaraké dhèwèké nglakoni iku.,I won't let him do it.,jav_Latn-eng_Latn Kabeh kenal aku,Everyone knows me.,jav_Latn-eng_Latn Pamita marang kanca-kancamu.,Say goodbye to your friends.,jav_Latn-eng_Latn Dhèwèké ora duwé kulawarga.,He doesn't have a family.,jav_Latn-eng_Latn Padha ngandani aku kudu nunggu ing kene,They told me to wait here.,jav_Latn-eng_Latn Iku bakal tak wedharaké manèh.,I'll explain it again.,jav_Latn-eng_Latn Bu guru mbukak kerdusé banjur ngetokaké bal.,The teacher opened the box and took out a ball.,jav_Latn-eng_Latn Tom ngolesi roti nganggo mentega,Tom buttered a slice of bread.,jav_Latn-eng_Latn Balika saiki.,Come back now.,jav_Latn-eng_Latn "Arep tak éwangi, pa?",Should I help you?,jav_Latn-eng_Latn Aku luwung mapan kéné.,I would rather stay here.,jav_Latn-eng_Latn Kowé ngerti ora iki apa?,Can you tell me what this is?,jav_Latn-eng_Latn Kowe aman ing kene,You'll be safe here.,jav_Latn-eng_Latn Aku nembé ngrungokaké radio.,I am listening to the radio.,jav_Latn-eng_Latn Dhewekke ngecat rambute ireng,He dyed his hair black.,jav_Latn-eng_Latn Kuwi apik tenan.,It was really nice.,jav_Latn-eng_Latn Wis setaun kapungkur kawit dhèwèké teka mréné.,A year has passed since she came here.,jav_Latn-eng_Latn Kowe kudu mangerti yen dhewekke lagi lara ning kasur,You ought to have known that he was sick in bed.,jav_Latn-eng_Latn Genah dhèwèké bakal lulus ujian.,No doubt he will pass the examination.,jav_Latn-eng_Latn Kowe ra bisa meksa Tom nulungi Mary,You can't force Tom to help Mary.,jav_Latn-eng_Latn Ati-ati aja nganti kowé nglarani awakmu dhéwé.,Make sure you don't hurt yourself.,jav_Latn-eng_Latn Lare-lare dolanan ngangge dolanan,Children play with toys.,jav_Latn-eng_Latn Bakul iwaké nggiling iwak.,The butcher ground the meat.,jav_Latn-eng_Latn Dhèwèké mulih.,She went home.,jav_Latn-eng_Latn Awakdhéwé éntuk akèh pengalaman sing nyenengaké nèng pamulangan inggil.,We had many exciting experiences in the college.,jav_Latn-eng_Latn Dhèwèké sesuk tak kandani.,I'll tell him tomorrow.,jav_Latn-eng_Latn Mobil sing ditumpaki dhewekke dudu nggonane dhewekke,The car he's driving is not his.,jav_Latn-eng_Latn "Mampir ngetèh dhisik, mbokan?",Won't you stay for tea?,jav_Latn-eng_Latn Kowe kepingin daktukokake tuak sepira?,How much wine do you want me to buy?,jav_Latn-eng_Latn Mangga sepatu dicopot lan didèlèhaké ana ing rak sepatu.,Please put your shoes in the getabako when you take them off.,jav_Latn-eng_Latn "Tak pikir ta, sing paling nggumunaké yaiku jebulé Tom kuwi bisa cecaturan mèh karo sapa waé.",I think what impressed me most was the way Tom could talk to just about anyone.,jav_Latn-eng_Latn Tulisa kuwi.,Write that down.,jav_Latn-eng_Latn Yusuf mlakuné nyèmpèr.,Joseph has a limp.,jav_Latn-eng_Latn "Siji, telu, lima, pitu lan sanga kuwi angka gajil.","One, three, five, seven and nine are odd numbers.",jav_Latn-eng_Latn Aku dikandani ana apa manèh sabanjuré.,Tell me more about what happened.,jav_Latn-eng_Latn Ngapa kowé ora takon dhéwé nang dhèwèké?,Why don't you ask him yourself?,jav_Latn-eng_Latn Kowé sajaké durung ngerti rasané dipatil lélé.,You apparently haven't known the pain of catfish sting.,jav_Latn-eng_Latn Jajal ambekan liwat irungmu.,Please breathe through your nose.,jav_Latn-eng_Latn Aku nembé ana gawé.,I've been very busy.,jav_Latn-eng_Latn Tom ora kepikiran yèn dhèwèké beja temen.,Tom has no idea how lucky he is.,jav_Latn-eng_Latn Lalèn karo kesèd kuwi duluran.,Forgetfulness and laziness are siblings.,jav_Latn-eng_Latn Awakdhéwé ora bisa mbédakaké dhèké karo adhiné.,We cannot distinguish her from her younger sister.,jav_Latn-eng_Latn Dhèwèké goroh bab kuwi.,He lied about it.,jav_Latn-eng_Latn Pira entèké olèhmu nyéwa rusun?,How much rent do you pay for the apartment?,jav_Latn-eng_Latn Aja èdan.,Don't do anything crazy.,jav_Latn-eng_Latn Tom ngandhani Mary yèn dhèwèké ora seneng ngrembug perkarané karo dhèwèké.,Tom told Mary he wasn't interested in discussing his problems with her.,jav_Latn-eng_Latn Aku ora ngerti piye isaku ngéwangi kowé.,I'm not sure how I can help you.,jav_Latn-eng_Latn Awas! Ana coro nèng sandhingé kulkas! Ndang diapakaké!,Look! There's a cockroach besides the fridge! Do something quick!,jav_Latn-eng_Latn Donostia kuwi sawiji kutha nèng nagara Baské.,Donostia is a city in the Basque Country.,jav_Latn-eng_Latn Krungu-krungu Boston kuwi tlatah sing larang kanggo urip.,I've heard that Boston is a very expensive place to live.,jav_Latn-eng_Latn Burj Khalifa saiki gedung paling dhuwur neng donya.,Burj Khalifa is currently the tallest building in the world.,jav_Latn-eng_Latn Aku nyumbang kanggo paguyuban iki amèh saben dina.,I contribute to this forum almost every day.,jav_Latn-eng_Latn Aku butuh sawetara rong puluh menit kanggo tata-tata nalika isuk.,I need about twenty minutes to organize my morning.,jav_Latn-eng_Latn Kapan olèhé kadadèn?,When did that happen?,jav_Latn-eng_Latn Aku wegah mlayu.,I won't run.,jav_Latn-eng_Latn Tom isa gawé apa?,What can Tom do?,jav_Latn-eng_Latn Awak dhéwé éntuk kiriman gedhé.,We received a large package.,jav_Latn-eng_Latn Dhèwèké wis rabi lawasé sepuluh taun.,They have been married for ten years.,jav_Latn-eng_Latn Perancis karo Spanyol kuwi wewatesan.,France and Spain have a common border.,jav_Latn-eng_Latn Ora ana manèh sing isa tok gawé nggo aku.,There's nothing more you can do for me.,jav_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom rak luwèh-luwèhan, ta?","Tom is careless, isn't he?",jav_Latn-eng_Latn Karepku aku wis nulis nggo kowé.,I meant to have written to you.,jav_Latn-eng_Latn Aku isa akèh basa Afrika.,I can speak many African languages.,jav_Latn-eng_Latn Tom nyambut gawé kanggo FBI.,Tom works for the FBI.,jav_Latn-eng_Latn Balé iki amot kanggo wong 2.000.,"This hall holds 2,000 people.",jav_Latn-eng_Latn Kowé arep mrana ora?,Do you want to go there?,jav_Latn-eng_Latn Dhèwèké tak kandhani kapan olèhku mangkat.,I informed her of my departure.,jav_Latn-eng_Latn Révolusi wis kelakon nèng tèknologi.,A revolution has occurred in technology.,jav_Latn-eng_Latn "Mengko dak tilpun manèh, ya?","Let me call you back later, OK?",jav_Latn-eng_Latn Kepiyé panemumu?,What do you think?,jav_Latn-eng_Latn Gendérané wis munggah.,The flag is up.,jav_Latn-eng_Latn Bètèng iki diadegaké supaya wong-wong ora bisa mlebu apa ora bisa metu?,Was this wall built to keep people out or to keep them in?,jav_Latn-eng_Latn Dhèwèké lagi ndhelik nang jero lemari.,She's hiding in the closet.,jav_Latn-eng_Latn 言う価値のあることがなければ、しゃべるな。,Don't speak unless you have something worth saying.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 校長先生は、生徒が廊下を散らかしたときは、きびしく叱りました。,The principal severely reproved the students whenever they made a mess in the hallway.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 彼は手紙を書く。,He writes a letter.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 彼女は彼に欠点があるからかえって彼を愛している。,She loves him all the more because he has faults.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 漢字を学ばないで日本語の勉強はできない。,We can not learn Japanese without learning Kanji.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 私はギリシャ文明について多くのことを学びました。,I learned many things about Greek culture.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 言い換えると、世の中にはいろいろな人間が必要だということだ。,"In other words, it takes all sorts of people to make a world.",jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 久しぶりに来たけど全然変わってないな。,"It's been a while since I've been here, but nothing has changed.",jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn どうしたら信じてくれる?,What do I have to do to make you believe me?,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 彼女は彼にテニスで負けてしまった。,She lost to him in tennis.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 言いたいことは分かってるよ。,I understand what you're saying.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 言いかえると、彼は信念の人です。,"In other words, he is a man of faith.",jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 言いかえると、生来の温かさがない限り信頼性は不可能だ。,"In other words, reliability is impossible unless there is a natural warmth.",jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 現役から引退した人は足が遠のくものだ。,People rarely come to see you once you are retired.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn じゃあ、行こっか?,"So, should we get going?",jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 現地企業でのインターンシップを体験する。,I'm going to do an internship at a local company.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 現代文明は科学と教育の基盤の上に成り立っている。,Modern civilization rests on a foundation of science and education.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 現代人は車なしで済ますことができない。,Modern people cannot do without cars.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn トムは傘を無くしました。,Tom lost his umbrella.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 現代科学は多くの不可能を可能に変えた。,Modern science has turned many impossibilities into possibilities.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn あなたのシャツ、いいですね。,I like your shirt.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn トムはチェスが好きではない。,Tom doesn't like chess.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 現状の打開策を暗中模索している。,We are groping for a way out of the present situation.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 現場には彼に不利な証拠品は何もなかった。,There was no evidence against him found at the scene.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 現実面では、エメット理論の応用によっていくつかの傑出したデザインが生み出されている。,"On the practical side, the application of Emmet's theory has produced several outstanding designs.",jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 現実的ではないとして、その計画は拒絶された。,The plan was rejected as being impractical.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 父は毎朝ジョギングしに行く。,My father goes jogging every morning.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 彼女は彼が罰せられるとは考えもつかなかった。,It had never occurred to her that he would be punished.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 子どもの頃、悪さをするといつもお尻を叩かれた。,"When I was child, whenever I did something bad, I would get spanked.",jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 急用ができたので約束をキャンセルした。,I canceled my appointment because of urgent business.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 役職は何ですか?,What do you do?,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn プレゼンの時間は三十分でお願いします。,Please limit your presentation to 30 minutes.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 現実から逃げることはできない。,You can't escape from reality.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 彼女は彼が呼びにくるまで仕事を続けた。,She went on working till he called her.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn イヤリングを片方失くした。,I lost an earring.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn あのドレス大好き。,I really like that dress.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn お邪魔ではありませんか。,Am I bothering you?,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn このサイトをブックマークしておいて。,Bookmark this site.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn トムによろしく言っておいてよ。,Tell Tom I said hi.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn トムがあなたのキャンディを食べました。,Tom ate your candy.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 葉巻を吸いますか。,Do you smoke cigars?,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 驚いたふりをしないで。,Don't act surprised.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 彼のご両親は私のことをとても気に入ってくれている。,His parents love me.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 彼女はまだ20代に違いない。,She must still be in her twenties.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn トムは自分のライフルを撃った。,Tom fired his rifle.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn トムはメアリーを心底愛している。,Tom loves Mary with all his heart.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 彼の住所を知っていれば手紙を書くのに。,"If I knew his address, I would write to him.",jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 私は兵庫の大学で勉強しています。,I study at the University of Hyogo.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 現在の飛行機墜落は2週間ごとにほぼ1件の割合で、あらゆる重大事故があらゆるタイプの輸送用ジェット機に起こっている。,"The current rate is about one airplane crash every two weeks, measuring all serious accidents to all types of transport jets.",jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn とにかく、三対一は不公平だ。,"Anyway, three against one is unfair.",jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn トムは自分の鞄をつかんだ。,Tom grabbed his bag.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn トムは怠け者。,Tom is a lazy person.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn トムはメアリーをきつく抱きしめた。,Tom held Mary tight.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 昨日とても寒かったので、帽子を被った。,Yesterday was very cold so I wore a hat.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn アンは私たちのパーティーに来ないでしょう。,Anne will not come to our party.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 吸血鬼は睨むだけで人を金縛りにする。,A vampire can paralyze people just by looking at them.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn トムはメアリーに夢中だった。,Tom was crazy about Mary.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn トムが遅刻している。,Tom is late.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn トムがメアリーにキスをしている。,Tom is kissing Mary.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 献血をしたことはありますか?,Have you ever donated blood?,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn トムは落ち込んでいる。,Tom is disappointed.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn トムは彼の妻に口付けをしている。,Tom is kissing his wife.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn トムは親切だ。,Tom is kind.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn トムが踊っている。,Tom is dancing.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn トムはメアリーにばったり会った。,Tom bumped into Mary.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn トムはメアリーを殺さなかった。,Tom didn't kill Mary.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn トムはあなたのことを憎んではいない。,Tom doesn't hate you.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn トムは自分のコートをつかんだ。,Tom grabbed his coat.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn トムは億万長者だ。,Tom is a billionaire.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn トムが泣いている。,Tom is crying.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn トムも泣いている。,"Tom is crying, too.",jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn トムがあなたを待っています。,Tom's waiting for you.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn トムは今泣いている。,Tom is crying now.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn ちなみに、告げることがあるんだけどさ。,"Incidentally, I have to tell you something.",jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn トムはクレイジーだ。,Tom is crazy.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 彼女は肌を太陽にさらさなかった。,She didn't expose her skin to the sun.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn トムはきちがいだ。,Tom is nuts.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 彼女は箱のふたを閉めた。,She put the lid on the box.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 現在どのような状況か、お知らせください。,Would you please let me know what the status is right away?,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 彼女は箱のふたを開けた。,She took off the lid of the box.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 現在では言論の自由は当然と思われている。,At present freedom of speech is taken for granted.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 「僕のこと嫌い?」「ううん」「じゃあ好き?」「なんで聞くの?」,"""Do you hate me?"" ""No."" ""So do you love me?"" ""Why are you asking?""",jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn トムは興味津々だ。,Tom is curious.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 彼女は白雪姫のように美しい。,She is as beautiful as Snow White.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn トムは格好いい。,Tom is cool.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn トムが正解。,Tom is correct.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 私は太り気味かもしれないが、すこぶる健康だよ。,"I may be plump, but I'm vigorous.",jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn トムとジョンって兄弟なの?,"Tom, are you and John brothers?",jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 大統領は奴隷制度を廃止した。,The president has abolished slavery.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 彼女は売り子だったことを秘密にしていた。,She concealed the fact that she used to be a salesgirl.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 現金を盗まれた。,Someone stole my cash.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 彼女は買い物に出かけた。,She went shopping.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn この辺でスーパーってどこにありますか?,Where's there a supermarket around here?,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 彼は自分自身の命をかけて友人を救った。,He saved his friend at the risk of his own life.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 私は生け花を一通りは習いました。,I have learned the basics of the art of flower arrangement.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 僕は彼に事件のいきさつを一通り話した。,I gave him an outline of the incident.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 少女はあっという間に金網フェンスを跳び越えた。,In the blink of an eye the girl jumped over the chain-link fence.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 彼女は猫を二匹飼っている、一方は白でもう一方は黒である。,"She has two cats. One is black, and the other is white.",jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 一通りの挨拶が済むと早速例の問題を持ち出した。,"After the usual greetings were over, I lost no time in introducing the subject in question.",jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn きみにちょっとしたものをもってきたよ。,I brought you a little something.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 彼女は妊娠中絶した。,She had an abortion.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 彼女は妊娠中です。,She is expecting a child.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 厳しい現実から遠く離れて暮らしている人もいる。,Some people live far removed from harsh realities.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn これを聞いた時の彼女の嘆きは一通りでなかった。,Her grief at this news was excessive.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn トムはたばこをやめた。,Tom quit smoking.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 一通り読み終えたところで、あんぐり口を開けた。,"As his eyes ran over the paper, his jaw fell.",jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn ここから駅までは2マイルです。,It's two miles from here to the station.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn トムはナイフを取り出した。,Tom pulled out a knife.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn トムはホールインワンをした。,Tom scored a hole in one.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn トムはボストンが好きなようだ。,Tom seems to like Boston.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn トムは窓をコンコンと叩いた。,Tom tapped on the window.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn トムはメアリーに家へ帰るように言った。,Tom told Mary to go home.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn トムは水道を止めた。,Tom turned off the water.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn トムは部屋を見回した。,Tom looked around the room.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 彼女は日本語を勉強しようと日本に来た。,She came to Japan to study Japanese.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 彼女は日本語の授業をほんの数時間しか受けられなかった。,She could only take Japanese lessons for a few hours.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 傘持ってないの? 入れてあげよっか?,You don't have an umbrella? Aren't you thankful you went inside?,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 彼女は日本を去って二度と帰国することはなかった。,"She left Japan, never to return home again.",jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn トム、ちょっと声抑えて!,"Tom, quiet down a little!",jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn すみません、ここ何駅ですか?,"Excuse me, what station is this?",jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 今夜は冷えるらしいから風邪引かないようにね。,"It looks like the temperature is going to drop tonight, so be careful not to catch a cold.",jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 今日暑いね! 着てくる服間違えたわ。,Today sure is hot! I wore the wrong kind of clothing.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 半袖で来ればよかった。,I should've worn short sleeves.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn この暗号は私には解読できない。,I can't break this code.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn トムが眼鏡外したとこ見たことある?,Have you ever seen Tom not wearing glasses?,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn これ誰の車?,Whose is this car?,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 残りのバラを水に入れてください!,"Put the rest of the roses in some water, please!",jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn トムが怒ってるの見たことある?,Have you ever seen Tom angry?,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 自分を守る方法を子供たちに教えるべきだ。,We should tell children how to protect themselves.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn もし私が浮気したらどうする?,What would you do if I were untrue to you?,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn なんで嘘ついたの?,Why did you lie?,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 将来何になるつもりなの?,What are you going to be in the future?,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 男には気をつけろよ。,Let's be careful about men.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 明日雨降らないといいな。,I hope that it doesn't rain tomorrow.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 「雨やんだかな?」「やんでるといいね」,"""I wonder if it's stopped raining."" ""I hope so.""",jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 彼は自分を暗殺しようという陰謀を知らなかった。,He was ignorant of the plot to assassinate him.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn はあ、泣きそう。,"Ah, I think I'm gonna cry.",jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 彼は自分をためす機会を切望している。,He is eager for the chance to prove himself.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn これで痛みは和らぐはずだ。,This should relieve the pain.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn トムは少し緊張しているように見える。,Tom looks a little nervous.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn トムは息子のことを誇りに思っているようだ。,Tom looks proud of his son.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn トムは本当にあなたのことを気に掛けているんです。,Tom really cares about you.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 彼は自分は無実だと主張した。,He affirmed himself to be innocent.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn トムはウインドウを下げた。,Tom rolled down the window.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn トムは2時30分に電話すると言った。,Tom said he'd call at 2:30.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn トムが間違っているかどうかの確信がない。,I'm not so sure Tom is wrong.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 私のものに触れないで。,Keep your hands off my stuff.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn メアリーは20代後半です。,Mary is in her late twenties.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn あなたはボストンに行ってしまったのだと思っていました。,I thought you'd gone to Boston.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 彼女は特別な作り方でパンを焼いている。,She has a special way of making bread.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn トムは私の友達ではないと言ったはずです。,I told you Tom isn't my friend.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn トムがいつ出発するのかよく分かりません。,I'm not sure when Tom will leave.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn トムを元気づけようとしているんだ。,I've been trying to cheer Tom up.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 鉛筆を落としましたよ。,You dropped your pencil.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 彼のアドバイスを聞いてみましょうよ。,Why don't we ask his advice?,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 彼に相談してみませんか。,Why don't we ask for his advice?,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 彼は病気で学校を休んだ。,He was absent from school because of illness.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 私は言葉を失った。,I'm at a loss for words.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn トムは一年以上ボストンに住むつもりだ。,Tom intends to live in Boston for more than a year.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 禁煙しようとしてるんです。,I've been trying to quit smoking.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 彼は自分の恋人を私に打ち明けて話した。,He confided in me about his love affair.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 今は時間がないんです。,I don't have time right now.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 彼女は同性の間では評判がよい。,She is well spoken of among her own sex.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn メアリーがいつ到着するのかトムには見当がつかない。,Tom has no idea when Mary will arrive.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn トムはガラスの割れる音を聞いた。,Tom heard the sound of breaking glass.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn トムはメアリーよりほんの少し背が高い。,Tom is just slightly taller than Mary.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn トムはまだ床の上で気を失っている。,Tom is still unconscious on the floor.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn トムはメアリーにキスをしてから仕事に行った。,Tom kissed Mary and then went to work.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn トムはパンケーキにかかってるメープルシロップが好きだ。,Tom likes maple syrup on his pancakes.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn トムは床から物を拾い上げた。,Tom picked the stuff up off the floor.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 彼女は同じ間違いを繰り返している。,She keeps on making the same mistakes.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn ちょっと食べすぎたかな。お腹がぱんぱんだよ。,I might have eaten a bit too much. My stomach's completely full.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 今日は何もしないで家でごろごろしていたい気分だよ。,Today I just feel like staying at home and doing nothing.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn よし、今日も一日頑張るぞ!,"I'll try my best today, too.",jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn トムは彼女は欲しくないと言っている。,Tom says he doesn't want a girlfriend.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 私たち、お互いに仲良しだよね?,"We're attracted to each other, aren't we?",jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 昨日から下痢が続いているんです。,I've had diarrhea since yesterday.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 夕食を食べながらこのことについて話しませんか。,Why don't we talk about this over dinner?,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn ねえ、ここでちょっと休憩しようよ。足がくたくたでもう歩けないよ。,Let's take a short rest here. My legs are tired and I can't walk any more.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 上司がイライラし始めている。,My boss is starting to get edgy.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 彼は自分の理論をいくつかの場合に適用した。,He applied his theory to some cases.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 問題は彼女が未熟であるということだ。,The trouble is that she lacks experience.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn あなたと一緒に住んでいるのは誰ですか。,Who do you live with?,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn あなたは誰と一緒に住んでいますか。,With whom do you live?,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn あなたのお気に入りのスーパーヒーローは誰ですか。,Who's your favorite super hero?,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn この濃霧の中で飛行するのは危険だ。,It is dangerous to fly in this heavy fog.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn ヘンリーが君に会いたがっているよ。,Henry wants to see you.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 先日の夜あなたがしたことをトムに話しなさい。,Tell Tom about what you did the other night.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 医者はトムにドッグフードを食べるのを止めるように言った。,The doctor told Tom to stop eating dog food.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn トムは青ざめた。,Tom turned pale.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn おでこから血出てるよ。,Your forehead's bleeding.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 服着ないと風邪引くよ。,"If you don't wear clothes, you'll catch a cold, you know?",jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 眠いなら寝ればいいじゃん。,"If you're sleepy, you should sleep.",jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn ソビエト学者は何を勉強しますか?,What does a Sovietologist study?,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn ソビエトロジストは何を勉強しますか?,What does a Sovietologist research?,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 彼女は怒った。,She got angry.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 明日までにやらないといけないことがたくさんあるんだ。,There are a lot of things I have to do before tomorrow.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 彼女は電車に乗り遅れたかもしれない。,She may have missed her train.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 紅茶とコーヒー、どっちが好き?,"Which do you like better, tea or coffee?",jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn ボストンとシカゴ、どっちが好き?,"Which do you like better, Boston or Chicago?",jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 彼は自分の目を信じることができなかった。,He could not believe his eyes.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn トムはボストンに沢山の友達がいる。,Tom has many friends living in Boston.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn エイズの感染拡大は恐るべき速さで進んでいる。,The speed of the spread of AIDS is horrifyingly fast.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 何だったの?,What was the matter?,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 彼女は庭の小道を歩いていた。,She was walking along a garden path.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 箱の中身は何?,What is in this box?,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 彼は自分の名前を署名することさえできなかった。,He could not so much as sign his own name.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn その車はいつ健に洗われたのですか。,When was the car washed by Ken?,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 君がいないと生きていけない。,I can't live without you.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn ジャクソンは身をひくつもりはなかった。,Jackson was not planning to retreat.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn その車はあまりに大きいので駐車するのがたいへんだ。,That car's so big that parking it is difficult.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 運も人生のうち,Luck is a part of life.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn その車はあそこで右に曲がった。,The car made a right turn over there.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn その車は3列のシートがあるので8人の客を運ぶことが出来る。,The car has three rows of seats and is capable of carrying eight passengers.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn トムはテニスも卓球もうまい。,Tom can play both tennis and table tennis well.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn トムとは友達以上恋人未満の関係です。,"Tom is more than my friend, but he's not quite my boyfriend.",jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn トムはメアリーを信頼していなかったし、メアリーもトムを信頼していなかった。,Tom didn't trust Mary and she didn't trust him.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn トムは他人にどう思われているかをとても気にするたちだ。,Tom is the kind of person who is deeply conscious of how other people think of him.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn その車は、速く走らない。,The car doesn't run fast.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn トムは3年ほど前からメアリーと付き合っている。,Tom has been dating Mary for about three years.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn トムはメアリーの言葉を一言一句漏らさず書き留めた。,Tom wrote down without fail every one of Mary's words.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 彼は自分の名前が呼ばれたとき眠りかけていた。,He was almost asleep when he heard his name called.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 彼は好きじゃない。,I don't care for him.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 興奮しすぎて眠れない。,I'm too excited to sleep.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn トムは猫が好きじゃない。,Tom doesn't like cats.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn トムの家のピアノは調律が狂っている。,The piano in Tom's house is out of tune.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 猛暑の峠は越えたようだが、日中はまだまだ暑い。,"We have already passed the peak of the summer heat, but it's still hot during the day.",jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn トムは横になっていない。,Tom isn't lying down.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn その車の値段は高すぎる。,The price of the car is too high.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 花火大会は雷雨のため開始30分で中止になった。,The fireworks show was suspended after 30 minutes due to the thunderstorm.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 人は一分間に通常12回から20回呼吸をする。,People normally breathe 12 to 20 times a minute.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 週に一度、その母親は息子の部屋を点検する。,"Once a week, the mother inspects her son's room.",jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn その車の使用許可が彼女に与えられた。,Permission to use the car was accorded her.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 彼女は彼に親切ではない。実のところ、誰に対しても親切ではない。,"She isn't kind to him. In fact, she's not kind to anyone.",jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn ここで小麦を作る。,We grow wheat here.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn パンは小麦から作られます。,Bread is made from wheat.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn ネイティブ・アメリカンは弓と矢でたたかった。,Native Americans fought with bow and arrow.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn トムは彼の仕事に専念した。,Tom concentrated on his work.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn これは強い人が使う弓です。,This is a bow for a strong person.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn その車には新しいエンジンがついている。,The car has a new engine.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn かれはきっと里心がついています。,He must be homesick.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn その岩はダイナマイトで動かした。,The rock was moved by dynamite.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 一日か二日で終わると思います。,I'll be able to finish in a day or two.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn その車なかなか最新式である。,That car is quite up to date.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn ウサギは耳が長い。,A rabbit has long ears.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 生きることは老いること。それだけ。,"Living is growing old, nothing more.",jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 即効性は期待しないで下さい。,I hope you won't expect results immediately.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn その車が男の子を撥ねた時、ちょうど居合わせた。,I happened along when the car hit the boy.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn フランス語と英語、どちらで話すことが多いですか?,"Which do you speak more often, French or English?",jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn その車がじゃまです。動かしてください。,The car is in the way. Please move it.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn その社会主義者は女性の通訳を同伴させていた。,The socialist was accompanied by a female interpreter.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 彼女は昼食の終わりにコーヒーを飲んだ。,She finished up lunch with coffee.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 彼がちょうど到着しました。,He's just arrived.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 果てがないものは二つだけある。宇宙と人間の愚かさだ。前者については確かではないが。,"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former.",jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn その社会奉仕家はスチブンソン家に関する情報をあくまでも追跡するよう求められた。,The social worker was asked to follow up the information about the Stevenson family.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn パリに一度も行ったことがありません。,I've never been to Paris.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 彼女は昼も夜もピアノを練習している。,She's practicing the piano day and night.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn その社会学者は背中を掻く癖がある。,The sociologist has a habit of scratching his back.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn トムはいつだって俺の服装をいじる。,Tom always comments on my clothes.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 彼が怪しい。,He looks suspicious.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 犬は囲いを跳び越えて庭に入ってきた。,The dog jumped over the fence into the garden.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 彼女はコーヒーが大好きです。,She loves coffee.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn その道は車が通るには狭すぎる。,The road is too narrow for cars.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn その社は大阪に本社がある。,The firm has its head office in Osaka.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn トムはそこにいるのがまったく気に染まなかった。,Tom is definitely not happy to be there.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 独りは良いものだ。だが「独りは良い」と言うには相手が必要だ。,"Solitude is fine, but you need someone to tell you that solitude is fine.",jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn その写真を彼の手に返した。,She put the picture back in his hand.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 犬はその特性が猫とは異なる。,A dog is distinct from a cat in physical characteristics.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn その写真を見ると私は子供時代を思い出す。,The photo takes me back to my childhood days.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn その写真を見ると私は楽しかった昔の日々を思い出す。,The picture reminds me of my happy old days.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn ここが激しく痛みます。,I have a sharp pain here.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 彼は海に泳ぎに行った。,He went to sea to swim.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn こちらに越してきてから3年以上経ちます。,It has been over three years since I moved here.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn メアリーは私の母です。,Mary is my mother.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn トムは何が本当に起こっているのか知っている。,Tom knows what's really going on.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn その別荘は海から歩いてたったの5分だ。,The villa is only a five minutes walk from the beach.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn トムは牛の乳を搾っている。,Tom is milking the cow.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 彼の体重は私より10キロ多い。,He weighs 10 kilograms more than I do.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 彼は私より10キロ重い。,He weighs ten more kilos than me.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 世界で最も美しい場所はどこですか。,Where is the most beautiful place in the world?,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn トムは激怒していたが語調を抑えた。子供がその場にいたからだ。,"Tom was furious, but he tempered his language because there were children present.",jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn トムは献血を定期的にしている。,Tom is a regular blood donor.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn ボストンとシカゴ、どちらによく行きますか?,"Where do you go more often, Boston or Chicago?",jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn いい子にしてないと誕生日プレゼントあげないよ。,"If you don't act like a good boy, you won't get a birthday present.",jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn トムとメアリー、どっちの方が好き?,"Who do you like better, Tom or Mary?",jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 髪はねてるよ。,You've got bits of hair sticking up.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 泣きすぎて目と頭が痛い。,My eyes and head hurt from crying too much.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 日本語学習のむずかしい部分は何ですか。,What is the hard part of learning Japanese?,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 彼女は誰に対しても親切だった。,She was kind to everybody.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn なんとお呼びすればいいですか?,What should I call you?,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 彼女は誰かしら。,I wonder who she is.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 「彼は詩さえ贈ってくれたのよ」「恋の詩?」,"""He even wrote me poems."" ""Love poems?""",jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 彼は前のめりになった。,He leaned forward.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn あなたが詩を書くとは知らなかった。,I didn't know you were a poet.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn トムと私の間には何もないわ。,There is nothing going on between Tom and me.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 君が彼らのことを好きでないのは知っている。,I know you don't like them.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn むしろトムは嬉しそうだ。,Tom actually seems happy.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 「どうして日本に行くの?」「東京の会議に出席するためだ」,"""Why are you going to Japan?"" ""To attend a conference in Tokyo.""",jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 試着しても大丈夫ですか?,Do you mind if I try this on?,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn トムは犬を飼っていると思っていた。,I thought Tom had a dog.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn トムはメアリーが料理が好きだと知らなかった。,Tom didn't know that Mary liked to cook.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn トムはメアリーに慰めの言葉を掛けた。,Tom said that he felt sorry for Mary.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn トムは早合点する癖がある。,Tom has a tendency to jump to conclusions.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 建設的な提案だよ。,That's a constructive suggestion!,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 彼女は大阪で生まれ大阪で育てられた。,She was born and brought up in Osaka.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 堅苦しく考えないで、くつろいでください。,Don't stand on ceremony. Just make yourself at home.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 私は福井に行っています。,I'm going to Fukui.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 経済学って何の役に立つんですか?,What use does economics have?,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn もう行かなきゃ!,It's high time to get going!,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 彼は十一時に全ての電気を消した。,He turned off all the lights at eleven.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn はっきり言うと、彼のスピーチはいつもつまらない。,"Frankly speaking, his speeches are always dull.",jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn あなたの大好きな夏の食べ物は何ですか。,What's your favorite summer food?,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn ソファーの下にテレビのリモコンがある。,The TV remote control is under the couch.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 彼はテニスをする代わりに釣りに行った。,He went fishing instead of playing tennis.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 彼女は多くの学校の活動に参加する。,She participates in many school activities.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn このボタンを押したら何が起こるんだろうなあ。,I'm wondering what'll happen if I push this button.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn もうサポートセンターにメールを送りました。,I've already sent an email to the support department.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn もうすぐ何かが起こりそうな気がする。,I've got a feeling that something is about to happen.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn トムは今年卒業できないのではないだろうか。,I've got a feeling that Tom won't graduate this year.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn どういう衣装を子供たちに買ったのですか。,What kind of costumes did you buy for the children?,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn パンケーキを食べるとき、たいてい何枚くらい食べますか。,"When you eat pancakes, how many do you usually eat?",jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 彼は軍に召集された。,He was drafted into the army.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn その患者は今すぐにでも亡くなるかもしれない。,The patient may pass away at any moment.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 彼女は彼の足の骨折を治療した。,She treated him for a broken leg.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn イギリス人はエレベーターのことを「リフト」と呼んでいます。,"English people call elevators ""lifts"".",jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 私はコーヒーにクリームを入れます。,I put some cream in my coffee.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 兄は記憶力がいい。,My brother has a good memory.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn トムのおばあちゃんがミニスカートをはくには歳を取り過ぎていると思う。,I think Tom's grandmother is too old to wear a miniskirt.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 先生は彼らに地球は丸いと教えた。,The teacher taught them that the earth is round.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 踊れるんでしょ?,"You can dance, can't you?",jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 塩が欲しかったが、瓶の中には全くなかった。,"I wanted some salt, but there was none in the jar.",jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn それを捨てようかと考えたが、持っていることにした。,"I thought about throwing it away, but decided to keep it.",jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn メアリーはトラックを何周走るつもりなのだろうかと、トムは思った。,Tom wondered how many times Mary was going to run around the track.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn ロバートはほらを吹く傾向がある。,Robert tends to talk big.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 君は僕を負かすことはできないよ、トム。僕は子供の時からずっとテニスをやっているんだ。,"You can't beat me, Tom. I've been playing tennis since I was a kid.",jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn あの会社との契約はあってなきに等しいものです。,A contract with that company is worth next to nothing.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn トムは何年も同じウェブデザインの会社で働いている。,Tom has been working for the same website design company for years.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn かばんを忘れないで。,Don't forget your bag.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 彼女は足を打たれてけがいる。,She was wounded by a shot in the leg.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 時間を無駄にしてはいけない。,Don't waste your time.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn トムがどこにいるか見つけ出して。,Find out where Tom is.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn めっちゃお腹すいた。,I'm dying of hunger.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn あなたの助けは必要なかった。,I didn't need your help.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn ロッジはひぎめでかりられる。,The lodge rents by the day.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn ロッドはジョンの向かいに住んでいる。,Rod lives across the street from John.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 何も書かなかった。,I didn't write anything.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn その実業家は今朝テレビにでた。,The businessman appeared on television this morning.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn トムはメアリーに手紙を書いた。,Tom wrote a letter to Mary.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn スミスは残念だったと答えた。 (Sumisu wa zannen datta to kotaeta),Smith replied that he was sorry.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 君は疲れた?,Are you tired?,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn ロックのCDはいくらか持っていますか。,Do you have any rock CDs?,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn その質問は私達には答えられなかった。,The question was impossible for us to answer.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn ロックコンサートは歌手の病気のため中止になった。,The rock concert was called off because the singer fell ill.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 私は囚人です。,I'm a prisoner.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 何かしてみましょう。,Let's try something.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 私は眠らなければなりません。,I have to sleep.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 何してるの?,What're you doing?,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 今日は6月18日で、ムーリエルの誕生日です!,Today is June 18th and it is Muiriel's birthday!,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn お誕生日おめでとうムーリエル!,"Happy birthday, Muiriel!",jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn ムーリエルは20歳になりました。,Muiriel has turned twenty.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn パスワードは「Muiriel」です。,"The password is ""Muiriel"".",jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn すぐに戻ります。,I will be back soon.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 知らない。,I don't know.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 何と言ったら良いか分かりません。,I don't know what I should say.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn きりがない。,This is never going to end.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 何と言ったらいいか・・・。,I just don't know what to say.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn こいつは悪いウサギだった。,That was an evil bunny.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 私は山にいました。,I was in the mountains.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn それは最近の写真?,Is that a recent photo?,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 時間があるか分かりません。,I don't know if there is time.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 先程、どういうわけかマイクが入りませんでした。,For some reason the microphone didn't work earlier.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 私はスタントマンです。,I'm a stuntman.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn この世界の教育にはがっかりしてしまう。,Education in this world disappoints me.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn ロゼを一本ください。,"A bottle of rosé, please.",jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 私は一日に100ユーロ稼ぎます。,I make 100 euros per day.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn すぐに諦めて昼寝をするかも知れない。,I may give up soon and just take a nap.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn それはあなたが一人になりたくないからです。,That's because you don't want to be alone.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn そんなことは起きないでしょう。,That sort of thing won't happen.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 彼は時々変です。,He's strange sometimes.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn あなたの勉強を邪魔しないようにします。,I'll do my best not to disturb your studying.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn みんなもそうなのかな、と思うことくらいしかできない。,I can only wonder if this is the same for everyone else.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 長い目で見れば違ってくると思います。,I suppose it's different when you think about it over the long term.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 心配しないで。,Don't worry about it!,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 会えなくて淋しい。,I miss you.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 明日帰ったら電話します。,I'll call after going home tomorrow.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 私はいつも不思議な性格の方が好きだった。,I always liked strange personalities.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 眠った方がいいよ。,You should sleep.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 行くよ。,I'm going to go.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 私は彼らにチケットをもう一枚送ってくれるように頼んだ。,I told them to send me another ticket.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 君は僕にとてもいらいらしている。,You're so impatient with me.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 私はそんな風には生きられない。,I can't live that kind of life.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 私は一時期、天体物理学者になりたかった。,I once wanted to be an astrophysicist.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 生物学は好きになれません。,I never liked biology.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 僕が最後に自分の考えを伝えた人は、僕を気違いだと思ったようだ。,The last person I told my idea to thought I was nuts.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 残念ながらそれは本当なのです。,It is unfortunately true.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 大抵の人は僕を気違いだと思っている。,Most people think I'm crazy.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 私は違います。あなたです。,No I'm not; you are!,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn それは私の台詞だよ!,That's my line.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 彼は私を蹴っています!,He is kicking me!,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 本当?,Are you sure?,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn そうしたらひとつ問題があって・・・。,Then there is a problem...,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn あ!蝶々がいる!,"Oh, there's a butterfly!",jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 急いで!,Get a move on.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 驚くことではないね。,It's not surprising.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 私はなぜか夜の方が元気だ。,For some reason I feel more alive at night.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn それは文脈による。,It depends on the context.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 冗談でしょ!?,Are you freaking kidding me?!,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn こんな馬鹿なことは言ったことが無い。,I've never said such a stupid thing.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn のろまにはなりたくない。かっこ良くなりたい!!,I don't want to be lame; I want to be cool!!,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 大きくなったら王様になりたい。,"When I grow up, I want to be a king.",jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn お金を稼ぎたいならアメリカが一番だ。,"If you want to earn money, America is the best.",jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 僕はすごく太ってる。,I'm very fat.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn だから何?,"And now, what?",jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn こらしめてやる。,I'm gonna shoot him.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 言ってみただけだよ!,I'm just saying!,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn それで彼らの気が変わったのかも知れない。,That was probably what influenced their decision.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 兄弟がいるとどんなだろうといつも思う。,I've always wondered what it'd be like to have siblings.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 私ならそう言っただろうと思う。,This is what I would have said.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn いつまでかかっても全部を説明するのは無理だ。,It would take forever for me to explain everything.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn あなたが女の子だからよ。,That's because you're a girl.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 時々感情が抑えられないことがある。,Sometimes I can't help showing emotions.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn これは代わりになるものをみつけたい単語だ。,It's a word I'd like to find a substitute for.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 自分勝手にするつもりはない。,I don't intend to be selfish.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 最悪の場合を考えておこう。,Let's consider the worst that could happen.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 親友は何人いる?,How many close friends do you have?,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 私は反社会的かもしれないけれど人と話さないわけではない。,"I may be antisocial, but it doesn't mean I don't talk to people.",jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn そういうものなんです。,This is always the way it has been.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 失礼に振舞ったりしないのが一番だと思う。,I think it is best not to be impolite.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 時間はいくらでも作れる。,One can always find time.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 僕は不幸かも知れないけれど自殺はしない。,"I'd be unhappy, but I wouldn't kill myself.",jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 高校生の時は毎朝6時に起きていた。,"Back in high school, I got up at 6 a.m. every morning.",jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 起きた時私は悲しかった。,"When I woke up, I was sad.",jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn あなたは新しいことを勉強したいのだと思った。,I thought you liked to learn new things.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 多くの人が日常のことについて文を書く。,Most people write about their daily life.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn それをするためには危険を冒さなければならない。,"In order to do that, you have to take risks.",jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 孤独な人は、他人を恐れるから一人なのだ。,Every person who is alone is alone because they are afraid of others.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn なんで聞くの?,Why do you ask?,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 私は芸術家ではない。全然向いていない。,I am not an artist. I never had the knack for it.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn もう彼女には言えないよ。そんなに単純なことではなくなってきたからね。,I can't tell her now. It's not that simple anymore.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 欲しいものがみつかると、決まって高いものだ。,"Whenever I find something I like, it's too expensive.",jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn どのくらいいたの?,How long did you stay?,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn たぶん彼にしてみれば同じことよ。,Maybe it will be exactly the same for him.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 潔白であることは美しいことだ。,Innocence is a beautiful thing.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 人間は決して永遠には生きられないものだ。,Humans were never meant to live forever.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 行き過ぎたものであっても、僕は自分の考えをなくしたくない。,"I don't want to lose my ideas, even though some of them are a bit extreme.",jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn それは面白い。,That is intriguing.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 自分のかっこ良さをわざと隠すということ?,You are saying you intentionally hide your good looks?,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn もし誰かにこの話の要点は何かって尋ねられても私はさっぱりわからないわ。,"If anyone was to ask what the point of the story is, I really don't know.",jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn それがどこから来たのか分からなかった。,I didn't know where it came from.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 僕が君と一緒に住んだことは君の人生観に影響を与えたと思う。,I think my living with you has influenced your way of living.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn これは重要ではない。,This is not important.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 好きにはなれなかった。,I didn't like it.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 彼女は、どうしてそんなことが可能なのかと尋ねている。,She's asking how that's possible.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 君はただ人生の問題から逃げているだけだよ。,You're just running away from life's problems.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 歌詞を見てみれば、あまり意味が無いことに気付くでしょう。,"If you look at the lyrics, they don't really mean much.",jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 君の気付いていない問題がある。,There's a problem there that you don't see.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn できるよ!,You can do it.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 私の物理の先生は授業をサボっても気にしない。,My physics teacher doesn't care if I skip classes.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 日本へ行けたらいいのに。,I wish I could go to Japan.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 人ごみは大嫌い。,I hate it when there are a lot of people.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 私は寝なければなりません。,I have to go to bed.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn その後私はそこを出るんだけど、鞄を忘れてきたことに気付くんだ。,"After that, I left, but then I realized that I forgot my backpack at their house.",jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 今日はもう聞かないよ。,I won't ask you anything else today.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 来週には凍るかも知れない。,It may freeze next week.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 謝罪はあったにせよ、私はまだ彼に腹を立てている。,"Even though he apologized, I'm still furious.",jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 警察はあなたに弾丸をみつけさせるでしょう。,The police will get you to find the bullets.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn なぜみんなが私のことを気違いだと思うのか、遂に説明してくれてありがとう。,Thanks for having explained to me at last why people take me for an idiot.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn そんなつもりではなかった。,That wasn't what I intended.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 説明してくれてありがとう。,Thank you for your explanation.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 理論的には、私は数学をしている。,"Theoretically, I'm doing math.",jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 何が起きたの?,What has happened?,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 丸一日オンラインで君を見ないなんてびっくりだよ。,It almost scared me not to see you online for a whole day.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 何が言いたいのか分からないなあ。,I don't know what you mean.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 私のパソコンは何かの役に立つはずだ。,My computer has got to be useful for something.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 自由について私に話したかったの?,You wanted to tell me about freedom?,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn ああ、凄く変だなあ・・・。,"Uh, now it's really weird...",jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 恐い話が聞きたいなら、数週間前に私が見た夢のことを話してあげるよ。,"If you want to hear a scary story, I'll tell you about a dream I had a few weeks ago.",jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 学校に全てを求めることはできない。,One can't expect everything from schools.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 分からない言葉がたくさんある。,There are many words that I don't understand.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 私よりも物知りな数学者が自分のことをはっきりと表現できていないのを見るのは心地の良いものではない。,I don't like it when mathematicians who know much more than I do can't express themselves explicitly.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 君は本当は馬鹿ではない。,You are not actually an idiot.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn バカな質問があるんだ。,I have a stupid question.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn こんなに明らかなことをわざわざどうやって説明したらいいのか分からない。,"I don't know how to demonstrate it, since it's too obvious!",jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn ウィキペディアでいつかバイアグラを検索するなんて思ってもみなかったわ。,"I wouldn't have thought I would someday look up ""Viagra"" in Wikipedia.",jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 何か他の言い方はある?,Can it be phrased in another way?,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 誰にも分からないよ。,No one will know.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 答えが分かったんだ、でもあまりにすぐに分かったものだから正解であるはずがないんだ。,"I found a solution, but I found it so fast that it can't be the right solution.",jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 面白そう!,This looks interesting.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn だけど、ここではそんなに簡単ではないんです。,"Except that here, it's not so simple.",jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 私はロウソクの灯りって好きだな。,I like candlelight.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 何て答えたの?,What did you answer?,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 違うよ、新しい彼じゃない。,"No, he's not my new boyfriend.",jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 痩せる必要がないというのは残念だ。,It's too bad that I don't need to lose weight.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 授業が全然無いとでも言うの?!,You never have class or what?!,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 何が問題なの?,Where is the problem?,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 待つしかない。,The only thing we can do is wait.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn そんなに驚くことじゃないよね?,"It's not much of a surprise, is it?",jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 愛してる。,I love you.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn もう好きじゃない。,I don't like you anymore.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 私は好奇心が強いです。,I am curious.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn そんなに待ちたくない。,I don't want to wait that long.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 家に来ませんか。,Why don't you come visit us?,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn でも可能性は低そうだね。,But the possibility seems unlikely.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn ログアウトするんじゃなかったよ。,I shouldn't have logged off.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn トムは多分今メアリーと一緒。,Tom is probably with Mary right now.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn もう何をしたらいいか分からない。,I don't know what to do anymore.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn いつかフランスに行くことは避けられない、それがいつかは分からないけれど。,"It is inevitable that I go to France someday, I just don't know when.",jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 化学が嫌いだ。,I hate chemistry.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn こんなことにはなって欲しくなかった。,I didn't want this to happen.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 君には何が起こるか分かるんじゃないかと思うけどね。,You can probably guess what happens though.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 君が次に分かることは君が新聞に載るってことだ。,"Next thing you know, you'll be in the papers.",jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 他にどんな選択肢があるの?,What other options do I have?,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 僕はそんなに旅行好きではない。,I am not much of a traveller.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn それをするより他はない。,I have nothing better to do.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 説明もできないよ。,I can't explain it either.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 誰にでも長所と短所がある。,Everyone has strengths and weaknesses.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn でもほんとに、エピソード21には涙が出るほど笑ったよ。,"Seriously though, episode 21 made me laugh so hard I almost cried.",jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 君がロボットではないってことは分かる。,It only shows you're not a robot.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn ロボットなんかに私がなるわけないでしょう?ロボットは夢を見ないんだから。,How could I be a robot? Robots don't dream.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn トムは多分怒っている。,Tom is probably angry.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn それは誰にでもできるというものではない。,It's not something anyone can do.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn まだ持ってるか分からないなあ。,I don't know if I still have it.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 何をしてたと思う?,What do you think I've been doing?,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 私の力を甘く見ないで。,Don't underestimate my power.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 私の母はあまり英語が上手に話せない。,My mother doesn't speak English very well.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 私はフランス語がそんなにきちんとは話せない。,I don't speak French well enough!,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 今日君は来るのかなと思っていたところだよ。,I was wondering if you were going to show up today.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn そこに問題がある。,That's where the problem is.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 宇宙でどうやって食べ物をみつけるの?,How do you find food in outer space?,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn お互いを信頼し合うしかない。,All you can do is trust one another.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn みんなあなたに会いたがってる。あなたは有名なのよ!,Everyone wants to meet you. You're famous!,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn してもいないことをどうして謝るの?,Why say sorry for something you haven't even done?,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 堅い書き物は大嫌いだ。,I utterly despise formal writing!,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 外国人って面白いなあ。,Foreign people are amusing.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 私が何をしようと彼女はもっとうまくできると言うんだ。,"Whatever I do, she says I can do better.",jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 何でこんなに遅くまで起きてるの?,What keeps you up so late?,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 一週間でどれほどのことが学べるか、自分でもびっくりするはずだよ!,You'd be surprised what you can learn in a week.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 一緒に旅行してくれる人がいないんだ。,I don't have anyone who'd travel with me.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 忍耐が耐えられないこともある。,Bearing can be unbearable.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 真実のみが美しい。,Nothing is beautiful but the truth.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 明日、彼は月に着陸する。,"Tomorrow, he will land on the moon.",jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 私は日本語が話せない。,I can't speak Japanese.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn これは駄洒落です。,This is a pun.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 誰も私のことを分かってくれない。,Nobody understands me.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 僕は彼女無しに生きる術を学んだ。,I learned to live without her.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn これ以上考えても無駄だ。,It's useless to keep on thinking any more.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 最近考えることが多過ぎる。,I have too many things on my mind these days.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn メールをチェックしたかっただけ。,I just wanted to check my email.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn その答えを知るのにあなたは本当にその質問をする必要があるのかしら。,Do you really need to ask the question to know the answer?,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 私達がしなければならないことそれぞれの背後には自分たちがしたい何かがあると思うんだ。,"I suppose that behind each thing we have to do, there's something we want to do...",jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 何でうまくいかないか君に説明するにはずいぶん時間がかかりそうだ。,It would take me too much time to explain to you why it's not going to work.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn うまく言えないんだけど・・・自分も理解していないことを君に説明しようとしてるんだ。,I'm so dumb... I'm trying to explain things to you that I don't understand myself.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 私のことを凡人だと思うのはやめて!,Stop thinking of me as just an average person.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 有り得ない!,It can't be!,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn もっと成績を気にかけられればいいのだけれど、でもそれは自分の人生のある点において成績はそんなに重要ではないと分かったからなのさ。,"I wish I could care more about my grades but it seems that, at a certain point of my life, I decided they wouldn't be so important anymore.",jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 「転がる石は苔をもつけず」はことわざである。,"""A rolling stone gathers no moss"" is a proverb.",jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 何かお飲みになりますか?,Would you like something to drink?,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 「どなたですか」「お母さんよ」,"""Who is it?"" ""It's your mother.""",jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 「いつ戻りますか。」 「天候次第です。」,"""When will you be back?"" ""It all depends on the weather.""",jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 「どうかしたの?」と小さい白いウサギが聞きました。,"""What's the matter?"" asked the little white rabbit.",jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 「洞穴の中で何が起こっているんだろう?すごく知りたいなあ」 「見当もつかないよ」,"""What's going on in the cave? I'm curious."" ""I have no idea.""",jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 私たちは兄弟として共に生きることを知らなければならない。さもなくば、愚か者として共に滅びるであろう。,"We must learn to live together as brothers, or we will perish together as fools.",jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn はぁ・・・(汗)、それでコンタクトは取れるようになったのかしら・・・?,Uh... How's that working?,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 「実を言うと、俺、高所恐怖症なんだ。」 「臆病者っ!」,"""To tell you the truth, I am scared of heights."" ""You are a coward!""",jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 「信用して」と彼は言った。,"""Trust me,"" he said.",jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 「これが探していたものだ」と彼は叫んだ。,"""This is what I was looking for!"" he exclaimed.",jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 「これはとてもおもしろそうだね」とひろしが言います。,"""This looks pretty interesting,"" Hiroshi says.",jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 彼らのコミュニケーションは我々が考えてきたものよりはるかに複雑かもしれません。,Their communication may be much more complex than we thought.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 「電話が鳴っているよ。」 「私が出ます。」,"""The phone is ringing."" ""I'll get it.""",jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 「おっさん、やさしいなー。」ウィリーは言った。,"""That's very nice of you,"" Willie answered.",jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 「手伝ってくれてありがとう。」 「どういたしまして。」,"""Thanks for the help."" ""Don't mention it.""",jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn またいつか風のように走るんだ。,Someday I'll run like the wind.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 「彼女は音楽が好きだ。」 「私もそうだ。」,"""She likes music."" ""So do I.""",jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn お願いだから泣かないで。,Please don't cry.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 何か私にできることがありましたらお知らせ下さい。,Let me know if there's anything I can do.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn そこで私たちを待っている幸福が、私たちが望むような幸福ではないかもしれない。,It may be that the happiness awaiting us is not at all the sort of happiness we would want.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 私たちがそこへ行くかどうかを決めるのは君の責任だ。,It is up to you to decide whether we will go there or not.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 授業は八時三十分から始まるから。,Class doesn't begin until eight-thirty.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn ここから遠くまで行けるボートが欲しいです。,I want a boat that'll take me far away from here.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 「トランプしたいなあ。」「私も。」,"""I feel like playing cards."" ""So do I.""",jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 「以前にどこかで会ったことがありませんか」とその学生はたずねた。,"""Haven't we met somewhere before?"" asked the student.",jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 日本人ならそんなことはけっしてしないでしょう。,A Japanese person would never do such a thing.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 射手は鹿を射た。,The archer killed the deer.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 私の生きているうちに共産主義が効力を持つことは無いだろう。,Communism will never be reached in my lifetime.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn ライ麦は貧困の穀物と称されていた。,Rye was called the grain of poverty.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn もし間違いを見つけたら訂正してください。,"If you see a mistake, then please correct it.",jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn トランプを樫のテーブルに置いて。,Place the deck of cards on the oaken table.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn ドイツ人はとてもずる賢い。,The Germans are very crafty.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 人は食事を取らなければ死んでしまう。,"If you don't eat, you die.",jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 「pretty」の綴りは?,"How do you spell ""pretty""?",jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 家に帰りましょうか。,Why don't we go home?,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 申し訳ないけど長居できないんですよ。,"I'm sorry, I can't stay long.",jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 10年は待つには長い時間だ。,Ten years is a long time to wait.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 「どうして行かないの?」「行きたくないからだよ。」,"""Why aren't you going?"" ""Because I don't want to.""",jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 100万人の人々がその戦争で命を落とした。,One million people lost their lives in the war.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 3年前に東京へ来て以来ここに住んでいる。,I came to Tokyo three years ago and have been living here ever since.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 1か月あまり名古屋に居たことがある。,I lived in Nagoya for over a month.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 90歳以上生きることは決してまれではない。,It is not rare at all to live over ninety years.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn まず新しいサイトの概説をしようと思う。,"First, I'm going to do an outline of my new website.",jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 自分の顔が、パスポートの顔写真のようになってきたら、旅に出た方がいい。,"When you're beginning to look like the photo in your passport, you should go on a holiday.",jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn あぁ私の白いズボンが!新しいのに。,"Oh, my white pants! And they were new.",jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 多くの人に囲まれて彼は自然と少し緊張しだした。,With so many people around he naturally became a bit nervous.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 私が駅を出た時、男の人を見た。,"When I left the train station, I saw a man.",jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn それで誰もあなたを助けなかったの?,And nobody helped you?,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 君は天使のような人だ!,You're an angel.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn マドリードから来た人たちは変わっている。,People from Madrid are weird.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn あぁまだ、宵の口だね。,"Well, the night is quite long, isn't it?",jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 彼にだまされなかったなんてついてるね。,You're lucky because he didn't bite you.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn わたしがいなくて淋しいと思った?,Did you miss me?,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn それらはみんな同じかい?,Are they all the same?,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn ありがとうございます!,Thanks a lot!,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn すみません、卵はどこにありますか?,Excuse me. Where are the eggs?,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn びっくりだ。,It's a surprise.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 良い考えだね!,That's a good idea!,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 往復旅行?片道だけです。,Round trip? Only one-way.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 誰かが亡くなったときは悲しいものだよ。,It's a pity when somebody dies.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 洗ったあと引っ張って形にして。,Pull into shape after washing.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 最初着る前に洗濯してください。,Wash before first wearing.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 電車が停まるまで開けないで。,Don't open before the train stops.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn こわれやすいガラス張りの家に住む者は石を投げてはいけない。,Those who live in glass houses should not throw stones.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 「あばたもえくぼ」って言うからね。,They say love is blind.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn あら、申し訳ございません。,"Oh, I'm sorry.",jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 数学は恋のようだ。単純だけど複雑にもなりうる。,"Math is like love - a simple idea, but it can get complicated.",jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 有意義な回答とは、新たな疑問を生むようなそれである。,The only useful answers are those that raise new questions.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 自分自身に疑問を持つことは良識の第一歩だ。,To have doubts about oneself is the first sign of intelligence.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 貧しい人とはほんのわずかしか持っていない人ではなく欲のありすぎる人である。,"Poor is not the one who has too little, but the one who wants too much.",jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 驚かない所をみると知ってたのね。,"Seeing that you're not surprised, I think you must have known.",jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn あなたが駅に着くのにどのくらいかかりますか。,How long does it take to get to the station?,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn アメリカ旅行のよい記念になりました。,This will be a good souvenir of my trip around the United States.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 失礼だが、上記の記事にある3つの誤りを指摘しておきたい。,Excuse me; allow me to point out three errors in the above article.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 「はい」と「いいえ」しか言わない人と会話を続けるのは難しい。,"It is difficult to keep up a conversation with someone who only says ""yes"" and ""no"".",jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn イタリア語を話せますか?,Do you speak Italian?,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 「あの音で考え事ができないわ」と、彼女はタイプライターを見つめながら言った。,"""I can't think with that noise"", she said as she stared at the typewriter.",jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 「ハムレット」はこれまでで最もおもしろい戯曲だと言われている。,"It is said that ""Hamlet"" is the most interesting play ever written.",jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn ひとつ質問してもいいですか。,May I ask a question?,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 「気分はどうですか。」と彼は尋ねた。,"""How do you feel?"" he inquired.",jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 2、3年でフランス語に熟達するのはきわめて難しい。,It's quite difficult to master French in 2 or 3 years.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn それをあなたに説明することは私には無理です。,It's impossible for me to explain it to you.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn そのことを後悔しながら余生を送りたくない。,I don't want to spend the rest of my life regretting it.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 年月を経て物事がどう変わっていくか見るのは面白そうだ。,It would be fun to see how things change over the years.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn そのことは全く予想していませんでした。,I would never have guessed that.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 想像力は私たちの生活のどの側面にも影響を与える。,Imagination affects every aspect of our lives.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn いつか私のことは忘れちゃうわ。,You'll forget about me someday.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn それはいささか唐突だ。,That is rather unexpected.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn どれくらいかかるのかしら。,I wonder how long it's going to take.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn テレビがなかったら生きていけないよ。,I can't live without a TV.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 君がいなければできなかった。ありがとう。,I couldn't have done it without you. Thank you.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 努力なくしては何も得られない。,Nothing is achieved without effort.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 多くの人が目的なく人生を漂う。,Many people drift through life without a purpose.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 愛のない人生など全く無意味だ。,Life without love is meaningless.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn もし変更が必要でしたら、お知らせください。,Let me know if I need to make any changes.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 試験が教育を駄目にしていると思う。,I think exams are ruining education.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn うるさくて眠れないんです。,We can't sleep because of the noise.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn コンドーム持ってる?,Do you have a condom?,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn あの方が言われる事を、何でもしてあげて下さい。,Do whatever he tells you.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 学校まで10分で歩いて行ける。,I can walk to school in ten minutes.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 2、3ページの英語を訳すのに2時間以上もかかりました。,It took me more than two hours to translate a few pages of English.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 11時になっているよ。,It's already eleven.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn ブラウンさんをお願いします。,May I talk to Mr. Brown?,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 「ええ、オレンジジュースをお願いします。」マイクは言った。,"""Yes, orange juice please,"" says Mike.",jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 「ああ!」は感嘆詞だ。,"""Ah!"" is an interjection.",jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn あなたは何を求めているのですか。,What do you want?,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 学校教育の義務的側面は子どもの学習意欲を改善させる様々な研究の多くの取り組みの中ではめったに分析されない。,The mandatory character of schooling is rarely analyzed in the multitude of works dedicated to the study of the various ways to develop within children the desire to learn.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn あなたに不満があります。,I have a bone to pick with you.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 君にお金をあげるから俺が必要なのか。,Do you need me to give you some money?,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn パリは世界で最も美しい街である。,Paris is the most beautiful city in the world.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 私はいつも思っていた、心筋梗塞を患うことは死期を知らせる前兆だと。,I always thought that suffering a heart attack was an omen of death.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn なぁ、金は無いかもしれないけどまだプライドは捨てちゃいないんだ。,"Hey, I may have no money, but I still have my pride.",jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 私には夢がある。,I have a dream.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn こちらは私の友達のレイチェルです。私たちは同じ高校に通っていました。,This is my friend Rachel. We went to high school together.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 生活費が断然上がった。,The cost of life increased drastically.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 作り事はすべて、真実だ。,"All that which is invented, is true.",jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 驚くこと、不思議に思うことは理解し始めるということなんだ。,"To be surprised, to wonder, is to begin to understand.",jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn だが宇宙は無限だ。,But the universe is infinite.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 完璧であるには、欠点だけが欠けていた。,To be perfect she lacked just one defect.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn しかし、逆もまた真である。,"And yet, the contrary is always true as well.",jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 物事は、ありのまま見るのではなく、自分自身をそこに見る。,"We don't see things as they are, but as we are.",jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 世界は奇人の巣だ。,The world is a den of crazies.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn あなたは他の誰も見ていなかった場所で私を見つけた。,You found me where no one else was looking.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 君が側にいてくれれば何もいらない。,You're by my side; everything's fine now.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 知らないってどういうこと?!,What do you mean you don't know?!,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 馬鹿みたい!,You look stupid.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 寝ようと思う。,I think I'm gonna go to sleep.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 私の名前はジャックです。,My name is Jack.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 買い物に行かなければならない。一時間で戻るよ。,I have to go shopping. I'll be back in an hour.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn とっても好きよ。,I really like it.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 明日会いましょうか?,Shall we meet tomorrow?,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn イタリア語では何と言うのですか。,How do you say that in Italian?,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn ここから遠いの?,Is it far from here?,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn これらの物は私の物ではない。,These things aren't mine!,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn ありがとう、それだけだよ。,"Thanks, that's all.",jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 僕と踊ってくれませんか。,Would you like to dance with me?,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 何時ですか。,What time is it?,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn ご出身はどちらですか。,Where are you from?,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn あなたの名前は?,What's your name?,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn イタリアはとても美しい国です。,Italy is a very beautiful country.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 私のせいじゃない!,It's not my fault.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 一晩泊めてもらいたいんだけど。,I'd like to stay for one night.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn この辺りにユースホステルはありますか?,Is there a youth hostel around here?,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn シャワーはどこですか。,Where are the showers?,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 口を開けてください!,Open your mouth!,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 財布をなくしたの。,I have lost my wallet.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 賛成です。,I agree with you.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 愛情は浪費されるものではない。,Love is never wasted.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 人生とは、他の予定を立てることに忙しくしている時に起こる現象のことだ。,Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 欲しくないという事は持っていると同じことだ。,Not wanting is the same as having.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 彼はとてもセクシーだ。,He's very sexy.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn ひとりにさせて!,Leave me alone.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 「塩を取って下さい。」「はい、どうぞ。」,"""Pass me the salt, please."" ""Here you are.""",jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn やらなければならない事がありすぎる!,There are too many things to do!,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn おいくつですか?,How old are you?,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn ねぇ遊んでよ、とっても退屈なの!,"Come on, play with me, I'm so bored!",jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 私のチョコレートを食べることを考えさえしないで。,Don't you even think of eating my chocolate!,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 飲み物を俺に頼まないでくれよ。自分で買いにいけばいいだろ。,Stop asking me for a drink! Go get it yourself.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn あんたのせいで食欲をなくしたよ。,Thanks to you I've lost my appetite.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn とにかく誰かをぶたないと気が済まない。,I really need to hit somebody.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 最後に家族でディズニーランドへに行ってからもう随分になる。,It has been so long since I last went to Disneyland with my family.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 両親がくだらないことで言い争っていて、とてもいらいらするよ。,My parents keep arguing about stupid things. It's so annoying!,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 日焼け止めを塗りたくないならそれは君の問題だからいいけれど、でも日焼けしたからって僕に不満を言うのは止めてくれよ。,"If you don't want to put on sunscreen, that's your problem. Just don't come complaining to me when you get a sunburn.",jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 友達はいつも僕のこととても落ち着いてるって言うけれど、家族にはいつもいらいらしているって言われるんだ。,"My friends always say I'm too calm, but my family always says I'm too annoying.",jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn あの蜘蛛が大嫌い。いつもそこにいて私が掃除するときいらいらさせるの。,I hate those spiders. They're always there to freak me out when I'm cleaning.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn あぁいらいらする・・・今やパソコンを使うたびに頭痛がするよ。,So annoying... Now I get a headache whenever I use the computer!,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn とても暑くて、車のボンネットで卵が焼けるよ。,It's so hot that you could cook an egg on the hood of a car.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 誰がこの問題をしらないんだ?,Who doesn't know this problem?!,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 今日はとても暑い。,It's very hot today.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 誰も来なかった。,No one came.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 赤い冷蔵庫を見たことがない。,I have never seen a red refrigerator.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 彼は約束を破った。,He broke his promise.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 偽りの姿を愛されるくらいなら、嫌われた方がましだ。,Better to be hated for who you are than loved for who you're not.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 心配しないで、楽しくいこう!,"Don't worry, be happy!",jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 馬が亡くなってから鞍が淋しい。,It's lonely in the saddle since the horse died.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 私の目は夢を反映する海である。,My eyes are an ocean in which my dreams are reflected.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 私が話しているときは私を見て!,Look at me when I talk to you!,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 女性がいなければ世界はどうなっていただろう。,What would the world be without women?,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 君が演説をして誰も来なかったらどうするの?,What if you gave a speech and nobody came?,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 君を元気にさせるのに何と言っていいか分からないよ。,I don't know what to say to make you feel better.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 私のタイプじゃない。,This is not my type.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 時間を潰そうとしていた。,I was trying to kill time.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn こんな馬鹿げた考えをどうやって思いついたんだ?,How did you come up with this crazy idea?,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 疲れているんだ。,I am tired.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn ホットチョコレート欲しい人ー?,Who wants some hot chocolate?,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn もっとゆっくり話してください!,"Speak more slowly, please!",jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn いつ着くの?,When do we arrive?,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 勘定お願いします。,"The check, please.",jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn それで何をしようとしているの?,And what are we going to do?,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 頭痛がする。,My head aches.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 電話はどこでできる?,Where can we make a phone call?,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn いびきをかくことは認めるよ・・・。,I must admit that I snore.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 今夜教会に行くよ。,I'm going to church tonight.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 元気?旅行は良かった?,How are you? Did you have a good trip?,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 気分がよくないんだ。,I don't feel well.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 警察を呼んで!,Call the cops.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 値段が高すぎる!,The price is too high.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 彼女は寝たふりをしているからいびきをかいていないんだ。,She's faking sleep. That's why she's not snoring.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 靴が小さすぎるから新しいのを買う必要があるな。,My shoes are too small. I need new ones.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 逃げよう。サツが来てる。,We're getting out of here. The cops are coming.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn メリークリスマス!,Have a good Christmas.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 10ヶ国語を話せたらどんなにかっこいいだろう!,It would be so cool if I could speak ten languages!,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 「もし疲れているなら寝たらどう?」 「僕が今寝たらあまりに早く目覚めてしまうから。」,"""If you're tired, why don't you go to sleep?"" ""Because if I go to sleep now I will wake up too early.""",jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 私の言う事を聞くべきだったのに。,You should have listened to me.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn あまりに散らかっていていらする。,"It's a complete mess, and it's getting on my nerves.",jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 体が触れられたとき肌の感覚器官は脳に信号を送り、エンドルフィンのような化学物質が放出される。,"When the body is touched, receptors in the skin send messages to the brain causing the release of chemicals such as endorphins.",jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 2006年上海では15万組の夫婦が結婚すると予想されている。,One hundred and fifty thousand couples are expected to get married in Shanghai in 2006.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn ニジェールでは50万人もの子供たちが未だ栄養失調に直面している。,Half a million children still face malnutrition in Niger.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 自転車は都会の環境を破壊することなく資源利用を持続することのできる道具である。,Bicycles are tools for urban sustainability.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 仏政府は国家予算の帳尻を合わせるよう納税者に挑むオンラインゲームを売り出した。,The French government has launched an online game that challenges taxpayers to balance the national budget.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 彼がそれを聞いたら喜ぶよ。,He would be glad to hear that.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 証明もできないのに、一体何を真実だと信じるのだ?,What do you believe is true even though you cannot prove it?,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn コンピューターのおかげで人間は馬鹿になる。,Computers make people stupid.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 考えていることを聞くな。やることを聞け。,Don't ask what they think. Ask what they do.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 何かを証明しようとする場合、それが真実であるという確信を持つことは何らかの手助けになる。,"When you're trying to prove something, it helps to know it's true.",jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 世界を変えるのは情報ではなくコミュニケーションだ。,"What changes the world is communication, not information.",jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn ほとんどの科学的進歩は当然のことについての発見に過ぎない。,Most scientific breakthroughs are nothing else than the discovery of the obvious.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 何かが理解できないのはその中身を知らないからである。,"If you don't understand something, it's because you aren't aware of its context.",jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 過去は知られているが変えられない。未来は未知だが変えることができる。,"The past can only be known, not changed. The future can only be changed, not known.",jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 鍵となる問題は何を得ることができるかではなく、何を失わなければならないかである。,The key question is not what can I gain but what do I have to lose.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 誤解され得るものはいずれすべて誤解されるであろう。,Anything that can be misunderstood will be.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 何で人生はこんなに苦悩でいっぱいなんだ?,Why is life so full of suffering?,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 睡眠は重要であるにもかかわらず、その役割は謎である。,"Despite the importance of sleep, its purpose is a mystery.",jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 情熱は苦悩を生む。,Passion creates suffering.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn ジュネーブから来る列車が駅に到着します。,The train from Geneva will arrive at the station.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 彼の誕生日に贈り物をあげたいんです。,I would like to give him a present for his birthday.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn おなか空いた!,I am hungry.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn アンティグアに友達はいますか?,Do you have friends in Antigua?,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 一立方メートルは千リットルにあたる。,A cubic meter corresponds to 1000 liters.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 私は結婚していて子どもが二人いる。,I am married and have two children.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 彼はピアノを上手に弾く。,He plays the piano very well.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn あまり見えない。,I see it rarely.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn パリで勉強したい。,I'd like to study in Paris.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn あなた私が誰か知らないのね。,You don't know who I am.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 野菜を食べたら?,Why don't you eat some vegetables?,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn なぜ人々は映画を見に行くのか?,Why do people go to the movies?,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 私は服を脱いでいる。,I'm getting undressed.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn このような辞書には、「冷蔵庫」という言葉を使った例文が少なくとも2つは載っているはずだ。,"In a dictionary like this one there should be at least two sentences with ""fridge"".",jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 創造説は擬似科学だ。,Creationism is pseudoscience.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 風がおだやかになった。,The wind calmed down.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 私の持っている全てをあなたに与えるために時間をちょうだい 。,Give me time to give you everything I have!,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 意志あるところには道がある。,"Where there's a will, there's a way.",jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn ローマは一日にして成らず。,Rome wasn't built in a day.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 沈黙は同意を表す。,Silence gives consent.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 「おわったの。」「それどころかまだ始めていないよ。」,"""Have you finished?"" ""On the contrary, I have not even begun yet.""",jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 「おはよう」とトムは微笑みながら言った。,"""Good morning,"" Tom said, smiling.",jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn ワインとは、ボトルに詰められた詩である。,Wine is poetry put into a bottle.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn あの日が私の人生で最高の日だった。,That was the best day of my life.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn ドイツ語は分かりません。,I don't understand German.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 決めました。,I made my decision.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 約束するよ。,I give you my word.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 外国語がとっても楽しいと分った。,I find foreign languages very interesting.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 不規則動詞の勉強は好きではない。,I don't like learning irregular verbs.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 本を取ってそれを読みなさい。,Take a book and read it.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn あなたは私に夢を見させてくれるのね。,You make me dream.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn うれしさで舞い上がっています。,I'm beside myself with joy.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn それは全くの真実です。,That's the absolute truth.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 寒い。,It is cold.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 喉が渇いた。,I am thirsty.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 高校時代について最も後悔することを人々に尋ねると大抵の人は決まってこう言う。時間を無駄にしすぎていた、と。,"When I ask people what they regret most about high school, they nearly all say the same thing: that they wasted so much time.",jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn したいことが出来なければ出来ることをしなさい。,"When you can't do what you want, you do what you can.",jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 親切にしてやればつけあがる。,Give him an inch and he'll take a yard.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn あなたは正しい。,You are right.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn わざとやったのね!,"You did it on purpose, didn't you?",jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 彼に何も言わなかったの?,You mean you didn't tell him anything?,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn あなたは私の好みのタイプです。,You're my type.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn あなたは抵抗できない。,You are irresistible.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn また後でかけ直していただけませんか?,"Could you call again later, please?",jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 私は誰と話しているの?,Who am I talking with?,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn さぁ笑って、泣くのは後!,"Smile now, cry later!",jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 人生は美しい。,Life is beautiful.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 彼はあなたにあなたのセックスライフを語って欲しくないんだよ。,He doesn't want you to tell him about your sex life.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 男性が好きなのになぜ女性と結婚するの?,Why would you marry a woman if you like men?,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn なんで考えを変えたの?,What made you change your mind?,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn あなたがじゃがいもを買うように奇蹟を買うことができないなんて本当に残念だわ。,It's a pity that you can't buy miracles like you would buy potatoes.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn この赤ちゃんペンギンとっても可愛い!,This baby penguin is too cute!,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 病院にいるよ。雷に打たれたんだ。,I'm at the hospital. I got struck by lightning.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 君の助けが必要なんだ。,I need your help.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 止めて!あなたは彼女の気分を害してるわ。,Stop it! You're making her feel uncomfortable!,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn あなたにとってひらめきの最大の源は何?,What is your greatest source of inspiration?,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 一緒に暮らせる誰かと結婚するのではなく、その人なしでは生きていけない人と結婚するのよ。,You don't marry someone you can live with — you marry the person whom you cannot live without.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 理論上、理論と実行の間には何の違いもないが、実際上違いはあるものだ。,"In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice. But, in practice, there is.",jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn あまりに馬鹿げていて言葉にできないことは歌うことで生み出される。,Anything that is too stupid to be spoken is sung.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 私はあなたが送ってくれた手紙を読んでいました。,I was rereading the letters you sent to me.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 学校へ行きたくない。,I don't want to go to school.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 私たちはもう終わったわ。指輪を返して!,It's over between us. Give me back my ring!,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 雨が降っている。,It is raining.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 今日海岸に行こうと思っていたのに雨が降ってきた。,"I was planning on going to the beach today, but then it started to rain.",jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 彼女は本当に賢いよね?,"She's really smart, isn't she?",jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 明日図書館で勉強するつもりです。,"Tomorrow, I'm going to study at the library.",jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 遅すぎる。,It's too late.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 昨日動物園に行った。,I went to the zoo yesterday.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 私たちは戦いに勝った。,We won the battle.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn あれ?あなたまだここにいたのね!,Hello? Are you still here?,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 毎日お昼ご飯を作っているよ。,I make lunch every day.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 今朝テレビを見ました。,I watched TV this morning.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 食事中本を読んだ。,I read a book while eating.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 僕はあまりに疲れていたので昼休みにひと眠りした。,I slept a little during lunch break because I was so tired.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 先週中国語を習い始めました。,I started learning Chinese last week.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 私は海の近くに住んでいるのでよく海岸に行きます。,I live near the sea so I often go to the beach.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 君のめがねが床に落ちたよ。,Your glasses fell on the floor.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 一日に何回鏡で自分を見ているの?,How many times a day do you look at yourself in the mirror?,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 昨年ロンドンへ行きました。,We went to London last year.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 彼女はそのことについて話したくないんだよ。,She doesn't want to talk about it.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn もっと時間が必要だ。,I need more time.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 私の弟はテレビを見ている。,My brother is watching TV.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 彼は常時彼の才能をねたむ人々から中傷されることにうんざりしていた。,He was sick of being vilified all the time by people who were jealous of his ability.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn カトリックを信じていない人々でさえ象徴的指導者として法王を敬っている。,Even people who don't believe in the Catholic church venerate the Pope as a symbolic leader.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 飛行機が乱気流に近付いていたため操縦士は乗客にシートベルトを締めるよう呼びかけた。,"As the plane was approaching turbulence, the pilot asked the passengers aboard the plane to fasten their seat belts.",jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn ジェイソンは無口な人だったので彼が何かを言うたび驚いていた。,"Jason was a taciturn individual, so it was always a real surprise when he said anything.",jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 国王はいつも自分を褒めるおべっか使いにうんざりしていたので彼らを遠くへ飛ばした。,"The king was tired of his sycophants always praising him, so he sent them away.",jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn スペンサーはいたずらをした友達に仕返しをするひそかな計画を誰にも言わないだろう。,Spenser would not tell anyone his surreptitious plan to get back at his friends for pranking him.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn もしスペンサーが文を足して訳し続けなければ、他の貢献者がきっと彼を追い抜くだろう。,"If Spenser doesn't keep adding and translating sentences, the other contributors will surely surpass him.",jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 彼の評論は問題の表面的な分析結果を取り上げていただけだったのでクラスで最上位の成績を得たことにとても驚いた。,"His essay gave only a superficial analysis of the problem, so it was a real surprise to him when he got the highest grade in the class.",jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 結婚式ではあまりにたくさんのごちそうが出されたので、新郎新婦はもっと多くの人を呼ぶべきだったかなと思い始めた。,Food and drink were served in such profusion at the wedding that the bride and groom began to wonder if they should not have invited more guests.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn この評論を優勝作品に選んだ基準は何ですか。,What criterion did you use when you elected this essay as the winner?,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 私は自分の仕事を気に入っています。,I like my job very much.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 殺人犯は有罪判決を受けて終身刑に処せられた。,The murderer was convicted and sentenced to life in prison.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 小規模の森林火災はみるみる広がり大火災となった。,A small forest fire quickly spread and became a huge conflagration.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 全生徒がプロムの夜礼儀正しく振る舞っているのを見て驚いた。,It was a surprise to see all the students behaving with decorum on prom night.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn わたしはあなたの夢を見ました。,I dreamt about you.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 新しいパソコンを買わねばなりません。,I have to get a new computer.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 負けない!,I won't lose!,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 学校に遅刻した。,I was late to school.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn もうすぐ授業が再開する。,Classes are starting again soon.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn くしゃみが出そう・・・ティッシュちょうだい。,I think I'm gonna sneeze. Give me a tissue.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn この日はただ時間とお金の無駄だった。,This day was just a waste of time and money.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn でもあなたは私に言ってくれなかったでしょ!,But you've never told me about this!,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 自分のウェブサイトの構図を変えた。,I've changed my website's layout.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn まだ晴れている間に洗濯をしなければなりません。,I have to do laundry while it's still sunny.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn ごめん。出来るとは思えないよ。,"Sorry, I don't think I'm gonna be able to.",jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 時間はたっぷりあった。,You had plenty of time.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 私を批判するのは止めて!,Stop criticizing me!,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn ねぇ私に話してよ、トラング。,"Come on! Talk to me, Trang.",jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn ほぼ終わった。,I'm almost done.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn いくつサンドイッチ残ってるの?,How many sandwiches are there left?,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 窓から日が沈むのを見ることができるだろう。,You can see the sun setting from the window.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 私が絶対勝てないってあなた言った?,Did you say that I could never win?,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 外は真っ暗だ。,It's all dark outside.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 何が起こったの?アパート全体水浸しだよ。,What happened? There's water all over the apartment.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 夏休みの間、私は夜中に夕食を食べていた。,"During summer breaks, I ate dinner at midnight.",jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 自殺なんてするんじゃない。,Never try to die.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn この業界ではもう年をとりすぎている。,I am too old for this world.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 税金を払ったら実生活の始まりだ。,Life begins when you pay taxes.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 彼は彼の人生の話を私にしてくれた。,He told me the story of his life.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 何を話しているの?,What are you talking about?,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 飴がほしい。,I want a piece of candy.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 今日はきっと楽しくなると思っていたよ。,I knew that today would be fun.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn いつご飯食べるの?お腹空いたよ。,When are we eating? I'm hungry!,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 学校は好きじゃない。,I don't like school.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 明日授業があります。,I have class tomorrow.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 「ありがとう。」「どういたしまして。」,"""Thanks."" ""You're welcome.""",jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 冬は私の一番好きな季節です。,Winter is my favorite season.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn あなたからさまざまなことを学びました。,I learned a lot from you.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 彼女は無理なお願いをしている。,She's asking for the impossible.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 彼は跡形もなく姿を消してしまったんだ。,He disappeared without a trace.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn コミュニケーションなしに進展はあり得ない。,There cannot be progress without communication.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 私はひざを曲げずに両方の手のひらを床に付けることができる。,I can place the palms of my hands on the floor without bending my knees.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 誰しも、夢はかなうと信じたいものだ。,Everyone would like to believe that dreams can come true.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 夢を実現するのに一番良いのは目を覚ますことである。,The best way to make your dreams come true is to wake up.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 世界は君を中心に回っているわけではないんだよ。,The world doesn't revolve around you.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn この世は、愚か者だらけ。,The world is full of fools.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 私の命が危ないと言ってるわけですか?,Are you saying my life is in danger?,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 僕の人生がどんなものか、君は分かっているのか?,Do you have any idea what my life is like?,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn この場所には不思議な雰囲気がある。,This place has a mysterious atmosphere.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn これにつきまして、お考えをお聞かせ願えればと存じます。,I look forward to hearing your thoughts on this matter.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 同性愛者ですが何か?それが犯罪だとでも?,So what if I am gay? Is it a crime?,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 彼のいない人生はむなしい。,My life is empty without him.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 私の母はオレンジジュースを二本買った。,My mother bought two bottles of orange juice.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 彼女は黒い帽子をかぶっていた。,She was wearing a black hat.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 私たちは朝食にパンケーキを作った。,We made pancakes for breakfast.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn きょう何を昼食に食べましたか。,What did you have for lunch today?,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 午後はずっと友人とおしゃべりをして過ごした。,I spent the whole afternoon chatting with friends.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 私はもっと自立したいと思っている。,I want to be more independent.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn そこに一日中ただ立っているつもりかい?,Are you just going to stand there all day?,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn ウサギには長い耳と短い尾がある。,A rabbit has long ears and a short tail.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 私の心は幸福感でいっぱいだった。,My heart was filled with happiness.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 彼は嫌な思い出が消えることを願っている。,He wishes to erase bad memories.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 私は秘密を漏らしたりしません。,Your secret will be safe with me.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 君の愚痴はもう聞きたくないよ。,I don't want to hear any more of your complaining.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn そんな不当な提案は、拒否すべきだったのに。,You should have refused such an unfair proposal.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 数学はただ公式を暗記すればいいというものではない。,Mathematics is not just the memorization of formulas.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn そういう印象を与えるつもりではなかったんです。,I didn't mean to give you that impression.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn やった!2回続けて勝っちゃった!,Yes! I won twice in a row!,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn ファストフードはもう飽きた。,I'm tired of eating fast food.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn バカンスに行くのが待ち遠しい。,I can't wait to go on a vacation.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn うんざりするのにももう疲れた。,I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn もし電気がないと、私たちの暮らしがどのようなものになるか想像できますか。,Can you imagine what our lives would be like without electricity?,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn この漢字は何と読みますか。,How do you read this kanji?,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 彼の話はあまりにも馬鹿げていたので誰も信じなかった。,His story was too ridiculous for anyone to believe.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 私はこのプロジェクトに参加できることを誇りに思います。,I'm proud to be a part of this project.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn どこにいますか?,Where are you?,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn どこに行きますか?,Where are you going?,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 体を大事にしなさい。,Take good care of yourself.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 日本には美しい都市が多い。例えば京都、奈良だ。,"Japan is full of beautiful cities. Kyoto and Nara, for instance.",jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn どこから来ましたか?,Where have you come from?,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 彼のことを知らない。,I don't know him.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 何歳ですか。,How old is he?,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 土曜日までに本を返さなければなりません。,I have to give back the book before Saturday.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn ハロー、問題が解決したよ。以上お知らせでした。,"Hi, I just wanted to let you know that the problem is fixed.",jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn どうしてノートパソコンは持っているのに携帯電話は持っていないの?,How can you have a laptop and not a cell phone?,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 私は友達とビールを飲みに行った。,I went to drink a beer with friends.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 私はキャビアを食べた。,I ate caviar.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn いくらですか?,What does it cost?,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn クレジットカードでも良いですか?,Do you accept credit cards?,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn すぐに伝票をお持ちします。,I'll bring you the bill immediately.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn ごめん、お釣りが無い。,"I'm sorry, I don't have change.",jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 状況は私たちが思っていたよりも悪い。,The situation is worse than we believed.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 彼らはなぜなのかさえ知らない。,They don't even know why.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 私はあなたに本当のことを言って欲しい。,I want you to tell me the truth.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn あなたは私がいなくなったときに到着した。,You arrived at the moment I left.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 私は友達に話しかけた。,I talked to friends.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 映画は2時に始まった。,The film began at 2.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 映画は2時間続いた。,The film lasted 2 hours.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn あなたが戻って来てくれて嬉しいです。,I'm glad to see you back.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn あなたはすっかり変わりましたね。,You changed a lot.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 何が起きたのか話して下さい。,Tell me what happened.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 彼女達は真面目な子たちです。,They are sensible girls.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn あなたって、なんてきれいなんでしょう!,How beautiful you are!,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn あなたはもっと仕事をしなければなりません。,You must work more.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 成功だ!,We did it!,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn その鹿はジェーンの三倍重い。,The deer is three times as heavy as Jane.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn すっごく背が高いね!,How tall you are!,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 彼は全てを勝ち取った。,He won everything.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn トムはコートを着て出ていった。,Tom put his coat on and left.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 祖父が大事にしていた伊万里焼の皿は、ずっしりと重かった。,The Imari porcelain plate that my father cherished was quite heavy.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn ロケットは宇宙に打ち上げられた。,The rocket was launched into space.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 月とすっぽん。,They are as different as day and night.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn その盲目のピアニストが奏でる曲は、私の心にずっしりと響いた。,The song played by that blind pianist really moved me.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 貯金ばっかり増えて使い道がないだって?そりゃまた随分贅沢な悩みだな。,You say that your savings are piling up and you have no way of spending them? That's really an extravagant kind of worry to have.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 月が雲の後ろから顔を出した。,The moon came out from behind the cloud.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 月が雲の間から出た。,The moon came out from behind the clouds.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 日本で漢字の辞書が安かったら、買います。,"If there's a cheap kanji dictionary in Japan, I will buy it.",jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 恋ってどんなものか知ってる?,Do you know what love is?,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn その自動車事故を見て、ひどいショックを受けた。,I got a horrible shock when I saw the car accident.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 海の上に島があります。,There are islands in the sea.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 血があかあかと流れた。,The blood ran red.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 歌舞伎って知ってる?,Do you know kabuki?,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 彼女は野菜を売っています。,She sells vegetables.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 結婚式は十月末に行われる。,The wedding will take place at the end of October.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 彼は車の運転の仕方を習っている。,He is learning how to drive a car.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn ビールお注ぎしましょうか?,Shall I pour some beer for you?,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 結婚式はいつ行われるのですか。,When is the wedding going to take place?,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn 彼女は彼に新しいコートを作ってあげた。,She made him a new coat.,jpn_Jpan-eng_Latn Ssufɣen-t si tmetti.,He was excluded from the society.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ur yeshil ara ad d-tessufɣeḍ lxiḍ deg tissegnit.,It's not easy to thread a needle.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ur tessuliḍ acemma.,You assembled nothing.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn D Darwin i yuran taneṣlit n tilmas.,It's Darwin who wrote the origin of species.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Isɣanen igenwanen d asxurreḍ ameqqran i talsa.,Monotheistic religions are a big lie for humanity.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Rebḥeɣ deg tagara.,I ended up winning.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ẓṛiɣ yakan d acu d akkud… alamma d ass mi ar iyi-d steqsin.,"Time, I know what it is ... until asked.",kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Rɣiɣ deg uḍaḍ.,I burned my finger.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Amek i k-d-yusa wass amezwaru?,How is the first day going?,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Theddṛeḍ aṭas.,You talk too much.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Tesṭuqquteḍ awal.,You speak too much.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ad ken-rǧuɣ.,I can wait for you.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Mecɣuleḍ tura akka?,Are you busy now?,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Yiwwas ad tεelmeḍ s tidet.,You will know the truth some day.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ixdem-aɣ Tom axeddim igerrzen.,Tom has done a great job for us.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Bɣiɣ ad sswehmeɣ akk medden.,I want to impress everyone.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ɣez amdun alqayan.,Dig a deep hole.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ur yeẓṛi ara Tom ɣef acu i tettxemmim Mary.,Tom doesn't have any idea what Mary is thinking.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Asseknef yegdel d-agi.,Grilling prohibited here.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Tom yeẓra belli ur ttaggadeɣ yiwen.,Tom knows I'm not afraid of anybody.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ɣur-k ad tamneḍ argaz iwumi tessineḍ izri.,Don't trust a man whose past you know nothing about.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Init-asen aql-i da.,Tell them that I'm here.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Aseggas-a i iεeddan nelbes tadrart n Fuji.,We scaled up Mount Fuji last year.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Yuzen-aɣ-d asefru iwumi nḥulfa nezzeh.,He sent us a so touching poem.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn "Iceyyeε-iyi-d, drus aya, asefru yessejraḥen i yura af tmeţant n yemma-s.",He recently sent me a moving poem that he wrote after his mother's death.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Yejreḥ tasa-w usefru-nni iyi-d-yuzen ussan-a af tmeţant n yemma-s.,He recently sent me a touching poem he wrote after his mother's death.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Učču-ya yettriḥ deg-s rekku.,This food smells rotten.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Cukkeɣ yella iḥemmel-iyi.,I thought he loved me.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Yeceɛceɛ cwiṭ.,He's a bit tipsy.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Bɣiɣ lemmer ad izmireɣ ad k-amneɣ.,I wish I could believe you.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Bɣiɣ lemmer ad izmireɣ ad kem-amneɣ.,I wish that I could believe you.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Yejreh tasa-w s tideţ.,That moved me deeply.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Tasa d agman n tfekka n wemdan.,The liver is an organ of the human body.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Iḥemmel ad yeddu ɣef uḍaṛ.,He likes a walk.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ur yeẓṛi-y-ara Sami ayen.,Sami didn't know why.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ur yelli-y-ara Sami i ḥemmel-iyi.,Sami didn't like me.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Aya xedmeɣ-t ur bɣiɣ.,I did it against my will.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ur id iwal-ara Sami.,Sami didn't see me.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Anta i icebḥen akk deg teḥdayin?,Who is the prettiest of the girls?,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ur d-yenni Sami ula d ameslay.,Sami didn't say a word.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ur icucef ara Sami.,Sami didn't take a shower.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Sɛiɣ yelli.,I have a daughter.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Yezɛef fell-i baba aṭas.,My father is very angry with me.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Xemmem mliḥ a Sami.,"Think hard, Sami.",kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Yeccelha Sami tamurt-is.,Sami was homesick.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn "Ih, ayɣer ala?","Sure, why not?",kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Tom akked Mary sɛeddayen Newwal lwaḥid yal aseggas.,Tom and Mary celebrate Christmas together every year.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Aṭas i d-wten yimaεtaqeen deg imsemmeskal.,The reformers were subject to every attack from the Establishment.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ini-as i Mary d akken ḥareɣ ad tt-ẓṛeɣ.,Tell Mary I'm looking forward to meeting her.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ččiɣ-tent deg uɣemmur.,I hurt my elbow.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ɛeṛḍeɣ-ten s axxam-iw.,I invited them home.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Iceṭṭeḥ Tom akked Mary.,Tom is dancing with Mary.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Fesreɣ- takarḍa tarakalt ɣef tnarit.,I unfolded the map on the desk.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ur cukkeɣ ara tt-yawi.,There is little chance of his winning.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Azyam-nni akked win t-ittṛebbin llan ttemsifhamen xir n wakken nenwa.,The dolphin and trainer communicated much better than we expected.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Tom d axeddam yelhan.,Tom is a good worker.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Yewɛed d akken ur yettkeyyif ara.,He promised not to smoke.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Melmi i d amulli-ik?,When is your birthday?,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Melmi i d amulli-im?,When's your birthday?,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn "Lukan yerna iḥuder ciṭuḥ kan nnig wakken, tili ur d-yeḍri ara usehwu-nni.","If he had been a little more careful, the accident would have been avoided.",kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ur ttru ara ɣef uyefki ma yenɣel.,Don't cry over spilt milk.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Aql-i ṣeḥḥaɣ dayen kan.,I'm as healthy as a horse.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ur yelmid kra deg uɣerbaz.,He didn't learn anything in school.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Yerɣa merra uxxam-nni s wayen akk yellan deg-s.,"The house was burned to the ground, with all its contents.",kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Mačči d tagnit ara yezgel yiwen.,This is too good a chance to miss.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Yuεer-iyi ad qennεen medden s umihi yellan deg ukeyyef.,I had difficulty convincing her of the dangers of smoking.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Xir lemmer i yi-d-tenniḍ tidet.,I wish you had told me the truth.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ufan lǧetta n Dan deg teẓgi akken yettwasensel.,Dan's body was found handcuffed in the woods.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ur yettishil ara.,It won't be easy.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Yessefk ad nemεawan deg uxeddim.,Everyone needs to work together.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn "Ruḥ, ttxil-k!",Please go away!,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Bɣiɣ ad ruḥeɣ!,I wanna go!,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Tebda-d tallit d tamaynut s usnulfu n utranzisṭur.,The invention of the transistor introduced a new era.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ilaq ad nbedd i yiman-nneɣ.,We must take care of ourselves.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Yefka Tom tabyirt i Mary.,Tom offered Mary a beer.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Tom d aselmad iggerzen.,Tom is a good teacher.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ur cukkeɣ ara tenna-d akka.,She couldn't have said that.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Limmer d lebɣi Tom ad yili deg umahil.,Tom had to go to work.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Tom werǧin yettu.,Tom never forgot.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Teḥbes tkeṛṛust.,The car stopped.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Cukkeɣ d akken Tom iwjed.,I suspect Tom is ready.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ԑiwen-iyi ad sizedgeɣ agaraǧ.,Help me clean out the garage.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ad ggalleɣ d akken d aya kan i bɣiɣ.,I swear that's all I want.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn "D awezɣi, neɣ ala?","It's not possible, is it?",kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Annay-agi icbeḥ aṭas.,This flag is very pretty.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn "Sḥassfeɣ aṭas, maca ur zmireɣ ara.","I'm very sorry, but I can't.",kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ur zmireɣ ara ad as-sleɣ.,I can't hear it.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ini-yi-d tidet.,Tell me the truth.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Tenɣam Tom?,Did you murder Tom?,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ulac lkaɣeḍ n ubduz.,There's no toilet paper.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Aqli deg tkuzint.,I'm in the kitchen.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ur keččmet ara ɣer din.,Don't go in there.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ṭṭfen-t deg sbiṭar.,They admitted her to the hospital.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Tettwaliḍ tiɣmi-s? D ayen i d-yeqqaren belli aql-ikem s tadist.,Do you see the color? It means you're pregnant!,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Gezmeɣ afus-iw s tmencart n yemɣuzen.,I cut myself with a hacksaw.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ur ẓriɣ iwacu i yi-d-mazal rriɣ-t d anezgum.,I don't know why I even bother anymore.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Werǧin ẓriɣ ayen yecban aya.,I've never seen anything like this.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ttxil-k ur ttmettat ara.,Please don't die.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Beddent akk yid-s temdukal-s deg usenfaṛ-is.,All his friends backed his plan.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ur εad kfiɣ taɣuri uneqqis.,I haven't finished reading the report.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ttxil-wet ur ttmettatet ara.,Please don't die!,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Anef !,Give it up.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Aql-iken deg uxxam.,You are home.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Tom yesɛa taqcict tecbeḥ mliḥ.,Tom has a daughter who's very beautiful.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Xedmen-t akk medden.,Everyone did it.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ur itedder ara umdan ma ulac azwu.,Men can not exist without air.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Aselmad-nneɣ yezdeɣ deg yixef n wezrug.,Our teacher lives at the extreme end of the street.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn "Yulyus Qayṣer, asaḍ-nni aṛumani, yettwanɣ s leɣḍer.","Julius Caesar, this great Roman hero, was assassinated.",kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Iwumi tafaweţ ma yugar-iţ icerrig?,What's the point of patching such a big tear?,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Yal mi d-tḍumm taxxamt-nni ad terẓ kra.,She breaks something every time she cleans the room.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Nettu akk ayen yeɛnan Tom.,We forgot all about Tom.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Weltma d taselmadt.,My sister is a teacher.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Tettaɣeḍ sin imuren seg ayen i ttaɣeɣ nekk.,Your income is about twice as large as mine.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Tebɣiḍ ad sseḥmuɣ aya?,Do you want that warmed up?,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Yerwel mi yi-d-yeẓra.,He ran away when he saw me.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ur d-yeqqim kra ma nezzuzer lekdeb am wa.,He is the lowest of the low to tell such a lie.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Yeṛḍel-iyi sin n yedlisen.,He lent me two books.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Deyyiq tamuɣli-s.,Her viewpoint is limited.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ur d-faqeɣ ziɣ ahat amek yuεer ad yili ḥedd d tameṭṭut.,I never realized how hard it must be to be a woman.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ẓriɣ d acu teswa tgellelt.,I know what it's like to be poor.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn "Ta mačči d tamacint taneggarut, neɣ ala?","This isn't the last train, is it?",kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Icɣeb-ik kra?,Is there something troubling you?,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Yefra-tt ur yettruḥ ara.,He decided not to go.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Tuɣ nniɣ-as ur ttεawadeɣ ara ad k-ẓreɣ.,I was afraid I'd never see you again.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn "Ur tt-tessinem ara, neɣ ala?","You don't know her, do you?",kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Wa d adlis i d-uɣeɣ iḍelli.,This is the book that I bought yesterday.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Mačči d taqeddact-ik i lliɣ.,I'm not your servant.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Aqjun-nneɣ d aberkan.,Our dog is black.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Seg unebdu-nni iεeddan ur εummeɣ.,I haven't swum since last summer.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Tella taxxamt d tilemt deg uxxam.,There is an empty room in the house.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn "Telliḍ deg uxxam iḍelli, neɣ ala?","You were at home yesterday, weren't you?",kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Tεerḍeḍ yakan ad tḥesbeḍ itran?,Have you ever tried to count the stars?,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn La ttxemmimeɣ Tom ma d anaẓuṛ.,I wonder if Tom is artistic.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ur tetteɣ ara aya.,I'm not eating this.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ur nesɛi ara tanumi d waya.,We're not used to it.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ilaq ad truḥeḍ ssya.,You must go.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ilaq ad truḥeḍ.,You have to go.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Iḥemmel-ikem Tom s tidet.,Tom does love you.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ur ẓriɣ d acu i tesεiḍ d aɣbel.,I don't know what your problem is.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Aselkim-a ufus fessus.,This laptop is light.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn "Annect-a yark, ilmend-im!",I did it just for you!,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Yeṭṭerḍeq d imeṭṭawen.,He burst into tears.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Bɣiɣ ad tɛeṛḍem aya.,I want you to try this.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ɣucceɣ aɣerbaz-a.,I hate this school.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Tella teqqim ddaw ttejra.,She was sitting under a tree.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Aceṭṭiḍ-a yettɣersa.,This cloth tears easily.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ttεawaden-as ssbiɣa i tqenṭert.,The bridge is being repainted.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ssken-iyi-d abrid ttxil-k.,Will you please show me the way?,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ad ruḥeɣ ad qqimeɣ dihin ɣef lbenk ɣer yiri n llamba n webrid.,I'm going to sit on the bench over there next to the street lamp.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Yak ur kem-yuɣ wara?,"You're well, I imagine!",kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ad s-tiniḍ ur k-terzi maḍi taluft.,You look as if it were none of your business.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn "Akken i t-id-tbeyyen yiwet n tezrawt tasdawant hah kan, alemmud n tesprirantit yessishil win tutlayin tibeṛṛaniyin.","Learning esperanto, as recent university researches prove, makes foreign language acquisition easier and quicker.",kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Teẓṛiḍ d acu i txedmeḍ?,Have you any idea what you've done?,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Aṛubu-nni yessexlaε seg akken yettbin-d s tidet d amuddir.,The robot was so lifelike that it was creepy.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Tiqenṭert-nni ur teṭṭif ara deg uḥemmal n waman.,The bridge gave way because of the flood.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn "Ḥemmleɣ-tt, tḥemmel-iyi.",I love her and she loves me.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Wali kan.,Look at this.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ẓeṛ kan.,Look at this!,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Meqqer anzaren-ik.,You have a big nose.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Acḥal-aya mi k-semḥeɣ.,I forgave you a long time ago.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Yella upianu deg texxamt.,There is a piano in the room.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Nedreɣ-t.,I did warn him.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ḥbes tura hah.,Stop right now.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Yesteqsay fell-as Tom.,Tom was asking for it.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Yettṛaju-t Tom.,Tom has been waiting for it.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Asteqsi i yuɛṛen d amek ara nṛuḥ ad nxelleṣ aya.,The big question is how are we going to pay for it.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Tenniḍ-d ad tṛuḥeḍ ad t-tṛeqɛeḍ.,You said you were going to fix it.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ad t-nfakk.,We will finish it.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Amek ara t-id-afeɣ?,How will I find it?,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Yelha ma nufa-t-id.,We'd better find it.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Amek i t-id-tufiḍ?,How did you find it?,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ur t-id-tettafeḍ ara akk.,You're never going to find it.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Amek ara t-id-sfehmeɣ?,How do I explain it?,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ur yeẓṛi ara Tom amek ara t-id-isefhem swaswa.,Tom doesn't know exactly how to explain it.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Tettfeṛṛiǧeḍ tiliẓṛi?,Do you watch television?,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Tettnezziheḍ tiliẓṛi?,Do you watch TV?,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Iban mecɣuleḍ aṭas tura.,You must be very busy now.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Tessen ad tehḍeṛ tajapunit.,She can speak Japanese.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Acuɣeṛ i s ulac win yettɛawanen Tom?,Why doesn't anybody help Tom?,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Acuɣeṛ ur iheddeṛ ara Tom?,Why doesn't Tom talk?,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Acuɣeṛ ur d-ittarra ara awal Tom?,Why doesn't Tom answer?,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Acuɣer ulac win i d-yettarran s wawal?,Why doesn't anybody answer?,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Acuɣeṛ i s ulac win i d-ittarran awal.,Why does nobody answer?,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Acuɣeṛ yiwen ur yi-d-isell?,Why doesn't anyone listen to me?,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ad necṛeh nezzeh lemmer ad d-nesɛu agrud nniḍen.,We will be very happy if we have another child.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Acuɣeṛ yiwen ur yi-d-ittḥessis?,Why doesn't anybody listen to me?,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Acuɣeṛ ula d yiwen ur yi-ittamen?,Why doesn't anyone believe me?,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Acuɣeṛ ur k-yebɣi ara da Tom?,Why doesn't Tom want you here?,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Acuɣeṛ ur yebɣi ara Tom ad yeddu yid-nneɣ?,Why doesn't Tom want to hang out with us?,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Acuɣeṛ ur yebɣi ara Tom ad yi-iẓeṛ?,Why doesn't Tom want to see me?,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Acuɣeṛ ur yebɣi ara Tom ad iṛuḥ?,Why doesn't Tom want to go?,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Acuɣeṛ ur iḥemmel ara Tom ad yečč iselman?,Why doesn't Tom like to eat fish?,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Acuɣeṛ ur k-isqelliq ara waya?,Why doesn't that bother you?,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Acuɣeṛ ur ten-teḥbiseḍ ara?,Why didn't you stop them?,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ilaq ad iḥewwes ar Legniz deg unebdu-ya.,He needs to travel to England this summer.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ad siredeɣ tuɣmas-iw.,I'm going to brush my teeth.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Mary tettak anzi ugar ɣer yemma-s.,Mary is very much like her mother.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ilaq ad tedduḍ yid-i.,You must come with me.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Qqleɣ-d bac ad heḍṛeɣ daɣen yid-k.,I've come to talk with you again.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ad yelhu kullec ma yella tzemreḍ ad d-taseḍ tura.,It will be all better if you can come now.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn D acu-t uɣawas i d-nessewjed?,What's the plan?,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ɣer aya di tazwara.,Read this first.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Anwa i t-yesɛan?,Who has it?,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ilaq ad teqqleḍ ar wexxam.,You must come home.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Lemmdeɣ tafransist tura.,I'm learning French now.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Tom ad yaɣ awal.,Tom will obey.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Yebɣa ad yernu afenǧal n lqahwa.,He would like to have another cup of coffee.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ayen i d-tenniḍ d tidet.,What you say is true.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Tom d aselmad n tefransist.,Tom is a French teacher.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Smenyifeɣ ad aruɣ tifyar tiwezzlanin.,I prefer to write short sentences.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Tuɣeḍ-d dwawi?,Did you buy the medicine?,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Tom yekkes ačapun-is.,Tom took off his hat.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Tom yewwet ɣef Mary.,Tom shot Mary.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Mary tecbeḥ nezzeh.,Mary is very beautiful.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Andai ten-tefkiḍ?,Where did you give them?,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Telliḍ yakan d aselmad?,Have you ever been a teacher?,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn D iseɛdiyen wid i iḥemmlen tjeǧǧigin.,Happy are those who love flowers.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ad teddu cetwa.,Winter is coming.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ayaw ad nger tiṭ.,Let's take a look.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Nettṛuḥu ad nenwu belli tuget n yeqjan ttkerricen.,We are inclined to think that most dogs bite.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ilaq ad tesgunfuḍ.,You need to relax.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn "Ini-d ayen akk i ak-yehwan, ur k-ttamneɣ ara.","Regardless what you say, I don't believe you.",kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Laqen-aɣ yidrimen.,We need the money.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Zun tkerheḍ tanfransist?,Do you still hate French?,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Tecbeḥ mliḥ.,She is very beautiful.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Yemmeslay-d yid-i Tom s tefransist.,Tom spoke French to me.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Melliḥet mliḥ.,She's very beautiful.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ayaw ad tt-neɛreḍ.,Let's try it.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Tom yeḥzen.,Tom is sad.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Tom yedderwec.,Tom is mad.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn D targit?,Is this a dream?,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Truḥ yid-s.,She went with him.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Tom ɣur-s tiyuzaḍ.,Tom has chickens.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Tom d nekk d imdukal.,Tom and I are friends.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Tom yenna-yi-d yettmeslay tefransist.,Tom told me that he spoke French.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Anta-tt tarrayt ifazen i ulmad n tefransist?,What's the best way to learn French?,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Tom ɣur-s ddeqs n yidlisen s tefransist.,Tom has a lot of French books.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Uriɣ tabrat s tefransist.,I wrote a letter in French.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Tom iḥemmel iɣersiwen.,Tom likes animals.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Acḥal n tikal i yessefk ad as-d-alseɣ?,How many times do I need to repeat it?,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Tettasmem.,You are jealous.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Tesɛiḍ yiwen n wedlis d adal.,You have a green book.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ur zmireɣ ara ad kerceɣ. Ur sɛiɣ ara tuɣmas.,I cannot bite. I have no teeth.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Tella tsettef akk lḥala yerna teǧǧuǧg s yimɣan.,The vegetation was thick and lush.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Tṛuḥ ar Boston.,She left for Boston.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Yexdem sspagéti.,He made spaghetti.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ur teẓṛiḍ ara anwa ara d-nemlil.,One never knows whom one might run into.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Texdem sspagéti.,She made spaghetti.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Tom d aḥeddad n wawal.,Tom certainly is an eloquent speaker.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Kulci yeḍra ass-a.,Everything just happened today.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ɣer-iyi deg tilifun ma yella teɣli lehwa.,Telephone me if it rains.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Tessefṛeḥ-iyi tebrat-ik.,Your letter made me happy.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Aɛudiw d aɣersiw.,A horse is an animal.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ad t-nexdem ticki.,We'll do that later.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Xuṣṣen-iyi idrimen.,I'm short of money.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn "Lukan zeεma ad tesεuḍ εecra imelyan n iyanen, acu ara txedmeḍ yes-sen?","Suppose you had ten million yen, what would you do?",kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Aman ttazzalen ddaw tqenṭert.,The water flows under the bridge.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ur ẓriɣ ara maca ad t-id-afeɣ.,"I don't know, but I'm going to find out.",kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Yennum yeqqar aɣmis mara yili itett.,He is in the habit of reading the newspaper while eating.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ur zmireɣ ara tura. Ɣur-i ccɣel.,I can't right now. I'm busy.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Tεecqeḍ.,You're in love.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Amcic-nni i tufiḍ d ayla-w.,The cat that you found is mine.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Mačči meṛṛa ibṛaziliyen ḥemmlen tafaska.,Not all Brazilians enjoy Carnival.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ayen akk yettnuzen d sselεa yella yefser ɣef ṭṭwabel.,All the goods for sale are set out on the tables.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ttwaliɣ-t yettawi idlisen.,I saw him carrying books.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Nniɣ-as ahat yelha ma neddukel-d akken ad nmeslay ɣef aya.,I thought it might be a good idea for us to get together and talk about it.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Atent-a da.,They are here.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Sɛiɣ tikti i tt-yifen.,I have a better idea.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Yella yiwen deg-neɣ yezmer ad yemmeslay taspanyulit?,Can any of us speak Spanish?,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ur ẓriɣ ara akk acu xeddmeɣ.,I don't know at all what I'm doing.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ur ẓriɣ ara akk acu xedmeɣ.,I don't know what I did at all.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Llant snat n tkerrusin deg lgaraj-ines.,There are two cars in his garage.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Xir umeḍlab kan acemma.,He is little better than a beggar.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Iruḥ ɣer lbuṣta akken ad iceyyeε tabrat.,He went to the post office to mail the letter.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Wwin-d yiwen webrid weḥd-s.,They were acting strangely.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ur nezmir ad nbeddel amezruy maca nezmer ad d-nelmed seg-s.,"We can't change history, but we can learn from it.",kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Bɣiɣ ad ruḥeɣ d awaziw akken ad xellṣeɣ kra xedmeɣ n dir.,I want to work as a volunteer to make amends for everything I've done.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ẓriɣ-ken dinna.,I saw you there.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Bɣiɣ ad sweɣ yiwen n kuka.,I'd like to drink a Coke.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Tanemmirt si tura.,Thanks in advance.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Nufa-d aḥewwas-nni iwumi yeεreq ubrid yeqqur s usemmiḍ.,We found the lost hiker numb with cold.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn "Ɣas nezmer ad nidir deg umtiweg n Meɣres, ilaq qbel ad naweḍ ɣer din.","Even if we could live on Mars, we must first get there.",kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Tmuqel kan akka d wakka.,She did nothing but look around.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Aqjun iẓerr deg tillas.,A dog can see in the dark.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn "Amek ihi, yewεeṛ uxeddim-agi teεnid?",Is the work that you're doing difficult?,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn "Amek, axeddim-agi teεnid, ihi yewεeṛ?",Is the work you're doing difficult?,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Werǧin lsiɣ asmukin.,I've never worn a tuxedo.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Teẓriḍ ansi d-kkant tguda-ya ?,Do you know where these equations come from?,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ibugaṭuten n temḥaddit ssutren tin tmella.,Defense lawyers appealed for mercy.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn D tameṭṭut izeweǧen.,She's a married woman.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Sεan takniwin.,They have twin daughters.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Yuḍen.,He is sick.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Addag-nni yugi ad yernu ad yimɣur.,The tree stopped growing.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn "Ciṭuḥ kan, ata yebda yesseglaf uqjun.","All of a sudden, a dog began barking.",kab_Tfng-eng_Latn D ass-is amenzu deg uɣerbaz.,It's his first day at school.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn D agummu yettuḥeṛṛmen ay bnin ugar.,Forbidden fruit tastes sweetest.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Taɣdemt n ṣṣeḥ atta ɣur Rebbi.,True justice is in the hand of God.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Aɣerbaz-nneɣ yezga-d deg tewrirt.,Our school stands on the hill.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn "Yebεed lḥal mliḥ akken ad nruḥ ɣef uḍar alamma d taɣsert, yya kan ad neṭṭef lkar.","It's too far to walk to the station, so let's take a bus.",kab_Tfng-eng_Latn "Ur iḥwaǧ ara tanagit n wemdan af wemdan, imi yeẓṛa acu yellan deg-s.","He did not need man's testimony about man, for he knew what was in a man.",kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ɛyiɣ mliḥ.,I'm quite tired.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Yeḥma ciṭuḥ lḥal ass‑a.,It's fairly warm today.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Llan xeddmen cclaḍa.,They are making a salad.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Bɣiɣ akteṛ n yedrimen.,I want more money.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Aql-aɣ deg ass n lǧemɛa.,Today is Friday.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Yessusem kan Tom.,Tom remained silent.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Teqqim-as kan akken i Tom di ccekk.,Tom remained skeptical.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Tesɛiḍ lḥeqq.,You were right.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Yettbin-d yefṛeḥ Tom.,Tom seems happy.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Tom isebbel Mary.,Tom offended Mary.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ur ixeddeɛ ara akk Tom.,Tom never cheats.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Iḥemmel ad iḥewwes Tom.,Tom likes traveling.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Yettejmaɛ-d Tom tiɣawsiwin tiqdimin.,Tom collects antiques.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Yuɛeṛ Tom.,Tom is dangerous.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Yejreḥ wul-is.,He was heartbroken.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Keṛheɣ tasertit.,I hate politics.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ulac adrar i yeεlayen deg umaḍal annect n win n Everest.,No other mountain in the world is so high as Mt. Everest.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Zemreɣ ad azzleɣ.,I can run.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Tom tekcem-it tegdi.,Tom was terrified.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Aql-aɣ deg ass n lexmis.,Today is Thursday.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Tezḍem fell-as.,She attacked him.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Tsumeḥ-as.,She forgave him.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn "Tifyirin tiwezlanin, ini-d zgant ifent tiɣezfanin.",Short sentences are often better than long ones.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Tekṛeh-it.,She hates him.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Tɛawen-it.,She helped him.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Aṭas n tsaɛtin-aya seg mi i ttṛajuɣ.,I've been waiting for hours.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Tewwet-it.,She hit him.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ur t-ssineɣ ara.,I don't know him.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ur t-ɛqileɣ ara.,I don't recognize it.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn D acu-t yini n wemcic-a?,What colour is this cat?,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Iɛǧeb-iyi lfilm-a.,I liked this film.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Tcedha-t.,She misses him.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Teṛwa idrimen.,She's rolling in money.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ur yesɛi ara azal.,It's not important.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Atenta d abrid ad ruḥent.,They're about to leave.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ur yesɛi ara azala wannect-nni.,It's not important!,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Tesɛedda-t ar ccṛeɛ.,She sued him.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Lliɣ tedduɣ ad ffɣeɣ i mi d-iṣuni tilifun.,I was about to go out when the phone rang.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Muqqel-d akken iqwem. Ad ak-d-sekneɣ amek ara txedmeḍ.,Look carefully. I'm going to show you how it's done.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Nessaram ad d-tasem s tuget.,We hope many of you will come.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Aṭas inelmaden i ilemmden taneglizit deg umaḍal.,A lot of students around the world are studying English.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Sawel-as s tilifun di leɛnaya-k.,Please telephone him.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Sawel-as s tilifun di leɛnaya-m.,Please phone him.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Yiwen ur ihenna seg-neɣ.,None of us are happy.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Sawel-as di leɛnaya-k.,Please call him.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Yeskidib.,He is lying.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ḥemmleɣ lqahwa.,I love coffee.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Tḥemmel lqahwa.,She loves coffee.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Sirem kra n tɣawsa.,Make a wish.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Yiwen wedlis kan i yellan ɣef tnarit.,There is only one book on the desk.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Imuras imeqqranen beddun deg yulyu.,Summer holiday begins in July.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Lhu-d kan d ccɣel-ik!,Mind your own business!,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Nniɣ-as i baba ad y-isstebeε ɣer ssirk.,I asked my father to bring me to the circus.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Telliḍ teqqareḍ-d dima tebɣiḍ ad d-teffɣeḍ d tamassant. Ayen ur d-teffiɣeḍ ara akken?,You always said you wanted to become a scientist. Why didn't you?,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Yiwen ur yeεlim s kra da.,No one here knows anything.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn "Mi tfukk tmeɣra n ccna, lɣaci rran ɣer tewwurt-nni i d-iqerben.","After the concert, the crowd made for the nearest door.",kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ufiɣ ḥeqqa ayen i telliḍ tettnadiḍ.,I found the very thing you had been looking for.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn "Netta yella deg yixef n lehna, tezzer ɣer lqiεan n lmeḥna.",She was dropped from the height of happiness into the depth of misery.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Waqil iḍac leεqel-iw.,I think I'm losing my mind.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Icennayen sseqdacen imikruyen akken ad sseεlin deg taɣect-nsen.,Singers use microphones to make their voices louder.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Teḥma gar-asent mliḥ s wanuɣ.,They had a heated argument.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ulac d acu ara ɣ-yenɣen.,We can't be killed.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Stehzant s llebsa-w.,They made fun of my clothes.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn "Bɣan merra ad beddlen amaḍal, maca yiwen ur s-yenna ad beddleɣ iman-iw.","Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself.",kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Tura ad t-qeεεdeɣ.,I'll fix it now.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ad afeɣ ɣur-k agaṛṛu?,Got any smokes?,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Nniɣ-as attan tewweḍ-d.,I informed him of her arrival.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Itess lqahwa akken d tamerẓagt.,He likes drinking coffee without sugar.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Nnan-d yettekka deg umennuɣ-nni.,He is said to have taken part in the battle.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Terwiḍ-tt merra.,You ruined everything.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn "Ur bɣiɣ igerdan, ur bɣiɣ ad zewǧeɣ.","I don't want to have kids, and I don't want to get married.",kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ad nfakk-t aya.,Let's just get this over with.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ilaq i t-nexdim zik.,We should've done that earlier.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ad aqmamas.,It's so sweet.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ulac nadam.,I don't feel like sleeping anymore.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn « Anef dihin. » « Anda ? »,"""Turn there."" ""Where?""",kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Iḥemmel ad yelḥu.,He likes taking walks.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ur i yeǧǧi-y-ara Sami.,Sami didn't invite me.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Tettbaneḍ twehmeḍ.,You sound surprised.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Tom akked Mary tteɛṛaḍen ad xedmen kra maca ur ẓṛiɣ ara d acu-t.,"Tom and Mary are trying to do something, but I'm not sure what.",kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Yuɣal d ameddakel-is asmi yella deg Marikan.,He became friends with her while in the U.S.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Melmi i d-tuɣaleḍ da?,When did you get back here?,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Tifyar n Mary sehlent i usuqqel.,Mary's sentences are easy to translate.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Sliɣ-d akken nniḍen.,I heard otherwise.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn D acu i txedmemt ass-a?,What have you done today?,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn "S wawal nniḍen, teqqel d tameṭṭut yelhan.","In other words, she became a good wife.",kab_Tfng-eng_Latn S tidett yessefk ad nuɣal ar deffir?,Do we really have to go back?,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn D acu yeḍran ?,What's going on?,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ur ttmeslayeɣ ara ɣef aya yid-s.,I won't discuss this with her.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Tebɣam ad as-ssiwleɣ?,Do you want me to call her?,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ur zmireɣ ara ad xemmeɣ akken nniḍen.,I can't think otherwise.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ur zmireɣ ara ad xedmeɣ akken nniḍen.,I couldn't do otherwise.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Muḥal ad txemmeḍ akken nniḍen.,Don't ever think otherwise.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ansa akka i d-tekkamt?,Where have you been?,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Yessefk ad nṛuḥ ad ngen.,We should go to sleep.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ur iyi-ɣelleb yiwen akken nniḍen.,Nobody will convince me otherwise.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Yiwen ur yezmir ad iyi-ɣleb akken nniḍen.,Nobody can convince me otherwise.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ur yessefk ara ad txedmemt.,You shouldn't go to work.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ɛerḍeɣ ad ɣelbeɣ Tom akken nniḍen.,I tried to convince Tom otherwise.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Zznuzun aksum deg tḥanut-a.,In this shop we sell meat.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ass-a urgaɣ amzun mmuteɣ.,Today I dreamed I was dead.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Mmel-iyi-d udem-ik n tidet.,Show me your true face.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Tom mačči d aɛeggun.,Tom isn't a fool.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn As-d ad iyi-teẓṛeḍ.,Come and see me.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn "Yesɛa Tom aṭas n yedrimen, meɛna ur yesɛi ara imdukal.","Tom has a lot of money, but he has no friends.",kab_Tfng-eng_Latn D tasemmaḍt texxamt-a.,This room is cold.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Yesɛa Tom aṭas n tkeṛṛusin.,Tom does own a lot of cars.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Tura ula d nekk ḥemmleɣ-t.,"Now, I also enjoy it.",kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Sarameɣ ad k-waliɣ tikkelt-nniḍen.,I hope to see you again.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ur zmireɣ ara ad ffreɣ ayen i ttḥulfuɣ.,I can't hide my feelings.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Acḥal tecbeḥ teqcict-a!,What a cute little girl!,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Yelha ma walaɣ i tikkelt-nniḍen.,It is nice to see you again.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Yelha ma walaɣ-k abrid-nniḍen.,It's nice to see you again.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ɣas ad sen-teɣṛeḍ?,Could you call them?,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ilaq ad yili win ara k-id-iḥebsen.,Somebody might stop you.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Atan deg tesdawit.,He is at university.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ur εeṭṭlen ara ssensen times-nni.,The fire was soon extinguished.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn "Ihi ma ulac tudert-iḍen deffir lmut, ɣas fket-as azal i ta n tura.","If there's no life after death, then you'd better make this life count.",kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Mlaleɣ yiwen seg imdukal-iw n zik akka kan s ugacur deg teɣsert n Tokyo.,I ran into an old friend at Tokyo Station.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Atan udlis-ik.,Here is your book.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Iyyaw ad nesgunfu cwiya.,Let's rest a little bit.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ass-a Marie telsa taqendurt-nni ay tesla iḍelli.,Mary is wearing the same dress today as yesterday.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn « Zemreɣ ad dduɣ yid-k? » « D ayen ibanen! »,"""Can I come with you?"" ""Sure!""",kab_Tfng-eng_Latn "« Tettmeslayeḍ talmanit? » – « Ala, nekk d tafṛansit. »","""Do you speak German?"" ""No, I'm French.""",kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Sεiɣ yiwen umdakkel i igezzmen i yiman-is acekkuḥ.,I have a friend who cuts his own hair.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn "Lliɣ ur ḥemmleɣ ara ccṛab, ma d tura ḥemmlaɣ-t aṭas.","I didn't use to like wine, but now I like it a lot.",kab_Tfng-eng_Latn D aya kan i tebɣiḍ?,Is that all you want?,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Dacu i d arruy?,What's a porcupine?,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Idɣaɣen-is akk fukken.,These batteries are all dead.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Acuɣer ur tṛuḥeḍ ara ad teẓreḍ tamsulta?,Why didn't you go to the police?,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Beẓẓḍeɣ cwiṭ kan.,I urinate very little.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn "Yal m'ara ruḥeɣ ad tt-ẓreɣ, ttafeɣ teffeɣ.","Every time I went to see her, she went out.",kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Awal-nni yuzzlen ziɣ d tidet.,The rumor turned out true.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn "Ma yessexdem-ak-tt udebbiw deg teẓgi, xir kan ad tadreḍ ɣer lqaεa terreḍ iman-ik temmuteḍ.","If you find yourself trapped by a bear in the forest, your best bet is to drop to the ground and play dead.",kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Tebda tettmiqi-d lehwa.,It started to rain a little.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn "Ttxil-k, ur zeɛɛef ara.",Please don't get angry.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Nnan-d d akken tella d tamerkantit.,They say she was rich.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Učči yid-k d afelleq.,Eating with you is a pleasure.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ečč ayen akk i yellan deg uḍebsi-k.,Eat everything on your plate.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Acḥal ara ad naṛǧu?,How much longer do we have to wait?,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Tebɣiḍ ad teččeḍ tura neɣ umbaɛed?,Do you want to eat now or later?,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Yewjed yimensi.,Dinner is ready to eat.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ittwaheyya yimensi.,Dinner is ready.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Teččiḍ tibidas-ik?,Did you eat your spinach?,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Zemreɣ ad ffɣeɣ ɣer beṛṛa?,Can I go outside?,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Tzemreḍ ad yi-d-tawiḍ kra ara ččeɣ?,Could you bring me something to eat?,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ad ṛuḥeɣ ɣer Marikan aseggas i d-iteddun.,Next year I'm going to America.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn "Mi ara fakkeɣ učči, taɣawsa tamenzut i xeddmeɣ d asired n tuɣmas-iw.","After eating, the first thing I do is brush my teeth.",kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Nekk mačči d anelmad.,I'm not a student.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Nekk mačči d tanelmadt.,I am not a student.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn "Azzel ɣiwel, mulac ad ak-yeǧǧ lkaṛ.","Run fast, otherwise you will miss the bus.",kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Di leɛnaya-k ur yi-ttaǧǧa ara da akked Tom.,Please don't leave me here with Tom.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Tenna-d Mary ur tuḥwaǧ ara argaz.,Mary said she didn't need a husband.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ahat aṭas yakkan i d-nniɣ.,I've probably already said too much.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Acemma ur yezmir ad yettwaxdem?,Can't anything be done?,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn "Azzel ɛjel, mulac ad ak-teǧǧ tmacint.","Run faster, otherwise you will miss the train.",kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ttwarseɣ ad xedmeɣ yid-m.,I've been assigned to work with you.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ttṛajuɣ ad tbeddel tafat-nni.,I'm waiting for the light to change.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn "Ɛjel, mulac ur tettlaḥaqeḍ ara lfaḍur.","Hurry up, otherwise you'll be late for lunch.",kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ur yelli ugaṛaǧ deg uxxam n Tom.,Tom's house doesn't have a garage.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Nekk d win i yettxelliṣen meṛṛa tifakturin.,I'm the one that pays all the bills.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Yenna-yak-d kra ɣef temsalt-a?,Did he say anything about it to you?,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn "Tura mi meqreɣ, ttxemmimeɣ ɣef ayen nniḍen.","Now that I'm a grownup, I think otherwise.",kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ẓṛiɣ ad d-tafem ttawil s ara t-txedmem.,I'm sure you'll find a way to do it.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn "Netta d ačaqlal, meɛna d aqcic yelhan deg ayen nniḍen.","He is noisy, but otherwise a very nice boy.",kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Yebɣa Tom ad yazzel.,Tom wants to run.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Tenna-yi-d Mary d akken tesɛa zzheṛ.,Mary told me that she was lucky.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Layla tɣucc Sami.,Layla hated Sami.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Lliɣ deg Boston asmi i d-yeḍṛa wayen.,I was in Boston when that happened.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn D letnayen.,It is Monday.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Tewɛeṛ tudert-iw.,My life is so hard.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Aqel-aɣ nɛeṭṭel.,We're behind schedule.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Acḥal n sswayeɛ n tɣuṛi i tgesɛiḍ ass n letnayen?,How many classes do you have on Monday?,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Aqel-ik tɛeṭleḍ.,You are late.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Tessirideḍ lbaṭaṭa.,You wash the potatoes.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ččuṛeɣ d lecɣal ass n letnayen.,Monday is my busiest day.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Bɣiɣ ad ɛeṛḍeɣ kra n umaynut.,I'd like to try something new.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ur yeqwim ara wass n letnayen.,Monday's not good.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Anef-iyi.,Let go of me.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Anfet-iyi.,Let go of me!,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ass n letnayen yettas-d mbeɛd ass n lḥedd.,Monday comes after Sunday.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ad iliɣ da ass n letnayen.,I'll be here by Monday.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ur ttennid ara ɣef ṣṣuṛ.,Don't lean against the wall.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Tanemmirt-ik ɣef lmayl-inek i yi-d-turiḍ ɣef temsalt-a.,Thank you for your e-mail regarding the matter in question.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn "Ttxil-k, xdem akken i d-nniɣ.",Please do as I say.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Churchill yemlal Stalin deg tagara n 1944.,Churchill visited Stalin late in 1944.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ggummaɣ ad mmektiɣ isem-ik.,I can't remember your name.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Akken ad yili umelyaṛ i iheddṛen tagennizit.,English is spoken by about a billion people.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Sliɣ i tezlit-a uqbel.,I heard that song before.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ad d-xedmeɣ cwiṭ n latay.,I'll make some tea.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ur d-yeǧǧi ara izen.,He hasn't left any message.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Atta-ya tefsut.,Winter is approaching.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ɣeṛ izen-nni tikkelt nniḍen.,Read the message once more.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn "Tesliḍ-as, neɣ ala?","You heard her, didn't you?",kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Usan-d seg yiwet n temdint.,They come from the same town.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Yiwen ur d-icliɛ.,No one cares.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Tḥeqqeqeɣ d akken ad t-nexdem.,I'm certain that we'll do it.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Tḥeqqeqeɣ d akken ad tt-nexdem.,I'm certain we'll do it.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ad k-temmel weltma-k tameqqṛant.,Your big sis will show you.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn "Yewεeṛ maḍi ad d-naf d acu-t, wehdum-agi.",Not so easy to find what could be this thing.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Llan teccḍen igerdan-nni ɣef ugris.,The children were sliding on the ice.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Fukkeɣ axeddim iḍelli.,I finished the work yesterday.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Nemlal uqbel?,Have we ever met before?,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Yeggugem kra yekka umeslay-a.,He remained dumb during this discussion.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Bɣiɣ ad ẓreɣ ddunit.,I want to see the world.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn "Win ur nḥemmel ccrab d tlawin akked ccna, ad yeqqim d ungif ddunit-is akk.","Who loves not women, wine and song remains a fool his whole life long.",kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Yezmer ad k-ineɣ ssem.,Poison can kill you.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ray-a ddmen ad d-yeglu s inelkimen ur nettiεǧab.,Their decision will bring about serious consequences.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ur tektib ara daɣen.,She didn't write either.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn "Xeẓẓreɣ kan, tanemmirt.","I'm just looking, thank you.",kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Tderreɛ ɣef iḥewwasen lawan-a.,This monument is closed to visitors.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Beddlen ixeddamne n lewzin-a s tmacicin.,They replaced that factory's employees with mechanical arms.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn "Txeddmem bezzaf tineggura-ya, ur teεyim ara ?",You work too hard these days. Aren't you tired?,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn D setti i iṛebban gma abesṭuḥ.,My youngest brother was brought up by our grandmother.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn "Akka lliɣ tura, ur zmireɣ ad k-xellṣeɣ.","As it is, I can not pay you.",kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Sin-a yergazen llan d icriken.,The two men were business partners.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ɛni d tawlaft-inu?,Is that a picture of me?,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn D yiwen seg inelmaden n baba.,That is a student whom my father teaches.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn D axxam-is.,That is her house.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn "Amek armi tassaweḍ tusnakt ad temtawi akk annect-a d lumuṛ n tilawt, nettat i d-yekkan si tedmi n wemdan, ur ncudd ɣer kra n termit?","How can it be that mathematics, being after all a product of human thought independent of experience, is so admirably adapted to the objects of reality?",kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Aqjun-nni-ines ur isell ara mliḥ,His dog is hard of hearing.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ad as-d-fkeɣ taktubt-nni azekka.,I will give him the book tomorrow.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn "Yewεeṛ maḍi ad d-naf d acu-t, uyennat-a.",Understanding that machine isn't all that easy.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Dɣa atan tufiḍ-d acu-t wa!,I bet you can not even guess what it is!,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Eǧǧ-iyi kan ad ṛuḥeɣ.,Just let me go.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Anda i tettaruḍ?,Where do you write?,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Anda i tezdeɣ setti-k?,Where does your grandmother live?,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ur ifaq ara Tom belli Mary tḥemmel-it?,Doesn't Tom realize Mary loves him?,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ur d-yeḥḍiṛ ara Tom fell-ak.,Tom didn't talk about you.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Nekk d Tom nṛuḥ ar Boston ad nwali Mary.,Tom and I went to Boston to see Mary.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ilindi yiwet n tikelt mačči ẓriɣ-k.,I didn't even see you once last year.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Feṛḥeɣ.,I am happy.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ur sɛiɣ d acu ara d-iniɣ.,There's not much to say.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Iḍaṛṛen-is d iɣezzfanen.,Her legs are long.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn "Suref-iyi kan, yella kra n usensu deg lemsaq-a?","Excuse me, is there a hotel around here?",kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Izmer ad nṛuḥ ɣer lḥebs ɣef aya.,We could go to prison for this.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn D acu i txemmeḍ yessefk ad t-xedmen?,What do you think they should do?,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Els lqecc-ik!,Put some clothes on.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ur tegganeḍ ara ddeqs.,You're not sleeping enough.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Aṭas n yidlisen i yettwaẓragen yal aseggas,A lot of books are published every year.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Tfeṛḥeḍ s wayenni?,Are you content?,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Telsamt?,Are you dressed?,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Amek teẓẓgen tafunast ?,How do you milk a cow?,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ur nesεi yelli-tneɣ.,We don't have a daughter.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ahat teẓra-yaɣ-d.,She must have seen us.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Tom d win yettargun.,Tom is a daydreamer.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn D timlilit iḥerṣen.,It was a close game.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn "Tella tekkat lehwa, dɣa deg ayen yuɣal Joe s axxam yebzeg akk ucekkuḥ-is.","It was raining, and Joe's long hair was completely wet by the time he got home.",kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Tella kra n yiwet i yegnen ɣef wussu-yaki.,Somebody has been sleeping on this sofa.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Aya baṭel i yella?,Is it free?,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn "Ma ikemmel itess akka, ilaq-as kan ad yeṭṭef aṭaksi ara t-yawin s axxam.","If he keeps drinking like that, he'll have to take a taxi home.",kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Yelli-m d taderɣalt?,Is your daughter blind?,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Yella win i tebɣiḍ ad teẓṛeḍ?,Is there somebody you want to see?,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn ẓer kan ata lqedd !,Look at the size of it!,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Afrux-a yettḥaka-d taɣect n wemdan.,This bird can imitate the human voice.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Yella ḥedd i wumi tebɣiḍ ad tsawleḍ?,Is there somebody you want to call?,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Anda tḥebbes tmusni n wemdan ?,What are the limits of human knowledge?,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Yelmed ugeldun taglizit sɣur tmarikanit.,The prince learned English from the American lady.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Yella daki win i izemren ad yi-d-iɛawen?,Can somebody give me a hand here?,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ssneɣ yiwen i izemren ad ɣ-iɛawen.,I know somebody who can help us.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn "Akka s udfel-a, ikad-d kullec ibeddel.",In this snowy landscape everything looks different.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ad nebdu!,Let us begin.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Qceɛ!,"Rack off, hairy legs!",kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ttum!,Just forget it.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Beṛka!,Cut it out!,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ḥebsem!,Cut that out!,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Beṛkat!,Break it up!,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Newweḍ-d deg ass n lficṭa.,The day when we arrived was a holiday.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Wali!,Have a look.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Muqqel!,Take a look.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Hmej!,Take a bite.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Uḥwaǧeɣ kan ad yi-iɛawen kra n yiwen.,I just wanted somebody to help me.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Iɛedda lḥal.,It is late.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn I kunwi?,What about you?,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn I kunemti?,How about you?,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ulac ugur.,No problem at all!,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Teqqaṛem?,Are you studying?,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Aql-iyi-n.,Here I come.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Balak ɣelḍeɣ.,I may be wrong.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Kcem ihi.,Come on in!,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Aql-aɣ da.,Here we are!,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Jmeɛ-it.,Pick it up.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ad nesteɛfu.,Let's take a rest.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Aseggas ameggaz.,Happy New Year!,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ad nehḍeṛ s tagnizit.,Let's speak in English.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ad nemmeslay s tegnizit.,Let's speak English.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Rrem-iyi-d s wawal.,Answer me this.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Tḥemmleḍ?,Do you like it?,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ad d-qqleɣ.,I'll go back.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ad d-uɣaleɣ.,I'll be back.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ɛṛeḍ abrid-nnayeḍ.,Try it again.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Xeddmeɣ.,I am working.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ar tikkelt-nniḍen.,See you later.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ar webrid-nnayeḍ.,See you soon!,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Yekkat wedfel.,Snow is falling.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Qṛib tameɣṛa n Nwal.,Christmas is soon.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ur teεlimeḍ ayweq ara d-yeqqel Tom ?,Do you know when Tom will get back?,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Anef-as.,Come off it.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Nekk daɣen.,So do I.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Thedden.,Let it go!,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Sgunfum.,Take a rest.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Serreḥ-iyi!,Let me go!,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ur tqelliq ara.,Take your time.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Serrḥem-iyi!,Let me go.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Surgem-iyi!,Please allow me to go.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Sureg-iyi.,Give me a break.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Tessared ifassen-is seg idammen.,She washed the blood off her hands.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Tom yesbeɣ isefreg-nni.,Tom painted the fence.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Anɛam?,What did you say?,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ur yeḍṛi walu.,Nothing is happening.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ad nɣiwel.,Let's hurry up.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ṭṭal-iyi-d.,Look at me.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ad t-nexdem.,Let's do it.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Igen?,Is he sleeping?,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ṛuḥ ad tegneḍ!,Go to sleep.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Yella wejdid?,Is that something new?,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ḥader.,Take care of yourself.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Derreɛ-itt!,Put a lid on it!,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ad xemeɣ.,I will work.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Alim-t.,Turn it up.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Kennemti d tuǧǧal?,Are you widowed?,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Aql-iyi uɣaleɣ-d.,Here I am again.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ad nezger da.,Let's cross here.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Susem!,Shut your gob!,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Hḍeṛ-iyi-d!,Talk to me!,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Heḍṛem-iyi-d!,Talk to me.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Yelha wass-a!,What a day!,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Nufa-d Mari.,We found Mary.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Aṛǧut-t.,Wait for him.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Taḍṣa.,Smile for the camera.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Yiwen ur d-iṛuḥ.,No one came.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Tmeslayeḍ d tmeṭṭut-ik?,Did you speak with your wife?,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Icreq-d yiṭij.,The sun is rising.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Walaɣ yiwen n weqjun.,I saw a dog.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ur bɣiɣ ad s-rreɣ i tebrat-is.,I do not want to reply to his letter.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Tufrar-d s tqendurt-is tazeggaɣt.,Her red dress made her stand out.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ur immug ara i teqcicin timecṭaḥ.,Not for the faint-hearted!,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Awi-d kra n lqahwa ma teqqim-d.,Give me some coffee if there is any left.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ayɣer amenḍar-a ?,What's causing the delay?,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ur ddiɣ ara deg twizi.,I didn't volunteer.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Lemer kan d tilemẓit i lliɣ.,Would I only were younger.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ǧǧem-iyi tṛankil.,Get outta here!,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Kemm d tabehlult.,You are foolish.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Sɛiɣ argaz.,I have a husband.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ayen ixeddem ur yeddi d wayen yeqqar.,His actions always contradicted his word.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Temmezgeḍ-d akked umεellem-ik?,Do you get along with your boss?,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ssufɣen Tom seg tmeɣṛa.,Tom was kicked out of the party.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Kemm d tahungarit?,Are you Hungarian?,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Yeεreḍ Tom ad ibeddel tudert-is.,Tom wanted to change his life.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Yeqbel Tom tikci-nni.,Tom accepted the offer.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Waqila Tom yeẓra-t.,Tom may have seen it.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Kemm d tameḥbust-nneɣ.,You're our prisoner.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Nesra meṛṛa ad neṭṭes ugar!,We all need more sleep!,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Tḥettdemt?,Are you envious?,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Zemreɣ ad d-fkeɣ asteqsi ur nemεin?,Can I ask a dumb question?,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Tom iḥemmel ad ixdem tiɣawsiwin.,Tom loves making things.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Zemreɣ ad d-fkeɣ asteqsi ur nemεin ara?,Can I ask a stupid question?,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Tom d aqcic i yiḥercen aṭas.,Tom is a gifted child.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn "Tura, yiwen ur iţţamen s s yezɣuɣen.",Nowadays nobody believes in ghosts.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Tom idawa aεawdiw-ines.,Tom groomed his horse.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Yif-itt ma ur txedmeḍ ara aya skud yella Toma da.,You'd better not do that while Tom is here.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Gziɣ.,I get it.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Yella win yellan deg uxxam?,Is anybody home?,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Taqcic tetturar.,The girl is playing.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ad nehṛeɣ ɣer Boston azekka.,I'm driving to Boston tomorrow.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Anda i tent-teǧǧam?,Where did you abandon them?,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Yessusem kan mi yella itett.,He kept silent during the meal.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Akken yettimɣur i yetεeqqil.,He became wiser as he grew older.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Tom yewwet Mary.,Tom punched Mary.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ur zmireɣ ad ǧǧeɣ amḍelliw-a n teɣlelt.,I am very much attached to this old straw hat.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Dεu ad k-d-ittunefk kra tessenseḍ ticemmaεin.,Make a wish and blow out the candles.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Atekki n yimselmen deg tsertit d axater mliḥ i tmetti.,The participation of Muslims in politics is of fundamental importance to society.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Tom d acennay ifazen ɣef Mary.,Tom is a better singer than Mary is.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Tbeddel tegnit tasertant.,The political situation has changed.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Tekkat lehwa.,It is raining.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ḥemmleɣ-kem nezzeh.,I love you bunches.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Itteɣlay-d ugeffur.,It was raining.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Qqim!,Go sit down.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Yeffer kra n tɣawsa Tom.,Tom is hiding something.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Iswahem-iyi awal i d-yefka Tom.,I was very impressed by Tom's speech.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Tom inna-d werǧin isla i Mary tcennu.,Tom says he's never heard Mary sing.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Taẓuri imir tella tewweḍ lḥedd-is.,Art was then at its best.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Azal n wemdan ur yettili deg ayen yesεa am akken yella deg-s netta d acu-t.,A man's worth lies not so much in what he has as in what he is.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Teẓṛiḍ d acu i txeddmeḍ?,Do you know what you're doing?,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Xdem meqqar akka tṣeḥḥiḍ.,You ought to keep working while you have your health.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Tom akked Mary sεan issin yiwet n tikti.,Tom and Mary both had the same idea.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ur nettanez i kra umesbaṭli.,We will not bend to the will of a tyrant.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Suref-iyi kan meεna ur yi-d-iwwiḍ ara ukefki s axxam assa.,"I'm sorry, but I didn't receive any milk at my house today.",kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ssarameɣ tekcem-it tegdi Tom.,I hope Tom is scared.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Lliɣ selleɣ-asen a skasayen.,I could hear them arguing.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Walaɣ d akken yif-it ad yi-d-tiniḍ.,I think you'd better tell me.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ur ttaǧǧa ula d yiwen ad yaẓ ar tmes.,Don't let anyone come near the fire.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Taqcict-a d timsetḥit n tidet.,That girl is really shy.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Tḥeṣlem?,Are you stuck?,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ur kent-ttaraɣ ara tezhamt.,I'm not amusing you.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Tgerrzeḍ?,Are you good?,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ur tettuṛebbaḍ ara.,You are impolite.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Abriki-ines εecr-snin i yexdem.,His lighter has done ten years' service.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ayen i yi-tunfeḍ?,Why have you been avoiding me?,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Yeṭṭef-d yiwen uferṭṭeṭu gar udebbu d ccahed.,He picked up a butterfly between his thumb and forefinger.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Kennemti d tigliziyin?,Are you English?,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ldi tawwurt.,Open the door.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Mdel tawwurt.,Shut the door.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Temmeslay d tnemhalt uɣerbaz.,She spoke with the school superintendent.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Neqqar-as i temdint-a « Tokyo tameẓyant ».,"We call this city ""Little Tokyo.""",kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ugdeɣ tura ula d imdukal-ik ur k-ttselliken.,I'm afraid even your friends can't save you now.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ad neg tameɣra ass n ssebt tameddit.,We are going to have a party on Saturday night.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Tecbeḥ wttma.,My sister is pretty.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Yezga yessusem.,He was silent all the time.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Tura kan i heḍṛeɣ yid-s.,I just spoke to her.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Iban ttun ur ɣ-d-ɣṛin ara.,We're positive that they forgot to call us.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Xdem akk ayen i k-d-yeqqar.,Do whatever he tells you.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Yella yerxes maḍi.,It was really cheap.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Kemm d taḥessadt.,You are envious.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Yesnulfa-d taqsiṭ ɣef ugellid.,He made up a story about the king.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn "Err tawwurt-nni sdeffir-k, deg leεnaya-k.",Please close the door when you leave.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Tamdint teεlay s 1600 n lmitrat ɣef lebḥer.,"This city is 1,600 meters above sea level.",kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Tebɣiḍ ad yi-teggzeḍ ?,Are you threatening me?,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Yella wanda teεkes da !,Something's not right here.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Udem-is teccef-it-id akk tidi.,Her face was drenched with sweat.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ur leddi tawwurt i ḥedd!,Don't open the door for anyone.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Amaḍal amguran yennum yesseqdac aman akken yufa kan.,The industrialised world is used to using water profligately.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Deg leεnaya-k ur s-qqar ara i tmeṭṭut-iw.,Please don't tell my wife.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Tura tudert teshel maḍi ɣef zik-nni.,Life today is much easier than in the past.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn La netteɛṛaḍ ad kent-nɛiwen.,We're trying to help you.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Kfan ɣur-i lehdur.,I have no words.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ma iqeεεed lḥal azekka ad nruḥ ad nεumm deg asif.,"If it's a good day tomorrow, let's go to the river to swim.",kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Icudd amḍelliw.,He is wearing a hat.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Yenha-t ziɣ am win iheddren i uεeẓẓug.,His advice fell on deaf ears.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Tettwaliḍ axxam-ihin ? D ayla-w.,Do you see that house? It's mine.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Iεǧeb-anteɣ lḥal merra imi nhenna akken deg-s ur nenεettab.,We were all pleased to be so cheaply quit of him.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Taxxamt-nni meẓẓiyet nezzeh.,The room is too small.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ahat d tin i d ssebba.,Maybe that's the reason.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ɣas fiḥel ad s-tiniḍ usiɣ-d ad k-εawneɣ.,"Needless to say, I've come here to help you.",kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Anwa d-yesnulfan tilifun?,Who invented the telephone?,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ur yessefk ara ad tqedcem azekka?,Don't you have to work tomorrow?,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Yewwi-d arraz ssmana-ya iεeddan.,He won the prize last week.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ttjur mrussant d ṣṣeff.,The trees were in a row.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn D aqrab-iw.,This is my bag.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Cukkeɣ yella wacu s-yeḍran i Tom.,I think something may have happened to Tom.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ur nezmir ara ad nsemmi i tagi tudert.,This cannot be called life.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Yal taṣebḥit qqareɣ i yiman-iw acuɣer.,Every morning I ask myself why.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Mačči kan d arraw-iw i yemmuten di ṭṭrad.,It wasn't just my children who died in the war.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ɣer ɣur-i yella ccekk deg medden merra.,I'm suspicious of everybody.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn D luluf n warrac-nniḍen i yettwanɣan deg tṛad.,Thousands of other children were murdered in that war.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn "Di Tefriqt, ulac amgarad gar umellal d uberkan.","In Africa, there is no difference between a white and a black.",kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ttwanɣan acku ur llin ara d imellalen.,They were killed just because they were not whites.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn "Ɣas akken, semmḥen-asen i yimdanen yenɣan arraw-iw.","Despite all this, I forgave the people who killed my children.",kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ur ssarameɣ ara aya i wiyad.,I wouldn't wish this to anybody.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Yella di Marikan tallit-nni.,He was in America at that time.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Nniɣ-d yakan d acu ttxemmimeɣ.,I've already told you what I think.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Jjmeɣ-tt.,I miss her.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Xaqeɣ fell-as.,I miss it.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn D netta i d axṣim-iw.,He's my rival.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Tella tugad ad t-tejreḥ.,She was afraid of hurting him.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Cfiɣ ɣef umḍiq-a.,I remember this place.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Mi iɣab umcic zrargen iɣerdayen.,"When the cat is not there, the mice are dancing.",kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Yal asteqsi yesɛa tiririt.,Every question has an answer.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Aqcic yenwa d tameṭṭut i tella.,The boy thought that she was a woman.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn "Ayen akk txeddmeḍ, d tarewla i tebɣiḍ ad trewleḍ ɣef tilawt.",All you're doing is trying to escape reality.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Yerra-d s lefqeε.,He reacted furiously.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ikad-ak-d yeεni sellen iselman?,Do you think fish can hear?,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Argaz yerkeb aɛudiw.,The man rode a horse.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Aqcic yejreḥ afus-is.,The boy injured his hand.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Bɣiɣ afenǧal-nniḍen n lqehwa.,I'd like another cup of coffee.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn D tibbuɣyelt daya kan.,This is just stupid.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Tom yeffeɣ-it cwiṭ leɛqel.,Tom's a bit freaked out.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Terriḍ-d di lbal ad tḥeḍreḍ i temlilit ?,Are you planning to take part in the meeting?,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ittruḥu Tom ɣer Boston yiwet n tikkelt i useggas.,Tom goes to Boston once a year.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Tuḥwaǧ-it tmurt-a.,This country needs him.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Acḥal i yelqay?,How deep is it?,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Kečč d anelmad iẓewren.,You're a very good student.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Yeččur Tom lkas-is s ccrab.,Tom filled his glass with wine.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ssarameɣ ad t-xedmeɣ daɣen.,I'd love to do it again.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ixeyyeb-iyi aṭas Tom.,I'm very disappointed in Tom.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn "Yettcetki-d dima ɣef texxamt-is, yeqqar d tamecṭuḥt.",He is always complaining of his room being small.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Qqim dinna!,Stand over there.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Amisil iss i d-ẓedmen yewwi aṭas n terwiḥin.,The missile attack took a heavy toll of lives.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Mazal-iyi ur wufqeɣ ara Tom.,I still don't agree with Tom.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Dayen ur k-ḥemmleɣ ara.,I don't love you anymore.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ur ttaǧǧa ara tagnit-a ad k-truḥ.,Don't let this chance slip by.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Tom ihedder aṭas.,Tom is pretty talkative.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Tfecleḍ.,You are weak.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Nniɣ-as i Tom acimi ur lliɣ ara dinna.,I told Tom why I wasn't there.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Feṛḥen meṛṛa.,Everybody was really happy.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ur tezmireḍ ad tsemmḥeḍ deg tirga-k.,You can't give up on your dreams.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Tella tuḍen.,She was sick.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Mary teldi-d asfaylu.,Mary opened the window.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Lemer lliɣ deg tezmert akka am acemma akken ad egeɣ aya.,I wish I'd been healthy enough to do that.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn "S tidet kan, ur egiɣ ara ayen i d-yenna Tom ad tegeɣ.",I didn't actually do what Tom said I did.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Tom ur yeẓri ara ayen tettheggiḍ ad tegeḍ.,Tom doesn't know what you're planning to do.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ansi k-d-yekka umḍelliw-a?,Where did you get the hat?,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ssarameɣ ad sɛuɣ tagnit akken ad ɛerḍeɣ ad xedmeɣ aya.,I wish I had the chance to try doing that.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Xedmeɣ ayen zemreɣ akken ad qennɛeɣ Tom ad yeg aya.,I did my best to persuade Tom to do that.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Tom yeffer anda kra.,Tom is hiding somewhere.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Lliɣ ttmenniɣ ad yi-d-sekneḍ amek ara xedmeɣ aya.,I was hoping you'd show me how to do that.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Xas ini xedmeɣ akken yexdem Tom.,I did almost the same thing that Tom did.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn "Bɣiɣ ad xedmeɣ aya, maca ur zmireɣ ara.","I wanted to do that, but I wasn't able to.",kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ini-as kan i nettat ayen tesrid.,Just tell her what you need.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Tḥeqqeqeɣ d akken baba-m yetzuxxu yes-m.,I'm sure your father is proud of you.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Akerwa yessesten ayɣeṛ iqeddacen-is ɣunzan axeddim.,The boss asks why his employees are reluctant to work.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Fehmeɣ acimi i tt-ixdem Tom.,I understand why Tom did that.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Sami yebɣa ad isel i rray n Layla.,Sami wanted to hear Layla's opinion.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Yuɣ tanumi ixeddem da.,He used to work there.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Cfiɣ.,I remembered it.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Nnumeɣ qareɣ-as kullec i Tom.,I used to tell Tom everything.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Uɣeɣ-d kra n weɣrum ajdid.,I bought some fresh bread.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Arrac n tura ur ttaɣen ara awal i yimeqqranen.,Young people today do not listen to adults.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Zedɣen dinna.,They live there.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Yeddez-iyi tifdent-iw lḥiḍ-a.,This wall crushed my toe.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Telsa iqaciren.,She put on socks.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Tusa-yas-d nnefḥa ad tecḍeḥ.,She felt like dancing.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ur yewεir ara annect n wamek i d-yettban.,It isn't as complicated as it sounds.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Isuḍaf-nni yuεer ad ten-yesnes yiwen.,The laws were very difficult to enforce.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn D tizemmar ur zmiren ad ilin di lebɣi n wegdud i ten-yewwin ɣer lexsara deg tefranin.,Their inability to satisfy the desires of the populace led to their electoral defeat.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Tḥemmleḍ ad teṭṭseḍ ar azal ?,Do you like to sleep in late?,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Yeṭṭef-iten ttakren tteffaḥ.,He caught them stealing apples.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Meslayeɣ d uqcic-nni i d-yettbinen meqqer akk fell-asen.,I spoke to the boy who seemed to be the oldest.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn "Win ur nessin kra n tutlayt tabeṛṛanit, ur yessin ayla-s.",Whoever doesn't know a foreign language doesn't know their own.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Efk-iyi tagnit-iḍen.,Give me a second chance.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ssusmen merra mi d-yenṭeq Tom.,"When Tom spoke, they all remained silent.",kab_Tfng-eng_Latn D imelyan n tikwal i fkiɣ tuttra-ya i iman-iw.,I've asked myself that question a million times.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Teẓriḍ anziḍ di ddunit-ik?,Have you ever seen a squirrel?,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Tom yemmut s lberd di 2013.,Tom died of tuberculosis in 2013.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Qqimen-iyi-d waktayen igerrzen ɣef Boston.,I have wonderful memories of Boston.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn "Imeslab i yeggten ɣef iεeqliyen, dɣa ula ɣur uεeqli s yiman-is, d tisselbi i iɣelben leεqel.","There are more fools than wise men, and even in a wise man there is more folly than wisdom.",kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Tennuɣ yid-s ɣef yidrimen.,She argued with him about money.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Gma yezdeɣ ar tama n Vilnius.,My brother lives near Vilnius.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Wagi d awezɣi!,It can't be!,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn netta ul iteddu ani,He's not going.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Kulci yeḍra-d ɣef tikelt.,Everything happened all at once.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Annect-a ur yeţţili!,This can't be!,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Akal-a ikad-d yebzeg.,The ground seems wet.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn "Lidia, tezemreḍ ad tessewweḍ kra n tuččit i Magdalena, Ania, Piotr akked Lech?","Lidia, can you cook some food to Magdalena, Ania, Piotr and Lech?",kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ur teεriḍ ara ad terwel ɣef tidet.,She didn't try to evade the truth.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Teεyiḍ si tudert?,Are you tired of living?,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Sewwqeɣ.,I went to the market.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Tacirḍart ţimeẓwit ger iselmaden ijapuniyen.,Soccer is very popular among Japanese students.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ɛyiɣ cwiṭ.,I'm a bit tired.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ssuqlet tafyirt-a ɣer tneglizit.,Translate this sentence into English.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Tugar timeẓwit n tcirḍart di Japan ɣef akken ar ad tili.,Soccer is more popular in Japan than it used to be.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Err-d tafyirt-a ɣer tneglizit.,Put this sentence into English.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Mlaleɣ-t-id s usamma kan deg yiwet teɣsert n lkiran.,I met her by accident at the bus stop.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Mačči d argaz iɣef ara tettekleḍ.,He is not a man to rely on.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn "Ulamma tecɣel akken, tusa-d ad ɣ-tẓer.","Busy as she was, she came to see me.",kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Tacirḍart d urar amxalef.,Soccer is an exciting game.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Teẓriḍ belli zemreɣ ad k-ssreẓgeɣ tudert.,"I could really make things hard for you, you know.",kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Yuɣ-d aqejjun.,He had bought a dog.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn "Anef-as kan, d ccɣel-iw.",Let me handle it.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Aql-i heddreɣ deg tilifu.,I'm talking on the phone.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Aql-i deg tmurt.,I'm at home.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ruḥeɣ daɣen ɣer Boston.,"I went to Boston, too.",kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Bezzaf i yettṣerrif Tom.,Tom spends too much money.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Iqḍeε-aɣ ugeffur ad nmerreḥ.,Rain prevented us from taking a walk.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ad nehreɣ ɣer Paris azekka.,I'm driving to Paris tomorrow.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn D tikeṛṛusin iselmaden-nneɣ.,Those are our teachers' cars.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Fransa tezga-d deg utaram n tuṛuft.,France is in western Europe.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn "Tleεεeb-itt kan teṭṭes, daymi ur tjexxer ara.",She's faking sleep. That's why she's not snoring.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Amaḍal-nneɣ simmal yettuɣal meẓẓi.,Our world is getting smaller and smaller.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn "Azekka ad d-ḍeqqreɣ tadellaεt seg yixef uzadaɣ n xemsa wannagen, akka kan, tenfeḥ-iyi-d.",Tomorrow I'm going to throw a watermelon off the roof of a five-story building just for the hell of it.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Yebɣa ad iṛuḥ ɣer Tefriqt.,He wants to go to Africa.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Bɣiɣ ad stεemreɣ ddunit maca atan tekkat lehwa!,"I wanted to conquer the world, but it rains!",kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Da i d-kkreɣ.,I grew up here.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Theggam ad tṛuḥem?,Are you ready to go?,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Werǧin ad tayseḍ.,Never give up.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Teffreḍ?,Are you hiding?,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Tuɣ nella neǧhed aṭas.,You were so strong.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ad iniɣ i Tom akk ayen yellan.,I tell Tom everything.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Tamella ur tt-tesεi tewser.,Old age is merciless.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn "Lliɣ dinna, daɣen.","I was there, too.",kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Sḥassfeɣ imi ur iyi-d-tenniḍ ara aya.,I wish you had told me that.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Sami iǧǧa dinna amrig d aḥuddu-ines.,Sami kept the gun there for his protection.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Sami d Layla banen-d d aballag ack-it.,Sami and Layla made a good couple.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Rima d tanelmadt.,Rima is a student.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Sami yuɣal armi iḥemmel Layla.,Sami really grew to love Layla.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Sami yella dinna.,Sami was there.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ur sεiɣ ara atiki.,I don't have a ticket.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Imdanen ɣuṛ-sen allaɣen annect-ilaten.,Humans have very large brains.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ur yella ara d ayen yessedhuyen.,It wasn't very fun.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Izmawen d imexluqen ihuskayen.,Lions are magnificent creatures.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Tuɣ yella wi i y-ittḥibbin.,I was loved.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Yella kra i d-rbḥeɣ?,Did I win something?,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Yella wamek ar ad iyi-d telliḍ tabburt?,Can you open the door for me?,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn "Tikelt-nni taneggarut mi ruḥeɣ ɣer teftist, rɣiɣ yir triɣi s yiṭij.","The last time I went to the beach, I got badly sunburned.",kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Mulleɣ deg tira.,I'm tired of writing.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ṭṭfeɣ-ten akken llan xeddmen-tt.,I caught them in the act.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Waqil mačči d lkar-nni ilaqen i d-ṭṭfeɣ.,I think I'm on the wrong bus.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn "Asinen-nni iɣef qqaren d imeywer, netta ɣur-s ur yenfiε ara.",He regards so-called compulsory education as useless.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Armi yedda yiḍ nekk d tameslayt yid-s.,I talked with him far into the night.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ur ttagademt ara ad tɣelḍemt.,Don't be afraid to make a mistake.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Luleɣ-d i wakken ad ken-ḥemmleɣ.,I was born to love you.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Yeḍra-d yid-s usehwu n tnehrawt.,He had a traffic accident.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ittuḥettem fell-aɣ ad nruḥ; nekkni ur nebɣi ara.,"We didn't want to go, but we had to.",kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Meqqer urti n mass White.,Mr. White's yard is large.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Inna-yid dakken lliɣ hedṛeɣ s laεqel.,He told me to speak more slowly.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ԑerḍeɣ amek ur ttfayiɣ.,I suppressed a yawn.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Amek i ten-tebɣiḍ tmellalin-ik?,How would you like your eggs?,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Nfuk i wass-a.,We finished today.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Teswa tissit deg mm teprutinin.,She took a protein shake.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn "I tudert ɣezzifen, ihennan.",Here's to a long and happy life!,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Wehmeɣ acemma mi ẓriɣ Tom dinna.,I was kind of surprised to see Tom there.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Bɣiɣ ad ad k-ẓreɣ deg lbiru-inu.,I want to see you in my office.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Bɣiɣ ad εiceɣ akken lliɣ zik.,I want my life back.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Yeznuzay iruka.,He deals in furniture.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ḥemmleɣ-k ugar netta.,I love you better than he.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Tagi d tiliɣri-inu.,This is my phone.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Urεad i sawleɣ i temsulta.,I haven't called the police yet.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ittwaɣḍes Sami.,Sami got baptized.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ala... kečč aql-ik am lexyal kan din.,No... you're just a simple marionette.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Yella Sami ur iḥsib ara iman-is d amasiḥi.,Sami didn't feel Christian.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Tebda tettbin tewser fell-as.,His age is beginning to tell on him.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Werǧin iḥseb iman-is Sami d amasiḥi.,Sami never felt Christian.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Sami d ineslem.,Sami is a Muslim.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Iya ad nuɣal tikelt-nniḍen.,Let's go again.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ur yi-d-tewqiε ara anda ara nečč imensi. Atan rray d ayla-k.,I don't care where we eat dinner. It's entirely up to you.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Tura atan yettazzal.,He is running now.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Allen-is smektayent-iyi-d tid n wemcic.,Her eyes remind me of a cat.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Cciεa n Tatoeba tuli yiwet n tallayt d tasuzmirt seg asmi t-id-sskecmen.,Tatoeba's popularity has been growing exponentially since the day of its inception.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ulac aseyyaḍ ma ulac tawaqqast.,The hunter can not exist without the prey.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Medden merra d azwu i snuffusen.,All people breathe air.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn "Seg yimir, uɣalen beddlen leḥwal.",Things were never the same after that.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Fell-am kan i ttxemmimeɣ.,All I think about is you.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ur tella ara i tekkelt tamenzut.,It's not the first time.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Yuḍen ssman-aya iεeddan.,He was sick last week.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Yemla-yi-d yiwen n wufur d amecṭuḥ ɣef yemma-s.,He told me a little secret about his mother.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Tagnawt ixesren ur telli d aεewwiq.,Bad weather is no obstacle.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ur yeḥḍir ara i temlilit.,He was absent from the meeting.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn "ur ḥmmileɣ ara aksum n uzger, ula d Tom akken.",I don't like beef and Tom doesn't either.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn "Yella kra i d-teqsed tefyirt-a s tidet? Iban, ulac!",Is this sentence meant seriously? Of course not!,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn "Yeḥmmel Tom aksum, ula d nekk akken.","Tom likes beef and I do, too.",kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Rriɣ-tt ala i ccḍeḥ nekk d Mary.,I was only dancing with Mary.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ayen akk i d-nniɣ n d tidet.,Everything that I said is true.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn D acu i d-yeḍran akka deg 20 tuḅer?,What happened on October 20?,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Iḥar Tom ad iwali Mary.,Tom could hardly wait to see Mary again.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Efk-iyi-d ameqyas m'ara tt-tefruḍ ad yi-taɣeḍ.,Give me a ring when you decide to marry me.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ḥareɣ ad kem-waliɣ.,I could hardly wait to see you.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Atan yettmurud llufan-nni.,The baby is crawling.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Temmut setti.,Grandma passed away.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ur bɣiɣ ara ad yi-d-teẓreḍ d taεeryant.,I don't want you to see me naked.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Truḥ-iyi tcencult.,I lost an earring.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ad ɣreɣ axir.,I prefer to read.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn D ayen i xemmemeɣ tazwara.,That's what I thought at first.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Yezmer Tom ad d-yemmeslay sswayeɛ ɣef yinzaḍ.,Tom could talk about squirrels for hours.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Tameddit-nni yerra-tt i tɣuri n yiwet n tektabt.,He spent the evening reading a book.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Iwet armi dayen kan.,He fought until the end.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Terra-d temsulta idrimen-nni yettwakren.,The police recovered the stolen money.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ẓriɣ teṭṭfeḍ bugaṭu.,I know you hired a lawyer.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ur d-ttaseɣ ara assa.,I'm not coming today.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Amdakel-iw yezdeɣ deg tlemmast n yiwen lqifar.,My friend lives in the middle of nowhere.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ttuɣ iman-iw.,I forgot myself.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Qqimet ɣer ṭṭabla.,Sit at the table.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Tayaziḍt-nni tesεa tmenya icillawen.,The hen has eight chicks.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Kečč d aswidi?,Are you Swedish?,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ur neεlim deg acu bɣant ad t-ssqedcent.,We don't know what they want to use it for.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn D amdan i telliḍ?,Are you human?,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Bɣiɣ ad ak-ssutreɣ yiwet n lemzeyya d tameqrant.,I want to ask you a big favor.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ɣucceɣ lqahwa.,I hate coffee.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn "Tenna-k Mari, Tom iqḍeɛ layas.",Tom said that Mary is pessimistic.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn "Tenna Mary, tesskaddeb-as i Tom.",Mary says she lied to Tom.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ur ili ara Tom tabɣest am zik.,Tom isn't as courageous as he used to be.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Aṭas i nɛac di Boston.,We lived in Boston for a long time.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Yerẓa Sami axxam n Layla.,Sami ransacked Layla's house.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Mačči d tamejjayt.,She's not a doctor.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Twalaḍ ad teqqimeḍ aṭas deg Ustralya?,Do you think you'll stay in Australia long?,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn "Ulamma d imegzi i yella, yettkukru dima ad d-yefk tamuɣli-s.","For all his cleverness, he is always reluctant to give his views.",kab_Tfng-eng_Latn "Lliɣ εyiɣ mliḥ, maca ɣas akken, ur ssawḍeɣ ara ad gneɣ.","I was very tired, but I was nevertheless unable to sleep.",kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Laẓ ur yessin a isuḍaf.,Hunger knows no law.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn "Mi rriɣ imgan merra deg leḥsab, gezmeɣ-tt ad s-anfeɣ i tikti-nni.","Taking all things into consideration, I have made up my mind to give up the idea.",kab_Tfng-eng_Latn "Nekk ttwaliɣ d ayen iweεren, tikti-a ur yi-tεǧib ara.",I find it very dangerous and think it's a bad idea.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Lbanka tḥerrez idrimen n medden.,The bank keeps money for people.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Tenna-d ad tuɣal qbel lefjer.,She said that she had to be back before dawn.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Acḥal-aya mi bɣiɣ ad k-d-fkeɣ yiwen usteqsi.,I've been wanting to ask you a question.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Tuɣ werǧin teṭṭif amiṭru.,She had never taken the subway.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Amek ara nerju seg ḥedd nniḍen ad yeffer sser-nneɣ ma yella nekni s yiman-nneɣ ur nessaweḍ ara ad t-neffer?,How can we expect another to keep our secret if we have been unable to keep it ourselves?,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Aqjun-nneɣ iruḥ.,Our dog has gone away.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Nniɣ-ak zewğeɣ!,I tell you that I am married!,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Muḥal ad t-ḥemmleɣ akken i k-ḥemmleɣ.,You will never love me as I love you.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Steɛṛifeɣ dima yes-wen.,I've always been proud of you.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ur teɛyim ara?,Are you not tired?,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ḥemmleɣ iɣarimen.,I like castles.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ssneɣ-kem.,I know you.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn "Lḥaṣun ma tebɣiḍ ad tissineḍ ugar ɣef tmurt-iw, atan mara awḍeɣ s axxam ad k-in-ceyyεeɣ tabrat.","Anyway, if you want to know more about my country, I'll send you a letter when I get home.",kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Akken i s-ttxemmimeɣ.,I think so.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Sexdameɣ-t.,I use it.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Uɣeɣ-t.,I bought it.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ad d-tḥellim yid-i tirennawin-iḍen.,I will lead you to further victories.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Iserdasen bedden deg udem n wenṭag n yeεdawen.,The soldiers resisted the enemy attack.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Tom ad yesεu tlatin isaggasen.,Tom is close to thirty.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn D irerbraben i llan?,Are those people terrorists?,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Tesɛam zzheṛ mliḥ!,How lucky you are!,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Igerdan tenɣa-ten tewnafit.,Small children are very curious.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Tikelt-a mačči kifkif.,This time it's different.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn D yemma i d-ittenkaren zik ɣef wiyaḍ merra uxxam-nneɣ.,Mother gets up earlier than anybody else in my family.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ḥebseɣ akeyyef.,I stopped smoking.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ur tecfiḍ ula ɣef kra?,Don't you remember anything?,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Ḥemmleɣ ccakula.,I like chocolate.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Anda i lliɣ?,Where am I?,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Seg melmi i yesselmad Tom tafṛansist?,How long has Tom been teaching French?,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Waqila ur yettili ara daki azekka Tom.,Tom isn't likely to be here tomorrow.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn Waqila Tom yebɣa ad yečč di beṛṛa ticki.,Tom isn't likely to want to eat out tonight.,kab_Tfng-eng_Latn ბაღში ბევრი წითელი ყვავილებია.,There are many red flowers in the garden.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn დედაშენი ძალიან ლამაზია!,Your mother is very beautiful!,kat_Geor-eng_Latn წიგნი მაგიდაზე არის.,The book is on the table.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ძალიან მხიარული არიან.,They are very cheerful.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn "ტომიც მასწავლებელია, არა?","Tom is a teacher, too, isn't he?",kat_Geor-eng_Latn თქვენ აქ ცხოვრობთ?,Do you live here?,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ჩინურად ლაპარაკობ?,Do you speak Chinese?,kat_Geor-eng_Latn "რა იფიქრე, როცა სულ პირველად შემხვდი?",What did you think when you actually met me for the first time?,kat_Geor-eng_Latn რატომ გძინავს?,Why are you sleeping?,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ეს მანქანა ძალიან სწრაფია.,That car is very fast.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ეს კარგი პასუხია.,That's a good answer.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn კაცი ხარ თუ ქალი?,Are you a man or a woman?,kat_Geor-eng_Latn გვაქვს დაჯავშნა.,We have a reservation.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn თქვენ აქ მუშაობთ?,Do you work here?,kat_Geor-eng_Latn დღეს კარგი ამინდია.,The weather is good today.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn არაფრის.,You are welcome.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn მე არ ვიცი იაპონურად ლაპარაკი.,I don't speak Japanese.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn უეცრად მისი სახე გაფერმკრთალდა.,"Suddenly, her face was pale.",kat_Geor-eng_Latn ადვილად ღიზიანდება.,He loses his temper quite easily.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ყოველთვის დასცინის სხვებს.,He always makes a fool of others.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ბევრი პრობლემა მაქვს მოსაგვარებელი.,I have a lot of problems to solve.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn 10 საათამდე არ დაბრუნებულა.,He did not come back before ten o'clock.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ის გუნდის კაპიტანია.,He is the captain of the team.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn როგორ ლაპარაკობს!,How she talks!,kat_Geor-eng_Latn მისი მდგომარეობა გაუარესდა.,His condition changed for the worse.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn მისი საშუალებით გაიცნეს ერთმანეთი.,They met through her introduction.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn მას ორი წიგნი აქვს დაწერილი.,He has written two books.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ჩინელები ძალიან მეგობრულები არიან.,The Chinese are a friendly people.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ახლახანს დაბრუნდა სახლში.,He came back home a while ago.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn "მან თქვა, რომ ბავშვების ყოლის არავითარი ინტერესი არ აქვს სანამ ოცდაათის არ გახდება.",She says she has no intention of having a baby until she's in her thirties.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn სკოლის დამთავრებამდე მოვიდა აქ.,He came here before school was over.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ის კარგი მოლაპარაკეა ინგლისურად. (?),She is a good English speaker.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn მათ უარყეს ჩვენი მოწვევა.,They declined our invitation.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn რთულია იყო წარმატებული სწავლაშიც და კლუბის საქმიანობაში.,It is hard to be successful at both study and club activities.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn 100 წლამდე იცოცხლებს.,She is likely to live to one hundred.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn მამაჩემი ხშირად წერდა წერილებს სადაც ციტირებდა შექსპირს.,My father used to write letters that quoted from Shakespeare.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn მის ხმაში წუხილი იგრძნობოდა.,His tone was one of sorrow.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn არ დასცინოთ.,Don't laugh at him.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn მას ნათელი მომავალი აქვს.,He has a bright future.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ის სამჯერ იყო ლონდონში.,He has been to London three times.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ფასების გააგრძელებენ ზრდას.,Prices will continue to rise.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn მან იმ ბიჭს თვალებში ჩახედა.,He looked into the boy's eyes.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn მოკლედ ის არასწორი იყო.,"In brief, he was wrong.",kat_Geor-eng_Latn მან თავისი უპასუხისმგებლობით მეც შემცვალა.,She charged me with being irresponsible.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn მან ყინულზე სახლი ააშენა.,He made a house on the ice.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ზამთარში ადრე ღამდება.,The night falls fast in winter.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn დედამ ნამცხვარი რვა ნაწილად დაყო.,My mother divided the cake into eight pieces.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn მისტერ იმემურა გვასწავლის ინგლისურს.,Mr Umemura teaches us English.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn მისთვის არაფერი არ გვითქვამს. (?),I've got nothing to say to him.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn მას ძალიან უყვარს თავისი სკოლა.,He dearly loves his school.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn "მან მითხრა, რომ აგვისტოში პარიზში წავიდოდა.",She said she will go to Paris in August.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn კინაღამ დამრჩა მატარებელში ჩემი ქოლგა.,I almost left my umbrella in the train.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ვინ იყო ექსპედიციის წინამძღოლი?,Who was the leader of the expedition?,kat_Geor-eng_Latn მოწევა ბევრ ზიანს აყენებს.,Smoking will do you a lot of harm.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ამერიკელი ხარ თუ ფრანგი?,Are you American or French?,kat_Geor-eng_Latn "თუ იჩქარებ, დაეწევი.","If you hurry, you will overtake him.",kat_Geor-eng_Latn "სახლში თუ დამაგვიანდება წასვლა, ნუ დამელოდები.","If I should be late getting home, please don't wait up for me.",kat_Geor-eng_Latn გნებავთ რომ შეუკვეთოთ?,Would you like to order?,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ტოსტერის შეკეთება მომიხდა.,I had to fix the toaster.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn რამდენი ხანია ხართ იაპონიაში?,How long have you been in Japan?,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ტაქსით სადგურამდე 20 წუთში მიხვალთ.,It will take me 20 minutes to get to the station by taxi.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn შენ საქმეს მიხედე!,Mind your own business!,kat_Geor-eng_Latn შეუძლებელია კონფლიქტის გადაჭრა.,It is impossible to resolve the conflict.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ეს ყველამ იცის.,Anybody knows it.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn კომპიუტერს თუ გამოიყენებ ინფორმაციის შენახვას შეძლებ.,"If you use a computer, you can retain information.",kat_Geor-eng_Latn "ამ ინფორმაციის საიმედოობაში ეჭვი არ მეპარება, რადგან ის სანდო ადამიანისგან მოდის.",I don't doubt the reliability of his information because it comes from a trustworthy person.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ის ჯერ კიდევ ახალგაზრდაა.,He is still young.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn მე არა ვარ დიქტატორი.,I'm not a dictator.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn რაც მან თქვა სიმართლისგან შორს იყო.,What he said was far from true.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn მინდა რომ სამაგიერო გადაგიხადოთ თქვენი გულკეთილობისთვის უახლოეს მომავალში.,I would like to repay your kindness in the near future.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ძალიან გიყვართ ერთმანეთი?,Do you love each other very much?,kat_Geor-eng_Latn მაგიდაზე რუკა არის.,There is a map on the table.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ესპერანტო ევროკავშირის ოფიციალურ ენად!,"Esperanto, an official language of the European Union, now!",kat_Geor-eng_Latn გიყვართ თქვენი დედა?,Do you love your mother?,kat_Geor-eng_Latn სისტემა კარგად მუშაობდა.,The system worked well.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn პატარძალივით აცვია.,She is dressed like a bride.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ესენი არიან სტუდენტები.,These are students.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ჩემი გადაწყვეტილების საზღვარგარეთ სწავლის გაკვირვებული ჩემი მშობლები.,My decision to study abroad surprised my parents.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn მან თავის მოკვლა სცადა.,She attempted suicide.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn წერილი დაგიწერე.,I wrote you a letter.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn "ტომს უჭირს გაუმკლავდეს ფაქტს, რომ მისმა შვილმა თავი მოიკლა.",Tom is having trouble coping with the fact that his son committed suicide.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ჩქარა დაბრუნდება.,He will come back soon.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn "იმედი მაქვს, რომ ტომი გაიმარჯვებს.",I sure hope Tom wins.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ზღვაში კუნძულებია.,There are islands in the sea.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ჩქარა ჩამოვა.,He will come down soon.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn მე არ ვმღერი.,I do not sing.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn "პოლიციამ დაუყოვნებლივი ქმედება მიიღო, აჯანყებასთან გასამკლავებლად.",The police took immediate action to deal with the riot.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn მე ცხოვრებს ვცხოვრობ.,I live life.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ხუთი საათია.,It's five o'clock.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ლაპარაკობ ინგლისურად?,Do you speak English?,kat_Geor-eng_Latn მოდი როგორც კი შეგიძლია.,Come as soon as you can.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ტომს უჭირდა სიტუაციის გამოსწორება.,Tom had trouble resolving the situation.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ოთხი საათია.,It's four o'clock.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn "ადამიანთა უმეტესობა ფიქრობს, რომ მე ვარ გიჟი.",Most people think I'm crazy.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn სამი საათია.,It's three o'clock.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn უფერო მწვანე წარმოდგენებს გააფთრებულად ძინავთ.,Colorless green ideas sleep furiously.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ექვსი საათია.,It's six o'clock.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn მე მინდა მოვკვდე გეთერ იანი - თან ერთად.,I want to die with Getter Jaani.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn მელანი ახლავე და­კა­ვე­ბუ­ლია.,Melanie is busy right now.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ახალი მასწავლებელი საკლასო ოთახშია.,The new teacher is in the classroom.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn რვა საათია.,It's eight o'clock.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn "მე მჯერა კაილი მინოუგის, 1998 წლის 12 ივნისიდან.","I've believed in Kylie Minogue since June 12, 1998.",kat_Geor-eng_Latn არჩევანი არ მაქვს.,I don't have a choice.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ცხენი არ არის თეთრი.,The horse is not white.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn მილი ჭამს პურს.,Millie is eating bread.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ემილი ინგლისელია.,Emily is English.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn როგორ ხარ?,How are you?,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ძალიან კარგი იქნება.,He will be very nice.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn რას შეისწავლის სოვეტოლოგი?,What does a Sovietologist study?,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ორივეც კარგი მასწავლებლები არიან.,They are both good teachers.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn რუსეთიდან ვარ.,I am from Russia.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ამბობ რომ ჩემი ცხოვრება საფრთხეშია?,Are you saying my life is in danger?,kat_Geor-eng_Latn შევძლებ ესპერანტოს მალე შესწავლას?,May I study Esperanto soon?,kat_Geor-eng_Latn თერთმეტი საათია.,It's eleven o'clock.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn რამდენიმე წიგნი გაქვს.,You have few books.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ინდური სახელია.,It's an Indian name.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn 45 წლის ვარ.,I'm 45 years old.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn 25 წლის ვარ.,I'm 25 years old.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ტალოსურად ლაპარაკობთ?,Do you speak Talossan?,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ოციტანური ენა მიყვარს.,I like the Occitan language.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn როგორა ხარ?,How are things?,kat_Geor-eng_Latn გრამატიკა ძალიან რთულია.,Grammar is very complicated.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn "მე დავიფიცე, რომ არასოდეს აღარ დაველაპარაკები.",I vowed that I would never speak to her again.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ოთახი მზიანია.,The room is sunny.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ქართული იცი?,Do you know Georgian?,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ეხლა მე თქვენ გეტყვით სიმართლეს.,Now I'll tell you the truth.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn არ მინდა სკოლაში წასვლა.,I don't want to go to school.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn გოგომ ქოლგა გაშალა.,The girl opened her umbrella.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ტელევიზორი ჩართულია.,The TV's on.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn სამი წლის წინ ვნახე.,I saw him three years ago.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn "დღესდღეობით იაპონია მიდის თვითგანადგურების გზაზე, არა?","Present-day Japan is going down the route to self destruction, isn't it?",kat_Geor-eng_Latn ეს არის გოგო.,This is a girl.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ლამაზი ხართ.,You are beautiful.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn რაღაც ვთქვი.,I said something.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ტომიც აქაა.,"Tom is here, too.",kat_Geor-eng_Latn ეს ბიჭია.,This is a boy.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ეს არის მანქანა.,This is a car.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn სადაა ჩემი წიგნი?,Where is my book?,kat_Geor-eng_Latn მე ვეგეტარიანელი ვარ.,I am a vegetarian.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ვინ ამას დაიჯერებს?,Who will believe this?,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ეს ნამდვილად მეცნიერებაა?,Is that really science?,kat_Geor-eng_Latn მე მგონი ტომი ბოსტონში ცხოვრობს.,I think Tom lives in Boston.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn გოგო სვამს თევზის წყალს.,A girl drinks the fish's water.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn მინდა სპორტის გაკეთება.,I want to do some sport.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn დავიწყებთ რაც შეიძლება ჩქარა.,We will begin as soon as possible.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ეს თვითმკვლელობაა.,This is suicide!,kat_Geor-eng_Latn პირველი საათია.,It's one o'clock.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn შვიდი საათია.,It's seven o'clock.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ორი საათია.,It's two o'clock.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn 30-ზე მეტმა ადამიანმა თავი მოიკლა.,Over 30 people committed suicide.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn მომეცი ცეცხლი.,Give me fire.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn თანამედროვე ქართულ დამწერლობას მხედრული ჰქვია და 33 ასო აქვს.,The modern-day Georgian writing system is called Mkhedruli and has 33 letters,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ყავა მომიტანა.,He brought me coffee.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn მინდა ვიყო მსახიობი.,I want to be an actress.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ეს ანიტის სახლია.,It is Anita's house.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn შაქარი აქვთ.,They have sugar.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn წყალი გაქვთ.,You have water.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ხილი გვაქვს.,We have fruit.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ხორცი გაქვს.,You have meat.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn პური მაქვს.,I have bread.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ბიჭები კითხულობენ კითხვები.,The boys are asking questions.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ცხრა საათია.,It's nine o'clock.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ათი საათია.,It's ten o'clock.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ვიღაც დახურავს ფანჯარა.,Someone will close the window.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn მოწვეული ვარ?,Am I invited?,kat_Geor-eng_Latn თორმეტი საათია.,It's twelve o'clock.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn "კვერცხები სად არიან, გეთაყვა?","Where are the eggs, please?",kat_Geor-eng_Latn მე ვარ სახლში.,I'm at home.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn გლოკმა კუზდრამ შტეკად უბოდლანა ბოკრს და კურდაჩობს ბოკრიკოს.,A glock coozdre has steckly boodled a boker and is curding a bokerlet.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn სოფელში ხუთი ძროხაა.,There are 5 cows in the village.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn დალევა არავის უნდა?,Nobody wants to drink?,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ბავშვი წავიყვანე.,I took the child.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn და შენ?,How about you?,kat_Geor-eng_Latn „სად ცხოვრობ შენ?“ „მე ტოკიოში ვცხოვრობ.“,"""Where do you live?"" ""I live in Tokyo.""",kat_Geor-eng_Latn მე ვარ ჟურნალისტი.,I am a journalist.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn მწვანე გიხდება.,Green suits you.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn მინდიხარ.,I want you.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ემილი და მელანი ინგლისელი არიან.,Emily and Melanie are English.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn წყალბადის ატომური ნომერი 1-ა.,The atomic number for hydrogen is 1.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn გაგიჟდი?,Are you crazy?,kat_Geor-eng_Latn გიჟი ხარ?,Are you mad?,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ბევრი მეგობარი მყავს.,I have many friends.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn შენ სპილოები მოგწონს.,You like elephants.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn შენ ჩაის სვამ.,You drink tea.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn შენ ინგლისურს სწავლობ.,You study English.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn გახსოვს?,Do you remember?,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ფეხმძიმედ ვარ.,I am pregnant.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn მე ხის ქვეშ ვარ.,I'm under the tree.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn პრეზერვატივი გააქვს?,Do you have any condoms?,kat_Geor-eng_Latn იტყუები.,You are lying.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn კარგად ხარ?,You all right?,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ლურჯი სახლი მაქვს.,I have a blue house.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn აქ ხარ?,Are you there?,kat_Geor-eng_Latn წითელი სახლი მაქვს.,I have a red house.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn მწვანე სახლი მაქვს.,I have a green house.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn კიდევ გნახავთ.,See you again.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn თეთრი კატა არის ხის ქვეშ.,The white cat is under the tree.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ლამაზი გოგო ხარ.,You're a beautiful girl.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ცხენზე შემჯდარმა კაცმა ჩამოგვიარა.,A man on horseback came along the path.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ეს შენ თქვი!,You said it!,kat_Geor-eng_Latn დიდი სახლი მაქვს.,I have a big house.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ტომს ავსტრალია მოეწონა?,Did Tom like Australia?,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ამ ქარხანაში ვმუშაობდი.,I worked in this factory.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ჩემი დანა მკვეთრია.,My knife is sharp.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn სახლი პატარაა.,The house is small.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn არასოდეს დაწეროთ სიტყვები ''ბორშჩი'' და ''შჩი'' გერმანულად!,"Never write the words ""bortsch"" and ""shchi"" in German!",kat_Geor-eng_Latn მჭირდები.,I need you.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn მე ზომბი ვარ!,I'm a zombie!,kat_Geor-eng_Latn "შენ, ჩუმად!","You, be quiet!",kat_Geor-eng_Latn კაცმა ვაშლი ჭამა,The man ate an apple.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn რატომ შენს ხელში დანაა?,Why do you have a knife in your hand?,kat_Geor-eng_Latn თქვენ ექიმები ხართ.,You are doctors.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn შენ არა ხარ ექიმი.,You're not a doctor.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ამერიკელი ხართ?,Are you American?,kat_Geor-eng_Latn შენ ამერიკელი ხარ?,Are you an American?,kat_Geor-eng_Latn კნუტები გორავენ.,The kittens are rolling.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn შენ ეს ოთახი დასაძინებლად არ შეგეფერება.,This room is not suitable for sleeping.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn წიგნს ავიღე.,I took the book.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ეჭვი მეპარება.,I doubt it.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ამ შუადღეს ბევრი თევზი დავიჭირეთ,We caught a lot of fish this afternoon.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ახლა მას არ ჭირდება ფული.,Now he doesn't need money.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ხვალ დახატავენ ღობეს.,They're painting the fence tomorrow.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ტომმა ავსტრალიაში წავიდა?,Did Tom go to Australia?,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ტომი მუშაობს ავსტრალიაში?,Does Tom work in Australia?,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ტომი ცხოვრობს ავსტრალიაში?,Does Tom live in Australia?,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ვერ ვრჩები ავსტრალიაში. უნდა დავბრუნდე ახალ ზელანდიაში.,I can't stay in Australia. I have to get back to New Zealand.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn მე ასევე ებრაელი ვარ.,I'm also a Jew.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn გამარჯობა.,How do you do.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ტომი დაინახე ავსტრალიაში?,Did you see Tom in Australia?,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ტომი როგორაა ავსტრალიაში?,How's Tom doing in Australia?,kat_Geor-eng_Latn თოვს.,It is snowing.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn """სადაა ტომი""? ""ავსტრალიაშია.""","""Where's Tom?"" ""In Australia.""",kat_Geor-eng_Latn "დიახ, რასაკვირველია.","Yes, of course.",kat_Geor-eng_Latn ტომი არ ცხოვრობს ავსტრალიაში?,Doesn't Tom live in Australia?,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ტომს მაინც მოსწონს ავსტრალია?,Does Tom still like Australia?,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ტომი როგორ მიდის ავსტრალიაში?,How is Tom going to Australia?,kat_Geor-eng_Latn რამდენ ხანს ტომმა დარჩი ავსტრალიაში?,How long was Tom in Australia?,kat_Geor-eng_Latn შემიძლია წავიდე ავსტრალიაში ტომისთვის.,I can go to Australia for Tom.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn შემიძლია წავიდე ავსტრალიაში ტომთან ერთად?,Can I visit Australia with Tom?,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ტომიც მუშაობს ავსტრალიაში?,"Does Tom work in Australia, too?",kat_Geor-eng_Latn ამჟამად ტომი ცხოვრობს ავსტრალიაში.,"Currently, Tom lives in Australia.",kat_Geor-eng_Latn უბრალოდ არ ვიცი რა უნდა ვთქვა.,I just don't know what to say.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ძიძა აქ არ არის.,The nurse is not here.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ის არის ახალი სურათი?,Is it a recent picture?,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ძალიან ბედნიერი ვარ საქართველოში.,I am very happy in Georgia.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ვერ ვცხოვრობ ეგეთ ცხოვრებას.,I can't live that kind of life.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn მტკივა კუჭი.,My stomach hurts.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn "თუ ჩუმად ვარ, ეს არ ნიშნავს რომ გეთანხმები.","If I stay silent, it doesn't mean that I agree with you.",kat_Geor-eng_Latn კარგი ლექსიკონი მინდა.,I want a good dictionary.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ზამთარში ადრე ბნელდება.,"In the winter, days are shorter.",kat_Geor-eng_Latn ორი ქალიშვილი მყავს.,I have two daughters.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn მას ჯოკერი ყავს.,He's got a joker.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ის ამ საღამოს ლენინგრადს მიემგზავრება.,He's leaving for Leningrad tonight.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ტომი მიკრობიოლოგია.,Tom is a microbiologist.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn სკოლაში წასვლის დროა.,It's time to go to school.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ინგლისურად ვილაპარაკოთ.,Let's speak English.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn მე მინდა ვიყო ჟურნალისტი.,I want to become a journalist.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn "არა, მადლობა.","No, thank you.",kat_Geor-eng_Latn ყოველთვის ვუყურებ ამ სურათს მორყვნით.,I always view this photo with disgust.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn მე შენ ძალიან მიყვარხარ.,I love you a lot.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ამ ქალაქში არ ვცხოვრობ.,I don't live in this city.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn იმ ქალაქში არ ვცხოვრობ.,I don't live in that city.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn თქვენ იქ ცხოვრობთ?,Do you live there?,kat_Geor-eng_Latn გისურვებთ ბედნიერებას.,I wish you happiness.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ჩართოთ ტელევიზორი.,Turn on the TV.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn მე ვარ იგივე ნავში.,I'm in the same boat.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ჩემი ბიძაშვილი ჟურნალისტია.,My cousin is a journalist.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn მე ვარ აბაზანაში.,I'm in the bath.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn თქვენ მასწავლებელი ხართ თუ მოსწავლე?,Are you a teacher or a student?,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ერთი ძმა მყავს.,I have one brother.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn მელანი ვაშლს ჭამს.,Melanie is eating an apple.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ყინული დნება.,The ice is melting.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn აი შენი ძაღლი. სად არის ჩემი?,Here is your dog. Where is mine?,kat_Geor-eng_Latn აი შენი ჩანთა.,Here is your bag.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn აი შენი გასაღები.,Here is your key.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn აი შენი ძაღლი.,Here is your dog.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn აი შენი წიგნი.,Here is your book.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn აი თქვენი მენიუ.,Here is your menu.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ხე მწვანეა.,The tree is green.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ამ ოთახში ბიჭია.,There is a boy in this room.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn სახლი მაქვს.,I have a house.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn მე აქ ვცხოვრობ.,I live here.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn მე წვნიანს ვჭამ სამზარეულოში.,I'm eating soup in the kitchen.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn რძეს ვსვამ.,I'm drinking milk.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn კატა მაგიდაზე სძინავს.,The cat is sleeping on the table.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn რას სწავლობს სოვეტოლოგი?,What does a Sovietologist research?,kat_Geor-eng_Latn მე მიყვარს შენი ჩანთა.,I love your bag.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn უშნო ხარ.,You are ugly.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn მე ლამაზი ვარ?,Am I pretty?,kat_Geor-eng_Latn მწუხარე ვარ.,I feel sad.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ის წერილს დაწერა.,She wrote a letter.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn კატა მაგიდაზე დაჯდა.,The cat sat on the table.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ცხოვრება საჩუქარია.,Life is a gift.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn "ტომი წასვლას არ აპირებს შენთან ერთად, არა?","Tom isn't going with you, is he?",kat_Geor-eng_Latn ფაბრიკაში ვმუშაობთ.,We work in a factory.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ბუხარესტში ვცხოვრობ.,I live in Bucharest.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn მე მიყვარს წიგნების კითხვა.,I love to read books.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn კატა მყავს.,I have a cat.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn გული მაქვს.,I have a heart.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn წიგნი გაქვს?,Do you have the book?,kat_Geor-eng_Latn მე სკოლაში მივდივარ.,I go to school.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn მანქანა მყავს.,I have a car.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn "ტომი მარის მეზობელია, არა?","Tom is Mary's neighbor, isn't he?",kat_Geor-eng_Latn მადლობა ყველაფრისთვის.,Thanks for everything.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ეს ჩემი მაგიდაა.,This is my table.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn შენ მჭორავ მე დედაჩემთან.,You gossip to my mother about me.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn მინდა გავაკეთო.,I want to do it.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn მასწავლებელი არის.,He is a teacher.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ბევრია გასაკეთებლად.,There is a lot to do.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ბევრი მაქვს გასაკეთებელი.,I have a lot to do.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn სად არის სასტუმრო?,Where is the hotel?,kat_Geor-eng_Latn რა გქვია?,What's your name?,kat_Geor-eng_Latn "დღისით ვსწავლობ, საღამოს კი ვმუშაობ.","I study during the day, and in the evening I work.",kat_Geor-eng_Latn დაივიწყე. ეს უბრალოდ იდეა იყო.,Forget it. It was just an idea.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn მე ვერ ვხმაურობ. ბავშვი სძინავს.,I cannot make noise. The baby is sleeping.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn შენ ჩემთვის ყველაფერი ხარ.,You are everything to me.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ეს რა ეღირება?,How much will it cost?,kat_Geor-eng_Latn მე ძალიან მორცხვი ვარ.,I'm very shy.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn "მე ვფიქრობ, რომ მე ვარ მთვრალი.",I think I'm drunk.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn მე წყალს ვსვამ.,I drink the water.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn მცივა. შეიძლება ფანჯარა დავხურო?,I'm cold. May I close the window?,kat_Geor-eng_Latn მე წიგნს ვწერ.,I'm writing a book.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ჩემი სახელია ირაკლი.,My name is Irakli.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn დელფინები ძალიან ჭკვიანი არიან.,The dolphins are very intelligent.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn გვინდა ბოსტონში და შიკაგოში წავიდეთ.,We want to go to Boston and Chicago.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn "ღიმილი, რომელსაც გაგზავნი, ისევ შენ დაგიბრუნდება.",The smile you send out returns to you.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn არაბულად ლაპარაკობთ?,Do you speak Arabic?,kat_Geor-eng_Latn შეგიძლია პირობა მომცე?,Can you get permission?,kat_Geor-eng_Latn შენ გაქვს ჩემი ნებართვა.,You have my permission.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn შენ გჭირდება ჩემი ნებართვა,You need my permission.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ვინ მოგცა ნებართვა?,Who gave you permission?,kat_Geor-eng_Latn რატომ გჭირდება ჩემი ნებართვა?,Why do you need my permission?,kat_Geor-eng_Latn მე არ გთხოვთ თქვენ ნებართვას.,I'm not asking your permission.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn მე მოსწავლე ვარ.,I am a student.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ნება მიბოძეთ წარმოგიდგინოთ ჩემი თავი.,May I introduce myself?,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ჩემი სახელია ჯეკი.,My name is Jack.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ის იცის ჩემი ცოლს.,She knows my wife.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ყვილა ადამიანი იბადება თავისუფალი და თანასწორი თავისი ღირსებითა და უფლებებით. მათ მინიჭებული აქვთ გონება და სინდისი და ერთმანეთის მიმართ უნდა იქცეოდნენ ძმობის სულისკვეთებით.,All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ის ხედავს შენი ცხენს.,She sees your horse.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ეს გასულ თვის ჟურნალია.,This is last month's magazine.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ეს ახალი ერის დასაწყისია.,This is the beginning of a new era.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn მისი თმა გრძელია.,Her hair is long.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn იტალიურად ლაპარაკობ?,Do you speak Italian?,kat_Geor-eng_Latn "დიახ, მე საპოროდან ვარ.","Yes, I am from Sapporo.",kat_Geor-eng_Latn ჩვენ მოვაგვარეთ პრობლემა.,We've resolved the problem.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn იაპონურად ლაპარაკობ?,Do you speak Japanese?,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ქარხანაში მუშაობა უნდა.,He wants to work in a factory.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ინგლისურად ლაპარაკობთ?,Do you know how to speak English?,kat_Geor-eng_Latn არ უნდა ქარხანაში მუშაობა.,He doesn't want to work in a factory.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ყველას უნდა უყვარდეს თავისი ქვეყანა,All people should love their country.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn შემიძლია აქ ვმუშაობ?,Can I work here?,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ფრანგულად ლაპარაკობ?,Do you speak French?,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ტომი და მერი ანტიფაშისტები არიან.,Tom and Mary are anti-fascists.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn მე ვაშლს ვჭამ.,I eat an apple.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn მგელი ღმუის.,The wolf howls.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn მე უბრალოდ მინდოდა შენი გაბედნიერება.,I just wanted to make you happy.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn გერმანულად ლაპარაკობ?,Do you speak German?,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ებრაულად ლაპარაკობ?,Do you speak Hebrew?,kat_Geor-eng_Latn როგორ ხართ?,How are you doing?,kat_Geor-eng_Latn თურქულად ლაპარაკობთ?,Do you speak Turkish?,kat_Geor-eng_Latn მოწევა თავის მოკვლაა.,Smoking means suicide.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ჩვენი შეხვედრა შემთხვევითი იყო.,Our meeting was quite accidental.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ტომი არ არის შიგნით.,Tom's not in.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn მე არ ვარ ექიმი.,I'm not a doctor.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn მე ეგვიპტედან ვარ.,I am from Egypt.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn მან თავი მოიკლა.,He committed suicide.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ეს არის ჩემი წიგნი.,This is my book.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn სად არის ჩემი წიგნი?,Where's my book?,kat_Geor-eng_Latn მოხუცი კაცი ყველას უყვარდა,The old man was loved by all.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn მე შენს შესახებ ვისაუბრებ.,I'll talk about you.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ეს წიგნი ჩემი არის.,This book is mine.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn სიმართლეს გეტყვი.,I will tell you the truth.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ეს ნოხი გაწმენდილია.,This rug has been cleaned.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn მე მიყვარს დონატები,I like doughnuts.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn სად არ გინდა წასვლა?,Where do you not want to go?,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ისინი დებია.,They are sisters.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ზღვა ლურჯია.,The sea is blue.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ვინ რას ყიდულობს?,Who is buying what?,kat_Geor-eng_Latn მე ადამიანი ვარ.,I'm a human being.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ხვალ ვინ მიდის ქალაქში?,Who is going into the city tomorrow?,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ვისთან მიდიხარ?,To whose house are you going?,kat_Geor-eng_Latn წვიმს.,It is raining.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn იწვიმა.,It was raining.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn რით არის ის სახლი აშენებული?,What is that house built out of?,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ვისი შვილი ხარ შენა?,Whose child are you?,kat_Geor-eng_Latn რომელი წიგნი გინდა?,Which book do you want?,kat_Geor-eng_Latn სეტყვავს.,It's hail stoning.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn დასეტყვა.,It hail stoned.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ცივა.,It is cold.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ციოდა.,It was cold.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn "მარინამ იცის, კრება სად იქნება.",Marina knows where the meeting will be.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn "იცით, სად იქნება კრება?",Do you know where the meeting will be?,kat_Geor-eng_Latn მზე იყო.,It was sunny.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ქარიშხალია.,There is a storm.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ქარიშხალი იყო.,There was a storm.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn "გელამ თქვა, რომ მამა წავიდა ქალაქში.",Gela said that Father went into the city.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn რესტორანში ვარ.,I'm at the restaurant.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn გოგო ჩაის სვამს.,The girl is drinking tea.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn "ეს მინდა, რომ ნინომ მოიგოს.",I want Nino to win.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn "ვინ გინდა, რომ მოიგოს?",Who do you want to win?,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ის ჩემი მაგიდაა.,It is my table.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ეს ჩემი ძაღლია.,This is my dog.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ის ჩემი ძროხაა.,It is my cow.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ის ჩემი ძაღლია.,It is my dog.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ეს ჩემი ძროხაა.,This is my cow.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn საფრანგეთი დასავლეთი ევროპაშია.,France is in Western Europe.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ჩემი დედა ენა ესპანურია.,My mother tongue is Spanish.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ჩემი დედა ენა არის ესპანური.,My native language is Spanish.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn მისი ლექციამ თავის დროზე დაიწყო.,His lecture started on time.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn "მან ეს წიგნი ძალიან მოკლე დროში დაწერა, მხოლოდ ორი კვირა მუშაობდა მასზე.","He wrote this book in a very short time, spending just two weeks working on it.",kat_Geor-eng_Latn სადაა საჭმელი?,Where is the food?,kat_Geor-eng_Latn მეც ტურისტი ვარ.,"I'm a tourist, too!",kat_Geor-eng_Latn გავცივდი.,I've caught a cold.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn მე ცხრამეტი წლის ვარ.,I am 19 years old.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ახლა შეგიძლია წახვიდე.,You can go now.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ტომს არ უნდა წავიდეს შენთან ერთად.,Tom doesn't want to go with you.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn სად იყავი წუხელ?,Where were you last night?,kat_Geor-eng_Latn მე უნდა წავიდე ბოსტონში ტომთან ერთად.,I have to go to Boston with Tom.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ტომი გაკეთებას გამოტოვებას აპირებს.,Tom is going to miss doing that.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn მწვანე პერანგი მაქვს.,I have a green shirt.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ტომი წასვლას აპირებს ავსტრალიაში.,Tom is going to go to Australia.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ტომს არ მინდა დაემშვიდობოს.,Tom doesn't want to say goodbye.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ეს ტომის სკოლაა.,This is Tom's school.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn მარიამი ტომის დედაა?,Is Mary Tom's mother?,kat_Geor-eng_Latn მარიამი ტომის დედაა.,Mary is Tom's mother.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ის ტომისაა?,Is that Tom's?,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ეს ტომისაა.,This is Tom's.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ქართულად ლაპარაკობთ?,Do you speak Georgian?,kat_Geor-eng_Latn კაკოგავაში ვცხოვრობ.,I live in Kakogawa.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ტომისაა?,Is it Tom's?,kat_Geor-eng_Latn იოკოჰამაში ვცხოვრობ.,I live in Yokohama.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ტომმა წავიდა.,Tom is gone.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn "ტომმა თქვა, რომ წავიდოდა ბოსტონში.",Tom said that he'd go to Boston.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn დღეს სამუშაო დღეა.,Today is a working day.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn თავის მოკვლა ორჯერ ვცადე.,I've attempted suicide twice.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ქოლგა მატარებელში დავტოვე.,I left my umbrella on the train.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ტომმა დაემშვიდობა თავის ოჯახს.,Tom said goodbye to his family.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn "ის ამბობს, რომ გიცნობს.",He says that he knows you.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ის ავადმყოფია.,She is sick.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn არ უსმენ.,You're not listening.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ერთი ნაბიჯი და მკვდარი კაცი ხარ.,"One more step, and you'll be a dead man.",kat_Geor-eng_Latn მე ეს გავაკეთე.,I've done this.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn აქ რომ დავაყენო შეიძლება?,Can I park here?,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ახალი მაღაზია მომავალ კვირას გაიხსნება.,The new store is going to open next week.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn "მისი მშობლების აზრით, ის საკუთარ ფულს სულელ გოგოს ახარჯავდა.",His parents' view was that he was wasting his earnings on a silly girl.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn უკაცრავად. თქვენ ის პიროვნება ხართ?,Excuse me. Are you that person?,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ყავა ამ რესტორანში არაა ძალიან კარგი,The coffee at this restaurant isn't very good.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn საშაქრე ცარიელია.,The sugar canister is empty.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn წაეთრიე სკოლაში! შე ზარმაცო ნაბიჭვარო!,Go to school! You lazy bastard.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ვესვრი!,I will shoot him.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn "მე დავიღალე, და დაწოლა მინდა.",I am tired and I want to go to bed.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn მე არა ვარ კარგი ადამიანი.,I'm not a good person.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ამერიკაში წასვლა მინდა.,I want to go to America.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn კიოტოში წასვლა მინდა.,I want to go to Kyoto.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ტოკიოში წასვლა მინდა.,I want to go to Tokyo.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn სასტუმროში წასვლა მინდა.,I want to go to a hotel.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn მე არა ვარ ცუდი ადამიანი.,I'm not a bad person.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn დაწოლა მინდა!,I want to go to bed!,kat_Geor-eng_Latn მე წიგნის დავწერ.,I'll write a book.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ჩემი მამა კლასიკურ მუსიკას უსმენს.,My father listens to classical music.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ინგლისში წასვლა მინდა.,I want to go to England.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn იაპონიაში წასვლა მინდა.,I want to go to Japan.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ეს საქართველოს შესახებ წიგნია.,This is a book about Georgia.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn წიგნი მინდა.,I want a book.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn წიგნი მინდა. სად არის წიგნის მაღაზია?,I want a book. Where is the bookstore?,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ეს სიმსუქნის შესახებ წიგნია.,This is a book about obesity.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn მე აქ არ ვცხოვრობ.,I don't live here.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ინდოეთში წასვლა მინდა.,I want to go to India.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn მინდა ვიყო ბავშვი.,I want to be a child.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn სახლიდან გასხვლა არ მინდა ამ საღამოს.,I don't want to go outside this afternoon.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn მე აქ აღარ ვცხოვრობ.,I don't live here anymore.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn წიგნი მინდა შვედურად.,I want a book in Swedish.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn როგორც იქნა შევხვდით! დიდხანს ველოდებოდი ამ დღეს!,At last we meet! I've waited so long for this day!,kat_Geor-eng_Latn მე საავადმყოფოში ვმუშაობ.,I work in a hospital.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn მუშაები გაფიცვაში არიან.,Workers are on strike.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ფემინისტი ხართ?,Are you a feminist?,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ბურჟ ხალიფა სამყაროს ამჟამინდელი უმაღლესი ცათამბჯენია.,Burj Khalifa is currently the tallest skyscraper in the world.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn გასაღებები გარდერობში არიან.,The keys are in the wardrobe.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ვაშლის ტორტს ჭამა მინდა.,I want to eat apple pie.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ჭამა მინდა.,I want to eat.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ნაყინის ჭამა მინდა.,I want to eat ice cream.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ეს არის ჩემი ელექტრონული ფოსტის მისამართი.,This is my email address.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn არავის არ ესმის ჩემი.,Nobody understands me.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ხმალი მინდა!,I want a sword!,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ზღვაში ბევრი თევზია.,There are a lot of fish in the sea.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ლომი ჯუნგლის მეფეა.,The lion is the king of the jungle.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn აზრი აღარ აქვს ამაზე ფიქრს.,It's useless to keep on thinking any more.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ძეხვი გემრიელია.,Sausage is delicious.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ლომი ღრიალებს.,The lion is roaring.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ეს კატა ძალიან მიმზიდველია.,The cat is very cute.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn მე ქარხანაში ვმუშაობ.,I work in a factory.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ცათამბჯენი ქალაქის ცენტრშია.,The skyscraper is in the center of the city.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn დათვმა არცერთი ქვა არ დატოვა ამოუტრიალებელი მსუქალი ხოჭოების ძებნისას.,The bear left no stone unturned in his search for fat bugs under the rocks.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ასე ხმალი მინდა!,I want a sword like this!,kat_Geor-eng_Latn მე საზაფხულო არდადეგების დროს ფოსტაში ვმუშაობდი.,I worked in a post office during the summer vacation.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ყურძენი გაქვს.,You have grapes.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ვინ არის შენი საყვარელი სუპერგმირი?,Who's your favorite super hero?,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ფანტაზია უფრო მნიშვნელოვანია ვიდრე ცოდნა. ცოდნას საზღვრები აქვს.,Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn მერი რომანტიული კომედიები მოსწონს.,Mary likes romantic comedies.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn სახლი თბილია.,The house is warm.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn მე არ ვარ ხნიერი.,I'm not old.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ზღვა მწვანეა.,The sea is green.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn მე მუშაობა არ მინდა ასეთ პირობებში.,I don't want to work under these conditions.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn მე იქ ლამაზი ჩანჩქერი დავინახე.,I saw a beautiful waterfall there.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn წასვლა არ გინდა?,Don't you want to go?,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ერთი ენა არასოდეს არაა საკმარისი.,One language is never enough.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ბიჭი მაგარია.,The boy is strong.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn გოგო ლამაზია.,The girl is beautiful.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ღორი ვარდისფერია.,The pig is pink.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ის კარს აღებს.,He opens the door.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn აახვიე აქედან!,Go fuck yourself!,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ისინი კარს აღებენ.,They open the door.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ჩვენ კარს ვაღებთ.,We open the door.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn შენ კარს აღებ.,You open the door.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn მე კარს ვაღებ.,I open the door.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ქალი პურს ჭამს.,The woman eats bread.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn კაცი პურს ჭამს.,The man is eating bread.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn აი ჩემი შანსი.,Here's my chance.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ჩაი და ყავა გეხმარება დღის დაწყებაში.,Tea and coffee helps to start the day.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn მე ვარ ქვრივი.,I am a widow.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ორი კატა მყავს.,I have two cats.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn მაია კეუცი არის კარგი მომღერალი.,Maja Keuc is a good singer.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ევროპაში ხარ!,You're in Europe!,kat_Geor-eng_Latn მე მომწონს სიმარტივე,I like simplicity.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn "მარი გაოგნდა, როცა გაიგო, რომ ტომს თავის ბიძაშვილთან სექსი ჰქონდა.",Mary was shocked when she learned that Tom had had sex with his cousin.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn "ტომი ან იდიოტია, ან გენიოსია.",Tom is either an idiot or a genius.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn მარიამმა ცაზე იყო.,Mary was in heaven.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn დილაობით მხოლოდ ტოსტს და ყავას მივირთმევ.,I only have toast and coffee in the morning.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn "სექსის დროს პრეზერვატივს თუკი არ გამოიყენებ, შეიძლება დაავადება აიკიდო.","If you don't use a condom during sex, you can catch a disease.",kat_Geor-eng_Latn ეს ადგილი ცნობილია თავისი ჩანჩქერებით.,This place is famous for its waterfalls.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ტომს მკურნალობდა საავადმყოფოში.,Tom was being treated at the hospital.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn სიეტლში წასვლა მინდა.,I want to go to Seattle.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn წიგნს წავიკითხავ.,I'll read the book.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn უეჭველად ვერ გაგკიცხავთ.,We certainly can't blame you.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ბედნიერი ვარ.,I am happy.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn რაღაც ვცადოთ!,Let's try something.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ჩემი მეგობარი უსარგებლოა.,My boyfriend is useless.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ეგვიპტეში ვარ.,I'm in Egypt.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn მე შოკოლადი მომწონს.,I like chocolate.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn გემი ნაპირის გასწვრივ იყო.,The ship was abreast of the shore.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn "რაც ნებადართულია იუპიტერისთვის, არაა ნებადართული ხარისთვის.",What is permitted to Jove is not permitted to an ox.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ნახევარი საათი მოიცადე.,Please wait for thirty minutes.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn იტალიაში წასვლა მინდა.,I want to go to Italy.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ემილი წერილს წერს.,Emily is writing a letter.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ეს სკამია.,This is a chair.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ეს ჩანთაა.,This is a bag.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ეს მაგიდაა.,This is a table.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn "ახლა, როცა ერთნაირსქესიანთა ქორწინება ლეგალურია, ერთი ნაბიჯით ახლოს ვარ ჩემს თავთან დასაქორწინებლად.","Now that same-sex marriage is legal, I'm one step closer to marrying myself.",kat_Geor-eng_Latn ჩერნოგორიაში ვცხოვრობ.,I live in Montenegro.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ლონდონში წასვლა მინდა.,I want to go to London.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn დღეს რა რიცხვია?,What is today's date?,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ძირითადად ბიჭებს უყვართ კომპიუტერული(Computer) თამაშები.,Most boys like TV games.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ამ წიგნში ბევრი სურათია.,There are many pictures in this book.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn არ მინდა ამის გაკეთება.,I don't want to do this.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn შვედეთში წასვლა მინდა.,I want to go to Sweden.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn "ჩემს მეგობარ გოგონასთან ანალური სექსის შემდეგ, როგორც წესი, კარგი შხაპის მიღება გვჭირდება ხოლმე.","After having anal sex with my girlfriend, we usually need to have a good wash.",kat_Geor-eng_Latn ვაშლი მინდა.,I want an apple.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn პარიზში წასვლა მინდოდა.,I wanted to go to Paris.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn სასიამოვნოა თქვენი გაცნობა.,Nice to meet you.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn სკოლაში წასვლა მინდა.,I want to go to school.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn გერმანიაში წასვლა მინდა.,I want to go to Germany.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn "ცოლი არ მინდა, გოგონა მინდა სექსისთვის.","It's not a wife that I want, but a sex friend.",kat_Geor-eng_Latn ავტოავარიამ სამი ადამიანის სიცოცხლე იმსხვერპლა.,Three people died in the car accident.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn დედაჩემი სახლშია.,My mother is at home.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn მე სტუდენტი ვარ.,I am a college student.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ეგ სკოლაა.,That is a school.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ეს ტელევიზორია.,This is a television.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn კლიენტი არ მოვიდა.,The customer did not come.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn პურს ვჭამ.,I eat bread.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn საბერძნეთი ძველი სახელმწიფოა.,Greece is an old country.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn რას მიყურებ?,What are you going to watch?,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ტომმა როგორ წავიდა ავსტრალიაში?,How did Tom go to Australia?,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ორენოვანი ხარ?,Are you bilingual?,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ტომი ავსტრალიაში გაიზარდა?,Did Tom grow up in Australia?,kat_Geor-eng_Latn "გოგომ უარყოფის ნიშნად თავი გაიქნია, ბიჭი კი იდგა გაუნძრევლად.",The girl shook her head in refusal and the boy stood there shaking.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ჩემი სათქმელი მე ვთქვი.,I've said what I had to say.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ეგ კაცი ჯარისკაცია.,That man is a soldier.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn მე ამ ტენის კლუბის წევრი ვარ.,I'm a member of the tennis club.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn არავინ არ უნდა მიატოვოს თავისი მეგობარი.,No one should desert his friends.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ამ ვაშლს ვისაც უნდა იმას მივცემ.,I'll give this apple to whoever wants it.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn რატომ თხოვ?,Why do you ask?,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ტომი და მარიამი არიან ავსტრალიაში?,Are Tom and Mary in Australia?,kat_Geor-eng_Latn რა არის მინიმალური ხელფასი საქართველოში?,What's the minimum salary in Georgia?,kat_Geor-eng_Latn მე ვუკვეთავ პიცას.,I order pizza.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn კეთილი იყოს თქვენი მობრძანება!,You're quite welcome.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn გინდათ წასვლა?,Do you want to go?,kat_Geor-eng_Latn სად გინდა წასვლა?,Where do you want to go?,kat_Geor-eng_Latn მეგობრობის სადღეგრძელო დავლიოთ!,Let us drink to friendship!,kat_Geor-eng_Latn სადაური ხართ?,Where are you from?,kat_Geor-eng_Latn თევზები ზღვაში ცხოვრობენ.,Fish live in the sea.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn მე სააფთიაქოში ვმუშაობ.,I work in a pharmacy.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ზედმეტად ვსვამ!,I drink too much!,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ის დიდი ძაღლია.,It is a big dog.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn მაგიდა მწვანეა.,The table is green.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn აფრიკა კაცობრიობის აკვანია.,Africa is the cradle of humanity.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ამერიკაში ხშირად ჩინელში ვეშლებოდი.,In the U.S. I was often taken to be Chinese.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn მე ბანკში ვმუშაობ.,I work in a bank.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ეს სიტყვების თამაშია.,This is a pun.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn მის გარეშე ცხოვრებას შევეჩვიე.,I learned to live without her.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn "პეტრე მაგიდიდან ადგა, უსიტყვოდ ჭიქა გამოცალა და მერე ისევ დაჯდა.","Peter got up from the table, silently poured out his glass, then sat down again.",kat_Geor-eng_Latn ცხოვრება მინდა.,I want to live.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn მხოლოდ ვიცი ზოგიერთი სიტყვა და ფრაზა.,I only know some words and phrases.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ის ყველაზე ლამაზი ქალია.,She's the most beautiful woman.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn მე ტურისტულ სააგენტოში ვმუშაობ.,I work in a tourist agency.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ამ ოთახში ვიღაც არის.,There is someone in this room.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn შეგიძლია მოხვიდე?,Can you come?,kat_Geor-eng_Latn რაღაც თქვა.,He said something.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn დათვს შეუძლია ხეზე ცოცვა.,A bear can climb a tree.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ევროპა კონტინენტია.,Europe is a continent.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn აფრიკა მიგრაციის კონტინენტია.,Africa is a continent of migration.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn მე სახლის კაცი ვარ.,I'm the man of the house.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn "რა არის ""თავისუფლების ფლოტილია""?",What is Freedom Flotilla?,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ბრაზილია სამხრეთ ამერიკაში ყველაზე დიდი ქვეყანაა.,Brazil is the biggest country in South America.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ის სახლის კაცია.,He's the man of the house.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn კუებს კბილები არ აქვთ.,Turtles don't have teeth.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn "ერთი, ორი, სამი, ოთხი, ხუთი, ექვსი, შვიდი, რვა, ცხრა, ათი.","One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten.",kat_Geor-eng_Latn კარაქი დამზადებულია რძისგან.,Butter is made from milk.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ის დაიბადა აშშ-ში.,He was born in America.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ორი კვირის წინ მე პირველად დისნეილენდს ვიყავი.,"Two weeks ago, I visited Disneyland for the first time.",kat_Geor-eng_Latn ძალიან ბედნიერი ვარ ჯორჯიაში.,I'm very happy in Georgia.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn "ხილი და ბოსტნეული ჯანმრთელი არიან, მაგრამ ჩვენ არ ვიცით რატომ.","Fruit and vegetables are good for your health, but we don't know why.",kat_Geor-eng_Latn ფუტკარები თაფლს აკეთებენ.,Bees make honey.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ჩემი ძმები ხის ქვეშ არიან.,My brothers are under the tree.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ყოველთვის სკოლაშია.,She is always at school.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn მოსწავლები საკლასო ოთახში არიან.,The students are in the classroom.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn მე წერილს ვწერ ჩემი ქალიშვილისთვის.,I'm writing a letter to my daughter.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn სტუდენტი სოციოლოგიას სწავლობს.,The student is working at sociology.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn მე ძალიან მომწონს ძაღლები.,I like dogs very much.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn მას მე უყვარვარ.,He loves me.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn მას მე უყვარვარ?,Does he love me?,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ჩემი ვაჟიშვილი ჟურნალისტია.,My son is a journalist.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn შენ მე გიყვარვარ?,Do you love me?,kat_Geor-eng_Latn რა არის სიყვარული?,What is love?,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ყველი ყვითელია.,The cheese is yellow.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn სოფელში ძროხა არის.,There is a cow in the village.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn მას მე არ უყვარვარ.,He doesn't love me.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn მე მოგცემ ვაშლს.,I'll give you an apple.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn მე მოგცემ ფულს.,I'll give you money.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn მე მოგცემ საჩუქარს.,I'll give you a present.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn სხვა სამყარო შესაძლებელია.,Another world is possible.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ორი მანქანა მქონდა.,I had two cars.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ოთხი შვილი მყავდა.,I had four children.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn წიგნი მაქვს.,I have a book.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn მე ნორვეგიადან ვარ.,I am from Norway.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn მინდა შენთან ლაპარაკი.,I want to talk to you.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn სად ნახე ამ ქალებს?,Where have you seen these women?,kat_Geor-eng_Latn სადღაც მინახავხარ.,I've seen you somewhere before.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ძალიან დამღალე.,I'm so tired of you.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn მინდა მასთან ლაპარაკი.,I want to talk to her.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn რომელია შენი ყველაზე საყვარელი ყვავილი?,Which flower do you like the most?,kat_Geor-eng_Latn მე აქა ვარ.,I am here.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ახლა მინდა მასთან ლაპარაკი.,I want to talk to her now.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ის ლამაზია.,She is beautiful.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn "მინდა შენთან ლაპარაკი, ტომო.","I want to talk to you, Tom.",kat_Geor-eng_Latn "ტომი 15-ის იყო, მარია 14-ის. სხვა ბავშვები - მათი სახელები აღარ მახსოვს - ცოტათი უმცროსები იყვნენ.","Tom was 15, Maria 14. The other children – I can no longer remember their names – were a bit younger.",kat_Geor-eng_Latn შენ მომღერალი ხარ.,You are a singer.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn მე უნდა წავიდე.,I have to go.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ორი კატა ჰყავს.,She has two cats.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn მე მინდა.,I want it.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn შენ ახლა ცრუობ ჩემთვის.,You're lying to me now.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ამ ქუჩას რა ქვია?,What's this street called?,kat_Geor-eng_Latn კატა წიგნს კითხულობს.,The cat is reading a book.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn დათვი ვაშლს ჭამს.,The bear is eating an apple.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ისინი ვაშლებს ჭამენ.,They're eating the apples.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ძაღლი ვაშლს ჭამს.,The dog is eating an apple.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn მე არ მიყვარს ექიმები.,I don't like doctors.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ისინი ჩემი დები არიან.,They are my sisters.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ნიუე ქვეყანაა.,Niue is a country.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ჩემი სახელია რიკარდო.,My name is Ricardo.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn მე შენი მოქმედებების შესახებ ვსაუბრობ.,I'm talking about your actions.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ცა ლურჯია. ზღვაც ლურჯია. ცა და ზღვა ლურჯია.,"The sky is blue, the sea is also blue. The sky and the sea are blue.",kat_Geor-eng_Latn "იმის მიღება, რაც გინდა, ღიმილით უფრო მარტივია ვიდრე ხმლის წვერით.",It's easier to get what you want with a smile than with the tip of the sword.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn "ტომმა იცოდა, რომ სადღაც და ჰყავდა, მაგრამ არასოდეს ენახა","Tom knew he had a sister somewhere, but he had never seen her.",kat_Geor-eng_Latn "თუკი არაფერს ვამბობ, ეს იმას არ ნიშნავს, რომ გეთანხმები.","If I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I'm agreeing with you.",kat_Geor-eng_Latn მან უნდა იცოდეს რა ხდება.,He needs to know what's going on.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn "მარი, შეწყვიტე. საკმარისია.","Mary, stop it. That's enough.",kat_Geor-eng_Latn "ტომ, შეწყვიტე, საკმარისია.","Tom, stop it. That's enough!",kat_Geor-eng_Latn კიდევ ერთი კმაყოფილი მყიდველი.,Another satisfied customer.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn მარი ერთ-ერათი ყველაზე პოპულარული გოგო იყო.,Mary wasn't one of the most popular girls.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ჩაკეტილი ვიყავი! რაღაც ცუდი უნდა ხდებოდეს.,I was locked out! There's got to be something fishy going on.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn """ვისია ეს სკამი?"" _""ჩემია"".","""Whose chair is this?"" ""Mine.""",kat_Geor-eng_Latn მე აქ ვჭამ.,I eat here.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn "ქალმა 30 წიგნი დაწერა იმაზე, თუ როგორ გავხდეთ ბედნიერი, და შემდეგ თავი მოიკლა.","A woman wrote 30 books about how to become happy, and then committed suicide.",kat_Geor-eng_Latn "დამსაქმებლებს არ შეუძლიათ უარი თქვან მომუშავეთა აყვანაზე მათი რასის, რელიგიის, ეთნიკური წარმომავლობის, კანის ფერის, სქესის, ასაკის, მატერიალური სტატუსის, შეზღუდულობის ან სექსუალური ორიენტაციის გამო.","Employers cannot refuse to hire workers because of their race, religion, ethnic origin, skin colour, sex, age, marital status, disability or sexual orientation.",kat_Geor-eng_Latn "მეგონა ვუყვარდი, მაგრამ რეალურად მას ჩემთან მხოლოდ სექსი უნდოდა.","I thought that he loved me, but in reality he just wanted to have sex with me.",kat_Geor-eng_Latn ამ ცხოველს იაპონურად რა ქვია?,What is this animal called in Japanese?,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ჩვენ მოგვიწია გეგმის მიტოვება.,We had to abandon our plan.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn "მახსოვს, ადრე შევხვდი იმ პიროვნებას კემბრიჯში",I remember meeting that man at Cambridge before.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ჩვეს სკოლას ჯამში აქვს ოცდაოთხი კლასი.,Our school has twenty-four classes in all.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ტონიმ არ იცოდა მათი სახელები.,Tony did not know their names.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn მე მიყვარს ისტორიის სწავლა.,I like studying history.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn "უკეთესი იქნებოდა, რომ არ წასულიყავი.",You'd better not go.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn რატომ გაიქცა?,Why did he run away?,kat_Geor-eng_Latn დიახ.,"Yes, she will.",kat_Geor-eng_Latn მერიმ(Mary) უკვე დაიწყო.,Mary has already started.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn სამუშაოს მორჩი?,Are you finished with your work?,kat_Geor-eng_Latn "გუშინ იყო კვირა, შაბათი კი არა.","Yesterday was Sunday, not Saturday.",kat_Geor-eng_Latn წერილი ბარდება დღეში ერთხელ.,The mail is delivered once a day.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn მე შენს მხარეს ვარ.,I'm on your side.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ის ცხოვრებისთვის მასწავლებლობით გამოიმუშავებს.,He earns his living by teaching.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn სჯობს არ გააკეთო.,You'd better not do it.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ყველამ გაიმეორეთ ჩემს შემდეგ.,Read after me all together.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ხვალ შეგიძლია დამიკავშირდე.,You can get in touch with me tomorrow.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn "წიგნმა ""ჩამითრია"" და შენი ხმა ვერ გავიგე.",I was absorbed in a book and didn't hear you call.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn "სახლში, რომ შევდიოდი ხალიჩას ფეხი წამოვკარი.","Entering the house, I tripped over the mat.",kat_Geor-eng_Latn სამი ცალი მომეცით გეთაყვა.,I'd like three of these.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn მან გაასწორა ბადე.,He fixed the net.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn "მის სატო, პრეზიდენტის ახალი მდივანია.",Miss Sato is the president's new secretary.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn შენ ყოველთვის მღერი.,You always sing.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn აი ჩემი საიდუმლო: სულ უბრალოა: მხოლოდ გული ხედავს ყველაფერს. არსებითი უხილავი რჩება თვალისთვის.,"And now here is my secret, a very simple secret: It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye.",kat_Geor-eng_Latn ამ ფესტივალზე შეგიძლია დაპატიჟო ყველა ვისაც მოუნდება.,You may invite to the festival whoever wants to come.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn წარმატება გამოცდებზე არაფერია მისთვის.,Success in exams doesn't mean a thing to her.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn შრომამ შექმნა ადამიანი.,Labor created man.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ის მერხზე ზის.,He's sitting on the bench.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn კარგი იდეაა ყოფილი ხაკერების დაცვის პროფესიონალებად დანიშვნა?,Is it a good idea to hire former hackers to work as security professionals?,kat_Geor-eng_Latn მე ვერ შეასრულა ტომ.,I couldn't stop Tom.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ალბათ თავისი ძველი მეგობრის სანახავად წავიდა.,He must have gone to see his old friend.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn რა გქვიათ?,What are your names?,kat_Geor-eng_Latn დღეში $500 ვხარჯავ.,I've spent $500 a day.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn კენი თამაშობს ტენისს?,Does Ken play tennis?,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ფიქრებში დაიკარგა.,He is lost in thought.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ამ წიგნმა ძალიან დამაინტერესა.,I found the book very interesting.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn გეჩქარებათ?,Are you in a hurry?,kat_Geor-eng_Latn რა თქვი რა გქვია?,What did you say your name was?,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ჩვენს სტუმრებს ეჩქარებათ.,Our guests are in a hurry.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ყველა ადამიანი ჰაერს სუნთქავს.,All people breathe air.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn შეგიძლია წახვიდე თუ გინდა.,You can go if you want to.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn "სილამაზე რეკომენდაციის წერილია, რომლის იგნორირებაც თითქმის შეუძლებელია.",Beauty is a letter of recommendation which it is almost impossible to ignore.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn რა ფერის იყო ჰენრი IV თეთრი ცხენი?,What colour was Henri IV's white horse?,kat_Geor-eng_Latn შეხვედრის შემდეგ ის პირდაპირ მის მაგიდისკენ წავიდა.,After the meeting she headed straight to her desk.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn არ ვიცი სიმართლეა თუ ტყუილი.,I don't know whether it is true or not.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ადრე ადექი თორემ სკოლაში დაგაგვიანდება.,"Get up early, else you'll be late for school.",kat_Geor-eng_Latn რა არის შენი ცხოვრების მიზანი?,What is your ultimate goal in your life?,kat_Geor-eng_Latn "ჩვენ შევთანხმდით, რომ სამსახურში თავს შევიკავებდით მოწევისაგან.",We agreed to refrain from smoking while we are at work.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn გთხოვთ გააგრძელოთ ეს ვიზა.,Please extend this visa.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ხალხი ხშირად დიდებას მისდევს.,People usually go after fame.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn მე ვარ ჩოგბურთის კლუბში.,I'm in the tennis club.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn საღამოს ჰავაიში მივდივართ.,We are leaving for Hawaii tonight.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn მის კომპანიაში არასოდეს მოიწყენ.,You will never get bored in her company.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn მატარებელი დროზე მოვიდა.,The train came on time.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn ის გოგოა.,She's a girl.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn არასოდეს არ ისმენს რისი თქმაც მინდა.,He never hears what I'm trying to say.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn 50 კაცამდე მოვიდა.,No more than 50 people came.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn შემდეგ კვირას მოვა შეხვედრაზე?,Will he come to the meeting next week?,kat_Geor-eng_Latn დაღლილი იყავი.,You were tired.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn შენ არ იყავი დაღლილი.,You weren't tired.,kat_Geor-eng_Latn Мен былтыр орта мектепті бітірдім.,I graduated from high school last year.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Жаңа жылыңыз құтты болсын.,Happy New Year!,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бiлгiм келмейдi.,I don't want to know.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Қарыз қатынас бұзады.,Lending spoils relationships.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сізді бөлмедім деп үміттенемін.,I hope I'm not interrupting you.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ол кітапты бір күнде оқып бітірді.,She read the book in one day.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Өлтірдің ғой мені.,You kill me!,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Жанар Амантаевна біздің балалардың жазғы демалысын ұйымдастыруда жақсы ой тастайды.,Zhanar Amantaevna tosses good ideas in organizing school holiday for our children.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бүгін Дүйсенбі.,Today is Monday.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Менің пікірімше, ол адал адам.","In my estimation, he is an honest man.",kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сен менің анам.,You are my mother.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сен екеумізді де өлтіріп тыңасың.,You're going to get us both killed.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Менде электрогитара бар.,I have an electric guitar.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мен де сізбен танысқаныма қуаныштымын.,I am also pleased to meet you.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бiлгiң келмейдi.,You don't want to know.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мен барғым келiп тұр.,I want to come.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мен де өте қуаныштымын.,I am also happy.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сенсіз оны жасай алмас едім.,I wouldn't have been able to do it without you.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Клиент келмеді.,The customer did not come.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Біреуге ор қазсаң, өзің түсесің.","Don't dig a pit for somebody to fall into, or you will end up in it yourself.",kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Жаңа пәтерің қалай?,How is your new flat?,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мен көп жалақы алмаймын.,I'm not paid much.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Танысқанымызға қуаныштымын.,Nice to meet you.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сіз ағылшынша сөйлейсіз бе?,Do you speak English?,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мен күнде футбол ойнаймын.,I play football every day.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мен қателестім.,I made a mistake.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мен қате істедім.,I've made a mistake.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Кеше мен алғашқы рет теннис ойнадым.,Yesterday I played tennis for the first time.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тұз жоқ.,There's no salt.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Сен әлі тірісің ба, Сиско?","Are you still alive, Sysko?",kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Аспанда бұлт түтеленді.,The sky has become overcast.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бір сағатта алпыс минут бар.,An hour has sixty minutes.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Қашан келдіңіз?,When did you come?,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Менің сөздігім бар.,I have a dictionary.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ол қарт кісіге орынды берді.,He gave his place to an old man.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Балалар туралы ойлаңыздар!,Think about the children!,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бүгінгі газет қайда?,Where is today's paper?,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Жақа құйылған — ең бастысы.,Freshness is our top priority.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Батар күннің атар таңы бар.,Every day has a sequel.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Біздің тарифтеріміз азайтылды!,Our rates are now lower!,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Осы шай өте жақсы.,This tea is very good.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Назарларыңызға рақмет.,Thank you for listening.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Қазақша үйренгім келеді.,I want to learn Kazakh.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бұл Қазақстанда жасалған.,This is made in Kazakhstan.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ол мұнда ойнап отыр.,He is playing here.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бұл тамақ.,This is food.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Менен не тілейсің?,What are you asking me for?,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ұйықтағым келеді.,I want to sleep.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ол мұғалім.,He is a teacher.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мен сені қатты сағынамын.,I miss you very much.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мен сені қатты сағындым.,I missed you very much.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Қиын шақта көмектескен сыныптастарыма рақмет!,"Thanks to my classmates, who helped me during hard times!",kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Топаз!,You are an idiot!,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Эльмира үнемі көршісімен ұрысып жүреді.,Elmira is always having a row with her neighbour.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сіз кімсіз?,Who are you?,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Рахмет!,I thank you.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тыныш тұрақты жарысты жеңіп алды.,Slow and steady wins the race.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мен дүкенде бес кез мата алдым.,I bought five metres of fabric in the shop.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ол мәселені өзін шеш.,Solve this problem on your own.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мен көмек беремін.,I will help.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тыста күтемін.,I will wait outside.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том маған көптеген пайдалы нәрселер үйретті.,Tom taught me a lot of useful things.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Үйімізге келгеңізге рахмет.,Thank you for coming to our house.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Күн тас төбеге шықты.,The sun is at the zenith.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ас ішер алдында қол жуу керек.,You need to wash your hands before a meal.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Аспанда жұлдыздар жарқырады.,The stars are shining in the sky.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мен сіздің махаббат емеспін.,I'm not your love.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Қазақ тілі - ана тілім.,Kazakh is my native language.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мен Шымкентте тұрамын.,I live in Shymkent.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ол қос шырағынан айырылды.,He has gone blind in both eyes.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бiр сыған отбасы өзiнiң керуенiмен тұрып жатқан екен.,One gypsy family with their caravan was encamped.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ол испанша жақсы сөйледі.,She speaks Spanish well.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сен қайда барасың?,Where are you going?,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бүгін сенбi.,Today is Saturday.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мен білмеймін.,I don't know.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сен мені тыңдайсың ба?,Are you listening to me?,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сіз оны білесіз бе?,Do you know him?,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ол қайда жұмыс істейді?,Where does she work?,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Емтиханға дайындалап отырмын.,I'm studying for my exam.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сізге жәрдем беруге бола ма?,Can I help you?,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мен үйімде қаламын.,I'm staying home.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бұл маған ұнап тұр.,I like it.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мынау - ат.,This is a name.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Олар екеуі - менің әріптестерім.,They are both colleagues of mine.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ол машина жүргізуді үйренді.,She managed to drive a car.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Әркiм өзiнiң жеке басының бостандығына құқығы бар.,Everyone has the right to personal liberty.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бәрі ол айтады - дұрыс екен.,Everything he says is correct.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ол қазақ тілін білмейді.,He doesn't know Kazakh language.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мен саған досым деп қараймын.,I consider you my friend.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Саған қарап отырмын.,I'm waiting for you.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ол кітапханаға кітап өткізді.,She returned the book to the library.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Журналда оның әңгімесі басылып шықты.,His story was published in a magazine.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Эсперанто – Еуропалық Одақтың ресми тілі, қазірден бастап!","Esperanto, an official language of the European Union, now!",kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мен орыс тілінен қазақ тіліне аударамын.,I translate from Russian into Kazakh.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ол көптің көңілін өзіне аударды.,He attracted many people's attention.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сәт сапар болсын!,Have a nice trip!,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Қайда барғың келеді?,Where do you want to go?,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Менің екі мысығым бар.,I have two cats.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ол ең әдемі әйел.,She's the most beautiful woman.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Қазақстанда жұмыс істейтін инвесторлардың 85 пайызы оны ТМД-дағы ең тартымды ел деп есептейді.,85% of foreign investors working in Kazakhstan consider it the most attractive market in the CIS.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ол жұмысқа кірді.,He has got a job.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сен - мас!,You are drunk!,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Өзеннің оң жақ беті қабақты көрінді.,The right riverside is steep.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Əрине, көп қателер болатын шығар.","Of course, there will probably be many mistakes.",kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Олар бүктеп кетті ғой.,They really did win.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Жаман хабарлардан оның беті бозарыңқы тартқан.,She blanched at the bad news.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бізге бір нәрсе айтып берші,Tell us something.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Рақмет, жақсы.","I'm fine, thank you.",kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Венгрия – Еуропаның орталығында орналасқан мемлекет.,Hungary is a state located in Central Europe.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn "БҰҰ ""Біріккен Ұлттар Ұйымы"" білдіреді.",UN stands for United Nations.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бас көтерген екі баласы бар.,He has two adult sons.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Әрине, мен барамын.",Of course I will go.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Жұмыс iстемей, тоқ болмайсың.","Who does not work, also does not have the right to eat.",kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Көз қорқақ, қол батыр.",You never know what you can do till you try.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Маған тауық еті ұнайды.,I like chicken.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мен немiс тiлiн үйренгiм келмейдi.,I don't want to study German.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бұл махаббат емес.,This isn't love.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Иә, менің махаббатым.","Yes, my love.",kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мен колледж студентімін.,I am a college student.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Үй салқын.,The house is cold.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Шешем ашулы.,My mother is angry.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сіздің үйіңіз үлкен.,Your house is big.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мына әңгіменің авторы кім?,Who is the author of this story?,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мен кейде кешкі ас дайындаймын.,I sometimes cook dinner.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ол қорқуды білмейді.,He knows no fear.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мен тасбақаларды жақсы көремін.,I like turtles.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ол өзенде батып кетті.,He drowned in the river.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Нөл, бір, екі, үш, төрт, бес, алты, жеті, сегіз, тоғыз, он.","Zero, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten.",kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бұл бүгінгі газет пе?,Is that today's paper?,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Қазір соңғы штрихты енгіземін.,Now I'll add the finishing touch.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ол көзілдірік киеді.,He wears glasses.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Маған аудармашы керек.,I need a translator.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Том - солақай, бірақ ол оң қолымен жазады.","Tom is left-handed, but he writes with his right hand.",kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Қолыңдағы не?,What is in your hands?,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Қолым лас болған соң жуып тұрмын.,I am washing my hands because I have dirty hands.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ол оның қолынан ұстады.,He took her by the hand.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сұрақ қою үшін қолын көтерді.,She raised her hand to ask a question.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мен аш өрмекшімін.,I am a hungry spider.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Әйеліммен кеңессем ештеңе етпей ме?,Would it be OK if I discussed it with my wife?,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ол обырдан қайтыс болды.,He died of cancer.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Біз сізді күтеміз!,We are expecting you!,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тенізде аралдар бар.,There are islands in the sea.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Амандық болса тағы кездесерміз.,"If all goes well, we will meet again.",kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том тоқсан жасында қайтыс болды.,Tom died at the age of ninety-nine.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сіздердің туған елдеріңіз Қазахстан шығар?,Is your country of birth Kazakhstan?,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бұл менің атым.,This is my horse.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Дәл қазір Томмен сөйлескім келмейді.,I don't want to talk to Tom right now.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мен ірімшік жеймiн.,I eat cheese.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бұл менің ағайыным.,He's my brother.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Інім мектепке кетті.,My younger brother went to school.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сіздің жасыңыз нешеде?,How old are you?,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Біреудің айтуымен жазғым келеді.,I want to write some spoken words.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Індет көп елді жайлады.,The rampant sickness spread to many countries.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ет қаламаймын.,I don't want meat.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Қар еріді.,The snow has melted.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бұл әдетке енді.,That became a habit.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ол өтірікші.,He is a liar.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сөзінің маңызы жоқ.,His words are meaningless.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Не айтарымды да білмеймін.,I don't know what to say...,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Адамдар мәңгі өмір сүре алмайды.,Humans were never meant to live forever.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мен әйел.,I am a woman.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Өнім құрамында аздаған мөлшерде жержаңғақ, жаңғақ және глютен болуы мүмкін.",The product may contain trace amounts of nuts and gluten.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ресейде өндірілген.,Made in Russia.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Менің пікірімше, бұл жаман ой.",That isn't a good idea in my opinion.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мажарстанда мажарша сөйлейдi.,In Hungary they speak Hungarian.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сен қашан үйлендi?,When did you get married?,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Менің кітаптарым жоқ.,I haven't got books.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Сол түнде, Әсем бес ыдысты сындырды.","That night, Asem broke five dishes.",kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Аяғыңы жу.,Wash your feet.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Біз кейін шешерміз.,We will decide later.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мен Қазақстанда тұрамын.,I live in Kazakhstan.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Демалыс күндері не істемексің?,What are you going to do over the weekend?,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Құс аспанда.,The bird is in the sky.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Неке – махаббаттан жасалған бiрлiк.,Marriage is a unity made from love.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мать Тереза жақсы əйел болды ма?,Was Mother Teresa a good woman?,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ол маусымда Голландиядан қайтып келді.,He returned from Holland in June.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мать Тереза жаксы әйел бола ма?,Is Mother Teresa a good person?,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мен үшiн кiм үлгi болатынын бiлмеймiн.,I don't know who a role model for me would be.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Əдетте газеттерде жəне журналдарда көп пiкiрлер бар.,Usually newspapers and magazines have many opinions.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Кеңес одағында, мүмкiн ресми немесе саяси ойлар ғана болды.","In the Soviet Union, there were maybe only official or political ideas.",kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Мысалы, «неке» деген ой – дiни ой, құдайдан келген нəрсе.","For example, the idea of marriage is a religious idea, a thing that comes from God.",kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Бiрақ сiздiң некеңiз, ол сiздiкi – өз таңдауыңызбен жасалған.","However, your wedding, it is yours and made from your own choices.",kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Сосын, пайғамдар қайтыс болғаннан кейiн, бiз тағы да жалғызбыз.","So, after the death of the prophet, we are again alone.",kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бiрiншiден мен бұл сөздердiң мағынасы туралы айтайын.,First of all let me speak about the meaning of these words.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Менiң пiкiрiмше, қазақ тiлiнiң iшiнде басқа тiлден келген сөздер көп, ал бұл жаман емес.","In my opinion, in Kazakh there are many words that come from other languages, but there's nothing wrong with that.",kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Музыка – құдайдың берген сыйы.,Music is a God given gift.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Менің кітабым бар.,I have a book.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Олар орманның жанындағы ауылда тұратын едi.,They lived in a village close to a forest.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Күн сайын қыздар ауылға жаяу жұмыс iздеуге баратын, содан кейiн тапқан ақшасын анасына беретiн.","Every day the girls used to walk to the village to look for work, after which they would give the money they found to their mother.",kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Сәуле, дағырамды бершi.","Saule, give the drum.",kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Бiрiншi Әсем, содан Сәуле жылай бастады.","First Asem, then Saule started to cry.",kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Aғаштан жасалған аяғы бар, әйнектен жасалған көзi бар ана саған келе жатыр.","A wooden-legged, glass-eyed mother is coming.",kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Өтінемін, көмектесінізші.","Help me, please.",kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ол - менiң итiм.,It is my dog.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ол - менiң.,It is mine.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бұл - әдемi.,That is beautiful.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Сәлем, ескi досым!","Greetings, old friend!",kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Менiң атым - Том.,My name is Tom.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Маған көмек керек.,I need help.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Оның ақшасы жоқ екен.,She had no money.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Үш адам жеңіл жарақаттанды.,Three people were slightly injured.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Менің кітабым жоқ.,I don't have a book.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Аузыңды аш!,Open your mouth!,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мамаң үйде ме?,Is your mother at home?,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мен жаңа ғана оны таныстым.,I met him just now.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мен қазiр күрiш жеймiн.,I'm eating rice now.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ештен кеш жақсы.,Better late than never.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Жаңа ойнайшыларына қарай, сен жақсы теннисшысың.","You are a good tennis player, as beginners go.",kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тасбақалардың тістері жоқ.,Turtles don't have teeth.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Моңғол динозавры Нью-Йоркте миллион долларға сатылды.,The Mongolian dinosaur was sold in New York for a million dollars.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Менің тісім ауыруда. Ауруы адам өлтірерліктей.,I've got a toothache. The pain is killing me.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Жоқ, менің махаббатым.","No, my love.",kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ол өзінің наразылығын білдірді.,He expressed his dissatisfaction.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бүгiн екiншi қаңтар.,Today is the second of January.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Маған сенің махаббат қажет.,I need your love.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Томның бай болғанын түсіндім.,I thought that Tom was rich.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мен сол кезде нашар адам едім.,I was very poor in those days.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сенің кітабың бар ма?,Do you have a book?,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Қазақстанда 150 мұражай бар.,There are 150 museums in Kazakhstan.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тістерім ауырады.,I have a toothache.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тісім ауырады.,My tooth hurts.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Басым ауырады.,My head hurts.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Жоғары білім сапасы ең жоғары халықаралық талаптарға жауап беруі тиіс.,The quality of higher education must answer to the highest international standards.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том енді не істеуді жоспарлауда?,What does Tom plan to do now?,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Иә.,"Yes, she will.",kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Әзір тамақ жоқ.,There's no food right now.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Минус пен минус плюс болып шығады.,Two wrongs do make a right.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Қант суда еритін.,Sugar is soluble in water.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Күн біздің күн жүйеміздің ортасында орналасқан.,The sun is at the center of our solar system.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мынау кім?,Who's this one?,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мен cурет салуды ұнатамын.,I like to draw.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Әкем - ағылшын тілі мұғалімі.,My father is an English language teacher.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Бір, үш және бес - тақ сандар.","One, three, and five are odd numbers.",kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сәлем.,How do you do.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Менде бір аға және екі қарындас бар.,I have one big brother and two little sisters.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Баланың жылауы басылды.,The child stopped crying and calmed down.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мен ұшақпен ұшпаймын,I don't fly.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сiз қазақ тiлiн үйренесiз бе?,Are you learning Kazakh?,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Қандай жақсы кiтап!,This is a really good book!,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бұл махаббат.,This is love.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бейбітшілік пен махаббат.,Peace and love.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Махаббат пен бейбітшілік.,Love and Peace.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сенің бөлмен кір.,Your room is dirty.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мен қаладамын.,I'm in the city.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Индустрияландыру ­- жаhандық дамыған әлемде Қазақстанның бәсекеге қабілеттілігі мәселесі.,Industrialisation is vital to Kazakhstan’s competiveness in the globally developing world.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Шынайы махаббат дегеніміз не?,What is true love?,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Германияда Уолмарт жоқ.,There are no Walmarts in Germany.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том маған портфолиосын көрсетті.,Tom showed me his portfolio.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сосын не болды?,What happened after that?,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Қолдағы тапсырмаға ден қой.,Focus on the task at hand.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Жоқ, сенің есің ауыспаған.","No, you are not crazy.",kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том еш өкінші жоқтығын айтты.,Tom says he doesn't have any regrets.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Есікті жап деп айтпадым ба саған?,Didn't I tell you to close the door?,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Қазір болмаса, енді қашан?","If not now, when?",kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сен маған зеріктіріп жібердің.,I'm tired of you.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Кітап дүкенінен кейбір кітаптар сатып алдым.,I bought a few books from the bookstore.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ол жерге ешқашан барғым келмеген.,I never actually wanted to go there.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Марс жердің жарты өлшеміндей.,Mars is half the size of Earth.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Оңтүстік полюс солтүстік полюстен әлдеқайда салқын.,The South Pole is a lot colder than the North Pole.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сөзді аударыңыз.,Translate the word.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мен аяғымды жудым.,I washed my feet.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Менін атым Шу.,My name is Shu.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сіз өткен кеште не істегенсіз?,What did you do yesterday evening?,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Краков-Варшава бағытында жүріп келе жатқан пойыз мұсылман жігіт намаз оқи бастаған кезде кілт тоқтатылды.,The train from Krakow to Warsaw had to stop because of a young Muslim who had started to say a Mohammedan prayer.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ол оған бір кітап берді.,She gave him a book.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ол әрқашан сәнді киімді киеді.,She always wears fashionable clothes.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том оң қолымен бірденені жауып тұр,Tom's covering something with his right hand.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Өткен аптада ағам он доллар қарызға берді, және осы күнге дейін қарызды қайтармадым.","Last week my uncle loaned me ten dollars, and as of today I haven't paid it back.",kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Темірді қызғанда соқ.,Strike while the iron is hot.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Қаліңіз қалай?,How are you?,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ақпанда оған он жеті жас толады.,She'll be seventeen in February.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бұл оқиғаны Қазақстан мен Қытайдың әріптестігі саласындағы жаңа сатысы деп айтуға болады.,This event can be called a new landmark of information cooperation between China and Kazakhstan.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мен ол барлық айтқанын жазуды тырыстым.,I tried to write down everything he said.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Оның төбесі көкке жетті.,He was in the seventh heaven.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мынау не?,What is it?,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Советологтар нені зерттейді?,What does a Sovietologist study?,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том бүгін не істеп жатыр?,What's Tom doing today?,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn 25 сәуір - бүкіләлемдік безгекке қарсы күрес күні.,April 25th is World Malaria Day.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ол студенттермен қоршалған отырған еді.,He was sitting surrounded by the students.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сен мысыққа тамақты бердің бе?,Did you give the food to the cat?,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том ұтады деп үміттенемін.,I sure hope Tom wins.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бөлмеге жаңа екі қонақ келіп кірді.,A couple of new guests entered the room.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бір патшаның алты ұлы бар екен.,A monarch had six sons.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тони ағылшынша жақсы сөйлейді.,Tony speaks English well.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Соңында ол IBM президенті болды.,He finally became the president of IBM.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бетти эсперантоша өте жақсы сөйлейді.,Betty speaks Esperanto very well.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Қаржылар банк жүйесінде айналады.,Money circulates through the banking system.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Карта қабырғаға ілінген.,The map is on the wall.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Жаңбыр саулап құйып тұр.,It is raining cats and dogs.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Жарқырағанның бәрі алтын емес.,All that glitters is not gold.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Менімен концертке келесің бе?,Will you come with me to the concert?,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Оның жазуына көз ілеспейді.,He writes very quickly.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том қызықты күледі.,Tom has a funny way of laughing.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Соң күлген, оң күледі.",He laughs best who laughs last.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Газет қайда?,Where is the newspaper?,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Жұмыс аяқталды.,The work is done.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Оқу жылы аяқталды.,The school year ended.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мен дәрігер емеспін.,I'm not a doctor.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сіз үшін не істей аламын ?,What can I do for you?,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn """Мысық?"" - деп сұрады қарт адам.","""A cat?"" asked the old man.",kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Егер бір батырманы бассаң, я аман қаларсың, я өлерсің.","If you push a button, either you will die or you will live.",kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мен қатты шаршадым.,I'm really tired.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мүмкін емес!,You may not! Don't!,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Уақытта әрқашан да табуға болады.,One can always find time.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Денсаулығыңыз қалай?,How is your health?,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бұл факттар менің гипотезамды растайды.,These facts bear out my hypothesis.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мен үшін қашан бір нәрсе жасап едің?,When have you ever done anything for me?,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Менің есімім Джек.,My name is Jack.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Глокалы куздра бокрды штектеп будлады және бокр баласыны курдалайды.,A glock coozdre has steckly boodled a boker and is curding a bokerlet.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мені күлкі қылғанды ұнатпаймын.,I don't like being laughed at.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ол маған алма берді.,He gave me an apple.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Маған сөздік керек.,I need a dictionary.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ол кітап оқып отырды.,"He was sitting, reading a book.",kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мазамды алма.,Don't bother me.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бұл туралы күдігім бар.,I doubt it.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Біздің халқымызға ең керегі - бірлік, ұлтаралық татулық пен саяси тұрақтылық. (Н.Назарбаев)","The most important things for our nation are unity, inter-ethnic harmony and political stability. (N.Nazarbayev)",kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Құстар оңтүстікке ұшып кетті.,The birds flew to the south.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Кеңес одағында, екi үлкен газет болған екен – «Правда» және «Известия».","During the Soviet Union, there were two big newspapers - ""Pravda"" and ""Izvestiia.""",kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Егер үкiмет жаңалықты жазғызса, жаңалық емес.","If the government wants to write news, it is not news.",kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Қазақстан – Орта Aзияның дамыған елдерiнiң бiрi.,Kazakhstan is one of the developed countries in Central Asia.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мен үйімде оны шақырдым.,I invited him over to my place.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Президент адам болғандықтан, қателер iстеуi мүмкiн.","Because the president is a human being, making mistakes is possible.",kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Ресейдегi журналистика еркiн емес, тәуелсiз емес.","The journalists in Russia are not free, are not independent.",kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Соғыс кезiнде, әр үкiмет пропаганда жасайды.","In Soviet times, each government made propaganda.",kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Aмерика ең демократиялы ел емес.,America is not the most democratic nation.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Бiз осылай өтiрек айтқанда, бiз өзiмiз туралы хабарлаймыз, деп ойлаймын.","When we tell such lies, I think we are informing others about our own selves.",kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Бiр, екi, үш, төрт, бес, алты, жетi, сегiз, тоғыз, он.","One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten.",kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мен Жапонияда тұрамын.,I am living in Japan.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Үй-ішің аман ба?,How are you doing?,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Жаңалығыңыз бар ма?,What's new with you?,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Жаңалық бар ма?,What is new?,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мен шаршадым.,I am tired.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Студенттер аудиторияда отыр ма?,Are the students sitting in the auditorium?,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Қайда жұмыс істейсіз?,Where do you work?,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Кешкі тамақ ішесің бе?,Will you eat dinner?,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мен ет жемеймін.,I don't eat meat.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Жақын жердегі дүкен қайда?,Where is the nearest store?,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сіз қандай тілдерді білесіз?,What languages do you know?,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Жоқ, үйленген жоқпын.","No, I am not married.",kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мен бойдақпын.,I am single.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Қай жеріңіз ауырады?,Where does it hurt?,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Жоқ, тұрмысқа шыққан жоқпын.","No, I'm single.",kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сіз бос уақытыңызда не істейсіз?,What do you do in your free time?,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мен оны білмеймін.,I don't know him.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ол бос уақытында интернетте отыруды жақсы көреді.,"In his free time, he likes to be on the Internet.",kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Қазақ тіліндегі ең ұзын сөз қандай?,What is the longest word in the Kazakh language?,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Франция Батыс Еуропада орналасады.,France is in Western Europe.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Түрікше үйренемін.,I am learning Turkish.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Хабарыңызға рақмет!,Thanks for the information.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мен инженермін.,I am an engineer.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Алма ағашынан алыс түспейді.,Like breeds like.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Қынжылмай-ақ қой!,Don't get upset!,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мeн саған ашуланбаймын.,I'm not angry with you.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тыңдаңыздар!,Listen to this!,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ол әдемі әйел.,She is a beautiful woman.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Маған сіздің махаббат қажет.,I want your love.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бізде төрткіл үстел бар.,We have a square table.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бұл өзен Тынық Мұхитта құяды.,That river flows into the Pacific.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бiзге жазуға ұмытпаңыз.,Don't forget to write to us.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мектеп ережелерін ұстануыңызды өтінеміз.,Please follow the school rules.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Айда ауа жоқ.,There is no air on the moon.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ол мектепке автобуспен ешқашан бармайды.,He never goes to school on the bus.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Апта жетi күн жiктеледi: дүйсенбi, сейсенбi, сәрсенбi, бейсенбі, жұма, сенбі, жексенбi.","A week is divided into seven days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.",kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Полиция оқиға туралы бізге мәлімет берді.,The police informed us about the incident.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Дүйсенбі – ауыр күн.,Monday is a hard day.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бұл менікі.,This is mine.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мынау - су сіңірмейтін сағат.,This is a waterproof clock.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Тырыссаң, қолыңнан келеді.",You'll succeed if you try.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Матч тең аяқталды.,The match ended in a draw.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Кен Томды алып келмекші.,Ken will bring Tom.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бай болыңыз!,May you be rich!,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сенің айтқаныңмен келіспеймін.,I disapprove of what you say.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Иттер түнi бойы үрдi.,The dogs barked all night.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Оған бұл туралы айтпа.,Don't tell her about this.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мен еріншекпін.,I am lazy.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ешкім келмеді.,No one came.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мен сені сағынамын.,I will miss you.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Менде айтатын сөзім жоқ.,I'm at a loss for words.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Ол деп айтты, Токио - қауiпсiз қала.",He said that Tokyo is a safe city.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Туған күніңмен, Мюриэл!","Happy birthday, Muriel!",kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn """Токио - қауiпсiз қала"", - ол деді.",It is said that Tokyo is a very safe city.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Менің атым Сәлі.,My name is Sally.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мені күлкі қылғанды жек көремін.,I hate being laughed at.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Бүгін 18 маусым, енді бұл Мюриэлдің туған күні!",Today is June 18th and it is Muiriel's birthday!,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бұл не?,What is this?,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Не істеп отырсың?,What are you doing?,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Күніне 1000 евро табыс табамын.,I make 100 euros a day.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бұл ештеңені де өзгертпейді.,This changes nothing.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Билет дүйсенбiге дейiн нақты.,The ticket is good through Monday.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бiзде қаңтарда қар ұшқындап тұрады.,We have snow in January.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Жылдың бiрiншi айы - қаңтар.,January is the first month of the year.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бұл жаңа фотография ма?,Is this a new photo?,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Қаңтар, ақпан, наурыз, сәуiр, мамыр, маусым, шiлде, тамыз, қыркүйек, қазан, қараша және желтоқсан жылда он екi айларын құрайды.","January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November and December are the twelve months of the year.",kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Мен оларға ертең соғамын, үйге келген соң.",I’ll call them tomorrow when I return home.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Аш бала тоқ баламен ойнамайды.,A hungry child isn't going to play with a full child.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мен сені сағындым.,I miss you.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Өкінішке орай, бұл шындық.",It is unfortunately true.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ешқашан биологияны жақсы көрген емеспін.,I never liked biology.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мен былай өмір сүре алмаймын.,I can't live that kind of life.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Кеттім.,I will go.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Аспанда қыран самғайды.,The eagle flies through the sky.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сенімдісің бе?,Are you sure?,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бұл менің жауабым!,That's MY line!,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Неге?,Why is that?,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бәрі неге күліп жатыр?,Why is everybody laughing?,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Қайырлы таң. Тұратын уақыт болды.,Good morning. It's time to get up.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Жоқ, мен емес, сен!",No I'm not; you are!,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мен оны атып тастаймын.,I will shoot her.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Өскен соң, патша болғым келеді.","When I grow up, I want to be a king.",kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бұл контекстіге байланысты.,It depends on the context.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Асығып-аптығып қайда барасың?,Where are you going in such a hurry?,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сіз Түркияның тамағын жеп көрдіңіз бе?,Have you ever eaten Turkish food?,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn 144 жыл бұрын (1868) Ресейдің соңғы императоры Николай ІІ (Николай Александрович Романов) дүниеге келді.,"The last Russian Emperor, Nicholas II (Nikolay Alexandrovich Romanov), was born 144 years ago (in 1868).",kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мен тек айтым отырмын!,I'm just saying.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Осакада қар жауып тұрды.,It snowed in Osaka.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Біз оларға дайынбыз.,We're ready for them.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Дәл солай.,This is true.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Қанша жақын достарың бар?,How many close friends do you have?,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ертеңге дейін!,See you tomorrow.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Неге сұрап тұрсың?,And why do you ask?,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Мүбада, ол келе қалса, мені тоссын.","By the way, in case he comes, let him wait for me.",kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бұл қызық.,This is interesting.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Оны көрмеймін.,I don't see it.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сен түсінбейтін проблема бар.,There's a problem there that you don't see.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бұл маған ұнаған жоқ.,I don't like it.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бұл маңызды емес.,It doesn't matter.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Не айтқың келіп тұрғаныңды түсініп тұрған жоқпын.,I don't know what you mean.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Не болып қалды?,What's the matter?,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Түсіндіргеніңе рахмет.,Thanks for the explanation.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ешкім білмейтін болады.,Nobody will know.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бүркіт ақ.,The eagle is white.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Енді не істерімді білмеймін.,I don't know what to do anymore.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сонша көп күткім келмейді.,I don't want to wait so long.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Аузыңызды ашыңыз, тіліңізді көрсетiңiз.",Open your mouth and stick out your tongue.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мен сені жақсы көрем.,I like you.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мен сені сүйемін.,I love you.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Қазанда метро бар.,There is a metro in Kazan.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мені ешкім түсінбейді.,Nobody understands me.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мен жапонша сөйлей алмаймын.,I don't speak Japanese.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Түйе сусыз, жемсіз ұзақ уақыт жүре алады.",The camel can go a long time without water and food.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Өтінем, жыламашы.",Please don't cry.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Біз алмалар жеміз.,We're eating apples.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бұл маған өте ұнайды.,I like it very much.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Менің атым Джек.,My name's Jack.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бұл Брайан Рок.,This is Brian Rock.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мектепке барғым келмейді.,I don't want to go to school.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Рақмет, жақсы. Сіз қалайсыз?","Fine, thank you. And you?",kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сенікі дұрыс.,You are right.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мен анда дүниеге келдiм.,I was born there.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Олар бізден қағазбен жасайтын барлық жұмысты тартып алды.,They took away all of our paperwork.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Алматылықтар, балалар үшін мейірімді қала жасайық!","People of Almaty, let us create a child-friendly city!",kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ерекше атап өт!,Celebrate in style!,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сименс. Біз әр жанұяға қажетпіз.,Siemens. No family can do without us.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Алматы - менің сүйікті қалам!,Almaty is my favorite city!,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мен дүкенге барып жатырмын.,I am going shopping.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мен базарға бардым.,I went to the market.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Қайырлы таң, ханымдар мен мырзалар!","Good morning, ladies and gentlemen!",kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Ханымдар мен мырзалар, отырыңыздар.","Ladies and gentlemen, please sit down.",kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ауа райы өзгерді ме?,Has the climate changed?,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Интернет пен телефонды бір жинақта сатыл ал!,Get both a phone and internet access in a single package!,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бұл кітап менікі.,This book is mine.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бұл жұқа кітап менікі.,This thin book is mine.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сен МЕТРО-да жұмыс істегің келе ме?!,You want to work at METRO?!,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Қош келдіңіздер!,You're quite welcome.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сен дәретхана!,You are a toilet!,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Біздің күшіміз - бірлікте!,Unity is our strength!,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мен бұл жерде жалғызбын ба?,Am I alone here?,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том маған берген гитара осы.,This is the guitar that Tom gave me.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том жайлы көп білесіз бе?,Do you know much about Tom?,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бостон жайлы көп білесіз бе?,Do you know much about Boston?,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мынау жеңiл орындық.,This chair is light.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мен жиырма төрт жастамын.,I am 24 years old.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мен 24 жастамын.,I'm 24 years old.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Жұмыс тәулік бойы істеледі.,The work is a whole day.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сіз Мексиканың тамағын жеп көрдіңіз бе?,Have you ever eaten Mexican food?,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бұл менің қызым.,This is my daughter.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мен дәрігермін.,I am a doctor.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мен бұл күнді ешқашан ұмытпаймын.,I will never forget this day.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сіздің уақытың өтіп кетті.,Your time is up.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бүгін жаңбыр болуы мүмкін.,We expect that it will rain today.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Кеше суық болды.,Yesterday was cold.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Таңертең суық болды.,In the morning it was very cold.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Таңертең өте суық болды.,It was very cold this morning.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Өте суық болды.,It was very cold.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn «Болашақ» бағдарламасы өте пайдалы болып жатыр.,"The ""Bolashak"" program is very useful.",kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мен қытайша сөйлей алмаймын.,I don't speak Chinese.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Қорыққанға қос көрінеді.,Fear hath a hundred eyes.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Төзімім таусылды.,My patience has run out.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Менің атым Эмили.,My name is Emily.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Алтынды тот баспайды.,Gold doesn't rust.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мен немiс тiлiн үйренгiм келейдi.,I want to study German.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Жеті рет өлшеп, бір рет кес.","Measure thrice, cut once.",kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Оның жиырма баласы бар.,He has twenty children.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Не жаңалық?,What is the news?,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Кешкі асқа не жейсің?,What would you like to eat for dinner?,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Олар соғыста қаза болғандарды әскери дәстүр бойынша қойып еді.,They buried those who had died in battle according to military tradition.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ресейдің астанасы Мәскеу емес пе?,Is the capital city of Russia not Moscow?,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Келесі жылы демалысымды шетелде өткіземін.,I will spend my next year vacation abroad.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ол көре қойды.,He noticed straight away.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Балалар өміріміздің гүлдері.,Children are the flowers of our lives.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бос уақытта не істейсіз?,What do you do in your spare time?,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бұл қаламұш жазбайды.,This pen doesn't work.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бос уақытта мен тақпақ жазамын.,"In my free time, I write poetry.",kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Менде санақтар жоқ.,I have no statistics.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Қазақ тiлiн үйрену үшiн менiң мақсаттарым, жоспарларым, себептерiм бар.","I have my goals, plans, and reasons for learning Kazakh language.",kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ол жақсы малтиды.,She is good at swimming.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мен өзiм Қазақша жазуға тырыстым.,I will try to write in Kazakh myself.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Менің дәптерім бар.,I have a notebook.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бұл мəтiн – аударылған мəтiн емес.,This text is not a translated text.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сен оны білесің бе?,Do you know her?,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Бiрiншiден, өзiм туралы айтайын.","First of all, let me speak about myself.",kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мен теледидар көремін.,I watch television.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ол мүмкіншілігін қолдана білді.,He made good use of the opportunity.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ол биологиядан хабардар,He has a knowledge of biology.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ол мыс қорытады.,He is melting copper.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Шөбі қозғама.,Don't touch the grass.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Жоқ.,"No, it's not.",kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Гүлдерді қозғама.,Don't touch the flowers.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Гномдар жанұясы теректің астындағы кішкентай үйде тұрады.,A family of gnomes lives in a small house under this tree.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ол осы үйдің тұтқасы еді.,He was the mainstay of this familiy.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ол студент емес.,He is not a student.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Арамзаның құйрығы бір тұтам.,Murder will out.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Махаббат бұл не?,What is love?,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Саябақта көп жануарлар бар.,There are lots of animals in the park.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сен кімсін? Бұл жерде не істеп жүрсін?,Who are you? What're you doing here?,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сіз испанша сөйлейсіз бе?,Do you speak Spanish?,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ертеңнен бері дәм татқаным жоқ.,I haven't eaten anything since this morning.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бұл нағыз махаббат.,This is true love.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ол айына қанша табады?,How much does he earn in a month?,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ол суырыла сөйледі.,He speaks fluently.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сейсенбі аптаның нешінші күні?,What day of the week is Tuesday?,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бүгін оған қырық жасқа толып отыр.,Today he turned forty.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Қыс айлары – желтоқсан, қаңтар, ақпан.","The winter months are December, January, and February.",kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мен оның мекен-жайы білмеймін.,I don't know his address.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Кім жоқ?,Who is absent?,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бұл нағыз махаббат!,This is true love!,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ол жерде ештеңе жоқ.,There's nothing there.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ексең — орарсың.,A bad beginning makes a bad ending.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Не ексең - соны орарсың.,You must reap what you have sown.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn 24 Мамыр - Славян жазуы мен мәдениеті күні.,The 24th of May is the Day of Slavic Writing and Culture.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мен әлі жұмыс таппадым.,I still haven't found work.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ол поезбен келді.,He came by train.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бүгінгі күнде Бурж Халифа әлемдегі ең биік ғимарат.,Burj Khalifa is currently the tallest skyscraper in the world.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Барлық адамдар тумысынан азат және қадір-қасиеті мен кұқықтары тең болып дүниеге келеді. Адамдарға ақыл-парасат, ар-ождан берілген, сондықтан олар бір-бірімен туыстық, бауырмалдық қарым-қатынас жасаулары тиіс.",All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бұл суретте қанша қыз бар?,How many girls are there in this picture?,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Көзден кетсе, көңілден кетеді.",Far from eye far from heart.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Көңіл сыйса, бәрі де сыяды.","The more, the merrier.",kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Өзен лықылдап толды.,The level of water in the river has risen.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сараң екі рет шығынданады.,Buy cheap and waste your money.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ол салауатты өмір салтын ұстанатындар үшін өте жарамды.,It is ideal for those who want to lead a healthy life.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тұман ыдырап серпілді.,The mist cleared.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сенде ВатсАп бар ма?,Do you have WhatsApp?,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сен мені жеме.,Don't eat me.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сәлеметсіз бе!,How do you do?,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Қазіргі сәтке көңіліңді бөл.,Focus on the present moment.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бiлгiмiз келедi.,We want to know.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Көктем келді.,Spring has come.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мен барғым келдi.,I wanted to come.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мен одан ертерек келдім.,I came earlier than him.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бiлгiм келедi.,I want to know.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мен немісше сөйлей алмаймын.,I don't speak German.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бiлгiмiз келмейдi.,We don't want to know.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мен испанша сөйлей алмаймын.,I don't speak Spanish.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мен қазақша сөйлемеймін.,I don't speak Kazakh.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сіздің немерелеріңіз бар ма?,Do you have any grandchildren?,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Неше жастасын?,What is your age?,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Айтпақшы, жасың нешеде?","By the way, how old are you?",kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Қалыңыз қалай?,How is it going?,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Оқымадым.,I didn't read.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мен банкқа кіремін.,I go into the bank.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сенің не ойлап отырғаныңды анық білемін.,I know exactly what you're thinking.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тегеран Иранда орналасқан.,Tehran is in Iran.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Ол темекі шекпейді, арақ ішпейді.",He doesn't smoke and he doesn't drink vodka.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Біздің қызымыз жоқ.,We don't have a daughter.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn Жер Күнді айналады.,The Earth revolves around the sun.,kaz_Cyrl-eng_Latn ចុះ ជែក វិញ?,What about Jack?,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn គាត់ខឹងយើង ។,He got angry with us.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn គាត់ខឹងខ្ញុំ ។,He got angry with me.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ថាម៉េច?,What did you say?,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn នឹង​មាន​ជុបលៀង​ពេល​ធ្វើការ​រួច ។,There's a party after work.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn អ្នក​ត្រូវការ​រៀន​ឲ្យ​ច្រើន​បន្ថែម​ទៀត​ស្តី​អំពី​សម្ព័ន្ធភាព​។,You still have a lot to learn about relationships.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ថម បាន​ប្រាប់​ខ្ញុំ​ថា គាត់​មិន​ចង់​ធ្វើការ​រួម​គ្នា​ជាមួយ​អ្នក​ទេ​!,Tom told me he doesn't want to work with you.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ខ្ញុំឈឺ ។,I am sick.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ប្រទេសស្វ៊ីស មិនមែនប្រទេសស៊ុយអែតទេ ។,Switzerland isn't Sweden.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn មែនអេ៎ ?,Is that so?,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn សូមស្វាគមន៏!,You're quite welcome.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ថម គឺជា​អ្នក​គេង​ស្កប់ស្កល់ ។,Tom is a heavy sleeper.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ខ្ញុំ​ក៏​រីករាយ​ណាស់​ដែរ ដែល​បាន​ស្គាល់​លោក ។,It's nice to meet you too.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn បាទ ។,"Yes, she will.",khm_Khmr-eng_Latn កើតអី ?,What's wrong with you?,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ថី ?,What's the matter?,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn បច្ចុប្បន្ននេះ បឹច ខាលីហ្វា គឺជាអគារដែលខ្ពស់ជាងគេនៅលើពិភពលោក ។,Burj Khalifa is currently the tallest skyscraper in the world.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ថម ចូលចិត្តធ្វើម្ហូប ។,Tom likes to cook.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ជឿមិនជឿស្អីចិត្ត។,Up to you whether or not you believe me.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ថម កំពុង​រំខាន ម៉ារី ។,Tom is annoying Mary.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn នេះជាប្រភេទការងារដែលខ្ញុំពេញចិត្តបំផុត។,This is the kind of job I like the most.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn គ្មានតអី្វទេ។,I have nothing else to say.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn អ្នក​ត្រូវ​ទៅ​មន្ទីរពេទ្យ​។,You have to go to the hospital.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ចេះអក្សរទេ ?,Can you write?,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn តើឯងយួរអីហ្នឹង ?,What are you carrying there?,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ទំនុកទុកចិត្ត វាពិបាកកសាង តែងាយស្រួលបំផ្លាញ។,"Confidence is hard to build, but easy to destroy.",khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ថម អត់បារម្ភរឿងចំណាត់ថ្នាក់គាត់ទេ។,Tom isn't worried about his grades.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ខ្ញុំអត់ចេះជប៉ុនទេ។,I don't speak Japanese.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ម៉ារី គឺជាប្អូនស្រីចុងរបស់ ថម ។,Mary is Tom's stepsister.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ម៉ារី គឺជាបងស្រីចុងរបស់ ថម ។,Mary is Tom's step-sister.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ក្មេងប្រុស​ទិញ​ឆ្កែ​។,The boy buys a dog.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ចង់ទិញនំពុម្ពជាមួយទឹកស៊ីរ៉ូប។,I want to buy some waffles with syrup.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ខ្ញុំមានឆ្មាពីរ ។,I have two cats.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn នៅពេលដែលយើងបង្អាប់លេងដាក់នាង មុខនាងឡើងក្រហម ។,"When we made fun of her, she blushed.",khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ក្រុម​របស់​ខ្ញុំ​មិន​ធ្លាប់​ឆ្លង​ផុត​ពី វគ្គ​មួយ​ភាគ​ប្រាំបី ក្នុង​វគ្គ​ផ្ដាច់​ព្រ័ត្រទេ ។,My team has never advanced beyond the quarter-finals.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ញុំញ៉ាំពោតឆ្ញាញ់ ។,I'm really enjoying the corn.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn មួយ​នេះ​គឺជា​ចំណោត​នៃ​គណិតវិទ្យា​ដ៏​ពិបាក ។,This is a difficult math problem.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ខ្ញុំឈឺកន្លែងនេះ ។,It hurts here.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn មានអារម្មណ៌ល្អណាស់ ។,It feels so good!,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ដប់ ដប់មួយ ដប់ពីរ ដប់បី ដប់បួន ដប់ប្រាំ ដប់ប្រាំមួយ ដប់ប្រាំពីរ ដប់ប្រាំបី ដប់ប្រាំបួន ម្ភៃ ។,"Ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty.",khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ខ្ញុំចេញពីមន្ទីពេទ្យនៅសប្តាហ៍ទៀត ។,I get out of the hospital next week.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ខ្ញុំចូលចិត្តប៉ោមមួយនេះ អាពណ៌បៃតង ។,"I like this apple, the green one.",khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ថ្ងៃនេះភ្លៀងខ្លាំង ហើយមានខ្យល់ ។,It is windy and very rainy today.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ថ្ងៃនេះ នៅប្រទេសជប៉ុន មានព្យុះខ្លាំង ។,Today there was a powerful storm in Japan.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ដាក់ទឹកកកនៅលើជើងឆ្វេង ។,Put some ice on your left leg.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ក្រដាសនៅក្រោមតុ ។,The paper is under the table.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn លោកយាយញញឹម ។,The grandmother is smiling.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ថម មាន​កូន​បី​នាក់​។,Tom has three children.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ញុំធ្វើសរសៃរអោយប្តីញុំ ។,I'm giving my husband a massage.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn យប់មិញ មើលទូរទស្សន៍ជាមួយគា្ន ។,"Last night, we watched television together.",khm_Khmr-eng_Latn លោកយាយហាត់ប្រាណ ។,Granny is exercising.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn នាងញញឹមលាយលំនិងទុក្ខដែរ ។,She smiled sadly.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn នាងអេះដៃ ។,She's scratching her hand.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ថម ជិះម៉ូតូបង្ហោះ ។,Tom is popping a wheelie on his motorcycle.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn តើ​អ្នក​ដឹង​ថា​នរណា​បាន​និពន្ធ​សៀភៅ​នេះ​?,Do you know who wrote this book?,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ថម ដួលម៉ូតូ ។,Tom fell off of his motorcycle.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn គាត់​ហាក់​ដូច​ជា​ខឹង​។,He sounds angry.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ខ្ញុំ​ចង់​ស្លាប់​ជាង​។,I'd rather die.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ខ្ញុំ​មិន​ចង់​ធ្វើ​ឱ្យ ថម អាម៉ាស់​មុខ​ទេ​។,I didn't want to humiliate Tom.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn គឺសម្រាប់ភ្ញៀវទេសចរណ៍។,It's for tourists.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn តើម៉ូតូ ចាក់សាំងហើយនៅ ?,Has the motorcycle been filled up with gas yet?,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ថ្ងៃនេះយើង មានម្ហូបច្រើន។,Today we have a lot of food.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ពែងនេះគឺទទេស្អាត។,The cup was empty.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn តើម៉ូតូអស់សាំងនៅ ?,Has the motorcycle run out of gas yet?,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ម៉ូតូអស់សាំងហើយ ។,The motorcycle ran out of gas.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn កន្លែងចាក់សាំងនៅណា ?,Where is the gas station?,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ត្របក​ផ្កា​កុលាប​ស្រួយ​ណាស់​។,A rose's petals are very delicate.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn គាត់សម្លឹងនាងខ្លាំងណាស់ ។,He stared at her really hard.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ញុំចុកជើងណាស់ ឈរយូរហើយ ។,I got a cramp in my leg for having stood so long.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn អាហ្វ្រិក គឺជាទ្វីបមួយ។,Africa is a continent.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn នៅទីនេះមានបង្គន់ ។,There is a bathroom here.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ភ្នែករបស់នាងពណ៌ខៀវ ។,Her eyes are blue.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn បុរសនោះខ្ពស់ជាងម៉ារី ។,That man is taller than Mary.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn អត់​មាន​ទឹក​។,There's no water.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ប្រើប្រាស់ដោយប្រុងប្រយ័ត,Use it with caution.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn អូនស្រលាញ់បង !,I love you!,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn បងស្រលាញ់អូន !,I love you.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ជាធម្មតាខ្ញុំក្រោកពីគេងនៅម៉ោង ៨ ។,I usually get up at eight o'clock.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn នៅឆ្នាំ ១៩៧១ ចក្រភពអង់គ្លេសបានផ្លាស់ប្តូររូបិយប័ណ្ណរបស់គេទៅក្នុងប្រព័ន្ធទសភាគ ។,In 1971 the United Kingdom changed its currency to the decimal system.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn នណានឹងជឿយើងទៅ ?,Who's going to believe us?,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn "អ្នកបានឃើញនាង, តើមែនអត់ ?","You saw her, didn't you?",khm_Khmr-eng_Latn តើអ្នកអាចគិតថាយ៉ាងម៉េចដែរ ?,How could you think that?,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ខ្ញុំ​ចុះចាញ់​ហើយ​។,I give up.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn តើធ្លាប់បកខ្ទឹមបារាំងអត់?,Have you ever peeled onions?,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ហត់អត់ ?,Are you tired?,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn គាត់​រស់​ម្នាក់​ឯង​។,He lives by himself.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn តើ​អ្នក​ឈ្មោះ​អ្វី​?,What's your name?,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn អ្នក​ឈ្មោះ​អី​?,What is your name?,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ខ្ញុំមានស្រា។,I've got wine.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ខ្ញុំអត់មានឆ្មាទេ។,I don't have a cat.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ខ្ញុំអត់មានឆ្មា។,I do not have a cat.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ខ្ញុំអត់មានលុយទេ។,I have no money.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn សុខ​សប្បាយ​?,How are you doing?,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn អ្នកសុខសប្បាយទេ?,How are you?,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ខ្ញុំអត់មានសំបុត្រទេ។,I don't have a ticket.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn « ពិតមែនហេ៎ ? » « ​បាទ៎ ពីណាគេប្រាប់ ? »,"""Is that true?"" ""Yes, who told you about it?""",khm_Khmr-eng_Latn អាឡូ សុខ​សប្បាយ​?,"Hello, how are you?",khm_Khmr-eng_Latn លា​សិន​ហើយ​។,I'm leaving now.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ខ្ញុំមានវចនានុក្រម។,I have a dictionary.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ចុះលោកវិញ?,How about you?,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ខ្ញុំមានសំនួរ។,I've got a question.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ខ្ញុំមានសំណួរ។,I have a question.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn "អត់ទេ, ខ្ញុំអត់មានទេ។","No, I don't have it.",khm_Khmr-eng_Latn កុំខ្លាច!,Don't be afraid.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn បិទចំពុះ!,Shut your trap!,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ច្រមុះនាងធំខុសពីធម្មតា ។,Her nose is abnormally large.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn នាងមានសក់ពណ៌លឿង ។,She has blonde hair.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ឡានបត់ឆ្វេង ។,The car turned left.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn តើ​អ្នក​ជនជាតិ​អ្វី​?,Where are you from?,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ឡានបត់ស្ដាំ ។,The car is turning right.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn លា​ហើយ​!,See you around.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn គាត់រស់នៅក្រុងញូវយ៉ក ។,He lives in New York.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ថម អេះឱ្យ ម៉ារី ។,Tom is scratching Mary.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn កុមារាចូលចិត្តលេងឆ្មា ។,The child likes to play with the cats.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ខ្ញុំមានសំនួរមួយ។,I have got a question.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ប្តីញុំចូលចិត្តគេង ។,My husband likes to sleep.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn រីករាយ​ថ្ងៃ​ខួប​កំណើត !,Happy birthday to you!,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn គាត់ស្រលាញ់ផ្នែកភាសាខ្លាំង ។,She likes linguistics very much.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn គាត់ចូលចិត្តកីឡា ។,He likes sports.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ម៉ារី ផឹកទឹកច្រើន ។,Mary drinks a lot of water.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn នារីនោះដើរយឺតៗ ។,That girl is walking slowly.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ខ្ញុំជឿថា ថម ស្មោះមែន ។,I believe that Tom is really honest.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ម៉ារី មិនស្រលាញ់ ថមទេ ។,Mary doesn't love Tom.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn បងញុំមានពុកមាត់ ។,My older brother has a mustache.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ថម ស្រលាញ់ ម៉ារី លើសពីជីវិតគាត់ ។,Tom loves Mary more than his own life.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ម៉ាក់ម៉ារី ស្រលាញ់ឆ្កែជាងនាង ។,Mary's mom loves the dog more than her.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ថម ស្រលាញ់ ម៉ារី ព្រោះតែលុយ ។,Tom wants Mary only for the money.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ឆ្កួតហើយ ។,You are crazy.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn តើឯងគិតយ៉ាងណា ?,What do you think?,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn សុខសប្បាយអត់ ?,How is it going?,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn គាត់គោរពពាក្យសន្យា ។,She kept her promise.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ម៉ារី ញ៉ាំបបរសាច់មាន់ ។,Mary is eating chicken porridge.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn បញ្ហា​នៅ​ណា​?,Where is the problem?,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn តើ​អ្នក​មាន​យក​ប៊ិច​ខ្ញុំ​ទេ​? ព្រោះអី​ម៉ិញ​វា​នៅ​ទីនេះ​តើ​។,What have you done with my pen? It was here a minute ago.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn មាន​បញ្ហា​អី​?,What's the problem?,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn មាន​រឿង​អី​?,What is the matter?,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn អត់មានសាក្សីម្នាក់សោះ ។,There's no witness.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ផ្ទះនៅណា?,Where do you live?,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ខ្ញុំចូលចិត្ត ម្ហូបកូរ៉េ ។,I like Korean food.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn អាហារល្អ នាំមកនូវសុខភាពល្អ ។,Good food brings good health.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn តើនាងគេងបានល្អហេ ?,Did she sleep well?,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ថម ត្រូវការពេលគេងបន្តិច ។,Tom needs some sleep.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn គាត់ ប្រហែលកំពុងដេក ។,He's probably sleeping.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn នាង កំពុងគេងហើយ ។,She is already sleeping.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ខ្ញុំសុខសប្បាយ ។,I feel fine.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ខ្ញុំ អត់ដឹង ។,I don't know.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn តើលោកត្រូវការទៅណា ?,Where are you going?,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn តើឯងទៅណាហ្នឹង ?,Where are you going to?,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn តើអ្នកទៅកន្លែងណា ?,Where're you going?,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ពួកគេ ញ៉ាំសាច់ឆៅ ។,They eat raw meat.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn តើអ្នករស់នៅឯណា ?,Where are you living?,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ភាសាអង់គ្លេស​ត្រូវ​បាន​និយាយ​នៅ​ប្រទេស​សិង្ហបុរី​។,English is spoken in Singapore.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ម្សិលមិញ​ក្តៅ​ណាស់​។,It was hot yesterday.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ស្លឹកម្រុំ មានសារៈប្រយោជន៍ច្រើនយ៉ាងសំរាប់សុខភាព ។,Moringa leaves have a lot of health benefits.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ប្រអប់បាយនេះ ជារបស់នណា?,Whose lunch box is this?,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn គាត់អួតថា គាត់សង្ហារជាងគេ ។,He bragged that he was the most handsome.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ខ្ញុំមិនមែនជា គ្រូពេទ្យទេ ។,I'm not a doctor.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ខ្ញុំ នឹងមកវិញលឿន ។,I will be back soon.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ខ្ញុំ នឹងមកវិញឆាប់ៗនេះ ។,I'll come back soon.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ខ្ញុំចូលចិត្តភាសាឃឺដ ។,I like the Kurdish language.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn តើអ្នកចង់បានអ្វី ?,What do you want?,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn តើចង់បានអីហ្នឹង ?,What is it that you want?,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn កុំបារម្ភអី ។,Don't worry about it!,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn កុំព្រួយណា៎ ។,Don't worry about it.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn យើងចែក ម្ហូបទៅពួកគេ ។,We'll share our food with them.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ចាកចេញឆ្ងាយ ។,Get outta here!,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn តើអ្នកមានអាយុប៉ុន្មាន ?,How old are you?,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ខ្ញុំ មិនយល់ទេ ។,I don't understand.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn អត់យល់ ។,I do not understand.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ខ្ញុំ អត់យល់សោះ ។,I don't understand at all.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ទៅទៅ !,Away with you!,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ទៅឱ្យឆ្ងាយ !,"Rack off, hairy legs!",khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ម្ហូប នៅឯណា ?,Where is the food?,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn តើអ្នកច្បាស់ហេ៎ ?,Are you sure?,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn សួស្តី ឆ្នាំថ្មី !,Happy New Year!,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn តើអ្នករៀបការហើយ ?,Are you married?,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ខ្ញុំសុំទោស ។,I am sorry.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn តើហេតុអីអូនយំ ?,Why are you crying?,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ខ្ញុំ​ឈ្មោះ ជែក ។,My name is Jack.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ហេតុអីបានជាអូនយំ ?,What are you crying for?,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn តើនៅកន្លែងណា ?,Where is it?,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn តើឯងនៅណា ?,Where are you?,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn តើនៅណាហ្នឹង ?,Where art thou?,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ខ្ញុំឈឺក្បាល ។,I have a headache.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ឃ្លានអត់ ?,Are you hungry?,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ចង់ញ៉ាំអីអត់ ?,Do you want something to eat?,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ហាណាកូ លូតខ្ពស់ជាងម្តាយរបស់នាង ។,Hanako grew taller than her mother.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ចូលធ្វើអំពើល្អទៅអ្នកទាំងនោះដែលស្អប់អ្នក ។,Do good to those who hate you.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn តើអ្នកកំពុងនិយាយអំពីអ្វី ?,What are you talking about?,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn និយាយរឿងអី ?,What're you talking about?,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn តើលោកកំពុងនិយាយអី ?,What are you saying?,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ខ្ញុំស្រេកទឺក ។,I am thirsty.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn តើខ្ញុំអាចជួយអ្នកបានអត់ ?,Can I help you?,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn សុខសប្បាយ ។ អរគុណដែលបានសួរ !,"I'm fine, thanks for asking!",khm_Khmr-eng_Latn តើខ្ញុំអាចជួយអីបានទេ ?,Can I help you in any way?,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ខ្ញុំជួយអីបានអត់ ?,Can I do something to help you?,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn សៀវភៅនៅលើតុ ។,The book is on the table.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn តើអ្នកស្រលាញ់ខ្ញុំទេ ?,Do you love me?,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ញុំ មិនឃ្លានបាយទេ ។,I'm not hungry.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn តើអ្នករស់នៅទីនេះ ?,Do you live here?,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ខ្ញុំឃ្លាន !,I am hungry.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ខ្ញុំហេវ !,I am hungry!,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn គាត់រមាស់ខ្នង ។,His back itches.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn គាត់រមាស់ ។,He is itchy.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ពាក្យសម្ងាត់ គឺ « មុយរាល » ។,"The password is ""Muiriel"".",khm_Khmr-eng_Latn នាង ចូលចិត្តញ៉ាំម្ហូបផ្លែកៗ ។,She likes to eat strange foods.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ទុកខ្ញុំនៅម្នាក់ឯងបានហើយ !,Leave me alone!,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ឱ្យខ្ញុំនៅម្នាក់់ឯង !,Leave me alone.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ខ្ញុំត្រូវការនៅម្នាក់ឯង ។,I need to be alone.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ខ្ញុំមិនមានលុយទេ ។,I don't have any money.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ខ្ញុំអត់លុយទេ ។,I do not have any money.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ខ្ញុំអត់មានលុយសោះ ។,I don't have any money at all.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ខ្ញុំមិនមានលុយច្រើនទេ ។,I don't have much money.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ស្ងាត់ !,"Hey you, shut up!",khm_Khmr-eng_Latn បិទមាត់ !,Close your mouth!,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn "ខ្ញុំគិត, អញ្ជឹងខ្ញុំនៅ ។","I think, therefore I am.",khm_Khmr-eng_Latn "ខ្ញុំគិត, ដូច្នោះខ្ញុំនៅ ។",I think therefore I am.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn តើអ្នកសប្បាយចិត្តទេ ?,Are you happy?,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn តើសប្បាយទេ ?,Was it fun?,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ខ្ញុំ គឺ ហត់ ។,I am tired.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ខ្ញុំអស់កម្លាំង ។,I am tired!,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn តើម្ហូបរបស់ខ្ញុំនៅឯណា ?,Where is my food?,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn តើ​លោក​ឈ្មោះ​អី ?,What is his name?,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn គឺ​ជា​សេចក្តី​ស្រឡាញ់​ដែល​គ្រប​បាំង​អំពើ​បាប​ជា​អនេកអនន្ត។,It is the love that covers a multitude of sins.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ហើយ​គឺ​ជា​សេចក្តី​ស្រឡាញ់​ដែល​រង​ទុក្ខ​យូរ​អង្វែង​ហើយ​និង​សប្បុរស។,It is the love that suffers long and is kind.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn រសជាតិយ៉ាងម៉េចដែរ ?,Does it taste okay?,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn Goat yiəy peam pʰiəsaa.,He speaks five languages.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn គាត់​និយាយ​ប្រាំ​ភាសា ។,He can speak five languages.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ម្ហូបនេះ ពិតជាឆ្ងាញ់មែន ។,This food truly is tasty.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn អញ្ចឹង​ខ្ញុំ​ទៅ​ណា​?,Where do I go then?,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn អរគុណខ្លាំងណាស់ សំរាប់ម្ហូប ។,Thanks a whole lot for the food.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn អត់​មាន​ពេល ។,There's no time.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ថម​មាន​ទោស​តិច​។,Tom felt a little guilty.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn សិស្ស​នៅ​តែ​​អាច​ទទួល​បាន​នូវ​ការ​អត់ទោស​​​បើ​ទោះ​ជា​គេ​មិន​មាន​សមត្ថភាព​ខ្លាំង​ក្លា​ខាង​ប្រាជ្ញា​ក៏​ដោយ។,A disciple can be forgiven if he does not have great mental ability.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn តើអូនចង់ញ៉ាំអី ?,What do you want to eat?,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ខ្ញុំប្រតិកម្មជាមួយសណ្ដែកដី។ បេីខ្ញុំញ៉ាំវា ខ្ញុំនឹងស្លាប់។,"I'm allergic to peanuts. If I eat them, I will die.",khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ពួកគេ កំពុងរៀបចំម្ហូបសំរាប់ពីធី ។,They are preparing the food for the party.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn បងញ៉ាំអី អូនញ៉ាំនឹងដែរ ។,Would you like some? I'll eat some too.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ក្រុមហ៊ុន​ជួល​បុគ្គលិក ៥០០ នាក់ ។,The company employs 500 workers.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn បិទទ្វារផង!,Shut the door!,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ខ្ញុំចូលចិត្តហឹរ។,I like spicy.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ខ្ញុំ​មិន​យល់​សោះ​អ្វី​ដែល​គាត់​បាន​និយាយ​។,I couldn't understand anything that he said.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ខ្ញុំ​កំពុង​ញ៉ាំ​បាយ ។,I am eating rice.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn តើឈ្ងុយអីគេហ្នឹង ?,What smells so good?,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn គាត់​សុំ​យោបល់​របស់​ខ្ញុំ​។,He asked for my advice.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn កុំធាត់ពេក!,Don't get too fat!,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ខ្ញុំ ស្រលាញ់កីឡាហែលទឹក ។,I love swimming.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ខ្ញុំ ស្រលាញ់ផ្នែកកីឡាណាស់ដែរ ។,"I love sports, too.",khm_Khmr-eng_Latn គួរសម្រកធម្ងន់!,I have to lose weight!,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ពួកគេ ញ៉ាំអាហារដែលមានសុខភាព ។,They eat healthy foods.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ថម តើឯងស្រលាញ់កីឡាអី ?,"Tom, what sports do you like?",khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ថម ស្រលាញ់ កីឡាបាល់ទាត់ ។,Tom loves soccer.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ម៉ារី ចូលចិត្តកីឡាផ្លែកៗ ។,Mary likes strange sports.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ខ្ញុំ​មិន​អាច​អត់ធ្មត់​គាត់​និយាយ​ក្លៀវក្លា​អំពី​ពិសោធ​ជីវិត​គាត់​បាន​ទេ ។,I can't stand him holding forth about his life experience.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn រៀន​មុខវិជ្ជា​មួយ​រួច​ហើយ​ក៏​ដោយ ប៉ុន្តែ​បទពិសោធន៍​ជាក់​ស្តែង​ហាក់​បី​ដូច​ជា​វិសេស​ជាង​ខ្លាំង​ណាស់ ។,"I took one class, but I've found that real-life experience is much more useful.",khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ពេល​ណា​គិត​ចាប់ផ្តើម ?,When do you mean to start?,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn លោក​ប្រាប់​គាត់ថា បញ្ចប់​កិច្ចការ​នោះ​ហើយ ​កាល​ពី​បី​ថ្ងៃ​មុន ។,You told her that you had finished the work three days before.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn គ្មាន​បន្ទប់​ណា​រៀន​ទេ ។,I have no room to study in.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn កុំ​តឹងរ៉ឹង​ពេក ។ គេ​គ្រាន់តែ​គឺជា​ក្មេង​ៗ​ប៉ុណ្ណោះ ។,Don't be too strict. They're just kids.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ថ្ងៃ​មិញ មាន​ប៉ុន្មាន​នាក់​មក​សួនសត្វ ?,How many people came to the zoo yesterday?,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ថម និយាយសម្លេងអក្សរ «រ» ខុស ។,"Tom pronounces the letter ""r"" incorrectly.",khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ខ្ញុំ​ក៏​រីករាយ​​ដែរ ដែល​បាន​ជួប​អ្នក ។,Nice to meet you too.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ច្បាប់​ត្រូវ​បាន​ប្តូរ​។,The law was changed.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn តើអ្នកដឹងថា នរណាបានបង្កើតរំសេវកាំភ្លើងឬ ?,Do you know who invented gunpowder?,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ខ្ញុំ​ស្រលាញ់​អ្នក​ខ្លាំង​ជាង​អ្នក​ស្រលាញ់​ខ្ញុំ​។,I love you more than you love me.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn យើង​មិន​គិត​ដូច្នោះ​ទេ ។,We don't believe so.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ស្ថានភាព​អាក្រក់​ជាង​ការ​គិត​របស់​យើង​ទៅ​ទៀត ។,The situation is worse than we believed.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn បន្ទប់ពីចេញពីធ្វើការ ខ្ញុំទៅហាត់ប្រាណ ។,"After work, I went to exercise.",khm_Khmr-eng_Latn មកខ្មែរតាងពីអង្កាល់?,When did you come to Cambodia?,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn មនុស្សទាំងអស់សុទ្ធតែ ស្រលាញ់ កីឡា ។,Everyone loves sports.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ម៉ាក់ មិនចូលចិត្ត ហាត់ប្រាណទេ ។,Mom doesn't like to exercise.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ប្តីរបស់ខ្ញុំ ចូលចិត្តហាត់ប្រាណណាស់ ។,My husband really likes to do exercise.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ខ្ញុំ គេងអត់លក់ ។,I can't sleep.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ខ្ញុំបានបញ្ចប់ការដេករបស់អ្នក ។,I ended your sleep.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ម្សិលមិញ នាង​បង្កើត​បាន​កូន​ស្រី​ម្នាក់ ។,She gave birth to a daughter yesterday.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ខ្ញុំ​និយាយ​ភាសា​វៀតណាម​បាន​តែ​តិច​តួច​ប៉ុណ្ណោះ​ ។,I only speak a little Vietnamese.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ខ្ញុំប្រាកដថា អ្នករវល់ណាស់ ។,I'm sure you're very busy.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn Muiriel ឥឡូវ​អាយុ ២០​ឆ្នាំ​ហើយ​។,Muiriel has turned twenty.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn អ្នក​គឺជា​ផេនដា ។,You are a panda.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ខ្ញុំរាគនោមដាក់ខោ ។,I peed my pants.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn តេមកធ្វើអី ខ្ញុំជិតចូលប្រគួតហើយណា ។,What are you calling me for? I'm just about to enter the match.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ខ្ញុំ អត់ដឹងអីសោះ ។,I don't know at all.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn កីឡាបាល់ទាត់ គឺជាចំណូលចិត្តរបស់ប្អូនប្រុសខ្ញុំ ។,Soccer is one of my little brother's hobbies.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ខ្ញុំ​គឺជាអ្នក​គេង​ល្វាស ។,I'm a light sleeper.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn គាត់មកនៅថ្ងៃស្អែក ។,He will come tomorrow.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn អីគេ​ហ្នឹង ?,What is it?,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ម៉ាក់​ខ្ញុំ​ខឹង​។,My mother is angry.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ធ្វើអីគេ?,What are you doing?,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ធ្វើអី?,What do you make?,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ខ្ញុំ​គឺ​និស្សិត​។,I am a college student.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ផ្ទះ​ត្រជាក់​។,The house is cold.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn អូនស្រលាញ់បង។,I heart you.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ម្សិលមិញ​ធ្លាក់​ព្រិល​។,It snowed yesterday.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ផ្ទះ​របស់​អ្នក​គឺ​ធំ ។,Your house is big.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ខ្ញុំអត់ដឹងអីទាំងអស់អំពីរឿងអតីតកាលរបស់គាត់ ។,I don't know anything about his past.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn អត់កំប្លែងទេ !,It is not funny!,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ក្មេងប្រុស​បោះ​ថ្ម​។,The boy throws a stone.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn គាត់ជាបុរសដែលគួរឲ្យគ្រោះថ្នាក់ណាស់ ។,He is very a dangerous man.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn សៀវភៅ​នេះ​អាន​ទៅ​មាន​អារម្មណ៍​ថា​រីករាយ​!,This book makes pleasant reading.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ដើម្បី​ឲ្យ​ត្រូវ​តាម​តំរូវការ​របស់​អតិថិជន គ្រប់​សម្ភារ​របស់​យើង​ត្រូវ​ដាក់​ឲ្យ​បាន ៣​ភាសា​។,All materials must be produced trilingually to meet the needs of our customers.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn អ្នកមកពីប្រទេសណា?,Where do you come from?,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ម្សិលមិញ​ពូ​ខ្ញុំ​ទិញ​ឆ្កែ​។,Yesterday my uncle bought a dog.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn អ្នកមិនមែនជាម្ដាយខ្ញុំទេ ។,You aren't my mother.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ថម ផឹកស្រាច្រើនពេក ។,Tom drinks too much.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn គាត់អួតខ្លួនណាស់ ។,He brags about himself so much!,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn វាល្អឥតខ្ចោះ ឥតខ្វះសោះ ។,It's perfect: Without any faults.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn រងារ​។,It is cold.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ផែនទី​នៅ​លើ​ជញ្ជាំង​។,The map is on the wall.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ខ្ញុំ​អត់​និយាយ​ភាសា​ជប៉ុន​ទេ​។,I do not talk in Japanese.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn មេឡានី​ញ៉ាំ​ផ្លែ​ប៉ោម​។,Melanie is eating an apple.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn «អរគុណ» «អត់អីអេ៎»,"""Thank you."" ""You're welcome.""",khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ផ្លែ​ប៉ោម​នៅ​លើ​តុ​។,The apple is on the table.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn រីករាយ​ណាស់​ដែល​បាន​ជួប​ទៀត​។,I'm glad to see you back.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn តោះ យើងលេងបៀរ ។,Let's play cards.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ប៉ា​របស់​ប្រពន្ធ​ខ្ញុំ គឺ​ប៉ា​ក្មេក​របស់​ខ្ញុំ​។,The father of my wife is my father-in-law.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn នេះ​គឺ​រឿង​ល្អ​ឬ​?,Is it good news?,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn នាង​អត់​នៅ​ផ្ទះ​ទេ នាង​នៅ​សាលារៀន​។,"She is not home, but at school.",khm_Khmr-eng_Latn គឺ​ការភ្ញាក់ផ្អើល​។,It's a surprise.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn សាកមើលក៏បានដែរ ។,It's worth a try.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ស្អី​ហ្នឹង​?,What is this?,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn អរគុណ​ច្រើន​!,Thanks a lot!,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ខ្ញុំ នឹងត្រលប់មកឆាប់ៗនេះ ។,I'll be back soon.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ខ្ញុំ​ទៅ​សាលារៀន​ព្រោះ​ចង់​រៀន​។,I go to school because I want to learn.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn លីលានជា គឺជា​តារា​ភាពយន្ត​ចិន ។,Li Lianjie is a Chinese celebrity.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ប៉ា​យើង​មាន​សៀវភៅ​ច្រើន​។,Our father has a lot of books.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ប៊ីបាវ​គឺ​ទីក្រុង​មួយ​ក្នុង​រដ្ឋ​បាស្ក​។,Bilbao is a city in the Basque Country,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn នរណា​បាន​និពន្ធ​សៀវភៅ​នេះ​?,Who wrote this book?,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ខ្ញុំសារភាពថា វាពិតមែន ។,I admit it to be true.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ទៅតាម ថម។,Go with Tom.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ម៉ោងម៉ានហើយ?,What's the time?,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn តើអ្នកជឿលើខ្ញុំទេ ?,Do you trust me?,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ដាក់​ទឹក​ចូល​ឆ្នាំង​ទៅ​។,Fill the pot with water.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ដាក់​អំបិល​និង​សូដ្យូមប៊ីកាបូណាត​ចូល​ទឹក​។,Add salt and baking soda to the water.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ចង់ញ៉ាំអី?,What do you wanna eat?,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn វាមិនលើគ្នាទេ ។,It's not worth it.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ខ្ញុំចូលចិត្តញ៉ាំម្ហូបក្រិច ។,I like to eat Greek food.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn សូមអរគុណក្នុងការអានរបស់ខ្ញុំ ។,Thanks for reading my message.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn តើម៉ាក់ប៉ាខំ្ញុសុខទុក្ខយ៉ាងណា?,How are mom and dad?,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ឱម្ចាស់ថ្លៃអើយ ហ៊ូមូសនោះឆ្ងាញ់ណាស់ !,"My goodness, that is some tasty hummus!",khm_Khmr-eng_Latn យើងអត់គិតអញ្ចឹងទេ ។,We don't think so.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn តើអ្នកប្រាកដហេ៎ ?,Are you safe?,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn តើប្រាកដ ?,Are you certain?,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn «ថម លឿនឡឿង !» «ទៅអេ៎តើ !»,"""Tom, hurry up."" ""I'm coming!""",khm_Khmr-eng_Latn អូនថើបបងខ្លាំងៗ។,You kissed me very strongly.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ឃ្លាន​អូចៗ​ ។,I've got the munchies.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn នឹក​ដើម មក​ដល់​ល្មម​។,Speak of the devil.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn នាងរកមើលសណ្ឋាគារ ។,She's looking for a hotel.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ថម អាចដេកកន្លែងណាក៏បាន ។,Tom can sleep anywhere.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ខ្ញុំមានពេល ។,I've got time.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn សរសេរ​អំពី​អ្វី​ថ្ងៃ​នេះ​?,What should I write about today?,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn នេះ​គឺ​លើក​ដំបូង​ដែល​ខ្ញុំ​សរសេរ​ជា​ភាសា​អារ៉ាប់​។,This is the first time I've written anything in Arabic.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn តើវាសាប រឺ អត់ ?,Is it bland or not?,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ពួកយើង​ទើបតែ​ញ៉ាំ​ស៊ូស៊ី និង​ផឹក​ស្រាបៀរ​។,We just ate sushi and drank beer.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn សេរីភាព​មិន​មែន​ហ៊្វ្រី​ទេ​។,Freedom is not free.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ខ្លួន​ប្រាណ​ឆាប់​ស៊ាំ​នឹង​អាកាសធាតុ​ផ្លាស់ប្តូរ​យ៉ាង​ឆាប់​រហ័ស​។,The body quickly adjusts itself to changes in temperature.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ខ្ញុំ​ចង់​ទៅ​ជាមួយ​អ្នក​។,I want to go with you.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ស្ថានី​រថភ្លើង​ជិត​បំផុត​នៅ​ណា​?,Where's the nearest train station?,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn អក្សរ​សរសេរ​ដៃ​របស់​គាត់​អាក្រក់​។,His handwriting is bad.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn សន្និសិទ​ចំណាយ​ពេល ២​ម៉ោង​។,The lecture lasted for two hours.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ខ្ញុំ​ញ៉ាំ​នំ​ប៉័ង​។,I eat bread.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ចូរ​អ្នក​ធ្វើ​លើ​គេ ដូចដែល​អ្នក​ចង់​ឱ្យ​អ្នក​ដទៃ​ធ្វើ​មក​លើ​អ្នក​វិញ​ដូច្នេះ​ដែរ ។,Do unto others as you would have others do unto you.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn តើ​អ្នក​គិត​ថា​រ៉ូប​នោះ​សម​នឹង​នាង​ទេ​?,Do you think that dress suits her?,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ខ្ញុំពិន័យថម ។,I punished Tom.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ថ្ងៃនេះ អ្នកទៅ​មើល​ផ្ទះលេង ។,You'll see the house today.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ខ្ញុំនៅទីក្រុងឡុងដ៍ ។,I am in London.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ខ្ញុំរត់ទៅផ្ទះ ។,I ran home.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn តើកីឡាអីដែលឯងចូលចិត្ត ?,Which is the sport that you like?,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn មុនពេលខ្ញុំមកដល់ផ្ទះ ភ្លៀងបានធ្លាក់មក ។,It began to rain before I got home.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn តើអ្នកចេះក្បាច់គុនខ្លះទេ ដោយធ្វើដំណើរទេសចណ៏បែបនេះ ?,Do you know any martial arts to be traveling like this?,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ខ្ញុំ អត់ចេះក្បាច់គុនអីទេ ។,I don't know any martial arts.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn អ្នកគួរតែចេះវា សំរាប់ការពារខ្លូន ។,You should know it in order to protect yourself.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn យើង​មិន​ដែល​និយាយ​ភាសា​អង់គ្លេស​នៅ​ទីនេះ​ទេ ។,English is not spoken here.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ខ្ញុំ ចង់រៀនក្បាច់គុន ការ៉ាតេដូរ ។,I want to learn karate.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn អេលវីស ប្រេសលី គឺ​អ្នកចម្រៀង​មួយ​ល្បី​ជាង​គេ​។,Elvis Presley is one of the most famous singers.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn តើនិយាយអីហ្នឹង ?,What're you saying?,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ថម គាត់តែងតែភ្លេចភ្លើងសីញ៉ូ។,Tom often forgets to use his turn signal.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ខ្ញុំ​ជា​ប្អូនប្រុស​របស់ ថម​។,I'm Tom's brother.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ថតខ្ញុំមួយ ។,Take one of me.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn គាត់ស្លាប់ដោយចៃដន្យ ។,He died suddenly.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn សុខសប្បាយ ។ អរគុណដែលបានសួរ ។,"I'm fine, thanks for asking.",khm_Khmr-eng_Latn គ្រិស្ត​ត្រូវ​បាន​គេ​ជឿ​ថា​បាន​ធ្វើ​នូវ​រឿង​អស្ចារ្យ​ជា​ច្រើន​។,Christ is believed to have worked many miracles.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ថម ញុាំ​សម្ល​ក្នុង​ឆ្នាំង​!,Tom ate the stew right out of the pot.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ម៉េច ? ពេញចិត្តអេ ?,What? Does it please you?,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ពួកគេនឹងត្រូវពិន័យ ។,They must be punished.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ខ្ញុំ​គិត​ថា​វា​ជា​វិធី​ដ៏​ល្អ​បំផុត​។,I think it's the best way.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn គាត់បានបាត់បង់លំនឹង នាំឱ្យគាត់ធ្លាក់ម៉ោ ។,He lost his balance and fell down.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ថ្លៃខ្លាំងម៉េះ !,It's so expensive!,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ឃ្លានបាយ !,I feel hungry.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn តើអ្នកបានស្នាក់នៅរយៈពេលប៉ុន្មាន ?,How long did you stay?,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ស្អែក ចង់ញ៉ាំអី?,What do you want to eat tomorrow?,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn អត់​ឈឺ​។,It doesn't hurt.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ​រីករាយទិវាសិទ្ធិនារីអន្តរជាតិ !,Happy International Women's Day!,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn តើ​អ្នក​កំពុង​ស្ម័គ្រចិត្ត​ឬ​?,Are you volunteering?,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn មាន​គេ​ប្រាប់​ខ្ញុំ​ថា អ្នក​អាច​ជួយ​ខ្ញុំ​បាន​។,I was told that you might be able to help me.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn នាង​បាន​កំពុង​ឈរ​សំឡឹង​ទៅ​កាន់​សមុទ្រ​។,She stood looking out toward the sea.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ខ្ញុំ​បាន​ឮ​សំឡេង​អ្វី​មួយ​នៅ​ខាង​ក្រៅ​។,I heard something outside.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ពួកម៉ាក​របស់​អ្នក​នៅ​ទីនេះ​។,Your friend is here.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ខ្ញុំចង់នៅម្នាក់ឯង !,I want to be alone!,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ខ្ញុំ​បាន​គិត​ថា ខ្ញុំ​បាន​ឮ​សំឡេង​អ្វី​មួយ​នៅ​ខាង​ក្រៅ​។,I thought I heard something outside.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ម្ហូបនេះ មិនឆ្ងាញ់សោះ ។,This food doesn't taste good at all.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn តើមានពេលទេ ?,Is there time?,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ខ្ញុំ​គិត​ថា​វា​នៅ​កន្លែង​ណា​មួយ​ក្បែរ​ៗ​នេះ​។,I think it's somewhere around here.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ខ្ញុំគិតថា ខ្ញុំបានប្រាប់អ្នកហើយ គួរតែទៅកន្លែងប្រគំតន្ត្រីឲ្យបានឆាប់ ។,I thought I told you that you should get to the concert early.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ខ្ញុំ​បាន​ជា​វិញ​ទាំងស្រុង​។,I'm fully recovered.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ថម ពាក់​វ៉ែនតា​របស់​គាត់ ។,Tom put on his sunglasses.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn គាត់​ទៅ​ណា​ក៏​មាន​អង្គរក្ស​ការពារ​ដែរ​ ។,"Wherever he goes, he has bodyguards with him.",khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ខ្ញុំសូមអរគុណដល់អ្នក ។,I thank you.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ខ្ញុំចង់រស់។,I want to live.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ចេះនិយាយអង់គ្លេសអត់?,Can you speak English?,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ពួកគេនិយាយថាម៉េច ?,What are they saying?,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn បក្សី​នៅ​លើ​មេឃ ។,The bird is in the sky.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn មួយ ពីរ បី បួន ប្រាំ ប្រាំមួយ ប្រាំពីរ ប្រាំបី ប្រាំបួន ដប់។,"One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten.",khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ថម ឱ្យ ម៉ារី លាង​ឡាន​។,Tom had Mary wash the car.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn អរគុណ ដែលបានមកលេង ។,Thank you for coming.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn កូនស្រី ទាញសក់ម៉ាក់ ។,The girl is pulling her mom's hair.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ថ្ងៃនេះ ខួបទី២២នៃប្អូនប្រុសខ្ញុំ ។,Today is my little brother's twenty-second birthday.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ឆ្កែនេះ គឺធំ ។,This dog is big.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ឆ្កែនេះ គឺធំជាង ។,This dog is bigger.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ឆ្កែនោះ គឺធំខ្លាំងបំផុត ។,That dog is super enormous.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ក្មេងៗ ចូលចិត្តការ៉េម ។,Kids like ice cream.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ម៉ារី ជញ្ជក់ស្ករគ្រាប់ ។,Mary is sucking on a candy.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn យល់​ហើយ ។,I get the idea.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ជួបគាត់ពេលណា ទំពាស្ករកៅស៊ូរហូត ។,"No matter when you meet him, he is always chewing gum.",khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ការ​លះ​កាត់​ចិត្ត​ចេញ​ពី​ខ្លួន​ឯង​មិន​មែន​មាន​ន័យ​ដូច​ការ​បដិសេធ​ខ្លួន​ឯង​ទេ។,Denial of self is not the same as self-denial.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn សៀវភៅនេះ ត្រូវនឹងខ្ញុំស្រួលអាន ។,This book is easy enough for me to read.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ទៅ​ជា​មួយ​ខ្ញុំ​បាន​ទេ​?,"Would you come with me, please?",khm_Khmr-eng_Latn យើងទាំងអស់ដឹងហើយថា ឯងខឹង ។,We all know that you're angry.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn នេះ​គឺ​ជា​សេចក្តី​ស្រឡាញ់​ដែល​ចាត់​ទុក​អ្នក​ដទៃ​ប្រសើរ​ជា​ជាង​ខ្លួនឯង។,This is the love that esteems others better than oneself.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ខ្ញុំ​មិន​ចេះ​និយាយ​ភាសា​ បឺបឺ ប៉ុន្តែ​ថ្ងៃ​ណា​មួយ​នឹង​និយាយ​វា​បាន​ល្អ​។,"I can't speak the Berber language, but someday I will speak it well.",khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ស្រី្តគឺជាអ្នកណា?,Who is the woman?,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn តើយើងខ្វះអីទៀតអត់ ?,Are we missing anything else?,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn តើយើងត្រូវការអីទៀតទេ ?,Do we need anything else?,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ខ្ញុំសូមណែនាំឱ្យស្គាល់ខ្ញុំ ។,I'll just introduce myself.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ខ្ញុំចង់គិតថា ខ្ញុំដឹងអ្វីដែល ខ្ញុំនិយាយ ។,I like to think I know what I'm talking about.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn តើ​ការ​លះ​បង់​ចោល​អ្វីៗ​ទាំង​អស់​មាន​ន័យ​យ៉ាង​ដូចម្តេច?​,What is meant by forsaking all?,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn តើអ្នកអត់ដែលមានថ្នាក់ រឺអី ?,You never have class or what?!,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ខ្ញុំសន្យាថាខំធ្វើការ ។,I promise to work hard.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ថ្នាក់យើង មានសិស្ស សែសិបប្រាំនាក់ ។,Our class has forty-five students.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn យើងត្រូវការអីទៀត ម៉េច ?,What more could one ask for?,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ថម ទៅផ្ទះ ។,Tom went home.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ថម នៅផ្ទះ ។,Tom was home.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn មិន​មែន​រូបអាសអាភាស​ទេ គឺ​សិល្បៈ ។,"It's not pornography, it's art.",khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ខ្ញុំ​គិត​ថា​អ្នក​ត្រូវ​ខំ​រៀន​ជាង​នេះ​។,I think it necessary for you to study harder.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ថម ត្រឡប់ទៅផ្ទះវិញ ។,Tom returned home.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn "ក្នុង​សតវត្ស​ទី ២០​, ម៉ានជូរី គឺ​ជា​រដ្ឋអាយ៉ង​មួយ​។","During the 20th century, Manchukuo was a puppet state.",khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ខ្ញុំ ត្រូវការដេក ។,I have to sleep.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn គាត់​ជា​មេធាវី​ហើយ​អ្នកនយោបាយ​ឆ្លាត​ខ្លាំង​ណាស់​។,He was a very smart lawyer and politician.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn តើឯងជាអ្នកទិញម្ហូប ?,Is it you who'll buy the food?,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ការ​រលាក​កម្តៅ​ថ្ងៃ​ឈឺ​ណាស់ ។,My sunburn hurts.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn បើក​យឺត​ៗ​។ អ្នក​អាច​មាន​គ្រោះថ្នាក់​បាន​។,Drive slowly. You might have an accident.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ថម នៅ​ជាមួយ ម៉ារី​ ។,Tom is with Mary.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn Anih ciə kɑmhoh bɑh ɲom.,This was my mistake.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ខ្ញុំ​ដឹង​ថា អ្នក​ចូលចិត្ត​គាត់​។,I know you like him.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn សូម​មើល​លិខិតឆ្លងដែន​។,Please show me your passport.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn បុរស​នោះ​បាន​គេច​។,The man ran away.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ពួក​អ្នក​ទៅ​ណា​វិញ​?,Where are they going to right now?,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn នាង​និយាយ​រឿង​ឯង​គ្រប់​ពេល​។,She talks about you all the time.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ក្នុង​និស្សិត​ម្ភៃ​នាក់ តែ​ម្នាក់​បាន​អាន​សៀវភៅ​នោះ​។,"Out of twenty students, only one has read the book.",khm_Khmr-eng_Latn បង្គន់​នៅ​ណា​?,Where is the toilet?,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn សុំទោស​ដែល​អត់​បាន​មក​យប់​មិញ​។,I'm sorry I didn't come by last night.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn អ្នក​ចូលចិត្ត​លេង​បោះប៊ូល​ទេ​?,Do you like bowling?,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ត្រីបាឡែន​មិន​មែន​ត្រី​ទេ គឺថនិកសត្វ​ម្យ៉ាង ។,The whale is not a fish but a mammal.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ថម ចិត្តល្អណាស់ ។,Tom is very good-hearted.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn អញ្ចឹង នរណា​ជា​មិត្តភ័ក្ត្រ​ល្អ​បំផុត​របស់​អ្នក​? ប្រាប់​ខ្ញុំ​អំពី​គាត់​ឬ​នាង​។ ម៉េច​ដែរ​?,"So, who is your best friend? Tell me about him or her. What is he or she like?",khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ថម ចិត្តល្អ ។,Tom is good-hearted.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn គាត់រៀនភាសាអង់គ្លេស ប៉ុន្តែគាត់ក៏រៀនភាសាអាល្លឺម៉ង់ដែរ ។,"He is studying English, but he is also studying German.",khm_Khmr-eng_Latn តើផ្ទះរបស់អ្នកនៅឯណា?,Where is your house?,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn តើខ្ញុំអាចអង្គុយទីនេះបានទេ?,May I sit here?,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn តើបន្ទប់ទឹកនៅឯណា?,Where's the restroom?,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn តើអ្នកអាចប្រាប់ខ្ញុំបានទេ?,Can you tell me?,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn តើមានអ្វីដែល ខ្ញុំអាចជួយបានទេ?,Is there anything I can do to help?,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn តើអ្នកមកពីណា?,Where are you coming from?,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn តើអ្នកជានណា?,Who are you?,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ជួយខ្ញុំផង ។,Help me out.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn សុំទោសដែលខ្ញុំមកយឺត ។,I'm sorry I'm late.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn អឺម!! មួយនេះឆ្ងាញ់ ។,Hmm!! This is good!,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn មិនអីទេ ។,It was nothing.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn អ្នកខុសហើយ ។,You are wrong.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ខ្ញុំដឹងថាអ្នកកហុក ។,I know that you're lying.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ខ្ញុំមិនប្រកាន់ទេ ។,It doesn't bother me.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ខ្ញុំខកចិត្តអ្នកណាស់ ។,I'm very disappointed in you.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn អ្នកធ្វើអោយខ្ញុំខូចចិត្ត ។,You broke my heart.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn សូមចាំបន្តិច ។,Please wait a moment.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn នេះ​ជា​កំហុស​របស់​ខ្ញុំ ។,It was my mistake.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ខ្ញុំគិតថា ថម សម្លាប់ខ្លួន ។,I think Tom killed himself.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn នាងអន់ចិត្តខ្លាំងនិងចរិតកូនស្រីរបស់នាង ។,She took offense at her daughter's behavior.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn បឹង​នេះ​មាន​ជំរៅ​ប្រហែល 25 ម៉ែត្រ​។,The lake is about 25 meters deep.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn «អាគី» ឆ្កែខ្ញុំ។,Aki is my dog.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ម៉ែ​ក៏​មាន «បេះដូង» រាងកាយ​ម៉ែ ក៏​មិន​មែន «គ្រឿងចក្រ» ម៉ែ​ចង់​សម្រាក តែ​ខ្លាច​កូន​សំណព្វ​ស៊ី​មិន​គ្រប់គ្រាន់​។,"Mom also has a ""heart"", her physique isn't a ""machine"" either, mom wants to rest, but she is afraid that her dear children won't have enough to eat.",khm_Khmr-eng_Latn មរមនស្អប់កាហ្វេនិងទឹកតែ ។,Mormons hate coffee and tea.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ដណ្តប់​ខ្លួន​ឯង​ឱ្យ​កក់ក្តៅ នៅ​ខាង​ក្រៅ​ត្រជាក់​។,"Wrap yourself warm, it is cold out there.",khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ផឹកទឹកដោះគោមួយ ។,I want milk.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn តើ​អ្នក​ចង់​ឱ្យ​ខ្ញុំ​ហ្នឹង​បោះចោល​អ្វី​មួយ​នេះ​ឬ​?,Do you want me to get rid of this?,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn តើ A និង B ខុសគ្នាយ៉ាងណា ?,What is the difference between A and B?,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ប្អូន​ស្រី​ជីដូន​មួយ​របស់​ខ្ញុំ​ជា​អ្នកកាសែត​ ។,My cousin is a journalist.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn កុំមានល្បិចណា៎ ។,Don't get any ideas.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn កុំរិះគន់គេពេក ។,Do not be so critical.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn លាង​ចាន ។,Wash the dishes.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn តើវាម៉ោងប៉ុន្មានហើយ ?,What time is it?,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn តើរស់ជាតិយ៉ាងម៉េចដែរ?,How about the taste?,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn តើគាត់ឈ្មោះអី?,What's his name?,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ស្អែកជួបគ្នា !,See you tomorrow!,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn កូន​គ្មេង​នោះ​បាន​បង្ករ​បញ្ហា​ច្រើន​។,That child caused a lot of trouble.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ខ្ញុំ​បាន​ជញ្ជក់​ម្រាមដៃ​របស់​ខ្ញុំ​។,I sucked my finger.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn រីករាយ​ទិវា​បុណ្យ​ឯករាជ្យ​ជាតិ !,Happy Independence Day!,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ត្រលប់មកវិញណា !,"Come back, OK?",khm_Khmr-eng_Latn អ្នក​គួរ​ប្រយ័ត្ន​នៅ​ពេល​ក្រោយ​។,You should be more careful the next time.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn អា៎នេះពិបាក។,This is difficult.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn សេះ​ធំ​ជាង​ឆ្កែ ប៉ុន្តែ​ឆ្មា​តូច​ជាង​ឆ្កែ​។,"Horses are bigger than dogs, but cats are smaller than dogs.",khm_Khmr-eng_Latn នាង​មាន​ចិត្ត​ល្អ​។,She has a good heart.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ខ្ញុំគ្មានអ្វីឱ្យអ្នកទេ ។,I don't have anything to give to you.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ខ្ញុំអត់ចង់ឱ្យអ្នកសម្លាប់ ថម ទេ ។​,I don't want you to kill Tom.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ខ្ញុំគ្រាន់តែចង់ទៅលេងកូនខ្ញុំតាមចិត្តខ្ញុំ ។,I just want to be able to visit my children whenever I want to.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ពួកគេ​ពេញចិត្ត​នឹង​កិច្ចសន្យា​នោះ​។,They are satisfied with the contract.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn គាត់​បាន​ញ៉ាំ​ទាំង​អស់​។,He ate all of it.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ម៉ោង​ដប់មួយ​ហើយ​។,It is already eleven.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ខ្ញុំ​មិន​ទាន់​ដឹង​ថា តើ​គាត់​បាន​ទៅ​ដល់​ទីនោះ​ឬ​ទេ​។,I have not yet learned whether he reached there or not.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn នំខេក​នេះ​មាន​ដាក់​ម្សៅ ទឹកដោះគោ ពងមាន់ និង ស្ករ​។,"This cake contains flour, milk, eggs and sugar.",khm_Khmr-eng_Latn មានកោះជាច្រើន នៅក្នុងសមុទ្រ ។,There are islands in the sea.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn កុំសាកល្បងធ្វើបែបនេះនៅផ្ទះ ។,Please do not try this at home.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ខ្ញុំងូតទឹកឱ្យដំរី។,I wash the elephants.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ឆ្មាធំជាងកណ្ដុរ។,The cat is much larger than the rat.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ចុះ​អ្នក​វិញ​?,What about you?,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn អណ្តើកមិនមានធ្មេញ។,Turtles don't have teeth.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ខ្ញុំទៅប្រលានយន្តហោះ។,I'm going to the airport.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ទៅប្រលានយន្តហោះ ម៉ោងម៉ាន?,What time do you go to the airport?,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn អូនជាប្រពន្ធបងហើយ!,You are already my wife!,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn នាងជាប្រពន្ធរបស់ខ្ញុំ។,That's my wife.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ត្រជាក់អត់?,Is it cold?,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn តើជើងអូនយ៉ាងម៉េចដែរ?,How's your leg?,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ហេតុអ្វីបានអញ្ចឹង?,Why is it so?,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ភ្នែក​គ្រប់​គ្នា​តាម​សម្លឹង​មើល​នាង​។,Everyone's eyes were fixed upon her.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ពួកគេរៀបចំបាយទឹកសំរាប់យើង ។,They're preparing a meal for us.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn យើង​បាន​ប្រាកដ​ថា យើង​នឹង​ឈ្នះ​ល្បែង​នេះ​។,We were certain of winning the game.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn សូមជូនពរឱ្យសប្បាយរីករាយណា៎ !,I hope you have a good time!,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ខ្ញុំ​ស្គាល់​ក្មេង​ស្រី​ម្នាក់​ដែល​ញញឹម​រហូត​។,I know a girl who is always smiling.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ខ្ញុំ​គិត​ថា​អ្នក​ត្រូវ​ជួប​គាត់​។,I think you need to see him.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn បាទ​! យល់ព្រម​ ។,OK. I agree.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ធ្វើអញ្ចឹងមិនល្អទេ ។,Doing this is not good.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn កុំធ្វើបែបហ្នឹងទៀត ។,Don't do that again.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn សូម​អត់​ទោស​ដល់​អ្នក​ទាំង​នេះ​ផង ដ្បិត​គេ​មិន​ដឹង​ជា​គេ​ធ្វើ​អ្វី​ទេ ។,"Forgive them, for they know not what they do.",khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ចុះ​អ្នក​វិញ សុខសប្បាយ​ទេ​?,"And you, how are you?",khm_Khmr-eng_Latn នេះគឺជា ម្ហូប ។,This is food.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn នៅ​និទាឃរដូវ​មាន​ផ្កា​រីក​ជា​ច្រើន​មុខ ។,"In spring, there are various blooming flowers.",khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ម្ហូបនេះ ផ្អែមណាស់ ។,This food is very sweet.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ម្ហូបពណ៍ក្រហមនេះ ឈ្មោះអី ?,What is this red food called?,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ខ្ញុំ​មិន​ចង់​បាន​សាច់​ទេ ។,I don't want meat.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ធនាគារបើកទ្វារម៉ោងម៉ាន?,What time does the bank open?,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ធនាគារបិទទ្វារម៉ោងម៉ាន?,What time does the bank close?,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn វ៉ាលីស៍ខ្ញុំនៅណា?,Where is my suitcase?,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn បន្ទប់ទឹកនៅណា?,Where is the bathroom?,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ចង់ទៅមើលកុនអត់?,Would you like to go to a movie?,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ផ្ទះសំណាក់នៅណា?,Where is the guesthouse?,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn បន្ទប់ជួល ថ្លៃប៉ុន្មាន?,How much is the room?,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ឆ្មាចាប់កណ្ដុរ ។,Cats catch mice.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn នាងស្រលាញ់ឆ្មា ។,She loves cats.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ខ្ញុំចូលចិត្តឆ្មា ។,I like cats.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ចេញទៅ ឆ្មា!,"Scram, you cats!",khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ស៊ូសាន ចូលចិត្តឆ្មា ។,Susan likes cats.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ក្លិនវាគួរឱ្យឆ្ងាញ់ !,It smells good!,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ឆ្មាស្អប់ទឹក ។,Cats hate water.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ក្លឹបហាត់ប្រាណនៅណា?,Where is the gymnasium?,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ខ្ញុំស្រលាញ់ឆ្មា ។,I love cats.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ចង់ទិញអី?,What do you want to buy?,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ឆ្មាស៊ី ។,The cat eats.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn មានពុកចង្កាហើយនៅ ?,Have you got a beard already?,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn រកឆ្មាមើល ។,Find the cat.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn អ៎ានេះ គេញ៉ាំម៉េច?,How does one eat this?,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ថ្ងៃក្រោយជួបគ្នា។,I'll see you later.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ខ្ញុំ​មាន​អារម្មណ៍​ថា គាត់​អាច​បង្រៀន​ខ្ញុំ​ឱ្យ​ចេះ​អាន​។,I felt that he could teach me to read.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn កំពុងមើលអីហ្នឹង?,What are you looking at?,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn សក់គាត់ខ្លី។,He has short hair.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ខ្ញុំអត់ចូលចិត្តស្រាក្រហមទេ ។,I don't care for wine.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn អ្នកគឺកំពុងនិយាយផ្ដេះផ្ដាស់ហើយ ។,You're talking out of your ass.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ថម គិតថា នោះគឺជាគំនិតដ៏អាក្រក់ ។,Tom thought that was a bad idea.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn អ្នកមិនគួរញ៉ាំនៅពេលធ្វើការទេ ។,You're not supposed to eat on the job.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn នាងខ្ពស់ជាងគាត់។,She's taller than him.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn យល់អត់?,Do you follow?,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn កុំខ្លាច។,Don't be scared.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn អ្វី​ដ៏​សំខាន់​បំផុត​ក្នុង​ជីវិត គឺ​ក្តីស្រលាញ់​និង​ការងារ​។,The only important things in life are love and work.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ខ្ញុំកំពុងចិញ្រ្ចាំម្ទេសអោយមត់ ។,I'm finely grinding the chilies.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn យើងយក ហេនរី ជាប្រធានក្រុមយើង ។,We chose Henry to be the captain of our team.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ម៉ារី ហែលទឹកលឿនណាស់ ។,Mary swims quite fast.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ខ្ញុំ​មិន​ចង់​ទៅ​សាលារៀន​ទេ ។,I don't want to go to school.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn តោះ​ធ្វើ​សាក​មើល !,Let's have a look.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ខ្ញុំ​ទៅ​លេង​តូក្យូ​បី​ដង​ហើយ​។,I have visited Kyoto three times.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn បន្ទប់​នេះ​មាន​បង្អួច​ពីរ ។,The room has two windows.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ខ្ញុំ​គឺជា​មនុស្ស​ស្រី ។,I'm a woman.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ត្រូវតែ​ញ៉ាំ​ថ្នាំតាម​វេជ្ជបញ្ជា​ពេទ្យ ។,Drugs should be used only at the direction of a doctor.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn កុំ​ប្រលែង ។ កាន់​ឲ្យ​ជាប់ ។,Don't let go. Hold on tight.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn អ្នកចូលចិត្តផ្លែឈើ។,You like fruit.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn អ្នកចូលចិត្ត ក្រុងកាវ៉ាហ្គឺឈី។,You like Kawaguchi.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn អ្នកចូលចិត្តដំរី ។,You like elephants.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn សៀវភៅ​មួយ​ណា​ក៏​បាន ឱ្យ​តែ​វា​គួរ​ឱ្យ​ចាប់​អារម្មណ៍​។,Any book will do provided it is interesting.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ​អ្នកចូលចិត្ត​បាល់។,You like balls.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ខ្ញុំ​ចេះ​អាន​អាល្លឺម៉ង់ ប៉ុន្តែ​ខ្ញុំ​មិន​ចេះ​និយាយ​វា​ទេ ​។,"I can read German, but I can't speak it.",khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ថម ចូលចិត្តហែលទឹក។,Tom likes swimming.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ខ្ញុំអត់ប្រាបដថា ចច នឹងពេញចិត្តគំនិតនេះឬអត់ ។,I'm not sure if George will take to this idea.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ខ្យល់ព្យុះភាគច្រើនទៅខាងជប៉ុន ។,Typhoons generally head for Japan.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ទូរស័ព្ទ​នៅ​លើ​តុ​របស់​ខ្ញុំ​បាន​រោទ៍​ខ្លាំង​រហូត​។,The telephone on my desk rang persistently and loudly.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ទៅសាលារៀន។,Go to school.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ទៅមុនទៅ ។,You go first.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn តោះ!,Let's hit the road.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ខ្ញុំទៅផ្ទះ។,I go home.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn កុលាប ពណ៌ក្រហម។,The roses are red.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ទៅលេងកីឡាបេស្បល!,Go play baseball!,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ទៅ ទៅ ទៅ!,"Go, go, go!",khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ទៅផ្លាស់ខោអាវ។,Go get changed.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ទៅជួយ ថម។,Go help Tom.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ទៅជួប ថម។,Go meet Tom.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ទៅប្រាប់ ថម។,Go tell Tom.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ម៉ារី ​សិចស៊ី​ណាស់​ ។,Mary is a fox.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn យើងអាចទៅបាន។,We can go.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ទៅទីនោះ។,Go over there.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ខ្ញុំចង់ទៅ។,I wanna go.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ខ្ញុំទៅបាន។,I can go.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ទៅជាមួយពួកគេ!,Go with them!,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ទៅជាមួយខ្ញុំ។,Go with me.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ម៉ារី លេងបាល់បោះបានល្អ ។,Mary plays basketball well.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn រាត្រី​សួស្តី ។ សុបិន្ត​ល្អ​ណា៎ ។,Good night. Sweet dreams.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn កំុធ្វើអញ្ចឹងទៀត។,Don't do it again.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ពាក់ស្បែកជើងសិន!,Put your socks on first!,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ខ្ញុំស្គាល់ផ្លូវកាត់ ។,I know a shortcut.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ​អត់បញ្ហា។,There is no problem.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ប្រហែលជាគាត់ជិះរថភ្លើងជើងក្រោយ ។,He may be on the next train.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn សម្រាប់​ខ្ញុំ​គិត​ថា ល្ខោន​នេះ​គឺ​គួរ​ឱ្យ​ចាប់​អារម្មណ៍​ណាស់​។,"As for me, I think the play was quite interesting.",khm_Khmr-eng_Latn តើ​វា​មិន​អី​ទេ​បើ​ខ្ញុំ​ទៅ​ដោយ​ស្លៀក​ខោ​កាប៊ូយ​?,Is it OK if I go in jeans?,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ញ៉ាំឱ្យច្រើន បើមិនអញ្ចឹង អ្នកអត់មានកំលាំងទេ ។,"Eat more, or you won't gain strength.",khm_Khmr-eng_Latn « អេនឌ្រូ ផែនទី​នៅ​ឯណា​? តើ​អ្នក​មាន​វា​ឬ​ទេ​? » « ខ្ញុំ​មិន​គិត​ដូច្នេះ​ទេ​ ។ »,"""Andrew, where's the map? Have you got it?"" ""I don't think so.""",khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ឈិន ឡុង គឺជា​តារា​ភាពយន្ត​ហុងកុង ។,Jackie Chan is a star of Hong Kong cinema.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ចេញទៅ !,Take a hike!,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn វេជ្ជបណ្ឌិត​បាន​គិត​ថា​ជីពចរ​របស់​អ្នកជំងឺ​លោត​ញាប់​បន្តិច​។,The doctor thought the patient's pulse was rather rapid.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn សព្វថ្ងៃនេះមានភ្លៀងញឹកញប់ ។,"These days, it rains frequently.",khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ខ្ញុំឈឺឡាតែត ។,My head aches.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ថម មក​ដល់​ពិធីជប់លៀង​ជាមួយ ម៉ារី​ ។,Tom arrived at the party with Mary.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ក្មេង​ៗ ​គឺ​អស់​កំលាំង​ហើយ ​។,The children are already tired.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn កុំកុហកខ្ញុំ!,Don't lie to me!,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn អត់​សំខាន់​ទេ​។,It's not important.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn មិន​សំខាន់​ទេ​។,It doesn't matter.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn តើធ្វើការនៅណា​?,Where do you work?,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ធ្វើការនៅណា​?,Where does he work?,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ខ្ញុំរកការងារធ្វើ។,I'm looking for work.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn តាម​ចិត្ត​អ្នក​។,It's up to you.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ស្នាក់នៅណា?,Where are you staying?,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ហើយនៅ?,"Already, or not yet?",khm_Khmr-eng_Latn អាកាសធាតុ​ថ្ងៃ​នេះ​ស្រស់ស្អាត​ជាង​កាល​ពី​ម្សិលមិញ​។,The weather today is more beautiful than yesterday's.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ផ្លែនេះជូរណាស់ ។,This fruit is very sour.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn នំនេះមិនឆ្ងាញ់សោះ ។,This snack doesn't taste good at all.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ពីរបីថ្ងៃមុនភ្នំពេញលិចទឹកខ្លាំង ។,Phnom Penh was flooded two or three days ago.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn បរិមាណូមិនអាចមើលឃើញដោយភ្នែកទទេបានទេ ។,Atoms cannot be seen with your own eye.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ឥឡូវល្ងាចហើយ ទៅទះសិនចុះ ។,It's late already. Go home.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ហាន រឺ មិន ហាន?,Do you dare or not?,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn សៀវភៅ​ខ្ញុំ​នៅ​ទី​នេះ​។,My book is here.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn រូបភាពទាំងនេះស្រស់ស្អាតណាស់ !,These photos are very pretty!,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ទូរស័ព្ទខ្ញុំរោទិ៍ !,My phone is ringing!,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ការរចនាឡើង គួរអោយចាប់អារម្មណ៍គួរសម ។,The design is quite interesting.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ទេសភាពនៅតំបន់ចំការមនោរម្យណាស់ ។,The scenery at the plantation is so delightful!,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn យប់នេះម្ហូបឆ្ញាញ់ដ៏ករ ។,The food is very yummy tonight.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn កុំភ្លេចយកមកផងណា !,"Don't forget to bring it, OK?",khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ម្តងហើយ ម្តងទៀត នៅតែមិនកែសោះ ។,Again and again; you still haven't changed at all.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn វា​ជា​អព្ភូតហេតុ​មួយ​ដែល​ខ្ញុំ​អាច​ជា​ពី​ជំងឺ​មហារីក​។,It's a miracle that I've got over cancer.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ថតកន្លែងនេះហើយនៅ ?,Have you taken shots of this place already?,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn យប់នេះមានព្រះច័ន្ទរះពេញណា ។,There is a full moon tonight.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn វា​ជា​អព្ភូតហេតុ​ដ៏​អស្ចារ្យ​មួយ​ដែល​គាត់​មិន​បាន​ស្លាប់​នៅ​ក្នុង​ឧប្បត្តិហេតុ​នោះ​។,It's a miracle that he wasn't killed in the accident.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn តើអាចនេះអីគេ ?,What is this one?,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ម៉េចដែរ ល្មមទេ ?,How is it? Is it alright?,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ថ្ងៃនេះស្អុះណាស់ គ្មានខ្យល់សោះ ។,It's stifling hot today. There's no wind at all.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn មេឃជិតភ្លៀងហៃ យកខោអាវទុក ។,It's about to rain; bring in the clothes.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn គាត់និយាយអង់គ្លេសញាប់ ។,He speaks English fluently.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn គាត់និយាយចិនញាប់ ។,He speaks Chinese fluently.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn គាត់និយាយបារាំងញាប់ ។,He speaks French fluently.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn គាត់​មិន​អាច​គេច​ពី​ទីនោះ​បាន​ទេ លុះត្រាតែ​មាន​អព្ភូតហេតុ មែន​ទេ​?,"He won't be able to escape from there without a miracle, will he?",khm_Khmr-eng_Latn កុំ​ព្រួយ​បារម្ភ​ពី​ការ​ធ្វេី​កំហុស​។,Don't worry about making mistakes.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn តើកូនទិញអីមកខ្លះ ?,"What all have you bought, child?",khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ខ្ញុំអាចនិយាយអេស្ប៉ាញបានញាប់ ។,I can speak Spanish fluently.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn អត់​ចូលចិត្ត​វា​ទេ​?,Don't you like it?,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ថម ញ៉ាំការ ។,Tom attended the wedding.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ឆ្កែ​បាន​បោល​ចេញ​យ៉ាង​លឿន​។,The dog ran off as fast as it could.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ទៅកន្លែងនោះយើងស្រួលនិយាយគ្នា ។,Let's go over there; it'll be easier for us to talk.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ឯងកុំខូចពេក ។,Don't be such an ass.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ធ្វើតាមនេះទៅ ។,Do it according to this.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn តោះយើងចាប់ផ្តើមធ្វើការ ។,Let's start working.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn តើនាងនៅណា ? នាងនៅចង្ក្រានបាយ ។,Where is she? She is in the kitchen.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ខ្ញុំចូលចិត្តម្ហូបរុស្សី ។,I like Russian food.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ខ្ញុំហត់នឿយ !,I'm fed up with it!,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ញ៉ាំបាយហើយនៅ?,Have you eaten?,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn មើល! ពួកគេឆ្លងទឹកមកហើយ ។,Look! Here they come crossing the water.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ពេលដើរគួរចេះមើលឆ្វេងស្តាំផង ។,"While walking, we should know to look to the left and to the right.",khm_Khmr-eng_Latn សូមស្វាគមន៍មកចូលរួម តាតូអេបា !,Welcome to Tatoeba!,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn តាតូអេបា សូមស្វាគមន៍ !,Welcome to Tatoeba.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn សាច់អាំងនេះមានទឹកជ្រលក់ដែរទេ ?,Is there any dipping sauce for this grilled meat?,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ស្លរម្ជូរគឿងដាក់ប្រហុក ។,You put fish paste in Samlar Machou Kreung.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ធ្វើដំណើរសុខសប្បាយ !,Have a nice trip!,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ទៅខាងនោះ។,Go that way.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn មើលសៀវភៅនេះ ទំព័រនេះឡូយ !!,"Look at this book, this page is cool!!",khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ធ្វើហើយនៅ ? ហើយហើយ ? អូរ! ទុកហ្នឹង ។,Have you done it? Already? Oh! Leave it there.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn កាតឥណទាន​ខ្ញុំត្រូវបានគេលួចនៅរថភ្លើងក្រោមដី ។,My credit card was stolen on the subway.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ពួកយើងវង្វែងផ្លូវហើយ !,We are lost!,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ​​ខ្ញុំទំពារស្ករកៅស៊ូ ។,I chewed the gum.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ខ្ញុំចង់បានលុយ ។,I want money.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn អ្នក​អាច​ជ្រើសរើស​សៀវភៅ​មួយ​ណា​ដែល​អ្នក​ចូលចិត្ត​បាន​។,You may choose any book you like.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn នរណាចង់ម៉ោ នាំម៉ោក៏បានដែរ ។,You may bring whoever wants to come.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn អរគុណ ដែលបានមកលេងផ្ទះយើង ។,Thank you for coming to our house.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn អរគុណច្រើន ដែលបានមកលេង !,I appreciate you coming here.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ស្បែកខ្ញុំទន់ ។,My skin is soft.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn នាង​បាន​រៀបការ​ជាមួយ​ជនជាតិ​អាមេរិក​។,She is married to an American.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn នាង​បាន​រៀបការ​ជាមួយ​ជន​បរទេស​។,She is married to a foreigner.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ខ្ញុំឈឺធ្មេញ ។,My teeth hurt.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn រឿងនេះត្រូវបានផ្សះផ្សារួចហើយ ។,The matter is all settled.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ឆ្កែ​ខាំ​បុរស​។,The dog bit the man.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ស្តេច​បាន​គ្រប់គ្រង​ប្រទេស​។,The king governed the country.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ស្តេចផ្ចាញ់នឹងសត្រូវ ។,The king crushed his enemies.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ប៉ុន្តែ​សិស្ស​មិន​អាច​យក​លេស​រួច​ខ្លួន​បាន​ទេ បើ​គេ​មិន​មាន​ភាព​ឧស្សាហ៍។,But no disciple can be excused if he does not have zeal.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ខ្ញុំ​មិន​អាច​ញែក​ដឹង​ថា​វា​មាន​រសជាតិ​អ្វី​ទេ​។,I can't distinguish the taste.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ស្តេចលោភនឹងអំណាច​ ។,The king abused his power.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ហេតុអី ?,Why is that?,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn កាសែតបានដាក់ដោយគ្មានសណ្តាប់ធ្នាប់ពាសពេញកំរាល ។,Newspapers lay scattered all over the floor.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ទន្លេ រីន គឺ​ព្រំដែន​រវាង​បារាំង​នឹង​អាល្លឺម៉ង់​។,The Rhine is the boundary between France and Germany.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn Ceh yəy ɑŋgleih ɑt?,Do you speak English?,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ថម ចង់ញ៉ាំបាយឆា ។,Tom wants to eat fried rice.,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn អ្នក​ខ្ពស់​ណាស់ !,How tall you are!,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn ឈ្លើយណាស់ !,How rude of you!,khm_Khmr-eng_Latn 나는 그의 모자가 싫다.,I hate her hat.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 나는 이번 겨울에 처음으로 스키를 타러 갔다.,I went skiing for the first time this winter.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 나는 지난 일요일에 외출하지 않았다.,I didn't go out last Sunday.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 나는 이 단어의 뜻을 모르겠다. 사전을 찾아봐야 겠어.,I don't know what this word means. I'll look it up in the dictionary.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 나는 이 주제에 대해서 당신과 동의하지 않습니다.,I don't agree with you on this point.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 그는 이 강에서 수영하는 것을 좋아했었다.,I'd like to swim in this river.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn "너는 아침 내내 이 문제에 대해 생각했어, 좀 쉬고, 점심 먹으러 가.",You have been thinking about this problem the whole morning. Take a break; go eat lunch.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn "만약 내가 지금 그 일을 하지 않으면, 영영 못 할것이다.","If I don't do it now, I never will.",kor_Hang-eng_Latn 잘자. 좋은 꿈 꿔.,Good night. Sweet dreams.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn "아마도 너가 옳을지도 몰라, 내가 너무 이기적이었어.","Perhaps you are right, I have been selfish.",kor_Hang-eng_Latn 모든 사람들이 두번째 기회를 받아 마땅하다.,Everyone deserves a second chance.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 이 기술의 이점은 무엇인가요?,I wonder what the advantage of this technique is.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn "만약 당신에게 이 프로그램이 없다면, 지금 다운로드 받으실 수 있습니다.","If you do not have this program, you can download it now.",kor_Hang-eng_Latn 위험 부담이 크다.,It is too risky.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 위험 부담이 너무 크다.,The risk is too great.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 나는 무험을 하고 싶지 않다.,I don't want to take any chances.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 가게에 갔어요?,Did you go to the shop?,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 늦어서 미안합니다.,"Sorry, I'm late.",kor_Hang-eng_Latn 나는 발이 차다.,My feet are cold.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 그 환자는 이제 고비를 넘겼어.,The patient is out of danger now.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 동물을 학대해서는 안 된다.,One must not abuse animals.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 벌써 우리가 만난 지 4년 이에요. 시간이 참 빠른 것 같아요.,It's already been 4 years since we met. How time flies.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 내가 부엌에서 물을 마시고 있어요.,I'm drinking water in the kitchen.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 나는 1분 차이로 기차를 놓쳤다.,I missed the train by a hair's breadth.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 그는 1분 차이로 기차를 놓쳤다.,He missed the train by a minute.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 서부전선 이상없다,All is quiet on the western front.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 일기예보는 거의 맞지 않는다.,Weather forecasts are rarely accurate.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 당신은 담배를 너무 많이 피워요 – 너무 많이 담배를 피우지 마세요!,You smoke too much. Don't smoke so much!,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 이건 내 경험으로 안다.,This I know from my own experience.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 공항은 어디에 있습니까?,Where's the airport?,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 고르셨습니까?,Have you chosen?,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 그것은 나의 의도가 아니었다.,It was not my intention.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 그것을 의도적으로 했어!,You did it on purpose!,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 당신을 너무 오래 기다리게 해서 죄송합니다.,I am sorry to have kept you waiting so long.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 너무 이른 아침에 전화를 해서 죄송합니다.,Please excuse me for calling you so early in the morning.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 난 이렇게 비싼 식당에서 식사를 할 여유가 안되요.,I can't afford to eat in such an expensive restaurant.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 2월에 이런 따뜻한 날씨는 비정상이야.,This warm weather is abnormal for February.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 그의 혼에 평화를!,Peace to his ashes!,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 맛있게 드십시오!,Enjoy your meal!,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 좀 그만둬!,Enough is enough!,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 나는 손가락을 베었다.,I have cut my finger.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 다리 하나만으로는 뛰기 어렵다.,One leg is not enough for running.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 거울 속을 들여다보아라.,Just look in the mirror.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 나는 임신 중이다.,I am pregnant.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 생각보다 쉽지 않군.,Not as easy as I thought.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 제인은 아파서 자리에 누워있다.,Jane is sick in bed.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 마지막 경고다!,This is your last warning!,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 나는 산에 가길 원합니다.,I want to go to the mountain.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 여기서요?,Just right here?,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 그는 우리 앞에서 선물을 공개할꺼야.,He'll present the present in our presence.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 저는 일본어 선생님이 되고 싶어요.,I want to become a teacher of Japanese.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn "실례합니다만, 그 사진을 한 번 더 봐주시겠습니까?","Excuse me, but let me have another look at the photo.",kor_Hang-eng_Latn 너는 언제 아침식사를 하니?,When do you eat breakfast?,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 미국 대사관이 어디입니까?,Where is the American embassy?,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 그들은 서로 몹시 사랑한다.,They love each other deeply.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 나는 그 사람을 좋아한다.,I like that person.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 호랑이도 제 말하면 온다.,Speak of the devil.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 생일 축하합니다!,Happy birthday to you!,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 그는 내가 만났었던 사람중에 가장 멋진 사람입니다.,He is one of the nicest people I have ever met.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 새미는 자신을 보호하려고 했다.,Sami tried to protect himself.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 보스턴에 도착하면 전화할게요.,I'll call you when I get to Boston.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 톰은 마리가 그것을 해야만 한다고 생각하지 않는다고 말했다.,Tom says he doesn't think Mary ought to do that.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 당장 죽고 싶어.,I want to die soon.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn "급료와는 별도로, 그는 투자로도 돈을 받았다.","Aside from his salary, he receives money from investments.",kor_Hang-eng_Latn 내가 있었으니 망정이지 당신 혼자였으면 어쩔 뻔했어요?,You're lucky I was here. What would you have done all by yourself?,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 코트를 걸어주세요.,"Hang up your coat, please.",kor_Hang-eng_Latn 나타샤는 러시아 이름이다.,Natasha is a Russian name.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 그는 죽어가고 있었다.,He was nearing his end.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 그는 사형에 처해졌다.,He was sentenced to death.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 저에게 해당되는 할인 티켓은 없나요?,Are there any discount tickets for me?,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 저 여자는 정말 수줍음을 잘 탄다.,That woman gets shy easily.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 이것은 텔레비전입니다.,This is a television.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 난 히브리어를 공부하기 원한다.,I want to study Hebrew.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 그의 새로운 소설은 읽을만한 가치가 있다.,His new novel is worth reading.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 저는 아직 학교에 다녀요.,I'm still in school.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 그 남자는 죽어가고 있었다.,The man was on the brink of death.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 네 입장이라면 나는 그 일을 하지 않겠다.,If I were in your position I wouldn't do that job.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 그 사람 어디 있지?,Where is he?,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 운전자들은 항상 보행인을 살펴야 한다.,Drivers must always be cautious of pedestrians.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 내가 사방으로 찾았다.,I have looked for it up and down.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn "노인이 한 명, 도로에서 죽어 가고 있었다.",An old man lay dead on the road.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 날 알아요?,Do you know me?,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 아이티의 수도는 이름이 무엇입니까?,What is the capital of Haiti?,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 나는 바나나를 별로 좋아하지 않아요.,I don't like bananas that much.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 후회 없습니다.,I don't mind it.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 프랑스는 공화국이다.,France is a republic.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 마리아는 무슨 말을 그는 몰랐다.,Mary is at a loss what to say to him.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 그는 설탕없이 커피를 좋아한다.,He likes coffee without sugar.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 나는 작년에는 별로 한 일이 없다.,I didn't do much last year.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 오늘 오후는 한가합니다.,I'm free all afternoon today.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 당신의 배우자가 정치인이라면 당신의 이름 또한 신문에 종종 나올겁니다.,"If your spouse is a politician, then likely your name will also appear in the newspaper from time to time.",kor_Hang-eng_Latn 내주 금요일 오전 내내 시간이 있습니다.,I will be free all morning next Friday.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 무엇을 마십니까?,What would you like to drink?,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 요즘은 독서 시간이 거의 없어.,I've got little time for reading these days.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 미국은 북쪽으로 캐나다와 경계를 짓고 있다.,Canada borders the northern part of the United States.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 그에겐 할 일이 많이있다.,He had a lot of work to do.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 어리광 부리지 마.,Stop acting like a spoilt child.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 요즘 자동차들은 70년대의 자동차들과는 다르다.,Cars built nowadays are different from the ones built in the 70's.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 직업이 무엇입니까?,What's your occupation?,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 조금 일본어를 말합니다.,I speak a little Japanese.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 게임 어떻게 하는지 가르쳐주세요.,Please teach me how to play this game.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 그 사람은 거기서 휴가를 보냈다.,He stayed there during the vacation.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn "엄마, 난 이걸 입고 싶지 않아.","Mom, I don't want to wear this.",kor_Hang-eng_Latn 걔는 참 친절하다.,She's a total sweetheart.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 해를 거듭할수록 고향 생각이 간절하다,"As years pass by, I long for my hometown more and more.",kor_Hang-eng_Latn 오늘의 날씨가 어제보다 더 아름답다.,The weather today is more beautiful than yesterday's.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 김씨가 켄씨와 같이 살아요.,Kim is living with Ken.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 새미는 그의 아름다운 아내와 지금도 같이 살고 있다.,Sami is still living with his beautiful wife.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn "김문서씨가 책에 싸인을 해줬으면 좋겠는데, 부탁하기가 부끄럽네요.","I'd like Quim Monzo to autograph my book, but I'm too ashamed to ask him.",kor_Hang-eng_Latn 이것은 중국의 부채입니다.,This is a Chinese fan.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 나는 저녁을 준비했다.,I made supper.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 미안하다 사랑한다.,"I'm sorry, I love you.",kor_Hang-eng_Latn 나는 열쇠를 찾기 위해 현관 매트 아래와 근처 화분 안을 뒤졌다.,I looked for the key under the welcome mat and in the nearby flower pot.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 취미가 뭡니까?,What is your hobby?,kor_Hang-eng_Latn "그는 의사가 아니라, 박사다.","He's a Phd-doctor, not a doctor-doctor.",kor_Hang-eng_Latn 정말 섭섭해요.,I am so disappointed.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 그는 자기 일을 잃었다.,He has lost his job.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 나는 안경을 찾고 있다.,I'm looking for my eyeglasses.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 비가 오니까 우산을 가지고 오세요.,"It's raining, so please bring your umbrella.",kor_Hang-eng_Latn 이 가방은 누구 것이지?,Whose is this bag?,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 이 자전거는 누구 것이지?,Whose bicycle is this?,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 이 우산은 누구 것이지?,Whose umbrella is this?,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 이 기타는 누구 것이지?,Whose guitar is this?,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 뉴욕에서부터 런던까지는 거리가 얼마나 됩니까?,How far is it from New York to London?,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 공항에서부터 호텔까지는 거리가 얼마나 됩니까?,How far is it from the airport to the hotel?,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 오사카에서부터 교토까지는 거리가 얼마나 됩니까?,How far is it from Osaka to Kyoto?,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 사랑해 - 나도.,I love you - I love you too.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 빨리 갔다 올게.,I'll be right back.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 저를 내버려 두세요!,Leave me in peace!,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 요한은 장기 두는 것을 좋아한다.,Johannes likes to play chess.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 새미는 치명적인 실수를 저질렀다.,Sami made a fatal mistake.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 오늘은 진짜 여름이 끝난 것 같은 느낌이야.,Here it really feels today like summer has ended.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 계속 걱정했어.,We've been worried.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 너한테 모든 걸 좀 더 빨리 얘기했어야 했는데.,I should have told you everything earlier.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 내가 외동이었으면 좋았을 텐데.,I wish I were an only child.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 걔들이 순진했어.,They were naive.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 그는 지루한 소설을 읽어요.,He read a boring novel.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 내가 좀 더 귀기울여 들었어야 했는데.,I should have listened more carefully.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 진짜로 도와줄 마음이 있어?,Are you really willing to help?,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 제가 찾던 게 이거예요.,This is what I have been looking for.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 여기서는 담배를 피우면 안 됩니다.,You can't smoke here.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 설거지 끝내고 티비 봤어.,I watched TV after I washed the dishes.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 5 더하기 2는 7이다.,Five plus two equals seven.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 기쁨은 나누면 배가 되고 슬픔은 나누면 반이 된다.,"Happiness shared returns many-fold, sadness shared comes back halved.",kor_Hang-eng_Latn 내 방에는 책이 정말 많아.,There are many books in my room.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn "만약 신이 존재하지 않았다면, 만들어 낼 필요가 있겠지.","If God did not exist, it would be necessary to invent him.",kor_Hang-eng_Latn 톰이랑 톰네 형은 진짜 닮았어.,Tom and his brother look quite similar.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 존은 일본 역사에 관한 책을 찾고 있다.,John is looking for a book on Japanese history.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 다다익선.,"The more, the better.",kor_Hang-eng_Latn 소년은 돌을 던졌습니다.,The boy throws a stone.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 갖고 다니지 않으면 잃을 것도 없다.,He who carries nothing loses nothing.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 나는 중세 스페인에 관한 책을 찾고 있다.,I'm looking for a book about medieval Spain.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 그녀는 그녀의 수입으로는 생활을 꾸릴 수가 없었다.,She could not make both ends meet on her income.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 고생했어요,You worked hard.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 티켓은 각각 20엔 입니다.,The tickets are 20 yen each.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 저는 내일 오전 6시에 체크아웃 하겠습니다.,I want to check out at 6 tomorrow morning.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 톰은 충격을 받은 것 같다.,Tom looks shocked.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 이것은 날 행복하게 만들지 못한다.,This does not make me happy.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 아이들이 자전거를 타고 있다.,The children are riding their bikes.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 천국과 지옥을 선택하는 것이 그렇게 어렵나요?,Is it so difficult to choose between heaven and hell?,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 그들은 그에게서 권위를 보았다.,They saw an authoriy in him.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 요점은 그들이 너무 어리다는 것이다.,The point is they're too young.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 너희 둘다 취했다.,You were both drunk.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 그의 여동생뿐 아니라 그도 파티에 초대 되었다.,"He, as well as his sister, are invited to the party.",kor_Hang-eng_Latn 그가 언제 돌아올지 확실하지 않다.,I am not sure when he will be back.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 좋고 싫음 말하지 전부 먹으십시오.,You shouldn't be so picky about food.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 우리에게 책을 빌려 주셔서 감사합니다.,Thank you for lending us the book.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 우리는 체제를 바꿔야 한다.,We need to change the system.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 나는 집에서 뛰쳐나갔다.,I rushed out of my house.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 톰과 메리는 한 시간씩이나 거울 앞에 서 있다.,Tom and Mary have been standing in front of the mirror for an hour already.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 톰은 바로 아랫층에 있다.,Tom is right downstairs.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 탐은 메리가 어디에 있었는지 알고 싶었다.,Tom wanted to know where Mary had been.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 나를 잡아봐!,Try and catch me!,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 네가 오늘 가나 내일 가나 마찬가지야.,It makes no difference whether you go today or tomorrow.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 나는 그것을 나쁜 뜻으로 말하지 않았다.,I meant no harm.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 그에게 여자친구가 있다는 것은 아주 가능성이 높아요.,There is a good chance of him having a girlfriend.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 나는 그를 자주 보지 못한다.,I see it rarely.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 거의 다 왔어요,We're almost there.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 고등학교를 다닌 이래로 그렇게 한 적이 없다.,I haven't done that since high school.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 저는 예순 살이 되자마자 일을 그만둘 거예요.,I will retire as soon as I turn sixty.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 거의 다 헸습니다.,I'm almost done.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 졸업 후에 무엇을 할래?,What will you do after graduation?,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 수영을 거의 매일 합니다.,I swim almost every day.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 이리 오십시오.,Please come this way.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 그 약은 잘 들었다.,That medicine worked.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 저는 그녀가 춤을 잘 춘다고 생각합니다.,I think she is a good dancer.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 부르즈 할리파는 현재 세계에서 가장 높은 고층건물이다.,Burj Khalifa is currently the tallest building in the world.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 나는 여기 온 뒤로 한 번도 바다에 들어가고 싶다는 생각을 안 했지만 지금 이 순간에 어쩐 일인지 옷을 벗어 버리고 싶었어요.,"I had not once thought about going into the sea since I came here, but at this moment, for some reason, I wanted to remove my clothes.",kor_Hang-eng_Latn "네 직업이나 취미를 알려주고 다른 사람의 직업과 취미를 물어봐도 되지만, 대화가 지나치게 사적으로 흐르지 않도록 조심해.","It is acceptable to mention your job and interests and to ask the other person about his, but be careful not to let the conversation become too personal.",kor_Hang-eng_Latn 새미는 두 어린 아이의 아버지이다.,Sami is the father of two young children.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 톰의 생일은 그저께였다.,Tom's birthday was the day before yesterday.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 인간은 이성이 있지만 동물은 없다.,"Man has reason, animals do not.",kor_Hang-eng_Latn 집은 추위입니다.,The house is cold.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 이 방은 적당히 크다.,This room is just about big enough.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 가방이 꽉 찼습니다.,The bag is full.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 당신은 내일 축구를 할 것입니다.,You are going to play football tomorrow.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 무슨 일이 있었던 거야?,"Hey, what happened?",kor_Hang-eng_Latn 버스가 다니나요?,Is there a bus service?,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 공항까지 가는 버스가 있나요?,Is there bus service to the airport?,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 9시 반 이후엔 버스가 다니지 않아요.,There is no bus service after nine-thirty.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 바로 그게 내가 하고 싶은 말이었다.,You took the words right out of my mouth.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 그는 유엔 대사 였습니다.,He was ambassador to the United Nations.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 그거 입어봐도 돼?,Can I try it on?,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 제 시간에 오셨네요.,You're on time.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 그 신발은 너무 비싼 것 같아요.,I find those shoes too expensive.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 전 많은 꿈을했습니다.,I have a lot of dreams.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 그 여자아이는 버스 안에서 노부인에게 자리를 내주었다.,The girl gave her seat to an old woman in the bus.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 그녀는 기분이 아주 좋다.,She is in a very good mood.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 몇 살 이세요?,How old are you?,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 나는 역으로 들어오는 기차를 봤다.,I saw the train come into the station.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 너의 제안은 무엇이냐?,What do you suggest?,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 반짝이는 것이 모두 금은 아니다.,All that glitters is not gold.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn "죄송하지만, 무슨 말인지 모르겠어요.","I'm sorry, but I don't understand.",kor_Hang-eng_Latn 제가 도와드릴게요.,Let me help you with that.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 내가 도와줄게.,I'll assist you.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn "미안하지만, 모르겠어.","Sorry, I don't follow.",kor_Hang-eng_Latn 우린 포기할 수 없어.,We can't give up.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 같이 다닐 수 없습니다. 돈이 떨어졌습니다.,I cannot keep you company. I'm short of money.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 그들의 설명은 모호했다.,Their explanation was confusing.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 그는 그의 성공을 그가 열심히 일한것에 대해 공을 돌렸다,He attributes his success to hard work.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 이것은 말입니다.,This is a horse.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 어떤 동물들은 야행성이야.,Some animals are active at night.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 그녀는 무서워서 떨고 있었다.,She was trembling with fear.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 이게 무슨 뜻이에요?,What does this mean?,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 밀리는 사과를 먹고 있어요.,Millie is eating an apple.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 당신의 실패를 당신의 부모님 탓으로 돌리는것은 옳지 않습니다,It's not fair to attribute your failure to your parents.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 지금 뭐하는 건데요?,What are you doing right now?,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 이것을 뭐라고 불러요?,What do you call this?,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 새미는 그의 아파트에서 잔인하게 살해당했다.,Sami has been brutally murdered in his apartment.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 걔가 딱이야. 내가 알아.,He is the one. I know it.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 오늘 비가 올까요?,Is it still going to rain today?,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 아버지는 좋은 사람입니다.,Father is a good person.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 그녀는 이틀전에 돌아가셨다.,She passed away two days ago.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 톰은 우리랑 같이 공원에 가고 싶지 않대.,Tom said he didn't want to go to the park with us.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 여기서 뭘 좀 먹어도 될까요?,Can I stay here to eat something?,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 어떻게 말해요?,How do you say it?,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 그 여자는 그 남자의 사생활에 대해 전혀 알고 싶어하질 않던데.,She didn't want to know anything about his personal life.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 멀리 보이나요?,Can you see far?,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 그는 종종 그의 성공을 그의 아내의 공으로 돌리곤 한다,He often attributes his success to his wife.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 할머니는 구수한 옛날 얘기를 들려주시곤 했다.,My grandmother used to tell me pleasant fairy tales.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 내 비밀은 이런 거야. 매우 간단한 거지. 오로지 마음으로 보아야만 정확하게 볼 수 있다는 거야. 가장 중요한 것은 눈에는 보이지 않는 법이야.,"And now here is my secret, a very simple secret: It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye.",kor_Hang-eng_Latn "너 결혼한거 톰한테 말 안했구나, 그치?","You haven't told Tom you're married, have you?",kor_Hang-eng_Latn 내 사생활 좀 그만 캐물어.,Don't pry into my private life.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 벌써 저녁이네. 피곤해서 글쓰기는 그만 끝내야겠다. 잘자!,"It's already evening, I'm tired and have to finish writing. Good night!",kor_Hang-eng_Latn 그들은 침묵을 지켰다.,They kept silence.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 문장에 틀렸거나 어색하다면 꼭 고쳐주시기 바랍니다!,Please edit the sentence if it is wrong or awkward.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 톰이 언제 여기 왔지?,When did Tom get here?,kor_Hang-eng_Latn "결국에 우리의 기억에 남는 것은, 적들의 말이 아닌 친구의 침묵이 될것이다.","In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.",kor_Hang-eng_Latn 나에겐 경치 좋은 산이 보이는 방이 있었다.,I had a room with a beautiful view of the mountains.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 나는 내가 몇살인지 모르겠다.,I don't know how old I am.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 그는 이웃주민의 행운을 부러워했다.,She was jealous of her neighbor's good fortune.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 더 이상 경제적이지 않아서 여객선 운항을 멈췄다.,They closed down the ferry service since it was no longer economical.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 양치기로 사는 건 나에게 맞지 않는 일이다.,I was not made for the life of a shepherd.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 톰이 이 일에는 성격이 잘 맞습니다.,Tom certainly has the right temperament for the job.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 언젠가 아이들은 다 둥지를 떠난다.,Children all leave the nest one day.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 그 남자는 많은 대출업자에게서 돈을 빌리는 사람이다.,That man borrows money from many lenders.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 너는 아빠랑 똑같다.,You're just like your father.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 그걸 다시 보고 싶다.,I want to see it again.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 그를 다시 보고 싶다.,I want to see that again.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 너는 걔처럼 빨리 수영할 수 있어?,Can you swim as fast as he can?,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 그 비극은 내 마음속 깊이 아로새겨 졌다.,That tragedy was etched in my mind.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 너가 파티에서 입을 것을 사자.,Let's buy something for you to wear to the party.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 내게 공을 던져라!,Please throw me the ball.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 그녀는 개발자입니까?,Is she a computer programmer?,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 존은 나의 가장 친한 친구야.,John is my best friend.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 내 실수 때문에 내 자신이 싫어.,I hate myself for my mistakes.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 그는 나를 저녁 식사에 초대했다.,He invited me to dinner.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 내가 모르는 의미를 가진 단어가 많이 있습니다.,There are many words with meanings I don't know.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 나는 컴퓨터를 사용합니다.,I'm using the computer.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 이건 쉬워요.,This is easy.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 이건 어려워요.,This is difficult.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 나는 미국문학에 관심이 있다.,I am interested in American literature.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 톰은 때때로 같이 운동하자고 졸라댔지만 나는 정말 운동에 관심이 없다.,"Tom occasionally prods me to work out with him, but I'm really not interested.",kor_Hang-eng_Latn 그 축구경기는 텔레비전에서 생중계되었다.,The football match was broadcasted live on television.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 그는 노어를 완벽하게 구사한다.,He speaks Russian perfectly.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 톰은 앞 줄에 앉았다.,Tom sat in the front row.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 톰은 운전면허 시험에 떨어질 듯 하다.,Tom isn't likely to pass the driving test.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 저는 다섯 개의 언어를 합니다.,I speak five languages.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 나는 사랑을 고수하기로 했다. 증오는 짊어지기에 너무 큰 짐이다.,I have decided to stick with love. Hate is too great a burden to bear.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 톰은 컴퓨터에 능숙하다.,Tom knows a lot about computers.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 톰은 마침내 일자리를 구했다.,Tom finally got a job.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 잭은 우표를 모은다.,Jack collects stamps.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 메리는 응급 의료사가 되기 위한 훈련을 다 받았다.,Mary completed the training to become an emergency medical technician.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 그 일은 내일 해도 돼?,Can the matter wait till tomorrow?,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 그는 상금을 은행에 입급했다.,He deposited the prize money in the bank.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 은행 문 열었어요?,Is the bank open?,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 그 은행은 어디에 있어요?,Where is the bank?,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 그 은행은 어디 있어?,Where's the bank?,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 은행 문 닫혀 있었어?,Was the bank closed?,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 그는 존이라는 세례명을 받았다.,He was christened John.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 이 나라에는 일자리가 없다.,There are no jobs in this country.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 이 나라에는 일자리가 적다.,There are few jobs in this country.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 이 나라에서 일자리를 찾는 것은 어렵다.,It's hard to find a job in this country.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 버스를 놓쳤어요.,I missed the bus.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 이거 똥 아니고 진흙이야.,It's not shit. It's mud.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 그는 이제 너를 귀찮게 하지 않을 거야.,He won't bother you anymore.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 차 안에 Tom과 같이 있는 사람이 누구야?,Who's that in the car with Tom?,kor_Hang-eng_Latn "Tom이 ""Happy Birthday"" 노래를 부르기 시작했다.","Tom began to sing ""Happy Birthday.""",kor_Hang-eng_Latn 병원으로 데려다 주세요.,Please take me to the hospital.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 내가 병원으로 데려다 줄게요.,Let me take you to the hospital.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 그 누구도 그 단어를 그렇게 발음하지 않는다.,No one pronounces the word that way.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 그 발음은 구식이야.,That pronunciation is old-fashioned.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 내게는 쌍둥이 언니가 있다.,I am a twin.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 그가 올때 우리는 경기를 시작 할거에요.,We will begin the match when he comes.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 하나만 약속해 줘.,You just have to promise me one thing.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 이 근처에 약국 있어요?,Is there a pharmacy nearby?,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 그 모든 문제의 해답이 있다.,There is a solution to every problem.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 달걀이 아직 뜨겁다.,The eggs are still hot.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 항상 거기뿐 가서있어. 기분 전환에 프랑스 요리의 가게에 가자.,We're always going there! Let's go to a French restaurant for a change.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 영어는 언어다.,English is a language.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 그는 은행에서 일한다.,He works at the bank.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 내 마지막 편지는 찢어 버렸길 바란다.,I hope you tore up my last letter.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 나는 한국에 가서 맛있는 것을 먹고 싶다.,I'm going to Korea and weat to eat good food.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 믿음과 신뢰의 차이점은 무엇입니까?,What's the difference between faith and trust?,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 지금 나 누구랑 얘기하니?,Who am I currently speaking to?,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 그녀의 시선을 등 뒤에서 느꼈다.,I felt her eyes on my back.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 우리는 지금 떠나야 한다.,We ought to leave now.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 이것은 사전이다.,It's a dictionary.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 또 너에게 번호를 물어보지 못했어.,I wasn't able to ask for your phone number again.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 피고는 판결에 대항하여 바로 항소하였다.,The defendant appealed against the sentence without hesitation.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 당신은 그녀의 아버지를 알고 있나요?,Do you know her father?,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 새로운 계획에 반대하는 사람있습니까?,Does anyone oppose the new plan?,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 이 바이크는 별로 안전하지 않아. 바퀴가 너무 흔들려.,This bike isn't safe to ride; the wheel wobbles too much.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 이것은 내 사전이다.,This is my dictionary.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 시간이 다 되었읍니다.,It's about time.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 늦어서 죄송합니다.,Sorry for being late.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 잘 지냈어?,How are you?,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 도전하지 않으면 얻는 것도 없다.,"No risk, no reward.",kor_Hang-eng_Latn 나는 임신 4개월이다.,I am four months pregnant.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 다음은 누구 차례지?,Whose turn is it next?,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 다음 분 오세요.,"Next person, please.",kor_Hang-eng_Latn 완전 말도 안돼!,That can't be!,kor_Hang-eng_Latn "1, 3, 5는 홀수이다.","And 1, 3, 5 are odd numbers.",kor_Hang-eng_Latn 의심할 여시가 없읍니다,It's out of the question.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn "2, 4, 6 등은 짝수이다.","2, 4, 6 etc. are even numbers.",kor_Hang-eng_Latn 영어 알파벳은 몇 개의 글자로 되어 있습니까?,How many letters are there in the English alphabet?,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 러시아어 알파벳은 몇 개의 글자로 되어 있어요?,How many letters does the Russian alphabet have?,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 알파벳은 몇 개의 글자로 되어 있습니까?,How many letters are there in the alphabet?,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 어떻세요?,What's going on?,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 세탁기가 고장났다.,The washing machine is out of order.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 카드 돼요?,Does my card work here?,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 어디에 살고 있습니까?,Where are you living?,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 무슨 일입니까?,What is going on?,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 나는 캐비아를 먹었다.,I ate caviar.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 나는 그녀에게 긴 편지를 썼다.,I wrote a long letter to her.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 넌 마음이 좋구나.,You are as good as gold.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 나는 시간이 없읍니다.,I don't have time.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 이 편지를 등기로 보내고 싶어요.,I want to have this letter registered.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 내 생일은 3월 22일이다.,My birthday is on March 22.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 내 생일은 11월 10일이다.,My birthday is November 10th.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 요리 좋아해요?,Do you like cooking?,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 그는 힘든 삶을 사랐다.,He lived a hard life.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 그녀는 힘든 삶을 살았다.,She's had a hard life.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 무엇을 좋아하세요?,What do you like?,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 뭘 좋아해?,What are you fond of?,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 부탁은 하나뿐,I have but one wish.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 랩 좋아해요?,Do you like rap?,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 영어 좋아해요?,Do you like English?,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 금연,Smoking is prohibited.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 생선 좋아해요?,Do you like fish?,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 노래하는 거 좋아해요?,Do you like singing?,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 가을이 되었습니다.,Autumn is here.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 가을을 제일 좋아해요.,I like autumn most.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 나는 가을보다 봄이 좋아.,I prefer spring to autumn.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 일석이조,To kill two birds with one stone.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 그녀의 머리카락은 길다.,Her hair is long.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 늘 그 책을 읽고 싶었어요.,I always want to read that book.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 우리 회사는 유한회사이다.,Our company is a limited company.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 이 사전은 내 것이다.,This dictionary is mine.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 절대로 안 된다.,Over my dead body.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 대단히 감사합니다,Thank you very much!,kor_Hang-eng_Latn "안녕하세요,예약을 했는데요, 제이름은 카오리 요시카와 입니다. 확인카드는 여기있습니다.","Hello, I have a reservation, my name is Kaori Yoshikawa. Here is the confirmation card.",kor_Hang-eng_Latn 이 투명한 액체는 독 성분을 포함하고 있다.,This transparent liquid contains a kind of poison.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 이 투명한 액체는 독을 포함하고 있다.,This transparent liquid contains poison.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 물은 투명하다.,Water is transparent.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 투명한 폴더 가지고 있나요?,Do you have a transparent folder?,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 솔직하고 투명한 정보와 대화가 상호 신뢰의 기초이다.,"Candidness and transparency, information and communication are the basis of mutual trust.",kor_Hang-eng_Latn 한 단어는 수정처럼 투명한 변하지 않는게 아니라 의미의 한 표현일 뿐이며 사용되는 상황과 시간에 따라서 매우 다양하게 변화 될수 있다.,"A word is not a crystal, transparent and unchanging, it is the skin of a living thought and may vary greatly in colour and content according to the circumstances and time in which it is used.",kor_Hang-eng_Latn 비가 올 것 같아.,It looks like it'll rain.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 역사를 무시하는 사람들은 역사를 되풀이하게 된다.,People who ignore history tend to repeat it.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 톰은 매리한테 거기서 수영하지 말라고 말했다.,Tom told Mary not to swim there.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 내 독일인 친구 이름은 한스예요.,My German friend's name is Hans.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 그녀를 놀라게 해줄 거야.,I'll surprise her.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 별명 있어요?,Do you have a nickname?,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 그건 내 사전이야.,That's my dictionary.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 그 금발 소녀는 정말 멋진 가슴 골을 가지고 있다.,The blonde girl has a really nice cleavage.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 나는 유죄 판결을 받았다.,I was convicted.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 오렌지는 무슨 색이에요?,What colour is orange?,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 제가 뭘 해야 하는지 말해주세요.,Tell me what I must do.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 그녀의 신앙심은 흔들림이 없다.,Her faith in God is unshaken.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn "나는 남과 다르게 멋있게 보이고 싶어서 하와이안 티셔츠와 녹색 반바지 입는 걸 좋아했지만, 빠르게 흰색 셔츠와 검정 바지에 익숙해졌다.","I preferred wearing my Hawaiian T-shirt and green shorts to be cool and different, but I quickly got used to the white shirt and black slacks.",kor_Hang-eng_Latn 우리는 오랜 시간을 열심히 일한 후에는 게을러 지려는 경향이 있다.,We tend to slack off after many hours of hard work.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 그 사람의 바지는 많이 주름져 있다.,His slacks are all wrinkled.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 글쓴이들은 저 집에 있다.,The writers are in that house.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 그는 게으름 때문에 직장에서 짤렸다.,He got the sack for slacking off at work.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 그 영화는 성인만을 위한 것이다.,Only adults can see this film.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 중요한 건 누구도 맡겨진 일에서 게으름을 피울수 있게 허락되지 않았다는 것이다.,It is important that no one is allowed to slack off on their assigned work.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 곧 다시 보자!,I'll see you later.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 그는 처음 헬스클럽에 갔을때는 정말 열심이었지만 몇 달이 지난후 게으름을 피우기 시작했고 결국 관두고 말았다.,He was really gung-ho when he started at the gym but after a few months he started slacking off and then stopped coming altogether.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 마지막으로 그를 봤을때 그는 파란 셔츠에 흰색 바지를 입고 있었다.,"When I last saw him, he was wearing a blue shirt and white slacks.",kor_Hang-eng_Latn 신만이 아실 것입니다.,Only God knows.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 탐에게 여유를 좀 주자.,Let's cut Tom some slack.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 탐은 메리에게 아무런 기회도 주지 않았다.,Tom didn't cut Mary any slack.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn "나의 사촌이 아직 어려서, 그들은 그에게 좀 더 기회를 줬다.","Because my nephew was still young, they cut him some slack.",kor_Hang-eng_Latn 나 좀 내버려 둬.,Cut me some slack.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 그는 게으름 때문에 회사에서 짤렸다.,He got fired for slacking off at work.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 보기보다 어렵지는 않을 거야.,Maybe it's not as hard as it looks.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 내가 피곤한 건 더워서라기 보다 습해서야.,It is not so much the heat as the humidity that makes me tired.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 얼마나 자주 치과에 가야 되나요?,How many times do you have to go to the dentist?,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 우리 한동안 못 봤지!,We haven't seen you in a while.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 하루에 몇 번이나 거울을 보나요?,How many times a day do you look at yourself in the mirror?,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 다들 알고 있어.,Everybody knows that.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 어제 슬픈 일이 생겼어.,A sad accident took place yesterday.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 경기가 드디어 좋아지기 시작한다.,Business is at last beginning to pick up.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 아이들은 들어올 수 없습니다.,Children are not allowed in.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 얘는 원래 소극적이야.,He was passive by nature.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 이 씨디들은 내 꺼야.,Those are my CDs.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 우리는 삼촌의 방문을 기쁜 마음으로 기다리고 있다.,We await the visit of our uncle with a happy heart.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 켄이에요. 그는 정말 그의 개를 좋아해요.,This is Ken. He loves his dog.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 어디에서 오셨습니까?,Where are you coming from?,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 이 그림은 폭풍이 치는 바다를 나타내고 있습니다.,This painting is a representation of a storm at sea.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 천에 백을 더하면 천백이 된다.,"If you add one hundred to one thousand, you get eleven hundred.",kor_Hang-eng_Latn 여기 매일 오세요?,Do you come here every day?,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 런던에 얼마 동안 머무르니?,How long are you going to be in London?,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 그건 농담이었어.,It was a joke.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 그 여자는 오빠가 다섯명 있어.,She has five older brothers.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 그들은 조각 흉내를 내고 있다.,They have taken the form of sculptures.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 좀 더 있다 머물지 그래.,Stay a little longer.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 나는 차라리 집에 있겠다.,I would rather stay at home.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 검도와 거합도는 뭐가 다르죠?,What is the difference between Iaido and Kendo?,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 머리가 아파요.,I have a headache.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 나는 뉴욕에서 길을 잃었다.,In New York I lost my way.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 이것 참 믿을수 없는 놈이네.,What a dishonest fellow!,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 일본의 날씨는 영국보다 따듯하다.,The climate of Japan is milder than that of England.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 포르투갈은 이웃이 하나 있고 그건 스페인이다.,Portugal has only one neighbor and it's Spain.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 영국은 브리즈 힐을 함락시켰다.,The British captured Breed's Hill.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 그렇게 구성없게 굴지 마라!,Don't be ridiculous!,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 즐거운 시간 보내라!,Have a nice time.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 다음 주 발라톤에 갈 거야.,Next week I’m going to the Balaton.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 나는 친구가 많다.,I have many friends.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 공부해요.,I will study.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn "만약 당신에게 이 책이 없다면, 그것을 사면 됩니다.","If you do not have this book, you can buy it.",kor_Hang-eng_Latn 언어 목록에서 왜 몰타어가 빠졌는가?,Why doesn't the list of languages include Maltese?,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 이걸 쓰실 겁니까?,Are you going to use this?,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 트위터의 슬로건은 '당신이 사는 세상에서 지금 무슨 일이 일어나고 있는지 알 수 있는 가장 좋은 방법'이다.,"The motto of Twitter is ""The best way to discover what's new in your world"".",kor_Hang-eng_Latn 신께서 당신을 축복하시길.,May God bless you.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 신께서 당신을 지켜주시길.,May God keep you!,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 이 가위 잘 안들어요.,These scissors don't cut well.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 오븐이 뜨거우니까 화상입지 않게 조심해.,The oven's hot so be careful not to burn yourself.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 나는 그녀를 기다리고 있어요.,I'm waiting for her to come here.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 우리는 운전하다 길을 잃었어요.,We got lost while driving.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 나는 그 여자의 제안을 거절해야만 했어.,I had to refuse her offer.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 밤에 혼자 산책하는 것은 위험해요?,Is it dangerous to go out for walks at night?,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 저는 거기 가는 것을 원하지 않아요.,I don't want to go there.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 5814를 반올림한 가장 가까운 천 단위 숫자가 뭐지?,What is 5814 rounded to the nearest thousand?,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 심심해서 죽을 것 같아.,I'm bored to death.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 학생 할인이 있어요?,Is there a student discount?,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 나는 너의 가장 친한 친구도 가장 나쁜 적도 될 수 있어.,I can be your best friend or your worst enemy.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 그 여자는 자기 아들을 자랑스럽게 생각했다.,She prides herself on her son.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 그 여자는 자기의 불행을 만나는 사람 모두에게 말한다.,She tells her tale of misery to everyone she meets.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 그는 나에게 신의 축복을 빌어주었다.,He prayed God to bless me.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 너는 우리 가족에게 정말 큰 도움이 되고 있어.,You've been a great help to our family.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 탐을 메리를 위해서 설거지를 했다.,Tom did the dishes for Mary.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 저 남자 아이가 저기에 얼마나 오래 앉아 있었는지 얘기 좀 해줘.,Tell me how long that boy has been sitting there.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 게임 팩을 게임기에 꽂았을 때 게임 팩의 금속 단자가 더러우면 게임이 잘 시작되지 않을수도 있다.,If the metal plate terminal of the game cassette is dirty it may be difficult for the game to start when the cassette is inserted into the game console.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 그 사람은 음악에 대한 재능이 있다.,He has something of the musician in him.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 나는 다음주에 시카고로 갈거야.,I'm leaving for Chicago next week.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 나는 자전거와 하드 락 콘서트를 좋아해.,I love biking and hard rock concerts.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 기다릴 수 밖에 없다.,I can but wait.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 그 남자는 자가용이 있다.,He has his own car.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 문 좀 잠궈주세요.,Please lock the door.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 작년에 눈이 엄청 내렸어.,Last year there was a lot of snow.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 이곳의 분위기는 매우 신비하다.,This place has a mysterious atmosphere to it.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 이것은 테이블입니다.,This is a table.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 탐은 메리에게 줄 선물을 골랐다.,Tom picked out a gift for Mary.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 탐은 우리에게 의견을 물어 보지 않았다.,Tom didn't ask for our opinions.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 그 아이의 자유 시간이 제한된다.,That child's free time is circumscribed.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 그 아이는 보통 여자들과 행동이 달랐다.,She did not act like a normal girl.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 그에 관한 모든 것이 잿빛이었다.,Everything about him was grey.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 이 에디션은 7000 카피 한정판이다.,This edition is limited to seven thousand copies.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 너 그 사람을 오빠-동생으로 생각하니? 아니면 애인으로 사랑하니?,Do you love him like a brother or do you love-love him?,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 저한테 신경 쓰지마세요,Please don't mind me.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 나한테 신경 쓰지마,Don't worry about me.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 다른 사람을 귀찮게 할 수 있다.,The others can't be bothered.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 그는 모든 메시지를 외워야 했다.,He had to commit the whole message to memory.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 간밤에 잘 잤으므로 오늘 아침 기분이 좋다.,"Having slept well last night, I feel very fine this morning.",kor_Hang-eng_Latn 이래라 저래라 하지 마세요.,Do not tell me what to do.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 사랑과 우정 사이에 경계선을 긋는 것은 매우 어려운 일이다.,It is very difficult to draw the boundary between love and friendship.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 나는 우리팀이 우승했다는 소식을 들었다.,I heard the news that our team had won.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 나는 릭을 그가 뉴질랜드로 돌아간 뒤에는 못 봤어.,I haven't seen Rick since he returned from New Zealand.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 아이에게 이치를 말해도 소용없다,It is no use reasoning with a child.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 그 사람은 동작이 빨라요.,He acts quickly.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 그 아이는 장난이 심하다.,That child is full of mischief.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 네 혈액형이 뭐지?,What is your blood type?,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 탁자 위에 놓고 온 것 같아.,Maybe I left it on the table.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 벽에 걸려있는 그림을 좀 봐.,Look at the picture on the wall.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 네 애미랑 씹해라.,Fuck your mom.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 에이미는 지금 음악을 듣고 있어요.,Aimee is listening to music now.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 당신은 의사입니까?,Are you a doctor?,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 우리는 당초의 목표를 달성하지 못했다,We couldn't reach the initial goal.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 좋은 생각을 가지고 있네요.,You've had a great idea.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 그 남자에게 사실대로 말해.,I urge you to tell him the truth.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 내 생각에는 이게 가장 좋은 방법 같아.,I think it's the best way.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 부뚜막의 소금도 집어넣어야 짜다.,"No pain, no gain.",kor_Hang-eng_Latn 나는 좋다!,I am good.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 이 문장은 괜찮은데.,This sentence is fine.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 하와이는 지상낙원이라 불린다.,Hawaii is known as an earthly paradise.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 꿈자리가 사나워 잠을 설쳤다,I couldn't sleep well because of a harsh dream.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 일본어를 하는 직원들이 있나요?,Do you have any employees who speak Japanese?,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 많은 서양 작곡가들에게 유감스럽게도 스틸 드럼과 스틸 팬 드럼은 완벽한 반음계가 아니다.,"To the chagrin of many Western composers, steel drums, or steelpans, tend not to be fully chromatic.",kor_Hang-eng_Latn 제 사촌은 기자예요.,My cousin is a journalist.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 난 마실꺼리를 준비할께.,I'll fix a drink.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 세상 참 좁네요!,Such a small world!,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 개 눈에는 똥만 보인다,You can only see what you like the most.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 짚신도 짝이 있다,Every Jack has his Jill.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 개는 잘 짖는 다고 좋은 개가 아니다.,A dog who is a good barker is not a good dog.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 그녀는 스무 살에 선생님이 되었다.,She became a teacher when she was twenty.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 우리 중 아무도 그 사람의 의견에 반대하지 않는다.,None of us are against his idea.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 나는 가끔 한번씩 말 타는 걸 좋아합니다.,I like to ride a horse now and then.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 고슴도치에 놀란 호랑이 밤송이 보고 절한다.,A tiger surprised by a hedgehog will bow before the chestnut burrs.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 고양이가 발톱을 감춘다.,The cat hides its claws.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 당신이 메리를 죽였나요?,Did you kill Mary?,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 하늘의 무지개를 볼 때 내 마음은 설렌다.,"When I see a rainbow in the sky, my heart flutters with joy.",kor_Hang-eng_Latn 전화번호 좀 줄래요?,Could you give me your phone number?,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 나는 일찍 자기 때문에 일출을 보려 일찍 일어날 수 있다.,I go to bed early so I can get up to capture the sunrise.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 누가 거기에 갈지 나보고 결정하게 하다니 너 참 잔인하구나.,You are so cruel to make me decide whom to go there.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 그 회의는 정오에 끝났다.,The meeting came to an end at noon.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 탐에게 돌아오자 마자 전화해 달라고 물어봐 주세요.,Ask Tom to call me as soon as he returns.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 불규칙 동사의 활용 - 영어를 배우는 사람들의 필수.,Conjugation of irregular verbs - essential for those learning English.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 이 약이 좀 편하게 해줄거에요.,This medicine will give you some relief.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 만약 그 일이 일어나면 너는 뭘 할꺼니?,"If that happened, what would you do?",kor_Hang-eng_Latn 장가들었느냐?,Did you get married?,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 그 남자는 작은 목소리로 말했다.,The man spoke with a small voice.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 밖은 아직 환해요.,It's still bright outside.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 문장은 단어들의 맥락을 제공한다. 문장은 개성을 가지고 있다. 재밌기도 하고 영리하기도 하며 바보 같음과 통찰력도 가지기도 하고 감동과 상처를 주기도 한다.,"Sentences bring context to the words. Sentences have personalities. They can be funny, smart, silly, insightful, touching, hurtful.",kor_Hang-eng_Latn 그는 그때 돈이 없었다.,He had no money with him then.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 감사하는 빛이 그의 얼굴에 역력하다.,An expression of gratitude can be clearly seen on his face.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 여자들은 대부분 화려한 결혼식을 꿈꿔.,Most women dream of a splendid wedding.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 그들이 그렇게 외설적인 언어를 쓰다니 정말 역겹다.,To think they would use such indecent language! It's really disgusting.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 탐은 메리와 뽀뽀하고 싶었지만 시도할 용기가 없었다.,"Tom wanted to kiss Mary, but he didn't have the nerve to try.",kor_Hang-eng_Latn 그녀가 돌아오면 나는 떠날거야.,I'll leave when she comes back.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 그 사람 돈이 모두 사라졌어.,His money was all gone.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 톰은 연구 개발을 하고 있어요.,Tom works in research and development.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 나는 건축을 얼어있는 음악이라고 부른다.,I call architecture frozen music.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 많이 좋아져서 나는 더이상 병원에 갈 필요가 없다.,I don't have to go to the doctor any more. I'm feeling much better.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 토미는 그 마지막 질문에 대답할 수 없었다.,Tommy couldn't answer the last question.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 나는 포르투갈에 있어.,I'm in Portugal.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 거기에 한번 있었던 적이 있어.,I was there once.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 메리는 개를 무서워한다.,Merry is scared of dogs.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 다행히도 너무 심해지기 전에 불이 꺼졌다.,"Fortunately, the fire was put out before it became too serious.",kor_Hang-eng_Latn 기름과 물은 혼합되지 않는다.,Oil and water do not mix.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 너 수영할 수 있니?,Can you swim?,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 톰은 메리 생각 하느라 시간을 다 보낸다.,Tom spends all his time thinking about Mary.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 당신은 삼일전에 일을 끝냈다고 말했다.,You told her that you had finished the work three days before.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 숲에는 야생동물들이 있다.,Wild animals live in the forest.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 제비 한 마리가 여름을 만들지는 못한다.,One swallow doesn't make a spring.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 그 책상에는 먼지가 많이 쌓여 있다.,The desk is covered with dust.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn "하지만, 적절하지 못한 순간이었다.","However, the moment was not very appropriate.",kor_Hang-eng_Latn 나는 더이상 무시당하는 것을 참지 않겠다.,I refuse to be ignored any longer.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 나는 이전에 그를 만났던 걸 기억한다.,I remember seeing him before.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 네가 이렇게 자랑스러운 적은 없었다.,I've never been so proud of you.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 마유코는 내 사과를 한 입 베어물었다.,Mayuko took a bite of my apple.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 그는 바람을 피웠다.,He cheated on me.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 소년은 노예로 팔렸다.,The boy was sold into slavery.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 나는 아기를 깨우지 않으려고 문을 살며시 닫았다.,I closed the door quietly so I wouldn't wake the baby up.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn "돼지들은 악취가 나지만, 후각이 아주 좋다.","Pigs smell bad, but they have a very good sense of smell.",kor_Hang-eng_Latn "나는 승리합니다. 그러나 만약 이길 수 없더라도, 용기를 잃지 않고 도전하겠습니다.","Let me win. But if I cannot win, let me be brave in the attempt.",kor_Hang-eng_Latn 나는 그녀가 안됀다고 말하는 걸 들어 본적이 없다.,I have never heard her say 'No'.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 그들은 서로 싫어했다.,They hated each other.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 우리가 톰을 도울 필요가 있을 수도 있다.,We might need to help Tom.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 그것은 학교입니다.,That is a school.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 톰은 죽어가고 있었다.,Tom was dying.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 이 가게에서는 제대로 된 옷차림을하세요.,You are expected to dress well for this shop.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 집에 가십시오.,Please go home.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 같이 춤 좀 출까요?,Shall we dance a bit?,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 우리는 집에 갑니다.,We are going home.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 와줘서 고마워.,I'm so glad that you're here.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 3년전 당신은 어디에 있었습니까?,Where were you 3 years ago?,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 너의 그런 점이 맘에 들어.,I like that about you.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 네 시계 맞니?,Is your watch correct?,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 오늘 밤엔 별이 안보이네.,There are no stars tonight.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 널 사랑해!,I love you!,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 이건 허리가 좀 너무 크네.,This is a bit too loose around my waist.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 공부할 방이 없다.,I have no room to study in.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 나는 1960년 2월 14일에 태어났다.,"I was born on February 14, 1960.",kor_Hang-eng_Latn 하마는 아프리카에 산다.,Hippos live in Africa.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 내일 노보리베츠 건가니?,Are you going to Noboribetsu tomorrow?,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 네 시계 정확하니?,Does your watch keep good time?,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 시카고 왕복표 한 장 주세요.,I want a round-trip ticket to Chicago.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 나는 정말로 그것을 놓치고 싶지 않다.,I really don't want to miss that.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 그는 아프리카에서 태어났다.,He was born in Africa.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 집에가는 길 집에 들러주세요.,Please drop in at my house on your way home.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 아직 10 분 안 됬어요.,It hasn' been 10 minutes yet.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 제 이름은 잭입니다.,My name is Jack.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 그는 자기 아내에게 늘 진실했었다고 한다.,He says he has always been true to his wife.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 그의 비위를 맞추기가 너무 힘들다.,It's hard to please him.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 좀더 크게 말해라.,Speak a little louder.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 너의 연구는 열매를 맺을 거야.,Your study will bear fruit.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 나는 이 소음을 참을 수 없다.,I cannot stand this noise.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 그녀는 당황해서 얼굴이 빨개졌다.,She blushed with shame.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 그는 머리를 좌우로 흔들었다.,He shook his head.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 나는 머리를 흔들었다.,I shook my head.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 그녀의 뺨에 키스를 했다.,He kissed her cheek.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 나는 콧물이 흐른다.,My nose is running.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 숨울 깊이 들이마십시오.,Please take a deep breath.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 그렇게 생각합니다.,I suppose so.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 입에 음식을 가득 담고 말하지 않는다.,Don't speak with your mouth full!,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 케이트는 잃어버렸던 손목시계를 찾았다.,Kate found the watch which she had lost.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 그는 매일 면도한다.,He shaves himself every day.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 너무 엄격하게 굴지마라. 그냥 아이들일 뿐이다.,Don't be too strict. They're just kids.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 종종 다른 사람을 말을 듣기 위해 우리는 침묵을 지킬 필요가 있다.,Stanisław Jerzy Lec once said: Sometimes you have to be silent to make yourself heard.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 천천히 하세요.,Take your time.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 실례합니다. 대전에 가는 다음 기차가 몇시에 있습니까?,Excuse me. What time is the next train to Taejon?,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 나 내년에 입학시험을 봐야 돼.,I have to take the entrance exams next year.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 한국말을 공부합니다.,I study Korean.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 어제 몇명이서 동물원에 갔어요?,How many people came to the zoo yesterday?,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 인간은 이성이 있는 동물이에요.,Man is a rational animal.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 그는 새벽에 왔다.,He came at dawn.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 지구는 하나의 행성입니다.,Earth is a planet.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 우리가 단번에 성공하지 못해도 내가 임신할 때까지 계속 섹스할 수 있어.,Even if we don't get lucky on the first try we can just keep fucking till I get pregnant.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 와! 정말 크다.,"Wow, that's so big.",kor_Hang-eng_Latn 너 어디 가고 싶니?,Where do you want to go?,kor_Hang-eng_Latn "그는 이상하고, 나는 이상한 사람 싫어.","He is strange, and I don't like strange people.",kor_Hang-eng_Latn 그는 방 한쪽에서 다른 쪽으로 갔었다.,He walked up and down the room.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn "인간은 언어로부터 문법을 배우지, 문법으로부터 언어를 배우지 않는다.","One learns grammar from language, not language from grammar.",kor_Hang-eng_Latn 한국에서 무슨 언어를 말해요?,What language do they speak in Korea?,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 우리는 요금을 올릴 것을 제안합니다.,We suggest raising the fees.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 그녀는 그에게 행복하냐고 물었다.,She asked him if he was happy.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 편지에 우표 붙이는거 잊지마.,Don't forget to put a stamp on the letter.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 엄마와 나는 여러모로 다르다.,Mother and I are different in every way.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 그 남자는 살인으로 수배중이다.,The man is wanted for murder.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 커피 한 잔 어때요?,How about a cup of coffee?,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 저 산에 오르려면 좋은 장비가 있어야 돼.,You need good equipment to climb that mountain.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 커피 마실래?,Do you want to drink coffee?,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 커피 어때?,How does coffee sound?,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 커피 한 잔?,Do you want a cup of coffee?,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 그는 빚을 지게 되었다.,He has gone into debt.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 일어날 때 마다 어지러워.,I feel dizzy every time I get up.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 그넘은 버릇 없는 넘이야.,He's very rude.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 아랍어로 쓰는 것은 처음이에요.,This is the first time I've written anything in Arabic.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 톰은 메리가 피아노 치는 것을 듣는 것을 좋아했다.,Tom liked to listen to Mary play the piano.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 너는 아르바이트를 해요?,Do you work part-time?,kor_Hang-eng_Latn "산타 할아버지, 크리스마스 선물로 여자친구를 받고 싶어요","Santa Claus, I want to receive a girlfriend for Christmas.",kor_Hang-eng_Latn 다 했읍니까?,Are you done?,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 세상에 공짜가 어딨어?,Nothing is free.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 우리는 톰의 도움없이 이것을 할 수 있다.,We can do this without Tom's help.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 숙제 하세요,Do your homework.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 무엇을 공부합니까?,What do you study?,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 제 이름은 제임스입니다.,My name is James.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 흡연은 자살을 의미한다.,Smoking means suicide.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 그는 내 친구야. 넌 그를 알고 있어?,He's my friend. Do you know him?,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 2 더하기 2는 4이다.,Two plus two makes four.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 우리 새벽에 일어났다.,We got up at dawn.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 그사람들이 뭐 해요?,What are those people doing?,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 우리 새벽에 일어났어요.,We woke up at the crack of dawn.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 넌 가야 해요.,You have to go.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 오스트리아에서는 고속도로 사용을 위해서 통행료를 지불해야 한다.,"In Austria, you have to pay to use the highway.",kor_Hang-eng_Latn 그는 자살했다.,He committed suicide.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 잠시 휴식하지.,Let's take a short break.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 오늘 힘든 하루를 보냈다.,Today was a very tough day.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 나는 메리의 향수 냄새를 맡을 수 있다. 그녀는 좀 전에 여기에 있었음에 틀림없다.,I can smell Mary's perfume. She must have been here earlier.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 금연석을 부탁드립니다.,I would like to sit in the non-smoking section.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 그걸 어디에 숨겼니?,Where did you hide them?,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 너 똑똑하다.,You are sharp.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 아무리 머리를 굴려 봐도 답이 안 나와.,I racked my brain and still could not come up with the answer.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 무대에서 쓰러지는 한이 있더라도 공연을 취소할 수는 없습니다.,I cannot cancel the show even if I would collapse on the stage.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 어제 술을 너무 많이 마셔서 오늘 머리가 깨질 것처럼 아파요.,I drank so much alcohol yesterday that my head feels like it will explode.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 그 여자가 파티에 입고 온 드레스가 사람들의 눈길을 끌었지.,Her dress attracted everyone's attention at the party.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 누구를 채용해야 할지 확신이 안 서.,I'm not quite sure who we should hire.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 나는 건조한 피부를 가지고 있다.,I have dry skin.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 톰은 떠날 준비가 거의 다 됐대.,Tom says he's almost ready to leave.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 지혜로운 리더는 언제 들어야 할지를 안다.,A wise leader knows when to listen.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 좋은데에 데려가줄게.,I'm taking you to somewhere nice.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 톰은 너무 늙었어.,Tom was too old.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 난 그에게 동의하지 않아.,I don't agree with him.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn "세상은 넓고, 그 안엔 다양한 삶과 언어, 문화들이 존재한다.","In our wide world, there exist countless lifestyles, languages and cultures.",kor_Hang-eng_Latn 톰은 전화기를 쾅 놓았다.,Tom slammed down the phone.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn "그래서 나는 여행을 사랑하고, 많은 문화와 언어를 경험하고 싶다.","That's why I like traveling, and would like to experience many different cultures.",kor_Hang-eng_Latn 부모를 공경해야 한다.,We should respect our parents.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 나는 프랑스에 두 번(내가 대학생일 때와 내가 모로코에 있었을 때) 방문했다.,"I visited France twice, once when I was a university student, the second time during a stay in Morocco.",kor_Hang-eng_Latn 그 기간동안 나는 오직 빠리에서만 짧게 머물렀기 때문에 그 기간이 매우 아쉬웠다.,"Each time I spent only a short time in Paris, and this has given me much to regret.",kor_Hang-eng_Latn "내가 모로코에서 만난 프랑스 친구가 나에게 빠리의 공기(분위기)가 프랑스의 전부를 나타내는 것이 아니며, 다른 도시들과 시골이 아주 아름답다고 말했다.","I found a French friend in Morocco. She told me that the atmosphere in Paris is not that of the rest of France, and that other cities and provinces are very beautiful.",kor_Hang-eng_Latn "그 말을 들은 후부터 나는 프랑스의 도시들과 시골을 여행하고 싶어졌고, 아름다운 언어인 프랑스어를 배우고 싶어졌으며, 무엇보다도, 프랑스 음식을 내 손으로 직접 만들고 싶어졌다.또한 프랑스의 분위기를 느끼고 싶다.","Since I heard this, I want to travel french cities and provinces, learn beautiful French, and more than anything prepare French cuisine with my own hands. And feel the atmosphere of France.",kor_Hang-eng_Latn "그래서 나는 프랑스에 오래 머무르고 싶고, 그러기 위한 돈이 필요하다.",This is why I would like an extended visa as well as as funds for my stay.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 로프를 잡으세요.,Grab the rope.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 나는 친구와 함께 9월 3일에 로스앤젤레스에서 서울에 갈 거에요.,"On September 3rd, I will go from Los Angeles to Seoul with a friend.",kor_Hang-eng_Latn 나는 고양이 두 마리를 가지고 있다.,I have two cats.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 대단히 감사합니다!,Thanks a lot!,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 자동차를 차고에 놓어두었다.,I left the car in the garage.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 우편료가 가격에 포함되어 있다.,The price includes postage charges.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 나는 톰에게 경고해야 해.,I need to warn Tom.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 톰의 집이 불타고 있다.,Tom's house is on fire.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 티비에서 봤어요.,I've seen you on TV.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 톰은 센디에고로 이사했다.,Tom moved to San Diego.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 모두들 잃어버린 아이를 찾아 보았다.,Everyone looked for the missing kid.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 나는 톰에게 내 일 좀 맡아달라고 부탁했다.,I've asked Tom to take my place.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 제인은 매우 만족해 하는 것처럼 보인다.,Jane looks very happy.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 톰은 만족해 하는 것처럼 보인다.,Tom looks pleased.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn "기상악화때문에, 출발이 연기되었다.","With the weather getting worse, the departure was put off.",kor_Hang-eng_Latn 우리는 집에 가는 중입니다.,We are on the way home.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 나는 봉급에 만족하고 있다.,I'm satisfied with my salary.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn "날씨가 나빠서, 비행기가 연착되었다.",The weather was bad so the plane was delayed.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn "대문이 잠겨있어서, 우리는 집에 들어 갈 수 없었다.","Because the entrance was locked, we couldn't enter the house.",kor_Hang-eng_Latn 우리는 고객의 만족을 위해서 최선을 다한다.,Customer satisfaction is our number one priority.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 잔돈은 가지세요.,Keep the change.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn "3년 만에 컴백, 그동안 어떻게 지냈는가.","After a comeback of 3 years, how have (they) been doing?",kor_Hang-eng_Latn 즐거운 성탄절과 복된 새해를 기원합니다.,Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 이 일은 인내를 많이 요구한다.,This sort of work calls for great patience.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 친구들이 슬퍼하는 여자를 위로해 주었다.,The grieving woman was consoled by her friends.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 나는 마침내 일자리를 구했다.,"Finally, I found a job.",kor_Hang-eng_Latn 나는 남을 돕는 것을 좋아한다.,I like helping others.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 나는 표준 영어를 배우고 싶다.,I would like to learn standard English.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 너는 표준영어를 배워야 한다.,You have to learn standard English.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 부탁이 하나 있습니다.,I have a favor to ask of you.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 그것은 좋은 제안이다.,This is a good suggestion.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 창문을 열까?,Should I open the windows?,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 전하실 말씀 있으시면 남겨주세요.,I can take a message.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 연세가 어떻게 되셨습니까?,What age are you?,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 지금 당장 밖으로 나가는 것은 위험하다.,It's dangerous to go outside right now.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn "문을 닫고, 창을 열어라.",Close the door and open the window!,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 창이 열렸다.,The window opened.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 명확하고 적절한 표현을 사용하여 해당 외국어로 번역하시오.,Translate into the foreign language using clear and appropriate words.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 라디오를 켜세요.,Turn on the radio.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 이 병을 따라.,Open the bottle.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 라디오를 켜주세요.,"Put the radio on, please.",kor_Hang-eng_Latn 너는 어떤 브라우저를 사용하니?,What browser are you using?,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 나는 파이어폭스를 사용해.,I use Firefox.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 너는 어떤 웹브라우저가 제일 좋아?,What web browser do you like the most?,kor_Hang-eng_Latn "너를 들을 수 있지만, 볼 수 없어요.","I can hear you, but I can't see you.",kor_Hang-eng_Latn 빠른 답변 감사합니다.,Thank you for your prompt reply.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 이 작은 섬이 시야에 들어왔다.,The small island came into sight.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 그는 한 가지 언어만 말할 수 있다.,He only speaks one language.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 제가 올 때까지 기다려 주세요.,Wait here until I come back.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 밴드는 아주 잘 연주해요.,The band plays really well.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 난 영어를 공부 하고 싶어.,I want to learn English.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 나는 하루 종일 컴퓨터로 일한다.,I work on the computer all day.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 난방이 고장났다.,The heating system broke down.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 라디오가 고장났다.,The radio is out of order.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 그는 살인죄로 기소되었다.,He was accused of murder.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 기계가 고장났다.,The machine is out of order.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 이 시계가 고장났다.,This watch is broken.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 나는 이 편지들을 항공우편으로 보내고 싶다.,I want to send these letters by airmail.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 나는 인터넷에 들어가 서핑하기를 좋아한다.,I like to surf the internet.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 커퓨터가 다운되었다. 모든 데이터를 잃어버렸다.,My computer crashed and I lost everything.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 나는 모든 질문들에 대답할 수 있었다.,I was able to answer all the questions.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 내 컴퓨터가 매우 느리다.,My computer is very slow.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 이 텔레비전 수상기에 대해서 2년간의 보증을 받습니다.,This TV set has a two year guarantee.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 나는 톰에게 도움을 요청했다.,I called Tom for help.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 그 정도로 북한은 (중국도) 교활한 겁니다.,That's just how cunning North Korea (and China) is.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 그는 자살을 시도했다.,He attempted suicide.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 늦게 온 것을 용서해 주세요.,I'm sorry I'm late.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 너 바보 아냐!,You are not an idiot!,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 옷 좀 갈아입고 올게.,I'll go change.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 돈 잊지말고 챙겨가.,Don't forget your money.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn "아, 울 것 같아.","Ah, I think I'm gonna cry.",kor_Hang-eng_Latn """비가 그친 걸까?"" ""그치면 좋겠네.""","""I wonder if it's stopped raining."" ""I hope so.""",kor_Hang-eng_Latn 내일 비가 안오면 좋겠는데.,It'd be good if it wouldn't rain tomorrow.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 왜 거짓말했어?,Why did you lie to me?,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 톰이 화내는 거 본 적 있어?,Have you ever seen Tom angry?,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 톰이 안경 벗은 거 본 적 있어?,Have you ever seen Tom not wearing glasses?,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 우산 안 들고 왔어? 같이 쓰고 갈래?,You don't have an umbrella? Aren't you thankful you went inside?,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 가족들은 모두 건강하고?,How is your family?,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 파티 막바지에 그는 아직도 병원에 대해서 뭔가 중얼거리고 있었는데 얼음 조각에 미끄러 넘어져 왼쪽다리를 부러졌다.,He was still mumbling something about hospitals at the end of the party when he slipped on a piece of ice and broke his left leg.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 나는 비타민C 섭취를 위해 신선한 레몬을 먹었다.,I ate a fresh lemon for the vitamin C.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 나는 네가 진실을 말하는걸 안다.,I know you're telling the truth.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 그는 보통 8시에 출근한다.,He usually goes to work at 8 a.m.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 국민의 수가 증가한다.,The population is increasing.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 그냥 악몽이었어.,It was only a nightmare.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 답장을 아직도 못 받아서 혹시 내 우편물이 너한테 배달되지 않은 건지 궁금했다.,"Since I haven't received an answer, I was wondering if maybe my mail never got delivered to you.",kor_Hang-eng_Latn 뉴욕에는 얼마나 많은 주민이 살고 있습니까?,What is the population of New York?,kor_Hang-eng_Latn "빌,날따라오면,형도떠다닐거야.","Bill, if you'll come with me, you'll float, too.",kor_Hang-eng_Latn 톰은 자살했다.,Tom committed suicide.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 그가 재능있는 예술가인 것은 확실하다.,It is clear that he is a great artist.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 정말 서운해요.,I am very disappointed.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 나는 그녀를 미치도록 다시 보고 싶다.,I am dying to see her again.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 먹을래요.,I want to eat it.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 오늘은 어제만큼 덥지않다.,It is not so hot today as yesterday.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 이곳에서 모든 것이 시작됐다.,This is where it began.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 나는 해야할 일을 했다.,I did what had to be done.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 우리 마을에 도서관이 하나 있다.,There is a library in our city.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 지금 바빠요.,I'm busy now.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 그 약을 먹으세요.,Take the medicine.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 마셨어요.,I drank it.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 이제 나는 너무 늙어서 걸을 수 없다.,Now I am too old to walk.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 난 말하다가 목이 쉬었다.,I talked myself hoarse.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 사람들이 생각하는 것 만큼 쉽지는 않아요.,It's not as easy to do that as people think.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 그 회사가 작년에 십억엔의 손실을 보았다.,The company suffered a loss of one billion yen last year.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 자살은 위험하다.,Suicide is dangerous.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 사회가 변화하고 있다.,Society is changing.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 어른들을 존경해야한다.,You have to respect your elders.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 댐 밑에 물방앗간이 있었다.,There was a watermill under the dam.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 마시고 싶어요.,I want to drink it.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 나는 내년에 호주에 간다.,I'm going to Australia next year.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 나는 돈이 없어.,I don't have money.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 새로운 재봉틀을 샀다.,I bought a new sewing machine.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 일본은 기후가 온화하다.,Japan has a mild climate.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 유남생?,You know what I'm saying?,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 무슨 말인지 알겠니?,Do you know what I'm saying?,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 어디가 아픈지 저한테 보여주세요.,Show me where it hurts you.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 시간이 단지 조금밖에 없어요.,I do not have much time.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 힘이 정의다.,Might is right.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 실은 나 외로웠어.,"To tell the truth, I felt lonely.",kor_Hang-eng_Latn 슬론 스퀘어로 가는 다음 기차가 언제 있습니까?,When is the next train to Sloane Square?,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 톰에게 이 책을 줘야 합니다.,I have to give this book to Tom.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 그는 그녀를 다시 만날 정도로 어리석다.,He is foolish to meet her again.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 커피 마실래요?,Would you like some coffee?,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 연락하고 지내요.,Let's keep in touch.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 별은 하나도 보이지 않았다.,Not a star was to be seen.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 쓸모없는 것은 내버려둬.,Put aside all those which are useless.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 나는 음악 프로듀서 에요,I'm a music producer.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 말조심해라.,Mind your language.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 톰은 자신이 좋은 후보라고 생각한다.,Tom considers himself a worthy candidate.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 먹지 마.,Don't eat it.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 내 생각엔 그의 제안을 고려해 볼 만하다.,I think his suggestion is worth considering.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 나는 노래를 불렀다.,I sang a song.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 출발은 몇 시에 합니까?,At what time does it leave?,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 톰은 자살을 시도했다.,Tom attempted suicide.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 푸에르토리코의 위치를 지도 위에 보여주세요.,Show me where Puerto Rico is on the map.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 나는 네가 돌아올 때까지 여기에 있을 것이다.,I'll stay here till you get back.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 라일라는 자살했다.,Layla committed suicide.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 맛있게 드세요!,Have a good meal!,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 나는 호수에 스케이트를 타러 갔다.,I went skating on the lake.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 부끄러워 할 거 없어요.,There is nothing you have to be ashamed of.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 몇 번을 반복해야 해?,How many times do I need to repeat it?,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 무슨 일인지 얘기해 주세요.,Tell me what's going on.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 니가 만약에 아직도 살아있는거라면 나한테 알려줘,Please let me know if you are still alive.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 브라질은 남미에서 제일 큰 나라야.,Brazil is the biggest country in South America.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 좋아하는 가수가 누구야?,Who's your favorite singer?,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 좋아하는 가수는 누구예요?,Who is your favorite singer?,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 내가 좋아하는 가수는 탈리아입니다.,Thalia's my favorite singer.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 겨울방학 어떻게 보냈어?,How did you spend your winter vacation?,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 내가 좋아하는 가수는 카일리 미노그야.,My favorite singer is Kylie Minogue.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 톰은 택시를 타고 병원에 갔다.,Tom took a taxi to the hospital.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 시간을 할애 버렸어.,You lost time.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 그걸 들으니 안심이 되었어.,I'm relieved to hear that.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 이야기를 마저 들어보자.,Let's hear the rest of the story.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 너 새차 색깔이 뭐야?,What color is your new car?,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 금이 은보다 더욱 가치가 있다.,Gold is more valuable than silver.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 정말 부드러웠어!,It's really soft.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 몇시 입니까?,What time is it?,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 나도 만나서 반가워요.,It's nice to meet you too.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 난 계란이 싫어.,I don't like eggs.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 난 톰을 말릴거야.,I will stop Tom.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 길은 몇 마일이나 이어진다.,The road continues for many miles.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 어젯밤에 난 라디오를 듣고 있었다.,"Last night, I listened to radio.",kor_Hang-eng_Latn 그 일은 많은 힘이 필요하다.,That job takes a lot of strength.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 저는 코엔지에서 살았습니다.,I lived in Kouenji.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 히메쿠사 유리코는 자살했다.,Yuriko Himekusa committed suicide.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 나중에 호텔로 연락 바랍니다.,Please call me at my hotel later.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 그때에 너는 밖에 있었다.,"At the time, you were outside.",kor_Hang-eng_Latn "오늘 집에 있겠습니까, 학교에 가겠습니까?",Will you stay at home or go to school today?,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 긴장돼요.,I'm feeling nervous.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 이 책 읽어.,Read this book.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 이 책을 읽으세요.,Read this book!,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 그는 집안의 자랑이다.,He is an honor to his family.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 일식집으로 갑시다.,Let's go to a Japanese restaurant!,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 일본요리 식당으로 갑시다.,Let's go to a Japanese restaurant.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 예약해 뒀어요.,I made reservations.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 너를 잊을 수 없어.,I can't forgetting about you.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 좀 더 찾아봐. 분명히 답이 있을거야.,Try harder to find the answer; there must be one.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 내 오리털 잠바 입어. 그럼 좀 더 나을 거야.,Put on my eiderdown coat. That'll be better.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 성능은 좋은데 디자인이 별로라서.,"It's because it doesn't have a very good design, despite having good performance.",kor_Hang-eng_Latn 나를 그렇게 대하지 마.,Don't treat me like that.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 에어컨이 없나요?,Don't you have an air conditioner?,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 경찰은 시신을 찾지 못했다.,Police didn't discover the body.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 나일강은 아프리카에서 가장 긴 강이다.,The Nile is the largest river in Africa.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 보통 몇 시에 아침에 드셔요?,What time do you usually eat breakfast?,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 닥쳐. 안그러면 쫓아낼거야.,"Shut up. If you don't, you'll be thrown out.",kor_Hang-eng_Latn 톰은 열정적인 애지?,"Tom is passionate, isn't he?",kor_Hang-eng_Latn 내일 아침 6시에 모닝콜 부탁합니다.,I'd like a wake-up call at six tomorrow morning.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 그는 키가 작지만 세다.,He is short but strong.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 이 짓이 지겨워 죽겠어.,This task was dead tedious.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 오해 하지 마세요.,Don't misunderstand me.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 니 맘대로 하세요.,Do what you want.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 그는 모든 실패를 극복했다고 주장한다.,He claims that he's gotten over all his failures.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 당신의 얼굴에 축하합니다.,Congratulations on your face.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn "비에도 지지 않고, 바람에도 지지 않고, 눈에도 여름의 더위에도 지지 않는 튼튼한 몸을 가지고 결코 화내지 않으면서 언제나 조용히 웃고 있다.","He's not beaten by the rain, he's not beaten by the wind, neither the snow nor the heat of the summer will beat him, his body is robust, without greed, he never angers, but is always serenely smiling.",kor_Hang-eng_Latn 나는 이것이 어디에서 왔는지 모른다.,I don't know where this came from.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 독서는 더 이상 소수의 전유물이 아니게 되었다.,Reading books ceased to be a privilege of a minority.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 난 나쁜 느꼈습니다.,I felt bad.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 우리 헤어졌어.,We broke up.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 내 여자친구가 되어줄래?,Do you want to be my girlfriend?,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 우린 서로 첫눈에 반했어요.,It was love at first sight.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 나랑 사귈래요?,Would you like to go out with me?,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 당신에게 반했습니다.,I'm crazy for you!,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 세상에 네가 뭘 하고 있다고 생각하는 거니?,What in the world do you think you're doing?,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 우린 천생연분이야.,We are soulmates.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 우리는 더 많은 음식이 필요합니다.,We need more food.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 이제 충분히 했습니다.,Now I've had enough.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 사랑합니다.,I love you.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 잔돈을 잊어버리셨네요.,You've forgotten your change.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 이 텍스트를 일본어에서 불어로 번역하시오.,Please translate this text from Japanese to French.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 안녕하세요. 오랫만입니다.,Hello. Long time no see.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 이 책은 내 것입니다.,This book is mine.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 그는 딸을 위해 돈을 모았다.,He saved up his money for his daughter.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 영어 할 줄 아세요?,Do you speak... English?,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 왜 그렇게 서둘러?,What's the hurry?,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 실례지만 영어 할 줄 아세요?,"Pardon me, do you speak English?",kor_Hang-eng_Latn 그는 결코 행복하지 않았다.,He was by no means happy.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 그것은 보스턴에서 일어났습니다.,It happened in Boston.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 얼음이 걸어도 될만큼 두꺼워.,The ice is thick enough to walk on.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn A와 B의 차이가 뭐예요?,What is the difference between A and B?,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 너 어떻게 그것을 알게 되었니?,How did you hear about that?,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 그는 그녀보다 더 영리하다.,He's smarter than them.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 나에게 긴 편지를 썼다.,He wrote me a long letter.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 자녀가 몇이십니까?,How many children do you have?,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 어디에서 태어나셨습니까?,Where were you born?,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 참 귀여운 아기구나!,What a cute baby! Peek-a-boo!,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 그녀는 행복한 유년시절을 보냈다.,She had a happy childhood.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 나는 행복한 유년시절을 보냈다.,I had a happy childhood.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 그녀는 임신 8개월 째이다.,She is 8 months pregnant.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 나는 임신 4개월 째이다.,I'm four months pregnant.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 나는 1972년 10월 10일에 태어났다.,"I was born on October 10, 1972.",kor_Hang-eng_Latn 나는 1974년 6월 4일에 태어났다.,"I was born on June 4, 1974.",kor_Hang-eng_Latn 그 제안은 매우 좋게 들린다.,That sounds like a fairly good proposal.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 나는 너처럼 가난했었다.,I used to be poor like you.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 내가 그를 꽉 안아서 울었다.,I hugged him tightly and cried.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 후회하지 않아.,I don't regret it.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 집이 불타고 있다.,The house is on fire.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn "너에게 전화를 걸고 싶었는데, 너가 안 받을까봐 결국 전화 못했어.","I wanted to phone you, but I thought you wouldn't get it so I didn't phone you in the end.",kor_Hang-eng_Latn 오늘 밤 하늘에는 별들이 아주 밝게 빛나고 있어.,"Tonight in the night sky, the stars are shining very brightly.",kor_Hang-eng_Latn 1 더하기 2는 3이다.,One plus two is equal to three.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn "실례지만, 몇 시죠?","Excuse me, what time is it?",kor_Hang-eng_Latn 5 더하기 3는 8이다.,Five and three is eight.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 그는 장난을 전혀 이해하지 못한다.,He can't take a joke.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 그것은 나의 책임이다.,That's my responsibility.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn "탐, 이것들이 너의 것이야?","Are these yours, Tom?",kor_Hang-eng_Latn 나는 지금 가야해요.,I've gotta go.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 좋은하루 되세요.,Have a good day.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 나는 그 결과가 궁금했다.,I was curious as to the result.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 10과 2의 차이는 8이다.,Ten minus two is eight.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 나는 달에 가고 싶다.,I want to go to the moon.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 재미 있는 제안이야. 그게 좀 고려야겠다.,An interesting proposal. Need to think it over.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 이 문제를 어떻게 해결할 수 있을까?,How do I fix this problem?,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 친구는 항상 해결책을 찾으십시,Friends always find a solution.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 우리는 그 사슴의 발자국을 따라갔다.,We followed the deer's tracks.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 그것은 설득력이 없는 논증이다.,This is not a convincing argument.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 지금처럼 좋은 때는 없다.,There is no time like the present.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 라자로 자멘호픈 폴란드인이에요.,Lazarus Zamenhof is Polish.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 더이상 아무도 듣지 않는다.,No one listens anymore.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 조지가 분명히 올 것이다.,It's certain that George will come.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 난 자동차를 운전한다.,I drove the car.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 난 치나치게 배신을 많이 당한다고 생각한다.,I feel so betrayed.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 잘 시간이다.,It's time for bed.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 그는 해외 여행을 가는 꿈을 완전히 못 버렸다.,She was unable to completely give up her dream of traveling abroad.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 톰은 자신을 통제하지 못 했다.,Tom couldn't help himself.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 난 밤새도록 울었다.,I cried all night long.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 톰은 보통 버스를 타고 일하러 간다.,Tom generally takes the bus to work.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 톰은 네가 여기 있는 걸 알아?,Does Tom know that you're here?,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 그는 부적절한 질문을 했다.,He asked an awkward question.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 이 정보는 변론에 무관하다.,This data is immaterial to the argument.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 승객들이 버스에서 내리는 걸 봤다.,She watched the passengers get off the bus.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 톰은 문제에 대해 솔직했다.,Tom was honest about the problem.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 날 도와주겠다는 그의 제안은 거절할 생각이다.,I intend to decline his offer to help me.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 지구상의 인구는 60억 이상이야.,There are more than six billion people in the world.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 모두들 내가 틀렸대.,Everyone said that I was wrong.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 톰은 내 어깨 손을 얹었다.,Tom put his hands on my shoulders.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 톰은 메리의 입술을 부드럽게 키스했다.,Tom kissed Mary gently on the lips.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 톰은 대답하기를 거부했다.,Tom refused to answer.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 그녀는 머리를 금발로 염색했다.,She dyed her hair blonde.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 월트 디즈니가 뭘 그렸나?,What did Walt Disney draw?,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 그의 회사가 생산하는 기계가 우리것보다 뛰어나다.,Machines that his company produces are superior to ours.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 총알 맞으면 죽는다.,"If you get shot, you'll die.",kor_Hang-eng_Latn 톰은 표적을 겨눴다.,Tom aimed at the target.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 네가 어제 톰에게 말했지?,"You talked to Tom yesterday, didn't you?",kor_Hang-eng_Latn 난 톰과 메리가 맞는 것 같다.,I think Tom and Mary are right.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 어딘가 전혀 말이 안 되는 부분이 있다.,Something doesn't make any sense.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 비가 오는 것 같으니 톰은 우산을 갖고 가는 게 좋을 것이다.,Tom should take an umbrella because it looks like rain.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 그건 너의 책임이다.,That's your responsibility.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 영국 여러 곳을 다녀왔다.,I visited many parts of England.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 톰은 메리에게 베개를 던져서 정확히 얼굴을 맞았다.,Tom threw a pillow at Mary and the pillow hit her squarely in the face.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 우리가 같이 갔으면 좋겠다.,I wish we were going together.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 경단 있어?,Do you have some dango?,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 그 지진이 큰 피해를 입혔다.,The earthquake caused widespread damage.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 그녀는 안다. 늘 안다.,She knows. She always knows.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 그들은 다음달에 결혼하기로 결정했다.,They decided to get married the next month.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 그는 그녀에게 음식에 대한 불평을 했다.,He complained to her about the food.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 여기는 이주 전부터 비가 하나도 오지 않았다.,There has been no rain here for the past two weeks.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 난 톰이 의리있다고 생각한다.,I think Tom is loyal.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 톰은 암시장에서 몇 개를 샀다.,Tom bought some things on the black market.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 하늘을 마주해서 보면 그 산은 참 예뻐 보였다.,"Seen against the sky, the mountain looked really beautiful.",kor_Hang-eng_Latn 내 형은 기억력이 좋다.,My brother has a good memory.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 나는 로마의 역사에 관한 책을 찾고 있다.,I'm looking for books on Roman history.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 톰은 어지러움을 느꼈다.,Tom felt lightheaded.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 내일 낮에는 네가 바쁠 것이다.,You'll be busy tomorrow afternoon.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 그들은 널 원하지 않고 톰을 원한다.,They don't want you. They want Tom.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 부시는 바보가 아니다.,Bush is not an idiot.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 널 도와 줄 수 있는지 모르겠다.,I'm not sure I can help you.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 그는 항상 자기 자신에게 집중을 받고 싶었다.,He always wanted to call attention to himself.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 내가 찾아 볼게.,I'll find them.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 내가 그들을 찾아 볼게.,I'm going to find them.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 그녀가 언제 돌아올지 모르겠다.,I don't know when he/she will come back.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 우리는 부엌에 간다.,We're going to the kitchen.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 난 시간이 없다.,I have no time.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 우리는 좀비들에게 공격당했다.,We were attacked by zombies.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 나는 네게 해야 할 일을 알려 주려고 하고 있어.,I'm trying to tell you what needs to be done.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 사람은 일을 해야한다.,A man must work.,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 난 오늘 톰과 다른 사람들이랑 같이 카라오케바에 가는데 너도 같이 갈래?,I'm going with Tom and the others to a karaoke bar today. Are you coming?,kor_Hang-eng_Latn 그는 살인죄로 종신형을 선고 받았다.,"Having been convicted of murder, he was sentenced to life imprisonment.",kor_Hang-eng_Latn 내가 지금 원하는 것은 돈이 아니고 시간이다.,"What I want now is not money, but time.",kor_Hang-eng_Latn Deriyê min herdem vekir ye.,My door is always open.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn "Ku fîlosofer rî sipî u dirêj ne be, ez jê bawer nakim.","If a philosopher doesn't have a long, white beard, I don't trust him.",kur_Arab-eng_Latn Bavê wî sax e?,Is his father alive?,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Ez ne bijîşk im.,I'm not a doctor.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Ez ser balkonê me.,I'm on the balcony.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Wî got ku ê ji me re pashê bêje derbarê encamên testan.,He said that he would let us know later about the results of the examination.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Bavê min ji me hez dike.,My father loves us.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Ez bavê te me.,I'm your father.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Ew lawik portefu ya min dizî! wî rawestîne!,That guy stole my wallet! Stop him!,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Ew hez dike ji muzîkê bicoshî.,He loves music ardently.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Tu zanî chitishtî ser famîliya xwe.,Do you know anything about your family?,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Bavê min li kû ye?,Where's my father?,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Tom xwendekar e.,Tom is a student.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Roj dirêjtir in di havînî de.,The days are longer in the summer.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Tu xwendekarekî japonî î?,Are you a Japanese student?,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Park tijî ye ji zarokan.,The park is filled with children.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Wê kuchikê xwe aniya ekolê.,He brought her dog to school.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Tom ne dixwest ku ev bibe.,Tom didn't want this to happen.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Brayê min da min leystokek xweshik.,My brother gave me a cute doll.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Ew kompletî kerr e ji guhê xwe yî chepê.,She is completely deaf in her left ear.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Em benda vexwarina chayê ne.,We're drinking tea and waiting.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Tom bavê te ye.,Tom is your father.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Bibe pelekî u binîvisî.,Take a paper and write!,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Biramîne ser pêsheroja xwe.,Think about your future.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Tom bashtirîn leystikvan e di tîm de.,Tom is the best player on the team.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn "Wek yekshem bu, magaza girtî bu.","Since it was Sunday, the store was closed.",kur_Arab-eng_Latn Gelo ez dikarim vê telefonê bikar bînim?,May I use this telephone?,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Automobîlê zîvirî li chep.,The car made a turn to the left.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Kîjan ji wan dikare bistre bashtir?,Which of them can sing better?,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Kîjan ji wan brayê te ye?,Which of them is your brother?,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Nas tu dikî kesk ji van lawikan di vê kamerayê de?,Do you know any of the boys in this room?,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Em mirov in.,We are human.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Wê qedand jiyan a xwe bi gera li rastiyê.,She spent her life in pursuit of the truth.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Ez poshman bum dema mi got wisa.,I regret having said so.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Em bira ne.,We are brothers.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn "Em ê geleki bixwin îshev, vêca hêvî dikim ku tu ne di rejîm de î.",We're going to eat a lot tonight so I hope you're not on a diet.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn To daykt xosh awet?,Do you love your mother?,kur_Arab-eng_Latn تۆم ڕێنومای زۆر هەڵەی کردویت.,Tom has been giving you bad advice.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Diz reviya bi alî yê stasiyonê ve.,The thief ran away in the direction of the station.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Tu divabu mabaya nav livînê de.,You should stay in bed.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Sê birayên wî hene.,He has three brothers.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Tu dikare Turki bistegile?,Do you speak Turkish?,kur_Arab-eng_Latn "Eger ne be chareserî, vêca nîn e jî problem.","If there's no solution, then there's no problem.",kur_Arab-eng_Latn Gomanbar derew kir li komîsêr.,The suspect told a lie to the inspector.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Ew birayên min in.,They are my brothers.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Nûche yên xwesh wê dan girî.,The good news brought tears to her eyes.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn "Zehmet e alî xelkê bikî, yên na vin alîkariya te.",It's difficult to help people who don't want your help.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Ez bavê te ans dikim.,I know your father.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Sê birayên wê hene.,She has three brothers.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Ji cilekä rical cedibe.,Strawberries are made into jam.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Ev birayê min e.,This is my brother.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn "Tom xwe kinc kir di lezê de, pashê bi bez derî ve derket.","Tom dressed himself quickly, then ran out the door.",kur_Arab-eng_Latn Tom xwe wenda kir Boston de.,Tom got lost in Boston.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn êdîhew jê hez dikim.,I don't love her anymore.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Ew serokê êl a xwe bu ye 35 salan.,He has been the chief of his tribe for 35 years.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn eu jimin femnake.,Nobody understands me.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Çi dixwazim ezi nizanim.,I don't know what I want.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn "Ev kiteba teye,Mike?","Is this your book, Mike?",kur_Arab-eng_Latn Di yekemîn cî de em divê bibînin rêyek der ji vê.,In the first place we must find a way out of this.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Ew biya wî dike.,She obeys him.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Tom Li fîlm temashe dikir Ji komputera xwe.,Tom is watching a movie on his computer.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Eu zu dirabe.,He's getting up early.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Ez bawer im ku Tom pirr mijûl e.,I'm sure that Tom is a very busy man.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Ew dînê jazzê ne.,They are crazy about jazz.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Em divê biparêzin zarokên xwe.,We need to protect our children.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Kî din li partiya Tom bû?,Who else was at Tom's party?,kur_Arab-eng_Latn من دوو کتکم هەیە.,I have two cats.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Tom dikene.,Tom is laughing.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn "Chawa dikare bibe, ew ku tu nizanî?","Could it be, that you don't know it?",kur_Arab-eng_Latn Bav kar dikin.,The fathers work.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Mi dît hin chivîk difirîn.,I saw some birds take off.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Ne hêle here.,Don't let go.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Ev nayê pejirandin.,This is unacceptable.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Min nizanîbû tutiştî.,I didn't know anything.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Hêk çiqas e?,How much are eggs?,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Ez ji te hez dikim.,I love you.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Buhayê vê sîwanê çiqas e?,What's the price of this umbrella?,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Ew nan bi roni xwar.,He ate bread with butter.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Li deryaya girav hene.,There are islands in the sea.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Ew hev fêhm dikin.,They understand one another.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Ez te fêm dikim.,I understand you.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Ez te dixwazim.,I want you.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Ez dê te bikujim.,I'm going to kill you.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Nekesek ji wan dijî.,None of them is alive.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Ma tu endamê komîtê î?,Are you on the committee?,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Ne yek ji wan dijî.,They're already dead.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Qirik a min dishewit e.,My throat burns.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Min dil heye baqij bikim kamera xwe.,I intend to clean my room.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Chi gû e?,What the fuck?,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Tu carina digirî?,Do you cry often?,kur_Arab-eng_Latn """Kilît di xilqê de ye"", mêr got.","""The key is in the lock,"" the man added.",kur_Arab-eng_Latn "Pardon, saet chend de?","Excuse me, what time is it?",kur_Arab-eng_Latn Ez hez dikim meyze odê bikim.,I should like to see the room.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Em dichin êvarî bar a xwesh.,We are going to a nice bar in the evening.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Demjimêr hêdî e.,The clock is slow.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Em keyfxwesh bun kengî me dît ronî ji dur.,We were glad when we saw a light in the distance.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Mary hisht xwishka wê paqij bike pencerê.,Mary left her sister to clean the windows.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn "Pardon, ez nizan bu ku hîn tu li virî.","Sorry, I didn't know you were still here.",kur_Arab-eng_Latn Ev ajal mezintir e ji eva han.,This animal is bigger than that one.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn "Berî televizyonê temashe kirin, karê malê chêke.",Do your homework before you watch TV.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Ne gerek e tu alîkariya min bikî.,You don't have to help me.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Tom serokek e.,Tom is a leader.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Kitik ji avê hez nakin.,Cats don't like water.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn "Di meshê de li kolanê, min dît qeza.","Walking along the street, I saw the accident.",kur_Arab-eng_Latn Divê tu bimîne.,You have to stay.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Chima chanta min vala ye?,Why is my bag empty?,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Min tucarî hewl ne daye xwarina chînî.,I've never tried Chinese food.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Hin leshker birîndar bûn êrîshê de.,Several soldiers were injured in the offensive.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Ez te fêm nakim.,I do not understand you.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Ba wî hey e hestekî chavdêriyê tûj.,He has an acute sense of observation.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Zarok hew digirî êdî.,The baby isn't crying anymore.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Hem piyano hem gîtar ew lêdixe.,She plays piano as well as the guitar.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Tevahiya bajêr nixwimî ji berfê.,The whole city is covered with snow.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Divê tu temasheyî vî filmî bike dema te fersend dît.,You should see this film if you get the opportunity.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Yek ji bersivan rast e.,One of the answers is correct.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Ez herdem shiyar dibim demjimêr 6 di sibehê de.,I always get up at 6 o'clock in the morning.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Xewna min heye.,I have a dream.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Komputera min heye.,I have a computer.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Wê da heryekî diyagnosis bi haydarî.,She'll diagnose each person carefully.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Duçerxeya min heye.,I have a bicycle.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Ew dizane numera telefona te ?,Does she know your phone number?,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Tom da Mary hin pendên pratîk.,Tom gave Mary some practical advice.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Ez pêdivî bi sharj kirina fonmobîla min hey e.,I need to charge my cellphone.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Ew enteresant e,That is intriguing.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Mary Tom hemêz kir.,Mary gave Tom a hug.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn له نزيك كتيبخانه يه كى كون ده زيم.,I live close to an old bookshop.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Min bêriya te kiriye.,I miss you.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Iro gelek germe.,Today is very warm.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Ez ê wê bistînim bo te .,I will get it for you.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Tom gelekî bi tementir e ji min.,Tom is so much older than I am.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Min re hinek tisht heye bidim te .,I have something to give you.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Tom vekir derî.,Tom opened the door.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Esta Burji Khalifa delrezhtrena la jihanda.,Burj Khalifa is currently the tallest skyscraper in the world.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Em ê berdevam bikin pashê fîlm.,We’ll continue after the film.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Problem hey e li vir.,There's a problem here.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn "Shev bash, dayê.","Good night, Mom.",kur_Arab-eng_Latn Sê birayên min hene.,I have three brothers.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Hinek ji wan hevalên min in.,Some of them are my friends.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Di yek salê de duazde meh hene.,One year has twelve months.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Heviya keyi?,Who are you waiting for?,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Chi gulek xweshik.,What beautiful flowers!,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Wisa tarî bu.,It was so dark.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn "Ji ber min re pere nín in, Ez nikarim werim wir.","Since I have no money, I can't come there.",kur_Arab-eng_Latn Bawer nakim ku chíroka wí rast be.,I don't think his story is true.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Ez im doktoré te.,I'm your doctor.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn """Tu ê bikî alîkariya min?"" ""Ser chavan""","""Will you help me?"" ""I'll be glad to.""",kur_Arab-eng_Latn Sêv baş xuya dikin,The apples look good.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Ez jî bawer dikim wisa.,"I think so, too.",kur_Arab-eng_Latn Tom xuyanî ne kir li kar îro.,Tom didn't show up for work today.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Ew bi lez bûn hevalên nêzîk.,They quickly became close friends.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Jibîr neke dengdan.,Don't forget to vote.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Rast bike shashîtiyê u dosyayê bizîvirî ji birêz Luxemburg re.,Correct the mistake and return the file to Mr Luxemburg.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Sisê kamerên min hene.,I have three cameras.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Em heval bûn.,We were friends.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Tu ê bawer nekî ji min.,You wouldn't believe me.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Ewaya dibe problem.,That's becoming a problem.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn "Dema tê ser sporê, John pirr bash e.","When it comes to sports, John is very good.",kur_Arab-eng_Latn Ez ji Sûriyeyê me.,I'm from Syria.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Bixwaz ji Tomi ku were sibe.,Ask Tom to come tomorrow.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Ew hey e bitirse ji encaman.,He may dread to learn the results.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn کچەکە هیچ بایەخی بە ئێمە نەدا، هەر ئەوەندە.,"She doesn't care about us, that's all.",kur_Arab-eng_Latn ئێ، ببە بە میوانم!,"So, be my guest!",kur_Arab-eng_Latn Ev jin ne ji Sûriyeyê ye.,This woman is not from Syria.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn ئەوە سەرنجڕاکێشانەیە.,It's a brain-teaser.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Heye ev rast be.,Maybe it's true.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn بەبڕوای تۆم هەموو شتێك بەباشی دەڕۆشت بەڕێوە.,Tom believed everything was going to be OK.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Ez dijîm li Kanton.,I live in Canton.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Benda turna xwe be.,Wait your turn.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Qeza yên trafîkê zêde dibin sal bi sal.,Traffic accidents are increasing year by year.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Kengî ez gez dikim ev diran diêshe.,"When I bite down, this tooth hurts.",kur_Arab-eng_Latn Tîm a Englîzî têkbir tîm a Brazîlî di turnuva ya futbolê ya enternasiyonal.,The English team beat the Brazilian team in the international soccer tournament.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Makîna shushtinê hey e li mal?,Is there a washing machine in the house?,kur_Arab-eng_Latn tu bichî ferhengê bikirî?,Are you going to buy a dictionary?,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Ew di astengîyek mezin de ye.,He is in great trouble.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn "Tu ê alîkarî me be, Taro ?","Will you lend a hand, Taro?",kur_Arab-eng_Latn Venexwe ava di cama gemarîn de!,Do not drink the water in the dirty glass!,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Wê dizî ji mi portefu ya min.,He robbed me of my purse.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Ez înternetê wek çavkaniya bo lêkolînên xwe bi kar tînim.,I use the Internet as a resource for my research.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Em guhdarî muzîkê dikin.,We listen to music.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn TV pêxe.,Turn up the TV.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn "Dijîm ana li Helsinkî, lê orjînal ji Kuopio me.","I now live in Helsinki, but I'm originally from Kuopio.",kur_Arab-eng_Latn "Xweda got: ""Ronahî bila werin!"" U ronî hat.",And God said: Let there be light. And there was light.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Em kêr nakin chi ew dike.,We don't care what he does.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn "Em dichin sînema, wer bi me re.",We are going to the movies. You should come.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Hindik kes hebun ser plajê.,There were few people on the beach.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Wan dixwînin pirtuk a wê.,They read her book.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn ئەتوانین مێزێکمان هەبێت لەبەشێك کە جگەرەی تیا نەکێشرێت؟,Could we have a table in a non-smoking section?,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Ez ne bêaqil im.,I'm no fool.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Bigerin li min sibe.,Call me tomorrow.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Ev dema bidawîkirina temashe ya televiziyonê.,It is time to stop watching television.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Min jibîr kir vemirênim televizyonê berî ku herim razim.,I forgot to turn off the television before going to sleep.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Roman ên wî pirr kûr in bo min.,His novels are too deep for me.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Ew kar dike di fabrîkê de.,He works in a factory.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Ev piyase tu humor têde tune.,This play has no humor in it.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Ez ê chêkim ji te re kostumek nû.,I'll make you a new suit.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Pashê Allemanan artêshek potensiyel bidest xistin.,Germany then had a powerful army.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Chi tu fêr buye shash e.,What you were taught is wrong.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Tu î wek kevin wek min.,He's the same age as I.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Bavê te li kû ye?,Where's your father?,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Tom sêwî e.,Tom is an orphan.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Rojname çiqas e?,How much is the newspaper?,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Ew heman peyv e di herdu zimanan de.,It is the same word in both languages.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Îro În e.,It is Friday.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Chris kar girt wek malboyakar u karîbu peran hilîne.,Chris was hired to paint houses and was able to raise the money.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Îro Şemî ye.,Today is Saturday.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Îro ji rojan çi ye?,What day is it today?,kur_Arab-eng_Latn "Tu dikarî binîvisî bi çi zimanî tu dixwazî. Ser Tatoeba, hemu ziman wekhev in.","You may write in any language you want. On Tatoeba, all languages are equal.",kur_Arab-eng_Latn Birayê wî nikare bistrê.,His brother can't sing.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn "Eger tu dixwazî chêkî karek chak, tu divî bikarbînî amurên layîq.","If you want to do good work, you should use the proper tools.",kur_Arab-eng_Latn Ew geriya di berîkê de li kilîtê.,He searched his pockets for the key.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Ev rojgul e.,This is a sunflower.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn "Ez lawikek zêde normal im, kî gelek hobby yên wî hene, heye pirr gelek.","I'm quite a normal guy who has many hobbies, maybe too many.",kur_Arab-eng_Latn Tom bavê min e.,Tom is my father.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Kitikên modern na xwin mishkan.,Modern cats don't eat mice.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Ez ji Amedê me.,I'm from Diyarbakir.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Ez dixwazim shitilekê bidim mama.,I want to give mum a plant.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Tu bavê min î.,You are my father.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Ez dijîm li Japonê.,I live in Japan.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Xwesh hati Dublin.,Welcome to Dublin!,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Ez duh zû raketim,Yesterday I got up early.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Ez divê porê xwe şe bikim.,I have to comb my hair.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Ez li alî yê te me.,I'm by your side.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Bişo destên xwe.,Wash your hands.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Tom dibe bash kêr li chivîkan.,Tom takes good care of the birds.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Ser masê sêv heye.,There is an apple on the table.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Ez dicim markete.,I'm going to the store.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Pirrê te hey e ku tu bikî.,You have too much to do.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Ez nizanim.,I don't know.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Ne girî.,Please don't cry.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Ji bu te bashtir e tu birînê vêga girêdê.,You'd better bandage the wound at once.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Ez ji hal ket me.,I'm completely exhausted.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Bavê min li malê ye.,My father is home.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Bawerim ku kar bim te bibînim van nêzdeman.,I think that i will be able to meet you soon.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Dixwazim tenê bizanibim chima Tom chû.,I just want to know why Tom left.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Wek xelat wî stand demjimêrek zêrîn.,He received a golden watch as a prize.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Xewn a min e bibim mamoste.,It is my dream to become a teacher.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn "Eger problem a te heye bi cird u mishkan re, tu dikarî wan bitirsînî bi ultra qîj.","If you have problems with rats or mice, you can scare them away with ultrasound.",kur_Arab-eng_Latn Em dixwin da em karibin bijîn.,We eat so that we may live.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Birayê min tucarî ne hilkişiyaye bi çiyayê Fuji ve.,My brother has never climbed Mt. Fuji.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Ez haj ne bum ji chiyekî min dishopand.,I wasn't conscious of anyone watching me.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn "Tom tenê bu, yê ku nizanîbû bipeyve bi fransî.",Tom was the only one who didn't know how to speak French.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn "Ev form pirr tevlîhev e, alîkariya min bike tije bikin.",This form looks kind of complicated. Help me fill it out.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn "Kar xuyanî dikir pirr hêsan, lê bir ji min hefteyek.","The job looked quite simple, but it took me a week.",kur_Arab-eng_Latn Ew problema min e bi Tom re.,That's my problem with Tom.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Sibe tu cidke?,What are you doing tomorrow?,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Chima ew dikeniya?,Why was she laughing?,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Ez ê xwe jê xelas bikim.,I'll get rid of it.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Tom teqez dereng diche ser text.,Tom certainly goes to bed early.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Salonede hevdubinin.,See you at the house!,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Nexşe ser hêt e.,The map is on the wall.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn کەمترین موچە چەندە لە ئایسلەند؟,What's the minimum salary in Iceland?,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Tu bixerhati Japan,Welcome to Japan.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Perên min di nemayê de ne.,I am short of money.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Ez hez dikim ji sashim.,I like sashimi.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Ew wisa belengaz bu ku nikarî bu nan bikire.,He was so poor that he couldn't buy bread.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Ez nizanim ku tu chi dixwazî bêjî.,I don't know what you mean.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn "Hemu zimanan de vegotin, frase, îdîom, u vebêj he ne ku bi tîpîtî nayên wergerandin.","There are sayings, phrases, idioms and proverbs in every language which can not be translated literally.",kur_Arab-eng_Latn Ez nikarim wilo bijîm.,I can't live that kind of life.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Ew dîn e.,She is crazy.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Jin a min hez nake ji kitikan.,My wife hates cats.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Dûr bimîn ji Tom.,Stay away from Tom.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Hevalê min ê hêja!,My dear friend!,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Ez herdem wê dikim.,I always do that.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Tu ew dixwest.,You were asking for it.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Ew bo te tenê leystik bu?,Was it just a game to you?,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Bavê te kî ye?,Who's your father?,kur_Arab-eng_Latn "Eger tu tênegihishtî, bipirs.","If you don't understand, ask.",kur_Arab-eng_Latn Hêk çiqas in?,How much do eggs cost?,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Mi bihîst ku ew pirr dewlemend e.,I heard that he was very rich.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Tom nexweş e.,Tom is ill.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Ew henek e?,Is that a joke?,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Te gote Tom?,Did you tell Tom?,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Wê nexwesh bu sê hefteyan.,She has been ill for three weeks.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Tu li kuderei?,Where are you?,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Ew meraqî ewlehî ya te dike.,She's worrying for your safety.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Aktres navê wê pirr xweshik e.,The actress has a very beautiful name.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Ew dimeshiya li pêshî a automobîlê.,He was walking in front of the car.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Min dît kuchikek sipî jump dikir ji ser dîwar.,I saw a white dog jump over the fence.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Birayê te li kû ye?,Where is your brother?,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Ma bexche de pirr chîchek hene?,Are there many flowers in the garden?,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Tu kengi cuyi Roomaye?,When did you go to Rome?,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Tu xosiki.,You are beautiful.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Ew di rewshek krîtîk de bu.,He was in critical condition.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Ez ê bi balafirê biçim wêderê.,I will go there by plane.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn "Pardon, Ez dereng mam.",I'm sorry I'm late.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Tuvalet li kudereye?,Where's the restroom?,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Ev rûbar dirêj e.,That river is long.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Zoo bajarê me de vast u nu ye.,The zoo in our city is large and new.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Ez dizanim ku Tom hevalê te ye.,I know Tom is your friend.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Dibare.,It is raining.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Tom karmendê xwe yê evn li civînekê dît.,Tom saw his former employer at a conference.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Em nikarin vê pirsgirêkê paşguh bikin.,We can't ignore this problem.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Ew niha ne li malê ye.,She is out now.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Evan guharên min in?,Are those my earrings?,kur_Arab-eng_Latn "Bê goman, unîverso bêdawî ye.",There's no doubt that the universe is infinite.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Tu îro kar dikî?,Are you working today?,kur_Arab-eng_Latn بو بە کچێکی لەخۆبایی.,She's just being snobbish.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn "Ana pêdivî nîne tenê bi gotinê, lê bi kirinê heye.",Not words but action is needed now.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Keyfa xwe meyzê.,Have a nice time.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Ev eglîsa cîyek pirr navdar u xweshik e.,This church is a very famous and beautiful place.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Tu bavê wê nas dikî?,Do you know her father?,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Ba min heye pirtukek ser masîgirtinê.,I have a book about fishing.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Ev tenê behane ye.,That's just an excuse.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Ez têgihiştim.,I got it.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Ez naxwazim biçim dibistanê.,I don't want to go to school.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Çonî?,How are you doing?,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Em hewil bidin.,Let's have a look.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Bira yê min tucarî hilnekishaye ser chiya yê Fuji.,My brother has never climbed Mt Fuji.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Ez wê bikartînim.,I use it.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Ez kar nedikim.,I'm not working.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Ez nikarim bipejirênim vê teoriyê.,I can't accept this theory.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Tom divabe pash de bizîvire Boston.,Tom had to go back to Boston.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Ez baş im.,I am okay.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Min tutisht tune ku bidim.,I've nothing to give.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Wana bînin hundûr,Bring them inside.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Qirêj paqij bu pashê ku me kamîsa shusht.,The stain disappeared after we washed the shirt.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Baskê chivîk shikest.,The bird's wing was broken.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Chav hincaran dipeyvin bilindtir ji peyvan.,Eyes sometimes talk louder than words.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Hevpeymanan têkbirin empîratoriya bed di sherek gran de.,The allies defeated the evil empire in the fierce battle.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Nav ê min Jack.,My name is Jack.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Chîna mezintir e ji Japonê.,China is bigger than Japan.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Bavê min ji tenîsê hez dike.,My father likes tennis.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Englîzî ne zehmet e fêr bibî.,English is not hard to learn.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn "Eger ez ne kevim, ez ê lîsensa ajotinê bigirim berî nûsalê.","If I don't fail, I will get my driving license before New Year.",kur_Arab-eng_Latn Kêlîkek dudilîtî dikare wenda bikî jiyan a pîlot.,A moment's doubt can cost a pilot his life.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Ew bavê min e.,He is my father.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Bavê min ne li malê ye.,My father isn't at home.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Sucê ku chima em nikarin destek bikin nerîn a wî ê li berjêr bê dan.,The reason why we cannot support his view will be given below.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Liisa min re hat heta bi derî u li pey min ew asê kir.,Lisa accompanied me to the door and closed it after me.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Ez nizanî bum chawa bersiv a pirs ên wî bikim.,I didn't know how I should answer his question.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Bavê min li vir kar dike.,My father works here.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Ez hez dikim ji dayîk a xwe.,I love my mum.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Bavê wê sax e?,Is her father alive?,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Ez ji Tirkiyeyê me.,I'm from Turkey.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Ew jentîlman e.,He is a gentleman.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Chûk Kare bifire.,A bird can fly.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Ez ji Kyoto me.,I'm from Kyoto.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Ew bêriya bavê xwe dike.,He misses his father.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Ez nama jiber ve esandine idaredikim.,I can't stand this pain any more.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Ez pirr dilxwesh bum Ku pêrgî te bum îro.,I'm very pleased to meet you today.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Ez teqez bi flunsa ketim.,I must have caught a cold.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Ew birayê min e.,He is my brother.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Birayekî min heye.,I have one brother.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Bê goman ez ê alî te bikim.,Of course I'll help you.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Tu divê vê?,Do you want this?,kur_Arab-eng_Latn بە تۆمم ووت ماری دەتوانێت هاوکاریت بکات.,I told Tom Mary would help.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Ez kuhdar dikim ana li strana Björk a herî nû.,I'm listening to Björk's latest song.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Bi chi navî vî chûkî bang dikin?,What do you call this bird?,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Wan gelek salate xwarin îro.,They've eaten too much salad today.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Ev parapluiya kî ye?,Whose umbrella is this?,kur_Arab-eng_Latn بە تۆمم ووت کە دەتوانم هاوکاریت بکەم.,I told Tom I'd help.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Naoko Kare bazde xurt.,Naoko can run fast.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Wê sekret veshart ji hevserê xwe di tevahiya jiyana xwe de.,She hid the secret from her husband all her life.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Ez te hez dikim gelekî.,I like you very much!,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Wê xuyanî dikir bedew u durist.,She looks nice and healthy.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Ez im Teochew.,I am Teochew.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Wî chê kir problemek.,He raised a problem.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Brayê min bash e matematîk de.,My brother is good at mathematics.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Chavên wê kesk in.,He has green eyes.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Tom ê wê bibe.,Tom will take it.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Bavê min dimeşe.,My father does walk.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Berde vir aniha.,Leave here at once.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Pênûsa min heye.,I have a pen.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Wê mi pirsî da alîkarî ya wê kar de bikim.,She asked me to help her with the work.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Dixwazî tu ez te bibim stasiyonê?,Do you want me to take you to the station?,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Ez ê vê gerdeniyê bidim te,I'll give you this pendant.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Hemu hêkan nexe heman zembîlê de.,Don't put all your eggs in one basket.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Asin metalek bi kar e.,Iron is a useful metal.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Bavê wê mir.,Her father died.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Ez ji zimanê Kurdî hez dikim.,I like the Kurdish language.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Ez nikarim bikim alîkariya te pashku ez mijul im.,I can't help you because I am busy.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Porê Maria dirêj e.,Maria has long hair.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Tu mi bihîst?,Do you hear me?,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Ez dilgesh im di bihîstin a peyvîn a serkeftin a te.,I'm glad to hear of your success.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Paytext a México grantirîn bajar e li Latînoamerîka.,The capital of Mexico is the largest city in Latin America.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Susan birastî jî nîv xwishka te ye.,Susan is actually your half sister.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Automobîlê de 4 mirov hebun kengî wê qeza kir.,The car was carrying 4 people when it had the accident.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn "Va ye sirra min, ew bi xwe gelekî sade ye: Mirov tenê bi dilê xwe dikare baş bibîne. Tiştên bingehîn bi çavan nayên dîtin.","And now here is my secret, a very simple secret: It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye.",kur_Arab-eng_Latn Axaftin ên ashîtî destpê dikin vê heftîyê.,The peace talks begin this week.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Em divin bimînin wek ku em in.,We wish to remain what we are.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Ji yek kevir kushtin a du kîvrojkan.,To kill two birds with one stone.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Zu behar e.,It will be spring soon.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Em dichin ekolê bo xwendinê.,We go to school to study.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Bavê te dirêj e.,Your father is tall.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Ew bashtir e ji me.,She's better than us.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn "Eger tu bawer dike ku bi risvakirinê tu ê problem a masîvanan chareser bike, bash, bihêle bêjim, tu xwe dixapînê.","If you believe that by insulting you would solve the problem of fishermen, well, let me say, you deceive yourself.",kur_Arab-eng_Latn "Dema lîderê wan mir, wan bicî kirin termê wî gorek mezin de.","When their leader died, they placed his body in a large tomb.",kur_Arab-eng_Latn """Ez bawer im tu gêj î,"" Mary got.","""I think you're stupid,"" said Mary.",kur_Arab-eng_Latn Diya tê di mal de ye?,Is your mum at home?,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Serkeftin dîrek tê eger hêz pishtgirî bike.,The victory comes right away if force covers.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Mike rind distre.,Mike sings well.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Nekes dipeyve min re.,Nobody speaks to me.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Idêa hate min.,An idea just occurred to me.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn A kî ye ev?,Whose is it?,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Dijî tu li Portugal yan Brasil?,Do you live in Portugal or in Brazil?,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Ez naxazim guye kucik pakiskim.,I don't wanna clean up dog shit.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Jina ku ser kanapê rûdine jinpîra min e.,The woman who is sitting on the sofa is my grandmother.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Bavê min mijûl e.,My father is busy.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Jack li bavê xwe hatiye.,Jack resembles his father.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Xuzi gelek peremin hebane.,I wish I had much money.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Pora Jessien hemu silbu.,Jessie's long hair was completely wet.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Êdî naxwazim bijîm.,I don't want to live anymore.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Yukiko ji kartolan hez dike.,Yukiko likes potatoes.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Hin kes dixwînin rojnamê u temasheyî TV dikin di heman demê de.,Some people read the newspaper and watch TV at the same time.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Ev rojname azad e.,This is a free newspaper.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Artêsh sivîlan bikartîne wek mertalên zindî.,The army use civilians as human shield.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Min ji bîr kir jê re bibêjim.,I forgot to tell her.,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Li ku ye rojname?,Where is the newspaper?,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Jin û zarok pêşîn!,Women and children first!,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Tu birastî min hez dikî?,Do you really love me?,kur_Arab-eng_Latn Au zou nokoiho nunu o taakan ku kosodop.,I can't remember what I ate last night.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Koimat zou diti saasangadau.,I could do this all day.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Huminabus i Tom.,Tom was out.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Avaavasi no pomusaavan nu!,What a brilliant idea!,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Nakabatos i kopolintaan bandar do minaan kohominan ginumuan dot okudi o valos.,The city government promised us more low-income housing.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Minaan zou do pomusaavan dot ouhan.,I made a lucky guess.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Kogumuan do ahal dino kosusa ginavo nu kokomoi do au insan kaantakan dii.,Most of the things you worry about never happen!,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Poihoo zou do tinoomboo ko no?,"Tell me, where are you?",kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Momupu zosido do tapi dau.,She washes her skirt.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Manaak nopo do tuntuu' tonini nga onuan disido do tuntuu' ngaavi iso hongon.,"Give someone the little finger, and he will take the whole hand.",kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Poizaan no kuukuamaon nu.,You work hard.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Nookuo tu au ko po minonoodo dihia?,Why haven't you done that yet?,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Minananom zosido do vusak ros mantad jam ko-12 nodi.,She has been planting roses since 12 o'clock.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Paandadan dino kotongkizadan kulitapui.,The train's departure will be delayed.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Aanangan nogi mintong do pulitik tuhun Amorika kokomoi do timpu pomihian do pilisidon.,"It's interesting to observe American politics, especially during a presidential election.",kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Koginavaan nopo nga do manaak kounsikaan kumaa toinsanan do vinangun.,Love is what gives joy to all creation.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Papapanau i Tom do kulita di Mary montok pakazaan duuhia Boston.,Tom drove Mary's car to Boston.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Nokuo apatut zikoi maan diho?,Why would we need to do that?,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Apatut no i Tom koikot duuhia pogun Australia baino.,Tom should already be in Australia by now.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Aiso isido do sumandak.,He has no girlfriend.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn "Atuukoi, iti nopo nga tangalaat nodi!","Oh my god, it's complete chaos!",kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Ongotumbazaan i savi-avi.,Everybody believes it.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Novongi nopo kozo ii.,It smelled really good.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Muhagang zou kopisohovot di Tom.,I was glad to see Tom.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Miaga ko do ibut no oduuk bo.,I think it will storm soon.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Saasau zou mamain do siki.,I often ski.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Mositi do pointounda' tokou monoimo do vaza' ngaavi' do koimaan tokou sondii.,We must be ready to accept the consequences of our own action.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Saasau zou tombuhuzon.,I travel often.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Tumombuhui zou tomoimo.,I often travel.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Saasau zou mambasa.,I often read.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn "Nung popoiho ko do katapatan, au' tagal do momusoou ko nununu.","If you tell the truth, you don't have to remember anything.",kzj_Latn-eng_Latn """Nokokito ko naku di Mary miampai aiso do beg hongon dau?"" ""Mary? Au ii no.""","""Have you ever seen Mary without her handbag?"" ""Mary? No, never.""",kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Zioho ii au' koondom dii poguhu oukum do monugut dii.,Those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Kosimaan kogompit tokuudi do nasip om hobi ogumu miampai do pinoih.,Good fortune has little to do with luck and more with diligence.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Totopot nopo ti nga manganu do nunu gunoon montok doid tutok ku. Iti no sabap di minsingiho zou do boos-boos sompogunan pogulu do kapatazan.,I have actually decided to start putting my brain to some use. I'm going to start to learn as much foreign languages as possible before I die.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn "Minogovit zou do bubur dot onsokon ku, pohosuon no om kaakan.",I also brought some gruel I made. It just needs warming up.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Minamanau i Tom om i Mary doiho suang talun.,Tom and Mary hiked inside the jungle.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Kivaa sabap do nohodi tokou doid vinoun.,We were born into this world for a reason.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Au zou koiho.,I don't know.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Sopiongoi kito?,Do you want to go together?,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Aiso tuhun miho poimpasi gisom do duvo ngaatus toun.,Nobody can live to be two hundred years old.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Podohinon zou po tampat dau.,Let me go in place of him.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Iisai ngaan nu?,What is your name?,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Aanangan i Ania do kompiuto.,Ania is interested in computers.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Nababak iho hindusu do monoonokot duuhia.,The nail that sticks up gets hammered down.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Iman-imanon ku nopo nga dukutur.,My aim is to be a doctor.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Au oupus i koupusan ku kumaa dogo.,My lover doesn't love me.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Noongou zou diho pomoinan nopo ti nga au mangasou pimbalajalan nu. Nga montok dogo au miho.,I've noticed that having fun doesn't interfere at all with your studies. I just can't.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Aanangan zou mangakan do ipol.,We love eating apples.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Kivaa tohu tuhun napatai id daamin Dan.,Three people were found murdered in Dan's home.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Aiso duvo susumikul mikot doiti kalas baino.,Two students are absent today.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Minsingiho zou do boos Basque.,I am learning Basque.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Kaangal iti kopoihaan.,This information is confidential.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Id nombo o pakaazan nu?,Where are you going to?,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Nombo pakazaan disido?,Where did he go?,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Kipulou toniini no id daat.,There are islands in the sea.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Aanangan zou do taakanon Sina.,I love Chinese food.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Kotumbazaan ko no do Kinoingan?,Do you believe in God?,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Ingkuo no maan i Tom diho?,How can Tom do that?,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Noodop zou do oopod om iso di kosodop.,I slept for 11 hours last night.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Nung izou nopo diau nga au zou mumang maan diho.,"If I were you, I wouldn't do a thing like that.",kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Minuat zikoi do esei dagai di koniab.,Yesterday we wrote our essays.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Kikuukuama' zi taka ku.,My sister has a job.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Kivaa padagangan do taakanon kiuganik doiho kadai pomohian taakanon.,This grocery store only sells organic food.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Au zou alaatan tinau' tuhun nga...,"I'm not racist, but...",kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Nokuo ogumu o tongo kaa' mantad ko tazam suvai duuhia tahun?,Why have the apes evolved more than other animals?,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Magandad isido sohihinaid do sajaam.,He kept waiting for hours and hours.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Izou nopo nga i Tom Hunter.,I'm Tom Hunter.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Zisido no ih odomut kohodongon kikopolotian tagazo.,He who is slow to anger has great understanding.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Mositi zou mongoi sohovot di pinsan ku duuhia tutumpoon kapal tutumuhud.,I have to go to the airport to meet my cousin.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Aanangan zikoi mamain.,We like playing.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Napatai iho madtatamong.,A guard's been killed.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Nokuo tu maan nu miaga diti?,Why do you want to do this?,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn "Gumusa ko nopo do duvo labit, au ko nogi manabpo dii.","If you run after two hares, you will catch neither.",kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Minidu pogun zi Tom di tohu toun nakatahib.,Tom passed away three years ago.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Apatut zou no mokianu kasagaan di Tom.,I should've asked Tom for permission.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Kotohuadan tu kinoikatan!,Thank you for coming!,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Nahasa' zou?,Am I ever wrong?,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Aanangan zisido do kupi miampai aiso gula.,He likes coffee without sugar.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Onu ih tinuman nu?,What will you have to drink?,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Notinggoudan do hamin kosodop.,The house was struck by lightning yesterday.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Au zou kokodos doid alaat koula-ulahon disido.,I can't stand his impoliteness.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Au isido kavasa kuukuamaon tu nohoing kozo i zapa ku.,My father is so old that he can't work.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Ogumu kuukuamaon dau dii.,He had a lot of work to do.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Nokoongoi motu i Tom doiho hamin poopian tusin baino.,Tom has probably already been to the bank today.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Kivaa nopo tusin nga nobohi no diho.,"If I had had enough money, I could have bought it.",kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Agazo tohi disido.,He has a huge cock.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Moboos zou do Jipun tokuudi.,I speak a little Japanese.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Ahansan daa otingkodon iho umasam.,I wish the rain would stop.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Au zou noihaan nonggo o kinoizonon disido.,I don't know where he lives.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Kotihog tohi dau miaga' do kuda'.,He's hung like a horse.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Minanaak zikoi do pokionuan kozo dioho.,We gave way to their demands.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Tigog ka om posimbanan no iho tonsi tinan kunaa do hunok soginumu 50 piatus.,Hence 50 percent of the muscle can give way to fat.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Ahasu tadau baino tokudi.,Today it's quite hot.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Kitoihaan ku mantad ko disido.,My idea went against his.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Toluai ino bobog koonom bo.,It'll soon be six o'clock.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn "Sikapo', tuhungai zou gia.",Hurry. Please lend me a hand.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Noponuhan diho kaban o buuk.,The box was full of books.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Sikapo' no! Ahambat tokou mai.,Hurry up! We'll be late.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Toluai no bobog kotohu no ii.,It'll soon be three o'clock.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Hiungan zosido do dimput ku.,She will clean my room.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Inobu om kahantazan au' mamanau mipahud.,Laziness and success do not go together.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Oponting nopo kohidasan tinan ku.,My health is my only capital.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Tititumbuhui zou id Britain do insan po.,I am anxious to visit Britain once again.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Pinoundahiu zi Mary do hamin miampai di komohoingan dau.,Mary moved home to be with her parents.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Iti nopo nga tonggungan za monguup diau.,It's our job to help you.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn "Doid poinsomok do Krismas, pakalajaan i di dati mongumbasi.","With the approach of Christmas, business improved somewhat.",kzj_Latn-eng_Latn "Titibohi zou do kulita, nga mosikin zou.","I would buy the car, but I am poor.",kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Izou okon ko songuhun mogigindapu.,I am not a businessperson.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Nokokinam kou po naku minonongkiboos miampai di Tom?,Have any of you ever talked to Tom?,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Mositi no mongotus iho sogit kapatazan.,The death penalty should be abolished.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Au zou katantu ngaatus piatus.,I'm not 100% sure about that.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Au izioho noihaan nunu di minaan po.,They did not know what to do first.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Aiso tuhun poihoon diau au tagal mooi ikot doiti baino?,Didn't anybody tell you that you didn't have to be here today?,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Kivaa po tuhun dit au minomusoou sondii.,Some people never seem to learn how to think for themselves.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Mangakan zou do ipol om zosido nopo mangakan do ruti.,I eat an apple and she eats bread.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Kivaa golija poinsomok do hamin ku.,There is a church near my house.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Sumuang zou doid mingkupi-kupi.,I come inside to drink coffee.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn "Nung kokito ko nopo do pinuobo nu dii ontok monuugi ko, oihaan nu do tosogit ino.","If you can see your breath when you exhale, you know it's cold.",kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Kada ponongkiboos kaka pakalajaan maso dumuom tokou.,Don't talk about business while we're dining.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Au kou otumbazaan diti!,You guys are not going to believe this!,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn "Humabus isido mantad do dimput miampai aiso boos ""tumoodo no"".",He left the room without even saying goodbye.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Mangakan zikoi id doungadau mikuvo do tinaak disido do sinsing montok dogo.,We were in the middle of lunch when he gave me a ring.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Poihoon di Mary kumaa dogo kovihi mikuvo do pananggaung zosido po.,Mary wanted me to look the other way while she was getting dressed.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Pinolotu dioho do bodihan atom duuhia Hiroshima.,They dropped an atomic bomb on Hiroshima.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Himo Reals hoogo iso kaban do anggur Argentina!,Argentinian grapes for five reals a box!,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Nomboo o tanak ku?,Where's my son?,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Atuukoi! Ingkuo o kivaa iho doiti? Au zou koiho momoguno diho kompiuto.,Oh God! How did this get here? I'm not good with computers!,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Mangandad zou do sohinaid satanga jaam.,I have been waiting for almost half an hour.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Nokito zou disido id jamban do piipio minit nakatahib.,I saw him go into the toilet a few minutes ago.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Maamaso saviavi tuhun mindad diau.,Everybody is waiting for you.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Miniikau isido id diisan do bavang.,He sat at the edge of the stream.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Anta'ua iziau toi izisido nopo nga hasa.,Either you or he is wrong.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Simbao' itia ponguoton po zou.,Please answer this question for me.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Guntomou o pomusaavan do miampai aiso kivotik toodop kohodongon.,Colorless green ideas sleep furiously.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Apatut no agagas no kozo zosido tu kitoluo o hepatitis.,She got hepatitis no wonder she is losing so much weight.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Onuai zou sasawan kupi.,"Give me a coffee, please.",kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Minsingiho ko naku boos Onggilis?,Do you study English?,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Muhi isido daamin di tiinu.,He came back home a while ago.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Mangandad zioho ngavi.,They're all waiting.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Ogingo booson nu nga pamadavot nu au sumongkuo tavasi.,"Your accent's good, but your pronunciation's a little bit off.",kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Mimang zou diau mooi pokisuduvon.,I'd like you to help me gather some firewood.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Mogiampot zioho mangakan.,They ate lunch together.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Ahasu iti dimput do tiinu.,This room will soon heat up.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn "Nung au' tokou tamangan kinoizonon posoihi', humusi' ii dotokou.","If we don't take care of the environment, it'll take vengeance against us.",kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Posikon nu kama doid bobog koonom.,You must get up at six.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Sumusui i tapa ku dogo kokomoi tontok pisangadan disido di haid po.,My father told me about his experiences during the war.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Noihaan i Tom do au i Mary songkuo koiho do humozog.,Tom soon realized that Mary wasn't a very good swimmer.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Tombituon i toniini diho nga di noikot binabang.,That small star is the brightest.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Ngaan ku nopo nga i Ken.,My name is Ken.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Songian mugad iho kulitapui do kavagu?,When does the next train leave?,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Kinaman ku po.,Let me try it on.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Ouzan no i Tom mangandad om muhi doid daamin.,Tom got tired of waiting and went on home.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Au zou mimang ponongkiboos diau tii.,I don't really want to talk to you at the moment.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Au zou mimang ponongkiboos diau baino.,I don't really want to talk to you right now.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Mositi zou tingkadan pakalajaan ku.,I had to resign.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Ahangas tomod i Mary do mokiampun.,Mary is too stubborn to apologize.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Nonggo ko dii?,Where are you?,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Sontob nunu nopo dati nga' kavasa' nung otumbazaan nu nopo ii.,All things are possible if you believe.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Au ko apatut boobozo'on kaka takanon dii.,You shouldn't be so picky about food.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Au zou kokito diau.,I don't see you.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Kotohuadan tu mongohos diti buuk kumaa dagai.,Thank you for lending us the book.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Nokotupus ku iziau.,I fell in love with you.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Ouhau ko di.,You are crazy.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Muhau nopo tupus.,Love is crazy.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Aiso minaan dau konunu.,He did nothing wrong.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Minongouvang zou dosido doid piano.,I accompanied her on the piano.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn "Ogingo no ihia sangkakib ruti dot au koiho poihoon, nga ihia no kivaa susuzan dongeng do mogisusuvai kakib ruti.","The loaf of bread was so fine that nobody could even describe it, for only in fairyland does one find such marvelous loaves.",kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Pouhio' ko no kama!,You should get back home.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Vaig nopo nga koposizon.,Water is life.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Onu boos koiso dau?,What were his first words?,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Aiso pomihian ku suvai ko mugad do doino dii.,I had no choice but to go there.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Zi taki disido nopo nga tuhun Liechtensteiner.,His grandfather is a native Liechtensteiner.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Duutia zou poingizon.,I live here.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Soovo no do momoliksa papatantu no pinisokon iho gas poguhuui gumabas ko.,Remember to check to make sure the gas has been turned off before you go out.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Humansan zou diau do intangan di Tom.,I'm counting on you to keep an eye on Tom.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Nokoiho i Tina nu?,Does your mother know?,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Duminahin zi Tom do santut.,Tom changed into his swimsuit.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Duvo no kitingau ku.,I have two cats.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Momusoou zou po do suvai.,I think otherwise.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Iziau tuhun Sina?,Are you Chinese?,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Au zou songkuo tantu noihaan ku diho.,I wouldn't be so sure about that.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Houson ko no?,Are you hungry?,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Au zou insan nokokito dosido.,I had never seen her before that time.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Saasau kosimban iho koula-ulahon do tadau.,Weather changes often.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Au iho kavasa pinungaan koposizon.,This cannot be called life.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Titiugad zou.,I want to go.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn "Nung isai-isai nopo do umikot mogium dogo, pobooson nopo isido, guminabas zou.","If anybody comes, tell him that I am out.",kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Opiumanan ku do apatut no kinamanan dii.,I think it's worth trying.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Ouzan ko no?,Are you too tired?,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn "Guhion ku do tadau suvab, nung miho no dati.","I'll be back by tomorrow, if possible.",kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Au zou miho izonon id saalom do vaig. Izou okon ko sada.,I cannot live in water. I'm not a fish.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn "Muhau ko nopo papapanau kolita ti, popouhau dogo nopo.",You are such a crazy driver; you drive me crazy.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Ngaan ku nopo nga i Jack.,My name is Jack.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Apatut no zikoi mooi paganu do ohoson tusin mantad do poopian tusin.,We must ask the bank for the loan.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Ogumu mongingia' kavavagu au opiumanan poposodia do mangajal asas kookomozon om poopongintob.,Many new teachers feel ill-prepared to teach basic literacy and numeracy.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Izisido tadi ku.,He's my younger brother.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Angkab disido dumadi do injiniol katavanan.,His dream is to become an aerospace engineer.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Nosoou zou nopo ziozu nga minugad nodi.,I thought you guys had already left.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Aiso tuhun mumbozo disido.,Nobody believes in him.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Mokiampun zou.,Please forgive me.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Manu zou do Toyota.,I want a Toyota.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Atantu no kivuhu isido.,He's naturally hairy.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Kobinsianai no miaga nopo di Tama' diozu tu' obinsianan.,"Be merciful, just as your Father is merciful.",kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Kivaa vuhu kangkab di Tom.,Tom has a hairy chest.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Aiso isido doid daamin dau songian tinolipoun ku dau.,He wasn't at home when I called on him.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn "Mokituhung zou po, obuli?","Can I get a little help, please?",kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Kivuhu kangkab dau.,He has a hairy chest.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Kivaa kozo vuhu hongon di Tom.,Tom has really hairy arms.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Momiubat zou daa hoohobi timpu do miampai diau.,I'd like to spend more time with you.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Monikid do papadampot tagazo do noinsan minongingat di au dati.,Every great achievement was once considered impossible.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Nakaakan ko no?,Have you eaten yet?,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Minonguama' zisido mantad jaam ko sizam kumaa himo.,He worked from nine to five.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Pinoinggapus dogo zi Tom.,Tom hugged me.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Nogonop no vinasi isido do popokito do lahan kumaa id sitisin.,He was kind enough to show me the way to the station.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Minuot zi Tom di Mary nung kosoomo zisido nopo mai vagu di John.,Tom asked Mary if she would ever consider going out with John again.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Mangakan ko daa naku totuvong id daamin dii?,Are you going to have dinner at home?,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Akasou kozo iho kobohingkangan.,This problem is really annoying.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Songian zikoi mangakan? Houson zou!,When are we eating? I'm hungry!,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Ingkaa nopo dii numpasaan dau nga 90 toun ka bo.,He is likely to live to be ninety.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Iisai minogohimut dagai?,Who betrayed us?,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn "Sontob tangazam nopo nga kopiagahan no, nga kivaa nopo tangazam nga do hobi mantad do suvai.","All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.",kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Nokuo di Tom? Napatai isido dii?,What happened to Tom? Is he dead?,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Nakabalajal zisido moboos do Perancis sohinaid vahu toun nopo.,He has been studying French for eight years.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Nokito zou diaho' di minggu nakatahib.,I saw her last week.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Aiso popointahang dino.,There's no evidence.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Pinouhi zisido id Jipun do timpu koiso doid vahu toun ka bo.,He came back to Japan for the first time in eight years.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Nunu maan nu kahapas mangakan doungotuvong?,What do you do after dinner?,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn "Kiombuingoton nu, kiombuingoton ku, nookuo tu mimang ko manapas dogo?","""You have pressure, I have pressure, why do you want to provoke me?""",kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Minuhi zisido po haid doid bobog kavahu.,He came back before eight.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Nosoou ku iziau aanangan no dihia.,I think you liked it.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Nakaakan zikoi.,We have eaten.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Au zikoi po dumuom.,We haven't eaten yet.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Nookuo tu au ko po minagansak mangakan doungototuvong?,Why haven't you cooked dinner yet?,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Au zou koiho nung kivao do timpu dii.,I don't know if I have the time.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Osusa ino kopilati do nookuo tu titiugad ko.,It is difficult to understand why you want to go.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Nopongo' ko naku monuat do luputan nu?,Have you finished writing your reports yet?,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Apagon gatang iho piano nga hobi apagon nogi iho kulita.,"A piano is expensive, but a car is more expensive.",kzj_Latn-eng_Latn "Oi Tom, doino ko dii?","Tom, are you there?",kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Nookuo tu nabantug zi Zandi Yamada do id sikul?,Why is Mrs. Yamada popular in your school?,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Mintutun zisido kumaa saviavi tuhun.,He is known to everyone.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Minonondos i tanak kusai tu mongudut id timpu do panaasan id sikul.,The boy was accused of cheating during the exam.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Miaga ko zi Tom nopo nga tambahut ih tavasi.,Tom seems like a good friend.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Nadadi zou do tambahut dau.,I became his friend.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Apatut zisido no doino doid bobog kavahu nga au zisido minoimvuhai gisom bobog koopod.,He was supposed to be there at 8 o'clock but he didn't show up till ten.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Napaasan no obingoodop ku.,"I was bored, so I fell asleep.",kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Koiho ko naku nookuo tu obulou o tavan?,Do you know why the sky is blue?,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Hinobusan isido doid jaam kavahu.,He left home at 8:00.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Au ko minsingiho do mamanau do miampai tumanud do momolita'. Minsingiho ko do koimaan om naatu.,You don't learn to walk by following rules. You learn by doing and by falling over.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn "Atuukoi, kavasa ko dii ada pangasou zou di?","Oh, dear, can you please not disturb me?",kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Minsingiho isido po baino.,He's now studying.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Umikot ko doino do monuat zou diau.,I'll write you as soon as I arrive there.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Aanangan zou do momihozuk om momohukis nogi.,"I like music, but I also like paintings.",kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Minaan i Tom id tohu tulan do poguhu po.,Tom did that three months ago.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Mimpuupula isido dumadi dokutul.,He pretended to be a doctor.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Otopot no boos ku.,What I'm saying is true.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn "Oosizan ku diho kavo tongkulalava tagazo, toitom om kivuuvuhu.","I'm scared of big, black, hairy tarantulas!",kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Mamakai zi Tom do tupi.,Tom is wearing a hat.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Tondu zou.,I'm a woman.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Tuminongkizad zou miampai di Tom.,I broke up with Tom.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Au i Dan kakama do tongkulalava tagazo kivuhu dau miampai do aiso salung hongon takapa.,Dan never handles his big hairy spider without a thick glove.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Tagaagazo dino kavaavagu ditia hamin dii.,This house is as large again as that one.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Nokoguhi zou no.,I have come back.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn "Oi Mary, au avaavasi no daa nasip nu, pampadai no diho vuhu do tungau, akapa vuhu dau.","Mary, Mary, quite contrary, trim that pussy, it's damn hairy.",kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Ikoton tokou mai doid sajaam poguhuui kadampot zi Tom do doino.,We'll arrive about one hour before Tom gets there.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn "Mantad tutubpoon kapal gisom doid daamin ku, avasi nogi sumakai do tiksi.","As for getting to my house from the airport, the best way is by taxi.",kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Au isido moboos.,He does not say.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Nosonsog zi Tom naku dii?,Was Tom forced to do that?,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Koikot zou do suvab.,I can come tomorrow.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Ohidas i Tom tomoimo.,Tom is always healthy.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Ouzan zou koongou di Tom.,I'm sick of listening to Tom.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Kavasa zou kotutun diau?,Can I be your friend?,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Kavasa ko do manganu dagai id Muzium British?,Can you take us to the British Museum?,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Notuu o mato dau.,She dried her eyes.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Au avasi abal dosido.,She's in a bad mood.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Koiho ko moginum do baa'?,Do you know how to drink palm wine?,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Au insan do poimpasi do tumahib nga' minsingiho tomoimo mantad dii.,Never live in the past but always learn from it.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Minugad i pirisidon mantad do Amorika doungosuvab.,The President left for America this morning.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Au mimang zi Tom momohi konuununu.,Tom doesn't want to buy anything else.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Mintong zou do TV doid maamaso do suvab.,I will be watching TV about this time tomorrow.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Onu o tosoou nu di Tom minomohi?,What do you think Tom bought?,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Au zou aanangan tu Tom mugad pitanga-totuvong diti.,I don't like it when Tom stays out late at night.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Okon ko sabap tu a'adahan i Tom.,It's not like Tom to be late.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Maan zou do gaung vagu montok diau.,I will make a new suit for you.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Pohoovo i kapten.,Get the captain.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn "Pininsinginaman ku po vagu om vagu, nga au zou kaanu nakahantoi.","I tried again and again, but I couldn't succeed.",kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Oihaan ku id nomboo zi Tom.,I know exactly where Tom is.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Inindau no umasam tosogit di koniab.,It snowed yesterday.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn I tanak kusai nopo iho nga momohi do tasu.,The boy buys a dog.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Humodong i zina ku.,My mother is angry.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Sumakai tokou do tiksi.,We took a cab.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn """Onu abal nu?"" ""Avasi ii bo, kotohuadan.""","""How are you?"" ""I am fine, thank you.""",kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Poihoo zou po vagu oonu ih kinaantakan dii?,Tell me more about what happened.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Jaam pio o oubas ko mosik dii?,What time do you usually get up?,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Popointutun isido di tanak tondu dau kumaa dogo.,He introduced me to his daughter.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Kagampot i Tom do kaking.,Tom reached for a towel.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Au zou miho maan do tuhu toi ko tikiu dau.,I can't make head nor tail of it.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Mongoi kioson nopo tosoou disido no.,He saw suicide as the only way out.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Apagon no mogium karabau.,It became difficult to find buffalo.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Kada zou uoton konunu.,Don't ask me anything.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Kiiso do ponjijip nu?,Have you got a lighter?,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Nakahantoi zi Tom naku doid panaasan ii?,Did Tom do well on the exam?,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Ahansan zou do kouhagangan nu!,I wish you happiness!,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Insan tadau tanak dito kosovohi diti buvaton tokou.,One day our children will take over our paddy planting.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn "Nung mimang isido, momoguno zi Tom do papapagambal vidio ku.",Tom may use my video camera if he wants to.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Okito zou diau kadaada no.,I can see you're speechless.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn "Nung kosohovot ko di Tom, adaa hiivai uoton dau ""ingkuro no abal di savo dau?"".","If you see Tom, don't forget to ask him how his wife's doing.",kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Monguup zikoi koni dioho?,Shouldn't we be helping them?,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Pohogoson dosido isido tu nosoou dosido nopo isido nga alala'at.,She dumped him because she thought he was a jerk.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Iti no kangku dii.,That's all I had to say.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Avasi no songtinaba' do lahan diti ka bo.,"It's a good sentence, by the way.",kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Kinaman i Tom tomoimo do nunu nopo topot doid tosoou dau.,Tom always tries to do what he thinks is right.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn "Nung au' tokou koiho, koontok do muot tuhun di koiho.","If we don't know, it is fitting that we ask people who know.",kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Mositi zou momongo diti doid jaam ko-2 satanga.,I have to finish doing this by 2:30.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Upuson ku iziau hobi mantad di tahaid dii.,I love you more than ever.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Au kavasa singonuon nu iho tana sundung potuu savo nu zi Indai.,You cannot have the property although Indai was your late wife.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Papaakan zosido disido.,She herself gave him something to eat.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Osuvab zou kozo mosik.,I wake up very early.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Miaga ko do kotuhidan iziaha' doid dogo.,It seems to me that he is honest.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Ingkuo daa zou miho moniva do gaung?,Where can I rent a costume?,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn "Au zou notindapou do pogituutubungan, om iziaha' nogi nga au notindapou .","I didn't attend the meeting, and he didn't either.",kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Au zou sumaga diau mongoi doiho Eropah songuhunan.,I object to you going to Europe alone.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Apatut ko zou poposuung do taakanon do talasu?,Shall I prepare you a warm meal?,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Bazatan ku di Tom.,I hate Tom.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Minanakau i Tom do kampi' ku.,Tom stole my wallet from me.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Kiumul zi Muriel 20 toun baino.,Muiriel is 20 now.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Nakadagang duuhia duvo korita.,These new cars are on sale.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn "Doid pogun Onggilis, Labour Day nopo nga doid vuhan kohimo.","In England, Labor Day is in May.",kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Au zou mimang hintuun doid talun-alun nodi.,I'm not going down that road again.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Mambasa i Tom do hobi kuang tohu buuk sombulan.,Tom reads at least three books a month.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn """Nokuo tu humodong ko?"" ""Au zou humodong bogia!""","""Why are you angry?"" ""I'm not angry!""",kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Gunoon ko no kama do gear tosiiba songian papapanau kulita doiho'd vazaan id nuhuvon do kisaazo.,You must engage low gears when you drive as these mountain roads are very uneven.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Tuminius i Tom do tiinumon ngavi om minugad mantad do poginuman.,Tom downed the rest of his drink and left the bar.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Kiginavo zosido do tavaavasi.,She has a good heart.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Mananggaung zou do gaung takapal haid montok do tadau miaga' duutia.,I wear my old coat in weather like this.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Houson zou miaga' do bouvang.,I'm as hungry as a bear.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn "Zikoi nopo diti nga mantad mogisusuvai tinau om boos, nga misompuu zikoi maza do iso tuduvan. Hobi poh kopizo, mamantang zikoi di Jehova, Kinoingan i poinsuat id Baibol om minamangun savi-avi id pomogunan. Momit zikoi miaga di Jesus Kristus om ondos zikoi do pungana’an sabaagi tuhun Kristian. Tomoimo zikoi momoguno timpu do monuhung tuhun balajal do Baibol om Kopomolintaan do Kinoingan. Papaabal zikoi kumaa tuhun ngavi i Kinoingan Jehova om kopomolintaan dau, nointutunan zikoi i Sasi-Sasi Jehova.","We come from hundreds of ethnic and language backgrounds, yet we are united by common goals. Above all, we want to honor Jehovah, the God of the Bible and the Creator of all things. We do our best to imitate Jesus Christ and are proud to be called Christians. Each of us regularly spends time helping people learn about the Bible and God’s Kingdom. Because we witness, or talk, about Jehovah God and his Kingdom, we are known as Jehovah’s Witnesses.",kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Poingizon i taki do 99 toun nodi.,Grandfather lived to be 99 years old.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Aiso no zikoi maan diti baino.,We don't have to do this now.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn "Pomohoovon do pogun Sipanyol nopo do boos Sipanyol nga ""España"".","Spain is called ""España"" in Spanish.",kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Avasi o kokitanan do ngavi.,Everything looked nice.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Agaagazo no tinan zi Tom om do momoguno ziaha' do duvo tiikoon doid kapal tumuhud.,Tom is so fat he needs two seats on an airplane.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Do koontok di minamatai zou disido.,"Effectively, I killed him.",kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Mimang zou daa do isooi o gitar miaga di John.,I want the same guitar as John has.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Apatut no ikodon dau au tumingkod tu kitoluo no pneumonia dau dii.,He's got pneumonia no wonder he is coughing nonstop.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Ouzan zou kokomoi diozu.,I'm tired of you guys.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Doiti ko sontuvong?,Have you been here all night?,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Au mongukab iho kadai do tadau baino.,The store is not open today.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Nombo ko dii?,Where art thou?,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Kumininam zou do momogono o umul dau.,I tried to guess her age.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Atangkangau ko tomoimo?,Are you always busy?,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Sinsitip mato ku kinilau do binabang.,My eyes are very sensitive to the light.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Pio no buuk dot onuan nu?,About how many books do you have?,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Tuhun au mumbozo kozo.,Woe to infidels.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Monolipon i John nopo dogo nga poihoo po isido tu muhi ku doid jaam kotuu'.,"If John phones me, please tell him I'll be back by seven o'clock.",kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Manu ko dogo mooi uhi daamin?,Do you want me to go home?,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Titombuhui zou diau.,I want to visit you.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Au zou po poihoon kumaa di Tom do nookuo tu maan ku diho.,I still haven't told Tom why I want to do that.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn "Siou, aiso isido doiti.","Sorry, he is not here.",kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Siou tu aiso zosido doiti.,I'm sorry she's not here.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Minooi zioho doid stisin maza kulita dioho.,They drove to the station by car.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Nohodi' isido om guminazo doiho Osaka.,She was born and brought up in Osaka.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Mositi no povosion diho jaam hongon.,This watch needs to be fixed.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Mantad paganakan ku id Malaysia.,My family is from Malaysia.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Titiongoi isido nodi doiho daat.,He already intends to go to the sea.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Manu ko do kupi?,Do you want a cup of coffee?,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Kongingis i Doraemon tomoimo.,Doraemon often smiles.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Monolipon zou po kavavagu doid duvo ngoopod minit.,I'll call back in twenty minutes.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Nokuo o nopudaan ku sundung potu osopung zou mooi odop?,How did I oversleep even though I went to bed early?!,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Minongkibit i Tom om i Mary do tanak mantad doid pogun Russia.,Tom and Mary adopted a child from Russia.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Kitasu zou.,I have a dog.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Nosondiu zou doid tobon.,I leaned against the wall.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Luputan tokou ii katantuan songian noihaan.,We will report the results when known.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Zi Zandi Smith songuhun mongigia' boos Inggilis?,Is Mrs. Smith an English teacher?,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Pohontopon iho stisin kulitapui mantad suvab.,The train station will be closed from tomorrow.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Kivaa' tomoimo o tinimungan do hamin do kohobian doid misaap dioho.,The home team always have an advantage over their opponents.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn I zina ku iti.,This is my mother.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Au ko monoizuk kozo do dimput dii nga aiso dimput kanu dii?,"There's no room for excuses when it comes to your negligence, is there?",kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Pangabaasan nu nopo ino.,That is only your excuse.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Ada poiakai zou!,Don't make me laugh!,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn "Paswod nopo nga ""Muiriel"".","The password is ""Muiriel"".",kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Nomboo o tiikoon ku?,Where is my seat?,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Aanangan zou do koula-ulahon nu dit otimistik.,I like your optimism.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Kumalaja zou tomoimo mantad do kosuvabon gisom do totuvong.,He is always working from morning till night.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Kiusin ziaha' nga' au' ounsikou ginavo dau.,"He has money, but he's not happy.",kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Apatut no i Tom mikot baino.,Tom should've arrived by this time.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Koiho zou do ngaan dii.,I know the name.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Songkuo hinaid do izonon nu doiho Kanada?,How long did you stay in Canada?,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Tomoimo nopo susuzan nga mimban-simban nogi.,"Generally speaking, history repeats itself.",kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Guminakom isido dogo.,He arrested me.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Iumon zi Tom dagai.,Tom will find us.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Nopupusan ku o' pinonginabasan di duvo toun nakatahib.,I graduated two years ago.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Mositi mokinongou tokou disido.,We should heed him.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Au ko alaatan dogo?,Don't you hate that?,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Hobi ginumu' do osupu' (o'uug) maza' do sambayang ko' ii otoinipi do pomogunan diti.,More things are wrought by prayer than this world dreams of.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Magandad nopo iho tiksi di habus.,The taxi is waiting outside.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Isai mimang moi pagasu?,Who wants to go hunting?,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Oonu minaan nu doiho id Kyoto?,What did you go to Kyoto for?,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Ingkuo daa pounsikaan ku kumaa diau?,How can I make you happier?,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Abahantas ko moboos do Sina nodi.,Your Chinese is awesome already.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Monongkoiho zou kokomoi do kinaantakan di Tom.,I'd like to know more about what happened to Tom.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Momohukis i tanak di Mary do gambal dosido.,Mary's daughter drew her a picture.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Posuato maza do pinsil.,Please write with a pencil.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Ihia no naku do tingau/izing toi tasu?,Is that a cat or a dog?,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Mamanau no kama po haid do atangkus ko dii.,You've got to walk before you can run.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Otumbazaan ko naku doid koginavaan ih pointopot?,Do you believe in true love?,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn I nopo nazatan do boos nga' pinuhas tu' dahin toomod ii.,This sentence has been deleted because it was a duplicate.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Momois no asam.,A light rain was falling.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Au zou kokito poingkuo o pohogoson nu diho.,I don't see how you can ignore this.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Okodo tohi' di Tom.,Tom has a small dick.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Nopohidan zou do vazaan doiti New York.,I lost my way in New York.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Mamain i John do izing om tikus miampai di Dick.,John played cat and mouse with Dick.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Kivaa do ponitik nu?,Do you have a lighter?,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Tumongob kozo i Tom kokomoi diau.,Tom is very worried about you.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Pinoihaan ku zosido do koikatan dau.,I informed her of his arrival.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Kivaa noopo do surga om nalaka idsuang ginavo di tuhun.,Heaven and hell exist only in the human heart.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Ogingo' zosido doid tontok do komulakan dosido.,She was beautiful when she was young.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Ahansan no daa koinsomok ko dogo.,I wish you were close to me.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Noinsan kou naku mambasa do Baibol?,Have you ever read the Bible?,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Mongoluang i Joe naku diau kosodop do minsosodop?,Was Joe with you yesterday evening?,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Hangadon zou di tambahut ku.,I miss my friends.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Minamanau zioho do id sampaapaping.,They walked side by side.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Vazaan ngavi gisom do bandal Rome.,All roads lead to Rome.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Kasalajulan nopo nga sohiihinaid.,Eternity is a long time.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Nga au zou koiho ingkuo o mogonsok do kebab!,But I don't know how to cook kebabs!,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Doiti i Tom tamangon dogo.,Tom is here to protect me.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Minsingiho zikoi daa do hozou Jipun.,We want to learn Japanese songs.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Otihaan i Mary do loo dau.,Mary can lick her own chin.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Ada po poki'uang zou doid Pisbuk. Kaku diau nodi mada zou mangan do nunu kumaa diau.,"Don't add me on Facebook, I've already told you that I don't want anything more to do with you.",kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Isai huhumozou ih tangavasi id kaambatan tokou?,Who is the best singer in our company?,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Talanggou ko mantad dogo.,You're taller than me.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Pogoduhan no duhaan.,Spitting is prohibited.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Duhaan isido id dogo.,He spit on me.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Naahapon ku no id kalamazan diti.,I was invited to the party.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Duhaan zioho id dogo.,They spit on me.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Ihia no diau?,Is it yours?,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Aiso toinsanan pakalaja tuminindapou.,Not all of the staff was present.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Nakataan nodi i Tom doid panjala doid sontoun.,Tom is currently serving ten years in prison.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Tinumongob ko no kokomoi dioho?,Are you worried about them?,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Nokuo tumogod ko dogo?,Why are you angry with me?,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Izisido no tuhun koiso nga tinumindak idsuang kumpiutol id kaambatan tokou.,He was the first to jump into the world of computers at our company.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Mingkikiut o Koala.,Koalas are cute.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Poguhio!,Give it back!,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn "Toun diti, aiso no timpu ku do tadau koundaangan dii.",This year I didn't have time to go on holidays.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Au avasi tomod timpu diti.,This isn't a very good time.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Au zi Tom koiho nomboo o podtutudan do sizamut.,Tom didn't know where to burn the trash.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Au zou insan mongingat kouhanan om kouhagangan sabaagi do ginavo koposizon dino sondii.,I never consider ease and joyfulness as the purpose of life itself.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Kulita disido nopo nga Ford.,His car is a Ford.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Onu taakanon do au miho akanon di toluo' do diabetik?,What foods should a diabetic not eat?,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Au zou momboos Albania.,I don't speak Albanian.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Kivaa miapid tondu nu?,Do you have a twin sister?,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Sumovohi iho ibut.,The climate is changing.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Soovon ku daa aanangan isido diho.,I'm sure he'll like it.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Notingkod no kogunoon do vaig.,The water has been cut off.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Tumihombus ihia masam-asam sangadau.,The rain continued all day.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Kalati ko naku nunu komozon ku?,Do you understand what I mean?,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Kavasa ko noopo monigup id kabun do taap dii.,You can only smoke in the roof garden.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Tootopot nopo ti nga mimang zou diau maan do hoohobi dino.,I actually need you to do more than just that.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Pokinongoo no dogo.,Listen to me.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Nokuo au duhia zi Tom id pitimbungakan dii?,Why was Tom not at the meeting?,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Kusai nopo tootopot nga koinum do tiih.,Real men drink tea.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Osodu pamanaan tokou.,We have a long walk.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Minsingiho zikoi boos Sina.,We study Chinese.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Aiso isai-isai nopo nunu kangku nodi.,Nobody believed what I said.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Izikoi no tanakvagu.,We are men.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Monusi zioho do kulita dioho tomoimo tikid-tikid tadau koonom.,They wash their car every Saturday.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Nohiivan ku nunu ka dii.,I forget who said it.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn "Pokinongoo no duutia tavaavasi, olotian nu do nunu komozon ku.","Listen to me carefully, and you will understand what I really mean.",kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Simbao' no!,Please answer me.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn I' huhumozou tuhun Jorman di nointutunan nopo humozou do Inggilis.,This popular German singer only sings in English.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Koongou ko naku dogo?,Can you hear me?,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Au zou kataan.,I won't hold my breath.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Naavi no do tiih tokou.,We've run out of tea.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Tunudo zou gia nung hasa.,Correct me if I'm wrong.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Kanou maan do Matomatik.,Let's do the math.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Upus zou diau do toinsanan i' tangavasi.,I love you the best of all.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Upus zou kozo diau.,I love you the most.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Monongkoiho zou.,I want to know.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Upus zou diau dovokon.,I love you more than anyone else.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Onu apatut o oviton ku?,What should I bring?,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Maan ku gia popointahang nunu komozon ku dii.,Let me make plain what I mean.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Au zou koiho songkuo daa kouhagangan dii.,I don't know how to be happy anymore.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Aiso isaasai nopo do papagazo do ginavo dau.,No one encouraged her.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Iti nopo nga bosikal di Mike.,This is Mike's bicycle.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn """Omuhok zosido?"" ""Oh""","""Is she young?"" ""Yes, she is.""",kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Au zou mangakan do kuhit manuk.,I don't eat chicken skin.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Koiho ko naku nunu komozon ku?,Do you know what I mean?,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Aiso no koongou kumaa do pogibooboos.,None were listening to the speaker.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Iumon zou do dioho.,I will try to find them.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn "Mantad pokitanan ku, mogot po dii do magandad do haahaid.","From my point of view, it would be better to wait a little longer.",kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Mugad zou id sikul jaam kotuu'.,I go to school at seven.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Nosusu no do tuhun ngaavi i koidu om kopiagahan doid kotinguhan om sanganu. Kikasaavan om topiumanan ginavo zioho om minooi o tumindak id piahatan do iso suvai do sunduvan i kopiobpinazan.,All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Kivaa tanakvagu di vagu i Mary.,Mary has a new boyfriend.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Pokinongoho no savo nu oi Tom.,"Listen to your wife, Tom.",kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Kada ko kosusa.,You don't worry.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Kada' akanai!,Don't eat it.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Aiso suvai do hobi tapangkal mantad ko piombohutan.,There is nothing more important than friendship.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Biio mai iho tombohog ngaavi do id tavan. Au izioho mananom toi ko mongomot toi ko monima do id tangkob; om sumadon nogi di Tama diozu do id surga izioho. Okon naku ko agazo po o gatang diozu mantad dioho?,"Look at the birds of the air: they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they?",kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Aiso isai nopo do nouva'on doid minomomihi disido sabaagi poniikoon.,Nobody argued against choosing him as chairman.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn "Oi Tom, nunu titiakan nu dongotuvong ti?","Tom, what do you want to have for dinner?",kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Aiso isai nopo mitongkizad dioho.,No one can separate them.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Tanak kusai ko tondu?,Is it a son or a daughter?,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Kinaman ku pisingihaan do boos Inggilis.,I am trying to learn English.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Mugad zou no.,It's time to say goodbye.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn """Oi Jesus, suang no id ginavo ku, dadi no do Tuhan om mononobus ku. Ompuno no saviavi douso ku. Poduo om bolisiho zou daa. Pohobuso zou. Jesus, monongkotohuod zou diau tu minatai ko montok dogo. Otumbazaan zou do tuminungag ko mantad poinpatai. Om mikot ko vagu montok dogo.""","'Dear Lord Jesus, come into my heart, be my lord and savior. Forgive me of all my sin. Wash me and Cleanse me. Set me free. Jesus, Thank You that You died for me. I believe that You are risen from the dead. and that You are coming back again for me.'",kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Tikid tuhun kopomuhasa'. Kinaman minsingiho mantad dii.,Every person makes mistakes. Try to learn from them.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Tumimpuun ii umasam.,It's starting to rain.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Mogontohu o golupo do himo tontohu.,The hen hatched five eggs.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Sinumoboong ziaha' id bavang.,He got across the river.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Au oihaan i Tom do pisuvazan kol om karbon.,Tom does not know the difference between charcoal and carbon.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Minamanau ziaha' doid dogo.,He walked ahead of me.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Au koiho zi Tom do ingkuo o husion.,Tom doesn't know how to reply.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Hinumozog ziaha' id somboong o bavang.,He swam across the river.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Ginovoon diau di Marta.,Marta loves me.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Au zou moginum do vain do ponuangan di Tom.,I didn't drink the wine Tom poured for me.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Nunu ka do boos Jerman diho?,How do you say that in German?,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Kavasa zou mangakan diho ipol?,May I eat this apple?,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Minagapon isido id bavang.,He went fishing in the river.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Songkuo no oubat do au zou nokokito dii.,What a pity that I did not see it.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Nouzan ko' no?,Are you tired?,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Miizon isido id somboong o bavang.,He lives across the river.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Nomboo kunsi di pinoopi ku?,Where did I put my keys?,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Nokotupus zou kumaa do sumandak togingo'.,He fell in love with a pretty girl.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Sumaga ko naku minsingiho boos Kadazan?,Are you willing to learn Kadazan language?,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Au zou kointutun diau nodi.,I don't even know who you are anymore.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Koiho ko nunu pinoboos di timun (cucumber) kumaa di hampun?,Do you know what the 'timun' said to the 'durian'?,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Mongoi zou sohovot di Tom duutia sitisin doid jaam 2.30.,I'm meeting Tom at the station at 2:30.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Kada pangakan kinotuan mata.,Don't eat raw vegetables.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Anavau kozo ihia binabang tadau baino.,The sun's glare is strong today.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Osomok do daat kinoizonon diti.,This place is near the sea.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Kimiapid zou di kusai.,I have a twin brother.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Izou i zombi!,I'm a zombie!,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Mamain i Tom do tanak kusai dau.,Tom is playing with his son.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Au zou songkuo oihaan diho kaantakan.,I'm not sure that's the case.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Aiso tikit nu montok abaabazan baino di?,Do you have any tickets for today's performance?,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Noihaan kou di Tom koikot doiti?,Did you know that Tom would be here?,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Kumalaja zou miampai disido.,I work with him.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Pinoiho di Tom kumaa di Mary isido nopo nga dukutur.,Tom told Mary he was a doctor.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Kada asangal tomod.,Don't be too stubborn.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Songihisakai iho.,Please keep it secret.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Minggizak-gizak zosido i.,She orgasmed repeatedly.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Nunu nopo kinaantakan nga tumanud no doid pomomutusan di Kinoingan.,Everything happens according to the will of God.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Pakadaada.,Keep it quiet.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Isai ko?,Who are you?,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Mantad zikoi doiho Peransis.,We are from France.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Oonu ih monginum hozou di kaanangan nu?,What's your favorite drinking song?,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Oonu ih abaabazan TV balajalan di kaanangan nu?,What's your favorite educational TV program?,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Nakapatai ko nodii!,You are already dead!,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn "Nakaanu i tongo pakalaja do gaung pakakalaja, om tinantu dioho mooi pupu' diho tomoimo.","The company provides workers uniforms, but it's expected they will wash them regularly.",kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Pohoovon pulis.,Call the police.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Mamatos zosido dogo mooi ikot.,She promised me to come.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Au mimang zi Tom do kinaman konunu do suvai.,Tom doesn't want to try anything else.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Au mimang zi Tom mangakan do konuununu.,Tom doesn't want to eat anything else.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Miaga ko do tuva-uva.,You seem to like fruit.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Izosido okon ko songuhun dukutur nga songuhun mongigia'.,"She is not a doctor, but a teacher.",kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Pinataak dogo di dosido do jaam hongon montok do vava kinohodian.,She gave me a watch for a birthday present.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn "Sunudai zou, pamahaavan ku po mai vagu.",Tell her I'll call back later.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn "Moginum ko do bir doid mangakan pitangadau, koni?","You drank a beer at lunch, didn't you?",kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Miaga ko nosoob o voos ku dii.,I felt as if my face were on fire.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Nokoikot o kulitapui!,Here comes the train!,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Uha' no!,Enough is enough!,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Muhi zou doid Boston. Uha nodi pakazaan ku doid Chicago.,I'm going back to Boston. I've had enough of Chicago.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Nopiumanan ku do tosogit hia tongus doid voos ku ka bo.,I felt a cold wind on my face.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Apatut tokou nangku do maan miaga diti?,Are we supposed to be doing this?,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Iumo taakanon montok tokou.,Get us something to eat.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Iti nopo nga kadaadangan do undang-undang ku nung poiloon ku do tovudut.,It is against my principles to tell a lie.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Kivaa duvo kiik.,There were two cakes.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Au i Tom mimang sakayon do tiksi tu mamanau isido nopo.,Tom didn't need to take a taxi. He could have walked.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Intangai no kama do tiksi diozu!,Keep your eyes peeled for a taxi!,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn "Pahantazo zou no. Nga sokio au zou kahantoi, pohogoso zou do katama do kuminam.","Let me win. But if I cannot win, let me be brave in the attempt.",kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Popoiho i Tom do nunu au kosudong duuhia.,Tom could tell there was something wrong.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Au mimang zi Tom mamain golf do ogumu po.,Tom doesn't play golf so much anymore.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Kivaa do minogovit dogo doid himo minit do mananalasai o kobohingkaangan dii.,The solution of the problem took me five minutes.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Piupusan nopo nga popobohou diau.,Love is blinding you.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Koiho ko' humozog?,Can you swim well?,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Au koiho zi Tom do izou nopo nga tanakvagu i Mary.,Tom doesn't know I'm Mary's boyfriend.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Kotigog i ginavo di Tom songira mokinongou boos kadi Mary.,Tom was a little surprised that Mary said that.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Otopot motu.,Maybe it's true.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Manu zosido dumadi do papadahin boos dot osikap kozo.,She wants to be a simultaneous interpreter.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Aiso no moboos do logat Australia i Tom.,Tom doesn't have an Australian accent.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Aanangan i Tom mangkabun poguhu do mooi kalaja.,Tom likes to work in the garden before going to work.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Kada' no tokou pomusoou do au' tokou oontok do kaahanan do ko'ozuvo' tavan.,Let us not think that climate change will not affect us.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Au mugad zi Tom do id sikul doiti po vagu.,Tom doesn't go to school here anymore.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Nga okudi no kahansanan di tuhun.,But people have a little hope.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Natagakan no tusin disido mantad do kadai kasino.,He lost all of his money at the casino.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn "Tu minisingiho i Jenny do boros Jipun, aiso kobohingkangan dosido mooi tombuhui doiho Jipun.","Since Jenny had studied Japanese, she had no trouble in Japan.",kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Aiso tuhun kivaa do tohu tadau kinohodian do suvai.,No one can have three different birth dates.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Agaazo ihia hamin nu.,Your house is big.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Pinopoiho zou dosido nodi.,I've already talked to her.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Au tokou mizon doiti.,We're not staying.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Manaak i dukutur disido do tubat.,The doctor gave him the medicine.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Tabi pintutunan kumaa diau.,I'm very glad to see you.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Minogindad ko do mamakai ih tavasi montok kadai diti.,You are expected to dress well for this shop.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Abaa' i Tom do uhudan boos nga alaat kozo ijaan dau.,"Tom has a good grasp of grammar, but is weak in spelling.",kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Noihaan zou do kosongkuo daa atangkangau ko dii.,I know how busy you've been.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Nadavatan do pimato 't' doid boos ti?,Is the 't' pronounced in this word?,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Mositi no minsingiho ko mantad kinahasaan nu.,You must learn from your mistakes.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn "Iti no poinghosok ku, do touhan diti: Iti nopo miampai ginavo dot okito do nunu topuimanan doid tokito.","And now here is my secret, a very simple secret: It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye.",kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Au i Tom koiho momoguno diho.,Tom won't know how to use it.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Izosido no songuhun do kikoula-ulahon dot ahaab.,She has a very open personality.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Oloso o wain nopo kozuuzuvo do tavan nga noikot ginazo.,The taste of wine is largely dependent upon the weather.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Ohidas no zi odu ih Tom dii.,Tom's grandmother looks healthy.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Ada sunudai toinsanan.,Don't tell anyone that.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Tigkoikot no timpu do kopupuson nu.,You're running short of time.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Tuhungon ku diau pihion do pakazan dot kosudong.,I will help you in selecting the best from these clothes.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Iziau no tambahut ku.,You are my friend.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Ahadou isido moboos do Kadazan.,He is fluent in Kadazan.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Au oguno i sangkalas ku. Nokosikul nodi zioho apat toun nga au po koiho momoguno boros posugkuan! Susumikul nopo koiho mimboos nga aiso id kalas.,My classmates are pathetic. They have studied for four years and yet they can't conjugate verbs! The only student who can speak well is not in the class anymore.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Akan po vaig 'inapa nu oi John!,"Eat your soup, John!",kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Naantakan do hongon di Tom do timbakan.,Tom was shot in the arm.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Bumabak zosido diho mija miampai do hongon dau.,She banged the table with her fist.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Tutuduk ngaavi do momompoh tindalam.,Tips to bake a cake.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Odosi zosido kozo do tasu.,She is much afraid of dogs.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Mimpanau zosido miampai do tasu dau.,She takes a walk with her dog.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Pohogoson nu dogo.,You underestimated me.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Nohiivan dosido paakanan do tasu dau.,She forgot to feed her dog.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Nookuo tu au ko monuhung di Tom?,Why didn't you help Tom?,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Miho zosido papanau do kolita.,She can drive a car.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Avasi isido kotutuhun.,He is a good person.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Migit zosido do tasu dau doid bavang.,She will take her dog to the river.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Mugad zosido miampai do tasu dau.,She went out with her dog.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Minsingiho zosido kozo.,She is deep in study.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Miho zosido kosoou do kabaahan mantad do paajalan dau.,She is absorbed in her study.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Nokoiho isido do kivaa kulita vagu nu.,He knew that you have a new car.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Okudi po poihoon nu.,Your explanation lacks concreteness.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Minananggaung zosido miaga' do pinoikot.,She is dressed like a bride.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Booso' doino ko po kumaa ambat-ambat nu.,Say goodbye to your friends.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn "Nung kivaa no 2 minit o timpu nu, kavasa no ponongkiboros kito?","If you have a couple minutes, could you hear me out?",kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Izosido nopo nga montili pogun Finland.,She is the prime minister of Finland.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Nazakan i Tom no.,Tom is just kidding.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Dazanak zisido no.,He is just a kid.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn "Tumanud ponoiukan baino diti, okudi no tuhun ginumuan do poingizon doiho banda' metropolis.",A recent survey revealed that the population density in the metropolis was decreasing.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Dazanak zosido no.,She was just kidding.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Monuat zou do suat doid boos Inggilis.,I wrote a letter in English language.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Dazanak zi Tom no.,Tom is just a kid.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Nokosinduoh zisido id kohigaganan id pakakalaja.,He got hurt in the accident at work.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Tanak topuavang noopo izioho.,They're just rich kids.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Dazanak zou no.,I'm just a kid.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Kivaa o kopolintaan do ohoson dot au gatangon montok paganjulan do kogompit id abaabazan.,The government will provide interest-free loans to firms that participate in the program.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Noikot vinasi.,I am fine.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Dazanak ko iziau no.,You're just a kid.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Kivaa vaig doiho?,Is there water there?,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Ongoi hintuun mantad pantas.,Just get off the stage.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Manangkus ziaho do tosiisikap po.,She ran as fast as possible.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Au isido minanaak ngaan dau tootopot.,He didn't give me his real name.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Nosoou ku nopo daa om bohizon di Tom do kulita.,I thought Tom would buy that car.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Osuusuvab ko.,You are early.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Oihaan i Kinoingan nunu ih pokionuon tokou.,God knows what we need.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Osogit no o tadau baino.,It's cold today.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Au oihaan i Mary nunu ih ponongkiboos kumaa dau.,Mary is at a loss what to say to him.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Osuusuvab isido ugadan.,He left early.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Osuusuvab zosido ugadan.,She left early.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Osuusuvab i Tom mikot.,Tom came early.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Nahantop zikoi tosuusuvab.,We closed early.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Osuusuvab zikoi mangakan.,We eat early.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Osuusuvab zou dii?,Am I early?,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Osuusuvab i Tom ugadan.,Tom left early.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Osuusuvab o bas mugad.,The bus left early.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Mositi no mugad zikoi tosuusuvab.,We must leave early.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Osuusuvab zou mosik.,I wake up early.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Osuusuvab kozo isido mikot.,He arrived too early.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Osuusuvab zikoi mongoi akan doungadau.,We ate lunch early.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Avasi no mikot tosuusuvab.,Arriving early is good.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Osuusuvab i Tom muhi.,Tom came back early.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Osuusuvab zou mikot.,I'm coming early.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Osuusuvab i Tom mugad mantad do kalaja.,Tom left work early.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Osuusuvab kozo.,It is so early.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Kanou no mugad tosuusuvab.,Let's leave early.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Osuusuvab kozo ko mikot.,You arrived too early.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Osuusuvab zosido mosik.,She gets up early.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Osuusuvab isido mosik.,He gets up early.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Osuusuvab zou mugad mantad do sikul.,I left school early.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Osuusuvab ko mosik.,You're up early.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Osuusuvab ko muhi daamin.,You're home early.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Osuusuvab ko doiti.,You're here early.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Osuusuvab o kulitapui.,The train is early.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Osuusuvab kozo ko ti.,You're actually early.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Osuusuvab ko muhi.,You're back early.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Kada' koimaan do miaga' mintutun ko' dogo.,Don't act like you know me.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Nazakan zou no.,I'm just kidding.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Osuusuvab zikoi doiti.,We're here early.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Osuusuvab zikoi mosik.,We're up early.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Nokoongou i Tom do hozou di Mary.,Tom was entranced by Mary's singing.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Osuusuvab zou muhi.,I'm home early.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Osuusuvab po ti.,It's still early.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Osuusuvab zou minosik.,I woke up early.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Mogot no odop ko no do insan po.,You'd better go to bed at once.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Kumaa disai no linuput ku ti?,Who do I report to?,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Iti no ginavoku.,Here is my heart.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Kivaa naku ii kabaahan koposizon doid planit suvai?,Is there intelligent life on other planets?,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Pantangon zou do sabap.,I obey only reason.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Vagu iho buuk.,That book is new.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Nahantop no kadai di Tom.,Tom closed the store.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Muumugad zou mantad do panjala tu nokoiho i pulis do aiso hasa ku ti.,I'll be out of jail as soon as the police realize I'm innocent.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Avakas isido miaga dogo.,He is as strong as I am.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Avasi om osongi doiti.,It's nice and quiet in here.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Au koiho kozo i Tom mamain do gop.,Tom is terrible at golf.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Minobohi i Mary do pipio gaung.,Mary bought several dresses.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Kotohuadan tu pagahap.,Thanks for the invite.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Osiibo iho sunsuzan.,The bridge is low.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn "Siou tu ahambat zou, nga kivaa kalalaja ku ginumuan.","I'm sorry I am late, but there's been a lot of work to do.",kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Kumoinsan zou mongoi doiho sarkas id tontok kitumul ku onom toun.,"At the age of six, I was taken to a circus for the first time.",kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Kohiis ginavo iti tangon.,This is an interesting story.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Miaga' otopot ino boos nu. Zi Tom gia minanakau tuunizon violin di Mary.,It looks like you were right. Tom was the guy who stole Mary's violin.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn "Nokoiho tokou do nunu dotokou, nga au oihaan do nunu kaantakan dotokou.","We know what we are, but know not what we may be.",kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Kitimpu zou tokudi do mambasa tadau diti.,I've got little time for reading these days.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn "Tontok tadau tangaanak diti, notohuadan hobi po mantad ko 50 basikal.","On Children's Day, more than 50 bicycles were donated.",kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Tinutupan diho kadai do tadau baino.,The shop is closed today.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Au zosido mimang basaan do buuk kozo.,She was not in the mood for serious books.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Mimang i Tom do pohusian.,Tom wanted revenge.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Pinuobo zosido do opuod.,She was breathing hard.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Au zikoi miho hiivan diho.,We can't forget that.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Manaak ko dino kumaa dagai?,Are you going to give this to us?,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Nakaandad zou no diti tadau do uminikot.,I've been waiting for this day to come.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Au i Tom kadampot tumolipoun kumaa di Mary.,Tom hasn't been able to contact Mary by phone.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Atangkangau zou no monikid tadau.,I was busy all day.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Tumanud zou diozu mooi intong wayang.,I want to go with you to the movies.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Olotian isido diti kangku dii.,I think he'll understand this.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Motibobog koonom no.,It's almost six o'clock.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Lahan diti nopo nga vazaan montok diozu doid tompok do kulam Biwa.,This road will take you down to the edge of Lake Biwa.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Popohizud iho asam do tasapou kuukudi.,A little heavier rain might cause a flood.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Nokoiho zikoi do nunu kinaantakan doiti.,We all know what happened here.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Pinoposikap i Tom om i Mary do vazaan haang.,Tom and Mary hurried up the steps together.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Au' tokou kaanu monguhan do kobohingkaangan miampai momoguno di kalaalahano di isoo' i' di ontok timpu do minonguama' tokou dii.,We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Au zou kavasa izonon miampai aiso tondu.,I can't live without a woman.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Itia no tasu nu. Nomboo o dogo?,Here is your dog. Where is mine?,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Nokuo au i Tom aanangan di Mary?,Why doesn't Tom like Mary?,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn "Pobooso 'hallo"" kumaa di Jimmy.",Say hello to Jimmy.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Ada hiivai tusin nu.,Don't forget your money.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Au zou insan papadandi do au zou kaanu tumihombus.,I will never make a promise that I can't keep,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Oposik zou doid jaam kaanam dougosuvab.,I got up at six this morning.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Atantu no i Tom popouhagang diau.,I'm sure Tom will make you proud.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Tanak no ii tama' do tuhun.,Child is father of the man.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Kanou gumuli doiho kalamazan.,Let's get back to the party.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Kotumbazaan ko disido.,You can trust him.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Mugad i Tom mantad sikul kahapas do kalas.,Tom left school right after class.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn "Minoboos isido: ""Insudai zou doid katanangan!""","He said: ""Leave me in peace!""",kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Sunudai zou po topiumanan nu.,Tell me how you're feeling.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Suvai ko dii.,You're so weird.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn "Minoboos isido: ""Iduanai zou songuhun!""","He said: ""Leave me alone!""",kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Songian ii pakaazan nu?,When do you want to go?,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Aiso kosuvazan kumaa do kootulan diti.,There are no exceptions to this rule.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Izosido doid hamin kad Onggilis.,She is at home in English.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Miampai diti kulitapui koongoi ko induvo do tosiisikap po.,With this train you'll go twice as fast.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Mimang zou pagampahu miampai disido.,I want to have sex with him.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Atantu no au ko tagal tumingkod diti haang.,You definitely should not skip this step.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Mimang zou pagampahu miampai diau.,I want to make love with you.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Mimang zou pagampahu miampai dosido.,I want to have sex with her.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Au kosivat do nosoou ku.,I don't think it's time.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Bobog songkuo pakazaan ku doiho tutumpoon kapal tutumulud?,What time should I go to the airport?,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Onu maan nu doiho?,What did you do there?,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Noikot vinasi kopisohovot kito kio oi Gundohing Ito.,"I'm glad to meet you, too, Mr Ito.",kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Magampahu i Dan miampai di Linda doid totuvong.,Dan spent the night having sex with Linda.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Minaan iho tiikoon mantad do palasitik.,This chair is made of plastic.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Nokotingkod no umasam.,It has stopped raining.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Avasi no kozo ginavo diaho'.,She is in a very good mood.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn "Nung au zou nakahasa, nokito zou diho tuhun di poguhu.","Unless I am mistaken, I've seen that man before.",kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Mambasa zou do buuk om mangakan po.,I read a book while eating.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Guminavo ko po naku di tapa nu?,Do you love your father?,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Natagak nodii pakalajaan dau.,He has lost his job.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Avasi kozo i'.,It was really good.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn "Minoboos ino do, ""Hamlet"" nopo ti nga pamainan di kagazat do ginavo do nokosuat dii.","It is said that ""Hamlet"" is the most interesting play ever written.",kzj_Latn-eng_Latn "Sikapo', minsud tokou daa!","Hurry up, we are leaving!",kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Okon iho ko do kulita nga momomoguno nopo diho nga minomoduli zou.,It is not the car but the users that I am concerned about.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn "Moboos ziaho' konunu do tikid timpu do pososoihi zou, ka.",She says something every time I turn around.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn "Ontok minomohiung zou do mija, noiuman ku iti gambal di tahaid.","While I was cleaning out my desk, I came across this old picture.",kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Tondu ti nopo nga bantaton.,This woman is a prostitute.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Oonuan ku mai do mosin papapanau dii.,I will get the machine running.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Duutia no zi tapa ku id daamin ontok nokouhi zou.,My father was already at home when I came back.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Baasai no tiinu.,Talk to you later.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Diisai iti bosikal?,Whose bicycle is this?,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Nakaansak zi ina ku do mangakan doungotuvong do duvo jaam ontok noikot zou id hamin.,My mother had been cooking supper for two hours when I got home.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Diisai iti pazung?,Whose umbrella is this?,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Nakaansak zi ina ku do mangakan doungotuvong ontok nadampot zou id daamin.,My mother had cooked supper when I got home.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Agaagazo iti hinimput.,This room's orientation is great.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Andado no duutia gisom muhi zou.,Please stay here till I get back.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Manu i Tom dumavot nopo tampat pogun nga hamin kinoizonon.,Tom wanted a place in the country he could call home.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn "Monongkiboos pasal do tupus, iti nopo nga pagampahu.",Speaking about love is making love.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Nopongo kou di tiinu?,Have you done that recently?,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Au ko' kavasa ikoton doiti.,You have no right to be here.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn "Ingkuo o monguntai, 'pretty' ka?","How do you spell ""pretty""?",kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Nataanan nu no.,You're under arrest.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Mambasa zou do dokumen tahaid.,I read the old documents.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Songkuo i sinodu ino mantad id kapal tutubpoon kumaa id hutel?,How far is it from the airport to the hotel?,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Pokituhung no.,Go get help.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Oubas i Tom pisingihaan id totuvong.,Tom prefers studying at night.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Koiho ko moboos do Kadazan?,Do you speak Kadazan?,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Avanus ko no.,You are beautiful.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn "Mantad tudukon do intangan ku, i pogun Australia nopo iso nga pogun di tavaavasi doid pomogunan.","From my point of view, Australia is one of the best countries in the world.",kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Uha nodi bobooson kokomoi zi Tom.,Stop talking about Tom.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Aanangan zou biir.,I like beer.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Apatut no zou mongoi kalaja.,I should get back to work.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Avanus zosido no.,She is beautiful.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Osuusuvab i Tom.,Tom is early.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Au zou mintong diau.,I won't examine you.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Nookuo tu au ko po minonongkiboos kumaa di Tom do kokomoi diti?,Why haven't you talked to Tom about this yet?,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Nokoiho ko do nomboo pangakanan dot avasi doid posoihi tiizonon?,Do you know any good places to eat around here?,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Hangadon zou kozo do hamin ku om osuvai-suvai topiumanan ku.,I'm still feeling a little homesick and so many things seem strange to me.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Azamut iti?,Is it dirty?,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Ba om ongoi no?,"So, should we get going?",kzj_Latn-eng_Latn I tobpinai kusai ku nopo nga i mongingia'.,My older brother is a teacher.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Au' zou kaanu tumindooi do hobi ahaid. Tadau Minggu ti'.,I can't stay longer. This is Sunday.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Nokuo au ko tumimpuun do booson poguhu?,Why don't you start talking first?,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Kivaa timpu pisahavatan i Tom miampai di Mary doungadau ti.,Tom has a date with Mary this afternoon.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Minamatai iho tasu do tosogit.,The dog was frozen to death.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Ovudut.,That's a lie.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Avaavasi ngavi kouhudan do kinohobongon di Tom.,Tom's funeral arrangements have already been taken care of.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Tinapap dosido id voos disido.,She slapped his face.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Kopiaga' toun diito.,We're the same age.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Vagu iho komputer.,The computer is new.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Tinantu i pososoizuk nopo tumau sompomogunan nga kavasa gompizon gisom do ngaatus toun vaavagu.,Some scientists predict that the world oil reserves will be used up within a century.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Nipizan ku do tanak tonini minamain diho pais.,I had a dream where a baby was playing with a knife.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Onu minaan ku id tontok do tanak tonini zou diti?,"When I was a baby, what could I do?",kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Mindad i Tom do tolipounan di Mary.,Tom is waiting for Mary to call.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Aiso naku kopomihion kumaa do lahan nu?,Is there no alternative to your method?,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Sikapan gia topongo tokou.,Let's finish up in a hurry.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Songian tadau kinohodian nu?,When is your birthday?,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Minimpuupula isido miaga do au insan kinaantakan dii.,He pretended like it never happened.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Songian kahasaan iho kaantakan?,When did the error occur?,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Naanu zi Mary do tontohu do tiso om tiso.,Mary took out the eggs one by one.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Kinoizonon ku id Jipun.,I live in Japan.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Mokituhung zou mantad diau.,I need your help.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Buuk diti ngaavi diisai?,Whose books are these?,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Pohogoson no tumimpuun tokou mantad pinsingihaan ko-10.,Let's start from lesson 10.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Aanangan zou diti tuni o butu!,I love the sound this grasshopper makes!,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn "Somoonu, mositi no osonguhun ko. Okonko poimizo, nga' mouhagang do timpu kosiimazan do iziiziau noo sondii.","Sometimes, you need to be alone. Not to be lonely, but to enjoy some free time just being yourself.",kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Nokuo tu au ko tumo'od monigup?,Why don't you stop smoking?,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Mangajar zosido dagai do boos Onggilis.,She teaches us English.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Univositi Tufts nopo nga do noikot binantug doid Boston.,Tufts University is a very famous school in Boston.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Nosoomo ku di Tom doid mamanau id sikul.,I met Tom on my way to school.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Kagazat ginavo dosido kokomoi di kusai kivuuvuhu.,She attracts hairy men.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Au zou po mintong diho wayang.,I haven't seen that movie yet.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Ounsikou ginavo ku do kumaa diau.,"When I'm with you, I'm happy.",kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Otumbaza zou tu aanangan i savi-avi diho gambal.,I believe that everyone will like this picture.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Sasau tokou mugad do doino! Kanou mongoi tokou id pangaangakan do Perancis do topoto ih suusuvai.,We're always going there! Let's go to a French restaurant for a change.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Kivaa naku dino boboos pointopot?,Is that even a word?,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Okonko saviavi konunu ii hizabon tokou do avasi dati montok do tokou.,Not all the things that we wish for may be good for us.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Minobohi i tina dagai do duku.,Mother bought us a puppy.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Au ounsikou ginavo ku do nunu nimaan dii.,I am not pleased with what you have done.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Au zou koimat do ahal ngaavi diti.,I can not do all of this.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Miaga o kovoovozoon kavasa do kinopoduduan.,Such behavior can cause an accident.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Pinoiho zou di Tom do au isido po momongo diho.,Tom told me that he hadn't done that yet.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Tuhun ko iziau di tootouvi do minoniumon ku tokito doiti.,You're the last person I expected to see here.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Iziau duminadi dokutul doid toongou ku.,I hear you're now a doctor.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Kihamin zioho togingo'.,They have a beautiful house.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Mantad zou doiho Estonia.,I'm from Estonia.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Kinoutusan zi Tom do maan piniumpangazan doid i Mary.,Tom decided to make a deal with Mary.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Mugad zou mantad do Chicago doid tadau koonom kavagu dougosuvab.,I'm leaving for Chicago next Saturday morning.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Tadau kotuu' nopo nga tadau kopupuson do minggu.,Sunday is the last day of the week.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Oh pama!,So that's why!,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn "Au ko tootopot maan do poingkaa dino, koni?","You're not actually going to do that, are you?",kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Nabalai zou diaha' do usin di minggu nakatahib.,I paid him the money last week.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Onuo' ti. Iti nopo nga poluu' magik.,Take it! It's a magic bullet.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Mingkakat songian oho'ou.,Rise when called.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn """Oonu gia pomusaavan nu?"" ""Aiso nuununu....""","""What are you thinking about?"" ""Nothin'...""",kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Au zi Tom maan dii nogi kangku daa.,I'm sure Tom doesn't do that anymore.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Osonguhun i Tom?,Was Tom alone?,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Aiso no vagas tokou.,We have no more rice.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Miaga ko do moomogot tokudi mantad ko di poguhu po.,You seem a little better than you were before.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Koiho ko po vagu kaka i Tom mantad mangan dovokon.,You know more about Tom than anyone else does.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Minamain zikoi doiti disan do daat.,We have played at this beach.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Opusou ko naku nunu oh pomusaavan dioho?,Do you care what they think?,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Noguhi no do usin nu?,Did you get your money back?,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Au zou aanangan do kalaja. Mimang ugadan mintong do muvi?,I don't feel like working. How about going to a movie instead?,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Au zou tumbozo do kouha-uha' no timpu dotokou.,I don't believe we have enough time.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Iho kulita di Tom.,It's Tom's car.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Aiso nunu koinddosi zi Tom.,Nothing scares Tom.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Mada zosido pohogoson disido mooi kotu do vusak.,She doesn't want him to pick the flowers.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Kada' tokou kakakat ginavo sabap konunu ii apatut do amaamalu tokou.,Let us not be proud of the things that we should be ashamed of.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Hombuso' no doid pakalajaan nu.,Carry on with your business.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Alaatan zou diau.,I hate you.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Alaatan zou diozu.,I hate you!,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Atantu ko naku do au zikoi po mikot?,Are you sure we haven't met?,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Au avaavasi ko ti do tosoou nu.,You're not as good as you think you are.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Nakaahau ko nogi?,"Are you claustrophobic, too?",kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Onu ontokon ko' kinaantakan dii?,What happened or is happening?,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Papaakan i Dan do hipos kumaa do tongkulalava tagazo do kivuhu dau,Dan feeds roaches to his big hairy spider.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Osuusuvab zikoi muhi.,We're back early.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn "Tusin okon ko kivaa do ngaavi, nga nung aiso nopo tusin nga au miho maan do nunu.","Money isn't everything, but if you have no money, you can't do anything.",kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Mangakan isido id doungadau.,He is having lunch.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Au zou huminodong.,I wasn't mad.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Nokoinsan ko no kopiuman do au' ko koiho nunu mangan?,Have you ever felt that you don't know what to do?,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn "Au zou koodop doid totuvong, au zou koposik doid doungokosuvabon.","I can't sleep at night, I can't wake up in the morning.",kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Ingkuo ko no?,How are you?,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Izou nga avasi nogi.,I'm fine too.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn "Kotohuadan, noikot vinasi.","Thanks, I'm fine.",kzj_Latn-eng_Latn "Noikot vinasi, kotohuadan.","I'm fine, thanks.",kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Noikot vinasi zou i oi ina.,"I'm fine, mom.",kzj_Latn-eng_Latn "Izou nga avasi nogi, kotohuadan.","I'm fine, too, thank you.",kzj_Latn-eng_Latn "Noikot vinasi, om iziau?",I'm fine. How about you?,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Ahansan no daa avaavasi i Tom.,I'm sure Tom is fine.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn "Kotohuadan, avasi zou miampai dosido.","Thanks, but I'm fine with her.",kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Zosido ti!,Here she is!,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Hasa zosido.,She is wrong.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Tuhun i zosido.,She is human.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Tumul dosido vahu toun.,She is eight.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Miad zosido.,She is crying.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Izosido nopo nga zi Betty.,She is Betty.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Nakasavo zosido no?,Is she married?,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Opolokis zosido.,She is active.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Avasi isido.,He is nice.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Minangantas no umikot doid daamin zi Mayuko.,Mayuko came directly home.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Isido ti!,Here he is!,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Mumbozo zikoi kumaa di Kinoingan.,We believe in God.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Mangakan zikoi doid daamin.,We eat at home.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Au zou aanangan diti tuhun ih mononsog dogo do monguama' dii.,I don't like this guy who forcing me to do it.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Mangakan zikoi do ipol.,We're eating apples.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Au zikoi momoos diho nodi.,We don't say that anymore.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn I tombohog nopo iho nga id tavan.,The bird is in the sky.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Titibohi zou do kulita do tiso om tiso.,We'll buy one car for each.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn "Tiim di taavasi no kozo nga tinimungan do tuhun di toiso ii, nga i guminavo do savi-avi tuhun om monompuan do iisai nopo om au i momoduli do adadi do tuhun kiningkokoton.",The best teams are made up of a bunch of nobodies who love everybody and serve anybody and don't care about becoming a somebody.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Pinapahabus nodi zikoi diho buuk.,We finally published the book.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Mingsingiho zikoi nongilis do monikid tadau.,We learn English every day.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Au zikoi papavasi PC doiti kio.,We don't repair PCs here.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Noponuhan no kabun za do sakot.,Our garden was full of weeds.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Ogumu haal za do apatut no maan.,We have a lot to do.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn "Au zou poduli onu kanu, abazat zou diau!","I don't care what you say, I hate you!",kzj_Latn-eng_Latn "Tambahut tavasi, buuk tavasi, ula-ula di titiodop: iti no kopooposizon di tavasi.","Good friends, good books, and a sleepy conscience: this is the ideal life.",kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Zosido okon ko sumandak ku. Zosido i taka ku.,She's not my girlfriend. She's my sister.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Pokionuan i Beth di tanakvagu dau do gobulan momongo do karaja sikul susuzan disido.,Beth was asked by her lazy boyfriend to do his history homework.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Ogingo' zosido.,She is a beauty.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Aasang ginavo dosido.,She has a hot temper.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Avasi zosido.,She is kind.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Zosido nopo nga susumikul.,She is a student.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Zosido nopo nga i mongingia.,She is a teacher.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Kapatazon dau mati doid onom vuhan kangku daa.,I have expected his death for six months.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Iti nopo nga totopot!,It is the truth!,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Mananggaung isido miaga' do koonduan.,He disguised himself as a woman.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Alaat kotuutuhunan dosido.,She is a bad person.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Obingiad zosido.,She is easily moved to tears.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Nokokito zou no diti pilim po.,I've already seen the film.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Zosido mananangkus.,She is a runner.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Miapid zosido.,She is a twin.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Zosido tuhun avasi.,She is good-natured.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Zosido kikuhit oitom.,She is dark-skinned.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Montong zosido dogo.,She looked at me.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Ounsikou ginavo dosido.,She is happy.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Kitumul zosido himo toun.,She is five years old.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Muhi zosido doid daamin.,She went home.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Mugad zosido.,She went out.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Au zosido koiho humozog.,She doesn't know how to swim.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Tou no nomboo zosido baino?,I don't even know where she is right now.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Kotutun ko naku isai izioho ti?,Do you know who they are?,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Mimang i Tom do tusin.,Tom is in need of money.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Au ko naku aanangan do sada?,Don't you like fish?,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Nosoou di Tom nopo inbismin disido nga opod piatus do poguhion.,Tom expected at least a ten percent return on his investment.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Au asil o nitungan nu.,Your plan won't work.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Lamazo no potombuhuzon nu.,Enjoy your vacation.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Nomboo o tupis ku?,Where is my office?,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Kivaa piipio uoton ku.,I've got a few questions.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Au zou kuminalaja do koniab noopo dii.,Yesterday I simply did not go to work.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn "Ahaid au nokopisohovot kito, gugumazo ko' noddi.","Haven't seen you for a while, and you've grown taller!",kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Aanangan zou dosido.,I liked her.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Novizau ko no?,Are you full?,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Kada' daa sakaakahi' do kahavan ii koimaan tokou nunu ii noboos tokou.,Let our action never contradict what we have said.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Doino ko dii?,Are you there?,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Nokougad ziaho no id Itali,She went away to Italy.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Au kumaau ihia vatu.,Stones don't swim.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Tosogit no ti kosuvabon di koniab.,It was very cold yesterday morning.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Au minuhi zi Tom gisom do pitongotuvong.,Tom didn't get home till midnight.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Songkuo tinama' sumovohi ko do hamin di tapa ku kumaa do id pasar!,How dare you turn my father's house into a market!,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Naavi no timpu ku dii.,You lost time.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn "Osoou ku, sabap dino nga izou dii.","I think, therefore I am.",kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Mositi no mambasa iziozu ngaavi dii.,All of you have to read it.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Nadahaan i Tom pouangon do sos topodos id piza disido.,Tom put too much hot sauce on his pizza.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Oosizan zi Dan kokomoi do tongkulalava tagazo kivuhu.,Dan used to be so scared of big hairy spiders.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Kivaa ko nangku do nunu nopo do booson dogo?,Do you have something that you want to say to me?,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Au zioho nagampu.,They haven't given up at all.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Pono'odo gia do kupi.,Please make coffee.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Au zou kaanu momohiiu diau.,I can't forgetting about you.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Tantu naanu ko di mogot id Perancis.,You've definitely gotten better at French.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Mai gia maanu ku ziau do monginum nunu nopo ii.,Let me get you something to drink.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Au zou okito disido.,I don't see him.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Oindamaan ohuud zosido.,She is too meek.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Tumongob i ginavo dosido kokomoi kohidasan disido.,She is very anxious about his health.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Au zou nodi duutia do tadau suvab.,Tomorrow I won't be here.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Mugad zou id wayang miampai i koluang ku do tiinu kio.,Later I'll go to the movies with my friend.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Asanang no ii tuhun ii ko-ium do kabaahan om kaanu toihaan taahom.,Happy the man who finds wisdom and gains insight.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Songuhun susumikul au umikot do tadau baino.,One of the students didn't come today.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Au ko kaanu momo'uang do numbul di pointopot om mongitung.,You cannot add a real number and an imaginary number.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Pobooso no 'oo' ka!,Please say ‘yes’!,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn "I' nopo tosoosoou ku nga kokomoi do paganakan ku, okon ko tangambahut ku.","At such times, I think of my family, not my friends.",kzj_Latn-eng_Latn TadauVuhan kopio do baino?,What's the date today?,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Onu noihaan nu kokomoi palan diti?,What do you think about this plan?,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Magandad zikoi do buut piipio jaam nodi.,We were waiting for the boat for many hours.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Aiso o jaam doid suang do dimput ku.,There are no clocks in my room.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Kivaa ko kokusazan dit au koiho moginum?,Are there still men yet who don't drink?,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Au po kosimban tosoou dosido.,She hasn't changed her mind.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Onu di pisuvazan do A om B?,What is the difference between A and B?,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Titiikau zou daa di aiso monigup.,I would like to sit in the non-smoking section.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Kotohuadan tu horotian.,Thank you for understanding.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Kada bohizo' do baino; au ii ahaid po do monibas gatang dii.,Do not buy now; they will soon be slashing the prices.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn "Au isido obuli basaan do Onggilis, mantad ko boos Jorman nga au obuli basaan nogi.","He can't read English, much less German.",kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Au koiho di mohoing ku.,My parents don't know.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Ikoton isido mai do kahapas dii.,He will come afterwards.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Kavaavagu ko no?,Are you new?,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Kapahadan nopo nga do kovuntongan tuhang.,Envy is like rottenness of the bones.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Mokinongou do suusumambayang dotokou i Tuhan.,God heard our prayers.,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Kotutun ko nangku i tapa dau?,Do you know her father?,kzj_Latn-eng_Latn "Poingkuo po nga, okon zou gia tangabaa'.","However, I am not a specialist.",kzj_Latn-eng_Latn Librum edere velim.,I'd like to eat a book.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Familiae meae est.,It's for my family.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Hic liber tibi est.,This book belongs to you.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Didymus bonus homo est.,Tom is a good sort.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Thomas bonus homo est.,Tom is a good person.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Pulchra omnibus placent.,Everyone likes beautiful things.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Placentne tibi homines qui terram gubernant?,Do you like the people leading the country?,lat_Latn-eng_Latn "Ita, domine, Gallice loqui velim.","Yes, sir, I would like to speak French.",lat_Latn-eng_Latn In cubiculo hospitum dormies.,You'll sleep in the guestroom.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn """Visne potionem?"" ""Nolo, gratias. Nunc guberno.""","""Do you want a drink?"" ""No, thanks. I'm driving.""",lat_Latn-eng_Latn Ex Australia venio.,I'm from Australia.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Capillos brevissimos habet.,He has very short hair.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Sedete ad mensam.,Sit at the table.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn "Sine aqua, non potes vivere.",You can't live without water.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Valesne?,Are you well?,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Quomodo haec avis dicitur?,What is the name of that bird?,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Lingua qualibet scribere potes. Linguae omnes in Tatoeba aequae sunt.,"You may write in any language you want. On Tatoeba, all languages are equal.",lat_Latn-eng_Latn Cubiculum meum mihi purgandum est.,I have to clean my room.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Bibesne alcoholum?,Do you drink alcohol?,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Raedam purgat.,He is washing a car.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Purga cubiculum.,Clean the room.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Culina nobis purganda est.,We must clean up the kitchen.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Purgate cubiculum vestrum.,Clean your room.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Didymus solium purgavit.,Tom scrubbed the bathtub.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Dentifricium super labellum est.,The toothpaste is on the sink.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Purgamenta aliquo auferenda sunt.,Someone needs to take the bin out.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Estne femina in vita tua?,Is there a woman in your life?,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Terra mea procul ab Iaponia est.,My country is far away from Japan.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Advenit hamaxostichus!,The train is arriving!,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Georgius quattuor linguis loquitur.,Jorge is able to speak four languages.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Possumne iuxta te sedere?,May I sit next to you?,lat_Latn-eng_Latn "Olli subridens hominum sator atque deorum, / vultu, quo coelum tempestatesque serenat, / oscula libavit natae, dehinc talia fatur:","Then Jove, soft-smiling with the look that clears / the storms, and gently kissing her, replies.",lat_Latn-eng_Latn A re mea hoc non est.,I don't care.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Iuvenis in domo veteri habitat.,The young man lives in an old house.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Ei oculi pulchri sunt.,She has pretty eyes.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Mors est remedium Naturae pro omnibus.,Death is Nature's remedy for all things.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn "Veniam, cum potero.",I will come when I can.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Terra circum solem volvitur.,The Earth rotates round the Sun.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Elizabetha matrem eius necavit.,Betty killed his mother.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Tredecim feles mihi sunt.,I have thirteen cats.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Tredecim feles habeo.,I keep thirteen cats.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Quadraginta annos natus regnare coepit.,He began to reign at the age of forty.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn AMICI·​MEI·​ME·​NOMINANT·​BETH,My friends call me Beth.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Thomas discipulus improbus est.,Tom is a bad student.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn BETTY·​NECAVIT·​OMNES,Betty killed them all.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Ad urbem ante noctem perveniemus.,We arrived at the city before night.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Et Didymo et Mariae placuit pellicula.,Tom and Mary both enjoyed that movie.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Venio cum Paulo.,I am coming with Paul.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn "Portus ab accessu ventorum immotus et ingens / ipse; sed horrificis juxta tonat Aetna ruinis, / interdumque atram prorumpit ad aethera nubem, / turbine fumantem piceo et candente favilla, / attollitque globos flammarum et sidera lambit, / interdum scopulos avulsaque viscera montis / erigit eructans, liquefactaque saxa sub auras / cum gemitu glomerat, fundoque exaestuat imo.","It was a spacious harbour, sheltered deep / from access of the winds, but looming vast / with awful ravage, AEtna's neighbouring steep / thundered aloud, and, dark with clouds, upcast / smoke and red cinders in a whirlwind's blast. / Live balls of flame, with showers of sparks, upflew / and licked the stars, and in combustion massed, / torn rocks, her ragged entrails, molten new, / the rumbling mount belched forth from out the boiling stew.",lat_Latn-eng_Latn Valde fessus videris.,You look very tired.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Omnia quadrupeda pulmonibus spirant.,All four footed animals breathe through lungs.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn NVM·​EST·​FILIVS·​TVVS·​BETTY,"Is this your son, Betty?",lat_Latn-eng_Latn "Pulsa ianuam, quaeso.",Please knock on the door.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn In hoc loco habito.,I live in this place.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Numquam dixit verbum Betty.,Betty never said a word.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn BETTY·​PVELLA·​PVLCHRA·​ESTNE,"Betty is a pretty girl, isn't she?",lat_Latn-eng_Latn Thomas me consolatus est.,Tom consoled me.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn """Parce metu, Cytherea: manent immota tuorum / fata tibi; cernes urbem et promissa Lavini / moenia, sublimemque feres ad sidera coeli / magnanimum Aenean, neque me sententia vertit"".","""Firm are thy fates, sweet daughter; spare thy fears. / Thou yet shalt see Lavinium's walls arise, / and bear thy brave AEneas to the skies. / My purpose shifts not.""",lat_Latn-eng_Latn Thomas pro me non opus facit.,Tom doesn't work for me.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Cum Getter Jaani mori volo.,I want to die with Getter Jaani.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Quis est puer in flumine natans?,Who is the boy swimming in the river?,lat_Latn-eng_Latn """Hic – tibi fabor enim, quando haec te cura remordet, / longius et volvens fatorum arcana movebo – / bellum ingens geret Italia, populosque feroces / contundet, moresque viris et moenia ponet, / tertia dum Latio regnantem viderit aestas, / ternaque transierint Rutulis hiberna subactis"".","""Now, to ease thy woes, / since sorrow for his sake hath dimmed thine eyes, / more will I tell, and hidden fates disclose. / He in Italia long shall battle with his foes, / and crush fierce tribes, and milder ways ordain, / and cities build and wield the Latin sway, / till the third summer shall have seen him reign, / and three long winter-seasons passed away / since fierce Rutulia did his arms obey.""",lat_Latn-eng_Latn Spes panem non donat.,Hope doesn't feed our familes.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Id mihi placuit.,I liked it.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Claude oculos.,Close your eyes.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Num eum osculata es?,Did you kiss him?,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Scis Thoman mentire.,You know Tom is lying.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Hoc nimis iniustum est.,This is grossly unfair.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Sapere aude.,Have the courage to use your own understanding.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Marcus librum cepit.,Mark took the book.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn """Hic jam ter centum totos regnabitur annos / gente sub Hectorea, donec regina sacerdos / Marte gravis geminam partu dabit Ilia prolem"".","""And there / 'neath Hector's kin three hundred years complete / the kingdom shall endure, till Ilia fair, / queen-priestess, twins by Mars' embrace shall bear.""",lat_Latn-eng_Latn Da Thomae.,Give it to Tom.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Furor arma ministrat.,Rage yields weapons.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Vaccis cornua sunt.,Cows have horns.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Discipula improba non sum.,I'm not a bad student.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn """Inde lupae fulvo nutricis tegmine laetus / Romulus excipiet gentem et Mavortia condet / moenia, Romanosque suo de nomine dicet. / His ego nec metas rerum nem tempora pono: / imperium sine fine dedi"".","""Then Romulus the nation's charge shall claim, / wolf-nursed and proud her tawny hide to wear, / and build a city of Mavortian fame, / and make the Roman race remembered by his name. / To these no period nor appointed date, / nor bounds to their dominion I assign; / an endless empire shall the race await.""",lat_Latn-eng_Latn Ei cubiculum meum monstravi.,I showed my room to him.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn "Rex regnat, sed non gubernat.","The king reigns, but he doesn't control things.",lat_Latn-eng_Latn Purga culinam.,Clean up the kitchen.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Thomas discipulus improbus non erat.,Tom wasn't a bad student.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Carotas odit.,He hates carrots.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Quo it?,Where is he going?,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Charta sub mensa est.,The paper is under the table.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Vivere militare est.,To live is to fight.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Nugas loquor.,I'm talking nonsense.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Doleo quod serius veni.,I'm sorry I'm late.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Noli cum pleno ore loqui!,Don't speak with your mouth full!,lat_Latn-eng_Latn """Veniet lustris labentibus aetas, / cum domus Assaraci Phthiam clarasque Mycenas / servitio premet ac victis dominabitur Argis"".","""In rolling ages there shall come the day / when heirs of old Assaracus shall tame / Phthia and proud Mycene to obey, / and terms of peace to conquered Greeks proclaim.""",lat_Latn-eng_Latn """Nascetur pulchra Trojanus origine Caesar, / imperium oceano, famam qui terminet astris, / Julius, a magno demissum nomen Iulo"".","""Caesar, a Trojan – Julius his name, / drawn from the great Iulus –, shall arise, / and compass earth with conquest, heaven with fame.""",lat_Latn-eng_Latn In muro Romano duodecim portae sunt.,The walls of Rome have twelve gates.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn """Hunc tu olim coelo, spoliis Orientis onustum, / accipies secura; vocabitur hic quoque votis"".","""Him, crowned with vows and many an Eastern prize, / thou, freed at length from care, shalt welcome to the skies.""",lat_Latn-eng_Latn """Aspera tum positis mitescent saecula bellis; / cana Fides, et Vesta, Remo cum fratre Quirinus, / jura dabunt; dirae ferro et compagibus artis / claudentur Belli portae; Furor impius intus, / saeva sedens super arma, et centum vinctus aënis / post tergum nodis, fremet horridus ore cruento"".","""Then wars shall cease and savage times grow mild, / and Remus and Quirinus, brethren twain, / with hoary Faith and Vesta undefiled, / shall give the law. With iron bolt and chain / firm-closed the gates of Janus shall remain. / Within, the Fiend of Discord, high reclined / on horrid arms, unheeded in the fane, / bound with a hundred brazen knots behind, / and grim with gory jaws, his grisly teeth shall grind.""",lat_Latn-eng_Latn Omnium clientium nomina tenet.,He knows the names of all his customers.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Scalas in taberna ferramentaria emo.,I am buying a ladder in the hardware store.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Nihil Thomae emendum est.,Tom doesn't need to buy anything.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Iulius ab oppido ad villam suam it.,Julius leaves the village for the house.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Thomas dixit se triginta annos natus fuisse.,Tom said he was thirty.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn "Dic nobis, quaesimus, ubi sit taberna condimentorum.",Please tell us where there is a spice shop.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Raeda est.,This is a car.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Verba mihi desunt.,Words fail me.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Venit hamaxostichus!,The train is coming!,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Thomas dixit se sitivisse.,Tom said he was thirsty.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Scio te scire.,I know that you know.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Scio vos scire.,I know you know.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Quid rides?,Why are you laughing?,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Mutum est pictura poema.,A painting is a wordless poem.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn "Scio, Didyme, mi amice, te amavisse me; ego autem tua esse non poteram.","Tom, my friend, I know that you loved me, but I could not be yours.",lat_Latn-eng_Latn Diu vixit.,She lived for a long time.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn "“Unde nactus es tam miseram sarcinam, lusce?” “Imo quo de fers istud lupanar, ganeo?”","“Where didst thou get so miserable a luggage, blinkard?” “Nay whither art thou carrying that bawdy company, thou rake?”",lat_Latn-eng_Latn "Atqui vidi te nuper dejecisse sex Carthusianos in coenum, sic ut emergerent nigri, pro candidis. Tu interim ridebas, quasi re bene gesta.","But not long ago I saw you throw six Carthusian monks into the mud, with the result that they emerged black instead of white. You meanwhile laughed, as if you'd done a good thing.",lat_Latn-eng_Latn "Henricus: Sed hi seniculi sunt boni. Hugitio: Qui scis? Hen: Quia bibi per eos ter per viam insigniter bonam cerevisiam. Hug: Ha, ha, hae. Sic sunt boni tibi.","Henricus: But these old fellows are good. Hugitio: How knowest thou? Hen: Because I drank with them thrice by the road extraordinary good ale. Hug: Ha, ha, hae, so they are good with thee.",lat_Latn-eng_Latn Diu vixi.,I've lived a long time.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Didymus praeterito anno decessit.,Tom passed away last year.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Quid rident?,Why are they laughing?,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Vacabisne Veneris die tempore pomeridiano?,Are you free on Friday afternoon?,lat_Latn-eng_Latn "'Suspensi Eurypylum scitantem oracula Phoebi / mittimus; isque adytis haec tristia dicta reportat: / ""Sanguine placastis ventos et virgine caesa, / cum primum Iliacas Danai venistis ad oras; / sanguine quaerendi reditus, animaque litandum / Argolica.""'","""In doubt, we bade Eurypylus explore / Apollo's oracle, and back he brought / the dismal news: With blood, a maiden's gore, / ye stilled the winds, when Trojan shores ye sought. / With blood again must your return be bought; / an Argive victim doth the God demand.""",lat_Latn-eng_Latn Tempus carius omnibus est aliquibus.,Time is more precious than anything else.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Saturni die aviam inviset.,She is going to visit her grandmother on Saturday.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn "Da mihi, quaeso, orthographiam huius dicti?","Could you spell it, please?",lat_Latn-eng_Latn Cum amicis meis veni.,I came with my friends.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Cuius sunt?,Whose are they?,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Quid ridebat?,Why was she laughing?,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Pericula subiverunt.,They took risks.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Ludus in colle situs est.,The school is on a hill.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Ploramus.,We are crying.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Multos emptores habeo.,I've got plenty of customers.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Interim potabamus multum salsae aquae.,In the meantime we drank a lot of salt water.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Fratrem tuum seniorem bene novi.,I know your older brother quite well.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Plorabat.,He was crying.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Thomas plorare coepit.,Tom began crying.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn "Ibi experti sumus incredibilem humanitatem gentis, suppeditantis, nobis omnia, mira alacritate; hospitium, ignem, cibum, vestes, viaticum.","There we experienced the incredible humanity of the nation, furnishing us with all things, with wonderful chearfulnes; lodging, fire, meat, cloaths, provisions for our way home.",lat_Latn-eng_Latn Thomas plorat.,Tom is crying.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Feles super sellam dormit.,The cat is sleeping on the chair.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Bibliotheca in urbe nostra est.,There is a library in our city.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Domus est frigida.,The house is cold.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Plorabant.,They were crying.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Aemilia plorat.,Emily is crying.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Plorabatne Thomas?,Was Tom crying?,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Plorare coepit.,She started crying.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Plorare coepi.,I started crying.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Cur ploras?,Why are you crying?,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Infans plorat.,The baby is crying.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Thomas Mariam plorantem audivit.,Tom heard Mary crying.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Mater plorabat.,My mother was crying.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Non ploro.,I'm not crying.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn "Ita, ploro.","Yes, I am crying.",lat_Latn-eng_Latn Amica mea plorabat.,My girlfriend was crying.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Amicus meus plorabat.,My boyfriend was crying.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Amicus meus plorat.,My boyfriend is crying.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Amica mea plorat.,My girlfriend is crying.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Thomas adhuc plorat.,Tom is still crying.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Cur plorat Thomas?,Why is Tom crying?,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Cur plorant?,Why are they crying?,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Soror mea plorare coepit.,My sister started crying.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Cur ploro?,Why am I crying?,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Thomas non plorat.,Tom is not crying.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Nonne plorabatis?,Weren't you crying?,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Nunc Thomas plorat.,Tom is crying now.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Te plorantem audivi.,I heard you crying.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Thomas quoque plorat.,"Tom is crying, too.",lat_Latn-eng_Latn Thoman plorantem vidi.,I saw Tom crying.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Te plorantem vidi.,I saw you crying.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Puer plorare coepit.,The boy started crying.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Eam plorantem vidi.,I saw her crying.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Thomas domum plorans venit.,Tom came home crying.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Thomas Mariam plorantem vidit.,Tom saw Mary crying.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Infans plorabat.,The baby was crying.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Cur plorabat Thomas?,Why was Tom crying?,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Hodie ploro.,Today I'm crying!,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Cur omnes plorant?,Why is everybody crying?,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Puellae plorabant.,The girls were crying.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Infans plorare coepit.,The baby started crying.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Cur plorabas?,Why were you crying?,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Eos plorantes vidi.,I saw them crying.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Eum plorantem vidi.,I saw him crying.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Num ploratis?,Are you guys crying?,lat_Latn-eng_Latn "Pauper est, sed laeta.","She is poor, but happy.",lat_Latn-eng_Latn Aliqui plorare coeperunt.,Some people started crying.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Pueri plorare coeperunt.,The kids started crying.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Cur plorat infans?,Why is that baby crying?,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Omnes pueri plorare coeperunt.,All the children started crying.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Cur Thomas adhuc plorat?,Why is Tom still crying?,lat_Latn-eng_Latn "Tum pater Anchises magnum cratera corona / induit implevitque mero, divosque vocavit / stans celsa in puppi: / ""Di, maris et terrae tempestatumque potentes, / ferte viam vento facilem, et spirate secundi.""","Then sire Anchises hastened to entwine / a massive goblet with a wreath, and vowed / libations to the gods, and poured the wine / and on the lofty stern invoked the powers divine: / ""Great gods, whom Earth and Sea and Storms obey, / breathe fair, and waft us smoothly o'er the main.""",lat_Latn-eng_Latn "Cur ploras, Maria?","Mary, why are you crying?",lat_Latn-eng_Latn Plorans puella ianuam aperuit.,A crying girl opened the door.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Pater est bonus.,Father is a good person.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Vos insani estis!,You guys are insane!,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Infans lactis cupidus plorat.,The baby is crying for milk.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Comperi quid Thomas proxima nocte fecisset.,I found out what Tom was doing last night.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Non puto.,"No, I don't think so.",lat_Latn-eng_Latn "Equidem, plurimum gaudeo, tuā causā et eius, quod rediērit peregrē salvus.","I am truly very glad, for your sake and his, that he has returned from abroad safely.",lat_Latn-eng_Latn Horologium in taberna emam.,I will buy a watch at the store.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Vos pueri parvi estis.,You are young boys.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Thomas cum Maria saltat.,Tom is dancing with Mary.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Scio ubi habitet.,I know where he lives.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn In cubiculo meo dormio.,I sleep in my room.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Homines pecuniam non habent.,People have no money.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Iesus aquam in vinum convertit.,Jesus turned water into wine.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Tam pinguis sum.,I'm so fat.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Haec aqua bibi potest.,This water is safe to drink.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Foeda videris.,You look ugly.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Apud sororem meam.,At my sister's.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn "Ego sum Iesus, quem tu persequeris.","I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting.",lat_Latn-eng_Latn Ex Anglia advehunt pannum.,They bring cloth from England.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Omnes ēsse debent.,Everybody has to eat.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Heri ille Novogoradio advenit.,He arrived from Novgorod yesterday.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Quorsum tendis?,Where are you heading?,lat_Latn-eng_Latn "Si in tuo loco essem, eum adiuvarem.","If I were in your shoes, I would help him.",lat_Latn-eng_Latn Abi ad illum et salute eum meo nomine.,Go to him and greet him on my behalf.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Veni cras ad nos!,Come to us tomorrow!,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Adduc amicum tuum ad me.,Lead your friend to me!,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Placetne tibi ambulare mecum?,Do you want to go for a walk with me?,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Stat ante ianuam.,He's standing in front of the door.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Nescio linguam Russicam.,I don't know Russian.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Canis felem consequitur et feles murem consequitur.,"A dog runs after a cat, and the cat after a mouse.",lat_Latn-eng_Latn Nescio linguam Germanicam.,I cannot speak German.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn "Quoniam mater mea aegrotabat, domo a schola mansi.","Since my mother was sick, I stayed home from school.",lat_Latn-eng_Latn Nescio linguam Gallicam.,I can't speak French.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Pretium par est.,The price is reasonable.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Nescio linguam Anglicam.,I can't speak English.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Foeda es.,You are ugly.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Pro hoc pretio non possum vendere.,I can't sell at this price.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Quomodo tu scis?,How can you tell?,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Aufer cantarum in cellam.,Take the jug to the cellar.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Aufer cantarum in triclinium.,Take the jug to the dining room.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Servavi caseum in cella.,I kept the cheese in the cellar.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Pone poculum in mensam!,Put the glass on the table!,lat_Latn-eng_Latn "Ecce, mitra tua iacet in mensa!","Look, there's your cap on the table!",lat_Latn-eng_Latn Canis aufugit sub mensam.,The dog went under the table.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Felis abscondit se sub scamno.,The cat has hidden under the bench.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Exiit urbe.,He has left the city.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Habitat extra urbem.,He lives outside the city.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Columba alba super tectum est.,There is a white dove on the roof.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Abi trans fluvium!,Go across the river!,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Alia reptilia corpus nudum habent.,Other reptiles have a plain body.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Pagus hic in ditione Regis Sueciae est.,This village belongs to the king of Sweden.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Soror mea iamtum tres annos in matrimonio vixit.,My sister has been married for three years.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Cain malus fuit.,Cain was evil.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Ecce inscriptio.,Here's the address.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Sequere illum!,Go after him!,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Num foedus sum?,Am I ugly?,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Quomodo vales?,How are you doing?,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Solis die vaco.,I'm free on Sunday.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Gratias maximas ago!,Thank you very much!,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Non admodum valeo.,I'm not feeling well.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Diu te non vivi.,I haven't seen you in a while.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Quare heri non ad me venisti?,Why didn't you come to me yesterday?,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Non vacabat mihi.,I didn't have time.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Et nunc?,"And now, what?",lat_Latn-eng_Latn Sedeas quaeso!,Please sit down.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Gratias ago.,I thank you.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Non sum lassus.,I'm not sleepy.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Didymus fratres non habet.,Tom doesn't have any brothers.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Quaeso imposterum frequentius nos visites.,Please come visit us more often.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Iucundum mihi erit!,It will be my pleasure!,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Huc veni ut discerem.,I came here to learn.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn E suburbio.,From the suburbs.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Britannia frigidior est quam Italia.,Britain is colder than Italy.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Puella foeda est.,The girl is ugly.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Terram coluerunt.,They cultivated the land.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Ubi ille habitat?,Where does he live?,lat_Latn-eng_Latn """Quomodo id fiet?"" ""Si cogites sæpe, nos sic pendere a Deo ut possimus facere nihil sine ejus auxilio.""","""How will it be done?"" ""If you keep in mind that we are so dependent on God that we can do nothing without His help.""",lat_Latn-eng_Latn Deus te iuvet!,May God help you!,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Sumsistine ientaculum?,Did you have breakfast?,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Sero heri coenavi.,I ate late last night.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Raro ante prandium edo.,I hardly eat before lunch.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Placetne tibi nobiscum comedere?,Would you like to eat with us?,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Aliquid mihi agendum est.,There's something I have to do.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Statim prandium paratum erit.,Food will be ready soon.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Sterne mensam!,Lay the table!,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Ioannes intelligentior est quam Gulielmus.,John is more clever than Bill.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn custos fortis fuerit.,He was a brave sentry.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Non expectavimus convivas.,We didn't expect guests.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Quaeso comedas!,"I ask you, please eat!",lat_Latn-eng_Latn Expecto tuam uxorem.,I'm waiting for your wife.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Illa adhuc in culina est.,She is still in the kitchen.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Ego sum Julius.,I am Julius.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Quis es tu?,Who are you?,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Thomas se divem esse dicit.,Tom says he's rich.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Habito Romae.,I live in Rome.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Quid vendis?,What are you selling?,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Habito Novi Eboraci.,I live in New York.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Tempore pomeridiano teniludio ludam.,I will play tennis this afternoon.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Tempore pomeridiano birotam lavabit.,She is going to wash the bike this afternoon.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Ad argentariam eo.,I'm going to the bank.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Ad hortos publicos eo.,I'm going to the park.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Ad cauponam eo.,I'm going to the restaurant.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Possumne ad fluvium ire?,May I go to the river?,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Hodie caelum nubilum est.,It's cloudy today.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Caelum nubilum est.,It's a cloudy day.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Cras caelum nubilum erit.,It will be cloudy tomorrow.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Caelum nubilum erit.,It will be cloudy.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Liceatne mihi numerum telephonicum tuum habere?,Can I have your phone number?,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Te intellegam!,I understand you!,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Quare tam multo mane surrectus es?,Why did you get up so early?,lat_Latn-eng_Latn "Conside, quaeso!","Sit down, please!",lat_Latn-eng_Latn Saltare non licet.,Dancing is prohibited.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Ubi latrina est?,Where's the toilet?,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Aestate ad piscinam cotidie eo.,In the summer I go to the pool every day.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Habesne pallium et petasum?,Do you have a coat and a hat?,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Id facere debeo,I have to do this.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Tibi licet natare.,You may swim.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn "Curate, ut valeatis!",Look after yourself.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Petasum in taberna emi.,I bought a hat at the store.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Nubes pendant in aere.,The clouds hang in the sky.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Petasum emit.,He bought a hat.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Aves volant sub nubibus.,Birds fly under the clouds.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Petasum gerit.,He is wearing a hat.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Hic edo.,I'm eating here.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Ex Aegypto oriundum sum.,I am from Egypt.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Discipulus sum.,I'm a student.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Discipula sum.,I am a student.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Bene opus facio.,I do my work well.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Petasum nigrum gerebat.,She was wearing a black hat.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn "Exoptatus ad Tatoebam advenisti, mi amice.","Welcome to Tatoeba, my friend.",lat_Latn-eng_Latn Pater tuus procerus est.,Your father is tall.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Pater meus procerus est.,My father is tall.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Procerus est.,He is tall.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Didymus procerus est.,Tom is tall.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Super sellam sedet.,He is sitting on the chair.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Multam oryzam edunt.,They eat a lot of rice.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Linguam Lusitanicam duos menses didici.,I have studied Portuguese for two months.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Salus rei publicae suprema lex esto.,The safeguard of the state shall be the supreme law.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Hic multos annos habitavi.,I've been living here for many years.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Uno abhinc mense emi.,I bought it a month ago.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Ioannes una abhinc hebdomade advenit.,John arrived a week ago.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Ibi tribus abhinc annis habitavi.,I lived there three years ago.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Ibi uno abhinc anno didici.,I studied there a year ago.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Una abhinc hora e somno experrectus sum.,I got up an hour ago.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Nescio linguam Alficam.,I don't speak Elvish.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Duabus abhinc horis prandium sumpsi.,I ate lunch two hours ago.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Duabus abhinc hebdomadibus adveni.,I arrived two weeks ago.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Novo Eboraco duabus abhinc hebdomadibus discessi.,I left New York two weeks ago.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Multos dies adfuit.,He has been here for three days.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Anglice multos annos bene locutus est.,He has spoken English well for many years.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Anglice multos annos bene locuta est.,She has spoken English well for many years.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Multos annos ad Brasiliam ire volui.,I have wanted to go to Brazil for many years.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Milton hebdomadem bene non dormivit.,Milton hasn't slept well for a week.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Annum in Brasilia fuerunt.,They have been in Brazil for one year.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Hic sex menses didicerunt.,They have studied here for six months.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Duos dies non valui.,I haven't felt well for two days.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Huc veni ut teniludio luderet.,I came here to play tennis.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn In Brasilia tantum quinque dies habitaverunt.,They have lived in Brazil for only five days.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn "Lunae dies, martis dies, mercurii dies, iovis dies, veneris dies, saturni dies, solis dies sunt septem dies septimanae.","Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday are the seven days of the week.",lat_Latn-eng_Latn Quamdiu Alphonsus hic habitavit?,How long has Afonso lived there?,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Quamdiu Lourdes tecum laboravit?,How long has Lourdes worked with you?,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Quamdiu Ludovicus Volkswagen habuit?,How long has Luis had a Volkswagen?,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Dies mei sicut umbra declinaverunt.,My days are like a shadow that declines.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Eamus auditum praelectionem.,Let us go to hear the lesson.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Aeroplanum vidi.,I saw an airplane.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn "PATER noster, qui es in cœlis; sanctificatur nomen tuum: Adveniat regnum tuum; fiat voluntas tua, sicut in cœlo, et in terra. Panem nostrum cotidianum da nobis hodie: Et dimitte nobis debita nostra, sicut et nos dimittimus debitoribus nostris: et ne nos inducas in tentationem: sed libera nos a malo.","Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us, and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.",lat_Latn-eng_Latn Suntne hi equi tui?,Are these your horses?,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Quamdiu in urbe Brasilia fuisti?,How long have you been in Brasilia?,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Quamdiu matrimonio coniuncti fuistis?,How long have you been married?,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Quamdiu Ludovicum novisti?,How long have you known Luis?,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Quamdiu Georgius hic habitavit?,How long has George lived here?,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Non credo eum venire.,I don't think they're coming.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Hic vobis fumare licet.,You can smoke here.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Quamdiu Georgius Fluvii Ianuarii fuit?,How long has George been in Rio?,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Quamdiu Georgius ibi laboravit?,How long has George worked there?,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Hic manere volo.,I want to stay here.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Ii Hispanice loquuntur.,They speak Spanish.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Hispanice loquuntur.,They're able to speak Spanish.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Et piscem et carnem vendunt.,They sell fish and meat.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Hic hebdomadem fui.,I have been here for one week.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Hic duas hebdomades fuimus.,We have been here for two days.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Hic tres hebdomades fuimus.,We have been here for three weeks.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Placentne tibi feles nigrae?,Do you like black cats?,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Domus mea lignea est.,My house is built of wood.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Sergius hic hebdomadem fuit.,Sergio has been here for a week.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Lingua Esperantica a Zamenhof creata est.,Esperanto was created by Zamenhof.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Affer mihi illum librum.,Get that book for me.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Haec feles mea non est. Mea pedes albos habet.,This is not my cat. Mine has white feet.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Caput Iaponiae est Tokium.,The capital of Japan is Tokyo.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Stola tua pulcherrima est.,Your dress is very nice.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Sexta hora antemeridiana eum e somno excito.,I wake him up at 6 every morning.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Num semper potionem Arabicam in ientaculo sumis?,Do you always drink coffee with your breakfast?,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Pāx vōbis.,Peace be with you.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Raedam novam suam mihi monstravit.,She showed me her new car.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Duas feles habeo.,I have two cats.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Credere volo.,I want to believe.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Iaponia terra industrialis est.,Japan is an industrial nation.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn "Quem non incusavi amens hominumque deorumque, / aut quid in eversa vidi crudelius urbe?","Whom then did I upbraid not, wild with woe, / of gods or men? What sadder sight elsewhere / had Troy, now whelmed in utter wreck, to show?",lat_Latn-eng_Latn Ego lego; tu scribis.,I read; you write.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Non canto.,I don't sing.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Aliquando ad Americam Foederatam ire volo.,I want to go to America some day.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Utinam machinam photographicam haberem.,I wish I had a camera.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Omnia mala cadentia a porcis eduntur.,All of the apples that fall are eaten by the pigs.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Haec acta diurna hodierna sunt.,This is today's newspaper.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Nescio quota hora sit.,I don't know what time it is.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Bonus puer sum.,I am a good boy.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Quid mihi videndum est?,What should I see?,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Omnes discipuli linguam Anglicam discunt.,All the students study English.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Te exspectabo.,I'll wait for you.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Pater mihi novam birotam emit.,Father bought me a new bicycle.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Ubi frater tuus est?,Where is your brother?,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Didymus piscem non est.,Tom doesn't eat fish.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Thomas piscem non edit.,Thomas does not eat fish.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Ille vir Guilielmum necavit.,Bill was killed by that man.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Filius noster in pugna mortuus est.,Our son was killed in action.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Ubi linguam Gallicam didicistis?,Where did you learn French?,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Haec avis volare non potest.,This bird can't fly.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Ad stationem cucurrimus.,We ran all the way to the station.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Filius noster in bello mortuus est.,Our son was killed in the war.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Unam hebdomadem exspectabo.,I will wait a week.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Da mihi exemplum.,Give me an example.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn "Quid significat verbum ""get"" in hac sententia?","What does the word ""get"" mean in this sentence?",lat_Latn-eng_Latn Pueri in litore maritimo libenter ludunt.,Children like playing on the beach.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Ascende equum.,Get on the horse.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn In lecto dormiebat.,He was sleeping in the bed.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Novum est.,It is new.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Chartam volo.,I want paper.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn "Sed et si ambulavero in valle mortis, non timebo malum: quoniam tu mecum es; virga tua et baculus tuus ipsa, consolabuntur me.","Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.",lat_Latn-eng_Latn Illa avis non volat.,That bird doesn't fly.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Nunquam telehorasim aspicit.,He doesn't watch TV at all.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Felis mea cammarum amat.,My cat loves shrimp.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Domi eram.,I was at home.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Turma nostra vincit.,Our team is winning.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Multi pisces mortui sunt.,Many fish died.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Thomas bene delineat.,Tom draws well.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Quærunt compendium.,They seek the shortest way.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Nemo perfectus est.,Nobody is perfect.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn "Quod per telephonum me adivisti, gratias tibi ago.",Thank you for calling.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Nunc in deversorio est.,She's at the hotel now.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Verba non habeo.,I have no words.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Ea mihi poculum potionis Sinensis attulit.,She brought me a cup of tea.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn """Hic tibi ne qua morae fuerint dispendia tanti, / quamvis increpitent socii, et vi cursus in altum / vela vocet possisque sinus implere secundos, / quin adeas vatem, precibusque oracula poscas / ipsa canat, vocemque volens atque ora resolvat.""","""But linger thou, nor count thy lingering vain, / though comrades chide, and breezes woo the fleet. / Approach the prophetess; with prayer unchain / her voice to speak.""",lat_Latn-eng_Latn Ea feles amat.,She loves cats.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Is in convivio non erat.,He was absent from the meeting.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Heri ad scholam non ivi.,I didn't go to school yesterday.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Thomas se defessum esse dicit.,Tom says he's exhausted.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Virum mulieremque video.,I see a man and a woman.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn "Quomodo dicitur ""blog"" latine ?","How do you say ""blog"" in Latin?",lat_Latn-eng_Latn Nemo opus facit. Omnes Certamen Mundanum Pedilusorium aspiciunt.,No one is working. Everyone's watching the World Cup.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn "Non cogitant, ergo non sunt.",They don't think therefore they aren't.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Sicut piscis natat.,He swims like a fish.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Ii Hispanice loqui possunt.,They can speak Spanish.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Is cithara canere potest.,He can play the guitar.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn "Servatum ex undis Strophadum me litora primum / accipiunt; Strophades Graio stant nomine dictae, / insulae Ionio in magno, quas dira Celaeno / Harpyiaeque colunt aliae, Phineia postquam / clausa domus, mensasque metu liquere priores.","Saved from the sea, the Strophades we gain, / so called in Greece, where dwells, with Harpies, dire / Celaeno, in the vast Ionian main, / since, forced from Phineus' palace to retire, / they fled their former banquet.",lat_Latn-eng_Latn Currere possum.,I can run.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Cor eius fractum erat.,He was heartbroken.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Vicinum suum odit.,He hates his neighbor.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Heri eos adiuvi.,I helped them yesterday.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Hodie multa negotia mihi facienda sunt.,I have a lot to do today.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Nemo hanc domum colit.,Nobody lives in this house.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn "Fessus erat, cum domum advenit.",He was exhausted when he got home.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Didymus Mariae donum attulit.,Tom brought Mary a gift.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Joannes tristis est.,John is sad.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Parentes mei mortui sunt.,My parents are dead.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn In hoc signo vinces.,In this sign you will conquer.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Satis sellarum omnibus est.,There are enough seats for everyone.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Thomas se infelicem esse dicit.,Tom says he's unhappy.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Scio me punituram.,I know I'll be punished.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn "Quamquam Lunae dies est, tamen Thomas id faciet.","Even though it's Monday, Tom will do that.",lat_Latn-eng_Latn Estne satis sellarum omnibus?,Are there enough chairs for everyone?,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Raedam emere non potest.,He isn't able to buy a car.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Estne satis cibi omnibus?,Is there enough food for everyone?,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Valisia meus frāctus est.,My suitcase is broken.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Noli id facere.,Do not do that.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn "Et cognoscetis veritatem, et veritas liberabit vos.","And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.",lat_Latn-eng_Latn Ignosce! Estne haec sedes adhuc libera?,"Excuse me, is this seat taken?",lat_Latn-eng_Latn Id facere nunc non possum.,I can't do that right now.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Putavi eum me occisurum esse.,I thought he was going to kill me.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Putavi eam me occisuram esse.,I thought she was going to kill me.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Domus avi mei in hac via erat.,My grandfather's house was on that street.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Tigrem necaverunt.,The tiger was killed.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Eum gladio necaverunt.,He was killed with a sword.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn "Victi estis, nonne?","You lost, didn't you?",lat_Latn-eng_Latn Tune id fecisti?,Did you do it yourself?,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Decessit annos septuaginta natus.,He died at the age of 70.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Pater meus decessit annos undequinquaginta natus.,My father died at the age of forty-nine.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Decessit annos quattuor et quinquaginta nata.,She died at the age of 54.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Didymus decessit annos septem et nonaginta natus.,Tom died at the age of 97.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Didymus decessit annos triginta natus.,Tom died at the age of thirty.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Egeo qui me adiuvet.,I need someone to help me.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn "Si fueris pauper, qui tibi amicus?","If you were poor, who would be your friend?",lat_Latn-eng_Latn Is procul a domo eius est.,He is away from home.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn "Non odio, sed amore ad unum natus sum.","I am not one (was not born) to join in hatred, but in love.",lat_Latn-eng_Latn Dicunt eam mortuam esse.,They say she's dead.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Ars musica est donum Dei.,Music is a gift from God.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Aliquid chartae volo.,I want some paper.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Sunt plus quam septem milia linguarum in orbe terrarum.,There are more than seven thousand languages in the world.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Sed pecuniam non habeo.,But I don't have money.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Magister dixit nos futurum patriae esse.,The teacher said that we are the future of our home country.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn "Tristius haud illis monstrum, nec saevior ulla / pestis et ira deum Stygiis sese extulit undis.",Heavenly ire / ne'er sent a pest more loathsome; ne'er were seen / worse plagues to issue from the Stygian mire.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn """Hic Ithacus vatem magno Calchanta tumultu / protrahit in medios; quae sint ea numina divum, / flagitat: et mihi jam multi crudele canebant / artificis scelus, et taciti ventura videbant.""","""Then straight Ulysses, 'mid tumultuous cries, / drags Calchas forth, and bids the seer unfold / the dark and doubtful meaning of the skies. / Many e'en then the schemer's crime foretold, / and, silent, saw my destiny unrolled.""",lat_Latn-eng_Latn Stultus stulta loquitur.,A fool speaks foolishness.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn """Illa tibi Italiae populos venturaque bella, / et quo quemque modo fugiasque ferasque laborem, / expediet, cursusque dabit venerata secundos.""","""She shall the tale repeat / of wars in Italy, thy destined seat, / what toils to shun, what dangers do despise, / and make the triumph of thy quest complete.""",lat_Latn-eng_Latn Vinum laetificat cor hominis.,Wine makes glad the heart of man.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Legi praesidem Brasiliae feminam esse. Dilma vocatur.,I read that the president of Brazil is a woman. Her name is Dilma.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Thomas tres dies nobiscum commoratus est.,Tom stayed with us for three days.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Numquam vidi cattum meum agere sic.,I've never seen my cat act like that.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn """Esurisne?"" ""Non esurio. Cum in schola eram, paniculum fartum edi.""","""Are you hungry?"" ""I'm not hungry. When I was at school, I ate a sandwich.""",lat_Latn-eng_Latn Victoria facilis est.,It's an easy victory.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Bis in Europa fui.,I have been to Europe twice.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Nullus discipulus respondere ad quaestionem potuit.,No student was able to answer the question.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Exercitus colligebatur.,An army was being gathered.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Dicitne sciens?,Does he say it of his own knowledge?,lat_Latn-eng_Latn In provincia habito.,I live in a province.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Franguntur remi; tum prora avertit et undis / dat latus; insequitur cumulo praeruptus aquae mons.,"The shattered oars start forth; / round swings the prow, and lets the waters sweep / the broadside. Onward comes a mountain heap / of billows, gaunt, abrupt.",lat_Latn-eng_Latn Thomas saltat.,Tom is dancing.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Saltabant.,They were dancing.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Non saltabam!,I wasn't dancing!,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Aspice saltantem canem!,"Look, a dancing dog!",lat_Latn-eng_Latn Elizabetha artis saltandi magistra est.,Betty is a dancing teacher.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Hodie nocte saltabimus.,We're going dancing tonight.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Omnes pueri saltabant.,All the boys were dancing.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Omnes pueri puellaeque saltabant.,All the kids were dancing.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Cur non saltas?,Why aren't you dancing?,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Calceos ad saltandum aptos gerit.,She is wearing dancing shoes.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Thomas cum puellis saltat.,Tom is dancing with the ladies.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Thomas Mariam cum Ioanne saltantem vidit.,Tom saw Mary dancing with John.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Thoman cum Maria saltantem vidi.,I saw Tom dancing with Mary.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Thomas cum alia puella saltat.,Tom is dancing with another girl.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Liber de arte saltandi super mensam scriptoriam est.,A book about dancing is lying on the desk.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn "Quae est puella, quam tecum saltantem vidi?",Who was that girl I saw you dancing with?,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Avunculus meus linguam Anglicam in universitate docet.,My uncle teaches English in a college.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Uxor mea domi mansit.,My wife stayed at home.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Magister es tu?,Are you a teacher?,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Excogitare non possum qua ratione id fecit.,I can't figure out why he did it.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Quando linguam Latinam discere coepisti?,When did you start studying Latin?,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Per horas exspecto.,I've been waiting for hours.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Iuxta te sum.,I'm right beside you.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Quid genus pelliculae aspicere vis?,What kind of movie do you want to watch?,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Auribus audio.,I hear with my ears.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Eum cotidie videmus.,We see him every day.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Vita plena est ambiguitatis.,Life is full of ambiguity.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn "Sitio. Da mihi, quaeso, potionem frigidam.",I'm thirsty. Please give me a cold drink.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn "Da mihi cultrum, ut hoc filum secem.",Give me a knife to cut this string with.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Ubi sunt liber plumbumque?,Where are the book and the pencil?,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Ubi sunt liber et plumbum?,Where is the book and the pencil?,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Dives est.,He is rich.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn "Homo ille, de quo locuta es, soror mea est.",That person you spoke about is my sister.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Thomas Mariam occidet.,Tom is going to kill Mary.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Ioannes heri ad Iaponiam venit.,John came to Japan yesterday.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Bill paulum Iaponice loquitur.,Bill speaks a little Japanese.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Homo in Gallia natus Gallus dicitur.,A person who is born in France is a French.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Jacqueline nomen Gallicum est.,Jacqueline is a French name.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Puto amicos magni momenti esse.,I think friends are important.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Magister linguae Anglicae est.,He is an English teacher.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Susan nomen Anglicum est.,Susan is an English name.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Carmen nomen Hispanicum est.,Carmen is a Spanish name.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Ei liberi non sunt.,She has no children.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Hans nomen Germanicum est.,Hans is a German name.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Karin nomen Germanicum est.,Karin is a German name.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Natasha nomen Ruthenicum est.,Natasha is a Russian name.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Rafaela nomen Italicum est.,Rafaela is an Italian name.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Hic liber de Sinis est.,This book is about China.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Avunculus meus tabernam florum prope stationem habet.,My uncle has a flower shop near the station.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Cura ne fleas.,Try not to cry.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Cura ne cadas.,Take care not to fall.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Semper felices sumus.,We're always happy.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn "Thomas, Maria, et Iohannes circum mensam sedent.","Tom, Mary and John are sitting around the table.",lat_Latn-eng_Latn Sāmī vītricum ōderat.,Sami hated his stepdad.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn """At puer Ascanius, cui cognomen Iulo / additur (Ilus erat, dum res stetit Ilia regno), / triginta magnos volvendis mensibus orbes / imperio explebit, regnumque ab sede Lavini / transferet, et Longam multa vi muniet Albam"".","""Then, too, the boy Ascanius, named of late / Iulus (Ilus was he in the day / when firm by royalty stood Ilium's state) / shall rule till thirty years complete the destined date. / He from Lavinium shall remove his seat, / and gird Long Alba for defence.""",lat_Latn-eng_Latn Vitiis nemo sine nascitur.,No one is born without faults.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Eos venerantur.,They respect him.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Me veneratur.,He respects me.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Procerior sum quam is.,I'm taller than he is.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Quot insulas habet Germania?,How many islands does Germany have?,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Didymus lavatur.,Tom is taking a shower.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Thoman veneratus sum.,I respected Tom.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Mater patri libum facit.,My mother is making my father a cake.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Thomas omnes veneratur.,Tom respects everyone.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Non licet mihi tibi monstrare.,I can't show you.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Didymus nunc adultus est.,Tom is an adult now.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn "Numerum cubiculi tui, quaeso.","Your room number, please?",lat_Latn-eng_Latn Thomas te veneratur.,Tom respects you.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Avus sine baculo ambulare non potest.,My grandfather cannot walk without a walking stick.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Musica enim est lingua universalis.,Music is the universal language.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Te veneratur.,He respects you.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Fratrem non habebat.,She didn't have a brother.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Heri Didymum invisi.,Yesterday I visited Tom's house.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn In insula Curacense vivere volo.,I want to live in Curaçao.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Te venerantur.,They respect you.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Sanus videtur.,He seems healthy.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Iam non habemus panem.,We don't have any more bread.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Pater me necabit.,My father is going to kill me.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Pater me occidet.,My father's going to kill me.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Eos veneratus sum.,I respected them.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Te veneratus sum.,I respected you.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Eam veneratus sum.,I respected her.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Eos veneror.,I respect them.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Eum veneror.,I respect him.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Eam veneror.,I respect her.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn "Cum duas horas cucurrisset, tandem sitivit.",After having run for two hours he was thirsty..,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Patrem veneratur.,He respects his father.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Haec dixit per iocum.,He said it as a joke.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Paulus parentes veneratur.,Paul respects his parents.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Thomas parentes veneratur.,Tom respects his parents.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Senes venerandi sunt.,Old people deserve respect.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Nemo terram meam veneratur.,Nobody respects my country.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Nemo terram meam veneratus est.,Nobody respected my country.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn "Te veneror, Thoma.","I respect you, Tom.",lat_Latn-eng_Latn Sententiam tuam veneror.,I respect your opinion.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Sororem venerata est.,She respected her sister.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Nemo me veneratur.,No one respects me.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Mariam omnes venerantur.,Mary is respected by everyone.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Te omnes venerantur.,You're respected by everybody.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Parentes nobis venerandi sunt.,We should respect our parents.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Caesario filius Cleopatrae et Iulii Caesaris erat.,Caesarion was the son of Cleopatra and Julius Caesar.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Eum omnes venerantur.,He is respected by everybody.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Te veneratus eram.,I used to respect you.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Senes tibi venerandi sunt.,You must respect senior citizens.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Omnium sententias veneror.,I respect everybody's opinion.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Maiores nostri nobis venerandi sunt.,We should respect our ancestors.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Nesciebam canes bene natare.,I didn't know that dogs swim well.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Thomas Mariam non veneratur.,Tom doesn't respect Mary.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Scio ubi habites.,I know where you live.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Scio ubi sit.,I know where she is.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Scio ubi habitetis.,I know where you dwell.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Nescio ubi habitet.,I don't know where he lives.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Hoc instrumentum photographicum mihi non placet.,I don't like this camera.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Thomas me non veneratur.,Tom doesn't respect me.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Thomas eos non veneratur.,Tom doesn't respect them.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Lupus in fabula.,Speak of the devil and he is sure to appear.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Thomas nos non veneratur.,Tom doesn't respect us.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Eos non veneramur.,We don't respect them.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Eam semper veneratus sum.,I've always respected her.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Eum semper veneratus sum.,I've always respected him.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Quo ibat?,Where was he going?,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Eos semper veneratus sum.,I've always respected them.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Multum periclitatur.,There's a lot on the line.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Te semper venerata sum.,I've always respected you.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Quando laboras?,When do you work?,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Thoman semper venerata sum.,I've always respected Tom.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Habesne nunc tempus?,Are you free now?,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Eam non venerantur.,They don't respect her.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Eos non veneror.,I don't respect them.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Thomas feminas non veneratur.,Tom doesn't respect women.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn """Si nihil ex tanta superis placet urbe relinqui, / et sedet hoc animo, perituraeque addere Trojae / teque tuosque juvat; patet isti janua leto, / jamque aderit multo Priami de sanguine Pyrrhus, / natum ante ora patris, patrem qui obtruncat ad aras.""","""If Heaven of such a city naught should spare, / and thou be pleased that thou and thine should share / the common wreck, that way to death is plain. / Wide stands the door; soon Pyrrhus will be there, / red with the blood of Priam; he hath slain / the son before his sire, the father in the fane.""",lat_Latn-eng_Latn Thoman valde veneror.,I respect Tom a lot.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Eos valde veneramur.,We respect them a lot.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Senes iuvenibus venerandi sunt.,The young should respect the old.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Antonium Aegyptii venerati sunt.,Anthony was respected by the Egyptians.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn "Irruimus ferro, et divos ipsumque vocamus / in partem praedamque Jovem. Tum litore curvo / exstruimusque toros, dapibusque epulamur opimis.","We, sword in hand, make onset, and invite / the gods and Jove himself the spoil to share, / and piling couches, banquet on the fare.",lat_Latn-eng_Latn Eam amicae venerantur.,She is respected by her friends.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Patris amicus est clarus fabulator.,My friend's father is a famous novelist.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Eum amici venerantur.,He is respected by his friends.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn "Quod tu es, eqo fui, quod ego sum, tu eris.","What you are, I once was; what I am, you will become.",lat_Latn-eng_Latn Pauci discipuli Latine intellegunt.,Few students understand Latin.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Lingua Latina difficilis non est.,Latin is not hard.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Lingua Lusitanica e Latina oriunda est.,Portuguese descends from Latin.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Lingua Latina perfecta est.,Latin is a perfect language.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Ubi sum?,Where am I?,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Linguam Latinam in schola didicit.,He learned Latin in school.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Multa vocabula Anglica e lingua Latina oriunda sunt.,Many English words derive from Latin.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Maria matri simillima est.,Mary is very much like her mother.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Puto eum Latine locutum fuisse.,I think he was speaking Latin.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Quid expectatis?,What are you waiting for?,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Noli verbum istud dicere!,Don't say that word.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Marcus filio raedam emit.,Marco bought his son a car.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Nihil sacrum est.,Nothing is holy.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Nullus amor sempiternus.,There is no eternal love.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Puella docta est.,She is an educated girl.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn "Antequam cenam sumo, cithara cano.",I play the guitar before dinner.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Ridebis.,You will laugh.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Neuter Gallice scit.,None of them knows French.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Credo Didymum Mariamque inter se amare.,I think Tom and Mary like each other.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Benene sapit?,Does it taste good?,lat_Latn-eng_Latn """Benene sapit?"" ""Ita, sapit.""","""Does it taste good?"" ""Yes, it does.""",lat_Latn-eng_Latn Quis tibi hoc emit?,Who bought you this?,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Quis hoc emit?,Who bought this?,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Thomas recte egit.,Tom did the right thing.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Inter nos consolati sumus.,We consoled each other.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Iam mihi eundum est.,I need to go now.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Thomas Mariam consolatur.,Tom is consoling Mary.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Mariam consolor.,I am consoling Mary.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Quis me consolabitur?,Who will console me?,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Non est bonum.,It's not good.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Quis eam consolabitur?,Who will console her?,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Non est bonum serpentem dormientem e somno excitare.,It's not good to wake a sleeping snake.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Non est bonum in exedra obscura legere.,It's not good to read in a dark room.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Licetne mihi id videre?,Can I see that?,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Video.,I see that.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Video tibi Graecum esse nomen.,I see that you have a Greek name.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Societas divisa est.,Society is divided.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Librum edo.,I eat a book.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Multa olera ede.,Eat a lot of vegetables.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Paniculum fartum edo.,I am eating a sandwich.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Didymus libum edit.,Tom is eating a cake.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Pirum edit.,She's eating a pear.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Paniculum fartum edebat.,She was eating a sandwich.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Paniculum fartum edebam.,I was eating a sandwich.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Jim advocatus non est. Medicus est.,"Jim isn't a lawyer, but a doctor.",lat_Latn-eng_Latn Pecuniam inter se partitae sunt.,They divided the money among themselves.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Didymus paniculum fartum edit.,Tom is eating a sandwich.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn In tres partes divisum est.,It's divided into three parts.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Eum paniculum fartum edentem vidit.,She saw him eating a sandwich.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Jim non advocatus sed medicus est.,Jim's not a lawyer. He's a doctor.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Deus magnus est.,God is great.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Credo Deum feminam esse.,I think God is a woman.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Deus est omnium causa.,God is the cause of all things.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn "Deus mortuus est, eumque necavimus nos.","God is dead, and we have killed him.",lat_Latn-eng_Latn Non video eum.,I don't see it.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn "Deus mihi dux, ensis autem mihi socius.","God is my leader, and my sword is my companion.",lat_Latn-eng_Latn Libum in sex partes secuit.,She divided the cake into six pieces.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Libum in quinque partes secuit.,She divided the cake into five pieces.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Mater libum in octo partes secuit.,Mother divided the cake into eight pieces.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Mater libum in tres partes secuit.,Mother divided the cake into three parts.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Thomas panem in duas partes secuit.,Tom divided the bread into two pieces.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Panem in duas partes secui.,I divided the bread into two pieces.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Deus creator est. Et Caelum et Terra et homines omniaque a Deo aliena creata sunt.,God is the creator. Heaven and Earth and people and everything apart from God are created.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Tempestas venit.,A storm is coming.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Panem in duas partes secuit.,She divided the bread into two pieces.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Hic puer frater eius est.,This boy is his brother.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Hic puer filius meus est.,This boy is my son.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Mihi dictum est hunc puerum audire non posse.,Someone told me that this boy cannot hear.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Panem in duas partes secuerunt.,They divided the bread into two pieces.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Parentes Anglice non loquuntur.,My parents don't speak English.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Huic puellae non est mater.,This girl has no mother.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Terra in octo partes divisa est.,The land was divided into 8 lots.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Thomas panem in octo partes secuit.,Tom divided the cake into eight pieces.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Aliquid boni edere volo.,I want to eat something nice.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Mater pecuniam inter liberos partita est.,The mother divided the money among her children.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn "Quamquam humanum sit peccare, diabolicum tamen est perseverare.","Although it may be human to sin, it is, however, devilish to continue to sin.",lat_Latn-eng_Latn Tibialia tua in machina lavatoria iace.,Put these socks in the washing machine.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Nescio an venire possim.,I don't know if I can come.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Didymus vere laetus videtur.,Tom seems really happy.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Quomodo alter ab altero discernitur?,How do you tell each other apart?,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Hic habitat ursus.,Here lives one bear.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Utrum animal magnum est?,Which animal is big?,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Utrum animal parvum est?,Which animal is small?,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Volucris in caelo est.,The bird is in the sky.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Animal est.,He's an animal.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Quomodo mihi appellandus es?,What do I call you?,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Deo confidimus.,In God We Trust.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Parentes ejus multum te amabant.,Your parents loved you very much.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Hoc animal meum est.,This animal is mine.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Thomas dicit se Bostoniae nunquam fuisse.,Tom says that he's never been to Boston.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Estne hoc animal sacrum?,Is this animal holy?,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Thomas dicit se Mariam canentem nunquam audivisse.,Tom says he's never heard Mary sing.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn "At subitae horrifico lapsu de montibus adsunt / Harpyiae et magnis quatiunt clangoribus alas, / diripiuntque dapes, contactuque omnia foedant / immundo; tum vox tetrum dira inter odorem.","When straight, down-swooping from the hills meanwhile / the Harpies flap their clanging wings, and tear / the food, and all with filthy touch defile, / and, mixt with screams, uprose a sickening stench and vile.",lat_Latn-eng_Latn Thomas feli suae osculum dedit.,Tom kissed his cat.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Maria feli suae osculum dedit.,Mary kissed her cat.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Feles multo maior est quam mus.,The cat is much larger than the rat.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Animal fame mortuum est.,The animal died from hunger.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Romani togas gerebant.,Romans wore togas.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Vacca anima utile est.,A cow is a useful animal.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Animal vivens tibi capiendum est.,You must catch the animal alive.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Libenter.,Don't mention it.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Nullum animal sine plantis esse potest.,No animal can exist without plants.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Canis animal fidele est.,The dog is a faithful animal.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Elephas animal robustum est.,An elephant is a strong animal.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Te solum esse adhoc non credere possum,I can't believe you're still single.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn eum solum esse adhoc non credere possum.,I can't believe he's still single.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Patientia mea exspiravit.,My patience has run out.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Canem video.,I see the dog.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Adiuva me! Ego morior.,Please help me. I'm dying.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn ingeniarii per noctem laboraverunt.,The engineers worked through the night.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Domus incendio deleta est.,The house was burned to the ground.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Tom et Maria pensum suum iuctim fecerunt.,Tom and Mary did their homework together.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Scio eum musicum clarum esse.,I know that he is a famous musician.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Lingua ejus mihi non placet.,I don't like his language.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn estne aliquid quod nos narrare vis?,Is there something you want to tell us?,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Elephas terrestrium animalium maximus est.,The elephant is the largest land animal.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Deus aliquid facere potest!,God can do anything!,lat_Latn-eng_Latn membrum gregis esse electus est.,He was chosen to be a member of the team.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Mavisne mālum aut pĭrum ?,Do you prefer an apple or a pear?,lat_Latn-eng_Latn iustitia caeca est.,Justice is blind.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Magnum animal e therotrophio fugit.,A large animal fled from the zoo.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn de Tom somniabam,I was dreaming about Tom.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn annos duo magister eram.,I've been a teacher for two years.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Habesne calamum an plumbum?,Do you have a pen or a pencil?,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Didymus ad litus maritimum ivit.,Tom went to the beach.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Restingue incendium.,Put out the fire.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn """Et nunc, quod patrias vento petiere Mycenas, / arma deosque parant comites, pelagoque remenso / improvisi aderunt. Ita digerit omina Calchas.""","""So now to Argos are they gone, to gain / fresh help from heaven, and hither by surprise / shall come once more, remeasuring the main. / Thus Calchas warned them.""",lat_Latn-eng_Latn """Haec sunt quae nostra liceat te voce moneri. / Vade age, et ingentem factis fer ad aethera Trojam.""","""Thou hast whate'er 'tis lawful to advise; / go, and with deathless deeds raise Ilion to the skies.""",lat_Latn-eng_Latn Se laetum esse dixit.,He said that he was happy.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Hoc animal in solitudine illa invenitur.,This is an animal found in that desert.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Velim novam domum facere.,I'd like to build a new house.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Mentiri non possum.,I can't lie.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Veni Thoman inventurus.,I've come to find Tom.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Veni Thoman visurus.,I've come to see Tom.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Difficile est saturam non scribere.,It is difficult not to write satire.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Haec est vita!,This is life!,lat_Latn-eng_Latn In scholam propero.,I'm going to school.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn """Incute vim ventis submersasque obrue puppes, / aut age diversos et disjice corpora ponto.""","""Strike force to the winds, sink and overwhelm the ships; or drive them apart and scatter their bodies on the sea.""",lat_Latn-eng_Latn Omnes mox dormiemus.,"Soon, we are all going to sleep.",lat_Latn-eng_Latn Thomas hoc verbo saepe utitur.,Tom uses that word a lot.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn """Quin aspera Juno, / quae mare nunc terrasque metu coelumque fatigat, / consilia in melius referet, mecumque fovebit / Romanos, rerum dominos gentemque togatam: / sic placitum"".","""Nay, Juno, too, who now, in mood malign, / earth, sea and sky is harrying, shall incline / to better counsels, and unite with me / to cherish and uphold the imperial line, / the Romans, rulers of the land and sea, / lords of the flowing gown. So standeth my decree.""",lat_Latn-eng_Latn Vehiturne ad scholam curru publico?,Does he go to school by bus?,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Quadragies quinquies bina sunt nonaginta.,Forty-five times two is ninety.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Horatius Saēbi magnōpere placet.,Saeb is really fond of Horace.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Hoc flumen in Oceanum Pacificum fluit.,This river flows into the Pacific Ocean.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Ad macellum cotidie venit.,She goes to market every day.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Ubi Thomae pater est?,Where's Tom's father?,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Quid in armario frigidario est?,What's in the fridge?,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Poeta est.,He is a poet.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Amicus es.,You're a friend.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Thomas dicit se non desperare.,Tom says he isn't giving up.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Succus pirorum mihi valde placet.,I really like pear juice.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Difficillime est Thomae placere.,Tom was very hard to please.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Thoman rogavi quid factum esset.,I asked Tom what had happened.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Rosam in comis habet.,She has a rose in her hair.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn "Rursum in secessu longo sub rupe cavata, / arboribus clausi circum atque horrentibus umbris, / instruimus mensas, arisque reponimus ignem.","Once more, within a cavern screened from view, / where circling trees a rustling shade supply, / the boards are spread, the altars blaze anew.",lat_Latn-eng_Latn "Si machinam temporis haberes, quem annum inviseres?","If you had a time machine, which year would you visit?",lat_Latn-eng_Latn Thomas rogavit num aliquis Mariam vidisset.,Tom asked if anyone had seen Mary.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Pediludium mihi non placet.,I don't like soccer.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn """Quo res cumque cadent, unum et commune periclum, / una salus ambobus erit.""","""Come whatso / the Fates shall bring us, both alike shall share / one common welfare or one common woe.""",lat_Latn-eng_Latn "Thomas Gallice loquitur, Maria autem non loquitur.","Tom can speak French, but Mary can't.",lat_Latn-eng_Latn Nihil tibi dicere habeo.,I don't have anything to say to you.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn "Jam homo non sum, sed belua!","I'm no longer a man, but a monster!",lat_Latn-eng_Latn Video Volapucam linguam bonam esse.,I see that Volapük is a good language.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Tu scis de qua re loquor.,You know what I am talking about.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Probatio in duas partes dividebatur.,The exam was divided into two parts.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Lupus est homo homini.,Man is a wolf to man.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Tristissima fui quando nuntium audivi.,I felt very sad when I heard the news.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn """Effigiem Xanthi Trojamque videtis, / quam vestrae fecere manus, melioribus, opto, / auspiciis, et quae fuerit minus obvia Graiis.""","""Ye still can see a Xanthus and a Troy, / reared by your hands, old Ilion to restore, / and brighter auspices than ours enjoy, / nor tempt, like ours, the Greeks to ravage and destroy.""",lat_Latn-eng_Latn Cantate nobiscum.,Sing with us.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Caelum caeruleum est.,The sky is blue.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Elige tunicam quae tibi optime placet.,Pick out the shirt that you like best.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Aliquis umbellam meam sustulit.,Someone's taken my umbrella.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn "Nemo perfectus est, qui perfectior esse non appetit.","No one is perfect, who does not desire to be more perfect.",lat_Latn-eng_Latn Sanguis est liquor rubicundus qui per arterias et venas fluit.,Blood is a red liquid that flows through arteries and veins.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Omnes cantabant.,Everyone was singing.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Diana est pulchra dea lunae et silvarum.,Diana is the beautiful goddess of the Moon and the forest.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Cantamus.,We are singing.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Omnes cantant.,Everyone is singing.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Nos aliquotiens convenimus.,We've met several times.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Repetitio mater memoriae.,Repetition is the mother of memory.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Thomas de sententia sua decessit.,Tom has changed his opinion.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Aquila alba est.,The eagle is white.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Haec sententia mendacium est.,This sentence is a lie.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Televisionem spectabo.,I'll watch television.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn scīsne quae sit?,Do you know who she is?,lat_Latn-eng_Latn nēmō in viā vidēbātur.,No one was to be seen in the street.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Valde romanticus est!,He is very romantic!,lat_Latn-eng_Latn auxilium ā nōbīs petunt.,They want our help.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn pharmaca nōn sūmō.,I don't do drugs.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Dic Thomae me paratum esse.,Tell Tom I'm ready.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Cur me accusas?,Why are you accusing me?,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Thomās lagoenam sūmpsit sed difficilius aperuit.,"Tom picked up the bottle, but had trouble opening it.",lat_Latn-eng_Latn nōlī epistulam mittere oblivīscī.,Don't forget to send the letter.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Cusdra gloca bocrum steciter budlavit et bocrellum curdecit.,A glock coozdre has steckly boodled a boker and is curding a bokerlet.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn alius diēs serēnus vidētur.,Looks like another nice day.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Thomae displicuit sēparārī ab uxōre līberīsque.,Tom didn't like being separated from his wife and children.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Tantum duas horas dormivi.,I only slept two hours.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Sanguis meus magis rubeus quam tuus non est.,My blood is no redder than yours.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Quadrupeda sunt animalia quae quattuor pedes habent.,Quadrupeds are animals that have four feet.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Thomās Bostōniae diū habitāvit.,Tom has lived in Boston for a long time.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn nōn disputābit Thōmās.,Tom isn't going to argue.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Ea Gallice loqui potest.,She can speak French.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Omnia quadrupeda foetus lacte alunt.,All quadrupeds feed their young with milk.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn tussientem audīvērunt.,They heard coughing.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Marīam in spēluncam dūxit Thōmās.,Tom led Mary into the cave.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn est fortior mē.,He is stronger than me.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn mūnere plānē fungor.,I'm simply doing my job.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn "Steriles arbores sunt abies, alnus, betula, cupressus, fagus, fraximus, salix, tilia et cetera; sed pleraque umbriserae.","Barren trees are the fir, elder, birch, cypress, beech, ivy, sallow, linden and so on, but most of them afford shade.",lat_Latn-eng_Latn nōnne Thōman audīvistī?,"You heard Tom, didn't you?",lat_Latn-eng_Latn paucōs tantum librōs habeō.,I only have a few books.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn verbīs eius iam crēdit.,He still believes her words.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn estne haec epistula tua?,Is this your letter?,lat_Latn-eng_Latn pānem fartum ēdit Thomās.,Tom ate the sandwich.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn annō nōngentēsimō nōnāgēsimō septuāgēsimō secundō nātus sum.,I was born in the year nineteen hundred and seventy-two.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn paulum tibi habeō.,I have a little something for you.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn quod ā mē rogāvit illa effēcī.,I did that which she asked me to do.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn haud crēdere possum mē umquam iterum autobirotam surreptam vīsūrum.,I think it's highly unlikely that I'll ever see my stolen motorcycle again.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn tesseram iam capiam?,Should I pick up my ticket now?,lat_Latn-eng_Latn pittacium gerere dēbēs.,You supposed to be wearing your name tag.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn forsan nōn sit somnium.,It may not be a dream.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn eum mē adiutūrum spērō.,I hope that he will help me.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Thomas visa Maria maximo gaudio laetatus est.,Tom was overjoyed to see Mary.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn virōs amāns cūr fēminam in mātrimōnium dūcās?,Why would you marry a woman if you like men?,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Somniabam.,I was dreaming.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn proelium ad flūmen pugnātum est.,The battle was fought by the river.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Sēricē discō.,I'm learning Chinese.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn quotannīs fīs pulchriōr.,You get more beautiful every year.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn doleō sed tibi satisfacere nōn possum.,"I am sorry, but I cannot meet your requirement.",lat_Latn-eng_Latn iam coepī.,I already begun.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn blandīmentīs eius rubēscent genae.,Her cheeks began to glow at his compliments.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn rixor semper cum uxōre.,I constantly quarrel with my wife.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn magister in ambulācrō discipulōs coēgit.,The teacher assembled the students in the hall.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn fistula cloācina displōsit.,The sewer pipe exploded.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn "Quis cladem illius noctis, quis funera fando / explicet, aut possit lacrimis aequare labores?","Oh, who hath tears to match our grief withal? / What tongue that night of havoc can make known?",lat_Latn-eng_Latn Velim scire quid Thomas sentiat.,I wonder what Tom is thinking.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn "Hi summo in fluctu pendent, his unda dehiscens / terram inter fluctus aperit; furit aestus arenis.","These, horsed astride / a surge's crest, rock pendent o'er the deep; / to those the wave's huge hollow, yawning wide, / lays bare the ground below; dark swells the sandy tide.",lat_Latn-eng_Latn Mariam consecutae sumus.,We followed Mary.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn "Saepe de matre cogito, quae mortua est.",I frequently think about my mother who passed away.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Domum mihi redeundum est.,I need to get back home.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Audisne me?,Can you hear me?,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Te certiorem faciam.,I'll let you know.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Finitima Italiae est insula Sicilia.,The island closest to Italy is Sicily.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Ii nomen meum nesciunt.,They don't know my name.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn "Ergo insperata tandem tellure potiti, / lustramurque Jovi, votisque incendimus aras, / Actiaque Iliacis celebramus litora ludis. / Exercent patrias oleo labente palaestras / nudati socii: juvat evasisse tot urbes / Argolicas, mediosque fugam tenuisse per hostes.","Saved beyond hope and glad the land is won, / and lustral rites, with blazing altars, pay / to Jove, and make the shores of Actium gay / with Ilian games, as, like our sires, we strip / and oil our sinews for the wrestler's play. / Proud, thus escaping from the foemen's grip, / past all the Argive towns, through swarming Greeks, to slip.",lat_Latn-eng_Latn "Jam animus coepit vacillare, utrum redirem ad negotiationem, inter missam, an persequerer religionem fugientem. Interim venit in mentem poste conjungi.","Now my mind began to waver, whether I should return to merchandise which I had given over, or pursue religion flying from me. In the mean time it comes into my mind that they might be joined together.",lat_Latn-eng_Latn Quae est Thomae sententia?,What's Tom's opinion?,lat_Latn-eng_Latn "Urbs antiqua ruit, multos dominata per annos; / plurima perque vias sternuntur inertia passim / corpora, perque domos et religiosa deorum / limina.","An ancient city totters to her fall, / time-honoured empress and of old renown; / and senseless corpses, through the city strown, / choke house and temple.",lat_Latn-eng_Latn Feles musas non edunt.,Cats don't eat bananas.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Cur taberna clausa est?,Why is the store closed?,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Thomas frater Mariae est.,Tom is Mary's brother.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Me rogo quid is fecerit.,I ask myself what he did.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Nullo modo facile est.,It's not at all easy.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Thomas in nosocomio psychiatrico est.,Tom is in a mental institution.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Autoraeda constitit.,The car stopped.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn "Ad lavatorium abiit, sed nondum rediit.",She went to the laundry and has not returned yet.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Haec sententia tibi ediscenda est.,You have to memorize this sentence.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Lac bibere non possum.,I can't drink milk.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Arabes sumus.,We are Arabs.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Thomas ludere desiit.,Tom stopped playing.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Subito nubes caelum obscuraverunt.,Suddenly clouds obscured the sky.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Velim aliquid dicere.,I'd like to say something.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn "Si nimium comedis, crassus fies.",If you eat too much you will get fat.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Salve. Iosephus Silva vocor. Quis vocaris?,Hello. My name is José Silva. What's your name?,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Nimis carum est!,It's too expensive!,lat_Latn-eng_Latn "At Juniperus et Lauras ferunt baccae; pinus strobiles, Quercus glandes et gallas.","But the juniper and bay tree yield berries; the pine, pine cones, the oak acorns and Galls.",lat_Latn-eng_Latn """Hanc tamen immensam Calchas attollere molem / roboribus textis coeloque educere jussit, / ne recipi portis aut duci in moenia possit, / neu populum antiqua sub religione tueri.""","""Tall and great, / with huge oak-timbers mounting to the skies, / they build the monster, lest it pass the gate, / and like Palladium stand, the bulwark of the State.""",lat_Latn-eng_Latn Bill prope mari habitat.,Bill lives near the sea.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn In bellum felibus ad flores hortensis meientibus eloquebatur.,She declared war on the cats peeing on the flowers in her garden.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Ubi est apotheca rerum perditarum inventarumque?,Where is the lost and found?,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Liberi erant esurientes et aegri.,The children were hungry and sick.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Paratus sum emori.,I am ready to die.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Bibi bonam cerevisiam.,I drank good beer.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Tenesne memoriā?,Do you remember it?,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Repetamus una: sic uterque nostrūm pronunciabit rectius coram praeceptore.,"Let us repeat together, so each of us will recite it better before the Master.",lat_Latn-eng_Latn Nos non multum exercemus.,We don't practice a lot.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Sum promptior ad audiendum quam tu ad pronunciandum.,I’m more prepared to listen than you are to recite.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn """Ubi reliquisti?"" ""Oblitus sum in schola.""","""Where did you leave it?"" ""I left it at school.""",lat_Latn-eng_Latn “Visne repetere praelectionem mecum?” “Volo.”,"""Would you like to repeat the lesson with me?” “I would.”",lat_Latn-eng_Latn "Age, faciamus periculum.","Come on, we will give it a go.",lat_Latn-eng_Latn Id faciebamus.,We used to do that.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Novi virum qui Latine loquatur.,I know a man who speaks Latin.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Thomas mihi dixit se Gallice non loqui.,Tom told me he didn't speak French.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Puto Thoman defessum esse.,I think Tom is exhausted.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Thomas fere cotidie cum Maria loquebatur.,Tom talked to Mary almost every day.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Aut Caesar aut nihil.,It is either Cesar or nothing.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn "Quid times, ubi nihil est timendum?","What are you afraid of, when there is nothing to fear?",lat_Latn-eng_Latn Eius somnium est ire ad Confederationem Helveticam.,His dream is going to Switzerland.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn "Animae duae, animus unus.","Two souls, one spirit.",lat_Latn-eng_Latn Cur non scribis?,Why aren’t you writing?,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Hoc metallum zincum appellatur.,This metal is called zinc.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Quae proxima est?,Who is next?,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Vita Mozart brevissima fuit.,Mozart's life was very short.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Quo vehetur hoc tramen?,Where is this train bound?,lat_Latn-eng_Latn "Est mihi aliud negotium, idemque pernecessarium.","I have other business, which is very important to me.",lat_Latn-eng_Latn Hic vicus est in quo natus sum.,This is the village where I was born.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn "Accipe, utere ut libet, modo ne abutere.","Take it, use it as you like, but do not abuse it.",lat_Latn-eng_Latn Venio infernē.,I come from below.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Eo non egeo.,I don't need it.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Cave ne moveas pedem hinc antequam redeam.,Do not dare move a foot from here until I return.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Coquere possum.,I can cook.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Thomas vulneratus domum rediit.,Tom was wounded and returned home.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Ite missa est.,The mass is over.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Pecuniam tuam volo.,I want your money.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Pastor oves amissas quaerit.,The shepherd is looking for some lost sheep.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Semper ei fisus sum.,I have always trusted her.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Semper ei fisa sum.,I've always trusted him.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Semper Thomae fisa sum.,I've always trusted Tom.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Semper tibi fisus sum.,I've always trusted you.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Semper eis fisus sum.,I've always trusted them.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Quot amicos Italos habes?,How many Italian friends do you have?,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Oculum vitreum habeo.,I have a glass eye.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Hae claviaturae muneribus suis non funguntur.,These keyboards don't work.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Qui alius ibi erit?,Who else is going to be there?,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Claviatura munere suo non fungitur.,The keyboard doesn't work.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Egesne claviatura nova?,Do you need a new keyboard?,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Claviatura mea felem meam delectat.,My cat likes my keyboard.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Expectabasne eam?,Did you wait for her?,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Oceanus Atlanticus maximus est.,The Atlantic Ocean is very big.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Pyrrhus cum ingenti exercitu multisque elephantis in Italiam venit.,Pyrrhus came into Italy with a great army and many elephants.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Claviatura egeo.,I need a keyboard.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Thomas et Maria agricolae sunt.,Tom and Mary are farmers.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn "Exorcizamus te, omnis immunde spiritus, omnis satanica potestas, omnis incursio infernalis adversarii, omnis legio, omnis congregatio et secta diabolica.","We exorcise you, every unclean spirit, every satanic power, every incursion of the infernal adversary, every legion, every congregation and diabolical sect.",lat_Latn-eng_Latn Manus sustulit.,He raised his hands.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Thomas Mariaque in aquam cucurrerunt.,Tom and Mary ran into the water.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Thomas potionem bibit.,Tom drank the potion.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Id facere non volebam.,I didn't want to do it.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Multa recens sustinui.,I've been through a lot lately.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Potionem Arabicam quam Sinensem malo.,I prefer coffee to tea.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Potionem Sinensem quam Arabicam malo.,I prefer tea to coffee.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Paulus linguam Anglicam quam mathematicam mavult.,Paul prefers English to math.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Ioanna canes quam feles mavult.,Jane prefers dogs to cats.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Cocacolam quam potionem Arabicam malo.,I prefer coke to coffee.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Mala quam aurantia malo.,I prefer apples to oranges.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Ambulare quam birota vehi malo.,I prefer walking to cycling.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Natare quam nartis prolabi malo.,I prefer swimming to skiing.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Oryzam quam panem malo.,I prefer rice to bread.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Feles quam canes malo.,I prefer cats to dogs.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Ver quam autumnum malo.,I prefer spring to autumn.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Piscem quam carnem malo.,I prefer fish to meat.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Legere quam scribere malo.,I prefer reading to writing.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Pediludium quam basipilam malo.,I prefer soccer to baseball.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Teniludium quam basipilam malo.,I prefer tennis to baseball.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Linguam Gallicam quam Germanicam mavult.,He prefers French to German.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Pediludium quam basipilam mavult.,He prefers football to baseball.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Cerevisiam quam vinum mavult.,She prefers beer to wine.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Lac quam sucum malo.,I prefer milk to juice.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Manere quam ire malo.,I prefer staying to going.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Ver quam aestatem malo.,I prefer spring to summer.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Intellegisne quid dicam?,Do you understand what I am saying?,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Ubi frater meus est?,Where is my brother?,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Linguam Anglicam quam artem musicam malo.,I prefer English to music.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Potionem Sinensem quam Arabicam malunt.,They prefer tea to coffee.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Potionem Sinensem quam Arabicam mavult.,He prefers tea to coffee.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Potionem Sinensem quam Arabicam mavis.,You prefer tea to coffee.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Piscem quam carnem mavult.,He prefers fish to meat.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Ego potionem Arabicam quam Sinensem malo.,"Me, I prefer coffee to tea.",lat_Latn-eng_Latn Aliquis me aspicit.,Somebody is watching me.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Aemilia Cocacolam quam Pepsim mavult.,Emily prefers Coca-Cola to Pepsi.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn Hispanos quam Anglos malo.,I prefer Spanish men to English.,lat_Latn-eng_Latn "En la formi de parolas turces, la encontra e de vocales e de consonantes obedi prinsipes de armonia.","In the formation of Turkish words, both the meetings of vowels and of consonants follow harmony principles.",lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Еске ту иа жуа тенис?,Did you play tennis?,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Cual es tua enemi suacuan prefereda?,What's your favorite underwater enemy?,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Еске куми континуа жуа тенис?,Is Kumi playing tennis?,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Реста до ту ес.,Stay where you are.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Ла темпеста иа деструи тота ла вила.,The storm destroyed the whole town.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Еске Кен жуа тенис?,Does Ken play tennis?,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Жане жуа тенис анке.,Jane plays tennis too.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Tom es un facir.,Tom is a fakir.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Un vista tan merveliosa!,What a marvelous sight!,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn "An si me ia es fatigada, me ia fa la plu bon cual me ia pote.","Though I was tired, I did my best.",lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Еске ту жуа тенис?,Do you play tennis?,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Ме жуа тенис а мулте весес.,I usually play tennis.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Ме жуа тенис.,I play tennis.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Ме иа жуа тенис.,I played tennis.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn El es serta ce el va gania.,He is sure to win.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Ме густа тенис.,I like tennis.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Ки иа пинти акел?,Who painted that?,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Мариа иа плора куандо ел иа ресета суа медалиа.,Mary cried when she received her medal.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Veni la plu pronto.,Come as soon as possible.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Responde la plu pronto!,Answer as soon as possible!,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Ме но воле ес диференте.,I don't want to be different.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn "An con tota, Tom ia comensa destensa.","Despite everything, Tom started to relax.",lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Ме иа пинти континуал.,I was painting.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Суспенде ла депинто.,Hang the painting.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Veni a casa direta cuando tu pote.,Come home as soon as you can.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Том иа пинти акел.,Tom painted that.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Уса пинта акрилика.,Use acrylic paint.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Do es la sposa de Tom?,Where is Tom's wife?,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Nos va comensa la plu pronto.,We will begin as soon as possible.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Ел иа ес бастанте ебра.,He was pretty much drunk.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Када коса иа ревени а нормалиа.,Everything has returned to normal.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Том ес ун тенисор плу бон ка Мариа.,Tom can play tennis better than Mary.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Tom es un bon padron.,Tom is a good boss.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Ун менти диседа пар ун сажа пермане ун менти.,"A lie, told by a sensible man, remains a lie.",lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Nos va vade direta cuando Jon ariva.,Let's go as soon as John comes.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Еста макина поте прими сесдес пажес а када минуто.,This machine can print sixty pages a minute.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Me no pote aida algun.,I can't help anyone.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Leje es multe importante per me.,Reading is very important to me.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Contra meа proibi tu ia veni.,You came despite my ban.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Том но иа аве моне суфисинте пер ваде а ла консерта.,Tom didn't have enough money to go to the concert.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Том но иа поте пермете а се ваде а ла консерта.,Tom could not afford to go to the concert.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Ме иа парла кон Том сола куандо он но иа аве алкун отра кон ки парла.,I only talked to Tom when there was no one else to talk to.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Los ia aprende no cosa.,They haven't learned anything.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn El no distingui coreta de noncoreta.,He can't tell right from wrong.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Ел но дистингуи корета де нонкорета.,He cannot tell right from wrong.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Me demanda a me esce tu comprende.,I wonder whether you understand.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn La table peti es gris.,The small table is gray.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Me ia comprende no cosa.,I didn't understand anything.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn "Ло ес ноте куандо ун ом мове караколин лонго ла пасериа просима а ун семафор. ""Еске ту иа перде акасо куалке коса?"" ун пасор иа деманда а ел. ""Си, ун ботон де камиса."" ""Еске ту сабе серта ке ту иа перде ло аси?"" ""Но, ун пока плу а ретро. Ма аси он аве плу де лус пер трова ло.""","It is night when a man crawls along the sidewalk near a traffic light. ""Have you lost something by chance?"" a passerby asked him. ""Yes, a button from a shirt."" ""Are you sure you've lost it right here?"" ""No, a little further back. But here there's more light to help me find it.""",lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Contra sua nonperfetas me ama el.,I love him despite his faults.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn El scrive libros.,He writes books.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Dona no cosa a me.,Don't give me anything.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Esta libro trata Xina.,This book deals with China.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Tom es multe amin.,Tom is very friendly.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Еске воса амис ес португес о брасилера?,Are your friends Portuguese or Brazilian?,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn La elefante african ave oreas plu grande ca la elefante asian.,The African elephant has bigger ears than the Asian elephant.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Алга де мундо деманда дифисил пардона.,Some people have difficulty apologizing.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Нос ес колиенте флорес.,We are picking flowers.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn El ia leje multe libros.,He's read a lot of books.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Перке ту воле ес пресентада а ел?,Why do you want to be introduced to him?,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Tu debe parla personal a el.,You must talk to her in person.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Tom e Maria ia pote fa no cosa.,Tom and Mary weren't able to do anything.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Esta caxa es plen de libros.,This box is full of books.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn La ditos de pede de Tom es dolosa.,Tom has sore toes.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn До ме поте трова ун де акелес?,Where can I find one of those?,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Еске ту воле плу де кафе?,Would you like more coffee?,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Tom no es un bon ensenior.,Tom isn't a good teacher.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn "Un arbor nesesa anios per crese, ma on nesesa sola alga secondos per talia a basa lo.","It takes years to grow a tree, yet it takes seconds to cut it.",lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Ла баркон ес а мар.,The ship is at sea.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn La orolojo sur la mur de la salon es nonesata.,The wall clock of the living room is inaccurate.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Los ia comensa a oras ante aora.,They started hours ago.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn La fia de el es un curor.,His daughter is a nurse.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn "A 23 desembre 1690, John Flamsteed ia oserva Urano sin persepi ce lo es non descovreda.","On December 23rd 1690, John Flamsteed observed Uranus without realizing that it hadn't been discovered before.",lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Me odia el.,I hate him.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Acel ia es a anios ante aora.,That was years ago.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn """Dise a me cual tu vole, e me va dona lo a tu"", Alexandro la Grande ia dise a Diogeno. "" ""Me nesesa no cosa"", la saja ia responde, ""ma si tu vole fa me felis, sesa impedi ce me aseta la lus de sol.""","""Tell me what you want and I will give it to you,"" said Alexander the Great to Diogenes. ""I don't need anything,"" the sage responded, ""but if you want to make me happy, stop blocking my sunlight.""",lfn_Latn-eng_Latn La gato es felis.,The cat is happy.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn La xica gusta la can.,The girl likes the dog.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn La gato no gusta la can.,The cat doesn't like the dog.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Persones sin umor es como prados sin flores.,People with no humour are like meadows without flowers.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Me va ave un instrui sur tenis a plu tarda.,I have tennis practice later.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Enfantes es en la media de desinia par creta sur la paseria.,Children are drawing on the pavement with chalk.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Esta scural es alerjica a nozas.,This squirrel has a nut allergy.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Me ia vide nunca un noza tan dur.,I've never seen such a tough nut.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Ме несеса пинта.,I need paint.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Fa un paso a retro.,Take a step back.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn "Me no ia usa nozas en esta reseta, car Delia es alerjica.",I've left out the nuts in this recipe because Delia's allergic to them.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Disputa es nonusosa.,It's useless to argue.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn "Scurales come semes e nozas, como ance insetos e xampiones.","Squirrels eat seeds and nuts, as well as insects and mushrooms.",lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Ло ес калда ожи.,It's hot today.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Ожи ес лунди.,It is Monday today.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Oji es lundi.,It is Monday.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Ta ce nos fa un paso a cada ves.,Let's take it one step at a time.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Me gusta macadamia.,I like macadamia nuts.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn "Ту иа импреса тота де мундо а ла диа анте иер, ма ме иа коносе жа ту.","The day before yesterday you impressed everyone, but I already knew you.",lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Acel pote conteni nozas.,May contain nuts.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Nut ia es la diva egipsian de la sielo.,Nut was the Egyptian goddess of the sky.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Scurales gusta nozas.,Squirrels like nuts.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Ме компренде куал ту иа воле дисе.,I see what you meant.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn "No move! Si tu fa un paso, tu mori!",Don't move! You take a step and you die!,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Perce tu ia trae la enfante a asi?,Why have you brought the child here?,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn El nada como un pex.,He swims like a fish.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn "Fa alga pasos, e dise a me, esce lo dole cuando tu pasea.",Take a few steps and tell me if it hurts when you walk.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Asta revide pos du semanas.,See you in two weeks.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Ме иа трае ун пер ла авени.,I brought one just in case.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Esta es la loca do tua madre e me ia ave la nosa encontra prima.,This is the place where your mother and I had our first date.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Tortugas no ave dentes.,Turtles don't have teeth.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Esce tu ia parla turces?,Have you spoken Turkish?,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn "La mundo es como un libro, e cada paso cual on fa es como jira un paje.","The world is just like a book, and every step you take is like turning a page.",lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Me no gusta plaia.,I don't like the beach.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Me va es padre.,I'm going to be a father.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Esce tu ave un sisor?,Do you have a pair of scissors?,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Los ia disputa.,They were arguing.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Ме но густа гомбо.,I don't like okra.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Tom ia parti par causa de tu.,Tom left because of you.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Me gusta plu la nada ca la sci.,I prefer swimming to skiing.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Dan ia es detetor de omisides.,Dan was a homicide detective.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Ме иа каде жа ен ама а анте.,I've been in love before.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn La disputa ia fini en combate.,The argument ended in a fight.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn La strada es tro streta per camiones.,The street is too narrow for trucks.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Du femes es cantante.,Two women are singing.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Ме опина ке есперанто ес мулте импортанте.,"In my opinion, Esperanto is very important.",lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Tom ia sorti a alga oras ante aora.,Tom left hours ago.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn "Plu me leje, min me sabe.","The more I read, the less I know.",lfn_Latn-eng_Latn El es un fem multe atraosa.,She is a very attractive woman.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn La gato de la visina ama nosa jardin.,The neighbor's cat loves our garden.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Esce algun pote fotografi nos?,Can someone take our picture?,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn On ave un botela en la friador.,There's a bottle in the fridge.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Sur cual los ia disputa?,What were they arguing about?,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Me permane en Italia.,I'm staying in Italy.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Нанси ес де Лондон.,Nancy is from London.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Ла асендадор иа пара а ла нивел ду.,The elevator stopped on the second floor.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn On ave algun ci ta pote aida me?,Is there someone who could help me?,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Том поте аида нос.,Tom can help us.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn "Куандо ла мадре иа дисе а ла шико ""нос ес аси пер аида ла отра персонес"", ел иа деманда ""е ла отра персонес ес аси пар куал кауса?""","When the little boy was told by his mother, ""We are here to help other people,"" he asked, ""What are the other people for?""",lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Lo ia aveni a tre dias ante aora.,It was three days ago.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn "Plu un om ave, plu el vole.","The more a man has, the more he wants.",lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Me ave un bon disionario.,I have a good dictionary.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Esta ia es construida en la pasada distante.,This was built long ago.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Esta es per la plu la metodo la plu bon.,This is by far the best method.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn El ave des-oto anios a la plu.,She is eighteen at most.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn "Per favore, no disputa.",Please don't argue.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Перке ту уса семпре камисас бланка?,Why do you always wear white shirts?,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Tom ave tredes anios a la plu.,Tom is thirty at most.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Cadun ia comensa disputa.,Everyone started arguing.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn "Еспета ун минуто, пер фаворе.","Wait a moment, please.",lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Киса куалке отра вес.,Maybe some other time.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Maria ia perde la aposta.,Mary lost the bet.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Lа senior disiplina ci el ama.,The Lord chastens those he loves.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Ave asi sua libros.,Here are their books.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Нун кура.,No one cares.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Bonveni a la mundo vera!,Welcome to the real world!,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Tom ia fa sua eleje.,Tom has made his choice.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Esce tu ave la libro?,Do you have the book?,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn El nada en la pisina.,He is swimming in the pool.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Esce on ave vive en Marte?,Is there any life on Mars?,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Tua roba es multe bela.,Your dress is very nice.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn "La slogan ""Labora libri"" sur la portones de campas de consentra nazi ia es tota sinica. La prisonidas ci ia crede la promete enganosa, ce labora ta libri los, no ia pote vera es libre an con cuanto fortia los ta labora. Multes de los ia es forsada labora asta mori; e multes plu on ia volente mata.","The slogan ""Arbeit macht frei"" at the gates of the Nazi concentration camps was entirely cynical. The prisoners who believed the deceitful promise that work would set them free had no real chance of freedom, regardless of how much they laboured. Many of them were worked to death; many more were deliberately exterminated.",lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Tal disputa fatiga me.,I'm tired of arguing.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn La demanda ia es autorespondente.,The question was rhetorical.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Lo ia es un demanda autorespondente.,It was a rhetorical question.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Esce esta es un demanda autorespondente?,Is that a rhetorical question?,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Tom vole un microscopio.,Tom wants a microscope.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Lo no es un demanda autorespondente.,It's not a rhetorical question.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Me suposa che acel ia es un demanda autorespondente.,I assume that was a rhetorical question.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Un demanda autorespondente no esije responde.,A rhetorical question does not require an answer.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn A cual eda enfantes gradua de scola?,At what age do children leave school?,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom ia comensa responde la demando, donce el ia comprende ce acel es un demanda autorespondente.",Tom started to answer the question and then realized it was a rhetorical question.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn """Ла принсе пети"" пар Antoine de Saint-Exupéry иа ес традуида де франсес а ен мулте лингуас.","""The Little Prince"" by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry has been translated from French into many languages.",lfn_Latn-eng_Latn No parla asurda!,Do not talk nonsense!,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Ла нивел де ла рио иа асенди пико е пико.,The level of the river rose little by little.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Ла пасиенте иа рековре пико е пико.,The patient got better little by little.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Еста планта иа кресе пико е пико.,This plant grew little by little.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Ел иа сани пико е пико.,He recovered little by little.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn "On atenta manteni la state presente, no fa ce lo es plu bon.","They're trying to preserve the status quo, not to improve.",lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Pexes nada movente la coda.,The fish swims by moving its tail.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Los ia fa nunca alga cosa.,They never did anything.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Ки иа десковре Брасил?,Who discovered Brazil?,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Ме несеса ун портасене.,I need an ashtray.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Tota la plumas de la avia ia es de oro pur.,The bird's feathers were all of pure gold.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn La autocrata ia opresa la popla.,The dictator oppressed the people.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Еске вос аве портасенес?,Do you have ashtrays?,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Ме ес ла мадре де ун фио де пута.,I'm the mother of a son of a bitch.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn "La orangutanes de Borneo, un spesie perilida seria, pari a un ves en cada oto anios.","Bornean orangutans, a critically endangered species, give birth approximately at every eight years.",lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Tota de nos es peones.,We're all pawns.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Ci responde sinsera besa sur la labios.,Every man shall kiss his lips that giveth a right answer.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn "Turces es a punto de deveni la lingua du la plu usada en Tatoeba, suprapasada sola par engles.","Turkish is about to become the second most used language in Tatoeba, surpassed only by English.",lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Ваде а скола.,Go to school.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Me pasea a la scola.,I walk to school.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Sania e intelijentia es la du bondises de vive.,Health and intellect are the two blessings of life.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Ме пасеа а ла скола.,I go to school on foot.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Ме ама еста скола.,I love this school.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Esce tu ave lete?,Do you have any milk?,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Беса ун персон ки фума ес комо лека ун портасене.,Kissing a person who smokes is like licking an ashtray.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Joan vade a la scola.,John goes to school.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Me va vade a la scola.,I will go to school.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Нос но акорда.,We don't get along.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Nos debe vade a scola.,We must go to school.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Me ia vade a scola ier.,I went to school yesterday.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Me ia es felis.,I was happy.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Нос иа деспренде лос.,We threw them away.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Tu no va vinse me.,You won't beat me.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Tu sabe ce Tom aora menti.,You know Tom is lying.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Clui tua libro.,Close your book.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Ave asi Tatoeba.,Here is Tatoeba.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Esce tu labora en un vila?,Do you work in a town?,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn "Bondisedas es los ci ave un cor pur, car los va vide dio.","Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.",lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Nos ia es tufante.,We were diving.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Jaces es un nom belga.,Jacques is a Belgian name.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Rafaela es un nom italian.,Rafaela is an Italian name.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Jaceline es un nom franses.,Jacqueline is a French name.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Roberto es un nom brasilera.,Roberto is a Brazilian name.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Un vista tan bela!,What a lovely view!,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Cual es la nom de tuа ami?,What is your friend's name?,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Susan es un nom engles.,Susan is an English name.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Hans es un nom deutx.,Hans is a German name.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Brigite es un nom nederlandes.,Brigitte is a Dutch name.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Un tufa tan bela!,What a beautiful dive!,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Nataxa es un nom rusce.,Natasha is a Russian name.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Teresa es un nom portuges.,Teresa is a Portuguese name.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Helga es un nom svensce.,Helga is a Swedish name.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Tom es mestre de tufa.,Tom is a dive master.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Fa lo tu mesma.,Do it yourself.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Me tufa cuasi dial.,I dive almost every day.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Ioco es un nom japanes.,Yoko is a Japanese name.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Me pensa ce si.,I think so.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Tom no es un person felis.,Tom is not a happy person.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Me promete ce tu va es felis.,I promise you'll be happy.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Tom sabe tufa.,Tom knows how to dive.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn La mar grande ia es calma.,The ocean was calm.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn La mar grande es susia.,The ocean is dirty.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Me nada en la mar grande.,I'm swimming in the ocean.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Me ama la mar.,I love the ocean.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Los ia traversa la Mar Atlantica.,They crossed the Atlantic Ocean.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Esta lago sembla un mar grande.,That lake looks like an ocean.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn El ia tufa a en la pisina.,She dived into the swimming pool.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn La barco ia naviga traversante la mar.,The boat sailed across the Pacific Ocean.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Esta rio flue a en la Mar Pasifica.,This river flows into the Pacific Ocean.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn La libro es grande.,The book is big.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Entre la continentes es la mares grande.,Between continents are oceans.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Tom gusta la mar grande.,Tom likes the ocean.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn La libro es blanca.,The book's white.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn La pexes abunda en la mar grande.,Fish abounds in the ocean.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Tom ia vade tufa con selacos.,Tom went diving with sharks.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Tom ia mori par inonda en la mar.,Tom drowned in the ocean.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Acua de cloaca contamina frecuente la mar.,Sewage often pollutes the ocean.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn La mares grande deveni asida.,The oceans are turning acid.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Акел шика густа акел мусика.,That girl likes that music.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Me pote ole la mar.,I can smell the ocean.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Me ia mori par inonda en la mar.,I drowned in the ocean.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Me ia vive en felisia.,I lived in happiness.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn La om ia mori par inonda en la mar.,He drowned in the ocean.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn La fem ia mori par inonda en la mar.,She drowned in the ocean.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Me es lejente un libro.,I am reading a book.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn La agila ia tufa a sua preda.,The eagle dived at its prey.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn La mar es multe grande.,The ocean is really big.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn El es tuа ami?,Is he a friend of yours?,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn La mundo ave sinco mares grande.,The world has five oceans.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Me trova un consola en sua parolas.,I take solace in his words.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Ме реваде а ла синагога.,I'm going back to the synagogue.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn "Per favore, no vade a via.",Please don't go.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Esce tu a cualce ves ia atenta tufa con autorespirador?,Have you ever tried scuba diving?,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Том иа адорми рапида.,Tom fell asleep quickly.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Me ama gatos.,I love cats.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Акел странжер парла нион комо си ло ес суа лингуа пропре.,That foreigner speaks Japanese as if it were his mother tongue.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Tom ia sorti a sinco minutos ante aora.,Tom left five minutes ago.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Ken sta sur la trampolin de tufa.,Ken stands on the diving board.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Me vole sabe esce tu ia comprende vera.,I wonder whether you really understood.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn La gato come.,The cat eats.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Cavalos es animal.,Horses are animals.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn El ia mori a tre anios ante aora.,He died three years ago.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn La melonjena es un vejetal.,The eggplant is a vegetable.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Sua salario es basa donce el debe bricola.,His salary is low so he has to do odd jobs.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Ун лупо улула.,A wolf is howling.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Cual cosa Tom ia dise?,What did Tom say?,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Tuа responde es noncoreta.,Your answer is wrong.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Me ia lava la table.,I cleared the table.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Los es mentores.,They are liars.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn La cosina es grande.,The kitchen is large.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Tom es tua ami.,Tom is your friend.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Esta libros es merveliosa.,These books are marvelous.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Ме иа виде куандо Том иа беса Мариа.,I saw Tom kiss Mary.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Lo es vera strana.,It's really weird.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Me senti strana.,I feel strange.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Cual es la visineria misera la plu perilosa en Rio de Janeiro?,What's the most dangerous slum in Rio de Janeiro?,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Ваде а виа: ме лабора.,Go away: I'm working.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Me ama la sol.,I love the sun.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Cual color tu auto ave?,What color is your car?,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Cual es la color de tuа auto?,What colour is your car?,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Me pensa ce Meri es pico tro otimiste.,I think Mary is a little too optimistic.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn "Франс, ме ама ту!","France, I love you!",lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Me senta.,I'm sitting down.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Multe considera ce la idea de el es asurda.,Many consider his idea absurd.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Нос иа вола а супра ла култивериа де лос ен ун еликотор.,We flew over their farm in a helicopter.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Том иа салва ме.,Tom rescued me.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Me no ia trova ancora un manual de gramatica plu pratical e detaliosa.,"A more convenient and detailed reference grammar, I have yet to meet.",lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Еске ту поте абри ла фенетра?,Can you open the window?,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn "Aora, per favore, lasa... lasa me en pas!","Now, please, leave ... leave me alone!",lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Cafe o te?,Coffee or tea?,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Me demanda a me esce me debe scrive o telefoni.,I wonder whether to write or phone.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn No clui la porte!,Don't close the door!,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn La can ia salta.,That dog jumped.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Apone vosа mascas.,Put your masks on.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Desapone tuа masca.,Take off your mask.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn La furores de banco ia porta mascas.,The bank robbers were wearing masks.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn "Tuа nom, per favore.","Your name, please.",lfn_Latn-eng_Latn "Me crede ce la sermonor no ia pote parla ""amen"".","I believe that the preacher could not speak ""Amen.""",lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Repete tuа nom!,Repeat your name!,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Scrive tuа nom.,Write your name.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Me vole nomes.,I want names.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Me nom es Jac.,My name is Jack.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Me sabe tu nom.,I know your name.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Me no pote recorda se nom.,I can't remember his name.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Suscrive tu nom ala.,Sign your name there.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Lo no ia es interesante.,It wasn't interesting.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Me no pote crede ce el ia fa esta a me.,I can't believe that she did that to me.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Cual ia es tu nom?,What was your name?,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn "Spele tuа nom, per favore.","Spell your name, please.",lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Spele es scrive o dise la leteras cual formi un parola en la segue coreta.,"Spelling is writing or saying, in the correct sequence, the letters that make up a word.",lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Нос еспера ке вос алиа вос а нос.,We hope you'll join us.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Папилио ес ун парола мулте бела.,Butterfly is a very nice word.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Nos escuta musica celta.,We're listening to Celtic music.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn "Оке, мулте бон.","Ok, very good.",lfn_Latn-eng_Latn "Том нунка иа виде куалке лупос, ма ел иа поте оиа лос.","Tom never saw any wolves, but he could hear them.",lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Ме но поте креде ке ел иа фа еста а ме.,I cannot believe that she did that to me.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Lete vera madral de la enfantor ia es tan plu conveninte per la enfante.,Much more appropriate for the child was real breast milk of nursing.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Тра куанто темпо ун папилио виве?,How long does a butterfly live?,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn El vole bricola.,She is willing to do odd jobs.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn "Jef ia perde la max ier, ma me ave tota fida en ce el es un tenisor prometente.","Jeff lost yesterday's match, but I'm sure he is a promising tennis player.",lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Акел папилиос ес рара ен носa паис.,These butterflies are rare in our country.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn La robot cual me ia construi no opera.,The robot I built isn't working.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Los ia esamina esce la sala es vacua.,They checked whether the room was empty.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Me gusta brode.,I enjoy embroidering.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn La xico ia pasea tra la stangetas.,The boy walked through the puddles.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Та ке ту но ес тал енфанте.,Don't be such a baby.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn El ia demanda a me esce me gusta matematica.,He asked me whether I like math.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Me no brode sua teletas.,I don't embroider their handkerchiefs.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Ел иа виде акасо ун папилио рара.,He happened to catch sight of a rare butterfly.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Tu no pasa futil tua tempo.,You don't waste time.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn El ia brode sua inisiales sur un teleta blanca.,She embroidered her initials on a white handkerchief.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Том иа колие ун куантиа мулте гранде де папилиос.,Tom has collected a great many butterflies.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Грасиас пер ла катура де ун папилио пер ме.,Thank you for catching me a butterfly.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Ла еруга иа камбиа се а ун папилио мулте бела.,The caterpillar transformed into a beautiful butterfly.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Tom ia demanda a me esce me fami.,Tom asked me whether I was hungry.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn El ia pica se par un ago en cuando el ia brode.,She pricked herself with a needle while embroidering.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Me ama meа labora.,I love my work.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Туркес ес ун лингуа мулте регулада е ложикал.,Turkish is a very regular and logical language.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Ун киротера воланте ен ла сиело сембла ун папилио.,A bat flying in the sky looks like a butterfly.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn "Pos alga semanas, la postor ia es ci ia proba prima.",After a few weeks the postman was first to taste.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Tu va es bela portante esta roba brodeda!,You'll look beautiful in this embroidered gown!,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Ваниа де ваниас; тота ес ваниа.,Vanity of vanities; all is vanity.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Me no sabe cose o brode.,I don't know how to sew or embroider.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Носа скема иа ресулта ен фали.,Our plan resulted in failure.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Me ama broma de parolas.,I love playing on words.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Tom es erante completa.,Tom is dead wrong.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Esta es un broma de parolas.,This is a play on words.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Ла гавотас вола баса аора.,The sea gulls are flying low.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Cual es tua broma de parolas favoreda?,What's your favorite pun?,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn "Me come talietas blu, e me bevi sidra de poma.",I eat blue pasta and drink apple cider.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Regretable la broma de parolas es nontraduable.,The pun is unfortunately untranslatable.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Меа падре иа дисе а ме ке ме но леже ла либро куандо ме ес а лето.,My father told me not to read the book while in bed.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Bromas de parolas es multe veses nontraduable a en otra lingua.,Puns are often untranslatable into another language.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Me no sabe cuando el va veni asi.,I don't know when he'll come here.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Los ia clui acel scola.,They closed that school.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Ме иа скриве тре летерас.,I've written three letters.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Ме аве ду фиас.,I have two daughters.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Tom no es ami de Maria.,Tom isn't Mary's friend.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Аве аси.,Here you are.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Sua stilo (si on pote nomi lo a esta modo) ia es tro (an si me risca me a es ipocrita) en brasetas (pardona la broma de parolas).,His style (if you were to call it that) was excessively (though I run the risk of hypocrisy) parenthetical (pardon the pun).,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Esce tu es ancora en Boston?,Are you still in Boston?,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Me viaja per vide la mundo.,I travel to see the world.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Grasias per vosa suporta!,Thanks for your support!,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Ме иа споси меa фиа.,I married my daughter.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Oн дебе броси ла дентес а када диа.,One should brush one's teeth every day.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Esta es nova.,This is new.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Еста матина ме иа виде ун анжел.,"This morning, I saw an angel.",lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Ме иа насе ен 1933.,I was born in 1933.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Me ave cuatro plu anios ca mea frate.,I'm four years older than my brother.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Me suposa ce lo no es bon.,I assume it's not good.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Ме супоса ке ло но ес бон.,I assume that it's not good.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn La fem es ensinta.,The woman is pregnant.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Esce tu memora como tota ia comensa?,Do you remember how it all began?,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Me es balgarsce.,I am Bulgarian.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn La demanda ia es asetada.,The request was granted.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Estas es sinco persones en nosa familia.,There are five people in our family.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn On ave tre enfantes en mea familia.,There are three children in my family.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Sua jenitores ia ave un bebe.,His parents had a baby.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn La poma es matur.,The apple is ripe.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn "Con eseta de alga alteras, la projeta ia es aprobada.","Except for some modifications, the project was approved.",lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Туa фиа ес аси?,Is your daughter here?,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Balgarsce es simil a rusce.,Bulgarian is like Russian.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Dona a me sinco dias.,Give me five days.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Еста пупа аве оиос гранде.,This doll has big eyes.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Ме но фуми.,I don't smoke.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn "Си ла диабло ес нонкапас, ел енвиа суа споса.","If the devil is powerless, he sends his wife.",lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Еске ту ес анкора аси?,Are you still here?,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Do Tom labora?,Where does Tom work?,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Ла полисиа ес аси перке?,Why are the police here?,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn "Ме ес ун веган, ма меа гато но ес.","I'm a vegan, but my cat isn't.",lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Me es noiada de la scola.,I'm sick of school.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Esce el ia besa tu?,Did he kiss you?,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn La platos es susia.,The plates are dirty.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Me vade frecuente a la plaia.,I often go to the beach.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Acel caxa es pesosa.,That box is heavy.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Еске ту ес ноиада аси?,Are you bored here?,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Un supramercato tan grande!,What a big supermarket!,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Ел ес пропенсада а атакас де колериа.,He is subject to fits of anger.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Nos vade a scola en bus.,We go to school by bus.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Los es en la media de jua a futbal.,They're playing football.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Nosа scola comensa a la ora oto.,Our school begins at eight.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Еске ту иа вале а скола иер?,Did you go to school yesterday?,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Ме оиа сона де пасос естра каса.,I hear footsteps outside.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Esta flor es blu.,This flower is blue.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Ме пенса ке Том ес магра.,I think Tom is thin.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Alora esta otel ia es un scola.,This hotel was then a school.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn La strada ia es oscur.,The street was dark.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Tatoeba es un esemplo de aida mutua.,Tatoeba is an example of mutual aid.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Tom ave un potential grande.,Tom has great potential.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn La soldatos ia es esposada a foco enemin.,The soldiers were exposed to the enemy's fire.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Еста лабора но аве футур.,This job has no future.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Ме сенти но коса.,I feel nothing.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Maria ia regarda a en sua miror majiosa.,Mary looked into her magic mirror.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Tu va abitua pronto a vive asi.,You will soon get accustomed to living here.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Me come tra la dia intera.,I eat all day.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Do tu abita?,Where do you live?,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn La vidores ia aplaudi.,The audience applauded.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn La libro la plu bon sur la vive es la vive mesma.,The best book about life is life itself.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Ла папилиос виве тра тре диас.,Butterflies live for three days.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn On dise ce el ia es musiciste cuando el ia es joven.,They say he was a musician when he was young.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Tota de los espeta.,They're all waiting.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Он ва инвиа вос.,You'll be envied.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Ел иа осерва комо ла папилиос вола.,She observed how butterflies fly.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Me continua malsonia.,I keep having nightmares.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Tom es un campion olimpial.,Tom is an Olympic champion.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Ме но инвиа ла фем.,I don't envy her.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn "On dise ce un cosa es fria cuando lo es a un temperatur relativa basa, spesial cuando comparada con la temperatur de la corpo umana.","People say something is cold even if it is at a relatively low temperature, especially compared to body temperature.",lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Me ama Frans.,I love France.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Tota la labora per revive ia fali.,All the resuscitation efforts have failed.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Cual cosa Tom vole fa?,What does Tom want to do?,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn No palpa me gitar.,Don't touch my guitar.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Maria sempre ia vole es curor.,Mary had always wanted to be a nurse.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Me no ia sabe ce Tom es tuа ami.,I didn't know that Tom was your friend.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn El ia ave un mori rapida.,He died quickly.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Me ancora no vole retira.,I don't want to retire yet.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn "Si on lasa un lampa de pox ensendeda, sua pilas va es consumada.",Leaving the flashlight turned on depletes its batteries.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Tom ia usa un masca.,Tom wore a mask.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Curante Tom ia desapone se masca.,Tom carefully took off his mask.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Ту ва абитуа пронто а виве аси.,You'll soon get accustomed to living here.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn El es multe encantante.,She's quite gorgeous.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Brosi tuа dentes.,Brush your teeth.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Ла белиа ес сужетал.,Beauty is subjective.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn "Los ia demanda meа nom, adirije, e la razona de meа viaje.","They asked me for my name, my address, and the purpose of my trip.",lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Esce tu ia leje a cualce ves la Atesta Nova?,Have you ever read the New Testament?,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn La mangas de venta es usada pеr indica la dirije e la fortia de la venta.,Windsocks are used to indicate the direction and strength of the wind.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn El ia brosi sua xapo.,He brushed his hat.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Esta loca es santa.,This place is sacred.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Tom es sobrino de Maria.,Tom is Mary's nephew.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Me pensa ce nos debe usa mascas.,I think we should wear masks.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn El brosi la cavalo.,She brushes the horse.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Brosi bon tuа dentes.,Brush your teeth well.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn La tance ia es vacua.,The tank was empty.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn El ia brosi meа capeles.,She brushed my hair.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Tom ia desapone se masca contra gas.,Tom took off his gas mask.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Tom ia apone un masca contra gas.,Tom put on a gas mask.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Nos va usa mascas contra gas.,We'll be wearing gas masks.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Vade brosi tuа capeles.,Go brush your hair.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Marte es la planeta cuatro partinte de la sol.,Mars is the fourth planet from the Sun.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Maria ia brosi sua cavalo.,Mary brushed her horse.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Esce tu ia brosi tuа dentes?,Did you brush your teeth?,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Ла кан дорми.,The dog sleeps.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Ла шика густа ла мусика.,The girl likes the music.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Ла гато шаса ла скурал.,The cat chases the squirrel.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Brosi vosа dentes pos la comes.,Brush your teeth after meals.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn До ес ла туa камера?,Where is your room?,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn До ес Жим?,Where is Jim?,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn До ес Парис?,Where is Paris?,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Ме ама ту.,I love you.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Brosi dial tuа dentes.,Brush your teeth every day.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Грасиас!,I thank you.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Си.,This is true.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Ла идеа ес ке ту канта.,The idea is that you sing.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Носа таше ес реконструи ла мур.,Our task is to rebuild the wall.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn La om brosi sua dentes.,The man brushes his teeth.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Ла шико густа пасеа лонго ла страда.,The boy likes walking along the street.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Me come meа come media sempre a la ora du.,I always eat lunch at two.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn La fem brosi sua capeles.,The woman brushes her hair.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn До ес ла сала 105?,Where is Room 105?,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn До ес меа ауто?,Where is my car?,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Мулте грасиас.,Thank you very much.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn La traduores de la Atesta Nova ia es considerada ereses.,The translators of the New Testament were considered heretics.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Tom porta un masca per la vijila de tota santas.,Tom is wearing a Halloween mask.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Ла шико густа пасеа ен ла урбе.,The boy likes to walk in the city.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn """La Atesta Nova"" es la parte du de la Biblia.","""The New Testament"" is the second part of the Bible.",lfn_Latn-eng_Latn A pos me va deside.,I'll decide later.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn "Пер фаворе, дона ла фатура.","The check, please.",lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Ту асета картас де кредито?,Do you accept credit cards?,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Joan core en la site.,Joan runs in the city.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn La tre omes grande come.,The three big men eat.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Tu no ia nesesa come rapida.,You didn't need to eat quickly.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Me debe come lenta.,I must eat slowly.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Esce me pote empresta tuа brosa?,Can I borrow your brush?,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Tom e Mari es poliamial.,Tom and Mary are polyamorous.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Me es a fini de brosi meа dentes.,I just brushed my teeth.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Du omes portante mascas ia fura la banco.,Two men wearing masks robbed the bank.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Ла шико густа пасеа сирка ла ботека де сапонес.,The boy likes walking around the soap shop.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Me vole ce Tom deside.,I want Tom to decide.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Ла шико густа пасеа сирка ла ботека де сомбрерос.,The boy likes to walk around the sombrero shop.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Tom ia deside ce el va vade a Boston.,Tom has decided to go to Boston.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Ave asi tu mone.,Here's your money.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Ta ce tu mesma deside cual tu considera normal.,Decide for yourself what you think is normal.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Lo neva.,Snow is falling.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Lo va pluve.,It's going to rain.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Esta fileta es plu magra ca un capel.,This thread is thinner than a human hair.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Acel om ia porta un masca de tigre.,That man was wearing a tiger mask.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Ta ce tu deside si tu va es formal o nonformal ante ce tu comensa scrive.,Decide if being formal or informal before starting to write.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Ci es la om con un masca?,Who's the guy in the mask?,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn El ia ta susede si el ia ta atenta.,He would have succeeded had he tried.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn "La polisiores ia porta mascas contra gas, e elmos.",The policemen wore gas masks and helmets.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Fisa bon tuа masca propre ante cuando tu aida otras.,Secure your own mask before helping others.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn La persones usa mascas afin preveni ce los deveni malada.,People wear masks to prevent getting a disease.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Ла плу де ла консонантес ес пронунсиада комо ен енглес.,Most of the consonants are pronounced like those in English.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn "Vera, Tom cuasi nunca studia.",Tom actually hardly ever studies.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Me ia veni de Xina.,I came from China.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Мариа аве силес лонга.,Mary has long eyelashes.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn "Ен тенис, ел ес ун опосор ен бон нивел пер ме.",He is a good match for me in tennis.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn La labios de el ia tanje la meas.,His lips brushed against mine.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn El ia reveni de Xina.,He returned from China.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Un lingua sola va sufisi nunca.,One language will never be enough.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn El es un om brasilera.,He is Brazilian.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn El ia dise a nos ce la strada es cluida.,She told us that the road was closed.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn La autor es brasilera.,The author is Brazilian.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Me gusta la portuges brasilera.,I like Brazilian Portuguese.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Лингуа франка нова ес ун лингуа аиданте интернасионал креада пар Др. С. George Boeree е перфетида пар мулте супорторес де ла лингуа.,Lingua Franca Nova is an international auxiliary language created by Dr C. George Boeree and perfected by many supporters of the language.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Ла либро ес аора диспонабле.,The book is now available.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Лингуа франка нова ес либре пер ла уса де тота.,Lingua Franca Nova is free for all to use.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Me no es brasilera.,I'm not Brazilian.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Ту ва трова аси отра парлорес ки поте аида ту.,You will find other speakers here who may help you.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn La braso de el ia tanje la mea.,Her arm brushed against mine.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Nun va reconose el en esta masca.,No one will recognize her in this mask.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Жоан коре ен ла сите.,Joan is running in the city.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Du omes portante mascas de sci ia entra en la banco.,Two men wearing ski masks entered the bank.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Том анке аве демандас.,"Tom has questions, too.",lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Тота ла меa амис аве енфантес.,All my friends have children.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Но тота муслимес ес арабис.,Not all Muslims are Arabs.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Me ia ta es plu felis portante un masca.,I would have been happier wearing a mask.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Me ia es tota empapada.,I got soaking wet.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Ла мар ес профонда.,The sea is deep.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Esce me pote usa masca en esta selebra?,Can I wear a mask at this party?,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Tom ia dise a me ce el ta prefere no vade.,Tom told me he'd rather not go.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Том иа дисе а ме ке ел та префере но ваде.,Tom told me that he would rather not go.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Но тота де мундо иа персепи.,Not everyone noticed.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn "Ла реконосе де ла диниа инеренте е ла диретос егал е ноналиенабле де тота ла мемброс де ла фамилиа умана ес ла фунда де либриа, жустиа, е пас ен ла мундо.","Recognition of the inherent dignity and of the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world.",lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Me es cuasi nunca a casa.,I'm hardly ever home.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Tom ia usa alga caxones de lenio per sejas.,Tom utilized some wooden chests as chairs.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Meа spada es meа vive.,My sword is my life.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn La familia es importante.,Family is important.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Ме иа ста ме пер салута лос.,I got up to greet them.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Carnaval no plase tota la brasileras.,Not all Brazilians enjoy Carnival.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn "Ante cuando el vade dormi, un programor vera pone du vitros sur la comodeta: la un con acua per bevi en la note, e la otra vacua per la aveni de ce el no sidi.","Before going to bed, a real programmer puts on the bedside table two glasses: one with water to drink during the night, and another empty, in case he won't be thirsty.",lfn_Latn-eng_Latn La espera es la cosa sola cual es plu forte ca la teme.,Hope is the only thing stronger than fear.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Me pensa ce me ia rompe mea braso.,I think I've broken my arm.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn La supramercato es abrida.,The supermarket is open.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn "La vive no es un problem cual on debe solve, ma un realia cual on debe esperia.","Life isn't a problem to be solved, but a reality to be experienced.",lfn_Latn-eng_Latn "Vos no es brasilera, si?","You're not Brazilian, are you?",lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Ме воле ун фамилиа.,I want a family.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Me es de Xina.,I am from China.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Con la aida de meа amis me aprende tota un grupo de cosas nova e interesante.,With the help of my friends I learn a whole bunch of new and interesting things.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Me es de Jonguo.,I'm from China.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn "La oios de Virjinia ia deveni plen de larmas, e el ia asconde sua fas entre sua manos.","Virginia's eyes grew dim with tears, and she hid her face in her hands.",lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Еста парола аве тре силабас.,This word has three syllables.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Ме скриве ун летера.,I am writing a letter.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Do me pote compra un brosa?,Where can I buy a brush?,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Tom ia es meа ami sola a acel tempo.,Tom was my only friend at that time.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Ме пенса ке нос дебе а Том ун ескуса.,I think we owe Tom an apology.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn La fem vende concas marin.,She sells sea shells.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn La mar es blu.,The sea is blue.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Nos ave un supramercato grande.,We have a big supermarket.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn La mar ia es calma.,The sea was calm.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Me vole vide un filma japanes.,I want to see a Japanese movie.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn La mar ia es vitrin.,The sea was glassy.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn "Boeree ia comensa labora a lfn en 1965, con la gol de crea un lingua simple. El ia es inspirada par leje sur lingua franca, un pijin usada en la mar Mediteranean en sentenios pasada.","Boeree began work on LFN in 1965, with the goal of creating a simple language. He was inspired by reading about Lingua Franca, a pidgin used around the Mediterranean sea in centuries past.",lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Acel mar es blu.,That sea is blue.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Tom es en meа sala.,Tom is in my room.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn "La moria debe es tan bela. Reclinada sur la tera mol e brun, con la erba brandinte supra nosа testa, escuta la silentia. No plu ier, no doman. Oblida la tempo, oblida la vive, es en pas.","Death must be so beautiful. To lie in the soft brown earth, with the grasses waving above one's head, and listen to silence. To have no yesterday, and no tomorrow. To forget time, to forget life, to be at peace.",lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Los es multe importante.,They are very important.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Me brosi meа dentes a du veses per dia.,I brush my teeth twice a day.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn "A do tu core, lepre peti?","Where are you running, little hare?",lfn_Latn-eng_Latn La mar es vasta.,The sea is very wide.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Bir conteni lupulo.,Beer contains hops.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Me brosi meа dentes par un brosa de dentes.,I brush my teeth with a toothbrush.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Том ес комо алгун де ла фамилиа.,Tom is like family.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn En SUA la fem ave per promedia sola tre enfantes.,"In the United States of America, a woman on average only has three children.",lfn_Latn-eng_Latn La mar no es clar.,The sea is not clear.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Nos ia nada en la mar.,We swam in the sea.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn El brosi sua capeles a matina.,She brushes her hair in the morning.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Meа casa fasa la mar.,My house faces the sea.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Me a veses patini.,I sometimes skate.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Me pensa ce el razona bon.,I'm afraid that he is right.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn La barcon ia es en la mar.,The ship was at sea.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn El ia cade en la rio.,He fell into the river.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn El ia naviga la sete mares.,He sailed the Seven Seas.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Ме ес брасилера е ме апренде жапанес.,I'm Brazilian and I'm learning Japanese.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn La frate continua scrive.,The brother is writing.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn La om ia sta fasante la mar.,He faced toward the sea.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn El ia descomuta la lus.,He turned off the light.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Lo aveni a alga veses.,It happens sometimes.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Multe omes ia mori en la mar.,Many men died at sea.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Me va lava mea poma.,I'll wash my apple.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Esce me pote visita un galeria de arte?,May I visit an art gallery?,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Esta brosa es fada de pelo de camel.,This brush is made from camel hair.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Oji la mar ia es tepida!,Today the sea was warm!,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Ме ама меа падре.,I love my father.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Esce tu ia proba a cualce ves comeda brasilera?,Have you ever tried Brazilian food?,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Nos pote compara nosа pais con Xina.,We can compare our country to China.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Меа лока ес аси.,I belong here.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Ду фемес канта.,Two women sing.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn """Си, ме ес брасилера. Но, ме но густа карнавал"".","""Yes, I am Brazilian. No, I don't like carnival.""",lfn_Latn-eng_Latn On ave un supramercato grande.,There is a large supermarket.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Lo ia es vera miracle.,It really was a miracle.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Me clama la servor de restorante.,I call the waiter.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Me studia a alga veses!,I study sometimes!,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn El abita un aparte.,He lives in an apartment.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn "Ес о но ес, еста ес ла деманда.","To be or not to be, that is the question.",lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Los brosi sua dentes a du veses per dia.,They brush their teeth twice a day.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Том аве монтонес де моне.,Tom has piles of money.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Том нада ен ла рио.,Tom is swimming in the river.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Esta anelo de oro ia parteni a mea madre.,That gold ring belonged to my mother.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Ла фрате скриве.,The brother writes.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Ла имперор Акихито де Жапан иа анунсиа суа интенде де ренунсиа.,The Emperor Akihito of Japan has announced his intention to abdicate.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Esta xampu veni con un bon brosa de capeles.,This shampoo comes with a nice hair brush.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Tom frita un ovo.,Tom is frying an egg.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Me brosa meа dentes; me peteni meа capeles.,I brush my teeth; I comb my hair.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Еске Мариа ес туa фиа?,Is Mary your daughter?,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Лос иа виде вос.,They saw you.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn La om peteni sua can con un brosa.,The man combs his dog with a brush.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn "A 13 maio 1888, sclavia ia es abolida ofisial en Brasil.","On May 13, 1888 slavery was officially abolished in Brazil.",lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Есперанто ес ун лингуа вера фасил е регулада.,Esperanto is a truly regular and easy language.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Еске вос иа коносе меа падре?,Did you know my father?,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn El sabe nada bon.,He can swim well.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Tom ia brosi sua dentes e ia lava sua fas.,Tom brushed his teeth and washed his face.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Me nada dial.,I swim every day.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Ме виажа а мулте весес.,I travel frequently.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Lo es multe fasil ce on aprende nade.,It's very easy to learn how to swim.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Ме но иа тира ла гатио.,I didn't pull the trigger.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Me nada mal.,I am poor at swimming.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Nada plase me.,I like to swim.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn La om ia mostra a me sua colie de selos.,He showed me his stamp collection.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Reposa!,Take it easy!,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn El nada aora.,He's swimming now.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Том ама Мариа.,Tom loves Mary.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Том коносе кадун.,Tom knows everybody.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Cual es tu favoreda site european?,What's your favorite European city?,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Ло ес коса перилоса нада кон делфинес.,It is dangerous to swim with dolphins.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Дона донадас ес семпре плу бон ка ресета лос.,Giving gifts is always nicer than receiving them.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Ме иа пенса ке ел ес туа ами.,I thought he was your friend.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn El ia seci sua fas e ia brosi sua capeles.,She dried her face and brushed her hair.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn La piratas ia naviga la sete mares.,The pirates sailed the seven seas.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Путин ес ун пишета!,Putin is a dickhead!,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Vos pote abri la fenetra.,You can open the window.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn El ia dona a me alga selos.,He gave me some stamps.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Esce on come algas en tuа pais?,Do you eat seaweed in your country?,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn "On ia pensa ce algas e plantas es simil, ma oji on clasi los en du renas diferente.","It was thought that seaweed and plants were similar, but today they correspond to two different kingdoms.",lfn_Latn-eng_Latn La suno ia leva de la mar.,The sun rose from the sea.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Туа енфанте иа писи ен суа телета де бебе.,Your child peed in his diaper.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Maria ia proba algas a la ves prima e ia gusta los.,Mary tasted seaweed for the first time and liked it.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn La ventas cual veni de la mar es umida.,Winds from the sea are moist.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Еста куста куаси но коса.,This costs almost nothing.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Esce me pote abri la fenetras?,Can I open the windows?,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn "A veses, cada cosa falta.",Sometimes everything goes wrong.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Esce on ave multe brasileras abitante en Nion?,Are there many Brazilians living in Japan?,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Фуми ес проибида сериа.,Smoking is strictly prohibited.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn "Ен Барат, бовес фема ес анималес санта.","In India, cows are sacred animals.",lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Esce tu fumi?,Do you smoke?,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn La presipe pende a supra la mar.,The cliff hangs over the sea.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn La falda es verde.,The skirt is green.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Te ia es introduida de Xina.,Tea was introduced from China.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Lo es calda oji.,It's warm today.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Me ia compra.,I bought it.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Esta es la ves prima a cual me ia come algas.,This is the first time I've had seaweed.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Куал ес туа рекорда прима де енфантиа?,What is your earliest memory from childhood?,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn El compra pan.,He buys bread.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Petras no flota.,Stones don't float.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Do tu nada?,Where do you swim?,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Лос иа виде ел.,They saw her.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Nada es fasil.,It is easy to swim.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Taro ia compra un auto usada en la semana pasada.,Taro bought a used car last week.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Flota es fasil.,Floating is easy.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Esce tu sabe nada?,Can you swim?,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Ме шерка Том. Еске ту иа виде ел?,I'm looking for Tom. Have you seen him?,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn On debe usa un elmo cuando on monta un motosicle.,You should wear a helmet when you ride a motorcycle.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Tom nada multe rapida.,Tom swims very fast.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Me va come un ovo sentenio.,I will eat century egg.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Me nada a un ves en la semana.,I swim once a week.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Me ia vade nada en la mar.,I went swimming in the sea.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Pexes grande ama la profonda.,The big fish loves the deep.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn El nada tan rapida!,How fast she swims!,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Me nada cuasi dial.,I swim almost every day.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Esce la can es nadante?,Is the dog swimming?,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Nos ia abita prosima a la mar.,We lived close by the sea.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Ме иа ес ен ла супрамеркато.,I was at the supermarket.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Alga de mundo es malvolente.,Some people are evil.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Ci es la xico nadante ala?,Who is the boy that is swimming over there?,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Нос поте абри ла фенетра.,We can open the window.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Pexes nada en la acua.,Fish swim in the water.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn El lava la pantalones.,He washes the pants.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Tom ia arde la letera.,Tom burned the letter.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Mea frate no nada.,My brother doesn't swim.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn El es sore de mea padre. El es mea tia.,She is my father's sister. She is my aunt.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn La mundo es plen de stupidas.,The world is full of idiots.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Me ama libros vea.,I love old books.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn "Tu nada bon, no?","You swim well, don't you?",lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Lo es un libro multe vea.,It's a very old book.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Un pex oro grande nada en la lageta.,A large goldfish swims in the pond.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn "Prima, dise a me la bon novas.",Tell me the good news first.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn On ave bon persones en la mundo.,There are good people in the world.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn La governa israeli e sua ocupa militar es asustante.,The Israeli government and its military occupation are terrible.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn El es nadante contra la flue.,He is swimming against the tide.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Me espera ce Tom va persepi no cosa.,"Hopefully, Tom won't notice anything.",lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Me ama la neva.,I love snow.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Me sobrina es curor.,My niece is a nurse.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn "Бон диа, Том.","Good morning, Tom.",lfn_Latn-eng_Latn "Regretable, me ave no esperia.",I'm afraid I have no experience.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Me ia dormi tra la dia.,I slept all day.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Лос поте абри ла фенетра.,They can open the window.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn La portasene ia es plen de restas de sigaretas.,The ashtray was brimming with cigarette butts.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn La veria es nonegable.,The truth is undeniable.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Tom maneja un otel.,Tom manages a hotel.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Ме иа виде ла каса.,I saw the house.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Ci ia trova meа libro mancante?,Who found my missing book?,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Паса ун диа бела.,Have a good day.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn "Per favore, cansela nosa comanda.",Please cancel our order.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Меa фиа ес ун шика масин.,My daughter is a tomboy.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Lusi visita a alga veses Mei.,Lucy sometimes visits May.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Xina es un pais vasta.,China is a huge country.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn El ia plora.,She was crying.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Алга кавалос иа коме а пасто ен ун ареа кон серка.,Some horses were grazing in a fenced area.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Sami ave pel oscur.,Sami is dark-skinned.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Prende la medisines.,Take the medicine.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn A veses Meg irita Ken.,Meg sometimes annoys Ken.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn On ave insetos usosa en la mundo.,There are useful insects in the world.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Destensa!,Take it easy.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Том густа виажа пар бус.,Tom likes to travel by bus.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Ме иа пасеа аста ун шика ки иа ес бринкакорда сур ла пасериа.,I walked by a little girl playing jumprope on the sidewalk.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Me xerca mea telefon.,I am looking for my phone.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Ла шика бринкакорда.,She is skipping rope.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Ту ес аси?,Are you here?,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn On ave multe cosas bon en la mundo.,There are many good things in the world.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Ме пенса ке ту ва густа аси.,I think you're going to like it here.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Mea camera ave sola un fenetra.,There's only one window in my room.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Меa фиа воле ун пиано.,My daughter wants a piano.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Апренде алга коса нова а када диа.,Learn something new every day.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Ме но инвиа ла ом.,I don't envy him.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Nos va fa cambias.,We're going to make changes.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Ла ом скриве мулте бон.,He writes beautifully.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Nos es como papilios cual voleta tra un dia e pensa ce lo es per sempre.,We are like butterflies who flutter for a day and think it's forever.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Туa фиа уса дрогас.,Your daughter's on drugs.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Ме иа салва ла гато.,I rescued the cat.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn "Vide, un papilio!","Look, a butterfly!",lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Лос аве фиас жемело.,They have twin daughters.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Me ia es xasante papilios.,I was on the hunt for butterflies.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Ел аве ду фиас.,He has two daughters.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Ме аве ун фиа.,I have a daughter.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Нос аве ду фиас.,We have two daughters.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Еста ес меa фиа.,This is my daughter.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Куал ес ла лонгиа де ла Понте Арко де Сиело?,How long is the Rainbow Bridge?,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Бонвени а Татоеба!,Welcome to Tatoeba!,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Бонвени а ла енферно!,Welcome to hell!,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Бонвени а Нион.,Welcome to Japan.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Арко де сиело ес ун феномено натурал.,A rainbow is a natural phenomenon.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Ла арко де сиело аве сете колорес.,The rainbow has seven colors.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Ла арко де сиело ес колороса.,The rainbow is colorful.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn "Сол е плуве, арко де сиело.","Sun and rain, rainbow.",lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Ун арко де сиело тан бела!,What a beautiful rainbow!,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Alga de mundo ia comensa dansa.,Some people started dancing.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn До вос компра вестес?,Where do you buy clothes?,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn "Син акуа, ла флорес секи.",Flowers wither without water.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn La papilio ia vola.,The butterfly flew.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Еста ес сурпренденте.,This is surprising.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Ескута еста.,Listen to this.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Леже еста либро.,Read this book.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn La papilio voleta.,The butterfly flutters.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn El ia catura dudes papilios.,He caught twenty butterflies.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Papilios vive poca.,Butterflies have short life spans.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Nos come pan.,We buy bread.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Ел скриве ун летера.,He is writing a letter.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Me ia velia a tredes minutos ante aora.,I woke up thirty minutes ago.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn "Esta es un suposa, no un fato.","That's a supposition, not a fact.",lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Tom ia es critante.,Tom was yelling.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Tom ave un frate en Boston.,Tom has a brother in Boston.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Me ia perde un orealeta.,I lost an earring.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn E Tom e Maria es artistes.,Tom and Mary both are artists.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Me ave sposa e enfantes.,I've got a wife and children.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Me gusta papilios.,I like butterflies.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Los ia catura sinco papilios.,They caught five butterflies.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn La enfantes ia catura papilios.,The children caught butterflies.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn "Ало, Том. Бон диа.","Hello, Tom. Good morning.",lfn_Latn-eng_Latn El sabe multe sur papilios.,He knows a lot about butterflies.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Me ave papilios en me stomaco.,I have butterflies in my stomach.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Me ia catura un papilio multe bela.,I caught a very beautiful butterfly.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Том густа скриве.,Tom likes to write.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Tu es un papilio multe bela.,You are a very beautiful butterfly.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn """Perce?"" ""E perce no?""","""Why?"" ""Why not?""",lfn_Latn-eng_Latn "La venta ia vaga sirca la casa, e ia jemi como un spirito perdeda.",The wind wandered moaning round the house like a lost soul.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Engles es plen de parolas romanica.,English is full of Romance words.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn La fem scrive en jonguo.,She writes Chinese.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn "Plen de petrolio pur, acel lampa peti ia pote permane ensendida tra multe dias.","Full of pure kerosene, that small lamp could be lit for several days.",lfn_Latn-eng_Latn La pluve ia comensa cade e la fem ia es empapada.,It began to rain and she got wet.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Nos ia disputa.,We were having an argument.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Том абита ун каса пети.,Tom lives in a small house.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Lo ia salva mea vive.,It saved my life.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Де ки Жулиа ес фиа?,Whose daughter is Julia?,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Ла дулсиа де интерлингуа иа ес плу конвенинте а ме виде поесиал.,The sweetness of Interlingua was more suited to my poetic vision.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Nos ia fa esta en la pasada.,We've done that in the past.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn La frate de la fia de me ava ta pote es e me tio e me padre.,The brother of my grandmother's daughter could be both my uncle and my father.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn La labora es aora en curso.,The work is now in progress.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn La fem ia es jentil.,She was lovely.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn La madre e sore de el ia es malada.,His mother and sister were sick.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn La camisa de Tom ia es empapada par sua.,Tom's shirt was soaked with sweat.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn La papilios es multe bela.,Butterflies are beautiful.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Me padron es sposida.,My boss is married.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Perce Maria plora tan multe?,Why does Mary cry so much?,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Me ia catura papilios par un rede.,I captured butterflies with a net.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn "Si tu vole, me va fa la demanda.","If you wish, I'll ask.",lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Cual es la mesaje?,What's the message?,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Tota cosas parteni a tota de mundo.,All belongs to all.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Tom es tan amable.,Tom is quite likable.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Mea pasatempo es colie papilios bela.,My hobby is to collect beautiful butterflies.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Me can es mancante tra tre dias.,My dog has been missing for three days.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Tom e Maria ia jua a tenis de table.,Tom and Mary played ping pong.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Tu es tan amable.,You're so nice.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Responde la demanda.,Answer the question.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Papilio es un eruga adulte.,A butterfly is a mature caterpillar.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Esce tu ia vide ja un papilio purpur?,Have you ever seen a purple butterfly?,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Nos ia oteni lo cual nos ia merita.,We got what we deserved.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Oji nos ia vide multe papilios jala.,We saw a lot of yellow butterflies today.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn El ia vide un papilio sur la mur.,He saw a butterfly on the wall.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Maria es ativa.,Mary is vivacious.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Me vole jua a cartas.,I want to play cards.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Me pensa ce Tom es intelijente.,I think Tom is intelligent.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Maria es bela e intelijente.,Mary is beautiful and intelligent.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn El es bela e intelijente.,She's beautiful and intelligent.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Ло но иа ес тан мал.,It wasn't all that bad.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn La mar ia es blanca par la spuma.,The sea was white with foam.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn El ia pasea a la mar.,He was walking toward the sea.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn El teme la mar.,He's afraid of the sea.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn El ia vole vade a mar.,He wanted to go to sea.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Me vole montra alga cosa a te en la ofisia.,I want to show you something in the office.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn La eruga ia cambia se a un papilio.,The caterpillar turned into a butterfly.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Un mar separa Er de England.,A sea separates Ireland and England.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn La mea sore es multe intelijente.,My sister is very intelligent.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Esta xico es intelijente.,That boy is smart.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Judi es intelijente.,Judy is smart.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Paris es la site de ama.,Paris is the city of love.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Anunsias es a cada loca.,Advertising is everywhere.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn El ia mostra a me sua colie de papilios.,He showed me his collection of butterflies.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn La felisia es plu importante ca la ricia.,Happiness is more important than wealth.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn On vende ovos a desduples.,Eggs are sold by the dozen.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Esque tu ia vide ja un gala de pupetas?,Have you ever seen a puppet show?,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn "Des, des-un, des-du, des-tre, des-cuatro, des-sinco, des-ses, des-sete, des-oto, des-nove, dudes.","Ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty.",lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Nos ia clui la boteca.,We closed the store.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Mone es un bon servor ma un mal senior.,Money is a good servant but a bad master.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Sesa es tan sentosa.,Stop being so emotional.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Me ia pote aida.,I could help.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Me ia pote apena crede mea oios.,I could hardly believe my eyes.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Me ia ta pote aida.,I could have helped.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Када паис аве ун капитал.,Every country has a capital city.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Ме креде сериа еста.,I honestly believe this.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Jua en la strada es perilosa.,Playing in the street is dangerous.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn "Ен алга касос, есмералдас поте ес плу валуада ка диамантес.","In some cases, emeralds can be worth more than diamonds.",lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Me vole dona esta a Tom.,I want to give this to Tom.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Telefonetas es aora sempre presente.,Cellphones are now ubiquitous.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Esta spesie de papilio es estinguida ja.,This species of butterfly has already gone extinct.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Lo es no plu ca un perla imitada.,It is merely an imitation pearl.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Gusta la gala.,Enjoy the show.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Esta es un tore.,This is a tower.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Ла респонде ес корета.,The answer is right.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Том семпре коме фрутас а ла коме де матина.,Tom always eats fruit for breakfast.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn La responde es no.,The answer is no.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Esta xico es mea frato.,This boy is my brother.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Papilios briliante ia vola asi e ala.,Brilliant butterflies flew hither and thither.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Dan ia mostra a Linda sua colie de papilios.,Dan showed Linda his butterfly collection.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Me ia aprende multe rapida franses.,I learned French very quickly.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn La ala de un papilio conteni multe detalias.,A butterfly's wing contains many details.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Ел воле красе ла шинше.,He wants to squish the bug.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Me no ia pote responde.,I couldn't answer.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Ен ла виве он аве алтас е басас.,In life there are ups and downs.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn La responde es si.,The answer's yes.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Ла респонде ес си.,The answer is yes.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Ier nos ia vade a sinema.,Yesterday we went to the cinema.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Жоиа!,To your health!,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Сента вос.,Take your places.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Me ia es en la media de dansa.,I was dancing.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Mea color favoreda es blu.,My favorite color is blue.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Меа колор фавореда ес блу.,My favourite colour is blue.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Ла кулпа ес туа.,It is you who is to blame.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Ла интереде ес ун консерна сериа.,The Internet is serious business.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom ia evade la castel, desemblada como un fem.","Tom escaped from the castle, disguised as a woman.",lfn_Latn-eng_Latn "A alga dia, esta eruga va cambia se a un papilio multe bela.",One day this caterpillar will turn into a beautiful butterfly.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Esta es la responde.,That's the answer.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn "Scarabes, papilios, e cucaraxas es insetos.","Beetles, butterflies and cockroaches are insects.",lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Mea vive es un contradise.,My life's a contradiction.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn "La site brilieta sempre, lampas sustitui la sol. Sua panorama decora la orizon profonda.","The city always glows, lamps replace the sun. Its panorama ornaments the profound horizon.",lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Меa пел ес сека.,My skin is dry.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Ме густа жуа тенис.,I like playing tennis.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Un colibri no es plu grande ca un papilio.,A hummingbird is no larger than a butterfly.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn El ia acorda con sua testa corajinte.,He nodded encouragingly.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Том иа ес син дефенде.,Tom was helpless.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Tom ia fa lo acaso.,Tom accidentally did that.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Меa кор ес верде е жала.,My heart is green and yellow.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Ла сиело иа клари пико е кико. Ла сол иа апаре плен брилианте е ла мар иа девени тан калма комо ун лаго.,Little by little the sky cleared. The sun came out in full splendor and the sea became as calm as a lake.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn El ia ateni a fini sua goles.,He finally achieved his goals.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Ама но мори.,Love doesn't die.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Los come no cosa.,They don't eat anything.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn La teleta de bebe nesesa ce on cambia lo.,The baby needs a diaper change.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Ме аве жа папилиос ен меa стомако.,I already have butterflies in my stomach.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Esce tu ia cambia ja un teleta de bebe?,Have you ever changed a diaper before?,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Me debe cambia la teleta de la bebe.,I need to change the baby's diaper.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Lo es un onora alta comensa conose el.,It is a great honor to become acquainted with her.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn "La duple falta prima de Gonzalez ia veni a la momento la plu nonoportun, a cuando el ia defende un punto de set.",Gonzalez's first double fault came at the most inopportune moment when he was down a set point.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Tom ia trata Maria como un rea.,Tom treated Mary like a queen.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn "La indonesian es longa considerada como la lingua ponte, local.",Indonesian has long been regarded as the local bridge language.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Фелисиа нондистурбада ес ноианте: ло дебе аве алтас е басас.,Unbroken happiness is a bore: it should have ups and downs.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn La plu vitimas ia es enfantes peti.,Most of the victims were small children.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Nos va vade con tu.,We'll go with you.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Dise esta en rusce.,Say it in Russian!,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Dise esta en ungarian.,Say it in Hungarian!,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Do es tua uniforma?,Where's your uniform?,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Еске ту иа ентера алга коса ен акел исола?,Did you bury something on that island?,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Ata rapida ance ave vantajes.,Rapid action also has advantages.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Jira la manico contra la orolojo.,Turn the knob counterclockwise.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Ме аве бон новас.,I have good news.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Tom crede en reincarne.,Tom believes in reincarnation.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Engles es un lingua germanica con influe forte de latina.,English is a heavily Latinized Germanic language.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn El ave dudes enfantes.,He has twenty children.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn La sangue es roja.,Blood is red.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn "En ajunta, me no sabe dansa.","Furthermore, I don't know how to dance.",lfn_Latn-eng_Latn "Espeta un minuto, per favore.",Please wait a minute.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Esce tu jua xace?,Do you play chess?,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Me no es legiste.,I'm not a lawyer.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Ме но ес легисте.,I am not a lawyer.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Tom ia pasa anios vivente en la stradas de Boston.,Tom spent years living on the streets of Boston.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn El ia adormi a su la arbor.,He fell asleep under the tree.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Do es la supramercato la plu prosima?,Where is the nearest supermarket?,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Ла офисиор иа команда ла солдатос а атака ла фортрес.,The officer ordered the soldiers to attack the fortified position.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Ме несеса ун дупле нова де сапатос де спорте.,I need a new pair of sneakers.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Tom va trova lo.,Tom will find it.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn La mori negra ia mata ala min un tri de la abitores de Europa entre 1348 e 1350.,The Black Death wiped out at least one third of Europe's population between 1348 and 1350.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Еске ел но коносе ме?,Doesn't he know me?,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Нуматикос ес фабрикада де каушо артифисиал.,Tires are made from synthetic rubber.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Tom ia abri la caje de la leon.,Tom opened the lion's cage.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Tu pote abri la fenetra.,You may open the window.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Divina cual Tom ia dise.,Guess what Tom said.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Esce tu vole ce me entra con tu?,Do you want me to come in with you?,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Evidente Tom no vole parla sur esta.,It's obvious Tom doesn't want to talk about this.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Tom vole ce tu espeta pico.,Tom wants you to wait for a while.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Me ta vole reclina me.,I'd like to lie down.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Tom es la seguente.,Tom is next.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn До ес ла супрамеркато ла плу просима?,Where's the nearest supermarket?,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Том канта мулте бон.,Tom sings beautifully.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Me crede ce la puni de mori no es un modo multe produosa de atenta freni la criminalia.,I think the death penalty is not a very effective way of trying to curb crimes.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Flores fa ce el es felis.,Flowers make her happy.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Tom ia ave des-tre anios cuando ia mori.,Tom was thirteen when he died.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Esce lo merita tua labora?,Is it worth your time?,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn El ia prende alga cosa de en la saco.,She took something out of the bag.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Ту иа облида ла лампас де ла ауто комутада.,You left the car headlights on.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn El es studiante.,She is a student.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Ел иа ромпе ла рекордо мундал.,He broke the world record.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn "Lo es plu bon ce nos mori stante, ca nos vive ajenante.","Better to die on our feet, than to live on our knees.",lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Me ia vide Tom ier en un restorante. El ia conversa con un xica.,I saw Tom yesterday in a restaurant. He was talking to a girl.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Me es a fini de corti meа ungias con un cortiungia.,I just clipped my nails.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Me no parla arabi.,I don't speak Arabic.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Me no vide multe el.,I don't see him much.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn La fia de Tom es malada.,Tom's daughter is sick.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom, do nos es?","Tom, where are we?",lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Nos ia amini bon.,We've become good friends.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Me ia pensa ce Tom va vade a casa con tu.,I thought Tom was coming home with you.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Los discute la problem.,They're discussing the problem.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Nos no ia ave scola oji!,We had no school today!,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn El ia ginia a me.,He gave me a wink.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Ел парла алга лингуас вариоса.,He speaks several languages.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Tom ia es evidente embarasada.,Tom was evidently embarrassed.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn El ia pasea con pedes nuda sur brasas.,She walked barefoot over the hot embers.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Me an no pensa plu sur lo.,I don't even think about it anymore.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn On no pote fida el.,She can't be trusted.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Me no es un selebrada.,I'm not a celebrity.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Me va encontra tu plu tarda.,I'll meet you later.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Me ia amini con Jane.,I've become friends with Jane.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Nos ia es ipnoseda par la brilieta pulsante de la brasas.,We were mesmerized by the pulsating glow of the embers.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn La musica es un de tal cosas cual fa nos senti alga min sola en la mundo.,Music is one of those things that make us feel a little less alone in the world.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn "Ла дифере ентре пасада, пресенте, е футур ес но коса плу ка ун илуде естендеда тро мулте.","Difference between the past, present, and future is nothing but an extremely widespread illusion.",lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Me ia espera ce nos ia ta amini.,I had hoped we might become friends.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Tom ia sofla supra la brasas esperante reinisia la foco.,"Tom blew on the embers, hoping to get the fire restarted.",lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Nos debe respeta lunlotra.,We have to respect each other.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Том беви семпре те а матина.,Tom always drinks tea in the morning.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Ла лупо улула.,The wolf howls.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Me ama tua fio.,I love your son.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn "En la jardin, on ave multe roja flores.",In the garden there are many red flowers.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn "Ла поесиа иа ес скриведа ен еспаниол, е а пос тралуида а ла португес.",The poem was written in Spanish and then translated into Portuguese.,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn "Per promedia, cual es la tempo de vive de un papilio?",What's the average lifespan of a butterfly?,lfn_Latn-eng_Latn Kiek ilgai galite pasilikti?,How long can you stay?,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Tomas dirba makaronų fabrike.,Tom works in a pasta factory.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Dabar mūsų darbas yra visiškai baigtas.,Our work is all over now.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Ar tu matei jų veidus?,Did you see their faces?,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Tai buvo labai graži gėlė.,It was a very beautiful flower.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Tavo vonia yra paruošta.,Your bath is ready.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Tomas visiškai nesidomi politika.,Tom isn't interested in politics at all.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Aš niekur nenoriu eiti.,I don't want to go anywhere.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Pilvo skausmai dingo.,The stomach pains are gone.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Jis mus visus išgelbėjo.,He saved us all.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Aš greitesnė už tave.,I'm faster than you.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Žmogaus širdis yra maždaug jo kumščio dydžio.,A man's heart is about as large as his fist.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Niekas niekada nėra apie jį girdėjęs.,Nobody's ever heard of him.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Aš padariau popierinį lėktuvėlį.,I made a paper plane.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn "Turiu vyresnįjį brolį, kuris yra tavo metų.",I have an older brother who's the same age as you.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Aš esu tavo tėvas.,I'm your father.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Jau beveik septynios valandos. Turime eiti į mokyklą.,It is close to seven o'clock. We have to go to school.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Jo nauja sekretorė pasirodė esanti niekam tikusi.,His new secretary proved useless.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn "Viena vertus, patyrėme didžiulius nuostolius, tačiau, kita vertus, daug ko pasimokėme iš šio patyrimo.","On the one hand we suffered a heavy loss, but on the other hand we learned a great deal from the experience.",lit_Latn-eng_Latn Aš turiu tai padaryti.,I need to do that.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Be tavęs aš nebūčiau galėjęs to padaryti.,I couldn't have done this without you.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Aš mačiau sprogimą.,I saw an explosion.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Aš buvau beveik miręs.,I almost died.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Broliai vienas kito nekenčia.,The brothers hate each other.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Tas pats tinka ir Tomui.,The same holds true for Tom.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Ar tai man?,Is it for me?,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Jis girtas.,He is drunk.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Tomas prarado kontrolę.,Tom has lost control.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Tėvas - siuvėjas.,The father is a tailor.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Užteks!,Cut it out.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Ar Jums padėti panešti šią dėžę?,Shall I help you with this box?,lit_Latn-eng_Latn "Jei to tu nepasakysi Tomui, tai aš pasakysiu.","If you won't tell Tom, I will.",lit_Latn-eng_Latn "Aš sutinku, bet tik su viena sąlyga.","I accept, but only under one condition.",lit_Latn-eng_Latn Ar jie japonai?,Are they Japanese?,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Ši kriaušė skaniai kvepia.,This pear smells nice.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Jis ištraukė savo nosinę.,He took out his handkerchief.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Atsakymas į šį klausimą yra paprastas.,The answer to this question is simple.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Kur jie nuėjo?,Where did they go?,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Ši mėsa yra skani.,This is good meat.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Tai labai linksma istorija!,That's a very funny story!,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Merė yra aukšta.,Mary is tall.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Kambaryje nebuvo ne vienos knygos.,There wasn't even one book in the room.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn "Aš manau, kad būtų geriau jei tu paskubėtum.",I think that it would be better if you hurried.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Aš noriu gyventi su tavimi.,I want to live with you.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Tai beprasmiška.,This makes no sense.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Tomas išgyvens.,Tom will survive.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Tomas supras.,Tom will understand.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Fadilis bijojo savo žmonos.,Fadil was fearful for his own life.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Ji mėgsta ledus.,She has liking for ice cream.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Ar mano lagaminą jau atgabeno?,Has my trunk come yet?,lit_Latn-eng_Latn "Tomas atrodo taip, lyg nuolat būtų kažkur skubėjęs.",Tom always seems to be in a big hurry.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Jūs turite labai gerą rašyseną.,Your handwriting is very good.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Su tuo tipu nekalbėk.,Don't talk to that guy over there.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Tel Avivas yra gražus miestas.,Tel Aviv is a beautiful city.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Aš esu iš Turkijos.,I am from Turkey.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Jaunoji karta žiūri į viską kitaip.,The younger generation looks at things differently.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Jis prarado viską.,He lost everything.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Ji pasiekė savo tikslą.,She achieved her goal.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Ar šį vandenį galima gerti?,Is this drinking water?,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Dėl sunkaus peršalimo jis negalėjo dalyvauti žaidime.,"Owing to a bad cold, he could not take part in the game.",lit_Latn-eng_Latn Ne vienas mūsų nebuvo patenkintas sistema.,None of us were satisfied with the system.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Jis buvo girtas ir piktas.,He was drunk and angry.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Ši knyga yra tavo.,This book belongs to you.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Apie ką tu galvoji? - Apie nieką...,"""What are you thinking about?"" ""Nothin'...""",lit_Latn-eng_Latn Kur mano pinigai?,Where's my money?,lit_Latn-eng_Latn "Mano televizoriui penkiolika metų, bet jis iki šiol puikiai veikia.","My television set is 15 years old, but it still works perfectly.",lit_Latn-eng_Latn "Vilką mini, vilkas čia.",Speak of the devil and he is sure to appear.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Aš negaliu įsivaizduoti gyvenimo be tavęs.,I can't think of life without you.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Sveikata brangesnė už auksą.,Health is more important than gold.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Aš gyvenu Kazachstane.,I live in Kazakhstan.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Jis jo net neskaitė.,He didn't even read it.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Kodėl paskutinis sakinys buvo pridėtas prieš penkias valandas?,Why was the last sentence added five hours ago?,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Pirmiausia aš padarysiu savo naujo tinklalapio eskizą.,"First, I'm going to do an outline of my new website.",lit_Latn-eng_Latn Ar nuveši mane namo?,Will you drive me home?,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Tomas ją išgelbėjo nuo ugnies.,Tom saved her from the fire.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Man nesinori dirbti; gal vietoj to nueikime į kiną?,I don't feel like working; what about going to a cinema instead?,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Tavo vardas buvo paminėtas.,Your name was mentioned.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Atsimerk.,Open your eyes.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Edvardas yra jaunesnis už Robertą.,Edvardas is younger than Robertas.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn "Jei aš būčiau tu, aš to nedaryčiau.","If I were you, I wouldn't do so.",lit_Latn-eng_Latn Šie konteineriai nepraleidžia oro.,These containers are airtight.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Aš užrašiau jo adresą kitoje voko pusėje.,I've written his address on the back of the envelope.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Kiek laiko tau užtrunka grįžti namo iš mano namų?,How long does it take you to go home from my house?,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Mano tėvas dirba gamykloje.,My father works at the factory.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn "Tomas sveria daugiau, nei aštuoniasdešimt kilogramų.",Tom is over 80 kilos.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn "Imk, ko tau reikia.",Take whatever you need.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn "Sakoma, kad globalinis atšilimas yra tiesiogiai susietas su anglies dvideginio emisija.",It is said that global warming is directly related to carbon dioxide emissions.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Ar jūsų laikrodis rodo tikslų laiką?,Is your watch correct?,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Man labai patinka šunys.,I like dogs very much.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Tomas nežinojo jos vardo.,Tom didn't know her name.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Mano mama taip pat mokytoja.,"My mom is a teacher, too.",lit_Latn-eng_Latn "Gal galėtumėte mums padėti, atsakydami į keletą klausimų?",Could you help us by answering some questions?,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Tu mokaisi ar dirbi?,Are you a student or are you working?,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Marija užsidengė veidą rankomis.,Maria covered her face with her hands.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Ji atmetė mūsų pasiūlymą.,She turned down our proposal.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Jie nesugebės atsikelti taip anksti.,They won't be able to get up so early.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Jie neatkreipė dėmesio.,They didn't pay attention.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Tūkstančiai žmonių norėjo žinoti atsakymą.,Thousands of people wanted to know the answer.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn "Jeigu tu nepakviesi jos į susitikimą, tuomet aš tą padarysiu.","If you don't ask her out, I will.",lit_Latn-eng_Latn Kiekvieną rytą aš jį žadinu šeštą vąlandą.,I wake him at six every morning.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn To vos vos užtenka pragyvenimui.,This just barely covers our living expenses.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Mano gyvenimo tikslas - tapti ministru pirmininku.,My goal in life is to be Prime Minister.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Kažkas atsitiko.,Something has happened.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Kažkas įvyko.,Something did happen.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn "Kada negali padaryti ką nori, tada daryk ką gali.","When you can't do what you want, you do what you can.",lit_Latn-eng_Latn Pavartok tuos vaistus. Greitu laiku tu pasijusi geriau.,Take this medicine. You'll soon feel better.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn "Kuo senesni tampame, tuo labiau silpsta mūsų atmintis.","The older we get, the weaker our memory becomes.",lit_Latn-eng_Latn "Tai pati didžiausia šventykla, kokią man yra tekę matyti.",This is the largest temple that I've ever seen.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Jis nusprendė važiuoti į užsienį.,He decided to go abroad.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Tomas netikėjo manimi.,Tom didn't believe me.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Nusimenu dėl menkiausiu smulkmenų.,I get depressed by the slightest things.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Tomas yra mano geras draugas.,Tom is a good friend of mine.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Tomas gerai moka plaukti.,Tom is able to swim well.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Tomas yra geras plaukikas.,Tom swims well.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Prašom tą pakartoti.,Please say it one more time.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Tomas yra svečias.,Tom is a guest.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Tomas - gražus vyras.,Tom is a handsome man.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Su tavim aš galiu paliesti dangų.,I can touch the sky with you.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Kelionės į Rusiją metu Tomas gėrė daug degtinės.,Tom drank a lot of vodka on his trip to Russia.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Jie atvyko prieblandoje.,They arrived at twilight.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn "Sakoma, kad jis buvo labai turtingas.",They say he was very rich.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Ji jau anksčiau tą darė.,She's done this before.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Girdim jus garsiai ir aiškiai.,We read you loud and clear.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Ar esate kada nors girdėję prancūzišką šios operos versiją?,Have you ever listened to the French version of this opera?,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Aš pats sau labai išdidus.,I'm very proud of myself.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Tomas ir Merė susituokė prieš trejus metus.,Tom and Mary got married three years ago.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Atėjai pačiu laiku.,You've turned up at the right moment.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Komentarų dar nėra.,There are no comments yet.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn "Prieš padarydamas išvadą, norėčiau išklausyti Tomo nuomonę.",I'd like to hear Tom's opinion at least once before we come to a conclusion.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn "Ar tai saldu, ar rūgštu?",Is it sweet or sour?,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Šitas pieštukas geresnis už tą.,This pencil is better than that one.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn "Tomas pastebėjo, kad durys nebuvo užrakintos.",Tom noticed the door was unlocked.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Komentarų vis dar nėra.,There are no comments for now.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Ar tai kažko nereiškia?,Doesn't that mean anything?,lit_Latn-eng_Latn "Jis nepažįsta nei manęs, nei tavęs.","He knows neither me, nor you.",lit_Latn-eng_Latn Vieną gražią dieną jūsų pastangos duos savo vaisius.,Your efforts will one day bear fruit.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Aš tik noriu likti mašinoje.,I just want to stay in the car.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Ji paėmė savo pieštuką ir pradėjo rašyti.,She took her pencil and started to write.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Jie moka žuvauti.,They can fish.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Ji liudijo prieš jį.,She testified against him.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Tomas ir Merė svarsto apie skyrybas.,Tom and Mary are thinking about divorce.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn "Kai tu ją baigsi, aš norėsiu tą knygą skaityti.","When you've finished reading that book, I'd like to read it.",lit_Latn-eng_Latn Tomas darbštus ir patikimas.,Tom is hardworking and dependable.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Kuo daugiau turime tuo daugiau norime.,"The more we have, the more we want.",lit_Latn-eng_Latn "Jis vis dirbo ir dirbo, kol galų gale susirgo.",He worked and worked until he fell ill.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Nukrito lapai.,The leaves fell.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Tas šuo beveik viską ėda.,This dog eats almost anything.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Jis nemėgsta kalbėti viešumoje.,He doesn't like to speak in public.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Visi žmonės lygūs.,All men are equal.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Tu nori man kažką pasakyti?,Do you want to tell me something?,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Ar Tomas geresnis už Mariją?,Is Tom better than Mary?,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Tu pamiršti Tomą.,You're forgetting Tom.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Vandenilio atomas turi vieną elektroną.,There is one electron in a hydrogen atom.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Neužmiršk savo bilieto.,Don't forget your ticket.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Mano tėvas dėl savo sveikatos liovėsi rūkyti.,My father has quit smoking for his health.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Aš turiu gyvybės draudimą.,I have life insurance.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Mes ruošiamės susituokti.,We're going to get married.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Bėda viena nevaikšto.,Misery loves company.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn "Trikampio, esančio sferiniame paviršiuje, kampų suma yra didesnė, nei šimtas aštuoniasdešimt laipsnių.",The sum of the angles of a triangle on a spherical plane is more than 180 degrees.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Jau kurį laiką nesu girdėjęs šios dainos.,I haven't heard this song in a while.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn "Ateitis priklauso tiems, kurie tiki savo svajonių grožiu.",The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Aš jį palaikau.,I'm behind him.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Olimpinės žaidynės rengiamos kas ketveri metai.,The Olympic Games take place every four years.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Žmonės buvo diktatoriaus užgaidų vergai.,The populace was in thrall to the dictator's whims.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Aš visiškai neturiu jokių planų.,I have no plans whatsoever.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Praeitą savaitę Tomas buvo mokyklos klasiokų susitikime.,Tom went to his high school reunion last week.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Ji tėra vaikas.,She is just a child.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Šokti draudžiama.,Dancing is prohibited.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn "Nepasitikėk žmogumi, apie kurio praeitį tu nieko nežinai.",Don't trust a man whose past you know nothing about.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Jie tavęs laukia.,They're waiting for you.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Šuo bando išsivaduoti.,The dog is trying to escape.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Jis turėjo blogą įprotį gerti per daug vyno.,He had the bad habit of drinking too much wine.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Aš šiandien pamačiau žvaigždę.,I saw a star today.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Jis nenorėjo skirtis su šeima.,He didn't like being separated from his family.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Klasėje Tomas paprastai sėdi ant paskutinio suolo.,Tom usually sits in the back of the classroom.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Tomas išmetė obuolio nuograužą į šiukšliadėžę.,Tom threw the apple core into the garbage can.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Viskas bus gerai.,Everything will be OK.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Atnešk man ką nors pavalgyti.,Bring me something to eat.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Tomas nenori to aptarinėti.,Tom doesn't want to discuss it.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Kokios moterys jums patinka?,What kind of women do you like?,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Tomas juokėsi iš savęs paties.,Tom laughed at himself.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn "Verčiau mirsiu, nei pasiduosiu!",I'd rather die than surrender.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Italija - graži šalis.,Italy is a beautiful country.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Nuo tos dienos mes padėjome jam mokytis japonų kalbos.,"From that day on, we helped him learn Japanese.",lit_Latn-eng_Latn Aš nenoriu tavęs jaudinti.,I don't mean to make you worry.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Iš tikrųjų juoda nėra spalva. Tai - spalvos nebuvimas.,In reality black is not a color; it is the absence of color.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Ši knyga yra labai idomi.,This book is very interesting.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn "Manau, kad mano dešinė ranka yra lūžusi.",I think my right arm is broken.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Tai nebuvo kvaila idėja.,It wasn't a stupid idea.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Ko norėtum?,What do you wish?,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Pakeisk temą.,Change the subject.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Aš nekalbu greitai.,I don't speak fast.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Jis plauna savo automobilį bent kartą per savaitę.,He washes his car at least once a week.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Ji nusiėmė marškinius.,She removed her shirt.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Jis stiprus ir vyriškas.,He's manly and strong.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Tu visai nepasikeitei.,You haven't changed at all.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Kas sekantis?,Who is next?,lit_Latn-eng_Latn "Įdomu, kas sekantis?",I wonder who's next.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Mane kažkas stebi.,Somebody is watching me.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Kas sekantis pagal sąrašą?,Who's the next person on your list?,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Ko taip į mane žiūri?,Why are you looking at me like that?,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Jos patarimas paskatino mane išvažiuoti į užsienį.,Her advice influenced me to go abroad.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Jie apkaltino mane paėmus pinigus.,They accused me of taking the money.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn "Aš labai apgailestauju dėl to, ką pasakiau.",I am very sorry for what I said.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Ant stalo guli apelsinas.,There's an orange on the table.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn "Kadangi pavėlavau į traukinį, teko laukti sekančio apie valandą.","As I missed the train, I had to wait for the next one for about an hour.",lit_Latn-eng_Latn Prieš bėgimą bėgikai turi apšilti.,"Before the race, the runners have to warm up.",lit_Latn-eng_Latn Kambarys sušyla.,The room is warming up.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Moterys keičia pasaulį.,Women change the world.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Ar gali pašildyti sriubą?,Will you warm up the soup?,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Aš dabar tik apšylu.,I am just warming up now.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Tai galėtų kuo puikiausiai tikti apšilimui.,It could be just right for a warm up.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn "Ačiū, aš jaučiuosi gerai.","Thanks, I'm fine.",lit_Latn-eng_Latn Aš pirkau raudoną sportinį automobilį.,I bought a red sports car.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Obuolys yra raudonas.,The apple is red.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Nuo tada praėjo trys metai.,Three years have passed since then.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Tomas dar tik apšyla.,Tom is just warming up.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Ta naktis buvo debesuota.,It was cloudy that night.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Pažinojau jūsų brolį.,I knew your brother.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Aš jos ilgai laukiau.,I waited for her a long time.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Jei tik turėčiau daugiau laivo laiko!,I wish I had more time.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Jis nudažė duris juodai.,He painted the door blue.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Niekada nesame matę nieko panašaus.,We've never seen anything like it.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Grupė jaunuolių sporto aikštelėje žaidžia rankinį.,A group of young men are playing handball in the playground.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Tomas negalėjo miegoti.,Tom couldn't sleep.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Mano sūnus iš dėžutės paėmė ledinuką.,My son took a piece of candy from the box.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Bitės įgėlimas gali būti labai skausmingas.,A bee sting can be very painful.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Niujorkas vadinamas Didžiuoju obuoliu.,New York is called the Big Apple.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Kodėl Niujorkas vadinamas Didžiuoju obuoliu?,Why do they call New York the Big Apple?,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Praeikite prašom ir neužstokite kelio.,"Pass on, please, and do not obstruct the way.",lit_Latn-eng_Latn Mes vadiname Niujorką Didžiuoju obuoliu.,We call New York the Big Apple.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Tomas tą daro keletą kartų.,Tom does that sometimes.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Tolumoje girdžiu tyliai ūžiančių kelių garsą.,In the distance I hear the sound of softly murmuring roads.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn "Ko tu verki, brangioji?","What are you crying about, sweetheart?",lit_Latn-eng_Latn Mes įdėsime visas savo pastangas.,We're going to do our best.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Aš miške pasiklydau.,I lost my way in the woods.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Rytoj man paskaitos.,I have class tomorrow.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Kelias tiesiasi lygiagrečiai upei.,The road parallels the river.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Ji bijojo pereiti gatvės.,She was scared to cross the road.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Mėgstu eiti į parką ir stebėti žaidimų aikštelėje besilinksminančius vaikus.,I like to go to the park and watch the children in the playground enjoying themselves.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Jie patraukė kliūtį nuo kelio.,They had cleared the obstacle from the road.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Žaidymų aikštelėje yra dvi mergaitės.,There are two girls in the playground.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Mes ketiname tai pakeisti.,We're going to change that.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Sugedęs automobilis stovėjo vidury kelio.,A broken-down car was standing in the middle of the road.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Jo teiginys nenuoširdus.,His statement is void of sincerity.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Mano mašina sugedo pakeliui.,My car broke down on the way.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Tomas ir Merė nekalbėjo prancūziškai.,Tom and Mary weren't speaking French.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Brangus automobilis - statuso simbolis.,An expensive car is a status symbol.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Tomui reikėjo dėmesio.,Tom needed attention.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Turi jį rasti.,You have to find him.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Jūs puikus mokytojas!,You're a great teacher!,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Kelias į pragarą grįstas gerais norais.,The road to hell is paved with good intentions.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Ji buvo apkaltinta melu.,She was accused of telling a lie.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Ar vakar vakare jūs buvote namie?,Were you home last night?,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Tomas yra gana fotogeniškas.,Tom is quite photogenic.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Prieš tris savaites Tomui ir Merei gimė vaikelis.,Tom and Mary had a baby three weeks ago.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Kas tavo tėvai?,Who are your parents?,lit_Latn-eng_Latn "Ji ne mano draugė, o mano sesuo.",She's not my girlfriend. She's my sister.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Tai neveikia.,This isn't working.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Ji vėl pavėlavo.,She was late once again.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Mes dar turime daug laiko.,We still have plenty of time.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Ši vėliava labai graži.,This flag is very pretty.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Aš nenoriu eiti miegoti.,I don't want to go to bed.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Tomas atrakino duris raktu.,Tom unlocked the door.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Tomas atrakino duris.,Tom unlatched the door.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Tomas atidarė duris.,Tom opened the door.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Tomas atidarė vartus.,Tom opened the gate.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn "Tomas man pasakė, kad galima išsinuomoti dviratį.",Tom told me that it was possible to rent a bicycle.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn "Aš manau, jis yra Merės vyresnysis brolis.",I think he's Mary's older brother.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Tomas yra buvęs Merės vyras.,Tom is Mary's former husband.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Ar tu moki slidinėti?,Do you know how to ski?,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Tomas padėjo knygas ant stalo.,Tom put the books on a table.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Visur kraujas.,There's blood everywhere.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Ant Tomo marškinių buvo kraujo dėmių.,Tom's shirt had blood stains on it.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Aš galiu tik laukti.,I can only wait.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn "Tavo vietoje, aš to nebūčiau daręs.",I wouldn't have done that if I were you.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Mokykloje aš mokiausi uoliai.,I studied hard when I was in school.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Nesitikėk (nelauk) per daug.,Don't expect too much.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Tomas atsisakė važiuoti į ligoninę.,Tom refused to go to the hospital.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Jai tuo metu buvo devyniolika.,She was 19 at the time.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Tai nėra taip lengva kaip tu manai.,It's not as easy as you think.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Tai nėra taip lengva kaip tu galvoji.,It isn't as easy as you think.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Jis moka kreditine.,He pays with a credit card.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Aš pamėginsiu išblaškyti jų dėmesį.,I'll try to distract them.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Ką sode daro vaikai?,What do the kids do in the garden?,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Jie privalo išeiti.,They need to go.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Dėkoju tau iš visos širdies.,I thank you with all my heart.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Jie patikrino ar kambarys tuščias.,They checked whether the room was empty.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Mano tėtis labai gerai vairuoja.,My father drives very well.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Vandenyje yra kraujo.,There's blood in the water.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Svečias sėdėjo prieš mane.,The visitor sat across from me.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn "Mano sesė mėgsta melionus, ir aš taip pat.",My sister likes melons and so do I.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn "Tą dieną, kada aš tave sutikau, tu vilkėjai mėlyną apsiaustą.",You were wearing a blue coat the day I first met you.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Mano sesuo dažnai prižiūri kūdikį.,My sister often looks after the baby.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Ši mergina juodaplaukė.,This young woman has black hair.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn "Štai peilis, kurį tu gali naudoti.",Here's a knife you can use.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Ar mus prisimeni?,Do you remember us?,lit_Latn-eng_Latn "Jei persigalvosi, pranešk mums.","If you change your mind, let us know.",lit_Latn-eng_Latn Mokiniai laukė autobuso.,The students stood waiting for a bus.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn "Jis apsimetė, kad manęs negirdi.",He pretended not to hear me.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Netrypk žolės.,Don't trample on the grass.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Ar tu gali tą perdaryti?,Can you do that again?,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Aš noriu išmokti kalbėti angliškai.,I want to be able to speak English.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Tu teisus.Aš važiuosiu taksi.,You're right. I'll go by taxi.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Kaip norėčiau mokėti skraidyti!,If only I could fly!,lit_Latn-eng_Latn "Aš norėjau, kad Tomas pamatytų saulėtekį.",I wanted Tom to see the sunrise.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Marija sąskaitos dar neapmokėjo.,Mary hasn't paid the invoice yet.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn "Mano tėvas visada sakydavo, kad dangus padeda tiems, kurie vienas kitam padeda.",My father always said that heaven helps those who help themselves.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Tu tikra ragana!,You're a real witch.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Temperatūra nukrito per tris laipsnius.,The temperature went down three degrees.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Kur yra stotis?,Where is the station?,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Man reikia tą pasižymėti.,I need to write that down.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn "Kadangi ji neatėjo, aš taip pat nėjau.","Since she didn't come, I didn't go either.",lit_Latn-eng_Latn Tomas išsitraukė rašiklį ir pradėjo rašyti.,Tom picked up a pen and started to write.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Daugiau aš neturiu ką pasakyti.,I have nothing further to say.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn "Paaiškėjo, jog ji serganti.",It turned out that she was ill.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Tomas buvo įtūžęs.,Tom was livid.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Kur tu ieškojai?,Where did you look?,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Kokios spalvos yra tavo plaukai?,What color is your hair?,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Linkolnas suteikė vergams laisvę.,Lincoln granted liberty to slaves.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn "Danas Linai pasakė, kad viskas bus tobula.",Dan told Linda that everything would be perfect.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn "Kol vaikas miegojo, aš skalbiau.",I did the washing while the baby was sleeping.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Orai čia permainingi.,The weather is changeable here.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Ar tu turi pieštukų?,Do you have pencils?,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Tu esi blogas žmogus.,You are a bad person.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Aš kalbėjausi su Tomu.,I talked to Tom.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Mano kambaryje nėra laikrodžio.,There are no clocks in my room.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Jūs turite prisiekti ant Biblijos.,You should swear on the Bible.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Kava yra karti.,The coffee is bitter.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Kas jums tai pasakė?,Who told you this?,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Nemeluok. Sakyk tiesą.,Don't lie. Tell the truth.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn "Bilai, paskambink man šįvakar.","Bill, call me tonight.",lit_Latn-eng_Latn Tomas šįryt pramiegojo.,Tom slept in this morning.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Nemeluok. Sakyk teisybę.,Don't tell lies. Tell the truth.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Ar tu šiandien pusryčiavai?,Did you eat breakfast today?,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Šį sakinį galima suprasti dvejopai.,This sentence can be interpreted in two ways.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Būk mandagus bet tvirtas.,"Be gentle, but firm.",lit_Latn-eng_Latn Aš tau į tėvus tinku.,I'm old enough to be your father.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Tą akimirką buvau praradęs realybės jausmą.,I lost my sense of reality at that moment.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Jis mums pristatė įdomią idėją.,He put an interesting idea before us.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Sugalvok norą ir užpūsk žvakes.,Make a wish and blow out the candles.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Tą daryti bus nelengva.,Doing that won't be easy.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn "Ji turi maždaug tiek pat pašto ženklų, kiek aš.",She has about as many stamps as I do.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn "Kai kurie pasakytų, kad jis žaidžia su ugnimi.",Some would say that he's playing with fire.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Ši kava man per stipri.,This coffee is too strong for me.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Tomui skauda galvą.,Tom has a headache.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Štai krepšys pilnas vaisių.,Here's a basket full of fruit.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Vienos trikampio kraštinės ilgis visada mažesnis už kitų dviejų kraštinių ilgių sumą.,The length of one side of a triangle is always less than the sum of the lengths of the other two.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Šiandien mums paskutinė diena mokykloje.,Today is our last day of school.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Aš tik du ar tris gėrimus išgėriau.,I've only had two or three drinks.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Dangus staiga apsiniaukė.,All of a sudden the sky became dark.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn "Šveicarija - graži šalis, kurią verta aplankyti.",Switzerland is a beautiful country worth visiting.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Ši sala randasi į vakarus nuo Japonijos.,The island lies to the west of Japan.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Jo išradimas yra genialus!,His invention is brilliant!,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Kurio tu nori?,Which one do you want?,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Jis yra nepatenkintas rezultatu.,He is unsatisfied with the result.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn ''Ar tu gali duris uždaryti?'' - ''Tu gali.'',"""Could you close the door?"" ""You could.""",lit_Latn-eng_Latn "Neįmanoma nuspėti, kada ir kur gali įvykti žemės drebėjimas.",You never know when an earthquake will happen.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Aš pamiršau jo paklausti.,I forgot to ask him.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Duok tą tam kam to reikia.,Give it to someone who needs it.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Ji stipri.,She is strong.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Tu privalai parodyti savo pasą.,You must show your passport.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Ši istorija neatitinka faktų.,The story doesn't match the facts.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn "Taigi, aplink žemę yra magnetinis laukas.",So there is a magnetic field around earth.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Aš be galo jo ilgiuosi.,I miss him terribly.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Nurimk.,Take it easy.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Nurimk ir paklausyk manęs.,Be quiet and listen to me.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Pasilik dar truputį.,Stay a little longer.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Šiuo metu jo čia nėra.,He's not here right now.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Pasilik su mumis.,Stay with us.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Aš kažkiek kalbu angliškai.,I can speak English a little.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Durys buvo užrakintos ir mes negalėjome įeiti vidun.,The doors were locked and we couldn't get in anyhow.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Negaliu to padaryti.,I can't do it.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Lėktuvas skrido labai žemai.,The airplane flew very low.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Tu nenori įeiti į vidų?,Would you like to come inside?,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Tu neturi vairuotojo įgudžių.,You have no driving experience.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Tomas įjungė šviiesą ir įėjo vidun.,Tom turned on the light and walked in.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Šį vakarą ypatingai šalta.,It's awfully cold this evening.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Prašome išskalauti burną.,Please rinse out your mouth.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Tomas nepatikimas.,Tom isn't dependable.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn "Ačiū tau, bičiuli.","Thank you, my friend.",lit_Latn-eng_Latn Ką daro Tonis?,What's Tony doing?,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Per pirmą pasimatymą geriausia vengti jautrių temų.,"On a first date, it's best to steer clear of touchy subjects.",lit_Latn-eng_Latn "Kalbi nesąmones, mano bičiuli.","You are speaking nonsense, my friend.",lit_Latn-eng_Latn Vakar gavau nuo jos laišką.,I had a letter from her yesterday.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Valencijoje kalba valenciškai ir ispaniškai.,In Valencia they speak Valencian and Spanish.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Ačiū tau už tavo įspėjimą.,Thank you for your warning.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Tomas nevalgo kiaulienos.,Tom can't eat pork.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn "Panašu, kad Tomas nežino, kas mes tokie.",Tom doesn't seem to know who we are.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Man tai nieko nereiškia.,It means nothing to me.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Kas valgo bites?,Who eats bees?,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Tomas užgesino cigaretę.,Tom stubbed out his cigarette.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Aš mėgstu airišką muziką.,I love Irish music.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Draugams reikia padėti.,You should help your friends.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn "Tomas pasakė man, kad eina namo.",Tom told me he was going home.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Tu gausi savo šansą.,You'll get your shot.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Padarysiu tą vėliau.,I'll do it later on.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Kodėl tau reikia naujo skėčio?,Why do you need a new umbrella?,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Tomas man nieko nesakė.,Tom hasn't told me anything.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Aš esu patenkinta savo darbu.,I am content with my job.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn "Įstatymas griežtas, bet jis yra įstatymas.","The law is harsh, but it is the law.",lit_Latn-eng_Latn Valgyk ką nori.,Eat whatever you like.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn "Kad ir kas beastitiktų, aš būsiu su tavimi.",I will stand by you whatever happens.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Tomas norėjo pasamdyti detektyvą.,Tom wanted to hire a detective.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Duona šviežia.,The bread is fresh.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Tomas yra dešinėje.,That's Tom on the right.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Jis man papasakojo savo gyvenimo istoriją.,He told me his life's story.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Jis uždirba tris kart daugiau pinigų nei aš.,He makes three times more money than I do.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Jis padėjo knygą ant lentynos.,He put the book on the shelf.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Neturėtum sakyti tokio dalyko prie vaikų.,You shouldn't say that kind of thing when children are around.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Mano brolis turi šunį.,My brother has a dog.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Kur Turkijoje tu gyveni?,Where in Turkey do you live?,lit_Latn-eng_Latn "Kuri yra didesnė, Japonija ar Anglija?","Which is larger, Japan or England?",lit_Latn-eng_Latn Praėjusiais metais mano vištos padėjo mažiau kiaušinių.,My hens laid fewer eggs last year.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Aš apie astronomiją daug išmokau iš jo.,I learned much about astronomy from him.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn "Aš dabar toks girtas, kad matau dvi klaviatūras.",I'm so drunk now that I'm seeing two keyboards.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn "Nežinojau, kad jautiesi taip blogai.",I wasn't aware that you were feeling so bad.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Blogai jautiesi?,Are you feeling under the weather?,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Aš pirmenybę teikiu medvilninei palaidinukei.,I prefer a cotton blouse.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn "Kaip jautiesi, Tomai?","How are you, Tom?",lit_Latn-eng_Latn Palaukite manęs. Aš būsiu po dešimties minučių.,Wait for me. I'll be there in a minute or ten.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Laikai iš tikrųjų pasikeitė.,Times have surely changed.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Jis uždarė duris.,He shut the door.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Karuselės prižiūrėtojas nutarė patikrinti ar viskas tvarkingai veikia.,The man in charge of the merry-go-round decided to make sure everything was working properly.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Katės yra labai švarūs gyvūnai.,Cats are very clean animals.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn ''Aš užsiėmęs.'' ''Kuo tu užsiėmęs?'',"""I'm busy."" ""Busy doing what?""",lit_Latn-eng_Latn Nežudyk manęs.,Don't kill me.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn "Aš nieko nenorėjau, tik eiti namo ir verkti.",All I wanted to do was to go home and cry.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Tomas buvo sudirgintas.,Tom was excited.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Palaukite manęs!,Wait for me!,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Tai yra arklys.,This is a horse.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Palaukite savo eilės.,Wait your turn.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn """Kur gyveni?"" ""Gyvenu Tokijuje.""","""Where do you live?"" ""I live in Tokyo.""",lit_Latn-eng_Latn Tomas buvo sujaudintas.,Tom was upset.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Aš dalyvavau šventėje.,I took part in the party.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Ne kiekvienas gali būti menininku.,Not everybody can be an artist.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Tai yra už dyką.,This is free.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Berniukas pasitaisė savo kepurę.,The boy adjusted his cap.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Ar tau tinka šešta valanda?,Will six o'clock suit you?,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Neturiu apetito.,I have no appetite.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Tai yra tiesa.,This is true.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Ar tėtis jau atsikėlęs?,Is your father about yet?,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Jis prabunda vidurdienyje.,He wakes up at noon.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Ar galiu atsisėsti šalia tavęs?,May I sit next to you?,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Paskutinę savaitę koncerte buvo šeši žmonės.,There were six people at the concert last week.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Sunaikink šią šventyklą.,Destroy this temple.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Kūno temperatūra yra aukščiausia vidurdienį.,Body temperature is highest in the afternoon.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Mes planuojame visuomenės apklausą.,We plan to elicit opinions from the public.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Kažkas yra ne taip su šiuo jogurtu.,There's something wrong with this yoghurt.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Moterys gražios.,Women are beautiful.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Tomas pareikalavo atsiprašymo.,Tom demanded an apology.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Pažvelk į tuos dūmus.,Look at that smoke.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Turite raktus?,Do you have your keys?,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Kieno šios knygos?,Whose books are these?,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Aš nežinau tavo situacijos.,I don't know what your situation is.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Ji bijo šunų.,She's scared of dogs.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Ji padėjo studentui.,She helped a student.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Ar tu vedi dienoraštį?,Do you keep a diary?,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Man skauda visą kūną.,My whole body is sore.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Aukštai danguje spindi žvaigždės.,Stars shine above in the sky.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Po to mes susidraugavome.,We have been friends ever since.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Kaip mums rasti Tomą?,How can we find Tom?,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Jis neįprastai draugiškas.,He is extremely friendly.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Ar tavo namas didelis?,Do you have a big house?,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Dabar gyvenu su savo dėde.,Now I live with my uncle.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Tuo metu aš buvau jaunas.,I was young at the time.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Ji atsigulė ant žolės.,She laid herself on the grass.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Tu išdavei mane.,You betrayed me.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Aš guliu ant žolės.,I'm lying on the grass.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Ar norėtum ką nors išgerti?,Would you like to drink anything?,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Tomas dar miega.,Tom is still asleep.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Tomas vis dar miega.,Tom is still sleeping.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Aš vis dar ieškau darbo.,I'm still looking for a job.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Tu dar čia?,Are you still here?,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Aš iki šiol esu šoke.,I'm still in shock.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Tą aš galiu bandyti.,I can try that.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn "Prognozuoja, kad rytoj snigs.",Tomorrow there is a forecast of snow.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Cukrus tirpsta karštoje kavoje.,Sugar dissolves in hot coffee.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Vis dar kolekcionuoji pašto ženklus?,Are you still collecting stamps?,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Aš jį vis dar myliu.,I still love him.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Mano kūdikis nori kalbėti.,My baby wants to talk.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Tėvas vis dar lovoje.,Father is still in bed.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Pažvelk į šią knygą.,Please have a look at this book.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Mes mėgstame medžius.,We love trees.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Aš svajoju tapti mokytoja.,I dream of becoming a teacher.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Aš turiu daug svajonių.,I have a lot of dreams.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Kas organizavo susirinkimą?,Who organized the meeting?,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Man ta knyga buvo įdomi nuo pradžios iki pabaigos.,I found this book interesting from start to finish.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Tu neprisimeni o aš niekada neužmiršiu.,"You don't remember, I'll never forget.",lit_Latn-eng_Latn Neveikia priekiniai stabdžiai.,The front brakes don't work.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Jo žmona susierzinusi.,His wife is mad.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn "Tu žinai daug įdomių vietų, ar ne?","You know many interesting places, don't you?",lit_Latn-eng_Latn Jį ištiko nesekmė per egzaminą.,He failed the exam.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Tau reikia automobilio vairuotojo teisių.,You need a license to drive a car.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Tas vadovėlis turi daug pastabų.,This textbook has a lot of notes.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Aš nevykėlė.,I'm a loser.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn "Mes nežinome, kada atsirado šis pasaulis.",We don't know when this world came into being.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Vietoje tavęs niekas nekalbės.,No one will speak for you.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Aš iš tos partijos išstosiu.,I will quit that party.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Kada ji atvyko į Naritos aerouostą?,What time did she arrive at Narita Airport?,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Aš lengvai pasiduodu įtakai.,I'm easily influenced.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Ar Jūs turite vaikų?,Do you have children?,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Ar tu turi vaikų?,Do you have kids?,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Jis pasinaudojo mano jaunumu.,He took advantage of my youth.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn "Mes nežinom, ką daryti.",We don't know what to do.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Jie paliko Tomą saloje.,They abandoned Tom on the island.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn "Tomas sako, kad mūsų klasėje jis yra geriausias prancūzakalbis, bet aš juo netikiu.","Tom says he's the best French speaker in our class, but I don't believe him.",lit_Latn-eng_Latn Policininkas turi švilpuką.,The policeman carries a whistle.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Tomas nenori ką nors kitą bandyti.,Tom doesn't want to try anything else.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Tai turėtų padėti.,That should help.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Aš noriu ją vesti.,I want to marry her.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Tomas privalėtų išeiti anksčiau.,Tom should have left earlier.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Glokioji kūzdra štėkiai pabudlino bokrą ir kurdinėja bokriuką.,A glock coozdre has steckly boodled a boker and is curding a bokerlet.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Žinoma kad tu turi mokėti. O ką tu galvojai?,Of course you have to pay. What did you think?,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Nusiauk batus.,Take off your shoes.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Tu nevykdai savo pažadų.,You don't keep your promises.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Ji mane myli.,She loves me.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Koks klausimas! Žinoma kad aš ją myliu.,What a question! Of course I love her.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn "Aš girdėjau, kad Tomas pašalintas iš mokyklos.",I hear Tom has dropped out of school.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Merkurijus - artimiausia Saulei planeta.,Mercury is the planet closest to the Sun.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Padėk ant stalo!,Put it onto the table.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn "Mes tik žinome, kad Tomas kaltas.",All we know is that Tom is guilty.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Aš tiesiog darau savo darbą.,I'm simply doing my job.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Tomas valgo per daug.,Tom eats too much.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Filmas tuoj prasidės.,The movie's about to start.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Visa šalis apie tai kalba.,The whole country talks about it.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Žinoma kad jis yra teisus.,"Of course, he is right.",lit_Latn-eng_Latn Spauda domisi jo privačiu gyvenimu.,The press is interested in his private life.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Jupiteris - penktoji planeta nuo Saulės.,Jupiter is the fifth planet from the Sun.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn "Tai vamzdynas, tiekiantis miestui dujas.",This is the pipeline which supplies the town with gas.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn "Aš laukiau atsakymo, bet niekas neatsakė.",I waited for the answer but nobody answered.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Jupiteris - didžiausia planeta Saulės sistemoje.,Jupiter is the largest planet in the Solar System.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Labas.,How do you do.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Žinoma kad aš turėčiau perskaityti šią knygą.,Of course I should read this book.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Mes visą laiką vienas su kitu kalbėjome.,We were talking to each other all the time.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Ką jūs norite pasiekti savo darbe?,What do you want to achieve in your work?,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Jis kalbėjo toliau.,He kept talking.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Niekada nesakykite netiesos.,Never tell a lie.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Vaivorykštėje yra septynios spalvos.,The rainbow has seven colors.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Pagaliau lietus liovėsi.,"At last, the rain stopped.",lit_Latn-eng_Latn Kame yra skirtumas tarp miesto ir kaimo?,What's the difference between a village and a city?,lit_Latn-eng_Latn "Kai kurie žmonės gimė tam, kad padarytų nelaimingus kitus.",Some people were born to make others miserable.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Jie per stori.,They're too fat.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn "Ten voras laukia, kol į spąstus paklius nedidelis vabzdys, toks kaip drugelis ar laumžirgis.",There the spider waits for small insects like butterflies and dragonflies to be trapped.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn "Galbūt jie neatidės mano skrydžio, kaip kitus.",Hopefully they don't delay my flight like the others.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn "Taip, žinoma.","Yes, of course.",lit_Latn-eng_Latn Pasidaryk pats.,Do it by yourself.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Kas yra kompiuteris?,What is a computer?,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Šiandien atrodai išbalęs.,You look pale today.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Merė nedėvi liemenėlės.,Mary is not wearing a bra.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn "Romantiška, ar ne?","Romantic, isn't it?",lit_Latn-eng_Latn Niekas nebuvo sužeistas.,Nobody was injured.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Aš turiu mėlynas akis.,I have blue eyes.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Atsiprašau. Aš atsiimu savo žodžius.,I'm sorry. I take back my words.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Ar tu mums dainuosi kokią nors anglų dainą?,Will you sing some English song for us?,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Ką ji nusipirko parduotuvėje?,What did she buy at the shop?,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Ar tai bus sunkus egzaminas?,Will it be a difficult exam?,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Aš nei vienos žuvies nesugavau.,I didn't catch even one fish.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Man patinka jūsų katė.,I like your cat.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Kur tavo kepurė?,Where is your cap?,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Sudarykite jo fotorobotą!,Make his identikit!,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Viskas paruošta.,Everything is ready.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Tomas geras bičiulis.,Tom is a good friend.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Tomas skęsta!,Tom is drowning!,lit_Latn-eng_Latn "Ji tik tai ir tedarė, kad visą laiką verkė.",She did nothing but cry all the while.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn "Aš žinau, kad tu mėgsti skaityti.",I know that you like reading.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Tu turi atsiklausti mokytojo leidimo.,You ought to ask for your teacher's permission.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Dabar Tomas neturi laiko kalbėti su jumis.,Tom doesn't have time to talk to you now.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn "Aš žinau, kur yra jo butas.",I know where her apartment is.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Neptūnas - labiausiai nutolusi planeta nuo Saulės.,Neptune is the farthest planet from the Sun.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Ar tu moki lietuviškai?,Do you speak Lithuanian?,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Aš anksti grįžau namo.,I came home early.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Nė vienas žmogus negyvena 200 metų.,No man can live to be two hundred years old.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Merkurijus - pati mažiausia iš aštuonių Saulės sistemos planetų.,Mercury is the smallest of the eight planets in the Solar System.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Vaikai žaidė su magnetais.,The children played with magnets.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn "Aš mačiau jį per televizorių, o ne gyvai.",I have seen him on TV but not in the flesh.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Jis turi stiprų kūną.,He has a strong body.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Laikraštis yra nemokomas.,This newspaper is free.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Prašau šitą butelį pripilti vandens.,Please fill this bottle with water.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn "Niekada nežinai, kas atsitiks ateityje.",You never can tell what'll happen in the future.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Išskirtiniu atveju skambinkite man šiuo numeriu.,"In case of an emergency, phone me at this number.",lit_Latn-eng_Latn "Mano nuostabai, ji negalėjo atsakyti į klausymą.","To my surprise, she could not answer the question.",lit_Latn-eng_Latn Tomas mėgsta sniegą.,Tom likes snow.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Ji buvo mano vienintelė draugė.,She was my only friend.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn To jūs gailėsites.,You're going to regret this.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Ji jau buvo nėščia.,She was already pregnant.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Aš nebijau mirties.,I don't fear death.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Šiandienos susirinkimas buvo atšauktas.,Today's meeting has been canceled.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Pasiimk mane su savimi.,Take me with you.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Kas yra teisėjas?,Who are the judges?,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Štai raktas.,Here's the key.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Prašau palaukite pusę valandos.,Please wait half an hour.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Aš neturiu jūsų adreso.,I don't have your address.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Aš pilnai sutinku su Tomu.,I completely agree with Tom.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Nežiūrėk į kitus iš viršaus.,Don't look down on others.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Iš viršaus nukrito akmuo.,A rock fell from above.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Ar galite jį iškeisti su kitu?,Could you exchange it with another one?,lit_Latn-eng_Latn "Geras šūvis, vaike. Pataikei.","Good shot, kid. You got him.",lit_Latn-eng_Latn Jis myli kitą moterį.,He's in love with another woman.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Ji myli kitą moterį.,She's in love with another woman.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Ji myli kitą vyrą.,She's in love with another man.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Pabandyk supjaustyti mėsą su kitu peiliu.,Try to slice the meat with a different knife.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Ji išėjo su kažkuo kitu.,She left with someone else.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Kuri moteris su tavimi kalbėjo?,Which woman was talking to you?,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Su kuria moterimi tu lieki?,Which woman do you stay with?,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Kurios moters sūnus serga?,Which woman's son is sick?,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Jis parodė ką jis turėjo omenyje.,He showed what he meant.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Aš tik tada supratau ką jis turėjo omenyje.,Only then did I realize what he meant.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Ką tu manai jis tuo turėjo omenyje?,What do you think he meant by that?,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Ar tu supratai ką jis turėjo omenyje?,Did you understand what he meant?,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Maikas yra mūsų komandos kapitonas.,Mike is captain of our team.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Tomas yra šios beisbolo komandos kapitonas.,Tom is the captain of this baseball team.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Drąsusis kapitonas išgelbėjo savo laivą.,The brave captain saved his ship.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Nusipirk ežį ir būsi laimingas.,Buy a hedgehog and you'll be happy.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Džordžas yra mūsų komandos kapitonas.,George is the captain of our team.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Ką tik pabaigiau namų darbus.,I have just finished my homework.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Tomas nemėgsta karšto maisto.,Tom doesn't like hot food.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Tai yra mano telefono numeris.,Here's my telephone number.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Tomas jautėsi pažemintas.,Tom felt humiliated.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Tai yra Kendžio kedė.,This is Kenji's chair.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Astikėliau apie šeštą.,I got up at about six.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Nepalik manęs!,Don't leave me!,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Nepalikite manęs!,Don't leave me.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Mes ją išrinkome savo komandos kapitone.,We elected her captain of our team.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Popierius yra baltas.,Paper is white.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Ne visi mėgsta tą knygą.,Not everyone likes that book.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Lik kur esi.,Stay where you are.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Mums reikia tavo patarimo.,We do need your advice.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Visiškai neturiu pinigų.,I don't have any money.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Pasakyk kada man paskambinsi.,Tell me when you will call me.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Tau reikalingas automobilis?,Do you need a car?,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Aš pastoviai kalbu pats su savimi.,I constantly talk to myself.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Ji turi ypatingą duonos kepimo būdą.,She has a special way of making bread.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Jie nieko neduoda.,They give nothing.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Tu skubiai pranešk policijai.,You have to report to the police at once.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Ši mašina yra bevertė.,This machine is worthless.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Ar girdėjai naujienas?,Did you hear the news?,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Ar esi advokatas?,Are you a lawyer?,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Tai turi būti daroma atsargiau.,It must be done more carefully.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Aš miegu savo kambaryje.,I sleep in my room.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Aš nusprendžiau tapti advokatu.,I decided to be a lawyer.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Būtinai eik pas daktarą.,It is necessary that you see a doctor.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn "Manau, kad tu būtinai turi jį pamatyti.",I think it necessary for you to see him.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Rytoj Kalėdos.,Tomorrow is Christmas.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Aš neturiu su juo nieko bendro.,I have nothing to do with him.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Karalius ir karalienė ateina.,The king and queen are coming.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Man reikia gero patarimo.,I need some good advice.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Jie dainavo chore.,They sang in chorus.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Ji skubėjo.,She was in a hurry.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Jis ateis.,He will come.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Jis turėtų ateiti.,He should come.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Mano tėvas yra mokytojas.,My father is a teacher.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Jis niekada nepraranda vilties.,He never loses hope.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Aš kalbu angliškai kiekvieną dieną.,I speak English every day.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Kas ten?,Who is there?,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Jis turi dėdę kuris dirba banke.,He's got an uncle who works in a bank.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Tai citata iš knygos.,It's a quote from a book.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Tu čia būsi saugus.,You'll be safe here.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Nesu tikra ar tai berniukas ar mergaitė.,I'm not sure if it's a boy or a girl.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Kinija tai milžiniška šalis.,China is a huge country.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Mes esame geroje formoje.,We are in good condition.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Jis padarė klaidą.,He made a mistake.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Tomas paprašė Merės taip greitai nevairuoti.,Tom asked Mary not to drive so fast.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Mačiau ją praeitą savaitę.,I saw her last week.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Jie neturėjo pakankamai aukso.,They did not have enough gold.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Eksperimentas buvo sėkmingas.,The experiment was successful.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Jis didžiuojasi savo šeima.,He is proud of his family.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Aš norėjau tapti filosofu.,I wanted to become a philosopher.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Sausis yra pirmas metų mėnuo.,January is the first month of the year.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Tu atrodai visai kaip jis.,You look just like him.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Tomas padegė Merės namus.,Tom set fire to Mary's house.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Nebūk blogas.,Don't be evil.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Turime savimi rūpintis.,We must take good care of ourselves.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Jis daug protingesnis nei aš.,He is much smarter than I am.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Visą dieną sunkiai lijo.,It rained heavily all day.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Man nesinori šokti.,I don't feel like dancing.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Ką ji daro?,What's she doing?,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Voveraitės valgo lazdyno riešutus.,Squirrels eat hazelnuts.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Jis man vakar pasakė tiesą.,"Yesterday, he told me the truth.",lit_Latn-eng_Latn Mes negalime juo pasitikėti nes jis dažnai meluoja.,We can't trust him because he often tells lies.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Ką darai?,What are you doing?,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Jis yra žurnalistas.,He's a journalist.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Kenas sedėjo šalia manęs.,Ken sat next to me.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Viskas yra gerai.,All is well.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Jos sūnus yra genijus.,Her son is a genius.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Mes visi tavimi didžiuojamės.,We're all very proud of you.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Aš noriu nusipirkti šį žodyną.,I want to buy this dictionary.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Ji turi patrauklias akis.,She has attractive eyes.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Jis pagreitino savo žingsnius.,His pace quickened.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Esu beveik įsitikinęs.,I'm almost sure.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Tomui jokiu būdu nesakyk.,"No matter what, don't tell Tom.",lit_Latn-eng_Latn Aš esu iš Kolumbijos.,I am from Columbia.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Gera mintis!,That's a good idea!,lit_Latn-eng_Latn "Kodėl tau tiesiog nepasakius Tomui, kad padarei klaidą?",Why don't you just tell Tom you made a mistake?,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Šeštadienis - paskutinė savaitės diena.,Saturday is the last day of the week.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Nunešk katę į mano kambarį.,Take the cat to my room.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Mes esame geri draugai.,We are good friends.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn "Jis pasakė, kad turi svarbesnių reikalų.",He said he had more important things to do.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn "Norite, kad aš tai padėčiau ant stalo?",Do you want me to put this on the table?,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Man rekia ją rasti.,I need to find her.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn "Lyginant su Tokiju, Londonas yra nedidėlis.","Compared to Tokyo, London is small.",lit_Latn-eng_Latn Man į tai nusispjauti!,I don't give a damn about it!,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Keista frazė.,That is a strange sentence.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Aš padariau tai savo noru.,I did it willingly.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Ar girdi mane?,Do you hear me?,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Osaka yra antras pagal dydį Japonijos miestas.,Osaka is the second largest city of Japan.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Jaunystėje ji buvo labai graži.,"When she was young, she was very beautiful.",lit_Latn-eng_Latn Aš negaliu nupiešti paukščio.,I can't draw a bird.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Esu studentas.,I am a college student.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn "Paprastai Tomas nedaro tokių kvailysčių, kaip ši.",Tom doesn't usually do stupid things like that.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Sutuoktinis yra visai naivus.,The husband is quite naive.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn "Bėk, kitaip pavėluosi.","Run, or else you'll be late.",lit_Latn-eng_Latn Ką aš padariau!,What I've done!,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Tomas nusipirko web kamerą.,Tom bought a webcam.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Jie sugadino mano gyvenimą.,They ruined my life.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Petras Pirmasis prakirto langą į Europą.,Peter I cut a window to Europe.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Daug iš jo išmokau.,I learned a lot from him.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn "Tomas - tai vaikinas, apie kurį tau pasakojau.",Tom is the guy I was telling you about.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn "Nors namas mažutis, bet man idealiai tinka.",It's only a small house but it meets my needs perfectly.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Vis trūksta trijų asmenų.,Three people are still missing.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn "Vienas iš jos trijų automobilių yra mėlynas, likę yra balti.",One of her three cars is blue and the others are white.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn "Ar tu bent truputį nutuoki, apie ką Tomas kalba?",Do you have any idea what Tom is talking about?,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Tomas neverkia.,Tom does not cry.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Ar kada nors girdėjai kažką panašaus?,Have you ever heard anything like that?,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Niekas niekada nieko panašaus nėra matęs.,No one ever saw such a thing.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Nuėjo kiekvienas savo keliu.,They went their separate ways.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Kas tau darbo?,What do you care?,lit_Latn-eng_Latn "Aš žinau, kur dirba Tomas.",I know where Tom works.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Aš nepavojingas.,I'm not dangerous.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Jis sugavo kamuolį.,He caught the ball.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Bernardinų skersgatviu einame į jaukią aikštę.,On the alley Bernardin we go to the cozy square.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn "Geros širdies moterys visada yra gražios, bet gražios moterys nebūtinai turi gerą širdį.","Good-hearted women are always beautiful, but beautiful women are not always good-hearted.",lit_Latn-eng_Latn "Man visada buvo įdomu, koks tai jausmas - turėti brolių ir seserų.",I've always wondered what it'd be like to have siblings.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Ji nuolat prie jo kabinėjasi.,She always picks fault with him.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Blogai jaučiuosi.,I'm not feeling well.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Turiu eiti miegoti.,I have to go to sleep.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Geras klausimas.,It's a good question.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn "Tu gausi tai, ko nusipelni.",You'll get what you deserve.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Aš turiu klausimą.,I have a question.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Jie gerai su ja elgėsi.,They have treated her well.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Nebijok suklysti.,Don't be afraid to make a mistake.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn "Jis pyksta, nes ji nuolat vėluoja.",He is cross because she always comes late.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Jis visada kalba angliškai.,She always speaks in English.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Jis greitai pavargo.,He got tired soon.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Šiuo metu nieko negaliu pasakyti.,I can't say anything at this time.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Kieno dviratį norėjai pasiskolinti?,Whose bicycle did you want to borrow?,lit_Latn-eng_Latn "Kaip visada, galėjau tik viltis, kad milicija manęs nesulaikys.","As always, I could only hope the police wouldn't stop me.",lit_Latn-eng_Latn Jis norėjo ateiti su mumis.,He wanted to come with us.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Tu norėjai man papasakoti apie laisvę?,You wanted to tell me about freedom?,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Kodėl tu norėjai mane pamatyti?,Why did you want to see me?,lit_Latn-eng_Latn "Tu norėjai, kad aš susirasčiau darbą, tą aš ir padariau.","You wanted me to get a job, so I did.",lit_Latn-eng_Latn Mums buvo nelengva rasti jo namus.,It was not easy for us to find his house.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Man lengva kalbėti japoniškai.,Speaking Japanese is easy for me.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Atsakyti į tą klausimą yra lengva.,It is easy to answer this question.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Ji lengvai atsakė.,She answered easily.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Ji lengvai tą padarė.,She did it easily.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Aš lengvai išsprendžiau problemą.,I solved the problem easily.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Tu lengvai galėsi pamatyti skirtumą.,You'll be able to see the difference very easily.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn "Vieną dieną, tu galėsi vaikščioti.",One day you'll be able to walk.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Ar judu keliaujate kartu?,Are you two traveling together?,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Aš mėgstu keliauti ir lankyti naujas vietas.,I like to travel and visit new places.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Aš jos niekada nebūčiau bučiavęs.,I would never kiss her.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn "Deja, aš ne labai gerai suprantu angliškai.","I'm sorry, but I don't understand English well.",lit_Latn-eng_Latn Kodėl tau jiems to neatidavus?,Why don't you give it to them?,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Sapnai nevisada pildosi.,Dreams are not always fulfilled.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Vorai turi aštuonias kojas.,Spiders have eight legs.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Koks tavo ankstyviausias vaikystės prisiminimas?,What is your earliest childhood memory?,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Kokiomis Tomo savybėmis Jūs labiausiai žavitės?,What qualities do you most admire in Tom?,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Visi komiteto nariai nekenčia vienas kito.,All the members of the committee hate one another.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn "Man atrodo, kad per šalta maudytis.",I think it's too cold to swim.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Šiame internetiniame puslapyje daugiau yra narių vyrų nei moterų.,There are more male members than female ones on this website.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Jos motina buvo dainininkė.,Her mother was a singer.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Kodėl netiki manimi?,Why don't you believe me?,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Vis dar pyksti?,Are you still angry?,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Tomas atrodė sumišęs.,Tom looked puzzled.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Aš paskambinsiu jums po valandos.,I will call you in an hour.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Mes norime užbaigtų sakinių.,We want complete sentences.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Aš skaičiuoju iki dešimties.,I count to ten.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Ar turi pieno?,Do you have some milk?,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Jis parsivežė suvenyrų.,He brought back several souvenirs.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Nupirkau du butelius pieno.,I bought two bottles of milk.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Praeitą savaitę aš išsiunčiau jam keletą suvenyrų iš Jungtinių Valstijų.,"Last week, I mailed him some souvenirs from the U.S.",lit_Latn-eng_Latn Jo drąsus žygis yra vertas medalio.,His brave action is worthy of a medal.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Gailiuosi tapusi mokytoja.,I regret becoming a teacher.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn """Laikas mirti, Tomai,"" pasakė Merė.","""Time to die, Tom"" said Mary.",lit_Latn-eng_Latn Mano senelis dailidė.,My grandfather is a carpenter.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Jo drąsios kovos istorija mus giliai sujaudino.,The story of his brave struggle affected us deeply.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Aš dar gyvas.,I'm still alive.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Ji nesutiko su juo.,She did not agree with him.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Tomas pasakė Merei paslaptį.,Tom told Mary the secret.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Jis italas.,He is an Italian.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Šuo miega mašinoje.,The dog is sleeping in the car.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Yra pakankamai laiko baigti šią namų užduotį.,There is enough time to finish this homework.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Ta muzika jį nervina.,That music gets on his nerves.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Jis visą gyvenimą liko viengungiu.,He remained a bachelor throughout his life.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Ar norėtum gyventi Ukrainoje?,Would you like to live in Ukraine?,lit_Latn-eng_Latn "Prašau, pašalink ši sakinį.",Please delete this sentence.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Tomas atrodo labai laimingas.,Tom seems really happy.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Tomas persikraustė į Bostoną prieš trejus metus.,Tom moved to Boston three years ago.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Tomas kalba kaip senis.,Tom talks like an old man.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Aš tikrai džiaugiuosi dėl tavęs.,I'm really happy for you.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Tomas turi brolį architektą.,Tom has a brother who is an architect.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Vaikas glosto katę.,The child is stroking a cat.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Šio pieno rūgštus skonis.,This milk tastes sour.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Aš džiaugiuosi už jus visus.,I'm happy for all of you.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Ji turi dvigubą smakrą.,She has a double chin.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Jie nekelia grėsmės.,They're not a threat.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Jūsų niekas neklausė.,Nobody asked you.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Aš mačiau nuostabų paukštį.,I saw a beautiful bird.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn "Ar Vokietija taip pat graži, kaip Olandija?",Is Germany as beautiful as the Netherlands?,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Tai - akis.,This is an eye.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Man teta pasiuvo naują sijoną.,My aunt made a new skirt for me.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Jie jau apsivedė.,They already got married.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn "Kas buvo tas žmogus, kuris kalbėjo su tavimi?",Who is the man who was talking with you?,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Mes paguldėme sužeistąjį ant žolės.,We laid the injured man on the grass.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Tomas neapkenčia mokyklos.,Tom hates school.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Ji nenorėjo kad jis mirtų.,She didn't want him to die.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Vėl užimta.,The line is busy again.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Jie rado bendrą kalbą.,They came to an understanding.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Vėl prasidėjo.,It started again!,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Prieš mane buvo trys interesantai.,There were three people waiting before me.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Autobusas buvo beveik tuščias.,The bus was almost empty.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Tai buvo patvirtinta.,It was approved.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn "Aš nesuprantu nė žodžio, ką tu sakai.",I don't understand a word of what you're saying.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Prašau atneškite mums du puodelius arbatos ir vieną puodelį kavos.,Please bring us two cups of tea and one cup of coffee.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Būkime draugais.,Let's be friends.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Ji išgyvens.,She will survive.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn "Ji būtų šokiruota, jei ji sužinotų rezultatus.","Had she known the results, she would have been shocked.",lit_Latn-eng_Latn Aš nieko iš Tomo nevogiau.,I didn't steal anything from Tom.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Tavo piniginė ant televizoriaus.,Your wallet is on the television set.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Mes pakvietėm jį savo namus.,We invited him to our house.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Užmerk akis ir miegok.,Close your eyes and go to sleep.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Aš iš jūsų nieko nepavogiau.,I didn't steal anything from you.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Koks aš laimingas!,How happy I am!,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Laivas nugrimzdo į jūros dugną.,The ship sank to the bottom of the sea.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Staiga užgeso lempos.,All at once the lights went out.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Ar turi omeny mane?,Are you referring to me?,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Čia tamsu.,It's dark in here.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Niekas nežinojo apie jos literatūrinį talentą.,No one was aware of her literary talent.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Apie save taip nekalbėk !,Don't talk about yourself like that.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Mes vertiname jo talentą.,We appreciate his talent.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Manęs nėra namuose.,I'm not home.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Ji turi muzikinį talentą.,She has a genius for music.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Diena po dienos darosi šalčiau.,It's getting cooler day by day.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Ne kiekvienas iš mūsų turi muzikinį talentą.,Not all of us are born with musical talent.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Glaustumas - talento brolis.,Brevity is the soul of wit.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn "Tomą nustebino, kaip taip greit Marija galėjo užlipti laiptais.",Tom wondered how fast Mary could climb a ladder.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Jo talentas šokti sukėlė visų susižavėjimą.,His talent for dancing impressed everyone.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Jis turi išskirtinį muzikinį talentą.,He has an outstanding talent for music.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Žmonės negali gyventi amžinai.,Humans were never meant to live forever.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Jis pavydi jos talento.,He is jealous of her talent.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn "Bijau, kad mano didžiausias talentas yra valgyti.",I'm afraid my greatest talent is for eating.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Mūsų klasėje yra du šimtai mokinių.,In our class there are 200 students.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Tai buvo mano tikslas.,That was my goal.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn O kiek jūsų žmonių?,How many of you are there?,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Tai bus lengva.,This is going to be easy.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Ar jūs turite laisvų vietų?,Do you have any vacancies?,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Jam buvo lengva susirasti darbą.,It was easy for him to find a job.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Jūsų vištienos sultinys labai geras.,Your chicken soup is great.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Negaliu būti tikra.,I can't be sure.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Tu be abejonės mieguistas.,I'm sure you're sleepy.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn "Aš nežinau, kada jis ateis.",I don't know when he will come.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Gali manimi pasikliauti.,You can count on me.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Ką tu čia matai?,What do you see here?,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Pasikliauk manimi.,Count on me.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Visuomet gali manimi pasikliauti.,You can always count on me.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Dabar tave atpažįstu.,Now I recognize you.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn "Aš darau prielaidą, kad Tomas tą padarys.",I expect Tom to do that.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Tu apie mane nieko nežinai.,You don't know anything about me.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn "Buvai užimta, ar ne?","You've been busy, haven't you?",lit_Latn-eng_Latn Senukas atrodo liūdnas.,The old man looks sad.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Ji savanaudiška moteris.,She is a selfish woman.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Tai didelė atsakomybė.,It is a big responsibility.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Visa atsakomybė teko man.,I am left with all the responsibility.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn "Jeigu aš tą daryčiau, visi pagalvotų, kad aš pamišęs.","If I did that, everyone would think I was crazy.",lit_Latn-eng_Latn Greitai ateis Kalėdos.,Christmas is coming soon.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Kas atsitiko autobuse?,What happened on the bus?,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Jis paaiškino svarbiausią plano tikslą.,He explained the main purpose of the plan.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Ar čia tavo knyga?,Is this your book?,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Jie paprastai šitame kambaryje miega.,They usually sleep in this room.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Aš už tai atsakingas.,I'm responsible for that.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Jis yra Jungtinių Amerikos Valstijų pasiuntinybės diplomatas.,He is a diplomat at the American Embassy.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Avilyje gali būti tik viena karalienė,There can be only one queen in the hive.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Tas visai nesvarbu.,It doesn't have any significance.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Aš esu atsakingas už viską.,I'm responsible for everything.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Kodėl man reikia advokato?,Why do I need a lawyer?,lit_Latn-eng_Latn "Aš net nepastebėjau, kada Tomas išėjo.",I didn't even notice when Tom left.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Žiūrėk į knygą ant stalo.,Look at the book on the desk.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Aš Tomui patariau vėl tą daryti.,I've advised Tom to do that again.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Mes privalome kviesti policiją.,We have to call the police.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Mes galėjome pavėluoti į autobusą.,We may have missed the bus.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Ar tu turi žodyną?,Do you have a dictionary?,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Mes virtuvėje turime mažą stalą.,We have a small table in the kitchen.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Duokite man žemėlapį.,Give me the map.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn "Atrodo, kad Tomas serga.",It seems that Tom is sick.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Ar nori būti aktorius filme?,Do you want to be an actor in a movie?,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Duok man dvi minutes.,Give me two minutes.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Jie turi būti atsikėlę rytoj 5 ryto.,They have to be awake by 5:00 a.m. tomorrow.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Mano dėdė buvo vienintelis sužeistas avarijoje.,My uncle was the only person injured in the car accident.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Ar tu gali uždaryti duris?,Could you shut the door?,lit_Latn-eng_Latn "Jūs žinote, kas mes.",You know who we are.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Kąą jūs apie visą tai galvojate?,What do you think of all this?,lit_Latn-eng_Latn "Praėjusį mėnesį buvo nugriauti trys, geros būklės, namai.","In the past month, three houses, all in good condition, have been torn down.",lit_Latn-eng_Latn Jūs savo dalį padarėte.,You did your part.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Aš esu vengras.,I am Hungarian.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Aš esu vengrė.,I'm from Hungary.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Štai yra jūsų raktas.,This is your key.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn "Tomas norėjo žinoti, kodėl Merė jo nemyli.",Tom wanted to know why Mary didn't like him.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Kur apsikirpai?,Where do you get a haircut?,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Tau reikėtų tą žinoti.,You should know it.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn """Niekada nesuprasiu moterų"", pasakė Tomas.","""I'll never understand women"", said Tom.",lit_Latn-eng_Latn Šaunu matyti tave tokį laimingą.,It's great to see you so happy.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Australija yra mažiausias kontinentas.,The smallest continent is Australia.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Man reikia su jumis pasikalbėti.,I've got to talk to you.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Nuvežk Tomą į ligoninę.,Take Tom to the hospital.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn "Tiesiog daryk, ką privalai, ir neklausinėk.","Just do what you have to do, no questions asked.",lit_Latn-eng_Latn Man karšta.,I am hot.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Išeik iš klasės.,Get out of the classroom.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Mano gyslomis teka mėlynas kraujas.,I have blue blood in my veins.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn "Man viskas aišku, lyg būtų įvykę vakar.",It is as clear to me as if it were yesterday.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Ji susišukavo plaukus vakarėliui.,She arranged her hair for the party.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Jis maldavo manęs likti.,He begged me to stay.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn "Jis nėra turtingas, bet jis laimingas.","He's not rich, but he's happy.",lit_Latn-eng_Latn "Ten visada daug žmonių, bet aš užrezervavau staliuką, tad mums nėra ko jaudintis.","That place is always crowded, but I reserved a table today, so we don't have to worry.",lit_Latn-eng_Latn Įsigykime Kalėdų eglutę.,Let's go get a Christmas tree.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Kaip tu gali jo nemėgti?,How can you not like him?,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Mes esame atsakingi už nuostolius.,We carry the responsibility for the losses.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Kiek laiko ten gyvenai?,How long did you live there?,lit_Latn-eng_Latn "Jeigu jį pakviesi, jis greičiausiai ateis.","If you invite him, he'll probably come.",lit_Latn-eng_Latn "Mažiau kalbų, daugiau darbų.","Less words, more action.",lit_Latn-eng_Latn Tomas liepė Merei nešvaistyti pinigų tokiam dalykui.,Tom told Mary not to waste her money on such a thing.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Obuoliai man patinka labiau už apelsinus.,I prefer apples to oranges.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Tu tikriausiai kažką padarei.,You must've done something.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Tai priklauso nuo kultūros.,It's a cultural thing.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn "Palauk truputėlį, mes tuoj pat baigsime.","Wait just a little bit, will be done immediately!",lit_Latn-eng_Latn Jis apribojo gėrimą iki vieno alaus per dieną.,He restricted his drinking to one beer a day.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Tai puiki mintis.,That's a brilliant idea.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Kalbėti radijuje natūraliai nėra lengva.,It is not easy to speak naturally on the radio.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn "Merė neįtarė, kad ji patinka jaunajam ūkininkui; ji mylėjo jį kaip brolį.",Mary had not suspected that the young farmer liked her; she loved him as a brother.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Tomas niekada neaplankė Merės ligoninėje.,Tom never visited Mary in the hospital.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Jis atsakė nemokąs nė trupučio prancūziškai.,He answered that he knew no French.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Ar tai tavo?,Are these yours?,lit_Latn-eng_Latn "Laukiau jo stotyje valandą laiko, bet jis nepasirodė.","I waited for him at the station for an hour, but he didn't show up.",lit_Latn-eng_Latn Man užteko sutaupytų pinigų nusipirkti norimą gitarą.,I had enough money saved to buy the guitar I want.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Blogadariai visuomet apie kitus galvoja blogiausiai.,Evildoers always think the worst of others.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Jo kalboje buvo daug įmatrių frazių.,His speech contained many fine phrases.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Ponas toks-ir-toks šiandien skambino.,Mr So-and-so called today.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn "Kai vyras ir moteris sujungia jėgas, darbas tampa nebe tokiu varginančiu.","When man and woman unite, work is no longer as tiring.",lit_Latn-eng_Latn Atvykau į Tokiją perpiet.,I arrived in Tokyo at noon.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn "Aš kaip tik ieškau vietos, kuri yra netoli miesto centro ir pliažo.",I just want a place that's near the beach and the city centre.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Šeima man buvo labai svetinga.,I received the hospitality of the family.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Negali manęs nugalėti.,You can't defeat me.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Tu negali manęs nugalėti.,You cannot defeat me!,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Jis ją mylėjo.,He loved her.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Sutemo. Gal įjungtum šviesą?,It's become dark. Would you turn on the light?,lit_Latn-eng_Latn "Jis norėtų sužinoti, ar žaidi šaškėmis.",He would like to know whether you play chess.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Kas tau labiau patinka: suši ar tempura?,"Which do you like better, sushi or tempura?",lit_Latn-eng_Latn Man nėra ko prarasti.,I've got nothing to lose.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Ji laiko savo CD plokšteles eilėje ant lentynos.,She put her CDs in a row on the shelf.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Meksikos sostinė yra didžiausias miestas Lotynų Amerikoje.,The capital of Mexico is the largest city in Latin America.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Pagaliau tai baigėsi.,It's finally over.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Mane labai sukandžiojo uodai.,I got a lot of mosquito bites.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Kas budintysis?,Who is on duty?,lit_Latn-eng_Latn "Farmacinė įmonė ieško „Gyvybės eliksyro“, sustabdysiančio senėjimo procesą.",The pharmaceutical company is looking for the Elixir of Life to stop the ageing process.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn "Daryk viską, ką tik jis lieps tau daryti.",Do whatever it is that he tells you to do.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Kartais cigaras tėra cigaras.,Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Mano svajonė lieka svajone.,My dream is still just a dream.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Nė iš šio nė iš to ėmė lyti.,"All of a sudden, it began raining.",lit_Latn-eng_Latn Kas šiandien budi?,Who's on duty today?,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Šitas persikas - tikras gražuolis.,This peach is a beauty.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Jos svajonė - nuvažiuoti į Paryžių.,Her dream is visiting Paris.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Sapnavau košmarą.,I had a bad dream.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Mano senelis negali vaikščioti be savo lazdos.,My grandfather can't walk without his cane.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Aš turiu svajonę.,I have a dream.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn "Aš verčiau, aš verčiu, aš versiu, aš versčiau... bet tik jei uždirbčiau pinigų.","I translated, I translate, I will translate, I would translate... but only if I make money.",lit_Latn-eng_Latn Jis nešioja akinius.,He is wearing glasses.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Darbui savanorių nebuvo.,There were no volunteers for the job.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Yra tik du teisingi atsakymai.,There are only two correct answers.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Ji labai mėgsta tortą.,She really likes cake.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Kurį laiką venkite kepto maisto.,Avoid fried foods for a while.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Ką jis rašo laiške?,What does he say in his letter?,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Iš žmonių pasigirdo šūksnis.,A shout arose from the people.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Liūtas yra džiunglių karalius.,The lion is the king of the jungle.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Kiekvienas skirtingas.,Everybody is different.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn "Tomas negali kaltinti nieko kito, kaip tik patį save.",Tom can't blame anyone but himself.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn "Ji perbėgo akimis sąrašą, ieškodama jame savo vardo.",Her eyes ran over the list to see if her name was on it.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Žinoma. Ar žinai gerą vietelę?,Sure. Do you know a good place?,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Ką pasakys spauda?,What will the newspapers say?,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Mergaitė dėvėjo didžiulę raudoną kepurę.,The girl had a large red hat on.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Parduotuvė prekiauja brangiais aksesuarais moterims.,The shop sells expensive accessories for women.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Jo svajonė pagaliau išsipildė.,His dream has come true at last.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Tomui nepavyko įkalbinti Merę likti.,Tom couldn't persuade Mary to stay.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Noriu būti beisbolo žaidėju.,I want to be a baseball player.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Stovėjome veidu į veidą su mirtimi.,We stood face to face with death.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Susitikimai vyksta kas antrą savaitę.,Meetings are held every other week.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn "Jis atidavė visus pinigus, kuriuos buvo pasiskolinęs.",He gave back all the money he had borrowed.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Ši mintis yra mano argumento pagrindas.,This idea is the basis of my argument.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn Tatoeba yra visame virtualiame pasaulyje geriausiai atrodantis puslapis.,Tatoeba is the best looking site of the online world.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn "Tomas nenorėjo matyti Merės kalinčios už nusikaltimą, kurio ji nepadarė.",Tom didn't want to see Mary in prison for a crime she didn't commit.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn "Aš ne vienintelis, mėgstantis Tomą.",I'm not the only one who likes Tom.,lit_Latn-eng_Latn "Nav brīnums, ka prezentētāja izklausījās dīvaini, viņa bija saslimusi.","No wonder that the presenter sounded weird, she was sick.",lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Es brīvprātīgi pievienojāties Gaisa spēku.,I enlisted in the Air Force.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Helsinki ir Somijas galvaspilsēta.,Helsinki is the capital of Finland.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Es nevaru tev palīdzēt to izdarīt.,I can't help you do that.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn "Ikreiz, kad viņš kustējās, visa viņa roka no ievainojuma sāpēja.","Every time he moved, his whole arm ached because of a wound.",lvs_Latn-eng_Latn "Viņa nevēlas, lai tu zinātu.",She doesn't want you to know.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Man jāpaspiež roka prezidentam.,I have to shake hands with the President.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn "Tas ir slikti, ka man nevajag zaudēt svaru.",It's too bad that I don't need to lose weight.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Vienkārši jāatsauc atmiņā un jāliek uz papīra.,It's just to remind and put it on paper.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Vai attēls ir taisni?,Is the picture straight?,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Skolotājs mums izstāstīja smieklīgu stāstu.,The teacher told us a funny story.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Viņš iedeva man draudzīgu padomu.,He gave me friendly advice.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Man nepatīk kafija.,I dislike coffee.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Mēs baidāmies.,We are afraid.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Es gaidīšu kamēr viņa atnāks.,I will wait until she comes.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Pulkstenis nestrādā.,The clock is not working.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Es mīlu savu pilsētu.,I love my city.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn "Vilciens brauc līdz stacijai ""Rīga"".",The trains goes to Riga Station.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Es varu palīdzēt ja tu gribi.,I can help if you'd like.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Saule spīd spoži.,The sun is shining brightly.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Es esmu tavs tēvs.,I'm your father.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Toms ir vizuāls domātājs.,Tom is a visual thinker.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Japāna atrodas austrumos no Ķīnas.,Japan is to the east of China.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Es neko nezinu par sievietēm.,I know nothing about women.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Mana dzimšanas diena ir novembrī.,My birthday is in November.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Tomam tas nepatika.,Tom just didn't like it.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Toms turpināja skriet.,Tom kept running.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Toms turpināja kliegt.,Tom kept screaming.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn """Kur ir Toms?"" ""Es nezinu. Viņš pirms dažām minūtēm vēl te bija.""","""Where's Tom?"" ""I don't know. He was here a few minutes ago.""",lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Komunisms ir padomju vara plus visa valsts eliktrifikācija.,Communism is Soviet power plus the electrification of the whole country.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Toms turpināja dziedāt.,Tom kept sighing.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Kur ir problēma?,Where is the problem?,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Toms turpināja klusēt.,Tom kept silent.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Vai tu dzer rumu un kolu?,Do you drink rum and Coke?,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Toms turpināja lukoties.,Tom kept staring.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Tev ir slikta elpa.,You have bad breath.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Uzmanies no zagļiem.,Watch out for pickpockets.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Tavs vīrs tevi krāpj.,Your husband is cheating on you.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Mēs bijām pārsteigti par šo ziņu.,We were surprised by that news.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Labrīt manu saulstariņ.,Good morning my sunshine.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Man žēl. Es to negribēju darīt ar nolūku.,I'm sorry. I didn't do it on purpose.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Viņš ir pārāk lēns.,He is too slow.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn "Toms piespieda pogu, bet nekas nenotika.","Tom pushed the button, but nothing happened.",lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Mēs vēl esam nervozi.,We're still nervous.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Vai tu mīli savu māti?,Do you love your mother?,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Viņš ir mācījies Franču valodu astoņus gadus.,He has been studying French for eight years.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn "Man nepatika mans vārds, kad es biju jauns.",I didn't like my name when I was young.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Viņai maksā daudz.,She gets paid a lot.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Kas rīt pieskatīs tavu suni?,Who will look after your dog tomorrow?,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Ir divas plāksnes uz galda.,There are two plates on the table.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Nekad nepārstāj sapņot!,Never stop dreaming!,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Es tev pirmais jautāju.,I asked you first.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Tev vajag nogriezt matus.,You need to get your hair cut.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn "Es domāju, ka Toms ir bīstams.",I think that Tom is dangerous.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Tomam tas ir jāizdara līz pirmdienai.,Tom has to do that before Monday.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Ko Toms meklē?,Who's Tom looking for?,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Tomam ir trīs skaistas meitas.,Tom has three gorgeous daughters.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn "Vai kāds zina, kur ir Toms?",Does anybody know where Tom is?,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn "Ja tu tagad apciemosi Tomu, viņš drošvien skatīsies TV","If you visit Tom right now, he's probably just watching TV.",lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Atklāj pasauli!,Discover the world!,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Ko tu domā par mūsu kolekciu?,What do you think of our collection?,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Mēs nezinam kur Toms palika.,We don't know where Tom went.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Viņš turpina rakstīt par dzīvniekiem.,He kept writing about animals.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Nejauciet Ķīniešus ar Japāņiem.,Don't confuse Chinese with Japanese.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Ārā līst.,It is raining.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Negribu iet uz skolu.,I don't want to go to school.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Tās bija vecās labās dienas.,It was the good old days.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Kāpēc tu uz mani aizvien dusmojies?,Why on earth are you still angry at me?,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Tomam bija pašas absurdākās idejas.,Tom had the most absurd ideas.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Jauns un šarmants džentlmenis piedāvāja man konfekti.,A young and charming gentleman offered me a candy.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Šis stāsts ir vecs kā pasaule.,This story is old as the world.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Marijai bija gripa.,Mary had a flu.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Peters no mušas ziloni vienmēr var izpūst.,Peter always makes a mountain out of a molehill.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Man ir daudz draugu.,I have many friends.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Mans pulkstenis ir apstājies.,My watch has stopped.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn No kurienes ir nākuši tavi senči?,Where do your ancestors come from?,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn "Protams, ka es neesmu redzējis visus marihuānas lietotājus. Taču marihuānas lietošana izraisa īslaicīgu stulbumu. To zin visi.","Of course, I haven't seen all marijuana users. But marijuana use causes temporary stupidity. Everyone knows that.",lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Man tu vairs nepatīc.,I don't like you anymore.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Pulkstenis ir bez piecpadsmit minūtēm trīs.,It's a quarter to three.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Es esmu ļoti miegains tagad.,I'm very sleepy now.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Es pasaucu zēnu un viņš atnāca.,I call the boy and he comes.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Sievietes maina pasauli.,Women change the world.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Es esmu skolotāja.,I am a teacher.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn "Izskatās, ka viņš pazīst Annu",It seems he knows Ann.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Stropā var būt tikai viena karaliene.,There can be only one queen in the hive.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Mēs ejam uz centru iepirkties.,We're going downtown to go shopping.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Lūdz iedod man šo naudu.,Please give me this money.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Mūsu armija iestudētas nakts reids pret ienaidnieku.,Our army staged a night raid against the enemy.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Es esmu ziņkārīgs.,I am curious.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Es patiešām esmu laimīgs.,It really happened.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Vai tu man iemācīsi kā spēlēt klavieres?,Could you teach me how to play the piano?,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Mēs uzkāpām līdz virsotnei.,We climbed to the top.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Toms ir stabils.,Tom is stable.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Viņš var nokavēt lidmašīnu.,He may have missed the plane.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Toms ir pārliecināts.,Tom is sure.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Toms ir labs kaimiņš.,Tom is a good neighbour.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Es esmu Ricardo.,I am Ricardo.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Es esmu nobijies.,I am afraid.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Mūsu laiks ir ierobežots.,Our time is limited.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Viņš ir piedzēries.,He is drunk.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Toms spēlē ģitāru gandrīz tikpat labi kā Marija.,Tom plays the guitar almost as well as Mary.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Kur ir tas?,Where is that?,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Es biju jauns un man bija vajadzīga nauda.,I was young and I needed the money.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Man patīk izspiesta sula.,I like extracted juice.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Es varu nedarīt neko.,I can't just do nothing.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Tas ir aizgājis par tālu.,This is going too far.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Man ir gripa.,I got the flu.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Tev vajadzētu uzrakstīt grāmatu!,You should write a book!,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Kurš ir izsalcis?,Who is hungry?,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Tava pildspalva ir slikta.,Your pen is bad.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Mūsu pagalms ir liels.,Our yard is large.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Es nevēlos piedalīties ceremonijā.,I don't want to participate in the ceremony.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn "Es varu jūs iemācīt, ja jūs to gribat.",I can teach you if you want.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn "Es domāju, ka es pazaudēju savas atslēgas.",I think I lost my keys.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Ceļš ir garš.,The road is long.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn "Ir tikai viens veids, kā to izdarīt.",That's the only way to do it.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Viņš vēlētos lai viņam būtu krāšņi mati.,He wishes he had glorious hair.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Viņš mīl mūziku.,He loves music.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Tu to nezini.,You don't know that.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Man nav izvēli.,I don't have the option.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Tev ir taisnība.,You are right.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Viņam patīk mūzika.,He likes music.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Tā ir sazvērstība.,It's a conspiracy.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Es gribu nosūtīt šo no reģistrēta epasta.,I want to send this by registered mail.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Mana atmiņa ir lēna.,My memory is slow.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Tava meita ir skaista.,Your daughters are beautiful.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Es esmu resns.,I am fat.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Es ar autobusu uz darbu dodos katru dienu.,I take the bus to work every day.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Cilvēkiem vajadzētu mīlēt citam citu.,People should love each other.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Viņš strādāja visu nakti.,He worked the whole night.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Šie zirgi ir viņa.,These horses are his.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Šie zirgi ir jūsu.,These horses are yours.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn "Nekas nav noslēpts, kas neatklāsies.",There is nothing concealed that will not be revealed.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Toms šeit nedzīvo.,Tom doesn't live here.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Viņš klājas labi.,He's doing well.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Es esmu kaķis.,I'm a cat.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Atdodiet man ziņojumu Pirmdien.,Give me the report on Monday.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn "Tiklīdz kā suns mani ieraudzīja, tas sāka riet.","As soon as the dog saw me, it began to bark.",lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Viņš tikai kliedz kad ir izsalcis.,He only screams when he's hungry.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Kur ir jūsu skola?,Where is your school?,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Toms gandrīz aizmirsa par sanāksmi.,Tom pretty much forgot about the meeting.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Es uzrakstīšu vēstuli.,I will write a letter.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Tatoeba bija īslaicīgi nav pieejams.,Tatoeba was temporarily unavailable.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Ir laiks iet uz skolu.,It's time to go to school.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Man vajag taksi!,I need a taxi!,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Tas bija pele.,It was a mouse.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Es eju vienmēr uz skolu kājām.,I always walk to school.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Es uzcēla jaunu māju.,I built a new house.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Šajā mājā neviens nedzīvo.,Nobody lives in this house.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Gadam ir divpadsmit mēnešu.,A year has twelve months.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Mums vajag jūsu atbalsu.,We need your support.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn "Labvakar, Tom.","Good evening, Tom.",lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Ko jūs sakāt?,What do you say?,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Tev nevajag to ēst.,You don't have to eat it.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn "Uzmanieties: Angļu valodā mēs nacionalitātes, nedēļas dienas un valodas rakstām ar lielo burtu.","Be careful: We capitalize nationalities, days of the week, and languages in English.",lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Marijas draugs ir Toms,Mary is Tom's girlfriend.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Ķēve ir zirgu sieviete.,A mare is a female horse.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Es uzrakstīju vēstuli.,I wrote a letter.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Tā gulta ir ļoti ērta.,That bed is very comfortable.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Toms runā Japāņu valoda labāk nekā Japāņi.,Tom speaks Japanese better than Japanese do.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Kur es varu atrast tālruņa kabīnē?,Where can I find a telephone box?,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Viņš ir angļu valodas skolotājs.,He is a teacher of English.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Misters Jons ir vecāks nekā es domāju.,Mr. John's older than I thought.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Viņš tiešām ir labs darbā.,He is really a good worker.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Kurš to izdarīja?,Who did it?,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Vai mēs esam tikai draugi?,Are we only friends?,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Dzīve ir smieklīga.,Life is fun.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn "Nāc iekšā, durvis ir atvērtas.","Come in, the door's open.",lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Es nevaru to aizsniegt.,I can't reach it.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Viņa priekš manis pagatavoja torti.,She made me a cake.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn "Kad viņa ieraudzīja mani, viņa bija neērti.","When she saw me, she was embarrassed.",lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Vai viņa drīz atlabs?,Will she get well soon?,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Iztīri savu istabu.,Clean your room.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Toms pateica kautko.,Tom said something.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Mums ir jāaptur viņu no dzeršanas vairāk alkohola.,We have to stop him from drinking more alcohol.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn "Es esmu nevainigs, es zveru.","I'm innocent, I swear.",lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Pēdējos četrus gadus mēs neesam tevi redzējuši.,We haven't seen you in the past four years.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Es saku taisnību man viņš nepatīk.,"To tell the truth, I don't like him.",lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Kāds šobrīd ir bezdarba līmenis?,What is the unemployment rate at the moment?,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Zvani Tomam nekavējoties.,Call Tom immediately.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Bet ir problēma.,But there's a problem.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Mēs devāmies pastaigā pa pludmali.,We went for a walk on the beach.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Viņam patīk skriet.,He likes to run.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Tā ir problēma.,So there is a problem...,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Cik ilgi jūs dzīvojat Tokijā?,How long have you been living in Tokyo?,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Toms man apsolīja dot visu ko es gribu.,Tom promised to give me anything I wanted.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Vai tu esi pārsteigts?,Are you surprised?,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn "Par laimi, laiks ir labs.","Fortunately, the weather was good.",lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Es varu dabūt visu ko es gribu.,I can get anything I want.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Jūs atnācāt tieši laikā.,You've come just in time.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn "Jā, steidzos.",I'm in a hurry.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Es rīt palikšu mājās.,I'll stay at home tomorrow.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Džeina nespēja izskaidrot sniega skaistumu.,Jane couldn't explain the beauty of snow.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Man vajag korķviļķi.,I need a corkscrew.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn "Bobs jau gatavojās doties prom, kad es viņam piezvanīju.",Bob was just about to leave when I telephoned him.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Es kļūdījos.,I was wrong.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn "Viņš ir pārāk noguris, lai mācītos.",He is too tired to study.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Man nebija taisnība.,I made a mistake.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn "Viņš bija noguris, tomēr viņš devās viņiem palīdzēt.","He was tired, and yet he went to help them.",lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Viņš izskatās noguris.,He looks tired.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn "Es klikšķināju uz mājaslapas, bet nekas nenotika.","I clicked the link, but nothing happened.",lvs_Latn-eng_Latn "Es domāju, ka šodien ir pirmdiena.",I thought it was Monday today.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Nekas nav noticis pagaidām.,Nothing much is happening yet.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn """Dārgum, kur tu biji?"" -""Es biju skriet."" -""Bet tavs T-krekls ir sauss un nemaz nesmird.""","""Dear, where have you been?"" ""I've been running."" ""But your T-shirt is dry and doesn't smell at all.""",lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Viņiem vispirms vajadzētu pajautāt Tomam.,They should ask Tom first.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Vai jums ir dziļš šķīvis zupai?,Do you have a bowl for soup?,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Semī meita ir Farīda sieva.,Sami's daughter is Farid's wife.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn "Viņš atkal un atkal pārlasīja vēstuli, kuru viņa bija nosūtījusi viņam, bet joprojām to neizprata.","He read the letter she mailed to him over and over again, but still did not understand it.",lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Viņš mani pamodināja agri no rīta.,He awaked me early in the morning.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Tu pazaudēji svaru.,You've lost weight.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Vai tu brīdināsi Tomu?,Will you warn Tom?,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Visi mani mēģinājumi ir izgāzušies.,All of my attempts have failed.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn "Man nepatīk, ka citi cilvēki liek man ilgi gaidīt.",I hate when other people make me wait a long time.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Es mēģinu par to nedomāt.,I try not to think about it.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Viņi kļuva ļoti nervozi.,They became very nervous.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Es nokrāsoju māju.,I painted the house.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Vai tu man varētu nedaudz palīdzēt?,Can you help me a little?,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Viņš izskatījās saslimis.,He seemed to be ill.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Viņš izmantoja savu lietussargu kā ieroci.,He used his umbrella as a weapon.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Es parasti ceļos astoņos.,I usually get up at 8.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Govis tiek slauktas sešos.,The cows are milked at six.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Vai jūs runājat angliski?,Do you speak English?,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Viņš klusi teica uz redzēšanos.,He quietly said goodbye.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Zelts - visvērtīgākais no visiem metāliem.,Gold is more precious than any other metal.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Viņš arī ir pārdevējs.,He's also a salesman.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Tu to labi izskaidroji.,You explained that well.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn "Viņi nevēlas, lai tu zini.",They don't want you to know.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Kāpēc tu dusmojies?,Why are you angry?,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Viņš jau iepriekš nosūtīja savu bagāžu.,He sent his luggage in advance.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Viņai ir sens uzvārds.,She has an ancient family name.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Tagad viņiem ir trīs bērni.,Now they have three children.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn "Salīdzinājumā ar Tokiju, Londona ir maza.","In comparison with Tokyo, London is small.",lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Man patīk matemātika.,I like math.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Es aizvien domāju par Tomu.,I still think of Tom.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Nākamā ceturtdiena ir brīvdiena,Next Thursday is a holiday.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Viņš izdarīja ļoti vērtīgu atklājumu.,He made a very valuable discovery.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Ziedi viņu uzmundrināja.,The flowers cheered her up.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Viņa ir zaudējusi visas cerības,She has lost all hope.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn "Es ceru, ka varu to paveikt.",I hope that I can do it.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Vai tu esi ievērojis kaut ko aizdomīgu.,Have you noticed anything suspicious?,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Es nezinu.,I don't know.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Vai Jums ir bērni?,Do you have children?,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Tev piemīt lieliska humora izjūta.,You've got a great sense of humor.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Pēc sestdienas nāk svētdiena.,After Saturday comes Sunday.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn "Nē, viņš ir mūsu uzņēmuma vadītājs.","No, he's our business manager.",lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Šīs zāles joprojām netiek pārdotas aptiekās.,This medicine is still not sold in pharmacies.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Kur ir mans dēls?,Where is my son?,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Nāc atpakaļ.,Get back here.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn "Lūk, mans noslēpums, tas ir ļoti vienkāršs: īsti mēs redzam tikai ar sirdi. Būtiskais nav acīm saredzams.","And now here is my secret, a very simple secret: It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye.",lvs_Latn-eng_Latn "Paldies, man klājas labi.","I'm fine, thank you.",lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Kā jūtaties?,How do you feel?,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Es zinu Džonu kopš 1976. gada.,I have known John since 1976.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn "Es nezinu viņas vārdu, bet es zinu, kā viņa izskatās.","I don't know her name, but I do know her by sight.",lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Es viņu nepazīstu.,I don't know him.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Es esmu jūs kaut kur redzējis.,I've seen you before.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Lauva ir džungļu karalis.,The lion is the king of the jungle.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Vai es jūs netraucēju?,Am I disturbing you?,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Toms palika ārā.,Tom stayed outside.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Pārim ir septiņi bērni.,The couple have seven children.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Es aizmirsu kā viņu sauc.,I forgot his name.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Saulīte spīd.,The sun is shining.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Es nevaru aizmirst viņa labsirdību.,I cannot forget his kindness.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Kāds šodien datums?,What is the date today?,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Es neaizmirsu.,I didn't forget.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Magdalena un Ania ir labas draudzenes.,Magdalena and Ania are good friends.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Es gribu zobenu!,I want to have a sword!,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Es aizmirsu izslēgt gāzi!,I forgot to turn off the gas!,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn "Es gandrīz aizmirsu, ka tā bija viņa dzimšanas diena.",I almost forgot that it was his birthday.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Skaties! Vilciens ir atbraucis!,Look! The train has arrived!,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Viņš tiešām grib strādāt par tulkotāju.,He really wants to work as a translator.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn "Es ienīstu sevi, ka man nav gribasspēka atmests ātro ēdienu ēšanu.",I hate myself for not having the will power to quit eating junk food.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Kādā laikā tu ierodies darbā?,What time do you arrive at work?,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Toms ieslēdza savas atslēgas mašīnā.,Tom locked his keys in his car.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Toms ir miris.,Tom is dead.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Es iegāju viņas istabā.,I entered her room.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn "Es bieži studēju, klausoties mūziku.",I often study while listening to music.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Es neko negribēju.,I didn't want anything.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Parīze ir Francijas galvaspilsēta.,Paris is the capital of France.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Kāda šodien diena?,What day is it today?,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Kur ir tava kredītkarte?,Where are your credit cards?,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Šī ir tā pildspalva ar kuru viņš parakstīja dokumentus.,This is the pen that he signed the document with.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Viņš prot spēlēt klavieres.,He plays piano.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn "Kal dzelzi, kamēr iā karsta.",Strike while the iron is hot.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Kas tas par teikumu!,What about your manners!,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Viņš paslēpās aiz durvīm.,He hid himself behind the door.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Toms nevar atlaist Mariju.,Tom can't fire Mary.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Šīs ir tavas slēpes?,Are these your skis?,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Viņam patīk spēlēt futbolu.,He likes playing football.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Cik ir pulkstenis?,What time is it?,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Vai Tomam ir iPad?,Does Tom have an iPad?,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Cik automašīnas tev ir bijušas?,How many cars have you owned so far?,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Vai šeit tuvumā ir kāds Japāņu restorāns?,Are there any Japanese restaurants near here?,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn "Tagad, kad esmu tievāka, es varu uzvilkt šo kleitu.","Now that I'm thinner, I can fit into this dress.",lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Man nav nekas slēpjams.,I've got nothing to hide.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Kur ir Toma pulkstenis?,Where's Tom's watch?,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn "Mēs runājam ar jums, Tomi.","We're talking to you, Tom.",lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Tu vari gaidīt šeit.,You can wait here.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Man nav laika.,I have no time.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn "Man vienalga, cik tas maksā.",I don't care what it costs.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Vai tev ir cits plāns?,Do you have another plan?,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Toms ir atgriezies.,Tom is back in town.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Visumam nav ''augšas'' vai ''apakšas''.,"Space has no ""up"" or ""down.""",lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Tur ir dažas olas kastē.,There are some eggs in the box.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Mans tēvs laista puķes.,My father is watering the flowers.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Varbūt tas nebija tik acīmredzami.,Maybe it wasn't so obvious.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Šodien viņš jūtas daudz labāk kā vakar.,Today he feels much better than yesterday.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Nav vajadzības runāt tik skaļi.,There's no need to speak so loud.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Vai tu varētu iztulkot šo teikumu angliski?,Could you translate this sentence into English?,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Jūsu dēls ir slims.,Your son is sick.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Tā nav mana vaina.,It's not my fault.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Es aizmirsu kurš to teica.,I forget who said it.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Šeit jebkas var notikt.,Here anything can happen.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Viņa dēls ir slims.,His son is sick.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn "Jautājums ir, vai mani vecāki to akceptē vai nē.",The question is if my parents approve of it or not.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Zivis ir aukstasiņu dzīvnieki.,Fish are cold-blooded animals.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Toms ir pie durvīm.,Tom is at the door.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn "Pasaki man, kāpēc tu vēlies tur doties.",Tell me why you want to go there.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Sanāksme beigsies rīt.,The meeting will end tomorrow.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Cik garš ir tavs brālis?,How tall is your brother?,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Mūzika ir viņa kaislība.,Music is his passion.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Toms atgriezīsies.,Tom is coming back.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Viņam ir mistisks talismans acs formā.,He has a mysterious talisman in the form of an eye.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Toms izdarīja uz mani spiedienu.,Tom put pressure on me.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Veikals aizveras pie vienpadsmit.,The store closes at eleven.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Apkārt dīķim kādreiz bija lieli koki.,There used to be big trees around the pond.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Toms uzbruka Marijai.,Tom attacked Mary.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Šis ezers ir dziļākais Japānā.,This lake is the deepest in Japan.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Dzīvē ir svarīgākas lietas.,There are more important things in life.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Es nekad neuzspēšu laikā.,I'll never make it in time.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Mēs atradām bruņurupucis dārzā.,We found a turtle in the garden.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Toms ir pie bāra.,Tom is at the bar.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Tēvs nopirka man fotoaparātu.,Father bought me a camera.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Pirms tu dodies uz skolu tev ir jāapēd brokastis.,You must eat breakfast before you go to school.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn "Baidos, ka nevaru tev to stāstīt.",I'm afraid I can't tell you this.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Viņai nevajadzēja nākt.,She didn't need to come.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Es esmu arheoloģe.,I'm an archaeologist.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Viņš ir dārznieks.,He's a gardener.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Džons iet uz skolu.,John goes to school.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Es mācu ģeogrāfiju.,I teach geography.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Neiesi uz klasi.,Let's not go to class.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Viņi šķērsojuši robežu.,They crossed the border.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Vakar mēs spēlējam tenisu.,We played tennis yesterday.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Es atsakos atbildēt.,I refuse to answer.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Latīņu valoda ir indo-eiropiešu valoda.,Latin is an Indo-European language.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Valoda ir dzīvs organisms.,Language is a living organism.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Valoda ir zīmju sistēma.,Language is a system of signs.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn "Cilvēki mirst, bet liekas, kuras viņi rada, paliek.","People die, but the things they create endure.",lvs_Latn-eng_Latn "Es īsti nezināju, ko teikt.",I didn't quite know what to say.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Sen atpakaļ milži valdīja pār pasauli.,"A long time ago, giants ruled the world.",lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Es jūtu vajadzību darīt kautko citu šodien.,I feel the need to do something different today.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Tu man ne sūda neatstāji.,You didn't leave me shit.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Man ir pie pakaļas.,I don't give a shit.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Tonijs dzīvo Kobe.,Tony lives in Kobe.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn "Visi gaida, lai redzētu, kas notiks.",Everyone's waiting to see what's going to happen.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Ziņas nav labas.,The news isn't good.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Likums muļķus nesargā.,Law doesn't protect the fools.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Toms aizmirsa aizslēgt mājas durvis.,Tom forgot to lock the house's door.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn "Esmu pārliecināts, ka es to izdarīšu.",I'm sure I'll do that.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Es neesmu par to sajūsmā.,I'm not excited about it.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Vai tava brāļa vārds ir Toms?,Is your brother's name Tom?,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Toms ir dusmīgs.,Tom is angry now.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Man ir pie dirsas.,I don't give a fuck.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Viņa grib gaidīt līdz kāzām.,She wants to wait until marriage.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Dejo itkā neviens neskatītos.,Dance like no one is watching.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Toms ir bārenis.,Tom is an orphan.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Paspiedz man to telefonu.,Hand me that phone.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Es netaisos mirt šodien.,I'm not going to die today.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Tu sadirsi manu dzīvi.,You fucked up my life.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Kāpēc tu uztraucies ko cilvēki domā?,Why do you care what other people think?,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Man nav govs.,I don't have a cow.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Es gribu dzīvot Brazīlijā.,I want to live in Brazil.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Toms ir mans vecs draugs.,Tom is an old friend.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Vai tu parūpēsies par manu suni kamēr es būšu prom?,Will you take care of my dog while I am away?,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Jums ir labas atmiņas.,You have a good memory.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Šodien ir sestdiena.,Today is Saturday.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Mums ir izbeigušies rīsi.,We have no more rice.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Viņš ir profesionāls fotogrāfs.,He's a professional photographer.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Es palikšu līdz vakaram.,I'll stay until evening.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn "Vai tu atceries dienu, kad mēs pirmo reizi satikāmies?",Do you remember the day when we first met?,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Tā nebija laba pieredze.,That wasn't a good experience.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Tev ir daudz laika.,You have plenty of time.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Vai tu esi traks?,Are you crazy?,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn "Viņš ir tāds cilvēks, kurš sauc lietas īstajos vārdos.",He is a type of a person who calls a spade a spade.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Mans vārds ir Roberto.,My name is Roberto.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Vai tomāts ir auglis vai dārzenis?,Is a tomato a fruit or a vegetable?,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Vai tev ir labi jaunumi.,Do they have any good news?,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Neviens nesaprot mani.,Nobody understands me.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Kā tevi sauc?,What's your name?,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Kāpēc cilvēki iet uz kino?,Why do people go to the movies?,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn "Es gribu to pašu jaku, kuru tu valkā.",I want the same jacket as you are wearing.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Esmu maiznieks.,I'm a baker.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Amerikas Savienoto Valstu galvaspilsēta ir Vašingtona.,"The capital of the United States of America is Washington, D.C.",lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Burj Khalīfah pašlaik ir pasaulē augstākais debesskrāpis.,Burj Khalifa is currently the tallest skyscraper in the world.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Viņa ir aizņemta. Uzgaidi minūti!,She is busy. Wait a minute.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Laimīgu Mātes diena!,Happy Mother's Day!,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Vai tu vari mani sekot?,Can you follow me?,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Ko viņš ir izdarījis šodien?,What has he done today?,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Šodien nav Ziemassvētki!,Today's not Christmas!,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Šī vietne ir diezgan noderīga.,This site is quite useful.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Romulus un Remus bija brāļi.,Romulus and Remus were brothers.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Literatūra ir tautas nākotne.,Literature is the future of a nation.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Līdz rītdienai pabeigt atskaiti ir gandrīz neiespējami.,Finishing the report by tomorrow is next to impossible.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Kas notika?,What has happened?,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Vai vari man piedot?,Can you forgive me?,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Viņš mīl dēlu.,He loves the son.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Viņš piedalās advokātu birojā.,He connects himself with the law firm.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Man nav grāmatas.,I haven't got books.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Spogulis atstaro gaismu.,A mirror reflects light.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn "Toms ielika savas somas bagāžniekā, tad ieleca mašīnā un aizbrauca.","Tom put his bags in the trunk, then hopped in the car and drove off.",lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Ir zem gultas kaķis.,There is a cat under the bed.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Mūsu plāns jau sākumā nogāja greizi.,Our plan went wrong from the beginning.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Mums nav meita.,We don't have a daughter.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Viņa ir kaut kas rokā.,She has something in her hand.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Karavīrs tika ievainots kājā.,The soldier was wounded in the leg.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Labs jautājums.,A good question.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Kas mīl dēlu?,Who loves the son?,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Mēs devāmies uz mežu pastaigāties.,We went for a walk in the forest.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Mūsu valsts ir krīzē.,Our country is in a crisis.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Viņa izvairas no manis.,She avoids me.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Govis ēd zāli.,Cows eat grass.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn "Sveiks, Tom. Labrīt.","Hello, Tom. Good morning.",lvs_Latn-eng_Latn "Sveiks, tas ir Mike.","Hello, this is Mike.",lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Ko tu ar to domā?,What do you mean by that?,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Futbols ir mana mīļākā spēle.,Football is my favorite game.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn "Sveiks, es esmu Nancy.","Hello, I am Nancy.",lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Mans gliseris ir pilns ar zušiem.,My hovercraft is full of eels.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn "Labrīt, Mike.","Good morning, Mike.",lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Labvakar.,Have a nice evening.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Uz redzēšanos.,See you later!,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Paldies!,I thank you.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Toms ir knapi dzīvs.,Tom is barely alive.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Man šodien jāpagatavo vakariņas,I have to cook dinner today.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Valis ir zīdītājs.,A whale is a mammal.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn "Toms nezināja, ka Marija jau bija nopirkusi maizi.",Tom didn't know that Mary had already bought bread.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Es nevaru atcerēties kurš to teica.,I can't recall who said that.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Es vairs nedzīvoju Bostonā.,I don't live in Boston anymore.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Mazus uzņēmumus bieži pārņem liela kompānija.,Small businesses are often absorbed by a major company.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Viņam ir skaļa balss.,He has a loud voice.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn "Ja tev ir iespēja, lūdzu pārbaudi savu pastkasti.","If you have a chance, please check your mailbox.",lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Vai tu redzēji kur palika Toms?,Did you see where Tom went?,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn "Kad mums ir laba veselība, mēs viegli aizmirstam tās vērtību.","When we are in good health, we are apt to forget its value.",lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Es dodos uz skolu ar metro.,I go to school by subway.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Vai tu ēdīsi to pīrāga gabalu?,Are you going to eat that piece of pie?,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Es ļoti cenšos neraudāt.,I'm trying very hard not to cry.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Tā ir tikai saaukstēšanās.,It's just a cold.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Tu domā ka es to negaidiju.,Do you think I haven't anticipated that?,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Es tikai vēlos normālu dzīvi.,I just want a normal life.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Notīri beidzot galdu!,Clean the table already!,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Tavs dēls ir ģēnijs.,Your son is a genius.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Es esmu noguris un vēlos iet gulēt.,I am tired and I want to go to bed.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Saskaitīšana un atņemšana ir matemātiskās funkcijas.,Addition and subtraction are functions of mathematics.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Vai tu mēģināji viņā ieklausīties?,Did you try to listen to her?,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn "Lai arī es esmu noguris, es strādāšu cītīgi.","Though I am tired, I will work hard.",lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Vai patiešām ir bezmaksas biļetes uz šo koncertu.,Do you really have free tickets for the concert?,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Šo problēmu ir grūti atrisināt.,This problem is difficult to solve.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Policija nokļuva negadījuma vietā.,The police got to the scene of the accident.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Viņas laipnība mani aizkustināja.,Her kindness touched me.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Es pat nejautāju.,I didn't even ask.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Es atstāju Tomu mājās.,I left Tom at home.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Viņi visos aspektos viens otram līdzinās.,They resemble each other in all respects.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Kas vainas maniem teikumiem?,What's wrong with my sentences?,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Atkārtošana ir zināšanu māte.,Repetition is the mother of learning.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Man nepatīk auksta kafija.,I don't like cold coffee.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Šodien mākoņu ir vairāk nekā vakar.,There's more cloud today than yesterday.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Es atradu atslēgu Toma jakas kabatā.,I found the key in Tom's jacket pocket.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Nepiestampā dzīvojamo istabu ar dubļainām kājām.,Don't tramp in the living room with muddy feet.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Viņš klusēja visu nopratināšanas laiku.,He kept silent all the time during the interrogation.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Toms ir apjucis.,Tom is confused.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Toms pa kluso ienesa viskija pudeli Mērijas palātā.,Tom smuggled a bottle of whiskey into Mary's hospital room.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Viņš liekas aizņemts. Es nevaru ar viņu sazināties.,He seems very busy. I can't come into contact with him.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn "Es vakarnakt neskatījos televizoru, bet mācījos angļu valodu.",I did not watch TV but studied English last night.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Toms šodien izskatās savādāk.,Tom seems different today.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Es tev nosūtīju vēstuli.,I sent you a letter.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Dažreiz notiekošais ir neizprotams.,Sometimes things that happen do not make sense.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Varbūt mums vajadzētu būt klusiem.,Maybe we should be quiet.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Tas maksās aptuveni 10000 jēnu.,"It will cost around 10,000 yen.",lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Es vel nepasūtīju vakariņas.,He didn't order dinner yet.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Bells izgudroja telefonu.,Bell invented the telephone.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Viņš ir nesen atgriezies no Francijas.,He has recently returned from France.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Tas ir balts kā sniegs.,It is white as snow.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn "Vienīgais, kо tu vari darīt ir - gaidīt.",All you can do is wait.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Ir grūti runāt publiski.,It is hard to speak in public.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Armēnija ir kalnaina valsts.,Armenia is a mountainous country.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Toms nogrūda Mēriju no tramplīna.,Tom pushed Mary off the diving board.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn "Es zinu, ka Toms nedomāja ļaunu.",I knew Tom meant no harm.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Vai tev ir māja?,Do you have a house?,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Ja tu esi aizņemts?,When are you busy?,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Es atradu labu darbu.,I found a good job.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Neviens negrib karu.,Nobody wants a war.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Labāk miris nekā sarkanā.,Better dead than red.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn "Astronautiem nav svara un var gulēt jebkādā pozīcijā. Bet, viņiem ir sevi jāpiesprādzē lai viņi nelidinātos apkārt un nekam neuztriektos.","Astronauts are weightless and can sleep in any orientation. However, they have to attach themselves so they don't float around and bump into something.",lvs_Latn-eng_Latn "Paldies, man iet labi.","I am fine, thank you.",lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Man nav naudas.,I have run out of money.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Es esmu pazaudejis savus draugus,I have lost my friends.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Kur es esmu?,Where am I?,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Tev ir skaistas acis.,I have got beautiful eyes.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn "Viņa ir ļoti gudra, vai ne?","She's really smart, isn't she?",lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Ko tu dzersi?,What can I get you for drinking?,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Katru vasaru eju uz lauku.,Every summer I go to the countryside.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn "Vienu alu, ludzu!","One beer, please!",lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Man ir apriebies klausīties viņas sūdzībās.,I'm sick of listening to her complaints.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Kurš vēlas būt miljonārs?,Who wants to be a millionaire?,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Bija patikami tikties.,Pleased to meet you.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Es esmu pasta nodaļā.,I'm in the post office.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Es pirmais jautāju.,I asked first.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Es dzeru ūdeni.,I drink water.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn "Toms drātēja Mēriju, vienlaicīgi tulkodams šo teikumu caur ""Android"" ierīci.",Tom was fucking Mary while translating this sentence on his Android device.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Anžela nav eņģelis.,Angela is not an angel.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Dzīve ir dāvana.,Life is a gift.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Viņi palīdzēja Tomam.,They helped Tom.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn "Viņi nezin, ka esmu japānis.",They don't know that I'm Japanese.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn "Vai tu esi garlaicīgs? Piedod, vai tev ir garlaicīgi?","Are you boring? Sorry, are you bored?",lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Es to ieraudzīju no loga.,I saw it from the window.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Es redzu savu galdu.,I see my table.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn "''Vai tu to varētu izdarīt manā vietā?'' ''Piedod, es esmu pārāk aizņemts.''","""Could you do this instead of me?"" ""Sorry, I'm too busy.""",lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Viņiem ir vīns.,They have wine.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn "Šī ir pirmā reize, kad es apzīmogo dokumentu.",This is the first time I've ever stamped a document.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Šķiet ka ārā ir silts.,It seems warm outside.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Viņai ir septiņi dēli.,She has seven sons.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Mega un Kens sēdēja pludmalē.,Meg and Ken sat on the bench.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Toms izskatās ka ir pazaudējis savas atslēgas.,Tom seems to have lost his key.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Man ir ļoti žēl.,I'm really sorry.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Viņa ir mana mūza.,She is my muse.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn "Mans onkulis dzīvo Madridē, galvas pilsētā Spānijā.","My uncle lives in Madrid, the capital of Spain.",lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Es ēdu maizi.,I'm eating bread.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Toms nav piesardzīgs.,Tom isn't being careful.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Es runāju latviski.,I speak Latvian.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Vai mums ir laiks?,Do we have time?,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Kas notiek Itālijā?,What's happening in Italy?,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Mēs vēlamies pārbaudīt jūsu asinsspiedienu.,We want to take your blood pressure.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Es nekad nesapņoju ka tevi satikšu.,I never dreamed that I would meet you.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Tas puisis vienmēr prasa viņa vecākiem naudu.,That guy is always asking his parents for money.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Tev vajaga beidzot to izdarīt.,You must do it at once.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Viņa bija burve.,She was an enchantress.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Mēs visi kļūstam vecāki.,All of us are getting older.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Tev vēl ir daudz jāmācās.,You've got a lot to learn.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Nancija ir ļoti gudra vai ne.,"Nancy is very cute, isn't she?",lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Es šodien nejūtos labi.,I don't feel well today.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn "Viņš iet gulēt, atstājot gaismas ieslēgtas.",He goes to sleep with the lights left on.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Tā ir tava izvēle,That's your opinion.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn "Tev vajadzētu beigt runāt visu laiku un sākt klausīties to, ko es saku.",You need to stop talking all the time and start listening to what others say.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Ļauj mani iepazīstināt ar manu skaisto sievu.,Let me introduce you to my beautiful wife.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Maria un Makija ir māsas.,Mari and Maki are sisters.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Vai jums ir klepus?,Do you have a cough?,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Mēs esam tikai draugi?,We're only friends?,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Kaķis gulēja uz galda.,The cat slept on the table.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Man ir divi kaķi.,I have two cats.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Viņi nenāks.,They won't come.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Turies pa gabalu no tā.,Keep away from that.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Es gribu lai tu to paņēm no Toma.,I want you to take it away from Tom.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Toms mani neapturēs.,Tom won't stop me.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Mēs neko nedarījām.,We didn't do a thing.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Viss nostājās savā vietā.,Everything went back in place.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Prieks iepazīties. Es esmu skudrulācis.,Pleased to meet you. I am an anteater.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn "Dakter, man niez kājstarpe.","Doctor, I've got an itch in my crotch.",lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Suns ir tuvu nāvei.,The dog is close to death.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn "Es domāju, ka tu esi jauks.",I think you're nice.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Ej un atvadies no viņa pirms viņš aiziet.,Go and say goodbye to him before he leaves.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Viņa viņam ļāva braukt pašam.,She let him drive on his own.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Kāds ir labākais gulēšanas veids?,What's the best sleeping position?,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn "Kas atļauts Jupiteram, nav atļauts vērsim.",What is permitted to Jove is not permitted to an ox.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn "Starp citu, vai tu jau dzirdēji par Suzuki?","By the way, have you heard about Suzuki?",lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Paskaties uz to sarkano mašīnu.,Look at that red car.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Šī viņa attieksme ir diezgan riebīga.,That attitude of his is quite disgusting.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Viņi izvēlējās divus labākos darbus.,They picked out the best two works.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Es esmu veģetārietis.,I am a vegetarian.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Viņš zaudējis savu jauno pulksteni.,He lost his new watch.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Esmu pie pludmales.,I'm at the beach.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Optisko šķiedru kabeļi var caurlaist milzīgu daudzumu informācijas.,Fibre-optic cables can carry huge amounts of information.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Es dzīvoju dzīvoklī.,I live in an apartment.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Uz otrās mēness puses ir slepena bāze.,There is a secret base on the other side of the moon.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Dēļ ultravieglajiem materiāliem mūsu produkts tagad sver apmēram uz pusi mazāk kā iepriekš!,"As a result of new ultra-light materials, our product now only weighs about half as much as before!",lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Caur Taro vēnām plūst samuraja asinis.,A samurai's blood runs in Taro's veins.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Ko tu domā par mani?,What do you think of me?,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Viņai ir laba izjūta.,She has good sense.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Vai šis ērzelis vai ķēve?,Is this a stallion or a mare?,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn "Mēs birdinām sāli, lai atgaiņātu nelaimi.",We sprinkle salt to ward off bad luck.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Mēs noteikti ielūgsim Tomu.,We'll certainly invite Tom.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Viņš spēra īstos soļus attiecīgajai situācijai.,He took the proper steps to meet the situation.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Pēdējā laikā mums ir bijušas vairākas nelaimes.,Recently we have had several disasters.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn "Es atvainojos, es šobrīd esmu aizņemts.","I'm sorry, I'm busy right now.",lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Kā tu vari būt tik drošs?,How could you be so certain?,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Man vajag naudu.,I need the money.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Es apstiprināju pasūtījumu.,I confirmed the order.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Viņš stāvēja kalna galotnē.,He was standing at the top of the mountain.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Es ienīstu datorus.,I hate computers.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Es nezinu un negribu zināt.,I don't know and don't want to know.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Zēns nav garš.,The boy is not tall.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Es atmetu cerības saņemt nesamaksāto algu.,I gave up on receiving the unpaid salary.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn "Es nezinu, kad Bobs atbrauca uz Japānu.",I don't know when Bob came to Japan.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn "Es nezinu, ko pateikt.",I don't know what to say...,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Man nav vārdu.,I'm at a loss for words.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Šizuko sarakstīja poēmu par gadalaiku maiņu.,Shizuko composed a poem about the change of the seasons.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn "Es nezinu, ko teikt.",I don't know what to say.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Viņa lieliskā uzstāšanās publikā izraisīja vētrainus aplausus.,His great performance drew thundering applause from the audience.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn "Runājot par mūziku, kāda mūzika tev patīk?","Talking of music, what kind of music do you like?",lvs_Latn-eng_Latn "Kāda mūzika tev patīk labāk, rokmūzika vai klasiskā mūzika?","Which do you like better, rock music or classical music?",lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Man vajag naglu kasti.,I need a box of nails.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn "Nomierinieties visi, lūdzu.",Everybody please calm down.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Es esmu trīs gadus jaunāks par viņu.,I'm three years younger than he is.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Policisti neatradīs tevi šeit.,The cops won't find you there.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Neviens nezina patiesību.,Nobody knows the truth.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn "Ir pārāk tumšs, lai tagad spēlētu beisbolu.",It's too dark to play baseball now.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Viņu gandrīz notrieca mašīna.,She was almost hit by a car.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Es strādāju šajā rūpnīcā.,I worked in this factory.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn "Atceries, ka tu esi pīšļi.",Remember that you are dust.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn "Es atceros, es jau lasīju šo romānu.",I remember reading this novel before.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Es neatceros tavu vārdu.,I don't remember your name.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Vai tu atceries viņa vārdu?,Do you remember his name?,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn "Ak, jā, es atceros.","Oh, yes, I remember.",lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Es neatceros!,I don't remember!,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn "Atcerieties, ka mēs visi esam vienā laivā.",Remember that we're all in the same boat.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Tev būs jāpatur prātā visi šie datumi.,You'll have to learn all these dates by rote.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Viņš ir komiķis.,He's a comedian.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Kā Jūs sauc?,What is your name?,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn "Redzot maukas dēlu metam akmeņus cilvēku pūlī, viņš teica: ""Uzmanies, tu vari trāpīt savam tēvam.""","Seeing the son of a whore throwing rocks at a crowd, he said: ""Be careful, you could hit your father.""",lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Vai man tevi vajadzēja gaidīt šeit?,Should I wait for you here?,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Viņa man solīja rakstīt katru nedēļu.,She made a promise to write to me every week.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Toms nedzirdēja neko.,Tom didn't hear anything.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Es saplēsu avīzi druskās.,I tore the newspaper into pieces.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Viskijs ļoti labi iet kopā ar tēju.,Whiskey goes very well with tea.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Visas pūles likās veltīgas.,All his efforts seemed to have been wasted.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn "Viņš nedzer pat alu, nemaz nerunājot par viskiju.","He doesn't even drink beer, not to mention whiskey.",lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Es kādu atradīšu.,I'll find somebody.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Toms iet uz skolu kājām.,Tom goes to school by foot.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn "Es viņam jautāju, kur es varētu novietot mašīnu.",I asked him where I could park my car.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Tu paliksi šeit.,You'll stay here.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn "Skaties, kur liec kāju. Kāpnes ir stāvas.",Watch your step. The stairs are steep.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn "Tas ir jautājums, kuru mums ir jāatrisina.",That's the question we have to solve.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Mums tam nav laika.,We don't have time for this.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Karš ilga divus gadus.,The war lasted two years.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Mums jābūt ļoti uzmanīgiem.,We have to be very careful.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn "Saule un lietus, varavīksne.","Sun and rain, rainbow.",lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Kuru daļu tu nesaproti?,What part don't you understand?,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Es domāju cik daudz tu zini par šo.,I wonder how much you know about this.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Tas restorāns ir pārāk dārgs.,That restaurant's too expensive.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Tu neko nenokavēji.,You didn't miss a thing.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Istaba bija tumša.,The room was dark.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Vai tu vari aizvērt durvis?,Can you close the door?,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Es pēdējā laikā esmu daudz ko pārdomājis.,I've had a lot on my mind lately.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Toms atkal visu sapisa.,Tom fucked up again.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Es viņu zinu.,I know him.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Viņa ir mūsu kaimiņiene.,She's our neighbour.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn "Viņa jautāja, kā pagatavot zivi.",She asked how to cook the fish.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Februārī mums ir daudz sniega.,We have a lot of snow in February.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Es tevi nogalināšu.,I'll kill you.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Viņi ir jauni un veselīgi.,They're young and healthy.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn "Viņa vārdi aizrāva visus, pat opozīciju.","His words excited everyone, even the opposition.",lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Es gaidīju piecpadsmit minūtes.,I waited for fifteen minutes.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Šis ir jaunas ēras sākums.,This is the beginning of a new era.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Es viņu vakar redzēju.,I saw her yesterday.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Manam dēlam ir dēls.,My son has a son.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn "Es zinu, ka Toms mums sameloja.",I know Tom lied to us.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Gaiss ir mitrs.,The air is damp.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Toms nekad nav bijis jauns.,Tom has never been young.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Vai vēlaties redzēt savu tulkojumu?,Do you want to see my translations?,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Šodien ir svētdiena.,Today is Sunday.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Cilvēki nevar dzīvot uz Marsa.,Humans can't live on Mars.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Noticis kaut kas šausmīgs.,Something terrible's happened.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn "Mūsu tēvs debesīs, svētīts lai top tavs vārds, lai nāk tava valstība, tavs prāts lai notiek kā debesīs, tā arī virs zemes, mūsu dienišķo maizi dod mums šodien, un piedod mums mūsu parādus kā arī mēs piedodam saviem parādniekiem, un neieved mūs kārdināšanā bet atpestī mūs no ļauna, jo tev pieder valstība spēks un gods mūžīgi.","Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name. Your Kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as in heaven Give us today our daily bread. Forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us. Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.",lvs_Latn-eng_Latn "Viens, divi, trīs, četri, pieci, seši, septiņi, astoņi, deviņi, desmit.","One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten.",lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Cik labi tu pazīst savus kaimiņus?,How well do you know your neighbors?,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn "Viss, kas mani nenogalina, padara mani stiprāku.",What doesn't kill me only makes me stronger.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Man nepatīk ilgi braucieni ar automašīnu.,I don't like long drives.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Mēs apēdam dažus ābolus.,We ate some apples.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Cik daudz angļu vārdus tu zini?,How many English words do you know?,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Lūdzu nerunājiet par Krievu kartupeļu salātiem! Esmu ļoti izsalcis.,Please don't talk about Russian potato salad! I'm so hungry.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Astoņkājis Pols bija taisnība.,Octopus Paul was right.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Tu ej uz kino?,Are you going to the movies?,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn "Vai man vajadzētu nogriezties pa kreisi, pa labi, jeb doties taisni?","Should I turn left, right, or go straight?",lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Tu pabeidzi mazgāt rokas?,Are you done washing your hands?,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Viņi nomira viens pēc otra.,They died one after another.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn "Sveiki, mani sauc Pekka. Kā tevi sauc?","Hi, my name is Pekka. What is your name?",lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Cik bieži vajadzētu mazgāt matus.,How often should you wash your hair?,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Pagājušo nedēļu mēs strādājām dienu un nakti.,Last week we worked day and night.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Man tas vēl nav zināms.,For me it is not yet known.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Es rakstu poēmu.,I write poetry.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn "Godīgi sakot, es to nesaprotu.","To be honest, I don't understand it.",lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Vai jūs esat Toms?,Are you Tom?,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Muriel tagad 20.,Muiriel is 20 now.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Tomam ir labs attaisnojums.,Tom has a good excuse.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Toms atteicās spēlēties ar jūrascūciņām.,Tom refused to play with the guinea pigs.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Toms ir atslēdzies.,Tom has passed out.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Toms un Marija gulēja zem zvaigžņotām debesīm.,Tom and Mary slept under the stars.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Toms ir kazanova.,Tom is a cassanova.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Toms ir ērzelis.,Tom is a horn dog.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn "Interesanti, vai lidmašīna atlidos laikā.",I wonder if the plane will arrive on time.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Man ir auksti.,I feel cold.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Ķēniņa meita ir princese.,A king's daughter is a princess.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Es ļoti noguru šovakar.,I'm really tired tonight.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Tauta sacēlās pret ķēniņu.,The people rebelled against the king.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Es tā dzīvot nevaru.,I can't live that kind of life.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Es mīlu tēju.,I like tea.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Vācu futbola komanda pārspēja brazīliešus pārliecinoši.,The German soccer team beat Brazil convincingly.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Esmu dārzā.,I am in the garden.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Toms patīk klausīties dzīvajā mūzikā.,Tom enjoys listening to live music.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Šķīvis izslīdēja viņam no rokām.,The plate slipped out of my hands.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Es spēlēju klavieres.,I play the piano.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Es saprotu jūsu valodu.,I understand your language.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Koks ir zaļš.,The tree is green.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn "Pēc kāda laika, viņa atkal sāka spēlēt klavieres.",After a while she began to play the piano again.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn "776. gadā p.m.ē. pirmās Olimpiskās spēles notika Olimpa kalna pakājē, lai godinātu grieķu galveno dievu - Zevu.","In 776 B.C., the first Olympic Games were held at the foot of Mount Olympus to honor the Greeks' chief god, Zeus.",lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Man ir sāpes kuņģī.,I have a stomachache.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Kur viņi ir?,Where are they?,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Nedēļā ir septiņas dienas.,A week has seven days.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Tu man patiešām ļoti patīc.,I really like you a lot.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Policijai izdevās atrast likumpārkāpēju.,The police were able to find the criminal.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn "Es ceru, ka mēs to atradīsim.",I hope we find it.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Es nekad neesmu sāpinājis Tomu.,I've never hurt Tom.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Toms ir cīņas mākslu eksperts.,Tom is a martial arts expert.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Vakar mūs nebija mājās.,We didn't stay home yesterday.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Šī grāmata ir par zvaigznēm.,This book is about stars.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Man vajag to atrast.,I need to find it.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Toms mani neatradīs.,Tom won't find me.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Meliem īsas kājas.,A lie has no legs.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Es nedzīvoju Somijā.,I don't live in Finland.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn "Lūdzu, dodiet man vēl vienu iespēju.",Please give me another chance.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Es neesmu ārsts.,I'm not a doctor.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Dāmas arī spēlē bumbu.,Ladies also play with the ball.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Mežā dzīvo savvaļas dzīvnieki.,Wild animals live in forests.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Es nolēmu kļūt par ārstu.,I made up my mind to be a doctor.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Man nav klāt naudas.,I have no money on me.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Ir deviņi miljoni velosipēdu Pekinā.,There are nine million bicycles in Beijing.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Mana māte ir traka.,My mother is crazy.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Toms šāva pretīm.,Tom returned fire.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Turēsim skaistu dabu ap mums.,Let's keep beautiful nature around us.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Facebook man nozog daudz laika.,Facebook eats up a lot of my time.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Nekas nepadara dižākus kā lielas ciešanas.,Nothing makes us greater than a great suffering.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Tu biji redzēts gatavojot.,You were seen to cook.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Uzzīmē man jēriņu.,Draw me a sheep!,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Labs labu nemaitā.,You can't have too much of a good thing.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Man vienkārši trūkst vārdu.,I'm just lost for words.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn "Saskaņā ar Mērijas teikto, viņš nenāks.","He's not coming, according to Mary.",lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Es varu palikt tikai uz dažām minūtēm.,I can only stay a few minutes.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Viņa atvēra šādā veidā.,She opened like this.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Smadzenēs ir apmēram simts miljardi neironu.,In the brain there are around one hundred billion neurons.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Visi āboli ir sarkani.,All apples are red.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Šonakt tu gulēsi labāk.,You'll sleep better tonight.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Bobs un Toms esam brāļi.,Bob and Tom are brothers.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Visi dzīvnieki ir vienādi.,All animals are equal.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Es nevēlos dzirdēt nevienu vārdu par to!,I don't want to hear another word about it!,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Viņs ir melns krekls.,He has a black shirt.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Neviens nevar apskaut neapskaujamo.,One cannot embrace the unembraceable.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Viņi ar Indiāņiem gribēja dzīvot mierā.,They wanted to live in peace with the Indians.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Es nevēlos nošaut savu suni.,I didn't want to shoot my dog.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Trīs cilvēku banda skaidrā dienas laikā aplaupīja banku.,A gang of three robbed the bank in broad daylight.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Kur ir kaķis?,Where is the cat?,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Tu nespēj mani hipnotizēt.,You can't hypnotize me.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Toms gandrīz vienmēr uz darbu dodas ar mašīnu.,Tom almost always goes to work by car.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Viņš izskatījās mazs stāvot blakus manam lielajam tēvam.,He looked small next to my heavyset father.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Jā.,This is true.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Man nav laika pat lasīšanai.,I have no time even for reading.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Es ilgojos pēc tevis.,I long for you.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Es mīlu tevi vairāk nekā tu mani mīli.,I love you more than you love me.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn "Vai tu vari man pateikt, kas tas ir?",Can you tell me what this is?,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Kur tu dzīvo.,Where do you live?,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Es mīlu tevi.,I love you.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Es tev atnesu šo.,I brought you this.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Vai es varētu pajautāt kā tevi sauc.,May I ask your name?,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Man tevis pietrūkst.,I miss you.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn "Desmit, divdesmit, trīsdesmit, četrdesmit, piecdesmit, sešdesmit, septiņdesmit, astoņdesmit, deviņdesmit, simts.","Ten, twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety, one hundred.",lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Es iešu.,I'm going to go.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn "Mums nevajadzētu spriest par cilvēkiem, balstoties uz to, kā viņi izskatās.",We shouldn't judge people based on their appearance.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Tas mani nepārsteidz.,It doesn't surprise me.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn "Viņa pagāja viņam garām, pat viņu neievērojot.",She walked past him without even noticing him.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Es negribu strādāt šādos apstākļos.,I don't want to work under these conditions.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Es esmu tāds tusnis.,I'm so fat.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Cik ilgi tu paliki?,How long did you stay?,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Tu to vari.,You can do it.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn "Ja viņš būtu zinājis patiesību, viņš man būtu pateicis.","If he'd known the truth, he'd have told me.",lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Vecāki mīl savus bērnus.,Parents love their children.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Man fizikas skolotāju neuztrauc ja es bastoju stundas.,My physics teacher doesn't care if I skip classes.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Es dodu priekšroku komēdijām.,I prefer comedies.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Es vēlo kaut es varētu doties uz Japānu.,I wish I could go to Japan.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Vai mums nevajadzētu palīdzēt?,Shouldn't we help?,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Toms man nepalīdzēs.,Tom won't help me.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn "Ja es būtu viņu pamanījis, es būtu viņai iedevis autogrāfu.","If I had noticed her, I would have got her autograph.",lvs_Latn-eng_Latn "Pēc tam, kad es aizgāju, es sapratu, ka esmu aizmirsis savu mugursomu viņu mājā.","After that, I left, but then I realized that I forgot my backpack at their house.",lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Es tev šodien neko citu neprasīšu.,I won't ask you anything else today.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Es mācu kādam angļu valodu.,I teach English to someone.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Mums ir daudz laika.,We have a lot of time.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn "Pirms tu dod pavēles, tev jāiemācās pakļauties.","Before you give orders, you must learn to obey.",lvs_Latn-eng_Latn ko Tu izdarīji ar savu mašīnu?,What have you done with your car?,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Japāna ir bagāta valsts.,Japan is a rich country.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Suns aizbēga,A dog ran away.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Es novērtēju Tavu palīdzību.,I appreciate your help.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Tomam ir laba redze.,Tom has good eyesight.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Mums vajadzētu mācīties kopā.,We should study together.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Teorētiski es rēķinu.,"Theoretically, I'm doing math.",lvs_Latn-eng_Latn "Neredzot tiešsaistē veselu dienu, tu mani gandrīz pārbiedēji.",It almost scared me not to see you online for a whole day.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Manam datoram jābūt noderīgam priekš kaut kā.,My computer has got to be useful for something.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn "Es zinu, ka viņš zin.",I know that he knows.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn "Hm, tagad tas ir dīvaini.","Uh, now it's really weird...",lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Neviens nezinās.,No one will know.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Neesmu šo grāmatu lasījis.,I haven't read this book.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Man patīk sveču gaisma.,I like candlelight.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Ko tu atbildēji?,What did you answer?,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Man nepatīk saldējums.,I do not like ice cream.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn "Dodiet man glāzi ūdens, lūdzu.",Please give me a glass of water.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn "Svētīgi tie, kam nav talanta.",Blessed are those who have no talent!,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Paklau!,You must listen.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Tagad tu esi apmierināts?,Are you happy now?,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Es varu tikai gaidīt.,I can only wait.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Cik Tev šajā darbā maksā?,How much does the job pay?,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Aizvāc to no šejienes.,Get this stuff out of here.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Es paklausos dziesmu.,I am listening to the music.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn "Kens nav pietiekoši drosmīgs, lai mēģinātu atkal.",Ken isn't brave enough to try again.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn "Ūdens sasalst pie nulle grādiem pēc Celsij, vai ne?","Water will freeze at zero Celsius, right?",lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Es negribu gaidīt tik ilgi.,I don't want to wait that long.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Bet iespēja izskatās mazs ticama.,But the possibility seems unlikely.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Man nevajadzēja izlogoties.,I shouldn't have logged off.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Tu esi bezgaršīgam.,You have no taste.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Es nesaprotu kāpēc viņš tā darija.,I can't understand why he did that.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Kura kārta ir?,Whose turn is it?,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Šis rokaspulkstenis ir ūdensizturīgs.,This watch is waterproof.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Viņš nopelna viņa dzīvei rakstot,He earns his living by writing.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn "Neiztiec mani, tu padari mani netīru!","Don't you touch me, you'd make me dirty!",lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Bērns slēpās aiz liela koka.,The child was hiding behind a big tree.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Klusums ir zelta.,Silence is golden.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Jums pilnībā ir taisnība ministra prezidenta kungs!,"You are absolutely right, Mr Prime Minister!",lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Tas ir par lielu.,It's too big.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Tas ir lielu.,It's too large.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn "Es brīnos, ja turot savu galvu uz leju un dzīvojot droši ir izdzīvošanas instinkts?",I wonder if keeping your head down and living safely is a survival instinct.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Veikalam ir daudz apmeklētāku.,That shop has many customers.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Es esmu noraizējies par tevi.,I'm worried for you.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Es ienīstu kafiju.,I hate coffee.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Mēs patiešām patika sevi.,We really enjoyed ourselves.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Es esmu skolotājs.,I'm a teacher.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Kāds vārds tiks dots bērnam?,What name will be given to the child?,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Es aizņēmos naudu.,I borrow money.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Es nopirku lentes,I buy tapes.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Jūs sapratīsiet kad jūs paliksiet vecāki.,You'll understand once you come of age.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Tas vīrietis apprecējās un sāka dibināt ģimeni,That guy got married and started a family.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Ilgi dzīvo Padomju Savienībā!,Long live the Soviet Union!,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Kā iet? Vai tu esi aizņemts?,How's it going? Are you busy?,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Viņi tiešām neuzvarēja.,They really did win.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Rīt mēs noskūsimies par brīvu.,"Tomorrow, we shave for free.",lvs_Latn-eng_Latn "Tas ir labi, vai ne?","That's good, isn't it?",lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Viņš pelna daudz naudas akciju tirgū.,He's making a lot of money in the stock market.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Mana iesauka ir ''Itch.'',"My nickname is ""Itch.""",lvs_Latn-eng_Latn "Liels, vai ne?","Large, isn't it?",lvs_Latn-eng_Latn "Šī vieta ir liela, vai ne?","This place is large, isn't it?",lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Jūs nenožēlosiet!,You won't regret it!,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Uz šosejas ir satiksmes sastrēgums.,There is a traffic jam on the highway.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Kāda krāsa bija Henrija IV baltais zirgs?,What colour was Henri IV's white horse?,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Viņš ir labs vīrietis tagad tātad viņš būs labs vīrs nākotnē.,"He's a good guy now, so he'll make a good husband in the future.",lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Vai tu gribētu dzert šovakar?,Would you like to drink a bit tonight?,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Ļauj man spēlēt šovakar.,Let me pay tonight.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Tagad tā ir problēma.,"Now, this is a problem.",lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Cena ir kritusies nesen.,Prices have dropped recently.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Kāpec mums vajaga iet mājās?,Why do we have to go home?,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn "Es lūdzu, lai jums būtu veiksme.",I pray that you will have the best of luck.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Vakar bija Svētdiena.,Yesterday was Sunday.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Kā tas ir iespējams?,How is that possible?,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Viņš dzēra daudz vakar.,He drank a lot yesterday.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Viņš ari var runāt Krieviski.,"He can speak Russian, too.",lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Mēs nevaram padoties.,We can't give up now.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Es vēlos lai tu noslauki manas asaras.,I want you to dry my tears.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Es domāju vai tā ir mīlestība.,I wonder if this is love.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Toms nevarēja palīdzēt sev.,Tom just couldn't help himself.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Viņš dzīvo Marokā.,He lives in Morocco.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Kas ir tavā prātā.,What's in your mind?,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Es esmu valstī!,I am the State!,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Es esmu noguris no zaudēšanas.,I'm tired of losing.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Ludzu nāc iekšā.,Please come in.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Ir ļoti auksti.,It's very cold.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Tā ir imitācija.,That's an imitation.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Tas ir neīsts.,That's a fake.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Es gribētu mācīties latviešu valodu.,I would like to learn Latvian.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Toma suns ir miris.,Tom's dog is dead.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn "Mums nav nepieciešams jauns papildu valodas, angļu valodas, kas jau pilda šo lomu.","We do not need a new auxiliary language, the English language already fulfills that role.",lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Šeit ir jūsu somas.,Here are your bags.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Vai Toms tev palīdzēs?,Will Tom help you?,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Pagaidi mirkli.,Wait just a moment.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Es mīlu ballītes.,I love parties.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Visi lūdz esat klusi.,"Everyone, please be quiet.",lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Tas ir labs jautājums.,That's a good question.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Citroni ir skābi.,Lemons are sour.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Vai kaut kas ir noticis?,Has something happened?,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Tā ir viegla uzvara.,It's an easy victory.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Dariet to tagad.,Do it now.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn "Tas ir lieliski! Jūs smieties, noteikti.",It's great! You'll laugh for sure.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Tava atbilde ir nepareiza.,Your answer is wrong.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Vecs cilvēks nomira no bada.,The old man starved to death.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Dzīve ir patīkama.,Life is enjoyable.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Būs jau labi.,All will be fine.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Es šodien nopirku pienu.,I bought milk today.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Vai tu steidzies?,Are you in a hurry?,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Šī grāmata nav tik smaga kā tā grāmata.,This book isn't as heavy as that book.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Toms ir mazliet vecāks par Mariju,Tom is a bit older than Mary.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Par ko tu runā.,What are you talking about?,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn "Mēs prātoju, kas notiktu pēc tam, kad Toms atnāktu.",We wondered what would happen after Tom showed up.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Gaisma nodzisa.,The light went out.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Marija ir mana māsīca.,Mary is my cousin.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Es jūs nesapratu!,I didn't understand what you said.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Šie zēni ir brālēni.,The two boys are cousins.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Toms ir mans otrais brālēns.,Tom is my second cousin.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Neviens nezin atbildi.,Nobody knows the answer.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Neaizskar mani!,Don't touch me!,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Tā ir mana grāmata.,This is my book.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Toms pārgrieza nepareizo vadu.,Tom cut the wrong wire.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Es tā negribēju!,I didn't want it!,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Māns jaunākais brālis skaļi kliedz.,My younger brother is yelling loudly.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Cilvēcei vajaga pielikt punktu karam savādāk karš pieliks punktu cilvēcei.,"Mankind must put an end to war, or otherwise war will put an end to mankind.",lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Tā ir stulba sistēma.,It's a stupid system.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Man bija slikts sapnis pagājušajā naktī.,I had a horrible dream last night.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Man ir žēl ka tu jūties tā.,I'm sorry you feel that way.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Kāds ir valūtas maiņas kurss?,What is the exchange rate?,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Toms piebrauca pie lielveikala.,Tom drove to the supermarket.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Es nevaru atbildēt uz šo jautājumu.,I can't answer this question.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Vai tu noskūptīsi Tomu?,Will you kiss Tom?,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Es esmu redzējis Tomu darbībā.,I've seen Tom in action.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Es nezinu iemeslu.,I don't know the cause.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Tu esi par jaunu lai mirtu mans draugs.,"You're too young to die, my friend.",lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Suns neapēda gaļu.,The dog didn't eat the meat.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Saule ir liela.,The sun is big.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Bērni ir viesi.,The kids are visitors.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Es negribēju zaudēt.,I didn't want to lose.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Tā ir tiešām grūti novēršama problēma.,It's a truly difficult problem to fix.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Es biju ļoti nobijies.,I was terribly frightened.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn "Kad es biju mazs, es biju viens no retajiem ielas zēniem, kam nepatika futbols.",When I was small I was one of the few boys on the street who didn't like football.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Man patīk fotogrāfēt.,I love to take pictures.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Ej un paskaties kas tas ir.,Go and see who it is.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Tā ir tava krāsa!,It's your color!,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Tomam ir laiks doties.,It's time for Tom to go.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Es nepavisam vairs neesmu jauns.,I am not at all young anymore.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Es domāju ka viņam ir jājiet tu.,I think he must go there.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn "Man likās, ka es to noliku tur.",I thought that I put it right there.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Es tev šodien nevaru palīdzēt.,I can't help you today.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Man nav nekādu plānu.,I don't have any plans.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Man patīk astronomija.,I love astronomy.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Man vēl ir daudz ko mācīties.,I've still got a lot to learn.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Mans tēvs ir stiprāks par tavu tēvu.,My dad is stronger than your dad.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Vai es neesmu vēl pietiekoši cietis?,Haven't I suffered enough?,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Tas ir galds.,It's a table.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Viņa atnāca ar viņu?,Did she come with him?,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Tu tiešām neproti peldēt?,Can you really not swim?,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Man patīk dzīvot Eiropā.,I'd like to live in Europe.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn "Es ceru, ka tas strādās.",I hope that it'll work.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Es vēl neesmu samaksājis.,I haven't paid yet.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Es tikko pārdevu savu mašīnu.,I just sold my car.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Es dzīvoju netālu no parka.,I live near a park.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Grāmata ir uz galda.,The book is on the table.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Es izgāju viens pacs.,I went out by myself.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Man nekad nav bijis daudz naudas.,I never had much money.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Par ko Toms runāja?,What did Tom talk about?,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn "Es biju priecīgs, ka to izdarīju.",I was happy I did that.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Es tagad negribu ēst.,I don't want to eat now.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Es ieteicu Tomam doties mājās.,I advised Tom to go home.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Es negribu lai tu uztrauktos.,I don't want you to worry.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Toms ceļoja apkārt Eiropai.,Tom traveled around Europe.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn "Es ceru, ka mēs tiksimies vēlreiz.",I hope we'll meet again.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Es tur eju visu laiku.,I go there all the time.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn "Esmu ļoti priecīgs, ka tu atnāci.",I'm really glad you came.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Es nezinu kā es to izdarīju.,I don't know how I did that.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Esmu pārliecināts ka tu to vari izdarīt vel labāk.,I'm sure you can do even better.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Es zinu kas Tomam patīk.,I know what Tom likes.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Etiķis ir asa garša.,Vinegar has a sharp taste.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn "Jā, es iešu.","Yeah, I’ll go.",lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Toms spēlē gandrīz tikpat labi kā Marija,Tom can play nearly as well as Mary.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Par cik tu gribi pārdot šo.,How much do you want to sell this for?,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Viņa ir ļoti atklāta.,She's very open.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Vai tava meita ir šeit.,Is your daughter here?,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Mēs negribam lai mūs šeit kāds atrod.,We don't want anyone to find us here.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Kāpēc tu neesi darbā?,Why aren't you at work?,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Viņa māte strādā privātskolā par bibliotekāri.,His mother works as a librarian at a private school.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Kads ir tava brālēna vārds?,What's your cousin's name?,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Kāpēc cilvēki baidās no policijas?,Why are people afraid of the police?,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Kur ir mani spārni.,Where are my wings?,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Skeptiķiem bija taisnība.,The skeptics were right.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Tas ir skumji ka viņa ir bagāta.,It is said that she is rich.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Bet jūs tur neesat.,But you're not there.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Toms ir aizmidzis uz soliņa.,Tom is asleep on the bench.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Bezkrāsainas zaļas idejas vētraini guļ.,Colorless green ideas sleep furiously.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Pajautā viņai kad viņa atgriezīsies.,Ask her when she comes back.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Viņš pateica lai es viņu satieku restorānā.,He told me to meet him at the restaurant.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Tu vienmēr izskaties noguris.,You always seem tired.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Man vajadzēja iet atpakaļ.,I had to go back.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Kad būs nākamā ekskursija ar gidu?,When is the next guided tour?,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn "Viņi atradīs tavu cigarešu krātuvi, un tad tev būs problēmas.","They'll find your cigarette cache, and then you'll have problems.",lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Es nekad nedzeru alu.,I never drink beer.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn "Viņi atradīs tavus cigarešu krājumus, un tad tev būs problēmas.","They're going to find your stash of cigarettes, and then you'll be in trouble.",lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Toms strādā kafejnīcā.,Tom works in a coffee shop.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Toms jau ir šeit.,Tom is already there.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Beidz spēlēties ar saviem matiem.,Stop playing with your hair.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn "Vai tu saki, ka Toms ir nodevējs?",Are you saying that Tom is a traitor?,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Cik noraizējušiem mums vajadzētu būt par to?,How worried should we be about that?,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Kur ir mans tētis?,Where is my dad?,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Es zinu cik naudas Tomam ir.,I know how much money Tom has.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Man nav daudz draugu.,I don't have many friends.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Tomam vajag tavu palīdzību.,Tom needed your help.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Man ir sirdstrieka.,I'm having a heart attack.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Trīs bērni atvēra ēkas durvis.,Three children opened the door of the building.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Es tev izstāstīšu visu no paša sākuma.,I'll tell you everything from the beginning.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn """Kur ir Toms?"" ""Es nezinu. Viņš kādu brīdi atpakaļ te vēl bija.""","""Where's Tom?"" ""I don't know. He was here a few moments ago.""",lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Es mīlu oksitāņu valoda.,I like the Occitan language.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Šodien jūra bija silta.,Today the sea was warm!,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Es mīlu tevi - es arī mīlu tev.,I love you - I love you too.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Es esmu noguris.,I am tired.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn Es nevaru pateikt nevienam.,I won't tell anyone.,lvs_Latn-eng_Latn എന്റെ വലതുകണ്ണിലെ കാഴ്ച എനിക്ക് രണ്ടു വർഷം മുമ്പ് നഷ്ടമായി.,I lost the eyesight in my right eye two years ago.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ഇപ്പോഴത്തേക്ക് അതു മതിയാകും.,That will be enough for now.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn കത്തി ഉപയോഗിച്ച് കഴിക്കുന്നത് ഒരു മോശം ശീലമാണ്.,It is bad manners to eat with a knife.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn അവള്‍ക്ക് ഐസ് ക്രീം ഇഷ്ടമാണ്.,She likes ice cream.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ഈ പുതിയ കാര്‍ അവളുടെതാണ്.,This new car belongs to her.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ഈ വീട്ടിൽ എത്ര പൂച്ചകളുണ്ട്?,How many cats are there in this house?,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ഇന്നലെ ഞാനൊരു നായയെ വാങ്ങിച്ചു. ദൗര്‍ഭാഗ്യവശാല്‍ എന്റെ മാമി അതിനെ അത്താഴത്തിന് പാചകം ചെയ്തു.,Yesterday I bought a dog. Sadly my aunt cooked it for dinner.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn അവന് നീന്താൻ കഴിയും.,He can swim.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn അവർ താമസിക്കാനായി ഒരു വീടു നോക്കിക്കൊണ്ടിരിക്കുകയാണ്.,They are looking for a house to live in.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn അവൻ ആഫ്രിക്കയിലാണ് ജനിച്ചത്.,He was born in Africa.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn തുക നുറ് ആണ് .,The total is one hundred.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn അവനെ സ്വാധീനിക്കുക എന്നുള്ളത് അസാധ്യമാണെന്ന് ഞങ്ങൾ കണ്ടെത്തി.,We found it impossible to persuade him.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn അഞ്ചാഴ്ചയായി അവൻ അസുഖം ബാധിച്ച് കിടക്കയിലായിരുന്നുവെന്ന് അവന്റെ അമ്മ പറഞ്ഞു.,His mother said that he had been ill in bed for five weeks.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ഞാൻ ഇന്നലെ മൂന്ന് മത്സ്യങ്ങളെ പിടിച്ചു.,I caught three fish yesterday.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn എന്റെ ക്ലാസിലെ പകുതി പേർക്ക് നായകളെ ഇഷ്ടമാണ്.,Half of my class like dogs.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ഇതാണ് ജാക്ക് പണിത വീട്.,This is the house that Jack built.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn അവൻ അവളെ ദേഷ്യത്തോടെ നോക്കി.,He looked at her angrily.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn അവൻ എപ്പോഴും പഠിച്ചു കൊണ്ടിരിക്കും.,He is always studying.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ഞാന്‍ അവനുമായി ഒരു മുറി പങ്കിട്ടു.,I shared a room with him.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ഞങ്ങൾ ഈ തുക ജൂൺ മുപ്പതിന് മുമ്പായി അടയ്ക്കാം.,We will pay this amount by June 30.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn വോളിബോൾ കളിക്കുന്നതിനിടെ എന്റെ വിരൽ ഉളുക്കി.,I sprained my finger while playing volleyball.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ഈ രാജ്യം ആക്രമണത്തിൽ നിന്നും സുരക്ഷിതമാണ്.,This country is safe from attack.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn "ഞാൻ വീട്ടിൽ നിന്നിറങ്ങിയ ശേഷം, അഞ്ച് മിനിട്ടിനുള്ളിൽ മഴ പെയ്യാൻ തുടങ്ങി.",It began to rain five minutes after I left home.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ആർക്കും ഗുഹ കണ്ടെത്താനായില്ല.,No one could find the cave.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn എട്ടിനും പത്തിനുമിടയ്ക്കാണ് അതു സംഭവിച്ചത്.,It happened between eight and ten.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ഈ വാക്ക് എങ്ങനെയാണ് ഉച്ചരിക്കുന്നത്.,How do you say this word?,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ഫ്ലോറൻസ് ഇറ്റലിയിലെ ഏറ്റവും മനോഹരമായ നഗരമാണ്.,Florence is the most beautiful city in Italy.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ഈ നോവൽ മനസ്സിലാക്കാൻ വളരെ പ്രയാസമാണ്.,This novel is very difficult to understand.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ഞാൻ ഈജിപ്തിൽ നിന്നാണ്.,I am from Egypt.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn എനിക്കാവശ്യം പണം മാത്രമാണ്.,All I want is money.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn എന്നെ വിളിക്കാൻ മറക്കരുത്.,Don't forget to call me.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn അവൻ എന്നോട് നൃത്തം ചെയ്യാൻ ആവശ്യപ്പെട്ടു.,He asked me to dance.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ഞാൻ ഒരു ദിവസത്തിൽ രണ്ടു തവണ പല്ല് തേയ്ക്കും.,I brush my teeth twice a day.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn എന്റെ മകന് എന്നേക്കാള്‍ ഉയരമുണ്ട്.,My son is taller than I am.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn എനിക്ക് കാശ് വേണം.,I want money.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ആ അപകടത്തിൻ നിരവധി പേർ കൊല്ലപ്പെട്ടു.,Many people were killed in the accident.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn വേനൽ അവധിക്കാലം വളരെ പെട്ടെന്ന് അവസാനിച്ചു.,The summer vacation ended all too soon.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn അവന് എന്റെ ഇരട്ടി പ്രായമുണ്ട്.,He is twice as old as I.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ദയവായി ഇതൊരു ക്രിസ്മസ് സമ്മാനം പോലെ പൊതിയൂ.,Please wrap it like a Christmas present.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn അവൻ പണത്തിനായി ആവശ്യപ്പെട്ടു.,He asked for money.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn "സമ്പത്തും പ്രശസ്തിയും ഉണ്ടായിട്ടും, അവൻ ദുഃഖിതനാണ്.","For all his wealth and fame, he is unhappy.",mal_Mlym-eng_Latn അവന് കണക്കിൽ നല്ല മാർക്ക് കിട്ടി.,He got good marks in math.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn അവൾ ആ കാഴ്ച കണ്ട് വളരെയധികം അത്ഭുതപ്പെട്ടു.,She was very surprised at the sight.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn അത് അവനാണ് .,"Advertising campaigns have shaped popular culture, and launched brand into the public eye",mal_Mlym-eng_Latn നഷ്ടപ്പെടുത്താൻ സമയമില്ല.,There is no time to lose.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ഈ ദുരന്തത്തിന്റെ യഥാർത്ഥ കാരണം എന്താണ്?,What is the real cause of this tragedy?,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ആരും അങ്ങനെയൊരു സാധനം കണ്ടിട്ടേയില്ല.,No one ever saw such a thing.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ടോമും ഞാനും കഴിഞ്ഞയാഴ്ച വളരെ തിരക്കിലായിരുന്നു.,Tom and I were very busy last week.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ഞങ്ങൾ അവനിൽ നിന്നും ഏറെ പ്രതീക്ഷിക്കുന്നു.,We expect a lot from him.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn "അവൻ എപ്പോഴും കള്ളം പറയുന്നത് കൊണ്ട്, ആരും അവനെ വിശ്വസിക്കാറില്ല.","As he often tells lies, nobody believes him.",mal_Mlym-eng_Latn "ഞാനെപ്പോൾ വിളിക്കുമ്പോഴും, അവൻ പുറത്തായിരിക്കും.","Whenever I call, he is out.",mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ഈ വീട്ടിൽ രണ്ട് കുളിമുറികളുണ്ട്.,This house has two bathrooms.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ഞാൻ അവിടെ ചെന്നപ്പോൾ കട അടച്ചിരുന്നു.,The shop was closed when I went there.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ഞാനും പോയി.,I also went.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn എനിക്ക് കുട്ടികളില്ല.,I don't have any children.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ഞാൻ അവനെ മുമ്പെവിടെയോ കണ്ടതായി ഓർക്കുന്നു.,I remember having seen him somewhere before.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ഞാൻ ഈ രണ്ട് പുസ്തകങ്ങളും വായിച്ചിട്ടുണ്ട്.,I've read both these books.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ഞാന്‍ അവനെ സന്ദര്‍ശിച്ചപ്പോള്‍ അവന്‍ വായനയില്‍ മുഴുകിയിരിക്കുകയായിരുന്നു.,He was absorbed in reading when I visited him.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn അവനെ കണ്ടപ്പോൾ തന്നെ ഞാൻ പൊട്ടിച്ചിരിക്കാൻ തുടങ്ങി.,"As soon as I saw him, I burst into laughter.",mal_Mlym-eng_Latn എവറസ്റ്റ് കൊടുമുടി ആദ്യമായി കീഴടക്കിയതാരാണെന്ന് നിനക്കറിയാമോ?,Do you know who conquered Mt. Everest first?,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ഞാൻ നിനക്ക് ഈ പുസ്തകം തരാം.,I will give you this book.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn അവർ എന്നെ കൊല്ലും.,They'll kill me.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ഞാൻ മൃഗങ്ങളെ പറ്റിയുള്ള ഒരു പുസ്തകം വാങ്ങിച്ചു.,I bought a book about animals.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn പുറത്ത് ഇരുട്ടാണ്.,It is dark outside.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn എന്റെ സുഹൃത്തിന് ഇംഗ്ലീഷ് പരീക്ഷയിൽ നല്ല മാർക്ക് കിട്ടി.,My friend got good marks in the English examination.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn എന്റെ തൊണ്ട വരണ്ടിക്കുകയാണ്.,My throat is dry.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ഞങ്ങളുടെ കൂടെ വരൂ.,Come with us.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn എനിക്ക് ഈ വാക്കിന്റെ അർത്ഥം മനസ്സിലാകുന്നില്ല.,I can't understand the meaning of this word.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn പൂച്ച എലിയെ പിടിച്ചു.,The cat caught the mouse.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn അവൾ ഒരു കടയിൽ നിന്ന് മറ്റൊന്നിലേക്ക് പോയി.,She went from one shop to another.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ഒരു ദിവസത്തില്‍ ഇരുപത്തി നാല് മണിക്കൂര്‍ ഉണ്ട്.,There are twenty four hours in a day.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ഒരു മനുഷ്യന് പത്ത് വിരലുകളുണ്ട്.,A man has ten fingers.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn നീ ആ ചിത്രത്തില്‍ എന്താണ് കാണുന്നത്?,What do you see in the picture?,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn "അഹിംസയുടെ അപ്പസ്തോലനായ മഹാത്മ ഗാന്ധി, 1869-ലാണ് ജനിച്ചത്.","Mahatma Gandhi, the apostle of nonviolence, was born in 1869.",mal_Mlym-eng_Latn നിന്റെ പ്രിയപ്പെട്ട കളിക്കാരനാരാണ്?,Who is your favorite player?,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn നീ നാളെ തിരിച്ചു വരുമോ?,Will you come back tomorrow?,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn അവന്‍ ആ ശബ്ദം കേട്ടു.,He heard the noise.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ആരും മറ്റുള്ളവരെ കുറിച്ച് മോശമായി സംസാരിക്കാൻ പാടില്ല.,One should not speak ill of others.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn കണ്ണ് ആത്മാവിന്റെ കണ്ണാടിയാണ്.,The eye is the mirror of the soul.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn അവനും ഞാനും അദ്ധ്യാപകരാണ്.,He and I are teachers.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ദയവായി ആ ജനാല തുറക്കൂ,Please open the window.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn അവന് അമേരിക്കയില്‍ പോകാന്‍ ആഗ്രഹമുണ്ട്.,He wants to go to America.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn വളരെ തണുപ്പായതിനാൽ ഞാൻ പുറത്തു പോയില്ല.,I didn't go out because it was very cold.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn അവന്‍ സമിതിയുടെ അദ്ധ്യക്ഷനായി ക്ഷണിക്കപ്പെട്ടു.,He was invited to be the chairman of the club.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ഈ നിഘണ്ടു എന്റേതല്ല.,This dictionary isn't mine.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn അവൻ അവന്റെ അച്ഛന്റെ കാൽപ്പാടുകൾ പിന്തുടർന്നു.,He followed in his father's footsteps.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn നമുക്കിവിടെ ബേസ് ബോള്‍ കളിയ്ക്കാന്‍ സാധിക്കില്ല.,We cannot play baseball here.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ഇന്ന് തിങ്കളാഴ്ചയാണ്.,Today is Monday.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn അവളുടെ മുടി നീണ്ടതാണ്.,Her hair is long.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn നല്ലൊരു സമയം ആശംസിക്കുന്നു.,Have a good time.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ഒരു വാക്ക് പോലും മിണ്ടാതെ അവൾ പോയി.,She left without saying even a single word.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ഞാന്‍ വിചാരിച്ചു നീ പറഞ്ഞത് നീ ടോമിനെ വിശ്വസിക്കുന്നില്ല എന്നാണ് .,I thought you said you didn't trust Tom.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ഞാനൊരു വിദ്യാര്‍ത്ഥിയല്ല.,I'm not a student.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ഞാൻ ഈ കഥ കേട്ടിട്ടുണ്ട്.,I have heard the story.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn അതിനെപ്പറ്റി തര്‍ക്കിച്ചിട്ട് ഒരു കാര്യവുമില്ല.,It's no use arguing about it.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ആകാശം ഇരുണ്ടിരുന്നു.,The sky was dark.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn അവൻ ഭയപ്പെടാൻ തുടങ്ങി.,He began to feel afraid.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ആരാണ് ആ പെൺകുട്ടി?,Who's that girl?,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ജോലി കിട്ടുന്നതിനു മുന്‍പ് ജെഫ് മൂന്നുമാസത്തോളം ജോലി അന്വേഷിച്ചു നടന്നു.,Jeff searched for three months before he found a job.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn അവൻ എനിക്കൊരു അപരിചതനല്ല.,He is no stranger to me.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn നീ വീട്ടിൽ നിന്ന് കുറച്ച് നേരത്തെ പുറപ്പെട്ടിരുന്നുവെങ്കിൽ നിനക്ക് സമയത്ത് എത്താമായിരുന്നു.,If you had left home a little earlier you would have been in time.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ഈ ചോദ്യത്തിന് ഉത്തരം പറയാൻ ബുദ്ധിമുട്ടാണ്.,It's difficult to answer this question.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn അവൾ കരയാതിരിക്കാൻ ശ്രമിച്ചു.,She tried not to shed tears.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn അവൻ ഒന്നുമല്ല.,He is nothing.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ചന്ദ്രൻ ഭൂമിയുടെ ഏക ഉപഗ്രഹമാണ്.,The moon is the earth's only satellite.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ഞാൻ ഒരു ബാങ്കിൽ ജോലി ചെയ്യുന്നു.,I work in a bank.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn എന്റെ ജന്മദിനം മാർച്ച് 22-നാണ്.,My birthday is on March 22.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn അവൻ എന്റെ അമ്മയോടു ചോദിച്ചു.,He asked my mother.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ഇതു നിന്റെ പേനയാണോ?,Is this your pen?,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ഞാൻ ഈ സിനിമ മുമ്പ് കണ്ടതായി ഓർക്കുന്നു.,I remember having seen this movie before.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn എനിക്ക് ഒന്നിനെപ്പറ്റിയും ഭയമില്ല.,I am not frightened of anything.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn എനിക്ക് ഈ പുസ്തകം ഇംഗ്ലീഷിലേക്ക് തര്‍ജ്ജമ ചെയ്താല്‍ കൊള്ളാമെന്നുണ്ട്.,I'd like you to translate this book into English.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn അവൻ വാതിൽ അടച്ചു.,He closed the door.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn എത്ര അതിഥികളുണ്ട്?,How many guests are there?,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ഇത് തണുത്തതല്ല.,This is not cool.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn നിങ്ങള്‍ ഏതു വര്‍ഷമാണ് ജനിച്ചത്?,What year were you born?,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ഞാൻ ഗോൾഫിന്റെ വലിയ ആരാധകനാണ്.,I'm a big fan of golf.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ആരും എന്നെ മനസ്സിലാക്കുന്നില്ല.,Nobody understands me.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn "കേള്‍വിക്കാര്‍ അവനെ കൈകൊട്ടി അഭിനന്ദിച്ചു, അതായതു അവന്റെ പ്രകടനം വിജയിച്ചു.","The audience applauded him, which means his performance was a success.",mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ആരും ജോലി ചെയ്യുന്നില്ല. എല്ലാവരും ലോകകപ്പ് കാണുകയാണ്.,No one is working. Everyone's watching the World Cup.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ആ മരുന്ന് അവളുടെ ജീവന്‍ രക്ഷിച്ചു.,The medicine saved her life.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn അവന്‍ ഊണ് കഴിക്കാന്‍ തുടങ്ങി.,He began to eat lunch.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ദയവായി നിങ്ങള്‍ സംസാരിക്കുന്നതിന് മുമ്പ് നിങ്ങളുടെ കൈ ഉയര്‍ത്തുക.,Please raise your hand before you speak.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn അവന്റെ കൈയ്യിൽ വളരെയധികം പഴയ നാണയങ്ങൾ ഉള്ളതായി പറയപ്പെടുന്നു.,It is said that he has a lot of old coins.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn നീ എവിടുന്നാണ്,Where are you from?,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn നാളെ വീണ്ടും വരൂ.,Come again tomorrow.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn എനിക്ക് ഇത് വായിക്കാൻ കഴിയുന്നില്ല.,I can't read this.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ആ പൂട്ട്‌ തീര്‍ച്ചയായും പോളിക്കപ്പെടണം.,The lock must be broken.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ഞാൻ ഒരു കൈ കൊണ്ട് പന്ത് പിടിച്ചു.,I caught the ball with one hand.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ഞാൻ ടെന്നിസ് കളിക്കാൻ പോവുകയാണ്.,I am going to play tennis.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn എൻറെ വർത്തമാനപത്രം എവിടെയാണ്.,Where is my newspaper?,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn അധ്യാപകന്‍ ആണ് മൂന്നാം വര്‍ഷ ക്ലാസ്സ്മുറിയുടെ ചുമതലയുല്ലയാള്‍.,The teacher is in charge of the third year class.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn പൊക്കമില്ലായ്മ ജീവിതത്തില്‍ അത്ര വലിയ പോരായ്മയല്ല.,Not being tall is not a serious disadvantage in life.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ഞാൻ ഇപ്പോൾ തന്നെ വരികയാണ്.,I'm coming at once.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ആരോട് ഉപദേശം ചോദിക്കണമെന്ന് എനിക്കറിയില്ല.,I don't know who to ask for advice.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn എനിക്ക് എന്റെ താക്കോൽ നഷ്ടപ്പെട്ടു.,I lost my key.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn എനിക്ക് കണക്ക് പഠിക്കേണ്ടതായിയുണ്ട്.,I need to study math.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn അവളുടെ കാഴ്ചപ്പാടിൽ നിന്ന് ആ പ്രശ്നത്തെ കാണാൻ ശ്രമിക്കൂ.,Try to see the problem from her point of view.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn അവൾ അവളുടെ പതിനഞ്ചാം പിറന്നാൾ ഇന്നലെ ആഘോഷിച്ചു.,She celebrated her fifteenth birthday yesterday.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn നീ എങ്ങനെ നിന്റെ അവധിക്കാലം ചെലവഴിച്ചു?,How did you spend your vacation?,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ടോം മീശ വളർത്തുകയാണ്.,Tom is growing a mustache.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn തീർച്ചയായും ഞാൻ അവളെ സ്നേഹിക്കുന്നു.,Of course I love her!,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn നാലിനെ രണ്ട് കൊണ്ട് ഗുണിച്ചാൽ എട്ട് കിട്ടും.,Four multiplied by two is eight.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn റഷ്യ വളരെ വലിയ സാമ്പത്തിക പ്രതിസന്ധി നേരിടുകയാണ്.,Russia is facing great financial difficulties.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn അതൊരു നിഘണ്ടുവാണ്.,It's a dictionary.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ഞാൻ എൻറെ അവസാന പരീക്ഷ എഴുതുക ആണ്.,I am taking my final exam.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn നിങ്ങളുടെ വീടിൻറെ താക്കോൽ കളഞ്ഞു പോയോ ?,Have you lost the key of your house?,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn അടുത്ത ട്രെയിനിലെ തിരക്ക് ഇതിനേക്കാൾ കുറവായിരിക്കും.,The next train will be less crowded than this one.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn "മനുഷ്യന്‍, ഒരേസമയം, ഏകാന്ത ജീവിയും സാമൂഹ്യജീവിയുമാണ്.","Man is, at one and the same time, a solitary being and a social being.",mal_Mlym-eng_Latn സാമൂഹ്യജീവിയെന്ന നിലയില്‍ സഹജീവികളുടെ സ്നേഹത്തിനും അംഗീകാരത്തിനും വേണ്ടി ശ്രമിക്കുകയും അവരുടെ നൊമ്പരങ്ങളും സന്തോഷങ്ങളും പങ്കുവെയ്ക്കുകയും ചെയ്യുന്നു.,"As a social being, he seeks to gain the recognition and affection of his fellow human beings, to share in their pleasures, to comfort them in their sorrows, and to improve their conditions of life.",mal_Mlym-eng_Latn നിലവിലുള്ള മുതലാളിത്ത സമൂഹത്തിന്റെ സാമ്പത്തിക സാമൂഹ്യ അരാജകത്വമാണ് പ്രധാന പ്രതിയെന്ന് ഞാന്‍ കരുതുന്നു.,"The economic anarchy of capitalist society as it exists today is, in my opinion, the real source of the evil.",mal_Mlym-eng_Latn അടുത്ത പോപ്പ് ആരായിരിക്കും?,Who will be the next pope?,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ആ കൊക്ക് ഒറ്റക്കാലിൽ നിൽക്കുകയായിരുന്നു.,The crane was standing on one leg.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ഈ പേനകൾ അവന്റേതാണ്.,These pens are his.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn എനിക്കൊരു തടിമേശയുണ്ട്.,I have a wooden table.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ദയവായി ഈ കുപ്പി തുറക്കുക.,Please open the bottle.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn എനിക്ക് അവന്റെ വാക്ക് വിശ്വസിക്കാൻ കഴിയില്ല.,I can't trust in his word.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn അവൾ സമയത്ത് വരുമോ എന്നുള്ളത് സംശയമാണ്.,It is doubtful whether she will come on time.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn നീ ജനാല തുറന്നിട്ടിരുന്നോ?,Did you leave the window open?,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn അവളുടെ ചുറ്റുമുള്ള വിദ്യാർത്ഥികൾ പരീക്ഷയെ പറ്റി സംസാരിക്കുകയായിരുന്നു.,The students around her were talking about the test.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn നമുക്ക് ഭൂമിയെ രക്ഷിക്കാന്‍ കഴിയുമോ?,Can we save the planet?,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ഞാന്‍ കാല്‍പ്പന്ത് കളിച്ചു.,I played football.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ഈ രോഗം എങ്ങനെയാണ് പടരുന്നത്?,How does this disease spread?,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ആ വാര്‍ത്ത കാട്ടുതീ പോലെ പടര്‍ന്നു.,The news spread like wildfire.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn അവള്‍ ലോകമെമ്പാടും സഞ്ചരിച്ചു.,She traveled all over the world.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ഞാൻ ഒരു ഡോക്ടറാണെന്ന് അവൾ വിചാരിച്ചിരുന്നു.,She thought that I was a doctor.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn എന്റെ സഹോദരൻ ഒരിക്കലും ഫുജി കൊടുമുടി കീഴടക്കിയിട്ടില്ല.,My brother has never climbed Mt Fuji.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn അവളുടെ അച്ഛൻ മരിച്ചു.,Her father died.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ഈ ക്ലാസ്സിൽ നാല്പത് കുട്ടികളാണുള്ളത്.,This class consists of forty pupils.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn അടുത്ത ഞായറാഴ്ച നീ എന്റെ വീട്ടിലേക്ക് വരില്ലേ?,Won't you come to my house next Sunday?,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn അതൊരു ഹിന്ദി ചലച്ചിത്രമാണ്.,It's a Hindi movie.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ഞാൻ അവരോട് മുറി വിട്ട് പോകാൻ കല്പിച്ചു.,I ordered them to leave the room.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ഞാൻ തിരിച്ചുവരും.,I'll come back.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn എന്റെ അച്ഛൻ ഒരു ബാങ്ക് ക്ലാർക്കാണ്.,My father is a bank clerk.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ക്ഷമിക്കണം. എല്ലാം എന്റെ തെറ്റാണ്.,Sorry. It's all my fault.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn എനിക്ക് നിങ്ങളെ ജയിലില്‍ നിന്നും പുറത്തിറക്കാന്‍ കഴിയും.,I can get you out of prison.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn എല്ലാ പുസ്തകങ്ങളെയും രണ്ടു വിഭാഗങ്ങളിലായി വേര്‍തിരിക്കാന്‍ സാധിക്കും.,All books may be divided into two classes.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn അവൻ നമ്മുടെ ടീമിന്റെ നായകനാകാൻ യോഗ്യനാണ്.,He is worthy to be captain of our team.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ആ പട്ടണം ഒരു നഗരമായ് വളർന്നു.,The town grew into a city.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn അത് തൊടരുത്,Don't touch it.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ഞാൻ നിന്നെ കൊല്ലും.,I'll kill you.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ശാസ്ത്രജ്ഞർക്ക് രണ്ട് ഗ്രഹങ്ങൾ തമ്മിലുള്ള ദൂരം എളുപ്പത്തിൽ കണക്കുകൂട്ടാൻ സാധിക്കും.,Scientists can easily compute the distance between planets.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn അവൻ പോയി കാണും.,He must have left.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn അവന്റെ കുതിര വേലിക്ക് മുകളിലൂടെ ചാടി.,His horse jumped over the fence.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn "അവസാനം, അവൻ വന്നു.","At last, he came.",mal_Mlym-eng_Latn എനിക്ക് രാത്രി വൈകിയിരുന്നു ശീലമില്ല.,I am not used to sitting up late at night.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn അവൻ ഒരു തെറ്റു വരുത്തി എന്നു കരുതി എനിക്കവനോടു ദേഷ്യമില്ല.,I am not angry with him because he made a mistake.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn അവൻ ചൈനയിൽ നിന്നു തിരിച്ചുവന്നിരുന്നു.,He had come back from China.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn എന്റെ കാര്‍ എവിടെയാണ്?,Where is my car?,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn അവനൊരു പുതിയ കാർ വേണം.,He wants a new car.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn അവൾക്കെല്ലാം അറിയാം എന്നപ്പോലെയാണ് അവൾ സംസാരിക്കുന്നത്.,She talks as if she knew everything.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ഞാൻ മനസ്സിലാക്കാൻ തുടങ്ങുന്നു.,I am beginning to understand.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn അവർ ഒരേ സമയം ചിരിക്കുകയും കരയുകയും ചെയ്തു.,They laughed and cried at the same time.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn എന്റെ കീശയിൽ കാശില്ല.,I have no money in my pocket.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn വെള്ളമില്ലാതെ ജീവിക്കുന്നത് അസാധ്യമാണ്.,It is impossible to live without water.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn കാലാവസ്ഥ എപ്പോഴും മാറിക്കൊണ്ടിരിക്കും.,Weather changes often.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn എനിക്ക് വിശക്കുന്നില്ല.,I have no appetite.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ആരോ എന്റെ ബാഗ് മോഷ്ടിച്ചു.,Someone stole my bag.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn "ഏതാണ് ആദ്യം വന്നത്, കോഴിയോ അതോ മുട്ടയോ?","Which came first, the chicken or the egg?",mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ആ വീട്ടിൽ രണ്ട് കുടുംബങ്ങൾ താമസിക്കുന്നു.,Two families live in that house.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn അവർ നമ്മളെ കണ്ടിട്ടുണ്ടാവുമോ?,Have they seen us?,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn കടലിൽ ദ്വീപുകൽ ഉണ്ട്.,There are islands in the sea.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ഞാൻ ഇതുവരെ എന്റെ അമ്മാവന്റെ വീട്ടിൽ പോയിട്ടില്ല.,I've never been to my uncle's house.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn സമയം എത്രയായി?,What is the time?,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn മേശക്കടിയിൽ ഒരു കറുത്ത പൂച്ചയുണ്ടായിരുന്നു.,Under the table was a black cat.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn അവര്‍ ഒരിക്കലും കണ്ടുമുട്ടുമായിരുന്നില്ല.,They would never meet again.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn നാളെ മഴ പെയ്യുകയാണെങ്കിൽ മത്സരം ഉപേക്ഷിക്കും.,The game will be called off if it rains tomorrow.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn നീ ഈ പുസ്തകം അവന് തിരിച്ചു നൽകണം.,You must return the book to him.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ഇന്ന് ലോകത്തിലെ ഏറ്റവു ഉയരം കൂടിയ കെട്ടിടം ബുർജ് ഖലീഫ ആണ്.,Burj Khalifa is currently the tallest building in the world.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ഞാന്‍ ടോമിനെ വെറുക്കുന്നു.,I hate Tom.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ആരാണ് നമ്മളെ ചതിച്ചത്?,Who betrayed us?,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ടോം അര്‍ത്ഥമാക്കിയത് എന്താണ്?,What does Tom mean?,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ഞാന്‍ എന്റെ നാവ് കടിച്ചു.,I bit my tongue.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn അവന്‍ മലര്‍ന്നു കിടന്നു.,He lay down on his back.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn കടല്‍ നീലയാണ്.,The sea is blue.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ടോം വ്യാപാരത്തില്‍ എന്നേക്കാള്‍ അനുഭവജ്ഞന്‍ ആണ്.,Tom is more experienced in business than me.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ഇത് ഞങ്ങളുടെ ബാഗ്‌ ആണ്.,This is our bag.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ഇത് ഞങ്ങളുടെതാണ്.,This is ours.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn സത്യം പറയുന്ന ഒരു മനുഷ്യന് വേഗതയുള്ള ഒരു കുതിര ആവശ്യമാണ്.,A man who speaks the truth needs a fast horse.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn അത് എന്നെ വളരെ സന്തോഷവാനാക്കി.,It made me very happy.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ഈ കസേര വളരെ ചെറുതാണ്.,This chair is too small.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn അവന്‍ ധാരാളം സംസാരിക്കാറുണ്ട്.,He talks a lot.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn അവന്‍ നിന്റെ അച്ഛന്‍ അല്ല.,He is not your dad.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ഇത് ഒരു ത്രികോണം ആണ്.,This is a triangle.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ഞാന്‍ നിലം ഉഴുതു.,I plowed the field.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn തീവ്രവാദികള്‍ ഒരു പള്ളി ആക്രമിച്ചു.,The terrorists attacked a mosque.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ഞാൻ എന്താണ് ചെയ്യേണ്ടത്?,What should I do?,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn നിങ്ങൾ ഈ പട്ടണത്തിലുണ്ടായിരുന്നുവെന്ന് എനിക്ക് അറിയില്ലായിരുന്നു.,I didn't know that you were in this town.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn വെളിച്ചം ശബ്ദത്തേക്കാള്‍ വേഗത്തില്‍ യാത്ര ചെയ്യുമെന്ന് നിങ്ങള്‍ക്കെങ്ങനെ അറിയാം?,How do you know that light travels faster than sound?,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ഞാന്‍ ഒരു പുതിയ വിദ്യാര്‍ഥി ആണ്.,I'm a new student.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn എനിക്ക് ഉയരം ഭയമാണ്.,I am afraid of heights.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ഇത് ശരിയായിരിക്കാം.,This may be correct.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ബസ്സില്‍ പോകുന്നതാണ് ലാഭം.,It is cheaper to go by bus.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn മേരി അതീവ സുന്ദരി ആണ് .,Mary is quite attractive.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn അവന് ഞങ്ങളെ ഇഷ്ടമല്ല.,He doesn't like us.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn അവള്‍ പറഞ്ഞതെന്താണെന്ന് എനിക്ക് മനസ്സിലാക്കാന്‍ സാധിക്കുന്നില്ല.,I can't make out what she said.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ഞാന്‍ ഒരു സ്ത്രീരോഗ വിദഗ്ധന്‍ ആണ്.,I'm a gynaecologist.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ആര്‍ക്കും രണ്ടു കാര്യങ്ങള്‍ ഒരേ സമയത്ത് ചെയ്യാന്‍ സാധിക്കുകയില്ല.,Nobody can do two things at once.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ഇന്ന് രാത്രി മഴ പെയ്തേക്കും.,It may rain tonight.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ഈ വെള്ളം മണമില്ലാത്തത് ആണ്.,This water is odourless.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn നിന്റെ ഉപന്യാസത്തിൽ വളരെയധികം അക്ഷരതെറ്റുകളുണ്ട്.,There are several spelling errors in your essay.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn അലൂമിനിയം ഒരു ലോഹം ആണ്.,Aluminium is a metal.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ഞാൻ നിങ്ങളെ എവിടെയോ കണ്ടതായി ഓർക്കുന്നു.,I remember meeting you somewhere.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn അവൾക്കേതു നിറമാണ് ഇഷ്ടമുള്ളതെന്ന് നിനക്ക് അറിയാമോ?,Do you know what color she likes?,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn അവന്‍ ലെണ്ടനിലേക്ക്‌ ഒരു യാത്ര ആസൂത്രണം ചെയ്തു.,They are planning a trip to London.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn എനിക്ക് ഇവിടെ ജീവിക്കാന്‍ ആഗ്രഹമുണ്ട്.,I want to live here.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn എനിക്ക് ഒരു കോഫി വേണം.,I want a coffee.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ഞാന്‍ ഈ ഗ്രഹത്തില്‍ ജീവിക്കുന്നു.,I live on this planet.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ഞാന്‍ ഈ ലോകത്തില്‍ ജീവിക്കുന്നു.,I live in this world.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn എനിക്ക് ഒരു പച്ച കുപ്പായം ഉണ്ട്.,I have a green shirt.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn വാതില്‍ പൂട്ടിയിരിക്കുന്നു.,The door is locked.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ഞാന്‍ ദൈവത്തില്‍ വിശ്വസിക്കുന്നില്ല.,I don't believe in God.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn നിങ്ങള്‍ എന്നെ അന്വേഷിക്കുകയായിരുന്നു എന്ന് ഞാന്‍ വിശ്വസിക്കുന്നു.,I believe you've been looking for me.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn നിങ്ങള്ക്ക് ടോമിനെ അറിയാം എന്ന് ഞാന്‍ വിചാരിക്കുന്നു.,I think you know Tom.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn നിങ്ങള്‍ക്ക് ടോമിനെ അറിയാം എന്ന് ഞാന്‍ വിശ്വസിക്കുന്നു.,I believe you know Tom.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ഇവിടെ പോക്കറ്റടിക്കാരെ സൂക്ഷിക്കുക.,Be careful of pickpockets here.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn നിങ്ങള്‍ക്ക് നിയമങ്ങള്‍ അറിയാം എന്ന് ഞാന്‍ വിചാരിക്കുന്നു.,I think you know the rules.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn നിങ്ങള്‍ക്ക് നിയമങ്ങള്‍ അറിയാം എന്ന് ഞാന്‍ വിശ്വസിക്കുന്നു.,I believe you know the rules.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn നിങ്ങള്‍ക്ക് ഞങ്ങളെ സഹായിക്കാന്‍ കഴിയും എന്ന് ഞാന്‍ വിചാരിക്കുന്നു.,I think you can help us.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ഞാൻ നിന്നെ പിന്നെ എപ്പോഴെങ്കിലും വിളിക്കാം.,I'll call you some other time.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn അത് നീയാകുന്നു.,Thou art That.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn അവൾ ഒരു വിദ്യാർത്ഥിനി അല്ല.,She is not a student.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn അവൻ ഒരു വിദ്യാർത്ഥി അല്ല.,He is not a student.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ഞാൻ ഒരു എഞ്ചിനീയർ ആണ്.,I am an engineer.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn എൻറെ പേര് ജാക്ക് എന്നാണ്.,My name is Jack.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn എനിക്ക് ആ പ്രശ്നം പരിഹരിക്കാന്‍ സാധിച്ചു.,I was able to solve the problem.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ഞങ്ങള്‍ അവിടെ മൂന്ന് മാസം താമസിച്ചു.,We stayed there for three months.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ഞാന്‍ റോമില്‍ പോയിട്ടുണ്ട്.,I have been to Rome.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn എന്റെ വയറ് നിറഞ്ഞു.,My stomach is full.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn എൻറെ ഡയറി എവിടെയാണ്.,Where is my diary?,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn മണ്ടത്തരത്തിന് പരിധികളില്ല.,Ignorance has no limits.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn പുകവലി നിര്‍ത്താന്‍ ഡോക്ടര്‍ അവനെ നിര്‍ദ്ദേശിച്ചു.,The doctor suggested that he give up smoking.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ഇതിന്റെ നിറം ചുകപ്പാണ് .,The color of it is red.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn നമുക്ക് അത് പിന്നെ ചര്‍ച്ച ചെയ്യാം.,We will discuss that later.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn "മാരിയോ എന്നോട് കളവു പറഞ്ഞതിനാൽ, മേലിൽ അവനോടു ഞാൻ സംസാരിക്കുകയില്ല.","Since Mario lied to me, I don't speak to him anymore.",mal_Mlym-eng_Latn നിനക്ക് വേണമെങ്കില്‍ പോകാം.,You may go.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ഞാൻ എന്റെ മേലധികാരിയോട് ശമ്പളം കൂട്ടി ചോദിച്ചു.,I asked my boss for a pay increase.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn മേരി നല്ലൊരു പാചകക്കാരി അല്ലെന്നു ടോം കരുതി.,Tom thought Mary wasn't a very good cook.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ഒരു മിനുട്ടിനകം ഡോക്ടർ ഇവിടെ എത്തും.,The doctor will be here in a minute.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn അവൻ എന്തായാലും ചെയ്തു.,He did it anyway.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn "എല്ലാം ഒഴുകുന്നു, ഒന്നും നിശ്ചലമായി നില്ക്കുന്നില്ല.","Everything flows, nothing stands still.",mal_Mlym-eng_Latn അത് എന്റേതല്ലേ?,Isn't that mine?,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn അപ്പോൾ നിങ്ങൾ മാഡ്രിഡിൽ ആയിരുന്നു എന്നത് ശരിയാണോ?,Is it true that you were in Madrid then?,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ഇപ്പോള്‍ എനിക്ക് എന്ത് വേണമെന്ന് എനിക്കറിയില്ല.,I don't know what I want right now.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn "യുദ്ധം തീർന്ന വർഷമാണ്, ഞാൻ ജനിച്ചത്.","The year the war ended, I was born.",mal_Mlym-eng_Latn നിങ്ങൾ ഒരു അധ്യാപകനാണ്.,You are a teacher.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn എനിക്ക് നീ ചിരിക്കുന്ന രീതി ഇഷ്ടമാണ്.,I like the way you smile.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ആദ്യനോട്ടത്തിൽ തന്നെ ഞാൻ അവനെ തിരിച്ചറിഞ്ഞു.,I recognized him at first glance.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ഞാൻ സ്റ്റേഷനിലെത്തിയപ്പോഴേക്കും തീവണ്ടി പുറപ്പെട്ടു കഴിഞ്ഞിരുന്നു.,"When I arrived at the station, the train had already left.",mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ഈജിപ്തിലെ പിരമിഡുകൾ ലോകത്തിലെ ഏഴ് അത്ഭുതങ്ങളിൽ ഒന്നാണ്.,The pyramids of Egypt are one of the seven wonders of the world.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn മഴവില്ലിന് ഏഴ് നിറങ്ങളുണ്ട്.,The rainbow has seven colors.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ഞാൻ ജപ്പാനിൽ രണ്ട് വർഷം മുമ്പാണ് വന്നത്.,I came to Japan two years ago.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn "അവസാനം, അവർ ഒരു തീരുമാനത്തിൽ എത്തി.","At last, they came to a decision.",mal_Mlym-eng_Latn അവൾ നാളെ വന്നേക്കും.,She might come tomorrow.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ഇംഗ്ലീഷ് നന്നായി സംസാരിക്കാൻ അത്ര എളുപ്പമല്ല.,It is not easy to speak English well.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn വേറെ എന്താണ് നിനക്ക് വേണ്ടത്?,What else do you want?,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn അവൾ ഒരു പാചക വിദഗ്ധയാണ്.,She is an expert when it comes to cooking.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn മത്സ്യങ്ങൾക്ക് വെള്ളത്തിന് പുറത്ത് ജീവിക്കാൻ സാധിക്കില്ല.,Fish can't live out of water.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn അവൻ അവൾ എവിടെയാണ് താമസിക്കുന്നത് എന്നു ചോദിച്ചു.,He asked her where she lived.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn അവന് എന്നേക്കാൾ പത്തു കിലോ കൂടുതലാണ്.,He weighs ten more kilos than me.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn എനിക്ക് രാത്രി ഉറങ്ങാൻ കഴിയുന്നില്ല.,I can't sleep at night.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn അവൾ പുകവലി നിർത്തി.,She stopped smoking.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ആൾക്കാർക്ക് നായകളെ ഇഷ്ടമാണ്.,People love dogs.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ഞാൻ നിന്റെ കൂടെയുണ്ട്.,I'm with you.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn അവൻ എനിക്ക് ഒരു നല്ല സമ്മാനം തന്നു.,He gave a nice present to me.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn എനിക്ക് ടിവി കാണാൻ ഇഷ്ടമാണ്.,I like to watch TV.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn എനിക്ക് വിശക്കുന്നു എന്ന് അവളോട്‌ പറയു.,Tell her that I am hungry.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ഭൂമി ഉരുണ്ടതാണ്.,The earth is round.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn നിങ്ങൾ എന്താണ് അന്വേഷിക്കുന്നത് എന്ന് എനിക്ക് അറിയില്ല.,I don't know what you're looking for.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn അവൾ മരിച്ചിട്ട് പത്ത് വർഷങ്ങൾ ആയി.,She has been dead for ten years.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn സഞ്ചി എനിക്ക് വഹിക്കാന്‍ കഴിയുന്നതിനെക്കാള്‍ ഭാരമേറിയതായിരുന്നു.,The bag was too heavy for me to carry by myself.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ഞാന്‍ ആറു മണിയോട് അടുപ്പിച്ചു വന്നു.,I came at about six.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn നീയും ഞാനും പുരുഷന്മാരാണ്.,You and I are men.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn അവന്റെ വിശദീകരണം തൃപ്തികരമല്ലായിരുന്നു.,His explanation was not satisfactory.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn എനിക്ക് സംഗീതം വളരെ ഇഷ്ടമാണ്.,I like music very much.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn അവൾ എന്നും രാവിലെ നേരത്തെ എഴുന്നേൽക്കും.,She gets up early every morning.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn എനിക്ക് ഇന്ന് ഇംഗ്ലീഷ് പഠിക്കാൻ തോന്നുന്നില്ല.,I don't feel like studying English today.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ദൈവത്തിന് മുമ്പിൽ എല്ലാ മനുഷ്യരും തുല്യരാണ്.,All men are equal before God.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ദയവായി നിങ്ങളുടെ വീടിനെ പറ്റി എഴുതുക.,Please write about your home.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ഞാന്‍ ആ കത്ത് എഴുതാം എന്ന് സമ്മതിച്ചു.,I accepted to write that letter.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn അവർ നിനക്ക് വേണ്ടി അത് ചെയ്യാൻ തയ്യാറാണ്.,They are willing to do it for you.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn അവൻ ജപ്പാനിലേക്ക് എന്നെങ്കിലും ഒരിക്കൽ തിരിച്ചു പോകും.,He will return to Japan some day.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn നിങ്ങൾ എന്തിന് ഇതു ചെയ്യുന്നു?,Why are you doing this?,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn എനിക്ക് ഒന്നും കേള്കുന്നില്ല,I cannot hear anything.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn പാചകത്തിനിടെ അവളുടെ കൈയ്ക്ക് ചെറുതായി പൊള്ളലേറ്റു.,She got a slight burn on her hand while cooking.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ഈ പാട്ട് ഞങ്ങൾക്ക് സുപരിചിതമാണ്.,This song is familiar to us.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn നിനക്ക് ഈ നിഘണ്ടുവിൽ ആശ്രയിക്കാം.,You can depend on this dictionary.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ഞങ്ങൾ വളരെയധികം ക്ഷീണിച്ചിരുന്നു.,We were very tired.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ഞാൻ എന്നും രാവിലെ ആറ് മണിക്ക് എഴുന്നേൽക്കും.,I get up at six every morning.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ഞാൻ ഈ പുസ്തകം ഇന്നലെയാണ് വാങ്ങിച്ചത്.,I bought this book yesterday.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn "നിനക്കിഷ്ടമാണെങ്കിൽ, ഞാൻ നിന്നെ ചെസ്സ് കളിക്കാൻ പഠിപ്പിക്കാം.","If you like, I will teach you to play chess.",mal_Mlym-eng_Latn അനുവാദമില്ലാതെ മുറിയിൽ പ്രവേശിക്കരുത്.,Don't enter the room without permission.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn എവിടെ പോകുന്നു,Where are you going?,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn അവർ അവന് രക്ഷപ്പെടാൻ ഒരവസരം കൊടുത്തു.,They gave him a chance to escape.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ഞാന്‍ കാര്‍ നന്നാക്കുന്നതിന് വേണ്ടി മൂന്ന് മണിക്കൂര്‍ ചെലവഴിച്ചു.,I spent three hours repairing the car.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn എനിക്ക് അഞ്ച് ദിവസത്തെ സമയം തരൂ.,Give me five days.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ഞാൻ ഈ തെറ്റിനുള്ള വിശദീകരമണം ആവശ്യപ്പെടുന്നു.,I demand an explanation for this mistake.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn "അങ്ങനെയാണെങ്കിൽ, പോലീസിനെ വിളിക്കൂ.","In that case, call the police.",mal_Mlym-eng_Latn നിങ്ങള്‍ ഈ പുസ്തകം വായിക്കണം.,You must read this book.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ഞാൻ നാളെ പാരീസിലേക്ക് പുറപ്പെടും.,I leave for Paris tomorrow.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ഞാൻ ഞായറാഴ്ച രാവിലെ അവനെ സന്ദർശിച്ചു.,I visited him on Sunday morning.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ഞാൻ അവനെ ഒരു കളിക്കായി വെല്ലുവിളിച്ചു.,I challenged him to a game.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn നാളെ മഴ പെയ്യുമെന്ന് എനിക്ക് തോന്നുന്നില്ല.,I don't think it'll rain tomorrow.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn എനിക്കൊരു ചുറ്റിക വേണം.,I need a hammer.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn നീ എവിടെയായിരുന്നു,Where were you?,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn എവിടെയാണ് വേദനിക്കുന്നത്?,Where does it hurt?,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ആര് വന്നാലും വാതില്‍ തുറക്കണ്ട.,"Whoever comes, don't open the door.",mal_Mlym-eng_Latn നിങ്ങള്‍ മലയാളം സംസാരിക്കുമോ?,Do you speak Malayalam?,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn എന്റെ ജീവിതത്തിലെ ഏറ്റവും വേദനാജനകമായ അനുഭവം അതായിരിക്കും.,That might be the most painful experience in my life.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn അഞ്ച് ദിവസം തുടർച്ചയായി മഴ പെയ്തു.,It rained five successive days.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ഇംഗ്ലീഷ് പഠിക്കാന്‍ എളുപ്പമാണ്.,English is easy to learn.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ജൂഡി നന്നായി നൃത്തം ചെയ്യും.,Judy dances very well.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ആ പൂച്ച മേശപ്പുറത്ത് ഉറങ്ങി.,The cat slept on the table.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn അപരിചിതമായ ശബ്ദം കേട്ട പൂച്ച ഭയന്നു.,The cat was scared by an unfamiliar noise.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ആ സിനിമ അവള്‍ക്ക് വളരെയധികം പ്രശസ്തി നേടി കൊടുത്തു.,The movie gained her great popularity.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ഈ സ്ഥലത്താണ് ആ യുദ്ധം നടന്നത്.,This is the place where the battle took place.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ദൗര്‍ഭാഗ്യവശാല്‍ എനിക്കവരെ സഹായിക്കാന്‍ കഴിയില്ല.,"Unfortunately, I cannot help them.",mal_Mlym-eng_Latn നമുക്ക് സമയമില്ല.,We don't have time.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn അവന്‍ ഫലങ്ങള്‍ വില്‍ക്കുന്നു.,He sells fruit.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ഞാന്‍ പ്രതീക്ഷച്ചതിനേക്കാള്‍ വലുതാണ് ഈ പൂന്തോട്ടം.,The garden was larger than I had expected.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn അമേരിക്കന്‍ വിദ്യാര്‍ത്ഥികള്‍ കണക്കില്‍ പിന്തള്ളപ്പെട്ടു കൊണ്ടിരിക്കുകയാണ്.,American students are falling behind in math.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ഒന്നിനും അവനെ സ്വാധീനിക്കാന്‍ കഴിയുകയില്ല.,Nothing would persuade him.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ഇതൊരു തടിമേശയാണ്.,This is a wooden table.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ഈ വാക്യത്തിന് ഒന്നില്‍ കൂടുതല്‍ അര്‍ത്ഥങ്ങളുണ്ട്.,The meaning of this sentence is ambiguous.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn അവനെ മൂന്ന് വര്‍ഷത്തെ തടവിനായി വിധിച്ചു.,He was sentenced to three years in jail.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn നീ നേരത്തെ വരണമായിരുന്നു.,You should have come earlier.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn നിനക്ക് ഇവിടെ ഇരിക്കാം.,You may sit here.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn പരീക്ഷകളില്‍ ബുദ്ധിമാന്‍മാര്‍ക്ക് ഉത്തരം ചെയ്യാന്‍ പറ്റാത്ത ചോദ്യങ്ങള്‍ മന്ദബുദ്ധികള്‍ ചോദിക്കുന്നു.,In examinations the foolish ask questions that the wise cannot answer.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn അവള്‍ നന്നായി പാചകം ചെയ്യും.,She cooks well.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn അവനെനിക്കൊരു സമ്മാനം അയച്ചു തന്നു.,He sent me a present.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn എനിക്ക് ജീവിക്കണം.,I want to live.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn നമ്മള്‍ തമ്മില്‍ സംസാരിക്കണം എന്ന് ഞാന്‍ വിചാരിക്കുന്നു.,I think we should talk.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ഇറച്ചിയുടെ വില കുറഞ്ഞു.,The price of meat dropped.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn രണ്ടുപേരും ദയാലുക്കളും ആത്മാര്‍ത്ഥതയുള്ളവരുമാണ്.,Both of them are kind and honest.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ഞാന്‍ ടോണിയെ സഹായിച്ചു.,I helped Tony.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn വിട്ടു കൊടുക്കരുത്,Don't give up!,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn അമ്മയാണ് എന്നെ ഞാനാക്കിയത്.,Mother has made me what I am.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ഞാൻ ടോം'ഇനെ കഴിഞ്ഞ തിങ്കളാഴ്ച പാർകിൽ വെച്ച് മെരിയുടെ കു‌ടെ നടകുന്നത് കണ്ടു,I saw Tom last Monday walking in the park with Mary.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ഇന്ന് സ്വാതന്ത്ര്യദിനമാണ്.,Today is Independence Day.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn അവൻ ഒരു നല്ല മനുഷ്യനാണ്.,He is a nice person.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn അവൻ അവിടെ പോയോ?,Did he go there?,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn നീ എപ്പോഴാണ് പുകവലി ഉപേക്ഷിക്കാൻ പോകുന്നത്?,When are you going to quit smoking?,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ഞാൻ അതിനെക്കുറിച്ച് ആലോചിക്കാം.,I'll think about it.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn എനിക്ക് ചെറിയ കവിതകൾ ഇഷ്ടമാണ്.,I like short poems.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn എന്റെ സഹോദരി എല്ലാ ഞായറാഴ്ചയും അവളുടെ ചെരിപ്പുകള്‍ കഴുകും.,My sister washes her shoes every Sunday.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ബോബ് എന്നെ സഹായിച്ചു.,Bob helped me.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ടോം ജപ്പാനില്‍ പത്തു വര്‍ഷം ജീവിച്ചു.,Tom lived in Japan for ten years.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ബ്രസീലിന്റെ പ്രധാന ഉല്പന്നം കാപ്പിയാണ്.,Coffee is Brazil's main product.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ഞാന്‍ എന്റെ അമ്മൂമ്മയെ സന്ദര്‍ശിച്ചിട്ട് കുറെ നാളായി.,It's been a long time since I visited my grandmother.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn സൂര്യന്‍ ഭൂമിയില്‍ നിന്ന് വളരെ ദൂരെയാണ്.,The sun is so distant from the earth.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn എനിക്ക് ടികറ്റ് സൗജന്യമായി ലഭിച്ചു.,I got the ticket for free.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn മത്സ്യങ്ങള്‍ക്ക് വെള്ളത്തിന് പുറത്ത് ജീവിക്കാന്‍ സാധിക്കില്ല.,Fish cannot live out of water.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn അവര്‍ ജപ്പാനില്‍ സ്ഥിരതാമസമാക്കി.,They settled in Japan.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn അവൻ വളരെ എളുപ്പത്തിൽ പദപ്രശ്നം പൂരിപ്പിച്ചു.,He did the crossword with ease.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ശബ്ദമുണ്ടാക്കരുത്.,Don't make noise.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn അവള്‍ ഭാവിയില്‍ പ്രശസ്തയാകും.,She will be famous in the future.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ജാക്കിന് ചിത്രരചനയിൽ താൽപ്പര്യമുണ്ട്.,Jack is interested in painting.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn കണക്ക് പരീക്ഷ എങ്ങനെയുണ്ടായിരുന്നു?,How was the math test?,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ആ വാതിൽ അടയ്ക്കൂ.,Shut the door.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ടോം നേരെ ഉറങ്ങാൻ പോയി.,Tom went straight to bed.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn അവന് അവന്റെ കഴിവിൽ ആത്മവിശ്വാസമുണ്ട്.,He is confident of his ability.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ഞങ്ങൾ സ്കൂളിലേക്ക് പഠിക്കാനാണ് പോകുന്നത്.,We go to school to study.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn എനിക്ക് നിന്നെ ഇഷ്ടമാണ്.,I like you.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn എനിക്ക് രണ്ട് സഹോദരന്മാരും ഒരു സഹോദരിയും ഉണ്ട്.,I have two brothers and a sister.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn എനിക്ക് ആദ്യം അവനെ തിരിച്ചറിയാൻ കഴിഞ്ഞില്ല.,I couldn't recognize him at first.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn അവൻ ഒരു കത്തെഴുതി.,He wrote one letter.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ഈ മേശ തടി കൊണ്ട് ഉണ്ടാക്കിയതാണ്.,This table is made of wood.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn അവന്റെ പ്രസംഗത്തിന്റെ ഉള്ളടക്കം വളരെ നല്ലതായിരുന്നു.,The content of his speech was very good.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn നിങ്ങളുടെ വേദനക്ക് എനിക്ക് എന്തെങ്ങിലും തരാന്‍ കഴിയും.,I can give you something for your pain.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn എനിക്ക് നിങ്ങള്‍ക്ക് കുറച്ചു ആവശ്യകരമായ ഇന്‍ഫര്‍മേഷന്‍ തരാം കഴിയും.,I can give you some useful information.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn എനിക്ക് നിങ്ങള്ക്ക് ആവശ്യമെങ്കില്‍ കുറച്ചു പൈസ തരാന്‍ കഴിയും.,I can give you some money if you need it.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn എനിക്ക് നിങ്ങള്‍ക്ക് കുറച്ചു വേദനയ്ക്കുള്ള മരുന്ന് തരാന്‍ കഴിയും.,I can give you some medicine for the pain.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn എനിക്ക് നിങ്ങള്‍ക്ക് ലിഫ്റ്റ്‌ തരാന്‍ കഴിയും.,I can give you a lift.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn എനിക്ക് നിങ്ങള്‍ക്ക് ടൌണിലേക്ക് ഒരു ലിഫ്റ്റ്‌ തരാന്‍ കഴിയും.,I can give you a lift into town.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn എനിക്ക് ടോമിന് ഒരു മെസ്സേജ് കൊടുക്കാന്‍ കഴിയും.,I can give Tom a message.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn എനിക്ക് ഇത് ഇപ്പോള്‍ തന്നെ നിങ്ങള്ക്ക് നല്കാന്‍ കഴിയും.,I can give it to you right now.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn എനിക്ക് ഇത് പ്രയോഗിച്ചു നോക്കാന്‍ കഴിയും.,I can give it a shot.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn എനിക്ക് ഒരു പുതിയ സൈക്കിൾ വേണം.,I need a new bicycle.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ഞാൻ ആരാണെന്ന് നിനക്കറിയില്ല.,You don't know who I am.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn നീ ഞാൻ പറഞ്ഞത് കേൾക്കണമായിരുന്നു.,You should have listened to me.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn നിങ്ങള്‍ക്ക് ഇഷ്ടമാണെങ്കില്‍ ഇതുപോലൊരെണ്ണം തരാന്‍ കഴിയും.,I can get you one if you like.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ഞാൻ ഇന്ന് മുതൽ പുകവലിക്കില്ല.,I won't smoke from today on.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn എനിക്ക് ഇനിയും നിങ്ങള്‍ക്ക് തരാന്‍ കഴിയും.,I can get you more.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn എനിക്ക് നിങ്ങളെ ജോലിയില്‍ നിന്നും പുറതാക്കിപ്പിക്കാന്‍ കഴിയും.,I can get you fired.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn കഴിഞ്ഞയാഴ്ച അവര്‍ക്കൊരു കുട്ടിയുണ്ടായി.,They had a baby last week.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn നിങ്ങള്‍ക്ക് ആവശ്യമായതെല്ലാം നല്കാന്‍ എനിക്ക് കഴിയും.,I can get you everything you need.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn "ഒട്ടകപ്പക്ഷിക്ക് ചിറകുകളുണ്ട്, പക്ഷേ അതിന് പറക്കാന്‍ സാധിക്കില്ല.","The ostrich has wings, but it cannot fly.",mal_Mlym-eng_Latn എനിക്ക് അവന്റെ ആരോഗ്യത്തെപ്പറ്റി ആശങ്കയുണ്ട്.,I am concerned about his health.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn അവള്‍ മുപ്പതു വര്‍ഷം സംഗീതം പഠിപ്പിച്ചു.,She taught music for thirty years.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn അവന്‍ വീട്ടില്‍ എത്തിച്ചേര്‍ന്നയുടന്‍ മഴ പെയ്യാന്‍ തുടങ്ങി.,It rained as soon as he got home.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn എന്റെ അറിവില്‍ അവനൊരു സത്യസന്ധനമാണ്.,"As far as I know, he's an honest man.",mal_Mlym-eng_Latn വിയന്ന മനോഹരമായ ഒരു നഗരമാണ്.,Vienna is a beautiful city.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ആ മുറി അത്ര വലുതല്ല.,That room is not very large.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ഞാന്‍ സ്നേഹിക്കുന്ന പോലെ നീയും എന്നെ സ്നേഹിച്ചിരുന്നെങ്കില്‍,Only if you loved me the way I loved you.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn അഭയാര്‍ത്ഥികളെ സഹായിക്കുവാനുള്ള പണത്തിനായി അവര്‍ അപേക്ഷിക്കുകയാണ്.,They are appealing for money to help refugees.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ഞാന്‍ ചെയ്തു കഴിഞ്ഞിരിക്കുന്നു.,I'm already done.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn പുഷ്പം വസന്തത്തിന്റെ തുടക്കത്തില്‍ ആണ് വിരിയുന്നത് .,The flower comes out in early spring.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn കാര്‍ അവരുടേതാണോ എന്ന് ഒരു പോലീസുകാരന്‍ പെണ്‍കുട്ടികളോട് ചോദിച്ചു.,A policeman asked the girls if the car was theirs.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn നിനക്ക് ടെന്നീസ് കളിക്കാൻ ഇഷ്ടമാണോ?,Aren't you fond of playing tennis?,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn നാളെ നമ്മള്‍ ശത്രുക്കളുമായി ഏറ്റുമുട്ടും.,Tomorrow we will encounter the enemy.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn അവന്‍ എല്ലാദിവസവും ഇവിടെ വരാറില്ല.,He does not come here every day.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ജാപനീസ് ഗൃഹങ്ങളില്‍ നിങ്ങളുടെ പാദരക്ഷകള്‍ അഴിക്കുക.,Remove your shoes in a Japanese house.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ടാക്സി വാടക അടുത്ത മാസം കൂടും.,Taxi fares will go up next month.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ഞങ്ങള്‍ ആറ് വര്ഷം ഒസകയില്‍ താമസിച്ചിരുന്നു.,We have lived in Osaka six years.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn കാറ് തണലില്‍ നിര്‍ത്തൂ.,Park the car in the shade.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ഞാന്‍ അവിടെയായിരുന്നപ്പോള്‍ ഇംഗ്ലീഷ് പഠിച്ചു.,I studied English when I was there.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ആ സ്വര്‍ണമോതിരം എന്റെ അമ്മയുടേതാണ്.,That gold ring belonged to my mother.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn രണ്ടു കാര്യങ്ങള്‍ ഒരേസമയം ചെയ്യാന്‍ ശ്രമിക്കരുത് .,Don't attempt two things at a time.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn എല്ലാവര്‍ക്കും തങ്ങളുടെതായ ശക്തിയും ദൗര്‍ബല്യങ്ങളും ഉണ്ട് .,Everyone has their own strong and weak points.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ഞാന്‍ സന്തോഷത്തോടെ നിങ്ങളെ സഹായിക്കാം.,I will gladly help you.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ഞങ്ങള്‍ അവള്‍ കരയുന്നത് കേട്ടു.,We heard her cry.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn അവര്‍ പരസ്പരം വെറുത്തു.,They hated each other.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn അവര്‍ പ്രതീക്ഷ കൈവിട്ടില്ല.,They did not give up hope.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn എനിക്ക് കാപ്പി ഇഷ്ടമല്ല.,I hate coffee.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ഞാന്‍ ശരിക്കും തളര്‍ന്നു.,I'm really tired.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn എനിക്ക് പാചകം ചെയ്യാന്‍ അറിയില്ല.,I don't know how to cook.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn നിങ്ങള്‍ സഹകരിച്ചാല്‍ ഈ ജോലി ചെയ്യാന്‍ എനിക്ക് താല്പര്യമുണ്ട്.,I'm willing to do the job if you cooperate.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn എനിക്ക് വാക്ക് എങ്ങനെ സ്പെല്ല് ചെയ്യണം എന്ന് അറിയില്ല.,I don't know how to spell the word.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ലണ്ടന്‍ പല തവണ ബോംബ്‌ ചെയ്യപ്പെട്ടു.,London was bombed several times.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ഇത് എല്ലാവരാലും എളുപ്പത്തില്‍ മനസിലാക്കപ്പെടാന്‍ കഴിയുന്നതല്ല.,It is not easy to be understood by everybody.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn വിശപ്പ് അവനെ മോഷ്ടിക്കാന്‍ പ്രേരിപ്പിച്ചു.,Hunger drove him to steal.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ഇതെന്റെ നായയാണ്.,This dog is mine.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn അവൻ കുതിരപ്പുറത്ത് നിന്ന് താഴെ വീണു.,He fell off the horse.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn എല്ലാവർക്കും തെറ്റുപറ്റും.,Everyone makes mistakes.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn കൊള്ളാം! നിങ്ങൾ ഈ ചിത്രം നന്നായി വരച്ചിട്ടുണ്ട്.,Well done! You have drawn this picture nicely.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn വെള്ളമല്ലാതെ മറ്റൊന്നും കണ്ടില്ല.,Nothing was to be seen but water.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn എന്തെങ്കിലും കുടിക്കാൻ വേണമോ എന്ന് ടോം മേരിയോട് ചോദിച്ചു.,Tom asked Mary if she wanted something to drink.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn എന്റെ വസ്ത്രങ്ങൾ അവിടെയാണ്.,My clothes are there.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ഞങ്ങൾ നിയമങ്ങൾ അനുസരിച്ചു.,We obeyed the rules.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ഗോൾഡൻ ഗേറ്റ് ബ്രിഡ്ജിന്റെ നീളം എത്രയാണ്?,How long is the Golden Gate Bridge?,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn അതൊരു വയസ്സായ സ്ത്രീയുടെ ശബ്ദമാണ്.,It's the voice of an old woman.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ഇങ്ങനെയാണ് ആ അപകടം നടന്നത്.,This is how the accident happened.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn മൂന്ന് ലക്ഷം യെൻ ആണ് എന്റെ പ്രതിമാസ ശമ്പളം.,"My monthly salary is 300,000 yen.",mal_Mlym-eng_Latn അതൊരു ചുവന്ന പേനയാണോ?,Is that a red pen?,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn അലൻ ഒരു കവിയാണ്.,Alan is a poet.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ടോം മാംസവും മുട്ടയും കഴിക്കാറില്ല.,Tom doesn't eat meat or eggs.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn നൂറ് വരെ എണ്ണൂ.,Count to one hundred.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn അവൻ ഇപ്പോൾ ഒരു പുസ്തകം എഴുതുകയാണ്.,He's writing a book now.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ദയവായി ഇവിടെ കാത്തിരിക്കൂ.,Please wait here.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn "ഞാൻ ഒരു പക്ഷിയായിരുന്നെങ്കിൽ, എനിക്ക് നിന്റെ അടുത്തേക്ക് പറന്നു വരാമായിരുന്നു.","If I had been a bird, I could have flown to you.",mal_Mlym-eng_Latn എന്റെ മാതാപിതാക്കൾ രണ്ടുപേരും ഇപ്പോൾ വീട്ടിലുണ്ട്.,Both my parents are at home now.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn എത്ര മണിക്കാണ് അപകടം നടന്നതെന്ന് നിനക്കറിയാമോ?,Do you know what time that accident happened?,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn നീ ഇന്നലെ സ്കൂളിൽ പോയോ?,Did you go to school yesterday?,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn എന്റെ വീട്ടിൽ നിന്ന് ഇറങ്ങിപ്പോകൂ!,Get out of my house!,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn എന്റെ വാക്കുകൾ തെറ്റിദ്ധരിക്കരുത്.,Don't misunderstand my words.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn അവൾക്ക് ആകർഷണീയമായ കണ്ണുകളുണ്ട്.,She has attractive eyes.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ആ പൂച്ച എന്റെ കൈയിൽ മാന്തി.,The cat scratched my hand.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn "നമുക്ക് ക്ഷമിക്കാനാകും, പക്ഷേ മറക്കാൻ അസാധ്യമാണ്.","We can forgive, but forgetting, it's impossible.",mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ഞാൻ ഒരു അമേരിക്കക്കാരനല്ല.,I'm not an American.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ഞാൻ ചിലപ്പോൾ അത്താഴം പാകം ചെയ്യും.,I sometimes cook dinner.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn പഞ്ചസാര വെള്ളത്തിൽ അലിയുന്നു.,Sugar dissolves in water.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ഈ അയൽപ്പക്കത്തെ ഏറ്റവും വലിയ വീടാണത്.,It's the biggest house in the neighborhood.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn പഞ്ചസാര വെള്ളത്തില്‍ ലയിക്കും.,Sugar is soluble in water.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn അവന് ബേസ്ബോൾ വളരെയധികം ഇഷ്ടമാണ്.,He likes baseball very much.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ഞങ്ങൾക്ക് അക്കാലത്ത് ടിവിയുണ്ടായിരുന്നില്ല.,We didn't have TV in those days.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ഒരു കുട്ടിക്ക് പോലും അതു മനസ്സിലാക്കാൻ കഴിയും.,Even a child can understand it.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ഈ കെട്ടിടത്തില്‍ ആരും താമസിക്കുന്നില്ല.,No one lives in this building.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn വിദ്യാഭ്യാസം ഭാവിയിലേക്കുള്ള ഒരു നിക്ഷേപമാണ്.,Education is an investment in the future.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn നിങ്ങളുടെ കൈയ്യിൽ ഒരു ഇംഗ്ലീഷ് നിഘണ്ടുവുണ്ടോ?,Do you have an English dictionary?,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn അവന്റെ ഇടതുകൈ കൊണ്ട് അവൻ പന്ത് പിടിച്ചു.,He caught the ball with his left hand.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn എന്നെങ്കിലും ഒരിക്കൽ എനിക്ക് ഇംഗ്ലണ്ടിൽ പോകണമെന്നുണ്ട്.,Someday I'd like to go to England.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn അവന് ഗോൾഫ് എങ്ങനെയാണ് കളിക്കുന്നതെന്ന് അറിയില്ല.,He doesn't know how to play golf.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ഞാൻ കുറച്ച് ദിവസത്തേക്ക് പട്ടണം വിടുകയാണ്.,I am leaving town for a few days.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn അവൾക്ക് ഈ പൂച്ചകളെ ഇഷ്ടമാണ്.,She likes these cats.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ഞാൻ എന്റെ മാതാപിതാക്കളുടെ കൂടെയാണ് ജീവിക്കുന്നത്.,I live with my parents.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn അവൻ ആ മഞ്ഞ വീട്ടിലാണ് താമസിക്കുന്നത്.,He lives in that yellow house.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn എനിക്ക് രണ്ട് ക്യാമറകളുണ്ട്.,I have two cameras.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn അവൻ ഈ കലാലയത്തിലെ വിദ്യാർത്ഥിയാണ്.,He's a student at this college.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn അവൾ വയലിൻ വായിച്ചു.,She played on the violin.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn സാൻ ഫ്രാൻസിസ്കോയ്ക്ക് ന്യൂ യോർക്കിന്റെ ജനസംഖ്യയുടെ പത്തിലൊന്ന് മാത്രമേയുള്ളൂ.,San Francisco is only one-tenth as populous as New York.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn മഞ്ഞ് കാരണമാണ് സ്കൂൾ അടച്ചത്.,The closing of school was due to the snow.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ഒരു വലിയ നഗരത്തിൽ ജീവിക്കാൻ എനിക്ക് ഒരാഗ്രഹവുമില്ല.,I have no wish to live in a large city.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn നീ അത് തീർത്തോ?,Have you finished it?,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ഞാൻ അവളുടെ ഫോൺ നമ്പർ എഴുതിയെടുത്തു.,I wrote down her phone number.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn അത് നിന്റെ കത്തിയല്ല.,That is not your knife.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn എല്ലാം നമ്മുടെ തെറ്റാണ്.,It was all our faults.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn അവന് എഴുപത് കിലോ ഭാരമുണ്ട്.,He weighs 70 kilos.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn അവൻ ക്ലാസ് മുറിയിലേക്ക് ഓടി.,He ran into the classroom.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ഈ കടയിലെ എറ്റവും മികച്ച ക്യാമറ ഇതാണ്.,This is the best camera in the store.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn നാളെ മഴ പെയ്യുമോ?,Will it rain tomorrow?,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn നാളെ ഇതേ സമയത്ത് മഴ പെയ്യുകയായിരിക്കും.,It will be raining at this time tomorrow.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ഞാൻ ഇംഗ്ലീഷ് പഠിപ്പിക്കുന്നു.,I teach English.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn അവൾ പോകുന്നില്ല എന്ന് തീരുമാനിച്ചു.,She decided not to go.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ഞങ്ങൾ മുമ്പ് പാരീസിലാണ് ജീവിച്ചിരുന്നത്.,We lived in Paris before.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn "എനിക്ക് പണമില്ല, പക്ഷേ എനിക്ക് സ്വപ്നങ്ങളുണ്ട്.","I don't have money, but I have dreams.",mal_Mlym-eng_Latn എനിക്ക് നീന്തൽ വളരെ ഇഷ്ടമാണ്.,I like swimming very much.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn സർക്കാർ വിദ്യാഭ്യാസത്തെ പരിഷ്ക്കരിച്ചു കൊണ്ടിരിക്കുകയാണ്.,The government has been reforming education.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn എന്റെ പേര് എമിലി.,My name is Emily.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ഡേവിഡ് വീട്ടിൽ കാണാൻ വഴിയില്ല.,David can't be at home.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn "ധനം ഒരു നല്ല ഭൃത്യനാണ്, പക്ഷേ ഒരു മോശം യജമാനനും.","Money is a good servant, but a bad master.",mal_Mlym-eng_Latn അവന്‍ മൂന്ന് ദിവസം കഴിഞ്ഞ് വീട്ടില്‍ തിരിച്ചെത്തി.,He came back home three days later.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn അവള്‍ക്കൊരു ചെറിയ കറുത്ത പട്ടിയുണ്ട്.,She has a small black dog.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn അവന്‍ അവളുടെ മുഖത്തേക്ക് തുറിച്ച് നോക്കി.,He stared her in the face.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn അഞ്ചുശരങ്ങളും പോരാതെ മന്മഥന്‍ നിന്‍ ചിരി സായകമാക്കി.,Kamdev has used your smile as an arrow as all the five arrows were found insufficient.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ഞാന്‍ ഈ പട്ടണത്തില്‍ തികച്ചും ഒരു അപരിചിതനാണ്.,I'm quite a stranger in this town.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn നമ്മൾ ഭൂമിയിൽ ജീവിക്കുന്നു.,We live on the earth.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ജാക്ക് ഇവിടെയില്ല.,Jack isn't here.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ആരെയും വിശ്വസിക്കരുത്.,Trust no one.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn അവരെക്കൊണ്ട് ഇപ്പോൾ ഉപയോഗമില്ല.,They're useless now.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn കുട്ടികളുടെ എണ്ണം കുറഞ്ഞുവരികയാണ്.,The number of students is dropping.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ഞാൻ ഇപ്പോൾ തിരിച്ച് എത്തിയതേയുള്ളൂ.,I just got back.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn എനിക്ക് എന്നെങ്കിലും ഒരിക്കൽ ഇംഗ്ലണ്ട് സന്ദർശിക്കണമെന്നുണ്ട്.,I'd like to visit England someday.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn പൂന്തോട്ടത്തിൽ പ്രവേശിക്കാൻ അവർ നമ്മളെ അനുവദിക്കില്ല.,They won't allow us to enter the garden.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn അവള്‍ നല്ല ഒരു പാചകക്കാരി ആണെന്ന് തോന്നുന്നു.,She seems to be a good cook.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn നമുക്കു വളരെക്കുറച്ചു സമയം മാത്രമേയുള്ളൂ.,We have very little time.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn അവൾ എന്റെ മൂത്ത സഹോദരിയാണ്.,She is my elder sister.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn എന്റെ വീട്ടിൽ നിന്നും നിന്റെ വീട് വരെ രണ്ട് കിലോമീറ്റർ ദൂരമുണ്ട്.,The distance from my home to yours is two kilometers.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn എനിക്ക് നന്നായി ഉറങ്ങാന്‍ പറ്റുന്നില്ല.,I can't sleep well.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ആരാണിത് പൊട്ടിച്ചത്?,Who broke this?,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ഞാന്‍ അവനെ മുമ്പ് കണ്ടതായി ഓര്‍ക്കുന്നു.,I remember seeing him before.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn കാൽപ്പന്താണ് എനിക്ക് എറ്റവും ഇഷ്ടമുള്ള കളി.,My favourite sport is football.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ഞങ്ങൾ ഇംഗ്ലീഷ് വായിക്കാൻ പഠിച്ചു.,We learned how to read English.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn പെട്ടെന്ന് അവന്‍ എന്നെ കണ്ടു.,Suddenly he saw me.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ദയവായി നിങ്ങളുടെ കുടുംബത്തെ പറ്റി ഞങ്ങളോട് പറയൂ.,Please tell us about your family.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ടോം ബസ്സിന്റെ മുമ്പിൽ ഇരിക്കുകയായിരുന്നു.,Tom was sitting in the front of the bus.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn കാഴ്ച അഞ്ച് ഇന്ദ്രിയങ്ങളിൽ ഒന്നാണ്.,Sight is one of the five senses.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn അവൻ ജീവിക്കാൻ പാടില്ല.,He must not live.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ഞങ്ങളുടെ ക്ലാസ്സിൽ നാൽപ്പത് വിദ്യാർത്ഥികളുണ്ട്.,There are forty students in our class.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn നിങ്ങള്‍ എപ്പോഴെങ്കിലും ഒരു തിമിംഗലത്തെ കണ്ടിട്ടുണ്ടോ?,Have you ever seen a whale?,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn അവൾ ഒരു ധനികനായ വ്യാപാരിയെ വിവാഹം ചെയ്തു.,She married a rich merchant.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ഞങ്ങൾക്ക് ആവശ്യത്തിന് സമയമുണ്ട്.,We have enough time.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ഈ രണ്ട് ചിത്രങ്ങൾ തമ്മിലുള്ള വ്യത്യാസം നീ കണ്ടുപിടിച്ചോ?,Did you find the difference between these two photos?,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn അശ്രദ്ധ മൂലമാണ് കാട്ടുതീ ഉണ്ടായത്.,The forest fire occurred through carelessness.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ഞാന്‍ അവന്‍ വരുമെന്ന് വിചാരിച്ചു.,I thought that he would come.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ഞാന്‍ ഇതൊഴിച്ച് വേറെ എന്തു വേണമെങ്കിലും ചെയ്യാം.,I will do anything but this.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ആ കാർ എന്റേതാണ്.,That car is mine.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn അവൾക്കിതു വരെ ഒരു സൈക്കിൾ ഓടിക്കാൻ അറിയില്ല.,She can't ride a bicycle yet.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn "രണ്ടു തവണ അളക്കൂ, ഒരു തവണ മുറിക്കൂ.","Measure twice, cut once.",mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ജോൺ അവന്റെ പുതിയ വീടിനെക്കുറിച്ച് വളരെയധികം അഭിമാനിക്കുന്നു.,John is very proud of his new house.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn മഴ പെയ്തില്ലായിരുന്നെങ്കില്‍ ഞാന്‍ വന്നേനെ.,I should have come if it hadn't rained.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ഞാൻ ഇന്നലെ രാത്രി ഒരു ദുസ്വപ്നം കണ്ടു.,I had a bad dream last night.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ബുർജ് ഖലീഫ നിലവിൽ ലോകത്തിലെ ഏറ്റവും ഉയരുമുള്ള കെട്ടിടം ആണ്.,Burj Khalifa is currently the tallest skyscraper in the world.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn "ദയവായി, അതെനിക്കു തരൂ.","Give it to me, please.",mal_Mlym-eng_Latn അവൾ സുന്ദരിയാണ്‌.,She is beautiful.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn എനിക്ക് ഉറപ്പാണ്.,I am sure.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn എനിക്ക് കണക്ക് അത്ര ഇഷ്ടമല്ല.,I do not like mathematics very much.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn എന്താണ് നിങ്ങളുടെ ഇഷ്ടപ്പെട്ട നാടന്‍ ബിയര്‍?,What's your favorite domestic beer?,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn നമുക്ക് ഒഴുക്കിനെതിരായി നീന്താന്‍ ശ്രമിക്കാം.,Let us try to swim against the current.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn അവൾ ഇപ്പോൾ വീട്ടിൽ നിന്ന് പുറപ്പെട്ടതേ ഉള്ളൂ.,She left home just now.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn അവൻ മൂന്ന് മണിക്കൂർ കഴിഞ്ഞ് വീട്ടിൽ തിരിച്ചെത്തി.,He came home three hours later.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ഞാൻ യുദ്ധത്തിനെതിരെയാണ്.,I'm against the war.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ഞാൻ രണ്ട് ദിവസം മുമ്പ് അത് നിനക്ക് അയച്ചു.,I sent it to you two days ago.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ഈ പുസ്തകത്തിൽ കുറെ ചിത്രങ്ങളുണ്ട്.,This book contains many pictures.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn അവന്‍ രണ്ടാഴ്ചയ്ക്കുള്ളില്‍ തിരിച്ചു വരും.,He will come back in another two weeks.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn നിങ്ങൾ ആരാണ്?,Who are you?,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ഞാൻ നിനക്ക് കുറച്ച് ചിത്രങ്ങൾ കാണിച്ചു തരാം.,I will show you some pictures.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ഈ വിവരം വളരെയധികം ആളുകൾക്ക് ഉപകാരപ്രദമാണ്.,The information is useful to a great many people.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn സമയം എന്തായി?,What time is it?,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn അവൻ ഫ്രാൻസിലേക്ക് പോകാൻ തീരുമാനിച്ചു.,He decided to go to France.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn നിങ്ങൾ ടോമിനെക്കാൾ സമർത്ഥനാണ്.,You're smarter than Tom is.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn അതുപോലൊരു അപകടം വീണ്ടും ഉണ്ടാകാന്‍ സാധ്യത ഉണ്ട് .,Such an accident is likely to happen again.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ഞാൻ കേൾക്കാൻ ആഗ്രഹിക്കുന്ന വാക്കുകൾ കൊണ്ട് ഞാൻ എപ്പോഴും ജനങ്ങളെ ആശ്വസിപ്പിക്കാൻ ശ്രമിക്കുന്നു,I always find myself comforting people with the words I want to hear.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ദയവായി നിങ്ങളുടെ സ്ഥലവിവരം പറയു.,Please tell me your location.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn "നിങ്ങൾ ബാങ്ക് കൊള്ളയടിക്കുമ്പോൾ, നിങ്ങൾ ജയിലിൽ അടയ്ക്കപ്പെടുന്നു. ഒരു ബാങ്ക് നിങ്ങളെ കൊള്ളയടിക്കുമ്പോൾ, അവർ ലാഭവിഹിതങ്ങൾ വിതരണം ചെയ്യുന്നു.","When you rob a bank, you go to jail. When a bank robs you, they hand out bonuses.",mal_Mlym-eng_Latn തീര്‍ച്ചയായും അത് അവൾ തന്നെ ആണ്.,Of course it's her.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn മധുരപലഹാരം മേശക്കു കീഴിൽ ഉണ്ട്.,Cookie is under the table.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ഈ പർവത പാത മനോഹരമായ തടാകത്തിനടുത്തേക്ക് കയറിച്ചെല്ലുന്നു.,This mountain path ascends to the beautiful lake.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn അവൻ വൈദ്യശാസ്ത്രത്തിനുവേണ്ടി അവന്റെ ജീവിതം സമർപ്പിച്ചു.,He dedicated his life to medical work.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ടോം പേജ് മറിച്ചു.,Tom turned the page.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn നിങ്ങൾ വീട്ടിലേക്കു പോകണം എന്ന് ഞാൻ കരുതുന്നു.,I think you should go home.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn സത്യം മാത്രം ജയിക്കും.,Truth alone triumphs.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn മാതാവും മാതൃഭൂമിയും സ്വർഗത്തേക്കാൾ മഹത്തരമാണ്.,Mother and motherland are greater than heaven.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn അവൻ ചെയ്തത് എന്താണോ അത് തെറ്റല്ല.,What he did wasn't wrong.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn അവള്‍ 1960ല്‍ ആണ് ജനിച്ചത്‌ .,She was born in 1960.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn അവൻ ഇവിടെ മാസത്തിലൊരിക്കൽ വരും.,He comes here once a month.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn എനിക്ക് ബോസ്ടനിലേക്ക് തിരിച്ചു വരണം.,I want to be back in Boston.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ആ ഗ്ലാസ്‌ നിന്റെ ആണോ അതോ നിന്റെ സഹോദരിയുടെ ആണോ?,Is that your or your sister's glass?,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ഞാന്‍ എന്റെ സഹോദരിയുടെ അഭിപ്രായം ആരാഞ്ഞു.,I consulted with my sister.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn കാത്തിരുന്നിട്ട് കാര്യമില്ല.,There's no point in waiting.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ഞാന്‍ അത് മേശപ്പുറത്തു ഉപേക്ഷിച്ചു.,I left it on the table.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn അവള്‍ക്ക് ലോകവിവരം ഇല്ലായിരുന്നു.,She is ignorant of the world.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn അവളുടെ വാക്കുകൾ എന്നെ ഭ്രാന്തനാക്കി.,Her words made me mad.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn എല്ലാ ഉത്തരങ്ങളും നിര്‍ദേശങ്ങള്‍ക്ക് അനുസരിച്ച് തന്നെ എഴുതണം .,All answers must be written according to the instructions.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn അവന് എന്നേക്കാൾ വേഗത്തിൽ ഓടാൻ കഴിയും.,He can run faster than me.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn താങ്കള്‍ക്ക് സുഖമാണോ?,How are you?,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ഞാൻ നിന്നെ വിശ്വസിക്കുന്നു.,I believe you.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn നിനക്ക് ഓർമ്മയുണ്ടോ.,Do you remember?,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn വളരെ നാളായല്ലൊ കണ്ടിട്ട്,Long time no see.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ഞാൻ ഒരു അമേരിക്കൻ ആണ്.,I am American.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ഈ കായലിൽ വളരെയധികം മത്സ്യങ്ങളുണ്ട്.,There are many fish in this lake.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn പകുതി എനിക്ക് തരൂ.,Give me half.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn എന്റെ സുഹൃത്ത്‌ ഒരു ഘടികാരം വാങ്ങിച്ചു എന്ന് അവന്‍ പറഞ്ഞു.,My friend told me he bought a clock.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn അവന്‍ ഒരു പേന കൈകളില്‍ പിടിച്ചു.,He held a pen in his hands.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn അവന്‍ കടല്‍മാര്‍ഗം വന്നു പക്ഷെ വായുമാര്‍ഗം തിരിച്ചുപോയി.,He arrived by sea but left by air.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn എന്നെ നാളെ വന്നു കാണൂ.,Come and see me tomorrow.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn നിനക്ക് എന്തു ചെയ്യാനാണ് ഇഷ്ടം.,What do you like to do?,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ഇതാണ് ഫിന്ലാണ്ടിലെ ഏറ്റവും വലിയ വൈദ്യുതിനിലയം.,This is Finland's biggest power station of all.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ചോദ്യങ്ങള്‍ ഇതുവരെ ആരെയും വേദനിപ്പിച്ചിട്ടില്ല.,Questions never hurt anyone.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ദയവായി ചാനലുകള്‍ മാറ്റുന്നത് നിര്‍ത്തു.,Please stop changing channels.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ജോലി കഴിയുന്നതിനു മുന്‍പേ എനിക്ക് പോകണമെന്നില്ല.,I didn't want to leave before the work was completed.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn "ചിന്തയുടെ കാട്ടുതീയില്‍, ആത്മനാശത്തിന്റെ ഒരു അംശം ഉണ്ട് .","In the wild fire of thought, there is an element of the destruction of the self.",mal_Mlym-eng_Latn അവന്‍ അത്യാഗ്രഹിയും ദയാരഹിതനും ആണ്.,He's greedy and ruthless.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ഇത് നല്ല മാംസം ആണ് .,This is good meat.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn അവന് തെറ്റ് വരുത്താതെ ഇംഗ്ലീഷ് എഴുതാൻ സാധിക്കില്ല.,He cannot write English without making mistakes.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn എനിക്ക് മൂന്നു ഭാഷകള്‍ സംസാരിക്കാന്‍ കഴിഞ്ഞിരുന്നെങ്ങില്‍ നന്നായിരുന്നു.,It would be cool if I could speak three languages.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn എനിക്ക് സ്ത്രീകളെ ഇഷ്ടമാണ് .,I love a woman.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn "ഇതെന്റെ കുടയല്ല, വേറാരുടെയോ ആണ്.",This isn't my umbrella; it's somebody else's.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn പ്രാതലിനു മുമ്പ് കുറച്ച് വ്യായാമം ചെയ്യുന്നത് എന്റെ ശീലമാണ്.,I am in the habit of taking some exercise before breakfast.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ചെയർമാനായി ആരെയാണ് തെരഞ്ഞെടുക്കാൻ പോകുന്നത്?,Who will be elected chairman?,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn അവളുടെ സൗന്ദര്യം മുറിയിലുണ്ടായിരുന്ന എല്ലാവരെയും ആകർഷിച്ചു.,Her beauty attracted everyone in the room.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn അവൻ അവിടെയുണ്ടായിരുന്നുവെന്ന് എനിക്കറിയില്ലായിരുന്നു.,I didn't know that he was there.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ആരെ ആണ് നിങ്ങള്‍ വിശ്വസിപ്പിക്കാന്‍ ശ്രമിക്കുന്നത് ?,Who are you trying to convince?,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn പ്രധാന വീഥികളെല്ലാം വളരെ വലുതാണ്.,The main streets are very wide.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ഞങ്ങൾ ഒരാഴ്ച തങ്ങാനാണ് ആലോചിക്കുന്നത്.,We plan to stay a week.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ഞങ്ങൾ ഒരു ടെന്നിസ് മത്സരത്തിൽ പങ്കെടുക്കും.,We will take part in a tennis match.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn മനുഷ്യരാശിക്ക് മൃഗങ്ങളുടെയും പക്ഷികളുടെയും മേൽ ആധിപത്യമുണ്ടോ?,Does mankind have dominion over animals and birds?,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ടോമിന്റെ കുടുംബത്തെപ്പറ്റി നിനക്കെന്തെങ്കിലും അറിയാമോ?,Do you know anything about Tom's family?,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn അവന് ഒരു കാർ അപകടത്തിൽ പരിക്കേറ്റു.,He was hurt in a car accident.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn അവന്റെ അഭിപ്രായം ഒരു പരിധി വരെ ശരിയാണ്.,His opinion is right to some extent.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn അവന്റെ സഹോദരൻ എപ്പോഴും ടി.വി. കണ്ടുകൊണ്ടിരിക്കും.,His brother is always watching TV.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ആരും എന്നെ സഹായിക്കാൻ വന്നില്ല.,Nobody came to help me.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn വിവേകം കൊണ്ട് മാത്രമേ ഒരാള്‍ക്ക് നന്മയും തിന്മയും തിരിച്ചറിയാന്‍ കഴിയുകയുള്ളൂ; വിനയം കൊണ്ട് മാത്രമേ ഒരാള്‍ക്ക് സന്തോഷപ്രദമായ ജീവിതം പടുത്തുയര്‍ത്താന്‍ കഴിയുകയുള്ളൂ.,Only with wisdom can one distinguish between good and evil; only with humility can one build a happy life.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn എല്ലാത്തിനും അതിന്റേതായ സമയമുണ്ട്.,There is a time for all things.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn അവൻ ടോമിനേക്കാൾ വളരെ ചെറുപ്പമാണ്.,He's much younger than Tom.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ഞാൻ അവളുടെ നിഘണ്ടു അവൾക്ക് തിരിച്ചു കൊടുത്തു.,I gave her her dictionary back.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ഒരു ബോംബ്‌ എങ്ങനെ നിരവീര്യം ചെയ്യണം എന്ന് നിങ്ങള്‍ക്ക് അറിയാമോ?,Do you know how to deactivate a bomb?,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn അവൻ സത്യം പറഞ്ഞു.,He told the truth.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn അടുത്ത വ്യാഴാഴ്ച ഒരു അവധിദിവസമാണ്.,Next Thursday is a holiday.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ഈ മരം വളരെ പെട്ടെന്ന് വളരും.,The tree grows very quickly.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn നിന്റെ സഹോദരനെവിടെയാണ്?,Where is your brother?,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn കൊതുകുകൾ കാരണം ഞങ്ങൾക്ക് ജനാല അടയ്ക്കേണ്ടി വന്നു.,We had to shut the window because of the mosquitoes.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn അവന്‍ പാടിക്കൊണ്ടേയിരുന്നു.,He continued singing.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn എന്നെ വിരുന്നിലേക്ക് ക്ഷണിച്ചതിന് നന്ദി.,Thank you for inviting me to the party.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn അവൾക്ക് ഫെബ്രുവരിയിൽ പതിനേഴ് തികയും.,She'll be seventeen in February.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ആ വാതിൽ തനിയെ തുറുന്നു.,The door opened of itself.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn അവൾ സ്പൂൺ കൊണ്ട് സൂപ്പ് ഇളക്കി.,She stirred the soup with a spoon.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn എന്നാല്‍ ചെയ്യാന്‍ കഴിയുന്നതൊക്കെ ഞാന്‍ ചെയ്യും.,I will do my best.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ഞാന്‍ ഇത് നിനക്ക് തരാം.,I will give it to you.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ഞാന്‍ അത് തുറന്നു വച്ചു.,I left it unlocked.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn എനിക്ക് പറയത്തക്കതായി മറ്റൊന്നും ഇല്ല.,I have nothing else worth saying.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ടോമിന് ഒരു സഹായവും ആവശ്യമില്ലായിരുന്നു.,Tom didn't need any help.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn വന്യ മൃഗങ്ങള്‍ കാട്ടിലാണ് ജീവിക്കുന്നത്.,Wild animals live in the forest.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ഞായറാഴ്ച വൈകുന്നേരം നിനക്ക് വരാൻ പറ്റുമോ?,Can you come on Sunday evening?,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ഞാൻ പക്ഷികളുടെ സംഗീതം കേട്ടുകൊണ്ടിരുന്നു.,I listened to the music of birds.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ഒരു ബാസ്കറ്റ് ബോൾ ടീമിൽ അഞ്ചു കളിക്കാരുണ്ട്.,A basketball team consists of five players.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn പ്രധാന മന്ത്രി ഇന്നലെ രാജിവച്ചു.,The Prime Minister had resigned yesterday.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ആ വാതില്‍ അകത്തു നിന്ന് പൂട്ടിയിരിക്കുകയായിരുന്നു.,The door was locked from within.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ഈ ലോകത്ത് വാക്കുകൾ കൊണ്ട് വിവരിക്കാൻ പറ്റാത്ത പലതും ഉണ്ട്.,There are things in this world which simply cannot be expressed in the form of words.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ഞാൻ എന്റെ ഏറ്റവും മികച്ച വസ്ത്രങ്ങളാണ് ധരിച്ചിരുന്നത്.,I was wearing my best clothes.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn റോഡ് മുറിച്ചു കടക്കുമ്പോൾ സൂക്ഷിക്കുക.,Cross the road with care.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn നിനക്ക് മഞ്ഞ് ഇഷ്ടമാണോ?,Do you like snow?,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn പുറത്ത് പോകുന്നതിനു മുമ്പ് ഗ്യാസ് അണച്ചു എന്നുറപ്പ് വരുത്തുക.,Be sure to turn off the gas before you go out.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ആരും എന്നോടൊന്നും പറയാറില്ല.,Nobody tells me anything.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn ഒന്നും നഷ്ടപ്പെടാനില്ലാത്തവെ വെല്ലുവിളിക്കരുത്.,Don't challenge someone who has nothing to lose.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn നീ ഇന്നലെ വൈകുന്നേരം എന്താണ് ചെയ്തത്?,What did you do yesterday evening?,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn അതെനിക്ക് വിട്ടു തരിക.,Leave it to me.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn അവൾ അവനെ ശാസിച്ചു.,She scolded him.,mal_Mlym-eng_Latn "बघ, तो येतोय.","Look, he's coming.",mar_Deva-eng_Latn तुम्हाला कॉफीत साखर हवी आहे का?,Do you want sugar in your coffee?,mar_Deva-eng_Latn "आम्ही २००८ मध्ये भेटलो. एक वर्षानंतर, आम्ही लग्न केलं.","We met in 2008. A year later, we got married.",mar_Deva-eng_Latn यात एक भोक आहे.,There's a hole in this.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn ते रविवारी चर्चला जातात.,They go to church on Sunday.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn टॉमने कपडे बदलले.,Tom changed clothes.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn कुत्रा इथेतिथे धावला.,The dog ran here and there.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn मला तुझ्याशी लढायचं नाहीये.,I don't want to fight with you.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn मला पियानो वाजवता येतो.,I can play the piano.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn टॉमला मेरीशी लग्न करायचं नव्हतं.,Tom didn't want to marry Mary.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn "मी एक इंग्रजी पुस्तक विकत घेतलं, पण ते समजायला कठीण होतं.","I bought an English book, but the book was hard to understand.",mar_Deva-eng_Latn मी त्यांच्यासाठी कधीच काम करणार नाही.,I'll never work for them.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn काँडम वापरायला हवं होतं.,I should have used a condom.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn तू बॉस्टनमध्ये काय करणार आहेस?,What are you going to do in Boston?,mar_Deva-eng_Latn थंड पाणी आहे का?,Is there any cold water?,mar_Deva-eng_Latn टॉमला तेवढा सगळा पैसा कोणी दिला?,Who gave Tom all that money?,mar_Deva-eng_Latn दुकानात जा.,Go to the shop.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn टॉमला स्वतःचा मार्ग शोधू दे.,Let Tom find his own path.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn ते काय करणार आहेत?,What are they going to do?,mar_Deva-eng_Latn संकेतस्थळ बनवताना कोड करता येणे उपयोगी ठरतं.,"To create a website, it is useful to know how to code.",mar_Deva-eng_Latn टॉमने चुकीचं बटण दाबलं.,Tom pressed the wrong button.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn आपल्याकडे पुरेसं पाणी आहे.,We have enough water.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn आपण त्यांना ठार मारू शकत नाही.,We can't kill him.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn चंद्रापासून पाहिल्यावर पृथ्वी एखाद्या चेंडूसारखी दिसते.,"Seen from the moon, the earth looks like a ball.",mar_Deva-eng_Latn या वर्षी मी ग्रॅज्यूएट होईन.,I'll graduate this year.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn सुंदर पुस्तक आहे हे.,This is a beautiful book.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn तिने पुस्तकाचा जपानीतून इंग्रजीत अनुवाद केला.,She translated the book from Japanese into English.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn माझे वडील ऑस्ट्रेलियाला दोनदा गेले आहेत.,My father has been to Australia twice.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn "वाढदिवसाच्या शुभेच्छा, टॉम.","Happy Birthday, Tom.",mar_Deva-eng_Latn टॉम दररोज वृत्तपत्र वाचतो.,Tom reads the newspaper every day.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn राजकन्येने सोनेरी ड्रेस घातला.,The princess wore a golden dress.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn "तो गोल्डन गेट ब्रिज आहे, नाही का?",Isn't that the Golden Gate Bridge?,mar_Deva-eng_Latn तिने त्याला एका सोनेरी त्रिशूलाने भोसकले.,She stabbed him with a golden trident.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn गोल्डन गेट ब्रिज लोखंडाचा बनलेला आहे.,The Golden Gate Bridge is made of iron.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn गोल्डन गेट ब्रिज सॅन फ्रान्सिस्कोमध्ये आहे.,The Golden Gate Bridge is in San Francisco.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn "जिथे लहान मुले, तिथे सुवर्णयुग.","Where children are, there is the golden age.",mar_Deva-eng_Latn इथून गोल्डन गेट ब्रिज दिसतो.,You can see the Golden Gate Bridge from here.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn जग एकच सुवर्ण नियम पाळतं: ज्याच्याकडे सोने तोच बनवतो नियम.,The world follows one golden rule: whoever has the gold makes the rules.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn "ज्याच्याकडे सोने तोच नियम बनवतो, हेच एकमात्र सुवर्ण नियम असते.",The only golden rule is that he who has the gold makes the rules.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn मला तुझा आवाज खूप आवडतो.,I love your voice.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn "पूर्वेच्या राजाकडे एक सुंदर बाग होती, आणि त्या बागेत एक असं झाड होतं ज्यावर सोनेरी सफरचंद लागायची.","The King of the East had a beautiful garden, and in the garden stood a tree that bore golden apples.",mar_Deva-eng_Latn शक्य तितकं वाचा.,Read as much as possible.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn आपण ते दुरुस्त केलं.,We fixed that.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn टॉम नाही म्हणणार नाहीये.,Tom isn't going to say no.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn कोसोव्हो आता एक स्वतंत्र देश आहे.,Kosovo is now an independent country.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn कोसोव्हो हा सर्बियाचा प्रांत होता.,Kosovo was a province of Serbia.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn आधीच १०९ देशांनी कोसोव्होच्या स्वातंत्र्याला मान्यता दिली आहे.,Already 109 states have recognized the independence of Kosovo.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn टॉम मेरीपेक्षा जास्त लोकप्रिय आहे.,Tom is more popular than Mary.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn तो पिआनो महागडा आहे.,The piano is expensive.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn तो जाऊन बाकावर बसला.,He sat on the bench.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn मी रेडिओ ऐकत नव्हतो.,I wasn't listening to the radio.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn त्यांना तुला भेटायचं आहे.,They want to meet you.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn "म्हणणं एक गोष्ट असते, करणं दुसरीच.","To say is one thing, and to do is another.",mar_Deva-eng_Latn तुमच्याकडे दहा लोकांसाठी तातामी खोली आहे का?,Do you have a tatami room for ten people?,mar_Deva-eng_Latn फुटबॉल खेळुया!,Let's play football!,mar_Deva-eng_Latn आम्ही नक्की जिंकू.,We'll win for sure.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn मी जवळजवळ रात्रभर जागा होतो.,I was up almost all night.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn "इंग्रजी कठीण आहे, ना?","English is hard, isn't it?",mar_Deva-eng_Latn "इंग्रजी कठीण आहे, नाही का?","English is difficult, innit?",mar_Deva-eng_Latn तुला गाता येत नाही का?,Can't you sing?,mar_Deva-eng_Latn तुला मारिकाचा ईमेल अ‍ॅड्रेस माहीत आहे का?,Do you know Marika's e-mail address?,mar_Deva-eng_Latn गावाजवळ भेटलेल्या पहिल्या व्यक्तीला त्याने विचारले.,He asked the first person he met near the village.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn मला आज सकाळी चांगलं वाटतंय.,I'm feeling good this morning.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn मला तुझे पैसे घ्यायचे नाहीयेत.,I don't want to take your money.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn तू माझ्या प्रश्नाचं उत्तर दिलं नाहीयेस.,You haven't answered my question.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn हा इलेक्ट्रिक शेव्हर विकत घेण्यापूर्वी चालवून बघायला हवा होता.,I should have tested this electric shaver before buying it.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn टॉम तसलं काहीतरी करू शकेल याचा मी विचारसुद्धा केला नव्हता.,I never thought Tom would do something like that.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn कविता प्रकाशित करणं म्हणजे ग्रँड कॅन्यनमध्ये गुलाबाच्या पाकळ्या फेकून प्रतिध्वनी ऐकत बसणं.,Publishing poems is like throwing rose petals into the Grand Canyon and waiting for echoes.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn टॉम आधीच निघाला आहे का?,Has Tom already left?,mar_Deva-eng_Latn टॉमने मला कधीही हात लावला नाही.,Tom never touched me.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn ही खाण ५०० मीटर खोल आहे.,This mine is 500 meters deep.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn कोणाला कधीही सांगू नकोस.,Never tell anyone.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn एखाद्या आईसाठी सर्वात दुःखदायी गोष्ट म्हणजे स्वतःचंच मूल गाडायला लागणे.,The most painful thing for a mother is having to bury her own child.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn मी रात्रभर जागी होते.,I was up all night.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn मीटिंग दुपारी तीन वाजता संपली.,The meeting ended at three in the afternoon.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn "जो ज्याचा पाव खातो, तो त्याची भाषा बोलतो.","Whose ever bread one eats, his language one speaks.",mar_Deva-eng_Latn टॉमने स्विमिंगपूलमध्ये उडी मारली.,Tom jumped into the swimming pool.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn टॉम अठरा वर्षाचा असताना त्याला त्याची पहिली गाडी मिळाली.,Tom got his first car when he was eighteen.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn टॉमने ते काम स्वतःहूनच केलं.,Tom did the work by himself.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn त्यांनी त्यांची टोपी काढली.,He took off his hat.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn या खोलीत टीव्ही आहे.,There is a TV in this room.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn टॉम धोकादायक असू शकतो.,Tom could be dangerous.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn "अनेक प्रमुख ब्रिटिश नेत्यांनी ऑक्सफोर्ड येथे तत्त्वज्ञान, राज्यशास्त्र व अर्थशास्त्र या विषयांचा अभ्यास केला.","Many leading British politicians studied philosophy, politics and economics at Oxford.",mar_Deva-eng_Latn बहुतेक जपानी लोकं दिवसातून एकदा तरी भात खातात.,Most Japanese eat rice at least once a day.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn मला माहीत नाही. शोधून काढू या!,I don't know. Let's find out!,mar_Deva-eng_Latn टॉमने अजूनपर्यंत आपल्याला बघितलं नाहीये.,Tom hasn't seen us yet.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn आत्ताच्या आत्ता इथून बाहेर हो.,Get out of here right now.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn टॉम नुसता व्हिडियो गेम खेळतो.,All Tom does is play video games.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn """तुझं नाव काय आहे?"" ""माझं नाव टॉम आहे.""","""What's your name?"" ""My name's Tom.""",mar_Deva-eng_Latn ते सर्व राक्षस आहेत.,They are all monsters.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn मला हवाईलाही जायला आवडेल.,I'd like to go to Hawaii as well.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn पावसानंतर पुष्कळ मशरूम वनात उगतात.,"After the rain, many mushrooms grow in the forest.",mar_Deva-eng_Latn माझा कम्प्युटर कोणी घेतला?,Who took my computer?,mar_Deva-eng_Latn हा मासा मोठा आहे.,This fish is big.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn तो मासा नाही.,That is not a fish.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn त्याला सर्वात जास्त हिरवा रंग आवडतो.,He likes green the best.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn मला जे काही माहीत आहे ते सर्व मी तुला सांगितलंय.,I've told you everything I know.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn पेन्सिलीने तुझं नाव लिही.,Write your name with the pencil.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn सगळे पैसे गेले होते.,All the money was gone.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn ते कोणी घेतलं?,Who took it?,mar_Deva-eng_Latn मला एक विचित्र आवाज ऐकू येतोय.,I hear a strange sound.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn खाणे ही कला आहे.,Eating is an art.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn ग्रीकमध्ये म्हणा!,Say it in Greek!,mar_Deva-eng_Latn आता मी तुमच्याबद्दल विचार करत आहे.,Now I'm thinking of you.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn तुला जर्मन शिकायची असेल तर माझ्या कॉलेजात ये.,"If you want to learn German, then come to my college.",mar_Deva-eng_Latn हा कायदा सर्वांवर लागू होतो.,This law applies to everybody.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn प्रत्येक आईचं स्वप्न असतं की तिचा मुलगा डॉक्टर किंवा वकील व्हावा.,Every mother's dream is for her son to be a doctor or a lawyer.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn मला वाटलं टॉम मेरीचं ऑफिस वापरेल.,I thought Tom would use Mary's office.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn टॉम एका कॉल सेंटरमध्ये कामाला आहे.,Tom works in a call center.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn लग्न कधी आहे?,When's the wedding?,mar_Deva-eng_Latn त्याने सर्वांना सांगितलं.,He told everyone.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn मला आंगठी नको आहे.,I don't want the ring.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn तुला हे माहीत होतं का?,Did you know this?,mar_Deva-eng_Latn या वर्गात मुलांपेक्षा जास्त मुली आहेत.,There are more girls than boys in this class.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn मेरीला दुसर्‍यांची मदत करायला आवडते.,Mary likes helping others.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn टॉमकडे किती वकील आहेत?,How many lawyers does Tom have?,mar_Deva-eng_Latn टॉम गोंधळलेला आहे.,Tom is confused.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn हवं तसं कर. मला काही फरक पडत नाही.,Do as you please. It makes no difference to me.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn सध्यातरी माझी बहीण एका सुपरमार्केटमध्ये असिस्टंट आहे.,"For the time being, my sister is an assistant in a supermarket.",mar_Deva-eng_Latn मी या क्षेत्रात राहतो.,I live in this area.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn खरच का?,Is that true?,mar_Deva-eng_Latn ते खरं आहे का?,Is that real?,mar_Deva-eng_Latn हेच प्रेम का?,Is this love?,mar_Deva-eng_Latn रात्र होती.,It was night.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn माझी सीडी आहे.,It's my CD.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn मेरी आत आली.,Mary came in.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn माझे डोळे दुखतायेत.,My eyes hurt.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn माझे डोळे दुखत आहेत.,My eyes hurt!,mar_Deva-eng_Latn कोणालाही माहीत नाही.,No one knows.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn ती आठ वर्षांची आहे.,She is eight.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn त्या आठ वर्षांच्या आहेत.,She's eight years old.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn सफरचंद पिकलेलं आहे.,The apple is ripe.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn ती खूष आहे.,She is happy.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn ती मला ओळखते.,She knows me.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn ती शांत आहे.,She is quiet.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn ती बाहेर गेली.,She went out.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn ते माझं आहे.,That is mine.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn ते कोणी बांधलं?,Who built it?,mar_Deva-eng_Latn तुला उशीर झाला.,You are late.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn थकलायस का?,Are you tired?,mar_Deva-eng_Latn "लवकर कर, टॉम.","Hurry up, Tom.",mar_Deva-eng_Latn माझा तुझ्यावर विश्वास आहे.,I believe you.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn आता सर्वांना माहीत आहे.,Everyone knows it now.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn मला सर्दी झाली आहे.,I have a cold.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn मला सर्दी आवडते.,I like winter.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn सांगता येत नाही.,I can't say.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn मला सांगता येत नाही.,I cannot say.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn मी एक पुस्तक विकलं.,I sold a book.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn मी घरी होतो.,I was at home.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn टॉमने त्याला गोळी मारली.,Tom shot him.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn मी आणतो.,I'll get it.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn मी टॉमच्या खोलीत गेलो.,I went into Tom's room.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn मला तहान लागली आहे.,I am thirsty.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn पाऊस पडतोय.,It is raining.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn ५० येन झाले.,It's 50 yen.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn सोमवार आहे.,It is Monday.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn ते माझं काम आहे.,It's my job.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn मेरी पोहू शकते.,Mary can swim.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn ती खाली वाकली.,She bent down.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn ती शेवटी आली.,She came last.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn तिला राग आला.,She got angry.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn ती त्याची मदत करते.,She helps him.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn ती जुळी आहे.,She is a twin.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn ती रडतेय.,She is crying.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn तिला तो आवडतो.,She likes him.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn "घोडा, सिंह, कुत्रा, बकरा: हे सर्व प्राणी आहेत.","Horse, lion, dog, goat: these are animals.",mar_Deva-eng_Latn "काल शुक्रवार होता, आणि परवाचा दिवस सोमवार आहे.",Yesterday was Friday and the day after tomorrow is Monday.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn राजकीय जगात तिचे कित्येक शत्रू आहेत.,She has many enemies in the political world.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn राजकीय जगात त्याचे शत्रू पुष्कळ आहेत.,He has many enemies in the political world.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn संपूर्ण आठवडा मी बॉस्टनमध्ये घालवला.,I spent the whole week in Boston.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn टॉम छोटा आहे.,Tom is small.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn तो आजारी नसेल तर तो येईल.,"If he is not ill, he will come.",mar_Deva-eng_Latn मी प्रयत्न केला नाहीये.,I haven't tried.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn मला माहीत आहे की ते अजूनही जिवंत आहेत.,I know they're still alive.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn त्याच्या बाबांच्या जागी तो गेला.,He went instead of his dad.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn माझ्या मावशीला तीन मुलं आहेत.,My aunt had three children.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn माझ्या काकीला तीन मुलं आहेत.,My aunt had three kids.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn तिने खिडकी उघडली.,She opened a window.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn ती आधीपासूनच तितकी जाडी आहे का?,Was she always that fat?,mar_Deva-eng_Latn """केन कामात आहे का?"" ""हो, कामात आहे.""","""Is Ken busy?"" ""Yes, he is.""",mar_Deva-eng_Latn मला माझ्या आईवडिलांना सांगायचं नाहीये.,I don't want to tell my parents.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn मी हरवलेलं पुस्तक कोणाला सापडलं?,Who found the book I lost?,mar_Deva-eng_Latn रशियन व्याक्रणाचं त्याच्याकडे चांगलंच ज्ञान आहे.,He has a good knowledge of Russian grammar.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn टॉम खरं सांगत होता.,Tom was telling the truth.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn तुला ब्रायन अॅडम्स आवडतो का?,Do you like Bryan Adams?,mar_Deva-eng_Latn राजावर दहशतवाद्यांनी आक्रमण केलं.,The King was assaulted by terrorists.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn पाऊस थांबल्यावर बेसबॉल खेळू या.,Let's play baseball when the rain stops.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn दूरध्वनीचा शोध बेलने लावला.,The telephone was invented by Bell.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn सामी फक्त बारा वर्षांचा होता.,Sami was only twelve years old.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn "त्यांना चिनी बोलता येते, पण त्यांना मँडरिन बोलता येत नाही.","She can speak Chinese, but she can't speak Mandarin.",mar_Deva-eng_Latn तुला ते कोणी शिकवलं?,Who taught you that?,mar_Deva-eng_Latn मला अजूनही लढायचं आहे.,I still want to fight.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn "तुमची पत्नी कोण आहे, मी की तातोएबा?","Who is your wife, me or Tatoeba?",mar_Deva-eng_Latn मी जगाचा नागरिक आहे.,I'm a citizen of the world.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn मी जगाची नागरिक आहे.,I am a citizen of the world.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn ती शूर होती.,She was brave.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn ती घरी गेली.,She went home.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn टॉम अनुपस्थित आहे.,Tom is absent.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn सहा वाजेपर्यंत थांब.,Wait till six.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn ते काय आहे?,What is that?,mar_Deva-eng_Latn हे काय आहे?,What is this?,mar_Deva-eng_Latn हे काय?,What is it?,mar_Deva-eng_Latn तू कुठे आहेस?,Where are you?,mar_Deva-eng_Latn तुम्ही कुठे आहात?,Where art thou?,mar_Deva-eng_Latn हे कोणाचं आहे?,Whose is this?,mar_Deva-eng_Latn ती येईल का?,Will she come?,mar_Deva-eng_Latn तू आजारी वाटतोस.,You look sick.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn मी हे खाऊ का?,Can I eat this?,mar_Deva-eng_Latn मी तुमची मदत करू शकतो का?,Can I help you?,mar_Deva-eng_Latn तुला मी ऐकू येतोय का?,Do you hear me?,mar_Deva-eng_Latn तिला दे.,Give it to her.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn त्याला दे.,Give it to him.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn ते त्याला दे.,Give that to him.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn तो लेखक आहे.,He's an author.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn ते लेखक आहेत.,He is a writer.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn तो बसने आला.,He came by bus.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn तो गाडीने आला.,He came by car.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn तो तरूण दिसतो.,He looks young.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn तो थकलेला वाटतोय.,He seems tired.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn ते थकलेले वाटत आहेत.,He looks tired.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn तो घरी होता.,He was at home.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn मी घटस्फोट घेतला.,I got divorced.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn मी तिला पोहताना बघितलं.,I saw her swim.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn मी परदेशात शिकतो.,I study abroad.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn मी उजव्या बाजूला वळलो.,I turned right.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn मी हरणार नाही!,I won't lose!,mar_Deva-eng_Latn मी किती आनंदी आहे.,I'm so happy.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn मी खूप जाडा आहे.,I'm very fat.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn मी खूप जाडी आहे.,I'm extremely fat.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn तो जपानी आहे का?,Is he Japanese?,mar_Deva-eng_Latn ते जपानी आहेत का?,Are they Japanese?,mar_Deva-eng_Latn ती घरी आहे का?,Is she at home?,mar_Deva-eng_Latn जास्तच मोठं आहे.,It's too big.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn माझ्यावर सोड.,Leave it to me.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn हे ऐक!,Listen to this!,mar_Deva-eng_Latn हे ऐका!,Listen to this.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn मी पी.एच.पी.मध्ये प्रोग्राम करतो.,I program in PHP.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn लिन वेगात धावते.,Lynn runs fast.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn पुष्कळ मासे मेले.,Many fish died.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn श्री स्मिथ आले.,Mr. Smith came.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn भाव वाढले.,Prices went up.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn स्पष्टपणे बोल.,Say it clearly.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn भेटू.,I'll see you later.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn तिने त्याची मदत केली.,She helped him.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn मी चार महिने गरोदर आहे.,I'm four months pregnant.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn तिने त्याला मिठी मारली.,She hugged him.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn तिने त्याला लात मारली.,She kicked him.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn ती श्रीमंत वाटते.,She seems rich.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn ती येऊ शकेल.,She might come.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn तिने बंदूक चालवली.,She shot a gun.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn सगळे किती खूष होते.,Everyone was so happy.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn सगळे उभे आहेत.,Everyone is standing.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn घरात तीन मजले आहेत.,The house has three floors.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn टॉम घसरून पडला.,Tom slipped and fell.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn जाऊन काही टॉवेल आण.,Go get some towels.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn पगार चांगला आहे.,The pay is good.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn "मला मदत करायची आहे, पण मी नाही करू शकत.","I want to help, but I can't.",mar_Deva-eng_Latn टॉम फडताळात लपला.,Tom hid in the closet.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn त्या तिथे नव्हत्या.,She wasn't there.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn मला पैसे दाखव.,Show me the money.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn मी तीन पत्रे लिहिलेली आहेत.,I've written three letters.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn तू इथे ये.,You come here.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn टॉम मेला होता हे मला माहीत होतं.,I knew Tom was dead.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn कुठेतरी जाऊ या.,Let's go somewhere.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn तो सोमवारी न्यूयॉर्कला गेला.,He went to New York on Monday.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn टॉमचं खाऊन झालं आहे का?,Is Tom finished eating?,mar_Deva-eng_Latn अमेरिकनांना चीनला प्रवास करण्यासाठी एक व्हिसा लागतो.,Americans need a visa to travel to China.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn लोकसंख्येत झालेली वाढ देशात एक गंभीर समस्या बनली आहे.,The increase in population has become a serious problem in the country.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn अंघोळ कर.,Take a bath.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn हे खरं असू शकतं का?,Can it be true?,mar_Deva-eng_Latn तो अविवाहित आहे.,He is unmarried.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn तुला ती कधीच सापडणार नाही.,You'll never find her.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn टॉम आणि मेरी अडीच वाजता येतील.,Tom and Mary will come at 2:30.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn या गोष्टीची नायिका एक लहान मुलगी आहे.,The heroine of this story is a little girl.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn मी त्याला उडी मारताना पाहिलं.,I saw him jump.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn आपण सर्व मैत्रिणी आहोत.,We are all friends.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn तू त्यांना फोन लावू शकतोस का?,Can you call her?,mar_Deva-eng_Latn त्याने काय सिद्ध झालं?,What did that prove?,mar_Deva-eng_Latn बोलझानो ही इटलीमधील दक्षिण तिरोलची राजधानी आहे.,"Bolzano is the capital of South Tyrol, in Italy.",mar_Deva-eng_Latn तो उद्या फुटबॉल खेळेल.,He will play soccer tomorrow.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn त्याला संत्री आवडत नाहीत.,He doesn't like oranges.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn ते सर्वांना माहीत होतं.,Everyone knew that.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn स्टँपवर हे कोणाचं चित्र आहे?,Whose image is on this stamp?,mar_Deva-eng_Latn आम्ही पॅरिसमध्ये आहोत.,We are in Paris.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn टॉमने काहीच म्हटलं नाही.,Tom didn't say anything at all.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn हरवलेली मांजर अजूनही सापडली नाही आहे.,The missing cat has not been found yet.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn स्वातंत्र्याचं वजन सोनं-चांदीपेक्षा जास्त असतं.,Freedom weighs more than silver and gold.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn तुला जे बनायचं असेल ते बन.,Be what you want to be.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn मी तुझ्यावर विश्वास का ठेवू?,Why should I believe you?,mar_Deva-eng_Latn आपलं पूर्ण नाव लिहा.,Write your full name.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn टॉमसुद्धा तयार होत आहे.,Tom is also getting ready.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn आम्ही सर्व मैत्रिणी आहोत.,We're all friends.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn "एखाद्या नगरात किंवा नगराजवळ एक-दोन मोठे कारखाने बांधले गेल्यानंतर, तिथे लोकं काम शोधायला येतात, व लवकरच एक औद्योगिक क्षेत्र विकसित व्हायला लागतो.","After one or two large factories have been built in or near a town, people come to find work, and soon an industrial area begins to develop.",mar_Deva-eng_Latn मोठ्या राष्ट्रांनी छोट्या राष्ट्रांमध्ये हस्तक्षेप केला नाही पाहिजे.,The big nations should not interfere with the smaller nations.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn ओसाकापासून आकितापर्यंतचं भाडं किती आहे?,What is the fare from Osaka to Akita?,mar_Deva-eng_Latn ओसाकामध्ये बर्फ पडला.,It snowed in Osaka.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn तो ओसाकामध्ये राहतो.,He lives in Osaka.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn ओसकामध्ये पोहोचल्याबरोबर तो सरळ हॉटेलला गेला.,"On arriving in Osaka, he went straight to the hotel.",mar_Deva-eng_Latn ओसाकाची लोकसंख्या कोबेपेक्षा मोठी आहे.,The population of Osaka is larger than of Kobe.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn ओसाका जपानचं दुसरं सर्वात मोठं शहर आहे.,Osaka is the second largest city of Japan.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn आज आपण ओमच्या नियमाशी संबंधित एक प्रयोग करू.,Today we will carry out an experiment about Ohm's Law.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn प्रोग्राम बगी आहे.,The program is buggy.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn "यू.एस.ए.च्या राष्ट्रीय झेंड्याला ""तारे व पट्ट्या"" असं म्हणतात.",The national flag of the USA is called the Stars and Stripes.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn मी ते पैश्यांसाठी केलं नाही.,I didn't do that for the money.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn जीवाणू अल्कोहोलमध्ये प्रजनन करत नाहीत.,Bacteria do not reproduce in alcohol.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn मला जाऊ द्या!,Let me go!,mar_Deva-eng_Latn मला जाऊ दे!,Let me go.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn मला जाऊ द्या.,Allow me to go.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn तो माझ्या समस्यांना दुर्लक्ष करतो.,He ignores my problems.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn टॉम त्याच्या गेमक्यूबवर खेळतोय.,Tom is playing on his gamecube.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn मेरीने त्याला जग दाखवलं.,Mary showed him the world.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn जॉर्ज तिथे सहा आठवडे राहिला आहे.,George has lived there for six weeks.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn हे पुस्तक वाचायला मला तीन दिवस लागले.,It took me three days to read this book.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn तो माझा एकमात्र मित्र होता.,He was my only friend.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn तिला सांग की मी मुलांबरोबर खेळतोय.,Tell her that I am playing with the kids.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn एका डॉलरचे सुट्टे आहेत का?,Have you got change for a dollar?,mar_Deva-eng_Latn तुमच्याकडे एका डॉलरचे सुट्टे आहेत का?,Do you have change for a dollar?,mar_Deva-eng_Latn मी उद्या घरी असेन.,I will be at home tomorrow.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn टॉमला एक सापडलं.,Tom found one.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn घरी कोणी नव्हतं.,Nobody was home.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn माझ्याकडे सायकल नाहीये.,I don't have a bicycle.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn टॉमने एकदा गोळी चालवली.,Tom fired once.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn तू तिच्याकडे का बघतोयस?,Were you looking at her?,mar_Deva-eng_Latn त्यांना काय म्हणतात तुला माहीत आहे का?,Do you know what they're called?,mar_Deva-eng_Latn तुम्ही भोपळी मिरची खाता का?,Do you eat bell peppers?,mar_Deva-eng_Latn तू काल निक्कोला गेला होतास का?,Did you go to Nikko yesterday?,mar_Deva-eng_Latn युमी शिक्षक बनेल.,Yumi will become a teacher.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn ही ट्रेन प्रत्येक स्थानकाला थांबते.,This train stops at every station.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn तुझी भाषा शाळेत शिकवली जाते का?,Is your language taught at school?,mar_Deva-eng_Latn आकाशात पक्षी गात होते.,Birds were singing in the sky.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn टॉमने ताबडतोब पोलिसांना बोलावलं.,Tom called the police right away.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn मला तुला भेटायचं होतं.,I wanted to meet you.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn मला पाणी हवं आहे.,I want water.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn तुला कोणती टोपी घालायची आहे?,Which hat do you want to wear?,mar_Deva-eng_Latn जग आणि लढ!,Live and fight!,mar_Deva-eng_Latn वाळवी लाकूड खातात.,Termites eat wood.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn मी विसरायचा प्रयत्न केला.,I tried to forget.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn टॉमची आई गेल्या आठवड्यात वारली.,Tom's mother passed away last week.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn बाकी सर्व कसं आहे?,How's everything else?,mar_Deva-eng_Latn मी पीत नव्हतो.,I was not drinking.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn मग काय केलंस तू?,Then what did you do?,mar_Deva-eng_Latn टॉमला वाटतं मी वेडा आहे.,Tom thinks I'm crazy.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn टॉमला वाटतं मी वेडी आहे.,Tom thinks that I'm crazy.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn "मला खूप, खूप राग आला आहे.","I'm very, very angry.",mar_Deva-eng_Latn आम्ही सर्व इंग्रजी बोलतो.,We all speak English.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn काही लोकांसाठी भविष्यापेक्षा वर्तमान जास्त महत्त्वाचं असतं.,For some people the present is more important than the future.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn चॉसर व बोकाचिओ हे दोन लेखक आहेत. पहिला इंग्रज व दुसरा इटालियन.,"Chaucer and Boccaccio are two writers. The first one is English, the second one Italian.",mar_Deva-eng_Latn टॉम इथे महिन्यातून तीन वेळा येतो.,Tom comes here three times a month.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn पगार कसा होता?,What's the pay like?,mar_Deva-eng_Latn हल्लेखोर पळून गेला.,The attacker ran away.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn त्यांनी काहीही चुकीचं केलं नाहीये.,They haven't done anything wrong.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn केट अजूनपर्यंत पोहोचली नाहीये का?,Hasn't Kate arrived yet?,mar_Deva-eng_Latn काय मूर्ख आहात तुम्ही!,What an idiot you are!,mar_Deva-eng_Latn आम्हाला तुझ्याशी टॉमबद्दल बोलायची गरज आहे.,We need to talk to you about Tom.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn टॉम दिवसभर काम करून थकला आहे.,Tom is tired after working all day.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn मी उद्या निघायची तयारी करतोय.,I'm getting ready to leave tomorrow.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn टॉमला तुझा ईमेल पत्ता देऊ नकोस.,Don't give Tom your email address.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn २००३ मध्ये तू कुठे होतास?,Where were you in 2003?,mar_Deva-eng_Latn ही माझी चूक नाहीये.,This isn't my fault.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn निवडणुकीत कोणाला मत दिलंत?,Who did you vote for in the election?,mar_Deva-eng_Latn त्यांना मिनिस्कर्ट आवडतात.,She likes miniskirts.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn टॉम मोठा होवून इंजिनियर बनला.,Tom grew up to be an engineer.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn माझी टॉमबरोबर एक मीटिंग आहे.,I have a meeting with Tom.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn साफ ठेवा.,Keep it clean.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn हे मी तुला कधीच देणार नाही.,I'll never give this to you.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn मी अगदी बाहेरच आहे.,I'm right outside.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn """तुम्हाला प्रवास करायला आवडतो का?"" ""हो.""","""Do you like to travel?"" ""Yes.""",mar_Deva-eng_Latn मला टॉमची आयडिया आवडली.,I like Tom's idea.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn तुला कोणत्या प्रकारचा केक आवडतो?,What kind of cake do you like?,mar_Deva-eng_Latn ते कॉफी पितात.,They drink coffee.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn त्या कॉफी पितात.,She drinks coffee.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn मेरीने मला स्वतःहून ही गोष्ट सांगितली.,Mary herself told me this story.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn मेरी त्यावेळी तुला शोधत होती.,Mary was looking for you at that time.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn आपल्याला फ्रेंच बोलता येत नाही हे टॉमला माहीत आहे का?,Does Tom know we can't speak French?,mar_Deva-eng_Latn ही गोगलगाय बघ.,Look at this snail.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn बकरी ही गरिबाची गाय होती.,The goat was the poor man's cow.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn टॉमची मदत करू या.,Let's help Tom.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn तुम्हाला अजून काय हवं आहे?,What else do you want?,mar_Deva-eng_Latn टॉम वयाने सर्वात मोठा आहे.,Tom is the oldest.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn टॉम गॅस बंद करायला विसरला.,Tom forgot to turn off the gas.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn मला आज रात्री घरी बसून टीव्ही बघायचा आहे.,I want to stay home and watch TV tonight.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn तुला त्याला किती द्यायचे आहेत?,What do you owe him?,mar_Deva-eng_Latn हे घर अतिशय छोटं आहे.,This house is very small.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn तुला शास्त्रीय संगीत ऐकायला आवडतं का?,Do you like listening to classical music?,mar_Deva-eng_Latn मी तेहरानमध्ये राहतो.,I live in Tehran.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn ती आंधळी झाली.,She went blind.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn ही माझी गाडी आहे.,This is my car.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn पॅरिस कुठे आहे?,Where is Paris?,mar_Deva-eng_Latn हे कोणी तोडलं?,Who broke this?,mar_Deva-eng_Latn तू खोटं का बोलतोस?,Why do you lie?,mar_Deva-eng_Latn पोलीसांना बोलव!,Call the police!,mar_Deva-eng_Latn पोलीसांना बोलवा!,Call the police.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn "इकडे ये, जॉन.","Come here, John.",mar_Deva-eng_Latn तू तिला ओळखतोस का?,Do you know her?,mar_Deva-eng_Latn तू त्यांना ओळखतोस का?,Do you know him?,mar_Deva-eng_Latn तो बाहेर गेलाय.,He has gone out.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn तो शिक्षक आहे.,He is a teacher.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn त्याच्या दहा गाई आहेत.,He has ten cows.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn त्याला पळायला आवडतं.,He likes to run.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn त्याने त्याची नोकरी गमावली.,He lost his job.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn तो पुस्तकं लिहितो.,He writes books.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn तो अभ्यास करतोय.,He is studying.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn १२:४५ ला चालेल का?,How about 12:45?,mar_Deva-eng_Latn तुझे बाबा कसे आहेत?,How is your dad?,mar_Deva-eng_Latn तुमचे बाबा कसे आहेत?,How's your dad?,mar_Deva-eng_Latn मी पुस्तक विकत घेतलं.,I bought a book.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn मी दर वर्षी जातो.,I go every year.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn माझ्या दोन गाड्या आहेत.,I have two cars.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn मी टेनिस खेळलो.,I played tennis.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn मी दररोज पळतो.,I run every day.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn मला गिटार हवी आहे.,I want a guitar.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn आता सात वाजले आहेत.,It is seven now.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn ती जपानी आहे का?,Is she Japanese?,mar_Deva-eng_Latn तो श्वास घेतोय का?,Is he breathing?,mar_Deva-eng_Latn तो शिक्षक आहे का?,Is he a teacher?,mar_Deva-eng_Latn घरी कोणी आहे का?,Is anybody home?,mar_Deva-eng_Latn मला सापडलं.,I've found it.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn सापडलं.,I have found it!,mar_Deva-eng_Latn जिम कॅनेडियन आहे.,Jim is Canadian.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn लिंबं आंबट असतात.,Lemons are sour.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn मला बघू ते.,Let me see that.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn बघू.,We shall see.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn तुझ्या पाठी बघ.,Look behind you.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn तुमच्या पाठी बघा.,Look behind you!,mar_Deva-eng_Latn माझी टोपी उडून गेली.,My hat blew off.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn बाटली उघड.,Open the bottle.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn वेळ आली आहे.,The time has come.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn टॉमचा वर्ग कुठे आहे?,Where is Tom's classroom?,mar_Deva-eng_Latn तुम्हाला कुठे जायचं आहे?,Where would you like to go?,mar_Deva-eng_Latn तुम्हाला कोणाबरोबर बोलायचं आहे?,Who do you want to talk to?,mar_Deva-eng_Latn तुला कोणाबरोबर बोलायचं आहे?,Who do you want to speak to?,mar_Deva-eng_Latn ही बंदूक कोणाची आहे?,Who does the gun belong to?,mar_Deva-eng_Latn तो त्यांना ओळखतो.,He knows her.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn कितीही झालं तरी तू मानवच आहेस.,"Even so, you are a human.",mar_Deva-eng_Latn माझा आवडता रंग निळा आहे.,My favorite color is blue.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn मला त्या वाक्याचा अनुवाद करायचा नाहीये.,I don't want to translate that sentence.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn टॉम इथेच आहे.,Tom is right here.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn आयझॅक न्यूटन एक इंग्रज भौतिकशास्त्रज्ञ होते.,Isaac Newton was an English physicist.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn दगडावर धडपडू नकोस.,Don't stumble over the rock.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn इसहाक हा यहुदी लोकांचा नायक होता.,Isaac was a leader of the Jewish people.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn आयझॅक न्यूटन यांचा जन्म २५ डिसेंबर १६४२ साली झाला.,"Isaac Newton was born on December 25, 1642.",mar_Deva-eng_Latn तुम्हाला लवकरच कळेल.,You'll soon find out.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn आयझॅक न्यूटन यांचा जन्म १६४३ साली इंग्लंडमधील वूल्सथॉर्प येथे झाला.,"Isaac Newton was born in 1643 in Woolsthorpe, England.",mar_Deva-eng_Latn त्यांच्यावर ओरडू नका.,Don't yell at them.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn "जे काही आधी घडलं आहे, व जे काही पुन्हा घडेल.","All that has happened before, and will happen again.",mar_Deva-eng_Latn माझा फोन नंबर लिहून घेतलास का?,Did you note down my phone number?,mar_Deva-eng_Latn टॉमला आजच निर्णय घ्यायची गरज नाहीये.,Tom doesn't have to decide today.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn या लाकडी खुर्चीची किंमत किती आहे?,How much does the wooden chair cost?,mar_Deva-eng_Latn त्याला खेळाबरोबरच अभ्याससुद्धा आवडतो.,He likes sports as well as study.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn टॉमला धावायला आवडतं.,Tom loves to run.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn टॉमला पळायला आवडतं.,Tom likes to run.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn मी आता तिथे जात नाही.,I don't go there anymore.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn टॉम म्हणाला पाऊस पडत होता.,Tom said it was raining.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn तुझ्याकडे टॉमचा पत्ता आहे का?,Do you have Tom's address?,mar_Deva-eng_Latn तिथे भरपूर लोकं होती.,Many people were there.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn तू त्या मुलीला ओळखतोस का?,Do you know that girl?,mar_Deva-eng_Latn टॉम लोकप्रिय होता.,Tom was popular.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn तुझ्याकडे किमान तीन विकल्प आहेत.,You have at least three options.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn मी अजूनपर्यंत टॉमला भेटलो नाहीये.,I haven't met Tom yet.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn मी अजूनपर्यंत टॉमला भेटले नाहीये.,I haven't yet met Tom.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn टॉमला माहीत नव्हतं.,Tom didn't know.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn हे बघ.,Take a look at this.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn इराकमध्ये किती घरं उध्वस्त झाली?,How many houses were destroyed in Iraq?,mar_Deva-eng_Latn तू नेहमी असाच असतोस का?,Are you always like this?,mar_Deva-eng_Latn मला हा कार्यक्रम आवडला नाही.,I don't like this program.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn मेरी द्विलिंगी आहे.,Mary is bisexual.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn तुला आठवड्यातून किती वेळा अभ्यास करायचा आहे?,How many times a week do you want to study?,mar_Deva-eng_Latn त्यांनी प्रत्येक प्रश्नाचं उत्तर दिलं नाही.,She didn't give an answer to every question.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn काल मी चहा प्यायलो नाही.,I didn't drink tea yesterday.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn लिंडाने महागडे दागिने घातले.,Linda wore expensive jewellery.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn दोन पुलं होती.,There were two bridges.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn माझ्याकडे तुझ्यापेक्षा तीन पट जास्त पैसे आहेत.,I have three times more money than you do.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn ती आता पीत नाही.,She doesn't drink anymore.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn त्यांना काही माहीत नाही.,They know nothing.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn त्याने हे कसं केलं?,How did he do this?,mar_Deva-eng_Latn मी या मार्गे जाईन.,I'll go this way.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn मी लहान असताना माझे वडील ट्रक चालक होते.,"When I was a kid, my father was a truck driver.",mar_Deva-eng_Latn टॉमला पैसे हवे होते.,Tom wanted money.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn आमची शाळा सकाळी आठ वाजता सुरू होते.,Our school begins at eight in the morning.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn टॉम खात गेला.,Tom went on eating.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn दरवाजा बंद का होता?,Why was the door closed?,mar_Deva-eng_Latn तू वर्ड प्रोसेसर वापरतोस का?,Do you use a word processor?,mar_Deva-eng_Latn माझ्याकडे एक कूपन आहे.,I've got a coupon.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn त्याची पत्नी कास्टेल्ली कुटुंबाची सदस्य आहे.,His wife is a member of the Castelli family.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn मी पाच माणसांना बघितलं.,I saw five men.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn तसं अजूनपर्यंत घडलं नाहीये.,That hasn't happened yet.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn मी पूर्ण जबाबदारी घेणार आहे.,I'm going to take full responsibility.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn गाडी पिवळी आहे.,The car is yellow.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn माझा कुत्रा सारखा भुंकत असतो.,My dog barks all the time.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn त्या तरुण दिसतात.,She looks young.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn मी म्हातारा होत चाललोय.,I'm getting old.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn मी म्हातारी होत चाललेय.,I am getting old!,mar_Deva-eng_Latn आज दोन विद्यार्थी अनुपस्थित आहेत.,Two students are absent today.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn खगोलयात्री एका रॉकेटातून चंद्राला गेले.,The astronauts went up to the moon in a rocket.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn सगळं तयार आहे.,Everything is ready.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn लोकं आत्महत्या का करतात?,Why do people commit suicide?,mar_Deva-eng_Latn मी काहीही केलं असतं.,I would've done anything.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn आता काहीही बोलू नकोस.,Don't say anything now.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn तुला कोणता विषय सर्वात जास्त आवडतो?,What subject do you like best?,mar_Deva-eng_Latn तिने खिडकी कधी तोडली?,When did she break the window?,mar_Deva-eng_Latn तू आत्तापर्यंत कुठे होतास?,Where have you been up to now?,mar_Deva-eng_Latn टॉम दररोज पोहतो.,Tom swims every day.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn तुला परिचारिका का बनायचं आहे?,Why do you want to be a nurse?,mar_Deva-eng_Latn तिने मला बोलावलं.,She called me.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn तू काल अनुपस्थित का होतास?,Why were you absent yesterday?,mar_Deva-eng_Latn आजचे मित्र म्हणजेच उद्याचे शत्रू.,Today's friends are tomorrow's enemies.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn टॉम बोलत होता.,Tom was talking.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn जपानी राष्ट्रीय शक्ती अजूनही विकसत होत आहे.,The Japanese national power is still developing.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn ते पुस्तक मी एक आठवड्यापूर्वी मागवलं.,I ordered that book over a week ago.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn हा दोराएमोन आहे.,This is Doraemon.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn मी दोराएमोन आहे.,I am Doraemon.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn तिने एक साधा ड्रेस घातलेला.,She wore a simple dress.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn तुला माझी गरज का आहे?,Why do you need me?,mar_Deva-eng_Latn टॉमने खरं सांगितलं.,Tom told the truth.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn मी ती मशीन स्वतः दुरुस्त करेन.,I will repair that machine myself.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn टॉमचं आवडतं आहे.,It's Tom's favorite.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn माझा कॉमेंट डिलीट झाला.,My comment was deleted.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn मी त्याच्याइतका उंच आहे.,I'm as tall as he is.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn "हा माझा भाऊ. हँडसम आहे, ना?","This is my brother. Handsome, isn't he?",mar_Deva-eng_Latn तो पार्टीला का नाही आला?,Why didn't he come to the party?,mar_Deva-eng_Latn मी अजूनपर्यंत कोणाला विचारलं नाहीये.,I haven't asked anyone yet.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn मांस शिजलं आहे.,The meat is cooked.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn ही रेसिपी माझ्या आज्जीची आहे.,This recipe is my grandmother's.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn सामी इथे लैलाला धमकी द्यायला आला.,Sami came here to threaten Layla.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn स्वतःबरोबर कॅमेरा आणायला विसरू नकोस.,Don't forget to bring the camera with you.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn ते कारण नाहीये.,That's not the reason.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn आज मी खूप काही केलं.,I did a lot today.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn त्या सर्व तयार झाल्या आहेत का?,Are they all ready?,mar_Deva-eng_Latn सामीकडे सुमारे सहाशे डॉलर होते.,Sami had about six hundred dollars.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn तो दिवसभर ते पत्र शोधत होता.,He was looking for a letter all day long.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn टॉम परीक्षेत पास होईल याची मला खात्री आहे.,I'm sure that Tom will pass the examination.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn त्याला मेरीचा जोक समजला नाही.,He didn't understand Mary's joke.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn टॉमला त्याच्या गॅरेजमधलं सर्वकाही विकून टाकायचं होतं.,Tom wanted to sell everything in his garage.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn मंगळवारपासून पाऊस पडत राहिला आहे.,It has been raining since Tuesday.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn टोक्योमध्ये सर्व प्रकारची लोकं राहतात.,All sorts of people live in Tokyo.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn पुढच्या वर्षी भेटू!,Until next year!,mar_Deva-eng_Latn टॉम घरी आला नाही.,Tom didn't come home.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn आपण एकत्र असायला हवं.,We should be together.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn आता आम्हाला माहीत आहे.,We know it now.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn त्याचं घर अतिशय आधुनिक आहे.,His house is very modern.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn मला तो पाना द्याल का?,Could you pass me that wrench?,mar_Deva-eng_Latn मला तो पाना देशील का?,Could you hand me that wrench?,mar_Deva-eng_Latn टॉम तीन वर्षाचा असताना त्याची आई वारली.,Tom's mother died when he was three.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn काम जास्त महत्त्वाचं.,Work is more important.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn तिने एक नवीन दुकान उघडलं.,She opened a new store.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn उद्या सकाळी शिंजुकुला जाऊ या.,Let's go to Shinjuku tomorrow morning.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn कसं होतं न्यूयॉर्क?,How was New York?,mar_Deva-eng_Latn माझ्या वर्गात तीन टॉम आहेत.,There are three Toms in my class.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn मी अजूनपर्यंत ऑस्ट्रेलियाला गेलो नाहीये.,I haven't been to Australia yet.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn मी अजूनपर्यंत ऑस्ट्रेलियाला गेले नाहीये.,I haven't yet been to Australia.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn टॉमला फ्रेंच शिकायची अजिबात इच्छा नव्हती.,Tom had no desire to learn French.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn टॉम जिंकू शकत नाही हे आपल्याला माहीत आहे.,We know Tom can't win.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn ही कोणाची गिटार आहे?,Who does this guitar belong to?,mar_Deva-eng_Latn माझा भाऊ गिटार वाजवतो.,My brother plays the guitar.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn त्याला गिटार वाजवता येत नाही.,He cannot play guitar.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn मी गिटार वाजवतोय.,I am playing guitar.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn त्याला ती गिटार आवडते.,He likes that guitar.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn त्याला तुझी गिटार वाजवू दे.,Let him play your guitar.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn ती पियानो आणि गिटार वाजवते.,She plays piano and guitar.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn मी तुला गिटार शिकवू शकतो.,I can teach you guitar.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn कोणीतरी टॉमची गिटार चोरली.,Someone stole Tom's guitar.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn मला गिटार वाजवायला आवडते.,I like to play guitar.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn ती गिटार तुला कोणी दिली?,Who gave you that guitar?,mar_Deva-eng_Latn टॉमने एक महागडी गिटार विकत घेतली.,Tom bought an expensive guitar.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn ही माझी नवीन गिटार आहे.,This is my new guitar.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn टॉम गिटार बर्‍यापैकी वाजवतो.,Tom plays the guitar well.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn ही गिटार टॉमची आहे.,This guitar belongs to Tom.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn माझ्या गिटारला हात लावू नकोस.,Don't touch my guitar.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn ही गिटार तिची आहे.,This guitar belongs to her.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn टॉम गिटार वाजवायचा.,Tom used to play guitar.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn जॉनला गिटार वाजवता येत नाही.,John can not play the guitar.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn मी जेवणानंतर गिटार वाजवतो.,I play the guitar after dinner.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn मी जेवणाअगोदर गिटार वाजवतो.,I play the guitar before dinner.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn तो गिटार अगदी बर्‍यापैकी वाजवतो.,He plays the guitar very well.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn गिटार वाजवणारा माझा भाऊ आहे.,The guitar player is my brother.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn मी जवळजवळ दररोजच गिटार वाजवतो.,I play guitar almost every day.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn ही गिटार तू कुठून विकत घेतलीस?,Where did you buy this guitar?,mar_Deva-eng_Latn मी तुझ्या गिटारला हात नाही लावला.,I didn't touch your guitar.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn टॉमकडे किती गिटार आहेत?,How many guitars does Tom have?,mar_Deva-eng_Latn टॉमने मेरीला त्याची गिटार वाजवायला दिली.,Tom let Mary play his guitar.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn माझ्या भावाची गिटार नवीन आहे.,My brother's guitar is new.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn मला जरा पाणी आण.,Bring me some water.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn टॉम गिटार अगदी बर्‍यापैकी वाजवतो.,Tom plays the guitar very well.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn तू गिटार अगदी बर्‍यापैकी वाजवतोस.,You play the guitar very well.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn आज मी एक नवीन गिटार विकत घेतली.,I bought a new guitar today.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn टॉम गिटार वाजवू शकत नाही.,Tom can't play the guitar.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn माझ्याकडे गिटार नाहीये.,I don't have a guitar.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn गिटार वाजवणारा मुलगा केन आहे.,The boy playing the guitar is Ken.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn ताई गिटार बर्‍यापैकी वाजवते.,My older sister plays the guitar well.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn काय हुशार कुत्रा आहे!,What a clever dog!,mar_Deva-eng_Latn मी तुमच्यासाठी गिटार वाजवेन.,I will play the guitar for you.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn मला इलेक्ट्रिक गिटार वाजवता येत नाही.,I can't play the electric guitar.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn मलासुद्धा फ्रेंचचा अभ्यास करायचा होता.,"I wanted to study French, too.",mar_Deva-eng_Latn ती माझी गर्लफ्रेंड आहे.,She is my girlfriend.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn त्याच्या गर्लफ्रेंडचं काय?,What about his girlfriend?,mar_Deva-eng_Latn माझी गर्लफ्रेंड रडतेय.,My girlfriend is crying.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn तुझी गर्लफ्रेंड कोण आहे?,Who's your girlfriend?,mar_Deva-eng_Latn तुमची गर्लफ्रेंड कोण आहे?,Who is your girlfriend?,mar_Deva-eng_Latn माझी गर्लफ्रेंड आहे.,I have a girlfriend.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn तू माझी गर्लफ्रेंड आहेस.,You're my girlfriend.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn ती तुझी गर्लफ्रेंड आहे का?,Is that your girlfriend?,mar_Deva-eng_Latn ही माझी गर्लफ्रेंड आहे.,This is my girlfriend.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn माझी गर्लफ्रेंड चिनी आहे.,My girlfriend is Chinese.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn तिने तिच्या गर्लफ्रेंडला एसएमएस पाठवला.,She texted her girlfriend.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn त्याची गर्लफ्रेंड रोमेनियन आहे.,His girlfriend is Romanian.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn मला गरज आहे एक गर्लफ्रेंडची.,I need a girlfriend.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn टॉमने माझी गर्लफ्रेंड चोरली.,Tom stole my girlfriend.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn टॉम त्याच्या गर्लफ्रेंडला मारतो.,Tom beats his girlfriend.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn त्याच्याकडे एक मोठा ट्रक आहे.,He has a big truck.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn टॉम तिथे का आहे?,Why is Tom there?,mar_Deva-eng_Latn ते त्यांच्या गर्लफ्रेंडला शनिवारी भेटतात.,He meets his girlfriend Saturdays.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn इसाबेला माझी पहिली गर्लफ्रेंड होती.,Isabela was my first girlfriend.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn केनने टॉमच्या गर्लफ्रेंडला किस केलं.,Ken kissed Tom's girlfriend.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn माझी नवीन गर्लफ्रेंड चिनी आहे.,My new girlfriend is Chinese.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn मेरी टॉमची गर्लफ्रेंड आहे.,Mary is Tom's girlfriend.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn माझ्या गर्लफ्रेंडला सांगू नकोस.,Don't tell my girlfriend.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn आपण तिला तिथे सोडू शकत नाही.,We can't leave her there.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn त्या माझ्या गर्लफ्रेंड नाहीयेत.,She's not my girlfriend.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn मी तुझी गर्लफ्रेंड नाहीये.,I'm not your girlfriend.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn माझी गर्लफ्रेंड माझ्याशी खोटं बोलली.,My girlfriend lied to me.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn लैलाने एक स्टेक मागवला.,Layla ordered a steak.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn ही मुलगी माझी गर्लफ्रेंड आहे.,This girl is my girlfriend.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn मेरी आता माझी गर्लफ्रेंड आहे.,Mary is now my girlfriend.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn आपल्याला त्यांच्याबद्दल काय माहीत आहे?,What do we know about them?,mar_Deva-eng_Latn टॉमकडे एक नवीन गर्लफ्रेंड आहे.,Tom has a new girlfriend.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn तू टॉमची गर्लफ्रेंड आहेस का?,Are you Tom's girlfriend?,mar_Deva-eng_Latn माझी गर्लफ्रेंड अतिशय सुंदर आहे.,My girlfriend is very beautiful.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn अमेरिकन कामगार निषेध करू लागले.,American workers began to protest.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn त्याची गर्लफ्रेंडसुद्धा तिथे होती.,"His girlfriend was there, too.",mar_Deva-eng_Latn ती त्याची गर्लफ्रेंड असावी.,She must be his girlfriend.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn मी तुम्हाला काहीही सांगणार नाहीये.,I'm not going to tell you anything.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn त्याच्या गर्लफ्रेंडने वजन कमी केलं आहे.,His girlfriend has lost weight.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn "डिकन्स हे ""ऑलिव्हर ट्विस्ट"" याचे लेखक होते.",Dickens was the author of 'Oliver Twist'.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn तुझ्या गर्लफ्रेंडला फुलं आवडतात का?,Does your girlfriend like flowers?,mar_Deva-eng_Latn पुन्हा एकदा करून बघ.,Try it once again.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn सुंदर भाषण होतं.,It was a beautiful speech.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn तू तुझ्या गर्लफ्रेंडला एसएमएस करतोयस का?,Are you texting your girlfriend?,mar_Deva-eng_Latn आयुष्य हे बुद्धिबळाच्या एका खेळासारखं असतं.,Life is like a game of chess.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn जागतिकीकरण करा नाहीतर मरा.,Globalise or die.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn मेरी माझी गर्लफ्रेंड नाहीये.,Mary isn't my girlfriend.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn ती त्याची गर्लफ्रेंड नाहीये?,She's not his girlfriend?,mar_Deva-eng_Latn माझ्या गर्लफ्रेंडपासून दूर रहा.,Stay away from my girlfriend.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn आम्ही दोघीही तिच्या गर्लफ्रेंड आहेत.,We are both her girlfriends.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn टॉम त्याच्या गर्लफ्रेंडबरोबर होता.,Tom was with his girlfriend.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn जर्मनीत तो कुठे राहतो?,Where does he live in Germany?,mar_Deva-eng_Latn ती तुझी नवीन गर्लफ्रेंड आहे का?,Is that your new girlfriend?,mar_Deva-eng_Latn तुम्हाला गरज आहे एका नवीन गर्लफ्रेंडची.,You need a new girlfriend.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn टॉम साम्यवादी आहे.,Tom is a communist.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn माझी गर्लफ्रेंड कॅनडाला गेली आहे.,My girlfriend has gone to Canada.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn मला तुझी गर्लफ्रेंड आवडत नाही.,I don't like your girlfriend.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn माझी गर्लफ्रेंड उंच आणि सुंदर आहे.,My girlfriend is tall and beautiful.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn मी माझ्या गर्लफ्रेंडची वाट बघतोय.,I'm waiting for my girlfriend.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn मी माझ्या गर्लफ्रेंडबरोबर खूष आहे.,I am happy with my girlfriend.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn मी शेवटची बस पकडली.,I caught the last bus.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn तू माझ्या गर्लफ्रेंडला हात कशाला लावत आहेस?,Why are you touching my girlfriend?,mar_Deva-eng_Latn मी त्यांना बघितलं आहे.,I've seen them.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn माझ्याकडे एकापेक्षा जास्त गर्लफ्रेंड आहेत.,I have more than one girlfriend.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn हे मी माझ्या गर्लफ्रेंडसाठी विकत घेतलं.,I bought this for my girlfriend.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn तुझ्या गर्लफ्रेंडचं नाव काय आहे?,What's your girlfriend's name?,mar_Deva-eng_Latn तू त्यांना काय विचारलंस?,What did you ask them?,mar_Deva-eng_Latn तिला आज पाहिलं आहेस का?,Have you seen her today?,mar_Deva-eng_Latn मला बॉयफ्रेंड हवा आहे.,I want a boyfriend.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn मी तुझा बॉयफ्रेंड आहे.,I'm your boyfriend.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn टॉम माझा बॉयफ्रेंड आहे.,Tom is my boyfriend.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn तिने माझा बॉयफ्रेंड चोरला!,She stole my boyfriend!,mar_Deva-eng_Latn मेरीकडे दोन बॉयफ्रेंड आहेत.,Mary has two boyfriends.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn तिने तिच्या बॉयफ्रेंडला एसएमएस केला.,She texted her boyfriend.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn तो तुझा बॉयफ्रेंड आहे का?,Is that your boyfriend?,mar_Deva-eng_Latn तुला एका बॉयफ्रेंडची गरज आहे.,You need a boyfriend.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn टॉम माझा बॉयफ्रेंड होता.,Tom was my boyfriend.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn तुझ्याकडे हा प्रोग्राम नसला तर तो आता डाउनलोड करू शकतेस.,"If you do not have this program, you can download it now.",mar_Deva-eng_Latn उत्तर कुठेय?,Where's the North?,mar_Deva-eng_Latn टॉम नॉर्थ कॅरोलायनामध्ये राहतो.,Tom lives in North Carolina.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn आमियां पॅरिसच्या उत्तरेकडे आहे.,Amiens is north of Paris.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn "१९५० साली, उत्तर कोरियाने दक्षिण कोरियावर आक्रमण केले.","In 1950, North Korea invaded South Korea.",mar_Deva-eng_Latn टॉम दक्षिणेकडे गेला व मेरी उत्तरेकडे गेली.,Tom went south and Mary went north.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn त्यापेक्षा मी स्टेक खाईन.,I'd rather eat steak.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn तिचं तिच्या बॉयफ्रेंडवर प्रेम आहे.,She loves her boyfriend.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn माझा बॉयफ्रेंड पत्रकार आहे.,My boyfriend is a journalist.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn तिचा बॉयफ्रेंड मूर्ख आहे.,Her boyfriend is an idiot.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn त्याचा बॉयफ्रेंड मूर्ख आहे.,His boyfriend is an idiot.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn तो माझा पहिला बॉयफ्रेंड होता.,He was my first boyfriend.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn चार्जर आणलास का?,Did you bring your charger?,mar_Deva-eng_Latn लिफ्ट आहे का?,Is there an elevator?,mar_Deva-eng_Latn मी तिला काही आठवड्यांपूर्वी भेटलो.,I met her a few weeks ago.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn टॉम प्रसिद्ध नव्हता.,Tom wasn't famous.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn टॉम का खोटं बोलला कोणास ठाऊक?,Who knows why Tom lied?,mar_Deva-eng_Latn रोरी कोण आहे?,Who is Rory?,mar_Deva-eng_Latn एकदा मी त्याच्याबरोबर बॉस्टनला गेलो.,I once went to Boston with him.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn माझ्या यंत्रमानवाचं नाव मारुची आहे.,My robot's name is Maruchi.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn मला एका रुग्णालयात काम करायचं आहे.,I want to work at a hospital.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn आणखीन एक कुकी घे.,Have another cookie.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn टॉम मामा माझ्या आईचा भाऊ आहे.,Uncle Tom is my mother's brother.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn दररोज दात घास.,Brush your teeth every day.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn तुम्ही बँकेतून कर्ज घेऊ शकता.,You can get a loan from a bank.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn टॉमला एक शिडी हवे आहे.,He needs a ladder.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn तू मिलानमध्ये काम करतोस.,You work in Milan.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn "तुमचं सर्व मनोरंजन, एकाच ठिकाणी.",All your entertainment in one place.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn त्या खरच तितक्या सुंदर आहेत का?,Is she really that pretty?,mar_Deva-eng_Latn त्याला लोकांपेक्षा जास्त प्राणी आवडतात.,He likes animals more than people.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn मला टॉमचा चेहरा दिसला.,I saw Tom's face.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn तुम्ही बिंग्ली साहेबांना ओळखता का?,Do you know Mr. Bingley?,mar_Deva-eng_Latn तू बिंग्ली साहेबांना ओळखतोस का?,Do you know Mr Bingley?,mar_Deva-eng_Latn चार्जरचा मॉडेल क्रमांक मी पाठ करून ठेवला आहे.,I've memorized the model number of the charger.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn गरुड पक्षांचा राजा आहे.,The eagle is king of birds.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn तुम्ही बौद्ध आहात का?,Are you a Buddhist?,mar_Deva-eng_Latn पुस्तक टेबलावर ठेव.,Put the book on the table.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn """तुला कोणी आणलं?"" ""माझ्या बहिणीने.""","""Who brought you?"" ""My sister did.""",mar_Deva-eng_Latn त्याला तर स्वतःचं नावसुद्धा लिहिता येत नाही.,He cannot so much as write his own name.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn टॉम नेहमीच त्याचा स्मार्टफोन वापरत असतो.,Tom is always using his smartphone.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn """छोटा राजपुत्र"" हे एक अतिशय लोकप्रिय पुस्तक आहे ज्याचा पुष्कळ भाषांमध्ये अनुवाद केला गेला आहे.",“The Little Prince” is a very popular book that was translated into many languages.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn माणसांनी स्वयंपाकघरातून बाहेरच राहिलं पाहिजे.,Men should keep out of the kitchen.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn "जर टॉम खूष नाहीये, तर मीही खूष नाहीये.","If Tom's not happy, I'm not happy.",mar_Deva-eng_Latn टॉम कसा आहे मला माहीत आहे.,I know what Tom is like.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn मला काय मिळालं?,What did I get?,mar_Deva-eng_Latn तू उशीर होईल असं मला वाटतच होतं.,I had a feeling you would be late.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn बेवडे न थांबता पीत असतात.,Drunkards drink non stop.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn हंगेरीमध्ये हंगेरियन बोलतात.,In Hungary they speak Hungarian.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn मी रात्री जेवल्यानंतर रेडियो ऐकतो.,I listen to the radio after dinner.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn टॉम आणि मेरी बोलू लागले.,Tom and Mary started talking.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn मी त्या बसवर होतो.,I was on that bus.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn आपण हे दर वर्षी करतो.,We do this every year.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn मी शहर सोडतोय.,I'm leaving the city.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn लामा आहे का?,Is it a llama?,mar_Deva-eng_Latn तो एक लामा आहे का?,Is that a llama?,mar_Deva-eng_Latn टॉम मांडी घालून खाली बसला.,Tom sat down and crossed his legs.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn तिने पुस्तक बंद करून आपले डोळे मिटले.,She shut the book and closed her eyes.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn आपण त्यांची मदत करायला काहीही करू.,We'd do anything to help them.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn मला बोलायचं होतं.,I want to speak.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn मी टॉमला बर्‍यापैकी ओळखतो.,I know Tom well.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn त्या त्यांना हरवतील.,She will defeat them.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn शार्लमानला पोपने अभिषिक्त केलं.,Charlemagne was crowned by the Pope.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn तुला माझी मदत करायची आहे का?,Do you want to help me?,mar_Deva-eng_Latn टॉम कसा दिसत होता?,How did Tom look?,mar_Deva-eng_Latn मी टॉमला घ्यायला आलोय.,I've come to pick up Tom.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn ती ट्रेन कोणत्या स्थानकापासून सुटते?,From which station does the train leave?,mar_Deva-eng_Latn विमानतळावर पोहोचल्यावर त्याने त्याच्या पत्नीला फोन केला.,"Upon arriving at the airport, he made a phonecall to his wife.",mar_Deva-eng_Latn टॉम एस.ए.एसचा सदस्य आहे.,Tom is a member of the SAS.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn दरवाजा बंद करू का?,Should I close the door?,mar_Deva-eng_Latn बार्बीचे केस सोनेरी आणि डोळे निळे असतात.,Barbie has blond hair and blue eyes.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn मेरी टॉमपेक्षा काही वर्षांनी मोठी आहे.,Mary is a few years older than Tom.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn टॉमने जे केलं ते चुकीचं होतं.,What Tom did was wrong.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn ती सहा वाजेपर्यंत परत आली नाही.,She did not return till six.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn हा पावसाळा आहे.,This is the monsoon season.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn हे रेस्टॉरंट किती वाजता उघडतं?,When does the restaurant open?,mar_Deva-eng_Latn तू त्याच्याबरोबर का नाही गेलास?,Why didn't you go with him?,mar_Deva-eng_Latn टॉमला एका टॉवेलची गरज आहे.,Tom needs a towel.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn टॉमने घड्याळाकडे पाहिलं.,Tom looked at the clock.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn मेरीला एका टॉवेलची गरज आहे.,Mary needs a towel.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn आम्हाला एका टॉवेलची गरज आहे.,We need a towel.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn मी इंजिनियर आहे.,I'm an engineer.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn """ही मुलं कोणाची आहेत?"" ""ही मारिकाची आहेत.""","""Whose children are these?"" ""They are Marika's.""",mar_Deva-eng_Latn हा टॉमचा कुत्रा आहे.,This is Tom's dog.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn टॉवेल नाहीयेत.,There are no towels.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn उद्याचा कार्यक्रम काय आहे?,What's the program for tomorrow?,mar_Deva-eng_Latn हे बाळ सहा वर्षांचं आहे.,This baby is six months old.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn ती मशीन दुरुस्त करतेय.,She's fixing the machine.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn मला जाणवलं ते.,I felt that.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn काहीतरी केलंच पाहिजे.,Something has to be done.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn एका अर्थी ते खरं आहे.,"In a sense, it is true.",mar_Deva-eng_Latn त्यांचं खाऊन झालं आहे.,They have eaten.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn मला गणित आवडतं.,I like maths.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn इंजिन चालू होतं.,The engine was running.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn आज ती कशी आहे?,How is she today?,mar_Deva-eng_Latn दर शनिवारी रात्री आम्ही डीव्हीडीवर चित्रपट पाहतो.,We watch films on DVD every Saturday night.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn मी नऊ वर्षाचा असताना टाईप करायला शिकलो.,I learned to type at the age of nine.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn """माझी आई अमेरिकन आहे व माझी बाबा उइघुर आहेत."" ""खरंच?"" ""नाही! मी तर मजा करत होतो!""","""My mother's American, and my father is Uighur."" ""Really?"" ""No! I was joking!""",mar_Deva-eng_Latn सामी टॉवेल कधीच वापरत नाही.,Sami never uses a towel.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn इथे कोणी नाही आहे.,Nobody is here.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn मी त्याच्यासाठी एक घड्याळ विकत घेतलं.,I bought him a clock.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn आम्ही खजिना शोधत आहोत.,We're looking for the treasure.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn मी तिच्यासाठी एक घड्याळ विकत घेतलं.,I bought her a watch.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn त्याने माझ्यासाठी ओमानवरून खजूर आणले.,He brought me dates from Oman.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn दादा इंजिनियर आहे.,My brother is an engineer.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn माझा भाऊ इंजिनियर बनला.,My brother became an engineer.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn "बैल बुलफाइटरपेक्षा अधिक बलवान असतो, पण तो जवळजवळ नेहमीच हरतो.","The bull is stronger than the bullfighter, but he almost always loses.",mar_Deva-eng_Latn टॉम परत आला आहे.,Tom has come back.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn तुला लपंडाव खेळायचा आहे का?,Do you want to play hide and seek?,mar_Deva-eng_Latn आम्ही या शाळेचे विद्यार्थी आहोत.,We are the students of this school.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn टॉम इंजिनियर नाहीये.,Tom isn't an engineer.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn माझे वडील इलेक्ट्रिक इंजिनियर आहेत.,My father is an electric engineer.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn मला इंजिनियर बनायचं आहे.,I want to become an engineer.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn आम्ही आठ वाजताची ट्रेन पकडू.,We will take the train at eight.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn गाडीने जायला फक्त तीस मिनिटे लागतात.,It only takes thirty minutes by car.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn या इंजीनमध्ये काहीतरी गडबड आहे.,Something's wrong with the engine.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn यान कूम हा व्हॉट्सअॅपचे संस्थापक आहे.,Jan Koum is the founder of WhatsApp Inc.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn मला ते दररोज दिसतात.,I see them every day.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn या प्रश्नाचं उत्तर देणं कठीण आहे.,It's difficult to answer this question.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn """हा संवाद कधी घडलाच नाही."" - ""कोणता संवाद?""","""This conversation never occurred."" - ""What conversation?""",mar_Deva-eng_Latn तो ऐकत नाही.,He does not listen.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn आपल्याकडे एवढच आहे.,This is all we have.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn फादिल कैरोमध्ये अरबी शिकला.,Fadil learned Arabic in Cairo.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn ख्रिश्चनांचा येशू ख्रिस्तावर विश्वास असतो.,Christians believe in Jesus Christ.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn "विमानावर ""बाँब"" हा शब्द कधीही म्हणू नये.","Never say the word ""bomb"" on an airplane.",mar_Deva-eng_Latn त्याला फ्रेंच बोलता व लिहिता येते.,He can speak and write French.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn तुम्ही त्याचं वर्णन कसं कराल?,How would you describe him?,mar_Deva-eng_Latn त्यात लाज वाटून घेण्यासारखं काहीच नाही.,There's no shame in that.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn फोन टेबलावर आहे.,The phone is on the table.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn छापण्याआधी विचार करा.,Think before you print.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn माझ्या वाटेत पडू नकोस.,Don't get in my way.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn मी त्याला अनेकदा पाहिलं आहे.,I have seen him many times.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn टॉमला हे माहीत होतं.,Tom knew this.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn मी फक्त तुला शेंडी लावतोय.,I'm just pulling your leg.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn मी फक्त तुला शेंडी लावतेय.,I'm only pulling your leg.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn मी थांबणार नाहीये.,I'm not going to wait.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn टॉम आमच्यावर कधीच ओरडत नाही.,Tom never yells at us.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn त्या झाडात भरपूर पक्षी होते.,There were a lot of birds in the tree.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn लहान मुलालासुद्धा आपलं नाव माहीत असतं.,Even a little child knows its name.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn हे सोनं आहे.,This is gold.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn टॉम लिहत राहिला.,Tom kept writing.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn दहा वर्षांपूर्वी क्योवा बँक व साइतामा बँक विलीन होऊन आसाही बँक बनले.,Kyowa Bank and Saitama Bank merged into Asahi Bank ten years ago.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn वर्गात सर्वात सुंदर मुलगी कोण आहे?,Who is the most beautiful girl in the class?,mar_Deva-eng_Latn १ एप्रिल २०१३ सोमवार आहे.,"April 1st, 2013 is a Monday.",mar_Deva-eng_Latn टॉम शिक्षकांची नक्कल करतोय.,Tom is imitating the teacher.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn टॉमकडे एक चांगली कल्पना होती.,Tom had a good idea.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn किती लोकांसाठी?,For how many people?,mar_Deva-eng_Latn आपल्याला पाठी जायला लागेल.,We'll have to go back.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn जपानी गाड्या अतिशय लोकप्रिय आहेत.,Japanese cars are very popular.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn तू रडत होतास का?,Were you crying?,mar_Deva-eng_Latn मेरीला एकदा एक दिसलेला.,Mary saw one once.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn आज १८ जून आहे व आज म्यूरिएलचा वाढदिवस आहे!,Today is June 18th and it is Muiriel's birthday!,mar_Deva-eng_Latn हे टॉमचं पुस्तक आहे.,This is Tom's book.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn ही टॉमची वही आहे.,This is Tom's notebook.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn तो टेनिस कधी खेळतो?,When does he play tennis?,mar_Deva-eng_Latn मी दोन्ही भाषांचा अभ्यास केला नाही.,I did not study both of the languages.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn माझा पासपोर्ट चोरी झाला.,My passport was stolen.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn माझं पारपत्र चोरी झालं.,Someone stole my passport.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn टॉमचे डोळे बंद आहेत.,Tom's eyes are shut.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn बाबांना नाश्त्याच्या आधी पेपर वाचायची सवय आहे.,Father is in the habit of reading the paper before breakfast.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn आधीच टॉमला वाटतं मी वेडा आहे.,Tom already thinks I'm crazy.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn तू तर पुस्तक लिहिलं पाहिजेस!,You should write a book!,mar_Deva-eng_Latn तुम्ही तर पुस्तक लिहिलं पाहिजे!,You should write a book.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn मेलनी गणितज्ञ आहे.,Melanie is a mathematician.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn मला युद्ध नको आहे.,I don't want war.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn जिमसोडून अजून कोणी तिला पाहिलं होतं का?,Did anybody other than Jim see her?,mar_Deva-eng_Latn असली विचित्र गोष्ट खरी असू शकते का?,Can such a strange thing be real?,mar_Deva-eng_Latn माझी खूप मदत झाली.,It helped me a lot.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn मी त्यांच्याशी एकटीने बोलेन.,I'll talk to them alone.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn बाईक आहे का?,Have you got a bike?,mar_Deva-eng_Latn तो पियानिस्ट बनला.,He became a pianist.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn एकदा मी एका बदकाला मारलं.,I killed a duck once.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn आम्ही सर्वकाही करून बघितलं आहे.,We have tried everything.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn मी नऊ वाजेपर्यंत माझा गृहपाठ संपवेन.,I will finish my homework by nine.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn रुग्णालय मला सहनच नाही होत.,I can't stand hospitals.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn टॉमने स्वतःसाठी एक ग्लास पाणी ओतून घेतलं.,Tom poured himself a glass of water.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn टॉमने तो हार मेरीला कमी किमतीत विकला.,Tom sold the necklace to Mary for a very low price.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn ओल्याने हा मानहुआ ताइवानपासून मागवला.,Olya ordered this manhua from Taiwan.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn "अरे, तू असं कसं म्हणू शकतोस रे?","Aw, how can you say that?",mar_Deva-eng_Latn हे अजिबात सोपं नाहीये.,This is not easy at all.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn टॉमशिवाय मी जगू शकत नाही.,I can't live without Tom.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn तो कुठेही गेला नाहीये - तो घरीच आहे.,He hasn't gone anywhere - he's at home.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn ते एका कारखान्यात काम करतात.,He works in a factory.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn तिला तुम्ही आवडता!,She likes you!,mar_Deva-eng_Latn मी टोकी पोनाचा अभ्यास करतो आहे.,I'm studying Toki Pona.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn तिने त्याला गोळी मारली.,She shot him.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn कबुतर उडून गेलं आहे.,The pigeon has flown away.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn ते स्किझोफ्रेनिक आहेत.,He is schizophrenic.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn मी त्यांना थांबवायचा प्रयत्न करतो आहे.,I'm trying to stop them.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn इथे कोणी डॉक्टर आहे का?,Is anyone here a doctor?,mar_Deva-eng_Latn भाज्या दररोज खाणं आपल्यासाठी चांगलं असतं.,It's good for us to eat vegetables every day.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn माझ्या पाकिटात ३० डॉलर आहेत.,I've got 30 dollars in my wallet.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn ते आयोवामधील शेतकर्‍यांशी बोलले.,He spoke to farmers in Iowa.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn तुमचा वेळ वाया घालवायचा माझा उद्देश नव्हता.,I didn't mean to waste your time.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn तू तर लक्षही देत नाहीयेस.,You're not even paying attention.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn घड्याळ चुकीचं आहे.,The clock is wrong.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn त्यांना तसं करायला आवडत नाही.,They don't like to do that.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn टॉम आणि मी एकत्र जाऊ.,Tom and I'll go together.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn टॉम जेव्हा वारला तेव्हा तो तीस वर्षांचा होता.,Tom was thirty when he died.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn टॉम कधी कोणाचं ऐकतच नाही.,Tom never listens to anyone.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn टॉम कधीही कोणाचं ऐकत नाही.,Tom never listens to anybody.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn मी त्याच्यासाठी एक पेन्सिल विकत घेईन.,I'll buy him a pencil.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn टॉमने त्याची सर्व जमीन विकून टाकली.,Tom sold all his land.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn तुझा हात कसा आहे?,How's your arm?,mar_Deva-eng_Latn पाऊस पडू लागला.,It started to rain.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn टॉम म्हणाला त्याला जायचं आहे.,Tom said he wants to go.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn दोन्ही मुलं झोपली आहेत.,Both of the children are asleep.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn त्यांनी काय केलं?,What did they do?,mar_Deva-eng_Latn त्याने त्याचं पुस्तक घेतलं.,He took his book.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn त्यांनी त्यांचं पुस्तक घेतलं.,She took his book.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn आपल्याला मसीहा सापडला आहे.,We have found the Messiah.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn तिने तिचं पुस्तक घेतलं.,She took her book.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn कंडोम फाटला.,The condom broke.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn या खोलीत किती लोकं आहेत?,How many people are in this room?,mar_Deva-eng_Latn वादळ चालू असताना डोंगर चढणं धोकादायक असते.,It's dangerous to climb mountains during a storm.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn मेरी माझी गर्लफ्रेंड आहे.,Mary is my girlfriend.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn आपण एका कारखान्यात काम करतो.,We work in a factory.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn टॉम एका फॅक्टरीत काम करतो.,Tom works in a factory.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn सगळेच पकडायला हवे!,Gotta catch 'em all!,mar_Deva-eng_Latn टॉम समजू लागला.,Tom began to understand.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn माझे वडील एका फॅक्टरीत कामाला आहेत.,My father works at a factory.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn मूर्खपणासाठी कोणता उपाय नाही आहे का?,Is there a cure for stupidity?,mar_Deva-eng_Latn "मेरीने टॉमला सांगितलं: ""एका छोट्या वाक्याने सुरू करू या, आणि मग आपण बघू...""","Mary told Tom: ""Let's begin with a short sentence, and then we'll see...""",mar_Deva-eng_Latn तुम्हाला भारतीय आहार आवडतो का?,Do you like Indian food?,mar_Deva-eng_Latn आम्हाला काहीही माहीत नव्हतं.,We didn't know anything.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn जॉनचा हात साफ आहे.,John's hand is clean.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn टॉम तिला ओळखतो.,Tom knows her.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn "तुला कोणता रंग जास्त आवडतो, निळा की लाल?","Which color do you like more, blue or red?",mar_Deva-eng_Latn "अमेरिकन झेंड्याचे रंग लाल, सफेद आणि निळा आहेत.","The colors of the American flag are red, white and blue.",mar_Deva-eng_Latn निळ्या ड्रेसपेक्षा मला लाल ड्रेस आवडला.,I like the red dress more than the blue dress.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn त्यांच्याकडे दोन मांजरी आहेत.,He has two cats.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn तो स्पेनच्या सर्वात प्रसिद्ध लेखकांमधील एक आहे.,He is one of Spain's most famous authors.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn चोर पळून गेला.,The thief ran away.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn चोराने तुटलेल्या खिडकीतून प्रवेश केला.,The thief entered through a broken window.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn "एक कांदा, जरासं लसूण व एक मिरची बारीक कापून जराश्या तेलावर कांदे तपकिरी रंगाचे होईपर्यंत सॉटे करा.","Finely chop an onion, some garlic and a chilli, and saute on a little oil until the onion is brown.",mar_Deva-eng_Latn कांदे सोडून मला काहीही खाता येतं.,I can eat anything but onions.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn मी कांद्यांची चव आवडत नाही.,I don't like the taste of onions.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn माझ्यात एक राक्षस आहे.,There is a demon inside of me.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn तुम्ही दुष्ट आहात! तुम्ही सर्व राक्षस आहात!,You are evil! You are all demons!,mar_Deva-eng_Latn एक किलो कांदे कितीला आहेत?,How much does a kilo of onions cost?,mar_Deva-eng_Latn ते हॉटेल त्या सरोवराच्या जवळ आहे.,That hotel is very near the lake.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn किती कांदे?,How many onions?,mar_Deva-eng_Latn "शिश्निका म्हणजे खरं तर एक छोटं, अविकसित शिश्न असते.",The clitoris is really a small undeveloped penis.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn टॉम आधीच यादीत आहे.,Tom is already on the list.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn "माझ्या बागेत भरपूर भाज्या आहेत: लेट्यूस, कांदा, लसूण, वगैरे.","There are in my garden a lot of vegetables: lettuce, onion, garlic, etc.",mar_Deva-eng_Latn तुम्ही आपली खोली साफ केली का?,Did you all clean your room?,mar_Deva-eng_Latn एक सरळ ओळ काढ.,Draw a straight line.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn मला सकाळ-सकाळी लसूण खायला आवडत नाही.,I don't like to eat garlic in the morning.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn "टोमॅटो ही भाजी आहे, फळ नव्हे.","The tomato is a vegetable, not a fruit.",mar_Deva-eng_Latn टोमॅटो फळ आहे की भाजी?,Is a tomato a fruit or a vegetable?,mar_Deva-eng_Latn टोमॅटो पाउंडाच्या हिशोबाने विकले जातात.,Tomatoes are sold by the pound.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn ज्ञान म्हणजे हे माहीत असणे की टोमॅटो हे एक फळ आहे. बुद्धी म्हणजे ते फ्रूट सॅलडवर न घालणे.,Knowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is not putting it on a fruit salad.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn अशी एकेकाळी समज होती की टोमॅटो हे विषारी असतात.,It is once believed that tomatoes were poisonous.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn टॉमने मेरीवर एक टोमॅटो फेकला.,Tom threw a tomato at Mary.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn "माझे वडील शेतकरी आहेत. त्यांच्या कुटुंबाकडे जास्त पैसे नाहीयेत, व त्यांचं आयुष्य अतिशय कठीण आहे.","My father's a farmer. His family doesn't have money, and his life is very difficult.",mar_Deva-eng_Latn "बी.एल.टी. म्हणजे बेकन, लेट्यूस आणि टोमॅटो.","BLT stands for bacon, lettuce and tomato.",mar_Deva-eng_Latn इंग्लंडने अनेक वसाहती सुस्थापित केल्या.,England established many colonies.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn टॉम टकलू नव्हता.,Tom wasn't bald.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn आम्ही एक बाळ दत्तक घेतलं.,We adopted a baby.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn मला वाक्य दुरुस्त करायला आवडतात.,I like to correct sentences.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn पुढचा राइट पकडा.,Take the next right.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn मी व्यायाम करतो.,I work out.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn झाडावर सोन्याची सफरचंद लागली.,The tree bore golden apples.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn कॉमरेड टॉम कॉमरेड मेरीच्या प्रेमात पडला.,Comrade Tom fell in love with comrade Mary.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn सर्वच सफरचंद लाल असतात.,All apples are red.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn टॉमने एअरकंडिशनर बंद केला.,Tom turned off the air conditioner.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn शालेय वर्ष जवळजवळ संपत आलं आहे.,The school year is almost over.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn मला चिनी भाषा बोलता येत नाही. फक्त वाचता येते.,I cannot speak Chinese. I can just read it.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn टॉम काय करणार आहे मला माहीत आहे.,I know what Tom is going to do.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn मी आतापर्यंत जवळजवळ शंभर पुस्तकं वाचली आहेत.,I've read some hundred books so far.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn माझा हात सोड.,Let go of my hand.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn मी तीन तास थांबलो.,I waited three hours.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn मी तीन तास थांबले.,I waited for three hours.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn टॉम अजूनही परत आला नाहीये.,Tom still hasn't come back.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn लोकांना लढायला आवडतं.,People like to fight.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn मला स्थानकापर्यंत चालत जायला दहा मिनिटं लागली.,It took me ten minutes to walk to the station.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn ते रद्द केलं गेलं.,It was canceled.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn आम्ही इथे खातो.,We eat here.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn प्रश्नाचं उत्तर कसं द्यायचं ह्याचा कोणालाच पत्ता नव्हता.,No one knew how to answer the question.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn युनायटेड स्टेट्समध्ये आपले स्वागत आहे.,Welcome to the United States.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn टॉम श्रीमंत नव्हता.,Tom wasn't rich.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn ती व मी भाऊ-बहीण आहोत.,She and I are brother and sister.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn मी पृथ्वीचा नागरिक आहे.,I'm a citizen of Earth.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn माझ्याकडे तर एकही गर्लफ्रेंड नाहीये.,I don't even have a single girlfriend.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn बाळ आपल्या आईला शोधतंय.,The baby is looking for its mother.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn शहरातल्या या भागाची वास्तुकला कुरूप आहे.,The architecture in this part of the city is ugly.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn कालचा शत्रू आजचा मित्र बनू शकतो.,An enemy yesterday can be a friend today.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn कालचा वैरी तो आजचा मित्र.,An adversary yesterday is a friend today.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn मी आज ड्यूटीवर आहे.,I'm on duty tonight.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn तुम्ही कोणत्या देशाचे नागरिक आहात?,What country are you a citizen of?,mar_Deva-eng_Latn मला त्यांच्याबद्दल काहीही आठवत नाही.,I don't remember anything about them.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn पिएरो वेडा आहे.,Pierrot is crazy.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn पवित्र धर्मन्यायपीठ पोप तिसर्‍या लुशियसपासून सुरू झाली.,The Holy Inquisition started with Pope Lucius III.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn दरवाजा लाथ मारून उघडू नकोस.,Don't kick the door open.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn इमरजन्सी नाहीये.,It's not an emergency.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn मी शक्यतो सात वाजता उठते.,I usually get up at seven.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn काहींचा असा विश्वास आहे की या तलावात नेसी राहतो.,Some believe Nessie lives in this lake.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn मी तुला टॉमबरोबर पाहिलं आहे.,I've seen you with Tom.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn शिकण्याचा कोणताही सोपा मार्ग नसतो.,There is no easy road to learning.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn शिक्षणाला शॉर्टकट नसतो.,There is no shortcut to education.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn उद्यानात अनेक मुलं खेळत होती.,Many children were playing in the park.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn किती म्हातारा आहे तो!,How old he is!,mar_Deva-eng_Latn टॉमचा भुतांवर विश्वास नाहीये.,Tom doesn't believe in ghosts.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn मी शिकार करत होते.,I was hunting.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn तिने माझ्या खांद्याला हात लावला.,She touched my shoulder.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn न विचारता कशालाही हात लावू नका.,Don't touch anything without asking.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn तो माझा आवडता मुद्दा नाहीये.,That's not my favorite topic.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn ही चांगली बातमी नाहीये.,This isn't good news.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn टॉम आमची मदत करेल.,Tom will help us.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn खरच खूप मजा आली.,That was really fun.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn हे त्यांचं नाही आहे.,This is not theirs.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn टॉमला काहीतरी झालंय.,Something's happened to Tom.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn अहमद विद्यार्थी आहे.,Ahmed is a student.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn तिने तिचं डोकं खाजवलं.,She scratched her head.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn साराकडे ३१ पेनं आहेत.,Sara has 31 pens.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn मी येत्या उन्हाळ्यात आयर्लंडला जाईन.,I will go to Ireland this summer.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn मी घरी जाईन.,I'll go home.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn टॉम कम्प्यूटरवर आहे.,Tom is on the computer.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn माझ्याकडे व्होडका नाहीये.,I don't have vodka.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn तो कॅनेडियन आहे.,He is Canadian.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn माझं स्वप्न होतं.,It was my dream.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn आपण बघू.,We will watch.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn स्वप्न खरं झालं.,The dream came true.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn तुम्ही परत याल हे मला माहीत होतं.,I knew you'd be back.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn टॉमला कोणीही घाबरत नाही.,Nobody is scared of Tom.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn मी तुमची मदत करू शकत नाही.,I cannot help you.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn मी खूप स्वप्ने बघते.,I dream a lot.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn ते सर्व तुरुंगात जाताहेत.,They're all going to prison.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn आम्ही सर्व पाहिलं.,We saw everything.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn """गाडीत कोण आहे?"" ""टॉम आहे.""","""Who is in the car?"" ""Tom is.""",mar_Deva-eng_Latn आम्ही काल लंडनला पोहोचलो.,We got to London yesterday.,mar_Deva-eng_Latn Kita tara mangarti bahasa Inggris.,I don't understand English.,max_Latn-eng_Latn Ngana su perna pigi di Paris?,Have you ever been to Paris?,max_Latn-eng_Latn Tamba kofi sadiki ka.,"More coffee, please.",max_Latn-eng_Latn Biasa Bob tidor jam spulu.,Bob usually goes to bed at ten.,max_Latn-eng_Latn Kita pe jam di mana ni?,Where is my watch?,max_Latn-eng_Latn Dasi satu ni dia pe harga barapa?,How much is this tie?,max_Latn-eng_Latn Ngana bikiapa?,What is the matter with you?,max_Latn-eng_Latn Tara pigi skola kong di ruma.,"Instead of going to school, he stayed at home.",max_Latn-eng_Latn Kita pe nama Ichiro Tanaka.,My name is Ichiro Tanaka.,max_Latn-eng_Latn Di dapur ada piso ka tarada?,Is there a knife in the kitchen?,max_Latn-eng_Latn Kucing kaluar di bawa laci.,A cat came out from under the desk.,max_Latn-eng_Latn Di kita pe ruma ada ayam tiga ekor.,I have three chickens in my house.,max_Latn-eng_Latn Bikiapa ngana buka kotak itu?,Why did you open the box?,max_Latn-eng_Latn "Orang-orang di Eropa deng di Asia sabala barat tamba deng Mesir su biasa pake forok deng taong, tapi dong cuma pake mumasa saja.","Forks were used for many years in Europe and the Near East, but only for cooking.",max_Latn-eng_Latn Bae-bae la jang babasa.,Tom waited for Mary to come home.,max_Latn-eng_Latn Kita tara butu apa-apa.,I don't need anything.,max_Latn-eng_Latn "Pas ngana bale di ruma, ngana pe mama ada biking apa?",What was your mother doing when you returned home?,max_Latn-eng_Latn Torang tarlambat sampe di skola barang ujang basar skali kong.,We were late for school because it rained heavily.,max_Latn-eng_Latn "Ngana mara kita, io?","You're angry with me, aren't you?",max_Latn-eng_Latn Tom sake me pigi barenang.,"Although Tom is sick, he's swimming.",max_Latn-eng_Latn Ngana pe papa ada bikiapa?,What's your father do?,max_Latn-eng_Latn Itu yang ngana tanya tadi tu?,Is that what you're asking?,max_Latn-eng_Latn Mari torang kase tarbang falinggir.,Let's fly kites.,max_Latn-eng_Latn Ngana tara mau pigi makang malam deng torang?,Won't you join us for dinner?,max_Latn-eng_Latn Kalau ngana mu pigi negara laeng tu ngana musti ada paspor.,You need a passport to enter a foreign country.,max_Latn-eng_Latn Tom ada lari.,Tom was running.,max_Latn-eng_Latn Dia su lapan taong.,She's eight years old.,max_Latn-eng_Latn Dia pe umur su lapan taong.,She is eight.,max_Latn-eng_Latn Tom lia dia pe nama tatulis di papan tulis.,Tom saw his name written on the blackboard.,max_Latn-eng_Latn Tong makang mari!,Let's go eat.,max_Latn-eng_Latn Makang mari!,Let's go to eat.,max_Latn-eng_Latn Tom mangarti bahasa Prancis?,Does Tom understand French?,max_Latn-eng_Latn Samua su lapar?,Is everyone hungry?,max_Latn-eng_Latn Ini su 3 Oktober.,It's the third of October.,max_Latn-eng_Latn Ini su bulan spulu tanggal tiga.,It's October the third.,max_Latn-eng_Latn Ngana suka skali warna apa?,What is your favourite colour?,max_Latn-eng_Latn "Kita suka dengar musik, apalagi jazz tu.","I like listening to music, especially jazz.",max_Latn-eng_Latn Dia mangarti bahasa Prancis.,He understands French.,max_Latn-eng_Latn Dia bicara deng bahasa Prancis.,He speaks French.,max_Latn-eng_Latn Itu bahasa Prancis?,Is that French?,max_Latn-eng_Latn Dorang bicara deng bahasa Prancis.,They spoke French.,max_Latn-eng_Latn Sapa bicara deng bahasa Prancis?,Who speaks French?,max_Latn-eng_Latn Tom mangarti bahasa Prancis.,Tom understands French.,max_Latn-eng_Latn Tom mangajar bahasa Prancis.,Tom teaches French.,max_Latn-eng_Latn Tom balajar bahasa Prancis.,Tom studies French.,max_Latn-eng_Latn Tom bicara deng bahasa Prancis.,Tom speaks French.,max_Latn-eng_Latn Torang balajar bahasa Prancis.,We study French.,max_Latn-eng_Latn Kita mangajar bahasa Prancis.,I teach French.,max_Latn-eng_Latn Kita bicara deng bahasa Prancis.,I speak French.,max_Latn-eng_Latn Kita suka skali bahasa Prancis.,I love French.,max_Latn-eng_Latn Kita suka bahasa Prancis.,I like French.,max_Latn-eng_Latn Kita binci bahasa Prancis.,I hate French.,max_Latn-eng_Latn Bahasa Prancis tu susa.,French is difficult.,max_Latn-eng_Latn Kita balajar bahasa Prancis.,I study French.,max_Latn-eng_Latn Tolong bicara deng bahasa Prancis.,Please speak French.,max_Latn-eng_Latn """Beso pagi ngana mu makang apa? Roti? Nasi?"" ""Mana-mana saja.""","""What do you want for breakfast tomorrow? Bread? Rice?"" ""Either one is fine.""",max_Latn-eng_Latn Ngana bisa bahasa Prancis?,Can you speak French?,max_Latn-eng_Latn Sapa kase ajar bahasa Prancis.,Who teaches you French?,max_Latn-eng_Latn Kita bisa bahasa Prancis.,I can speak French.,max_Latn-eng_Latn Dia bisa bahasa Prancis?,Can he speak French?,max_Latn-eng_Latn Dia akang balajar bahasa Prancis.,He will study French.,max_Latn-eng_Latn Dia bisa bahasa Prancis.,She can speak French.,max_Latn-eng_Latn Mangkali dia orang Prancis.,She may be French.,max_Latn-eng_Latn Tom lebe suka bicara deng bahasa Prancis.,Tom prefers speaking French.,max_Latn-eng_Latn Tom cuma tau bahasa Prancis sasadiki.,Tom knows some French.,max_Latn-eng_Latn Tom ada balajar bahasa Prancis.,Tom is learning French.,max_Latn-eng_Latn Tom mangajar pa torang bahasa Prancis.,Tom teaches us French.,max_Latn-eng_Latn Tom bicara pake bahasa Prancis bagus skali.,Tom speaks French fluently.,max_Latn-eng_Latn Dia bicara deng bahasa Prancis lagi.,He also speaks French.,max_Latn-eng_Latn Bicara deng bahasa Prancis tu susa.,Speaking French is difficult.,max_Latn-eng_Latn Kita pe bahasa Prancis ancor.,My French is terrible.,max_Latn-eng_Latn Kita su balajar bahasa Prancis.,I've studied French.,max_Latn-eng_Latn "Ngana mangarti bahasa Prancis, io to?","You understand French, right?",max_Latn-eng_Latn "Ngana tau bahasa Prancis, io to?","You speak French, right?",max_Latn-eng_Latn Kita musti balajar bahasa Prancis.,I should study French.,max_Latn-eng_Latn Kita tau bahasa Prancis lagi.,"I speak French, too.",max_Latn-eng_Latn Tom bisa bahasa Prancis?,Can Tom speak French?,max_Latn-eng_Latn Kita tinggal di Selandia Baru.,I live in New Zealand.,max_Latn-eng_Latn Tom tu tara bae.,Tom is ugly.,max_Latn-eng_Latn Pas tanggal 1 Januari 2016 ni ngana nanti di mana?,"Where will you be on January 1st, 2016?",max_Latn-eng_Latn Itu Ibu Kent ka bukang e?,Is that Mrs. Kent?,max_Latn-eng_Latn "Serbia tu dia baku sabala deng Hungaria, Romania, Bulgaria, Kroasia, Masedonia, Bosnia, deng Montenegro.","Serbia borders Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Croatia, Macedonia, Bosnia, and Montenegro.",max_Latn-eng_Latn "Apa yang paling bagus dari dorang ni: Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 8, ka Windows 10?","Which one is better: Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 8 or Windows 10?",max_Latn-eng_Latn Jang biking bagitu ka.,"Please, don't do it.",max_Latn-eng_Latn Soe! Kita lupa bali nasi tu.,Damn! I forgot to buy rice.,max_Latn-eng_Latn Mary tu tara cantik.,Mary is ugly.,max_Latn-eng_Latn Prancis tu maso negara Eropa Barat.,France is a Western European country.,max_Latn-eng_Latn Ini su stenga sambilan.,It's half past eight.,max_Latn-eng_Latn Ngana pe umur barapa taong pas ngana kase tinggal Australia?,How old were you when you left Australia?,max_Latn-eng_Latn "Kita bae-bae saja, ngana dang?","I am fine, and you?",max_Latn-eng_Latn Kita tara tau.,I don't know.,max_Latn-eng_Latn "Tadi kita sala. Tiga ribu yen, bukang tiga ribu euro.","Oops, my fault. It's 3000 yen, not 3000 euros.",max_Latn-eng_Latn Tarada yang bisa lia torang.,No one could see us.,max_Latn-eng_Latn Kita tara pake fesbuk.,I don't use Facebook.,max_Latn-eng_Latn """Ini hari hari apa?"" ""Hari Rabu.""","""What day is it?"" ""It's Wednesday.""",max_Latn-eng_Latn Tom bali koran.,Tom bought a newspaper.,max_Latn-eng_Latn Kita ada bawa satu barang for kase ngana.,I brought something for you.,max_Latn-eng_Latn "Kalo ngana bicara bahasa Prancis, akang kita tara mangarti.","If you speak French, I won't understand.",max_Latn-eng_Latn Dia bilang torang jang maso dalam situ.,He warned us not to enter the room.,max_Latn-eng_Latn Dia pe bahasa Inggris su taganti. Bae-bae jang sampe ngoni kase arti tapi tara baku maso.,The English sentence has been changed. Make sure that this translation still matches.,max_Latn-eng_Latn Ngana su perna pigi di Prancis ka balong?,Have you been to France before?,max_Latn-eng_Latn Tulis ngana pe tanggal lahir tu.,Please write your date of birth here.,max_Latn-eng_Latn Su barapa lama ngana balajar bahasa Inggris?,How long have you been studying English?,max_Latn-eng_Latn Kita manganto skali sampe mata mu tabuka me susa bahaya.,I felt so sleepy that I could hardly keep my eyes open.,max_Latn-eng_Latn Ngana pe oto tu su barapa taong?,How old is your car?,max_Latn-eng_Latn Di mana torang bisa batelfon?,Where can we make a phone call?,max_Latn-eng_Latn Kita tara di sini.,I'm not here.,max_Latn-eng_Latn Ngana orang mana?,Where do you come from?,max_Latn-eng_Latn Itu bukang kita pe sala.,It wasn't my fault.,max_Latn-eng_Latn Ini su siang jam dua.,It's 2:00 p.m.,max_Latn-eng_Latn Dia bafoya jadi ana murid.,She pretended to be a student.,max_Latn-eng_Latn Sapa pangge kita tu?,Who called me?,max_Latn-eng_Latn Ngana pe nama sapa?,What is your name?,max_Latn-eng_Latn Jang bajalang di rumpu-rumpu.,Don't walk on the grass.,max_Latn-eng_Latn Kalmaring kita barmaeng bola kaki.,I played soccer yesterday.,max_Latn-eng_Latn Ini hari kita su pake doi saratus dolar.,I spent 100 dollars today.,max_Latn-eng_Latn Kase manyala lampu ka.,"Turn on the light, please.",max_Latn-eng_Latn Tom dia tako skali.,Tom was very scared.,max_Latn-eng_Latn Ngana ilang ka?,Are you lost?,max_Latn-eng_Latn Kita suka skali felem Prancis.,I love French movies.,max_Latn-eng_Latn Kalimat samua di sini musi ada dia pe titik.,All of these sentences need a full stop.,max_Latn-eng_Latn Daong-daong turung palang-palang.,The leaves are falling slowly.,max_Latn-eng_Latn Dia bilang kata dia miskin skali pas dia masi kacil.,He said that he was very poor when he was young.,max_Latn-eng_Latn Kita musti nae tidor skarang.,I have to go to sleep.,max_Latn-eng_Latn "Ini hari bulan anam tanggal 18, deng ini hari Muiriel pe ulang tahun.",Today is June 18th and it is Muiriel's birthday!,max_Latn-eng_Latn Skarang Muiriel su 20 taong.,Muiriel is 20 now.,max_Latn-eng_Latn "Dia pe password tu ""Muiriel"".","The password is ""Muiriel"".",max_Latn-eng_Latn Nanti kita bale lagi.,I will be back soon.,max_Latn-eng_Latn Ini akang torang bayar 30 pound.,This will cost €30.,max_Latn-eng_Latn Itu hari kita di gunung.,I was in the mountains.,max_Latn-eng_Latn Kalo mu pigi tu tutu pintu.,Close the door when you leave.,max_Latn-eng_Latn Kita mu pigi.,I'm going to go.,max_Latn-eng_Latn Banya orang kira kita gila.,Most people think I'm crazy.,max_Latn-eng_Latn Ngana bisa bicara bahasa Indonesia ka tarada?,Can you speak Indonesian?,max_Latn-eng_Latn Itu cuma ngana pe alasan saja kong.,That is only your excuse.,max_Latn-eng_Latn Ngana pe tamang dekat ada barapa orang?,How many close friends do you have?,max_Latn-eng_Latn Pas kita mu makang tu kita cuci tangan kamuka.,I wash my hands before a meal.,max_Latn-eng_Latn Ngana pe papa tu sapa?,Who is your father?,max_Latn-eng_Latn Kita pe oto tarada.,I have no car.,max_Latn-eng_Latn Galap skali di sini. Kita tara bisa lia apa-apa.,It's really dark here. I can't see anything.,max_Latn-eng_Latn Sapa kase pica botol tu?,Who broke the bottle?,max_Latn-eng_Latn Ada aer situ?,Is there water there?,max_Latn-eng_Latn Macam kita su lapar ka.,I feel hungry.,max_Latn-eng_Latn Ngana orang Choctaw?,Are you Choctaw?,max_Latn-eng_Latn Kalo kita bisa tu kita su biking suda.,I would do it if I could.,max_Latn-eng_Latn Ngana tau Holly ada di mana?,Do you know where Holly is?,max_Latn-eng_Latn Kita tara pintar bafoya.,I'm not good at lying.,max_Latn-eng_Latn Kucing itam tu dia lari capat.,The black cat runs fast.,max_Latn-eng_Latn Ngana fens tim apa?,Which is your favorite team?,max_Latn-eng_Latn Kita talalu kacil.,I was too small.,max_Latn-eng_Latn Kita tara tau kalo Tom deng Mary baku ade-kaka.,I didn't know that Tom and Mary were brother and sister.,max_Latn-eng_Latn Tarada alasan untuk mu tako.,There's no reason to be afraid.,max_Latn-eng_Latn Roti ada di mana?,Where is the bread?,max_Latn-eng_Latn Kita baku tunggu satu jam stenga.,I waited for an hour and a half.,max_Latn-eng_Latn Dia bisa tarbang.,He is able to fly.,max_Latn-eng_Latn Ngana ada makang apa?,What are you eating?,max_Latn-eng_Latn Putar radio tu.,Turn on the radio.,max_Latn-eng_Latn Kalo ngana bisa datang beso tu datang da.,"If you can come tomorrow, please do.",max_Latn-eng_Latn Samua-samua kita makang.,I eat everything.,max_Latn-eng_Latn Ngana ada bikiapa tu?,What are you doing?,max_Latn-eng_Latn Ngana ada biking apa tu?,What're you doing?,max_Latn-eng_Latn Kita tara dengar apa-apa.,I didn't hear any sounds.,max_Latn-eng_Latn """Sapa itu?"" ""Dia ngana pe mama.""","""Who is it?"" ""It's your mother.""",max_Latn-eng_Latn Kita pe tangan cuma ada dua.,I only have two hands.,max_Latn-eng_Latn Kita mu pigi kasana deng pesawat.,I'll go there by plane.,max_Latn-eng_Latn Kita dari Thailand.,I'm from Thailand.,max_Latn-eng_Latn Kita kase arti pake bahasa Kazakstan dari bahasa Rusia.,I translate from Russian into Kazakh.,max_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom deng Mary pasang kamar satu yang tampa tidor ada dua, tapi pas dorang sampe di hotel tu dia pe tampa tidor cuma satu.","Tom and Mary booked a room with two beds, but when they arrived at the hotel, there was only one bed.",max_Latn-eng_Latn Tom bilang dia pe harga talalu mahal.,Tom said it cost too much.,max_Latn-eng_Latn Kita ada balajar bahasa Ceko.,I'm learning Czech.,max_Latn-eng_Latn Ngana mu tau kita binci apa? Kita binci laba-laba.,You know what I hate? I hate spiders.,max_Latn-eng_Latn "Ngana tara suka itu barang, io to?","You don't like it, do you?",max_Latn-eng_Latn Ini bukang kalimat.,This is not a sentence.,max_Latn-eng_Latn "Kita minta maaf, kita tara bisa bantu ngana.","I'm sorry, but I can't help you.",max_Latn-eng_Latn Kita telfon pa Tom pe nomor telfon.,I dialed Tom's number.,max_Latn-eng_Latn Orang-orang yang umur sampe saratus tu cuma sadiki.,Few people live to be 100 years old.,max_Latn-eng_Latn Kita deng ngana tu kita yang kaya.,I'm richer than you.,max_Latn-eng_Latn Menurut ngana kita pe topi ni bagimana?,What do you think of my new hat?,max_Latn-eng_Latn "Ngana lala, kita me lala.",You're tired. I'm also tired.,max_Latn-eng_Latn Dan bali komputer baru satu biji.,Dan bought a new computer.,max_Latn-eng_Latn Kita mu perbaiki ruma itu.,I'd like to renovate the house.,max_Latn-eng_Latn Dia amper tara bisa dapa dengar barang dia pe pendengaran tara bae skali.,"His hearing is very bad, he is almost deaf.",max_Latn-eng_Latn Kita biasa makang deng keluarga di ruma.,I usually eat at home with my family.,max_Latn-eng_Latn Ngana ada gares ka tarada?,Do you happen to have matches?,max_Latn-eng_Latn Kita babiking mudel deng kita tara tau dia ni.,I acted like I didn't know her.,max_Latn-eng_Latn Tiap taong kita kase baronda kita pe keluarga pigi di ibukota.,"Every year, I bring my family to the capital.",max_Latn-eng_Latn Kase mati lampu ka.,Please turn off the light.,max_Latn-eng_Latn "Kalau torang pigi skarang, torang bisa bale di Boston jam stenga tiga.","If we leave now, we could be back in Boston by 2:30.",max_Latn-eng_Latn FBI mu tangka Dan me ana itu su kabur kamuka.,"The FBI tried to apprehend Dan, but he managed to escape.",max_Latn-eng_Latn Su minum obat ka balong?,Have you taken your medicine yet?,max_Latn-eng_Latn Dorang pangge-pangge ngana sapa?,What is your nickname?,max_Latn-eng_Latn Dia pe ana dua pulu orang.,She has twenty children.,max_Latn-eng_Latn Tom kanal orang banya skali.,Tom knows a lot of people.,max_Latn-eng_Latn Kita pe kapala pusing skali.,I have a bad headache.,max_Latn-eng_Latn Tom pe kaki badara.,Tom hurt his leg.,max_Latn-eng_Latn Marie ingin bali buku.,Mary wants to buy books.,max_Latn-eng_Latn Lia tu ana bayi sadiki.,Keep an eye on the baby for a while.,max_Latn-eng_Latn Kita lapar skali.,I'm so hungry!,max_Latn-eng_Latn Su barapa lama ngana di luar negeri?,How long did you stay abroad?,max_Latn-eng_Latn Ngana paling suka olahraga yang bagimana?,What's your favorite sport?,max_Latn-eng_Latn Mama ada mumasa di dapur.,Mother is cooking in the kitchen.,max_Latn-eng_Latn Pulau satu tu torang lia dari atas pesawat tu pe bagus bahaya.,"Seen from the plane, the island looks very beautiful.",max_Latn-eng_Latn Sapa yang dapa pulau itu?,By whom was the island discovered?,max_Latn-eng_Latn Kolera bage sampe 200 orang maninggal.,Two hundred people died of cholera last year.,max_Latn-eng_Latn Mu pi mana?,Where are you going?,max_Latn-eng_Latn Ngana mu pigi di mana?,Where're you going?,max_Latn-eng_Latn Tara bole ada koma di kalimat ini.,There is no need for a comma in this sentence.,max_Latn-eng_Latn Kita masi balong dengar dia pe kabar.,I still haven't heard from him.,max_Latn-eng_Latn Kita su 18 taong.,I'm 18 years old.,max_Latn-eng_Latn Batul ka tarada Tom mati pas tatabrak tu?,Did Tom die in that accident?,max_Latn-eng_Latn Jam tiga rapat mulai.,The meeting begins at three.,max_Latn-eng_Latn Kita bukang orang Irlandia.,I am not Irish.,max_Latn-eng_Latn Kita orang Choctaw.,I am Choctaw.,max_Latn-eng_Latn Tom amper maninggal pas dia tatabrak.,Tom almost died in that accident.,max_Latn-eng_Latn Torang pe tifi ada dua biji.,We have two television sets.,max_Latn-eng_Latn "Mama e, capat ka.",Tell me if there's anything I can do to help.,max_Latn-eng_Latn Tom deng kita tu dia yang basar.,Tom is bigger than me.,max_Latn-eng_Latn Ngana musti baku bicara deng ngana pe dokter.,You should consult your doctor.,max_Latn-eng_Latn "Di Cina tu fam di muka, nama di balakang.","In China, we put our family name first, then our name.",max_Latn-eng_Latn Jang talalu capat basimore!,Don't celebrate too soon!,max_Latn-eng_Latn Telfon tu bahasa Jerman bilang bagimana?,What is the German for 'telephone'?,max_Latn-eng_Latn Ngana bisa barmaeng piano ka tarada?,Can you play the piano?,max_Latn-eng_Latn "Kita tarada doi, satu sen me tarada.",I don't have any money at all.,max_Latn-eng_Latn Dia su ampa pulu taong.,She is forty years old.,max_Latn-eng_Latn Burung minum aer.,Birds drink water.,max_Latn-eng_Latn Dia babiking mudel deng dia tara tau kita ni.,She acted like she didn't know me.,max_Latn-eng_Latn Dia tako dia pe ade tara lulus.,He has a fear that his brother will fail.,max_Latn-eng_Latn Sini tu tiga kilo dari pante.,It's about three kilometers from here to the coast.,max_Latn-eng_Latn Abis makang malam ngana mu biking apa?,What do you do after dinner?,max_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom ada tamang satu, dia pe papa astronot.",Tom has a friend whose father is an astronaut.,max_Latn-eng_Latn Ngoni tau reggae tu bagimana?,What do you think of reggae?,max_Latn-eng_Latn Su malam tu jang kaluar suda.,Don't go out after dark.,max_Latn-eng_Latn Ini tu bukang kita yang sala.,It was not my fault.,max_Latn-eng_Latn Ngana bole kase pinjam kita doi 10.000 yen?,"Can you lend me 10,000 yen?",max_Latn-eng_Latn Barenti!,Cut it out!,max_Latn-eng_Latn Ujang turung su ampa hari.,The rain lasted four days.,max_Latn-eng_Latn "Ngana basambunyi di pohong pe balakang, io?","You hid behind the tree, didn't you?",max_Latn-eng_Latn Bikiapa dia tara datang?,Why didn't she come?,max_Latn-eng_Latn Torang pangge-pangge dia Mike.,We call him Mike.,max_Latn-eng_Latn JIhan deng Apita baku ade-kaka.,Jihan and Apita are sisters.,max_Latn-eng_Latn Dia pigi di mana?,Where is he going?,max_Latn-eng_Latn "Uli, Mega, deng Tina dong tiga parampuang.","Uli, Mega, and Tina are females.",max_Latn-eng_Latn Kalmaring torang barmaeng bola kaki.,We played soccer yesterday.,max_Latn-eng_Latn Made deng Mega baku spupu.,Made and Mega are cousins.,max_Latn-eng_Latn Tom deng Sue su baku kanal dari taong 1985.,Tom and Sue have known each other since 1985.,max_Latn-eng_Latn Una deng Nel su baku kanal dari dong masi SD.,Una and Nel have known each other since they were in Elementary School.,max_Latn-eng_Latn "Ngana dari mana, Karen?","Where are you from, Karen?",max_Latn-eng_Latn Ngoni mu pigi di mana?,Where are you going to go?,max_Latn-eng_Latn Ngana lia Nancy di mana?,Where did you see Nancy?,max_Latn-eng_Latn Kita pe tiket ilang.,I've lost my ticket.,max_Latn-eng_Latn Beso surat itu su sampe.,The letter will arrive tomorrow.,max_Latn-eng_Latn Dorang di mana ni?,Where were they?,max_Latn-eng_Latn Ngana masi kacil.,You're still green.,max_Latn-eng_Latn Dia bapake mudel deng parampuang.,He dressed up as a woman.,max_Latn-eng_Latn Kita inga ngana.,How I've missed you!,max_Latn-eng_Latn Kita tinggal di Tonga.,I live in Tonga.,max_Latn-eng_Latn Tom ada bairis sayor di dapur.,"Tom is in the kitchen, cutting up some vegetables.",max_Latn-eng_Latn """Sake di mana?"" ""Samua-samua sake.""","""Where does it hurt?"" ""Everywhere.""",max_Latn-eng_Latn "Kita tau ngana mu bilang ""tarada"".",I know you're going to say no.,max_Latn-eng_Latn Dorang binci kita ka?,Do they hate me?,max_Latn-eng_Latn Dorang binci felem setang-setang.,They hate horror films.,max_Latn-eng_Latn Dorang pigi kaluar makang.,They went out to eat.,max_Latn-eng_Latn Dorang su pigi kaluar makang.,They've gone out to eat.,max_Latn-eng_Latn Dia su bale dari Cina.,She's back from China.,max_Latn-eng_Latn Dia tara akang kase maaf kita.,She will never forgive me.,max_Latn-eng_Latn Marie su bale dari Cina.,Marie's back from China.,max_Latn-eng_Latn Ngana basambunyi di pohong pe balakang.,You hid behind the tree.,max_Latn-eng_Latn Kita basambunyi di pohong pe balakang.,I hid behind the tree.,max_Latn-eng_Latn Dia basambunyi di pohong pe balakang.,She hid behind the tree.,max_Latn-eng_Latn Torang basambunyi di pohong pe balakang.,We hid behind the tree.,max_Latn-eng_Latn Beso Tom pigi kase tinggal Kobe.,Tom is leaving Kobe tomorrow morning.,max_Latn-eng_Latn Dorang basambunyi di pohong pe balakang.,They hid behind the tree.,max_Latn-eng_Latn Torang pe nasi su sisa ini suda.,We have no more rice.,max_Latn-eng_Latn Dia pe barat lapan kilo.,It weighs eighty kilograms.,max_Latn-eng_Latn Kita pigi nae speda for pigi karja pagi-pagi.,"This morning, I bicycled to work.",max_Latn-eng_Latn "Pas dia lia kita, dia mulai tatawa.","The moment she saw me, she started to laugh.",max_Latn-eng_Latn Dorang bauni tifi?,Do they watch TV?,max_Latn-eng_Latn Kita pe papa pe mama tu kita pe nene.,My father's mother is my grandma.,max_Latn-eng_Latn Ini min anam derajat.,It's six degrees below zero.,max_Latn-eng_Latn "Karna kita su lapar, jadi kita makang itu suda.","I was hungry, so I ate it.",max_Latn-eng_Latn "Karna kita su lapar, jadi kita makang suda.","I was hungry, so I ate.",max_Latn-eng_Latn Kita bajual payung-payung.,I sell umbrellas.,max_Latn-eng_Latn Bisa ka tarada kota satu kong tara ada dia pe budaya sandiri?,Can a city exist without having a culture of its own?,max_Latn-eng_Latn "Biar dorang bicara apa lagi, torang tara kalesang.",What they say doesn't matter to us.,max_Latn-eng_Latn Тиде шоҥгылан йӧраш йӧсӧ.,The old man is hard to please.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тыланет мый уке улам.,I don't exist to you.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тиде сай йодыш.,It's a good question.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Пагытше лектын.,Time is up now.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мый кертым пашам пытарен.,I managed to finish the work.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Шочмо кечыдам возыза.,Write the date of your birth.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Мый шарнем, тудым Парижыште вашлиймемым.",I remember meeting him in Paris.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Тый палет, кӧ микроскопым шонен луктын?",Do you know who invented the microscope?,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Ме таксийым нална, вараш коддымашлык.",We took a taxi so we wouldn't be late.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Кызыт кодо мыйым шкетемым.,Leave me alone now.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Тошто муро-влак ятырлан, ятырлан сайрак ыльыч.","The old songs were much, much better.",mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мый тудын телефон номержым возен кодышым.,I have written down his phone number.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тый сар прессым от луд?,Don't you read the tabloids?,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мыланем кокам у юбкам урген пуэн.,My aunt made a new skirt for me.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мый йӧршын ноенам.,I'm incredibly tired.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мыйын ушем каен огыл.,I'm not insane.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Каштаным латвич минут деч шагал огыл шолтыман.,Chestnuts have to be boiled for at least fifteen minutes.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тыгай тӱрланчык ит лий.,Don't be so choosy.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Молан ойлат ""Поро кече"", кечыже поро огыл гынат?","Why does one say ""Good day"" when the day is not good?",mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том тыште ынде уке улеш.,Tom isn't here anymore.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том классыште шкет рвезе лийын.,Tom was the only guy in the class.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мый орол-влакым кӱштем.,I'll call security.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том йӱд мучко пашам ыштыш.,Tom worked all night.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ешдыме пӧръеҥ – эре каче.,Every unmarried man is a groom for life.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тый студент улат?,Are you a student?,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Мый колынам, Токио ден Осака коклаште лу километр наре уло.",I heard that the distance between Tokyo and Osaka is about 10 km.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Мыйын шагал огыл йолташ, кудыжо французла сайын ойласат.",I have quite a few friends who speak French well.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тиде пийын почшо кӱчык.,That dog has a short tail.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тудо Тендан деч кок ийлан кугырак.,She is two years older than you.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Могай пӧрт тыланда чотрак келша?,What house do you like more?,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Теве кузе тиде лийын.,That's how it was.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Айста квиддич дене модына.,Let's play quidditch.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Арняште шым кече.,There are seven days in a week.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тый тӱняште эн мотор ӱдырамаш улат.,You're the most beautiful woman in the whole world.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тиде тендан серышда?,Is this your letter?,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Эргым, арам вуетым ит корштаре, задачым ме шкат шотлен пуэна.","Son, don't rack your brains over this problem, we'll solve it on our own.",mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Тый палет, мо лийын?",Do you know what happened?,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мый полшем настадым опташ.,I'll help you pack.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Фермыште вольык лийын.,There were animals in the farm.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тудо вӱдыш тӧрштыш.,He jumped into the water.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тиде шинча.,This is an eye.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тый Парижыште иктаж-кунам лийынат?,Have you ever been to Paris?,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мом тылат эмлызе каласыш?,What did the doctor tell you?,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ме туныктышо дене икте-весе ваштареш шична.,The teacher and I sat down face to face.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Оласе-влаклан ялысе илыш келша.,People in towns are attracted by life in the country.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Томлан каналташ кӱлеш.,Tom is in need of a vacation.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тудо пеш кӱкшӧ капан.,She's very tall.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Аваже азам кидышкыже нале.,The mother took her child in her arms.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мый каем.,I will go.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Томын тидым ыштымыже шуын огыл.,Tom didn't want to do it.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Кушто эн лишыл метро станций?,Where is the nearest subway station?,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тыйын шинчат шӱдырлан ушаген.,Your eyes remind me of stars.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мый тыйым йӧратем!,I love you.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Нуно пеш пиалан койыч.,They looked very happy.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том француз йылмым туныкта.,Tom is teaching French.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Кушто мыйын изам?,Where is my brother?,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Кугыжан эргыже кожлаште йомын.,The prince was lost in the woods.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Можо тыланда тӱрыс чучеш, тудыжым те ыштышаш улыда.",You must do what seems right to you.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тудо ынде йоча огыл.,He is no longer a child.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Латик шагат мыланем келшен толеш.,Eleven o'clock is good for me.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ит тӧрштыл-ян.,Please don't jump.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Мыланем нимат ыш код, как тиде темлымаш дене келшаш гына.",I had no choice but to accept the offer.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Машина пурак тӱргам нӧлтале.,The car raised a cloud of dust.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мый иктымат тыгай лӱманым ом пале.,I don't know anyone by that name.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мый балконышто улам.,I'm on the balcony.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Молан тый магырет?,Why are you crying?,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том - мыйын изам.,Tom is my elder brother.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Тудын илышыжым арален кодашлан, мый чыла йӧнымат кучылтым.",I tried everything to keep him alive.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тыйын правам налаш эше вует шуын огыл.,You're not old enough to get a driver's license.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Юмо уло, но тудо шылтыклӱмжым монден.","God exists, but he forgot the password.",mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мый пеш шуженам.,I'm really hungry.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тый гитар дене модаш тунемыч?,Have you learned to play the guitar?,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мый марла кутырем.,I speak Mari.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Теҥгече мый кечыгут англичан мут-влакым наизусть тунемым.,I learned English words by heart all day yesterday.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Кум шагат гына.,It's only three o'clock.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ме марла кутырена.,We speak Mari.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Молан тый тудым кидше гыч кучышыч?,Why were you holding his hand?,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тый венгр улат мо?,Are you Hungarian?,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Илыш чылалан туныкта.,Life will teach you everything.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мом нуно ыштат?,What are they doing?,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ме тымарте огына пале.,We still don't know.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мемнан олаште шуко парк-влак улыт.,There are many parks in our town.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Чыланат тиде йоҥылышым ыштат.,Everyone makes that mistake.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Тый палет, кӧ тиде романым возен?",Do you know who wrote this novel?,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мый тыйым автобус остановкыште вучем.,I will wait for you at the bus stop.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тиде эмым кечеш кум гана пуыман.,You need to take this medicine three times a day.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тудо аза гай мала.,He's sleeping like a baby.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тый вескидыш каяш шонет?,Do you plan to go abroad?,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ме чыланат пошкудышто илена.,We all live in the same neighborhood.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мый шымат пале Томын кайымыжым.,I didn't even know Tom had left.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Те шекланышаш улыда.,You must be cautious.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ри Италийыште улеш.,Rome is in Italy.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мыйын шкемын пӧлемем уло.,I have my own room.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Реклама мыланна утыжым налаш темла.,Advertisements urge us to buy luxuries.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Том мылам каласыш, тый сомылланенат.",Tom told me you were busy.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том мала.,Tom is asleep.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мыланем каслаште йокрок чучеш.,Parties bore me.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Те палышта, мыйын ватан улмемым.",You knew I was married.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мыняр карандаш тендан уло?,How many pencils do you have?,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мый нуным луднем ыле.,I wanted to read them.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тудын лӱмжӧ Ирина.,Her name's Irina.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тиде Томын йӱкшӧ.,That's Tom's voice.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тудын дене кӱ пырдыж дене ойласыме семын.,You may as well talk to a stone wall as to him.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Нуно иканат огыт шойышт.,They never tell a lie.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мыланем кӱлеш тиде вер.,I need this space.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мый чылажымат почшаш улам?,Must I open everything?,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тувыр порсын гыч ургалтын.,The gown is made of silk.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Пырыс садерыште модаш йӧрата.,The cat likes to play in the garden.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том Бостоныште ила.,Tom is living in Boston.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Арняште мыняр кече?,How many days are there in a week?,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Те шоколадым йӧратеда ыле.,You liked chocolate.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мый Том нерген ойласышым.,I was talking about Tom.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мыняре налнет?,How much do you want?,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Чыланат тудым йӧратат.,Everyone loves him.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мыйын тыгыде оксам ялт уке.,I don't have any small change.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тудо ӱмыреш тиде олаште илен.,She lived all her life in that town.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мыйын тидым ыштымем шуэш ыле.,I wish I could do that.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том шоҥго улеш.,Tom is old.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Мый тидым палем ыле гын, тыланет каласем ыле.","If I knew it, I would tell it to you.",mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мыйын шинчам пеш сайын ок уж.,My eyesight isn't very good.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тиде кӱн покшелныже рож.,This stone has a hole in the center.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Могай сай тудо модо!,How well he played!,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мый тыгайым чытен ом шого.,I won't tolerate that.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мый тыланет ик-мом каласышаш улам.,I've got to tell you something.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Южышт, шупшмым чарнен, ӧрдаш тӱҥалыт.",Some people gain weight when they quit smoking.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том - мыйын шольым.,Tom is my younger brother.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn """Мо, уэш Том йыҥгырта?"" - ""Туге, пытартыш кечылаште тудо кас еда йыҥгыртылеш. Таклан мый номерем тудлан пуышым...""","""Is that Tom calling again?"" ""Yes. He calls every evening these days. I shouldn't have given him my number.""",mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мемнан кум шагат дечат шагал.,We have less than three hours.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Могай йылме-влак дене Канадыште ойлат?,What languages do they speak in Canada?,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мый икшывемым йӧратем.,I love my children.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тиде путырак лӱдыкшӧ.,This is very dangerous.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Нуно тендан деч лӱдыныт.,They feared you.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мый тудын толмыж годеш тыште вучалтем.,I'll wait here until he comes back.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мый шкежат икмыняр гана йоҥылыш парковкылан штрафым тӱленам.,I've paid parking fines a number of times myself.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Студент кокла гыч пелыже уке улыт.,Half of the students are absent.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тудо вескидыште тунемаш шонен пыштен.,He made up his mind to study abroad.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мыйым ужын куанышылан ушагымыла ок кой.,He doesn't look happy to see me.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Уло икмыняр кнага, но тушто йоҥылыш-влак улыт.","There are a few books, but they have some misprints.",mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Изи гына пӧлемыш лу еҥ шӱшкылтын.,Ten people were packed into the small room.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ме кеҥежымсе лагерьыште вашлийна.,We met at summer camp.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Пуыза-ян ик корка вӱдым.,Please give me a glass of water.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Ме каласышна, мом ме ыштен кертына ыле.",We talked about what we could do.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тудо студент улеш.,He is a student.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тудо тыйым ужеш манын ӱшанен толын.,He came hoping to meet you.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Молан тыйын ӱдырет кампетым ок йӧрате?,Why does your daughter dislike candies?,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тудо ушдымо лийын.,He's out cold.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тиде шӱрӧ шинчаланрак.,There's too much salt in this soup.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Чылажат сай эртыш.,It went well.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тудо аважлан пеш чот ушаген.,She is very much like her mother.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Эрла тудын лӱмгечыже.,Tomorrow is her birthday.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тиде мыйын пашам.,That's my job.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Пагален ӱжына!,You're quite welcome.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Кушто мый пӱй эрыктыме пастым муын кертам?,Where can I find toothpaste?,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мый нуным ужам.,I can see them.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Йӧра, тӱнӧ вучалтыза.","Okay, wait outside.",mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мылам еҥ дене пашам ышташ чотрак келша.,I much prefer to work with people.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Те йолташем уледа.,You are my friends,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Мыйын шуко саскам. Южышт йошкарге улыт, южышт саре.",I have a lot of flowers. Some are red and some are yellow.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Ӧрмаш, мо лиеш вара?",I wonder what will happen.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мыйын пашам уке.,I don't have a job.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ме кече шичмым тиде окна гыч ончен кертынна.,We could see the sunset from the window.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn """Олык марий-влакын кавасе ватышт"" - пеш сай кино.","""Celestial Wives of the Meadow Mari"" is a very good movie.",mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Салам, кузе тыйын лӱмет?","Hello, what's your name?",mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мый тый дечет сайрак улам.,I'm better than you.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Поезд вучен ок шого.,No train would wait for passengers.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тый школыш шочмо гыч кугарня марте кошташ улат.,You have to go to school from Monday to Friday.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мый кумышто марте кодам.,I'll stay until the day after tomorrow.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тудо олян коштеш.,He walks slowly.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Те айдеме тукымын пытартыш ӱшанже улыда.,You're the last hope for humanity.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Саманрак лийза, ӱдыр-влак.","Hurry up, girls.",mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мыйын оксам ситышашлык тиде книгам налаш.,I have enough money to buy this book.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мый эрла марте кодам.,I'll stay until tomorrow.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Мый ом пале, пурлашкыла але шолашкыла савырыман.",I don't know whether to turn left or right.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мыйын модмем шуэш.,I want to play.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Кузерак вара?,How is everything?,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тендан кофем эше йӱымыда шуэш?,Would you like more coffee?,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Айста тегак огына кошт тиде рестораныш.,Let's not go to that restaurant again.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Пӧртыл мӧҥгыш.,Go back home.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Пырыс-влак пычкемышыште ужыт?,Do cats see in the dark?,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тулым йӧртӧ-ян.,"Turn off the light, please.",mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мый тудым ондак вашлийын омыл.,I haven't met him before.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Ик йӱдлан кает гын, кум кечаш киндым нал.","If you're going away for a day, take food for three days.",mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Нимат ок таҥастаралт тудын моторлыкшо дене.,Nothing is to be compared to its beauty.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тый тидым пален отыл?,Didn't you know that?,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Квинтилий Вар, легионемым мӧҥгештаре!","Quintilius Varus, return my legions!",mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Пудыртымо тӧрзаш мардеж шӱшкен пура.,The wind was whistling through the broken window.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Тиде эмым йӱат гын, тылат куштылгырак лиеш.",You'll feel better if you drink this medicine.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мемнан пырыс да пий уло.,We have a cat and a dog.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Тудо поян, рвезе да мотор.","He's rich, young and handsome.",mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Кушто тендан оксада?,Where is your money?,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Нуно нимомат огыт му.,They won't find anything.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мый тыйым ом кодо уэшын.,I won't leave you again.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Мый ойлышым Томлан, тидым ом ыште манын.",I told Tom I wouldn't do it.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Мый шым шоналте, мыланна тиде кӱлеш лиеш манын.",I didn't think we'd need it.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тыгай йӱштӧ игечыште сай оза пийжымат тӱгӧ ок лук.,"In this cold weather, a good master won't let his dog out.",mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мый коло ий ончыч шочынам.,I was born 20 years ago.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мый ончен омыл.,I didn't look.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тиде ола гыч тый нигунамат от кае!,You'll never leave this town.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мый чыла оксамым йомдаренам.,I've lost all my money.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn А кӧ куштылго лиеш манын каласыш?,Who said that it would be easy?,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Мый кок шагат пашам ыштышымат, кенета шкемым черлыла шижым.",I had been working for two hours when I suddenly felt sick.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Мыйын шонымаште, Франций - Европышто эн мотор эл.",I think France is the most beautiful country in Europe.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мый кÿртньыгайыкым ужым.,I saw an airplane.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мемнан ешна кажне ий Италийыш мия.,My family goes to Italy every year.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Мом ойлымет шуэш, садым ойлен кертат.",You can say whatever you want.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Мый ынде ойлышым тылат, мом мый шонем.",I've already told you what I think.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Томын шем пырыс уло.,Tom has a black cat.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ит маймыллане!,Don't play the ape!,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Мый кечывалкочышым шым кочат, садлан шуженам.",I'm hungry because I haven't had lunch.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мый тидын дене лач темынам!,I'm sick of it!,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Калык тукым вожшым шотла гын, йылмыжат куатле.","If the nation has respect for its origin, then its language is rich.",mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Пеле-пуле ушан айдеме гына ава шöр дене толшо йылме деч ойырлен кертеш.,Only a narrow-minded man can disavow his native language absorbed with his mother's milk.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Мый ом пале, кӧ тый улат, да мыланем садак.",I don't know who you are and I don't care.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Школыш поезд дене кайышым.,I went to school by train.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тудо ватан огыл.,He isn't married.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тыланда шекланен шогыман.,You must be careful.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Те англичанла ойледа?,Do you speak English?,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мом ыштышыч?,What were you doing?,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Кудытат кумлеш ужылтына.,I'll see you at six-thirty.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тиде тендан машинада?,Is this your car?,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Кузе шонет, кӧ сеҥа?",Who do you think will win?,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Порволо!,Get outta here!,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Шочмо йылмын ончыклыкшо верч кажне кечын уждымо-койдымо кучедалмаш кая.,There's always an invisible war for the future of native language.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тый помыжалтыч?,Are you awake?,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мый юмылан ом ӱшане.,I don't believe in God.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Томын мобильныйже йыҥгырташ тӱҥале.,Tom's cellphone rang.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тиде оҥай.,That is intriguing.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Нигуштат тидым муын шым керт.,I couldn't find it anywhere.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ме туддеч лу минут коклаште илена.,We live ten minutes away from him.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Омсан тӱкылалтдымыжым Том ужын кодо.,Tom noticed the door was unlocked.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том нимогай удамат ыштен огыл.,Tom didn't do anything wrong.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том ала-мом мыланем кочкаш ямдылен.,Tom made me something to eat.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Кӧм вучет?,What are you waiting for?,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Мый иктымат, Том лӱман лийшым, ом шарне.",I don't remember anyone named Tom.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Кораҥза кычкырлыше да ажгыныше айдеме деч - нуно вуйдам пудыратен кертыт.,"Avoid loud and aggressive persons, they are vexations to the spirit.",mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тыйын лӱмет кузе?,What are you called?,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тудо тӧрзажым петырен шогыктен.,He kept the window closed.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мый нигунам шкетын от йӱ.,I never drink alone.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мо шот дене тышке толында?,What brings you here?,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Коваштыже тудын лум дечат ошырак.,Her skin is more white than snow.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Кок арня наре.,Approximately two weeks.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Мый ом шарне, кунам мый пытартыш гана Том дене ойласенам.",I can't remember the last time I spoke to Tom.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мыят каньысырланен коштым.,"I was nervous, too.",mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Кӧ тиде чукрий?,Who's this dapper young man?,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тудын тазалышкше начарешташ тӱҥалын.,His health has begun to decline.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мый тиде рвезым чаманышым.,I felt sorry for the boy.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Рвезе ден ӱдыр-влак садыште модыт.,Boys and girls play in the garden.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Тыйын чӱчӱч тиде фотосӱретым ыштен, туге огыл мо?","Your uncle took these pictures, didn't he?",mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Кушто тыйын изат?,Where is your brother?,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Лектышыж дене кумылет лие?,Are you satisfied with the result?,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Рвезын эрыкан французла ойлымыжо мыйым ӧрыктарыш.,I was amazed at the fluency with which the boy spoke French.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Эн ончычак тидым лудын лек.,Read this first.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Тыланда, рвезе пагытыштыда, шукырак кнагам лудман ыле.",You should read a lot of books while you're young.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тый кызытат шкетын улат?,Are you still alone?,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тый мылам чынжым каласе.,Tell me the truth.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тиде мо?,What is this?,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тудо фотом ыштен.,He took a picture.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тудын оксагалтажым шолыштыныт.,He had his wallet stolen.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мый ончем тиде видеом.,I am watching this video.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Курым - тиде шӱдӧ ий.,A century is one hundred years.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Кунам тый Геманийыш куснет?,When will you move to Germany?,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тудо сайын иеш.,She is good at swimming.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тудо шинчашкыже ончалын.,He looked her in the eyes.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ончал! Лум лумеш.,Look! It's snowing.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Нуно верышт гыч тарваныдымашлык лӱдыныт.,They were so frightened that they couldn't move an inch.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мый ӱстелым погышым.,I cleared the table.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Томын пӧртшӧ ужалалтеш.,Tom's house is for sale.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тудо чыла ужын.,She saw everything.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тӱняште шым тӱжем утла йылме уло.,There are more than seven thousand languages in the world.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тамлаҥдымым шукыракын пыштыза.,Make it as spicy as you can.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мый тыгай шере кофем йӱын ом керт.,I cannot drink coffee this sweet.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Мый куанем, чылажат тыге пытымылан.",I am glad that everything has finished this way.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мый тиде имньым кушкыж коштын кертам?,Can I ride this horse for a while?,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Концерт вашке тӱҥалеш.,The concert is about to start.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Кочыш илашлан кӱлеш.,Food is essential to life.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Пӧрт да машина-влак кава гыч пычырик гына койыт.,The houses and cars looked tiny from the sky.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мый тудын дене палласышым.,I have got acquainted with them.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ромул ден Рем изак-шоляк лийыныт.,Romulus and Remus were brothers.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Германийыште кызыт ир маска-влак улыт?,Are there still wild bears in Germany?,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Мый палем Саито мистерым чурийвылышыж гыч, но мый тудын ден эше иканат вашлийын омыл.","I know Mr. Saito by sight, but I haven't met him yet.",mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мыланна эше ик пӱкен кӱлеш.,We need one more chair.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тудо мурызо лийнеже.,She wants to be a singer.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тиде ачамын часыже.,This watch is my father's.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Молан тый уло пагыт шыпак шинчышыч?,Why were you silent all the time?,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Кайымет шуэш гын, айста мемнан дене каена.",Come along with us if you like.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Те немычла але англичанла ойласеда?,Do you speak German or English?,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Поран эркын тыпланыш.,The snowstorm gradually abated.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Айда вӱдыш коктынат иканаште тӧрштена!,Let's both jump into the water at the same time!,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мариет уло?,Are you married?,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Оштылеч кумышто марлан лектеш.,Oshtylech is marrying on the day after tomorrow.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тый мыйын кӱштымӧ семын ыштышаш улат.,You must do as I tell you.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Пуыза мыланем шке корнем дене каяш.,Let me go my own way.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бегемот-влак Африкыште илат.,Hippopotamuses live in Africa.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Те шукертак мыланем тидын нерген каласен кертыда ыле.,You might have told me about it long ago.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Мый шонем, ме эше пелчас наре вучышаш улына.",I think we should wait another half an hour.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тыйын температурет уке.,You don't have a fever.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Кушто мыйын шольым?,Where's my brother?,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Элай ужмо-колмыжым радам дене каласкала.,"Elay is relating, step by step, what she saw and heard.",mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Кужу корным толмо деч вара каналташ могай сай!,It's so good to take a rest after a long voyage.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Тудо мыйым йӧратен шынден, но мый тудым йӧратен омыл.","She was in love with me, but I wasn't in love with her.",mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Тудо ик пагыт Францийыште илен, а варажым Италийыш каен.","He lived in France for some time, then went to Italy.",mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мый ныклын ом пале.,I'm sure I don't know.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Кролик садыште кудалыштеш.,A rabbit is running in the garden.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мыйынат тыйын гаяк проблем лийын.,I had the same problem as you.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том арвержым йӱлатен.,Tom burned his clothes.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Те француз сылнымутым йӧратеда?,Do you like French literature?,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Пырыс книгам лудеш.,The cat is reading a book.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том вӱдыш камвозо.,Tom fell into the water.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том уэш тӱҥалнеже лийын.,Tom wanted a fresh start.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Пий-влак ийын моштат.,Dogs can swim.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мыйын кугу полатыште илымем ок шу.,I don't want to live in a big mansion.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Кийыме верже мамык лийже, аваже!","Rest in peace, father!",mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Кушан шочынат?,Where were you born?,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Те мыланем иканат нимомат огыда ойло.,You never tell me anything.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Могай пагытыште тый вокзалыште лият?,What time will you get to the station?,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мый йӧратем йылме-влакым.,I love languages.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Кычалметым муыч?,Did you find what you were looking for?,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тудо англичанла эрыкан ойла.,She speaks English fluently.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Такшым мыйын Томлан полшымем веле шуэш.,I just want to help Tom.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Кудаш ночко вургеметым.,Take off your wet clothes.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том умылаш тӧчыш.,Tom tried to understand.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мый французла пеш сайын ом ойласе.,I'm not a very good French speaker.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том ийже дене Мэри деч кок гана кугырак.,Tom is twice Mary's age.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Оцвоен мо семын гынат рвезым сымыстараш шонен пыштыш.,Otsvoyen decided to attract the guy's attention at any price.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том Мэрилан рекламный лаштык-влакым кучыктыш.,Tom handed Mary the brochures.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том келгын шӱлалтыш.,Tom sighed profoundly.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Капкам поч.,Open the gate.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том чыным каласыш.,Tom told the truth.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тудын эртак шонымашыже тичмаш.,He is always full of ideas.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том талешке лийын.,Tom became a hero.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Вараш ит код.,Don't be late.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тендан эше уло йодышда?,Have you any further questions?,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Эрла эше ик кече лиеш.,Tomorrow is another day.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Тый палет, кушто чыла уло.",You know where everything is.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тудо кнагам лудын шинчен.,She sat reading a book.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Авай омсам почеш.,Mum opens the door.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тый чайым але кофем йӧратет?,Do you like tea or coffee?,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Кӱштымыланда тау.,Thank you for the invitation.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Чыланат шыргыжыныт.,Everyone was smiling.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тендан таче менюштыда жаритлыме чыве уло?,Is roast chicken on the menu tonight?,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Йӧратымаш йӧратымашым йӧрата.,Love loves love.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мый пӧртем ужалаш шонем.,I'm thinking about putting my house up for sale.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Пушеҥге-влак урем мучко шындалтыныт.,Trees are planted along the street.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тудо мый дечем кум дюймлан кӱкшырак.,He's three inches taller than I am.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Те мый денем каеда.,You're coming with me.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Рвезе когыльым кокыте пӱчкӧ.,The boy cut the cake in two.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ме рӱжге мурым муренна.,We sang songs in chorus.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Верышкыда пӧртылза.,Go back to your seat.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Нуно воштылыныт тудын йоҥылышыжлан.,They laughed at his mistake.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мый тыйым эше ужын кертам?,Can I see you again?,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Икте да икте мыняре лиеш?,What is one and one?,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Пӧлекланда тау.,Thank you for your present.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мый эмлымверыште ыштынем ыле.,I'd like to work at a hospital.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Фарым чӱктыза.,Turn on the lights.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мый палем корным.,I know the way.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мый Том нерген шонышым.,I was thinking about Tom.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Пагален ӱжына, шерге унана-влак!","Welcome, dear guests!",mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Кугыза шкетын ила.,The old man lives alone.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мыйын пӧлемем кӱшнӧ шолаштыла улеш.,My room is upstairs on the left.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Томлан кумло ий.,Tom is thirty years old.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тудо кумло ик ий.,She is thirty-one.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мом мый кондышаш улам?,What should I bring?,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мутым тылат пуэм.,I give you my word.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тудын ош пырысыже уло.,She has a white cat.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мый тиде группын мурыжым колыштам.,I'm listening to this band.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мый тудын нерген нимомат ом пале.,I do not know anything about him.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тиде оҥай увер.,It's an interesting piece of news.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Кава вудака, нимогай шӱдырат ок кой.","The sky is obscure, I can see no star.",mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мыланем окса кӱлеш лие.,I needed money.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мыланна тиде пашам ик кечыште пытарыман.,We have to do the work in a day.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тиде ӱстел огыл.,This is not a table.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ерлы укеланак вурсалтым.,You've sweared at me for nothing.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мылам яйлырак шийвундым рассрочко дене тӱлаш.,I prefer payment in full to payment in part.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Кунам мый кугемам, мый анличан йылмым туныктышо лиям.","When I grow up, I want to be an English teacher.",mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Почтальон ынде толын?,Has the mailman already come?,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Йоҥылышым ыштенат гын, вожылмашым чыте, шке титакетым сулаш тырше.","If you made a mistake, then overcome your shame, try to expiate your fault.",mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Юмо мемнам молан тыге обижайыш гын? Могай сулыкна улмаш?,Why did God offend us like this? What sin is upon us?,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мланде лапка улеш.,The Earth is flat.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тыге ойлаш сулык.,It's a sin to say so.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тиде эҥер?,Is this a river?,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тудо мыйым колтыш.,He let me go.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Те концертыште лийында?,Were you at the concert?,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Ожно, айдемын сулыкдымо улмыж годым, юмо шке ӱдыржым мландываке ончен кошташ колтен.","In the old days, when man was innocent, God sent his daughter to see the Earth.",mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Шкендым кидыште кучо!,Get a grip on yourself!,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Кудо шинчаже тыйын коршта?,Which eye is hurting you?,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тый мыйым ит лӱдыктыл.,Don't threaten me.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Нужголым ияш огыт туныкто.,You can’t teach a pike how to swim.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ял ынде ончычсо гай огыл.,The village is now different from what it used to be.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тудо пеш ушан улеш.,He is very smart.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том Мэрилан сырыш.,Tom got angry with Mary.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мом тудо ужеш?,What does he see?,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мыйын ачам тудо гына эреат эн чынле манын шона.,My father thinks that he's always right.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Президент вучыдымын колыш.,The President died unexpectedly.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Мый йолташым вашлийым, кудыж дене кум ийышкен ужылтын огынал.",I met a friend whom I had not seen for three years.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Шоҥгылык ӱпым сураҥда.,Old age turns hair gray.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мый тидым шке ыштынем.,I want to do it myself.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тый тидым ыштен кертат!,You can do it.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тый молан мыйым полыш нерген шыч йод?,Why didn't you ask for my help?,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Мый шарнем, мом тудо каласыш.",I remember what he said.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мыйын йолташем-влак чыланат малат ыле.,My companions were all asleep.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мый тиде тувырым тылат налын ом керт.,I can't buy you that dress.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Мый шонем, тый пешак сайын коят.",I think you look great.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Канышкечым сайын эртарышыч?,Did you enjoy your holiday?,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тый пий-влакым йӧратет?,Do you like dogs?,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тудо кандаш ияш.,She is eight.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Пӧлемыште пеш пычкемыш!,The room is very dark.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Вучалте куд шагат марте.,Wait till six.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Кӧ тидым ыштен шынден?,Who built this?,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Туге гынат тудо пӧрдеш!,And yet it moves!,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тиде чылтак шучко!,That's just awful.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ит тургыжлане. Мый шекланем.,Don't worry. I'll be careful.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тендан иктаж-могай йодышда уло?,Do you have any questions?,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мый шоҥго ковайлан корным вончаш полшышым.,I helped an old lady across.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Микале шыргыжале, ала-мом ойлынеже ыле, но ыш тошт.","Michale smiled, wanted to say something, but didn't dare.",mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Ончыкто мыланем, мо тыйын шола кидыштет.",Show me what you have in your left hand.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Вуеш ида нал, йодса справочныйыште.",Please ask at the information desk.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мо мия луымшо каналыште?,What is on Channel 10?,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Эрласе паша нерген кастенак шонен кодыман.,Tomorrow's job must be thought through yesterday.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тудо радио дене тидым колын.,They heard it on the radio.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тудын шинчавӱдшӧ йоген кайыш.,He burst into tears.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Мылам ик увертыш лийын, туге огыл мо?","There was a message for me, wasn't there?",mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Шонем, тый шоям курежат.",I think you're telling lies.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мо тылат кӱлеш?,What do you want?,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тудо ӱдыржыран у тувырым налын пуэн.,He bought his daughter a new dress.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Омсам петыре-ян.,Please close the door.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мый тиде рвезылан ом ӱшане.,I don't trust that guy.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Кушто тыйын илмет шуэш?,Where do you want to live?,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мылам тиде кызытак кӱлеш.,I need it immediately.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Мом мый палем ыле, чыла тыланет ойлен пуым.",I already told you everything I know.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Эн кугу малмыверже кечывалвел могырно ыле.,The largest bedroom faces south.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тудын катаже шуналге.,His shoes are brown.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Кум икшывышт уло, иктыштат англичанла ок лодыманде.","They have three children, and none speaks English.",mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Чаренат ончышым – уке, шешке ыш колышт.","I tried to dissuade my daughter-in-law, but she didn't listen to me.",mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тудын шуко книгаже уло.,She's got more books.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Пеленем оксам укеат дыр.,I have hardly any money with me.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Чоным почын, чылаж нергенат ӱдырем дене кутырен налаш возеш.",I'll have to talk to my daughter about things heart-to-heart.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Имне-влак шудым кочкыт.,The horses eat grass.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Кузе тый У Ийым вашлият?,What are you doing for New Year's Eve?,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том ямдылалтеш.,Tom is getting ready.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Тый пален шого, тудо тый дечет чотак рвезырак.",You must keep in mind that she's much younger than you.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Чарне ӱмбакем кычкырыметым!,Stop yelling at me.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том садак уке улеш.,Tom is still missing.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тиде мыйын пашам огыл.,It's none of my business!,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мыланна эше шукырак кнагам лудман.,We should read as many books as possible.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мый ала-мом шижам.,I feel something.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Олма-влак йошкарге улыт.,Apples are red.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Мый шонем, тудо чынле ӱдырамаш.",I think she's an honest woman.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тендан шулдырак номерда уло?,Do you have a cheaper room?,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Мый умылен ом шукто, мом тый ойлет.",I don't know what you're trying to say.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ачам футболым ок йӧрате.,My dad doesn't like soccer.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Мый палем, мом тый шонет.",I know what you mean.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Эрла мый Парижыш каем.,Tomorrow I'm going to Paris.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Ме иктаж еҥым кычалына, кудыжо компьютер дене лийын мошта.",We are looking for somebody who can use a computer.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Куки - чыла пий дечат кумылло.,Cookie is the cutest of all the dogs.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Мемнан кок пий, кум пырыс да куд чывиге.","We have two dogs, three cats, and six chickens.",mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Кунам тый шочынат?,When were you born?,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мый ияш йӧратем.,I like to swim.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ик лаштык кагазым кондо-ян.,"Bring me a sheet of paper, please.",mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мый кевытыш эрдене коштам.,I do the shopping every morning.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Шуко шоныде, ме туштым тушташ, йомакым колтылаш пижна.","Without hesitation, we set to asking riddles and telling tales.",mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тудо пеш писын кая.,He drives very fast.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мый Тендам муынам.,I found you.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Карл мыланем шӧртньӧ медальжым ончыктыш.,Carl showed me the gold medal.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Кӧн тиде учебникше?,Whose textbook is this?,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Ит шупшкедыл, уке гын шӱртым куктет.","Don't pull, or you'll tangle the threads.",mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тудо пианино дене шокта?,Does she play the piano?,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мый кинош кайынем.,I'm going to go to the movies.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn """Тау"". ""Нимолан"".","""Thanks."" ""You're welcome.""",mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мый кужу корно деч путырак ноенам.,I am very tired from a long drive.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Шочмо йылмым йöраташ йочам изинекак туныктыман.,Love for one's native language is to be cultivated from childhood.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тиде эл Россий манылтеш.,This country is called Russia.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Эрла-эрла манме дене от тем.,Tomorrow never comes.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мо варажым лийын?,What happened after that?,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тый миллионерлан ушаген отыл.,You don't look like a millionaire.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Кажне йылме шке калыкшылан икгай акан, ик семынак шерге.",Every language is equally precious and valuable to its speakers.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тый ушан рвезе улат.,You're a bright boy.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Ит ойлен шогылт, мом мыланем кочкаш.",Don't tell me what to eat.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тудын пырысыже уло. Тиде пырыс ошо улеш.,She has a cat. The cat is white.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Тый от ӱшане, мом мылам Том ойлен пуо!",You won't believe what Tom told me!,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Ом пале, мом мый вучышым.",I don't know what I was expecting.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Мый шонышым, тидым рашемдарышым.",I thought I made that clear.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тый пеш мотор коят.,You look gorgeous.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тудо Италийыш итальян йылмым тунемаш каен.,She went to Italy to learn Italian.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мый ончычын тудым шым пале.,I didn't recognize him at first.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Инструкцийжым тӱткын лудса.,Read the instructions carefully.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Француз йылме дене Францийыште ойласат.,French is spoken in France.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Йоча – мемнан алмаштышна, мемнан ончыклыкна, калык илышым шуйышо тукымвож.","Children are our shift, our future, the continuation of the people's life.",mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тыйын ручкатым налаш лиеш?,Would you lend me your pen?,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мый тый дечет шуко палышым.,I learned a lot from you.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Школыш вараш ида код.,Don't be late to school.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тый тудлан серышым шыч возо?,Didn't you write a letter to him?,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тый шуженат?,Are you hungry?,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тылзыште юж уке.,There is no air on the moon.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тиде тыйын пашат огыл.,It's none of your business.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мыйын ик ыршият уке.,I don't have any money.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Мый йӧршын малаш кайынем ыле, как телефон йынгырташ тӱҥале.",I had hardly gotten into bed when the telephone began to ring.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn """Тый мыйын мобильный телефонемым шыч уж?"" - ""Тудо ӱстембалне"".","""Have you seen my cell phone?"" ""It's on the table.""",mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Иканат шоям ида ойло.,Never tell a lie.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Молан тиде пӧлем тӱкылалтын?,Why is this room locked?,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мый эмлызе улам.,I am a doctor.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Чайым лиеш?,Can I have some tea?,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Мый куанем, тыгай настам налдымемлан.",I am glad I did not buy such a thing.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Илышыште шкенжын нӧлтмашыжат, камвочмашыжат лиеда.",Life has its ups and downs.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мый тиддеч поснат лийын кертам.,I can do without this.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Кӱчык ӱп тудлан келша.,Short hair really suits her.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мыйын коллан аллергий.,I'm allergic to fish.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Пудыргышо яндаш ида тошкал.,Don't step on the broken glass.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тиде палемдалтмаш мом ончыкта?,What do these markings mean?,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn И мо ындыжым?,"And now, what?",mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Пийым ит пукшо.,Don't feed the dog.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мый Совет Союзышто шочынам.,I'm born in the U.S.S.R.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мый тугай пиалан улам.,I'm so happy.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том кум гана ватан лийын.,Tom has been married three times.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Койышетым ончем-ончемат, нимом шонаш йӱдыгем.",I'm watching your behaviour and don't even know what to think.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Иленна мӱкш омарта гай изи, шыгыр, пеле пычкемыш пӧртыштӧ.","We lived in a cramped, dim house which was as small as a hive.",mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Чыла сай.,Everything is OK.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мый машинам кондыштарен моштем.,I can drive a car.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том рвезе.,Tom is young.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Германий Европа покшелан верланен.,Germany is in the middle of Europe.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ӱстембалне апельсин кия.,There's an orange on the table.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тый умшатым петырет але уке?,Will you shut your mouth or not?,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тудо пианин дене модеш?,Does he play the piano?,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мый турист омыл.,I'm not a tourist.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Пашаже сай, удаже мыйын тунем кертдымем.","This job is a good one, but the trouble is that I cannot study.",mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Швейцар шоколад чынжымак умшаште лева.,Swiss chocolate really melts in your mouth.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Чаманем, мылам тендам изишак йӱкшыктараш логалеш. Мый тендан кутырымашда деч кораҥам.",I'm afraid I'll have to disappoint you. I don't want to be involved in your conversation.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Саскавий вотлаштыкым ышташ тунемын.,Saskaviy has learned how to create a web page.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Шочмо йылме ынде шуко лаштыкверыште кучылталтеш.,The native language is now used on many web-sites.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Мый каласем, титакан омыл манын.",I'll say this: I am innocent.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Нуно тидым йӧратат.,They love it.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ида шауло. Классыште огыт ойласе.,Be quiet. Don't talk in class.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Мый чылт ом пале, молан.",I have absolutely no idea why.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тиде апельсин-влак шӱыныт.,These oranges have rotted.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мый туддеч кок ганалан шукырак кнагам лудынам.,I have read twice as many books as he has.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тудо лишне ила мо?,Does he live near here?,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тудын сумгажым шолыштыныт.,She had her handbag stolen.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ончыктен пу-ян шкендын тӱрыс улметым!,Try to prove that you are right!,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тудо кок шагат тыйым вучен.,She waited for you for two hours.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Южо американ-влак Коммунистический партийыш пуреныт.,Some Americans joined the Communist Party.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ме чылан воштылна тудын мыскаражлан.,We all laughed at his joke.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Мом тый манат, лектын, изишак гуляен пурена гын?",What do you say to going out for a short walk?,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Орина изи кагаз ластыкеш ала-мом возалта да ӱстел оҥа йымачын Пӧтырын копашкыже пышта.,Orina wrote something on a piece of paper and thrust it into Pyotyr's hand from under the table.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мый кас кочкышым такшым шымытеш кочкам.,I usually have dinner at seven.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Изам музыкым йӧрата.,My brother likes music.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ме тудым палена.,We know him.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Омарта рож гыч мӱкш-влак писын-писын лектыт.,The bees are zooming out of the hive.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Мый палем, мом ме ыштен кертына.",I know what we can do.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том шушаш арнян Бостоныш кайынеже.,Tom is supposed to go to Boston next week.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Компьютер-влак еҥым аҥыртарат.,Computers make people stupid.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мый оҥ лапчыкым пашалан кӧра пижыктышаш улам.,I always have to wear a tie because of my job.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тунемше-влак автобусым вучен шогеныт.,The students stood waiting for a bus.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мый тендам ватыда дечат сайрак палем.,I know you better than your wife does.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тиде пу пӧрт.,This is a wooden house.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тиде мыйын паша адрес.,This is my business address.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Россий - тӱняште эн кугу эл, а Ватикан - эн изи.","Russia is the biggest state in the world, and The Vatican is the smallest state in the world.",mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тиде виллын кӧ озаже?,Who owns this villa?,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тудын машинаже мыйынлан ушаген.,His car is similar to mine.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Йошкар-Олаште вич театр.,In Yoshkar-Ola there are five theaters.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мый тушко путырак эр тольым.,I arrived there too early.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Нал вес пӱкеным!,Take the other chair!,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мом те вучеда?,What do you expect?,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тиде спектакль пытыш.,This play has ended.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Мыняре кочкеш гынат, тудо огеш кояҥ.","No matter how much she eats, she never gains weight.",mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мый Парижыш оксам ситышан лийме годым каем.,I'll go to Paris when I have enough money.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тылат полшашлан шкемынат сомылем пеш шуко.,I am so busy that I can't help you.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ме школыш вараш кодын кертына.,We may be late for school.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Телевизорым ида ончо.,Do not watch TV.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мый Томын пурымыжым кольым.,I heard Tom come in.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тендан лӱмдам йодаш лиеш мо?,May I ask your name?,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тудын пӧлемже мыйын деч кок гана кугырак.,His room is twice as large as mine.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тиде могай материал?,What's the material?,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Уке, тиде вокзал огыл.","No, that's not the station.",mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мый ом кае.,I'm not going.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Кузе тый тудын дене палыме лийыч?,How did you get to know her?,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Туддеч ушем кая.,He drives me crazy.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Йыҥгырте мылам эрла.,Call me tomorrow.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Пикш таҥгалышке верештаралтын огыл.,The arrow missed its target.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мый тудым корнышто пӧртылмем годым вашлийым.,I met him on my way home.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мый тыйым кычалам.,I'm looking for you.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Тый ала-мом палет, туге вет?","You know something, don't you?",mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Пычкемышалтеш. Вашке йӱр йӱрын кертеш.,It is getting darker. It may rain soon.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тудо малаш возо.,He went to bed.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Лышташ-влак мландыш волен возыт.,The leaves fell to the ground.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Йӱр йӱреш.,It is raining.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Пӧрт йӱле деч страховатлыме.,The house is insured against fire.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мыйын кок пырыс-влакем уло.,I have two cats.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Уке, мый огыл, а тый!",No I'm not; you are!,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Рубен - кум икшывын ачаже.,Rubén is the father of three children.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Молан ме илена?,Why do we live?,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Полшо-ян мыланем мӧҥгӧ паша дене.,"Help me with my homework, please.",mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тудо тушко шкетын кайыш.,He went there by himself.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том Японийыш кайынеже.,Tom wants to go to Japan.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тудо мыйым йӧрата. А мый тудым уке.,She loves me. But I do not love her.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мом Том ойла?,What's Tom saying?,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Йошкарге Тендан тӱсда огыл.,Red is not your colour.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тудо кайыш.,He walked away.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мый теҥгече оҥай комедийым ончышым.,I saw a funny comedy last night.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Нуно тыйым вучат.,They're waiting for you.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мый шкетын нуным палем.,I'm the only one who knows them.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том куржын.,Tom began to run.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мый палем тыйын нерген.,I know about you.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мый Том дене илем.,I live with Tom.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Тудын туге каласен кодымыжлан кӧра, мый тидым ыштем.",I will do it because she said.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тудо пеш олян кая.,He is walking very slowly.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тиде серыш Тыланда колталтын.,This letter is addressed to you.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Эсперанто дене тудын дене мутланымем годым, мый шижынам, тудын дене, кеч лингвистик шинчаончалтыш шотышто, ик тӧрыштӧ улмынам.","Using Esperanto with him, I sense that we both are at the same level, at least from a linguistic point of view.",mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Палымем семын, тудо ватан огыл.","As far as I know, he is not married.",mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Вӱд уке.,There is no water.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ит кычкыре туннаре. Мый тыйым пеш сайын колам.,Don't shout like that. I can hear you perfectly.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тудо шуко еҥым палла.,He knows a lot of people.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том шем теркупшым упшал коштын.,Tom was wearing a black hat.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Мый палем, тый мыланна тидым ышташ полшен кертат.",I know you can help us.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тый тидым тачак ыштышаш улат.,You have to do it today.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мый товат ом пале.,I really don't know.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Йылме ок лий гын, калыкшат огеш лий.","No language, no nation.",mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тиде фильм чылт воштылчык веле.,That movie is a scream.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Те колыда, мом мый ойлем?",Do you hear what I'm saying?,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сӱмырлен ит кае адак.,Take care not to fall.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мый сӧсна шылым ом коч.,I don't eat pork.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тудлан книгам пуэн.,He gave her a book.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тыйын мутерет уло?,Do you have a dictionary?,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тудын пӱйжӧ ошо.,He has white teeth.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мый южгунам тудым ужам.,I see him from time to time.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Юмо тиде сандалыкым куд кечышкен ыштен.,God created the world in six days.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Кунам тудо толын?,When did he get back?,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Нуно шкеныштын шояштлан ӱшанаш тӱҥалыт.,They start believing their own con.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мый чынжымак тый денет кугешнем.,I'm really proud of you.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тыйын пиет улеш.,The dog is yours.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Малмыверыште ит шупш.,Don't smoke in bed.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тудын Пикассон сӱретше уло.,He has a Picasso.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тудын кугу оҥжо уло.,She has a large bosom.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мыйын кум вуеш шушо эргым уло.,I have three grown sons.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мый уло кече Томым ужын омыл.,I haven't seen Tom all day.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мый Томым ӱжнем ыле.,I tried to call Tom.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мый шоколадым йӧратем.,I love chocolate.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мыйын тыште йолташ шагал.,I have few friends here.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том уремыште модыш.,Tom is playing outdoors.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Молан эре мый?,Why is it always me?,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том мыйын нерген чыла пала.,Tom knows all about me.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Молан тудо тыште лиеш?,Why is she here?,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Тыште иктаж-кушто уло тугай ресторан, кушто верысе сий-влакым ямдылат?",Is there a restaurant around here that serves local delicacies?,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Ойлымо деч ончыч, тудо эртакат кокыралтен колта.",She has a habit of coughing before she speaks.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Молан тый тушто лийынат?,Why were you there?,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Южгунам мый тудым омат умыло.,I don't understand him sometimes.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тиде книга шӱдыр-влак нерген.,This book is about stars.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тудо тиде серышым уэш-пачаш лудын.,She read his letter again and again.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тудо тӱла эн шукыжо витле долларым.,She will pay 50 dollars at most.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Вараш кодмыжлан тудо туге вашка.,She is in a hurry because she is late.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мый тошто пöртыштö илем.,I live in an old house.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мый тыйым пеш чот сагынем.,I miss you very much.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Йыҥгырте мыланем.,Give me a call.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Кузе тендан лӱмда?,What is your name?,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мый тидым шке ыштен кертам.,I can do this alone.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сэндвичлан тау.,Thanks for the sandwich.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Кай! Чынжымак тудо туге каласыш мо? Ом ӱшане!,No! Did he really say that? You can't be serious!,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мый ямде улам.,I'm already ready.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тыйын тыгай кужу ӱпет!,What long hair you've got!,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мый эрок кынелаш тунемынам.,I'm accustomed to getting up early.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мелани олмам кочкеш.,Melanie is eating an apple.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Таче сай игече.,The weather is good today.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Камерым налмын пайдаже уке.,There's no point in taking a camera.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тиде шоя!,That's a lie!,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Тиде тыйын книгат, Майк?","Is this your book, Mike?",mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Те американ рвезе улыда?,Are you American?,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тиде Томын пашаже.,It's Tom's job.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тыйын кок книга уло.,You have two books.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Айдемым шыгыремдаш закон ок пу.,The law won't let anyone oppress people.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Йӱштö эрдене помыжалташ йöсö.,It is difficult to wake up on cold mornings.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Кызыт ныл шагат.,It's four o'clock.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Могай кужаш чоҥештымаш!,What a long flight!,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мый почешыже пöлемыш пурышым.,I followed her into the room.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тендан лекте!,You made it!,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мыняр шагатеш йолташет пӧртыльӧ?,What time did your friend go home?,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Кузе вара пашат-влак?,How are things?,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мый кӱчык корным палем.,I know a shortcut.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тый пӱэтым кӱлын эрыктет?,Are you brushing your teeth properly?,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Шукыракше эртакат сайрак огыл.,Bigger doesn't always mean better.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Тый мыйым шояклышыч, туге огыл мо?","You lied to me, didn't you?",mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мый тестым эртен ом керт.,I can't pass the test.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Йӱдым чыла пырысат сур коеш.,At night all cats are grey.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Кунам тӱҥалнет?,When do you plan to start?,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мый теҥгече эмлыме пӧртыш мийышым.,I went to the hospital yesterday.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Аза помыжалте?,Did the baby wake up?,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мый тый денет кодам.,I'll stay with you.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тудо Китай нерген шуко кнагам возен.,He wrote a lot of books on China.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мый руль пелен мален колтем манын лӱдым.,I was afraid I'd fall asleep at the wheel.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Книган вуймутшо оҥай койо.,The title of the book seemed interesting.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Изи эрге кожлаште йомын.,The little boy was lost in the forest.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тыланет тидым пеленет налман огыл.,You can't take it with you.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Шуко пунчал илыш дене чак огеш кылдалт.,Many decisions are not closely related to life.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Тудо сарыште колен, ман шотлалтеш.",He is believed to have been killed in action.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Олык Ипайын «Чавайн» вуймутан балладыжым лудын лекде, очыни, иктат ок чыте.","Evidently, no one can resist reading the ballad ""Chavayn"" by Olyk Ipay.",mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Йыжыҥем пыташ тӱҥалын гынат, лушкыдылыкем еҥлан ынем ончыкто.","Although my strength has started to give out, I do not want to show my weakness to people.",mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тиде чодыраште кайык уке.,There are no birds in this forest.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Илышым шогалтараш ок лий, тудо ончыко кая.","Life can't be stopped, it always goes on.",mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тудо шолыштшо улеш.,He is a thief.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тый туныктышо.,You are a teacher.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ме изи шыгыр корно дене ошкылына.,We're following a narrow road.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том ик ийышкен Чикагошто ила.,Tom has lived in Chicago for a year.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Те миеда вашлиймашыш?,Are you going to the meeting?,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Озаҥ корно шыгыр, пич чодыра вошт шуйналт возын.",The road to Kazan lies through a dense forest.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тыйын шонымет лишыл жапыште шукталтеш.,Your wish will come true in the near future.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ак-влак умбакыжат шергешт мият.,Prices will continue to go up.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Ит ойло тугайым, тудын укеж шеҥгеч.",Don't say such a thing behind her back.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ме тунемынна чӱчкыдын пычкемыш марте ышташ.,We got used to late-hour work.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Плакат-влакым вигак пырдыж гыч налыныт.,The posters were immediately removed from the wall.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мыйын тудын дене ойласымем шуэш.,I want to talk to him.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мый тудын почеш.,I'm behind him.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Тый палет, кушто мемнам Том вуча?",Do you know where Tom is waiting for us?,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Телефон пудырген.,The telephone is broken.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Керек-могай йӧсыланымаште йодын кертыда.,"In case of whatever difficulty, you may ask.",mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Кайык-влак чоҥештат.,The birds fly.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тудо у машинам налын.,He has bought a new car.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Шнуйла кояш ида тӧчӧ, тугайже тӱняште кодынат огыл.","There is no such thing as a saint, so do not try to appear to be one.",mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Эрла мый футбол дене моднем.,I am going to play soccer tomorrow.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Кайымыж деч ончыч тиде шнуй Микал кугызам туныктен кодыш.,"Before his departure, the saint counseled old man Mickal.",mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn """Те студент улыда?"" - ""Туге"".","""Are you students?"" ""Yes, we are.""",mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ялысе илыш оласе деч тазарак.,Country life is healthier than city life.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мый венгр улам.,I am Hungarian.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Иктаж-кӧ, сото кечым ончен, тамгам лач кычалеш.","Some people, looking at the bright Sun, seek for stains only.",mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Те куштеда?,Would you like to dance?,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Шуко калориян кочыш мыйын тазалыклан пайдале огыл.,High calorie foods are bad for my health.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Айста пырля кочкаш каена.,Let's go to eat together.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мыйын ачам илыш мучко пӧрыкат черланен огыл.,My father has never been sick in his life.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Таче мардеж уке.,There is no wind today.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Олаште, кунам могай юмын кече, шагал еҥ пала.",Few townsmen know which sacred day is which.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тиде шагатым мылам чӱчӱм пуэн.,This watch was given me by my uncle.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тыгайже иканат лийын огыл.,That never happened.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Пий олмам кочкеш.,The dog is eating an apple.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Мыйын кнагамым нуно налнешт, манын каласышт.",They said they wanted to buy my book.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ӧрдыж верыште шуко жап коштмо деч вара Осып чот молеме.,"After being away for a long time, Osyp changed markedly.",mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Солавурдо дене товартошым шалатен от керт.,You can't fight City Hall.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тиде тувыр дене тый пеш моторын коят.,You're so beautiful in that dress.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мый турко йылмым тунемам.,I am learning Turkish.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тый тыште илет?,Did you live here?,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тиде илыме пӧртем.,This is the house I live in.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Йӧратем шошо касым, кунам кече шып шинчеш.",I like a spring evening with a quiet sunset.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Эр ӱжаран нӧлталтмыжым ужаш тудо эрок кынелын.,She got up early so as to see the sunrise.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Кунам икана волгенче волгалтеш, кӱдырчӧ эркын мугыралта.","From time to time lightning flashes, and thunder rumbles dully.",mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Айда, шич.","Go on, sit down.",mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тый иктаж-кунам ӱдырамаш верч шортынат?,Have you ever cried because of a woman?,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Кунам тиде пытыш?,When did it end?,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Кугу юмо, яллан эменлыкым пу!","God, let the village be safe!",mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мый машинам кондыштараш ом йӧрате.,I don't like to drive.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тудо исер огыл.,He's not stupid.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тиде ала-мо семын токмак фильм.,This movie is incredibly stupid.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Шып ерыште кӱлдымаш шукырак.,Beware of a silent dog and still water.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ойлымыж гыч мый нимомат шым умыло.,I could make nothing of what he said.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мый тыйын гай ом ыште ыле.,I would do it in a different way than you did.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Кӧ «Гамлет» возен?,Who wrote Hamlet?,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Пален налза, мом нуно тыште ыштат.",Find out what they're doing here.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тудо мотор да ушан.,He is handsome and clever.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Эрла йӱр лиеш гын, экскурсийым шӧрат.","If it rains tomorrow, the excursion will be canceled.",mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мылам тиде вашмут келша.,I like this answer.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том ынде кум ийышкен француз йылмым тунемеш.,Tom has been studying French for three years.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том нимомат ок ыште.,Tom hasn't been doing anything.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Отчётым шушаш шочмылан ямдылыман.,Reports are due next Monday.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мый кайышаш улам.,I must go.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Кӧ нуно лийыныт, тый манметла?",Who do you think they were?,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мый шупшым.,I was smoking.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Париж марте тора огыл.,It is not far to Paris.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тудо мыйым кумылын вокзал марте намиен кодыш.,He kindly drove me to the station.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мыланем ик-мом ышташ кӱлеш.,I've got something to do.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Молан тый теҥгече толын огыл? Мый тыйым кужаш вученам.,Why didn't you come yesterday? I waited a long time for you.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Тый да мый, ме - йолташ улына.","You and I, we are friends.",mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тудо эртакат пашаш эрдене кандаш шагатеш кая.,He always leaves for work at 8:00 a.m.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Чыланат уэш Том ӱмбаке ончальыч.,Everyone looked at Tom again.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Кӧ ме улына?,Who are we?,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Билл мый дечем кок ийлан рвезырак.,Bill is my junior by two years.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Пу мыланем шкемын коркам.,Hand me my mug.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тышеч Токио марте 5 миль.,It is 5 miles from here to Tokyo.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Возыза вашмутдам тиде лаштыкыште.,Please write the answer on this piece of paper.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Йодса тудым, кунам вес самолёт лиеш.",Ask him when the next plane will be.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Кузе тиде эҥер манылтеш?,What is the name of this river?,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мый пуэм тылат ик кнагам.,I'll give you a book.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Мый йӧратем тугай кнагам лудаш, кудыжо мыйым кумылаҥдара шке ӱмбачем кушкаш.",I love reading books that inspire us to become more than who we are.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тудын пеледыш тылзыште азаже лийшаш.,She is expecting a baby in June.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Теве эмлымывер.,This is a hospital.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Кайынет тышеч?,Do you want to get out of here?,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Японий ӧрмашан улеш.,Japan is weird.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сӱретлен пу мыланем тагашым!,Draw me a sheep!,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том каласыме семын ышташ кӱлеш ыле.,I should've followed Tom's advice.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мо нерген Том монден?,What did Tom forget?,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мый куанем полшен кертмемлан.,I'm glad I was able to help.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Кенета тул йӧрыш.,Suddenly all the lights went out.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мый радиом колыштам.,I am listening to the radio.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Кузе те фамилийдам ойледа?,How do you pronounce your last name?,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ме курымеш эн сай йолташла кодына.,We will be best friends forever.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тиде лама мо?,Is that a llama?,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том омсам почо да кӧргышкӧ ончале.,Tom opened the door and looked inside.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том кызыт Бостонышто ила.,Tom is currently living in Boston.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Те, очыни, пӧртдам сагынеда.",You are certainly homesick.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тыйын вӱршерет нормышто.,Your pulse is normal.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том сорта-влакым чӱктыш.,Tom lit the candles.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мый — у туныктышо.,I'm the new teacher.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мый муренам.,I was singing.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Яра жапыштыда те мом ыштеда?,What do you do in your spare time?,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мый Томын йолташыже улам.,I'm a friend of Tom's.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Чарне!,Cut it out.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Олмам кочкынам.,I ate apples.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Кугу олалаште саташаш йӧсӧ, чыла вереат карт-влак улыт.",You can't get lost in big cities; there are maps everywhere!,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тудо шиялтыш дене шокта.,She plays the flute.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мый книгам почто-дене колтем.,I'll send the book by mail.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Нэнси - классыштыже эн кӱкшӧ капан ӱдыр.,Nancy is the tallest girl in her class.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мый тиде пӧлекым налын ом керт.,I cannot accept this gift.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мылам йылме дене ойласыше кӱлеш.,I need a native speaker.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Шонем, нуно ӱшанле еҥ улыт.",I think they're honest people.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тудо китай йылмым тунемеш.,He studies Chinese.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бангкок - Таиландын рӱдолаже.,Bangkok is the capital of Thailand.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Никӧ нуным йодын огытыл.,Nobody asked them.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Кӧн дене оксакалтам?,Who has my wallet?,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мэри - ӱдырамаш.,Mary is a woman.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Молан шыч тол?,Why didn't you come?,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Мом Мэри шона, Томым ок тургыжландаре.",Tom doesn't care what Mary thinks.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn А мый шымат лӱд.,But I wasn't afraid.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Яра жапдам те кузе эртареда?,How do you spend your free time?,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Марсыштат пырыс уло.,"There are cats on Mars, too.",mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тиде шоҥго кугыза пеш поро.,The old man is very kind.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "А ындыжым, чыланат, ончалза сӱретыш.","Now, look at the picture, every one.",mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тиде тудлан ушаген.,It is characteristic of him.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Мый кольым, кузе омса петыралте.",I heard the door close.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мый кинош каяш погынем.,I plan to go to the movies.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том монден теҥгече кастене пийым пукшаш.,Tom forgot to feed his dog last night.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мый тиде шӱкшакым йӱын ом керт.,I can't drink this stuff.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мый нунын пунчалмутыштым ом пале.,I'm not privy to their decisions.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Вашкерак, кӱшкырак, виянрак.","Faster, higher, stronger.",mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мый немычла ойлем.,I speak German.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Йоча-влак ийыште мунчалтеныт.,The children were sliding on the ice.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тый пычкемыш деч лӱдметым сеҥышаш улат.,You must conquer your fear of the dark.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тудо кок минут гыч пӧртылеш.,She'll be back in a few minutes.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мый тувырым налнем.,I want to buy the dress.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Мый ом умыло, молан тудо мыйым ындыжым ок йӧрате.",I don't understand why she doesn't love me anymore.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мариян пийже чыла вереат почешыже коштеш.,Mary's dog follows her everywhere.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Эрла кечывал марте мый тидым пытарем.,I will finish it by tomorrow afternoon.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тиде чын?,Is that really true?,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Каласе мылам, мо лийын.",Tell me what happened.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тудо эргыжлан пӱкеным ыштен пуэн.,He made his son a chair.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Пӧръеҥ-влак, кужаш мутым ойлыде, вигак йылгыжше тӱран кердым кучен шогальыч.",The men seized their sharpened sabres without hesitation.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Корнан лийза!,Have a good journey!,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мый тудым эрла ужам.,I'll be seeing him tomorrow.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мый Путин деч лӱдам.,I'm afraid of Putin.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тиде мыланем кӱлеш лийын кертеш ыле.,I might need that.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Эрла каныш кече.,Tomorrow's a holiday.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мый изием годсек тыште илем.,I've lived here since I was a kid.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сар годым нунылан шуко чыташ возын.,They suffered a lot during the war years.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том тый денет палласынеже ыле.,Tom wanted to meet you.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мый канымаште ильым.,I was on vacation.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тылат йыҥгыртат!,There's a phone call for you!,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мыйын вӱрем южо еҥлан шкаланем дечат кӱлешанрак дыр.,Apparently some people need my blood more than I do.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Эреак кышт гына коштшо, шыпчык Билл икмыняр тылзе пашам ыштымеке ялт вестӱрлемын.","Bill had always been a quiet, home-loving man, but after a few months in the job, his personality changed.",mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Мыйын ачам каяшак погынен ыле, как телефон йыҥгырташ тӱҥале.",My father was about to leave when the telephone rang.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мый тиде шылым кочкам.,I'm eating the meat.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ме - айдеме улына.,We are human.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тудо Японийыш ынеж кае ыле.,He didn't want to go to Japan.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тудо оҥ лапчыкшым кылдаш полшыш.,She helped him tie his tie.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мый туддеч ийгот дене кугурак улам.,I'm older than him.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Мый ом пале, кушто мыйын сравочем.",I don't know where my keys are.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мый зонтемым йомдарышым.,I have lost my umbrella.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тый чынак мо мыйым йӧратен шынденат?,Is it true that you are in love with me?,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тудо кусарымашкыже эреат у информацийым ешара.,She always adds new information in her translations.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Пиал - тиде пеҥгыде тазалык да лушкыдо шарнымаш.,Happiness is good health and a poor memory.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Мынярым латшымыт дек, кудло лийже манын, ушыман?",What do you have to add to 17 to get 60?,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тый иктаж-кунам Миннесотышто лийынат?,Have you ever been to Minnesota?,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Те паледа, молан мый тыште улам?",Do you know why I'm here?,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тудо шӱшкалтен-шӱшкалтен гуляен коштын.,He whistled as he walked.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тудо шортын колтыш.,She began crying.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Теҥгече тунар йӱштӧ ыле, садлан мый пӧртыштак кодым.",It was so cold yesterday that I stayed home.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мый тӧчышым.,I tried it.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тудо эреат шыргыжеш.,She is always smiling.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том у шукыфункциян принтерым налын.,Tom bought a new multifunction printer.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мый ачатым пеш сайын палем.,I know your father very well.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мый тый дечет посна илен ом керт.,I can't live without you.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Кузе тыйын лӱмет?,What does one call you?,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Луи Брайль, кудыжо кум ияш лиймыж годым сокырештын, сокыр айдеме-влаклан лудаш йӧным шонен луктын.","Louis Braille, who was blind from the age of three, invented a way for the blind to read.",mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Те компанийым айдеме-влак деч посна ыштен огыда керт.,You can't establish a company without people.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мом Том пален?,What did Tom know?,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мый тудлан келшем?,Does he like me?,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ме вич шагат марте тӱҥалшаш улына.,We must begin before five.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Шкемын илышем мылам келша.,I like my life.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ачаемын ӱпшӧ чалемын.,My father's hair has grown white.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тый тунемат але пашам ыштет?,Are you studying or working?,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тый толынат мыйын кайымеке.,You arrived at the moment I left.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сеҥымаш мемнан могырышто.,Victory is on our side.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Мо лиеш гынат, тый шыпак шого.","Whatever happens, you must keep calm.",mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том мураш тӱҥалеш.,Tom is going to sing.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тудо шагал годым сыра.,Seldom does he get angry.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Джон ден Мэри икте-весыштым йӧратеныт.,John and Mary loved each other.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Вынем кошкен.,The well ran dry.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тудын кок кугу эргыже уло.,He has two adult sons.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мом те каласышта?,What did you say?,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Таче мылам эше шуко мом ышташ кӱлеш.,I have a lot to do today.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тыште пеледыш-влак ильыч.,There were flowers here.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тыштак да кызытак.,Here and now.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Российыште чыла граждан-влак руш огытыл.,Not every citizen of Russia is Russian.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ӱдыр кочаж дене лудеш.,The girl is reading with her grandfather.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тый мураш йӧратет?,Do you like singing?,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том шуко оксам ыштен.,Tom earned a lot of money.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Могай пашам тый ыштет?,What do you do for a living?,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Таче эргымлан ныл ий темеш.,Today my son turns four years old.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Таче мыланна тыйын полышет кӱлеш ок лий.,We won't need your help today.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Те ончыч Парижыште лийында?,Have you ever gone to Paris?,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тиде модыш машина батарейке ден ышта.,This toy car runs on batteries.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мылам нимом каласаш.,I've got nothing to say.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тиде мыйын титакем огыл.,That isn't my fault.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том шкенжын пистолетшым лукто.,Tom unholstered his gun.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Мый ом пале, молан тудо таче уке улеш.",I don't know the reason he is absent today.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тыште иктаж-кушто сувенир кевыт уло?,Are there any souvenir shops here?,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тиде ӧрмашла шоктыш.,That sounded weird.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Официант у теркым кондыш.,The waiter brought a new plate.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мый шушаш шочмылан толын шуаш шонем.,I expect to be back next Monday.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Почылтмо тӧрза дене ит мале.,Don't sleep with the windows open.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том деке ит пижедыл.,Don't bother Tom.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мый кином йӧратем.,I love movies.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Пыштыза тидым ӱстембаке.,Lay it on the table.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мый француз йылмым тунемаш шонем.,I'm going to study French.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Мый ""Нью-Йорк Таймсым"" лудам.",I read the New York Times.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мый Сингапур гыч улам.,I'm from Singapore.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мыйын малмем шуэш.,I want to sleep.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Те кӧ улыда?,Who are you?,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Каласе мылам тудын лӱмжым.,Tell me his name.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мыйын пашам уло ынде.,I've got a job already.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Шонем, ме ситышын ужна.",I think we've seen enough.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Кайыкым пукшыза!,Feed the bird!,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мыйын тидым ужмем ок шу.,I don't want to see it.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Акше шонымем деч шулдырак лийын.,The price turned out to be lower than I thought.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тиде кушкыл эркын гына кушкын.,This plant grew little by little.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мый ик корка шампанскийым йӱам.,I'll take a glass of champagne.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Чулкавуй пыксалтеш.,The socks smell bad.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Чылан тидын нерген паленыт, но мылам икгай лийын.","Everybody knew it, but I didn't care.",mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мый тудлан эреат ӱшанен коштынам.,I have always trusted her.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тудын шинчаже шыргыжеш.,Her eyes are laughing.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Кинде мыняре шога?,How much does the bread cost?,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Кушто тый катам нальыч?,Where did you buy the shoes?,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ит вашке.,Don't rush yourself.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Могай кочышым тый кочкыч?,What kind of meal did you eat?,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ом шинче.,I don't know.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мыланем карт кӱлеш.,I need a map.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ондак нуно тудлан ӱшанен огытыл.,"At first, they didn't believe him.",mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Кудыжым темледа?,Which do you recommend?,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Изишак вучалтыза.,"Wait a moment, please.",mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мыланем таче йӱдым нигушто малаш.,I don't have anywhere to sleep tonight.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ерым ме пуш дене вончышна.,We crossed the lake in a boat.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Кузе тый мыйым воштылаш тоштат?,How dare you laugh at me!,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тудлан коло ий манын каласымыже шойыш лийын.,"She said she was twenty years old, which was not true.",mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тиде кнагам возаш мыланем кум ий кӱлын.,It took me three years to write this book.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Мыйын лу шинчам лиеш ыле гын, вич кнагам иканаште лудам ыле.","If I had ten eyes, I could read five books at the same time.",mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мый ончыкылык гыч улам.,I'm from the future.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Чылажланат шке пагытше.,There's a time for everything.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мыйын сай мутерем уло.,I have a good dictionary.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Те тидым налын огыда керт?,"Could you take this, please?",mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тудо туврашыш ончен.,She looked up at the ceiling.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Французла ойлаш йӧсӧ.,To speak French is difficult.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тый пеш тале улат.,You're very brave.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Йӧрыш!,Cut it out!,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мыланем шоналташ кӱлеш.,I have to think.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мый тыйым ом умыло.,I do not understand you.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тудо черле.,He is ill.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Южогунам мый ончыкылык нерген тургыжланем.,I sometimes get uneasy about the future.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тудо начката.,He is chubby.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том вес каче-влаклан ушаген огыл.,Tom is not like the other boys.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Йоча-влак уже ноеныт.,The children are already tired.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ер телым кылма.,The lake freezes in winter.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn """О Том, тый кугу, виян пӧръеҥ улат! Тол мый декем да шупшал мыйым!"" - ""Чаманем! Мый ватан улам!""","""Oh Tom, you big, strong man! Come here and kiss me!"" ""I'm sorry! I'm married!""",mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тиде келге ер.,This lake is deep.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Пӧлемыште ӱдыр-влак шукын улыт.,There are a lot of girls in the room.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тиде еҥым ит колышт.,Don't listen to the man.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тудо машинам ужалкала.,He sells cars.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мыйын полшышем уло.,I have an assistant.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тый мыйым ужедат мо?,Do you hate me?,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мыланна ынде нимом йомдараш.,We have nothing left to lose.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тыйын велосипедет мыйын гаяк.,Your bicycle is similar to mine.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тудын шинчайыржым вӱд налын.,Her eyes were filled with tears.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ӱдыремын мыйым колыштмыжат ок шу.,My daughter won't listen to me.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Тиде чын, Том дене мужыраҥмыда?",Is it true that you and Tom got married?,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ак-влак шергештыт.,Prices are going up.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тиде яра олмо?,Is that seat free?,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Мыйын шонымаште, те кугу йоҥылышым ыштеда.",I think you're making a big mistake.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Музыкым колышташлан, ме ойласымынам чарнышна.",We stopped talking so that we could hear the music.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Ужамат, тый тидым от товыло.",I take it you disapprove.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Шинчасортаже келге поргемла пычкемыш.,The pupils of her eyes had the blackness of a deep abyss.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том пала французла ойласыше еҥым.,Tom knows a man who speaks French.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Юмылан ӱшане, шкежат магаланен ит шинчылт.",God helps those who help themselves.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тудо ӱдырамашла чиен шогалын.,He disguised himself as a woman.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Нуно нимом огыт пале.,They know nothing.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Англичан-влакын моло эл деч утларак салтакышт-влак лийыныт.,The British had more troops than the other side.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тудын кап-кылже сылне улеш.,She has a nice body.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Полиций шолыштмо машинам поктен миен.,The police chased the stolen car.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тудо мыйым арестоватлыш.,She arrested me.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тиде агымаш ыле?,Was it a robbery?,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мый мурамым вучем.,I'm waiting for the ferry.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Мом ышта гынат, тудым моктат.","No matter what he may do, he will be praised.",mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тый пеш явык улат.,You're so skinny.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Нигунам нимомат ида йод! Нигунам нимомат, утларакшым виянрак-влак деч. Шке темлат да шке чыла пуат!","Never ask for anything! Never for anything, and especially from those who are stronger than you. They'll make the offer themselves, and give everything themselves!",mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том нигунам алкогольым ок йӱ.,Tom never drinks alcohol.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ончыч тудо пеш ойласышан огыл ыле.,He used to be a quiet man.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Кӧ тудым пуштын?,Who killed her?,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Кокыт да кокыт нылыт лиеш.,Two plus two makes four.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тиде предложений мыйын огыл.,This sentence does not belong to me.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мэрилин Монро кумло кум ий ончыч колен.,Marilyn Monroe died 33 years ago.,mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "О, ӱдырамаш, эн юзо тый улат кугу тӱняште!","Oh, woman, you are the best wizard in the world!",mhr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Во Есперанто се нагласува претпоследниот слог.,"In Esperanto, the penultimate syllable is stressed.",mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Овој збор се нагласува на последниот слог.,This word's stressed on the last syllable.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Собери ги лисјата во задниот двор.,Rake the leaves in the backyard.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том ги собра сите лисја.,Tom raked up all the leaves.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ќе најдеш гребло во шупата.,You'll find a rake in the shed.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Собери ги лисјата на куп па ќе ги запалиме.,Rake the leaves into piles and we'll burn them.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Заклучен ли ти е багажникот?,Is your trunk locked?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Го отвори багажникот.,He popped the trunk.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том го затвори багажникот.,Tom closed the trunk.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Слоновите имаат долги сурли.,Elephants have long trunks.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ова е бивна од слон.,This is an elephant's tusk.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Слонот не може да си ги вовлече бивните.,An elephant's tusks cannot be retracted.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Трговијата со слонова коска е незаконита.,Traffic in ivory is illegal.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Од страна носеше меч од сребро и слонова коска.,"At his side, he carried an ivory and silver sword.",mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Каде ми е временската машина?,Where is my time machine?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Замисли си дека имаш временска машина.,Imagine that you have a time machine.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ми треба линијар.,I need a ruler.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Таа го позајми линијарот.,She borrowed the ruler.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Луѓето му се спротивставија на суровиот владетел.,The people resisted their cruel ruler.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Луѓето востанаа против своите владетели.,The people revolted against their rulers.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Нацртај линија со линијар.,Draw a line with a ruler.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Царевите бил руски владетели.,The czar was the ruler of Russia.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Линијарот е краток.,The ruler is short.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Жителите се побуниле против владетелот.,The inhabitants rebelled against the ruler.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Имало некогаш одамна суров владетел во земјата.,There was once a cruel ruler in the country.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Селаните покренале востание против владетелот.,The peasants rose up in rebellion against the ruler.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Чеканот и српот го симболизираат комунизмот.,The hammer and sickle symbolizes communism.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Не можам да жнеам. Немам срп.,I cannot harvest. I don't have a sickle.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Косата се користи за рачно косење на трева.,Scythes are used for mowing grass by hand.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Дали би користел коса наместо косилка?,Would you use a scythe instead of a lawnmower?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Местоположбата се има сменето.,The location has changed.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Каде се наоѓа?,Where is it located?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Што е твојата локација?,What's your location?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Го лоцирав Том.,I've located Tom.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Нашата куќа има поволна местоположба.,Our house is conveniently located.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Каде е сместена зоолошката градина?,Where's the zoo located?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Каде е сместена катедралата?,Where is the cathedral located?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ова е совршена местоположба.,This is the perfect location.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Дамаск се наоѓа во Сирија.,Damacus is located in Syria.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Студентите го изведоа Хамлет.,The students performed Hamlet.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Му ракоплескавме на изведувачот.,We applauded the performer.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Неговиот настап беше прекрасен.,His performance was amazing.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Таа си ја изврши должноста.,She performed her duties.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Претставата заврши.,The play is over.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Каков вчудоневидувачки настап!,What a remarkable performance!,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Обредите се вршеле во црква.,Rituals were performed in churches.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Претставата беше речиси готова.,The performance was almost over.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Беше ужасна претстава.,It was an awful performance.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Кога почнува претставата?,When does the performance begin?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тие си заминаа пред да заврши претставата.,They left before the end of the performance.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Си ги загуби очилата.,Tom lost his spectacles.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том си ги избриша очилата.,Tom wiped his spectacles.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Кој е господинон со очила?,Who is that gentleman in spectacles?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Кралската свадба беше прав спектакл.,The royal wedding was a great spectacle.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ова е глетка што нема да ја заборавиш.,It's a spectacle you won't forget.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ти си ги стави очилата за да го прочита писмото.,Tom put on his spectacles to read the letter.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Треба да си купам нови рамки за очила.,I need to buy new spectacle frames.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ме погледна остро низ очилата.,He looked sharply at me over his spectacles.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Копирањето не е кражба.,Copying is not theft.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Го обвинија за кражба.,He was accused of theft.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том го уапсија за кражба.,Tom was arrested for theft.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Човекот го оптужија со кражба.,The man was charged with theft.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ја пријавивме кражбата во полиција.,We reported the theft to the police.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том немаше ништо со кражбата.,Tom had nothing to do with the theft.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Пљачка ли беше?,Was it a robbery?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Кога се случила пљачката?,When did the robbery happen?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Планираме пљачка.,We're planning a robbery.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ја опиша пљачката во подробности.,He described the robbery in detail.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бандата планираше пљачка.,The gang was planning a robbery.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Кога се случил грабежот?,When did the robbery take place?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Раскажи ми како се одви грабежот.,Tell me how the robbery went down.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Го фрлија во затвор за грабеж.,He was thrown in prison for robbery.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Полицијата не најде ништо да го сврзе Дан со грабежот.,The police found nothing to link Dan to the robbery.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мермерните подови се прекрасни.,Marble floors are beautiful.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Си одлепил.,You've lost your marbles.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Децата си играат со џамлии.,The children are playing marbles.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сигурно се откачил.,He must have lost his marbles.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Статуава е направена од мермер.,This statue is made of marble.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Не сме сигурни што треба да се преземе.,We aren't sure what should be done.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Делкаат статуа од мермер.,They are chiseling a statue out of marble.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Го блокираа.,They blocked it.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ја блокираа.,They blocked her.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ми го попречи патот.,He blocked my way.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ми треба крем за сонце.,I need sun block.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Одводите се запушени.,The drains are blocked up.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ова звучи како замка.,This sounds like a trap.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том го намамија во стапица.,Tom was lured into a trap.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том не доведе до стапица.,Tom led us into a trap.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Има некој заглавен во колата.,There's someone trapped in the car.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Дали е ова некаква замка?,Is it a trap of some kind?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Враќај се. Стапица е.,Come back here. It's a trap.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том се сомневаше дека е замка.,Tom suspected it might be a trap.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Дрвото лесно гори.,Wood burns easily.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Термитите јадат дрво.,Termites eat wood.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Столарите сечат дрво.,Carpenters cut wood.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Дрвото е запаливо.,Wood is flammable.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Камоли да ја запознаев.,I wish I'd met her.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сувото дрво брзо гори.,Dry wood burns quickly.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Би можел ли да преживееш сам во дивината?,Could you survive alone in the wilderness?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Моето срце, птица на дивината, го најде своето небо во твоите очи.","My heart, the bird of the wilderness, has found its sky in your eyes.",mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Градината се претвора во шума.,The garden is turning into a wilderness.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ловењето дивеч е забрането во оваа спокојна дивина.,Hunting game is forbidden in this tranquil wilderness.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Оваа машина произведува струја.,This machine generates electricity.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Брановите ги создава ветерот.,Waves are generated by wind.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Што се случи со генераторот?,What happened to the generator?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ти му припаѓаш на идното поколение.,You belong to the next generation.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Предепресивно е.,It's too depressing.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Три поколенија гледаат на работите на три различни начина.,Three generations see things three ways.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мора да ја пренесеме нашата култура на следното поколение.,We have to transmit our culture to the next generation.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Имаш ли лажица за чевли?,Do you have a shoehorn?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Кравите имаат рогови.,Cows have horns.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том трубеше.,Tom honked his horn.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Коњите немаат рогови, а кравите и овците да.",Horses don't have horns; cows and sheep have horns.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Затруби, за колата да не пушти да поминеме.",Blow the horn so that car will let us pass.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Магарињата се крепки животни.,Donkeys are tough animals.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Магарињата се сиви.,A donkey is gray.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Си ги тепаме магарињата.,We are beating our donkeys.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Коњите се различни од магарињата.,Horses and donkeys are different.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Ако ме каснеш, ќе те каснам и јас тебе.","If you bite me, then I'll bite you, too.",mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Бегај оттука, елену!","Leave, you deer!",mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Што?! Сте имале магариња во школо?,What! You had donkeys in your school?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ме навреди со тоа што ме нарече магаре.,He insulted me by calling me a donkey.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Зошто магарињата имаат толку долги уши?,Why does the donkey have such long ears?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Магарето го клоцна кучето што го беше гризнало.,The donkey kicked the dog that had bitten it.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Го знам магарено! Го имам видено и претходно.,I know that donkey! I have seen him before.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тоа е не коњ туку магаре.,"That's not a horse, it's a donkey.",mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Театарот е досадна работа.,Theater is boring.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Театарот е празен.,The theater is empty.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бев во театар.,I was at the theater.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Диригентот се појави на бината.,The conductor appeared on the stage.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том е прочуен диригент.,Tom is a world-famous conductor.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Овој славен диригент живее во Њу Јорк.,This famous conductor lives in New York.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Зборувам од искуство.,I'm speaking from experience.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мртва е.,She is dead.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Јас немав такво искуство.,That wasn't my experience.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том зборуваше за своите доживувања.,Tom talked about his experiences.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Имаш ли некакво искуство?,Do you have any experience?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Експериментот се покажа успешен.,The experiment proved to be successful.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тој имал толку лоши доживувања.,He's had many bad experiences.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тој има и искуство и знаење.,He has both experience and knowledge.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сакам математика.,I like math.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Не плаши се да експериментираш.,Don't be afraid to experiment.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Можам да зборувам од лично искуство.,I can speak from personal experience.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Различни искуства доведуваат до различни избори.,Different experiences lead to different choices.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Доживувањето му предизвика на Том голема болка.,The experience caused Tom great pain.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тоа беше навистина прекрасно доживување!,That was truly a wonderful experience!,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том лажеше за своето работно искуство.,Tom lied about his job experience.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Пронајди ја својата натприродна моќ.,Find your higher power.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Не беше пријатно доживување.,It was not a pleasant experience.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Дува ли ветер?,Is it windy?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Каде е најблиската меана?,Where's the nearest tavern?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Можеш ли да ми предложиш добра меана?,Can you suggest me a good tavern?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тој често одеше во таа меана.,He would often go to that tavern.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Има ли кафуле?,Is there a cafe?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Кафулето го раководат студенти.,The cafe is run by students.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тој појадува во кафулето.,He's eating breakfast in the cafe.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сврти лево и ќе го најдеш кафулето.,Turn left and you will find the cafe.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том првпат ја запозна Мери во кафич во Бостон.,Tom first met Mary at a cafe in Boston.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ми треба помош.,I need help.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Кафулето е на приземје, то ест два ката подолу.","The cafe is on the ground floor, two floors below.",mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тоа е вистина.,This is true.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тој сака авантури.,He likes adventure.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Авантурата почнува.,The adventure begins.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Обожавам снег.,I love snow.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Авантурите се исплаќаат.,Adventure is worthwhile.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ме најмија.,I was hired.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Телефонскиот повик траеше шест чаша.,The telephone call lasted six hours.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Се чувствувам болно.,I feel sick.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Подобро ми е.,I am better.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Го чекам неговиот телефонски повик.,I'm waiting for his telephone call.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Обожавам голф.,I love golf.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том му остави бакшиш на келнерот.,Tom tipped the waiter.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Не се прифаќа бакшиш.,Tips are not accepted.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Каде ми е бакшишот?,Where's my tip?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бакшишот не е вклучен.,Tips aren't included.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Таа го гризна.,She bit him.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Врвот на ножот е остар.,The tip of the knife is sharp.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ќе ти дадам мал совет.,I'll give you a little tip.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Не заборавај да оставиш бакшиш.,Don't forget to leave a tip.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Замисли си желба.,Make a wish.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn На врв на јазик ми е.,It's on the tip of my tongue.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Врвот на острицата од ножот е остар.,The tip of the knife blade is sharp.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Се успокоивме.,We calmed down.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Некултурно е да не оставиш бакшиш за келнерот.,It is rude not to tip a waiter.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том ги сече ќошевите.,Tom is cutting corners.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Трипати мери, еднаш сечи.","Measure twice, cut once.",mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Исечи подлабоко.,Make the cut deeper.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Се исеков.,I've cut myself.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Некој го пресече јажето.,Someone cut the rope.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn За малку ќе се исечев.,I almost cut myself.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ете го.,There it is.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том често бега од часови.,Tom often cuts classes.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том си го исече прстот.,Tom cut his finger.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ова е лошо.,This is bad.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Оди да се шишаш.,Get your hair cut.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Дан се исече при бричењето.,Dan cut himself shaving.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Не скокај ред.,Don't cut in line.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Еве ме, доаѓам.",Here I come.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Исечи ја питата на парчиња.,Cut the pie into slices.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Имам исеченица тука.,I have a cut here.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ајде да го направиме тоа!,Let's do it!,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Готви ми.,Cook for me.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тоа е само исеченица.,It's just a cut.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Јадам овошје.,I eat fruit.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Не сум помодар.,I'm not the trendy type.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Марија има исеченица на дланката. Наводно ја стекнала лупејќи компири, ама јас во тоа не верувам.","Maria has a cut on the palm of her hand. They say she got it peeling potatoes, but I don't buy that.",mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Зелката се јаде жива.,Cabbage can be eaten raw.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ситно исечкај ја зелката.,Chop the pickled cabbage finely.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Вреди да трпиш.,It's worth the pain.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Тој сака зеленчук, особено зелка.","He likes vegetables, especially cabbage.",mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Дај ми главица зелка.,Give me a head of cabbage.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том сака секаков зеленчук освен зелка.,Tom likes all vegetables except cabbage.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Омразен е.,He is hated.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Колку чини кило праз?,How much is the kilo of leek?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мислам дека се нарекува праз.,I do believe it's called a leek.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ќе му кажам на Том ако не заборавам.,I'll tell Tom if I don't forget.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мене важно ми е.,"For me, it is important.",mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Кучињата се паметни.,Dogs are smart.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Зошто стави праз во супата? Знаеш дека не го сакам.,Why did you put leek in the soup? You know I don't like it.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Препорачливо е да провериш дали може да има некакви негативни ефекти ако пиеш алкохол додека го пиеш лекот што ти го препишале.,It's advisable to check whether there'll be any adverse affects if you drink alcohol while taking the medication you've been prescribed.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Лекарствата и алкохолот обично не треба да се мешаат.,Medication and alcohol often don't mix.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Додај го кромидот.,Add the onion.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Емили мрази кромид.,Emily hates onions.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том исечка кромид.,Tom chopped some onions.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Само што ги запозна?,Did you just meet them?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мразам жив кромид.,I hate raw onions.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Елана освои прво место.,Elana won first prize.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Кромидот може да се употреби во многу јадења.,Onions can be used in many dishes.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Не ми се допаѓа вкусот на кромид.,I don't like the taste of onions.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Само ми треба главица кромид за рецептов.,I just need an onion for this recipe.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мразам моркови дури повеќе од што мразам кромид.,I hate carrots even more than I hate onions.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ми се насолзија очите додека сечев кромид.,Tears came into my eyes when I was chopping onions.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Првата лекција е лесна.,The first lesson is easy.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Дури после ме заболе.,Only afterwards did it hurt.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Лукот и кромид се добри лекови против настинка.,Garlic and onion are good remedies against the common cold.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Том грабна нож, кромид, и даска за сечење.","Tom grabbed a knife, an onion and a chopping board.",mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Единствениот доказ беа отпечатоците од прсти на прозорецот.,The only evidence was the fingerprints on the window.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Денес падна првиот снег.,The first snow fell today.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Штотуку пристигнав.,I just arrived now.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn На шанк е.,It's at that counter.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тоа би било многу деликатно.,That would be extremely delicate.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том се навали на шанкот.,Tom leaned on the counter.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том стоеше крај шанкот.,Tom sat at the counter.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Прво патување ли ти е ова во странство?,Is this your first foreign trip?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том седна крај шанкот.,Tom took a seat at the counter.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Господ нека ми се плаши!,God beware me!,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сакам да си одберам нови шанкови за во кујна.,I want to choose the new kitchen counters.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том си го стави пијалакот на пулт.,Tom set his drink down on the counter.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том седеше на столче крај пултот.,Tom sat on a stool at the counter.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Стави ги намирниците тука на пултот.,Put the groceries down here on the counter.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том им се претстави на луѓето зад пултот.,Tom introduced himself to the people behind the counter.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сѐ е сосем едноставно.,Everything is extremely simple.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Женските губат невиност се порано и порано.,Girls are losing their virginity earlier and earlier.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Учениците не знаеја како да одговорат.,The students didn't know how to give an answer.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Прв ден му е на училиште.,It is his first day of school.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Попрво би умрел отколку да изгубам невиност пред брак.,I would rather die than relinquish my virginity before marriage.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Крадецот ги украде скапоцените камења синоќа.,The thief stole the jewels last night.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Луѓе сме.,We are people.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Си ја избриша мократа коса со пешкир.,She wiped her wet hair with a towel.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Тука, не велат дека е забрането. Всушност, велат дека е задолжително.","Over there, they don't say that it's prohibited. In fact, they say that it's mandatory.",mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Утре ќе го најават победникот.,They'll announce the winner tomorrow.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ќе те посетиме некој ден.,We'll visit you sometime.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ќе те посетуваме повремено.,We will visit you occasionally.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Таа ја исмеваше површноста на робовите на модата.,She was mocking the superficiality of fashion slaves.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Гледај каде сум денес.,Look where I am today.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Си ги чувам парите во дупка зад една слика во спална.,I keep my money in a hole behind a painting in my bedroom.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Имаме три стражара коишто работат наизменично.,We have three security guards who take shifts.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ми се вртеше.,I was dizzy.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Јас сум обична личност.,I am an ordinary person.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Имаш ли влажни марамчиња? Си ги потурив панталоните со кафе.,Do you have wet wipes? I spilled coffee on my pants.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Денес сум полн со самодоверба.,I'm full of confidence today.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сега има ветер.,It's now windy.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Користам влажни марамчиња наместо тоалетна хартија.,I use wet wipes instead of toilet paper.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Само ќе се избришам со влажни марамчиња, затоа што се уште немам каде да си ги измијам рацете.","I'm just going to use wet wipes, since I can't actually wash my hands yet.",mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Таа си го стави прстенот на прстот.,She put the ring on her finger.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ова е многу тврд душек.,This is a very hard mattress.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Таа носи златен ѓердан околу вратот.,She is wearing a gold necklace around her neck.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том спиеше на воздушен душек.,Tom slept on the inflatable mattress.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том си ги сокри парите под душек.,Tom hid his money under his mattress.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мери го крена душекот за да ги смени чаршафите.,Mary raised the mattress in order to change the sheets.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Имаат заразна болест.,They have an infectious disease.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Изгубив еден час во лутање пред да сфатам во кој правец треба да одам.,I spent an hour wandering before I realised which way I needed to go.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Најлошиот вид на мамурлук е емоционалниот мамурлук.,The worst kind of hangover is emotional hangover.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том го лулаше бебето во раце.,Tom cradled the baby in his arms.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том вешто ги прикри сите свои грешки.,Tom carefully covered up all his mistakes.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Оваа книга целосно ја опфаќа темата.,This book covers the subject completely.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Прозорците во мојата соба се распукани.,The windows in my room are cracked.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Двете момчиња се братучеди.,The two boys are cousins.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Подот беше целосно покриен со голем килим.,The floor was completely covered by a large rug.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Кравите ги молзат во шест часот.,The cows are milked at six.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ја искинале корицата на книгава.,The cover of this book has been torn off.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мери ми е братучетка.,Mary is my cousin.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Се прашувам кому припаѓа оваа реченица.,I wonder who this sentence belongs to.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Затоа што автобусот доцнеше, моравме да чекаме долго на дожд.","Since the bus was late, we had to wait in the rain a long time.",mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тука никогаш ништо не се случува.,Nothing ever happens around here.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том е малку постар од Мери.,Tom is a bit older than Mary.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Живееме во чудесна епоха.,We live in a wonderful period.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn И ти ли си исто толку возбуден колку и ние?,Are you as excited as we are?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Има толку многу работи што сакам да му ги кажам на Том.,I have so many things I want to tell Tom.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Има една работа што морам да му ја кажам на Том.,There's one thing I must tell Tom.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ќе те пуштам да му кажеш на Том.,I'll let you tell Tom.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Немаше потреба да го убиваш Том.,There was no need for you to kill Tom.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Оттогаш се немам чуено со Том.,That's the last I heard from Tom.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Имам важна порака од Том.,I've got an important message from Tom.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сѐ уште имаме многу да учиме од Том.,We still have so much to learn from Tom.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Драго ми е што си му го собрал тој пиштол на Том.,I glad that you took that gun away from Tom.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Немаш право да му го одземеш тоа на Том.,You have no right to take it away from Tom.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ти рече дека пораката била непосредно од Том.,You said the message came directly from Tom.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Изгледаш полошо од Том.,You look worse than Tom.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ти би можел да направиш многу полошо од Том.,You could do a lot worse than Tom.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Така би бил дури полуд од Том.,That'd make you crazier than Tom.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Колку што знам, никогаш не сум го видел Том.","To my knowledge, I've never seen Tom.",mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Се колнам дека имав намера само да му се заканам на Том.,I swear all I meant to do was to threaten Tom.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Не сфаќам што ти гледаш во Том.,I don't understand what you see in Tom.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сигурно се потпреле на Том.,They must've relied on Tom.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Не го ни допрев Том.,I never laid a hand on Tom.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Велам дека го немам ни допрено Том.,I'm saying I never laid a hand on Tom.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ова на Том навистина тешко му падна.,This has been really hard on Tom.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Можеби би требало да го ѕирнам Том.,Maybe I should check on Tom.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мислам дека треба да го ѕирнам Том.,I think I should check on Tom.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Навистина го воодушеви Том.,You really made an impression on Tom.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бездруго го воодушеви Том.,You certainly made an impression on Tom.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Вистината почна да му се разјаснува на Том.,The truth began to dawn on Tom.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Не му се прикрадов на Том.,I didn't sneak up on Tom.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Можеби треба да одиш да го провериш Том.,Maybe you should go check up on Tom.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Само дај ми шанса да се дограбам до Том.,Just give me a chance get my hands on Tom.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тоа ќе зависи само од Том.,That'll depend entirely on Tom.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Отсекогаш премногу си му попуштал на Том.,You were always too easy on Tom.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Белким би можел да му попуштам на Том.,I guess I could go easy on Tom.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ова сигурно му припаѓало на Том.,This must've belonged to Tom.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ти си најлошата работа што му се случила на Том во животот.,You're the worst thing that ever happened to Tom.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Жал ми е за она што му се случи на Том.,I regret what happened to Tom.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn И двајцата знаеме што му се случи на Том.,We both know what happened to Tom.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Па нели речи дека не те привлекувал Том?,I thought you said you weren't attracted to Tom.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мора да ми дозволиш да му пренесам порака на Том.,You've got to let me get a message to Tom.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Знам дека бевте блиски со Том.,I know you were close to Tom.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Преку тоа се зближив со Том.,It made me feel close to Tom.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тоа е последниот подарок што смееш да му го дадеш на Том.,That's the last gift you are allowed to give to Tom.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Не успеав да се збогувам со Том.,I wasn't able to say goodbye to Tom.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Криво ми е што не ми се пружи прилика да се збогувам со Том.,I'm sorry I didn't have the opportunity to say goodbye to Tom.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мора да му се извиниш на Том.,You've got to apologize to Tom.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мора да престанеш да му се лепиш на Том како чичек.,You have to stop clinging to Tom.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Да влеземе.,Let's go in.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Не доразговарав со Том.,I wasn't finished talking to Tom.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Денес ќе зборуваме со Том.,Today we'll be talking to Tom.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ти не ни го слушаше Том.,You weren't even listening to Tom.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Му одговорив на Том.,I wrote back to Tom.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том се лади со лепеза.,Tom is fanning himself.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Јас сум твој обожавател.,I am your fan.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn "„Напред Украјна!“, извикуваа навивачите.","""Go Ukraine!"", screamed the fans.",mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том го вклучи вентилаторот.,Tom turned on the fan.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Вентилаторот не работи.,The fan doesn't work.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мислев дека можеби ќе сакаш да зборуваш со Том.,I just thought that you might want to talk to Tom.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том се ладеше со тетратка.,Tom fanned himself with his notebook.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Јас сум голем љубител на безбол.,I'm a great baseball fan.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Затоа што ми беше топло, го вклучив вентилаторот.","Feeling hot, I turned on the fan.",mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Дамите користат лепези кога е топло.,Ladies use fans when it is hot.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том ги вклучи бришачите.,Tom turned on the windshield wipers.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бришачите не помагаат против мраз.,Windscreen wipers haven't any utility against ice.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Треда да одам да ми ги сменат бришачите.,I have to get my windshield wipers replaced.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Оваа раскрсница е опасна.,This intersection is dangerous.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сврти десно на раскрсницата.,Turn right at the intersection.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сообраќајката се случила на таа раскрсница.,The accident happened at that intersection.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Двете улици се сечат под прав агол.,The two streets intersect at right angles.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ми треба доброволец.,I need a volunteer.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том се понуди да и помогне на Мери.,Tom volunteered to help Mary.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Никој не сака да се пријави доброволно.,No one wants to volunteer.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Оваа капија треба да се пребои.,This gate needs painting.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том ја отвори капијата.,Tom opened the gate.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том ја испрати Мери до портата.,Tom walked Mary to the gate.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Слушавме како ѕвони ѕвончето.,We listened to the bell ring.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тој пристигна откако заѕвоне ѕвончето.,He arrived after the bell rang.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Не спаси ѕвончето.,We were saved by the bell.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ќе му те препорачам на Том.,I'm recommending you to Tom.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Камбаните ѕвонат.,The church bells are ringing.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ги слушнавме камбаните.,We heard the church bells.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Камбаната ѕвонеше во три часот.,The church bell used to ring at three.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Завера е.,It's a conspiracy.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Не гледам завера тука.,I see no conspiracy here.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сево ова е завера.,This is all a conspiracy.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Се е заговор.,It's all a conspiracy.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Не гледам заговор тука.,I see no conspiracy there.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Некои луѓе во се гледаат заговор.,Some people see a conspiracy behind almost everything.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тоа беше натпревар.,It was a competition.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Го пропуштив натпреварот.,I missed the competition.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том отпадна од натпреварот.,Tom dropped out of the competition.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Не драми во врска со Том.,Don't make a fuss over Tom.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Освои прво место на натпреварот.,He came first in the competition.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Конкуренцијата за тоа работно место е голема.,Competition for the position is very intense.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мери го претставуваше својот тим во натпреварот.,Mary represented her team in the competition.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Фирмата го вработи како советник.,The company engaged him as an advisor.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ова е најдоверливиот советник на кралот.,He's the king's most trusted advisor.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Ученикот е оптимист, но неговиот советник е песимист.","The student is optimistic, but his advisor is a pessimist.",mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Зборував со своите советници за тоа кои предмети да ги земам.,I talked to my advisors about which classes to take.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Престани да ме критикуваш!,Stop criticizing me!,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тој се критикува.,He criticizes everything.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ова е критично.,This is critical.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Никој не ми ја критикуваше државата.,Nobody criticized my country.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Твојата критика е неправедна.,Your criticism is unfair.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тој е строг критичар.,He is a harsh critic.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Јас сум си сам најлош критичар.,I am my own worst critic.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тој е критичар а не писател на романи.,He is a critic rather than a novelist.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Не очекував дека ќе го направиш тоа за Том.,I wasn't expecting you to do it for Tom.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Стана уште попознат како критичар.,He became ever more famous as a critic.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Знам дека многу се грижеше за Том.,I know that you cared deeply for Tom.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Славниот критичар и поетот заедно патуваат.,The great critic and the poet are traveling together.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Писателот на оваа статија е славен критичар.,The author of this article is a famous critic.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тој развезува весници.,He delivers newspapers.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Се претплатив на весникот.,I subscribed to a newspaper.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Не читам многу весници.,I don't read newspapers much.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сите така го викаат Том.,That's what everybody calls Tom.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Таа гласина брзо се рашири.,That rumor soon spread.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тој ја порекна гласината.,He denied the rumor.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сум слушал гласини.,I've heard rumors.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Гласината беше неоснована.,The rumor was baseless.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Кој ја почнал гласината?,Who started this rumor?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Оваа соседство е насилно.,This neighborhood is violent.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ми се допаѓа ова маало.,I like this neighborhood.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ова соседство е многу осамено.,This neighborhood is very lonely.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Не стапувај во тоа маало.,Don't set foot in that neighborhood.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Одеше по соседството и собираше потписи.,He went around the neighborhood collecting signatures.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Многу богаташи живеат во ова маало.,Many rich people live in this neighborhood.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сите живееме во исто маало.,We all live in the same neighborhood.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мислам дека сакам да се запознаам со Том.,I think I want to meet Tom.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том е човекомрзец.,Tom is a misanthrope.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Човекомрзецот ужива во својата самотија.,The misanthrope enjoys his solitude.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Човекомрсците не сакаат луѓе и избегнуваат социјални ситуации.,Someone who is misanthropic dislikes people and avoids social situations.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мостот е триесет метра широк.,The bridge is thirty meters in width.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Колку е широк патов?,What's the width of this road?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Не планирав да го удрам Том.,I didn't plan to hit Tom.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ти предложи да го посетам Том.,You were the one who suggested I visit Tom.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Треба да се консултираш со Том.,You should consult Tom.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Не е моја работа да се расчистувам со Том.,It's not my job to confront Tom.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Некој мора да се соочи со Том.,Someone has to confront Tom.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Стражарите ќе го застрелаат Том.,The guards are going to shoot Tom.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Не ми се верува дека се готвевме да го застреламе Том.,I can't believe we were going to shoot Tom.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сите седат на маса освен Том.,Everyone is seated at the table except Tom.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ширината е една од основните димензии.,Width is one of the basic dimensions.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Можеш ли да ја измериш должината?,Can you measure the length?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Таа објасни надолго.,He explained it at length.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Има коса до рамена.,She has shoulder-length hair.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Должината му изнесува триесет метра.,It is thirty meters in length.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn "На крај, му ја најдов куќата.","At length, I found his house.",mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Се колнам дека не сум го повредил Том.,I swear I never hurt Tom.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Надолго и нашироко ги објаснуваше фактите.,He explained the facts at length.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Можеме да поднесеме кривична пријава против Том.,We can file charges against Tom.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Реката е 500 мили долга.,This river is 500 miles in length.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Одев долж улицата.,I walked the length of the street.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ја измери должината на креветот.,He measured the length of the bed.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ќе ја подмачкаш ли колата?,Will you lubricate the car?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Системот за подмачкување беше лошо осмислен.,The lubrication system was poorly designed.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn "За да се избегнат повреди и неудопство, вагината треба да се подмачка пред секс.","To avoid injury or discomfort, be sure that the vagina is lubricated before intercourse.",mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Чајот е како подмачкувач што овозможува работата глатко да тече.,Tea is like the lubricating oil of work to allow it to proceed smoothly.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Изгледа не сум бил во браво во врска со Том.,It seems I was wrong about Tom.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Употреби плунка како подмачкувач.,He used saliva as lubricant.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Имам извесни информации за Том.,I have some information about Tom.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Не сум женомрзец, но да бев, бездруго ќе направев исклучок за тебе.","I'm no misogynist, but were I so then I'd surely exempt you.",mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мажите се свињи.,Men are pigs.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Свињата гровта.,The pig grunts.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn На куково лето!,When pigs fly!,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ти си свиња.,You're a pig.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сланината се прави од свињи.,Bacon comes from pigs.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Школото нема да биде толку забавно без Том.,School isn't going to be as much fun without Tom.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Прасето е розево.,The pig is pink.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том ги нарани прасињата.,Tom fed the pigs.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Прасето се дебелее.,The pig is growing fat.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том јаде како стока.,Tom eats like a pig.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Елен ли е?,Is it a deer?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том застрела елен.,Tom shot a deer.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Подогивме елен.,We hit a deer.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Стрелецот го уби еленот.,The archer killed the deer.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тие ловеа елени и лисици.,They hunted deer and foxes.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Наидов на елен.,I ran into a deer.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Си ја изгубив чантата.,I lost my purse.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Чантата ти е отворена.,Your purse is open.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Си ја грабна чантата.,She grabbed her purse.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тоа е мојата чанта.,That's my purse.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ене ти ја торбата.,There is your bag.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Торбата е полна.,The bag is full.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ова е торба.,This is a bag.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том ја отвори вреќата.,Tom opened the bag.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Вреќата е празна.,The bag is empty.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ене му ја вреќата.,There's his bag.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Го отпуштив.,I sacked him.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ни требаат водачи.,We need leaders.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Што има во вреќата?,What's in the sack?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ова е твоја вреќа или негова?,Is this your sack or his?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том пружи рака во вреќата и извлече неколку парички.,Tom reached into the sack and pulled out some coins.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ретко користам пластични ќеси.,I rarely use plastic bags.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Слушам гласови.,I hear voices.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Ја отвори вратата, иако му бев кажал да не ја отвора.","He opened the door, though I told him not to.",mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том ја угуши Мери со пластична ќеса.,Tom suffocated Mary with a plastic bag.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Си ги оставив сите работи во најлонска ќеса.,I put all my belongings in a plastic bag.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Овие најлонски чорапи лесно се мијат.,These nylon socks wash well.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Меката волна е поскапа од крутата, а двете се подобри од синтетика направена од најлон.",Soft wool is more expensive than coarse wool and both are superior to synthetics made of nylon.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Живеат во шатори.,They live in tents.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Спиевме во шатор.,We slept in a tent.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Поставивме шатор.,We put up a tent.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Таа запали шатор.,She set fire to a tent.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Кен сака да кампува.,Ken likes camping.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Обожавам кампување.,I love camping.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том отиде на кампување.,Tom has gone camping.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Војниците си го напуштија кампот.,The soldiers abandoned their camp.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Направивме камп покрај езерото.,We made camp near the lake.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Вежбав.,I've been practicing.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Облечи се.,Get your clothes on.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Дај да си го земам капутот.,Let me grab my coat.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Што мислеше Том дека треба да направиш?,What did Tom think you should do?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Што мислиш дека треба да направиш?,What do you think you have to do?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Што друго да направиме?,What else should we do?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Што друго би направиле?,What else would we do?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Затворениците избегаа од логорот.,The prisoners fled from the concentration camp.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Кога биле испратени првите Евери во логори?,When were Jews first sent to the concentration camps?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Што мислиш дека треба да направам?,What do you think I need to do?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Росма сака да собира веце-шолји.,Rosmah likes to collect toilet bowls.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Ако ја измочаш шолјата, избриши!","If you piss on the toilet seat, wipe it off!",mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сакаш ли да правиш нешто?,Do you want something to do?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мери се нервира кога Том го остава капакот од шолјата кренат.,It irritates Mary when Tom leaves the toilet seat up.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn "„Дали е возможно да се фати СИДА од капак на шолја?“ „Не, не е.“","""Is it possible to catch AIDS from toilet seats?"" ""No, it isn't.""",mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Имам дете со Даунов синдром.,I have a child with Down syndrome.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Депресијата е честа појава кај младите што патат од Аспергеров синдром.,Depression is common among young adults who have Asperger syndrome.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Таа га обожува.,She worships him.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Грците порано обожувале повеќе богови.,The Greeks used to worship several gods.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тој ја обожува земјата по којашто гази.,He worships the ground she treads on.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Многу луѓе те обожуваат. Немој да ги разочараш.,Many people worship you. Do not disappoint them.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Копилево мисли дека сите треба да го обожуваат.,This bastard thinks that everyone should worship him.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn За што служи тоа?,What does that do?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Го обожува него, а и земјата по којашто тој гази.",She worships him and the ground he walks on.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Што си можел да направиш?,What could you do?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Во таа земја, луѓето ги обожувале парите како бог.","In that country, people worshipped money like a god.",mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Со него сме истомисленици.,He and I are like-minded.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тоа светилиште било изградено пред двесте години.,The shrine was built two hundred years ago.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Порано тука имаше мало светилиште.,There used to be a small shrine around here.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Многу луѓе го посетија светилиштето каде што светецот лежеше закопан.,Many people visited the shrine where the saint lay buried.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Што друго сториле?,What else did they do?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Историјата се занимава со минатото.,History deals with the past.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Зошто не смее да одам?,Why can't I go?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Минатото не може да се избрише.,One cannot erase the past.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Минатото си е минато.,The past is the past.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Не можеме да го измениме минатото.,We cannot change the past.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Се беше подобро во минатото.,Everything was better in the past.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том е заостанат во минатото.,Tom is stuck in the past.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Престани да бидеш толку ретардиран, да ти ебам!",Stop being fucking retarded!,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ова е толку ретардирано.,This is so retarded.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Велат дека сум ретардиран.,They say I'm retarded.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Колку сум ретардиран!,I'm such a retard!,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Боже, па јас сум ретардиран.","Wow, I'm a fucking retard.",mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn „Како изгледам?“ „Изгледаш ретардирано.“,"""How do I look?"" ""You look retarded.""",mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Љубовта не е слепа, туку ретардирана.","Love isn't blind, it's retarded.",mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Не му обрнувај внимание на Том. Малку е ретардиран.,Don't mind Tom. He's a little retarded.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Капки ми паѓаат по лаптопот.,Droplets are falling on my laptop computer.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ти падна шамивчето.,You dropped your handkerchief.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бродот ја спушти котвата.,The ship dropped anchor.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Му падна вазна.,He dropped a vase.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Кому припаѓало тоа?,Who did that belong to?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Си ги испуштив клучевите.,I dropped my keys.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Не преостанала ни капка вода.,There is not a drop of water left.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Капка по капка, водата може да се насобере и да создаде езеро.","Drop by drop, the water can conglomerate into a lake.",mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Колку атома содржи една капка вода?,How many atoms are there in a drop of water?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Капките вода длабат камење не со сила туку со упорност.,A water drop hollows a stone not by force but by falling often.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Камилите може да патуваат стотици километри во тек на неколку ден без капка вода.,Camels can travel over hundreds of kilometers during several days without drinking a drop of water.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ја испи последната капка вода.,He drank the last drop of water.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Што е таа дамка?,What's that stain?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Заспале ли веќе децата?,Are the children already asleep?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Кошулата ти е исфлекана.,Your shirt is stained.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сѐ уште ли ти треба помош?,Do you still need help?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Флеката не се вади.,This stain won't come out.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ќе ме пуштиш ли да помогнам?,Will you let me help?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Рацете ми се измачкани со боја.,My hands are stained with paint.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Кошулата му беше исфлекана со сос.,His shirt was stained with sauce.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ти треба ли уште помош?,Do you need any more help?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тој ја трие дамката со оцет.,He rubs the stain with vinegar.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Како си го исфлека фустанот.,How did you stain your dress?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Лажев.,I was lying.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn На крагната имаш дамка.,Your collar has a stain on it.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Што би можел да направам за да помогнам?,What can I possibly do to help?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Дамката од мастило не се мие.,This ink stain will not wash out.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тешко беше да се отстрани флеката од кафе.,The coffee stain was difficult to remove.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Имаш ли нешто за отстранување на дамки?,Do you have anything to remove stains?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Таа има мал струк.,She has a small waist.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Водата е до струк.,The water is waist-deep.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Момчето беше голо до струк.,The boy was naked to the waist.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Водата ми дојде до струк.,The water came up to my waist.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Работниците беа голи до струк.,The workers were naked to the waist.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мари има коса до грб.,Mary has hair down to her waist.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том си замота пешкир околу струкот.,Tom wrapped a towel around his waist.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том си врза јаже околу струкот.,Tom tied the rope around his waist.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Каде се паркирав?,Where did I park my car?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Таа носи кожен ремен на струкот.,She is wearing a leather belt around her waist.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ова ми е малку лабаво кај струкот.,This is a bit too loose around my waist.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ти звучи ли тоа познато?,Does that sound familiar?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ти изгледа ли ова познато?,Does this look familiar?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сигурен ли си дека не се сеќаваш?,Are you sure you don't remember?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Го знае ли некој тука телефонскиот број на Том?,Does anybody here know Tom's phone number?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сѐ ли е во ред?,Is everything in order?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Уште што можеме да понудиме?,What more can we offer?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ја набавив таа слика на аукција.,I obtained the painting at an auction.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мебелот го купиле на аукција.,The furniture was bought at an auction.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том го купил коњов на аукција.,Tom bought this horse at an auction.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Го запознав Том на аукција пред неколку години.,I met Tom at an auction a few years ago.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Кој е управникот?,Who's the manager?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мислиш ли дека си требал да останеш уште малку?,Do you think we should've stayed a little longer?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Во ред ли е да останам уште малку?,Would it be OK if we stayed a little longer?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Се чувствува ли Том посилно?,Is Tom feeling stronger?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сѐ уште ли е учител Том?,Is Tom still a teacher?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Веќе колку време си учител?,How long have you been a teacher?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Кој мислиш дека подобро вози: мајка ти или татко ти?,"Who do you think is a better driver, your mother or your father?",mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ти текнува како си игравме заедно кога бевме мали?,Remember when we were little and played together?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Заедно ли работите ти и Том?,Are you and Tom working together?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сите ли отидовте заедно да пазарите?,Did you all go shopping together?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Кога се видовме јас и ти последен пат?,When was the last time you and I saw each other?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Од каде се знаете ти и Том?,How do you and Tom know each other?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Кога последен пат си бил да пазариш со мајка ти?,When was the last time you went shopping with your mother?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Кој мислиш дека подобро готви: ти или мајка ти?,"Who do you think is a better cook, you or your mother?",mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Си знаел ли дека Том ѝ е брат на Мери?,Did you know that Tom was Mary's brother?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сметаш ли дека течно зборуваш француски?,Do you consider yourself a fluent French speaker?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Зошто не смее да одам во Бостон следното лето?,Why can't I go to Boston next summer?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Што сакаш да правиш следното лето?,What do you want to do next summer?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Вечеран ли си?,Have you had your supper?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Кој е губитникот?,Who's the loser?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Како да стигнам до театарот?,How do I get to the theater?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Што бара Том?,What's Tom after?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Што би можел да биде проблемот?,What could be the matter?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Зошто е битно?,Why does it matter?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Навистина ли е важно тоа?,Does that really matter?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Дали е Том нешто подобар?,Is Tom any better?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Дали е тоа путер од кикирики?,Is that peanut butter?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сакаш ли да дојдам кај тебе?,Do you want to come over?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Кој мислиш дека може да ни го каже одговорот?,Who do you think can tell us the answer?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Кој мислиш дека ќе го знае одговорот?,Who do you think will know the answer?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Што ќе ми е адвокат?,Why do I need a lawyer?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ми треба ли адвокат?,Should I have a lawyer?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Јаболката не се на маса.,The apples are not on the table.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Некогаш знаеш да бидеш толку детинест.,You are so childish sometimes.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Што ќе ти е чешел ако немаш коса?,Why do you need a comb if you have no hair?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том е некултурен.,Tom has no manners.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Што бараат Том и Мери тука?,What are Tom and Mary here for?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn За кого би гласал?,Who would you vote for?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Што барав бе јас?,What was I looking for?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Што бараме?,What're we looking for?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn За кого работиме?,Who are we working for?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Кого чекаме?,Who are we waiting for?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Зошто го сторив тоа?,What did I do that for?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn За што служи?,What is it for?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Го набави ли она што го бараше?,Did you get what you went for?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Во чија чест е приредена забавата?,Who's the party for?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Дали си ти единствениот што има клуч од вратава?,Are you the only one who has a key to this door?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Што ќе ти е лекар?,Why do you need a doctor?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Кој од вас е лекарот на Том?,Which one of you is Tom's doctor?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Кој се јавува во ова време?,Who's calling at this hour?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Знаеш ли кој куфер е на Том?,Do you know which suitcase is Tom's?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Си знаел ли дека Том ѝ е пријател на Мери?,Did you know that Tom was a friend of Mary's?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ти има ли Том кажано што сака за Божиќ?,Did Tom ever tell you what he wanted for Christmas?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Каде ни се другарите?,Where are our friends?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Што правиш обично за викенд?,What do you usually do on weekends?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ти кажал ли Том каде ги сокрил дијамантите?,Did Tom ever tell you where he hid the diamonds?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Кој ги напишал поракиве?,Who wrote these messages?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ти се допаѓа ли мојата облека?,Do you like my clothes?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Кои се оние млади дами?,Who are those young ladies?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сакаш ли да играш игри?,Do you like to play games?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Каде би сакал да ги ставиме овие залихи?,Where would you like us to put these supplies?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Што има во тие сандаци?,What's in those cases?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Како ти се допаѓа часот по француски?,How do you like your French classes?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Имаше ли сведоци?,Were there any witnesses?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Веќе колку време сте цимери ти и Том?,How long have you and Tom been roommates?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сигурен ли си дека тука живее Том?,Are you sure this is where Tom lives?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Хаските обожаваат студено време.,Huskies love cold weather.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том е слабак.,Tom is a weakling.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Слабак си.,You're a pushover.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мопсовите не се слатки.,Pugs are not cute.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том е мудар.,Tom is wise.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Знае ли некој каде живее Том?,Does anybody here know where Tom lives?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Зошто мораме да плаќаме даноци?,Why do we have to pay taxes?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Што има во кутииве?,What's in these boxes?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Каде ти се верувањата?,What are your beliefs?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Каде да си ги оставам торбите?,Where should I put my bags?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Каде може да си ги ставам торбите?,Where can I put my bags?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Каде да ги ставам торбите?,Where do I put my bags?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Навистина ли е толку?,Is that really all there is?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Имаш ли некаква претстава што е ова?,Do you have any idea what this is?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Би можел ли да ми кажеш каде е бувјакот?,Can you tell me where the flea market is?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Засега сум во ред.,I'm OK for now.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Слабеам.,I'm losing weight.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Да одржуваме контакт.,Let's keep in touch.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сфаќаш ли колку е саат?,Do you realize what time it is?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Си го читал ли некогаш ова?,Have you ever read this?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Што мислиш дека го предизвикало ова?,What do you think caused this?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том ли го предложил ова?,Was Tom the one who suggested this?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том ли го сторил ова?,Was Tom the one who did this?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Кога го најде ова?,When did you find this?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мислиш ли дека ова би му се допаднало на Том?,Do you think Tom would like this?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Зошто некој би сакал да живее во вакво место?,Why would somebody want to live in a place like this?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Зарем не ти се допаѓа ова?,Don't you like this?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Го препознава ли некој ова?,Does anybody recognize this?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сакаш ли да го правиш ова?,Do you like doing this?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Зошто всушност го правиш ова?,Why are you really doing this?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Колку долго ќе треба да го трпиме ова?,How long will we have to put up with this?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Многу е ладно тука.,It's very cold in here.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Навистина ли сака Том да го направам ова?,Does Tom really want me to do this?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Зошто треба да го направиш ова?,Why do you need to do this?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Би можел ли да ми кажеш како се прави ова?,Could you please tell me how to do this?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Има ли полесен начин да се изврши ова?,Is there an easier way to do this?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сигурен ли си дека нема полесен начин да се направи ова?,Are you sure there isn't any easier way to do this?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Многу е темно тука.,It's very dark in here.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мајка ти е толку дебела што има сопствени временски зони.,Your mom is so fat that she has her own timezones.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Зарем не треба да го спречиме ова?,Shouldn't we stop this?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мислиш ли дека Том би можел да го поправи ова?,Do you think Tom would be able to repair this?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Јас ли сум одговорен за ова?,Am I responsible for this?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Чија куќа е ова?,Whose house is this?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Кој го донел ова?,Who brought this?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мислиш ли дека не требаше да му кажеме на Том за ова?,Do you think we shouldn't have told Tom about this?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мислиш ли дека требаше да зборуваме со Том за ова?,Do you think we should've talked to Tom about this?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Знае ли некој друг за ова?,Does anybody else know about this?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Не сум срамежлив.,I'm not shy.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Би можел ли да ми кажеш каде да го ставам ова?,Could you please tell me where to put this?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Го знаеше ли ова?,Did you know this?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Го знаеш ли ова?,Do you know this?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Кој мислиш дека може да го поправи ова?,Who do you think can fix this?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мислиш дека Том би знаел да го поправи ова?,Do you think Tom would know how to fix this?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Не треба ли да го прашаме Том што мисли тој?,Shouldn't we ask Tom what he thinks?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Зарем не сакаш женски?,Don't you like girls?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Имаше ли некакви проблеми?,Were there any problems?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Има ли некаков приговор?,Are there any objections?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Имаш ли нешто против?,Do you have any objections?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ти требаат ли упатства?,Do you need instructions?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Оди со Том.,Go with Tom.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Би ти пречело ли да направам неколку предлога?,Would you mind if I made a few suggestions?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Што ќе ни е оружје?,Why do we need weapons?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Можеш ли да ги мрдаш ушите?,Can you wiggle your ears?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Браќа ли се Том и Џон?,Are Tom and John brothers?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Браќа ли се?,Are they brothers?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Навистина ли се војници?,Are they really soldiers?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сестри ли се Мери и Алис?,Are Mary and Alice sisters?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сестри ли се?,Are they sisters?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Плачеше ли Том?,Did Tom cry?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Навистина ли се сестри Мери и Алис?,Are Mary and Alice really sisters?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Кој ги напишал писмава?,Who wrote these letters?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Си ги најде ли писмата?,Did you find your letters?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Кога последен пат си ѝ однел цвеќе на Мери?,When was the last time you brought Mary flowers?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Имаме ли доволно столови?,Do we have enough chairs?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Го отпуштив Том.,I fired Tom.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Има ли преживеани?,Are there survivors?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Имаше ли преживеани?,Were there any survivors?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Која мислиш дека е најубава девојка во твојот клас?,Who do you think is the most beautiful girl in your class?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Кога имаш прв час?,When's your first class?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Зошто е Том толку добар во шах?,Why is Tom so good at chess?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Му ја знаеш ли адресата на Том?,Do you know Tom's address?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Што друго ти недостигало?,What else did you miss?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Што си пропуштил?,What did you miss?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Купил ли Том подароци?,Did Tom get any gifts?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Што сака Том?,What does Tom want?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Каде се останатите ученици?,Where are the rest of the students?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Што се главните достигнувања на Том?,What are Tom's main achievements?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ги познаваш ли родителите на Том.,Do you know Tom's parents?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Зарем не ти кажав дека сум алергичен на кикирики?,Didn't I tell you that I was allergic to peanuts?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ќе ни поверува ли некој?,Will anyone believe us?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Зарем нема да ни се придружи Том?,Won't Tom be joining us?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Зошто не ни помага Том?,Why isn't Tom helping us?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Зошто не планираш да ни помогнеш?,Why aren't you planning on helping us?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Зошто не претресоа?,Why did they search us?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сакаш ли да одиш на пливање со нас?,Do you want to go swimming with us?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Одиш ли со нас?,Are you going with us?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Зарем не сакаш да играш одбојка со нас?,Don't you want to play volleyball with us?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сакаш ли да одиш во трговски центар со нас?,Do you want to go to the mall with us?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Зарем не би сакал да одиш со нас?,Wouldn't you like to go with us?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мислиш ли дека Том би сакал да оди со нас?,Do you think Tom would want to go with us?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сака ли Том да оди со нас?,Does Tom want to go with us?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сакаш ли да одиш со нас?,Do you want to go with us?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Колку ќе престојува Том кај нас?,How long will Tom stay with us?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Колку време рече Том дека планира да престојува кај нас?,How long did Tom say he planned to stay with us?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Зошто не може Том да дојде кај нас?,Why can't Tom come to us?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мислиш ли дека Том би ни помогнал?,Do you think Tom would help us?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Кој мислиш дека може да ни помогне?,Who do you think can help us?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сигурен ли си дека не можеш да ни помогнеш?,Are you sure you can't help us?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Зошто би ни помогнал?,Why should you help us?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том е џин.,Tom is huge.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Зарем не можеш да ни помогнеш?,Can't you help us?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мислиш ли дека можеш да го направиш тоа за нас?,Do you think you can do that for us?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том е педантен.,Tom is neat.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мислиш ли дека Том би бил волен да го направи тоа за нас?,Do you think Tom would be willing to do that for us?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сфаќаш ли колку ќе нѐ чини ова?,Do you realize how much this is going to cost us?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Колку ќе ни платиш?,How much will you pay us?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Зарем не е превкусно?,Isn't it delicious?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Зарем не те копка?,Aren't you curious?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Зарем не те ни интересира?,Aren't you even curious?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Нели е тоа необично?,Isn't that curious?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ни малку ли не те интересира?,Aren't you even a bit curious?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Зарем не би било тоа опасно?,Wouldn't that be dangerous?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мислиш ли дека можеби се опасни?,Do you think they might be dangerous?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ја чу ли добрата вест?,Have you heard the good news?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ја чу ли веста?,Have you heard the news?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Како било во тоа време?,What was it like in those days?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Што правиш обично во понеделник?,What do you usually do on Mondays?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Морам ли да правам како што ќе каже Том?,Do I have to do what Tom says?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn На што се смееја?,What were they laughing at?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Во кого гледаш?,Who are you looking at?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Што се смешкаш?,What're you smiling at?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn На што алудираш?,What're you getting at?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Што инсинуираш?,What are you getting at?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Каде мислиш дека треба да јадеме?,Where do you think we should eat?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Не би сакал ли да одиме да јадеме нешто?,Wouldn't you like to go out and get something to eat?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Би сакал ли да одиме да јадеме нешто?,Would you like to go get something to eat?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Купи ли нешто за јадење?,Did you buy anything to eat?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том беше тажен.,Tom was sad.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том се срамеше.,Tom was shy.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Што мислиш дека Том ќе сака да јаде?,What do you think Tom will want to eat?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Каде сакаше да јаде Том?,Where did Tom want to eat?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Зошто не јадеш месо?,Why don't you eat meat?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Што мислиш за капава?,What do you think of this hat?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мислиш ли дека ќе ти треба тоа?,Do you think you'll need that?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Си го зел ли тоа предвид?,Have you considered that?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Имаш ли некаква претстава зошто Том го сторил тоа?,Do you have any idea why Tom did that?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Кој го погоди Том?,Who hit Tom?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Зошто не можеш да го согледаш тоа?,Why can't you see that?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Зошто би направил нешто такво?,Why would I ever do something like that?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Зошто би направил некој нешто такво?,Why would somebody do something like that?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Зошто ме прашуваш тоа?,What made you ask me that?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Зошто ме праша за тоа?,Why do you ask me that?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Кој би поверувал во тоа?,Who would believe that?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Свесен ли беше за тоа?,Were you aware of that?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Зошто Том сѐ уште го прави тоа?,Why is Tom still doing that?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Слушаме.,We can hear.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Зошто го правеше тоа Том?,Why was Tom doing that?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Зошто планираш да го направиш тоа?,Why are you planning on doing that?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Добро. Се согласувам.,OK. I agree.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ти пречи ли тоа што Том го прави тоа?,Does it bother you that Tom is doing that?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Што да правам со тоа?,What should I do with that?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Зошто така си мислел?,Why did you think that?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Зошто прашуваш тоа?,What made you ask that?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Што е сето тоа?,What's all that?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Кој му го кажал тоа на Том?,Who told Tom that?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Зошто го праша Том за тоа?,What made you ask Tom that?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Зошто толку го интересира Том тоа?,Why is Tom so interested in that?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Кој рекол дека смееш така?,Who said you could do that?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Кој мислиш дека треба да го направи тоа?,Who do you think should do that?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Зошто да не направиме така?,Why shouldn't we do that?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Зошто би требал да го направам тоа?,Why would I need to do that?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Те знаеме.,We know you.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Зошто треба да го направам тоа?,Why do I need to do that?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Зошто да одвојам време за тоа?,Why should I take the time to do that?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ни недостасуваш.,We miss you.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мораме да бегаме.,We must run.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Зошто би бил некој волен да го направи тоа?,Why would anybody be willing to do that?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Како знаеше дека Том ќе го направи тоа?,How did you know Tom was going to do that?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Кој ти дал дозвола да го направиш тоа?,Who gave you permission to do that?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Зошто би сакал да го направиш тоа?,Why should you want to do that?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Зарем не ти кажав да не го правиш тоа?,Didn't I tell you not to do that?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Зарем не те предупредив да не го правиш тоа?,Didn't I warn you not to do that?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Излеговме.,We went out.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ќе ни биде сѐ во ред.,We'll be OK.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Би го направил ли некогаш тоа?,Would you ever do that?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Зошто да го правиш тоа?,Why should you do that?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ќе го сториш ли тоа?,Will you do that?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Навистина ли го направил тоа Том?,Did Tom really do that?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Толку ли е лошо?,Is it as bad as that?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Кој јазик беше тоа?,What language was that?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Што беше тоа, жити се?",What on earth was that?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Кој е тоа, жити се?",Who on earth is that?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Јако, нели?",How cool is that?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ајде да останеме заедно.,Let's stay together.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Што друго знаеш за тоа?,What else do you know about that?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том ли ти го дал тоа?,Was Tom the one who gave you that?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Кога сум ти го дал тоа?,When did I give you that?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Кога ти го кажав тоа?,When did I tell you that?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Дали некој ти го кажал тоа?,Did someone tell you that?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Го знаеше ли Том тоа?,Did Tom know that?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Го знаеш ли тоа?,Do you know that?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мислиш ли дека знаеш да го поправиш тоа?,Do you think you can fix that?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Разбираш ли што сакав да кажам со тоа?,Did you understand what I meant by that?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Каде го купил Том тоа?,Where did Tom buy it?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ќе го купиш ли тоа?,Are you going to buy that?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Имаме ли доволно пари да го купиме тоа?,Do we have enough money to buy that?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Што друго очекуваше?,What else did you expect?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Каде би можеле да се најдеме?,Where can we meet?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Какви книги доби?,What books did you get?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Може да си одат.,They can leave.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Зошто не можеш да молчиш?,Why can't you be quiet?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Зошто се сите толку тивки?,Why is everyone so quiet?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Зошто Том толку ќути?,Why is Tom being so quiet?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сакаш ли да земам нешто од супермаркет?,Do you want me to pick up anything at the supermarket?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Веќе колку време свири Том кларинет?,How long has Tom been playing the clarinet?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Зошто сѐ уште не си зготвил вечера?,Why haven't you cooked dinner yet?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Зошто сѐ уште не си разговарал со Том за ова?,Why haven't you talked to Tom about this yet?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ги допиша ли извештаите веќе?,Have you finished writing your reports yet?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Зошто сѐ уште го немаш направено тоа?,Why haven't you done that yet?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Дали сте вие единствените преостанати?,Are you the only ones left?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Зошто мора да се тепам?,Why do I have to fight?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Доста со тепање!,Break it up!,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Смее ли да дојдеме и ние?,Can we come?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Навистина ли остана дома цела ноќ?,Did you really stay home all night?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn До колку остануваш навечер?,How late do you stay up at night?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Може ли да престанеме?,Can we stop?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Може ли да зборуваме за синоќа?,Could we talk about last night?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn До колку остана на забавата синоќа?,How late did you stay at the party last night?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Магливо ли е?,Is it foggy?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том нема да доаѓа.,Tom won't be coming.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Дојди да ме видиш.,Come see me.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сѐ уште ли ти треба бебиситерка за во понеделник навечер?,Do you still need a babysitter for Monday night?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сакаш ли да одиш на вечера со мене вечерва?,Would you have dinner with me tonight?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Како се чувствуваш вечерва?,How are you feeling tonight?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Во трето одделение си, така?","You're in third grade, right?",mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Се сакаме, така?","We love each other, right?",mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Не можеше ли Том да го прочита?,Couldn't Tom read it?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Го примети ли тоа?,Didn't you notice it?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ќе го земеш ли?,Will you take it?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Како знаеше дека нема да му се допадне на Том?,How did you know Tom wasn't going to like it?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Зарем не ти кажав дека нема да му се допадне на Том?,Didn't I tell you Tom wouldn't like it?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Победи ли?,Did you win?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Никој нема да ти пречи тука.,No one will bother you here.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ти верувам.,I trust you.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Направи го како што треба.,Do it right.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Дали ти е гајле?,Do you care?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ти пречи ли?,Does it bother you?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Само не кревај раце од Том.,Just don't give up on Tom.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Јади со нас.,Eat with us.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мислев дека ќе ме пуштиш да останам тука.,I thought you were going to let me stay here.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Влегувај ваму!,Get in here!,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сум згрешил.,I was wrong.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Фаќај се за работа!,Get to work!,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Седни си.,Grab a seat.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Земи си пиво.,Have a beer.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тука се е спремно.,Everything is ready here.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сме се запознале ли?,Have we met?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ајде да останеме спокојни.,Let's just stay calm.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сослушај ме.,Hear me out.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Побрзај бе.,Hurry it up.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Прашав зошто.,I asked why.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Кукла е.,It's a doll.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Го запалив.,I burned it.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Умеам да танцувам.,I can dance.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Би можел да пробам.,I could try.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Избегав од час.,I cut class.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Не отидов.,I didn't go.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Јас не лажам.,I don't lie.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Јас сам јадам.,I eat alone.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Нема никого тука.,There isn't anybody here.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Се чувствувам безбедно.,I feel safe.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тој стана.,He stood up.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Се чувствувам снеможено.,I feel weak.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Ти треба помош, Том.","You need to get help, Tom.",mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ми се збоктиса.,I got bored.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том вели дека не познава никого тука.,Tom says he doesn't know anybody here.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ми пишаа казна.,I got fined.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Заглавив.,I got stuck.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ме касна нешто.,I got stung.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Се растроив.,I got upset.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том не знае никого тука.,Tom doesn't know anybody here.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Го мразам ова.,I hate this.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Имам очи.,I have eyes.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Имам храна.,I have food.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Имам време.,I have time.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Го знам ова.,I know this.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сакам пиво.,I like beer.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ја сакам сината боја.,I like blue.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ми се допаѓа ова.,I like this.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Оплескав.,I messed up.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Знам за него.,I know about him.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Морам да послушам.,I must obey.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ми мириса на плин.,I smell gas.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ми треба храна.,I need food.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ми успеа.,I nailed it.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ми треба уште.,I need more.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Знам за неа.,I know all about her.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ми треба тоа.,I need that.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Каде е?,Where is it?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ми треба време.,I need time.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ми требаше.,I needed it.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Јас никогаш не се обложувам.,I never bet.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Јас никогаш не победувам.,I never win.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Плаќам даноци.,I pay taxes.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тука работам.,I work here.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Те спасив.,I saved you.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Седев буден и чекав.,I waited up.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сакам готовина.,I want cash.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сакам јајца.,I want eggs.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Го сакам своето.,I want mine.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сакам супа.,I want soup.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сакам време.,I want time.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бесен бев.,I was furious.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Претпоставувам дека сега нема да јадеш со нас.,I suppose you won't eat with us now.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Буден бев.,I was awake.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Се досадував.,I was bored.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Банкрот бев.,I was broke.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Немам компјутер дома.,I don't have a computer at home.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Можам да му одговорам на прашањето.,I can respond to his question.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Загрижени се за неа.,They're concerned about her.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Лесно се плашам.,I frighten easily.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Умеам да возам.,I can drive.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Животот во самотија не нужно е лоша работа.,A life of solitude isn't necessarily entirely disadvantageous.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Чекор по чекор, тој се симнува по скалите.","Step by step, he descends the stairs.",mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Загрижен сум за нив.,I've been concerned about them.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мораме да работиме поинтензивно и поделотворно.,We need to work more intensively and effectively.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Петар е ноќна птица.,Peter is a night owl.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Водата од дождот испарува кога е топло.,The rainwater evaporates on a hot day.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том е единствениот што знае што се случува.,Tom is the only one who knows what's going on.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Научниците тврдат дека луѓето што почесто се смеат подолго живеат од оние што ги прегазил камион.,Scientists claim that people who laugh more have a longer life than those that have been hit by a truck.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Имаме ли резервација?,Did we make a reservation?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Нарачавме ли однапред?,Did we order in advance?,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ти ги изми садовите.,You washed the dishes.,mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Значи, ова се најчудните затвореници што сум ги видел.","Look, that's the strangest group of prisoners I've ever seen.",mkd_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Хятад улс Пакистан, Энэтхэг, Афганистан, Тажикстан, Киркизстан, Казахстан, Хойд Солонгос, Лаос, Вьетнам, Балба, Бутан, Мянмар, Монгол, Орос улсуудтай хиллэдэг.","China shares borders with Pakistan, India, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, North Korea, Laos, Vietnam, Nepal, Bhutan, Myanmar, Mongolia and Russia.",mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Өнөөдөр айхтар халуун байна.,It's awfully hot today.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Би кофе уудаггүй.,I do not drink coffee.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Би унтахаар явах ёстой.,I have to go to sleep.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Би зээлсэн хутгаа эргүүлж өгөв.,I returned the knife which I had borrowed.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Шуудан зөөгч өглөө болгон сонин авчирдаг байсан.,A postman brought newspapers every morning.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Чи түүний ярианд анхаарал тавихгүй бол болохгүй.,You must pay attention to him.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Би удахгүй эргэж ирнэ.,I will be back soon.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Мэри хөөрхөн төдийгүй, тэр эмэгтэй бас ухаалаг.","Mary is not only beautiful, she's smart, too.",mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тэр номыг уншаад дуусгачихсан уу?,Are you through with the book?,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Хатан хаан II Элизабет эмэг эх нь Чингис хааны удам гэдэгт итгэдэг.,Queen Elizabeth II is thought to be descended from Genghis Khan via her grandmother.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Энэ зураг Нарад авагдсан.,This photo was taken in Nara.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Би түүнд зөвлөгөө өгөв.,I gave him some advice.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn 5 цагаас өмнө буцаж ирнэ гэвэл явж болно шүү.,You may go on condition that you return by five.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Том хүлээлгийн өрөөнд орж ирээд, Мэри хүлээж байсныг олж мэдэв.",Tom entered the lobby and found Mary waiting.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Жуулчид үе үе энэ дэлгүүрээс бэлэг авдаг байсан.,Tourists often bought souvenirs in this shop.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тэр Африк руу зэрлэг амьтад харахаар явсан.,He went to Africa to see wild animals.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Кэйт гэрийн даалгавараа гал тогоонд хийдэг байсан.,Kate did her homework in the kitchen.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Энэ л чи надад яагаад тийм их дургүй шалтгаан байх гэж би таамаглаж байна.,I suppose that's why you don't like me so much.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Чи амьтан тэжээдэг үү?,Do you have any animals?,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Чи юу ч хийдэггүй зөвхөн иддэг.,You do nothing else but eat.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Би Токиод өчигдөр ирсэн.,I arrived in Tokyo yesterday.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Дариймаа шувууд, ан амьтдыг ховорхон зурдаг байсан.",Dariimaa rarily drew birds and animals.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Хэрвээ алдвал дахиад оролдоод үз.,"If you fail, try again!",mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ажлаасаа гармаар байна.,I want to quit my current job.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn """Баярлалаа."" ""Зүгээрээ.""","""Thank you."" ""You're welcome.""",mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Хүүхдүүд халуун өдpөөp мөхөөлдөс иддэг байсан.,Children ate ice cream on hot days.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тэр ямар нэг юм сэдээд байх шиг байна.,I think he is planning something.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Миний амьдралын зорилго бол зохиолч болох.,My goal in life is to be a novelist.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Амралтаа яаж өнгөрөөв?,How did you enjoy your vacation?,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Эсперанто хэлийг сайн хэлэж чадахгүй учраас уучлаарай.,"Sorry, I don't speak very well Esperanto.",mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Перц хийх үү?,Do you want pepper on it?,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Миний ээлж үү?,Is it my turn?,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Хар даа, гал тогооны өрөөнд муур байна.","Look, there's a cat in the kitchen.",mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Марина хагас сайнд cэтгүүл уншдаг байсан.,Marina read magazines on weekends.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Энэ сэтгүүл сард хоёр дугаар хэвлэгддэг.,The magazine is issued twice a month.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Энэ морь Наадам болгонд сайн давхидаг байсан.,This horse ran well at every Naadam.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том намайг гэрт хүргэж өгсөн.,Tom gave me a ride home.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ж. Озаки шиг нэр хүндтэй мэргэжлийн гольфчин японд байхгүй.,No pro golfer in Japan is as popular as Jumbo Ozaki.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сараа зун цагт тэр уулны зургийг авдаг байсан.,Sara took pictures of that mountain in summer.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Гэрэл битгий унтраа.,Don't turn off the light.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Дасгалжуулагч үдээс хойш зааварчилгаа өгдөг байсан.,The trainer gave instructions in the afternoons.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Би Шанхай аялагаар ярьж чадахгүй ч гэсэн, хятадаар ярьж чадна.","Although I can't speak the Shanghaiese dialect, I can speak Chinese.",mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тэр эмэгтэй Мэригийн зөвлөгөөг дагах хэрэгтэй байсан юм.,She should have followed Mary's advice.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тэр одоо болтол захий бичээгүй байна.,He hasn't written the letter yet.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мачида бол хуучин шинэ хоёрыг хослуулсан гайхалтай хот.,Machida is an interesting city that's a mix of the old and the new.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Наадхаа миний нохойнд өг, тэр юу ч хамаагүй иддэг.",Give it to my dog. He'll eat anything.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Эр хүн долоо дордож найм сэхдэг.,A man fails seven times and rises eight times.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Юу хийж байна вэ?,What are you doing?,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Чи юу гээч вэ?,What are you?,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Би ихэвчлэн 8 цагт босдог.,I usually get up at 8.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тэр бол тэнэг биш юм.,He is not stupid.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Миний компьютер гацсан.,My computer crashed.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Чи Япон руу хэзээ буцах вэ?,When do you go back to Japan?,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тэр худлаа хэлж байна.,He is lying.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Би аватарынхаа зургийг сольчихлоо.,I have just changed my avatar photo.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Би Томд Марийн утасны дугаарыг өгсөн.,I gave Tom Mary's phone number.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Чи манай бэйсболын багт орох уу?,Will you join our baseball club?,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Уучлаарай, гэвч би англи хэлийг сайн ойлгож чадахгүй.","I'm sorry, but I don't understand English well.",mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Чи хаана байна вэ?,Where are you?,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Франц хүмүүс франц хэлээр ярьдаг.,French is spoken in France.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Би унших дуртай.,I love reading.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Өнөө орой зурагт үзэх хүсэл алга.,I don't feel like watching TV tonight.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тэр маргааш ирнэ.,He will come tomorrow.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Өндөрт гарах тусмаа агаар хүйтэн болно.,"As we go up higher, the air becomes cooler.",mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Та нар хаана байна вэ?,Where art thou?,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тэр надаас хоёр дахин их орлоготой.,He earns twice as much as me.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Чиний дуртай шувуу юу вэ?,What is your favorite bird?,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Марал өнөөдөр нэг нас хүрэв.,Today Maral became one year old.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Нас намбандаа бай.,Act your age.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Линда шоколаданд дуртай.,Linda likes eating chocolate.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бэлэн мөнгөөр бол 10% хямдралтай.,We give a 10% discount for cash.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Би тоглож хэлсэн.,I meant it as a joke.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Улаан даашинз түүнд зохидог.,A red dress looks good on her.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Шувуу улаан байна.,The birds are red.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Яагаад ч болохгүй.,Over my dead body.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Багачууд бүтэн сайнд гол руу явдаг байсан.,Kids went to the river on Sundays.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Би түүнтэй утсаар ярьсан.,I spoke to him by telephone.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Та надад Франц хэл заах уу?,Will you teach me French?,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Би сургуульдаа теннис тоглож байсан.,I played tennis after school.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Та араб кофенд дуртай юу?,Do you like Arabic coffee?,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn """Юу болоо вэ?"" ""Миний компьютер сая гацсан.""","""What's wrong?"" ""My computer just crashed.""",mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Та ажлын хэнээтэй юм байна.,You are a workaholic.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бүх юм сайн болно гэж би итгэж байна.,I believe that everything will be okay.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Юу гэж хэлэх ёстойг мэдэдгүй ээ.,I just don't know what to say.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Панда хэмээх хар цагаан баавгай Хятад болон Төвдийн ууланд амьдардаг.,The black and white bears living in the mountains in China and Tibet are called 'pandas'.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Олон төрлийн хэлнүүд сурч байгаа.,I'm studying several languages.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Та хэдэн настай вэ?,How old are you?,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мастер голдуу шар ба хөх өнгийг сонгодог байсан.,The master usually chose yellow and blue colours.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Миний төрөлх хэл бол Спани хэл.,My mother tongue is Spanish.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Таны төрсөн өдөр хэзээ вэ?,What is your date of birth?,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn 25 нас хүрсэн Төвд хүн бүр Төвдийн Ардын Төлөөлөгчдийн Ассемблейн сонгуульд оролцох эрхтэй.,Every Tibetan above 25 has the right to stand for election to the Assembly of Tibetan People's Deputies.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Зөв үү, Багш аа?","Is it right, Ms./Mr.?",mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Үйлдвэр үргэлж сайн чанарын гутал хийдэг байсан.,The factory always made good quality shoes.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Би энийг ч бас тайлбарлаж чадахгүй нь.,I can't explain it either.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Манай хүргэн ах бол цагдаа.,My brother-in-law is a policeman.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Галт тэрэг өглоөд дандаа эрт ирдэг байсан.,The train always came early in the morning.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Би эмийн санд ажилладаг.,I work in a chemist's.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Оймсоо тайлаарай.,"Take off your socks, please.",mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Манай хэлээр хөгжмийн ноотыг до, рэ, ми, фа, соль, ля, си гэж тэмлэглэдэг.","In my language, the musical notes are c, d, e, f, g, a, and b.",mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Уучлаарай, надад асуулт байна.","Excuse me, I have a question.",mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тэр түүний найз.,He is her friend.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Би явах гэж байна.,I'm going to go.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Би чамайг санаж байна.,I miss you.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Би ноён Брауныг хүндэлж байна.,I respect Mr. Brown.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Захирал өглөөгүүр зочдыг хүлээн авч уулздаг байсан.,The director met guests in the mornings.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Амжилт хусье.,I wish you success.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бид озоны давхаргыг нэмж цоорохоос сэргийлж илүү ихийг хийх хэрэгтэй.,We should do more to protect the ozone layer from further damage.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Компаниуд улирал бүхэнд татвар толдөг байсан.,Companies paid their taxes every quarter.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Чи над руу утасдах хэрэггүй.,You need not telephone me.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Чи тоглож байна уу?,Are you kidding?,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Чоно хүн рүү бараг дайрдаггүй.,Wolves won't usually attack people.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Энэ романыг ойлгоход амаргүй.,It is difficult to understand this novel.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ойлгосон уу?,Do you understand?,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Виолет сард нэг удаа захидал бичдэг байсан.,Violet wrote a letter once a month.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Та эмнэлэгт хэвтэж эмчилгээ хийлгэх хэрэгтэй.,You should stay in the hospital for treatment.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Чи бол цуврал алуурчин.,You're a serial killer.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Би өнгөрсөн шөнө аймшигтай хар дарж зүүдэллээ.,I had a dreadful dream last night.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бид уулын оргилд хүрэв.,We reached the top of the mountain.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Шинэ жилийн мэнд!,Happy New Year!,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Зүрх минь цохилохоо болив.,My heart stopped beating.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Лайтай халуун байна шүү.,It's fucking hot.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Чиний төлөө худлаа хэлдэг хүмүүс чамд бас худлаа хэлэх л болно.,"People who will lie for you, will lie to you.",mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Би түүнд худал хэлэхэд тэр хариуд нь бас худлаа хэлэв.,I lied to him and he lied to me in turn.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Чи надад худлаа хэлсэн биз дээ, тэгээгүй гээч?","You lied to me, didn't you?",mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Би чамайг хуурч чадахгүй.,I can't lie to you.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Чиний худлаа хэлсэн чинь илт байна.,It's evident that you told a lie.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ажлаа дуусгачихаад чам руу залгая.,"When I get through with my work, I'll call you.",mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ширээн дээр ном тавиастай байна.,A book is lying on the desk.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Би хөхний хавдрын шинжилгээ өгмөөр байна.,I'd like to have a test for breast cancer.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Өвчтөн нүд нь аниастай орон дээр хэвтэж байв.,The patient was lying in the bed with his eyes closed.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тэр надад олон дахин худал хэлсээр байв.,He has lied to me again and again.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Би халуураад байна.,I have a temperature.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Дорж хоногт 10 цаг ажилладаг байсан.,Dorj worked 10 hours a day.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Хэрэв чи их худлаа хэлээд байвал хүмүүс чиний үгэнд хэзээ ч итгэхээ болино.,"If you tell too many lies, people won't ever believe your words.",mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Худлаа хэлснийг минь уучлаарай.,Please forgive me for telling a lie.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Хааяа нэг түүний ээж эрг цагийн дуунаас аялдаг байсан.,Sometimes her mother sang old songs.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том байнга Мариагийн тухай сонсож байсан боловч түүнтэй уулзаж байгаагүй.,"Tom had often heard about Mary, but hadn't yet met her.",mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Байшин төгс биш ч гэсэн, яахав зүгээр.","The house is not ideal, but it's all right.",mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Энэ бол би.,This is me.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Чи надад усанд сэлхийг заах уу?,Will you teach me how to swim?,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Та надад итгэж байна уу?,Do you trust me?,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Битгий ичээрэй.,Don't be shy.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Манай хөмбөгийн баг хотынхоо бусад багийг бүгдийг нь хождог.,Our soccer team beat all the other teams in the town.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Зөвлөлт судлаач хүн юу судалдаг юм бэ?,What does a Sovietologist study?,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Би гольф тоглох дуртай.,I like to play golf.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn """Борщ"",""Щи"" гэх мэтийн үгнүүдийг германаар хэзээ ч битгий бичиж бай!","Never write the words ""bortsch"" and ""shchi"" in German!",mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тэр бол маш сайн теннис тоглогч.,He's an excellent tennis player.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Заавал үзээрэй!,You have to see it.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тэр маш хурдан сэлж чадна.,He can swim very fast.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сайхан хооллоорой!,Enjoy your meal!,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Менежер хурал дээр шинэ санал дэвшүүлдэг байсан.,The manager advanced a proposal at the meeting.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Та тэрний нэрийг мэдэж байгаад гайхлаа.,It is surprising that you should know her name.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сумын багш баярын одроор тэмээ унадаг байсан.,The soum teacher rode a camel on holidays.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Автомашин, автобус, ачааны тэрэгнүүд бүгд тээврийн хэрэгслүүд.","Cars, buses, and trucks are all vehicles.",mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Асуудал нь юу вэ?,What is the problem?,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Би гэртээ байна.,I'm at home.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тэр миний найз залуу биш шүү дээ.,He's not my boyfriend.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Чи амласан.,You have made a promise.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Өөр хэн ч тэр ажлыг хийж чадахгүй.,No one else can fill that job.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Англиар ийм хурдан ярьж байхыг огт сонсож байсангүй.,I've never heard English spoken so quickly.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тэр эмэгтэй өөрийн гэсэн бүх зүйлээ аваад гэрээсээ явсан.,She left home with everything she owned.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Энэ түүний төрсөн тосгон.,This is the village where he was born.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Чиний өдөр болгон хоцордог чинь надад таалагдахгүй байна.,I don't like your coming late every day.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Чи хөмбөгийн дүрэм мэдэх үү?,Are you familiar with the rules of soccer?,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Чи хөмбөг тоглож сурна.,You will be able to play soccer.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Жил бүр маш олон ном хэвлэгддэг.,A lot of books are published every year.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бразилд хөмбөг шиг нэр хүндтэй спорт байхгүй.,No other sport in Brazil is so popular as soccer.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Би зурагтаар хөмбөг үзэх дуртай.,I enjoy watching soccer on TV.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Би үдээс хоёш завгүй байна.,I will be busy this afternoon.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Олон Улсын Эмэгтэйчүүдийн Баярын Мэнд Хүргэе!,Happy International Women's Day!,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Асуултанд хариулна уу.,Please answer the question.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn хаалга хаагаарай.,Please close the door.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Дал буюу наян жил нь эрэгтэй хүний ​​амьдралын хэвийн үргэлжлэх хугацаа юм.,Seventy or eighty years is the normal span of a man's life.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Утаанhаа тэрьелээб гэжэ галда оробо.,Out of the frying pan and into the fire.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тер их хүүрхүн.,He is very handsome.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Цаг боллоо.,It's almost time.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Хүчтэй бороо орж эхлэв.,A heavy rain began to fall.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Энэ нь агаарын хөлгийн компани нь зөвхөн тээвэрлэлт хариуцдаг.,That aircraft company deals in freight only.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Заримдаа оюутнууд номын сангаас сурах бичиг авдаг.,Sometimes students took textbooks in the library.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Өчигдөр аймаар хүйтэн байсан.,It was terribly cold yesterday.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Чи найз залуутай юу?,Do you have a boyfriend?,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Яарах хэрэггүй.,There's no need to hurry.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том арван гурванхан настай.,Tom is only thirteen.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Чамайг хэн гэдэг вэ?,What is your name?,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Чи энэ мөнгөөр юу хийх гэж байна?,What are you going to do with this money?,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Та Герман хэлээр ярьдаг уу?,Do you speak German?,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Жон өчигдөр Франц явсан.,John left for France yesterday.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Би байгалийн цэвэр ус уух дуртай.,I like to drink natural mineral water.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Би эмч биш.,I'm not a doctor.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ихэнх тохиолдолд машины осол нь нойр дутуугаас болдог.,"In most cases, car accidents result from lack of sleep.",mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Оюутнууд түүний лэкц дээр олон асуулт тавьдаг байсан.,Students asked many questions at his lectures.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Хүн бүр төрж мэндлэхдээ эрх чөлөөтэй, адилхан нэр төртэй, ижил эрхтэй байдаг. Оюун ухаан нандин чанар заяасан хүн гэгч өөр хоорондоо ахан дүүгийн үзэл санаагаар харьцах учиртай.",All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Хэрэглээний Үнийн Индэкс огцом өөрчлөгдөв.,The consumer price index has been fluctuating wildly.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Би ярих дуртай.,I like to talk.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Би идэх дуртай.,I like to eat.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Та цанаар гулгаж чадах уу?,Can you ski?,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Намайг уучлаарай.,Please forgive me.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Би гэрээ цэвэрлэх ёстой.,I have to clean my home.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Би аялах дуртай.,I like to travel.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Би байна. Орж болох уу?,It's me. Can I come in?,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Би ажиллах дуртай.,I like to work.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Би шоколаданд дуртай.,I like chocolate.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Би бялуунд дуртай.,I like cake.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Чи бол сайн сурагч.,You are a good student.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Би цайнд дуртай.,I like tea.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Эмэгтэйчүүд болон эрчүүдийн стрессийг давах арга нь өөр өөр. Эмэгтэйчүүд хэн нэгэнтэй ярилцахыг чухалчилдаг бол эрчүүд хатуу дарс уухыг илүүд үздэг.,"The methods used to overcome stress are different for men and women: drinking is the major method used by men, while women deal with stress by chatting.",mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Би урьд нь захиагаа гараар бичдэг байсан бол одоо баримт боловсруулагч програм ашиглаж байна.,"I used to type my letters, but now I use a word processor.",mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Зөвхөн хүн төрөлхтөн л хэл яриа хэрэглэдэг гэж хүмүүс боддог байв.,People used to think that only humans could use language.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Би тэр номын санд хичээл хийх гэж очдог байлаа.,I used to go to that library to study.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Би нохойнд дуртай.,I like dogs.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тэр бүсгүйд бүгд дурладаг.,Everybody loves her.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тэр чиний өрөө юу?,Is this your room?,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бүсгүйн царай гэрэлтэв.,Her face lit up.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Шинэ бүтээгдэхүүнийг 7 дүүрэгт амжилттай танилцуулав.,Successfully demonstrated a new product in 7 districts.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Би танд хэрэгтэй байна.,I need you.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Муур загасанд илүү дуртай байдаг.,Cats like fish in particular.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Такахаши гуай тантай хамт явахыг зөвшөөрсөн.,Mr. Takahashi agreed to go with you.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Халуун зуны нэг өдрийн үдээс хойш бүсгүй хүүгээ дагуулан хотоос гадагш ферм руу явахаар шийдэв.,One hot summer afternoon she decided to take her boyfriend to a farm outside the town.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тэгвэл чи ирэхгүй гэсэн үг үү?,Does that mean you won't come?,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Түүний ярьсан нь худлаа байх ёсгүй.,His story can't be false.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Би ууланд байсан.,I was in the mountains.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Би ногоон өнгөөр дуртай.,I like the green colour.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ромын эзэн хаан Калигулад хурдан гэсэн утга бүхий Инцитатус хэмээх хүлэг байжээ.,Roman Emperor Caligula had a horse called Incitatus which means fast.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тэр төгөлдөр хуурыг сайн тоглодоггүй.,She can't play the piano very well.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Юу болоо вэ?,What is wrong?,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Би өрөөндөө Англи хэл сурч байна.,I am studying English in my room.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тэд заримдаа сонгодог хөгжим сонсдог байсан.,They listened to the classical music sometimes.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Томын нуруу өвдсөн.,Tom has a sore back.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Хубилай хаан бол Чингис хааны ач хүү юм.,Kublai Khan is the grandson of Genghis Khan.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тийзийг бүү мартаарай.,Don't forget the ticket.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Үнэнийг хэлэхэд би чамтай санал нийлэхгүй байна.,"To tell the truth, I don't agree with you.",mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Надаас бусад нь бүгд уригдсан.,Everyone except me was invited.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Би түүний хаана амьдардгийг огт мэдэхгүй.,I have no idea where he lives.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Би 7 цагийн галт тэрэгнээс хоцорчихлоо.,I missed the 7:00 train.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Энэ бол сурахад амархан дуу.,This song is easy to learn.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Улаанбаатар бол Монгол Улсын нийслэл юм.,Ulaanbaatar is the capital of Mongolia.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Хархорин бол Монголын эртний нийслэл билээ.,Karakorum is the early capital city of Mongolia.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Маргааш амралтын өдөр.,Tomorrow is a holiday.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Хаалгаа хаана уу.,"Close the door, please.",mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Намайг хайрладагаас чинь илүүгээр би чамайг хайрладаг.,I love you more than you love me.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тэд одон бөмбөг дандаа энд тоглодог байсан.,They always played tennis here.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Далайд арлууд байдаг.,There are islands in the sea.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Охидууд цонхоны хажууд улаан лооль ургуулдаг байсан.,The girls grew tomatoes in the window.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Би францаар тийм сайн ярьж чадахгүй.,I don't speak French well enough!,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Хүн хүндээ чоно.,Man is a wolf to man.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Чоно чоноо барьдаггүй.,A wolf doesn't bite a wolf.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Зураачид хаварын сард хана буддаг байсан.,Artists painted the wall in the spring months.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Математикчид бол Франц хүмүүстэй адил, тэдэнд юу ч хэлсэн өөрийн хэл рүүгээ орчуулаад дараа нь тэс өөр болгодог.",Mathematicians are like French people: whatever you tell them they translate it into their own language and turn it into something totally different.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Инженерүүд дизайныг ойр ойрхон өөрчилдөг байсан.,The engineers changed designs frequently.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Би NTT-д ажилладаг.,I'm with NTT.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Би бол Вьетнам гаралтай Францын иргэн.,I have French nationality but Vietnamese origins.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Гриша машинаа голдуу энэ газар засварладаг байсан.,Grisha usually repaired his car in this place.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ганцхан ээж минь л намайг сайн ойлгодог.,Only my mother really understands me.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тэр галт тэргэнд дуртай.,He loves trains.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Энэ миний өчигдөр худалдаж авсан бугуйн цаг.,This is the watch I bought yesterday.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn """Cat""ыг испани хэлээр хэрхэн хэлэх вэ?","How do you say ""cat"" in Spanish?",mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бүсгүй гитараас гадна төгөлдөр хуур сайн дардаг.,She plays piano as well as the guitar.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Хүн бүр үүнийг мэддэг.,Everybody knows that.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Чиний хийсэн хэрэг түүний нэр хүндийг гутаалаа.,Your action has offended his dignity.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Өвоо нь түүний санаа бодлыг үргэлж дэмждэг байсан.,His grandfather always supported his ideas.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бүсгүй түүн рүү заналтай харав.,She looked at him with hatred.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Энэ голын ус маш цэвэр юм.,The water in this river is very clean.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Юу байна?,What's going on?,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Би нээрэн чамайг итгэхыг хүсч байна.,I really want to believe you.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тэр шалгалтаа амжилттай давав.,He sailed through the examination.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Би чөлөөт цагаа ихэвчлэн хөгжим сонсож өнгөрөөдөг.,I often spend my free time listening to music.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Төгөлдөр хуур үнэтэй, машин бүр ч үнэтэй.","A piano is expensive, but a car is more expensive.",mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Би өглөө 6 цагт босдог болоод байна.,I make it a rule to get up at six.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ноён Смит өнөө өглөө Японоос явсан.,Mr Smith left Japan this morning.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Аав надад үргэлж зоригтой, хийморьтой байхыг сургасан.",Father told me always to be brave and cheerful.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Би бас тантай танилцсандаа таатай байна.,It's nice to meet you too.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Би бас тантай танилцсандаа баяртай байна.,Nice to meet you too.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Халуун устай ваннд орох шиг сайхан юм хаа байна.,There's nothing like a good hot bath.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Та энд их юм сурна.,You'll learn a lot here.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Дараа уулзацгаая!,See you around.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Өө, зүгээрээ.","Oh, don't worry about it.",mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тэр үнэт чулуу хулгайлсан хэргээр буруутгагдсан байна.,He was accused of stealing the jewels.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бороо орсон учраас такси барисан.,"I took a taxi, because it was raining.",mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тэр анги дотроо хамгийн ахмад нь.,He is the eldest in his class.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Өчигдөр, авга ах надад нэг ном өгсөн. Тэр ном энэ байна.",My uncle gave me a book yesterday. This is the book.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Хэрвээ чи миний хичээлийг таслах юм бол чамайг ална шүү.,"If you skip my class, I will kill you.",mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тэр амархан бууж өгдөг хүн биш.,He is not the sort of guy who gives in easily.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Хэн цонх онгорхой орхисон бэ?,Who is responsible for leaving the window open?,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тэр хүүхдүүддээ тоглоомоо хураацгаа гэж хэлэв.,She told her children to put away their toys.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Би захиа бичиж байна.,I am writing a letter now.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Лүк, би чиний эцэг.","Luke, I am your father.",mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Чиний сайхан сэтгэлийг би хэзээ ч мартахгүй.,I shall never forget your kindness.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn А ба Б-гын ялгаа нь юу вэ?,What is the difference between A and B?,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тэр надад эрт унтаж байхыг даалгав.,He instructed me to go to bed early.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Долоо хэмжиж нэг огтол.,"Measure seven times, cut once.",mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тээр тэнд нэг хот харагдлаа.,I saw a town in the distance.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бурхан хичээнгүй хүнийг шагнадаг юм.,God rewards diligent people.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Таны сайхан сэтгэлд мянгантаа талархъя.,A thousand thanks for your kindness.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тэгээд чамд хуудас цаас байв уу?,Did you have a sheet of paper then?,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Миний анхны компьютер 128-хан килобайт санах ойтой байв.,My first computer had only 128 kilobytes of memory!,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Атлантын далай Америк, Европыг тусгаарладаг.",The Atlantic Ocean separates America from Europe.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Би өчигдөр оройн хоол хийсэн.,I cooked supper last night.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Маюко төгс байхыг үргэлж хичээдэг.,Mayuko always aims for perfection.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Хүүг минь юунд зэмлэв?,Why do you accuse my son?,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тэд Ромд цагийг хөгжилтэй өнгөрүүлэх юм шиг санагдаж байна.,They seem to have had a good time in Rome.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Та ганцаараа пианог өргөж чадахгүй.,You cannot lift the piano alone.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Пицца бол миний дуртай хоол.,Pizza is my favorite food.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Би ачаа явуулахаар шуудан дээр ирчихээд байна.,I've just been to the post office to send a package.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Их хурлын гишүүн бол нэг ёсондоо мэргэжилтэн.,A parliamentarian is a type of expert.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Би ирэх долоо хоногт чөлөө авч болох уу?,May I take some time off next week?,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тэр дөрвөн цагт ирнэ гэж надад ам алдав.,He promised me that he would come at four.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тэр чамайг бүтэн долоо хоногоор алга болохыг чинь зөвшөөрөхгүй.,He doesn't want you to lose a whole week.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Өнөөдөр бас жаахан оройтох юм шиг байна.,It seems I'll be late today too.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Би чамд машин жолоодохыг зааж өгье.,I'll teach you how to drive a car.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Хамт тоглох уу?,Would you play with me?,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Чи юу дуртайгаа хийж болно шүү.,You are welcome to do anything you like.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Чи гутлаа тайлсны хэрэггүй.,You need not take off your shoes.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn """Тэр чамд маш их уурлаж байна"" гэж шинэ зөөгч бүсгүй хэлэв.","""Sue's very angry with you,"" my new waitress said.",mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тэр түүнд их идэхгүй байхыг зөвлөв.,She advised him not to eat too much.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тэр бүсгүй гадаадад явахдаа нэлээд мөнгө зарцуулдаг.,She spends a lot of money when she goes abroad.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Би чамд хайртай.,I love you.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Хямдралтай худалдаа явагдаж байна.,It's a bearish market now.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Нүдний булай!,What a shame!,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бид шөнө дундаас хойно сэрэв.,We woke up after midnight.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тэр сайн сэлж чадна гэж хариулав.,He answered that he could swim well.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Талбай дээр хэдэн зуун хүн байсан.,There were several hundred people in the plaza.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Жингийн цуваа явж л байдаг, замын ноход хуцаж л байдаг.",The camel marches while the dogs bark.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Чи ийм кино өмнө үзэж байв уу?,Have you ever seen such a nice film?,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Хавар болов.,Spring is here.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Чи тэнэг.,You're an idiot.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Би дандаа 11 цагт унтдаг.,I go to bed at eleven every night.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Айвал бүү хий, хийвэл бүү ай.","Do not start if afraid, once begun do not be afraid.",mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Нуга болгоны өвс ондоо байдгийн адил Нутаг болгоны заншил ондоо.,"Each country's customs are different, just as each meadow's grass is different.",mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Босох үед уйтгартай байсан.,"When I woke up, I was sad.",mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ус үзээгүй байж өмдөө битгий шуу.,Don't undo your bootlaces until you have seen the river.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Шунал хүнийг үүрдийн ядуу болгоно, Ертөнцийн баялгийг өөрийн болгосон ч баян болж чадахгүй.","Greed keeps men forever poor, even the abundance of this world will not make them rich.",mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Санаа зөв бол Заяа зөв.,"If mind is clean, fate is good.",mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Яст мэлхийнүүд шүдгүй.,Turtles don't have teeth.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Агт алдвал барьж болдог Ам алдвал барьж болдоггүй.,It is easier to catch an escaped horse than to take back an escaped word.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сайн байна уу?,How are you doing?,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Өргүй бол баян Өвчингүй бол жаргал.,"Rich is he who has no debts, fortunate he who lives without illness.",mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Цаг цагаараа байдаггүй, цахилдаг хөхөөрөө байдаггүй.","Times are not always the same, the grass is not always green.",mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Аавын бийд хүнтэй танилц, агтны бийд газар үз.","Meet lots of people while your father is still alive, go to many places while your horse is still strong.",mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Сайн хүн явснаа, муу хүн идсэнээ гайхуулна.","Wise men talk about ideas, intellectuals about facts, and the ordinary man talks about what he eats.",mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Хавар дэлгэрэх цэцэг олон янз байдаг.,"In spring, there are various blooming flowers.",mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Миний хэрэг гарвал утасдаарай.,Call me up whenever you need my help.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Усыг нь уувал ёсыг нь дага.,"If you drink the water, follow the custom.",mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Хоол идэхгүй юм уу?,Are you not going to eat?,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Эрхэм баян мэдлэг, Дунд баян үр хүүхэд, Бага баян эд хөрөнгө.","The supreme treasure is knowledge, the middle treasure is children, and the lowest treasure is material wealth.",mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Та хаанаас ирсэн бэ?,Where are you from?,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бид үүн дээр маргалдах хэрэг байхгүй.,There's no need for us to argue about this.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бүрж Халифа нь өнөө үед энэ дэлхийн хамгийн өндөр тэнгэр баганадсан барилга юм.,Burj Khalifa is currently the tallest skyscraper in the world.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Би найзынхаа заасан зүгт явав.,I went in the direction my friend indicated.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тэр хаалганы ард зогсож байсан.,He was standing behind the door.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тэр гартаа тааралдсан CD-гээ сонсов.,He listened to his CDs at random.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Черчил бол нэртэй төрийн зүтгэлтэн байсан юм.,Churchill was a worthy statesman.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Хэзээ нэгэн өдөр таны хүсэл биелэх болно.,"Some day, your wishes will come true.",mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Өчигдөр улаан машин худалдаж авав.,"Yesterday, I bought a red car.",mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Миний ах их сайн хүн.,My older brother is a very good person.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Хийх дургүй бол битгий хий!,"If you don't want to do it, don't!",mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Өнөөдөр жаахан хүйтэн байна.,It's rather cold today.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тэр чихэргүй кофенд дуртай.,He likes coffee without sugar.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Би Уйгур биш. би Орос,I'm not Uyghur. I'm Russian.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Надад нэг сайн толь хэрэгтэй.,I need a good dictionary.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Би худалч хүнд дургүй,I don't like liars.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Автуус яг оглооний 8-д ирдэг байсан.,The bus arrived exactly at 8 a.m.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Та Финлянд хэлний ямар нэгэн үгийг санаж байна уу?,Do you remember any words in Finnish?,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Олег асуултад дандаа түргэн хариулдаг байсан.,Oleg always answered the questions quickly.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Энэ машин хурдан.,This car is fast.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Дамжаа Даваа гараг бүр 5 цагт эхэлдэг байсан.,The courses began at 5 p.m. on Monday.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тэр уйлталаа инээсэн.,He laughed until he cried.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Манай хэлийг сурч байгаад баярлалаа.,Thanks for learning our language.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Би хэлэнд дуртай.,I like languages.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ива кофе л уудаг.,Eve drinks only coffee.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Театр гол төлөв энэ цагт онгойдог байсан.,The theatre usually opened at this time.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Алтан гургалдай үүрэндээ жаргалгүй.,A nightingale will not sing in a cage.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Би унтах хэрэгтэй.,I have to sleep.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Женни гал тогооны ханыг жилд 2 дахни угаадаг байсан.,Jenny washed the kitchen wall twice a year.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Энд гэрэл зураг авч болохгүй.,Please do not take photos here.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Шалгалт оройн 5 цагт эхэлдэг байсан.,The exams started at 5 o'clock in the evening.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Хүчтэй салхи шуурга болхын тэмдэг.,The strong wind indicates that a storm is coming.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ноднин жил тэд зуслангийн байшин барьсан.,Last year they built a summer house.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Нар өглөө бүр цонхоор шагайн мишээдэг байсан.,The Sun smiled through the window every morning.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Би Монголд амьдарч байсан.,I was living in Mongolia.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Би өчигдөр Хархорум хот яваад ирсэн.,I have visited the city of Karakorum yesterday.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ширээн дээр алим байна,There is an apple on the table.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Хэрэв эрчүүд чоно бол эмэгтэйчүүд чөтгөрүүд.,If men are wolves then women are devils.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Би тэдэнд дуртай.,I like them.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мянга мянган Америкчуудад өлсгөлөн чононоос өөрсдийгөө хамгаалахад хэцүү цаг үе байсан.,Thousands of Americans have a hard time keeping the wolf from the door.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Жон чоно шиг туранхай.,John is as lean as a wolf.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Чоно тэжээнэ гэж бүтэшгүй зүйл.,You cannot tame a wolf.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Би чоно улихыг сонсов.,I heard a wolf crying.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Чи чоно харж байв уу?,Have you ever seen a wolf?,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Хурга чононд идүүлжээ.,The lamb was killed by the wolf.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Чи бол хонины арьс нөмөрсөн чоно.,You are a wolf in sheep's clothing.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Би ихэвчлэн зургаан цагт босдог.,I usually wake up at six.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Чоноор хонь мануулах.,Setting a wolf to guard the sheep.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Би чоно учраас л бүгд намайг муу гэж боддог.,"Just because I'm a wolf, everyone thinks I'm the bad guy.",mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Хоёр хонийг чоно идчихжээ.,Two sheep were killed by a wolf.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn 105-р өрөө хаана вэ?,Where is Room 105?,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Та эдгээр хүмүүсийг мэдэх үү?,Do you know those people?,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Би сананлаас нь татгалзсан.,I rejected the offer.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бидэнд нэг нэгнээсээ нуугаад байх юм байхгүй.,We have no secrets from each other.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бусдаас бүү алдаа хай.,Don't find fault with other people.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Энэ хэрэг хараахан шийдэгдээгүй.,The matter has not been settled yet.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Өргөстэй боловч өөрийн нутаг.,There's no place like home.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Түүний сонгогдох магадлал өндөр байгаа.,His chances of being elected are good.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Би чамайг айлгах байсан бол, хэдэн долоо хоногийн өмнөх зүүдээ ярьж өгөх байсан.","If I wanted to scare you, I would have told you about what I dreamt about a few weeks ago.",mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Та үнэхээр намайг хайрладаг уу?,Do you really love me?,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Би таван цагт ирнэ.,I'll come at five o'clock.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тэр эмэгтэй баяртай харагдаж байна.,She looks happy.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Би монгол хүн биш.,I am not Mongolian.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Зарим хүн ТВ-ийн олон ангитыг орой бүр үздэг байсан.,Some people watched TV serials every evening.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тэр юу хийж байгаа юм бэ?,What is he up to?,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Энэ шийдвэрлэж чадах асуудал байна.,That's the question we have to solve.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Би япон хэлний багш болохыг хүсч байна.,I want to become a teacher of Japanese.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Би байнга завгүй байдаг.,I'm busy all the time.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Өнөөдөр аймар хүйтэн.,Today is fucking cold.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Миний гэрт гурван тахиа бий.,I have three chickens in my house.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тэр зэрлэг ан амьтдын тухай ихийг мэддэг.,He knows a lot about wild animals.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Энэ асуудлыг хамтдаа шийдье.,Let's clear up this problem.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Би яавал дээр вэ?,What shall I do?,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тэр эцэст нь үнэнээ хүлээв.,The man finally confessed.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Буруу зуршлаасаа сална гэдэг амаргүй.,It isn't easy to get rid of bad habits.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бид тэр захидлыг хэд дахин уншив.,We read the letter again and again.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Киев бол Украйн нийслэл юм.,Kyiv is the capital of Ukraine.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тэр маш хөөрхөн охинтой.,He has a daughter who is very pretty.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тэд нар миний төлөө том үдэшлэг зохиосон.,They gave a big party for me.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Энэ бол модон сам.,This is a wooden comb.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Би Нью-Йоркт очиж үзээгүй, миний эгч ч мөн адил.","I've never been to New York, and my sister hasn't, either.",mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Чи үзэсгэлэнтэй байна.,You are beautiful.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Би ухаан муутай биш.,I am not stupid.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тэр эмэгтэй хөөрхөн биш.,She is not beautiful.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Та талх авах бол хавчаараар авна уу, баярлалаа!","Please take the bread with the tongs, thank you.",mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Олон хүн байсан.,There were lots of people.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Жен бараг ирэх байх.,Maybe Jane will come.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Би сүүлийн үед завгүй байсан.,I have been busy lately.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Өнөө орой та нарт төлөвлөгөө бий юу?,Do you have plans for tonight?,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Дельфин нь сүүн тэжээлтэн амьтан.,A dolphin is a mammal.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Би хожихийг хүсч байна.,I want to win.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Энэ газрын зургийг хар даа.,Take a look at this map.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Та ээждээ хайртай юу?,Do you love your mother?,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Монгол нүүдэлчид замдаа тааралдсан бүгдийг арчиж хаясан.,The Mongol hordes wiped out everything in their path.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тэд атомын бөмбөг яаж хийхийг мэднэ.,They know how to make an atomic bomb.,mon_Cyrl-eng_Latn Wi kunnen elk Morgen de Klock von de Kark hören.,We can hear the church bell every morning.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Tom hett mi ansehn.,Tom looked at me.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Dat weer nich mien Schuld.,It wasn't my fault.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Se bröch mi en Tass Tee.,She brought me a cup of tea.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Neapel is de gröttste Stadt in’n Süden vun Italien.,Naples is the largest city in southern Italy.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Wi schöölt em dat Lesen un Schrieven lehren.,We will teach him to read and write.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom will weten, worüm du dat doon hest.",Tom would like to know why you did that.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Ik wull lever doodblieven as dat to doon.,I prefer to die than to do that.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Ik bün Elektriker.,I am an electrician.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Ik heff wat mit di to bekören.,There's something I need to talk with you about.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Mien Broder Jakob is veerteihn.,My brother Jacques is fourteen years old.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Op disse Insel hett maal en olen Mann leevt.,There once lived an old man on that island.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Diene Tied is vörbi.,Your time is over.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Wannehr köönt wi uns weddersehn?,When can we see each other again?,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Wenn ’n von ’n Düvel snackt.,Speak of the devil.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Tom harr Marie ehr Auto nich föhren schullt.,Tom shouldn't have driven Mary's car.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn De Bus is teihn Minuten to laat ankamen.,The bus arrived ten minutes late.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Ik heff nüms to’n Snacken.,I have no one to talk to.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Du dröffst nich spelen.,You must not play.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn En Vagel singt op ’n Boom.,A bird is singing in the tree.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn "Ik lööv, dat du recht hest.",I think that you are correct.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Wahnst du in ’e Törkie?,Do you live in Turkey?,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Wo kummt dien Fründ her?,Where does your friend come from?,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Woneem is Joe hengahn?,Where did Joe go?,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Mudder hett den Koken in acht Delen sneden.,Mother divided the cake into eight pieces.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn "Denkst du, he hett de Arbeid alleen daan?",Do you think he did the job on his own?,nds_Latn-eng_Latn De Minirock is wedder Mood.,Mini-skirts are back in fashion again.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Kann ik nu mit Eten anfangen?,May I start eating now?,nds_Latn-eng_Latn "Du büst de Mann, na den ik söcht heff.",You are the man I've been looking for.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Hest du Tom den Slötel gäven?,Did you give the key to Tom?,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Wat maakt joon öllere Süster nu?,What is your older sister doing now?,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Ik bün en goden Lehrer.,I'm a good teacher.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Woneem is de Ingang?,Where's the entrance?,nds_Latn-eng_Latn He snackt Engelsch beter as ik.,He speaks English better than me.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Wat hest du dor?,What do you have there?,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Ik föhr morgen na Tōkyō.,I am going to Tokyo tomorrow.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn De Angst maakt den Wulf grötter as wat he is.,The fear makes the wolf bigger than what it is.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn "Övrigens, ik mutt di wat vertellen.","By the way, I have something to tell you.",nds_Latn-eng_Latn "Sütt ut, as wenn de Hund wat to freten hebben will.",It looks like the dog wants something to eat.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Dat Brood rückt würklich good.,The bread really smells good.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Ik heff en hölten Disch.,I have a wooden table.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn "Dat Ies is to dünn, üm dien Wicht uttoholen.",This ice is too thin to bear your weight.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn "Ik vergeev di nich, utbenahmen wenn du dien ehrlichen Exküsen anbüddst.",I won’t forgive you unless you apologise sincerely.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Schiev gau torüch bidd ik Jem.,Please write back soon.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Wi eet faken rauhen Fisch.,We often eat raw fish.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Hebbt Se mal rauhen Fisch eten?,Have you ever eaten raw fish?,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Maak dat lütter.,Make it smaller.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn "Weet een, wo Tom is?",Does anyone know where Tom is?,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Lucy un ik hebbt üm un bi lieker veel Frünn.,Lucy and I have about the same number of friends.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn "Ik weet noch sien Gesicht, aver nich mehr sien Naam.",I remember his face but I can't call his name to mind.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Dat wullt du nich weten!,You don't want to know it!,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Ik mahl mien Kaffe von Hand - mit en Queern mit Wrang.,I grind my coffee by hand with a coffee grinder with a crank handle.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Ik kann so nich leven.,I can't live that kind of life.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Ik bruuk en Mest.,I need a knife.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Wullt du en Jackvull hebben?,You want to get a beating?,nds_Latn-eng_Latn He deed Melk in sien Tee un hett ümröhrt.,He put milk into his tea and stirred it.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Se hebbt wi lang töven laten.,They made me wait for a long time.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn "Ik weet nich, wat dit Woord bedüüdt.",I don't know what this word means.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Vondaag heff ik veel to doon.,I have a lot to do today.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Shishir löppt mi na.,Shishir is following me.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Ik mag dat Vörjohr.,I like spring.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Ik heff mi an ’n Ellbagen wehdaan.,I hurt my elbow.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Ik heff in ’n Düüstern en Swevelsticken anstaken.,I struck a match in the darkness.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Woar proats over?,What are you talking about!?,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Disse Geschicht kann nich wohr wesen.,This story cannot be true.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn "Oh, dat is al so laat! Ik mutt loos.","Oh, it's already this late. I have to go.",nds_Latn-eng_Latn "Ik weet nich, wat ik seggen schall.",I don't know what to say.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Düütsch is keen lichte Spraak.,German is not an easy language.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Tom hett twee Kinner.,Tom has two children.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Is dien Moder tohuus?,Is your mother at home?,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Dat hett mi een seggt.,Someone told me that.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn He weer alleen.,He was alone.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn He lüggt.,He tells a lie.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Wannehr is de Hochtied?,When's the wedding?,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Ji kriegt mi nienich levig faat!,You'll never take me alive!,nds_Latn-eng_Latn "Dat is keen Hebrääsch, man Jiddisch.",This is not Hebrew. It's Yiddish.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Se sint bange vüör em.,They're afraid of him.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn "Ik froog mi, wann dit huus es buet wodden.",I wonder when this building was constructed.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn He hett dree Bröder.,He has three brothers.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Et is an plästern.,It is raining heavily.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Se süng beter as he.,She sang better than him.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Ik mag lege Kinner nich.,I don't like bad children.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Tom harr keen Kinner.,Tom didn't have any children.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Wo wullt du tokamen Sünndag hen gahn?,Where would you like to go next Sunday?,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Dat is totaal licht!,It's super easy!,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Mutt ik op düssen Breef antern?,Is it necessary for me to answer this letter?,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Ik kunn mit mien Tähnpien nich slapen.,A toothache deprived me of sleep.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Ik heff di en Breev tostüürt.,I sent you a letter.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn He sat bestriën üöwer de Niendüör.,He sat astride over the main door.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn "Dor heff ik de Kraasch nich för, mien Baas to fragen, wat ik sien Auto utlehnen dröff.",I don't have the courage to ask my boss to lend me his car.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Wo heiten dien Öllern?,What are your parents' names?,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Ik heff toveel drunken. Mien Gesicht is swullen.,I drank too much. My face is swollen!,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Se gifft veel Geld för Schoh ut.,She spends a lot of money on shoes.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Wat deist du ’s middags?,What do you do in the afternoon?,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Is de Fleger op Tied?,Is this plane on schedule?,nds_Latn-eng_Latn He hett vörig Johr mit Smöken ophollen.,He stopped smoking last year.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Se hebbt toveel Böker in ’t Boord.,You have too many books on the shelf.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn He kunn sien egen Ogen nich löven.,He could not believe his eyes.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Vondaag is dat temlich hitt.,It's very hot today.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Wi sünd Studenten.,We are students.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn "Jim, sluut dat Finster.","Shut the window, Jim.",nds_Latn-eng_Latn He is nich mien Vader.,He's not my father.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Worüm büst du hier?,Why are you here?,nds_Latn-eng_Latn "Deit mi leed, ik heff dat vergeten.","Sorry, I forgot.",nds_Latn-eng_Latn Hier is en Foto von ehr.,Here's a photo of her.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Wi sünd free!,We are free!,nds_Latn-eng_Latn ’Keen is disse Fent?,Who is this guy?,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Breng mi en Glas Water.,Bring me a glass of water.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn He drinkt sien Kaffe jümmer swart.,He drinks his coffee black every time.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Du musst di beielen.,You have to hurry.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Du musst gau maken.,You must hurry up.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn "Ik kaam mit di, egaal wo du hen geihst.",I will follow you wherever you go.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Dat is man en Speel.,It's only a game.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Disse Mann is dood.,This man is dead.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Se hett sik in een vun ehr Schölers verleeft.,She fell in love with one of her students.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Ik heff noch to doon.,I've got some work to do.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Von nix kummt nix.,Nothing comes of nothing.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn De junge Deern hett ’n Gast en Bloom geven.,The young girl gave the guest a little flower.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Güstern heff ik den ganzen Dag engelsche Wöör butenkopps lehrt.,I learned English words by heart all day yesterday.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Ji mööt vörsichtiger wesen.,You need to be more careful.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn De Born is dröög.,The well is dry.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Ik frei mi över dat Weder.,I'm delighted about the weather.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Du hest Ringen ünner de Ogen.,You've got dark circles under your eyes.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Mi is güstern Avend mien Auto stahlen worrn.,I had my car stolen last night.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Kaam nich to laat!,Don't be late.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Dat füng an to sneen.,It began to snow.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Se is bang vör Hunnen.,She's scared of dogs.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn He güng blangen ehr sitten.,He sat down next to her.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Dor weer nüms dor.,There was nobody there.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Glöövst du an en Godd?,Do you believe in a god?,nds_Latn-eng_Latn "Glöövt ji, dat dat en Leven na ’n Dood gifft?",Do you believe that there is life after death?,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Wo groot ji sünd!,How tall you are!,nds_Latn-eng_Latn De Aptiet kummt bi ’t Eten.,Appetite comes with eating.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Se geiht na School.,She goes to school.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Ik heff jo nich höört.,I didn't hear you.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Dit Book is to düür.,This book is too expensive.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn "Ik will miene Jack uttrecken, dat is to hitt.","I'd like to take my jacket off, please; it's too hot.",nds_Latn-eng_Latn Hest du Döst?,Are you thirsty?,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Se sammelt Nööt.,They are gathering nuts.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn De mehrsten Japaners weren gegen dat Ropsetten von de Stüür.,Most Japanese opposed a tax increase.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn De Sünn is rood.,The sun is red.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Ik heff en Barg Böker.,I have a lot of books.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Du schasst bi de Arbeid nich smöken.,You shouldn't smoke whilst you work.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Dit Kniev hett mi good deent.,This knife has served me well.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Se is noch en Deern.,She is still a girl.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Dat hest du echt slecht afpasst.,Your timing really sucks.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Hest du mi vermisst?,Did you miss me?,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Good süst du ut.,You look good.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Kööp en Daagbladd un winn en Reis na Chmelnyzkyj!,Buy our newspaper and win a trip to Khmelnytsky!,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Wi harrn keen Benzin mehr.,We ran out of petrol.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn "Elkeen weet, dat du en Lögensack büst.",Everybody knows that you are a liar.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn De Kuhl is to lütt. Graav man driest to!,The hole is too small. Keep digging!,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Dat Lock is groot noog.,The hole is big enough.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn He kummt neger.,He's coming closer.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Twee von fiev Kinner sünd scho.,Two out of five children are shy.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Johann is mien lütten Broder.,John is my younger brother.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn He müss een Week in ’t Krankenhuus blieven.,He had to stay in hospital for a week.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Wo kort dat Leven is!,How short life is!,nds_Latn-eng_Latn He is dien Söhn.,He's your son.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Ik heff de Kist apen maakt. De weer leddig.,I opened the box. It was empty.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Wat maakst du jüst?,What are you doing now?,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Spinoza weer en Pantheist.,Spinoza was a pantheist.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn He keek ehr deep in de Ogen.,He looked her right in the eye.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Se keem na een Stünn trügg.,She came back an hour later.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Ik heff all söss Finstern dichtmaakt.,I've shut all six windows.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn "Het hett dat opschreven, dat he dat nich vergitt.",He wrote it down lest he should forget it.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Dat rückt na Kees.,This smells like cheese.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Ik heff dat för teihn Dollar köfft.,I bought it for ten dollars.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn "’Keen hett den gröttsten Bregen, en Elefant oder en Minsch?","Which has the biggest brain, an elephant or a person?",nds_Latn-eng_Latn "Mien Fohrrad weer weg, as ik trüggkeem.",My bicycle was gone when I returned.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn "Oost west, tohuus best.",There is no place like home.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn "De Stroom, de dör Paris flütt, is de Seine.",The river which flows through Paris is the Seine.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Ik stah alltied ünner Druck.,I'm always under pressure.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Een von de Antwoorden is richtig.,One of the answers is correct.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn "Wenn du mi hulpen harrst, harr ik dat schafft.","If you had helped me, I should have succeeded.",nds_Latn-eng_Latn De Müür is twee Meter dick.,The wall is two meters thick.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Mi sprüng opmaal en Hund an.,A dog suddenly jumped at me.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn "Solang du jung büst, schusst du veel lesen.","While you're young, you should read a lot.",nds_Latn-eng_Latn Dat weer an ’n eersten Mai.,It happened on the 1st of May.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn De Froo wüsch sik dat Gesicht.,The woman washes her face.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Dat kann he nich daan hebben.,He can not have done that.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn De Froo proovt dat Brood.,The woman tastes the bread.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Dit is en heel oold Book.,This is a very old book.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn "He seggt, dat he nich kummt.",He says he won't come.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Büst du bi Facebook anmellt?,Do you have a Facebook account?,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Miene Ünnerbüx is natt.,My underpants are wet.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Wat maakst du morgen?,What are you doing tomorrow?,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Disse Böker höört uns to.,These books are ours.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Woveel Milligramm nimmst du opstunns?,How many milligrams are you taking right now?,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Lehnst du mi dien Bleesticken?,Would you lend me your pencil?,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Ik ett lever Fisch as Fleesch.,I prefer fish to meat.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn De Kamer is heet.,The room is hot.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Ik bün keen Töverer.,I'm not a magician.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn He keem temlich laat na Huus.,He came home very late.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Man kann em nix afslahn.,You can't deny him anything.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Hebbt ji al Avenbrood eten?,Have you eaten supper yet?,nds_Latn-eng_Latn De Film hett twee Stünnen duurt.,The film lasted 2 hours.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Du büst keen Kind mehr.,You're not a child anymore.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Nix geiht in ’n Sommer över en groot Glas Beer.,Nothing beats a big glass of beer in summer.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Füll Water in de Blomenvaas.,Fill the flower vase with water.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Dat is nich dat sülve.,It's not the same.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn "Dat is koold buten, treck dien Mantel över!",It is cold outdoors. Put on your coat.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Mengel de rode mit de blaue Farv.,Blend the red paint with the blue paint.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Wo lang hest du in Sanda leevt?,How long have you lived in Sanda?,nds_Latn-eng_Latn "Dat is jüst dat Book, wo ik na söcht heff.",This is the very book I have been looking for.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Ik will na Lemberg...,I want to go to Lviv...,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Mien Hoot is grötter as de von Jim.,My hat is bigger than Jim's.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Dröff ik dit Book utlehnen?,May I borrow this book?,nds_Latn-eng_Latn He deed sien Mantel ophängen.,He hung up his coat.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Miene Süster is öller as mien Broder.,My sister is older than my brother.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Wahns du hier?,Is this where you live?,nds_Latn-eng_Latn He hett veel von de Welt sehn.,He has seen much of the world.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Dat weet bi uns elk Kind.,Everybody knows that where I come from.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Mi fallt de Ogen to.,My eyelids are heavy.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Se hebbt en Deel von de Wand dalreten.,They broke down part of the wall.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Ik kann Esperanto küern as en Inborener.,I can speak Esperanto like a native.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Föhrt disse Bus na ’n Strand?,Does this bus go to the beach?,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Ik bün noch nicht meud.,I'm not tired yet.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Se hett sik antogen.,She got dressed.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Tom is een vun Ria ehr besten Frünn.,Tom is one of Mary's best friends.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn He hett allerhand Mehl un Ööl köfft.,He bought a lot of flour and oil.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Mien Vader un Moder seten ünner en Boom.,My father and mother were sitting under a tree.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Maak dat Tau fast an ’n Boom.,Fasten the rope to the tree.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Se seet ünner en Boom.,She was sitting under a tree.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn "För en Ogenblick heff ik dacht, dat he dull worrn weer.","For a moment there, I thought he had gone mad.",nds_Latn-eng_Latn De twee Froon kennt sik.,The two women know each other.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Se is de eerste Minister von Finnland.,She is the Prime Minister of Finland.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn He hett en Boom ümhackt in ’n Goorn.,He felled a tree in his garden.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Nüms kann tweehunnert Johr leven.,Nobody can live to be two hundred years old.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn "Mi dücht, dat ik nu weggahn mutt.",I think I should leave.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn "Wat meenst du dor mit, dat du dat nich weetst?","What do you mean, you don't know that?",nds_Latn-eng_Latn "Ik begriep nich, wat du dor mit beraken wullt.",I don't understand what you want to achieve with that.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn "Allens wat he weet, is, dat he nich weet dat he dat weet.",All that he knows is that he doesn't know that he knows.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Ik miss di.,I miss you.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Dat is hier dat hele Johr dör koold.,It is cold all year round here.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Deist du dat jeden Dag?,Do you do this every day?,nds_Latn-eng_Latn "Ik heff nich wullt, dat dit geböhrt.",I didn't want this to happen.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn He hett mi anlagen.,He lied to me.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn "He beed ehr, to vertellen, wo se dat Geld bruukt hett.",He required her to explain how she spent money.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn En Tiger is grötter un stärker as en Katt.,A tiger is bigger and stronger than a cat.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Dr. Smith hett veel Patienten.,Doctor Smith has many patients.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn All Blomen in ’n Goorn sünd geel.,All the flowers in the garden are yellow.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn "’Keen söcht, de schall finnen.","Who searches, finds.",nds_Latn-eng_Latn "Ik weet nich, wo laat dat is.",I don't know what time it is.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn "Bill schall woll winnen, nich wohr?","Bill will win, won't he?",nds_Latn-eng_Latn Bald bleiht de Maiklocken.,The lilies of the valley will flower soon.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Wi wahnt in en Huus.,We live in a house.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Ann hett keen Süster.,Ann has no sister.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Tom kennt sien Navers nich.,Tom doesn't know his neighbors.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Wat mutt ik doon?,What am I to do?,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Vonnamiddag speel ik Tennis.,I will play tennis this afternoon.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Se hett woll nich veel Frünnen.,She appears to have few friends.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Wat is Glück?,What is happiness?,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Uns Volk döst na Unafhängigkeit.,Our people thirst for independence.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Ik bliev vondaag tohuus.,I'll stay at home today.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Woveel Inwahners hett New York?,What is the population of New York?,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Se fröhstückt dor faken.,She often eats breakfast there.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Dor weren en Barg Lüüd in ’t Stadion.,There were a lot of people in the stadium.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn In ’t Stadion weer ’t ganz liesen.,The stadium was quite still.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn "Dit is en Probleem, dat junge Lüüd lösen mööt.",This is a problem for young people to solve.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn "Ik hööp, dat ji jo nich verköhlt.",I hope you are not catching a cold.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn He lööp in ’e Klass.,He ran into the classroom.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn De Butenminister von Libyen is överlopen.,Libya's foreign minister has defected.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn "Ik weet noch nich, wat ik na Japan flegen schall oder nich.",I'm undecided as to whether I should fly to Japan or not.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Ik verlaat mi op Tom.,I count on Tom.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Se schullen beter keen Alkohol mehr drinken.,You had better not drink alcohol any more.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Se harrn keen Geld över.,They had no money left.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn De annere geiht nich.,The other one doesn't work.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Hebbt ji de annern fraagt?,Have you asked the others?,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Ik harr geern en Gin Tonic.,I'd like a gin and tonic.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn "Ik glööv, se kaamt.",I suppose they are coming.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Jim mag den Dokter.,Jim likes the doctor.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Wat?! Du hest mien Schoko-Boor opeten?!,What?! You ate my chocolate bear?!,nds_Latn-eng_Latn "Dat sünd de eenzigen beiden Studenten, de Chineesch lehrt.",They are the only students who study Chinese.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Kann ik mit Bill snacken?,Can I speak with Bill?,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Ik heff nix in mien Tasch.,I do not have anything in my bag.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn För ’n Pries von en iPhone-Verdrag kunn een en Dörp in Afrika föden.,You could feed a village in Africa for the price of an iPhone subscription.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Dit Hemd passt mi nich an ’n Hals.,This shirt doesn't fit me round the neck.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Ik bün mit ’t Taxi na Kawagoe föhrt.,I went to Kawagoe by taxi.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Ik heff en Inladen kregen.,I received an invitation.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Disse Stohl is von Plastik.,This chair is made of plastic.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn He is oold noog to föhren.,He is old enough to drive.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn De Wulken sünd opreten un de Sünn is dörkamen.,The clouds opened and the sun shone through.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Wi sünd vör ’n Dood nich bang.,We aren't afraid of death.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Se hett mi extra en verkehrte Adress seggt.,She told me a wrong address on purpose.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn "Allens, wat in disse Geschicht beschreven warrt, is utdacht.",All the events described in this story are imaginary.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn "Dat hett lang duurt, bet dat se mi verstahn hett.",It was a long time before she understood me.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Mien Broder hett en Kamera in ’e Hand.,My brother is holding a camera in his hand.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Se röppt mi hen un wenn maal an.,I get a call from her once in a while.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Gah loos un heff af un to en beten Spaaß un lehr nich jümmer bloot.,Go out and have a good time once in a while instead of just studying all the time.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn "Se schrifft hen un wenn en Breev, aver nich faken.",He writes a letter once in a while but not so often.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Af un to gah ik in ’t Theater.,"Once in a while, I visit the theater.",nds_Latn-eng_Latn He is riek worrn.,He became rich.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn "Malaria is en Krankheit, de von Moskitos överdragen warrt.",Malaria is a disease that mosquitoes carry.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Mien Mest is stuuv worrn.,My knife has gotten dull.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Magst du dissen Goorn?,Do you like this garden?,nds_Latn-eng_Latn He deed op de Knee gahn un för de Selen von de Doden beden.,He got down on his knees and prayed for the souls of the deceased.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Ik bün al in Sapporo wesen.,I've been to Sapporo before.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Wi harrn dichten Daak in London.,We had a heavy fog in London.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Se speelt elk Sünndag Tennis.,She plays tennis every Sunday.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn He pleeg Beer to drinken.,He used to drink beer.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn "Segg mi, wat dor schehn is.",Tell me what happened.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Laat uns wat versöken!,Let's try something.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Ik mutt slapen gahn.,I have to sleep.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Ik weer in ’e Bargen.,I was in the mountains.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Dat weer en leeg Kniepen.,That was an evil bunny.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Männigmaal kann he en snaakschen Jung wesen.,Sometimes he can be a strange guy.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Dat köst 30 Euro.,This will cost €30.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Ik verdeen 100 Euro an ’n Dag.,I make 100 euros a day.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Du schusst man slapen.,You should sleep.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn "Oh, dor is en Botterlicker!","Oh, there's a butterfly!",nds_Latn-eng_Latn Denn hebbt wi en Probleem...,Then there is a problem...,nds_Latn-eng_Latn He peddt mi!!,He is kicking me!,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Dat weer mien Satz!,That's MY line!,nds_Latn-eng_Latn "Nee, ik bün dat nich, du büst dat!",No I'm not; you are!,nds_Latn-eng_Latn "Wenn ik groot bün, will ik en König wesen.","When I grow up, I want to be a king.",nds_Latn-eng_Latn Maak to!,Hurry it up!,nds_Latn-eng_Latn "Dat liggt dor an, dat du en Deern büst.",It's because you're a girl.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn "Ik heff mi jümmer fraagt, woans dat is, wenn een Bröder un Süstern hett.",I've always wondered what it'd be like to have siblings.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Ik warr em doodscheten.,I will shoot him.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Dat is jümmer so wesen.,That has always been so.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Worüm fraagst du?,Why are you asking?,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Dat maakt neeschierig.,That is intriguing.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Wo lang büst du bleven?,How long did you stay?,nds_Latn-eng_Latn "Se fraagt, wo dat mööglich is.",She's asking how that's possible.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Ik will dat nich.,I don't want it.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn "Ik wüss nich, wo dat her keem.",I didn't know where it came from.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Tokamen Week schall dat villicht Frost geven.,We might have frost next week.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Ik fraag di vondaag nix mehr.,I won't ask you anything else today.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Ik mutt na Bedd gahn.,I need to hit the sack.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn "Ik weet nich, wat du meenst.",I don't know what you mean.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Dat weer nich mien Afsicht.,It was not my intention.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Dat schall nüms weten.,Nobody will know.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn "Dat gifft veel Wöör, de ik nich verstah.",There are many words that I don't understand.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Grulige Films warrt de Kinner woll bangmaken.,Scary movies will frighten the children.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn De Mann hett de lütten Kinner verfehrt.,The man terrified the little children.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn De König güng an dissen Morgen op Jacht.,The king went hunting this morning.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn "Nee, he is nich mien ne’en Fründ.","No, he's not my new boyfriend.",nds_Latn-eng_Latn Wat hest du antert?,What did you answer?,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Dat dücht mi intressant!,It seems interesting to me.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn "Ik wull nich, dat dat passeert.",I didn't mean that to happen.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn "Ik weet nich mehr, wat ik doon schall.",I don't know what to do anymore.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Worüm kummst du uns nich besöken?,Why don't you come visit us?,nds_Latn-eng_Latn "Dat wiest bloot, dat du keen Roboter büst.",It only shows you're not a robot.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Ik kann dat ook nich verkloren.,I can't explain it either.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Du büst nich gau noog.,You're not fast enough.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Worüm büst du üm disse Tied noch waak?,What keeps you up so late?,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Butenlanners maakt mi neeschierig.,Foreign people intrigue me.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn "Ik heff lehrt, ahn ehr to leven.",I learned to live without her.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Keeneen versteiht mi.,Nobody understands me.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Morgen schall he op ’n Maand lannen.,"Tomorrow, he will land on the moon.",nds_Latn-eng_Latn Ik will en Geschenk för miene Fründin utsöken.,I want to pick out a present for my friend.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn "Ik fraag mi, wat em wat passeert is.",I wonder if anything happened to him.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Ik kunn mi nich good noog op Engelsch verdüütschen.,I couldn't make myself understood well in English.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Ik kann em nich noog danken.,I can't thank him enough.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn En Japaner deed sowat nich doon.,A Japanese would never do such a thing.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Dat fangt nich vör halvig negen an.,It doesn't start until eight thirty.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Worüm gaht wi nich nahuus?,Why don't we go home?,nds_Latn-eng_Latn "Woans warrt ""pretty"" schreven?","How do you spell ""pretty""?",nds_Latn-eng_Latn He twievelt noch jümmer.,He is still having doubts.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn "Wenn een nich itt, denn blifft een dood.","If you don't eat, you die.",nds_Latn-eng_Latn Legg dat Kootenspeel op ’n Ekendisch.,Place the deck of cards on the oaken table.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn ’N Rogg hebbt se Arme-Lüüd-Koorn nöömt.,Rye was called the grain of poverty.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn "Oh, miene witte Büx! De weer nee.","Oh, my white pants! And they were new.",nds_Latn-eng_Latn "As ik lütt weer, heff ik Büxen dragen.","As a child, I’d only wear trousers.",nds_Latn-eng_Latn Ik heff twee Büxen köfft.,I bought two pairs of trousers.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Wat hebbt ji mit miene Büx maakt?,What did you do with my pants?,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Dat is miene Büx.,These are my trousers.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Woveel köst de Büx?,How much are these pants?,nds_Latn-eng_Latn De Büx is to groot.,These trousers are too large.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Miene Mudder hett mi vergangen Sünndag twee Poor Büxen köfft.,My mother bought me two pairs of pants last Sunday.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Mi is dat Hart in ’e Büx sackt.,My heart sank into my boots.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn "Miene Büx sitt temlich lucker, ik heff veel afnahmen.",My pants are very loose because I've lost much weight.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Ik heff mehr as een Maand in Nagoya leevt.,I lived in Nagoya for over a month.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Sünd de all egaal?,Are they all the same?,nds_Latn-eng_Latn "Du hest Glück hatt, dat he di nich beten hett.",You're lucky because he didn't bite you.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Du büst en Engel!,You're an angel!,nds_Latn-eng_Latn In ’n Winter barst uns Lippen.,In winter our lips get chapped.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn "Holl de Hand vör ’n Mund, wenn du kröchst, pruuscht oder jappst.","Cover your mouth when you cough, sneeze, or yawn.",nds_Latn-eng_Latn "Wi jappt, wenn wi nich noog Suurstoff kriegt.",We yawn when we are short of oxygen.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Se weren all so mööd dat se anners nix as jappen kunnen.,They were all so tired that they could do nothing but yawn.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Wo lang bruukt een bet na ’n Bahnhoff?,How long does it take to get to the station?,nds_Latn-eng_Latn "Oh, dat deit mi leed.","Oh, I'm sorry.",nds_Latn-eng_Latn "Warrt seggt, de Leevd maakt blind.",They say love is blind.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Dat is temlich unverwacht.,That is rather unexpected.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Dat harr ik nie dacht.,I would never have guessed that.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Ik kann ahn Feernsehn nich leven.,I can't live without a TV.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Kann ik ’t Kiekschapp utmaken?,Can I turn off the TV?,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Dat is en Kiekschapp.,It's a TV.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Snied de Meloon in söss liek grote Delen.,Cut the melon into six equal pieces.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Op ’n Disch leed en Meloon.,There is a melon on the table.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Dat sünd Melonen.,They are melons.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Se hett en dick Jüdder.,She has big boobs.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn "Du seggst, Nessie is man en inbillit Wesen, man ik segg, dat ehr dat gifft.","You say Nessie is an imaginary being, but I think she exists.",nds_Latn-eng_Latn Se deed en swarten Hoot dregen.,She was wearing a black hat.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn En Kanickel hett lange Ohren un en korten Steert.,A rabbit has long ears and a short tail.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Se denkt de ganze Tied jümmer an Piephahns.,She thinks about cocks all the time.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Disse Hund hett en korten Steert.,That dog has a short tail.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn "Dat is en leeg Huus, wo de Hehn luder kreiht as de Hahn.",It is a sad house where the hen crows louder than the cock.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn „Se mag Musik.“ „Ik ook.“,"""She likes music."" ""So do I.""",nds_Latn-eng_Latn Elk Hahn kreiht op sien egen Mesthümpel.,Every cock crows on his own dunghill.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Nüms kunn wat köpen.,No one could buy anything.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn He hett en groten Pesel.,He has a huge cock.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Dat is miene Muuschi.,That's my pussy.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Melk warrt licht suur.,Milk easily turns sour.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Jo.,This is true.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn He deed en poor Stünnen later doodblieven.,He died a few hours later.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Wo is dat Weder?,How's the weather?,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Ik heff di höört.,I heard you.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Wi sünd 100 Mielen na Westen föhrt.,We traveled westwards for 100 miles.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Uns Schoolmeester föhrt mit dat Auto na School.,Our teacher comes to school by car.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn "He hett keen Arbeid, he is Rentner.",He doesn't have a job. He's retired.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn "Wenn ik en Vagel weer, denn kunn ik na di henflegen.","If I were a bird, I could fly to you.",nds_Latn-eng_Latn Na en korten Freden deed wedder Krieg utbreken.,"After a brief peace, war broke out again.",nds_Latn-eng_Latn Ik wull ik weer noch wedder jung.,I wish I was young again.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Vondaag is fein Weder.,It's lovely weather today.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn He deed argerlich de Döör dichtmaken.,He angrily closed the door.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn "Ik weet nich, wat dat is.",I don't know what it is.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn He weer ganz alleen in ’t Huus.,He was all alone in the house.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Robert is Brasilianer. Sien Vader weer Kanadier.,Robert is Brazilian. His father is Canadian.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Mien Geboortsdag is in ’n Juli.,My birthday is in July.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Na ’t Lüchten keem dat Rummeln.,"After the lightning, came the thunder.",nds_Latn-eng_Latn He maakt nich veel Wöör.,He is a man of few words.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn De Katt is in ehr Korv.,The cat is in its basket.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Se hett vör teihn Minuten anfungen.,She started ten minutes ago.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Bill weer in sien Slaapkamer.,Bill was in his bedroom.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn De Utblick is so schöön!,The view is so beautiful!,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Ik heff en Telefoon op mien Kamer.,I have a telephone in my room.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Ik kann Bangbüxen nich utstahn.,I have no tolerance of cowards.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Anner Lüüd ehr Fehlers sünd gode Lehrmeesters.,The fault of another is a good teacher.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Ik bün nich plietscher as se.,I am no more intelligent than he.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn "He weer temlich groot un mager, mit lange Arms un Been.","He was very tall and slim, with long arms and legs.",nds_Latn-eng_Latn Sünd mien Söcken al dröög?,Are my socks dry already?,nds_Latn-eng_Latn De hitte Sünn hett de Eer utsoort.,The hot sun baked the ground dry.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn "De mehrsten Lüüd bruukt jemehr Jöögd, üm jemehr Öller to rungeneren.",Most folks use their youth to wreck their old age.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Höörst du mi to?,Are you listening to me?,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Dat Smöken verbeed ik di!,I forbid you to smoke!,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Ik heff dull Koppwehdaag.,I have a bad headache.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Ik heff dat Daagbladd dalsmeten.,I threw down the newspaper.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Lehr von anner Lüüd jemehr Fehlers.,Learn from others' mistakes.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn "Wat he bruukt, is keen Geld, man Leevd.",What he needs is not money but love.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn "Dor sünd nich noog Stöhl, dat wi all sitten köönt.",There are not enough chairs for us to sit on.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn „Woneem wahnst du?“ „Ik wahn in Tokyo.“,"""Where do you live?"" ""I live in Tokyo.""",nds_Latn-eng_Latn Höört dit Book Takeo to?,Is this book Takeo's?,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Ik heff de Schieterigge.,I have the shits.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Dit Book is ganz nee.,This book is very new.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn "Ik kunn jüstso good dat Geld to ’t Finster rutsmieten, as em dat to geven.",I may as well throw the money away as give it to him.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Se bleev still.,She kept quiet.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Ehr Hoor sünd witt worrn.,His hair has turned white.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn He hett en Dochter.,He had one daughter.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Kiek di dat noch wedder an.,Go over it again.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Güstern heff ik en Appel eten.,"Yesterday, I ate an apple.",nds_Latn-eng_Latn Do dien Mund wied apen.,Open your mouth wide.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn "Se deed den Koken pröven, wat he sööt noog is.",She tasted the cake to see if it was sweet enough.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Wo hoog is de Barg?,How high is that mountain?,nds_Latn-eng_Latn He müss den Verdrag gegen sien Willen ünnerschrieven.,He was made to sign the contract against his will.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn "Ik dach, he deed kamen.",I thought he would come.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn In Venedig sünd jümmer veel Turisten.,"In Venice, there are always lots of tourists.",nds_Latn-eng_Latn Wo föhrt disse Tog hen?,Where is this train bound?,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Se hett een Söhn un twee Döchter.,She has a son and two daughters.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Ik speel geern Baseball.,I like playing baseball.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn "Weetst du, ’keen se is?",Do you know who he is?,nds_Latn-eng_Latn John leevt in New York.,John lives in New York.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Disse Slötel passt nich in dat Slott.,This key doesn't fit in the lock.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Dit engelsche Book is mi to swoor to lesen.,This English book is too difficult for me to read.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Ik will joon Mitleed nich.,I don't want your pity.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Tom un Ria kennt sik al.,Tom and Mary already know each other.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Ik verstah nich veel von Computers.,I don't know much about computers.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Dit Land is üm un bi twee Maal so groot as Japan.,That country is about twice as large as Japan.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn "Löövst du, dat Fisch hören köönt?",Do you think fish can hear?,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Ik slaap nich noog.,I don't get enough sleep.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Ik lehr.,I am studying.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn "Dat is swoor, op dien Fraag to antern.",Your question is hard to answer.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Mary keem rin.,Mary came in.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Op sien Vörkopp deden sik Sweetdruppens billen.,A bead of sweat started forming on his brow.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Gegen Dummheid gifft dat keen Medizin.,No medicine can cure folly.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Disse Bus föhrt na Minsk.,This bus is going to Minsk.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn "Dat verkloort, worüm de Döör apen weer.",That accounts for why the door was open.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn All beid sien Grootvaders sünd dood.,Both his grandfathers are dead.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Laat uns tohoop eten gahn.,Let's go to eat together.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Mien Dochter slöppt deep un fast.,My daughter is fast asleep.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn "Ik harr hööpt, dat ik dor güstern al mit trech warrn schull.",I hoped to have finished it yesterday.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn De Jet deed in Tokyo lannen.,The jet landed at Tokyo.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Wi seht uns denn toern Week Sünndag.,Come and see me on Sunday next week.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn ’keen hett se funnen?,Who found her?,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Ik bün lütter as du.,I am shorter than you.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Wannehr schöölt wi uns weddersehn?,When will we meet again?,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Ken un Meg sünd all beid mien Frünnen.,Both Ken and Meg are my friends.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Goden Morgen allemann!,"Good morning, everyone.",nds_Latn-eng_Latn Nie wedder Alkohool!,Alcohol - never again!,nds_Latn-eng_Latn En Katt keem ünner dat Auto vör.,A cat got out from under the car.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Disse Bruuk is al lang utstorven.,This custom became extinct a long time ago.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Se hett veel Frünn in Hongkong.,She has many friends in Hong Kong.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Sien Huus is för teihndusend Dollar verköfft worrn.,His house was sold for ten thousand dollars.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Ik heff dat güstern verköfft.,I bought it yesterday.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Dit Beer smeckt basch.,This beer tastes bitter.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Wi misst di all temlich.,We all miss you very much.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn "Se stamert, wenn se opreegt is.",She stammers when she feels nervous.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Ik heff en Foto von ehr maakt.,I took a picture of her.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Ik harr mien Finger in ’e Döör klemmt.,I had my fingers caught in the door.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Wo laat is dat nu in London?,What time is it in London now?,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Se mag korte Röck.,She likes short skirts.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Löwen freet Fleesch.,Lions feed on flesh.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Ik heff mien Arbeid al trech.,I've already finished my work.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Fründschop is mehr weert as Gold.,The worth of friendship is greater than gold.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn De Daag sünd länger as de Nachten.,The days are longer than the nights.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Düt is miene Dochter.,This is my daughter.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Wo lang kennst du em al?,How long have you known him?,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Du süst bleek ut. Nehm di opbest en Dag free.,You look pale. You'd better take a day off.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn "Ik lööv, ji hebbt recht.",I think that you're right.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Worüm hest du en Pulli an?,Why are you wearing a sweater?,nds_Latn-eng_Latn He hett dat nich doon.,He didn't do it.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Ik mutt arbeiden.,I have to work.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn ’Keen sien Auto is dat?,Who is the owner of this car?,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Mien Koppwehdaag is weg.,My headache is gone.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Mien Kopp deit nich mehr weh.,My headache has gone.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn De Naricht von sien Dood deed sik utspreden.,The news of his death spread.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn En ware Fründ warrt alltiet in Noot funnen.,A friend in need is a friend indeed.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Speelt wi Cowboy un Indianer? Ik bün de Sheriff un ji mööt all op mi hören.,"Shall we play cowboy and Indians? I declare myself a sheriff, and you all must obey me.",nds_Latn-eng_Latn Wat deit he?,What is he doing?,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Slöppt se?,Is she sleeping?,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Ik will veel mehr.,I want much more.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Water is dörsichtig.,Water is transparent.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn De Vagels singt.,The birds are singing.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Ik heff keen Energie vondaag.,I have no energy today.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Ik kenn jem all.,I know them all.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Wat wullt du denn?,What do you want then?,nds_Latn-eng_Latn "Dat is nich licht, en frömme Spraak to lehren.",It is not easy to learn a foreign language.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Is dat dien DVD?,Is this your DVD?,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Marilyn Monroe is vör 33 Johr doodbleven.,Marilyn Monroe died 33 years ago.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Allens wat ik will büst du.,All I want is you.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Dree Beer un en Tequila harr ik geern.,Three beers and a tequila please.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Wat maakt he to Tied?,What is he currently doing?,nds_Latn-eng_Latn "Ik harr dat Glück, em kennen to lehren.",I was fortunate to make his acquaintance.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Ik kann keen Kaffe ahn Sucker drinken.,I cannot drink coffee without sugar.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn "He wüss nich, wat he seggen schull, un sweeg.","Since he didn't know what to say, he remained silent.",nds_Latn-eng_Latn De Mannslüüd draagt Hemmen mit korte Mauen.,The men are wearing short sleeve shirts.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Sien Finger blöddt.,His finger bleeds.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Leest dissen Satz nich.,Don't read this sentence.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Ik heff mien Hund op mien Bedd smeten.,I tossed my dog onto my bed.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Dat is allens witt.,It's all white.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn He weer een Week lang krank.,He was ill for a week.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Is dat en Lama?,Is that a llama?,nds_Latn-eng_Latn He kann nich na School gahn hebben.,He can't have gone to school.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Ik will disse Büx reinmaken laten.,I'd like to have these pants cleaned.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn "Is nich allens Gold, wat glänzt.",All that glitters is not gold.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Ehr Nees blödd.,Your nose is bleeding.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Sien Nees blödd.,His nose is bleeding.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Wat will he doon?,What does he want to do?,nds_Latn-eng_Latn "Sophie weer so hungerig, dat se allens opeten deed, wat se in ’e Finger kriegen deed.",Sophie was so hungry that she ate everything that she could get her hands on.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Se wiggt 120 Pund.,She weighs 120 pounds.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn We hebbt dit Johr nich veel Snee hatt.,We have had little snow this year.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Bliffst du vonavend tohuus?,Will you stay at home tonight?,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Kenji speelt Tennis.,Kenji plays tennis.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Dat is allens.,That is all.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Ik heff vergangen Nacht en grappigen Droom hadd.,I had a funny dream last night.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Allens is trech.,Everything is ready.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Ik verwacht nix von di.,I don't expect anything from you.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Miene Süster deed kregel vör sik hen flöten.,My sister was whistling merrily.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn He warrt en goden Dokter.,He will become a good doctor.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Dat is mien egen Fohrrad.,This is my own bike.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Ik seed „Stopp!“,"I said ""Stop!""",nds_Latn-eng_Latn Ik kann mien Droom nich opgeven.,I can't give up my dream.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Ik weet dat wiss.,I know it for a fact.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Se is en gode Kööksch.,She's not a good cook.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Worüm gifft dat wat un nich nix?,Why is there something rather than nothing?,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Ik heff mit joon Öllern över joon Bedrägen snackt.,I've spoken to your parents about your behavior.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Joon Fööt sünd smuddelig.,Your feet are dirty.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn "De Dokters hebbt dat nich verwacht, dat sik mien Süster so gau verhalen deed.",The doctors didn't expect my sister to recover as well as she did.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Du snackst good Franzöösch!,You speak good French!,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Woneem hest du Franzöösch lehrt?,Where did you learn French?,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Mien Klock geiht elk Maand twee Minuten to gau.,My watch gains two minutes a month.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Ik roop ehr temlich faken an.,I call her very often.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Bums de Döör nich.,Don't slam the door.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Düt is keen Satz.,This is not a sentence.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn "Juliana hett mi vertellt, dat du ut São Paulo büst.",Juliana told me you're from São Paulo.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn En Wulv kann nich tähmt warrn.,A wolf cannot be tamed.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Herr Smith schull man de Wohrheid seggt hebben.,Mr. Smith should have told the truth.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Ik heff en Dutz Löpels un twee Dutz Gaveln köfft.,I bought a dozen spoons and two dozen forks.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Smorgens drink ik jümmer en Tass Kaffe.,In the morning I always drink a cup of coffee.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Kaam nich to dicht an ’t Füür ran.,Don't come too close to the fire.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Mien Nees blödd.,My nose is bleeding.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Wi hebbt uns mit dat Föhren afwesselt.,We took turns with the driving.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Dat Peerd deed dör dat Bitt in sien Muul unrohig warrn.,The horse chafed at the bit put in its mouth.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Mien besten Fründ is jüst in Room.,My best friend is in Rome now.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn We hebbt grade teemlich veel to doon.,We're pretty busy right now.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn "Laat uns tohuus blieven, wenn dat morgen regent.","If it rains tomorrow, let's stay home.",nds_Latn-eng_Latn Ik will dat sehn.,I want to see this.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Krempel dien Mauen hoog un pack an.,Roll up your sleeves and get busy.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn De Straat is vonwegen en Unfall sperrt.,The road is blocked because of an accident.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Ik heff em ganz unverwacht drapen.,I met him quite unexpectedly.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Ik heff en poor gode Frünnen.,I have several good friends.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Von de nableven Wöör op de List sünd fiev Nomen.,"Of the remaining words on the list, five are nouns.",nds_Latn-eng_Latn Woans hest du dit Probleem lööst?,How did you figure out this problem?,nds_Latn-eng_Latn "Se seggt, dat se Blomen mag.",She says she likes flowers.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Ik föhr elk Dag mit ’t Auto na Arbeid.,I go to work by car every day.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Ken rööp na Hülp.,Ken cried for help.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Dat schall opminnst fiev Dollar kösten.,It'll cost at least five dollars.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Phillesoferen bedüüdt lehren to starven.,Philosophy is learning how to die.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn De Laden is sünndaags dicht.,The shop is closed on Sundays.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn He glöövt an ’n Wiehnachtsmann.,He believes in Santa Claus.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Wat wüllt wi?,What will we become?,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Ik will dit Pakeet na Japan henstüren.,I'd like to send this package to Japan.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn De Kunn hett jümmer recht.,The customer is always right.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Disse Steveln höört mi to.,These boots belong to her.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Se hett nich veel Geld.,She does not have much money.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Se is en Sludertasch.,She is a chatterbox.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Wat gifft dat natoeten?,What is for dessert?,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Hunnen seht allens in swart un witt.,Dogs see in black and white.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Gefallt di disse Bloom?,Do you like this flower?,nds_Latn-eng_Latn He geev jem Eten un Geld.,He gave them food and money.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Du musst bloot still sitten blieven.,You have only to sit in silence.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn "Dat is nich dat, wo ik na söök.",This isn't what I'm looking for.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Mien Vader seggt nix.,My father's saying nothing.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Hest du morgen Tied?,Are you free tomorrow?,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Von hier ut kannst du de ganze Stad sehn.,You can see the whole city from here.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Iesen warrt in ’n Schippbo bruukt.,Iron is used in building ships.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn "Ik heff em drapen, as he in Japan weer.",I met him while he was in Japan.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Elkeen Voss laavt sien Steert.,Every fox praises its tail.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Ken is in Kyoto ankamen.,Ken has arrived in Kyoto.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Wi hebbt uns ole School besöcht.,We visited our old school.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn "Ik glööv, he hett recht.",I think he is right.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Ehr Been sünd lang.,Her legs are long.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Mien leevste Pizza is Pizza Hawaii.,My favorite pizza is Pizza Hawaii.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn De Tokaido-Lien is in Tokyo toenn.,The Tokaido line terminates at Tokyo.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Ik föhl mi so licht as en Fedder.,I felt light as a feather.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Keeneen snackt mit mi.,No one speaks with me.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Mi hett en Katt kleit.,I was scratched by a cat.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Ik seh dat nich.,I don't see it.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn He wull in düsse Stadt blieven.,He wanted to stay in this city.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Tom deed en Lien op ’t Poppeer teken.,Tom drew a straight line on the paper.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Ik kann di dor nich bi tostimmen.,I cannot agree with you on this.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Ik heff jümmer weniger Tied to ’n Lesen.,I have less and less time for reading.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Kann ik dat sehn?,Can I see that?,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Du schusst nich mit sien Geföhlen spelen.,You should not trifle with his feelings.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn "He weer dumm noog, ehr to löven.",He was silly enough to believe her.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Ut disse Rupp warrt maal en smucken Botterlicker.,This catterpillar will turn into a beautiful butterfly.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn He kann dusend Meter in veer Minuten lopen.,He can run a thousand metres in four minutes.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Wat hett Jane daan?,What did Jean make?,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Dat Vörjohr kummt neger.,Spring is drawing near.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Ik heff mien Brill verloren.,I've lost my glasses.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn He is temlich krank.,He is very sick.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Du bruukst dat nich to eten.,You don't have to eat it.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Wannehr hest du swemmen lehrt?,When did you learn how to swim?,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Den Tuun hett mien Vader anstreken.,The fence was painted by my father.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn He deed noch wedder fragen.,He repeated his question.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn "Laat dat dor, wo du dat funnen hest.",Leave it where you found it.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Ik harr dat nich seggen schullt.,I should not have said that.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Se eet mit Mest un Gavel.,They eat with a knife and fork.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn De Laden is op de anner Stratensied.,The store is across the street.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn He verdeent twee Maal so veel as ik.,He is earning twice my salary.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn He kennt den Börgermeester.,He is acquainted with the mayor.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn "He harr sone Angst, dat he üm sien Leven lopen deed.",He was so frightened that he ran for his life.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn "Ik hööp, de Daak vertreckt bald.",I hope the fog will go away soon.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn "He weer duun un hett vergeten, de Achterdöör dicht to maken.",He was drunk and forgot to shut the back door.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn "Versteihst du, wat he seggt?",Do you understand what he's saying?,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Ik heff em mien Adress geven.,I gave him my address.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn "Ik heff anfungen, dat Book to lesen.",I started reading the book.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Ik hör Stimmen.,I hear voices.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Ik heff en Hümpel Böker in mien Bökerboord.,I have a large number of books on my bookshelf.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Wi löpen teihn Kilometer wied.,We ran for 10 kilometers.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Wi kaamt hier een Maal in ’e Week bieen.,We gather here once a week.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Ik will na de Stad gahn.,I want to go to the city.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Woneem sünd mien Zigaretten?,Where are my cigarettes?,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Ik kiek na mien Brill.,I'm looking for my eyeglasses.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Ik weet wat he daan hett.,I know what he did.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn He hört geern Radio.,He likes to listen to the radio.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn "Ik heff em in ’t Feernsehn sehn, aver nich in echt.",I have seen him on TV but not in the flesh.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn "De Katt jöög de Muus, man kunn ehr nich fangen.","The cat chased the mouse, but couldn't catch it.",nds_Latn-eng_Latn Ik heff ehr swemmen sehn.,I saw her swim.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Wat is en Watt?,What is a watt?,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Mien Mann leest jümmer in ’t Bedd.,My husband always reads in bed.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Se hett mi nich leef.,She doesn't love me.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Dick hett Klaveer speelt un Lucy süng.,Dick played the piano and Lucy sang.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Se hett ehr Geheemnissen mit in ’t Graff nahmen.,She took her secrets to the grave.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn "Ik heff den Mund holen, un dat hett em argert.","I said nothing, and that made him angry.",nds_Latn-eng_Latn "Ria sä, se harr wat funnen.",Mary said she'd found something.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Ik heff en Fru.,I have a wife.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Tom arbeidt nich giern alleen.,Tom doesn't like to work by himself.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Ik heff den ganzen Dag in’n Park verbröcht.,I spent the whole day in the park.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Tom föhrt en olen Ford.,Tom drives an old Ford.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Tom wull keen Freuhstück.,Tom didn't want any breakfast.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Disse Hund höört mi to.,This dog is mine.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Dor lööp en Rött över de Straat.,A rat ran across the road.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Ik heff dat Book ut.,I've finished reading the book.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Dit is en Peerd.,This is a horse.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn En olen Buck lüst ook woll noch eens na en gröön Bladd.,Old cows eat tender grass.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Büst du na ’n Dokter wesen?,Did you go to see a doctor?,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Woneem is dat Daagbladd?,Where's the newspaper?,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Annern Morgen weer de Sneemann kumplett smulten.,"The following morning, the snowman was completely melted.",nds_Latn-eng_Latn Wacht bet morgen.,Wait until tomorrow.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Du kannst mien Wöörbook bruken.,You can use my dictionary.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Du büst so en Dummbüdel!,You're such an idiot!,nds_Latn-eng_Latn "Dröff ik fragen, wo oold du büst?",May I ask how old you are?,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Is Herr Parker vondaag dor?,Is Mr Parker in today?,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Na Regen kummt Sünnschien.,After rain comes fair weather.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Kennst du ehren Vader?,Do you know her father?,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Ik will ehr nich wehdoon.,I don't want to hurt her.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn "Regeln sünd dor, üm braken to warrn.",Rules are meant to be broken.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Magst du geern Eerdbeern?,Do you like strawberries?,nds_Latn-eng_Latn De Katt is bruun.,That cat is brown.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Se is mien Vaddersche.,She's my godmother.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn "Wannehr hebbt ji anfungen, Düütsch to lehren?",When did you start learning German?,nds_Latn-eng_Latn "Ik weet, wat du meenst.",I know what you mean.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Wo groot is dien Famielje?,How large is your family?,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Hest du Hoosten?,Do you have any coughing?,nds_Latn-eng_Latn De lütte Jung seet op de Schullern von sien Vader.,The little boy sat on his father's shoulders.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Dat deit nich weh.,It doesn't hurt.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Disse Computer spoort uns en Barg Arbeid.,This computer saves us a lot of work.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn "De Hoot passt di nich good, de is to lütt.",The hat does not fit you well. Is too small.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn "Wenn du dat Kabel anfaatst, denn kriggst du en Slagg.","If you touch that wire, you will receive a shock.",nds_Latn-eng_Latn He weet allens.,He knows everything.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn ’Keen magst du lever: de Giants oder de Dragons?,"Which do you like better, the Giants or the Dragons?",nds_Latn-eng_Latn He is güstern na Huus gahn.,He went home yesterday.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Schall ik di helpen?,Do you want me to help you?,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Ook de swartste Koh gifft witte Melk.,Even the blackest cow only gives white milk.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Se kummt ut Italien.,She comes from Italy.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Wullt du noch bet na ’n Füürtoorn gahn?,Do you still want to go to the lighthouse?,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Ik bün mit en sehr Strott opwaakt.,I woke up with a sore throat.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Ik heff veel Drööm.,I have many dreams.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn He hett een Söhn un twee Döchter.,He has a son and two daughters.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Ik drück di de Dumen.,I will keep my fingers crossed for you.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Ik bruuk Feern!,I need a vacation.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Dat is de Fahn von Japan.,This is the flag of Japan.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Gifft dat ook wat to eten?,Are any meals included?,nds_Latn-eng_Latn He weer en goden König.,He was a good king.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Nüms weet de Antwoord.,No one knows the answer.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Keeneen wull dor över snacken.,No one would talk about it.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn De Soldaten kunnen em nu sehn.,The soldiers could see him now.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Düütsche Soldaten sünd na Frankriek marscheert.,German soldiers marched through France.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn De Stad weer vull mit hungerige Soldaten.,The city was full of hungry soldiers.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Dat is Tom sien Knief.,This is Tom's knife.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Milljonen Soldaten sünd op beide Sieden doodbleven.,Soldiers on both sides were dying by the millions.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Se höört op em.,She obeys him.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn De Armee hett em to ’n Bottgeven dwungen.,The army forced him to resign.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn He hett dat ut Jux seggt.,He said it as a joke.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn "Wenn de dat nich meh glövs, wat van de överste Heeresleitung kütt, wat wuss du denn noch glöven?","If you no longer believe what comes from She-who-must-be-obeyed, what will you believe?",nds_Latn-eng_Latn Du kannst würklich temlich good neihn.,You're a magician with a needle and thread.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Ik stüür ehr na Kalifornien.,I'm sending her to California.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Büst du bi Facebook?,Are you on Facebook?,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Worüm wullt du in ’t Butenland studeren?,Why do you want to study abroad?,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Mien Hund dröömt von en Katt.,My dog is dreaming of a cat.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Mehl warrt von Weten maakt.,Flour is made from wheat.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Höörst du faken Höörböker?,Do you often listen to audiobooks?,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Dat regent hier meist nie.,It hardly ever rains there.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Kannst du dat noch wedder seggen?,Can you say that again?,nds_Latn-eng_Latn "Stöört di dat, wenn ik smöök?",Do you mind my smoking?,nds_Latn-eng_Latn "Ik weet nich, ’keen den Koken maakt hett.",I don't know who made the cake.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Kannst du mi en Koort von diene Straat teken?,Can you draw me a map of your street?,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Mien Broder is Inschenör.,My brother is an engineer.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn "Ik fraag mi, woneem he sik verstickt.",I wonder where he is hiding.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn "Wi weet, dat se in Kanada boren is.",We know that she was born in Canada.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Ik eet geern Ananas to’n Fröhstück.,I like eating pineapple for breakfast.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Ik roop em vonavend an.,I'll call him tonight.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Se weet nich maal worüm.,They don't even know why.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn De Kamer warrt morgen anstreken.,The room will be painted tomorrow.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Wi schullen nu beter na Huus gahn.,We'd better go home now.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn He liggt op de Bank.,He is lying on the bench.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn "Ik heff en Dochter, de mit Tom to School geiht.",I have a daughter that goes to school with Tom.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Maak keen halven Kraam.,Never do things by halves.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Wo hest du dat denn her?,Where did you get that?,nds_Latn-eng_Latn "Dat is dat Finster, dat John tweibraken hett.",This is the window broken by John.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Uns Baseballplatz is temlich lütt.,Our baseball diamond is very small.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Em stünn de Sweet op de Steern.,The sweat stood on his face.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Veel Spraken bruukt engelsche Wöör.,Many languages use English words.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn He deed dat Glas mit Wien vullschenken.,He filled the glass with wine.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Se sünd so groot as miene Süster.,You are as tall as my sister.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn He is nich so groot.,He is not so tall.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Dat weer de gröttste Fehler von mien Leven.,It was the biggest mistake of my life.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Nu leev ik in Kyoto.,I live in Kyoto now.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn All Dören von dat Huus sünd dicht.,Every door in the house is locked.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Dit Book höört Ali to.,This book is Ali's.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn "Ik bün froh, di to sehn!",I'm glad to see you!,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit is 1686 in Danzig boren.,Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit was born in 1686 in Danzig.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Ik heff mi raseert un mi sneden.,I shaved and cut myself.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Wi brukt em nich.,We don't need him.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Mien Tähn deit weh.,My teeth hurt.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn De Kontext is wichtig.,Context is important.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn He besitt veel düre Schilleraatsen.,He owns many valuable paintings.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Kort seggt: Dat Leven is kort.,"In a word, life is short.",nds_Latn-eng_Latn "Kannst du di vörstellen, wo blied ik bün?",Can you guess how happy I am?,nds_Latn-eng_Latn He maakt geern Fotos.,He likes taking pictures.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Verkloor mi dat.,Explain it to me.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Dat gifft man dree Deerns in ’e Klass.,There are only three girls in the class.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Ik heff ok nix verstahn.,"I, too, didn't understand anything.",nds_Latn-eng_Latn Hest du mi anropen?,Did you phone me?,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Wo kennt ji jo von?,Where do you know each other from?,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Worüm gifft dat Steerns an’n Heven?,Why are there stars in the sky?,nds_Latn-eng_Latn De Hund blöddt.,The dog is bleeding.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Worüm doot ji mi dat an?,Why do you always do that to me?,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Worüm deist du mi dat an?,Why are you doing this to me?,nds_Latn-eng_Latn "De Nacht weer so düüster, meist so düüster as ehr Hart.","The night was so dark, almost as dark as her heart.",nds_Latn-eng_Latn Ik tro di nich.,I don't trust you.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Von wat för ’n Stoff is de West maakt?,What is the jacket made of?,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Worüm hest du Tom nich eenfach de Wohrheid seggt?,Why didn't you just tell Tom the truth?,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Ik mag den Sommer nich.,I don't like summer.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Wi mööt ehr helpen.,We must help her.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn He hett uns Anbott aflehnt.,He rejected our offer.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn He hett en Appel tekent.,He drew an apple.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Hebrääsch is en swoore Spraak.,Hebrew is a difficult language.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Ik bruuk Frünn.,I need friends.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Kannst du dat maken?,Can you do that?,nds_Latn-eng_Latn De Heven kloort op.,The sky brightened.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Ik harr dat Geld nehmen schullt.,I should've taken the money.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Tom is temlich swipp.,Tom is very dexterous.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Du kannst Engelsch snacken.,You can speak English.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Kaffe oder Tee?,Coffee or tea?,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Ik lees jüst dat Daagbladd.,I'm reading the newspaper.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Fisch mutt swemmen.,Fish gotta swim.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Ik kann de Döör nich apen kriegen. Hest du den Slötel?,I can't open the door. Do you have the key?,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Is noch Melk dor?,Is there any milk left?,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Se hett en törkschen Fründ.,She's got a Turkish boyfriend.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Ik weer vör üm un bi een Johr hier.,I was here about a year ago.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom un Ria säen, dat se dat nich mihr dröfft.",Tom and Mary said they weren't permitted to do that anymore.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Se kann noch nich Fohrrad föhren.,She can't ride a bicycle yet.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Wat is dat? fröög Tony.,'What is that?' asked Tony.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn ’Keen schall dat betahlen?,Who will pay?,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Caesar het keen Fohrrad hefft.,Caesar did not have a bike.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Dröff ik en Vörslag maken?,May I make a suggestion?,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Dat weer acht Meter lang.,It was eight meters long.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Lees dit Book.,Read this book.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Ik heff dat sülvs sehn.,I myself saw it.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Disse Schoh is een Grött grötter.,This shoe is a size bigger.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Ik bün em 1000 Yen schüllig.,I owe him 1000 yen.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Disse See is de deepste See in Japan.,This is the deepest lake in Japan.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn He füll rüggels an ’e Eer.,He fell backward.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Uns School is 1990 grünnt worrn.,Our school was founded in 1990.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Ria kann nich kamen. Se mutt op de Lütte oppassen.,Mary can't come. She has to take care of her daughter.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Ik heff di güstern temlich misst.,I missed you very much yesterday.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Wo goot hest du Tom kennt?,How well did you know Tom?,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Tom mag Kees.,Tom likes cheese.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Wi bruukt dien Geld nich.,We don't need your money.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn "Wo kummt dat, dat du so veel von japaansche Geschicht afkennst?",How is it that you know so much about Japanese history?,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Ik heff güstern en Breef schreven.,I wrote a letter yesterday.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Ik heff ehr Adreß vergeten.,I forgot his address.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Dor weren veel Bööd op ’n See.,There were a lot of boats on the lake.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Ik söök na dien Süster. Woneem is de?,I'm looking for your sister. Where is she?,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Uns hett de Film all gefullen.,We all enjoyed the movie.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Dat weer en langen Breev.,This was a long letter.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn He is stuur as en Muulesel.,He is stubborn as a mule.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Mien Been sünd swoor as Blee.,My legs are as heavy as lead.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Dreih de Musik op!,Turn the music up!,nds_Latn-eng_Latn De Zitroon is suur.,The lemon is sour.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn "Du musst weten, dat ik snurk.",You must know that I snore.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Miene Froo kaakt good.,My wife cooks well.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Mozart is vör 200 Johr doodbleven.,Mozart passed away 200 years ago.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn He hett Koppwehdaag.,He has a headache.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Dat gifft keen Rosen ahn Doornen.,There is no rose without thorns.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Sophia Loren ehr echten Naam is Sofia Scicolone.,Sophia Loren's real name is Sofia Scicolone.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Wat is de Klock?,What's the time?,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Wat för welk sünd de besten?,Which are the best ones?,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Amerika is en Inwannererland.,America is a country of immigrants.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Ik harr vergangen Week en Unfall mit mien Segway.,I had a Segway accident last week.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Laat de Kinner spelen.,Let the children play.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn De Jäger hett en Voss schaten.,The hunter shot a fox.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Ik bün jung.,I am young.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn He behrt sik as en Kind.,He behaves like a child.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn He behr sik as en Kind.,He behaved like a child.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Dor sünd veel Blomen in ’n Goorn.,There are many flowers in the garden.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Gifft dat hier ümto keen Avtheek?,Isn't there a pharmacy nearby?,nds_Latn-eng_Latn In Japan gifft dat veel warme Borns.,"In Japan, there are many hot springs.",nds_Latn-eng_Latn Ik bün Börger von de USA.,I'm an American citizen.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Dat Huus warrt jüst boot.,The house is being built now.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Do dien Hart apen.,Open your heart.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn He deed man so.,He was only shamming.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Hier weer güstern nüms.,There was nobody here yesterday.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Ik heff twee Tassen Kaffe nahmen.,I had two cups of coffee.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn "Is disse Ledder stark noog, üm mien Wicht to hollen?",Is this ladder strong enough to bear my weight?,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Ik kenn joon Broder temlich good.,I know your brother very well.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn "Holt swemmt, man Iesen sinkt dal.","Wood floats, but iron sinks.",nds_Latn-eng_Latn "Se mutt temlich jung wesen hebben, as se dit Gedicht schreven hett.",She must have been very young when she wrote this poem.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn He kann Tennis spelen.,He can play tennis.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Dat is en waterdichte Klock.,This is a waterproof watch.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Jümmer to Deensten!,Always at service!,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Maak de Döör nich apen.,Don't open the door.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Köönt ji mi bi de Bibliotheek afsetten?,Could you drop me off at the library?,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Wannehr fangt in Japan de Regentied an?,When does the rainy season in Japan begin?,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Dat is nich mien Probleem.,That's not my problem.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Wannehr geihst du loos?,When will you leave?,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Se deed von morgens bet avends arbeiden.,She worked from morning till night.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn He geev sien Identität nich pries.,He didn't reveal his identity.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Dat Weder is vondaag en beten beter.,The weather is a shade better today.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn "Ik bruuk een, de mi in ’n Arm nimmt un mi seggt, dat allens wedder good warrt.",I need someone to hold me and tell me everything will be alright.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Ik dans geern.,I love to dance.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Ik heff ehr en langen Breev schreven.,I wrote a long letter to her.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn "Ik weet nich mehr, woneem ik dat köfft heff.",I can't remember where I bought it.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Hest du Nadel un Faden?,Do you have needle and thread?,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Ik snack jeden Dag engelsch.,I speak English every day.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Ik heff mien Identität verloren.,I lost my identity.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn He maakt geern en Barg ut en Mollhümpel.,He loves to make a mountain out of a molehill.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Ik mag dien Naam nich.,I don't like your name.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Se harr bi de Arbeid en Unfall.,"While working, she had an accident.",nds_Latn-eng_Latn Du süst mööd ut. Du schusst di en beten utrohn.,You look tired. You should rest a little.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn "Mi dücht, wi bruukt Hülp.",I think we need help.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Denn heff ik anfungen to verstahn.,I then began to understand.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Is Klookschieter en Schimp or en Kompliment?,Is know-it-all an insult or a compliment?,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Ik müss den ganzen Dag in ’t Bedd blieven.,I had to stay in bed all day.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Wat höllst du von modeerne Kunst?,What do you think of modern art?,nds_Latn-eng_Latn "John is dat wennt, bet Middernacht optoblieven.",John is in the habit of staying up until midnight.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn As Jung bün ik jeden Sünndag na Kark gahn.,I went to church every Sunday when I was a boy.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Ik bün na Kyushu flagen.,I went to Kyushu by airplane.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Du föhrst to gau.,You drive too fast.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Se hett ehren Autoslötel verloren.,She's lost her car key.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Dat Baby weer naakd.,The baby was naked.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Nehm dat nich bi ’t Woord. He överdrifft geern.,Don't take it literally. He is inclined to exaggerate.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Ik speel geern Gitarr.,I like to play guitar.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn "Böhr de Hand, wenn du de Antwoord weetst.",Raise your hand if you know the answer.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn "He weer dwungen, Överstünnen to maken.",He was forced to work overtime.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Ik harr disse E-Mail nich wegstüren dröfft.,I shouldn't have sent that email.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Tom speelt geern Baseball.,Tom likes to play baseball.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Disse Stoffsuger maakt veel Larm.,This vacuum cleaner makes a lot of noise.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn De Lüüd hebbt in Dörper wahnt.,People used to live in villages.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Ik bün Ungaar.,I am Hungarian.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Woveel Appels wullt du?,How many apples do you want?,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Maak dat Finster apen.,Open the window.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Du hest en schöne Huud.,You have nice skin.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Ik mag frische Luft.,I like fresh air.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Köönt wi snacken?,Can we talk?,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Disse School hett 1650 apen maakt.,The school was established in 1650.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Tatoeba: Kumm op de düüstere Sied. Wi hebbt Schokoladenkeks’.,Tatoeba: Join the dark side. We have chocolate cookies.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn De Held von disse Geschicht is en lütt Deern.,The heroine of this story is a little girl.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn He hett mehr Glück as Verstand.,He is more lucky than clever.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn "Dien Plaan is good, man mien Plaan is beter.","Your plan is a good one, but mine is a better one.",nds_Latn-eng_Latn Susan höört geern Musik.,Susan enjoys listening to music.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn "Ik wull nich, dat dat so basch klingt.",I didn't mean to sound so harsh.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Ik bruuk en beten Poppeer.,I need some paper.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn "Jim keek na rechts un links, ehrdat he över de Straat güng.",Jim looked right and left before he crossed the road.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn "He is temlich jung doodbleven, he weer man 59 Johr oold.",He died rather young. He'd just turned 59 years old.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn He is in Australien grootworrn.,He grew up in Australia.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn He leevt ik Osaka.,He lives in Osaka.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Enkelt- oder Dubbeltkamer?,Single or double room?,nds_Latn-eng_Latn "He lett riek, is dat aver nich.",He is wealthy in appearance but not in reality.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn "De Deern, de jüst bi de Döör rinkummt, kummt jümmer to laat.",The girl coming in at the door now is always late.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Ik bün bang vör wille Deerten.,I'm scared of wild animals.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn "Dat reckt nich, man een Spraak to könen.",It's not enough to know only one language.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Ik slaap geern.,I like sleeping.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Miene Stad hett en Slott.,My town has a castle.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Ik heff mi mit ehr nich good verstahn.,I didn't get along with her.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn De Weltruum is vull mit Radels.,Space is full of mysteries.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Ik heff mien Söhn en neet Huus boot.,I built my son a new house.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn De Kars güng von sülvs ut.,The candle went out by itself.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Wat is ut sien Söhn worrn?,What has become of his son?,nds_Latn-eng_Latn "Dat is fiev Johr her, dat wi hier her trocken sünd.",It is five years since we moved here.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Du musst vörsichtiger wesen.,You need to be more careful!,nds_Latn-eng_Latn SITVT VILAT IN ISET AVERNET,"Looks like Latin, but it is not.",nds_Latn-eng_Latn "Nee, du dröffst nich.","No, you may not.",nds_Latn-eng_Latn "Ik sla vör, dat du di mol mit Tom ünnerhöllst",I suggest you have a talk with Tom.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Edward is jünger as Robert.,Edward is younger than Robert.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Sünd diene Öllern nu tohuus?,Are your parents in now?,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Se hebbt brune Huud un swart Hoor.,They have brown skin and black hair.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Hest du en Bleesticken?,Do you have a pencil?,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Linda stünn op üm to singen.,Linda stood up to sing.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Mien Broer arbeidt in Frankriek.,My brother works in France.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Worüm starvt wi?,Why do we die?,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Ken deed sik blangen mi setten.,Ken sat next to me.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn "Ik sla vör, dat du di mol mit Ria ünnerhöllst.",I suggest you have a talk with Mary.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Wi hebbt en witte Katt.,We have a white cat.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Dat is uns Huus.,This is our house.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn "Jim keem liesen in de Kamer, dat he dat Baby nich opwaken deed.",Jim entered the room quietly so he wouldn't wake the baby.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn De Toilett weer achter de Trepp.,The toilet is behind the staircase.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Ik heff bi ’n Weddstried mitmaakt.,I took part in the contest.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Tom beseukt in Australien sien Öllern.,Tom is in Australia visiting his parents.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Ik heff blot mit em schunkelt.,I was only dancing with him.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Ik heff twee engelsche Böker.,I have two English books.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Wi mööt nu slapen gahn.,We have to go to sleep now.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Ik bün veer Johr jünger as he.,I am four years younger than him.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn He hett dat för Geld maakt.,He did it for money.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Maak de door tau achter di.,Shut the door behind you.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn "Se dach, dat ik Dokter bün.",She supposed me to be a doctor.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Perfesser West is meist so oold as mien Vader.,Professor West is almost as old as my father.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Dat is dat gröttste Hotel in disse Stad.,This is the biggest hotel in this city.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn De Steerns glinstert an ’n Heven.,The stars are shining in the sky.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Jümmer kluckst du vör ’n Kiekschapp.,You are always watching TV.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Wi hebbt twee Billy-Regaals von Ikea.,We've got two Billy shelves from IKEA.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Ik tahl boor.,I am paying with cash.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Wat hess du di doorbi denkt?,What do you think about it?,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Dor steiht een achter de Müür.,Someone is standing behind the wall.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Ik bün sössteihn Johr oold.,I am sixteen years old.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Hest du en Drinkgeld dorlaten?,Did you leave a tip?,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Hest du ropen?,Did you call?,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Tom wöör meud.,Tom was tired.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Dor nich för!,Don't mention it.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Ehr Huus is dicht bi de See.,Her house is near the sea.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Morgen schall dat wohrschienlich sneen.,It will probably snow tomorrow.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Du musst vör Klock teihn trüggwesen.,You must be back by 10 o'clock.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Wat is dat för en Tüdelkraam?,What kind of nonsense is that?,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Hest du vondaag al in dien Daagbook schreven?,Have you written in your diary yet today?,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Na en Stoot keem he mit en Wöörbook ünner ’n Arm trügg.,After a while he came back with a dictionary under his arm.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Ik kann nich ahn Brill lesen.,I cannot read without glasses.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn De Vagels süngen.,The birds sang.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Do et süms.,Do it yourself.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Tom deed den Ammel bet na ’n Rand vullmaken.,Tom filled the bucket to the top.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Ik heff en Froo in swart sehn.,I saw a woman in black.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Dat Fatt is vull.,The container is full.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Dissen Sommer heff ik twee Kilo tonahmen.,I have put on two kilograms this summer.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn "Mi dücht, Frankforters hebbt veel mehr Smack as Wieners.",I find that frankfurters have much more taste than wieners.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn En gediegen Postüür keem opmaal rin ’e Döör.,A strange figure suddenly came through the door.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Dor is en Koort an ’e Wand.,There is a map on the wall.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Mi geiht dat slecht.,I'm not well.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Uns Mannschop winnt.,Our team is winning.,nds_Latn-eng_Latn Er is geen rode draad.,There's no red thread.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn De kolen gloeiden in het vuur.,The coal was glowing in the fire.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Hij kan zijn ogen niet van haar afhouden.,He can't take his eyes off her.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ik heb de intocht van Sinterklaas gemist.,I missed the arrival of Sinterklaas.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn "Oh, sorry.","Oh, I'm sorry.",nld_Latn-eng_Latn Stop die spion in de kerker.,Put that spy in the dungeon.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Het is vandaag woensdag.,Today is Wednesday.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Tom is een surfer.,Tom is a surfer.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Tom heeft het graag over zijn jeugd.,Tom likes talking about his youth.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ik was echt blij met het cadeau dat je me gaf.,I really liked the gift you gave me.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn "Indien mogelijk, zou ik nu naar huis willen gaan.","If possible, I'd like to go home now.",nld_Latn-eng_Latn Hij was te oud om te zwemmen.,He was too old to swim.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Vergeet de laatste regel.,Forget the last line.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Dat kan niet waar zijn.,That cannot be true.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn De structuur van de hersenen is ingewikkeld.,The structure of the brain is complicated.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Tom liet haar de brief van de Kerstman zien.,Tom showed her the letter from Santa Claus.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ik ben niet bang.,I'm not afraid.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn En wat doen we nou?,So what do we do now?,nld_Latn-eng_Latn """Ga je vanmiddag studeren?"" ""Ja.""","""Will you study after dinner?"" ""Yes, I will.""",nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ik geeuw van verveling.,I'm yawning from boredom.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Tom denkt altijd aan eten.,Tom always thinks about food.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn "Als ze je niet ontvangen en niet luisteren naar je woorden, ga dan weg uit dat huis of die stad en stamp het stof van je voeten.","And whosoever shall not receive you, nor hear your words, when ye depart out of that house or city, shake off the dust of your feet.",nld_Latn-eng_Latn We hebben twee oren.,We have two ears.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Er is niets nieuws onder de zon.,There is nothing new under the sun.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Hoe gaat het met je? Ik heb je al tijden niet gezien.,How are you doing? I haven't seen you for an age!,nld_Latn-eng_Latn "Hallo, ik ben Sepideh.","Hello, I am Sepideh.",nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ik ga meteen een chocoladekoek bakken voor mijn vrouw.,I'm going to bake a chocolate cake for my wife right now.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Niets is belangrijker dan vriendschap.,There is nothing more important than friendship.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ik hou niet van je.,I don't love you.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn """Zal hij vlug genezen?"" ""Ik vrees van niet.""","""Will he recover soon?"" ""I'm afraid not.""",nld_Latn-eng_Latn "Als je geld nodig hebt, waarom leen je dan niet wat van je moeder?","If you need some money, why don't you borrow some from your mother?",nld_Latn-eng_Latn Die doos daar is beter dan deze.,That box is better than this one.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Die doos daar is groter dan deze.,That box is bigger than this one.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn "Ik hou niet van lezen, ik ben er dol op.","I don't just like reading, I absolutely love it.",nld_Latn-eng_Latn "Toen hij thuis kwam, ging hij onmiddellijk van de honger naar de koelkast.","When he returned home, he went ravenously straight to the fridge.",nld_Latn-eng_Latn ''Ga jij naar Toms feestje?'' ''Ik weet het nog niet.'',"""You going to Tom's party?"" ""I don't know yet.""",nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ik vraag mij af wanneer Anna komt.,I wonder when Anne will come.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Onze kinderen zijn echt dol op dieren.,Our children really like animals.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Het leven begint bij veertig.,Life begins when you are forty.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ze was een handboek aan het lezen over tuinieren.,She was reading a gardening manual.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Zij heeft lang haar.,She has got long hair.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ik heb slechts één verzoek.,I have but one wish.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ge moet alleen wat harder werken.,All you have to do is to work harder.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Op zondag spelen we dikwijls kaart.,We often play cards on Sunday.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Zij woont samen met hem in een klein appartement.,She lives with him in a small apartment.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn "Tussen man en vrouw is geen vriendschap mogelijk. Er is passie, haat, aanbidding, liefde maar geen vriendschap.","Between men and women there is no friendship possible. There is passion, enmity, worship, love, but no friendship.",nld_Latn-eng_Latn "Bacteriën zijn maar kleine, onschadelijke cellen.","Bacteria are just tiny cells, harmless.",nld_Latn-eng_Latn Wanneer zijt ge in New York geweest?,When did you visit New York?,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ik breng je naar het vliegveld.,I'll drive you to the airport.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ze heeft zich in een deken gewikkeld.,She wrapped herself in a blanket.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Het is al laat.,It's already late.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Tom heeft een Android-telefoon.,Tom has an Android phone.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Carol kijkt dikwijls naar horrorfilms.,Carol often watches horror movies.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Tom voelde zich aartsdom.,Tom felt like a fool.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Drinkt ze melk?,Does she drink milk?,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ik kan alleen voor mezelf praten.,I can only speak for myself.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Kunt u schrijven?,Can you write?,nld_Latn-eng_Latn "Hij laat nooit na, elke dag de krant te lezen.",He never misses reading the papers every day.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Tom is in de keuken.,Tom is in the kitchen.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ik had mijn ouders moeten raad vragen in die zaak.,I ought to have consulted my parents on the matter.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Vele van de soldaten gaven hun echtgenoten een afscheidskus.,Many of the soldiers kissed their spouses goodbye.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ik kan mijn gevoelens niet met woorden uitdrukken.,Words cannot convey my feelings.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Vele soldaten gaven hun vrouw een afscheidskus.,Many of the soldiers kissed their wifes goodbye.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ik herinner mij niet dat ik om uw raad gevraagd heb.,I don't recall asking for your advice.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Laten we het na school doen.,Let's do it after school.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ze kon hem niet overtuigen om haar een nieuwe auto te kopen.,She couldn't convince him to buy her a new car.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Sami gaf Layla een vertaling van de Koran.,Sami gave Layla a translation of the Quran.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Mijn vader leeft op de buiten.,My father lives in the country.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Zullen we naar de bios gaan?,Shall we go to the cinema?,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ze droeg een mannenhemd dat haar niet paste.,She was wearing a men's shirt which did not fit her.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Toen was ik getrouwd.,I was married at that time.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ik heb het in een tweedehandswinkel gekocht.,I bought it in a thrift store.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ge rookt niet zeker?,"You don't smoke, do you?",nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ze wilden niet verwikkeld raken in het geschil.,They did not wish to become embroiled in the dispute.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Laten we naar een warme plek gaan.,Let's go somewhere warm.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Tom is interessant.,Tom is interesting.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ik heb goede redenen om Tom te haten.,I have good reasons for hating Tom.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn De mens is het enige dier dat kan spreken.,Man is the only animal that can talk.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Veel mensen geven meer uit dan ze verdienen.,Many people spend more than they earn.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ik weet niet wat haat betekent.,I don't know what hatred means.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn "Een klontje suiker, alstublieft.","One lump of sugar, please.",nld_Latn-eng_Latn "Maar dat is onmogelijk, professor.","But that's impossible, professor.",nld_Latn-eng_Latn Dit appartement is binnen fietsafstand van de universiteit.,This apartment is within biking distance of the university.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ze kent me niet eens.,She doesn't even know me.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn "Trek aan de koord, alstublieft.",Please pull the rope.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Hij vraagt erom.,He's asking for it.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn We hoeven dit niet te doen.,We don't have to do this.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Wanneer ben je getrouwd?,When did you get married?,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Dit maakt me echt blij.,This is so relaxing.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ik ben over een half uur weer daar.,I'll be back in half an hour.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ze rookte een sigaret.,She smoked a cigarette.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Wij nemen hem wel.,We'll take it.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Deze soep is te zout.,There's too much salt in this soup.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn De arts raadde hem aan met roken te stoppen.,The doctor advised him to give up smoking.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Hij vroeg of hij me naar huis kon brengen.,He asked if he could walk me home.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn We bevinden ons in het tijdperk van de kernenergie.,We are in the era of atomic energy.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Het is mijn enige kans.,It's my only chance.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Van welke zanger houdt u?,Who's your favorite singer?,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Brazilië is het grootste land van Zuid-Amerika.,Brazil is the biggest country in South America.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ik zal je helpen.,Let me help you with that.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ik zal u helpen.,I will help you.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ik ben niet meer bang.,I'm no longer afraid.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Alleen in sprookjes veranderen kikkers in prinsen.,Frogs turn into princes only in fairy tales.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Het nieuws leek haar te beangstigen.,She looked frightened at the news.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn "Het spijt me, maar ik weet niet waar u het over hebt.","I'm sorry, but I don't understand.",nld_Latn-eng_Latn Stel geen vragen waarop je het antwoord niet wilt weten.,Don't ask questions that you don't want to know the answer to.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Die schoenen lijken me te duur.,I find those shoes too expensive.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Een combinatie van partijen vormde de nieuwe regering.,A combination of parties formed the new government.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ondanks alle tegenslagen blijft hij een optimist.,"Despite all his setbacks, he remains an optimist.",nld_Latn-eng_Latn Meer dan 10.000 mensen ondertekenden de petitie.,"More than 10,000 people signed the petition.",nld_Latn-eng_Latn Hij werd hopeloos verliefd op haar.,He fell for her big time.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn U moet de knoop strakker maken.,You must tighten the knot.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Tom zette de asbak voor Maria.,Tom put the ashtray in front of Mary.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Gewoontes zijn moeilijk te stoppen.,Habits are difficult to break.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Oscar was mijn moeders hond.,Oscar was my mum's dog.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Mijn 3-jarige stelt werkelijk mijn geduld op de proef!,My 3 year old is really trying my patience!,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Alles ziet er goed uit.,Everything seems to be just fine.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Is het niet vreemd?,Don't you think it's strange?,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Mijn tandvlees bloedt wanneer ik ook mijn tanden flos.,My gums bleed whenever I floss my teeth.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Dat aanbod klinkt te goed om waar te zijn. Wat is het addertje onder het gras?,That offer sounds too good to be true. What's the catch?,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Tom is bijna klaar om te vertrekken.,Tom says he's almost ready to leave.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Vanavond zijn de sterren niet te zien.,There are no stars tonight.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Bedankt dat je gekomen bent.,Thanks for stopping by.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Bent u naar de winkel gegaan?,Did you go to the shop?,nld_Latn-eng_Latn "Ik hou van jou, schatje.","I love you, sweetheart.",nld_Latn-eng_Latn Trek de voorhuid naar achter voor je het condoom omdoet.,Pull the foreskin back before putting on the condom.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Alice zag de hond niet.,Alice didn't see the dog.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn De deur is op slot.,The door's locked.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Gek zijn is goed voor de gezondheid.,Being crazy is healthy.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn De hemel was bezaaid met sterren.,There were a lot of stars seen in the sky.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn "Overwinning is onwaarschijnlijk, maar mogelijk.",Victory is unlikely but not impossible.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Iedereen is een maan en heeft een donkere zijde die hij nooit aan iemand laat zien.,"Everyone is a moon, and has a dark side which he never shows to anybody.",nld_Latn-eng_Latn "Ieder van ons is als de maan: we hebben allemaal een donkere kant, die we nooit laten zien.",Each of us is like the moon: there is a dark side of us that we do not let others see.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Hoe was de Franse les?,How was the French class?,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Maria deed haar haar los en deed een knoop van haar bloesje open.,Mary undid her hair and opened one of the buttons of her blouse.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn De Koran is zeer direct in zijn leer.,The Quran is very direct in its teachings.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Waarom leert iemand Esperanto?,Why does anyone learn Esperanto?,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ben je niet moe?,Are you not tired?,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Je bezoek maakt me heel blij.,Your visit makes me very happy.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Mijn vader stierf voor mijn geboorte.,My father died before I was born.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Nara is een heel oude stad.,Nara is a very old city.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ik heb drie jongere zussen.,I have three younger sisters.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Er wordt verwacht dat de temperatuur in Boston zal dalen naar -22°C.,The temperature in Boston is expected to drop to -22°C.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Mam is op het werk.,Mom's at work.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn We hebben alles gedaan wat we konden.,We've done all that we could.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Gelieve niet uit de fles te drinken!,Please don't drink from the bottle.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Denk jij dat de Kerstman nog bestaat?,Do you think Santa exists?,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Iemand heeft iets in haar drankje gedaan.,Someone put something in her drink.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn We discussieerden over wat er te doen was.,We discussed what to do.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Hebben jullie een lift?,Do you have an elevator?,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ken heeft een witte hond.,Ken has a white dog.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Hij raakte mijn schouder aan.,He touched my shoulder.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Waak erover dat niemand binnengaat.,Make sure that nobody enters.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Let erop dat er geen vreemde deze kamer binnengaat.,See to it that no strangers come into this room.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Tom gaat nooit ergens heen zonder zijn telefoon.,Tom never goes anywhere without his phone.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Het donderde.,The thunder roared.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ik weet niet hoe Tom eruitziet.,I don't know what Tom looks like.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Het is de eerste keer dat ik van dit woord heb gehoord.,This is the first time I've heard that word.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Hoeveel talen kan Tom spreken?,"What languages do you speak, Tom?",nld_Latn-eng_Latn Zij is een heel egoïstisch mens.,He's a very selfish person.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Dit is een waargebeurd verhaal.,This is a true story.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Doet dat pijn?,Does that hurt?,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Tom heeft met Maria geluncht.,Tom had lunch with Mary.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Tom had over Maria een goede mening.,Tom had a good opinion of Mary.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Tom werd door Maria vanmorgen vroeg opgebeld.,Tom had a telephone call from Mary early this morning.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Tom had met Maria een eitje te pellen.,Tom had a score to settle with Mary.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Sami vertaalde de Koran van het Arabisch naar het Engels.,Sami translated the Quran from Arabic into English.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Een alligator heeft zijn arm afgerukt.,An alligator snapped his arm off.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Tom stootte z'n teen.,Tom stubbed his toe.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn "Bijen bestuiven bloemen en bomen, verzamelen nectar om honig, propolis en bijengif te maken,","Bees pollinate flowers and trees, collect nectar to make honey, bee glue and bee venom.",nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ik wil uitgaan.,I want to go out.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Tom is onlangs opnieuw getrouwd.,Tom got remarried recently.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn We werden niet toegelaten tot het gebouw.,We weren't allowed into the building.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Er is zoveel schuldgevoel over alles.,There’s much guilt about everything.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ze is niet dom.,She's not stupid.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn De krant begon lezers te verliezen toen hij afstand deed van een van zijn meest populaire auteurs.,The newspaper began to lose readers when it dispensed with one of its most popular writers.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Laat niets anders ons afleiden.,Don't let anything else distract us.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn "De vraag die hij daar stelt, doet me twijfelen.",The question he raised there is making me hesitate.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Iedereen hield van de eenvoudige geleerde.,Everybody loved the simple scholar.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Waar is het brandblusapparaat?,Where is the fire extinguisher?,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Wat soort muziek hoor je liefst?,What's your favorite music?,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ik hoop dat Tom zich beter voelt vandaag.,I hope Tom feels better today.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ik moet vandaag langs de supermarkt.,Today I have to drop by the supermarket.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Wat soort muziek hoort u liefst?,What kind of music do you like the most?,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Sami gaf mij een exemplaar van de Koran.,Sami gave me a copy of the Quran.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Hij is een verdomde idioot.,He is a bloody fool.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Het water werd gezuiverd.,The water has been cleaned.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Hoeveel is vier maal zes?,How much is four times six?,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Hij zou een huis moeten kopen.,He should buy a house.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn "Nu lees ik, lees jij en leest hij; wij lezen allen.","Now I'm reading, you're reading and he's reading; we're all reading.",nld_Latn-eng_Latn De kamer van mijnheer Johnson was ruim.,Mr. Johnson's room was a large one.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Waar is de computer van Tom?,Where's Tom's computer?,nld_Latn-eng_Latn "Kind, raak niet aan de spiegel!","Kid, don't touch the mirror!",nld_Latn-eng_Latn "Indien de leerling beter zijn les kende, zou de leraar hem niet straffen.","If the student had known his lesson better, the teacher would not have punished him.",nld_Latn-eng_Latn Vandaag is het zaterdag en morgen zal het zondag zijn.,Today is Saturday and tomorrow is Sunday.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Gisteren heb ik je zoon ontmoet en hij heeft me beleefd gegroet.,I met your son yesterday and he greeted me politely.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Maakt dat uit?,Does that matter?,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Het weer heeft veel met onze gezondheid te maken.,The weather has a great deal to do with our health.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn „Hoe gaat het met je?” ‑ „Ik mag niet klagen.”,"""How are you?"" ""I can't complain.""",nld_Latn-eng_Latn "Kun je die pan even voor me opbeuren, dan leg ik deze onderzetter eronder.","Could you lift that pan for me, then I'll put this mat under it.",nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ik heb een nieuwe trui gekocht en ik ben er zó groos mee!,I bought a new sweater and I'm as pleased as Punch with it!,nld_Latn-eng_Latn De Nederlandse en de Belgische driekleur wapperden gemoedelijk naast elkaar in het grensdorp.,The Dutch and the Belgian tricolour were streaming side by side amiably in the village on the border.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn "Ze zijn eindelijk begonnen die weg opnieuw te asfalteren. Het werd ook tijd, zeg! Je kon er alleen nog zigzaggend fietsen als je geen slag in je wiel wilde krijgen van de gaten in het wegdek.",They finally started to asphalt that road again. It was about time! You could only cycle zigzagging there if you didn't want your wheel to get buckled because of the holes in the road surface.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ik val maar meteen met de deur in huis. Je bent ontslagen.,I'll come straight to the point. You're fired.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn "Ik heb geen idee, ik ben niet zo thuis in dat soort zaken. Dat kun je beter aan die meneer daar vragen.","I have no idea, I'm not so well up on that kind of matters. You'd better ask that gentleman over there.",nld_Latn-eng_Latn Mijn kamergenoot studeert Chinees.,My roommate is learning Chinese.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Tom zette zijn leesbril af.,Tom took his reading glasses off.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Het leven is oneerlijk.,Life isn't fair.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Tom dacht dat het oneerlijk was.,Tom thought it was unfair.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Het toilet bevindt zich achter de trap.,The toilet is behind the staircase.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Het kind stopt niet met stoeien.,The child continues to be rambunctious.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn De oorlog begon drie jaar later.,The war began three years later.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Sami luisterde naar de Koran.,Sami was listening to the Quran.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Zijn moeder stierf vier jaar later.,His mother died four years later.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Je lijkt op Harry Potter.,You look like Harry Potter.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Heb je iets dat je wilt kopen?,Is there something you want to buy?,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ik voel me alsof ik dertig jaar oud ben.,I feel like I'm thirty years old.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Tom moet daar zo snel mogelijk voor zorgen.,Tom needs to do that as soon as possible.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ik heb het Britse accent heel erg gemist.,I missed the British accent so much.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn "Ik heb roomsoesjes gekocht, maar wil je er ook een?",I went and bought some cream puffs. Do you want any?,nld_Latn-eng_Latn "Excuseer, hoeveel is dit?","Excuse me, how much are these?",nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ze zijn in het restaurant.,I'm at the restaurant.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Tom nipte aan zijn koffie.,Tom sipped his coffee.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ik hou van hamburgers.,I love hamburgers.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Interessant.,I am curious.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Zijn dit jouw potloden?,Are these pencils yours?,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Je hebt geen miljoenen nodig om gelukkig te zijn.,You don't need millions to be happy.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn De badkamer is boven.,The bathroom is upstairs.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Tom had vroeger moeten weggaan.,Tom should have left earlier.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Herkent u de man op deze foto?,Do you recognize the man in this photo?,nld_Latn-eng_Latn "Als ge iets wilt bereiken in het leven, moet ge tegen de stroom in zwemmen.","If you want to get something in life, you should go against the flow.",nld_Latn-eng_Latn We hebben nieuwe gegevens over productie en verkoop van elektrische vliegenmeppers wereldwijd.,We have new data about production and sale of electric fly swatters worldwide.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn We zullen een brief schrijven.,We'll write a letter.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ons onderwijssysteem moet serieus worden vernieuwd.,Our education system needs to be seriously revamped.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Doe de lichten uit en we gaan.,Hit the lights and let's go.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Brian nam wat rozen.,Brian took some roses.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Deze technologie is iets ongelofelijks.,This technology is an incredible thing!,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Nederland is een klein land.,The Netherlands is a small country.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Hoop is het enige echte goed dat men kan bezitten.,Hope is the only true good that one may possess.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Jullie moeten de Koran lezen.,You need to read the Quran.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn "Een deur moet of open zijn, of toe.",A door must be either shut or open.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ik keek op mijn horloge.,I looked at my watch.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn We verontschuldigden ons aan elkaar.,We apologized to each other.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn De meeste winkels waren gesloten.,Most of the shops were closed.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn We willen geen mensen zoals jij in deze stad.,We don't want people like you in this town.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ik ben te moe om verder te gaan.,I'm so tired that I can't go on.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Dat is makkelijk voor jou om te zeggen.,That's easy for you to say.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ooit heeft men gedacht dat de aarde het middelpunt van het heelal was.,It was once believed that the earth was the center of the universe.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Wie heb je gezien?,Who did you see?,nld_Latn-eng_Latn "De enige wapens die ik hier in huis heb, zijn waterpistolen.",The only weapons I have in my home are water pistols.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Blijkbaar mag Mary mij niet.,"Apparently, Mary doesn't like me.",nld_Latn-eng_Latn Blijkbaar mag Tom mij niet.,"Apparently, Tom doesn't like me.",nld_Latn-eng_Latn Mijn vrouw denkt dat ik gek ben.,My wife thinks I'm crazy.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Een meisje verscheen voor me.,A girl appeared before me.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Telt dat?,Does that count?,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Hij heeft lef.,He has guts.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn "Lach nu, huil later!","Smile now, cry later!",nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ik denk dat Tom serieus is.,I think Tom is serious.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ik vraag me af waar Tom zijn sleutel verstopt heeft.,I wonder where Tom hid his key.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn "In Frankrijk, het land van herkomst, is Tatoeba een cultureel en sociaal fenomeen geworden.","In its home country, France, Tatoeba became a social and cultural phenomenon.",nld_Latn-eng_Latn John wilde volledig onafhankelijk zijn van zijn ouders.,John wanted to be completely independent of his parents.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn In de dierentuinen op Mars zijn er dieren van de aarde.,"In the zoological gardens of Mars, there are animals from Earth.",nld_Latn-eng_Latn Sami kende die Koranverzen.,Sami knew those Quranic verses.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Het spijt me. Ik zal voor de stomerij betalen.,I'm sorry. I'll pay for the dry cleaning.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Frans brood is lekker.,French bread is delicious.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn We hebben de auto in een gratis parkeergarage geparkeerd.,We parked our car in a free parking lot.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ik ben verbaasd om jou hier te zien.,I'm surprised to see you here.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Dit is vreselijk.,This is appalling.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Tom heeft drie ooms.,Tom has three uncles.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Hij weegt meer dan 80 kilo.,He weighs more than 80 kg.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn En de jongen groeide.,And the boy grew older.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Hij keek in haar ogen.,He looked into her eyes.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn We kopen een cd.,We buy CDs.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Kan je onder water wenen?,Is it possible to cry underwater?,nld_Latn-eng_Latn We komen nu aan het eerste punt van de dagorde.,Now we come to the first agenda item.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ik veronderstel dat hij niet komt.,I should say he won't come.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Het schip werd gelost in de haven.,The ship was unloaded at the port.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ergens geloof ik je wel.,Somehow I believe you.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Hij ging een winkel binnen om voedsel te kopen.,We went into a shop to get some food.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Hij veracht mensen van een lagere klasse.,He despises people of a lower social class.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Degas is meer dan 150 jaar geleden geboren.,Degas was born more than 150 years ago.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn De meeste studenten bereiden zich voor voor het eindexamen.,Most students are doing preparation for the term examination.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Hou je me voor de gek?,Are you kidding me?,nld_Latn-eng_Latn U bent helemaal niet verkeerd.,You are not at all wrong.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Hebben jullie rijst?,Do you have rice?,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Het gras moet worden gesproeid.,The lawn needs to be watered.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn "Zij hield van mij, net zoals ik van haar hield.","She loved me, as I loved her.",nld_Latn-eng_Latn Lees de Koran.,Read the Quran.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ik ben een scriptie aan het schrijven over internationale geschillen na de Tweede Wereldoorlog.,I am writing a thesis about international disputes after World War II.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Mijn jongere zuster is getrouwd voor haar twintigste.,My younger sister got married in her teens.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Verdere details vindt u hieronder vermeld.,Further details are presented below.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Waar is de winkel?,Where is the store?,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ik zou yen willen omwisselen naar dollars.,I'd like to change yen to dollars.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ze verlieten het zinkende schip.,They abandoned the sinking ship.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Dat is maar een voorwendsel voor belastingverhogingen.,It's just a stalking horse for raising taxes.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn De imam gaf Sami gratis een kopie van de Koran.,The imam gave Sami a copy of the Quran for free.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Sami was toevallig de imam van een plaatselijke moskee.,Sami happened to be the imam of a local mosque.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Tom zei dat hij niet wist wat hij moest doen.,Tom said that he didn't know what he was supposed to do.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn "Het is goed, maar het is niet perfect.","It's good, but it's not perfect.",nld_Latn-eng_Latn Er is iets dat ik moet zeggen.,There's something I have to say.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Het gezin woont in een joert.,The family lives in a yurt.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn "Je wilt niet meer betalen dan strikt noodzakelijk, nietwaar?","You don't want to pay more than you have to, right?",nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ik eet kaas.,I eat cheese.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Tom heeft twee computers.,Tom has two computers.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Sluit de deuren af.,Seal the doors.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Iedereen gaat akkoord.,Everyone is agreed.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn "Goed, ik ben blij dat je kon komen.",O.K. I'm glad you could come.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Tom is een piraat.,Tom is a pirate.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ze heeft even veel postzegels als ik.,She has as many stamps as I.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Waarom zou men met een vrouw trouwen als men van mannen houdt?,Why would you marry a woman if you like men?,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Sami ontmoette een imam uit Egypte.,Sami met an imam from Egypt.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Hier heeft niemand een pizza besteld.,Nobody here ordered a pizza.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Zij stonden ons niet toe de dienstlift te gebruiken.,They did not allow us to use the service elevator.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ik zit tot over mijn oren in de problemen.,I'm in the middle of a muddle.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Natasja is een Russische naam.,Natasha is a Russian name.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ik wil zijn werk niet in zijn plaats doen.,I don't want to do his work for him.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Het nieuwe jaar komt er aan.,The new year will begin.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ik moet de zinnen vertalen.,I must translate the sentences.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Het jachtluipaard is het vlugste dier.,The cheetah is the fastest animal.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ooit maken we de wereld een betere plaats.,We will someday make the world a better place.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Hij is veel ouder dan Ken.,He is much older than Ken.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Mama heeft dit gordijn gekozen.,Mother chose this curtain.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Bloed is rood.,Blood is red.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Eigenlijk ben ik in Boston geboren.,I was actually born in Boston.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Tom ziet er bleekjes uit.,Tom looks pale.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Spreek niet kwaad van anderen.,Don't speak ill of others.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Kunt ge het vinden?,Can you find it?,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Spreek hierover met niemand.,Don't tell anyone this.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Engels beheersen is moeilijk.,To master English is hard.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ik zou je vriendje willen zijn.,I'd like to be your boyfriend.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ik heb het gevecht gezien.,I saw the fight.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Tom speelt ook graag de fluit.,Tom also likes to play the flute.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Hij speelt een gevaarlijk spel.,He's playing a dangerous game.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Tom is niet heel jong.,Tom isn't very young.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn We moeten ervandoor.,We need to get going.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Vertel alstublieft wat u hem heeft gegeven.,Tell me what you gave him.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Het raam ging open.,The window opened.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn We moeten praten.,We need to talk.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Deze rivier is tweehonderd kilometer lang.,This river is two hundred kilometers long.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Je moet stoppen.,You have to stop.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ik ga naar de controlekamer.,I'm going to the control room.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Waar is de bibliothecaris?,Where is the librarian?,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Aurélie is een jonge herderin.,Aurelie is a young shepherdess.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn In die tijd wisten de mensen al dat de aarde rond was.,People in those days already knew that the earth is round.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Zij heeft het helemaal alleen gedaan.,She did it single-handedly.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ik wil dansen.,I want to dance.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn "Het is jammer dat we geen wonderen kunnen kopen, net zoals we aardappelen kopen.",It's a pity that you can't buy miracles like you would buy potatoes.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ik zal alles gauw teruggeven.,I'm going to give everything back soon.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn We moeten ermee beginnen.,We have to start.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Dit is Toms kameel.,This is Tom's camel.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ik moet mijn hemd strijken.,I have to iron my shirt.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Er moet iemand spreken.,Somebody has to talk.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Je weet dat ik getrouwd ben.,You know I'm married.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn De nacht was zo koud.,The night was so cold.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Tom probeerde de gitaar te bespelen.,Tom tried the guitar.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Dat is geen verrassing voor mij.,That doesn't surprise me.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Elke Ramadan bezoekt Yitzhak zijn vriend Sami in een dorpje in de Westelijke Jordaanoever.,"Every Ramadan, Yitzhak goes to visit his friend Sami in a small West Bank village.",nld_Latn-eng_Latn Tien jaar zijn voorbijgegaan sinds zijn overlijden.,Ten years have passed since he died.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Dat is de vrouw die u wil zien.,That's the woman who wants to see you.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Wij moeten het hier nu niet over hebben.,We don't have to talk about this now.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Mijn thuis is mijn kasteel.,My home is my castle.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Welke talen spreekt men in Amerika?,What languages are spoken in America?,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Welke taal spreekt men in Amerika?,What do they speak in America?,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Tom poetste snel zijn kamer.,Tom cleaned his room quickly.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn De koninklijke bruiloft was een prachtige gebeurtenis.,The royal wedding was a magnificent occasion.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Wanneer ben je begonnen Duits te leren?,When did you begin learning German?,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Er is zoveel dat ik wil doen.,There's so much I want to do.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Tom heeft mij dertig dollar gegeven.,Tom gave me thirty dollars.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Komt hij morgen?,Will he come tomorrow?,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ik zie vuurwerk.,I see fireworks.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Hokkaido ligt in het noorden van Japan.,Hokkaido lies in the north of Japan.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Het geld is tot uw beschikking.,The money is at your disposal.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Meerdere boeken lezen is belangrijk.,It's important to read a lot of books.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Wat is een taal? Het is een dialect met een leger en een marine.,What is a language? It's a dialect with an army and a navy.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ik bewonder zijn moed.,I admire his courage.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Het voorval heeft zijn naam bekend gemaakt.,The matter made his name known.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ik heb sigaretten nodig.,I need cigarettes.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ik heb geen tijd om tv te kijken.,I have no time to watch TV.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Laten we proberen elkaar te verstaan.,We should try to understand one another.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ik heb weinig eetlust.,I have little appetite.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ik draag dit boek op aan mijn dochter.,I dedicate this book to my daughter.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Betty was de laatste die aankwam.,Betty was the last to arrive.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Vreugde vulde haar hart.,Her heart was full of joy.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn "Als een object zich van de aarde af beweegt, is het licht dat het uitstraalt in langere golflengtes te zien. Als een object zich naar de aarde toe beweegt, is het licht dat het uitstraalt in kortere golflengtes te zien.","When an object moves away from Earth, the light that it is giving off is seen in longer wavelengths. When an object moves toward Earth, the light that it is giving off is seen in shorter wavelengths.",nld_Latn-eng_Latn Tom is glasblazer.,Tom is a glassblower.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn "De leerkracht was heel kwaad, en stuurde Johnny uit de klas.",The teacher was really upset and threw Johnny out of class.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Dit vliegtuig is van hem.,This plane is his.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Dat moet je ergens anders doen.,You have to do that somewhere else.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ik wil tijd in plaats van geld.,I want time instead of money.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Moslims geloven dat er maar één God is.,Muslims believe there is only one God.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Dat is genoeg voor mij.,This is enough for me.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Weet je wat voor ding dat is?,Do you know what kind of thing that is?,nld_Latn-eng_Latn "Als ik iets moet maken, dan heb ik twee linkerhanden.","When it comes to making things, I'm all thumbs.",nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ik ben het daarmee eens.,I feel the same.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn De kapper knipt het haar met een schaar.,The hair dresser is cutting the hair with scissors.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ziet ge mijn vader?,Do you see my father?,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Blijf mij op de hoogte houden.,Please keep me updated.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn John riep luid om de kelner.,John called for the waiter in a loud voice.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Niemand gelooft je.,No one will believe you.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Hij ging in plaats van zijn vader.,He went there instead of his father.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ik had een idee.,I had an idea.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn "„Komt u uit Australië?”, vroeg de Filippino.","""Are you from Australia?"" asked the Filipino.",nld_Latn-eng_Latn "Je kent mijn zus, toch?","You met my sister, didn't you?",nld_Latn-eng_Latn Wat werd bereikt?,What was achieved?,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Tom kan zelfs geen slaatje maken.,Tom can't even make a salad.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Hij is niet Amerikaans maar Engels.,He is not an American but an Englishman.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ze zijn bang voor de dood.,They are afraid of death.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Heeft u ooit rauwe vis gegeten?,Have you ever eaten raw fish?,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Katten kunnen in het donker zien.,A cat can see in the dark.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Zou je ons met rust kunnen laten?,Could you leave us alone?,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ik zal die fout nooit meer maken.,I will never make that mistake again.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Hij is bijna zestig jaar oud.,He is close to sixty.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ik gaf het geld dat ik bij me had aan de bedelaar.,I gave the beggar all the money I had.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ik kan dit allemaal niet geloven.,I can't believe all this.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Dat is nu waarom ik belde.,That's why I called.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ik ben blij haar te zien.,I am glad to see her.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Sami vastte de maand ramadan.,Sami fasted the month of Ramadan.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Hoeveel mensen zijn er gestorven vanwege hebzucht?,How many people have died because of greed?,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Leest u dit boek eens.,Read this book.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Hij keek me niet eens aan.,He didn't even look at my face.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Wanneer heb je mijn broer voor het laatst gezien?,When did you last see my brother?,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Eendracht maakt macht.,"United we stand, divided we fall.",nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ik had exact hetzelfde gevoel.,I had the exact same feeling.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Kan je mij je telefoonnummer geven?,Can you give me your phone number?,nld_Latn-eng_Latn "Papa, krijgen schapen schaapjes? Neen, schapen krijgen lammetjes.","Father, do sheep have sheep? No, sheep have lambs.",nld_Latn-eng_Latn Er ligt een lijk in de achterbak van de auto.,There's a body in the trunk of the car.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ik interesseer me voor Japanse geschiedenis.,Japanese history interests me.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ik heb een taxi nodig!,I need a taxi!,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Twee maal twee is vier.,Twice two is equal to four.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Dat is waarom de Amerikaanse overheid naar de rechter is gegaan om het recht van vrouwen en meisjes om de hijaab te dragen te beschermen en om degenen die het zouden weigeren te straffen.,"That is why the U.S. government has gone to court to protect the right of women and girls to wear the hijab, and to punish those who would deny it.",nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ik zou ook zo denken.,I'd feel the same way.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Er zijn redelijk veel mensen die dat nog altijd geloven.,Quite a number of people still believe it.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ik kan het niet meer uithouden.,I cannot stand this anymore.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn We stapten door de regen.,We were going along in the rain.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ik kom later.,I'll join you later.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Hoeveel kost deze hoed?,How much does this hat cost?,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ik moet hier de hele dag zijn.,I need to be here all day.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Misschien voelt Tom zich ook zo.,Maybe Tom feels the same way.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Er is niet genoeg licht in deze kamer om te kunnen naaien.,There's not enough light in this room for sewing.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Je moet je niet veranderen.,You don't have to change.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Eerst moet je ophouden met roken.,"First, you have to stop smoking.",nld_Latn-eng_Latn Mijn leidinggevende keek naar de herziene planning en knikte instemmend.,My supervisor looked at the revised schedule and nodded his agreement.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ik geloof dat ik alleen moet zijn.,I think I need to be alone.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ik kan het niet.,I can't do it.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Heb je een andere oplossing?,Do you have another solution?,nld_Latn-eng_Latn "Mam, ik wil dit niet aantrekken.","Mom, I don't want to wear this.",nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ben ik duidelijk?,Do I make myself clear?,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Jullie moeten leren assertief te zijn.,You need to learn to be assertive.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Tom voelt zich ook zo.,Tom feels the same way.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn We noemen zijn zoon Jimmy.,We call his son Jimmy.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Wat een prestatie!,What an achievement!,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Hoe gaat het met u de laatste tijd?,How have you been doing lately?,nld_Latn-eng_Latn "Ik ben oké, dank je.","I am fine, thank you.",nld_Latn-eng_Latn Van wie is die auto?,Whose car is that?,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ik moet alleen zijn om na te denken.,He needs to be alone in order to do some thinking.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Wij praten graag.,We enjoy talking.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Je had dat niet moeten doen.,You shouldn't have done that.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Hij weet niet wie deze huizen gebouwd heeft.,He doesn't know who built those houses.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn De wereld verandert steeds sneller.,The world is changing more and more quickly.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Dat is mijn broek.,These are my trousers.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn "Kunt u me deze foto's laten zien, alstublieft?","Show me the photos, please.",nld_Latn-eng_Latn In Wit-Rusland wonen aanhangers van verschillende religies.,Adherents of various religions live in Belarus.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Duitsland is een parlementaire republiek.,Germany is a parliamentary republic.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Sami's dochter droeg de hijaab.,Sami's daughter wore the hijab.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Er waart een spook rond door Europa - het spook van het communisme.,A spectre is haunting Europe — the spectre of communism.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn "O, ja, dat herinner ik me.","Oh, yes, I remember.",nld_Latn-eng_Latn Er is een man die op de boerderij werkt.,There is a man working on the farm.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Doe je mond open.,Open your mouth!,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ik zal je een goed advies geven.,I'll give you a good piece of advice.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ik kan niet langer tegen die kou.,I can no longer stand the cold.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Je zult er geen spijt van krijgen.,You won't regret this.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ik hou die kou niet langer uit.,I can't stand this cold anymore.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn "O mijn kleine zusje, waarom zeg je niets tegen me?","Oh my little sister, why won't you say anything to me?",nld_Latn-eng_Latn "Wanneer ik eet, ben ik doof en stom.",Be quiet at the table.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Het is nooit te laat om te leren.,It is never too late to learn.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ik weet niet hoe ik zijn woorden moet opvatten.,I don't know how to interpret his words.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Hij is verslaafd aan de koffie van Starbucks.,He's addicted to Starbucks coffee.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Hij is een hopeloos geval.,He's a hopeless case.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Misschien wist zij het antwoord.,She may have known the answer.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn "Ik heb mijn lessen af en ik wil slapen, maar het is alweer tijd om naar school te gaan...","I finished the homework, and want to go to bed, but now it's time to go to school again...",nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ik ben uitgenodigd voor het middageten.,I was invited to lunch.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn "Hij zei dat hij ziek was geworden, en dat was een leugen.","He said that he was sick, and this was a lie.",nld_Latn-eng_Latn "Ik hou het meest van de theesmaak ""English Breakfast"".",I like English Breakfast tea the best.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Het is moeilijk om goed van fout te onderscheiden.,To distinguish right from wrong is difficult.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Bel me om vier uur. Ik moet de eerste trein nemen.,Call me at four; I must take the first train.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn De vogel was bedekt met witte veren.,The bird was covered with white feathers.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Silvia woont in de Elzas.,Sylvia lives in Alsace.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Laten we daar later naar kijken.,Let's check it later.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ik heb twee nichtjes.,I have two nieces.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Laten we vanavond samen wat gaan drinken.,Let's go drinking together tonight.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn De vakantie is bijna om.,The vacation is close to an end.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ik heb mijn werk al af.,I've already finished my work.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Heb je dinsdag tijd?,Do you have time on Tuesday?,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Bestaat objectieve geschiedenis?,Does objective history exist?,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ik weet alles.,I know everything.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Het is veel beter wakker te worden van de vogels dan van de wekker.,Much better to be woken by the birds than by an alarm.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn "Wanneer Vin Diesel zich opdrukt, duwt hij niet zichzelf omhoog, maar de aarde omlaag.","When Vin Diesel does pushups, he's not pushing himself up - he's pushing the Earth down.",nld_Latn-eng_Latn "Ik smeek u, geef me alstublieft een visum.","I beg you, give me a visa.",nld_Latn-eng_Latn "Regen, regen, ga weg!","Rain, rain go away!",nld_Latn-eng_Latn "O nee, ik heb mijn vinger per ongeluk afgezaagd! Wat nu?","Oh no, I accidentally sawed off my finger! What should I do?",nld_Latn-eng_Latn Heeft u misschien een emmer water voor mij? Ik heb een lekke band.,Do you have a bucket of water for me by any chance? I have a flat tire.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn """Hou op te bedelen om een koekje, Tim,"" zei zijn moeder. ""Je weet het: 'Kinderen die vragen, worden overgeslagen.'""","""Stop begging for a cookie, Tim,"" his mum said, ""Remember, 'Children who ask get skipped.'""",nld_Latn-eng_Latn Tom ligt op zijn rug.,Tom is lying on his back.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn "Als je het wat langzamer doet, gaat het vlugger.","If you do it a bit slower, it goes quicker.",nld_Latn-eng_Latn Hij werkt in de aids-research.,He is working in AIDS research.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Jullie mogen gaan.,You can go.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ik zal u nooit verlaten.,I'll never leave you.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ga er niet naartoe als je geen zin hebt.,Don't go if you don't want to.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ik doe het als ze me betalen.,I'll do it if they pay me.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Tom heeft een hekel aan iedereen.,Tom hates everybody.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Wat zoudt ge doen in mijn plaats?,"If you were in my place, what would you do?",nld_Latn-eng_Latn U bent een man.,You're a man.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Tom is de oudste.,Tom is the oldest.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Mijn ideeën raken op.,I'm running out of ideas.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Wij zijn quitte.,We are even.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Dit is niet cool.,This is not cool.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Sami ging ihraam binnen.,Sami entered ihram.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Handen omhoog!,Put your hands up!,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Doe geen suiker in uw thee.,Don't sugar your tea.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Een verstandige vogel kiest zijn boom. Een wijze dienaar kiest zijn meester.,A prudent bird chooses its tree. A wise servant chooses his master.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Layla deed haar hijaab af.,Layla took off her hijab.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Is er een bus die naar het vliegveld gaat?,Is there bus service to the airport?,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Doe uw kousen uit a.u.b.,"Take off your socks, please.",nld_Latn-eng_Latn "Nee, het is genoeg. Ik zit vol.","No, it is enough. I am full.",nld_Latn-eng_Latn Hou je mond en luister.,Be quiet and listen.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn "Ja, dat denk ik ook.","Yes, I think so too.",nld_Latn-eng_Latn Mag ik een kopje thee van u?,May I have a cup of tea?,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Gaat u maar zitten waar u maar wilt.,Sit wherever you like.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Daar komt een smeris.,Here comes a copper!,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Je bent vast moe.,"You are tired, aren't you?",nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ik ben een brief aan het schrijven.,I am writing a letter.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn "Moeder, er ruikt iets aangebrand.","I smell something burning, Mother.",nld_Latn-eng_Latn Even lachen naar de camera.,"Smile at the camera, please!",nld_Latn-eng_Latn Wanneer begin ik?,When do I get started?,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Het huwelijk is een loterij.,Marriage is a lottery.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Hangt u uw jas toch op.,"Hang up your coat, please.",nld_Latn-eng_Latn "Keiko is vriendelijk, nietwaar?","Keiko is kind, isn't she?",nld_Latn-eng_Latn Kan je echt niet zwemmen?,Can you really not swim?,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Jij maakt me gelukkig.,You make me happy.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Dit bier bevat 5% alcohol.,This beer contains 5% alcohol.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn "Zo, nu ben ik aan de beurt.",So now it's my turn.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Houdt het ijs?,Will the ice bear?,nld_Latn-eng_Latn "Een wijze zegt nooit alles wat hij denkt, maar overdenkt steeds alles wat hij zegt.","The wise person never speaks all that he thinks, but always thinks before he speaks.",nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ze hebben een nieuwe regering opgericht.,They have established a new government.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ik heb cellulitis.,I have cellulitis.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Tom nam een binnenweg.,Tom took a short cut.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ik wil een nieuwe hond.,I want a new dog.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ik hield nooit van je.,I never loved you.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Mijn huis was aan het branden.,My house was on fire.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ik ken jouw taal.,I know your language.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Laten we onszelf nu niet in de maling nemen.,Let's not kid ourselves.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ik heb angst voor de dood.,I am afraid of death.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Gelukkig ontsnapte hij aan de verwondingen.,"He escaped injury, happily.",nld_Latn-eng_Latn Geen enkel huis heeft maar één kakkerlak.,No house has only one roach in it.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ze is een jurk aan het naaien.,She is sewing a dress.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Waar is je reispas?,Where's your passport?,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Vergeef uw vijanden altijd; niets irriteert hen meer.,Always forgive your enemies. Nothing irritates them more.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn "Gezien vanaf een afstand, ziet de rots eruit als een gehurkte menselijke figuur.","Seen at a distance, the rock looks like a squatting human figure.",nld_Latn-eng_Latn De piraten begroeven de schat.,The pirates buried their treasure in the ground.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn "Het is koud, en ik heb dorst.","It's cold, and I'm thirsty.",nld_Latn-eng_Latn Geef het aan wie je wilt.,Give it to whomever you like.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Kun je stoppen met het beantwoorden van mijn vragen met een vraag?,Will you stop answering my questions with a question?,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Hij heeft genoeg geld om het te kopen.,He has enough money to buy it.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ze proeven de rijst.,They're tasting the rice.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ik draag coole kleren en een coole zonnebril.,I wear cool clothes and cool sunglasses.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn "Jack, doe niet zo wild.","Don't be so wild, Jack.",nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ik ga douchen.,I'll take a shower.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Deze kleding staat je goed.,These clothes suit you.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Kunt u dat bewijzen?,Can you prove it?,nld_Latn-eng_Latn "Wilt u niet zo snel spreken, alstublieft?","Don't speak so fast, please.",nld_Latn-eng_Latn Jij kan toch typen?,"You can type, can't you?",nld_Latn-eng_Latn Iemand roept je.,Someone is calling you.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Kan iemand de deur opendoen alsjeblieft?,Could somebody please open the door?,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Tot vanavond dan. Doei!,"See you tonight, then. Cheers!",nld_Latn-eng_Latn "Het is niet erg, je hoeft niet te huilen.","It's not bad, you don't have to cry.",nld_Latn-eng_Latn Pas vooral op voor zakkenrollers.,"Above all, beware of pickpockets.",nld_Latn-eng_Latn Boven alles hebben kinderen liefde nodig.,"Above all, children need love.",nld_Latn-eng_Latn Wat heb ik een pech!,I'm so unlucky!,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Wat een schattige baby. Kiekeboe!,What a cute baby! Peek-a-boo!,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Wil je met me trouwen?,Will you marry me?,nld_Latn-eng_Latn "Papa, waar ga je heen?","Where are you going, Dad?",nld_Latn-eng_Latn Je bent altijd te laat.,You're always late.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Hoeveel pennen heb jij?,How many pens do you have?,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Hoeveel pennen hebben jullie?,How many pencils do you have?,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ik heb echt niet zo veel honger.,I'm really not all that hungry.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Kinderen zijn een zegen.,Children are a blessing.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Veel kinderen horen het verschil niet zo goed.,A lot of children don't hear the difference very well.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ik hoop ook op zonnig weer in het weekend.,I also hope for sunny weather at the weekend.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Geef in het Engels antwoord op de volgende vragen.,Answer the following questions in English.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Zout in de wonde strooien.,To poke someone in a wounded spot.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Welk verschil is er tussen een dorp en een stad?,What's the difference between a village and a city?,nld_Latn-eng_Latn 's Morgens word ik altijd rond zeven uur wakker.,In the morning I always wake up around seven o'clock.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Twee plus twee is vier.,Two plus two makes four.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn 's Avonds ga ik om tien uur naar bed.,"In the evening, I go to bed at ten.",nld_Latn-eng_Latn Waar woont je opa?,Where does your grandpa live?,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ik ben te moe om dat nu te doen.,I'm too tired to do that right now.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Wat is er aan de hand?,What is going on?,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ik vertelde haar dat je een aardig meisje bent.,I told her that you're a nice girl.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Hij zit op de middelbare school.,He goes to junior high.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn "Hij werkt bij een wetenschappelijk instituut waar taalkundigen, letterkundigen, historici, sociologen, economen en andere wetenschappers onderzoek doen naar alles wat met kabouters te maken heeft.","He works at a scientific institute where linguists, literature scholars, historians, sociologists, economists, and other scholars investigate everything that has to do with gnomes.",nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ze hebben jarenlang de eigendom van het land betwist.,They disputed the ownership of the land for years.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn De organisatie organiseert ieder jaar een stuk of wat ontmoetingen van vrijwilligers die de deuren langs gaan om Friese boeken te verkopen.,"Every year, the organisation organises a number of meetings of volunteers who go door-to-door to sell Frisian books.",nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ik hou niet van koffie.,I don't like coffee.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ontwijk mijn vraag niet.,Don't avoid my question.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Kunt u mij het zout even aangeven?,Could you pass the salt?,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Hebben wij elkaar niet al eerder ontmoet?,Haven't we met before?,nld_Latn-eng_Latn "Op uw plaatsen, klaar, af!","On your marks, get set, go!",nld_Latn-eng_Latn Engels is moeilijk hè?,"English is difficult, isn't it?",nld_Latn-eng_Latn Laat dat maar aan mij over.,Let me handle this.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Zet het volume eens wat zachter.,"Turn down the volume, please.",nld_Latn-eng_Latn Je vader is groot.,Your father is tall.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Hij is familie van het zevende knoopsgat.,He is a relative of Adam.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn We leren uit ervaring dat mensen nooit iets leren uit ervaring.,We learn from experience that men never learn anything from experience.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn "Priemgetallen zijn als het leven, ze zijn helemaal logisch, maar het is onmogelijk er regels voor te vinden, zelfs als je al tijd wijdt aan het nadenken erover.","Prime numbers are like life; they are completely logical, but impossible to find the rules for, even if you spend all your time thinking about it.",nld_Latn-eng_Latn "Alles wat te stom is om te zeggen, wordt gezongen.",Anything that is too stupid to be spoken is sung.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn "Als je iemand $20 uitleent en je ziet die persoon daarna nooit meer, dan was het dat waarschijnlijk waard.","If you lend someone $20 and never see that person again, it was probably worth it.",nld_Latn-eng_Latn Gelieve deze aanwijzing niet op te volgen.,Please don't follow this advice.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Mag ik van uw wc gebruikmaken?,"Can I use your toilet, please?",nld_Latn-eng_Latn De zomer is voorbij.,Summer is gone.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Mijn opa houdt van wandelen.,My grandfather likes to walk.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ze is op heterdaad betrapt op het stelen van een ketting.,She was caught red-handed trying to steal a necklace.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn We zijn een echtpaar.,We are a couple.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Heeft u gereserveerd?,Do you have a reservation?,nld_Latn-eng_Latn We zijn getrouwd.,We're married to each other.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Sami deed de wassing voor het avondgebed.,Sami performed ablution for the evening prayer.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Tom is moedig.,Tom is brave.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn De trouwring van Maria is van zuiver goud.,Mary's wedding ring is made of pure gold.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ik ben aan het eind van mijn Latijn.,I'm at my wit's end.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Goeie rekeningen maken goeie vrienden.,Short accounts make long friends.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ben ik zwanger?,Am I pregnant?,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Uw vrouw is kwaad op u.,Your wife is mad at you.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Steek uw neus niet in andermans zaken.,Don't stick your nose into other people's business.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ik heb mijn wijn gemorst.,I spilled my wine.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Wil je vandaag vertrekken?,Do you want to leave today?,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Niemand weet wat hem morgen overkomt.,No one knows what will strike one tomorrow.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Gestolen goed gedijt niet.,Ill-gotten gains never benefit anyone.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Tom en Maria trouwen in oktober.,Tom and Mary are getting married in October.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Zaken zijn zaken.,Business is business.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Kan je dat herhalen?,Can you say that again?,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ik ben niet trots op mijn gedrag.,I'm not proud of my behavior.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Rome en Kartago zijn niet in één dag gebouwd.,Rome was not built in a day.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Engels is een taal die over heel de wereld wordt gesproken.,English is a language spoken all over the world.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ik zou willen afstappen aan de volgende halte.,I'd like to get off at the next stop.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Er is geen rook zonder vuur.,There's no smoke without fire.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Het is niet al goud dat blinkt.,All that glitters is not gold.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Houdt u van ansjovis?,Do you like anchovies?,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Zal ik een ambulance opbellen?,Should I call an ambulance?,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Dit was de ideale gelegenheid.,This was the perfect occasion.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Kunt u mij de weg naar de haven wijzen?,Could you show me the way to the port?,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Spreek niet zo luid hier.,You must not speak so loudly here.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn De jongen begon te gillen.,The boy began to scream.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Mijn vader houdt duiven.,My father keeps pigeons.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Hij hunkert altijd naar ruzie.,He is always spoiling for a fight.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ik ben de tel kwijt geraakt hoeveel keer jij me geholpen hebt.,I've lost count of how many times you've helped me.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Hij is zich nog niet bewust van zijn fouten.,He has not realized his mistakes yet.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn "Het Roodkapje van de gebroeders Grimm is onzijdig, maar dat van Charles Perrault is mannelijk.","Brothers Grimm's Little Red Riding Hood has a neutral gender, while Charles Perrault's has a masculine one.",nld_Latn-eng_Latn Wie is verward?,Who is confused?,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ik heb geen flauw idee.,I haven't the foggiest idea.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Tom deed niets.,Tom didn't do anything.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ik denk dat jouw theorie niet steekhoudend is.,I think your theory does not hold water.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Deze dag zal de geschiedenis ingaan.,This day will go down in history.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Die kamer wordt als keuken gebruikt.,This room is used as a kitchen.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Hij zei ons dat hij veel moeilijkheden ondervonden had.,He told us he had gone through many hardships.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Sami werd wakker voor de soehoor.,Sami woke up for suhoor.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ik weet niet precies waar ik geboren ben.,I don't know the exact place I was born.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ik heb haar kwaad gekregen.,I made her angry.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ik ging naar huis.,I went home.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Laat mij u mijn zuster voorstellen.,Let me introduce my sister.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn "Wie denk je in hemelsnaam dat JIJ bent, vriend?","Who the bloody hell do you think YOU are, mate?",nld_Latn-eng_Latn We zullen op z'n minst twee uur in jouw huis blijven.,We will stay in your house for at least two hours.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn "Wie is groter, Ken of Taro?","Who is taller, Ken or Taro?",nld_Latn-eng_Latn Alle kinderen waren gaan slapen voor het donker werd.,The children all had gone to sleep before it got dark.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Het dak is erg laag.,The roof is very low.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Rome is niet in één dag gebouwd.,Rome wasn't built in a day.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ik lach me dood om dit!,This makes me laugh to death!,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ze droeg hoge laarzen.,She was wearing long boots.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Het is heel moeilijk een antwoord te geven op je vraag.,Your question is very hard to answer.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Soms is zwijgzaamheid de enige weg om te tonen hoe gekwetst men is.,Sometimes keeping silent is the only way to show how hurt one is.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Hoe laat is de iftar?,What time is iftar?,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ik geloof niet dat hij advocaat is.,I believe he is not a lawyer.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ik leer Filipijns te spreken.,I am learning to speak Filipino.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ik zal volgende week mijn oom bezoeken.,I'll visit my uncle next week.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Geld is macht.,Money is power.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Mijn advies werd niet opgevolgd.,My advice was not followed.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ze hebben samen veel tijd doorgebracht.,They've been spending a lot of time together.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Hij spreekt alsof hij dat geheim kent.,He talks as if he knew the secret.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ze heeft de vaat gedaan.,She was washing the dishes.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ik haat selderij!,I hate celery.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Laten we maar gewoon beginnen.,Let's just begin.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Sami en Layla gingen naar de moskee.,Sami and Layla went to the mosque.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ik viel in slaap tijdens de les.,I went to sleep during the lesson.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn "Iemand zijn opinie geven en zijn fouten verbeteren is iets belangrijks. Het vertoont medeleven en komt voorop te staan op gebied van dienstverlening. Maar de manier waarop is uiterst moeilijk. De goede en de slechte punten van iemand ontdekken is een gemakkelijke zaak en een opinie geven met betrekking tot dit eveneens. Voor het merendeel denken mensen dat ze aardig zijn door datgene wat anderen smaakloos of moeilijk uit te drukken vinden, te verwoorden. Maar, als de boodschap slecht overkomt is er niets meer aan te verhelpen. Dit is compleet waardeloos. Het komt op hetzelfde neer als iemand schaamte toe te brengen door hem te belasteren. Het is niets meer dan zich het hart van iets te ontdoen.","To give a person one's opinion and correct his faults is an important thing. It is compassionate and comes first in matters of service. But the way of doing this is extremely difficult. To discover the good and bad points of a person is an easy thing, and to give an opinion concerning them is easy, too. For the most part, people think that they are being kind by saying the things that others find distasteful or difficult to say. But if it is not received well, they think that there is nothing more to be done. This is completely worthless. It is the same as bringing shame to a person by slandering him. It is nothing more than getting it off one's chest.",nld_Latn-eng_Latn Hij wreekte zich.,He took revenge.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Hij nam weerwraak.,He revenged himself.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Aan de hoek draaide ze naar links.,She turned to the left at the corner.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ik wil niet teruggaan.,I don't wanna go back.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ik ben erg blij in Georgië.,I am very happy in Georgia.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Hij leert dag en nacht.,He studies day and night.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ik weet waar je woont.,I know where you live.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Het is ontegenzeggelijk dat Roemeens een moeilijke taal is.,Romanian is indisputably a difficult language.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Het antwoord is 42.,The answer is 42.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ik ben hier omdat ik dat wil.,I'm here because I want to be.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Hebben jullie al de kerstboom opgezet?,Have you put up the Christmas tree already?,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Waar is mijn zakdoek?,Where is my handkerchief?,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ik ontving een telegram dat mijn oom aangekomen was.,I received a telegram saying that my uncle had arrived.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Sami doneerde zijn land aan de moskee.,Sami donated his lands to the mosque.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Er is iets dat ik moet weten.,There's something I have to know.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ik wil Nederlands leren.,I want to study Dutch.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Tom speelt niet echt goed gitaar.,Tom doesn't play the guitar very well.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Het minst bezochte continent is zeker Antarctica.,The least visited continent is without doubt Antarctica.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Hoeveel moskeeën zijn er in Istanboel?,How many mosques are there in Istanbul?,nld_Latn-eng_Latn De meeste jongeren kennen die verschrikking van de oorlog niet.,Most young people don't know the terror of war.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Tom is dol op vissen.,Tom loves fishing.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Wil je niet gaan?,Won't you go?,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Tom en Maria tennisten de hele dag.,Tom and Mary have been playing tennis all day.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Je moet beter opletten.,You need to be more careful.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn In vergelijking met Tokio is Londen klein.,"In comparison with Tokyo, London is small.",nld_Latn-eng_Latn "Ik ben niet aardig, ik ben genadig.","I am not nice, I am merciful.",nld_Latn-eng_Latn Spreek je goed Frans?,Do you speak French well?,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Al die moeite was tevergeefs.,All those efforts came to nothing.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Tom heeft een snor laten groeien.,Tom grew a moustache.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ik kan de stem van Tom horen.,I can hear Tom's voice.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn "Hij geeft niet alleen les Engels, hij schrijft ook romans.",He doesn't only teach English; he also writes novels.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Laten we doen alsof we buitenaardse wezens zijn.,Let's pretend we are aliens.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Laten we doen alsof we vreemdelingen zijn.,Let's pretend we're aliens.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Zwitserland heeft betere appels nodig.,Switzerland needs better apples.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Waarom vraagt u dat?,Why do you ask?,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Wie wil er chocolademelk?,Who wants some hot chocolate?,nld_Latn-eng_Latn We moeten voor zonsondergang nog zestien kilometer lopen.,We have another ten miles to walk before sunset.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn "Alles wat hij zegt, is waar.",Everything he says is true.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Men zegt dat ze de beste tennisspeelster van Frankrijk is.,It is said that she is the best tennis player in France.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Deze bloem ruikt lekker.,That flower smells sweet.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Vroeger waren de mensen gewend te voet te reizen.,People used to travel on foot.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Mayuko eet brood voor het ontbijt.,Mayuko eats bread for breakfast.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ik ben een verlegen jongen.,I am a shy boy.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Engels is niet makkelijk voor mij.,English is not easy for me.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Deze moskee heeft een nieuwe imam nodig.,This mosque needs a new imam.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Denk je echt dat dat me koud laat?,Do you think I don't care?,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Sami reed naar de moskee.,Sami drove to the mosque.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Jullie konden leren zwemmen.,You might learn how to swim.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Hij bezocht veel verschillende moskeeën.,Sami visited many different mosques.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Herinner mij het rapport morgen op te sturen alstublieft.,Please remind me to mail the report tomorrow.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Men kan een taal niet leren zonder tongcontact.,You cannot learn a language without tongue contact.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ik heb te veel te doen.,I've got too much to do.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Herinner je je aan niets meer?,Don't you remember anything?,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Sami wist niet wat het was.,Sami didn't know what it was.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ons vliegtuig vertrok om 18 uur precies.,Our plane took off exactly at 6 p.m.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Beklim die berg niet bij zo slecht weer.,You should not climb the mountain in such bad weather.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Probeer uit te rekenen hoeveel u aan boeken heeft uitgegeven.,Try to estimate how much you spent on books.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ik zou willen mijn Engelse uitspraak verbeteren.,I would like to improve my English pronunciation.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Hij is altijd aan het leren.,He is always studying.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Hij verheugt er zich op u te zien.,He is looking forward to seeing you.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Het officiële begin is op zaterdag.,The official start is on Saturday.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Hoeveel kost de ananas per kilogram?,How much is the kilo of pineapple?,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ik heb een liefdesbrief geschreven gisteravond.,I wrote a love letter last night.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Waar waren jullie tussen één en drie uur?,Where were you between one and three o'clock?,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Giraffes hebben heel lange nekken.,Giraffes have very long necks.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Hebt u een afspraak?,Do you have an appointment?,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ram en Sita waren erg gesteld op Hanuman.,Ram and Sita were very fond of Hanuman.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Veel economen is dit niet bekend.,Many economists are ignorant of that fact.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Mijn vader gaat niet altijd lopend naar het werk.,My father does not always walk to work.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Val me alsjeblieft niet in de rede.,Please don't interrupt me while I'm talking.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Tom pleegde zelfmoord door zichzelf op te hangen.,Tom committed suicide by hanging himself.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn "Ik heb altijd van je gehouden, Tom.","I've always loved you, Tom.",nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ze heeft een dochter die pianiste is.,She has a daughter who is a pianist.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Tot morgen!,See you tomorrow!,nld_Latn-eng_Latn "Hmm. Ik heb het gevoel dat ik ga verdwalen, welke weg ik ook neem.",Hmm. I have a feeling I'm going to get lost whichever road I take.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Heb je een potlood?,Have you got a pencil?,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Tom en Maria zijn in de cafetaria.,Tom and Mary are in the cafeteria.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Kunt u mij de weg naar het station wijzen?,Could you please tell me how to get to the station?,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Tom is deze morgen om twee uur dertig overleden.,Tom died this morning at 2:30.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Help degenen die zichzelf niet kunnen helpen.,Help those who cannot help themselves.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Spot niet met vreemdelingen.,Don't poke fun at foreigners.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Dit is mijn leraar. Hij heet Haddad.,This is my teacher. He is called Mr. Haddad.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn """Vrede zij u."" ""Vrede zij u ook.""","""Peace be upon you."" ""Peace be upon you, too.""",nld_Latn-eng_Latn Wilt u een boodschap achterlaten?,Would you like to leave a message?,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Deze zin niet vertalen!,Do not translate this sentence!,nld_Latn-eng_Latn "Omdat het zondag was, waren de winkels niet open.","It being Sunday, the shops were not open.",nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ik kan niet spreken.,I can't talk.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn "De hoop dat hij zou terugkomen, gaf mij moed.",The hope of his return encouraged me.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ik masturbeer elke dag.,I masturbate every day.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Geloof jij in horoscopen?,Do you believe horoscopes?,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ik zou haar graag willen zien.,I'd like to see her.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Welke taal spreekt men in Egypte?,What language is spoken in Egypt?,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ik lees de New York Times.,I read the New York Times.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ik ben de New York Times aan het lezen.,I'm reading the New York Times.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ik ga vaak met hen vissen.,I often go fishing with them.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Eindelijk vond ik een oplossing voor het probleem.,I finally found the solution to the problem.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Tom zei dat hij niet voor Marie borg kon staan.,Tom said that he couldn't vouch for Mary.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Je bent een goede kok.,You are a good cook.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ik heb een rode fiets.,I have a red bike.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Tom zat de hele ochtend in de ondervragingskamer.,Tom spent all morning in the interrogation room.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn "Met zo'n zachte, heldere nacht als vandaag, krijg ik altijd zin om om middernacht een ommetje te maken.","With a mild, bright night like today, I always feel like going for a stroll at midnight.",nld_Latn-eng_Latn Tom zit op de ondervragingskamer.,Tom is in the interrogation room.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Probeer niet twee dingen tegelijk te doen.,Don't try to do two things at a time.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Is Cathy ook gegaan?,"Did Cathy go, too?",nld_Latn-eng_Latn Tom deed de deur van de ondervragingskamer open.,Tom opened the door to the interrogation room.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Het grondgebied van het land Curaçao bestaat uit de eilanden Curaçao en klein Curaçao.,The territory of the country Curacao consists of the islands Curacao and Little Curacao.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Zij ondervroeg een verdachte.,She interrogated a suspect.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Dat is een banaan.,That's a banana.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Het is erg aardig van je om me zo'n mooi cadeau te sturen.,It is very kind of you to send me such a nice present.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ik kan niet liegen.,I can't lie.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ga je me helpen?,Are you going to help me?,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Hoe weet je dat licht sneller is dan geluid?,How do you know that light travels faster than sound?,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Zelfs deskundigen begrijpen dit ongelofelijke ongeval niet.,Even specialists do not understand this incredible accident.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Dit is een moskee.,This is a mosque.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ik merkte dat ze een nieuwe hoed droeg.,I noticed she was wearing a new hat.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Het was zeer druk in de cafetaria.,The cafeteria was crowded.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Weet u uw maat?,Do you know your size?,nld_Latn-eng_Latn "De Dominicaanse Republiek wordt ""República Dominicana"" genoemd in het Spaans.","The Dominican Republic is called ""República Dominicana"" in Spanish.",nld_Latn-eng_Latn """Daar zijn oma's voor."" ""Nee, oma's zijn er om noobs te pwnen.""","""That's what grandmas are for."" ""No, grandmas are for pwning noobs.""",nld_Latn-eng_Latn Het boek ligt open op het bureau.,The book is laid open on top of the desk.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Iedereen looft de jongen.,Everyone praises the boy.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Sami zei de shahada helemaal alleen in zijn kamer.,Sami said the shahada all by himself in his room.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Die oesters van gisteravond zijn niet goed gevallen.,Those oysters I ate last night didn't agree with me.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Hij heeft net zoveel boeken als zijn vader.,He has as many books as his father does.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Kunt u mij een papieren zakje geven?,Do you think you could give me a paper bag?,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Hij is een ambassadeur in Haïti.,"In Haiti, he is an embassador。",nld_Latn-eng_Latn In twee tellen ben ik terug.,I will be back soon.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ik weet de betekenis van dit woord niet.,I don't know what this word means.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Mag ik een papieren tas?,Can I have a paper bag?,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Je moet beter letten op wat hij zegt.,You should pay more attention to what he says.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Planten groeien snel na regen.,Plants grow quickly after rain.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ik heb persoonlijk nooit een ufo gezien.,I myself have never seen a UFO.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Maria kan Tom niet verdragen.,Mary hates Tom's guts.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn "Wat is de precieze betekenis van ""precise""?","What is the precise meaning of ""precise""?",nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ik ben lid van een zwemclub.,I belong to a swimming club.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Hij had het geluk een baan te vinden.,He had the fortune to find a job.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ik ken hen.,I know them.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ik wil naar de maan reizen.,I want to travel to the moon.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Hij raadde ons aan sportief te spelen.,His advice to us was that we should play fair.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Dat is het.,This is it.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ik woonde in Mongolië.,I was living in Mongolia.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Gedraag je als een jongeman.,Behave yourself like a young man.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Hij kon niet slapen vanwege de warmte.,He could not sleep because of the heat.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Weet jij waar Tom naartoe is gegaan?,Do you know where Tom went?,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Wat bent u van plan te gaan doen met de nieuwjaarsvakantie?,What are you planning to do for the New Year vacation?,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ik leer Perzisch.,I am studying Persian.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ik zou graag drie plaatsen willen reserveren.,I'd like to book three seats.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Het was Chinees voor mij.,That was double-dutch to me.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Tom is net klaar met afwassen.,Tom has just finished washing dishes.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn We moeten beslissen.,We have to make a decision.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Minsk is de hoofdstad van Belarus.,Minsk is the capital of Belarus.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Tom knipoogde naar Mary.,Tom winked at Mary.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn De walvis is een reusachtig zoogdier dat in de zee leeft.,The whale is a very large mammal who lives in the sea.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Walvissen zijn reusachtige zoogdieren die in de zee leven.,Whales are very large mammals that live in the ocean.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Moslims worden als extremisten geschetst die alle niet-moslims willen doden.,Muslims are portrayed like extremists that want to kill all non-Muslims.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Vul alstublieft dit aanvraagformulier in.,Please fill out this application form.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn "Ah, ik kan niet wachten op de zomervakantie.",I can't wait for summer vacation to start.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn "Ah, ik kan niet wachten op het weekend.",The weekend can't come quick enough.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Deze batterij is geladen.,This battery is charged.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn De soep is koud.,The soup is cold.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Tom zei mij dat hij dacht dat Marieke tweetalig was.,Tom told me that he thought Mary was bilingual.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Hou jullie klaslokaal zuiver.,Keep your classroom clean.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn "Dat wat je niet wil zeggen, hoef je niet te zeggen hoor.",You don't have to say anything you don't want to say.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Nu zijn we eindelijk met z'n tweeën.,The two of us are finally alone.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Je hebt drie koppen koffie gedronken.,You've drunk three cups of coffee.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Je hebt je falen aan Jim te danken.,You have Jim to thank for your failure.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Dat kan je toch niet ernstig menen.,You can't seriously be considering this.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Je kunt toch echt niet van mij verwachten dat ik nu naar huis ga.,You can't seriously expect me to go home now.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn De Europese Spelen 2015 vonden plaats in Bakoe.,The European Games 2015 took place in Baku.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ken je de film 'Avatar'?,Do you know the movie Avatar?,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ga zonder twijfel!,Go without thinking twice!,nld_Latn-eng_Latn In dit hotel zijn er enkel kamers voor niet-rokers.,In this hotel there are only rooms for non-smokers.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Kun je mij je woordenboek lenen?,Will you lend me your dictionary?,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Sami is een moslim en dat hij doet niets van dat.,Sami is Muslim and he doesn't do any of that.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn "Tsjaad wordt ""Tchad"" in het Frans genoemd.","Chad is called ""Tchad"" in French.",nld_Latn-eng_Latn Kan iemand even helpen?,Can somebody help?,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ik kan niet helpen.,I can't help.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ik kan je niet helpen.,I cannot help you.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ik kan jullie niet helpen.,I can't help you.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ik ga in Namibië wonen.,I'm going to live in Namibia.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Kan je vanavond komen dineren?,Can you come for dinner tonight?,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Wat is het minimumloon in Namibië?,What's the minimum salary in Namibia?,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Hallo. Aangenaam u te ontmoeten.,Pleased to meet you.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Alles is aan het veranderen.,Everything is changing.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Oeganda is een Afrikaans land.,Uganda is an African country.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Hij zei niets.,He didn't say a word.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Sami ging naar Saoedi-Arabië om de heilige moslimbedevaart te volbrengen.,Sami went to Saudi Arabia to accomplish the holy Muslim pilgrimage.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Het homohuwelijk moet legaal zijn.,Gay marriage should be legal.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Jemen is een land in het Midden-Oosten.,Yemen is a country in the Middle East.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Fadil werd smoorverliefd op een moslimvrouw uit Egypte.,Fadil fell deeply in love with a Muslim woman from Egypt.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ik ging naar de Verenigde Arabische Emiraten.,I was going to go to the United Arab Emirates.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ik hou niet van dat soort romans.,I do not care for such a novel.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Volgens de legende ontving hij persoonlijk zijn zwaard van de goden.,The legend says he received his sword from the hands of the gods themselves.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Mag ik een paar vragen stellen?,May I ask a couple of questions?,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Eet je soep voor zij koud wordt.,Eat your soup before it gets cold.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Deze supermarkt verkoopt alleen biologisch eten.,This grocery store only sells organic food.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Omdat licht sneller reist dan geluid zien we de bliksem voordat we de donder horen.,It is because light travels faster than sound that we see lightning before we hear thunder.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn "Ik ben er weer! O, hebben we bezoek?",I'm back! Oh? Have we got a guest?,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Amsterdam is de hoofdstad van Nederland.,The capital city of the Netherlands is Amsterdam.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ze kent veel spreekwoorden.,She knows many proverbs.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ik ben niet van gisteren.,I was not born yesterday.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn De das past niet bij mijn pak.,The tie doesn't fit with my suit.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn We leven in een islamitisch land en we zijn heel gelukkig.,We live in a Muslim country and we are very happy.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ze staarden met verbazing naar haar zwempak.,They stared at her swimming suit in amazement.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Bij welke faculteit zat ze ook alweer?,What faculty were they in again?,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Hoe veel weegt uw valies?,How heavy is your suitcase?,nld_Latn-eng_Latn "Schiet op, dan ben je op tijd voor school.","Hurry up, and you'll be in time for school.",nld_Latn-eng_Latn "Zelfs als het bij de eerste poging niet lukt, kunnen we verder neuken tot ik zwanger word.",Even if we don't get lucky on the first try we can just keep fucking till I get pregnant.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Hij is kwaad op jou omdat je hem beledigd hebt.,"As you have insulted him, he is cross with you.",nld_Latn-eng_Latn Zou het homohuwelijk legaal moeten zijn?,Should gay marriage be legal?,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Onze leraar leek verrast te zijn.,Our teacher seemed surprised.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Grote vissen eten kleine vissen.,The big fish eat the small ones.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Dit document is alleen voor jou bestemd.,This document is for your eyes only.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Mijn auto is gisteravond gestolen.,I had my car stolen last night.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Dit kan leverschade veroorzaken.,This can cause liver damage.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Dit is iets te wijd om mijn middel.,This is a bit too loose around my waist.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ik wou dat ik een steen was.,I wish I were a stone.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ik heb een visa nodig om dat land binnen te komen.,I need a visa to enter that country.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Jane ligt ziek in bed.,Jane is sick in bed.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn "Beter deugd zonder goud, dan goud zonder eer.",Virtue without gold is better than gold without honour.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ik ga nog liever dood dan mij over te geven.,I would rather die than yield.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Een belofte is gauw vergeten.,A promise is quickly forgotten.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Mijn pols doet pijn.,My wrist hurts.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ik zou niet graag in haar schoenen willen staan.,I wouldn't like to be in her shoes.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ik heb een gebroken pols.,I have a broken wrist.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Er kunnen overlappingen ontstaan.,Overlap can occur.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Geld maakt alle deuren open.,Money opens all doors.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ik heb hem het proces uitgelegd.,I explained the process to him.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn "Schoenmaker, blijf bij uw leest.","Cobbler, stick to your last.",nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ik ben zeker dat hij zal winnen.,I am sure of his victory.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ik wou dat ik opnieuw jong was.,I wish I was young again.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ik ben bang voor Poetin.,I'm afraid of Putin.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Heeft u enig bezwaar?,Do you have any objections?,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Tot later!,See you later!,nld_Latn-eng_Latn "Een kind van wie de ouders dood zijn, is een weeskind.",A child whose parents are dead is called an orphan.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Zorg goed voor uzelf!,Take care of yourselves!,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ik betwijfel het dat Tom schuldig is.,I doubt that Tom is guilty.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ik denk niet dat Tom schuldig is.,I doubt Tom is guilty.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ik heb met hem te doen.,I have asked him.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn "Ik was vroeger een avonturier net als jij, maar toen kreeg ik een pijl in mijn knie.","I used to be an adventurer like you, then I took an arrow in the knee.",nld_Latn-eng_Latn "Hoe hoger we klimmen, hoe ijler de lucht wordt.","The higher we go up, the thinner the air becomes.",nld_Latn-eng_Latn Goedendag! Waar wilt ge naartoe?,Hi! Where do you want to go?,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ik spreek Baskisch.,I speak Basque.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Bilbao is een stad in Baskenland.,Bilbao is a city in the Basque Country,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ik ben nog nooit in Micronesië geweest.,I've never been to Micronesia.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Leer mij hoe dat spel gespeeld wordt.,Tell me how to play the game.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Maar we hebben helemaal niets gemeen.,But we don't have anything in common at all.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ik kan mij dat niet inbeelden.,I can't imagine that.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Neem morgen contact met mij op.,Contact me tomorrow.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Hoelang zal je moeten wachten?,How long will you have to wait?,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Wie ging er nog mee met Tom?,Who else went with Tom?,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Probeer hem te vinden.,Try to find it.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Tom ziet er droevig uit.,Tom sounds sad.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn "Hoelang moeten we wachten, denk je?",How long do you think we'll have to wait?,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Je hebt toch nog je ganse leven voor je.,You've still got all your life in front of you.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Hij luncht in een cafetaria.,He eats lunch at a cafeteria.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ik wil hier zijn.,I want to be here.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ik heb veel vrienden met wie ik kan praten.,I have many friends I can talk to.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ik ben het niet helemaal eens met u.,I do not quite agree with you.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ik ben zestien jaar oud.,I am sixteen years old.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Hij vloog naar het zuiden.,He took off to the south.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Hij werkte volgens het plan.,He carried out the plan.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn We hebben hen gezien.,We saw them.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Haast u langzaam.,"More haste, less speed.",nld_Latn-eng_Latn Dat is de druppel.,That does it.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Er ontbreekt een pagina.,There is a page missing.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Hij antwoordde op een onbeschofte manier.,He made a rude reply.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn De appels zijn uitverkocht!,Apples have sold-out!,nld_Latn-eng_Latn "Eerst denken, dan zeggen.",Think before you speak.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Tom heeft een sterk verantwoordelijkheidsgevoel.,Tom has a strong sense of responsibility.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Waar kan ik mijn bagage afgeven?,Where can I check my luggage in?,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Huil met de wolven.,"When in Rome, do as the Romans do.",nld_Latn-eng_Latn Mijn oom is geen natuurlijke dood gestorven.,My uncle didn't die from natural causes.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ik denk dat ik mijn sleutels kwijt ben.,I think I lost my keys.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn "Toen Tom jong was, was hij ordelijk en welgemanierd.","When Tom was young, he was orderly and proper.",nld_Latn-eng_Latn Hij reisde onder een andere naam.,He traveled under another name.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Tot binnenkort!,See you soon!,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Tom was ongetrouwd.,Tom wasn't married.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn "Ik spreek vloeiend Iers, maar gebruik het niet vaak.","I speak Irish fluently, but don't use it very often.",nld_Latn-eng_Latn "Wat denkt u, mevrouw West?","What do you think, Miss West?",nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ik heb een aardbeving gevoeld.,I felt the earth shake.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn "Ik vind het goed dat er nog boeken bestaan, maar ze maken mij slaperig.","I think it is good that books still exist, but they do make me sleepy.",nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ik wil helemaal niet in een grote stad leven.,I have no wish to live in a large city.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ben je gay?,Are you gay?,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ik wil graag met je dansen.,I'd like to dance with you.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Laten we samen mijn paraplu gebruiken.,Please share my umbrella.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn "Ik kom uit Wellington, de hoofdstad van Nieuw-Zeeland.","I'm from Wellington, the capital of New Zealand.",nld_Latn-eng_Latn "Als hij droevig is, trekt hij zich terug.","When he's sad, he withdraws from other people.",nld_Latn-eng_Latn Hij zal blij zijn u te zien.,He'll be glad to see you.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ik zorg voor mijn ouders als ze oud worden.,I'll take care of my parents when they get old.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ze is vriendelijk.,She is kind.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Het regent in Zweden.,It rains in Sweden.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Wie weet dat?,Who knows that?,nld_Latn-eng_Latn We hebben onze handen gewassen.,We washed our hands.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Er staat iemand achter de muur.,Someone is standing behind the wall.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Je zou een kamer moeten klaarmaken voor de bezoeker.,You should prepare a room for the visitor.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Mijnheer Braun heeft altijd een boek bij.,Mr Brown always carries a book with him.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ik hoor door de muur wat zij spreken.,I hear through the wall what they're saying.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Hij stierf 3 dagen daarna.,He died three days after.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn De uitgestrektheid van het heelal is onvoorstelbaar.,The size of the universe is unimaginable.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Sami is gay,Sami is gay.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Zeg me wat je zoekt en ik zal je helpen.,Tell me what you are looking for and I will help you.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn "Wat als ik ""nee"" zou zeggen?","What if I say ""no""?",nld_Latn-eng_Latn Wat als het me niet lukt?,What if I fail?,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Ik kan je dit restaurant sterk aanbevelen.,I can truly recommend this restaurant.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn "Waar heb je het gevonden, op school of thuis?","Where did you find it, at school or at home?",nld_Latn-eng_Latn Aladdin vond een wonderlamp.,Aladdin found a magic lamp.,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Was je toen op school?,Were you at school at that time?,nld_Latn-eng_Latn Kven snakkar russisk?,Who speaks Russian?,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg trudde du måtte stå opp 7.30 (halv åtte).,I thought you had to get up by 7:30.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg har lita blære.,I have a weak bladder.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Ho ter seg som om ho hadde vorte oppdregen i ein god familie.,She behaves as if she had been brought up in a good family.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Tom er svært gammal.,Tom's so old.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Tom gav aldri opp håpet.,Tom never lost hope.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Det går imot mine prinsipp.,That runs against my principles.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg trur Tom kjem til å lika det.,I think Tom will like it.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Me får sjå.,We shall see.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg venta aldri at Tom skulle sleppa ut av fengsel.,I never expected Tom to get out of prison.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg sa at Tom skulle roa seg ned.,I told Tom to calm down.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Det er ikkje morosamt.,It's not funny.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Ho røykjer mykje.,She smokes a lot.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Dei er rett bak dykk.,They're right behind you.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Ho er lærarinne.,She is a teacher.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Ho er rett bak deg.,She's right behind you.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg er rett bak ho.,I'm right behind her.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg er rett bak han.,I'm right behind him.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Gjev meg boka.,Give me the book.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Sommaren ligg bak oss.,The summer is behind us.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Barna leiker bakanfor huset.,Children are playing behind the house.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Kvar gøymer du deg?,Where are you hiding?,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Du må gøyme deg.,You've got to hide.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Han braut det han hadde lovt.,He broke his word.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Lag A vann kampen mot lag B.,Team A won the game against team B.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Korleis svara du?,How did you reply?,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Ho var endå svak etter sjukdomen.,She was still weak after her illness.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg har vondt i hovudet.,I have a headache.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg har hovudverk.,My head aches.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Han vart rana idet han kom heim seint om natta.,He was robbed when coming home late at night.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Gjer det du har lyst.,Do what you like.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg har ikkje lese alle desse bøkene enno.,I haven't yet read all of these books.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg har ikkje lese alle desse bøkene.,I haven't read all of these books.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg kjem til å hugse denne hendinga for alltid.,I'll remember this incident for good.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn "Eg heiter ikkje ""du""; eg heiter Ricardo.","My name is not ""you""; it's Ricardo.",nno_Latn-eng_Latn Tom sine meiningar gjer ikkje mykje forskjell her.,Tom's opinions don't carry much weight around here.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Lag A tapte kampen mot lag B.,Team A lost the game against team B.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg gjorde det eg kunne.,I've done what I can.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Gjer det sjølv.,Do it by yourself.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Dotter mi søv djupt.,My daughter is fast asleep.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg veit ikkje korleis eg skal tolke orda hans.,I don't know how to interpret his words.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Har du nokre som er billegare?,Do you have any cheaper ones?,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Gjer det ein gong til!,Do it again!,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg vart vitja av ein kunde.,I was visited by a customer.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg pleide ofte å spise pizza.,I often used to eat pizza.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Datamaskinen til Tom tedde seg merkeleg.,Tom's computer was acting strangely.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Det der må du gjera fortast mogleg.,You'd better do that in a hurry.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg har enno ikkje gjort kva eg vart fortald til å gjera.,I haven't yet done what I was told to do.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg har fått sand i augo.,I got some sand in my eye.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg har prøvd å nå Tom sidan i går.,I've been trying to reach Tom since yesterday.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Kvifor plagar det deg?,Why does it bother you?,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Tom har vore gjennom nok.,Tom has been through enough.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Du har vore gjennom mykje.,You've been through a lot.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Dei må ha mislukkast på grunn av manglande entusiasme.,They must have failed through lack of enthusiasm.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg retta skytaren mot målet.,I aimed my gun at the target.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Mor vår kjøpte kvalp åt oss.,Our mother bought us a puppy.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Politiet pågreip han.,The police held him in custody.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Ho er nesten like høg som du.,She is almost as tall as you.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Tom skal vel ikkje eta den frosken?,"Tom isn't really going to eat that frog, is he?",nno_Latn-eng_Latn Dave har pengane dine.,Dave has your money.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn I Italia er det mange hus med store hagar.,"In Italy, there are many houses with large gardens.",nno_Latn-eng_Latn Han sit ofte lenge oppe om nettene og skriv brev.,He often sits up late writing letters.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Kvar kan eg setja frå meg ølet?,Where can I place these beers?,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Korleis stavar du etternamnet ditt?,How is your last name written?,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Vi er gifte.,We're married to each other.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn "Vi døypte båten ""Halvmånen"".",We named the boat the Half Moon.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg er vand til kaldt vêr.,I am accustomed to cold weather.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg eig knapt engelske bøker.,I have hardly any English books.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg gjekk i skogen åleine.,I walked in the woods by myself.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn """Kven er det?"" ""Det er meg.""","""Who is it?"" ""It's me.""",nno_Latn-eng_Latn Kate vart tvingt til å lesa boka.,Kate was forced to read the book.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Kvar er naudutgangen?,Where is the emergency exit?,nno_Latn-eng_Latn I land som Noreg og Finland har dei mykje snø om vetteren.,"In such countries as Norway and Finland, they have lots of snow in winter.",nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg kjem frå Noreg.,I am from Norway.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn "Indonesia er ett enormt stort land beståande av meir enn 17 000 øyer, 300 stammar og 700 språk.","Indonesia is an enormous country which consists of more than 17,000 islands, numbering over 300 tribes and over 700 languages.",nno_Latn-eng_Latn Særskriving er eit stort problem i Noreg.,Writing two separate words when it should be written as one is a big problem in Norway.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Han er ikkje frå Hokkaido.,He is not from Hokkaido.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg elska å lese då eg var liten.,I loved to read when I was little.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Noreg er det rikaste landet i verda.,Norway is the richest country in the world.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Somme trur at isbjørnar går fritt omkring i gatene i Noreg. Til alt hell er det berre tull.,"Some people believe that polar bears walk around freely in the streets of Norway. Luckily, it's just nonsense.",nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg går tilbake.,I am going back.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn "Noreg heiter ""Norge"" på bokmål.","Norway is called ""Norge"" in Norwegian.",nno_Latn-eng_Latn Du har sanneleg glød for mat.,You really have a passion for food.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Bilen er blå.,The car is blue.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Han kan symja fort.,He can swim fast.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Han arbeidde som lastebilførar i Noreg.,He worked as a truck driver in Norway.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn "Det finst særs få setningar på færøysk her inne, og eg spør meg sjølv kvifor.","There are very few sentences in Faroese here. I wonder, why is that so?",nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg er gladast når eg søv.,I am happiest when I sleep.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Har du ein hund?,Do you have a dog?,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Han vitja ein barneheim i Texas.,He visited a children's home in Texas.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Kva synst du om Texas så langt?,How do you like Texas so far?,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg har allereie sagt nei.,I already said no.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Er det blått?,Is it blue?,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Nokon spurde om Texas.,Someone asked about Texas.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg er verkeleg lei for det.,I'm really sorry.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Han godtgjorde den tapte tida ved å laupa fort.,He made up for lost time by running fast.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Historia var sann.,The story was true.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Det var verkeleg billeg.,It was really cheap.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Kan du ikkje snakka engelsk?,Can't you speak English?,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg kosa meg verkeleg.,I really enjoyed myself.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg likar språk.,I like languages.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Det er verkeleg trist.,It's really sad.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Maria har store augo.,Mary has big eyes.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg vil ha fred.,I want peace.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Dei var meir enn glade.,They were more than happy.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Kor kjem du frå?,Where are you from?,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Ei due er eit symbol på fred.,A pigeon is a symbol of peace.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Me ønskjer deg eit hyggjeleg opphald!,We wish you a pleasant stay!,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Vi lengtar etter fred.,We long for peace.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Vi håpar på fred.,We hope for peace.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Ja eller nei?,Yes or no?,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Vi lever på ris.,We live on rice.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom prøvde seg på døra, men ho var læst.","Tom tried the door, but it was locked.",nno_Latn-eng_Latn Vi sang mens vi gjekk.,We sang as we walked.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Bestefaren min var soldat under krigen.,My grandfather was a soldier during the war.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Vi begynte å gå.,We started to walk.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Han veit kor me bur.,He knows where we live.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Ho elskar han.,She loves him.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Kor er Mississippi?,Where is Mississippi?,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Vi snakka alltid om mange ting etter skulen.,We always talked about a lot of things after school.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Vi vaskar klasserommet vårt etter skulen.,We clean our classroom after school.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg kjøpte dette da eg var i USA.,I bought this when I visited the US.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg pussar tennene to gangar om dagen.,I brush my teeth twice a day.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Mykje røyking svekte helsa hans.,Heavy smoking impaired his health.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Fargelause grøne idéar søv rasande.,Colorless green ideas sleep furiously.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Toget gjekk.,The train left.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg las denne boka da eg gjekk på barneskulen.,I read this book when I went to primary school.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Vi er så opptatte at vi tar imot all den hjelpa vi kan få.,We are so busy we'd take any help we could get.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg vil ikkje gå på skule.,I don't want to go to school.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn "«Er du svolten?» «Nei, eg er ikkje svolten fordi eg åt smørbrød på skulen.»","""Are you hungry?"" ""No, I am not hungry, because I ate sandwiches at school.""",nno_Latn-eng_Latn Vi må byrje med leksene våre.,We must get down to our homework.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg var i fjella.,I was up in the mountains.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Vi feirer jul kvart år.,We celebrate Christmas every year.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Ho såg misnøgd ut med resultata.,She seemed disappointed at the result.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg har verkeleg gode nyhende.,I've got really good news.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg spilte tennis da eg var student.,I played tennis when I was a student.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg har noko viktig å snakke med deg om.,I've got something important to discuss with you.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg har hatt en veldig tøff dag.,I've had a really tough day.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg var heime.,I was at home.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Kva tenkjer du å gjere?,What do you intend to do?,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg var sliten.,I was tired.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg kneggjar som ein hest.,I am neighing like a horse.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg har laga ei liste over matvarer eg ikkje kan ete.,I've made a list of foods that I can't eat.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg har laga ei liste over folk eg må snakke med.,I've made a list of people I need to talk to.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg innsåg ikkje skilnaden mellom dei.,I didn't realize the difference between them.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg har laga ei liste med ting eg har lyst til å kjøpe.,I've made a list of things I'd like to buy.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg har bestemt meg for å gje tilbake alle pengane eg stal.,I've made up my mind to give back all the money I stole.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg var sliten i dag.,I was tired today.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg har bestemt meg for å gå.,I've made up my mind to go.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn "Kvar gong eg prøvde, mislukkast eg.","Each time I tried, I failed.",nno_Latn-eng_Latn Den gamle kona har ingen til å vente på seg.,The old woman has no one to wait on her.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn "Vi flaug til Paris, som vi blei ei veke i.","We flew to Paris, where we stayed a week.",nno_Latn-eng_Latn Ken er glad.,Ken is happy.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg ber om orsak. Eg er delvis skuld i det.,I'm sorry. I'm partly responsible for it.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn "To sjeler, ein tanke.","Two souls, one spirit.",nno_Latn-eng_Latn Alt er mogeleg.,Everything is possible.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Foreldra mine elskar deg.,My parents love you.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg trudde Tom hadde hund.,I thought Tom had a dog.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Tom rømde heimanfrå.,Tom ran away from home.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg har lese nokre av desse bøkene.,I have read some of these books.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Dette spelet er så vanskeleg.,This game is so hard.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Ho vart fakka.,She got caught.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Fotballkampen blei direktesend på fjernsyn.,The football match was broadcast live on television.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg tenkte eg ville komme innom og ønskje deg lukke til.,I thought I'd stop by and wish you luck.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Korleis smakar eplet?,How's the apple?,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Dei er brørne mine.,They are my brothers.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Det er eit stygt flagg.,It's an ugly flag.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg har gjort alt for å halda han i live.,I have done everything I could to keep him alive.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Gi meg ei pils!,Give me a pilsner!,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Ein venn kjem for å leike hos oss i morgon.,A friend comes to play at our house tomorrow.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Del han i to.,Cut it in half.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn "Kor gammal er du, forresten?","By the way, how old are you?",nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg er blitt forkjøla.,I've caught a cold.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Han er så gamal at han ikkje kan gå fort.,He is so old that he cannot walk quickly.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Far min har aldri vore utanlands.,My father has never been abroad.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Ho drikk ei flaske mjølk kvar morgon.,She has a bottle of milk every morning.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Kvifor klemmer alle han?,Why is everybody hugging him?,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Dette fjernsynsprogrammet er faktisk temmeleg interessant.,This TV program is really quite interesting.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Å kunne framandspråk er nyttig for alle.,Knowledge of foreign languages is useful for everyone.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Kor såg du dei?,Where did you see them?,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Han fekk oss til å arbeide langt ut på natt.,He made us work till late at night.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Det er sannsynleg at ho kjem.,She'll probably come.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Har du ingenting å fortelje han?,Do you not have anything to tell him?,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Han vart sjuk på grunn av overarbeid.,"As a consequence of overwork, he became ill.",nno_Latn-eng_Latn Ho bur i nærleiken.,She lives nearby.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Fienden øydela mange av skipa våre.,The enemy destroyed many of our ships.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom, far din spurde deg eit spørsmål.","Tom, your father asked you a question.",nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg er rett bak deg.,I'm right behind you.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Tom går på samme skule som Mary.,Tom goes to the same school as Mary.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Tom leitar etter noko.,Tom is searching for something.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Bjeffar hunden din til han?,Does your dog bark at him?,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Heile byen var utan elektrisitet.,The entire city was without electricity.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn "Ein mann kan leva sunn, utan å måtta drepa dyr for å få mat, så om han likevel et kjøtt, er han med på å drepa dyr berre for matlysta si skuld. Og å gjere det er umoralsk.","A man can live and be healthy without killing animals for food; therefore, if he eats meat, he participates in taking animal life merely for the sake of his appetite. And to act so is immoral.",nno_Latn-eng_Latn Ingen levande vesen kan leve utan luft.,No living thing could live without air.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Arret er ikkje eigentleg synleg.,The scar isn't really visible.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Å bu i byen er nokså annleis frå å bu på landet.,Living in the town is quite different from living in the country.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg skulle ynskja eg var død!,I wish I was dead.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg vil bli hos dykk.,I want to stay with you.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Du har rota alt til.,You have put everything out of order.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Han er ovglad i barnebarnet sitt.,He dotes on his grandson.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Ho vaska rommet.,She cleaned the room.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Ho har ein katt. Katten er kvit.,She has a cat. The cat is white.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Han drakk ein kopp kaffi.,He drank a cup of coffee.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Kor mange bøker les du i månaden?,How many books do you read a month?,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Vatn er ei væske,Water is a liquid.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Medisinen var ei brun væske.,The medicine was a brown liquid.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn "Tatoebaprosjektet, som finst online på tatoeba.org, går ut på å skape ein stor database med eksempelsetningar omsett på mange språk.","The Tatoeba Project, which can be found online at tatoeba.org, is working on creating a large database of example sentences translated into many languages.",nno_Latn-eng_Latn Det er så keisamt.,It is so boring.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn "Eg skal ikkje gjere noko spesielt i dag, kanskje liggje på sofaen og sjå på TV, eller noko sånt.",I am not doing anything special today. Perhaps I will just lie down on the couch and watch TV or something.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Tom såg seg i spegelen om att.,Tom looked in the mirror again.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Linjalen er kort.,The ruler is short.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Det vart hevda at klimaendringar ville skapa store vanskar i området.,It was claimed that climate change would create great difficulties in the area.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Det er veldig koselig her.,It is very cosy here.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg hatar vinter.,I hate the winter.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg meinte ikkje å seie det.,I did not intend to say that.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Han er rett bak deg.,He's right behind you.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Takk for maten!,Many thanks for the meal!,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg er ikkje ein fransklærar.,I'm not a French teacher.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Kor mange timar søvn treng du?,How many hours of sleep do you need?,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg vil gjerne betale.,I would be more than happy to pay.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Kan dette vannet drikkes?,Is this water drinkable?,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Dei et brød.,They are eating bread.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Livet vert stadig meir komplekst.,Life is becoming ever more complex.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg har lese nokon av desse bøkene.,I've read some of these books.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn "Sjå føre deg, for skuld argumentet, ei stammegruppe der insest mellom mor og son var godteke.","Imagine, for the sake of argument, a tribal group in which mother-son incest was countenanced.",nno_Latn-eng_Latn Talen hans vart møtt med entusiastisk applaus.,His speech met with enthusiastic applause.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg et brød.,I am eating bread.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Skal du bruka denne?,Will you use this?,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Kva heiter den nye venen din?,What is your new friend's name?,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg er gift og har to born.,I am married and have two children.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Nyhenda gjorde han trist.,The news made him sad.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg gjorde alt dette berre for meg sjølv.,I did all this for myself only.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Nancy inviterte han til ein fest.,Nancy invited him to a party.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn "Dersom du et for mykje, vert du tjukk.",If you eat too much you will become fat.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg føler meg ikkje bra.,I'm not feeling well.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Læraren vår gjev oss mykje lekser.,Our teacher gives us a lot of homework.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Kven skal du gi boka til?,Whom are you going to give that book to?,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Det er irriterande å høyre folk snakke med høg stemme på biblioteket.,It's annoying to hear people talking loudly in a library.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Når vart denne romanen utgjeven?,When was this novel published?,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Likar du den nye stråhatten min?,Do you like my new straw hat?,nno_Latn-eng_Latn "Du veit at eg elskar Mary, ikkje sant?","You know I love Mary, do you not?",nno_Latn-eng_Latn Ingen byar i Europa er så folkerike som Tokyo.,No city in Europe is as populous as Tokyo.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg er framleis sjefen her.,I'm still the boss here.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg plar ha på den gamle frakken min i slikt vêr.,I wear my old coat in weather like this.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn "Om eg skulle bu i utlandet, vilje eg ha budd i Storbritannia.","If I were to live abroad, I would live in Britain.",nno_Latn-eng_Latn Tom kan ete så mykje han vil.,Tom can eat as much as he wants.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg er i Boston.,I'm in Boston.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn "Er du i dårleg humør, eller?",Are you in a bad mood or something?,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Kvifor vart eg kasta ut?,Why was I banned?,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Tom kjem att neste veke.,Tom will return next week.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Det er ei raud rose i blomepotta.,There's a red rose in the pot.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg kan ikkje hugse å ha sett ein av desse før.,I don't remember ever seeing one of these before.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg hugsar at eg har sett han ein plass.,I remember seeing him somewhere.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn "Når våren kjem, vert dagane lenger.","When spring comes, the days get longer day by day.",nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg veit ikkje.,I don't know.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Faren min sa at eg ikkje skulle lese på senga.,My father told me not to read a book in my bed.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Somme les bøker berre for å få tida til å gå.,Some read books just to pass time.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Noreg er ikkje klar for eit nytt terroråtak.,Norway is not ready for another terror attack.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Gjer deg klar til å reise straks.,Get ready for the trip at once.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Kalkulatoren på bordet er min.,The calculator on the table is mine.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Velkomen til Wikipedia.,Welcome to Wikipedia.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Blir giljotina framleis brukt i enkelte land?,Is the guillotine still used by certain countries?,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Pedofili er sannsynlegvis vanlegare enn folk trur.,Pedophilia is probably more common than people think.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg er stolt av dykk.,I'm proud of all of you.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg et ikkje fjærkre.,I don't eat poultry.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Vi åt sverdfisk.,We ate swordfish.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Det der må vere den raudaste kveisa nokosinne.,That must be the reddest pimple in history.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Søv han?,Is he sleeping?,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg treng nokon som kan varde meg.,I need someone to protect me.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Du burde halde deg vekke frå Tom.,You should stay away from Tom.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Guten og mannen drikk vatn.,The boy and the man drink water.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg bur her.,I live here.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn "Dersom du kan bruke tyngdekrafta til din fordel, gjer det.","If you can use gravity to your advantage, do so.",nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg er svolten.,I am hungry.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg har sett deg før ein stad.,I've seen you somewhere before.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn "Han ringte systera si, Mary.","He called his sister, Mary.",nno_Latn-eng_Latn """Og kva er det?"" ""Det er bileta dine.""","""What are these?"" ""They are your pictures.""",nno_Latn-eng_Latn Han er så å seia ein bokorm.,"He is, so to speak, a bookworm.",nno_Latn-eng_Latn Kor mye kan du betala?,How much can you pay?,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Det var så keisamt at eg nesten geispa.,It was so boring that I almost yawned.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Tom er min venn òg.,"Tom is my friend, too.",nno_Latn-eng_Latn Kor mye er det verd?,How much is it worth?,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg er så lei av deg.,I'm so tired of you.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg vart sett stygt på då eg spurde etter resepten min på det lokale legekontoret.,I was given a nasty look when I asked for my prescription at the local doctor's.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg har det travelt.,I'm in a hurry.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg veit vi kan vinna.,I know we can win.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Tom og Mary er tvillingar.,Tom and Mary are twins.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Dei driv og grev eit hol.,They're digging a hole.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Sami var ikkje til å stole på.,Sami wasn't trustworthy.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Kvifor er ikkje Tom her?,Why is Tom not here?,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Han er gladast når han er med barneborna sine.,He is happiest when he is with his grandchildren.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg har min eigen jobb.,I have my own job.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Hels om de skulle møtast.,"In case you see him, please say hello to him for me.",nno_Latn-eng_Latn Tom sa det var dårleg.,Tom said it was bad.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Rabbinaren er på veg.,The rabbi is on his way.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Kvinner er særs sårbare.,Women are very vulnerable.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Tom seier han likar det.,Tom says he likes it.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Tom prøvde å drepa oss.,Tom tried to kill us.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Kan ein betala med bankkort?,Can I use a credit card for payment?,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg reiste til Bali denne sommaren.,I went to Bali in the summer.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Det var tre tonn overvekt på lastebillasset.,The load of the truck was in excess of three tons.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg skaut hesten.,I shot the horse.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Det hender med meg òg.,"It happens to me, too.",nno_Latn-eng_Latn Tom syntest stoda var utruleg lei.,Tom thought the situation was really sad.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Han Tom er sjuk.,Tom is sick.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Tom vaks opp i ein farleg forstad.,Tom grew up in a tough suburb.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Dei et helvta av all kveiten i verda.,They eat half the world's wheat.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg har møtt han.,I've met him.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Tom har jobb som bruktbilforhandlar.,Tom works as a used car salesman.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Smør vert laga av fløyte.,Butter is made from cream.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Ho står alltid opp seks.,She always gets up at six.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Skal eg fortelje deg ein vits?,Do you want me to tell you a joke?,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg veit ikkje korleis eg kan seia det på japansk.,I don't know how to put it in Japanese.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Kvifor plagar du meg med det?,Why are you tormenting me with that?,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Kva skjedde med den tyske jenta?,What happened to the German girl?,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Møtet finn stad to gonger i månaden.,The meeting is held twice a month.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Dei går godt i lag med grannane.,They're on good terms with their neighbors.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Det tek ikkje lang tid innan vinterferien er over.,It will not be long before the winter vacation ends.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn "Trass innsatsen hans, feila han.","For all his efforts, he didn't succeed.",nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg opna eska - ho var tom.,I opened the box; it was empty.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Unge har som oftast meir ork enn gamle.,Young people usually have more energy than the old.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Han Tom sa at me ikkje fekk lov til å ta bilete på dette museet.,Tom said that we weren't allowed to take photographs in this museum.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Et suppa di mens ho er varm.,Eat your soup while it is hot.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg er ganske god til å spela golf.,I'm a pretty good golfer.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Den eine knappen har losna frå frakken.,A button has come off my coat.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Ho syng og dansar veldig godt.,She sings and dances very well.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Han kler seg godt.,He dresses himself well.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg har mange vener i utlandet.,I have many friends in foreign countries.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Ho Dora er ein oppdagar.,Dora is an explorer.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg får ikkje sova.,I can't sleep.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Her har vi ikkje noka minstelønn.,There's no minimum wage here.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Er Tom hjå deg?,Is Tom at your place?,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Et noko!,Have something to eat.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Har nokon her nokon gong sett nattehimmelen ei mørk natt borte frå lysforurensing?,"Has anyone here ever seen the night sky on a dark night, away from light pollution?",nno_Latn-eng_Latn Dette er ein hest.,This is a horse.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg lurar på kva som skjedde med Paul.,I wonder what happened to Paul.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Dei seier at Tom ikkje kjem til å gjera det.,They say that Tom won't do that.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Det har seg sånn at eg er vaken.,"As it is, I am awake.",nno_Latn-eng_Latn Han har studert utanlands.,He studied abroad.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn O-ane dine liknar på a-ar.,Your o's look like a's.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Sola går ned bak fjellet.,The sun is going down behind the hill.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Han hadde mørkebrunt hår.,He had dark brown hair.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Kva tid vart de dus?,Since when are you two on a first name basis?,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Tom har jobba med problemet.,Tom has been working on the problem.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Ho vil kunna svara på spørsmålet ditt.,She will be able to answer your question.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg vart teken på senga.,I was thrown off guard.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg har lært engelsk i fire år.,I have been studying English for four years.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Han Tom har ikkje ete middagen sin enno.,Tom hasn't had his dinner yet.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg synst ho er veldig pen.,I find her very pretty.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn "Unnskyld, hva tid det?","Excuse me, what time is it?",nno_Latn-eng_Latn Tom fór endeleg til Boston i fjor sumar.,Tom finally went to Boston last summer.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg veit at eg kjempar mot vindmøller.,I know I'm fighting against windmills.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg må skòle munnen.,I need to rinse my mouth.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Tom bladde frenetisk gjennom sidene.,Tom flipped furiously through the pages.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Det er huset hans.,That is his house.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Han kom ikkje inn før klokka to om natta.,He didn't get in until 2 o'clock in the morning.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Dei som bur i glashus burde ikkje kaste stein.,Those who live in glass houses should not throw stones.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Uhell skjer kvar dag i denne sporten.,Accidents happen every day in this sport.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Filmen er keisam.,The film is boring.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Les oppgåveteksten nøye.,Read the problem text thoroughly.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Han Tom verkar som ein venleg kar.,Tom appears to be a friendly guy.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg er sikker på at Tom er på veg.,I'm sure Tom is on his way.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Alle oppgåver skal svarast på,All problems must be answered.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Vi må rette oss etter lova.,We ought to obey the law.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Kunne du gjeve meg noko å drikke?,Will you give me a drink?,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Det regnar ikkje heilt enno.,It's not actually raining yet.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Tida lækjer alle sår.,Time soothes all pain.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Tom la merke til eit skotsår i venstrearmen til ho Mari.,Tom noticed a gunshot wound in Mary's right arm.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Kvar sette de rakkarar stolen min?,Where did you rapscallions put my chair?,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Tom jobbet for eit byggjefirma i Boston.,Tom worked for a construction company in Boston.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Muiriel er 20 no.,Muiriel is 20 now.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn No er ho vorten kvinne.,She's a woman now.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Mora di er vel ikkje streng?,"Your mother is not strict, is she?",nno_Latn-eng_Latn Sjølv den varsamste tek somme tider gale.,The most careful man sometimes makes mistakes.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Toga held fram sjølv med all denne snøen.,The trains are running in this snow.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg gjorde ikkje noko utanom det vanlege.,I did nothing out of the ordinary.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Nokre av elevane likar å spelle gitar.,Some of the students like to play the guitar.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Ein ispose vil hemja smerta.,An ice pack will numb the pain.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg er best.,I'm the best.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Tom skulle ynskje han ikkje måtte hjelpe til med husarbeidet.,Tom wishes he didn't have to help with the housework.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Tom vil garantert drage til Boston i sommar.,Tom will visit Boston this summer for sure.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Tom kjem til å hugse denne helga for resten av livet.,Tom will remember this weekend as long as he lives.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg har ein katt og ein hund. Katten er svart og hunden er kvit.,I have one cat and one dog. The cat is black and the dog is white.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Sa du noko?,Did you say something?,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Tom dreg til Boston neste månad.,Tom will go to Boston next month.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg kjenner jenta som speler tennis.,I know the girl playing tennis.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Tom skal bere desse koffertane for deg.,Tom will carry those suitcases for you.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Det må ha gjort vondt!,That must've hurt.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Det er enklare enn eg trudde.,It's easier than I thought.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Leitar du etter noko?,Are you looking for something?,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Tom vert tretti i mars.,Tom will be thirty in March.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Kor mange ljodbøker har du på iPod-en din?,How many audiobooks do you have on your iPod?,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Keiar du deg ikkje når du er åleine?,Don't you get bored when you're alone?,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Legg deg på venstre side.,Lie down on your left side.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Bussen kjem.,There comes the bus.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Tom er her om nokre få augeblikk.,Tom will be here any minute now.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Tom kjem snart heim att.,Tom will be back home soon.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Tom drog til ein skule for å lære korleis å stemme piano.,Tom went to school to learn how to tune pianos.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Tom er tilbake før kl. 02.00.,Tom will be back by 2:30.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Lysforurensing er eit alvorleg problem.,Light pollution is a serious problem.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg merka ikkje at eg hadde mista lommeboka før eg fyrst vart komen heim.,I never even noticed I'd lost my wallet until I got home.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Tom kjem snart hit frå Australia.,Tom will be arriving here soon from Australia.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg elsker deg.,I love you.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Tom sa han var utsliten.,Tom said he was exhausted.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Tom vert borte i dag fordi han er vorte forkjølt.,Tom will be absent today because he has a cold.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Det kjem ikkje til å gjera vondt.,It won't hurt.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Neste veke skal eg besøkja Nara.,I will visit Nara next week.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Tom vert universitetsstudent i år.,Tom will be a university student this year.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg skal fortel deg ei historie.,I'll tell you a story.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn "Så rasla han med fjørene, lyfta den slanke halsen sin og ropte med glede rett frå hjarta: ""Slik ei glede drøymde eg aldri om då eg var ein stygg andunge.""","Then he rustled his feathers, curved his slender neck, and cried joyfully, from the depths of his heart, ""I never dreamed of such happiness as this, while I was an ugly duckling.""",nno_Latn-eng_Latn Vi såg fotballkampen på TV.,We watched the soccer game on TV.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Tom svarde med ein gong.,Tom's response was immediate.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Du treng ikkje bli her.,There is no need for you to stay here.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Tom plystra på ein song medan han gjekk langs elva.,Tom whistled a tune as he walked along the river.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Kvifor snakkar du fransk?,Why are you speaking in French?,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Tom hoppa over lunsjen fordi han hadde ikkje nok tid til å ete.,Tom went without lunch because he didn't have enough time to eat.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Det var ikkje nokon protest frå studentane si sida.,There were no protests from the students.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Tom gjekk til disken og kjøpte ein drink til oss begge.,Tom went to the counter and bought us both a drink.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg er veldig trist.,I am very sad.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn "Har du ein bror, Peter?","Do you have a brother, Pedro?",nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg har ein venn,I have a friend.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Kor mykje kosta den?,How much did it cost?,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Ein gut og ein mann drikk vatn.,The boy and the man are drinking water.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Tom er ein profesjonell fotballspelar.,Tom is a professional soccer player.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Tom drog til Boston for å studere musikk.,Tom went to Boston to study music.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg trur systrene dine vil lika denne boka.,I think your sisters are going to like this book.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Tom drog til Boston for å gå på ein konferanse.,Tom went to Boston to attend a conference.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Kva er meir guddommeleg enn fornufta?,What is more divine than reason?,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Tom var meir enn glad.,Tom was more than happy.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Broren min jobbar i Frankrike.,My brother works in France.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn "Utan Latin, finst ikkje medisin.","Without Latin, there would be no medicine.",nno_Latn-eng_Latn Tom drog til Boston for tre år sidan.,Tom went to Boston three years ago.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Desse boksane er like store.,These boxes are the same size.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg var i dyreparken i går.,I went to the zoo yesterday.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Båten din er ikkje stor.,Your boat is not big.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg er kjempeglad i pizza.,I love pizza very much.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn "Du kan lite på han til ein viss grad, men ikkje heilt.",You can trust him to some degree but not wholly.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Tom drog til stranda førre veke.,Tom went to the beach last week.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Tom gjekk ut for å sjå etter noko å ete.,Tom went out to look for something to eat.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Ikkje et på minst tre timar.,Don't eat for at least three hours.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Kva syntest du om det?,How did you see that?,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Trang er like pen som ho Dorenda.,Trang is as pretty as Dorenda.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn "Faren min kan symja, men ikkje mora mi.","My father can swim, but my mother can't.",nno_Latn-eng_Latn Tom drog til byen for å handle.,Tom went downtown to do shopping.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Vil du ha ein kopp mjølk?,Would you like a cup of milk?,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Tom gjekk tre veker utan å barbere seg før kona klaga.,Tom went for three weeks without shaving before his wife complained.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn "Snakk litt rolegare, er du snill.",Please speak more slowly.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Tom klikka.,Tom went bonkers.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Tom var ikkje klar for å døy.,Tom wasn't ready to die.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom drog for å fiske, men han fekk ikkje noko.","Tom went fishing, but didn't catch anything.",nno_Latn-eng_Latn Tom var ikkje redd for døden.,Tom wasn't afraid of death.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Tom kunne ikkje symje.,Tom wasn't able to swim.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Tom bestod ikkje på eksamen.,Tom wasn't able to pass the examination.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Tom klarte ikkje å finne ein plass å parkere.,Tom wasn't able to find a place to park.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Det har vore ei glede å snakka med dykk!,It's been a pleasure talking to you.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Tom vaskar kleda minst éin gong i veka.,Tom washes clothes at least once a week.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Tom var godt førebudd til eksamenen.,Tom was well prepared for the exam.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Her er boka.,Here is the book.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Her er ei bok.,Here is a book.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Tom hadde på seg ein svart hatt.,Tom was wearing a black hat.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Tom følgde nøye med på kva som skjedde.,Tom was watching what was happening very carefully.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg har lyst til å læra om det amerikanske dagleglivet.,I want to learn about American daily life.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg ser ei løve.,I see a lion.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg ser løva.,I see the lion.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Snakkar du flytande japansk?,Do you speak Japanese fluently?,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Tom dro til Australia førre sumar.,Tom visited Australia last summer.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg er sikker på at ingen fylgde etter meg.,I'm sure I wasn't followed.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Brua vart bygd av romarane.,The bridge was built by the Romans.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Har du vondt i hovudet?,Do you have a headache?,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Julius og Kornelius går til husa sine.,Julius and Cornelius are going to their houses.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg har endå ikkje lese boka du snakkar om.,I have not yet read the book you are talking about.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg heiter Sally.,My name is Sally.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Kva har du kjøpt?,What did you buy?,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Dette vil ta tid.,This will take time.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Toget vårt er forseinka.,Our train is delayed.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Ho har tre gonger så mange ordbøker som deg.,She has three times as many dictionaries as you do.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Augo mine gjer vondt.,My eyes hurt.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg har tre gonger so mange bøker som han.,I have three times as many books as he does.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Dei vaskar hendene.,They wash their hands.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Broren din var ikkje på skulen i dag.,Your brother was not at school today.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg heiter Ichiro Tanaka.,My name is Ichiro Tanaka.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Han har dobbelt so mange bøker som meg.,He has twice as many books as I do.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Far har kjøpt meg ein ny sykkel.,Father bought me a new bicycle.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Dei ser på ein film.,They are watching a movie.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Tom la seg ved midnatt.,Tom went to bed at midnight.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Sjå på jentene.,Look at the girls.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg kan snakka.,I'm able to speak.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg er Gregor.,I am Jorge.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Kven si skuld er det?,Whose fault is that?,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Vi valde eit hotell nær musea.,We chose a hotel near the museums.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg er sikker på at Tom kan hjelpa oss.,I'm sure Tom could help us.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Ho græt.,She is crying.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn I går kveld høyrde eg på radio.,I listened to the radio last night.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Kva slags sportsgrein lika du?,What sort of sport do you prefer?,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Kva vil du gjer?,What do you want to do?,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Dei gjekk rundt innsjøen.,They went around the lake.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Kast att ballen åt meg.,Throw the ball back to me.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Denne boka er om stjernene.,This is a book about stars.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eleven skriv eit brev for hand.,The pupil writes a letter by hand.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Kven sine sko er det?,Whose shoes are those?,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Mars er den tredje månaden i året.,March is the third month of the year.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Kom til rommet mitt.,Come into my room.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Er hesten din svart?,Is your horse black?,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Denne stolen er laga av plastikk.,This chair is made of plastic.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Er pennane på skrivebordet?,Are there any pens on the desk?,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Løva et kjøtt.,The lion eats meat.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Det er natt. Familien et middag.,It is night. The family is eating dinner.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Det er mykje betring å gå på.,There's a lot of room left for improvement.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg såg naboen sin hund laupe rundt på gardsplassen.,I saw my neighbor's dog running around in the yard.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Det var så kaldt at eg blei heime heile dagen.,It was so cold that I stayed at home all day.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Les så mange bøker som mogeleg.,Read as many books as possible.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg jaktar elg på fritida.,I hunt elk in my leisure-time.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Kven skuldar vi pengar?,Who do we owe money to?,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Tom tek seg eit laug minst tre gonger i veken.,Tom takes a bath at least three times a week.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Kva skreiv eg no?,What have I just written?,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Det er mange frukttre i hagen min.,I have many fruit trees in my garden.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Ikkje lat han nærme seg.,Don't let him approach.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Er mor di heime?,Is your mum at home?,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Ikkje gløym at me har skyldnadar.,Don't forget that we have chores.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Han heldt fingeren opp mot leppa for å bede om togn.,He put his finger to his lips as a sign to be quiet.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Stundom vurderer eg å skilja meg frå han.,Now and then I think of divorcing him.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg har ein ven til i Kina.,I have another friend in China.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn "Av di han stava det ordet gale, vart han send ut av tevlinga.",His misspelling of that word eliminated him from the contest.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Tom held på å sovna.,Tom is dozing off.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Du eller meg?,You or I?,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg orkar ikkje dette bråket lenger.,I can't stand this noise any longer.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Julenissen bur på Nordpolen.,Santa lives at the North Pole.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Jenta byrja å gråte då ho såg den store hunden.,The girl began to cry at the sight of the big dog.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Ver snill og vask hendene.,"Wash your hands, please.",nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg skal reisa til Boston for å treffa Tom.,I'm going to go to Boston to see Tom.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Tom lest som han ikkje brydde seg.,Tom pretended he didn't care.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg er klar om ti minuttar.,I'll be ready in ten minutes.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn "Ikkje bråk så fælt, er du snill.","Don't be so noisy, please.",nno_Latn-eng_Latn Tom drog ned elva på ein gummiflåte.,Tom went down the river on a rubber raft.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Mary er på badet i timevis.,Mary spends hours in the bathroom.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg sende han eit brev om det eg har bestemt meg for.,I sent him a letter to let him know my decision.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn "Kristoffer Columbus gjekk ein gong på McDonald's og bad om Happy Meal. Han vart ikkje glad, men han likte leika.","Christopher Columbus once walked into a McDonald's and ordered a Happy Meal. It did not make him happy, but he liked the toy.",nno_Latn-eng_Latn Denne gjennomsiktige væska inneheld gift.,This transparent liquid contains poison.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Kan du lære meg korleis eg speler sjakk?,Will you teach me how to play chess?,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Ho har lyst på katt.,She wants to keep a cat.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg vonar at eg kan gjere det.,I hope that I can do it.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Farbror kom innom i går.,My uncle dropped in on me yesterday.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Framtida tilhøyrer dei som trur på venleiken i draumane sine.,The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg fann pengane.,I found the money.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Ken lærte seg mange japanske songar utanåt.,Ken learned many Japanese songs by heart.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Kvifor overser du meg?,Why are you ignoring me?,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Tom sin datamaskin byrja te seg merkeleg.,Tom's computer started acting strangely.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Stjernene ser mykje vakre ut i kveld.,The stars look very beautiful tonight.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg må skunda meg til stasjonen for å ta det siste toget.,I have to hurry to the station to take the last train.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Tom verkar ikkje å ha særleg mange vener.,Tom doesn't seem to have a lot of friends.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg skal til Noreg og Finland alt.,I am already going to Norway and Finland.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Symjarane går uti.,The swimmers are entering the water.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg bor ikke i Finland.,I don't live in Finland.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Boka ligg på bordet.,The book is on the table.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg tenkjer ofte på mi avlidne mor.,I frequently think about my mother who passed away.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Han har ikkje styrke att.,He doesn't have any strength left.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Trafikken vart råka av det kraftige snøvêret.,The traffic was interrupted by the heavy snow.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Han brydde seg aldri noko særleg om meg.,He never cared much for me.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Varene som vi tinga frå England førre måned er ikkje komne enno.,The goods ordered from England last month have not arrived yet.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg tolka det ho sa på fransk til japansk.,I interpreted what he said in French into Japanese.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg kjem til å måtte fortelje han det.,I'm going to have to tell him.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Denne gåva er til deg.,This gift is for you.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Han kjem til å nå toget i tide.,He will be in time for the train.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Lukk igjen døra.,Close the door.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Trestolen er kostbar.,The wooden chair is expensive.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Han prøvde å gå ned i vekt.,He tried to reduce his weight.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Tom burde aldri ha fått sparken.,Tom should never have been fired.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Dette kameraet er rimelegare enn det der.,This camera is less expensive than that one.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Han hadde så vidt faren heimantil då regnet byrja.,He had hardly left home when it began to rain.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Kunne du opna bilvindauga?,Could you open the car window?,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Det er ei jente som les under treet.,There is a girl reading under a tree.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Han var full og sinna.,He was drunk and angry.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg kan kje tru at han Tom åt alt saman.,I can't believe Tom ate the whole thing.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Målet speglar av kvardagslege opplevingar.,Language reflects daily experience.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg møtte mannen som synte meg vegen.,"I met the man, who showed me the way.",nno_Latn-eng_Latn Huk tak i han Tom og ikkje lat han få kome seg unna.,Grab Tom and don't let him get away.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Tom vart ven med ho Mary.,Tom became friends with Mary.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg lengta etter noko uoppnåeleg.,I longed for something unattainable.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg elskar amerikansk mat.,I love American food.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Han gjekk kleint ned gata.,He walked awkwardly down the street.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg kjem frå Tokyo.,I'm from Tokyo.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Han skumma raskt gjennom sida etter ordet han leita etter.,He quickly scanned the page for the word he was looking for.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn SN-pakta vart skriven under i 1945.,The United Nations Charter was signed in 1945.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Alle andre søv.,Everyone else is sleeping.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Han miste tolmodet og slo til guten.,He lost his patience and hit the boy.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Jenta les under treet.,The girl is reading beneath the tree.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Alle bør veta dette.,Everybody needs to know.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Tom verka vera verkeleg forundra.,Tom seemed genuinely puzzled.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Han har allereie sagt ja.,He has already said yes.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Tom sa det var OK.,Tom said that was OK.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg har allereie sagt ja.,I already said yes.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg ser ikkje sonen din.,I do not see your son.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Kvelden i kveld er kvelden.,Tonight is the night.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Søppedunken vår har vorte stolen.,Our wheelie bin was stolen.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Selskapet er i ferd med å gå konkurs.,The company is on the verge of bankruptcy.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Tom har alltid vore helsegalen.,Tom has always been a health nut.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Tom sa ikkje kor mange gonger han hadde vore der.,Tom didn't say how many times he had been there.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Ikkje sjå på meg.,Don't look at me.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Har ikkje du noko å gjera?,Don't you have some work to do?,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Du bør dobbelt-sjekke det.,You should double-check that.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Tom prøvde å halde tårene attende.,Tom tried to hold back his tears.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg har svarte augo.,I have black eyes.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg er ikkje lege.,I'm not a doctor.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Han sit oppe langt ut på natt for å studere.,He sits up studying till late at night.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Huset til Tom brann ned i 2013.,Tom's house burned down in 2013.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Kva har hendt mellom deg og Tom?,What's up with you and Tom?,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Hunden var i ei eske under bordet.,The dog was in a box under the table.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Tom gjorde eit fantastisk arbeid.,Tom did a fantastic job.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Likar du Seinfeld?,Do you like Seinfeld?,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Tom er like fattig som han alltid har vore.,Tom is still just as poor as he used to be.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Noko må gjerast!,Something must be done.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg skulle ha teke med meg ein paraply.,I should have brought an umbrella.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Kan du skriva?,Can you write?,nno_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom, kunne du halde eit auge med borna?","Tom, could you keep an eye on the kids?",nno_Latn-eng_Latn Kor lenge har du kjent Jim Robinson?,How long have you known Jim Robinson?,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg kjem ikkje til å syngja med deg i kveld.,I won't be singing with you tonight.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Måtte Tom òg gjere det?,"Did Tom have to do that, too?",nno_Latn-eng_Latn Han er for feit til å laupa fort.,He is too fat to run fast.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg vart nett ferdig med lunsjen.,I just got done eating lunch.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Er det noko anna som må gjerast?,Is there anything else that needs to be done?,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg kjende igjen stemma di med ein gong.,I recognized your voice right away.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Han er snill.,He is nice.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg bad han opne vindauga.,I asked him to open the window.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Høyrer du noko?,Do you hear something?,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Vi kan dra etter lunsjen.,We can go after the lunch.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Den einaste boka Tom nokon gong har lese er Bibelen.,The only book Tom has ever read is the Bible.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Dei tok oss fort igjen.,They caught up with us quickly.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Vi les den same boka.,We're reading the same book.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn "Dersom det regnar i morgon, kjem eg ikkje.",I would not go if it rains tomorrow.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Tom lægde sverdet sitt.,Tom lowered his sword.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg skulle ha høyrt på deg.,I should've listened to you.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Blada endrar farge om hausten.,The leaves change their colour in autumn.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Han skal dra til stasjonen éin time innan toget går.,He will leave for the station an hour before the train leaves.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg er sikker på at Tom fortalde deg det.,I'm sure Tom told you that.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn La meg hjelpa deg.,Let me help you.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn "Øy! Snakk til meg, Trang!","Come on! Talk to me, Trang.",nno_Latn-eng_Latn Kvifor gøymde Tom andletet sitt?,Why did Tom hide his face?,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg hadde berre gjeve opp.,I would've just given up.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Katten ligg oppå bordet.,The cat is on the table.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Katten ligg under bordet.,The cat is lying under the table.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg har to kattor.,I have two cats.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg går på skolen kvar dag.,I go to school every day.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Ho er ein person eg ikkje kan leva utan.,She is one person I can't live without.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Tom byrjar verta god til det.,Tom is getting good at that.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Døra er låst.,The door's locked.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Tom skriv ned alt slik at han ikkje gløymer det.,Tom writes everything down so he won't forget it.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Ho bremsa og bilen stoppa.,She put on the brakes and the car stopped.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn "Faren min har fransk som morsmål, og mora mi har engelsk som morsmål.",My father is a native French speaker and my mother is a native English speaker.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn "Viss du hadde følgd med, hadde du også vore bekymra.","If you paid attention, you'd be worried too.",nno_Latn-eng_Latn Det er mitt sete.,That's my seat.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Ikkje lat han se denne filmen.,Don't let him watch this film.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Trang treng tran,Trang needs fish oil.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Ikkje høyr på denne mannen.,Do not listen to this man.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Tom kunne gjerne ha ete kjøtt og poteter kvar dag i veken.,Tom wouldn't mind eating meat and potatoes every day of the week.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Vi har øydelagt fiendens flaggskip!,We've destroyed the enemy flagship!,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Kor er boka?,Where is the book?,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Man skriv arabisk frå høgre mot venstre.,Arabic is written from right to left.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Du treng ikkje seie opp jobben.,It is not necessary for you to quit the job.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Tom tok det rette valet.,Tom made the right choice.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Han veit veldig godt korleis ein lurar folk.,He knows very well how to deceive people.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg er sikker på at eg låste døra.,I'm sure I locked the door.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Dei kjem til å gjere feil.,They're going to make mistakes.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Han kan laupa fort.,He can run fast.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Tom ankom togstasjonen klokka 3.,Tom arrived at the train station at 3 o'clock.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Hender dette nokon gong med deg?,Does that ever happen to you?,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Den gamle mannen hadde et edelt ansikt.,The old man had a noble countenance.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Det er verkeleg sjeldan.,It's really rare.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg er kven eg er takka vere mora mi.,I am who I am thanks to my mother.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Sengkleet vert bytta kvar veke.,The bed linen changes every week.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Han et.,He is eating.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Tom har ein dram om å bu på fjellet.,Tom dreams about living in the mountains.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg keiar meg.,I get bored.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Kan du hjelpa meg med å rydda i filene mine innan du går?,Can you help me organize my files before you leave?,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Tom har byrja å spela gitar att.,Tom has started playing the guitar again.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Lat oss gå og leggja oss.,Let's go to sleep.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg såg deg aldri eingong.,I never even saw you.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg fortalde det aldri til kona mi eingong.,I never even told my wife.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Lukk døra.,Close the gate.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Tom vart banka opp sist veke.,Tom took a beating last week.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg ville åtvara Tom.,I wanted to warn Tom.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg venta aldri dette.,I never expected this.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn "Eg stod opp tidleg, som vanleg.",I got up early as usual.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Bob er venen min.,Bob is my friend.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Kvifor er du under bordet?,Why are you under the table?,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Dei er rett bak meg.,They're right behind me.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Keiar du deg?,Do you feel bored?,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Er det noko å drikke i kjøleskapet?,Is there anything to drink in the fridge?,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Me keia oss.,We were bored.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Du burde ringje Tom.,You should call Tom.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Han lyg aldri.,He never lies.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Er det eigentleg klokt at reklamefolk innfrir ønsket som folk har om umiddelbar tilfredsstilling?,Is it really wise for marketing folks to satisfy people's desire for instant gratification?,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Symmetri er keisamt.,Symmetry is boring.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Det er utruleg keisamt.,It's incredibly boring.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Slutt å vere så snill.,Stop being so nice.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Keiar du deg her?,Are you bored here?,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Han er ein god tapar.,He is a good loser.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg keiar meg allereie.,I'm already bored.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Alle desse filmane er keisame.,All these movies are boring.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Hyggjeleg å møte deg. Jeg er en maurslukar.,Pleased to meet you. I am an anteater.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn "Vi var fattige, men glade.","We were poor, but we were happy.",nno_Latn-eng_Latn Ho er vakker.,She is beautiful.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Det er mange folk i parkane.,There are many people in the park.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg synest tre år er lenge.,I think three years is a long time.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg er sikker på at Tom ville likt det.,I'm sure Tom would love it.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Kvifor ynskjer du å lære engelsk?,Why do you want to learn English?,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Får eg lov til å skrive med denne pennen?,Can I write with this pen?,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg ser boka.,I see the book.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg tullar ikkje.,It's not a joke.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Ken er yngst av alle fire.,Ken is the youngest of the four.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn "Den beste måten å lære seg engelsk på, er å fara til USA.",The best way to learn English is to go to America.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Ta appelsinane ut av kjøleskåpet.,Take the oranges out of the fridge.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg saknar Boston.,I miss Boston.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Har du systrer?,Do you have any sisters?,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg høyrer på radio.,I'm listening to the radio.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Har du lyst til å drikke litt te med meg?,Won't you have some tea with me?,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Kvar er eg frå?,Where am I from?,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Vil du at vi skal køyre deg heim?,Do you want us to take you home?,nno_Latn-eng_Latn "Både hest, løve, hund og geit er dyr.","Horse, lion, dog, goat: these are animals.",nno_Latn-eng_Latn "Kom att, kom att!","Get back, get back!",nno_Latn-eng_Latn Mamma har kjøpt meg ei bok.,Mom has bought me a book.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Kvifor skjer de opp kjøtet?,Why are they cutting up the meat?,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Kaffi eller te?,Coffee or tea?,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Viss eg hadde hatt nok pengar ville eg ha kjøpt boka.,"If I'd had enough money, I would've bought the book.",nno_Latn-eng_Latn Slaven ber vatnet.,The slave carries the water.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Tom si yngre dotter er gift.,Tom's younger daughter is married.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Græt du?,Are you crying?,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Tom sin jobb er å selje bruktbilar.,Tom's work is selling second-hand cars.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Alle av oss er meir eller mindre kunstinteresserte.,Every one of us is more or less interested in art.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Tom si kone ville sikkert ha forlate han om ho visste sanninga.,Tom's wife would probably leave him if she knew the truth.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Tom sin måte å snakke på går meg på nervane.,Tom's way of talking gets on my nerves.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Slipset er for dyrt.,That tie is too expensive.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Tom si bråkmaking er endeleg over.,Tom's troublemaking days are over.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Han rådde meg til å gå der.,He advised me to go there.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Toms tredje ekteskap var ulykkelig og han tenkte seg å skilles nok en gang.,Tom's third marriage was unhappy and he was considering yet another divorce.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn "Eg hadde kjøpt det, dersom eg ikkje var blakk.",I'd buy it if I weren't broke.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Du bør ikkje la barnet vere aleine.,You shouldn't leave the child alone.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Tom sin musikksmak er temmeleg lik min.,Tom's taste in music is similar to mine.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Kva tid skal du byrja læra tysk?,When are you going to start learning German?,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Ei dame med ein mann som var ein kjend vitskapsmann vitja frå den andre sida.,"A lady, whose husband is a famous scientist, came over from the other side.",nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg treng litt sukker til kakebakinga.,I need some sugar to make a cake.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Tom sin tale var temmeleg interessant.,Tom's speech was quite interesting.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Tom har alt drukke tre koppar kaffi.,Tom has already drunk three cups of coffee.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Grace verka sur.,Grace looked angry.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Læraren høyrde merksamt etter på forklåringa mi.,The teacher listened attentively to my explanation.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Frå no av kjem ting til å ein annan veg; nedover.,"From here on out things are going to change, for the worse.",nno_Latn-eng_Latn Tom sin son vart drepen i ei trafikkulukka sist vinter.,Tom's son was killed in a traffic accident last winter.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Hald opp med å berre skrive kødd.,Stop publishing bullshit.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn "Sjølv om eg finn meg ei anna å liggje med føre midnatt, kjem eg aldri til å gløyme kor kjærleg du var.","Even if I go make love with some girl before midnight, I will never forget your kindness.",nno_Latn-eng_Latn Bikinitrusa til Mary er svart.,Mary's bikini bottom is black.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Toget var så fullt at vi måtte stå heile vegen til Osaka.,The train was so crowded that we were obliged to stand all the way to Osaka.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Rommet var fullt av papirstrimlar.,The room was littered with scraps of paper.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Kan du seie meg korleis ein kome seg til den amerikanske ambassaden?,Can you tell me how you get to the American Embassy?,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Du lyt ikkje li i togn.,You needn't suffer in silence.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Flyet Tom skal ta til Boston drar kl. 14.30.,Tom's plane leaves for Boston at 2:30 p.m.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Tom sine foreldre var lærarar.,Tom's parents were both teachers.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Likar du golf?,Are you fond of golf?,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Du tek han snart igjen viss du lauper.,You will soon come up with him if you run.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Vladivostok er ein by i Russland,Vladivostok is a city in Russia.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Det er bortkasta å lata jorda liggje uutvunnen.,It's wasteful to leave the land lying idle.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn "Eg veit ikkje, sa eg jo.",I told you I don't know.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Den gamle stolen stunde av vekta hennar.,The old chair groaned under her weight.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Dei må ha visst det heile tida.,They must have known it all along.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg vil ha eit eple.,I want an apple.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Tom sin operasjon ville ha kosta ein halv formue.,Tom's operation was going to cost a small fortune.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Tom si eldstedotter er framleis ugift.,Tom's older daughter is still unmarried.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Ikkje gå så kjapt.,Don't walk so fast.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Tom pustar ikkje meir.,Tom's not breathing.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Tom si mor er ein veldig god kokk.,Tom's mother is a very good cook.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Må eg halde ein tale?,Do I have to make a speech?,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Du har meir enn nok tid.,You have plenty of time.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg kan ikkje dy meg.,I can't control myself.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Tom si mor døydde berre éin veke før han vart uteksaminert.,Tom's mother died just one week before Tom graduated from college.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn "Har du ein hobby – måling, til dømes?","Do you have a hobby - for example, painting?",nno_Latn-eng_Latn "Kyrkja vi gjekk forbi braut saman fem minutt etterpå på grunn av eit enormt jordskjelv, og fleire enn 100 kyrkjefolk vart gravlagde levande.",The church we went past crumbled five minutes afterwards due to a huge earthquake and more than a 100 churchgoers were buried alive.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Far min er høg.,My father is tall.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Du får ikkje verte sengeliggjande.,You must not stay in bed.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Tom vart jaga av mora si medan han sprang naken rundt i lobbyen.,Tom's mother chased Tom as he ran naked around the lobby.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Han skriv rett engelsk.,He writes correct English.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Tom si stova vart smakefullt innreidd.,Tom's living room was tastefully furnished.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg har ikkje peiling på kor lang tid det kjem til å taka.,I have no idea how long it will take.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Tom sitt hus er til sals.,Tom's house is for sale.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Ein kan ikkje nekte for at ho er svært dugande.,There is no denying that she is very efficient.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Heile verda vil sjå på.,The world will be watching.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Tom sitt hus er lett å finne.,Tom's house is easy to find.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn "Syn meg noko rimelegare, er du snill.",Please show me something cheaper.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Vi slår mynt om det.,Let's decide by coin toss.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Tur-retur eller ein veg?,Round trip or one-way?,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Vi hadde det kjempemorosamt.,We enjoyed ourselves very much.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Hjartet til Tom byrja plutseleg å slå fortare.,Tom's heart suddenly began to beat faster.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Dei hundre vanlegaste orda i engelsk er anglosaksiske ord.,The 100 most common words in English are Anglo-Saxon words.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Det finst mange ord som tydingar eg ikkje veit om.,There are many words with meanings I don't know.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Vi har ikkje gjort noko gale.,We did nothing wrong.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg såg aldri Tom eingong.,I never even saw Tom.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn "Han fer til Peru i morgon, ikkje sant?","He is leaving for Peru tomorrow, isn't he?",nno_Latn-eng_Latn Det veit ikkje du.,You don't know that.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Han er storebror min.,He's my older brother.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Ho har ikkje mange bøker.,She doesn't own many books.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Det finst øyer i havet.,There are islands in the sea.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn I går heldt Tom seg heime heile dagen.,Yesterday Tom stayed home all day.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg hjelper deg gjerne.,I will gladly help you.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Han var visst ein stor idrottsmann.,He appears to have been a great sportsman.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg drikk kaffi.,I drink coffee.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Ikkje ver lei deg!,Don't be upset.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg leser denne boka.,I'm reading this book.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Menneske ser ut som maur.,People look like ants.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Vent til i morgon.,Wait until tomorrow.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Tom sin hatt bles vekk.,Tom's hat blew off.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg tel til ti.,I count to ten.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Tom har alt han treng.,Tom has everything that he needs.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Kunne du vere så snill og slå på ljoset?,Would you be so kind as to turn the light on?,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Han sparka til meg med vilje.,He kicked me on purpose.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn "Marika var galen etter meg, og eg... ja, man kan seie at eg var galen etter ho au.","Marika was crazy about me, and I... well, you could say I was crazy about her, too.",nno_Latn-eng_Latn Tom byrjar å få vikar.,Tom's hairline is receding.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg lika å læra Latin da eg gjekk på universitetet.,I enjoyed learning Latin when I went to the university.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg smilte.,I was smiling.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Ein fugl kan flyge.,A bird can fly.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Kven lærte deg å spele piano?,Who taught you to play the piano?,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg trefte ein hund på vegen heim.,I met a dog on my way home.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn "Det som er tillate for Jupiter, er ikkje tillate for oksen.",What is permitted to Jove is not permitted to an ox.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Han talde til hundre.,He counted to 100.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg drikk ikkje mykje vin.,I do not drink a lot of wine.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Tom sine fingrar vart knuste medan han jobba på samlebandet.,Tom's fingers got smashed while working on the assembly line.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Tom sin familie bur i Boston,Tom's family lives in Boston.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Dette er sjølvmord!,This is suicide!,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg gjer det sjølv.,I'm doing it myself.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg vil gjera det sjølv.,I want to do it myself.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg kan gjera det sjølv!,I can do it by myself!,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Tom sitt ansikt er raudt.,Tom's face is red.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Tom hadde betre syn før i tida.,Tom's eyesight isn't as good as it used to be.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg søv på rommet mitt.,I sleep in my room.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Tom la leikene sine i eska att.,Tom put his toys back in the box.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Tom sine auge er blodraude.,Tom's eyes are bloodshot.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn En av Tom sine plikter er å rake lauv.,Tom's duties include raking the leaves.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Tom trur han er sterkare enn meg.,Tom thinks he's stronger than me.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Tom sin hund beit han leikent.,Tom's dog bit him playfully.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Tom sitt kosthald har for lite protein.,Tom's diet is deficient in protein.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Neste gong gjer eg det sjølv.,"Next time, I'll do it myself.",nno_Latn-eng_Latn Tom sin død kom brått.,Tom's death came as a surprise.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Tom sine dagar er talde.,Tom's days are numbered.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn "Hokkaido er veldig langt unna, ikkje sant?","Hokkaido is very far, isn't it?",nno_Latn-eng_Latn Tom sitt firma borar etter olje.,Tom's company is drilling for oil.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Tom sitt firma importerer te frå India.,Tom's company imports tea from India.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Vi kan få ei værmelding kvar dag.,We can get a weather bulletin every day.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Tom sitt firma importerer kaffi frå Brasil.,Tom's company imports coffee from Brazil.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom sine klede var gamle, men reine.","Tom's clothes were old, but clean.",nno_Latn-eng_Latn Tom fortel mykje om far sin.,Tom talks a lot about his father.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Ingen har klaga på det.,No one has ever complained about that.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Forretninga til Tom gjer det ganske bra.,Tom's business is doing very well.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg er ein amerikansk statsborgar.,I'm an American citizen.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg hadde på meg solbriller.,I was wearing sunglasses.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg forstod ingenting av det han sa.,I could make nothing of what he said.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Oslo er hovudstaden i Noreg.,Oslo is the capital of Norway.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg lagar frukost no.,I'm making breakfast now.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Tom sin sykkel var blå før han måla honom raud.,Tom's bicycle was blue before he painted it red.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg såg det aldri eingong.,I never even saw it.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn "Det var to vegar i skogen eg kunne gå, og eg valde den som var tråkka av få, og all ting valde eg der og då.","There were two roads in the forest for me to choose between, and I chose the one least trodden, and I made all my choices at that very moment.",nno_Latn-eng_Latn Alle menneske er fødde til fridom og med same menneskeverd og menneskerettar. Dei har fått fornuft og samvit og skal leve med kvarandre som brør.,All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg har så mykje igjen å gjere.,I've got so much left to do.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Databaseserveren din si konfigurasjonsfil ligg i denne mappa.,The configuration file for your database server is located in this directory.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Tom oppførte seg dårleg.,Tom's behavior wasn't acceptable.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Det er irriterande å jobbe med Tom fordi han innrømmer aldri feila sine.,Tom's an irritating person to work with because he'll never admit it when he's made a mistake.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg må være forsiktig.,I have to be careful.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Rådet til Tom var ganske hjempsamt.,Tom's advice was very helpful.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Har du noen gang sett en bjørn på fjellet?,Have you ever seen a bear in the mountain?,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Rådet til Tom hjelpte ikkje i det heile teke.,Tom's advice didn't help at all.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn "Gjeld ødipuskomplekset for meg òg? Det kjenst sanneleg ikkje slik, men.","Does the Oedipus Complex apply to me, too? It sure doesn't feel like it, though.",nno_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg har kun halvparten så mange bøker som han.,I have only half as many books as he does.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom, eg trengjer at du hjelper meg.","Tom, I need your help.",nno_Latn-eng_Latn La oss beskytte den vakre naturen som omgir oss.,Let us protect the beautiful nature that surrounds us.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Det er meir enn nok plass til ein bil til.,There is more than enough room for another car.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Han strauk om att.,He failed the examination again.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Tom visste med ein gong at noko var galt.,Tom knew instantly that something was wrong.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Tom drog opp glidelåsen på frakken sin.,Tom zipped up his coat.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Vi sest like føre sju.,See you a little before 7.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Tom ropte etter hjelp.,Tom yelled for help.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Tom seier han må venta på Maria.,Tom says he has to wait for Mary.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg ringjer han seinare.,I'll call him later.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Festen er over.,The party's over.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg har nett ete så eg er ikkje svolten.,I've just eaten so I'm not hungry.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Trur du at ho framleis vil at vi skal bu i lag?,Do you think she still wants to live with me?,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Det er omlag tre tusen moskéar i Istanbul.,There are around three thousand mosques in Istanbul.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Dei sa at han var ein pratesjuk og pågåande austerlending.,"They said that he was a talkative, noisy Oriental.",nno_Latn-eng_Latn Kunne du teke hand om det?,"Take care of that for me, will you?",nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg er glad for at du lika han.,I'm happy you liked it.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Kva var det du sa i går?,What did you say yesterday?,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg skulle akkurat til å ringje deg.,I was just going to call you.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Tom har lyst til å bli ein tolk.,Tom would like to become a simultaneous interpreter.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Naud kjenner ingen lover.,Necessity knows no law.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Tom ville ha miste toget om han hadde stoppe for å kjøpe ein sjokolade.,Tom would have missed the train if he had stopped to buy a chocolate bar.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Vi mislukkast i å få han til å seia seg samd i planen vår.,We failed to bring him to agree to our plan.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Svolten sannkjenner inga lov.,Hunger knows no law.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Tom jobbar nattskift.,Tom works the night shift.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Tom jobbar kveldsskift.,Tom works the evening shift.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn "Då eg var på din alder, kunne eg allereie knyte skoa mine.",At your age I already knew how to tie my shoes.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Tom arbeider frå ni til fem.,Tom works from nine to five.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Tom arbeider frå tidleg om morgonen til seint om kvelden kvar dag.,Tom works from early in the morning until late at night every day.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Tom arbeider for eit handelsføretak i Boston.,Tom works for a trading company in Boston.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Tom arbeider for eit stort selskap.,Tom works for a large company.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Tom trener på eit treningssenter nært huset hans.,Tom works out in a gym near his house.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom arbeidde heile dagen, og vart heilt utmødd.",Tom worked all day and was completely worn out.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Tom hadde på seg ein ny frakk på skulen i dag.,Tom wore a new coat to school today.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Tom vil ikkje gå åleine.,Tom won't go alone.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Tom vil ikkje vedgå at han har gjort noko gale.,Tom won't admit that he's done anything wrong.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Tom skulle ynskje at han var betre i fransk.,Tom wishes that he could be a better French speaker.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg har mykje å gjera.,I have a lot of work to do.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Vi måla huset grønt.,We painted the house green.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn "Medan du er her, kan du jo hjelpe meg.","Since you're here, you can help me.",nno_Latn-eng_Latn Han er ein stor meister i symjing.,He is a great swimming champion.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Tjuven sprang sin veg då politimannen såg han.,The robber ran away when the policeman saw him.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Folk seier ofte at japansk er eit vanskeleg språk.,People often say that Japanese is a difficult language.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Kan du hjelpe meg å finne nøklane mine?,Would you help me look for my keys?,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Denne regelen gjeld deg òg.,This rule applies to you as well.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Folk seier at han aldri døyr.,People say he never dies.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg vart kjend med han då eg var student.,I got to know him when I was a student.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Dei sameinte statane grensar opp til Canada.,The United States borders Canada.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Mora mi er alltid oppteken.,My mother is always busy.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Me skal møtast på stasjonen klokka ni.,We'll meet at the station at nine o'clock.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Når eg gjev mat til dei fattige kallar dei meg helgen. Når eg spør kvifor dei fattige ikkje har noko mat kallar dei meg kommunist.,"When I give food to the poor, they call me a saint. When I ask why the poor have no food, they call me a communist.",nno_Latn-eng_Latn Smerta har for det meste vorte borte.,The pain has mostly gone away.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Berre vert ståande.,"Just stand there, please.",nno_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg elsker denne restauranten.,I really like this restaurant.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg er lei av lekser.,I'm fed up with homework.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg sovna framføre TV-en.,I slept in front of the TV.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn "«Eg er svolten,» sa den vesle kvite kaninen, så dei stoppa og åt blomen av ein stor hyasint.","""I'm hungry,"" said the small white rabbit, so they stopped and ate the flower from a large hyacinth.",nno_Latn-eng_Latn Ho har ingen fiendar.,She has no enemies.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Kven ville teke vare på borna mine om eg døydde?,Who would look after my children if I died?,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg var på toget i tolv timer.,I was in the train for twelve hours.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Son din må vera vorten nokså høg no.,Your son must be quite tall by now.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Alt du treng gjera er å snakka.,All you have to do is talk.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn I dag flaug ein stor bil av vegen.,A big car flew off the road today.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Om vintaren følar eg meg trøttare.,I feel more tired in the wintertime.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg har bestemt meg for å lære å spele harpe.,I've made up my mind to learn how to play the harp.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg las aldri boka.,I never read the book.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg har aldri ete ein levande blekksprut.,I've never eaten a live octopus.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Han pussar tennene etter måltider.,He brushes his teeth after his meals.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Ikkje rør meg.,Don't touch me.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg er sikker på at Tom vil hjelpa deg.,I'm sure Tom will help you.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg har aldri møtt nokon som gjer meg så lykkeleg som du.,I've never met anyone who makes me as happy as you make me.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg spring kvar dag.,I run every day.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg har vondt i føtene.,My feet hurt.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Døra vart opna av ein høg mann.,The door was opened by a tall man.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn "Eg har meir enn nok tid, men ikkje nok pengar.","I have plenty of time, but not enough money.",nno_Latn-eng_Latn Tom er ein profesjonell basketballspelar.,Tom is a professional basketball player.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Han snakka med stor entusiasme om teaterforestillinga.,He spoke with great enthusiasm of the theatrical performance.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg har vondt her.,I have a pain here.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Det gjer vondt her.,It hurts here.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Store mengder regn og flaumar oppstår årleg i store delar av Kina på denne tida av året.,Heavy rain and flooding hits much of China this time every year.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg har vondt overalt.,I ache all over.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Bli hos meg.,Stay with me.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Ikkje gå! Bli her hos meg!,Don't go away. Stay here with me.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Det verkjer i heile kroppen.,My body aches all over.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Kattungen ser ut til å like maten sin i kveld. Det verkar ikkje som om ho alltid likar han.,The kitten seems to be enjoying her food this evening. She doesn't always seem to enjoy it.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Førelesinga hans var faktisk keisam.,"As a matter of fact, his lecture was boring.",nno_Latn-eng_Latn "Du elskar kona di, ikkje sant?","You love your wife, right?",nno_Latn-eng_Latn Vi er imot deg.,We oppose you.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg prøver å lære engelsk.,I'm trying to learn English.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Vi har allereie vore gjennom dette.,We've already been through this.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Konserten blei direktesend.,The concert was broadcast live.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Dei andre kjem om nokre få minutt.,The others will arrive in a few minutes.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn "I tillegg til å vera ein god lærar, var ho òg ein flittig student.","In addition to being a good teacher, she was a great scholar.",nno_Latn-eng_Latn Ho tenkte på den fine haustdagen då ho hadde skunda seg heim frå skolen med gode nyhende; ho hadde vorte vald til å vera med på stafettlaget.,She thought of the fine autumn day when she had rushed home from school with the good news; she was chosen to be on the relay team.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg tenkjer på deg heile tida.,I think of you all the time.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg har vondt i foten.,My foot is aching.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg har vondt i armen.,My arm hurts.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg såg Tom og dei.,I saw Tom and the others.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Kva er lukke?,What is happiness?,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Han foreslo at vi skulle spele baseball.,He proposed that we should play baseball.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg har vondt i skuldrene.,My shoulders hurt.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Dei seiar at ho var rik.,They say she was rich.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Skund deg! Vi ventar på deg.,Hurry up! We are waiting for you.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg leitar etter noko.,I'm looking for something.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Tom gløymer Maria sin bursdag kvart år.,Tom forgets Mary's birthday every year.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg har vondt i halsen.,I have a sore throat.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Portugal er ein republikk.,Portugal is a republic.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg har vondt i skuldra.,My shoulder hurts.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Ho er som mitt eige barn.,She is like my own child.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg drikk ikkje kaffi.,I do not drink coffee.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Dei set ned prisane på varene i den butikken.,They mark down goods at that shop.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Hysj! Han søv!,Sh! He's sleeping!,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Kven trur du romanen sin forfattar er?,Who do you think the author of this novel is?,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Du skriv veldig uleseleg.,You write very illegibly.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Kor lenge søv ein bjørn?,How long does a bear sleep?,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Kva må eg gjere for å overtyde svigerfaren min?,What do I have to do to convince my father-in-law?,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Slepp meg inn.,Let me in.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg veit kor han er.,I know where he is.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Dei sel sukker og salt i den butikken.,They sell sugar and salt at that store.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Fargen fuksia er kalla opp etter ein blome.,The colour fuchsia is called after a flower.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg hatar naboen min.,I hate my neighbor.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Tom gjorde det sikkert sjølv.,Tom probably did that by himself.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Han ser bleik ut.,He looks pale.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Kva skal du vera?,What are you going to be?,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Kva skjedde med Tom?,What happened to Tom?,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Kva er temaet for førelesinga di?,What is the subject of your lecture?,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Kven skal du gjeva boka til?,Who will you give the book to?,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Kven skal du gje boka til?,To whom are you going to give that book?,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Min farmor liker te-seremonien veldig mye.,My grandmother likes the tea ceremony a lot.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Kven skal du gjeve boka til?,Whom are you giving that book to?,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Han kom i vona om å få sjå deg.,He was hoping to see you.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Ulven tok to høner.,The wolf snatched two hens.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Eg er heime.,I am at home.,nno_Latn-eng_Latn Hva vet du om CIA?,What do you know about the CIA?,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Du får tre forsøk på å gjette hvor jeg var i går.,You get three tries to guess where I was yesterday.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Hun liker ham.,She likes him.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Innsjøen er omringet av fjell.,The lake is surrounded by mountains.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg har ingen allergier.,I have no allergies.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg skjønner det ikke.,I don't understand it.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg så dem omringe ham.,I saw them surrounding him.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg har ingen fritid.,I have no free time.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg foretrekker å dusje om morgenen.,I prefer to take a shower in the morning.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg har aldri hørt han snakke engelsk.,I have never heard him speak English.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg har ikke penger på meg nå.,I have no money with me now.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn "Beklager, men du må ha kommet til feil nummer.","Sorry, but you must have the wrong number.",nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg håper jeg ikke behøver å bruke denne pistolen.,I hope I don't have to use this pistol.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Hva er beste måte å komme seg dit på?,What's the best way to get there?,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Det er synd du har blitt forkjølt.,It's too bad you've caught a cold.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Min onkel bor nær skolen.,My uncle lives near the school.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg er veldig takknemlig for hjelpen din.,I'm very grateful to you for your help.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn "Hvis jeg ville gjøre det, hadde jeg allerede gjort det.","If I wanted to do that, I would have already done it.",nob_Latn-eng_Latn Hvor lenge blir du her?,How long will you stay here?,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Hvordan kommer du deg til skolen?,How do you get to school?,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Hvor høyt kan du hoppe?,How high can you jump?,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Du kan gå dit du vil.,You may go anywhere you like.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Hvorfor kom du her?,Why did you come here?,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Du bør slutte å røyke.,You should give up smoking.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg vil beholde dette.,I want to keep this.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg er lei av maset hennes.,I'm fed up with her chatter.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Du hjelper ikke.,You aren't helping.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg lurer på om Tom vet hvor paraplyen min er.,I wonder if Tom knows where my umbrella is.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Vi lo av det.,We laughed about it.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Kan du hjelpe oss?,Can you help us?,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Du ser trøtt ut.,You're looking tired.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn "Han har store ambisjoner, men vi bør alle følge med for å se at drømmene skjer fyllest.","He has great ambitions, but we should all follow the series and see if the dreams will be fulfilled.",nob_Latn-eng_Latn Mary synes at hun er stygg.,Mary thinks that she is ugly.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Hva er mer guddommelig enn fornuften?,What is more divine than reason?,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Vi tror fortsatt det er sant at han er uskyldig.,We still believe it true that he is innocent.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Dave har pengene dine.,Dave has your money.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Julius og Kornelius går til husene sine.,Julius and Cornelius are going to their houses.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Tom fikk meg til å spise det.,Tom made me eat it.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Hunden bjefter.,The dog is barking.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Hun er bare en helt vanlig jente.,She is just an ordinary girl.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn "Ja, selvfølgelig.","Yes, of course.",nob_Latn-eng_Latn Hun er ikke like punktlig som lillesøsteren hennes.,She is not as punctual as her little sister.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg synes han er veldig hyggelig.,I think he is a very kind man.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Må jeg endre spisevanene mine?,Do I have to change my diet?,nob_Latn-eng_Latn "Jeg gikk meg vill, og for å gjøre det enda verre så begynte det å regne.","I got lost, and to make it even worse, it then began to rain.",nob_Latn-eng_Latn Hva er planen for i morgen?,What's the plan for tomorrow?,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Tom gjorde en fantastisk jobb.,Tom did a fantastic job.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Historien gjentar seg.,History repeats itself.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Kan du spesifikt fortelle meg hvilke krav du har?,Could you tell me what your specific requirements are?,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg tok det som selvsagt at han ville holde ord.,I took it for granted that he would keep his word.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg vet hvor han er fra.,I know where he comes from.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Ikke glem å ta med et kamera.,Don't forget to bring a camera.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn De giftet seg svært unge.,They got married very young.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Det kan være sant.,It may be true.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Dette er det høyeste tårnet i Japan.,This is the highest tower in Japan.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Konen min er og kjøper grønnsaker fra et supermarked i nærheten.,My wife buys vegetables from a supermarket nearby.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Kan hun sykle?,Can she cycle?,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Hvor lenge varer vårferien?,How long does the spring break last?,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg venter på ham.,I'm waiting for him.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Hun kommer fra Tyskland.,She comes from Germany.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Politiet er ikke på nakken vår lenger.,The police aren't after us anymore.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Tom er tydeligvis et slags geni når det gjelder musikk.,Tom is apparently some kind of genius when it comes to music.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Ingen kulturell bakgrunn er nødvendig for å forstå kunst.,No cultural background is necessary to understand art.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg trodde jeg kunne stole på Tom.,I thought I could trust Tom.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg vil lære å svømme.,I want to learn to swim.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Vi må advare dem.,We must warn them.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg trenger ikke å unnskylde for det jeg sa.,I don't have to apologize for what I said.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg skulle ønske du ville fortalt med hva som skjedde.,I wish you'd tell me what happened.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Den som blir bitt av en slange frykter selv tau.,He who is bitten by a snake fears even the rope.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg lurer på om Tom har kjæreste.,I wonder if Tom has a girlfriend.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg vet hvem de er.,We know who they are.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Ingen klarte noensinne å løse gåten.,No one was ever able to solve the riddle.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Dessverre er det ikke mer kaffe igjen.,I'm afraid there isn't any coffee left.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Du er ikke tretti.,You're not thirty.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Hva råder du meg til å gjøre?,What would you advise me to do?,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Informasjonene i tabellene ovenfor ikke er fyllest gjørende.,The data in tables above are not comprehensive.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Tom ble full og druknet sorgen sin i denne ene nattens utskeielser.,Tom got drunk and drowned his sorrows in that one night of intemperance.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Tom er rasende.,Tom is infuriated.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg snakker ofte med Tom.,I frequently talk to Tom.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Tom har jobbet med problemet.,Tom has been working on the problem.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Vi kan ikke lenger skrive.,We can no longer write.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Hvorfor kjøper ikke bare Tom en ny?,Why doesn't Tom just buy a new one?,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg har mer penger enn deg.,I have more money than you.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Hun liker russisk popmusikk.,She likes Russian pop.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn En måned har allerede passert.,A month has already passed.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Anklager du meg?,Are you accusing me?,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Er du opptatt i dag?,Are you busy today?,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Er du gal?,Are you crazy?,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Er du over 18?,Are you over 18?,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Er du med?,Are you in?,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Det var en voldelig forbrytelse.,It was a violent crime.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Det er det vanskeligste jeg noensinne har gjort.,It's the hardest thing I have ever done.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Kan jeg gå først?,Can I go first?,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Vil du spille fotball med oss?,Do you want to play soccer with us?,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Føler du deg trøtt?,Are you feeling tired?,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Hvorfor skjer fæle ting?,Why do bad things happen?,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Kan noen høre meg?,Can anyone hear me?,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Kan han spille gitar?,Can he play the guitar?,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Kan jeg få den tilbake?,Can I have it back?,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Kan noen fortelle meg hvorfor Tom er sint?,Can someone tell me why Tom is angry?,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Katter er smarte.,Cats are smart.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Kom så fort du kan.,Come as soon as possible.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Fant du en jobb?,Did you find a job?,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Mistet du noe?,Did you lose something?,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Snakker dere alle kinesisk?,Do all of you speak Chinese?,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Hun bøyde hodet i skam.,She bent her head in shame.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Vet du hvor mye dette betyr for meg?,Do you know how much this means to me?,nob_Latn-eng_Latn "Hun var forelsket i meg, men jeg var ikke forelsket i henne.","She was in love with me, but I wasn't in love with her.",nob_Latn-eng_Latn Han jobber i bank.,He works at a bank.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Han oppførte seg som en galning.,He acted like a madman.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Hvor skal du?,Where are you going?,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Ikke bli sint.,Don't get angry.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Hun leste i en bok hele kvelden.,She read the book all night.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Gi meg nummeret.,Give me the number.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Gutter er forutsigbare.,Guys are predictable.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Han har ikke mye å gi.,He hasn't got a lot to give.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg mente ikke å gi et slikt inntrykk.,I didn't mean to give that impression.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Han trenger de pengene.,He needs that money.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Han ønsker å bli kvitt vonde minner.,He wishes to erase bad memories.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Han viste meg sommerfuglsamlingen sin.,He showed me his collection of butterflies.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Han var en ærlig mann.,He was an honest man.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Han vil ikke bestå prøven.,He won't pass the test.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Hva spiste du til lunsj i dag?,What did you have for lunch today?,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Hun hadde på seg en svart hatt.,She was wearing a black hat.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Vi laget pannekaker til frokost.,We made pancakes for breakfast.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Han har bestemt seg og nekter å endre mening.,He's made up his mind and refuses to change it.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Min mor kjøpte to flasker appelsinjuice.,My mother bought two bottles of orange juice.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Hvordan kan det være?,How can that be?,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg kjøpte denne boken til meg selv.,I bought this book for myself.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg slo opp med henne i går kveld.,I broke up with her yesterday evening.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg kan ikke svare på spørsmålet ditt.,I can't answer your question.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Hva så om jeg er homo? Er det en forbrytelse?,So what if I am gay? Is it a crime?,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg gjorde dette selv.,I did this myself.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg sov ikke i går natt.,I didn't sleep last night.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg vet ikke noe om henne.,I don't know anything about her.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg vet ikke noe om han.,I don't know anything about him.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Dette stedet har en mystisk atmosfære.,This place has a mysterious atmosphere.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Vinter er favorittsesongen min.,Winter is my favorite season.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg liker ikke tidlige morgenmøter.,I don't like early morning meetings.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg liker deg ikke og kommer heller aldri til å like deg.,I don't like you and I never will.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg kan ikke huske sist jeg hadde så mye morro.,I don't remember the last time I had so much fun.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg tror ikke han vet at jeg elsker deg.,I don't think he knows I love you.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg vil ikke bo i et stort herskapshus.,I don't want to live in a big mansion.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Det glemte jeg.,I forgot about that.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg gir deg mitt hjerte.,I give you my heart.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Ser ut til at alle tror jeg er forelsket i Mary.,I guess everybody thinks that I'm in love with Mary.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg har en kjedelig jobb.,I have a boring job.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg har time hos legen.,I have an appointment with the doctor.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg har venner.,I have friends.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg har spørsmål.,I have questions.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg må si meg enig med Tom.,I have to agree with Tom.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg må si meg enig med deg.,I have to agree with you.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg håper du liker den.,I hope you like it.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg vet hvor mye det betyr for deg.,I know how much it means to you.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn "Den som ikke kan et fremmed språk, vet ingenting om sitt eget.",Those who don't know a foreign language know nothing about their own.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg vet ingenting om det.,I know nothing about it.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg vet hva som gjør meg lykkelig.,I know what makes me happy.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg liker katter mer enn hunder.,I like cats more than dogs.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg liker mørk sjokolade.,I like dark chocolate.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg bor på andre siden av gaten.,I live across the street.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg mistet en verdifull medalje.,I lost a valuable medal.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg forstår virkelig ikke spørsmålet.,I really don't understand the question.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg traff ham tilfeldigvis på stasjonen.,I bumped into him at the station.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg savnet dette stedet.,I miss this place.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg trenger litt søvn.,I need some sleep.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg må lese mye.,I need to read a lot.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg lovte Tom at jeg ikke kom til å grine.,I promised Tom that I wouldn't cry.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg så ham med mine egne øyne.,I saw him with my own eyes.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg ser noen.,I see someone.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg ser at mannerene dine ikke akkurat har forbedret seg de siste tjue årene.,I see that your manners haven't exactly improved in the last twenty years.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg skulle ha hørt på Tom.,I should have listened to Tom.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg synes det er et veldig interessant spørsmål.,I think it's a very interesting question.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg tror du gjorde det.,I think you did it.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg vil rydde opp huset før foreldrene mine kommer.,I'll clean up the house before my parents come.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn "Se på den jenta der, med det lange håret.",Look at the girl with the long hair there.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg tror han sa at han synes det er viktig å tenke over ting.,I think he said that he thinks it's important to think things through.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg skulle ønske jeg kunne finne ut hvordan jeg kunne få mer folk til å besøke hjemmesiden min.,I wish I could figure out how to get more people to visit my website.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg pleide å leke her som liten.,I used to play here as a child.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg besøkte henne i Tyskland.,I visited her in Germany.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg vil leke.,I want to play.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg skulle akkurat til å si det samme.,I was just about to say the same thing.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg bare terget.,I was just teasing.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Tom fortalte oss hvorfor.,Tom told us why.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg var ikke helt sikker på det.,I wasn't quite sure about that.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg gir det til deg i morgen.,I'll give it to you tomorrow.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Tom var kameraten min.,Tom was my buddy.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Tom banner mye.,Tom swears a lot.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg blir til i morgen.,I'll stay until tomorrow.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Tom viste oss hvordan.,Tom showed us how.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg blir til i overmorgen.,I'll stay until the day after tomorrow.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Tom handler på nettet.,Tom shops online.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Tom latet som om han ikke hørte Mary.,Tom pretended that he didn't hear Mary.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Familien min bor i det huset.,My family live in that house.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Når om morgenen starter skolen?,What time does school start in the morning?,nob_Latn-eng_Latn De stoppet tre minutter senere.,They stopped three minutes later.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Hvem eier det huset?,Who owns that house?,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg var en uke med en palestinsk familie fra Gaza.,I spent a week with a Palestinian family from Gaza.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jenta hadde hjemlengsel.,The girl was homesick.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg har vært inspirert.,I have had an inspiration.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg kan dessverre ikke spise lunsj med deg i dag.,I'm afraid I won't be able to have lunch with you today.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Det må være en forklaring på det.,There must be an explanation for it.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Har du lyst til å gå på konserten med meg?,You want to come with me to the concert?,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg er arkeolog.,I'm an archaeologist.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Stille vann har dypest grunn.,The ones that don't make noise are dangerous.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg er glad du er trygg.,I'm glad you're safe.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg er ikke her for å få venner.,I'm not here to make friends.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg er ansvarlig for det.,I'm responsible for that.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg skal selge bilen min.,I'm selling my car.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg er fremdeles i sjokk.,I'm still in shock.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Er det målet ditt?,Is that your goal?,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Er dette det beste du klarer?,Is this the best you can do?,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Er dette dine penger?,Is this your money?,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Israel er et veldig lite land.,Israel is a very small country.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Vi er som brødre.,We're like brothers.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Hun var alene med babyen sin i huset.,She was alone with her baby in the house.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Han skilte seg ut fra resten av guttene.,He stood out from the rest of the boys.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Steiner samlet inn fra hele verden brukes.,Stones collected from all over the world are used.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Stedet var helt tomt.,The place was completely empty.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Få Tom til å gå.,Make Tom go away.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Hun gjør en mygg til en elefant.,She is making a mountain out of a molehill.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Programmet legger premisser for prosjektutvikling og gjennomføring.,The program sets the terms for project development and implementation.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg er lærer.,I am a teacher.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Min bror har funnet en løsning.,My brother has found a solution.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Hva er formålet ditt med alt dette?,What're you going to do with all this?,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Ingen ville snakke om det.,No one wanted to talk about it.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Noen barn misliker skolen.,Some children dislike school.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Noen mennesker går til arbeidet.,Some people walk to work.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Ringte du ham i går.,Did you ring him yesterday?,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Husk å sjekke om gassen har blitt skrudd av før du går ut.,Remember to check to make sure the gas has been turned off before you go out.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Tom har kanskje ikke gjort det vi tror han har gjort.,Tom may not have done what we think he did.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Tom liker å bowle.,Tom likes to bowl.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Tom har fri.,Tom is off duty.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Det er 30 mennesker på bussen.,There are 30 people in the bus.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Fordelen med freelancing er at du kan dele inn tiden din fritt. Bakgelen er det at du faktisk må arbide døgnet rundt.,The advantage of freelancing is that you can divide your time freely. The disadvantage is that you actually have to work around the clock.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Vitenskap kan ikke løse alle livets problemer.,Science can't solve all of life's problems.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Regntiden starter mer eller mindre på slutten av juni.,The rainy season starts more or less at the end of June.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn "Jeg har aldri spilt golf, men jeg skal prøve.","I've never played golf, but I will try.",nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg kunne ikke komme på en kort forklaring.,I couldn't think of a brief explanation.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Den amerikanske borgerkrigen var hovedtemaet i boken.,The American Civil War is the main theme of the book.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Butikken stenger klokka 7.,The store is closing at 7.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn "Hvis Marys mors sønn er min bror, da er Mary søsteren min.","If Mary's mother's son is my brother, then Mary is my sister.",nob_Latn-eng_Latn Uansett er det også den beste følelsen.,However that's also the greatest feeling.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Tom har en stor svart hane.,Tom has a big black cock.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Alle elsker vinnere.,Everyone loves winners.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Mary ble begravet i denne byen.,Mary was buried in this city.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Hva vet du om ham?,What do you know about him?,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Dette er en hest.,This is a horse.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Mary drepte kakkerlakken med en sko.,Mary killed the cockroach with a shoe.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Hvorfor vil du snakke med henne?,Why do you want to talk with her?,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Vær så snill å straff ham.,Please punish him.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Flaggermusen flykter fra lyset.,The bat flees the light.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Hyenen imiterer mennesklige stemmer.,The hyena imitates the human voice.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Tom kommer ikke til å være tørst.,Tom won't be thirsty.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Vi er ikke sene.,We aren't late.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg er administrerende direktør ved museet.,I am the executive director of the museum.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Mange mennesker lider av lav selvfølelse.,Many people suffer from low self-esteem.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Ikke bland Østerrike og Australia.,Don't confuse Austria with Australia.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Hva er meningen med livet?,What is the purpose of life?,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Når kommer du til å reise til Paris?,When will you depart for Paris?,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Hvor lenge kommer du til å bli i London?,How long will you remain in London?,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Hvor lenge blir vi i Paris?,How long will we remain in Paris?,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Når ble bilen levert til deg?,When was the car delivered to you?,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Når blir bøkene levert?,When were your books delivered?,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Hvor lenge blir hun i Moskva?,How long will she remain in Moscow?,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Hvor lenge blir de i Tokyo?,How long will they remain in Tokyo?,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Hvor lenge blir du i New York?,How long will you remain in New York?,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg har mye å gjøre.,I have a lot of work to do.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg har et problem.,I have a problem.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Hva betyr dette for deg?,What does this mean for you?,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Det er et veldig vanskelig spørsmål.,It's a very difficult question.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Vi malte huset grønt.,We painted the house green.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Det er det vi bekymrer oss mest over.,That's what we're worried about.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg mistet nøklene mine.,I dropped my keys.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg er enig i forslaget deres.,I agree to your proposal.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Historie viste seg å være sann.,The story turned out to be true.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn "Idet jeg begynte å elske meg selv, nektet jeg å fortsette å leve i fortiden og å bekymre meg over fremtiden. Nå til dags lever jeg i øyeblikket alt foregår i. I dag lever jeg hver dag, dag etter dag, og dette kaller jeg ""OPPFYLLELSE"".","As I began to love myself I refused to go on living in the past and worrying about the future. Now, I only live for the moment, where everything is happening. Today I live each day, day by day, and I call it “FULFILLMENT”.",nob_Latn-eng_Latn Soldaten ofret seg selv for å redde vennens liv.,The soldier sacrificed himself to save his friend's life.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Hun vurderer å besøke Europa i sommer.,She is contemplating visiting Europe this summer.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Skremte jeg deg?,Did I scare you?,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Livet mitt er bedre uten henne.,My life is better without her.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Han har en tendens til å si grusomme ting og overdrive sine klager.,He is apt to say atrocious things and to exaggerate his grievances.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg er elsket av deg.,I love you.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Pulver kan løses opp i vann.,Powder is soluble in water.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Trafikklyset i veikrysset økte ikke antall trafikkulykker i byen.,The signal at the intersection didn't increase the number of the traffic accidents in the city.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Han vil ha et glass kaldt vann.,He wants a glass of cold water.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg er på ferie.,I'm on holiday.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Charlies far rådet ham til å bli lærer.,Charlie's father advised him to become a teacher.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg trenger ikke bruke briller lenger.,I don't have to wear glasses any more.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Hva er problemet?,What's the problem?,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Tom skal hjem.,Tom is going home.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg er virkelig lei meg for at jeg kom sent hjem.,I'm truly sorry for having returned home late.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Er det ikke opplagt?,Isn't it obvious?,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Har du noensinne spist på restaurant alene?,Have you ever eaten in a restaurant alone?,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Hva er det du mener?,What are you on about?,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Så du vidoen hvor President Obama dreper en flue med bare hendene?,Did you see that video where President Obama kills a fly with his bare hands?,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Hva skal jeg kjøpe?,What should I buy?,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Du må virkelig jobbe hardt.,You've got to work really hard.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Han var visst rik.,He seemed to have been rich.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Hvem er mannen som spiller violin?,Who is the man playing the violin?,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Har du noen gang skremt vekk en hund?,Have you ever scared a dog away?,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Liker de appelsiner?,Do they like oranges?,nob_Latn-eng_Latn De snakket om det på telefonen.,They talked about it on the telephone.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Kjøleskapet vårt er ute av drift.,Our refrigerator is out of order.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Tom har en vakker hage.,Tom has a beautiful garden.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg elsker analsex.,I love anal sex.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Du er dummere enn jeg trodde.,You're more stupid than I thought.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Du blødde neseblod.,You had a nosebleed.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn De er lærere.,They are teachers.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg intervjuet en kvinne som jobber for å beskytte miljøet.,I interviewed a lady who works to protect the environment.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg er nettopp ferdig med arbeidet mitt.,I have just finished my work.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Han skal til å gå.,He's about to go.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Han er i ferd med å gå.,He's about to leave.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg begynner jobben min første juli.,I'll start my work on the first of July.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg rydder rommet mitt nesten hver dag.,I tidy my room almost every day.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Politiet bragte den kriminelle til politistasjonen.,The police took the criminal away to the police station.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Du må gå til legen.,You need to see a doctor.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg kan ikke se noe.,I can't see a thing.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Når kommer Mary hjem igjen?,When will Mary get back home?,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Vi vil ha en stor familie.,We want to have a large family.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Du kjører som en galning!,You're driving like a maniac!,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg vil ha mange av dem.,I want a lot of them.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg har aldri i mitt liv sett den mannen før.,I've never seen that man before in my life.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg måtte fylle vann på akvariet.,I needed to add water to my aquarium.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Sånn er livet.,Accidents are inevitable.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Han tok feil tog ved feiltak.,He took the wrong train by mistake.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Veggene har ører.,The wall has ears.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn De plantet epletrær.,They planted apple trees.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Hva hvis du mistet livet i Irak?,What if you lost your life in Iraq?,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Men hva gjør du hvis han ikke kommer?,But what will you do if he doesn't come?,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Ta med noen flasker vann til møterommet.,Take some bottles of water to the meeting room.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Tom sluttet å røyke.,Tom quit smoking.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Øyne er vinduer til hjertet.,The eyes are the windows of the heart.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Hva fant Tom?,What did Tom find?,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Når reiser de til Boston?,When will they depart for Boston?,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Når reiser han til London?,When will he depart for London?,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Hvordan drepte du kakkerlakken?,How did you kill the cockroach?,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Hun er for rik til å bli en tyv.,She is too rich to become a thief.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn "Huset var tomt, hvis du ikke teller katten.","The house was empty, if you don't count the cat.",nob_Latn-eng_Latn I Italia er det mange hus med store hager.,"In Italy, there are many houses with large gardens.",nob_Latn-eng_Latn Nå snakker du i gåter.,Now you're speaking in riddles.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Har du ris?,Do you have rice?,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Langt nord der jeg bor vil jeg danse for Solen.,Far north where I live I want to danse for the Sun.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Hele byen ligger i dyp søvn.,The whole town lay sleeping.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Hvordan smaker eplet?,How's the apple?,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Takk for påminnelsen.,Thanks for reminding me.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Du er fienden.,You're the enemy.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Ingen er så irsk som Barack Obama!,There's no one as irish as Barack Obama!,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Du må gå på skolen.,You must go to school.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn I begynnelsen engstet jeg meg over feilene mine.,I was worried about my mistakes at first.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Tom studerer hardt.,Tom studies hard.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Vennligst ta av deg sokkene.,"Take off your socks, please.",nob_Latn-eng_Latn Det er på høy tid at du kommer deg av gårde.,It's high time you got going.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Hun selger dop på konserter.,She's selling drugs at concerts.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Du er alltid overengstelig.,You're always anticipating trouble.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Det vil ikke skje.,That won't happen.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Du har ikke feber.,You don't have a temperature.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg klarer ikke å gå lengre.,I can't do it anymore.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Prisen varierer med etterspørselen.,The price varies with demand.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Det eneste beviset var rester av sæd som som hadde festet seg til undertøyet.,The only proof was the remains of the semen which had stuck to the underwear.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Nederlandsk er nært beslektet med tysk.,Dutch is closely related to German.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Du bør vaske hendene dine.,You should wash your hands.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Hun klarer ikke å styre ungene sine.,She cannot control her children.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn "Han gav oss ikke bare klær, men penger også.",He gave us not only clothes but some money.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Det er mange igler på gården min.,There are many leeches in my farm.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Vent her inne.,Wait in here.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Eldre menn er vanligvis veldig vise.,Older men are usually very wise.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Navnet Cleopatra har blitt synonymt med vakker kvinne.,The name Cleopatra has become a byword for a beautiful woman.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Hun ventet forgjeves på et livstegn fra vennen sin.,She waited unsuccessfully for any signs of life in her friend.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Det høres ikke ut som du har lyst til å snakke.,It doesn't sound to me like you want to talk.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Ingen bryr seg om hvorfor Tom er vegetarianer.,Nobody cares why Tom is a vegetarian.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn De håper de kan klare å finne en godt betalt jobb.,They hope to be able to find a well-paid job.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Flyet seilte over hodene våres.,The airplane sailed over our heads.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Hvorfor stirrer han på meg.,Why is he staring at me?,nob_Latn-eng_Latn "Så, hva ville du snakke med meg om?","So, what did you want to talk to me about?",nob_Latn-eng_Latn Huset mitt er i nærheten av stasjonen.,My house is near the station.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg bor ikke med Tom.,I don't live with Tom.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Håret hennes er så langt at det når bakken.,His hair is so long it reaches the floor.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Du er den eneste personen jeg kjenner som ikke tar en eller annen medisin minst en gang i uken.,You're the only person I know who doesn't take some kind of medicine at least once a week.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn "Hvis du hører alarmen, gå, ikke løp.","If you hear the alarm, walk, don't run.",nob_Latn-eng_Latn Hun lovet å møte ham i kaffebaren.,She promised to meet him at the coffee shop.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg liker det ikke like like mye som jeg liker å ta vare på barn.,I don't like it as much as taking care of children.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn "Hvis det er sånn det er, hva gjør vi?","If so, then what do we do?",nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg kommer ikke hvis det regner i morgen.,I won't come if it rains tomorrow.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg vet ikke enda om vi kommer til å dra til muséet.,I still don't know if we'll go to the museum.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Biblioteket ligger ved siden av bussholdeplassen.,The library is next to the bus stop.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Sommerfugl er et veldig vakkert ord.,Butterfly is a very nice word.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Hvis det regner i morgen kommer rundreisen til å bli avlyst.,"If it rains tomorrow, the tour will be cancelled.",nob_Latn-eng_Latn Hun spurte om jeg trenger en taxi.,She asked if I need a taxi.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn "Du kan låne en av meg, hvis du vil.",I'll loan you one if you want.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg spør ham om han planlegger å komme.,I'll ask him if he plans to come.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Gammelt brød kan noen ganger bli brukt som et dødelig våpen.,Old bread can sometimes be used as a mortal weapon.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Hvem knuste vinduet? Ut med språket.,Who smashed the window? Tell me the truth.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Spør ham om han snakker japansk.,Ask him if he speaks Japanese.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn På venstre side ser du en kaffesjappe.,"If you turn left, you'll see a coffee shop.",nob_Latn-eng_Latn Det hjelper kanskje hvis det er du som sier til Tom at han ikke skal gjøre det.,It might help if you were the one who told Tom not to do that.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Hvis han er sliten burde han sove.,"If he's tired, he should sleep.",nob_Latn-eng_Latn Han spurte om hun var rik.,He asked if she was rich.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Skoene mine piper.,My shoes squeak.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Døren smalt igjen.,The door slammed shut.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn "Hver gang han kommer hit, bestiller han den samme retten.","Every time he comes here, he orders the same dish.",nob_Latn-eng_Latn Fremtiden tilhører de som tror på skjønnheten i drømmene sine.,The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Ungarerne kommer til å ha flere setninger enn oss.,The Hungarians will have more sentences than we do.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg kjører henne.,I'll drive her.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Det ble ei vane.,That became a habit.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn "Hva som skjer i hodet mitt, blir i hodet mitt.",What happens in my head stays in my head.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Ikke kast det bare fordi det er ødelagt.,Don't throw it away just because it's broken.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Gjør deg sikker på at du ikke blir forfulgt.,Make sure you're not being followed.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Til og med jeg hadde hjulpet deg.,Even I would have helped you.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn "Det er stor forskjell i å være stand til å snakke et språk bra, og å være i stand til å snakke et språk flytende.","There is a big difference in being able to speak a language well, and being able to speak a language fluently.",nob_Latn-eng_Latn Hun kan ikke spille golf.,She doesn't know how to play golf.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg har en pakke for en herr Smith.,I have a package for a Mr. Smith.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg går heller sulten enn å spise dette.,I'd rather go hungry than eat this.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Han gjorde narr av læreren.,He made fun of the teacher.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Vil du ha hjelp?,Could you use some help?,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg liker ikke maten på det gatekjøkkenet.,I don't like the food at that deli.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Emilio di Cavaliere var en renessansekomponist.,Emilio di Cavalieri was a Renaissance composer.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Det er for dyrt!,That's too expensive!,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Nesten ingen tyskere jeg kjenner liker surkål.,Hardly any Germans that I know like sauerkraut.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn De forente stater grenser til Canada.,The United States borders Canada.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Vi kom for sent på grunn av trafikkorken.,We were late as a result of the traffic jam.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Tom tok på seg skylden for vennens feil.,Tom took the fall for his friend's mistake.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn De fikk én dollar hver.,They received a dollar each.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn De latet som om de ikke hørte meg.,They pretended that they didn't hear me.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Han er for feit til å løpe fort.,He is too fat to run fast.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn "Vi spilte stein, saks, papir for å bestemme hvem som måtte vaske opp.","We played rock, paper, scissors to decide who would do the dishes.",nob_Latn-eng_Latn Neste uke vil jeg besøke vennen min.,Next week I want to visit my friend.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn TV er uansett et foreldet medium.,Television is obsolete as a medium in any case.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg har vært opptatt i det siste.,I've been very busy lately.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg har jobbet i hele dag.,I've been working all day.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg har kommet for å si farvel.,I've come to say goodbye.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg har skrevet ferdig rapporten.,I've finished typing the report.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg har sluttet å spise kjøtt.,I've given up eating meat.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg har en god idé.,I've got a good idea.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg må gå snart.,I've got to leave soon.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Han la boken på skrivebordet.,He laid the book on the desk.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Språkmakt burde ikke bli forvekslet med fornærmelse.,"""Verbal power"" shouldn't be confused with ""insult"".",nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg har nettopp tatt oppvasken.,I've just washed the dishes.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg har bodd i Kobe før.,I've lived in Kobe before.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg har tatt av litt vekt.,I've lost a little weight.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg har mistet interessen for golf.,I've lost interest in golf.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Kua Thusnelda er subjektet i denne setningen.,Thusnelda the cow is the subject of this sentence.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg har mistet bilnøklene mine.,I've lost my car key.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg har fått mange venner.,I've made lots of friends.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg har bestemt meg.,I've made up my mind.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg har aldri vært der før.,I've never been there before.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg har aldri vært i Paris.,I've never been to Paris.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg har aldri vært i Hokkaido.,I've never been to Hokkaido.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg aner ikke hva som skjer.,I've no idea what's happening.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg har ofte hørt om deg.,I've often heard about you.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg har bestilt deg litt dessert.,I've ordered you some dessert.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg har lest begge disse bøkene.,I've read both these books.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Han la baggen sin på bordet.,He laid his bag on the table.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg har brukt alle pengene.,I've spent all the money.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg er helt enig med deg.,I agree with you absolutely.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg har allerede en konvolutt.,I already have an envelope.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg holder alltid løfter.,I always keep a promise.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg er redd for hunder.,I am afraid of dogs.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg er mot dette prosjektet.,I am against this project.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg er en ensom mann.,I am a lonely man.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg er kontorarbeider.,I am an office worker.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg er tennisspiller.,I am a tennis player.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg ble forbløffet over resultatene.,I was amazed at the results.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg er fullstendig mot det.,I am completely against it.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg er atten år gammel.,I am eighteen years old.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Han la seg ned på gulvet.,He laid himself flat on the floor.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg er ledig i ettermiddag.,I am free this afternoon.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg skal på skolen.,I am going to school.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg er invitert til denne festen.,I am invited to this party.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Hun la seg ned på gresset.,She laid herself on the grass.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg er ikke trøtt lenger.,I am no longer tired.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg ankom her nettopp.,I arrived here just now.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Vi gjemmer oss bak gardinen.,Let's hide behind the curtain.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn La oss holde dette hemmelig.,Let's keep this a secret.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn La oss lytte på kassetten.,Let's listen to the tape.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn La oss ta en snarvei.,Let's take a short cut.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Er du klar for å gå?,Are you ready to go?,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Tom er like fattig som han alltid har vært.,Tom is still just as poor as he used to be.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Tom smilte da han innså at Mary var i ferd med å kysse ham.,Tom smiled when he realized Mary was about to kiss him.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg vil lære standard engelsk.,I want to learn standard English.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg har vært gift en gang.,I was married once.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg tar ikke feil.,I don't make mistakes.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Tom lever i en fantasiverden.,Tom lives in a fantasy world.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Det var dråpen som fikk begeret til å renne over.,That was the straw that broke the camel's back.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Hvilket yrke har du?,What's your profession?,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Hvor er tingene dine?,Where are your things?,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Er hendene dine rene?,Are your hands clean?,nob_Latn-eng_Latn I morgen lander han på månen.,Tomorrow he lands on the moon.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Vær stille mens vi spiser.,Be quiet while we're eating.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Du sover virkelig mye!,You really sleep a lot!,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg har to katter.,I have two cats.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn "Det finnes en type idealisme som sier at hvis du bare gjør ditt beste kan du klare alt, selv uten intelligens og fysisk styrke.","There is a kind of idealism which says that if you just do your best, you will be able to do anything, regardless of intelligence or physical strength.",nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg tilbrakte tolv timer på toget.,I spent twelve hours on the train.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Vennligst vis meg bildene.,"Show me the photos, please.",nob_Latn-eng_Latn Dette er huset hvor han ble født.,This is the house in which he was born.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Hun elsket ham fremdeles.,She still loved him.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Ikke nevn krigen!,Don't mention the war!,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg er sikker på at Tom er på vei.,I'm sure Tom is on his way.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Tom arbeider like så flittig som noen annen gutt i klassen.,Tom works as hard as any boy in the class.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg vil trenge litt hjelp med denne oppgaven fordi jeg ikke skjønner det grunnleggende.,I'll need some help with this task because I don't get the basics.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Telefonen var stille.,The telephone was still.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Det bor tilhengere av flere ulike religioner i Hviterussland.,Adherents of various religions live in Belarus.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg svømmer hver dag.,I go swimming every day.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Når var det du sist lånte bøker fra biblioteket?,When was it you last borrowed books from the library?,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Du må lære å gå før du kan løpe.,You've got to walk before you can run.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Denne setningnen har blitt slettet fordi den var en duplikat.,This sentence has been deleted because it was a duplicate.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn "Fortell meg, hvis du blir sliten.","If you're tired, just let me know.",nob_Latn-eng_Latn "Ah, jeg kom på at du sa at du ikke hadde sett paraplyen. Har du funnet den?","Ah, I forgot to ask. Before you said you hadn't seen he umbrella. Have you found it since?",nob_Latn-eng_Latn Hvorfor kom du ikke på lørdag?,Why didn't you turn up on Saturday?,nob_Latn-eng_Latn "Folk kommer til å glemme hva du sa eller gjorde, men de vil aldri glemme hvordan du fikk dem til å føle seg.","People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.",nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg prøvde å få dem ut av buret.,I tried to get out from the cage.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg savnet deg mye mens du var i Frankrike.,I missed you a lot while you were in France.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Hun prøvde å de mye yngre ut enn hun egentlig var.,She tried to look much younger than she actually was.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Hvis frukten er gjæret burde du ikke spise den.,"If the fruit is fermented, you shouldn't eat it.",nob_Latn-eng_Latn Han måket snøen av taket.,He cleared the roof of snow.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Folk vil oversette ting som er mer interresant.,The people want to translate things that are more interesting.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg har dårlig fantasi.,I lack imagination.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Hva skal du gjøre med alle pengene?,What are you going to do with all that money?,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Tom kan ikke bli en poet.,Tom can't be a poet.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Alt skjedde samtidig,Everything happened simultaneously.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Alt skjedde samtidig.,Everything happened at the same time.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Hvorfor solgte du den da?,Then why have you sold it?,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Hva i helvete?,What on earth?,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg har rødt hår.,I'm a redhead.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Det er irriterende å ikke kunne finne feilen i kalkulasjonen min.,It's annoying not being able to find the error in my calculation.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn "Hvis du vasker bilen, vil den skinne l solen.","If you wash the car, it will shine in the sun.",nob_Latn-eng_Latn Lærerern hoppet over oppgaven på side 21.,The teacher skipped the exercise on page 21.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg ville være takknemlig hivs du kjøpte et brød på veien tilbake.,I'd be grateful if you'd buy some bread on the way back.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg synes ikke det ville være en så god idé å oversette den setningen.,I don't think that it would be a good idea to translate this sentence.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn La barna gå av bussen først!,Let the kids off the bus first!,nob_Latn-eng_Latn La oss vite om du kan komme.,Let us know if you can come.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Hva gjør vi om han kommer sent?,What will we do if he's late?,nob_Latn-eng_Latn "Jeg har ekstremt hvit hud, og blir aldri brun.",I have extremely light skin and never tan.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Sist søndag dro familien min til dyrehagen og så pandaer.,Last Sunday my family went to the zoo to see panda bears.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg hadde reparert bilen.,I would have repaired the car.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Bilen ville ha blitt reparert av meg.,The car would have been repaired by me.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Har du en litt mindre?,Do you have one a little smaller?,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Til og med vi ville ha hjulpet deg.,Even we would have helped you.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn For å kunne bli bedre trenger vi et speil.,For our improvement we need a mirror.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Hun latet som om hun ikke hørte meg.,She pretended that she didn't hear me.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Hva betyr katakrese?,What does catachresis mean?,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg hadde ristet brød til frokost.,I ate toast for breakfast.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Kanskje lykkes du.,Maybe you'll succeed.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Det kan ikke være fremgang uten kommunikasjon.,There cannot be progress without communication.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg dro til London i fjor.,We went to London last year.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn "Jeg bor ved sjøen, så jeg drar ofte til kysten.",I live near the sea so I often go to the beach.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg er en uavhengig journalist.,I'm a freelance journalist.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Han har alltid manglet penger.,He's always short of money.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn "Hun er veldig smart, er hun ikke?","She's really smart, isn't she?",nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg så TV i morges.,I watched TV this morning.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Det er slutt mellom oss. Gi meg tilbake ringen!,It's over between us. Give me back my ring!,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg er gift og har to barn.,I am married and have two children.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg lærte at fremmedspråk er veldig gøy.,I find foreign languages very interesting.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Hva er formålet med dette essayet?,What's the purpose of this essay?,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Det er en restaurant her.,There's a restaurant here.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn "For å lage en kake trenger du egg, smør og sukker.","To make a cake, you need egg, butter and sugar.",nob_Latn-eng_Latn Som pensjonist er jeg nå min egen sjef - endelig.,"As a pensioner, I'm my own boss now, finally.",nob_Latn-eng_Latn Tom bommet på målet.,Tom missed the target.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Hun har fått forskrevet medisinsk cannabis for å lindre bivirkningene av cellegift.,She has been prescribed medical cannabis to alleviate the side effects of chemotherapy.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn God natt og sov godt!,Good night and sleep tight!,nob_Latn-eng_Latn "Hvis du trenger litt penger, jeg vil låne deg litt.","If you need any money, I'll lend you some.",nob_Latn-eng_Latn Noen mennesker er helt skruppelløs.,Some people are completely unscrupulous.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Hva sier loven om mobbing?,What does the law say about mobbing?,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg vil ikke være i stand til å gjøre det.,I'm not going to be able to do that.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg håper inderlig Tom's spådommer skjer fyllest.,I sincerely hope that Tom's predictions are going to come true.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Vi må hjelpe ham umiddelbart.,We must help him immediately.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Ingen forstår meg heller.,No one understands me either.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Fluktforsøket hans lyktes.,His escape attempt was successful.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg solgte den for ti dollar.,I sold it for ten dollars.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Når skal hun til utlandet?,When is she to go abroad?,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Han sitter oppe langt ut på nettene.,He sits up till late at night.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg har ikke sett ham på åresvis.,I haven't seen him for years.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg vil takke deg for at du aksepterte invitasjonen min.,I'd like to thank you for accepting my invitation.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Hvor lenge vil du være borte?,How long will you be gone?,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Tom og Mary ville tilbringe resten av livet sammen.,Tom and Mary wanted to spend the rest of their lives together.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Hvor mange barn har du?,How many children do you have?,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Det er alt jeg kan fortelle deg.,That's all I can tell you.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg vet ikke hvor vi vil ankomme.,I don't know where we'll arrive.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Det var to som avholdt å stemme.,There were two abstentions.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Hvor kan jeg kjøpe en billett?,Where can I buy a ticket?,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Det regnet i timesvis.,It rained for hours and hours.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Frem til hvilket klokkeslett kan jeg sjekke inn?,How late can I check in?,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Når kan du komme?,What time can you come?,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Når begynner boarding?,What time does boarding begin?,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Når er du vanligvis ferdig på jobb?,What time do you usually get off your work?,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Når spiste du?,What time did you eat?,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Tom døde i sin velmakt.,Tom died in his prime.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Når starter det?,What time does it start?,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Når stod du opp?,When did you get up?,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Når kommer du hjem?,When will you come home?,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Om sommeren er jeg i bassenget hver dag.,I'm in the pool every day in the summer.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Når bør vi sjekke ut?,When should we check out?,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Du kan ta det du vil.,You may take anything you like.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Hva kommer du til å gjøre?,What are you going to do?,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Hvor mange språk snakker du?,How many languages can you speak?,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Hva med noe kaldt å drikke?,How about something cold to drink?,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg vil ha noe kaldt å drikke.,I want something cold to drink.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn """Er du ferdig?"" ""Nei, jeg har ikke engang begynt.""","""Have you finished?"" ""No, I haven't even started.""",nob_Latn-eng_Latn Si meg hva du vil.,Tell me what you want.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg giftet meg ikke med henne fordi jeg elsket henne.,I didn't marry her because I loved her.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Er det noen medisiner du tar fast?,Are you taking any medicine regularly?,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg har to søskenbarn.,I have two cousins.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg vil ha noe å lese.,I want something to read.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Det er varmt i dag.,It's warm today.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn I opphavslandet Frankrike har Tatoeba blitt et kulturelt og sosialt fenomen.,"In France, where the site was founded, Tatoeba has become a cultural and social phenomenon.",nob_Latn-eng_Latn Kan jeg ta en beskjed?,May I take a message?,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg brast ut i latter da jeg så ham.,I burst out laughing when I saw him.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Gi meg noe å spise.,Give me something to eat.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Kom snart igjen.,Come back soon.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg trodde han ville komme på møtet.,I had expected him at the meeting.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Tyskland er en parlamentarisk republikk.,Germany is a parliamentary republic.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Gi meg noe å skrive på.,Give me something to write on.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Har du noen spørsmål?,Do you have any questions?,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Har du en plan?,Do you have a plan?,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Sannheten vinner ikke alltid.,The truth doesn't always win.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg går uansett hva.,I'll go no matter what.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg går sammen med henne.,I'm walking with her.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Spiller du noen instrumenter?,Can you play any musical instruments?,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Kvadratroten av én er én.,The square root of one is one.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Når jeg gir mat til de fattige kaller de meg helgen. Når jeg spør hvorfor de fattige ikke har noe mat kaller de meg kommunist.,"When I give food to the poor, they call me a saint. When I ask why the poor have no food, they call me a communist.",nob_Latn-eng_Latn Kan jeg få noe å drikke?,May I have something to drink?,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Merk at det ikke alltid finnes et maksimum.,Note that the maximum doesn't always exist.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Vi viser nå hvordan dette lemmaet kan brukes til å bevise hovedteoremet vårt.,"Now, we show how this lemma can be used to prove our main theorem.",nob_Latn-eng_Latn Teoremet er åpenbart sant for endelige mengder.,"Obviously, the theorem is true for finite sets.",nob_Latn-eng_Latn Beviset overlates til leseren.,The proof is left to the reader.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Beviset er trivielt.,The proof is trivial.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn "En, tre og fem er oddetall.","One, three, and five are odd numbers.",nob_Latn-eng_Latn Funksjonene sinus og cosinus antar verdier mellom -1 og 1 (inkludert -1 og 1).,The functions sine and cosine take values between -1 and 1 (-1 and 1 included).,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Hva er i veien med deg?,What is the matter with you?,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Hva er galt med deg?,What's wrong with you?,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg leste at presidenten i Brasil er en kvinne. Hun heter Dilma.,I read that the president of Brazil is a woman. Her name is Dilma.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg hadde en inspirasjon.,I had an inspiration.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg gikk ut etter å ha bedt Jordan passe på huset.,"Having asked Jordan to watch after the house, I went out.",nob_Latn-eng_Latn Kan jeg gjøre noe for deg?,Can I do anything for you?,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg er redd for å miste deg.,I'm afraid of losing you.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Merket du noen endring?,Did you notice any change?,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Du trenger en midlertidig bro.,You'll need a temporary bridge.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn La oss høre på litt musikk.,Let's listen to some music.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg gråt hele natten.,I cried all night long.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg spiller i et band.,I play in a band.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Snakker du til meg?,Are you talking to me?,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Kjøpte du en tur-retur billett?,Did you buy a round trip ticket?,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg kjøpte en tur-retur billett.,I bought a round-trip ticket.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Er din kone flink å lage mat?,Is your wife a good cook?,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Din kone er sint på deg.,Your wife is mad at you.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Kunne du gitt meg saltet?,Will you pass me the salt?,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg kjøpte et dusin blyanter i dag.,I bought a dozen pencils today.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Han var blant de første som begynte å føle dette.,He was among the first to start feeling like this.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Vennligst skriv med blyant.,Please write with a pencil.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn "Hva er tyngre, bly eller gull?","Which is heavier, lead or gold?",nob_Latn-eng_Latn Bare forsyn deg med kake.,Please help yourself to the cake.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Ikke nøl med å spørre om råd.,Don't hesitate to ask for advice.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Røyking er skadelig for helsen.,Smoking is harmful to your health.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Han lot oss vente i mer enn en time.,He kept us waiting for more than an hour.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Vi skal på teateret.,We're going to the theater.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Det er ti minutters spassertur til stasjonen.,It's ten minutes' walk to the station.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Det kan jeg forsikre deg om.,I can assure you of that.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Det er ganske langt til stasjonen.,The station is pretty far.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Stasjonen er to engelske mil borte.,The station is two miles away.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Det er ingen butikker nær huset mitt.,There are no shops near my house.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Stasjonen er hundre meter borte.,The station is 100 meters away.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg snakker litt engelsk.,I can speak a little English.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Å lære engelsk er hardt arbeid.,Learning English is hard work.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Har du engelsk-ordbok?,Do you have an English dictionary?,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg skulle ønske jeg kunne snakke engelsk.,I wish I could speak English.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Og jeg ønsker å nevne en detalj til.,And I would like to mention another detail.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Det er varmt nok til å svømme.,It's warm enough to swim.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Det er altfor kaldt til å svømme.,It's much too cold to swim.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Hva med å ta en svømmetur?,How about going for a swim?,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Ser jeg syner?,Am I seeing things?,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg var på kino.,I was at a movie theater.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Når begynner filmen?,When does the movie start?,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Filmen begynner klokken ti.,The movie starts at ten o'clock.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Mosjon er godt for helsen.,Exercise is good for your health.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Har du førerkort?,Do you have a driver's license?,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Sjåfører bør bruke sikkerhetsbelte.,Drivers should wear seat belts.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg vil nevne en ting til.,I would like to mention one more thing.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Du er for full til å kjøre.,You're too drunk to drive.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Det er galt å lyge.,It is wrong to tell lies.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Regnet varte hele natten.,The rain lasted through the night.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Regnet gikk over til snø.,The rain changed into snow.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg har glemt hans navn.,I forget his name.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn De setter ned prisen på varene i den butikken.,They mark down goods at that shop.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Regnet varte i fire dager.,The rain lasted four days.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Regnet varte i en uke.,The rain lasted a week.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Når begynte det å regne?,When did it begin to rain?,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Regnet fortsatte hele dagen.,The rain continued all day.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn "Hvis det regnet, går jeg ikke.","In case it rains, I won't go.",nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg skulle ønske det ville sluttet å regne.,I wish it would stop raining.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn La oss vente til det slutter å regne.,Let's wait until it stops raining.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg blir hvis det regner.,I'll stay if it rains.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg feier golvet.,I sweep the floor.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg holdt meg inne fordi det regnet.,I stayed indoors because it rained.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg kan ikke løfte min høyre arm.,I can't lift my right arm.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg kan ikke bøye min høyre arm.,I can't bend my right arm.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Min høyre hånd er nummen.,My right hand is numb.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Det er mange folk som vil snakke med Tom.,There are a lot of people who want to talk to Tom.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Ta veien til høyre.,Take the road on the right.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Kan jeg tilby deg en drink?,May I offer you a drink?,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Hvor gammel er den eldste?,What is the age of the oldest?,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Kan du gi meg noe å drikke?,Will you give me a drink?,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg glemte å låse skuffen.,I forgot to lock the drawer.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Det var kjærlighet ved første blikk.,It was love at first sight.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn "Kunne du lånt meg 10,000 yen?","Can you lend me 10,000 yen?",nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg er delvis enig med deg.,I partly agree with you.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Kan jeg kjøpe deg en drink?,Can I buy you a drink?,nob_Latn-eng_Latn "Jeg tror det å elske penger, er noe vi alle har til felles.",I think the love of money is common to us all.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg kjøper deg en drink.,I'll buy you a drink.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn La meg kjøpe deg en drink.,Let me buy you a drink.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Det regnet uten stans hele dagen.,It rained continuously all day.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Det regnet kraftig hele dagen.,It rained hard all day.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Kan du ta en dag fri?,Can you get a day off?,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg har ikke møtt ham en eneste gang.,I haven't met him even once.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Gjør en ting om gangen.,Do one thing at a time.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg vil ikke gå alene.,I don't want to go alone.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Hun lot ham gå alene.,She allowed him to go alone.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Du kan ikke løfte pianoet alene.,You cannot lift the piano alone.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Kom du her alene?,Did you come here alone?,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Kan jeg løpe med deg?,May I run with you?,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Å stå opp klokka seks er greit for meg.,Getting up at six o'clock is okay for me.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Får jeg komme inn?,May I come in?,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Vi har tenkt å bli en uke.,We plan to stay a week.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Han tok en uke fri.,He took a week off.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg møtte henne for en time siden.,I met her an hour ago.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Det sluttet å snø for en time siden.,It stopped snowing an hour ago.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg er tilbake innen en time.,I'll be back within an hour.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Kan jeg få en bit?,Can I have a bite?,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Han har ikke hode til hoderegning.,He's doesn't have a head for numbers.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg vil synge en sang.,I want to sing a song.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Hva med å hvile litt?,How about taking a rest?,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Kunne du gjort meg en tjeneste?,Would you do me a favor?,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Kan jeg bruke helseforsikringen min?,Can I use my medical insurance?,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Tilkall en lege.,Please call me a doctor.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Gikk du til legen?,Did you go to the doctor?,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg tror han er lege.,I think he is a doctor.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Den er under stolen.,It is under the chair.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg har fremdeles ikke hørt fra ham.,I still haven't heard from him.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Har du møtt henne før?,Have you met her before?,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg har alltid ville møte deg.,I've always wanted to meet you.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg kommer aldri til å gjøre dette igjen.,I'll never do this again.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Kunne du sendt meg en brosjyre?,Could you send me a brochure?,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Ikke gå ut etter det har blitt mørkt.,Don't go out after dark.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Vi har tatt en endelig beslutning.,We've made a final decision.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg skammer meg.,I am ashamed of myself.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg jobber i Tokyo nå.,I'm working in Tokyo now.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg skal til Europa neste uke.,I'm going to Europe next week.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg gikk opp bakken.,I walked up the hill.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg så ham løpe sin vei.,I saw him run away.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg liker både hunder og katter.,I like both dogs and cats.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg vil dra sammen med deg.,I want to go with you.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Dette skjønner jeg rett og slett ikke.,I simply don't understand this.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg var ikke på festen.,I was absent from the party.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg mente ikke å gjøre det.,I didn't mean to do that.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg vet ikke hvor jeg skal begynne.,I don't know where to start.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Vi importerer te fra India.,We import tea from India.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Kan jeg få se vinkartet?,May I see the wine list?,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Vin lages av druer.,Wine is made from grapes.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Har du vært i London før?,Have you been to London before?,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Hva er klokken i London nå?,What time is it in London now?,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg bestilte en bok fra London.,I ordered a book from London.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Har du vært i Paris før?,Have you ever gone to Paris?,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Har du besøkt Roma?,Have you ever visited Rome?,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Vennligst betal ved kassen.,Please pay at the register.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Hva synes du om reggae?,What do you think of reggae?,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Tom skal prøve å være der presis.,Tom will try to be there on time.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg kan ikke forstå hvis du snakker norsk.,I can't understand if you speak Norwegian.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Lysforurensning er et alvorlig problem.,Light pollution is a serious problem.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn En mann som velger å engasjere seg såpass i politikken at han blir synlig for de fleste vil ha best av å ikke ha skjeletter i skapet.,"A man who chooses to commit himself in politics to the extent where he becomes a visible figure, would do himself a favor by not having skeletons in the closet.",nob_Latn-eng_Latn Nesten river ingen mann fra hesten.,A miss is as good as a mile.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Dette er en ny modell.,This is a new model.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Hanako tvilte på hans oppriktighet.,Hanako questioned his sincerity.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Vi hadde ikke noe sted å bo.,We had nowhere to live.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Hun ble mer populær i byen.,She won popularity in the town.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Det har gått noen uker.,It's been a few weeks.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg er ikke det minste overrasket.,I'm not surprised one bit.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom og Mary slo opp for to år siden, men nylig ble de sammen igjen,","Two years ago Tom and Mary split up, but recently they got together again.",nob_Latn-eng_Latn "Som du kan se lever jeg ennå, og det er det som teller. Min far sier også at det er det viktigste.","As you can see, I'm still alive, and that's the main thing. My father, too, says that's what's most important.",nob_Latn-eng_Latn "Doktor, jeg klør i skrittet.","Doctor, I've got an itch in my crotch.",nob_Latn-eng_Latn Er romanen hans god?,Is his novel any good?,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Vi har mindre snø enn vanlig.,We have less snow here than usual.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg sverger at jeg vil alltid beskytte deg.,I swear I'll always protect you.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Tom har færre venner enn meg.,Tom has fewer friends than I do.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Hun avbrøt meg.,She interrupted me.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Det er jammen mye trafikk i dag.,There sure is a lot of traffic today.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Dine problemer er ikke min bekymring.,Your problems don't concern me.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Skipet synker.,The ship is sinking.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Texas grenser til Mexico.,Texas borders on Mexico.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Han så på skipet gjennom teleskopet sitt.,He looked at the ship through his telescope.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Skipet kom gradvis til syne.,The ship gradually came in sight.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Skipet seiler mot Honolulu i morgen.,The ship sails for Honolulu tomorrow.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Skipet er nå i havnen.,The ship is now in the harbor.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Skipet hadde amerikansk flagg.,The ship was flying the American flag.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Skipet gikk på grunn.,The ship ran aground.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn "OK, da kan dere gå hjem.","OK, you're free to go home.",nob_Latn-eng_Latn Dette er et varsel som vi må ta på alvor.,This is a warning that we must take seriously.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Gå til fots.,Go on foot.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Det var aldri vanskelig for oss å finne noe å snakke om.,It was never hard for us to find something to talk about.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Det går ikke å fikse motoren.,I can't fix the engine.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Motoren går fint.,The engine runs smoothly.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Går det bra med deg?,Are you alright?,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Går alt bra her?,Is everything alright here?,nob_Latn-eng_Latn "Hvilket slips går best med denne skjorten, synes du?","Which tie goes best with this shirt, do you think?",nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg kunne ikke se Toms ansikt.,I couldn't see Tom's face.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Slaget varte en uke.,The battle lasted a week.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Kraftig forsinket Norwegian-flyet fra Hartsfield-Jackson flyplassen i Atlanta til Oslo kunne endelig sette kursen for Norge tirsdag kveld.,A heavily delayed Norwegian airplane was able to finally depart from the Hartsfield-Jackson airport in Atlanta and head for Oslo on Tuesday night.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Hvor ble du av?,Where did you go?,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Hvorfor ligger vi så langt på bak?,Why are we so behind on this?,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Det gjør ikke noe.,It does not matter.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Hvilken veien tok han?,Which way did he go?,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Det er jo bare en ulykke!,It's just an accident!,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Hvem er det jeg snakker med?,Who's this I'm talking to?,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Skal vi stikke å kjøpe den?,Should we go and buy that?,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Det går ikke an å bruke denne boka.,Using this book doesn't work at all.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Hun kopierte en setning.,She copied a sentence.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Det kommer jo an på åssen du teller dem.,It depends on how you count them.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Hvor langt tid tok det å planlegge?,How long does it take to plan?,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Det vet vel du!,You know it well!,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg sa at Tom skulle roe seg ned.,I told Tom to calm down.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Det er jo milevis fra det riktige svaret.,It's miles away from the correct answer.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Så bra at du er i gang igjen.,It's good that you are into this again.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Hun trenger hjelp.,She needs help.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Da fikk jeg enda mer panikk.,Then I panicked even more.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Tror du han snakket sånt?,Do you think he was telling the truth?,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Hun vannet et tre.,She watered a tree.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Har du levert inn stilen?,Have you turned in your report?,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg er stolt av dere.,I'm proud of all of you.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Hun vant en telefon.,She won a phone.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Hun bar en maske.,She wore a mask.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Lag A vant kampen mot lag B.,Team A won the game against team B.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Tom og Mary bor på en gård og har 16 barn.,Tom and Mary live on a farm and have 16 children.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Vi vil snart få vite sannheten.,We'll soon know the truth.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn "Jeg ber deg stemme på Arbeiderpartiet, fordi da får du en regjering som kan ta ansvar for landets økonomi.","I am asking you to vote for the Labour Party, because that would give you a government that can truly take responsibility for the county's economy.",nob_Latn-eng_Latn Han er immun mot fristelser.,He is proof against temptation.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Det snødde kontinuerlig i fire dager.,The snow lasted four days.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Dyret kjempet for å komme seg ut av buret.,The animal struggled to get out of the cage.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg har sett nok for nå.,I've seen enough for now.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Hun oversatte et dikt.,She translated a poem.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Vi spiller fotball hver lørdag.,We play soccer every Saturday.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Tom hostet opp litt blod.,Tom coughed up some blood.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg vil ha litt penger.,I want some money.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn De har kjøtt.,They have meat.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Tom vil snakke med deg.,Tom would like to talk to you.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn De følger ikke etter meg.,They're not following me.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg vil ta henne med hit.,I want to bring her here.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn "Hvordan har du det, Mike?","How are you, Mike?",nob_Latn-eng_Latn Det kommer til å bli vanskelig å overtale Tom til å synge.,It's going to be hard to convince Tom to sing.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn "Unnskyld meg, jeg har en forespørsel.","Excuse me, I have a request.",nob_Latn-eng_Latn Finnes vannmeloner uten frø?,Do seedless watermelons exist?,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Alt du trenger å gjøre er å snakke.,All you have to do is talk.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn "Når du har et spørsmål, spør læreren.","When you have a question, ask the teacher.",nob_Latn-eng_Latn Tror du de mistenker meg?,Do you think they suspect me?,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Ikke vær sint.,Don't be angry.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Ikke tro på ham.,Don't believe him.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Er det blått?,Is it blue?,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Bestem hvilken tid du ønsker å stå opp om morgenen.,Decide what time you wish to stay up in the morning.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Døren er låst.,The door's locked.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Klokken min må repareres.,My watch needs to be repaired.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Går klokken din rett?,Is your watch correct?,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg respekterer uselviskheten hans.,I respect his selflessness.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn La oss gå og legge oss.,Let's go to sleep.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Han mistet livet i en ulykke.,He lost his life in an accident.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn "Aldri skriv orda ""borsjtsj"" og ""sjtsji"" på tysk!","Never write the words ""bortsch"" and ""shchi"" in German!",nob_Latn-eng_Latn Han tar aldri toget.,He never takes the train.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg solgte bilen.,I sold the car.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Har du en ordbok?,Do you have a dictionary?,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Møtet ble holdt her.,The meeting was held here.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg drikker kaffe.,I drink coffee.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Alkohol løser ingen problemer.,Alcohol doesn't solve any problems.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Maktspråk er det eneste de forstår.,Force is the only language they understand.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Livet er som en stor hovedvei.,Life is like a big highway.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Hvem tror du romanens forfatter er?,Who do you think the author of this novel is?,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Har du noen gang vært i utlandet?,Have you ever been abroad?,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Han oversatte Homer fra gresk til engelsk.,He translated Homer from the Greek into English.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Han er biolog.,He's a biologist.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Beklager for at jeg er sen til møtet.,Sorry I'm late for the meeting.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg vet ikke hva er klokka.,I don't know what the time is.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Han er min biologiske far.,He's my biological father.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn "Hvor bor du, forresten?","By the way, where do you live?",nob_Latn-eng_Latn Tomi er heroinmisbruker.,Tom is a heroin addict.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Barnet har blitt utsatt for stråling.,The infant has been exposed to radioactive rays.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Han er med sine foreldre.,He's with his parents.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Et liv uten han er tomt.,My life is hollow without him.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg vet ikke om han vet det.,I don't know if he knows it.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Vi må alle stå opp mot dette.,We all must stand up against this.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg bestemte meg for å bli en dag til.,I decided to stay one more day.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Hvorfor ringte han meg?,Why did he call me?,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg fylte glasset opp.,I filled the glass.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Hvalen er et veldig stort pattedyr som lever i sjøen.,The whale is a very large mammal who lives in the sea.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn """Hopp over grøfta."" ""Jeg gjør det hvis du gjør det.""","""Jump across the ditch."" ""I will if you will.""",nob_Latn-eng_Latn Hvem var det som skrev disse to brevene?,Who was it who wrote these two letters?,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Alle bussene er fulle.,All of the buses are full.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Atombomber er en fare for menneskeheten.,Atomic bombs are a danger to the human race.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg var hos tannlegen i dag.,Today I went to the dentist's.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn "Du hadde uflaks, jeg kom tilbake fem minutter etter at du gikk.",You were unlucky; I came back five minutes after you'd left.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Vitenskap bygger vår livsstil.,Science builds our lifestyle.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Vold er det eneste språket de forstår.,Violence is the only language they understand.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg vet ikke hvor gammel Tom er.,I don't know how old Tom is.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg tror kofferten min har blitt stjålet.,I think my suitcase was stolen.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Melk holder seg ikke lenge når det er varmt.,Milk doesn't last long in warm weather.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Men arbeidet er ferdig.,However the work is finished.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg liker ikke kaker.,I don't like cookies.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn "Dyptvannsfisker får aldri se lys, og ernærer seg hele livet på rester som kom ovenfra.",Deep water fish never see the light and live all their lives from the scraps that come from above.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn "Jeg skal ikke gjøre noe spesielt i dag, kanskje ligge på sofaen og se på TV, eller noe sånt.",I am not doing anything special today. Perhaps I will just lie down on the couch and watch TV or something.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Hva skal du være?,What are you going to be?,nob_Latn-eng_Latn "Hyggelig å treffe deg, fru Jones.","Nice to meet you, Mrs Jones.",nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg hater dere alle som dere er.,I hate you all as you are.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg brukte opp hele lønnen min på en dag.,I spent all my wages in one day.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Hva skjedde med Tom?,What happened to Tom?,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg kom for å se dere.,I came to see you.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn "Når man ber om penger, må man akseptere visse betingelser.","When we borrow money, we must agree on the conditions.",nob_Latn-eng_Latn Du skulle ha hørt på meg.,You should have listened to me.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Pasienten ble overført til kardiologisk avdeling.,The patient was transferred to the cardiology ward.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn "Maria er ikke virkelig syk, hun bare later som.",Mary isn't really sick; she's just pretending.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Den gloke kuzdra budlante bokren stekt og kurdjatjer den lille bokren.,A glock coozdre has steckly boodled a boker and is curding a bokerlet.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Tom gjorde det samme i 2013.,Tom did the same thing in 2013.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg var klar over det.,I was aware of that.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Det sies at han skrev denne boken.,It is said that he wrote this book.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Kona mi elsker katter.,My wife loves cats.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg leser denne avisen.,I'm reading this newspaper.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg er opptatt akkurat nå.,I'm pretty busy right now.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Hvor mange land er det i verden?,How many countries are there in the world?,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Hvem sin te er det?,Whose tea is this?,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Det er to jenter i lekeplassen.,There are two girls in the playground.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Etter oss syndfloden.,"After us, the Deluge.",nob_Latn-eng_Latn Du kan ikke erstatte kommaet med et punktum i denne setningen.,You can't replace the comma with a period in this sentence.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Du snakker engelsk.,You speak English.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Inntekten min har sunket med ti prosent.,My income has decreased ten percent.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg har ikke lyst til å svømme.,I don't want to swim.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg vet ingenting om henne.,I know nothing about her.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg dro fra Japan for ti år siden.,I left Japan ten years ago.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn I dag er fødselsdagen av dattera di.,Today is your daughter's birthday.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Det er ei jente i dette rommet.,There is a girl in this room.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Fortell meg noe om familien din.,Tell me something about your family.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg må forklare det for Tom.,I have to explain this to Tom.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Du ville ikke være i stand til å fortelle.,You wouldn't be able to tell.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg takler ikke å leve alene.,I can't stand to live alone.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg er ikke sikker på hva jeg skal si.,I wasn't quite sure what to say.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Emily skrev setningen.,Emily wrote the sentence.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jane har gjort oppgaven sin.,Jane has been doing her assignment.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Det er et fint skip.,This is a fine ship.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg reiste til Sverige.,I went to Sweden.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg reiste til Norge.,I went to Norway.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Tom sa du ville forstå.,Tom said you would understand.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Hun sang en sang.,She was singing a song.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn "Katten min har en stor, hvit, buskete hale.","My cat has a big, white, bushy tail.",nob_Latn-eng_Latn Du blir urettferdig behandlet.,You were treated unfairly.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Gulvet er så skittent at det må vaskes.,The floor is so dirty that It requires washing.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Gir du meg smøret?,"Pass me the butter, please.",nob_Latn-eng_Latn Ulykken skjedde i en sving.,The accident took place at that corner.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Har du en rød blyant?,Do you have a red pencil?,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg hører bare deg.,I hear only you.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg ser ingenting uten briller.,I can't see anything without my glasses.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Gudene vet hvor han har blitt av.,God only knows where he has gone.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg har ikke vært i dyrehagen før.,I didn't go to the zoo.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Tom sa at jeg er den eneste som tror ham.,Tom said I was the only one who believed him.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Vi tror ikke på det.,I don't believe that.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn "Vær vennlig og sett meg over til Smith, er du snill.",Could you please transfer me to Mr. Smith?,nob_Latn-eng_Latn "Aleksander, en venn av meg, snakker spansk.",My friend Alexander speaks Spanish.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg underviser geografi.,I teach geography.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg merket ikke at jeg hadde mistet lommeboka før jeg først hadde kommet hjem.,I never even noticed I'd lost my wallet until I got home.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Du bør tenke på religionene deres.,You should think of their religions.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Mareritt er skumle.,Nightmares are scary.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Det er 45 elever i klassen.,Our class has forty-five students.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Lillebroren hans er en kjent fotballspiller.,His little brother is a famous soccer player.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Han takler enhver utfordring.,He can overcome any obstacle.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Tony er en høflig gutt.,Tony is a polite boy.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Vi skal til innsjøen og spise lunsj.,We are going to the lake to have lunch.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Hva vil du vite?,What do you want to know?,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg har tenkt å vie meg selv til å studere til prøven.,I will devote myself to studying for the entrance exams.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Vær så snill og hold oss informerte.,Please let us know.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn De trenger ikke å vite noe.,They don't have to know.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Dette er første gang regjeringen har gjort landsdekkende undersøkelser angående selvmord.,This is the first time the government has done a nationwide investigation regarding suicides.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn "Når en jente har sex for første gang, begynner det å blø når jomfruhinnen revnes.","When a girl has sex for the first time, her hymen ruptures and bleeds.",nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg vil elske deg for resten av livet.,I'll love you for the rest of my life.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Hun lager eplesyltetøy.,She used the apples to make the jam.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Alle veier fører til Rom.,All roads lead to Rome.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Bør jeg ta denne veien eller den veien?,"Should I go this way, or that way?",nob_Latn-eng_Latn Hva har du tenkt å gjøre med dette kameraet?,What are you going to do with this camera?,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Alle bøker kan deles inn i to kategorier.,All books can be divided into two categories.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Lukk døren.,Shut the door.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Hun er en dyktig tennisspiller.,She is a good tennis player.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn «Søren! Jeg glemte paraplyen min på toget.» «Din rotekopp!»,"""Damn it! I forgot my umbrella on the train."" ""Scatterbrain!""",nob_Latn-eng_Latn "Vi har den i din størrelse, men ikke i den fargen.","We have your size, but not in that color.",nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg kan ikke snakke fransk eller tysk.,I can't speak French or German.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Det skjer bare av og til.,That only happens occasionally.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Har du bestemt deg for om du sykler eller tar bussen til byen?,Have you decided whether you are going into town by bike or by bus?,nob_Latn-eng_Latn "Selv om han gjorde det bra på eksamen, er ikke den muntlige kinesisken hans nødvendigvis like god som din.","Although he did well in the exam, his spoken Chinese is not necessarily as good as yours.",nob_Latn-eng_Latn Vi skyndte oss til togstasjonen.,We hurried to the train station.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn "Jeg har to barn, det ene er i Beijing og det andre i Nagoya.","I have two children, one in is Beijing and the other one is in Nagoya.",nob_Latn-eng_Latn Det er mange trær på landet.,There are lots of trees in the countryside.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn "Uansett hva du gjør, ikke le!","No matter what you do, don't laugh!",nob_Latn-eng_Latn "George, skru av radioen hvis du ikke hører på den.","George, if you are not listening to the radio then turn it off.",nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg har vært under en del press den siste tiden.,I have been under a lot of pressure lately.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn "Hvis du sårer andre, sårer du også deg selv.","When you hurt others, you also hurt yourself.",nob_Latn-eng_Latn Du er virkelig en idiot.,You really are an idiot.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Jeg ringer deg i kveld klokken syv.,I'll ring you up at seven this evening.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Du blir vant til det.,You will get used to it.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Tom er en bedre tennisspiller enn alle andre her.,Tom can play tennis better than anyone else here.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Han jobber tregt.,She works slowly.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Tom kom på middagsbesøk i går.,Tom came over to my house for dinner yesterday.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Han er en sefardiske jøde.,He's a Sephardic Jew.,nob_Latn-eng_Latn Lu semblar es constatatione.,It seems to be his statement.,nov_Latn-eng_Latn Me manja hir.,I eat here.,nov_Latn-eng_Latn "Yes, lu es constatatione de certeni legende del familie Baskerville.","Yes, it is the statement of a certain legend of the Baskerville family.",nov_Latn-eng_Latn "Nusen Patre, kel es in ciele, mey vun nome bli sanctificar.","Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name.",nov_Latn-eng_Latn Dona a les pekunie.,Give them money.,nov_Latn-eng_Latn Ob vu venir?,Do you come?,nov_Latn-eng_Latn "Donar a nus disidi li omnidiali pane, e pardonar a nus nusen ofensos, com anke nus pardonar a nusen ofensantes.","Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors.",nov_Latn-eng_Latn "E non ducter nus en tentatione, ma liberisar nus fro malu.","And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.",nov_Latn-eng_Latn Les non envadad.,They did not enter.,nov_Latn-eng_Latn Li doctore tirad li papere ec sen poshe.,The doctor pulled the paper from his pocket.,nov_Latn-eng_Latn La donad li hunda a sen amikes.,She gave the dog to her friends.,nov_Latn-eng_Latn Li oldi homo morid in lesen chambre.,The old person died in their room.,nov_Latn-eng_Latn Me envadad lan chambre.,I entered her room.,nov_Latn-eng_Latn Dona tum a me.,Give me that.,nov_Latn-eng_Latn Lo prisentad li fraudo a men amike.,He showed the forgery to my friends.,nov_Latn-eng_Latn La parlad ofte pri nusen maledictione.,She often spoke about our curse.,nov_Latn-eng_Latn Dona pupe a la.,Give her a doll.,nov_Latn-eng_Latn Let me vada!,Let me go!,nov_Latn-eng_Latn "Nusen Patre, kel es in siele, mey vun nome bli sanktifika.","Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be your name.",nov_Latn-eng_Latn Vu have un mesaje.,There is a message for you.,nov_Latn-eng_Latn Me jus resivad vun mesaje.,I just got your message.,nov_Latn-eng_Latn Me ve dona a le vun mesaje quand le ariva.,I'll give him your message when he comes.,nov_Latn-eng_Latn Ob me pove lasa un mesaje?,May I leave a message?,nov_Latn-eng_Latn Lo manja.,He is eating.,nov_Latn-eng_Latn Dona a me li libre.,Give me the book.,nov_Latn-eng_Latn Qualim vu solud li probleme?,How did you solve the problem?,nov_Latn-eng_Latn Me komprenda li probleme.,I understand the problem.,nov_Latn-eng_Latn Me did venir a Japon fro China.,I came to Japan from China.,nov_Latn-eng_Latn Dona a lo tempe.,Give him time.,nov_Latn-eng_Latn Lo non dicte.,He does not say.,nov_Latn-eng_Latn Li kate drinka milke.,The cat drinks milk.,nov_Latn-eng_Latn Dona a nus pase!,Give us peace!,nov_Latn-eng_Latn "Bon jorne, doktoro Mortimer.","Good day, Doctor Mortimer.",nov_Latn-eng_Latn Bon jorne. Ob vu es sinioro Sherlock Holmes?,Good day. Are you Mr. Sherlock Holmes?,nov_Latn-eng_Latn Yer me finad li labore.,I finished the job yesterday.,nov_Latn-eng_Latn "No, lo es men amike, doctoro Watson.","No, he is my friend, Doctor Watson.",nov_Latn-eng_Latn "Plesure ke me renkontrar vu, doktoro.","Pleasure to meet you, Doctor.",nov_Latn-eng_Latn Me savar vun nome.,I know your name.,nov_Latn-eng_Latn "Sinioro Holmes, vu tre multim interesar me.","Mr. Holmes, you are very interesting to me.",nov_Latn-eng_Latn Me observar fro vun fingres ke vu fumar.,I observe from your fingers that you smoke.,nov_Latn-eng_Latn Ob vu voli vada?,You want to go?,nov_Latn-eng_Latn Bonvolir sidar e fumar.,Please sit down and smoke.,nov_Latn-eng_Latn Pro quu vu visitar mes disdi?,Why have you visited us today?,nov_Latn-eng_Latn Me haver seriosi e exterordinari probleme.,I have a serious and extraordinary problem.,nov_Latn-eng_Latn Me realisar ke vu es li duesmi autoritate in Europa.,I realise that you are the second authority in Europe.,nov_Latn-eng_Latn "Ya, sinioro! Que es unesmi?","Indeed, sir! Who is the first?",nov_Latn-eng_Latn Ob le deve vada?,Ought I to go?,nov_Latn-eng_Latn Vu deve vada.,You should go.,nov_Latn-eng_Latn Li laboro de Monsieur Bertillon semblar bon a sciential home.,The work of Monsieur Bertillon seems good to a scientific person.,nov_Latn-eng_Latn "Mey vun regno veni; mey on fa vun volio, kom in siele anke sur tere.","Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.",nov_Latn-eng_Latn Vus pove vada.,You are allowed to go.,nov_Latn-eng_Latn "Lu semblar bon a sciential home, ma me preferar consultar vu in practical coses.","It seems good to a scientific person, but I prefer to consult you in practical matters.",nov_Latn-eng_Latn Me esperar ke me non ofenser vu.,I hope I haven't offended you.,nov_Latn-eng_Latn Vu es li plu bon.,You're the best.,nov_Latn-eng_Latn Nur pokim. Racontar a mes li nature de vun probleme.,Only a little. Tell us the nature of your problem.,nov_Latn-eng_Latn Dona a me altri exemple.,Give me another example.,nov_Latn-eng_Latn Dona a me exemple.,Give me an example.,nov_Latn-eng_Latn Me observar vu.,I observe you.,nov_Latn-eng_Latn Vu observar me.,You observe me.,nov_Latn-eng_Latn Lu es men hunde.,It is my dog.,nov_Latn-eng_Latn Lu es men.,It is mine.,nov_Latn-eng_Latn Ob vu vole senda un mesaje?,Do you want to send a message?,nov_Latn-eng_Latn "Vu interesar me multim, sinioro Watson.","You interest me very much, Mr. Watson.",nov_Latn-eng_Latn "E vus, doctoro Watson e siniore Holmes, interesar me.","And you, Doctor Watson and Mr. Holmes, interest me.",nov_Latn-eng_Latn Nus svima in li lage.,We swam in the lake.,nov_Latn-eng_Latn Me savar vusen seriosi e exterordinari probleme.,I know your serious and extraordinary problem.,nov_Latn-eng_Latn Losen laboro semblar bon a me.,Their work seems good to me.,nov_Latn-eng_Latn Nus non fumar ma bonvolir sidar e fumar.,"We don't smoke, but be willing to sit and smoke.",nov_Latn-eng_Latn La observar men bon amike.,She observes my good friend.,nov_Latn-eng_Latn Ob lo rencontrar les disdi?,Has he met them today?,nov_Latn-eng_Latn "Yes, les visitar lon bon amike, doctoro Mortimer.","Yes, they visited his good friend, Doctor Mortimer.",nov_Latn-eng_Latn Tom es men amike.,Tom's my friend.,nov_Latn-eng_Latn Li hunde interesar nus: le nur sidar e observar.,The dog interests us: it only sits and observes.,nov_Latn-eng_Latn Me non dormi multum.,I don't sleep a lot.,nov_Latn-eng_Latn Le mantenad len promise.,She kept her promise.,nov_Latn-eng_Latn Lasa le vada.,Let go of it.,nov_Latn-eng_Latn Las haver autoritate in Europa.,They have authority in Europe.,nov_Latn-eng_Latn Nus voli vada.,We want to go.,nov_Latn-eng_Latn Lan familie preferar non fumar.,Her family prefers not to smoke.,nov_Latn-eng_Latn Vu es pande.,You are a panda.,nov_Latn-eng_Latn "Holmes e Watson, pro quu vusen problemes interesar me?","Holmes and Watson, why do your problems interest me?",nov_Latn-eng_Latn Ob vus savar ke lus es men problemes?,Do you know that they are my problems?,nov_Latn-eng_Latn Li profesore ridetad.,The professor smiled.,nov_Latn-eng_Latn Me preferar dicter.,I prefer to say.,nov_Latn-eng_Latn Nus non savar lu.,We don't know it.,nov_Latn-eng_Latn Pro quu vus visitar mes?,Why are you visiting us?,nov_Latn-eng_Latn Let nus manja.,Let's eat lunch.,nov_Latn-eng_Latn Que visitar nus?,Who is visiting us?,nov_Latn-eng_Latn Vu non deve vada.,You shouldn't go.,nov_Latn-eng_Latn Ob vu es lan amike?,Are you her friend?,nov_Latn-eng_Latn Ob vu savar li familie?,Do you know the family?,nov_Latn-eng_Latn La voli vada.,He wants to go.,nov_Latn-eng_Latn Ob vu manjad?,Have you eaten?,nov_Latn-eng_Latn Me es in li chare.,I'm in the car.,nov_Latn-eng_Latn Dona a le tempe.,Just give it time.,nov_Latn-eng_Latn Vu mus vada.,You must go.,nov_Latn-eng_Latn Los did gana.,They did win.,nov_Latn-eng_Latn "Zero, un, du, tri, quar, pent, six, set, ot, nin, dec.","One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten.",nov_Latn-eng_Latn Me sal manja.,I will eat.,nov_Latn-eng_Latn Dona a me li kuliere.,Give me the spoon.,nov_Latn-eng_Latn Tom did envada li koridore.,Tom stepped out into the hallway.,nov_Latn-eng_Latn Dona a me tempe.,Give me time.,nov_Latn-eng_Latn Dise autobuse es vadant a Minsk.,This bus is going to Minsk.,nov_Latn-eng_Latn Ob vu resivad li mesaje?,Did you get the message?,nov_Latn-eng_Latn Me ve vada.,I'm going to go.,nov_Latn-eng_Latn Qualim vu standa?,How are you doing?,nov_Latn-eng_Latn Qualim vus standa?,How do you do?,nov_Latn-eng_Latn Qualim le manja!,"My, how she eats!",nov_Latn-eng_Latn Lu es exter li questione.,It's out of the question.,nov_Latn-eng_Latn Dona a me plu de milke!,Give me more milk!,nov_Latn-eng_Latn Li sune luma.,The sun is shining.,nov_Latn-eng_Latn Dona a me sigarete.,Give me a cigarette.,nov_Latn-eng_Latn Quum vu manjad?,What did you eat?,nov_Latn-eng_Latn Li automobile did es demolit.,The car was totaled.,nov_Latn-eng_Latn Tom desire nur un tase de tee.,Tom only wants one cup of tea.,nov_Latn-eng_Latn Vu vud deve manja omnidaili dejune.,You should eat breakfast every day.,nov_Latn-eng_Latn Les lasad me vada.,They let me go.,nov_Latn-eng_Latn Me voli vada.,I want to go.,nov_Latn-eng_Latn Es pome sub li pupitre.,There is an apple under the desk.,nov_Latn-eng_Latn Ob nus pove vada?,Can we go?,nov_Latn-eng_Latn Es metro in Kazan.,There is a metro in Kazan.,nov_Latn-eng_Latn Ob les voli manja?,Do you want to eat?,nov_Latn-eng_Latn Li yunas ganad.,The girls won.,nov_Latn-eng_Latn Ob vu voli manja?,Would you like to eat?,nov_Latn-eng_Latn Dise pome es dolci.,This apple is sweet.,nov_Latn-eng_Latn Me voli manja.,I want to eat.,nov_Latn-eng_Latn Me ama vivant kun vu.,I love living with you.,nov_Latn-eng_Latn Me ama men vivo.,I love my life.,nov_Latn-eng_Latn Me manjar pome.,I am eating an apple.,nov_Latn-eng_Latn Me voli vada kun vu.,I want to go with you.,nov_Latn-eng_Latn Es pome sur li table.,There is an apple on the table.,nov_Latn-eng_Latn Li familie haver problemes: lus interesar sinioro Holmes.,"The family has problems, they interest Mr. Holmes.",nov_Latn-eng_Latn Li fema es korpulenti.,The woman is fat.,nov_Latn-eng_Latn Me es tre irati.,I'm very angry.,nov_Latn-eng_Latn Venir dorse bald.,Come back soon.,nov_Latn-eng_Latn Simies es inteligenti.,Monkeys are intelligent.,nov_Latn-eng_Latn Me manja.,I am eating.,nov_Latn-eng_Latn Lo serchad les ye pent hores.,He looked for them for five hours.,nov_Latn-eng_Latn Manja e drinka.,Eat and drink.,nov_Latn-eng_Latn "Esed somber nocte, ye nul lune.","It was a dark night, with no moon.",nov_Latn-eng_Latn Me manja nudles.,I eat noodles.,nov_Latn-eng_Latn Bonvoli manja kelkum.,Please eat something.,nov_Latn-eng_Latn La donar lo horlojete.,She gave him a watch.,nov_Latn-eng_Latn Non manja.,Do not eat.,nov_Latn-eng_Latn Los manja chokolate.,They eat chocolate.,nov_Latn-eng_Latn Me renuntia.,I give in.,nov_Latn-eng_Latn Hundes aboya.,Dogs are barking.,nov_Latn-eng_Latn Li radio morid.,The radio died.,nov_Latn-eng_Latn Tom morid.,Tom passed out.,nov_Latn-eng_Latn Hundes pove svima.,Dogs can swim.,nov_Latn-eng_Latn Let nus manja unesmim.,Let's eat first.,nov_Latn-eng_Latn Me desised vada dar.,I made up my mind to go there.,nov_Latn-eng_Latn Lo promised me ke lo vud venir an quar clok.,He promised me that he would come at four.,nov_Latn-eng_Latn Me ama hundes.,I like dogs.,nov_Latn-eng_Latn Ob vu haver programe?,Do you have a timetable?,nov_Latn-eng_Latn Hundes es fideli.,Dogs are faithful.,nov_Latn-eng_Latn Sumatra es isle.,Sumatra is an island.,nov_Latn-eng_Latn Ob vu savar lon matra?,Do you know his mum?,nov_Latn-eng_Latn Pakistania es islamisti lande.,Pakistan is a Muslim country.,nov_Latn-eng_Latn "Qualim on dikte ""cate"" in spanum?","How do you say ""cat"" in Spanish?",nov_Latn-eng_Latn "Vun mama es grasisi, la vud brecher London Ponte.","Your mamma's so fat, she'd break London Bridge.",nov_Latn-eng_Latn Dona a me li duime.,Give me half.,nov_Latn-eng_Latn Qualim on dikte XXX in nederlandum?,How do you say XXX in Dutch?,nov_Latn-eng_Latn Nos desire tu voyaja a Australia,We want to go to Australia.,nov_Latn-eng_Latn Tom amad me.,Tom loved me.,nov_Latn-eng_Latn Tes pomes es grand.,Those apples are big.,nov_Latn-eng_Latn Qualim on dikte tu in italum?,How do you say that in Italian?,nov_Latn-eng_Latn Me brulad li papere.,I burned the paper.,nov_Latn-eng_Latn Me brulad lus.,I burned them.,nov_Latn-eng_Latn "Qualim on dikte ""amo"" in fransum?","How do you say ""love"" in French?",nov_Latn-eng_Latn Me brulad men fingre.,I burned my finger.,nov_Latn-eng_Latn Qualim on dikte tu in fransum?,How do you say that in French?,nov_Latn-eng_Latn Disi kante es klasiki.,This song is a classic.,nov_Latn-eng_Latn Ob vu ve usa tu?,Are you going to use that?,nov_Latn-eng_Latn Tom did vida leone an li soo.,Tom saw a lion at the zoo.,nov_Latn-eng_Latn Popule ama hundes.,People love dogs.,nov_Latn-eng_Latn Lo desaparad en li mase.,He disappeared into the crowd.,nov_Latn-eng_Latn Nosen flage es redi e nigri.,Our flag is red and black.,nov_Latn-eng_Latn "Lo dicter, «Me es fro Canada.»","He said, ""I'm from Canada.""",nov_Latn-eng_Latn Me ama li golf.,I love golf.,nov_Latn-eng_Latn "Li infanto, kel vu vida, es men filio.",The boy you see is my son.,nov_Latn-eng_Latn Me odia li kafe.,I dislike coffee.,nov_Latn-eng_Latn Vu pove vada.,You can go.,nov_Latn-eng_Latn Ob disum es li hause de Tom?,Is this Tom's house?,nov_Latn-eng_Latn Me konkorda kun vu.,I agree with you.,nov_Latn-eng_Latn "Dunke, pro quu vu non consultar lo?","Then, why have you not consulted him?",nov_Latn-eng_Latn Li reve de Tom es viva in li montes.,Tom's dream is to live in the mountains.,nov_Latn-eng_Latn Quitem es li tempe?,What time is it?,nov_Latn-eng_Latn Me ha perda libre.,I have lost a book.,nov_Latn-eng_Latn Me ama qualim vu parla.,I really love the way you speak.,nov_Latn-eng_Latn Ob vu parlad?,Did you speak?,nov_Latn-eng_Latn Yer me finad li taske.,I finished the work yesterday.,nov_Latn-eng_Latn Me vivar in Japon.,I live in Japan.,nov_Latn-eng_Latn Me ama li arabum.,I love Arabic.,nov_Latn-eng_Latn Li matematiki clase es bon.,The mathematics class is good.,nov_Latn-eng_Latn Me vivar in Kobe.,I live in Kobe.,nov_Latn-eng_Latn Me vivar in Tokyo.,I live in Tokyo.,nov_Latn-eng_Latn Let nos proba kelkum.,Let's try something.,nov_Latn-eng_Latn Quum vu sercha?,What are you looking for?,nov_Latn-eng_Latn La coqua tre bon.,She cooks very well.,nov_Latn-eng_Latn Me vivar in Kakogawa.,I live in Kakogawa.,nov_Latn-eng_Latn Porta li jurnale a me.,Bring me the newspaper.,nov_Latn-eng_Latn Me vivar in Hyogo.,I live in Hyogo.,nov_Latn-eng_Latn Mary prisa Lucy.,Mary likes Lucy.,nov_Latn-eng_Latn Lo es in li stadie.,He is in the stadium.,nov_Latn-eng_Latn Le furtad men horlojete.,He stole my watch.,nov_Latn-eng_Latn Ob vus manja karnem?,Do you eat meat?,nov_Latn-eng_Latn Me promise ke me va rakonta a vu omnum kelkidi.,I swear I'll tell you everything someday.,nov_Latn-eng_Latn Pro quum vus tima de Sami?,Why are you all afraid of Sami?,nov_Latn-eng_Latn Li folies es gelbi.,The leaves are yellow.,nov_Latn-eng_Latn Me vivar an Akasaka in Tokyo.,I live at Akasaka in Tokyo.,nov_Latn-eng_Latn Ob vu laborar in urbe?,Do you work in a town?,nov_Latn-eng_Latn Aki es men hunde.,Aki is my dog.,nov_Latn-eng_Latn Lon amaiera es Japonan.,His girlfriend is Japanese.,nov_Latn-eng_Latn Tom did aborda an sen fasie.,Tom landed face-first.,nov_Latn-eng_Latn Bovas dona milke.,Cows give milk.,nov_Latn-eng_Latn Li albanum es tre beli.,The Albanian language is very beautiful.,nov_Latn-eng_Latn Ob disi aque gusta mali?,Does this water taste bad?,nov_Latn-eng_Latn La anke parla fransum.,She speaks French too.,nov_Latn-eng_Latn Li arbre falad.,The tree fell down.,nov_Latn-eng_Latn Renuntia!,Give it up.,nov_Latn-eng_Latn Ob vu ha audi ke lo parla rapidim?,Have you heard how fast he talks?,nov_Latn-eng_Latn Vun mesaje did es resivad.,Your message has been received.,nov_Latn-eng_Latn Qualim lu eventad?,How did it happen?,nov_Latn-eng_Latn Vu es patro nun.,You're a father now.,nov_Latn-eng_Latn Me vivar in Izmir.,I live in Izmir.,nov_Latn-eng_Latn Kel esed mal cuniclete.,That was an evil bunny.,nov_Latn-eng_Latn Responda men questiones.,Answer my questions.,nov_Latn-eng_Latn Me amad li sune.,I love the sun.,nov_Latn-eng_Latn Ob me deve vada?,Should I go?,nov_Latn-eng_Latn Omnes sava ke lo es ankore vivant.,Everyone knows that he's still alive.,nov_Latn-eng_Latn Me vivar in Hyogo Prefecture.,I live in Hyogo Prefecture.,nov_Latn-eng_Latn Les dona nulum.,They give nothing.,nov_Latn-eng_Latn Me es in li restorante.,I'm at the restaurant.,nov_Latn-eng_Latn "“Me haver in men poshe manuscrite,” doctoro James Mortimer did dicter.","""I have a manuscript in my pocket,"" Doctor James Mortimer said.",nov_Latn-eng_Latn "“Me observad lu cand vu envadad li chambre,” Holmes dicted.","""I observed it when you entered the chamber,"" Holmes said.",nov_Latn-eng_Latn Nus svimad in li lage.,We swam by the lake.,nov_Latn-eng_Latn Me vud prefera non vada.,I would rather not go.,nov_Latn-eng_Latn Lu es oldi manuscrite.,It is an old manuscript.,nov_Latn-eng_Latn "Frui dec-otesmi secle, exept si lu vud es fraudo.","Eighteenth century, unless it's a forgery.",nov_Latn-eng_Latn Me pove vada.,I can go.,nov_Latn-eng_Latn "Qualim vu savar tu, sinioro?","How do you know that, sir?",nov_Latn-eng_Latn Krosa li ponte.,Cross the bridge.,nov_Latn-eng_Latn Vu ha prisentar pluri centimetre de lu omnitem durant ke vu ha parlar.,You have presented several centimeters to me while you spoke.,nov_Latn-eng_Latn Me vud es mal experte si me non vud pover datar lu ye acurateso de sirk yardeco.,I would be a bad expert if I wasn't able to date it acurately to a decade.,nov_Latn-eng_Latn Me datar lu com de mil-setcent-trianti.,I date it as 1730.,nov_Latn-eng_Latn La es beli!,She is beautiful!,nov_Latn-eng_Latn Li exacti date es mil-setcent-quaranti-du.,The exact date is 1742.,nov_Latn-eng_Latn Doctoro Mortimer did tirar lu ec sen bruste-poshe.,Doctor Mortimer pulled it out of his breast-pocket.,nov_Latn-eng_Latn Non marcha sur li gasone.,Keep off the grass.,nov_Latn-eng_Latn Tatoeba non es sosial network.,Tatoeba is not a social network.,nov_Latn-eng_Latn Me nultem obliver un fasie.,I never forget a face.,nov_Latn-eng_Latn Lo morir ante tri mensus in Devonshire.,He died three months ago in Devonshire.,nov_Latn-eng_Latn Me ve ariva saturdie.,I'll be there on Saturday.,nov_Latn-eng_Latn Lo esed inteligenti e practical homo.,He was an intelligent and practical man.,nov_Latn-eng_Latn Brula li kadavre.,Burn the body.,nov_Latn-eng_Latn Tamen lo did traktar dis documente com seriosi.,"However, he treated this document seriously.",nov_Latn-eng_Latn Una seria d'accidents de la rota se debanèn recentament.,A number of traffic accidents have happened recently.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Veng a còps m'encontrar.,He comes to meet me sometimes.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Lo Tòm es de dètz liuras mès pesuc que non pas lo Jack.,Tom is ten pounds heavier than Jack.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Sonque espii.,I'm simply looking.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Es haut.,He is tall.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Me morrissi pas.,I don't die.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Èi hred.,I feel very cold.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Allò ? Ès encara ací ?,Hello? Are you still here?,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Comprengui pas çò que ditz lo regent.,I don't understand what the teacher is saying.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Am hèit a la butabala ièr.,I played soccer yesterday.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Pas de brut !,"Please, don't be noisy.",oci_Latn-eng_Latn Aqueste riu a una longor de dus cent quilomètres.,This river is two hundred kilometers long.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Èi besonh de trabalhar.,I'm looking for a job.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Me cau trabalhar.,I need a job.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Vòli parlar dambe era.,I want to talk to her.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Parla pas !,Keep your mouth shut.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn "Va plan, qui ètz ?","Very well, who are you?",oci_Latn-eng_Latn Aquera poma n'ei pas bona.,This apple is bad.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Èi pas desbrembat.,I didn't forget.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Deisha-la dromir.,Let her sleep.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Aquera poma qu'ei sucrada.,This apple is sweet.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Aquera blosa qu'ei de coton.,This blouse is cotton.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Aqueth líber qu'ei pesuc.,This book is heavy.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn L'aiga es freda.,The water is cold.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Aqueth líber qu'ei mei petit.,This book is smaller.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Aquera veitura qu'a besonh d'estar lavada.,This car needs washing.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Aquera cadièra qu'ei lèda.,This chair is ugly.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Aqueth burèu qu'ei copat.,This desk is broken.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Aquera pòrta ne dobrís pas.,This door won't open.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Aqueth motor que marcha plan.,This engine works well.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Aquera flor qu'auloreja.,This flower smells nice.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Aquera mangiscla que pudís a poirit.,This food smells rotten.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Aquera cleda qu'a besonh d'estar pintrada.,This gate needs painting.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Aqueth ostau qu'a besonh d'estar pintrat.,This house needs painting.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Qu'ei ua confitura hèita a casa.,This is homemade jam.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Aquò qu'ei la cadièra de Kenji.,This is Kenji's chair.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Qu'ei lo can de la Maria.,This is Mary's dog.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Qu'ei lo darrèr jòc.,This is the last game.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Qu'ei lo men cosin.,This is my cousin.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Qu'ei la mea hilha.,This is my daughter.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Aquò n'ei pas per vénder.,This isn't for sale.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Aquò n'ei pas lo men sac.,This isn't my bag.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Qu'ei lo líber deu Tòni.,This is Tony's book.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Qu'ei hèra bon.,This is very good.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Aquera cramba que pudís au samarit.,This room smells musty.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Aquera aulor que'm hastia.,This smell disgusts me.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Aquera istòria qu'ei vertadiera.,This story is true.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Aqueth tricòt qu'ei plan caud.,This sweater is warm.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Aqueth polòi qu'a bon gost.,This turkey tastes good.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Aquera mòstra qu'ei copada.,This watch is broken.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Aquera aiga qu'a bon gost.,This water tastes good.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Aqueth invèrn qu'ei doç.,This winter is warm.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Aqueth tribalh n'ei pas plan pagat.,This work doesn't pay.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Aqueth iogort qu'a un gost estranh.,This yogurt tastes strange.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Aqueras pomas que son gròssas.,Those apples are big.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Que son los mens discs sarrats.,Those are my CDs.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Que son las meas bragas.,Those are my trousers.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Aqueras flors que's moriscón.,Those flowers have died.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Aqueras flors qu'aulorejan.,Those flowers smell sweet.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Aqueths ostaus que son grans.,Those houses are big.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Aqueras fòtos que son las soas.,Those photos are hers.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Lo temps ei acabat adara.,Time is running out.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Lo tòm qu'a copat la hinèstra.,Tom broke the window.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Lo Tòm ne sap pas hèr au tenís.,Tom can't play tennis.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Au Tòm ne l'agrada pas lo hromatge.,Tom doesn't like cheese.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Lo Tòm qu'ei estudiant.,Tom is a student.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Lo Tòm qu'ei plan brave.,Tom is very kind.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Lo Tòm qu'aima lo currí hòrt.,Tom likes hot curry.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Lo Tòm que cor hèra viste.,Tom runs very fast.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Lo Tòm qu'èra aquiu tanben.,Tom was also there.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn La votz deu Tòm qu'ei beròia.,Tony's voice is nice.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Essaja un còp de mei.,Try it once again.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Essaja aqueth tricòt.,Try on this sweater.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Baisha lo hinestron.,Turn down the television.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Me tòca pas !,Don't touch me!,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Estupa lo deishudader.,Turn off the alarm.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Estupa lo hinestron.,Turn off the TV.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Estupatz lo hinestron.,Turn the TV off.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Puja lo son.,Turn the volume up.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn "Vira't de cap a jo, que't prègui.","Turn toward me, please.",oci_Latn-eng_Latn Dus sètis èran vueits.,Two seats were vacant.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Camina dabans de jo.,Walk ahead of me.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn "Èra plan, lo filme ?",Was the movie good?,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Vam començar lèu lo tribalh.,We'll begin work soon.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Que ns'encontraram diumenge.,We'll meet on Sunday.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Que ns'amanejam.,We're in a hurry.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Urós de t'aver encontrat.,Nice to meet you.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Sèm prèsts d'i anar.,We're ready to leave.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn La bicileta que'ns agrada a totis.,We all like cycling.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Hèm totis dècas.,We all make mistakes.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Aquò ne'ns hè pas arríde's.,We are not amused.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Pro de charradissa !,Enough of all this talking!,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Sèm tornats tard tà casa.,We arrived home late.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Qu'am minjat uas pomas.,We ate some apples.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Qu'am logat un bus.,We chartered a bus.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Que l'am hèit nosautes medish.,We did it ourselves.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Es una urgéncia.,It's an emergency.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn L'am trobat vivent.,We found him alive.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Que vam aquiu sovent.,We go there often.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Qu'am pro de temps.,We have enough time.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Qu'am acabat lo disnar.,We have finished lunch.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn N'am pas sucre.,We have no sugar.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Qu'am duas hlilhas.,We have two daughters.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Que'us tengom tranquilles.,We kept them quiet.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Planvenguts en çò nòste.,Welcome to our home.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Mon nom es Tòm.,My name is Tom.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn "L'amor, qu'es aquò ?",What is love?,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Èi besonh de ton ajuda.,I need your help.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Lor demandarèi deman.,I will ask him tomorrow.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Era vòu un mini-iPad.,She wants an iPad mini.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Parlatz anglés ?,Do you speak English?,oci_Latn-eng_Latn I a quauqu'un que sap parlar anglés ?,Is there someone here who speaks English?,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Lo Tòm a un parelh navèth de clucas de sorèlh.,Tom has a new pair of sunglasses.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn La flor blava es pichona.,The blue flower is small.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Lo gat es dens la cosina.,The cat is in the kitchen.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Parli pas plan lo Tok Pisin.,I can't speak Tok Pisin well.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Los gats an lo pèu beròi e doç.,"Cats have a nice, soft fur.",oci_Latn-eng_Latn Es nòste déver d'ajudar.,It's our duty to help.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Lo Tòm sap pas se la Maria va vénguer en veitura o a bicicleta.,Tom doesn't know whether Mary will come by car or by bicycle.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn La Maria qu'ei la hemna deu Tòm.,Mary is Tom's wife.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn "Sabes pas quan lo Tòm va vénguer, non pas ?","You don't know when Tom will come, do you?",oci_Latn-eng_Latn Lo Tòm sap pas quan la Maria serà ací.,Tom doesn't know when Mary will be here.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Pòdes corrir lèu ?,Can you run fast?,oci_Latn-eng_Latn N'avètz en rotge ?,Do you have any in red?,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Lo tornarèi aperar mei tard.,I'll call him back later.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn "Podi aver un pauc d'aiga, vos prègui ?","Can I have some water, please?",oci_Latn-eng_Latn "Cridèc ""ajuda"" a hauta votz.",He cried out for help in a loud voice.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Lo sol accès au vilatge ei peu riu.,The only access to the village is from the river.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Pr'amor vòus crompar aqueste líber ?,Why do you want to buy this book?,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Deisha-me.,Leave me alone.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Lo Tòm a deishat quicòm a Maria per minjar.,Tom left some food for Mary.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn "A l'Edat Mejan, l'aunor èra la basa de la vita d'un òmi liure e d'un crestian.","During the Middle Ages, honor was fundamental to the life of the free man and of the Christian man.",oci_Latn-eng_Latn La vita qu'ei braca.,Life is short.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn "A la debuta, lo Tòm n'a pas reconeishut a la Maria.",Tom didn't recognize Mary at first.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Com vas ?,How are you?,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Guus Hiddink es olandés.,Guus Hiddink is Dutch.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Soi plan desolat.,I'm very sorry.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn "Sénher, vos prègui de plear aqueste formulari.","Sir, please fill out this form.",oci_Latn-eng_Latn la Magdalena e lo Lech qu'an trètze ans.,Magdalena and Lech are thirteen.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Las vacanças d'estiu que començan en garba.,Summer holiday begins in July.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn "Lhevat uas errors, la vòsta compauscion ei perfèita.",Your composition is perfect except for a few mistakes.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn La Jana qu'a hèra pelhas de lavar.,Jane has a lot of clothes to wash.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn M'a pres tres oras de hèr los mens devers.,It took me three hours to do my homework.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Me demandi se lo Tò pòt cantar tan plan com la Maria.,I wonder if Tom can sing as well as Mary.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Lo Tòm a demandat a la Maria se coneishèva la hemna deu John.,Tom asked Mary if she knew John's wife.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Aqueste estudiant ei american.,This student is American.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Ètz responsable d'aqueste accident.,You are responsible for this accident.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn I avèva mei d'ua rason ad aqueste accident.,There were a number of reasons for this accident.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Lo Tò n'avèva pas nada idèa de çò que la Maria èra ua criminau en seria.,Tom had no idea that Mary was a serial killer.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Haut o baish mila personas estón tuadas en aqueste accident.,About one hundred people were killed in this accident.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Adishatz a totis !,"Good morning, everybody.",oci_Latn-eng_Latn Èras totjorn dens mon esperit.,You were always on my mind.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Ne m'agrada pas aqueth tipe d'ostau.,I don't like this type of house.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Qu'am balhat los líbers ad aqueste estudiant.,I gave the books to this student.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn La credença ei la mòrt de l'intelligéncia.,Belief is the death of intelligence.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Hasèm un essai !,Let's give it a try.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Lo trin qu'ei intrat hens la gara.,The train pulled into the station.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Se'n va tà França la setmana qui veng.,She is going to France next week.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Ne l'agradan pas ad era las sèrps e las matematicas.,She does not like snakes and mathematics.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Puc visitar una galeria d'art?,May I visit an art gallery?,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Vòus anar tà la mar grana.,You want to go to the ocean.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Lo Tòm a pas minjat de tota la jornada.,Tom hasn't eaten all day.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Vòli me n'anar.,I want to go.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Quin es ton nom ?,What is your name?,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Sabes quan van arribar ?,Do you know when they'll arrive?,oci_Latn-eng_Latn "Es pas ren, aja pas paur !","It's nothing, don't be afraid!",oci_Latn-eng_Latn "Un còp la novèla ausida, lo Tòm èra au setau cèu.","After he heard the news, Tom was in seventh heaven.",oci_Latn-eng_Latn "En cas d'urgéncia, prenguètz contacte dambe mon agent.","In case of an emergency, get in touch with my agent.",oci_Latn-eng_Latn Com n'ès arribat a aquesta idèa pèga ?,How did you come up with this crazy idea?,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Mon còr a sautat un còp quan ma hemna m'a dit qu'èra emprenhada.,My heart skipped a beat when my wife told me she was pregnant.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Lo Tòm a pas tocat son disnar.,Tom didn't touch his lunch.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn "Se riserà plan, qui se riserà lo darrèr.",He laughs best who laughs last.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Son cantaires.,They are singers.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn "Lo Tòm a pas avut pro de temps, a doncas digitalizat lèu lo rapòrt.",Tom didn't have much time so he just quickly scanned the report.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Vòli minjar.,I want to eat.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Mercés per l'informacion.,Thanks for the info.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn L'a calgut renonciar au projècte.,She was obliged to give up the plan.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Lo trauc es pro gran.,The hole is big enough.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Vau aperar la polícia.,I'll call the police.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn La vertat es qu'èi pas volgut minjar dambe lo Tòm.,The truth is that I didn't want to eat with Tom.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Lo Tòm estoc exclusit deu sopar reservat a las hemnas.,Tom was barred from a women-only dinner.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Aimi ma hemna.,I love my wife.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Lo Tòm va plan.,Tom is OK.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn "La Maria agrada pas au Tòm, mes a jo, òc..","Tom doesn't like Mary, but I like her.",oci_Latn-eng_Latn Estoc un plaser de't conéisher.,It's been a pleasure meeting you.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Totis an cridat de jòia.,Everybody shouted for joy.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Mon actitud de cap a eth a cambiat.,My attitude towards him changed.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Dens mon país las costumas son diferentas.,In my country the customs are different.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Èi volgut crompar lo líber.,I wanted to buy the book.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn M'estoc aisit de trobar la bastida.,I found it easy to find the building.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Èra haut o baish vint dolars.,It was about twenty dollars.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Los avions bèths an atenhut una quantitat grana de polucion sonora.,Large planes brought about large amounts of sound pollution.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Èi ausit qu'as uei una amassada.,I hear that you have a meeting today.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn "Pensas, que lo Tòm nos a mentit ?",Do you think Tom lied to us?,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Èi quaranta ans.,I'm forty years old.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn "Atenguètz aquí, vos prègui.",Please wait here.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Èi pas de crocodile.,I don't have a crocodile,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Estó sonque per astre se ganhè lo jòc.,It was pure chance that he won the game.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Ne sabèm pas quan vengó tà Londres.,It is not known when he came up to London.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Qui son tot aqueth monde ?,Who are all these people?,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Lo viatjaire que toquè fin finau a sa tòca.,The traveler reached his destination at last.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Ès bon.,You are good.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Ès bona.,You fix it.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn A quina ora arriba lo trin a Yokohama ?,What time will the train get to Yokohama?,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Que tribalha suu problèma.,She is working on the problem.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Lo monde que son generaument cansats quan tornan deu tribalh.,The men are generally tired when they come back from work.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Qu'ei temps de tornà's tà casa.,It's time to go home.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Ès importanta.,You are big.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Serà lèu shèis oras.,It's almost six.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Vèni devath mon paraplojas o seràs molhada.,"Come under my umbrella, or you'll get wet.",oci_Latn-eng_Latn Aqueste relòtge es petat.,This clock is broken.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn T'avejas ?,Are you bored?,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Soi anat a Boston cercar trabalh.,Tom came to Boston to look for a job.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Lo chocolat va hóner s'es pas dens lo refrigerator.,The chocolate is going to melt if you keep it out of the fridge.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Vengui de Saitmana.,I come from Saitama.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Pensi qu'as subit un lavatge de cervèth.,I think you've been brainwashed.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn "Sénher Gorbachev, desapitatz aquera murrallha !","Mr Gorbachev, tear down this wall!",oci_Latn-eng_Latn M'agradan pas espòrts coma lo tennis o lo gòlf.,I don't like such sports as tennis and golf.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Los reproèrs son encara fòrça populars en America.,Proverbs are still very popular in America.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn M'a calut tornar tà casa a pè.,I had to walk home.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn "Aurí pas hèit aquò, estossi a ta plaça.",I wouldn't have done that if I were you.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Aja pas paur de hèr dècas.,Don't be afraid of making mistakes.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Que vengó en bus.,He came by bus.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn S'es botat lo gredon darrèr l'aurelha.,He stuck his pencil behind his ear.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Sèm umans.,We are people.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Èi besonh d'ajuda.,I need some help.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Parla fòrça.,She talks a lot.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Veng nadar dab jo.,Come swim with me.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn L'espii.,I am looking at that.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Qu'èri a minjar quan lo telefòne tindè.,I was eating lunch when the phone rang.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn "Adishatz, quin anatz ?","Good morning, how are you doing?",oci_Latn-eng_Latn Mingi a l'ostau.,I eat in the house.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Demòri.,I am waiting.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Son maridats dempuèi dètz ans.,They have been married for ten years.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Los òmis son pas jamès destinats ende víver etèrnament.,Humans were never meant to live forever.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn A reconeishut qu'avèvi rason.,She admitted that I was right.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Ès pèc.,You are stupid.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn L'addicion que conteng ua deca.,There is a mistake in the bill.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Minja fòrça legumatges,Eat a lot of vegetables.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Aqueth sac qu'ei lo men.,This bag is mine.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Lo sorèlh es dens lo cèu.,The sun is in the sky.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Que dobriscoi la pòrta e que vesoi dus gojats apitats tòc a tòc.,I opened the door and saw two boys standing side by side.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Lo Ken vòu ua bicileta.,Ken wants a bicycle.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn "Ei son, non pas ?","It's his, isn't it?",oci_Latn-eng_Latn Las frutas son dens lo tistèth.,The fruit is in the basket.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn De qué hès de costuma après lo sopar ?,What do you usually do after dinner?,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Vòli m'estar a casa.,I want to be at home.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn M'agradaré d'estar mei joen.,I wish I were younger.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Sabètz a quina ora son arribats ?,Do you know what time they came?,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Nos calerà hèr quicòm.,We will have to do something.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Vòli demorar a casa.,I want to do something in a house.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Ètz prèsts ?,Are you ready?,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Utilisi los utisses.,I'm using tools.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn La cramba qu'ei pleada de monde.,The room is full of people.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Lo men tribalh qu'ei encuentà's deu nenet.,My job is to take care of the baby.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn M'auré agradat qu'i estósses.,I wish you had been there.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Que's hè tardet.,It's getting pretty late.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Que plorè quan ausiscó la tarribla novèla.,She wept when she heard the terrible news.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn M'a mentit mei d'un còp.,He has lied to me again and again.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Los bandits an huejut quan ausiscón las sirenas de la polícia.,The bandits ran away when they heard the police siren.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Que l'èi ausit sortir.,I heard him go out.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn """La musica l'agrada"". ""A jo tanben"".","""She likes music."" ""So do I.""",oci_Latn-eng_Latn M'auré agradat de la véser.,I wish I had seen her.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Mangi.,I am food.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Soi lo darrèr.,I'm the last.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Tatoeba : pr'amor qu'una lenga es fòrça mès que non pas la soma de sos mòts.,Tatoeba: Because a language is more than the sum of its words.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Aquò te va sauvar d'un pialat de problèmas.,This will save you a lot of trouble.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Comprengui pas l'alemand.,I don't understand German.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn T'agrada toa mair?,Do you love your mother?,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Qui a getat una pèira a mon can ?,Who threw a stone at my dog?,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Cau que deishes de hèr causas que destorban lo Tòm.,You need to stop doing things that bother Tom.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Lo Tòm sap pas on es la Maria.,Tom doesn't know where Mary is.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn "La collèga de la quala lo marit es francés, es anada a París.",The colleague whose husband is French has left for Paris.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Plan. E tu ?,Fine. And you?,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Me'n vau dromir.,I'm going to bed.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Se hè a cada còda mès hred lo matin e lo ser. Las huelhas deus àrbers van vénguer lèu rotjas e jaunas.,It is getting colder and colder morning and evening. The leaves of trees will soon turn red or yellow.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Lo Dan a quitament pas plorat.,Dan didn't even cry.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn An cremat papièr.,They burned the paper.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Preng ton capèth quan vengueràs en çò nòste.,Bring the hat with you when you come over.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Las charradissas deverén començar de tira.,The talks should begin soon.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Las charradissas van tractar lo problèma de la polucion.,The talks will deal with the problem of pollution.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Sabes qui l'a hèit ?,Do you know who made it?,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Ua vèusa avèva duas hilhas.,A widow had two daughters.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Èri a me n'anar quan as telefonat.,I was about to leave when you telephoned.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Quina via de cap a Boston ?,What track for Boston?,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Lo monde seguís una règla d'aur : lo qu'a l'aur hè las règles.,The world follows one golden rule: whoever has the gold makes the rules.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Lo Tòm coneish l'òmi dambe lo quau la MAira es venguda.,Tom knows the man Mary came with.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Qué creses qu'èri a hèr ?,What do you think I've been doing?,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Lo Tòm sap pas per qué començar.,Tom doesn't know where to begin.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Preng-te un paraploja.,Take an umbrella with you.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Au Tom l'agrada pas la sason de las plojas.,Tom doesn't like the rainy season.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Es pas mès joen.,He's not young anymore.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn "Se veng pas, de qué vas hèr ?","If he doesn't come, what'll you do?",oci_Latn-eng_Latn Que'ns cau pervénguer la guèrra a tota fòrça.,We must prevent war at any cost.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Era l'adòra.,She worships him.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Lo professor a acusat au Tòm de frauda.,The teacher accused Tom of cheating.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn L'aiga es pro cauda ende hèr un tè ?,Is the water hot enough to make the tea?,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Tot lo monde cèrca la bonur.,Everyone seeks happiness.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Sentís pas nada reticéncia a reconéisher sas errors.,He feels no reluctance in acknowledging errors.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn An miat dinc a l'ostau.,They drove home.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Que depenèm de tu.,We depend on you.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Qu'aimam los nòstes dròlles.,We love our children.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Que'ns cau partir de d'ora.,We must leave early.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Qu'am besonh de mei de tribalhaires.,We need more workers.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Qu'am besonh de dinèrs.,We need some money.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Da'm la man te prègui entad aquestes paquets.,"Lend a hand with these parcels, please.",oci_Latn-eng_Latn Ne vesèm pas arren d'estranh.,We saw nothing strange.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Que ns'encaminèm.,We started to walk.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Qu'am devisat dinc a duas oras.,We talked until two.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn N'ausissi pas hèra plan.,I can't hear very well.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Aquò vos interèssa un projècte dins lo quau tribalharetz dab plaser ?,Would you be interested in a project you would really like to do?,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Qu'am viatjat de pè.,We traveled on foot.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Que volem quauquarren de navèth.,We want something new.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Kumi ei la gojata de la quau au pair l'agradan los cans.,Kumi is the girl whose father likes dogs.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Qu'èram lavets mei joens.,We were younger then.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Que son los mens collègas de classa.,They are my classmates.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Qu'ei acostumada de's séder.,She is accustomed to sitting.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn De qué se passa aicí ?,What's going on here?,oci_Latn-eng_Latn De qué hè lo Ken adara ?,What's Ken doing now?,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Lo braç que'm dòu hèra.,My arm is hurting badly.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Quin s'apèra la vòsta hilha ?,What's your daughter's name?,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Despuish quant de temps lo Ken demòra a Kobe ?,How long has Ken lived in Kobe?,oci_Latn-eng_Latn De qué hèn ?,What are they doing?,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Ua ploja hreda a cadut sus la vila.,A cold rain fell over the city.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn De qué leges ?,What are you reading?,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Qu'ei ajaçada malauda au lèit.,She lies ill in bed.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Ne sap pas miar ua veitura.,She doesn't know how to drive a car.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn De qué suggerisses ?,What do you suggest?,oci_Latn-eng_Latn De que passó's anueit ?,What happened last night?,oci_Latn-eng_Latn De qué vòu ?,What is he after?,oci_Latn-eng_Latn De qué minja lo Ken ?,What is Ken eating?,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Que l'aperam En Goro.,We call him Goro-san.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Generalament los lops atacan pas los òmes.,"In general, wolves do not attack people.",oci_Latn-eng_Latn E qu'ei lo problèma ?,What is the problem?,oci_Latn-eng_Latn La soa tanta que s'encuenta deu son can pendent la jornada.,His aunt takes care of his dog during the day.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Quina ei la toa adreça ?,What is your address?,oci_Latn-eng_Latn A quina ora ei lo disnar ?,What time is dinner?,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Quan ès encuantat ?,When are you busy?,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Quan arribètz ?,When did you arrive?,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Quan atz tornat ?,When did you return?,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Quan arriba ?,When does it arrive?,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Quan comença ?,When does it begin?,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Quan estudias ?,When do you study?,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Vos èi parlat deu Tòm.,I've told you about Tom.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Quan s'acaba l'escòla ?,When is school over?,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Quan ei lo ton aniversari ?,When is your birthday?,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Te cau pas minjar.,You don't have to eat.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Quan s'acabè ?,When was it finished?,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Quan arribaràn ?,When will they arrive?,oci_Latn-eng_Latn "Vai-te'n dromir, Tòm.","Go to sleep, Tom.",oci_Latn-eng_Latn Quan arribaram ?,When will we arrive?,oci_Latn-eng_Latn On ei la veitura-restaurant ?,Where's the dining car?,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Tu tanben i vas ?,"Are you going, too?",oci_Latn-eng_Latn Tot va plan que s'acaba plan.,All's well that ends well.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Un chipiron a dètz camas.,A squid has ten legs.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn "Qu'arresponè, emplorida.",She answered in tears.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Hè los tons devers adara.,Do your homework now.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Bèu mensh e drom mei.,Drink less and sleep more.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn As neurit lo can ?,Have you fed the dog?,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Parla me'n d'aquò !,Tell me about it!,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Cadun se deveré lavar.,One should wash oneself.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Ei la toa sòr ?,Is she your sister?,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Anueit qu'èi plan dromit.,I slept well last night.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Qu'èi claverat los uelhs sus l'òmi.,I stared at the man.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Que demorèi a casa lo jorn sancèr.,I stayed home all day.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Qu'èi pres ua setmana de repaus.,I took a week off.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Qu'èi tribalhat a la bòrda.,I worked on a farm.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Lo Mike qu'a duas amiguetas.,Mike has two girlfriends.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn "Muisha'm la lenga, que't prègui.",Please stick out your tongue.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Qu'ensenha l'anglés.,She teaches English.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn S'ei cramada la man esquèrra.,She burned her left hand.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Ès estudiant ?,Are you a student?,oci_Latn-eng_Latn I vau pensar.,I'll think about it.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn M'agrada espiar la television.,I like to watch TV.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn M'i serí pas escadut sens tu.,I couldn't have done this without you.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Lo Tòm agrada a totis.,Tom was liked by everybody.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn "Gojats, siatz ambiciós.","Boys, be ambitious.",oci_Latn-eng_Latn Aqueth saunei que vatz vertadièr.,This dream will come true.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Lo Tòm se sietèc a la finèstra.,Tom sat by the window.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Los cans jaupan.,Dogs are barking.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Me sentissi urós quan soi dambe tu.,"When I'm with you, I'm happy.",oci_Latn-eng_Latn I a una dèca dens sa redaccion.,There is a mistake in her composition.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Lo Tòm pòrta una camisa blava e un jeans.,Tom was wearing a blue shirt and blue jeans.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn As un polit sorríser.,You have a beautiful smile.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Es clar com de cristau.,It's as clear as crystal.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Èi trobat mauaisit de'm hèr comprénguer.,I found it rather difficult to make myself understood.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Estoi un pauc susprés.,I was slightly surprised.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Lo Tòm es un joen cavilhat.,Tom is a strong young man.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn As pres un paraplojas dambe tu ?,Did you bring an umbrella with you?,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Me cau lèu anar me hèr talhar lo peu.,Soon I have to go get a haircut.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Tòca pas aqueste boton !,Don't touch that button!,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Melania a botat lo vase sus la taula.,Melanie put the vase on the table.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Pela las patanas e las pastanagas.,Peel the potatoes and the carrots.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn I a pas agut qu'un sol cas de pigòta a l'escòla.,There was only one case of chicken pox at the school.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Vòli pas parlar dambe vosautes.,I don't want to talk to you.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Lo Tòm a deishat l'ostau un cort moment après que la Maria sia partida.,Tom left the house shortly after Mary left.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Sembla vièlh per son edat.,He looks old for his age.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Es una fotò recenta ?,Is it a recent picture?,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Ma hemna a mainadat la setmana passada.,My wife had a baby last week.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Atz hèra coratge.,You have got a lot of nerve.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn L'estiu vau a la piscina cada dia.,In the summer I go to the pool every day.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Lava't las mans de plan.,Wash your hands well.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Reagan a demandat l'ajuda militara endeus contrarevolucionaris.,Reagan asked for military aid for the Contras.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Ne'vs podi pas ajudar.,I cannot help you.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Qu'a los pèus qui'u cadon sus las espatlas.,Her hair comes to her shoulders.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Tròvi que la Magdalena ei plan beròia.,Magdalena looks very cute to me.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Lo Ken a fòrça mès líbers que non pas tu.,Ken has many more books than you.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Vai-te'n a l'escòla.,Go to school.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Soi mès gran que non pas tu.,I'm taller than you.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn La vila drom.,The city sleeps.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn L'aiga a bon gost.,Water is good to drink.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Èi besonh d'aquò.,I need this.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Com t'apèras ?,What are you called?,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Es intelligent.,She is very bright.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Es intelligenta.,She is very clever.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Es tornat hòu.,He has gone mad.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Es vengut hòu.,She got mad.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Que l'aperam Mike.,We call him Mike.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Me cau sòus.,I need money.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Los Estats Units son un gran país.,The United States is a large country.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Vai pas aquiu !,Don't go into that area.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Vòli pas anar.,I wish I had a reason not to go.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn "Lo bonur, qu'es aquò ?",What is happiness?,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Nòste projècte a capbussat.,Our project collapsed.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Son tròp grans.,They are too big.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Es beròia.,He's looking good.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Es una ostaleria.,This is a hotel.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn A longas camas.,Her legs are long.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn A camas de las longas.,He has long legs.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Mon ostau es gran.,My house is big.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Ès lo hilh de qui ?,Whose son are you?,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Es un Anglés.,He's an Englishman.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Es estranh.,That's what's weird.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Vòli pas trabalhar.,I don't want to work.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn La Maria trabalha en Africa end'una organizacion non-governamentala.,Mary works for an NGO in Africa.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Qu'èm bandats a clau.,We got dead drunk.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Qui es ací ?,Who is there?,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Perdequé soi ací ?,Why am I here?,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Es l'ostal qu'i soi nascut.,This is the house where I was born.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Vòli parlar de gojatas.,I want to talk about girls.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Demorarai en contacte.,I'll be in touch.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn T'agacha.,She's looking at you.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn "Dobrissètz la pòrta, se vos plai.",Please open the door.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Ajas pas paur.,Don't be afraid.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Respondrai a vòstras doas letras.,I will respond to both of your letters.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Ai pas res mai a traduire.,I don't have anything more to translate.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Ai pas tròp enveja de dançar.,I don't feel much like dancing.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Que l'am ausida plorar.,We heard her cry.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Es la mea question.,This is my question.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Qu'am perdut lo jòc.,We lost the game.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn "Tot çò que vos cal far, es aténguer.",All you have to do is to wait.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Èra bon ?,Was it good?,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Son demorats muts.,They were left speechless.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn As la ruca ?,Are you angry?,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Que l'am hèit partir.,We made him go.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Avètz dejà pres vòstras potingas ?,Have you taken your medicine yet?,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Lo bus que s'estanca a l'ostalaria Islanda.,The bus stops at Hotel Iceland.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Lo gojat a set.,The boy is thirsty.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Que'ns cau tribalhar dur.,We must work hard.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Ma vila nadau es fòrça polida.,My hometown is very pretty.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn I a un gat dens la cosina.,There is a cat in the kitchen.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Va tot dret per aquela carrèra.,Go straight on down this street.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn "Se cambias 48 oras en minutas, quantas minutas aquò te fa ?","If you convert 48 hours into minutes, how many minutes does that make?",oci_Latn-eng_Latn Anèm adara !,Let's go now.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Que l'am vista dançar.,We saw her dance.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Que volèm ua veitura.,We want a car.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Ne'u deisha pas tocà'u.,Don't let him touch it.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Qu'am ganhat l'encontre.,We won the match.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn "Pas nat òmi los pòt pas conéisher, pas nat caçaire neus pòt pas tirar dessús dab prova o plom - Las pensadas son liuras !","No man can know them, no hunter can shoot them, with powder and lead - Thoughts are free!",oci_Latn-eng_Latn Avisatz vos ! Es dangerós de miar bandat.,Take care! It's dangerous to drive drunk.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Quants pennies te cal per far una liura ?,How many pennies does it take to make one pound?,oci_Latn-eng_Latn En qué ei hèit ?,What's it made from?,oci_Latn-eng_Latn "Te me cau ensenhar, un d'aquestes jorns.","You must teach me, one of these days.",oci_Latn-eng_Latn Quin còsta lo bus ?,What's the bus fare?,oci_Latn-eng_Latn En tot léger se pòt aprénguer fòrça mots.,You can pick up a lot of words by reading.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Deverés te guardar las trunas de valor dins un lòc segur.,You should keep your valuables in a safe place.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Un jorn de mei qu'es passat.,Another day gone by.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Podes tornar tà casa adara.,You can go home now.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Sa mair l'acompanha tostemps.,Her mother always accompanies her.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Sèm demorats a casa pr'amor que plavèva.,We stayed at home because it was raining.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Supausi qu'as talent.,I suppose you're hungry.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Podi me n'anar adara ?,May I leave now?,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Nos a calgut repossar l'amassada pr'amor de la pluèja.,We had to postpone the gathering because of rain.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Dimenge es lo darrèr jorn de la setmana.,Sunday is the last day of the week.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn M'an panat l'aparelh fòto dins lo trin.,My camera was stolen on the train.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Pervéses d'anar a l'estrangèr ?,Do you plan to go abroad?,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Costarà haut o baish cent mila iens.,"It'll cost about 10,000 yen.",oci_Latn-eng_Latn As fait al tenis ier ?,Did you play tennis yesterday?,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Es un drollet intelligent.,He is a smart boy.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Serí anat a la montanha s'avèvi avut dinèrs.,I would have gone to the mountains had I had the money.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn A decidit de maridà's dab lo Tòm.,She decided to get married to Tom.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn La Luna ei ua persona de hidança.,Luna is a reliable person.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn "Se hornís tres e quate, qu'obtengues sèt.","If you add three and four, you get seven.",oci_Latn-eng_Latn I a pauc d'aiga hens lo herrat.,There is little water in the bucket.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn La Maria qu'ei la sòr deu Tòm.,Mary is Tom's sister.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Qu'a traversat la termièra.,He passed across the border.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn N'esprovatz pas la paciéncia de Diu.,Don't try God's patience.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn T'agrada aquera flor ?,Do you like this flower?,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Qu'am aperat lo nòsta can White.,We named our dog White.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Qu'ei l'amor lo qui mia lo monde.,It is love that rules the world.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn La saviesa ne veng pas automaticament dab l'edat.,Wisdom does not automatically come with age.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Que'vs pregam d'aténguer trenta minutas.,Please wait for thirty minutes.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Que volèva enmagrir e pensava que fumar l'ajudaré.,She wanted to lose weight and she thought smoking would help her.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn N'ac podi pas hèr.,I can't do it.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Qu'èi desbrombat d'estupar lo hinestron abans de me n'anar dromir.,I forgot to turn off the TV before going to bed.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Pensam a çò qui poderé estar lo sordeish.,Let's think about the worst that could happen.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Ne soi pas quauqu'un de matinau,I am not a morning person.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Parlas lo japonés ?,Do you speak Japanese?,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Me cal l'ajudar.,I've got to help him.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Los pairs escotan.,The parents are listening.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Lo Tòm a demandat un conselh a la Maria.,Tom asked Mary for advice.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn "Ei a bon mercat, non pas ?","That's cheap, isn't it?",oci_Latn-eng_Latn A una bicicleta.,He has a bicycle.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Un guit lèd ei vasut un beròi cigne.,An ugly duckling became a graceful swan.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn De qué cosinas ?,What are you cooking?,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Qu'èi visitat Fukuoka i a dètz ans.,I visited Fukuoka ten years ago.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Ne te'n des pas. Que'm podes hidar.,Don't worry. You can confide in me.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Totis los òmis son esguaus en drets.,All men have equal rights.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Sénher Smith es sensible a aqueste mena de critica.,Mr Smith is vulnerable to this kind of criticism.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Aquò va costar 30 euros.,This will cost €30.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Dètz personas estón leugerament alebadas hens aqueth accident.,Ten people were slightly injured in the accident.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Los condòrs ne son pas jamei estats neurits au zoo.,Condors have never bred in zoos.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Eth qu'a idèas estranhas.,He has strange ideas.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn L'èi pres que panava dinèrs.,I caught him stealing the money.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Parlas lo leton ?,Do you speak Latvian?,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Lo Tòm sap miar adara.,Tom can drive now.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn A un piano ?,Does she have a piano?,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Es totjorn puntuau a sons rendètz-ve.,He's always on time for his appointments.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Encantat de'vs véser.,Glad to see you again.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Quin s'apèra ?,What is his name?,oci_Latn-eng_Latn On pòdi prénguer mas valisas ?,Where can I pick up my baggage?,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Un bon ciutadan aubedís la lei.,A good citizen obeys the laws.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Era seré pas urosa dambe eth.,She wouldn't be happy with him.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Pr'amor s'ès lhevat tan de d'ora ?,Why did you get up so early?,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Soi mei pichon que vosautes.,I am shorter than you.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Èi apelat lo men filh abans de pujar dins l'avion per li díser de me vénguer quérrer a l'aeropòrt.,"I phoned my son before boarding the plane, telling him to come to the airport to pick me up.",oci_Latn-eng_Latn Lo president es de costuma acompanhat per sa femna quan se'n va a l'estrangèr.,The President is usually accompanied by his wife when he goes abroad.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn "La sola causa que podèm far, es aténguer la polícia.",All we can do is wait for the police to arrive.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Pr'amor as fèit aquò ?,Why did you do that?,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Ne sabi pas quan va vénguer aquí.,I don't know when he'll come here.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Una rauba de serada es desirada.,Evening dress is desired.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn I a quicòm que truca a sa calculadera.,Something is wrong with this calculator.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Com es lo temps per aquiu ?,How's the weather there?,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Totas las fuèlhas de l'àrber son vengudas jaunas.,All the leaves on the tree turned yellow.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn """Com se passa ?"" ""Fòrça plan. Lo revengut e lo profièit pujan regularament.""","""How are things going?"" ""Terrific. Income and profit are continuing to rise steadily.""",oci_Latn-eng_Latn Èi una dolor au piech.,I have a pain in my chest.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Lo cors d'aleman comença lo 5 d'octobre.,The German course begins October fifth.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Va vénguer fòrça mei caud en març.,It will become much warmer in March.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Que sia fèit de tira.,Let it be done at once.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn "Soi urós que pòditz vénguer. Vos pregui, siitz com a casa.",I'm glad you could come. Please make yourself at home.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn De qué fas ?,What're you doing?,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Èras cansat ?,Were you tired?,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Mon paire demora e trabalha a Tòquio.,My father lives and works in Tokyo.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn "L'èi apelat, mès la linha èra encuentada.","I called him, but the line was busy.",oci_Latn-eng_Latn Se son maridats la devarada passada.,They got married last fall.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn As espiat lo film de vaquèr anueit ?,Did you see the cowboy film on TV last night?,oci_Latn-eng_Latn "Se botas mei fuèlhas de tè dins lo topinòt, lo tè aurà un gost melhor.","If you put more tea leaves into the pot, the tea will taste better.",oci_Latn-eng_Latn Uei lo temps es polit.,It's lovely weather today.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Ne l'èi pas trobat au pair ni a la cramba ni au casau.,I found my father neither in his room nor in the garden.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Cresi que ta letra es devath aqueth líber.,I think your letter is under that book.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Lo Tòm coneish pas mon nom.,Tom doesn't know my name.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Me cau l'ajudar.,I must help her.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Èi convinçut lo John de se far véser pel mètge.,I persuaded John to be examined by the doctor.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn "Luenh dels ueilhs, luenh del còr.",Far from eye far from heart.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn S'es exprimit d'un biais clar.,He expressed himself clearly.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn La campana de la glèisa abança de tres minutas de mei cada setmana.,The church clock gains three minutes a week.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn "Per malastre, devèvi me lhevar fòrça de d'ora cada matin.","Unfortunately, I have to get up early every morning.",oci_Latn-eng_Latn Podèrz ausir lo son de la mar dens aquesta cambra d'ostelaria.,You can hear the sound of the sea in this hotel room.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Milierats d'estelas lusissèva peu cèu.,Thousands of stars shone in the heavens.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn "Lo cantaire n'es pas conegut sonque au Japon, mès tamben en Euròpa.",The singer is famous not only in Japan but also in Europe.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Èri al cinèma.,I was at a movie theater.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn "Adiu, Miquèu.","Good morning, Mike.",oci_Latn-eng_Latn La màfia utiliza gasanhas legaus coma paréisher.,The Mafia uses legitimate business operations as a front.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn "De fèit, n'a pas remarcat la diferença.",The fact is that he did not notice the difference.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Èi dus frairs.,I have two brothers.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Èi pas nat gat.,I don't have a cat.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Dejuni a set oras.,I have breakfast at seven.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn "Un cò solet, plorè de tot son còr.","When left alone, he cried to his heart's content.",oci_Latn-eng_Latn Aimi l'occitan.,I like the Occitan language.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Lo vielh òmi que s'estanquèc tot sobte e qu'espièc a l'endarrèr.,The old man stopped suddenly and looked back.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn "Se vòs estar liure, destrusís ton finestron.","If you want to be free, destroy your television set.",oci_Latn-eng_Latn Lo Tòm conseish uns amics de la Maria.,Tom knows some of Mary's friends.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Te cau trabalhar.,You must work.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn De cap a on vam ?,Where are we going?,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Demori au Japon.,I am living in Japan.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Soi mès gran.,I am taller.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Qui pòt hèr aqueste trabalh ?,Who can do this work?,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Aqueste bus va a Minsk.,This bus is going to Minsk.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Dejos la taula i a una poma.,There is an apple under the desk.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Lo Tòm sap pas quan la Maria va partir de Boston.,Tom doesn't know when Mary will leave Boston.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Los prètzes an pujat tostemps mès haut.,Prices rose higher and higher.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Lo jazz m'agrada.,I like jazz music.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Pr'amor te hè dòu quicòm qu'as pas hèit ?,Why are you sorry for something you haven't done?,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Torna lèu.,Come back soon.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Me sentissi deveder moralament de cap a era.,I feel morally indebted to her.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Los a cercat cinc oras.,He looked for them for five hours.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Lo Tòm digoc que la Maria semblava espaventada.,Tom said Mary seemed scared.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn "Apèran lo Robèrt ""Bob"".","They call Robert ""Bob"".",oci_Latn-eng_Latn Estoc enterrat dens aqueste cimentèri.,He was buried in this graveyard.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Vòli pas anar a l'escòla.,I don't want to go to school.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Parla tanben francés.,He can also speak French.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Lo Tòm sap pas pr'amor la Maria plorava.,Tom doesn't know why Mary was crying.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Mercés a tu èi perdut lo hami.,Thanks to you I've lost my appetite.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Lo gat a començat de's comportar estranhament.,The cat has started acting strangely.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Am mijat ueus.,We ate eggs.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn "Lo mot francés ""amour"" veng de l'occitan peus trobadors, se que non seré ""ameur"".","The French word ""amour"" comes from the Occitan language through the troubadours, otherwise it would be ""ameur"".",oci_Latn-eng_Latn "Pendent que talhavi las cebas, èi agut lagremas.",Tears came into my eyes when I was chopping onions.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Muisha-me com.,Show me how.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Vau dambe era.,I'm going with her.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Lo Burj Khalifa es uei lo dia lo gratacèu mès hauta deu monde.,Burj Khalifa is currently the tallest skyscraper in the world.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Èi decidit de li díser que l'aimi.,I decided to tell her that I love her.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn N'èi pas vist res.,I didn't see anything.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Lo Tòm que s'ei hèit un entrepan dab bóder de cacauèt e gelea.,Tom made himself a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Aqueste ostau ei lo men.,That house is mine.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Lo pan se fa cóser dins un forn.,Bread is baked in an oven.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Pòrta-me un veire d'aiga.,Bring me a glass of water.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Pòrta-me un tròç de greda.,Bring me a piece of chalk.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Sia tostemps mei esberit que non pas lo monde qui t'emplega.,Always be smarter than people who hire you.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Pòrta-me dus tròces de greda.,Bring me two pieces of chalk.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Bona nuèit !,Good night and sleep tight!,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Es l'ómi qu'as encontrat l'aute jorn.,He is the man you met the other day.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn N'èi pas nat gat.,I do not have a cat.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Sèm desolat de vos poder pas ajudar.,We are sorry we can't help you.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Lo camin de la vida.,The way of life.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Escotatz !,You must listen.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn L'espòrt nos manteng en fòrma.,Sports keep us in good shape.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn N'i a pas cap sabon.,There's no soap.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn La prima es passada e l'estiu comença.,Spring has passed and summer starts.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn As dinèrs ?,Do you have money?,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Es un òmi estranh.,He is a strange man.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Qu'am balhat lo líbers ad aqueste estudiant.,We gave the books to this student.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn T'agrada lo peish ?,Do you like fish?,oci_Latn-eng_Latn I a paucas librerias en aqueste parçan.,There are few bookstores in this area.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn N'encapegi pas l'esculptura modèrna.,I just don't get modern sculpture.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Vau melhor que me lo disis adara.,You had better tell me now.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Granmercés.,Thanks a lot!,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Contra la peguessa n'i a pas nada potinga.,No medicine can cure folly.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Lo venguerèi quérrer a conc oras.,I'll pick him up at 5.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Aprengui de picar a la maquina.,I'm learning how to type.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn "Com s'èra estancat de plàver, se n'anè passejar.","When it had stopped raining, he went for a walk.",oci_Latn-eng_Latn La vida es bèra.,Everything is alright.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Vau anar au parc.,I will go to the park.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Joan s'amanejava tant que n'avèva pas cap temps per parlar.,John was in such a hurry that he had no time for talking.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Que cadoc au varat.,He fell into the ditch.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Podi aver vostre nom ?,May I have your name?,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Vaquí un present per ton aniversari.,Here is a present for your birthday.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Lo sorelh que capbussèc darrèr lo pè deu cèu e se hascoc escur.,The sun sank below the horizon and it got dark.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Soi contra la guèrra.,I'm against the war.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Aqueste hèit que prova la soa innocéncia.,This fact proves her innocence.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Sembra estar amorosa de mon fraire.,She seems to be in love with my brother.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Los dròlles se n'anèn jogar defòra.,The children went out to play.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Es lo perqué de sa mauescaduda.,That's the cause of his failure.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Espèri qu'aquò te va agradar.,I hope you'll like it.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Espèri qu'aquò va vos agradar.,I hope that you will like it.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Lo líber qu'ei blanc.,The book is white.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn M'agradaré d'estar ric.,I wish I were rich.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn La nèu qu'a cobèrt tota la vila anueit.,The snow covered the whole city overnight.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Que coneishi hèra plan l'istòria d'Euròpa.,I know the history of Europe very well.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Seriosament ?,Are you serious?,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Lo Tòm a demandat a la Maria de l'esposar.,Tom asked Mary to marry him.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn L'Anna e lo Pèir qu'an dotze ans.,Ania and Piotr are twelve.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Quantas pomas vòus ?,How many apples do you want?,oci_Latn-eng_Latn N'i a pro !,This should be enough.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Èi l'impression de l'aver dejà incontrada en quauque endret.,I have a feeling I've met her somewhere before.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Qu'èi vist peu purmèr còp fotbalaires romanés a Madrid.,The first time I saw the Romanian soccer players was in Madrid.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Vau tornar.,I'll be back.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn "Eth, qu'ei dus còps mei vielh que non pas era.",He is twice as old as she is.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn "Me lavèi los caishaus, me pientèi los pèus.",I brush my teeth; I comb my hair.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Es impossible !,It is impossible.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn "Vin rotge, en vos pregar.","Red wine, please.",oci_Latn-eng_Latn As un tindarèl ?,Do you have a mobile phone?,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Atz un tindarèl ?,Do you have a cell phone?,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Drom ?,Is he sleeping?,oci_Latn-eng_Latn "Ièr, fasiá fòrça freg.",It was terribly cold yesterday.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Anar en trin m'agrada.,I like to travel by train.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Atudèt la lutz.,He turned off the light.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn "Vai te'n au departament de quirurgia, te prègui.",Please go to the Surgery Department.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Èi set.,I am thirsty.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Parlatz l'italian ?,Do you speak Italian?,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Lo public a ovacionat los actors ende lora interpretacion.,The audience acclaimed the actors for their performance.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn T'agradan las anchòias ?,Do you like anchovies?,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Aqueth relòtge m'estoc balhat per mon oncle.,This watch was given me by my uncle.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Mingi pan.,I'm eating bread.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Es pas jamès tròp tard end'apréner.,It is never too late to learn.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Ta cau estar atentiu.,You must be careful.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Que'ns cau que confirmitz la vòsta preséncia pr'amor las plaças que son limitadas.,We need you to confirm your attendance because places are limited.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Me soi pagat las talhas.,I paid my taxes.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn On demòra ?,Where does he live?,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Aquò's vertat tanben.,"That's true, too.",oci_Latn-eng_Latn Perpausam prètzes competitius.,We offer competitive pricing.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn "De d'ora o de tard, vam morir.",We will die sooner or later.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Èi tot simplament panicat.,I just panicked.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn L'alumini es vengut mès car que non pas l'aur.,Aluminium became more expensive than gold.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Es una hemna.,This is a woman.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Los Indians estón pas contents d'aqueste acòrd.,The Indians were not happy with this agreement.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Mon pair a fòrça líbers.,My father has many books.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Ta potinga es prèsta.,Your medicine is ready.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Èri pas a l'ora a l'escòla aqueste matin.,I wasn't on time for school this morning.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Cantava plan quan èra dròlle.,She could sing well when she was a child.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Tòm èra un foncionari.,Tom was a public servant.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn A mon gran l'agrada caminar.,My grandfather likes to walk.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Nerviós ? Jo ? Non pas !,Nervous? Me? No!,oci_Latn-eng_Latn La còrda es fòrça fèbla.,The string is very weak.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Qu'a nevat dus dias.,It has snowed for two days.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn "Com se debana sovent, lo gojat a huejut de casa.","As is often the case, the boy ran away from home.",oci_Latn-eng_Latn Era a legit lo líber en un jorn.,She read the book in one day.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Ès tan hòu que non pas Tòm.,You're just as crazy as Tom.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Totis an admirat son coratge.,Everyone admired his courage.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Cresi qu'es tròp pauc possible qu'ac poscas hèr solet.,I think it's highly unlikely that you'll be able to do that by yourself.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Vas pas vénguer a la hèsta deman ?,Won't you come to the party tomorrow?,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Totis te vòlon encontrar. Ès celèbre !,Everyone wants to meet you. You're famous!,oci_Latn-eng_Latn On es la sala de minjar ?,Where is the dining hall?,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Vosautes dus ètz vertadièrament amables.,You are both really kind.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Èra suu punt de se n'anar.,She was about to go out.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn "Adiu, com vas ?",Hi! How are you?,oci_Latn-eng_Latn "Adishatz, com anatz ?","Hello, how are you?",oci_Latn-eng_Latn An ensajat d'assassinar lo president.,They attempted to assassinate the president.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Era qu'ei Li Ying.,She is Li Ying.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Lo sorèlh es gran.,The sun is big.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Los òmis son bons.,People are good.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn "L'aiga, es important.",The lake is big.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn I a quauqu'un que minja.,Somebody is eating.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Soi a casa,I'm in the house.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Dromissi fòrça.,I slept a lot.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Soi sus la montanha.,I was on the mountain.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Espii pas sonque.,I'm just looking.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Hètz pas de brut !,Just be quiet.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Desvelha-te !,That's enough! Open your eyes and wake up now!,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Es pas bon aquò.,That's no good.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Parlatz lo chinés ?,Do you speak Chinese?,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Ès bèra.,You are beautiful.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Me sentissèvi pas plan.,I felt sick.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn "Au Japon, l'escòla que comença en abriu.","In Japan, school starts in April.",oci_Latn-eng_Latn Qu'èi crompat un bon aparelh de fòtos.,I bought a good camera.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Pòdes anar.,You can go.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Aquò´s un cavau.,This is a cat.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Aquò´s un can.,This is a horse.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Aquò´s un gat.,These are animals.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Lo men pair qu'ei a la soa cramba.,My father is in his room.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Comenci de parlar.,I start speaking.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Escriu.,He is drawing.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Es un frut.,It's a fruit.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Quina es la diferéncia ?,What is the difference?,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Lo frut es dòç,The fruit tastes sweet.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Soi fèble.,I am weak.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Me sentissi plan.,I am happy.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Vau plau.,I feel happy.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Com te sentisses ?,How do you feel?,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Soi fòrça petit.,I'm very short.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn La guèrra es acabada.,The war is over.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Que l'èi vist que m'espiava.,I saw him looking at me.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn On èras ?,Where were you?,oci_Latn-eng_Latn E creses çò qu'a dit ?,Do you believe what he said?,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Qu'estoc elegit president.,He was elected chairman.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Lo professor que'u permetó de tornar tà casa.,The teacher permitted him to go home.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn "Sens mon conselh, aurés mauescadut.","But for my advice, you would have failed.",oci_Latn-eng_Latn Vai te'n cagar!,Go the fuck away!,oci_Latn-eng_Latn "Vos prègui, desiratz-me bona escaduda.",Please wish me luck.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Es pas l'idèia qu'èi d'eth.,That is not my idea of him.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn De qué volètz ?,What do you want?,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Sembla malaut.,He seems to be sick.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Que vòli aquera saca.,I want that bag.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn M'agrada tribalhar.,I like to work.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Qu'èi hèit ua conferéncia en anglés.,I delivered a lecture in English.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Que't caleré melhor t'amanejar. Lo trin s'avia a tres oras.,You had better hurry. The train leaves at three.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn De qué pensas d'ua passejada peu parc ?,What do you say to taking a walk in the park?,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Que l'aima enqüèra.,She still loved him.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Ne sabèvi pas quan estupar l'aparelh.,I didn't know when to switch the machine off.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Ne m'i escadi pas de gahar la significacion d'aqueth mot.,We fail to grasp the meaning of the word.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Que'm lhevèi entà deishar un vielh prénguer la mea plaça.,I got up so an old man could sit in my seat.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Quan de temps aquò preng entad anar d'ací dinc a l'ostaleria Hilton ?,How long does it take to go from here to the Hilton Hotel?,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Un tigre s'ei escapat deu zoo.,A tiger has escaped from the zoo.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Aquò qu'ei un vielh piano.,It's an old piano.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn "Qu'èra a casa a Cambridge, Anlgatèrra.","He was in his home in Cambridge, England.",oci_Latn-eng_Latn Lo Tòm estoc tròp susprés ende reagir.,Tom was too surprised to react.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Wikipedia qu'ei l'enciclopedia mei bona sus la telaranha.,Wikipedia is the best encyclopedia on the Internet.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn De qué hascos pendent aquesta setmana ?,What have you done this week?,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Quin podètz díser aquò ?,How can you say that?,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Vau demorar aicí uns dias.,I'm going to stay here for several days.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Que soi un torista.,I am a tourist.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Que soi content deu men tribalh.,I am content with my job.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Lo Tòm n'ei pas deu matin.,Tom isn't a morning person.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Lo can qu'ei intelligent.,The dog is smart.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Aquiu que s'amassèn un milierat de personas.,Thousands of people gathered there.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Qu'a braç e cambas longs.,She has long arms and legs.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn "Passa'm la sau, te prègui.",Please pass me the salt.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn De qué hè lo vòste hilh ?,What does your son do?,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Un poèta espia lo monda com un òmi espia ua hemna.,A poet looks at the world as a man looks at a woman.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Veng lo mei lèu possible.,Come as soon as possible.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn N'i a pas arren de navèth devath lo sorelh.,There is no new thing under the sun.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn En 1683 los Turcs qu'an assietjat Viènna peu dusau còp.,"In 1683, the Turks besieged Vienna for the second time.",oci_Latn-eng_Latn Soi estat hissat per fòrça insèctes dens la seuva.,I was bitten by a lot of insects in the forest.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Lo Ken hè au tènnis ?,Does Ken play tennis?,oci_Latn-eng_Latn A ensajat de resòuver lo problèma mes a mancat d'astre.,"He tried to solve the problem, but had no luck.",oci_Latn-eng_Latn Me cau anar a l'escòla.,I have to go to school.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn T'agradan las pomas o las iranjas ?,Do you like apples or oranges?,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Èta cansat mes a contunhat de trabalhar.,"He was tired, but he kept working.",oci_Latn-eng_Latn Pensas seriosament minjar tot aquò ?,Are you seriously thinking about eating all that?,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Aquestas clucas de sorelh son tròp granas.,These sunglasses are too big.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Ès malauta ?,Are you ill?,oci_Latn-eng_Latn M'agrada jogar al fotbòl.,I like to play soccer.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn S'es esbarrit en vila.,He got lost in the city.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Es com un frair ende jo.,He's like a brother to me.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Era demòra damb'eth.,She lives with him.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Qu'a ua memòria de las bonas.,He has a good memory.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Tòm vòl que l’ajudi.,Tom wants me to help him.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Escambièc son aparelh fòto contra una guitarra.,They exchanged their camera for a guitar.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Aquestas prunas son maduras.,These plums are ripe.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Vertadierament ne sabes pas nadar ?,Can you really not swim?,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Desbromba d'atupar la lutz.,Don't forget to turn the light off.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn En vòli mai.,I want more.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Trobèc las soas claus e dobriscoc la pòrta.,He found his key and opened the door.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn "Un òmi viu pas sonque la soa vida personau com individu, mès tamben conscientament o inconscientament, la vida de la soa epòca e deus sons contemporanèus.","A man lives not only his personal life, as an individual, but also, consciously or unconsciously, the life of his epoch and his contemporaries.",oci_Latn-eng_Latn Es possible de prénguer una naveta de l'aeropòrt a l'ostalaria ?,Is it possible to take a shuttle bus from the airport to the hotel?,oci_Latn-eng_Latn La veitura de Jack es un modèle recent.,Jack's car is a recent model.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Aquò es la vida.,Such is life.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Cerquè un endret per dromir.,He looked for a place in which to sleep.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Nos cau estar prèsts per tota escadença.,We ought to be ready for whatever comes.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Fa nueit mès dormi pas.,"It's night out, but I'm not asleep.",oci_Latn-eng_Latn Mon gat a gahat una ensorelhada.,My tomcat has a sunburn.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Aquela flor es la mei bèla de totas las flors.,This flower is the most beautiful of all flowers.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Benlèu deman va nevar.,Probably it will snow tomorrow.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Com t'apèlas ?,What's your name?,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Fuma pas.,He does not smoke.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn "Creses, tu, aus fantaumas ?",Do you believe in ghosts?,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Am besonh d'aquests dinèrs.,We need the money.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Sabi pas aquò.,I don't know that.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Com podi saber ?,How should I know?,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Los estius son fòrça cauds a Quiòto.,Summers are very hot in Kyoto.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Èra una bona idèia de crear Tatoeba.,Creating Tatoeba was a good idea.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn A Elèna tamben l'agrada far au tenis.,"Ellen likes to play tennis, too.",oci_Latn-eng_Latn S'es botat lo cap defòra de la finèstra.,She put her head out of the window.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn N'èra pas tan pèga au punt de condar aquesta istòria dabans d'ela.,He wasn't silly enough to tell that story before her.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Ei tot çò qui sabi.,This is all I know.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Esquii sovent.,I often ski.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Portavi los mens vestits mei bons.,I was wearing my best clothes.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Paucs tesaurs an tan de valor qu'un amic savi e ajudaire.,Few treasures are worth as much as a friend who is wise and helpful.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Qu'ei ua mapa deus camins.,This is a road map.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Qu'ei çò que digó.,This is what he said.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Qu'ei çò qu'èi besonh.,This is what I need.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Qu'ei çò que vòli.,This is what I want.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Aquera cramba qu'ei per logar.,This room is for rent.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Aquera sopa qu'a besonh de mei de sau.,This soup needs more salt.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Aqueth plap ne va pas tornar.,This stain won't come out.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Aqueth bistèc qu'ei tròp tilhut.,This steak is too tough.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Aqueth líber prim qu'ei lo men.,This thin book is mine.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Aqueth pneu qu'a besonh d'aire.,This tire needs some air.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn N'i a pas d'esper que sia vivent.,There is no hope of his being alive.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Aqueth mot que veng deu grèc.,This word comes from Greek.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Ne son pas las vòstas cadièras.,Those are not your chairs.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Lo Tòm e jo que sèm amics.,Tom and I are friends.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Que'ns lhevem a las aubetas.,We got up at dawn.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Qu'am passat mautemps.,We had a rough time.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn E'm pòrtas tà casa ?,Will you drive me home?,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Vengoc aquí per m'ajudar.,He came here to help me.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn I vas anar en trin ?,Will you go by train?,oci_Latn-eng_Latn I vas anar dab lo Tòm ?,Will you go with Tom?,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Vas i anar dab nosautes ?,Will you go with us?,oci_Latn-eng_Latn "Anatz-i, vos prègui.",Will you please go there?,oci_Latn-eng_Latn "Ajudatz-me, vos prègui.",Will you please help me?,oci_Latn-eng_Latn E vas demorar a casa ?,Will you stay at home?,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Prenguètz los chècs ?,Will you take a check?,oci_Latn-eng_Latn E'm podètz miar aquiu ?,Will you take me there?,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Aperèc lo son can Popeye.,He named his dog Popeye.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Vas vénguer dab jo ?,Won't you come with me?,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Atz obtengut mei que non pas jo.,You obtained more than me.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Podi utilizar lo gredon ?,May I use this pen?,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Vòus pas un pauc de hruta ?,Won't you have some fruit?,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Vòus un pauc de pastís ?,Won't you have some cake?,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Vòus un pauc de tè ?,Won't you have some tea?,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Volètz dançar ?,Would you like to dance?,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Vòus i anar ?,Would you like to go?,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Podes pas ensenhar trucs navèths a un vièlh can.,You can't teach an old dog new tricks.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Volètz har au jòc dab jo ?,Would you play with me?,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Escriu lo ton nom aquiu.,Write down your name here.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Escriu la data tu medish.,Write in the date yourself.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn "Escriv'ac aquiu, te prègui.","Write it down here, please.",oci_Latn-eng_Latn Me prestas ton costèth ?,Will you lend me your knife?,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Vas aprénguer a l'aimar.,You'll come to like her.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Vas passar mautemps.,You'll have a hard time.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Ès un bon cosinèr.,You are a good cook.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn La vila a dedicat un monument en l'aunor deu generau.,The city dedicated a monument in honor of the general.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Qué hilh de puta de film es aquò ?,What the hell kind of movie is this?,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Ditz lor qu'i avèva quauqu'un aquí que los cercava.,Tell them that there was someone here looking for them.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn N'èi pas vist lo Tòm darrèrament.,I haven't seen Tom lately.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Es demorat assedut aquiu duas oras.,He has been sitting there for two hours.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Preferi viatjar per trin que non pas volar.,I prefer traveling by train to flying.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Èi un ostau.,I have a house.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Mon pair es joen.,My father is young.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Los àrbers son verds.,The trees are green.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Me cau demorar au leit ?,Must I stay in bed?,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Vend de veituras.,He sells cars.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Mon plasèr.,The pleasure's mine.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Escotatz çò que ditz lo regent.,Listen to what the teacher says.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Dequé pensas d'el ?,What do you think of him?,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Angoc aquiu solet.,He went there by himself.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn "En tot utilizar Tatoeba, òm aprend las lengas.","Using Tatoeba, you learn languages.",oci_Latn-eng_Latn Èi acabat de léger lo líber anueit.,I finished reading the book last night.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Nos sèm consolats l'un l'aute.,We consoled each other.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Lo Jack m'a colhonat.,Jack played a dirty trick on me.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn I a una television dins ma cramba.,There is a television in my room.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn M'agrada pas de portar los vestits de quauqu'un mès.,I do not like wearing anybody else's clothes.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Miar briac es un problèma seriós.,Drunk driving is a serious problem.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn T'èi dit de vénguer quan que sia que t'anga.,I told you to come whenever it's convenient to you.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn De qué pensatz de la guèrra ?,What do you think of war?,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Viveràs mei longtemps se ne fumas pas.,You will live longer if you don't smoke.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Totis los amics aus quaus am enviat convidas que son venguts a la hèsta.,All my friends to whom I sent invitations came to the party.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn E saps qui ei aquera grana saura apelhada de verd ?,"Does anybody know who the tall, blond girl dressed in green is?",oci_Latn-eng_Latn Paucs estudiants sabon legir lo latin.,Few students know how to read Latin.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Qu'ei lo men hrair.,This is my brother.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Ne soi pas un pèc.,I'm not an idiot.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Cresi que n'ei pas lo men tipe.,I think you're not my type.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn As passat ua bona dimenjada ?,Did you have a good weekend?,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Torna-le los dinèrs de tira !,Return the money to him at once.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Vam hèr ua carbonada sus la platja.,We'll have a barbecue at the beach.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Que volèvi vàser filosòfe.,I wanted to become a philosopher.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Qu'èi agut dab era ua devís deus longs.,I had a long conversation with her.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Volerí vàser jornalista esportiu.,I want to be a sport reporter.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Qu'i a tamben gats sus Març.,"There are cats on Mars, too.",oci_Latn-eng_Latn Lo Tòm es mès gran que non pas la Maria.,Tom is taller than Mary.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn "N'essaja pas de't brombar cada frasa deu tèxte, qu'ei quasi impossible.","Don't try to remember every sentence of the text, it's almost impossible.",oci_Latn-eng_Latn Dison qu'una grana paishèra serà bastida.,They say that a large dam will be built.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Quin te va ?,How are you doing?,oci_Latn-eng_Latn De qué pensas de hèr un viatge en bus ?,What do you think of the idea of making a bus trip?,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Sabi que m'espia.,I know he is watching me.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn "Quin s'escriu dens la Bíblia, l'òmi n'ei pas tostemps perfèit.","As in the Bible, man may not be always perfect.",oci_Latn-eng_Latn Qu'èi hicat lo hilh ad agaidar lo tascat.,I had my son water the lawn.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Aqueth ostau qu'a shèis crambas.,This house has six rooms.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Son anats pescar.,They went fishing.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Degun la vesoc pas quan se n'angoc.,No one saw her when she left.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Degun lo vesoc pas quan se n'angoc.,No one saw him when he left.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Qu'ei un líber ancian.,This is an old book.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Qu'ei un líber deus petits.,This is a small book.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Èi atengut ta telefonada.,I've been expecting your call.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn QU'ei aparat sus hèits.,This is based on fact.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn "Panaire un jorn, panaire tostemps","Once a thief, always a thief.",oci_Latn-eng_Latn Es una vergonha.,It's a shame.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn T'i caleré anar.,You should go.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Degun podèva pas refusar lor convit.,No one could turn down their invitation.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Va en bus a l'escòla ?,Does he go to school by bus?,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Aimava fòrça lo Tòm.,I loved Tom very much.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn "Lo daubrís pas, te prègui.","Don't open it, please.",oci_Latn-eng_Latn Lo coble que decidiscò d'adoptar un orfanin.,The couple decided to adopt an orphan.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Lo peish qu'ei en aiga clara.,The fish is in clear water.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Que harà l'ahar.,This will do for now.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Desencusatz ende lo rambalh.,Sorry about the mess.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Supausi que sabètz pas qui es lo Tòm.,I suppose you don't know who Tom is.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn I vesi pas ren de marrit.,I see nothing wrong with it.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Se levèc lentament.,He stood up slowly.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Lo Tòm es vergonhós de çò qu'a hèit.,Tom is embarrassed by what he did.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Ètz regents.,You are teachers.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn E va remete's lèu ?,Will she get well soon?,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Es una fòto que m'agrada vertadièrament.,It is a photograph that I really like.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Ensagi de dromir.,I'm trying to sleep.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Tribalhas tròp.,You work too hard.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Me'n balhas un pauc ?,Will you give me some?,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Èra un pauc tròp gohorós per la prima.,It was a little too muggy for spring.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn La Nancy a un piano.,Nancy has a piano.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Lo cresi aunèste.,I believe him honest.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Cau qu'agi acabat lo tribalh a quate oras.,I have to finish the work by four o'clock.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Èra temeruga per natura .,She was naturally shy.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Son pas brica interessats.,They are not at all interested.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Qu'ei un deus mei coneguts scientific de Japon.,He is one of the greatest scientists in Japan.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Ganhar las eleccions èra una victòria de las bèras peu partit deu candidat.,Winning the election was a great victory for the candidate's political party.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn "A la debuta, la Meg avèva lo mau de casa.","At first, Meg was homesick.",oci_Latn-eng_Latn Un policièr l'a pres.,He was taken away by a policeman.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Te vau balhar la recèpta.,I will give you a recipe.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn N'ac farèi pas mei.,I will never do it again.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Ac farèi amb plaser.,I'll do it with pleasure.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn N'èri pas capable d'escriure lo numero de la placa.,I was unable to write down the number of the car.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Res n'es pas mei dur qu'un diamant.,Nothing is as hard as a diamond.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Es estada inconscienta tres jorns.,She was unconscious for three days.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Maman li crompèc una bèla monaca.,Mother bought a beautiful doll for her.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Qu'ei estat elegit president.,He was elected president.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Me'n vau au cinema s'èi lo temps.,I would go to the movies if I had the time.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Los dròlles començan d'estar cansats.,The children are growing tired.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn "Anarèi a la mar, e tu, anaràs a l'escòla.","I will go to the sea, but you, on the other hand, will go to school.",oci_Latn-eng_Latn Lo prètz que pujan a cada cóp.,The prices are going up higher and higher.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Que't pregui de sèder sus aquera cadiera e d'aténguer.,Please sit on this chair and wait.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Que soi arreviraire.,I'm a translator.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Que soi traductor.,I am a translator.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Quins espòrts t'agradan ?,What sports do you like?,oci_Latn-eng_Latn L'èi pas dit ?,Didn't I say that?,oci_Latn-eng_Latn "En l'abséncia deu men companh de viatge, que soi estat ad uas passajadas tot solet.","In the absence of my travel partner, I took several solo trips.",oci_Latn-eng_Latn La soa amiga qu'ei japonesa.,His girlfriend is Japanese.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Que m'amanegi.,I'm in a hurry.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Qu'èi visitat Romania i a uas annadas.,I visited Romania a few years ago.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Lo parlaire ensagèc de honhar lo monde a la susmauta.,The speaker tried to incite the people to rebellion.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Ua langa pròpia entà cada nacion e ua dusau partatjada per totis.,An own language for each nation and a second that's shared by all.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Que drom com un nenet.,He's sleeping like a baby.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Qu'èi crompat lo líbers deu quau los dròlles an besonh.,I bought the book which the children need.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Podi pas estar d'acòrd amb sa perpausicion.,I cannot agree to his proposal.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn S'ei perdut lo parapluja un còp de mei.,He lost his umbrella again.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn "Pr'amor que lo monde sus tèrra parla pas la medisha lenga, hèra eforç qu'ei consacrat a l'arrevirada.","Because people in the world don't speak the same language, much effort is now devoted to translation.",oci_Latn-eng_Latn Lo tòm èra tan desgovernat que's deishèc l'aparelh fòto hens lo bus.,Tom was so careless as to leave his camera in the bus.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Quanqu'un coneish lo nom deu praube defunt ?,Does anyone know the name of the deceased?,oci_Latn-eng_Latn "Podèvi pas assistir a la hèsta, e ac volèvi pas tanpauc.","I was unable to attend the party, nor did I want to.",oci_Latn-eng_Latn "Lo Tòm qu'ei dejà aquí, mès lo Bill n'ei pas enqüèra arribat.","Tom's already here, but Bill hasn't come yet.",oci_Latn-eng_Latn Aquò estoc bastit i a bèra pausa.,This was built long ago.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Ei hèra aimable de vosta part.,That's very sweet of you.,oci_Latn-eng_Latn Рѫка рѫкѫ мъıѥть.,One hand washes the other.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Вьси сѧ людиѥ родѧть свободьни и ровьни въ чьсти та въ правьдѣ. И одарєни сѫть розѹмъмь и дѹшєѭ. И дѣıати имъ къ собѣ ıако мєжю братъı.,All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Казалъ єсмь ємоу се.,I explained it to him.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Городъ вьсь горѣ.,The city was all aflame.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Лѣплѥ ми ѣздити нєжє ходити.,I prefer riding to walking.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Поминаѭ ожє тѧ инъдє сърѣтохъ.,I remember meeting you somewhere.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Кого жьдєши?,Who are you waiting for?,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Къто Амълєтъ глѹмить?,Who acts Hamlet?,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Надобѣ ємѹ въдати чьто пити.,He needs something to drink.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Се мои брати сѫть.,These are my brothers.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Исто ли єси чьрницıа?,Are you really a nun?,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Позьри затворєно ли окъно.,See that the window is closed.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Воротилъ єсмь сѧ Къıѥвоу ıако ѹжє бъıсть пьрвъıи снѣгъ.,I came back to Kyiv when the first snow had already fallen.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Кръı ти носъмь идє.,Your nose is bleeding.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Въ колико бѫдеть?,How much will it cost?,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Принєслъ єсмь кънигъı.,I brought a book.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Вижѭ хоромъ.,I see the house.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Коупи собѣ чьто ѣсти.,Buy yourself something to eat.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Оли томоу єсмь не порозоумѣлъ.,I didn't understand it yet.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Не пьѭ водъı.,I don't drink water.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Зима минѫла.,Winter is gone.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Зима отиде.,Winter has gone.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ѡтъворıаѥть окъно.,She is opening the window.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Стольнъıи городъ Ѹкраинъı Къıѥвъ.,Kyiv is the capital of Ukraine.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Не любо ми лѣто.,I don't like summer.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Чьто дѣѥта?,What are you two doing?,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мълвиши ли нѣмьчьскъı?,Do you speak German?,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Вьсе бъıло лѣпо.,Everything looked nice.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Позєлєнили єсмъ домъ.,We painted the house green.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Чьто же єсмь вѣлъ и ти повѣлъ.,What I wist I told to you.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Єсть єи котъ. Котъ бѣлъ.,She has a cat. The cat is white.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бѣзи и хорони сѧ въ горахъ.,Run and hide in the mountains.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Рыба въ чистои водѣ.,The fish is in clear water.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Осколобишѧ сѧ къ собѣ.,They smiled at one another.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сє дѣѭ ожє ми платѧть.,I'll do it if they pay me.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Изнємогла єсвѣ сѧ.,We were very tired.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Забыхъ.,I forgot it.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Коли приидєши домови?,When are you coming home?,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Оупьртъ ıако осьлъ.,He is stubborn as a mule.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Радъ ѣмь ıаблъка.,I like to eat apples.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Люблѭ ıаблъка.,I like apples.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Съварила нъı добрѫ вєчєрѭ.,She cooked us a delicious dinner.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Жьдѣте мене!,Wait for me!,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Чьто дѣѥть сынъ твои?,What does your son do?,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Пиıанъ єсть.,He is drunk.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Въ Грьцѣхъ мънози сѫть острови.,There are many islands in Greece.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Чиıа дъчи єсть Юлїа?,Whose daughter is Julia?,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Рєкѫть ожє Омиръ слѣпъ бъıсть.,"Homer was blind, it is said.",orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Затвори окъно, добро сътвори.",Please close the window.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Жьдалъ єсмь сего!,I was expecting it!,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Къто гораздо любить гораздо кажєть.,He who loves well reprimands well.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Вижѭ заоутра дъжча нє бѫдєть.,I think it won't rain tomorrow.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ѹжє поздѣ.,It is late.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ѡтъ ничєго жє ничьто жє.,Nothing comes from nothing.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Дажь ми отъвѣтъ добро сътвори.,Please answer me.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Єсмь молода.,I am young.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Дажьте ми отъвѣтъ добро сътворѧ.,"Answer me, please.",orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Гадаи кого жє єсмь нъıнѣ сърѣлъ!,Guess who I met today!,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сьдє и нъıнѣ.,Here and now.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Єсмь ли бєрєжа?,Am I pregnant?,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Єго даръ сє гълькъ вина.,His present is a bottle of wine.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Истина которѫ ıавить.,The truth bears hatred.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Охабила сѧ єго о иномь мѫжи.,She left him for another man.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Люба ли ти ıаблъка?,Do you like apples?,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Нѣ ли ти чьто то речи а мълчи.,"If you have nothing to say, keep your lips sealed.",orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Оучинила єсвѣ свѧто на дворѣ.,We had a party outside.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Коли сѧ єсте родили?,When were you born?,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Камо грѧдєши?,Where are you going?,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Кѫдъı идєши?,Where are you going to?,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Добро зельѥ горько.,Good medicine is bitter.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ѫтѧ сѧ мьрзъко ѹчинило лєбєдьмь красьнъмь.,An ugly duckling became a graceful swan.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Остави сє къдє то єси нашьлъ.,Leave it where you found it.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ємли ми вѣрѫ.,Believe you me.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Поѧлъ три рыбы.,He caught three fish.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Не видѣла ли ѥси моихъ пътъкъ?,Didn't you see my birds?,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Чєловѣкъ єсмь а ничьто жє ми чєловѣчьскоѥ нє чюжє.,"I am human, and I think nothing human is alien to me.",orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Котъ ѹбѣглъ.,The cat ran away.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Чьто ѣвѣ на вечерѭ?,What do we eat tonight?,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Нъ пѹщаєть въ цьркъвь.,But it allows you to enter the church.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сѧдѣмъ на лавицѭ.,Let's sit down on the bench.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn То пьрво поздѣ.,It is too late.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бѫдеть ти бързо лѣплѥ.,You'll get well soon.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ѹжє єси нє дѣтѧ.,You are not a child any more.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Рада вы сьде вижѭ.,I am happy to see you here.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Чемоу ми єси не росказалъ?,Why didn't you tell me?,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ѹ тєтѣ моєѣ троє дѣтии.,My aunt has three children.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Истратишѧ мъного кѹнъ въ съıнѹ своємь.,They spent a lot of money on their son.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Любы моѥи сестрѣ дѣти.,My sister is very fond of children.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Домъ твои вєликъ.,Your house is big.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Одинъ, дъва, триє, чєтъıрє, пѧть, шєсть, сємь, осмь, дєвѧть, дєсѧть.","One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten.",orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ѹмьрлъ пєчальноѭ съмьртьѭ.,He died a sad death.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мълвить ıако нъ вьсє вѣсть.,He talks as if he knew everything.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сє право.,This is true.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Потомили ли сѧ єстє?,Are you tired?,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бѣгѫ.,I do run.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Єсмь мѫжь.,I'm a man.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Ничьто жє, одинъ, дъва, триѥ, чєтырє, пѧть, шєсть, сємь, осмь, дєвѧть, дєсѧть.","Zero, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten.",orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Чьто єси ѡтърєкла?,What did you answer?,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Се комонь.,This is a horse.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Кланıаѭ ти сѧ.,I thank you.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Чьто єси ѡтърєклъ?,What did you reply?,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Єсмь вєльми радъ.,I'm very pleased.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Чемоу ми не речеши чемоу же сьдѣ вьси єсмъ?,Why don't you tell me why we're all here?,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Къто чєловѣкъ сь?,Who is this person?,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Пѧть и триѥ єста осмь.,Five and three is eight.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ѥси ми вьсе.,You are everything to me.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Колодѧзь исъхлъ.,The well has run dry.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Хочѭ чьто пити.,I'd like to drink something.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Жьдѫ вънѣ.,I'll wait outside.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Нѣсть въ оучилищи оуже пѧть дьнъ.,She's been absent from school for five days.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Любъ ли ти Новыи Ѥръкъ?,How do you like New York?,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn На столѣ сѣдить ıаблъко.,There is an apple on the desk.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Иди нами.,Come with us.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Въ винѣ истина.,Truth is in wine.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn И тъı Брѹтє?,"You too, Brutus?",orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Помочи ти?,May I help you?,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Свьрбить ми въ ѹшєсє.,I have an itch in my ear.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Поѹчаєть чьсти и пьсати.,She teaches reading and writing.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Править ѡрѫдьє ѡтьнєє.,He is managing the business for his father.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Видѣла мѧ идѫча въ лавъкѫ.,She saw me enter the store.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Не хочѫ ити оже не идеши съ мъноѭ.,I don't want to go if you don't go with me.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Можемъ ли още быти дроузи?,Can we still be friends?,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сє исто.,This is the truth.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Подобить тѹ кѹрити.,You can smoke here.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Вѣмь ожє ничєго жє нє вѣмь.,I know that I know nothing.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Съгрѣшилъ єси горазно.,You have made many mistakes.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Прости мѧ ожє поздѣ пришьлъ.,I'm sorry about being late.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Нє ворочаєть сѧ свѣтъ ѡ тобѣ.,The world doesn't revolve around you.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сѣдѣ на зємли.,He was sitting on the floor.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ѹчєра сѧ тать въмъкнѫ въ лавъкѫ.,A burglar broke into the shop yesterday.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бѫдєть добръ мѫжь сєстрѣ моєи.,He will be a good husband to my sister.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Коли єси коньчилъ?,When did you finish?,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мьнить ми сѧ Ѳома ненавидить моѥмоу пьсоу.,I think Tom hates my dog.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Вижѭ Ѳома сѧ гноушаѥть моѥго пьса.,I think that Tom hates my dog.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Любъ ми свѣтъ свѣчьнъ.,I like candlelight.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сє котъ ли пьсъ?,Is that a cat or a dog?,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Принесѫ още оуброусъ.,I'll bring one more towel.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сѣдить мои братъ въ Токїи.,My brother lives in Tokyo.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Вьси молоди пьси рыщѫть бързо.,All the young dogs run quickly.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Больнъ нъ шьлъ оучилищѭ.,"He was sick, but he went to school.",orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Рьци ми право.,Tell me the truth.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Томъ мажєть плотъ заѹтра.,Tom will paint the fence tomorrow.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Вѣтръ ѹлєглъ.,The wind calmed down.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Дамь ти пѧть доларъ.,I'll give you five dollars.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Николи же ѭ не наидемъ.,We'll never find her.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Къ югѹ!,To the south.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Толи жє станєть.,That's enough for now.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бъıло тѧжько.,It was very difficult.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Вѣтръ вѣѥть.,The wind blows.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Коли Петръ въсталъ, Иванъ былъ оуже пошьлъ отъ домоу.","When Peter got up, Jean had already left home.",orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Хочєши ли ѣсти?,Do you want to eat?,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Живѫ въ великомь городѣ.,I live in a big city.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Томъ заблѫдилъ въ поущи.,Tom lost his way in the woods.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Не мълви пълнымь рътъмь.,Don't speak with your mouth full.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мои очи пълнъı сльзъ.,My eyes are brimming with tears.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Дроугъ ми єси.,You are my friend.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Чьрвлѥно ми вино любѣѥ бѣлого.,I like red wine better than white.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Чємѹ єси криво рєклъ?,Why did you lie?,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Идєть дъждь.,It is raining.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ємѹ рътъ вєликъ.,He has a big mouth.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Не имѣѭ колесоу.,I don't have a bicycle.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Пьсало своѥ ищѭ.,I'm looking for my pen.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Затворивъ вьсѣ двьри шьлъ єсмь съпати.,"Locking all the doors, I went to bed.",orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Къдѣ єси пьрвоѥ сърѣлъ Томъ?,Where did you first meet Tom?,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тать сѧ мъкнѫ въ домъ а оуволочи коуны.,A thief broke into the house to steal the money.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Горѧчь бѫдеть мъногымъ лютыи огнь.,The dreadful fire shall be hot to many.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Вьчєра єсмь ѧлъ ѡтъ нѥѣ грамотицѭ.,I had a letter from her yesterday.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Застѫпилъ ми пѫть.,He blocked my way.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Не хочеши ли вѣдѣти?,Don't you want to know?,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мъногъı ми сѫть кѹнъı.,I have a lot of money.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мъного ми є кѹнъ.,I have lots of money.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ѹ мєнє мъного кѹнъ.,I'm rolling in dough.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сълѣзи съ воза.,Get out of the car.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Пишєть бєсєръмєньскъı.,He writes Arabic.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Нє вьси людиє мѫдри.,Not all men are wise.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Кънигъı бѣлъı.,The book's white.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Се тѧжькъ ѧзыкъ.,It's a difficult language.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Глѹбоко ли озєро сє?,How deep is the lake?,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ѧшѧ и́ ѡ головьщинѣ.,He was arrested for murder.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Вьсıакъı єсмь оуже ти испълнь ѿпоустилъ.,"In any case, I've already entirely forgiven you.",orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Єго словеса поразила · бъıло ти тоу бъıти.,His speech was very impressive. You should have been there.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Съдоровьѥ сє пьрвъıи ѹставъ съчѧстию.,Health is the first condition of happiness.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бързо ли сѧ молоко казить?,Does milk spoil quickly?,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Коємѹ жьдо сѫть сильнаıа та слабаıа.,Everyone has their own strong and weak points.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Николи же тѧ не забѫдѫ.,I will never forget you.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Вєльми стѹдєно.,It's very cold.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Нє гръıзи ногъти.,Don't bite your nails.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Молилъ нъı сѧ помочи.,He asked us to help him.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Нє розѹмѣѭ.,I don't get it.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Чьто чьтєши?,What're you reading?,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Чьто чьтєтє?,What are you reading?,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Золотъмь вьсего не коупити.,Gold will not buy everything.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Не живѫ въ Чюди.,I don't live in Finland.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Вънидошѧ въ лодьѭ.,They got into the boat.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Чего бы хотѣлъ ѣсти?,What would you like to eat?,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Женъı красьнъı.,Women are beautiful.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Чюхъ голосъı.,I heard voices.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Нє розѹмѣѭть ми ожє рєкѫ нѣмьчьскъı.,I can't make myself understood in German.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мълчи.,Shut your mouth.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ити ми съпатъ.,I have to go to bed.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Нє розѹмѣѭть ми нѣмьчьскъı рєкѫчємѹ.,I cannot be understood in German.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Роздвигни завѣсъı.,Open the drapes.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Оуже сѧ не боѭ.,I'm not afraid any more.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Не жьгѫ ѣ.,I don't burn them.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Хочѫ въспросити.,I would like to ask a question.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Хочѫ въспытати.,I would like to ask.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Не знаѭ єѣ.,I don't know her.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Вѣси ли къдѣ тъ сѧ родилъ?,Do you know his birthplace?,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Не моглъ прити, больнъ бо былъ.",He could not come because he was ill.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Отьць ми не пьѥть мъного саке.,My father doesn't drink too much sake.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ощє мало тьрпѣниıа.,Just a little more patience.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Слѹшаитє мѧ добро сътворитє.,"Hear me out, please.",orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Слѹшаита мѧ добро сътворита.,Please listen to me.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Пакъı юха бъıла пєрєсолєна.,"Actually, the soup was too salty.",orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Двьрь сѧ ѿворила.,The door opened.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Нє видѣлъ ли тѧ єсмь пьрвѣѥ?,Haven't I seen you before?,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ѣдємъ заѹтра по обѣдѣ.,We leave tomorrow afternoon.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Не могѫ ѿвѣтити твоѥмоу въпросоу.,I can't answer your question.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Чьто лихого бѣгати о домѣ нагоу?,What's wrong with running around your house naked?,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Быста дъвои нъ имаста одино сьрдьце.,"We were two, but only had one heart.",orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Оч͠е нашь ижє ѥси на н͠бсєхъ . да с͠титьсѧ имѧ твоѥ да придєть ц͠рствиѥ твоѥ · да бѫдєть воля твоя · яка на н͠бси и на земли хлѣбъ нашь насѫщьиыи · даждь намъ дьньсь · и остави намъ · длъгы нашѧ · яко и мы оставляємъ длъжникомъ нашимъ и нє въвєди насъ въ напасть · иъ избави ны отъ нєприязни [яко твоѥ ѥсть ц͠рствиѥ и сила и слава въ вѣкы] аминь,"Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us, and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.",orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn На дълзѣ могѫ почити.,I can take a rest at last.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Пожидати ти въ чередѣ.,You have to wait in line.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Пьсъ погъна лисицѭ.,The dog ran after a fox.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Єи бѫдеть съ сорокъ.,She must be forty or so.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Нє боитє сѧ грѣшити.,Don't be afraid of making mistakes.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ѹчинилъ єсмь чьто жє моглъ.,I have done what I could.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Чемоу пъıтаѥши?,Why do you ask?,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Голодьнъ єсмь ıако вълкъ.,I feel the hunger of a 1000 devils.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сє чєловѣкъ.,Behold the Man.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ачє и вьси нъ ни ıазъ.,"Even if all others do, I will not.",orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Словєса лєтѧть письмєна сѧ дьржѧть.,"Words fly, texts remain.",orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Въ родѣ Єванъсъ бѣ шєстєро дѣтии.,There were six children in the Evans family.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Комоу любо васъ мога ѭ оучинити.,Any of you can do it.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Дрѹзи мѧ позъвали къ вєчєри.,My friends invited me for dinner.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Трѹдь вьсє побѣжıаѥть.,Patience and hard work will conquer all.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Да бѫдеть свѣтъ!,Let there be light!,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Висить въ дьньи.,It depends on the weather.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Изъıди сатано.,"Go back, Satan!",orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Къде єсвѣ?,Where are we?,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Хотѣло ми сѧ плакати.,I felt like crying.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мало нє ѹтопє.,She came near being drowned.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Чьто вєдра!,What lovely weather!,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn ІАко вєдрѧно!,What beautiful weather!,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Жєкъ можє рєчи фрѧжьскъı.,Jack can speak French.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Нъıнѣ сѧ чюѭ горѥ нєжє вьчєра.,I feel worse today than I did yesterday.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn До съıти ли ти борошьна?,Do you have enough food?,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Се ли холопъ твои?,"This person is your slave, right?",orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Вьси рєкѫть и́ добро.,He is well spoken of by everybody.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Чьто ти любо дѣıати?,What do you like to do?,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Знаѭ Тома ѿ дѣтѧте.,I have known Tom since I was a little boy.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Вѣси ли къдє жє живєть?,Do you know where she lives?,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Коли єстє сє коньчили?,When had you finished it?,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Въ нєбєси сиıаѭть звѣздъı.,The stars are shining in the sky.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Не могѫ доумати вьсе.,I can't think of everything.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тъ пьсъ скочилъ.,That dog jumped.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Стьжькѫ межю домама заложилъ снѣгъ.,The path between the two houses was blocked by snow.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Чемоу не идемъ домови?,Why don't we go home?,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn По чьто ключь сь?,What's this key for?,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Въ тьмѣ въжьжє свѣчѭ.,He lit a candle in the dark.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Чемоу плачета?,Why are you crying?,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Нє льзѣ ти нъıнѣ ити.,You must not leave right now.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Чьто достоить Зєѵсѹ а нє достоить бъıкѹ.,The authority that belongs to the lion does not belong to the donkey.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Станѣмъ опочити.,Let's stop and take a rest.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Се же чемоу ти єсмь сѣмо пришьлъ.,This is the reason I came here.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Жєрєбии къшєнъ.,The die is cast.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бѹдє ли сълньцє заѹтра?,Will it be sunny tomorrow?,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Вьчєра бъıсть чєтвьртъкъ.,Yesterday was Thursday.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Дѣи а нє мълви.,"Action, not words.",orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Приди ıако мога бърже.,Come as soon as you can.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Цьркы поставлѥна готьскы.,The church is built in Gothic style.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Нє съмьжи очью.,Don't close your eyes.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Нє съмьжитє очью.,Keep your eyes open.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Нє съмьжита очью.,Don't shut your eyes.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Хъıтрость хъıтрости дѣлıа.,Art for art's sake.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Городъ сь право мьртвъ ночи.,This town is really dead at night.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Въ колико станєть?,What does it cost?,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn О въкѫсѣхъ сѧ нє пьрєть.,Every person to his taste.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Хъıтрость дълга житиѥ коротъко.,"Art is long, life is short.",orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Хоробръıимъ долıа годить.,Fortune favors the bold.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Пєкѫ сѧ пєрєдьнимь.,My concern is the future.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Нѣсть лѣчьць.,She's not a doctor.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Нѣсть ничєго жє обьчєго мєжю нама.,We have nothing in common.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сърѧчєвѣ сѧ заѹтра вєчєръ въ дєвѧтѫѭ годинѫ.,We are to meet together at 9 o'clock tomorrow night.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ажє нъ въложити котѧ мєжю къıтама и сѧ съгрѣѥть.,"But if you put the kitten between the whales, he'll be warm.",orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тѧжько вѣрити нъ тако єсть.,"Hard to believe, but that's the way it is.",orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Даси ли вѣстъкѫ?,Will you leave a message?,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Боже мои!,"Oh, my God!",orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тѧжько сѧ въ то вѣрило.,That was hard to believe.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Вижѭ львъ.,I see a lion.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бѫдєть ти лихо.,You'll get into trouble.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Кѹдъı идємъ?,Where are we going?,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Комѹ єси въпьсалъ грамотѫ?,Who did you write a letter to?,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мъного погоубили.,They have lost a lot.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Которъıи ваю съ мъноѭ идєть?,Which of you will come with me?,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Идѣмъ!,"Come on, let's go!",orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Вѣмь ıако и́ кличѭть.,I know his name.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ѹрєклъ єсмь имъ на годъ съто гривьнъ въдати.,I've promised to give them one hundred hrivnas annually.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Нє играита въ сєи полатѣ.,Don't play in this room.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Дѣливѣ коунъı сиѣ межю нама.,Let's divide this money between you and me.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Въıтѧгли насадъ на берегъ.,They drew their boat on the beach.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Которъıи єси ѡтъ брата видѣлъ?,Which brother did you see?,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Въ твоѥ мѣсто не жьглъ быхъ огни въ лѣсѣ лѣта.,"If I were you, I would not light a fire in a forest in summer time.",orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Въ хоромѣ сємь нє живє никъто жє.,Nobody lives in this house.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Оучитель сѣдѣлъ на стольци.,The teacher sat on the chair.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Прости, къто жєна си?","Excuse me, who is this woman?",orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Котъ съпить на ложи.,The cat is sleeping on the sofa.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тѧжька правьда нъ правьда.,"The law is harsh, but it is the law.",orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Могѫ се пѣти ѩглıаньскъı.,I can sing it in English.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Добро сътвори пєрєложи сє ѩглѧньскъı.,Please put this into English.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Имамь въпросъ.,I've got a question.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Въпиши имѧ своѥ добро сътворѧ.,Please write down your name.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Къто єстє?,Who are you?,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сѧди добро сътвори.,"Take your seats, please.",orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Цьркъı на ономь боцѣ оулицѣ.,The church is on the other side of the street.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Чьто дѣєши?,What're you doing?,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Чьто чиниши?,What do you do?,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Не сѧди на се.,Don't sit upon it.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ѣжь чьто жє хочєши.,Eat whatever you like.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Въдажьтє ми гълькъ вина.,Give me a bottle of wine.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сє сѫть кънигъı.,This is a book.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Видѣхъ и́́ бѣгѫчь.,I saw him running.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Котъ нѣсть чєловѣкъ!,A cat is not a human being!,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Въ бързѣ бѫдеть дъжчь.,It's going to rain soon.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Кажи се ѩглıаньскъı.,Say it in English.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Котъка съпить на столѣ.,The cat is sleeping on the table.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Молоди сѫть одиноѭ.,You are only young once.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Марьи люба єста Ѳома да Иванъ.,Mary likes both Tom and John.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Хочѭ а бъı пѣлъ пѣснь.,I want you to sing a song.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Чьто сє?,What is this?,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Льга ли пьсомъ рыбы ѣсти?,Is it safe for dogs to eat fish?,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тъıкъı пълна водъı.,The bottle is filled with water.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Не поѧла єсмь глоума єго.,I didn't get his joke.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ѣсть ıаблъко.,He's eating an apple.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Чемоу? А чемоу ни?,"""Why?"" ""Why not?""",orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Чюѭ тѧ нъ нє вижѭ.,"I hear you, but I don't see you.",orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Криницıа исъшє.,The well ran dry.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ачє хочєши бъıти съчѧстьливъ а бѫди.,"If you want to be happy, be happy.",orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Вълилъ водъı въ тъıкъвь.,He filled the bottle with water.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Къдє братъ твои?,Where is your brother?,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сѫть ли дрѹзи?,Are they friends?,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Пєро сильнѣѥ мєча.,The pen is mightier than the sword.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Голодьнъ ли єси?,Are you hungry?,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Помозите ми добро сътворите.,"Help me, please.",orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Небо синѥ.,The sky is blue.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сє мои въпросъ.,This is my question.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ты ѥси Богъ.,Thou art God.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Дала ємоу даръ.,She gave him a present.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Никогъда же сего не зьрѣла.,She never saw it.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Нѣсть єи братъ.,She has no brothers.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Єѣ отьць оумьрлъ.,Her father died.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Вода съмьрзла.,The water turned to ice.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Черевьѥ мѣнить житьѥ · Въспроси Попелюхѫ ·,Shoes change one's life. Just ask Cinderella!,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Моıа сєстра нижьши тєбє.,My sister is shorter than you.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Навъıклъ єсмь жити бєз нєѣ.,I learned to live without her.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Хотѣхъ тамъ ити.,I wanted to go there.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сє сѹшѣи чьрвєнъ ѡтъ трьхъ дєсѧтє лѣтъ.,It has been the driest June for thirty years.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Господинъ Смиѳъ и ıазъ сѧ знаѥвѣ ѿ давьна.,Mr. Smith and I have been acquainted with each other for a long time.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Пьсь сь бѣжить бързо.,That dog runs very fast.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Хотѣ бъıти богатъ.,He wanted to be rich.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Право єсть.,It's the truth.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Чьто кажє знакъ сь?,What does this sign signify?,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Чюлъ єсмь мъного о тобѣ.,I've heard a lot about you.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Зємлıа покръıта лѣсъı.,The earth is covered with forests.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ѡтъкѹдѹ ми вѣдати?,How should I know?,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Лъжєши.,You are lying.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Домъ горить.,The house is on fire.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сє єго возъ.,That car is his.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Хоромъ полить.,The house is burning.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ходихъ тамо вьчєра.,I went there yesterday.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Нѣсть ємоу домоу идѣ же жити.,He has no house in which to live.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Нѣсть ємоу хорома а бы тоу жилъ.,He has no house to live in.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Пришьлъ єсмь само по тѧ.,It's you I've come for.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ищѭ одино ти помочи.,I only wish to help you.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мълвлѭ къ собѣ.,I talk to myself.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Къ мънѣ никъто жє нє рєчєть.,Nobody speaks to me.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Нѣсмь голодьна.,I'm not hungry.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Не хочѭ ѣсти.,I am not hungry.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn То бышѧ тѧжькаıа веремена.,Those were difficult times.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Вѣмь къто єсть.,I know who he is.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Житьѥ єсть право добро.,Life is indeed a good thing.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Хлѣбъ сѧ дѣѥть мѫкоѭ водоѭ дрождıами.,"Bread is made from flour, water and yeast.",orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Вьчера Томъ розбилъ окъно.,It was a window that Tom broke yesterday.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Въ бързѣ сѧ довѣмъ исто.,We'll soon know the truth.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Далече на сѣверѣ къде то живѫ хочѭ плѧсати Сълньцю.,Far north where I live I want to danse for the Sun.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Дамь ти коунъı заоутра.,I will give you the money tomorrow.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Дажь сє єи.,Give it to her.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Даи є єи.,Give this to her.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Кєнъ имать дъва кота.,Ken has two cats.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ѡтъкръıи очи.,Open your eyes.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Єго сьрдьце больно.,His heart is sick.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Въ сеи вѣрѣ хочѭ жити и померети.,In this faith I wish to live and die.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Погоубилъ єсмь перо.,I've lost my pencil.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Часъ въстати.,It's time to get up.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мѫжь молодъ.,The man is young.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn На столѣ лєжить ıаблъко.,There is an apple on the table.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Хочѭ чєго испити.,I want something to drink.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бѣ добръ кънѧзь.,He was a good king.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Жьди мене!,Wait for me.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Въ дєсѧть дьнъ ѣдѫ Римѹ.,After ten days I'll go to Rome.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Пѫть дългъ.,The way is long.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Дорога дълга.,The road is long.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Пьсъ мьртвъ.,The dog is dead.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Рѣка красьна.,This river is beautiful.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Коѥ жьдо дѣтѧ се вѣсть.,Any child knows it.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Нє могохъ ѹрозѹмѣти чьто жє рєчєть.,I couldn't make out what he was saying.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Лѧзи възнакъ.,Turn on your back.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ледъ таѥсть въ водѣ.,Ice melts in water.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Знаєтє ли и?,Do you know him?,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Платилъ єсмь ємѹ чєтъıри доларъı.,I paid him four dollars.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Рєкѫть любъвь слѣпѫ.,They say love is blind.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Колико ѧглѧньскъıхъ словєсъ вѣстє?,How many English words do you know?,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сє ми дъчи.,This is my daughter.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Идѫ напєрєдъ.,I will go on ahead.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Чюѭ нѣчьто.,I can hear something.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ѹ нєго дългъıи носъ.,He has a long nose.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Вєсна житиıа коротъка.,The springtime of life is short.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бѣ тьмьно подъ мостъмь.,It was dark under the bridge.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Котороє ти око болить?,Which eye is hurting you?,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Къıи жьдо чєловѣкъ миръ єсть.,Each person is a world.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Чємоу єси сє крилъ?,Why did you buy it?,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn По чьто єси сє коупилъ?,What did you buy it for?,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тъı ли ємоу повѣлъ таинѫ?,Was that you who told him the secret?,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Чьто само сє кажєть?,What exactly does that mean?,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Дѣвъка поустила пътъкѫ.,The girl let the bird loose.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Житиѥ вєльми коротъко.,Life is very short.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сѫть мъногъı зорѣ большѣ нашєго Сълньцıа.,There are a lot of stars larger than our own sun.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Чьрти чьртѫ ѡтъ Аза до Бѹкъı.,Draw a line from A to B.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Пришьлъ єсмь къ господиноу Стѡноу въ свѣтьлицѭ.,I called for Mr Stone at the office.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Ачє къто нє хочєть дѣлати, а нє ѣжь.","If anyone is not willing to work, then he is not to eat, either.",orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Не рьци пълнъıмь рътъмь.,Don't speak with your mouth full!,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Котъ чьрнъ.,The cat is black.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сиѣ кънигъı испълнь грѣхъ.,This book is full of mistakes.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Хочѭ скакати.,I want to dance.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сє твоє ли?,Is it yours?,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Єсть молода · некъли вельми молода ·,"She's young, maybe too young.",orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn """Молода ли?"" ""Сє жє.""","""Is she young?"" ""Yes, she is.""",orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Нє, сѧди.","No, sit down.",orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Николи же єѣ пакы не оузьрѭ.,Never will I see her again.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Кличѭть мѧ Жєкъ.,My name is Jack.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ѡ солодъко имѧ волѣ!,"Oh, sweet name of freedom!",orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Слѣпъ одинѣмь очєсьмь.,He is blind in one eye.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Зноино нъı.,It is too hot.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ночь бѣ дълга.,It's been a long night.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Кльнѫ сѧ то бъıлъ Томъ.,I swear it was Tom.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Жєна моıа ѡтъ Лѧхъ.,My wife is Polish.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Погоубилъ єсмь стьклѣ.,I've lost my glasses.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Нашь пьсъ загрєбєть кости въ садѣ.,Our dog buries its bones in the garden.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мѫжь ми въ вѣкъ чьтеть на ложи.,My husband is always reading in bed.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn ІАкова нѣ тѹ.,Jack isn't there.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Нє бѣ годѣ Томоу коунъ.,Tom didn't have enough money.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Право си ми не люба.,The fact is I do not love her.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Чьто ѣсть Кенъ?,What is Ken eating?,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Госпожє Іѡнєскѹ хочѭ тѧ чьто въспъıтати.,"Mrs. Ionescu, I'd like to ask you something.",orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Оба єста добра ѹчителıа.,They are both good teachers.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Чьто сє рєчєть?,What does this stand for?,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Чьто сє кажєть?,What does that mean?,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Чьто сє съказаєть?,What does this mean?,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Любить хлѣбъ и масло.,He likes bread and butter.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Къто сє?,Who is that?,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Чюли єсмъ двьри сѧ затворити.,We heard the door closing.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ѹжє сѧ знаѥмъ мъного лѣтъ.,We've known each other for years.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Чюла єсвѣ двьри сѧ затворити.,We heard the door shut.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ѹжє сѧ знаѥвѣ мъного лѣтъ.,We have known each other for years.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Нъıнѣ никъто жє нє вѣрить въ мьчьтъı.,These days nobody believes in ghosts.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Грѣхъ сь ємѹ стоилъ головъı.,The mistake cost him his head.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Дєрєво плаваєть а жєлѣзо тонєть.,"Wood floats, but iron sinks.",orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сѫть ли кънигъı на стольцѣ? · Сѫть.,"""Is there a book on the chair?"" ""Yes, there is.""",orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Давидъ въ домоу.,David is at home.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Чьто въ коробѣ?,What is in the box?,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Котъ ли се?,Is that a cat?,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Излови мѧ ачє можєши.,Catch me if you can.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Живєть въ сєлѣ.,She lives in the village.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сє твоѣ кънигы.,It's your book.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Чюлъ єсмь и оушьдъшь.,I heard him go out.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Старъ єсть.,He is old.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Которъıи пьсь твои?,Which dog is yours?,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Жєнѣ сѧ осколобиста къ собѣ.,The two ladies smiled at each other.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Кънѧзь сѧ погоубилъ въ лѣсѣ.,The prince was lost in the woods.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Нє вьсѣ пътъкъı лѣтаѭть.,Not all birds can fly.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ѹжє коньць.,This is the end.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Вѣрьнъ дрѹгъ ѥсть рѣдъка пътъка.,A real friend is like a rare bird.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Въспросилъ єсмь къдѣ живеть.,I asked where she lived.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тъ шьлъ своимь пѫтьмь · ıазъ своимь.,"He went his way, I go my way.",orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Исправлѭ ти чьто же ми льзѣ.,I will do what I can for you.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ощє нє пришьли.,They haven't arrived yet.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Прости · можеши ли ми казати пѫть къ ближьнѥмоу селоу?,"Sorry, but can you show me the way to the next village?",orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Никого же єсмь не сътрѣлъ на пѫти домови.,I met nobody on my way home.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Стєрєзи сѧ, двьри сѧ запираѭть!","Caution, the doors are now closing!",orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мъного снѣга пало.,A lot of snow had just fallen.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Можєши ѧти чьто жє хочєши.,You may take everything you want.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мьнить ми сѧ оже єспєранъто сє тѧжькыи ѩзыкъ.,I think that Esperanto is a difficult language.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Томъ испилъ скѫдель кафъı.,Tom drank a cup of coffee.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Дроугъ мои єси.,You're my friend.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Вьчера мъного испилъ.,He drank a lot yesterday.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сѫть мъногъı звѣздъı вѧчьшѣ нашєго Сълньцıа.,There are a lot of stars which are larger than our sun.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Люби мѧ а люби пьсъ мои.,"Love me, love my dog.",orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ѳома не помѧнеть имене моѥго.,Tom doesn't remember my name.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Хоромъ сь вєльми добръ.,This house is very good.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Въдамь ти вьсє чьто жє хочєши.,I'll give you anything that you want.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Осколоби ми сѧ ѡтъказавъ.,He answered me with a smile.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ѥсть лихоѥ дѣтѧ.,He is such a difficult boy.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Жєнино волосьє дълго нъ єѣ ѧзъıкъ дължии.,A woman's hair is long; her tongue is longer.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Знаєта ли и?,Do you guys know him?,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Оумѣѥши ли роусьскы?,Do you speak Russian?,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Єста ми дъва пьса. Одинъ бѣлъ а инъ чьрнъ.,I have two dogs. One is white and the other black.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Богъ єсть вина вьсємѹ.,God is the cause of all things.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Cъмьрть єсть съставьна чѧсть житиıа.,Death is an integral part of life.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Людиѥ сѫть въ сємь свѣтѣ а нє богати стати нъ ради.,"Men do not exist in this world to become rich, but to become happy.",orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Право, исто єсть.","Indeed, it's true.",orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ѹказалъ ми чьсти три кънигъı.,He assigned me three books to read.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Боѭ сѧ пьсъ.,I am afraid of dogs.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ѹтьрла сльзъı.,She wiped away her tears.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Вѣмь къдє то живєтє.,I know where you live.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Плачємъ коли то скърбємъ.,We cry when we are very sad.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Весна пришьла.,Spring has come.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Пожьди мало.,Take some time.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мъıслѭ тѣмь жє єсмь.,"I think, therefore I am.",orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Крила кѹрѫ.,She bought chicken.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Стольнъ городъ Ѹкраинѣ Къıєвъ.,The capital of the Ukraine is Kiev.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ѹкраиньскъıи городъ стольнъıи Къıѥвъ.,The capital of Ukraine is Kiev.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Стольныи городъ Ѹкраинѣ Кыєвъ.,The capital of Ukraine is Kyiv.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ѹкраиньскыи городъ стольнъ Кыѥвъ.,Kiev is Ukraine's capital city.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Позьри дъıмъ. Видѣти ожє домъ горить.,Look at that smoke. That building must be on fire.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Любо ми орѫдьє моє.,I really like my job.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Изѹмѣѥши ли латиньскъı?,Do you know Latin?,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Кѹпила кѹрицѭ.,She bought a chicken.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Имамъ дъвѣ дѣтѧти.,We have two kids.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Имавѣ дѣтѧти дъвѣ.,We have two children.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ножь нє остръ.,The knife isn't sharp.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Нє могла приити, лєжить бо больна.",She could not come because she was ill.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ничто жє покръıто єжє сѧ нє отъкръıєть.,There is nothing concealed that will not be revealed.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Вѣсте ли къдѣ сѧ родилъ?,Do you know where he was born?,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Кѹнъı пачє мѣръı?,Too much money?,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ѹгаси огнь.,He extinguished the fire.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Воротилъ сѧ ѡтъ Амєрикїи.,He came back from the States.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Дєрєво сѧ познаѥть въ плодѣ.,A tree is known by its fruit.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Нєчюлъ єсмь сѧ.,I lost consciousness.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Небеса и пьклъ єста одино въ человѣчьихъ сьрдьцихъ.,Heaven and Hell only exist in men's hearts.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Єсть же дома?,"He isn't at home, is he?",orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Съдоровъ єсмь. И тъı?,I'm fine. How about you?,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Къде льзѣ поставити возъ?,Where can I park?,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Жи нищь цѣлъıи вѣкъ.,He remained poor all his life.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Поѧвъ перо и въспьсалъ мѣстьце.,He took the pen and wrote the address.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Чємѹ єси инотѧжь мълчалъ?,Why were you silent all the time?,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Вьси приємъшии ножь, ножьмь погъıбнѫть.",All those who take up the sword shall perish by the sword.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Знаѭ Тома ѿ мала.,I've known Tom ever since he was a child.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мои отьць молодъ.,My father is young.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn "А нъıнѣ, чьто нама дѣıати?",And what are we going to do?,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Къ мънѣ ли рєчєши?,Are you talking to me?,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn ІАко єста нашьла мои домъ?,How did you find my house?,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Възьрѣ на нєбо.,He looked up at the sky.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Чѧсто ли и́ видиши?,How often do you see him?,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Голодьнъ єсмь!,I am hungry.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Та бѣ кънѧзь имєньмь Єѳєлъберътъ въ Кєнътьскѣи зємли и бѣ крѣпъкъ.,"At that time, Ethelbert ruled as king in Kent, and was powerful.",orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Просили мѧ сьдє пожьдати.,I was asked to wait here.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Томъ падъ ѿ чьлна и ищезлъ.,Tom fell from the boat and was lost.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Нє розѹмѣѭ сєго въ вьсє.,I can't understand this at all.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Вьсьгдъı слѹшаита отьцıа своѥго.,Always obey your father.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn """Чємѹ тамо нє идєши?"" ""Бо нє хочѭ.""","""Why are you not coming here?"" ""Because I don't want to.""",orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Хотѧть приѣхати житъ въ Амєрикїи.,They are going to emigrate to America.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Дамь ємѹ кънигъı заѹтра.,I will give him the book tomorrow.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Єста ми кънизѣ.,I have two books.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Имамь кънизѣ дъвѣ.,I've got two books.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Дълго єсмь єѣ жьдалъ.,I waited for her a long time.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мънога хвала.,Thank you very much!,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Рано ли въстанєши?,"You are an early riser, aren't you?",orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Быти семоу грѣхоу.,"It may, indeed, be a mistake.",orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Оли живєши а надѣıати сѧ достоить.,Hope while you live.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сє мєжю нама.,This is between ourselves.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Чистѣ ли ти рѫцѣ?,Are your hands clean?,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сє одинъ моихъ сѫсѣдъ.,He is one of my neighbours.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Безбожиѥ нѣсть вѣра.,Atheism isn't a religious belief.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тъı єси то.,Thou art That.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Моıа кола нѣмьчьска.,My car is German.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Идохомъ пѣшии за малъмь шєсть вьрстъ.,We walked for about 6 kilometers.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Идоховѣ пѣшаıа шєсть вьрстъ бєз мала.,We walked as far as 6 kilometers.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Дьнь сь - недѣлıа.,Today is Sunday.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Богоу ничьто же немочьно.,Nothing is impossible for God.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Былъ бѣдьнъ и не моглъ собѣ крити.,He was poor and could not buy it.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Льга ти ити плаватъ али ръıбъı ловитъ.,You may go swimming or fishing.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Чьто жє дѣѥши?,What in the world are you doing?,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бои ничєго жє нє ѹрѧдить.,Fighting won't settle anything.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Не изоумѣѭ.,I don't understand.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Свои къ своѥмоу по своѥ.,Patronise your own.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Коньць вѣньчаѥть дѣло.,The end crowns the work.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Можєши ли ми повѣдѣти чьто сє?,Can you tell me what this is?,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Хвала ѡ памѧтьхъ.,Thanks for the memories.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ѡтъ кого грамотъка си?,Who is this letter from?,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Иванъ и Марїа сѧ знаѥта ѡтъ лѣта ҂АЦОS.,John and Mary have known each other since 1976.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Вѣтри ѡтъ морıа вългъци.,Winds from the sea are moist.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Томъ не вѣрьнъ.,Tom is unfaithful.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Нѣсть ми ни одиного ворога.,I don't have a single enemy.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Вѣси ли кѫдъı то шьлъ твои отьць?,Do you know where your father went?,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бѣжить мене.,She avoids me.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ѹчитєль пѹстилъ отрокъ домови.,The teacher permitted the boy to go home.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Чьто вєрєдить а ѹчить.,"The things that hurt us, teach us.",orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сє єѣ домъ.,This is her house.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сє єѣ хоромъ.,That is her house.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Оли оузьрѭ и́ а оутьнѫ.,"As soon as I see him, I'll kill him.",orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ѳома не моглъ плоути.,Tom wasn't able to swim.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Готовъ ли єси?,Are you ready?,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тѣло наше съставлѥно четырьми тварьми : землѥѭ и огньмь и водоѭ и въздоухъмь.,"Our body was formed out of four elements: earth, fire, water, and air.",orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Вълкъ вълкъ нє гръıзєть.,A wolf doesn't bite a wolf.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Вълци сѧ нє гръıзѫть.,One crow doesn't peck another's eye.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Пьсъ въ домоу.,The dog is in the house.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn А єсмь ѹжє старъ а вьсѣхъ рѧдъ нє могѫ ѹжє рѧдити.,I am now old and I cannot manage all things.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Нє кажи чютии своихъ.,Don't let your feelings show.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Повороти на лѣво.,Turn to the left.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Богъ ти помози братє ѡжє на єси тако помоглъ.,"God help thee, brother, as thou hast so helped two of us.",orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мьнить ми сѧ тъı нє правъ.,"In my opinion, you are wrong.",orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Пакъı сѧ крѫтить!,And yet it moves!,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сє єсмъı пѫть замъıслили вєликъ.,"Lo, we have conceived a great campaign.",orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn «Є ли ти пьсало?» «Єсть.»,"""Do you have a pen?"" ""Yes, I have one.""",orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Нѣсть ми кѹнъ нъ мьчьти сѹть.,"I have no money, but I have dreams.",orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Хочєши ли миръ а крѫти сѧ на рать.,"If you wish for peace, prepare for war.",orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Радъ єсмь тѧ видѣти.,I am very glad to see you.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Бъıти ли не бъıти, се же въпросъ.","To be, or not to be, that is the question.",orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бържє въıшє крѣплѥ.,"Faster, higher, stronger!",orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Волє! дєшєво єсть!,Wow! That's cheap!,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Нє вѣмь.,I don't know.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Вышьла ис свѣтьлицѣ въ бързѣ.,She left her room in haste.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Нє вѣдѣ.,I do not know.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn ІАко старъ сь!,How old he is!,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Николи жє нє забѫдѫ твоѥѣ добротъı.,I'll never forget your kindness.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Хотѣлъ крити кънигъı.,He wanted to buy the book.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Оучєникъ пришьлъ ѿ Лонъдинїа.,The student came from London.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Быти ли не быти ли, се ти орѫдьє.","To be or not to be, that is the question.",orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ѹжє нє могѫ олъ пити.,I can't drink any more beer.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Зьрѣхомъ ıако пътъка своѣ малъıѣ кърмить.,We watched a bird feed its little ones.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Имєши дължѥ жити ачє нє хочєши кѹрити.,You will live longer if you don't smoke.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Боѭ сѧ дикыхъ звѣрии.,I'm afraid of wild animals.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Чьто словесе сего?,What word is that?,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Надобѣ ми ити съпатъ.,I need to go to sleep.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Боıалъ сѧ єсмь погоубити въ тьмѣ.,I was afraid of getting lost in the dark.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Боить сѧ пьсъ.,He is afraid of dogs.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сѣжѭ нъıнѣ Кїѡтѣ.,I live in Kyoto now.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn За мѫжьмь єсмь.,I am married.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Никъто жє нє можєть вьсє вѣдѣти.,No one can know everything.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Попєчалѹи котъı моими оли тоу нє бѫдѫ.,Please look after my cats while I'm away.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Приидохъ, ѹзьрѣхъ, одолѣхъ.","I came, I saw, I conquered.",orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мъногъı сѫть ємѹ кѹнъı.,He has a lot of money.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn У нєго кѹнъ мъного.,He's a tycoon.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Вєликъı кѹнъı имѣѥть.,He got a lot of money.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Се конь.,It's a horse.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn ІАвила ми свои новъıи возъ.,She showed me her new car.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Красьно мълви ѧглıаньскъı.,He expressed himself very well in English.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Принєси ми тъ гълькъ молока.,Bring me that glass of milk.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Приставъ нєбєсьныи заворѥнъ.,The airport is closed.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Золото гораздо тѧжєѥ водъı.,Gold is much heavier than water.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Твои ли возъ?,Is that your car?,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Єсть права вѣдьма!,She's a real witch!,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Вьсѣ дорогъı вєдѫть къ Римѹ.,All roads lead to Rome.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Готовъ ли єси почѧти?,Are you ready to start?,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Одинъ за вьсѣхъ, вьси за одиного.",One for all and all for one.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Є ли твои возъ?,Is this your car?,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Нъıнѣ болѥ оболокъ нєжє вьчєра.,There are more clouds today than yesterday.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Нє вѣсть чьто жє дѣıати кѹнамъ своимъ.,He doesn't know what to do with his money.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Хочѭ видѣти съıнъ свои.,I'd like to see my son.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сънилъ єи сѧ дивьнъ сънъ.,She dreamt a strange dream.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Дажь ми платити оужинѫ.,Let me pay for the dinner.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ѹжє ли притєклъ?,Has he arrived yet?,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Нє познаѭ и николи жє нє видѣвъ.,"Not having seen him before, I'll not be able to recognize him.",orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тако минєть слава мирѹ.,Thus passes the glory of the world.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Дѹхъ цѣлъ въ тѣлєсє цѣлѣ.,A sound mind in a sound body.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Не бои сѧ, єсмь съ тобоѭ.","Don't be afraid, I'm with you.",orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Къто пьсалъ сии грамотици?,Who wrote these two letters?,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Озєро пълно ръıбъ.,The lake abounds with fish.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Нашьлъ свои отьць лежѧ въ поварьни.,He found his father lying in the kitchen.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тать єсть.,He is a thief.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ѹрозѹмѣлъ ли єси?,Did you understand?,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Добро въ вѣкъ одолаѥть зълоу.,Good always triumphs over evil.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Єстє красьни.,You are beautiful.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Нє мълви тако бързо добро сътвори.,Please don't speak so fast.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Кланıаѭ ти сѧ ожє єси.,I thank you for your existence.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Зачѧвъше дѣло имѣли нъ єсмъ шесть наимитъ.,"When we started out, we only had six employees.",orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мънози мѫжи бъıшѧ мєжю насєльникъı.,There were a lot of men among the inhabitants.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Єси красьнъ.,You are handsome.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Оже ти нѣ чего речи а ничего же не рьци.,"If you have nothing to say, say nothing.",orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Къто нъ не хочеть дѣлати, ати не ѣсть.","Who does not work, also does not have the right to eat.",orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn До сыти ми сѫть єго глоуми.,I have had quite enough of his jokes.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Искалъ тѧ єсмь.,I have been looking for you.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Искала тѧ єсмь.,I've been looking for you.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Не бъıла въ оучилищи пѧть дьнъ.,She has been absent from school for five days.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Чьто же єсмь съдѣıала!,What have I done?,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Чюлъ ли єси сє?,Have you heard that?,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Пѹстили мѧ ѡтъ домѹ и съ животъмь моимь.,I was thrown out of the house with everything I owned.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Самъ походилъ около свѣта ѡтъ осми дєсѧтъ дьнъ.,He has traveled around the world in eighty days by himself.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Колико людии помьрли?,How many people died?,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Си брати ми.,They are my brothers.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Люби ми сѫть ѩзъıци.,I like languages.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Къто єѣ нє любить?,Who doesn't love her?,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Лѧжє сѧ ростѧгъ на помостѣ.,He laid himself flat on the floor.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сѣлъ єсмь при нємь.,I sat by his side.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Свободь єсть сѫботѣ.,Saturday is the day when he is free.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Любо бъı ми ѹвѣдѣти имѧ ѥѣ.,I would like to know her name.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Съıнъ нашь въ рати головѫ покладє.,Our son died in the war.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Нашь съıнъ въ пълцѣ изгъıбє.,Our son died during the war.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ни нє вѣдѣ.,"No, I don't know.",orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn IАко словеть рѣка си?,What is the name of this river?,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Нє знаѭ и.,I don't know him.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Королєвьство бѣ заѧто ворогъмь.,The kingdom was invaded by the enemy.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Городъ бѣ боронєнъ ѡтъ вєликоѣ дрѹжинъı.,The town was defended by a large army.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Вьси сѧ ѥмѹ смѣıашѧ.,He was laughed at by everybody.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Чємоу єси одинъ?,Why are you alone?,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Колико людии мьртви?,How many people have died?,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Нє могла тако рєчи.,She can't have said such a thing.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Радъ тѧ сьде вижѭ.,I'm happy to see you here.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сє цьркъı въ нєи жє сѧ єсвѣ пожєнила.,This is the church where we got married.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ѣвѣ троичи на дьнє.,We eat a meal three times a day.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Дѣти сѫть цвѣти нашемоу житью.,Children are the flowers of our lives.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Можєши сє!,You can do it.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Можєтє сє!,You can make it.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Забъıлъ єсмь чи ли бъıла сѫбота ли нєдѣлıа.,I've forgotten whether it was Saturday or Sunday.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Малъ, ходилъ єсмь съ отьцьмь ръıбъ ловити.",I used to go fishing with my father when I was a child.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Зьрѭ домъ.,I'm looking at the house.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Чьто хочеши къ вечери?,What would you like for supper?,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Радъ бъı бъıти жидъмь.,He was happy being a Jew.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Насадъ въ Грьцѣхъ.,The ship is in Byzantium.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Томъ тѧ любить.,Tom loves you.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Рьци по воли добрѣ сътворѧ.,Please speak more slowly!,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Спѣи по малѹ.,Make haste slowly.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мънози ми сѫть дрѹзи.,I have many friends.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Лъıснѫшѧ сѧ къ собѣ.,They smiled at each other.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сѫть ми мъного дрѹгъ.,I've got plenty of friends.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Имамь дрѹзи мънози.,I have a lot of friends.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мьнить ми сѧ ıако собѣ єсвѣ нє порозѹмѣла.,There appears to be a misunderstanding.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn На дълзѣ комѹжьдо въıкати самомѹ.,Everyone must learn on their own in the end.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Къдє твои домъ?,Where is your house?,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn ІАци людиѥ добри а ıаци людиѥ лиси.,"Some people are good, some people are bad.",orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Кликалъ помочи.,He screamed for help.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Знаѭ ѣ.,I know them.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn А ıазъ жьдалъ и жьдалъ.,I waited and waited.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Никъто жє нє можєть дъвѣ сътѣ лѣтъ жити.,Nobody can live to be two hundred years old.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn А пакъı ни въ вѣкъ нє заѥмли сєго гълька!,Don't touch this bottle ever again!,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Подъ столъмь єсть ıаблъко.,There is an apple under the desk.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Подъ столъмь лєжить ıаблъко.,An apple is under the desk.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Како тѧ зъвали дѣвъкѫ?,What is your maiden name?,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Котомъ особь люба ръıба.,Cats like fish in particular.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Комари въ Минєсотѣ вєлици ıако стьрци.,Mosquitoes in Minnesota are as big as storks.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Звѣздъı cиıахѹ вьсьгдъı.,The stars shone all the time.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Погѹбилъ єсмь калитѫ.,I have lost my wallet.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Надобѣ нъı огнь.,We need fire.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Нє вѣмь добро ли сє.,I don't know if it is good.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Лѣтѣ въ Кїѡтѣ вєльми горѧчє.,Summers are very hot in Kyoto.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Вьсє задьнѥє право.,It is otherwise correct.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бѣгли єсмъ ·ı· вьрстъ.,We ran for 10 kilometers.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Вьсьгъдъı єси нєпорожьнь ıако бъчєла.,You are always as busy as a bee.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Нѣсть ми братъ родьнъıхъ.,I don't have any brothers.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Въпишитє чьто то рєкѫ добрѣ сътворивъшє.,Please write down what I am going to say.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Знаѭ домъ идє жє сѧ роди.,I know the house where he was born.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Кънигы великы.,The book is big.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Не мога ми доити дѣтѧ · нѣ ми молока.,I cannot breast-feed my baby. I don't have milk.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мостъ мощєнъ бъıсть ѡтъ Римлıанъ.,The bridge was built by the Romans.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Єсть иста вълхъı!,She is a true witch!,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Пакъı надобѣ мъного ѹчинити.,Much still remains to be done.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ожє нє ѣси а мьрєши.,"If you don't eat, you'll die.",orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn IАко рекѫть рѣкѫ сѭ?,What is the name of that river?,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Се не може быти исто.,This can't be the truth.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Къто нє вѣсть?,Who doesn't know?,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn И никъто жє ти нє помагалъ?,And nobody helped you?,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Николи же сего не видѣла.,She has never seen it before.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Попечалоуѥши ли моимь котъмь?,Would you look after my cat?,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мъного ли сьдє снѣга зимѣ?,Does it snow much here in winter?,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Дажь ми сє ѹчинити.,Let me do this.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сє братъ мои.,This is my brother.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Ѿче на́шъ иже еси на небесехъ, да свѧти́тсѧ и́мѧ Твое́, да прїидетъ царствїе Твое́, да будетъ волѧ Твоѧ́, ѧко на небеси и на земли́. Хлѣ́бъ на́шъ насущныи да́ждъ на́мъ дне́сь и оста́ви на́мъ долъгы на́ша, ѧко и мы оставлѧ́емъ долъжникомъ на́шимъ и не въведи на́съ в напа́сть но изба́ви насъ ѿ лука́ваго.","Our Father who art in Heaven, Hallowed be thy name; Thy kingdom come Thy will be done On earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; And forgive us our trespasses As we forgive those who trespass against us; And lead us not into temptation, But deliver us from evil.",orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Чи мълвиши нѣмьчьскъı?,Can you speak German?,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сълньцє ıасьно свѣтило.,The sun was shining bright.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Єсмь ѹчитєль.,I'm a teacher.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Билъ чѧсто нє дьржить словєсє своѥго.,Bill often fails to keep his word.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Вѣвѣ ıако лъжета.,We two know that you two lie.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Видѣлъ єсмь ıако тъ бъıлъ вълѣзлъ окънъмь.,I was able to see him coming through the window.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Чьто реклъ?,What did he say?,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ѣмъ троичи въ дьнє.,We have three meals a day.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn ІАблъко ощє нє зьрѣло.,The apple is not yet ripe.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бѣ тьмьна ночь бєз мѣсѧцıа.,"It was a dark night, with no moon.",orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Нєбо чисто.,The sky is clear.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Чьто сѧ дѣє?,What's going on?,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Самъ собѣ могъıлѫ ръıѥть.,He is digging his own grave.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Вѣмь идє жє живє.,I know where he lives.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Къто єсть мѫжь сь къ нємѹ жє рєчєши?,Who is the man that you were talking with?,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Къто людинъ сь?,Who is that person?,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Чьсти нъı ꙗко могѫчє болѥ кънигъ.,We should read as many books as possible.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ити тѹ тобѣ али Чєинѣ.,Either you or Jane has to go there.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Се моıа таина · Єсть сама проста · право видить одино сьрдьце · єстьство невидимо очима,"And now here is my secret, a very simple secret: It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye.",orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Хочѭ ръıбъı.,I would like some fish.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ѹмѣѥши ли ѧглѧньскъı?,Can you speak English?,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Въıсоко въ нєбєси свѣтѧть звѣздъı.,Stars shine above in the sky.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Помостишѧ мостъ.,They constructed a bridge.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Нє заимаи сєго.,Don't touch it.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Въ свѣтьлици бъıло тихо.,There was quiet in the room.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Вънидє въ свѣтьлицѭ.,He entered the room.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Нє вѣмь чьто жє рєчи.,I'm at a loss for words.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Пришьла вєсна.,Spring is here.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Нє плачи добрѣ сътворѧ.,Please don't cry.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бєрєзи сѧ добрѣ сътворѧ.,Please take care of yourself.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Чимь розьна вьсь ѡтъ города?,What's the difference between a village and a city?,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сълньцє свѣтить.,The sun is shining.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Домоу ли мати ти?,Is your mother at home?,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мози пожьдати пѧть часьць.,Please wait five minutes.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Приди Амєлїє! Отьць тѧ твои жидєть.,"Come, Emilia! Your father is waiting for you.",orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Нъıнѣ ли николи жє.,It's now or never.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Чѧсто ходихомъ плаватъ въ рѣцѣ.,We would often go swimming in the river.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn ІАблънıа дасть ıаблъко.,An apple tree provides an apple.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Напрасьно нозѣ мои сталѣ.,"Suddenly, my feet stopped.",orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Чьто въ мѣсѣ твоѥмь?,What do you have in your bag?,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Єсмь Павьлъ и твои сѫсѣда въ хоромѣ.,"I'm Paul, your roommate.",orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ѡтъказалъ ожє нє вѣсть.,He said that he doesn't know.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Оуже ми єси не дроугъ.,You're not my friend anymore.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Чьто єси тъгъдъı дѣıалъ?,What were you doing at that time?,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Катıа пиѥть мъного молока дьнь ѡтъ дьнє.,Kate drinks a lot of milk every day.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Пакъı єсмь и́ нє видѣлъ.,I saw him no more.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мѫжь въставъ и зачѧ пѣти.,The man stood up and began to sing.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Вороти сѧ въ бързѣ.,Come back soon.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Годьно ми бѫдєть.,That will do me well.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Нѣчьто ли єси погѹбилъ?,Did you lose anything here?,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Нѣкаıа нъı зєлиıа вєрєдѧть.,Some medicine does us harm.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Пьсъ не ѣлъ мѧса.,The dog didn't eat the meat.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ощє єсмь нє ѣлъ ничєго жє.,I haven't eaten yet.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ринъ тєчєть мєжю фрѧгъı и нѣмьци.,The Rhine runs between France and Germany.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn На камєнє насѣчєнъ бъıсть ємѹ дьнь съмьртьнъıи.,The stone was inscribed with the date of his death.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Нѣсмь богатъ а нє хочѭ бъıти.,"I am not rich, nor do I wish to be.",orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn За нимь єсмь.,I'm after him.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Вѣмь ожє сѧ нє пєчєши.,I know you don't care.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мъногаıа хвала!,Thanks a lot!,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Лѣчьчє, болить ми чєрєво.","Doctor, my stomach hurts.",orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Коли ставлѥнъ храмъ сь?,When was this temple built?,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Нє вьсє сиıаѩ золото ѥсть.,All that glitters is not gold.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Къдє Бритьни Спиръсъ?,Where is Britney Spears?,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Хотѧчє мєрєти тѧ привѣчаѭть.,Those who are about to die salute you.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Золото ли чисто?,Is that pure gold?,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Чьто звѣрь сь?,What animal is it?,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Нє мози сѧ боıати.,Don't be afraid.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Чєловѣкъ чєловѣкѹ вълкъ.,Man is a wolf to man.,orv_Cyrl-eng_Latn Éraka dápat déla kéni.,I never should've brought you here.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Atíng tutú king sasabián na.,There's something true in what he says.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Taganáng mákaríne.,It was really embarrassing.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Ére ápansínang línwal king kwártu.,He went out of the room without being noticed by anyone.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn King palagé ku kilála me.,"You know her, I think.",pam_Latn-eng_Latn Álus e mángutáng tungkúl kaníta i Tom.,Tom almost never asks about that.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Línundág ya i Tom palwál king helicopter.,Tom jumped out of the helicopter.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn "Métung, adwâ, atlû, ápat, limá, ánam, pitú, walú, syam, apúlû.","One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten.",pam_Latn-eng_Latn Éna gáwang Tom ing pépagawá ku kayá.,Tom wouldn't do what I asked him to do.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Tinúlak ke i Tom king danúm.,I pushed Tom into the water.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Éka migáganakâ.Éna marapát pasíbáyu iní.,Don't worry. This won't happen again.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Agyú táyá pin yan?,Can we really afford that?,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Ikít mu ne ing pasápórti nang Tom?,Have you seen Tom's passport?,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Sabík ya i Meg.,Meg is excited.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Ápakísabián me?,Can you talk to him?,pam_Latn-eng_Latn King palagé mu bálu nang Tom?,Do you think Tom knows?,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Sabián ku kayá king ustúng panaún.,I will tell it to him at the proper time.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Panúpáya mung mítawlí ku.,Please excuse my being late.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Mapagál ka?,Are you tired?,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Iní ing kálugúran kung Apón.,This is my Japanese friend.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Pánintunán ning bíngut ing gátas ning imá na.,A baby craves its mother's milk.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Burí ku sâ atyú ku Boston.,I wish I was in Boston.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Sána lumbát yang adwáng duminggú i Tom.,We hope Tom sticks around for a couple of weeks.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Atín kang páyntunán?,Are you looking for somebody?,pam_Latn-eng_Latn "Makánánu meng ilíkas ing ""Pfirsichbaeumchen"" king Berber?","How do you translate ""Pfirsichbaeumchen"" into Berber?",pam_Latn-eng_Latn Kapakíbatán ning imá ing panúgáli daréng ának na.,A mother is responsible for the conduct of her children.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Méyári ya king mátas a pipágarálan ngéning kasíbul.,He graduated from high school this spring.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Lagwá mung miblás.,Get dressed quickly.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Ot lílípat kang dálan?,Why are you crossing the street?,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Mal la neng karimlán deng sagíwang gúle.,Fresh vegetables are very dear in winter.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn "Ing pámaglíkas, pámagtaksíl.",To translate is to betray.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Makanánu kung mirás king sumángid?,How do I get to the other side?,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Dakál ka bálu tungkúl kaníta?,Do you know much about that?,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Lálákad kung adwáng púlung mílya aldó'ldo.,I walk twenty miles a day.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Mapagál nákung mabibyéng antí kaníni.,I'm tired of living this kind of life.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Aldó ning Katimawán ngéni.,Today is Independence Day.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Págmasusyán da ing Aldó ning Katimawán ning India neng a-kinsí ning Agóstu.,India's Independence Day is celebrated on the fifteenth of August.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Okupádu ya i Tom.,Tom is busy.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Línwal ya king kwártung e man mámun káku.,He left the room without so much as saying good-bye to me.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Burí nang Tom kayabé ne i Mary.,Tom wished he was with Mary.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Kéraklán kéni lang kwártu mátudúd.,They usually sleep in this room.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Míminúm kung alcohol.,I drink alcohol.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Bagyá-bagyá lang lúlwal deng bérding bulúng.,Green leaves are coming out little by little.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Mánákit la king madalumdúm deng púsâ.,Cats have the ability to see in the dark.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Éku mabísang áyasáwa me ing laláking itá.,I refuse to let you marry that man.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Limá lang púlû deng kayánib king águman.,There are 50 members in the club.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Burí kong tuturúng Castíla deng ának!,I love teaching kids Spanish!,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Makabási yā mû ing mabílug a plánu king pansaríli nang pamálak.,The whole plan is only based on his personal opinions.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Pákisabi king maldang ela magdinat kening gubat.,The public is requested not to litter in these woods.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Ing broccoli ing métung karéng pékamasantíng a gúle pará kéka.,Broccoli is one of the best vegetables for you.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Atyú king bábo lamésa ing librú.,The book is on the table.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Nánu ing káyapan ning légwan?,What good is beauty?,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Malyáring atyú karín i Tom. Éku bálû.,Tom may have been there. I don't know.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Balámu dítak la pámung táu deng mékapamása na king librú.,Few people seem to have read the book.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn "Átatandánan ye ngan i Tom, e warí?","You all remember Tom, don't you?",pam_Latn-eng_Latn Éku byásang Apón.,I don't speak Japanese.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Kalugurán daká.,I love you.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Atín keng séseng maragúl a ásu.,We are keeping a big dog.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn "Bandáng tawlí, dínatang ing kasíbul, a mágdaláng mapáling aslág ning aldó.","At last came the spring, with its warm sunshine.",pam_Latn-eng_Latn Tátákut ya karéng anggáng dóctor ing kapatád kung babái.,My little sister is scared of all doctors.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn E lumbát misáne kang mámangán pámangán Apón.,You'll soon get used to eating Japanese food.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Mintá ku kéni bang mamyálung soccer.,I came here to play soccer.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Sínambut kamí king labanán.,We won the battle.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Malíno ing kákung kapatágan?,Is my explanation clear?,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Atín yang diperénsya ing riló.,The clock is defective.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Malyáring murán pótang béngi.,It could rain tonight.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Géwa ke yan pará kéka.,I made that for you.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Alá kung péra.,I don't have any money.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Ikít ke pámu ngéni.,I saw him just now.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Atílu kéni ba reng protéktan.,They're here to protect him.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Burí ke ing púsang yan.,I want that cat.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Éya maganaká kayá.,He is not kind to her.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn "Nung mánintún kang óbra, awsán mukú.","If you're looking for a job, call me.",pam_Latn-eng_Latn Méyna na ing ángin pánga béngi.,The wind died down by the evening.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Taganáng magálang ya i Tom.,Tom certainly was polite.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Métung ku neng óras pánáyan ing kálugúran ku.,I have been waiting for a friend of mine for an hour.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Gísan neng Tom ing kapé na at méko ya bang magóbra.,Tom finished his coffee and left for work.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn "Sigí, mangísnáwa kang malámam.","Now, take a deep breath.",pam_Latn-eng_Latn Migpasyá yang magdóktor.,She decided to be a doctor.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn "King pyálung a iní, ére malyáring paldakán deng mámyalung ing bóla.","In this game, players were not allowed to kick the ball.",pam_Latn-eng_Latn Siblí ke kayá ing singsíng na.,I gave him back his ring.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Alá ya ang inámin.,So far he has admitted nothing.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn "Nung ausán nákung Jason, sabián mu alá ku.","If Jason should call me, tell him I'm not in.",pam_Latn-eng_Latn Alás singkú yang dátang kéni.,He is to come here at five.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Mibálik ya ibát king iskwéla.,He will get back from school.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Atíng ísla king dáyatmálat.,There are islands in the sea.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Atín kung adwáng púsâ.,I have two cats.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Dátang ya keng gatpanápun ning a-singkú.,He will arrive on the afternoon of the 5th.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Mintá ya king súluk i Tom at kínyak ya.,Tom went into a corner and cried.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Éku bísang muntá king iskwéla.,I don't want to go to school.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Éku bísang lungúb.,I don't want to go to school!,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Éku dóktor.,I'm not a doctor.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Métung yang bantúg a mágkantá.,She is a well-known singer.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Míkálat ing aylí da reng ának king mabílug a kakéwan.,The children's laughs spread throughout the forest.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Kákáyap ya i Tom.,Tom is in recovery.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Míbúlus ya kaybát ning limáng banwáng pángasúkul.,He was set free after doing five years in prison.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Mabáting ka!,"Rack off, hairy legs!",pam_Latn-eng_Latn Makápagparlá kang karágdagágan impormasyún king e-mail?,Could you send me more information by email?,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Yáku ing báyu nang sekrétaryang Tom.,I'm Tom's new secretary.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Atyú king balé ing imá mo?,Is your mom home?,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Gáwan keng simplí.,I'll make it simple.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Mágkasákit keng magdisisyún nung sánung salwán.,We're finding it difficult deciding on which one to buy.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Éku malyáring paintulútan itá.,I can't authorize that.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Míbúlus ya kanú kaybát ning limáng banwá king sukúlan.,I hear he was released after five years in prison.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Palagé ku e masyádung makabaldúgan kang Tom ing regálu ku.,I don't think my gift meant very much to Tom.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Taganáng masákit iní pará kayá.,This is very difficult for him.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Alá yang kapatád a babái.,He doesn't have a sister.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn E miyá buríng makó.,We don't want her to leave.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Pané keng mámyálung tennis neng Sábadung ábak.,We always play tennis on Saturday morning.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Ing yátu bóla ya.,The earth is a ball.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Mábabá la pagláláwe kayá kaníta.,They looked down on him.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Mág-exercise ku úling bísa kung manátíling masánting katáwan.,I exercise because I want to stay healthy.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Mánalbé yang TV i Tom ngéni.,Tom is watching TV now.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Kaylángan keng gáwan iní ngéni.,I've got to do this now.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Aláng makí bálung sínalí kung báyung kótsi.,Nobody knows that I have bought a new car.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Malyáring ménasakít ya i Tom.,Tom may be hurt.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Métung yang táung makí malálam a bélwán.,He is a man of profound knowledge.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Balá ku atyú dápat king Boston i Tom. Nánánu ya kéni?,I thought Tom was supposed to be in Boston. What's he doing here?,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Mintá tána king Paris.,We have been in Paris.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Sínambút ya i Tom king liglígan a itá.,Tom won that contest.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Éta makápuntá ngéni.,We can't go right now.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Alilán de.,They will change it.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Émo tatalnán deng librú ku nung marinát ka gámat.,Don't handle my books with dirty hands.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Nánu pang kaylángan mu?,What else do you need?,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Nínung mánibálâ.,Who's in command?,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Pilán ya búlan ing Mars?,How many moons does Mars have?,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Kanínu ya bag iní?,Whose bag is this?,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Pákisabyán de.,They're talking to him.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn "King makúyad a salítâ, mákapakaylí ya.","In a word, it's ridiculous.",pam_Latn-eng_Latn E re pa ikít deng péngári ku ing táu ku.,My parents still haven't met my girlfriend.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Miglwál yang péra i Tom king kahún lamésa.,Tom took some money out of the drawer.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Óbat makanyán?,Why would that be?,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Éne ákilálang Tom.,Tom didn't recognize her.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Gáwan mu ing anggáng kaylángan.,Do whatever's required.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Atín kung aísip a báyung ideyá.,A new idea came to me.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Bísa ya pang maglambát piláng aldó i Tom.,Tom wanted to stick around for a few more days.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Gáwan mu na.,Now you do it.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Atíng keng gagáwan.,We are doing something.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Dáyu ya ing asáwa nang Tom.,Tom is married to a foreigner.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Atín támung kaylángang bayáran?,Do we have to pay anything?,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Éku pa mékasulagpó.,I've never flown before.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Yan ing ásu ku.,That's my dog.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Núkarín yang grúpu ing kálugúran mu?,Which group is your friend in?,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Éke man bálu ing pilídu nang Tom.,I don't even know what Tom's last name is.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Nánung ínum mu?,What have you taken?,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Ákakit me ing babáing makátikdó king gúlut nang Tom? I Mary itá.,Can you see the woman standing behind Tom? That's Mary.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn "Panúpáya yu, mítawlí ku. Éku gad mígísing.",I'm sorry I'm late. I overslept.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Pépadurútan ne ning pulutung ing kótsing antíng dakál a lángo.,The mob gathered round the car like so many flies.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Kaylángan isumbúng mu iní king pulís.,You should report this to the police.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Manyáman iní.,This is kind of fun.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Misán ya parúminggúng mánalbeng síne.,She goes to the movies once a week.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Éke ákit ing táta ku.,I can't see my dad.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Bísa kang mangán king balé ko?,Fancy to eat at my place?,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Masyádu yang maragúl.,It's too large.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Malyári yang kanán yan?,Is that edible?,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Sínílip ya i Tom king pasbúl ba nang ákit ing malilyári.,Tom peeked out the door to see what was happening.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn "Ing bálu ku, talásáwa ya pa i Tom.","As far as I know, Tom is still married.",pam_Latn-eng_Latn Dápat pépasáup ya i Tom kang Mary.,Tom should've asked Mary for help.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Méyna ka pámikákatáwan uli ning sakít.,The sickness has weakened your organism.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Lumáwe ta king malatíng silíd.,Let's look in the closet.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Ot línwal ka king Twitter?,Why did you quit using Twitter?,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Ot ináus mukú kéni?,What did you call me in here for?,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Makasadyá na ka?,Are you ready?,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Migkulúng ya king kwártu na.,She shut herself up in her room.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Makó tána?,Shall we go?,pam_Latn-eng_Latn í Neng kái mágkámali kamí.,We sometimes make mistakes.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Dimdám kuné iníng kantá kaníta.,I've heard this song before.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn "Nung makanánu la karakál deng pisambán, makanyán la múrin karakál deng muséó.",There are as many museums as there are churches.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Ákákit dakáng mámásâ.,I see you reading.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Tawlí yang míratáng kéni i Tom.,Tom got here late.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Baláku salwán neng Tom ing kótsing yan.,I thought Tom would buy that car.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Byása kang Ísek?,Do you speak Chinese?,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Maklák ya king métung a balugbúg i Tom.,Tom is deaf in one ear.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Pilán la pang bilungan deng básan mu pa?,How many more pages do you have left to read?,pam_Latn-eng_Latn E kamí mísabi nápun.,We didn't talk yesterday.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Éya minúlî anggáng mábéngi na.,Not until late at night did he come home.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Sigúru dápat kang kumáng métung.,Perhaps you should get one.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Sulatánan ke i Tom.,I'll write to Tom.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Éku maybúg paníwalán.,I could scarcely believe it.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Burí rakáng ákit a títíman.,I want to see you smile.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Burí ku tambíng kang magúmpisá.,I want you to get started right away.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Métung lang milyún deng táu king Auckland.,There are a million people in Auckland.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Atín kayúng pasáing pang-istúdyánte?,Do you have a student fare?,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Sasabián dang alá pang mékalutás keng prubléma.,It is said that nobody has solved the problem yet.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Ing Pacifico ing pékamaragúl a kadayátmalátan king yátu,The Pacific is the largest ocean in the world.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Balámu kasíng-idád me ing anák a laláki bandá karín.,That boy over there looks about the same age as you.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn E bísang makíramdám káku.,He won't listen to me.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Mapakyalám ya ing kasíping nang baléng Mary.,Mary's neighbor is a busybody.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Pakirámdamán me i Tom.,Listen to Tom.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Patingápun ku king kékami nápun.,I was home all day yesterday.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Aláng mináus kéka.,Nobody called you.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Éraká sikasuán.,You will be ignored.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Mánuknángan ya king maranglé king California.,Tom lives on a farm in California.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Mamuláng ka?,Are you mad?,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Séli ke ing librúng kaylángan daréng ának.,I bought the book which the children need.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Pantásya yā mú.,It's just a fantasy.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Atíng mámangán.,Somebody is eating.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Alá yang kabalú-bálû i Tom.,Tom is clueless.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Inabáyan de reng péngari na ing anák a laláki.,The boy was accompanied by his parents.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Kutáng ku kang Tom.,I'll go and ask Tom.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn "King palagé mu, pilán laréng hotél king Boston?",How many hotels do you think there are in Boston?,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Ákalingwán kung sabián kang Tom a éku bálak muntá karín.,I forgot to tell Tom I wasn't planning to be there.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Sigúru masantíng nung awsán me.,Maybe you'd better call him.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Éku pa mínum beer neng ugtú.,I've never had a beer in the middle of the day before.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Mas anák ya késa káku.,She is younger than me.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Salámat king sáup.,Thanks for the support.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Salámat king supórta.,Thank you for your support.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Sána tahímik ya.,I hope it'll be quiet.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Dakál ya imálan.,She has quite a lot of clothes.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Mibálik ya kilúb ning métung a óras.,She will return within an hour.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Atín kung ikít a bágeng mákapagmulálâ!,I've found something amazing!,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Pitdá neng Tom ing músika.,Tom turned off the music.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Makatátlu la karakál deng librú ning kapatád kung babái késa káku.,My sister has three times as many books as I do.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Éke págtiwalán anyáng múmuna.,I didn't trust him at first.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Ékuna ápibatá ing gagáwan mu.,I can't stand your behaviour any more.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Pépamunikála nang magumpisá keng tambíng.,He proposed that we should start at once.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Éno íngátan masáléseng Tom deng ának na.,Tom doesn't take very good care of his children.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn King palagé ku bálu mu ing kaylángan tang gáwan.,I think you know what we have to do.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Palakó náku anyáng tigtíg ya ing tímbre.,I was about to leave when the doorbell rang.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Éku pa míras karín.,I had never been there before.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Mábusní ya ing áwang.,The window was wide open.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Présu kamí.,We were prisoners.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Kinurihyan mi ya.,We corrected it.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Éme sisilabán ing balé ba meng itábî ing dagís.,Burn not your house to fright the mouse away.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Kákawé ya i Tom.,Tom is swimming.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn E makatutwánan itá.,That was unrealistic.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Éme ikít i Tom king party?,Didn't you see Tom at the party?,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Ot tútuknang ka karéla?,Why do you stay with them?,pam_Latn-eng_Latn "Keng tútukí mukúng puntalán, pákit ke ing librú.","Next time you come to see me, I will show you the book.",pam_Latn-eng_Latn Atín nakáng ikít métung man karéne?,Have you ever seen one of these before?,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Ményad kung katás ning úbas.,I asked for grape juice.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Atín yang bigóti i Tom.,Tom has a moustache.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Éku paburéng atíng malyáring marók.,I won't let anything bad happen.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Ikwá ne ing léting.,He caught the cord.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Ápapuntán me?,Can you get her?,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Nánu ka lagyú?,What is your name?,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Éku bálung e mákáintindíng Pransés i Tom.,I didn't know Tom didn't understand French.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Éna bálung Tom ing katutwán.,Tom doesn't know the truth.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Migkámalí ku.,I've been wrong.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Ákilála ke ing táu ku ngeni king gym.,I got to know my current girlfriend at the gym.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Sigurádu kung pansamántalá mû iní.,I'm sure this is only temporary.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Burí raká ngan deng kálugúran ku.,All my friends like you.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Iní ing marapát.,This is what's going to happen.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Ábáting miyá.,We lost it.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Álus yarí na ing kaléldo.,Summer is almost over.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Núkarín ka makátuknáng?,Where do you live?,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Pakíplantsá me ing kamiséta.,Please iron the shirt.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Ére burí deng ának a bábai itáng kantá.,The girls don't like that song.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Ibyé ke kéka.,I'll give it to you.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Aláng makí burí king marók a balítâ.,Nobody likes bad news.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Maragúl a kamalián iní.,This is a big mistake.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Kégísanán yang gasolína ing kótsi ku.,My car ran out of gas.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Itá ing dákeng mákatákut.,That was the scary part.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Makanánu nang malyáring ábalu?,How could she have known?,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Mákiramdám keng músika.,We listen to music.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Betérináryu ya i John.,John is a veterinarian.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Mítakútan la ngan.,Everybody got scared.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Sindú da ing pámaglákad.,They continued walking.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Tabálu tâ .,I don't know.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Ot éka bísang túki kékami?,Why don't you want to come with us?,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Éro gágalang karéng táung kalúpa na.,No one respected men like him.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Dádálan ya ing Kamo king Kyoto.,The Kamo runs through Kyoto.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Kómusta la reng lisyún mu king Pransés?,How are you coming along with your French lessons?,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Makasadyá nákung magbakasyún.,I'm ready for a vacation.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Mégísan na ing pasénsya nang Tom.,Tom's patience has run out.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Patingápun keng kayabé nápun.,I spent all day yesterday with him.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Kaylángan kung magóbra.,I need to work.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Tutû ing sasabián na.,What he says is very true.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Mabundúk yang bangsá ing Armenia.,Armenia is a mountainous country.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Sána taglús-taglús nang mawalá ing pámagáral!,I wish school would disappear forever!,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Alá yang gagáwan nuné manalbéng TV patingápun.,He does nothing but watch TV all day long.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Dakál lang táung mányalí kéni.,Many people shop here.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Mágsadyá yang magóbra i Tom.,Tom is getting ready to go to work.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Payntunán ku ing pángaméstru.,I'm going to miss being a teacher.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Ápakán no kayá deng gúle na.,She got him to eat his vegetables.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Dimdám milá.,We heard them.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Nánung dápat mung gáwan nung méket kang cobra?,What should you do if you are bitten by a cobra?,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Itá agyú nang gáwan.,That he would be able to do.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn King palagé mu byása yang muntá karín i Tom?,Do you think Tom knows how to get there?,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Sigúru dakítan daká.,Maybe they'll come for you.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn "Úli ning pámisápungán, míbalugsé ya paluál ing métung karíng pasáhérus.","As a result of the collision, one of the passengers was thrown out.",pam_Latn-eng_Latn Bayáran me.,You will pay for it.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Kaylángan keng linísan ing kwárto?,Must I clean the room?,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Kutnán de.,They'll ask her.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Sigúru masantíng a alá yu kéni i Tom.,Maybe it's a good thing Tom isn't here.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Makyásáwa náku!,I'm about to get married!,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Paráti kung púpunta king bébe dáyatmálat.,I always go to the beach.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Éka gáwang antí kanyán.,You will do no such thing.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Malyári táyang pisabyán iní kaybát?,Can we talk about this later?,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Sigúru éna man ápansínan Tom a aláyu kéni i Mary.,Tom probably won't even notice that Mary isn't here.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Bálu nang Tom a magigísan na ing panaún.,Tom knows time is running out.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Sabián mu kékamí ing éganáganá.,You're going to tell us everything.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Atín yang pákisabián i Tom ngéni. Makāpanáya ka?,Tom is talking with someone right now. Can you wait?,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Átatandánan mukó?,Do you remember me?,pam_Latn-eng_Latn "Tawlí yang dínatáng, antí ing maralás nang gagáwan.","He came late, as is often the case with him.",pam_Latn-eng_Latn "Lungúb ka, makábusní ya.","Come in, it's open.",pam_Latn-eng_Latn Éku bálu nung núkarín ta mirás.,I don't know where we'll arrive.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Alá kung kabalú-bálâ nung nung núkarín na sélikút Tom ing péra.,I have no idea where Tom hid the money.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Mintá ya king Boston i TOm atlú nang banwá ing mílábas.,Tom went to Boston three years ago.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Itá ing mensáhi.,That's the message.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Sinúlat ku yan?,Did I write that?,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Bísa kung pámangán.,I want some food.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn "Matwá ku, óneng ékupá makanyán katwá.","I'm old, but I'm not that old.",pam_Latn-eng_Latn Míparakál ku péngan.,I ate too much.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Álutás táya iní.,We can solve this.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn King palagé mu báge káku ing atíng bigóte?,Do you think I'd look good with a mustache?,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Mésayá ya king balítâ.,The news made him happy.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Mínum yang gátas i Tom.,Tom drank milk.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Mitmú ya ing bóti.,The bottle is full.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Balámu e interesádu kanyán i Tom.,It looks like Tom isn't interested in that.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Agpáng kéka.,According to you.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Míkawáni ya i Tom ampó i Mary kaybát nang méte ning anák dang laláki.,Tom and Mary split up after their son died.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Kilála miyá.,We know her.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Makatatlú karakál ing pánakitá'na késa káku.,He earns three times as much as I do.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Timpák ne ing bag na king lamésa.,He laid his bag on the table.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Álus kasíndagúl ne ning Grécia ing Estádo ning New York.,New York State is almost as large as Greece.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Méyarégla na ing pisásabián.,The matter was settled.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Atíng makí prubléma kanité?,Does anybody have a problem with this?,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Nánu lang klásing kwat?,What kind of mushrooms are they?,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Maúlagá iní karéla.,This is important to them.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn E maybúg manígáral i Tom.,Tom doesn't feel like studying.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Éno bálung itrátung masaléng Tom deng empléyádu na.,Tom doesn't know how to treat his employees properly.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Nánung géwa támu king métung at métung?,What did we do to each other?,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Nu ka táu?,Where are you from?,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Paréu keng muntá karing Tom.,Tom and I'll both be there.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn "King métung a tindáhan, nung atín kang ábalbál, kaylángan meng bayáran.",In a store if you break something you must pay for it.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Ing pámagdilídíli ing pipágarálan ning kabiásnan.,Solitude is the school of wisdom.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Éno pákirámdamán deng méstru na.,He doesn't listen to his teachers.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Éno pákirámdamán deng péngari na.,He doesn't listen to his parents.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Máus kang pulís!,Call the police!,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Éna makanyán.,It's no longer that way.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Pépákit na káku nung makanánu yang gamítan iníng kámera.,He showed me how to use this camera.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Ábalitán mu na ing tungkúl kang Tom ampó kang Mary?,Did you hear about Tom and Mary?,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Taganáng maténákan ya i Tom.,Tom certainly is knowledgeable.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Éne kalúpang imá na.,She doesn't look like her mom.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Burí rang ábálû nung nánung malilyári.,They want to know what's happening.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Nánung kakanán nang Tom neng paugtwán?,What does Tom eat for lunch?,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Nánung kakanán nang Tom neng minindál?,What does Tom eat for a mid-afternoon snack?,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Ékuná agyúng gáwan iní.,I can't do this anymore.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Mátas ya ing téte.,The bridge is high.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Másakít ka.,You are ill.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn "Ay, éka makanyán.","Oh, don't be like that.",pam_Latn-eng_Latn Éku kasalánan.,It's not my fault.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Ugáli nang Bob ing matudtúd 10:00.,Bob has the habit of going to bed at 10:00.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Atín kang trénta minútus a mitátágan.,You have thirty minutes left.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn "Tutú itá, e warî?","That's true, isn't it?",pam_Latn-eng_Latn "Lagwá mu, mitawlí támu.","Hurry up, or we'll be late.",pam_Latn-eng_Latn Pakíbatán me ing kutáng.,Answer the question.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn "Salámat king páyu, Tom.","Thanks for the advice, Tom.",pam_Latn-eng_Latn Makanánu mong sabatán?,How are you going to stop them?,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Byása kang Italiáno?,Do you speak Italian?,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Aláng impusíbli.,Nothing is impossible.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn "Ému kasalánan iní, Tom.","This isn't your fault, Tom.",pam_Latn-eng_Latn Taganáng mal ya ing kótsing yan.,That car is really expensive.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Alá lang pangunakán deng dagís.,Rats don't have nephews.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Tínuknáng lang sásabi.,They stopped talking.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Kilála ke ing tátang mu.,I know your father.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Ot páburén mung gáwan na kékang Bayáng iní?,Why do you allow Mary to do this to you?,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Atín kang ikét?,Did you see something?,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Pané kung e mipáyndatún.,I always have an uncomfortable feeling.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn E makanyán kalagwáng kumbinsyán i Tom,Tom won't be that easy to convince.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Atín yang mangáragúl a kupítri ing bálang kwártu.,Each room is equipped with large desks.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Atíng tínuki kéka?,Did anybody follow you?,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Atíng mébáting kéka?,Did you lose something?,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Mípanúmâ kamí.,We kissed each other.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Makanánu mung babalákang bayáran itá?,How do you plan on paying for that?,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Pané kung ákakalingwán a maká-login náku.,I always forget that I already logged in.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Adwá ya áwang ing kwártu ku.,My room has two windows.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Mékápag-disisyún ne i Tom.,Tom has come to a decision.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Makanánu yang sabyán?,How to say it?,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Masálá pa king kilwál.,It is still light outside.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Mas burí ku ing gátas késa king katás ning prútas.,I like milk more than juice.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Itá ing sasabyán ning bálang métung.,That's what everyone says.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Éku sigurádu nung ikít neng Tom.,I'm not sure if Tom saw it.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Iní ing asáwa nang Tom?,Is this Tom's wife?,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Éka malyáring sumambút.,You can't possibly win.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Pépabyé ne kákung Tom kang Mary iní.,Tom told me to give this to Mary.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Sínalí kung librú tungkúl karéng animál.,I bought a book about animals.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Numánu támu keng tútuki tang bakasyún?,What should we do during our next vacation?,pam_Latn-eng_Latn "Múmúna, pisabyán tála deng ekspériméntung gagáwan da karéng laboratóryu.","First, let us talk about the experiments conducted in laboratories.",pam_Latn-eng_Latn Buri neng pakabán ning syudád ing dálan.,The city wants to extend the road.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Bísa kung sáling aspirin.,I would like to buy some aspirin.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Byása ya king handball.,He is good at handball.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Éne man tinext Tom i Mary a mitawlí ya.,Tom didn't even text Mary to tell her he'd be late.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Pakísalangyán mu ne mo ing rádyo?,Could you please turn the radio on?,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Ékuna daptán pasíbáyu itá.,I won't do it again.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Mákapágmulálâ ing óbrang géwa nang Tom.,Tom did an incredible job.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Mámangán kang kárne?,Do you eat meat?,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Mas mábabá la king áwákan deng pantalón ngéni késa kanítang méngalabásan a dilanwá.,Trousers of today sit much lower on the waist than they did centuries ago.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Siguradwán mung sabyán mu kayá itá.,Make sure you tell him that.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Atín kung álaktón.,I've missed something.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Éké burí ing binyé na kákung Tom.,I didn't like what Tom gave me.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Gagáwan de ing báyung téte.,The new bridge is in process of construction.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Mínum la ngan.,They all drank.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Pépaulá naká?,Have you ever had your fortune told?,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Méte la ngan.,They all died.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Línub la ngan.,They all entered.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Sínungá la ngan.,They all gasped.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Pasayán daká.,I'll make you happy.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Gínalikgík la ngan.,They all giggled.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Bálu ra ngan.,They all knew.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Kálugúran daká.,You are my friend.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Méko la ngan.,They all left.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Jack ing lagyú ku.,My name is Jack.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Mékiramdám la ngan.,They all listened.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Maragúl ing minaliwá kéka.,You have changed a lot.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Nánung burí mung kanán?,What would you like to eat?,pam_Latn-eng_Latn "Nung masyádu kang malambát mágobrang e mágpaynáwa, panámdamán mu.","If you work too long without a rest, it begins to tell on you.",pam_Latn-eng_Latn Tínikdo la ngan.,They all stood.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Ot éme burí i Tom?,Why don't you like Tom?,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Istúdyánti ka?,Are you a student?,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Nánung páyntunán mu?,What are you looking for?,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Kaylángan daká.,I need you.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Gínulísak la ngan.,They all screamed.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Burí keng pakísabián i Tom.,I want to talk with Tom.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Sulatánan mukúng gad!,Do write to me soon!,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Míminúm kang kapé?,Do you drink coffee?,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Atín kung báyung páris a médyas.,I have a brand new pair of socks.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Tínuknang la ngan.,They all stopped.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Migsalíta la ngan.,They all talked.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Línákad la ngan.,They all walked.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Núkarín ya ing iskwéla mu?,Where is your school?,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Ménalbé la ngan.,They all watched.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Bálu ra na.,They already knew.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Méko na la.,They already left.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Lúpa lang mété na.,They appear dead.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Nánung milyári karéng péngari nang Tom?,What happened to Tom's parents?,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Págmaragúl daká!,I'm proud of you.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Éla mête.,They aren't dead.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Alá lu kéni.,They aren't here.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Éla makwálta.,They aren't rich.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Éla makmák.,They aren't stupid.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Alá lu karín.,They aren't there.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Éla kambál.,They aren't twins.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Dékap de.,They arrested her.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Inaréstu de.,They arrested him.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Dékap de i Tom.,They arrested Tom.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Pániwalán da.,They believe it.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Pániwalán dakayú.,I believe you.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Nánung géwa yu king métung at métung?,What did you do to each other?,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Paréu lang méngúkû.,They both coughed.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Paréu lang méte.,They both died.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Paréu lang gínalikgík.,They both giggled.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Éku kumabyé nung alá ka.,I can't live without you.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn "Lagwâ, tálan ka kéning pun dútung.","Quick, hold onto this tree.",pam_Latn-eng_Latn Paréu lang gínulísak.,They both screamed.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Paréu lang tíníman.,They both smiled.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Paréu lang mágóbra.,They both work.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Pángabalánan dáku.,They bother me.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Burí na ing mámadwás.,He loves fishing.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Tandó ka king áwang.,Look out of the window.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Kitkút de.,They buried it.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn E malyári kang Tom itá.,It's not going to happen to Tom.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Sílab da ing saríli da.,They burned themselves.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Déla nang Tom ing éganáganá king upísína na.,Tom took everything to his office.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Masákit ya kanúng kasábi.,He is thought to be difficult to deal with.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Mánigáral kung Koreanu.,I study Korean.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Míbálik la.,They came back.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Línub la.,They came in.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Míabé-ábe la.,They came together.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Mályári lang magbáyu.,They can change.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Makásáup la.,They can help.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Maginu la ngan deng sundálus.,All the soldiers were gallant.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Dítak la reng ának king kwártu.,There were few children in the classroom.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Léko nong Tom deng headphone na.,Tom took his headphones off.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Bérdi ya matá i Tom.,Tom has green eyes.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Makápanayá la.,They can wait.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Éla makátákas.,They can't escape.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Árakáp de i Tom.,They captured Tom.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Árakáp dáku.,They caught me.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn "Karéng adwáng púlung istúdyánti, métung ya mû ing mékabása king librú.","Out of twenty students, only one has read the book.",pam_Latn-eng_Latn Sindú da ing pámamangán.,They continued eating.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Sindú da ing pámanintún.,They continued searching.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Masyádu pang maránun.,It's just too soon.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Sindú da ing pámagóbra.,They continued working.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Éla mékíbat.,They didn't answer.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Éta kakalingwán a e mákáintindíng Pransés i Tom.,Let's not forget that Tom doesn't understand French.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Íka ing pékamalagúng babái king yátu.,You're the most beautiful woman in the whole world.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Malútu ya ing bálang mansánas.,Every apple is red.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Sábi ku karéla alá lang kaylángang gáwan.,I told them they didn't have to do anything.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Kóntra la king plánu deng maygít kapitná karéng residénti.,More than half of the residents are opposed to the plan.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Éku pa mínum gátas a máki tsâ.,I've never drank milk with tea.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Métung yang sikát a mágkantá.,She is a famous singer.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Pakálon mulá.,Watch them closely.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Éla mílayî.,They didn't run.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Sínulat yang atlúng librú kilúb ning atlúng banwá.,He wrote three books in as many years.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Balá ku yáku mû ing mékaísip kaníta.,I thought that only I had thought of that.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Alá yang lamán ing bóti.,The bottle is empty.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Magáral ka búkas.,You'll go to school tomorrow.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Alá lang pakyalám.,They don't care.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Éne bitasáng binisíta.,He never visited her.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Burí mukúng awsáng Tom?,Do you want me to call Tom?,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Pakíramdamán me!,You all listen to him!,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Aliwá itá ing ámanwán ku.,I'm not talking about that.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Burí ku patdán me ing rádyu.,I want you to turn off the radio.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Maránun ing kasíbul ngéning banwá nung pakíyantí mu king banwáng métung.,Spring has come early this year compared with last year.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Gínámit kamíng mápa king byáhi mi.,We made use of the maps during our journey.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Éla sásáup.,They don't help.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn "Énáku buríng pakisabián ngéni, at éku bálu nung bákit.","He doesn't want to talk to me now, and I don't know why.",pam_Latn-eng_Latn Bísa kung kutsilyúng pamútut kaníning lúbid.,I want a knife with which to cut the rope.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Migáganaká la reng sablá king milyári king sadyáng kampyún.,Everyone is anxious to know what has become of the former champion.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Umpisán táya ing púlung karatáng nang Bob.,We will begin the meeting when Bob comes.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Ápayntún de i Tom.,They found Tom.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Ot ému sinábi kayá?,Why didn't you tell him?,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Éku makálákad a aláng túkud.,I cannot walk without a stick.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Pánáyan de.,They're waiting for it.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Nínung mématda king sulû?,Who turned off the light?,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Malínong masikán ya kapanámdáman kaníti i Tom.,Tom obviously feels very passionate about this.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Éme tatábílî ing óbra mu neng aldó.,Don't give up your day job.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Éla mákiramdám.,They don't listen.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Makí masabál kamí king payntungúlan nang Tom.,We're concerned about Tom's future.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Makanánu nang ápalyáring Tom itá?,How did Tom manage that?,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Másakít ku.,I am sick.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Inalbén ko reng áyup king barkún kábang ínumán ke ing kapé ku.,I watched the birds on the balcony while drinking my coffee.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Mínum lang kapé.,They drank coffee.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Ot kakálkalán me ing busún nang Mary?,Why are you checking Mary's mailbox?,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Éka manákit ásung mas maragúl késa kaníti.,You won't find a dog bigger than this one.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Tinggáp neng Tom ing alúk nang Mary.,Tom accepted Mary's offer.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Méte ya nápun.,He died yesterday.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Idáyu me kékamí.,Keep her away from us.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Línáwe la ngan.,They all looked.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Dínatáng ya i Tom at dinínan neng sóbri i Mary.,Tom came in and handed Mary an envelope.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Pakákalále lang línub.,They entered cautiously.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Éku burí ing samántalánan dáku.,I don't want them to take advantage of me.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Mípaglíbe lang rigálu.,They exchanged gifts.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Biníte de i Tom.,They executed Tom.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Susuglúng neng Tom ing kayáng teléponú king Aptás.,Tom is connecting his phone to the Internet.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Susuglúng ke iníng computer king Internet.,I am connecting this computer to the Internet.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Siryósuan mong bagyá deng báge.,Take things a little more seriously.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Bandáng tawlí méko la.,They finally left.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn "Dinusúg neng Tom ing pasú king kaylî, at míbusní ya ing sikrétung pasbúl.",Tom moved the flower pot to the left and the secret door slid open.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Núkarín ya ing ásu?,Where is the dog?,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Méyári lang mámángan.,They finished eating.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Inúlu ne king kayáng mépíleng bitís.,She treated him for a broken leg.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Linárin de.,They fixed it.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Saganán tála.,Let's go meet them.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Éme úruran ing bwak mu!,Don't cut your hair!,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Tíkyan de i Tom.,They followed Tom.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Tíkyan daká.,They followed you.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Alá lang ápayntún.,They found nothing.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Ikít de iní.,They found this.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Ikít dakamí.,They found us.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Éla mákiramdám deng áliwang táu.,Some people never listen.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn King péra ngan dúdurút ing pagláláwe ning imá ku king éganáganá.,My mother thinks of everything in terms of money.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Migpasyá lang mikasál di Sue ampóng John.,Sue and John decided to get married.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Pakísúlat mu ing sabián ku.,Please write down what I'm about to say.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Éna buríng imá ku ing páli ning kaléldo.,My mother doesn't like the heat of summer.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Aláng mináus kayá.,Nobody called him.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Bálang limá yang aldóng dáratang kéni.,He comes here every five days.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Atíng mákákilála kayá?,Does anybody know him?,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Pépabálû mi ing kayáng pángawalâ.,We reported his disappearance.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Mabilís yang ménik king éran.,She quickly went up the stairs.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Bálu kung maúlagá kéka.,I know it's important to you.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Bálu kung maúlagáng óbra itá.,I know it's important work.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Bálu kung imposíbli itá.,I know it's impossible.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Éme páburéng miyuránan.,Don't expose it to the rain.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Iní ing ambisyún ku king bye.,This is my life's ambition.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Magalíng ya kanúng maglútû.,It is said that she is a good cook.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Míbálik ya i Tom king luklúkan na.,Tom went back to his seat.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Línuklúk la ngan.,They all sat.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn "King kabundúkan, maygít singkwénta sentímétrung nyébe ing ménábû","In the mountain area, snow has fallen more than fifty centimeters deep.",pam_Latn-eng_Latn Éya dóktor.,He is not a physician.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Kaylángan yung makóng éya kayábe.,You will have to go without her.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Mag-bus ka.,Take a bus.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Mágkantá ya ing anák a babái.,The young girl is singing.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Alá yang kasíng-ulagá ing lugúd.,Nothing is as precious as love.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Taganáng burí tálang sópan.,We really do want to help them.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Sabián ku kayáng dínálan ka.,I'll tell her you came by.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Mas masantíng ing atín késa king alâ.,Something is better than nothing.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Tíníman la ngan.,They all smiled.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Sabián ku karélang mináus ka.,I'll tell them you called.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Simbút no ngan deng prémyu.,She carried off all the prizes.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Tínákas ya ing matsín king kayáng kulungán.,The monkey escaped from its cage.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Géwa da reng dóctor ing éganáganá ba yang maúlu.,Doctors did everything they could to cure him.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Bísa kung sáling métung a dusénang dónat.,I want to buy a dozen doughnuts.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn E maybúg makásábi i Tom.,Tom can barely speak.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Pépagáral ne ning ingkúng na.,She was educated by her grandfather.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn "Kúkwa kung ""notes"".",I'm taking notes.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Sínúku la.,They gave up.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn E tutû i Rambo.,Rambo doesn't exist.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Béngi lang magóbra.,They work at night.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Mas actîbu la neng béngi.,They are more active at night.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Mákakáwa lang dánum deng áliwáng klásing pámangán.,Some kinds of food make us thirsty.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Hello? Atyú ka pa?,Hello? Are you still here?,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Agyáng núkarín makásalikút ku.,I can hide everywhere.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Pépayáus daká kang Tom.,I asked Tom to call you.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Mákápagsalíta kung dakál a amánu ning Africa.,I can speak many African languages.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Aldó'ldó yang lálákad i Tom.,Tom takes a walk every morning.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Sasará ne ing pasbúl.,She closes the door.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn E miyá ákákit.,We can't see it.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn "Atíng dáratáng a tsunami, anyá sána magsadyá kayú.","A tsunami is coming, so please be on the alert.",pam_Latn-eng_Latn "Nung antí kaníta ing milyári, nánung gáwan mu?","Should that happen, what will you do?",pam_Latn-eng_Latn Kaylángan kung matudtúd.,I have to go to sleep.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Nánung sinábi nang Tom kétang milyári?,What did Tom say about what happened?,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Nánánu ka?,What are you doing?,pam_Latn-eng_Latn "Taganáng burí ke, óneng deng barkáda na alí kulá.","I really like him, but not his circle of friends.",pam_Latn-eng_Latn Taganáng masalése yang tigtíg piánu.,He plays the piano very well.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Nánu ya?,What is it?,pam_Latn-eng_Latn "Máyap a aldó kébaytán, Muiriel!","Happy birthday, Muiriel!",pam_Latn-eng_Latn Masayá ya king pánga-Húdyu na.,He was happy being a Jew.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Adwá neng púlung banwá i Muiriel.,Muiriel is 20 now.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Kaláramán itá.,It was a lie.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn """Muiriel"" ing password.","The password is ""Muiriel"".",pam_Latn-eng_Latn Gad kung mibálik.,I will be back soon.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Éka tumérak?,Aren't you going to dance?,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Éku bálû.,I do not know.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Mésíra ya ing lakánbalén úling king siláb.,The city was destroyed by fire.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Éku bálû nung nánung sabián ku.,I'm at a loss for words.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Éna mayári iní.,This is never going to end.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Taganáng éku bálu ing sabián ku.,I just don't know what to say.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Marók yang kunéhu yan.,That was an evil bunny.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Íka ing migdalá káku kéni.,You're the one who brought me here.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Sinábi ku ngan kang Tom ing áisip ku.,I told Tom everything I could think of.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Atyú ku king kabundúkan.,I was in the mountains.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Mílakó la óbra deng mágobra.,Workers lost their jobs.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Ibyé ke kang Tom.,I'll give it to Tom.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Báyu yang letráto?,Is it a recent picture?,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Éku bálû nung atín kung óras.,I don't know if I have the time.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn """Nánung burí mung ábálû""? ""Éganáganá.""","""What do you want to know?"" ""Everything.""",pam_Latn-eng_Latn Iní ing útus.,This is the order.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Balámu ustú ya i Tom.,It looks like Tom was right.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Métung mung minútu iní.,This'll only take a minute.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Balá nang Tom atyú ku Boston anyáng mílabásan a Dumínggu.,Tom thinks that I was in Boston last week.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Mékatapilán naká mintá?,How many times have you gone?,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Ing alcohol ing mágpagána king kótsing iní.,This car runs on alcohol.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Éna gáwan Tom itá.,Tom will never do that.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Atín kang sinábi kayá?,Did you say anything to him?,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Émo ábatá deng áliwá karéla.,Some of them are too much to bear.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Éku ágawâ iní nuné king sáup mu.,I couldn't do this without your help.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Méte ya ing asáwa na king aksidénti.,His wife was killed in the accident.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn "Manibát anyáng méte i táta na, asnanéng kalungkút i David.","Ever since his father died, David is very sad.",pam_Latn-eng_Latn "Kábirá-birá, migumpisáng minurán.","Suddenly, it began to rain.",pam_Latn-eng_Latn Busní táya.,Let's open it.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Títigtíg yang pyánu i Tom anyáng mas anák ya pa.,Tom used to play the piano when he was younger.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Bálu na sigúrung Maryng burí ke.,Mary probably knows I like her.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Núkarín ya ing ásu ku?,Where is my dog?,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Atlú yang óras king gym i Tom nápun.,Tom was at the gym for three hours yesterday.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Nánu ka pilídu?,What is your last name?,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Éna bálung Tom ot alá yu kéni i Mary.,Tom doesn't know why Mary isn't here.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Mébigú ku kéka.,I was disappointed in you.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn James ing pémalagyú na king anák na.,He named his son James.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Nánu kayú pû pilídu?,What's your last name?,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Éke buríng mayári ing 2013.,I don't want 2013 to end.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Kaylángan ku neng gisíngan i Tom pinándit.,I have to wake Tom up soon.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Palagé ku malyáring dátang ya.,I think it's possible that he may come.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Atyú kéni ing imá mu.,Your mom is here.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn "Palagé ku, íka ing pékamalagúng babái king mabílug a yátu.",I think you're the most beautiful woman in the whole wide world.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Éku man bálung sadyá kang makátuknáng king Boston.,I didn't even know that you used to live in Boston.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Burí ku básan neng Tom iní.,I want Tom to read this.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Pénaya neng mibálik Tom i Mary.,Tom waited for Mary to come back.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Dinínan danakáng paláyo?,Have they given you a nickname yet?,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Liníkas neng Tom king Pransés ing kontráta.,Tom translated the contract into French.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Aldó-aldó kung máglútung paugtwán.,I make lunch every day.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Tínakas ya i Tom king kayáng sélda.,Tom escaped from his cell.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Méte la ngan deng pasáhérus anyáng míbagsák ya ing éruplánu.,All the passengers were killed in the airplane crash.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Antí yang kadwáng imá káku.,She was like a second mother to me.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn "Mésakít ya ing kapitán mi, anyá yáku ing ménalíli kayá king púlung.","Our captain got sick, so I attended the meeting in his place.",pam_Latn-eng_Latn Sigúrádung págmaragúl me.,You must be so proud of her.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Sigúrádung págmaragúl ye.,You must be so proud of him.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Sabián ku ngan kéka.,I'll tell you everything.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Balá nang Mary malsintá ku kayá.,Mary thinks I'm in love with her.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Tutúring nákung antíng métung a estranghéru.,She treats me as if I were a stranger.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Malagwáng magkámalíng antí kaníti.,This is an easy mistake to make.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn "Atín yang kagíwan a ""psychic"".",She has psychic abilities.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Mísan mu milyári.,It only happened once.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Dínatáng ya at piglútu nákung apúnan.,He came over and cooked dinner for me.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Makanánu neng álutás Tom ing prubléma?,How did Tom solve the problem?,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Kaylángan kung manigáral pará king pámagsúlit.,I have to study for the exam.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Lináwe miyá ing masantíng a dáyatmálat.,We looked down at the beautiful sea.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Yáku man maburí kung kéndi.,"I, too, like candy.",pam_Latn-eng_Latn Burí ku ing kéndi.,I like candy.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Yáku man burí ku ing kéndi.,"I like candy, too.",pam_Latn-eng_Latn Tútukí yang mámadwás i Tom kang táta na kaníta.,Tom used to go fishing with his father.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Kínangwa yang kwálta kang táta na i Tom.,Tom got some money from his father.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Mipág-tennis keng Tom kaníta.,Tom and I used to play tennis together.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Éke múrin burî.,I don't like it either.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Búkas táya pisabyán ing prublémang itá.,Let's discuss that problem tomorrow.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn King palagé ku géwa nang Tom ing agyú na.,I think Tom did the best he could.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Agyú mung ulán ing payntungúlan?,Can you predict the future?,pam_Latn-eng_Latn King palagé ku i Tom ing gínawá kaníti.,I think Tom did this.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Nánung páninápan mu anyáng ginísing daká?,What were you dreaming about when I woke you up?,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Péniwalán de i Tom.,They believed Tom.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Burí nang Yaguatíng kákawe king ílug.,Yaguatí likes swimming in the river.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Émo buríng ákit deng ának mo?,Don't you want to see your kids?,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Atyú king banwá ing áyup.,The bird is in the sky.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn "Anyáng labanán, antí ya mong tínuknáng ing panaún.","During the battle, it was as if time had stopped.",pam_Latn-eng_Latn Kilála me?,Do you know her?,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Nánu ya iní?,What is this?,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Balá ku linwál mu king upisína ing éganáganá.,I thought you had taken everything out of the office.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Atín lang pamálak deng sablá.,Everyone has their own opinion.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Bálu mung atín yang aliwáng pákikitán i Tom?,Did you know Tom was seeing someone else?,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Kómustá ka?,How are you?,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Báwal ing máglúra king gabún king Singapore.,"In Singapore, it is a crime to spit on the ground.",pam_Latn-eng_Latn Ékuná sâ sinábi kang Tom itá.,I wish I'd never told Tom that.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Atín kang dápat ákit.,There's something you should see.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Ot ému ne mû paburéng sumáup i Tom?,Why don't you just let Tom help?,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Nínung péte mu?,Who did you kill?,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Éne pa ikít Tom makanyán kasayâ i Mary.,Tom had never seen Mary so happy.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Alá yang kutnanán.,He has nobody to consult.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Túki ka kékamí.,Come along with us.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Pota makasara ne ing tindahan.,The store might be closed already.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Pépapuntán dáku karín.,They made me go there.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn "Panúpáya mu nung sálábat ku, oneng atín kang dápat ákit.","I'm sorry to interrupt you, but there's something you should see.",pam_Latn-eng_Latn Misulat king kasalesayan ing metuklas a ini.,This discovery will be recorded in history.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Binwat neng Tom i Maria kareng pago na.,Tom carried Mary on his shoulders.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Manigáral kang sumúlat.,Learn to write.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Alás médya kamíng manyará.,We close at 2:30.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Likwán ko reng sapátus king iskwéla.,I left my shoes at school.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Inumán me ing panúlu.,Take the medicine.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn """Kíkyak ya i Tom."" ""Bálu ku.""","""Tom's crying."" ""I know.""",pam_Latn-eng_Latn Burí ku ingátan me pámû i Tom.,I want you to take care of Tom for a little while.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Atyú ku kéni úling kayá.,I'm here because of her.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Mig-éruplánu kamí papuntá king New York.,We went to New York by plane.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Mípakanánu ya?,What became of her?,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Mípakanánu la kayâ?,I wonder what became of them.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Burí kong ákit.,I wanted to see them.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Iní ing tútukî!,This is the next one!,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Pasaké ne king kótsi na i Tom anyáng mébaríl ya.,Tom was about to get into his car when he was shot.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Núkarín ka mintá?,Where have you gone?,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Kilála raká?,Do we know you?,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Burén mukúng mag-ispliká.,Let me explain.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Kaylángan yang larínan iníng trak.,This truck is in need of repair.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Mékámura ya i Tom.,Tom got a bargain price.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Sigúru sásambút ya i Tom.,Tom must be winning.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Kaylángan dakáng bayaránan?,Do I have to pay you?,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Byása ko ngang magsalítang Pransés?,Do all of you speak French?,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Ému sasabián king asáwa ku.,Don't tell my wife.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Mintá la king mal a restóran bang maugtú.,They went to an expensive restaurant for lunch.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Masyádung dilikádu.,It is too risky.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Ikwá ye ing mensáhi nang Tom?,Did you get Tom's message?,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Pákit mu kayá nung nánung agyú mung gáwan.,Show her what you're capable of.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Iníspliká ku iní kayá.,I pointed this out to her.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Burí keng inumán.,I want to drink it.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Éyu paniwalán iní!,You won't believe this!,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Manáya kamí.,We'll be waiting.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Manáya ku.,I'll be waiting.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn E marapát kang Tom itá.,It isn't going to happen to Tom.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Éno buríng ábálung Tom deng prubléma ku.,Tom didn't want to know about my problems.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Tínikdó ya ing matwáng laláki king bábo talímundúk.,The old man stood on the hill.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Paréu kamíng manérbyus Tom.,Tom and I are both nervous.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Malagú yang babái yan.,That's a good-looking woman.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Mélakwán ya iní king barkún.,This was left on the porch.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Balá na ya ing séntru ning siklúban.,He thinks that he's the centre of the universe.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Méki-kalugúran tána kang Tom.,We have made friends with Tom.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Sasaryán ku itá.,I did it on purpose.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Mapamásá ku.,I read a lot.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Maswérti ya ing dráyber e méte.,The driver was so fortunate as to escape death.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn E maragúl a báge itá.,It's not that big of a deal.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Mégobrá ya i Tom anggáng malálam ing béngi.,Tom worked until late at night.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Pépapintúra miyá kang Tom ing padér.,We had Tom paint the wall.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn I Tom ing sínabi káku king milyári.,It was Tom who told me what had happened.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Nu raká malyáring pakíkitán?,Where can we meet you?,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Iní ing salítang burí kung alilán.,This is the word which I would like to replace.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Katamád a mestró!,What a lazy teacher!,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Taganáng mákatákut ya ing pelíkulá.,This movie is really scary.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Paréu nong miyári king mátas a pipágarálan deng adwá kung ának.,Both of my kids have already graduated from high school.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Pákit mu káku ing agyú mung daptán.,Show me what you're capable of.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Atyú king kaylî ing bányu.,The bathroom's on the left.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Alás singkú keng míras king istasyún.,We arrived at the station at five.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Kéni ya pékamalápad ing ílug.,The river is widest at this point.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Nínung ibótu mung presidénti?,For whom will you vote for president?,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Salámat king pámikatágun.,Thanks for the opportunity.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Pángáku kung éku sabián karéla.,I promise not to tell them.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Salámat king inspirasyún.,Thanks for the inspiration.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Gáwan mung pasíbáyu itá?,Are you going to do that again?,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Ému darámdamán itá?,Don't you hear that?,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Payáus daká kayá kabúd dátang ya.,I will have him call you the moment he gets back.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn E mékíbat.,He made no response.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn "Kinópya ne ning kálugúran ku ing kákung págarálan balé, at ábálu ning méstra.",My friend copied my homework and the teacher found out.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Aláng manákit kékatámu.,No one's going to see us.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Binyé neng Tom kékamí.,Tom gave it to us.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Págmaragúl dáku deng péngári ku.,My parents were proud of me.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Ináus dáku.,They called me.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Éne mágdilídíli.,He isn't alone anymore.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn King palagé ku méte ya i Tom.,I think Tom died.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Masayá ya ing mabílug a bangsâ king balítâ.,The entire nation was glad at the news.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Núkarín ya makátuknáng i Tom?,Where does Tom live?,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Masyádu yang mabilís mangán i Tom.,Tom eats too fast.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Salámat king kékang pamálak.,Thank you for your opinion.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Kaylángan táyang sópan.,We have to help her.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Mángaylángan támung Plan B?,Do we need a Plan B?,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Abáyan me ságulî i Tom.,Stay with Tom for a moment.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn "Aliwá íka, e wárî?","It wasn't you, was it?",pam_Latn-eng_Latn King palagé ku ustú na ing péngan támu.,I think we've eaten enough.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Émo dápat babásan deng súlat daréng táu nung aláng paintúlut.,You shouldn't read people's private letters without permission.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Kaylángan ke ing métung a tása ning mapáling kapé.,I need a cup of hot coffee.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Alá kung ákarapát kaníta.,There's nothing I can do about it.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Sigúru ápakísabián táya.,Maybe we can talk to her.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Mas mátas yang bagyá késa káku i Tom.,Tom is a little taller than me.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Ing pámangaylángan ing indú pámaglaláng.,Necessity is the mother of invention.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Anyáng kamúmulán lélangán ne ning Dios ing banwá ampó ing yátu.,In the beginning God created Heaven and Earth.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Ménaya ya king aráp ning balé i Tom.,Tom waited in front of the house.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Burí kung tukyán mukú.,I want you to follow me.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn King Tokyo náku mágobra ngéni.,I'm working in Tokyo now.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Atín kung kálugúrang makátuknáng king Sapporo.,I have a friend who lives in Sapporo.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Atín kamíng plánu.,We have plans.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Éne átatandánan Tom ing lagyú ning méstra na anyáng kindergarten.,Tom can't remember his kindergarten teacher's name.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Burén mukúng muntá king puntalán ku.,Let me go my own way.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Máus kang dóctor úling másakít ku.,"Let the doctor come, because I'm sick.",pam_Latn-eng_Latn Alá kung panaún.,I have no time.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Ot alá yang gagáwan i Tom?,Why isn't Tom doing something?,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Malambát neng e súsúlat káku i Tom.,Tom hasn't written to me in a long time.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Mígising yang lúbas king landé.,She woke up naked on the floor.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Burén mung yatád daká king kótsi mu.,Let me walk you to your car.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Éke pa míkit manibát anyáng mágarál kamí.,We have not seen each other since our school days.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn "Kilkál ne bulsá ning pulís, óneng alá yang ikít.","The cop went through his pockets, but found nothing.",pam_Latn-eng_Latn Éta kakalingwáng e támu agawá iní nuné king sáup nang Tom.,Let's not forget we never could have done this without Tom's help.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Kaylángan kung pawrúd.,I need to have a haircut.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Sigúru mwa ya.,She must be angry.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Panáyan daká?,Should we wait for you?,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Librí kung máglíkas king Esperanto.,I translate into Esperanto for free.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Siblí ke.,I put it back.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Éku bísang luntóng ipókritu.,I didn't want to appear hypocritical.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Sigúrádu kang makásadyá ka kaníne?,Are you sure you're ready for this?,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Bálu mu itá?,Did you know that?,pam_Latn-eng_Latn King palagé mu nánánu ku?,What do you think I was doing?,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Sána ákit mu ing páyntunán ku.,I hope you'll find what I'm searching for.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Bálu nang Tom ing kabáldúgan na níti.,Tom knows what this means.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Dakál támu súkat pagmasusián.,We have a lot to celebrate.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Bísa ka pang patátas?,Would you like another helping of potatoes?,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Kasíngkatwá daká.,I'm as old as you.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Déni deng sapátus ku at déta deng kéka.,These are my shoes and those are yours.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Sigúru malyári kung makiyagnán kéka.,Maybe I could go with you.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Kumá tang aliwâ.,We'll get another one.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Puntalán daká kilúb ning apúlung minútu.,I'll be with you in ten minutes.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Gáwan mu ing agyú mu at éka migáganakâ.,Do your best and don't worry.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Mas dákal ing pánákitán ning gubyérnu késa king kailángan na.,The government was earning more money than it needed.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Burí raká mung kawlán.,I just want to hug you.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Pákit mu kayá nung nánung agyú mung daptán.,Show him what you're capable of.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Atín kang probléma kaníta?,Do you have any problems with that?,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Iní ing malyári.,This is what'll happen.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Alá kung dadaláng kwálta.,I don't have any cash on me.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Kéka ya?,Is it yours?,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Tálabaldúgan ya.,It's a dictionary.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Sáyang mu ing panaún.,It's a waste of time.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Sáyang ing panaún ampó ing péra.,It's a waste of time and money.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Ot pípilíng ka?,What are you shaking your head for?,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Núkarin ya ing táta mu?,Where is your father?,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Mapagál nákung mánáya king píla.,I'm tired of waiting in line.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Súsulápo támu king bábo daréng bígâ.,We're flying above the clouds.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Itá ing búsal ning pisásabián.,That's the crux of the matter.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Pékisabyán ke ing pamilyá ku.,I spoke with my family.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Ému paniwalán iní!,You won't believe this.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Íka ing pékamátas a táu kéni.,You're the tallest person here.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Masikán kang táu.,You're a strong person.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Éraku inagkát di Tom ampóng king karélang kasál.,Tom and Mary didn't invite me to their wedding.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Éka migáganakâ. E lumbát iní.,Don't worry. It won't take very long.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Taganáng pakisabyán ke i Tom.,I'll certainly talk to Tom.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Póta ásópan ke.,I might be able to help her.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Balámu e kunténtu i Tom.,Tom seems discontented.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Éku matalóti.,I'm not chicken.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Métung yang méstrung makábukúd karéng áliwâ.,He is a teacher apart from the rest.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Alá yang sákit.,It's a piece of cake.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Núkarín ka?,Where are you?,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Anák yā mû.,He is a mere child.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Isalikút me ing librúng yan.,Hide that book.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Nínánu ka?,What got into you?,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Nánung burí mu?,What do you want?,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Malyári meng gisyán ing kahún ba yang ibusnî.,You can tear the box open.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn "Anyáng palakó ne, mémun ya.","As he was about to leave, he said goodbye.",pam_Latn-eng_Latn Bísa kung muntá.,I want to go.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Míkásundú keng Tom.,Tom and I had an agreement.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Kéni kayú pû makátuknáng?,Do you live here?,pam_Latn-eng_Latn E malyáring tutú itá,It cannot be true.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Máwa kung danúm.,I am thirsty.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Paréu kamíng nerbyósung Tom.,Both Tom and I are nervous.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Páramá'nang diksyunáryo?,May I borrow your dictionary?,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Atín yang bágeng gawá king balát ing tindáhan.,The shop carried leather goods.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Múna ka.,You go first.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Páramán daká kétang pérang burí mu.,I'll loan you the money you want.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Múmurán.,It is raining.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Méko ne.,He has left now.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Mapagál kung mapagál.,I am very tired.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Alá kung púsâ.,I don't have a cat.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Átatandánan ku ngan.,I remember it all.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Núkarín ya ing kasilyás.,Where is the toilet?,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Malyári yang alilán ing ípan ning táu kétang métung ibát king animál?,Would it be possible to replace a man's tooth with one from an animal?,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Malyáring míbálik ne i Tom.,Tom may be back.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn E bálang kíkisláp gintû.,All that glitters is not gold.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn E raká sasangkánan.,I don't blame you.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Isaké mukú paúlî.,Give me a ride home.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Malyári meng ibyé ing kékang e-mail?,"May I have your email, please?",pam_Latn-eng_Latn Iní ing bisíkléta mo?,Is this your bicycle?,pam_Latn-eng_Latn "Éku kasalánan iní, alê?","This isn't my fault, is it?",pam_Latn-eng_Latn Baláku siryósu ka.,I thought you were serious.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Ningnáng ne ning kusinéru ing kárni.,The cook broiled the meat.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Barilán ke.,I'm gonna shoot him.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Éku bálung sadyá kang makátuknáng king Boston.,I didn't know that you used to live in Boston.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn "Ustú ka sigúru, Tom.","You're probably right, Tom.",pam_Latn-eng_Latn Ému mákápagsalítang Inglís nuné Alemán.,He can speak not only English but also German.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Énáku makáing buríng Tom.,Tom doesn't like me much.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Kéni ku makátuknáng.,I live here.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Makanánu mung sabyán itá king Italiánu?,How do you say that in Italian?,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Burí mu ing mágbyáhe?,Do you like to travel?,pam_Latn-eng_Latn "Bag me iní, alê?","This is your bag, isn't it?",pam_Latn-eng_Latn Nánu ya lágyu ing anák mung laláki?,What's your son's name?,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Mágáral nakamí.,We're studying now.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Mábabá ya ing téte.,The bridge is low.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Sabík yang magtagumpé.,He is eager for success.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Manyád nákung métung a básung danóm?,"A glass of water, please.",pam_Latn-eng_Latn Énáku pényalíng Tom king kaylángan ku.,Tom didn't buy me what I needed.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn E kaylángang tumágun king púlung ngéni i Tom.,Tom doesn't have to be at today's meeting.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Atyú ka murín king kékayó?,"Are you at home, too?",pam_Latn-eng_Latn Burí neng iligtás Tom ing yátu.,Tom wanted to save the world.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Éne bísang kumabyé i Tom.,Tom didn't want to live any longer.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Atín yang kumpanyáng pánibalán i Tom.,Tom had a company to run.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Ot éko paréung sumúku?,Why don't you both give up?,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Atín kung púsâ ampóng ásu. Matulíng ya ing púsâ at maputí ya ing ásu.,I have a cat and a dog. The cat is black and the dog is white.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Sábi ku paburén me i Tom.,I said leave Tom alone.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Alá yang péte i Tom.,Tom didn't kill anybody.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Balá ku tagá Boston ya i Tom.,I thought Tom was from Boston.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Makásadyá nakáng makó?,Are you ready to go?,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Dápat kung kutáng karéla?,Should I ask them?,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Balá ku táu ya Boston i Tom.,I thought that Tom was from Boston.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Nánu yang dálan iní?,What street is this?,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Tukí-tukí lang sínulagpó deng jet.,The jets took off one after another.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Iró ya ampóng gintú ing karélang bandéra.,Their flag is blue and gold.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Kaylángan támu ngéni ing síkanán nang Tom.,We need Tom's strength now.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Sabián mung pasibáyu káku nung nínung sumáup kékatámu.,Tell me again who will be helping us.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Muntá ka king balé mi?,Would you come our house?,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Kéraklán nánu kang óras máugtu?,When do you usually eat lunch?,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Alá lang tukyáng léyi deng táu kaníta.,There were no laws for people to abide by.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Atyú la king landé deng marinát nang imálang Tom.,Tom's dirty clothes are on the floor.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn "Isípan mū mû: dóktor ya, óneng sísindí ya.","Just imagine: he is a doctor, and yet he is a smoker.",pam_Latn-eng_Latn Yan ing inórder ku.,That's what I've ordered.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Kaylángan mung manarkiláng kotsé?,Do you have to rent a car?,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Marapát keng tútukíng Duminggú ing konsyértu.,The concert will take place next Sunday.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Librí miyáng gáwan iní.,We shall do this free of charge.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Atyú mû king aráp ku ing pakíbat.,The answer was right in front of me.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Pilán kamíng óras mipámakíbat tungkúl king isúlat.,We disputed for hours about what to write.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Marimla ya kaku.,She is cold to me.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Bálu ku nang ikít ku ne.,I knew I'd seen it before.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn King palagé ku ménákít kung takláng batwín.,I think I've found a meteorite.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Panaún na pára king katutuán.,It's time for the truth.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Pékisabián ke king teléponú.,I talked to her on the phone.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Kitnán náku nung núkarín muntá.,He asked me where to go.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Mas malagú ku késa kéka.,I am more beautiful than you.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Librí ka búkas?,Are you free tomorrow?,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Alá pa ing pékamarók.,The worst is still to come.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn E ligtás keng babái ing lumwál dilí na nung mábéngi na.,It is not safe for a girl to go out by herself so late at night.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Nánung burí mung pagawá káku?,What do you want me to do?,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Albén daká.,I'll be watching you.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Masayá ku.,I am happy.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Méstru ku kaníta.,I was a teacher.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Ninúng pánáyan mu?,Who are you waiting for?,pam_Latn-eng_Latn "Ay, sána makápuntá ku Pránsya.","Oh, I do wish I could go to France.",pam_Latn-eng_Latn Métung yang máginû i Tom.,Tom is a gentleman.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Sinákup dané deng Martian ing yátu.,The Martians have conquered the earth.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Ému sasabián kayá.,Don't tell him.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Makí paintúlut i Tom a gáwan itá.,Tom is allowed to do that.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Balámu aláng mánibálâ.,Nobody seems to be in charge.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Pakí-ispliká mo káku deng pátakarán ning soccer.,Please explain the rules of soccer to me.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Bálu me ing pakíbat?,Do you know the answer?,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Sinópan neng Tom tumákas king sukúlan i Mary.,Tom helped Mary escape from prison.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Sisirán dong áne deng balé.,Termites are destroying the houses.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Nínung ibótu mung pamuntúk?,Who will you vote for for president?,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Mintá ya king balé ku i Tom nabéngi.,Tom came over to my house last night.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Paréu ya kúle ing pitáka na karéng kayáng sapátus.,Her purse is the same color as her shoes.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn "Sánung burí mu, kapé o tsa?","Which would you prefer, coffee or tea?",pam_Latn-eng_Latn Gágamit kung kubyértus neng mámangán ku.,I eat using a utensil.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Aldó kung kébaytán nápun.,Yesterday was my birthday.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Atíng báyung pan ampóng danúm kéni.,There's fresh bread and water here.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Dakál ku credit card.,I have a lot of credit cards.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Ákalingwán kong isará deng áwang báyu minagyú.,I forgot to shutter the windows before the storm hit.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Nánu ka lagyû?,What's your name?,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Neng kwarénta mágumpisá ing bye.,Life begins at forty.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Éka makápuntáng dilí mo?,Can't you go by yourself?,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Sibuknan ku lang patuknangan.,I tried to get them to stop.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Dítak la mung táung makí adwáng kótsi.,Few people have two cars.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Bastá mibálik ka.,Just get back.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Salámat king géwa mu pará kékami.,Thanks for doing that for us.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Álus alá yang lamán ing tren.,The train was almost empty.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Matálik yang mínum i Tom.,Tom drank too much.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Masyádung masákit pará káku ing pámaglíkas kaníting kawatásan.,Translating this poem is too much for me.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Anák ka pâ.,You're still young.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Malyári tang míkit pasibáyo?,Could we meet again?,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Mékéni. Atín kung buríng pákit kéka.,Come here. I want to show you something.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Alá kung kítang karéla.,I didn't ask them any questions.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Sigúrádu kung dakál ka gagáwan.,I'm sure you're very busy.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Byása kang Inglís?,Do you speak English?,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Istú ya ing riló mo?,Is your watch correct?,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Lubús mukúng talásúyû.,I am entirely at your service.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Magaling yang mamyalung.,He plays very well.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Sabyán na kúlang ku tudtúd.,He said I don't get enough sleep.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Lúpa yang taganáng maulagá ing riló mu.,Your watch seems to be very valuable.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Kabáyu ya iní.,This is a horse.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Mámatrás kamí.,We were retreating.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Byása kang Apón?,Do you speak Japanese?,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Agyú na kanú ngána.,He said he could do it.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Sinábi mu na yan káku.,You've told me that before.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Kabúkas kung makágising a mámásâ.,I was up all night reading.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Nánung sabián ku kayá?,What do I tell her?,pam_Latn-eng_Latn "Atín ku sang ikutáng, óneng e raká buríng pangábalánan.","I have some questions to ask, but I don't want to bother you now.",pam_Latn-eng_Latn Regálu ya.,It was a gift.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Burí mo reng mansánas?,Do you like apples?,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Ikít ke i Joe anyáng Duminggú.,I saw Joe last Sunday.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Ispliká ku anggá king agyú ku.,I'll try to explain it to the best of my ability.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Agyú táyang sabatán?,Can we stop it?,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Panáyan daká.,I'll wait for you.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn Kinéra neng Tom ing rakéta king gabún.,Tom laid the racket on the ground.,pam_Latn-eng_Latn می ترسم، که در ترجمه من بخشی از معنی متن اصلی از دست رفته باشد.,"I'm afraid that in my translation, part of the original meaning has been lost.",pes_Arab-eng_Latn نمی دانم چطور آن جمله را صحیح ترجمه کنم.,I don't know how to translate that sentence correctly.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn هر چه موضوع علمی تر باشد، امکان تعابیر مختلف از آن کمتر می شود.,"The more scientific the subject, the less the possibility of different interpretations.",pes_Arab-eng_Latn توپ ها گردند.,Balls are round.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn دنیا خیلی کوچک است.,What a small world!,pes_Arab-eng_Latn جایی که اراده وجود دارد، راهی نیز وجود دارد.,"Where there's a will, there's a way.",pes_Arab-eng_Latn سوالات او نشان می دهد که موضوع را خیلی خوب متوجه می شود.,Her questions indicate that she understands the subject very well.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn او هر روز پیانو می نوازد.,She plays the piano every day.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn به من بگو چه اتفاقی افتاد؟,Tell me what happened.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn او را قانع کردم که از موضوع منصرف شود.,I persuaded him to give up the idea.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn ما شب به نیویورک رسیدیم.,We arrived in New York at night.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn من نتونستم چیز مناسبی رو واسه گفتن به ذهن بیارم.,I couldn't think of anything appropriate to say.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn پدرم گاهی اوقات به خارج سفر می کند.,My father sometimes goes abroad.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn گاهی اوقات سوالات بیشتر از پاسخ ها به ما اطلاعات می دهند.,"Sometimes, questions provide us with more information than answers.",pes_Arab-eng_Latn سخنرانی تو مناسب این مناسبت بود.,Your speech was appropriate for the occasion.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn داستانش مناسب این مناسبت نبود.,His story wasn't appropriate for the occasion.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn تاکسی گرفتم چون باران می بارید.,I took a taxi since it was raining.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn او ایوان مخوف نیست.,He is not Ivan The Terrible.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn داشتن هدفی ناخوب بهتر از فقدان هدف است.,Having a poor goal is better than lacking a goal.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn به نظر من، بی ماموریتی زندگی انسان را بیهوده می سازد.,"In my opinion, lack of a mission makes one's life vain.",pes_Arab-eng_Latn اگر نمی دانید هدف تان چیست، هیچگاه نمی توانید به آن برسید.,"If you don't know what your goal is, you'll never be able to achieve it.",pes_Arab-eng_Latn آیا شما عضو کتبخانه محلی تان هستید؟,Are you a member of your local library?,pes_Arab-eng_Latn اعتبار گذرنامه‌ی شما تا چه زمانی است؟,When is your passport valid until?,pes_Arab-eng_Latn من با او کار می کنم.,I work with him.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn لغت نامه روی میز مال چه کسی است؟,Whose dictionary is it on the table?,pes_Arab-eng_Latn جیرجیرک زندانی در قفس به اندازه جیرجیرک آزاد غذا می خورد.,A caged cricket eats just as much as a free cricket.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn ساعت متوقف شده است.,The clock has stopped.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn فکری عالی است.,That's a great idea.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn او چای دوست دارد.,He likes tea.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn تی شرت چه رنگی با شلوارک طرح نظامی میاد؟,"When you wear camo shorts, what colour t-shirt goes with that?",pes_Arab-eng_Latn او هم در ژاپن و هم در آمریکا مشهور است.,She is well known both in Japan and in America.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn او به من گفت که برادرم را می شناخته است.,She told me she knew my brother.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn توضیحات او کافی نبود.,His explanation was not satisfactory.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn من از کوه فوجی بالا رفته ام.,I've climbed Mt. Fuji.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn رفیق ! آن مهمانی عالی بود.,"That party was great, Dude.",pes_Arab-eng_Latn از چیزی که تو فکر می کنی، دشوارتر است.,It's more difficult than you think.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn آنها میزان پاکی آب را آزمایش کردند.,They checked how pure the water was.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn اوّلین بار است که با یک آلمانی به آلمانی صحبت می‌کنم.,This is my first time speaking German with a German person.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn من راه می افتم.,I'm checking out.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn آن دوربین عکاسی در آلمان تولید شده بود.,This camera was made in Germany.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn آیا سانفرانسیسکو برای شما خوشایند است؟,Do you like San Francisco?,pes_Arab-eng_Latn چپ چپ نگام کردند وقتی از دکتر خواستم نسخه م رو بده,I was given a nasty look when I asked for my prescription at the local doctor's.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn این چای بسیار خوب است.,This tea is very nice.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn کجا همدیگر را ملاقات کنیم؟,Where should we meet?,pes_Arab-eng_Latn چیزی که با گناه به دست آمده سودمند نیست.,Acquired by sin - there's no profit within.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn آب پرتقال، خواهش می کنم.,I'd like an orange juice.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn شوهر او حالا در توکیو زندگی می کند.,Her husband is currently living in Tokyo.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn در حال حاضر همسرش در توکیو زندگی می کند.,Her husband is now living in Tokyo.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn در را قفل کن.,He shut the door.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn سعی می کنم جای خالی برای دسر داشته باشم.,I'm trying to save room for dessert.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn بروی تابلو راهنمایی و رانندگی چه نوشته شده است؟ -یک طرفه.,What is written on the road sign? - ONE WAY.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn پسر مانند پدر است.,"Like father, like son.",pes_Arab-eng_Latn آهن از طلا مفیدتر است.,Iron is more useful than gold.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn تخم مرغ دزد، شتر دزد می‌شود.,He who steals a pin will steal an ox.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn در سال ۱۵۸۱ ایوان مخوف پسرش را کشت.,Ivan the Terrible killed his son in 1581.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn کی فیلم شروع می شود؟,What time does the movie start?,pes_Arab-eng_Latn در خانه ام دو نفر زنده اند.,There are two zombies inside my house.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn روزی آن را خواهی فهمید.,"One day, you will understand.",pes_Arab-eng_Latn بفرمایید؛ سفارش تان.,Here's your order.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn تام در را باز گذاشت.,John kept the door open.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn او تنیس باز است.,He's a tennis player.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn لطفاً کفش تان را درآورید؟,Please take your shoes off.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn تام به ماری گفت که رابطه اشان پایان یافته است.,Tom told Mary that their relationship was over.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn فکر می کنی تو را خواهم بخشید؟,Do you think I will forgive you?,pes_Arab-eng_Latn ما به باغ وحش رفتیم.,We went to the zoo.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn می توانیم به تو اعتماد کنیم؟,Can we trust you?,pes_Arab-eng_Latn لبخند از صورت تام محو نمی شود.,Tom always has a smile on his face.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn تام گفت که دیشب ماری را دیده است.,Tom said he saw Mary yesterday.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn تام دیشب آنجا نبود.,Tom wasn't here yesterday.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn سردت نیست؟,Don't you feel cold?,pes_Arab-eng_Latn هیچ ایمیلی از ماری امروز دریافت نکرده ام.,I didn't receive any e-mail from Mary today.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn اینقدر به هم شبیه هستند که نمی توانم تفاوت آن ها را تشخیص بدهم.,They look so similar that I don't know who is who.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn دوشنبه و سه شنبه آینده تعطیل است.,Next Monday and Tuesday are holidays.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn من دو بار به لندن رفته ام.,I have been to London twice.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn تام اینقدر پولدار است که حتی خدمتکارانش هم خدمتکار دارند.,Tom is so rich that even his servants have servants.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn کتاب تام به زبان های بسیاری ترجمه شده است.,Tom's books have been translated into many languages.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn لطفا به من کمی مهلت می دهید؟,Will you give me some time?,pes_Arab-eng_Latn تام را کجا دیدی؟,Where did you see Tom?,pes_Arab-eng_Latn اجازه بده کمی صبر کنیم.,Let's wait a while.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn مردم باور داشتند که زمین مسطح است.,People used to think that the earth was flat.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn هر حقیقتی از سه مرحله گذر می کند. اول، به سخره گرفته می شود. دوم، شدیداً مورد مخالفت واقع می شود. سوم، به عنوان یک چیز خود-آشکار پذیرفته می شود.,"All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.",pes_Arab-eng_Latn به قیمت فکر نکن، به ارزش بیندیش.,Don’t think of cost. Think of value.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn طوری به نظر می رسید که گویی زمان متوقف شده است.,Time seemed to stop.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn چطوره به عنوان یک تغییر امروز صبح بیرون غذا بخوریم؟,How about eating out this morning for a change?,pes_Arab-eng_Latn تام از حرف زدن با من اجتناب می کند.,Tom refused to talk to me.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn آن دختری که آنجا نشسته است، کیست؟,Who's that girl sitting over there?,pes_Arab-eng_Latn تصمیم گرفتم بوباره سعی کنم.,I decided to try again.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn مشغول صحبت با تام هستم.,I am talking with Tom.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn او سه روز در آنجا ماند.,He stayed there for three days.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn من نمی خواستم به شما اخطار کنم.,I did not want to alarm you.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn کریستف کلمب از اشتباهات تاریخی تنفر داشت.,Christopher Columbus abhorred historical inaccuracies.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn آزادی فردی جوهراصلی مردم سالاری است.,Individual liberty is the essence of democracy.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn او به خاطر رانندگی در خال مستی بازداشت شد.,He was arrested for drunken driving.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn اگر همه چیزهائی را که می دانم، می گفتم، متعجب می شدید.,"If I were to tell you all I know, you would be amazed.",pes_Arab-eng_Latn یک شانس به صلح بدهید.,Give peace a chance.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn آیا عصرانه را در بیرون بخوریم؟,How about going out for dinner?,pes_Arab-eng_Latn او به سرعت شما می دود.,He runs as fast as you.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn برای ماهیگیری رفتم در کنار رودخانه.,I went fishing in the river.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn برای هر پست باید فرد مناسبی را انتخاب کنیم.,We must select a suitable person for any post.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn متأسفم که دیر کردم.,Sorry to be late.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn سه تا حدس بزنید که دیروز کجا بودم!,Three guesses where I was yesterday!,pes_Arab-eng_Latn همه اسب ها حیوان اند، ولی همه حیوانات اسب نیستند.,"All horses are animals, but not all animals are horses.",pes_Arab-eng_Latn بر سر راه تام مانع ایجاد کردم.,I blocked Tom's way.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn با چه هدفی؟,For what purpose?,pes_Arab-eng_Latn تام کسی است که به من گفت باید فرانسوی یاد بگیرم.,Tom is the one who told me that I should study French.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn از من اجازه خواست که از تلفن استفاده کنه.,He asked for my permission to use the telephone.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn یک جورایی خوشحالم.,I'm kind of happy.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn شکایت نکردم.,I wasn't complaining.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn حمله بهترین دفاع است.,Attack is the best form of defense.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn مجدداً خود را آرام احساس کردم.,I felt reassured.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn امروز عصر چه کار می کنید؟,What are you doing tonight?,pes_Arab-eng_Latn صدای او مرا عصبی می کرد.,Her voice set my nerves on edge.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn هوا تا حد ممکن عالی است.,The weather is as fine as can be.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn ما 10 کیلومتر دویدیم.,We ran for 10 kilometers.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn بهترین لباس هایم را بر تن داشتم.,I wore my best clothes.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn آیا کتاب تان را پیدا کردید؟,Did you find your book?,pes_Arab-eng_Latn گفتید به مناسبت تولدش چه جیزی به او هدیه دادید؟,What did you say you gave her for her birthday?,pes_Arab-eng_Latn مچبور نبودید این را بگوئید.,You shouldn't have gone there.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn من شنیده ام که او مرده است.,I heard that he'd died.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn آیا شما کارت اعتباری قبول می کنید؟,Do you accept credit cards?,pes_Arab-eng_Latn البتّه که می‌فهمم.,Of course I understand.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn معلم تست ها را توزیع کرد.,The teacher handed out the tests.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn واقعاً آزار‌دهنده است.,It's really annoying.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn مشروب نمی‌خورند.,They don't drink.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn از الکل اجتناب می‌کنند.,They abstain from alcohol.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn ما مشروب نمی‌خوریم.,We don't drink.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn به نظرش، او نمی‌آید.,"According to her, he will not go.",pes_Arab-eng_Latn دیروز در رستوران غذا می خوردم.,I was eating in restaurant yesterday.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn من مرغ دریائی ام.,I am a seagull.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn بودن یا نبودن، مسئله این است.,"To be or not to be, that is the question.",pes_Arab-eng_Latn آیا اسم تان را به من می دهید؟,Could you give me your name?,pes_Arab-eng_Latn پاسخ شما اشتباه است.,Your answer is wrong.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn یک برج بر روی قله وجود داشت.,There was a tower on the top of the mountain.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn بچه نیستم می فهمم.,Don't patronize me.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn احتیاجی نبود تاکسی بگیرید.,You needn't have taken a taxi.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn ولی کار در مزرعه خوشایند بود.,But the work on the farm was enjoyable.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn زمانی در اینجا معبدی قدیمی بود.,There used to be an old temple here.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn من یک چیز شیرین می خواهم.,I want something sweet.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn هر روز صبح صبحانه می خورم.,I eat breakfast every morning.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn از آخرین باری که شما را دیدم مدت زیادی می گذرد.,It is a long time since I saw you last.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn لطفاً آن محل را به من نشان دهید.,Please show me around.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn از شانس بد آن شاعر جوان مرد.,Unfortunately the poet died in his youth.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn تعمیر کردن این ساختمان فدیمی ارزش ندارد؛ بهتر است آن را تخریب کنیم.,This old building isn't worth fixing up. It would be better to tear it down.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn ریوکو چهره کوجک شیرینی دارد.,Ryoko has a cute little face.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn ببخشید، آیا این راه درست به سوی ایستگاه مترو است؟,"Excuse me, but is this the right way to the subway station?",pes_Arab-eng_Latn امسال بارندگی زیاد نیست,It isn't raining much this year.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn این یکی قشنگ تره,This one is prettier.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn حدسش درست از آب درآمد,His guess turned out to be right.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn تا کی باز هستید؟,How late are you open?,pes_Arab-eng_Latn یکم به باغت برس,Your garden needs some attention.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn سگت خیلی گنده است,Your dog is very big.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn از خانواده چه خبر؟,How is it going with your family?,pes_Arab-eng_Latn چه چیزایی تو مغازتون می فروشید؟,What kinds of goods do you sell in your shop?,pes_Arab-eng_Latn بذار برسونمت خونه,Let me take you home.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn شما و امت تنها کسانی هستید، که هنوز اینجا هستند.,You and Emet are the only ones still here.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn خواهش می کنم یادتان نرود نامه ها را ارسال کنید.,Please don't forget to send out the letters.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn فراموش نکنید نامه ها را بفرستید، خواهش می کنم.,Please don't forget to post the letters.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn فکر کنم تو هم خوشت بیاد,I think you'll like it too.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn خیلی طول می کشه تا آبروی از دست رفته رو به دست بیاری,It will take a long time to live down your disgrace.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn تو عادت داری همه چیز رو بزرگنمایی کنی,You have a habit of exaggerating everything.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn خیلی چاپلوسی (پاچه خواری),You are a goody-goody.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn یک نفر دیگر بعداً به ما اضافه خواهد شد.,One more person will be joining us later.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn """کی برخواهید گشت؟"" ""بستگی کامل به وضع هوا دارد.""","""When will you be back?"" ""It all depends on the weather.""",pes_Arab-eng_Latn صبح خیلی سرد بود.,In the morning it was very cold.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn آیا شما به آنها کمک می کنید؟,Will you help them?,pes_Arab-eng_Latn او حس زیباشناختی ندارد.,She has no sense of beauty.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn لطفاً یادم بیندازید آن نامه را پست کنم.,Please remind me to post the letters.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn پنجره را باز کنیم.,Let's open the window.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn باید پنجره را بگشائیم.,We have to close the window.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn من آن را نخواهم قروخت.,I'm not going to sell it.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn خیلی خوب شنا نمیکنم.,I'm not very good at swimming.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn مایلم که می توانستم بروم.,I wish I could go.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn فقط یک دقیقه بایست.,Wait just a moment.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn من هفته ای دو بار پیاده روی می کنم.,I jog twice a week.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn من ديروز به سينما رفتم,I went to the cinema yesterday.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn او مقدار زیادی آرد و روغن خرید.,He bought a lot of flour and oil.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn آدرس و شماره تلفن تان را به من بدهید.,Give me your address and telephone number.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn نام کامل تو چیست؟,What's your full name?,pes_Arab-eng_Latn تو آیا نظری راجع به سختی انجام این کار داری؟,Do you have any idea of how difficult is to do this?,pes_Arab-eng_Latn عقایدتان را به من تحمیل نکنید.,Don't press your opinion on me.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn آنها همین نزدیکی ها زندگی می کنند.,They live nearby.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn او را در حال دویدن دیدم.,I saw him running.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn من گریستم و باور کردم.,I wept and I believed.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn من کاملا موظفم برای این درهم برهمی و آشفتگی,We must develop renewable energy sources.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn آیا می خواهید چیزی به من بگوئید؟,Do you have something that you want to say to me?,pes_Arab-eng_Latn من هیچ کسی را ندارو، که همراهم به مسافرت بیاید.,I don't have anyone who'd travel with me.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn این صندلی چوبی گران قیمت است.,The wooden chair is expensive.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn این اشک تمساح است.,Those tears are artificial.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn من اسکی کردن بلدم.,I know how to ski.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn قطارهای صرب به‌طور وحشتناکی کم‌سرعت‌اند.,Serbian trains are terribly slow.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn اعتبار قرارداد آنها در آخر این ماه تمام می‌شود.,Their contract is to run out at the end of this month.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn جیشاین را دیدم که در آنجا ایستاده است.,I saw Jessie standing there.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn آیا بعد از مدرسه تنیس بازی خواهید کرد؟,Will you play tennis after school?,pes_Arab-eng_Latn چه‌کسی می‌تواند آینده را بخواند؟,Who can read the future?,pes_Arab-eng_Latn اطمینان حاصل کنید، که آن سگ فرار نکند.,Make sure that the dog does not escape.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn زمانی، نیجریه ، مستعمره بریتانیا بود.,At one time Nigeria was a British colony.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn سیگار کشیدن شما را ممنوع می‌کنم.,I forbid you to smoke.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn هی تام، نگرانی هایت را فراموش کن.,"Hey, Tom, forget about your worries.",pes_Arab-eng_Latn پدرم از من خواستند، که آن درب را باز کنم.,My father asked me to open the door.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn خانم تامپسون می خواست این حقیقت را که میلیونر هست، پنهان کند.,Mrs. Thompson wants to conceal the fact that she is a millionaire.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn آقای تامپسون امروز خیلی مشغول بوده است.,Mr Thompson has been very busy today.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn آیا شما نمی‌خواهید امروز شنا کنید؟,Don't you want to swim today?,pes_Arab-eng_Latn پسر همسایه اغلب خیلی دیر به خانه می‌آید.,The boy who lives next door often comes home late.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn آن شلوار من است.,These are my pants.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn می‌خواهم، که ساعت نه بیائید.,I'd like you to come at nine.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn ما قدر استعداد او او را می‌دانیم.,We appreciate his talent.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn در تمیز کردن آشپزخانه به مادرم کمک کردم.,I helped my mother clean the kitchen.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn به‌طور اتفاقی دیروز عصر دوستم را در تئاتر ملاقات کردم.,I ran into my friend at the theater last night.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn البته که کامپیوتر من باید به‌نحوی برایم مفید باشد.,My computer has got to be useful for something.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn در هر طرف گل بود.,There were flowers everywhere.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn او تقریباً با من هم‌سن است.,He is about my age.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn ستارگان بیشماری در آسمان قابل رویت بودند.,Numerous stars were visible in the sky.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn یک‌شنبه‌ی آینده ازدواج خواهم کرد.,I'm getting married next Sunday.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn متاسفانه هر سال تنها یک بار روز تولدم است.,"Unfortunately, my birthday is only once a year.",pes_Arab-eng_Latn صحبت کردن به زبان انگلیسی آسان نیست.,Speaking English is not easy.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn حمام کجاست؟,Where is the bathroom?,pes_Arab-eng_Latn فقط به این خاطر، که استعداد ندارید، نباید تسلیم شوید.,You shouldn't give up just because you have no talent.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn ساعت شش از تخت بیرون آمدم.,I got up at six.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn قیمت این کراوات چقدر است؟,How much is this tie?,pes_Arab-eng_Latn او اسباب بازیش را پرت کرد.,He threw his toy.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn آن مشکل تلاش فراوانی را برای حل شدن می‌طلبید.,The problem exacted a great effort to solve it.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn اگر می توانستید آواز بخوانید، عالی می شد.,It would be great if you could sing.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn آیا او یکی از دوستان شما است؟,Is he a friend of yours?,pes_Arab-eng_Latn من آن پیراهن را می‌شویم.,I wash the blouse.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn آیا می‌توانید راهی که به آن ایستگاه می‌رود را به من نشان دهید؟,Could you show me the way to the station?,pes_Arab-eng_Latn چهل دانشجو در کلاس ما وجود دارد.,There are forty students in our class.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn من نمی دانستم در آمریکا، توالت و حمام هر دو در یک جا قرار دارند.,I wasn't aware that the toilet and the bath are in the same room in America.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn پیرزن وقتی افتاد، صدمه دید.,The old woman got hurt when she fell.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn جملات متن کلمات را مهیا می‌سازند. جملات شخصیت دارند. می‌توانند شاد، عاقلانه، احمقانه، حکیمانه، موثر یا دردناک باشند.,"Sentences bring context to the words. Sentences have personalities. They can be funny, smart, silly, insightful, touching, hurtful.",pes_Arab-eng_Latn هرکسی می‌داند که ماه از پنیر ساخته شده است.,Everybody knows the moon is made of cheese.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn من به آخرین آواز بیورک گوش می کنم.,I'm listening to Björk's latest song.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn آن کنسرت آدم‌های بسیاری را به‌سوی خود جذب کرد.,His concert attracted many people.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn جان به خوبی فرانسه صحبت نمی کند.,John doesn't speak good French.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn مردم ژاپن، بطور کلی مودب هستند.,Japanese people in general are polite.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn هر کسی، کاری را می کند که می خواهد.,Everyone does what they want.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn هر چند نمرات او خیلی بالا نبود، اما بعد از فارغ التحصیلی باز هم موفق بود.,"Although his exam scores weren't very high, he was still successful after graduation.",pes_Arab-eng_Latn گرچه آمریکا کشور توسعه یافته ای است، اما باز هم در آن مردم فقیر وجود دارد.,"Even though America is a developed country, it still has some very poor people.",pes_Arab-eng_Latn با شما به هانوور می‌روم.,I'm going to Hanover with you.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn خوش‌بختی و بدبختی یکی بعد از دیگری می‌آید.,Good luck alternates with misfortune.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn صدای ترافیک بسیار گوش خراش است.,Traffic noise is very harsh to the ear.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn زن‌ها دوست دارند صحبت کنند.,Women like to talk.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn او سعی فراوانی کرد، اما موفق نشد.,"He tried hard, but he failed.",pes_Arab-eng_Latn لازم نبود گل‌هارا آب دهم. تا تمام کردم، باران بارید.,I need not have watered the flowers. Just after I finished it started raining.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn داری نامه می نویسی؟,Are you writing a letter?,pes_Arab-eng_Latn به نظر می رسد او جمع آوری تمبر را دوست دارد.,It seems that he likes collecting stamps.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn خانه او پشت تپه است.,His house is beyond the hill.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn پدر من جوان است.,My father is young.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn مادر به خرید رفته است.,Mother has gone shopping.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn آیا گزارشت را تحویل داده ای؟,Have you turned in your report?,pes_Arab-eng_Latn آیا می دانی او می تواند انگلیسی صحیت کند؟,Do you know if she can speak English?,pes_Arab-eng_Latn "کلمه فرانسوی ""شا"" به معنای گربه است.",The French word 'chat' means 'cat'.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn مری به تام سیلی زد.,Mary slapped Tom.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn من همه را ماری شما بازگو کردم.,I've told you everything.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn او به من گفت که مادرش آن را برای او خریده بود.,She told me that her mother had bought it for her.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn چرا آسمان آبی است؟,Why is the sky blue?,pes_Arab-eng_Latn شما نمی‌توانید از حیوانات خانگی‌تان مراقبت کنید.,You can't care for pets.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn برای متقاعد ساختن او فقط 100 دلار لازم بود.,It took only a 1000 yen to convince him.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn کن را باور دارم.,I believe in Ken.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn او تا ساعت دو نیامد.,She did not come until two.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn تام کسی است که به من گفت چرا باید به بوستون بروم.,Tom is the one who told me why I needed to go to Boston.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn در رای‌گیری هر رایی مهم اسم.,Every vote counts in an election.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn چون آن را شما می‌گوئید.,Since you say so.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn جای میل دارم.,I'd like a tea.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn اگر امکان دارد، چای می‌خواهم.,"I'll drink tea, if I can.",pes_Arab-eng_Latn امیدوارم که هوا خوب خواهد بود.,I hope it will be nice.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn آیا آن شماره را حفظ کردید؟,Have you learned the number by heart?,pes_Arab-eng_Latn او همه انرژی خود را معطوف به کارش کرده است.,He directed all his energy to his business.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn او درحال زیباترشدن است.,She is getting prettier.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn انگلیسی یک زبان ژرمنی است.,English is a Germanic language.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn آنها درمورد چیزهای مهمی تصمیم نگرفتند.,They don't decide important matters.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn چه‌زمانی متولد شدید؟,When were you born?,pes_Arab-eng_Latn از دست دادن یک عادت بد آسان نیست.,It is not easy to get rid of a bad habit.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn بار آینده زودتر می‌آیم.,Next time I'll come earlier.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn دوباره به آن رستوران نرویم.,Let's not go to that restaurant again.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn به‌خاطر چه گریه می‌کنید؟,Why are you crying?,pes_Arab-eng_Latn او هر روز پس از مدرسه تنیس بازی می‌کند.,She plays tennis after school every day.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn توکیو از هر شهر دیگری در ژاپن پرجمعیت تر است.,Tokyo is more populous than any other city in Japan.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn تو تلاش نمی کنی!,You are not trying!,pes_Arab-eng_Latn آن سخن‌رانی سر ساعت 8 شروع خواهد شد.,The lecture starts at 8 o' clock.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn آن مشکل هم‌اکنون مورد بحث است.,The problem is being discussed now.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn او همیشه پیراهن آبی پوشیده است.,He always wears blue shirts.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn بعضی‌اوقات به‌دیدار دوستانم در خانه شان می‌روم.,I sometimes visit my friends' homes.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn بعد از چند نوشیدنی، دیگر آن مرد دردی احساس نمی کرد.,"After a couple of drinks, the guy was feeling no pain.",pes_Arab-eng_Latn او آدمی نیست که به‌آسانی جا خالی کند.,He is not the sort of guy who gives in easily.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn دنبال چه می‌گردید؟,What're you looking for?,pes_Arab-eng_Latn در جستجوی چه‌چیزی هستید؟,What're you guys looking for?,pes_Arab-eng_Latn کرگدن بسیار بزرگ است.,The rhinoceros is very big.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn مجانی است.,It's free of charge.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn رایگان است.,This is for free.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn حتی اشتباهات شما از احترام من به شما نمی‌کاهد، و این در دوستی البته که مهم است.,"Even your faults do not lessen my respect for you, and in friendship this is what counts.",pes_Arab-eng_Latn تام موسیقیدان بدی نیست.,Tom is something of a musician.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn او با خوش‌بختی زندگی کرد.,She lived a happy life.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn هنگامی که صدای او را شنید، برگشت.,She turned around when she heard his voice.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn امیدوارم، که به‌زودی شفا پیدا خواهید کرد.,I hope you get well soon.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn آیا می‌توانم یک سوال بپرسم؟,May I ask a question?,pes_Arab-eng_Latn واضح بود، که او چه می‌خواست بگوید.,It was clear what he meant to do.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn بهای بنزین بالاتر می‌رود.,The price of oil is going up.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn عمه‌ی من با من طوری رفتار می‌کند، که انگار یک بچه‌ام.,My aunt treats me as if I were a child.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn آن کتاب را در کتاب‌خانه خواهید یافت.,You'll find the book in the library.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn دمای دقیق، 22.68 درجه سلسیوس است.,The exact temperature is 22.68 degrees Celsius.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn من به ایستگاه رفتم.,I went to the station.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn هوا خیلی تاریک بود.,It was so dark.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn در سال 1948، دولتی یهودی تاسیس گردید.,"In 1948, a Jewish state was founded.",pes_Arab-eng_Latn امروزه، اوضاع برای گروه لاتینی ها ( اهالی آمریکای جنوبی) در ایالات متحده آمریکا بهتر است.,"Today, things are better for the Latino community in the USA.",pes_Arab-eng_Latn می توانم به شما قطعه دیگری کیک تعارف نمایم؟,Can I offer you another piece of cake?,pes_Arab-eng_Latn روزی، مایک و جین برای خرید به مرکز شهر رفتند.,One day Mike and Jane went downtown to do some shopping.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn آن پیراهن برای من بیش از 40000 ین تمام شد.,"This dress cost me over 40,000 yen.",pes_Arab-eng_Latn او باید از من عصبانی باشد.,She must be angry with me.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn امروز هجدهم جون و روز تولد مورییل است.,Today is June 18th and it is Muiriel's birthday!,pes_Arab-eng_Latn من به او در کارش کمک کردم.,I helped her with her work.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn به نظر می رسید خیلی شگفت زده شده است.,She seemed to be very surprised.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn آیا پاسخ من صحیح است؟,Is my answer correct?,pes_Arab-eng_Latn تنیس بازی نمی کنی؟,Don't you play tennis?,pes_Arab-eng_Latn نوزادان هنگامی که گرسنه‌اند، گریه می‌کنند.,Babies cry when they are hungry.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn دستم را در جیبم بردم.,I shoved my hands into my pockets.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn می تونی حدس بزنی چی دارم؟,Can you guess what I have?,pes_Arab-eng_Latn آنقدر که من می دانم، او هرگز چنین اشتباهی نکرده است.,"As far as I know, he has never made such a mistake.",pes_Arab-eng_Latn مردی که آنجا نشسته است، خواننده معروفی است.,The man sitting over there is a famous singer.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn شادی و غم دیگران شادی و غم ماست.,The happiness and sorrow of others is happiness and sorrow of our own.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn من باید یکی را بخرم.,I must buy one.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn حیف.,What a pity!,pes_Arab-eng_Latn با خدا باش و پادشاهی کن.,Be with God and be a lord. (Obey God to be a king),pes_Arab-eng_Latn چطور او را شناختید؟,How did you get to know him?,pes_Arab-eng_Latn او با عجله اتاقش را تمیز کرد.,She cleaned her room in a hurry.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn من به مدرسه می‌روم.,I am going to school.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn من معمولا کافه نمینوشم.,I normally don't drink coffee.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn "یونا وُلاخ ""پست مدرنیت"" بوده بود ۲ دهه قبل از اینکه عبارت ""پست مدرنیسم"" اختراع شد.","Yona Wallach had been a postmodernist two decades before the term ""Postmodernism"" was even conceived.",pes_Arab-eng_Latn می خواهم فردا تنیس بازی کنم.,I am going to play tennis tomorrow.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn هنگامی که تنها گذاشته شد، شروع کرد به خواندن یک کتاب.,"Left alone, he began to read a book.",pes_Arab-eng_Latn او در مسکن کنار ما سکونت دارد.,He lives next door to us.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn از ماده‌ی شوینده‌ی ظرف‌ها اگزما گرفتم.,I got a rash on my hands from dishwasher detergent.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn سحرگاه پرندگان آواز سر می دهند.,Birds sing early in the morning.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn آیا کار می‌کند؟,Does it work?,pes_Arab-eng_Latn باید پنجره را باز کنم.,I must open the window.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn درباره‌ی ژاپن بیشتر برای‌تان خواهم گفت.,I will tell you more about Japan.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn می‌خواهم آن را عوض کنم.,I'd like to replace it.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn آن کلید را در جیب‌اش گذاشت.,She put the key in her pocket.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn برای بیان احساسی که دارم، کلمات مناسب را نمی یابم.,I can't find the word to express what I feel.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn چرا به نظر او گوش نمی‌کنید؟,Why wouldn't you listen to his advice?,pes_Arab-eng_Latn شوخی می‌کنید!,You must be joking!,pes_Arab-eng_Latn در آن‌زمان او اینجا بود.,He was here at that time.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn حتی درمقابل تمام پول دنیا هم، نه!,Not for all the tea in China!,pes_Arab-eng_Latn چیزی که او می‌گوید، به‌هیچ‌ترتیبی به این مسئله ارتباط ندارد.,What he says has nothing to do with this problem.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn آن گذرگاهی به سوی دریا است.,This is the passage to the sea.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn من نمی‌توانم آنقدر سریع حرف بزنم.,I'm not able to speak so fast.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn روزی دیدمش.,One day I met him.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn آن جشن خیلی ملال‌آور بود.,The party was really boring.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn نمی‌توان انکار کرد که عشق بال پرواز کردن و دور شدن از را عشق دارد، اما این هم غیرقابل‌انکار است که بال پرواز و بازگشت به عشق را نیز دارد.,"Love undeniably has wings to fly away from love, but it's also undeniable that it also has wings to fly back.",pes_Arab-eng_Latn به‌نظر می‌رسد قبلاً شما را در جائی دیده‌ام.,It seems that I met you somewhere.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn کدام گیتار برای توست؟,Which is your guitar?,pes_Arab-eng_Latn او در را با رنگ سفید رنگ کرد.,He painted the door over white.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn چرا هیچ کس پاسخ سؤالهایم را نمی دهد؟,Why won't anybody answer my questions?,pes_Arab-eng_Latn والدین تان منزل بودند؟,Were your mother and father home?,pes_Arab-eng_Latn آیا امروز حال تان بهتر است؟,Do you feel any better today?,pes_Arab-eng_Latn در شمال هوای بدی است.,There is bad weather in the north.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn یک شب رخ داد.,It happened one night.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn تگزاس محدود به مکزیک است.,Texas borders on Mexico.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn به خدا توکل کن.,God helps those who help themselves.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn تا منون من یک گاو واقعی ندیدم.,I've never seen a real cow.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn من نمی‏توانم نام او را به یاد بیاورم.,I can't remember her name.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn راه دراز است.,The way is long.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn من گرسنه ام.,I am hungry.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn پاک کردن لکۀ قهوه سخت بود.,The coffee stain was difficult to remove.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn یک دست صدا ندارد.,Strength in unity.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn ازدحام ترافیک موجب تاخیرم شد.,I was delayed by a traffic jam.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn کی هستی؟,Who are you?,pes_Arab-eng_Latn اگر مردها گرگ هستند پس زنها نیز شیطان هستند.,If men are wolves then women are devils.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn من کتابی خواهم خواند.,I'll be reading a book.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn من یا شما را انتخاب خواهند کرد.,You or I will be chosen.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn مارتا تو را دوست دارد.,Marta loves you.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn نه، آن نمی‌تواند حقیقت داشته باشد.,"No, it cannot be true.",pes_Arab-eng_Latn تام در اتاقش خوابیده است.,Tom is in his room sleeping.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn اسم من فرشاد است.,My name is Farshad.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn نمیتوانم اسم او را به یاد آورم.,I cannot remember her name.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn انتظار دارم همه چیز را راجع به آن بدانی.,I expect you know all about it.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn او نشست و سیگار کشید.,She sat smoking.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn ببخشید، شما انگلیسی صحبت می کنید؟ - بعله. یکم.,"""Excuse me, do you speak English?"" ""Yes. A little.""",pes_Arab-eng_Latn مادرم با احتیاط در را باز کرد.,My mother carefully opened the door.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn فکر کنم مادرم میداند.,I think that my mom knows.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn کتابی که دنبالش می گشتی رو پیدا کردی؟,Did you find the book you were looking for?,pes_Arab-eng_Latn این کتابیه که دنبالش بودی؟,Is this the book you're looking for?,pes_Arab-eng_Latn آنها فقط لغاتند.,They're only words.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn نه، من نیستم، بلکه تو هستی!,No I'm not; you are!,pes_Arab-eng_Latn او فقط یک سیاست مدار است.,He's just a politician.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn آروم باش. او فقط دارد با تو شوخی می کند.,Relax. He's just teasing you.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn آنها اصلا با هم دوست هستند؟,Are they even really friends?,pes_Arab-eng_Latn دیگه نمیدونم بقیش چی بشه.,I don't know how the rest of it goes anymore.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn دوست دارم بدانم.,I am curious.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn امروز نمیتونم با تو بیام.,I can't come with you today.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn کنار من بنشین.,Sit down with me.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn من کنجکاو هستم.,I want to know.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn من پزشک هستم.,I'm a doctor.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn او مجبور شد به عنوان نخست وزیر استعفا کند.,He was forced to resign as prime minister.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn قهوه را می‌خواهم.,I want coffee.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn برده داری جنایت علیه بشریت است.,Slavery is a crime against humanity.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn بهتر است انسان مورد تنفر باشد به خاطر چیزی که هست تا محبوب باشد به خاطر چیزی که نیست.,Better to be hated for who you are than loved for who you're not.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn او آن گونه است که خودش را نگران جرئیات نمی‌کند.,He's the type who doesn't worry about details.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn او رازش را آشکار نساخت.,He didn't reveal his secret.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn ماری وقت زیادی را برای انتخاب لباس صرف کرد، با وجود اینکه تام منتظر او بود.,Mary took her time choosing a dress even though Tom was waiting for her.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn این یک کتاب بسیار قدیمی است.,This is a very old book.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn کارگران به کارشان می بالند.,The workers took pride in their work.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn او در شرایط ترحم انگیزی است.,She was in a piteous state.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn توم پول زیادی دارد اما از داشتن دوست محروم است.,"Tom has a lot of money, but he has no friends.",pes_Arab-eng_Latn من دیروز پنج تا ماهی گرفتم.,I caught five fish yesterday.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn !دشمن تضعیف شده است,The enemy is weakened!,pes_Arab-eng_Latn ما به چنان جزئیات زیادی نیاز نداریم.,We do not need so many details.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn من دو گربه دارم.,I have two cats.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn من نمي دانم شما از چه خوشتان مي آيد,I don't know what you like.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn با همهٔ جزئیات به من توضیح بده چه پیش آمد!,Explain to me in detail how it happened.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn من همسايه ي توم هستم,I'm Tom's neighbor.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn تسلیم نشو تا زمانی که هنوز فرصت داری.,Don't give up. You still have a chance.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn هنوز فرصت داری.,You still have a chance.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn تا فراد به تو مهلت می دهم.,I'm giving you time until tomorrow.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn من این کراوات قهوه ای را بر خواهم داشت.,I would take this brown tie.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn به دزدیدن دوچرخه متّهمش کردی.,You accused her of having stolen the bike.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn او می داند که زیبا به نظر می آید.,She knows she's looking fine.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn صبح کی خانه ات را ترک کردی؟,What time did you leave your house this morning?,pes_Arab-eng_Latn به قول خود عمل کنید.,Keep your promises.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn به او مشکوک شدند که جاسوس باشد.,He was under suspicion of being a spy.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn باران به پنجره تازیانه می زد.,The rain whipped against the window.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn به دزدیدن دوچرخه متّهمش کرد.,She accused her of having stolen the bike.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn وقتی بهت فکر می‌کنم، فقط یک چیز به ذهنم می‌آید: تکبّر.,"When I think of you, only one thing comes to mind: arrogance.",pes_Arab-eng_Latn من با تو مخالفم.,I disagree with you.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn جعبه برای او خیلی سنگین بود و نمی توانست آن را بلند کند.,The box was too heavy for him to lift.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn من دوست ندارم شرط ببندم.,I don't like to make bets.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn این دو شهر قوانین رفت و آمد یکسان دارند.,These two cities have the same traffic rules.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn برام اهمیت نداره.,I don't care.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn ما در مدرسه با هم بودیم.,We were at school together.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn حال شما چه طور است؟,How are you doing?,pes_Arab-eng_Latn مادرم تا چندی پیش در بیمارستان بوده است.,My mother has been in the hospital until recently.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn هدف از سفر چیست؟ من جهانگرد هستم.,"""What's the purpose of your visit?"" ""I'm a tourist.""",pes_Arab-eng_Latn کلن بر روی راین قرار دارد.,Cologne lies on the Rhine.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn سامی و‌لیلا با هم نسبتی نداشتند.,Sami and Layla weren't related to each other.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn آن کس که به مردم رحم نمی کند؛ خداوند نیز به او رحم نمی کند.,"He who does not have mercy with Man, God shall not have mercy upon him.",pes_Arab-eng_Latn فراموش نکن.,Do not forget!,pes_Arab-eng_Latn از تو حرکت، از خدا برکت.,You just begin then God will help you.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn امید وارم بزودی دوباره ببینمت.,I hope to see you again soon!,pes_Arab-eng_Latn گردباد بیش از بیست نفر را کشت.,The tornado killed more than twenty people.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn او ظهر خواهد آمد.,He'll come at noon.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn نام‌هایشان را فراموش کرده‌ام.,Their names have escaped me.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn خیلی سریع پرش می کنه.,It fills it up way too fast!,pes_Arab-eng_Latn دکتر‌ها نوزاد را معاینه کردند.,The doctors examined the baby.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn پایتخت آمریکا کدام است، واشنگتن یا نیویورک؟,"Which is the capital of the United States, Washington or New York?",pes_Arab-eng_Latn دیروز چه کار کردید؟,What did you do yesterday?,pes_Arab-eng_Latn به امتحانش می‏ارزه.,Let's have a look.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn امتحانش ضرر نداره.,Let's give it a try.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn لطفاً یک لیوان آب به من بدهید.,"A glass of water, please.",pes_Arab-eng_Latn من برای یک شرکت کشتی‌رانی کار می‌کنم.,I work for a shipping company.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn می‌توانید چند دقیقه به من وقت بدهید؟ می‌خواهم چند کلمه با شما صحبت کنم.,Can you spare me a few minutes? I'd like to have a word with you.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn او کتابی به او داد.,He gave her a book.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn من از 1990 در اینجا ساکن بوده‌ام.,I have lived here since 1990.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn من تصمیم گرفتم، که به او بگویم دوستش دارم.,I decided to tell her that I love her.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn من یک واژه‌نامه‌ی خوب می‌خواهم.,I want a good dictionary.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn چه چیزی خریدید؟,What did you buy?,pes_Arab-eng_Latn آیزنهاور به قول خود عمل کرد.,Eisenhower kept his promise.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn آیا می‌شود مرا به یک سینما دعوت کنید؟,Could you take me to a movie?,pes_Arab-eng_Latn او همیشه حقیقت را به من می گفت.,He always told me the truth.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn او ماهی نیم‌میلیون ین کار می کند.,He earns half a million yen a month.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn عموماً، در اینجا باران کمی در ماه می می‌بارد.,"Generally speaking, there is little rain here in June.",pes_Arab-eng_Latn آن چیست؟ / چیست آن؟ / اون چیه؟,What is this?,pes_Arab-eng_Latn ب. فرانکلین یک سیاستمدار و مخترع آمریکایی بود.,B. Franklin was an American statesman and inventor.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn من به او چند شاخه گل خواهم داد.,I'll give her some flowers.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn هم‌اکنون دیگر پائیز است.,It's fall now.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn شما می توانید به من اعتماد کنید.,I can be trusted.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn این مردان عاقل‌ترین آدم‌های این قبیله‌اند.,These men are the wisest people of the tribe.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn امروز هشتم ژوئن و تولد موریل است.,"It's 18th June today, and also Muiriel's birthday!",pes_Arab-eng_Latn در آن زمان من فقط کودکی کوچک بودم.,I was only a little child then.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn تولدت مبارک، موریل!,"Happy birthday, Muiriel!",pes_Arab-eng_Latn من محو دیدار شما هستم.,I am delighted to meet you.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn تعدادی تمبر در کیفم دارم.,I have some stamps in my bag.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn مولف آن رمان کیست؟,Who is the author of the novel?,pes_Arab-eng_Latn زندگی طولانی نیست، عریض است.,"Life is not long, it is wide!",pes_Arab-eng_Latn این کتاب حاوی چهل عکس است.,This book contains forty photographs.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn آیا دوست دارید با من خرید کنید؟,Will you go shopping with me?,pes_Arab-eng_Latn "در زبان آلمانی چگونه می‏گوئید ""خداحافظ""؟","How do you say ""good bye"" in German?",pes_Arab-eng_Latn سگ ها حیوانات باوفائی هستند.,Dogs are loyal animals.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn ماری به مادرش در آشپزی کمک کرد.,Mary helped her mother with the cooking.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn می‌توانی یک هتل دیگر پیشنهاد کنی؟,Can you recommend another hotel?,pes_Arab-eng_Latn اگر پولدار بودم، وقتم را به مسافرت رفتن میگذراندم.,"If I were rich, I'd pass my time in travelling.",pes_Arab-eng_Latn این دارو باید با شکم خالی مصرف شود.,This medicine is to be taken on an empty stomach.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn تکبّر وحشتناکت هست که کاملاً غیر‌قابل‌تحمّلت می‌کند.,It's your terrible arrogance that makes you totally unbearable.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn او غیر قابل پیش بینی است.,He is unpredictable.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn ارزش خرد بیشتر از مروارید است.,The price of wisdom is above pearls.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn هیچ کس نمیخواهد کار کند.,Nobody wants to work.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn من او را در حال عبور از خیابان تماشا کردم.,I watched him cross the street.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn تام لاک خوردن لاک پشت ها را دوست دارد.,Tom likes to eat turtles.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn عربی از راست به چپ خوانده می شود.,Arabic is read from right to left.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn تام و مری خیلی عاشق یکدیگر هستند.,Tom and Mary are very much in love.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn تردّد توم قبل الإجابة.,Tom hesitated before answering.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn لطفا مراقب طاووس های من باش.,Please take care of my peacocks.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn روم در ونیس جنگ اعلام کرد.,Rome has declared war on Venice.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn هیچ کسی با من حرف نمی زند.,Nobody speaks to me.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn من خداناباور هستم.,I'm an atheist.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn جولیا معتقده پیتزا اونقدرا هم خوب نیست.,Julia thinks pizza is over-rated.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn همه چیزی که دارم یک کتاب است.,All I have is one book.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn چه چیزی در دستت داری؟,What are you holding in your hand?,pes_Arab-eng_Latn گشدن با او مفرح است.,It's fun to hang out with him.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn من را ببخشید لطفاً.,"Please, forgive me.",pes_Arab-eng_Latn تام کتاب را زیر بالشش پنهان کرد.,Tom hid the book under his pillow.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn بعد از یک روز طولانی مدت کاری چطور دوست داری استراحت کنی?,How do you like to relax and chill out at the end of a long working day?,pes_Arab-eng_Latn آیا تو با این مشکلی داری؟,Do you have a problem with this?,pes_Arab-eng_Latn میخواهم این ژاکت را بخرم.,I want to buy this jacket.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn برای استفاده دهانی.,For oral use.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn وقت شما تمام شد.,Your time is over.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn اگر علاقمند به صلحی، برای جنگ آماده باش.,"If you wish peace, prepare for war.",pes_Arab-eng_Latn قانون باید روشن باشد.,The law should be clear.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn شاید امروز عصر برف ببارد.,It might snow this evening.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn آنها واقعا با هم دوستند?,Are they actually friends?,pes_Arab-eng_Latn او سه تا خواهر داشت، اما دوتاشون وقتی خیلی جوون بودن مردن.,"He had three sisters, but two died when they were very young.",pes_Arab-eng_Latn من قصد ندارم آن ریسک را بکنم.,I don't want to take that risk.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn جین مانند مرد، لباس پوشیده بود.,Jane was dressed as a man.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn از من خواهش کرد با او برم.,He begged us to go with him.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn زندگی پستی و بلندی دارد.,In life there are ups and downs.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn نقشه ای به ذهن تام رید.,Tom came up with a plan.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn ما نمی‌توانیم کنفرانس را به تعویق بیندازیم.,We can't postpone the meeting.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn هم من و پدرت نتیجه ی این تصمیمت را میدانیم.,Both your father and I understand the consequences of your decision.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn سنگ بزرگ نشانهٔ نزدن است.,He who starts ten tasks won't finish a single one.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn تام عکس روی دیوار رو ورداشت و یکی دیگه جاش گذاشت.,Tom took off the picture on the wall and hung another there.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn به نقشه جهان نگاه کنید.,Have a look at the world map.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn من دانش آموز هستم.,I am a college student.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn در این منطقه، طوفان‌های شن تا چهار روز می‌تواند طول بکشد.,"In this area, sandstorms can last up to four days.",pes_Arab-eng_Latn """شاهزاده کوچولو"" از آنتونی د سینت اکزوپری از زبان فرانسه به چندین زبان دیگر ترجمه شده است.","""The Little Prince"" by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry has been translated from French into many languages.",pes_Arab-eng_Latn هیچیک از ما به صداقت او بی احترامی نمی کنیم.,There are none of us who do not respect his honesty.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn ما باید از گفتن آنچه نمی‌اندیشیم اجتناب کنیم.,We should refuse to say what we don't believe.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn کامپیوترم هنگ کرد.,My computer froze up.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn کامپیوتر هنگ کرد.,The computer froze up.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn من هیچ قولی نمی‌توانم بدهم.,I can't make any promises.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn من از بوداپست هستم.,I am from Budapest.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn او معمولا اینجا صبحانه میخورد.,He often eats breakfast here.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn آن ابر به نظر من مانند خرگوش است.,That cloud looks like a rabbit to me.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn چیزی را که با گوشت گاو درست شده باشد نمی خورم.,I don't eat beef.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn وقت گرانبهاست.,Time is money.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn نمی خواهم سطحی باشم؛ می خواهم با حال باشم!!,I don't want to be lame; I want to be cool!!,pes_Arab-eng_Latn انتظار نداشته باشید که دیگران به جای شما فکر کنند!,Don't expect others to think for you!,pes_Arab-eng_Latn تا به حال طریقه ساخت سوسیس رو دیده اید?,Have you ever seen sausage being made?,pes_Arab-eng_Latn من روی قولت حساب می‌کنم.,I rest on your promise.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn او خیلی صبور بود.,He was very patient.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn ژاپن در سال 1933 خود را از اتفاق ملل جدا ساخت.,Japan seceded from the League of Nations in 1933.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn یونان تنها نیست!,Greece is not alone!,pes_Arab-eng_Latn آن ساک را می خواهم.,I want that bag.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn دست یوهان تمیز است.,John's hand is clean.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn فکر می کنم، که دوشنبه آینده حضور داشته باشم.,I expect to be back next Monday.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn همین الآن آن کتاب را خواندم.,I have just read this book.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn وقتی جوون تر بودم، خیلی ها بهم میگفتم که خوشگلم.,"When I was younger, many people used to say I was beautiful.",pes_Arab-eng_Latn آوریل آینه دو سال می شود که در اینجا سکونت داریم.,We'll have lived here for two years next April.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn او دوست دارد رادیو گوش کند.,He likes to listen to the radio.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn در این شب٬ سامی ادم دیگری شده بود.,"At night, Sami became a completely different person.",pes_Arab-eng_Latn من خوشگل بودم.,I was beautiful.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn من مشکل نوشیدنی ندارم.,I don't have a drinking problem.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn این را به صورت‌حسابم اضافه کن.,Add this to my bill.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn پیش از آن که با چیزی که هستید به صلح برسید، هرگز از چیزهائی که دارید، راضی نخواهید شد.,"Until you make peace with who you are, you'll never be content with what you have.",pes_Arab-eng_Latn من دوست داشتنی بودم.,I was lovely.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn هم پسر و هم دختر او مشهور هستند.,"His daughter, as well as his son, was famous.",pes_Arab-eng_Latn بیا و با همه آشنا شو!,Come and meet everyone!,pes_Arab-eng_Latn آسمان ابری می‌شود.,The sky is becoming cloudy.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn او قهوه از برزیل وارد می‌کند.,We import coffee from Brazil.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn خیلی ممنون برای حضورتون.,Thank you so much for attending!,pes_Arab-eng_Latn دانش جعرافیایی او ناکافی است.,His knowledge of geography is poor.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn او اصلاً درس نخواند.,He didn't study at all.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn هرروزه حمام می‌گیریم.,We take a bath every day.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn من آن بنا را پیدا کردم.,I found the building.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn هر مولکول در بدن ما یک شکل منحصر به فرد دارد.,Each molecule in our body has a unique shape.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn گروه ما از پنج نفر تشکیل می‌شود.,Our group consisted of five persons.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn اجازه ندهید هیچ کسی در کار من دخالت کند.,Let no one interfere with me.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn این خانه نسبتاً کوچک است.,This house is quite small.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn دیروز به او تلفن کردم.,I called him up yesterday.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn من مطمئنم که شما پدر من رو میشناختید.,I'm sure you knew my father.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn فقط چون کسی پولداره نباید بهش احترام بگذارید.,You shouldn't respect someone just because they're rich.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn عهد خود را نشکن.,Never break your promise.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn میدونم باید الان بخوابم.,I know I have to sleep now.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn هنگامی که بازنشسته شد، پسرش از شرکت اش مراقبت کرد.,"When he retired, his son took over his business.",pes_Arab-eng_Latn علیه دل درد م دارو خوردم.,I've taken some medicine for my stomach ache.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn باب در مدرسه محبوب است.,Bob is popular at school.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn احتمالاً برف خواهد آمد.,It may snow.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn ایا او نامه های انگلیسی می نویسد؟,Does he write English letters?,pes_Arab-eng_Latn آن طور که می‌گویند او اینجا مرد.,He is said to have died here.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn از قصد این کار رو کردی.,You did this intentionally!,pes_Arab-eng_Latn می‌خواهم که به‌سرعت این اتاق را مرتب کنید.,I want you to put the room in order quickly.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn موهاش و طریقه نگه داشتن سرش من رو به یاد ماریا میندازه.,Her hair and the way she holds her head remind me of Maria.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn قهوه را ترجیح می‌دهم.,I prefer coffee.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn شاید برف بیاید.,Maybe it'll snow.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn تام مرا تحت حمایت خودش قرار داد.,Tom took me under his wing.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn این دلیلیه که او دیگه نمیخواد با او باشه.,That's the reason she doesn't want to be with him anymore.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn تا امتحان نکنید، هرگز نخواهید دانست که چه می توانید به دست آورید.,You never know what you can do till you try.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn چرا این اذیتت میکنه?,Why does that bother you?,pes_Arab-eng_Latn حقوق کیفری ، که همچنین بعنوان حقوق جزا نیز شناخته می شود، مستلزم تعقیب کیفری فعلی است که بعنوان جرم طبقه بندی شده است.,"Criminal law, also known as penal law, involves prosecution for an act that has been classified as a crime.",pes_Arab-eng_Latn من به حرفم پایبندم.,I kept my word.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn تاخیر مرا ببخشید.,Pardon me for coming late.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn او چشمهایش را بسته نگه داشت.,She kept her eyes closed.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn او برای مادرش نامه مینویسه.,He's writing his mother a letter.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn چرا او وسط صحبت من دوید؟,Why did she interrupt me?,pes_Arab-eng_Latn تام زیاد سوال میپرسد.,Tom asks a lot of questions.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn ریئس جمهور نیامد، ولی معاون رئیس جمهور را بجای خودش فرستاد.,"The president did not come, but sent the vice-president in his stead.",pes_Arab-eng_Latn امروز عصر شروع خواهم کرد.,I am starting this evening.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn امیدوارم که تو می‌توانی مرا ببخشی.,I hope you can forgive me.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn امروز آخرین روز ژانویه است.,Today is the last day of January.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn لطفاً دنبال من بیائید.,"Come with me, please.",pes_Arab-eng_Latn چقدر شما قدبلند هستید!,How big you are!,pes_Arab-eng_Latn تا حد مرگ، خسته بودم.,I was bored to death.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn در فقدان عدالت، حاکمیت چیزی نخواهد بود مگر دزدی سازمان یافته.,"In the absence of justice, what is sovereignty but organized robbery?",pes_Arab-eng_Latn او از پدر خودش می ترسد.,He is afraid of his father.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn هوای سرد تا سه هفته ادامه یافت.,The cold weather continued for three weeks.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn از کنار خیابون رد می شدم که تصادف رو دیدم.,"Walking along the street, I saw the accident.",pes_Arab-eng_Latn من از شغلم راضی هستم.,I'm satisfied with my work.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn پدر شفا یافت.,Father recovered his health.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn می دانستم تام خواهد آمد.,I knew that Tom would come.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn مری و تام کجا زندگی میکنند?,Where do Mary and Tom live?,pes_Arab-eng_Latn سر زیر شن بردن‌تان را بس کنید.,Stop hiding your head in the sand.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn منظورت چیه که نمی توانی به من کمک کنی؟,"What do you mean, you can't help me?",pes_Arab-eng_Latn تا تنور داغ است نان را بچسبان.,You have to strike the iron while it's hot.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn کی دوباره به من سر میزنی?,When will you visit me again?,pes_Arab-eng_Latn قتل فاضل ليلى بدم بارد.,Fadil killed Layla in cold blood.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn در جنگل سکوت حکمفرما بود.,Silence reigned in the forest.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn با تام موافقی، نه؟,"You agree with Tom, don't you?",pes_Arab-eng_Latn یکی دیگری را امتحان کنیم.,Let's try another one.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn آنها هنوز به رسوم ما عادت نکرده اند.,They are not used to our customs yet.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn یک بار دیگر سعی کنیم.,Let's try it again.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn او یک سگ کوچک سیاه دارد.,"She has a small, black dog.",pes_Arab-eng_Latn من به تو احتیاج دارم.,I need you.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn آیا به یاد دارید، که او چه گفت؟,Do you remember what she said?,pes_Arab-eng_Latn یک شخص محترم هیچ وقت همچین کاری نمی کند.,A gentleman would never do something like that.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn چگونه «سرسپردگی» را تعریف می کنید؟,"How do you define ""servility""?",pes_Arab-eng_Latn تمام ملل برای مرگ قهرمانانشان سوگواری می کنند.,The whole nation mourned the hero's death.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn من بهترین مادر دنیا رو دارم.,I have the best mother in the world!,pes_Arab-eng_Latn من اتاق اختصاصی دارم.,I have my own room.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn من به مساعدتت نیاز دارم.,I require your assistance.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn تام تمایلی برای رفتن به بوستون ندارد.,Tom has no desire to go to Boston.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn در قزاقستان زندگی می‌کنم.,I live in Kazakhstan.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn صورتش از عصبانیت سرخ شده بود.,Her face was bright red with anger.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn اگر کمی آرام تر انجامش دهی، کار سریع تر پیش می رود.,"If you do it a bit slower, it goes quicker.",pes_Arab-eng_Latn این را بخاطر می‌آورم.,I remember this.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn میدونی، نمیخوام بکشمت.,"You know, I don't want to kill you.",pes_Arab-eng_Latn شما می توانید گزینه های پیکره بندی بازی را در هنگام شروع بازی برای اولین بار، تنظیم نمایید.,You can adjust game configuration options when starting the game for the first time.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn آیا من می توانم یک تکه کیک پنیری داشته باشم؟,Could I have a piece of cheesecake?,pes_Arab-eng_Latn هیچ چیزی به اندازه ی غذایی که درست می کنی خوشمزه نیست.,Nothing is so tasty as the dish you make.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn لندن به خاطر مه‌اش معروف است.,London is famous for its fog.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn وقتی تام از مری پرسید چند سال داری؛ مری دورغ گفت.,Mary lied when Tom asked her how old she was.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn من به دلایلی از تام متنفرم.,I hate Tom because reasons.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn به این دلیل که تو بسیار کار می کنی، همیشه خواب آلود هستی.,It is because you work too much that you are sleepy all the time.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn نمک، خواهش می کنم.,"Pass me the salt, please.",pes_Arab-eng_Latn اندازهٔ عشق دوست داشتن بی اندازه است.,The measure of love is to love without measure.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn اهل کجایی؟,Where art thou?,pes_Arab-eng_Latn آن خانم خودفروش مسن است.,The hooker is old.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn مادرم هر چیزی را که برایش عزیز بود فروخت.,My mother has sold everything that is dear to her.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn گروه من همیشه سر زندس.,My group is always lively.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn کاش من یک جوان بودم.,I wish I were young.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn من مقداری پنیر میخورم.,I eat some cheese.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn همه خود را نزد او راحت احساس می کنند.,Everybody feels at home with him.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn نیک به من ده دلار را برگرداند.,Nick owes me ten dollars.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn لغت پایه زبان است.,Vocabulary is the basis of language.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn تام تنها کسی است که احتمال دارد ماری را مجاب کند.,Tom is the only person that has any chance to persuade Mary.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn من نمیدونستم او اینقدر پیر است.,I didn't know she was that old.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn رفاقت شما برایم بسیار بامعنی است.,Your friendship means much to me.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn من ترا دوست دارم,I love you.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn اگر او نمی خواهد یاد بگیرد، ما نمی توانیم او را مجبور کنیم.,"If he doesn't want to learn, we can't make him.",pes_Arab-eng_Latn او اینقدر مهربان بود که شهر را به من نشان دهد.,She was kind enough to show me around the town.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn من به هوکایدو می‌روم.,I'm going to Hokkaido.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn هدف را میتونم ببینم.,I can see the target.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn سیگار کشیدن مجاز است.,Smoking is permitted.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn هدف را میبینم.,I see the target.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn آیا فرانسوی بلد هستی؟,Do you speak French?,pes_Arab-eng_Latn تام مودبانه وانمود کرد که مری گریه انگار نکرده است.,Tom politely pretended not to notice that Mary had been crying.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn او تو را درک نمی کند.,He doesn't understand you.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn آیا فکر می‌کنی که من اهمیتی نمی‌دهم؟,Do you think I don't care?,pes_Arab-eng_Latn حیوانات در جنگل زندگی می کنند.,Animals inhabit the forest.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn ماشین زمان من کجاست؟,Where is my time machine?,pes_Arab-eng_Latn عکس ها مشابه هم هستند.,The photographs are the same.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn اسم شما چیست؟,What is your name?,pes_Arab-eng_Latn چه کسی پیانو می نوازد؟,Who is playing the piano?,pes_Arab-eng_Latn بیشتر از یک هفته بود که سرما خوردگی ام طول کشید.,It took me more than a week to get over my cold.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn الهی دوستیمان ابدی باشد.,May our friendship be eternal.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn فردا امتحان داری؟,There is a test tomorrow.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn هیچ چیز جز بدبختی برای باقی نمانده بود.,I had nothing left but misery.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn من نه می‌توانم بخوانم نه بنویسم.,I can neither write nor read.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn این سیب ترش است.,This apple is sour.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn من فشار خون پائینی دارم.,I have low blood pressure.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn وزنم در حال کم شدن است.,I'm losing weight.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn از چه زمانی شروع به تدریس انگلیسی کردید؟,How long have you been teaching English?,pes_Arab-eng_Latn این کتاب عکس های زیبای فراوانی دارد.,This book has many beautiful pictures.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn امروز پنجم می است.,Today is March 5th.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn آن زنی که مانتوی فهوه ای دارد کیست؟,Who is the woman in the brown coat?,pes_Arab-eng_Latn اینجا تلویزیون نگاه نکنید.,Let's watch TV here.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn من معمولاً سر ساعت هفت صبحانه می خورم.,I usually have breakfast at seven.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn آن قطار ساعت نه راه می افتد و ساعت نه به اینجا می رسد.,"The train leaves at nine, arriving there at ten.",pes_Arab-eng_Latn او می تواند رانندگی کند.,She can drive a car.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn او دیگر نمی تواند از یک اسلحه استفاده کند,He can't use a gun again.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn بیش از یک ماه در ناگویا زندگی می کردم.,I lived in Nagoya for over a month.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn ما مهمان های غیر منتظره داشتیم.,We had unexpected visitors.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn پدرم بیش از پنحاه سال در ناگویا زندگی کرد.,My father has lived in Nagoya for more than fifteen years.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn او سر ساعت هشت به تخت خواب می رود.,He goes to bed at eight o'clock.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn اتاق او پر از گرد و غبار بود.,His room was covered with dust.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn باید از قبل سفارش دهید.,You should order in advance.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn شما باید از پیش سفارش بدهید.,You have to make a reservation.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn هر روز یکشنبه نیست.,Not every day is Sunday.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn هر دفعه کار می‌کند.,This works every time.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn در جزئیات گم نشویم.,Let's not get lost in details.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn با غرق جزئیات شدن، گم نگردیم.,Let's not go into details.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn من دو مجله را مشترک هستم.,I subscribe to two newspapers.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn آن خیلی خوب است.,This is very good.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn آن چیز خیکی خوب است.,That's very good.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn فراموش نکن که یک تمبر روی نامه‌ات بچسبانی.,Don't forget to put a stamp on your letter.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn او هنوز به نامه ام پاسخ نداده است.,He still hasn't answered my letter.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn در اوقات آزادم شعر می گویم.,I write poems in my free time.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn اوه، چه هوای خوبی!,Ah! What nice weather!,pes_Arab-eng_Latn او به آرامی راه می رود.,He walks slowly.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn آن موزه شایسته دیدن است.,The museum is worth a visit.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn ما اغلب شطرنج بازی می کنیم.,We often play chess.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn او نوزاد سالمی به دنیا آورد.,She gave birth to a healthy baby.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn ما برای تمام دنیا آرزوی صلح می کنیم.,We want peace in the world.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn مطلقاً حق با شما است.,You are absolutely right.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn شما کاملاً حق دارید.,You're absolutely right.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn من دیر کردم، نه؟,"I'm late, aren't I?",pes_Arab-eng_Latn من نمی‌توانم نفس بکشم.,I couldn't breathe.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn او تند صحبت میکند.,He speaks quickly.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn امیدواریم که کار کند.,Let's hope it works.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn عشق معجزهٔ تمدن است.,Love is the miracle of civilization.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn جمعیت حدود 500 نفر تو تیاتر بود.,A crowd of 500 filled the theater.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn این یک شگفتی است.,It's a surprise.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn او آوازه خوان خوبی است.,He is a good singer.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn با تو خواهم آمد.,I'm coming with you.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn آنها راجع به تو چیزی به ما نگفتند.,Those people didn't tell us anything about you.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn می ذارید بچه هاتون قهوه بخورند؟,Do you let your children drink coffee?,pes_Arab-eng_Latn تعارف نکنید اگر بازم خواستید (غذا),Please feel free to have a second helping.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn از ظاهر آسمان چنین برمی آید که برف خواهد بارید.,"Judging from the look of the sky, it is going to snow.",pes_Arab-eng_Latn همه‌روزه دندان‌هایتان را پاک کنید.,Brush your teeth every day.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn باید منتظر بمانید,You'll have to wait.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn مقداری گوشت مانده است.,Some meat remained.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn منتظرت نگه داشتم؟ (نوعی معذرت خواهی از دوستان نزدیک),Have I kept you waiting?,pes_Arab-eng_Latn مراقب خودت باش,Take care of yourself.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn آیا تا به حال یک دلفین را لمس کرده‌ای؟,Have you ever touched a dolphin?,pes_Arab-eng_Latn بسته ای که برات فرستادم گرفتی؟,Did you get the package I sent you?,pes_Arab-eng_Latn او نمی دانست کجا برود.,He did not know where to go.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn قصد ندارم ناراحتت کنم,I don't mean to make you worry.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn کار آنها گریم هنرمندان است.,Their job is to do make-up for performing artists.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn از دیدن چهره ی او نفرت دارم.,I dislike seeing her picture.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn دلیلی برای ترسیدن وجود ندارد.,There's no reason to be afraid.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn ازت شکایت می کنم,I will sue you.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn من مطمئنم که کارهای دیگری وجود دارد که ما می توانیم انجام دهیم.,I am certain that there are many other things we could do.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn من هیچ چیز به تو نمی گویم.,I am not telling you anything new.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn من مجبور شدم اسبم را بکشم زیرا خیلی زجر می کشید.,I had to shoot my horse because he was in a lot of pain.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn تام داستان را با صدای بلند خواند.,Tom read the story out loud.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn هرکه این را خواند خواندن می داند.,All that read this can read.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn تو واقعا خنگ درجه یکی,You're really a number-one fool.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn من می دانم تو چیزی در مورد این جمله خواهی گفت.,I knew they would say something about this sentence.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn می خواهم چیزی برای خوردن خودمان درست کنم.,I'm planning on making us something to eat.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn می خواهم چیز خاصی را به تو بگویم.,I'd like to tell you something in private.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn نمی خواهم آن اتفاق رخ بدهد.,I don't want something like this to happen.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn پلیس از دختران پرسید که آیا ماشین مال آنهاست.,A policeman asked the girls if the car was theirs.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn بیش از حد به مردم اعتماد می کنی,You trust people too much.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn من هرگز یک چهره را فراموش نمی‌کنم. اما در مورد شما با کمال میل یک استثناء قایل می‌شوم.,"I never forget a face, but in your case I'll be glad to make an exception.",pes_Arab-eng_Latn ما از حضور او دلخور شدیم.,We were disappointed at her absence.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn به اندازه کافی بزرگ شدی که از خودت مراقبت کنی,You are old enough to take care of yourself.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn همیشه سعی می کنی دیگران رو متهم کنی,You always try to blame somebody else.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn ما اکنون کجا هستیم؟,Where are we now?,pes_Arab-eng_Latn وسایلت رو پخش و پلا نکن,Don't scatter your things about.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn پیش از فرمان دادن باید فرمان بُرداری را آموخت.,"Before you give orders, you must learn to obey.",pes_Arab-eng_Latn آن دریاچه خشک شد.,The pond has dried up.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn و آنان‌ شمشیرهای‌ خود را به‌ گاو آهن‌ و نیزه‌های‌ خویش‌ را به‌ اره‌ تبدیل‌ خواهند كرد. قوم‌های‌ دنیا دیگر در فكر جنگ‌ با یكدیگر نخواهند بود.,"And they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruninghooks: nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more.",pes_Arab-eng_Latn شهر ناگویا بین توکیو و شهر اوساکا است.,Nagoya is between Tokyo and Osaka.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn کومی چه چیزی درست کرد؟,What did Kumi make?,pes_Arab-eng_Latn چند پسر وارد کلاس شدند.,Some boys came into the classroom.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn حقوق او ده درصد افزایش یافت.,His salary was increased by ten percent.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn برای من حل کردن این مسئله، آسان است.,It is easy for me to solve the problem.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn کریستف کلمب به این خاطر، که دریا را دوست داشت کاوشگر نبود. او کاوشگر بود به این خاطر، که از زندان های اسپانیا تنفر داشت.,Christopher Columbus wasn't an explorer because he loved the sea. He was an explorer because he hated Spanish jails.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn آیا دوست دارید چیزی به آنچه گفتم، اضافه کنید؟,Would you like to add anything to what I've said?,pes_Arab-eng_Latn شما نمی‌توانید قابلیت‌های او را بیش از اندازه برآورد کنید.,You cannot overestimate his abilities.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn این گل‌هائی که می‌بینید، رز هستند.,These flowers you see are roses.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn گاهی وقت‌ها، زندگی خیلی نا‌عادلانه است.,"Sometimes, life is so unfair.",pes_Arab-eng_Latn او عاشق تام است، نه عاشق من.,"She loves Tom, not me.",pes_Arab-eng_Latn او اصلاً نیامد، و این موضوع باعث نگران‌شدن او گردید.,"He did not appear at all, which made her very uneasy.",pes_Arab-eng_Latn چند سال دارید؟,How old are you?,pes_Arab-eng_Latn او دیدن مسابقات فوتبال در تلویزیون را دوست دارد.,He likes to watch baseball games on TV.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn من واقعاً یک شبح را دیدم.,I actually saw a ghost.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn اتاق او همیشه پر از دوستانش است.,His room is always filled with his friends.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn واضح صحبت کنید، به‌ترتیبی که همه بتوانند صدای شما را بشنوند.,Speak clearly so that everyone may hear you.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn آن درب را قفل نگه دارید.,Keep the door locked.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn کنسرت او خیلی خوب بود.,His concert was very good.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn او عاشق برادر دوستش شده است.,She fell in love with her friend's brother.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn دوست دارم یک زمانی به لندن بروم.,I'd like to go to London someday.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn من دعوت او را پذیرفتم.,I accepted his invitation.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn در آن عکس همه لبخند می‌زنند.,Everybody in the picture is smiling.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn داخل نشوید، خیابانی بن‌بست است.,"Don't go in there, it's a dead-end street.",pes_Arab-eng_Latn انگشت پای او خونریزی دارد.,Her toe bleeds.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn هوای داخل این اتاق بد است.,The air in this room is foul.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn او رفت خرید.,She has gone shopping.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn کسی اشتباهاً کفش مرا پوشیده است.,Someone has taken my shoes by mistake.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn او عجله کرد تا زمان از دست رفته را جبران کند.,He hurried on to make up for lost time.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn هنگامی که بازنشسته شد، پول زیادی به‌دست نیاورد.,He wasn't earning a large salary when he retired.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn آن میمون را در آن باغ‌وحش دیدیم.,We saw the monkey at the zoo.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn هنوز او را دوست داشت.,She still loved him.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn آن دختری که آنجا ایستاده است، کیست؟,Who is the girl standing over there?,pes_Arab-eng_Latn او دوچرخه‌ی مرا پیدا کرد.,He found my bicycle.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn آن زوج تصمیم گرفتند یتیمی را به‌فرزندی قبول کنند.,The couple decided to adopt an orphan.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn اینترنت شبکه‌ای بسیار بزرگ است، که کتمپیوترهای بی‌شماری را در سراسر جهان به یک‌دیگر وصل می‌کند.,Internet is a vast network connecting innumerable computers on a world scale.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn برای من مسلم بود، که شما خواهید پیوست.,I took it for granted that you would join.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn ریاضی رشته ای است، که او در آن بهترین است.,Mathematics is his strongest subject.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn ناراحت نمی شوی اگر که سیگار بکشم؟,Do you mind if I smoke?,pes_Arab-eng_Latn هنوز وقت زیادی برای تفریح دارم.,I still have a lot of time for fun.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn در یک کلام، پروژه شکست خورد.,"The project, in short, was a failure.",pes_Arab-eng_Latn وسعم نمی‌رسید دوچرخه بخرم.,I could not afford to buy a bicycle.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn اینهاش ترن شما آمد.,"Look, here comes your train.",pes_Arab-eng_Latn او را ملاقات نکردم.,I haven't met her.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn می‌خواهم به آلمانی حرف بزنم.,I want to speak German.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn ما توسط گوش‌های‌مان می‌شنویم.,We hear with our ears.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn امروز عصر واقعاً به خودم خوش گذراندم.,I really enjoyed myself tonight.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn آنها آن ده را آمستردام نو نامیدند.,They called the village New Amsterdam.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn او اغلب برای معاملات به خارج از کشور می‌رود.,He often goes abroad on business.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn چه مدتی در آنجا توقف خواهد داشت؟,How long will it stop there?,pes_Arab-eng_Latn آیا دندان‌های‌تان را خوب تمیز می‌کنید؟,Are you brushing your teeth properly?,pes_Arab-eng_Latn یک وجه‌مشخصه‌ی این خودروی جدید این است که اگر فرد مستی بخواهد رانندگی کندد، موتورش روشن نمی‌شود.,"A feature of this new car is that if a drunk person is driving, the engine won't start.",pes_Arab-eng_Latn درود.,How do you do.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn تام نامزد روت شده است.,Tom is engaged to Ruth.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn آن سگ تقریباً هرچیزی که باشد را می‌خورد.,This dog eats almost anything.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn آیا شما شیمی می‌خوانید؟,Are you studying chemistry?,pes_Arab-eng_Latn آیا مشغول تحصیل شیمی هستید؟,Do you study chemistry?,pes_Arab-eng_Latn آن با فاصله‌ی زیادی از همه، بهترین است.,This is by far the best of all.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn تام یک ضد سامی است.,Tom is an anti-Semite.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn چند ستاره در آسمان شب شروع به پدیدار شدن کردند.,Some stars began to appear in the night sky.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn تام یک ضد سامی نیست!,Tom is not an anti-Semite!,pes_Arab-eng_Latn تام بلندقدتر از ماری است.,Tom is taller than Mary.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn می شود برایم مقداری زعفران بخری؟,Will you buy for me some saffron?,pes_Arab-eng_Latn یک سگ دارم.,I have a dog.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn خانواده ی من همه ورزشکارند.,My family are all athletic.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn من پای پیاده یا با دوچرخه بار دیگر به آنجا خواهم رفت.,I will go there on foot or by bicycle next time.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn او به دستور عمل می‌کرد.,He was acting on orders.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn منتظر دستورهای من باشید.,Stand by for my orders.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn آنها شب را در ساحل گذراندند.,They spent the night on the beach.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn این داستان هم سرگرم کننده است و هم آموزنده.,This novel is both interesting and instructive.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn آیا حق دارم برای امتحان آن را بپوشم؟,May I try it on?,pes_Arab-eng_Latn استثناها قاعده را توجیه می کنند.,Exceptions prove the rule.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn نمی دانم ار حالا به بعد چه کار کنم.,I don't know what to do from now on.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn کشور سوئیس کشوری بی طرف است.,Switzerland is a neutral country.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn من اصلاً خسته نیستم.,I'm not at all tired.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn میخواهم بخرم.,I want to buy.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn می خواهم خرید کنم.,I would like to buy.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn خواهش او با فرمان یکسان بود.,His request was equivalent to an order.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn به دنبال جائی برای خوابیدن هستم.,I'm looking for a place to sleep.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn او به زودی باز خواهد گشت.,He will be back soon.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn آنها تلاش می‌کنند قیمتها را پایین نگه دارند.,They are trying to keep costs down.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn در حال مطالعه، خوابم برد.,"While I was reading, I fell asleep.",pes_Arab-eng_Latn پروازهای‌ خود را زود رزرو کنید، چراکه پروازهای حدود کریسمس به‌سرعت پر می‌شوند.,Make your airplane reservations early since flights fill up quickly around Christmas.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn میلی گربه دارد.,Millie has a cat.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn او ده دقیقه پیش رفت.,He left ten minutes ago.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn چرا من مجبورم که با تام صحبت کنم؟,Why do I have to talk to Tom?,pes_Arab-eng_Latn کجایتان درد دارد؟,Where does it hurt?,pes_Arab-eng_Latn شما چطور فهمیدید که من می خواستم با تام صحبت کنم؟,How did you know I wanted to speak to Tom?,pes_Arab-eng_Latn می توانم با تام صحبت کنم؟,May I speak to Tom?,pes_Arab-eng_Latn او کیست که با تام صحبت می کند؟,Who's that talking to Tom?,pes_Arab-eng_Latn آیا در آن زمان در مدرسه بودید؟,Were you at school at that time?,pes_Arab-eng_Latn آخر هفته را با دوستانم گذراندم.,I spent the weekend with my friends.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn میلی من را دوست دارد.,Millie loves me.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn شنا کردن برایم آسان است.,Swimming is easy for me.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn چرا آن را انجام دادید؟,Why have you done this?,pes_Arab-eng_Latn لوبلیانا تکی از زیباترین پایتخت های اروپا است.,Ljubljana is one of the most beautiful cities in Eastern Europe.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn من تقریبا هرگز گوشت شکار نمی خورم.,I almost never eat game meat.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn نام او را فراموش کردم.,I forgot his name.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn اسم او از یادم رفته است.,I've forgotten his name.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn هفده ساله ای؟,Are you 17?,pes_Arab-eng_Latn مکالمه‌ی ما را قطع نکنید.,Don't interrupt our conversation.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn عاقل را اشاره کافیست.,A word to the wise is enough.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn از کجا آن را می دانید؟,How did you come to know this?,pes_Arab-eng_Latn گوشم بعضی وقتها زنگ می زنه.,My ears sometimes ring.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn ببخشید! من نمی‌خواستم به تو توهین کنم.,"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend you.",pes_Arab-eng_Latn تام به قدری جذب کارش شده بود که یادش می‌رفت غذا بخورد.,Tom got so absorbed in his work that he forgot to eat.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn عیسی به دین خود، موسی به دین خود.,"So many men, so many minds.",pes_Arab-eng_Latn توهین‌ها استدلال‌های بی‌استدلالان هستند.,Insults are the arguments of those who have no arguments.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn ماهی را بعد از خواباندن سرخ کردم.,I fried the fish after marinating it.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn من نمی‌توانم توهین‌هایش را بیشتر تحمل کنم.,I can not put up with his insults any longer.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn کاغذ سنگ صبور است.,Paper is patient.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn نامزد ام بدون اطلاع قبلی آمد و من احساس یاس می کنم.,"My fiancee arrived without notifying me beforehand, and I felt embarrassed.",pes_Arab-eng_Latn نمودار بالا جابجایی است اگر و تنها اگر f یک یکریختی باشد.,The diagram above commutes if and only if f is an isomorphism.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn کتاب آن بالاست.,The book is up there.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn دختران در مورد مری شایعات و دروغ های زیادی پراکندند.,The girls spread many false rumors and lies about Mary.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn این یک تمجید است یا یک توهین؟,Is it a compliment or an insult?,pes_Arab-eng_Latn تام نمی خواهد که تو حقیقت را بفهمی.,Tom doesn't want you to discover the truth.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn شما جریمه خواهید شد اگر ماشین را جلوی آتش نشانی پارک کنید.,You'll get a ticket if you park the car in front of a fire hydrant.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn می خواهم برای او یا گل بخرم یا شیرینی.,I want to buy her flowers or candy.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn نهایتا به هدف زد.,"Eventually, he hit the target.",pes_Arab-eng_Latn پسرت تقریبا کپی پدرت است.,Your son is almost the copy of your father.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn تو زندانی منی.,You are my prisoner.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn او به من تئاتر پیشنهاد کرد ولی هیچ اجرایی آن شب نبود.,"He offered me to go to the theater,but there weren't any perfomances on that night.",pes_Arab-eng_Latn مری شام سبکی خورد.,Mary ate a light supper.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn به تتويبا خوش آمدید!,Welcome to Tatoeba!,pes_Arab-eng_Latn ترجمه کردن این لغت نسبتاً دشوار است.,It's very difficult to translate this word.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn زمان رفت به رختخواب است. رادیو را خاموش کن.,It's time to go to bed. Turn off the radio.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn لطفاً به آتش‌نشانی زنگ بزنید.,Please call the fire department.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn خیلی مشتاقم امروز ببینمتان.,I really wish to see you today.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn زبان مادریت پیست؟,What is your mother tongue?,pes_Arab-eng_Latn صبح برف سنگینی آمد و سپس آب شد.,"In the morning, heavy snow fell, and then it melted.",pes_Arab-eng_Latn «اگر جایت بودم، می‌خریدمش.» «ولی جای من نیستی!»,"""If I were you, I'd buy it."" ""But you aren't me!""",pes_Arab-eng_Latn او همه پیراهن های خود را به این یکی و آن یکی داد.,She gave away all her dresses.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn آن پارک چقدر از اینجا دور است؟,How far is it from here to the park?,pes_Arab-eng_Latn فرش مندرس بود و می بایست عوض می شد.,The carpet was worn out and had to be replaced.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn اجداد شما از کجا بودند؟,Where are your ancestors from?,pes_Arab-eng_Latn شماره تلفن شما را فراموش کردم.,I forget your phone number.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn همیشه قهوه غلیظ می خوره,He always takes his coffee strong.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn اینقدر که یک ماهی پرنده محسوب میشه خفاش پرنده محسوب نمیشه,A bat is not a bird any more than a fish is.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn از یک طرف می خواستم به شام دعوتت کنم و از طرف دیگه می خواستم بگم که پسرم ازدواج کرده,"On the one hand I called you to invite you to dinner, on the other to tell you my son is getting married.",pes_Arab-eng_Latn من بودم هیچ وقت با دمپایی بیرون از خونه نمی رفتم,I'd never leave my house in slippers.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn ما او را ترغیب به تغییر ایده‌اش کردیم.,We persuaded him to change his mind.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn به نظرم عاقلانه ست همین الان بری و قبض رو پرداخت کنی,I suppose it makes sense to go ahead and pay the bill right now.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn به سختی تونستم متقاعدش کنم که این سفر رو نره,I had a hard time trying to talk him out of taking the trip.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn آن خانه‌ای است، که من اولین روزهایم را در آن زندگی کردم.,This is the house where I lived in my early days.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn تصمیم گرفتیم فعلا اینجا بمونیم,We have decided to stay here for the time being.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn چشم‌هایش را بست و یک آرزو کرد.,She closed her eyes and made a wish.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn یکی از دکمه‌های مانتوی من کنده شد.,One of the buttons has come off my coat.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn هر اتاق سرویس بهداشتی مجزّا دارد.,Each room has a private bathroom.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn دیروز نه بیش از اندازه گرم بود، نه بیش از اندازه سرد بود. روزی ایده‌آل برای قدم‌زدن بود,Yesterday it was neither too warm nor too cold. It was an ideal day for taking a walk.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn باید قبل از او برسیم آن جا.,We must get there before him.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn من از آذرخش نمی‌ترسم.,I'm not afraid of lightning.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn بهت نگفتم باید بیشتر درس می‌خواندی؟,Didn't I tell you that you needed to study harder?,pes_Arab-eng_Latn بهت نگفتم باید زود اون جا می‌رسیدی؟,Didn't I tell you that you needed to get there early?,pes_Arab-eng_Latn بهت نگفتم اتاقت را تمیز کنی؟,Didn't I tell you to clean your room?,pes_Arab-eng_Latn ما صبح روز بعد خیلی خواب آلود بودیم.,We were very sleepy the next morning.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn من کتابی خواندم.,I was reading a book.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn جدّی نگیر. داشتم شوخی می‌کردم.,Don't take me seriously. I was only joking.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn آن سگ چندساله است؟,How old is that dog?,pes_Arab-eng_Latn به نظرم این کت کیفیتش خیلی بالاتر از اون یکیه,I think this suit is much superior to that one in quality.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn ترافیک سبک بود مسیر رو خوب اومدیم (زود رسیدیم),We made good time since the traffic was light.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn این حالا پیش لرزه بود لرزه اصلی هم میاد,That was the P-wave just now. The S-wave is coming.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn زود بری بهتر گیرت میاد,The early bird catches the worm.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn تام بیشتر وقتا ماری رو توی سوپرمارکت می بینه,Tom often runs into Mary at the supermarket.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn لطفاً سوال نکنید.,Please don't ask.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn پدر بزرگم نجار است.,My grandfather is a carpenter.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn ازت می خوام نگهبانی بدی,I want you to stand guard.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn لباس قرمز تکش کرد توی جمع,A red dress made her stand out.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn اینقدر از زمین بالا نیست,It's not that high off the ground.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn او با پیانو مرا همراهی کرد.,She accompanied me on the piano.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn نور می گیره؟ (اتاق),Does it get much sun?,pes_Arab-eng_Latn به آن دست نزنید.,Don't touch it.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn این رادیو کار نمی‌کند.,The radio doesn't work.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn او به‌شدت کار می‌کرد.,He was working hard.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn """ممکن نیست"" وجود ندارد.","There's no such word as ""can't"".",pes_Arab-eng_Latn شما باید فوراً به او نشان دهید که بی‌گناه هستید.,"You must apologize to her, and that at once.",pes_Arab-eng_Latn او از برادر خودش بلندتر است.,He is taller than his brother.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn تام خیلی سریع، شنا می کند.,Tom swims very fast.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn ریش سفید نشان‌دهنده‌ی عقل نیست.,A beard does not make a philosopher.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn زبان مهم‌ترین اختراع انسان است.,Language is the most important invention of the man.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn این کیف جین است.,This is Jane's bag.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn عنوان این نمایشنامه، اوتللو است.,"The title of this play is ""Othello"".",pes_Arab-eng_Latn مری از ژاپن خوشش می آید، اینطور نیست؟,"Mary likes Japan, doesn't she?",pes_Arab-eng_Latn او شاعر است.,He is a poet.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn او گفت شاید این امر صحت داشته باشد.,She said that it might be true.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn به نظر می رسد او دوستان زیادی دارد.,It looks like she's got a lot of friends.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn در این مورد، من نصیحتی به شما خواهم کرد.,I will advise you on the matter.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn تام نتوانست کسی را برای رقصیدن پیدا کند.,Tom couldn't find anyone to dance with.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn من به تام هر چیزی را که خواسته بود، دادم.,I gave Tom everything he asked for.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn سال گذشته باران فراوانی داشتیم.,We had a lot of rain last year.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn باید قبل از اینکه هوا تاریک شود، تام را پیدا کنیم.,We have to find Tom before it gets dark.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn در حال حاضر قصد دارم در هتل بمانم.,"For the time being, I intend to stay at a hotel.",pes_Arab-eng_Latn آیا می دانی چه اتفاقی برای تام افتاد؟,Do you know what's happened to Tom?,pes_Arab-eng_Latn ان کتابی است درباره ستارگان.,This is a book about stars.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn این فرصت را از دست نده.,Don't miss out on this opportunity.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn آیا می‌دانید او کیست؟,Do you know who she is?,pes_Arab-eng_Latn من اینطور فکر نمی کنم.,I don't think so.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn سردترین زمستانی که تجربه کرده‌ام، یک تابستان در سان فرانسیسکو بود.,The coldest winter I ever spent was a summer in San Francisco.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn سر ساعت هفت به شما تلفن خواهم زد.,I'll call you at seven.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn این صندلی اینجا چیکار می کنه؟,What's this chair doing here?,pes_Arab-eng_Latn آن تنها چیزی بود که من راجع به آن فکر نکرده بودم.,That's the one thing I hadn't thought of.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn من؟ من فقط یک حقوق بگیر ساده پیرم.,Me? I'm a plain old salaryman.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn ابن کتاب متعلق است به علی.,This book is Ali's.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn کسی تام را ندیده است؟,Hasn't anyone seen Tom?,pes_Arab-eng_Latn آیا تو فکر کردی من به تام نخواهم گفت؟,Did you think I wouldn't tell Tom?,pes_Arab-eng_Latn ماشینها ممکن است زمانی بتوانند فکر کنند وتی هرگز نمیتوانند بخندند.,"Machines may one day think, but they'll never laugh.",pes_Arab-eng_Latn من در آژانس مسافرتی کار می کنم.,I work for a travel agency.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn او مدعی بود که او یک وکیل است.,He pretended that he was a lawyer.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn بچه هایی که در خانه با کف پوش های وینیلی زندگی می کنند با احتمال بیشتری اتویسم دارند.,Children that live in homes with vinyl floors are more likely to have autism.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn همینی است که هست.,It is what it is.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn او یک فنجان چای را با یک بطری ودکا اشتباه گرفته بود.,She confused a cup of tea with a bottle of vodka.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn اوه، راننده یک دیونه است.,"Oh, the driver is a maniac.",pes_Arab-eng_Latn پیشرفت، تنها نشان متمایز انسان است که نه خدا راست و نه شیاطین را.,"Progress, man’s distinctive mark alone, Not God’s, and not the beasts’.",pes_Arab-eng_Latn خوشمزه نیست؟,Isn't it delicious?,pes_Arab-eng_Latn آیا تو حتی کنجکاو نیستی؟,Aren't you even curious?,pes_Arab-eng_Latn چه خریده ای؟,Whom did you buy?,pes_Arab-eng_Latn آیا می دانید این برای ما چقدر هزینه خواهد داشت؟,Do you realize how much this is going to cost us?,pes_Arab-eng_Latn شما می خواهید که با ما بروید؟,Do you want to go with us?,pes_Arab-eng_Latn نمی توانم روی تو حساب کنم.,I can't count on you.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn شما باید بدهی های خود را پرداخت,You should pay your debts.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn آیا تام می خواهد که با ما برود؟,Does Tom want to go with us?,pes_Arab-eng_Latn در آن واحد به دنبال دو چیز دویدن، تو را به هیچ کدام نمی رساند.,Those who chase two rabbits at once will catch neither.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn من ترجیح می دادم که به طور خصوصی با شما سخن بگویم.,I'd prefer to speak to you in private.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn شما داروی مناسبی دارید؟,Do you have some good medicine?,pes_Arab-eng_Latn همه از او خوب می گویند.,Everybody speaks well of her.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn لطفا اینجا کمی منتظر باش.,Please wait here for a while.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn من نتوانستم جلو خنده ام را به آن جوک بگیرم.,I cannot help laughing at the joke.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn هوا داغ بود. نمی‌توانستم دیگر آن را تحمل کنم.,It was hot. I couldn't stand it any longer.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn این آزمایش منجر به کشف بزرگی شد.,That experiment led to a great discovery.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn باید بروم بخوابم.,I have to go to sleep.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn بیایید امتحانش کنیم,Let's try something.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn من در کوهستان هستم.,I was in the mountains.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn من یک بلیط تردد گرفته ام.,I got a traffic ticket.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn آن هیچوقت تمام نخواهد شد.,This is never going to end.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn او دانش زبان فرانسه را کسب نمود.,She acquired a knowledge of French.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn در آن لحظه که مردی بلندقد ایستاده با تفنگی را در راهرو دید به طور ناخودآگاه عقب عقب رفت.,"At the moment she saw a tall man with a gun standing in the doorway, she instinctively backed away.",pes_Arab-eng_Latn گربه به دنبال موش می دوید.,The cat ran after the rat.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn من کتاب را می‌نویسم.,I'm writing a book.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn شما در مسیر موفقیت هستید.,You're on the path of success.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn متاسفانه درست است.,It is unfortunately true.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn حقوق کم او او را از خانه خریدن باز می دارد.,His low salary prevents him from buying the house.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn آن من را غافلگیر نمی کند.,It doesn't surprise me.,pes_Arab-eng_Latn "Për piasì, tenme 'l post an coa.",Please keep my place in line.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Mè nòm a l'é Tom.,My name is Tom.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Buna Giurná Internasiunal dij Fumni!,Happy International Women's Day!,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Ti 't bute nèn an pràtica lòn ch'it prédiche.,You don't practice what you preach.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Però costa-sì it l'has mai dimla.,But you've never told me about this!,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Cò' 't vrisse bèive? 'N cafè?,What would you like to drink? Coffee?,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Yo llegaré un poco tarde. Mantenme la comida caliente.,I'll be a bit late. Keep dinner warm for me.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn 'T ses costumà a beive 'l té a colassion?,Do you usually have tea for breakfast?,pms_Latn-eng_Latn I l'avìa visitalo ant un càud dòp-mesdì 'd magg.,I visited him on a warm May afternoon.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn I dovrìo sté 'nsema a Tom.,We should be with Tom.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Mi i veul bin a ij mè cit.,I love my children.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Përchè is preocupoma 'd lòn che Tom a farà?,Why do we care about what Tom is going to do?,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Monsù Suzuki a l'ha studià fransèis prima d'andé an Fransa.,Mr. Suzuki studied French before he went to France.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn A-i é motobin ëd gent ant ël parch.,There are many people in the park.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Monsù Jones a l'é 'ncamin ch'a tasta la supa ch'a l'ha preparà soa fomna.,Mr Jones is tasting the soup his wife made.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn I son content përché i son nèn na fomna.,I'm happy because I am not a woman.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn It cusin-e bin?,Are you good at cooking?,pms_Latn-eng_Latn A l'é ver che Tom andarà an Austràlia n'àutr ann?,Is it true that Tom will go to Australia next year?,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Sò moros a l'é 'n badòla.,Her boyfriend is a lazy man.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn "It podrisse 'rman-e sì për la neuit, ma a la matin it deve 'ndé via.","You may stay here for the night, but you'll have to leave in the morning.",pms_Latn-eng_Latn I l'hai duvertà n'euj.,I opened one eye.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Ti 't l'has catà 'l pan.,You bought bread.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn I sai nèn përchè ch'i dev fé sòn-sì.,I don't know why I have to do this.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Vàire sànguis l'han restane?,How many sandwiches are there left?,pms_Latn-eng_Latn "A che ora i rivroma a Akita, s'i pijoma 'l treno dle neuv e mesa?",What time will we reach Akita if we take the 9:30 train?,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Vòsta mare a l'é bon-a a guidé?,Can your mother drive a car?,pms_Latn-eng_Latn T'has perdù toe ombrele.,You've lost your umbrellas.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn I-é lo quaj agiut disponìbil?,Is there any help available?,pms_Latn-eng_Latn A sorido tuti doi.,They both smile.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Cost-sì a l'é n'event important.,This is an important event.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn It deve capì che chiel a l'é mòrt.,You have to understand that he died.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn "Susan e Bob a son volà da Londra a Sydney, an Australia.","Susan and Bob have flown from London to Sydney, Australia.",pms_Latn-eng_Latn I l'hai sèmper vorsù 'ncontrete.,I've always wanted to meet you.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn I vuria mangè queicos,I would like to eat something.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn "Dòp ch'a l'é mort-ie sò pare, chiel a l'ha dovù studié dës për chiel.","After his father died, he had to study by himself.",pms_Latn-eng_Latn La cà a l'é 'd pere.,The house is made of stone.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Chiel a ëv veul.,He wants you.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn I l'avia lesù 'n lìber quand ch'i j'era 'n camin ch'i mangiava.,I read a book while eating.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn I chërdìa che magara it l'avìe cambià ideja an propòsit d'andé a Boston.,I thought maybe you'd changed your mind about going to Boston.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn I peul nèn chërde che Tom a daga a Mary la màchina ch'a l'ha catà l'àutr ann.,I can't believe Tom is giving Mary the car he bought last year.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn La seur ëd George a l'ha fame qaj sanguiss.,George's sister made me some sandwiches.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn A l'era 'n rat.,It was a mouse.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Chiel a l'ha setasse da riva a mi.,He seated himself next to me.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn A l'é na bon-a abitùdin ten-e 'n diari.,It is a good habit to keep a diary.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn St'osel a l'é bon a volé.,This bird can fly.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Sòn a l'é nèn ëstàit fàcil.,It wasn't easy.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Cost dòp-mesdì i veul ëstudié meno mach doe ore.,This afternoon I will study at least two hours.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn "Ën pitor a pitura soe figure sla tèila. Ma 'j mùsich a pituro soe figure sël silens. Noi it doma la mùsica, e ti tën das ël silens.","A painter paints his pictures on canvas. But musicians paint their pictures on silence. We provide the music, and you provide the silence.",pms_Latn-eng_Latn A-i é 'n pach për Tom an sla mia tàula.,There's a package for Tom on my desk.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Il mago ha una bacchetta magica.,The wizard has a magic wand.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Lasme presentete mia mare.,Let me introduce you to my mother.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn "Peter a l'era 'n giugador ëd video-gieugh altruista; chiel a l'avrìa dait la ròba a la gent ch'a n'avìa da manca, pitòst che vëndje për profit përsonal.","Peter was an altruistic video game player; he would give items to people who needed them, rather than selling them for personal profit.",pms_Latn-eng_Latn I visitró Tom a l'ospidal.,I'm going to visit Tom in the hospital.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn N'amis ëd tùit a l'é n'amis ëd gnun.,A friend to all is a friend to none.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn I l'hai manca 'd sòld për caté 'n regal a Tom.,I need money to buy Tom a present.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Mi i son pa 'n robòt.,I'm not a robot.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Ant ël giardin dla Maria a-i é na bela caban-a 'd bosch.,In Mary's garden is a charming wood cabin.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Tom a dëscaria soens dij cine.,Tom often downloads movies.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Cola toa seur as lamenta sèmper ëd sò òmo.,That sister of yours is always complaining of her husband.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn "Chila a l'ha un-a cà, un can, un gat, doi feuj e un òmo.","She has a house, a dog, a cat, two kids and a husband.",pms_Latn-eng_Latn Mike a l'ha dle amise an Flòrida.,Mike has a few friends in Florida.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Ël pare 'd John a sa quajcòs ëd fransèis.,John's father has some knowledge of French.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn I veul nèn andé 'nsema a ti.,I didn't want to go with you.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn A còsa ch'a la smia?,What does she look like?,pms_Latn-eng_Latn I veul nèn andé 'nsema a vojàutri.,I don't want to go with you.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Motobin d'argentin a l'han pì car dovré n'àuto e nèn ël traspòrt pùblich.,Many Argentinians prefer to use a car rather than public transportation.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn I l'avìe nèn manca 'd ciameme.,You need not have called me.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Amprende l'Inglèis a l'é dura.,English is difficult to learn.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn A-i é n'usagi dla lenga dël còrp.,There's a use of body language.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn 'T lo sas ch'i 't veul bin!,You know I love you!,pms_Latn-eng_Latn It ses an perìcol ëd diventé 'n brav òm.,You're in danger of becoming a good man.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Le matemàtiche a son la part dle siense ch'as podrio continué a fé se doman is dësvijàisso e i dëscheurvèisso che l'univers a l'é sparì.,Mathematics is the part of science you could continue to do if you woke up tomorrow and discovered the universe was gone.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn L'insegnant a l'ha nèn mantnù soa paròla.,The teacher didn't keep her word.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn I pens ch'a-i sia quajdun a la pòrta.,I think someone's at the door.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn I peul nèn ësté sensa cafè dòp mangià.,I cannot dispense with coffee after meals.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn It l'has pròpi manca d'agiut.,You just need help.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Chiel al pitura sovens dij paesagi.,He often paints landscapes.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn A l'ha dividù un milion ëd dòlar an tra sò sinch fieuj.,He divided one million dollars among his five sons.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Mi i deurm an pé.,I sleep while standing.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn "L'art a l'é nèn un lusso, ma në bzògn.","Art is not a luxury, but a necessity.",pms_Latn-eng_Latn A l'é difìcil convince John.,It is hard to convince John.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn """It parles tëdesch?"" ""Nò.""","""Do you speak German?"" ""No, I don't.""",pms_Latn-eng_Latn Am pias dastrà scoté dla mùsica clàssica.,I'm fond of listening to classical music.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn A l'é na croata neuva?,Is that a new tie?,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Për piasì pulì 'l paviment ëspòrch.,Please clean the dirty floor.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Mi i vado da gnun-e part.,I am not going anywhere.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Për piasì portme ij mè lìber quand ch'at ven-e.,Please bring my book up when you come.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn I l'hai na domanda ch'i dev fete.,I have a question I need to ask you.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn It deve scondte.,You've got to hide.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn A l'é bianch ës papé-sì?,Is this paper white?,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Cola-lì a l'é na canson motobin bela.,That's a beautiful song.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn La conta a l'é familjar për noi.,The tale is familiar to us.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn "Jer a l'é stòria, 'dman a l'é 'n mister, ma 'ncheuj a l'é regal. Për lòn as ciama ""present"".","Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. That is why it is called the ""present"".",pms_Latn-eng_Latn Qué a l'é 'sa porcarìa?,What is this shit?,pms_Latn-eng_Latn "A vojàutri ëv pias nèn la cicolata, neh?","You don't like chocolate, do you?",pms_Latn-eng_Latn I l'hai fàit na spassëggiada.,I took a walk.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn La festa a l'era organisà da Mac.,The party was organized by Mac.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Chiel a l'ha dëstissà la lus.,He turned off the light.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Tom a l'ha mostrame 'mé dovré soa telecàmera.,Tom showed me how to use his camera.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Quand ch'i son dësvijame a la matin a-i j'era gnun an cà. I son ëstaita bandonà për tut ël di.,"When I woke up in the morning, there was no one in the house. I was abandoned for the whole day.",pms_Latn-eng_Latn Élo nen bel?,Isn't it nice?,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Tùit a son content an mia famija.,Everyone in my family is happy.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Dësmentieve nèn Tom.,Don't forget Tom.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Catte la version antrèja!,Buy the full version.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Noi i soma stàit fortunà a trové nòstre ciav.,We were lucky to find our keys.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn I l'hai mai 'vù dij problema con lòn.,I've never had a problem with it.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn La meisin-a a l'ha curalo da soa maladìa.,The medicine cured him of his illness.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Mi i peul féila.,I can manage.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Mè frel adess a l'é an Austràlia,My brother is now in Australia.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Lor a j'ero nèn a ca jer.,They weren't at home yesterday.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn "Am pias la carn, ël formagg e 'j sanguiss a la tomàtica.","I like meat, cheese and tomato sandwiches.",pms_Latn-eng_Latn Al di d'ancheuj ël Burj Khalifa a l'é 'l palass pì àut dël mond.,Burj Khalifa is currently the tallest skyscraper in the world.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn I l'avrìa dovù detlo pì prèst.,I should've given you this sooner.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn A l'é pericolos nové an cost lagh-sì.,It's dangerous to swim in this lake.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Chiel a l'ha sèmper la prima paròla.,He always has the first word.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Peulne cangé 'd sòld?,Where can I exchange money?,pms_Latn-eng_Latn It pense ch'i smijo a mè frel?,Do you think I look like my brother?,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Tom a l'é orgojos ëd lòn ch'a l'ha fàit.,Tom is proud of what he's done.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Mi i l'avìa nèn ideja 'd lòn ch'i j'era 'n camin ch'i fasìa.,I had no idea what I was doing.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn "Tl'has falo apòsta, halo?","You made the mistake on purpose, didn't you?",pms_Latn-eng_Latn I pensava ch'i l'avèisse fam.,I thought you were hungry.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Tom a smija pròpe nojà.,Tom looks very bored.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Un canarin a l'é 'n cit osel e la gent dle vòlte a lo ten coma animal doméstich.,A canary is a small bird and people sometimes keep it as a pet.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn A bogia lest.,He moves quickly.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Am pias ëscalé le montagne.,I like climbing mountains.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn "Sensa vorèj, chiel a l'ha dit a chila pròpe lòn che chila a vorìa savèj.","Unwittingly, he told her exactly what she wanted to know.",pms_Latn-eng_Latn Ët t'arcòrde?,Do you remember?,pms_Latn-eng_Latn "Për piasèj, dilo an anglèis.",Please say it in English.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn A l'ha falo mach për piasèj.,He did it just for fun.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Chila a l'ha vorsù che chiel a-j disìa ch'a l'amava.,She wanted him to say that he loved her.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn "An cas ëd feu, sgnaché 'l boton.","In case of fire, push the button.",pms_Latn-eng_Latn Tom a dësmentia mai un nòm o na cera.,Tom never forgets a name or a face.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn La mùsica a esprim lòn ch'a peul nen esse dit e dzora che as peul nen resté ciuto.,Music expresses that which cannot be said and on which it is impossible to be silent.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Tom a l'era pì bon.,Tom was better.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Dame n'ora.,Give me one hour.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn I l'hai 'vù 'n cit agiut da n'amis.,I had a little help from a friend.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn I vodrìa lese quaj lìber an su Lincoln.,I would like to read some books about Lincoln.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Lor a son dij mè amis.,They're friends of mine.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn I sentoma la ciòca dla cesa da sì.,We hear the church bell from here.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn I soma nèn ëstàit bon ëd capì soa lògica.,We couldn't understand her logic.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Tom a dev perde 'n pòch ëd pèis.,Tom needs to lose some weight.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Chila a dovìa spartì na stansia con soa seur.,She had to share a bedroom with her sister.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn I travaj fin-a ëd dumìnica.,I work even on Sunday.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn It l'has-to temp ëd bèive quajcòs?,Do you have time to drink something?,pms_Latn-eng_Latn A còsa ch'al giba col òmo àut?,What's that tall man playing?,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Am fa vnì da campé via.,I'm going to be sick.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn A la fin còsa ch'it l'has catà l'àutër dì?,"Finally, What did you buy the last day?",pms_Latn-eng_Latn Ij sò euj a son bleu.,His eyes are blue.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn A-i é quajcòs ch'i veul feve sente.,There's something I want you to hear.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Sinch pì tre a fa eut.,Five and three is eight.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn L'Orient Express a partrà dal binari doi a ses ore dla matin.,The Orient Express will depart from platform two at 6 a.m.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Ël tèit ëd cà mia a l'é ross.,The roof of my house is red.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Mi i son content.,I am happy.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Tom a l'ha dit ch'a podìa nèn chërde sòn.,Tom said that he couldn't believe it.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Tom a podrìa esse ant ël parch con ij sò amis.,Tom might be in the park with his friends.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Vojàutri i deve giutela.,You must help her.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Coj jeans a son pròpe bej.,Those jeans are really cute.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn I son content dël risultà 'd mia verifica 'd matemàtica.,I am satisfied with the result of my math test.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn A toca a mi.,It's my turn.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn A-i é motobin ëd gent ëstran-a an palestra a la matin a quatr ore. E con fierëssa mi i son un ëd lor.,"There are a lot of weirdos at the gym at 4 in the morning. And proudly, I'm one of them.",pms_Latn-eng_Latn Noi i l'oma da manca 'd toa guida.,We need your guidance.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Tom a përmëtrà a gnun ëd giuté Mary.,Tom won't let anyone help Mary.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn As lavo ij dent doe vòlte al di.,They brush their teeth twice a day.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn I l'avìa divlo!,I told you so!,pms_Latn-eng_Latn I dev tajeme ij cavij.,I must get my hair cut.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Tom a l'ha promess ch'a farà mai pì lòn.,Tom promised he'd never do that again.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Mi i veul nèn ch'a lo voga.,I don't want him to see it.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn I pens ch'i j'era già sì.,I think I was already here.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn I seve an perìcol?,Are you in danger?,pms_Latn-eng_Latn "Noi i vendoma piat ëd metal, carta e bosch.","We sell metal, paper, and wooden plates.",pms_Latn-eng_Latn Mi i l'hai manca 'd na càmera dobia.,I need a double room.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Veus-to resté për dabon?,Do you really want to stay?,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Mi i son sì an vacansa.,I'm here on vacation.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Chila a pensa mai a chiel.,She never thinks about him.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn I sai nen.,I don't know.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Vala?,How are things?,pms_Latn-eng_Latn "I 'ndoma al mercà, an savend che Tom a l'é là.","We go to the market, knowing that Tom is there.",pms_Latn-eng_Latn Le masnà a van a scòla?,Do the children go to school?,pms_Latn-eng_Latn A-i é gnun-a rëspòsta a toa arcesta.,There is no anwser for your question.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Ël fjolòt a l'é an camin c'a sàuta.,The boy is jumping.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn "É, a-i son doe bon-e rason.","Yes, there are two important reasons.",pms_Latn-eng_Latn Col-là a l'é nòstr pare.,That is our father.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn "Se antlora a l'avèissa nèn sgarà temp, adess a sarìa già bele pront.","If he hadn't wasted time, he'd be finished by now.",pms_Latn-eng_Latn Susan a l'é na brava cusinera.,Susan is a good cook.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Vogoma còsa ch'a peul dine Tom.,Let's see what Tom can tell us.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn La cobia a marciava a la lus ëd la lun-a an tenendse për man.,The couple walked holding hands in the moonlight.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Përché i reste nèn sì?,Why don't you stay there?,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Pòrta 's lìber andrera a chiel.,Take this book back to him.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn 'T pias ël vin ross?,Do you like red wine?,pms_Latn-eng_Latn J'edifissi an bosch a pijo feu facilment.,Wooden buildings catch fire easily.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Cole paròle a son da 'mprende.,These words are for learning.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Cola fomna a l'ha catà 'n cit.,That woman has had a child.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Mi i l'hai doi fieuj e doe fije.,I have two sons and two daughters.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Tom a l'ha dësvijà Mary a ses e mesa e chila a l'era nèn contenta 'd sòn.,Tom woke Mary up at 6:30 and she wasn't happy about that.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn A peul dese ch'a pijo la màchina.,They might take the car.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Am na fà gnente.,I don't care about that.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn A travaja dur.,He works very hard.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn "Ven a deme na man, për piasì!","Come lend me a hand, please!",pms_Latn-eng_Latn Cò a-i é?,What's going on?,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Lo san mach lor lòn ch'a diso.,Just themselves know what they're saying.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn "Na bira, për piasì.","A beer, please.",pms_Latn-eng_Latn Chiel a dovìa spartì na stansia con sò frel.,He had to share his bedroom with his brother.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Am smija 'n pòch cita për mariesse.,She looks a little young to get married.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn It giutró a sté mej.,I'm going to help you get better.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Tom a discut mai dël sò travaj con Mary.,Tom never discusses his work with Mary.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Motobin ben. I lo pijró.,All right. I'll take it.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn A l'ha nen manca 'd travajé.,There is no need for him to work.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn I la speto sì.,I'm waiting for her to come here.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Cost lìber-sì a l'é 'd mè pare.,This book is my father's.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn I pens che Tom a condivida 'n linea tròpe anformassion përsonaj.,I think Tom shares too much personal information online.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn I son rivà andrinta da la fnestra.,I climbed in through the window.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn A l'ha ciamaje dal general d'artiré 'l comand.,He asked the general to take back his order.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Tom a sa coma giutene.,Tom knows how to help us.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Mi i parlo nen 'l giaponèis.,I don't speak Japanese.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn It l'has dla pitura 'doss.,You've got paint on you.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Chiel a l'é an su n'àutr teléfono.,He is on another phone.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Tom a l'avìa gnente da dì.,Tom didn't have anything to say.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn A Tom a-j pias nèn coma ch'a canta la Maria.,Tom doesn't like the way Mary sings.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Mi i j'era giovo e i vorìa vive.,"I was young, and I wanted to live.",pms_Latn-eng_Latn A l'é për lòn che quaj veteran a l'ha mai vorù parlé dla guèra.,That's why some veterans never wanted to talk about the war.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn A l'é 'n longh viagi fin a Boston.,It's a long way to Boston.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Brav ch'it ses ëvnùit a troveme: i calo 'n cròta a pijé na bota 'd vin ross.,That's nice you came to visit me: I'll go get a bottle of red wine from the cellar.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn I l'hai d'andé a trové Tomaso.,I must go and find Tom.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Chiel a l'ha lesù trantetrè lìber st'ann.,He's read thirty-three books this year.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn La rivolussion a l'ha portà motobin ëd cambiament.,The revolution has brought about many changes.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Cola lì a l'é la teorìa.,That's the theory.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn I son sicur ëd sossì.,I'm sure of this.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Ven sì!,Get in here!,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Tom a l'ha manca 'd soa meisin-a.,Tom needs his medicine.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Ancoragela nèn.,Don't encourage her.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Piantla 'd pioré 'mé 'n matòt!,Stop crying like a little girl.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn "I l'hai 'n fieul e na fija. Mè fieul a l'é a New York, e mia fija a l'é a Londra.","I have a son and a daughter. My son is in New York, and my daughter is in London.",pms_Latn-eng_Latn Sensa eva a-i sarìa nèn vita an sla Tera.,"If it were not for water, there would be no life on the earth.",pms_Latn-eng_Latn Ël médich a l'ha tocame 'l pols.,The doctor felt my pulse.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Da antlora piuré a l'é stàit proibì.,"Since that time, crying has been forbidden.",pms_Latn-eng_Latn I sai ch'i imparëró tant.,I know I'm going to learn a lot.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn I veuj nen duverté la fnestra.,I don't want to open the window.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn I cognòss gnun-e canson an fransèis.,I don't know any French songs.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Ancheuj a l'é 'l mè compleann.,Today is my birthday.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Ël geofìsich a mostra ant la scòla.,The geophysicist teaches in the school.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn I l'hai mai vist doe përson-e annamorà coma Tom e Mary.,I've never seen two people so much in love as Tom and Mary.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Chiel a l'era consapévol ëd sò eror.,He was conscious of his mistake.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Ti 't veul mach la potensa.,All you want is power.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Tom e soa granda a l'han andà an librerìa.,Tom and his grandmother went to the bookstore.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Sti lìber-sì a son vej.,These books are old.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn I l'hai dije ch'a dovìo fé gnente.,I told them they didn't have to do anything.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn I son an camin ch'i serch mie ciav.,I'm looking for my keys.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Mi i veul vogh-ve 'l prima possìbil.,I want to see you as soon as possible.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Traverse le pont.,Cross the bridge.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Mi i vriss un pess.,I'd like a fish.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Ël fransèis a l'é soa lenga mare.,French is her native language.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Al di d'ancheuj ël Burj Khalifa a l'é 'l gratacel pì àut dël mond.,Currently Burj Khalifa is the tallest skyscraper in the world.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn "Da quand ch'a l'é vej, cost còmpit-sì a l'é difìcil për chiel.","Since he is old, this task must be difficult for him.",pms_Latn-eng_Latn I pens ch'it dovrisse torné a Boston.,I think you should come back to Boston.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Varda la strà.,Watch the road.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn L'integrità a l'ha nèn da manca 'd régole.,Integrity has no need of rules.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom a varda nèn la television ansema a chila, neh?","Tom doesn't watch TV with you, does he?",pms_Latn-eng_Latn "Qualsëssia ròba ch'at dise, mi im mariereu con chila.","Whatever you say, I'll marry her.",pms_Latn-eng_Latn A l'é nen possìbil.,It isn't possible.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn A Tom a pias soa màchina neuva.,Tom likes his new car.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn I peule dovrelo mach na vira.,You can only use it once.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Disoma a Tom ch'i soma tròp ëstrache për andé 'nté chiel ëstaneuit.,Let's tell Tom we're too tired to come over tonight.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Mia schin-a am massa!,My back is killing me.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Còsa ch'it l'has fàit a 'l pòver Tom?,What've you done to Tom?,pms_Latn-eng_Latn A l'é pròpe na bon-a ideja.,That's really a great idea.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn I son sigur ëd podèj fé mej.,I'm sure I can do better.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn A parla anglèis e fransèis.,He speaks English and French.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn A riess a voghe la fotografìa?,Can you see the picture?,pms_Latn-eng_Latn """Provoma 'd fé nòssa torta 'd rave për ël prim ëd l'ann Cinèis!"" ""A m'ësmija bel da fé, ma i son tròp gargh për buteme a fé da mangé.""","""Let's try to make our own turnip cakes for Chinese New Year!"" ""That sounds like a good idea, but I'm too lazy to cook.""",pms_Latn-eng_Latn Sërcoma 'd trové còsa ch'i podoma fé për giuté.,Let's find out what we can do to help.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn I chërdìa pa 'd trovete bele sì.,I didn't expect you to be here.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn I pens nèn ch'a sia na decision difìcila.,I don't think it's a difficult decision.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn I-i soma mach noi bele sì.,We're the only guys here.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Tom a l'é rivà për ùltim.,Tom was the last to arrive.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Tùit doi i l'eve fàit ben.,You both did well.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Ven quand ch'it veule.,Come whenever you'd like.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Ambelessì as peul nen gieughe al baseball.,You can't play baseball here.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn A conòss ben sta sità-sì.,He knows this city very well.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Ël fieul a l'é restàss-ne ciuto.,The boy remained silent.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn It faras pro ben.,You'll do just fine.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Tom a l'era motobin rilassà.,Tom was very relaxed.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn I l'hai un fieul.,I have a son.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Chi a l'é cola gent?,Who are those people?,pms_Latn-eng_Latn It l'has pijà mie barìcole.,You've got my goggles.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn A l'é 'rivà a Tokyo a tre agn.,He came to Tokyo at the age of three.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Chiel a l'é lontan da cà.,He is away from home.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Së drapò sì a l'é franch bel.,This flag is very beautiful.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Vàire ch'a na stan an costa sità?,"What's this city's population, approximately?",pms_Latn-eng_Latn As alva nen prest.,He does not get up early.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn A son tuti content.,All are happy.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn "Alora, it lo catras o nò?","So, are you going to buy that or not?",pms_Latn-eng_Latn "Lòn che a ti at smija sempi, a mi am smija complicà.",What seems simple to you seems complex to me.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn It lo sas? A chila a-j piaso le béstie.,"She likes animals, you know?",pms_Latn-eng_Latn I sai ch'i l'eve por.,I know you're scared.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Am piasrìa savèj s'a l'é vèj.,I'd like to know if that's true.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Chiel a parla 'l portoghèis.,He speaks Portuguese.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Përchè a l'é nen ëvnùa?,Why didn't she come?,pms_Latn-eng_Latn I lo s-ciàiro ch'a riva da 'd là dël pont.,I see him coming over the bridge.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn "Madama, ch'as serva pure da sola.","Please, madam, help yourself!",pms_Latn-eng_Latn Chila a l'é tajasse na man con 'n cotel.,She cut her hand with a knife.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn 'T parle anglèis?,Do you speak English?,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Ël lìber a l'é 'n sla tàula.,The book is on the table.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Un a l'é ross e l'àutr a l'é bianch.,One is red and the other is white.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn "I veul meuire, ma i peul nèn.","I want to die, but I cannot.",pms_Latn-eng_Latn Mia morosa a conòss anco' nèn ij mè genitor.,My girlfriend still doesn't know my parents.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn La Croassia a l'é 'nt la part sud oriental dl'Euròpa.,Croatia is in the southeastern part of Europe.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn A-i é n'intrada fàcil a la riva.,There is easy access to the beach.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn At ses dastrà simpàtich.,You are very nice.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn "A-i é gnente da fé, a part ëspeté.",There's nothing to do but wait.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn I l'hai doi gat.,I have two cats.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn La lenga mare dla Julia a l'é l'italian.,Julia's native language is Italian.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Nòsta lenga mare a l'é 'l giaponèis.,Our native language is Japanese.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Cojonme nèn.,Don't deceive me.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Mi i son mai ëstat an Flòrida.,I have never gone to Florida.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn I podoma nèn licensiele?,Can't we fire them?,pms_Latn-eng_Latn A dev esse dòp mesaneuit.,It must be past midnight.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn I son bon a lese l'anglèis.,I am able to read English.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn I dovoma 'rman-e dësvijà.,We have to stay awake.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn It l'has cost lìber neuv-sì?,Do you have this new book?,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Im rend cont ch'i l'hai ofendute.,I'm afraid I've offended you.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn "Cò' a l'é 'n ""terpomo""? Un pom ant la tera, o na patata?","What is 'terpomo'? An apple in the ground, or a potato?",pms_Latn-eng_Latn It l'has confodù la margarin-a con ël butir?,Did you mistake the margarine for butter?,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Antlora it ses ël frel giovo 'd Tomas.,You must be Tom's younger brother.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Cost problema-sì a l'é tròp difìcil da afronté.,This problem is too difficult to deal with.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Vàire temp ch'a resta?,How much time is left?,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Tùit a savìo che chila a parlava motobin bin l'anglèis.,Everybody knew that she spoke very good English.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn I sper che cost bel temp a dura fin a la fin dla sman-a.,I hope this fine weather lasts till the weekend.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Të sté da sola?,Do you live alone?,pms_Latn-eng_Latn "A l'é pà na fras, costa-sì.",This is not a sentence.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Chiel a l'é mai sortù.,He never went out.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn La tor a l'é àuta tërzentvintun méter.,The tower is three hundred and twenty-one meters high.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn "A l'é fantàstich, neh?","That's awesome, right?",pms_Latn-eng_Latn Am pias anvestì sold an proget anteressant.,I like to invest money in interesting projects.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn It peule lese qualsëssia lìber ch'a të anteressa.,You can read any book that interests you.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Ij temp a cambio.,Times are changing.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Meraco i seurto se la pieuva a chita.,I may go out if the rain lets up.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Mandme toa fotografia!,Send me a picture of yourself.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Mi i 't conòsso nen.,I don't know you.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn A l'é 'l mej porté 'n caplin an testa ant ij frèid invern ëd Mosca.,It's best to wear a cap on your head during the cold Moscow winters.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Për chiel la fam a l'era mach teoria; a l'ha sempre avune sè da mangé.,"To him, hunger was an abstract concept; he always had enough to eat.",pms_Latn-eng_Latn La matemàtica am pias pa vàire.,I do not like mathematics very much.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn I sai coma ch'a së scriv.,I know how it is written.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn I son nen bon ëd balé la sala: gnanca 'n pass.,I cannot dance one single step of Salsa.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Ij campagnin a fan ësvens dj'àutri travajet për vagné 'd pì.,Farmers often moonlight to supplement their incomes.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Tuti a son divertisse.,Everybody had a good time.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Ël pare a l'é brav.,Father is a good person.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn A l'é mè pare.,He is my father.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Ch'a l'abio lòn ch'a son meritasse.,Let them have a taste of their own medicine.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn It ses mè pare.,You are my father.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn La mare la ama ij fieuj.,The mother loves her children.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn I son rivà tard a scòla.,I was late to school.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Maria a l'é na mare.,Mary is a mother.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn A l'é mia mare.,This is my mother.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Emilia a l'é na mare.,Emily is a mother.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn I son rivà tard ant la discussion e a la fin l'hai perdume la part gròssa.,I was late for the meeting with the result that I missed the most important part.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Lassa ch'it disa dle orìgin ëd costa scòla-sì.,Let me tell you about the origin of this school.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn A l'é tò fieul.,He's your son.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Tom a l'era nèn n'òmo përfet.,Tom was not a perfect man.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Pija l'àutra cadrega!,Take the other chair!,pms_Latn-eng_Latn La cà a l'é frèida.,The house is cold.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn La cà a l'é 'd bosch.,This is a wooden house.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn I bèiv nèn prima 'd mesdì.,I don't drink before noon.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn A l'ha dame lòn ch'i l'avìa da manca.,He gave me what I needed.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Ch'a costa lòn ch'a costa!,It doesn't matter how much it costs.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn I smijo a mia mare.,I resemble my mother.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Tom a l'avrìa nèn dovù lasse guidé Mary.,Tom shouldn't have let Mary drive.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn A fonsion-a nèn bin përchè le pile a son ëscàriche.,It's not working well because the batteries are weak.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn "S'it veule andé a studié ant l'Amèrica, it l'has ëbzògn d'un vist da student.","If you want to study in the United States, you need to get a student visa.",pms_Latn-eng_Latn Mi i chërd a Ken.,I believe in Ken.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn A l'é sò travaj.,She is responsible for it.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Guarda cola fum-là!,Look at that smoke.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn I pairavo beiché 'l tramont da la fnestra.,We could see the sunset from the window.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Mi i l'hai dave tut lòn ch'i vorìe.,I gave you everything you wanted.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Costa organisassion-sì a peul nèn esiste sensa vojàutri.,This organization cannot exist without you.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn La democrassìa a l'ha orìgin ant l'antica Grecia.,Democracy originated in Ancient Greece.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn It l'has-to 'arcordate 'd caté le candèile?,Did you remember to buy candles?,pms_Latn-eng_Latn """123456"" a l'é na password dovrà sovens.","""123456"" is a frequently-used password.",pms_Latn-eng_Latn It l'has pròpi da andé 'n là adsadess.,You've gotta get over there right now.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn A l'é top fòra.,It's all dark outside.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn I l'hai sentù 'l son ëd la bataja.,I heard the sound of battle.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Cò' ch'a l'é rivà? A l'é pien d'eva dëspërtut antëcà.,What happened? There's water all over the apartment.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Tom a l'ha dit ch'a chërdìa nèn lòn-lì.,Tom said he didn't believe it.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn I son tròp vej për ës mond.,I am too old for this world.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Noi i soma content.,We are happy.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Për piasì les col lìber-lì.,Please read that book.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Lòn ch'it l'has nen a l'é mej 'd lòn ch'it l'has zà.,What you don't have is better than what you do have.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn A l'é mai tròp tard për amprende.,Nobody is too old to learn.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Mi im fid ëd chiel.,I have confidence in him.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn I l'eve fam?,Are you hungry?,pms_Latn-eng_Latn I l'hai tribulà a feme sente 'nt ël ciadel.,I found it difficult to make myself heard due to the noise.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn "Se lòn a l'é ver, alora Tom a l'é nossent.","If that's true, then Tom is innocent.",pms_Latn-eng_Latn "Pare nòstr, ch'it ses ant ij Cej, ch'a sia santificà tò nòm, ch'a ven-a tò regn, ch'as fasa toa volontà, coma 'n cel parèj an tèra. Dane ancheuj nòstr pan cotidian, e përdon-ne ij nòstri débit, coma noi i-j përdonoma ai nòstri debitor. E fane nen droché an tentassion, ma liber-ne da la mal.","Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us, and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.",pms_Latn-eng_Latn Bon-a sèira. I vrìa 'n bicér ëd làit.,Good evening. I'd like a glass of milk.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn I faró n'ecession për ësta vòlta.,I'll make an exception this time.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Basta ch'it lese l'artìcol për capì coma ch'a l'é stàit brut col incident-lì.,You'll understand how terrible this accident was when you read the article.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Voiàutri iv sente tuti parèj?,Do you all feel that way?,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Quanch i mangioma? I l'hai fam.,When are we eating? I'm hungry!,pms_Latn-eng_Latn "Gnun problema, i podoma giuteve.","No problem, we can help you.",pms_Latn-eng_Latn I peul nèn tiré ij cavej a Taninna. Chila a l'é motobin pì àuta che mi.,I cannot pull Taninna's hair. She's much taller than me.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn I l'oma già 'ncontrasse prima?,Have we met before?,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Sossì a l'é nèn mè.,This isn't mine.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Lor a j'ero 'ndà an Ëspagna për ëstudié a l'università.,They went to Spain to study in the university.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn I cognòsse monsù Takahashi?,Do you know Mr Takahashi?,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Mè telefonin a l'é rot.,My mobile phone is broken.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Tom a l'ha motobin da spieghé.,Tom has a lot to explain.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Ciama nèn fòl col ëstudent.,Don't call that student a fool.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Tom a l'ha dovù 'rman-e an ospidal për na sman-a.,Tom had to stay in the hospital for a week.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Toa pression dël sangh a l'é motobin àuta.,Your blood pressure is very high.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn """Chi a l'é?"" ""A l'é toa mare"".","""Who is it?"" ""It's your mother.""",pms_Latn-eng_Latn "Për piasì, pior nen.",Please don't cry.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn I son content d'esse con ti.,I am glad to be with you.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Ëv rancontrëroma là.,We'll meet you there.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn I l'hai rischià tut.,I've risked everything.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn "Con tut ël temp ch'i l'heu, i l'heu decidù d'ëstudié Fransèis.","Having lots of free time, I've decided to study French.",pms_Latn-eng_Latn Coste scarpe-sì a son motobin còmode.,These shoes are very comfortable.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Dì mach a gnun anté ch'it l'has 'vù sossì.,Just don't tell anybody where you got this.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Cò' diav ch'a l'é sossì?,What on earth is this?,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Dabon? I savìa nèn ch'a fussa toa seur.,Really? I didn't know she was your sister.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Mia lenga mare a l'é 'l giaponèis.,My mother tongue is Japanese.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn L'anglèis a l'é nèn mia lenga mare.,English is not my native language.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn As peul nen ëstudié 'nt ës ciadel-sì.,One cannot study in such noise.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Lë spagneul a l'é soa lenga mare.,Spanish is her native language.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Su tute doe le rive dla strà a-i é 'd mur vej.,On both sides of the road there are old walls.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn I veul andé voghe 'n film.,I want to go to see a film.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn L'anglèis a l'é mia lenga mare.,English is my native language.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Mi i l'hai mai imaginà quajcòs dël géner.,I never imagined anything like this.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Costa-sì a l'é n'ideja mata.,This is a crazy idea.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn A l'é pront adess.,He's ready now.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn I na veul mach un.,I only want one.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Tom a l'ha nèn amis.,Tom has no friends.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Dle vòlte Jane a va a scòla 'd corsa.,Jane sometimes runs to school.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Chiel a l'é partì dòp mi.,He left after me.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Motobin ëd coste costrussion-sì a son Sit dl'Ardità Mondial.,A great number of these buildings are World Heritage Sites.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn A son ëmlon.,They are melons.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Chi a l'ha mandala sì?,Who sent you here?,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Anciocomse.,Let's get drunk.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Ël sol a l'é 'l sènter dël sistema solar.,The Sun is in the center of the solar system.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn A l'ha giugà a carte con Roy.,She played cards with Roy.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Voi i piase a Tom?,Does Tom like you?,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Se doman a pieuv i staroma a cà.,"If it rains tomorrow, we'll stay at home.",pms_Latn-eng_Latn Am piaso i video-gieugh.,I love video games.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn L'has-to trovà quajcòs ant la stànsia?,Did you find anything in the room?,pms_Latn-eng_Latn A l'han massà na crava për sacrifichela a Dio.,They killed a goat as a sacrifice to God.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn I peul nèn ditlo.,I can't tell you that.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Ël dann a l'é fàit.,The damage has been done.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Chila a sa gnente 'd soa famija.,She doesn't know anything about her family.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn I spet ës viagi.,I'm waiting for this trip.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn I l'hai dësmentecame 'l lìber a cà.,I forgot the book at home.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn "Prima 'd tut, conta nèn dle busìe.","Above all, don't tell a lie.",pms_Latn-eng_Latn "Ël passà a peul mach esse conossù, nèn cambià. Ël futur a peul mach esse cambià, nèn conossù.","The past can only be known, not changed. The future can only be changed, not known.",pms_Latn-eng_Latn Chila a l'ha mentì dal prinsipi a la fin.,She lied from start to finish.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn A-i é gnente ch'i podoma fé për salvé Tom a 's pont-sì. Tut lòn ch'i podoma fé a l'é preghé.,There's nothing we can do to save Tom at this point. All we can do is pray.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn 'T pense che Tom a l'àbia fam?,Do you think Tom is hungry?,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Chiel a l'ha nèn lesù 'l lìber.,He did not read the book.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Sòn-sì a dovrìa fonsioné.,This should work.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Scrive con na piuma.,Write with a pen.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Mi i l'hai pì car ël cafè.,I prefer coffee.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn I l'hai trovà la sità an sla cartin-a.,I located the town on the map.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn A l'ha dame na rispòsta sensa sens.,He gave a vague answer.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Mary a l'é nèn la mia morosa. A l'é mach n'amisa.,Mary isn't my girlfriend. She's just a friend.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Lass-me mostrete.,Let me show you.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn I l'avìa l'abitùdin ëd gibé a tennis ansema a chiel a la dumìnica.,I used to play tennis with him on Sunday.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Fame savej s'it peule felo doman.,Let me know if you can make it tomorrow.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Tom a l'ha dij problema a sté dësvij an class.,Tom has trouble staying awake in class.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Tò métod a l'é divers dal mè.,Your method is different from mine.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Chila a l'ha provà na neuva técnica.,She tried a new technique.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Cost a l'é 'l tò destin.,This is your fate.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Solitament j'òmo a son pì 'nteressà dle fomne a jë spòrt.,Men are usually more interested in sports than women are.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Mi i veul che Tom a sia butà an përzon.,I want Tom put in prison.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn 'T deve sté a let.,You have to stay in bed.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Andevne pa.,Don't go away.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Mi i sai cò' a l'é col tòch ëd papé-lì.,I know what that piece of paper is.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Chiel a l'é fortunà a 'vej na fomna tant brava.,He is fortunate having such a good wife.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn "La matemàtica pura a l'é, a soa manera, la poesia dle ideje lògiche.","Pure mathematics is, in its way, the poetry of logical ideas.",pms_Latn-eng_Latn Soa conta a l'ha motobin divertine.,His story amused us very much.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Ti 't dovìe vardé ël masnà.,You were supposed to be watching the baby.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Chila a l'era 'ndàita an Almagna a studié meisin-a.,She went to Germany to study medicine.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Lor a vivo an miséria.,They live in poverty.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn "Dame 'l teléfon, va bin?","Give me the phone, OK?",pms_Latn-eng_Latn Costa-sì a l'é stàita l'ùltima conversassion ch'i l'hai 'vù con mia mare an propòsit ëd Terry Tate.,This was the last conversation I had with my mother about Terry Tate.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Anvitla vardé 'n cine.,Invite her over to watch a movie.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn It l'has quajcòs da dì?,Do you have something to say?,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Tom a sarà nèn peuj tant difìcil da convince.,Tom won't be that hard to convince.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn A-i é manca d'agn prima 'd guerné na lenga strangera.,It takes years to master a foreign language.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Chiel andarà an sità.,He'll go to town.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Buta le man su la testa!,Put your hands on your head!,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Cò' 't l'has trovà?,What've you found?,pms_Latn-eng_Latn A l'é 'n test difìcil da capì.,It's a difficult text to understand.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Còsa ch'it pense dla guèra?,What do you think of war?,pms_Latn-eng_Latn "I veul nèn vogh-lo, e meno 'ncora seurte 'nsema a chiel.","I don't want to see him, let alone go out with him.",pms_Latn-eng_Latn Tom a l'é nèn bon a guidé na màchina.,Tom can't drive a car.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn L'òmo a l'é l'ùnica bestia ch'a dòvra 'l feu.,Man is the only fire-using animal.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn I l'avré manca d'un tornavis.,You'll need a screwdriver.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn A l'é tròp tard?,Is that too late?,pms_Latn-eng_Latn "Chila, tra tuti, a farissa nèn na ròba parèj.","She, of all people, wouldn't do such a thing.",pms_Latn-eng_Latn "'T ses costumà a 'ndé deurme bonora, neh?","You are an early riser, aren't you?",pms_Latn-eng_Latn Taja sòn-sì an tòch pròpe cit.,Cut this into very fine pieces.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn L'eva a gèila a 32 grad Fahrenheit.,Water freezes at 32 degrees Fahrenheit.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Mi i son ancora 'ndurmìa.,I'm still sleepy.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn "Leslo 'ncora na vira, për piasì.","Read it once more, please.",pms_Latn-eng_Latn Ël dotor a l'ha nèn dame 'l përmess ëd seurte.,The doctor didn't allow me to go out.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Costa a l'é la cà 'nté ch'a stavo quand ch'a j'ero cit.,This is the house in which they lived when they were children.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn A sa 'nté ch'a son soe ciav?,Do you know where your keys are?,pms_Latn-eng_Latn 'T sas chi ch'i son?,Do you know who I am?,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Motobin dij mè amis a san parlé Fransèis.,Many of my friends can speak French.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Tom a l'ha parlà con gnun.,Tom didn't talk to anyone.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Pero a l'é vnù quand che ti 't j'eri fòra.,Peter came in your absence.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn La gent a-j veul bin për sò esse amàbil.,People like him because of his friendliness.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Mè pare a fuma.,My father smokes.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Përché chiel a l'é tant gentil con mi?,Why is she so nice to me?,pms_Latn-eng_Latn I l'hai 'n amis an Spagna ch'a parla sinch lenghe.,I have a friend in Spain who speaks five languages.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn "'T has na famija, Tom?","Do you have a family, Tom?",pms_Latn-eng_Latn "Cat-lo për mi, për piasì.","Buy it for me, please.",pms_Latn-eng_Latn A chiel a-j pias lese artìcol sientìfich.,He enjoys reading scientific articles.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn "Monsù, anvisché vòstri motor!","Gentlemen, start your engines.",pms_Latn-eng_Latn Ël polìtich a disìa che chiel a l'avìa pagà tute soe tasse e fàit gnente d'ilegal.,The politician said that he had paid all his taxes and done nothing illegal.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn I l'hai beivù dël cafè.,I drank coffee.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Ehi! Scott! Paga mè cont!,Hey! Scott! Pay my bill!,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Ij cardinaj a l'han elegiù un neuv papa.,The cardinals have elected a new pope.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Còsa 't në dise d'un bocon?,How about a snack?,pms_Latn-eng_Latn A j'era 'n lìber an sla tàula?,Was there a book on the desk?,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Chi ch'a l'é nèn ampiegà?,Who's not busy?,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Da 'ntlora chiel a l'ha pì nèn parlame.,From then he hasn't talked to me any more.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn 'T farisse mej a nèn fumé an soa presensa.,You should better not smoke in his presence.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn I 'ndaró a Boston.,I'll go to Boston.,pms_Latn-eng_Latn Rodzina jadła razem kolację.,The family dined together.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Czy jeździsz do szkoły autobusem?,Do you go to school by bus?,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Nie możesz iść dzisiaj na zakupy.,You can't go shopping today.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Mój siostrzeniec przyglądał się zwierzętom w zoo.,My nephew watched the animals in the zoo.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn John ma nadzieję uniezależnić się od rodziców.,John hopes to be independent of his parents.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Czy to jest kot czy pies?,Is it a cat or a dog?,pol_Latn-eng_Latn W kuchni jest kot.,There is a cat in the kitchen.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Jestem waszym tatą.,I'm your dad.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn "Czy kot jest na krześle, czy pod krzesłem?",Is the cat on the chair or under the chair?,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Słyszałam wybuchy.,I heard explosions.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Odniósł rany podczas wypadku samochodowego.,He was hurt in a car accident.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn "Dopiero co ukończyła college, więc brak jej doświadczenia.","She is fresh from college, so she has no experience.",pol_Latn-eng_Latn Na biurku jest książka.,There is a book on the desk.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Kurs trwa dwa tygodnie.,The course lasts a fortnight.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Ile ci płacą za godzinę?,How much is your hourly pay?,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Kocham swoje miasto.,I love my city.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Poprosiliśmy Hanako aby zagrał na pianinie.,We asked Hanako to play the piano.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Masz rozpięty rozporek.,Your flies are undone.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Nie zobaczysz powietrza oczami.,You can't see air with your eyes.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Matematyka jest dla mnie łatwa.,Mathematics is an easy subject for me.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Znam dobrze jej siostrę.,I know her sister well.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Całe miasteczko było bardzo czyste.,The whole town was very clean.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Już przynoszę rachunek.,I'll bring you the bill immediately.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Kto ulepił bałwana?,Who built the snowman?,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Faktycznie mój kot jest bojaźliwy.,The fact is that my cat is shy.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Kupiłem dobry aparat.,I bought a good camera.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Umyj ręce.,Wash your hands.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn To jest mój kot.,That's my pussy.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn On bierze kąpiel każdego ranka.,He takes a bath each morning.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Lubię wyzwania.,I do like a challenge.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Włóż kartę.,Please insert your card.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Francuski wyraz 'chat' znaczy 'kot'.,The French word 'chat' means 'cat'.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn To pagoda.,That's a pagoda.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Kochasz swego męża?,Do you love your husband?,pol_Latn-eng_Latn To nie jest kot. To jest pies.,That's not a cat. It's a dog.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Jestem odważny i mam silną wolę.,I have courage and a strong will.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn O której godzinie nadejdzie koniec świata?,What time is the world going to end?,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Ona woli słuchać niż mówić.,She would rather listen to others than talk herself.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Tom na ciebie patrzy.,Tom is looking at you.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Nieprzyjaciel przyszedł do naszego kraju.,The enemy has come to our country.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn On może przyjść jutro.,He might come tomorrow.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Oto kot.,There is a cat.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn To będzie pierwsza rzecz którą zrobię jutro.,I am going to do it first thing tomorrow.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Nie rzucaj kamieniem w kota.,Don't throw a stone at a cat.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom wie, że nie bardzo mi się to podoba.",Tom knows I'm not very happy about it.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Rząd był zmuszony do wprowadzenia zmian w swojej polityce zagranicznej.,The government was obliged to make changes in its foreign policy.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Twoje ciasto jest pyszne.,Your cake is delicious.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn "Wygląda, że nie bardzo ci się tu podoba.",It looks like you're not very happy here.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Biblioteka jest pośrodku miasta.,The library is in the middle of the city.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Niezależnie od tego jak bardzo będzie się starał i tak nie zmienię zdania.,"No matter how hard he tried, my opinion didn't change.",pol_Latn-eng_Latn Lekarz właśnie powiedział mi kiedy brać każde z lekarstw.,The doctor just tells me when to take each medicine.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Lubi długie spacery po lesie.,He enjoys long walks through the woods.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Policjant złapał biegnącego mężczyznę.,The policeman captured the running man.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Gdzie my jesteśmy?,Where are we?,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Problem rozwiązał się sam.,The problem resolved itself.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Żona zrobiła mi pyszne ciasto jabłkowe.,My wife made me a delicious apple cake.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn "Wygląda na to, że jest szczęśliwy w swojej nowej pracy.",It seems that he is happy with his new job.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Ona jest w toalecie.,She's in the restroom.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Anton regularnie chodzi do spowiedzi.,Anton regularly goes to confession.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Gdzie widziałeś te kobiety?,Where have you seen these women?,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Zawsze dobrze mieć apteczkę pierwszej pomocy w samochodzie.,It's always good to have a first-aid kit in the car.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Większość konsumentów jest przeciwnych plastikowym torebkom.,The majority of consumers are opposed to plastic bags.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn "Sami wie, że Layla go zdradza.",Sami knows Layla is cheating on him.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Gitara elektryczna nie brzmi tak samo jak gitara akustyczna.,An electric guitar doesn't sound the same as an acoustic one.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Mieszkam z jeżem.,I live with a hedgehog.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn "Mylisz się. Nie jestem pesymistą, ale sceptykiem.","You're wrong. I'm not pessimistic, but sceptical.",pol_Latn-eng_Latn Widzisz tego lisa?,Do you see that fox?,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Za późno.,It is too late.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Czasami zachowuje się dziwnie.,His behaviour is sometimes weird.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Wczoraj wybrałem się do zoo.,I went to the zoo yesterday.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Sami ma małe mieszkanko w Kairze.,Sami has a little flat in Cairo.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom, jesteś chudy jak patyk.","Tom, you're as thin as a rake.",pol_Latn-eng_Latn Nie lubię zimnej kawy.,I don't like cold coffee.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Czy jest tam twoja siostra?,Is your sister there?,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Jest tam gdzieś toaleta?,Is there a toilet somewhere?,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Jestem alkoholikiem. Jestem uzależniony od narkotyków. Jestem homoseksualistą. Jestem geniuszem.,I'm an alcoholic. I'm a drug addict. I'm homosexual. I'm a genius.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Jesteś cała mokra.,You're soaking wet.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Jestem wykończony.,I am exhausted.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Cristiano Ronaldo jest piłkarzem.,Cristiano Ronaldo is a football player.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Obiad niedługo będzie gotowy.,Lunch will be ready soon.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Świętą księgą muzułmanów jest Koran.,The holy book of Muslims is the Qur'an.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Nie chcę cię.,I don't want you.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Co będzie na obiad?,What shall we have for lunch?,pol_Latn-eng_Latn "Jest za ciemno, by cokolwiek zobaczyć.",It's too dark to see.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Każda osoba powinna przynieść własny obiad.,Every person is expected to bring their own lunch.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Nie musisz przynosić własnego obiadu.,You do not have to bring your lunch.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn "Według gazety, ostatniej nocy miał miejsce wielki pożar.","According to the newspaper, there was a big fire last night.",pol_Latn-eng_Latn "Najgłębszym kanionem na świecie jest Tsangpo, biegnący wzdłuż rzeki Yarlung Tsangpo w Tybecie. Kanion jest głęboki na prawie 3,5 mili i nieznacznie dłuższy niż Wielki Kanion.","The deepest canyon in the world is the Tsangpo Canyon, along the Yarlung Tsangpo River in Tibet. The canyon is almost 3.5 miles deep and is slightly longer than the Grand Canyon.",pol_Latn-eng_Latn Chciałbym jechać do USA.,I would like to go to the USA.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Sami awansował Laylę zamiast Farida.,Sami promoted Layla over Farid.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Z początku wszyscy byli przekonani o jego niewinności.,At first everybody was convinced of his innocence.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Powinieneś przepisać to zdanie. Ono nie ma sensu.,You should rewrite this sentence. It doesn't make sense.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn "Sami powiedział, że awansował Laylę zamiast Farida przez pomyłkę.",Sami said he promoted Layla over Farid by mistake.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn On znalazł mój rower.,He found my bicycle.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn "Moja matka często mówiła, że czas to pieniądz.",My mother often said that time is money.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn "Zdejmij płaszcz, proszę.","Take off your coat, please.",pol_Latn-eng_Latn Którym pociągiem zamierzasz jechać?,Which train are you going to take?,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Layla użyła karty kredytowej swojej matki.,Layla used her mother's credit card.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn To tylko mały krokodylek.,It's just a baby crocodile.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn - Czy to sprytne? - Bardzo.,"""Is that clever?"" ""Very.""",pol_Latn-eng_Latn "Czy obiad jest gotowy, mamo?","Is dinner ready, Mom?",pol_Latn-eng_Latn Layla nie goli nóg.,Layla doesn't shave her legs.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Nie lubiłem tego.,I didn't like it.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Zwyczajnie poszedł na przepustkę.,He's just gone on leave.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Po prostu potrzebowałem chwili.,I just needed a minute.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Ja tylko potrzebuję odrobiny snu.,I just need some sleep.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Miałam ten sam problem.,I had the same problem.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Jeszcze nie powiedziałam Tomowi.,I haven't told Tom yet.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Nie radzę tam wchodzić.,I wouldn't go in there.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Nie pomyślałbym o tym.,I wouldn't think of it.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Będę w pobliżu przez cały dzień.,I'll be around all day.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Później do ciebie dołączę.,I'll catch up with you.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn "Dzieci, wstawać!","On your feet, children!",pol_Latn-eng_Latn "Uważam, że jesteś zazdrosny.",I do believe you're jealous.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Nie ma nic ważniejszego niż przyjaźń.,There is nothing more important than friendship.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Nie powinieneś oceniać po wyglądzie.,You shouldn't judge by appearance.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Wpadnę po Toma później.,I'll pick Tom up later.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Przyślę ci rachunek.,I'll send you the bill.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Nie jestem na ciebie zła.,I'm not angry with you.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn "Obawiam się, że Tom nie żyje.",I'm afraid Tom is dead.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Tom jest taki stary.,Tom's so old.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Zwolnią mnie.,I'm going to get fired.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Do tego budynku nie ma wstępu.,This building is off limits now.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Pójdę już do domu.,I'm going to head home.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Tom jest bardzo stary.,Tom is very old.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Odwiedzę Toma.,I'm going to visit Tom.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Szukam mojego kapelusza.,I'm looking for my hat.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Nie pozwolę Tomowi odejść.,I'm not letting Tom go.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Mój ojciec zabrał mnie wczoraj wieczorem do kina.,My father took me to a movie last night.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Byłam bardzo zmęczona.,I was very tired.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Zwierzęta nie potrafią odróżnić dobra od zła.,Animals cannot distinguish right from wrong.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Nie pozwolę ci iść.,I'm not letting you go.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Posiadła znajomość angielskiego.,She acquired the knowledge of English.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Nie gram w żadną grę.,I'm not playing a game.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Nie jestem jeszcze całkiem pewien.,I'm not quite sure yet.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Tutaj jest kot pod łóżkiem.,There is a cat under the bed.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Tom podniósł ołówek.,Tom picked up a pencil.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Tom jest w innym pokoju.,Tom is in another room.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn "Nie ma ani żony, ani dzieci, ani przyjaciół.","He has no wife, no children and no friends.",pol_Latn-eng_Latn "On jest biedny, ale nie martwi się pieniędzmi.","He is poor, but he doesn't care about money.",pol_Latn-eng_Latn To dla mnie zbyt trudne.,This is too difficult for me.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Tom dopiero co przeprowadził się do miasta.,Tom just moved to town.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Muszę mu o tym powiedzieć.,I have to tell him about it.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Co ja mogę o nim powiedzieć?,What can I say about him?,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Myślałem że to pole tekstowe jest polem do wyszukiwania.,I thought that text box was a search field.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn On ma dwie córki.,He has two daughters.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn On zarabia dwa razy tyle co ja.,He earns double my salary.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Tom odebrał pocztę.,Tom picked up his mail.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Tom próbował powstrzymać uśmiech.,Tom tried not to smile.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Ona chce żebym z nią poszedł.,She wants me to go with her.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Tom by mi powiedział.,Tom would have told me.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Mogła powiedzieć mi kłamstwo.,She may have told me a lie.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn "Jeden z jej trzech samochodów jest niebieski, pozostałe są białe.",One of her three cars is blue and the others are white.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Tom nie pozwolił mi pójść.,Tom wouldn't let me go.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Na spotkaniu było tylko sześć osób.,There were only six people at the meeting.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Wielbłądy są często używane do podróżowania przez pustynię.,Camels are often used to travel in the desert.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Gdzie będzie Ci wygodnie?,Where's convenient for you?,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Cóż to za smutna historia!,What a sad story this is!,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Wolę iść niż jechać samochodem.,I prefer walking to riding.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn "Jest tak uczciwy, że wszyscy mu ufają.",He is so honest that everybody trusts him.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn "Bombaj to dawna nazwa Mumbaju, nadana przez Anglików.",Bombay is the former name of Mumbai and was given to it by the English.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Te buty wytrzymały rok.,These shoes have lasted one year.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Zalecenia doktora trzymały mnie z dala od picia za dużo.,The doctor's advice kept me from drinking too much.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn "Powiedział: ""Żegnajcie, moi przyjaciele"" i odszedł.","He said, ""So long, my friends,"" and left us.",pol_Latn-eng_Latn Nikt z nas nie był na Hawajach.,None of us have been to Hawaii.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Będziemy okropnie tęsknić jeżeli opuścisz Japonię.,We will miss you terribly if you leave Japan.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Co się tak odstawiłaś?,Why are you dressed up?,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Gramy w tenisa po szkole.,We play tennis after school.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Samolot wylądował na farmie mojego ojca.,The plane landed on my dad's farm.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Byłaś wtedy taka młoda.,You were so young then.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Te pomysły są obce dla naszego sposobu myślenia.,Those ideas are alien to our way of thinking.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Pies rzadko gryzie nie atakowany.,A dog seldom bites unless it is attacked.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Zrobię wszystko dla dobra ludzkości.,I'll do anything in the interests of humanity.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Byliście dla nas dobrzy.,You've been good to us.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Czy w hotelu jest sklep z pamiątkami?,Is there a souvenir shop in the hotel?,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Po prostu nie mogę o Tobie zapomnieć.,I just can't forget about you.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Nigdy nie używamy cukru.,We never use sugar.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn "Nie to, że nie lubię się bawić, po prostu nie mam na to czasu.","It's not that I don't like to have fun, it's just that I don't have time for that.",pol_Latn-eng_Latn "Elżbieta, królowa Anglii.",Elizabeth II is the Queen of England.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Jak długi jest ten ołówek?,How long is this pencil?,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Właśnie rozmawiałam z Tomem.,I just talked with Tom.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Wszyscy studenci wstali.,All of the students stood up together.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Czy śnisz po francusku?,Do you dream in French?,pol_Latn-eng_Latn W pewnym sensie jest reprezentantem swojej firmy.,He is in a sense a representative of his company.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Jego dom jest po drugiej stronie ulicy.,His house is across the street.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn "Sądzę, że dobra z niej tancerka.",I think she is a good dancer.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Nie znam nikogo z nich.,I know none of them.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Czy satysfakcjonują cię moje wyjaśnienia?,Are you satisfied with my explanation?,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Przyjdź pojutrze.,Come the day after tomorrow.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Nie znam żadnego z nich.,I do not know any of them.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Prędzej czy później skończy mu się szczęście.,"Sooner or later, he will run out of luck.",pol_Latn-eng_Latn Moja mama zawsze robi sobie drzemkę po południu.,My mother takes a nap every afternoon.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Żołnierz jęknął z bólu.,The soldier groaned with pain.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn "Możliwe, że Tomowi nic nie jest.",Tom might be all right.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Dlatego nie było mnie wczoraj w szkole.,That's why I was absent from school yesterday.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Przeziębiłem się. Dlatego nie mogłem wziąć wczoraj udziału w spotkaniu.,I caught a cold. That is why I could not attend the meeting yesterday.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Miał nadzieję zyskać sławę jako poeta.,He hoped to find fame as a poet.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Poczuł się źle.,He began to feel ill.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Poszedłem spać późno w nocy.,I went to bed late at night.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Ojciec cię wyzwa.,Your father wants you.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Chciałbym poślubić dziewczynę która lubi gry komputerowe.,I'd like to marry a girl who likes to play video games.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn "Struś ma skrzydła, ale nie potrafi latać.","The ostrich has wings, but it cannot fly.",pol_Latn-eng_Latn Nie wchodź po tej drabinie - nie jest bezpieczna.,Don't climb that ladder - it's not secure.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Jim zachowywał się dziwnie przez cały dzień.,Jim acted very strangely all day.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn John pisze do rodziców raz w miesiącu.,John writes to his parents once a month.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Próbowałem się do ciebie dodzwonić ale nie udało mi się.,"I tried to call you, but I couldn't.",pol_Latn-eng_Latn Odwiedzała staruszka w szpitalu każdego dnia oprócz niedzieli.,She visited the old man in the hospital every day but Sunday.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn "Poznałbyś ją, gdybyś przyszedł trochę wcześniej.","Had you come a little earlier, you could have met her.",pol_Latn-eng_Latn Przed chwilą byłem w domu mojego wujka.,I've just been to my uncle's house.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Ja po prostu chciałam kawę.,I just wanted a coffee.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn W końcu został zmuszony do zrezygnowania.,He was finally forced to resign.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Zabronione jest czytanie książek w księgarni,It is forbidden to read books in this bookshop.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Opiekowała się pacjentem.,She looked after the patient.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn To ich jedyny wybór.,It is their only choice.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn "Lot z Zurychu do Bostonu zajmuje osiem godzin, a powrót jedynie sześć.","It takes eight hours to fly from Zurich to Boston, but only six for the return trip.",pol_Latn-eng_Latn Tego właśnie szukałem.,This is what I have been looking for.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn "Obiecała mi, że przyjdzie o trzeciej.",She promised me that she would come at three.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Płakał i płakał.,He cried and cried.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Góra ponad 3000 metrów nad poziomem morza.,"The mountain is more than 3,000 meters above sea level.",pol_Latn-eng_Latn Ona martwi się zdrowiem jej syna.,She is concerned about her son's health.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Często go spotykasz?,Do you meet him often?,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Zorganizowali przyjęcie na cześć słynnego naukowca.,They held a party in honor of the famous scientist.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Pierwszy raz jesz japońskie jedzenie?,Is this the first time for you to have Japanese food?,pol_Latn-eng_Latn "Te drogie gadżety służą tylko po to, aby rozpraszać ludzi od ważniejszych rzeczy w życiu.",These expensive gadgets are just a way to distract people from the more important things in life.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn "Policja ustaliła, gdzie przebywał w czasie zajścia zbrodni.",The police established where he was when the crime occurred.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Nie potrzebuję drogich gadżetów.,I don't need expensive gadgets.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Elektrownia zaopatruje odległą dzielnicę w prąd elektryczny.,The power plant supplies the remote district with electricity.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn "Nie zmienię zdania, nie ważne co się stanie.","I shall not change my mind, whatever happens.",pol_Latn-eng_Latn Umarł smutną śmiercią.,He died a sad death.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn A może spacer?,How about a walk?,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Ile czasu minęło od kiedy przestałeś uczyć w tej szkole?,How long has it been since you gave up teaching at that school?,pol_Latn-eng_Latn "Sądzę, że to sprawiedliwe.",I guess it's only fair.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Czy lubisz francuskie wina?,Do you like French wines?,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Co robiłeś zeszłej niedzieli ?,What did you do last Sunday?,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Przypominam moją matkę.,I resemble my mother.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Bogaci czasem pogardzają biednymi.,The rich sometimes despise the poor.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Ted był pewien wygranej w grze.,Ted was certain of winning the game.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Ona ciągle powtarza to samo.,She keeps repeating the same word over and over.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn "Życie nie jest sprawiedliwe, prawda?","Life isn't fair, is it?",pol_Latn-eng_Latn Biuro burmistrza znajduje się w ratuszu.,The mayor's office is in the city hall.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Grace jeszcze nie wróciła.,Grace has not come yet.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Powinieneś zostawić to na jutro.,You should leave it for tomorrow.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn "Twoje wypracowanie jest znakomite, praktycznie nie ma błędów.","Apart from a few mistakes, your composition was excellent.",pol_Latn-eng_Latn Ciągle powtarzam to samo zdanie.,I keep repeating the same sentence over and over.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Chcę mówić po niemiecku.,I want to speak German.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Pozostała niezamężna aż do śmierci.,She remained unmarried until death.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Coś nagle taki wygadany?,It seems like you're unexpectedly eloquent.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Ciągle powtarzam to samo słowo.,I keep repeating a single word over and over.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn On ciągle powtarza to samo słowo.,He keeps repeating a single word over and over.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn "Jeśli ciągle powtarzasz to sobie, może zaczniesz w to uwierzyć.","If you repeat it to yourself over and over, you might start believing it.",pol_Latn-eng_Latn Nie mógłbym cię nienawidzić.,I could never hate you.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Ani chcę ani potrzebuję więcej rzeczy.,I neither need nor want more possessions.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Mogłabym to zrobić sama.,I could do this myself.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Nie potrzebuję więcej rzeczy.,I don't need more stuff.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn "Całkiem mi dobrze tym, co mam.",I'm perfectly happy with what I have.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Czemu chciałbym mieć większego telewizora?,Why would I want a bigger TV?,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Dom stanął w płomieniu.,The house was in a blaze.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Tom nie jest bardzo zadowolony.,Tom is not very happy.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Będziesz mógł jutro przyjść?,Shall you be able to come tomorrow?,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Czemu on nosi pelerynę?,Why is he wearing a cape?,pol_Latn-eng_Latn "Wzgórze jest jest nagie, bez drzew.",The hill is bare of trees.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn "Mogę Cię poprowadzić po mieście, jeśli zechcesz.","I can show you around town, if you'd like.",pol_Latn-eng_Latn Uwielbiam tego filmu.,I adore this film.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn To nie jest moje imię.,That's not my name.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn On urodził się w Afryce.,He was born in Africa.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn "Brakuje drewna w ognisku, płomienie już tracą na sile.","The fireplace, lacking firewood, flames already starting to lose their vigour.",pol_Latn-eng_Latn Niech się od nas uczą.,Let them learn from us.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Nie będę tego tolerował.,I won't stand for this.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn I ty?,How about you?,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Lody robimy w ten sposób.,This is how we make ice cream.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Wrócę w następnym tygodniu.,I will come back next week.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Po prostu nie wiedziałem jak.,I just didn't know how.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn On goli się cztery razy w tygodniu.,He shaves four times a week.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Ten słoń nie ruszy nawet na krok.,The elephant won't move an inch.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Tom wyraźnie nie wyglądał na zbyt szczęśliwego.,Tom was clearly not very happy.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Zgadnij kogo dzisiaj spotkałem!,Guess who I met today!,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Nie podoba mi się ta gra.,I don't like this game.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Wydanie tej książki zbiegło się z urodzinami autora.,Publication of the book was timed to coincide with the author's birthday.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn "Patrz, on idzie.","Look, he's coming.",pol_Latn-eng_Latn Nie odłożyłam ich.,I didn't put them away.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Nie miałem szans.,I didn't have a chance.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Czy ja mogę mieć twój numer telefonowy?,Can I have your telephone number?,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Mój dom jest na wsi.,My home is in the country.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Nie przyszedłem walczyć.,I didn't come to fight.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Chciałbym zadzwonić.,I would like to make a phone call.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Metr to 100 centymetrów.,A metre is 100 centimetres.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn "Piękny widok, co?",Don't you just love it?,pol_Latn-eng_Latn "Wiem, że nie jesteś z tego zbyt zadowolona.",I know you're not very happy about it.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Jakież byłoby nasze życie bez elektryczności?,What would our lives be like without electricity?,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Nie pokazuj tego Tomowi.,Don't show this to Tom.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Nie pozwól Tomowi uciec.,Don't let Tom get away.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Nie zawiedź teraz Toma.,Don't let Tom down now.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Ona jest żoną Alaina.,She's Alain's wife.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Nie pozwalaj im tego robić.,Don't let them do this.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Masz bardzo ładne usta.,You have very nice lips.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Nie kłóć się ze mną o to.,Don't fight me on this.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Nie bądź na mnie zły.,Don't be angry with me.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Oglądasz reprodukcję obrazu Picassa.,The picture you are looking at is a copy of a Picasso.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn "Wiem, że nie bardzo ci się to podoba.",I know you aren't very happy about it.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Ile to dziewięć minus sześć?,How many is nine minus six?,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Czemu tak mówisz?,Why would you say that?,pol_Latn-eng_Latn To powinno wystarczyć.,This should be plenty.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Idziesz czy nie?,Are you going or not?,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Zobaczyli go w tłumie ludzi.,They caught sight of the man among the crowd of people.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Możesz iść.,You may go.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Naprawdę lubię tego faceta.,I really like that guy.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn "Wiedziałam, że tak będzie.",I knew it would happen.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Lubie miłosne opowieści.,I like love stories.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Widziałeś mój zegarek?,Have you seen my watch?,pol_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom jest świadom, że nie bardzo jestem z tego zadowolona.",Tom knows that I'm not very happy about it.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Nie zapominasz o czymś?,Aren't you forgetting something?,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Ktoś był w tym pokoju?,Was anyone in the room?,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Gdzie jest moja książka ?,Where's my book?,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Czy możesz mi pomóc pozmywać?,Can you help me with the washing up?,pol_Latn-eng_Latn "To sen, który stał się rzeczywistością.",It's a dream come true.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Mógłbyś wysłać ten list do Japonii ?,Could you send this letter to Japan?,pol_Latn-eng_Latn W tym domu mieszkałem jako dziecko.,I lived in this house as a child.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Moglibyśmy być tu szczęśliwi.,We could be happy here.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn """Można wziąć ten parasol?"" ""Nie, lepiej nie.""","""May I take this umbrella?"" ""No, you may not.""",pol_Latn-eng_Latn Jestem w tej chwili bardzo szczęśliwy.,I'm so happy right now.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Ja po prostu cieszę się szczęściem Toma.,I'm just happy for Tom.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Mógłbym cię uczynić szczęśliwą.,I could make you happy.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Zeszłej nocy padał straszny deszcz.,It rained hard last night.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Jedyny gol w finalowym meczu zdobył Andres Iniesta.,The only goal of the final match was scored by Andrés Iniesta.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Zagrajmy w grę słowną.,Let's play a word game.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Te ciemne chmury prawdopodobnie przyniosą deszcz.,Those dark clouds will probably bring rain.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Nie boi się umrzeć.,He isn't afraid to die.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Zmiany klimatu wytwarzają nowe gatunki.,Environmental changes gave rise to new species.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Nie chcą umierać.,They don't want to die.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom ma mnóstwo pieniędzy, ale nie jest zbyt szczęśliwy.","Tom has a lot of money, but he's not very happy.",pol_Latn-eng_Latn Wstrząśnij przed użyciem.,Shake before using.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn "Zróbmy tak, jak mówi Tom.",Let's do what Tom says.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Chodźmy się przywitać.,Let's go and say hello.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Chodźmy po jakieś jedzenie.,Let's go get some food.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Jestem turystą.,I am a tourist.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn "Przywitaj się z nią, gdy zobacz ją na przyjęciu.",Please say hello to her if you see her at the party.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Angielski jest językiem germańskim.,English is a Germanic language.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Czy nie podałby pan soli?,Will you pass me the salt?,pol_Latn-eng_Latn On ich kocha.,He loves them.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Jest otwarty.,He is outgoing.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Rozważmy to jeszcze raz.,Let's go over it again.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Chodźmy obejrzeć film.,Let's go watch a movie.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Musimy uwzględnić pewne opóźnienia.,We must allow for some delays.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Uporajmy się z tym.,Let's just get it done.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn "Za wyjątkiem Tomka, wszyscy byli obecni.","With the exception of Tom, everyone attended.",pol_Latn-eng_Latn Coś poszło nie tak.,Something went wrong.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Bierzmy się do roboty.,Let's just get to work.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Japonię nawiedzają częste trzęsienia ziemi.,Japan has frequent earthquakes.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Po prostu chodźmy spać.,Let's just go to sleep.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Powiedzieć a zrobić to dwie zupełnie różne rzeczy.,"To say is one thing, and to do quite another.",pol_Latn-eng_Latn Rządzi krajem żelazną ręką.,He rules the country with an iron fist.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Trzęsienie ziemi wszystko zniszczyło.,The earthquake smashed everything.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Polityka go nie interesowała.,Politics didn't interest him.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Umówmy się na spotkanie.,Let's set up a meeting.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Pozwól mi ponieść twoją walizkę.,Let me carry your suitcase.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Chodź do naszego stołu.,Come over to our table.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Powinieneś dotrzymać swojej obietnicy.,You should keep your promise.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Nie możemy ryzykować.,We can't take a chance.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Widziano ją tańczącą.,She was seen to dance.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Mój przyjaciel czuje się bardzo źle.,My friend feels very ill.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Nie umiesz jeździć na rowerze?,Can't you ride a bicycle?,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Czy może pan wyjaśnić przyczyny porażki naszej drużyny?,Can you account for why our team lost?,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Wykonanie planu było proste.,Carrying out the plan was easy.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Nie możemy tak po prostu zwolnic Toma.,We can't just fire Tom.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn No dalej. Chodźmy do domu.,Come on. Let's go home.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn "Niedziela jest dniem, gdy ludzie idą do kościoła.",Sunday is the day when people go to church.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Francuska inteligencja doświadcza wzlotów i upadków.,The French Intelligence experiences ups and downs.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Zwyczajnie nie mogłem powiedzieć nie.,I just couldn't say no.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn W gazecie o niczym ciekawym nie piszą.,There is nothing interesting in the newspaper.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Podać coś panu?,Can I get you anything?,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Jedenasta mi odpowiada.,Eleven o'clock is good for me.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Przydałoby mi się trochę snu.,I could use some sleep.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Dlaczego o to pytacie?,Why would you ask that?,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Dziękuję za zaproszenie mnie.,Thank you for inviting me.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Możesz ruszać nogami?,Can you move your legs?,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Tom nigdy nie miał szansy.,Tom never had a chance.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Wiesz która teraz godzina?,Do you know what time it is?,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Zabierz stąd Toma.,Get Tom away from here.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Ich rodzice są na urlopie.,Their parents are on holiday.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Ręce precz ode mnie.,Keep your hands off me.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn "Pozwól, że to zapiszę.",Let me write that down.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Nie pozwól Tomowi tego zjeść.,Don't let Tom eat this.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Stań tam.,Stand over there.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn "Zdecydowała, że nie pójdzie.",She decided not to go.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn W weekendy wcale nie pracuję.,I never work on weekends.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Musisz dać jej nauczkę!,You need to teach her a lesson!,pol_Latn-eng_Latn "Proszę, przypomnij mi żebym napisał jutro list.",Please remind me to write a letter tomorrow.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Niedługo wrócę.,I'll be back soon.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Nie chcę pływać.,I don't want to swim.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Mogę zamknąć okno?,May I close the window?,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Jego matka jest z niego bardzo zadowolona.,His mother's very pleased with him.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Płaczę prawie codziennie.,I cry almost every day.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Czy ktoś już go widział?,Has anyone seen it yet?,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Sawako chce jechać do Francji.,Sawako wants to go to France.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Niech wykonują swoją pracę.,Let them do their jobs.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Wróćmy do pracy.,Let's get back to work.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Wszystkie te książki są moje.,All these books are mine.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Tom buduje mur.,Tom is building a wall.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Ten pokój jest za ciemny.,This room is too dark.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Tom lubi sobie wypić.,Tom is a heavy drinker.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Tom dużo pije.,Tom drinks a lot.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Tom umie się bić.,Tom knows how to fight.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Tom uciekł z domu.,Tom ran away from home.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Jesteś zła na Toma?,Are you angry with Tom?,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Tom zdradził mi swój sekret.,Tom told me his secret.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Dostałeś od niej list?,Did you get her letter?,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Dostałaś od niego list?,Did you get his letter?,pol_Latn-eng_Latn W razie potrzeby zgłoś się do mnie.,"When it's necessary, you can come to me.",pol_Latn-eng_Latn Tom cię nie zawiedzie.,Tom won't let you down.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Czego chcesz ode mnie?,What do you want from me?,pol_Latn-eng_Latn "Nauczyciel nauczył ich, że Ziemia jest okrągła.",The teacher taught them that the earth is round.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Nie znoszę zimna.,I can't stand the cold.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn On jest na tym statku.,He is on this ship.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Uratował marynarza.,He saved a sailor.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Nie jestem jeszcze bardzo pijana.,I'm not all that drunk.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Karen się na mnie gniewa.,Karen is angry with me.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Sędzia mimowolnie wybuchnął śmiechem.,The judge laughed in spite of himself.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn "Pytanie brzmi, w jaki sposób te pieniądze wpadną w jego ręce.",The question is how he will get the money.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn To ładny pokój.,The room's nice.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn On bardzo szybko mówi.,He speaks very fast.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn "To jest stacja TV, w której mój wujek jest prezenterem.",This is the TV station where my uncle works as an announcer.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn On się na mnie gniewa.,He is angry with me.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Przeszła 20 mil w jeden dzień.,She walked twenty miles a day.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Zezłościł się na mnie.,He got angry with me.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn To jest stary rękopis.,It is an old manuscript.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Twoje buty są tutaj. Gdzie są moje?,Your shoes are here. Where are mine?,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Zezłościła się na mnie.,She is angry with me.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Przestań mnie bić.,Stop hitting me.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Gniewasz się na mnie?,Are you angry with me?,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Czy jest jakaś zniżka?,Could you give me a discount?,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Tom był na mnie zły.,Tom was angry with me.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Daj mi czystą kartkę papieru.,Give me a blank sheet of paper.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Tom jest na mnie zły.,Tom is angry with me.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Tom się na mnie zezłościł.,Tom got angry with me.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn "Nie przychodź, jeśli nie powiem, że masz.",Don't come unless I tell you to.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Karen nie jest na mnie zła.,Karen is not angry with me.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn "Piję wodę, bo chce mi się pić.",I'm drinking water because I'm thirsty.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Dlaczego jesteś na mnie zła?,Why are you angry with me?,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Mogę pożyczyć coś do pisania?,Can I borrow something to write with?,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Pszczoła mnie użądliła.,I got a bee sting.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Nauczyciel się na mnie wkurzył.,The teacher was angry with me.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Czy mogę pożyczyć twoje radio?,Can I borrow your radio?,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Jest na mnie okropnie wściekła.,She is very angry with me.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Pokażę ci drogę.,Let me show you the way.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Dalej się na mnie gniewasz?,Are you still angry with me?,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Bilet kosztuje sto euro.,The ticket costs 100 euros.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Dobrze nam się pływało.,We enjoyed swimming.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Kiedy jest twój następny występ?,When is your next show?,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Widziałeś gdzieś tu brązowy portfel?,Did you see a brown wallet around here?,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Widzieliśmy trzy wojny.,We have seen three wars.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn "Tomowi nie podoba się, jak John patrzy na Mary.",Tom doesn't like the way John looks at Mary.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Woda jest niezbędna do życia.,Water is essential to life.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn "Chciałbym, aby nie owijała w bawełnę, ale powiedziała w końcu co myśli.",I wish she wouldn't pussyfoot about it and just say what she means.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn On jest naprawdę dobrym człowiekiem.,He's really a good guy.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Tom i Mary wyszli z biura razem o 14:30.,Tom and Mary left the office together at 2:30.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Trzymał w ręku pióro.,He was holding a pen in his hand.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Tom gniewa się na Mary.,Tom is angry with Mary.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Czy Tom przybył o czasie?,Did Tom arrive on time?,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Japonia jest liderem światowego przemysłu high-tech.,Japan is the leader of the world's high-tech industry.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Jak rozwiązałeś problem?,How did you solve the problem?,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Bądź uprzejmy dla swoich rodziców.,Be polite to your parents.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Tom boi się śmierci.,Tom is afraid of dying.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Kilka dni temu moja dziewczyna Sophie przeprowadziła się z Edmonton w Albercie do Victorii w Kolumbii Brytyjskiej.,"A few days ago, my girlfriend Sophie moved from Edmonton, Alberta to Victoria, British Columbia.",pol_Latn-eng_Latn Chłopiec złapał ptaka siatką.,The boy captured the bird with a net.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Tom ma już prawie trzydziestkę.,Tom is close to thirty.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Kolejny dziesięciominutowy spacer doprowadził nas nad brzeg.,Another ten minutes' walk brought us to the shore.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Nigdy nie odwiedzam siostry.,I never visit my sister.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Na miejscu było dziesięciu policjantów.,There were ten police officers on the spot.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Moja matka nakryła do stołu.,My mother set the table.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Do kogo to należy?,Who does this belong to?,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Czyje to jest?,Whose are they?,pol_Latn-eng_Latn "Tak jak ciało potrzebuje ćwiczeń, umysł potrzebuje stymulacji by pozostać świeżym.","Just as the body needs exercise, so the mind needs stimulation to stay healthy.",pol_Latn-eng_Latn Ona ma kilku korespondencyjnych kolegów.,She has a few pen pals.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn "Jest strona, która pozwala łatwo porównać ceny.",There's a website that makes it easy to compare prices.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Zostanie zwolniony z pracy.,He's going to get fired.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Jaka jest średnia długość życia w Japonii?,What is the average life span in Japan?,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Czy znasz odpowiedź?,Do you know the answer?,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Trzymaj to obiema rękami.,Hold it with both hands.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Blisko tysiąc osób uczestniczyło w demonstracji.,Nearly a thousand people participated in the demonstration.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Moja matka musi być wkurzona.,My mother must be angry.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Świat potrzebuje zdolnych ludzi.,The world needs talented people.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Tu Mike. Jest Hiroshi?,This is Mike. Is Hiroshi there?,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Mieliśmy tajne spotkanie.,We had a secret meeting.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Chodź tu.,Come this way.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Nie chciała mu pozwolić wejść.,She wouldn't let him in.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Nigdy nie kłam.,Never tell a lie!,pol_Latn-eng_Latn "On jest tą osobą, którą chciałem zobaczyć.",He is the very person I have wanted to see.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Rozrzucają papiery po pokoju.,They're throwing papers around the room.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn jest znany wszystkim.,He is known to everyone.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Ma go owiniętego wokół palca.,She has him wrapped around her finger.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Kiedy możemy jeść?,When can we eat?,pol_Latn-eng_Latn W łazience są karaluchy.,There's a cockroach in the bathroom.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Trzymaj słownik przy sobie.,Keep the dictionary by you.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn "Myślisz, że jest dobry na to stanowisko?",Do you think he is good for the position?,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Muszę kupić nowy płaszcz zimowy.,I must buy a new winter coat.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Zazwyczaj wcześnie wstawał.,He used to get up early.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn "Niezmienny rytm matematyki to definicja, twierdzenie, dowód.","The unalterable rhythm of mathematics is definition, theorem, proof.",pol_Latn-eng_Latn Wstępne recenzje nowego filmu są przychylne.,The advance reviews of the new film are very favorable.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Nie lekceważ mnie.,Don't underestimate me.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Myłeś ręce?,Did you wash your hands?,pol_Latn-eng_Latn "Nagle, drzwi trzasnęły z hukiem.","All of a sudden, the door shut with a bang.",pol_Latn-eng_Latn Jestem na trzeciej stronie.,I'm on page three.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Mecz odwołano z powodu ulewy.,The game was rained out.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Rozzłościłem go.,I have made him angry.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Moja siostra była chora.,My sister has been sick.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Wyniki badań były całkiem zadowalające.,The results of the research were quite satisfactory.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Powinniśmy sprawdzić rozprzestrzenianie się tej choroby.,We should check the spread of the disease.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Będziesz w stanie grać w piłkę nożną.,You will be able to play soccer.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Wyśmiała jego męża.,She made fun of her husband.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Amsterdam jest niesamowity!,Amsterdam is amazing!,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Most jest w budowie.,The bridge is under construction.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Popatrzyłem na obrazek.,I looked at the picture.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn W Japonii jest wiele pięknych miejsc.,"In Japan, there are a lot of beautiful places.",pol_Latn-eng_Latn Wszyscy uczniowie poszli do domu.,All the students have gone home.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Chcesz się przejechać?,Do you want a ride?,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Twoje konto jest puste.,Your account is empty.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Co on chce zrobić?,What does he want to do?,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Moja żona pracuje na pół etatu.,My wife works part time.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Ratownicy są bardzo odważni.,Lifeguards are very brave.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Miałeś sporo czasu.,You had plenty of time.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Spędziłem tydzień u mojego wujka.,I spent a week at my uncle's.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Ściga mnie policja.,The police are after me.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Proszę wrócić w przeciągu miesiąca.,Come back within a month.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Co znaczy skrót USSR?,What does USSR stand for?,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Chciałbym studiować w Paryżu.,I'd like to study in Paris.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Tom wącha kwiaty.,Tom is smelling the flowers.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn "Wiatr brzmi przerażająco, niczym krzyczące duchy.","The wind sounds scary, like screaming ghosts.",pol_Latn-eng_Latn Mary była jedną z najpiękniejszych dziewczyn w całej szkole. Ale mimo tego nigdy nie miała chłopaka.,"Mary is one of the prettiest girls in the whole school. Despite that, she's never had a boyfriend.",pol_Latn-eng_Latn Ta książka należy do ciebie.,This book belongs to you.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn To mnie strasznie denerwuje.,This makes me very angry.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn "Jesteś zbyt pijany, by prowadzić samochód.",You're too drunk to drive.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn """Makbet"" Szekspira jest tragedią.","Shakespeare's ""Macbeth"" is a tragedy.",pol_Latn-eng_Latn O to i twoje klucze.,Here are your keys.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn O czym jest ten list?,What is the letter about?,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Oceny Toma się nie polepszyły.,Tom's grades didn't improve.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Czy jest podobna do mojej?,Is it anything like mine?,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Czy mógłby pan mi pomóc?,Could you please help me?,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Nie chcę sobie pobrudzić rąk.,I don't want to get my hands dirty.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn "Przyjdź najszybciej, jak to będzie możliwe.",Come as soon as possible.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Proszę zdjąć kapelusz.,Please take off your hat.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Gdzie znajdę książki?,Where would I find books?,pol_Latn-eng_Latn "Mary kontynuowała pracę, pomimo swojej choroby.",Mary kept on working in spite of her illness.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Dziecko zostało ranne.,The kid got hurt.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Dokąd się udajesz?,Where are you headed for?,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Gdzie się kierujesz?,Where are you heading?,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Nie jest już taka jak dziesięć lat temu.,She is not what she was ten years ago.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Zróbmy to kiedy indziej.,Let's do it another time.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Chciałbyś więcej?,Would you like some more?,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Zapytałam go czy mogę je przeczytać.,I asked him if I could read them.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Przybyłem przed innymi.,I arrived ahead of the others.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Jestem zdrowy.,I'm in good health.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Co to reprezentuje?,What does this stand for?,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Widziałem taki wiele razy.,I've seen one many times.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Goście są mile widziani.,Visitors are welcome.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Nie pozwolę Tomowi prowadzić.,I won't let Tom drive.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom zapytał mnie, kto umarł.",Tom asked me who died.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Pokój jest pełen kwiatów.,The room is full of flowers.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom powiedział, że może umrzeć.",Tom said he might die.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Rodzice nic Ci nie dali?,Didn't your parents give you anything?,pol_Latn-eng_Latn To brzmi interesująco. Co jej powiedziałeś?,That sounds interesting. What did you tell her?,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Tom sobie poradzi.,Tom will do just fine.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Tom zjadł połowę ciasta.,Tom ate half the cake.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Nic się nie stało.,Nothing has happened.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Tom nie pozwolił mi wygrać.,Tom didn't let me win.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Gdzie jest Twoja szkoła?,Where is your school?,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Moja babcia mówi powoli.,My grandmother speaks slowly.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn "Rodzice Toma powiedzieli mi, że wybiera się na Harvard.",Tom's parents told me that he would be going to Harvard.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn "Dziwne, że jeszcze nie przyszedł.",It is strange that he has not come yet.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Nie zaprosiłem go na przyjęcie. Czuję się winny z tego powodu.,I didn't invite him to the party. I feel guilty about it.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Jest z pochodzenia Niemcem.,He is a German by origin.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Nie ma dziś padać?,Should it snow tonight?,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Ledwo wierzyłem moim oczom.,I scarcely believed my eyes.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn On pracuje rano.,He works in the morning.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Ja pracuję rano.,I work in the morning.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Winogrona z Turpanu są znane na całym świecie.,Turpan grapes are famous worldwide.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Wyszedłem rano.,I left in the morning.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Wybraliśmy Johna jako kapitana.,We chose John as captain.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Zobaczymy się rano.,See you in the morning.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Do zobaczenia rano.,I'll see you in the morning.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn "Zdałem sobie sprawę, że koty mogą widzieć w ciemności.",I realized that cats can see in the dark.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn "Było zbyt ciemno, żeby cokolwiek zobaczyć.",It was too dark to see.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Rano mocno padało.,It rained heavily in the morning.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Susan je jak ptaszek i zostawia większość jedzenia na talerzu.,Susan eats like a bird and leaves most of the food on her plate.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Ptaki śpiewają wcześnie rano.,Birds sing early in the morning.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Potrzebujemy Twojej rady.,We do need your advice.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Wstań wcześnie rano.,Get up early in the morning.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Jest wysoki jak mój ojciec.,He is as tall as my father.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Tylko dwie osoby przetrwały trzęsienie ziemi.,Only two people survived the earthquake.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn "Nie można dyskryminować ludzi ze względu na narodowość, płeć czy zatrudnienie.","Don't discriminate against people based on nationality, gender, or occupation.",pol_Latn-eng_Latn Te produkty są tej samej jakości.,These products are of the same quality.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Wszyscy się z Tobą zgadzają.,Everybody agrees with you.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Jesteśmy bliźniakami. Ludzie często mylą mnie z moim bratem.,We are twins. People often mistake me for my brother.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Starzec zmarł dzisiaj rano.,The old man passed away this morning.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Czy słyszysz kogoś poruszającego się w pokoju obok?,Do you hear someone moving in next room?,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Zostaw silnik włączony.,Leave the engine running.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Firma jest znana z jej produktów wysokiej jakości.,The firm is known for its high-quality products.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Muszę tam być na godzinę 9.,I must get there by 9 o'clock.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Zadzwonię do ciebie o trzeciej.,I'll call for you at three.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Zbudował nowy dom.,He built a new house.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Opowiedz mi o nim.,Tell me about him.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Dobiera każde słowo z rozwagą.,He chose every word with care.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn "Ona wie, że John ją kochał.",She knows that John loved her.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Ubieramy się rano.,We get dressed in the morning.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Rano robię ćwiczenia.,I do exercises in the morning.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Jak ona szybko pływa!,How fast she swims!,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Kupiłem książkę za dziesięć dolarów.,I bought the book for ten dollars.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Jesteś pijany!,You are drunk!,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Nie musisz się spieszyć.,You don't have to hurry.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn O której jest koncert?,What time is the concert?,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Zostawił swój bagaż na stacji.,He left his luggage at the station.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Kupiłem mu drinka w zamian za jego pomoc.,I bought him a drink in return for his help.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn "Im więcej ma, tym więcej chce.","The more one has, the more one wants.",pol_Latn-eng_Latn Tom wyszedł wcześnie rano.,Tom left early in the morning.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn "Czy koniecznie musisz zadać pytanie, by znać odpowiedź?",Do you really need to ask the question to know the answer?,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Słońce wschodzi rano.,The sun rises in the morning.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Była w żałobie po synu.,She was bereaved of a son.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Śniadanie mamy rano.,We have breakfast in the morning.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Spłacimy pieniądze w ciągu tego tygodnia.,We are to pay back the money within the week.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Masz szczęście.,You're in luck.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Jest cukier?,Is there any sugar?,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Czy Toshio lubi Sachiko?,Does Toshio like Sachiko?,pol_Latn-eng_Latn "Byłem bardzo szczęśliwy, gdy usłyszałem tę wiadomość.",I was very happy when I heard that news.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn "Nie było lekarza, który mógłby wyleczyć jej chorobę.",There was no doctor who could cure her illness.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Wychodzimy wcześnie rano.,We left early in the morning.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn "Wzmocnili wały, żeby zabezpieczyć wioskę przed powodzią.",They strengthened the embankments to secure the village against floods.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Mamy rano cztery lekcje.,We have four classes in the morning.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn "Jak posiejesz, tak zbierzesz.","As you sow, so will you reap.",pol_Latn-eng_Latn To było dawno temu.,That was a long time ago.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn "Lubię spacery, szczególnie rano.","I like walking, especially in the morning.",pol_Latn-eng_Latn Wyszedłem na zewnątrz wcześnie rano.,I went outside early in the morning.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Ucz się w chłodzie o poranku.,Study in the cool of the morning.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Powietrze jest świeże rano.,The air is fresh in the morning.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Przetnij to na pół.,Cut it in half.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Medytował rano.,He used to meditate in the morning.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Lubię też ciasto.,I also like cake.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Nazwali swojego syna John.,They named their son John.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn "Nikt nie wie czy ją kocha, czy nie.",No one knows whether he loves her or not.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Dlaczego nie podzielisz się ciastkami z Jimem?,Why don't you share your cookies with Jim?,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Mój pies jest mniejszy od Twojego.,My dog is smaller than yours is.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn "Złamał rękę, gdy grał w piłkę nożną.",He got his arm broken while he was playing soccer.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn "Możesz iść lub zostać, jak sobie życzysz.","You can go or stay, as you wish.",pol_Latn-eng_Latn Spaceruje codziennie rano do parku.,He walks in the park every morning.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn "Gdy jesteś w grupie niezdecydowanych, stanowczo zaproponuj coś, na co nikt by się nie zgodził.","When you are with an indecisive group, confidently propose something that no one would agree to.",pol_Latn-eng_Latn "Powinieneś przyjść wcześniej, aby mógł przeczytać Twój rękopis przed Twoją przemową.",You should come early in order for him to read your manuscript before your speech.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Musimy się pospieszyć jeśli chcemy dotrzeć na czas na stację.,We must hurry if we want to arrive at the station on time.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Minęło dziesięć lat od kiedy umarł.,Ten years have passed since he died.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Ludzie śmiali się z niego.,People laughed at him.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn "Dała mi koszyk i zasugerowała, abym poczekał z otwarciem zanim dotrę do domu, w razie gdyby ktoś obserwował.","She handed me the basket and suggested I wait until I got home to open it, in case anyone was watching.",pol_Latn-eng_Latn "Jesteś chory, musisz odpoczywać.",You're sick. You have to rest.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn To Twój parasol?,Is this your umbrella?,pol_Latn-eng_Latn "Przez sekundę myślałem, że umrę.",For one second I thought I would die.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Mogę powiedzieć ojcu czego chcesz?,Can I tell my father what you want?,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Wyszła za mąż w wieku siedemnastu lat.,She got married at the age of seventeen.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Zrobił ostatnio zauważalne postępy w języku angielskim.,He has recently made remarkable progress in English.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Ona czesze jej włosy rano.,She brushes her hair in the morning.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Gejzer wyrzuca w górę kolumnę gorącej wody co dwie godziny.,The geyser sends up a column of hot water every two hours.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn On obudził mnie wcześnie rano.,He awaked me early in the morning.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Gdzie jesteś?,Where are you?,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Tom wstaje wcześnie rano.,Tom gets up early in the morning.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Tom pije kawę zawsze rano.,Tom always drinks coffee in the morning.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Wyszli bardzo wcześnie rano.,They left very early in the morning.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Mówi po angielsku i francusku.,He speaks English and French.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn "Więc, dlaczego się śmiejesz?",Well then why are you laughing?,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Doskonale!,It is perfect.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Widziałem film pięć razy.,I saw the movie five times.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Rano było bardzo chłodno.,In the morning it was very cold.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Teraz jest ósma rano.,It is now eight in the morning.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Rano powietrze jest chłodne.,"In the morning, the air is cool.",pol_Latn-eng_Latn Ken chce rower.,Ken wants a bicycle.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Szkoła zaczyna się jutro.,School begins tomorrow.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn """Kto napisał tę książkę?"" ""John.""","""Who wrote this book?"" ""John did.""",pol_Latn-eng_Latn Nie powinieneś iść.,You shouldn't go.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn "Cześć, to ja. Mógłbyś odebrać mnie ze stacji?","Hello, it's me. Could you come pick me up at the station?",pol_Latn-eng_Latn "Kim jest ten mężczyzna, z którym rozmawiałeś?",Who is the man that you were talking with?,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Mogę zadać kilka pytań?,May I ask some questions?,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Który rower bardziej lubisz?,What bicycle do you like more?,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Czy jest w domu pan Nakamura?,Is Mr Nakamura at home?,pol_Latn-eng_Latn "Jest prawie tak inteligentna, jak przeciętne dziecko.",She is almost as intelligent as an average human child.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn "Zamierzam odrobić pracę domową, gdy wrócę do domu popołudniu.",I am going to do my homework when I get home this afternoon.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Dotarliśmy na szczyt góry.,We reached the top of the mountain.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Zgubiłem mój ołówek.,I've lost my pencil.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Zagrajmy w gry wideo dla zabicia czasu.,Let's play some video games to kill time.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn "W takich chwilach myślę o mojej rodzinie, a nie o przyjaciołach.","At such times, I think of my family, not my friends.",pol_Latn-eng_Latn Przez kogo została odkryta ta wyspa?,By whom was the island discovered?,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Tylko dorośli mogą oglądać ten film.,Only adults may watch that film.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Kochać i być kochanym to największe szczęście.,To love and to be loved is the greatest happiness.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Dobrze Cię widzieć.,Nice to see you.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Powinniśmy byli wziąć harmonogram pod uwagę.,We should have taken the schedule into consideration.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Odłożyłem książkę na swoją półkę.,I returned the book to its shelf.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Ten klub jest zdecydowanie za duży.,That club is way too big.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Francuski jest ich językiem narodowym.,French is their mother tongue.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Musisz przestrzegać praw.,You have to abide by the laws.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Mogę tu usiąść?,May I sit here?,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Nie zbiegaj po schodach tak głośno.,Don't run down the stairs so noisily.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn "Jest szansa, że zda egzamin.",There is a chance that he will pass the exam.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Dzisiaj widziałem szpaka.,"Today, I saw a starling.",pol_Latn-eng_Latn "Nie potrafi ani czytać, ani pisać.",He can neither read nor write.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Nie wiem jak obsługiwać ten komputer.,I don't know how to operate this computer.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Chciałby cię poznać.,He wants to meet you.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn John Wayne jest jedną z najpopularniejszych gwiazd filmowych tego wieku.,John Wayne was one of the most popular movie stars of this century.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn "Mamy dwa psy. Jeden jest czarny, a drugi biały.",We have two dogs. One is black and the other is white.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Ktoś cię obserwuje.,Somebody's watching you.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Potrzebuję masażu. Muszę się zrelaksować.,I want a massage. I need to relax.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Trzyma książki pod ramieniem.,He is holding his books under his arm.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Uczą się po południu.,They study in the afternoon.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn "Jeśli wejście na tą górę ma zająć cztery godziny, to nie wchodzimy.","If it's going to take four hours from the foot of the mountain to the top, let's forget it.",pol_Latn-eng_Latn Grają po południu.,They play in the afternoon.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Mój wujek mieszkał w Waszyngtonie przez dwa lata.,"My uncle lived in Washington, D. C. for two years.",pol_Latn-eng_Latn On jest znacznie starszy niż Ken.,He is much older than Ken.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Dam ci dobrą radę.,I'll give you a good piece of advice.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Będzie padać po południu.,It'll rain in the afternoon.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Jutro muszę wyjść wcześniej.,Tomorrow I must leave earlier.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Mamy kota i psa.,We have a cat and a dog.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Po południu może być śnieg.,It may snow in the afternoon.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Ile czasu zajmie dostanie się stąd do stacji?,How long does it take to get from here to the station?,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Dzięki jego rekomendacji dostałem posadę nauczyciela w koledżu w Tokio.,"Thanks to his recommendation, I was able to get a teaching job at a college in Tokyo.",pol_Latn-eng_Latn Odezwę się do ciebie jak tylko wrócę z Ameryki.,I'll get in touch with you as soon as I return from America.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Po co tu przyszedłeś?,What have you come here for?,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Nie mieszka w mojej okolicy.,He doesn't live in my neighborhood.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn "On się rozzłościł dlatego, że zmieniono kanał.",Because the channel was changed he got angry.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Bardziej przykładam się do nauki angielskiego niż matematyki.,I don't study math as hard as English.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn "Musisz nadrobić czas, który straciłeś.",You have to make up the time you have lost.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Jego dzieci dorosły.,His children have grown up.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Mamy dwie lekcje po południu.,We have two lessons in the afternoon.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Musi mieć koło czterdziestki.,She must be forty or so.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn "Nie wierzę, że jest prawnikiem.",I don't believe he is a lawyer.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Prezydent zniósł niewolnictwo.,The president has abolished slavery.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn On pomógł mi zrobić moje domowe zadania.,He helped me do my homework.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn "Wydaje się, że zrobiłeś niemały postęp od czasu gdy ostatnio cię widziałem.",You seem to have made considerable progress since I saw you last.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn W dzieciństwie mama zmuszała mnie do jedzenia marchewek codziennie.,Mother made me eat carrots every day in my childhood.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Czy jesteś zainteresowany dołączeniem do tego klubu tenisowego?,Do you intend to join that tennis club?,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Karmimy naszego psa trzy razy dziennie.,We feed our dog three times a day.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Czy jest jakiś lot po południu?,Is there a flight in the afternoon?,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Spotkaliśmy się o drugiej po południu.,We met at two in the afternoon.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Temperatura ciała jest wyższa po południu.,Body temperature is highest in the afternoon.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Rozpoczął służbę w policji.,He became a policeman.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Chciałem z kimś porozmawiać.,I felt like talking to someone.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Pijemy wszystko.,We drink everything.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Po przemyśleniu zmieniłem zdanie.,I changed my mind on second thought.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Ona jest zawsze wolna po południu.,She is always free in the afternoon.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Na konferencję przyjechało stu pięćdziesięciu dyplomatów.,A hundred and fifty diplomats came to that conference.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Silny podmuch wiatru zrzucił jej kapelusz.,She had her hat blown off by the strong wind.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Będzie trzecia po południu.,It would be three in the afternoon.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Sprzątałem pokój całe przedpołudnie.,I've spent the entire morning cleaning my room.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Jest wpół do piątej po południu.,It's 4:30 in the afternoon.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Bardzo boi się psów.,He is very afraid of dogs.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Trener dał instrukcje w godzinach popołudniowych.,The trainer gave instructions in the afternoons.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Uciekał w kierunku lasu.,He ran away in the direction of the wood.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Ona zawsze miała czas po południu.,She always has time in the afternoon.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn To trudniejsze niż myślisz.,It's harder than you think.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Jego milczenie było w istocie przyznaniem się do winy.,His silence was a practical admission of guilt.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Mam dłuższe włosy niż Jane.,My hair is longer than Jane's is.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Uroczystość odbyła się po południu.,The ceremony took place in the afternoon.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Zrobiła dżem jabłkowy.,She made jam from the apples.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Co jadłeś po południu?,What did you eat in the afternoon?,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Wygrała główną nagrodę w wyścigu.,She took first prize in the race.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Chcę zeszyt.,I want a notebook.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Lubię pływać po południu.,I like to swim in the afternoon.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn "Nie mam pieniędzy, ale mam marzenia","I have no money, but I have dreams.",pol_Latn-eng_Latn Tom wróci po południu.,Tom will be back in the afternoon.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Może padać dzisiaj po południu.,It might rain today in the afternoon.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Zazwyczaj ona tu jest popołudniami.,She's usually here in the afternoons.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn "Pojechała do Los Angeles, żeby uczyć się tańca.",She went to Los Angeles for the purpose of studying dancing.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Jak długo zostaniesz z ciocią?,How long will you stay with your aunt?,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Autobus jeździ raz na dwie godziny.,There is only one bus every two hours.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Nie piśnij nikomu słówka.,Don't breathe a word of it to anyone.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Wolę uczyć się po południu.,I prefer to study in the afternoon.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Moim hobby jest zbieranie zagranicznych znaczków.,My hobby is collecting foreign stamps.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Jak śmiesz jej mówić takie rzeczy.,How dare you say such a thing to her!,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Poszli urządzić piknik nad jeziorem.,They went on a picnic to the lake.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Tom jest zazwyczaj zajęty po południu.,Tom is usually busy in the afternoon.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn "Masz na uwadze to, jak bardzo cię kocha?",Are you aware of how much she loves you?,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Jego spotkanie rozpoczęło się o piątej po południu.,His meeting began at five in the afternoon.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Zebranie skończyło się o trzeciej po południu.,The meeting ended at three in the afternoon.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Michael chwycił jej rękę.,Michael caught her by the hand.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Nie wierzysz w prognozę pogody?,Don't you trust the weathermen?,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Gdzie gazety?,Where is the newspaper?,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Naprzeciwko mnie jest żółty samochód.,There's a yellow car in front of me.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Uczyłem się po południu przez jakiś czas.,I studied for a while in the afternoon.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Będzie spacerował w parku w to popołudnie.,He will walk in the park this afternoon.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Czuję się senny.,I feel sleepy.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Czy ktoś może zrobić Tomowi drinka?,Can somebody get Tom a drink?,pol_Latn-eng_Latn "Gdzie się tak, do diabła, spieszysz? Mamy czas, kieruj ostrożnie.","Where are you going in such a hurry? We've got plenty of time, so drive safely.",pol_Latn-eng_Latn Możemy uzyskać pomoc?,Can we get some help?,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Możemy dostać więcej?,Can we get some more?,pol_Latn-eng_Latn To ja go spotkałem.,It was I who met him.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Daj mi klucz do tego zamka!,Give me the key to this lock!,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Wezwij pomoc.,Call for help.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Mój mały brat ogląda TV.,My little brother is watching TV.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Twoja kolej.,It's now your turn.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Podstawowe zasady mechaniki klasycznej zostały ustalone przez Galileusza i Newtona w XVI i XVII wieku.,The fundamental principles of classical mechanics were laid down by Galileo and Newton in the 16th and 17th centuries.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Mam dużo pracy do zrobienia.,I've got a lot of work to do.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Bob jest windziarzem w domu handlowym.,Bob operates an elevator in the department store.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Miło mi będzie ponownie się z panem spotkać.,I am looking forward to seeing you.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Weź ze sobą znajomych.,Bring your friends.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Ile cukru pan sypie?,How much sugar do you use?,pol_Latn-eng_Latn "Myślę, że warto spróbować.",I think it's worth a try.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn "Jeśli chcesz oszukać świat, mów prawdę.","When you want to fool the world, tell the truth.",pol_Latn-eng_Latn Czy nikt nie używa tej maszyny do pisania?,Is this typewriter available?,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Oddaj to.,Bring it back.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn "Osadnicy przekonali się, że ziemia w dolinie jest żyzna.",The settlers learned that the land in the valley was fertile.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Nie ma co się o to spierać.,It's no use arguing about it.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Na próżno próbowałem wytłumaczyć powód.,I tried in vain to explain the reason.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Możecie mnie nazywać durniem.,I'm what the world calls an idiot.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Bardzo ich oboje lubię.,I like both of them very much.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Byłem u dentysty.,I've been to the dentist's.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Oni nie mają poczucia popełnionego grzechu.,They have no sense of sin.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Szkocja słynie z wełnianych tkanin.,Scotland is famous for its woollen textiles.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn "Wstałem wcześnie, żeby wyrobić się na pociąg.",I got up early so as to be in time for the train.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Proszę po południu wpaść do mnie do biura.,Please come to my office in the afternoon.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn "Wziąłem taksówkę, żeby złapać pociąg.",I took a taxi so as to catch the train.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn "Ludzie wierzą we wszystko, co jest napisane w gazetach.",People believe everything written in the newspapers.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Byłeś kiedyś w związku na odległość?,Have you ever been in a long distance relationship?,pol_Latn-eng_Latn "Spieszyłem się na stację, żeby nie spóźnić się na pociąg.",I hurried to the station so that I wouldn't miss the train.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Każda z tych wind może przewieżć 10 ludzi.,These elevators are each capable of carrying ten persons.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Z powodu choroby rzucił naukę.,Illness made him give up his studies.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Idź do banku.,Please go to the bank.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn "Poniewaz Chiny są krajem rozwijająym się, pewne aspekty życia nie wyglądają tak dobrze, jak w krajach zachodu.","Because it's a developing country, some aspects of China aren't as good as those in Western countries.",pol_Latn-eng_Latn On często chodził nad tę rzekę na ryby.,He would often go fishing in the river.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Ta historia przypomniała mi mojego starego znajomego.,That story brought to mind an old friend of mine.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn On może zapłacić 5 tys. dolarów.,He is good for five thousand dollars.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Znam całość tej opowieści.,I know the whole of the story.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn "Była dumna z tego, że uścisnęła dłoń prezydenta USA.",She was proud that she had shaken hands with the President of the U.S.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Ta tkanina jest solidna.,This cloth wears well.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Nie wchodź do pokoju bez pozwolenia.,Don't enter the room without permission.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Bardzo mało siusiam.,I urinate very little.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Pieniądze szybko się rozchodzą.,Money soon goes.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Czekaliśmy aż winda zjedzie.,He waited for the elevator to come down.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Kto to zbudował?,Who built it?,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Napis na szyldzie wyblakł.,The sun faded the lettering on the sign.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Muszę wezwać lekarza.,I must send for the doctor.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Zastanawiam się nad wyjazdem do Kobe w przyszłym tygodniu.,I am thinking of going to Kobe next week.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Ile książek przeczytałeś?,How many books did you read?,pol_Latn-eng_Latn "Życie to nic innego jak wypełnianie wewnętrznej pustki. Pracą, alkoholem czy muzyką - wszyscy czymś zastępujęmy brak miłości.","Life is all about filling up the emptiness inside. Work, alcohol, music, we all have our substitutes for love.",pol_Latn-eng_Latn "Myślałem, że będzie posprzątane po południu.",I thought it would clear up in the afternoon.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn On jest zwykłym urzędnikiem.,He is nothing more than a clerk.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Proszę podać nazwisko i numer ubezpieczenia społecznego.,"State your name and social security number, please.",pol_Latn-eng_Latn "To dlatego, że byłem zbyt zajęty.",Because I was too busy.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Zawsze umiała odpowiadać na różne pytania.,She was always able to answer all the questions.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Gdzie kupiłeś tę książkę?,Where did you buy this book?,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Usiadł na ławce i założył nogę na nogę.,He sat on the bench and crossed his legs.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Ten stół stoi krzywo.,This table is at an angle.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn "Po pierwsze, ja muszę powiedzieć to.","First of all, I must say this.",pol_Latn-eng_Latn Może pan chwilkę zaczekać?,Would you please wait for a few minutes?,pol_Latn-eng_Latn "Myślałem, że to jest dobra książka, ale Jim miał inne zdanie.","I thought it was a good book, but Jim thought otherwise.",pol_Latn-eng_Latn Ojciec zbudował mi model statku.,Father made me a model of a ship.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Każdy boi się robić coś nowego.,Everyone is afraid of doing new things.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Nie słyszę!,I can't hear you.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn "Podniosłem mojego syna, żeby mógł to zobaczyć.",I lifted my son so that he could see it.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn "Udowodniłem, że to prawda.",I proved it to be true.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn "Z czasem do futbolu amerykańskiego wprowadzano nowe zasady, by mecze były bezpieczniejsze.","As time went on, rules were added to the game to make it safer.",pol_Latn-eng_Latn "Zwracaj uwagę na to, co jesz.",Be careful about what you eat.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn "Cieszę się, że spadło dużo śniegu.",We have had a lot of snow and I am very happy.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Spotykam ją przypadkiem.,I bump into her.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Wygląda na zdrową.,She looks nice and healthy.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Zadaniem studenta jest się uczyć.,It is a student's business to study.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Badam teatr kabuki.,I'm studying kabuki drama.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Każdemu chłopcu zadałem trzy pytania.,I asked each boy three questions.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn "To, co mówisz, całkowicie różni się od tego, co usłyszałem od niego.",What you say is quite different from what I heard from him.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn "Gdybym wtedy znał angielski, nie wyszedłbym na durnia.","If I had been able to speak English then, I would not have been made fun of.",pol_Latn-eng_Latn "Dziękuję za zaproszenie, ale następnym razem.","Thank you for asking me, but maybe next time.",pol_Latn-eng_Latn Ten chłopak jest przyzwyczajony do rozmów z dorosłymi.,The little boy is used to talking with grown-ups.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Ona uczy się prowadzić samochód.,She is learning how to drive a car.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn To oni posadzili te drzewa.,These trees were planted by them.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Te ciastka pewnie szybko się sprzedadzą.,The cakes may be sold out soon.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Usilnie szukała swojej obrączki.,She looked for her ring earnestly.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn "Pewnie jesteś zaskoczony, że spotykasz swojego nauczyciela w takim miejscu.",You must've been surprised to meet your teacher in such a place.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Przychylacie się do naszej propozycji?,Do you agree to our proposal?,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Cały naród pragnie pokoju.,The whole nation wants peace.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Dokładnie wytłumaczyłem studentowi istotę rzeczy.,I brought the point home to the student.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Poszła już spać.,She had gone to bed.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Szef odrzucił naszą propozycję.,Our boss turned down our proposal.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Ona je obiad w domu.,She has lunch at home.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Ten słownik jest do niczego.,This dictionary is not useful at all.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn "Nie mogę pisać tym ołówkiem, bo się stępił.",I can't write with this dull pencil.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Prawa łamać nie wolno.,You are not to break the law.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Ściemniło się.,It's getting darker outside now.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Po południu pogoda zmieniła się na mokrą i mglistą.,In the afternoon the weather became wet and foggy.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Tom był z nami wczoraj po południu w bibliotece.,Tom was in the library with us yesterday afternoon.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn "Boję się, że Tom nie żyje.",I'm afraid that Tom is dead.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Potrafisz sobie wyobrazić jakie byłoby życie bez elektryczności?,Can you imagine what our lives would be like without electricity?,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Zachowuj się.,Mind your manners.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn "Musisz nauczyć się angielskiego, czy Ci się to podoba czy nie.",You must learn English whether you like it or not.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Nowa sekretarka pisze szybciej niż poprzednia.,The new secretary types faster than the old one.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Co dałeś Mike'owi na urodziny?,What did you give Mike on his birthday?,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Tom spędził popołudnie paprząc się w swoim garażu.,Tom spent the afternoon messing around in his garage.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Co robisz dziś wieczorem?,What are you going to do tonight?,pol_Latn-eng_Latn "Nie ma pewności, że wróci w przyszłym tygodniu.",There is no guarantee that he'll be back next week.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Trzymane w chłodnym miejscu.,Keep it in a cool place.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn "Nigdy nie widziałem pandy, dopóki nie pojechałem do Chin.",I had never seen a panda until I went to China.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Nie możesz tu pływać.,You can not swim here.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Mógłbyś mi pożyczyć długopis?,Would you mind lending me your pen?,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Muzyka to wspólny język ludzkości.,Music is a common speech for humanity.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Jak minęły Ci wakacje?,How was your summer vacation?,pol_Latn-eng_Latn "Gdy tylko przybył, zażądał posiłku.","The moment he arrived, he demanded food.",pol_Latn-eng_Latn "Proszę, zamów tej pani taksówkę.",Please call this lady a taxi.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Odpalili fajerwerki z wielkim hukiem.,They set off fireworks with a great bang.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Mylisz się.,You were wrong.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Pojedziemy samochodem czy taksówką?,Should we go by car or by taxi?,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Mocno trzymała się swojej wiary.,She adhered strongly to her belief.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Mięśnie bolały go od długiego siedzenia w jednej pozycji.,His muscles ached from sitting too long in one position.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Otrzymaliśmy nakaz eksmisji.,We received an eviction notice.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Zasugerowała bym odwołał spotkanie.,She suggested to me that I call off the meeting.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Lubi podróżować sam.,He likes to travel by himself.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn "Zwycięstwo jest wątpliwe, ale nie niemożliwe.",Victory is unlikely but not impossible.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn "Obawiam się, że tak.",I fear so.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Miałem atak serca.,I had a heart attack.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn "Nie muszę się dziś uczyć, chyba pooglądam telewizję.",I don't have to study tonight. I think I'll watch television for a while.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Idziemy do kina.,We are going to the cinema.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Mój ojciec naprawia mój zepsuty rower.,My father is repairing my broken bicycle.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Możesz przyciszyć?,Can you keep the noise down?,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Mamy dość czasu na skończenie pracy domowej.,There is enough time to finish this homework.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Warto obejrzeć ten film dwa lub trzy razy.,The movie is worth seeing at least two or three times.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Wielcy ludzie nie zawsze są mądrzy.,Great people are not always wise.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn "On powiedział, że jest zmęczony, więc pójdzie do domu wcześniej.","He said he was tired, so he would go home early.",pol_Latn-eng_Latn Wyglądasz na zmęczonego. Czy mógłbym przejąć kierownicę?,You look tired. Shall I take the wheel?,pol_Latn-eng_Latn "Janek, będąc zmęczonym, poszedł do łóżka wcześniej.","John, being tired, went to bed early.",pol_Latn-eng_Latn "Będąc zmęczonym, on poszedł do łóżka wcześniej niż zwykle.","Being tired, he went to bed earlier than usual.",pol_Latn-eng_Latn Nie pozwolę Tomowi wejść.,I'm not letting Tom in.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn "Gra zostanie rozegrana, nawet jeżeli będzie padało.",The game will be played even if it rains.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Zapłacisz gotówką?,Will you pay cash?,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Nasz statek zbliżył się do portu.,Our ship was approaching the harbor.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn On pociągnął swojego syna za uszy.,He pulled his son by the ear.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Ona zawsze była popularną aktorką.,She has always been a popular actress.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn "Ona nie jest już tą radosną kobietą, jaką była poprzednio.",She is not the cheerful woman she was before.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn "Wiadomości obwieszczają, że w Grecji było wielkie trzęsienie ziemi.",The news says that there was a big earthquake in Greece.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Ona uważała jego decyzję za poważny błąd.,She looked on his decision as a grave mistake.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn "Byłem zły, że ona oszukała moje dzieci.",I was angry that she had deceived my children.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Kupiłem tę książkę w księgarni Maruzen.,I bought this book at Maruzen Bookstore.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Musisz posprzątać stół.,You must clear the table.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Czy w piątek będzie dostępny stolik dla dwóch osób?,Is there a table available for two on Friday?,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Czy moglibyśmy dostać stolik w części dla niepalących?,Could we have a table in the non-smoking section?,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Pospiesz się i nakryj na stół do obiadu.,Hurry up and set the table for dinner.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Czy moglibyśmy dostać stolik w części dla palących?,Could we have a table in the smoking section?,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Chciałem tylko sprawdzić moją pocztę elektroniczną.,I just wanted to check my email.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn "Jeśli mężczyźni są wilkami, to kobiety są diabłami.",If men are wolves then women are devils.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Starzec wydawał się mądry.,The old man looked wise.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Mój mąż zawsze czyta w łóżku.,My husband always reads in bed.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn On pracował dla bogacza.,He worked for a rich man.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Temu mężczyźnie brakuje odwagi.,This man lacks courage.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Jestem policjantem z zawodu.,I am a policeman.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Dom jest ogrzewany energią słoneczną.,The house is heated by solar energy.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn (On) bez wysiłku wspiął się na drzewo.,He climbed up the tree without effort.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Coraz więcej par małżeńskich jedzie za granicę na swój miodowy miesiąc.,More and more couples go on honeymoon trips abroad.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn To będzie kosztować trzydzieści euro.,This will cost €30.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn "Trzydzieści dni mają wrzesień, kwiecień, czerwiec i listopad.","Thirty days has September, April, June and November.",pol_Latn-eng_Latn To była naprawdę bardzo ciężka praca.,It was real hard work.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn On jedzie do szkoły autobusem.,He is going to school on a bus.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Nie lubię takich powieści.,I do not care for such a novel.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn "Zapytałem się go, czy ma czas.",I asked him if he was busy.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Nie powinien Pan jeść ryb pochodzących z tej rzeki.,You shouldn't eat any fish that come from this river.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn On chwycił jej rękę.,He caught her hand.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn On śpiewa słabo.,He cannot sing well.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Proszę poinformować mnie telefonicznie o wyniku.,Please let me know the result by telephone.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Oczekujemy na dzisiaj deszczu.,We expect rain today.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Wczoraj złowiłem trzy ryby.,I caught three fish yesterday.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Zaczęło padać mocniej ponad trzy godziny temu.,It began to rain heavily more than three hours ago.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn "Nie miał nic do roboty, więc poszedł do miasta.","Having nothing to do, he went downtown.",pol_Latn-eng_Latn "Jak się nazywa ta piosenka, co Mr Tsuji śpiewał ją w tym programie?",What is that song called that Mr. Tsuji was singing in the TV show?,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Pomocy!,"SOS, please help!",pol_Latn-eng_Latn Wykonał pracę do końca.,He has done the work completely.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn "To jest pokój, do którego on wszedł.",This is the room into which he went.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Kim jestem? Skąd pochodzę? Czy jest życie po śmierci? Jaki jest sens ziemskiego życia?,Who am I? Where do I come from? Is there life after death? What is the meaning of life on earth?,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Nie masz nic mniejszego niż to?,Don't you have anything smaller than this?,pol_Latn-eng_Latn "W Nim było życie, a życie było światłością ludzi.","In him was life, and that life was the light of men.",pol_Latn-eng_Latn To jest rocznica końca wojny.,It's the anniversary of the end of the war.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Na Księżycu nie ma życia.,There is no life on the moon.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Pomysł przyszedł jej do głowy w ostatnim momencie.,A good idea came across her mind at the last moment.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Nawet złodzieje mają swój honor.,There is honor even among thieves.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Jego rodzina pracuje na polu.,His family works in the fields.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Potrafię pisać (na maszynie|na komputerze) 50 słów na minutę.,I can type 50 words a minute.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn My jesteśmy całkowicie przekonani o jego niewinności.,We are all convinced of his innocence.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn "Wczoraj, to po prostu nie był mój dzień.",It just was not my day yesterday.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn "To jest raczej sala, a nie pokój.",It is a hall rather than a room.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Mecz będzie chyba odwołany.,The game will probably be canceled.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Tom zaczyna płakać.,Tom is starting to cry.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn "Nie mogłem wyjść, bo padało.",I couldn't go out because it was raining.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Pracuję w firmie naftowej.,I work for an oil company.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Rodzice zawsze się martwią o przyszłość swoich dzieci.,Parents are always worried about the future of their children.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Dlaczego chcesz kupić tę książkę?,Why do you want to buy this book?,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Ile masz książek?,How many books do you possess?,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Zgaś to.,Turn it off.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn "Mój pociąg wyjechał o szóstej, a przyjechał o dziesiątej.",My train left at six and arrived at ten.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Tom uwielbia dobrze się bawić.,Tom loves a good party.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Nie wrzucaj kamieni do rzeki.,Don't throw rocks into the river.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Nie kładź książek na stole.,Don't put books on the table.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Przeczytaj notę na końcu strony.,Read the note at the bottom of the page.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Istnieje projekt dla ekspansji przedsiębiorstwa.,There is a scheme to expand the company.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Dodał trochę cukru i mleka do swojej herbaty.,He added a little sugar and milk to his tea.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn On naprawdę bardzo pilnie potrzebuje pieniędzy.,He's in desperate need of the money.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Ona zachorowała pod koniec tego tygodnia.,She got sick this weekend.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Zwyciężyliśmy wroga.,We gave the enemy a drubbing.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Tom wygrał pierwsze rozdanie.,Tom won the first hand.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Pięćdziesiąt dwa procent brytyjskich kobiet woli czekoladę od seksu.,Fifty-two per cent of British women prefer chocolate to sex.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Pracują osiem godzin dziennie.,They work eight hours a day.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Słynny architekt zbudował ten dom.,A famous architect built this house.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Wszyscy szukają szczęścia.,Everyone seeks happiness.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn "Wkrótce będzie za ciemno, aby cokolwiek zobaczyć.",It'll soon be too dark to see.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Chłopiec sięgnął po kolejny kawałek ciasta.,The boy reached out for another piece of cake.,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Przeczytaj to wieczorem!,Read this in the evening!,pol_Latn-eng_Latn Há um show amanhã,There is a show tomorrow.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Você não gosta de histórias de amor.,You don't like love stories.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Eu trabalharei com ela,I'll work with her.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Olhe para estas fotos,Look at these photos.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Em cada minuto de raiva você perde sessenta segundos de paz de espírito.,"For every minute you remain angry, you give up sixty seconds of peace of mind.",por_Latn-eng_Latn Ainda há muito a fazer,There's still so much to do.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Tom apresentou-se a todos.,Tom introduced himself to everyone.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Chegou?,Has it arrived?,por_Latn-eng_Latn "Escrevo em nome de meu marido, que está no hospital.","I am writing on behalf of my husband, who is in the hospital.",por_Latn-eng_Latn As reclamações dela me irritam.,Your complaints upset me.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Estou morrendo de fome.,I'm dying of hunger.,por_Latn-eng_Latn O que dizem?,What are they saying?,por_Latn-eng_Latn "Suas reclamações, senhores, nunca têm fim.",Her complaints never cease.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Tom tem um pênis grande.,Tom has a big penis.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Tom tem um pau grande.,Tom has a large dick.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Tom lê a Bíblia todo dia.,Tom reads the Bible every day.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Quase todas as portas estavam fechadas.,Almost all the doors were closed.,por_Latn-eng_Latn "Olá, eu sou Sepideh.","Hello, I am Sepideh.",por_Latn-eng_Latn Não consigo entender por que o Tom não nos deixa ir.,I can't understand why Tom won't let us go.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Eu farei tudo o que puder para ajudar o Tom.,I'll do everything I can to help Tom.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Você não perguntou a Tom por que ele fez isso?,Haven't you asked Tom why he did that?,por_Latn-eng_Latn Acho que foi assim que o Tom me encontrou.,I guess that's how Tom found me.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Você é muito jovem para dirigir um carro.,You're too young to drive a car.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Pôs um gorro na cabeça.,He put a cap on his head.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Tom parece determinado.,Tom looks determined.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Devo confessar que ainda não li.,I must confess I haven't read it yet.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Gostaria de que estas calças fossem limpas.,I'd like to have these pants cleaned.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Estávamos almoçando juntos.,We were eating lunch together.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Eu serei mais cuidadoso,I'll be more careful.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Você não quer saber por que o Tom saiu?,Don't you want to know why Tom left?,por_Latn-eng_Latn Isso é tudo que eu vi.,That's all I saw.,por_Latn-eng_Latn O Tom contou para a Mary.,Tom told Mary.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Você diz isto por que está com medo?,Do you say that because you're afraid?,por_Latn-eng_Latn Tom admitiu que ele era preguiçoso.,Tom admitted that he was lazy.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Eu acho que é provável que o Tom faça isso.,I think Tom is likely to do that.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Tom canta no coral da escola.,Tom sings in the school chorus.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Eu gostaria que o Tom nos ajudasse.,I wish that Tom would help us.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Tom e eu temos nossas diferenças.,Tom and I have our differences.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Aqui você encontrará todos os tipos de instrumentos musicais.,"Here, you will find all sorts of musical instruments.",por_Latn-eng_Latn Temos que encontrar o Tom primeiro.,We've got to find Tom first.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Eu suspeito que o Tom já saiba disso.,I suspect that Tom knows this already.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Eu nunca consegui falar com o Tom.,I've never been able to talk to Tom.,por_Latn-eng_Latn O Tom sabe exatamente do que está falando.,Tom knows exactly what he's talking about.,por_Latn-eng_Latn O Tom espera ver você lá.,Tom hopes to see you there.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Não quero ouvir nenhuma outra queixa sobre você.,I don't want to hear another complaint about you.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Acho que isso é um adeus.,I guess this is goodbye.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Eu estou com vontade de comer alguma coisa.,I feel like eating something.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Ele procurou no quarto a chave perdida.,He searched the room for the lost key.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Layla até se mudou para um quarto separado.,Layla even moved into a separate bedroom.,por_Latn-eng_Latn "O Tom tentou convencer a Mary a não fazer isso, mas ele não conseguiu.","Tom tried to convince Mary not to do that, but he was unable to.",por_Latn-eng_Latn Quem joga golfe?,Who plays golf?,por_Latn-eng_Latn Tom não se importa se você vencer.,Tom doesn't care if you win.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Tenho um amigo que conhece o Tom.,I have a friend who knows Tom.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Tom encheu o copo de vinho de Mary até a borda.,Tom filled Mary's wine glass to the rim.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Tom sabe como falar Francês,Tom knows how to speak French.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Eu não tenho tempo para isso,I've got no time for that.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Essa é a única razão pela qual você não gosta do Tom?,Is that the only reason you don't like Tom?,por_Latn-eng_Latn Tom entrou no meu escritório e fechou a porta.,Tom came into my office and closed the door.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Há algo que eu quero,There's something I want.,por_Latn-eng_Latn O Tom sabe que ele estava errado.,Tom knows that he was wrong.,por_Latn-eng_Latn O chão estava muito frio,The floor was very cold.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Você ouviu sobre o que aconteceu?,Did you hear about what happened?,por_Latn-eng_Latn Quando tu podes vir à minha casa?,When can you come to my house?,por_Latn-eng_Latn O Tom é muito bom no golfe.,Tom is pretty good at golf.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Eu quero sonhar,I want to dream.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Foi difícil convencer Tom a fazer a coisa certa.,Convincing Tom to do the right thing was hard.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Quando poderás vir à minha casa?,When can you come to my home?,por_Latn-eng_Latn Por que você está aprendendo inglês?,Why are you learning English?,por_Latn-eng_Latn Você tem mãos bonitas.,You have beautiful hands.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Isto não é fácil.,This isn't easy.,por_Latn-eng_Latn "De repente, um homem parou na frente deles.","Suddenly, a man stepped in front of them.",por_Latn-eng_Latn Você pode me dar uma outra alternativa?,Can you give me another alternative?,por_Latn-eng_Latn Você está mesmo me ouvindo?,Are you even listening to me?,por_Latn-eng_Latn "John tentou, em vão, resolver o problema.",John tried in vain to solve the problem.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Estou começando com a cerveja.,I'm starting with beer.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Vocês gostam de música?,Do you like music?,por_Latn-eng_Latn Não quero dirigir.,I don't want to drive.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Elas não têm autocrítica.,They have no self-criticism.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Eu não posso te contar por que eu fiz isso.,I can't tell you why I did that.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Eu estava querendo falar com você.,I've been meaning to speak with you.,por_Latn-eng_Latn O trânsito é pesado por aqui.,Traffic is heavy around here.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Tom não tem ideia de quando Mary irá chegar.,Tom has no idea when Mary will arrive.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Pense cuidadosamente sobre isso.,Think carefully about this.,por_Latn-eng_Latn As senhoras não têm autocrítica.,You have no self-criticism.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Tom gostava de ajudar a Mary.,Tom liked helping Mary.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Tom geralmente não chega aqui na hora.,Tom usually doesn't get here on time.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Eu me pergunto se Tom está realmente com medo.,I wonder whether Tom is really scared.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Me pergunto se Tom está realmente com medo.,I wonder if Tom is really scared.,por_Latn-eng_Latn A água na estrada era apenas uma miragem.,The water on the road was just a mirage.,por_Latn-eng_Latn "Um fato frequentemente observado é que, sob a influência de uma paixão, chegam a escrever bons versos pessoas que, em quaisquer outras circunstâncias, são incapazes de escrever bem.","It is a fact often observed, that men have written good verses under the inspiration of passion, who cannot write well under other circumstances.",por_Latn-eng_Latn Eu queria me casar com ele.,I wanted to marry him.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Eu estava com medo de chamá-la para sair.,I was afraid to ask her out.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Mudanças no país são inevitáveis.,Changes in the country are inevitable.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Dançamos juntos.,We danced together.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Vivemos num mundo muito complicado.,We live in a very complicated world.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Escalei o monte Fuji quatro vezes.,I've climbed Mt. Fuji four times.,por_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom pensou em abandonar os estudos, mas decidiu não fazer isso.","Tom considered leaving school, but decided against it.",por_Latn-eng_Latn O show durou aproximadamente três horas.,The concert lasted about three hours.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Ele gosta de tomar sorvete.,He enjoys eating ice cream.,por_Latn-eng_Latn John não suporta o barulho.,John can't bear the noise.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Dan decidiu viajar pelo mundo.,Dan decided to travel the world.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Tom detesta cidades barulhentas.,Tom dislikes noisy cities.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Os meninos são escandalosos.,The boys are noisy.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Você está em boa companhia.,You're in good company.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Quero abrir o meu próprio restaurante.,I want to open my own restaurant.,por_Latn-eng_Latn O motor é barulhento.,The engine is noisy.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Não consegui entender nada do que ele disse.,I couldn't understand a thing from what he said.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Foi uma competição.,It was a competition.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Este aspirador de pó é barulhento.,This vacuum cleaner is noisy.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Nós não podemos reclamar.,We can't complain.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Nós não deveríamos reclamar.,We shouldn't complain.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Você deseja reclamar?,Do you wish to complain?,por_Latn-eng_Latn Você é estrangeiro?,Are you a foreigner?,por_Latn-eng_Latn Por que você ainda está reclamando?,Why are you still complaining?,por_Latn-eng_Latn Por que você está sempre reclamando?,Why are you always complaining?,por_Latn-eng_Latn "Depois de três dias inteiros de entrevistas, nós chegamos a dois candidatos.",After three full days of interviews we've narrowed it down to two candidates.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Ele orou antes de comer.,He said grace before eating.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Não estou mais preocupado.,I'm not worried anymore.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Tom cometeu apenas três erros.,Tom made only three mistakes.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Tom está sempre de bom humor.,Tom is always in a good mood.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Sessenta e cinco países boicotaram as Olimpíadas de Verão de 1980.,Sixty-five countries boycotted the 1980 summer Olympics.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Tom me beijou antes de sair.,Tom kissed me before he left.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Poderias ser mais bondoso.,You could be more forgiving.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Meu médico aconselhou que eu parasse de tomar esse remédio.,My doctor has advised me to stop taking this medicine.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Vamos jogar video game para matar o tempo.,Let's play some video games to kill time.,por_Latn-eng_Latn "Resumindo, estou dizendo que a sociedade está melhorando.","To summarize, I'm saying that society is becoming better.",por_Latn-eng_Latn Árvores frutíferas necessitam de muito espaço para crescer.,Fruit trees require a large amount of space in which to grow.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Bons hábitos alimentares são essenciais.,Good eating habits are essential.,por_Latn-eng_Latn As frutas contêm sementes.,Fruits have seeds in them.,por_Latn-eng_Latn As frutas são secas no sol.,The fruits are dried in the sun.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Você parece gostar de frutas.,You seem to like fruit.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Eu não deveria ter feito o que fiz.,I shouldn't have done what I did.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Não dá para respirar aqui.,You can't breathe here.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Nada é mais terrível do que um terremoto.,Nothing is so terrible as an earthquake.,por_Latn-eng_Latn "Se não fosse pela minha família, eu desistiria deste emprego.","If it were not for my family, I would give up this job.",por_Latn-eng_Latn Você quer realmente ir a Boston?,Do you really want to go to Boston?,por_Latn-eng_Latn Ela adora pescar.,She loves to fish.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Eu não tenho planos de visitar a Austrália.,I have no plans to visit Australia.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Sinto saudades de casa quando lembro de minha família.,I feel homesick when I remember my family.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Porque eles estão jantando.,Because they're eating dinner.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Layla e Sami estavam na praia.,Layla and Sami were on the beach.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Ele é o tipo de cara que não leva as mulheres muito a sério.,He's the type of guy who doesn't take women very seriously.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Eu tenho TOC.,I have OCD.,por_Latn-eng_Latn "Por favor, não alimente os pombos.",Please don't feed the pigeons.,por_Latn-eng_Latn As férias de verão acabaram.,The summer vacation is over.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Estou esperando ansiosamente a sua visita durante as férias de verão.,I'm looking forward to your visit during summer vacation.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Muitos jovens viajam ao exterior durante as férias de verão.,Many young people go abroad during summer vacation.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Quanto dinheiro foi economizado na preparação para as férias de verão?,How much money was saved in preparation for the summer vacation?,por_Latn-eng_Latn Poder? Dinheiro? Tudo parece tão ridículo agora!,Power? Money? Everything seems so ridiculous now!,por_Latn-eng_Latn Não tenho nada para abrir a lata.,I have nothing to open the can with.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Centenas de pessoas ligaram ou escreveram à Fundação Gorila.,Hundreds of people called or wrote to the Gorilla Foundation.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Centenas de pessoas estavam no lugar.,Hundreds of people were on the spot.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Matamos centenas de faisões a tiro.,We shot pheasants by the hundred.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Centenas de pessoas estavam esperando do lado de fora da bilheteria.,Hundreds of people were waiting outside the ticket office.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Centenas de pessoas trabalham nessa fábrica.,Hundreds of people work in this factory.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Milhões de árvores foram cortadas para se fazer combustível.,Millions of trees have been cut down for fuel.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Quanto tempo dura a viagem?,How long is the ride?,por_Latn-eng_Latn Vocês têm protetor solar?,Do you have any sunscreen?,por_Latn-eng_Latn Eu nem sempre uso protetor solar.,I don't always wear sunscreen.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Ele se parece muito com o pai dele.,He resembles his father very closely.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Que horas começará o jogo?,What time will the game start?,por_Latn-eng_Latn Que horas o jogo vai começar?,What time does the game start?,por_Latn-eng_Latn A que horas começa?,What time does it start?,por_Latn-eng_Latn Quando deveríamos fazer as reservas?,When should we make reservations?,por_Latn-eng_Latn A que horas você pode vir?,What time can you come?,por_Latn-eng_Latn Ela acertou em cheio.,She hit the nail on the head.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Eles estão comendo um sanduíche.,They are eating a sandwich.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Eu tive de correr.,I had to run.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Acabei de ter uma ideia.,I just got an idea.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Antes só do que mal acompanhado.,Better alone than in bad company.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Isso nunca acabará.,This is never going to end.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Muriel tem 20 anos agora.,Muiriel is 20 now.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Fizemos uma melhora drástica.,We've made a drastic improvement.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Tom arregaçou as mangas.,Tom rolled up his sleeves.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Hoje é 18 de junho e é o aniversário de Muiriel!,Today is June 18th and it is Muiriel's birthday!,por_Latn-eng_Latn Ele arregaçou suas mangas.,He rolled up his sleeves.,por_Latn-eng_Latn "Eu sei onde ele mora, mas é segredo.","I know his address, but it's a secret.",por_Latn-eng_Latn Ela arregaçou suas mangas.,She rolled up her sleeves.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Avise-nos quando o senhor estiver para vir à Austrália.,Let us know when you'll be coming to Australia.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Tom arregaçou as mangas da camisa.,Tom rolled up his shirt sleeves.,por_Latn-eng_Latn "Se você olhar a letra da música, ela não significa muita coisa.","If you look at the lyrics, they don't really mean much.",por_Latn-eng_Latn Você só está fugindo dos problemas da vida.,You're just running away from life's problems.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Eu acho que morar com você influenciou seu estilo de vida.,I think my living with you has influenced your way of living.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Gostaria de visitar a Inglaterra um dia.,I'd like to visit England someday.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Temos que esperar pelo pior.,We have to expect the worst.,por_Latn-eng_Latn A situação é pior do que imaginávamos.,The situation is worse than we believed.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Eu vim para te dar isso.,I came to give you this.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Não gosto do inverno.,I don't like winter.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Aqui está o seu troco.,Here is your change.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Trarei a conta imediatamente.,I'll bring you the bill immediately.,por_Latn-eng_Latn A fila está se movendo muito devagar.,The line is moving very slowly.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Eu levaria muito tempo para te explicar porquê isso não vai funcionar.,It would take me too much time to explain to you why it's not going to work.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Você nunca tem tempo para as coisas importantes.,You never have time for important things!,por_Latn-eng_Latn "Eu imagino que por trás de cada coisa que temos que fazer, existe algo que queremos fazer.","I suppose that behind each thing we have to do, there's something we want to do...",por_Latn-eng_Latn Você realmente precisa fazer a pergunta para saber a resposta?,Do you really need to ask the question to know the answer?,por_Latn-eng_Latn Eu só queria checar meu e-mail.,I just wanted to check my email.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Você deve se desculpar a ela por isso.,You are to apologize to her for it.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Temos visto medidas drásticas deste então.,We've seen drastic changes since then.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Voê sabe bastante sobre sumô.,You know quite a lot about Sumo.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Você parece tão pequeno perto de um lutador de sumô.,You look tiny next to a sumo wrestler.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Isto não é justo.,This isn't fair.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Acabei de falar com Tom sobre aquele assunto.,I've just talked to Tom about that matter.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Não corra riscos desnecessários.,Don't take unnecessary risks.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Eles estão comendo as suas maçãs.,They are eating their apples.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Correr riscos desnecessários é abusar da sorte!,Taking unnecessary risks is pushing your luck!,por_Latn-eng_Latn O comportamento delas mudou drasticamente.,Their behavior changed drastically.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Você depende muito dos outros.,You depend too much on others.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Você deve cortar despesas extras para conseguir viver com o que ganha.,You must cut down on extra expenses in order to live within your means.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Você deveria se envergonhar da sua ignorância.,You should be ashamed of your ignorance.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Você tem seu próprio quarto?,Do you have a room of your own?,por_Latn-eng_Latn Você deveria aprender a usar um dicionário.,You should learn how to use your dictionary.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Você sabe usar um dicionário?,Do you know how to use a dictionary?,por_Latn-eng_Latn Você precisará de muito mais dinheiro do que agora.,You will need much more money than you do now.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Você vem conosco agora.,You're coming with us now.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Você trabalhou muito essa semana.,You worked a lot this week.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Em que série você está?,What grade are you in?,por_Latn-eng_Latn Você ficará em casa.,You will stay at home.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Você vai ficar em casa?,Will you stay at home?,por_Latn-eng_Latn Você não precisava ter pintado a sua casa.,You did not need to have your house painted.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Você deveria se cuidar melhor.,You should take better care of yourself.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Você deveria ter vindo antes.,You should have come home before.,por_Latn-eng_Latn É uma pena que você não tenha começado antes.,It is regrettable that you did not start earlier.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Você deveria ser mais cuidadoso.,You should be more careful.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Você só precisa se esforçar mais.,All you have to do is to work harder.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Você deveria estudar mais.,You should study harder.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Você parece bastante cansado.,You look very tired.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Com que frequência você usa a câmera de seu smartphone?,How often do you use the camera on your smartphone?,por_Latn-eng_Latn Quão alto você consegue pular?,How high can you jump?,por_Latn-eng_Latn A qual clube você pertence?,Which club do you belong to?,por_Latn-eng_Latn "Você é amigo do Tom, não?","You're a friend of Tom's, eh?",por_Latn-eng_Latn Posso te dar isso?,Can I give you this?,por_Latn-eng_Latn Você pode sempre contar com o Tom.,You can always count on Tom.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Quanto tempo você ficará aqui?,How long will you stay here?,por_Latn-eng_Latn Com que frequência você vai ao exterior?,How often do you go abroad?,por_Latn-eng_Latn Você deveria dar ênfase àquele fato.,You should emphasize that fact.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Você terminou de ler o romance?,Have you finished reading the novel?,por_Latn-eng_Latn Você deveria se inscrever para aquela vaga.,You should apply for that post.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Você é a favor ou contra aquela política?,Are you in favor of or against that policy?,por_Latn-eng_Latn Você deveria ter visto a exibição.,You ought to have seen the exhibition.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Você não deveria menosprezar esse resultado.,You should not think little of this result.,por_Latn-eng_Latn "Por que não deixamos Tom cuidar desse assunto? Afinal de contas, ele é o perito, certo?","Why don't we let Tom handle this matter? After all, he's the expert, right?",por_Latn-eng_Latn Você consegue entender esse poema?,Can you make sense of this poem?,por_Latn-eng_Latn Você já é grandinho o suficiente para entender isso.,You are old enough to understand this.,por_Latn-eng_Latn "Como você não tem nada a ver com esse assunto, você não precisa se preocupar.","Since you have nothing to do with this matter, you don't have to worry.",por_Latn-eng_Latn Você está pedindo muito dinheiro por esse carro.,You are asking too much for this car.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Você pode usar esse carro.,You can use this car.,por_Latn-eng_Latn "De certa forma, você está certo.",You are right in a way.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Você não deveria ter comido tanto sorvete.,You shouldn't have eaten so much ice cream.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Você não deveria responder aos seus pais dessa forma.,You shouldn't talk back to your parents like that.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Melhor pedir conselhos ao seu advogado.,Better to get advice from your lawyer.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Ninguém estava presente.,No one was present.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Em que série está a sua irmã?,What grade is your sister in?,por_Latn-eng_Latn Você seria tolo se pegasse dinheiro emprestado de um agiota.,You'd be a fool if you borrowed money from a loan shark.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Tentamos fazer o nosso melhor.,We try to do our best.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Seu gato está se escondendo de mim.,Your cat is hiding from me.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Você notou um padrão?,Have you noticed a pattern?,por_Latn-eng_Latn Sirius é a estrela mais brilhante no céu noturno.,Sirius is the brightest star in the night sky.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Por que você não vai a um banco?,Why don't you go to a bank?,por_Latn-eng_Latn Eu estou acostumado a conversar com crianças.,I'm used to talking to children.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Falei com o Tom noite passada.,I spoke with Tom last night.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Tom diz que Mary é sua alma gêmea e que eles foram feitos um para o outro.,Tom says Mary is his soul mate and that they were made for each other.,por_Latn-eng_Latn A irmã de Tom é mais jovem que a minha.,Tom's sister is younger than mine.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Tom se foi.,Tom has gone out.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Nós estamos tomando café da manhã dentro de casa.,We are eating breakfast inside.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Nós estávamos lá ontem à noite.,We were there last night.,por_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom sempre usa primeiro em casa os sapatos novos, para amaciá-los.",Tom always wears his new shoes at home first to break them in.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Os médicos dizem que as crianças que foram amamentadas são geralmente mais saudáveis.,Doctors say that children who were breastfed are usually healthier.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Você não vê o padrão?,Don't you see the pattern?,por_Latn-eng_Latn Algumas pessoas acham que asa-delta é um esporte perigoso.,Some people think that hang gliding is a dangerous sport.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Tenha toda a liberdade de ligar se a senhora vier a precisar de algo.,Feel free to call if you need anything.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Acho que é provável que o Tom faça isso.,I think that Tom is likely to do that.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Vocês não entendem o que está acontecendo aqui?,Don't you understand what's happening here?,por_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom ia voar de asa-delta, mas aí amarelou.","Tom was going to go hang gliding, but then he chickened out.",por_Latn-eng_Latn Esqueça completamente esse assunto.,Forget the whole thing.,por_Latn-eng_Latn O que podemos fazer?,What can we do?,por_Latn-eng_Latn Vimos esse padrão antes.,We've seen this pattern before.,por_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom tinha planejado pedir aumento de salário ao chefe, mas amarelou.","Tom had planned to ask his boss for a raise, but he chickened out.",por_Latn-eng_Latn "Acredito que a educação deve ser secular, e não enraizada na religião.","I believe that education should be secular, not rooted in religion.",por_Latn-eng_Latn Ele andou descalço.,He walked barefoot.,por_Latn-eng_Latn O médico tentou extrair-lhe das costas a bala.,A doctor tried to remove the bullet from his back.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Tom nunca anda descalço.,Tom never walks barefoot.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Eu nunca imaginei que ele faria isso comigo.,I never imagined he'd do that to me.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Nós estamos jantando fora de casa.,We are eating dinner outdoors.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Eu adoro andar descalço na grama.,I love walking barefoot on the grass.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Tom nos pediu que não deixássemos de chegar lá pontualmente.,Tom has asked us to make sure we get there on time.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Não haviam passado mais de duas horas.,No more than two hours have passed.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Como é possível tirar o máximo proveito deste livro?,How to profit by this book as much as possible?,por_Latn-eng_Latn O rio é extenso.,The river is long.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Tom não queria andar na corda bamba sem uma rede.,Tom didn't want to walk the tightrope without a net.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Ele nos aborreceu com suas reclamações.,He annoyed us with his complaints.,por_Latn-eng_Latn O sal faz o gelo derreter mais rápido.,Salt makes ice melt faster.,por_Latn-eng_Latn "Ela correu para seu quarto, chorando.","She ran to her room, crying.",por_Latn-eng_Latn Preste atenção no que está comendo!,Pay attention to what you're eating!,por_Latn-eng_Latn Nos conte o que aconteceu no parque.,Tell us what happened in the park.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Eu gostaria de visitar a Austrália algum dia.,I'd like to visit Australia someday.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Preste atenção no que está fazendo.,Pay attention to what you're doing.,por_Latn-eng_Latn """Você joga futebol?"" ""Não, mas jogo tênis"".","""Do you play football?"" ""No, but I play tennis.""",por_Latn-eng_Latn Eu caí para trás.,I fell over backwards.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Tom sentia-se como se estivesse andando na corda bamba e que o pior poderia acontecer se ele fizesse alguma coisa errada.,Tom felt like he was walking a tightrope and that the worst could happen if he made the wrong move.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Eu pratiquei falar francês com Tom.,I practiced speaking French with Tom.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Gostaria de fazer uma pergunta.,I'd like to ask a question.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Como eu posso ir ao jardim zoológico?,How do I get to the zoo?,por_Latn-eng_Latn Alguém está vigiando a entrada.,Someone is guarding the entrance.,por_Latn-eng_Latn "Nos anos bissextos, fevereiro tem 29 dias.",February has twenty-nine days in leap years.,por_Latn-eng_Latn A minha mulher é atriz.,My wife is an actress.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Meu pai lê o jornal toda manhã.,My father reads the newspaper every morning.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Eu bocejei.,I have yawned.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Não acredite em nada que ele diga.,Don't believe anything he says.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Ele tirou grande proveito do livro.,He derived great benefit from the book.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Maria tem muitas responsabilidades.,Mary has a lot of responsibilities.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Isso é algo inesquecível.,That's not something you forget.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Estamos jantando fora de casa.,We're eating dinner outdoors.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Tom ficou fora por um fim de semana.,Tom has gone away for a weekend.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Que noite linda!,What a beautiful night!,por_Latn-eng_Latn Eu ficarei bem.,I'm going to be OK.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Eles não têm ideia de quais são nossos problemas.,They have no idea what our problems are.,por_Latn-eng_Latn A lua estava acima do horizonte.,The moon was above the horizon.,por_Latn-eng_Latn A lua está visível.,The moon is out.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Tinha 23 anos de idade quando eu pintei este quadro.,"When I painted this picture, I was 23 years old.",por_Latn-eng_Latn Olhe para a lua.,Look at the moon.,por_Latn-eng_Latn É lua cheia.,It's a full moon.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Seja um pouco mais indulgente!,Be a little more clement!,por_Latn-eng_Latn A lua brilha no céu.,The moon shines in the sky.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Seja um pouco mais complacente!,Be a little more lenient!,por_Latn-eng_Latn Há lua cheia esta noite.,There is a full moon tonight.,por_Latn-eng_Latn A lua está no céu.,The moon is in the sky.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Europa é uma lua de Júpiter.,Europa is a moon of Jupiter.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Não há ar na lua.,There is no air on the moon.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Não há grama na Lua.,There is no grass on the moon.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Nunca desisto.,I never give up.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Seja um pouco mais bondoso!,Be a little more gracious!,por_Latn-eng_Latn Seja um pouco mais afável!,Be a little more merciful!,por_Latn-eng_Latn Seja um pouco mais misericordioso!,Be a little kinder!,por_Latn-eng_Latn Seja um pouco mais clemente!,Be a little milder!,por_Latn-eng_Latn Tom era muito educado para dizer não.,Tom was too polite to say no.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Tom desembrulhou o chocolate.,Tom unwrapped the chocolate.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Tenho estado muito ocupado com os exames!,I've been very busy with the exams!,por_Latn-eng_Latn Tenho estado muito ocupada com os exames!,I have been very busy with the exams!,por_Latn-eng_Latn Sadako sorriu para elas.,Sadako smiled at them.,por_Latn-eng_Latn "Para muitas pessoas hoje, ''competitivo'' é um palavrão.","To many people today, ""competitive"" is a bad word.",por_Latn-eng_Latn Tome sua sopa sem fazer barulho.,Have your soup without making noise.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Tom não gosta de comer cebolas.,Tom doesn't like to eat onions.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Fale bem dos mortos.,Speak well of the dead.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Você deve me avisar quando vier aqui da próxima vez.,You must let me know when you come here next time.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Tom reescreveu o parágrafo.,Tom rewrote the paragraph.,por_Latn-eng_Latn É difícil respirar quando a umidade está alta.,It's difficult to breathe when humidity is high.,por_Latn-eng_Latn "Se chover, o jogo será cancelado.","If it rains, the game will be canceled.",por_Latn-eng_Latn Eu só queria perguntar uma coisa para o Tom.,I just wanted to ask Tom something.,por_Latn-eng_Latn É a primeira vez que arrumo meu quarto.,This is the first time I've ever tidied my room.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Daremos a você a sua vingança.,We'll give you your revenge.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Tom conversou com Maria.,Tom chatted with Mary.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Quantas pessoas?,How many people?,por_Latn-eng_Latn Estamos querendo aprender.,We're willing to learn.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Ela não quer que ele vá para Boston.,She doesn't want him to go to Boston.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Eu pensei que estaríamos mais confortáveis aqui.,I thought we'd be more comfortable here.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Quantas frases você traduziu no Tatoeba?,How many sentences did you translate on Tatoeba?,por_Latn-eng_Latn Se ajudem com o dever de casa.,Help each other with homework.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Acabamos de chegar aqui.,We just got here.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Nós acabamos de chegar aqui.,We've just arrived.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Alguns rapazes entraram na sala de aula.,Some boys came into the classroom.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Coloque o ovo em água fervente.,Put the egg into boiling water.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Sei onde e com quem você dormiu ontem à noite.,I know where you slept last night and with whom.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Ele olhou de volta para mim antes de entrar no avião.,He looked back at me before he went on board the plane.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Faltam dez dias para a reunião.,The meeting is ten days away.,por_Latn-eng_Latn "''Você quer deixar uma mensagem?'' ''Não, obrigado.''","""Do you want to leave a message?"" ""No, thanks.""",por_Latn-eng_Latn Você pode ver por milhas do telhado.,You can see for miles from the roof.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Ele se conhecem desde a infância.,They have known each other since their childhood.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Eu deveria ter trazido minha câmera.,I should've brought my camera.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Quando devo voltar?,When should I come again?,por_Latn-eng_Latn Preciso de amigos.,I need friends.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Eu não tive a coragem para lhe dizer a verdade.,I didn't have the courage to tell her the truth.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Está tudo preparado para a viagem?,Is everything arranged for the trip?,por_Latn-eng_Latn "Se a carapuça servir, vista-a.","If the shoe fits, wear it.",por_Latn-eng_Latn Tem ideia de quando o banco fecha?,Do you have any idea when the bank closes?,por_Latn-eng_Latn "De qualquer forma, três contra um é injusto.","Anyway, three against one is unfair.",por_Latn-eng_Latn "O policial perguntou se Maria me cumprimentou com um aceno, um abraço ou um beijo.","The policeman asked if Maria had greeted me with a wave, a hug or a kiss.",por_Latn-eng_Latn Nunca machucamos o Tom.,We never hurt Tom.,por_Latn-eng_Latn "Se você está feliz, melhor deixar as coisas como estão.","If you're happy, it's best to just leave things how they are.",por_Latn-eng_Latn Retiro tudo o que disse anteriormente.,I take back everything I said.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Parece que desta vez é para sempre.,It seems like this time it's for good.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Parece que acabou de vez.,Looks like it ended once and for all.,por_Latn-eng_Latn "Alguns se ralaram, mas ninguém chegou a se ferir gravemente.","Some got pretty scratched up, but nobody was severely injured.",por_Latn-eng_Latn Eu estou feliz com a minha namorada.,I'm happy with my girlfriend.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Você sempre mereceu tirar boas notas.,You always deserved to get good grades.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Você merece mais que isso.,You deserve more than that.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Gostaria de que a dor que você está sentindo passasse para mim.,I wish you could pass this pain you're feeling onto me.,por_Latn-eng_Latn É nessas horas que se constata o caráter de uma pessoa.,It's in times like these that the character of a person becomes apparent.,por_Latn-eng_Latn "Se eu te conhecesse melhor, talvez te deixaria entrar.","If I knew you better, perhaps I would have let you in.",por_Latn-eng_Latn Eu me orgulho de tê-lo como amigo.,I'm proud to have him as a friend.,por_Latn-eng_Latn De agora em diante as coisas vão mudar. Para pior.,"From here on out things are going to change, for the worse.",por_Latn-eng_Latn Este é o fim da minha história.,This is the end of my story.,por_Latn-eng_Latn É o fim do mundo tal como o conhecíamos.,This is the end of the world as we know it.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Cale-se! Você está falando demais.,Shut up! You're talking too much.,por_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom come com a mão esquerda, mas escreve com a direita.","Tom eats with his left hand, but he writes with his right.",por_Latn-eng_Latn Alguém lembra por que nós decidimos fazer aquilo?,Does anybody remember why we decided to do this?,por_Latn-eng_Latn Tom é daltônico.,Tom is red-green colour blind.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Ontem eu joguei com Tony.,Yesterday I played with Tony.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Não quero que o Tom me veja assim.,I don't want Tom to see me like this.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Como se chama este animal no Japão?,What is this animal called in Japanese?,por_Latn-eng_Latn Eu acho melhor você ficar com o Tom.,I think you'd better stick with Tom.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Ele é confiável.,He is trustworthy.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Ele fez por dinheiro.,He did it for money.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Dava gosto ver o Sami dançar.,Sami danced beautiful.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Posso tirar fotos aqui?,Can I take pictures here?,por_Latn-eng_Latn Posso bater fotos aqui?,May I take pictures here?,por_Latn-eng_Latn "Tê-lo-ia perguntado, mas ele não estava presente.","I would have asked about it, but he was absent.",por_Latn-eng_Latn Pode me dizer onde fica o banheiro?,Can you tell me where the restroom is?,por_Latn-eng_Latn Qual é o teu e-mail?,What's your e-mail address?,por_Latn-eng_Latn Comíamos enquanto chorávamos.,We were eating while weeping.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Ela não bebeu o leite.,She didn't drink the milk.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Milagre de incompetência: a maioria dos críticos do Esperanto não conhece a língua.,Miracle of incompetence: most critics of Esperanto do not know the language.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Seu armário já está lotado. Você vai ter que arrumar espaço em algum outro lugar para as roupas que comprou.,Your closet is already packed. You will have to make room for the new clothes you bought somewhere else.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Sei exatamente com quem Tom planeja se casar.,I know exactly who Tom plans to marry.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Todas as maçãs estão aqui.,All the apples are here.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Gostaria de saber se você pode processar alguém do mesmo sexo por assédio sexual?,I wonder if you can sue someone of the same sex for sexual harassment?,por_Latn-eng_Latn Tom foi acusado de assédio sexual pelas suas colegas do sexo feminino.,Tom was accused of the sexual harassment of his female colleagues.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Ela não achou graça na piada.,She was unamused by the joke.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Não quero saber o que você acha disso.,I don't want to know what you think about this.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Tom assumiu o controle da empresa da família.,Tom took over the family business.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Tom não ficou fora por muito tempo.,Tom didn't stay out for long.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Esse assunto é extremamente polêmico.,This subject is extremely controversial.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Eu estava tossindo.,I was coughing.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Cortaram meu cabelo muito curto.,They cut my hair too short.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Não importa quão rico se é: Não se pode comprar o amor.,"No matter how rich a man is, he cannot buy love.",por_Latn-eng_Latn Uma parte deste país pertence a mim.,A part of this land is mine.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Tudo se resolverá no tempo certo.,Everything will work out on schedule.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Tom sonhava em ganhar.,Tom dreamed about winning.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Nós passamos por três guerras.,We've been through three wars.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Eu queimei meu dedo.,I burned my finger.,por_Latn-eng_Latn "Você toca piano, não é?","You play the piano, don't you?",por_Latn-eng_Latn Eu estou comendo um pepino.,I am eating a cucumber.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Eu lamento por isso ter acontecido.,I'm sorry this happened.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Talvez não tenhamos tempo o suficiente para fazer isso.,We might not have enough time to do that.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Quando foi a primeira vez que você encontrou ela?,When was the first time you met her?,por_Latn-eng_Latn Você sabe que eu não gosto de Tom.,You know that I don't like Tom.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Deveríamos prestar mais atenção aos problemas ambientais.,We should pay more attention to environmental problems.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Um furacão destruiu a casa do Tom.,A hurricane destroyed Tom's house.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Lamento por isso ter acontecido.,I'm sorry that this happened.,por_Latn-eng_Latn "Você entende, não entende?","You understand, right?",por_Latn-eng_Latn "Tu entendes, não?","You understand, don't you?",por_Latn-eng_Latn Isso provavelmente não será tão divertido quanto você pensa.,It probably won't be as fun as you think it'll be.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Ele permaneceu calado o tempo todo.,He remained silent the whole time.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Tom gosta de comédias românticas.,Tom likes romantic comedies.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Eu sou um amigo de infância do Tom.,I'm a childhood friend of Tom's.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Fadil e Layla se casaram depois de apenas quatro meses.,Fadil and Layla married after just four months.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Tom chegou em casa cedo.,Tom came home early.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Quando foi que o Tom voltou?,When did Tom get back?,por_Latn-eng_Latn Tom não veio mesmo.,Tom didn't come after all.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Isso é um ônibus ou um carro?,Is that a bus or a car?,por_Latn-eng_Latn Uma pessoa pode realmente fazer a diferença?,Can one person really make a difference?,por_Latn-eng_Latn Uma pessoa pode fazer a diferença?,Can one person make a difference?,por_Latn-eng_Latn Quem vai dirigir?,Who's going to drive?,por_Latn-eng_Latn Há algum risco?,Are there any risks?,por_Latn-eng_Latn Por que o Tom iria querer me ajudar?,Why would Tom want to help me?,por_Latn-eng_Latn Não sei onde Tom está.,I don't know where Tom is.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Aquele livro é meu.,That book is mine.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Todos se surpreenderam quando entrei na sala.,Everyone was surprised when I went into the room.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Eu ficarei em casa amanhã.,I will stay home tomorrow.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Amanhã eu ficarei em casa.,I'll stay at home tomorrow.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Vocês têm que trabalhar aos domingos?,Do you have to work on Sundays?,por_Latn-eng_Latn Nós todos conhecemos o Tom.,All of us know Tom.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Eu odeio matemática.,I hate maths.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Odeio matemática.,I hate math.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Ouvi falar que ele é muito rico.,I heard that he was very rich.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Isto não é comida.,This isn't food.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Boa parte de nossa vida quotidiana deve consistir de rotinas que demandam pouco ou nenhum esforço mental.,Much of our daily living must consist of routine that requires little or no mental effort.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Isto não é difícil.,This isn't hard.,por_Latn-eng_Latn O Tom tem grandes planos.,Tom has big plans.,por_Latn-eng_Latn O Tom não sabia que a Mary se interessava por ele.,Tom didn't know Mary cared.,por_Latn-eng_Latn A neve na montanha desapareceu completamente.,All the snow on the mountain has disappeared.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Aqui tem um pouco de água.,Here's some water.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Tom tirou seu casaco porque estava ficando muito quente para usá-lo.,Tom took off his coat because it was getting too hot to wear it.,por_Latn-eng_Latn "Como sempre, Mike chegou atrasado à reunião desta tarde.",As is usual with him Mike was late for the meeting this afternoon.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Já arrumei meu quarto.,I've already cleaned my room.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Isto não é amor.,This isn't love.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Tom quer ser padre.,Tom wants to become a priest.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Muitas pessoas não sabem como fazer isso.,A lot of people don't know how to do that.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Vamos nos divertir o quanto quisermos.,Let's enjoy ourselves to our heart's content.,por_Latn-eng_Latn O problema é que ele pensa apenas em si mesmo.,The trouble is that he thinks only of himself.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Ligue para o Tom imediatamente.,Call up Tom right away.,por_Latn-eng_Latn A esposa de Tom faleceu na semana passada.,Tom's wife died last week.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Ela não se incomodava em lavar a louça.,She didn't mind doing the dishes.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Eles viveram uma vida feliz.,They lived a happy life.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Uma pessoa deve cuidar de si mesma.,One should take care of oneself.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Ele não estraga nada.,He doesn't bungle anything.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Não consegui encontrar isso em lugar nenhum.,I could not find it anyplace.,por_Latn-eng_Latn "O que nós somos de verdade, qual é nosso caráter, se não a junção das coisas que vivenciamos desde nosso nascimento.","What are we, indeed, what is our character, if not the concentration of the things which we have lived since our birth.",por_Latn-eng_Latn Minha casa tem vista para o mar.,My house looks toward the sea.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Ele partiu em uma viagem.,He set out on a trip.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Qual é o rio mais longo do Japão?,Which river is the longest in Japan?,por_Latn-eng_Latn Jim consegue ler em japonês.,Jim can read Japanese.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Os três homens grandes estão comendo.,The three big men eat.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Ele está escondendo algo de nós.,I think he is holding something back from us.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Ele embarcou num avião que ia para Los Angeles.,He boarded a plane bound for Los Angeles.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Gostaria de visitar Londres.,I'd like to visit London.,por_Latn-eng_Latn A criança é tímida e não fala muito.,The boy is bashful and doesn't talk much.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Tom espera que Mary o ajude.,Tom hopes that Mary will help him.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Tom bebeu três garrafas de vinho sozinho ontem à noite.,Tom drank three bottles of wine by himself last night.,por_Latn-eng_Latn "Quando Tom era jovem, ele comia três ovos todos os dias.","When Tom was young, he ate three eggs every day.",por_Latn-eng_Latn Nós fomos de canoa rio abaixo.,We canoed downstream.,por_Latn-eng_Latn A esposa de Tom é professora.,Tom's wife is a teacher.,por_Latn-eng_Latn A Segunda Guerra Mundial eclodiu em 1939.,World war two broke out in 1939.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Gostaria de morar nos subúrbios de Kobe.,I'd like to live in the suburbs of Kobe.,por_Latn-eng_Latn O Tom estava comendo sozinho.,Tom was eating alone.,por_Latn-eng_Latn A porta de Tom está fechada.,Tom's door is closed.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Deixo a seu critério.,I leave it up to you.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Eu sabia que o Tom nos encontraria.,I knew Tom would find us.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Sou inocente.,I'm an innocent man.,por_Latn-eng_Latn A xícara de Tom está vazia.,Tom's cup is empty.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Tom continua esquecendo as coisas.,Tom keeps forgetting things.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Você estava nos procurando?,Were you looking for us?,por_Latn-eng_Latn Zangar-me-ei contigo se continuares a fazer isto.,I'll be mad at you if you keep doing that.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Eu esqueci de lhe dizer onde moro.,I forgot to tell you where I live.,por_Latn-eng_Latn "Pedi que utilizassem parênteses, não colchetes.","I told them to use parentheses, not brackets.",por_Latn-eng_Latn Ela não quer que ele compre um anel de noivado caro.,She doesn't want him to buy an expensive engagement ring.,por_Latn-eng_Latn O professor sempre dá aula de calças jeans e camisa social.,The professor always teaches in jeans and a shirt.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Estou farto de vossas queixas.,I'm tired of your complaints.,por_Latn-eng_Latn "Uma vez envernizado, o forro parecerá novinho em folha.","Once washed, the lining will look brand new.",por_Latn-eng_Latn O paciente foi liberado do hospital.,The patient was released from the hospital.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Não acho que o Tom tenha idade o suficiente para dirigir.,I don't think Tom is old enough to drive.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Tom não parecia estar interessado no que estava acontecendo.,Tom didn't seem to be interested in what was going on.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Eu sou seu vizinho.,I'm your neighbor.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Ele encontrou a porta fechada.,He found the door closed.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Viver é a coisa mais rara do mundo. A maioria das pessoas apenas existe.,"""To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all.""",por_Latn-eng_Latn Sejamos criativos!,Let's be creative.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Gentileza gera gentileza.,Thankfulness begets thankfulness.,por_Latn-eng_Latn "Infelizmente, eu tive outro compromisso.","Unfortunately, I had another commitment.",por_Latn-eng_Latn Resolvi todos os exercícios em menos de meia hora.,I solved every exercise in less than half an hour.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Esta substância está no estado líquido.,This substance is in liquid state.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Essa é uma escolha interessante.,That's an interesting choice.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Esta substância está no estado gasoso.,This substance is in gaseous state.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Esta substância está no estado sólido.,This substance is in solid state.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Esta substância está passando do estado líquido para o estado sólido.,This substance is going from liquid to solid state.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Estamos muito orgulhosos de você!,We're very proud of you!,por_Latn-eng_Latn Você é um rapaz gentil.,You are a nice boy.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Você é um menino gentil.,You're a nice boy.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Prometo que isso não acontecerá novamente.,I promise that won't happen again.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Vénus é um planeta.,Venus is a planet.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Os preços estão razoáveis.,Prices are reasonable.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Tom está almoçando agora.,Tom is eating lunch now.,por_Latn-eng_Latn As frases não traduzidas afrontam o propósito de Tatoeba.,Sentences that are not translated defy the purpose of Tatoeba.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Ele os ama.,He loves them.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Nós o encontramos no caminho.,We met him on the way there.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Eu sempre gostei mais do Tom.,I always liked Tom better.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Onde o Tom aprendeu a cantar assim?,Where did Tom learn how to sing like that?,por_Latn-eng_Latn Ele esteve presente na reunião de ontem.,He was present at the meeting yesterday.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Eu quero fazer algo interessante.,I want to do something interesting.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Pergunte ao Tom se a Mary sabe nadar.,Ask Tom if Mary can swim.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Tom também fez isso.,"Tom did that, too.",por_Latn-eng_Latn O senhor sabe que isso é mentira.,You know that's a lie.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Órion é uma das constelações mais fáceis de reconhecer.,Orion is one of the most recognizable constellations.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Tom está em Boston agora.,Tom is in Boston now.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Eu vi o Tom fazer isso na semana passada.,I saw Tom do that last week.,por_Latn-eng_Latn A beleza em si mesma nada mais é que a imagem perceptível do infinito.,Beauty itself is but the sensible image of infinite.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Isso foi comprovado cientificamente?,Has that been scientifically proven?,por_Latn-eng_Latn Eles não vão entrar.,They won't come in.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Passem a noite conosco e as levarei de manhã.,"Spend the night with us, and I'll take you in the morning.",por_Latn-eng_Latn Nós só queremos que o Tom continue trabalhando.,We just want Tom to keep working.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Foi estancada a hemorragia.,The bleeding has stopped.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Tom não pode ir para a reunião.,Tom can't make it to the meeting.,por_Latn-eng_Latn "Ao abrigo dos ventos, amplo e calmo / é o porto, porém perto com terríveis / erupções o Etna atroa: ora expelindo / para o alto borbotões de fumegantes nuvens / de negro piche e cinza incandescente, / ou flâmeos globos que às estrelas sobem, / ora as pétreas entranhas da montanha, / com violência arrancadas, disparando, / e vomitando a lava estuante que no peito / do vulcão geme e à boca surge em rubras ondas.","It was a spacious harbour, sheltered deep / from access of the winds, but looming vast / with awful ravage, AEtna's neighbouring steep / thundered aloud, and, dark with clouds, upcast / smoke and red cinders in a whirlwind's blast. / Live balls of flame, with showers of sparks, upflew / and licked the stars, and in combustion massed, / torn rocks, her ragged entrails, molten new, / the rumbling mount belched forth from out the boiling stew.",por_Latn-eng_Latn O que ele planeja fazer?,What does he plan to do?,por_Latn-eng_Latn O Tom não quer dizer nada.,Tom doesn't want to say anything.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Sorriam.,Smile for the camera.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Um dos meus sonhos é aprender islandês.,One of my dreams is to learn Icelandic.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Estou começando a me divertir no meu novo trabalho.,I'm starting to have fun on my new job.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Tom foi a um festival de música clássica.,Tom went to a classical music festival.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Meu pai consentiu com minha ida ao exterior.,My father consented to my going abroad.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Você pode decodificá-lo?,Can you decode it?,por_Latn-eng_Latn Não quero ficar em seu caminho.,I don't want to get in the way.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Com quem será que me casarei? Só o futuro dirá.,Who will marry me? Only the future can say.,por_Latn-eng_Latn O menino comprou um cachorro.,The boy bought a dog.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Você não deve mexer com Tom.,You shouldn't mess with Tom.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Quando você e Tom compraram isso?,When did you and Tom buy that?,por_Latn-eng_Latn O Tom demonstrou como o dispositivo funcionava.,Tom demonstrated how the device worked.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Desça!,Come on down.,por_Latn-eng_Latn O Tom sofreu em silêncio.,Tom suffered in silence.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Eu nasci na União Soviética.,I was born in the Soviet Union.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Qual é o número de meu quarto?,What is my room number?,por_Latn-eng_Latn "Como se fala ""telefone"" em turco?","How do you say ""telephone"" in Turkish?",por_Latn-eng_Latn Tom está fazendo um trabalho fantástico.,Tom is doing a wonderful job.,por_Latn-eng_Latn O Tom precisa ir dormir agora.,Tom needs to sleep now.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Eu não acho que o Tom saiba onde a Mary estacionou o carro dela.,I don't think Tom knows where Mary parked her car.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Quando seria conveniente para você?,When would it be convenient for you?,por_Latn-eng_Latn Gostaria de confirmar a hora de partida.,I'd like to confirm the departure time.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Tu tens uma mesa para cinco?,Do you have a table for five?,por_Latn-eng_Latn Eu estou aqui por causa de você.,I'm here because of you.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Tudo começou no dia em que completei dez anos.,It all started the day I became ten years old.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Tudo começou no dia em que nasci.,It all started the day I was born.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Tudo começou aquele dia.,It all started that day.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Tudo começou numa manhã de janeiro.,It all started on a January morning.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Tudo começou num dia de tempestade.,It all started on a stormy day.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Os livros são qual abelhas que carregam o pólen vivificante de uma para outra mente.,Books are the bees which carry the quickening pollen from one to another mind.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Tudo começou neste laboratório.,It all started in this lab.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Tudo começou neste lugar.,It all started in this place.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Esta cadeira não é muito confortável.,This chair isn't very comfortable.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Tudo começou com uma ideia.,It all started with an idea.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Tudo começou com um sonho.,It all started with a dream.,por_Latn-eng_Latn É necessário fazer o estudo de idiomas mais fácil.,It is necessary to make the study of languages easier.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Vocês sabem aonde ele foi?,Do you know where she went?,por_Latn-eng_Latn Urgentemente preciso ir ao banheiro.,I urgently need to go to the bathroom.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Ela foi meu aluno. Agora ele ensina meus filhos.,He was my student. Now he teaches my children.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Ele tem problemas para acordar na hora.,He has trouble waking up on time.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Não fale alto demais. Você acordará ela.,Don't speak too loud. You'll wake her up.,por_Latn-eng_Latn "Gostaria de aprender russo, mas meus amigos me disseram que é difícil.","I'd like to learn Russian, but my friends tell me it's difficult.",por_Latn-eng_Latn Acho que ele estava falando latim.,I think he was speaking Latin.,por_Latn-eng_Latn "Sou inocente, juro.","I'm innocent, I swear.",por_Latn-eng_Latn Tom mora numa mansão enorme.,Tom lives in a very big mansion.,por_Latn-eng_Latn "Um espaço está faltando aqui, entre essas duas palavras.",A space is missing here between these two words.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Por que isso é tão importante para você?,Why is it so important to you?,por_Latn-eng_Latn Bem-vindo John! Estávamos esperando você.,"Welcome, John! We were waiting for you.",por_Latn-eng_Latn Não vou ficar para ouvir isso! Tenha um ótimo dia!,I'm not staying to listen to this! Have a nice day!,por_Latn-eng_Latn "Ah, espero não estar interrompendo nada.","Ehhh, I hope I'm not interrupting anything ...",por_Latn-eng_Latn Não estou com sono.,"I'm not asleep, meh.",por_Latn-eng_Latn Não. Eu não acho isso muito engraçado.,No. I don't find that very funny.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Amo minha cidade.,I love my city.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Eu amo minha cidade.,I love my town.,por_Latn-eng_Latn O Tom disse que a Mary era uma pessoa legal.,Tom said that Mary was a nice person.,por_Latn-eng_Latn A água no lago está muito fria.,The water of the lake is very cold.,por_Latn-eng_Latn A água do lago é muito fria.,The lake water is very cold.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Te escreverei ou telefonarei na semana que vem.,I'll write you or call you next week.,por_Latn-eng_Latn A esposa dele é nossa professora de italiano.,His wife is our Italian teacher.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Agora sou triste.,Now I'm sad.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Ele é impopular por algum motivo.,He is unpopular for some reason.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Tom mora numa casa marrom.,Tom lives in a brown house.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Por que você nunca faz o que eu digo para você fazer?,Why do you never do what I tell you to do?,por_Latn-eng_Latn Presumo que você está disposto a correr o risco.,I assume you're willing to take the risk.,por_Latn-eng_Latn "Não te responsabilizo pelo acidente, não foi culpa sua.",I don't blame you for the accident; it was not your fault.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Sua família está bem.,Your family is well.,por_Latn-eng_Latn "O que devo fazer, Tom?","What should I do, Tom?",por_Latn-eng_Latn Tom trouxe um guarda-chuva.,Tom brought an umbrella.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Acabei de me lembrar de algo que tenho que fazer.,I just remembered something I have to do.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Minha esposa é advogada.,My wife is a lawyer.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Você ficará bom logo.,You will soon get well.,por_Latn-eng_Latn "A esposa dele é tão linda quanto um sonho, para não falar da filha.","His wife is as beautiful as a dream, not to mention his daughter.",por_Latn-eng_Latn Tom roubou o diamante.,Tom stole the diamond.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Tom ligou o pisca-pisca.,Tom turned on his blinker.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Você sempre me ajudou.,You've always helped me.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Tom está cuidando disso.,Tom is taking care of it.,por_Latn-eng_Latn "Os dois amigos, enquanto isso, percorreram / rapidamente a senda que os guiava, / e já subiam a colina que se eleva / dominando a cidade e que de cima / olha a fronteira fortaleza.","They by the path their forward steps pursued, / and climbed a hill, whose fronting summit frowned / steep o'er the town.",por_Latn-eng_Latn Eu estou cuidando disso.,I'm taking care of it.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Você não tem que sair com o Tom.,You don't have to go out with Tom.,por_Latn-eng_Latn "Não se preocupe, eu estou cuidando disso.","Don't worry, I'm taking care of it.",por_Latn-eng_Latn O Espanhol é falado não só na Espanha.,Spanish is spoken not only in Spain.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Eles estão em apuros.,They're in trouble.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Tudo transcorreu bem.,Everything went well.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Tu me partiste o coração.,You broke my heart.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Onde estão os pais dessas crianças?,Where are these children’s parents?,por_Latn-eng_Latn Isso parece ser razoável.,That seems reasonable.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Eles não estão aqui.,They're not here.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Mas ninguém acreditava em mim.,But nobody believed me.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Estа universidade foi fundada por Tom Jackson trinta anos atrás.,This university was founded by Tom Jackson thirty years ago.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Que pergunta estúpida.,That's a stupid question.,por_Latn-eng_Latn O tigre foi morto.,The tiger was killed.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Dói-me a cabeça.,My head hurts.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Será que você está bêbado?,Are you drunk or something?,por_Latn-eng_Latn Doem-me as pernas.,My legs hurt.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Tom não queria perder.,Tom didn't want to lose.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Eu estava com sede.,I was thirsty.,por_Latn-eng_Latn O carbonato de amônio é um composto orgânico.,Ammonium carbonate is an organic compound.,por_Latn-eng_Latn A senhora sabe que isso é mentira.,They know that's a lie.,por_Latn-eng_Latn "As crianças suavizam as fadigas, mas tornam mais amargos os infortúnios.","Children sweeten labours, but they make misfortunes more bitter.",por_Latn-eng_Latn Assinale a opção correta.,Mark the correct option.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Assinale a alternativa correta.,Mark the correct answer.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Doem-me os pés.,My feet hurt.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Bati um prego na parede a fim de fixar um quadro.,I hammered a nail into the wall in order to hang a painting.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Duas coisas as crianças devem receber de seus pais: raízes e asas!,Two things children should get from their parents: roots and wings!,por_Latn-eng_Latn É perigoso limpar a vidraça de um apartamento.,It's dangerous to clean the windows of an apartment building.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Não conheço aquelas mulheres.,I don't know those women.,por_Latn-eng_Latn É proibido pescar neste lago.,Fishing is not permitted in this lake.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Os mergulhadores ficaram presos na caverna.,The divers were trapped in the cave.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Os mergulhadores não conseguiram voltar.,The divers didn't make it back.,por_Latn-eng_Latn O que Tom estava comendo?,What was Tom eating?,por_Latn-eng_Latn Isto não é verdadeiro.,This isn't real.,por_Latn-eng_Latn "Se eu fosse você, eu compraria aquele.","If I were you, I'd buy that one.",por_Latn-eng_Latn Você ganhou na loteria? Impossível!,You won the lottery? No way!,por_Latn-eng_Latn Quando você acha que eu posso falar com Tom?,When do you think I can talk to Tom?,por_Latn-eng_Latn Algumas pessoas me fitaram de maneira embaraçosa.,Some people stared at me awkwardly.,por_Latn-eng_Latn "Para falar a verdade, eu não fui.","To tell the truth, I didn't go there.",por_Latn-eng_Latn Isto não é direito.,This isn't right.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Gostaria de tomar café da manhã com você.,I'd like to have breakfast with you.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Tom planeja comprar um outro carro.,Tom plans to buy another car.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Isto não é seguro.,That isn't safe.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Muitas pessoas casam-se no sábado.,Lots of people get married on Saturdays.,por_Latn-eng_Latn O dia de São Valentim comemora-se em fevereiro.,Valentine's Day is celebrated in February.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Você está com algum problema de audição?,Is there something wrong with your hearing?,por_Latn-eng_Latn O Halloween celebra-se em outubro.,Halloween's celebrated in October.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Março é o terceiro mês do ano.,March is the third month of the year.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Terça-feira é o Dia da Independência.,Tuesday is Independence Day.,por_Latn-eng_Latn O mês de maio é o mês das mães.,The month of May is the month of mothers.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Esta não é sua.,This isn't yours.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Fadil entrou em um campo minado.,Fadil walked into a minefield.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Eu fiquei intrigado.,I was intrigued.,por_Latn-eng_Latn "Uma cerveja, por favor.","A beer, please.",por_Latn-eng_Latn Eu pedi para o Tom para ensinar a Mary como fazer isso.,I asked Tom to teach Mary how to do that.,por_Latn-eng_Latn "Uma coca, por favor.","A coke, please.",por_Latn-eng_Latn Minha língua nativa é o Francês.,My native language is French.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Tom não fala muito bem em francês.,Tom doesn't speak much French.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Tom tira boas notas em francês.,Tom got good grades in French.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Estou feliz por você ter voltado.,I'm glad you got back.,por_Latn-eng_Latn "Um copo de vinho tinto, por favor.","A glass of red wine, please.",por_Latn-eng_Latn "Eu estou super cansado, mas mesmo assim não consigo dormir.","I was very tired, but I was nevertheless unable to sleep.",por_Latn-eng_Latn "De fato, tenho de dizer-lhe algo.","Incidentally, I have to tell you something.",por_Latn-eng_Latn Você já experimentou essa salada nova?,Have you tried this new salad yet?,por_Latn-eng_Latn "Há pouquíssimas frases em faroês aqui, e eu me pergunto o porquê.","There are very few sentences in Faroese here. I wonder, why is that so?",por_Latn-eng_Latn Eu estava com tanta pressa que esqueci de trancar a porta.,I was in such a hurry that I forgot to lock the door.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Você parecia preocupado.,You seemed preoccupied.,por_Latn-eng_Latn O que é que os senhores acharam que o Tom faria?,What did you think Tom would do?,por_Latn-eng_Latn Meu francês não é de todo o bom.,My French is not good at all.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Eu fui enganado por alguém que eu achei que fosse meu amigo.,I was deceived by a person who I had thought was a friend of mine.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Gostaria de mudar de quarto.,I'd like to change my room.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Eu gosto da atitude do Tom.,I like Tom's attitude.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Tom disse que ele queria jogar.,Tom said he wanted to play.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Ele quebrou o pescoço no acidente.,He got his neck broken in the accident.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Eu queria ser um fazendeiro.,I wanted to be a farmer.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Sério? Quantos anos você tem?,Really? How old are you?,por_Latn-eng_Latn Sou muito gorda.,I'm very fat.,por_Latn-eng_Latn A população de Yokohama é maior que a de Osaka.,The population of Yokohama is larger than that of Osaka.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Tom e Maria querem ter filhos.,Tom and Mary want to have children.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Gostaria de substituí-lo.,I'd like to replace it.,por_Latn-eng_Latn O meu pai toma banho antes de comer.,My father bathes before eating.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Você sabe que te amo.,You know I love you.,por_Latn-eng_Latn "Um copo de água, por favor.","A glass of water, please.",por_Latn-eng_Latn "Ela leu a carta, e então veio a saber que ele estava morto.","She read the letter, and so she came to learn that he was dead.",por_Latn-eng_Latn "Um copo d'água, por favor.","I'd like a glass of water, please.",por_Latn-eng_Latn Ele escreve a carta.,He writes a letter.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Ele mora sozinho num apartamento.,He lives alone in an apartment.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Quem foi que inventou os óculos?,Who invented glasses?,por_Latn-eng_Latn Provavelmente vai chover amanhã.,It'll probably rain tomorrow.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Eu conheço o Tom mais do que a Mary.,I know Tom better than Mary does.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Todos os personagens desta história em quadrinhos são meninas.,All the characters of this comic are girls.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Perdi-me no teu universo.,I lost myself in your universe.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Eu preciso estar aqui amanhã?,Do I need to be here tomorrow?,por_Latn-eng_Latn Eu morei com o Tom por alguns anos.,I lived with Tom for a few years.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Será que vai dar?,Will I make it through?,por_Latn-eng_Latn Harvard é uma boa universidade.,Harvard is a good university.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Tom trabalha cerca de 30 horas por semana.,Tom works about 30 hours a week.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Foi complicado.,It was complicated.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Não coloco açúcar no meu chá.,I don't put sugar in my tea.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Por que o amor é tão complicado?,Why is love so complicated?,por_Latn-eng_Latn Nós aproveitamos o dia que fez tempo bom para jogar tênis.,We took advantage of the fine weather to play tennis.,por_Latn-eng_Latn "Para não acordar o bêbê, nós conversamos em voz baixa.",We talked in low voices so we wouldn't wake the baby.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Eu pensei que o Tom fosse eletricista.,I thought Tom was an electrician.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Eu pensei que o Tom estivesse carregando uma arma.,I thought Tom was carrying a gun.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Eu pensei que o Tom estaria seguro aqui.,I thought Tom would be safe here.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Eu pensei que o Tom fosse comprar aquele carro.,I thought Tom would buy that car.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Eu pensei que o Tom fosse comprar esse carro.,I thought that Tom would buy that car.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Eu entendo mais do que você pensa.,I understand more than you think.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Eu quero ouvir mais sobre Boston.,I want to hear more about Boston.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Eu quero saber o que preciso saber.,I want to know what I need to do.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Eu quero saber quem lhe deu isso.,I want to know who gave you that.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Nós temos que tomar medidas preventivas para que um acidente como este não aconteça novamente.,We must prevent this type of incident from recurring.,por_Latn-eng_Latn O amigo do meu pai é um novelista famoso.,My friend's father is a famous novelist.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Tudo vai ficar bem agora.,Everything will be fine now.,por_Latn-eng_Latn "Há três quartos vagos, mas não é possível utilizar nenhum deles.","There are three empty rooms. However, we can't use any of them.",por_Latn-eng_Latn Os cães deles estão latindo.,Her dogs are barking.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Eu estava para ir embora sem você.,I was about to leave without you.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Tom é um autor muito talentoso.,Tom is a very talented writer.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Eu só estava tentando ser amigável.,I was just trying to be friendly.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Eu só estava tentando impressioná-la.,I was just trying to impress you.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Nós enchemos a barriga comendo camarão e frutos do mar.,We glutted ourselves with lobsters and other seafood.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Eu tinha treze anos quando escrevi aquilo.,I was thirteen when I wrote that.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Eu estive com o Tom das 8h30 às 2h30.,I was with Tom from 8:30 to 2:30.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Não era eu quem estava dirigindo o carro.,I wasn't the one driving the car.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Vocês ainda querem que ajudemos o Tom?,Do you still want us to help Tom?,por_Latn-eng_Latn Eu não estava tentando esconder nada.,I wasn't trying to hide anything.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Queria poder estar aí com você.,I wish I could be there with you.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Nós ouvimos o barulho do sino da igreja que fica perto.,We could hear the bells ringing from a nearby church.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Eu já li este livro.,I've already read this book.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Eles estão lendo o livro dela.,They are reading her book.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Este livro é muito pesado.,This book is very heavy.,por_Latn-eng_Latn De que cor você vai pintar o teto?,What color are you going to paint the ceiling?,por_Latn-eng_Latn Queria ter podido ajudá-lo.,I wish I'd been able to help you.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Queria que houvesse outro jeito.,I wish there were some other way.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Queria que tivéssemos mais tempo juntos.,I wish we had more time together.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Eu não direi a ninguém se você não disser.,I won't tell anyone if you won't.,por_Latn-eng_Latn De que será que se tratava?,I wonder what that was all about.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Será que há uma conexão?,I wonder if there's a connection.,por_Latn-eng_Latn O que será que o Tom está esperando?,I wonder what Tom is waiting for.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Qual será o nome verdadeiro do Tom?,I wonder what Tom's real name is.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Quem será que vai nos ajudar?,I wonder who's going to help us.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Eu me perguntei a mesma coisa.,I wondered the same thing myself.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Eu não faria isso nem se pudesse.,I wouldn't do it even if I could.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Eu adoraria jantar com você.,I'd love to have dinner with you.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Eu nunca faria algo assim.,I would never do something like that.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Eu nunca me casaria com alguém como você.,I'd never marry someone like you.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Eu não fazia ideia de que você ainda estava vivo.,I'd no idea you were still alive.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Eu voltarei o mais cedo possível.,I'll be back as soon as possible.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Eu voltarei para te ver amanhã.,I'll be back to see you tomorrow.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Eu terei terminado isso aqui em uma hora.,I'll be finished here in an hour.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Eu estarei no meu escritório a manhã inteira.,I'll be in my office all morning.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Eu farei qualquer coisa para ter o Tom de volta.,I'll do anything to get Tom back.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Fui a Paris.,I have been to Paris.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Eu te emprestarei o dinheiro que queres.,I'll loan you the money you want.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Eu sei que você não queria que o Tom fosse para a cadeia.,I know you didn't want Tom going to jail.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Exercícios regulares são benéficos para a saúde.,Regular exercise is beneficial to good health.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Este remédio te fará bem.,This medicine will do you good!,por_Latn-eng_Latn Tom pretende morar em Boston por mais de um ano.,Tom intends to live in Boston for more than a year.,por_Latn-eng_Latn "Tentarei meu melhor hoje, também.","I'll try my best today, too.",por_Latn-eng_Latn Parei a fim de fumar um cigarro.,I stopped so I could smoke a cigarette.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Vamos dar uma descansada aqui. Minhas pernas estão cansadas e não posso mais andar.,Let's take a short rest here. My legs are tired and I can't walk any more.,por_Latn-eng_Latn """Obrigado."" ""De nada.""","""Thanks."" ""You're welcome.""",por_Latn-eng_Latn """Obrigado."" ""Imagina.""","""Thank you!"" - ""You're welcome.""",por_Latn-eng_Latn """Obrigado."" ""Por nada.""","""Thank you."" ""You're welcome.""",por_Latn-eng_Latn """Obrigado."" ""Não tem de quê.""","""Thank you!"" ""It was my pleasure.""",por_Latn-eng_Latn Ele estava tocando piano e ela estava cantando.,He was playing the piano and she was singing.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Sou quatro anos mais novo que ele.,I am four years younger than him.,por_Latn-eng_Latn A casa que Tom construiu é maravilhosa.,The house Tom built is wonderful.,por_Latn-eng_Latn A casa que Tom construiu é realmente linda.,The house that Tom built is really nice.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Minha filha teve uma concussão.,My daughter had a concussion.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Um bom trabalhador sempre toma conta de suas ferramentas.,A good workman always takes care of his tools.,por_Latn-eng_Latn "Em minha opinião, um sítio web bem projetado não deveria solicitar rolamento horizontal da tela.","In my opinion, a well-designed website shouldn't require horizontal scrolling.",por_Latn-eng_Latn Tom está doente na cama.,Tom is sick in bed.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Tom sentou-se em silêncio por 30 minutos.,Tom sat in silence for 30 minutes.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Tom sentou-se silenciosamente por 30 minutos.,Tom sat silently for 30 minutes.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Tom tem uma casa de dois quartos.,Tom has a house with two rooms.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Estou meio com fome.,I'm a little bit hungry.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Estou com um pouco de fome.,I'm a bit hungry.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Jim não é advogado. É médico.,"Jim isn't a lawyer, but a doctor.",por_Latn-eng_Latn Eu vou usar o toalete.,I'm going to go use the restroom.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Que livro interessante!,What an interesting book!,por_Latn-eng_Latn "Do nada, minha mãe começou a cantar.","Suddenly, my mother started singing.",por_Latn-eng_Latn "De repente, minha mãe começou a cantar.","All of a sudden, my mother began to sing.",por_Latn-eng_Latn Tenho que comprar um tapete novo para esta sala.,I have to buy a new carpet for this room.,por_Latn-eng_Latn "Jim não é advogado, mas sim médico.",Jim's not a lawyer. He's a doctor.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Eu vou trazer o Tom de volta para cá.,I'm going to bring Tom back here.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Ela me mostrou o seu novo carro.,She showed me her new car.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Ele sempre canta no chuveiro.,He always sings while having a shower.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Ele sempre canta enquanto toma banho.,He always sings while taking a shower.,por_Latn-eng_Latn O homem que está dirigindo o ônibus é um bom amigo meu.,The man driving the bus is a good friend of mine.,por_Latn-eng_Latn "Se estiveres ocupado agora, posso voltar mais tarde.","If you're busy now, I can come back later.",por_Latn-eng_Latn Muitos morrerão.,Many will die.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Perguntaram-me sobre isso.,I have been asked about this.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Parece raro.,It seems strange.,por_Latn-eng_Latn A condição parece favorável.,The condition looks favourable.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Você precisa se tornar mais ativo.,You need to become more active.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Você acha que o inglês é difícil?,Do you think English is difficult?,por_Latn-eng_Latn "Bom, está ficando tarde. Agora vamos.","Well, it's getting late. Let's go now.",por_Latn-eng_Latn Pensei que hoje era segunda.,I thought it was Monday today.,por_Latn-eng_Latn "Não te preocupes, todos cometem erros.","Don't worry, everyone makes mistakes.",por_Latn-eng_Latn Quero que você vá embora agora mesmo.,I want you to leave right now.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Deslocou a clavícula enquanto jogava.,He dislocated his collarbone while playing.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Deveríamos aprender a ser disciplinados em nossas vidas.,We should learn to be disciplined in our lives.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Parecia meio nervoso ontem.,He was looking a bit nervous yesterday.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Meus pais se foram.,My parents have gone out.,por_Latn-eng_Latn "Muito trabalho foi feito, mais precisa ser feito.","A lot of work has been done, more needs to be done.",por_Latn-eng_Latn O homem que está dirigindo o ônibus é meu melhor amigo.,The man who is driving the bus is my best friend.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Ela pertence à nova geração do rock.,She belongs to the new generation of rock.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Já se foram cinco anos e eu ainda me lembro disso.,"It has been five years, I still remember it.",por_Latn-eng_Latn Acho que deveríamos ir agora.,I guess we should go now.,por_Latn-eng_Latn "Não quero atirar em você, mas o farei se precisar.","I don't want to shoot you, but I will if I have to.",por_Latn-eng_Latn Para quem você vai dar o livro?,Who will you give the book to?,por_Latn-eng_Latn Um só incidente pode mudar a tua vida.,A single incident can change your life.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Aquilo é um morcego?,Is that a bat?,por_Latn-eng_Latn Um cão mordeu-lhe a perna.,A dog bit her leg.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Um cachorro mordeu a perna dela.,A dog bit her on the leg.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Aquele homem comeu pão.,That man ate bread.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Queria ser um pássaro.,I wish I were a bird.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Com quem você pretende jantar?,Who do you plan to eat dinner with?,por_Latn-eng_Latn Com quem você vai jantar?,Who are you going to eat dinner with?,por_Latn-eng_Latn Queria poder virar um pássaro.,I wish I could become a bird.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Fizeste uma escolha sábia.,You made a wise choice.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Tom comprou uma casa de seis cômodos.,Tom bought a house with six rooms.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Tom é seis libras mais pesado que Jack.,Tom is ten pounds heavier than Jack.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Achei difícil ler o livro.,I found it difficult to read the book.,por_Latn-eng_Latn O gato é manchado de marrom.,This cat is brown-colored.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Posso tirar uma foto aqui?,Can I take a picture here?,por_Latn-eng_Latn Ele tem cada ideia esquisita.,He has queer ideas.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Desista dessa ideia.,Give up that idea.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Eu tenho certeza de que o Tom está fazendo tudo o que pode.,I'm sure Tom is doing all he can.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Eu tenho certeza de que o Tom voltará.,I'm sure Tom will be coming back.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Tom pegou um pedacinho de torta.,Tom got a small piece of pie.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Tom pegou um pouco de torta.,Tom got some pie.,por_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom é um garoto honesto, então ele não mente.","Tom is an honest boy, so he doesn't lie.",por_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom é um garoto honesto, então ele não mentiria.","Tom is an honest boy, so he wouldn't tell a lie.",por_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom é honesto, então eu gosto dele.","Tom is honest, so I like him.",por_Latn-eng_Latn "Já que Tom é honesto, eu gosto dele.","Since Tom is honest, I like him.",por_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom é uma pessoa honesta, então eu gosto dele.","Tom is an honest person, so I like him.",por_Latn-eng_Latn Tom casou-se com uma mulher mais velha.,Tom got married to an older woman.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Tom estava cansado e de mau humor.,Tom was tired and in a bad mood.,por_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom disse estar doente, mas isso era mentira.","Tom said he was sick, but that was a lie.",por_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom disse que estava doente, mas isso era mentira.","Tom said that he was sick, but that was a lie.",por_Latn-eng_Latn Ficar em casa é chato.,Staying at home is boring.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Acho que meu alemão não é muito bom.,I think my German isn't very good.,por_Latn-eng_Latn "Eu posso fazer isso por ela, ao contrário de você.","I can do that for her, unlike you.",por_Latn-eng_Latn Acho que meu alemão é mesmo ruim.,I think my German is really bad.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Ela tem 2.000 livros.,"She has 2,000 books.",por_Latn-eng_Latn Ele veio e jantou com a gente.,He came and had dinner with us.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Ele começou a procurar trabalho.,He began to look for work.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Não tenho intenção de desculpar-me.,I have no intention of apologizing.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Ela comprou-lhe uma camisa.,She bought a shirt for him.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Eu gosto de escutar música clássica.,I like to listen to classical music.,por_Latn-eng_Latn O médico chegou a tempo de salvá-la.,The doctor arrived in time to save her.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Pedi-lhe que me levasse para casa.,I asked him to drive me home.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Estou muito cansado. Não estou com vontade de ir passear.,I'm very tired. I don't feel like taking a walk now.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Não tem amor sem inveja.,No love without envy.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Enganou-nos completamente.,He has entirely deceived us.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Já estivestes em Tóquio?,Have you ever been to Tokyo?,por_Latn-eng_Latn Você pode me dizer a hora?,Do you have the time?,por_Latn-eng_Latn Aquela é uma espécie migratória.,That one is a migratory species.,por_Latn-eng_Latn O problema da droga é internacional.,The drug problem is international.,por_Latn-eng_Latn As chaves estão em cima da mesa.,The keys are on the table.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Nosso trabalho está quase terminado.,Our work is almost over.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Deixa meu carro em paz.,Leave my car alone.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Comprei um relógio.,I bought a watch.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Seu machucado sangrava.,His wound was bleeding.,por_Latn-eng_Latn O funeral da mulher foi realizado na igreja local.,The lady's funeral was held at the local church.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Vou a Paris este outono.,I'm going to Paris this fall.,por_Latn-eng_Latn A neve impediu-me de sair.,The snow stopped me going out.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Não acho que valha a pena fazer tal coisa.,I don't think it worthwhile doing such a thing.,por_Latn-eng_Latn O padre nos benzeu.,The priest blessed us.,por_Latn-eng_Latn "Este filme é para adultos, não para crianças.","This movie is for adults, not for children.",por_Latn-eng_Latn Acho que Yumi está doente.,I think that Yumi is sick.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Ele está melhorando aos poucos.,He is getting better bit by bit.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Tive de partir de Boston.,I had to leave Boston.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Sua mãe estava de pé no umbral da porta.,His mother was standing in the doorway.,por_Latn-eng_Latn """Papai, por que é que o céu é azul?"" ""Ora, porque sim!""","""Daddy, why is the sky blue?"" ""Well, it just is.""",por_Latn-eng_Latn O gato é branco.,The cat is white.,por_Latn-eng_Latn O táxi é mais caro que o ônibus.,A taxi is more expensive than a bus.,por_Latn-eng_Latn "Se eu tivesse tido dinheiro suficiente, eu poderia ter comprado ele.","If I had had enough money, I could have bought it.",por_Latn-eng_Latn Estás interessada no trabalho?,Are you interested in the job?,por_Latn-eng_Latn A bela mulher é generosa.,The beautiful woman is kind.,por_Latn-eng_Latn """Se é desejo do céu que nada reste / de tão nobre cidade e se persistes / no intento de somar aos escombros de Troia / os teus restos mortais e a nossa ruína, / o caminho está aberto: que entre a morte. / Lá do lugar que ele cobriu do sangue / régio de Príamo, não tarda a vir / esse Pirro que soube assassinar / diante do pai um filho, e o pai ante os altares.""","""If Heaven of such a city naught should spare, / and thou be pleased that thou and thine should share / the common wreck, that way to death is plain. / Wide stands the door; soon Pyrrhus will be there, / red with the blood of Priam; he hath slain / the son before his sire, the father in the fane.""",por_Latn-eng_Latn O Tom é um bom amigo.,Tom is a good friend.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Eu tive que ver um médico ontem.,I had to see a doctor yesterday.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Eu tenho que pegá-lo na estação.,I have to pick him up from the station.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Ele está ansioso para te ver.,He is anxious to see you.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Eu preciso mudar a minha camisa.,I need to change my shirt.,por_Latn-eng_Latn "Deixe-me um recado, por favor.","Leave me a message, please.",por_Latn-eng_Latn "Eu gostaria de uma taça de vinho tinto, por favor.","I'd like a glass of red wine, please.",por_Latn-eng_Latn "Eu gostaria de um pouco de sidra, por favor.","I'd like some cider, please.",por_Latn-eng_Latn "Um pouco de água, por favor.","Some water, please.",por_Latn-eng_Latn "Nunca escreva as palavras ""borshtch"" e ""schi"" em alemão!","Never write the words ""bortsch"" and ""shchi"" in German!",por_Latn-eng_Latn Você fez muito bem.,You've done it very well.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Por causa de que ele está tão bravo?,What is he so angry about?,por_Latn-eng_Latn Não fui cuidadoso.,I wasn't careful.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Eu prefiro trabalhar de noite.,I prefer to work at night.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Eu prefiro estudar de noite.,I prefer to study at night.,por_Latn-eng_Latn No ano passado choveu muito.,It rained a lot last year.,por_Latn-eng_Latn "Não há Deus, ao menos que você o invente.","There is no God, unless you invent Him.",por_Latn-eng_Latn Tom tem um amigo em Boston.,Tom has a friend in Boston.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Você pode vir às 9 horas?,Can you come at 9?,por_Latn-eng_Latn Ele deve ter chegado em Nova Iorque mais ou menos essa hora.,He ought to have arrived in New York about this time.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Parecia que ela tinha estado muito feliz.,It seemed that he had been very happy.,por_Latn-eng_Latn "A energia hidráulica é um recurso renovável, mas o petróleo, o carvão e o gás natural não o são.","Hydropower is a renewable resource, but oil, coal and natural gas are not.",por_Latn-eng_Latn Levou uma semana para ele terminar o trabalho.,It took him a week to finish the work.,por_Latn-eng_Latn É verdade que você avisou a Taninna para vender a casa?,Is it true you advised Taninna to sell her house?,por_Latn-eng_Latn Oito mais dois é dez.,Eight plus two is ten.,por_Latn-eng_Latn O Tom odiará aquilo.,Tom will hate that.,por_Latn-eng_Latn É o seu primeiro dia na escola.,It's his first day at school.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Algeme-o.,Put handcuffs on him.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Aquela cidade tem muitos prédios altos.,That town has many tall buildings.,por_Latn-eng_Latn O Tom está planejando uma festa surpresa para a Mary.,Tom is planning a surprise party for Mary.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Estou feliz por Tom ter gostado disso.,I'm happy Tom liked it.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Vivemos longe do aeroporto.,We live far from the airport.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Eu acho que é melhor não tentar isso.,I think it's better not to try it.,por_Latn-eng_Latn "O Tony olhou para baixo, para os sapatos velhos sujos.",Tony looked down at his dirty old shoes.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Aquele cachorro tem exatamente o dobro do tamanho deste.,That dog is exactly twice the size of this one.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Tom queria encontrar uma maneira criativa de dizer a Mary que a amava.,Tom wanted to find a creative way to tell Mary that he loved her.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Tom não se acha tão criativo como Mary.,Tom doesn't think he's as creative as Mary.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Ela é feliz perto do namorado.,She is happy next to her boyfriend.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Espera-se uma grande catástrofe.,A great catastrophe is expected.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Se você puxar forte demais a corrente vai quebrar.,"If you pull too hard, the chain will break.",por_Latn-eng_Latn Você disse que o queria de qualquer jeito!,You said you wanted it by any means!,por_Latn-eng_Latn Sei que o Tom sabe.,I know that Tom knows.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Dê a um homem um peixe e ele terá jantar por uma noite; ensine-o a pescar e ele terá jantar pela vida toda.,Give a man a fish and he'll have dinner for a night; teach a man to fish and he will have dinner for a lifetime.,por_Latn-eng_Latn "O Tom, certamente, não se dá muito bem com a Mary.",Tom certainly doesn't get along very well with Mary.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Eu posso provar isso.,I can prove it.,por_Latn-eng_Latn "Não importa o que você diga, eu farei do meu próprio jeito.","No matter what you say, I'll do it my own way.",por_Latn-eng_Latn Como eu posso me sacrificar por algo que eu não acredito?,How can I sacrifice myself for something I don't believe in?,por_Latn-eng_Latn O Tom não gostou de viver em Boston.,Tom didn't like living in Boston.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Ela se orgulha da beleza.,She prides herself on her beauty.,por_Latn-eng_Latn O Tom é bilíngue.,Tom is bilingual.,por_Latn-eng_Latn O Tom contou para a Mary o que tinha acontecido.,Tom told Mary what had happened.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Sem ossos quebrados.,No bones broken.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Diversos estudantes vieram à biblioteca.,Several students came to the library.,por_Latn-eng_Latn "Quando eu levantei esta manhã, estava a chover.","When I got up this morning, it was raining.",por_Latn-eng_Latn Eu me pergunto porque ele está tão bravo.,I wonder why he is so angry.,por_Latn-eng_Latn O Tom não conseguia evitar de se preocupar com a Mary.,Tom couldn't help worrying about Mary.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Ele é superior a mim em seu conhecimento de inglês.,He is superior to me in his good knowledge of English.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Eu tenho tão pouco dinheiro no fim do mês.,I have so little money at the end of the month.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Moralidade é simplesmente a atitude que nós adotamos em direção às pessoas que nós não gostamos.,Morality is simply the attitude we adopt toward people we dislike.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Eu simplesmente adoro o teu novo chapéu.,I just adore your new hat.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Eu vou dar uma pequena caminhada.,I'm going to go for a little walk.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Uma grande quantidade de dinheiro foi gasta na nova ponte.,A large amount of money was spent on the new bridge.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Esta é a casa onde ele vive.,This is the house where he lives.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Eu terei terminado o trabalho pelo meio dia.,I will have finished the work by noon.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Eu quero que você saiba que eu não poderei estar lá amanhã.,I want you to know that I can't be there tomorrow.,por_Latn-eng_Latn "Ei, vamos nos reconciliar.","Hey, let's reconcile.",por_Latn-eng_Latn "A duração de um dia ou de um ano varia, mas pouco.",The length of a day or a year varies but little.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Eu vou te ajudar.,I'll assist you.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Tom pagou a conta e deixou o restaurante.,Tom paid the bill and left the restaurant.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Eles são tão fofos juntos.,They're so cute together.,por_Latn-eng_Latn A filha caçula de Tom é a menina dos olhos dele.,Tom's youngest daughter is the apple of his eye.,por_Latn-eng_Latn "Fadil decidiu que queria criar a sua família num ambiente diferente de Cairo, então eles mudaram-se para Alexandria.","Fadil decided that he wanted to raise his family in a different environment than Cairo, so they moved to Alexandria.",por_Latn-eng_Latn Os cães dela estão latindo.,Their dogs are barking.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Qual é a pior das hipóteses?,What's the worst-case scenario?,por_Latn-eng_Latn Eu me arrependo.,I regret it.,por_Latn-eng_Latn "Mas, Príamo, dirás, que sorte teve?",Haply the fate of Priam thou would'st know.,por_Latn-eng_Latn Tom não sabia que Maria já havia comprado pão.,Tom didn't know that Mary had already bought bread.,por_Latn-eng_Latn El este prietenos cu mine.,He is nice to me.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn "Eu sunt medicul tău, nu călăul tău.","I'm your doctor, not your executioner.",ron_Latn-eng_Latn "Nu numai că ne era foame, dar sufeream şi de sete.","Not only were we hungry, but we were also suffering from thirst.",ron_Latn-eng_Latn Tom este viclean.,Tom is deceitful.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn "Cu mult timp înainte de teoria evoluției a lui Darwin, Buffon a presupus că speciile au evoluat foarte încet, în circumstanțe materiale diferite.","Long before Darwin's theory of evolution, Buffon had surmised that species evolved very slowly under different material circumstances.",ron_Latn-eng_Latn Tom pare consternat.,Tom looks dismayed.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Sunt destul de sigur că Tom locuiește acum în Boston.,I'm pretty sure that Tom now lives in Boston.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn General Motors a dat afară cei 76.000 de muncitori.,"General Motors laid off 76,000 workers.",ron_Latn-eng_Latn Tom a strigat cu groază.,Tom gave a cry of dismay.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Vrea să se răzbune.,He wants to retaliate.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Doarme?,Is he sleeping?,ron_Latn-eng_Latn El doarme?,Is she sleeping?,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Totul merge strună.,Everything's running like clockwork.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Înțelegerea este fundamentală.,Comprehension is fundamental.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Van Gogh chiar și-a tăiat una dintre urechi?,Did Van Gogh really cut off one of his ears?,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Nimeni nu râde.,No one is laughing.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn "Dacă nu merge nimic, citește instrucțiunile.","If all else fails, read the instructions.",ron_Latn-eng_Latn "Dacă soarta unei națiuni nu este în pericol, războiul este o crimă.","Unless a nation's existence is in peril, war is murder.",ron_Latn-eng_Latn Au fost mulțumiți.,They were satisfied.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Japonia este formată din insule vulcanice.,Japan is made up of volcanic islands.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Sunt aici propoziții în engleză care sună de parcă ar fi din anii '50.,There are English sentences here that sound like they're from the 1950's.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Engleza ta nu sună urât.,Your English doesn't sound ugly.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn În zilele acestea nimeni nu se mai așteaptă la omenie.,No one expects friendliness these days.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Neomenia este noul mod de gândire.,Unfriendliness is the new thinking.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Doctorul l-a sfătuit pe Tom să nu mai bea.,The doctor advised Tom to stop drinking.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Ce vrei să mănânci?,What would you like to eat?,ron_Latn-eng_Latn A rezolvat singur problema.,He solved the problem on his own.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Am simțit la fel.,I was feeling the same.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Te-am avertizat în legătură cu Tom.,I warned you about Tom.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Nu-mi place stilul lui Tom de a face afaceri.,I don't like the way Tom does business.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn "Deci, care e problema?","So, what's the problem?",ron_Latn-eng_Latn Nu credeam că Tom va vorbi cu mine.,I didn't think Tom would talk to me.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Nu e o urgență.,It's not an emergency.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Nu poți auzi sunetul?,Can't you hear the sound?,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Să ne căsătorim.,Let's get married.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn "Won-ul este folosit atât în Coreea de Nord, cât şi în Coreea de Sud. Simbolul său este ""₩"".","Won is used in both North Korea and South Korea. Its symbol is ""₩"".",ron_Latn-eng_Latn Mulțimea a umplut sala.,The crowd filled the hall.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Această catastrofă misterioasă a consternat tot satul.,This mysterious catastrophe dismayed the whole village.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn E tradițional să porți negru la înmormântare.,It is traditional to wear black to a funeral.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Tom este bărbatul pe care Mary l-a întâlnit de curând.,Tom is the man Mary met the other day.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn E un mesaj pentru tine.,There's a message for you.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Nu-mi atinge sandvișul.,Don't touch my sandwich.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Te-ai simţit bine la cină?,Did you have a good time at the dinner?,ron_Latn-eng_Latn El și-a dezvoltat abilitatea de a picta după vârsta de cincizeci de ani.,He developed his talent for painting after fifty.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn În ultimul timp și-a îmbunătățit abilitățile de gătit.,She has improved her skill in cooking recently.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Darwin a dezvoltat teoria evoluției.,Darwin developed the evolutionary theory.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Necunoașterea legii nu constituie o scuză.,Ignorance of the law is not accepted as a defence.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Toată lumea este egală în fața legii.,Everyone is equal before the law.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn "Ei, să începem lucrul.","Well, let's start our work.",ron_Latn-eng_Latn Noi nu suntem îngrijorați de asta.,We're not worried about it.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Sătenii au avut prejudecăți împotriva oricărui nou-venit.,The villagers had a bias against any newcomer.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Nu este posibil să legiferezi împotriva prostiei.,It's not possible to legislate against stupidity.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Aş putea să plec mai devreme astăzi?,May I leave early today?,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Ea are niște preconcepții puternice împotriva picturii abstracte.,She has a strong bias against abstract painting.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Dan dorea să locuiască în Mexic.,Dan wanted to live in Mexico.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Tom m-a întrebat dacă o plac pe Mary.,Tom asked me if I liked Mary.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Ei cu toții s-au uitat în sus.,They all looked up.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Cât de mulţi au murit?,How many died?,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Arăt eu a fermier?,Do I look like a farmer?,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Este doar un mic eșec.,It's only a minor setback.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Am citit în ziar despre accident.,I have read about the accident in the newspaper.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Schimbarea orei va fi duminică seara.,The time change occurs during the night on Sunday.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Avioanele au sosit unul după celălalt.,The planes arrived one after another.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Nu ai fost obosită?,Weren't you tired?,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Au luat suficiente provizii pentru trei ani petrecuți pe mare.,They took enough provisions for three years at sea.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Oamenii sub 18 ani nu se pot căsători.,People under 18 cannot marry.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Ești mai curajos decât mine.,You're braver than me.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Aș prefera să nu știu.,I'd rather not know.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Poți vota pentru schimbare.,You can vote for change.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Trei persoane sunt încă dispărute.,Three people are still missing.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Vaza pe care el a spart-o este a mătușii mele.,The vase he broke is my aunt's.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn "Am încercat să-mi cer scuze, dar cuvintele mi s-au blocat în gât.","I tried to apologize, but the words stuck in my throat.",ron_Latn-eng_Latn "În ciuda faptului că, în medie, femeile sunt mai inteligente decât bărbații, majoritatea geniilor sunt bărbați.","Notwithstanding the fact that on average women are more intelligent than men, most geniuses are men.",ron_Latn-eng_Latn Nu suntem siguri unde se află Tom și Mary.,We're not sure where Tom and Mary are.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Acest sol e umed.,This soil is moist.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn "În orice caz, nu-mi place.","Anyway, I don't like it.",ron_Latn-eng_Latn Nu e nevoie de permis.,No permit is required.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Treci pe partea cealaltă.,Cross the street.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Ce vrei să bei?,What would you like to drink?,ron_Latn-eng_Latn M-a prins ploaia și m-am udat complet.,I got caught in the rain and got all wet.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Aceasta a fost a cincea carte a Rodicăi.,This was Rodica's fifth book.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Este absolut imposibil să termin treaba într-o lună.,It is utterly impossible to finish the work within a month.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn El a stat deoparte.,He stood aloof.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn "E vorba de timpul când am terminat petrecerea, nu-i așa?","It's about time we brought this party to an end, isn't it?",ron_Latn-eng_Latn M-am obișnuit să trăiesc singur.,I got accustomed to living alone.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Tom răspunde bine la noul tratament.,Tom is responding well to the new treatment.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Studentul a decis să-și restrângă lucrarea prin eliminarea detaliilor inutile.,The student decided to abridge his paper by taking out unnecessary details.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn "Lunile anului sunt : Ianuarie, Februarie, Martie, Aprilie, Mai , Iunie, Iulie, August,Septembrie, Octombrie, Noiembrie, Decembrie.","The months of the year are: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December.",ron_Latn-eng_Latn Cu siguranță el a plecat deja.,Surely he left already.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Maria era o tânără liniștită și modestă.,Mary was a quiet and unassuming young lady.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Asta e fereastra care a fost spartă de băiat.,This is the window which was broken by the boy.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Tom e timid.,Tom is shy.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Fac niște schimbări.,I'm making some changes.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Sunt pregătit să vorbesc.,I'm ready to talk.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Vrei să mănânci ceva?,Would you like to eat something?,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Ei erau dezertori.,They were deserters.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Cheltuielile mele de trai sunt în creștere de la an la an.,My living expense is rising year by year.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Vreţi să mâncaţi ceva?,Do you want to eat something?,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Tom și Mary sunt pe terasă.,Tom and Mary are on the porch.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Tom lucrează pentru o agenție de traduceri.,Tom works for a translation agency.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Ce ajutor primesc?,What help do I get?,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Tom e prea indecis.,Tom is too indecisive.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn E foarte straniu.,That's very odd.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Eu lucrez pentru binele public.,I work for public welfare.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Tom a predat franceza vreme de treizeci de ani.,Tom has taught French for thirty years.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Tom îşi dorea să fi fost mai atent.,Tom wished he had been more careful.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Tu întotdeauna poți cere ajutorul lui Tom.,You can always ask for Tom's help.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Este mai bine să asculți mustrarea înțeleptului decât cântecul nebunilor.,"It is better to hear the rebuke of the wise, than for a man to hear the song of fools.",ron_Latn-eng_Latn A fost o poveste sfâșietoare.,It was a heartbreaking story.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Tom a pledat vinovat pentru deturnare de fonduri.,Tom pleaded guilty to embezzlement.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Dan a dezvăluit fapte sfâșietoare.,Dan revealed heartbreaking truths.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Ne vedem mâine!,See you tomorrow!,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Sami a fost arestat pentru deturnare de fonduri.,Sami got busted for embezzlement.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Pe mâine!,See you tomorrow.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Menstruația mea este regulată.,My period is regular.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Frumusețea fără bunătate nu valorează nimic.,Beauty without goodness is worth nothing.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Am jucat fotbal ieri.,I played soccer yesterday.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn El a fost acuzat de lașitate.,He was accused of cowardice.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Nu tolerăm lașitatea.,We do not tolerate cowardice.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Răspunsul nu este corect.,The answer is not correct.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Trebuie să știu sigur.,I have to know for sure.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn El a fost o povară pentru părinții săi.,He was a burden to his parents.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Nu am intenționat să trag cu urechea la conversația voastră.,I didn't mean to eavesdrop on your conversation.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Mi-e o foame de lup.,I have the hunger of a wolf.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Nu e timp pentru distracție.,There is no time for merriment.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn El este obișnuit cu munca.,He is accustomed to the work.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Nu vorbesc rusă.,I don't speak Russian.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Cine poate supravieţui unui război nuclear?,Who can survive after a nuclear war?,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Ei sunt colegii mei.,They are my classmates.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Cu siguranță ai spus cuiva.,Surely you told somebody.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Nu mai este nevoie.,It's no longer necessary.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Trebuie să plec.,I should head out.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn El este un muncitor foarte zelos.,He's a very zealous worker.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Singurul lucru mai rău decât un idiot este un idiot zelos.,The only thing worse than an idiot is a zealous idiot.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn "După ce am lucrat cu zel, ne-am înviorat cu fructe și apă.","After working zealously, we were refreshed by fruit and water.",ron_Latn-eng_Latn Louis părea să-și piardă dorința de interacțiune.,Louis seemed to lose her zest for interaction.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn El a avut multe experiențe nefericite.,He's had many unhappy experiences.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Ea purta o pălărie ciudată.,She was wearing a strange hat.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Sunt aproape gata să plec.,I'm about ready to go.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Ai un minut?,Do you have a minute?,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Ar trebuie să citești cărți care să îți fie utile.,You should read books that will benefit you.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn El a sugerat ca noi să luăm o mică pauză.,He suggested that we take a short rest.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Întoarce-te acasă.,Come back home.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Multe comentarii ale consumatorilor de pe Amazon sunt false.,Many consumer reviews on Amazon are fake.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Americanii şi-au pierdut încrederea în Toyota.,Americans have lost their confidence in Toyota.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Nu sunt acasă în zilele de duminică.,I'm not home on Sundays.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn "Existența prea multor consumatori indiferenți, este un pericol pentru economie.",Having too many apathetic consumers is a danger for the economy.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Ea are mereu o piele așa de tânără și de strălucitoare,She always has such glowing youthful skin.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Știu că Tom este încăpățânat.,I know that Tom is stubborn.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Există un abis între mine și conștiința mea.,Between me and my consciousness is an abyss.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Această aplicație poate ajuta.,This app can help.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Este necesar să exersezi în fiecare zi.,It is essential for you to practice every day.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn "Asta e adevărat, de asemenea.","That's true, too.",ron_Latn-eng_Latn Poți recomanda un dicționar bun?,Can you recommend a good dictionary?,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Este necesar să se protejeze unitatea națională.,It is necessary to protect the national unity.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Nu trebuie să faci ce zice Tom.,You don't have to do what Tom says.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Această clădire ar trebui să fie menținută ca patrimoniu național.,This building should be kept as a national heritage.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Vrea suflețelul tău o băutură??,Do you feel like a drink?,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Nu te voi mai deranja.,I won't bother you anymore.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Sufletul meu mai vrea o bere.,I feel like another beer.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Programul începe la ora nouă.,The program starts at nine o'clock.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn "Fericirea, am descoperit, este aproape întotdeauna o revenire dintr-o muncă grea.","Happiness, I have discovered, is nearly always a rebound from hard work.",ron_Latn-eng_Latn "Pot face nişte pâine prăjită, dacă vrei.",I can make some toast if you want.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Am terminat jumătate din acest roman polițist.,I'm halfway through this crime novel.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Sunt atât de obosit!,I'm so tired!,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Vreau să fiu în Boston lunea viitoare.,I want to be in Boston next Monday.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Ieri a plouat sănătos.,It rained heavily yesterday.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Sistemul patriarhal a fost întotdeauna mai răspândit.,The patriarchal system has always been more prevalent.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Ne-am mâniat de cuvintele lui.,We got angry at his words.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn A trebuit să le spun despre mine.,I had to tell them about myself.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn "Nu știi când va veni Tom, nu-i așa?","You don't know when Tom will come, do you?",ron_Latn-eng_Latn Durerea era de nesuportat.,The pain was unbearable.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Cartea asta e nouă.,This book's new.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Când s-a terminat?,When did it end?,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Proliferarea utilizării internetului a dat naștere unei noi generații de tineri.,The proliferation of Internet usage has given birth to a new generation of young people.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Casa era înconjurată de lanuri.,The house was surrounded by fields.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Către ce arăți?,What are you pointing at?,ron_Latn-eng_Latn "Nu știi de ce nu a venit Tom ieri, așa e?","You don't know why Tom didn't come yesterday, do you?",ron_Latn-eng_Latn "Te rog, vino pe aici.","Will you step this way, please?",ron_Latn-eng_Latn "Este o credință răspândită, potrivit unui sondaj la nivel național din Statele Unite, că musulmanii sunt legați de terorism.","It is a prevalent belief, according to a nationwide poll in the United States, that Muslims are linked with terrorism.",ron_Latn-eng_Latn Ăsta e cel mai tembel lucru de care am auzit vreodată!,That's the craziest fucking thing I've ever heard!,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Sunt îngrijit de fiul meu.,I am looked after by my son.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Înot aproape în fiecare zi.,I swim almost every day.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Care e cel mai prostesc lucru pe care l-ai făcut în ultima vreme?,What's the craziest thing you've done lately?,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Să minți e greșit.,Lying is wrong.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Ce am făcut?,What have I done?,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Îi poți cere lui Tom ajutorul.,You can ask Tom for help.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Tuturor părinţilor le place să-şi vadă copiii lăudaţi.,All parents like to have their children praised.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn "Îl urăști pe Tom, nu-i așa?","You hate Tom, don't you?",ron_Latn-eng_Latn Ar trebui să anulăm excursia.,We should cancel the hike.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Ar trebui să chemăm doctorul.,We should call the doctor.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn "Pentru mine, nu e o problemă.","For me, this is not a problem.",ron_Latn-eng_Latn Trebuie să te pregătești tu însuți pentru ce este cel mai rău.,You must prepare yourself for the worst.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Un tablou este un poem fără cuvinte.,A painting is a wordless poem.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Fișierul e corupt.,The file is corrupt.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Ar trebui să începi cu întrebările mai ușoare.,You should begin with easier questions.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn "Dacă aceste tendințe vor continua, persoanele în vârstă de 65 de ani sau cele care au mai mult, vor reprezenta un sfert din populație în următorii 30 de ani.","If these tendencies continue, those aged 65 or more will account for a quarter of the population within 30 years.",ron_Latn-eng_Latn Această problemă a fost decisă de către Curtea Constituțională.,That matter was decided by the Supreme Court.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn De ce parte ești?,Whose side are you on?,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Vreau să o fac în seara asta.,I want to do it tonight.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Ai găsit un om bun.,You've found a good man.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Am o nouă pereche de pantofi.,I got a new pair of shoes.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Te rog să pui asta în cuptorul cu microunde.,Please put this in the microwave oven.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn "Ai vrea, te rog, să-mi explici regulile?",Would you please explain the rules to me?,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Cred că mă voi duce la culcare acum.,I think I'll turn in now.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Nu-mi place nimic.,I don't like anything.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Să nu te miști de aici.,Don't move from here.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn M-am săturat de viață în ultimul hal.,I'm incredibly sick of living.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Mă voi muta în curând.,I'll move soon.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Fă acest lucru în timpul tău liber.,Do this at your leisure.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Pur și simplu nu pot să o înțeleg.,I just can't fathom it.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Hai să ne uităm.,Let's have a look.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn "Genocidul armean a cauzat un total de un milion şi jumătate de morţi, incluzând bărbaţi, femei şi copii.","The Armenian Genocide left a total of one million and five hundred thousand deaths, including men, women and children.",ron_Latn-eng_Latn "Să nu bei prea mult, bine?","Don't drink too much, okay?",ron_Latn-eng_Latn Te rog să mă trezești mâine la șase.,Please wake me up at six tomorrow.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Tom nu a fost mulțumit de modul în care casa sa a fost vopsită.,Tom wasn't at all satisfied with the way his house had been painted.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Spunea prostii.,He was raving.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Am întârziat la întâlnire din cauza ambuteiajului.,I was late for the meeting because of a traffic jam.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn El este expert în a spune minciuni.,He is adept at telling lies.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Vă mulţumesc pentru răspunsul prompt.,Thanks for your quick answer.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Hackerii sunt experți în a obține măsuri de securitate informatică.,Hackers are adept at getting around computer security measures.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Energia solară este o sursă verde de energie.,Solar power is a clean source of energy.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Lucruri absolut fără sens se întâmplă în această lume.,Absolutely nonsensical things happen in this world.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Citește această carte în timpul tău liber.,Read this book at your leisure.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Îl voi întreba mâine.,I will ask him tomorrow.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Sunt mult mai mulți milionari în yuani în lume decât milionari în euro.,There are many more yuan millionaires in the world than euro millionaires.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Vorbesc fluent portugheza.,I speak Portuguese fluently.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Tom a găsit ce căuta.,Tom found what he wanted.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Am descoperit o mare noutate.,We have discovered a great novelty.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Va trebui să muncesc peste program în fiecare zi săptămâna viitoare.,I'll have to work overtime every day next week.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Nu vreau să trăiesc singur.,I don't want to live alone.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Am nevoie de alt motiv?,Do I need another reason?,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Tom și-a închis nasturii la cămașă și și-a pus cravata.,Tom buttoned up his shirt and then put on his tie.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Tom s-a uitat drept în ochii mei.,Tom looked me straight in the eyes.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Prietenii tăi te așteaptă.,Your friends are waiting for you.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Tom este mult mai tânăr ca Mary.,Tom is a lot younger than Mary.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Știu ce crezi despre mine.,I know what you think of me.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Am un prieten al cărui tată este profesor.,I have a friend whose father is a teacher.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Tom știa cine încerca să-l omoare.,Tom knew who was trying to kill him.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Sunt cel mai bun.,I'm the best.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Am încercat să te avertizez.,I tried to warn you.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Grădinarul arde frunze uscate în curtea din spate.,The gardener is burning dead leaves in the backyard.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Fiecare cameră are propria baie.,Each room has its own bathroom.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn I-am spus lui Tom că nu doream să merg.,I told Tom I didn't want to go.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Tom a lipsit de la școală astăzi.,Tom missed class today.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Nu am fost jenat.,I wasn't embarrassed.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Aceste înregistrări nu sunt accesibile publicului.,Those records are not accessible to the public.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Va fi un sfârșit de săptămână distractiv.,It'll be a fun weekend.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Tom nu-şi face niciodată patul.,Tom never makes his bed.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn "Bună dimineaţa, Mike.","Good morning, Mike.",ron_Latn-eng_Latn Cum ai intrat? Ai avut cheie?,How did you get inside? Do you have a key?,ron_Latn-eng_Latn "Un ""soroban"" este un tip de abac japonez.","A ""soroban"" is a type of Japanese abacus.",ron_Latn-eng_Latn Astăzi am curs de esperanto.,Today I have an Esperanto class.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Nu pot ţine pasul cu toate schimbările care au loc în lumea cercetării SIDA.,I can't keep track of all the changes taking place in the world of AIDS research.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Ce vârstă aveţi?,How old are you?,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Acest spectator aproape că a intrat în calea mașinii de pompieri.,This onlooker almost got in the way of the fire truck.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Spune-i lui Tom că nu este prea târziu să se înscrie.,Tell Tom it's not too late to sign up.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Acesta este pavilionul Japoniei.,This is the flag of Japan.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Căderea Zidului Berlinului a fost cu adevărat o ocazie importantă.,The falling of the Berlin Wall was truly a momentous occasion.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Aceste mere sunt mari.,Those apples are big.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Sunt inginer.,I'm an engineer.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Sora lui a devenit doctor.,His sister became a doctor.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Cine a scris „Hamlet”?,Who wrote Hamlet?,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Gărzile nu i-au văzut.,The guards didn't see them.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Mă simțeam rău.,I was feeling ill.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Am coborât scările.,I went down the stairs.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Această masă ocupă prea mult spațiu.,This table takes up too much space.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Între dorință și realizare e drum lung.,There is a long path from desire to realization.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Aveți un dicționar?,Do you have a dictionary?,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Suntem la Paris.,We are in Paris.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Sfatul său este foarte util.,His advice was very helpful.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Înțeleg cuvintele tale.,I understand your words.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Închide uşa aia blestemată!,Shut the damned door!,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Poți s-o aduci din nou la viață?,Can you bring her back to life?,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Investigațiile poliției sunt în desfășurare.,Police investigations are ongoing.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Tom nu este fericit s-o vadă pe Mary.,Tom isn't happy to see Mary.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn "În India, vaca este un animal sacru.","In India, the cow is a sacred animal.",ron_Latn-eng_Latn Trebuie să păstrăm tradițiile familiei.,We must keep up the family traditions.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Tom pare nesigur.,Tom looks uncertain.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Îmi place să gătesc.,I love cooking.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Tom s-a uitat la asta.,Tom looked at it.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Nu pot să-l înțeleg.,I can't fathom it.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Am o mahmureală azi.,I have a hangover today.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Vântul este o sursă de energie ieftină și curată.,Wind is a cheap and clean source of energy.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Tom s-ar putea să nu dorească să o vadă pe Mary.,Tom might not want to see Mary.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn "Nu vreau să fiu lamentabil, vreau să fiu grozav!",I don't want to be lame; I want to be cool!!,ron_Latn-eng_Latn "Apele oceanelor devin mai calde și mai acide, afectând în mare măsură circulația oceanelor, chimia, ecosistemele și viața marină. În plus, apele acide inhibă formarea scoicilor, scheletelor și recifelor de corali.","Ocean waters are becoming warmer and more acidic, broadly affecting ocean circulation, chemistry, ecosystems, and marine life. More acidic waters inhibit the formation of shells, skeletons, and coral reefs.",ron_Latn-eng_Latn Și Tom și Mary au tușit.,Both Tom and Mary coughed.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Nici n-am știut că aceste sentimente existau încă.,I didn't even know that these sentiments still existed.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn "Ai putea, te rog, să închizi televizorul?",Would you please turn off the TV?,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Pot să cânt la pian?,May I play the piano?,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Ținta lui este să devină avocat.,His aim is to become a lawyer.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Mă gândeam la același lucru.,I was thinking of the same thing.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Nu vreau să aştept atât de mult timp.,I don't want to wait that long.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Nu trebuie să confirm nimic.,I don't have to confirm anything.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Ceea ce spun ei este în contradicție cu sentimentele lor.,What they say is contradictory to their feelings.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Povestirile sale ne-au distrat ore întregi.,His stories entertained us for hours.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Povestea fetei a fost la știri.,The story about the girl was in the news.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Trebuie să încetezi să faci lucruri care îl deranjează pe Tom.,You need to stop doing things that bother Tom.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Nu este nimic sigur în lume.,There is nothing certain in the world.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Ea s-a dedicat activității de voluntariat.,She devoted herself to the volunteer activity.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Lectura este o activitate bună.,Reading is a good activity.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Nu mă implic în activități ilegale.,I don't engage in illegal activities.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Este un cal.,This is a horse.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Nu sunt la școală.,I'm not in the school.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Până și Tom a rânjit.,Even Tom grinned.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Până și mama știe.,Even my mom knows.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Experimentul trebuie să înceapă.,The experiment must begin.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Nu poți avea încredere în Tom.,You can't trust Tom.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Nici măcar nu ai mișcat un deget.,You haven't lifted a finger.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Trăim într-o simulare pe calculator?,Are we living in a computer simulation?,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Această veveriță de plastic a fost produsă în China.,This plastic squirrel was made in China.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn N-am avut timp să mă relaxez.,I didn't have time to relax.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn "Mary este periculoasă, nu-i așa?","Mary's dangerous, isn't she?",ron_Latn-eng_Latn Tom va fi probabil ocupat luni.,Tom will probably be busy Monday.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Alerg în fiecare zi.,I run every day.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Vorbeşte prea mult.,She speaks too much.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Ce face acest dispozitiv?,What does this device do?,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Tom este rezistent.,Tom has stamina.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Beam când aveam 18 ani.,When I was 18 I drank.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn "Uite, ninge!","Look, it's snowing!",ron_Latn-eng_Latn "Dacă ai de gând să pui la îndoială totul, cel puțin pune la îndoială îndoiala ta.","If you're going to doubt everything, at least doubt your doubt.",ron_Latn-eng_Latn Am scris o adresă greşită pe plic.,I wrote a wrong address on the envelope.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Şi-a ţinut echilibrul pe un buştean.,He balanced himself on a log.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Motivul pentru aceasta este unul simplu.,The reason for this is plain.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Sunt multe orașe mari în Brazilia.,There are a lot of big cities in Brazil.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Am învățat multe.,I've learned a lot of things.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Voi întreba când va ajunge trenul.,I'll ask when the train will get in.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn El a decis să se specializeze în fizică la facultate.,He decided to specialize in physics at college.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn A fost o realizare minunată.,It was an awesome accomplishment.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Niciodată să nu-i deschizi ușa.,Never open the door for him.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Chiar mă ameninți?,Are you actually threatening me?,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Tom și-a curățat ochelarii.,Tom cleaned his glasses.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Tom e gelos.,Tom is jealous.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Tom detestă aceste lucruri.,Tom hates these things.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Este o greșeală aici.,There's a mistake here.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Este gelos.,He is jealous.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Doar las-o un moment.,Just give her a second.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Aș fi încântat să vin.,I'll be glad to come.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Termină-ţi temele până când se întoarce tatăl tău acasă.,Finish your homework by the time your father comes home.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Nivelul muncii tale este sub media generală.,Your work is below average.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Nu ar fi ridicat nici măcar un deget.,He wouldn't even lift a finger.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Eu sunt cel din mijloc.,I'm the one in the middle.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Cea din mijloc este a mea.,The middle one is mine.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Nu vorbi în mijlocul lecției.,Don't speak in the middle of a lesson.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Va apărea.,It'll turn up.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn A leșinat în mijlocul discursului său.,He fainted in the midst of his speech.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn A inventat roata.,He invented the wheel.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Vei sta acasă.,You will stay at home.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Dacă vremea este rezonabilă mă voi duce mâine.,I'll go tomorrow if the weather is reasonable.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Stația este mijlocul orașului.,The station is the middle of the city.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Tom a călătorit prin Europa.,Tom traveled around Europe.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Am călătorit prin țară cu mașina.,We traveled around the country by car.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Pune-ţi portofelul deoparte.,Put away your wallet.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn De câte ori trebuie să repet?,How many times do I need to repeat it?,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Îmi pare rău dar nu înțeleg.,"I'm sorry, but I don't understand.",ron_Latn-eng_Latn El a fost prins la mijloc.,He was caught in the middle.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Nu putem renunța.,We can't give up.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Spune-mi ce se întâmplă.,Tell me what's going on.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Brazilia este cea mai mare țară din America de Sud.,Brazil is the biggest country in South America.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Zgârie-norii se află în centrul orașului.,The skyscraper is in the center of the city.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Unde pot găsi un bancomat?,Where can I find an ATM?,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Plouă!,It is raining.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Eu sunt Ricardo.,I am Ricardo.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Sunt bucuros să te văd.,I'm pleased to see you.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Visul lui s-a adeverit.,His dream came true.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Cum te cheamă?,What's your name?,ron_Latn-eng_Latn "Eu sunt Isus, pe care-L prigonești.","I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting.",ron_Latn-eng_Latn Pune-ţi camera deoparte foto.,Put your camera away.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Germania este în mijlocul Europei.,Germany is in the middle of Europe.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Îmi pare bine de cunoștință!,Nice to meet you.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Îmi pare bine să vă cunosc!,Nice to meet you!,ron_Latn-eng_Latn "Ochi pentru ochi, dinte pentru dinte !","An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.",ron_Latn-eng_Latn Am tensiunea mare.,I have high blood pressure.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Nu vreau să te mai văd niciodată.,I don't want to ever see you again.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Datoria ta e să înveţi.,It is your duty to study.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Îmi pare rău!,I am sorry.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Este perfect.,It is perfect.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn "Apropo, unde locuiești?","By the way, where do you live?",ron_Latn-eng_Latn "Apropo, de unde ești?","By the way, where are you from?",ron_Latn-eng_Latn Vrei să te căsătorești cu mine?,Will you marry me?,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Ce vrei să spui?,What do you mean?,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Fii sincer cu mine.,Be honest with me.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn "- Hei! E periculos să alergi aici. - Cum? A-a-aaa!! - O, dragule, ce ţi-am spus?","""Hey! It's dangerous to run here."" ""Eh? ... A-a-Aaah!!"" ""Oh dear, what did I tell you?""",ron_Latn-eng_Latn "Ridică-te, te rog!","Stand up, please.",ron_Latn-eng_Latn Știai asta?,Did you know that?,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Dorința ta este poruncă pentru mine.,Your wish is my command.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Numele meu este James dar te rog să îmi zici Jim.,"My name is James, but please call me Jim.",ron_Latn-eng_Latn Tom mi-a spus că tatăl lui e în spital.,Tom told me his father was in the hospital.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Vorbești engleza?,Do you speak English?,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Următorul lor atac a fost la nord-est de Paris în luna mai.,Their next attack was northeast of Paris in May.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Am obţinut tot ceea ce vrei tu.,I've got everything that you want.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Este ușor.,This is easy.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Trebuie să merg acum.,I must go now.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Nu știu rusă.,I don't know Russian.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Bursa de acțiuni de la New York s-a închis pentru zece zile.,The New York Stock Exchange closed for ten days.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn La mulți ani de Ziua Mamei!,Happy Mother's Day!,ron_Latn-eng_Latn "OK, mă bucur că ai putut veni.",O.K. I'm glad you could come.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Ceilalți polițiști au început să tragă în mulțime.,The other policemen began shooting at the crowd.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Cum te simți zilele astea?,How are you these days?,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Hai să vorbim în franceză.,Let's speak in French.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Voi sunteţi copii.,You are children.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Trenul era aglomerat.,The train was crowded.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Ce ai încercat să faci?,What did you try to do?,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Aș fi spus da.,I would have said yes.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Tu ai să primeşti multe cadouri de ziua ta de naştere.,You'll get a lot of presents on your birthday.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Nu voi pierde.,I won't lose!,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Te cred.,I believe you.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Au și ei problemele lor.,They have their own troubles.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Ei l-au îmbrățișat pe Tom.,They hugged Tom.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Tu vei primi un ceas de mână nou drept cadou de ziua ta de naştere.,You shall have a new watch for your birthday.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Procedura e la fel.,The procedure is the same.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Ei au pierdut din nou.,They lost again.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn "Sunt bine, mulțumesc de întrebare.","I'm fine, thanks for asking.",ron_Latn-eng_Latn Am meritat-o.,I deserved that.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Am crezut că Tom era bun.,I thought Tom was nice.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Pot să te adaug pe Facebook?,Can I add you on Facebook?,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Ei m-au ignorat.,They ignored me.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Cu siguranță că Tom poate fi de încredere.,Surely Tom can be trusted.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn "Haide, recunoaște.","Come on, admit it.",ron_Latn-eng_Latn "Vrei, nu vrei, trebuie să faci asta.","Like it or not, you must do it.",ron_Latn-eng_Latn Când este ziua ta?,When is your birthday?,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Acela a fost doar un accident.,That was just an accident.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn L-au prins pe Tom.,They caught Tom.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Asta e o sugestie bună.,That's a great suggestion.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Ar trebui să încerci într-o zi!,Someday you should give it a try.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Am crezut că Tom s-a pierdut.,I thought Tom was lost.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Când va începe cursul de italiană?,When will the Italian class start?,ron_Latn-eng_Latn El s-a uitat în jur.,He looked around.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Când va începe cursul de japoneză?,When will the Japanese course start?,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Ei toți s-au îmbrățișat.,They all hugged.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Nimeni nu îşi face griji pentru mine.,Nobody cares for me.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Sunt o grămadă de locuri de parcare.,There's plenty of parking.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Când vor începe orele de italiană?,When will the Italian course start?,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Când vor începe orele de japoneză?,When will the Japanese class start?,ron_Latn-eng_Latn A fost ocupat.,He has been busy.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn "Nu chiuli, bine?","Don't skip classes, okay?",ron_Latn-eng_Latn Nu mi-a fost frică.,I wasn't afraid.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Îmi pare rău dar am câștigat deja.,"Sorry, but I've already won.",ron_Latn-eng_Latn Am pierdut trenul.,We missed our train.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Aș fi încântat să te fac fericită.,I'll be glad to make you happy!,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Mi-a fost tare dor de tine.,I missed you very much.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Mi-am pierdut interesul.,I lost interest.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Asta e o greșeală serioasă.,This is a serious mistake.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Cel mai mare continent de pe pământ este Asia.,The largest continent on Earth is Asia.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Vreau să fii partenerul meu.,I want you to be my partner.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn I-a păsat cuiva?,Did anyone care?,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Îmi este frig.,I felt cold.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Asta e o tactică neobișnuită.,This is an unusual policy.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Nimeni nu o să voteze pentru buget.,No one will vote for the budget.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Am fost sceptic.,I was skeptical.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Tom are o ședință mâine.,Tom has a meeting tomorrow.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Am sărit peste cină.,I missed supper.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Pur și simplu m-am panicat.,I just panicked.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Nu am ascultat.,I didn't listen.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Nu am țipat.,I didn't scream.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Cu ce echipă ții?,What team do you support?,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Nu mi-a fost foame.,I wasn't hungry.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Nu mi-am făcut duș.,I didn't shower.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Nu știu ce să spun...,I don't know what to say...,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Am fost răpit.,I was kidnapped.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Tom a fost un bun coleg de echipă.,Tom has been a good teammate.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Ai putea să mă înveți limba ta?,Could you teach me your language?,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Am fost îngrozit.,I was terrified.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Nu te-am ascultat.,I disobeyed you.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Nu-ți fie teamă să ceri ajutor.,Don't be afraid to ask for help.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Cred în puterea ta.,I believe in your power.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Iubește dacă vrei să fii iubit.,Love if you want to be loved.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Pot să te duc în brațe?,May I carry you in my arms?,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Pot să te duc în brațe.,I can carry you in my arms.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Vreau să te iubesc pentru totdeauna.,I wanna love you forever!,ron_Latn-eng_Latn L-am descărcat.,I downloaded it.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Tom a fost eliberat de la închisoare.,Tom has been released from jail.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Port ochelari de soare.,I'm wearing sunglasses.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Am văzut ceva.,I saw something.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Bună!,How do you do.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Am comandat pizza.,I ordered pizza.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Vorbeşti araba?,Do you speak Arabic?,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Tom nu a dat niciodată de belea.,Tom has never been in any trouble.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn M-am amuzat.,I amused myself.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Am copt prăjituri.,I baked cookies.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Hai să mergem la un magazin cu prețuri mai mici.,Let's go to a store with lower prices.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Sub degetul mare.,He's under the thumb.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Viața este greu.,Life is hard.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn M-am speriat.,I chickened out.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Tocmai am făcut un duș.,I just took a shower.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Sunt pregătit să te ajut.,I am ready to help you.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Am făcut negrese.,I made brownies.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Am fost atacat.,I was assaulted.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Am fost condamnat.,I was convicted.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Am fost neglijent.,I was negligent.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Sunt suspectat?,Am I under suspicion?,ron_Latn-eng_Latn El totdeauna mormăie ca un urs.,He always grumbles like a bear.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Ei aveau dreptate.,They were right.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Tom și-a stins țigara.,Tom put out his cigarette.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn N-a venit nimeni să-l ajute.,Nobody came to help him.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Vorbiţi germana?,Do you speak German?,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Avem un surplus.,We have a surplus.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Ei au greșit.,They were wrong.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Îți sunt foarte îndatorat.,I am very much obliged to you.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Sunt în permanență sub stres.,I'm always under stress.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Ei erau tineri.,They were young.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Știu prea puțin despre el.,I know very little about him.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Suntem verișori.,We are cousins.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Am găsit mănușile care erau sub scaun.,I found the gloves that were under the chair.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Ei au uitat de Tom.,They missed Tom.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Tom a murit într-un accident de avion.,Tom died in a plane crash.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Ei s-au dus acolo.,They went there.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Ei erau murdari.,They were dirty.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn "Sunt bine, mersi că întrebi.","I'm fine, thanks for asking!",ron_Latn-eng_Latn Viitorul le aparține acelora care cred în frumusețea visurilor lor.,The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Nu a fost un accident.,It was not an accident.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Ia-mă cu tine.‎,Take me with you.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Ei au fost norocoși.,They were lucky.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Pământul este atacat de invadatori străini.,The Earth is under attack by alien invaders.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Știi cum arată Tom?,Do you know what Tom looks like?,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Tom a plecat din Boston.,Tom left Boston.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Au înnebunit.,They went crazy.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Am știut că asta era prea bună că să fie adevărată.,I knew this was too good to be true.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Ei par mișcați.,They seem moved.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Tom era îngăduitor.,Tom was lenient.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn "Oamenii își fac mai multe griji în legătură cu eternitatea de după moartea lor decât cu eternitatea dinaintea existenței lor. Dar este aceeași eternitate, care se propagă în toate direcțiile, indiferent unde ne-am afla.","People worry a lot more about the eternity after their deaths than the eternity that happened before they were born. But it’s the same amount of infinity, rolling out in all directions from where we stand.",ron_Latn-eng_Latn Terapeutul l-a făcut în sfârşit să vorbească despre cele prin care a trecut în timpul războiului.,The therapist finally got him to open up about what he went through during the war.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Tom era murdar.,Tom was dirty.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Când ești aici mă simt mai în siguranță.,"When you're here, I feel safer.",ron_Latn-eng_Latn Ești obosit acum?,Are you tired now?,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Nu toate navigatoarele sunt sigure.,Not all browsers are secure.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Există o lipsă acută de apă.,There is an acute shortage of water.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn "În varianta scurtă, totul a mers cum trebuia.","To make a long story short, everything went fine.",ron_Latn-eng_Latn Mă întreb ce limbă se vorbește în Brazilia.,I wonder what language they speak in Brazil.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Ar fi bine dacă ai purta un pulover pe sub haină.,You'd better wear a sweater under your jacket.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Noi puteam vedea elicopterul zburând deasupra lacului.,We could see the helicopter hovering above the pond.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn "El nu este cel mai bun matematician din toată Germania, ci din toată lumea.","He is not the best mathematician in all Germany, but in the whole world.",ron_Latn-eng_Latn "În această dimineață, temperatura a fost sub zero grade, dar m-am dus la școală cu bicicleta.","It was below zero this morning, but I cycled to school.",ron_Latn-eng_Latn Tom a curățat peștele.,Tom cleaned the fish.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Tom dorea să stie cu cine vorbea Mary.,Tom wanted to know who Mary was talking to.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Tom face o treabă bună în condiții foarte dificile.,Tom is doing a good job under very difficult circumstances.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Nu știu câți oameni erau.,I don't know how many people there were.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Cenușa mai fumegă.,The cinders were still smoking.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Iubirea este o nebunie.,Love is crazy.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Trebuie să fie distrus.,It must be destroyed.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Mă bucur să te revăd.,I'm glad to see you back.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Nu este nevoie să răspunzi la scrisoare.,You need not answer the letter.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom chiar și când se află sub presiune este flegmatic, calm și rațional.","Tom's cool, calm, and collected, even under pressure.",ron_Latn-eng_Latn Pantalonii tăi sunt murdari.,Your pants are dirty.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Ai nevoie de o salvare?,Do you need an ambulance?,ron_Latn-eng_Latn "În condiții normale, punctul de fierbere al apei este la 100 de grade Celsius.","Under normal conditions, the boiling point of water is 100 degrees Celsius.",ron_Latn-eng_Latn Tom nu a primit o educație formală.,Tom never received a formal education.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Aș dori că Tom să fie fratele meu mai mic.,I wish Tom were my younger brother.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn "A început să plouă, așa că am intrat sub umbrela prietenului meu.","It started raining, so I got under my friend's umbrella.",ron_Latn-eng_Latn Trebuie să verific.,I need to check.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Poți să te faci înțeles în engleză?,Can you make yourselves understood in English?,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Tom a făcut tot posibilul pentru a-și păstra cumpătul.,Tom did his best to keep temper under control.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Mary spune că nu va fi în Boston săptămâna viitoare.,Mary says she won't be in Boston next week.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn "Dacă nu făceam asta, Tom ar fi fost supărat.","If I didn't do that, Tom would be upset.",ron_Latn-eng_Latn Am fost atent la ce spuneau Tom și Mary.,I paid attention to what Tom and Mary were saying.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn La ce oră veniți?,What time are you coming?,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Nu-mi pasă chiar deloc despre viitor.,I don't care a bit about the future.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Cum ai dormit noaptea trecută?,How did you sleep last night?,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Ne vom întâlni din nou la noapte mâine.,We'll meet again tomorrow night.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Am deschis cutia. Era goală.,I opened the box. It was empty.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Tom stătea pe canapea lângă Mary.,Tom sat down on the couch beside Mary.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Nu ești gata?,Aren't you prepared?,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Mi-e dor de tine mult.,I miss you badly.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Să începem.,Let's just begin.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Ce ai făcut ieri?,What did you do yesterday?,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Nu a trebuit să deschid scrisoarea. Am știut exact ce zicea.,I didn't have to open the letter. I knew exactly what it said.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn La revedere!,See you soon!,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Spune-i lui Tom să renunțe la cântat.,Tell Tom to quit singing.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn """Mulțumesc pentru ajutor."" ""Pentru puțin.""","""Thanks for the help."" ""Don't mention it.""",ron_Latn-eng_Latn Picasso este un artist celebru.,Picasso is a famous artist.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Mulți oameni s-au adunat sub acest steag al libertății.,Many people gathered under this banner of freedom.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn "Noaptea trecută, temperatura a scăzut la zece grade sub zero.","Last night, the temperature went down to ten degrees below zero.",ron_Latn-eng_Latn Tom a pus o pernă sub capul Mariei.,Tom put a pillow under Mary's head.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Maria s-a mutat în apartamentul de sub mine acum câteva veri.,Mari moved into the apartment below me a couple of summers ago.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Copiii cu și sub vârsta de șaisprezece ani nu vor fi acceptați la teatru.,Children of age sixteen and under will not be admitted to the theatre.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Vorbește cu mine!,Talk to me!,ron_Latn-eng_Latn El s-a decis repede.,He made up his mind quickly.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn E totul gata?,Is everything ready?,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Este ea singura ta fată?,Is she your only daughter?,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Nu aș vrea să fiu judecător.,I wouldn't want to be a judge.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Nu mi-ar plăcea să fiu judecător.,I wouldn't like being a judge.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Voiam să citesc o carte.,I wanted to read a book.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn A fost arestat de poliţie după o urmărire televizată în Osaka.,He was arrested by police after a TV chase in Osaka.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Vremea s-a făcut rece.,The weather got cold.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Nu pot să beau cafea.,I cannot drink coffee.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Se pare că am scăpat de pericol.,We seem to have escaped from danger.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Zilele mele sunt ca o umbră care declină.,My days are like a shadow that declines.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Ea nu a răspuns la întrebarea mea.,She made no response to my question.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Cât costă pe cutie?,How much is it per box?,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Japonia nu este așa de mare precum Canada.,Japan is not as large as Canada.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Să ne întâlnim marți.,Let's meet on Tuesday.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Ei nu pot mânca carne pentru că sunt vegetarieni.‎,They can't eat meat because they're vegetarians.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Bicicleta mea a dispărut.,I found my bicycle gone.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Ei studiază franceza și web design-ul.,They're studying French and web design.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn El mi-a reparat ceasul.,He repaired my watch for me.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Nu vii mâine la petrecere?,Aren't you coming to the party tomorrow?,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Ceasul meu nu funcţionează bine.,My watch isn't running right.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Am două pisici.,I have two cats.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Cred că ceea ce faci e stupid.,I think what you're doing is stupid.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn "Ulterior, Tom a fost asasinat.",Sami was subsequently murdered.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Sunt tăcut.,I am silent.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Este bicicleta mea.,This is my bicycle.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Ceasul meu s-a stricat.,My watch is broken.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Ceasul meu înaintează cu cinci secunde pe zi.,My clock is running 5 seconds faster everyday.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Rugina mănâncă din fier.‎,Rust eats away the iron.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Ceasul meu zilnic întârzie trei minute.,My watch loses three minutes a day.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Acest argument este o absurditate totală.,This argument is utter nonsense.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Probabil că Tom a reparat calculatorul.,"Presumably, Tom repaired the computer.",ron_Latn-eng_Latn A încercat să fie curajos în timp ce era ţinut ostatic.,He tried to be brave while he was being held hostage.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Nu vei veni la petrecere mâine?,Won't you come to the party tomorrow?,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Nu mă gândeam că o să te întâlnesc aici.,I didn't think I'd meet you here.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn După ceasul meu de mână este ora zece.,It is ten o'clock by my watch.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Tatăl meu are cincizeci de ani.,My father is in his fifties.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Cred că ceea ce ai spus e adevărat.,I believe what you said is true.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn A fost din cauza ceasului meu care întârzia cinci minute.,That was because my watch was five minutes slow.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Timpul meu nu a venit încă.,My time has not yet come.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Nu-ți plac merele?,Don't you like apples?,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Totul va fi bine acum.,It's going to be OK now.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Nimeni nu poate nega asta.,No one could deny this.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Vreau să-ți zic ceva.,I want to tell you something.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Tom își recunoaște greșelile cu ușurință.,Tom readily admits his mistakes.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Eu am mers acolo doar ca să ajut,I only went over there to help.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Se pare că lui Tom îi este foame.,It looks like Tom is hungry.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Poți să-mi arăți aia?,Could you show me that?,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Te rog să corectezi erorile.,Please correct the errors.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Tom are o cicatrice distinctivă sub ochiul drept.,Tom has a distinctive scar under his right eye.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Tom e pe culoarul morții de trei ani.,Tom has been on death row for three years.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn "Teoria care-mi place este, că lucrurile trebuie privite de la distanţă.",A pet theory of mine is that things should be seen from a distance.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn "Azi-noapte a fost foarte cald și umed, așa că nu am dormit prea bine.","Last night was very hot and muggy, so I didn't sleep so well.",ron_Latn-eng_Latn Crăciun fericit!,Have a good Christmas.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Nu-mi atinge lucrurile.,Let my things alone.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Cred că acest pește este un pește de apă dulce.,I believe this fish is a freshwater fish.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Noi propunem prețuri competitive.,We offer competitive pricing.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn "Nu îmi place peștele făcut pe grătar, cu atât mai puțin peștele crud.","I don't like grilled fish, let alone raw fish.",ron_Latn-eng_Latn Operația pe creier este foarte complexă.,Brain surgery is very complex.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn "Casa păsărilor este în pădure, casa peștilor este în râu, casa albinelor este în flori, iar casa copiilor mici este în China. Ne iubim patria decând suntem mici, precum păsarile iubesc pădurea, peștii iubesc râul si albinele iubesc florile.","The birds' home is in the forest, the fish's home is in the river, the bees' home is in the flowers, and the little children's is in China. We love our motherland from the time we're little, as the birds love the forest, the fish love the river, and the bees love the flowers.",ron_Latn-eng_Latn Aerul este pentru oameni ceea ce apa este pentru pești.,Air is to man what water is to fish.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Îmi plac foarte mult câinii .,I like dogs very much.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Nu-l lăsa pe Tom să doarmă.,Don't let Tom sleep.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Mai mult de jumătate din soldații Uniunii au fost luați prizonieri.,More than half of the Union troops were captured.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Nu mă deranjează vremea caldă.,I don't mind hot weather.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Toți pentru unul și unul pentru toți.,One for all and all for one.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn În lume există mai mult de 150 de națiuni.,There are more than 150 nations in the world.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Mai mult de 40 la sută dintre elevi se duc la universitate.,More than 40 percent of the students go on to university.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Am un pachet pentru tine.,I've got a package for you.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Ai primit scrisoarea mea?,Did you receive my letter?,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Afirmația nu este adevărată în întregime.,The statement is not wholly true.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Nu uita să pui un timbru pe scrisoarea ta.,Don't forget to put a stamp on your letter.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Ea e interesată să învețe lucruri noi.,She is interested in learning new ideas.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Am stat față în față.,We stood face to face.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn "Mai scrie-mi din când în când, OK?","Write me sometime, OK?",ron_Latn-eng_Latn Nu sunt de acord în totalitate cu tine.,I don't wholly agree with you.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Am un câine negru și un câine alb.,I have a black dog and a white dog.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Fii atent la degetele tale!,Watch your fingers!,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Tom nu știe când se va întoarce Mary.,Tom doesn't know when Mary will come back.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Ăștia sunt toți banii pe care îi am.,This is all the money I have.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Unde îmi pot verifica bagajul?,Where can I check my baggage?,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Tom nu știe când Mary va pleca din Boston.,Tom doesn't know when Mary will leave Boston.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Nu o lăsa.,Don't let go.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Ia-ți mâinile de pe mine.,Take your hands off me.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Nu ești perfect.,You aren't perfect.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Pe frontul de vest nimic nou.,Nothing new on the Western Front.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn "Nimeni nu poate nega faptul, că pămîntul este glob.",No one can deny the fact that the earth is round.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Tom nu știe când Mary va vizita Bostonul.,Tom doesn't know when Mary will visit Boston.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Voi nu sunteți perfecți.,You are not perfect.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn "Mă enervează, dacă vorbeşti engleza ta americană, fără să deschizi gura.",It annoys me if you speak your American English without opening your mouth.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Tom a pierdut totul.,Tom lost everything.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Tom nu știe unde s-a dus Mary.,Tom doesn't know where Mary went.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Aceste haine sunt făcute la nivel local.,These clothes are made locally.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Nu am avut idee că nu poţi înota.,I had no idea you couldn't swim.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Tom nu știe unde e Mary.,Tom doesn't know where Mary is.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Tom nu știe când Mary va pleca la Boston.,Tom doesn't know when Mary will leave for Boston.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Am o vagă idee că ea va veni azi.,I have an idea she will come today.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Tom nu știe unde locuiește Mary.,Tom doesn't know where Mary lives.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Tom nu știe unde a plecat Mary.,Tom doesn't know where Mary has gone.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Nu am avut idee că îl știai Tom.,I had no idea you knew Tom.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Tom nu știe unde să o aștepte pe Mary.,Tom doesn't know where to wait for Mary.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Nu am avut nici o idee că nu îţi plac morcovii.,I had no idea you didn't like carrots.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Tom nu știe dacă Mary e fericită sau nu.,Tom doesn't know whether Mary is happy or not.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Tom nu știe dacă Mary spune adevărul sau nu.,Tom doesn't know whether Mary is telling the truth or not.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Are cineva vreo idee în ceea ce priveşte câte persoane au venit la petrecerea de aseară?,Do you have any idea how many people are coming to tonight's party?,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Tom nu știe dacă Mary e mai tânără sau mai în vârstă decât el.,Tom doesn't know whether Mary is younger or older than he is.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Sunt foarte curios.,I am very curious.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Sunt foarte curioasă.,I'm very curious.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Nu știu unde lucrează Tom.,I don't know where Tom works.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Fiul meu este prea slab.,My son is too skinny.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Tom nu știe dacă Mary îl place ori nu.,Tom doesn't know whether Mary likes him or not.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Ai vreo idee unde s-ar putea ascunde Tom?,Do you have any idea where Tom might be hiding?,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Are cineva vreo idee cine ar fi putut face asta?,Do you have any idea who might've done this?,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Acesta este un model depășit.,That's an obsolete model.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Ai vreo idee cine l-ar fi fost ucis pe Tom?,Do you have any idea who might've killed Tom?,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Nu am avut idee despre faptul că Tom este aşa de bătrân.,I had no idea Tom was that old.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Tom nu știe dacă Mary va fi de acord să meargă sau nu.,Tom doesn't know whether Mary will agree to go or not.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Ai vreo idee cine a scris această carte?,Do you have any idea who wrote this book?,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Tom nu știe unde a absolvit Mary.,Tom doesn't know where Mary graduated from.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Tom nu știe dacă Mary va veni cu mașina sau cu bicicleta.,Tom doesn't know whether Mary will come by car or by bicycle.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Crezi că ar fi utilă?,Do you think that will be useful?,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Tom nu știe dacă Mary va veni sau nu.,Tom doesn't know whether Mary will come or not.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Marilyn Monroe a murit acum treizeci și trei de ani.,Marilyn Monroe died 33 years ago.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Nu îţi fie teamă să vorbeşti cu Tom.,Don't be afraid to talk to Tom.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn "În mod evident, astfel de argumente sunt absurde.","Obviously, such arguments are preposterous.",ron_Latn-eng_Latn Tom nu știe dacă ceea ce spune Mary este adevărat sau nu.,Tom doesn't know whether what Mary says is true or not.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Tom nu știe cine e Mary.,Tom doesn't know who Mary is.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Tom nu știe cu cine a mers Mary la zoo.,Tom doesn't know who Mary went to the zoo with.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Tom nu știe de ce Mary nu a venit la petrecere.,Tom doesn't know why Mary didn't come to the party.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Nu putem fi siguri ce s-a întâmplat cu Tom.,We can't be sure of what happened to Tom.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Tom nu știe de ce Mary nu mănâncă carne.,Tom doesn't know why Mary doesn't eat meat.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Schimbarea climei este o realitate.,Climate change is real.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Tom nu știe de ce Mary nu-l place.,Tom doesn't know why Mary doesn't like him.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Copiii plâng uneori doar pentru a atrage atenția.,Children often cry just to attract attention.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Tom nu știe cu cine plănuiește Mary să meargă la bal.,Tom doesn't know who Mary is planning to go to the prom with.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn "La mulți ani, dragă prietene!","Happy birthday, dear friend!",ron_Latn-eng_Latn Tom vorbește doar de dragul de a vorbi.,Tom argues just for the sake of arguing.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn "Și veți cunoaște adevărul, și adevărul vă va face liberi.","And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.",ron_Latn-eng_Latn Tom nu știe de ce Mary nu este astăzi aici.,Tom doesn't know why Mary isn't here today.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn El își spală mașina.,He is washing his car.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Tom nu știe de ce Mary a renunțat la jobul ei.,Tom doesn't know why Mary quit her job.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Tom nu știe de ce Mary plângea.,Tom doesn't know why Mary was crying.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Tom a spus că îi era foame.,Tom said he was hungry.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Tom se căsătorește primăvara viitoare.,Tom is getting married next spring.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Tom nu știe de ce Mary era într-o pasă proastă în dimineața asta.,Tom doesn't know why Mary was in a bad mood this morning.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Tom nu știe de ce Mary a întârziat.,Tom doesn't know why Mary was late.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Tom a terminat înghețata care era în congelator.,Tom finished off the ice cream that was in the freezer.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Lui Tom nu-i place să-și petreacă timpul cu oamenii care fumează.,Tom doesn't like to hang out with people who smoke.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn "Drept să spun, nu îmi place de el.","As a matter of fact, I dislike him.",ron_Latn-eng_Latn Clinica a fost construită de către un om de afaceri.,The clinic was built by a business tycoon.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn "După primul an, vindecarea pacientului a încetinit.","After the first year, the patient's recovery slowed to a standstill.",ron_Latn-eng_Latn Tom nu o lasă pe Mary să se uite la TV după ora 22.,Tom doesn't let Mary watch TV after 10:00 p.m.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Probabil cel mai corect ar fi dacă am pleca acum.,It's probably best if we go now.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Atmosfera este poluată.,The atmosphere is being polluted.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Lui Tom nu-i plac pisicile și nici lui Mary.,Tom doesn't like cats and Mary doesn't either.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Bunătatea face mai mult decât violența.,Goodness does more than violence.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Tom nu o place pe Mary foarte mult.,Tom doesn't like Mary very much.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Cine ne vizitează azi?,Who is visiting us today?,ron_Latn-eng_Latn "Uneori, o retragere tactică este interpretată ca fiind lașitate.",A tactical retreat is sometimes interpreted as cowardice.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Tom nu știe de ce Mary a renunțat la facultate.,Tom doesn't know why Mary dropped out of college.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Câteodată mergem la pescuit.,We sometimes go fishing.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn "Indiferent ce spui, eu nu voi renunța.","No matter what you say, I won't give up.",ron_Latn-eng_Latn Ambiția lui nu cunoaște limite.,There were no bounds to his ambition.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Nu ar trebui să tragi cu urechea.,You shouldn't eavesdrop.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn "Când le dau de mâncare săracilor, ei mă numesc sfânt. Când îi întreb de ce săracii nu au de mâncare, ei mă numesc comunist.","When I give food to the poor, they call me a saint. When I ask why the poor have no food, they call me a communist.",ron_Latn-eng_Latn Tom a obținut o slujbă ca profesor.,Tom got a job teaching.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn "Nu am vrut să trag cu urechea, dar am auzit fără să vreau.","I didn't mean to eavesdrop, but I did overhear you.",ron_Latn-eng_Latn Vinul bucură inima omului.,Wine makes glad the heart of man.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Până și atmosfera superioară este poluată.,Even the upper atmosphere is polluted.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Sincer nu m-am gândit că Tom va apărea.,I honestly didn't think Tom would show up.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Aveți dificultăți în a înțelege ce vă zic femeile și copiii mici?,Do you have difficulty understanding what women or small children say to you?,ron_Latn-eng_Latn "Dacă te cert, e pentru că vreau să te perfecţionezi.","If I scold you, it is that I want you to improve.",ron_Latn-eng_Latn Sincer nu există motiv de îngrijorare.,"Honestly, there's nothing to worry about.",ron_Latn-eng_Latn Nu sta în calea oamenilor.,Don't stand in other people's way.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn De unde provin toate aceste aluniţe?,Where do all these moles come from?,ron_Latn-eng_Latn "Ei fie nu doresc, fie nu pot.",Either they don't want to or they can't.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Am citit că preşedintele Braziliei este o femeie. Ea se numeşte Dilma.,I read that the president of Brazil is a woman. Her name is Dilma.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Când a fost ultima dată când ai umblat cu Tom?,When was the last time you hung out with Tom?,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Tom încercat să o liniștească pe Mary.,Tom tried to reassure Mary.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Tom s-a ars.,Tom burned himself.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Tom și Mary au spus că nu au făcut-o ei.,Tom and Mary said they didn't do it.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Ce se întâmplă în Italia?,What's happening in Italy?,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Totul se degradează în mod constant.,Everything is steadily deteriorating.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn De ce nu se mișcă nava?,Why isn't the ship moving?,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Acesta este spitalul în care m-am născut.,This is the hospital where I was born.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Economia s-a înrăutățit în mod constant.,The economy steadily worsened.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Este o prevestire.,It's an omen.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Este un semn rău.,It's a bad omen.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Înot în ocean.,I'm swimming in the ocean.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Avem timp?,Do we have time?,ron_Latn-eng_Latn S-au ciocnit unii cu alții.,They bumped against each other.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Regulile sunt făcute pentru a fi respectate.,Rules are to be observed.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Ei vor merge la spital.,They will go to the hospital.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Am discutat problema cu fiecare dintre ei.,We discussed the matter with each other.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Aceasta este o poveste foarte interesantă.,This is a very interesting story.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Eu vorbesc azeră.,I speak Azerbaijani.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Tom a încercat să-și ascundă dezamăgirea.,Tom tried to conceal his disappointment.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Tom abia își putea ascunde dezgustul.,Tom could barely conceal his disgust.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Numele meu este Emily.,My name is Emily.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Încerc să fiu fericit.,I'm trying to be happy.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Tom a încercat să ascundă adevărul.,Tom tried to conceal the truth.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Criminalul a trebuit să-și ascundă identitatea.,The criminal had to conceal his identity.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn "Vulcanii pot fi activi, latenți sau stinși.","Volcanoes can be active, dormant, or extinct.",ron_Latn-eng_Latn "Muntele Kilimanjaro este un vulcan inactiv, situat în Tanzania.",Mount Kilimanjaro is a dormant volcano located in Tanzania.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn De ce ești așa de certăreț?,Why are you so quarrelsome?,ron_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom este certăreț, nu-i așa?","Tom is quarrelsome, isn't he?",ron_Latn-eng_Latn Tom era plăcut de oricine.,Tom was liked by everybody.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn "În Japonia, echinocțiile de primăvară și de toamnă sunt sărbători naționale, însă solstițiile de vară și de iarnă nu sunt.","In Japan, the vernal and autumnal equinoxes are national holidays, but the summer and winter solstices are not.",ron_Latn-eng_Latn Cei mai mulți dintre țăranii care locuiesc în acest sat uitat-de-lume sunt analfabeți.,Most of the peasants living in this godforsaken village are illiterate.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Povestea lui sună credibilă.,His story sounds believable.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Cuvintele sale sunt complet credibile.,His words are totally believable.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Aceasta nu este o poveste credibilă.,This isn't a believable story.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Ipoteza ta e plauzibilă.,Your hypothesis is plausible.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Unde îmi pot ridica bagajele?,Where can I pick up my baggage?,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Sună foarte plauzibil.,It sounds very plausible.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Este plauzibil din punct de vedere științific?,Is it scientifically plausible?,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Nimeni nu este lipsit de griji lumești.,No one is free from worldly cares.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Este vreun lăptar?,Is there a milkman?,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Pune puțin lapte.,Add a little milk.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Ai niște lapte?,Do you have some milk?,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Laptele s-a acrit.,The milk turned sour.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Laptele s-a stricat.,The milk has gone bad.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Aș plânge.,I feel like crying.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Tom este înțeles greșit.,Tom is misunderstood.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Datele empirice se bazează exclusiv pe observații.,Empirical data is based solely on observation.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Nu pot să nu plâng.,I can't help crying.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Cheamă o ambulanță.,Call an ambulance.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Cheamă salvarea.,Call an ambulance!,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Tom a mers în centru.,Tom went downtown.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn De ce nu mergi acasă?,Why don't you go home?,ron_Latn-eng_Latn El a făcut-o cu mare zel.,He did it with great zeal.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn "Ah, mi-am uitat telefonul mobil.","Ah, I forgot my mobile phone.",ron_Latn-eng_Latn Nu frâna dintr-o dată.,Don't brake suddenly.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Poți să o iei încetișor.,You can take your time.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn El este nebun după muzică.,He is mad about music.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn "Conform spuselor, această armă este foarte puternică.",This gun is reportedly very powerful.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn El a recunoscut că a furat aurul.,He admitted that he stole the gold.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Faceți-le bine celor care vă urăsc.,Do good to those who hate you.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Să prindem o îmbucătură pe fugă.,Let's catch a quick bite.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Pot să mă odihnesc?,May I take a rest?,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Oaspeții sunt toți plecați.,The guests are all gone.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Nu există dragoste fără gelozie.,There's no love without jealousy.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Ești frumoasă.,You are beautiful.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Sunteți fiicele ei.,You are her daughters.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Voi sunteți actrițe.,You are actresses.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn "Îți place ploaia, nu-i așa?","You like rain, don't you?",ron_Latn-eng_Latn Ești cel mai bun prieten al meu.,You are my best friend.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Trebuie să mănânc ceva.‎,I need to eat something.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Care e adresa ta de acasă?,What's your home address?,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Tom este liderul.,Tom's the boss.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Nici eu nu am înțeles nimic.,"I, too, didn't understand anything.",ron_Latn-eng_Latn Cum le-a spus?,How did she tell them?,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Este prietenul căruia i-am dat cheia.,This is the friend to whom I gave the key.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Şi-au satisfăcut setea la izvor.,They satisfied their thirst at the spring.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Eşti întotdeauna acasă seara?,Are you always at home in the evening?,ron_Latn-eng_Latn El s-a simțit umilit în totalitate.,He felt utterly humiliated.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Salvarea din această mizerie este de neconceput.,Salvation from this misery is inconceivable.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Ți-e rău?,Are you feeling sick?,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Cum te simți acum?,How do you feel now?,ron_Latn-eng_Latn A fugit un bou în pantaloni scurți acuzat de furt.,A bull with short trousers has escaped accused of stealing.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Mă simt bine acum.,I feel fine now.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn El îmi dă fiori.,He gives me the creeps.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Scrie-ți adresa aici.,Write your address here.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Eu îmi fac curat în cameră aproape în fiecare zi.,I clean my room almost every day.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Tatălui meu îi place cafeaua să fie tare.,My father likes his coffee strong.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Nu te pot minți.,I can't lie to you.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Nu sunt un tocilar!,I'm not a nerd!,ron_Latn-eng_Latn "Și așa copiii ieșiră din casă împreună; iar sora cea mică, care era vrednică la minte pentru vârsta ei, zise fratelui: ""Mergem mai întâi s-o vedem pe bunica noastră dragă și să-i spunem unde ne trimite mama noastră vitregă"".","So the children left the house together; and the little sister, who was very wise for her years, said to the brother: ""We will first go and see our own dear grandmother, and tell her where our step-mother is sending us.""",ron_Latn-eng_Latn M-am născut acum 20 de ani.,I was born 20 years ago.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Ești un tocilar.,You're a nerd.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Veți primi dreptul de a alege.,You will get the right to choose.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Poţi invita orice persoană doreşti.,You may invite any person you like.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn "El a spus ""da"".",He said yes.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Ei îl consideră inapt pentru slujbă.,They consider him unfit for the job.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Mă bucur să te cunosc. Eu sunt un furnicar.,Pleased to meet you. I am an anteater.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Credeam că lui Tom îi place acest gen de muzică.,I thought Tom liked this kind of music.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Întreabă cum e asta posibilă.,She's asking how that's possible.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Tom a trăit singur o lungă perioadă de timp.,Tom has lived alone for a long time.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Traversez calea ferată în fiecare dimineață.,I cross the rail tracks every morning.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Cred c-am exagerat puțin.,I think I overdid it a bit.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn "Poate cineva, vă rog, să comenteze această propoziție?",Could someone please comment on this sentence?,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Tom şi-a păstrat calmul.,Tom kept his cool.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Nu am fost plătit încă.,I haven't yet been paid.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Îmi place să dorm.,I like sleeping.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Eşti ultima persoană pe care mă aşteptam să o văd aici.,You are the last person I expected to see here.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom mănâncă, nu-i așa?","Tom is eating, isn't he?",ron_Latn-eng_Latn Tom nu a dorit să meargă în Australia.,Tom didn't want to go to Australia.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Vrei ca să plec?,Do you want me to go?,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Planul Ponzi a delapidat pe mii de investitori cu miliarde de dolari.,This Ponzi scheme defrauded thousands of investors of billions of dollars.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Cred că Tom îți trage clopotele.,I think Tom has the hots for you.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Am întrebat de el.,I asked after him.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Această înșelăciune cu acțiuni minuscule a fraudat mii de investitori.,This penny-stock scam defrauded thousands of investors.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Tom luă unul pentru echipă.,Tom took one for the team.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Tocmai am renunțat.,I just gave up.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn "Cineva trebuie să-i fi spus ei, dar n-am fost eu.","Someone must have told her, but it wasn't me.",ron_Latn-eng_Latn Doar ca să te menții în viață este suficient de greu în aceste timpuri.,Just staying alive in these times is hard enough.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Plâng de fiecare dată când ascult acest cântec.,I cry every time I listen to this song.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Omogenitatea lingvistică este plictisitoare.,Linguistic homogeneity is boring.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Prețul la benzină urcă.,The gas price is going up.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Trebuie să găsim reguli care merg.,We have to find rules that work.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Închipuie-ţi că eşti in locul ei.,Imagine yourself in her place.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Tom este pe undeva aici în campus.,Tom is somewhere here on the campus.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Acest peisaj este magnific.,This scenery is magnificent.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Tom își liber o săptămână.,Tom is taking the week off.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Uită-te la exemplul de mai sus.,See the example given above.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn "Deși nu mai este președinte, el continuă să aibă o influență considerabilă printre elita politică.","Though he is no longer president, he still holds considerable sway among the political elite.",ron_Latn-eng_Latn Nu este nimeni altcineva decât Tom.,It's none other than Tom!,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Sami nu va fi capabil să justifice acel alibi.,Sami won't be able to substantiate that alibi.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Cred că poate Tom are nevoie de mine.,I think maybe Tom needs me.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Am petrecut week-endul cu Tom.,I spent the weekend with Tom.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn "Oamenii care au experimentat așa-numitele vise lucide, le descriu de obicei ca fiind mai reale decât realitatea. Ei de asemenea descriu realitatea după ce s-au trezit dintr-un vis lucid ca fiind asemeni unui vis bizar.",People that have experienced so-called 'lucid dreams' often describe them as being 'more real than reality'. They also describe reality after waking up from a 'lucid dream' to be like a 'whimsical dream'.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Tom a început să se simtă somnoros.,Tom began to feel sleepy.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn A fost un experiment.,It was an experiment.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Tatăl meu obișnuia să bea până noaptea târziu.,My father used to drink till late at night.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Acesta e prietenul meu.,This is my friend.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Părinții mei sunt amândoi morți.,My parents are both dead.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Îmi place să lucrez cu Tom.,I like to work with Tom.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn L-am auzit cântând un cântec.,I heard him sing a song.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn "Azi-noapte a fost foarte cald și umed, și nu am putut să dorm foarte bine.",Last night was very hot and muggy and I didn't sleep very well.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Vreau o chitară.,I want a guitar.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn "Azi-noapte a fost foarte cald și umed, și a fost dificil de dormit.",Last night was very hot and muggy and it was difficult to sleep.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Trebuie să mă urmezi.,You need to follow me.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Nu scăpa paharul ăla.,Don't drop that glass.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Biletele pentru concert sunt de vânzare aici.,The tickets for the concert are on sale here.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Îmi cer scuze pentru că trebuie să plec.,I apologize for having to leave.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Studiez istoria artei.,I study art history.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn E datoria noastră să ajutăm.,It's our duty to help.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Marcus a devenit un uzurpator.,Marcus became a usurper.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Te grăbești?,Are you in a rush?,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Nu vream asta.,I didn't want that.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Nu aș face asta dacă aș fi în locul tău.,I wouldn't have done that if I were you.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Ce ar trebui să gătim?,What should we cook?,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Șterge praful de pe raft.,Dust off the shelf.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Acesta este simplu.,This is simple.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Voi plăti dublu.,I'll pay double the price.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Nu m-am simțit foarte bine.,I wasn't feeling very well.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Avem mult timp.,We've got plenty of time.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Slăbesc.,I'm getting thinner.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Tom nu a mai fost același după accident.,Tom was never the same after his accident.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Nu sunt nepăsător față de ceea ce ți se întâmplă.,I'm not unsympathetic about what you're going through.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Eram prea timid să spun ceva.,I was too shy to say anything.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn "Suc de portocale, vă rog.",I'd like orange juice.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn De ce nu încerci să pui puțină scorțișoară în cafea?,Why don't you try putting a little cinnamon in your coffee?,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Nu-i datorezi nimic.,You don't owe him anything.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Mărul face mere.,An apple tree provides an apple.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Iau un taxi către gară odată sau de două ori pe săptămână.,I take a taxi to the train station once or twice a week.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn El putea să vadă că regele lui va primi șah-mat în cinci mutări.,He could see that his king would be checkmated within five moves.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Cei ce simpatizează cu naziștii gramaticii trebuie și ei să moară!,Grammar-Nazi-sympathizers must die too!,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Nu văd de ce n-aș dansa.,I don't see why I shouldn't dance.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Proiectul nostru a eșuat.,Our project failed.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Tom spune că se așteaptă ca Mary să se întoarcă luni.,Tom says he expects Mary to be back on Monday.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Tom a plâns de mai mult timp.,Tom has been crying for a long time.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Este aproape ora trei.,It is almost three.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Mașina este galbenă.,The car is yellow.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Ai întrebat-o de ce?,Did you ask her why?,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Supa este rece.,The soup is cold.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Tom a fost prins într-o mașină furată.,Tom was caught in a stolen car.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Tom nu avea niciun ban.,Tom had no money at all.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom nu o place pe Mary, dar eu o plac.","Tom doesn't like Mary, but I like her.",ron_Latn-eng_Latn Tom și Mary s-au încălzit lângă foc.,Tom and Mary warmed themselves by the fire.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn "Ascultai, Tom?","Were you listening, Tom?",ron_Latn-eng_Latn Tom a ajutat-o pe Mary să completeze formularul.,Tom helped Mary fill out the form.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Tom nu o place pe Mary.,Tom doesn't like Mary.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Lui Tom nu-i place de iubitul lui Mary.,Tom doesn't like Mary's boyfriend.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Acum locuiesc în Boston.,I'm now living in Boston.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Lui Tom nu-i place că Mary locuiește acolo singură.,Tom doesn't like Mary's living there alone.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Tom știe că am locuit odată în Boston.,Tom knows that I used to live in Boston.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn E din cauză că nu vrei să fii singur.,It's because you don't want to be alone.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Aș fi recunoscător pentru orice ajutor pe care mi l-ai putea oferi.,I'd be grateful for any help you could offer.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Nu-ți asuma riscuri.,Don't take any chances.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn "Dacă te uiți la versuri, ele nu înseamnă prea mult.","If you look at the lyrics, they don't really mean much.",ron_Latn-eng_Latn Este prea tânăr să meargă acolo singur.,He is too young to go there alone.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Lui Tom nu-i place același gen de muzică ca Mary.,Tom doesn't like the same kind of music as Mary does.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn De ce te-am ajuta?,Why should we help you?,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Mary nu știe dacă va veni sau nu.,Mary doesn't know if she'll come or not.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Mă întreb de ce femeile supraviețuiesc bărbaților.,I wonder why women survive for men.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn "Cine arată mai bine, Tom sau Mary?","Who's better looking, Tom or Mary?",ron_Latn-eng_Latn Spune-mi povestea ta. Sunt numai urechi.,Tell me your story. I am all ears.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Școala arată ca o închisoare.,The school looks like a prison.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Lui Tom nu-i place felul în care râde Mary.,Tom doesn't like the way Mary laughs.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn El nu a putut crede în povestea ei.,He couldn't believe her story.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Tom se poartă frumos cu animalele.,Tom is good with animals.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn "Eu sunt femeie, nu fată.","I am a woman, not a girl.",ron_Latn-eng_Latn Ea este fată și eu sunt băiat.,She is a girl and I'm a boy.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Lui Tom nu-i place felul în care vorbește Mary.,Tom doesn't like the way Mary talks.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn El nu e fată.,He's not a girl.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn "Tu ești femeie, nu bărbat.","You're a woman, not a man.",ron_Latn-eng_Latn Tom ar trebuie să mai iasă și să se distreze.,Tom should go out and have some fun.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Există un televizor în camera mea.,There is a television in my room.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Ar fi trebuit să faci asta de ani de zile.,You should have done that years ago.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Este de neconceput că el ar putea fi vreodată ales președinte.,It is inconceivable that he could ever be elected president.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Lui Tom nu-i place felul în care Mary își tratează câinele.,Tom doesn't like the way Mary treats her dog.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn De cât timp ai mașina asta?,How long have you had this car?,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Oamenii ignoranți sunt deobicei foarte aroganți.,Ignorant people are usually very arrogant.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn "Într-un final, el și-a recunoscut greșelile.","In the end, he recognized his own mistakes.",ron_Latn-eng_Latn A bătut ușor la ușă.,There is a faint knocking at the door.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Acest medicament nu are nici un efect secundar.,This medicine doesn't have any harmful side effects.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Nu lăsa asta să te preocupe.,Don't let that worry you.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Mary și-a făcut temele.,Mary has done her homework.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Lui Tom nu-i place să împrumute cărțile sale lui Mary.,Tom doesn't like to lend his books to Mary.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Tom a deschis berea.,Tom opened the beer.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Nu vreau să fiu nepoliticos cu ea.,I don't want to be rude to her.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn "Bătrâna a fost dusă la spital, dar a murit la scurt timp după aceea.","The old woman was taken to a hospital, but she died not long after.",ron_Latn-eng_Latn Chiar nu gândesc așa.,I just don't think like that.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Este important sa îți cunoști propriile limite.,It is important to know your own limitations.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Tom nu locuiește cu Mary.,Tom doesn't live with Mary.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Tom a explicat situația lui Mary.,Tom explained the situation to Mary.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Să începem din nou.,Let's start over.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Ia în considerare alternativele.,Consider the options.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Poți să-mi dai cheia aia?,Could you hand me that wrench?,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Tom nu o mai iubește pe Mary.,Tom doesn't love Mary anymore.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Tom a fost și el prezent la întâlnire.,Tom was also present at the meeting.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Să înceapă petrecerea.,Let the celebrations begin.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Tom ar fi trebuit să-i spună lui Mary de la bun început că el nu este singur.,Tom should have told Mary right away that he wasn't single.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Era tare ca piatra.,It was hard as rock.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn El a intrat în camera lor.,He entered their room.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Asta este cea mai interesantă carte pe care am citit-o vreodată.,This is the most interesting book I've ever read.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Vreau să intru în contact cu el.,I want to get in touch with him.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Părul meu se împuținează.,My hair is receding.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn "Când m-am deșteptat, m-am trezit legat.","When I woke up, I found I had been tied up.",ron_Latn-eng_Latn "Dacă vrei să-ți odihnești mintea și să te relaxezi acasă, mai întâi nu te gândi la treburile de la serviciu.","If you want to set your mind at rest and relax at home, first you have to not think about work matters.",ron_Latn-eng_Latn Hoțul a fost legat de mâini și de picioare.,The thief was bound hand and foot.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn Tom și Mary au petrecut timp împreună.,Tom and Mary spent time together.,ron_Latn-eng_Latn "Я знаю много людей, у которых нет прав.",I know a lot of people who don't have driver's licenses.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "У меня много знакомых, которые не умеют играть в шахматы.",I know a lot of people who don't know how to play chess.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мой начальник отпустил меня сегодня пораньше.,My boss let me leave early today.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я загорел на пляже.,I tanned myself on the beach.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Вы сегодня проверяли почту?,Have you checked your email today?,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Что сегодня со всеми такое?,What's wrong with everyone today?,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Он не в моём вкусе.,He's not my type.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Тому и Мэри, похоже, нравится это занятие.",Tom and Mary seem to enjoy doing that.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Как это объяснить?,How to explain it?,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Том думает, что ты лжёшь.",Tom thinks you're lying.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Мне было скучно, вот я и ушла.","I was bored, so I left.",rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Переводить это предложение строго воспрещено!,It is strictly forbidden to translate this sentence!,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мы с ним поспорили на эту тему.,I argued with him about it.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Игра меня очень утомила.,The game exhausted me.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Отец купил новую машину.,My father bought a new car.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Я хочу, чтобы Том был в моей команде.",I want Tom on my team.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я люблю свой город.,I love my city.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Ты обещаешь, что не сбежишь от меня перед алтарём?",You promise me you won't leave me before the altar?,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Этот велосипед оставлен здесь ещё в начале месяца.,This bicycle has been left here since the beginning of this month.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Какое кино планируете смотреть?,What movie are you planning to watch?,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Кошка играет с мышью.,The cat is playing with a mouse.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ты можешь этому поверить?,Can you believe this?,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Во сколько наступит конец света?,At what time is the end of the world?,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я же тебя люблю!,I love you anyway!,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я позвонил в колокольчик.,I rang the bell.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ты сегодня пил?,Have you been drinking today?,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn У нас много постоянных покупателей.,We have a lot of regular customers.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том сегодня пил?,Has Tom been drinking today?,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Что это там за люди?,Who are those people over there?,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn У меня проблемы с мочеиспусканием.,I have a problem urinating.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "С прошествием веков человечество стало более серьёзным в создании искусственных языков, так как считалось, что естественных не достаточно.","As centuries passed, humanity became more serious in implementing constructed languages as they deemed natural ones to be insufficient.",rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Этот ресторан недорогой.,That restaurant isn't expensive.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Я не говорил Тому, кто мой отец.",I didn't tell Tom who my father was.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я же сказал тебе сидеть в машине.,I told you to stay in the car.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Я просто не знаю, чем могу тебе помочь.",I just don't know how I can help you.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Такие прелестные цветы!,Such pretty flowers!,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Том сказал мне, чтобы я не ждал.",Tom told me not to wait.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мы на ложном пути.,We are on the wrong track.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Том сказал мне, что он его купит.",Tom told me he'd buy it.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том дал мне кое-какие книги.,Tom gave me some books.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn """Что это там за люди?"" - ""Это зеркало"".","""Who are all these people over there?"" That's a mirror.""",rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Не хочу рисковать жизнью.,I don't want to risk my life.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Это, должно быть, Дженни.",That must be Jenny.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Я не знал, что Том меня ищет.",I didn't know Tom was looking for me.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Он живёт в южной части города.,He lives in the southern part of the city.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Я не знал, что Том делает такие вещи.",I didn't know Tom did things like that.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Я не знал, что Том занимается такими вещами.",I didn't know that Tom did things like that.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Он потерял зрение при аварии.,He lost his eyesight in an accident.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Я не знал, что то, я делаю, незаконно.",I didn't know what I was doing was illegal.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Я не знал, что то, я сделал, противозаконно.",I didn't know what I'd done was against the law.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Я не знал, что то, я сделал, нарушает правила.",I didn't know what I'd done was against the rules.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Я не знал, что то, я сделал, незаконно.",I didn't know that what I'd done wasn't legal.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Вы должны сегодня победить.,You've got to win today.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Я не знал, что ты так хорошо умеешь танцевать.",I didn't know you could dance so well.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Я не знал, что вы так хорошо умеете танцевать.",I didn't know that you could dance so well.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ты всё еще хочешь говорить со мной?,Do you still want to talk to me?,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Он этого не хотел.,He didn't mean it.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Я не знал, что у тебя столько кошек.",I didn't know that you had so many cats.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Я не знал, что у вас столько кошек.",I didn't know you had so many cats.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том любит полежать на траве в солнечный день.,Tom loves to lie in the grass on a sunny day.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Я не знал, что у вас так много денег.",I didn't know that you had so much money.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я считаю своим долгом защищать этих детей.,I believe it my duty to protect these children.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Я не знал, что у вас столько денег.",I didn't know you had so much money.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Я не знал, что у тебя есть грузовик.",I didn't know you owned a truck.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Давно у меня не было настоящих каникул.,It's been a long time since I've had a real vacation.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Я не знал, что у вас есть грузовик.",I didn't know that you owned a truck.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Кто-то умер?,Did someone die?,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Я не знал, что вы преподаватели французского.",I didn't know you were French teachers.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Я не знал, что ты преподаватель французского.",I didn't know you were a French teacher.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Я не знал, что Вы преподаватель французского.",I didn't know that you were a French teacher.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn На столе две тарелки.,There are two plates on the table.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том хочет выйти на улицу.,Tom wants to go outside.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Возможно, я немного преувеличил.",Maybe I overdid it a little.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Я не знал, что вы тоже родились в Бостоне.","I didn't know you were born in Boston, too.",rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Я не знал, что вы канадцы.",I didn't know you were Canadians.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Я не знал, что ты едешь с нами в Бостон.",I didn't know you were going to Boston with us.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Я не знал, что вы едете с нами в Бостон.",I didn't know that you were going to Boston with us.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Том не знал, что с ним будет.",Tom didn't know what would happen to him.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Его семья любила меня.,His family loved me.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Я умываюсь каждый вечер, чтобы снять макияж.",I wash my face every evening to get my makeup off.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Один раз в жизни я делаю хорошее дело... И оно бесполезно.,For once in my life I'm doing a good deed... And it is useless.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Я собирался тебе сказать, но Том сказал не говорить.","I was going to tell you, but Tom told me not to.",rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Вы всё ещё спешите?,Are you still in a hurry?,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Они не скажут тебе правды.,They won't tell you the truth.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ты такой самодовольный.,You're so stuck up.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Я думаю, что, возможно, не смогу объясняться на английском.",I think that maybe I won't be able to make myself understood in English.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мне это сейчас надо сделать?,Do I have to do that now?,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Я не знал, что вы такие суеверные.",I didn't know you were such a superstitious people.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Я заметил, что её руки дрожат.",I noticed her hands shaking.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Это - тестовое предложение.,This is a test sentence.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том надеется стать адвокатом.,Tom hopes to become a lawyer.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Я не знал, что ты здесь так несчастен.",I didn't know that you were so unhappy here.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Уровень преступности падает.,Crime is down.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Том, по идее, должен был выиграть.",Tom was supposed to win.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Я не знал, что Вы здесь так несчастны.",I didn't know you were so unhappy here.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ну же! Ты можешь это сделать.,Come on. You can do that.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Откровенно говоря, он скорее критик, чем писатель.","To put it frankly, he is a critic rather than a writer.",rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я совершил ошибку новичка.,I made a rookie mistake.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn На вашем месте я бы съездил к Тому в больницу.,I'd go visit Tom in the hospital if I were you.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Причин менять наши планы нет.,There's no reason to change our plans.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том получил 333 голоса.,Tom received 333 votes.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я один из Ваших студентов.,I'm one of your students.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Я не знал, что тебя там не будет.",I didn't know you wouldn't be there.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Я не знал, что вас там не будет.",I didn't know that you wouldn't be there.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Я не знал, что ты уже купил яйца.",I didn't know that you'd already bought eggs.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Я не знал, что вы уже купили яйца.",I didn't know you'd already bought eggs.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Какой твой любимый цвет помады?,What's your favorite color of lipstick?,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Я не знал, как несчастен Том.",I didn't know how unhappy Tom was.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том - необычный человек.,Tom is no ordinary man.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том внёс наши имена в список.,Tom put our names on the list.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Глупости говорю.,I'm talking nonsense.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Вы должны слушать.,You must listen.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я пошёл с Томом на рыбалку.,I went fishing with Tom.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том хочет увидеть результаты.,Tom wants to see results.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Думаю, ты его знаешь.",I think you know him.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я не имел права вмешиваться.,I had no right to interfere.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Том, ты что делаешь?","Thomas, what are you doing?",rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Он мне никогда не нравился.,I've never liked him.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тихо! Он спит!,Sh! He's sleeping!,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том не достаточно умён.,Tom isn't smart enough.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Это необъяснимо.,It's not explainable.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том три дня провёл в тюрьме.,Tom spent three days in jail.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мэри была первой девушкой Тома.,Mary was Tom's first girlfriend.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Никто не хотел говорить об этих вещах.,No one wanted to talk about those things.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Эта еда вкусная.,This food is delicious.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Том, что ты делаешь?","Tom, what are you doing?",rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тебе надо изменить свою жизнь.,You need to change your life.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Никогда не говори правду, если сойдёт и ложь.",Never tell the truth when a lie will do.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том мне не пара.,Tom is no match for me.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том иногда ходит в солнцезащитных очках внутри помещения.,Tom sometimes wears sunglasses indoors.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Откуда Вы знаете, что Вам не нужен телохранитель?",How do you know that you don't need a bodyguard?,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn У меня есть триста долларов.,I have $300.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ты читал книгу Тома Джексона?,Have you read Tom Jackson's book?,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бостон очень отличается от Чикаго.,Boston is very different from Chicago.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Никто не знает ответ.,Nobody knows the answer.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я не прав.,I am wrong.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Родители меня не крестили.,My parents did not baptize me.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Моя тётя уже здесь.,My aunt is already here.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сад у вас действительно маленький.,Your garden is really small.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ты видел вчера игру?,Did you see the game yesterday?,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мэри - студентка.,Mary is a student.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Я думал, у тебя каменное сердце.",I thought your heart was made of stone.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сорви цветок.,Pick the flower.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я всегда её ненавидела.,I've always hated her.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я хочу работать с Томом.,I want to work with Tom.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Можно мы оставим его себе?,Can we keep it?,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тому нужно оставаться на месте.,Tom needs to stay where he is.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мне нужно больше времени проводить с семьёй.,I need to spend more time with my family.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Что бы ни случилось, я хочу, чтобы ты знал, что я тебя люблю.","Whatever happens, I want you to know that I love you.",rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Она во всём похожа на мать.,She resembles her mother in every respect.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я всё хочу у тебя кое-что спросить.,There's something that I've been wanting to ask you.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Их поведение резко изменилось.,Their behavior changed drastically.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мэри ждёт мальчика.,Mary is expecting a boy.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я всегда его терпеть не мог.,I've always hated him.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Я не вам звонил, а Тому.","I did not call you, but Tom.",rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Он заработал много денег в Нью-Йорке и вернулся в свой родной город.,He had earned a lot of money in New York and went back to his hometown.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Кто-нибудь из вас знает их?,Do either of you know them?,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Это очень дорогой смартфон.,It's a very expensive smartphone.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Я правда думаю, что надежда есть.",I do think there's hope.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Она потеряла серёжку.,She lost an earring.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "У меня достаточно денег, чтобы купить всё, что я хочу.",I have enough money to buy everything I want.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Между ними было удивительное сходство.,There was a striking resemblance between them.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Во сколько ты обычно уходишь на работу?,What time do you usually leave for work?,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Из Вашингтона в Нью-Йорк можно поехать на поезде.,You can go from Washington to New York by train.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Наша страна становится сильнее с каждым днём.,Our country grows stronger day by day.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Это будущее.,This is the future.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Том говорит, что хочет научиться играть на гобое.",Tom says he wants to learn how to play the oboe.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Кого вы пригласили на ужин?,Whom have you invited to dinner?,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Кого ты пригласил на ужин?,Whom did you invite to dinner?,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "По-моему, у неё в списке слишком много языков.",I think there are too many languages in her list.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Я просто знаю, что это неправильно.",I just know that it's not right.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Я просто хочу, чтобы ты знал, что я знаю.",I just want you to know I know.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn У тебя есть синий шарф?,Do you have a blue scarf?,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Я просто хочу, чтобы вы знали, что я знаю.",I just want you to know that I know.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я показал Тому свою комнату.,I showed my room to Tom.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Я просто хочу, чтобы ты знал, что я тебя прощаю.",I just want you to know that I forgive you.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Я просто хочу, чтобы вы знали, что я вас прощаю.",I just want you to know I forgive you.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Давно вы с ней знакомы?,How long have you known her?,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я постараюсь прийти домой пораньше.,I'll try to be home early.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Я просто хочу, чтобы ты знал, что я жалею, что я это сделал.",I just want you to know that I regret doing that.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я собираюсь жить вечно.,I'm going to live forever.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Я просто хочу, чтобы ты знал, что я сожалею о том, что я это сделал.",I just want you to know I regret doing that.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я давно это знаю.,I've known this for a long time.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я это давно знаю.,I've known that a long time.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Я невиновен, клянусь.","I'm innocent, I swear.",rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn У вас есть такое побольше?,Do you have a bigger one?,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn У Тома есть брат по имени Джон.,Tom has a brother named John.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn У Тома чёрный пояс по дзюдо.,Tom has a black belt in judo.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Том понятия не имел, кто такая Мэри.",Tom had no idea who Mary was.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я очень горжусь этой командой.,I'm very proud of this team.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том умер от рака в 2013 году.,Tom died from cancer in 2013.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я этот анекдот уже слышал.,I've heard that joke before.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Она всё время голодная.,She's always hungry.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Не стой возле окна.,Don't stand next to the window.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ей снились дикие ягуары.,She dreamt about wild jaguars.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мы живём в сложном мире.,We live in a complicated world.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мы живём в очень сложном мире.,We live in a very complicated world.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Том услышал, как Мэри удивлённо ахнула.",Tom heard Mary gasp.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Почему вы не звоните Тому и не напоминаете ему?,Why don't you call Tom and remind him?,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Что здесь сегодня произошло?,What happened here today?,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я этого ещё не сделал.,I haven't done that yet.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Том никогда не говорил, что у него есть сестра.",Tom never mentioned he had a sister.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn У Мэри больше не может быть детей.,Mary can't have any more children.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я не могу ничего к этому добавить.,I can't add anything to that.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том выпустил новый альбом.,Tom has released a new album.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я со столькими новыми людьми познакомился.,I've met so many new people.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том не торопится выходить на пенсию.,Tom isn't in any hurry to retire.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том не торопится на пенсию.,Tom is in no hurry to retire.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том любит Мэри?,Does Tom like Mary?,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn У Тома никогда не было усов.,Tom has never had a mustache.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я с этим полностью согласен.,I agree completely with that.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Я хотел знать, почему меня разглядывают.",I wondered why people stared at me.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn У Тома была такая трудная жизнь.,Tom has had such a hard life.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том никогда не был в тюрьме.,Tom has never been in prison.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Как ты мог это допустить?,How could you have let it happen?,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Поступайте по-мужски.,Act like a man.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn У нас есть выбор?,Do we have a choice?,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том и Мэри хотят поговорить с вами.,Tom and Mary want to talk to you.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Что написано на стене?,What is written on the wall?,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Что я сделал со своими ключами?,What have I done with my keys?,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Он дал ей себя поцеловать.,He let her kiss him.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Это действительно так для вас важно?,Is it really that important to you?,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Она дала собаке кость.,She gave a bone to the dog.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Она дала ему себя поцеловать.,She let him kiss her.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том разъезжает с концертами по всему миру.,Tom travels around the world playing concerts.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Это то, чего я боюсь.",This is what I am afraid of.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тома пригласили мы.,Tom was invited by us.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я считаю себя одним из вас.,I consider myself one of you.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Не нужна мне ваша работа.,I don't want your job.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Вы пробовали когда-нибудь такой вкусный суп?,Have you ever tasted such a good soup?,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Фома почти никогда не болеет.,Tom almost never gets sick.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Чем дольше я живу, тем умнее становлюсь.","The longer I live, the smarter I get.",rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том коллекционирует старинные монеты.,Tom collects old coins.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn У него пересохло во рту.,His mouth went dry.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Почему вы не поженились?,Why didn't you get married?,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Не желаешь присоединится ко мне за ужином?,Would you care to join me for dinner?,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мне нужна всего одна минута.,I only need a minute.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я не хочу гостей.,I don't want visitors.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Давай уедем как можно скорее.,Let's leave as soon as possible.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ты уже покормил собаку?,Have you already fed the dog?,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Он прибрал свою комнату.,He was cleaning his room.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Судя по его акценту, он из Осаки.","Judging from his accent, he must be from Osaka.",rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Наверное, поэтому у меня до сих пор и нет никого.",That's probably why I'm still single.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Вы уже прикинули расходы?,Have you figured out the cost?,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ты за войну или против?,Are you for the war or against it?,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Все мужчины усердны.,All the men are hardworking.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Они сыграли свадьбу три месяца тому назад.,They got married three months ago.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Они как кот с собакой.,They get along like a cat and a dog.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Лучше смерть, чем бесчестье.",Death is preferable to dishonor.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Если бы можно было убивать взглядом, то я бы уже умер.","If looks could kill, I'd be dead by now.",rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Она очень хорошо шьёт.,She can sew very well.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Как Вам понравилось в Соединённых Штатах?,What's your impression of the United States?,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Из-за шума никак не могу сосредоточиться на работе.,I can't concentrate on my work because of the noise.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том всегда в хорошем настроении.,Tom is always in a good mood.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Весной самое неприятное — слякоть.,The worst thing about spring is the mud.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том по ошибке положил в чай соль.,Tom put salt in his tea by mistake.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Скажите Тому, что я больна.",Tell Tom that I'm sick.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Я, должно быть, задремал.",I must have drifted off.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "При пожаре используйте, пожалуйста, этот выход.","In case of fire, please use this exit.",rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Куда Вы хотели бы пойти?,Where would you like to go?,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Моя мама сварила десять яиц.,My mother boiled ten eggs.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Свет погас.,The light went out.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Она часто меняет своё мнение.,She often changes her mind.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Пожалуйста, не забудьте отправить письмо.",Please remember to mail the letter.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Я был бы рад, если бы ты смог прийти.","If you could come, I'd be really happy.",rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Этот певец очень популярен среди молодёжи.,This singer is very popular with young people.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я тебя приглашу.,I'll treat you.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я смотрю телевизор каждый день.,I watch television every day.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Моя ошибка стоила мне всего состояния.,My mistake cost me my fortune.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Людям обычно не нравится то, чего они не понимают.",People usually don't like what they don't understand.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Рожь, пшеница и ячмень - зерновые культуры.","Rye, wheat, and barley are cereals.",rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Он изменил моей матери.,He cheated on my mother.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Сделай это снова, как и раньше.","Do it again, just like before.",rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Он валит деревья на горе.,He fells trees in the mountain.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Старик умер от голода.,The old man starved to death.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Любовь к тому, кто нас ненавидит, освобождает нас.",Loving those who hate us sets us free.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Меня очень обрадовал твой звонок.,I was so happy to get your call.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn У меня сегодня много дел.,I have a lot to do today.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я всегда буду заботиться о тебе.,I'll always take care of you.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Какой ты предпочитаешь — этот или тот?,Which do you prefer: this one or that one?,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том вытер кровь с меча.,Tom wiped the blood off his sword.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сейчас бы пивка.,I wouldn't mind a beer right now.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том показал Мэри свой новый телефон.,Tom showed Mary his new phone.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Он купил щит и меч.,He bought a shield and a sword.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том - психолог.,Tom is a psychologist.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я Вам не мешаю?,Am I bothering you?,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Жду не дождусь момента, когда смогу обнять тебя.",I can't wait to hug you.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Оба моих родителя всё ещё живы.,Both of my parents are still living.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Карфаген был построен Дидоной.,Carthage was built by Dido.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тома убили в тёмном переулке.,Tom was killed in a dark alley.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я знаю много языков.,I know a lot of languages.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Мне всё равно, почему Том это сделал. Я просто рад, что сделал.",I don't care why Tom did it. I'm just glad he did.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Он живёт здесь один.,He lives here all alone.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Вы курите сигары?,Do you smoke cigars?,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том — домохозяин.,Tom is a househusband.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сегодня утром по пути в школу Том столкнулся с Мэри.,Tom bumped into Mary this morning on his way to school.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я вижу в машине одну женщину и двух собак.,I can see a lady and two dogs in the car.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn В лифте нельзя курить.,You may not smoke in an elevator.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Что я получу?,What do I get?,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Что ты получишь?,What will you have?,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Что Вы получите?,What are you going to have?,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Много у Вас посетителей?,Do you get many visitors?,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мне нравится вон то платье.,I really like that dress.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Вы получите Ваши деньги.,You'll get your money.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том взял с полки книгу.,Tom took a book from the shelf.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Хождение в церковь делает вас христианином не более, чем нахождение в гараже — автомобилем.",Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я потеряла серёжку.,I lost an earring.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Люблю истории, которые плохо заканчиваются.",I like stories that have sad endings.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Не курите в этой комнате.,Don't smoke in this room.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Это очень сложно объяснить.,It's very difficult to explain.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том был без ума от Мэри.,Tom was crazy about Mary.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я тоже ту возьму.,"I'll take that one, too.",rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Я знаю, что Том родился в Бостоне.",I know Tom was born in Boston.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Чего Том от тебя ждёт?,What does Tom expect from you?,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том на год старше Мэри.,Tom is a year older than Mary.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Прочти это вслух.,Read it aloud.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мэг нашла четырёхлистный клевер.,Meg found a four leaf clover.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Принесите мне что-нибудь поесть.,Bring me something to eat.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Тем, кем я сегодня являюсь, я обязан тебе.",I owe what I am today to you.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Он упал в канаву.,He fell into the ditch.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Вы хотите его купить?,Do you want to buy it?,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мы живём в большом городе.,We live in a big city.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я хочу общаться с людьми и веселиться.,I want to meet people and have fun.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Я не знал, что делать.",I didn't know what to do.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ночью вы спите.,At night you sleep.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Оказалось, что перейти дорогу невозможно.",I found it impossible to cross the road.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Он плывет против течения.,He is swimming against the tide.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Всё пройдёт.,It will be fine.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Они знают, что я с тобой разговаривал.",They know I talked to you.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Они знают, что я с вами разговаривал.",They know that I talked to you.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Здесь всё едят с хлебом.,Here they eat everything with bread.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Что вы со мной делаете?,What are you doing to me?,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Я знаю, что это тот, кого ты ищешь.",I know that's who you're looking for.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Я знаю, что это тот, кого вы ищете.",I know that that's who you're looking for.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Я сказал ему, чтобы он оставался в своей комнате.",I told him to stay in his room.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Ты, наверное, неправильно это делаешь.",You're probably doing it wrong.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Я не знал, что они занимаются такими вещами.",I didn't know they did things like that.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Она хочет почитать книгу.,She wants to read a book.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Вы не видели здесь сумку?,Did you see a bag here?,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Я знаю, что Том умеет рисовать.",I know Tom can draw.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Я знаю, что Том - известный музыкант.",I know Tom is a famous musician.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я начинал терять надежду.,I was starting to lose hope.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Как вы думаете, у Тома есть шансы выиграть?",Do you think Tom has any chance of winning?,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn """Вы ведь мексиканец?"" ""Да, но сейчас я живу в Аргентине.""","""Aren't you Mexican?"" ""Yes, though now I live in Argentina.""",rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Я знаю, что мы не можем рассчитывать на то, что Том это сделает.",I know we can't count on Tom to do that.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Хотите супа?,Do you want some soup?,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я отутюжил носовой платок.,I ironed the handkerchief.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Я знаю, что мы можем рассчитывать на то, что Том это сделает.",I know we can count on Tom to do that.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Я знаю, что мы можем рассчитывать на Тома.",I know that we can count on Tom.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Не знаю, хочет ли она пойти с мной.",I don't know if she wants to go with me.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Я знаю, что могу сделать это лучше.",I know I can do this better.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Город насчитывает около ста тысяч жителей.,"The population of the city is about 100,000.",rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Я скорее умру, чем сдамся!",I'd rather die than surrender.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Напиши мне, когда приедешь.",Write me when you arrive.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Скоро я сообщу вам очень хорошую новость.,"Soon, I'll tell you some good news.",rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том не хочет это обсуждать.,Tom doesn't want to discuss this.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я не дам ему собой манипулировать.,I won't let myself be manipulated by him.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn На самом деле чёрный - это не цвет. Это отсутствие цвета.,In reality black is not a color; it is the absence of color.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Эта книга очень интересная.,This book is very interesting.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Я не говорил, что тебе можно поехать.",I didn't say you could go.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Простите, я вас не узнал.","I'm sorry, I didn't recognize you.",rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мы уничтожим эту диктатуру.,We'll topple this dictatorship.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тебе это о чём-нибудь напоминает?,Does this ring a bell?,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Как ты думаешь, что она сейчас делает?",What do you think she is doing now?,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn С того дня мы помогали ему изучать японский.,"From that day on, we helped him learn Japanese.",rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Он лежал на спине.,He lay face up.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Почему удача тебя не любит?,Why does luck hate you?,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Я не хочу этого делать, но сделаю.","I don't want to do that, but I will.",rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мы не хотим возвращаться в Бостон.,We don't want to go back to Boston.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Позвоните два раза.,Press the bell twice.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Я хочу, чтобы вся моя семья мной гордилась.",I want my whole family to be proud of me.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn У Мэри красивая улыбка.,Mary has a beautiful smile.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бесполезно просить у него помощи.,It's no use asking him for help.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Кто, по-вашему, выиграет гонку?",Who do you think will win the race?,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бесполезно просить его о помощи.,There is no use in asking him for assistance.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Возьмите мои очки.,Take my glasses.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мопсы не милашки.,Pugs are not cute.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Он сильный и мужественный.,He's manly and strong.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я не показал его Тому.,I didn't show it to Tom.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "У него очень маленький дом и, кроме того, старый.",His house is small and moreover it's old.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Она сняла рубашку.,She removed her shirt.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Он снял рубашку.,He removed his shirt.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Они её обожают.,They're very fond of him.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мы должны двигаться очень быстро.,We have to move very quickly.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мы его купили.,We bought it.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Поделите этот отрезок на двадцать равных частей.,Divide this line into twenty equal parts.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Это было вне его досягаемости.,It was out of his reach.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Что ты смотришь?,What are you watching?,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Что вы смотрите?,What're you watching?,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn На что вы смотрите?,What are you looking at?,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn На что вы уставились?,What are you staring at?,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том примерный заключённый.,Tom is a model prisoner.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Почему вы так на меня смотрите?,Why are you looking at me like that?,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Когда начало?,When does it start?,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я всегда покупаю хлеб в булочной.,I always buy my bread from the bakery.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ты чего так на меня смотришь?,Why are you looking at me that way?,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Он едва умеет говорить.,He can hardly speak.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Его популярность падает.,His popularity is falling.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Я вызвал специалиста, чтобы спросить у него совета.",An expert was called for advice.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Зажмите ""Tab"" для вызова меню, затем переместите курсор в сторону желаемого оружия.","Hold down the Tab key to open the weapon wheel, then move your mouse in the direction of the weapon you want.",rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Это пустые слова.,Those are empty words.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Не принимай это слишком близко к сердцу.,Don't take it to heart.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Вы привыкли к жизни в общежитии?,Have you gotten used to living in the dorm?,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Можешь не торопиться.,You don't need to hurry.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Можете не спешить.,You don't have to hurry.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Скажите мне, как победить бессонницу.",Tell me how to beat sleeplessness.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Кто, по-вашему, скорее всего, выиграет гонку?",Who do you think is most likely to win the race?,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мы об этом ещё как-то не думали.,We haven't really thought about it yet.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я живу сегодняшним днём.,I am living from day to day.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Я сказал им, чтобы они сидели у себя в комнате.",I told them to stay in their room.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Начальник не будет увольнять Мэри.,The boss isn't going to fire Mary.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я должен Вас увидеть.,I've got to see you.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ты пошёл туда.,You went there.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Никогда такого не видел.,Never have I seen such a thing.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мы были никакие.,We were wasted.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том прожил здесь тридцать лет.,Tom lived here for thirty years.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Это машина, о которой Линда вчера говорила.",This is the car about which Linda talked yesterday.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Это правило, а не исключение.","It's the rule, not the exception.",rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я его только два раза видел.,I've only seen him twice.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сколько Том с Мэри женаты?,How long have Tom and Mary been married?,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Мне не нравилась эта игра, пока я не начал побеждать.",I didn't like that game until I started to win.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Это то, что вы должны сделать.",This is what you must do.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Я знаю, что мне не понравится жить в Бостоне.",I know I won't like living in Boston.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мать ставит сахарницу на стол.,The mother puts the sugar bowl on the table.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том никого не убедил.,Tom didn't convince everyone.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Я знаю, что мне здесь не понравится.",I know I won't like it here.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Хотел бы я, чтобы у меня было больше времени.",I wish I had more time.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Яблоко красное.,The apple is red.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я буду очень занята в следующем месяце.,I'll be very busy next month.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn У Тома есть друзья по всему миру.,Tom has friends all over the world.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Дождь помешал мне прийти.,The rain prevented me from coming.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Она убрала голову из окна.,She withdrew her head from a window.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я напрямую поговорю с ней об этом.,I will speak to her about it directly.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Целовать курильщика - всё равно, что лизать пепельницу.",Kissing a person who smokes is like licking an ashtray.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том хорошо играл на скрипке.,Tom was good at playing the violin.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я независимый журналист.,I'm a freelance journalist.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Он покрасил дверь в синий цвет.,He painted the door blue.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Пожалуйста, скажи мне, почему Тома уволили.",Please tell me why Tom was fired.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Всё, что ты говоришь, может быть использовано против тебя.",Anything you say may be used against you.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том никогда не пьёт алкоголь.,Tom never drinks alcohol.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Я не знаю, как перевести это слово.",I don't know how to translate this word.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Том сделал, что хотел.",Tom did what he wanted to do.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Жаль, что Том не мой брат.",I wish that Tom was my brother.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Вы ещё на диете?,Are you still on a diet?,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я выучил это наизусть.,I learned it by heart.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Этот пирог сладкий.,This cake is sweet.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Мэри боялась, что люди её осудят.",Mary was afraid that people would judge her.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Я знаю, что меня накажут за то, что я это сделал.",I know I'll be punished for doing that.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Том не пришёл, Джейн тоже.","Tom didn't come, nor did Jane.",rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Это для меня слишком сложно.,This is too difficult for me.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Да, у Тони он был.",Yes. Tony had it.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Ты уверен, что знаешь, что нужно Тому и Мэри?",Are you sure you know what Tom and Mary need?,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я могу что-нибудь для тебя сделать?,Can I do something for you?,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Я не знал, что ты тоже родился в Бостоне.","I didn't know that you were born in Boston, too.",rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я почти закончила.,I'm almost done.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Я сказал им, чтобы они оставили меня в покое.",I told them to leave me alone.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Я знаю, что они что-то скрывают.",I know they're hiding something.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Да ладно тебе.,"Oh, come on.",rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Мачеха была очень жестока к близнецам, била их, морила голодом и постоянно выгоняла из дому.","The step-mother was very cruel to the twins, and beat them, and half-starved them, and constantly drove them out of the house.",rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Почему у берёзы белая кора?,Why do birch trees have white bark?,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Ой, да ладно. Не так плохо всё будет. Мы повеселимся.","Oh, come on. It won't be so bad. We'll have fun.",rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "«Ты знал, что соседская дочь уже замужем?» — «Да ладно! Ей же всего восемнадцать!»","""Did you know that the neighbor's daughter is already married?"" ""You don't say! She's only eighteen!""",rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Правые обвиняли левых, левые обвиняли правых, и в результате ничего не изменилось.",The right blamed the left and the left blamed the right and in the end nothing changed.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Мэри заметила, как Том с Кончитой флиртуют.",Mary spotted Tom and Conchita flirting together.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn «Я не дам тебе делать моим друзьям плохо!» — «Я и не собирался делать им плохо».,"""I won't let you hurt my friends!"" ""I wasn't going to hurt your friends.""",rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Её глаза были мокрыми.,Her eyes were wet.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Биологические родители Тома отдали его на усыновление.,Tom's biological parents gave him up for adoption.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Я знаю, что это не вы сделали.",I know you weren't the ones who did that.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Я точно не знаю, чего они хотят.",I'm not sure what they want.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Я люблю вас больше, чем Том.",I love you more than Tom does.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том сделал много хорошего.,Tom did a lot of good things.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я за всё благодарен.,I'm thankful for everything.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я до сих пор в этом не уверен.,I'm still not sure about it.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тому не пришлось долго ждать.,Tom didn't have to wait long.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Нам надо разделиться.,We have to split.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Перестань делать вид, что ты меня не знаешь!",Stop pretending you don't know me.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Всё должно пройти хорошо.,It should work.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Хотелось бы посмотреть, что Том умеет делать.",I'd like to see what Tom can do.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я посплю на диване.,I'll sleep on the couch.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Не хочу мешаться.,I don't want to get in the way.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Хотите, я провожу Вас до дома?",Would you like me to see you home?,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Я думаю, вам стоит это сделать.",I think you should do that.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я добрая христианка.,I'm a good Christian.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Дождь прекратился.,The rain stopped.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сравните свой ответ с ответом Тома.,Compare your answer with Tom's.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Это было не намеренно.,It was not intentional.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Это красного цвета.,Its color is red.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Оно красного цвета.,The color of it is red.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Не будьте такой нетерпеливой!,Don't be so impatient.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Он ничего не боится.,He is not afraid of anything.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Я сказал вам, чтобы вы оставались в своей комнате.",I told you to stay in your room.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том вчера смотрел телевизор.,Tom watched television yesterday.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "По-моему, я здесь слишком долго.",I think I've been here too long.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ханни и Нанни - близнецы.,Hanni and Nanni are twins.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Нам нужно поспать.,We need sleep.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Том, давай немного потише!","Tom, quiet down a little!",rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Простите, это какая станция?","Excuse me, what station is this?",rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Сегодня вечером, похоже, похолодает. Смотри не простудись.","It looks like the temperature is going to drop tonight, so be careful not to catch a cold.",rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Позвольте мне позвонить моему адвокату.,Let me call my lawyer.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Аллах лучше знает!,Only God knows.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я не модник.,I'm not the trendy type.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Солонка была на столе.,The salt cellar was on the table.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Я не верю в любовь с первого взгляда, но верю в страсть с первого взгляда.","I don't believe in love at first sight, but I do believe in lust at first sight.",rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Почему ты забросил свой блог? Я с таким удовольствием его читал.,Why did you stop updating your blog? I always looked forward to reading it.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мы с ним мыслим сходно.,He and I are like-minded.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мы соотечественники.,We are compatriots.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn В этом продуктовом магазине продаются лишь натуральные продукты.,This grocery store only sells organic food.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Он посмотрел в окно.,He looked out of the window.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Я знаю, что это неизбежно произойдёт.",I know it's inevitable that that'll happen.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Солонка на столе.,The salt cellar is on the table.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сколько банок пива ты купил?,How many cans of beer did you buy?,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Стой ровно, когда я с тобой разговариваю.",Stand upright when I'm talking to you.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn У вас есть выбор?,Do you have a choice?,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Боюсь, как бы завтра дождь не пошёл.",I'm afraid it's going to rain tomorrow.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Вы уже доделали французский?,Have you finished your French homework yet?,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Солонка будет на столе.,The salt cellar will be on the table.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Передайте мне солонку.,Pass me the salt cellar!,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Терпение – слабая форма отчаяния, рядящаяся добродетелью.","Patience is a minor form of despair, disguised as a virtue.",rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Зануда – тот, кто говорит, когда вы хотели бы, чтобы он слушал.",A bore is a person who talks when you wish him to listen.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Что было, то было. Ничего уже не изменишь.",The past is the past. There's nothing you can do about it.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Мы с господином Уайтом не друзья, а лишь знакомые.","Mr White and I are not friends, only acquaintances.",rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Иди в свою комнату и жди там, пока я тебя не позову.",Go to your room and wait there until I call you.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Собака лает на всех чужих.,The dog barks at all strangers.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Прекращай задавать себе бесполезные вопросы!,Stop asking yourself useless questions.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Вы можете заставить его улыбнуться?,Can you make him smile?,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Что расположено прямо перед тобой?,What's in front of you?,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Это простая работа.,It's a simple job.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я Вам не доверяю.,I don't trust you.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Возможно, он ещё не в курсе.",The chances are that he has not heard the news yet.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Пожалей меня!,Have mercy on me!,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ты меня в чём-то обвиняешь?,Are you accusing me of something?,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мне надоело быть осторожным.,I'm tired of being careful.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тебя Том тоже поцеловал?,"Has Tom kissed you, too?",rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Куда Том хочет, чтобы ты пошёл?",Where does Tom want you to go?,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Одиннадцать часов, детям надо идти спать, им завтра в школу.",It's 11 o'clock. The children must go to bed. They have school tomorrow.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Минутку.,Just a moment.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Извините, сколько времени?","Excuse me, what time is it?",rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Это сокровище.,It's a treasure.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Некоторые говорят, что мультфильмы по телевизору имеют образовательную ценность сами по себе.",Some people say that cartoons on television are educational in themselves.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Когда я туда попаду?,When do I get there?,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Ты знаешь, что она в церкви?",Do you know she's in the church?,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Транспорт - главная проблема городов.,Traffic is a major urban problem.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Я слышал, ты уезжаешь.",I heard you were leaving.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Пойдём кофе попьём.,Let's go grab a cup of coffee.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Надеюсь, Том чувствует себя нормально.",I hope Tom is feeling OK.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сейчас он ищет её в моём доме.,He's now looking for her in my house.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я просто повесил трубку.,I just hung up the phone.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Когда бедность стучит во входную дверь, любовь убегает через чёрный ход.","When poverty knocks at your frontdoor, loves escapes through the backdoor.",rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn У Вас есть ещё вопросы?,Have you any further questions?,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Я знаю, что они оба заняты.",I know they're both busy.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "В самом деле, ты абсолютно прав.","As a matter of fact, you are absolutely right.",rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Я знаю, что ты замышляешь.",I know what you're up to.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я встретил Тома в аэропорту.,I met Tom at the airport.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Думаю, Том это сделает.",I think Tom will do that.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Установилась холодная погода.,The weather got cold.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Стало холодно.,It grew cold.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я очень доволен своей новой квартирой.,I'm very happy with my new flat.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Наконец Эдип ответил.,"Finally, Oedipus replied.",rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn В данный момент у нас другие приоритеты.,We have other priorities at the moment.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Думаю, нам стоит это сделать.",I think we should do that.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn В следующем году будет модно носить шляпу.,"Next year, hats will become fashionable.",rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ты с этим согласен или нет?,Do you agree with that or not?,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Хорошее предложение, кстати.","It's a good sentence, by the way.",rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Он нанес на стену последний слой краски.,He put the final coat of paint on the wall.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Казалось, что всё в порядке.",Everything seemed OK.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я гимнаст.,I'm a gymnast.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Том сказал, что продал свою машину Мэри.",Tom said that he sold his car to Mary.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ты умеешь вскрывать замки?,Do you know how to pick locks?,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я купил это на прошлой неделе.,I bought it last week.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Вы правда считаете, что я готов?",Do you really think I'm ready?,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Ты помнишь, что случилось?",Do you remember what happened?,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Боюсь, сегодня вечером будет дождь.",I'm afraid it'll rain tonight.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Этот человек нас явно обманывает.,The man is apparently deceiving us.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Простите, я не понимаю.","Excuse me, I don't understand.",rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Вы продаёте батарейки?,Do you sell batteries?,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я сделал всё правильно?,Have I done everything correctly?,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Дай мне свою руку.,Give me your arm.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Любой идиот может свалить сарай, но чтобы его построить, нужен плотник.","Any jackass can kick down a barn, but it takes a carpenter to build one.",rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Наша планета, Земля, всегда в движении.","Our planet, Earth, is always in motion.",rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Я подумываю о том, чтобы это сделать.",I'm thinking of doing that.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Игра была превосходной.,The game was excellent.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Да, пойдём!","Yeah, let's go!",rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мой брат не сдал экзамен.,My brother failed to pass the examination.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Джейн пошла в банк, чтобы снять немного денег.",Jane went to the bank to take out some money.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Попроси Тома, чтобы он помог тебе.",Ask Tom to help you.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Этот письменный стол обошёлся мне в двадцать тысяч иен.,"This desk cost me 20,000 yen.",rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Не берите книг с этой полки.,Don't take out the books on this shelf.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Об этой странной планете мало что известно.,Little is known of this curious plant.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Здесь были цветы.,There were flowers here.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Напиши мне, как приедешь.",Write to me as soon as you reach there.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Вы сдали свой отчёт?,Have you turned in your report?,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Когда я должен сдать отчет?,When must I turn in the report?,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "«Мой муж ушёл в мир иной два года назад», — сказала старая дама.","""My husband passed on two years ago,"" an elderly lady said.",rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Трёх человек так и не нашли.,Three people are still missing.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Я скажу Тому, если не забуду.",I'll tell Tom if I don't forget.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ты плохой человек.,You are a bad person.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Вы плохой человек.,You're a mean person.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Я думал, что Вы уехали в Бостон.",I thought you'd gone to Boston.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Важно, чтобы вы ежедневно практиковались.",It's important that you practice every day.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Везде велосипедные дорожки!,Cycle lanes are everywhere!,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn У слона короткий хвост.,The elephant has a short tail.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Деревья высокие.,The trees are tall.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Почему ты не говорил?,Why didn't you speak?,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Думаешь, Том до сих пор не спит?",Do you think Tom is still awake?,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Не прикасайся к моим вещам.,Keep your hands off my stuff.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Я думал, Мэри попросит Тома съездить с ней в Бостон.",I thought Mary would ask Tom to go to Boston with her.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Это предложение можно понять двояко.,This sentence can be interpreted in two ways.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Я горжусь тем, что участвую в этом проекте.",I'm proud to be working on this project.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том выглядит слегка напряженным.,Tom looks a little nervous.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Я знаю, что большинство людей здесь хотят уехать.",I know most people here want to leave.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мэри плохо ладила с остальными девочками.,Mary did not get along well with the other girls.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn У тебя не все дома.,You've lost your marbles.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ты выжил из ума?,Are you losing your head?,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Ты знал, что это произойдёт?",Did you know that was going to happen?,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Давай посмотрим телевизор.,Let's watch TV.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn У меня уши горят.,My ears burn.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn У него мало денег.,He doesn't have much money.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том поцеловал Мэри и отправился на работу.,Tom kissed Mary and then went to work.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Я знаю, что большинство людей здесь не любит этим заниматься.",I know most people here don't like doing that.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том услышал звук бьющегося стекла.,Tom heard the sound of breaking glass.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn И я сейчас во Львове!,And I'm in Lvov now!,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Думаю, он прав.",I think he is right.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Говорят, ты только что женился.",I hear you just got married.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Я знаю, что большинство людей здесь говорит по-французски.",I know most people here can speak French.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Она направила наши усилия в нужное русло.,She steered our efforts in the right direction.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том поднял вещи с пола.,Tom picked the stuff up off the floor.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Она направила наши усилия в нужном направлении.,She steered our efforts in the necessary direction.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я не собираюсь причинять тебе боль.,I'm not going to hurt you.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn В шкафу находится какая-то одежда.,Inside the closet are some clothes.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Настенные часы остановились.,The clock is down.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn У него нет никакого нравственного чувства.,He has no moral values.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мой отец не допустит этого.,My father won't allow it.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мы не можем терять время.,We don't have any time to waste.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Изо дня в день я иду на поправку.,I'm getting better every day.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Господин Браун имеет четверых детей.,Mr Brown has four children.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мы считаем Тома честным.,We consider Tom to be honest.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Андроид — это какой-то робот.,An android is a kind of robot.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Чем она занимается?,What does she do?,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мэри прибралась у себя в комнате.,Mary straightened her room.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "«Я тут за покупками собралась, пойдешь со мной?» — «Пойду!»","""I'm going shopping. Do you want to come?"" ""Sure!""",rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я должен предупредить маму.,I need to warn my mom.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Я знаю, что вы не знаете, кто я такой.",I know you don't know who I am.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ты бежал в саду.,You ran in the garden.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Я не знал, что вы не канадцы.",I didn't know you weren't Canadians.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Я знаю, что ты не знаешь, кто я такой.",I know that you don't know who I am.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Я знаю, что Том не знает, кто я такой.",I know Tom doesn't know who I am.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Я знаю, что Том не знает, кто я такая.",I know that Tom doesn't know who I am.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Он довольно улыбнулся.,"Satisfied, he smiled.",rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Похоже, я сделал что-то не так.",I seem to have done something wrong.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Не думаю, что это разумно.",I don't think that it's reasonable.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том учил.,Tom has learned.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Братан, пойдём по пивку возьмём?","Are we gonna get some beer, dude?",rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тома поймали на лжи.,Tom was caught in a lie.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Я хочу знать, за что вы не любите Тома.",I want to know why you don't like Tom.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я должен сделать домашнее задание.,I have homework to do.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я не могу убедить Тома.,I can't convince Tom.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn У нас остался только один день.,We only have one day left.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Танцевать я тоже не умею.,I can't dance either.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мы здесь совсем одни.,We're all alone here.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я король мира!,I'm the king of the world!,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я завтра свободен.,I am off duty tomorrow.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Тому было около тридцати лет, когда он умер.",Tom was about thirty years old when he died.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Возможно, Том сделает это завтра.",Perhaps Tom will do that tomorrow.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я правда не понимаю почему.,I really don't understand why.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сами пошёл в госпиталь.,Sami went to the hospital.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я пришёл к финишу первым.,I finished first.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Она чуть не упала в обморок при виде крови.,She nearly fainted when she saw the blood.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Я не против того, чтобы ты искал решение в темноте на ощупь, но я бы предпочёл, чтобы ты принял решение.","I don't mind your groping in the dark for a solution, but I wish you'd come to a decision.",rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Только люди способны смеяться.,Only humans can laugh.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Считается, что ручное огнестрельное оружие появилось в XIV веке.",It is thought that manual firearms appeared in the 14th century.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я не вижу этого.,I don't see it.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ты её давно знаешь?,Have you known her for a long time?,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Давайте это сделаем!,Let's do it!,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Оглянись вокруг и скажи мне, что ты видишь.",Look around you and tell me what you see.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ты не скажешь Тому?,Aren't you going to tell Tom?,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мне это не под силу.,That's impossible for me.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Увидимся в следующем месяце.,I'll see you next month.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Розы - это цветы.,Roses are flowers.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Честно говоря, я не люблю переводить.","To tell the truth, I don't like translating.",rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я просто хочу быть хорошим отцом.,I just want to be a good father.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Завтра четверг.,Tomorrow is Thursday.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Вы можете немного рассказать об этом?,Can you talk about that a little?,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Этрусская богиня Туран изображается крылатой, лебедь и голубь — её атрибуты.","The Etruscan goddess Turan is represented with wings, and her attributes are the swan and the dove.",rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я не могу пить молоко.,I can't drink milk.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Это мутная история.,It's a vague story.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Моей мечте пора осуществиться.,It's time my dream came true.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Вы не хотите знать, кто этот человек?",Don't you want to know who that man is?,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Давай я возьму твоё пальто.,Let me take your coat.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Они оставили Тома на острове.,They abandoned Tom on the island.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Я не уверен, что Том говорит правду.",I'm not convinced that Tom is telling the truth.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Мы не знаем, что делать.",We don't know what to do.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Вы замечали, что ""Киото"" и ""Токио"" - анаграмма?",Have you noticed that Kyoto and Tokyo are anagrams?,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мы можем вернуться домой?,Can we go back home?,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Я знаю, что Том - канадец.",I know Tom is Canadian.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мы сделали что смогли для них.,We've done what we can for them.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Я знаю, что некоторые ваши студенты вас не любят.",I know that some of your students don't like you.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Шутки были несмешные.,The jokes were not funny.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сухие листья плывут по поверхности воды.,Dry leaves float on the water's surface.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Можешь не благодарить.,You don't have to thank me.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Я не знал, что твоя мама живёт с вами.",I didn't know that your mother lived with you.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Я знаю, что это звучит наивно.",I know that sounds naive.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Я знаю, что для тебя всё было непросто.",I know that things haven't been easy for you.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Я знаю, что для вас всё было непросто.",I know things haven't been easy for you.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Я не знал, что Ваша мама живёт с Вами.",I didn't know your mother lived with you.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Им понравилось?,Did they like it?,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn В течение нескольких месяцев Том уехал.,Tom left within a few months.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Подсолнухи - красивые цветы.,Sunflowers are beautiful flowers.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Персиковые деревья обычно цветут весной.,Peach trees typically bloom in spring.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Я думаю, что Том не прав.",I think Tom is wrong.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том быстро перевернул страницу.,Tom turned the page quickly.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том раньше никогда так часто не плакал.,Tom never used to cry so much.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ты слишком много работаешь. Сделай перерыв!,You work too much. Have a break!,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Моя новая рубашка уже грязная.,My new shirt is already dirty.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я обожаю пироги.,I love cake.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мы все люди.,We're all humans.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мэри ходила в школу для ведьм.,Mary went to a school for witches.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сегодня Валентинов день.,Today is Valentine's Day.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn У тебя есть курсы для начинающих?,Do you have a course for beginners?,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Не могу ничего сказать по этому поводу.,I have nothing to say on this matter.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я называл её Кэти.,I called her Cathy.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я называла её Кэти.,I called her by the name of Cathy.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Кто твоя любимая телезвезда?,Who is your favourite TV star?,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "О милый Гамлет, ты рассек мне сердце.","O Hamlet, thou hast cleft my heart in twain.",rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Чрезмерная забота о безопасности может быть опасной.,Excessive concern with safety can be dangerous.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Некоторые люди настаивают, что телевидение приносит больше вреда, чем пользы.",Some people insist that television does more harm than good.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn «Это стоило двухчасового ожидания». — «Да! Этот автограф я буду ценить всю жизнь».,"""It was worth the two-hour wait."" ""Yeah! I'll cherish this signature for a lifetime.""",rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Следующий год - год Кролика.,Next year is the year of the rabbit.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Дорогой, послушай, ты сходишь вместо меня за покупками?","Honey, will you go shopping for me?",rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Привет, я Том. А как зовут тебя?","Hello, I'm Tom. What's your name?",rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Она подруга моей сестры.,She's my sister's friend.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Он знаком с мэром города.,He's familiar with the city's mayor.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Достань всё из сумки.,Empty your bag.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Том понял, что он не такой, как другие дети.",Tom realized that he wasn't the same as the other kids.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Это может быть решением проблемы.,This may be a solution to the problem.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Здесь очень тихо.,It's very silent here.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мой отец — хороший человек.,My father is a good man.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Письмо вернулось.,The letter returned.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Наконец всё закончилось. Теперь мы можем расслабиться.,It is finally all over. Now we can relax.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Убери свою руку с моей шеи.,Take your hand off my neck.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Наш город раньше был деревней.,Our city used to be a village.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том ищет свои ключи.,Tom is looking for his keys.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Девять жизней только у кошек. А у тебя всего одна.,Only cats have nine lives. You have but one.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Её не взяли на работу.,She didn't get the job.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Думаю, его нет дома.",I think he is not home.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Пожалуйста, прочитай девяносто четвёртую страницу.",Please read page ninety-four.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Откуда мы знаем, что этот человек - тот, за кого он себя выдаёт?",How do we know that man is who he says he is?,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn В этой комнате два окна.,The room has two windows.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Я вижу, что Воляпюк - хороший язык.",I see that Volapük is a good language.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Большинство курильщиков говорят, что хотят бросить.",Most smokers say that they want to quit.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Самолёт задержался из-за плохой погоды.,The plane was late because of bad weather.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Веди машину осторожнее, а то попадёшь в аварию.","Drive more carefully, or you will have an accident.",rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мы должны защищать детей.,We must protect the children.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Откуда нам знать, что этот человек - тот, за кого он себя выдаёт?",How do we know that that man is who he says he is?,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Мы не знаем, когда появился этот мир.",We don't know when this world came into being.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я тоже хотел знать.,I also wanted to know.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я тоже хотел бы знать.,I would like to know as well.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том быстро исчез в толпе.,Tom quickly disappeared in the crowd.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том хочет поговорить с Мэри.,Tom wants to talk to Mary.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Меня достала эта система.,I'm fed up with this system.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn У Тома три дочки.,Tom has three daughters.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я не знаю телефон Тома.,I don't know Tom's telephone number.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я не знаю номер телефона Тома.,I don't know Tom's phone number.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мячик катился через дорогу.,The ball rolled across the road.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Я знаю, что мы до сих пор любим друг друга.",I know we still love each other.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Я не смог выбраться из своего гаража, потому что поперёк дороги стояла чья-та машина.",I couldn't get out of my garage because there was a car in the way.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том решил съездить в Бостон.,Tom decided to go to Boston.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Я знаю, что Вы трус.",I know you're a coward.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я здесь живу уже пять лет.,I've been living here for five years.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Другие не хотят, чтобы ты был здесь.",The others don't want you here.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Кроме английского он знает немецкий и французский.,"In addition to English, he knows German and French.",rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Я просыпаюсь утром, думая, что на обед. Я подзываю моего мальчика: «Линк, дуй ко мне! Я голодный, хочу хоть что закинуть в рот — и скорей, а то кончится травка вот-вот!»","I wake up in the morning wondering what's for dinner. I call out to my boy, I say ""Link, get in here! I'm hungry and I want to get something to eat — and hurry, 'cause I'm about to run out of weed.""",rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Я починю вам раковину, если вы желаете.",I'll fix your sink for you if you want.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ты должен исполнить свой долг.,You must do your duty.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Том отказывается признавать, что он совершил ошибку.",Tom refuses to admit he made a mistake.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Это проверенный метод.,This method is sure to work.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Том не сказал Мэри то, что она хотела знать.",Tom didn't tell Mary what she wanted to know.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Том не сказал Мэри, почему опоздал.",Tom didn't tell Mary why he was late.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Он не хочет тебя ждать.,He doesn't want to wait for you.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я лучше вам такси вызову.,I prefer to call you a taxi.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Большая коробка перемещается.,A big box is moving.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Я понятия не имею, что бы это могло быть.",I have no idea what that could be.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том испёк яблочный пирог.,Tom baked an apple pie.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Думаю, я тебя понимаю.",I think I understand you.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Скажи ему, чтобы он дал их мне.",Tell him to give them to me.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn И Том и Мэри перестали есть.,Tom and Mary both stopped eating.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Она бежала так быстро, как только могла.",She ran as fast as she could.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том не любит морковку.,Tom doesn't like carrots.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Трудно поверить, что Мария могла сделать то, о чём вы рассказали.",It's hard to believe Mary would do what you said she did.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я бы поел.,I would like to eat.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я видел Тома в баре прошлой ночью.,I saw Tom at the bar last night.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мы хорошо знаем город.,We know the city well.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Она здесь с пяти часов.,She's here since five o'clock.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Теперь моя дочь боится меня.,Now my daughter is afraid of me.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Всё, что происходит в Вегасе, остаётся в Вегасе.","What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas.",rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn У тебя есть дочь?,Do you have a daughter?,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn У нас новая соседка.,We have a new neighbor.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Зачем заводить детей, если их можно усыновить?",Why have kids when you can adopt?,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Берингов пролив отделяет Азию от Северной Америки.,The Bering Strait separates Asia from North America.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я иду туда один.,I'm going there alone.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Остановите машину.,Stop the car.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Та собака не кусается.,That dog doesn't bite.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мы оба были пьяные.,We were both drunk.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том съел кесадилью.,Tom ate a quesadilla.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn У меня низкое кровяное давление.,My blood pressure is low.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Она исчезла в темноте.,She disappeared in the dark.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Том не знает, что у меня есть кот.",Tom doesn't know I have a cat.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Том не знает, что я канадка.",Tom doesn't know I'm Canadian.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Вы делаете заметки, не так ли?","You keep records, don't you?",rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я тебе не лгу.,I'm not lying to you.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Вы меня любите?,Do you love me?,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn В пальто нет карманов.,The coat doesn't have any pockets.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Он стоит два евро.,It costs 2 euros.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Она очень популярна среди студентов.,She is very popular among the students.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Посмотрим правде в глаза: это предложение просто плохое.,Let's face it: this sentence is simply bad.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Он умеет сажать пальмы.,He knows how to plant palm trees.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мэри является одной из самых красивых женщин в Бостоне.,Mary is one of the prettiest women in Boston.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Не будучи здоровым, тщетно надеяться на успех.","Without health, we can not hope for success.",rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Какая у вас красивая сестра!,How pretty your sister is!,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мэри не использует соль в своей стряпне.,Mary doesn't use salt in her cooking.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Кто-то пришёл!,Someone was coming!,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Преступника арестовали и посадили в тюрьму.,The criminal was arrested and put into prison.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Незаконная вырубка леса значительно снизилась.,Illegal logging has decreased considerably.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Лейла пошла в ванную.,Layla went to the bathroom.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Она чувствовала то же, что и я.",She felt the same way as I did.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Кстати, какой язык вы учите?","By the way, which language did you learn?",rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том был смертельно ранен.,Tom was mortally wounded.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том хотел назвать дочь Марией.,Tom wanted to name his daughter Mary.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Не стоит к нему приходить.,Don't bother to call on him.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Интересно, женюсь ли я когда-нибудь.",I wonder if I'll ever get married.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Они не знают, что я канадец.",They don't know I'm Canadian.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "То, что он сказал про Англию, — правда.",What he said about England is true.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я открыл дверь своим ключом.,I opened the door with my key.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Рождество — определённо мой любимый праздник.,Christmas is definitely my favorite holiday.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Вы ведь на самом деле не верите во все эти истории?,"You don't really believe all those stories, do you?",rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я говорил с ним после уроков.,I talked to him after class.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Давай пойдём куда-нибудь поедим.,Let's eat out.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Не понимаю, почему мне не надо этого делать.",I don't see why I shouldn't do that.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том страдает от рассеянного склероза.,Tom suffers from multiple sclerosis.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Что ты делал в Рождество в прошлом году?,What did you do last year on Christmas Day?,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я могу сама позаботиться о себе.,I can look out for myself.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Могу я посмотреть сообщение?,Can I see the message?,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я сказал вам ждать в машине.,I told you to wait in the car.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Этот автомобиль не заводится.,This car won't start.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn До сих пор не верится!,I still can't believe it!,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Что вы бросили в огонь?,What did you throw into the fire?,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я сделал это против своей воли.,I did it against my will.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я по ошибке надел рубашку Тома.,I put on Tom's shirt by mistake.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn До сих пор не могу в это поверить.,I still can't believe it.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "До сих пор не верится, что это случилось.",I still can't believe it happened.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Чтобы рассчитать объём, надо перемножить длину, ширину и высоту.","To calculate the volume, multiply the length by the width by the depth.",rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я умею плавать быстро.,I can swim fast.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Пожалуйста, не кормите животных.",Please don't feed the animals.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Она вложила все свои силы в эту работу.,She addressed herself to the task.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Я хочу рассказать тебе кое-что, только это секрет. Обещай никому не рассказывать.","I want to tell you something, but it's a secret. Promise not to tell.",rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Скольким людям ты в этом году купила подарки на Рождество?,How many people did you buy Christmas presents for this year?,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ни одно доброе дело не остаётся безнаказанным.,No good deed goes unpunished.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я сдал тест блестяще.,I passed the test with flying colors.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Вор признал свою вину.,The thief admitted his crime.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я бы хотел бутылку воды.,I'd like a bottle of water.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сколько рождественских открыток ты получила в прошлом году?,How many Christmas cards did you get last year?,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Учителя должны понимать детей.,Teachers must understand children.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я твоего разрешения не спрашиваю.,I'm not asking your permission.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я бы лучше разбудил их.,I'd better wake them up.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "До сих пор не могу поверить, что это происходит.",I still can't believe this is happening.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Он враг. Ты не понимаешь?,He's the enemy. Don't you understand?,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Его отец — японец.,His father is Japanese.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Кто эти люди?,Who are these people?,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Том никому не доверяет: ни друзьям, ни жене, ни детям, ни даже себе самому.","Tom doesn't trust anyone: neither his friends, nor his wife, nor his children, nor even himself.",rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Покажи мне, как это делается, пожалуйста.","Show me how to do it, please.",rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я потерял свой ключ.,I've lost my key.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Думаю, нам понадобится больше еды.",I think we'll need more food.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Почему ты так любишь белок?,Why do you like squirrels so much?,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мэри хлопнула дверью своей спальни.,Mary slammed her bedroom door shut.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn В библиотеке всегда много людей.,There are always many people in the library.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn У него сильное тело.,He has a strong body.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Он интересуется многими вещами.,He's interested in many things.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том звонил Мэри перед завтраком.,Tom called Mary before breakfast.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Я возьму ту, что дороже.",I will take the one that is more expensive.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том терпеливо слушал.,Tom listened patiently.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Это керосиновая плита.,This stove uses kerosene.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Никогда не знаешь, что случится в будущем.",You never can tell what'll happen in the future.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мэри ждёт девочку.,Mary is expecting a girl.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Они промокли до нитки под дождем.,They got thoroughly wet in the rain.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я не могу говорить на клингонском.,I can't speak Klingon.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Это было неловко.,That was embarrassing.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Скажи Тому, что меня сегодня в школе не будет.",Tell Tom I won't be at school today.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Кто-нибудь из вас видел сегодня Тома?,Have any of you seen Tom today?,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Огни не горят.,The lights are out.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Оба типа имеют преимущества и недостатки.,Both types have advantages and disadvantages.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "До сих пор не могу поверить, что всё это происходит.",I still can't believe this is all happening.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "У меня есть кое-что, о чём я хочу вам рассказать.",I have something I want to tell you.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Перед тем как переходить дорогу, посмотрите направо и налево.",Look both ways before you cross the road.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Она признала, что ошибалась.",She admitted that she was wrong.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Что бы ни случилось, я хочу, чтобы Вы знали, что я Вас люблю.","Whatever happens, I want you to know I love you.",rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я написал письмо Мэри.,I wrote a letter to Mary.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том начал учиться играть на гитаре только в тринадцать лет.,Tom didn't learn how to play the guitar until he was thirteen.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я не нервничаю.,I'm not nervous.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Для всех студентов вход свободный.,All students are admitted free.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn У нас пять видов кебаба.,We have five kinds of kebab.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том вернулся в свой офис.,Tom went back into his office.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Она усовершенствовала искусство обращения со сложными клиентами.,She has perfected the art of handling difficult customers.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Давайте не сходить с ума.,Let's not get crazy.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Не волнуйтесь. Цунами очень редки.,Don't worry. Tsunamis are very rare.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Земля имеет форму шара.,The earth is shaped like a sphere.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Я знаю, как плавать.",I know how to swim.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Она довольно застенчивая.,She's kind of shy.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том озадачен.,Tom is puzzled.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том любит пазлы.,Tom loves puzzles.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я пью его пиво.,I drink his beer.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Если хочешь, я могу одолжить тебе свою машину.",You can borrow my car if you want.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том правда вернулся?,Has Tom really come back?,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Давай арбуз поедим.,Let's eat a watermelon!,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Эта битва сделала Наполеона хозяином Европы.,This battle left Napoleon master of Europe.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Он друг?,Is he a friend?,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Он похлопала сына по плечу.,She patted her son on the shoulder.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Давно я не получал таких приятных сюрпризов.,It's been a long time since I had such a pleasant surprise.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я не перестаю думать о тебе.,I never stop thinking about you.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "До сих пор не могу поверить, что ты подделал её подпись.",I still can't believe that you forged her signature.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Гномы живут в лесу.,Gnomes live in this forest.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Мэнни хочет стать единорогом, чтобы девушки смогли его оседлать.",Manny wants to be a unicorn so girls will ride him.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Давай обедать.,Let's eat lunch.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я хочу научиться карате.,I want to learn karate.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Пойдём разбудим их.,Let's go wake them up.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Я больше боюсь их, чем вас.",I'm more afraid of them than I am of you.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Вы не были уставшими?,Weren't you tired?,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Победа за вами.,The victory is yours.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Позволь мне изложить мою версию этой истории.,Let me tell you my side of the story.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Надеюсь, Тома никогда не поймают.",I hope Tom never gets caught.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "У меня чувство, словно я теряю рассудок.",I feel like I'm losing my mind.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я хочу рассказать вам всё.,I want to tell you everything.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Я слышал, Том в Австралии.",I heard Tom was in Australia.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Альтмюль, Наб и Реген — левые притоки Дуная.","The Altmühl, Naab and Regen tributaries meet the Danube from the left.",rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Как мне попасть в ресторан?,How do I get to a restaurant?,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Не думаю, что Том здесь живёт.",I don't think that Tom lives here.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я пытался похудеть.,I was trying to lose weight.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том это уже понимает.,Tom already understands that.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Меня там тогда не было.,I wasn't there at that time.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я учу их плавать.,I'm teaching them to swim.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ты должен остаться здесь.,You must stay here.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том нашел Мэри работу.,Tom found a job for Mary.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том сделал Мэри педикюр.,Tom gave Mary a pedicure.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Вы должны остаться здесь.,You have to stay here.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том дёрнул верёвку.,Tom gave the rope a yank.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том вылез из грузовика.,Tom got out of the truck.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том попал в лёгкую аварию.,Tom had a minor accident.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я не могу его нигде найти. Это сводит меня с ума!,I can't find him anywhere. It's driving me mad!,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Когда ты последний раз напивался?,When was the last time you got drunk?,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Как мы будем выплачивать наши долги?,How will we pay our debts?,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том уехал из страны.,Tom has left the country.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мне нужна метла.,I need a broom.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn У Тома светло-каштановые волосы.,Tom has light brown hair.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том узнал правду.,Tom found out the truth.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Их образ жизни отличается от нашего.,Their lifestyle is different from ours.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том и Джон - сыновья Мэри.,Tom and John are Mary's sons.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Я буду рад, когда это закончится.",I'll be glad when it's over.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я хочу забрать свои деньги.,I want my money back.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том и Мэри тоже там были.,"Tom and Mary were there, too.",rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Ни Том, ни Мэри не умеют плавать.",Tom and Mary both can't swim.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Вы умеете готовить рыбу?,Do you know how to cook fish?,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мне нужен садовый шланг.,I need a garden hose.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn В детстве я был блондином.,"When I was little, I was blonde.",rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn В последнее время я редко бывал в этих краях.,I haven't traveled much in these parts for a long time.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "До сих пор не верится, что Том с Мэри поженились.",I still can't believe Tom and Mary got married.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я сказал ему никому не говорить.,I told him not to tell anyone.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я всё тебе рассказала.,I've told you everything.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Лёд треснул под весом.,The ice cracked under the weight.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сегодня дождя быть не должно.,It's not supposed to rain today.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Давно вы с Томом вместе работаете?,How long have you and Tom been working together?,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn У Тома американский акцент.,Tom has an American accent.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "До сих пор не верится, что мы с Томом женимся.",I still can't believe Tom and I are getting married.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Мы с Томом видимся не так часто, как мне хотелось бы.",I don't see Tom as often as I'd like to.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я столько всего хочу тебе рассказать.,There's so much I want to tell you.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том всем задавал вопросы.,Tom asked everyone questions.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Здесь немного шумно, но в других отношениях это хорошая квартира.","It's a bit noisy, but otherwise it's a nice apartment.",rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мы поехали в Барселону.,We went to Barcelona.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я отправила ему своё фото.,I sent him my picture.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том выдаёт себя за инженера.,Tom claims to be an engineer.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том передумал?,Did Tom change his opinion?,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я не собираюсь вас отпускать.,I'm not going to let you go.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Я рад, что посмотрел игру.",I'm glad I watched the game.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я стал читать дальше.,I kept on reading.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "До сих пор не верится, что мы с Мэри женимся.",I still can't believe Mary and I are getting married.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я только хотел поговорить с Томом.,I just wanted to talk to Tom.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Что ещё тебе в Томе нравится?,What else do you like about Tom?,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Она слушает религиозную музыку.,She listens to religious music.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Моя девушка актриса.,My girlfriend is an actress.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Быть больной очень скучно.,Being sick is very boring.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я жил в Китае в течение шести месяцев.,I lived in China for six months.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Он сильнее тебя.,He's stronger than you.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn У меня был длинный разговор с ней.,I had a long conversation with her.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Дашь мне свой номер телефона?,Will you give me your telephone number?,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Смешайте две части рома с одной частью лимонного сока.,Mix two parts of rum with one part of lemon juice.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "До сих пор не верится, что Том с Мэри женятся.",I still can't believe Tom and Mary are getting married.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Она вышла замуж за деньги.,She married money.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Её предсказания сбылись.,Her predictions have come true.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Что сказал врач?,What did the doctor say?,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Я рад, что ты сегодня здесь.",I'm glad you're here today.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Фермеры пригнали в деревню пять волов, девять коров и двенадцать маленьких овечек; они хотели продать их.",The farmers had brought five oxen and nine cows and twelve little sheep to the village; they wanted to sell them.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Жужжание пчёл заставляет меня немного нервничать.,The buzzing of the bees makes me a little nervous.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn С каждым годом они становились всё беднее.,From year to year they were growing poorer.,rus_Cyrl-eng_Latn Prečo si ukradol šperky svojej babky?,Why did you steal your grandmother's jewelry?,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Medzi očami a ušami je vzdialenosť päť prstov.,There is a distance of four fingers between the eyes and the ears.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Odhlásim sa a idem si dať kúpeľ.,Going off-line for a bath.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom mi povedal, že by sa rád stal lekárom.",Tom told me that he'd like to become a doctor.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Pozrel sa jej do očí.,He looked into her eyes.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Cítil som to isté.,I was feeling the same.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Je to natoľko osobné.,It's that personal.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Hľadám prácu.,I'm looking for a job.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Bol Tom prekvapený?,Was Tom surprised?,slk_Latn-eng_Latn "Podaj mi, prosím, cukor.","Pass me the sugar, please.",slk_Latn-eng_Latn "Veľa ľudí sa cíti tak, ako ty.",A lot of people feel the same way you do.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Môžem ísť s vami?,Can I go with you?,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Kde sa stretneme?,Where are we going to meet?,slk_Latn-eng_Latn "Viem, že povieš nie.",I know you're going to say no.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Zabudol som spomenúť niečo dôležité.,I forgot to mention something important.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Nebola to moja vina.,It wasn't my fault.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Prečo sa jej ľudia boja?,Why are people scared of her?,slk_Latn-eng_Latn "Myslel som, že neprijde.",I thought he wouldn't come.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Tom príde tiež.,"Tom is coming, too.",slk_Latn-eng_Latn Tento spisovateľ je Rus.,This writer is Russian.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom hovorí, že vie čítať knihu vo francúzštine.",Tom says that he can read a French book.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Zvyčajne vstávam o ôsmej.,I usually get up at eight o'clock.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Dievča je osamelé.,The girl is lonely.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn On je jablko.,He's eating an apple.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn "Keďže som sa ponáhľal, musel som si zobrať taxík.","As I was in a hurry, I had to take a taxi.",slk_Latn-eng_Latn Som lekár.,I am a doctor.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Tento sociologický výskum sa týka potratov.,This is a sociological study on abortion.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Jeme jablká.,We are eating apples.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Nemohol som ju nájsť.,I couldn't find her.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Pes utekal za králikom.,The dog ran after the rabbit.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Majú radi jablká.,They like apples.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn "Prepáč, ľúbim ťa.","I'm sorry, I love you.",slk_Latn-eng_Latn Som trochu unavený.,I'm a little bit tired.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Ceruzka je čierna.,The pencil is black.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Deti sú hladné.,The children are hungry.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Narodil som sa v Amerike.,I was born in America.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Mary zvyčajne nenosí šperky.,Mary doesn't usually wear jewelry.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Zachránil mi život.,He saved my life.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Neumyl som si vlasy.,I haven't washed my hair.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Ty nepočúvaš.,You're not listening.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Som mladý.,I am young.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Za účelom nahromadiť pol miliona som predal dom a nábytok aj s klenotami.,"I sold my house and furniture, together with my jewelry, in order to scrape together a half a million.",slk_Latn-eng_Latn Bývam v Kazachstane.,I live in Kazakhstan.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn "Považujem za samozrejmé, že tú skúšku urobí.",I took it for granted that he would pass the exam.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn "Ak padne strom v lese a nik to nepočul, stalo sa to? Ak muž povie čo ma na mysli a žiadna žena ho nepočuje, ešte stále nemá pravdu?","If a tree falls in a forest and nobody hears it, did it happen? If a man speaks his mind in a forest, and no woman hears him, is he still wrong?",slk_Latn-eng_Latn Som hladný. Kedy do čerta budeme jesť?,I'm starving. When the hell do we eat.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Z čoho je robený aspirín?,What's aspirin made of?,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Aký by bol svet bez žien?,What would the world be like without women?,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Bolí ma hlava.,I have a sore head.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Chcem vedieť kto s nami ide.,I want to know who's coming with us.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Chcem vediet kto s nami ostáva.,I want to know who's staying with us.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Uvidím ťa zajtra?,Will I see you tomorrow?,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Stretneme sa zajtra?,Are we meeting tomorrow?,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Moja staršia dcéra je Magdalena Zarębówna.,My elder daughter is Magdalena Zarębówna.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Stratil sa bezostopy.,He's disappeared without a trace.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Zavolaj políciu.,Ring the police!,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Príliš dobré aby to bola pravda.,Too good to be true.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Bol som na horách.,I was in the mountains.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Bol som na hore.,I was on the mountain.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Tom naplnil krabicu jedlom.,Tom filled the box with food.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Zarábam 100 Euro denne.,I earn 100 Euros a day.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Na stole je rádio.,There is a radio on the table.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Zavolám im zajtra ked´ prídem domov.,I'll phone them tomorrow when I come home.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Brnknem im zajtra ked príd´em domov.,I'll ring them tomorrow when I come home.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Chcem byt král´om ked vyrastiem.,"When I grow up, I want to be king.",slk_Latn-eng_Latn Vyšiel z izby.,He left the room.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Nie je toto tak?,Is this not so?,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Bezpečnú cestu.,I wish you a good trip!,slk_Latn-eng_Latn On je moj brat.,He's my brother.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn D´akujem za informáciu.,Thanks for the information.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Brian kúpil Katke nejaký rúž.,Brian has bought Kate some lipstick.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn "Svet je ako kniha, a tí čo necestujú čítajú len jednu stranu.","The world is like a book, and those who don't travel read only one page.",slk_Latn-eng_Latn Počúvam hudbu.,I'm listening to music.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Kedy sa vraciaš? To uplne zaleží na počasí.,"""When are you coming back?"" ""That all depends on the weather.""",slk_Latn-eng_Latn Kadiaľ pôjdeme?,Which way will we go?,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Jeho syn chce byť právnikom.,His son wants to be a lawyer.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn On ma učí.,He is teaching me.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Tento pes je veľký.,This dog is big.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Kde máš školu?,Where is your school?,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Poď s nami!,Come with us.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Veľmi sa mi páči plávanie.,I enjoy swimming.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Tom je v kuchyni.,Tom is in the kitchen.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Si chluchý?,Are you deaf?,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Čo si robil v Bostone?,What were you doing in Boston?,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Je toto tvoj dáždnik?,Is this your umbrella?,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Niečoho nemáme dosť.,We're short of something.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Bude búrka.,There is going to be a storm.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Táto bábika má veľké oči.,This doll has big eyes.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Toma vôbec nemám rád.,I don't like Tom at all.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Moje oči sú unavené.,My eyes are tired.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Našťastie už nie sme mladí.,Fortunately we are no longer young.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn "Chcel som sa ospravedlniť za to, čo sa stalo včera.",I wanted to apologize for what happened yesterday.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Prečo nejdeme domov?,Why don't we go home?,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Sľubuješ?,Do you promise?,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Chlapec prišiel domov.,The boy has come home.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Môj brat žije v Tokiu.,My brother lives in Tokyo.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn "Nie, nie som to ja! Si to ty!",No I'm not; you are!,slk_Latn-eng_Latn To hovoria všeci.,They all say that.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn "Slunko svieti cez den, mesiac v noci.",The sun shines during the day; the moon during the night.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Ona žije na dedine.,She is living in the village.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Nikdy vás neopustím.,I will never leave you.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Choď spať!,Go to sleep.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Tom píše list svojmu najlepšiemu priateľu.,Tom is writing a letter to his best friend.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Na Sicílii je v lete horúco.,Sicily is hot in summer.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Aj krivý strom dáva tieň.,Even crooked tree gives shade.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn V záhrade sú pekné kvety.,There are pretty flowers in the garden.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn "Jednoducho neviem, čo povedať.",I just don't know what to say.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn "Dajte si dole klobúk, keď vstúpite do chrámu.",Take your hat off when you enter a house of worship.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn "Doneste nám dve šálky kávy, prosím.",Please bring us two cups of coffee.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Bol hráč rugby.,He was a rugby player.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn "Vyzerá to, že sme na jednej lodi.",It seems we are in the same boat.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn To je proti pravidlám.,That's against the rules.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Tieto pravidlá sa týkajú aj teba.,This rule applies to you as well.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Zranený chrbát mi zabránil v hraní tenisu.,A sore back hindered me from playing tennis.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Páčia sa mi tvoje psy.,I like your dogs.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Ja som Ricardo.,I am Ricardo.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Čo je na raňajky?,What's for breakfast?,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Ďakujem za raňajky.,Thank you for breakfast.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Môžem zaplatiť kreditkou?,Can I pay with a credit card?,slk_Latn-eng_Latn To bude dobré.,It'll be fine.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Mesto spalo.,The town slept.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom išiel plávať do rieky, ale keď vyšiel von, jeho šaty boli ukradnuté.","Tom went swimming in the river, but when he got out, his clothes had been stolen.",slk_Latn-eng_Latn Povedz mi meno deviateho mesiaca.,Tell me the name of the ninth month.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Dennis ležal na podlahe.,Dennis lay flat on the floor.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Toto sú pravidlá.,These are the rules.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Chcem sa naučiť tancovať.,I would like to learn how to dance.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Môj manžel nie je v meste.,My husband's not in town.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Ona ma zná.,She knows me.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Nerozumiem slovo.,I don't understand a word.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn "Viem, že by si to ocenil.",I knew that you would appreciate it.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Vo vesmíre sú miliardy hviezd.,There are billions of stars in the universe.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom je najbohatší muž, ktorého poznám.",Tom is the richest man I know.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Korytnačky nemajú zuby.,Turtles don't have teeth.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Koľko je hodín?,What's the time?,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Ďakujem.,I thank you.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Tom je čarodejník.,Tom is a sorcerer.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Má sedem synov.,He has seven sons.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Deti sa hrajú s hračkami.,Children play with toys.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Nechcem ísť do školy.,I don't want to go to school.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Porozprávaj mi o Nemecku.,Tell me about Germany.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Nemôžem si spomenúť.,I can't remember.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn "Vieš, kto napísal tento román?",Do you know who wrote this novel?,slk_Latn-eng_Latn "Neviem, čo budem zajtra robiť.",I don't know what I'm going to do tomorrow.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Môj otec mi pomôže finančne.,My father will support me financially.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn "kada se dosadim, prosto se kosim sa svojom ženom","When I get bored, I just contradict my wife.",slk_Latn-eng_Latn Nikto ne sedie tu.,There's no one sitting here.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn On pozná New York veľmi dobre.,He knows New York inside out.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Tom nebol doma.,Tom wasn't at home.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Čo urobil Tom?,What has Tom done?,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Ešte nie som unavený.,I'm not tired yet.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Kniha je malá.,The book is small.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Všetko je špatné.,Everything is bad.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Ja som šťastný.,I am happy.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Neoplatí sa zjesť klávesnicu.,Eating the keyboard doesn't help.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Dvojičky sa podobajú ako vajce vajcu.,The twins are as alike as two peas in a pod.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Zbankrotoval,He went bankrupt.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Idem do krčmy.,I'm going to the pub.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn "Ty chceš, aby Tom zostal?",Do you want Tom to stay?,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Súhlasíš so mnou?,Do you agree with me?,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Zajtra ráno si zaneprázdnený?,Are you engaged for tomorrow?,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Nemáme čas.,We have no time.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Čo je to s tebou?,What is the matter with you?,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Tom sa na mňa pozrel a usmial sa.,Tom looked at me and smiled.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Tom je v šoku.,Tom is in shock.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Jedného dňa sa dozvieš pravdu.,You will know the truth one day.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Boli sme úplne vyčerpaní po päťhodinovej ceste.,We felt dead from the five-hour trip.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Kam si položil moju knihu?,Where did you put my book?,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Nemám nepriateľov.,I don't have enemies.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Videl som vtáka letieť ponad strom.,I saw a bird flying over a tree.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Je ten koláč hotový?,Is the cake ready?,slk_Latn-eng_Latn V tomto ročnom období si musíš dávať pozor na lavíny.,You have to watch out for avalanches at this time of the year.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Nemohol som ju nikde nájsť.,I couldn't find her anywhere.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn "Neviem, kde je zastávka autobusu.",I don't know where the bus stop is.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Má zákazník vždy pravdu?,Is the customer always right?,slk_Latn-eng_Latn "Tomáš nemá poňatia, čo urobiť so všetkými nepotrebnými vecami v jeho garáži.",Tom has no idea what to do with all the junk in his garage.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Stroj bol pokrytí prachom.,The machine was coated with dust.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn "Má veľké ambície, ale všetci by sme mali sledovať, či sa sny plnia.","He has great ambitions, but we should all follow the series and see if the dreams will be fulfilled.",slk_Latn-eng_Latn Jeho zuby sú biele ako perly.,His teeth are white like a pearl.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Tom nemá čas.,Tom doesn't have time.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Mark promoval na Harvarde v roku 1991.,Mark graduated from Harvard in 1991.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Na moje prekvapenie mal nádherný hlas.,"To my surprise, he had a beautiful voice.",slk_Latn-eng_Latn Tomáš nalial mlieko do pohára a potom ho podal Márii.,Tom poured milk into the glass and then handed it to Mary.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Tento nápad sa mi vôbec nepáči.,I don't like this idea at all.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Robí mi starosti výsledok skúšky.,I'm concerned about the result of the exam.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Potrebujem pero a papier.,I need a pen and paper.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Z tejto húsenice sa stane krásny motýľ.,This caterpillar will become a beautiful butterfly.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Nie je nič dôležitejšie ako zdravie.,Nothing is more important than health.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Hľadáme ju.,We're looking for him.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Bolo tam veľa ľudí.,Many people were there.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn "Gréčtina a latinčina sú užitočné jazyky, preto ich študujem.",Greek and Latin are useful languages. That's why I study them.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn "Minulý rok som sa vrátil domov a bol som prekvapený tým, že aj dedina aj ľudia sa úplne zmenili.",Last year I returned home and was surprised to find both the village and the people completely changed.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn "Nemyslíš, že je to zlá vec?",Don't you think it a bad thing?,slk_Latn-eng_Latn """Chceš vedieť, ako to urobil?"" ""Som samé ucho.""","""Do you want to know how he did it?"" ""I'm all ears.""",slk_Latn-eng_Latn Čo si mám dať na sveter?,What should I put on over my sweater?,slk_Latn-eng_Latn "Tomáš by zmeškal vlak, ak by sa zastavil kúpiť si čokoládu.",Tom would have missed the train if he had stopped to buy a chocolate bar.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Bolí ma koleno.,My knee hurts.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Nikto sa na ňu nepozerá.,Nobody watches her.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Glenn má dve priateľky.,Glenn has two girlfriends.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Kedy si bol v Austrálii?,When were you in Australia?,slk_Latn-eng_Latn "Povedz, že ťa to mrzí.",Say you're sorry.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn "Myslím si, že nám chce predviesť svoje nové šaty.",I think she is showing off her new dress to us.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Diétuje.,She is on a diet.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Tom hrá na klavír veľmi dobre.,Tom plays the piano very well.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Tom ťa nezastaví.,Tom won't stop you.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn "Druhým klamať môžeš, ale sám seba neoklameš.","You can lie to everyone else, but you can't lie to yourself.",slk_Latn-eng_Latn Prečo si si kúpil korytnačku?,Why did you buy a turtle?,slk_Latn-eng_Latn "Niet ničoho, čo kresťanstvo zakazuje a čo by nebolo ošetrené zákonom: ak by to bolo inak, kresťanstvo by nebolo, tak ako sa vždy považovalo byť, súčasťou zákonov Anglicka.","There is no act which Christianity forbids, that the law will not reach: if it were otherwise, Christianity would not be, as it has always been held to be, part of the law of England.",slk_Latn-eng_Latn Nerozumiem mu.,I can't make him out.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn "Nehovor mi, že si to nevedel.",Don't tell me you didn't know.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Volal som ťa.,I called you.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn "Veverička, čo tu žije, žerie všetky naše kamélie.",Our resident squirrel eats all our camellias.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Nemusíte mi ďakovať.,You don't need to thank me.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Si šťastný?,Are you happy?,slk_Latn-eng_Latn "Jednoducho nechcem, aby sa na mňa niekto hneval.",I just don't want anyone to be mad at me.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Ako si sa naučil tak dobre francúzsky?,How did you learn to speak French so well?,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Počas vojny sme mali veľa bolestivých zážitkov.,We had many bitter experiences during the war.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Hrám v záhrade.,I'm playing in the garden.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Chceš si naozaj kúpiť počítač v tom obchode?,Are you seriously thinking about buying a computer from that store?,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Rada by som Tomáša lepšie spoznala.,I'd like to get to know Tom better.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn "Rád by som to bol vedel, keď som bol malý.",I wish I had known about this when I was a kid.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Urobíme viac než to.,We'll do more than that.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Chcem knihu.,I want the book.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn "Dúfajú, že sa im podarí nájsť si dobre platenú prácu.",They hope to be able to find a well-paid job.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Buď všetko alebo nič.,All or nothing.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Som podnikateľ.,I am an entrepreneur.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Moja teta sa cíti zle.,My aunty is feeling sick.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn "Veľkým pôžitkom v živote je robiť to, čo ti ľudia zakazujú.",The great pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn "Dúfam, že ekonomika sa čoskoro oživí.",I hope the economy picks up soon.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn "Vitajte vo Wikipédii, slobodnej encyklopédii, ktorú môže upravovať každý.","Welcome to Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia that anyone can edit.",slk_Latn-eng_Latn Čaj si sladíme.,We put sugar in our tea.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Nemám priateľov.,I don't have any friends.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn To je vynikajúci nápad.,That's a great idea.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Som zdravý ako repa.,I'm as healthy as a horse.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn To veľmi rád počujem.,I'm very glad to hear that.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Zabudol som nalepiť známku na obálku.,I forgot to put a stamp on the envelope.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Nechcem žiť s tebou.,I don't want to live with you.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn "Myslím, že Tom hovorí iba po francúzsky.",I think Tom only speaks French.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Traja vojaci sa zranili.,Three soldiers were wounded.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Už ho neľúbim.,I no longer love him.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Otvor ústa!,Open your mouth!,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Náš osud je vo vašich rukách.,Our fate is in your hands.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Videl som cudzinca vstúpiť do tohto domu.,I saw a stranger enter that house.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Pozri sa dozadu!,Look behind you.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Nie všetci sú chudobní.,All of them are not poor.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Jedia jablká.,They're eating apples.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Aké je vaše telefónne číslo?,What's your phone number?,slk_Latn-eng_Latn "Nie, som unavený.","No, I'm tired.",slk_Latn-eng_Latn Tom to naozaj rád robí.,Tom really likes to do that.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Mám rád jazyky.,I love languages.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Bolo to zaujímavé?,Was it interesting?,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Ten je velky dom.,This is a big house.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Mám rád zemiakový šalát.,I like potato salad.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Ktorý je tvoj obľúbený operačný systém?,What's your favorite operating system?,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Mám rád fazuľu.,I like beans.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Chce ju pobozkať.,He wants to kiss her.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Súbor je poškodený.,The file is corrupt.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Stehlík je veľmi zaujímavý vták.,The goldfinch is a very interesting bird.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Prečo si prišiel do Japonska?,Why did you come to Japan?,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Šťastný Medzinárodný deň žien!,Happy International Women's Day!,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Ležím na tráve.,I'm lying on the grass.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Tom vystúpil z taxíka.,Tom got out of the taxi.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Dali by ste si čaj?,Would you like some tea?,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Vie iba kritizovať ľudí poza ich chrbát.,He can only criticize people behind their backs.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Jedného dňa ťa to bude mrzieť.,You will be sorry for it some day.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Tom by mohol mať vážny problém.,Tom could be in serious trouble.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Môj brat vie šoférovať.,My brother can drive a car.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn "Vieš, čo máš robiť?",Do you know what you need to do?,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Musím vybrať?,Do I have to choose?,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Obleč sa!,Get your clothes on.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn V tie dni som zvykol vstávať o šiestej každé ráno.,"In those days, I used to get up at six every morning.",slk_Latn-eng_Latn Milujete svoju matku?,Do you love your mother?,slk_Latn-eng_Latn To je trojuholník.,This is a triangle.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Mám množstvo kníh na mojej polici.,I have a large number of books on my bookshelf.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Twitter je lepší a bezpečnejší ako Facebook.,Twitter is better and more secure than Facebook.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Štedrí ľudia sú zlí obchodníci.,Generous people make for bad merchants.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Už ma nikto nechodí navštevovať.,No one comes to visit me anymore.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Už je deväť hodín.,It's already nine o'clock.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Bolí ťa hlava?,Do you have a headache?,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Moje deti sú v škole.,My children are in school.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Som tehotná.,I am pregnant.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Čo to čítaš?,What are you reading?,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Si Ludwig ako.,My name is Ludwig.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Mám rád polievku.,I love soup.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Neboj sa. Môžeš mi dôverovať.,Don't worry. You can confide in me.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn "Je možné, že sme podcenili jeho schopnosť.",We might have underestimated his ability.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Japončina je môj materinský jazyk.,Japanese is my mother tongue.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Nenávidím teroristické organizácie.,I hate terrorist organizations.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Prechádzam rovnakými problémami.,I'm having the same problems.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Potrebujeme ich.,We need them.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Týždeň má sedem dní.,A week has seven days.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Ste slobodný?,Are you single?,slk_Latn-eng_Latn "Posielaš mi japonskú bábiku, že?","You are sending me a Japanese doll, right?",slk_Latn-eng_Latn Koľko dní má jeden týždeň?,How many days are there in a week?,slk_Latn-eng_Latn To nie je drahé.,This is not expensive.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn "Prosím, zajtra ma zobuď o šiestej.",Please wake me up at six tomorrow.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn "Prosím, zajtra ma zobuďte o šiestej.","Wake me up tomorrow at six, please.",slk_Latn-eng_Latn Sneží v Paríži.,It's snowing in Paris.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn "Nikdy nehovorí anglicky bez toho, aby robil chyby.",He never speaks English without making mistakes.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Tieto knihy sú veľmi staré.,These books are very old.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Táto teória je pre mňa príliš zložitá na pochopenie.,This theory is too difficult for me to comprehend.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn "Viem, kde sú.",I know where they are.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn "Budem dole, ak ma budeš potrebovať.",I'll be downstairs if you need me.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Snáď máte pravdu.,Perhaps you are right.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Tom nemôže byť chorý.,Tom can't be sick.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Čoskoro bude pršať.,It's going to rain soon.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Mám rád med.,I like honey.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Ukázala mi svoju izbu.,She showed me her room.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Mám pomalé internetové pripojenie.,I have a slow Internet connection.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Niekto klopal na dvere.,Somebody knocked at the door.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn "Poznám skutočný dôvod, prečo nechceš ísť.",I know the real reason you don't want go.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Bol posadnutý myšlienkou cestovať na exotické miesta.,He was obsessed with the idea of travelling to exotic locations.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Malá Sofia nebola poslušná.,Little Sophie was not obedient.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Hrám tenis.,I play tennis.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Musíš ísť.,You have to go.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Človek je vysoký.,The man is tall.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Čo to presne je?,What exactly is this?,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Kristus vstal z mŕtvych!,Christ is risen!,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Urobil skúšku.,He passed the exam.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn To nebol Tom.,That wasn't Tom.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Chodiš stále neskoro.,You are always late.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Urobila skúšku.,She passed the exam.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Klingončina je určite najmenej užitočný jazyk.,Klingon has to be the most useless language.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Čo povedal?,What did he say?,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Daj si dole ponožky.,Take off your socks.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn "Nezáleži na veku, dieťa je dieťa.","No matter the age, a child is a child.",slk_Latn-eng_Latn Ukradnutých bolo veľa kníh.,A number of books were stolen.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn "Je jedno čo je , nepribera.","However much she eats, she never gains weight.",slk_Latn-eng_Latn "Nezáleží na tom ako sme si blízki, nemôžem mu to dať urobiť.","No matter how close we may be, I can not ask him to do that.",slk_Latn-eng_Latn On klamie.,He is telling a lie.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Môžete mi pomôcť?,Can you help me?,slk_Latn-eng_Latn "V každom prípade, ak chceš vedieť viac o mojej krajine, pošlem ti list, keď budem u seba doma.","Anyway, if you want to know more about my country, I'll send you a letter when I get home.",slk_Latn-eng_Latn Budem sa učiť.,I will be learning.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn "V každom prípade, pôjdem keď prestane pršať.",At any rate I will go out when it stops raining.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Vypadla elektrika.,There's been a power cut.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Starý muž prešiel cez cestu opatrne.,The old man walked across the road carefully.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Prisuň si sloličku bližšie k ohňu.,Draw your chair closer to the fire.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Taliansko hraničí so Švajčiarskom na severe.,Italy is bounded on the north by Switzerland.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Zabudol som na to.,I forgot it.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Je Tom doma?,Is Tom at home?,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Hral si včera ráno tenis?,Were you playing tennis yesterday morning?,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Súhlasím.,I second that.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Neviem.,I don't know.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Musí zaplatiť za knihu.,She has to pay for the book.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Burdž Chalífa je v súčasnosti najvyšší mrakodrap na svete.,Burj Khalifa is currently the tallest skyscraper in the world.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn „Kde je Laurie?“ „Ona je v kuchyni.“,"""Where's Laurie?"" ""She's in the kitchen.""",slk_Latn-eng_Latn Ja som majiteľ.,I'm the owner.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Vypadni!,Get away from here.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Ja rozprávam Esperantom.,I speak Esperanto.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Celé mesto bolo pod vodou.,The entire town was under water.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn "Nemám ani poňatia, čo si mám obliecť.",I have no idea what to wear.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Ženy sa o neho nezaujímajú.,Women aren't interested in him.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Teraz sú štyri hodiny a desať minút.,It's ten past four now.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Kde je najbližší telefón?,Where is the nearest telephone?,slk_Latn-eng_Latn "Prosím, daj si dole ponožky.","Take off your socks, please.",slk_Latn-eng_Latn Mám dosť peňazí na kúpu auta.,I have enough money to buy a car.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn "Daj mi vedieť, kedy sa vrátiš domov.",Let me know when you'll return home.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Kedysi som chcel byť astrofyzikom.,I once wanted to be an astrophysicist.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Nikdy som nemal rád biológiu.,I never liked biology.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Bohužiaľ je to pravda.,It is unfortunately true.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Laurie je krásne dievča.,Laurie is a beautiful girl.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Čo je otázka?,What's the question?,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Prečo sa pýtaš?,Why do you ask?,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Maslo je mäkké.,Butter is soft.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Urobili by ste mi láskavosť?,Would you do me a favor?,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Poznáš ich?,Do you know them?,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Oči sú zrkadlom duše.,The eye is the mirror of the soul.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Traja psi nasledujú štyri mačky až k bráne.,Three dogs are following four cats to the gate.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Tom si chce kúpiť nové auto.,Tom wants to buy a new car.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Tom je chirurg.,Tom is a surgeon.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Nemôžu ma vidieť s tebou.,I can't be seen with you.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Pes je biely.,The dog is white.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Stála pred zrkadlom.,She stood in front of the mirror.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Tom'un evi betondan yapılmıştır.,Tom's house is made out of concrete.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Prídem za desať minút.,I'll join in ten minutes.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Tom píše Márii list.,Tom is writing a letter to Mary.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Tom píše list.,Tom is writing a letter.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn To bol ovčiar.,That was a shepherd.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Vyriešil problém sám.,He solved the problem on his own.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Zmiešaj mlieko s vajcami.,Blend milk and eggs together.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Môjmu strýkovi diagnostikovali leukémiu.,My uncle has been diagnosed with leukemia.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Tom vyzerá stále nespokojný.,Tom always seems to be dissatisfied.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Tom nemohol vidieť nič.,Tom couldn't see anything.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Tom nevidel nič.,Tom saw nothing.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Koho to zaujíma?,Who gives a damn.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Som študent. A ty?,I'm a student. And you?,slk_Latn-eng_Latn "Slepota je zodpovedná za závratný počet zdravotných problémov, utrpenia a straty dôstojnosti a zmenšenia kvality života osôb na celom svete.","Blindness is responsible for a staggering toll of poor health, suffering, and loss of dignity and diminution in the quality of lives of people worldwide.",slk_Latn-eng_Latn Je tu niekto?,Is anybody here?,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Pil som víno.,I drank the wine.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Moja mama robí koláč.,My mother is making a cake.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn "Počkaj, hneď prídem!","Wait for me, I am coming.",slk_Latn-eng_Latn Máte rád prírodu?,Do you love nature?,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Čo je v chladničke?,What's in the fridge?,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Štrajk trval tri dni.,The strike lasted three days.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Chodíš do kostola?,Do you go to church?,slk_Latn-eng_Latn To je kostol.,That's a church.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom sa rozhodol, že sa stane mníchom",Tom decided to become a monk.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Bude spať.,He'll be asleep.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Tam je mačka.,There is a cat.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Mačka spala na stole.,The cat slept on the table.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn "Musím pripustiť, že bola to moja chyba.",I must admit that it was my fault.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Odfotil by si nás?,Could you take our picture?,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Nehovorím po anglicku.,I don't speak English.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Mám jedného psa a jednu mačku.,I own one dog and one cat.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Tieto sú moje nohavice.,Those are my trousers.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Vojna trvala dva roky.,The war lasted two years.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Budeš tam?,Will you be there?,slk_Latn-eng_Latn On napíše knihu teraz.,He's writing a book now.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Všetko najlepšie k narodeninám!,Happy birthday to you!,slk_Latn-eng_Latn To nie je odpoveď.,It's not the answer.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Som citovo vyčerpaný.,I'm emotionally drained.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Vyjadril svoju dôveru v jej úprimnosť.,He expressed his belief in her honesty.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn """Ešte kávu?"" ""Nie, ďakujem.""","""More coffee?"" ""No, thanks.""",slk_Latn-eng_Latn Som si istý o jeho víťazstve v tenise.,I am sure of his winning the tennis match.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn "Vyhlásil, že Zem sa točí okolo Slnka.",He declared that the earth goes round the sun.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Nakrájajte koláč týmto nožom.,Cut the cake with that knife.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Viete používať počítač?,Do you know how to use a computer?,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Nie som váš priateľ.,I'm not your friend.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Chcem knihu. Kde je kníhkupectvo?,I want a book. Where is the bookstore?,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Existuje mnoho starých indiánskych legiend.,There are many old Indian legends.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn ",,Náš vlak odchádza o deviatej."" ,,Neboj sa. Prídeme včas.""","""Our train leaves at 9:00."" ""Don't worry. We'll make it.""",slk_Latn-eng_Latn Vtáky si sadli na konáre.,The birds settled on the branches.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Za opýtanie nič nedáš.,Nothing is lost for asking.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn "Luke, ja som tvoj otec.","Luke, I am your father.",slk_Latn-eng_Latn "Môžeš aj zvyšok torty, ak chceš.",It's OK to eat the rest of the cake if you want.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Nie je dôvod sa báť.,There's no reason to be afraid.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Ja to povolím.,I'll allow this.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Mag našla štvorlistnú ďatelinu.,Meg found a four leaf clover.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Som príliš lenivý.,I am too lazy.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn "Prosím, urobte iba potrebné opravy.","Just do the essential repairs, please.",slk_Latn-eng_Latn Ten čaj je naozaj vynikajúci.,The tea is really delicious.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Zbila ho do krvi.,She beat the shit out of him.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Milujem Okcitánčinu.,I like Occitan.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Som veľmi hrubý.,I'm very fat.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Bol si zaneprázdnený.,Were you busy?,slk_Latn-eng_Latn On bol zaneprázdnený.,He was busy.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Tom je zaneprázdnený.,Tom is occupied.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn To som nebol já.,It wasn't me.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Boli sme zaneprázdnení.,We were busy.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn "Aj nudisti používajú eufemizmy, keď hovoria o intímnych častiach.",Even nudists often use euphemisms when referring to naughty parts.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Našiel som miesto na bývanie.,I've found a place to live.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Zoberiem ťa tam.,I'll take you there.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Nie som zaneprázdnený.,I'm not busy.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Som vždy zaneprázdnený.,I'm busy all the time.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Ona je veľmi zaneprázdnená.,She is very busy.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Tom šiel na pláž.,Tom went to the beach.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Pustil lano.,He let go of the rope.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Zomrel na rakovinu.,He died of cancer.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Nie si opatrný.,You are not being careful.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Poďakoval hostiteľovi za veľmi príjemnú oslavu.,He thanked the host for the very enjoyable party.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn "Snažim sa ti povedať, čo sa stalo.",I'm trying to tell you what happened.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Nahral som náš rozhovor.,I recorded our conversation.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Prečo si nesadneme?,Why don't we sit?,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Neočakával som nič.,I didn't expect anything.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Môžem bežať.,I can run.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Jorge dokáže hovoriť štyrmi jazykmi.,Jorge is able to speak four languages.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Oni sa neboja bohov.,They are afraid of the gods.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Koľko chlapcov je v tejto triede?,How many boys are in this class?,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Nenašiel som žiadne peniaze v mojom vrecku.,I found no money left in my pocket.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn "Myslím, že toto si už niekedy robil.",I think you've done this before.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Uprednostil by si hovoriť po francúzsky?,Would you prefer to speak in French?,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Nemá cenu plakať. Nikto ťa nebude počuť.,There is no use in crying. No one will hear you.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Nemal som v úmysle rušiť ťa.,I didn't mean to interrupt you.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Prečo nikto neodpovedá?,Why does nobody answer?,slk_Latn-eng_Latn "Ja viem, aké to je.",I know what it's like.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Chcel by som ísť s tebou.,I would like to go with you.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Nebude to trvať dlho.,It won't take long.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Nepotrvá to dlho.,It won't take so long.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Ona hovorí po anglicky a nemecky.,She can speak both English and German.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn "Keď si sám vo svojom byte, cítiš sa nezávislý. Keď si sám vo svojej izbe, cítiš sa voľný. Keď si sám vo svojej posteli, cítiš sa osamelý.","When you're alone in your apartment, you feel independent. When you're alone in your room, you feel free. When you're alone in your bed, you feel lonely.",slk_Latn-eng_Latn Každý sa môže pomýliť.,Anyone can make a mistake.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Idem s tebou.,I will come with you.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Nikdy ho nechytíme.,We'll never catch him.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Počkajte na nás!,Wait for us.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn My sa utáboríme tu.,We'll camp here.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Je to pre teba príliš ťažké?,Is that too heavy for you?,slk_Latn-eng_Latn On vyzerá šťastne.,He looks happy.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Boli prekvapení.,They were surprised.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Moji bratia sú pod stromom.,My brothers are under the tree.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Ja som niečo povedal.,I said something.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn On niečo povedal.,He said something.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Videl som ich.,I've seen them.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Niekto je v tejto izbe.,There is someone in this room.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Odišiel som pozrieť mojich rodičov.,I went to see my parents.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Ako vyzeráš?,What do you look like?,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Pretože som bol vyľakaný.,Because I was scared.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Spravil som svoje rozhodnutie.,I made my decision.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Bolí ma srdce.,My heart's aching.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn To nebolo bystré.,That wasn't smart.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Ken vie dobre plávať.,Ken can swim well.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Musím ti niečo povedať.,There's something I've got to tell you.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Zatvorila oči.,She closed her eyes.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Zeleninu som nejedol mesiac.,I haven't eaten vegetables for a month.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Tom na niekoho čaká.,Tom is waiting for someone.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Skryli ste sa za stromom.,You hid behind the tree.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn "Je nepravdepodobné, že sa stane niečo vážne.",It's unlikely that anything serious will happen.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Rozprávaš ako tvoja matka.,You speak like your mother.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn "Táto krabica je štvorcová, nie obdĺžniková.","This box is square, not rectangular.",slk_Latn-eng_Latn Tom nevie nič o Marynej rodine.,Tom knows nothing about Mary's family.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn On si nemôže dovoliť dovolenku.,He cannot afford a holiday.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Tom ide do dôchodku.,Tom is retiring.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Tom hovoril s Máriou.,Tom was speaking to Mary.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn On vie tiež hovoriť po francúzsky.,He can also speak French.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Cvičil som.,I've been practicing.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Bol to hlúpy nápad.,It was a stupid idea.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Tom a Mary boli obaja veľmi nervózni.,Both Tom and Mary were very nervous.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Je v tvojom záujme ísť.,It's in your interest to go.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Ona je priateľka?,Is she a friend?,slk_Latn-eng_Latn On je len dieťa.,He is just a child.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Ja môžem pomôcť ak chceš.,I can help if you want me to.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn "Pametaj si, čo ti hovorím!",Remember what I tell you!,slk_Latn-eng_Latn "Nemôžem sa dočkať, keď ho uvidím.",I can't wait to meet him.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Zajtra je Štedrý deň.,Tomorrow is Christmas Day.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Pôjde svojou cestou.,She will have her own way.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn "Myslíš si, že neviem, čo sa deje?",Do you think I don't know what is going on?,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Život je pekný.,Life is beautiful.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn "Povedala, že bol pekný.",She said that he was handsome.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Je to vaša jediná dcéra?,Is she your only daughter?,slk_Latn-eng_Latn "Viem, že život je krátky.",I know that life is short.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Nemám ďalšie veci na štúdium.,I don't have other things to study.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn "Určite sa u nás zastavte, keď budete nabudúce v Londýne.",Please drop in to see us next time you come to London.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Všetci chválili jeho hrdinské činy.,Everybody praised his heroism.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Poznám jeho rodinu.,I know his family.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn "Neviem, kto to urobil.",I don't know who did it.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Pozri na tú ženu!,Check out that woman!,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Kedy otvára?,When does it open?,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Daj toho psa odo mňa preč!,Get that dog away from me.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn "Neviem, ako ostatní, ale čo sa mňa týka, som za.","I don't know about the others, but as for me, I'm for it.",slk_Latn-eng_Latn Moja mama bola zvyčajne veľmi zaneprázdnená.,My mother was usually very busy.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn "Netuším, kde som.",I have no idea where I am.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn "Dan opustil Lindu, keď sa život s ňou stal neznesiteľným.",Dan left Linda when life became unbearable with her.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn "Ako dlho si myslíš, že sú manželia?",How long do you think they have been married?,slk_Latn-eng_Latn "Áno, správne!","Yes, it's true!",slk_Latn-eng_Latn Tvoja dcéra droguje.,Your daughter's on drugs.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn On nemôže byť mladým.,He can't be young.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Tom je nezamestnaný.,Tom is unemployed.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn "Bol by som Vám veľmi vďačný, ak by ste mi tie peniaze požičali.","If you will lend me the money, I shall be much obliged to you.",slk_Latn-eng_Latn Moja veľká vina.,My most grievous fault.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Slnko je žlté.,The sun is yellow.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Ako si môžem deaktivovať svoj účet na tejto stránke?,How can I deactivate my account on this site?,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Poklad je stále zakopaný v lese pod stromom.,"The treasure is still in the forest, where it is buried under a tree.",slk_Latn-eng_Latn Veľmi rád chodím na ryby. Dá sa pri tom príjemne relaxovať.,I like to fish; it's a very relaxing way to spend the day.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Pridal som veľa prekladov!,I added a lot of translations.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn To je veľmi dobre.,That's very good.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Svetlo sa postupne vytratilo.,The light went out by itself.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Pre ktorú firmu pracuješ?,Which company do you work for?,slk_Latn-eng_Latn "Musím dostať povolenie od rodičov, aby som mohla ísť s tebou tancovať.",I'll have to get my parent's permission to go to the dance with you.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn "Linda bola tak sklamaná, že sa hneď rozplakala.",Such was Linda's disappointment that she burst into tears.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Jeho reč nás veľmi dojala.,His speech impressed us very much.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Už je najvyšší čas ísť do postele.,It is high time we went to bed.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn "V tejto knihe sa píše, že slon sa dožíva až sto rokov.",This book says that elephants live to be over 100 years old.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Tráva je zelená.,The grass is green.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn "Nemôžem otočiť krk, pretože ma to veľmi bolí.","I can't turn my neck, because it hurts a lot.",slk_Latn-eng_Latn Práve som sa rozprával s vaším profesorom.,I just had a talk with your teacher.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Tento prípad ma stál mnoho bezsenných nocí.,The affair cost me many sleepless nights.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn "Nezabudni zamknúť, keď budeš odchádzať.",Please lock the door when you leave.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn "Lucka má asi toľko kamarátov, čo ja.",Lucy has as many friends as I do.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn To je jeho recept.,This is his formula.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Čo sa deje?,What is happening?,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Ideme hore.,We're going upstairs.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Napadla ho skvelá myšlienka.,A good idea occurred to him.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn "Získal cenu presne tak, ako sme očakávali.","As was expected, he succeeded in winning the prize.",slk_Latn-eng_Latn "Mám pocit, že v tej krčme prilievajú do piva vodu.",I suspect they water down the beer in that pub.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn "Keď som bol dieťa, plával som každý deň.",I used to swim every day when I was a child.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Ako sme daleko?,How far away are we?,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Čo si pil?,What did you drink?,slk_Latn-eng_Latn To je pero.,This is a pen.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Nič to nebolo.,That was nothing.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Upracme si izbu.,Let's clean our room.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Teraz ti zmeriam teplotu.,"Now, I'll take your temperature.",slk_Latn-eng_Latn Dedina nemá elektrinu.,The village has no electricity.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Si skvelý človek.,You're a wonderful guy.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn To je ceruzka.,This is a pencil.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Oni nikdy nelužú.,They never tell a lie.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Sleduješ BBC alebo CNN?,Do you watch BBC or CNN?,slk_Latn-eng_Latn V Japonsku nie je známejší spevák ako ona.,No other singer in Japan is as popular as she.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Na nebe plno hviezd.,The sky is full of stars.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Moje meno je Ricardo.,My name's Ricardo.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Knihy sú malé.,The books are small.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Bude desaťtisíc yenov stačiť?,Will ten thousand yen do?,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Hovorím tiež francúzsky.,"I speak French, too.",slk_Latn-eng_Latn "Prepáč, že som omylom otvoril tvoj list.",Excuse me for opening your letter by mistake.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn V zime jem rada čokoládu.,In winter I like to eat chocolate.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Jedlo bez vína je ako deň bez slnka.,A meal without wine is like a day without sunshine.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Chcem meč!,I want a sword!,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Prišli sme do Ruska.,We went to Russia.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Nežiarlim.,I'm not jealous.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Starnem.,I'm getting old.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn To je Tonyho kniha.,That's Tony's book.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn "Milujem meno Bella, znamená to krásna, správne?","I love the name Bella, it means pretty, right?",slk_Latn-eng_Latn To je pod stolom.,It's under the table.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Nemám psa.,I don't have a dog.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Koľko stojí táto čiapka?,What is the price of this cap?,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Veria tomu.,They believe it.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Tento chlapec je môj syn.,This boy is my son.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Povesím svôj kabát za dvere.,I'll hang my coat up behind the door.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn On požiadal o zvýšenie platu.,He asked for a pay raise.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Mačky nejedia banány.,Cats don't eat bananas.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Je tam niekto?,Is there anybody there?,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Ktorý pes je tvôj?,Which dog is yours?,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Oni nepomáhajú.,They don't help.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Nenávidím tie slová.,I hate these words.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Krokodíly majú ostré zuby.,Crocodiles have sharp teeth.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Kto mi môže pomôcť?,Who will help me?,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Som si celkom istá.,I'm pretty sure.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Urobil som si fotku na brehu jazera.,I had my photo taken on the shore of the lake.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Nie som smädný.,I'm not thirsty.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Naším materinským jazykom je japončina.,Our native language is Japanese.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn To nie je bezpečné.,That's not safe.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Kúpil si si nový dom.,You bought a new house.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Veľa z toho nerozumiem.,I don't understand much about it.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Prečo žil v USA?,Why did he live in the United States?,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Máš právo dozvedieť sa pravdu.,You have the right to the truth.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Krokodílí samec zožral psiu fenu.,A male crocodile ate a female dog.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Môj otec chodí v nedeľu do kostola.,My father goes to church on Sunday.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Prosím ťa nerob toľko hluku.,Please don't make so much noise.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Smiem použiť toaletu?,May I use your toilet?,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Povedz mi viac.,Tell me more.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Presne tak! Ty ma miluješ!,"Yes, you love me.",slk_Latn-eng_Latn Vo februári som bol v Sao Paule.,I was in São Paulo in February.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Mal som problém zohnať taxík.,I had trouble getting a taxi.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Mal by si byť verný tvojim priateľom.,You should be true to your friends.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Chcem tento fotoaparát.,I want this camera.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Má zlé schopnosti organizovať.,He has poor ability to organize.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Mal iba 100 dolárov.,He only had 100 dollars.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Konečne je to všetko za nami.,It is finally all over.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Špecializuje sa na ekonómiu.,He is specializing in the study of economics.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Včera prišiel neskoro do školy.,He was late for school yesterday.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Tom má svoje vlastné problémy.,Tom has his own problems.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Nechaj ma ísť s tebou.,Let me go with you.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn "Bol chorý, ale teraz už nie je.","He has been ill, but is not ill now.",slk_Latn-eng_Latn Je krajšia než ktorákoľvek iná.,She is more beautiful than any other girl.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Kravy dávajú mlieko.,Cows give milk.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Zastavili vlaky kvôli hustému lejaku.,Trains stopped in consequence of the heavy rain.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn "Radšej by som umrel, než by som sa mal vzdať.",I would rather die than surrender.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn O koľkej zvyčajne odchádzaš z domu?,What time do you usually leave home?,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Oheň planie.,The fire is burning furiously.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Jej vlasy sa pekne vlnili.,Her hair hung in neat coils.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Každá osoba má práva a povinnosti.,An individual has rights and responsibilities.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Odoberáš nejaké časopisy?,Do you subscribe to any magazines?,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Si zaneprázdnený?,Are you free?,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Vrátil spisy späť do priečinku.,He dumped the papers back into the drawer.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Vidím niečo.,I see something.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Prečo potrebujete tento špáradlo?,Why do you need this toothpick?,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Truman dorazil do Bieleho Domu v priebehu niekoľkých minút.,Truman arrived at the White House within minutes.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Tí dvaja chlapci majú zhruba rovnakú angličtinu.,The two boys are much the same in English.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Dvadsať-osem hlasov bolo za a dvadsať bolo proti.,The vote was twenty-eight for and twenty against.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Ty si zabil môjho otca.,You killed my father.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Posunul som šachovú figúrku o jedno políčko vpred.,I moved a chess piece on the board one forward.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Ulica bola tichá.,It was totally quiet in the street.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn "Nemôžem zmeniť, čo sa stalo včera.",I can't change what happened yesterday.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Pokoril Mont Everest.,He conquered Mt. Everest.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Je príliš skoro na červené víno?,Is it too early for red wine?,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Ste zaneprázdnený?,Are you busy?,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Tu je plán.,Here's the plan.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Nemôžeme nič urobiť.,We can do nothing.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn "Prepáčte, nerozumiem.","Excuse me, I don't understand.",slk_Latn-eng_Latn Môj otec nikdy nebol mimo krajiny až doteraz.,My father has never been outside the country until now.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Čo chcete?,What do you want?,slk_Latn-eng_Latn "Prepáčte, že vás obťažujem.",Sorry to trouble you.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Povrchová gravitácia na Marse je viac než tretina zemskej.,The surface gravity on Mars is more than a third of Earth's.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Včely robia med.,Bees make honey.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Kôň prešiel cez môj dom.,A horse went through my house.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Ona nie je bohatá ani slávna.,She's neither rich nor famous.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn V Číne oslavujú Nový rok podľa lunárneho kalendára.,"In China, they celebrate New Year by the lunar calendar.",slk_Latn-eng_Latn Dobrú chuť!,Enjoy your meal!,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Cítil som sa zle.,I felt bad.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Oni mi neplatili.,They didn't pay me.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Jeho angličina je vynikajúca.,His English is excellent.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Včera som bol zaneprázdnený.,I was busy yesterday.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Nerobil by som prudké pohyby.,I wouldn't make any sudden moves.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Chcem tu pracovať.,I want to work here.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Všetky zásoby sa minuli.,All the supplies ran out.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Úplne súhlasím.,I totally agree.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Zúfalo potrebujeme viac peňazí na financovanie nášho projektu.,We desperately need more money to help fund our project.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Zabijem ťa.,I'll kill you.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Ona je zdravotná sestra.,She is a nurse.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Ona je speváčka.,She is a singer.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Som tučný.,I am fat.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Nikto o tom nikdy nepočul.,Nobody had ever heard of it.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Tom má troch starších bratov.,Tom has three older brothers.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Tom napísal tri knihy.,Tom has written three books.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Musím skončiť moju prácu.,I must finish my work.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Kaoru išiel do Ameriky.,Kaoru has gone to America.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Dievča pije čaj.,The girl is drinking tea.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn "Naozaj chcem, aby si prestal.",I really want you to quit.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn "Udržuj si izbu takú čistú, ako vieš.",Keep your room as neat as you can.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Hovorím po francúzsky každý deň v práci.,I speak French every day at work.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn "Ahoj, ja som Nancy.","Hello, I am Nancy.",slk_Latn-eng_Latn To bolo len pred rokom.,That was only a year ago.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Nesúhlasíte?,Don't you agree?,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Bude to výzva.,It's gonna be a challenge.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Otvoril oči a pozrel na mňa.,He opened his eyes and looked at me.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Nebuď taký zvedavý.,Stop being so curious.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn "Pôjde na stanicu hodinu predtým, ako odíde vlak.",He will leave for the station an hour before the train leaves.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn "Nenechávaj zapnuté svetlá, keď opúšťaš izbu.",Do not leave the lights on when you leave the room.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Zavri dvere keď odídeš.,Close the door when you leave.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn "Povedz im, aby mi zavolali predtým ako odídu.",Tell them to call me before they leave.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Kde si bol?,Where were you?,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Prečo chceš dnes odísť?,Why do you want to leave today?,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Pamätám si ich.,I remember them.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Kedy príde?,When will he come?,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Bol som v Paríži.,I have been in Paris.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Som si skoro istý.,I'm almost sure.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn "Stavím sa, že máš pravdu.",I bet you're right.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Uvidíme sa zajtra!,See you tomorrow.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Máš vodičský preukaz?,Do you have your driver's license?,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Som detektív.,I'm a detective.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Tomovi chýba Boston.,Tom misses Boston.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Aké nudné!,What a bore!,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Čo je lepšie ako priateľstvo?,What is better than friendship?,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Musel by si zvyknúť vstávať skôr.,You should cultivate the habit of getting up early.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn "Zdá sa, že sa ponáhľa.",It appears that he was in a hurry.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn "Reputácia je nestabilná. Lojalita je nevyspytateľná. Zdá sa, že vedenie sa viac a viac odpája od svojich zamestnancov.",Reputations are volatile. Loyalties are fickle. Management teams are increasingly disconnected from their staff.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Nemal by si dat' nadej.,You should not give up your hope.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Hľadám svojich priateľov.,I'm looking for my friends.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Tu je účet.,Here's the bill.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Je dobre vstávať skôr.,It is good to get up early.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Mám turistické víza.,I have a tourist visa.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Vyzeráš unavene.,You look bored.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Choď do piči!,To the devil with you!,slk_Latn-eng_Latn "Rýchlo naučené, rýchlo zabudnuté.","Soon learnt, soon forgotten.",slk_Latn-eng_Latn Detektív ho sledoval.,The detectives pursued him.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Hellen Keller bola hluchá a slepá.,Helen Keller was deaf and blind.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Aj ty ideš?,"Will you go, too?",slk_Latn-eng_Latn Pacient leží v posteli.,The patient lies in bed.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn "To je všetko, čo môžeš urobiť.",It's all you can really do.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Nenachádzali slová.,They were left speechless.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Počúvaj! Ako sa to píše?,Listen! How do you spell it?,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Dick hral na klavíri a Lucy spievala.,Dick played piano and Lucy sang.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Veľa ľudí zomrelo.,Many of the people died.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Želám si byť doktorom.,I wish to be a doctor.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Dostavte sa na check-in najneskôr 45 minút pred odletom.,Be sure to check in at least 45 minutes prior to departure time.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn "Ja auto nemám, ale moja sestra áno.","I don't have a car, but my sister does.",slk_Latn-eng_Latn Priznávam svoju chybu.,I admit my mistake.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn "Myslím si, že je nebezpečné, aby si prekročil rieku.",I think it dangerous for you to cross the river.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn I ženy chcú mať sex.,Women want to have sex too.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn "Prosím ťa, nehovor to.",Please don't say that.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn "Nóri väčšinou nemajú problém rozumieť tomu, čo hovorí Švéd.","For Norwegians, it is normally not difficult to understand what a Swede is saying.",slk_Latn-eng_Latn "Keby si dával pozor, tiež by si si robil starosti.","If you paid attention, you'd be worried too.",slk_Latn-eng_Latn Zahliadli sme zámok z nášho okna vo vlaku.,We caught a glimpse of the castle from the window of our train.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn "Ach, úplne som zabudol. Dnes sa vynášajú smeti!","Oh, I forgot. Today is garbage day!",slk_Latn-eng_Latn Nie si už mladý.,You're not young anymore.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom nám ešte nepovedal, čo chce, aby sme kúpili.",Tom hasn't yet told us what he wants us to buy.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Mám rád čokoládovú zmrzlinu!,I like chocolate ice cream!,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Dnes čakám zákazníka.,I'm expecting a customer today.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Aké máš číslo topánok?,What size shoes do you wear?,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Usadili sa v Kanade.,They settled in Canada.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Kvôli tebe som meškal.,You made me late.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Tento mesiac veľa pršalo.,We've had a lot of rain this month.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Neviem nič o ženách.,I know nothing about women.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Je preňho príliš neskoro.,It is too late for him.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Toto miesto má tajomnú atmosféru.,This place has a mysterious atmosphere.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Všetkých zaujímal príbeh.,Everybody was interested in the story.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Kedy si bol v Londýne?,When were you in London?,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Môžeš si vybrať čo chceš.,You may choose whichever you want.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Pamätáte si túto hru?,Can you remember this game?,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Zvyčajne piješ čaj na raňajky?,Do you usually have tea for breakfast?,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Bola zima?,Was it cold?,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Bežal som až na stanicu.,I ran all the way to the station.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Levy sú zvieratá.,Lions are animals.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Neplač nad rozliatym mliekom.,Don't cry over spilled milk.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Tom vyzerá vďačne.,Tom looks grateful.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Vitajte na Tatoebe.,Welcome to Tatoeba!,slk_Latn-eng_Latn "Myslím si, že každý by sa mal naučiť iný jazyk.",I think everybody should learn another language.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Nerozumiem čo hovoríš.,I don't understand what you are saying.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Moja práčka sa pokazila.,My washing machine broke.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Hnevala sa. Preto bola ticho.,She was angry. That is why she remained silent.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn """Kde bývaš?"" "" Bývam v Tokiu.""","""Where do you live?"" ""I live in Tokyo.""",slk_Latn-eng_Latn Nemám brata.,I don't have a brother.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Stratil som moje hodinky.,I have lost my watch.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Život nie je ľahký.,Life is no bed of roses.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Minulú noc sme pozorovali hviezdy zo strechy.,Last night we were stargazing on the roof.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Kde je najbližšia policajná stanica?,Where is the nearest police station?,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Hocikedy mi môžeš zavolať.,You can call me any time.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Začnime.,Have at it!,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Môj strýko žil mnoho rokov v zahraničí.,My uncle lived abroad for many years.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn "Robím to, pretože to chcem.",I do it because I want to.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Musím ísť do mesta.,I have to go to the city.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Čo si povedal(a)?,What did you say?,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Esperanto ovládaš dobre.,He has a good grasp of English.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Je všetko v poriadku?,Everything all right?,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Vidím slzy v tvojích očiach.,I see tears in your eyes.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Nie som si istý.,I'm not certain.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Tom debe estar solo.,Tom must be lonely.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Môžeme vyrábať obuv.,We can make shoes.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Nič som nevedel.,I didn't know anything.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn "Poprosil ma, aby som hovoril pomalšie.",He asked me to speak more slowly.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Ty si tenista.,You are a tennis player.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Dievča šlo do školy aj keď bolo choré.,The girl went to school in spite of her illness.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Nedeľa je posledný deň v týždni.,Sunday is the last day of the week.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Čo počuješ?,What do you hear?,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Nevadí mi počkať chvíľu.,I don't mind waiting for a while.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn "Choď sa pozrieť, či je pán Wilson doma.",Go and see if Mr. Wilson is at home.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Celú noc jebali.,They fucked all night long.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Jebem na to.,I don't give a fuck.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Kde je môj otec?,Where is my dad?,slk_Latn-eng_Latn On pracuje v noci.,He works at night.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Zachránil si mi život.,You saved my life.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Plávať v noci je nebezpečné.,Swimming at night is dangerous.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Slnko v noci nesvítí.,The sun doesn't shine at night.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Poprosil som ho aby ma odviezol domov.,I asked him to drive me home.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Kde si bol minulý pondelok?,Where were you last Monday?,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Tom má výnimočnú pamäť.,Tom has a great memory.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Stôl je zelený.,The table is green.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn "Dones mi ocot a olej, prosím pekne.","Bring me vinegar and oil, please.",slk_Latn-eng_Latn Otec je si vždy neistý.,The father is always uncertain.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Práve sme ju videli.,We just saw her.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Tento víkend môžeme telefonovať bez poplatkov.,We can call for free on the weekend.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Chodíš sem často?,Do you come here often?,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Tom strávil celé popoludnie hraním tenisu.,Tom spent the whole afternoon playing tennis.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Je to veľmi jednoduché.,It is very simple.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Tom bol skromný.,Tom was humble.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Kúpil som hodinky.,I bought a watch.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Tom nie je práve spokojný.,Tom isn't very happy.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Ty a Tom musíte byť šťastní.,You and Tom must be happy.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Povedať je jedna vec a spraviť druhá.,Saying is one thing and doing another.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Starý muž žil sám.,The old man lived by himself.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Páčilo sa ti?,Did you like that?,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Toto je naš hlavný cieĺ.,This is our main goal.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Tom nemal žiadnu rodinu.,Tom didn't have any family.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Spadla z rebríka.,She fell down the ladder.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Tieto dámy sú moje tety.,These ladies are my aunts.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom bol taký milý, že mi požičal peniaze, ktoré som potreboval.",Tom was kind enough to lend me the money I needed.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Počula si niekedy o niečom podobnom?,Have you ever heard of something similar?,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Moja práca je výučba angličtiny.,My job is teaching English.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Tento chlapec je lenivý.,This boy is lazy.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Tom je tu v tomto hoteli.,Tom is here in this hotel.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Ten mýtus nám ponúka vhľad do antickej civilizácie.,The myth offers insights into the ancient civilization.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Zapnite si pásy.,Buckle your seatbelts.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Zapni si pásy.,Fasten your seatbelts.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Spravil prvý krok.,He made the first move.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Oni majú vždy nedostatol peňazí.,They are always short of money.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Otvor knihu a ona otvorí tvoju dušu.,Open a book and it will open your soul.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn "Ona mu povedala, že chce rozvod.",She told him she wanted a divorce.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn "Viď, čo ľudia dokážu!",See what the humans can do!,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Nasleduj svoje sny.,Follow your dreams.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Čo sa dnes stane?,What happens today?,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Oči tohoto dievčaťa sú modré.,That girl's eyes are blue.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Všetci boli prekvapení.,Everyone was surprised.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn "Prikázal mi, aby som išiel sám.",He ordered me to go alone.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Ja si pamätám ten incident celkom dobre.,I do remember the incident quite well.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Ešte to chvíľu potrvá.,That'll take some time.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Jej znalosť angličtiny je skvelá.,Her knowledge of English is great.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn "Ja viem, že niečo sa deje.",I know something's going on.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Je doma tvoja matka?,Is your mother at home?,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Ja nájdem priateľov kamkoľvek pôjdem.,I'll find friends wherever I go.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Učím sa kečuanský.,I learn Quechua.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Zmestí sa to na jednu disketu.,It fits on a single floppy disk.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Je to zbytočné.,It's no use.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Máš čas v utorok?,Do you have time on Tuesday?,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Nemám sestru.,I don't have a sister.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Ja som príliš starý na tieto sračky.,I'm too old for that shit.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Ja som videl zápas v televízii.,I saw the match on television.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn "Ja viem, že som spravil strašnú vec.",I know I did an awful thing.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Nemám štyroch bratov.,I don't have four brothers.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Presťahoval sa so svojou ženou do Istanbulu.,He moved to Istanbul with his wife.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Nemám štyri sestry.,I don't have four sisters.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Tom sa snažil nikdy nemyslieť na Mary.,Tom tried to never think of Mary.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Napísali ste túto knihu?,Did you write this book?,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Už nás je sedem miliárd.,We're already 7 billion.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Načo je tento zápisník?,What is this notebook for?,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Ona mi vždy telefonovala.,She was always telephoning me.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn "Je toto tvoj syn, Betty?","Is this your son, Betty?",slk_Latn-eng_Latn Cena sa bude meniť podľa dopytu.,The price will change according to the demand.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Lev je kráľ džungle.,The lion is the king of the jungle.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Milujem ťa.,I love you.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn "Tomy , počuješ ma ?","Tommy, can you hear me?",slk_Latn-eng_Latn Tomáš spadol zo svojeho bicykla.,Tom fell off his bicycle.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Zajtra môžem začať.,I can start tomorrow.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Zajtra začnem pracovať.,I start working tomorrow.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Počúvam ťa .,I can hear you.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Mám ich rada.,I like them.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Miluješ ma ?,Do you love me?,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Postavil som nový dom .,I built a new house.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Mám miliardy dolárov.,I have billions of dollars.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn "Ano , poďme !","Okay, let's go.",slk_Latn-eng_Latn Dal som mu knihu.,I gave him a book.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Tento stôl je čistý.,This table is clean.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn "Ani vo svojich najbláznivejších snoch som si nevedela predstaviť, ako nosím kožušinu.",I couldn't in my wildest dreams imagine myself wearing fur.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn To je zaujímavá informácia.,That's an interesting piece of information.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Prosím vymeňte zástavu.,"Change the flag, please.",slk_Latn-eng_Latn Si tak pekná !,You're so beautiful!,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Tieto hodinky stoja 10 000 frankov CFA.,This watch costs 10 000 CFA francs.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Francúzsko je v západnej Európe.,France is in Western Europe.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Lovec zabil líšku.,The hunter shot the fox dead.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Uvidíme sa budúci týždeň.,See you next week.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Napísal si túto knihu?,You wrote this book?,slk_Latn-eng_Latn "Som si istá, že to urobíš dobre.",I'm sure you'll do very well.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Tomy je láskavý človek.,Tommy is a nice man.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Chceš ostať anonymný.,You want to remain anonymous.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Koľko ponúkajú?,How much are they offering?,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Porozprávame sa o tom čoskoro.,We'll talk about that soon.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Ľúbim ťa.,I love you!,slk_Latn-eng_Latn "Navrhujem, aby sme sa všetci upokojili.",I suggest we all calm down.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Čo tam robíš?,What are you doing there?,slk_Latn-eng_Latn "Pracoval som tak tvrdo, ako som mohol, aby som nezlyhal.",I worked as hard as I could so I didn't fail.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn "Môj rodný jazyk je najkrajší dar, ktorý som získal od mojej matky.",My native language is the most beautiful gift from my mother.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Môj pes pohrýzol Toma.,My dog bit Tom.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Mesiac svieti v noci,The moon shines at night.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Môj pes je biely.,My dog is white.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Kto si ?,Who are you?,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Preč so skorumpovanými politikmi!,Let's chase out corrupt politicians!,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Veľmi si cením vaše rady a vašu láskavosť.,I deeply appreciate your advice and kindness.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn "Jej oči prebehli po zozname, aby zistila, či je tam aj jej meno.",Her eyes ran over the list to see if her name was on it.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Já chcem len jednu vec.,I only want one.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Tvoja práca visí na vlásku.,Your job is hanging by a thread.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Pamätám si to.,I remember that.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Nebuď smutný.,Don't be sad.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Je to biele ako sneh.,It is white as snow.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Víno je mlieko starých ľudí.,Wine is the milk of old men.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Je smiešne a dokonca absurdné rozmýšľať o nadradenosti muža nad ženou alebo ženy nad mužom.,"It is ridiculous as well as foolish to think man superior to woman, or woman to man.",slk_Latn-eng_Latn "Moja mama si dala mejkap na tvár predtým, ako odišla.",My mother made up her face before she went out.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn "Vyzeráš, ako keby si práve stratil svojho najlepšieho kamaráta.",You look like you've just lost your best friend.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn "Myslíš si, že som príliš materialistický?",Do you think I'm too materialistic?,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Chcem pracovať s vašou spoločnosťou.,I want to work with your company.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Je lepšie ísť spať bez večere ako sa zobudiť s dlhmi.,Rather go to bed without dinner than to rise in debt.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn A teraz mám kvôli tebe problémy!,And now I'm trouble because of you!,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Grécko je stará krajina.,Greece is an old country.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Napísal dve knihy.,He has written two books.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn "Vieme, že sa narodila v Kanade.",We know that she was born in Canada.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Tom pomáha.,Tom is helping.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Kedy to bude hotové?,When will it be ready?,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Môj dom sa nachádza blízko stanice.,My house is near the station.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Mám rada čokoládovú zmrzlinu!,I like chocolate ice cream.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Ja nechcem tak dlho čakať.,I don't want to wait so long.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Prečo plačeš?,Why are you crying?,slk_Latn-eng_Latn "Nie je bohatý, ale je šťastný.","He is not rich, but he is happy.",slk_Latn-eng_Latn Obloha je čistá a plná hviezd.,The sky is clear and full of stars.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn "Myslel som, že Toma to bued zaujímať.",I thought Tom would be interested in this.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Otec je ešte v posteli.,Father is still in bed.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Ona predáva kvety.,She sells flowers.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Toto je moja e-mailová adresa.,This is my email address.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Si na správnej ceste.,You're on the right track.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Môj priateľ podľahol zraneniu.,My friend died from a wound.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Dokážeš to! Poď. Budem s tebou.,You can make it! Go for it. I'll stand by you.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Tom bol môj prvý priateľ.,Tom was my first boyfriend.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Ja som doma.,I'm at home.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Som nudný.,I am boring.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn "Do svojho počítača môžeš pridať viac pamäte RAM, aby si ho zrýchlil.",You can upgrade your computer with more random access memory to make the PC faster.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Kde je autobusová zastávka?,Where is the bus stop?,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Nikto mi nerozumie.,Nobody understands me.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Práve sa sprchuje.,He's taking a shower.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Ja som Gregor.,I am Gregor.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Pracujeme v jednej továrni.,We work in a factory.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Ja chcem vidieť tvoj dom.,I want to see your house.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn "Všetky kone sú zvieratá, ale nie všetky zvieratá sú kone.","All horses are animals, but not all animals are horses.",slk_Latn-eng_Latn Ako dlho je preč?,How long has he been absent?,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Ešte som neraňajkoval.,I have not eaten breakfast yet.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Perzská mačka spí pod stolom.,A Persian cat was sleeping under the table.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Ja nerozumiem.,I don't understand.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Komentáre musia súvisieť s témou.,Comments must be relevant to the topic.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Včera bol štvrtok.,Yesterday was Thursday.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn "Ktorúkoľvek cestu si vyberieš, dostaneš sa tam načas.","Whichever route you take, you will get there in time.",slk_Latn-eng_Latn Mám mačku a psa. Mačka je čierna a pes je biely.,I have a cat and a dog. The cat's black and the dog's white.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Videl som psa. Pes držal v papuli kus mäsa.,I saw a dog. The dog held a piece of meat in its mouth.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Mám čierneho a bieleho psa.,I have a black dog and a white dog.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Pes môjho suseda nebude žrať suché psie krmivo.,My neighbor's dog won't eat dry dog food.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Zvyčajne kŕmi svojho psa lacným psím krmivom.,He usually fed his dog cheap dog food.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Ako donútim svojho psa žrať psie krmivo?,How do I get my dog to eat dog food?,slk_Latn-eng_Latn "Zobral som so sebou tieto správy, aby si sa na ne mohol pozrieť bližšie.",I brought these reports for you to examine.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Pochoval som svojho psa na zvieracom cintoríne.,I buried my dog at the pet cemetery.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Kto sa ti staral o psa kým si bol preč?,Who took care of the dog while you were away?,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Kúp toto a tamto. Urob toto a urob tamto. Takéto je teda byť muž a mať v živote ženu.,Buy this and that. Do this and do that. So this is what being a man and getting the woman of your life is.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Možno by si mal jednoducho vyhodiť Toma.,Maybe you should just fire Tom.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Prečo si sama?,Why are you alone?,slk_Latn-eng_Latn "Musíš brať do úvahy fakt, že bola chorá.",You must take into account the fact that she was ill.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn "Musíme brať do úvahy skutočnosť, že je stará.",We must take into account the fact that she is old.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Musíme brať do úvahy želania celej rodiny v plánovaní výletu.,We must take into account the wishes of all the family in planning a trip.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Vitajte na Divokom západe.,Welcome to the Wild West.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Je pol deviatej.,It's half past eight.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Nebude to tak dlho trvať.,It won't take that long.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Rozhodli sa pre nové zásady.,He had decided on a new policy.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Teším sa na to.,I am looking forward to it.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Vypol som rádio.,I turned off the radio.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Vypol som počítač.,I turned the computer off.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Tom sa rozosmial.,Tom started to laugh.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Nechaj ma zaplatiť tvoju kávu.,Let me pay for your coffee.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Čo čítaš?,What're you reading?,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Možno je mŕtvy.,Maybe he's dead.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Čo sa tam deje ?,How're you getting on?,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Mary pomohla mame s varením.,Mary helped her mother with the cooking.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Dobrý deň!,Have a nice day.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn "Povedal som Tomovi, aby išiel na stretnutie.",I told Tom that he should go to the meeting.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn "Zastavil, aby sa obul.",He stopped to put on his shoes.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Tom to urobil pre zábavu.,Tom did it for fun.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn ",,Číta knihu?"" ,,Áno.""","""Is she reading a book?"" ""Yes, she is.""",slk_Latn-eng_Latn Zaujímal sa o to?,Was he interested in it?,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Auto je žlté.,The car is yellow.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Život napodobňuje umenie častejšie ako naopak.,Life imitates art more often than the other way around.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Kto mal pravdu?,Who was right?,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Môžeš to zopakovať?,Could you repeat that?,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Dobrú noc a sladké sny.,Good night and sweet dreams.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Chystal sa mu to povedať.,He was going to tell him.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Čo máte nové?,What is new?,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Dlho sme sa nevideli.,Long time no see!,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Mám sa dobre!,I am good.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Sú niektoré knihy na stole.,There are some books on the table.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Čítal si v tom čase knihu?,Were you reading a book at that time?,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Zo sprchy nejde žiadna voda.,There's no water coming out of the shower.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Kniha leží na stole.,The book is on the table.,slk_Latn-eng_Latn Nisem razumela tvojega vprašanja.,I didn't understand your question.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Hodil sem domov,I walked home.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Hodil sem domov.,I was walking home,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Naravni logaritem e-ja je 1.,The natural logarithm of e is 1.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Dekleta so se naglas zasmejala.,The girls laughed loudly.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn "Danes ne morem priti, jutri pa tudi ne.",I can't come today or tomorrow either.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn "Se mi je zdelo, da bo Tom tukaj.",I figured Tom would be here.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Brenčanje mrčesa me spravlja ob živce!,The buzzing of insects is driving me crazy!,slv_Latn-eng_Latn "Pripravljen sem, da vam pomaga.",I am ready to help you.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Ni dinozavri ali mamuti da je treba zdaj najti.,There are no dinosaurs or mammoths to be found now.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Volk ne more udomačil.,A wolf cannot be tamed.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Mis Kolumbije je bolj privlačna in lepša od mis Venezuele.,Miss Colombia is sexier and more beautiful than Miss Venezuela.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Roke si opiram krivde.,I'm washing my hands of the guilt.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Moral bi prinesla vaš potni list na banko.,You should bring your passport to the bank.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Pojdi na avtobus proti Badstraße in izstopi pri Seestraße.,"Get on the bus bound for Badstraße, and get off at Seestraße.",slv_Latn-eng_Latn Umivam si roke.,I'm washing my hands.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Poglej nas!,Look at us!,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Včeraj sem se šla umit v reko.,Yesterday I went to wash in the river.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn "Ali imate težave razumeti, kaj vam ženske ali majhni otroci govorijo?",Do you have difficulty understanding what women or small children say to you?,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Prispeli so na cilj.,They reached their destination.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Življenjepis je samo reklama.,A resume is just an advertisement.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Zakaj si pokonci ob tej uri noči?,What are you doing up at this time of night?,slv_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom je bil presenečen, da je bila Mary še vedno pokonci.",Tom was surprised that Mary was still up.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn V Bostonu je.,She's in Boston.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Tom je umrl v Rimu.,Tom died in Rome.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Pogrešam Michaela Jackosna,I miss Michael Jackson.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Spet sem zamudil rok!,I missed this deadline again!,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Dohitel sem ostale.,I caught up with the others.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Grozen teden je bil.,It was a terrible week.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Tom je kričal.,Tom was screaming.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Tom je vpil.,Tom was shouting.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Tom je jokal.,Tom was crying.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Bil je idol.,He was an idol.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Ni se zdel sumljiv.,He didn't seem suspicious.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Spal je.,He was sleeping.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Ti bo uspelo do roka?,Can you make the deadline?,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Tvoj oči mi ni všeč.,I don't like your dad.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Ne načrtujem glasovati na prihajajočih volitvah.,I don't plan to vote at the upcoming election.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Zaradi tega si puliš lase.,That makes you tear out your hair.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Voda ima okus po pipi.,This water tastes like a pipe.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Samozavestna sem bila.,I was self-confident.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Poklicala te je.,She called you.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Boš navijala zame?,Will you cheer for me?,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Zelo vroč dan je.,It's a very hot day.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Zelo je bila bleda.,She was very pale.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Sem na Portugalskem.,I'm in Portugal.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Zanimivo je bilo.,It was interesting.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Živijo! Kako ste?,Hi! How are you?,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Živijo! Kako si?,Hi. How are you?,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Bil je božič.,It was Christmas.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn "Ostalo omako od špagetov bom pojedel, ko pridem domov",I'm going to eat the rest of the spaghetti sauce when I get home.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Ukradel sem tvojo denarnico,I stole your wallet.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Njam! Pohan sir.,Yum. Fried cheese.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Tom nima bančnega računa.,Tom doesn't have a bank account.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn "Umazana hiša, umazana tla.","Dirty house, dirty floor.",slv_Latn-eng_Latn Ne dotikajte se me!,Don't touch me!,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Jaz ne ljubim sneg.,I don't like snow.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Hočem kupiti nov avto.,I want to buy a new car.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Bolan sem.,I am sick.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Kako pridem do avtobusne postaje?,How do I get to the bus station?,slv_Latn-eng_Latn "Kar je rekla, je narobe.",What she said is wrong.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Tista ura je zelo lepa.,That watch is very nice.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn "Oprostite, ampak iščem pošto.","Excuse me, but I'm looking for the post office.",slv_Latn-eng_Latn Kakšno je menjalno razmerje?,What is the exchange rate?,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Vedno rečem ja!,I always say yes!,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Slovnica je zelo zapletena.,Grammar is very complicated.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Govorim švedsko.,I speak Swedish.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn "Zdeo se je, da jo je vprašanje presenetilo.",She seemed surprised by the question.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Hrana ni bila preveč okusna.,The food didn't taste very good.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Tla je pokrival sneg.,The ground was covered in snow.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Ni bilo veliko prometa.,There wasn't much traffic.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Rad berem ameriške romane.,I like reading American novels.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Ne vem kaj bo iz tebe.,I don't know what will become of you.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Ona me ljubi bolj kot njega in ona me ljubi bolj kot on.,She loves me more than him and she loves me more than he.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Njihova iskrenost je dvomljiva.,Their honesty is dubious.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Z desno roko drži zajemalko.,She is holding a ladle with her right hand.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Njihova iskrenost je vprašljiva.,Their honesty is questionable.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Ti lahko povem skrivnost?,May I tell you a little secret?,slv_Latn-eng_Latn "Ko sem o tem osnovnem vprašanju razmislil temeljito, sem prišel do zaključka, da razlika, ki jo priznani ljudje velikokrat opišejo kot ""znatno"" ali ""občutno"", med nepogrešljivima besedama ""pomemben"" in ""ključen"" ni precejšnja, ampak je kar zanemarljiva.","After I had thought about this elementary question fundamentally, I came to the conclusion that the difference, which is often described as ""considerable"" or ""substantial"" by distinguished people, between the indispensable words ""important"" and ""essential"" isn't significant, but rather is irrelevant.",slv_Latn-eng_Latn "Taki jeziki, kot so ruščina, poljščina, češčina in bolgarščina, imajo skupne slovanske korenine.","Such languages as Russian, Polish, Czech and Bulgarian have common Slavic roots.",slv_Latn-eng_Latn "Ker je Chiro maček, ne mara ličijev.","Since Chiro is a cat, he doesn't like lychee.",slv_Latn-eng_Latn Lahko te zaposlim v svojem podjetju.,I can employ you in my company.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn "Če nočeš odgovoriti, ti ni treba.","If you don't want to answer, you don't have to.",slv_Latn-eng_Latn Tom hoče biti slaven.,Tom wants to be famous.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Vzemi eno jajce iz hladilnika.,Take an egg from the fridge.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn "Želim si, da bi imel veliko denarja.",I wish I had much money.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Jaz plačujem vse račune.,I'm the one who pays all the bills.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Jaz imam ključ.,I'm the one who has the key.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Združeni narodi so leto 2015 razglasili za mednarodno leto luči.,2015 has been declared the International Year of Light by the United Nations.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Zalil je rožni grm.,He watered the rose bush.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Boš še tu ko se vrnem?,Will you still be here when I get back?,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Ni našel posteljnine.,He didn't find the bedclothes.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Tom dela za majhno podjetje.,Tom works for a small company.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Človek pije vodo.,The man drinks water.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn "Beseda ""злой"" je edini ruski pridevnik z le enim zlogom.","The word ""злой"" is the only monosyllabic Russian adjective.",slv_Latn-eng_Latn "Res škoda, da je ne poznaš.",It's a great pity you don't know her.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn "Če bi obstajalo tržišče za stavke, bi naše slovnične domneve naenkrat imele smisel.","If there existed a market for sentences, our grammatical speculations would suddenly make sense.",slv_Latn-eng_Latn Spremeniti moraš besedni red.,You have to change the word order.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Danes imam bolečine v vratu.,Today I have neck pain.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn "Prepričal sem ga, da se posvetuje z zdravnikom.",I persuaded him to consult a doctor.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Rozine so posušeno grozdje.,Raisins are dried grapes.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Iz Nemčije smo.,We are from Germany.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Iz Nemčije sva.,We're from Germany.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Prebral je pesem z glasnim glasom.,He read the poem with a loud voice.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Pogrej me.,Warm me up.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Zaprl je vrata.,He shut the door.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn To je izguba časa.,It's a waste of time.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Kalkulator na mizi je moj.,The calculator on the table is mine.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Želim meč!,I want to fight!,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Japonec ne bi nikoli naredil česa takega.,A Japanese would never do such a thing.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Bil sem pripravljen.,I was ready.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn "Dan, priča kriminalnega dejanja, je poklical policijo.","Dan, who was watching the scene, called the police.",slv_Latn-eng_Latn "Najdi Boga, če zmoreš.","Find God, if you can.",slv_Latn-eng_Latn Kdo je že buden?,Who is already awake?,slv_Latn-eng_Latn On je moj najboljši prijatelj.,He's my best friend.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Na morju so otoki.,There are islands in the sea.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Šla si v supermarket.,I went to the supermarket.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Tom je odvisnik.,Tom is an addict.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn "-""Ali imaš punco?"" -""Ne"" -""Kaj pa fanta?""","""You don't have a girlfriend?"" ""No."" ""What about a boyfriend?""",slv_Latn-eng_Latn "Zunaj je mraz, ti si pa topel.",It's cold out and you're warm.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Na tem milu so obtičali lasje.,There is a hair stuck to this soap.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Izgubil sem moj potni list!,I lost my passport!,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Odvedli so nas do sodišča.,They took us to court.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Ali si resnično ne želiš ničesar?,Are you sure you don't want anything?,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Jaz želim umreti z Getter Jaani.,I want to die with Getter Jaani.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Poglej me v oči.,Look me in the eyes.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Imam srečo.,I am lucky.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn """Riž in kvinoja sta varni žiti"" je rekla Mary.","""Rice and quinoa are safe grains,"" said Mary. ""What? Why?"" said Tom.",slv_Latn-eng_Latn Zakaj vprašaš?,Why do you ask?,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Jaz verjamem v Kylie Minogue od 12. Junija 1998.,"I've believed in Kylie Minogue since June 12, 1998.",slv_Latn-eng_Latn Brezbarvne zelene ideje spijo besno.,Colorless green ideas sleep furiously.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Kam sem jih dal?,Where did I put them?,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Moja mačka je lačna,My cat is hungry.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Zakaj so ljudje jezni?,Why are the people angry?,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Kakšne so prave številke?,What are the real figures?,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Kakšen je njihov odgovor?,What's their answer?,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Nihče ne želi priznati.,No one wants to admit it.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Ta kraj je zelo prijeten.,This place is very pleasant.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Lastnikova razlaga je jasna.,The owner's explanation is clear.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Bi prosim pogledal tole?,Would you kindly look at this?,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Telefonski klic bom sprejel v sosednji sobi.,I'll take the phone call in the next room.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Kupili si bomo avto.,We are gonna buy ourselves a car.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Burdž Kalifa je trenutno najvišji nebotičnik na svetu.,Burj Khalifa is currently the tallest skyscraper in the world.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Danes je nedelja.,Today is Sunday.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn "Veliko porcijo riža, prosim.",One large portion of rice please.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Esperanto se učim zelo hitro.,I am learning Esperanto very quickly.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Kdo bo vročo čokolado?,Who wants hot chocolate?,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Nočem v šolo.,I don't want to go to school.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Moja sestra je včeraj šla v Kobe.,Yesterday my sister went to Kobe.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn V kino je šla sama.,She went to the movies alone.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Otroci potrebujejo ljubezen.,Children need love.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Ne morem ti poslati vabila.,I cannot send you the invitation.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Med poukom morajo učenci biti tiho.,Students must keep silent during a class.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Ekvator deli Zemljo na dve polobli.,The equator divides the globe into two hemispheres.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Poskusimo nekaj.,Let's try something.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Nekdo jo je zastrupil.,Somebody poisoned her.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn To se ne bo zgodilo.,That won't happen.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Mi prosim posodiš to knjigo?,Could you lend me the book?,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Ženske spreminjajo svet.,Women change the world.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Spati bi moral.,You should sleep.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Me ne preseneča.,It doesn't surprise me.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Si prepričan?,Are you sure?,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Približno koliko knjig imaš?,About how many books do you have?,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Medvedi si pogosto praskajo svoje hrbte ob lubje dreves.,Bears often scratch their backs on the bark of trees.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn To knjigo sem dobil od njega.,I got this book from him.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Pogosto potujem.,I often travel.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Ne pustiti odprtih vrat.,Don't leave the door open.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn "Veliko bolnikov, ki zboli za rakom, izgubi svoje lase zaradi kemoterapije.",Many cancer patients lose their hair because of chemotherapy.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Ona dela za francosko obveščevalno službo.,She works for French intelligence.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn "Vstopi, prosim.",Please step inside.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Tom je bil avtomehanik.,Tom was an auto mechanic.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Kaj si hotel povedati?,What did you want to say?,slv_Latn-eng_Latn On je zgolj gledalec.,Father is still in bed.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Povabil me je na zabavo.,He invited me to a party.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Govoriš angleško?,Do you speak English?,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Počutil se je prazno.,He felt empty inside.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn "Bob ima navado, da gre v posteljo ob 10:00.",Bob has the habit of going to bed at 10:00.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn "Odločil se je, da bo nehal kaditi.",He decided to quit smoking.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn "Imam dosti stvari, ki jih ne potrebujem.",I have so many things I don't need.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn V tujini sem živel 10 let.,I lived overseas for ten years.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn "Nisem nosorog, nisem tiger, pa me vodijo v to pusto divjino.","I am not a rhinoceros, I am not a tiger, but I am led into this barren wild...",slv_Latn-eng_Latn Kmetovanje ni človeška usoda.,Agriculture is not humankind's destiny.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Imam veliko knjig.,I have a lot of books.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn "Deset, enajst, dvanajst, trinajst, štirinajst, petnajst, šestnajst, sedemnajst, osemnajst, devetnajst, dvajset.","Ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty.",slv_Latn-eng_Latn Besedilo je zelo rafiniran.,The text has been heavily edited.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Grem v Los Angeles.,I'm going to LA.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Daj mi dvigalo v vašem avtu.,Give me a lift in your car.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Imam belo mačko.,I have a white cat.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Jaz sem Ricardo.,I am Ricardo.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn "Govoril je v polomljeni angleščini, ki jo je bilo težko razumeti.",He spoke in a broken English that was hard to understand.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Kako si?,How are you?,slv_Latn-eng_Latn "Sprašujem se, kaj skuhati za večerjo.",I'm wondering what to cook for dinner.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Kje je juha?,Where is the soup?,slv_Latn-eng_Latn S čigavim dovoljenjem?,On whose authority did you do that?,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Sanj je konec.,The dream is over.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Nimam nobenih sester.,I have no sisters.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Ljudje so nelogični.,Humans are illogical.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn "Ne vem, kdaj se bo vrnil moj oče.",I don't know when my father will come back.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Mačke navadno mijavkajo.,Cats usually meow.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn "Mislil sem, da imaš rad nove stvari.",I thought you liked to learn new things.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Moral bi se spočiti.,You should rest.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Moral bi držati jezik za zobmi.,You should've kept your mouth shut.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Prinesel sem ti malo vode.,I brought you some water.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Ne posluša svojega učitelja.,She doesn't listen to her teacher.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Tom je popil svojo kavo.,Tom drank his coffee.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Tom in Mary sta hkrati vstopila v učilnico.,Tom and Mary entered the classroom at the same time.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Odrasla je v prelepo žensko.,She grew up to be a beautiful lady.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Hotel sem poklicati Tom-a.,I meant to call Tom.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Kdo bi me rad videl?,Who wants to see me?,slv_Latn-eng_Latn "Lahko vidim vašo vstopnico? Seveda, tukaj je.","""Can I see your ticket?"" ""Yes. Here it is.""",slv_Latn-eng_Latn Njegova mati je Jugoslovanka.,His mother is Yugoslavian.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn "Stoj pokonci, ko se pogovarjam s teboj.",Stand upright when I'm talking to you.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Tom je imel srečno otroštvo.,Tom had a happy childhood.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Ne potrebuješ mojega dovoljenja.,You don't need my permission.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Jesi li ti katolik?,Are you Catholic?,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Ima tiste slabe tetovaže in zdaj mu je žal.,He got those horrible tattoos and now he regrets it.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Imam prijatelja.,I have a friend.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn "Pravi genij. Vsa tvoja družina umira zaradi kajenja, ampak ti še vedno kadiš.","Pure genius. Your whole family is dying from smoking, but you still smoke.",slv_Latn-eng_Latn Jaz sem Jack.,My name is Jack.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Vstanite in se predstavite prosim.,"Stand up and introduce yourself, please.",slv_Latn-eng_Latn "Na žalost, sem izgubil moj potni list.","Unfortunately, I lost my passport.",slv_Latn-eng_Latn Njegov pes je starejši od mene.,His dog is older than me.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Kdo je moj nasprotnik?,Who is my opponent?,slv_Latn-eng_Latn To ni bil moj namen.,That wasn't my intention.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Počutil sem se slabo.,I felt bad.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Zelo smo utrujeni in razdražljivi.,We are very tired and irritable.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Si že prebrala to knjigo?,Have you already read this book?,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Tomaž se igra s svojim jojojem.,Tom is playing with his yo-yo.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Alkohol ne reši nobenega problema.,Alcohol doesn't solve any problems.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Tom je pojedel rezino švicarskega sira.,Tom ate one slice of Swiss cheese.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Imam dve mački.,I have two cats.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Vsem želim en sproščen četrtek!,I wish you all a relaxing Thursday!,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Kruh ni svež.,The bread is not fresh.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Všeč so mi vesterni.,I like westerns.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Mar nisi nosil te srajce že včeraj?,Didn't you wear that same shirt yesterday?,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Razveselilo me je tvoje pismo.,Your letter made me happy.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Vrnil sem mu njegovo knjigo.,I returned his book to him.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Hočem napisati knjigo.,I want to write a book.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Potipala je po torbici za njenim prstanom.,She felt in her handbag for her ring.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Vzemi knjigo in jo preberi!,Take a book and read it.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Francoščina ni težka.,French isn't difficult.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom in Mary sta rekla da John noče jesti ničesar, kar skuhata.",Tom and Mary said John wouldn't eat anything they made.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Kje je pitna voda?,Where is the water drinkable?,slv_Latn-eng_Latn "Nimaš dovolj denarja, kajne?","You don't have enough money, do you?",slv_Latn-eng_Latn Mislil sem da jim lahko zaupam.,I thought I could trust them.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Svetloba moti moje oči.,The light hurts my eyes.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom je že bil pri tebi doma, mar ne?","Tom has been to your place before, hasn't he?",slv_Latn-eng_Latn Kaj je bilo v pečici?,What was in the oven?,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Znanstveniki so našli vodo na Marsu.,Scientists have found water on Mars.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Končno je zbrala pogum in ga vprašala za več denarja.,She finally mustered up the courage to ask him for more money.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Si res naredil to zastonj?,Did you really do that for free?,slv_Latn-eng_Latn "Koliko tednov v resnici vzame, da narediš to?",How many weeks does it really take to do that?,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Ta kisikov rezervoar je seksi,That oxygen tank is sexy.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Moja mama ljubi glasbo.,My mother loves music.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Včeraj je bila nedelja.,Yesterday was Sunday.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Banane so rumene.,Bananas are yellow.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn "Žive vsi narodi, ki hrepéne dočakat’ dan: da, koder sonce hodi, prepir iz sveta bo pregnan, ko rojak prost bo vs’ak, ne vrag, le sosed bo mejak, ko rojak prost bo vs’ak, ne vrag, le sosed bo, ne vrag, le sosed bo mejak.","God’s blessing on all nations, who long and work for that bright day, when o’er earth’s habitations no war, no strife shall hold its sway; who long to see that all men free no more shall foes, but neighbours be, who long to see that all men free no more shall foes, but neighbours, no more shall foes, but neighbours be.",slv_Latn-eng_Latn "Da, ime mi je Karen Smith.","Yes, my name is Karen Smith.",slv_Latn-eng_Latn Poskusimo!,Let's have a try.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Vidim vrtnico.,I see a rose.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Kje je tvoj oče?,Where is your father?,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Tom se spominja prvega zmenka z Mary.,Tom remembers his first date with Mary.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Vsi bomo šli tja skupaj.,We'll all go there together.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Tom je v resnih težavah,Tom is in serious trouble.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Marija je prav tako skrbela za živela.,Maria also looked after the animals.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Povprečno človeško telo ima dovolj kosti za celotno človeško okostje.,The average human body contains enough bones to make an entire human skeleton.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn "Postalo je jasno, kakšen je življenski stil osumljenca Miure v zaporu.",It has become clear what murder-suspect Miura's jail lifestyle is like.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Glava ga boli.,He has a headache.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Bila je nesrečna.,She was miserable.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Sneži.,It is snowing.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Knjiga je mala.,The book is small.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Še nikoli nisem bil tukaj.,I've never been here before.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Maria ni Tomova sovražnica.,Maria isn't Tom's enemy.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Tom je odličen govorec.,Tom is an excellent speaker.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Jaz sem srečen.,I am happy.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Nimam kolesa.,I don't have a bicycle.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Lahko ti pelješ psa na sprehod?,Could you walk the dog?,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Njegov govor me je zelo navdušil.,I was much impressed by his speech.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Naprava je navdušila vse.,This machine impressed everyone.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn "Nikdar ne napiši besedi ""boršč"" in ""šči"" v nemščini!","Never write the words ""bortsch"" and ""shchi"" in German!",slv_Latn-eng_Latn Ali si navdušen?,Are you impressed?,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Ta zemljišča je moja lastnina.,This land is my property.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn London je glavno mesto Anglije.,London is the capital of England.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn On je blond.,He has blond hair.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Ljubim špagete.,I love spaghetti!,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Zelo dobro igra kitaro.,He plays the guitar very well.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Lesene plošče so lažje od kovinskih toda papirnate so najlažje.,"The wooden plates are lighter than the metal plates, but the paper plates are the lightest.",slv_Latn-eng_Latn Pojdimo v park igrati košarko.,Let's go play basketball in the park.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Moj prednik je bil konjenik iz Mongolije.,My ancestor was a Mongolian horseman.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn "Mi lahko poveste, kako se uporablja telefon.",Could you tell me how to use the telephone?,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Koliko let še nameravaš živeti tukaj?,How many more years do you plan to live here?,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Večna tišina teh neskončnih prostorov me straši.,The eternal silence of these infinite spaces terrifies me.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Se vam smem pridružiti?,Do you mind if I join you?,slv_Latn-eng_Latn "Ne vem, kaj naj rečem.",I don't know what to say.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Vse najboljše za rojstni dan!,I wish you a happy birthday.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Nič ne reci.,Don't say anything.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Tuji jeziki se mi zdijo res zanimivi.,I find foreign languages very interesting.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Ali si utrujen?,Are you tired?,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Virus je pokosil mnogo slonov v Afriki.,The virus cut down many elephants in Africa.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Všeč mi je okcitanščina.,I like the Occitan language.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Ima veliko denarja.,He has a lot of money.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Ljudje so imoralni.,Humans are immoral.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Ženska je v sobi.,The woman is in the room.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn To ne bo zadnjič.,This won't be the last time.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn "Ko boš prišel nazaj, me ne bo več.","When you come back, I'll be gone.",slv_Latn-eng_Latn Tom je začel prižigati sveče na mizi.,Tom began to light the candles on the table.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Bil sem presenečen nad njegovo odpovedjo.,I was surprised by his resignation.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Tudi z očali ne vidi dobro.,"Even with his glasses, he doesn't see very well.",slv_Latn-eng_Latn Vsi ljudje na Zemlji imajo skupnega prednika.,All humans on Earth are descended from a common ancestor.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn "Nikoli ne rečeš, da me ljubiš.",You never say you love me.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Osebna svoboda je bistvo demokracije.,Individual liberty is the essence of democracy.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Že tri leta je mrtev.,He has been dead for three years.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Rad bi se pridružil tvoji skupini.,I want to join your group.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Tom je ostal miren.,Tom remained calm.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Svojih šolskih dni se spominjam zelo dobro.,I remember my school days very well.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Počakati bomo morali nekaj minut.,We'll have to wait a few minutes.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Računalnik zna povezati na internet.,He knows how to connect his computer to the Internet.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Potrebujem vašo pomoč.,I need your help.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Med poukom ne smeš govoriti japonsko.,You must not speak Japanese during the class.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn To ne bi smel biti tak problem.,That shouldn't be much of a problem.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Je zelo velik.,He is very tall.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Izgubil sem denarnico.,I lost my wallet.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn V steklenici je ostalo še nekaj mleka.,There is little milk left in the bottle.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn To je moj avto.,This is my car.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Kam želita iti?,Where do you want to go?,slv_Latn-eng_Latn To ni res.,This is not true.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn "Puščavnik je oseba, ki živi preprosto in v samoti, zlasti iz verskih nagibov.",A hermit is a person who lives in a simple way apart from others especially for religious reasons.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Prijeten konec tedna!,Have a good weekend!,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Čakam na avtobus.,I'm waiting for the bus.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Ali si bil v Kjoto?,Have you been to Kyoto?,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Ali sprejemate kreditne kartice?,Do you accept credit cards?,slv_Latn-eng_Latn "Ruščina je slovanski jezik, ki ga govorijo v Rusiji, Belorusiji, Ukrajini, Kazahstanu in Kirgizistanu in je razširjen a ne uradno priznan v Latviji, Estoniji in mnogih drugih državah nekdanje Sovjetske zveze.","The Russian language is a Slavic language spoken natively in Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan, and is widely used, although without official imprimatur, in Latvia, Estonia and many other countries that form the constituent republics of the former Soviet Union.",slv_Latn-eng_Latn Včeraj sem jo videl.,I saw her yesterday.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Kako ste se imeli na dopustu?,How was your holiday?,slv_Latn-eng_Latn "Prosim, govorite razločno.",Please speak as clearly as possible.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Dvomim.,I doubt it.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn "Kdo pravi, da preproste stvari niso dobre?",Who says that simple things aren't good?,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Govori pet jezikov.,He speaks five languages.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Tom se hoče oženiti.,Tom wants to get married.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Moje ime je Ricardo.,My name is Ricardo.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Čisto vse sem ti povedal.,I've told you everything.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Njeno stanovanje je zmeraj čisto.,Her flat is always clean.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Poj z menoj.,Sing with me.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Prikimal mi je.,He nodded to me.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Kaj se mu je zgodilo?,What happened to him?,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Kaj je zate ljubezen?,What do you call love?,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Nisem vas videl.,I didn't see you.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Krava jé travo.,The cow eats grass.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Koliko je star?,How old is he?,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Sami je hotel malo vode.,Sami wanted some water.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Grem domov.,I go home.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Želim se učiti havajščino.,I want to learn Hawaiian.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Ali še nisi končal?,Have you finished yet?,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Ali so pogreli toplice?,Did they heat up the bathhouse?,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Je Francoz.,He is French.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Maria ima dolge lase.,Maria has long hair.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Sovražnik mojega sovražnika je moj prijatelj.,The enemy of my enemy is my friend.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn "Prosim, pohiti!",Please hurry up!,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Plačujemo visoko najemnino.,We pay a high rent.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Bil sem debel.,I used to be fat.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Bila sem debela.,I was fat.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Vrata so odprta.,The door is open.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Nenadoma me je zaprosil.,"All of a sudden, he proposed to me.",slv_Latn-eng_Latn Še zmeraj te čakam.,I'm still waiting for you.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Poljubi me.,Give me a kiss.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Imate kaj zdravega za pojesti?,Do you have anything healthy to eat?,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Vsak dan se je učil uro in pol.,He studied for an hour and a half every day.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn "Nikoli ne vem, kaj reči ljudem, ki ne poznajo niti najosnovnejših dejstev, a se tega sploh ne zavedajo.",I never know what to say to people who have absolutely no grasp of the basic facts and are too ignorant to realise it.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Zima prihaja.,Winter is coming.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn "Cuj mojo skrivnost. Zelo preprosta je: Kdor hoce videti, mora gledati s srcem. Bistvo je ocem nevidno.","And now here is my secret, a very simple secret: It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye.",slv_Latn-eng_Latn Tom se je nenadoma ustavil.,Tom suddenly stopped.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Postajaš zaspan.,You are getting sleepy.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Pardon! - Saj je v redu. Ne skrbi.,I'm sorry! - It's OK. Don't worry.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Streha je potrebna popravila.,The roof needs to be fixed.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn David Beckham je Anglež.,David Beckham is English.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn V tej sobi je deset ljudi.,There are ten people in this room.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Lahko je brati to knjigo.,It is easy to read this book.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Grem peš.,I go on foot.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Kaj se je zgodilo z ostalo hrano?,What happened to the rest of the food?,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Zavlačevanje: to je resen posel.,Procrastination: It's serious business.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Maja Keuc je dobra pevka.,Maja Keuc is a good singer.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn "Oh, kako pozno je!","Oh, how late it is!",slv_Latn-eng_Latn "Prisilili so me, da zapojem pesem.",They forced me to sing a song.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Litva se pridruži Evropski uniji.,Lithuania is joining the European Union.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Litva vstopi v Evropsko unijo.,Lithuania enters the European Union.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn "Pozdravljeni v Wikipediji, prosti spletni enciklopediji, ki jo lahko ureja vsakdo.","Welcome to Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia that anyone can edit.",slv_Latn-eng_Latn Kdaj se boš poročil?,When will you get married?,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Kdaj se boš poročila?,When are you going to get married?,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Nikogar ni v sobi.,There's no one in the room.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Danes je bilo zabavno.,Today was fun.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Dodal sem še eno poved.,I added yet another sentence.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Ali ni zoprno?,Isn't that annoying?,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Prizadeti ljudje prizadenejo ljudi.,Hurt people hurt people.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn "Zemlja lahko zadovolji naše potrebe, našega pohlepa pa ne.",The earth can satisfy our needs but not our greed.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn "''Tom, kako je ime tvojemu psu?'' je vprašal njegov sosed.","""Tom, what is your dog's name?"" asked his neighbor.",slv_Latn-eng_Latn "Nikoli nisem slišal, da bi se Tom pritoževal.",I've never heard Tom complain.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Jutri bom boljši.,Tomorrow I'll be better.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Premislili si bodo.,They'll change their minds.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Ne pij alkohola.,Don't drink any alcohol.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Mož je šel mimo njega.,A man walked past him.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Moje ime je Sally.,My name is Sally.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Pesnik gleda na svet kakor moški gleda na žensko.,A poet looks at the world the way a man looks at a woman.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Znaš angleško?,Can you speak English?,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Ali ste Ujgur?,Are you an Uighur?,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Če prideš v Rio me ne pozabi poklicat za vodiča!,"If you come to Rio, don't forget to call me to be your guide!",slv_Latn-eng_Latn Danes so šole zaprte.,The schools are closed today.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Jaz nisem; ti si!,No I'm not; you are!,slv_Latn-eng_Latn "Pusti ostalim ljudem, da to storijo.",You should let other people do it.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn On je v mojem razredu.,He's in my class.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Tom in Mary sta neločljiva že več kot tri leta.,Tom and Mary have been inseparable for over three years.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Poskušam prebrati vsaj nekaj strani na dan.,I try to read at least a few pages a day.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Končno je petek.,It's finally Friday.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Lišček je zelo zanimiva ptica.,The goldfinch is a very interesting bird.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Hočem da mi obljubiš da ne boš komurkoli povedal tega kar si videl zadnje čase.,I'd like you to promise me that you won't repeat what you've seen lately to anyone.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn "Ne vem niti, če ima punco.",I don't even know if he has a girlfriend.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Tom se je počasi umaknil.,Tom slowly retreated.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Prišel bo 24. junija.,He will arrive on June 24.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Ali bi lahko eno kumarico?,May I have a pickle?,slv_Latn-eng_Latn "Če bi te želela ubiti, bi te lahko ubila.","If I wanted to kill you, I could kill you.",slv_Latn-eng_Latn Cena mesa padla.,The price of meat dropped.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Grem v pisarni.,I'm going to the office.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Aimee je trenutno zelo utrujena.,Aimee is very tired at the moment.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn To je televizija.,This is a television.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn To je šola.,That is a school.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Nisem bila grozna.,I was not horrible.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Jaz sem zver.,I am a beast.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn "Vemo, da se je rodila v Kanadi.",We know that she was born in Canada.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn "To je rešitev, ali ne?","That's the solution, isn't it?",slv_Latn-eng_Latn "Mama! Ta ženska in človek se držite za roke, oni so zelo dobri prijatelji, kaj ne?","Mama! That lady and man are holding hands, they're great friends aren't they!",slv_Latn-eng_Latn "Res škoda, da ga ne poznaš.",It's a great pity you don't know him.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Ne držim se moje dijete.,I'm not on track with my diet!,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Pili so kavo.,They drank coffee.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Ne moreš me poraziti!,You cannot defeat me!,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Odločil sem se dodati triletni plan za zaščito mojega novo-kupljenega didgeridooja.,I declined to add a three-year protection plan to my newly purchased didgeridoo.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn "Ljudi veliko bolj skrbi večnost po njihovi smrti kot pa večnost, ki se je zgodila še preden so se rodili. Gre pa za enako količino neskončnosti, ki se, od koder stojimo, razteza na vse strani.","People worry a lot more about the eternity after their deaths than the eternity that happened before they were born. But it’s the same amount of infinity, rolling out in all directions from where we stand.",slv_Latn-eng_Latn Fotografiral je koalo.,He took a picture of the koala.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Tom je najbolj kul opica v džungli.,Tom is the coolest monkey in the jungle.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Zajemalko drži v njeni desni roki.,She is holding a ladle in her right hand.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Besede moraš preurediti.,The words need rearranging.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Dogodek je vplival na njegovo prihodnost.,The event affected his future.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Poišči svojo višjo moč.,Find your higher power.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Nihče dejansko ne doživlja resničnosti zahvaljujoč oligarhiji miljarderjev.,No one is actually experiencing reality thanks to the oligarchy of billionaires.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Ne moreš me premagati.,You can't defeat me.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Zavrij mleko,Boil the milk.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Kje je najbližja delavnica za popravilo didgeridoo-jev?,Where is the nearest didgeridoo repair shop?,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Se vidima v peklu,I'll see you in Hell.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn To je trikotnik.,This is a triangle.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn A lahko kakam v miru?,Please let me poop in peace.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Kje imaš ključe?,Where are your keys?,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Prosim pelji psa na sprehod.,"Walk the dog, please.",slv_Latn-eng_Latn Hočem nov mlinček za poper.,I want a new pepper grinder.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Ali lahko poiščeš na spletu?,Can you search online?,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Svoje telefone pustite zunaj.,Leave your phones outside.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Litva je članica Evropske unije.,Lithuania is a member of the European Union.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Koliko ti je Tom dolžan?,How much does Tom owe you?,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Večerja se je ohladila.,Dinner has gone cold.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Dunaj je glavno mesto Avstrije.,Vienna is the capital of Austria.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Se tvoj pes dovoli božati ?,Does your dog allow itself to be petted?,slv_Latn-eng_Latn "Obljubim, da te ne bom obsojal.",I promise not to judge you.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Dobro ohranja svojo mladost.,She keeps her youth very well.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Naj bo kratko in sladko.,Make it short and sweet.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn "Kako naj vem, da govoriš resnico?",How do I know that you're telling the truth?,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Kaj je ta neznosen hrup?,What is that awful noise?,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Kako si se preživljal preden si dobil to službo?,How did you support yourself before you got this job?,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Popraskaj me po hrbtu,Rub my back.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Običajno grem v šolo peš.,I usually walk to school.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn "Če boš imel družino, ženo in otroke boš razumel.","If you'll have a family, a wife and children, you'll understand it.",slv_Latn-eng_Latn "Kako si vedel, da bo Tom šel v Boston z Mary?",How did you know Tom was going to go to Boston with Mary?,slv_Latn-eng_Latn To je laž!,That's a lie!,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Nikoli več naj ne bi bil videl svoje žene in družine.,He was never to see his wife and family again.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn "Vse kar si želim je, da utihneš.",I just want you to shut up.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Tom je zelo vljuden mladenič.,Tom is a very polite young man.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Nikoli ne pozabi svoji mami poslati rojstnodnevnega darila.,You never forget to send your mother a birthday gift.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Moram iti v šolo.,I have to go to school.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Kaj meniš o recikliranju?,What do you think about recycling?,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Večina ljudi piše o svojem vsakodnevnem življenju.,Most people write about their daily life.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Vreme je sončno.,The weather is sunny.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Dež trka po strehi.,The rain is pitter-pattering against the roof.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Živiš v mojem srcu.,You are in my heart.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Vi ste potrpežljiva ženska.,You are a patient woman.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Me zanima če bo moral Tom narediti to.,I wonder if Tom will need to do that.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn To bi morali prepovedati z zakonom.,There should be a law against that.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Pes laje.,The dog is barking.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Ta riba je neužitna.,That fish is not edible.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn "Resno, da ti ne bom prdnil na tvojo juho.","Seriously, don't make me fart on your soup.",slv_Latn-eng_Latn "Sladoled je ena izmed najslabših jedi, iz zdravstvenega vidika, ki jih lahko poješ.","Ice cream is one of worst foods, health-wise, you can eat.",slv_Latn-eng_Latn Živim v New Yorku.,I live in New York.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Pojdi lizat kurac!,Go suck a dick!,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Ne morem zaspati ali dihati.,I can't fall asleep or breathe.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Starček se včasih pogovarja s samim seboj.,The old man sometimes talks to himself.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Zakaj točno si storil to?,Why exactly did you do that?,slv_Latn-eng_Latn "Nekateri ljudje verjamejo, da številka trinajst prinaša nesrečo.",Some people believe that the number 13 brings bad luck.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Pusti meni.,You should let me do it.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Jaz nisem zdravnik.,I'm not a doctor.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Ljudje so pohlepni.,Humans are greedy.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Mesto pokriva majhno območje.,The city covers a small area.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Ubiti dve ptici z en mah.,Kill two birds with one stone.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn "Predvideval sem, da je Mary Tomova punca.",I assumed that Mary was Tom's girlfriend.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom je vprašal Mary, če bi to želela početi danes.",Tom asked Mary if she wanted to do that today.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Noč čarovnic je praznoval v oktobru.,Halloween's celebrated in October.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Glasba je ljubezen.,Music is love.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn "V nemščina, zloženke se napisane kot eno besedo!","In German, compound words are written as one word!",slv_Latn-eng_Latn Ti si zelo eleganten.,You are very elegant.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Jaz rabim vaš nasvet!,I need your advice.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Hočeš čaj?,Do you want some tea?,slv_Latn-eng_Latn To je za dobrodelne namene.,It's for charity.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Imam nič se pritoževati.,I have nothing to complain about.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Sovražim teroristične organizacije.,I hate terrorist organizations.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Kajenje je prepovedano v vsakem delu restavracije.,Smoking is prohibited in every section of the restaurant.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Kakšne barve je ta riba?,What colour is this fish?,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Všeč mi je igrati klavir.,I like to play the piano.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Nikoli ne bomo vedeli.,We'll never know.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Monarh je imel šest sinov.,A monarch had six sons.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Morda boste porabili največ 100 dolarjev.,You may spend a maximum of 100 dollars.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Lahko nosiš mojo majico za v fitnes.,You can wear my shirt to the gym.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Kdo je tvoj najljubši youtuber?,Who is your favourite youtuber?,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Je vaša žena še vedno v Ameriki?,Is your wife still in America?,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Ljudje so sebični.,Humans are selfish.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn To je moj poštni naslov.,This is my email address.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Francija je v Zahodni Evropi.,France is in Western Europe.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Jaz sem v restavraciji.,I'm at the restaurant.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn "Mislim, da bi morala spremeniti svoje prehranjevalne navade.",I think you should change your eating habits.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Nehaj biti tako gej!,Stop being so gay!,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Kristus je vstal!,Christ is risen!,slv_Latn-eng_Latn To je začetek nove dobe.,This is the beginning of a new era.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Pokliči zdravnik!,Call the doctor!,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Ena vdova je imela dve hčeri.,A widow had two daughters.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Deseti september je svetovni dan preprečevanja samomorov.,September 10 is World Suicide Prevention Day.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Portugalska ni izjema.,Portugal is not an exception.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Me boš prišel obiskat.,Are you going to come visit me?,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Sivi so.,They are gray.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Tom je moral v vrsti čakati tri ure.,Tom had to wait in line for three hours.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Pomahala je z obema rokama da bi jo lahko našel.,She waved both her hands so that he could find her.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Zna veliko ljudskih plesov.,She knows many folk dances.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Ljudje so bili željni miru.,People were eager for peace.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Jack je v službi v obupu dal odpoved.,Jack resigned from his job in despair.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn To ni bilo moje vprašanje.,I wasn't asking that.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Tom posluša Mary.,Tom listens to Mary.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Kaj delajo tu?,What are they doing here?,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Toma ne obtožujem ničesar.,I'm not accusing Tom of anything.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Odkar sem te nazadnje srečal/a sta minili dve leti.,Two years have passed since I last met you.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn "Ti si bil, kajne?","It was you, wasn't it?",slv_Latn-eng_Latn Stric mi je povedal zgodbo v obliki šale.,My uncle told me the story by way of a joke.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Nimam nič denarja.,I have no money.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Imam veliko denarja.,I have a lot of money.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Moramo se naučiti živeti v sožitju z naravo.,We must learn to live in harmony with nature.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Zaprl se je v svojo sobo.,He confined himself to his room.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Pogrešam te.,I miss you.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Lačen sem kot volk.,I'm as hungry as a bear.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Maslo je izdelano iz mleka.,Butter is made from milk.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Jaz ljubim sir.,I love cheese.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Skeptični so do vseh novincev.,They are sceptical of all the newcomers.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Nočem prevesti te povedi.,I don't want to translate this sentence.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Ko jim poveš se probaj ne smejati.,Try not to smile when you tell them.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Kaj planiraš storiti?,What are you planning to do?,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Tom bo rekel Mary naj počaka.,Tom can't do that as well as Mary.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Ravno v pravem času si prišel.,You came at just the right time.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn "Kot sem že rekel, ni problema.","Like I said, no problem.",slv_Latn-eng_Latn Ali veš kaj o Tomu?,Do you know anything about Tom?,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Grem na pošto.,I am going to the post office.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn "Tako je življenje, žal.","That's life, unfortunately!",slv_Latn-eng_Latn Grem v posteljo.,I am going to bed.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Pijete kavo?,Do you drink coffee?,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Vrata se ne zaprejo.,The door won't close.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Vrata se ne odprejo.,The door won't open.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Danes sneži.,Today it is snowing.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Koliko si plačal za to?,How much did you pay for this?,slv_Latn-eng_Latn "Izgubil sem uro, ki mi jo je dal oče.",I lost the watch Father had given me.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn "Izgubila sem uro, ki mi jo je dal oče.",I lost the watch my father had given me.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Resnično potrebuješ žensko.,You really need a woman.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn "Upam, da ne bo jutri deževalo.",I do hope that it won't rain tomorrow.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Nihče ne gleda.,No one's watching.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn "Upam, da bo jutri lepo vreme.",I hope the weather will be fine tomorrow.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Kaj manjka?,What is missing?,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Ti je všeč moja brada?,Do you like my beard?,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Za zimo pride pomlad.,"After winter, spring comes.",slv_Latn-eng_Latn Tom živi sam v gozdu.,Tom lives by himself in the woods.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Lovi jo kojot.,She is being chased by a coyote.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Na mizi so knjige o umetnosti.,There are books about art on the table.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Ne dotikaj se mojega sendviča!,Don't touch my sandwich!,slv_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom lahko dokaže, da je odplačal svoj dolg.",Tom can prove that he's paid his debt.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Moja soba ima dve okni.,My room has two windows.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn "Ko dam revnim hrano, mi pravijo svetnik. Ko vprašam, zakaj revni nimajo hrane, mi pravijo komunist.","When I give food to the poor, they call me a saint. When I ask why the poor have no food, they call me a communist.",slv_Latn-eng_Latn Jaz sem Gregor.,I am Gregor.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn "Oni so me vprašali, če se lahko pridružim union za kampanijo.",They asked me to join the union of the company.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Glava me ne boli več.,My head doesn't ache anymore.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Mary mu je dala poljub na obe lici.,Mary kissed him on both cheeks.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Po močnem deževju je reka poplavila bregove.,"After the heavy rains, the river overflowed its banks.",slv_Latn-eng_Latn Ali imate rezervacijo?,Do you have a reservation?,slv_Latn-eng_Latn "Mislim, torej sem.","I think, therefore I am.",slv_Latn-eng_Latn "Če ostanemo tukaj, bomo umrli.","If we stay here, we'll probably die.",slv_Latn-eng_Latn Je to žrebec ali kobila?,Is this a stallion or a mare?,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Zombiji prihajajo!,Zombies are coming!,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Ljubim te z vsem srcem.,I love you with all my heart.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Kdaj greste na poletne počitnice?,When are you going on summer vacation?,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Izjemno občutljiva je na mraz.,She is exceedingly sensitive to the cold.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Rada te imam.,I love you.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Kje si?,Where are you?,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Vedno se veselim nove vrste sira.,I'm always looking for a new cheese.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Tom je trenutno v redu.,Tom is all right at the moment.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn To sem ti že povedal.,I already told you that.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Tom je moj najboljši prijatelj.,Tom is my best friend.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Tom in Mary ne hodita na isto šolo.,Tom and Mary don't go to the same school.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Od celodnevne hoje je bil popolnoma utrujen.,He was completely tired from walking all day.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Kaj je rekla?,What did she say?,slv_Latn-eng_Latn "Švica je zelo lepa dežela, vredna obiska.",Switzerland is a very beautiful country and well worth visiting.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Poznam vse detajle.,I know all the details.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn "Oprostite, imam vprašanje.","Excuse me, I have a question.",slv_Latn-eng_Latn Pazi se.,You'd better watch out.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Ne izgledaš preveč srečen.,You don't look too happy.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Ne bodi neumen.,Don't be foolish.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Vsi moji sorodniki živijo v tem mestu.,All my relatives live in this city.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Vzemi kolikor hočeš.,Take as much as you want.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Plačilo zapade z današnjim dnem.,The payment of this bill is due today.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn V sobi je bila tišina.,The room was quiet.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Imeli smo nekaj zelo mrzlih zim.,We've had some very cold winters.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Zadnjih nekaj dni je bil bolan.,He has been ill for the past few days.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Danes sem prost.,I'm free today.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn "Sprašujem se, zakaj ni pojedel jabolka, ki mu je padlo na glavo.",I wonder why he didn't eat the apple that fell on his head.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom misli, da je Mary res naduta.",Tom thinks Mary is really stuck up.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Nesreča se je zgodila včeraj zjutraj.,The accident occurred yesterday morning.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Izginite! Vsi vi!,Get out of here! All of you!,slv_Latn-eng_Latn "Iskali so prostor, kjer bi lahko postavili šotor.",They were looking for a place at which they could pitch the tent.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Lahko dodajo dobeseden prevod.,They can add a literal translation.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Tom se uporablja za delo.,Tom is used to the work.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn "Ko smo pogledali dol, smo videli mnogo stavb.","When we looked down, we saw many buildings.",slv_Latn-eng_Latn To je priročno.,That comes in handy.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Trenutno je bolnik izven nevarnosti.,At the moment the patient is out of danger.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Pripravljen sem vam pomagati.,I'm ready to help you.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Plačam z gotovino.,I am paying with cash.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Več ljudi je stalo pred obvestilom.,Several people were standing in front of the notice.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Jane je prerasla svojo mati.,Jane grew taller than her mother.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Nimam časa zate.,I don't have time for you.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Slovenska pevka Maja Kevc je bila rojena leta 1992.,Slovenian singer Maja Keuc was born in 1992.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Ona in jaz sva prijateljici.,He and I are friends.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Ne zagotavljam jim uspeha.,I'm not guaranteeing them success.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn To diši kot sir.,This smells like cheese.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Tom je dvignil kozarec in naredil velik požirek vina.,Tom picked up his glass and took a big sip of wine.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Tvoj konec je blizu.,Your end is near.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn "Vem, da Tom ni tvoj fant.",I know Tom isn't your boyfriend.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Moškima so sodili pred vojaškim sodiščem.,The two men were tried by a military court.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Ne skrbi. Lahko računaš name.,Don't worry. You can count on me.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Tiste plaže so daleč od tu.,Those beaches are far from here.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Kje je moja pisarna?,Where is my office?,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Hipnotizirani so bili!,They've been hypnotized!,slv_Latn-eng_Latn "Bilo je nemogoče, da bi fant preplaval to reko.",It was impossible for the boy to swim across that river.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Učitelj je zabaval učence.,The teacher amused the pupils.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn "Potnikom je pokazala, kako si pripeti pas.",She showed the passengers how to fasten their seat belts.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn "Mary je pustila, da jo Tom poljubi.",Mary let Tom kiss her.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn To se ne zgodi pogosto.,That doesn't happen often.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Samo pošasti ne jokajo.,Only monsters don't cry.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Miza v tej sobi zavzame veliko prostora.,The table takes up a lot of space in this room.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Kaj lahko uporabim?,What can I use?,slv_Latn-eng_Latn "Mislim, da je čas, da Tom gre.",I think it's time for Tom to go.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Takoj pridemo.,We'll be right over.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Zakaj ne bi šli v gore ta konec tedna?,Why don't we go to the mountains this weekend?,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Ne govorim japonsko.,I don't speak Japanese.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Nihče ni rekel ničesar.,Nobody said anything.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Želiš vedeti zakaj sem lagal Tomu?,Do you want to know why I lied to Tom?,slv_Latn-eng_Latn V Afriki ni deževalo že več kot en mesec.,They have had no rain in Africa for more than a month.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn On ne trpi takšnega načina obnašanja.,He doesn't tolerate that type of behaviour.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Ali si v sorodu s Tomom?,Are you related to Tom?,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Šel sem v živalski vrt.,I went to the zoo.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom je prepričan, da Mary v resnici ni šla v Boston prejšnji teden.",Tom is sure that Mary didn't really go to Boston last week.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Tvoje potovanje se začne tukaj.,Your journey starts here.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Zlomil si je roko.,He broke his arm.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Skoraj vse je bilo izboljšano.,Almost everything has been improved.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Rad bi ostal.,I want you to stay.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Pojma nimam.,I have no clue.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Življenje v skupnosti zahteva komunikativnost.,Life in society requires communication.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Jutri je nedelja.,It is Sunday tomorrow.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Kako ste?,How're you getting on?,slv_Latn-eng_Latn "Mislil sem, da hočeš ločitev.",I thought you wanted a divorce.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Pogosto mislim na svojo pokojno mati.,I frequently think about my mother who passed away.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Ne razumem to besedo.,I don't understand this word.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn "Knjige so čebele, ki prenašajo cvetni prah z enega uma na drugi.",Books are the bees that carry pollen from one mind to another.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Povabil sem jo na zmenek.,I asked her out on a date.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn On je genij.,He is a genius.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Lahko živim brez vode.,I can live without water.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn "Ali veste, kaj se dogaja tam?",Do you know what's going on there?,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Nočem iti v šolo.,I don't want to go to school!,slv_Latn-eng_Latn "Misliš, da jo še vedno ljubim?",Do you think I still love her?,slv_Latn-eng_Latn "Nikoli ne bom pozabil trenutka, ko sem v mojih rokah držal delfina.",I'll never forget the moment I held a dolphin in my hands.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn "Želim, da mi obljubiš, da ne boš nikoli nikomur povedal, kaj si videl.",I want you to promise me you will never tell anyone what you have seen.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn "Bilo je točno tam, kje je Tom rekel da bo.",It was right where Tom said it would be.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Mary je zelo ganjena.,Mary is very impressed.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Ta slovar ni uporaben.,This dictionary isn't useful.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Lizbona je glavno mesto Portugalske.,Lisbon is the capital of Portugal.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Ko je prišel sem bral/a pismo.,I was reading a letter when he entered.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Kje je moj dežnik?,Where's my umbrella?,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Napisal sem to knjigo.,I wrote this book.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Živimo v miru.,We live in peace.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Psi sovražijo mačke.,Dogs hate cats.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Imam teto ki živi v Osaki.,I have an aunt who lives in Osaka.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn "Verjemi mi, ta situacija je neprijetna tudi zame.","Believe me, this situation is unpleasant for me, too.",slv_Latn-eng_Latn "Zdelo se je, da ga je vprašanje presenetilo.",He seemed surprised by the question.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Tom nima kreditne kartice.,Tom doesn't have a credit card.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Marija ni imela moža.,Mary didn't have a husband.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Nisem ga poljubil jaz. On je poljubil mene.,I didn't kiss him. He kissed me.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Ne vem kaj naj rečem.,I just don't know what to say.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Ljubim svoj jezik.,I love my language!,slv_Latn-eng_Latn "Vej, da me ne strašiš.",Know that you're not scaring me.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Ta pes grize.,This dog bites.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Ne naredim ničesar.,I do nothing.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn "Znaš, da se motim.",You know I'm wrong.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn "Poklical jih bom jutri, ko se vrnem.",I'll call them tomorrow when I come back.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Hodil sem kako miljo.,I walked about a mile.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Mi si bomo kupili avto,We're going to buy ourselves a car.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Končno mi je uspelo prečkati reko.,I finally got across the river.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Sem brez besed.,I'm at a loss for words.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Grem na plažo.,I will go to the beach.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Zemlja je manjša od Sonca.,The earth is smaller than the sun.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn "Pesem ""I Am Woman"" Helene Reddy je postala neuradna himna ženskega osvobodilnega gibanja.","The song ""I Am Woman"" by Helen Reddy became the unofficial anthem of the Women's Liberation Movement.",slv_Latn-eng_Latn "Koliko je ura v Buffalo, New York?","What time is it in Buffalo, New York?",slv_Latn-eng_Latn Kako si spravil tale rjaveč kup šare preko tehničnega pregleda?,How did you get this rusty junk approved by the Technical Inspection Association?,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Si nekaj dejal?,Did you say something?,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Brca me!,He's kicking me!,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Moje ime je Janez.,My name is Janez.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn To zgodbo mi je povedal prijatelj.,A friend told me that story.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Bojim se višine.,I'm afraid of heights.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Strah me je višine.,I am afraid of heights.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Kupil je nov par rokavic.,He bought a pair of new gloves.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Moje življenje je protislovje.,My life's a contradiction.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Emily bo maturirala leta 2017.,Emily will graduate from high school in 2017.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Voda je zelo vroča.,The water's very hot.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Ali bi lahko prosim peljal psa na sprehod?,Could you please take the dog out for a walk?,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Poglej tole fotografijo.,Look at this photo.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Neuma je in grda.,She's stupid and ugly.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn "Dan verjame, da ta kravata pripada ljubimcu njegove žene.",Dan believes this tie belongs to his wife's lover.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn To je Brian Rock.,This is Brian Rock.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Nameravam postati najboljši.,I'm going to become the best.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Ona ni mlada.,She isn't young.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Sumatra je otok.,Sumatra is an island.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn "Gospod Jackson je nekako vedel, da je Tom naredil mojo nalogo.",Mr. Jackson somehow knew that Tom had done my homework for me.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Tom je naredil nekaj slovničnih napak.,Tom made a few grammatical mistakes.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Tom je svojemu sinu zapustil veliko denarja.,Tom left his son a lot of money.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Deževalo je.,It was raining.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Mislim da še nikoli nisem slišal tega imena.,I don't believe I've heard that name.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Vohal sem slanino.,I smelled bacon.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn On je moj sosed.,He's my neighbour.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Sem utrujen!,I am tired!,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Z njim je šla v kino.,She went with him to the movies.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Vsaka je bila šokirana nad pogledom.,Every woman was shocked at the sight.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn "Ali lahko Tom-u povem, kar si mi ravnokar rekla?",May I tell Tom what you just told me?,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Nekoč so bili zelo uporabni.,Once they were very useful.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn "Zelo bi bil vesel, če bi on prišel.",I would be very happy that he came.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Tom je sliko vrnil Mary.,Tom handed the picture back to Mary.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn "A nisi ti tisti, ki je zakuhal tole?",Aren't you the one who caused this mess?,slv_Latn-eng_Latn "Kar je zakonito za Jupitra, ni zakonito za vole.",What is permitted to Jove is not permitted to an ox.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Jaz sem tako nesrečen fant.,I'm such an unlucky guy.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Imam hčerko iste starosti kot tvoj sin.,I have a daughter the same age as your son.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Primi me za roke in me glej v oči.,Hold my hand and look into my eyes.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Zavidajo nam naš uspeh.,They are jealous of our success.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn "Ostanimo zunaj, prijetno in toplo je.","Let's stay outside, it's pleasant and warm.",slv_Latn-eng_Latn Je Tom mrtev?,Is Tom dead?,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Se Tomu blede?,Is Tom delirious?,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Ali Tom sanja?,Is Tom dreaming?,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Ničesar drugega te ne bom vprašal danes.,I won't ask you anything else today.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Je Tom pijan?,Is Tom drunk?,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Ali Tom umira?,Is Tom dying?,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Ali Tom je?,Is Tom eating?,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Ona je podobna mami.,She looks like her mother.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Je Tom slaven?,Is Tom famous?,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Šel sem v London.,I went to London.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Je Tom zabaven?,Is Tom fun?,slv_Latn-eng_Latn "Ni razloga, zakaj bi moral postati zdravnik, ker je to moj oče.",There's no reason why I should become a physician because my father is one.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Oče je prišel domov.,Father came home.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Svojemu očetu sem pomagal zaliti rože.,I helped my father water the flowers.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Moj oče mi bo pomagal finančno.,My father will support me financially.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn "Deset let je minilo, odkar je umrl moj oče.",Ten years have gone by since my father died.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn On želi postati učitelj.,He wants to become a teacher.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Kdo je to naslikal?,Who painted it?,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Lev je kralj džungle.,The lion is the king of the jungle.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Smrt njegovega očeta ga je napolnila z žalostjo.,The death of his father filled him with sorrow.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn "Oče je izgubil službo, in kar je še slabše, mati je zbolela.","Father has lost his job, and what's worse, Mother has fallen ill.",slv_Latn-eng_Latn Moj oče mi bo pomagal.,My father will help me.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn "Slišim, da je bil moj oče star toliko kot jaz, ko je prišel v Tokio.",I hear my father was as old as I am now when he came up to Tokyo.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Moj oče mi je povedal o svojih izkušnjah med vojno.,My father told me about his experiences during the war.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Bila je prijazna do vseh.,She was kind to everybody.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Toliko ljudi je precej starejših od tebe.,So many people are much older than you.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Trenutno nimam načrta.,"For the time being, I don't have a plan.",slv_Latn-eng_Latn "So ljudje, ki imajo radi poletje, in ljudje, ki imajo zadi zimo.",There are people who like the summer and people who like the winter.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn "Angleščina je jezik, ki ga govorijo po vsem svetu.",English is a language spoken throughout the world.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Preprosto mi ni do tega.,I just don't feel like it.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Tom si je s čela obrisal znoj.,Tom wiped the sweat from his forehead.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Mary si je s čela obrisala znoj.,Mary wiped the sweat from her forehead.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Res ne lažem.,"Seriously, I’m not lying.",slv_Latn-eng_Latn "Hodila sta po plaži, držeč se za roke.","They walked down the beach, holding hands.",slv_Latn-eng_Latn Jaz sem v Rusiji.,I am in Russia.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Tom ji je dal poljub na obe lici.,Tom kissed her on both cheeks.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Njegove ustnice so se dotaknile njenih.,His lips touched hers.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Eno veliko porcijo riža prosim.,"I'd like a large portion of rice, please.",slv_Latn-eng_Latn Ta ladja potrebuje kapitana.,This ship needs a captain.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Obiskat ga je prišla mlada dama.,A young lady came to see him.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn O ne. Kaj se je zgodilo?,Oh no. What happened?,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Je tvoja mama doma?,Is your mum at home?,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Grem po časopis.,I am going out to buy the newspaper.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Kreacionizem je sranje.,Creationism is bullshit.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Nočem delati pod temi pogoji.,I don't want to work under these conditions.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Kje sta knjiga in svinčnik?,Where is the book and the pencil?,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Rad bi preživel več časa s svojo družino.,I'd like to spend more time with my family.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Rada bi preživela več časa s svojo družino.,I would like to spend more time with my family.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Pes je zadovoljen/srečen,The dog is happy.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Na mizi je jabolko.,There is an apple on the table.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Ne prenesem podgan.,I can't stand rats.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Perzijščina ni težaven jezik.,Persian is not a difficult language.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Si že kdaj bil v Teheranu?,Have you ever been to Tehran?,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Vrt spada k hiši.,The garden belongs to the house.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Naokoli teče kot kura brez glave.,He is running around like a headless chicken.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Imamo majhno hišo.,We have a small house.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Jazbec je ugriznil fanta.,The badger bit the boy.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn "Mislim, da imaš prav.",I guess you're right.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Kovanec je narejen iz zlata.,The coin is made out of gold.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Tom gre od Bostona do Chicaga s svojim avtom po običajni poti.,Tom goes from Boston to Chicago with his car via the usual route.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Zelo hitro se učimo esperanto.,We're learning Esperanto very quickly.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Domačini so nemirni.,The natives are restless.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Po njegovih informacijah policisti v zvezi z dogodkom ne bodo podali nobene kazenske ovadbe.,"According to his information, the police will not deliver any criminal charges in connection with the event.",slv_Latn-eng_Latn Tigri so večji in močnejši od mačk.,Tigers are bigger and stronger than cats.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Je že avgust.,It is already August.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Kdaj se zapre?,When does it close?,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Vzemi in pojdi!,Take it and go!,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Hkrati dežuje in piha.,It's both raining and blowing.,slv_Latn-eng_Latn Znak '&' pomeni 'in'.,"The ampersand means ""and"".",slv_Latn-eng_Latn No os desprecian.,They don't despise you.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Vi fugazmente al fantasma sentado al volante.,I caught a glimpse of the phantom sitting behind the wheel.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Parece que a todo el mundo le gusta el golf.,It seems that everybody likes golf.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Meg habla demasiado.,Meg talks too much.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Le ardían las mejillas de vergüenza.,His cheeks were burning with shame.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn En el futuro habrá un gran terremoto.,There will be a big earthquake in the future.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn El único gol de la final lo marcó Andrés Iniesta.,The only goal of the final match was scored by Andrés Iniesta.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Ya has comido?,Have you eaten yet?,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Lloro por mi juventud perdida.,I weep for my lost youth.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Hace poco volvió de Francia.,He has recently returned from France.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Me estoy muriendo de hambre.,I'm dying of hunger.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Me sentí avergonzado cuando señalaron mis errores.,I was abashed when my mistakes were pointed out.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn ¡Está estrictamente prohibido traducir esta frase!,It is strictly forbidden to translate this sentence!,spa_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Usted forma parte del comité?,Are you on the committee?,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Él me tomó por mi hermano gemelo.,He took me for my twin brother.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Las tensiones entre EEUU y Rusia van en aumento.,Tensions between the USA and Russia are on the rise.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Juego con mi hijo.,I play with my son.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn "Hola, soy Sepideh.","Hello, I am Sepideh.",spa_Latn-eng_Latn Tom puede comer casi cualquier cosa.,Tom can eat pretty much anything.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Casi perdimos la esperanza.,We pretty much gave up hope.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Creo que puedo hablar francés lo suficientemente bien como para decir casi todo lo que quiero decir.,I think I can speak French well enough to say pretty much anything I want to say.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Tom está en muy mala forma.,Tom is in horrible shape.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Casi todo el mundo hace eso.,Pretty much everyone does that.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Tom estaba bastante borracho.,Tom was pretty much drunk.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Su indefensión apela a su compasión maternal.,His helplessness appeals to her motherly sympathy.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn ¿A qué hora almuerzas?,What time are you having lunch?,spa_Latn-eng_Latn No puede ser verdad.,It can't be true.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn No me puedo mover.,I can't move.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Apenas hablo gaélico.,I only speak a little Gaelic.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Tom asintió a Mary.,Tom gave Mary a nod.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Él le dio a ella un gesto de aprobación.,He gave her an approving nod.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Ella solo tiene 100 dólares.,She has no more than 100 dollars.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Mi padre dijo que esperáramos al tren.,My father insisted on our waiting for the train.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Él se rió de mí.,I was laughed at by him.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn La palta es una fruta.,Avocado is a fruit.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Mi hermano y yo tenemos muchas cosas en común.,My brother has much in common with me.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn No hay duda de que ha perdido el tren.,He must have missed the train.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Alguien vino a verme ayer.,A man came to see me yesterday.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Mi trabajo es lavar platos.,My job is to wash dishes.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Él es la persona más importante.,He is a most important person.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Inclina tu cabeza si me entiendes.,Nod your head if you understand.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Yo pienso que él está enojado.,I think he's angry.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Nos quedamos mudos con estupor.,We were struck dumb with astonishment.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Tom señaló a Mary con un movimiento de la cabeza.,Tom signaled Mary with a nod.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Un cabeceo es un signo de acuerdo.,A nod is a sign of agreement.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Él debe amarte.,He must love you.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Tienes dos libros.,You have two books.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Hace usted esto con frecuencia?,Do you do this often?,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Te echaba mucho de menos cuando estabas en Francia.,I really missed you when you were in France.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Cuándo fue la última vez que lavaste el auto?,When was the last time you washed the car?,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Los niños normalmente tienen fe en sus padres.,Children usually have faith in their parents.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Necesitas un sitio donde alojarte?,Do you need a place to stay?,spa_Latn-eng_Latn "Durante algunos meses, ella casi no salió de su cuarto.","These few months, this girl has almost never left her room.",spa_Latn-eng_Latn Casi todas las puertas estaban cerradas.,Almost all the doors were closed.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn El concierto duró alrededor de tres horas.,The concert lasted about three hours.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Tom y Mary asintieron el uno al otro de manera calculada.,Tom and Mary nod at each other knowingly.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Estar sentado todo el día mirando una pantalla de ordenador es malo para la salud.,Sitting down all day and looking at a computer screen is bad for you.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Sonreir y asentir fue todo lo que ella pudo hacer.,Smile and nod was all she could do.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Quieres que te llame yo?,Do you want me to call back?,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Deberías comprarle algo a Tom por su cumpleaños.,You should buy Tom something for his birthday.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Todo el mundo sabía que Tom planeaba dejar su trabajo.,Everyone knew Tom was planning to quit his job.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Los niños me tienen miedo.,Children are afraid of me.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Cuándo llegaste a Londres?,When did you get to London?,spa_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Lamentas lo que pasó?,Do you regret what happened?,spa_Latn-eng_Latn La única lengua extranjera que hablo es el francés.,The only foreign language I can speak is French.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Por lo menos no está lloviendo.,At least it's not raining.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn ¿De verdad quieres estar aquí?,Do you really want to be here?,spa_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Realmente piensas vencer?,Do you really expect to win?,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Al principio no me gustaba.,At first I didn't like it.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn El español no se habla sólo en España.,Spanish is spoken not only in Spain.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Os gusta la música clásica?,Do you like classical music?,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Tiene un escritorio grande en una pieza pequeña.,He has a large desk in his small room.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn No vuelvas muy tarde a casa.,Don't come home too late.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Quieres hacerlo ahora?,Do you wish to do that now?,spa_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Necesito hacerlo ahora?,Do I need to do that now?,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Mary es mucho más guapa de lo que recordaba.,Mary is a lot prettier than I remember.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Queréis iros hoy?,Do you want to leave today?,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Sólo es el principio.,It's only the beginning.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Necesitas marcharte hoy?,Do you need to leave today?,spa_Latn-eng_Latn "¿Vamos por unas chelas, compa?","Are we gonna get some beer, dude?",spa_Latn-eng_Latn Dime dónde vives.,Tell me where you live.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn "Antes se usaban caballos para tirar de las aplanadoras, pero con la invención de las máquinas a vapor, aparecieron las aplanadoras a vapor.","Horses used to pull road-rollers, but the steamroller arrived with the invention of the steam engine.",spa_Latn-eng_Latn Vivimos en un mundo complicado.,We live in a complicated world.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn No consientas que te atemorice.,Don't let it scare you.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn ¿También hablas francés?,"Do you speak French, too?",spa_Latn-eng_Latn Eres tan engreído.,You're so stuck up.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn ¿También lo amas?,Do you love him too?,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Descubre lo que ocurrió.,Find out what happened.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Hasta en la televisión hay racismo.,Racism exists even on television.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Realmente quieres ir?,Do you really want to go?,spa_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Cuántos amigos tienes en Boston?,How many friends do you have in Boston?,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Toda la fruta se estropeó.,All the fruit went bad.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn ¿No tienes nada que hacer?,Don't you have something to do?,spa_Latn-eng_Latn ¿En qué página estás?,What page are you on?,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Todo lo que tienes que hacer es esperar.,All you have to do is to wait.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Él estaba enfadado con ella.,He was angry with her.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Quiero ir contigo.,I want to go with you.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn No me ha reconocido.,He didn't recognize me.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn No hablé con ellos.,I didn't speak with them.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Vino a salvarme.,He came to save me.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Es vendedor de coches.,He's a car salesman.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Puede que esté en peligro.,He may be in danger.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Ojalá él estuviera aquí.,I wish he were here.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Cómo se hace el whisky?,How is whiskey made?,spa_Latn-eng_Latn No he hablado con ellos.,I haven't talked to them.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Ella nunca ha ido a Hokkaido antes.,She has never been to Hokkaido.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Mi país me necesita.,My country needs me.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Trabaja en el campo.,He works in the fields.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Han anunciado la muerte del ex-presidente.,The former President's death was announced.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Es el chico perfecto.,He's the perfect guy.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Dónde están mis guantes?,Where are my gloves?,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Me duelen las piernas.,My feet are sore.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn No sé que significa.,I don't know what it means.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn En mi cuarto no hay ningún reloj.,"In my room, there are no clocks.",spa_Latn-eng_Latn Busco a alguien que sepa portugués.,I'm looking for someone who can speak Portuguese.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn ¿No es eso lo que hay que hacer?,Isn't that what needs to be done?,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Parecía un poco decepcionado.,He sounded a little disappointed.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn No tengo ninguna canción favorita.,I don't have a favorite song.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Vamos a ver una película?,Would you like to take in a movie?,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Tom parece inteligente de veras.,Tom certainly looks intelligent.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Me encantaría conocer a Tom.,I'd love to meet Tom.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Nadie pudo hacerlo.,No one man could do it.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Solo hay una tienda que venda este libro.,Only one store carries this book.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Ayer leí este artículo.,I read this article yesterday.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Qué se puede cambiar?,What can be changed?,spa_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Podemos creérnoslo?,Can we believe that?,spa_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Todavía estás ahí?,Are you still there?,spa_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Siempre estás ocupado?,Are you always busy?,spa_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Eres policía?,Are you a policeman?,spa_Latn-eng_Latn No ha parado de llover en tres días.,It's been raining non-stop for three days.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Llámame a este número.,Call me at this number.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn El verde no pega con el rojo.,Green doesn't go with red.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Os estoy molestando?,Am I disturbing you?,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Ahora estoy un poco asustada.,Now I'm a little scared.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Llámale esta tarde.,Call him this evening.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn ¿De verdad viste a Tom?,Did you actually see Tom?,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Me gustan las lenguas extranjeras.,"I like them, foreign languages.",spa_Latn-eng_Latn La vida es cada vez más cara.,Life is more and more expensive.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn No hemos sabido de ella desde entonces.,We haven't heard from her since then.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Él nació en África.,He was born in Africa.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn ¿De qué te avergüenzas?,Why are you ashamed?,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Tú nos lo enseñaste.,You taught us that.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Hiciste un buen trabajo.,You did a good job.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn No me llamaste.,You didn't call me.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn No puedes usarlo.,You can't use that.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn No puedes decirlo.,You can't say that.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Una amiga me ha propuesto jugar en la calle.,My friend has proposed to me that I go play in the street.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn ¡Yo no estaba bailando!,I wasn't dancing!,spa_Latn-eng_Latn No quiero que Tom crea que tiene que protegerme.,I don't want Tom to think he has to protect me.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Solo quiero que sepas que te quiero de verdad.,I just want you to know that I really love you.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Solo pensé que quizá querrías comer algo.,I just thought you might want to eat something.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Todavía no entiendo qué quieres de mí.,I still don't understand what you want from me.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn No quiero cometer el mismo error que Tom.,I don't want to make the same mistake Tom made.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Ni siquiera sé si quiero seguir haciendo esto.,I don't even know if I want to do this anymore.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Grace todavía no ha venido.,Grace has not come yet.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Eres buen cocinero?,Are you a good cook?,spa_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Cómo sabes que Tom no ha estado nunca en Boston?,How do you know that Tom has never been to Boston?,spa_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Cuál es tu gato?,Which cat is yours?,spa_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Dónde está tu reloj?,Where's your watch?,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Quiero hablar alemán.,I want to speak German.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Puedes ser de gran ayuda cuando quieres.,You can be pretty helpful when you want to be.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Puedes dormir aquí un rato si quieres.,You can sleep here for a while if you want to.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Yo estudio español.,I study Spanish.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Cuándo empezará?,When will it begin?,spa_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Estás orgulloso de mí?,Are you proud of me?,spa_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Qué ha visto?,What did he see?,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Tom no ha asistido a la reunión de hoy.,Tom didn't attend today's meeting.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Cuántos días duró la Guerra de los Seis Días?,How many days did the Six-Day War last?,spa_Latn-eng_Latn "Helena es secretaria, ¿verdad?","Helena is a secretary, right?",spa_Latn-eng_Latn Tom quiere que vuelva a verle mañana.,Tom wants me to come back to see him tomorrow.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Tom dice que ya no quiere seguir trabajando aquí.,Tom says he doesn't want to work here anymore.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Tom dijo que no quería que le ayudásemos.,Tom said he didn't want any of us to help him.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Tom dejó claro que no quería que le operaran.,Tom made it clear that he didn't want surgery.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Tom dejó claro que no quería que estuviera aquí.,Tom made it clear that he didn't want me here.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn "Ahora mismo, Tom no quiere hacer los deberes.",Tom doesn't want to do his homework right now.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Tom no quería oír nada de lo que yo tenía que decir.,Tom didn't want to hear anything I had to say.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Él siguió cantando.,He kept on singing.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Es tiempo lo que necesitas?,Is it time you need?,spa_Latn-eng_Latn "Por favor, solo dime qué es lo que quieres hacer.",Please just tell me what it is you want to do.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn No te lo comas si te parece que huele raro.,Don't eat that if you think it smells funny.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Esa es la razón por la que no querías que viniera?,Is this the reason you didn't want me to come?,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Parece que Alice está muy contenta con el traje.,It seems that Alice is very pleased with the suit.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn "Eres su hermano, ¿verdad?","You are his brother, right?",spa_Latn-eng_Latn Tom pidió tarta de manzana y yo también.,"Tom ordered apple pie, and so did I.",spa_Latn-eng_Latn "Si no quieres que esté aquí, me iré.","If you don't want me to stay here, I'll leave.",spa_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Has visto alguna vez un koala?,Have you ever seen a koala?,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Tom lo averiguará.,Tom'll find out.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Qué acaba de pasar?,What just happened?,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Quería que vieras que no soy tan malo.,I wanted you to see that I'm not all that bad.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Quería que supieras que llegaría tarde.,I wanted to let you know that I would be late.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Asegúrate de no cometer el mismo error.,See to it that you don't make the same mistake.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn No te preocupes por tu trabajo.,Don't worry about your work.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Quiero que Tom entienda por qué tenía que hacer esto.,I want Tom to understand why I had to do this.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Quiero salir de aquí lo antes posible.,I want to get out of here as soon as possible.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Quiero descubrir dónde compró Tom sus zapatos.,I want to find out where Tom bought his shoes.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Y tú?,What about you?,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Le pedí a Tom que tocase la guitarra.,I asked Tom to play the guitar.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Qué querían?,What did they want?,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Lee lo que quieras.,Read whatever you like.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn El clima en Florida es generalmente templado.,The weather in Florida is generally moderate.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Posiblemente haga buen día mañana.,It may possibly be fine tomorrow.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Muchas pastas de dientes contienen fluoruro.,Most toothpastes contain fluoride.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Ella es la esposa de Alain.,She's Alain's wife.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Ella no tolera el comportamiento de su marido.,She cannot stand what her husband does.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn En 1992 el partido conservador ganó las elecciones.,The Conservative Party won the election in 1992.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Hace una semana que me sacaron un diente.,I had a tooth extraction a week ago.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn "Hace mucho calor, ¿verdad?","It's very hot, isn't it?",spa_Latn-eng_Latn Deberías cuidarte más.,You should take better care of yourself.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Italia es el único país que considera la guerra como un partido de fútbol y un partido de fútbol como si fuera una guerra.,"Italy is the only country that regards war as a soccer game, and a soccer game as it is a war.",spa_Latn-eng_Latn El cielo está despejado casi todos los días.,The sky is clear almost every day.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Ojalá no hubiera comprado algo tan inútil.,I wish I had not bought such a useless thing.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Puedes irte.,You can go.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn A ti te habría gustado.,You would've liked it.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Tom debe quedarse donde está.,Tom needs to stay where he is.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Solía ir a pescar con mi padre cuando era una niña.,I used to go fishing with my father when I was a child.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Me haces feliz.,You make me happy.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Me casé hace 8 años.,I got married 8 years ago.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Sabes cuál es el secreto de Tom?,Do you know what Tom's secret is?,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Nunca he escuchado de ese estereotipo.,I've never heard of that stereotype!,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Debo devolver este libro a la biblioteca hoy.,I have to return this book to the library today.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Debes tratar de venir a la fiesta.,You must try and come to the party.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Cuéntame cómo es el caballero.,Tell me what the gentleman is like.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn El hombre se puso de pie y comenzó a cantar.,The man stood up and began to sing.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn "Por favor, canta la canción otra vez.","Sing the song once more, please.",spa_Latn-eng_Latn El templo fue construido hace doscientos años.,The shrine was built two hundred years ago.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Agitar antes de usar.,Shake before using.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn No puedes juzgar a una persona si no la conoces bien.,You can't judge a person if you don't know him well.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn La verdad salió a la luz.,The fact was brought to light.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Tengo que hacerlo otra vez?,Do I have to do it over again?,spa_Latn-eng_Latn La yerba mate pegó en Corea.,Yerba mate became a hit in Korea.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Vamos al teatro.,We're going to the theater.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Esto es el futuro.,This is the future.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn "Le pedí que dejase de hablar, pero él siguió.","I told him to stop speaking, but he goes on.",spa_Latn-eng_Latn El caballo se paró y se negó a moverse.,The horse stopped and refused to move.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Es difícil hablar bien inglés.,It's difficult to speak English well.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Tom ha estado ocupado toda la mañana.,Tom has been busy all morning.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom casi besó a María, pero decidió que no.","Tom almost kissed Mary, but decided not to.",spa_Latn-eng_Latn No sabía que íbamos a tener compañía.,I didn't know we were having company.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn "El estudio es muy pequeño, sin lugares donde esconderse.","The studio is very small, with no place to hide.",spa_Latn-eng_Latn Él a menudo atribuye su éxito a su esposa.,He often attributes his success to his wife.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Tom y John fueron expulsados del equipo.,Tom and John were both kicked off the team.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Por qué no ayuda a Tom?,Why don't you help Tom?,spa_Latn-eng_Latn No me atreví a hacerlo.,I didn't dare do that.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn No necesito un nuevo televisor.,I don't need a new TV.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Miramos.,We are watching.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn No te avergüences de ti mismo.,Don't be ashamed of yourself.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn El perro sigue vivo.,The dog is still alive.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Dijo que podría ser verdad.,She said that it might be true.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Alguien abrió la ventana.,Someone opened the window.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Tom es millonario.,Tom is a millionaire.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn ¿A qué hora sales de la oficina?,At what time do you exit from the office?,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Él estaba sentado en el suelo.,He was sitting on the floor.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Pensé que le interesaría.,I thought you'd be interested in this.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn El nuevo presidente electo tiene un poco de poeta.,The newly elected president is something of a poet.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn El anciano me habló en francés.,The old man spoke to me in French.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn "Soy inocente, lo juro.","I'm innocent, I swear.",spa_Latn-eng_Latn El bolígrafo está roto.,The pen is broken.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Él habla mucho.,He talks a lot.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn No te molestes en levantarme a las cuatro de la mañana. No tengo intención de ir a pescar mañana.,Don't bother waking me up at 4:00 a.m. I don't plan to go fishing tomorrow.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Te gusta el circo de Bulgaria?,Do you like the Bulgarian circus?,spa_Latn-eng_Latn "Era pobre, pero honesta.","She was poor, but she was honest.",spa_Latn-eng_Latn Estudio inglés todos los días.,I study English every day.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Quieres poner aguacate en la ensalada?,Do you want to add avocado to the salad?,spa_Latn-eng_Latn María llegó a casa y encontró a Tom con su mejor amiga en la cama.,Mary came home and found Tom in bed with her best friend.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Déjame decirte algo acerca de Boston.,Let me tell you something about Boston.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Los verdaderos artistas no desprecian nada; ellos se esfuerzan por entender en lugar de juzgar.,True artists scorn nothing; they force themselves to understand instead of judging.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Él dejó a su madre y a su novia en Francia.,He left his mother and his girlfriend in France.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn "Ha escrito diez libros, pero no ha publicado ninguno de ellos.","He's written ten books, but hasn't published any of them.",spa_Latn-eng_Latn La distancia entre el sol y la tierra es de casi 93 millones de millas.,The distance from the sun to the earth is about 93 million miles.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Ella está enfadada conmigo.,She is mad at me.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Ésta es la casa que construyó Jack.,This is the house that Jack built.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Tiene don de palabra.,He talks well.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Tom fue expulsado del senado.,Tom was expelled from the Senate.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn El profesor no pudo haber dicho algo así.,The teacher can't have said such a thing.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Mayuko estaba leyendo y Meg pintando.,Mayuko was reading and Meg was painting.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Siéntate donde quieras.,Sit wherever you like.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn ¡Entremos a la casa!,Let's get in the house.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Mi hermana me pidió que le enseñara a esquiar.,My sister asked me to teach her how to ski.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Te gusta vivir en el campo?,Do you like to live in the country?,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Él es mi mejor amigo. Es como si fuéramos hermanos.,He's my best friend. It's like we are brothers.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Tengo tres pasajes.,I have three tickets.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Dejaré de fumar para siempre.,I will quit smoking for good.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn "Hola, Paul. ¿Ocupado como siempre?","Hi, Paul. Busy as usual?",spa_Latn-eng_Latn Ojalá no me vuelvas a mentir más.,Hopefully you won't lie to me any more.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Esa chimenea es muy alta.,That chimney is very high.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Alain no está feliz ni contento con su matrimonio.,"Alan is neither happy, nor satisfied with his marriage.",spa_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Cuál es el salario mínimo en Estonia?,What's the minimum salary in Estonia?,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Me gustaría verlo.,I would like to see it.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Tengo una ducha amplia.,I have a spacious shower.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Tus gafas están encima de la mesita.,Your glasses are on the small table.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn No hablo español.,I don't speak Spanish.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn El rumor no es cierto.,The rumor isn't true.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn "En el armario, hay ... no voy a decir lo que está en el armario; eso permanece como mi gran secreto.","In the wardrobe, there is... I'm not saying what's in the wardrobe; that is remaining my great secret.",spa_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Estuvo alguien aquí mientras yo estaba fuera?,Was anybody here while I was out?,spa_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Está él bien?,Is he right?,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Fue sólo un tiro en la oscuridad.,It was just a shot in the dark.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Tom no era malvado en absoluto.,Tom never was mean.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn El espejo está muy sucio.,The mirror is very dirty.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Estás seguro que no podemos reparar esta cámara?,Are you sure we can't repair this camera?,spa_Latn-eng_Latn No supe de esto.,I didn't know that.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn La tubería tiene un descalcificador para eliminar la cal.,The plumbing has a water softener to eliminate lime.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Tom sabe por qué Mary piensa ir a Boston.,Tom knows why Mary is planning to go to Boston.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn El jardinero plantó un rosal en medio del jardín.,The gardener planted a rose tree in the middle of the garden.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Los resultados de nuestra encuesta permiten algunas conclusiones interesantes.,The results of our opinion poll permit some interesting conclusions.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Tom sonrió cuando Mary le miró.,Tom smiled when Mary looked at him.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn No se movió nadie.,No one moved.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Quiero un cuarto para esta noche.,I want a room for tonight.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Me gustan más las rosas blancas que las rojas.,I like white roses better than red ones.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Le mostré mi cuarto.,I showed her my room.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Algunos atletas sudan más que otros.,Some athletes sweat more than others.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn ¡Amsterdam es sorprendente!,Amsterdam is amazing!,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Cualquiera puede hacer esto.,Anybody can do this.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Quiero el desayuno en mi cuarto.,I want breakfast in my room.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Tom se echó un vaso de whisky.,Tom poured himself a glass of scotch.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Para quién es esta bolsa?,Who's bag is this for?,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Tienes mucho que aprender acerca de los negocios.,You have a lot to learn about business.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Van a venir tus padres a casa?,Are your parents coming home?,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Voy a atender al cliente.,I'm going to attend to the customer.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Tenemos que dormir al menos ocho horas al día.,We must sleep at least eight hours a day.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn El tren en el que se fue va a la estación de Tokio.,The train on which he left goes to Tokyo Station.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Tom está jugando al tenis con Mary.,Tom is playing tennis with Mary.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Me llevó mucho tiempo convencerlo de que yo tenía razón.,It took a long time for me to convince him that I was right.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Sus amigos se rieron de él.,He was laughed at by his friends.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Qué debo hacer para que me creáis?,What do I have to do to make you believe me?,spa_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Te gusta nadar?,Do you like swimming?,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Tom tiene problemas para acostumbrarse a la idea de que su padre fue el autor de una masacre.,Tom is having trouble dealing with the fact that his father was a mass murderer.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Di lo que es verdad.,Say what is true.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Mi hijo pequeño conduce un coche.,My little son can drive a car.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Se bebió una botella de vino.,He drank a bottle of wine.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn No hablo kazajo.,I don't speak Kazakh.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Él ha perdido su paraguas.,He has lost his umbrella.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Me gustaría saber más de ciencia.,I would like to know more about science.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Mañana tenemos que levantarnos temprano.,Tomorrow we have to get up early.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Esta noche no voy a beber.,I'm not drinking tonight.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn No voy a responder a más preguntas.,I'm not going to answer any more questions.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn En realidad Tom Jackson no es el mánager.,Tom Jackson is actually not the manager.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn "Hace mucho que volvimos, pero no ha cambiado nada.","It's been a while since I've been here, but nothing has changed.",spa_Latn-eng_Latn Ambos permanecieron un rato en silencio.,They were both silent for a while.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Dije la verdad.,I told the truth.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Me estoy cansando de tus quejas.,I'm getting tired of your complaints.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn ¿En qué crees que estoy pensando ahora mismo?,What do you think I'm thinking right now?,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Lo verás por ti mismo.,You'll see it for yourself.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Dile a Tom dónde estoy.,Let Tom know where I am.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn La nave espacial hizo un aterrizaje perfecto.,The spaceship made a perfect landing.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Ya os he dicho que no está aquí.,I already told you he isn't here.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn "El paciente necesita los cuidados de un médico y cuanto antes lo atienda el doctor, mejor.","The patient needs to be looked after by a doctor. And the sooner the doctor looks after him, the better.",spa_Latn-eng_Latn "¿De dónde es usted, Karen?","Where are you from, Karen?",spa_Latn-eng_Latn "Un día, una mujer de color, Rosa Parks, estaba regresando a casa luego de un arduo día de trabajo.","One day, a black woman, Rosa Parks, was returning home after a hard day's work.",spa_Latn-eng_Latn Es un buen modo de hacer amigas.,It's a good way to make friends.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn No quiero discutir contigo.,I do not want to argue with you.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Encuentra dónde está Tom.,Find out where Tom is.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Por eso es que quiero quedarme mucho tiempo en Francia y necesito dinero para ello.,This is why I would like an extended visa as well as as funds for my stay.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Tom ha estado esperando toda su vida por una mujer como Mary.,Tom has been waiting all his life for a woman like Mary.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Respondió que nunca había visto al hombre antes.,She replied that she had never seen the man before.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn "Si te queda el saco, póntelo.","If the shoe fits, wear it.",spa_Latn-eng_Latn "De cualquier forma, tres contra uno es injusto.","Anyway, three against one is unfair.",spa_Latn-eng_Latn Ella es de Somalia.,She's from Somalia.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Retiro todo lo dicho anteriormente.,I take back everything I said.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn No juegue al béisbol en el parque.,Don't play baseball in the park.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Todo está correcto.,All is well.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Cuándo será la temporada de los arándanos?,When is blueberry season?,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Lo dijo con dignidad.,He said that with dignity.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Te estás enfrentado conmigo?,Are you headed towards me?,spa_Latn-eng_Latn El sistema será ajustado a lo que tenéis derecho de ver.,The system will be adjusted to what it is that you are allowed to see.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Tal vez la única dignidad del hombre sea su capacidad de despreciarse a sí mismo.,Perhaps the only true dignity of man is his capacity to despise himself.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn El joven que conducía el coche estaba borracho.,The young man driving the car was drunk.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn La pasamos bien anoche.,We had a nice time last night.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Un vampiro paraliza a una persona con solo mirarla.,A vampire can paralyze people just by looking at them.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Él dijo que quería ser científico.,He said he wanted to be a scientist.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn El teléfono sonó un buen rato.,The phone rang for a long time.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Normalmente duermen en esta habitación.,They usually sleep in this room.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn "Sin tu ayuda, no hubiese podido terminar el trabajo.","Without your help, I couldn't have finished the work.",spa_Latn-eng_Latn Avisame si llegás a necesitar algo.,Let me know if you'll need anything.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Marilyn Monroe murió hace 33 años.,Marilyn Monroe died 33 years ago.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Tom sabía que Mary no se rendiría.,Tom knew that Mary wouldn't give up.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Está más que claro.,It's abundantly clear.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Rosa Parks fue arrestada.,Rosa Parks was arrested.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Trabajó día y noche para que su familia viviera cómoda.,He worked day and night so that his family could live in comfort.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Te daré una respuesta en uno o dos días.,I'll give you an answer in a day or two.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Todavía me llama de vez en cuando.,He still rings me from time to time.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Las acusaciones que hicieron no tenían fundamento.,The allegations they made were unfounded.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn "De hecho, tengo que decirte algo.","Incidentally, I have to tell you something.",spa_Latn-eng_Latn Ella es independiente de sus padres.,She is independent of her parents.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Este tema es extremadamente controvertido.,This subject is extremely controversial.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Se le ocurrió una idea espléndida.,He hit on a splendid idea.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn ¡No hable en otro idioma aparte del esperanto!,Don't use a language other than Esperanto!,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Él confesó su culpa.,He confessed his guilt.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Él admitió su culpa.,He admitted his guilt.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Preferiría que te quedes en casa esta noche.,I'd prefer that you stay home tonight.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Había vasos sobre la mesa?,Were there any glasses on the table?,spa_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Podés venir a las 9?,Can you come at 9?,spa_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Te puedo tomar una foto?,Can I take a picture of you?,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Tom ayudó a Mary a llevar sus valijas.,Tom helped Mary carry her suitcases.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Tom confesó haber asesinado a Mary.,Tom confessed to murdering Mary.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn La nueva secretaria escribe más rápido que la anterior.,The new secretary types faster than the old one.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn "Hoy le confesé mi amor. Yo dije: ""Me he enamorado de ti"". Luego, al comienzo ella no supo qué decir. Pasaron unos minutos hasta que finalmente dijo: ""Todo esto va demasiado rápido. Primero quiero conocerte mejor.""","Today, I confessed my love to her. I said, ""I've fallen in love with you."" After that, she didn't know what to say at first. A few minutes passed until she finally said, ""Things are going a little too quickly. I'd like to get to know you better first.""",spa_Latn-eng_Latn Voy a abolir la pena capital.,I will abolish capital punishment.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Algunos remedios nos caen mal.,Some medicine does us harm.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn No quise verle la cara a Tom.,I didn't want to see Tom's face.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn He aquí Japón.,Here is Japan.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn El pasto no crece más rápido cuando tiramos de él.,Grass doesn't grow faster if you pull it.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Tú tienes prohibido fumar aquí.,You are prohibited from smoking here.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Tom dice que es canadiense.,Tom says he's Canadian.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Todo parece estar bien.,Everything seems fine.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Está en cama con gripe.,She is down with influenza.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Cuántas personas?,How many people?,spa_Latn-eng_Latn """¿Cómo se llama usted?"" ""Me llamo Tom.""","""What's your name?"" ""My name's Tom.""",spa_Latn-eng_Latn Soy Yatarou.,My name is Yatarou.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn ¡Buenos días! ¿Cómo estás?,Hello! How are you?,spa_Latn-eng_Latn La lluvia ácida no es un fenómeno natural.,Acid rain is not a natural phenomenon.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn No dejo que Tom se acerque a mis niños.,I'm not letting Tom near my kids.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Debo traducir las frases.,I must translate the sentences.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Tom corre rápido.,Tom runs fast.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn ¡Qué vestido bonito llevas!,What a beautiful dress you have on!,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Compórtate bien durante mi ausencia.,Behave yourself during my absence.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Estoy hasta el cogote con problemas.,I'm in the middle of a muddle.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn "Por cierto, ¿ha oído de ella desde entonces?","By the way, have you heard from her since then?",spa_Latn-eng_Latn Añadieron una mujer al comité.,They added a woman to the committee.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn No puedo soportar más este alboroto.,I can't stand that noise any longer.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn El jefe de Tom es canadiense.,Tom's boss is Canadian.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Quisiera ser tu novio.,I'd like to be your boyfriend.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Cómo lo averiguó Tom?,How did Tom find out?,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Hoy a la tarde iremos a la iglesia.,This evening we will go to church.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn "Deme algo para beber, por favor.",Please give me something to drink.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Ella tiene dos hermanas. Ambas viven en Kioto.,She has two sisters. Both live in Kyoto.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Jim no vendrá hoy.,Jim will not come today.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Tom tiene una mujer canadiense.,Tom has a Canadian wife.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Siempre lleva una Biblia con ella.,She always carries a Bible.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Ella siempre estudia escuchando música.,She always studies while listening to music.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Ella respondió rápidamente a mi carta.,She answered my letter right away.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Me dejé caer por la barra.,I slid down the pole.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn No juzgues a los otros por el color de su piel.,Don't judge others by the color of their skin.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Cuántos bocadillos quedan?,How many sandwiches are there left?,spa_Latn-eng_Latn No me voy a burlar de Tom.,I'm not going to make fun of Tom.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Tom no es realmente canadiense.,Tom isn't really Canadian.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Quiero que lea esto.,I want him to read this.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn El pueblo se reveló contra el rey.,The people rebelled against the king.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Cuánto tiempo hará falta?,How long will it take?,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Quiero que veas este video.,I want you to watch this video.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Nunca he querido hacer eso.,I've never wanted to do that.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Ella estaba casi siempre con él.,This girl is almost always with him.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Necesitas hacerlo otra vez?,Do you need to do that again?,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Tom tenía su llave colgando en una cadena alrededor de su cuello.,Tom had his key dangling around his neck on a chain.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Estoy seguro de que Tom podrá ganar.,I'm sure Tom will be able to win.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Qué vas a hacer en la universidad?,What will you do in college?,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Ven rápido. Es urgente.,Come quickly. It's urgent.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Tom vino en coche.,Tom came by car.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Este carro se está averiando mucho últimamente.,This car is always breaking down lately.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Sabes el nombre de esta flor?,Do you know the name of this flower?,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Lean esto primero.,Read this first.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Esta semana comienzan las vacaciones.,The vacation begins this week.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Las frutas tienen semillas en su interior.,Fruits have seeds in them.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Mary no ha comido todavía.,Mary hasn't had her lunch yet.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn El cloruro de plata no se disuelve en agua por completo.,Silver chloride is not completely water-soluble.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Los padres de Tom eran canadienses.,Tom's parents were Canadian.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Sabes adónde fue?,Do you know where she went?,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Siéntate.,Just have a seat.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn "Has visto algo, ¿verdad?","You've seen something, haven't you?",spa_Latn-eng_Latn Queremos justicia.,We want justice.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn "Si quieres pertenecer a este club, primero tienes que rellenar este formulario.","If you want to join the club, you must first fill in this application form.",spa_Latn-eng_Latn No te olvides de reunirte conmigo mañana por la mañana.,Don't forget to see me tomorrow morning.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Ella es una completa golfa.,She's a complete bitch.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Tom tiene un amigo en Boston.,Tom has a friend in Boston.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Ya está libre el baño.,No one's in the bath.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Tom no sabe nada acerca de lo que sucedió.,Tom doesn't know anything about what happened.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Él solo llevaba cien yenes.,He had only one hundred yen with him.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn "¿Cuál es más próximo al árabe en cuanto al sonido, el español o el portugués?","Which is closer to Arabic in terms of sound, Spanish or Portuguese?",spa_Latn-eng_Latn El agua no está limpia.,The water is not clean.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom se sentó en el muelle, colgando sus pies en el agua.","Tom sat on the pier, dangling his feet in the water.",spa_Latn-eng_Latn "Por lo que sé, él nunca ha sido puntual.","As far as I know, he has never come on time.",spa_Latn-eng_Latn El anillo tiene un diamante.,The ring has a diamond in it.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Sabes hacer un fuego con ramas?,Can you build a fire with twigs?,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Este billete es válido durante tres meses.,This ticket is valid for three months.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Estudia aquí tu hermana?,Does your sister study there?,spa_Latn-eng_Latn No está acostumbrada a conducir durante mucho tiempo.,She is not accustomed to driving for a long time.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Japón exporta una gran cantidad de coches a países extranjeros.,Japan exports a great number of cars to foreign countries.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn No sé cómo expresar mi gratitud.,I don't know how to express my gratitude.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Tom está casado con una canadiense.,Tom is married to a Canadian.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Tienen hasta medianoche.,You have until midnight.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Quién llama a la puerta?,Who's knocking on the door?,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Todo irá mejor si puedes venir ahora.,It will be all better if you can come now.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Me estoy metiendo en un serio problema por ti.,I'm putting my ass in a sling for you.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Mi hermana pequeña se parece a mi madre.,My little sister looks like my mum.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Su hermano casi muere en un accidente de tráfico hace seis meses.,Her brother nearly died in a traffic accident nine years ago.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn No estoy enfadada contigo.,I'm not angry with you.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn ¡No te acerques a ella!,Stay away from her!,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Creo que Tom será capaz de resolver el problema.,I think Tom will be able to solve the problem.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Después de seis meses se le curó la pierna y está otra vez normal.,"After a six month period, his leg was healed and is normal again.",spa_Latn-eng_Latn Daba por sentado que Tom podía hablar francés.,I took it for granted that Tom could speak French.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Su casa se halla en la colina.,Her villa sits on the hill.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Quería que viniera Tom.,I wanted Tom to come.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Tom está en Boston ahora.,Tom is in Boston now.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Las frases que se escuchan en los juegos de los niños pueden pasar de una generación a otra después de haber olvidado su significado.,Phrases heard in children's games can be handed down for generations after their meaning has been forgotten.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Ha tenido una larga trayectoria como profesor.,He has had a long teaching career.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn El número de víctimas del accidente fue de 5 muertos y 100 heridos.,The toll from the accident was 5 persons dead and 100 persons injured.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn La última carta - es mía.,The last card is mine.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Rezó por el regreso de su hijo.,She prayed for her son's return.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn No fui capaz de comérmelo.,I could not bring myself to eat it.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Los perros cazan usando su agudo olfato.,Hounds hunt by their keen scent.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn "Salir de la universidad sin haber estudiado es un gane, ¿no?","Graduating from university without studying is a victory, isn't it.",spa_Latn-eng_Latn Bill me trajo un vaso de agua.,Bill brought me a glass of water.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn "Nadie, excepto Tom, podrá hacer eso.",No one except Tom will be able to do that.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn No tiene miedo.,She has no fear.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Crió al niño para que sea una buena persona.,She raised the boy to be a fine person.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Pagamos nuestras facturas a final de mes.,We pay our bills at the end of the month.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn "Si los deseos fueran caballos, los mendigos podrían cabalgar.","If wishes were horses, beggars might ride.",spa_Latn-eng_Latn Solo quieren una excusa para despedirte.,They just want an excuse to fire you.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Mi hermana irá a Tokio el año que viene.,My sister will go to Tokyo next year.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Es necesario hacer más fácil el estudio de las lenguas.,It is necessary to make the study of languages easier.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn No volveré contigo.,I won't go back with you.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Mary me llamó zorra estúpida.,Mary called me a stupid bitch.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Nadie podrá evitar que Tom haga eso.,Nobody will be able to stop Tom from doing that.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Se lo voy a decir a todos.,I'm going to tell everybody.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Por qué están todos tan callados?,Why's everybody so quiet?,spa_Latn-eng_Latn El chico compró un perro.,The boy bought a dog.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Es su novio.,That's her boyfriend.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn No quería ir a la boda de Tom y Mary.,I didn't want to go to Tom and Mary's wedding.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn No pensé que Tom quisiera volver a verme.,I didn't think Tom would want to see me again.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn No quiero que nadie se ponga mi ropa excepto yo.,I don't want anyone wearing my clothes but me.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn No quiero vivir demasiado cerca de donde trabajo.,I don't want to live too near to where I work.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn No quiero empezar nada que no pueda terminar.,I don't want to start anything I can't finish.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn "No quiero que conduzca Tom, ha estado bebiendo.",I don't want Tom to drive. He's been drinking.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn No quiero molestar a Tom mientras está trabajando.,I don't want to bother Tom while he's working.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn No quería que nadie supiera por qué fui allí.,I didn't want anyone to know why I went there.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Mi abuelo habla muy despacio.,My grandfather speaks very slowly.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn La belleza en sí misma no es más que la imagen perceptible del infinito.,Beauty itself is but the sensible image of infinite.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Me gusta elogiar a Mary.,I like to praise Mary.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Él se portó como un niño.,He behaved like a child.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Qué quiere comer de almuerzo?,What do you like to eat for lunch?,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Tengo tiempo mañana a la mañana.,I have time tomorrow morning.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Ella me vio entrar a la tienda.,She saw me enter the store.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Todo comenzó con un sueño.,It all started with a dream.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Todo comenzó con una idea.,It all started with an idea.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Todo comenzó con un inocente experimento.,It all started with a well-intentioned experiment.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Todo comenzó en este lugar.,It all started in this place.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Todo comenzó en este laboratorio.,It all started in this lab.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Todo comenzó un día tormentoso.,It all started on a stormy day.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Todo comenzó una mañana de enero.,It all started on a January morning.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Todo comenzó una tenebrosa noche.,It all started on a gloomy night.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Todo comenzó ese día.,It all started that day.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Todo comenzó el día en que nací.,It all started the day I was born.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Todo comenzó el día en que cumplí diez años.,It all started the day I became ten years old.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Eres muy afortunada de tener tales amigos.,You are very fortunate that you have such friends.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Ahora es demasiado tarde.,It's too late now.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Todo comenzó una calurosa noche de verano.,It all started on a hot summer night.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Tom es bueno?,Is Tom good?,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Está fuera de posición.,He's out of position.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn La tradición de pedir un deseo al ver una estrella fugaz es muy antigua.,The tradition of making a wish when you see a shooting star is very old.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Soluciones perfectas requieren mucho tiempo.,Perfect solutions require much time.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Es ésa la verdadera razón?,Is that the real reason?,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Tomás está muy armado.,Tom is heavily armed.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn "Para ti, soy ateo. Para Dios, soy la oposición legítima.","To you, I'm an atheist. To God, I'm the loyal opposition.",spa_Latn-eng_Latn "No, ella no quería juntarse con él.","No, she didn't want to meet up with him.",spa_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Te gustan las hamburguesas de queso?,Do you like cheeseburgers?,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Por eso ella no quería juntarse más con él.,That is why she didn't want to be with him any more.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Yo llevo traje y corbata.,I wear a suit and tie.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn "Yo llevo traje, pero no llevo corbata.",I wear a suit but wear no tie.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Dónde se encuentra su clínica?,Where is his clinic situated?,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Mary pegó a Tom.,Mary slapped Tom.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn ¿En dónde están todos?,Where is everyone?,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Él es un hombre de carne y hueso.,He's a man of flesh and blood.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn "Usamos tanto gestos, como palabras, para comunicarnos con los demás.",We use gestures as well as words to communicate with others.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Ahora entendemos.,Now we understand.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Ella salió del cuarto sin despedirse.,She left the room without saying goodbye.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Él olvidó que le había comprado un regalo a ella.,He forgot that he bought her a present.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Gracias por la pista.,Thank you for the lead.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Puedes volver el lunes?,Can you come back on Monday?,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Le esperé hasta las diez.,I waited for him till ten.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Lo más importante es que tú me entiendas.,"You understand me, and that's the most important thing.",spa_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Has viajado a alguna parte últimamente?,Have you travelled anywhere recently?,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Sally constantemente cambiaba su peinado.,Sally was constantly changing her hairstyle.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Tom vio a Mary llorando.,Tom saw Mary crying.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Este es tu día especial.,This is your special day.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Voy contigo.,I am going with you.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Mi hermano salió corriendo del cuarto sin decir nada.,My brother ran out of the room without saying anything.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn "- Nuestro jefe insistió en que pusiéramos ese precio -le explicó la dependienta-. Pero bueno, usted no tiene por qué pagarme 0,99 en kopeks, puede pagar más si quiere.","""Our boss insisted on that price,"" the shopkeeper explained. ""But you know, you don't have to pay me 0.99 in kopeks. You can pay more if you like.""",spa_Latn-eng_Latn Mis amigos me llaman Beth.,My friends call me Beth.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Ella siempre está contenta.,She is always cheerful.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Qué pasó con el resto de la comida?,What happened to the rest of the food?,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Casi fui robado.,I almost got robbed.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Seguro que se trata de un malentendido.,That's surely a misunderstanding.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Llámame si lo encuentras.,Call me if you find it.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Acabo de ver a María en el parque.,I've just seen Marie at the park.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn He sido robado.,I've been robbed.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Pago con tarjeta.,I'll pay with my card.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn "Oye, olvidaste tu beso. Perdona, tus llaves.","Hey, you forgot your kiss. Sorry, your keys.",spa_Latn-eng_Latn Él no está contento en absoluto.,He isn't happy at all.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn La ruta 12 para cerca del teatro de ópera.,Route 12 stops near the opera house.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Él sabe jugar al tenis.,He can play tennis.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn El pie siente el pie cuando siente el suelo.,The foot feels the foot when it feels the ground.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Ojalá tuviera una casa propia.,I wish I had a house of my own.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Siéntase libre de hacer preguntas.,Please feel free to ask questions.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Ella no estuvo allí el último mes.,She wasn't there last month.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn "Ella puede hablar francés, y lo habla muy fluido.",She knows speaking French fluently.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Quieres sentarte?,Would you like to sit down?,spa_Latn-eng_Latn A la guerra la acompañará la miseria y la pena.,Misery and sorrow accompany war.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Ese niño se alegró de recibir el regalo.,That child was happy to get the gift.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Ella rechazó mi petición.,She turned down my request.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Ése fue el comienzo de todo.,That was the beginning of everything.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Perdóname por haber abierto tu carta por error.,Excuse me for opening your letter by mistake.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Perdóneme por haber abierto su carta por error.,Please forgive me for opening your letter by mistake.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Le falta huevo duro a esta ensalada rusa.,This potato salad wants boiled eggs.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Le di un tortazo.,I slapped his face.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn "No sé cual es la clave del éxito, pero la clave del fracaso es intentar agradar a todo el mundo.","I don't know the key to success, but the key to failure is trying to please everybody.",spa_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Cuándo emigró a nuestro país?,When did you immigrate to our country?,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Ella se calentó cerca del fuego.,She warmed herself by the fire.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Aquella casa es suya.,That house belongs to him.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Las casas viejas fueron destruidas para hacer lugar a un supermercado.,The old houses were torn down to make room for a supermarket.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Nunca dejes para mañana lo que puedas hacer pasado.,Never put off until tomorrow what you can do the day after tomorrow.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn "Todos los animales son iguales, pero algunos son más iguales que otros.","All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.",spa_Latn-eng_Latn La ignorancia es una bendición.,Ignorance is bliss.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Los niños son la riqueza de los pobres.,Children are poor men's riches.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn "El tiempo no tiene divisiones para marcar su paso, nunca hay una tormenta o un soplar de trompetas para indicar el comienzo de un nuevo mes o año. Incluso cuando empieza un nuevo siglo sólo somos nosotros, los mortales, los que tocamos las campanas y disparamos con nuestras pistolas.","Time has no divisions to mark its passage, there is never a thunderstorm or blare of trumpets to announce the beginning of a new month or year. Even when a new century begins it is only we mortals who ring bells and fire off pistols.",spa_Latn-eng_Latn La vida es demasiado corta para aprender alemán.,Life is too short to learn German.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn A mi madre antes le encantaba el tenis.,My mother used to be into tennis.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn La hermana de María es una autentica perra.,Mary's sister is a total bitch.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Yo solo necesito saber la verdad.,I just need to know the truth.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Ríe y sé gordo.,Laugh and be fat.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Tomás no mencionó a María para nada.,Tom didn't mention Mary at all.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Y por más de una hora ella fingió no saber lo que había para cenar.,And for more than an hour she made believe not to know what there was for dinner.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn La vida es como montar en bicicleta: para mantenerte en equilibrio tienes que seguir moviéndote.,Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance you must keep moving.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Amar es dar algo que no se tiene.,Love is giving something one doesn't have.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Tom está muerto?,Is Tom dead?,spa_Latn-eng_Latn ¿No eres tú quien derramó la pintura?,Aren't you the one who spilled the paint?,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Los frenos del frente no sirven.,The front brakes don't work.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn "¡Vamos, visitemos a Tom!",Let's go and see Tom.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Ningún país en la tierra está a salvo en esta era nuclear.,No country on earth is safe in this nuclear age.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn "Primero que todo, permítanme decir lo feliz que estoy de estar aquí.","First of all, let me say how glad I am to be here.",spa_Latn-eng_Latn Él hizo eso a propósito.,He did that on purpose.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Tengo un montón de amigos canadienses.,I have a lot of Canadian friends.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Es profesor de ciencias.,He's a science teacher.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Ella seguramente debe haber sido hermosa antes.,She must have once been a real beauty.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Dónde está el teléfono más cercano?,Where is the nearest telephone?,spa_Latn-eng_Latn "¿Qué daño haría que un hombre contara una gran mentira en honor a lo bueno y a la iglesia cristiana? ... Una mentira por necesidad, una mentira útil, una mentira que nos ayudara, esa clase de mentira no iría contra Dios, Él la aceptaría.","What harm would it do, if a man told a good strong lie for the sake of the good and for the Christian church … a lie out of necessity, a useful lie, a helpful lie, such lies would not be against God, he would accept them.",spa_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Estás diciendo que Tom no es canadiense?,Are you saying Tom isn't Canadian?,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Ellos se habían ayudado mutuamente antes.,They had once helped each other.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Has aprendido mucho?,Did you learn a lot?,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Ella vende conchas marinas.,She sells sea shells.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn A ella no le gusta él.,She disliked him.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Engañó a mi madre.,He cheated on my mother.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Tom es insensible.,Tom is insensitive.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Creo que Tom es poco sensible.,I think Tom is insensitive.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn VIve como un monje.,He lives like a monk.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Quiero que dejes en paz a Tom.,I want you to leave Tom alone.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Me pondré en contacto con Tom por teléfono mañana y le pediré que nos dé una mano.,I'll get in touch with Tom by telephone tomorrow and ask him to give us a hand.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Se ha abierto la temporada del ayu.,The ayu season has opened.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Cierto. Mientras damos un paseo podríamos ir por el camino boscoso y disfrutar del relajante paisaje.,"That's right, since we're taking a walk anyways, I wonder if we could spend a little time walking through the forest too...",spa_Latn-eng_Latn Él no lo compró.,He didn't buy it.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Dijo que vendría y vino.,He said he would come and he did come.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Qué estabas haciendo cuando te vi?,What were you doing when I saw you?,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Me puse bajo el paraguas de mi amigo porque se puso a llover.,"It started raining, so I took shelter under my friend's umbrella.",spa_Latn-eng_Latn Me puse bajo el paraguas de mi amigo.,I took shelter under my friend's umbrella.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Él no lastimaría ni a una mosca.,He wouldn't harm a fly.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Todavía tengo algunas dudas.,I still have some doubts.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Mi madre vive sola.,My mother lives by herself.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn El año pasado llovió mucho.,It rained a lot last year.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Lo habré concluido antes de que termine la semana.,I'll have it finished by the end of the week.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Haz los deberes solo.,Do your homework by yourself.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn ¿No piensas en tomarte algo de tiempo libre?,Aren't you planning to take any time off?,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Personas diferentes tienen ideas diferentes.,Different people have different ideas.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Flores diferentes tienen significados diferentes.,Different flowers represent different meanings.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn "Nos esperan mañana, a las 14:30h.",They expect us tomorrow at 2:30.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn A ella no le gustó él.,She didn't like him.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Puedo dejar de fumar cuando quiera.,I can stop smoking anytime I want.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn "Las costumbres de cada país son diferentes, al igual que el pasto de cada pradera es diferente.","Each country's customs are different, just as each meadow's grass is different.",spa_Latn-eng_Latn Yo estaba tan seguro que esto era lo que yo quería.,I was so sure this was what I wanted.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn No les haré daño a ustedes.,I'm not going to hurt you.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Los zapatos de Tom le están demasiado grandes.,Tom's shoes are too big for him.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn "Si os conociera mejor, quizá os habría dejado entrar.","If I knew you better, perhaps I would have let you in.",spa_Latn-eng_Latn Estoy orgulloso de tenerle como amigo.,I'm proud to have him as a friend.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Has cambiado mi vida.,You changed my life.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Por qué estás tan seguro de que Tom es canadiense?,Why are you so sure Tom is Canadian?,spa_Latn-eng_Latn "Hablar el mismo idioma entre varias culturas es a veces una causa de más confusión que hablar idiomas diferentes, ya que estamos menos conscientes de los diferentes significados que pueden acarrear las mismas palabras.","Speaking the same language in between several cultures sometimes is a source of more confusion than to speak different languages, since we are less aware of the different meanings that the same words can entail.",spa_Latn-eng_Latn Tom no llevaba anillo de boda pero Mary se percató de una marca blanca alrededor de su dedo anular.,"Tom wasn't wearing a wedding ring, but Mary noticed a white circle on his ring finger.",spa_Latn-eng_Latn "De ahora en adelante, las cosas van a cambiar... a peor.","From here on out things are going to change, for the worse.",spa_Latn-eng_Latn El amigo de mi padre es un famoso novelista.,My friend's father is a famous novelist.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn "No quiero gritarte, pero lo haré de ser necesario.","I don't want to shoot you, but I will if I have to.",spa_Latn-eng_Latn Tom compró una casa con seis habitaciones.,Tom bought a house with six rooms.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn El bus llegó diez minutos tarde.,The bus arrived ten minutes late.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn No quiero perder más del tiempo necesario limpiando la casa.,I don't want to spend any more time than necessary cleaning the house.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Deberías levantarte para hablar.,You should stand up to speak.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Prometo ayudarte.,I promise you I'll help you.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Cuántas lenguas hablas?,How many languages can you speak?,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Soy gay.,I am gay.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn El odio es un cáncer en la sociedad.,Hate is a cancer on society.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Cuidemos nuestro planeta.,We need to care for our planet.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Quiero este gato.,I want this cat.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn No solo de pan vive el hombre.,Man lives not by bread alone.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Eres libre de marcharte cuando quieras.,You are at liberty to leave any time.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn "Soy gay, ¿y?","I'm gay, so?",spa_Latn-eng_Latn Tenemos que reducir los gastos.,We need to cut costs.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Cuéntame tus planes para el futuro.,Tell me your plans for the future.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Compórtate como alguien de tu edad.,Act your age.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Duermes por la noche.,At night you sleep.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Ellos están leyendo su libro.,They are reading her book.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Todo va a ir bien.,It's all going to be OK.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Me quedaré en Berlín diez días.,I'll stay in Berlin for ten days.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Es muy fácil de usar.,It's very easy to use.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Siempre pensé que Tom era canadiense.,I always thought Tom was a Canadian.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Fue lo más doloroso de mi vida.,It was the most painful thing in my life.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Agosto ya está aquí y nuestras vacaciones de verano ya casi se han acabado.,Here it's August and our summer vacation is nearly over.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Dio la misma respuesta que antes.,He gave the same answer as before.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Fue un engaño.,It was a hoax.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Es esto una broma?,Is this a hoax?,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Betty le ha matado.,Betty killed him.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn No hay nada en este mundo que me dé miedo.,There is nothing in this world that I am afraid of.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Tom amaba a los animales.,Tom loved animals.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn He ido a París.,I have been to Paris.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Vamos a hurtar en el supermercado.,Let's go shoplift from the supermarket.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Él terminó este trabajo solo.,He finished this work for himself.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Eso lo hizo perder su trabajo.,That cost him his job.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Él perdió el trabajo por eso.,"For that reason, he lost his job.",spa_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Es el monstruo del lago Ness real o solo un truco bien elaborado?,Is the Loch Ness monster real or is it just an elaborate hoax?,spa_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Dónde está el ketchup?,Where's the ketchup?,spa_Latn-eng_Latn "Desafortunadamente, es falso.","Unfortunately, it's a hoax.",spa_Latn-eng_Latn Eres la víctima de una trampa.,You're the victim of a hoax.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Me acuerdo de haberte visto antes.,I remember seeing you before.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Me acuerdo de lo que dijiste.,I remember what you said.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Él se ha quedado ciego.,He went blind.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Esto se lo compré a Tom.,I bought this for Tom.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn La forma de hablar de ella es extremadamente vulgar.,She is extremely vulgar in her speech.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn La forma de comportarse de ella es muy educada.,She is quite decent in conduct.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Estoy empezando a aprender alemán.,I'm starting to learn German.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Es difícil relacionarse con alguien que tiene valores distintos a los tuyos.,It is difficult to relate to someone who has different values from you.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Luzco muy diferente.,I look very different.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Acaso el mundo se ha vuelto loco?,Has the world gone mad?,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Ella y yo tenemos la misma edad.,He and I are the same age.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Te hemos echado mucho de menos.,We really missed you.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Pronto estarán aquí.,They'll be here soon.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Los dos son artistas.,They're both artists.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Cuándo llegará tu padre?,When will your father arrive?,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Es cuestión de tiempo.,It's a matter of time.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Soy yo el que está equivocado.,It is me that is wrong.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn No es mi cumpleaños.,It's not my birthday.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Mi hermano Jacques tiene catorce años.,My brother Jacques is fourteen years old.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Echaré de menos este lugar.,I'll miss this place.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Sois idiotas.,You guys are idiots.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Tenéis que ir.,You guys have to go.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Le enseñaste bien.,You taught him well.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Los dos estabais borrachos.,You were both drunk.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn ¿No quieres que te cuente lo que hice el verano pasado?,Don't you want to hear about what I did last summer?,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Trató de estrangularle.,He tried to choke him.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Lo puedes vender.,You could sell that.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn No es problema mío.,It's not my concern.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn No puedes dejarme.,You can't leave me.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn ¡Vete al infierno!,To the devil with you!,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Tengo diecinueve.,I am 19 years old.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Estáis locos.,You guys are crazy.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Creo que sabes de quién estoy hablando.,I think you know who I'm talking about.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn No pongas libros sobre la mesa.,Don't put books on the table.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Cómo es que conocéis a mi padre?,How do you know my father?,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Un hombre feo llamó a mi puerta.,An ugly man knocked on my door.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn "Sí, ¿cuánto cuestan?","Yes, how much do they cost?",spa_Latn-eng_Latn Siempre me ha dado miedo la vacía mirada de los ojos de las muñecas.,The vacant stare of dolls' eyes has always creeped me out.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn No me gusta la política.,I don't like politics.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Quizá deberías dejar de leer novelas románticas.,Maybe you should stop reading romance novels.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn No tengo mucho tiempo.,I do not have much time.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Perdimos.,We lost the game.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Esa no era mi pregunta.,That was not my question.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn No va a la iglesia.,He doesn't go to church.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn No veíamos nada más que neblina.,We could see nothing but fog.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn "«Ha muerto.» «¡No, no puede ser verdad!»","""She's dead."" ""No, it's not possible!""",spa_Latn-eng_Latn Su inglés es mejor que su francés.,Her English is better than her French.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn La vista de Tom está empeorando.,Tom's eyesight is deteriorating.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Ella vive en esta ciudad desde hace cinco años.,She has lived in this city for five years already.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Esperé.,I've been waiting.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Puedo ir?,May I go?,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Favor de abstener de fumar cuando esta el bebé.,Would you please refrain from smoking when babies are here?,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Soy delgado.,I am thin.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Me las arreglo.,I get by.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Deme el de precio más alto.,I will take the one that is more expensive.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Estoy calmado.,I am calm.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Me toca a mí.,I'm up next.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn "Agua, por favor.","Some water, please.",spa_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Te estás enamorando de mí?,Are you falling in love with me?,spa_Latn-eng_Latn "Ivy Bean, la usuaria más vieja de Facebook y Twitter, murió a los 104 años.","Ivy Bean, the oldest user of both Facebook and Twitter, died at 104.",spa_Latn-eng_Latn Pasé más de tres cuartos de mis vacaciones viajando.,I spent more than three-quarters of my summer vacations traveling.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Necesitamos al menos ocho horas de sueño al día.,We need at least eight hours of sleep each day.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Te gusta el deporte?,Do you like sports?,spa_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Puedes volver a llamar más tarde?,"Could you call again later, please?",spa_Latn-eng_Latn Tom no viene porque no quiero que venga.,"Tom's not coming, because I don't want him to.",spa_Latn-eng_Latn Tom quiere un informe completo para mañana a esta hora.,Tom wants a full report by this time tomorrow.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Tom y yo queremos hablar contigo de una cosa.,Tom and I want to talk to you about something.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Hace mucho que no le veo.,I have not seen him for a long time.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Llegué a las dos y media.,I arrived at 2:30.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn No te burles de los extranjeros.,Don't poke fun at foreigners.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Las patatas son muy baratas.,Potatoes are very cheap.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn María fue expulsada del senado.,Mary was expelled from the Senate.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Me gustan las personas que utilizan el lenguaje maravillosamente.,I like people who use language beautifully.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Ella se ha ido al extranjero.,She has gone abroad.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Mi reloj tiene las dos y media.,My watch says 2:30.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Empecemos a las dos y media.,Let's start at 2:30.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Voy a salir a las dos y media.,I'm leaving at 2:30.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Llego a casa a las dos y media.,I come home at 2:30.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn "Por favor, ven a las dos y media.",Please come at 2:30.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Esperamos hasta las dos y media.,We waited till 2:30.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Nos veremos a las dos y media.,I'll see you at 2:30.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Él es un novelista y un poeta.,He is a novelist and poet.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Él es novelista y poeta.,He is a storyteller and a poet.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn La Policía no puede cuestionar a Tom hasta que su abogado esté aquí.,The police can't question Tom until his lawyer gets here.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn La Policía detuvo a varios sospechosos para ser interrogados.,The police detained several suspects for questioning.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Aguardamos hasta las dos y media.,We waited until 2:30.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Ella amenazó con matarme.,She threatened to kill me.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Me preparé bien para este examen.,I prepared well for this examination.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Ustedes saben siquiera quién es Tom?,Do you even know who Tom is?,spa_Latn-eng_Latn No tienes que contestar si no quieres.,You don't have to answer if you don't want to.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Te veremos a las dos y media.,We'll see you at 2:30.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Estaré allí a las dos y media.,I'll be there at 2:30.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Salgo del trabajo a las dos y media.,I get off work at 2:30.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Estaremos allí a las dos y media.,We'll be there at 2:30.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Pensé que habíamos dicho dos y media.,I thought we said 2:30.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Tom ya tiene una nueva novia.,Tom has a new girlfriend already.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Te puedo llamar sobre las dos y media?,May I call at around 2:30?,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Estoy levantado desde las dos y media.,I've been up since 2:30.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Te está sangrando la frente.,Your forehead's bleeding.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Te ves feliz.,You seem happy.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn En Gran Bretaña el rey reina pero no gobierna.,"In Great Britain the king reigns, but does not govern.",spa_Latn-eng_Latn A Tom nunca le faltan las palabras.,Tom is never at a loss for words.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn "Estaba enfermo, así que no fui a la escuela.",Illness prevented me from coming to school.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Deberías prestar más atención a lo que dice.,You should pay more attention to what he says.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Estaré ocupado hasta las dos y media.,I'll be busy until 2:30.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn El espectáculo comienza a las dos y media.,The show starts at 2:30.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn El juego empieza a las dos y media.,The game begins at 2:30.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Estaré allí hasta las dos y media.,I'll be there till 2:30.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Probablemente lloverá mañana.,It'll probably rain tomorrow.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Necesito encontrar trabajo.,I need to find a job.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Te daré hasta las dos y media.,I'll give you until 2:30.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn "¿Qué prefieres, la música o el inglés?","Which do you like better, music or English?",spa_Latn-eng_Latn "Por favor, vuelve a las dos y media.",Please come back at 2:30.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Tom se cree todo lo que le dice María.,Tom believes everything Mary says.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Tengo que estar en casa para las dos y media.,I have to be home by 2:30.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Aquí tienes una toalla que puedes usar.,Here's a towel that you can use.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Podríamos verte a las dos y media.,We could meet you at 2:30.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn "Estaré allí a las dos y media, ¿vale?","I'll be there at 2:30, OK?",spa_Latn-eng_Latn Asegúrate de estar allí para las dos y media.,Be there by 2:30 for sure.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Me pasé todo el día estudiando francés.,I spent all day studying French.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Tengo que estar de vuelta para las dos y media.,I have to be back by 2:30.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Tengo un plan. No se preocupe.,I have a plan. Don't worry.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Ella contrató a un detective privado para que vigile a su marido.,She employed a private detective to keep a watch on her husband.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Mi cita es a las dos y media.,My appointment is at 2:30.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Pensé que tenía hasta las dos y media.,I thought I had until 2:30.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Tenía que hacerlo antes de las dos y media.,I had to do it before 2:30.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Tengo que saberlo antes de las dos y media.,I need to know before 2:30.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Tu vuelo sale a las dos y media.,Your flight leaves at 2:30.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn No estaremos aquí a partir de las dos y media.,We won't be here after 2:30.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Él interpretó un rol menor en la obra.,He played a minor part in the play.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Te esperaba a las dos y media.,I was expecting you at 2:30.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Espero estar de vuelta para las dos y media.,I expect to be back by 2:30.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Nos han postpuesto hasta las dos y media.,We are adjourned until 2:30.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn El registro empieza a las dos y media.,Registration starts at 2:30.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn No llegué a casa hasta las dos y media.,I didn't get home until 2:30.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Voy a aguardar hasta las dos y media.,I'm going to wait until 2:30.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Procuraré estar allí para las dos y media.,I'll try to be there by 2:30.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Ellos se disfrazaron de pescadores y escaparon en una barca.,They disguised themselves as fishermen and escaped in a boat.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Tienes que estar allí para las dos y media.,You have to be there by 2:30.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Llegaré allí en torno a las dos y media.,I'll get there at about 2:30.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Habrás terminado para las dos y media?,Will you be finished by 2:30?,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Un amigo que te halaga es tu peor enemigo.,A flattering friend is your worst enemy.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Tengo que estar en el tribunal a las dos y media.,I have to be in court at 2:30.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Por qué no te encuentras conmigo a las dos y media?,Why don't you meet me at 2:30?,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Lo tendré listo antes de las dos y media.,I'll have it done before 2:30.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Mi vuelo llegó a las dos y media.,My flight arrived at 2:30 p.m.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Te sugiero que esperes hasta las dos y media.,I suggest you wait until 2:30.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Tengo una cita a las dos y media.,I have an appointment at 2:30.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Qué va a pasar aquí a las dos y media?,What's happening here at 2:30?,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Nada pasará hasta las dos y media.,Nothing will happen until 2:30.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Ella adelgazó.,She lost weight.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Tom quiere que haga una foto de su nuevo coche.,Tom wants me to take a picture of his new car.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Te veo el lunes.,See you Monday.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Sólo es lunes.,It's only Monday.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Él me confundió con mi mamá.,He mistook me for my mother.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Ella me enseñó a hacer una página en Internet.,She taught me how to make a web site.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Hoy no es lunes.,Today isn't Monday.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Estaré allí el lunes.,I'll be there Monday.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Ayer fue lunes.,Yesterday was Monday.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn "¡Nunca escribáis las palabras ""borshch"" y ""shchi"" en alemán!","Never write the words ""bortsch"" and ""shchi"" in German!",spa_Latn-eng_Latn La escuela comienza el lunes.,School starts Monday.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn "Es lunes, ya sabes.","It's Monday, you know.",spa_Latn-eng_Latn Tienes hasta el lunes.,You have until Monday.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn "Por favor, ven el lunes.",Please come on Monday.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Trabajas el lunes?,Do you work on Monday?,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Dije que te largues.,I said go away.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Es que hoy es lunes?,Is this really Monday?,spa_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Por qué esperar al lunes?,Why wait until Monday?,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Volveré el lunes.,I'll come back Monday.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn El lunes fue un día agitado.,Monday was a busy day.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Mi esposa está intentando dormir.,My wife is trying to sleep.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Eso puede pasar el lunes.,That may happen Monday.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Regresamos el lunes.,We came back on Monday.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Voy a dimitir el lunes.,I'm resigning on Monday.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Ella corrió a su cuarto llorando.,"She ran to her room, crying.",spa_Latn-eng_Latn Llegaré a casa el lunes.,I'll get home on Monday.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Las clases empiezan el lunes.,Classes begin on Monday.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Las rebajas acaban el lunes.,The sale ends on Monday.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn La subasta termina el lunes.,The auction ends Monday.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Las clases comienzan el lunes.,Classes start on Monday.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Hacemos esto cada lunes.,We do this every Monday.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Estaré listo el lunes.,I'll be ready on Monday.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn El lunes es mi día más ajetreado.,Monday is my busiest day.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Una promesa no es suficiente.,A promise is not enough.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn "Os veo el lunes, chicos.",I'll see you guys Monday.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn "Hoy es lunes, ¿no?","Today's Monday, isn't it?",spa_Latn-eng_Latn Sólo dame hasta el lunes.,Just give me till Monday.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Te veo el lunes en la escuela.,See you Monday at school.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Puedes quedarte hasta el lunes?,Can you stay till Monday?,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Lo haré el próximo lunes.,I'll do that next Monday.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Tengo que venir el lunes.,I have to come on Monday.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Vayamos allí el lunes.,Let's go there on Monday.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn A Tom le gusta el chocolate.,Tom likes chocolate.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Intenta estar allí el lunes.,Try to be there on Monday.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn El lunes fue un día horrible.,Monday was a horrible day.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn "Cuando ves televisión o escuchas la radio, la música que oyes es frecuentemente de origen africano.","When you watch television or listen to the radio, the music which you hear is often African in origin.",spa_Latn-eng_Latn La escuela abrirá el lunes.,School will open on Monday.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Te veré el lunes por la noche.,I'll meet you Monday night.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Quedamos todos los lunes por la noche.,We meet every Monday night.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Podemos hacerlo antes del lunes?,Can we do it before Monday?,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Estaré allí el lunes por la noche.,I'll be there Monday night.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Dónde estuviste el lunes pasado?,Where were you last Monday?,spa_Latn-eng_Latn El lunes por la mañana fue como de costumbre.,Monday morning was typical.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn "Sí, esta es mi casa.","Yes, this is my house.",spa_Latn-eng_Latn Su plan no debía ser abandonado.,His plan ought not to be abandoned.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Tenemos que estar allí el lunes.,We have to be there Monday.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Me dijo que su padre era profesor.,He told me that his father was a teacher.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Puedo conseguir que me lo hagan para el lunes.,I can get it done by Monday.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn No importa si admite su culpa o no.,It doesn't matter whether she admits her guilt or not.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Amasó una fortuna.,He heaped up a fortune.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Por qué no has muerto?,Why aren't you dead?,spa_Latn-eng_Latn El zoo cierra el lunes.,The zoo is closed on Monday.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Querés mandar un mensaje?,Do you want to send a message?,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Debería estar allí el lunes.,I should be there on Monday.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Dónde estuviste el lunes por la noche?,Where were you Monday night?,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Deberías haber visto la película anoche.,You should have watched the movie last night.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Quince minutos y estaré libre.,Fifteen more minutes and I'll be out of here.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Estuve bastante malo el lunes.,I was pretty sick on Monday.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Kate tiene una voz que claramente difiere de las de las otras chicas.,Kate's voice is clearly different from the other girls'.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Puedo devolverte el dinero el lunes?,Can I pay you back on Monday?,spa_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Por qué no compartimos una habitación?,Why don't we share a room?,spa_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Dónde obtuviste todas esas llaves?,Where did you get all those keys?,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Empezamos las clases el lunes que viene.,We start classes next Monday.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn El partido del lunes fue suspendido por la lluvia.,Monday's game was rained out.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Él puso el libro a un lado.,He put aside the book.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Papá llegó a casa hace unos minutos.,Dad came home a few minutes ago.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn La escuela empezará el próximo lunes.,School will start next Monday.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Me voy a casar el lunes.,I'm getting married on Monday.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Estoy libre todos los días menos el lunes.,I'm free every day but Monday.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn He estado con gripe desde el lunes.,I've had the flu since Monday.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Esto tiene que hacerse para el lunes.,This has to be done by Monday.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Nos vamos a navegar el lunes.,We're going sailing on Monday.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Adónde vas el lunes?,Where are you going on Monday?,spa_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Qué vas a hacer el próximo lunes?,What are you doing next Monday?,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Démonos prisa.,Let's hurry up.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Preséntate al servicio el lunes por la mañana.,Report for duty Monday morning.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Podríamos cambiarlo para el lunes?,Can we do it on Monday instead?,spa_Latn-eng_Latn El zoo cierra todos los lunes.,The zoo is closed every Monday.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Es inexplicable.,It's not explainable.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn El comentario de Tom fue inapropiado.,Tom's remark was insensitive.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Yo podría haberte encontrado en el aeropuerto.,I could've met you at the airport.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Este director es sensible a las críticas.,This director is not insensitive to criticism.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Sabes que soy más inteligente que vos.,You know I'm much smarter than you.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn No quiero parecer insensible.,I don't want to seem insensitive.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn No entiendo cómo puedes comer eso.,I don't see how you can eat that stuff.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn El comentario de Tom fue poco diplomático e inapropiado.,Tom's remark was tactless and insensitive.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Los estudiantes no pueden entrar en la sala de profesores.,Students may not enter the faculty lounge.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn No pueden vernos juntas.,We can't be seen together.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Tiene calor?,Are you hot?,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Come más lentamente.,Eat more slowly.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Yo vuelvo en menos de una hora.,I'll be back within an hour.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Eso significa que estoy en problemas?,Does that mean I'm in trouble?,spa_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Significa eso que estamos en problemas?,Does that mean we're in trouble?,spa_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Te metiste en problemas?,Did you get in trouble?,spa_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Estás en problemas?,Are you in trouble?,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Todos sabían que Tom estaba en problemas.,Everybody knew Tom was in trouble.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Todos necesitan a alguien a quién acudir cuando están en problemas.,Everyone needs someone to turn to when they're in trouble.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Te meterás en problemas por culpa mía?,Are you going to get in trouble because of me?,spa_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Alguna vez Tom ha tenido problemas con la ley?,Has Tom ever been in trouble with the law?,spa_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Estoy en problemas?,Am I in trouble?,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Me podría meter en problemas si hiciera aquello.,I could get in trouble if I did that.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Supongo que ahora realmente estoy en problemas.,I guess I'm really in trouble now.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Estoy demasiado borracho.,I'm too drunk.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Tenía la sensación de que Tom estaba en problemas.,I had a feeling that Tom was in trouble.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Oí que podrías estar en problemas.,I heard you might be in trouble.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Ya he cerrado el trato,I've already made the deal.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Betty está regando las flores.,Betty is watering the flowers.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Prometo no cantar.,I promise not to sing.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn "Sé que esas personas negativas son como imanes, ¡pero ellos necesitan coger oficio!","I know those negative people are like magnets, but they need to get a life!",spa_Latn-eng_Latn Mejor vete por si pierdes el autobús.,You'd better get going in case you miss the bus.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn No es ningún secreto.,It's no secret.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Volverá usted mañana?,Will you come back tomorrow?,spa_Latn-eng_Latn El budismo fue introducido en Japón en 538.,Buddhism was introduced into Japan in 538.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Quiero que nos ayudes a descubrir quién mató a Tom.,I want you to help us find out who killed Tom.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Espero estar de vuelta el próximo lunes.,I expect to be back next Monday.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Hay muchos gatos negros escondidos bajo la cama.,There are many black cats hiding under the bed.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Ven a mi habitación entre las 3 y las 4.,Come to my room between three and four.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Ella tomó control de la situación.,She took control of the situation.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Te conté todo lo que recuerdo.,I told you everything I remember.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Bob se puso impaciente por la demora de su esposa.,Bob got impatient at his wife's delay.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Salimos precipitadamente a la calle.,We rushed out onto the street.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn El ajedréz no depende del azar.,Chess does not rely on chance.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Cuando me fui a la cama eran cinco para las una.,It was five to one when I got to bed.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn La lluvia me vuelve introspectivo y raro.,The rain makes me strange and introspective.,spa_Latn-eng_Latn Jam nga Rusia.,I am from Russia.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Fëmijët kanë nevojë për shumë gjumë.,Children need a lot of sleep.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Tomi shkroi një shënim në frëngjisht.,Tom wrote the note in French.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn I thashë Tomit që jemi miq.,I told Tom we're friends.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Unë jam Tom.,I am Tom.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn "Nëqoftëse ti nuk do të ma thuash, mirë është.","If you don't want to tell me, that's fine.",sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Kam një vëlla.,I have a brother.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Plagët e Tomit nuk ishin të vetëshkaktuara.,Tom's wounds weren't self-inflicted.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Ajo ka njëzet fëmijë.,She has twenty children.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Nuk je i lejuar të flasësh frengjisht këtu.,You're not allowed to speak French here.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Mirësevini në Tatoeba!,Welcome to Tatoeba!,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Nuk duhet të humbasim shpresën.,We shouldn't lose hope.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Tomi po planifikon një udhëtim në Australi me Marian.,Tom is planning a trip to Australia with Mary.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Nuk të lejohet të flasësh frëngjisht këtu.,You aren't allowed to speak French here.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Rroftë Bashkimi Sovjetik!,Long live the Soviet Union!,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Tomi e di që jam kanadez.,Tom knows I'm Canadian.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn "Nuk kam para, por kam ëndërra.","I have no money, but I have dreams.",sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Të tregosh gënjeshtra është një zakon shumë i keq.,Telling lies is a very bad habit.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Kjo nuk është ajo çfarë desha të them.,This is not what I wanted to say.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Ke kryer detyrat e shtëpisë?,Is your homework finished?,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Unë nuk kam forcën tuaj.,I don't have your strength.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Është sëmundja e Tomit serioze?,Is Tom's illness serious?,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Të pëlqejnë kuajt?,Who likes them?,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Çfarë bëni ju në kohën e lirë?,What do you do in your free time?,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Llogaria juaj është e zbrazur.,Your account is empty.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Dua të ju them diçka.,I want to say something to you.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Nuk mund të pres përgjithmonë.,I can't wait forever.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn A keni fëmijë?,Do you have children?,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Ti po i frikëson fëmijët.,You're scaring the kids.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Pagova një gjobë.,I paid a fine.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn ajo nuk vjen ne ekskurzion sepse nuk e lejojne prinderit,She's not coming on the trip because her parents won't let her.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Thuaji babait tim se unë kam mbërritur.,Tell my father that I've arrived.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Tomi e dinte që isha skeptik.,Tom knew I was skeptical.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Tirana është në Shqipëri.,Tirana is in Albania.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Tomi pagoi tre dollarë për një senduiç.,Tom paid three dollars for a sandwich.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Të dashuroj.,I love you.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Unë kisha një ide e mirë.,I had a good idea.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Ky libër nuk është i shkruar në anglisht.,This book is not written in English.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Nuk bëj asgjë.,I don't do anything.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Mëlçia nuk po funksionon më.,The liver is no longer functioning.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn A mund të ngasësh një makinë?,Can you drive a car?,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Shtëpia ime është në rrethinat e qytetit.,My house is on the outskirts of the city.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Nuk kam qejf të vrapoj deri tek stacioni.,I don't feel like running all the way to the station.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Kemi filluar të riciklojmë gazetat.,We have started to recycle our newspapers.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Kush ju mëson?,Who teaches you?,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn "Ndryshon forma, por në parim ngelesh vetëm.","The form varies, but in principle you remain alone.",sqi_Latn-eng_Latn A do të ta rregulloj këtë orën?,Do you want this watch mended?,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Kam një biçikletë të vjetër.,I have an old bicycle.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Do ta mbaroj në dy ose tre minuta.,"In some rural areas, the Internet is important for agricultural information, as well as being particularly useful for the purposes of agricultural production technologies and pricing.",sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Z(oti). Brown është babai i saj.,Mr Brown is her father.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn E di që ishe krenar me mua.,I know you were proud of me.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Ata e vazhduan eksperimentin ditë e natë.,They continued the experiment day and night.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Duhet ta paditësh atë.,You should sue him.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Nuk duhet të thuash gjëra të tilla në mes të njerëzve.,You ought not to say such things in public.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Ajo u fsheh pas derës dhe mbajti frymën.,She hid behind the door and held her breath.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Ajo ka një karakter i fortë.,She has a strong character.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn "Mirë, në atë zonë, natyrisht gjërat janë ndryshe per burrat dhe gratë.","Well, in that area, of course things are different for men and women.",sqi_Latn-eng_Latn "Esperanto, gjuhë zyrtare e Bashkimit Evropian, tani!","Esperanto, official language of the European Union, now!",sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Çfarë do të bësh nesër?,What do you want to do tomorrow?,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn I thashë Tomit vetëm të paguajë faturën.,I only asked Tom to pay his bill.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Vëllau im është i gjatë sa unë.,My brother is as tall as me.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn "Xhazi nuk ka vdekur, thjesht duket qesharak.","Jazz isn't dead, it just smells funny.",sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Ku janë paratë e mia?,Where's my money?,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Ajo s'ka aq durim sa ti.,She doesn't have as much patience as you do.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Mos u shqetëso. E kam qepur gojën.,Don't worry. My lips are sealed.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Ajo iku në Amerikë.,She has gone to America.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn "Nuk më bëri dyshues ajo çfarë tha ai, por mënyra se si e tha.","It was not what he said, but the way he said it that made me suspicious.",sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Ajo meriton më shumë.,She deserves more.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Është mjaftueshëm hekur në trupin tënd për të marrë një gozhdë.,There is enough iron in your body to make a nail.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn "Tomi shkon në shkollë me biçikletë, si shumë nxënës të tjerë.","Like many other students, Tom rides a bicycle to school.",sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Tomi është i vëmendshëm.,Tom is a good listener.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn A shkon te muzeu ky autobusi?,Does this bus go to the museum?,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Të dua.,I do love you.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Shkon në punë çdo mëngjes në të njejtën kohë?,Do you always leave for work at the same time every morning?,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Ku është dalja?,Where is the exit?,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Do të jem e lirë tërë mëngjesin të premten tjetër.,I will be free all morning next Friday.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Tomi urren punën e tij për shumë arsye.,Tom hates his job for a lot of reasons.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Të dy e keni gabim.,Both of you are wrong.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn "Tomi ishte ulur vetëm, po lexonte një libër.","Tom was sitting alone, reading a book.",sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Nënë Tereza u lind në Jugosllavi në vitin 1910.,Mother Teresa was born in Yugoslavia in 1910.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Shiko çfarë do Tomi.,See what Tom wants.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Çfarë prisni për vitin e ri?,What are you expecting for the new year?,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Jemi të mërzitur për këtë humbje.,We're upset about this loss.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Unë mendoj që unë të po bie në gjumë.,I think I'm falling asleep.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn "Edhe pse është i pasur, ai nuk është i lumtur.","Although he is rich, he is not happy.",sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Qeni im ka një pasaportë daneze.,My dog has got a Danish passport.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Ke parë ndonjëherë ndonjë fantazmë?,Have you ever seen any ghost?,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Ide jeshile pa ngjyrë flenë shpejt.,Colorless green ideas sleep furiously.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Gëzuar Ditën Ndërkombëtare të Gruas!,Happy International Women's Day!,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Faleminderit që më mësuar si ta bëj këtë.,Thank you for teaching me how to do this.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Do të më duhet pak më shumë kohë.,I'm going to need a little more time.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Tomi nuk e di se çfarë do të bëjë.,Tom doesn't know what he'll do.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Shqiponja është e bardhë.,The eagle is white.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn "Epo, le t'i hedhim një sy.","Well, let's have a look.",sqi_Latn-eng_Latn "Xhaxhai im jeton në Madrid, kryeqytetin e Spanjës.","My uncle lives in Madrid, the capital of Spain.",sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Jemi në një luftë të hapur.,We're in an open war.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Ajo e këndon në mënyrë të mahnitshme.,She sings it in an astonishing way.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Sa kushton ky libër?,How much does this book cost?,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn "Ne shkuam në stadium, ku shijuam lojën emocionuese.","We went to the stadium, where we enjoyed the exciting game.",sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Kishe të drejtë për shumë gjëra. Megjithatë bëre disa gabime.,"You were right about several things. However, you made a few errors.",sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Janë mësues.,They are teachers.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Unë isha duke ecur kur pashë atë.,I was walking when I saw her.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Zemra ime i përket dikuj tjetër.,My heart belongs to another.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Dua të bëhem astronaut.,I want to become an astronaut.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Pse nuk vjen në shtëpinë time të luash pianon?,Why don't you come to my house and play the piano?,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Darka ishte e shijshme. Mua më pëlqeu fort.,The dinner was tasty. I liked it a lot.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Duket se Tomi është i mërzitur.,It looks like Tom is bored.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Nuk dua të shkoj në shkollë.,I don't want to go to school.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Dua të di ku ke qenë.,I want to know where you've been.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Zana e Malit është krijesë e bukur.,The mountain fairy is a beautiful creature.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Mos më bërtit.,Don't yell at me.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Unë jam nga Kolumbia.,I am from Columbia.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Xhorxhi është kapiteni i ekipit tonë.,George is the captain of our team.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Ai ka një kalë të kaftë.,He has a brown horse.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Kjo është ajo që trembte Tomin.,This is what Tom feared.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Përse po më injoron Tomi?,Why is Tom ignoring me?,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn A do të jetojë Tomi?,Is Tom going to live?,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn "Duke e konsideruar bashkëpunimin rajonal dhe marrëdhëniet e fqinjësisë së mirë, si shtylla që garantojnë paqen.",Considering the regional cooperation and good neighborly relations as pillars that guarantee peace.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Mbaje ne mend qe ju mund te vdisni.,Keep in mind that you must die.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn "Duke u mbajtur ne menyre te vendosur ne litare, erdha i sigurte ne toke.","Holding on to the rope firmly, I came safely to land.",sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Gratë ndryshojnë botën.,Women change the world.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Franca është republikë.,France is a republic.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Mendoj se Tomi është i çuditshëm.,I think that Tom is strange.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Duhet të kisha ngrënë mëngjes.,I should've eaten breakfast.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Duhet ta paralajmëroj Tomin.,I need to warn Tom.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Nuk mund të bësh këtë!,You can't do this!,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Shoqëria është e ndarë.,Society is divided.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Çfarë mungon?,What is missing?,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn "Mbulohu, do të ikim.","Cover up, we're going to leave.",sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Ata po zihen.,They are fighting.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn E vërteta qëndron në mes.,The truth lies in the middle.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Ajo është shumë krenare për aftësitë e saj.,She's very proud of her abilities.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Mendoj se Tomi nuk qëllonte të bëntë atë.,I think that Tom didn't mean to do that.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Qyteti ku unë jetoj është shumë i vogël.,The town where I live is quite small.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Tomi punon aq shumë sa çdonjeri tjetër.,Tom works as hard as anybody else does.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Tomi nuk do të jetë gati për të ikur deri në orën 2.30.,Tom won't be ready to leave until 2:30.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Tomi mendon se ato këpucë do të jenë shumë të mëdha.,Tom thinks those shoes will be too big.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Tomi vjodhi një unazë diamanti shumë të vlefshme.,Tom stole a very valuable diamond ring.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Tomi erdhi në Boston kur ishte fëmijë.,Tom came to Boston when he was a child.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Tomi beson gjithçka që thotë Mary.,Tom believes everything that Mary says.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Tomi më pyeti nëse isha i zënë apo jo.,Tom asked me whether I was busy or not.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Tomi më kërkoi ta zgjoj në orën gjashtë e gjysëm.,Tom asked me to wake him at six-thirty.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Tomi më shkruan të paktën një herë në javë.,Tom writes to me at least once a week.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn "Emri i përhapur në anglisht i pitaja-s, ""fruta dragua"", e pasqyron emrin e saj popullor në shumë gjuhë aziatike.","The pitaya's common English name of ""dragon fruit"" reflects its vernacular name in many Asian languages.",sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Ka mijëra pjesëmarrës në ngjarjen e sotme.,There are thousands of participants at today's event.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Unë hyj në Tatoeba çdo javë.,I log into Tatoeba weekly.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Unë hyj në Tatoeba një herë në javë.,I log in to Tatoeba once a week.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn "Pjesa dërrmuese e kinezëve nuk janë takuar kurrë me të huajt, kështu që u ndihet çuditshëm, si një takim me jashtëtokësorët.","The vast majority of Chinese people have never met foreigners before, so it feels odd for them, like meeting space aliens.",sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Thjesht thuaj atë që do të thuash.,Just say what you want to say.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Udhëtim të mbarë.,Have a pleasant trip.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Ajo gjithmonë vishet shumë thjesht.,She always dresses very simply.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Jam nëntëmbëdhjetë vjeç.,I am 19 years old.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Ai është gjithmonë i përpiktë.,He's always punctual.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Po lexoj librin tënd.,I'm reading your book.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Kur fillon ndeshja?,When does the game start?,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Ditën e mirë!,Have a nice day.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Ata pinë kafe në shtëpi.,They drink coffee at home.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Sistemi ekonomik islamik nuk është zbatuar në shkollat islamike me konvikt deri më sot.,The Islamic economic system hasn't been put into practice in Islamic boarding schools up to now.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Pse je aq i shqetësuar?,Why are you so concerned?,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Unë jam Ricardo.,I am Ricardo.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Kam një copë lajmi të keq.,I have a bit of bad news.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Nuk kam ndonjë pyetje tjetër.,I don't have any other questions.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Kam pasur shumë punë për të bërë kohët e fundit.,I've had a lot of work to do lately.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Po planifikojmë ndryshime në procesin e prodhimit.,We are planning changes to the manufacturing process.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Ai u ankua se dhoma ishte shumë e vogël.,He complained that the room was too small.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Tomi do që unë t'i jap ndonjë këshillë për blerjen e aksioneve.,Tom wants me to give him some advice on buying stocks.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Jemi më keq tani se sa përpara.,We're worse off now than before.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Tomi as nuk ishte këtu dje.,Tom wasn't even here yesterday.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Vet-koncepti i një fëmije është se si fëmija i sheh karakteristikat perrreth tij apo sajë.,A child's self-concept is how the child characteristically sees or feels about him/herself.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Ai as nuk meriton që t'i shndritë dielli.,He does not even deserve to have the sun shine on him.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Puna që jam duke bërë në këtë moment është shumë interesante.,The work I'm doing at the moment is very interesting.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn "Një republikë është një komb kreu i të cilit nuk është një mbret apo një mbretëreshë, por një president.","A republic is a nation whose head is not a king or queen, but a president.",sqi_Latn-eng_Latn A mund të kthehem në shtëpi?,Can we go back home?,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Hëngra drekë rreth orës njëmbëdhjetë sepse kisha uri.,I had lunch around eleven because I was hungry.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn E them këtë që të kuptosh.,I say this so that you understand.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Dua që të ikësh nesër në avion për në Boston.,I want you to leave for Boston on a plane tomorrow.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Tomi ishte shumë i dehur.,Tom was really drunk.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Këto kamera janë prodhuar në Japoni.,These cameras are made in Japan.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Lëre gazetën dhe dëgjo atë që të them.,Forget the newspaper and listen to what I'm telling you.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Jam i kënaqur që nuk jam grua.,I'm glad I'm not a woman.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Je zgjuar shumë herët sot. A ke diçka?,You're waking up quite early today. Do you have something?,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Jo. I kam kërkuar për më shumë se një orë.,No. I looked for them for more than an hour.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Ora ime duket se është e prishur.,My watch seems to be broken.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Ai është i çmendur por megjithatë ajo ende e dashuron.,He is crazy but eitherway she still loves him.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Lërna rehat!,Leave us alone.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Ndoshta Tomi nuk do që ti të shqetësohesh.,Maybe Tom doesn't want you to worry.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn "Pasi e pimë çajin, filluam një diskutim.","After we had tea, we began the discussion.",sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Ai ka një makinë japoneze.,He has a Japanese car.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Tomi kurrë nuk tha se donte të ikte.,Tommy never said that he wanted to leave.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Ai lexon shumë.,He reads a lot.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Mendova se Tomi po flinte.,I thought Tom was sleeping.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn "Shkuam bashkë në Laramie, por pastaj u ndamë.","We went to Laramie together, but afterwards we parted.",sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Shumica e popullit këtej nuk ka energji elektrike.,Most people here don't have electricity.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Të lutem hape dritaren.,Please open the window.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Supozova që do ta merrja vesh herët a vonë.,I supposed that I would hear about it sooner or later.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Nuk kanë fjetur gjumë për dyzetetetë orë.,They haven’t slept for forty-eight hours.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Djali u shtirë se ishte aq i sëmurë që nuk mund të shkonte në shkollë.,The boy pretended that he was so sick that he couldn't go to school.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Ra shi.,It was raining.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Ai u tha prindërve se i donte fort.,He told his parents that he loved them a lot.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Xhimi nuk është çka ishte.,Jim is not what he was.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Deni doli nga stacioni i trenit në orën shtatë e gjysëm.,Dan exited the train station at seven thirty.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Mary e vizitoi bashkëshortin në burg.,Mary visited her husband in prison.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn A keni nevoje te jap para?,Do you need me to give you some money?,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Njeriu është një skllav ndaj zakonave.,Man is a slave to habits.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Tomi kurrë nuk ka qenë i përpiktë.,Tom has never been punctual.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Kjo lule ka një erë shumë të bukur.,This flower smells so nice.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Jam shumë i uritur tani.,I'm very hungry now.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Mos të bezdisemi.,We're not to be disturbed.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Unë jam dentisti i Tomit.,I'm Tom's dentist.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Ti s'ke asnjë hall në botë.,You haven't a care in the world.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Nganjëherë nuk e kuptoj atë.,"Sometimes, I don't understand him.",sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Ti din diçka.,You know something.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Ky lloj pune kërkon shumë durim.,This kind of work requires a lot of patience.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Rrugët e New Yorkut janë shumë të gjera.,New York streets are very wide.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Vajza e vogël pa disa kuaj nga dritarja.,The little girl saw some horses from the window.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Ai eshte i pasur. Ai nuk ka nevoje per para!,He's rich. He doesn't need money!,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Ajo jetoi një jetë të gjatë e të trishtë. Vdiq duke shpresuar që do ta shihte të birin qoftë edhe një herë.,She had a long and a sad life. She died hoping that she would see her son at least one more time.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Ai ka nëntë palë këpucë.,He has nine pairs of shoes.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Të shkokan ata syze.,Those glasses suit you.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Flisni ju spanjisht?,Do you speak Spanish?,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Duket se m'u ngul në grykë një kockë peshku.,It looks like a fish bone got stuck in my throat.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Stilolapsi është gjuha e shpirtit.,The pen is the tongue of the soul.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Dëshiron një portokall?,Do you want an orange?,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Askush nuk mund të shqetësojë një miqësi të vërtetë.,Nobody can disturb a true friendship.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Nuk do të dorëzohem sepse kam diçka për të cilën ia vlen të luftoj.,I won't give up because I have something worth fighting for.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Ia thashë.,I told him.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn "Nuk mund të besoj se kjo po ndodh. Të lutem, më thuaj se është një gënjeshtër!",I can't believe that this is happening. Please tell me that it's a lie!,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Dyqani është tashmë i mbyllur.,The store is already closed.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn U takova me një plake.,I met with an old woman.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Mendoj se diçka e frikësoi Tomin.,I think something scared Tom.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Në asnjë rast nuk duhet ta prekësh atë çelës.,On no account must you touch that switch.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Por miqtë e tij u bashkuan për ta ndihmuar.,But his friends got together to help him.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Shtetet e Bashkuara të Amerikës bëjnë pjesë në Këshillin e Sigurimit të Organizatës së Kombeve të Bashkuara.,The United States of America is part of the Security Council of the United Nations.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Ti gjithmonë ishe një djalë shumë i lumtur.,You were always such a happy boy.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Ajo pa një ylber të bukur dhe u lumturua.,She saw a beautiful rainbow and got happy.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Mendova se Tomi ishte i ndryshëm.,I thought Tom was different.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Jam shumë i kënaqur të njihem me ju.,I'm very happy to make your acquaintance.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn U zgjodhën gjashtëdhjetë deputete.,Sixty delegates were elected.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Ku mund t'i vë këto birra?,Where can I place these beers?,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Ajo kishte shumë nevojë për paratë.,She badly needed the money.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Nga dritarja e burgut Agroni pa një zog që fluturonte i lirë dhe ndjeu një dëshirë të flaktë që edhe ai të shijonte lirinë.,From the prison window Agron saw a bird flying free and felt a burning desire that he had to enjoy freedom too.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn A po qani ju?,Are you guys crying?,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Kush do të luajë rolin e princeshës?,Who will play the role of the princess?,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Nuk mund të lësh që të ndodhë ajo.,You can't let that happen.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Ligji është i njejtë për të gjithë.,The law is the same for everyone.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn "Atëherë, a ke vendosur?","Well, have you decided?",sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Dua që të më duash.,I want you to love me.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Ajo u mundua shumë të hiqte dyshimet nga mendja.,She tried hard to clear her mind of doubts.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Shiko librin mbi tryezë.,Look at the book on the desk.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn "Nuk llogaritet ajo që thua, por ajo që bën.","It's not what you say, but what you do that counts.",sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Jam britanez.,I am a Briton.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Dua një kollar që i shkon këtij kostumi.,I want a tie to go with this suit.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Shkuam në një piceri italiane.,We went to an Italian pizzeria.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn "Pra, duhet të jesh një besimtar.",So you've got to be a believer.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Në çfarë ore vjen treni?,What time does the train get in?,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Nuk do të doja që të plagosesh.,I wouldn't want you to get hurt.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Një intelektual është një person i cili ka zbuluar dicka me interesante se seksin.,An intellectual is a person who has discovered something more interesting than sex.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn "Egzistojn energji te reja per tu shfryteyuar, vende te reja pune te krijuara, shkolla te reja per te ndërtuar, dhe kërcenime për te takuar, aleanca për tu riparuar.","There's new energy to harness, new jobs to be created, new schools to build, and threats to meet, alliances to repair.",sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Kam nevojë për një kompjutër të ri.,I have to get a new computer.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Ideja jote nuk mund te jetë krej e re. Unë kisha dëgjuar përrreth sajë nga një burim tjetër vitin e kaluar.,Your idea cannot be brand new. I heard about it from another source last year.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Mamaja ime është në guzhinë.,My mother is in the kitchen.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn "Gjëja më e vështirë të bësh është të shohësh atë që ti do,që do dikë tjetër.","The hardest thing to do is watch the one you love, love somebody else.",sqi_Latn-eng_Latn "Miqt e mirë janë si yjet. Jo gjithmonë i sheh ata, por ti e di ata janë gjithmonë atje.","Good friends are like stars. You don't always see them, but you know they are always there.",sqi_Latn-eng_Latn "Gjithçka është OK në fund. Nëqoftë se nuk është OK , ath ky nuk është fundi.","Everything is okay in the end. If it's not okay, then it's not the end.",sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Tomi doli jashtë për të ngrënë.,Tom went out to eat.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Tomi pa një luan në kopshtin zoologjik.,Tom saw a lion at the zoo.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Do të jem më i kujdesshëm herën tjetër.,I'll be more careful next time.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Librat janë mbi bankë.,The books are on the bench.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Ato kërkonin të drejta të barabarta.,They seeked equal rights.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Do të jetë një provim i vështirë ?,Will it be a difficult exam?,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Mos e kërko lumturinë. Ajo nuk ekziston.,Don't seek happiness. It does not exist.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Nuk mund të dalësh.,You can't go out.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Po e konsideroj seriozisht.,I'm considering it seriously.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Ajo vdiq e bashkë me të edhe ëndërrat e saj.,She died and with her so did her dreams.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Ata u përpoqën të zbulonin të vërtetën.,They tried to find out the truth.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Ndjeva keq.,I felt bad.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Nuk e ke shijuar Shejkspirin derisa ta kesh lexuar në origjinal.,You have not experienced Shakespeare until you have read him in the original.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn A ke një vëlla binjak?,Do you have a twin brother?,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Ai pyeti personin e parë me të cilin u takua afër fshatit.,He asked the first person he met near the village.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Muzika është e mrekullueshme për shpirtin.,Music is wonderful for the soul.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn "Më par emigrantët, pastaj ti. Solidariteti është përgjigja jonë për kanibalizëm sociale.","First the emigrants, then you. Solidarity is our response to social cannibalism.",sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Thjesht nuk e kuptoj.,I simply don't understand it.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn "Të lutem, më jep një gotë ujë.",Please give me a glass of water.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Gota ime është e plotë.,My glass is full.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn M'u kujtua.,I remembered it.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Unë dua të jem një fotograf i natyrës.,I want to be a nature photographer.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn A e solle këtë në shtëpi?,Did you bring this home?,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Duhet të shkosh ne komisariat.,You should go to the commission.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Mund të ma shpjegosh të lutem.,"Can you explain it to me, please?",sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Ajo ha një mollë të kuqe.,She eats a red apple.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Ëeshtë një mjergull që mund ta presësh me thikë.,It's a fog that you can cut with a knife.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Ti nuk e di të vërtetën.,You don't know the truth.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Vajza e vogël pa një peshk të artë dhe shprehu një dëshirë.,The little girl saw a gold fish and made a wish.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Po notoj në oqean.,I'm swimming in the ocean.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Unë kam një llogari në Twitter.,I have a Twitter account.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Dikush në shtëpi?,Is anybody home?,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Vëllai im ka një llogari në Twitter.,My brother has a Twitter account.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn "Menjëherë, zotëri.","Coming right up, sir.",sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Ke dy opsione.,You have two options.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Millie ka sy të kaltër.,Millie has blue eyes.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn "Unë të dua, Millie!","I love you, Millie!",sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Pua po këndon në kishë.,Pua is singing at church.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Unë dua të kem një motër.,I want to have a sister.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Millie po shkon në shkollë.,Millie is going to school.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Sot nuk është aq e ftohtë.,Today is not so cold.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Ai jeton në Angli.,He lives in England.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Millie po ha bukë.,Millie is eating bread.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Millie ka një libër.,Millie has a book.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Tomi më ofroi një filxhan kafe.,Tom offered me a cup of coffee.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Ajo ka lule të kuqe.,She has red flowers.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Ai numëroi deri në 100.,He counted to 100.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Duam të njohim Tomin.,We want to meet Tom.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Kësaj supe i duhet një çik kripë.,This soup needs a touch of salt.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Ti nuk ke sy të kafe.,You don't have brown eyes.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Je ulur në karrigen time.,You're sitting in my chair.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Millie po ha një banane.,Millie is eating a banana.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Departamentet federale janë goditur me një ndalim punësimi në një përpjekje për të ulur kostot e stafit qeveritar.,Federal departments have been hit with an official hiring freeze in an attempt to bring down government staffing costs.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Kemi dy fëmijë.,We have two children.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn E kanë arrestuar.,They've arrested him.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Isha shumë i shqetësuar ndërsa po ngrihej avioni.,I was very nervous as the plane took off.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Nuk i pushonte goja.,Her mouth wouldn't shut up.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn "Kur u ktheva në shtëpi, ai po gatuante darkë.","When I came home, he was cooking dinner.",sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Problemi është që nuk e dimë se ku është Tomi.,The problem is we don't know where Tom is.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Ti duhet të ndalosh pijen dhe cigaren.,You should give up drinking and smoking.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Unë nuk mund të këndoj.,I can't sing.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Ne duhet te dime. Ne do te dime.,We must know. We will know.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Askush nuk do të na shohë.,No one's going to see us.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Tomi dhe Maria po konsiderojnë divorcin.,Tom and Mary are considering divorce.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Une e di qe nuk e di.,I know that I do not know.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Oqeani Paqësor është një nga pesë oqeanet.,The Pacific Ocean is one of the five oceans.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Tani egziston vetëm nje mundësi.,There exists only one option now.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Tomi po ha një dardhë.,Tom is eating a pear.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Nuk më vjen turpi për asgjë.,I'm not ashamed of anything.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Unë e urrej botën sepse bota më urren mua.,I hate the world because the world hates me.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Nuk dua të jem kështu më.,I don't want to be like this anymore.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn "Duket sikur ju me njihni mua, por une nuk ju njoh ju.","It seems like you know me, but I don't know you.",sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Tomi duket i shqetësuar.,Tom appears distressed.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn "Nuk e pëlqej shumë atë , në fakt unë e urrej atë.","I don't like him much, in fact I hate him.",sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Zakonisht macet urrejnë qentë.,Cats usually hate dogs.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn "Ku është familja jote, Tom?","Where's your family, Tom?",sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Unë te dua me shumë seç më do ti mua.,I love you more than you love me.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn "Nuk mund të të ndihmoj, sepse nuk kuptoj hungarisht.",I cannot help you because I don't understand Hungarian.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Të dëgjoj me vështirsi.,I can hardly hear you.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Suksesi jot është rezultat i punës tënde të vështirë.,Your success is the result of your hard work.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Ishte e vështirë për mua te gjeja apartamentin tënd.,It was very hard for me to find your flat.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Tomi mendon se jam ende një fëmijë.,Tom thinks I'm still a kid.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Loja ishte e shkëlqyeshme.,The game was excellent.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Vera ka ardhur herët.,Summer has come early.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Çfarë mendon se do të ndodhë?,What do you think will happen?,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Ai e adhuron atë.,He worships him.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Je ose me ne ose kundër nesh.,"You are either with us, or against us.",sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Ai pothuajse vdiq.,He almost died.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn A do të pish çaj apo kafe?,Do you want to drink tea or coffee?,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Dera po lyhet nga ai.,The door is being painted by him.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Përformanca e kompjutërit tuaj ndoshta është shumë e dobët.,Computer performance maybe very poor.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn "Më falni, çfarë është ora?","Excuse me, what time is it?",sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Ju do te futeni në telashe nqs shpenzoni kohë me të.,You’ll get into trouble if you spend time with him.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Brigitte është emër hollandez.,Brigitte is a Dutch name.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn "Sipas shkencatarve, atmosfera ngrohet vit pas viti.","According to scientists, the atmosphere is getting warmer year after year.",sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Ke ndonjë ide se kush e ka shkruar këtë libër?,Do you have any idea who wrote this book?,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn "Më pëlqejnë gratë, më pëlqen vera.","I like women, I like wine.",sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Unë mendova nqs nuk do të shkoj me të nuk do ta dij asnjëherë nqs ai është apo jo i rrezikshëm.,I thought if I don’t go with him I’ll never know if he's dangerous or not.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Njeriu është i ri.,The man is young.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Unë kam një llogari Facebook-u.,I have a Facebook account.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Pse ishe në burg?,Why were you in prison?,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Për herë të fundit ata i kam parë në Shqipëri.,I last saw them in Albania.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn "Ivy Bean, perodoruesi me i vjeter i Facebook dhe Twitter , vdekur 104 vjec.","Ivy Bean, the oldest user of both Facebook and Twitter, died at 104.",sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Unë pa ty si nje trup pa shpirtë.,Me without you is like a body with no soul.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Twitter eshte me i mire dhe me shum i sigurtë se Facebook.,Twitter is better and more secure than Facebook.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Babi im nuk kthehej kurrë para orës 9 apo 10.,My father never came back home before 9 or 10.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Të pëlqente të notosh.,You liked to swim.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Nuk lexova asnjë libër dje.,I didn't read any books yesterday.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn "Jam i lumtur sepse duke filluar nga sot, nuk kemi shkollë deri në shtator.","I'm happy because beginning today, we have no school until September.",sqi_Latn-eng_Latn "Burri i pafajshëm doli nga salla e gjyqit duke ndier një peshë të madhe të ngrihej nga supet e tij, një buzëqeshje fitimtare tek buzët.","The blameless man walked out of the courtroom feeling a great weight lift off his shoulders, a triumphant smile on his lips.",sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Pse nuk erdhe me mua?,Why didn't you come with me?,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Unë lexova librin e tij.,I read his book.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn "Tomi u bë doktor, si i ati.","Tom became a doctor, like his father.",sqi_Latn-eng_Latn "Ti e ke parë shtëpinë e tyre të re, apo jo ? Si është ajo ?","You've seen their new house, haven't you? What's it like?",sqi_Latn-eng_Latn "Fatkeqësisht, asnjëherë se pata mundësinë ta takoja atë.","Unfortunately, I never got the chance to meet her.",sqi_Latn-eng_Latn A po qeshin ata me mua?,Are they laughing at me?,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Mund te me telefononi perseri me vone ju lutem?,"Could you call again later, please?",sqi_Latn-eng_Latn "Kur Mikeli është në shtëpi, ai merret me pastrimin e dritareve.","When Mikel is at home, he works on cleaning the windows.",sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Me mire te jesh i urryer per ate qe je se sa i dashur per ate qe nuk je.,Better to be hated for who you are than loved for who you're not.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn "Bën mirë të respektosh rregullat këtu, zonjushë.","You'd do well to follow the rules around here, young lady.",sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Me mire vone se kurr.,Better late than never.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Sa është ora?,What time is it?,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Familja është e rëndësishme.,Family is important.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Na tregoni se kush jeni ju.,Tell us who you are.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn "Pershendetje, emri im eshte Pekka. Si eshte emri juaj?","Hello, my name is Pekka. What's your name?",sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Tomi nuk është student.,Tom isn't a student.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Dua të shoh këtë film.,I want to watch this film.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn E kam bërë jetën tënde shum më të lehtë.,I made your life a whole lot easier.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Natyra në Shqipëri është shumë e pasur.,"In Albania, nature is very wealthy.",sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Tomi e shkroi numrin e telefonit të Marisë.,Tom wrote down Mary's telephone number.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Psherëtima e parë e dashurisë është e fundit e urtësisë.,The first sigh of love is the last of wisdom.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Doja ta qartësoja këtë me ju.,I wanted to clear that up with you.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Kjo është e lehtë.,This is easy.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Shkruaje emrin tend me shkronja kapitale.,Write your name in capitals.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Pa marrë parasyshë pasojat.,With no regard for the consequences.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Fjalët vranë krenarinë e tij.,The words hurt his pride.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Pse nuk shkon të shohësh se çfarë do Tomi?,Why don't you go see what Tom wants?,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Vetëm po kërkoj të dijë cfarë bën ti për tu argëtuar ?,I'm trying to figure out what you do for fun.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Kur shkuat në shtëpi?,When did you go home?,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Si u zure?,How were you caught?,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn A je ti dadoja e re?,Are you the new nanny?,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Ishte një vejushë lufte.,She was a war widow.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Kur u pushua Tomi?,When was Tom fired?,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Mos harro të sjellësh kostumin e banjës.,Don't forget to bring your bathing suit.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Një paraqitje e shkurtëer e përjetsisë.,A fleeting glimpse of eternity.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Tirana është kryeqyteti i Shqipërise.,Tirana is the capital city of Albania.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Mbajta anën time të marrëveshjes.,I held up my end of the bargain.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn "Por kur gjithçka është thënë dhe bërë, ata kanë një gjë të përbashkët.","But when all is said and done, they have one thing in common.",sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Mund të jetë një kurthë.,It could be a trap.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Ne kemi një tavolinë katrore.,We have a square table.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Çfarë metode ke përdorur per të ndalur duhanin?,What method did you use to give up smoking?,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Doktori këshilloi babanë tim të ndalte duhanin.,The doctor advised my father to give up smoking.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Në fund të çdo lënde kam një provim.,At the end of every subject i have an exam.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn "Nuk e kam takuar atë si person , por unë di për të.","I haven't met him in person, but I know of him.",sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Ajo kishte shumë ëndërra.,She had a lot of dreams.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Shpik ndonjë gjë.,Make something up.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Mos më bëj të vuaj.,Don't make me suffer.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Kur do të përfundojë kjo?,When will this end?,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Unë nuk jam këtu.,I'm not here.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn E vetmja gjë që dua të bëj tani është të fle.,The only thing I want to do right now is sleep.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Të paktën gjashtëqind burra vdiqën në aksion.,At least six hundred men died in action.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Ai më ftoi për darkë.,He invited me to dinner.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Nuk mund te ndalojmë ketu.,We can't stop here.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Ndërtesa e re më zuri pamjen e dritares.,The new building cut the view from my window.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn A ju kujtohet kjo lojë?,Do you remember this game?,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Njeriu për njeriun është ujk.,Man is wolf to man.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Unë jam vegjetarian.,I am a vegetarian.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Degjova që tashmë keni kontaktuar ndërmjetësin.,I hear you've already contacted the broker.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Jam gjithmonë krenar me familjen time.,I am always proud of my family.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Ajo është akoma një pyetje e hapur.,That's still an open question.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn "Mirë, koha mbaroi. / Mirë, boll me kaq. Le të mbarojmë mësimin tani.","Well, time is up. Let's finish the lesson now.",sqi_Latn-eng_Latn A të pëlqen ngjyra e verdhë?,Do you like the yellow colour?,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn "Si thuhet ""të lutem"" në italisht?","How do you say ""të lutem"" in Italian?",sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Nuk është e lehtë për të zgjidhur problemin.,It's not easy to solve the problem.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Ma kalo mua kripen.,Pass me the salt.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Akoma besoj në dashuri.,I still believe in love.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Hëna nuk ka një dritë të vet.,The moon doesn't have light of its own.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Është fotografi e bukur.,It's a beautiful picture.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Kishte lule gjithandej.,There were flowers all around.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Lashë një dhuratë nën jastëkun e saj.,I left a gift under her pillow.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Askush nuk erdhi.,No one came.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Emri im është Ricardo.,My name's Ricardo.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Emily nuk është studente.,Emily is not a student.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Bleva një çadër.,I bought an umbrella.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Dhimbja kurrë nuk u largua.,The pain never went away.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Unë jam anglez.,I am English.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Unë nuk jam kush mendon ti se jam; Nuk jam kush mendoj se jam; Jam kush mendoj se ti mendon që jam.,I am not who you think I am; I am not who I think I am; I am who I think you think I am.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Ju flisini i pari; Une do te flas pastaj.,You speak first; I will speak after.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn "Ne donim te flisnim me presidentin e kompanise, por ai refuzoi te fliste me ne.","We wanted to speak to the president of the company, but he refused to speak to us.",sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Unë nuk jam francez.,I am not French.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Burj Khalifa është aktualisht qiell gërvishtësja më e lartë në botë.,Burj Khalifa is currently the tallest skyscraper in the world.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Pse është ende në shkollë Tomi?,Why is Tom still at school?,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Ato janë motrat e mija.,They are my sisters.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Punoj si kuzhinier.,I work as a cook.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Mos lëndo askënd.,Don't hurt anyone.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Tomi u betua për hakmarrje.,Tom vowed revenge.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn """Kush është?"" ""Jam unë.""","""Who is it?"" ""It's me.""",sqi_Latn-eng_Latn A flisni anglisht?,Do you speak English?,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn "Nëse është falas, merr sa më shumë që të mundesh.","If it's free, get as much as you can.",sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Layla vdiq e vetmuar në shkretëtirë.,Layla died alone in the desert.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Shtëpia juaj ka nevojë për riparim.,Your house needs repairing.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Ne kemi një përgjigje.,We have an answer.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Qeni yt ka putra të stërmëdhaja.,Your dog has huge paws!,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Unë nuk isha atje.,I wasn't there.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Jetoj afër Tomit.,I live close to Tom.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Nuk mund të shkosh në Boston këtë fundjavë.,You can't go to Boston this weekend.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn "Të pasurit kanë nevojë për mua, të varfërit kanë shumë nga unë dhe në qoftë se unë e ha atë do të vdes. Kush jam unë?","The rich need me, the poor have lots of me, and if I eat it I will die. What am i?",sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Ai provoi për gati një orë.,He tried for almost an hour.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Nuk është efektive.,It's not effective.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Ne po mësojmë gjuhën kineze.,We're learning Chinese.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Shikova në pasqyrë.,I looked in the mirror.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Shtëpia të cilës mund ti shihni çatinë është e z. Baker.,The house whose roof you can see is Mr Baker's.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Ky telefon nuk po funksionon siç duhet.,This phone is not working as it should.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Ajo nuk ka më shumë se dymbëdhjetë këlyshër.,She has no more than twelve cubs.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Unë do të të vras.,I'm going to kill you.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Më dhemb stomaku.,I have a stomachache.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn "Ju nuk mund te gjeni fjalite qe keni shtuar tani sepse ato nuk jane indeksuar akoma. Indeksimi i fjalive nuk eshte akoma i egekutueshem , kjo behet cdo jave.","You may not be able to find sentences that have been added recently because they have not been indexed yet. Indexation of sentences is not yet executed on-the-fly, only every week.",sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Kush është ai djali?,Who's that guy?,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Unë jam mësues.,I'm a teacher.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Ai është student i mjekësisë.,He is a medical student.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Ku janë çelësat e tu?,Where are your keys?,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Bëra çaj mbrëmë.,I made tea last night.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Një biskotë është nën tryezë.,A cookie is under the table.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Nuk shoh analogji midis problemit tend dhe te timit.,I see no analogy between your problem and mine.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Do ta gjesh dyqanin midis nje banke dhe nje shkolle.,You'll find the shop between a bank and a school.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Afroje karrigen më afër tavolinës.,Move the chair nearer to the desk.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Ana ishte një vajzë e bukur.,Ana was a beautiful girl.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Shum njerez pelqejne te shohin ne pikture cfare ata do pelqenin te shihnin ne realitet .,Most people like to see in pictures what they would like to see in reality.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Të dy duken të dyshimtë.,Both of them seem suspicious.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Breshkat s'kanë dhëmbë.,Turtles don't have teeth.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Une e humba filmin pa e pare. E keni pare u ?,I missed seeing the film. Did you see it?,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Doni një birrë?,Would you like a beer?,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn "Eshte se ju nuk doni ta bene ate , jo sepse ju nuk jeni i lejuar ta bene ate.","It is because you do not do it, not because you are not able to do it.",sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Gëzuar Ditën e Nënës!,Happy Mother's Day!,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Pastroje pasqyrën.,Clean the mirror.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn "I varfer nuk eshte ai qe ka shum pak , por ai i cili kerkon shum.","Poor is not the one who has too little, but the one who wants too much.",sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Ajo kishte nevojë për dikë që do të kuptojnë atë.,She needed someone who would understand her.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Do të jetë Tomi këtu sot?,Will Tom be here today?,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Kjo është gruaja ime.,That's my wife.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn "Dan, Linda, Matt dhe Rita janë miqtë e mi të rinj.","Dan, Linda, Matt, and Rita are my new friends.",sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Kjo është arsyeja pse unë të pëlqej ty.,That's why I like you.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Kemi punë për të diskutuar.,We have business to discuss.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Por është shumë e shtrenjtë!,But it's too expensive!,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Si je?,How are you?,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Vetëm dua të pushoj.,I just want to rest.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Unë nuk jam mjek.,I'm not a doctor.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Shpata mund të përdoret për të mbrojtur trupin.,The sword can be used to protect the body.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Ajo cfare ju thate eshte shum e ndryshme nga ajo qe degjova nga ai.,What you say is quite different from what I heard from him.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Ky libër është i shkruar në shqip.,This book is written in Albanian.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn "Kur nuk mund te beni cfare doni,ju beni cfare mundeni.","When you can't do what you want, you do what you can.",sqi_Latn-eng_Latn E vetmja gjë nga e cila duhet të kemi frikë është vetë frika.,The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Disa nga studentat ishin nga Azia dhe te tjeret ishin nga Europa.,Some of the students were from Asia and the others were from Europe.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Dardha bie nën dardhë.,The pear falls under a pear.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn E vetmja gjë që pashë në tavolinë ishte një mollë.,The only thing I saw on the table was an apple.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Sot është e diel.,Today is Sunday.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Unë nuk do të këndoj sot.,I'm not going to sing today.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Ndjeva sikur do të vdisja.,I felt like I would die.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Shkojmë të bëjmë një shëtitje në park.,We're going for a walk in the park.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn A keni parë ndonjëherë atë duke notuar?,Have you ever seen him swimming?,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Tomi do të përfundojë në burg.,Tom is going to end up in jail.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Do të kemi një grup të talentuar këtu.,We'll have a talented group here.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Tomi shkon në shkollë publike.,Tom attends public school.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Nuk kam frikë vetëtimën.,I'm not afraid of lightning.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Tomi ka eksperiencë.,Tom is experienced.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn "Vetem nje moment ne jeten time ishte i mjaftueshe per te njohur dhe dashur juve, por gjith jeta ime nuk do te jete e mjaftueshme per te te harruar .","Only one moment of my life was enough to get to know and love you, but all my life will not be enough to get to forget you.",sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Faleminderit qe me keni shpjeguar me ne fund pse njerzit me marrin mua per nje idiot.,Thanks for having explained to me at last why people take me for an idiot.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Me jep mua lirine ose me jep vdekjen.,Give me liberty or give me death.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Duaj shoket e klases! Duaj prinderit e tu! Duaj vendin tend!,Have love for your classmates! Have love for your parents! Have love for your country!,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Une dua te te puthe.,I want to kiss you.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Ai vdiq nga i ftohti mbrëmë.,He died from the cold last night.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Puthja juaj eshte me e embel se mjalta.,Your kiss is sweeter than honey.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Çfarë nuk shkon me këtë fotografi?,What's wrong with this picture?,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Kam një fjalor.,I have a dictionary.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn "Nje qen vrapon pas nje mace, dhe nje mace pas nje mini.","A dog runs after a cat, and the cat after a mouse.",sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Dua të shkoj të fle.,I want to go to sleep.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn "Kur Di Ma provoi për të 966-tën herë, kishte tashmë filluar të humbiste shpresat.","When Di Ma tried for the 966th time, he had already begun to lose hope.",sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Vazhdoni te beni te njejtin gabim here pas here.,You continue making the same mistakes time after time.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn A është Tomi anëtar?,Is Tom a member?,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn I dhashë disa libra Tomit.,I gave some books to Tom.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Do ta shoh ate pasi te kthehem.,I will see him after I get back.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Ti e di që nuk është e vërtetë.,You know it's not true.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn "Ne qofte se nuk do kishte uje, ne nuk mund te jetojme.","If it were not for water, we could not live.",sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Kjo kuti do të shërbejë si tavolinë.,This box will serve as a table.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn "Nqs do kisha me shum kohe, une do te shkruaja ju.","If I had had more time, I would have written to you.",sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Tomi është më i fortë se unë.,Tom is stronger than I am.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Nuk i kuptoj rregullat e lojës.,I don't understand the rules of the game.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Ky dimire kishte me pak debore sec kishim pritur.,We had less snow this winter than we had expected.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Nuk kemi humbur shumë.,We haven't lost much.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Ata e kishin kete problem me perpara.,They had had that problem before.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Ai u zgjodh kryebashkiak përsëri.,He was elected mayor again.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Si është e mundur ajo?,How is that possible?,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Ke bere shum gabime te njejta.,You have made the very same mistake again.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Ne moshen 6 vjece ai kishte mesuar to perdorte makinen e shkrimit dhe i tregoi mesuesit qe nuk kishte nevoje te mesonte te shkruante me duar.,At the age of six he had learned to use the typewriter and told the teacher that he did not need to learn to write by hand.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Nuk mund ta bëj të lumtur Tomin.,I can't make Tom happy.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Ti vërtetë je trap.,You really are a jerk.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn A janë ato vathët e mia?,Are those my earrings?,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Vullkani eshte bere aktiv perseri.,The volcano has become active again.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn "Une isha duket te shkruajtur, por isha shum i zene.","I was going to write to you, but I was too busy.",sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Mendoj se kam thyer këmbën.,I think I've broken my leg.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Tomi nuk ka nevojë për asgjë.,Tom doesn't need anything.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Nje dite endrra jote do behet realitet.,Your dream will come true some day.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn "Mund te tingelloj cuditshem , por eshte e vertete.","It may sound strange, but it is true.",sqi_Latn-eng_Latn "Nuk është ideja e tij, është e imja.","It's not his idea, it's mine.",sqi_Latn-eng_Latn "Nje per gjith, gjith per nje.","One for all, all for one.",sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Mund të lë një mesazh?,May I leave a message?,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Eshte errsire jashte.,It's all dark outside.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Shtëpia i përket atij.,The house belongs to him.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Të gjithë njerëzit lindin të lirë dhe të barabartë në dinjitet dhe në të drejta. Ata kanë arsye dhe ndërgjegje dhe duhet të sillen ndaj njëri tjetrit me frymë vëllazërimi.,All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Unë të dua.,I love you!,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Nuk kemi përgjigje.,We don't have answers.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Mos harro të blesh bukë.,Don't forget to buy bread.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Kryeministri ra në Danub dhe u mbyt.,The prime minister fell into the Danube and drowned.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Bukuria e njeriut është sjellja në shoqeri.,A person's beauty is their conduct in society.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Ishte e imja.,It was mine.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Gëzohem që u njohëm.,It was nice to meet you.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Skllevërit konsideroheshin pronë.,Slaves were considered property.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Libri yt më ka ndryshuar jetën.,Your book has changed my life.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Unë jam i lodhur.,I am tired.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Më the që ne të dy do të jemi së bashku përgjithmonë. Pastaj u largove.,You told me we two would be together forever. Then you left.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Të gjithë e duan macen time.,Everybody loves my cat.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Le të fillojmë në 2:30.,Let's start at 2:30.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Tomi u pajtua të ndihmonte.,Tom agreed to help.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Tomi është aktivist për të drejtat e njeriut.,Tom is a human rights activist.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Tom përbërë një sonet.,Tom composed a sonnet.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Më pëlqen shumë gjuha japoneze.,I like the Japanese language very much.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Askush nuk ishte në dhomë.,No one was in the room.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Gjyshi im ishte arkeolog.,My grandfather was an archaeologist.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Tomi pati një ditë vërtetë të keqe.,Tom had a really bad day.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Tomi është heroi im.,Tom is my hero.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Nuk do të kem nevojë për ty.,I won't need you.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn I respektoj pikëpamjet tuaja.,I respect your views.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Kam lexuar librin tënd. Ishte shumë interesant.,I've read your book. It was very interesting.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Ku është biblioteka?,Where's the library?,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Ti flet gjuhën time.,You speak my language.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Franca është në Evropën Perëndimore.,France is in Western Europe.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Kam dy mace.,I have two cats.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Tomi u përpoq të vriste veten dje.,Tom tried to kill himself yesterday.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Ajo jeton në fshat.,She is living in the village.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn "Gjithashtu, më vjen mirë që u takuam.",It's nice to meet you too.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn """Faleminderit."" ""S'ka gjë.""","""Thank you."" ""You're welcome.""",sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Ajo flet dhjetë gjuhë.,She speaks ten languages.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Për kë është ky mesazh?,Who's this message for?,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Krishti u ngjall!,Christ is risen!,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Hobi im janë gjuhët.,My hobby is languages.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn "Mund ta shoh menunë, ju lutem?","Can I see the menu, please?",sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Mund ta përballoj Tomin.,I can handle Tom.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn "Nuk dua të të humbas, Tom.","I don't want to lose you, Tom.",sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Sa njerëz punojnë këtu?,How many people work here?,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Ajo e ftoi brenda atë.,She invited him in.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn "Nqs do te vini ndonjehere ne qytet, ejani te me vizitoni.","If you ever come to town, come to see me.",sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Tomi po punon në një bankë.,Tom is working at a bank.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Mua më pëlqen të mësoj gjuhë.,I like learning languages.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn A është ajo e martuar?,Is she married?,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn A luan mirë tenis?,Do you play tennis well?,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Atij nuk i pëlqejnë vezët.,He doesn't like eggs.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Menyra me e mire te realizoni enderrat tuaja eshte te zgjoheni.,The best way to make your dreams come true is to wake up.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Çfarë po kërkonte Tomi?,What was Tom looking for?,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Thanë që janë të etur.,They said they're thirsty.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Çfarë studion një sovietolog?,What does a Sovietologist study?,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Unë ha djathë.,I eat cheese.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Jemi nga këtu.,We're from here.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Numri im i telefonit është 9876-5432.,My telephone number is 9876-5432.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Duhet t'i kushtosh vëmendje profesorit.,You must pay attention to the teacher.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Më në fund kuptoj.,I finally understand.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Të mësosh gjuhë është interesante.,Learning languages is interesting.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Të kam treguar çdo gjë që di për Gjermaninë.,I have told you everything I know about Germany.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Ai është më mirë se unë.,He is better than me.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Mendoni për të ardhmen tuaj.,Think about your future.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn "Mos shkruani asnjëherë fjalët ""borsh"" dhe ""supë me lakra"" në gjermanisht!","Never write the words ""bortsch"" and ""shchi"" in German!",sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Je mirë?,Are you OK?,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Mua më pëlqejnë të gjitha gjuhët.,I like all languages.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Vrasin dy zogj me një gur.,They kill two birds with one stone.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Flet frëngjisht çdo ditë?,Do you speak French every day?,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Luani është mbreti i xhunglës.,The lion is the king of the jungle.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Është për turistë.,It's for tourists.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Nuk kuptoj pse rri me Tomin tërë kohën.,I don't understand why you hang out with Tom all the time.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Unë po shikoj në televizor.,I am watching TV.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn "Tomi është në pushim tani, apo jo?","Tom is now on vacation, isn't he?",sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Athina është në Greqi.,Athens is in Greece.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Buzëqesh.,Smile for the camera.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn "Ajo mund të mos jetë bijë e mirë, por të paktën është njeri i mirë.","She may not be a good daughter, but at least she is a good person.",sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Uji i mjaftueshëm është kusht i nevojshëm për jetën.,Enough water is a necessary condition for life.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Heshtja nuk është marrëveshje.,Silence is not agreement.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Ajo është zgjuar.,She is awake.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn "Keni mënduar ndonjëherë për lidhjen midis frymarrjes, mendjes, dhe trupit ?","Have you ever thought about the connection between the breath, the mind, and the body?",sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Yotube është një vend i mirë për te gjetur muzikë me lyrics ne vidio.,Youtube is a great place to find songs with the lyrics in the video.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn E di që kjo është e rëndë.,I know that this is strange.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Çfarë thanë ata për këtë?,What do they say for this?,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Si e thirrin ata?,What do they call it?,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Si e thirrin atë?,What do they call her?,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn "Eja në Shqipëri, ne gjithmonë bëjme kafe të mira atje.","Come to Albania, we always make good coffee there.",sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Dje Maria pastroi shtëpinë dhe lau rrobat.,"Yesterday, Mary cleaned the house and washed clothes.",sqi_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom e sqaroi atë në detaj, por unë akoma nuk e kuptoj.","Tom explained it in detail, but I still don't get it.",sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Ai do të bëhet një doktor i mirë.,He will make a good doctor.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Nuk jam duke mbajtur frymën.,I'm not holding my breath.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Dikush duhet që ta punësojë Tomin.,Somebody needs to hire Tom.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn """Nuk jam i lodhur."" ""As unë.""","""I am not tired."" ""Neither am I.""",sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Tomi ka punësuar një avokat.,Tom has hired a lawyer.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Tomi me shumë mundësi akoma është duke u fshehur.,Tom is probably still hiding.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Anglishtja është gjuhë internacionale.,English is an international language.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Nuk jam duke u fshehur nga ndonjëri.,I'm not hiding from anybody.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Ku ka qenë duke u fshehur Tomi?,Where has Tom been hiding?,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Çfarë tjetër janë duke fshehur ata?,What else are they hiding?,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Një gjuhë asnjëherë nuk është mjaft.,One language is never enough.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn A ka këtu ndonjë pagesë të fshehur?,Are there any hidden fees?,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Ku je duke u fshehur tani?,Where are you hiding now?,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Shpresoj që të mos jem i vetmi që do të jetë aty.,I hope I'm not the only one who'll be there.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Gjithmonë kam menduar që ajo ishte e çuditshme.,I always thought that was weird.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn "Nqs do te kishe ngritur telefonin, do te kisha ftuar ne shtëpinë e Paulos.","If you had picked up the phone, I would have invited you to Paulo's house.",sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Tomi nuk me lejon t`i përgjigjem pyetjes së Merit.,Tom didn't let me answer Mary's question.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn "Ky nuk është futboll, ky është futboll amerikan!","This isn't football, this is soccer!",sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Ai është duke kërkuar për një punë në programim kompjuteri.,He's looking for a job in computer programming.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn I ke kompletuar detyrat e shtëpisë?,Have you completed your homework?,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Lexoje këtë në mbrëmje.,Read this in the evening.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Ramudi shkoi në shkollë.,Ramudu went to school.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn "E vërtetë është, unë nuk kam ndonjë problem me të.","The truth is, I don't have any problem with it.",sqi_Latn-eng_Latn "Është shum shpejt për të folur për martesë, ne akoma jemi duke njohur njëri -tjetrin.","It's too soon to think about marriage, we're still getting to know each other.",sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Mbyllja e syve ju ndihmon të mendoni më mirë.,Closing your eyes helps you think better.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Emri im është Ichiro.,My name is Ichiro.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Pse gjithçka po shkon keq?,Why does everything go wrong?,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Kam tre herë më shumë libra se Tomi.,I have three times more books than Tom has.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Shumë të falemnderit!,Thank you very much!,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Maria i tregonte fëmijëve të saj të njejtën përrallë të cilën ia kishte treguar e ëma kur ajo ishte fëmijë.,Maria told her children the same fairytale her mom had told her when she was a child.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Shyqyr Zoti.,Thank the Lord.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn "Mirëmëngjes, Mike.","Good morning, Mike.",sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Prusishtja është gjuhë baltike.,Prussian is a Baltic language.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn "Bëj kujdes me mënyren që ju përdorni fjalën ""larg"" kur përshkruani distanca. Ju mund ta përdorni në pyetje ose në fjalitë negative.","Be careful with the way that you use the word ""far"" when describing distances. You can use it in questions or in negative sentences.",sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Tomi fitoi ndeshjen.,Tom won the match.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn "Gjumë të ëmbël, Timi.","Sleep well, Timmy.",sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Mos i lejo ta lëndojnë Tomin.,Don't let them hurt Tom.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Ishe në Boston verën e kaluar?,Were you in Boston last summer?,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Gjithmonë zgjohem në 6:30.,I always get up at 6:30.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Kam para për ty.,I have money for you.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Ra shi gjatë natës.,It rained throughout the night.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Jam nga Greqia.,I'm from Greece.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Ke njohur ndonjë kanadez këtu në Boston?,Have you met any Canadians here in Boston?,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Babai im na do,My dad loves us.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Lëre librin aty ku është.,Leave the book where it is.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Unë jam këtu.,I am here.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Çfarë i ke thënë Tomit?,What did you tell Tom?,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Unë jam Gregor.,I am Gregor.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Kjo frikë është e kuptueshme.,This fear is understandable.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Kjo ishte ideja ime.,This was my idea.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Si e shqipton mbiemrin tënd?,How do you pronounce your last name?,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Ai ishte shumë i durueshëm.,He was very patient.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Pengjet do të lirohen nesër.,The hostages will be released tomorrow.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Dukesh e bukur këtë mbrëmje.,You look beautiful this evening.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Nuk e di nëse po më tregon të vërtetën apo jo.,I don't know whether you are telling the truth or not.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Ti po më gënjen.,You are lying to me.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn "Tomi e bëri me qëllim, mendoj.","Tom did it on purpose, I think.",sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Unë flas pesë gjuhë.,I speak five languages.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Shpresa nuk ushqen familjet tona.,Hope doesn't feed our familes.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn E sheh qiellin?,Do you see the sky?,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Kam kërkuar azil politik.,I've requested political asylum.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Njeriu është i fortë.,The man is strong.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Ai kishte shumë fjalë e pak vepra.,He had lots of words and few actions.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Unë e dua gjuhën shqipe.,I love the Albanian language.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Tungjatjeta. Unë quhem José Silva. Si të quajnë?,Hello. My name is José Silva. What's your name?,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Si të quajnë?,What's your name?,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Si ju quajnë?,What is your name?,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Nuk di asgjë për të përveç asaj që më ke treguar ti.,I know nothing about him beyond what you told me.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Rusishtja është gjuhë sllave.,Russian is a Slavic language.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Tomi tha që ishte e vërtetë.,Tom said that it was true.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn "kjo eshte motra ime, Aynur","This is my sister, Aynur.",sqi_Latn-eng_Latn "Tomi është në dhomën e tij tani, apo jo?","Tom is in his room now, isn't he?",sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Tomi pagoi faturën e tij vonë.,Tom paid his bill late.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Ne shikuam fishekzjarret së bashku.,We watched fireworks together.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Policia kërkoi për kompjuterat e vjedhur por ata nuk u gjetën asnjëherë.,The police searched for the stolen computers but they were never recovered.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn E dua shtëpinë time,I love my house.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Laje mollën para se ta hash.,Wash the apple before you eat it.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn "Mos hyj aty, është me rrezik!","Don't enter there, it's dangerous!",sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Unë kam lindur në këtë spital.,I was born in this hospital.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Cila është e vërteta?,What is truth?,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Tomi nuk përdor kripë në gatimet e tij.,Tom doesn't use salt in his cooking.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Nuk flas as frëngjisht as anglisht.,I can speak neither French nor English.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Le të pastrojmë tavolinën.,Let's clear the table.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Do të shëndoshesh po të hash aq shumë.,You'll fatten up if you eat that much.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Ka një zgjidhje tjetër.,There's another solution.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Unë nuk mund të ha aq shumë ushqim vetëm.,I can't eat that much food by myself.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn "Jo, nuk më pëlqen aq shumë.","No, I really don't like it that much.",sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Nuk ka aq shumë rëndësi se nga cila shkollë e lartë je diplomuar.,It doesn't matter all that much what college you graduated from.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn "Nëse nuk të pëlqen aq shumë mënyra ime për të bërë gjërat, pse nuk i bën vetë?","If you dislike my way of doing things that much, why don't you just do it yourself instead.",sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Të gjithë ishin jashtë qytetit.,Everybody was out of town.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Unë do të të ndihmoj.,I will help you.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Nuk kam parë kurrë një vajzë kaq të bukur.,I've never seen such a beautiful girl.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Pashë të dashurën tënde duke puthur Tomin.,I saw your girlfriend kissing Tom.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Ëmbëlsira e vetme të cilën vërtetë e pëlqej është akullorja.,The only dessert I really like is ice cream.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn I vetmi vend ku dua të jem tani është me ty.,The only place I want to be right now is with you.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Sapo theva një brinjë.,I just cracked a rib.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn A do të hapësh restorantin e vet?,Do you want to open up your own restaurant?,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Cili ishte rezultati yt final?,What was your final score?,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Leximi i librave nuk ishte më një privilegj i një pakice.,Reading books ceased to be a privilege of a minority.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Ditëlindja e Tomit ishte pardje.,Tom's birthday was the day before yesterday.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn A do ta përdorësh këtë?,Are you going to use this?,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Ai është i përsosur.,He is impeccable.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Unë shoh kalin tënd.,I see your horse.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Është e vështirë të mësosh.,It's hard to learn.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Nuk mund të të shoqëroj. Më mungon para.,I cannot keep you company. I'm short of money.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Kush do të jetë i pari të jetojë deri në lindjen e stër-stër-stër-nipin e tij?,Who will be the first to live until the birth of his great-great-great-grandson?,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Mary mendon të mos lindë më shumë se dy fëmijë.,Mary intends not to give birth to more than two children.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn A do të bie shi sot akoma?,Is it still going to rain today?,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Ma tregoi lajmin Hashimoto-i.,I was told the news by Hashimoto.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn E vetmja punë që ka pasur ndonjëherë Tomi është ajo që ka tani.,The only job Tom has ever had is the one he has now.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Nuk jam një notar i shkëlqyer.,I'm not a great swimmer.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Thika ime është e mprehtë.,My knife is sharp.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Më falni?,What did you say?,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Ti nuk mund të vras veten duke mbajtur frymën.,You cannot kill yourself by holding your breath.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Nuk ka zot tjetër përveç Allahut dhe se Muhammedi është i Dërguari i Allahut.,"There is no god but God, and Muhammad is the messenger of God.",sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Mos harro të fikësh zjarrin!,Don't forget to put out the fire.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Unë do të vij në orën pesë.,I'll come at five o'clock.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Ti nuk do të keshë arsye që mos të hipësh mbi të.,You won't have a reason to not want to get on it.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Faleminderit!,I thank you.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Isha i kujdesshëm.,I was careful.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn "Tingëllon e çuditshme, apo jo?","That sounds strange, doesn't it?",sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Faleminderit që më shtuat në grup.,Thank you for adding me to the group.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn I njeh ata meshkujt atje?,Do you know those men over there?,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Unë isha mësues.,I was a teacher.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Më ler të të ndihmoj.,Let me help you.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Zhduku!,"Rack off, hairy legs!",sqi_Latn-eng_Latn "Më jep mua një minut jam i mirë. Nqs kam një orë, jam i shkëlqyer. Ti me jep gjashtë muaj, jam i pathyeshëm.","Give me a minute and l'm good. lf l've got an hour, l'm great. You give me six months, l'm unbeatable.",sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Sot është pushim.,Today is a holiday.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Çfarë jeni duke bërë?,What are you doing?,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Ata nuk po vijnë.,They are not coming.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Cili ushqim ju pëlqen më shumë?,Which food do you like best?,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Jeta është e vetmja rrugë që nuk udhëtohet dy herë.,Life is the only road that can't be traveled twice.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Më trego ku ka shkuar Tomi.,Tell me where Tom has gone.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Tomi ha shumë.,Tom eats too much.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Unë pashë atë me sytë e mi.,I saw him with my own eyes.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Nuk mund të lë që Tomi të futet në burg për diçka që nuk e bëri.,I can't let Tom be put in prison for something he didn't do.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Unë nuk flas shqip.,I don't speak Albanian.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn A jeni mirë?,Are you all right?,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Tomi zakonisht fiton.,Tom usually wins.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Më do?,Do you love me?,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Ose shkon Tomi ose shkoj unë.,Either Tom goes or I go.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Fëmija im ka lindur sot.,Today my baby was born.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Breshkat janë zvarraniket.,Turtles are reptiles.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Ai gjithmonë arrin në kohë.,He always arrives on time.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Mos më bëj të qesh.,Don't make me laugh.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Durrësi është një qytet shumë i vjetër.,Durrës is a very old city.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Kam dhimbje në krah.,My arm hurts.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Atëherë pse erdhe këtu?,"Why did you come here, then?",sqi_Latn-eng_Latn "Motra ime nuk është kuzhiniere e mirë, as unë nuk jam.","My sister isn't a good cook, and neither am I.",sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Nuk është as koha as vendi.,This is not the time or the place.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Askush nuk u përgjigj.,No one responded.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Gëzuar ditëlindjen Muriel!,"Happy birthday, Muiriel!",sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Nuk e kisha menduar kurrë që do të ishte e lehtë.,I never thought it would be easy.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn "Tomi është briliant, apo jo?","Tom is bright, isn't he?",sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Tomi është armiku im.,Tom is my enemy.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Kjo lojë është e lehtë.,This game is easy.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn "Mirëmëngjes, të gjithë.","Good morning, everybody.",sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Ajo është mësuesja ime.,She is my teacher.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Nuk kisha zgjidhje tjetër.,I had no alternative.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn "Si është gruaja jote, Tom?","How's your wife, Tom?",sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Ia gatoi darken.,He cooked dinner for her.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Vazhdo drejtë!,Keep straight on!,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn S'kam fjetur.,I haven't slept.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Do të vij.,I will come.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Nuk do të të them përsëri.,I won't tell you again.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Nuk duhet të dalësh pas darkës.,You must not go out after dinner.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn babai im mungon mua dhe nënën time,My mom and I miss my dad.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn E di ku ka shkuar Tomi.,I know where Tom went.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Prindërit e Tomit jetojnë në një shtëpi të madhe.,Tom's parents live in a big house.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn "Për mendimin tim, biznesi po përmirësohet.","To my thinking, business is improving.",sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Të pëlqen çaji?,Do you like tea?,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Ende e urren esperanton?,Do you still hate Esperanto?,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Duhet të më kishe besuar.,You should've trusted me.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn A e doni nënën tuaj?,Do you love your mother?,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Më duhet të vajtem në punë herët sot.,I must go to work early today.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn "Po të jetë i zënë, ndihmoje atë.","If he should be busy, help him.",sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Ka pasur një ndryshim të planit.,There's been change of plan.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Ata të dy po punojnë tek dyqani i kafshëve shtëpiake.,They are both working at the pet store.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Thuhet se ai ka qenë një burrë me pozicion të respektueshëm.,He is said to have been a man of respectable position.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Maria u nda me të dashurin.,Mary broke up with her boyfriend.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Mund të ulesh në karrigen time.,You can sit in my chair.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Tomi sugjeroi që të bënim një mbrëmje lamtumirë për Merin.,Tom suggested that we have a farewell party for Mary.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn "Cila është më e madhe, Japonia apo Britania?","Which is bigger, Japan or Britain?",sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Mua më pëlqen të rri me ty.,I like to stay with you.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Prona është e imja.,The property is mine.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Të gjithë do të më quajnë gënjeshtar.,Everyone is going to call me a liar.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Nikotina është helm.,Nicotine is a poison.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Shpresoj ti arrijme deri ne fund keti misteri sebashku.,I hope we will get to the bottom of this mystery together.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Latinishtja është gjuhë e vdekur.,Latin is a dead language.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Ky qytet është i shëmtuar.,This city is ugly.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn "Nuk e dija atehere, por e di tani.","I didn't know it back then, but I know it now.",sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Këpucet e mija jane shum te vogla. Kam nevojë për nje parë të reja.,My shoes are too small. I need new ones.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Më pëlqen ky qytet.,I like this city.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Prisja më shumë nga ti.,I expected better from you.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Sa ore gjume keni nevoje?,How many hours of sleep do you need?,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Greqia është shtet i vjeter.,Greece is an old country.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Ju dueht te studioni shum.,You need to study harder.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Problemet janë probleme.,Problems are problems.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn E vlerësoj përkushtimin tënd.,I appreciate your candor.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Njerzit shpesh jane shum skeptik ndaj gjerave derisa kane prova te besueshme.,People are often quite skeptical about things unless given believable proof.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Dua të vdes.,I want to die.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Shpesh mendoj për vendin ku të kam takuar ty.,I often think about the place where I met you.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Je duke u tallur me mua ?,Are you shitting me ?,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Kosova është shteti më i ri në Evropë.,Kosovo is the youngest country in Europe.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Asaj i shkruaja shpesh kur isha student.,I often wrote to her when I was a student.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Kam goxha prej tyre.,I have plenty of them.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn "Proletarë të të gjitha vendeve, bashkohuni!","Workers of all lands, unite!",sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Une dua shumë më tepër.,I want much more.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Kush mendon se je?,Who do you think you are?,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Yangzi iu shmang pyetjes që i bëra unë.,Yangzi avoided the question I asked him.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Gegërishtja flitet në veri të lumit Shkumbin.,Gheg is spoken north of Shkumbin river.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn "Nuk mund të shoh asgjë, pa syzet e mia.",I can't see anything without my glasses.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn "Ai qe nuk di si te mbaj qetesi , nuk di si te flase gjithashtu.","He who does not know how to remain silent, does not know how to speak either.",sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Jemi kënaqur vërtet.,We are truly pleased.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Do të kaloj fundjavën në Boston.,I'm going to spend the weekend in Boston.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn E ke numrin e gabuar.,You have the wrong number.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Tomi arriti herët këtë mëngjes.,Tom arrived early this morning.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn "Nuk mund ta ndryshojmë historinë, por mund të mësojmë nga ajo.","We can't change history, but we can learn from it.",sqi_Latn-eng_Latn "Ikeda është mbiemri im, dhe Kazuko është emri.","Ikeda is my last name, and Kazuko is my first name.",sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Jiro nuk është këtu.,Jiro is not here.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Unë dhe kjo kompani kemi nënshkruar një kontratë trevjeçare.,This company and I have signed a three-year contract.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Është perfeksioni i mërzitshëm?,Is perfection boring?,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Lajmi i mirë është që nuk do të vdesësh.,The good news is that you're not going to die.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Çfarë dreqin është ajo gjëja?,What the hell is that thing?,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Nuk e di.,I don't know.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Unë lexova një libër.,I read a book.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Unë vij nga një familje doktorësh.,I come from a family of doctors.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Unë shoh se vajza është e bukur.,I see the girl is beautiful.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Duhet të jesh e fortë.,You need to be strong.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn "Oh, shiko, ata po puthen!","Oh, look, they're kissing!",sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Tomi ishte xheloz për suksesin e Marisë.,Tom was jealous of Mary's success.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Unë jam në shtëpi.,I'm at home.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Kjo është shtëpia ime e tretë.,This is my third home.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Ajo ka perdorur mollët për të bërë reçelin.,She used the apples to make the jam.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Ky turist duket si Jezusi.,This tourist looks like Jesus.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn "O Zot, qeni im do të binte në dashuri me ty.","Oh my God, my dog would fall in love with you.",sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Cilën shfletuese po përdor ti?,What browser are you using?,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Është duke u rregulluar.,It's being repaired.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Qyteti është plot me turistë.,The town is full of tourists.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Do të doja të flisja spanjisht.,I wish I spoke Spanish.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Ke parë filma Disney më parë?,Have you watched Disney movies before?,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Djali i asaj gruas është i sëmurë.,That woman's son is sick.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Maria humbi çelësin.,Mary lost the key.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Ishujt janë në det.,There are islands in the sea.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Ndoshta duhet t'i tregosh asaj të vërtetën.,Maybe you should tell her the truth.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Shpresoj ti arrijmë deri në fund këti misteri sëbashku.,I'm hoping we can get to the bottom of that mystery.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Unë jam shumë i lumtur në Gjeorgji.,I am very happy in Georgia.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn "Po të kisha mjaftueshëm para, do ta bleja atë makinë.","If I had enough money, I'd buy that car.",sqi_Latn-eng_Latn "En, a ka fëmijë ai?","En, Does he have any children?",sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Maria është e shkëlqyeshme. Ajo gatoi një darkë të mrekullueshme për mua dhe madje lau vetë pjatat.,Mary is really great. She cooked a wonderful dinner for me and even washed the dishes herself.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Afrika është një kontinent.,Africa is a continent.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Ata ishin të organizuar.,They were organized.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Ajo do të jetë lëvizja më e zgjuar që ke bërë ndonjëherë.,It will be the smartest move you ever made.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Nuk më pëlqejnë fishekzjarret.,I don't like fireworks.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Emri im është Dan.,My name is Dan,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Jeta është e bukur. Askush nuk tha që ishte e thjeshtë.,Life is beautiful. No one said it was simple.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Jam ende mirë.,I'm still good.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Je një idiot. Mos u kthe.,You're an idiot. Don't come back.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Islanda është një ishull.,Iceland is an island.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Çfarë mendon për teorinë time?,What do you think of my theory?,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Balena e madhe blu është gjallesa më e madhe që jeton.,The great blue whale is the largest animal to have ever existed.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Macja është nën tryezë.,The cat is under the table.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Situata akoma ka mundësi të përmirësohet.,The situation is still capable of improvement.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Më vjen keq që theva premtimin tim.,I'm sorry that I broke my promise.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn """Ku është libri i tij?"" ""Ai është mbi tryezë.""","""Where's his book?"" ""It's on the table.""",sqi_Latn-eng_Latn """Më beso, Jack!"" ajo qau.","""Trust me, Jack!"" she cried.",sqi_Latn-eng_Latn "Pse më shikon ashtu, Jack?","Why do you look at me like that, Jack?",sqi_Latn-eng_Latn """Çfarë do të thuash?"" ajo qau.","""What do you mean?"" she cried.",sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Nuk kam qenë këtu më parë.,I have not been here before.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn "Një krim i caktuar është i dënueshm nëse je përjekur, por jo e dënueshme nëse kryer. Çfarë është kjo?",A certain crime is punishable if attempted but not punishable if committed. What is it?,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Më dhemb koka.,My head hurts.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn "Vetëm pse është e mundur për ta bërë, nuk do të thotë që duhet ta bësh.","Just because it's possible to do it, doesn't mean you should do it.",sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Tomi dhe Maria kanë vetëm një fëmijë.,Tom and Mary have only one child.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom, ku je? Unë po vdes këtu.","Tom, where are you? I'm dying here.",sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Ka shume para.,He has a lot of money.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Ju përdorni një thikë për të më prerë kryet dhe pastaj qani pasi unë kam vdekur. Kush jam unë?,You use a knife to slice my head and weep beside me when I am dead. What am I?,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn A flet shqip?,Do you speak Albanian?,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Kosova është tani një shtet i pavarur.,Kosovo is now an independent country.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Prishtina është kryeqyteti i Kosovës.,Pristina is the capital of Kosovo.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Rumania është një vend ballkanik. Kryeqyteti i saj është Bukureshti.,Romania is a Balkan country. Its capital is Bucharest.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn "Gëzuar ditëlindjen, Rumani!","Happy Birthday, Romania!",sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Unë jam nga Rumania.,I'm from Romania.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Kryeqyteti i Rumanisë është Bukureshti.,Romania's capital is Bucharest.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn "Rumania quhet ""România"" në rumanisht.","Romania is called ""România"" in Romanian.",sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Muzeu kombëtar Brukenthal është muzeu i parë që u hap zyrtarisht në Rumani.,The national Brukenthal Museum is the first museum that opened officially in Romania.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Më pëlqejnë gjuhët.,I like languages.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Ai erdhi herët në shtëpi në mënyrë që te shihte fëmijët përpara se ata të shkonin në krevat.,He came home early in order to see the children before they went to bed.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Ai flet pesë gjuhë.,He speaks five languages.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Të gjithë flasin një gjuhë.,Everyone speaks a language.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Keni është i mirë në not.,Ken is good at swimming.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Mua më pëlqejnë gjuhët e huaja!,I like foreign languages!,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Unë e kuptoj gjuhën tënde.,I understand your language.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Ai flet dhjetë gjuhë.,He speaks ten languages.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn E vizitova Parisin para shumë kohe.,I visited Paris long ago.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Më pëlqen gjuha ime.,I like my language.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Ai ka avancuar shumë në Anglisht.,His English has gotten a lot better.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Ajo është e martuar me një të huaj.,She is married to a foreigner.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Ajo flet tre gjuhë.,She speaks three languages.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Anglishtja është një gjuhë.,English is a language.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Vajza po nuhat lulet.,The girl is smelling the flowers.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn "Ti nuk je spiun, apo jo?","You aren't a spy, are you?",sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Tomi mësoi gjuhën e shenjave.,Tom learned sign language.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn A është e vështirë gjuha e tyre?,Is their language difficult?,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Çfarë gjuhë është kjo?,What language is this?,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Kjo gjuhë tingëllon bukur.,This language sounds beautiful.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn I dua gjuhët uralike.,I love Uralic languages.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn I dua gjuhët keltike.,I love Celtic languages.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn I dua gjuhët gjermanike.,I love Germanic languages.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Tomi flet shumë gjuhë.,Tom speaks many languages.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Sa filxhane kafe pi ti në ditë?,How many cups of coffee do you drink a day?,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Mund ta kuptoj gjuhën tënde.,I can understand your language.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Kafshët vrapojnë.,The animals run.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Ti po flet gjuhën time.,You're speaking my language.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Anglishtja është gjuhë gjermanike.,English is a Germanic language.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Frëngjishtja është gjuha e saj e parë.,French is her first language.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn A mund të ndihmoj me ndonjë gjë?,Can I help with anything?,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Më pëlqen të mësoj gjuhë të vjetra.,I like learning old languages.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Ai flet vetëm një gjuhë.,He only speaks one language.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Ku flitet gjuha jote?,Where is your language spoken?,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Çfarë gjuhë flet Tomi?,What languages does Tom speak?,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Ai flet dy gjuhë të huaja.,He speaks two foreign languages.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Frëngjishtja është gjuhë e vështirë.,French is a difficult language.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Çfarë gjuhë po flasin ata?,What language are they speaking?,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Cila është gjuha jote e preferuar?,What's your favorite language?,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Greqishtja është gjuhë e vështirë.,Greek is a difficult language.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Rumanishtja është gjuhë latine.,Romanian is a latin language.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Gjermanishtja është gjuhë gjermanike.,German is a Germanic language.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Ajo nuk ka kthyer përgjigje.,She has not replied.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Cila është gjuha më e vështirë?,What's the hardest language?,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn "Jo, nuk jam mësues. Jam vetëm nxënës.","No, I'm not a teacher. I'm only a student.",sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Kjo fjali është shumë e lehtë për të përkthyer.,This sentence is very easy to translate.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Nuk jam një fangirl.,I'm not a fangirl.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Vajza është e bukur.,The girl is beautiful.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Nuk jam mësues.,I'm not a teacher.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Nuk jam një njeri i mirë.,I'm not a good person.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Nuk jam një njeri i keq.,I'm not a bad person.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Nuk jam diktator.,I'm not a dictator.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Është emër italian.,It's an Italian name.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Mbase do të iki nesër.,Maybe I'll leave tomorrow.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Unë nuk dua të punoj në këto kushte.,I don't want to work under these conditions.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Si ke qenë?,How have you been?,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Jo gjithçka mund të shpjegohet.,Not everything can be explained.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Ai hëngri kërpudha helmuese.,He ate poisonous mushrooms.,sqi_Latn-eng_Latn Ona radi sama.,She works alone.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Marija i ja radimo zajedno.,Mary and I work together.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Desilo se baš ovde.,It happened right here.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Saznaj šta se dogodilo.,Find out what happened.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Још је веома хладно путовати на море.,It's too cold to go to the sea yet.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Da li ti je Tom poverovao u priču?,Did Tom buy your story?,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Када сте се родили?,When were you born?,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Колико кошта флаша пива?,How much does a bottle of beer cost?,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Hajde da probamo.,Let's give this a shot.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ја волим да ходам.,I'd like to go.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Kako si ušao unutra?,How did you get inside?,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Nisam više umoran.,I am no longer tired.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Nešto je upravo iskrslo.,Something just came up.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Moj omiljeni učitelj je bio Džekson.,My favorite teacher was Mr. Jackson.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Udvostručujem cene.,I'm doubling my prices.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Neki od mojih prijatelj puše.,Some of my friends smoke.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Он је без премца.,He is second to none.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Boston je super grad.,Boston is a great town.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Morala sam da donesem neke teške odluke.,I've had to make some tough choices.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Ne verujem ti, Tome.","I'm not buying it, Tom.",srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Neki od mojih manje inteligentnih prijatelja puše.,Some of my less intelligent friends smoke.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Mi se krijemo iza zaves.,Let's hide behind the curtain.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn To je sve o čemu brinem.,That's all I worry about.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Šta bih dobio ovime?,What would this buy me?,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Tom je kupio hulahop.,Tom bought a hula hoop.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Zar ne vidiš da je Tom uznemiren?,Can't you tell that Tom is upset?,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Da sam znao tvoju mejl adresu, pisao bih ti.","If I had known your email address, I would've written.",srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Možda su se predali.,Maybe they've given up.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Kornjače nemaju zube.,Turtles don't have teeth.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Да ли ми је неко телефонирао, док сам одсуствовао",Did anyone call me when I was out?,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Moja mlađa sestra me je zamolila da je naučim da skija.,My little sister asked me to teach her how to ski.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Hajde da slušamo kasetu.,Let's listen to the tape.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Da li je neko već rekao Tomu za ovo?,Has Tom already been told about this?,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn У почетку Бог је створио небо и Земљу.,In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Да ли говорите кинески?,Do you speak Chinese?,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Tom kaže da će jednog dana uraditi to.,Tom says that someday he'll do that.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Tom mi nikad nije oprostio što sam uradila to.,Tom never forgave me for doing that.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ја учим енглески понедељком и средом.,I study English on Monday and Friday.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Ако он не дође, шта ћете учинити тада?","If he doesn't come, what will you do then?",srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Tom nije pravi čovek za taj posao.,Tom isn't the right man for the job.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Tom ima tri sina i jednu ćerku.,Tom has three sons and one daughter.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Potrošio sam sve pare.,I've spent all the money.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Vreme je da idete u krevet.,It's about time you went to bed.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Probajmo.,Let's have a go at it.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Tom se predomislio u vezi s tim.,Tom has changed his mind about that.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Он је рекао: ""Нека нам Бог помогне!""","He said, 'May God help us!'",srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Tom ima starijeg brata Džona.,Tom has an older brother named John.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Stvarno bi trebalo da krenem kući.,I really should be getting home.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Tom ima mlađu sestru Meri.,Tom has a younger sister named Mary.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Tom jede čokoladu skoro svaki dan.,Tom eats chocolate almost every day.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Drago mi je što sam te poslušao.,I'm glad I listened to you.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Plaćam nekoga da mi čisti kuću.,I pay someone to clean my house.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Pita koju je Tom napravio je bila ukusna.,The pie that Tom made was delicious.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Nikad nisam zamolio Toma ni za šta.,I've never asked Tom to do anything.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Беба плаче.,The baby is crying.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Nisam stvarno želeo da uradim to.,I didn't really want to do that.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Znam Toma od trinaeste godine.,I've known Tom since I was thirteen.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Nisam te pitao da ne uradiš to.,I didn't ask you not to do that.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ево ситниш.,Here's the change.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Птице су одмах напустиле своја гнезда.,At once the birds left their nests.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Уместо ње, са нама ће ићи њена сестра.","Instead of her, her sister went with them.",srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Sve je povezano.,Everything is connected to everything.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Mislim da je Tom trebalo da bude ovde.,I think Tom was supposed to be here.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Nije trebalo da kupiš to.,You shouldn't have bought that.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ne znam zašto je Tom otišao u Boston.,I don't know why Tom went to Boston.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ti me razumeš.,You understand me.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Колико више учите, толико ћете више знати.","The more you study, the more you know.",srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ne očekujem da danas Tom bude ovde.,I don't expect Tom to be here today.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Da li je Tom stvarno želeo da Meri uradi to?,Did Tom really want Mary to do that?,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Кафу или чај?,Coffee or tea?,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Svi osim Toma smo su mislili da je Meri kriva.,All of us except for Tom thought Mary was guilty.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Svi znamo da je Tom kriv.,We all know that Tom is guilty.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Она је уобичајила да ми говори под именом Том.,She used to address me as Tom.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Како је прошао час француског?,How was the French class?,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Želeli su da me kazne.,They wanted to punish me.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Sviđa mi se da kupujem odeću.,I like to buy clothes.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn I živeli su srećno do kraja života.,And they all lived happily ever after.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Nismo usamljeni u podržavanju plana.,We are not alone in supporting the plan.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Материја је довољно лака да плута на води.,The substance is light enough to float on the water.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Можеш ли да разликујеш сребро од калаја?,Can you tell silver and tin apart?,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Имам пролив.,I have diarrhea.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ја ћу лећи да спавам.,I'm going to bed.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Историја се завршила добро.,The story ends well.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ја ти саветујем да добро провериш свога мужа.,I recommend a thorough checkup for your husband.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ovo je ono što sam oduvek želeo.,This is what I've always wanted.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Ne znam, šta bi trebalo da kažem, tebe da utešim.",I don't know what to say to make you feel better.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Могао бих повратити.,I feel like throwing up.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn И шта ја морам сада да урадим?,And what do I have to do now?,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Она има две сестре.,She has two sisters.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Она је посветила свој живот образовању.,She devoted her life to education.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Није обавезно за мене да учествујем на састанку.,It is not necessary for us to attend the meeting.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Tom baš ima narav.,Tom certainly has a temper.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Kako je Sovjeski Savez uspeo da napravi atomsku bombu?,How did the Soviet Union manage to create a nuclear bomb?,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ја сакупљам дописнице.,I collect postcards.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ti si moj najbolji prijatelj!,You are my best friend!,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Voleo bih da pojedem nešto.,I'd like to have something to eat.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Tom je odmah pored mene.,Tom is right here with me.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Neću se truditi da predvidim budućnost.,I won't try to predict the future.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Она спава са два јастука.,She sleeps with two pillows.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Ne želim da to uradim, zato što je opasno i idiotski.",I don't want to do it because it's dangerous and it's stupid.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Treba nam više norveških rečenica.,We need more Norwegian sentences.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ваш пасош морате понети са собом у банку.,You should bring your passport to the bank.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Tom je mislio da sam slagala.,Tom thought I was lying.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Он је исто тако познат глумац, који је у последње време добио награду.",He is the same famous actor who recently won an award.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ја сам тешко доспео на аеродром.,I had a hard time getting to the airport.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Siguran sam da ću dobiti taj teniski meč.,I'm sure that I'll win that tennis match.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Preveo sam pesmu najbolje što sam mogao.,I translated the poem as well as I could.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ruke su mi pune.,My hands are full.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Juče sam otišao u krevet bez pranja zuba.,Yesterday I went to bed without brushing my teeth.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ја сам вегетаријанац.,I am a vegetarian.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Hajde da poželimo dobrodošlicu našim gostima.,Let's welcome our guests.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Samo su Tom i Meri bili spaseni.,Tom and Mary were the only ones who were saved.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Pa, takve stvari se dešavaju.","Well, such things happen.",srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Pametan si ti.,You're a clever one.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Verujem da si iskren.,I believe you're honest.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Verujem da si iskrena.,I believe you are honest.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn To jednostavno mora da bude tako.,That's just the way it's got to be.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Tom čuva dovoljno novca zabodenog u čarapi za vožnju taksijem do kuće kada izlazi da pije.,Tom keeps enough money for a taxi fare home tucked in his sock when he goes out drinking.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ima mnogo loših ljudi na svetu.,There are a lot of bad people in the world.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Mnogo je loših ljudi na svetu.,There are many bad people in the world.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Pregoreo je osigurač.,The fuse has blown.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Dobro došli u svoj novi dom.,Welcome to your new home.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Da više nikad nisi uradio ovo ovako.,Never ever do it like this again.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Tom se oženiio.,Tom has gotten married.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Voleo bih da budem bogat kao Tom.,I'd like to be as rich as Tom.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Volela bih da budem bogata kao Tom.,I'd like to be as rich as Tom is.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Voleo bih da sam bogat kao Tom.,I wish I were as rich as Tom.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Tom neće doći na žurku.,Tom won't come to our party.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Tom je student treće godine.,Tom is a third-year student.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Tom mi uvek smeta.,Tom is always bothering me.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Trenutno živim u Bostonu.,I currently live in Boston.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Tom piše svoju novu knjigu.,Tom is writing a new book.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Kiša je padala četiri dana.,The rain lasted four days.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Tom je veoma sofisticiran.,Tom is very sophisticated.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Tom je poprilično poznat.,Tom is fairly well known.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Šta si rekao?,What are you saying?,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Tom je veoma pametan dečak.,Tom is a very clever boy.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Tom je smor.,Tom is being a nuisance.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Ovo je moja sestra, Meri.","This is my sister, Mary.",srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Ovo je moj brat, Tom.","This is my brother, Tom.",srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Meri je veoma stidljiva devojčica.,Mary is a very shy girl.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Kako ti se dopao Boston?,How did you like Boston?,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Tom je bogat i slobodan.,Tom is rich and single.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Tom je takođe prodavac.,Tom is also a salesman.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Tom se boji smrti.,Tom is afraid of death.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Tom je veoma dobar dečak.,Tom is a very nice boy.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn I Tom je prodavac.,"Tom is a salesman, too.",srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Tom često nosi crno.,Tom often wears black.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Tom je već muškarac.,Tom is already a man.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Kako Tom zna francuski?,Does Tom know French?,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Tom je sada muškarac.,Tom is a man now.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Tom je pevač.,Tom is a singer.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Te devojke su veoma zauzete.,Those girls are very busy.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ne verujem pričljivim ljudima.,I don't trust talkative people.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Meri je iskoristila jabuke koje joj je Tom dao kako bi napravila puter od jabuka.,Mary used the apples that Tom gave her to make apple butter.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Ovo nije tvoja kapa, zar ne?","This isn't your hat, is it?",srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Tome, ovo je moj brat, Džon.","Tom, this is my brother, John.",srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Umem da čitam razne strane jezike, ali ne govorim nijedan.","I read many foreign languages, but I don't speak any.",srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Mislim da ću se vratiti za oko trideset minuta.,I think I'll be back in about 30 minutes.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Mama će nam kupiti štene.,Mom will buy us a puppy.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ovo mesto izgleda dosta drugačije u odnosu na ono kakvo je bilo ranije.,It looks quite different around here than it used to.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Svi mi sviramo klavir.,All of us play the piano.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Žao mi je što te uvek ometam.,I'm sorry to always be bothering you.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Kupio bih tu.,I'd like to buy that one.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Tokom vedrih dana, vidimo planinu Fuđi u daljini.","On a clear day, we can see Mt. Fuji in the distance.",srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Značilo bi mi ako bi to mogao da mi uradiš.,It would be helpful if you could do that for me.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Nema mnogo vozova noću.,There aren't as many trains at night.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Kompas pokazuje na sever.,Compasses point north.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn "То је кућица за пса, коју сам ја лично направио.",This is the doghouse that I made myself.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ја сам читао књигу последње ноћи.,Last night I read a book.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ne slažem se sa vama u potpunosti.,I don't completely agree with you.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Искључио сам телевизор, јер сам већ гледао филм.",I turned off the TV because I had seen the movie before.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Nimalo se ne slažem sa tobom.,I totally disagree with you.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Tom se brine da će se izgubiti.,Tom is worried that he'll get lost.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Imaš li psa?,Have you a dog?,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Možete li da me odvezete do aerodroma sutra ujutru?,Can you drive me to the airport tomorrow morning?,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ja sam kompletno protiv toga.,I am completely against it.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Usrećio ju je.,He made her happy.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Pomešaj mleko sa jajima.,Blend milk and eggs together.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Nikad nisam stvarno bila nigde.,I've never really been anywhere.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn To je bio ovčar.,That was a shepherd.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Да ли ћете платити?,Are you going to pay?,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Imam nekoliko prijatelja.,I have a few friends.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Nikad ranije nismo igrali fudbal.,I've never played soccer before.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Da si tada bio malo oprezniji, sada ne bismo bili u ovom sosu.","If you'd been a bit more careful, we wouldn't be in this predicament.",srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Књиге имају своју судбину.,Books have a fate of their own.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Juče je bio pun mesec.,The moon was full yesterday.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Sve su obmanuli.,They deceived all.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Јеси ли ти манијак?,Are you a maniac?,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ne voli da joj se kaže šta da radi.,She doesn't like being told what to do.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Uvek sam se pitao ovo.,I've always wondered about this.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Oduvek su mi se sviđali horor-filmovi.,I've always liked horror movies.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сви ми кажу да сам чудна.,I'm told by everybody that I am strange.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Treba da misliš na svoje zdravlje.,You must consider your health.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Već sam razmislio o tome.,I've already thought about that.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Прекините да наслањате лактове на сто.,Stop resting your elbows on the table.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Спавај и очекуј добру срећу.,Sleep and wait for good luck.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Не разумем због чега он није рекао истину.,I can't figure out why he didn't tell the truth.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn У овој кући живи много људи.,There are many people living in this house.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Живот се веома скратио.,Life is very short.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Он ради једнако марљиво као и увек, али је остао сиромах.","He works as hard as ever, but he remains poor.",srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Mogao sam da odem, ali nisam želeo.","I could've gone, but I didn't want to.",srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Iznenađena sam Tomovim odgovorom.,I'm surprised by Tom's response.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Да ли памтите рођендан вашег оца?,Do you remember when your father's birthday is?,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Nisam radio mnogo godina.,I haven't worked for many years.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Помножено три са пет добије се петнаест.,Multiply three by five to get fifteen.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Желим мач као овај.,I want a sword like this!,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Новца је било довољно.,Was there enough money?,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ne zovi me kad sam u kancelariji.,Don't call me when I'm at the office.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn На свом бициклу он може да се провлачи између аутомобила задивљујућом брзином.,On his bicycle he can dodge through traffic with amazing speed.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Mogu li da ti pogledam kartu?,Can I see your ticket?,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Tim je bio primetno napet.,Tom was noticeably tense.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Šoferi treba da vezuju sigurnosni pojas.,Drivers should wear seat belts.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Желите ли да чујете истину о том догађају?,Would you like to know the truth about this fact?,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ova rečenica ima različita značenja.,This sentence has various meanings.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Jesi li ti to namerno uradio?,Did you do that purposely?,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Još nisi završio?,Haven't you finished yet?,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Петар је истинољубив човек.,Peter is a truthful man.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Та лаж лепо звучи, али ја бих желео да чујем чисту истину.","The lie sounds good, but I'd like to listen to the sheer truth.",srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Duboko sam postiđena.,I am deeply ashamed.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ti si šef.,You're the boss.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ти си шеф.,You're the boss!,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ali šta ćeš da radiš ako on ne dođe?,But what will you do if he doesn't come?,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Detektivi i dalje istražuju.,Detectives are still investigating.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Toma je bio besan kao ris.,Tom began to feel hot under the collar.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Marija je bila besna kao ris.,Mary began to feel hot under the collar.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ne mogu a da se ne osećam delimično odgovornim.,I can't help but feel partly responsible.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Нисам гласала за Тома.,I didn't vote for Tom.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Moj otac je ostario.,My father grew old.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Vežbanje je dobro za zdravlje.,Exercise is good for your health.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Генерална проба почиње сутра у 13.00 часова.,Tomorrow's dress rehearsal starts at one o'clock.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Sve devojke vole Toma.,All the girls love Tom.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn To nije pravi problem.,That's not a real problem.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Njegov nećak je tako vaspitan da bude skroman i pažljiv.,His nephew was brought up to be modest and considerate.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Дошло је до жучне свађе.,It came to a heated exchange of words.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Srećom, Tom se nije ozbiljno povredio.","Fortunately, Tom did not get seriously hurt.",srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Два дечака су истрчала из собе.,Two boys came running out of the room.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Осећајте се као код куће!,Make yourself at home!,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Oprosti im Bože, ne znaju šta rade.","Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do.",srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Danas si užasno poranio.,You're here awfully early today.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Gladan sam od sve ove priče oko hrane.,All this talk of food is making me hungry.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ne viči na mene.,Don't shout at me.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Sve što je Tom želeo jeste da ode kući.,All Tom wanted was to go home.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Da li stvarno mislite da sam sebična?,Do you really think I'm selfish?,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Да ли разумете шта говорим?,Do you understand what I'm saying?,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Piši što lepše moguće.,You should write as nicely as you always do.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn To je sve za danas.,That's it for today.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Obe moje sestre su nastavnice.,Both of my sisters are teachers.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn To valjda ima smisla.,I suppose that makes sense.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Наставник нам је објаснио шта је песник хтео да каже.,The teacher explained to us the meaning of the poem.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Nikada ranije nisam primetila to.,I've never noticed that before.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Razmišljam o tome ponekad.,I think about it sometimes.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Нико не ради. Сви гледају Светско првенство.,No one is working. Everyone's watching the World Cup.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Да ли си некада помузао краву?,Have you ever milked a cow?,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Његов деда преминуо је мирно.,His grandfather passed away peacefully.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Mislim da su svi spremni.,I think everybody is ready.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Napravio sam mnogo glupih grešaka.,I made a lot of stupid mistakes.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ponekad razmišljam o Tomu.,I think about Tom sometimes.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Upoznao sam neke divne ljude.,I've met some wonderful people.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ми инсистирамо да тај пројекат буде урађен одмах.,We insist that this project be carried out immediately.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Bezbol je dosadan.,Baseball is boring.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Они су се смејали због његове грешке.,They laughed at his mistake.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Da li ti je tačan sat?,Is your watch correct?,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Ја не знам француски, а још мање грчки.","I don't know French, much less Greek.",srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Odluči kada želiš da ujutru ustaneš.,Decide what time you wish to stay up in the morning.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn На основу чега знамо да је недужан?,How do we know that he's innocent?,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Uvek su me dopadali ovi ljudi.,I've always liked those people.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Да ли се француски учи у твојој школи?,Is French taught at your school?,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Veoma sam optimističan u vezi s ovim.,I'm very optimistic about this.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ја сам тридесетогодишњак.,I am thirty years old.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ја сам тридесетогодишњакиња.,I'm thirty years old.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Mislim da je čudno što nema nikog na ulici u ovo doba dana.,I think it's strange that no one is on the street this time of the day.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Kako voliš da spremaš pastrmku?,How do you prefer to cook trout?,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Марика говори искусно енглески језик.,Mariko is good at speaking English.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Он је зависан од Старбак кафе.,He's addicted to Starbucks coffee.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Treba mi kuhinjski nož.,I need a kitchen knife.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Držite ovaj lek dalje od dece.,Keep the medicine away from children.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Naša škola je osnovana 1990.,Our school was founded in 1990.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Захлађује данас.,Today it is cold.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Nadam se da ćete se ti i Tom dobro provesti.,I hope you and Tom have a good time.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn "До виђења, ускоро!",See you soon!,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Почнимо!,Let's get started.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ova stolica je premala.,This chair is too small.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Sada su stvari mnogo drugačije.,Things are quite different now.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Kako se zove taj restoran?,What's that restaurant's name?,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn To nije glavno pitanje.,That's not the main issue.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Da li si iscrpljen?,Are you tired?,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Вест је дошла као гром из ведра неба.,The news came out of the blue.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Tom je verovatno rođen u Australiji.,Tom was probably born in Australia.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Tom je jutros stigao.,Tom arrived this morning.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Da li si se čuo sa njim u poslednje vreme.,Have you heard from him recently?,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мама је пресадила цвеће у башту.,Mother transplanted the flowers to the garden.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ona neće da bude zajedno sa drugima.,She doesn't want to be with anyone.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Da li me voli?,Does she love me?,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Šta je sа tobom?,What's wrong with you?,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Sve što znamo je da je Tom kriv.,All we know is that Tom is guilty.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Šta je to sа tobom?,What is wrong with you?,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Moj sat mora biti popravljen.,My watch needs to be repaired.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Sat je na zidu.,The clock is hung on the wall.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Možete li da mi objasnite kako da stignem do aerodroma?,Can you explain to me how I can get to the airport?,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Нисмо потпуно изгубили.,It wasn't a total loss.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Желим да вам се лично захвалим.,I want to personally thank you.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Sneg je neprestano padao četri dana.,The snow lasted four days.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn On je imun na podmićivanje.,He is proof against temptation.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Prevedi nekoliko poslovica na Esperanto o ishrani i/ili gojaznosti.,Translate a few proverbs into Esperanto about eating and/or obesity.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Žao mi je, ali ne primamo čekove.","I'm sorry, we don't accept checks.",srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Uskoro ćemo saznati istinu.,We'll soon know the truth.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Tom i Marija žive na farmi i imaju 16 dece.,Tom and Mary live on a farm and have 16 children.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ovi policajci su podmitljivi.,These police officers are corrupt.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Koje jezike govoriš?,What languages do you speak?,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Možemo li da stanemo ovde?,Can we stop there?,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Tom je već ovde, ali Meri još nije stigla.","Tom is already here, but Mary hasn't gotten here yet.",srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Tom je već ovde, ali Meri još nije došla.","Tom is already here, but Mary hasn't arrived yet.",srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Oni ti se rugaju.,They're mocking you.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Reci mi šta da pišem i napisaću.,Tell me what to write and I'll write it for you.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Želeo bih da ti kažem istinu.,I'd like to tell you the truth.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Imam dve mačke.,I have two cats.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Bašta je iza kuće.,The garden is behind the house.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Možeš li da mi kažeš kako da stignem do aerodroma?,Can you tell me how to get to the airport?,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Napravio je ogroman profit investirajući na tržište akcija.,He made a killing by investing in the stock market.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Он је пао на колена.,He dropped to his knees.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Tom je otputovao na legendarnom Orijent Ekspresu iz Pariza u Istanbul.,Tom traveled on the legendary Orient Express from Paris to Istanbul.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn To mi ide na nerve.,It really gets on my nerves.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn "26. Septembar je evropski Dan Jezika. Evropski Savet želi da intenzivira svest o višejezičnom nasleđu Evrope, da promoviše razvoj višejezičnosti u društvu i da podstiče građane da uče jezike. Tatoeba - pomoć pri učenju koja je laka za korišćenje, i istovremeno jedna živahna zajednica - promoviše učenje i poštovanje jezika na jedan prilično praktičan način.","The 26th of September is the European Day of Languages. The Council of Europe wants to draw attention to the multilingual heritage of Europe, to foster the evolution of multilingualism in society and to encourage citizens to learn languages​​. Tatoeba, as an easy-to-use learning tool and an active community, promotes the study and appreciation of languages in a very practical way.",srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Hajde da ostavimo to po strani.,Let's give that a rest.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Daj da ti pomognem.,Let me give you a hint.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Samo daj sekund Tomu.,Just give Tom a second.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Trebao si misliti na to ranije.,You should have thought of that before.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том је изгледао много другачије након шишања.,Tom looked so different after his haircut.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Влада је пала након гласања у парламенту.,The government collapsed after a vote in parliament.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Након одређеног времена почео је да прича глупости.,He began to talk nonsense after a while.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Након вечере сам гледао вести на ТВ-у.,I watched the news on TV after supper.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Питам се, да ли бих требао да будем поносан, што након претраге на првих пет страна не стоји ништа о мени, или бих требало да се стидим због тога.",I wonder whether I should be proud or ashamed that there is no information about me on the first five pages of internet search results for my name.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Samo gubiš vreme.,You're just wasting our time.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Tom je ove nedelje bio mnogo zauzet.,Tom had a hectic week.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Вештице не плачу.,Witches don't cry.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Mislio sam da sam dobro odglumio.,I thought I performed well.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn To mi je malo čudno.,It's a bit strange to me.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Напунио сам чашу.,I filled the glass.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Oni su satima diskutovali plan.,They talked over the plan for hours.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Pomislio sam da sam izboden.,I thought I'd been stabbed.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мораш да се сакријеш.,You've got to hide.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Једем.,I am eating.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Njoj su propisali medicinski kanabis radi ublažavanja neželjenih dejstava hemoterapije.,She has been prescribed medical cannabis to alleviate the side effects of chemotherapy.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Nisam bio previše iznenađen.,I wasn't too surprised.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Izvinite, moram u Barselonu. Ima li danas nekih polazaka aviona?","Excuse me, I have to get to Barcelona. Are there any flights today?",srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Mi treba da se brinemo o našim roditeljima.,We should look after our parents.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Zašto ona nije došla juče?,Why didn't she come yesterday?,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Imam prijatelja u Engleskoj.,I have a friend in England.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Moj brat veoma liči na mene.,My brother looks a lot like me.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Šta si naučio danas?,What did you learn today?,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Šta o mobingu kaže zakon?,What does the law say about mobbing?,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ona se rodila u USD a odrasla je u Japanu.,She was born in the United States and grew up in Japan.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ona je otišla u Ameriku.,She went to America.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Proterali smo ga iz zemlje.,We banished him from the country.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ja sam Tomov deda.,I'm Tom's grandfather.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn У ведру је кључ.,There's a hole in this bucket.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Veliki dečaci ne plaču,Big boys don't cry.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ostaje da se vidi da li je dobro za mene da odlazim u Ameriku da studiram.,It remains to be seen whether or not going to the United States to study is good for me.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Sve će biti u redu na kraju. Ako nije u redu, onda nije ni kraj.","Everything is okay in the end. If it's not okay, then it's not the end.",srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Pao sam na zemlju.,I fell to the ground.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Za doručak uvek jedem voće i ovsene pahuljice.,I always have fruit and oatmeal for breakfast.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn On nema ništa zajedničkog sa njom.,He has nothing in common with her.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Prilično sam šokirana ovime.,I'm quite shocked by this.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Odlučiću šta da radim.,I'll decide what to do.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ја сам навикао.,I'm used to it.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Novi ustav neće rešiti probleme Egipta.,The new constitution will not solve the problems of Egypt.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Stvarno sam srećan što sam ovde.,I'm really happy to be here.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Овог тренутка се не умарам.,I'm not tired right now.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Stvarno se radujem što sam ovde.,I'm really happy I'm here.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Da li si doneo fen?,Did you bring a hair dryer?,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Veliki broj reči pozajmljene su iz stranih jezika.,It has a great many words borrowed from foreign languages.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn U potpunosti se slažem sa tobom.,I agree with you absolutely.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Украо си ми бицикл и сад ћу да ти сломим фацу.,"You stole my bike, and now I'm going to break your face.",srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Dovoljno je za danas.,That's enough for today.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Naručio sam ti mali dezert.,I've ordered you some dessert.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Шта је урадио?,What has he done?,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Престао сам да пушим пре две године.,I quit smoking two years ago.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Дијаманти су најбољи девојчини пријатељи.,Diamonds are a girl's best friends.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Он је испунио своје обећање.,He stuck to his promise.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Све птице не лете.,Not all birds can fly.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Svideo mi se tvoj članak.,I like your article.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Где ви живите?,Where do you live?,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Прича ме је дирнула до суза.,I was moved to tears by the story.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Прелеп дан, зар не?","It's a pleasant day, isn't it?",srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Voda i mineralne soli su neorganske supstance.,Water and mineral salts are inorganic substances.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn On pokušava da zadivi svoje drugove.,He tries to impress his friends.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Došao je autobusom.,He came by bus.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Nadam se da će Tom da izgubi.,I hope Tom loses.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Stvarno sam uznemiren zbog toga.,I'm really upset about it.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Slušam kako potok žubori.,We can hear a brook murmuring.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Bio sam ti obećao piće, pa izvoli.","I said I'd buy you a drink, so here.",srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Njam! Pohovan sir.,Yum. Fried cheese.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Prvo imigranti, pa vi. Naša solidarnost je odgovor na društveni kanibalizam.","First the immigrants, next you. Our solidarity - is the answer to social cannibalism.",srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Molim te sačekaj jedan sekund.,Please hold on a moment.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Još sam tu.,I'm still around.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ева је Адаму даровала јабуку сазнања.,Eve gave Adam the apple of knowledge.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Još ispitujem to.,I'm still looking into it.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Волите ли јабуке?,Do you like apples?,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Nalazimo se pred teškim izborom.,We are faced with a difficult choice.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Zašto se ovako ponašaš?,Why are you acting this way?,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn С времена на време осећам се тужно.,I feel sad every now and then.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Шта је кромпир? Јабука у земљи или земна јабука?,"What is 'terpomo'? An apple in the ground, or a potato?",srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мушкарци имају Адамову јабучицу.,Men have Adam's apples.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn On ima džokera.,He's got a joker.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Nazvao me je budalom.,He called me a joker.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Zašto se ponašaš kao dete?,Why are you acting like a child?,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Da li si nekada bio u inostranstvu?,Have you ever been abroad?,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn On je preveo Homera sa Grčkog na Engleski.,He translated Homer from the Greek into English.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn To mi je poznato.,It's familiar to me.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Siguran sam da Tom poseduje imovinu.,I'm sure Tom owns property.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ne pij vodu!,Do not drink the water!,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Tražiš od mene da uradim nemoguće.,You ask me to do the impossible.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Nazvaću te večeras u sedam.,I'll ring you up at seven this evening.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Neću više govoriti Francuski sa tobom.,I will not speak French with you again.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Vežbanje pravi majstora.,Practice makes perfect.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Tom zna da lažeš.,Tom knows you're lying.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Šta vi možete učiniti?,What should you do?,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Не желим да будеш повређен.,I don't want to see you get hurt.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Moja majka ide kod zubara svaki drugi dan da popravi zube.,My mother visits the dentist's every other day to get her teeth fixed.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Šta treba da uradiš?,What do you have to do?,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Студент је оптимиста, а његов саветник песимиста.","The student is optimistic, but his advisor is a pessimist.",srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ona pravi od komarca slona.,She is making a mountain out of a molehill.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Побегнимо!,Let's make a break for it.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Molim vas, pošaljite mi doktorov račun.",Please send me the doctor's bill.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Pokušaću da ubedim Toma da nam pomogne.,I'll try to persuade Tom to help us.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Stižemo u roku od sat vremena.,We'll arrive there within an hour.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Превише си млада.,You're too young.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Veoma sam srećna zbog toga.,I'm very happy about that.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn "U Švedskoj je znatno češće da deca dobiju tri imena nego prosto jedno ime, ali je to, ovde kod kuće, baš neobična pojava.","In Sweden it is more common for a child to have three first names than one, but here, at home, this is a more unusual phenomenon.",srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Stvarno mi je žao zbog ovoga.,I'm very sorry about this.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Koliko dugo živite ovde?,How long have you lived here?,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Želimo Vam prijatan boravak!,We wish you a pleasant stay!,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Sastanak je trajao dva sata.,The meeting lasted two hours.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ja sam odlučio.,I've made up my mind.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Radim na svom projektu.,I'm working on my project.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Иако је то дебела књига са више од хиљаду страница, ја ћу је прочитати до тога сата наредне седмице.","Though this is a bulky book with over 1000 pages, I will have read it all by this time next week.",srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Ako nemaju hleba, pa zašto ne jedu kolača?","If they don't have bread, let them eat cake.",srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Према мом знању, језеро је овде најдубље.","To the best of my knowledge, the lake is the deepest at this point.",srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Gde su roditelji?,Where are the parents?,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Почнимо свечаност.,Let's start the party.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Но, нисам те намеравао увредити.","Come on, I didn't mean to hurt you.",srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Želim ovu gitaru.,I want this guitar.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Možete li mi, molim vas, reći kako da dođem do aerodroma?",Could you please tell me how to get to the airport?,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Daj mi drugi razlog.,Give me another reason.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Daj mi sve pare.,Give me all your money.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Da li si ga dao Tomu?,Did you give it to Tom?,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Da li su ti rekli razlog?,Did they give a reason?,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Изолованост је заједничка људској врсти.,Isolation is the common lot of man.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Нисмо још завршили.,We're not finished yet.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Možete li da nam pomognete?,Can you give us a hand?,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Možeš li da mi daš znak?,Can you give me a sign?,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Јуче је кишило, после тога је било суво.",It rained yesterday after it had been dry for a long time.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Моји родитељи су разведени.,My parents are divorced.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ne mogu samo da odustanem.,I can't simply give up.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Наш авион је полетео тачно у шест.,Our plane took off exactly on time at six.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ko je pojeo zadnju krofnu?,Who ate the last donut?,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Treba da pojedem nešto.,I should eat something.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Tom je obukao džemper.,Tom put on his sweater.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ја сам неповерљив.,I was self-confident.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Tom je odložio svoje piće.,Tom put down his drink.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ја продајем кафу.,I sell coffee.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Војници су се одупрли непријатељском нападу.,The soldiers resisted the enemy attack.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Puno si mi pomogao.,You've been a big help.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Potrebna nam je tvoja pomoć.,We need you to help us.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Treba nam tvoja pomoć.,We need your help.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Tom je prišao da pomogne.,Tom stepped in to help.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Више од 40 одсто студената иде на универзитет.,More than 40 percent of the students go to university.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Dopusti nam da ti pomognemo.,Please let us help you.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Dopusti mi da ti pomognem.,Please let me help you.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Možeš li da popraviš pokvareni radio?,Can you fix the broken radio?,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Možda mi zatreba pomoć.,I might need some help.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Шта сте, проклети, учинили са тим?",What the hell are you going to do with it?,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn To jedva da je tajna.,That's hardly a secret.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Pa, šta je tvoja tajna?","So, what's your secret?",srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn "To je tajna, valjda.","It's a secret, I guess.",srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Evo jedne male tajne.,Here's a little secret.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ne možeš da pojedeš samo jedan.,You can't eat just one.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Imamo jednu žrtvu.,We've got one casualty.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Uzećemo sledećeg.,We'll get the next one.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Он има мало новца.,He doesn't have much money.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Nabavićemo ti jednu.,We can get one for you.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ovaj je još živ.,This one's still alive.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Koga su zmije ujedale taj se i guštera plaši.,"Once bitten, twice shy.",srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ovaj je dosta kul.,This one's pretty cool.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ovaj je nezgodan.,This one's a tough one.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ta mi se dopala.,That's the one I liked.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn On nas je slagao.,He lied to us.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Taj mi je omiljeni.,That one's my favorite.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn I taj je za mene.,"That one's for me, too.",srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ta obično upali.,That one usually works.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Daj da probam drugu.,Let me try another one.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Dosta je dobra.,It's a pretty good one.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Lažnjak je, zar ne?","It's a fake one, right?",srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Imaš li pravi?,Do you have a real one?,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Колико времена ми је преостало?,How much time do I have left?,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Mogu li da čujem još jedan?,Can I have another one?,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ono što je Tom rekao je tačno.,What Tom said is right.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Meni je delovalo žuto.,It looked yellow to me.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Moraćete da pitate Toma.,You'll have to ask Tom.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Bolje da uđemo unutra.,We'd better get inside.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Mislim da je Tom oprezan.,I think Tom is careful.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Meni to deluje nehumano.,That seems inhumane to me.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Mislim da je Tom kvrgav.,I think Tom is callous.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Koliko je loše Tom povređen?,How badly was Tom hurt?,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Jesi li iskren?,Are you being truthful?,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Može li to malo tiše?,Could you keep it down?,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Moramo da se otarasimo Toma.,We must get rid of Tom.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ovo mora da je mesto.,This must be the place.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ovo mora da je važno.,This must be important.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Mora da je bilo teško.,That must've been hard.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn To mora da je bilo teško.,That must have been hard.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Reci mi šta moram da uradim.,Tell me what I must do.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Не треба ми ништа.,I don't need anything.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Mora da je zastrašujuće.,It must be frightening.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Mora da je neka greška.,It has to be a mistake.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Baš pričaš puno.,You sure do talk a lot.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Treba da razgovaraš sa mnom.,You need to talk to me.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Završili smo razgovor zasad.,We're done talking now.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Tom je pričao o muzici.,Tom talked about music.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Tom priča samo sa Meri.,Tom only talks to Mary.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Жирафе имају веома дугачке вратове.,Giraffes have very long necks.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Hajde da razgovaramo u hodniku.,Let's talk in the hall.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Moraš da govoriš glasnije.,You've got to speak up.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Možeš li da razgovaraš sa Tomom?,Could you speak to Tom?,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Samo probaj da ostaneš smiren.,Just try and stay calm.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Tom je ostao da počisti.,Tom stayed to clean up.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Nećemo da ostanemo ovde.,We're not staying here.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Dobro me plaćaš.,You pay me well enough.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Pauza za ručak je gotova.,Our lunch break's over.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Da li si ručao?,Have you had any lunch?,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Jesi li ručao?,Did you eat lunch?,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Bilo bi lepo, kada bi se opet mogli videti.",It would be great if we could meet again.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Rekao si mi da ne lažem.,You told me not to lie.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Овај молекул има кристалну структуру.,This molecule has a crystalline structure.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Šta si rekao Tomu?,What have you told Tom?,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Šta si rekla Tomu?,What did you tell Tom?,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Šta su ti rekli?,What did they tell you?,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Šta ne možeš da mi kažeš?,What can't you tell me?,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Tom mi je rekao šta da radim.,Tom told me what to do.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Tom mi je rekao da će on to uraditi.,Tom told me he'd do it.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Tom mi je rekao da će on to da uradi.,Tom told me that he'd do it.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Reci nam svoje pravo ime.,Tell us your real name.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Reci Tomu šta je Meri uradila.,Tell Tom what Mary did.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Reci Tomu da se više potrudi.,Tell Tom to try harder.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Reci im da dolazimo.,Tell them we're coming.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Reci mi zašto so uradio to.,Tell me why you did it.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Oni nisu moji.,They aren't mine.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Kaži mi gde živiš.,Tell me where you live.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Nisu moje.,They're not mine.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Kaži mi šta si napisao.,Tell me what you wrote.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Svi se ugledaju na njega.,Everybody looks up to him.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Под овим условима, банкротство је неминовно.","Under the circumstances, bankruptcy is inevitable.",srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Reci mi šta kaže ovo.,Tell me what this says.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ја сам то већ купио.,I already bought it.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мој отац не воли фудбал.,My dad doesn't like soccer.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Он ме је чекао дуго времена.,He kept me waiting for a long time.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Samo reci Tomu da sam zvao.,Just tell Tom I called.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Број становника Јокохаме је већи од броја становника Осаке.,The population of Yokohama is larger than that of Osaka.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn У случају опасности зови број 119.,"In case of emergency, call 119.",srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Они су напустили аутобус.,They got off the bus.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Samo mi reci da si dobro.,Just tell me you're OK.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Samo mi reci istinu.,Just tell me the truth.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ništa mi nije rečeno.,I wasn't told anything.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Pretpostavljam da je Tom rekao Meri.,I assume Tom told Mary.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Da li si ovo rekao Tomu?,Have you told Tom this?,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Da li moramo da kažemo Tomu?,Do we have to tell Tom?,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Možeš li da nam kažeš još?,Could you tell us more?,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Tom nije mogao da sedi mirno.,Tom couldn't sit still.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Много вам хвала, моји другови!","Thank you so much, my friends!",srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Da li Tom sedi ovde?,Is this where Tom sits?,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Svi su seli.,Everyone sat back down.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Da li je ovo bezbedno da se jede?,Is it safe to eat this?,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Nije ostalo ništa.,There was nothing left.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Uopšte nije tako.,It's nothing like that.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn I ja sam pronašao nešto.,"I found something, too.",srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Puno dugujem Tomu.,I owe Tom a great deal.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn To je teško zamisliti.,That's hard to picture.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Nikad nismo bili ovde.,We've never been there.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Oduvek smo bili siromašni.,We've always been poor.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Imamo šta nam je potrebno.,We've got what we need.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Moramo da probamo.,We've got to chance it.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Sarađivali smo.,We've been cooperative.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Moramo da postanemo bolji.,We've got to do better.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Било како било, ти ниси у праву.","Be that as it may, you are wrong.",srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Nikad nismo bili razdvojeni.,We've never been apart.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Nećemo da se nasukamo.,We're not going ashore.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Radimo ovo pogrešno.,We're doing this wrong.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Spremni smo, zar ne?","We're ready, aren't we?",srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Posrećilo nam se, zar ne?","We're lucky, aren't we?",srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Tom puni trinaest godina.,Tom is turning thirteen.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Свет је неправедан.,The world is unjust.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Дошао сам у миру.,I come in peace.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ne izlazi večeras.,Don't go out tonight.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Hrana je neophodna za opstanak.,Food is essential for survival.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn On je šampion.,He is the champion.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Sada je prilično zauzet.,He's rather busy just now.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Koliko dugo živi kornjača?,How long does a turtle live?,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Koliko je duga reka Nil?,How long is the Nile River?,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Mislim da smo imali sreće.,"We've been lucky, I think.",srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Nikad nikom ne pozajmljujem knjige ili CD-ove.,I never lend books or CDs to anyone.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Postaraću se da Tom ima sve što mu treba.,I'll make sure Tom has everything he needs.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Uči se tako što se radi.,One learns by doing.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ljudi su mislili da je paradajz otrovan.,People used to think that the tomato was poisonous.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Olizala je kašiku.,She licked the spoon.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Pokaži mi dokumenta.,Show me your documents.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Neke kornjače su živele preko 100 godina.,Some turtles have lived more than 100 years.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn To je čudno pitanje.,That's a weird question.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn SAD su bacile atomsku bombu na Hirošimu 1945.,The USA dropped an atomic bomb on Hiroshima in 1945.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Sutra ću da kupim šta mi treba.,Tomorrow I will buy what I need.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ja sam pio mleko.,I drank milk.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Na samo nekoliko minuta odavde je.,It is only a few minutes away.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Mogu li da otvorim prozor?,May I open the window?,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Таро је са десне стране своје мајке.,Taro is on the right side of his mother.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Велики критичар и песник путовали су заједно.,The great critic and the poet are traveling together.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ја сам вас тражио.,I have been looking for you.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Они су заиста победили.,They did win.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Испричао нам је тако смешну причу да смо се сви смејали.,He told us such a funny story that we all laughed.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Љубав ослепљује.,Love is making you blind.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Одлучио је да постане лекар.,He made up his mind to be a doctor.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Обоје су добри студенти.,They are both good students.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Колико је мачака у тој кући?,How many cats are there in this house?,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Њему се допада његов положај.,He enjoys his position.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn То је био бољи дан у мом животу.,It was the best day of my life.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ти лекови су ме излечили од прехладе.,I cured my cold with this medicine.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Електрицитет је веома користан.,Electricity is very useful.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Неки људи без обзира у ком добу су, не губе своју лепоту.","Some people, no matter how old they get, never lose their beauty.",srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Да ли си успео да урадиш то сам?,Were you able to do that by yourself?,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ја волим своју супругу.,I love my wife.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Postoji mogućnost da je čovek ubijen.,There's a possibility that the man was murdered.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Видео сам аутобус.,I saw the bus.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Изгледало ми је да Том не ради то што треба да ради.,It appeared to me that Tom wasn't doing what he was supposed to be doing.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn """Хвала"". ""Нема на чему"".","""Thank you!"" - ""You're welcome.""",srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Ви бисте хтели, како ја мислим… да, дакле, ја ћу Вам рећи моје искрено мишљење.","What do I think, you say ... well then, I'll give you my candid opinion.",srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Зашто користите тај фонт?,Why do you use this font?,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Том је хтео да разговара са Маријом, али није могао да је нађе.","Tom wanted to talk to Mary, but he couldn't find her.",srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Она је мислила да сам ја лекар.,She thought that I was a doctor.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ништа нисам могао да видим.,I can't see a thing.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Џим је подигао своју руку.,Jim put his hand up.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сматрам да смо добар тим.,I think we make a good team.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сви воле њега.,Everyone loves him.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ми смо трчали после мачке.,We ran after the cat.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Она је питала где се налази кућа.,She asked about the location of the house.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ви нисрте криви због те незгоде.,You are not to blame for the accident.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ми смо се спријатељили са бар десет Американаца.,We made friends with at least ten Americans.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Жене раде у ресторану.,The women work in a restaurant.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мораћемо да сачекамо и видимо.,We'll have to wait and see.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Готово сви долазе на време.,Almost everyone arrived on time.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Tako sam ponosan na moju ćerku Kejt, koja je pobedila na takmičenju u pevanju.","My daughter, Kate, won a singing competition and I'm proud of her.",srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Niko te ovde neće izdati.,No one here will betray you.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Niko ne sme da ide tamo.,No one is allowed to go there.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Niko nije rekao nešto tako.,No one said anything like that.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Zid je izgledao glatko i neprobojno.,The wall appeared to be smooth and impenetrable.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Naš plan je propao.,Our plan was unsuccessful.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Niko me neće zaustaviti.,Nobody is going to stop me.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Tako nešto još nisam video.,I've never seen anything like this before.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Oče naš na nebesima! Da se slavi ime tvoje. Da bude volja tvoja na nebu kao i na zemlji. Hleb nasušni daj nam danas, i oprosti nam grehove naše, kao što i mi opraštamo dužnicima našim. I ne dovodi nas u iskušenje, već izbavi nas iz zloga. Jer carstvo je tvoje, i moć i čast večna. Amen.","Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us, and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.",srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Он јесте богат, али живи као просјак.","He's rich, but he lives like a beggar.",srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Izgledaš zdravo kao i uvek.,You look as healthy as ever.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Моја супруга хоће да ја бацим овај допадљиви стари шешир.,My wife wants me to do away with this nice old hat.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Vrata frižidera su stajala otvorena.,The refrigerator door was open.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Neko je isključio alarm.,Someone turned the alarm off.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Nemoj da više misliš na to.,Don't give it another thought.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Događa se nešto čudno.,Something strange is going on.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn To je sasvim neverovatno.,That's absolutely incredible.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Nema ničega što bih ja želeo da ti kažem.,There's nothing I want to say to you.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ima toliko toga što želim da ti ispričam.,There's so much I want to tell you.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Neko se sakrio u ormanu.,There's someone hiding in the closet.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ima nešto što moram da ti ispričam.,There's something I need to tell you.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Oni su veoma oduševljeni.,They're very enthusiastic.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn To je osoba koju bih želeo da upoznaš.,This is someone I want you to meet.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Ovaj stari automobil je tvoj, ako ga želiš.",This old car is yours if you want it.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Da li je sve bilo zadovoljavajuće?,Was everything satisfactory?,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Svi verovatno misle da sam lud.,Everybody probably thinks I'm crazy.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Svi mi imamo pravo da budemo srećni.,We all have a right to be happy.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Svi se mi moramo suprostaviti ovome.,We all must stand up against this.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Znaš li kako se koristi ova mašina?,Do you know how to use this machine?,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Oni su zasadili drveće jabuka.,They planted apple trees.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Svi mi moramo da budemo veoma oprezni.,We all have to be very careful.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Nismo ništa pitali.,We didn't ask any questions.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Mi više ni ne pričamo.,We don't even talk anymore.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ne mogu da dočekam sutra.,I can't wait for tomorrow.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Jezik sile je jedino što oni razumeju.,Force is the only language they understand.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ponesi kišobran u slučaju da padne kiša.,Take your umbrella with you in case it rains.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Čeka nas naporan dan.,We have a busy day ahead of us.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Želimo da pričamo sa tobom o tome.,We want to talk to you about that.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Rado ćemo Vas pozvati.,We'll be happy to call you back.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Da li si bio zadovoljan s rezultatima?,Were you happy with the results?,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Šta je to što zaista želiš da mi kažeš?,What is it you really want to tell me?,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ne mogu više da se opirem.,I can't resist any longer.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Tom nosi novi kaput.,Tom is wearing a new coat.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Šta te je navelo da pomisliš da ja želim tvoju pomoć?,What makes you think I want your help?,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ne mogu ni da zamislim to.,I can't even imagine that.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Kada je Tom počeo da radi ovde?,When did Tom start working here?,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Molim te, dođi kod mene kući nakratko.",Please come to my house for a while.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Uvek mi se više sviđao Tom.,I always liked Tom better.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Gde želiš ove kofere?,Where do you want these suitcases?,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Zašto niko ne odgovara?,Why doesn't anybody answer?,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Zašto nisi naoružan?,Why don't you carry a weapon?,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Zašto ne bi probao jedan od ovih?,Why don't you try one of these?,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Zašto, za ime sveta, želiš da znaš to?",Why on earth do you want to know that?,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ne moraš da se izvinjavaš.,You don't have to apologize.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ne izgledaš tako iznenađeno.,You don't seem too surprised.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ne zvučiš veoma iznenađeno.,You don't sound very surprised.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Ne želiš u zatvor, zar ne?","You don't want to go to prison, do you?",srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ti još uvek možeš da uradiš šta god želiš.,You may still do it if you want to.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Treba da naučiš samoodbranu.,You should learn self-defense.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Isuviše mnogo vremena provodiš sam.,You spend too much time alone.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Uvek si bio veseo dečak.,You were always such a happy boy.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ti si neverovatno glup.,You're unbelievably stupid.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ко нас је издао?,Who betrayed us?,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Da li me optužuješ za nešto?,Are you accusing me of something?,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Da li si siguran da želiš da ja ovo prodam?,Are you sure you want me to sell this?,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Boston je prelep grad.,Boston is a wonderful city.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Pažljivo pazi šta ćeš sledeće da kažeš.,Choose your next words carefully.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Jedino smo mi ovde.,We're the only ones here.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ništa više ne možeš da uradiš za mene.,There's nothing more you can do for me.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ima jedan novi restoran na Čeri aveniji.,There's a new restaurant on Cherry Avenue.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Nekoliko parova je bilo na plaži.,There were several couples on the beach.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Vino je izvrsno.,The wine was excellent.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Tom je štedeo novac da bi kupio automobil.,Tom has been saving money to buy a car.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Mislim da mi je nešto promaklo.,I think I missed something.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Не зна свако шта то значи.,Not everybody knows what it means.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Nikad nisam imao problema da zaspim.,I've never had trouble falling asleep.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Tog dana je padala kiša.,It rained that day.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Видећеш га.,You'll see him.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn """Када он учи?"" ""Он учи пре вечере.""","""When does he study?"" ""He studies before dinner.""",srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Još se nismo upoznali.,We haven't met yet.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Zašto ne možete da ostanete?,Why can't you stay?,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Često mi govore da je teško da se priča sa mnom.,I'm often told that I'm hard to approach.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Глока куждра штеко будланула бокра и курђачи бокрице.,A glock coozdre has steckly boodled a boker and is curding a bokerlet.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Најзад смо стигли!,"At last, we have arrived!",srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Robot se nikada ne razboli i ne žali, i on može da radi 24 sata dnevno.",The robots never get sick or complain and they can work 24 hours a day.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ne volim da radim.,I don't like to work.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Tom je rekao da je zdrav.,Tom said he's healthy.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Снови говоре истину.,Dreams tell the truth.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Nema utvrđene politike.,There's no set policy.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Pacijent je sasvim ozdravio.,The patient made a full recovery.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn To je vrlo ljubazno od Vas.,That's very considerate of you.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn To je besmisleno.,It doesn't make sense.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ostani gde si. Dolazim.,Stay where you are. I'm on my way.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Pažljivo pročitajte uputstva.,Read the instructions carefully.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Molimo pošaljite ovaj dokument pre isteka ovog meseca.,Please send this document before the end of the month.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Fizika me uopšte ne zanima.,Physics doesn't interest me at all.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Niko se ne brine o meni.,No one cares about me.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Moja knjiga je veoma teška.,My book is very heavy.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ne zanima me koliko svrbi. Ne češaj se.,I don't care how much it itches. Don't scratch it.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Imam puno toga planirano za sutra.,I have a lot of stuff planned for tomorrow.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Neko treba da uradi nešto.,Somebody has to do something.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ми смо из Француске.,We are from France.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Nedostajaćete mi svi vi.,I will miss you all.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Да ли говориш кинески?,Can you speak Chinese?,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ne bacaj na pod!,Don't throw anything on the floor.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Više nije uvek bolje.,More is not always better.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Dobaci mi šećer, molim te.","Pass me the sugar, please.",srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Život prolazi prilično brzo.,Life goes by pretty fast.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ostavi ih na miru.,Leave them alone.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Kada ćete da idete?,What time will you be leaving?,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Већина јапанских храмова је направљена од дрвета.,Most Japanese temples are made of wood.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Zdrav razum je skup predrasuda koje su usvojene do osamnaeste godine.,Common sense is the collection of prejudices acquired by age eighteen.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Дај ми млеко.,Give me the milk.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Sad smo u nevolji.,We're in trouble now.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn To je veoma ljubazno od tebe.,It's very kind of you.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Potreban nam je papir.,We need paper.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Sigurna sam da si veoma zauzeta.,I'm sure you're very busy.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Neće ti pomoći ako brineš.,Worrying will do you no good.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ne želim da diskutujem ovo sada.,I don't want to discuss this now.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Kada treba da se odjavimo?,When should we check out?,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Hajde da ne pričamo o ovome sada.,Let's not discuss this now.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Treba da razgovaramo o ovome sa Tomom.,We need to discuss this with Tom.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Hajde da prodiskutujemo opcije.,Let's discuss our options.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ово је DVD.,This is a DVD.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn On ne bi mogao da odoli.,He could not resist the temptation.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Hajde da pričamo o ovome tokom ručka.,Let's discuss this over lunch.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Hajde da razgovaramo o tvojoj ideji.,Let's discuss your idea.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Napoleonov konj je bio beo.,Napoleon's horse was white.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Još ima mnogo toga da naučiš o ženama.,You still have a lot to learn about women.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ima mnogo toga da naučiš o muškarcima.,You have a lot to learn about men.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Da li je Tom blizu?,Is Tom nearby?,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Život i smrt su dve strane istog novčića.,Life and death are two sides of the same coin.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Tom ima visoke moralne standarde.,Tom has high moral standards.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Lako se izgubi ravnoteža na rastresitoj šljaci.,It's easy to lose your footing on loose gravel.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ovde je hladno.,It's cold here.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn To je dobra škola.,It's a good school.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn To nema smisla.,It makes no sense.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Postane dosadno posle nekog vremena.,It gets boring after a while.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Zašto si još uvek budna? Treba da ideš u krevet.,Why are you still up? You should get to bed.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Da li ima nešto što mi ne govoriš?,Is there something you're not telling me?,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ima li nešto drugo što bih trebao da znam?,Is there anything else I should know?,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Sedenje po ceo dan je loše po tebe.,Sitting all day is bad for you.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Kupio sam nešto odeće.,I've bought some clothes.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Tom je često razmišljao o Meri.,Tom often thought about Mary.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Mislim da Tom skriva nešto.,I think that Tom is hiding something.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Voleo bih da se osloniš na mene.,I would like you to rely on me.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Tom uči veoma brzo.,Tom is learning very quickly.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Prigušuju svetla. Predstava samo što nije počela.,They're dimming the lights. The play is about to begin.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Zašto je slikanje vozova toliko interesantno?,Why is taking pictures of trains so interesting?,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Vratio sam se pre nedelju dana, ali me još uvek muči džet-leg.","I've been back for a week, but I'm still suffering from jet lag.",srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Zašto je slikanje vozova zanimljivo?,Why is taking pictures of trains interesting?,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Hoću da idem malo sporije.,I'd like to walk a bit slower.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Tom se vrteo po sobi, ne mogavši da se smiri.","Tom was pacing in his room, unable to calm himself down.",srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Siguran sam da je nikada nisam video.,I'm sure I've never seen her.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Toma je zapanjio Merin dobar izgled.,Tom was dazzled by Mary's good looks.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Izvinite. Želeo bih kada bih mogao da povučem to što sam rekao.,I'm sorry. I wish I could take back what I said.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Reagovao sam instiktivno.,I reacted instinctively.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Život je poput velikog autoputa.,Life is like a big highway.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Zadovoljan sam sa onim što imam.,I'm happy with what I have.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Nećemo se vratiti tamo nikada.,We'll never go back there again.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Odlažem putovanje u Englesku dok ne otopli.,I'll postpone my trip to England until it gets warmer.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Uvek ću pamtiti to kada sam prvi put video Toma.,I'll always remember the first time I saw Tom.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Neću uspeti bez njegove pomoći.,I wouldn't have succeeded without his help.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Izvini, nisam ispratio.","Sorry, I don't follow.",srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Želim da vidim moje roditelje.,I went to see my parents.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Pokušao sam da pričam sa tobom.,I was trying to talk to you.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ja hoću da napravim nešto od mog života.,I want to do something with my life.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Želim da dobijem detalje.,I want the details.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Mislim da znaš zašto.,I think you know why.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Misliš li da je moguće položiti sve ispite?,Do you think it's possible to pass all the exams?,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том је најбољи ученик у разреду.,Tom is the best student in our class.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Mislim da znaš zašto te zovem.,I think you know why I'm calling you.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Mislim da znaš zašto sam te pozvao.,I think you know why I summoned you.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Mislim da znaš zašto sam te bio zvao.,I think you know why I called you.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Smatram da su igrice poput ""Candy Crush"" traćenje vremena.",I think that games such as Candy Crush are a waste of time.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Iznenađen sam što nisi znala da Tom zna francuski.,I'm surprised that you didn't know that Tom could speak French.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Mislim da je to gubljenje vremena.,I think it's a waste of time.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Mislim da znam zašto.,I think I know why.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Leti nosim majice sa kratkim rukavima.,I wear short-sleeve shirts in the summer.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ручала сам са њим.,I had lunch with him.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Tom nije video ništa.,Tom couldn't see anything.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Obe su se obogatile.,They both got rich.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Tom nije mogao da vidi ništa.,Tom could see nothing.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Видећеш њу.,You'll see her.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Под заклетвом си.,You are under oath.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ми смо стари пријатељи.,We're old friends.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ветар је јефтин и чист извор енергије.,Wind is a cheap and clean source of energy.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тај дечак има црну косу.,That boy has black hair.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Видео сам га да трчи.,I saw him running.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Које вино имаш?,What kind of wine do you have?,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Много патим за тобом.,I miss you very much.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Она се осмехнула и опростила.,She smiled and said goodbye.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Џексон то није могао да поверује.,Jackson could not believe it.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тамо има много људи који се шетају.,There are a lot of people walking there.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Možeš li da razbiješ jaje sa jednom rukom?,Can you break an egg with one hand?,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Tom uvek izgleda nezadovoljno.,Tom always seems to be dissatisfied.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Zabavi se dok možeš.,Have fun while you can.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Он је сефардски Јеврејин.,He's a Sephardic Jew.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Da li imaš psa?,Do you have a dog?,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Moj brat je mali, ali je mnogo porastao u poslednje vreme.",My brother is small but he has grown a lot recently.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Moja baka ima brata blizanca.,My grandmother has a twin brother.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Imate li psa?,Have you got a dog?,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Možeš li da zasmeješ Toma?,Can you make Tom laugh?,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Imaš plave usne.,Your lips are blue.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Mogu i zatvorenih očiju.,I can do it with my eyes closed.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сви се осећају удобно код њега.,Everybody feels at home with him.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Куда ви идете у школу?,Where do you go to school?,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Грци такође често једу рибу.,The Greeks also eat fish often.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Ниједна животиња не гради лепе цркве, игра тенис, прича шале, пише песме или лети на Месец.","No animal builds beautiful churches, plays tennis, tells jokes, writes songs or visits the moon.",srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Кад год дошли, увек ћете бити добродошли.",You will always be welcome whenever you come.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ставља јаја у фрижидер.,Take an egg from the fridge.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Допада ми се да заборављам нешто.,I feel like I'm forgeting something.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Морао сам се дивити његовој храбрости.,We could not but admire his courage.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Током дугог времена нисам га видео.,I haven't seen him for a long time.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Да ли је то тачно?,Is that correct?,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Он можда никада неће бити познат.,It may be that he will never be famous.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Та идеја ми се не допада.,I don't like this idea.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Да ли је неко одсутан данас?,Is anyone absent today?,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Potcenili ste me.,You underestimated me.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ne potcenjuj me.,Don't underestimate me.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Следеће седмице доћи ће електричар и поправити кабл.,"Next week, the electrician will come and fix the cable.",srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Инверз неквадратне матрице је опасна ствар.,The inverse of a non-square matrix is a dangerous thing.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Moraš da se oglasiš.,You need to speak out.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn То не спада у моје задатке.,That's not within my remit.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Стави руке на главу!,Put your hands on your head!,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Potreban ti je jedan od ovih.,You need one of those.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том ме је потценио.,Tom underestimated me.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ја нећу да ти помажем.,I don't want to help you.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn To nije ni približno dovoljno.,It isn't nearly enough.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ona je odbila da primi novac.,She refused to take the money.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ona je poznatija od tebe.,She is more famous than you.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Imam privremenu vozačku dozvolu.,I've got a provisional licence.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Dolazi autobus.,The bus is coming.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Да ли ви случајно ѕнате где она живи.,Do you happen to know where she lives?,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Лекар ми је забранио да учествујем у маратонској трци.,The doctor forbade me to take part in the marathon.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Nije mi se baš svidelo.,I didn't enjoy it very much.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Baš sam uživao.,I enjoyed it very much.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том има свакакве проблеме.,Tom has all kinds of problems.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Moraš živeti u skladu sa svojim principima.,You must live up to your principles.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Koliko je to zaista bitno?,How much does it really matter?,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Не могу да радим две ствари у исто време.,I can't do two things at once.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Efekat klimanskih promena je mnogo manje izražen na Antartiku nego u severnim polarnim predelima.,The effects of climate change are far less pronounced in Antarctica than in the northern polar regions.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Potrebna mi je dvokrevetna soba.,I need a double room.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Parovi u vezi na daljinu znaju da rizikuju - a da ne spominjemo žrtvovanja na koja su primorani.,Couples in long distance relationship know that they run a risk - not to mention the sacrifices they have to make.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Његова књига је црвена.,His book is red.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Otvori usta!,Open your mouth!,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Моја сестра прави косу код фризера два или три пута недељно.,My sister has her hair done at the hairdresser two or three times a week.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Јао ми је жао Тома.,I really feel sorry for Tom.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Nemam neko visoko mišljenje o njemu kao muzičaru.,I don't think much of him as a musician.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Mislim da znam šta se dogodilo sa Tomom.,I think I know what happened to Tom.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Studiram matematiku.,I study mathematics.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Da li je to nešto zaista toliko bitno?,Is it really such a big deal?,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Sviđaju mi se tvoji psi.,I like your dogs.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Sviđaju mi se ovi šeširi.,I like these hats.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Imam važnu misiju za tebe.,I have an important mission for you.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Mrzim da čekam u redu.,I hate waiting in line.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Mrzim takve dečake.,I hate guys like that.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Mrzim takve devojke.,I hate girls like that.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Moram da uklonim moju tatovažu.,I had to get my tattoo removed.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Уобичајено ја доручкујем лагано.,I usually have a light breakfast.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мој авион полеће у шест часова.,My plane leaves at six o'clock.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Али ви нисте тамо.,But you're not there.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Лав је скочио кроз горећи обруч.,The lion jumped through the burning ring.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Где више волите? Овде или тамо?,"Which one do you prefer, this one or that one?",srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Делфин је сисар.,A dolphin is a mammal.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ја сам живео у Осаки десет година пре него сам дошао у Токио.,We lived in Osaka for ten years before we came to Tokyo.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Супа је преслана.,The soup is too salty.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Те јабуке су веома укусне.,These apples taste good.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Чекајте до шест.,Wait till six.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Данас је понедељак.,It is Monday today.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Била би ми потребна вечност да све објасним.,It would take forever for me to explain everything.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мајка ће усвојити мој план.,Mother approved my plan.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бурбон се производи из кукуруза.,Bourbon is made from corn.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Nije mogao da razume nešto mnogo od onoga šta su oni rekli jedno drugom.,He couldn't understand much of what they said to each other.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Та кућа је позната.,This house is famous.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Имам добре шансе да успешно нађем добру неговатељицу за бебу.,I was lucky that I was able to find a good babysitter.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ви сте криминалац.,You're a criminal.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Bila sam prisutna u školi juče.,I was present at school yesterday.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Reći ću samo: ti si predivna.,But I will say this: You are gorgeous.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Деца се играју напољу.,The children are playing outside.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Та птица не живи ни у Јапану ни у Кини.,This bird lives neither in Japan nor in China.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn To se dešava samo jednom u životu.,It happens only once in a lifetime.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ви немате добро памћење.,You've got a poor memory!,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том има разне проблеме.,Tom has all sorts of problems.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Не улази у моју собу.,Don't go in my room.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Када сте последњи пут присуствовали погребу?,When was the last time you were at a burial ceremony?,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Грчка је стара земља.,Greece is an old country.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Zini!,Open your mouth.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Nešto je trulo u državi Danskoj.,There's something rotten in the state of Denmark.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Daćemo im moralnu podršku.,We will give them moral support.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Моји студенти увек уче.,My students are always studying.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Tor Hejerdal je sa svojim hrabrim idejama i spektakularnim ekspedicijama stekao svetsku slavu.,Thor Heyerdahl gained world fame with his bold ideas and spectacular expeditions.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Nemaš pojma, koliko si u pravu.",You've no idea how right you are.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Prestani sa samosažaljevanjem.,Stop feeling sorry for yourself.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бићу тамо.,I'll be there.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Јуче је било облачно.,Yesterday was cloudy.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Данас имам много тога да урадим.,Today I have a lot of things to do.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Uvek sam mrzovoljan.,I'm always moody.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Возови у Србији су ужасно спори.,The trains in Serbia are terribly slow.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Почео је да пада снег.,It's started to snow.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Treba ovde da budeš najkasnije u pola jedan.,You need to be here by 2:30 at the latest.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Гладни кучићи лају на улици.,Hungry puppies are barking on the street.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Neki jezici poput Francuskog, Italijanskog i Španskog potiču od Latinskog.","Such languages as French, Italian and Spanish come from Latin.",srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Tom je jurio svog psa.,Tom chased after his dog.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn То је моја идеја.,That's my idea.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сендвич без пршуте није сендвич.,A sandwich without ham is not a sandwich.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Једи супу док је врућа.,Eat your soup while it's warm.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ја волим математику.,I love math.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn То је апсолутна истина!,That is the absolute truth!,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Данас смо двапут имали лажну узбуну.,"Today, we had two false alarms.",srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Nikad nećemo saznati razlog.,We'll never know the reason.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Извини што сам заборавио. Данас сам никакав.,Sorry that I forgot. I'm completely out of it today.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Свако јутро за доручак једем мед.,"Every morning, I eat honey for breakfast.",srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Где си ти?,Where are you?,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Tom obećava Skotima brda i doline.,Tom promises the Scots the moon.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Он сваких пола сата трчи у лабораторију.,He runs off to the lab every half hour.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Где је нестао сав хлеб?,Where did all the bread go?,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Нико мени не може да помогне.,Nobody can help me.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Он се после часа немачког осећа уморно.,He's feeling tired after German class.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ја нисам заборавио.,I haven't forgotten.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Зрно по зрно погача.,Seed after seed will make bread.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Овај се пуни.,This one is full.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ово је реченица.,This is a sentence.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Било је заиста инспиришуће.,It was really inspiring.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Студенти су се вратили.,The students have returned.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Немој каснити.,Don't be late.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Линколн је поздравио свога старог политичког противника.,Lincoln welcomed his old political opponent.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn "То, што ја не знам како се она зове – то је чињеница.",It is a fact that I don't know her name.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Он се збунио, када сам ја инсистирао на томе да прочита критику своје нове књиге.",He was embarrassed when I insisted on reading the criticism of his new book.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Poverio sam ti svoju tajnu a ti si me izdao.,I trusted you with my secret and you betrayed me.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Данас, нажалост, пада киша.","Unfortunately, it's raining today.",srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Кишни дани ме чине тужним.,Rainy days make me unhappy.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Срећна Нова Година!,Happy New Year!,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Жене воле кишобране у боји.,Women like colorful umbrellas.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Покриј уста док кашљеш, кијаш или зеваш.","Cover your mouth when you cough, sneeze, or yawn.",srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ваша идеја потпуно се разликује од моје.,Your idea differs entirely from mine.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn To se nas ne tiče.,That doesn't concern us.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ја сам га задржавао да не иде.,I will stop him from going.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Деца су ишла напоље да се играју.,The children went out to play.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сачекај ме овде док се не вратим.,Wait here till I come back.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Ја сам Јапанац, док си ти Американац.","I am Japanese, but you are an American.",srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Он је одбио да погледа план.,He wouldn't mention the plan.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Kako da se otarasite krtica u bašti?,How do you get rid of moles in the garden?,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ја верујем да је она стидљива.,I think that she's honest.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Избегните кишу.,Stay out of the rain.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Ako želiš, naučiću te da sviraš ukulele.",I'll teach you how to play the ukulele if you want me to.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Опасно је искакати из воза док иде.,It's dangerous to jump off a moving train.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Morao je da mi se izvadi jedan kutnjak.,I had to get a molar extracted.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Tom je znao šta je želeo.,Tom knew what he wanted.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ko je ostavio otvorena vrata?,Who left the door open?,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Ona govori engleski, takođe i francuski.",She speaks both English and French.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn Оставите нас да се састанемо вечерас.,Let's get together tonight.,srp_Cyrl-eng_Latn """Men jag vill inte skiljas"", sluddrade Tom med gråten i halsen, men Mary slog bara dövörat till.","""But I don't want a divorce"" cried Tom, but to Mary it fell on deaf ears.",swe_Latn-eng_Latn Varför är den inte här?,Why isn't it here?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Kolet glöd i elden.,The coal was glowing in the fire.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Ingen vet säkert hur många människor som dog.,No one is sure how many people died.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag kommer att förklara detta skämt för dig senare.,I will explain this joke to you later.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Hon har inga barn.,She has no children.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn "Hon har små bröst, men jag har inget emot det.","She has small breasts, but I don't mind.",swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag känner mig lättare än luft.,I feel lighter than air.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Vill du gå någon annanstans?,Do you want to go someplace else?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Hans tal fångade vår uppmärksamhet.,His speech captured our attention.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Har du ett hus?,Do you have a house?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag bor i närheten.,I live nearby.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Varifrån kommer det här?,Where's this from?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag glömde ditt paraply på bussen.,I left your umbrella in the bus.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Han låter den här pistolen vara laddad.,He keeps this gun loaded.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag älskar min stad.,I love my city.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Det är det som vi väntar på.,That's what we're waiting on.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Vi litar på honom.,We trust him.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Vilka är dina fritidsintressen?,What are your hobbies?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Tom visade upp innehållet i sin plånbok.,Tom displayed the contents of his wallet.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Har tråkar ut allihopa.,He bores everybody.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Hur mycket tjänar Tom?,How much money does Tom make?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn I övrigt vet jag ingenting.,I know nothing but this.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Det är dags för dig att sluta titta på tv.,It's time you stopped watching television.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn "Välkommen, John! Vi väntade på dig.","Welcome, John! We were waiting for you.",swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag kommer hit varje dag.,I come here every day.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag kunde inte ljuga för dig.,I couldn't lie to you.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag bad inte om detta.,I didn't ask for this.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag flyttade inte på någonting.,I didn't move a thing.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag vill se Tom.,I wanted to see Tom.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag sa inget.,I didn't say anything.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag är så bråttom att jag inte kan hjälpa Er.,I am so busy that I can't help you.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn "Han är ingen poet, men en författare.",He is not a poet but a novelist.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Skulle ni vara så snäll och öppna dörren åt mig?,Would you be so kind as to open the door for me?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Han gillar att lyssna på radio.,He likes listening to the radio.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Det är alldeles rimligt.,That's fairly reasonable.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Toms farfar och Marys morfar slogs tillsammans i andra världskriget.,Tom's grandfather and Mary's grandfather fought together in World War II.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Han var mer än kung.,He was more than a king.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Vi döpte min son efter min morfar.,We named my son after my grandfather.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Spädbarnet döptes till Alfred efter sin farfar.,The baby was named Alfred after his grandfather.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Har vi tillräckligt med stolar?,Do we have enough chairs?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Tom tvivlar inte på Marys förmåga att utföra jobbet.,Tom doesn't doubt Mary's ability to do the job.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn "Kan du skriva det med hiragana, är du snäll?",Can you write that in hiragana please?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Ljusen i julgranen brinner.,The candles on the Christmas tree are burning.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Tom lyssnar på en mashup.,Tom is listening to a mashup.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Det är min väska.,This is my bag.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn "Bill, ring mig ikväll.","Bill, call me tonight.",swe_Latn-eng_Latn Min mor är arg.,My mother is angry.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Under förra året skedde det många trafikolyckor.,A lot of car accidents occurred last year.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Kärleken till konsten förde honom utomlands.,Love for art carried him abroad.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Känner du till kabuki?,Do you know kabuki?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Det var sant.,It was the truth.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag har inte mycket pengar nu.,I don't have much money now.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Första steget är det jobbigaste.,It is the first step which is troublesome.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Det där är flickan som jag känner väl.,That is the girl whom I know well.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Vampyrer lever för evigt.,Vampires live forever.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Det stinker verkligen härinne.,It really stinks in here.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag antar att du är beredd att ta risken.,I assume you're willing to take the risk.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag fick ett brev som underrättade mig om hans ankomst.,I received a letter informing me of his arrival.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag åkte aldrig fast.,I never got caught.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn "Jag tycker inte om honom, för han är slug som en räv.",I don't like him because he is sly as a fox.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Han är en slug räv.,He is a sly fox.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Hon skrek till av förvåning.,She cried out in surprise.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Han har kommit att se ut att vara en rävaktig premiärminister som utnyttjar makten i sitt ämbete till fullo för egen vinning.,"He has come to look like a sly-as-a-fox Premier who uses his position's powers to the fullest extent, to his own advantage.",swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag tror inte att det kommer att regna i eftermiddag.,I do not think it will rain this afternoon.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Det är billigt att åka tunnelbana i Peking.,It is cheap to take the subway in Beijing.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Det fanns några barn i rummet.,There were a few children in the room.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Du behöver inte prata så högt.,There's no need to speak so loud.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Tom är den perfekta pappan.,Tom is the perfect father.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Hör du mig?,Can you hear me?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Hur ser du om någon är en löpare?,How do you know someone is a runner?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Varför denna uppståndelse?,Why all the commotion?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Det finns inget att klaga på.,There is nothing to complain about.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Idag är sista dagen i januari.,Today is the last day of January.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag tvivlar på att Tom är lycklig.,I doubt that Tom is happy.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn "Han hann, men hon hann inte.","He made it, but she didn't.",swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag fick min välförtjänta lön.,I sure had my due reward.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Har du någon pojk- eller flickvän? Var träffade du hen?,Do you have a boyfriend or a girlfriend? Where did you meet them?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Han skyndade sig in i bilen.,He got into his car in a hurry.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Han dröjde här en stund.,He stayed here for a while.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag försöker igen.,I will try again.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Hon har förändrats mycket sedan förra gången.,He changed a lot since the last time.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Lunchen är klar!,Lunch is ready!,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Middagen är klar!,Dinner is ready!,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Middagen är färdig!,Dinner is ready.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Han förstår inte unga människors slang så bra.,He doesn't understand the slang used by young people.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Du är en vacker flicka.,You're a beautiful girl.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag dukar bordet.,I'm setting the table.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Var är han?,Where is he?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Vart går han?,Where is he going?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Tom är en bra make.,Tom is a good husband.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Både Tom och Mary är från Kanada.,Tom and Mary are both Canadians.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Var tysta båda två.,Both of you be quiet.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Hon lider av anorexi.,She suffers from anorexia.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Tjejen vankade framför huset.,The girl is pacing in front of the house.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Skulle du vilja göra mig sällskap på en promenad i parken?,Would you like to take a stroll around the park with me?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag känner mig väldigt stark.,I feel very strong.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Det var en lugn natt.,It was a calm night.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Vad skulle du ha gjort annorlunda?,What would you have done differently?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Ingen av oss såg den.,None of us saw it.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Det fanns inte en själ i sikte.,There wasn't a soul in sight.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag är överste.,I am a colonel.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Det är rena rama grekiskan.,It's all Greek to me.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag tycker mycket om hundar.,I like dogs very much.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Sami var en självsäker student.,Sami was a confident student.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Han började svära.,He started swearing.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Det klarar du av.,You can do it.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag saknar Boston.,I miss Boston.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Leanne har blå ögon.,Leanne has got blue eyes.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag älskar Leanne.,I love Leanne.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Stanna bilen nu!,Stop the car now!,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Kom ner från mitt tak.,Get off of my roof.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Tom insåg att Mary hade rätt.,Tom realized Mary was right.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Det står nu tre bilar parkerade framför vårt hus.,There are now three cars parked in front of your house.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Du har inget att vara arg över.,There is nothing for you to be angry about.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Hennes favoritmat som barn var pizza.,Her favourite food as a child was pizza.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Dan och Linda är tvillingar.,Dan and Linda are twins.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn "Du vill ha de här grejerna, inte sant?","You want this stuff, don't you?",swe_Latn-eng_Latn Ingen kan undkomma döden.,No one can avert death.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag var glad för hennes skull.,I was happy for her.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Du var den vackraste kvinnan på festen ikväll.,You were the most beautiful woman at the party tonight.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Mary tror att hon har superkrafter.,Mary believes she has special powers.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag ser ett mönster.,I see a pattern.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Var jobbade Tom då?,Where was Tom working then?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag känner mig väldigt skyldig.,I feel very guilty.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Tom är skyldig Mary trehundra dollar.,Tom owes Mary three hundred dollars.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Kommer du och Tom bra överens?,Do you and Tom get along?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Tom skakade hand med alla.,Tom shook everybody's hands.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag antog det.,I figured that out.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag föll för den.,I fell for it.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag jobbar vanligtvis inte på helger.,I don't usually work on weekends.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Tom har ambitioner.,Tom has ambition.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Så fort det blir mörkt börjar fyrverkeriet.,"As soon as it gets dark, the fireworks will start.",swe_Latn-eng_Latn Tom förstod inte att han gjorde ett misstag.,Tom didn't realize that he had made a mistake.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn De spelar bridge varje ledig stund.,They play bridge every free moment.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Dan var den första polisen som anlände till brottsplatsen.,Dan was the first officer to arrive at the crime scene.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Tom har aldrig klippt sina egna barns hår.,Tom has never cut his own children's hair.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Upptäck världen!,Discover the world!,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Min farmor är vid god hälsa och bor ensam.,My grandmother is in sound health and lives alone.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Hatten passar henne perfekt.,The hat fits her perfectly.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Du kunde räkna till tio redan då du var två år gammal.,You could count to ten when you were two years old.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Tom fick antibiotika.,Tom was given antibiotics.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag önskar att jag hade en bil.,I wish I had a car.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Atomenergi kan användas för fredliga ändamål.,Atomic energy can be used for peaceful ends.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag sticker till gymmet.,I'm off to the gym.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Det ligger på katedern.,It's on your desk.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Hur gammal var Tom då?,How old was Tom then?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Han är längre än sin lillebror.,He is taller than his brother.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Stanna gärna kvar efter konserten. Vi kommer att skriva autografer.,Please stick around after the concert. We'll be signing autographs.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag är älskad av mina föräldrar.,I am loved by my parents.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag kände mig väldigt sömnig.,I felt very sleepy.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Är du för eller emot planen?,Are you for or against the plan?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag gick också.,I also went.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag menade inte något av det.,I didn't mean any of it.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag uppskattar verkligen din hjälp.,I really appreciate all your help.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Säg det bara.,Go on and say it.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Det var det jag tänkte säga.,That's what I was about to say.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Av någon anledning så känner jag mig mer levande på natten.,For some reason I feel more alive at night.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn "Jag tänker, alltså är jag.","I think, therefore I am.",swe_Latn-eng_Latn Hästar är farliga djur.,Horses are dangerous animals.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag kände mig väldigt illa till mods.,I felt very uneasy.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag vill bara ha roligt.,I just want to have fun.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag vet hur svårt det är att göra så.,I know how hard it is to do that.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Ingen kommer att klandra er.,Nobody's going to blame you.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Vi är inte seriösa.,We aren't serious.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Det starka ljuset störde Markku.,The bright light disturbed Markku.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Bilen förvandlades till skrot.,The car was turned into scrap.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Vi har ingen bil.,We don't have a car.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag har en familj.,I have a family.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Kom ut därifrån nu.,Come on out of there.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Boken intresserar mig.,The book interests me.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Varför lämnade du oss?,Why did you leave us?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Såvitt jag vet är detta inte fallet.,"As far as I know, this is not the case.",swe_Latn-eng_Latn I min ansökan anger jag hur länge jag ville arbeta.,In my application I indicate how long I want to work.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Mördade du Tom?,Did you murder Tom?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Märkte du det?,Did you notice it?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag har helljuset på.,My lights are on full beam.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Vad mer kan jag göra?,What else can I do?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Maj kommer efter april.,May comes after April.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Vilka underbara nyheter!,What wonderful news!,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Vad är det för filtillägg?,What is the file extension?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Min familj är liten.,My family is small.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Målade du den här?,Did you paint this?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Hon kan spela den här melodin på piano.,She can play this tune on the piano.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Är ni två musiker?,Are you two musicians?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Vi ska ha en diskussion angående prognosen.,We will have a discussion concerning the prognosis.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Har du några mynt i din plånbok?,Have you got some coins in your wallet?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Målade du de här?,Did you paint these?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Med Tom hade det varit annorlunda.,"With Tom, it would've been different.",swe_Latn-eng_Latn Varför valde du Tom?,Why did you pick Tom?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Lärarna lär.,The teachers teach.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Varför valde du mig?,Why did you pick me?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Var det du som kidnappade Tom?,Did you kidnap Tom?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Detta är en häst.,This is a horse.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Har du underrättat Tom?,Did you notify Tom?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Var satte du den?,Where did you put it?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Läste du den?,Did you read it?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn "Room service, tack.","Room service, please.",swe_Latn-eng_Latn I Finland finns det 187 888 sjöar.,"There are 187,888 lakes in Finland.",swe_Latn-eng_Latn Läste du det där?,Did you read that?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Hon gör en höna av en fjäder.,She is making a mountain out of a molehill.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Har du sett det här förut?,Have you seen this before?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag glömde min väska.,I forgot my bag.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Vad ska vi göra till lunch?,What are we going to do for lunch?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Allt är tillgängligt.,Everything is available.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Tom säger att det här inte är rättvist.,Tom says this can't be fair.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Tom sprang in i klassrummet.,Tom ran into the classroom.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Vi borde vänta här.,We should wait here.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag ger aldrig upp.,I never give up.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Det kommer nog vara billigt att göra det.,It'll probably be cheap to do that.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Vad gör du för att fördriva tiden?,What do you do to pass the time?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Hon bifogade ett foto.,She enclosed a photo.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Han älskar katter.,He loves cats.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag glömde min plånbok.,I forgot my wallet.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Sami behövde veta mer.,Sami needed to know more.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Mary tror hon är smartare än alla andra.,Mary thinks she's smarter than anyone else.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Tom ska inte låta Mary att göra det.,Tom isn't going to let Mary do that.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag hittade min bok.,I found my book.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Tom kommer inte låta Mary att göra det.,Tom isn't going to allow Mary to do that.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Sami blev skjuten i sitt hus.,Sami was gunned down in his house.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Varför sköt du mig?,Why did you shoot me?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag tycker det är du som borde berätta för Tom att han är avskedad.,I think you should be the one to tell Tom he's fired.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn I striden erövrade de vapen från fienden.,In the battle they captured weapons from the enemy.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag vet inte vem jag är.,I don't know who I am.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag bar mig ohyfsat åt.,I forgot my manners.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Vad mer behöver vi prata om?,What else do we need to talk about?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Är det en röd penna?,Is that a red pen?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag hittade lite pengar.,I found some money.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Säg till honom att du gillar honom. Var inte rädd. Han kommer inte att bita dig.,Tell him you like him. Don't be afraid. He won't bite you.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag hoppas kunna genomföra min plan.,I hope that I can carry out my plan.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag fick intrycket att du var sjuk.,I got the impression that you were ill.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag hittade den här.,I found this one.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Vad fick ni för intryck av det?,What were your impressions of it?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Det ser ut som Tom vill köpa allt från butiken.,It looks like Tom wants to buy everything in the store.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Om du äter tre maltider om dagen så ska din kropp ha energin den behöver.,"If you eat three meals a day, your body will find the energy it needs.",swe_Latn-eng_Latn Han har intyg på att han är anställd.,He has proof that he's employed.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Spelade du in det?,Did you record it?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Tom och Mary sa till John att han inte behövde vänta på dem.,Tom and Mary told John that he didn't have to wait for them.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Det medförde stora svårigheter.,It resulted in great difficulties.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Har du saltat det här?,Did you salt this?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag gav den tillbaka.,I gave it back.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Nu är jag någorlunda frisk igen.,Now I'm fairly healthy again.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag kan inte föreställa mig ett liv utan Tom.,I can't imagine life without Tom.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Vi måste undersöka denna fråga i förväg.,We must investigate this matter in advance.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Tänker du faktiskt låta Tom att göra det?,Are you really going to let Tom do that?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Såg du någon?,Did you see someone?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Tom kan simma mycket snabbare än Mary.,Tom can swim much faster than Mary.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Varför sa du ja?,Why did you say yes?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Varför sa du nej?,Why did you say no?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Skickade du dem?,Did you send them?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Succé! Detta är den femtusende klingonska meningen på Tatoeba!,Success! This is the five-thousandth Klingon sentence on Tatoeba!,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Det är normalt att vara lite rädd.,It's normal to be a little afraid.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Den är inte färdig än.,It's not done yet.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Skrev du på det här?,Did you sign this?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag skulle aldrig säga något sådant.,I'd never say something like that.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Sköt du Tom?,Did you shoot Tom?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Den är i min ficka.,It's in my pocket.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Han kommer ofta för sent.,He often comes late.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Du måste fånga djuret levande.,You must catch the animal alive.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Djuret kämpade för att ta sig ut ur buren.,The animal struggled to get out of the cage.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn "Det var söndag i går, inte lördag.","Yesterday was Sunday, not Saturday.",swe_Latn-eng_Latn Djuret dog av svält.,The animal died from hunger.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Sov du här?,Did you sleep here?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Skrev du under det?,Did you sign it?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Tom har tre onklar.,Tom has three uncles.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Sov du bra?,Did you sleep OK?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Stal du den här?,Did you steal this?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Varför kom du förbi?,Why did you stop by?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Djuret gav ifrån sig ett gnällande ljud.,The animal made a squeaking sound.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Svaret hade markerats fel.,The answer was marked wrong.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Stämde du Tom?,Did you sue Tom?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Hur fick du slut på det?,How did you stop it?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Kan jag få ett kvitto?,Can I get a receipt?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Svaret missar poängen.,The answer misses the point.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Tog du den?,Did you take it?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Gjorde du anteckningar?,Did you take notes?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Är inte svaret lätt?,Isn't the answer easy?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Båda svaren är felaktiga.,The answers are both incorrect.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Varför talade du om det för Tom?,Why did you tell Tom?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Låt Tom leva!,Let Tom live.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn "Okej, jag fattar.","OK, I get the idea.",swe_Latn-eng_Latn På den tiden kunde få människor resa utomlands.,"In those days, few people could travel abroad.",swe_Latn-eng_Latn Hotade du Tom?,Did you threaten Tom?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn När jag ser tillbaka på den där tiden verkar allt som en dröm.,"When I look back upon those days, it all seems like a dream.",swe_Latn-eng_Latn Tom undanhöll bevis.,Tom concealed evidence.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn På den tiden gick jag och lade mig tidigare.,"In those days, I went to bed earlier.",swe_Latn-eng_Latn På den tiden var jag ännu studerande.,"In those days, I was still a student.",swe_Latn-eng_Latn När talade du om det för mig?,When did you tell me?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Det bodde en vild folkstam där på den tiden.,A savage tribe lived there in those days.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn På den tiden var Amerika inte självständigt från Storbritannien.,"In those days, America was not independent of the United Kingdom.",swe_Latn-eng_Latn Han är en god simmare.,He is a good swimmer.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Hon är en god simmare.,She is a good swimmer.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Det är lätt att ta sig till ön med båt.,The island is easy to reach by boat.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Ön är ett paradis för barn.,The island is a paradise for children.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Varje del av ön har utforskats.,Every part of the island has been explored.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Sätt på tv:n.,Please turn on the television.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Går det bra om jag sätter på tv:n?,Would you mind if I turned the TV on?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Går det bra att jag sätter på tv:n?,Will it disturb you if I turn on the TV?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Stör det dig om jag sätter på tv:n?,Do you mind if I turn on the TV?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Tigern rymde från djurparken.,The tiger escaped from the zoo.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Det bor få människor på ön.,Few people live on the island.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Enligt min klocka så är hon fyra nu.,It's four o'clock by my watch.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Ska vi träffas i morgon?,We're meeting up tomorrow?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn "Vänta, skojar du? Varför skulle vi vilja åka till en sådan avlägsen plats?","Hold it, are you kidding me? Why'd we wanna go to such a remote location?",swe_Latn-eng_Latn Det finns ännu några vilda folkstammar på den där ön.,There are still some savage tribes on that island.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Musikern är känd i utlandet såväl som i Japan.,The musician is famous abroad as well as in Japan.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag är pensionerad nu.,I'm now retired.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Väntade du länge?,Did you wait long?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Tvättade du den där?,Did you wash that?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Med vem är du där?,Who are you there with?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Tornet stod mitt ibland ruinerna.,The tower stood amid the ruins.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Tom började må bättre.,Tom began to feel better.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Älskar du din mor?,Do you love your mother?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Tom vet inte om att jag är Marys pojkvän.,Tom doesn't know I'm Mary's boyfriend.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn De buteljerade vinet.,They bottled the wine.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn De tappade ölet på flaska.,They bottled the beer.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn "En öl till, tack!","One more beer, please!",swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag är rätt hungrig.,I'm fairly hungry.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag hoppas att vi ses snart igen.,I hope we'll see each other again soon.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Tom är ganska gammal.,Tom is pretty old.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn De gick dit tillsammans.,They went there together.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Hurdan var din dag?,How did your day go?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Inget av detta spelar någon roll.,None of this matters.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Det finns inte ett enda moln på himlen.,There isn't a single cloud in the sky.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Hur länge har du stått och väntat?,How long have you been waiting?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag bjuder på middag.,Dinner is on me.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag kommer att behöva lite hjälp med det här.,I'll need some help with this.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Vi har alltid varit vänner.,We've always been friends.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Du gör ett fint jobb.,You do a nice job.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Han dog i sin säng.,He died in his bed.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag gör som jag vill.,I'll do what I want.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Alla blev mycket förvånade över avslöjandet att slavflickan i själva verket var en prinsessa.,Everyone was very surprised to discover that the slave girl was in reality a princess.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Vi ska göra allt vi kan.,We'll do all we can.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag känner din bror väl.,I know your brother very well.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Marken omvandlades till en park.,The land was converted into a park.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag kom hit i går.,I came here yesterday.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Boston har vuxit i snabb takt de senaste tio åren.,Boston has grown rapidly in the last ten years.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Stadens snabba tillväxt överraskade oss.,The rapid growth of the city surprised us.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag har aldrig hört talas om den staden.,I've never heard of that city.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Alla vägar som leder in till staden är fulla av bilar.,All the roads leading into the city are full of cars.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Tom utövar svart magi.,Tom practices black magic.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Gör bara som jag säger.,Just do as I say.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag ska göra som du säger.,I'll do as you say.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Han forsatte att gå i två timmar.,He continued to walk for two hours.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag får inte så mycket post.,I don't get much mail.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag slår vad om att du är upptagen.,I bet you're busy.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Äter du kött eller är du vegetarian?,Do you eat meat or are you a vegetarian?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag behöver ingen hjälp.,I don't need help.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Välkommen till denna värld!,Welcome to this world!,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag konstaterade en sak.,I found out something.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Det är ingen dålig plan.,It's not a bad plan.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag gör bara min plikt.,I'm only doing my duty.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Hon gjorde det av pliktkänsla.,He did it out of a sense of duty.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag erkänner att jag försummat mina plikter.,I admit I neglected my responsibilities.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag ska göra som du önskar.,I'll do as you wish.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Förtjänar jag det här?,Do I deserve this?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Är inte du kock?,Aren't you a chef?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Så vad ska jag göra nu?,So what do I do now?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag förklarar allt för dig sedan.,I'll explain everything to you later.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Vad ska jag göra sedan?,What do I do then?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Vad ska jag göra nu?,What do I do now?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Hur ska jag göra det här?,How do I do this?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn De förlorade igen.,They lost again.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Hur ska jag äta det här?,How do I eat this?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag skrev över bilen på min make.,I transferred ownership of the car to my spouse.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Äpplen är runda till formen.,An apple is round in shape.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Hur kommer jag tillbaka?,How do I get back?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Hur ska jag förklara det?,How do I explain it?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Han begrep ingenting av det där.,He could not make head or tail of it.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Det här är huset som jag bodde i när jag var liten.,This is the house where I used to live when I was young.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Framtiden tillhör dem som tror på skönheten i sina drömmar.,The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Hur ser jag ut?,What do I look like?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Ser jag ut som trettio?,Do I look thirty?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Tom är alltid het.,Tom is always hot.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Varför behöver jag hjälp?,Why do I need help?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Vad tycker du om att göra med vännerna?,What do you like to do with your friends?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn "Min far, farfar, farfars far och farfars farfar hade alla samma namn som jag.","My father, grandfather, great-grandfather and great-great-grandfather all had the same name as I have.",swe_Latn-eng_Latn Vad ska jag säga först?,What do I say first?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag gör det ändå.,I'll do it anyway.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Hur gammal är du egentligen?,How old are you anyway?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn De två ländernas ledare vägrade att mötas på halva vägen.,The leaders of the two countries refused to meet halfway.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag fick lön igår.,I got paid yesterday.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Det är en våning upp.,It's up one floor.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Han skrattade sig fördärvad.,He died laughing.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag är sprickfärdig av nyfikenhet.,I'm bursting with curiosity.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Han är ärlig.,He is honest.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Tom vill förändra världen.,Tom wants to change the world.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag kan fortfarande slåss.,I can still fight.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Soporna ger ifrån sig en förfärlig stank.,The garbage is giving off a terrible smell.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag fick din lapp.,I got your note.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Det var hans eget fel.,It was his own fault.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Han gräver sin egen grav.,He is digging his own grave.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Vi fick punktering.,We got a flat.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Säg till Tom att jag är sjuk.,Tell Tom I'm sick.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Sami och Layla har äktenskapsproblem.,Sami and Layla have marital problems.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Världen har förändrats.,The world has changed.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Han sjöng en sång för att lätta upp stämningen.,He sang a song to lighten the atmosphere.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag får åksjuka.,I get motion sickness.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Låt oss sätta upp julgranen där.,Let's put up the Christmas tree there.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag var tvungen att göra någonting.,I had to do something.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag fick precis ditt mejl.,I just got your email.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag stötte precis min tå.,I just stubbed my toe.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag visste att jag inte var galen.,I knew I wasn't crazy.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag visste vad du menade.,I knew what you meant.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag vet hur gammal Tom är.,I know how old Tom is.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag vet hur detta fungerar.,I know how this works.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Detta är ett väldigt komplext problem.,This is a very complex problem.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag känner Tom personligen.,I know Tom personally.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag gillar hur Tom tänker.,I like how Tom thinks.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag gillar att vara förberedd.,I like to be prepared.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag behöver att du går hem.,I need you to go home.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag gick aldrig och la mig.,I never went to sleep.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag gillar det fortfarande inte.,I still don't like it.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Det här är en present till dig.,This is a present for you.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag tror att Mary tycker om mig.,I think Mary likes me.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Regler är regler.,Rules are rules.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Vem pratar?,With whom am I speaking?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Länge leve det persiska språket!,Long live the Persian language!,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Låt oss sätta upp julgranen här.,Let's put up the Christmas tree here.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Vet Tom om hur du känner för honom?,Does Tom know how you feel about him?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Sätt igång!,Go ahead! Don't be shy!,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Hans nya film är värd att se.,His new film is worth seeing.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn "Inga skämt, tack!",No jokes please!,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag känner doften av blommor.,I can smell flowers.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag har två katter.,I have two cats.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Det går upp för mig.,It dawns on me.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag tycker om att sjunga och spela gitarr.,I like singing and playing the guitar.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag roade mig.,I had some fun.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag var tvungen att gömma mig.,I had to hide.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Tom dukade bordet för middag.,Tom set the table for supper.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag var tvungen att åka i väg.,I had to leave.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Nu har de tre barn.,Now they have three children.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Solen skiner på himlen.,The sun is shining in the sky.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn "Politik delar människor, men kultur förenar dem.","Politics divides people, but culture unifies them.",swe_Latn-eng_Latn Vem är din favoritskådespelare?,Who is your favorite actor?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Tack för allt du gjort.,Thank you for all you've done.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag känner lukten av rök.,I can smell smoke.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Det här är huset jag bodde i när jag var barn.,This is the house where I lived when I was a child.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Försöker du stöta på mig?,Are you trying to hit on me?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag ska nog supa skallen av mig.,I'll probably get hammered drunk.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Det här är den genväg som jag brukar ta till skolan.,This is the shortcut that I usually take to school.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag vill ha en advokat.,I want a lawyer.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Finns det många ladugårdar i denna by?,Are there many cowsheds in this village?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Toms hus ligger ungefär tre kilometer härifrån.,Tom's house is just about three kilometers from here.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Det saknas en sida.,There is a page missing.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Kom in. Vi ska precis sätta i gång.,Come on in. We're just about to get started.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Pengar är inte allt i världen.,Money isn't everything.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn De pratade inte.,They didn't speak.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Är det någon som tänker äta det där?,Is anyone going to eat that?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Tänker du berätta för Tom vad jag gjorde?,Are you going to tell Tom what I did?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Ring honom i kväll.,Call him tonight.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Du gör mig galen!,You drive me nuts!,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Hon är audionom.,She's an audiologist.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Folk som har varit med om så kallade 'lucida drömmar' beskriver dem ofta som 'verkligare än verkligheten'. De beskriver också verkligheten efter att de vaknat från en 'lucid dröm' som 'en nyckfull dröm'.,People that have experienced so-called 'lucid dreams' often describe them as being 'more real than reality'. They also describe reality after waking up from a 'lucid dream' to be like a 'whimsical dream'.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Sami fick en befordran på jobbet.,Sami got a promotion at work.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn En av tigrarna rymde från djurparken.,One of the tigers has escaped from the zoo.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Han måste komma söderifrån.,He must be from the South.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Många tror att fladdermöss är fåglar..,A lot of people think that bats are birds.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Marys meningar är lätta att översätta.,Mary's sentences are easy to translate.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn En tiger har rymt från zoot.,A tiger has escaped from the zoo.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Hon går sällan ut.,She seldom goes out.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Hon vill ha en fjärde generationens iPad.,She wants a fourth generation iPad.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Kan du simma lika snabbt som han?,Can you swim as fast as he?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Du måste memorera den här meningen.,You have to memorize this sentence.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Eleverna lyssnar på en historieföreläsning.,The students are listening to a history lecture.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag skulle vilja tala en stund med Tom mellan fyra ögon.,I'd like to speak with Tom in private for a moment.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Interlingua är ett modernt redskap för internationell kommunikation.,Interlingua is a modern tool for international communication.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag kommer att gå och fråga Tom.,I'll go ask Tom.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Var är hans bild?,Where is her picture?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag är på din sida.,I'm on your side.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Den här stolen är ful.,This chair is ugly.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Tom arbetar från nio till fem.,Tom works from nine to five.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Tom är inte den gitarrist som han brukade vara.,Tom isn't the guitarist he used to be.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Tom måste bestraffas för det som han gjorde.,Tom must be punished for what he did.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Varför vill du begå självmord?,Why do you want to commit suicide?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Den 15 januari är ”Interlinguadagen” med aktiviteter och publicitet för att sprida interlingua i hela världen.,"January 15 is Interlingua Day, with activities and publicity to spread Interlingua across the whole world.",swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag beklagar att säga att jag har dåliga nyheter.,I'm afraid I have some bad news.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn "Medan du kör, borde du ha fokus på vägen.","While you drive, you should focus on the road.",swe_Latn-eng_Latn Ämnet förtjänar diskussion.,The topic is worth discussing.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Du har förtjänat det väl.,You've well earned it.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn De erbjöd gästerna lite kaffe.,They offered the guests some coffee.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Provresultatet var inte vad jag hade förväntat mig.,The test result isn't what I had expected.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Var ligger närmsta bensinstation?,Where's the nearest gas station?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Var ligger närmaste bensinstation?,Where is the nearest gas station?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Har världen blivit tokig?,Has the world gone mad?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Vid middagstid stannade de för att vila och äta.,At dinner time they stopped for a while to rest and eat.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn "Hördu, det är ingen som tvingar dig. Du måste inte gå om du inte vill.","Look, no one's pointing a gun to your head. You don't have to go if you don't want to.",swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag trodde att jag hörde dig.,I thought I heard you.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag trodde att jag var ensam.,I thought I was alone.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag trodde att jag var lyckligt.,I thought I was happy.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag tyckte att jag var lycklig.,I thought that I was happy.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag tyckte att det var gott.,I thought it was good.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag tyckte att det var bra.,I thought that it was good.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag trodde att du skulle hålla med.,I thought you'd agree.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag vill tro dig.,I want to believe you.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Är detta din hund?,Is this your dog?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Det hade varit roligt.,That would've been fun.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Det var värt det.,It was worth it.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Mary kom inte hem i går kväll.,Mary did not come home last night.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag har känt Tom rätt så länge.,I've known Tom for quite some time.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Varför kom du inte hem i går kväll?,Why didn't you come home last night?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Det dröjde länge innan barnen hittade Lisa.,It took a long time for the child to find Lisa.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag är ledsen för hur jag betedde mig i går kväll.,I'm sorry about the way I acted last night.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Tom stängde av tv:n.,Tom turned off the TV.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Tom kan bara inte komma överens med Mary.,Tom just can't get along with Mary.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Gillar du klassisk musik?,Do you care for classical music?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Grönt står för hopp.,Green stands for hope.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag har läst engelska i fyra år.,I have been studying English for four years.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Vad är ditt stjärntecken?,What is your astrological sign?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag kan överleva ensam.,I can survive alone.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Har alla gjort sina läxor?,Did everyone do their homework?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Det erbjudandet låter för bra för att vara sant. Vad är haken?,That offer sounds too good to be true. What's the catch?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn "Jag förstår inte allt, men det verkar intressant.","I do not understand everything, but it seems to me interesting.",swe_Latn-eng_Latn Den blåa sportsbilen kom till ett skrikande stopp.,The blue sports car came to a screeching halt.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Hon tog på sig sin systers jeans och såg sig i spegeln.,She put on her sister's jeans and looked in the mirror.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag hoppas att du kommer uppskatta nästa låt.,I hope that you'll enjoy this next song.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Han är extremt stark.,He is extremely strong.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag är inte så säker nu.,I'm not so sure now.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag önskar att jag inte var en sån idiot.,I wish I wasn't such an idiot.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag står inte ut med det här oljudet längre.,I can not bear this noise any more.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Du ställer många frågor.,You ask a lot of questions.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Wenjin är kinesiska.,Wenjin is a Chinese woman.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag tycker om barn.,I like children.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag har en kommentar.,I have a comment.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Bussen stannade så att passagerarna kunde gå på.,The bus stopped to take up passengers.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Försök vara artig.,Try to be polite.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Tomi är ett fyllo.,Tom is a drunkard.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn "Jag är glad att du är här nu, Tom.","I'm glad you're here now, Tom.",swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag älskar dig mer än du älskar mig.,I love you more than you love me.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Hon är en ängel.,She's an angel.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Grattis på födelsedagen!,Happy birthday to you!,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag har inte läst boken och inte vill jag göra det heller.,I have not read the book nor do I want to.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag har en akademisk examen.,I have a diploma.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag pratar inte engelska.,I don't speak English.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag kan ta Tom.,I can take Tom.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag minns inte exakt.,I can't remember exactly.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn "Här är en mening, med stavelseantalet, som i en haiku.","This is a sentence, that has the syllable count, of a good haiku.",swe_Latn-eng_Latn Djävulen finns i detaljerna.,The devil is in the details.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Han kommer att vara ledig imorgon.,He will be off tomorrow.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Är han här snart?,Will he be here soon?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Tom släckte lampan på nattduksbordet.,Tom turned off the lamp on the nightstand.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Ögonen är själens spegel.,The eyes are the mirrors of the soul.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Var finns det en svensk ambassad i USA?,Where in the U.S.A. is there a Swedish embassy?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Inget jag gjorde hjälpte.,Nothing I did helped.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag tar någonting att dricka.,I'll have a drink.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Sköldpaddor har inte tänder.,Turtles don't have teeth.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn "De flesta människor som äter med gaffel lever i Europa, Nordamerika och Sydamerika; människorna som äter med pinnar bor i Afrika, Mellanöstern, Indonesien och Indien.","Most people who eat with a fork live in Europe, North America, and South America; people who eat with chop sticks live in Africa, the Near East, Indonesia, and India.",swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag gick till fots.,I went on foot.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Man får inte bryta sitt löfte.,One must not break his promise.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag läste att Brasiliens president är en kvinna. Hon kallas Dilma.,I read that the president of Brazil is a woman. Her name is Dilma.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Det här är en lag.,This is a law.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag har bra dagar och dåliga dagar.,I have good days and bad days.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Mark tog sina saker och gick.,Mark took his things and left.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn "Sanningen att säga, led änkan av magcancer.","To tell the truth, the widow suffered from stomach cancer.",swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag tvivlar på att Tom är glad.,I doubt Tom is happy.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Gå in nu.,Now go on inside.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Äppelträden blommar på våren.,The apple trees bloom in the spring.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Tom håller på att bli ursinnig.,Tom is getting frantic.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Han fjällade fisken.,He skins the fish.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Första gången är gratis.,The first time is free.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Lägg dina böcker i ditt skåp.,Put your books in your locker.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Hon har dåligt rykte.,She has a bad reputation.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn De här är mycket ömtåliga.,These are very fragile.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag har en bricka.,I have a badge.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Han vaknade aldrig.,He never woke up.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Nu har du din chans.,Now is your chance.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag kan leva utan vatten.,I can live without water.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag önskar er lycka till.,I wish you good luck.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Den där mannen är panikslagen.,That man is in a panic.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag behöver tänka på mina barn.,I need to think of my children.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Kom inte nära.,Keep away from me.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Du talar fort.,You talk fast.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag brände soporna.,I burned the trash.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Hon förstår inte unga människors slang så bra.,She doesn't understand the slang used by young people.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Hon talar portugisiska.,She speaks Portuguese.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Wow! Vad manlig du är!,What a man you are!,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag kan bekräfta det där.,I can verify that.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Din bror ber om hjälp.,Your brother is asking for help.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Plocka inte blommor ur rabatten.,Don't pick flowers from the flowerbed.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag kan inte göra det ogjort.,I can't undo it.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Du måste köra.,I need you to drive.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag undrar vems sax det här är.,I wonder whose scissors these are.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Vi två är så annorlunda.,The two of us are so different.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Det här är mitt syskon.,This is my sibling.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Någon är i vårt garage.,Somebody is in our garage.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag väntar på ett svar från dig.,I await an answer from you.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Det är dumt att läsa en sådan tidskrift.,It is foolish to read such a magazine.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom är störig, eftersom han alltid måste få sin egen vilja igenom.",Tom is irritating because he always has to have his own way.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag behöver dig i mitt lag.,I need you on my team.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag kan gå hem.,I can walk home.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag låg på sjukhus några dagar.,I was in the hospital for a few days.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn "Vi klarar oss utan tv, eller hur?","We can do without a television, can't we?",swe_Latn-eng_Latn Stäng din bok.,Close your book.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Bägge bröderna lever än.,Both brothers are still alive.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Nästa vecka blir stressig.,Next week will be busy.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Ur syn ur sinn.,"Out of sight, out of mind.",swe_Latn-eng_Latn Trädet är ruttet och stendött och kan falla när som helst.,"The tree is rotten and stone dead, and could fall at any time.",swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag vill att du berättar allting som hände.,I want you to tell me everything that happened.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn "På tal om tv, vilket är ditt favoritprogram nuförtiden?","Speaking of television, what is your favorite show nowadays?",swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag är Tom.,My name is Tom.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Det sista tåget har redan farit.,The last train has already gone.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag vill åka tillbaka till Italien.,I want to get back to Italy.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Min systerdotter är sjuksköterska.,My niece is a nurse.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn "Min pappa har franska som modersmål, och min mamma har engelska som modersmål.",My father is a native French speaker and my mother is a native English speaker.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Hon behöver hjälp.,She needs help.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Företaget gör reklam för en ny bil på tv.,The company is promoting a new car on TV.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Hon vattnade ett träd.,She watered a tree.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Hon vann en telefon.,She won a phone.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn De kan lägga till en ordagrann översättning.,They can add a literal translation.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag har mina egna problem.,I have my own problems.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Tom ser ut att ha en dålig dag.,Tom looks like he's having a bad day.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Hon bar en mask.,She wore a mask.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Hon skrev en kort berättelse.,She wrote a short story.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Hon tvättade en matta.,She washed a carpet.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Dessa blommor blommar tidigare än andra.,These flowers bloom earlier than others do.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Hon översatte en dikt.,She translated a poem.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Våg efter våg rullade upp på stranden.,Wave after wave surged upon the beach.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn "Hur mår du, Mike?","How are you, Mike?",swe_Latn-eng_Latn "Halvstyv snö som delvis bär, skrovlig och hård skare, lätt och luftig liggande snö. För alla dessa och ytterligare några hundra snöförhållanden, finns ord på samiska.","Semisolid snow that will barely hold a person, coarse snow with a hard, rugged crust and light, fluffy lying snow. There are Sami words for these and hundreds more types of snow.",swe_Latn-eng_Latn Vi har alla olika genetik.,We all have different genetics.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Många företag gör reklam för sina produkter på tv.,Many companies advertise their products on TV.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Skriv aldrig orden ”borsjtj” och ”sjtji” på tyska!,"Never write the words ""bortsch"" and ""shchi"" in German!",swe_Latn-eng_Latn Vad gör du där?,What're you doing there?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Yokohama är en stad där mer än tre miljoner människor bor.,Yokohama is a city where more than three million people live.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Tom är äventyrlig.,Tom is adventurous.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Allt har blivit så dyrt.,Things have become so expensive!,swe_Latn-eng_Latn "Ursäkta mig, jag har en förfrågan.","Excuse me, I have a request.",swe_Latn-eng_Latn Maria tillbringade flera år undersökande Islands historia.,Maria spent several years investigating the history of Iceland.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Denna mening förmedlar en lögn.,This sentence is a lie.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Vill du ha kaffe?,Do you want some coffee?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Försök inte att undvika ansvar!,Do not try to avoid responsibility.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Rökning är skadligt för din hälsa.,Smoking is harmful for your health.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Varje mening som är närvarande på Tatoeba är en lögn.,Every sentence present in Tatoeba is a lie.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Varför hatar du Tom?,Why do you hate Tom?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Detta är en bra sång.,This is a great song.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Tom är låtskrivare.,Tom is a songwriter.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Detta är ett gott tecken.,This is a good sign.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Det här är ett gott tecken.,That's a good sign.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Engelska och tyska är besläktade språk.,English and German are two related languages.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn De säljer diverse varor i den affären.,They sell various kinds of goods at that store.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn En empatisk flicka kan känna med en väns känslor.,An empathetic girl can empathize with a friend's feelings.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Det finns flera olika sorters kaffe.,There are various kinds of coffee.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag förstår inte vad du säger?,I cannot understand what you say.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Tom är hoppfull.,Tom is full of hope.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Människor samlades i parken.,People gathered in the park.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Han har en mörk röst.,He has a deep voice.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Vintern är min favoritårstid.,Winter is my favorite season.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Under tiden kan jag göra mig förstådd.,Meanwhile I can make myself understood.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Kvinnan äter bröd.,The woman eats bread.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag har väntat i hela mitt liv på den här dagen.,I've waited all my life for this day.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Vi är strax där.,We're almost there.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Allt eller inget.,All or nothing.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag vet att Mary är vackrare än jag.,I know that Mary is more beautiful than me.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Det var ingen som lyssnade.,No one was listening.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Teven fungerar inte.,The television doesn't work.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Emily hatar att klättra.,Emily hates climbing.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag tog för givet att du skulle ansluta dig till oss.,I took it for granted that you would join us.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Valresultatet kommer snart att analyseras.,The result of the election will soon be analyzed.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Tom ville inte skriva om det som hade hänt.,Tom didn't want to write about what had happened.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag behöver en blyertspenna. Kan jag låna en av dina pennor?,I need a pencil. Can I borrow one of your pencils?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Det regnade i tre dygn.,It rained for three days.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag förstår att Volapük är ett bra språk.,I see that Volapük is a good language.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag gjorde mitt arbete väl.,I did my work well.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Slog någon Tom?,Did somebody hit Tom?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Fick du fast dem?,Did you catch them?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Tryckte du på den?,Did you push it?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Frågade du ut Tom?,Did you question Tom?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Vem förrådde oss?,Who betrayed us?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Ser jag normal ut?,Do I look normal?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Somalia heter ”as-Sumal” på arabiska.,"Somalia is called ""as-Sumal"" in Arabic.",swe_Latn-eng_Latn Hur ska jag stoppa Tom?,How do I stop Tom?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Tom är definitivt inte på skämthumör idag.,Tom is definitely not in a joking mood today.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Är det kakor jag känner doften av?,Do I smell cookies?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Är det bacon jag känner lukten av?,Do I smell bacon?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Hur ska jag tacka dig?,How do I thank you?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Min kollega har en kollega.,My colleague has a big neck.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Kan du göra det åt mig?,Can you do it for me?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Gör det för mig är du snäll.,Please do it for me.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn "Gör det igen, Tom.","Do it again, Tom.",swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag ska göra det för dig.,I'll do it for you.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn "Gör det nu, Tom.","Do it now, Tom.",swe_Latn-eng_Latn Kan jag göra det för dig?,Can I do it for you?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag kan göra det åt dig.,I can do it for you.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag gör mitt jobb väl.,I do my job well.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag vet att Mary är vackrare än mig.,I know that Mary is more beautiful than I am.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Kan du göra det eller inte?,Can you do it or not?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Gör det en gång till.,Do it once again.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Berings sund avskiljer Asien från Nordamerika.,The Bering Strait separates Asia from North America.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Varför gör de det?,Why do they do it?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Han har vaknat Tom.,He woke Tom up.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Den glocka kusdran budlade bökren schtekt och kudrar bökriten.,A glock coozdre has steckly boodled a boker and is curding a bokerlet.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Hur gör föräldrar det?,How do parents do it?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag läser den här tidningen.,I'm reading this newspaper.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag har dock inga pengar.,"However, I have no money.",swe_Latn-eng_Latn Gör inte så mot mig.,Don't do that to me.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Tycker de om vin?,Do they like wine?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Min näsa är för stor.,My nose is too big.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Varför gör de så?,Why do they do that?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Det finns många olika sorters skönhet.,There are many different kinds of beauty.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Hur gör de det?,How do they do that?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Har de det?,Do they have that?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Har de vapen?,Do they have weapons?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Säljer de böcker?,Do they sell books?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn När behöver de mig?,When do they need me?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Trädet fick de vackraste färger!,The tree got the most beautiful colours!,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Det här är den högsta byggnad som jag någonsin sett.,This is the tallest building that I have ever seen.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Misstänker de mig?,Do they suspect me?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag skulle vilja träffa dig igen nästa vecka.,I'd like to see you again next week.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Det hände så fort.,It happened so fast.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Vad ska vi göra först?,What do we do first?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Det finns en pojke i det här rummet.,There is a boy in this room.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Det finns en hund i det här rummet.,There is a dog in this room.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag skulle vilja köpa en hund.,I would like to buy a dog.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag kramade Emily.,I hugged Emily.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Emily kramade mig.,Emily hugged me.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Hur hittar vi Tom?,How do we find Tom?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag ska berätta det för Emily.,I'll tell it to Emily.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Emily ska berätta det för Melanie.,Emily will tell it to Melanie.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Har vi någon?,Do we have one?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Hur ska vi stoppa dem?,How do we stop them?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Emily skrev meningen.,Emily wrote the sentence.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Du behöver en ny.,You need a new one.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Det är en katt i köket.,There is a cat in the kitchen.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Vad ska vi säga till Tom?,What do we tell Tom?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn "Jag skulle köpa den, men den är för dyr.","I would buy it, except that it costs too much.",swe_Latn-eng_Latn Hur ska vi stoppa Tom?,How do we stop Tom?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag åkte till Danmark.,I went to Denmark.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag åkte till Sverige.,I went to Sweden.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag åkte till Norge.,I went to Norway.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn "Om ni vill tala med mig, så ring.","If you want to speak to me, please call me up.",swe_Latn-eng_Latn Vi gick till stranden.,We went to the beach.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Talar han franska?,Does she speak French?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Talar hon franska?,Can he speak French?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag oroar mig verkligen för det.,I do worry about it.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Han sa att han hade mycket pengar.,He said that he had a lot of money.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Vi gör som vi vill.,We do what we want.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Under många år vände han på vartenda öre för att kunna spara pengar.,He pinched and scraped for many years to save money.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Hon jobbade flitigt för att kunna tjäna mycket pengar.,He worked hard to earn a lot of money.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Det är dags att gå och lägg sig.,Time to go to bed.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag är italiensk.,I am Italian.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Det blir nog inte lätt.,Isn't that a little harsh?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Varför undrar du?,Why do you ask that?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag har inte ens råd att köpa en begagnad bil.,I can't even afford to buy a used car.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Tror du på det här?,Do you believe this?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Affären är öppen hela dagen.,The shop stays open all day.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Grekiska är inget enkelt språk.,Greek is not an easy language.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Bär du på vapen?,Do you carry weapons?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag gillar mörk choklad.,I like dark chocolate.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Till en början förstod jag inte varför.,"At first, I had no idea why.",swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag har aldrig hört talas om den här skådespelaren.,I've never heard of this actor.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Den här trädgården här full av rosor.,There are a lot of roses in this garden.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag gillar katter mer än hundar.,I like cats more than dogs.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag vet vad som gör mig lycklig.,I know what makes me happy.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Du får inte komma in här om du inte har ett pass.,You can't enter here unless you have a pass.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Vi behöver ett säkerhetsnät.,We need a safety net.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Vi behöver hjälp här inne.,We need help in here.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Tom berättade för mig att han hade ringt polisen.,Tom told me he called the police.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Tycker du om lever?,Do you like liver?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag lever än.,I'm still alive.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Är du vegetarian eller vegan?,Are you vegetarian or vegan?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Varför går inte människor i ide?,Why don't people hibernate?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Är det svårt att vara vegan?,Is it hard to be vegan?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Hon läste inte boken.,He did not read the book.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Ska Tom och Mary gå i skolan idag?,Are Tom and Mary going to school today?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Tom följer en strikt vegansk diet.,Tom follows a strict vegan diet.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Än lever vi.,Yet we live.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag har aldrig sett en tjock vegan.,I've never seen a fat vegan.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag gjorde det mot min vilja.,I did it against my will.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Länge leve persiskan!,Long live Persian!,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag lovar. Jag kommer aldrig att göra det igen.,I promise I'll never do it again.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag föredrar cola framför kaffe.,I prefer coke to coffee.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Har du någonsin snarkat?,Have you ever snored?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Vad lång Tony är!,What a tall boy Tony is!,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Kom strax tillbaka.,Come back soon.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn "Vänligen, mata inte djuren!",Please don't feed the animals.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Yumi talar riktigt bra engelska.,Yumi speaks very good English.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Tom behöver en ny bil.,Tom needs a new car.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Han hoppade över diket.,He jumped over a ditch.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Han sa att jag skulle kunna använda hans rum.,She told me that I could use her room.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Tom slutade att röka.,Tom quit smoking.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Bägge föräldrarna lever fortfarande.,Both the parents are still living.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Du borde läsa en sådan bok som han läser just nu.,You should read a book like the one he is reading now.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag lever min dröm.,I'm living my dream.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag ska vila mig lite.,I'm going to have a rest.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag vet att Mary är vackrare än jag är.,I know Mary is more beautiful than I am.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Lärare måste förstå barn.,Teachers must understand children.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag har två utländska vänner.,I have two foreign friends.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Gillar du quinoa?,Do you like quinoa?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag skriver ett sms.,I am writing an SMS.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag bor i Kanton.,I live in Canton.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Känner du dig hungrig?,Do you feel hungry?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn "Hur känner du dig, Tom?","How do you feel, Tom?",swe_Latn-eng_Latn Sover du någonsin?,Do you ever sleep?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Skrattar du någonsin?,Do you ever laugh?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Känner du dig gammal?,Do you feel old?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Hur lagar man den här?,How do you fix this?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Ger du lektioner?,Do you give lessons?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Har du tillräckligt?,Do you have enough?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Vilken är din favoritfärg?,What is your favorite color?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Vad jobbar ni med?,What do you guys do?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Tycker du om godis?,Do you like candy?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Vilken är er favoritfärg?,What is your favourite colour?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Har du läxor?,Do you have homework?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Har du några skador?,Do you have injuries?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Lev och låt leva.,Live and let live.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Har du bevis?,Do you have proof?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Fågeln är i skyn.,The bird is in the sky.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Varför har du den här?,Why do you have this?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Varför har du den där?,Why do you have that?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Har du dem?,Do you have them?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Vet du hur?,Do you know how?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Vet du var?,Do you know where?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Det internationella språket interlingue offentliggjordes 1922 under namnet Occidental.,The international language Interlingue was published in 1922 under the name Occidental.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Tycker du om ost?,Do you like cheese?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Förutom engelska talar han tyska.,"Not only does she speak English, but also German.",swe_Latn-eng_Latn Tycker du om att tälta?,Do you like camping?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Tycker du om städer?,Do you like cities?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Gillar du Mozart?,Do you like Mozart?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Varför tycker du om det?,Why do you like it?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Tycker du om att vandra?,Do you like hiking?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Han frågade mig om jag ville åka utomlands.,He asked me if I wanted to go abroad.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Tycker du om opera?,Do you like opera?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn "Nej, jag tittar inte på CNN.","No, I don't watch CNN.",swe_Latn-eng_Latn Tycker du om päron?,Do you like pears?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Tycker du om löpning?,Do you like running?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Var ligger damernas?,Where is the ladies' room?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag har mitt eget sovrum hemma.,I have my own bedroom at home.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn "Skriv endast ut jämna sidor, tack.",Please print even pages only.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Det finns femtio stater i Amerika.,There are fifty states in America.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Han betedde sig som ett barn.,He behaved like a child.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Vattenmeloner är fulla av vatten.,A watermelon is full of water.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag trodde att Tom skulle sova över i Boston.,I thought Tom would stay overnight in Boston.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag trodde att Tom skulle stanna lite längre.,I thought Tom would stay a little longer.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag trodde att Tom skulle tala bättre franska än Mary.,I thought Tom would speak French better than Mary.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag trodde att Tom skulle sova till mitt på dagen.,I thought Tom would sleep until noon.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag trodde att Tom skulle komma.,I thought Tom would show up.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag trodde att Tom skulle dyka upp.,I thought that Tom would show up.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag trodde att Tom skulle säga det.,I thought Tom would say that.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag trodde att Tom skulle säga hej.,I thought Tom would say hi.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag trodde att Tom skulle säga hej till Mary.,I thought Tom would say hello to Mary.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag trodde att Tom skulle komma ihåg.,I thought Tom would remember.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag trodde att Tom skulle minnas.,I thought that Tom would remember.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag trodde att Tom skulle plantera de där blommorna nära eken.,I thought Tom would plant those flowers near the oak tree.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Saknar du Boston?,Do you miss Boston?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag trodde att Tom skulle få panik.,I thought Tom would panic.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag trodde att Tom skulle gripas av panik.,I thought that Tom would panic.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag trodde aldrig att Tom skulle sluta prata.,I thought Tom would never stop talking.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag trodde aldrig att Tom skulle hålla käften.,I thought Tom would never shut up.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Tack så mycket för att ni bjöd in mig.,Thank you so much for inviting me.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Det är dödligt gift!,It's a deadly poison!,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag tittade på tv i morse.,I watched TV this morning.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Vintertidtabellen har trätt i kraft.,The winter schedule has arrived.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Ring mig i morgon.,Give me a call tomorrow.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Han petar sig i näsan.,She's picking her nose.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Ljug inte!,Stop telling lies.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Han har tio barn.,He has ten children.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Hon har tio barn.,She has ten children.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag dekorerar gärna mitt rum med blommor.,I like to decorate my room with flowers.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Tom dök aldrig upp på jobbet i dag.,Tom didn't show up for work today.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Säljer ni frukt?,Do you sell fruit?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Ser du dem?,Do you see them?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Säg Mexiko och tankar går till tacos.,"Mention Mexico, and tacos come to mind.",swe_Latn-eng_Latn Ser du den?,Do you see it?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Bryr du dig fortfarande?,Do you still care?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn För länge sedan fanns här en bra.,"A long time ago, there was a bridge here.",swe_Latn-eng_Latn Tycker du om den här staden?,Do you like this city?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn "Om det inte finns någon lösning, så finns det inte heller något problem.","If there's no solution, then there's no problem.",swe_Latn-eng_Latn Stör det dig?,Does it bother you?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Irriterar det dig?,Does it bug you?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Hur hjälper det oss?,How does it help us?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Gör det väldigt ont?,Does it hurt much?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Ser den okej ut?,Does it look OK?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn "Ha alltid en hink vatten till hands, i händelse av en brand.","Always keep a bucket of water handy, in case of fire.",swe_Latn-eng_Latn Musik är hennes passion.,Music is her passion.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Musik är hans passion.,Music is his passion.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Vi kunde inte följa hans logik.,We were unable to follow his logic.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag tackar för inbjudan.,I'm grateful for the invitation.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Behagar det dig?,Does it please you?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Vet du vad hon heter?,Do you know his name?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Vi män har vant oss att vänta på kvinnorna.,We men are used to waiting for the women.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Överraskar det dig?,Does it surprise you?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Maria hatar sitt arbete av många anledningar.,Maria hates her job for many reasons.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Det är en påfågel på gården.,There's a peacock in the courtyard.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Han är ett krigsbarn.,He is a war orphan.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag är inte intresserad av modern konst.,I'm not interested in modern art.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Fungerar den här ännu?,Does this still work?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Håll tummarna för mig!,Keep your fingers crossed for me!,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Tror Tom på mig?,Does Tom believe me?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Den som inte älskar sig själv kan inte heller älska andra.,"He who cannot love himself, cannot love others either.",swe_Latn-eng_Latn Äter Tom vindruvor?,Does Tom eat grapes?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Varför gör Tom det där?,Why does Tom do that?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Hur gör Tom det där?,How does Tom do that?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Tycker Tom om det?,Does Tom enjoy it?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Hur gör Tom det här?,How does Tom do this?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Ler Tom någonsin?,Does Tom ever smile?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Har Tom den?,Does Tom have it?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn "Tack, allt är bra där.","Thanks, everything is fine there.",swe_Latn-eng_Latn Har Tom kabel-tv?,Does Tom have cable?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Har Tom barn?,Does Tom have kids?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Ni är inte hundar.,You're not dogs.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Har Tom en?,Does Tom have one?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Ser Tom arg ut?,Does Tom look angry?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Tycker Tom om mig?,Does Tom like me?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Behöver Tom hjälp?,Does Tom need help?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Ser Tom upprörd ut?,Does Tom look upset?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Simmar Tom ofta?,Does Tom swim often?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jobbar din fru?,Does your wife work?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Ner med kungen!,Down with the king!,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Världen är grym.,The world is harsh.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Rita en linje här.,Draw a line here.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag kan äta den här inne.,I can eat it in here.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn "Släpp kniven, Tom.","Drop the knife, Tom.",swe_Latn-eng_Latn "Drick ditt te, Tom.","Drink your tea, Tom.",swe_Latn-eng_Latn "Drick med mig, Tom.","Drink with me, Tom.",swe_Latn-eng_Latn Hon har inte sett honom på länge.,She has not seen him for a long time.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag lämnar tillbaka boken så fort jag kan.,I will return the book as soon as I can.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Hon har inte råd med det.,She can't afford it.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Vad annat ser du?,What else do you see?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag måste sova.,I have to sleep.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Vad annat behöver vi?,What else do we need?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Detta är hans enda chans.,This is his only chance.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Den här bilen går på alkohol.,This car runs on alcohol.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Under soffan finns många dammråttor.,There are a lot of dustballs under the couch.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Det finns många dammråttor under soffan.,There are a lot of poodles under the couch.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Alla har ett namn.,Everyone has a name.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Alla sa nej till Tom.,Everyone told Tom no.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Det här handlar inte om dig.,This isn't about you.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag gillar att borsta tänderna med denna tandkräm.,I like to brush my teeth with this toothpaste.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Ursäkta mig en sekund.,Excuse me a second.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Hur långt borta är Tom?,How far away is Tom?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Förklara det för mig.,Explain that to me.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn De planerar att ordna en fest.,They plan to have a party.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn De överlevde trots att byggnaden förstördes.,"They survived, even though the building was destroyed.",swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag förlorade min motivation.,I lost my motivation.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn De var ansvariga för olyckan.,They were responsible for the accident.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Vattenkraft roterar hjulet.,Water power turns the wheel.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Det kan inte vara sant.,It can not be true.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Vi kan prata om det i framtiden.,We can talk about it in the future.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Vi har bara två dollar.,We have only two dollars.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn "Vi gillade maten, speciellt fisken.","We liked the food, especially the fish.",swe_Latn-eng_Latn Vi borde studera.,We should study.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Vi ska presentera idén för kommittén.,We will present our idea to the committee.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Vilka studerande ska göra provet?,Which students will take the test?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Du måste gå till skolan.,You must go to school.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Lämna mig inte ensam.,Don't leave me alone.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Du är väldigt vacker.,You're very beautiful.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Frukosten serveras klockan sju.,Breakfast is served at seven a.m.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag behöver en bra ordbok.,I need a good dictionary.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Vad har du gjort idag?,What did you do today?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag ser fram emot att få ditt brev.,I'm looking forward to getting your letter.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag kan hålla en hemlighet.,I can keep a secret.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag kan inte fatta att jag glömde det.,I can't believe I forgot.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Du ser tjock ut.,You look fat.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Har du en kopia?,Do you have a copy?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Han gjorde allt fotarbete.,He did all the legwork.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Du måste förbereda dig för det värsta!,You must prepare yourself for the worst.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Den är kvart i två.,It's a quarter to two.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Han älskar fotboll.,He loves soccer.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Han tycker mycket om fotboll.,He likes soccer a lot.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Det är verkligen överraskande.,That's really surprising.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Det vet vilket barn som helst.,Even a child knows that.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Det vet till och med barn.,Even children know that.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Vi måste betala skatt.,We must pay taxes.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Vi måste gå med en gång.,We must leave right away.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Han startar alltid till jobbet kl. 8.00.,He always leaves for work at 8:00 a.m.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Han går alltid till jobbet kl. 8.00.,He always goes to work at 8:00 a.m.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Hon gjorde rätt bra ifrån sig.,She did pretty well.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn "Alltid när jag ser dig, säger mitt hjärta att jag är förälskad.","Whenever I see you, my heart tells me that I'm in love.",swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag känner igen ditt ansikte.,I know your face.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn "Jag förlåter, men jag kommer aldrig att glömma.","I'll forgive, but I won't forget.",swe_Latn-eng_Latn Sömnbrist påverkade sångarens uppträdande.,A lack of sleep affected the singer's performance.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Flygplan landar på flygplatser.,Airplanes land at airports.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Hon stod upp och gick mot fönstret.,She stood and walked toward the window.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Alla medborgare borde respektera lagen.,All citizens should respect the law.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Alla kommande möten kommer att hållas i detta rum.,All future meetings will be held in this room.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn En av stålets viktiga egenskaper är dess hållfasthet.,An important quality of steel is its strength.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Låt oss hoppas på bra resultat.,Let's hope for good results.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Elföretag försöker minska sin kolförbrukning.,Electric power companies are seeking to reduce their use of coal.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Ge mig en dollar för boken.,Give me one dollar for the book.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Har de kommit än?,Have they arrived yet?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Hjälp mig en minut bara.,Help me for just a minute.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag gav dem en present på deras årsdag.,I gave them a present for their anniversary.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag studerade flitigt när jag gick i skolan.,I studied hard when I was in school.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag var närvarande i skolan igår.,I was present at school yesterday.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag går om du går.,I will go if you go.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Det är deras rätt att rösta.,It is their right to vote.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Kan jag gå?,May I go?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Andra forskare diskuterar hans teori om dinosauriernas försvinnande.,Other scientists are debating his theory about the disappearance of dinosaurs.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Det är någonting som gör att dörren inte går upp.,Something is making the door stick.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Simning är en form av träning.,Swimming is a form of exercise.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Tio är tio procent av etthundra.,Ten is ten percent of one hundred.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Vad är du rädd för?,What are you afraid of?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Vad har vi för val?,What choice do we have?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn "Vad tycker du, Tom?","What do you think, Tom?",swe_Latn-eng_Latn Vad är alternativet?,What's the alternative?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Vad heter Tom i efternamn?,What's Tom's last name?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Vad är det för fel med det?,What's wrong with that?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Jag har inte så värst mycket tid.,I don't have a whole lot of time.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Vad hette du nu igen?,What's your name again?,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Byggnaden rasade samman i jordbävningen.,The building collapsed in the earthquake.,swe_Latn-eng_Latn Er isch a Dogdr.,He's a doctor.,swg_Latn-eng_Latn Si isch a dogdore.,She's a doctor.,swg_Latn-eng_Latn Tom isch em dritta Stock.,Tom is on the third floor.,swg_Latn-eng_Latn I gang z'Fuas.,I go on foot.,swg_Latn-eng_Latn Mogsch du mi no?,Do you still love me?,swg_Latn-eng_Latn Was isch so viel wärt gwä?,What was so valuable?,swg_Latn-eng_Latn Isch dees so pressant?,Is it that urgent?,swg_Latn-eng_Latn Du kasch mir net helfa.,You can't help me.,swg_Latn-eng_Latn Dui Sirena war hee.,The siren is broken.,swg_Latn-eng_Latn Schildkreta hent koi Zee.,Turtles don't have teeth.,swg_Latn-eng_Latn "I ka des Tom net vrdenka, dass er mi absolut net mog.",I can't blame Tom for hating me.,swg_Latn-eng_Latn Sie hot den Briaf emmer wiedr nochamaol gläsa.,She read his letter again and again.,swg_Latn-eng_Latn Tom hett des aloi gmacht.,Tom could've done it by himself.,swg_Latn-eng_Latn "Her auf, d'Leit guggad scho.","Stop, people are already looking.",swg_Latn-eng_Latn "I woiss nemme, wie der Sempl hoisst.",I don't remember that guy's name.,swg_Latn-eng_Latn Hosch du amal alloi em Wirtshaus gässa?,Have you ever eaten in a restaurant alone?,swg_Latn-eng_Latn I han koi Luscht zom fahra.,I don't want to drive.,swg_Latn-eng_Latn Kia send de Hendus hoilig.,Cows are considered sacred by Hindus.,swg_Latn-eng_Latn Dr Honger isch dr beschde Koch.,Hunger is the best cook.,swg_Latn-eng_Latn Worom hasch du den ogriffa?,Why did you attack him?,swg_Latn-eng_Latn Mai Katz isch entlaufa ond nemme wiederkomma.,My cat ran away and never came back.,swg_Latn-eng_Latn Tom goht zu sainra Arbed mit am Fahrrädle.,Tom goes to work by bicycle.,swg_Latn-eng_Latn Des Buach isch violett.,The book is violet.,swg_Latn-eng_Latn Des Buach isch oraschfarbig.,The book is orange.,swg_Latn-eng_Latn Des isch a alds Buach.,The book is old.,swg_Latn-eng_Latn Was hot se aigendlich gschwätzt?,What did she actually say?,swg_Latn-eng_Latn Er isch wiaschd.,He is ugly.,swg_Latn-eng_Latn "Wenn mir mol langweilig isch, widersprech i oifach meim Weib.","When I get bored, I just contradict my wife.",swg_Latn-eng_Latn Dr Fisch schdenkt vom Kopf her.,A fish rots from the head down.,swg_Latn-eng_Latn Om wieviel Uhr macht des Museum zua?,What time does this museum close?,swg_Latn-eng_Latn "Wenn du schwemma willsch, no schwemm doch!","If you want to swim, swim.",swg_Latn-eng_Latn Mir veschbrad om siebane.,We have dinner at seven.,swg_Latn-eng_Latn Tom isch ned arg glicklich gwä.,Tom wasn't very happy.,swg_Latn-eng_Latn Schwär koas ned sai – sonschd kenndad's d' Weiber ned.,"It cannot be difficult; otherwise, women could not do it.",swg_Latn-eng_Latn Rache isch siaß.,Revenge is sweet.,swg_Latn-eng_Latn Des Bedd isch mir zwoich.,This bed is too soft for me.,swg_Latn-eng_Latn "„I moin, du sottescht a mol mid Tom ausganga.“ – Noi, den mog i ned.“","""I think you should go out with Tom."" ""No, I don't like him.""",swg_Latn-eng_Latn Tom dät gära weniger schaffa ond mee hoimbrenga.,Tom would like to work less and make more money.,swg_Latn-eng_Latn D’Wend hend Ohra.,The walls have ears.,swg_Latn-eng_Latn So ebbes han i no nia gsäa.,I'd never seen anything like that before.,swg_Latn-eng_Latn No ned huddla.,"More haste, less speed.",swg_Latn-eng_Latn Mai Familje isch mai Lääba.,My family is my life.,swg_Latn-eng_Latn Mit dem Wischkäschtle als Spiegl hat sich Maria nachgschmingt.,Mary used her smartphone as a mirror to touch-up her makeup.,swg_Latn-eng_Latn No ka ies schaffa bis om halber drui.,I still have time to do that before 2:30.,swg_Latn-eng_Latn Mir kennat emmer aŭfheera.,We can stop whenever we want.,swg_Latn-eng_Latn "Kenntscht du aufhöra, elle 30 Sekonda dain Telefon rausziaga?",Could you stop checking your phone every 30 seconds?,swg_Latn-eng_Latn Da Burj Khalifa isch jetzat da hegschde Wolkagratzr vo dr Weld.,Burj Khalifa is currently the tallest skyscraper in the world.,swg_Latn-eng_Latn I han dees fir oos gmacht.,I did that for us.,swg_Latn-eng_Latn I han koi Angschs ghett.,I wasn't afraid.,swg_Latn-eng_Latn Der Hond isch hongrig.,The dog is hungry.,swg_Latn-eng_Latn Aki isch mai hond.,Aki is my dog.,swg_Latn-eng_Latn Wir leben in einer komplizierten Welt.,We live in a complicated world.,swg_Latn-eng_Latn "Er hod mir gsagd, dass er mi aŭ liaba dud.",He said that he loved me too.,swg_Latn-eng_Latn Mir hend a Lesong gfonda.,We figured it out.,swg_Latn-eng_Latn Mir hend ons a Lesung ausdengd.,We've figured it out.,swg_Latn-eng_Latn I hau a Alibi.,I have an alibi.,swg_Latn-eng_Latn Kend ihr schwaarze Katza leida?,Do you like black cats?,swg_Latn-eng_Latn I will hoim.,I want to go home.,swg_Latn-eng_Latn Nes älles mid zwoi Bagga isch a Gsichd.,Not everything with two cheeks is a face.,swg_Latn-eng_Latn Dui kommt aus Italien.,She comes from Italy.,swg_Latn-eng_Latn "Hendr gsäa, wia se eich aguggt hot?",Did you see the way she was looking at you?,swg_Latn-eng_Latn Zamma hend se acht Kender ghet.,Together they had eight children.,swg_Latn-eng_Latn Duscha zu zwoid schbard Wasser ond Zeit.,Showering as a couple saves water and time.,swg_Latn-eng_Latn Tom isch oi joor en Deitschland gwä.,Tom spent a year in Germany.,swg_Latn-eng_Latn Heit koch i nix.,Today I will not cook.,swg_Latn-eng_Latn "Älle sagad, des gohd ned. No isch oiner komma ond hat des ned gwissd ond hod's oifach gmachd!",Everyone says it isn't possible. Someone has come here not knowing this and simply done it!,swg_Latn-eng_Latn Send dees eire oigene Biaĉr?,Are these your own books?,swg_Latn-eng_Latn Mir hend Tom geschdern Obend gsäa.,We saw Tom last night.,swg_Latn-eng_Latn I muaß des nemme so oft macha wia frier.,I don't need to do that as often as I used to.,swg_Latn-eng_Latn Tom hot scho ibr oin Monat koi Arbet mee.,Tom has been out of work for over a month.,swg_Latn-eng_Latn Tom isch an Sauorschtoffmangl gschdorba.,Tom died from lack of oxygen.,swg_Latn-eng_Latn Tom isch an ons vorbeigsaut.,Tom ran past us.,swg_Latn-eng_Latn Der Film war et so intressant wia i denkt han.,The movie wasn't as interesting as I expected it to be.,swg_Latn-eng_Latn I glaub i spenn.,I feel like such an idiot.,swg_Latn-eng_Latn "Mir hend net gwissd, was mr do soddat.",We were at a loss what to do.,swg_Latn-eng_Latn Du sottescht daim Vadder helfa.,You should help your father.,swg_Latn-eng_Latn Dai Plan isch firchterlich.,Your plan is terrible.,swg_Latn-eng_Latn Was hoschd du henter daim Buggel vrsteckt?,What do you have hidden behind your back?,swg_Latn-eng_Latn Kosch du gar et schwemma?,Can't you swim at all?,swg_Latn-eng_Latn Mir send Schwoba. Des rechtferdigt älles.,We are Swabians. That justifies everything.,swg_Latn-eng_Latn I han mir an nuja Ozug kauft.,I bought a new suit of clothes.,swg_Latn-eng_Latn Dia Frau isch jong.,The woman is young.,swg_Latn-eng_Latn I mog di.,I love you.,swg_Latn-eng_Latn "I koa heit ned fahra, i muass drenka!","I can't drive the car today, I have to drink!",swg_Latn-eng_Latn Ronder von dr Loider!,Get down from that ladder.,swg_Latn-eng_Latn Was woiß i?,What do I know?,swg_Latn-eng_Latn Sisch net guad.,It isn't good.,swg_Latn-eng_Latn Sisch net Gold.,It's not gold.,swg_Latn-eng_Latn "Sisch net dai Geld, was i will.",It's not your money that I want.,swg_Latn-eng_Latn "Sisch Meedig, net woar?","It's Monday, you know.",swg_Latn-eng_Latn Des isch mai Geld.,It's my money.,swg_Latn-eng_Latn Sisch mai freier Dag.,It's my day off.,swg_Latn-eng_Latn Sisch säär hoiß.,It's very hot.,swg_Latn-eng_Latn A lauda Muusig gfellt mir.,I like loud music.,swg_Latn-eng_Latn Dr Thomas isch pengalig.,Tom is finicky.,swg_Latn-eng_Latn Dr Tom hots Fahrrädle.,Tom has a bicycle.,swg_Latn-eng_Latn I hans Fahrrädle.,I have a bicycle.,swg_Latn-eng_Latn Si isch d'Betty.,She is Betty.,swg_Latn-eng_Latn Mir send net eifrsichtig.,We are not jealous.,swg_Latn-eng_Latn Des Buach isch rosa.,The book is pink.,swg_Latn-eng_Latn Wo send älle maine Fraind?,Where are all my friends?,swg_Latn-eng_Latn "I moin, sisch jetzetle z'schpät drzua.",I'm afraid it's too late now.,swg_Latn-eng_Latn Halt dai Gosch!,Shut your mouth.,swg_Latn-eng_Latn I han Tom ibr da Fluss sĉwemma gsäa.,I saw Tom swimming across the river.,swg_Latn-eng_Latn Er hoißt Tom.,His name's Tom.,swg_Latn-eng_Latn Derfet mir hier schwemma?,May we swim here?,swg_Latn-eng_Latn I ben et gschwomma.,I didn't swim.,swg_Latn-eng_Latn Mr koas oifach ned ällna reachd macha.,One simply can't be good to everyone.,swg_Latn-eng_Latn "Wenn no älle so wärad, wie i sai sodd.",If only everyone were the way I should be.,swg_Latn-eng_Latn Mir ässat net.,We're not eating.,swg_Latn-eng_Latn Wie viel Zukkr isch xond?,How much sugar is healthy?,swg_Latn-eng_Latn Tom hot a baar dode Fisch aufm See schwemma gsäh.,Tom saw some dead fish floating on the lake.,swg_Latn-eng_Latn Alinileta kahawa.,He brought me coffee.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Ni nyumba ya Anita.,It is Anita's house.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Hakuna matata.,There are no problems.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Ninapenda mwili wako.,I like your body.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Mimi si daktari.,I'm not a doctor.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Usivute sigara kitandani.,Don't smoke in bed.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn "Je, una wasiwasi?",Are you anxious?,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Mahaba ni tongo.,Love is blind.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Si muhimu.,This is not important.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn "Usipofahamu, uliza.","If you don't understand, ask.",swh_Latn-eng_Latn Atapita mtihani kwa hakika.,She'll pass the exam for sure.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Angalikuwa na nafasi angalikwenda.,"If he had had time, he would have gone.",swh_Latn-eng_Latn Mungu akubariki!,God bless you!,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Mimi ninaitwa Jack.,My name is Jack.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Chumba kizuri.,The room's nice.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Ni kazi yake.,She is responsible for it.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn "Kwaheri bwana, asante!","Good bye, and thanks.",swh_Latn-eng_Latn Millie anajifunza Kiswahili.,Millie is learning Swahili.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Sikujui.,I don't know you.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Millie ana njaa.,Millie is hungry.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Huna macho ya kahawia.,You don't have brown eyes.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Unakipenda?,Do you like it?,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Mbona unanywa maji?,Why are you drinking water?,swh_Latn-eng_Latn "Je, kuna sababu yo yote?",Is there any reason for that?,swh_Latn-eng_Latn "Kwa nini mambo yanakuwa hivi, Bwana Yusufu?","Why is this so, Yusufu?",swh_Latn-eng_Latn "Ndiyo, kuna sababu kubwa mbili.","Yes, there are two important reasons.",swh_Latn-eng_Latn "Kwanza, wanawake wana wakati mwingi zaidi kuliko wanaume. Pili, wanawake wanafikiri mambo machache zaidi kuliko wanaume.","In the first place, the women have more free time than men. In the second place, they have fewer things to worry about than men.",swh_Latn-eng_Latn Bora usingekwenda hapo.,It would have been better if you had not gone there.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Wanaume wakakwenda kazini.,The men go to work.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Wanaume huwa wamechoka warudipo kutoka kazini.,The men are generally tired when they come back from work.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Mtu ni mwenye nguvu.,The man is strong.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Wote tuliangalia saa yake.,All of us stared at her.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Kumbe wanachelewa!,"In that case, they fall behind.",swh_Latn-eng_Latn Nina njaa.,I am hungry.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Hakumpenda.,She didn't like him.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Natazamia.,I look forward to it.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Nimesikia kuwa hamli mboga za majani kwenu. Mnasema kuwa ni chakula cha wanyama.,I've heard that you don't eat green leafy vegetables. You say that it is food for animals.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Alimchukia.,She hated him.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Huo ni uongo mtupu.,That's nothing but a lie!,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Kule watu wanaelewa.,The people there are not so dumb.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Wanajua maana ya vitamin ni nini.,"They know what ""vitamin"" means.",swh_Latn-eng_Latn Usisahau kupeleka barua,Don't forget to post the letter.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Usipokula chakula cha majani huwezi kupata vitamin.,"When you don't eat leafy foods, you can't get vitamins.",swh_Latn-eng_Latn Ninachukia hesabu.,I hate maths.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Kupigana kwa haki yako.,Fight for your right.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Mimi nilistaajabu sana.,I was quite surprised.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn "Je, unakumbuka jina lake?",Do you remember her name?,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Nilistaajabu niliposikia kuwa kweli watu hawali mboga za majani.,I was surprised that when I heard that people really don't eat leafy vegetables.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Zima taa.,Turn off the light.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Ni nyumba nzuri.,It's a pretty house.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Hiyo si kweli hata kidogo.,That's not true at all.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Nilileta kitabu.,I brought a book.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Ahadi ni deni.,A promise is a debt.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Sina budi nikimbilie gari la moshi.,I must hurry to catch the train.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Vema. Ningefurahi sana kama ungeniandikia barua mara tu ufikapo Mwanza.,Fine. I'd be very happy if you would drop me a line as soon as you get to Mwanza.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Kalamu changu ni mpya.,My pen is new.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Nina paka wawili.,I have two cats.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Kobe hana meno.,Turtles don't have teeth.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Unieleze habari zote za safari uliyosafiri.,Tell me all about the trip you've made.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Unieleze jinsi utakavyopanda stima kutoka pale Mwanza mpaka Bukoba.,Tell me how you will take the steamer from Mwanza to Bukoba.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn "Kama ningejua, ningekwenda.","If I had known it, I would have gone there.",swh_Latn-eng_Latn Kwaheri bwana. Safiri salama!,"Good bye, and safe trip.",swh_Latn-eng_Latn "Kama ningejua, nisingekuja.","If I had known, I would not have come.",swh_Latn-eng_Latn Nanywa maji jikoni.,I'm drinking water in the kitchen.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Emily aliandika sentensi.,Emily wrote the sentence.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Wewe mwenyewe utashuhudia.,You'll see it for yourself.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn "Je, kuna mashine ya kufulia nyumbani?",Is there a washing machine in the house?,swh_Latn-eng_Latn "Hujambo, bwana? Habari gani za mchana?",How are you? What sort of day are you having today?,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Omba Mungu uitembelee nchi hiyo siku moja.,Ask God that you may visit that country some day.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn "Kama angekaa nyumbani, asingepata taabu.","If he had stayed at home that day, he would not have met with disaster.",swh_Latn-eng_Latn Sijui niambie nini...,I don't know what to say...,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Melanie anapenda muziki.,Melanie likes music.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Yeye ni daktari.,She's a doctor.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Naenda kwa miguu.,I go on foot.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Usitusahau!,Don't forget about us!,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Nyinyi ni waalimu.,You are teachers.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn """Rafiki zangu watajifunza Kinyamwezi. Na wako je?"" ""La, wao hawatajifunza.""","""My friends will learn Nyamwezi. How about yours?"" ""No, they will not learn it.""",swh_Latn-eng_Latn Jina lako ni nani?,What's your name?,swh_Latn-eng_Latn "Jambo, jina lako ni nani?","Hello, what's your name?",swh_Latn-eng_Latn Natoka Uingereza.,I'm from England.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn """Baba, kwa nin unavaa nguo safi?"" ""Kwa sababu ninakwenda kanisani.""","""Father, why are you putting on clean clothes?"" ""Because I'm going to church.""",swh_Latn-eng_Latn """Daudi, unataka twende kanisani?"" ""Hapana, baba. Sitaki leo. Nitakwenda kesho peke yangu.""","""Do you want to go to church with me, Daudi?"" ""No, father. I don't want to today. I'll go by myself tomorrow.""",swh_Latn-eng_Latn Lakini mama yako anakwenda pia.,But your mother is going too.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn "Ijapokuwa nitakaa nyumbani peke yangu, sitakwenda mahali popote siku ya leo.","Even if I'm going to stay at home by myself, I'm not going any place at all today.",swh_Latn-eng_Latn Sitaki ndizi zo zote.,I do not want any bananas at all.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Jiwe ni zito.,The stone is heavy.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Habari za nyumbani?,How is your family?,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Mawazo ya kijani yasiyokamili yanalala hoi.,Colorless green ideas sleep furiously.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Sitaki watu wo wote.,I do not want anybody at all.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Hatukuona michezo yo yote.,We didn't see a single game.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Ninajua kuwa alikuwa wa ajabu.,I know it was strange.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Jorge azungumza lugha nne.,Jorge speaks four languages.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Yeye hana jamaa ye yote.,He does not have any relatives at all.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Kusahau kuhusu hilo.,Forget about it.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Yeye hana rafiki ye yote.,He does not have any friends.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn """Nitakwenda sokoni mchana. Na wewe je?"" ""La, mimi sitakwenda.""","""I shall go to the market this afternoon. How about you?"" ""No, I will not go.""",swh_Latn-eng_Latn Nipo jikoni.,I'm in the kitchen.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn """Nitanunua nyumba mpya. Na wewe je?"" ""La, mimi sitanunua.""","""I shall buy a new house. How about you?"" ""No, I will not buy one.""",swh_Latn-eng_Latn """Juma atalipa ada ya shule. Na Hamisi je?"" ""La, yeye hatalipa.""","""Juma will pay school fees. How about Hamisi?"" ""No, he will not pay them.""",swh_Latn-eng_Latn Millie anampenda.,Millie loves him.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn """Juma atawasaidia rafiki zake. Na Hamisi je?"" ""La, yeye hatawasaidia.""","""Juma will help his friends. How about Hamisi?"" ""No, he will not help them.""",swh_Latn-eng_Latn Millie anakwenda shule.,Millie is going to school.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Mary yuko wapi?,Where is Mary?,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Tom yuko wapi?,Where is Tom?,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Tutaonana kesho!,See you tomorrow!,swh_Latn-eng_Latn """Utakwenda sokoni na Juma?"" ""La. Nitakwenda peke yangu.""","""Will you go to the market with Juma?"" ""No, I shall go alone.""",swh_Latn-eng_Latn Millie ananipenda.,Millie loves me.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn """Juma atakwenda sokoni na Hasani?"" ""La. Atakwenda peke yake.""","""Will Juma go to the market with Hasani?"" ""No, he will go alone.""",swh_Latn-eng_Latn Watoto wanakwenda shuleni?,Do the children go to school?,swh_Latn-eng_Latn """Watoto watakaa nyumbani na mama yao?"" ""La. Watakaa peke yao.""","""Will the children stay at home with their mother?"" ""No, they will stay alone.""",swh_Latn-eng_Latn Millie anapenda chokoleti.,Millie loves chocolate.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Watoto ni maua ya maisha yetu.,Children are the flowers of our lives.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Millie ana mbwa.,Millie has a dog.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Mtu anataka kujua ukweli.,The man wants to know the truth.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn """Wataka chungwa hili?"" ""Hapana, sitaki chungwa lo lote.""","""Do you want this orange?"" ""No, I don't want any orange at all.""",swh_Latn-eng_Latn "Je, unajua mwanamke huyu?",Do you know this lady?,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Millie anakula mkate.,Millie is eating bread.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Nina mbwa.,I have a dog.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Hii ni wiki yangu ya tatu.,This is my third week.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Nina homa.,I have a high temperature.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Una homa.,You've got a fever.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Ninatoka Australia.,I come from Australia.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Ninatoka Brazil.,I come from Brazil.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Ninatoka Saitama.,I come from Saitama.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Ninatoka Japani.,I come from Japan.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Mimi ni nani?,Who am I?,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Sitaki kwenda shule.,I don't want to go to school.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Utakaa muda ghani?,For how long will you stay?,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Nilikuja jana.,I came yesterday.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Nataka kuishi.,I want to live.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Ninatoka Kolombia.,I come from Colombia.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Ninatoka Amerika.,I come from America.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Ninatoka Boston.,I come from Boston.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Sisi ni wanafunzi.,We are students.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Anatoka Uingereza.,He comes from England.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Wewe ni nani?,Who are you?,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Anatoka Genova.,He comes from Genoa.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Wewe ni mwanafunzi.,You are a student.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Ninaweza kutembea.,I can walk.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Anatoka Welisi.,He comes from Wales.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Anatoka California.,She comes from California.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Anatoka Geneva.,He comes from Geneva.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Wanatoka Uswidi.,They come from Sweden.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Nilipata moja.,I found one.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn "Je, mna njaa?",Are you hungry?,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Una vitabu vingi.,You have many books.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Siku nzuri.,Have a nice day.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn "Je, ungependa kikombe kingine cha kahawa?",Would you like another cup of coffee?,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Msichana anataka kujua ukweli.,The girl wants to know the truth.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Nitakuokoa.,I'll save you.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Mwanamke anataka kujua ukweli.,The woman wants to know the truth.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Mvulana anataka kujua ukweli.,The boy wants to know the truth.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Hakuna anayejua ukweli.,Nobody knows the truth.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Fedha zake ni katika benki.,His money is in the bank.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Melanie si mpigaramli.,Melanie is not a fortune teller.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Yeye amekwisha kunywa pombe.,He's been drinking beer.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Millie ananywa maji.,Millie is drinking water.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Millie anasoma kitabu chake.,Millie is reading her book.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Naenda shule.,I go to school.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Millie hanywi maji.,Millie isn't drinking water.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn "Je, unajua wimbo huu?",Do you know this song?,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Mama kuza mgloka amembudla mboka seko na anamkudra mboka mdogo.,A glock coozdre has steckly boodled a boker and is curding a bokerlet.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn "Naweza kupata bili, tafadhali?","Could I have the bill, please?",swh_Latn-eng_Latn Ni bei gani?,How much is it?,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Unaweza kusema ukweli.,You can tell the truth.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Ulikuwa ukweli.,It was the truth.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Mnakwenda wapi?,Where are you going?,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Nimepoteza funguo zangu.,I've lost my keys.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Jina lako nani?,What is your name?,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Mnajuana kutoka wapi?,Where do you know each other from?,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Millie anasikiliza muziki.,Millie is listening to music.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Huwezi kwenda huko.,You can't go there.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Sentensi hizi zote zinahitaji kikomo.,All of these sentences need a full stop.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Utaweza kurudia ulichosema?,Could you say that again?,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Nilijisikia vibaya.,I felt bad.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Magdalena na Ania ni marafiki wazuri,Magdalena and Ania are good friends.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Sawa.,It doesn't matter.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Sitaki maziwa yo yote.,I do not want any milk at all.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Nina kompyuta.,I have a computer.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Mamako yupo nyumbani?,Is your mum at home?,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Anafundisha Kiarabu.,He is teaching Arabic.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Rafiki yangu anataka maziwa.,My friend wants milk.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Kuna wanafunzi maktabani.,There are students in the library.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Nilimaliza kuandika.,I finished writing.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Pua aliimba kanisani.,Pua sang at church.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Nilikwenda benki.,I went to the bank.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Mke wangu alikwenda shamba.,My wife went to the farm.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Tunaweza kunywa nini?,What can we drink?,swh_Latn-eng_Latn "Kwa sasa, Burj Khalifa ni jengo refu zaidi duniani.",Burj Khalifa is currently the tallest skyscraper in the world.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Usinywe maji yaliyo bilaurini!,Do not drink the water in the dirty glass!,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Tizama hii picha.,Look at that photo.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Kuna visiwa katika bahari.,There are islands in the sea.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Alishambulia adui.,She attacked the enemy.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Hamisi hatumii sukari.,Hamisi doesn't use sugar.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Yeye ni mwanafunzi mzuri.,She is a good student.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Gari yao si jizuri.,Their car is not good.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Yeye ni mwanamke mzuri.,She's a good woman.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Millie anakula tufaha.,Millie is eating an apple.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Wanasoma kitabu.,They're reading a book.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Hatukuona watoto wo wote.,We didn't see any children at all.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Rafiki yangu hatumii maziwa.,My friend doesn't use milk.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Rafiki yangu hatumii sukari.,My friend doesn't use sugar.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Anasoma.,He is reading.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Jina langu ni John.,My name is John.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Ninakula sandwichi.,I'm eating a sandwich.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Pua anaimba kanisani.,Pua is singing at church.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Watoto wangu wanaishi katika New York.,My children live in New York.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Habari?,How are things?,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Bendera hii ni nzuri sana.,This flag is very beautiful.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Unafanya nini?,What are you doing?,swh_Latn-eng_Latn """Wachukuzi watakuja na bwana wao?"" ""La. Watakuja peke yao.""","""Will the porters come with their master?"" ""No, they will come alone.""",swh_Latn-eng_Latn Habari za leo?,How are you today?,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Nitasema.,I will say.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Ningependa kukodi gari.,I'd like to rent a car.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Farasi hii ni mweupe.,This horse is white.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Nalala uchi.,I sleep naked.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Farasi hii si mweupe.,This horse is not white.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Farasi si mweupe.,The horse is not white.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Tuko wapi sasa?,Where are we now?,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Mnafanya nini?,What're you doing?,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Anapika sasa.,She's cooking now.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Lugha ambayo inasemwa Brazil ni nini?,What is the language spoken in Brazil?,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Tunapika sasa.,We're cooking now.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Ninataka kunywa chai.,I want to drink tea.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn "Je, unakula samaki?",Do you eat fish?,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Farasi ni mweusi.,The horse is black.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Niliandika kitabu kuhusu China.,I wrote a book about China.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Yeye ni mwimbaji.,She is a singer.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Mvulana anaruka.,The boy is jumping.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Millie hali tufaha.,Millie isn't eating an apple.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Leo ni jumapili.,Today is Sunday.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn "Je, wewe ni nyumbani?",Are you at home?,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Paka yetu ipo jikoni.,Our cat is in the kitchen.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Lugha zina maneno magumu.,Languages have hard words.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn "Je, unaweza kutunza siri?",Can you keep a secret?,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Kuna miji mingi mikubwa katika Brazil.,There are a lot of big cities in Brazil.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Watendeeni mema wanaowachukia.,Do good to those who hate you.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Habari za asubuhi?,How are you this morning?,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Habari za mchana?,How do you feel today?,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Millie anakula ndizi.,Millie is eating a banana.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn "Tafadhali, niletee mayai.",Please bring me eggs.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Ni kitabu kipya.,It's a new book.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn "Je, unataka chakula?",Do you want food?,swh_Latn-eng_Latn "Je, unataka mayai?",Do you want eggs?,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Farasi anaruka.,The horse is jumping.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Msichana anaruka.,The girl is jumping.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn "Pengine husema, ""Mimi leo siwezi kwenda shuleni. Nitakwenda kesho.""","Sometimes they say, ""I can't go to school today. I'll go tomorrow.""",swh_Latn-eng_Latn Hamjambo nyumbani?,How is the family?,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Kuna chakula gani?,What kind of food is there?,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Kuna uji.,There is gruel.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Maembe hayatoshi.,There are not enough mangoes.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn "Je, unataka uji?",Do you want gruel?,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Ndiyo. Niletee uji.,"Yes, bring me gruel.",swh_Latn-eng_Latn Mbwa anaruka.,The dog is jumping.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Kuna matunda.,There is fruit.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Unataka matunda?,Do you want fruit?,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Kuna ndizi?,Are there any bananas?,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Hutusahau!,Do not forget about us.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Sijui.,I don't know.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Swali nzuri.,A good question.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Unakumbuka?,Do you remember?,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Kwenda kwa teksi hotelini.,Take a taxi to the hotel.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Hii paka ni yangu.,This is my cat.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Nani anasoma?,Who is reading?,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Nitarudi.,I'll come back.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Nina swali.,I've got a question.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Nakupenda.,I love you.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Unalipenda?,Do you like this?,swh_Latn-eng_Latn "Lugha ya kirusi ni lugha ya kislavoni inayoongelewa kama lugha ya asili huko Urusi, Belarusi, Ukraine, Kazakhstan na Kyrgyzstan, na pia inatumika sana, ijapokuwa si kama lugha rasmi huko Latvia, Estonia na nchi nyingine nyingi zilizokuwa ni jamhuri katika Umoja wa Sovieti wa zamani.","The Russian language is a Slavic language spoken natively in Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan, and is widely used, although without official imprimatur, in Latvia, Estonia and many other countries that form the constituent republics of the former Soviet Union.",swh_Latn-eng_Latn Usisahau kupeleka barua.,Don't forget to send the letter.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn "Je, unasoma?",Are you studying?,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Jina lako?,What are you called?,swh_Latn-eng_Latn "Penye nia, pana njia.","Where there's a will, there's a way.",swh_Latn-eng_Latn Unaweza kuimba wimbo.,You can sing a song.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Ninakwenda kulala.,I'm going to bed.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Kaka yako ni wapi?,Where is your brother?,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Mtawala ali wana wasita.,A monarch had six sons.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Millie ana kitabu.,Millie has a book.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Millie ana paka.,Millie has a cat.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Kitabu changu ni hapa.,My book is here.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Sisikilizi muziki.,I'm not listening to music.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Ninakupenda.,I do love you.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Nilikula mayai jana.,I ate eggs yesterday.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Siagi haitoshi.,There is not enough butter.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Mimi ni mwalimu.,I am a teacher.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Chai haitoshi.,There is not enough tea.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Kitabu si kipya.,The book isn't new.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Ninasoma kitabu changu.,I'm reading my book.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Kahawa haitoshi.,There is not enough coffee.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Hatukuja.,We didn't come.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Mvulana ana farasi.,The boy has a horse.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Mtu alibisha mlango.,Someone knocked on the door.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Ndugu yangu ana akaunti ya Twitter.,My brother has a Twitter account.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Nina akaunti ya Twitter.,I have a Twitter account.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Mimi si mjinga.,I'm not an idiot.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Paka wako ni mweusi.,Your cat is black.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Yeye hakusoma kitabu.,She didn't read the book.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Maktaba ni upande wa kulia.,The library is to the right.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Hakuna mtu anaelewa mimi.,No one understands me.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Samaki inaweza kuogelea.,The fish can swim.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Ninataka mkate.,I want bread.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Paka ni jamii ya wanyama.,Cats are social animals.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Hawaji leo.,They are not coming today.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Maktaba ni upande wa kushoto.,The library is to the left.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Ninataka kwenda uvuvi.,I want to go fishing.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Ule ni mti.,That's a tree.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Viatu viko wapi?,Where're the shoes?,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Millie ni mzuri sana.,Millie is very cute.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Naweza kuzungumza lugha yako.,I can speak your language.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Ulivunja meza uliyekuwa ukikaa.,You broke the table you were sitting on.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn "Ninakupenda, Millie!","I love you, Millie!",swh_Latn-eng_Latn Wewe si mtu.,You're not a man.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Lazima kupumzika laurels yetu!,We must not rest on our laurels!,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Yeye si mtoto.,He is not a child.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Una miaka mingapi?,How old are you?,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Nyinyi ni watoto.,You are children.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Ananishangaza.,It surprises me.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Sina njaa.,I am not hungry.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn "Je, una uhakika?",Are you sure?,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Sikuelewi.,I don't understand you.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Ninaenda katika safari.,I'm going on a trip.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Nilisikia kwamba uliolewa.,I heard you got married.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Sielewi.,I don't understand.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Nanywa maji.,I drink water.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Vitabu viko wapi?,Where are the books?,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Ninataka kuwa mchezaji.,I want to be an actress.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Millie ana macho mazuri.,Millie has beautiful eyes.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Tlaloc anapenda kusafiri.,Tláloc likes travelling.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Ana miaka mingapi?,How old is he?,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Millie ana macho ya kijani.,Millie has green eyes.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Millie ana macho ya bluu.,Millie has blue eyes.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Mungu aliumba dunia.,God created the world.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Kichwa kinauma.,I have a headache.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Yanipasa kukuambia kitu.,I must tell you something.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Nina simu katika chumba changu.,I have a telephone in my room.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Ufaransa ni katika Ulaya ya Magharibi.,France is in Western Europe.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn "Je, wasema Kijapani?",Do you speak Japanese?,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Si rahisi hivyo.,It's not that simple.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Hamisi anatumia sukari.,Hamisi uses sugar.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Hamisi anataka sukari.,Hamisi wants sugar.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Rafiki yangu anataka sukari.,My friend wants sugar.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Nina paka.,I have a cat.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Rafiki yangu anatumia sukari.,My friend uses sugar.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Ndege ni mwekundu.,The birds are red.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Yeye ni ndani ya nyumba hii.,He is inside this house.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Watoto wanatumia sukari.,The children use sugar.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Hamisi hapendi sukari.,Hamisi doesn't want sugar.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Wewe si mwanamke.,You're not a woman.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Hamisi hatumii maziwa.,Hamisi doesn't use milk.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn "Je, unataka matunda?",Would you like some fruit?,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Rafiki yangu hapendi sukari.,My friend doesn't want sugar.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn kwamba ni kwa nini yeye alikuwa na hasira.,That is why he got angry.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Mimi ni Mmarekani.,I am an American.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Wewe ni rafiki yangu.,You are my friend.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Millie atatusema ukweli.,Millie will tell us the truth.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Mkate hautoshi.,There is not enough bread.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Maziwa hayatoshi.,There is not enough milk.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Matunda hayatoshi.,There is not enough fruit.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Machungwa hayatoshi.,There are not enough oranges.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn "Tafadhali, niletee matunda.",Please bring me fruit.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn "Watu wote wamezaliwa huru, hadhi na haki zao ni sawa. Wote wamejaliwa akili na dhamiri, hivyo yapasa watendeane kindugu.",All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Anakula.,He is eating.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Mwanamume anakula mkate.,The man is eating bread.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Mvulana anakula mkate.,The boy is eating bread.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Paka anakula.,The cat is eating.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Kazi yake nini kitu hiki?,What is this thing used for?,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Nini uraia wako?,What's your nationality?,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Chakula hakitoshi.,There's not enough food.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn "Bwana Yusufu, sasa naona wakati unakaribia.","I see that the time is approaching, Yusufu.",swh_Latn-eng_Latn Nyama haitoshi.,There is not enough meat.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Ni saa tisa.,It's three o'clock.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Uji hautoshi.,There is not enough gruel.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Ndizi hazitoshi.,There are not enough bananas.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn "Tafadhali, niletee uji.",Please bring me porridge.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Nimepata kufanya.,I have succeeded in doing it.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Nisipokula nitakufa.,"If I don't eat, I will die.",swh_Latn-eng_Latn Habari gani?,What is new?,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Yeye ni mwalimu wangu.,She is my teacher.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Naomba kulipa!,"The check, please.",swh_Latn-eng_Latn "Lala salama, Timmy.","Sleep well, Timmy.",swh_Latn-eng_Latn Habari zako?,How are you doing?,swh_Latn-eng_Latn "Je, ana kompyuta npya?",Does she have a new computer?,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Mtu huyu ni nani?,Who is this man?,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Ana maua mekundu.,She has red flowers.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Ninaweza kusoma.,I can read.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Msichana ana farasi nyeupe.,The girl has a white horse.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn "Je, unakaa hapa?",Do you live here?,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Anachemka mayai jikoni.,She's boiling eggs in the kitchen.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Nipe moto.,Give me fire.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn Yeye hana bunduki.,He doesn't have a gun.,swh_Latn-eng_Latn தானம் தவமிரண்டும் தங்கா வியனுலகம் வானம் வழங்கா தெனின்,If rain fails there will be neither charity nor penance.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn நான் நிறைய சாப்பிட்டேன்,I ate too much.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn நாய் ஜாக்கிரதை!,Beware of the dog!,tam_Taml-eng_Latn அவன் என்ன சொன்னான்?,What did he say?,tam_Taml-eng_Latn இப்பசுக்கள் சலிப்படைந்து காணப்படுகின்றன.,These cows look bored.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn நான் வழி காட்டப் பட வில்லை,I am not guided.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn மேரி எனக்குப் பிடித்தமான எழுத்தாளர்களில் ஒருவர்.,Mary is one of my favorite authors.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn என்னிடம் பேசு,Talk to me!,tam_Taml-eng_Latn பலர் அவர்கள் ஈட்டுவதைவிட கூடுதலாகச் செலவிடுகின்றனர்.,Many people spend more than they earn.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn மறுபடியும் சந்திப்போம்,See you again.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn டோம் மேரிக்கு ஒரு முதலைத் தோல் கைப்பையை வாங்கினான்.,Tom bought Mary a crocodile skin handbag.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn அவள் பத்திரிக்கையை மேலோட்டமாகப் பார்த்தாள்,She glanced through the magazine.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn நான் என்ன நடக்கும் எனப் பார்க்க விரும்பினேன்.,I wanted to see what would happen.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn அதை நான் பார்க்கிறேன்,I'll see to it.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn அவள் பியானோ வாசிக்கிறாளோ?,Does she play piano?,tam_Taml-eng_Latn உன் கையில்தான் இருக்கிறது,It's up to you.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn நான் என்ன நடக்கும் எனத் தெரிந்துகொள்ள விரும்பினேன்.,I wanted to know what would happen.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn அந்த பையன் அழ ஆரம்பித்தான்,The boy began to cry.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn அவன் இன்னும் இருக்கிறான்,He is still here.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn இது மனிதகுலத்திற்கு ஒரு விலைமதிப்பற்ற புதையல்.,This is a priceless treasure to mankind.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn அவன் ஏரியில் நீச்சலடித்தான்,We swam in the lake.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn என்னிடம் விட்டுவிடு,Leave it to me.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn இதைக் கேள்,Listen to this!,tam_Taml-eng_Latn என்னிடம் பொய் சொல்லாதே,Don't lie to me.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn டோம் இறுதியாக நாம் அவனிடம் கேட்டதைச் செய்து முடித்தான்.,Tom has finally done what we asked him to do.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn அவன் ஓட ஆரம்பித்தான்,He began to run.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn உன்னிடம் ஏதாவது பசை இருக்கிறதா?,Do you have any gum?,tam_Taml-eng_Latn நான் ஒரு விதமான மகிழ்ச்சியிலிருக்கிறேன்,I'm kind of happy.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn சர்வதேச மகளிர் தின வாழ்த்துக்கள்!,Happy International Women's Day!,tam_Taml-eng_Latn அவன் ஓட விருப்பப் படுகிறான்,He likes to run.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn அவன் அவளிடம் ஏதோ சொன்னான் மற்றும் அவள் சிரித்தாள்.,He told her something and she smiled.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn கல்யாணம் எப்பொழுது நடைப் பெற்றது,When did the wedding take place?,tam_Taml-eng_Latn அவ்வேளையில் அது என்ன என்று நான் அறிந்திருக்கவில்லை.,I didn't know what it was at the time.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn கடலில் தீவுகளில் உள்ளன.,There are islands in the sea.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn இங்கிருந்து வெளியே செல்ல சுலபமான வழியில்லை.,There's no easy way out of here.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn அவைகள் என்னுடைய CD கள்,Those are my CDs.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn என்னால் ஓட முடிகிறது,I'm able to run.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn மழை பெய்யலாம்,It may rain.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn டோம் அதைப் பற்றி பள்ளி செய்தித்தாளில் ஒரு கட்டுரை எழுதினான்.,Tom wrote an article about it in the school newspaper.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn நான் தூங்குகிறேன்.,I am sleeping.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn என்னிடம் பணம் குறைவாக இருக்கிறது,I'm short of money.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn எப்படி பனியில் சறுக்கி விளையாடுவது என்பது எனக்கு தெரியும்,I know how to ski.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn உங்கள் பெயர் என்ன?,What is your name?,tam_Taml-eng_Latn வலது பக்கத்தை கடைப் பிடி,Keep to the right.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn என்ன செய்வது என்பது எனக்குத் தெரியும்,I know what to do.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn அவள் பாட ஆரம்பித்தாள்,She began to sing.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn அவன் எனக்குப் பதிலாக சேன்றான்,He went in place of me.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn டோமிடம் என்னைவிட ஒரு நல்ல கார் இருக்கிறது.,Tom has a nicer car than I do.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn நான் என்ன செய்கிறேன் என்று டோமுக்குத் தெரியாது.,Tom doesn't know what I do.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn அவர்களில்லாமல் நான் என்ன செய்வேன்?,What would I do without them?,tam_Taml-eng_Latn நான் உன்னிடம் பேசலாமா?,May I speak to you?,tam_Taml-eng_Latn அவள் போகத் தீர்மானித்தாள்,She decided to go.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn டோம் என்னைவிட வேகமாக ஒடுகிறான்.,Tom runs faster than I do.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn ஆகவே நான் என்ன செய்ய வேண்டும்?,So what should I do?,tam_Taml-eng_Latn நான் படிக்க வேண்டுமா?,Do I have to study?,tam_Taml-eng_Latn அவனுக்குக் கடல் என்றால் பயம்,He's afraid of the sea.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn எப்படி இருக்கிறீர்கள்?,How are you doing?,tam_Taml-eng_Latn போய் தூங்கு,Go to sleep.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn அவன் வருவது நிச்சயம்,He is sure to come.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn இந்த ஆப்பிள் இனிப்பாக இருக்கிறது,This apple is sweet.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn டோம் மேரியைத் தன் இல்லத்துக்கு விருந்துக்காக அழைத்தான்.,Tom invited Mary to his home for dinner.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn நான் வீட்டிற்கு நடக்க வேண்டியிருந்தது,I had to walk home.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn தங்களுடைய தந்தையார் எப்படி இருக்கிறார்கள்?,How is your dad?,tam_Taml-eng_Latn நான் பள்ளிக்கு நடந்து செல்கிறேன்,I walk to school.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn எப்படி பதில் சொல்வது என்பதில் நான் உறுதியாக இல்லை.,I'm not sure how to answer this.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn டோம் நாள் முழுதும் தூங்கிக்கொண்டிருக்கிறான்.,Tom has been sleeping all day.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn எங்களுக்கு உணவு தட்டுப்பாடு ஏற்பட்டது,We ran out of food.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn எனக்கு அவ்வளவு தெரியும்.,I know that much.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn நான் இப்பொழுது போக வேண்டும்,I have to go now.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn டோம் மூன்று நாட்களாக நினைவிழந்து இருக்கிறான்.,Tom has been unconscious for three days.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn இந்த சீடி அவளுக்குச் சொந்தமானது,This CD belongs to her.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn நான் ஆடை அணிய வேண்டும்,I have to dress up.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn அவர்கள் கடிதம் எழுதினார்களா?,Did they write a letter?,tam_Taml-eng_Latn நான் அவனை வரச் சொன்னேன்,I told him to come.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn டோம் மருத்துவமனையில் மூன்று நாட்களாக இருக்கிறான்.,Tom has been in the hospital for three days.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn "வணக்கம், ஜான்! எப்படி இருக்கிறீர்கள்?","Hello, John! How are you?",tam_Taml-eng_Latn டோம் நாள் முழுதும் இங்கு இருக்கப்போகிறான்.,Tom is going to be here all day.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn பந்தை என்னிடம் உருட்டி விடு,Roll the ball to me.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn டோம் நாள் முழுதும் வேலை செய்துகொண்டிருக்கிறான்.,Tom has been working all day.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn டோம் நாள் முழுதும் பாடிக்கொண்டிருக்கிறான்.,Tom has been singing all day.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn அவள் எனக்கு அருகில் அமர்ந்தாள்,She sat next to me.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn என் மகனைப் பற்றி பெருமைப் படுகிறேன்,I'm proud of my son.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn ஒரு சதுரத்திற்கு நான்கு பக்கங்கள் உள்ளன,A square has four sides.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn நாள் முழுதும் டோம் எங்கிருந்தான்?,Where's Tom been all day?,tam_Taml-eng_Latn அவனுக்கு உடல் நிலை சரியில்லாததனால் அவனால் வர இயலாது,"Because he's sick, he can't come.",tam_Taml-eng_Latn ஆறு மணிக்கு முன்பு வீட் டிற்கு வா,Come home before six.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn டோம் அழாமல் இருக்க முயன்றான்.,Tom tried not to cry.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn அவன் ஒட்டினக் காரில் அவள் எப்பொழுதும் இருந்ததில்லை,She has never been in a car driven by him.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn நான் காய்கறி வாங்க கடைக்குப் போனேன்,I came to buy vegetables.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn நான் என்ன செய்ய வேண்டும் என்று சொல்,Tell me what to do.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn இதற்கு கட்டணமில்லை,It's free of charge.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn நாங்கள் நடக்க ஆரம்பித்தோம்,We started to walk.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn அவருக்கு மூன்று மகன்கள்,He has three sons.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn கெடுப்பதூஉம் கெட்டார்க்குச் சார்வாய்மற் றாங்கே எடுப்பதூஉம் எல்லாம் மழை,Rain by its absence ruins men; and by its existence restores them to fortune,tam_Taml-eng_Latn அவள் முட்டைகளை வேக வைத்தாள்,She boiled the eggs.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn அவளிடம் 2000 புத்தகங்கள் உள்ளன,"She has 2,000 books.",tam_Taml-eng_Latn பொறிவாயில் ஐந்தவித்தான் பொய்தீர் ஒழுக்க நெறிநின்றார் நீடுவாழ் வார்,"If you have faith in God,You can control all five senses and live a peaceful longlife",tam_Taml-eng_Latn நாம் எங்கே இருக்கிறோம்?,Where are we?,tam_Taml-eng_Latn நீங்கள் போகத் தயாராக இருக்கிறீர்களா?,Are you ready to go?,tam_Taml-eng_Latn அவள் சொல்வதைக் கேட்காதீர்,Don't listen to her.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn கண்ணாடி வீட்டில் வசிப்பவகள் கல்லை எறியக் கூடாது,People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn மணி என்ன ஆகிறது?,What time is it?,tam_Taml-eng_Latn """நீங்கள் எங்கே வசிக்கிறீர்கள்?"" ""நான் டோக்கியோவில் வசிக்கும்.""","""Where do you live?"" ""I live in Tokyo.""",tam_Taml-eng_Latn எனக்குக் கரடிகளைக கண்டால் பயம்,I am afraid of bears.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn அவனுக்கு நம்மைப் தெரியும் என்று தோன்றுகிறது,He seems to know us.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn நீரின் றமையா துலகெனின் யார்யார்க்கும் வானின் றமையா தொழுக்கு,If there is no rain no water which may make a civilized society into an uncivilized,tam_Taml-eng_Latn அவள் அவனோடு நடனம் ஆடினாள்,She danced with him.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn நீ கோபமாக இருப்பாய் என்று எண்ணினேன்.,I thought you'd be angry.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn நான் ஒரு வழி காட்டி,I am a guide.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn அவள் அறையை விட்டு வெளியே சென்றாள்,She went out of the room.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn நான் ஒரு மனிதன்.,I am a man.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn எனக்கு அவளோடு நிச்சயமாகியிருக்கு,I am engaged to her.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn நான் மலேசியாவில் வசிக்கிறேன்.,I live in Malaysia.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn இது செர்பியாவின் மூன்றாவது பெரிய நகரம்.,It's the third biggest city of Serbia.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn அவள் அழகான ஆடை அணிந்திருந்தாள்,She wore a beautiful dress.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn நான் இப்பொழுது கிளம்ப வேண்டும்,I have to leave now.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn உங்க பேரு என்ன?,What's your name?,tam_Taml-eng_Latn நான் வெளி நாட்டிற்குச் செல்ல விரும்புகிறேன்,I want to go abroad.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn இது ஒரு கேக்கின் துண்டு,It's a piece of cake.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn வானின் றுலகம் வழங்கி வருதலால் தானமிழ்தம் என்றுணரற் பாற்று,Rain is like ambrosia as World cannot exist without rain.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn மலர்மிசை ஏகினான் மாணடி சேர்ந்தார் நிலமிசை நீடுவாழ் வார்.,"If you worship God who is in your flower like mind,you would live longer.",tam_Taml-eng_Latn உன்னைப் பார்ப்பதில் நான் மகிழ்ச்சி அடைகிறேன்,I'm glad to see you.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn நான் தூங்குவதற்கு முயற்சி செய்து கொண்டிருக்கிறேன்,I'm trying to sleep.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn நான் கழிவறைக்குச் செல்ல வேண்டும்.,I have to go to the toilet.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn இதைப் பற்றி பேசனும்ன்னு நினைக்கிறேன்.,I think I should talk about this.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn அவள் அவனைக் அடித்தாள்,She hit him.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn அவர் உங்களுடைய நண்பரா?,Is he a friend of yours?,tam_Taml-eng_Latn அவள் உன்னை வெறுக்கிற மாதிரி தெரிகிறது,It seems she hates you.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn அந்த பக்கம்தான் வழி,That's the way.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn தூக்கத்திலிருந்து எழுவதற்கான நேரம் இது,It's time to get up.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn இருள்சேர் இருவினையும் சேரா இறைவன் பொருள்சேர் புகழ்புரிந்தார் மாட்டு,"If you believe in God,neither superstitious ill deed nor well deed will affect you",tam_Taml-eng_Latn மணி என்ன?,What's the time?,tam_Taml-eng_Latn நீ இதில் தலையிடாதே,You keep out of this.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn நட்புக்குத் தேவை பரஸ்பர நம்பிக்கை,Friendship requires mutual trust.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn விசும்பின் துளிவீழின் அல்லால்மற் றாங்கே பசும்புல் தலைகாண் பரிது,If rain fails even grass will fail to raise its head,tam_Taml-eng_Latn நான் தூங்குவேன்.,I will sleep.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn நான் எதிர் காலத்தில் ஒரு விமானியாக விரும்புகிறேன்,I want to be a pilot in the future.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn நான் கீழ் தளத்தில் வசிக்கிறேன்,I live on the bottom floor.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn வேண்டுதல் வேண்டாமை இலானடி சேர்ந்தார்க்கு யாண்டும் இடும்பை இல.,"To those who meditate the feet of God,who neither has desire nor aversion, evil shall never come.",tam_Taml-eng_Latn நீ பணக்காரராக விருப்பமா?,Do you want to be rich?,tam_Taml-eng_Latn பூர்ஜ் கலீஃபா தற்போது உலகின் மிக உயரமான கட்டிடத்தை ஆகிறது.,Burj Khalifa is currently the tallest skyscraper in the world.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn இந்த ஊரின் ஒவ்வொரு அங்குலமும் எனக்குத் தெரியும்,I know every inch of the town.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn நாங்கள் அனைவரும் அமைதியாக இருந்தோம்,All of us were silent.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn அவன் பேசியப் பொழுது எல்லோரும் அமைதி காத்தார்கள்,"When he spoke, everyone became silent.",tam_Taml-eng_Latn என் தங்கை இள வயதிலேய கல்யாணம் செய்து கொண்டாள்,My younger sister got married in her teens.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn பாப் மிகவும் மகிழ்ச்சியாக இருந்தது.,Bob was very happy.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn புரியவில்லை.,I do not understand.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn அவள் எதற்கும் பயப்படுவதில்லை,She is not afraid of anything.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn சிறப்பொடு பூசனை செல்லாது வானம் வறக்குமேல் வானோர்க்கும் ஈண்டு,"If rain fails, neither yearly festivals, nor daily worship will be offered in this world, to the celestials",tam_Taml-eng_Latn நான் ஒரு ஜோடி காலணிகளை வாங்கினேன்,He bought a pair of shoes.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn இது எங்கே இருக்கு என்று என்னால் கண்டுபிடிக்க முடியவில்லை.,I can't find it anywhere.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn உங்களுடைய வேலையாட்கள் மகிழ்ச்சியாக இருக்க வேண்டுமென்றால் நீங்கள் கணிசமான சம்பளம் தர வேண்டும்,"If you want your workers to be happy, you need to pay them a decent wage.",tam_Taml-eng_Latn நான் தூங்க விரும்புகிறேன்,I want to sleep.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn அவன் அமைதியாக இருக்கட்டும்.,Let him be calm.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn மற்றவர்களுக்கு முன்னே நான் வந்தேன்,I arrived ahead of the others.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn நான் அதை உன்னிடம் விட்டு விடுகிறேன்,I'll leave that to you.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn வேலை செய்ய வேண்டும் என்று அவன் கூறினான்,Tom said he had to work.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn இவர்களில் யார் உன்னுடைய சகோதரர்,Which of them is your brother?,tam_Taml-eng_Latn என்னுடையத் தவறினால் கேக்கானதுக் கருகிப் போனது.தோலைப் பேசியில் பேசிக் கொண்டிருந்ததால் நேரத்தைக் கவனிக்க வில்லை,It's my fault that the cake was burned. I was talking on the phone and didn't notice the time.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn பறவை வானத்தில்.,The bird is in the sky.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn அவனுக்கு நெருக்கமாக நின்றாள்,She stood close to him.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn நாங்கள் உன்னைத் பின்பற்றுவோம் (அ) தொடர்வோம்.,We'll follow you.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn ஏன் டாம் நாமிருவரும் சேர்ந்து செய்வோமென்று பரிந்துரைத்தான் என்று ஆச்சரியமடைகிறேன்.,I wonder why Tom suggested we do that together.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn என் கூட யாரும் பேசுவதில்லை,Nobody speaks to me.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn ஜேப்படிகாரர்களிடம் ஜாக்கிரதையாக இருக்கவும்,Beware of pickpockets.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn எனக்கு சாப்பிட ஏதாவது வேண்டும்,I want something to eat.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn எனக்கு முன்னால் நட,Walk ahead of me.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn கன மழை பெய்து கொண்டிருக்கிறது.,It's raining cats and dogs tonight.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn நான் ஒரு வழி காட்டப் பட்டுக் கொண்டு இருக்கிறேன்,I am being guided.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn அவன் ஒவ்வொருவருக்கும் அறிமுகமானவன்,He is known to everyone.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn நான் ஒரு வழி காட்டப் படுகிறேன்,I am guided.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn எங்களுடைய திட்டத்திற்கு எதிர்ப்புத் தெரிவித்தான்,He objected to our plan.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn டோம் ஏற்கனவே இறந்து போயிருக்கலாம்.,Tom may already be dead.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn சின்ன கேக்குத் துண்டு அவள் தொண்டையில் சிக்கிக் கொண்டது,My throat hurts when I swallow.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn ஒரு சதுரத்திற்கு நான்கு சமமான பக்கங்கள் உள்ளன,A square has four equal sides.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn அவள் இதை அவனுக்குக் கொடுத்தாள்,She gave it to him.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn வானம் முழுவதும் நட்சத்திரங்கள் இருக்கின்றன,The sky is full of stars.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn அவனுக்கு நிறைய பணம் கிடைத்தது,He got a lot of money.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn அகர முதல எழுத்தெல்லாம் ஆதி பகவன் முதற்றே உலகு.,"As all letters have the letter A for their first, so the world has the eternal God for its first.",tam_Taml-eng_Latn அது எங்களுடைய வீடு,That's our house.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn நான் உன்னை விட உயரமாக இருக்கிறேன்,I'm taller than you.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn அவள் அவனுக்கு திருமணம் செய்து வைக்கப் பட்டாள்,She got married to him.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn அவனிடம் நிறைய பணமிருக்கிறது,He has a lot of money.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn இருட்டாக இருக்கும் பொழுது நான் வெளியே போக விரும்புவதில்லை.,I don't like to go out when it's dark.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn தொடர்பில் இரு,Keep in touch!,tam_Taml-eng_Latn அவள் முகம் அழுகையால் நனைந்திருந்தது,Her face was wet with tears.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn டாமும் நானும் நண்பர்கள்,Tom and I are friends.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn என்ன நடந்தது என்பதை தெரிந்து கொள்ள விரும்பினேன்.,I tried to understand what had happened.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn கற்றதனால் ஆய பயனென்கொல் வாலறிவன் நற்றாள் தொழாஅர் எனின்.,What is the use of learning if you don't worship God or respect learned persons.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn அவனுக்கு இறந்து போவதென்றால் பயம்,He is afraid of death.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn அன்பை விட நட்புதான் முக்கியமானதா?,Is friendship more important than love?,tam_Taml-eng_Latn அவள் அவனுக்கு நிச்சயிக்கப் பட்டாள்,She got engaged to him.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn உங்கள் ஆங்கிலம் மேம்படுத்த வேண்டுமென விரும்புகிறீர்களா?,Would you like to improve your English?,tam_Taml-eng_Latn பால் நான் வெறுக்கிறேன்.,I hate milk.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn நீங்கள் எங்கே போகிறீர்கள்?,Where are you going?,tam_Taml-eng_Latn நம்பிக்கையில்லாமல் நட்பு இருக்க முடியாது,There can be no friendship without trust.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn அவனுக்கு எழுதப் படிக்கத் தெரியும்,He can read and write.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn நீ எங்கே இருக்கிறாய்?,Where are you?,tam_Taml-eng_Latn ஏன் கோபமாக இருக்கிறாய்?,What are you cross about?,tam_Taml-eng_Latn நட்பை விட அன்புதான் முக்கியமானதா?,Is love more important than friendship?,tam_Taml-eng_Latn ஒரு விசித்திரமான ஒன்று இன்று காலை எனக்கு நடந்தது.,Something extraordinary happened to me this morning.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn அவள் அன்பானவள்,She is kind.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn நீ பாஸ்போர்ட்டைஎங்கே வைத்திருக்கிறாய்?,Where do you keep your passport?,tam_Taml-eng_Latn செய்தி வேகமாக பரவியது,The news quickly spread.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn நீ என்ன செய்யத் திட்டமிட்டிருக்கிறாய்,What do you plan to do?,tam_Taml-eng_Latn அவளுக்கு எட்டு வயது,She is eight.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn மக்கள் அந்த வார்த்தையைப் பயன் படுத்துவதாக எனக்குத் தெரியவில்லை,I don't think people use that word anymore.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn நான் வழி காட்டுவேன்,I will guide.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn நான் வேலை பளுவினால் சோர்வாகயிருக்கிறேன்,I am tired of my work.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn அவளிடம் கொடு,Give it to her.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn ஒருவர் அந்த வார்த்தையைப் பயன் படுத்துவதைக் கேட்டு ரொம்ப நாளாகிறது,It's been a long time since I've heard anyone use that word.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn என்னுடைய கணக்கிற்கு மாற்று,Charge it to my account.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn அவள் அவனுக்கு ஒரு புத்தகத்தைக் கொடுத்தாள்,She gave him a book.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn என்னால் வேலை செய்ய முடியாத நிலை வரை நான் வேலை செய்வேன்,I work until I can't anymore.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn நான் டாக்ஸியிலிருந்து இறங்கினேன்,I got out of the taxi.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn நான் உன்னை நம்புகிற அளவிற்கு முட்டாள் இல்லை.,I'm not stupid enough to believe you.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn அவன் தூக்கக் கலக்கத்தில் இல்லை,He is not sleepy.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn மெதுவாகவும் தெளிவாகவும் பேசுங்கள்,Speak slowly and clearly.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn இது உங்களுக்கு சம்பந்தமில்லாத விஷயம்,None of your business.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn இந்த பள்ளி கூடம் ஒரு சிறைச்சாலையைப் போல இருக்கிறது,The school looks like a prison.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn ஒரு நாயின் படத்தை வரைந்தான்,He painted a picture of a dog.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn நான் என்று படம் விரும்புகிறேன்.,"I like the movie ""Me"".",tam_Taml-eng_Latn அவர்கள் மேரியை கிண்டலடித்தார்கள்,They made fun of Mary.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn அவள் அவனிடம் அன்பாக இருக்கிறாள்,She is kind to him.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn அவர்கள் எல்லோரும் அங்கே சென்றார்கள்,All of them went there.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn இந்த தொப்பியின் விலை என்ன?,What is the price of this cap?,tam_Taml-eng_Latn அவர்களுக்கு பாம்புகள் என்றால் பயம்,He is afraid of snakes.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn முட்டைகளின் விலை அதிகரித்துக் கொண்டிருக்கிறது,The price of eggs is going up.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn டாம் மதியம் முழுவதும் அழுதுகொண்டேயிருக்கிறான்.,Tom has been crying all afternoon.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn அவன் அபாயத்தை அறிந்திருக்க வில்லை,He was not aware of the danger.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn துப்பார்க்குத் துப்பாய துப்பாக்கித் துப்பார்க்குத் துப்பாய தூஉ மழை,Rain not only acts as food but also produces food,tam_Taml-eng_Latn அவனுக்கு நீச்சல் மீது பற்று உண்டு,He is fond of swimming.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn அவன் வருவான் என எதிர் பார்க்கிறேன்,I expect him to come.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn நான் உன்னை காதலிக்கிறேன்.,I love you.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn டாம் மேரியுடன் ஒவ்வொரு ஞாயிற்றுக் கிழமையும் தேவாலயத்துக்குச் செல்கிறான்.,Tom goes to church with Mary every Sunday.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn வயோதிகர்களிடம் அன்பாக இரு,Be kind to old people.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn அவள் யார்?,Who is she?,tam_Taml-eng_Latn என்னை வந்து பார்,Come and see me.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn எப்பொழுது நம்மால் சாப்பிட முடியும்,When can we eat?,tam_Taml-eng_Latn அவன் எப்ப வருவான் என்று உனக்குத் தெரியுமா,Do you know when he will come?,tam_Taml-eng_Latn விண்இன்று பொய்ப்பின் விரிநீர் வியனுலகத்து உள்நின் றுடற்றும் பசி,Earth is surrounded by sea water but if rain fails people will starve.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn அவன் வழி காட்டிக் கொண்டு இருக்கிறான்,He is guiding.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn உங்கள் பிறந்த நாள் எப்போது ?,When is your birthday?,tam_Taml-eng_Latn டாம் மேரியுடன் தொடர்பிலிருந்துருக்கிறான் அல்லது டாம் மேரியுடன் தொடர்பிலிருக்கிறான்.,Tom has been in contact with Mary.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn நீ வர வேண்டுமென விரும்புகிறேன்,I just want you to come.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn அவன் வழி காட்டப் பட்டுக் கொண்டு இருக்கிறான்,He is being guided.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn இது எப்பொழுது ஆரம்பிக்கிறது?,When does it begin?,tam_Taml-eng_Latn அவன் வழி காட்டப் படுகிறான்,He is guided.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn அவன் யார்?,Who is he?,tam_Taml-eng_Latn டாம் அதைப் பற்றி அவனே என்னிடம் சொன்னான்.,Tom told me about it himself.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn எங்களை உதவி செய்யும்படி கேட்டான்,He asked us to help him.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn டாம் இன்னும் உயிருடனிருக்கிறான் என்று எண்ணுகிறேன்.,I suppose Tom is still alive.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn அவன் அந்தக் கத்திகளைத் தீட்டினான்.,He sharpened the knives.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn அவனைக் கொஞ்சம் பணம் கேட்டாள்,She asked him for some money.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn நீ வழி காட்டப் பட்டுக் கொண்டு இருக்கிறாய்,You are being guided.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn நான் உன்னை எழுப்பியபோது நீ எதைப் பற்றி கனவு கண்டுகொண்டிருந்தாய்?,What were you dreaming about when I woke you?,tam_Taml-eng_Latn இரயிலில் என்னிடம் ஜேப்படி அடிக்கப் பட்டிருந்தது,I had my pocket picked on the train.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn இறப்பு மட்டும்தான் விடுதலையா?,Is death the only liberation?,tam_Taml-eng_Latn மணி ஒலித்தப் பிறகு அவன் வந்தான்,He arrived after the bell rang.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn நீ வழி காட்டப் படுகிறாய்,You are guided.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn """நீ ஏன் தூங்கவில்லை?"" ""எனக்குத் தூக்கம் வராததால் நான் தூங்கவில்லை.""","""Why didn't you sleep?"" ""I didn't sleep because I wasn't sleepy.""",tam_Taml-eng_Latn உன்னிடம் நிறைய பேனாக்கள் இருக்கின்றனவா?,Do you have a lot of pens?,tam_Taml-eng_Latn அவன் மேரியின் விரலில் மோதிரத்தை அணிவித்தான்,He put the ring on Mary's finger.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn நீ எப்பொழுது ஜப்பான் வந்தாய்?,When did you come to Japan?,tam_Taml-eng_Latn """நீ ஏன் உண்ணவில்லை?"" ""எனக்குப் பசிக்காததால் நான் உண்ணவில்லை.""","""Why didn't you eat?"" ""I didn't eat because I wasn't hungry.""",tam_Taml-eng_Latn டாம் ரொம்ப வேகமாக ஓடுகிறான்,Tom runs very fast.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn நாங்கள் திருடனுக்குப் பின்னால் ஓடினோம்,We ran after the thief.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn அவன் இப்பொழுதுதான் வந்தான்,He just arrived.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn நீ ஆங்கிலம் பேசும்போது தவறு செய்ய அஞ்சாதே.,Don't be afraid to make mistakes when you speak English.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn அவன் கயிற்றை விட்டான்,He let go of the rope.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn அனைவரும் வெளியே ஓடினர்.,Everyone ran outside.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn நிறைய மக்கள் நான் பைத்தியம் என்று எண்ணுகிறார்கள்,Most people think I'm crazy.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn நான் அவர்களிடம் சொல்லவில்லை.,I didn't inform them.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn கையைத் தூக்கு,Raise your hand.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn நான் ஒரு தவறு செய்தேன்?,I made a mistake.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn டாமுக்கும் ஜானுக்கும் இடையில் அமர்ந்தேன்,I sat between Tom and John.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn வா எங்களுக்கு உதவி செய்,Come and help us.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn உங்களுக்கு சைக்கிள் ஓட்டத் தெரியுமா?,Can you ride a bicycle?,tam_Taml-eng_Latn அவன் சீக்கிரம் திரும்பி வந்தான்,He came back soon.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn நான் தினமும் நன்றாக தூங்குகிறேன்.,I sleep well daily.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn வாயை மூடி கவனி,Shut up and listen!,tam_Taml-eng_Latn அனைவரும் அவசரமாக வெளியேறினர்.,Everyone hurried outside.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn அனைவரும் வெளியே விரைந்தனர்.,Everyone rushed outside.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn போய் மேரியை எழுப்பு,Go and wake Mary up.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn நான் அவர்களிடம் தெரிவிக்கவில்லை.,I didn't let them know.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn நெடுங்கடலும் தன்நீர்மை குன்றும் தடிந்தெழிலி தான்நல்கா தாகி விடின்,"Even the wealth of the wide sea will be diminished, if the cloud that has drawn (its waters) up gives them not back again (in rain)",tam_Taml-eng_Latn போய் யார் என்று பார்,Go and see who it is.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn நீ தேடிக்கொண்டிருந்த புகைப்படத்தை நான் கண்டுபிடித்தேன்.,I found the photo you were looking for.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn குடித்துவிட்டு வண்டி ஓட்டாதே,Don't drink and drive.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn அவர்கள் கிளம்ப இருக்கிறார்கள்,They're about to leave.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn நீ ஒரு வழி காட்டி,You are a guide.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn அது நடக்கும் என்று எனக்குத் தெரியும்.,I knew that would happen.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn நீ ஏன் செய்யக்கூடாது?,Why don't you?,tam_Taml-eng_Latn உன்னால் ஏன் முடியாது?,Why can't you?,tam_Taml-eng_Latn "இங்கே அமருங்கள்,தயவு செயது காத்திருங்கள்",Please sit here and wait.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn அவள் அவனைக் கடித்தாள்,She bit him.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn "நீ எவ்வகையான விளையாட்டை ஆடுகிறாய், டோம்?","What kind of game are you playing, Tom?",tam_Taml-eng_Latn டாமிடம் நான் இதை பகிர்ந்துகொண்டு இருக்கவில்லை.,I'm not sharing this with Tom.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn இன்று மாலை ஆறு மணிக்கு அவன் என்னை சந்திக்கிறான்.,He meets me today evening at six o'clock.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn நீ எவ்வகையான விளையாட்டை ஆடுகிறாய்?,What kind of game are you playing?,tam_Taml-eng_Latn இன்று மாலை ஆறு மணிக்கு அவனை நான் சந்திக்கிறேன்.,I'll be meeting him today at 6 o'clock this evening.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn உடனே வந்து என்னைப் பார்க்கவும்,Come and see me right now.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn போய் உன் தந்தையருகில் அமரவும்,Go and sit by your father.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn அத்திரைப்படத்தைப் பார்த்தபோது நாங்கள் அனைவரும் அழுதோம்.,We all cried when we watched the movie.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn கடல் மட்டம் உயர்வதற்கு தட்பவெப்ப மாற்றம் காரணமாக இருக்கிறது.,Climate change causes sea levels to rise.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn ஏரின் உழாஅர் உழவர் புயல்என்னும் வாரி வளங்குன்றிக் கால்,If rain fails farmers will stop ploughing,tam_Taml-eng_Latn நான் வழி காட்டப் பட்டுக் கொண்டு இருக்க வில்லை,I am not being guided.,tam_Taml-eng_Latn Бу очракта гыйбарәнең ике мәгънәсе була.,Thus the term has two distinct usages.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мин Японияда яшим.,I live in Japan.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Вакыт җәдвәлең бармы?,Do you have a timetable?,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Bälki, bez monı belä dä almabız inde.",We may never know.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мин бик шатмын.,I'm pleased to meet you.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мин өч блокнотны язып тутырдым.,I've used up three notebooks.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ул табип түгелме?,Isn't she a doctor?,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мин хат язмыйм.,I am not writing a letter.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Әле генә ашадым, ашыйсым килми.",I've just eaten so I'm not hungry.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Моның Том файдасына икәнлегенә ышанасыңмы?,Are you sure this is in Tom's best interest?,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сезнең фамилиягезнең әйтелеше нинди?,How do you pronounce your last name?,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бурыч дуслыкны боза.,Lending spoils relationships.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Күзләрең матур.,You have beautiful eyes.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Карт ир үзенең хатынына бик зур мирас калдыра.,The old man left a large fortune to his wife.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сез монда торасызмы?,Do you live here?,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Минем Геттер Яани белән үләсем килә.,I want to die with Getter Jaani.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том Марияне үбеп алмыйча булдыралмады.,Tom couldn't resist the temptation to kiss Mary.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Нәрсәдән?,Why is that?,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Алманиядәге ""Сез ашый торган бар нәрсә"" кибетләре гадәти азык-төлек кибетләреннән ни белән аерылып тора?",What is the difference between an all-you-can-eat convenience store and an ordinary grocery store in Germany?,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Кояш кайда?,Where is the sun?,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Җиңел түгел бу, ләкин ихтимал.","It isn't easy, but possible.",tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Том кайда, кем булса да беләме?",Does anyone know where Tom is?,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Син миңа таяна аласың.,You just have to trust me.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мин кичә монда килдем.,I came here yesterday.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Xalıqara xatın-qızlar köne qotlı bulsın!,Happy International Women's Day!,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Минем чыгасым килми.,I don't feel like going out.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn İrtägä küreşäse kilerseñme?,Do you want to meet tomorrow?,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ул үз хисләрен рәсем аша гәүдәләндерде.,He expressed his feelings in the form of a painting.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сезгә салкын түгелме?,Don't you feel cold?,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мария вакытын әрәм итми.,Mary doesn't waste time.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Миңа моны күрергә кирәк.,I have to see this.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Моны эшләр өчен Том бик карт инде.,Tom is too old to do that.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Миңа ачкыч бир.,Give me a clue.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Песи кара төстә.,The cat is black.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Советлар Берлеге егерме биш ел элек таркалды.,The Soviet Union collapsed 25 years ago.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мин табиб түгел.,I'm not a doctor.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Солдатлар куркынычка күнеккән.,Soldiers are used to danger.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Соңга калуым өчен гафу итегез.,Please pardon me for coming late.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Аңа булышуым ялгышлык булды.,Helping him was a mistake.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Бер кеше үлеме - трагедия, миллионнар үлеме - статистика.","The death of one man is a tragedy, the death of millions is a statistic.",tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бу юлы искәрмә ясыйм.,I'll make an exception this time.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том сине минем кебек өзелеп яратмый.,Tom doesn't love you as much as I love you.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мин бу китапны берничә кат укып чыктым.,I have read that book several times.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Җимерелмәгәнне төзәтмә.,"If it isn't broken, don't fix it.",tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Нәрсә булды соң сиңа?,What's with you?,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Алла синнән разый булсын!,God bless you!,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ul yaña süzlek satıp alırğa teli.,He wants to get a new dictionary.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Болар минем китапларым.,These are my books.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бу мәчеме?,Is that a cat?,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Боб миңа айга бер яза.,Bob writes to me once a month.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ул һөнәрханәдән кайтты.,He returned from the workshop.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ул һөнәрханәдән кайткан.,"Mostly likely, he's come back from the workshop.",tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Эшләмәгән ашамый.,"No song, no supper.",tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Кем эшләми, шул ашамый.","Who does not work, also does not have the right to eat.",tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Димәк, сиңа яхшы мөнәсәбәттә булуыма ышанмыйсың инде.","So, you don't think I'm good enough for you.",tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Җилкәм сызлый.,I have a pain in the shoulder.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Билетлар өчен сиңа күпме түләргә туры килде?,How much did you have to pay for the tickets?,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn "– Сөт турында хафаланмагыз, иптәшләр! – дип кычкырды Наполеон, чиләкләрне үз гәүдәсе белән каплап. – Урып-җыю күпкә мөһимрәк.","- Never mind the milk, comrades! - cried Napoleon, placing himself in front of the buckets. - That will be attended to. The harvest is more important.",tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Буркина Фасо атамасы “лаеклы кешеләр җире” дигәнне аңлата.,"The name Burkina Faso means ""land of worthy people"".",tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мин поезд көтәм.,I'm waiting for the train.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мин сине көтәм.,I'm waiting for you.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Алар поездга соңга калдылар.,They missed the train.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Миңа штраф салачаклар.,I'll be punished.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Моны эшләргә теләмәгән чаклар булмый.,It's not like I don't want to do it.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Yılmay, häm küp kenä cawap yılmayularına layıq bulırsıñ.","Put a smile on your face, and you'll certainly get lots of smiles back.",tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Елан Һава ананы гөнаһка юлыктырды.,The serpent tempted Eve.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бу хәл булмаска тиеш иде бит.,That should've never happened.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сугыш вакытында алар авылда яшәгән.,They lived in the countryside during the war.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Игелекле кешеләр көн саен үлеп тора.,Good people die every day.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Ярым, миңа кайт.","Lover, come back to me.",tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Исемең ничек?,What is your name?,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Атың ничек?,What's your name?,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Эсперанто грамматикасы бик гади.,The grammar of Esperanto is very easy.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Ни булса, шул булыр инде.","Whatever will be, will be.",tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn "“Иптәш” урынына “итпәш” дип язуны һәм “с” хәрефләренең берсен кирегә әйләндереп куюны искә алмасаң, барысы да бик пөхтә һәм дөрес язылган иде.","It was very neatly written, and except that ""friend"" was written ""freind"" and one of the S's was the wrong way round, the spelling was correct all the way through.",tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Украинага дан!,Glory to Ukraine!,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Украинаны Алла сакласын!,God save Ukraine!,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ул караватка менеп ятты.,He went to bed.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бу берничә минут дәвам итәр.,It'll take a few minutes.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бу берничә минут дәвам итәргә мөмкин.,This might take a few minutes.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Исем анагыз кем?,Who is your godmother?,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Чемоданыма биш минут күз-колак булып тора алмассызмы?,Could you keep an eye on my suitcase for a few minutes?,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Биш минуттан кире кайт.,Come back in five minutes.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том Мариягә ышанмавын белгертүче караш ташлады.,Tom stared at Mary suspiciously.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мин Том белән бергә берничә генә җыр җырладым.,I just sang a couple of songs with Tom.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Кояш Җирдән бик ерак.,The Sun is very far from the Earth.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Без якын дуслар.,We're good friends.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Син чибәр.,You are beautiful.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Белоруссияда төрле дин вәкилләре яши.,Adherents of various religions live in Belarus.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ул утны сүндерергә оныткан.,He forgot to turn off the light.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Алдагы көнебез киеренке булачак.,We have a stressful day ahead of us.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Ул минем колак төбендә генә бер баллон шартлатты, һәм минем котым очты.",He popped a balloon besides my ear and I was really scared.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Хәтта кояш та болытлар артыннан чыгып карады.,Even the sun popped out from behind the clouds.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бөке шешәдән шартлап атылды.,The champagne cork popped out.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Баллоным шартлады.,My balloon popped!,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Том, дару шешәсеннән бер-ике төймә дару алды да, авызына капты.",Tom poured out a couple of pills from the medicine bottle and popped them into his mouth.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Әйтергә кирәк, Том әле һаман да, нигә берничә ел элек Русия Федерациясендә Конституция көнен бәйрәм итми башладылар, дип гаҗәпсенә.","By the way, Tom is still wondered why the celebration of the Constitution Day of Russian Federation was canceled a few years ago.",tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ни буласын көтеп торыйк әле.,Let's see if it happens.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Минемчә, Том нәрсәнедер сер итеп тота.",I think that Tom is hiding something.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Аягымны сындырганымны Томга әйт.,Tell Tom I have a broken leg.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том синең бармаячагыңны әйтте.,Tom said you wouldn't go.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Болай сөйләүче кешеләрне күрә алмыйм.,I hate people who talk like that.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Карандашыңны куеп, мине тыңла!",Put down your pencil and listen to me.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Чүлмәкне коры кул белән тотма!,Don't touch the pot with bare hands.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Шәһәр сугыш вакытында җимерелде.,The city was destroyed during the war.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Сугыштан соң, шәһәр яңадан төзелде.",The city was rebuilt after the war.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Шәһәр сугыш вакытында зыян күрде.,The city was damaged during the war.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Германия — парламент республикасы.,Germany is a parliamentary republic.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Буш вакытым булса, «Tatoeba»да жөмләләр тәрҗемә итәм.",I translate sentences on Tatoeba in my spare time.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Минем бер автомобилем бар.,I have a car.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Дустың кыядан сикерсә, син дә аның артыннан сикереп төшәр идеңме?","If your friend jumped off a cliff, would you do it too?",tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ничә мәчегез бар?,How many cats do you guys have?,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Кариб утрауларының берсендә ял итсәң, ничегрәк булыр икән?",How about a Caribbean holiday?,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Нәрсә соң ул — тырма?,What's the rake for?,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Үзегезгә кирәкле берәр нәрсә таптыгызмы?,Is there something in particular that you're looking for?,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Юлбарыс хәлдән тайса да, бер сарыклык көче бар.","If the tiger even deadly tired, he remains in fact still strong like’ sheep.",tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Пиноккионың шатлыктан түбәсе күккә тиде.,Pinocchio was beside himself with joy.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бу ярканатмы?,Is that a bat?,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Кемнең кулчатыры бу?,Whose umbrella is that?,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том синең өчен иң кулай кеше түгел.,Tom isn't the right guy for you.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Озакламый телефоным эшләми башлаячак.,My phone is about to die.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Менә поезд да килә.,Here comes the train.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Гаять зур керемнәре аңа иркен-имин яшәргә мөмкинлек бирә.,His high income afforded him a life of prosperity.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бу - Япония.,This is Japan.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мариянең икеләнеп торуы тавышыннан беленә.,You could hear the desperation in Mary's voice.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ул укуын беренче елда ук ташлады.,He dropped out of college in the first year.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мин моны кайчан күргәнемне искә төшерә алмыйм.,I don't remember seeing it before.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Тәңрем, тәңрем минем, агу, агу бир миңа!..","Oh, gods, my gods, poison, bring me poison!...",tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ит бәясе кимегән.,The price of meat dropped.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бу дару ачы.,This medicine tastes bitter.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Аңа ни булган?,What does she have?,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бүген син балык тотарга барырга тиеш түгел идең.,You shouldn't have gone fishing today.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Кинәт дөбердәп күк күкрәгәнен ишеттем.,Suddenly I heard a loud clap of thunder.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Кайбер алман сүзләре инглиз теллеләргә әйтү өчен бик авыр, мәсәлән: ""Streichholzschächtelchen"" (шырпы тартмачыгы).","Some German words are extremely difficult to pronounce for an English speaker, for example: ""Streichholzschächtelchen"".",tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Күрше бүлмәдәгеләрнең кычкырып көлгәнен ишеттем.,I could hear hoots of laughter coming from the next room.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Байның Аллаһ хозурында ярлыкануына караганда дөянең энә күзе аша үтү ихтималы зуррак.,It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Аның мыгырдануы исереклек билгесе иде.,Her slurred speech was an indication that she was drunk.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том исерек килеш мыгырданып утыра иде.,Tom was drunk and his speech was slurred.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Аның акчасы юк.,She had no money.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Чынлыкта, мин бернәрсә дә тәкъдим итмим.","Actually, I'm not suggesting anything.",tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бу кеше яшь әле.,The man is young.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мин Сезгә ныгракъ тырышырга тәкъдим итәр идем.,I suggest you try harder.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тәкъдимнәрегез бармы?,Do you have any suggestions?,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Син минем дустым.,You are my friend.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Кое күптән инде корыган.,The well has long since dried up.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мин тәкъдимнәргә ачыкмын.,I'm open to suggestions.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Имин булыгыз.,Peace be with you.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Аның тәкъдимнәрен кабул иттек.,We agreed to her suggestions.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тәкъдиме мантыйклы күренә.,The suggestion seems logical.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Китап язарга җыенам.,I want to write a book.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Миңа китәргә кирәк.,I have to go.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ул бир чишелеш тәкъдим итте.,She suggested a solution.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Аңа тәкъдим иттем.,I suggested to him.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мин бер данә тәкъдим иттем.,I suggested one.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Утсыз төтен булмый.,No smoke without fire.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Синең тырышлыгың беркөн җимеш бирер әле.,Your efforts will one day bear fruit.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том һәм Мэри бүген китәчәк.,Tom and Mary will leave today.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Һәр нәрсә өчен әзер булуың кирәк.,You have to be prepared for anything.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Өебездә ике буш бүлмә бар.,We have two unused rooms in our house.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мин бу хатын-кызның кем икәнен белмим.,I don't know this woman.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мин ач түгел.,I am not hungry.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ашыйсым килми.,I'm not hungry.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том бии алмаслык бик арыган булганын сөйләде.,Tom said he was too tired to dance.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Күпертмә әле шулкадәр.,Don't exaggerate now.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бөтенләй ашыйсым килми.,I'm not hungry at all.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ул әле хәзер генә Көньяк Америкадан әйләнеп кайтты.,He is coming back directly from South America.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мин гомумән ач түгел.,I'm not at all hungry.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Минем сүзлегем бар.,I have a dictionary.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том арый башлады.,Tom was beginning to feel tired.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Безнең бернинди мөмкинлегебез булмаячак.,We won't stand a chance.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том француз телен өйрәнергә теләмәвен әйтте.,Tom said he didn't want to study French.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мин аңа ошадым дип уйлыйм.,I think I impressed her.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бу нәрсә проблемның сәбәбе дип уйламыйм.,I don't think that's what's causing the problem.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Курку - өметсез, өмет куркусыз булмый.",Fear cannot be without hope nor hope without fear.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Алар беркайчан да канәгать түгел.,You're never satisfied.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том килешүне имзалады инде.,Tom has already signed the contract.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Урду - минем туган телем.,Urdu is my mother tongue.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Марстагы хайваният бакчаларында да Җир хайваннары бар.,"In the zoos on Mars, there are animals from Earth.",tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Француз теле - туган телем.,French is my mother tongue.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Яшәргәме, яшәмәскәме - хикмәт менә нидә.","To be or not to be, that is the question.",tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Итальян теле - туган телем.,Italian is my mother tongue.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Елның иң яхшы фасылы.,It's the best season of the year.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бүген кичәгә барасыңмы?,Are you going to the party today?,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Әтием җимерек урындыкны төзәтте.,My father fixed the broken chair.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бөтен дөньяны ут чолгап алган.,The whole world is on fire.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бер эш сәфәре өчен 5 көнгә Бостонга киттем.,I went to Boston for 5 days on a business trip.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Әни ягыннан булган дәү әтием ун ел элек вафат булды.,My grandfather on my mother's side passed away ten years ago.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Һолмс минем тәкъдимнәремнән көлде генә.,Holmes laughed at my suggestion.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том минем тәкъдимнәремнән көлде генә.,Tom laughed at my suggestion.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Италиялеләр кичке ашны 20 (егерме) сәгатьтән дә иртәрәк ашамыйлар.,Italians never eat dinner before 8pm.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Минем иң яхшы дустым — китап.,My best friend is a book.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Пычак үткен түгел.,The knife isn't sharp.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Тирән итеп сулыш ал да, курыкма.",Take a deep breath and don't freak out.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сабыр итегез!,Just another moment!,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Ярдәмең кирәк булса, мин сиңа шалтыратырмын.",I'll call you if I require your assistance.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Австралиядә хәзер кыш.,It's winter in Australia.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Tämäke tartuçılar yäşli ülä.,Smokers die young.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Төньяк ярымшарда җәй булганда, көньяк ярымшарда кыш булуын беләсеңме?","Did you know that when it's the summer in the northern hemisphere, it's winter in the southern hemisphere?",tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Италиялеләр елына ким дигәндә 20 (егерме) көн ял алалар.,Italians get at least 20 days of annual leave.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том миңа ни теләгәнен әйтте.,Tom told me what he wanted.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Дөресен әйттегезме?,Were you telling the truth?,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том безгә сәяхәте турында сөйләде.,Tom told us about his trip.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том миңа синең кәефсезләнүеңне әйтте.,Tom told me you were upset.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Гомуми душта һәрвакыт аякка киеп йөрергә кирәк.,Always wear sandals in a public shower.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том күп тапкыр Мариягә шалтыратып карады.,Tom tried to call Mary numerous times.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Нигә син Том моны эшләр дип уйлыйсың?,Why do you think Tom would do that?,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Сүз ни турыда бара, Том?","What's this about, Tom?",tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Мөгаен, моңа каршы нидер эшләргә тиешбездер.",Perhaps we should do something about it.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мин бары тик үзем инанырга гына тырышам.,I'm just making sure.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Кояш кремы сөртендеңме соң?,Did you put on some sunscreen?,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Без анда үз вакытында барып җитә алмаячакбыз.,We'll never get there in time.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Кичә мин бик шәп фильм карадым.,I watched a great movie yesterday.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Арыдыңмы әллә?,Do you feel tired?,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Азиядә булганың бармы?,Have you ever been to Asia?,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Томның яхшы француз-инглиз сүзлеге юк.,Tom doesn't have a good French-English dictionary.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Дәшми тормам инде.,I won't stay silent.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бу хакта алдан ук белә идеңме?,Did you know that before?,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Белдерүдә “Тәмәке тарту тыела!” дип язылган.,"The sign says ""no smoking"".",tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Кайсысы икәнен белмим.,I don't know which one.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Томның Бостонда яшәүче ике ир бертуганы бар.,Tom has two brothers who live in Boston.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Гондолада йөзү Том белән Мария уйлаганча кызыклы түгел икән.,The gondola ride wasn't as romantic as Tom and Mary had hoped.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бу алай ук мөһим түгел.,That's not so important.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ни булганын гына белештерәсем килә.,I just want to find out what happened.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том безне алдады дип уйлыйсыңмы?,Do you think Tom lied to us?,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Арыдыңмы инде?,Are you tired now?,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бәхетне акчага сатып алып булмый.,Money doesn't buy happiness.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Керү рөхсәтнамәңне онытма.,Don't forget your ticket.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Дүшәмбеләр булмаган илгә барырга телим.,I want to go to a land without Mondays.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Син аңа ни әйттең?,What did you tell her?,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том керкә балыгы тоткан.,Tom caught a trout.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Безгә бары тик беркадәр вакыт кына кирәк.,What we need is a little more time.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бер генә минут көтеп тормассыңмы?,Will you wait a minute?,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бу бик кыйммәткә төшмәде.,It didn't cost much.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том карп балыгы тоткан.,Tom caught a carp.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том белән Мария үз бюроларында эшли.,Tom and Mary work in the same office.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том Марияне озак көтеп торды.,Tom waited for Mary for a long time.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том Мариягә караганда зыялырак.,Tom is more intelligent than Mary.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том паркка Марияне очратырга дип барды.,Tom went to the park to meet Mary.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бу балыкны кем тоткан?,Who caught this fish?,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ташбакаларның тешләре юк.,Turtles don't have teeth.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Килмә бүтән.,Don't come again.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бу туфрак гумуска бай.,That soil is rich in humus.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Урта Италиянең төньягында яшәгән этрускларда Туран уңдырышлылык һәм иминлек алиһәсе булган.,"Turan was among the Etruscans, in northern central Italy, the goddess of fertility and preservation.",tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Соңгы поездга чак кына өлгердем.,I was just in time for the last train.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Әкәм-төкәм ашаганда аның йөзе тимгелләнеп китә.,She breaks out in hives if she eats shellfish.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Һәр көн укыйсыңмы?,Do you study every day?,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Без бөтенләй башка ысулларны сынап карыйбыз.,We are trying a completely new method.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Чыннан да, мин бик теләп булышыр идем.",I'd really like to help.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Вирус йоктырырмын дип курыкмыйсызмы?,Aren't you afraid of getting infected by the virus?,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Аның борыныннан бер тамчы тир агып төште.,A drop of sweat ran down his nose.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ашау аның ачыкканын баса төште.,The meal satisfied his hunger.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Аның төп белгечлеге - химик-органик.,She majors in organic chemistry.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Полицияче карак үзеннән барды.,The policeman chased the thief.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Салават күперендә җиде төс бар.,The rainbow has seven colors.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Әйе, Боб миңа ярдәм итте.","Yes, Bob helped me.",tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Американың һәр шәһәрендә китапханә бар.,Every town in America has a library.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бу бүлмәдә тәмәке тартмагыз.,Don't smoke in this room.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Советлар Берлеге мең тугыз йөз туксан беренче елның егерме алтынчы декабрендә юкка чыгарылды.,"The Soviet Union was dissolved on December 26, 1991.",tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ишек коридор азагында.,The door is at the end of the corridor.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Телегезне аңлыйм.,I can understand your language.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Климат үзгәрүнең авыл хуҗалыгына йогынтысы Кушма Штатларның һәм шулай ук дөньякүләм азык-төлек хәвефсезлегендә сизелә: җитештерүдән алынган керемнәр һәм азык-төлек бәяләре, эшкәртү, саклау, ташып йөртү һәм сәүдә итү шартлары үзгәрә.","Climate change effects on agriculture will have consequences for food security, both in the U.S. and globally, through changes in crop yields and food prices and effects on food processing, storage, transportation, and retailing.",tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ул озын буйлы түгел.,She is not tall.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Авыл җитештерүчеләре бүген, игенчелек һәм терлекчелектән алына торган керемне арттыру өчен, үз элгәрләре карамагында булмаган технологияләргә мохтаҗ.","Farmers today use technology not available to their forebears, to maximise yields from their crops and livestock.",tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Атнада җиде көн: дүшәмбе, сишәмбе, чәршәмбе, пәнҗешәмбе, җомга, шимбә һәм якшәмбе.","A week has seven days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday.",tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Мэндип ачыклаганча, балаларны дүртәр-бишәр итеп төркемләгәндә иң яхшы нәтиҗәләргә ирешелә.",Mandeep found that grouping the kids into fours or fives yielded the best results.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Синең белән килешә алмыйм.,I cannot agree with you.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Яшел ут янганда борылучы автомобильләр җәяүлеләрне үткәреп җибәрергә тиеш.,"When the light is green, cars turning must yield to pedestrians.",tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бик теләп укыйм.,I love to read.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ул кояш күзлеге киеп йөри.,He's wearing sunglasses.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Томны гаепле дип санамыйм.,I don't think it's Tom's fault.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Аш-су әзерләү буенча Том белгеч инде ул.,Tom is an expert when it comes to cooking.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том белән Мария хәзер артык еш очрашмыйлар инде.,Tom and Mary don't see much of each other anymore.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Том, өч атна берни дә ашамадым, дип тәкрарлый.",Tom claimed that he had not eaten for three weeks.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Нигә беркайчан да юынмыйсың?,Why don't you ever wash the dishes?,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Такымнар нәкъ менә яңгыр башлангач кына уенга кереште.,The teams had just started to play when it began to rain.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Нервлы кеше бу урында булыр өчен яраксыз.,A nervous person will not be fit for this job.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ничә пар оегың бар?,How many pairs of socks do you have?,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Җитеп торыр, дип уйлыйм.",I hope it's enough.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Полиция Томны бөтенләй кулга алды.,The police have Tom safely locked up.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Нинди ашамлыклар пешерергә яратасың?,What kind of food do you like to cook?,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Кичә мин велосипед төзәттем.,I fixed the bike yesterday.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Ber, ike, öç, dürt, biş, altı, cide, sigez, tuğız, un.","One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten.",tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бу мәктәптә тулы толерантлык принцибы хакимлек итә.,This school has a zero tolerance policy.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сез анда еш булгаладыгызмы?,How many times have you been there?,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Яңгыр ява.,It is raining.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Алмания бүген күпкырлы: алманча ак тәнлеләр генә сөйләшми инде.,Germany today is different; not just white people speak German.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Алман теле белән бигрәк тә Кытайда, Һиндстанда һәм Бразилиядә кызыксыналар.","Interest in German is growing, particularly in China, India and Brazil.",tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Аның очкычы Һоң Коңга 14 сәгатьтә китә.,His plane leaves for Hong Kong at 2:00 p.m.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Безне суеласы сарыкларга тиңлиләр.,We have been accounted as sheep for slaughtering.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Моннан вокзалга кадәр ара еракмы?,How far is it from here to the station?,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Qıtaydağı moso keşeläre tisese yolasın tota, bu süzne yalğış “qunaqlıq nikaxı” dip tärcemä itälär.",The Mosuo men in China practice tisese which misleadingly translates as walking marriage.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Берни дә ишетмим.,I don't hear anything.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ул хәзер үз кунакханәсендә.,She is in her hotel now.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тисесе йоласы мосо хатын-кызларына башка культураларда хатын-кызның җенси тормышын җайга сала торган икеләтә стандартлардан читләшү мөмкинлеген бирә.,The practice of tisese allows Mosuo women to avoid the double standard that regulates women's sexuality in other cultures.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Көн саен диярлек иртән сәгать алтыда торам.,I get up at six almost every day.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бер гөлкән күздрә бокурны шеткеп бодланган hәм бокурнын баласына күрдә-күрдә итә.,A glock coozdre has steckly boodled a boker and is curding a bokerlet.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Томның рейсын өч сәгатькә кичектерделәр.,Tom's flight was postponed for three hours.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ул кытай телен өйрәнә.,He's studying Chinese.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мин аның җиңәчәгенә ышанам.,I am sure of his victory.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Минем янга сәгать унбердә кил.,Come and see me at eleven o'clock.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Син аңа артык бәя бирәсең.,You overestimate him.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Алар план корганнар.,They have a plan.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Помидор - яраткан яшелчә төрем.,My favorite vegetable is the tomato.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Нәрсә урладың?,What did you steal?,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Sami üzen qorban buldım dip xis itte.,Sami felt like a victim.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Хата ясаудан курыкма.,Don't be afraid of making mistakes.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Xatın-qız bik räncüçän bula.,Women are very vulnerable.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Моны һәркем белергә тиеш.,Everybody needs to know.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Tuydırdıñ inde sin mine!,I'm so tired of you.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Без өйгә кайтып җиткәндә кояш баеп бара иде инде.,"By the time we reached home, the sun had completely set.",tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ләйлә үзенә әкияти шаһзадә эзләде.,Layla was looking for her Prince Charming.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сами мине чишендерә башлады.,Sami started taking my clothes off.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бу кичке тугызынчы яртыда башлана.,It doesn't start until eight thirty.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Манара ишелеп төшәчәк.,The tower is going to collapse.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Кайбер укытучылар дәрестә дә бәрәңге әрчи.,Some teachers peel potatoes while teaching.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ике урынлы номерга урнашыр идем.,I'd like a double room.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том ике көн кырынмаган инде.,Tom has a two days' growth of beard.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том миңа бөтен паркны күрсәтеп чыкты.,Tom showed me around the park.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ул теләсә ни сөйләр.,She can say whatever she wants.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Әйтегез әле, зинһар, вокзалга ничек барырга?",Could you tell me how to get to the station?,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мин яңа янгын сүндергеч сатып алдым.,I have bought a new fire extinguisher.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Дәшмичә булдыра алмыйм инде.,I can no longer remain silent.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мин бер тәлинкәне төшереп ваттым.,I almost dropped a plate.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ул бервакытта да үз сүзендә тормый.,He never keeps his word.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тәһран Иранда урнашкан.,Tehran is in Iran.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Минем хәбәремә дә күз салмассыңмы?,Would you please look over my report?,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Уттан - ялкынга.,Out of the frying pan and into the fire.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Теләсәң безнең белән бара аласың.,Come along with us if you like.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Nigä kölämder, belmim.",I don't know why I'm laughing.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Аның дусты җырчы.,Her friend is a singer.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Балалар - тормышыбыз гөлләре.,Children are the flowers of our lives.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Томны сәхнәдә күрдеңме?,Have you seen Tom on stage?,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бейсбол уены сине хушландырамы?,You like baseball?,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том Австралиягә сәяхәт кылыр өчен акча җыя.,Tom is saving money for a trip to Australia.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том әле кома хәлендә.,Tom is still in a coma.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том сине читкә какмый ич.,Tom isn't ignoring you.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Чит ил кешеләренең күбесе алман модаль кисәкчәләренең кулланышын үзләштерә алмый.,Most foreigners will never fully master the use of German modal particles.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том Мариягә бервакытта да ялган сөйләми.,Tom never lies to Mary.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Kürsät äle.,Gimme a look-see.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Берәү ишек шакыганда ул йокларга әзерләнә иде инде.,She was about to go to bed when someone knocked on the door.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бу мантыйкка бик тә ярашлы.,That makes a lot of sense.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Татоэба: французлар җитәрлек булмаганга күрә.,Tatoeba: Because you can't meet enough frenchies.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том ялгыз булуына бик шат иде.,Tom was glad to be alone.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бу өлкәдә Алмания дөньякүләм алда бара.,Germany is the global leader in this industry.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Bernärsä dä kürmädeñ.,You didn't see nothing.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том инглизчә камил сөйләшә.,Tom speaks perfect English.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Bu bäyälärne töşeräçäk.,That'll bring the cost down.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бу хакта Том белән сөйләшмәдем.,I didn't talk to Tom about this.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ул үзенә карата гаделсез мөгамәләгә зарланды.,He complained that he was unfairly treated.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Джим урлаган аның камерасын.,Jim had his camera stolen.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Гитарада уйный беләсеңме?,Can you play the guitar?,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том минем ярдәмчем түгел.,Tom isn't my assistant.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Тормышыбызның аерым бер битен ертып алып булмый, ләкин без аның бөтен китабын утка ташлый алабыз.","We cannot tear a single page from our life, but we can throw the whole book into the fire.",tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бүген бик әйбәт көн!,Today is a good day!,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Дөньяда ничә телдә сөйләшәләр?,How many languages are spoken worldwide?,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сез Томны соңгы тапкыр кайчан күрдегез?,When did you see Tom last?,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мин сезнең турыда уйлыйм.,I'm thinking about you.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ул бәйләнүчән клиентлар белән мөгамәлә осталыгын камилләштерде.,She has perfected the art of handling difficult customers.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Алар һәрвакыт берүзе генә эчә.,You're always drinking alone.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Яңа букча сатып алдым.,I bought a new bag.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Кичә Том миңа французча сөйләшмим диде.,"Yesterday, Tom told me he couldn't speak French.",tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сез тыңлыйсызмы?,Are you listening?,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Борчулы булса, ул тизрәк чыгып китү ягын карый.","When he's sad, he withdraws from other people.",tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том болай эшләргә тиеш түгел иде.,Tom shouldn't do that kind of thing.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Словакияне словак телендә “Словенско” дип атыйлар.,"Slovakia is called ""Slovensko"" in Slovak.",tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Син чыннан да уйгырча яхшы сөйләшәсең!,You really speak Uyghur well!,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бу - күз.,This is an eye.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Син студентмы?,Are you a student?,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ул аларның сорауларына җавап бирә алмый.,He can't answer their questions.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Tübäseneñ al yağı yäşel töstäge öy yanında berär ineş barmı?,Is there a brook anywhere near Green Gables?,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Аның күңеле кайтты.,He was disappointed.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мәгълүмат алуга мохтаҗмын.,I need some information.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бераз яктырак итсәгез иде.,I need some light.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Табиб белән киңәшләшәсем бар.,I need some medical advice.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мине берәрсе якласа иде.,I need someone to protect me.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бүген төнлә ни булды?,What happened the other night?,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Синеке кебек үк яхшы камера таба алмыйм.,I can't afford a camera as good as yours.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Түземлеге бетеп, Том Марияне кыйнады.",Tom lost his temper and hit Mary.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Гомер буе көтә алмыйм бит инде.,I can't wait forever.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мин сине шәфкать туташы дип уйлаган идем.,I thought you were a nurse.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Йомышыма әзер булып торыгыз!,Stand by for my orders.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тагын бер-ике көнгә бездә кала алмассыңмы?,Can I persuade you to stay a few more days?,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Мине бик бай дип уйлыйсың, ахры.",I suppose you think I'm rich.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Туйганчы аша.,Eat as much as you like.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сезнең исемегезне сорап буламы?,May I have your name?,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Синең уйлавың буенча ул хатаны белеп ясадымы?,Do you think he made that mistake on purpose?,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Атнаның көн исемнәрен әйтә алмассызмы?,Can you name the days of the week?,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ул үкенечсез.,He has no remorse.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Байтак америкалының сугыш вакытында тупланган акчасы әле һаман да бар.,Many Americans still had money they had saved during the war.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Кияүдә икәнлегемне беләсез ич.,You know I'm married.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Без хәзер үк бу пычрак чүп-чарны ташларга тиешбез.,We must get rid of this foul garbage right away.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Эшләп кенә кара!,Just you try!,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Синең белән сөйләшәсе бар иде.,I wanted to talk with you.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Эшеңне тәмамладыңмы инде?,Have you finished what you were doing?,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Иң авырын эшләп бетердек инде.,We've done worse.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бала тууын көтәбез.,We are expecting a baby.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Хәзер берүзем генә.,I'm alone now.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Том Мариянең беләзеген урлаган кеше, дип фаразларга нигез бар.",There seems to be evidence suggesting Tom was the one who stole Mary's bracelet.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Фән-белем мавыктыра.,Science is fun.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn YouTube яхшы сайт түгел.,YouTube is not a good website.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Том кеше үтерүче, дип фаразларга нигез юк.",There's no evidence to suggest that Tom was the killer.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Бәхеткә каршы, бу еш булып тормый.","Thankfully, this doesn't happen often.",tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Том карак, дип фаразларга нигез юк.",There's no evidence to suggest that Tom was the thief.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Томга котлау телеграмын бизәкле хат итеп җибәрергә кирәк.,Tom needs to send a congratulatory telegram on decorated letterhead.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Кырымны яулап алганнан соң, Русия Федерациясе хөкүмәте ярымутрауда үз-үзен җәзалаучылар һәм мазохистлар өчен дөньяда иң яхшы туристлык шартлары тәкъдим итә.","After the Russian Federation has conquered the Crimea, the country's government provides on the peninsula worldwide best travel conditions for self-torturers and masochists.",tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Томан өскә күтәрелә.,The smoke is rising in the air.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Җил улады.,The wind was howling.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том - бик яхшы машина йөртүче.,Tom is a really good driver.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Алар сораган акчага да тормый бу.,It isn't worth the money they're asking for.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Комитетка җиде галим кергән.,The committee consists of seven scholars.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том сине башкаларга караганда күбрәк ярата.,Tom likes you more than anybody else.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бу аның өе.,This is your house.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Alar sorağan aqçağa da tormıy bu.,It's not worth the money they're asking for.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Нигә безнең белән калмыйсың?,Why can't you stay with us?,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Нигә аның белән калмыйсың?,Why can't you stay with him?,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Нигә минем белән калмыйсың?,Why can't you stay with me?,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Нигә алар белән калмыйсың?,Why can't you stay with them?,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Нигә аның белән калдың?,Why did you stay with him?,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Нигә аның белән калмадың?,Why didn't you stay with him?,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Безнең белән калыр идеңме?,Can you stay with us?,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Алар белән калыр идеңме?,Can you stay with them?,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Нигә минем белән калмадың?,Why didn't you stay with me?,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Нигә алар белән калмадың?,Why didn't you stay with them?,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Нигә безнең белән калмадың?,Why didn't you stay with us?,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Нигә аның белән каласың?,Why do you stay with him?,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Нигә алар белән каласың?,Why do you stay with them?,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Аның белән кал.,Stay with him.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бу бүлмәдә безнең белән кал.,Stay with us in this room.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бу бүлмәдә алар белән кал.,Stay with them in this room.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бу бүлмәдә минем белән кал.,Stay with me in this room.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бу бүлмәдә аның белән кал.,Stay with him in this room.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тотылмаган балыкны кыздырма.,Never fry a fish till it's caught.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Минем белгәнемчә, бу шулай.","Yes, as far as I know.",tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Һәр ялтыраган алтын түгел.,"Not all that glitters, is gold.",tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Минем фамилиям Ватанабе.,Watanabe is my family name.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ул анда җиде ел яши.,She has lived there for seven years.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Акыл төшемне суырттым.,I'm getting my wisdom tooth.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Аша да эч.,Eat and drink.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бөтен серләре ачып салынды.,All their secrets have been revealed.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Теге атлар Томныкы.,Those horses are Tom's.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бераз арыдым.,I'm a little bit tired.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Азрак хәлсезләндем.,I'm a little tired.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Давыл имәннәрне ега, ә камышка берни булмый.",Oaks may fall when reeds stand the storm.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мариянең кыз фамилиясе ничек?,What's Mary's maiden name?,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ямьле.,This is pretty.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Минем дустым индус.,My friend is Indian.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Гәҗиттә укыдым.,I read this in the newspaper.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Син тулаем хаклысың.,You are absolutely right.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Томның чәчләре коела башлады.,Tom is beginning to lose his hair.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Менә ул никахлашкан икәнен ишетсә, бик тә аптырар инде.","If he could hear of your marriage, he will be very surprised.",tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бераз тиргә бат - булыр сиңа тат.,No sweet without some sweat.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Умарта кортының чагуы бик авыртулы булырга мөмкин.,Bee stings can be very painful.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том кабызылган шәмне уң кулында тота.,Tom is holding a lit candle in his right hand.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Берничә минут вакытыбыз бар әле.,We just have a few minutes.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бу бәхәсләшүдә ул үзен бик тә ышандыручы итеп йөртте.,His argument was most convincing.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мин ахыргы вакытта бик мәшгүль.,I'm very busy these days.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Син шундый батыр!,You are very brave.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Пикникта булган вакытта без гел дә күңел ачтык.,We had lots of fun at the picnic.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Демократия, сынап каралган башка идарә алымнарын санамасаң, иң начары.","Democracy is the worst form of government, except all the others that have been tried.",tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Йөз тапкыр ишеткәнче, бер күрүең яхшырак.",Seeing is believing.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn .سنی ایستی,I want you.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Моның өчен җаваплылыкны кем үз өстенә алыр?,Who's taking responsibility for this?,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Я Ходаем, ышана алмыйм.","Oh my God, I can't believe this.",tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn .اول سۊیرَلچِك,She's a slut.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ирексезләп яраттырып булмый.,You can't make someone love you.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Әйдә карта уйныйк.,Let's play cards.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бу чәй бик яхшы.,This tea is very good.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ул минем белән сөйләшми.,She doesn't speak to me.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Миссисипи елгасы тирән һәм киң.,The Mississippi River is deep and wide.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Киләчәк элек тә яхшырак булган.,The future was better before.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Берәр яхшы ресторан беләсезме?,Do you know a good restaurant?,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бер дә әйтә алмыйм.,I don't know.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Кит - имезүче хайван.,A whale is a mammal.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn .فاحِشه كِبی كییِنمه,Don't dress like a slut.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ул вакытта кешеләр җирнең түгәрәк икәнен белгәннәр инде.,People in those days already knew that the earth is round.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Киң таралган фаразлауга карамастан, инглиз алынмаларының баскынчылыгы мең тугыз йөз кырык бишенче елда башланмаган иде әле.","The invasion of Anglicisms had not yet started in 1945, a common assumption to the contrary.",tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Алар кулларын юалар.,They're washing their hands.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Ул ярлы, әмма ул бәхетле.","She is poor, but she is happy.",tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Юк, моның булуы мөмкин түгел.","No, it cannot be true.",tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мин Аллага ышанмыйм.,I don't believe in God.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Агач астында йоклау рәхәт.,It is pleasant to sleep under the tree.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ул һәркөн кырына.,He shaves himself every day.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Аспиринның кан басымына бернинди дә тәэсире юк.,Aspirin has no effect on the blood pressure.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Сөйләм теленә кергән яңа инглиз төшенчәләренә алманча тәңгәллекләр эзләргә дисәң, моңа алманнарның йөрәге җитә.",Germans certainly still have the heart to look for fresh English words for German equivalents.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бу Брайан Рок.,This is Brian Rock.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Артыгын ашамавың хәерле.,You shouldn't eat to excess.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сатып алган әйберемнән канәгатьмен.,I'm very happy with my purchase.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Яшь гомернең үткәнен сизми дә калдык.,We didn't notice our passing youth.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Миннән качып котыла алмассыз.,You can't escape from me.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Күк йөзе саф, аңарда исәпсез йолдыз сибелгән.",The sky is clear. Lots of stars are scattered across it.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сабыр итегез! Трубканы куймагыз!,Wait a minute! Hang on!,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ул китап укый.,He reads a book.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мин корейча сөйләшәм.,I speak Korean.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Галимнәр планеталар арасындагы ераклыкны җиңел билгели ала.,Scientists can easily compute the distance between planets.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ашыгыч эшкә акыл иярми.,Haste makes waste.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тик кенә торыгыз.,"Be quiet, all of you.",tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мин башым белән уйлыйм.,I think with my head.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сюзан миннән ике яшькә олырак.,Suzanne is two years older than me.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Кемнең минем белән барасы килә?,Who will come with me?,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ул сезне аңламый.,He doesn't understand you.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ул да барамы?,"Is she coming, too?",tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мария белән ничек килешеп яши аласың?,How are you and Mary getting along?,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сине анда кемдер эзли.,There is someone looking for you.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Авыр туфрагың җиңел булсын, әти!","Rest in peace, father!",tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Dustımnıñ öyendä buldım.,I was at a friend's house.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Кайда очрашабыз?,Where will we meet?,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Кайчан очрашабыз?,What time are we meeting?,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Нәрсәне күбрәк ошатасыз?,What do you prefer?,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Исем-фамилиягезне әйтегезче.,May I ask your first and last names?,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Исемем-фамилиям Роберт Джонсон.,My name is Robert Johnson.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бу Сезгә танышмы?,Does it sound familiar?,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Яңалыклар бармы?,What's the news?,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Эшләр ничегрәк?,How's it going?,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том сүгенә.,Tom is swearing.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Балачакта аның кушаматы нинди иде?,What was his childhood nickname?,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мин лимонлы чәй яратам.,I like lemon tea.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ул сыра яратамы?,Does he like beer?,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Офис уң якта.,The office is on the right.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Минем өчен теләсә кайсы көн күңелле.,Any day would be alright with me.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мин дә туңдырма ашадым.,"I ate ice cream, too.",tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Кайчан пенсиягә чыгачаксың?,When will you retire?,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том ул вакыт ни диде?,What did Tom say then?,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Барысы да әйбәтме?,Is it okay with you?,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мин ул калачак дип уйлыйм.,I think he'll stay.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сиңа йокларга ятарга кирәк.,You should go to sleep.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сезнең хокукларыгыз бар.,You have rights.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Киртәләрдән йөз чөерүдән генә алар юкка чыкмыйлар.,Obstacles will not disappear if you ignore them.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Инглиз телен аңлыйсызмы?,Do you understand English?,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Борчылырга җирлек юк.,There's no cause for concern.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Миңа бу яңа яңарту ошамый.,I don’t like this new upgrade.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Татарча сөйләшәсезме?,Do you speak Tatar?,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Инглизчә сөйләшәсеңме?,Do you speak English?,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Татар телен аңлыйсызмы?,Do you understand Tatar?,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Банан алдым.,I bought bananas.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Киләсе очрашуга кадәр!,See you later!,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Колакларым туңа.,My ears are cold.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Төшке ашны ашадыңмы инде?,Have you had lunch yet?,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сәфәр күпме торачак?,What will the trip cost?,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том очкычка менде.,Tom boarded the airplane.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том күп акча тапты.,Tom found a lot of money.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бу минем өчен бик кадерле.,I really appreciate it.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Көчек койрыгын селки.,The dog is wagging its tail.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том киләсе ел мәктәпкә бара.,Tom starts school next year.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Булдырырбыз.,That will do.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Өстәрлек тагын башка нәрсә юк.,There isn't much more to add.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бу һичшиксез кызык булачак.,It'll certainly be fun.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мең рәхмәт!,Thank you very much!,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Рәхмәт яусын!,Thanks a lot!,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Аралашу өчен уңайлы вакытмы?,Is there a good time to chat?,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Кайчаннан бирле сәяхәт итәсез?,How long have you been traveling for?,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том гадәттә эшкә барганда машинасында бер һамбургер ашый.,Tom usually eats a hamburger in his car on his way to work.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мин ялда булганда үсемлекләремә су сибә алырсызмы?,Could you water my plants for me while I'm on vacation?,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Син эчкән кадәр су эчү ул сәламәтлеккә файдалы түгел.,It's not healthy to drink as much water as you do.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Эшегез күпме?,Are you busy?,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Уңайсызрак вакытка туры килдемме?,Did I catch you at a bad time?,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мин француз теле укытам.,I teach French.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Вакытын төгәлрәк билгелисе иде.,I'm not sure about the date.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Шулайрак тоела.,It seems so.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Минемчә, шулай.",I think so.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Миңа барыбер.,I don't care.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Ничек кенә булса да, мин каршы түгел.",I don't mind either way.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мәгънәсез нәрсә.,It doesn't make sense.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мәҗлес тәмам.,The party's over.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Эш бетте.,The party is over.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бу Копакабана!,This is Copacabana!,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Зарары юк.,It never hurts.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Әйтүе генә җиңел ул.,Easier said than done.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Эмилиның сүзлеге бармы?,Does Emily have a dictionary?,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Һичшиксез.,There's no doubt about it.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бу хакта сүз дә юк.,There is no doubt about it.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тиздән кайтырмын.,I'll be right back.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Гафу итегез, соңга калдым.",Sorry for being late.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Укый-укый арыдым инде.,I am tired of reading.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Борчылмагыз.,Don't overthink it.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сезгә куркыныч янамый.,You are out of danger.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Китикме инде?,Should we go?,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Вакыты җитте инде!,It's about time!,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Хәлләрегез ничек?,How are you?,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Miña isemegezne äytegez.,Tell me your name.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Үзегезне яхшы хис итәсезме?,Do you feel well?,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тәрҗемәчегез бармы?,Do you have an interpreter?,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Гафу итегез, Сез миңа китапханәгә юл күрсәтә алмассызмы?","Excuse me, can you tell me the way to the library?",tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Гафу итегез, Сез миңа Үзәк паркка юлны күрсәтә алмассызмы?","Excuse me, can you tell me how to get to Central Park?",tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Гафу итегез, Сез миңа бу урамның кайда икәнлеген әйтә алмассызмы?","Excuse me, could you tell me where I can find this street?",tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Гафу итегез, Сез, бәхеткә каршы, моны белмисезме?","Excuse me, do you happen to know it?",tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сезне бер генә мизгелгә тоткарларга мөмкинме?,May I see you for a moment?,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сез бик илтифатлысыз.,That's very nice of you.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Томның Мариягә тәкъдим итәргә бернинди эчемлеге юк.,Tom didn't offer Mary anything to drink.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Рәхмәт яусын Сезгә!,I don't know how to thank you.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мең рәхмәт Сезгә!,I'm very grateful to you.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Күп кеше сөйләм телендә урыс сүгенү сүзләрен куллана.,Many peoples are using Russian swears in their speech.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Кем чанасына утырсаң, шуның җырын җырларсың.","Sitting in the sleigh of a boozer, you'll sing along his drunken songs.",tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Дөрес дип лыгырдыйсыңмы моны?,Are you fucking serious?,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мин аның дорфалыгына көчкә-көчкә түзеп тора алдым.,I could barely contain my indignation at her impudence.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Алар дини ирек өчен көрәште.,They fought for freedom of religion.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Кар ява башлады.,It's started to snow.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Дөньяда өч нәрсә юк: диңгезгә — капкач, күккә — баскыч, мәхәббәткә — дару.","There are no three things in the world: a cover for the sea, a ladder into the sky, a cure for love.",tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Рәхмәт!,I thank you.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Аның йөгерү тизлеге командада булганнардан калышмады.,He ran as fast as any boy in the team.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Французча аңлашу миңа торган саен авыррак була бара.,I still have difficulty in making myself understood in French.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сез ул хатынны кайда күрдегез?,Where did you see the woman?,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тырай тибеп йөргән – бозыклыкка кергән.,Idle hands are the devil's tool.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Томның Мариягә караганда дуслары күбрәк.,Tom has more friends than Mary.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сез ноктаны төшереп калдыргансыз.,You are missing the point.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Беләсең килми.,You don't want to know.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Теләсә нинди оешмада да эчке гармония һәм бердәмлек уңышка ирешү яки уңышсызлыкка тарыгуның мөһим алшарты булып тора.,"For any type of organisation, internal harmony and unity are important factors in deciding its success or failure.",tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мария аркасында Том авырлыклар кичерә.,Tom got into trouble because of Mary.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мин дә чак кына елап җибәрмәдем!,I almost cried too!,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Баштарак авыр булды.,It was hard at first.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Иптәш кызымның моңа җене кагылган.,My friend is obsessed with this.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Без табигать белән гармониядә яшәргә тиешбез.,We must learn to live in harmony with nature.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Моның тозак булмавын каян беләсең?,How do you know it's not a trap?,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Карт кеше уйчан гына сакалын сыпырып куйды.,The old man stroked his beard thoughtfully.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Тор инде, ялкау бәндә!","Get up already, you lazybones!",tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Чәчләреңне үримме?,Can I braid your hair?,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мин Томга тагын бер мөмкинлек бирергә карар кылдым.,I've decided to give Tom another chance.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мин беркемгә бернинди вәгъдә бирмәдем.,I didn't promise anybody anything.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мин белгәннәрдән иң күңелсез кеше син.,You are the most boring person I know.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Син кем һәм кайдан килдең?,Who are you and where do you come from?,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ул өйдә юк.,He's not at home.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Уңышлы буласына ышанам.,I am sure of success.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Кая барырга һәм ни эшләргә дә белмим.,I don't know where to go or what to do.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мин ул кызны кинога чакырдым.,I invited her to the movies.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Син ул кыз белән сөйләштеңме инде?,Did you tell her?,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Алар, биек тауларга менеп, диңгез төбендә дә йөрделәр.",They have climbed the highest mountains and walked on the floor of the seas.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бу авыл кешеләре табигать белән килешеп яши.,The people of this village live in harmony with nature.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том эшенә өченче яртыда килеп җитте.,Tom arrived at work at 2:30.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Көн саен иртәнгелектән соң Том алты сәдәп дару эчә.,Tom takes six tablets every morning after breakfast.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Эзләнә торгач, тиешле чишелеш тә табылды.","At the end of the day, the right decision was made.",tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Соңгы елларда Том сизелерлек олыгайды.,Tom's matured a fair bit in the last few years.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том бераз агарынган кебек күренә.,Tom looked a little pale.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn """А"" - хәрефләрнең иң беренчесе, Аллаһ - дөньядагы бар нәрсәнең башлангычы.","""A"" is the first of all letters -- God is the first of everything in the world.",tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Әйдә, синеңчә булсын.",Have it your way.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Әмма каһвә яхшы түгел.,But the coffee's not good.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бу урын китап өчен.,This book belongs here.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сез биредә бик бәхетле булдыгыз дип уйлыйм.,I think you guys would be very happy here.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Берүзем генә эшләү минем өчен кулайрак.,I prefer working alone.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том белән икәү ни эшлисез?,What are you and Tom doing?,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мария - такымның җитәкчесе.,Mary is the leader of the team.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Томны ким дигәндә өч мәртәбә кулга алдылар инде.,Tom has been arrested at least three times.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Яшәү өчен ашыйлар, ашау өчен яшәмиләр.","One must eat to live, and not live to eat.",tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Томның яңа сөяркәсе бик яшь әле.,Tom's new girlfriend is very young.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Энекәшем утыз елдан артык инде Англиядә яши.,My brother has lived in England for more than thirty years.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Читкә китмә.,Don't go away.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Кайбер балалар алманы яратмыйлар.,Not all children like apples.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Яңгыр чиләкләп коя.,It is raining cats and dogs.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Иртәгә эссе булыр.,It will be hot tomorrow.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Иртәгә эссе булырмы?,Will it be hot tomorrow?,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мин кредит картасы аша түли аламмы?,Can I pay by credit card?,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Лифт кайда?,Where is the elevator?,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мин сәгатьне кайда төзәтә алам?,Where can I have my watch repaired?,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бәдрәф кайда?,Where's the restroom?,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Шәһәр уртасында янгын чыкты.,A fire broke out in the middle of the city.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Быел Русиядә сандугачлар да бары тик Бөек Җиңүне данлап кына сайраячак.,The Russian nightingales are even singing this year exclusively for glorification of the Great Victory.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сиңа көйәнәм.,I'm counting on you.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Монда икәнлегеңне белә идем.,I knew you'd be here.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Моны аңлыйм дип уйлыйм.,I think I understand.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Әле генә яуган кар өстеннән чаңгыда шуу бик күңелле.,Skiing in fresh snow is a lot of fun.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Кыш җитә.,Winter is coming.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сабын куыгы һавада шартлады.,The bubble burst in the air.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Нигә фатирыгызга кире кайтмыйсыз?,Why don't you return to your quarters?,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Әй, моны эшләмә!","Hey, don't do that!",tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Алар сәгатьләр буе эшләделәр.,They went on working for hours.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мин инде Том лыгырдаудан туктамас дип уйлаган идем.,I thought Tom would never stop talking.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Минем тәлинкәм кайда?,Where's my cup?,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сез кайчан соңгы мәртәбә табибка күрендегез?,When did you have your last physical examination?,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Ул авырый иде, шуңа урамга чыкмады.","He was sick, so he did not go out.",tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том үзен һәрвакыт гаепсез дип таный иде һәм әле бүген дә нахакка гаепләнгән дип саный.,"Tom has always maintained that he is innocent, and claims to this day that he was framed.",tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Полиция җинаять кылуда шөбһәләнелгән кешеләрдән сорау алганда җәзалау чаралары кулланган.,The police used coercive techniques when questioning suspects.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Минем филем бар.,I have an elephant.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Синең ни әйткәнең турында түгел, ничек әйткәнең турында сүз бара.",It's not what you said. It's how you said it.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Син хаклы.,You are right.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мин эңгер-меңгер вакытны яратам,I love twilight.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мин аңа шалтыраттым инде.,I already called him.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Барысы да әйбәт.,Everything is OK.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сезгә кушылырга рөхсәт итәсезме?,May I join you?,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Якшәмбе шимбәдән соң килә.,Sunday comes after Saturday.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сез гарәп телен укытасыз.,You teach Arabic.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Бу синең улыңмы, Бэтти?","Is this your son, Betty?",tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Әлбәттә ул хаклы.,"Of course, he is right.",tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Аякларым әле дә авырта.,My legs still hurt.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бу өстәл таза имәннән эшләнгән.,This table is made of good oak.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мин Helen Cartwright кызы.,I'm Helen Cartwright's daughter.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бу күпер агачтан эшләнгән.,This bridge is made of wood.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мин укучы түгел.,I'm not a pupil.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Укучы түгелмен.,I'm not a student.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Без әле генә вокзалга килеп җиттек.,We just arrived at the station.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Югары белем сыйфаты иң югары халыкара таләпләргә җавап бирергә тиеш.,The quality of higher education must answer to the highest international standards.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Беләм.,I know that.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Гарәп теле авыр түгел.,Arabic isn't hard.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Безнең көч - бердәмлектә!,Unity is our strength!,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сез кем?,Who are you?,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бүген шимбә.,Today is Saturday.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бу минем кызым.,This is my daughter.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Синең МЕТРОда эшлисең киләме?!,You want to work at METRO?!,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сименс. Без һәр гаиләгә кирәк.,Siemens. No family can do without us.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ул якынрак килә.,He's coming closer.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Урам асфальтланган.,The street is paved with asphalt.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Зинһар, хәзер үк кит.",Please leave right away.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Безнең поварның эше тыгыз бүген.,Our chef is very busy today.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Аның бер эте һәм алты мәчесе бар.,He has a dog and six cats.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ул хатны укыгандыр мөгаен.,He may have read the letter.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Дөресен әйткәндә, мин аны яратмыйм.","To tell you the truth, I don't love him.",tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ашыйсыгыз киләме?,Do you want to eat?,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мин сәгать ничә икәнен белмим.,I don't know what time it is.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Син классик музыка тыңларга яратасың, шулаймы?","You like classical music, don't you?",tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Безне онытмагыз!,Don't forget about us!,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Беркем дә ялгышсыз түгел.,No one is free from faults.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Сине онытсам, бәлки яхшырак та булыр иде.",Perhaps it would be better if I forgot you.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Кесә сүзлекләренә мода бетте инде.,Pocket dictionaries are out of fashion.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мөмкин кадәр тизрәк атлагыз.,Walk as fast as possible.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Кырынганда киселдем бераз.,I cut myself shaving.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бүген нинди көн?,What day is it?,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Көтмәгәндә яңгыр ява башлады.,All of a sudden it started raining.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Минем аны күп тапкыр күргәнем бар.,I have seen him many times.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Туган көнең белән!,Happy birthday to you!,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Кичә һавалар ничек иде?,How was the weather yesterday?,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сине Кэн эзли иде.,Ken was looking for you.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Моның булуы мөмкин түгел!,It can't be!,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Нәрсә пешерәсез?,What are you cooking?,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Минем түземлегем калмады.,I lost my patience.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Беркем дә бу проблеманы чишә алмый.,Nobody can solve this problem.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Малай сикерә.,The boy is jumping.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Һәрхәлдә, иртәгә иртә белән офиска кил.",Come to the office tomorrow morning without fail.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Минем белән беркем дә сөйләшми.,No one speaks with me.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Андрееску ханымга сәлам әйтегез!,Please say hello to Mrs. Andreescu!,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тагын бер кат тырышып кара.,Try it once again.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Аның китаплары күпме?,Does he have many books?,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мин студент.,I'm a student.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бала анасының ашарга пешергәнен карап торды.,The kid watched her mother cook.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мин кызыл ботинкалар теләгән идем.,I wanted red shoes.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ул алма ашый.,He's eating an apple.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Корсагым тулды.,My stomach is full.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Без аның соңгы ике елда ничек үзгәргәнен күреп тордык.,Over the last 2 years we watched him change.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Безнең ресторан иң яхшысы.,Our restaurant is the best.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бу күпер таштан эшләнгән.,That bridge is made of stone.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мин моны күптән көтәм инде.,I knew it would happen this way.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тешләреңны яхшы итеп чистарт.,Brush your teeth well.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Минем сакал тиз үсә.,My beard grows quickly.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Икебез дә укытучылар.,He's a teacher and so am I.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Аңардан күп нәрсә көтмә.,Don't expect too much of him.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ул саубуллашмыйча бүлмәдән чыгып китте.,She left the room without saying goodbye.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Әниеңә миннән сәлам әйт.,Say hello to your mum for me.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бу тәрәзне ачып булмый.,This window won't open.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мине иртәгә шул ук вакытта уята алмассыңмы?,Could you wake me up at the same time tomorrow?,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Томның туган көне кичә иде.,Tom's birthday was yesterday.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мин сиңа соңрак шалтыратырмын.,I'll call you later.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сез чыннан да мин ярдәм итмәм дип уйлыйсызмы?,Do you really think I wouldn't help you?,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Түбәндәгене аңлат.,Explain the following.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Син миңа дөресен әйтергә тиеш идең.,You should've told me the truth.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Рәхмәт, шул гына.","Thanks, that's everything.",tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Минем ашыма чәч төшкән.,There's a hair in my soup.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сине күрергә бик шатмын.,It's good to see you.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Акрынрак сөйләшә аласызмы?,Can you speak a little slower?,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том бөтенләй хәлдән тайган иде.,Tom was completely worn out.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Зинһар, миңа бер бит кәгазь китер әле.","Bring me a sheet of paper, please.",tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мин һәрвакыт дөресен сөйләргә тырышам.,I always try to tell the truth.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мин хәтерләмим.,I can't remember.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Миңа күптән түгел генә 20 тулды.,I've just turned 20.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Odessa häm Sevastopol' — Qara diñgez buyındağı portlar.,Odessa and Sebastopol are seaports on the Black Sea.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Әти, әни кайчан кайта?","When will Mother be back, Father?",tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ул чит илгә бару өчен акча җыя.,She is saving money to go abroad.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ул бик матур җырлый.,She sings very well.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ул яхшы кеше.,He's a good person.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ул атнага дүрт тапкыр кырына.,He shaves four times a week.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Нәрсә уятты?,Why did you wake up?,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Һәрдаим миңа таяна аласыз.,You can count on me any time.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Аның күзләре матур.,She has pretty eyes.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ул бер зур йортта тора.,She lives in a large house.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бер квадрат метр зурлыктагы кояш батареясы якынча бер ватт энергия эшләп чыгара ала. Шунлыктан әлегә кояш энергиясен зур масштабта куллану четерекле.,"The output power of a one square meter solar panel is about one watt, so it is difficult to use solar power on a large scale at present.",tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бу тапны чыгару бик кыен булачак.,It's going to be difficult to remove this stain.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Хыялларың тормышка ашсын.,May all your dreams come true!,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мин ел буе теннис уйныйм.,I play tennis all the year around.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Америкада нинди телдә сөйләшәләр?,What language do they speak in the United States?,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Том белән Мария октябрьдә өйләнешәләр, дип ишеттем.",I heard that Tom and Mary will get married in October.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мин арыдым!,I am tired!,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бәби бишектә йоклый иде.,The baby was sleeping in the cradle.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Кэн синнән тизрәк йөгерә.,Ken runs faster than you.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мин яңа телевизор алдым.,I bought a new television.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бу төймәгә беркайчан дә басмагыз.,Never press this button.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ул 20 елдан бирле укыта.,He's been teaching for 20 years.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Монда кыйммәт бар нәрсә дә.,Everything is expensive here.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Миңа язарга онытма.,Don't forget to write me.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ул сөйкемле күренә.,She has a friendly appearance.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Без деомкратиягә ышанабыз.,We believe in democracy.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сырны сөттән эшлиләр.,Cheese is made from milk.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Син чынлап та күп йоклыйсың!,You really sleep a lot!,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бүген кар ява.,It's snowing today.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Нәрсә сөйләдегез?,What did you talk about?,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Без кытай телен өйрәнәбез.,We study Chinese.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Әнкәгезнең хәле ничек?,How's your mother?,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ул миннән өч яшькә кечерәк.,He is younger than me by three years.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Миннән ерак китмәгез.,Don't you walk away from me.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Без кичке ашка чакырылган.,We are invited to dinner.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Синең чәчең артык озын.,Your hair is too long.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Һаррига кырык кына әле.,Harry is only 40.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ачкычны кайда таптың?,Where did you find the keys?,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Алтын судан күпкә авыррак.,Gold is far heavier than water.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Кеше - бердәнбер көлә белүче хайван.,Man is the only animal that can laugh.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ялгышу кешеләргә хас әйбер.,To err is human.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Йокың туйдыр.,Get enough sleep.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Теләгәнеңне ашый аласың.,You can eat whatever you like.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Каникулларың ничек узды?,How was your vacation?,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Иртәгә иртә белән килегез.,Come tomorrow morning.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Беркем дә минем сорауга җавап бирмәде.,Nobody answered my question.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Австралия Көньяк Америкадан кечерәк.,Australia is smaller than South America.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Җавабыгызны көтәм.,I'm waiting for your answer.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мин гомерем буе аны көттем.,I have waited for her all my life.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Әйдә пляжга барабыз.,Let's go to the beach.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn "“Ә карга?” — дип сорады Герда. — “Әй, ул үле инде”, дип җавап бирде ул.","""And the crow?"" asked Gerda. ""Oh, the crow is dead,"" she replied.",tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бу яхшы фикер!,That's a good idea!,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Күземә кара.,Look into my eyes.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Элек якшәмбе көннәрне мин чиркәүгә йөри идем.,I used to go to church on Sunday.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мин бу шәһәрдән бик теләп китәр идем дә башка кайтмас идем.,I'd like to leave this town and never come back.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Без аңа ярдәм итәргә тиеш, һәм хәзер үк.",We must help him immediately.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Җир үз күчәре тирәсендә әйләнә.,The Earth rotates on its axis.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Зинһар, вокзалда мине көтеп тор.",Please wait for me at the station.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мин испан теле укытам.,I teach Spanish.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бу кемнең китабы?,Whose is this book?,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ул копияны оригинал белән чагыштырды.,He compared the copy with the original.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сугыш вакытында алар авылда яшәде.,"During the war, they lived in the countryside.",tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Киләсе якшәмбе нишлисез?,What are you going to do next Sunday?,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Пирог бик тәмле.,The cake tastes sweet.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ул минем кызым.,She's my daughter.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Яшьлек бер генә килә.,Youth comes but once in life.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Балаларыңны да алып кил.,"Bring your kids, too.",tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Үкенмәссез!,You won't regret it!,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мин Тимны таба алмыйм.,I can't find Tim.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мин үземне ялгыз хис иттем.,I felt isolated.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Син матур.,You are handsome.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Акрынрак сөйләшә аласыңмы?,Can you speak more slowly?,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Әти яхшы кеше.,Father is a good person.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Безнең телевизор ватык.,Our TV is out of order.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ул Токиода яши.,He lives in Tokyo.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ул китаплар өчен бик күп акча сарыф итә.,She spends a lot of money on books.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Заём сугышны финанслау өчен чыгарылды.,Bonds were issued to finance a war.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Минем апам чибәр.,My sister is pretty.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ул соң торды.,She got up late.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мин уң кулымны бөгә алмыйм.,I can't bend my right arm.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бүген салкын.,It's cold today.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Хатны иртәгә язармын.,I am going to write a letter tomorrow.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Болында дүрт ат йөри.,Four horses roam the pasture.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ир бала дәшмәде.,The youth was quiet.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бу китап йолдызлар турында.,This book is about stars.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Без аңа комачауладык.,We disturbed him.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мин авылда яшим.,I live in the country.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бүген кич өйдә буласыңмы?,Will you be at home tonight?,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бу сыйныфта кырык укучы бар.,There are 40 pupils in this class.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бу сыйныф кырык укучыдан тора.,This class consists of forty pupils.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бу Цао Цаоның мәкере.,This is Cao Cao's trickery.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Коммуникация үзгәртә дөньяны, информация түгел.","What changes the world is communication, not information.",tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ул кияүдә түгел.,She isn't married.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бу бер күрүдә гашыйк булу иде.,It was love at first sight.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Автобус ун минутка соңга калып килде.,The bus arrived ten minutes late.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ул әтисенә сирәк яза.,He seldom writes to his father.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Кемдә булса бармы монда?,Is anybody here?,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Синең аркада аппетитым югалды.,Thanks to you I've lost my appetite.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том йорт хайваннарын яратмый.,Tom is not fond of pets.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бүген кар явачак.,It'll snow today.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мин язны яратмыйм.,I do not like spring.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Син җүләр.,You are an idiot!,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мин язны яратам.,I like spring.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Унике - җөп сан.,Twelve is an even number.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мин һәр иртә кырынам.,I shave every morning.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Без аны күрдек.,We've seen him.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Бу Сезнең китапмы, Майк?","Is this your book, Mike?",tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Радионы кабыз.,Turn on the radio.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Автобуска соңга калма.,Don't miss the bus.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Форво - үз алдына тормышка ашмаслык максатлар куеп, һәрвакыт тискәре нәтиҗәгә ирешә торган халыкара проект.",Forvo is an international project which has set itself an unattainable goal and therefore always achieves opposite results.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Озак көттеңме?,How long have you waited?,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Минем апам кияүдә.,My sister is married.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Джейн йөзә белми.,Jane is not able to swim.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мин аны күрмим.,I don't see it.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мин арыдым бераз.,I'm a bit tired.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Үзеңне минем урынга куеп кара.,Put yourself in my place.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Биш минуттан Том монда булачак.,Tom is going to be here in five minutes.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мин гөнаһ кылдым.,I have sinned.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мин барысын да сөйләдем.,I've said everything.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Идеаль кеше түгелмен.,I'm not perfect.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сез миңа моны Томга бирергә куштыгыз.,You told me to give it to Tom.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мин борыныма бераз пудра сөртеп алырга гына телим.,I'm just going to go powder my nose.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бостонга ел саен күп турист килеп китә.,Many tourists visit Boston every year.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том ачкычларын таба алмады.,Tom couldn't find the keys.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бу гаять күңелсез хәл.,That's pretty sad.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том ишекне ачып калдырмады.,Tom didn't leave the door open.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тимер юл күперне үткәч тармакланып китә.,The railroad divides into two after the bridge.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том өенә юл буе чаба-чаба кайтты.,Tom ran all the way home.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бу гыйбарә гаять кытайча.,This expression is very Chinese.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Тынычлана алмыйча, Том бүлмәсендә арлы-бирле йөрде.","Tom was pacing in his room, unable to calm himself down.",tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Әйтегезче, ничегрәк уйлыйсыз!",Tell us what you think!,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ул бу китапны кичә укыды.,He read this book yesterday.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Син бу отельны беләсеңме?,Do you know that hotel?,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бакча чәчәкләр белән тулы иде.,The garden was filled with flowers.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ул бәхетле.,She is happy.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Елга шәһәрне электр энергиясе белән тәэмин итә.,The river furnishes electric power to the town.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Егет кулында бер бәйләм чәчәк булса, димәк, ул ботаник түгел, анатом булырга җыена.","If a guy has got a bunch of flowers in his hand, it means that he is going to practise not botany, but anatomy.",tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Әтәч кычкыра белә, ләкин күкәй салучы тавык та бар бит әле.",Roosters can crow but it's the hens who lay the eggs.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Беркем дә өметен өзмәде.,No one gave up hope.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ул бераз инглизчә сөйләшә.,He can speak a little English.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ул дөнья тирәли сәяхәт итә.,She's traveling around the world.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Минем абый һәр ял саен балыкка бара.,My older brother goes fishing every weekend.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Нигә сорыйсың?,Why are you asking?,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Вокзал моннан ерак түгел.,The station is not far from here.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ул 70 яшендә вафат булды.,He died at the age of seventy.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Минем сиңа бер нәрсә бирәсем килә.,I have something to give you.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бу актриса һәрвакыттагыча чибәр.,That actress is as beautiful as ever.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Аның өч баласы бар.,He has three children.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ул миннән күпкә зуррак.,She is much taller than I.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Миңа китәргә вакыт.,I have to leave now.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Безнең белән уйнарга телисезме?,Would you like to play with us?,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Кәгазьне вак кисәкләргә ерткалап бетердем.,I tore the paper into pieces.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бу аяк киеме бик бәләкәй.,These shoes are too small.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бу сер мәңгелек түгел.,That secret can't be kept forever.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Проблема түгел бу !,No problem at all!,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Болай кыланмасаң иде!,Stop making such a fuss!,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мин үземне ялгыз хис итә идем.,I felt lonely.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ганди хаклы булган.,Gandhi was right.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бу җөмләне аңламыйм.,I don't understand this sentence.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Иптәш Том иптәш Марияга гашыйк булды.,Comrade Tom fell in love with comrade Mary.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Йә Алла, ни булды соң миңа бүген?","God, what's wrong with me today?",tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Машина йөртергә өйрәтүчем, сиңа сабыррак булырга кирәк, ди.",My driving instructor says I should be more patient.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мин инглиз теле яратмыйм.,I don't like English.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бу минем өем.,This house is mine.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Син аның әйткәнен аңлый алмый идең.,You can't have understood what he said.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Синең балаларың бармы?,Do you have children?,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том Мәринең Бостонга бару сәбәбен белмәде.,Tom doesn't know the reason why Mary went to Boston.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Чит телне шул тел туган булган кеше белән өйрәнү дигән уйны еш әйтәләр.,It's often said that best way to learn a foreign language is to learn from a native speaker.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бу кызга кырык яшь дип ышанам.,I believe she's 40 years old.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Ашыгып язылганга күрә, хатта хаталар күп иде.","Written too quickly, the letter had many mistakes.",tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ул синең турында сорады.,He asked about you.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Иртәгә шимбә, 5 февраль 2011.","Tomorrow is Saturday, February 5th, 2011.",tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бу аның аты.,That's his horse.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Бу җөмлә төрлечә шәрехләнергә мөмкин, һәм мин моны тәрҗемә иткәндә исәпкә алырга тиеш булам.",This sentence allows for multiple interpretations that I need to consider when translating.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том миңа иртәрәк килергә сүз бирде.,Tom promised me he would come early.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Барысы да тәртиптә.,Everything is in order.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Барысы да яхшы.,Everything is fine.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Барысы да ал да гөл.,Everything is all right.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мин табын җәяргә тиешменме?,Do I need to set the table?,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Бу, һичшиксез, бездә ирләрне нигездә үрчү һәм нәсел дәвам итү өчен генә тоталар дигән сүз түгел.",It most definitely doesn't mean that our men are kept primarily for breeding stock and procreation.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Алман телен өйрәнүе сәбәпле, мин аны зыялы кеше дип саныйм.",I think he is intelligent because he is learning German.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Alman telen öyränüe säbäple, min anı zıyalı keşe dip sanıym.",I find that he is intelligent because he is learning German.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бәлеш тәмле.,The cake is tasty.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Кеше ялгышсыз булмый.,People make mistakes.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Ул хатыны белән, бәлки, кирәк кадәр ызгышкалагандыр да, ләкин саклык белән аны беркайчан да кыйнамады.","He possibly argued with his wife, but certainly did not beat her.",tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Һәр мизгелдә кайдадыр нәрсәдер булып тора.,"Anything can happen anytime, anywhere.",tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тәфсилләбрәк аңлатырга минем вакытым юк.,I have no time to explain this in detail.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бу артык катлаулы.,It's very complicated.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том Австралиядә туган.,Tom is from Australia.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Аллага ышан, тик үзең кымшан.",God helps those who help themselves.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Моннан бөтен шәһәрне күрә алабыз.,We can see the whole city from here.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Яңгыр яумаса, мин дә барам.","Unless it rains, I will go, too.",tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мин моңа җитди карый алмыйм.,I can't take it seriously at all.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Җылыткычларны сүндердеңме?,Did you turn off the heater?,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Алар кемнәр?,Who are they?,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ихлас күңелдән рәхмәт.,Thank you with all my heart.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Көннең көнендә бу бүлмәдә утырганчы, беразга гына булса да бакчага чыгып, агачлар һәм чәчәкләр арасында кошлар сайравына, күбәләкләр пырылдавына һәм бөҗәкләр безелдәвенә хозурлансам, гөлчәчәкләр һәм лаләләр эчендә кояш нурларыннан яшеренгән чык тамчыларына күз салсам, кояш балкышында коенсам, миңа ни булыр иде?","What harm would it do if I were to go into the garden for a short time and enjoy myself among the trees and flowers, and the singing birds and fluttering butterflies and humming insects, and look at the dew-drops hiding from the sunbeams in the hearts of the roses and lilies, and wander about in the sunshine, instead of remaining all day in this room?",tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Tomnıñ dus dip sanala torğan keşese bar.,Tom has an imaginary friend.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Беренче эшем туристлык ширкәтендә иде, һәм ул миңа бик ошап бетмәде.","My first job was at a travel agency, and I didn't like it much.",tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Кем түли?,Who's picking up the tab?,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Ләкин хәзер, әлеге тәҗрибәне искә алганда, үземнең күп нәрсәләргә өйрәнгәнемне аңлыйм.","And now, looking back on the experience, I really learned a lot.",tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Оту мөмкинлеге 0,001 процент тәшкил итә.",The probability to win is 0.001%.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Ялгызак рейнджер атка атланды да, көнбатышка таба китеп барды.",The Lone Ranger got on his horse and rode off into the sunset.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Һиндстанга күчеп китеп яңа тормыш башлар алдыннан, Сара бөтен әйберләрен кешегә өләшеп бетерде.","When Sarah decided to move to India and start a new life, she gave away all of her belongings.",tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Politsiä belän söyläşkändä närsäder uylap çığarmawıñ häm, ğomumän, yalğanlamawıñ xäyerleräk.","When talking with the police, you shouldn't make up stories or lie.",tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мин Путиннан куркам.,I'm afraid of Putin.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Өем бар.,I have a house.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бу балык түгел.,This is not a fish.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Өстәлдә әфлисун бар.,There's an orange on the table.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ул швейцарияле.,He is Swiss.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Маймылланмасана!,Don't play the ape!,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тәмугка күнеккән оҗмахка чыдамас. Нәкъ шул сәбәпле АКШтагы рус диапорасы Дональд Трампны яклап тавыш бирде дә инде.,"For them who are used to live in hell, it is unbearable in paradise. For this reason, the Russian diaspora in the United States have voted for Donald Trump.",tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Китап киштәсендә китаплар гына бар.,There are only books on the bookshelf.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сәгать алты инде.,It's six o'clock already.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Минем бер соравым бар.,I have a question.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ишекне яп!,Lock the door!,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Минем абый Австралияда хәзер.,My brother is now in Australia.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Яңгыр ява башлады.,It has started raining.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бу илнең исеме - Россия.,This country is called Russia.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Нәрсә әйтергә теләгәнемне аңлыйсыңмы?,Do you understand what I mean?,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мин банкта эшлим.,I work for a bank.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Раштуа бәйрәме 25 декабрьдә.,Christmas is December 25th.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тәрәзәне яп!,Close the window.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Илдә табигый байлыклар күп.,The country is rich in natural resources.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ул җырлады да җырлады.,He sang and sang.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тешләрегезне чистартыгыз.,Brush your teeth.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Аның әнкәсе хаклы иде.,His mother was right.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тилермә.,Don't be silly.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Саташма.,Don't be stupid.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Радийны кем ачкан?,Who was radium discovered by?,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сиңа килешә.,It looks good on you.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Беләсеңме ни өчен? Мәчеләр аркасында.,And you know why? Because of cats.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Моның турында соңрак сөйләшербез.,We will discuss that later.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тәмәке тарту үлемгә китерә ала.,Smoking can kill.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мин сәгать бишләр тирәсендә тордым.,I got up about five.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Сез инглизчә белмисез, шулай бит?","You don't speak English, do you?",tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сезнең белән сөйләшкәндә торып басыгыз!,Stand up when I'm talking to you!,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Миңа дөресен әйткән булсагыз, ачуланмас идем хәзер.","If you had told me the truth, I would not be angry now.",tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бу язу өстәле агачтан эшләнгән.,This desk is made of wood.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Аны көтүдән мәгънә юк инде хәзер.,There is no use waiting for her any longer.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том ничек шахмат уйнарга кирәген белә.,Tom knows how to play chess.,tat_Cyrl-eng_Latn తన కళ్లజోడు అద్దాలను టామ్ వేడిగా ఉన్న సబ్బు నీళ్ళతో కడిగి గుడ్డ పై ఆరాపెట్టాడు.,"Tom washed the lenses of his glasses with warm, soapy water and dried them on a cloth.",tel_Telu-eng_Latn ఈ పుస్తకం రాముకి ఇవ్వు.,Give this book to Ramu.,tel_Telu-eng_Latn ఇదంతా నిజంగా జరిగిందా ?,Did all this really happen?,tel_Telu-eng_Latn ఆ! ఇది నిజమా?,Oh! Is it true?,tel_Telu-eng_Latn తనని ఒంటరిగా వదిలెయ్యడం మంచిది,We'd better leave her alone.,tel_Telu-eng_Latn ఎక్కడ పదాలు మాట్లాడలేవో అక్కడ సంగీతం మాట్లాడుతుంది.,"Where words fail, music speaks.",tel_Telu-eng_Latn టామ్ తన చేతులు మొహం కడుక్కున్నాడు.,Tom washed his hands and face.,tel_Telu-eng_Latn అయ్యో! పడిపోయాడా!,"Aw, has he fallen!",tel_Telu-eng_Latn ఆహా! తాజ్ మహల్ ఎంత బాగుంది!,Ah! How beautiful the Taj Mahal is!,tel_Telu-eng_Latn మేరీ ఒక నఖిలీ గుచ్ఛిీ హ్యాండ్‌బ్యాగ్ కొన్నది.,Mary bought a fake Gucci handbag.,tel_Telu-eng_Latn శభాష్! బొమ్మ బాగుంది!,"The picture is nice, well done!",tel_Telu-eng_Latn ఆ! మీరు చెప్పింది నిజమా?,Oh! Is what you said true?,tel_Telu-eng_Latn నేను నా సొంత నిర్ణయాలు తీసుకునేఅంత పెద్దవాదినయ్యాను.,I'm old enough to make my own decisions.,tel_Telu-eng_Latn ఆహా! ఈ గుడి ఎంత ప్రశాంతంగా ఉంది!,Ah! How serene is this temple!,tel_Telu-eng_Latn నా బాగ్ ఎక్కడా కనిపించుటలేదు.,My bag was nowhere to be found.,tel_Telu-eng_Latn అయ్యొ! రజు మెట్ల మీద నుంచి పడిపోయాడా!,Oh! Raju has fallen down the stairs!,tel_Telu-eng_Latn రేపు నువ్వు టామ్ ఏం చేస్తున్నారు.,What are you and Tom doing tomorrow?,tel_Telu-eng_Latn తను ఎందుకు అంత కోపంగా ఉందొ నీకు తెలుసా ?,Do you know the reason why she is so angry?,tel_Telu-eng_Latn మీకు ఎన్ని మామిడిపండ్లు కావాలి?,How many mangoes do you want?,tel_Telu-eng_Latn జంతు పదార్ధాలు మాత్రమే కొవ్వును కలిగి ఉంటాయి.,Only animal products contain cholesterol.,tel_Telu-eng_Latn శభాష్! ఈ బొమ్మ బాగా వేశావు!,Well done! You have drawn this picture nicely.,tel_Telu-eng_Latn మీరు దేని గురించి మాట్లాడారు.,What did you talk about?,tel_Telu-eng_Latn నా కంప్యూటర్ ఖరీదైనది.,My computer is expensive.,tel_Telu-eng_Latn మా నాన్న దురదర్శిని చూస్తూనే నిద్ర పోతాడు,My father often falls asleep while watching television.,tel_Telu-eng_Latn "నేనో పొరపాటు చేసాను, కావాలని కాకపోయినా.","I've made a mistake, though I didn't intend to.",tel_Telu-eng_Latn నాకు కాఫీ ఇష్టం లేదు,I dislike coffee.,tel_Telu-eng_Latn అతను ప్రతీకారం తీర్చుకున్నాడు,He took revenge.,tel_Telu-eng_Latn తను స్కూలుకు వెళ్ళే దారిలో వుంది,She was on her way to school.,tel_Telu-eng_Latn దేవుడున్నాడని జనాలు నమ్ముతారు.,People believe that god exists.,tel_Telu-eng_Latn నువ్వు నా తమ్ముడివని నాకు గుర్తొచ్చింది.,I remembered that you were my brother.,tel_Telu-eng_Latn నువ్వు ఇంకా ఎందుకు నిద్రపొవట్లేదు.,Why are you still not sleeping?,tel_Telu-eng_Latn ఇది నేను అరటిపండు తింటూ ఉండగా.,This is me eating a banana.,tel_Telu-eng_Latn నువ్వు ఈ చుట్టుపక్కల నివసిస్తున్నావా?,Do you live in this neighborhood?,tel_Telu-eng_Latn నేను ఈసారికి వదిలేస్తాను,I'll let it go this time.,tel_Telu-eng_Latn "చూపుకి వెలుపల​, మనసుకి వెలుపల​","Out of sight, out of mind.",tel_Telu-eng_Latn ఆది ఒక పార్టీ.,That's a party.,tel_Telu-eng_Latn భయపడాల్సిన కారణం ఏమీ లేదు.,There's no reason to be afraid.,tel_Telu-eng_Latn ఒక పిల్లి డెస్క్ కింద నుండి బయటకు వచ్చింది.,A cat came out from under the desk.,tel_Telu-eng_Latn మనం ఆ అవకాశం తీసుకుందాం,Let's take that chance.,tel_Telu-eng_Latn ఆవిడకి పిల్లలు లేరు,She has no children.,tel_Telu-eng_Latn అరటిపళ్ళు రుచికరంగా ఉంటాయి.,Bananas are delicious.,tel_Telu-eng_Latn నేను ఈదటం ఎంతో తొందరగా మొదలుపెడతాను.,I'll start swimming very soon.,tel_Telu-eng_Latn టామ్ గర్ల్‌ఫ్రెండ్ తనని వదిలేస్తానని బెదిరించింది.,Tom's girlfriend threatened to leave him.,tel_Telu-eng_Latn అక్కడ మంచి నీళ్లు ఉన్నాయా ?,Is there water there?,tel_Telu-eng_Latn సముద్రంలో ద్వీపాలు ఉన్నాయి.,There are islands in the sea.,tel_Telu-eng_Latn నేను బర్మీస్ భాషను నేర్చుకుంటున్నాను.,I'm learning the Burmese language.,tel_Telu-eng_Latn నాకు ఇప్పుడు మాట్లాడేంత సమయం లేదు,I don't have time to talk right now.,tel_Telu-eng_Latn మేరీ పార్టీ కోసం కొత్త డ్రెస్ కొన్నది.,Mary bought a new dress for the party.,tel_Telu-eng_Latn నువ్వు చాలా సంతోషంగా ఉన్నట్లున్నావ్,You seem very happy.,tel_Telu-eng_Latn "ఆవిడ చేతులు, కాళ్ళు పొడవుగా ఉంటాయి",Her arms and legs are long.,tel_Telu-eng_Latn నువ్వు సిగ్గు పడాల్సిన అవసరం లేదు,You have no need to be ashamed.,tel_Telu-eng_Latn మళ్ళీ ఎప్పుడు వస్తావు?,When will you next visit?,tel_Telu-eng_Latn ఇది ఒక వాక్యం కాదు.,This is not a sentence.,tel_Telu-eng_Latn నేను అంగీకరించను,I don't accept it.,tel_Telu-eng_Latn దగ్గరలో వున్న బస్ స్టాప్ ఎక్కడో కొంచెం చెప్తావా,Can you tell me where the nearest bus stop is?,tel_Telu-eng_Latn అతన్ని అక్కడ ఉండనివ్వు,Let him stay there.,tel_Telu-eng_Latn వాళ్లెవరు రాలేదు,None of them are present.,tel_Telu-eng_Latn ఈ పెన్సిళ్లు ఒకే రంగులో ఉన్నాయి,These pencils are the same color.,tel_Telu-eng_Latn నువ్వు గట్టిగా మాట్లాడాలి,You must speak in a loud voice.,tel_Telu-eng_Latn నీ కలం ఏది ?,Which is your pen?,tel_Telu-eng_Latn ఇదంతా నీ తప్పు కాదు,It's not all your fault.,tel_Telu-eng_Latn లత స్కూల్ నుండి వచ్చిందా?,Has Lata come from school?,tel_Telu-eng_Latn స్టేషన్ దగ్గర్లో వుంది,The station is nearby.,tel_Telu-eng_Latn వాళ్ళు ఒక పాట పాడతారు,They will sing a song.,tel_Telu-eng_Latn ఆ పైన ఇంకేమైనా చెప్పేది వుందా ?,Do you have anything further to say?,tel_Telu-eng_Latn ఆవిడ పిల్లిని భయపెట్టి తరిమేసింది .,She scared the cat away.,tel_Telu-eng_Latn ఈ సాక్స్ ఉతికినప్పుడు సాగవు,These socks don't stretch when you wash them.,tel_Telu-eng_Latn మనం నమ్మదగిన వాళ్ళనే పనిలోకి తీసుకోవాలి,We need to hire people we can trust.,tel_Telu-eng_Latn "ఒకటి, రెండు, ముడు, నాలుగు, ఐదు, ఆరు, ఏడు, ఎనిమిది, తొమ్మిదు, పది.","One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten.",tel_Telu-eng_Latn జిరాఫీలు ఎందుకు పాడలేవు ?,Why can't giraffes sing?,tel_Telu-eng_Latn మేము రోజుల తరబడి నిద్రపోలేదు,We haven't slept in days.,tel_Telu-eng_Latn అతడు తన చేతులకి అంటిన రక్తాన్ని కడిగేసాడు,He washed the blood off his hands.,tel_Telu-eng_Latn ఒక్క దెబ్బకి రెండు పిట్టలు,Killing two birds with one stone,tel_Telu-eng_Latn కొన్ని కుక్కలు బ్రతికే ఉన్నాయి,Some of the dogs are alive.,tel_Telu-eng_Latn ఆమె చల్ల గాలి పీల్చింది .,She breathed in the cold air.,tel_Telu-eng_Latn సమయం ఎంత అయ్యింది?,What time is it?,tel_Telu-eng_Latn నువ్వు బొద్దుగా వున్నావు,You are chubby.,tel_Telu-eng_Latn నువ్వు ఎప్పుడైనా పారిస్ వెళ్ళావా?,Have you ever been to Paris?,tel_Telu-eng_Latn నువ్వు అది చూసావా ?,Can you see that?,tel_Telu-eng_Latn ఇది చైనీసా లేక జపనీసా ? ఇది కొరియన్,"""Is this Chinese or Japanese?"" ""It's Korean.""",tel_Telu-eng_Latn నువ్వు అది చెయ్యమని నా సలహా,I suggest you do that.,tel_Telu-eng_Latn సహాయం చాలా ఆలస్యముగా వచ్చింది,Help came too late.,tel_Telu-eng_Latn అది చాలా ఆసక్తికరంగా ఉన్నట్లు ఉంది,That sounds really interesting.,tel_Telu-eng_Latn నేనెప్పుడూ జపాన్ వెళ్ళలేదు,I've never been to Japan.,tel_Telu-eng_Latn నువ్వు భోజనం ఇక్కడ ఈ గదిలో తినొచ్చు,You can eat lunch here in this room.,tel_Telu-eng_Latn నాకు ఏమీ అవసరంలేదు.,I don't need anything.,tel_Telu-eng_Latn ఈ బొమ్మ ఎలా వేశావు ?,How did you draw this picture?,tel_Telu-eng_Latn పిల్లలకి కేక్ అంటే ఇష్టం,Children are fond of cake.,tel_Telu-eng_Latn ఇంగ్లీషు బాగా మట్లాడటం కష్టం,It's difficult to speak English well.,tel_Telu-eng_Latn అతను ఆమెకి పుస్తకాల అర తయారు చేసాడు,He made her a bookshelf.,tel_Telu-eng_Latn అతడు స్త్రీలాగా వస్త్రాలను ధరించాడు.,He dressed up as a woman.,tel_Telu-eng_Latn ఆమెకి అబద్దం ఎందుకు చెప్పావు ?,Why did you lie to her?,tel_Telu-eng_Latn ఆమె ముప్పై ఏళ్ళ పాటు సంగీతం నేర్పిస్తుంది,She taught music for thirty years.,tel_Telu-eng_Latn నా పుస్తకం ఎక్కడ పెట్టావ్?,Where did you put my book?,tel_Telu-eng_Latn ఈ మొక్కకి కొన్ని కాలిన ఆకులు వున్నాయి,This plant has some burnt leaves.,tel_Telu-eng_Latn వాళ్ళు ఎక్కడ ఉన్నారో నాకు తెలియదు,I don't know where they are.,tel_Telu-eng_Latn చలనచిత్రం మొదలు అవ్వబోతుంది,The movie's about to start.,tel_Telu-eng_Latn నిన్నే కాదు నన్ను కూడా నిందించాల్సి వుంది,Not only you but I also was to blame.,tel_Telu-eng_Latn నిన్ను ఇక్కడ ఇంకా ఎక్కువ సమయం వుంచలేను,I can't keep you here any longer.,tel_Telu-eng_Latn మీరు ఎలా వున్నారు?,How are you?,tel_Telu-eng_Latn నువ్వు ఈత కొట్టడానికో లేక చేపలు పట్టడానికో వెళ్ళొచ్చు,You may go swimming or fishing.,tel_Telu-eng_Latn శుభ అంతర్జాతీయ మహిళల దినోత్సవం!,Happy International Women's Day!,tel_Telu-eng_Latn టామ్ చెసింది విని మేరీ విరుచుకుపడింది,Mary freaked out when she heard what Tom had done.,tel_Telu-eng_Latn "మేరీ నీకు అబద్దం చెప్పి వుండేది, కాని చెప్పలేదు","Mary could've lied to you, but she didn't.",tel_Telu-eng_Latn దయచేసి ఇంకొంచం కాఫీ ఇవ్వరా.,"More coffee, please.",tel_Telu-eng_Latn ఇది నన్ను చాలా బాధ పెట్టింది,This made me very sad.,tel_Telu-eng_Latn మనం తనని వదిలించుకోవాలి,We should get rid of her.,tel_Telu-eng_Latn ఆమె ఎంత పొడుగు ?,How tall is she?,tel_Telu-eng_Latn మేము వినాలని అనుకుంటున్నాం,We want to hear it.,tel_Telu-eng_Latn ఆమె బల్ల మీద కూర్చుంది .,She sat on the bench.,tel_Telu-eng_Latn వొంట్లో ఎలా వుంది,Are you feeling OK?,tel_Telu-eng_Latn అది నిజంగా అంత చెడ్డదా ?,Was it really that bad?,tel_Telu-eng_Latn ఏమైనా అవుతుందని ఇంకా భయపడుతున్నావా ?,Are you still afraid something might happen?,tel_Telu-eng_Latn ఇది చెయ్యడానికి సిద్దంగా వున్నావా,Are you prepared to do this?,tel_Telu-eng_Latn నేను అతన్ని ఎప్పుడూ చూడలేదు,I never actually saw him.,tel_Telu-eng_Latn మా అక్కకి టెన్నిసంటే పిచ్చి,My sister is crazy about tennis.,tel_Telu-eng_Latn నేనింక నీతో మాట్లాడదల్చుకోవట్లేదు,I don't want to talk to you anymore.,tel_Telu-eng_Latn నేను ఎన్ని భాషలు మట్లాడుతానని తను అడిగింది,She asked me how many languages I spoke.,tel_Telu-eng_Latn అతను నన్ను తాకాడు,He touched me.,tel_Telu-eng_Latn నువ్వు ఏం చెప్తున్నావు ?,What are you saying?,tel_Telu-eng_Latn నేను ఒక ఫోన్ చేసుకోవచ్చా ?,Can I make a phone call?,tel_Telu-eng_Latn మా నాన్న ప్రస్తుతం ఇంటి దగ్గర లేడు,My dad is not at home for the moment.,tel_Telu-eng_Latn పొగ తాగడం ఎప్పుడు ఆపేశావ్?,When did you quit smoking?,tel_Telu-eng_Latn నాకు గంట మోగటం వినపడింది,I heard the bell ring.,tel_Telu-eng_Latn నేను వచ్చే స్టాపు లో దిగుతాను,I'm getting off at the next bus stop.,tel_Telu-eng_Latn అది నా తప్పు కాదు.,It wasn't my fault.,tel_Telu-eng_Latn ఆటను చెప్పేది ఏం అర్ధం పర్థం లేకుండా ఉంది,What he says makes no sense at all.,tel_Telu-eng_Latn అతడు నాకన్నా మూడు రెట్లు ఎక్కువ సంపాదిస్తాడు,He earns three times as much as I.,tel_Telu-eng_Latn నీ పళ్ళు రోజూ తోముకో,Brush your teeth every day.,tel_Telu-eng_Latn నువ్వు మాములుగా ఏడు కు ముందే టిఫిన చెస్తావా?,Do you usually eat breakfast before seven?,tel_Telu-eng_Latn "రా, నీకు కూడా కొంచెం పెడతా","Come, I'll serve some for you.",tel_Telu-eng_Latn ఆ పిల్లవాడు ఒక చిన్న రాక్షషుడు,That kid is a little demon.,tel_Telu-eng_Latn పని దాదాపుగా అయిపోయింది,The work is almost done.,tel_Telu-eng_Latn నిన్న రాత్రికి నన్ను నిజంగా క్షమించు,I'm really sorry about last night.,tel_Telu-eng_Latn నా అంతట నేనే చేయగలిగి వుండాల్సింది,I should've been able to do that by myself.,tel_Telu-eng_Latn నువ్వు ఒక్కసారిగా రావాలి,You have to come at once.,tel_Telu-eng_Latn నువ్వు చేయగలవు,"Yes, you can.",tel_Telu-eng_Latn ఈ రోజు ఇంకా అయిపోలేదు,The day is not over yet.,tel_Telu-eng_Latn మేము అది కావాలని చేశాం,We did that deliberately.,tel_Telu-eng_Latn మధ్యాహ్నం మొత్తం లేదా ఇంకా ఎక్కువ సమయం పట్టొచ్చు,It's going to take all afternoon and maybe more.,tel_Telu-eng_Latn ఆటను ఒక గొప్ప కవే కాదు మంచి వైద్యుడు కూడా,He was a great poet as well as a doctor.,tel_Telu-eng_Latn అతను మా అబ్బాయి,He's my son.,tel_Telu-eng_Latn నా తల నొప్పిపుడుతుంది,My head hurts.,tel_Telu-eng_Latn నీకు ఎప్పుడైనా గుండెపోటు వచ్చిందా,Have you ever had a heart attack?,tel_Telu-eng_Latn నువ్వు ఎలా వస్తున్నావ్?,How are you coming?,tel_Telu-eng_Latn స్టేషన్కు ఎన్ని గంటలకు వెళ్ళాలి ?,At what time should we go to the station?,tel_Telu-eng_Latn నేను మాట్లాడటం మొదలుపెట్టాను,I began to speak.,tel_Telu-eng_Latn పసిపాప పాల కోసం ఏడుస్తుంది,The baby is crying for milk.,tel_Telu-eng_Latn ఆవిడ ఇంకా ఎక్కువ చెప్పడానికి ఒప్పుకోవట్లేదు,She refuses to say more about it.,tel_Telu-eng_Latn సాదారణంగా అది చేసేది నేనే,I'm usually the one who does that.,tel_Telu-eng_Latn ఎక్కడ నొప్పి పుడుతుందో నాకు చూపించు,Show me where it hurts you.,tel_Telu-eng_Latn అది అంత సులభం ఏం కాదు,It actually isn't that simple.,tel_Telu-eng_Latn ఇది చాలా తెలివితక్కువ ప్రశ్న,This is a pretty stupid question.,tel_Telu-eng_Latn కోపమొచ్చిందా ?,Are you mad?,tel_Telu-eng_Latn నాకు తెలుసు అతను వస్తాడు,I'm sure he will come.,tel_Telu-eng_Latn తన గుండె కొట్టుకుంటూనే ఆమె తలుపు తీసింది,"With her heart pounding, she opened the door.",tel_Telu-eng_Latn నేను జపనీస్ మాట్లాడను,I don't speak Japanese.,tel_Telu-eng_Latn నన్ను సహాయం అడగడానికి ఏం సందేహ పడొద్దు,Don't hesitate to ask me for help.,tel_Telu-eng_Latn ఆమె వైద్యురాలు కాదు,She's not a doctor.,tel_Telu-eng_Latn నేను అనుకునేది అది ఉపయోగపడదు,I think that won't help.,tel_Telu-eng_Latn అతను పెట్టేసాడు,He hung up.,tel_Telu-eng_Latn మేము ఎవరము ?,Who are we?,tel_Telu-eng_Latn నాకు తెలిసినంత మటుకు తనకింకా పెళ్లి కాలేదు.,"As far as I know, she's not yet married.",tel_Telu-eng_Latn టామ్ చాలా భయపడ్డాడు.,Tom was very scared.,tel_Telu-eng_Latn నీకు బాగోలేదని విన్నాను,I heard you were sick.,tel_Telu-eng_Latn నాకు మళ్ళా ఆకలి వేస్తుంది,I'm hungry again.,tel_Telu-eng_Latn మేము నిన్న బాస్కెట్ బాల్ ఆడాము,We played basketball yesterday.,tel_Telu-eng_Latn అది ఇక్కడ చెయ్యడానికి నాకు అనుమతి లేదు,I'm not allowed to do that here.,tel_Telu-eng_Latn నేను ఇంకేం కోల్పోతాను ?,What else I can lose?,tel_Telu-eng_Latn "అది అంత తేలిక కాదు, తెలుసా","That wasn't easy, you know.",tel_Telu-eng_Latn నాకు అది తట్టింది,I've thought of that.,tel_Telu-eng_Latn అది చాలా విలువైనది,It's very valuable.,tel_Telu-eng_Latn అతడు రాముడు.,He is Ramudu.,tel_Telu-eng_Latn నువ్వు చాల త్వరగా వచ్చావు,You've arrived very early.,tel_Telu-eng_Latn నేను కాఫీ తాగాను,I drank coffee.,tel_Telu-eng_Latn ముసలివాళ్లు నెమ్మదిగా నడుస్తారు,Old people walk slowly.,tel_Telu-eng_Latn నేను నువ్వైతే ఈరోజు అక్కడికి వెళ్ళను,I wouldn't go there today if I were you.,tel_Telu-eng_Latn తన దగ్గర రెండు పెన్సిళ్ళు వున్నాయి. ఒకటి పొడుగు ఇంకోటి పొట్టి,He has two pencils. One is long and the other one is short.,tel_Telu-eng_Latn ఆమె భయంతో తెల్లబోయింది,She was pale with fear.,tel_Telu-eng_Latn "నీకు ఏ రంగు అంటే ఇష్టం , నీలమా లేక పచ్ఛా ?","Which color do you prefer, blue or green?",tel_Telu-eng_Latn ఎవరు గెలిచారో నాకు తెలియదు,I don't know who won.,tel_Telu-eng_Latn అతను పిల్లలకి స్పానిష్ నేర్పుతున్నాడు,He is teaching Spanish to the children.,tel_Telu-eng_Latn మాకు ఫ్రెంచి అర్ధం కాదు,We don't understand French.,tel_Telu-eng_Latn నేను వాడిని నమ్మను,I don't trust that guy.,tel_Telu-eng_Latn ఏం చెయ్యాలన్నా మనకి డబ్బులు కావాలి,We need money to do anything.,tel_Telu-eng_Latn ఈ రాత్రి బయటకి వెళ్లి తిందామా ?,How about going out to eat tonight?,tel_Telu-eng_Latn నేను ఇంటికి పరిగెత్తాను,I ran home.,tel_Telu-eng_Latn ఇంకేమి మిగల్లేదు,There was nothing left.,tel_Telu-eng_Latn నువ్వు నాన్న అయినప్పుడు నీకు అర్ధం అవుతుంది,"When you're a father, you'll understand.",tel_Telu-eng_Latn భోజనం చేశావా ?,Have you finished your meal?,tel_Telu-eng_Latn నీ గది అంకె ఎంత ?,What's your room number?,tel_Telu-eng_Latn నేను చాలా జాగ్రత్తగా ఉంటాను,I'll be very careful.,tel_Telu-eng_Latn పెట్టె లో ఏముంది?,What's in the box?,tel_Telu-eng_Latn ఎమిటీ! ఇది నిజమా?,What! Is this true?,tel_Telu-eng_Latn రోజంతా కూర్చోవడం నీకు మంచిది కాదు,Sitting down all day is bad for you.,tel_Telu-eng_Latn నువ్వు ఎక్కడ ఉన్నవో అక్కడే ఉండు,You must stay where you are.,tel_Telu-eng_Latn పాప ఏడ్చింది.,The baby cried.,tel_Telu-eng_Latn నీ రోజువారీ జీవితం గురించి చెప్పు,Tell me about your daily life.,tel_Telu-eng_Latn వాళ్ళని అని ఏం లాభం లేదు,It's hard to blame them.,tel_Telu-eng_Latn రాముడు బడికి వచ్చాడు.,Ramudu came to school.,tel_Telu-eng_Latn సీత అందంగా నావ్వింది.,Sita smiled pleasantly.,tel_Telu-eng_Latn నన్ను పలకరించినందుకు కృతజ్ఞతలు.,Thank you for greeting me.,tel_Telu-eng_Latn పాప బిగ్గరగా ఏడ్చింది.,The baby cried loudly.,tel_Telu-eng_Latn తను ఇప్పుడు ఇంటి దగ్గర లేదు,She's not at home now.,tel_Telu-eng_Latn లలిత పెళ్ళికి పిలిచింది.,Lalita called us to the wedding.,tel_Telu-eng_Latn మీరు బాగున్నారా ?,Are you guys doing well?,tel_Telu-eng_Latn హోమ్‌వర్క్ చేశావా ?,Have you completed your homework?,tel_Telu-eng_Latn లత వచ్చిందా?,Has Lata come?,tel_Telu-eng_Latn గులాబీ పూసిందా?,Has the rose blossomed?,tel_Telu-eng_Latn పని పూర్తయిందా?,Is the work done?,tel_Telu-eng_Latn ఎర్ర గులాబీ పూసిందా ?,Has the red rose blossomed?,tel_Telu-eng_Latn నువ్వు ఏమి తీసుకుంటావ్?,What will you have?,tel_Telu-eng_Latn నిన్నటి హోమ్‌వర్క్ చేశావా ?,Did you do yesterday's homework?,tel_Telu-eng_Latn నేను చెప్పిన పని పూర్తయిందా?,"I asked you, ""is the work done?""",tel_Telu-eng_Latn టీ వెంటనే తీసుకురా!,Bring tea immediately!,tel_Telu-eng_Latn నన్ను ఎందుకు పిలిచావు?,Why did you call me?,tel_Telu-eng_Latn నాకు నువ్వు ఒద్దని చెప్తావని తెలుసు.,I know you're going to say no.,tel_Telu-eng_Latn సీత ఏలూరు ఎప్పుడు వెళ్తుంది?,When will Sita go to Eluru?,tel_Telu-eng_Latn మేరీ బోయ్ ఫ్రెండ్ తనని వదిలేస్తానని బెదిరించాడు.,Mary's boyfriend threatened to leave her.,tel_Telu-eng_Latn ఆ పుస్తకం వెల ఎంత ?,What is the price of that book?,tel_Telu-eng_Latn మామయ్య విజయవాడ నుంచి ఎప్పుడు వస్తారు?,When will uncle come from Vijayawada?,tel_Telu-eng_Latn ఇప్పుడు టైమ్ ఎంత ?,What is the time now?,tel_Telu-eng_Latn మేరీ ఎక్కడ ఉంది?,Where is Mary?,tel_Telu-eng_Latn "స్కూలుకి బయలుదేరే సమయం అయ్యింది, కాదా","It's high time you left for school, isn't it?",tel_Telu-eng_Latn మీ అబ్బాయి ఎక్కడ వున్నాడు ?,Where was your son?,tel_Telu-eng_Latn వేరే దారి లేదని స్పష్టంగా తెలుస్తుంది,It was apparent that there was no way out.,tel_Telu-eng_Latn రాముకి ఇవ్వు.,Give this to Ramu.,tel_Telu-eng_Latn నేనూ తప్పులు చేస్తాను,I do make mistakes.,tel_Telu-eng_Latn ఇది సయంత్రం చదువు.,Read this in the evening!,tel_Telu-eng_Latn అతను తన మాట నిలబెట్టుకోలేదు,He didn't keep his word.,tel_Telu-eng_Latn సాయంత్రం భోజనానికి మైక వస్తున్నాడు,Mike is coming to dinner this evening.,tel_Telu-eng_Latn రేపు అక్కడికి వెళ్లు!,Go there tomorrow!,tel_Telu-eng_Latn నా పని లో అడ్డు రాకు.,Don't interfere with my work.,tel_Telu-eng_Latn నువ్వు ఎందుకు తయారు కాలేదు.,Why aren't you ready?,tel_Telu-eng_Latn Nasawi ang mga magulang ko.,Both of my parents have passed away.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn "Sampu, labing-isa, labing-dalawa, labing-tatlo, labing-apat, labing-lima, labing-anim, labing-pito, labing-walo, labing-siyam, dalawampu.","Ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty.",tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Hindi papasok sa loob si Tom.,Tom won't get in.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Umupo sila sa lilim ng malaking punong iyon.,They sat in the shade of that big tree.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Maganda ka.,You are beautiful.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn "Oo, pumunta ako roon 2 o 3 beses.","Yes, I've been there a couple of times.",tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Saan ang pinakamalapit na museo?,Where's the nearest museum?,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Hindi pa rin natapos ang digmaan.,"Still, the war was not over.",tgl_Latn-eng_Latn "Pagkadating niya sa bahay, naglaro siya ng isang laro sa kompyuter.","As soon as he got home, he began to play a computer game.",tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Narinig ko na pumasa siya sa eksamen.,I heard that he passed the exam.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Ang mga anak ay kayamanan ng mahihirap.,Children are poor men's riches.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Kalilipat lamang nila rito noong isang araw.,They moved in just the other day.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Naglilibot siya nang pagkawalang diwa.,He is wandering around in a trance.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Ano bang sinasabi mo?,What are you talking about?,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn """Normal lang iyan sa Alemanya."" ""Talaga?""","""This is normal in Germany."" ""Really?""",tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Hindi ko alam paano tulungan si Tom.,I don't know how to help Tom.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Okey na ako ngayon.,I'm feeling fine now.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Nakita ko si Tom kanina.,I saw Tom a while back.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Maaaring sumabog iyan.,It might explode.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Alam niyang siya ay nagkamali.,He knows he did something wrong.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Ang tanging panahon na nakikipag-usap ka sa akin ay kapag kailangan mo ng pera.,The only time you talk to me is when you need some money.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Bagay sayo ang luntian.,Green suits you.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Sana mabili ko ang gitarang iyan.,I wish I could buy that guitar.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Ninanais kita.,I want you.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn May kaunting pera ako dito.,I have a little money with me.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Kailangan kita.,I need you.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Amin itong supot.,This is our bag.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Tinawagan ko siya kaninang umaga.,I called him this morning.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Talagang ginagalit niya ako.,He really makes me angry.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Mukha kang inip.,You look bored.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Napanaginipan kita kagabi.,I dreamt of you last night.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Taga-Maynila ako.,I am from the City of Manila.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Amin ito.,This is ours.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Pinatay ko ang konde.,I killed the count.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Walang araw at ang buhay ay imposible.,Life is impossible without the sun.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Itong diksiyonaryo ay sa kapatid ko.,This dictionary is my sister's.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Ayos ang bilyete para tatlong araw.,The ticket holds good for three days.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Medyo malayo ang estasyon.,The station is pretty far.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn May litrato sa dingding.,There is a picture on the wall.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Dapat tumigil ka nang pag-inom.,You need to stop drinking.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Ang isa'y bago't ang iba'y luma.,"One is new, the other is old.",tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Parehong oras silang dumating sa Paris.,They arrived in Paris at the same time.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Maghugas nang gamit ay mainit at masabong tubig.,"Wash with hot, sudsy water.",tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Magsayaw tayo hanggang bukang-liwayway!,Let's dance till the break of dawn!,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Hindi na ako maniniwala pa sa iba.,I can't believe anyone anymore.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Anong klaseng musika ang gusto mo?,Which kind of music do you like?,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Dalawang taon na ang nakaraan sapul nang iwanan niya ako.,It's been two years since she left me.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn "Hindi ilang librong binasa mo ang importante, kundi aling librong binasa mo.","What is important is not how many books you read, but what books you read.",tgl_Latn-eng_Latn "Pakihiram ng libro mo nga, plis.","Lend me your book, please.",tgl_Latn-eng_Latn "Kahapon ngayon ay bukas pa, pero bukas ngayon ay kahapon na.","Yesterday, today was still tomorrow, but tomorrow, today will already be yesterday.",tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Inaamin ko na mali ako.,I admit I'm wrong.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Martes ang Araw ng Kalayaan.,Tuesday is Independence Day.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Nakatanggap ako ng masamang balita mula sa bahay ngayong araw.,I got bad news from home today.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Nagbuhos si Tomas ng inumin para sa sarili niya.,Tom poured himself a drink.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn "Suot niya ang sapatos, ngunit hindi niya suot ang medyas.",He wears shoes but wears no socks.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Bawal magdikit ng papel sa pader.,It's not allowed to paste paper on the wall.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Mukha kang tanga.,You look stupid.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Magkakaroon siya ng sanggol sa darating na buwan.,She will have a baby next month.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Tapos ko nang gawin ang lahat ng aking takdang-aralin at nais kong magpahinga nang saglit.,I have done all of my homework and I'd like to take a short break.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Bumili ka ng ilang tokwa pabalik mo sa bahay.,Buy some tofu on your way home.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Iniisip kong mag-abroad sa darating na taon.,I am thinking of going abroad next year.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn "Ayon sa kanya, hindi siya pupunta rito.","He is not coming, according to her.",tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Sumakay si Tom sa kotse at umalis na sila.,Tom got in the car and they drove off.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Ipahihiram ko ito sa iyo.,I'll lend it to you.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Sobrang hina niya sa matematika.,He is terrible at math.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Ganoon ba ang gusto mo?,Is that the way you want it?,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Mas malinaw ang paningin mo kaysa sa akin.,You have better sight than me.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn """Pwede ko bang makita ang tiket mo?"" ""Oo. Eto.""","""Can I see your ticket?"" ""Yes. Here it is.""",tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Nakuha niya ang kanyang hiling sa wakas.,He finally got his wish.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Anong hindi pumapatay sa iyo ay siyang nagpapalakas sa iyo.,What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Gusto mong magtrabaho sa METRO?!,You want to work at METRO?!,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Pumapasok sa paaralan si Hiromi ng limang araw sa isang buwan.,Hiromi goes to school five days a week.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Nakita ko siya.,I saw him.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Malamig.,It is cold.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Hindi kinailangang pintahin ni Tom ang bakod. Iyon ay inalis nila isang linggo pagkatapos niyang pintahin.,Tom didn't need to paint the fence. They tore it down a week after he painted it.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Ano ang iyong katutubong wika?,What is your native language?,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Gusto naming bumoto.,We want to vote.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Nag-aaral ka ba?,Are you studying?,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Walang mga demonyo sa daigdig na ito.,There are no devils in this world.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Nagbibiro lang ako.,I'm just joking.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Nagbayad na ako sa iyo.,I've already paid you.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Ang pangarap ko'y nasa Hapon ako.,I dream of being in Japan.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Takot sila sa iyo.,They feared you.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Magsimula na tayo.,Let's start right away.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn May dalawang anak na babae sila.,They have two daughters.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Nagpagupit ako ng buhok.,I got my hair cut.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Namamalengke ako bawat umaga.,I go shopping every morning.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Anong klaseng bahay ang tinitirhan ni Tomas?,What kind of house does Tom live in?,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Ang tao'y banal para sa tao.,Man is something sacred for man.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Bago itong libro.,This book's new.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Huwag sobra.,Don't overdo it.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Namula ang mukha ni Tom.,Tom turned red.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Nasa kulimlim ng teorya niya ang ideya.,The idea underlies his theory.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn May kakayahang magsalita ang tao.,Man has the ability to speak.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Parang hindi umaandar.,It doesn't seem to work.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Nakapagsulat ka na ba ng libro?,Have you written a book?,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Wala akong alam kundi iyon.,Beyond this I know nothing.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Gusto kong magtrabaho sa kapetirya.,I'd like to work at the cafeteria.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn May oras na magsalita at oras na tumahimik.,There is a time to speak and a time to be silent.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Magtuturo ba ng Ingles si Ginoong Oka?,Will Mr Oka teach English?,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Palagi kang kumakanta.,You always sing.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Lumipad ang uwak.,The crow flew away.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn "Kung mamatay man ang araw, lahat ng buhay ay mamatay.","If the sun were to go out, all living things would die.",tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Palaging natatalo si Tom.,Tom always loses.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Pigilin ninyo ang pagsasalita sa sarili ninyo't makinig!,Stop talking with each other and listen!,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Hindi si Juan yung tao noong nakalipas na tatlong taon.,John is not the man he was three years ago.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Tatawagin ko sila bukas pagkabalik ko.,I'll call them tomorrow when I come back.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Di-kailanman kita iiwanan.,I'll never leave you.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Dapat matulog ka na.,You should sleep.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Marunong akong lumangoy.,I can swim.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Yung ulap ay anyong isda.,That cloud is in the shape of a fish.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Pahiramin mo ba ako ng steypler?,Will you please lend me a stapler?,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Nakatakas ang unggoy.,The monkey got away.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn May dalawang kotse siya.,He has two cars.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Saan mo nakita ang mga babaeng iyon?,Where did you see those women?,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Kailangan ko ng isang kutsilyo.,I need a knife.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn "Sa edad mong iyan, dapat mas maalam ka.",At your age you should know better.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Siya ay kasal na at may dalawang anak.,He is married with two children.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Nakatira siya sa kabila ng daan.,He lives just across the road.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Hindi ka estudyante.,You are not a student.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Nagtulungan sila sa kanilang homework.,They helped one another with their homework.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Kay gandang manika!,What a lovely doll!,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Pinagmamalaki ng mga trabahador ang kanilang trabaho.,The workers were proud of their work.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Talagang sira-ulo ang kaibigan ko. Huwag mong pansinin.,My friend is completely crazy. Don't pay attention to him.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Pinagaling ng araw ang kanyang kulay.,The sunshine improved his color.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Wala siya sa bahay ngayon.,She's not at home now.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Sarado ang erport dahil sa ulap na hamog.,The airport was closed because of the fog.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Hindì ko 'yún kasalanan.,It wasn't my fault.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Ang pinakamahalagang organo ng sex ay ang utak.,The most important sex organ is the brain.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Tanghali na.,It is midday.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Ganito ang paggamit ng makina.,The machine is used in this way.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn "Ako rin, gusto ko ng damit na iyan.",I want that shirt too.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn "Biniro niya siya, ngunit hindi siya tumawa.","She told him a joke, but he didn't laugh.",tgl_Latn-eng_Latn "Noong isang buwan, pumunta kami sa Maynila.",Last month we went to Manila.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Hindi ko hinihingi ang kanilang mga opinyon.,I'm not asking for their opinion.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Ang pagong ay walang ngipin.,Turtles don't have teeth.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Ginagamit ko ang aking guni-guni.,I used my imagination.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Napanggabi kami sa kubo sa bundok.,We spent a night at the mountain hut.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Ano po ang pangalan ng kalye?,"What's the name of this street, please?",tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Nangibang bansa ka na ba?,Have you ever been abroad?,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Namumuhay nang sa harmoniya sa kalikasan ang mga tagaroon sa nayong iyon.,The people of this village live in harmony with nature.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Ako ay matandang-matanda na para magpunta sa Alemanya.,I'm too old to go to Germany.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Kakailanganin kong kanselahin ang aking tagpuan.,I'm going to have to cancel my appointment.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Wala siya sa bahay.,He's not at home.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Sinaksak ni Mary si Tom.,Mary stabbed Tom.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Bakit ka nandiyan?,Why are you there?,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Dumating ako sa Tsina.,I arrived in China.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Ayaw mo bang sumagot?,Do you not want to respond?,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Hindi ko alam kung kailan yun magaganap.,I don't know when that's going to happen.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Hindi ko alam kung kailan uuwi si Tom.,I don't know when Tom will come home.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Hindi ko alam kung kailan babalik si Tom.,I don't know when Tom will be back.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Hindi ko alam kung kailan kita matutulungan.,I don't know when I'll be able to help you.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn May mali sa calculator na ito.,Something is wrong with this calculator.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn HIndi ko alam kung kailan mapapalaya ang mga bilanggo.,I don't know when the prisoners will be released.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn HIndi ko alam kung kailan ako makakabalik sa Boston.,I don't know when I'll be able to get back to Boston.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn "Hindi ko alam kung kailan nagpakasal si Tom, pero alam ko na nagpakasal siya.","I don't know when Tom got married, but I do know he got married.",tgl_Latn-eng_Latn "Kung magbasa ako ng isang libong librong Ingles, magiging matatas ba ako roon?","If I read a thousand books in English, will I become fluent in it?",tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Pumayat ka ba?,Did you lose weight?,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Sobrang nilalamig ang aking mga paa.,My feet are freezing.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Sumusuko ako.,I give up.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Tinuturuan ako magluto ng aking tatay.,My dad is teaching me how to cook.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Kailangan ko ng salamin para magbasa.,I need glasses to read.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Pinatay ni Betty ang kanyang sariling ina.,Betty killed her own mother.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Pagupit ka na ng buhok.,You should get your hair cut.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn "Sa bahay, lagi siyang nagbabasa nang nakahiga.","At home, he always read lying down.",tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Iyon ay aking ginawa para lamang sa ikabubuti mo.,I only did it for your own good.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn """Gusto mo bang magtrabaho?"" ""Hindi.""","""Do you want to work?"" ""No.""",tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Nabangga ang kotse ko sa isang motorsiklo.,My car collided wih a motorbike.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Hindi siya pumunta sa lawa.,She didn't go to the lake.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Wala akong paraan para malaman.,I have no way to know.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn May bangko bang malapit dito?,Is there a bank near here?,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Si Mike ay may isang kaibigang naninirahan sa Chicago.,Mike has a friend who lives in Chicago.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Mayroon kang limang minuto para makapagbihis at bumaba.,You have five minutes to get dressed and come downstairs.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Anong sinabi nila?,What did they say?,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Siya ay hindi gutom.,He isn't hungry.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn "Kahit gustuhin ko, hindi ko kayang gawin iyon.","Even if I wanted to, I couldn't do that.",tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Nabubo mo ang iyong kape.,You've spilled your coffee.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Ito ang aking paboritong larawan.,This photo is my favorite.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Nag-aaway ang aking mga magulang.,My parents are quarreling.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Dapat maayos ang kuwarto mo nang kaya mong maayos.,Keep your room as neat as you can.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Ang aking paboritong kulay ay bughaw.,My favorite color is blue.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Magpahinga tayo sa maaninong lugar.,Let's take a rest in the shade.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Bakit siya ay napakasikat?,Why is he so popular?,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Hindi na importante.,It doesn't matter anymore.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Ang aking utang ay malaki.,I owe a lot of money.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Bibilhin ko sana kapag hindi masyadong mahal.,I would buy it if it weren't so expensive.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Kailangang sumunod sa mga patakaran.,One must observe the rules.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Si Tom ay bumili ng dalawang kopya ng aklat na iyon.,Tom bought two copies of the book.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Iniwan ko ang relo ko sa bahay.,I've left my watch at home.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Hindi siya masaya sa lahat ng kanyang tagumpay.,He did not feel happy for all his success.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Siya ay nakatira sa Nueva York.,She lives in New York.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Kailangan kong pakainin ang aking pusa.,I have to feed my cat.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Nasa kusina.,It's in the kitchen.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Hindi siya pwedeng bumili ng isang kotse.,He isn't able to buy a car.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Saan siya pumunta?,Where has she gone?,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Sirain mo ang nakakasira sa iyo.,Destroy what destroys you.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Ginawa ko ang lahat ng trabaho.,I did all the work.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Sumang-ayon siya sa aking ideya.,She agreed with my idea.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn May ginagawa ako ngayon.,I'm busy right now.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Talagang mura.,It was really cheap.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Masaya siya sa bagong bestida.,She was happy with the new dress.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Tinulungan ninyo ako at gusto ko rin kayong tulungan.,You've helped me and I also want to help you.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Maraming mali itong databeys.,This database contains many errors.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Gusto ko ang nasa bahay para magtrabaho ako sa aking istorya.,"I like to be home, that way I can work on my story.",tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Sarhan mo ang mga mata mo nang tatlong minuto.,Close your eyes for three minutes.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn May golpkors bang malapit dito?,Is there a golf course near here?,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Talagang nangangamoy pabango ang mga bulaklak.,The flowers give off a very pleasant perfume.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn """Tumahimik, Mie,"" sabi ng nanay.","""Be quiet Mie,"" said Mother.",tgl_Latn-eng_Latn "Talagang kyut si Nancy, di ba?","Nancy is very cute, isn't she?",tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Sarado ang tindahan ngayon.,The shop is closed today.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Sa tiyo ko yung bahay na pula ang bubong.,That red-roofed house is my uncle's.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Ako'y dalub-agham sa kompyuter.,I'm a computer scientist.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn May itlog kami.,We have eggs.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn "Para maging dalub-agham, nag-aral siya nang mabuti.",He studied very hard to become a scientist.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Magkamukha ang lahat niyong bulaklak.,All those flowers look alike.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn "Tumulog ka nang konti, ayos ba?","Get some sleep, okay?",tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Di ko siya nakita.,I didn't see her.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Magkakapareho ang edad nila.,They are the same age.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Anong pakiramdam mo na?,How do you feel now?,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Hindi alam ni Tom kung sasama sa kanya si Maria bukas o hindi.,Tom doesn't know if Mary will go with him tomorrow or not.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Nandito na sila.,They're already here.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Si Tom ay nagtuturo ng Pranses sa Boston.,Tom teaches French in Boston.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Si Tom ay isang Muslim.,Tom is a Muslim.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Nanamit-babae siya.,He dressed up as a woman.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Interesado ka ba sa mga bulaklak?,Are you interested in flowers?,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn "Nang hindi dahil sa hangin at tubig, walang maaaring mabuhay.","If it were not for air and water, nothing could live.",tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Nabasa siya sa baywang hanggang tuhod.,He got wet from the waist to the knees.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Talagang malayo ang hula mo.,You're wide of the mark.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Anong oras ka nanananghalian?,What time do you usually have lunch?,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Ang pula ng itlog ay isa sa mga pangunahing pinagkukunan ng bitamina A.,Egg yolk is one of the major sources of vitamin A.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Bakit mo ba ako sinasaktan nang husto?,Why do you hurt me so much?,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Ano iyang sa kamay mo?,What's that in your hand?,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Sumulat sa akin si Jim nakalipas na linggo at sinabi niya na siya ay bumalik may dalawang buwan na.,Jim wrote to me last week and said he had come back two months before.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Gusto kitang makalaro ng tenis balang araw.,I'd like to play tennis with you some day.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Ikaw ay may isang magandang ideya.,You've got a good idea.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Wala ka nang hahanapin pa habang nabubuhay ako.,You'll want for nothing while I am alive.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Ano ang hinahanap mo?,What are you looking for?,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Siya'y umiinom ng isang baso ng tubig kada umaga.,He drinks a glass of water every morning.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn "Mahal kita, Tom.","I love you, Tom.",tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Sigurado ka bang ayaw mong gawin iyon?,Are you sure you don't want to do that?,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Nasaan ang museo?,Where's the museum?,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Kaylaking aso!,What a big dog!,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Iniligtas niya ako.,It saved me.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Sumusulat siya sa kanyang mga magulang isang beses sa isang buwan.,He writes to his parents once a month.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Mayroon akong pakiramdam na may mangyayari.,I've got a feeling that something is about to happen.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Narinig mo na ba ang musikang iyan sa gitara?,Have you ever heard that music played on the guitar?,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Salamat sa hapunan.,Thanks for the dinner.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Ang mga batang babaeng iyon ba ay nakapaldang puti?,Do those girls wear white skirts?,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Alam mo ba kung paano ang buhay natin na walang kuryente?,Can you imagine what our life would be like without electricity?,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Huminto na ang tatay sa paninigarilyo.,My father quit smoking.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Si Roger ay nagtatrabaho mula umaga hanggang gabi.,Roger works from morning till night.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Gusto niyang makita siya muli.,She wants to meet him again.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Nawa'y matalo mo ang lahat ng ating mga kaaway.,May you defeat all our enemies.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Kumakain ng kahoy ang mga anay.,Termites eat wood.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Sinabi ba nila kung paano?,Did they say how?,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn "Kung hindi dahil sa araw, walang mabubuhay.","If it were not for the sun, nothing could live.",tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Tatawagan kita pagkarating ko sa istasyon.,"On my arrival at the station, I will call you.",tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Kahit kailan hindi kami sasang-ayon.,We will never agree.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Alam mo ba kung kanino ang kotseng iyan?,Do you know whose is this car here?,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Gusto kitang makasama.,I want to be with you.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Mahal ko ang aking asawa.,I love my wife.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Pagtuturo ng ingles ang kanyang propesyon.,Teaching English is his profession.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Ay! Sira ang aking kompyuter!,Aaah!! My computer is broken!,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Narito ang pagbigkas:,Here is the pronunciation:,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Pinakita sa amin ng profesora kung paano gamitin ang kompyuter.,The teacher showed us how to use a computer.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Natatandaan niyo ba kailan kayong unang kumain sa restawran na ito?,Can you remember the first time you ate at this restaurant?,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Gusto kong pumunta sa Estados Unidos balang araw.,I want to go to America some day.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Ang tatay ko ay nasa ospital ngayon.,My father is in the hospital now.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Maaaring basahin ang ruler na ito gamit ang dalawang paraan na magkakaiba.,This rule can be read in two different ways.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Anong gusto niyong gawin bukas?,What do you want to do tomorrow?,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Mahal ko siya.,I love him.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Marami akong kaibigan.,I have many friends.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Mga karpintero ang tatay at kapatid kong babae.,My father and sister are carpenters.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Huwag na huwag kayong maglaro sa daan.,Never play on the road.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Hindi ako ang nanay ni Tom.,I'm not Tom's mother.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Anong klaseng mga rekwerdo ang tinatago mo para sa kabataan mo?,What memories do you have of your youth?,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Alam na niya ngayon kung ano ang ibig kong sabihin.,Now she understands what I mean.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Nakahanap ka ng isang mabait na lalaki.,You've found a good man.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Hindi nagkaroon ng pinsala ang aming barko sa labanan.,Our ship wasn't damaged in the battle.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Ito ang lugar kung saan naganap ang labanan.,This is the place where the battle took place.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Itim ang pusa.,The cat is black.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Kinakabahan siya sa resulta ng kanyang eksamen.,He's anxious about his examination result.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Ang kadiliman ay ang kawalan ng ilaw.,Darkness is the absence of light.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Mabagal siyang tumakbo.,She is a slow runner.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Makamandag ang ahas na iyon.,That snake is poisonous.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn May aso siya.,He has a dog.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Nagpraktis ka ba ng harp nitong umaga?,Did you practise the harp this morning?,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Ang mga sapatos na ito ay hindi angkop para gamitin sa pagtatakbo.,These shoes are not suitable for running.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Mabaho ang hininga ni Tom.,Tom has bad breath.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn May isdang lumilipad.,Some fish fly.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Naubusan siya ng pera.,He ran out of money.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn "May sakit siya, kaya matahimik sila.","He was ill, and so they were quiet.",tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Huwag kalimutan na ang pananagarilyo'y masama sa iyong kalusugan.,Don't forget that smoking is dangerous to your health.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Pumili ka ng isang tao.,Please choose one person.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Di mabibili ang kaligayahan.,Happiness can't be bought.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Sira-ulo ang mga ideya niya.,His ideas are crazy.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn "Kung minsan, pumigil tayo para mag-isip.",We should sometimes pause to think.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Ilang aklat ang binasa mo?,How many books did you read?,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Hinding-hindi gagawin ng isang Hapon ang ganyang bagay.,A Japanese would never do such a thing.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Inaamoy ni Mary ang mga bulaklak.,Mary is smelling the flowers.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Hindi akong pwede kumain ng karne.,I can't eat meat.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn May isang bahay sa Italya ang tito ko.,My uncle has a house in Italy.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Siguro siya'y mali.,Perhaps she is mistaken.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Bababa ang mga presyo.,The prices will come down.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Sabay silang nag-umpisa.,They started at the same time.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Nahulog ang unggoy mula sa puno.,The monkey fell from the tree.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Bahala na siya.,Let's leave it up to him.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Ang mga magulang ko ay nagmamahalan.,Both of my parents love each other.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn May nakita akong isang itim na pusang tumako paloob ng bahay.,I saw a black cat run into the house.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Gumawa ng maraming mali si Tom.,Tom made many mistakes.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Ang pagkakatuklas sa kuryente ay nagbago sa ating kasaysayan.,The discovery of electricity changed our history.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Huwag kang magsinungaling sa akin.,Don't lie to me.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Ako ay naninigarilyo mula ako'y labing-siyam na taong gulang.,I have been smoking since I was nineteen.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Isa sa mga pangunahing produkto ng bansang ito ay ang kape.,One of the main products of this country is coffee.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Kailan ka dumating sa bahay?,When did you get home?,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Papalitan ko.,I'll change it.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Bibili ako ng kamera para sa anak kong babae.,I'm going to buy a camera for my daughter.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Sobrang gusto ko ang tunog ng kanyang pangalan.,I love the sound of his name.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Ano ang kahulugan ng salitang ito?,What is the meaning of this word?,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Dalawang tao ang nagsasabing nakarinig sila ng isang putok.,Two people say they heard a gunshot.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Masaya ka ba sa bigat mo?,Are you happy with your weight?,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Ako ay nagtataka bakit niya nagawa iyon.,I wonder why he did that.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Nakilala ko siya sa isang tingin.,I recognized her at first glance.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Nakatulog ba ako?,Did I fall asleep?,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Huwag tumapak sa damuhan!,Keep off the grass!,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Kulang ang pera ko ngayon.,I'm short of cash at the moment.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Natatakot akong umalis.,I am afraid to go.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Ang mga preso ay pinalaya ng gobernador.,The governor set the prisoners free.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Susulat ako ng isang pangungusap sa wikang Aleman.,I'm going to write a sentence in German.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Hindi ko maakyat ang bundok na ito.,I cannot climb this mountain.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Bata ka pa.,You're still young.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Siya ay nasa telepono.,He's talking on the telephone.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Alam ni Mac kung paano gamitin ang kompyuter na ito.,Mac knows how to use this computer.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Si Jim ay may sombrerong puti sa ulo.,Jim has a white hat on his head.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Hindi ko alam paano magpasalamat.,I don't know how to express my thanks.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Ipaalam mo sa akin kung saan ka mananatili.,Let me know where you're staying.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Hindi mo kailangang gawin iyan ngayon mismo.,You don't have to do it immediately.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Ingat! Paririto ang kotse.,Look out! There's a car coming.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Ako ay may kapayapaan sa bahay.,I have peace at home.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn "Tungkol sa arte, sang-ayon tayo.",Our tastes in art agree.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Nagdesisyon siyang maging doktor.,He made up his mind to be a doctor.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Hinding-hindi siya umiinom ng gamot para sa sipon.,He never takes medicine for his cold.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Naniniwala akong isa siyang mabuting tao.,I believe he is a nice guy.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn "Isang maliit na dahilan, isang malaking epekto.","Small cause, great effect.",tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Siya ay nagtuturo sa amin ng wikang Ingles.,He teaches us English.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn """May bangkay sa sala?"" ""Wala, wala ni isang bangkay doon.""","""Was there a dead body in the room?"" ""No, there was no body there.""",tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Sinulyapan ni Tom ang relo niya.,Tom glanced at his watch.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Takot ako sa mga lindol.,I'm afraid of earthquakes.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Nakasakay ako sa eroplano limang minutos bago ito lumipad.,I got to my plane five minutes before takeoff.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn May apat na silya malapit sa mesa.,There were four chairs by the table.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Pinilit ni Mary na magdala ng payong ang kanyang anak na lalaki.,Mary urged her son to take an umbrella.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Ipinaghanda kami ni nanay ng tanghalian.,Mother prepared us lunch.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Takot ako sa mga mababangis na hayop.,I'm scared of wild animals.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn "Ay, oo, naaalala ko.","Oh, yes, I remember.",tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Madalas pumunta sa Boston si Tom.,Tom often goes to Boston.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn "Para gumawa ng isang keyk, kailangan mong gumamit ng itlog, mantikilya at asukal.","In making a cake, you must use eggs, butter and sugar.",tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Nakita ko siya sa sinehan.,I saw her in the theatre.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Narinig ko na wala na sina Carol at Will.,I heard that Carol and Will have split up.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Nasa bahay si Tom?,Is Tom home?,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Ang sanggol ay natutulog.,The baby is sleeping.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Ang aga aga nilang dumating.,They arrived too soon.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Umalis si Tom kaninang alas kuwatro ng umaga.,Tom left at four in the morning.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Anong ginagawa mo?,What do you make?,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Sinulat niya ang librong tungkol sa kanyang mga abentura sa gubat.,He wrote a book about his adventures in the jungle.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Walang may alam sa kanyang katalinuan sa literatura.,No one was aware of her literary talent.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Wala akong oras na ipaliwanag ito nang detalye.,I have no time to explain this in detail.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn "Bumalik ka dito, duwag.","Come back here, you coward.",tgl_Latn-eng_Latn """Napakahina ng aking mga ngipin para sa mansanas,"" ang sabi ng batang lalaki.","""My teeth are too weak for apples,"" said the boy.",tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Sagutin mo ako kapag kinakausap kita.,Please answer me when I speak to you.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Hindi si Tom ang gumawa noon.,Tom didn't do that.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Ano ang pangalan mo?,What is your name?,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Ang swerte! Walang nabasag.,How lucky! There's nothing broken.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Ngayon matagal nang patay ang mga dinosawro.,Dinosaurs are now extinct.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn May magagandang arkitektura ang mga dayuhang bansa.,Foreign countries have beautiful architecture.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Sinungaling si Tom.,Tom's a liar.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Anong oras na po?,What time is it?,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Ang malaking karamihan ng mga Amerikano'y alam ang Ingles nang katamtamang baytang lamang.,The vast majority of North Americans know English only at a mediocre level.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Pumasok siya sa silid na nakatanggal ang sombrero.,He came into the room with his hat off.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Kumulimlim na.,It was getting dark.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Pinagmamalaki niyang magaling siyang magluto.,She boasts that she's good at cooking.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Naiintindihan mo ba anong ibig kong sabihin?,Do you understand what I mean?,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Gusto ko sanang pumunta sa concert.,I wanted to go to the concert.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn """Nasaan si Romeo?"" ""Naroon! Sa libingan!""","""Where is Romeo?"" ""This way! To the tomb!""",tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Gusto mo ng isa pang tasang kape?,Would you like another cup of coffee?,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Hindi ito mga salita.,These are not words.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn "Isang basong tubig nga, iha.","A glass of water, please.",tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Di alam ni Tomas kung paano igastos ang kanyang pera. Meron siyang konti.,Tom doesn't know what to do with his money. He has so much of it.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn May bulok na ngipin siya.,She has a decayed tooth.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Babalik kami muli.,We're going to come again.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Talagang mahal ang biyahe.,The trip was very expensive.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Nagpakuha ng retrato si Tom.,Tom had his picture taken.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Hindì ito pangungusap.,This is not a sentence.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn "Sa susunod na buwan, papuntang Hokkaido akong kasama ang kaibigan ko.",I'll go to Hokkaido next month with my friend.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn "Kung minsan, paramdam kong pagod nang maglakad.",Sometimes I feel tired of walking.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Limang taon na mula nung huli kitang makita.,It's been five years since I last saw you.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Sinunog ang otel.,The hotel was burned down.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Sana mayaman ako.,I wish I were rich.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Isang magandang lawa'y nasa dako paroon ng gubat.,A beautiful lake lay just beyond the forest.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn "Dahil parang buhangin lamang ang mga bituwin, takot ang babae sa astronomiya.","Because stars are only like grains of sand, women are hesitant about astronomy.",tgl_Latn-eng_Latn "Nang lumipas na taon, nakinig ako sa radyo.",Last year I listened to radio.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Di alam ng babae na talagang malawak ang Sansinukob at talagang maliit siya roon.,The woman did not know that the Universe is really vast and she is but a small part of it.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Ang agham ay hindi pantasya.,Science is not fantasy.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Hindi umiibo ang kompyuter ni Tomas.,Tom's computer is not responding.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn "Hindi na, salamat. Busog na ako.","No, thank you. I'm so full.",tgl_Latn-eng_Latn "Nang nagbabasa ako ng aklat, tumunog ang telepono.","When I was reading a book, the telephone rang.",tgl_Latn-eng_Latn "Talagang magaling kang mag-ingles. Sige, mag-ingles ka!","You sure are good at English. Go ahead, speak in English!",tgl_Latn-eng_Latn May bulaklak siya sa kamay niya.,She has a flower in her hand.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Gusto mong magsine ngayong gabi?,Would you like to go to a movie tonight?,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Numiningning ang isang bituwin sa oras ng ating pagkikita.,A star shines on the hour of our meeting.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Hindi na niya matiis.,He couldn't take it any longer.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Masaya ako at nalaman kong nasa mabuti siyang kalagayan.,I'm happy to know she's well.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Nagsasalin ako ng mga pangungusap sa Tatoeba kapag libre ako.,I translate sentences on Tatoeba in my spare time.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Pagkalabas ng dalawa mula sa simbahan tumunog ang kampana.,The bells chimed as the couple left the church.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Hindi na naninigarilyo si Tom.,Tom doesn't smoke anymore.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Nakahuli ako ng malaking isda kahapon.,I caught a big fish yesterday.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Maraming tao nakapila sa linyang yan.,There went a lot of people in the line.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Tahimik siya buong araw.,He kept silent all day.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Kung di tayo mamamadali hindi natin maabutan ang huling tren.,"If you don't hurry, you'll miss the last train.",tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Mas mabigat siya kaysa sa akin ng sampung kilo.,He weighs 10 kilograms more than I do.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Sinisipon daw si Tom.,It is said that Tom has a cold.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Sandali lang. Di nakasintas ang sapatos mo.,Wait a second. My shoe is untied.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Kailangan ko ng bagong bisikleta.,I need a new bicycle.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn May pera ako pambili lang niyan.,I have enough money to buy it.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Marunong kang magmaneho ng sasakyan?,Can you drive a car?,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Maaari ba akong humingi ng pabor sa iyo?,Could I ask you a favor?,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Kababalik ko lamang galing sa eskuwela.,I just got back from school.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Ang Tiyera'y mas maliit kaysa sa Araw.,The Earth is smaller than the Sun.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Nag-isa ako sa silid ng klase.,I was alone in the classroom.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Gusto mo kitang magsayaw?,Would you like to dance with me?,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn May diyaryo ang batang lalaki.,The boy has a newspaper.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Huwag ninyo akong iwanan!,Don't leave me behind!,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Malugod sila sa sitwasyong ganoon.,They are content with things as they are.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn May mansanas sa ilalim ng pupitre.,There is an apple under the desk.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Nakakatakot talaga ang daigdig sa labas.,The world outside is very scary.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Sige't magsalita.,Go ahead and talk.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Gusto kong kumain ng isteyk.,I want to eat steak.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Matapang siya.,He is a daredevil.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Gusto kong maging mayaman.,I want to be rich.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Basta tingnan ako.,Just watch me.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Halika dito. May ipapakita ako sa iyo.,Come here. I want to show you something.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Binanggit niya ang pangalan mo sa akin.,He mentioned your name to me.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Gusto kong sabihin sa iyo.,I wanted to tell you.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Basa ang tuwalya.,The towel is wet.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Pinangako kong hindi ako magsasabi sa kanya.,I promised not to tell him.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Meron kayong magasing Hapon?,Do you have any Japanese magazines?,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Wala kang pakialam doon.,It's none of your business.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Nilalagyan ni Tomas ng masyadong asukal ang kanyang tsa.,Tom puts too much sugar in his tea.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Kakaunti ang tao sa dalampasigan.,There were few people on the beach.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Handa na ba kayong pasimulan ang inyong biyahe?,Are you ready to start your journey?,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Byuda ang isang babaeng namatayan ng asawa.,A woman whose husband has died is a widow.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Gusto kong puntahan ang kung saan man ka pupunta.,I want to go wherever you're going.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Mauna ako.,I'll go first.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Nasa iyo na iyon.,I'll leave it up to you.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Bughaw ang mata ko.,My eyes are blue.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Magdala ka ng isang balde ng mansanas.,Bring a bucket of apples.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Baka lumabas ako kung tumila na ang ulan.,I may go out if the rain lets up.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Hindi naiintindihan ni Tom kung anong gustong sabihin ni Mary.,Tom doesn't understand what Mary is trying to say.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Eksaktong ito ang hinahanap ko.,This is exactly what I've been looking for.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Ginitla niya siya.,She startled him.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn "Kung minsan, hindi ko siya maintindihan.",I don't understand him sometimes.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Sabihin mo sa akin ang totoo.,Tell me the truth.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Papuntang Paris ako sa otonyo.,I'm going to Paris in the fall.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Masaya ka ba?,Are you happy?,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Hindi malutas ng agham ang lahat ng problema sa buhay.,Science has not solved all the problems of life.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn "Oo, talagang gusto ko.","Yes, I like it very much.",tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Halos walang naniwala sa kanya.,Almost no one believed him.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Doktor ba siya?,Is he a doctor?,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Palabiro talaga siya.,He is really clever.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn "Kung masira ang makina, responsable ka.","If the machine is damaged, you are responsible.",tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Magkakaiba ang kanilang mga opinyon.,He differs in opinion from her.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Binigay niya sa akin ang sulat at umalis.,He handed me the letter and left.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Kita sa mukha niya na nainis siya.,His face showed that he was annoyed.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Kagaya kita noon.,I used to be like you.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Palamigin mo muna ang pagkain mo; huwag mong kainin nang mainit.,Let your food cool off a bit; don't eat it while it's hot.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Ang hardinero ang mamamatay-tao.,The gardener was the murderer.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Bawal manigarilyo dito.,Smoking is not permitted here.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Akin ito.,That belongs to me.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Uhaw ako.,I am thirsty.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Totoo iyan.,This is true.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn May kumakatok sa inyong pinto.,Somebody's knocking at your door.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn "Hindi ko alam kailan, pero magaganap iyan balang araw.","I don't know when, but it'll happen someday.",tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Daytoy ti kapintasan a kamera iti pagtagilakuan.,This is the best camera in the store.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Gusto ko rin itong kulay.,I like this color as well.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Pupunta ako sa Europa sa susunod na linggo.,I'm going to Europe next week.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Kailangan niya ng isang tasa ng asukal.,He needs a cup of sugar.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Nakikita ko sa mata mo.,I can see it in your eyes.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Paano iyan napunta rito?,How did it get here?,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Kailangan nating magbasa ng kahit isang aklat kada buwan.,We should read one book a month at least.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Hilig ko ang pangongolekta ng mga lumang laruan.,My hobby is to collect old toys.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Walang maniniwala sa tsismis na iyan.,Nobody will believe that rumor.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn "Dahil ikaw ay nagsisisi, patatawarin kita.","As you are sorry, I'll forgive you.",tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Hindi ko siya sinisisi dahil diyan.,I don't blame her for that.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Ginagawa ko lamang ang aking trabaho.,I'm just doing my job.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Sa iyo ito.,This is yours.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Salamat sa mabilis mong pagresponde.,Thanks for your quick answer.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Maganda ang panahon kahapon.,We had nice weather yesterday.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Akin itong supot.,This bag is mine.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Huwag mo na akong kausapin kahit kailan.,Don't talk to me anymore.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Gusto mong magpahinga?,Do you feel like resting?,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn "Sa Hapon, lahat ng bata'y pumupunta sa paaralan.","In Japan, all children go to school.",tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Palagi siyang natatagalan sa pagpili ng kanyang damit.,She always takes her time in choosing her dress.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Sumulat si Fred ng isang mahabang sulat sa kanyang nanay.,Fred wrote his mother a long letter.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn "Ako sa inyo, mananahimik ako.","If I were you, I would stay quiet.",tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Pupunta kami sa libingan ngayon na.,We are going to the cemetery right now.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Nakilala siya ng marami sa loob ng teatro.,Many in the theater recognized him.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Malamig itong dingding.,This wall feels cold.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Pumunta siya sa tindahan.,He went to the store.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Matagal maluto itong mga gulay.,These vegetables cook slowly.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn "Tanghali na, kaya patayin mo ang telebisyon.","It's late, so turn off the TV.",tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Siya ang batang lalaking nagpinta nitong pintura.,He is the boy who painted this picture.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Di importante ang sinabi niya.,Never mind what he said.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Siya lamang na namuhay sa mga magaganda ay puwedeng mamatay nang maganda.,He only who has lived with the beautiful can die beautifully.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Kung matatagumpay siya o hindi ay depende sa kanyang kalusugan.,Whether he will succeed or not depends upon his health.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Gusto mo ng ibang bagong katawan?,Would you like to have a new body?,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Sasamahan kita.,I'll go with you.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Inahit niya ang kanyang kilikili.,She shaved her armpits.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Pinagbili ni Analyn ang baka.,Analyn sold the cow.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Tawagan mo kami mamayang gabi.,Call us this evening.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Meron akong kalahating karaming librong meron siya.,I have only half as many books as he does.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Ang paghinga lamang ay hindi kabuhayan.,Merely to breathe does not mean to live.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn "Kung ayaw mong pumaroon, di hindi tayo paparoon.","If you don't want to go there, then we won't go there.",tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Mahaba ang buhok niya noong lumipas na taon.,His hair was long last year.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn May anghit si Tom.,Tom has an underarm odor.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Mamimis ko ang luto mo.,I'll miss your cooking.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Kinain ng mga indiyo ang kanyang puso.,The Indians ate his heart.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Nais ko ang iyong pag-ibig.,I want your love.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Iba ang opinyon ko kaysa sa iyo.,My idea is different from yours.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Ang aso ni Tom ay kayumanggi.,Tom's dog is brown.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn "Kung alam ko yung totoo, sasabihin ko sayo.","If I knew the truth, I would tell you.",tgl_Latn-eng_Latn May puting gusali sa palibot ng kanto.,There's a white building just around the corner.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Aling bansa ang iyong pinanggagalingan?,Which country do you come from?,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Mas maputi pa ang kanyang balat sa niyebe.,Her skin is whiter than snow.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Ang kanyang sakit ay dulot ng masamang panahon.,His illness is caused by bad weather.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Nasa kanila yung kabayo.,They have the horse.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Alam mo ba na mas malakas ka sa akala mo?,Did you know you are stronger than you think you are?,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Tatawagan uli kita.,I'll call you back.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Mabagal siyang naglakad upang hindi siya madulas.,She walked slowly so she wouldn't slip.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Nagaalala rin si Tom.,"Tom was worried, too.",tgl_Latn-eng_Latn "Biro ito, tama?","This is a joke, right?",tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Bansa ang Niue.,Niue is a country.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Itinatago ni Tom ang lahat ng mga liham na sa kanya ay pinadala ng kanyang nanay.,Tom keeps every letter his mother sends him.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Hindi tayo binigyan ng takdang aralin ng guro.,The teacher didn't give us any homework.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Wala akong takdang aralin ngayong gabi.,I don't have any homework tonight.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Paano ko nalaman?!,How did I know?!,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Nasa krisis ang Europa.,Europe is in crisis.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Siya'y pumasa sa eksamen.,She passed the examination.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Mas sikat ka sa akala mo.,You're more popular than you think.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn "Oo, siya si Anthony.","Yes, he is Anthony.",tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Namatay ang ina ni Tom noong bata pa siya.,Tom's mother died when he was young.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Nasagasaan ng isang kotse ang kanyang manika.,Her doll was run over by a car.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Nakita ko yun.,I saw that.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Sa tingin ko natatakot sa iyo si Tom.,I think Tom is afraid of you.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Anong kinalaman nito kay Tom?,What's this got to do with Tom?,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Saan ka magaaral ng Aleman?,Where are you going to learn German?,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Ako ay isang kusinero.,I am a cook.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Nasaan ang kapitan ng barkong ito?,Where is the captain of this ship?,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Napakagulo ng aking buhok!,My hair is so messy!,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Gusto ko ng servesa.,I like beer.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Pinapakain ni Tom ang kanyang aso dalawang beses sa isang araw.,Tom feeds his dog twice a day.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Humingi siya sa akin ng pahintulot para gamitin niya ang telepono.,She asked my for my permission to use the phone.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Siya ba ay tinawagan mo na?,Have you called him yet?,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Gusto ko ng mga aso.,I like dogs.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn May isang hotel dito.,There's a hotel here.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn """Gusto mo bang maging milyonaryo?"" ""Sinong may ayaw?""","""Do you want to be a millionaire?"" ""Who doesn't?""",tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Siya ay nakakapagsalita ng limang mga wika.,He speaks five languages.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Gusto ko yung asong yun.,I like that dog.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Gusto ko yung mga aso mo.,I like your dogs.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Andito siya!,Here he is!,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Kumuha ako ng taksi kasi umuulan.,I took a taxi since it was raining.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Bakit hindi ka kumakain ng gulay?,Why aren't you eating vegetables?,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Ito ang unang beses na inimbitahan ko si Mary.,This is the first time I've invited Mary.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn "Sa panahong iyon, ang aking bahay ay ginagawa pa lamang.","At that time, my house was still being built.",tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Hindi handa si Tom.,Tom isn't ready.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn "Sa kabila ng kanyang murang edad, siya ay gumawa ng isang magandang trabaho.","Despite his young age, he did a very good job.",tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Nagsinungaling si Tom tungkol sa kanyang grado.,Tom lied about his grade.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Bakit mo nililinis ang bahay linggo-linggo?,Why do you clean the house each week?,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Pinanganak ako noong ika-18 ng Marso 1994.,I was born on the 18th of March 1994.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Nais kong kunin ang pagkakataong ito upang pasalamatan ang lahat na nagbigay ng kanilang kooperasyon.,I'd like to take advantage of this opportunity to thank you all for your cooperation.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Gaano karami ang mga tao sa iyong grupo?,How many people are in your group?,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Seryoso ka ba?,Are you being serious?,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Napakawalang kabuluhan!,That's absolute nonsense!,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Ibaba mo ang baril.,Put your gun down.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Mas maganda ka kay Marika. Maniwala ka sa akin!,You are much more beautiful than Marika. Believe me!,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Sarado ang tindahan nang pinuntahan ko.,The shop was closed when I went there.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn "Dito, talagang mainit sa tag-init.",It is very hot here in summer.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Isang bagay na kailangan mong malaman tungkol sa akin ay ayaw na ayaw kong mag-ehersisyo.,One thing you should know about me is that I hate exercising.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Sa tingin ko gusto ko siya.,I think I like her.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Bumisita sa Paris ang panaginip niya.,Her dream is visiting Paris.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Bumalik si Tomas sa kanyang bayang sinilangan.,Tom went back to his hometown.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Nakatulog ang aking kanang kamay.,My right hand has fallen asleep.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Nakakapagsalita ng tatlo o apat na wika ang karamihan ng mga Suwiso.,The majority of the Swiss can speak three or four languages.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn "Talagang mainit ngayon, di ba?","It's very hot today, isn't it?",tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Kinakausap ko si Tom sa telepono araw-araw.,I talk to Tom on the phone every day.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Inimbitahan ko si Jane para sa hapunan.,I invited Jane to dinner.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Siya ay ipinanganak sa Aprika.,He was born in Africa.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Si Tom ay isang kilalang pintor.,Tom is a well-known painter.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn May mamantika na amoy ang suot ko dahil kumain ako sa may okonomiyaki.,My clothes have an oily smell because I ate at an okonomiyaki place.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Iyan ang gusali kung saan nagtatrabaho ang aking tatay.,That's the building where my dad works.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Kahit kailan hindi kita lolokohin!,I would never betray you.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Sana wala kang sinabi sa kanya tungkol sa plano.,I wish you had not told him about the plan.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn matuloc na tai,I am going to sleep.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Maganda ako kahit ano pang sabihin nila.,"I'm beautiful, no matter what they say.",tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Nagiipon siya para makabili ng bahay.,He is saving up to buy a house.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Lilipad akong pabuwan.,I'm going to fly to the moon.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Mayroon akong limang mga kaibigan.,I have five friends.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Mayroon akong mapa ng mundo.,I have a map of the world.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Ang aking ina ay isa ring guro.,"My mother is a teacher, too.",tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Ginising niya si Tom.,He woke Tom up.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Kaya kong sabihin sayo na hindi yun nangyari.,I can tell you that it didn't happen.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Hindi niya magugustuhan yun.,He won't like that.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Nagtatago ka.,You were hiding.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Napakatahimik.,It is too quiet.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Masyado akong iyakin.,I'm such a crybaby.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Nauubos na ang panahon natin.,We're running out of time.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn "Sa kabutihang-palad, walang pasahero na nasaktan.","Fortunately, no passengers were injured.",tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Bumili si Tom ng isang trak na gamit na.,Tom bought his truck used.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Pagod na ako sa buhay na ito.,I'm tired of living this life.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Sino ka at saan ka galing?,Who are you and where do you come from?,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Hindi nakikinig si Mary sa payo ng kanyang kaibigan.,Mary won't listen to her friend's advice.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Puwede kang pumili kung alinman ang gusto mo.,You may choose whichever you want.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Ang gusto lamang naming gawin ay ang kumain.,All we want to do is eat.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Magmadali ka nang dahan-dahan.,Make haste slowly.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Nahilo siya at nagsuka.,He retched and then started puking.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Sinabi mo na ba sa iyong ina?,Have you told your mom?,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Itago mo ang iyong bisikleta.,Put away your bicycle.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Mayroon siyang puting ngipin.,He has white teeth.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Magandang gabi sa inyong lahat!,"Good night, everyone!",tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Maari ba kitang makausap?,May I talk to you?,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Ibinoto ko si Tom.,I voted for Tom.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Gusto ko sanang makita ang iyong koleksyon ng mga selyos.,I would like to have a look at your collection of stamps.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Madalas siyang tumugtog ng gitara.,He often plays the guitar.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Mag-aatend ka ba ng miting?,Are you going to attend the meeting?,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Wala nang nagtitiwala sa kanya.,No one trusts him any more.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Bumalik ka dito.,Come back here.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Di sila pumalakpak para sa atin.,They did not clap for us.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Paghatian ninyong tatlo ang keyk na iyan.,Divide the cake among you three.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Gusto ko lamang makita kung ano ang mangyayari.,I just wanted to see what would happen.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Napakabobo naman niya para magsabi ng ganoong bagay.,She must be stupid to say such a thing.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Punta naman kayo sa bayan namin minsan.,Please come to our town some day.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Pinadala ko ang maleta ko sa kuwarto.,I had him take my suitcase to the room.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Nanakaw 'yong kotse niya kahapon.,He had his car stolen yesterday.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Natutunaw ang asukal sa tubig.,Sugar dissolves in water.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Ayaw kong magluto ng hapunan para sa dalawampung tao.,I'm not willing to cook dinner for twenty people.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Parang tinik na hindi matanggal sa lalamunan.,Like a thorn stuck in your throat.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn "Kahit hindi siya nagsuot ng mamahaling damit, maayos ang itsura niya.","Though she did not wear expensive clothes, she was neatly dressed.",tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Natatandaan kong nagsuot siya ng luntiang sombrero.,I remember that she wore a green hat.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Parang mas masigla ang pakiramdam ko 'pag gabi.,For some reason I feel more alive at night.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Tumalon ka nang pinakamataas na kaya mo.,Jump as high as you can.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Isasauli ko itong libro agad.,I will return the book as soon as I can.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Sabi ng magulang ko na dapat nating igalang ang mga nakatatanda.,My parents told me that we should respect the elderly.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Kahit minsan ay hindi pa nakakapunta sa ibang bansa ang tatay ko.,"My father has never, ever gone abroad.",tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Ang dami kong tanong.,I've got lots of questions.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Bakit ka ganyang nagmamadali?,Why are you in such a hurry?,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Niloloko mo ba ako?,Are you kidding me?,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Ako ay magtatrabaho buong araw bukas.,I will be working all day tomorrow.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Parang palaging may magagawa.,There always seems like there is something to do.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Ano ang kinain mo?,What did you eat?,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Di pa nagluto ng hapunan si Maria.,Mary hasn't cooked the dinner yet.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Bakit tayo nananaginip?,Why do we dream?,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Ang rosas na ito ay maganda.,This rose is beautiful.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Tatlong araw na lamang bago ang Pasko.,It's only three days until Christmas.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Kumanta siya ng kantang Hapon para sa atin.,She sang a Japanese song for us.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Pangingisda ang libangang paborito ko.,Fishing is my favorite hobby.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Si Mary ay rispetado ng lahat.,Mary is respected by everyone.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Lasing siya't nakalimutan sarhan ang pinto sa likod.,He was drunk and forgot to shut the back door.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Hinugasan mo na ba ang awto?,Have you washed the car yet?,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Mukhang umuulan.,It looks like rain.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Naglakad kaming mabuti.,We walked a lot.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Simbahan iyon.,That's a church.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn "Kung uulan, di ako aalis sa gabi.","If it is raining, I won't go out tonight.",tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Gumagawa siya ng masarap na pitsa.,They bake a delicious pizza.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Ingles ang salita sa Awstralya.,"In Australia, they speak English.",tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Papuntang parti rin sila.,They'll be coming to the party too.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn "Lahat tayo'y tanga, tungkol sa iba-ibang bagay lamang.","We are all stupid, just on different subjects.",tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Pinakatangkad siya sa klase niya.,He is the tallest in his class.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Tumapak ka sa timbangan.,Stand on the scales.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Bahagya niyang tinapos ang almusal nang kumililing ang telepono.,Hardly had he finished breakfast when the telephone rang.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn "Hindi dumating ang mga magulang mo, 'di ba?","Your parents didn't come, did they?",tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Kinse minutos na lang at aalis na ako dito.,Fifteen more minutes and I'll be out of here.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Ay! Kinagat ako ng bubuyog!,Ouch!! I've been stung by a bee!!,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn May Picasso sa dingding.,There is a Picasso on the wall.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Nakakapagsalita ba siya ng Pranses?,Can he speak French?,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Araw-araw nagbubus akong papuntang eskuwela.,I go to school every day by bus.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Hindi umuwi sa bahay si Steve.,Steve did not come home.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Oras lamang ang magsasabi.,Only time will tell.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Ang kubo nila'y nasa lambak.,Their hut is situated in the valley.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Iyan ay walang kabuluhan.,That doesn't make sense.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn "Kapag may kaunting panahon ka pa, gusto sana kitang makausap tungkol sa ilang mga problema.","If you have a minute, I'd like to talk to you about some problems.",tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Mabuhay ang reyna!,May the queen live long!,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Sumama siya sa kanilang bahay para malaman kung saan siya nakatira.,She followed him home to find out where he lived.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Ang isang baka ay may isang mahabang buntot.,A cow has a long tail.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Anong kulay ng keyk ang gusto mo?,What color cake do you want?,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Natututo ang tao kapag siya ay nagtuturo.,"When teaching, men learn.",tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Binigyan niya ako ng tsa nang walang asukal.,He gave me tea without sugar.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Parang gusto kong umiyak.,I feel like crying.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn "Dahil doon, nawalan siya ng trabaho.","For that reason, he lost his job.",tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Bilog ang mga bola.,Balls are round.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Ang ibig sabihin mo'y kulang ka sa mga syota?,You mean you're short on fuck-buddies?,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Masarap ang kantot.,Sex is pleasurable.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Nakita ko na ang larawang iyan noon.,I've seen that picture before.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Hindi ko iniisip na may tumira sa bahay na ito nang mahabang taon.,I don't think anyone has lived in this house for years.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn "Kung sabagay, di-kailanman mo maaalaman.","Anyway, you'll never know.",tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Nag-order si Emi ng bagong bestida para sa sarili niya.,Emi ordered herself a new dress.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn "Ang sagot ay ""oo"".",The answer's yes.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Walang lunas para sa sakit sa siko.,There is no cure for lovesickness.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Siguro mali ang daang tinahak natin.,We must've taken the wrong road.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Hindi mo kailangang itago ang iyong nararamdaman.,You don't have to hide your feelings.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Taga saan ka?,Where are you from?,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Nasa panganib ba tayo?,Are we in danger?,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn May mga barya ka ba sa pitaka mo?,Have you got some coins in your wallet?,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Parang Ruso ang Tagalog dahil karaniwang di sinusulat ang mga kudlit para sa aksento.,Tagalog is like Russian because the accent is not usually written with marks.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Hindi mukhang matanda si Tom.,Tom doesn't look old.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn "Sabihin mo, pupunta ba ang Inay sa istasyon ng tren para maghintay kay Itay?","Tell me, is Mom going to go to the station to wait for Dad?",tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Mukhang isang turista ka.,You look like a tourist.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Hinihintay ko ang isang sulat mula sa kanya.,I'm expecting a letter from her.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Gusto kong magbakasyon sa Poland.,I want to go on a holiday in Poland.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Kumakanta ang mga ibon sa langit.,Birds were singing in the sky.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Makikita mo ang mga batang nagtitinda ng sampaguita sa kalye.,You'll see the children selling Arabian jasmines on the streets.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Gusto kong kamayan siya.,I want to shake his hand.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Bakit ka ba sobrang nangangati? May kuto ka siguro?,Why do you itch so much? Could you have lice?,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Bakit mo ginawa iyon?,Why did you do that?,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Saan ka pinanganak?,Where were you born?,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Buksan ninyo ang pinto.,Open the door.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Ano iyong gusto mong gawin?,What is it you want to do?,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Nadapa siya sa sahig.,He fell down on the floor.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Sa una ay parang hindi siya palakaibigan.,He looked unfriendly at first.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Huwag mong kamutin ang kagat ng lamok. Magiging pula iyan.,Don't scratch your mosquito bite. It'll get inflamed.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Maging maingat sa paggamit ng posporo!,Be careful handling matches!,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Maaasahan mo ako.,You can rely on me.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Si Mary ay isang bruha.,Mary is a sorceress.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Huwag iwanan ang TV na nakabukas!,Don't keep the TV on!,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Pangit ang mga ngipin ng batang lalaki dahil hindi niya sila sinisipilyuhan.,The boy had bad teeth because he neglected to brush them.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Sinasayang mo ang oras mo.,You are wasting your time.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Hindi ko pa nakita ang ganyang klaseng ibon kahit kailan.,I've never seen this sort of bird.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Ano ang gusto mong malaman tungkol sa aking trabaho?,What do you want to know about my job?,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn "Hindi, pero nagtetenis ako.","No, but I play tennis.",tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Kalalaman lamang ni Tom na siya ang tatay ni Mary.,Tom has just found out that he's Mary's father.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Hari nga't hindi mangyari!,May it not happen!,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Wala na akong pakialam.,I don't mind anymore.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Nangisda ang tatay.,The father went fishing.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Alam ko na wala akong alam.,I know that I know nothing.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Hindi marunong sumayaw si Tom.,Tom doesn't know how to dance.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Ang pangungusap kay Eliana ay parang pangungusap sa pader.,Talking to Eliana is like talking to a wall.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Hindi makontrol ni Tomas ang mga emosyon niya.,Tom couldn't control his emotions.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn May gustong itanong si Tomas kay Maria.,Tom has something to ask Mary.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Nasaan ang estasyon ng tren?,Where is the train station?,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn May nakita akong taong pumasok sa kuwarto.,I saw a man enter the room.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Umaasa siyang bumisita sa Paris.,He hopes he will visit Paris.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Nagtanim ako ng rosas sa hardin.,I planted roses in the garden.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Di yata totoo ang balita.,The news can't be true.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Kumain ka na ba ng keyk?,Have you eaten the cake yet?,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Walang rosas na walang tinik.,No roses without thorns.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Bakit gusto mong gawin ito?,Why do you want to do this?,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn "Aber nga, magtatanong ka na naman?",Dare you ask me another question?,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Nasa bahay ba si Ken kahapon?,Was Ken at home yesterday?,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Saan ka nag-aral ng Italyano?,Where did you learn Italian?,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Walang kasing-saya ng naglalakbay nang mag-isa.,Nothing is so pleasant as traveling alone.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Kami ay pumunta sa parke para kumuha ng mga retrato.,We went to the park to take pictures.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn "Binibining Caterina, wala na akong masasabi.","Lady Catherine, I have nothing further to say.",tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Blonda ang buhok niya.,He has blond hair.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Gusto ko ito.,I like that.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn "Kung umulan bukas, nasa bahay na lamang ako.","If it rains tomorrow, I'll just stay at home.",tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Gutom na ako.,I am hungry.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Dapat ay ginuwardiya mong sikreto iyon.,You should have kept that secret.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn """Masyadong matanda na ako at malungkot para maglaro,"" sabi ng bata.","""I am too old and sad to play,"" said the boy.",tgl_Latn-eng_Latn "Kung matanda na ang tao, puwede pa ring magpatuli.","When the person is old enough, he can get circumcised.",tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Importante rin sa babae kung ang lalaki niya ay tuli.,It's also important to women that their men be circumcised.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Kumain ka na ba sa isang restawran nang mag-isa?,Have you ever eaten in a restaurant alone?,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Sinulat ni Tom ang kantang iyan tatlong taon na ang nakalipas.,Tom wrote that song three years ago.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Walang anuman.,You are welcome!,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Nakakatuwa ang mag-ingles.,It is fun to speak in English.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Umabot ang bata para isa pang pirasong keyk.,The boy reached out for another piece of cake.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Itong libro'y tungkol sa mga bituin.,This book is about stars.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Parati siyang nakaasul na syert.,He always wears blue shirts.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn May tatlong aso si Tomas.,Tom has three dogs.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Oras nang pumunta.,It's time to go.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Ngayon ay Sabado.,Today is Saturday.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Isip niyang bagay iyon sa buhay at kamatayan.,I considered it a life or death matter.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Hindi ko ginustong masaktan ka.,I didn't mean to hurt you.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Iniligtas ng doktor ang apat na taong nasaktan sa aksidente.,The doctor saved the four people injured in the accident.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Dumaan kami sa isang makitid na daanan.,We walked along a narrow path.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Magkano ang dapat kong bayaran?,How much must I pay?,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Ang Ingles ay isang wikang pandaigdig.,English is an international language.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Ang anak kong babae ay bumibili ng gatas sa tindahan.,My daughter is buying milk from the store.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Tingnan mo ang laki ng bagay na 'yan!,Look at the size of that thing!,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Wala akong ganang pumasyal ngayon.,I don't feel like taking a walk now.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Kailangan niyang pakainin ang kanyang malaking pamilya.,He had to feed his large family.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn """Gusto niya ang musika."" ""Ako rin.""","""She likes music."" ""So do I.""",tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Kanino ang bolpen na ito?,Whose pen is this?,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Nagbibisikleta ako papuntang trabaho.,I bike to work.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Nasaan ka?,Where are you?,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Maliwanag ang kanyang kwarto.,His room was brightly lit.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Huwag mong kagatin ang iyong mga kuko.,Don't bite your nails.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Nag-aaral ako ng Ingles dahil may balak akong pumunta sa Estados Unidos.,I'm studying English because I plan to go to the United States.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Sinong bumasag ng tasa?,Who broke the cup?,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Gusto ko ng iba.,I want another.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn "Siya, may problema...",Then there is a problem...,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn "Ako rin, hindi niya naiintindihan.","She doesn't understand me, either.",tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Ayaw niya ng kape.,He doesn't like coffee.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn "Kapag papayagan mo akong magsalita, maaari kong ipaliwanag ang lahat.","If you allow me to speak, I'll be able to explain everything.",tgl_Latn-eng_Latn "Sabi ng pulis sa kanila, ""Pigil.""","The policemen said to them, ""Stop.""",tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Hindi pumupunta si Tom sa kanyang opisina tuwing Sabado.,Tom doesn't go to his office on Saturday.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Hindi ko matandaan kung kaanong kataas siya.,I don't remember how tall she is.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Walang anuman sa akin kung sino man ang manalo.,It makes no matter to me who wins.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Marupok ang mga kardbord na kahon.,The cardboard boxes are fragile.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Nagtatalop ako ng dalandan para sa iyo.,I'll peel an orange for you.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Anong paborito mong panimpla?,What's your favorite seasoning?,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn "Pagkatapos ng malakas na ulan, bumahang maigi.","After the heavy rain, there was a big flood.",tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Pumunta kami sa Roma na natigilan namin nang isang linggo.,"We went to Rome, where we stayed a week.",tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Nagustuhan ni Tomas ang saging.,Tom loved bananas.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Ito'y sombrero ko sa tag-init.,This is my hat in the summer.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Pinaalala ko siyang huwag magmaneho.,I advised him not to drive.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Naghapunan ka na?,Have you eaten dinner?,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Bahagyang nakauwi kami nang biglang umulan.,Hardly had we come home when it began to rain.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Umakyat siya ng puno nang maigi.,He climbed up the tree without effort.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn May supermarket bang malapit dito?,Is there a supermarket near here?,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Ito ang paborito kong proyekto.,This is my favourite project.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Tingnan ninyo itong litrato.,Look at that picture.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Tama ba ang Pranses na ito?,Is this good French?,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn "Kailangang kumain para mabuhay, at hindi mabuhay para kumain.","You have to eat to live, not to live to eat.",tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Ang maliit na paldang iyan ay kulay rosas.,The small skirt is pink.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Mahal ko ang saging.,I love bananas.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Kailan lalabas ang bago niyang nobela?,When will his new novel come out?,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Patapos ko nang basahin itong nobela.,I'll soon finish reading this novel.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Walang nakatira sa bahay na ito.,Nobody lives in this house.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Nakita ni Tomas si Maria sa telebisyon.,Tom saw Mary on TV.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Meron akong pusa't aso.,I have a cat and a dog.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Dapat iadyast mo ang klak. Huli siya.,You ought to adjust the clock. It's slow.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn "Gusto mo ba ang Hapon, o Ingles?",Do you like Japanese or English?,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Katulong ng arkeyologo siya.,He is an archeologist's assistant.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Fritz ang pangalan ng tatay ko.,My dad's name is Fritz.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Mataas ang alon.,The waves are high.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Bihira akong makinig sa radyo.,Rarely do I listen to the radio.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Isandal mo ang ladder sa dingding.,Stand the ladder against the wall.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Puwede ba akong umuwi na?,May I go home?,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Huwag kang makinig sa kanya.,Don't believe what she says.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn "Simula ngayon, dapat ingatan mo ang sarili mo.","From now on, you'll have to take care of yourself.",tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Gawang bakal ang kastilyo niya.,His castle was made of metal.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Di ko masisigurado kung narito siya bukas.,I can't ensure that she will be here tomorrow.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Nilitratuhan niya ang koala.,He took a picture of the koala.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Mas gusto ko ang mainit na tsaa kaysa malamig.,I like hot tea better than cold.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Hindi na ako pagod.,I am no longer tired.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Pinakain mo na ang aso?,Have you fed the dog yet?,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Gusto ko ang amoy ng bagong tinapay.,I like the smell of fresh bread.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Alam mo ang daan?,Do you know the way?,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn """Dumating na ba ang mga bata?"" ""Hindi pa, ni isa.""","""Have the children arrived yet?"" ""No, none has come yet.""",tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Sinubukang dumiin si Tomas sa dyins na sinuot niya noong tineydyer pa siya.,Tom tried to squeeze into the jeans he had worn when he was a teenager.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Kinamumunghian ko ang mga kapitbahay ko.,I hate my neighbors.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Umiinom ng tubig ang mga elepante.,Elephants drink water.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Bakit ka nagtatanong?,Why do you ask?,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Nabasa mo ba lahat?,Did you read it at all?,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Di kita iiwanan.,I will not abandon you.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Ako ay nasa bahay ng kaigiban ko para ipagdiwang ang kaarawan ng kanyang anak.,I was at my friend's house for dinner to celebrate his daughter's birthday.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Hindi talaga kita maiintindihan.,I don't really understand you.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Nagsinungalin ba siya sa akin?,Do you think that he lied to me?,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Gusto namin ang mga piknik.,We love picnics.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Kumukulong mainit na ang tsa.,The tea is boiling hot.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Nangingisda ako noong aking mga araw nang may eskuwela.,I used to go fishing in my school days.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Nakatira ba ang kapatid mo roon?,Does your sister live there?,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Sumisinag ang araw nang maliwanag.,The sun shone brightly.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Sinukat namin ang kalaliman ng ilog.,We measured the depth of the river.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Nasa kalagitnaan ng lungsod ang estasyon.,The station is in the center of the city.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Gawang bubog ang kastilyo niya.,His castle was made of broken glass.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Magkano ang isang bote ng katas ng buko?,How much is a bottle of coconut juice?,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Magkano ang pamasahe hanggang Bikol?,How much is the fare to Bikol?,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Maligayan raw ng mga ina!,Happy Mother's Day!,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn "Nakatira ang tiyo ko sa Madrid, ang kabisera ng Espanya.","My uncle lives in Madrid, the capital of Spain.",tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Masyado ang kape ko ngayon.,I've drunk way too much coffee today.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Magaspang ang balat niya dahil sa mga taong nagtrabaho siya sa labas.,Her skin is coarse from years of working outdoors.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Hindi ko mapigil tawanan ang kanyang gupit sa buhok.,I couldn't help laughing at his haircut.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Natakot ang tao.,People were filled with fright.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Nakikinig ka ba sa akin?,Are you listening to me?,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Pakiguwardiyahan mo ang bag ko nang sandali.,Keep an eye on my bag for a while.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Labas akong buong araw.,I was out all day.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Ang munting pusa ko'y nawala nang isang linggo na.,My dear little cat disappeared a week ago.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Kumain ng maraming gulay.,Eat a lot of vegetables.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Gawa sa plastik ang upuan.,This chair is made of plastic.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Dapat akong matulog.,I need to sleep.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Dapat tayong matulog.,We should go to sleep.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Ngayon ay ika-18 ng Hunyo at kaarawan ngayon ni Muriel!,Today is June 18 and it is Muriel's birthday!,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn "Maligayang bati, Muiriel!","Happy birthday, Muiriel!",tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Dalawampung taon na si Muiriel.,Muiriel is already twenty years old.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Hindi ko alam.,I do not know.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Wala akong masabi.,I am speechless.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn HIndi yun mangyayari.,It will not happen.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Susubukan kong huwag kang abalahin habang nag-aaral ka.,I will try not to disturb you while you are studying.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn "Hindi, hindi ako! Ikaw!","No, it is not me! It is you!",tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Nagkamali kong dinala ang payong niya.,I have brought his umbrella by mistake.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Sigurado ka?,Are you sure?,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn "Uy, may paruparo!","Oh, there's a butterfly!",tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Nag-iisang nakatira ang matandang babae.,That old woman lives by herself.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Ulitin mo!,Do it again!,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn "Pagtanda ko, gusto ko maging hari.","When I grow up, I want to be a king.",tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Gumagawa siya ng kanyang sariling mga damit.,She makes all her own clothes.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Masyado akong mataba.,I'm too fat.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Babarilin ko siya.,I will shoot him.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Babae ka kasi.,That's because you're a girl.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Gano katagal ka nanatili?,How long did you stay?,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Siya ang pinakahuling taong nagsinungaling.,He is the last man to tell a lie.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Ako si Jack.,My name is Jack.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Di marunong si Tomas magtali ng kurbata.,Tom doesn't know how to tie a tie.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Bago ka ba rito?,Are you new here?,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Dapat lumabas ako.,I've got to go out.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Ano ang tanong mo?,What's your question?,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Taga saang bansa ka?,Which country are you from?,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Hindi ko matandaan ang kanyang pangalan sa horas na ito.,I can't recall her name at the moment.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Anong sinabi ni Tom tungkol sa akin?,What did Tom say about me?,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn HIndi ba tayo dapat maging magkaibigan?,Shouldn't we be friends?,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Bakit mo sinasabi yan sa akin?,Why are you telling me this?,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Mag-isa lang siya sa bahay.,He was alone in the house.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Tinaas niya ang kanyang kamay upang pumara ng taksi.,He raised his hand to stop a taxi.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Ito ang ospital kung saan ako ipinanganak.,This is the hospital where I was born.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Dapat pumunta ka.,You should go.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Parang wala nang nakikinig sa atin.,No one seems to listen to us anymore.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Naramdaman ko ang pawis ay tumutulo sa kilay ko.,I felt the sweat trickle down my brow.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Pinakanta niya ako.,He made me sing.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Maaari mong imbitahin ang kahit na sinong gusto mo.,You may invite anyone you like.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Binili ko ito kahapon.,I bought it yesterday.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Medyo pagod ako ngayon.,I'm kind of tired today.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Mahilig lumangoy si Tom.,Tom likes swimming.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Mas matangkad ng konti sa akin si Tom.,Tom is a little taller than I am.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Pumili ka sa alinmang bolpen na ito.,Choose any of these pens.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Gusto kitang tulungan.,I want to help you.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Kasi sira ang luma kong akyatan.,Because my old ladder is broken.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn "Punta ka sa Martes, kung posible.","Come one Tuesday, if possible.",tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Masyado akong antok para magmaneho.,I'm too sleepy to drive.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Di siya makasalita ng Pranses nang walang konting mali.,He cannot speak French without making a few mistakes.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Malamig kahapon.,It was cold yesterday.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Malamig kagabi.,It was cold last night.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn HIndi ako makapag-aral sa bahay.,I could not study at home.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn HIndi ito sa akin.,This is not mine.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Bakit hindi na siya nakikipaglaro sa akin?,Why doesn't she play with me anymore?,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Naniniwala ka bang kinokontrol ng mga bituwin ang ating mga kapalaran?,Do you believe our destinies are controlled by the stars?,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Magpatingin ka na sa doktor.,You'd better consult the doctor.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Alam ko ang pangalan nilang lahat.,I know all their names.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Gagawin namin yun.,We will do it.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Asan ang aking bola?,Where is my ball?,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Masarap ang kinain ni Tomas.,What Tom ate was delicious.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Nagsasayaw sila.,They are dancing.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn "Kahit sa kabilang bahay siya nakatira, hindi man lang siya bumati sa amin.","Even though he lives next door, he doesn't even say hello to us.",tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Ako si Edgar Degas.,I am Edgar Degas.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Sabihin mo sa akin kung ano ang ginawa mo sa Hawaii.,Tell me what you did in Hawaii.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Pinanood mo ba yung laro?,Did you watch the game?,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Sanay kaming kumain ng mga pagkaing simple.,We are used to eating plain food.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Malapit ang aming paaralan sa istasyon.,Our school is near the station.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Saan tayo magsisimula?,Where will we start?,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Hindi ka kayang tulungan ni Tom.,Tom can't help you.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Naniniwala sila sayo.,They believe you.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Hindi ka perpekto.,You are not perfect.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Responsibilidad mo iyan.,That's your responsibility.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Sa tingin ko hindi pa ako handa.,I don't think I'm ready.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Mayroon akong mga paltos sa aking mga paa.,I've got blisters on my feet.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Kita mo ba ang bahay na iyon? Iyon ang aking bahay.,Do you see that house? That's my house.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Alam niya kung paano magsalita at magsulat sa wikang Pranses.,She can speak and write in French.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Kinansela ang piknik dahil sa ulan.,The picnic was cancelled due to the rain.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Lagi akong nagsisipilyo pagkakain ng matatamis na pagkain.,I always brush my teeth after eating sweets.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Anong gusto mong mangyari?,What do you want to happen?,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Inggit ka.,You are envious.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn May malalaking mata ang mga kuwago.,Owls have big eyes.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Nagsulat ako ng kanta para sa iyo.,I wrote a song for you.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Mabuting estudyante si John.,John is a good student.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Alam ni Tom kung anong kailangan mo.,Tom knows what you need.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Hindi nila ako paniniwalaan kahit manumpa ako na totoo ito.,They would not believe me even if I swear it is the truth.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Matagal mo na ba siyang kilala?,Have you known him for a long time?,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn HIndi pa nagsisimula si Mary.,Mary has not started yet.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Kasing takot ni Tom si Mary.,Tom was just as scared as Mary was.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Hinangaan niya ang aking bagong kotse.,He admired my new car.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Nagiging palaka ang butete.,Tadpoles become frogs.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Inamin ni Tom ang kanyang pagkakamali.,Tom acknowledged his mistake.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Pangarap lamang iyon.,It's only a dream.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Panaginip lamang iyon.,It's just a dream.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Anong oras ka madalas lumabas ng bahay?,What time do you usually leave home?,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn "Kung pagod siya, hayaan mo siyang matulog.","If he is tired, let him sleep.",tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Hindi ako guro.,I am not a teacher.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Mahal ko ang mga pagong.,I love turtles.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Pumasok ako sa loob para uminom ng kape.,I went inside to drink coffee.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Yung batang lalaki na pumunta kahapon ay ang aking nakababatang kapatid.,The boy who came yesterday was my younger brother.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Nakita ko yung babae.,I saw the girl.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Buksan mo ang iyong aklat sa ika-siyam na pahina.,Open your book on page nine.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Gusto ni Mike ang mga pusa.,Mike likes cats.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Gawin mo kung anong pinapagawa niya sayo.,Do as he tells you.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Ang bahay namin ay bahay mo.,Our house is your house.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Ano ang paborito mong uri ng pagkain?,What's your favorite kind of food?,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Nasa ilalim ng mesa ang pusa.,The cat is under the table.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Sa tingin ko ginagamit ka nila.,I think they are using you.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Layunin kong aralin ang iyong wika.,My goal is to learn your language.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn "Kahapon, napangarap kong lahat ay salita.",Yesterday I dreamt everything was words.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Kailan inintrodyus ang patatas sa Hapon?,When were potatoes introduced into Japan?,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Wag mong hayaang gawin ni Tom.,Don't let Tom do it.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Walang oras si Tomas para magsalita ngayon.,Tom doesn't have time to talk to you now.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Gusto kong mag-atend ng parti.,I'd like to attend the party.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Anong tinatawanan mo?,What are you laughing at?,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Gusto mo ba talaga ito?,Do you really want this?,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Interesado ako sa kasaysayan ng Asya.,I am interested in Asian history.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Sinabi ko sayong wag silang kausapin.,I told you not to talk to them.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Alam kong hindi ka ganoon!,I know you're not like that.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Mahal ko ang aking asawa ngunit minsan kailangan kong mapag-isa.,"I love my wife, but I sometimes need to be alone.",tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Akala ko gagawa si Tom ng almusal.,I thought Tom will make breakfast.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Mag-isa bang nagtrabaho si Tom?,Was Tom working alone?,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn Iyon ang iyong kagandahan.,That is your beauty.,tgl_Latn-eng_Latn เหลือเวลาอีกกี่ชั่วโมงกว่าจะเดินทางไปถึง?,How many hours left till arrival?,tha_Thai-eng_Latn มีอะไรที่เธอต้องการจะซื้อมั้ย?,Is there something you want to buy?,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ทางแก้ปัญหาที่ง่ายที่สุดมักจะเป็นทางที่ดีที่สุดเสมอ,The simplest solutions are always the best.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ราคา 30 ยูโรค่ะ/ครับ,This will cost €30.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn หางานเป็นไงบ้าง?,How is your job search going?,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ได้เวลาปลุกทอมแล้ว,It's time to wake Tom up.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn เขาอยู่ที่ป่าคนเดียว,He lives in the woods all by himself.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn หนังสือเกี่ยวกับชีวิตที่เยี่ยมที่สุดก็คือชีวิตนั่นเอง,The best book about life is life itself.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ฉันอยากซื้อแจ็คเก็ตตัวนี้,I want to buy this jacket.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn สำหรับใช้ทางปาก,For oral use.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn เก็บยาให้ห่างจากมือและสายตาเด็ก,Keep all medicines out of the reach and sight of children.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ฉันไม่เคยนั่งเครื่องบินมาก่อนเลย,I had never been on a plane before.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn คุณเจอหนังสือที่ตามหาตอนนั้นหรือยัง,Did you find the book you were looking for?,tha_Thai-eng_Latn นี่ใช่หนังสือที่คุณตามหาอยู่รึเปล่า?,Is this the book you're looking for?,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ฉันจะไม่กินมันหรอกถ้าฉันเป็นคุณ,I wouldn't eat that if I were you.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn มันก็แค่คำพูด,They're only words.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn เขาก็เป็นแค่นักการเมือง,He's just a politician.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn มันก็แค่ภาพจินตานาการ,It's just imaginary.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ฉันไม่รู้ว่าคุณรู้หรือไม่ แต่ในอเมริกานี้คุณควรจะให้ทิปเด็กเสิร์ฟนะ,"I don't know if you know or not, but here in America you're expected to tip the waiter.",tha_Thai-eng_Latn ฉันไม่ได้เป็นสมาชิกของคลับนี้,I am not a member of the club.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn เธอเอาอะไรจากโรมมาฝากฉัน?,What did you bring me from Rome?,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ฉันมาจากบูดาเปส,I am from Budapest.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ผมไม่ทำงาน,I'm not working.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn เขามักจะทานอาหารเช้าที่นี่,He often eats breakfast here.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn คุณเคยเห็นวิธีทำไส้กรอกไหม?,Have you ever seen sausage being made?,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ฉันต้องการความรัก,I need love.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ที่จริงแล้วผู้ชายคนที่เธอเห็นเป็นผู้หญิง,"The ""man"" that you saw is actually a woman.",tha_Thai-eng_Latn ผู้หญิงมีแก้มสวย,Women have beautiful cheeks.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ทอมจำแมรี่ได้ทันทีที่เขาเห็นเธอ,Tom recognized Mary as soon as he saw her.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ห้องมีหน้าต่างสองบาน,The room has two windows.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ได้โปรดอย่าร้องไห้อีก,Please don't cry again.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn เฮเลน เคลเลอร์เป็นคนตาบอด หูหนวก และเป็นใบ้,"Helen Keller was blind, deaf and mute.",tha_Thai-eng_Latn เธอใจร้อนกับฉันจังเลย,You're so impatient with me.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ฉันได้เงินวันละ 100 ยูโร,I make €100 a day.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ขอเรียกคุณว่า บ๊อบ ได้ไหมครับ,Can I call you Bob?,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ผมรู้ว่าคุณอยากกลับบ้าน,I know you want to come home.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn พี่สาวของผมสวย,My older sister is beautiful.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ห้องของฉันมีหน้าต่างสองบาน,My room has two windows.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn นาฬิกามีมือสองข้าง,A clock has two hands.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ผู้คนมากมายชอบที่จะเดินทาง,Many people like to travel.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn พวกเขาเปิดประตู,They open the door.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn เขาไม่มีลูก,He has no children.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn รถไฟมาแล้ว,The train is here.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn พวกเค้าไม่ได้เห็นอะไร,They did not see anything.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn รถไฟขบวนนี้ออกจากอาโอโมริสายสามสิบนาที น่าเสียดายที่เราจะไม่ถึงที่โตเกียวก่อนเที่ยง,"This train left Aomori thirty minutes late, so we won't arrive at Tokyo before noon, I'm afraid.",tha_Thai-eng_Latn คุณควรจะนอน,You should sleep.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ฉันต้องไปนอนแล้ว,I have to go to sleep.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn คุณชอบเบียร์เยอรมันมั้ย?,Do you like German beers?,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ฉันเกลียดทอมด้วยหลายๆเหตุผล,I hate Tom because reasons.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ฉันจะปล่อยสิ่งต่างๆไปอย่างที่มันเป็นเพื่อหลีกหนีปัญหา,I'd leave things as they are to avoid problems.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn พบกันใหม่,I'll see you later.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn คุณรู้หรือเปล่าว่าใครทำกระจกแตก?,Do you know who broke the window?,tha_Thai-eng_Latn คำศัพท์เป็นรากฐานของภาษา,Vocabulary is the basis of language.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ฉันรักพ่อนะ,"Daddy, i love you!",tha_Thai-eng_Latn หัวหอมโลละเท่าไหร่ครับ,How much does a kilo of onions cost?,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ฉันไม่รู้ว่าหล่อนอายุมากขนาดนั้น,I didn't know she was that old.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ฉันเห็นเป้าหมายแล้ว,I can see the target.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn บอกหล่อนว่าฉันจะโทรกลับไปทีหลัง,Tell her I'll call back later.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn พวกเธอต้องไม่เชื่อแน่ๆ!,You guys are not going to believe this!,tha_Thai-eng_Latn นี่คุณสิ้นหวังขนาดนั้นเลยเหรอ?,Are you really that desperate?,tha_Thai-eng_Latn เขาเมา,He is drunk.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ภาษาเดียวไม่เคยพอ,One language is never enough.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn เราควรที่จะทำแบบนี้มั้ยเนี่ย?,Are we supposed to be doing this?,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ถ้าคุณสนใจก็บอกฉันนะ แล้วฉันจะให้เบอร์ของเขาแก่คุณ,"If you're interested, let me know and I'll give you his number.",tha_Thai-eng_Latn ฉันจะโทรหาพวกเขาพรุ่งนี้เมื่อฉันกลับมา,I'll call them tomorrow when I come back.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ในที่สุดอาหารก็มาถึงบนโต๊ะแล้ว,Food finally arrived on the table.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn อาหารมาถึงบนโต๊ะแล้ว,Food arrived on the table.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ถ้าคุณพลาดในการวางแผน คุณก็วางแผนที่จะพลาด,"If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.",tha_Thai-eng_Latn แมรี่กำลังเก็บเบอร์รี่ในป่า,Mary is picking berries in the forest.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn น้องชายของฉันกำลังดูทีวี,My little brother is watching TV.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ถ้าพรุ่งนี้คุณไม่ไปตกปลา ผมก็จะไม่ไปเหมือนกัน,"If you do not go fishing tomorrow, I will not either.",tha_Thai-eng_Latn นั่นมันเสียงอะไร?,What is that noise?,tha_Thai-eng_Latn นี่มันความโมโหล้วนๆ!,This is complete madness!,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ฉันไปโรงเรียน,I go to school.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ฉันอยากไปเดินเล่นในชนบท,I want to go for a walk in the countryside.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ฉันคงจะขายหมาตัวนี้ถ้ามันตัวสูงกว่านี้,I would sell this dog if it was taller.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ผู้สูบบุหรี่มีความเสี่ยงในการแท้งลูกเพิ่มมากขึ้น,Smokers have an increased risk of miscarriage.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ฉันเกลียดการออกกำลังกาย แต่ฉันก็รู้ว่ามันดีต่อสุขภาพ,"I hate working out, but I know it’s good for health.",tha_Thai-eng_Latn ไมค์ออกกำลังกายในยิมสองถึงสามครั้งต่อสัปดาห์,Mike works out in the gym two or three times a week.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn โทรทัศน์เครื่องนั้นราคาเท่าไหร่คะ?,"How much is that TV over there, please?",tha_Thai-eng_Latn ฉันนอนเปิดไฟไม่ได้,I can't sleep with the lights on.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn อะไรคือบทลงโทษของฉัน?,What's my punishment?,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ห้ามบาร์บีคิวที่นี่,No barbecues here.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn "ในที่สุดวันนี้ฉันก็มีความกล้าที่จะบอกเธอว่า ""ฉันรักเธอ!""","Today, I finally had the courage to tell her ""I love you!"".",tha_Thai-eng_Latn เช็คบิลครับ,"May I have the check, please?",tha_Thai-eng_Latn ประเทศรัสเซียไหญ่กว่าดาวพลูโตเสียอีก,Russia is bigger than Pluto.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ในบางครั้งก็จำเป็นที่จะต้องปกปิดความจริง,It's sometimes necessary not to tell the truth.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn พวกนั้นมีชีวิตอยู่อย่างหาเช้ากินค่ำ,They live from hand to mouth.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn สามีของคุณมีศัตรูมากไหม?,Did your husband have many enemies?,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ไม่เข้าใจ,I don't understand.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ดาวเคราะห์ดวงไหนเล็กที่สุด?,Which is the smallest planet?,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ทอมไม่ค่อยยิ้มอีกต่อไป,Tom doesn't smile so much anymore.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ตอนเย็นนี้ผมว่าง,I'm free tonight.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn คุณจำเป็นจะต้องควบคุมตัวเอง,You need to control youself.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn เธอโดนเขา แบล็คเมล์,She was blackmailed by him.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn เอมิลี่เขียนประโยค,Emily wrote the sentence.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn พ่ออยู่ในห้องครัวหรือเปล่า,Is Father in the kitchen?,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ผมไม่มีเวลา,I don't have time.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn หายใจยาก เมื่อความชื้นสูง,It's difficult to breathe when humidity is high.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ฉันมีแมวสองตัว,I have two cats.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ฉันอยากจะพูดอะไรบางอย่าง,I wanna say something.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ทำได้ดีแล้ว,You did your best.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ครั้งหนึ่ง เคยมีสะพานที่นี่,"At one time, there was a bridge here.",tha_Thai-eng_Latn ผมเป็นคนอังกฤษ,I am English.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn พวกเขาจะรอเรา,They will wait for us.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn พวกเขานมัสการทุกวันอาทิตย์,They worship every Sunday.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn สิ่งที่ฉันต้องการคือความรัก,What I want is love.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn อย่าเสียเวลาของคุณกับเรื่องไร้สาระ,Don't waste your time on trifles.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn โลกนี้จะเหงาขนาดไหนถ้าไม่มีเธอ,What a lonely world it will be with you away!,tha_Thai-eng_Latn หนังสือไม่ใหม่,The book isn't new.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn นี่คือปากกา,This is a pen.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn บุรจญ์เคาะลีฟะฮ์ปัจจุบันเป็นตึกระฟ้าที่สูงที่สุดในโลก,Burj Khalifa is currently the tallest skyscraper in the world.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn เราไปไหน,Where are we going?,tha_Thai-eng_Latn บิล ถ้าพี่มากับฉัน พี่ก็จะลอยเหมือนกัน,"Bill, if you'll come with me, you'll float, too.",tha_Thai-eng_Latn ใครๆ ก็ชอบเขา,Everyone liked him.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn แม้ว่าคุณไม่สามารถเทียบพละกำลังคนกับเสือได้ แต่กระนั้นเสือก็เป็นแค่เดรัจฉาน,"You cannot compare the strength of a man to that of a tiger, but nevertheless, the tiger is still the inferior creature.",tha_Thai-eng_Latn คุณส่งจดหมายไปแล้วเมื่อวานหรือว่าวันนี้,Did you mail the letter yesterday or today?,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ฉันทำงานด้านอุปโภคบริโภค,I am in the grocery line.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ฉันโค้งให้เจ้านายตอนทักทาย แล้วเขาก็พยักหน้าตอบ,"I bow to the boss in greeting, and he returns my bow with a nod.",tha_Thai-eng_Latn เมื่อวานอากาศดีมาก,"Yesterday, the weather was very nice.",tha_Thai-eng_Latn ฉันรู้สึกกับคุณแบบลึกซึ้ง,I feel for you deeply.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ในปัจจุบัน มีคนอเมริกาประมาณ 31 ล้านคนที่อายุเกินหกสิบห้าปี,At present there are about 31 million Americans over the age of sixty-five.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn สมัยก่อน เด็กทุกคนสามารถแยกดีชั่วได้,"In the old days, every child could tell the difference between good and bad.",tha_Thai-eng_Latn กรุณาเปิดกล่องใบนี้ด้วย,Please open this box.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ขอความกรุณาบอกทางไปสถานีกับฉันด้วยเถอะ,Please be so kind as to show me the way to the station.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn เช็ดเหงื่อออกจากหน้าผาก,Wipe the sweat from your brow.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn พี่สาวของฉันอวดนาฬิกาใหม่ให้ฉันดู,My sister showed a new watch to me.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn เธอเติบโตเป็นผู้หญิงที่เพรียบพร้อม,She had matured into an excellent woman.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ฉันกำลังดื่มน้ำในครัว,I'm drinking water in the kitchen.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ฉันอ่านหนังสือการ์ตูนตอนเวลาเหลือ ที่ทำงานบ่อยๆ,I often read comic books in my spare time at work.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ผมชอบนักร้องคนนั้นมาก,I like that singer a lot.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ฉันอยากไปที่พระจันทร์,I want to go to the moon.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ขอบคุณกับคุณ ฉันมาถึงตรงเวลา,"Thanks to you, I arrived on time.",tha_Thai-eng_Latn ขอยืมใช้โทรศัพท์ของคุณได้ไหมครับ,"Will you let me use your telephone, please?",tha_Thai-eng_Latn ผู้ใหญ่สองคนค่ะ/ครับ,"Two adults, please.",tha_Thai-eng_Latn แมวเหรอ,Is that a cat?,tha_Thai-eng_Latn เขาพึมพำอะไรสักอย่าง,He's mumbling something.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn คุณเคยถูบ้านหรือยัง,Have you ever mopped your house?,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ถ้าจ่ายค่าเช่าหลังวันที่ 5 คุณจะถูกเพิ่มค่าเลยกำหนด,"If your rent comes in past the fifth, a late charge will be added.",tha_Thai-eng_Latn ฉันสนุกมากจนเต็มอิ่ม,I have enjoyed myself to the full.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn เธอนับถือเจ้านายของเธอเหมือนกับพ่อ,She thinks of her boss as a father.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn เราเห็นสิ่งต่างๆแตกต่างกันไปไม่ว่าเราจะรวยหรือจน,We see things differently according to whether we are rich or poor.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn พวกเราต้องไปอย่างระมัดระวัง,We'll have to go about it with care.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ฉันต้องการที่จะทำมันในทันที,I want to do that immediately.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ฉันจะลองทำอาหารดู,I'll try my hand at cooking.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn เขาตาย แล้ววิญญาณของเขาตกนรก,He died and his soul went to hell.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn คุณควรศึกษาเพิ่ม,You must study more.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ทอมและแมรี่พูดว่าพวกเขาไม่ได้วางแผนที่จะทำอย่างนั้น,Tom and Mary say they don't plan to do that.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn พินัยกรรมถูกตัดสินเป็นโมฆะโดยศาล,The will was declared void by the court.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ฉันชอบไปดูหนัง,I love to go to the movies.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ฉันเป็นโรคเบาหวาน,I'm a diabetic.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn หล่อนชื่ออะไรครับ,What's her name?,tha_Thai-eng_Latn พวกเขาบังคับให้เขาลงนามในสัญญา,They made him sign the contract.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn "ไม่, ดอกไม้ไม่ได้มีสีเขียว แต่แดง, ขาว, เหลือง, หรือน้ำเงิน","No, the flowers are not green, but red, white, yellow or blue.",tha_Thai-eng_Latn โอ้ ไม่นานเดี๋ยวก็ชิน,"Oh, you'll get used to it soon!",tha_Thai-eng_Latn บนโต๊ะคือโคมไฟ,Above the table is a lamp.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn เยรูซาเล็มคือเมืองหลวงของประเทศปาเลสไตน์,Jerusalem is the capital of Palestine.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ก็ไม่มีใครชวนผม,"Well, no one invited me.",tha_Thai-eng_Latn ทำไมพวกเราไม่ได้ถูกบอกความจริงมา?,Why weren't we told the truth?,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ผมมีเพื่อนชาวเวียดนาม ชื่อเตียน,I have a Vietnamese friend. Her name is Tiên.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ช่วงนี้เราสองคนไม่เจอกันบ่อยคงดีกว่า,For the time being we two had better not meet too often.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ทำอะไรอยู่,What are you doing?,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ต้นไม้หลายต้นสีเขียว,The trees are green.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ฉันคิดว่ามันถูกวิธีที่ดีที่สุด,I think it's the best way.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ด้วยเหตุผลบางประการ เราไม่สามารถบันทึกการเข้าร่วมของคุณ นี่อาจเป็นเพราะคุณได้มีส่วนร่วมในครั้งนี้แล้ว หรือสงสัยว่ามีการละเมิดของข้อกำหนดและเงื่อนไขของเรา หน้าจอจะกลับไปยังหน้าการทำงานหลักของคุณ,Unfortunately we were unable to record your participation. This may be due to the fact that you already participated in this opportunity or there was a suspected violation of our terms and conditions. You will be redirected to your panel platform.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ถึงเขาได้ขอโทษ ฉันยังคงโกรธ,"Even though he apologized, I'm still furious.",tha_Thai-eng_Latn เขาไม่รู้อะไร,He knows nothing.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn พวกเขาพูดอะไรบ้าง,What are they saying?,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ฉันไม่เข้าใจ,I don't understand it.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn พระเจ้าสร้างคุณขึ้นมาอย่างมีเป้าหมาย,You were made by God for a purpose.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn จงเคารพตัวเองแล้วคุณจะได้รับความเคารพ,"If you respect yourself, others will respect you.",tha_Thai-eng_Latn ทอมบอกว่าฉันไม่ควรใส่กระโปรงสีชมพู,Tom told me I shouldn't wear a pink shirt.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ภูมิอากาศของประเทศญี่ปุ่นอ่อนกว่าประเทศอังกฤษ,The climate of Japan is milder than that of England.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn รถเมล์มาแล้ว,Here comes the bus.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ฉันต้องการที่ทำดีขึึ้นในเวลาหน้า,I want to do better next time.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn แล้วคุณล่ะ,How about you?,tha_Thai-eng_Latn เมื่อไหร่จะมีการนำเที่ยวอีก,When is the next guided tour?,tha_Thai-eng_Latn คุณสอนภาษาอะไร,Which language do you teach?,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ผมรู้จักเขา,I know him.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn คุณกินพริกหรือเปล่าครับ,Do you eat chilies?,tha_Thai-eng_Latn คุณมีนมสวย,You have lovely breasts.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn บ้านนี้มีห้องน้ำสองห้อง,This house has two bathrooms.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ในทะเลมีหมู่เกาะต่าง ๆ มากมาย,There are islands in the sea.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ทอมพูดว่าเขาขอให้ทำอย่างนั้น,Tom said he was asked to do that.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn เต่าไม่มีฟัน,Turtles don't have teeth.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ในที่สุดฉันทำการบ้านเสร็จแล้ว เดี่ยวนี้ฉันไปนอนได้แล้ว,I have finally finished my homework; now I can go to bed.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn โทโทโร่พูดว่า โทโทโร่พูดภาษาจีนไม่ได้,"Totoro says: ""I can't speak Chinese.""",tha_Thai-eng_Latn ไปๆ มาๆ พวกเราถึงจุดหมายปลายทางแล้ว,"At last, we reached our destination.",tha_Thai-eng_Latn นกอยู่บนฟ้า,The bird is in the sky.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn เขาพูดภาษาอังกฤษได้ไหม,Does she speak English?,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ดูเหมือนว่าฉันติดหวัดแล้ว,I seem to have caught a cold.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ถามผู้หญิงที่ไหนก็ได้,Ask any woman.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ฉันจะไปโรงเรียน,I'll go to school.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn คุณคิดว่าอันไหนถูก?,Which one do you think is correct?,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ฉันจะเรียนภาษาฝรั่งเศษเป็นเวลาหนึ่งเทอม,I'm going to study French for one semester.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ฉันเป็นนักข่าว,I'm a journalist.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ในที่สุดฉันทำงานเส็รดแล้ว,"At last, I completed my work.",tha_Thai-eng_Latn ฉันต้องการเล่น,I want to play.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn พร้อมรึยัง,Are you ready?,tha_Thai-eng_Latn คุณต้องดื่มน้ำ,You have to drink water.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn เธอควรเริ่มจากหนังสือพวกนี้ที่เธอสามารถเข้าใจได้ง่าย,You must begin with books like these that are easily understood.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn เขาภูมิใจที่เป็นจิตกร,He is proud that he is an artist.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ฉันมีคำถาม,I have questions.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ขณะนี้ทุกอย่างกำลังดำเนินไปด้วยดี,Everything is all right at present.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn นั่นแหละทำไมเธอต้องการที่พบเขา,That's why she wanted to meet him.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ผมโสด,I am single.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn คุณกินกาแฟไหม,Do you drink coffee?,tha_Thai-eng_Latn สองคูณสองเท่ากับสี่,Two times two is four.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn พวกเรามีปัญหาเหมือนกัน,We have the same problem.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn เธอมีเงินพอไหม,Do you have enough money?,tha_Thai-eng_Latn เมื่อวานฉันกินแกงกะหรี่,I ate curry yesterday.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ไม่เป็นไร,It doesn't matter.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ม้าของเขากระโดดข้ามรั้วแล้ว,His horse jumped over the fence.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ฉันเข้านอนเวลาสี่ทุ่มในวันที่มีเรียนเสมอ,I usually went to bed at ten in my school days.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ผมชอบหิมะ,I like snow.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ทอมบอกว่าแมรี่กำลังมาในมื้อเย็น,Tom said Mary was coming over for dinner.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ผมรักคุณมากกว่าคุณรักผม,I love you more than you love me.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn เขาอยู่ที่โตเกียว,He's in Tokyo.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn คุณชอบช้าง,You like elephants.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn เธอดูตื่นเต้นสุดๆเลย,She seemed to be very surprised.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ฉันจะกลับมาเร็วๆ นี้,I will be back soon.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ทอมดื่มกาแฟ 6 แก้วต่อวัน,Tom drinks six cups of coffee a day.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn คุณง่วงหรือยัง,Are you sleepy yet?,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ฉันกำลังว่ายในมหาสมุทร,I'm swimming in the ocean.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn งานของฉันพึ่งเริ่มเท่านั้น,My work is just beginning.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ผมไม่กินเม็ดแอปเปิ้ล,I don't eat the core of an apple.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ทุกเช้าฉันออกไปชอปปิ้ง,I go shopping every morning.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ฉันบอกหล่อนแล้วว่ามันเกิดอะไรขึ้น,I told her what was going on.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ฉันไม่รู้ว่าปรึกษากับใครดี,I don't know who to consult with.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ฉันเป็นกล้วย,I am a banana.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn คุณรู้จักผมนานเท่าไรครับ,How long have you known me?,tha_Thai-eng_Latn มนุษย์ทุกคนเกิดมาอิสระและเท่าเทียมกันในเกียรติและสิทธิ์ พวกเขาถูกมอบด้วยเหตุผลและมโนธรรมและควรปฏิบัติต่อกันและกันด้วยจิตวิญญาณแห่งพี่น้อ,All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn เป็นยังไงบ้าง,How are you?,tha_Thai-eng_Latn สวัสดี,How do you do.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ฉันมีจักรยานใหม่,I have a new bicycle.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ผู้ชายสารภาพว่าเค้าปล้นผู้หญิงแก่คนนั้น,The man confessed that he had robbed the old woman.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ขอโทษ,I am sorry.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn เขาบอกอะไรกับคุณบ้างไหม?,Did he tell you anything?,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ผมคือคนไทย,I am Thai.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ผมชอบสาวญี่ปุ่น,I like Japanese girls.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ให้เวลาฉันสักวันสองวัน,Give me a day or two.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn คุณมีดินสอไหม,Do you have a pencil?,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ทอมไปอย่างเร่งรีบ,Tom left in a hurry.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn คุณกำลังทำอะไรอยู่,What're you doing?,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ฉันได้ถามกับคนรอบข้างและทุกคนต่างก็บอกว่าทอมเป็นคนที่ดี,I asked around and everybody says Tom is a good guy.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn คุณบอกเรื่องนั้นกับทอมจริงๆ หรือ?,Did you really tell Tom that?,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ผมอ่านเดอะนิวยอร์กไทมส์,I read the New York Times.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ก่อนเก็บมีดเช็ดให้แห้งด้วย จะได้ไม่เป็นสนิม,"Before you put the knife away, please wipe it dry so that it will not rust.",tha_Thai-eng_Latn เราจะทานอาหารเที่ยงด้วยกันตอนเที่ยงครึ่ง,We will have lunch together at twelve-thirty.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ทอมพูดว่าเขาสนุกกับตัวเขาเอง,Tom said he was enjoying himself.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ฉันกำลังต้มน้ำ,I am boiling water.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn คุณไม่เคยมาที่นี่ก่อนใช่ไหม?,"You haven't been here before, have you?",tha_Thai-eng_Latn เธอท้อง,She is pregnant.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn กินข้าวรึยัง,Have you eaten yet?,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ไม่มีอะไรสำเร็จได้โดยปราศจากการดิ้นรน,Nothing is achieved without struggle.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn เมื่อวานอากาศโคตรร้อนเลย,It was hot yesterday.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn หนูไม่ได้เป็นสัตว์ใหญ่,A mouse is not a large animal.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn คุณชื่ออะไร,What's your name?,tha_Thai-eng_Latn คุณลืมเงินของคุณเป็นประจำ,You always forget your money.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn เว้นระยะห่างจากรถบรรทุกและพาหนะคันอื่นๆระหว่างขับรถ,Keep distance from trucks and other vehicles when driving.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn คุณรู้จักผมไหม — ไม่ ฉันไม่รู้จักคุณ,"Do you know me? - No, I do not know you.",tha_Thai-eng_Latn ฉันเกรงว่าพวกเขาไปด้วยกันได้ไม่ค่อยดีเท่าไหร่,I am afraid they don't get along very well.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn เราไปชายหาด,We went to the beach.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn คุณพูดภาษาอังกฤษ,You speak English.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn เมื่อวานเขาเจอผู้ชายตัวใหญ่,Yesterday he saw a big man.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn มีข้อผิดพลาดในประโยค,There is a mistake in the sentence.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn คุณรักเขาหรือเปล่า,Do you love her?,tha_Thai-eng_Latn เขาแปลบทกวี,She translated a poem.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ฉันไม่ร้องเพลง,I do not sing.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn เพราะว่าพวกเขากำลังดูทีวี,Because they're watching television.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ไม่นะ! พาสปอร์ดฉันหายไปแล้ว!,"Oh, no! My passport is gone!",tha_Thai-eng_Latn ผมไม่มีน้องสาว,I don't have a younger sister.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ฉันรู้สึกไม่ดี,I felt bad.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn คุณไม่จำเป็นต้องทำเช่นนี้.,You don't have to do this.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ฉันจะไม่ดื่มมันหรอกถ้าฉันเป็นคุณ,I wouldn't drink that if I were you.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ล็อคประตูเสมอ,Always lock the door.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ยอมรับในสิ่งที่เธอพูดเถอะ ยังไงฉันก็คิดว่าเธอผิด,"Admitting what you say, I still think you are wrong.",tha_Thai-eng_Latn บอบได้ช่วยฉัน,Come and see me.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn พรุ่งนี้พยายามอย่าสายอีกหละ,Try not to be late again tomorrow.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn เขาซื้อรถใหม่แล้ว,He has bought a new car.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ฉันไม่สามารถกินไก่,I can't eat chicken.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ฉันต้องการความรักของคุณ,I want your love.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ฉันคันจากการถูกยุงกัด เธอมียาอะไรช่วยหรือเปล่า?,I'm itchy from mosquito bites. Do you have something for it?,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ฉันไม่สามารถกินเนื้อ,I can't eat meat.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ฟุตบอลอาจจะยกเลิกเพราะฝนตก,The football game might be called off on account of rain.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn แม่กับพ่อไม่ได้มากับฉัน,Mum and Dad aren't coming with me.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn เธอขอร้องให้เขาอยู่,She begged him to stay.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ทอมพูดว่าแมรี่ไม่ได้คิดว่าจอห์นทำอย่างนั้นจริง,Tom said Mary didn't think John really did that.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ซุปเป็นสิ่งที่ร้อนเกินไป ฉันไม่สามารถกินมัน,"The soup's too hot, I can't eat it.",tha_Thai-eng_Latn ผมต้องไปธนาคาร,I have to go to the bank.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ฉันไม่สามารถกินช็อคโกแลต,I can't eat chocolate!,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ผู้คนมักไม่ชอบในสิ่งที่พวกเขาไม่เข้าใจ,People don't like what they can't understand.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ฉันไม่สามารถกินนี้,I can't eat this.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ฉันไม่สามารถกินเนื้อหมู,I can't eat pork.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ฉันไม่สามารถกิน,I can't eat.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn เขาน่าจะเป็นสามีที่ดีของน้องสาวฉัน,He will be a good husband to my sister.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn เขาก็พูดภาษาฝรั่งเศสได้,He also speaks French.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn แอปเปิลของพวกเขาไม่อร่อยเท่าของพวกเรา,Their apples aren't as tasty as ours.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ไม่รู้,I don't know.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ทอมไม่อยากคุยกับแมรี่,Tom doesn't want to talk to Mary.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn แม่ผมบ้าไปแล้ว,My mother is crazy.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ฉันจะรักเธอตลอดไป,I'll always love you.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn เธอไม่ขี้อายอย่างเคย,She's not as shy as she used to be.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ทอมขับรถพาแมรี่ไปส่งที่สนามบิน,Tom drove Mary to the airport.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ทอมอยากเจอแมรี่,Tom wants to see Mary.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ลองสวมหมวกนี้ดูว่าพอดีไหม,Try this hat on and see if it fits you.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ฉันไม่เข้าใจความคิดของเขา,I couldn't understand his ideas.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ผมของเธอยาวประบ่า,Her hair came down to her shoulders.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn เธอยุ่งมากเลยมาไม่ได้,She couldn't come because she was busy.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn เขาทำตามสัญญา,He kept his promise.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn นี่คือหมา,This is a dog.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ฉันมีเวลา,I've got time.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn มีอะไรจะพูดนอกเหนือจากนี้อีกไหม,Do you have anything further to say?,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ฉันเป็นห่วงที่เธอหน้าซีด,It worried me that she looked pale.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ไม่ต้องกังวล ฉันจะปกป้องเธอเอง,"Don't worry, I will protect her.",tha_Thai-eng_Latn ชายหาดอยู่ไม่ไกลจากที่นี่,The beach isn't far from here.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn กรุณาเข้ามา ประตูเปิดอยู่,"Please, do come in. The door is open.",tha_Thai-eng_Latn ท้องของฉันบิดด้วยความหิวกระหาย,My stomach is clenched with hunger.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn อากาศนั้นนุ่มและดินนั้นชื้น,"The air is soft, the soil moist.",tha_Thai-eng_Latn มันเป็นการยากที่จะยึดความสนใจไปที่การผ่อนคลายกฎระเบียบ,It is difficult to peg the direction of interest deregulation.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ผมหากุญแจอยู่,I'm looking for my key.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ปกติแล้วฉันขอบอยู่คนเดียว,I basically prefer being by myself.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn คุณฟังข่าวทางวิทยุได้ตอน 9 โมงนะ,You can hear the news on the radio at nine o'clock.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn เธอท้องหรือว่าแค่อ้วนกันแน่?,Is she pregnant or just fat?,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ผมไม่มีแผนเลย,I have no plans whatever.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ผมเป็นชาร์ลี,I am Charlie.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn อิ่มแล้ว,I can't eat more.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ผมหิวมาก,I'm really hungry.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn เธอมาทำอะไรที่นี่? ทำไมถึงไม่อยู่บ้าน?,What are you doing here? Why aren't you home?,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ทอมพูดว่าเขามีความสุขที่ได้ทำมัน,Tom said he was happy to do that.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ข้าแต่พระเยซูคริสต์ พระบุตรพระเจ้า โปรดทรงพระเมตตาลูก ผู้เป็นคนบาป เถิดพระเจ้าข้า.,"Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner.",tha_Thai-eng_Latn นอนลงบนโซฟา,Lay down on the couch.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn หล่อนต่อสู้จนถึงที่สุด,She fought until the end.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ผมไม่มีแมว,I don't have a cat.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ทอมรู้ว่าแมรีเป็นอาจารย์,Tom knew that Mary was a teacher.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn เรามีลูกสองคน,We have two children.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ถ้าตอนบายนี้คูณกำลังจะไปห้องสมุด ขอคืนหนังสือสองเล่มนี้ เวลาคุณที่นั้น,"If you are going to the library this afternoon, would you please return two books for me whilst you are there?",tha_Thai-eng_Latn บางคนบอกว่า ไม่ควรตรวจสอบอีเมลเป็นสิ่งแรกในตอนเช้า,Some people say that you shouldn't check your email first thing in the morning.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ฉันไม่เป็นคุณหมอ,I'm not a doctor.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn เราไม่มีน้ำตาล,We have no sugar.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn เมเรดิธเป็นเพื่อนของแมรี่,Meredith is Mary's friend.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn เขาอยู่ที่ไหนครับ,Where does he live?,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ทุกคนต้องรู้จัก,Everybody must know.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ฉันรักเธอ,I love you.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn คุณหวังมาจากประเทศจีน,Mr Wang is from China.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn พ่อคุณมาถึงเมื่อไหร่,When will your father arrive?,tha_Thai-eng_Latn คูณกำลังพูดเร็วหน้อยสำหรับฉัน ขอพูดชัากว่าได้ไหมค่ะ,"You are speaking a bit too fast for me, could you please speak more slowly?",tha_Thai-eng_Latn อะไรทำให้คุณมาตั้งแต่เช้าเนี่ย,What has brought you here so early?,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ฉันไม่สามารถไปได้,I can't go.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn เก้าอี้ตัวนี้นั่งสบายจัง,This is a comfortable chair.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn เขาชอบผจญภัย,He is fond of adventure.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ฉันขอโทษ ฉันไม่สามารถไปได้,I'm sorry I can't go.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn แพงจังเลยนะ,It's so expensive!,tha_Thai-eng_Latn เธอกลัวว่ามะเร็งจะฆ่าสามีของเธอก่อนที่เหลนของพวกเขาจะเกิด,She feared cancer would kill her husband before their great-grandson was born.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn นี้เป็นม้า,This is a horse.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn พระเจ้า ฉันคัดค้าน,Lord! I object.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ฉันซาบซึ้งที่คุณบอกฉัน,I appreciate your telling me.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ลูกของฉันต้องการที่จะพูด,My baby wants to talk.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ความรักของฉันสำหรับเขาลดลงแล้ว,My love for him has already cooled.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn มาลองบางอย่างกันเถอะ,Let's try something.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn เราไปนั่งเรือข้ามแม่น้ำมา,We crossed the river by boat.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ฉันเศร้า,I am very sorry.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ฉันไม่รู้ว่ามีเวลามั้ย,I don't know if I have the time.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn นี่เป็นภาพล่าสุดรึเปล่า?,Is it a recent picture?,tha_Thai-eng_Latn เราไม่อยากคุยเกี่ยวกับเรื่องนี้,I prefer not to talk about it.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn คุณต้องล้อเล่นแน่ๆเลย,You must be joking!,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ตอนนั้นฉันอยู่ในเขา,I was in the mountains.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ฉันแค่ไม่รู้จะพูดอะไร,I just don't know what to say.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn มันจะไม่มีวันจบ,This is never going to end.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ลูกพีชมีรสหวาน,Peaches are sweet.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn เดี๋ยวฉันจะกลับมาเร็วๆนี้,I'll come back soon.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn "รหัสผ่านคือ ""Muiriel""","The password is ""Muiriel"".",tha_Thai-eng_Latn ฉันทำได้แค่เพียงสงสัยว่าทุกคนเป็นเหมือนกันมั้ย,I can only wonder if this is the same for everyone else.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn นยังคงไม่เชื่อ ว่ามีเสือดาวหิมะที่อยู่ในสวนสัตว์ ฉันคิดว่าพวกมันคงเป็นสัตว์ที่ใกล้สูญพันธุ์,I still can't believe they had a snow leopard in that zoo. I thought they were an endangered species.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn เห็นไหม ว่ามนุษย์ไม่ได้เป็นผู้สร้างเวลา เพราะหากเราทำได้ เวลาจะไม่หมด,"You see, humans don't create time; if we did we'd never run out of it.",tha_Thai-eng_Latn ฉันจะพยายามสุดความสามารถที่จะไม่รบกวนการเรียนของเธอ,I'll do my best not to disturb your studying.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ฉันจะรับรองสำหรับคุณ,I'll vouch for you.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ฉันทิ้งโทรศัพท์ไว้ในรถ,I left my phone in the car.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn มันเป็นเพราะว่าเธอไม่อยากอยู่คนเดียว,It's because you don't want to be alone.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ฉันอาจจะยอมแพ้แล้วไปงีบแทน,I may give up soon and just nap instead.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn งานใด ๆ อาจทำให้ระทมทุกข์,Any task may become painful.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ฉันบอกแล้วว่าทอมพร้อมแล้ว,I told you Tom was ready.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn เธอขวางทางฉันอยู่,You are in my way.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn เธอรูปร่างดีกว่าฉันเสียอีก,You're in better shape than I am.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ฉันใช้ชีวิตแบบนั้นไม่ได้,I can't live that kind of life.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn เขาเชื่อว่าพวกเขาได้ทำลายมัน,He believed they were destroying it.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ฉันบอกให้พวกเขาส่งตั๋วอีกใบมาให้,I told them to send me another ticket.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ฉันกำลังจะไป,I'm going to go.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ประเทศญี่ปุ่นอยู่ในเอเชียตะวันออก,Japan is in eastern Asia.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ฉันมักจะชอบตัวละครที่ลึกลับมากกว่า,I always liked mysterious characters more.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ฉันคิดว่าเขาเป็นพี่ชายของฉัน,I thought he was my brother.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ฉันคิดถึงคุณ,I miss you.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn เขาตัดสินใจที่จะเป็นนักบิน,He decided to become a pilot.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn มีร้านหนังสือหนึ่งแห่งอยู่หน้าห้างสรรพสินค้า,There is a bookstore in front of the department store.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ฉันหวังว่าเขาคงจะสบายดี,I hope he's all right.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn วันพรุ่งนี้เขาจะเดินทางออกจากชิคาโก้,He is leaving Chicago tomorrow.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn เธอนี่แขวะฉันเรื่องเสื้อผ้าตลอดเลยนะ,You are always digging at me about my clothes.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn วานนี้ฉันได้ฟังเรื่องสนุก,I heard an awesome story yesterday.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn นี้เป็นแมว,This is a cat.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ฉันช่วยเธอไม่ได้ ถึงแม้ฉันจะสงสารเธอก็เถอะ,"I cannot help you, not but that I pity you.",tha_Thai-eng_Latn ฉันเจอสิ่งนั้นที่เธอตามหาแล้ว,I found the very thing you had been looking for.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn เธอสนุกกับการเรียนมั้ย?,Do you enjoy studying?,tha_Thai-eng_Latn กรีซเป็นประเทศเก่าแก่,Greece is an old country.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn อันนี้เป็นของพ่อฉัน,This is my father's.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ทอมยังไม่ได้ล้างจาน,Tom didn't do the dishes.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ฉันขอโทษ ฉันไม่สามารถไป,I'm sorry that I can't go.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn "อย่าทำเป็น "" หมาหวงก้าง """,Don't be a dog in the manger.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn เขาไม่สูบบุหรี่,He doesn't smoke.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn เราทุกคนต้องตายแม้ว่าเราจะมีเงินหรือไม่,We die whether we make money or not.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn เรารักคุณ,We love you.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn พระเจ้ารักคุณ,God loves you.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ลัทธิคอมมิวนิสต์เป็นระบบทางการเมืองในกลุ่มนักสังคมนิยมในสหภาพโซเวียต แต่ถูกหยุดไปเมื่อปีค.ศ.1993,"Communism was the political system in the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, but that stopped in 1993.",tha_Thai-eng_Latn กล่องจดหมายของฉันเป็นที่เต็ม,My inbox is full.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn มีบางอย่างที่ฉันต้องรู้,There is something I must know.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ระหว่างที่พวกเราไปเที่ยววันหยุดกัน มีเพื่อนบ้านคนหนึ่งช่วยดูแลแมวของพวกเราให้,"While we were on holiday, a neighbor took care of our cat.",tha_Thai-eng_Latn แก้ไขข้อผิดพลาดด้วยถ้ามี,"Correct errors, if any.",tha_Thai-eng_Latn ช่วงฤดูร้อนฉันไปทะเล ช่วงฤดูหนาวฉันไปภูเขา,"On summer I go to the sea, on winter I go to the mountain.",tha_Thai-eng_Latn เขาออกจากทีมเนื่องจากเขาไม่เข้าขากับผู้จัดการ,He left his team as he could not get along with the manager.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn แทบจะไม่มีนักเรียนที่ได้คะแนนเต็มในวิชาภาษาจีนดั้งเดิมเลย,Almost no students get full marks in Chinese classics.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ผู้ป่วยมักจะเสียชีวิตไปง่ายๆเพราะพวกเขายอมแพ้ให้กับความเจ็บป่วย,Patients often die simply because they yield to their diseases.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn อนุญาตให้นักเรียนขาดเรียนได้,Allow a student to be absent.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn กรุณาส่งเอกสารนี้ก่อนสิ้นเดือน,Please send this document before the end of the month.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ฉันจะต้องรอจนกว่าจะเรียนจบแล้วเริ่มหาเงิน,I will have to wait till I finish schooling and start earning money.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn เธอห้ามอ่านหนังสือพวกนี้เพรามันไม่ดีสำหรับเธอ,You must not read such books as will do you harm.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ถ้าคุณลงไปใต้น้ำ ปิดจมูกแล้วหายใจออกเพื่อเคลียร์หู,"If you go underwater, hold your nose and blow to clear your ears.",tha_Thai-eng_Latn เราเห็นเขาเป็นรุ่นพี่ที่ดี,We look up to him as a good senior.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn เราทานอาหารวันละสามมื้อ,We eat a meal three times a day.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn พระเจ้าผู้ให้ทั้งชีวิตและเสรีภาพแก่เราในเวลาเดียวกัน,"The God who gave us life, gave us liberty at the same time.",tha_Thai-eng_Latn ฉันเห็นดอกไม้หายากอยู่ในแจกัน,I see a rare flower in the vase.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ลองทำดู!,Give it a shot.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ทันที่ที่ฉันออกจากบ้าน ฉันก็บังเอิญพบเธอบนถนน,"As soon as I left home, I came across her in the street.",tha_Thai-eng_Latn ทอมเจอตู้เซฟเก่าในโรงรถ,Tom found an old safe in his garage.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn เปิดประตูให้ความรัก,Open the door for love.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ฉันมีสิทธิที่จะวิพากษ์วิจารณ์,I have the right to criticise.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn หนังสือกองนี้ของฉัน ส่วนกองโน้นน่ะของเค้า,These books are mine and those books are his.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn เราเป็นลูกเขา,We are his children.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn น้ำแกงเค็มเกินไป,The soup is too salty.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ฉันไม่รู้ว่ามีเวลาหรือเปล่า,I don't know if there's time.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ผมเป็นซอมบี้ครับ,I'm a zombie!,tha_Thai-eng_Latn นี่มันหนังสือเล่มที่คุณกำลังหาอยู่,It's the book you are looking for.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn เมื่อวานฉันได้เจอเขา,I met him yesterday.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ผมเล่นฟุตบอลได้,I can play soccer.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn 1 มกราคมเป็นวันที่คนญี่ปุ่นหลายคนไปที่ศาลเพียงตา,January 1st is the day when many Japanese go to shrines.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ถึงเวลาไปนอนหลับ,It's time to go to bed.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ผมเรียนหนังสือ,I am studying.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn พ่อของฉันเป็นครู,My father is a teacher.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn เส้นผ่าศูนย์กลางของรูใหญ่กว่านิดๆ,The diameter of the hole was slightly larger.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn สวัสดีปีใหม่,Happy New Year!,tha_Thai-eng_Latn เด็กพ่นหิน,The boy throws a stone.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn แม่ฉันป่วยมาตั้งแต่เดือนที่แล้ว,My mother has been sick since last month.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ฝนจะตกไหมพรุ่งนี้,Will it rain tomorrow?,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ฉันจะไปที่นั้นถึงแม้ฝนจะตก,I will go there even if it rains.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn การเปลี่ยนแปลงทางสังคมเป้นสิ่งจำเป็นเร่งด่วนของที่นั้น,There is an urgent need for social change.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn วัฒนธรรมทางสังคมมีการแปรเปลี่ยนไปในแต่ละประเทศ,Social customs vary from country to country.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn คุณควรจะปล่อยให้ทอมทำสิ่งที่เขาอยากทำ,You should've let Tom do what he wanted to do.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ทอมเตือนแมรี่ว่าเธอต้องทำสิ่งนั้นวันนี้,Tom reminded Mary that she had to do that today.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ฉันจะไม่ตาย,I won't die.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ฉันชอบอาหารจีน,I like chinese food.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn มีบางอย่างที่เธอต้องรู้,There is something you must know.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ไม่มีใครเข้าใจฉัน,Nobody understands me.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ฉันชอบฝนตกในหน้าร้อน,I love summer rain.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn อาหารเที่ยงของฉันคือ แอปเปิ้ล แพร์ และทับทิม,My lunch was an apple and pears and pomegranate.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ฉันพักอยู่บ้านป้าช่วงฤดูร้อน,I'm staying at my aunt's for the summer.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn เขามาหรือยัง,Has he come?,tha_Thai-eng_Latn พวกเราควรปาตี้กัน,We should party.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn Muiriel อายุ 20 ปีแล้ว,Muiriel is 20 now.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn เหรียญเป็นเงิน,The coin is silver.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn พวกเราควรฉลองกัน,We should celebrate.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn วันนี้วันที่ 18 มิถุนายน และมันก็เป็นวันเกิดของ Muiriel,Today is June 18th and it is Muiriel's birthday!,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ทอมไม่กลัวแมรี่,Tom isn't afraid of Mary.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ทอมมีลูกสามคน,Tom has three children.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ฉันกินข้าวอยู่,I am eating.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn หิมะตก,Snow is falling.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn เธอไม่ค่อยมีเพื่อนมากนักที่เกียวโต,She does not have many friends in Kyoto.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn เขาหงายหน้ามองท้องฟ้า,He looked up at the sky.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ผมคิดว่าทุกคนควรเรียนภาษาอื่น,I think everybody should learn another language.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn การศึกษาบนโลกใบนี้ทำให้ผิดหวัง,Education in this world disappoints me.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ทอมมีฟาร์มอยู่ไม่ไกลจากบอสตัน,Tom had a farm not too far from Boston.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ความผิดพลาดเกิดขึ้นเมื่อไหร่,When did the error occur?,tha_Thai-eng_Latn เค้าดูเด็ก แต่จริงๆอายุเกินสี่สิบปี,"He seems young, but he's actually over 40 years old.",tha_Thai-eng_Latn ขอพูดช้าลงหน่อยได้ไหมครับ,Please speak a little more slowly.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ผมลืมชื่อของเขา,I forget his name.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn เขาเสียชีวิตเมื่อสามปีก่อน,He died three years ago.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ฤดูหนาวที่แปรปรวน มันทำให้ฉันใกล้จะบ้าไปแล้ว ยังดีที่ใกล้จะปิดเทอมแล้ว,"The winter chaos is driving me crazy, but soon the holidays will come.",tha_Thai-eng_Latn นี่คอมพิวเตอร์ของฉัน,This is my computer.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn การติดตั้งอุปกรณ์ขณะทดลองหรือใช้งานเป็นเช่นไร อุปกรณ์ใดต่อกับอุปกรณ์ใดและต่อกันอย่างไร,What did the experimental set-up look like? What was connected to what and how?,tha_Thai-eng_Latn คุณกำลังรีบร้อนไปไหน? เรามีเวลาอีกมาก ดังนั้นขับรถอย่างปลอดภัย,"Where are you going in such a hurry? We've got plenty of time, so drive safely.",tha_Thai-eng_Latn ทั้งๆที่เขาใช้ความพยายามทั้งหมด เขาล้มเหลวในการสอบ,"In spite of all his efforts, he failed the exam.",tha_Thai-eng_Latn ฉันค่อนข้างอยากอยู่บ้านมากกว่าที่จะออกไป,I would rather stay home than go out.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ผลข้างเคียงของการผ่าตัดตาคือตาแห้ง,A side effect of the eye surgery is dry eyes.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ฉันหวังว่าครูของฉันจะกระตือรือร้นที่จะทำงาน,I would hope that my teachers were eager to work.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ในประเทศญี่ปุ่น ประชาชนบรรลุนิติภาวะเมื่ออายุยี่สิบปี,"In Japan, people become legally of age at twenty.",tha_Thai-eng_Latn ฝนตกไหม,Is it raining?,tha_Thai-eng_Latn พวกคุณอยากดื่มน้ำชาหรือกาแฟครับ,Do you want to drink tea or coffee?,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ฉันสงสัยว่าจะแขวนรูปที่ทอมให้มาตรงไหนดี,I wonder where to hang this picture that Tom gave me.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn จริงๆ ก็อยากเรียนภาษาญี่ปุ่นอยู่เหมือนกัน,"Honestly, I also want to learn Japanese.",tha_Thai-eng_Latn ความผิดพลาดเกิดขึ้นในทันทีที่เริ่มใช้งาน หรือหลังจากนั้น – ตอนไหน,Did the error occur right from the start or later on? - When?,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ผมกำลังอยู่ที่คุนหมิง,I'm living in Kunming at the moment.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn แหวนวงนี้แพง ขอดูวงถูกๆหน่อย,This ring is expensive. Show me some cheap ones.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn คุณกำลังทำให้ฉันเบื่อ!,You're boring me!,tha_Thai-eng_Latn เขาหล่อมาก,He is very handsome.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn สังเกตพบความผิดพลาดได้ยังไง,How is the error observed?,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ฉันสงสัยว่าทำไมทอมถึงไม่มาที่ปาร์ตี้ของแมรี่,I wonder why Tom didn't come to Mary's party.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn เด็กชายสองคนกำลังหาบนํ้า,Two young boys are carrying a load of water on a pole.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ความผิดพลาดเกิดขึ้นเป็นประจำ หรือนานๆ ครั้ง เป็นความผิดพลาดซ้ำอย่างเดิมหรือเปล่า,Does the error occur regularly or sporadically? Is the error reproducible?,tha_Thai-eng_Latn นี่เป็นดอกไม้รึเปล่า,Is this a flower?,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ฉันนิยมอาหารที่ออสเตรเลีย,I am fond of Australian food.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn เขาพูดภาษาจีน,He speaks Chinese.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn "ไม่, บ้านในหมู่บ้านของฉันไม่ได้สูง แต่สวนใหญ่","No, the houses in my village aren't tall, but the gardens are big.",tha_Thai-eng_Latn ผมไม่ชอบมหาสมุทร,I don't like the ocean.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn คุณชอบกินอาหารญี่ปุ่นไหมครับ,Do you like Japanese food?,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ผมกินข้าวที่นี่,I eat here.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ผมไม่ชอบชื่อของคุณครับ,I don't like your name.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ที่นี่มีคนที่พูดภาษาจีนได้ไหม,Is there anyone who can speak Chinese here?,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ผมสะอึกบ่อยๆ,I hiccup a lot.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn หมายความว่าอะไร,What does that mean?,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ฉันกำลังเรียนภาษาพม่าอยู่,I'm learning Burmese.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ไปทางไหนดีที่สุด,What is the best road to go?,tha_Thai-eng_Latn แม่ของฉันเปิดประตูอย่างระมัดระวัง,My mother carefully opened the door.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ซานต้าอยู่ที่ขั้วโลกเหนือ,Santa lives at the North Pole.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn แม่คุณอยู่ที่บ้านไหม,Is your mum at home?,tha_Thai-eng_Latn จงเคารพตัวเอง แล้วพวกเขาจะเคารพคุณ,"If you respect yourself, then others will respect you.",tha_Thai-eng_Latn รถของคุณแพงกว่ารถของผม,Your car is more expensive than mine.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ผมจะไม่พูดภาษาฝรั่งเศสกับคุณอีกที,I will not speak French with you again.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn กรุงเทพมหานครเป็นเมืองหลวงของประเทศไทย,Bangkok is the capital of Thailand.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn บางทีเขาก็เป็นคนแปลกๆ,Sometimes he can be a strange guy.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn เพราะว่าผมพูดภาษาจีน,Because I speak Chinese.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ภาษาอารบิคจะอ่านจากขวาไปซ้าย,Arabic is read from right to left.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ผมชอบกินแอปเปิ้ล,I like apples.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ในยามแห่งอาวุธ กฎหมายทรุดเงียบเสียงลง,"In times of war, the law falls silent.",tha_Thai-eng_Latn มันจะไม่เกิดขึ้น,That won't happen.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn มันมีสมุดสีน้ำเงินบนโต๊ะ,There was a blue notebook on the table.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn คุณได้เห็นพระอาทิตย์ขึ้นเมื่อกี้ไหม? มันสวยมากเลย,Did you see the sunrise earlier? It was really beautiful.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ผมมีพจนานุกรมเล่มหนึ่ง,I have a dictionary.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ยิ่งมีมาก ก็ยิ่งต้องเสียมาก,"The more you have, the more you have to lose.",tha_Thai-eng_Latn เธอนั่งสูบบุหรี่,She sat smoking.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ขอโทษนะคะ คุณพูดภาษาอังกฤษได้มั้ย? ได้ครับ นิดหน่อย,"""Excuse me, do you speak English?"" ""Yes. A little.""",tha_Thai-eng_Latn คุณแต่งงานแล้วหรือยัง,Are you married?,tha_Thai-eng_Latn "ยิว, คริสเตียน หรือมุสลิม พวกเราล้วนเป็นบุตรของพระเจ้า","Jews, Christians and Moslems, we all are children of God.",tha_Thai-eng_Latn ฝรั่งเศสอยู่ในยุโรปตะวันตก,France is in Western Europe.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ผมเป็นโรคลมบ้าหมู,I have epilepsy.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn คุณเฉินไม่ใช่นักธุรกิจครับ,Chen is not a businessperson.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ภาษาไทยเป็นภาษาราชการในประเทศไทย,Thai is the official language in Thailand.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ทหารคนนั้นไม่เคยได้แผลจากการต่อสู้เลย,The soldier never got scars from battles.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ห้ามสรรพสินค้าผุดขึ้นเป็นดอกเห็ดอย่างรวดเร็วในเมืองที่เจริญมากๆ,Shopping malls are quickly mushrooming in this very urban city.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn มีรั้วกั้นแบ่งสวนและถนนออกจากกัน,A fence separates the garden from the lane.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn เขาเคยสะสมแมลงเมื่อครั้งยังเป็นเด็ก,He used to collect beetles when he was a kid.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn ฉันมีแค่หนังสือเล่มเดียว,All I have is one book.,tha_Thai-eng_Latn Asmanda ýyldyzlar petreşip görünýärdi.,Stars twinkled in the sky.,tuk_Cyrl-eng_Latn Aňmaýaryn.,I don't remember.,tuk_Cyrl-eng_Latn At ak.,The horse is white.,tuk_Cyrl-eng_Latn Meniň kitabym bar.,I have a book.,tuk_Cyrl-eng_Latn Är-aýalyň uruşy – ýaz gününiň ýagyşy.,A quarrel between husband and wife is like a spring day's drizzle.,tuk_Cyrl-eng_Latn Türkmençe gepläp bilýäňmi?,Can you speak Turkmen?,tuk_Cyrl-eng_Latn Kitap sende barmy?,Do you have the book?,tuk_Cyrl-eng_Latn Men meýletinçi.,I am a volunteer.,tuk_Cyrl-eng_Latn Men çaý içmek isleýän.,I want to drink tea.,tuk_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ol gorkuly.,He is afraid.,tuk_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Ary örüzen balyň kaýda, Pyragy?","Where is your honey that excites the bees, Pyragy?",tuk_Cyrl-eng_Latn Men şat.,I am happy.,tuk_Cyrl-eng_Latn Men gyzyksyz.,I am boring.,tuk_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ol owadanmy?,Is she beautiful?,tuk_Cyrl-eng_Latn Men çydajak.,I will endure.,tuk_Cyrl-eng_Latn Men garry däl.,I'm not old.,tuk_Cyrl-eng_Latn Iki pişigim bar.,I have two cats.,tuk_Cyrl-eng_Latn Meniň bir itim bar.,I have a dog.,tuk_Cyrl-eng_Latn Düşündiňmi?,Do you understand?,tuk_Cyrl-eng_Latn Seniň pişigiň barmy?,Do you have a cat?,tuk_Cyrl-eng_Latn Seniň otluçöpüň barmy?,Do you have a match?,tuk_Cyrl-eng_Latn Men gazaplydym.,I was angry.,tuk_Cyrl-eng_Latn Men geljek.,I will come.,tuk_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ol geljek.,He will come.,tuk_Cyrl-eng_Latn Men düşünemok.,I don't understand.,tuk_Cyrl-eng_Latn Men gaýdyp geljek.,I'm going to come back.,tuk_Cyrl-eng_Latn Okamadym.,I didn't read.,tuk_Cyrl-eng_Latn Bolýar.,So be it.,tuk_Cyrl-eng_Latn Men siziň bilen geljek.,I will come with you.,tuk_Cyrl-eng_Latn Sen meniň bilen geljek.,You are to come with me.,tuk_Cyrl-eng_Latn Sen geljegiňi bilýärdim.,I knew you'd come.,tuk_Cyrl-eng_Latn Olar gaýdyp geljek.,They'll come back.,tuk_Cyrl-eng_Latn Men daşaryk çykjak.,I'll come outside.,tuk_Cyrl-eng_Latn Men häzir geljek.,I'll come now.,tuk_Cyrl-eng_Latn Men öýe geljek.,I'll come home.,tuk_Cyrl-eng_Latn Olar geljek.,They will come.,tuk_Cyrl-eng_Latn Men gitjek.,I'm going to go.,tuk_Cyrl-eng_Latn Biz gitjek.,We're going to go.,tuk_Cyrl-eng_Latn Men öýe gitjek.,I'm going to go home.,tuk_Cyrl-eng_Latn Men kinoteatra gitjek.,I'm going to go to the movies.,tuk_Cyrl-eng_Latn Elbetde men gitjek.,Of course I will go.,tuk_Cyrl-eng_Latn Sen kim bilen gitjek?,Who will you go with?,tuk_Cyrl-eng_Latn Sen gitjekmi?,Are you going to go?,tuk_Cyrl-eng_Latn Men ol ýere gitjek.,I'm going to go there.,tuk_Cyrl-eng_Latn Men awtomobilde gitjek.,I'll go by car.,tuk_Cyrl-eng_Latn Men seniň bilen gitjek.,I'm going to go with you.,tuk_Cyrl-eng_Latn Sen nirä gitjek?,Where will you go?,tuk_Cyrl-eng_Latn Men häzir gitjek.,I'll go now.,tuk_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Hawa, men gitjek.","Yeah, I’ll go.",tuk_Cyrl-eng_Latn Men görmäge gitjek.,I'll go see.,tuk_Cyrl-eng_Latn Sen biziň bilen gitjekmi?,Will you go with us?,tuk_Cyrl-eng_Latn Sen otly bilen gitjekmi?,Will you go by train?,tuk_Cyrl-eng_Latn Sen kinoteatra gitjekmi?,Are you going to a movie?,tuk_Cyrl-eng_Latn Sen ol ýere gitjekmi?,Are you going to go there?,tuk_Cyrl-eng_Latn Sen häzir gitjekmi?,Are you going to go now?,tuk_Cyrl-eng_Latn Sen Tom bilen gitjekmi?,Are you going to go with Tom?,tuk_Cyrl-eng_Latn Men synanyşjak.,I will try.,tuk_Cyrl-eng_Latn Sen hem gitjekmi?,"Will you go, too?",tuk_Cyrl-eng_Latn Men öwrenjek.,I will learn.,tuk_Cyrl-eng_Latn Men iýjek.,I will eat.,tuk_Cyrl-eng_Latn Sen meniň bilen söwda gitjekmi?,Will you go shopping with me?,tuk_Cyrl-eng_Latn Biz häli ýagşy.,We're still doing well.,tuk_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ol bir ýyldan gowrak wagt boldy.,It happened over a year ago.,tuk_Cyrl-eng_Latn Men sürmegi öwrenip ýörün.,I've been learning to drive.,tuk_Cyrl-eng_Latn Garaňkydan gorkýaryn.,I have a fear of the dark.,tuk_Cyrl-eng_Latn Guş jennetde.,The bird is in heaven.,tuk_Cyrl-eng_Latn Olar häzir bişirýärler.,They're cooking now.,tuk_Cyrl-eng_Latn Guş gökde.,The bird is in the sky.,tuk_Cyrl-eng_Latn Tom häzir nirede?,Where's Tom right now?,tuk_Cyrl-eng_Latn Bu suratda näçe gyz bar?,How many girls are there in this picture?,tuk_Cyrl-eng_Latn Men hemişe saz diňleýärin; onsuz ýaşap bilmem.,I'm always listening to music; I can't live without it.,tuk_Cyrl-eng_Latn Tanşanymyza örän şat boldum.,It was nice to meet you.,tuk_Cyrl-eng_Latn Men ony hiç haçan görjek däl.,I will never see him.,tuk_Cyrl-eng_Latn Men ölümden gorkamok.,I don't fear death.,tuk_Cyrl-eng_Latn Men Türkmençe öwrenýärin.,I'm learning Turkmen.,tuk_Cyrl-eng_Latn Häzirki wagtda Burj Khalifa dünýäniň iň uzyn binasydyr.,Burj Khalifa is currently the tallest skyscraper in the world.,tuk_Cyrl-eng_Latn Sen ony bu ýerde islejek däl.,You won't like it here.,tuk_Cyrl-eng_Latn Men seni tanamok.,I don't know you.,tuk_Cyrl-eng_Latn Maňa uklamak gerek.,I have to go to bed.,tuk_Cyrl-eng_Latn At gara.,The horse is black.,tuk_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ýagyş ýagýar.,It is raining.,tuk_Cyrl-eng_Latn Maňa taksi gerek!,I need a taxi!,tuk_Cyrl-eng_Latn Deňizde adalar bar.,There are islands in the sea.,tuk_Cyrl-eng_Latn Men mugallym däl.,I am not a teacher.,tuk_Cyrl-eng_Latn Bu bir sözlem däl.,This is not a sentence.,tuk_Cyrl-eng_Latn Bu bir balyk däl.,This is not a fish.,tuk_Cyrl-eng_Latn Bu bir stol däl.,This is not a table.,tuk_Cyrl-eng_Latn Men bir kitap okadym.,I read a book.,tuk_Cyrl-eng_Latn Men sürmek isleýärin.,I want to drive.,tuk_Cyrl-eng_Latn Men ýaşamak isleýärin.,I want to live.,tuk_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ol maňa düşünmedi.,He didn't understand me.,tuk_Cyrl-eng_Latn Men uklamakçy.,I want to sleep.,tuk_Cyrl-eng_Latn Men saz diňleýärin.,I'm listening to music.,tuk_Cyrl-eng_Latn Men diňleýärdim.,I was listening.,tuk_Cyrl-eng_Latn Men häzir bişirýärin.,I'm cooking now.,tuk_Cyrl-eng_Latn Olar radio diňleýärdiler.,They were listening to the radio.,tuk_Cyrl-eng_Latn Sen diňleýärsiňmi?,Are you listening?,tuk_Cyrl-eng_Latn Men seni diňleýärin.,I'm listening to you.,tuk_Cyrl-eng_Latn Tom diňleýär.,Tom has been listening.,tuk_Cyrl-eng_Latn Tom diňleýärdi.,Tom was listening.,tuk_Cyrl-eng_Latn Sen diňleýärdiňmi?,Were you listening?,tuk_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ol saz diňleýärdi.,He was listening to music.,tuk_Cyrl-eng_Latn Çaga saz diňleýär.,The boy is listening to music.,tuk_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ol ony diňleýär.,She is listening to him.,tuk_Cyrl-eng_Latn Sen ony diňleýärsiňmi?,Are you listening to him?,tuk_Cyrl-eng_Latn Är kişi güýçli.,The man is strong.,tuk_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ol radio diňleýär.,He is listening to the radio.,tuk_Cyrl-eng_Latn Men bir aýdym diňleýärin.,I am listening to a song.,tuk_Cyrl-eng_Latn Laurie saz diňleýär.,Laurie is listening to music.,tuk_Cyrl-eng_Latn Sözlemde bir ýalňyşlyk bar.,There is a mistake in the sentence.,tuk_Cyrl-eng_Latn Sen radio diňleýärsiňmi?,Are you listening to the radio?,tuk_Cyrl-eng_Latn Tom häzir diňleýär.,Tom is listening now.,tuk_Cyrl-eng_Latn Tom saz diňleýär.,Tom is listening to music.,tuk_Cyrl-eng_Latn Emily saz diňleýärdi.,Emily was listening to music.,tuk_Cyrl-eng_Latn Meniň habarym ýok.,I don't have a clue.,tuk_Cyrl-eng_Latn Men galmagal edip bilemok. Çaga ýatyr.,I cannot make noise. The baby is sleeping.,tuk_Cyrl-eng_Latn Sen düýn radio diňleýärdiňmi?,Were you listening to the radio yesterday?,tuk_Cyrl-eng_Latn Biz Iňlisçe gepleýäris.,We're speaking English.,tuk_Cyrl-eng_Latn Aimee häzir saz diňleýär.,Aimee is listening to music now.,tuk_Cyrl-eng_Latn Biz Türkmençe gepleýäris.,We're speaking Turkmen.,tuk_Cyrl-eng_Latn Men bilmeýärin.,I don't know.,tuk_Cyrl-eng_Latn Men edip bilemok.,I can not.,tuk_Cyrl-eng_Latn Men açarlarymyň nirededigini bilemok.,I don't know where my keys are.,tuk_Cyrl-eng_Latn Men inžener.,I'm an engineer.,tuk_Cyrl-eng_Latn Men diýip bilemok.,I can't say.,tuk_Cyrl-eng_Latn Men radio diňleýärin.,I'm listening to the radio.,tuk_Cyrl-eng_Latn Men owadan däldirin.,I'm not pretty.,tuk_Cyrl-eng_Latn Men aňyp bilemok.,I can't remember.,tuk_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ol yşygy ýakdy.,He turned on the light.,tuk_Cyrl-eng_Latn Men aňmaýaryn.,I don't remember!,tuk_Cyrl-eng_Latn Biz dünýäde ýaşaýarys.,We live on the earth.,tuk_Cyrl-eng_Latn Men doktor däl.,I'm not a doctor.,tuk_Cyrl-eng_Latn Pyşbagalaryň dişleri ýok.,Turtles don't have teeth.,tuk_Cyrl-eng_Latn Maňa terjimeçi gerek.,I would like to ask for a translator.,tuk_Cyrl-eng_Latn Et islemeýärin.,I don't want meat.,tuk_Cyrl-eng_Latn Mençe her bir adam başga dil öwrenmeli.,I think everybody should learn another language.,tuk_Cyrl-eng_Latn Sen meniň bilen konserte geljekmi?,Will you come with me to the concert?,tuk_Cyrl-eng_Latn Sen nireli?,Where do you come from?,tuk_Cyrl-eng_Latn Men mugallym.,I am a teacher.,tuk_Cyrl-eng_Latn Seň adyň näme?,What's your name?,tuk_Cyrl-eng_Latn Sen özyn eneyn söýarsiň?,Do you love your mother?,tuk_Cyrl-eng_Latn Gresiýa köne ülke.,Greece is an old country.,tuk_Cyrl-eng_Latn Mekdebe gitmek islemeýärin.,I don't want to go to school.,tuk_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ol häzir bişirýär.,She's cooking now.,tuk_Cyrl-eng_Latn Men geljek däl.,I won't come.,tuk_Cyrl-eng_Latn Örän gyzykly.,It's very interesting.,tuk_Cyrl-eng_Latn Men olardan gorkýaryn.,I'm afraid of them.,tuk_Cyrl-eng_Latn Bagyşlaň.,I am sorry.,tuk_Cyrl-eng_Latn Käriň näme?,What do you do?,tuk_Cyrl-eng_Latn Gyzjagaz hem oňa bakdy.,The girl looked at him too.,tuk_Cyrl-eng_Latn Men aspirantura talyby.,I am a graduate student.,tuk_Cyrl-eng_Latn Maralyň ejesi kyrk üç ýaşynda.,Maral's mother is forty-three.,tuk_Cyrl-eng_Latn Men eňremek isleýärin.,I want to cry.,tuk_Cyrl-eng_Latn Kitap satyn aldym.,I bought a book.,tuk_Cyrl-eng_Latn Bu meniň saýlamam.,This is my choice.,tuk_Cyrl-eng_Latn Bu meniň welosipedim.,This is my bicycle.,tuk_Cyrl-eng_Latn Bu meniň depderim.,This is my notebook.,tuk_Cyrl-eng_Latn Bu meniň itim.,This is my dog.,tuk_Cyrl-eng_Latn Seniň kagyzyň barmy?,Do you have paper?,tuk_Cyrl-eng_Latn Bu meniň gyzym.,This is my daughter.,tuk_Cyrl-eng_Latn Bu meniň öýim däl.,This is not my home.,tuk_Cyrl-eng_Latn Edebiýat bir milletiň geljegi.,Literature is the future of a nation.,tuk_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ýagdaýlaryň nähili?,How are you?,tuk_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ol meniň aýalym.,She's my wife.,tuk_Cyrl-eng_Latn Men öý hojalykçy aýal.,I am a housewife.,tuk_Cyrl-eng_Latn Sen niredediň?,Where were you?,tuk_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ol biziň sürüjimiz.,He is our driver.,tuk_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ol meň ejem.,This is my mother.,tuk_Cyrl-eng_Latn Bir patşanyň alty ogly bar eken.,A monarch had six sons.,tuk_Cyrl-eng_Latn Meniň kitaplarym ýok.,I haven't got books.,tuk_Cyrl-eng_Latn Zähmet soňy rähnet.,"No pain, no gain.",tuk_Cyrl-eng_Latn Sen nirede?,Where are you?,tuk_Cyrl-eng_Latn Meniň tankyt etmäge hakym bar.,I have the right to criticise.,tuk_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Eger bir düwmä bassaň, ýa sen sagaljak, ýa sen öljek.","If you push a button, either you will die or you will live.",tuk_Cyrl-eng_Latn Men öýlenemok.,I am not married.,tuk_Cyrl-eng_Latn Öýlenemok.,I'm not married.,tuk_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ýok. Öýlenemok.,"No, I am not married.",tuk_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ol ýagşy däl.,That isn't good.,tuk_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ol otagynda saz diňleýärdi.,He was listening to music in his room.,tuk_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Hawa, elbetde.","Yes, of course.",tuk_Cyrl-eng_Latn Halkara ayal-gyzlar bayraminiz gutly bolsun!,Happy International Women's Day!,tuk_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ol çaga däl.,He is not a child.,tuk_Cyrl-eng_Latn Iýmek islemeýärin.,I don't want to eat.,tuk_Cyrl-eng_Latn Tom we Mary diňleýärler.,Tom and Mary are listening.,tuk_Cyrl-eng_Latn At ak däl.,The horse is not white.,tuk_Cyrl-eng_Latn Kitaplar nirede?,Where are the books?,tuk_Cyrl-eng_Latn Meniň garnym agyrýar.,I have a stomachache.,tuk_Cyrl-eng_Latn Hiçden giç ýagşy.,Better late than never.,tuk_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ol okap ýatyr.,He is reading.,tuk_Cyrl-eng_Latn Men hem işsiz.,I am also unemployed.,tuk_Cyrl-eng_Latn Çagalar durmuşymyzyň gülleridir.,Children are the flowers of our lives.,tuk_Cyrl-eng_Latn Bu meniň çykanym.,This is my cousin.,tuk_Cyrl-eng_Latn Men talyby.,I am a student.,tuk_Cyrl-eng_Latn Tom örän ýaş.,Tom is very young.,tuk_Cyrl-eng_Latn Meniň bir arzuwym bar.,I have a dream.,tuk_Cyrl-eng_Latn Meniň kelläm agyrýar.,I have a headache.,tuk_Cyrl-eng_Latn Men üşeýärin.,I have a chill.,tuk_Cyrl-eng_Latn Men üsgürýärin.,I have a cough.,tuk_Cyrl-eng_Latn Onuň gelenini-gelmedigini weli men bijek däl.,"However, I won't know whether he came or not.",tuk_Cyrl-eng_Latn Meniň bir maşgalam bar.,I have a family.,tuk_Cyrl-eng_Latn Meniň bir awtomobilim bar.,I have a car.,tuk_Cyrl-eng_Latn Onuň ýigrimi çagasy bar.,He has twenty children.,tuk_Cyrl-eng_Latn Men tüsseleýip bilemok.,I can't smoke.,tuk_Cyrl-eng_Latn Şikâyet edecek bir şey yok.,There's nothing to complain about.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Onun denize yakın bir evi var.,He has a house by the sea.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tom her hafta onu yapar.,Tom does that every week.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tom otuz kilodan daha fazla geliyor.,Tom weighs more than thirty kilos.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tom kızmaktan daha çok şaşırmıştı.,Tom was more surprised than angry.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tom odanın etrafında yavaş yavaş yürüdü.,Tom walked slowly around the room.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tom Mary'ye çizdiği bir resmi gösterdi.,Tom showed Mary a picture he drew.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tom onsuz başlayabileceğimizi söylüyor.,Tom says we can start without him.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tom söylemesi gerekenden daha fazlasını söyledi.,Tom said more than he should have.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom gerçekten Mary'yi seviyor, değil mi?","Tom really likes Mary, doesn't he?",tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tom masasını yumrukladı.,Tom pounded his fists on the desk.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Beni sevdiğini gerçekten söylemedin.,You never really said you love me.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tom'un küçük kardeşi olmalısın.,You must be Tom's younger brother.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tom Mary'nin ofisinde ne yapıyor?,What's Tom doing in Mary's office?,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Daha önce Boston'un bu bölümünde hiç bulunmadım.,I've never been in this part of Boston before.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tom onu burada yapmaz.,Tom doesn't do that here.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Ben de aynı miktarda şüphelendim.,I suspected as much.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom, Mary'nin uykulu olduğunu düşünmüyor.",Tom doesn't think Mary is sleepy.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tom onu iyi yapmaz.,Tom doesn't do that well.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Hangi kask senindir?,Which helmet is yours?,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tom kendi başına oraya gitmemeliydi.,Tom never should have gone there by himself.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Onlar hayranları tarafından çevrildi.,They are surrounded by admirers.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tom bunu yapmada daha iyi oluyor.,Tom is getting better at doing that.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Niçin yalnızsın?,Why are you alone?,tur_Latn-eng_Latn "Bayan West , ne düşünüyorsunuz?","What do you think, Miss West?",tur_Latn-eng_Latn Almanca konuşabiliyor musunuz?,Can you speak German?,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Almanca konuşabilirsiniz.,You can speak German.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Televizyon izler misiniz?,Do you watch television?,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Televizyon izleyebilirsiniz.,You can watch television.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Televizyondaki futbol maçını izledin mi?,Did you watch the soccer game on television?,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tenis oynadın mı?,Did you play tennis?,tur_Latn-eng_Latn "Ben, iyi bir tenis oyuncusu olduğunu duyuyorum.",I hear that you are a good tennis player.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Teste çalışmak için evde kaldın mı?,Did you stay home to study for the test?,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Uygun bir zamanda geldiniz.,You have come at an opportune time.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Satrancı nasıl oynayacağını biliyor musun?,Do you know how to play chess?,tur_Latn-eng_Latn "Dans edebilirsin, değil mi?","You can dance, can't you?",tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tom Mary'nin saatini çaldı.,Tom stole Mary's watch.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Birinden daha aşağıda olduğunu hissetmek için hiçbir neden yoktur.,There is no reason for you to feel inferior to anyone.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Herkes tarafından saygı duyuluyorsun.,You're respected by everybody.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn "Haklı olabilirsin, ama bizim çok az farklı bir görüşümüz var.","You may be right, but we have a slightly different opinion.",tur_Latn-eng_Latn Hiç şüphesiz sınavı geçebileceksin.,No doubt you will be able to pass the examination.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Sigara içmeyi bıraksan iyi olur.,You had better stop smoking.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn "Sigara içmiyorsun, değil mi?","You don't smoke, do you?",tur_Latn-eng_Latn O kadar çok sigara içmesen iyi olur.,You had better not smoke so much.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tüm yapmanız gereken bu formu doldurmak.,All you have to do is fill in this form.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn "Tüm yapmanız gereken, burada oturmak ve doktorun sorularını cevaplamak.",All you have to do is sit down here and answer the doctor's questions.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Çok zamanın var mı?,Do you have a lot of time?,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tom hiç onu yapmaz.,Tom doesn't ever do that.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Ne kadar çok kitap okursan o kadar çok bilirsin.,"The more books you read, the more you'll know.",tur_Latn-eng_Latn Hangi ceket senin?,Which jacket is yours?,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tom mutsuz görünmüyor.,Tom doesn't seem unhappy.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tom Mary'nin okuyamadığını öğrendi.,Tom found out Mary couldn't read.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Kulaklığım olmadan güçlükle duyabiliyorum.,I can barely hear without my earphone.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tom zengin görünmüyor.,Tom doesn't seem wealthy.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn "Senin çok paran var, ve benim hiç.","You have a lot of money, and I have none.",tur_Latn-eng_Latn Onu ne zaman yapmalıyım?,When should I do that?,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Çok yüksek sesle konuşmak zorunda değilsiniz.,You don't have to talk so loud.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Her ikimiz de uykuluyduk.,We were both sleepy.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tom sık sık onu yapar.,Tom frequently does that.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tom onu yapmak için para alıyor.,Tom gets paid to do that.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tom Mary'den onu yapmasını istemedi.,Tom wouldn't ask Mary to do that.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Kiminle birlikte yüzdün?,Who did you swim with?,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Böyle büyük bir miktarda parayı nasıl kazandın?,How did you come by such a big sum of money?,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tom Mary'nin John ile konuştuğunu duydu.,Tom heard Mary talking with John.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Benim fincanımdan kim içti?,Who drank from my cup?,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Öyle korkmana gerek yok.,You need not have such fear.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tom bir saat erken kalktı.,Tom got up an hour early.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Onları çok uzun bekletmemelisin.,You shouldn't keep them waiting so long.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Bu resmi kim çizdi?,Who drew this picture?,tur_Latn-eng_Latn O kadar erken kalkmana gerek yok.,You don't have to get up so early.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom, Mary'nin ne diyeceğini bildiğini umuyor.",Tom hopes Mary knows what to say.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Öyle aceleyle gitmene gerek yok.,You don't need to go in such a hurry.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Bu kadar çok çalışmak zorunda değilsiniz.,You don't have to work so hard.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Onu sır olarak tutmalıydın.,You should have kept it secret.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Onu kendiniz için mi yaptınız?,Did you make it for yourself?,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Bu bana gülmeni istemediğim için değil aksine sana gülmek istediğim içindir.,"It is not because I do not want you to laugh at me, rather it is because I would like to laugh at you.",tur_Latn-eng_Latn Onu yapabilirsiniz.,You can make it.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Ne oldu? Araba yavaşladı.,What happened? The car's slowing down.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Öncelikle ondan bahsetmeliydiniz.,You should have mentioned it at the outset.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Onu kimin yaptığını ortaya çıkaracağımızı hiç sanmıyorum.,I don't think we're ever going to find out who did that.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Onu bugün mü yoksa dün mü satın aldınız?,Did you buy it today or yesterday?,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tom ve Mary elmaları aralarında paylaştılar.,Tom and Mary divided the apples between them.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Onu görme fırsatı kaçırmamalısınız.,You shouldn't miss the opportunity to see it.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Siz sadece onu istemek zorundasınız ve o size verilecektir.,You have only to ask for it and it will be given to you.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn O çok çekici.,She is very charming.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Sadece onu istemek zorundasın.,You have only to ask for it.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Bu makale bir üniversite profesörü tarafından yazılmıştır.,This article was written by a college professor.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tom bunun bir daha asla olmayacağına söz verdi.,Tom promised it would never happen again.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Biz lahana hariç tüm sebzeleri severiz.,We like all vegetables except cabbage.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Ben kayak yarışlarında yarışıyorum.,I compete in ski races.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Plaja gitmek istiyoruz.,We want to go to the beach.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn "Lisa Gardner, dedektif DD Warren hakkında polisiye romanlar yazıyor.",Lisa Gardner writes crime novels about the detective D. D. Warren.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Onun hesabını nasıl verirsin?,How do you account for that?,tur_Latn-eng_Latn "Tamam, sadece onu yapalım.","OK, let's just do it.",tur_Latn-eng_Latn Ve üç gün içinde onu yükseltecek misiniz?,And you are going to raise it in three days?,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tom bunun harika olduğunu düşünüyor.,Tom thinks it's great.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Onun on dokuz yaşındayken şampiyon olması şaşırtıcı.,It's amazing that he won the championship at the age of nineteen.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn "O, işimde beni engelledi.",He hindered me in my work.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Sadece onları toparlamanız gerekli.,You have only to put them together.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tom eskisi kadar iyi piyano çalamıyor.,Tom can't play the piano as well as he used to.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Onlardan herhangi birini seçebilirsiniz.,You may choose any of them.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Bu günlerde nerede yaşıyorsun?,Where do you live these days?,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Onun ne olduğunu biliyor musunuz?,Do you know what it is?,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Mutluluğu parayla ölçemezsin.,You can't judge happiness in terms of money.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn "Tibetçede Butan'a ""Druk Yul"" adı verilir.","Bhutan is called ""Druk Yul"" in Tibetan.",tur_Latn-eng_Latn Ondan ne sonuç çıkarıyorsunuz?,What do you conclude from that?,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Biz bunu daha iyi zamanlayamazdık.,We couldn't have timed this better.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn "Geçen yıl, sık sık kar yağışı vardı.","Last year, there was frequent snowfall.",tur_Latn-eng_Latn Kaça mal olacağını ona peşinen sorsan iyi olur.,You had better ask him in advance how much it will cost.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Onların hepsi benim.,They're all mine.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Bu ilacı içmeyi reddetmelisin.,You must refuse to drink this drug.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Allah önce yeri ve göğü yarattı.,In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Meselenin önemini ona iyice anlatmalısın.,You must bring home to him the importance of the matter.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Kitabı okumalıydın.,You ought to have read the book.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Kitaba ihtiyacın var mı?,Do you need the book?,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Bu raporla ilgili olumlu musunuz?,Are you positive of that report?,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Borçtan sorumlusun.,You are liable for the debt.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn "Üç yıldır komada bulunuyorsun, Tom.","You've been in a coma for three years, Tom.",tur_Latn-eng_Latn Dikkatsiz davranışının hesabını vermelisin.,You must answer for your careless conduct.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Gizemli cinayeti hatırlıyor musunuz?,Do you remember the mysterious murder?,tur_Latn-eng_Latn "Bu türde beton, Singapur'da hiç kullanılmamıştır.",This type of concrete has never been used in Singapore.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Sırrı açıklamamalıydın.,You ought not to have disclosed the secret.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn O gün bir piyano dersi var mı?,Did you have a piano lesson that day?,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Telgrafı ne zaman aldın?,When did you receive the telegram?,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Teklifin lehine misiniz?,Are you in favor of the proposal?,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Havuzda yüzmemelisiniz.,You mustn't swim in the pond.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Pencere açabilir misiniz?,Can you open the window?,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Pencereyi açabilirsiniz.,You may open the window.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Bilet almak için sırada durmalısınız.,You must stand in a line to buy the ticket.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Dün gece ne zaman yatmaya gittin?,What time did you get to bed last night?,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Yeni yasayı onaylıyor musunuz?,Are you in agreement with the new law?,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tanığın beyanına inanıyor musunuz?,Do you believe the witness's statement?,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Bölümün sonunda onun anlamını tahmin etmiş olacaksınız.,You will have guessed its meaning by the end of the chapter.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Mektuba derhal bir cevap yazmalısın.,You must respond at once to the letter.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Mektuba derhal bir cevap göndermelisin.,You must send the answer to the letter right away.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Arabayı satın alacak mısınız?,Are you going to buy the car?,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Soruyu cevaplamalısın.,You need to answer the question.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn O zaman bir kitap okuyor muydunuz?,Were you reading a book at that time?,tur_Latn-eng_Latn O zaman ne gördüğünüzü itiraf etmelisiniz.,You must make a clean breast of what you saw at that time.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Özgürlük düşmanları için özgürlük yoktur.,No liberty for the enemies of liberty.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Gerçeği dikkate almalısın.,You must take the fact into consideration.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Mary bir porselen üreticisidir.,Mary is a porcelain maker.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn "Ciddi ciddi gitmeyi düşünmüyorsun, değil mi?","You aren't seriously considering going, are you?",tur_Latn-eng_Latn Köpek sandalyenin üzerine çıktı ve hareket etmeden beş dakika durdu.,A dog jumped onto the chair and lay motionless for five minutes.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Kazanın hesabını nasıl verirsin?,How do you account for the accident?,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Sesim Tom'unki kadar güzel değil.,I can't sing as well as Tom can.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Konu ile ilgili ne yapmak zorundasın?,What do you have to do with the matter?,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Sana bir polis gibi mi görünüyorum?,Do I look like a policeman to you?,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Onların hepsi burada.,They're all here.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Kaza için sen suçlanmayacaksın.,You are not to blame for the accident.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Kağıt torbaları tekrar tekrar kullanmalısın.,You should use the paper bags again and again.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Henüz işi bitirdin mi?,Have you finished the work yet?,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Olayın ne zaman gerçekleştiğini biliyor musunuz?,Do you know when the event took place?,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Sabit kal ya da vurulacaksın.,Hold still or you'll be shot.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Manzarayı görmelisin.,You should see the sight.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Geç kaldın. Neredeydin?,You are late. Where have you been?,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Sonuçtan memnun musunuz?,Are you happy with the result?,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Sonucun hesabını vermek zorundasın.,You've got to answer for the outcome.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn "Planı destekliyorsun, değil mi?","You are in favor of the plan, aren't you?",tur_Latn-eng_Latn Yarışmaya katılacak mısınız?,Are you going to take part in the contest?,tur_Latn-eng_Latn "O, tüfeği aldı ve hedefe nişan aldı.",He picked up the rifle and aimed it at the target.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Ne zaman mühendislik probleminizin üstesinden geldiniz?,When did you get through with your engineering problem?,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Düzenlemelere uymalısınız.,You should keep to the regulations.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Her şey bizden alındı.,Everything was taken from us.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom'un bana olanlardan bahsetmesi gerekmiyordu, ama bahsetti.","Tom didn't need to tell me about what happened, but he did.",tur_Latn-eng_Latn Bu fırsattan yararlansanız iyi olur.,You had better make use of this opportunity.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Resmi görmeliydiniz.,You should have seen the picture.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Fırsattan yararlansanız iyi olur.,You had better make use of the opportunity.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Planı gerçekleştirmede biraz zorlukla karşılaşacaksınız.,You'll find some difficulty carrying out the plan.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn O üzgün olduğunu söyledi.,She said she was sorry.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tüm yapmanız gereken düğmeye dokunmak.,All you have to do is touch the button.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Siz sadece butona basmalısınız.,You have only to push the button.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Haberi duydunuz mu?,Did you hear the news?,tur_Latn-eng_Latn O zaman ne yapıyordunuz?,What were you doing then?,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tom Mary'ye yazdığı şiiri okudu.,Tom read the poem he wrote to Mary.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Testi geçebildiniz mi?,Were you able to pass the test?,tur_Latn-eng_Latn O takımı kimin oluşturduğunu biliyor musun?,Do you know who brought that team into being?,tur_Latn-eng_Latn İz kapanana kadar sigara içmekten kaçınmanız isteniyor.,You are asked to refrain from smoking until the sign is switched off.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Onu söylememelisin.,You shouldn't say it.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Bu konuya farklı açılardan bakmalısın.,You must view the matter from different angles.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Konu hakkında onunla konuşmalısın.,You must talk with him about the matter.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn İki kitaptan herhangi birini alabilirsin.,You may take either of the two books.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Sadece oraya gitmek zorundasın.,You have only to go there.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Siz oraya gitmek zorunda değilsiniz.,You don't have to go there.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Oraya gitmeniz için o gereklidir.,It is necessary for you to go there.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Oraya uygun elbiselerle gitsen iyi olur.,You had better go there in decent clothes.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Oraya iş için mi gidiyorsun?,Are you going there on business?,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Oraya gitmenize gerek yok.,You need not go there.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Orada onu gördünüz mü?,Did you see her there?,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Cathy'nin öfkesi var.,Cathy has a temper.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Kathy yıldızlara bakıyor.,Kathy is gazing at the stars.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn "Sami, Leyla'ya bir e-posta daha gönderdi.",Sami sent Layla another e-mail.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Cathy müzikten hoşlanıyor gibi görünüyor.,It seems that Cathy likes music.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Bana daha önce söyleseydin güzel olurdu.,It would've been nice if you'd told me earlier.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Cathy Fransızca ve Almanca konuşabilir.,Cathy can speak French and German.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Cathy bu gece bizim bebeği görmek için geliyor.,Cathy is coming to see our baby tonight.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Kathy'nin partide ne giydiğini hatırlıyor musunuz?,Do you remember what Kathy had on at the party?,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Kathleen'in ifadelerinin gerçek olduğu çıktı.,Kathleen's statements turned out to be true.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Yaygara yapmayı bırak.,Stop making a fuss.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Onların hepsi sahte.,They're all fake.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn "Yeni bir araba satın alması için babasına baskı yaptığında Catherine'nin bir art niyeti vardı; O, arabayı kendisinin sürebileceğini umuyordu.",Catherine had an ulterior motive when she urged her father to buy a new car. She hoped that she'd be able to drive it herself.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn "Oh, veriyi kaybettim.","Oh, I lost the data!",tur_Latn-eng_Latn Pazar günü hiçbir yere gitmem.,I don't go anywhere on Sunday.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Bir saniye lütfen. Hemen döneceğim.,"One moment, please. I'll be right back.",tur_Latn-eng_Latn Kaba kumaş çocuğun nazik cildini incitti.,The rough material hurt the child's tender skin.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Kim ondan iki yıl kıdemliydi.,Kim was two years senior to him.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Kim gelecekte bir diplomat olmaya niyet ediyor.,Kim means to be a diplomat in the future.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Kim benden dört yıl daha yaşlıdır.,Kim is older than I am by four years.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Kim hâlâ hayattaydı.,Kim was still alive.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn "Kim, Ken ile yaşıyor.",Kim is living with Ken.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Kim ve ben aynı yaştayız.,Kim and I are the same age.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Kim'in gülümsemesi çok tatlıydı.,Kim's smile was very sweet.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Ben seni gördüğüm andan itibaren seviyorum.,I've loved you from the moment I saw you.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Hayaletlere inanıyor musunuz?,Do you believe in ghosts?,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Eve yalnız gittim.,I went home alone.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Sadece yarın sabah altıda burada olmak zorundasın.,You only have to be here at six tomorrow morning.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Gerçekten yüzemiyor musunuz?,Can you really not swim?,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Sen benim güneş ışığımsın.,You are my sunshine.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Ona çok şey borçlu olduğun gerçeğini unutmamalısın.,You must remember the fact that you owe her a lot.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Onun nazik olduğunu söyledin ve o öyle.,You said she was kind and so she is.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Onu görmeye gitmelisin.,You should go to see him.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Köpeğin çok büyük.,Your dog is very big.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tom bugün bize yardım edemeyeceğini söyledi.,Tom said he couldn't help us today.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Onların hepsi çocuk.,They're all children.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Onun nasihatına göre davransan iyi olur.,You had better act upon his advice.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Ağaçlar ne zaman çiçek açacak?,When will the trees blossom?,tur_Latn-eng_Latn O berbat görünüyor.,That sounds horrible.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Eğlenceli gibi görünüyor.,That sounds like fun.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn O mantıklı görünüyor.,That sounds sensible.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn O hastaya bakacak hiç kimse yok.,There is no one to attend to that patient.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Onun tadı berbat.,That tastes terrible.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn O senin işin değildi.,That wasn't your job.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Kabalığın için özür dilemelisin.,You should apologize for your rudeness.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Dün evde miydin?,Were you at home yesterday?,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tom kendisine bir kadeh daha şarap koydu.,Tom poured himself another glass of wine.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Sami ve Leyla çok tartışıyorlardı.,Sami and Layla argued a lot.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Akrobat olmak neredeyse her çocuğun tutkusudur.,To be an acrobat is the ambition of almost every boy.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Sami polise şüphelinin bir eşkalini verdi.,Sami gave police a description of the suspect.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn "Sami, Leyla'ya bir e-posta gönderdi.",Sami sent an e-mail to Layla.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tom hâlâ işlerin gidişinden memnun değil.,Tom still isn't happy with how things are going.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Kim onu incitmek istiyor?,Who'd want to hurt her?,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Ben yorgun ve açtım ve başka herkes de böyleydi.,"I was tired and hungry, and so was everyone else.",tur_Latn-eng_Latn Konuyla ilgili söyleyecek daha fazla bir şeyim yok.,I have nothing more to say on the subject.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Henüz postanı okudun mu?,Have you read your mail yet?,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Onun elbisesi çok uygunsuzdu.,Her dress was very unbecoming.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Ben sol bacağımda bir tür spazm hissediyorum.,I feel a sort of spasm in my left leg.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn "Tehlikeli bir madde yuttuğun zaman, yapman gereken şey ne yuttuğuna bağlıdır.","When you swallow a dangerous substance, what you need to do depends on what you swallowed.",tur_Latn-eng_Latn Öğrencilerim hevesle test sonuçlarını bekliyor.,My students have been eagerly awaiting the test results.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Herkes beni izliyor gibi hissediyorum.,I feel like everybody's watching me.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn "O, internette.",He is on the Internet.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Bu arkeologlar antik kalıntıları inceliyor.,These archeologists study ancient ruins.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Onlar senin peşindeler.,They're after you.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Garip bir sessizlik vardı.,There was an awkward pause.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Bu kitap o kitap kadar ilginç.,This book is as interesting as that book.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tom yeni bir albüm yayınladı.,Tom has released a new album.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tom üç tane albüm çıkardı.,Tom has put out three albums.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tom çok inanılmaz bir kişidir.,Tom is a very amazing person.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tom onu Mary'ye John için yaptırdı.,Tom got Mary to do that for John.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Mary onunla ilgilenmiyordu.,Mary was not interested in him.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn O onun hakkındaki her şeyi sevdi.,She loved everything about him.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn O onunla ilgili her şeyi sevdi.,He loved everything about her.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tom her zaman iyi bir ruh hali içinde.,Tom is always in a good mood.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Mary parlak bir bilimcidir.,Mary is a brilliant scientist.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Ben onu kendi başıma yapamazdım.,I couldn't do that to myself.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tom istikrarlı bir durumdadır.,Tom is in a stable condition.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tom kendisine biraz su koydu.,Tom poured himself some water.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Haksızlık olurdu.,That would be unfair.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tom dışarıda olmaktan hoşlanıyor.,Tom enjoys being outside.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn O aptalca bir isim.,That's a stupid name.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Roma Romulus ve Remus tarafından kurulmuştur.,Rome was founded by Romulus and Remus.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn O büyük bir ödül.,That's a huge trophy.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom, Mary'nin kazanabileceğini düşündüğünü söyledi.",Tom said he thought Mary could win.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn O bir kadın işi.,That's a woman's job.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Maccabi isyanı Matityahu Hakohen tarafından başlatıldı.,The Maccabean revolt was started by Matityahu HaKohen.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Buraya kadarmış.,That's all she wrote.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn O onun erkek arkadaşı.,That's her boyfriend.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn O onun zayıf noktası.,That's his weak spot.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Yarın Avustralya'ya gidiyorum.,I'm leaving for Australia tomorrow.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn O bir seçenek değil.,That's not an option.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Artık Tom'un bunu yapmasına izin verilmiyor.,Tom isn't permitted to do that anymore.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Dediği odur.,That's what she said.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tom muhtemelen bu oyunu sevmeyecek.,Tom probably won't like this game.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tom'un dediği odur.,That's what Tom said.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Bütün bildiğimiz o.,That's all we know.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Macera başlar.,The adventure begins.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Sanatçı yetenekli.,The artist is gifted.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Japon kadınları bence dünyadaki en güzellerden biridirler.,Japanese women are in my opinion some of the most beautiful in the world.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Küvet kirli.,The bathtub is dirty.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Çocuk bir köpek aldı.,The boy bought a dog.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Boston'a gelmemeliydim.,I shouldn't have come to Boston.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tom Boston'a çok gider.,Tom goes to Boston a lot.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Bu ağaç asla çiçek açmayacak.,This tree will never blossom.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Sami köpeklerinin fotoğraflarını çekti.,Sami took photos of his dogs.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Neden Almanya'da bu kadar çok güneş paneli var?,Why are there so many solar panels in Germany?,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Erkek kardeşim bugün giriş sınavına giriyor.,My brother is taking the entrance examination today.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Hastalık benim onun konserine gitmemi engelledi.,Illness prevented me from going to his concert.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Onu hareket ettirmemelisin.,You shouldn't move it.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Bir aptala benziyorsun.,You look like an idiot.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Daha çok denemelisin.,You need to try harder.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Gitmeme izin vermelisin.,You have to let me go.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Eğleneceksin.,You're going to have fun.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Çok tanıdık görünüyorsun.,You look very familiar.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Sadece yeterince çok denemiyorsun.,You're just not trying hard enough.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Giyinsen iyi olur.,You'd better get dressed.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Şüpheli görünüyorsun.,You look doubtful.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Onlar tekrar deneyecekler.,They'll try again.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Çok eğleniyorsun gibi görünmüyor.,It doesn't look like you're having much fun.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn "Sami, Leyla'nın fotoğraflarını çekti.",Sami took photos of Layla.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Planlarımızı değiştirmek için hiçbir neden yok.,There's no reason to change our plans.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Onu yapmayı terk etmeye karar verdim.,I've decided to quit doing that.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Bu ilginç değil mi?,Isn't it interesting?,tur_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom, Mary'nin ne alacağını bildiğini umuyor.",Tom hopes Mary knows what to buy.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tom için bir kitap alacağım.,I'll buy a book for Tom.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tom John'un takma sakalını çekti.,Tom yanked off John's fake beard.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Biraz yayık ayranın var mı?,Do you have some buttermilk?,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Onlar onu sevecekler.,They'll like that.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Dünyanın en büyük sorunu nedir?,What's the world's biggest problem?,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tom her zaman onu yaptı.,Tom has always done that.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Sabah kahvaltısı iskandinav usulü açık büfedir.,Breakfast is a smorgasbord.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Biz yeni tür hastalıklarla karşı karşıyayız.,We are faced with new kinds of diseases.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Biz yeni bir proje üzerinde başladık.,We began on a new project.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Biz çok dikkatli hareket etmeliyiz.,We've got to move very carefully.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Biz gerçekten eğlendik.,We really enjoyed ourselves.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn """Lütfen yerimi al"" dedi.","He said ""please take my place"".",tur_Latn-eng_Latn Ben kahve sevmem.,I don't like coffee.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Çocuğa ne ad verilecek.,What name will be given to the child?,tur_Latn-eng_Latn "Uygurlar arasında, isim verme töreni bir çocuğa isim verildikten sonra düzenlenir.","Among the Uighurs, a ""Naming Celebration"" is held after a child is given a name.",tur_Latn-eng_Latn Ben borç para alırım.,I borrow money.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn "Sekiz yaşına ulaştığında, çocuk sünnet edilecek.",The child will be circumcised when he reaches the age of eight.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Bantları satın alırım.,I buy tapes.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Sünnet partisi ne zaman düzenlenecek.,When will the circumcision party be held?,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Ben matematikten hoşlanırım.,I like math.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Yangın başladığında Tom neredeydi?,Where was Tom when the fire broke out?,tur_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom gençken, her gün üç yumurta yedi.","When Tom was young, he ate three eggs every day.",tur_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom on sekiz yaşındayken, bir asker olmak istediğine karar verdi.","When Tom was eighteen, he decided that he wanted to become a soldier.",tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tom cinayetle suçlandığında soğuk ter döktü.,"When Tom was accused of the murder, he broke out in a cold sweat.",tur_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom artık ağrıya tahammül edemediği zaman, hastaneye gitti.","When Tom couldn't bear the pain any longer, he went to the hospital.",tur_Latn-eng_Latn "Hapishaneden çıktığımda, Tom tekrar ayaklarımın üstünde durmama yardımcı oldu.","When I got out of prison, Tom helped me get back on my feet.",tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tom'u en son ne zaman gördün?,When did you see Tom last?,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tom'u ne zaman tanıdın?,When did you get to know Tom?,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tom'la ilk defa ne zaman tanıştın?,When did you first meet Tom?,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tom Boston'dan ne zaman ayrıldı?,When did Tom leave Boston?,tur_Latn-eng_Latn "Sami, Leyla'nın adresini sızdırmakla tehdit etti.",Sami threatened to leak Layla's address.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tom'a ne olduğunu söylemenin nesi var?,What's wrong with telling Tom what happened?,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tom ne hakkında o kadar mutsuz?,What's Tom so unhappy about?,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tom şimdi ne yapıyor,What's Tom doing now?,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Daha küçük erkek kardeşlerin var mı?,Do you have younger brothers?,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Biz herkese aynı soruyu sorduk.,We asked everybody the same question.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Bunun buzdolabında tutulması gerekiyor mu?,Does this need to be kept in the refrigerator?,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Bunu bana veren kişiTom'dur.,Tom is the one who gave this to me.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tom kendisine paltosunun cebinden çıkardığı şişeden bir bardağa bir içki koydu.,Tom poured himself a drink into a glass from a flask that he took out of his coat pocket.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Çocuklarım harika.,My kids are great.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Sami daha fazla fotoğraf göstermeyecek.,Sami won't show any more photos.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tom'un kovulacağını düşünüyorum.,I think that Tom will be fired.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Sen ve Tom akşam yemeğinden sonra ne yaptınız?,What did you and Tom do after dinner?,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tom'un burada olduğunu düşünüyorum.,I think that Tom was here.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn "Hadi, Tom, bundan daha zekisin.","Come on, Tom, you're smarter than that.",tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tom bunu çocukları için yapmıyor.,Tom isn't doing that for his children.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tom Mary'nin hazır olduğunu düşündüğünü söyledi.,Tom said he thought Mary was ready.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Kızım beyin sarsıntısı geçirdi.,My daughter had a concussion.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tom bu saatte burada ne yapıyor?,What's Tom doing here at this hour?,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Öğrenci hiçbir şeyle ilgilenmiyor.,The student is interested in nothing.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Sami araçla Leyla'nın evine gidiyordu.,Sami was driving to Layla's house.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom odun kırarken, siz beyler ne yapıyordunuz?",What were you guys doing while Tom was chopping wood?,tur_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom, 30 dakika sessizce oturdu.",Tom sat in silence for 30 minutes.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tom telefonu aldı ve çevirmeye başladı.,Tom picked up the telephone and started dialing.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tom'un iki odalı bir evi var.,Tom has a house which has two rooms.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Boston'da bir iş bulamadım.,I couldn't get a job in Boston.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tom iki odalı bir eve sahiptir.,Tom owns a house with two rooms.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tom iki çocuktan daha uzundur.,Tom is the taller of the two boys.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tom bütün gün boyunca evi temizlediğini söyledi.,Tom said that he had been cleaning the house all day.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tom Japonya'da on yıl yaşadı.,Tom lived in Japan for ten years.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tom Fen dersinde kendi sınıfındaki herkesten daha iyidir.,Tom is better at science than anyone else in his class.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tom yatakta hasta yatıyor.,Tom is lying ill in bed.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tom baş aşağı yavaş yavaş yürüyordu.,Tom was walking slowly with his head down.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tom dünyanın en yakışıklı aktörüdür.,Tom is the most handsome actor in the world.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tom sokakta yatan bir ayyaşı fark etti.,Tom noticed a drunkard lying in the street.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tom at yarışında asla yenilmemekle övünüyor.,Tom boasts of never having been defeated in a horse race.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom, benim bir arkadaşımdır.",Tom is a friend of mine.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tom'un konuşma şekli benim sinirlerimi bozuyor.,Tom's way of speaking gets on my nerves.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tom'un konuşma şekli sinirlerime dokundu.,Tom's way of speaking got on my nerves.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tavus kuşu ( Inachis io ) güzel ve kolayca tanınabilen bir kelebektir.,The peacock (Inachis io) is a beautiful and easily recognizable butterfly.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn O pencereyi kapatır mısınız?,Would you be so kind as to shut that window?,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Koşan şu çocuğa bak.,Look at that boy running.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn O pencerenin yanındaki masayı kullanmayın.,Don't use the desk by that window.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Şu ikizler bezelyedeki iki tane gibi benziyorlar.,Those twins look like two peas in a pod.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn "Yarışmacı, iki yanlış start yaptı.",The contestant made two false starts.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Şu gemi bu limandan yurt dışına gider.,That ship goes abroad from this port.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Kim için çalışıyorsunuz?,Whom do you work for?,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Onun programı değiştirildi.,His schedule has been changed.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn "Savaş başladığında, o, İngiltere'de yaşıyordu.",He was living in England when the war broke out.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Ben sık sık nehirde balık tutmaya giderim.,I often go fishing in the river.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Bu nehir içinde yüzmek için tehlikelidir.,This river is dangerous to swim in.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn O nehirde yüzmenin tehlikeli olduğunu düşünüyorum.,I think it's dangerous to swim in that river.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn O çok konuşmayan bir adam ama her zaman sözünü tutar.,He's a man who doesn't speak much but always keeps his promises.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Dikkat et! Bu bir tuzak!,Watch out! It's a trap!,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Bu para kim için?,Who is this money for?,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tom onu yapmaya başladı.,Tom has begun doing that.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tom Mary'den daha iyi bir sürücü.,Tom is a better driver than Mary.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn "Öğretmen, öğrencilerle iyi başa çıkıyor.",The teacher handles his pupils well.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tom bir başarı kazandı.,Tom has had some success.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom, Mary'nin en iyi arkadaşlarından biridir.",Tom is one of Mary's best friends.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn O her zaman geç kalıyordu.,He was always late.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Onu bizim için kim yapacak?,Who'll do that for us?,tur_Latn-eng_Latn O gözyaşları ile cevap verdi.,She answered with tears.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tom hiç kovulmadı.,Tom has never been fired.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom, Mary'nin Fransızca konuşacağını biliyordu.",Tom knew Mary would speak French.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Dün gece gol attın mı?,Did you score last night?,tur_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom, Mary'nin Fransızca okuyacağınıi biliyordu.",Tom knew Mary would study French.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Onları görmezden gelmedim.,I didn't ignore them.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Oraya gitmene izin verilmez!,You are not allowed to go in there!,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Babam beni arıyor. Gitmek zorundayım.,Dad is calling me. I have to go.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Bunlar kimin çorapları?,Whose socks are these?,tur_Latn-eng_Latn John bir Kore filmi izlemek istiyor mu?,Does John want to see a Korean movie?,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Şu Prof.'un konuşması beni deli ediyor.,That Prof.'s talk is driving me up the wall.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Onun dersleri korkunç sıkıcı.,His lectures are terribly boring.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn "O, öğretmenle ilgili bir soru sorabilirsin.",You may ask a question of that teacher.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Şu öğretmen kız öğrencilere düşkün olma eğilimindedir.,That teacher tends to be partial to female students.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tom bunu Mary için yapmaya söz verdi.,Tom promised to do that for Mary.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Karla kaplı şu dağa bak.,Look at that mountain which is covered with snow.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Şu bebeğin büyüleyici gözleri var.,That baby has charming eyes.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom, Mary'nin ne istediğini öğrenmemi istedi.",Tom asked me to find out what Mary wanted.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn O bebek tombul ve sağlıklı.,That baby is fat and healthy.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tom'un çok fazla düşmanı var.,Tom has too many enemies.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Biz işten sonra Shinjuku'da bir kafede buluşurduk.,We used to meet at a coffee shop in Shinjuku after work.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Neredeyse hiç gülümsemiyorsun.,You hardly ever smile.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Bebeğin çirkin olduğunu gerçekten söyleyebilirim.,I can truly say that baby is ugly.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tom ve Mary akşam yemeği için çok pahalı bir restorana gitti.,Tom and Mary went to a very expensive restaurant for dinner.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Bizim çok yakınımızda yaşıyorsun.,You live very near us.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn O bebek öğleye kadar beş saat uyumuş olacak.,That baby will have slept five hours by noon.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tom son üç gündür benimle kalıyor.,Tom has been staying with me the last three days.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Şu kırmızı binaya bak.,Look at that red building.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn O kırmızı kravat takım elbisene uymuyor-Niçin yeşil olanını takmıyorsun?,That red tie doesn't go with your suit. Why don't you wear the green one?,tur_Latn-eng_Latn O kırmızı elbise ona yakışıyor.,That red dress becomes her.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn O kırmızı kazak üzerinde iyi görünüyor.,That red sweater looks good on you.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tom şanslı bir genç adam.,Tom is a lucky young man.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Deli olma!,Don't be crazy!,tur_Latn-eng_Latn "Ben beyzbol, tenis ve futbol gibi açık hava sporlarını severim.","I like outdoor sports, such as baseball, tennis and soccer.",tur_Latn-eng_Latn O mavi-beyaz parlayan yıldız Sirius'tur.,That blue-white shining star is Sirius.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tom emekli bir öğretmendir.,Tom is a retired teacher.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Ben tüm isimlerini biliyorum.,I know all their names.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Ona inanmayın.,Don't believe him.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tom çok iyi bir antrenör.,Tom is a very good coach.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Sen ona özür dilemelisin ve bunu hemen yapman gerekiyor.,You need to apologize to her and need to do it right away.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Sen ve Tom nasıl tanıştınız?,How did you and Tom become acquainted?,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Ben kanepede uyuyacağım. Yatağımı alabilirsin.,I'll sleep on the couch. You can have my bed.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Bana moron deme.,Don't call me a moron.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Lütfen mavi elbise giymiş şu kıza bak.,Please look at the girl who wore the blue clothes.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tom Mary'nin Fransızca okuyabileceğini söyledi.,Tom said Mary might study French.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Fransızca okumalısın.,You must study French.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Hepimiz için zaman kaybıydı.,It was a waste time for all of us.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tom onu yapmakta kötüdür.,Tom is bad at doing that.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tom kuşları beslerken bir park bankında oturdu.,Tom sat on a park bench feeding birds.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn O mavi olanda benimdir.,That blue one is also mine.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn O öğrenci Tom'dur.,That student is Tom.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Bu politikacı hırs dolu.,That politician is full of ambition.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn O politikacı iç ve dış koşullarda deneyimlidir.,That politician is well versed in internal and external conditions.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Ona idiot demeyin.,Don't call him an idiot.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Başka insanların ne düşündüğü umurumda değil.,I don't care what other people think.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Politikacı çarşamba günleri kabul ediyor.,The politician receives on Wednesdays.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn O politikacı kesinlikle dürüst değil.,That politician is by no means honest.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn O siyasetçi eski bir tilki.,That politician is an old fox.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Ben asla umut yitirmedim.,I never gave up hope.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Size nasıl hitap etmemi istersiniz?,What do you want me to call you?,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Sözde acemi skandalı duyulduğundan beri o politikacı dünyada gözden düştü.,"That politician has come down in the world since the so-called ""Recruit scandal"" was publicized.",tur_Latn-eng_Latn Politikacı bir yılan balığı gibi kaygan!,The politician is as slippery as an eel!,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Affedersiniz ama bana istasyona giden yolu gösterir misiniz?,"Excuse me, but will you show me the way to the station?",tur_Latn-eng_Latn "Rüşvet vermedikçe, o politikacı seninle görüşmez.",That politician won't meet you unless you grease his palm.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Onun yardımına güvenmeyin.,Don't count on his assistance.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Henüz bir menajere ihtiyacım yok.,I don't need a manager yet.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Almanya'da daha önce böyle bir şey olmadı.,Nothing like this has happened before in Germany.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn "O, çayını içerken benimle konuştu.",He chatted with me while drinking his tea.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Park küçük çocuklar için tasarlanmıştır.,The park was designed for small children.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Öğretmen Zhang okulda öğrencilere her gün Çince öğretiyor.,Teacher Zhang teaches Chinese to his students at school every day.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Bu ırkçılıktır.,This is racism.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tom dışarıda ama Mary evde.,"Tom is out, but Mary is at home.",tur_Latn-eng_Latn Fotoğraf çekeceğimizi bilseydim bundan daha iyi giyerdim.,"If I'd known we were going to take a photo, I'd have dressed better than this.",tur_Latn-eng_Latn Girdiğiniz parola geçersiz.,The password you have entered is invalid.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn "Yarın yağmur yağarsa, ben sadece evde kalacağım.","If it rains tomorrow, I'll just stay at home.",tur_Latn-eng_Latn Sen çok kötü bir şoförsün.,You're a very bad driver.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Ben yarını bilmeliyim.,I need to know tomorrow.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Yarın dışarı çıkıyor musun?,Are you going out tomorrow?,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Ben yarın alışverişe gideceğim.,I'll go shopping tomorrow.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Ben yarın evde kalacağım.,I'll stay at home tomorrow.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn "Yarın yağmur yağarsa, evde kalacağız.","If it rains tomorrow, we'll stay at home.",tur_Latn-eng_Latn "Yarın yağmur yağarsa, ben pikniğe gitmeyeceğim.","If it rains tomorrow, I won't go to the picnic.",tur_Latn-eng_Latn Yarın okula geç kalmayın.,Don't be late to school tomorrow.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Yarın Noel.,Tomorrow it's Christmas.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Korkunç bir mide ağrım vardı.,I had a terrible stomachache.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Ereksiyon problemlerinin çeşitli nedenleri olabilir.,Erection problems can have various causes.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tom orada bir an için durakladı.,Tom paused there for a second.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Sorun çok paramızın olmamasıdır.,The problem is that we don't have a lot of money.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Seni Noel'de görebileceğimi umuyorum.,I hope I can see you at Christmas.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Anne bitkindi.,The mother was exhausted.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Bu şehir sen olmadan soğuk ve yalnız.,This city is cold and lonely without you.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn O gençken her zaman nehirde balık tutmaya giderdi.,He always went fishing on the river when he was young.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Bizim üç uçağımız var.,We have three planes.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn "O, gazete okumaktan vazgeçti.",He stopped reading newspapers.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Senin ne düşündüğünü umursamıyorum.,I don't care what you thought.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Bugün burada olma nedenin nedir?,What's your reason for being here today?,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tom Mary'nin yapmasını istediği şeyi isteksizce yaptı.,Tom grudgingly did what Mary asked him to do.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn """A B ye eşittir"" "" Eğer ve sadece B gerçekse A doğrudur"". ile aynı anlamı vardır.","""A is equivalent to B"" has the same meaning as ""A is true if and only if B is true"".",tur_Latn-eng_Latn Burada uzun süre kalamam ve Tom da kalamaz.,"I can't stay here long, and neither can Tom.",tur_Latn-eng_Latn """P""'nin Poşet olduğunu kanıtlayın.",Prove that P is a poset.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Ben okula geç kalacağım.,I'm going to be late for school!,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Bu yeni plan kalıcı bir barış getirebilir.,This new plan may bring a lasting peace.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Yardım sağlamıyorsun.,You aren't helping.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn İnsanları görünüşle yargılama.,Don't judge people by appearance.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Burada yüzmemizin bir sakıncası var mı?,Is it OK if we swim here?,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Dört kişilik bir aileye sahibim.,I have four in my family.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tom ve Mary'nin bugün burada olmayacaklarını düşünüyorum.,I think that Tom and Mary won't be here today.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Onun Tom'un istediği olup olmadığını bilmiyorum.,I don't know if that's what Tom wants or not.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn O babası kadar ustaca kayak yapabilir.,He can ski as skilfully as his father.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn "Beni seviyor musun, Tom?","Do you love me, Tom?",tur_Latn-eng_Latn Onlar beni bulacaklar.,They'll find me.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn """Ben bir çiftçi olmak istiyorum"" dedi Pip.","""I want to be a farmer,"" said Pip.",tur_Latn-eng_Latn Mayıs ayının başında Osaka'ya vardılar.,They arrived in Osaka at the beginning of May.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Saat beşte kapıyı kapatırlar.,They close the door at five.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Onlar beşte dükkânı kapattı.,They closed the shop at five.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Onlar beşer kişilik gruplar oluşturdular.,They formed themselves in groups of five.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Onlar altı ay önce evlendi.,They got married six months ago.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tom kaldırım kenarında bir masaya oturmuştu.,Tom was seated at a table by the sidewalk.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Zil çaldığında seyirciler koltuklarına oturdular.,"When the bell rang, the audience took their seats.",tur_Latn-eng_Latn "Onlar, altı fit yüksekliğinde bir duvara tırmanmak zorunda kaldı.",They had to climb a wall six feet high.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Onlar haziran ayında evlenecekler.,They are to be married in June.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Onlar altıda varırlar ve sonra hep birlikte akşam yemeği yeriz.,"They will arrive at six, and then we will all have dinner.",tur_Latn-eng_Latn Onlar yedide burada buluşacaklardı.,They were to meet here at seven.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Gazlı su Amerika'da çok popüler değil.,Fizzy water isn't very popular in America.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Şimdi yatmaya gitmeliyiz.,We have to go to sleep now.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn "O kadar çok televizyon izlemeseydi, çalışmak için daha fazla zamanı olurdu.","If he did not watch so much television, he would have more time for study.",tur_Latn-eng_Latn Öyle ucuz bir otelde misafir edilmesi tuhaf.,It is strange that he should be put up at such a cheap hotel.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn O politikacının söylediği hiç gerçek değil.,What that politician said is not at all true.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tom günlerini zaman makinelerini hayal ederek geçirdi.,Tom spent his days dreaming about time machines.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn O mayo sizde gerçekten iyi görünüyor.,That swimsuit looks really good on you.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn "Ben o suyu içtikten sonra, iyi hissetmiyorum.",I don't feel well after drinking that water.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Onun hikayesi doğru olabilir mi?,Can his story be true?,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tom insanları küçük düşürmeyi sever.,Tom likes humiliating people.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Onun kim olduğuna dair bir fikrin var mı?,Have you any idea who he is?,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tom bir işi olduğuna memnun.,Tom is glad he has a job.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom, Mary'nin onu şimdi yapması gerektiğini söyledi.",Tom said Mary should do that now.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom, Mary'nin bunu yapmayabileceğini söyledi.",Tom said that Mary might not do that.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Onu yapmaktan nefret edersin.,You'd hate doing that.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tom her pazartesi evindedir.,Tom is home every Monday.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tom Mary'nin biraz yorgun olduğunu söyledi.,Tom said Mary was a little tired.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Venezuela hayalimdeki ülkedir.,Venezuela is the country of my dreams.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tom onu yapmayı umuyor.,Tom is hoping to do that.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tom Mary'nin Boston'da doğduğunu söyledi.,Tom said Mary was born in Boston.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn "İşvereni, onun işbirliği için içtenlikle müteşekkirdi.",His employer was sincerely grateful for his cooperation.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tom Boston'da hapiste.,Tom is in jail in Boston.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Yaklaşık 300 £ ağırlığındadır.,He weighs about 300 pounds.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Sen iyi bir bateristsin.,You're a good drummer.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tom'a artık bunu yapmamasını söyleyen ben değilim.,I'm not the one who told Tom not to do that anymore.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tom onu yapmakla yükümlüdür.,Tom is liable to do that.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tom bunun adil olmadığını söyledi.,Tom said it was unfair.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tom Mary'nin cesareti kırılmış olmadığını söyledi.,Tom said Mary wasn't discouraged.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Sen iyi bir kocasun.,You're a good husband.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tom muhtemelen üşüyecek.,Tom is likely to be cold.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Samara Morgan hiç uyumaz.,Samara Morgan never sleeps.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tom Mary'nin mahçup olmadığını söyledi.,Tom said Mary wasn't embarrassed.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Fransızcayı İngilizceyi konuştuğumdan daha sık konuşurum.,I speak French more often than I speak English.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Sen iyi bir atıcısın.,You're a good pitcher.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tom muhtemelen gitmiş olacak.,Tom is likely to be gone.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Bir sorunun olabilir.,You may have a problem.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Sadece uygulama yapmalısın.,You just need to practice.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Sadece uygulamaya ihtiyacın var.,You just need practice.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tom durumu sabırla Mary'ye açıklamaya çalıştı.,Tom patiently tried to explain the situation to Mary.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tom'u şimdi gönderebilirsin.,You can let Tom go now.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Bir maymuna benziyorsun.,You look like a monkey.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Her yaşam öyle ya da böyle sonlanacak.,Every life has to end one way or another.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Beni enayi yerine koymuyorsun.,You aren't fooling me.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn İstersen benimle gelebilirsin.,You could come with me if you want to.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Sen harika bir babasın.,You're a great father.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Bugün biraz sakin görünüyorsun.,You seem kind of quiet today.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Bugün herhangi bir yere gidemezsin.,You can't go anywhere today.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tom'un tekrar öyle bir şey yapmayacağını umuyorum.,I hope Tom doesn't do anything like that again.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Daha sonra ne yapmamı istiyorsun?,What do you want me to do next?,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tom muhtemelen sonuncu olacak.,Tom is likely to be last.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Onları asla bulmayacaksın.,You'll never find them.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Bu bir gümüş sikkedir.,This is a silver coin.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Onu bana yaptıramazsın.,You can't make me do that.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Sen tembel bir öğrencisin.,You're a lazy student.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Harika bir gülümsemen var.,You have a great smile.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Biraz uyumaya gitmelisin.,You should go get some sleep.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Yapmak istemediğim bir şeyi yapmayı bitirdim.,I ended up doing something I didn't want to do.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Sadece dinlenmen gerekiyor.,You just need to relax.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Hazırlansan iyi olur.,You'd better get ready.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Fadıl parayı aramaya Leyla'yı gönderdi.,Fadil sent Layla to look for the money.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tom kanepede yatıyor.,Tom is lying on the sofa.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tom'un kazanamayacağını biliyorsun.,You know Tom can't win.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Sen sessiz bir adamsın.,You're a quiet person.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Ben hepinizle tanışmak için sabırsızlanıyorum.,I can't wait to meet you all.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Uzun bir yol kat ettin.,You've come a long way.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom, Mary'nin onu yaptığına sevindiğini söyledi.",Tom said he's glad Mary did that.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Bunu yararlı bulabilirsiniz.,You might find this useful.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Yeğenim geç saatlere kadar yatmamaya alışkındı.,My nephew was accustomed to staying up late.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Şimdi onunla ilgili bir şey yapmak istiyor musun?,Do you want to do something about it now?,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Onu yararlı bulabilirsin.,You might find it useful.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Sen inatçı bir çocuksun.,You're a stubborn boy.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Şirketimiz bir limited şirkettir.,Our company is a limited company.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Sadece denemiyorsun.,You're just not trying.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Sen teniste iyisin.,You're good at tennis.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Onu denememi ister misin?,Do you want me to try it?,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Daha sonra bana teşekkür edeceksin.,You'll thank me later.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Bana dövüşmeyi öğretebilir misin?,Can you teach me to fight?,tur_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom, Mary'nin aç olmadığını söyledi.",Tom said that Mary wasn't hungry.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Cevabınız yanlıştı.,Your answer was wrong.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tom benim için gerçekten iyi.,Tom is really good to me.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tom Mary'nin uykulu olmadığını söyledi.,Tom said that Mary wasn't sleepy.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Kendimi nasıl savunacağımı bana öğretebilir misin?,Can you teach me how to defend myself?,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tom herkes tarafından seviliyordu.,Tom was loved by everybody.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom emekli, değil mi?","Tom is retired, isn't he?",tur_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom, Mary'nin bunu yapmayacağını söyledi.",Tom said that Mary won't do that.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Bana nasıl dövüşeceğimi öğretebilir misin?,Can you teach me how to fight?,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Üç yüz dolarla ne yapardın?,What would you do with three hundred dollars?,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Sen ve Tom ne iş yapıyorsunuz?,What are you and Tom up to?,tur_Latn-eng_Latn "Doğru bir şey yapamazsın, değil mi?","You can't do anything right, can you?",tur_Latn-eng_Latn Sami uyandı.,Sami woke up.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn "Kesinlikle tartışmayı seviyorsun, değil mi?","You sure do like to argue, don't you?",tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tom Mary'nin ona bir atkı örmesi için onu ikna etmeye çalıştı.,Tom tried to convince Mary to knit him a scarf.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn "Hâlâ emin değilsin, değil mi?","You still aren't sure, are you?",tur_Latn-eng_Latn Buraya çok erken geldin.,You got here too early.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Burada iyi yaptın.,You've done well here.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tom'u bize yardım etmesi için ikna edebileceğini düşünüyor musun?,Do you think you could persuade Tom to help us?,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Bana yardım etmiyorsun.,You're not helping me.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Benim için çalışmıyorsun.,You don't work for me.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tom bazen yaramaz.,Tom is sometimes naughty.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Dalga geçtiğimi mi düşünüyorsun.,Do you think I'm kidding?,tur_Latn-eng_Latn "Bunu yaptığınızdan emin olun, olur mu?","Be sure to do that, OK?",tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tom hâlâ bir barmen.,Tom is still a bartender.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom, Mary'nin onu asla yapmayacağını söylüyor.",Tom says Mary will never do that.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn "Sorunun ne olduğunu biliyorsun, değil mi?","You know what's wrong, don't you?",tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tom hâlâ bir polis memuru.,Tom is still a policeman.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Hazır olduğundan emin misin?,Are you sure you're ready?,tur_Latn-eng_Latn İşini iyi yaptın.,You did your job well.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Onu yarın yapabilir miyim?,Can I do that tomorrow?,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tom akortsuz şarkı söyledi.,Tom sang off key.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tekrar evlendiğini duydum.,I hear you got married again.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Bunu imzalaman gerekiyor.,You need to sign that.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn "Onu yapan Tom'du, ben değil.","It was Tom who did that, not me.",tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tom size haber verecek.,Tom will let you know.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Gerçekten benim için önemli değil.,It really doesn't matter to me.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Öğretmen ve ben karşı karşıya oturduk.,The teacher and I sat down face to face.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tom'la hiç golf oynamadım.,I've never played golf with Tom.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom onu yaptığındaı, insanlar güldü.","When Tom did that, people laughed.",tur_Latn-eng_Latn Bu yetenekleri öğrenmem gerek.,I need to learn these skills.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tom odasını hızlı temizledi.,Tom cleaned his room quickly.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom, Mary'nin kötü hissettiğini söyledi.",Tom said that Mary was feeling bad.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Yapmak istediğim çok şey var.,There's so much I want to do.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tom Mary'nin onu yaptığını düşündüğünü söylüyor.,Tom says he thinks Mary did that.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Ben hiç bir denizaltında bulunmadım.,I've never been in a submarine.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tanrılar için hiçbir şey imkansız değildir.,Nothing is impossible for the gods.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tom harika bir oyuncu değil.,Tom isn't a great player.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tom arabanın üstüne branda çekti.,Tom covered the car with a tarp.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tom Mary'nin Fransızca konuştuğunu söylüyor.,Tom says that Mary speaks French.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Biz iki haftada bir tiyatroya gideriz.,We go biweekly to the theater.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Hiç kimse herhangi bir şey görmedi ya da duymadı.,Nobody saw or heard anything.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Her şeyi düzelttin mi?,Did you fix everything?,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tom'un araba sürmesine gerçekten izin verecek misin?,Are you really going to let Tom drive?,tur_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom, Mary'nin onu yapmayacağını söylüyor.",Tom says that Mary won't do that.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Bunu yapmaya çalışmayı bırakacağız.,We're going to quit trying to do that.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn İkiniz de onu yapıyor musunuz?,Do both of you do that?,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tom benden daha hızlı değil.,Tom isn't faster than me.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tom Mary'nin ne yaptığını biliyor görünüyordu.,Tom seemed to know what Mary did.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tom'dan bir mektup bekliyorum.,I'm expecting a letter from Tom.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tom böylesine kötü bir adam değil.,Tom isn't such a bad guy.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom, Mary'nin Boston'lu olduğunu söyledi.",Tom said that Mary was from Boston.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tom Mary'ye uykulu olduğunu söylemeli.,Tom should tell Mary he's sleepy.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tom ve Mary akşam yemeğinden sonra dans etmekten hoşlanırlar.,Tom and Mary like to dance after dinner.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Şimdi bir saç tıraşı olmana gerek yok.,You need not have a haircut right now.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Onu yapmaktan hoşlanıyor musun?,Do you like to do that?,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Gereken niteliklere sahibiz.,We've got what it takes.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tom trenden atladı.,Tom jumped off the train.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Muhtemelen Tom için oy kullanacağım.,I'll probably be voting for Tom.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Daha fazla yere ihtiyacınız var mı?,Do you need more space?,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tom onun hakkında her şeyi biliyor.,Tom knows all about that.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Bir ağrı kesicin var mı?,Do you have a pain reliever?,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Onu yapman gerekiyor mu?,Do you need to do that?,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tam olarak hazır değilim.,I'm not quite ready.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tom arabasını kullanmama izin verdi.,Tom allowed me to drive his car.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tom hakkında daha fazla duymak istiyorum.,I'd like to hear more about Tom.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom posta kutusu yeniden boyadı, çünkü eski püskü görünüyordu.",Tom repainted his mailbox because it was looking shabby.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tom onu yapmayacağını biliyor.,Tom knows not to do that.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Dan protesto etmedi bile.,Dan didn't even protest.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Zaman kavramını yitirdim.,I've lost notion of time.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tom sürgülü kapıyı açtı.,Tom opened the sliding door.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Buradan Fuji Dağı görülebilir.,"From here, one can view Mt. Fuji.",tur_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom, yılın bu zamanını sevdiğini söyledi.",Tom said he likes this time of year.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Uçak için tam zamanında ulaştım.,I arrived just in time for the plane.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tom bana silah yerine bir bıçak verdi.,Tom gave me a knife instead of a gun.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Sabahleyin bundan pişman olacaksın.,You'll regret this in the morning.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Bir çocuk gibi davranmayı bırak.,Stop acting like a child.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tom'un sahip olmasını istediğim bir şeyim var.,I've got something I'd like Tom to have.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Onun güvende olduğunu düşünüyor musun?,Do you think it's safe?,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Beni almaya gelebilir misin?,Can you come pick me up?,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tom dün gece şehri terk etti.,Tom left town last night.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Sadece onları görmezden gelemiyoruz.,We can't just ignore them.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom, Mary'nin eğlenmediğini düşünüyor.",Tom thinks Mary wasn't having fun.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Şarkıları çeviriyor musun?,Do you translate songs?,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Sanırım uyuyorum.,I think I'm falling asleep.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Rastgele bir şey söyleyemem.,I am unable to say anything offhand.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Ben gürültülü çocuklara tahammül edemem.,I cannot tolerate noisy children.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Yüzmeyle pek işim olmaz.,I don't care much for swimming.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom, Mary'nin ne yapacağını bildiğini düşünüyor.",Tom thinks Mary knows what to do.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Artık çok geç.,It's too late now.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Hiç burada kar yağıyor mu?,Does it ever snow here?,tur_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom, Mary'nin kalbi kırık olduğunu söyledi.",Tom said that Mary was heartbroken.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tom Mary'nin dikkatsiz olacağını düşünüyor.,Tom thinks Mary will be careless.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Pencereyi kapatma.,Don't close the window.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tom ağaç kulübesinde yaşıyor.,Tom lives in a log cabin.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Sanırım sorunu anlıyorum.,I think I see the problem.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Onu o şekilde yapma.,Don't do that that way.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn "Yazıcı ile ilgili bir sorun var, onu deneyip onaracağım.","There's a problem with the printer, I'm gonna try and fix it.",tur_Latn-eng_Latn Henüz Boston'u terk etme.,Don't leave Boston yet.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Onlarla konuşmak için gittim.,I went to talk to them.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tom Mary'nin inatçı olacağını düşünüyor.,Tom thinks Mary will be stubborn.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Pencereleri açma.,Don't open the windows.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Bunu yapmamak iyi bir fikir olabilir.,It might be a good idea not to do that.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tom etkilenmemiş olabilir.,Tom might be unimpressed.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tom Mary'nin kıskanç olmayacağını düşünüyor.,Tom thinks Mary won't be jealous.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Yolda oynamayın.,Don't play in the road.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tom öğle yemeği paketinden bir elma çıkardı ve onu yemeye başladı.,Tom took an apple out of his lunch pail and began eating it.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn "Ne kadar acele edersen et, çaban sadece kovada bir damla.",No matter how much you hurry your effort is just a drop in the bucket.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Şimdi bir şey söyleme.,Don't say anything now.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Sinek sineklikteki bir delikten içeri girdi.,The fly got into the house through a hole in the flyscreen.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Sadece düşünmek için zamana ihtiyacım var.,I just need time to think.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tom'un ne yapmamızı istediğini bulalım.,Let's find out what Tom needs us to do.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tom öfkeli olmalı.,Tom must be furious.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Fransızca öğretmiyor musun?,Don't you teach French?,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tom Mary'nin bunu yapmayacağını düşünüyor.,Tom thinks Mary wouldn't do that.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Ne sıklıkla buradasın?,How often are you here?,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tom'un tutuklanması gerekiyor.,Tom needs to be arrested.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tom Mary'nin yardımcı olduğunu düşündü.,Tom thought Mary was cooperative.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Ne sıklıkta hastasın?,How often are you sick?,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Öğrenciler tembel.,The students are lazy.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Sadece denemem gerektiğini düşünüyorum.,I just think I should try.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Bende onu yapmak zorundayım.,I also have to do that.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Aşağıdaki cümleleri Fransızcaya çevir.,Translate the following sentences into French.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tom Mary'nin mahçup olduğunu düşündü.,Tom thought Mary was embarrassed.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Sözlüğünü ödünç alabilir miyim?,May I borrow your dictionary?,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Onu yapmak için buraya geldim.,I came here to do that.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Pazartesiye kadar Boston'da olacağım.,I'll be in Boston until next Monday.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom onu gerçekten yapmayacak, değil mi?","Tom won't really do that, will he?",tur_Latn-eng_Latn Onunla konuşmak için gittim.,I went to talk to him.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tom topluma olan borcunu ödedi.,Tom has paid his debt to society.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Beklemekten başka yapabileceğim bir şey yok.,I can but wait.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Sadece bekleyebilirim.,I can only wait.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Onu senin için satın alabilirim.,I can buy that for you.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Sen bir tutuklu musun?,Are you a prisoner?,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Ben kötü bir soğuk algınlığı çekiyorum.,I am suffering from a bad cold.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tom sadece caz dinler.,Tom only listens to jazz.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Ben en fazla üç dolar harcadım.,I spent no more than three dollars.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tom Mary'nin devamsız olacağını düşündü.,Tom thought Mary would be absent.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tom bana herhangi birinin içeri girdiğini görmediğini söyledi.,Tom told me that he didn't see anyone come in.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom, Mary'nin korkacağını düşündü.",Tom thought Mary would be afraid.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Eğer istersen kalabilirim.,I can stay if you want.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Onların her ikisi de kask giyiyorlar mıydı?,Were both of them wearing helmets?,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tom torpido gözünü açtı ve bir güneş gözlüğü çıkardı.,Tom opened the glove compartment and took out a pair of sunglasses.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Biz ortaokul öğrencileriyiz.,We're junior high school students.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Ben beş dolardan daha fazlasına sahip değilim.,I had no more than five dollars.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Hazır olduğunuzda başlayacağız.,We'll begin when you're ready.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Su saydamdır.,Water is transparent.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn "O, gerçekten burada iğrenç kokuyor.",It really does stink in here.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tom bugün fazla mesai yapmak zorunda olmayacağını söylüyor.,Tom says he won't have to work overtime today.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tom'un gülme şeklini sevmiyorum.,I don't like the way Tom laughs.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Size teşekkür etmesi gereken kişi benim.,I'm the one who should be thanking you.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Onu partiye gitmeye ikna ettim.,I persuaded him to go to the party.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Bu tecrübenin senin için ne gibi bir şey olduğunu tarif edebilir misin?,Can you describe what that experience was like for you?,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Onlardan birini almadığıma sevindim.,I'm glad I didn't buy one of those.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tom çok çabuk tepki gösterdi.,Tom reacted very quickly.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Onu uğurlamak için az önce havalanındaydım.,I have just been to the airport to see him off.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom, Mary'nin nadiren geç kaldığını söyledi.",Tom said that Mary was seldom late.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tom senin bir şey gördüğünü söylediğini söyledi.,Tom said that you said that you saw something.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tom'un yaralanacağından endişeliyim.,I'm worried that Tom will get hurt.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Konuyu Tom'la tartıştım.,I discussed the matter with Tom.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Buralarda bir sürü adam senden nefret ediyor.,A lot of guys around here hate you.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Burada sigara içmemen gerekiyor.,You're not supposed to smoke here.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Ben az önce odamı temizledim.,I have just cleaned my room.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Ben ayrılmamaya karar verdim.,I've decided not to leave.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Otobüs beklerken ayakta durdum.,I stood waiting for a bus.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Bu bileti onu isteyene verebilirsin.,You may give this ticket to whoever wants it.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tom parayı spor çantasına koydu.,Tom put the money in the gym bag.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn "Ben, tam olarak on mil yürüdüm.",I completely walked ten miles.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tom Mary'ye John'un onu yapabileceğini söyledi.,Tom told Mary John could do that.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Sigara içemem.,I can't smoke.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tom onu doğrulamadı.,Tom didn't confirm that.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tütün olmadan yapamam.,I can't do without tobacco.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Okulun en güzel kızlarından biri olmasına rağmen Mary'nin hiç oğlan arkadaşı yoktu.,"Mary is one of the prettiest girls in the whole school. Despite that, she's never had a boyfriend.",tur_Latn-eng_Latn "Kate hasta olmalı, çünkü solgun görünüyor.","Kate must be sick, for she looks pale.",tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tom yalnız göründüğümü söyledi.,Tom said I looked lonely.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Sigara içmeyi bırakmaya kararlıyım.,I am determined to give up smoking.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Ben sigara içerim.,I smoke cigarettes.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Onu yapmak için bir şansım oldu.,I had a chance to do that.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Bunu yapmak hiç zor değil.,It's not at all difficult to do that.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Lütfen telefonu kapat ve biraz bekle.,"Hang up and wait a moment, please.",tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tom herkesi ikna etmedi.,Tom didn't convince everyone.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Çocukların burada oynamasına izin vermemelisin.,You must not allow the children to play here.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Sigara içmekten vazgeçtim.,I stopped smoking.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tom'a her şeyi anlatıyor musun?,Do you tell Tom everything?,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Bu bulaşıkları yıkamama yardımcı olabilir misin?,Can you help me wash these dishes?,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Ben ağzımı açtığım için üzgünüm.,I'm sorry I opened my mouth.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Sigara içerken planı tasarladım.,I conceived of the plan while I was smoking.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Ben sigarayı bırakmak için ikna edildim.,I was persuaded to stop smoking.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Ne düşündüğümü biliyorsun.,You know what I think.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tom haksız yere suçla itham edildi.,Tom was unjustly accused of the crime.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Ben sık sık ondan bir mektup alırım.,I often get a letter from him.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Gerçekten yardıma ihtiyacın var mı?,Do you really need help?,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Kesinlikle üzgün görünüyorsun.,You sure sound upset.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Ben sık sık onu ziyaret ederim.,I often call on him.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Harika bir yeteneğin var.,You have a great gift.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Belki iki saat boyunca ders çalıştım.,I studied for perhaps two hours.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Nerede yaşadığımı biliyorsun.,You know where I live.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Ben aldatılmış olduğum sonucuna vardım.,I came to the conclusion that I had been deceived.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Onu hilekarlıkla suçladım.,I accused him of cheating.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Hâlâ bir atışın var.,You still have a shot.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tesadüfen istasyonda öğretmenimi gördüm.,It happened that I saw my teacher at the station.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tesadüfen onu otobüste gördüm.,It happened that I saw her on the bus.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Kesinlikle kızgın görünüyorsun.,You sure sound angry.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Uzaklaşmalısın.,You need to walk away.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tesadüfen onunla aynı trene bindim.,It so happened that I rode in the same train with him.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Sen onları uzaklaştırdın.,You let them get away.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Çekilsen iyi olur.,You'd better stand back.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Günden güne hava gittikçe soğuyor.,It is getting colder and colder day by day.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tom kabin çekmecesini açtı ve bir klasör çıkardı.,Tom opened the cabinet drawer and pulled out a folder.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tesadüfen güzel bir kıza rastladım.,I chanced on a beautiful girl.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Şimdi çok yakınsınız.,You're very close now.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Sorunu buldun.,You've found the problem.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Uzun süredir benim arkadaşımsın.,You've been my friend for a long time.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tom perdeleri biraz açtı ve dışarıya baktı.,Tom opened the curtains slightly and looked outside.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Bunu kendiniz mi yaptınız?,Did you do this by yourself?,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Çatı 3 farklı yerden akıyor.,The roof leaks in 3 different places.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tom Mary'nin deli olmayacağını söyledi.,Tom said that Mary wouldn't be mad.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Cüzdanımı çalanların Tom ve Mary olduğunu düşünüyorum.,I think that Tom and Mary are the ones who stole my wallet.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Mary hiç bana bir erkek arkadaşı olduğunu söylememişti.,Mary never told me she had a boyfriend.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tom konferans odasına giden kapıyı açtı.,Tom opened the door to the conference room.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Burada pek çok insanı tanımıyorum.,I don't know many people here.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom, Mary'ye asla onu yapmayacağını söyledi.",Tom told Mary he'd never do that.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Yardım etmeyi kabul etmedim.,I didn't agree to help.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Keskin gözlerin var.,You've got sharp eyes.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tom yeterince hoş görünüyor.,Tom seems nice enough.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tom Mary'ye çok gürültülü olmamasını söyledi.,Tom told Mary not to be so noisy.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Size söz verdim.,You've got my word on it.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Para istemedim.,I didn't ask for money.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tom gelmemi istemeseydi buraya gelmezdim.,I wouldn't have come here if Tom hadn't asked me to.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Telefonumun pili bitti.,My phone is dead.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Yasayı ihlal etmedim.,I didn't break the law.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Bunu yapan kişinin ben olduğumu düşünüyor musun?,Do you think I'm the one who did this?,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tatil çok yakında sona erdi.,The vacation came to an end all too soon.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Bunu beğendiğimi düşünüyor musun?,Do you think I like this?,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Bir ucubeye benziyorsun.,You look like a freak.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Sadece iyi yapacaksın.,You're going to do just fine.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn İyi yapacaksın.,You're going to do fine.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Arabayı benim sürmemi ister misin?,Do you want me to drive?,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Çok farklı görünüyorsun.,You look so different.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Sert görünüyorsun.,You sound bitter.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Geri gelmek zorundasın.,You've got to come back.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Geri gelmelisin.,You have to come back.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tom'un yardımı olmadan başarmazdım.,I wouldn't have succeeded without Tom's help.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Geç kalacaksın.,You're going to be late.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Hiçbir acı hissetmedim.,I didn't feel any pain.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Buraya o kadar fazla gelmiyorum.,I don't come here that much.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tom bana nasıl yüzeceğini bilmediğini söylemedi.,Tom didn't tell me he didn't know how to swim.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Anahtarını düşürdün.,You dropped your key.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Bunu tartışmak ister misin?,Do you want to discuss it?,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Burayı terk edemezsin.,You can't leave here.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Burada olamazsın.,You can't be in here.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Yardım etmemi istedin.,You asked me to help.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Bu işler böyle yürür.,That's how it works.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Orada park edemezsin.,You can't park there.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Bunu oraya koyabilirsin.,You can put it there.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tom Mary'ye onu hemen yapmasını söyledi.,Tom told Mary to do that at once.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Bunu anlamanı beklemiyorum.,I don't expect you to understand this.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Ofisimi kullanabilirsin.,You can use my office.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Bunu yapmaya ihtiyacın var.,You need to do this.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Fransızcamı ilerletmek istiyorum ama gerçekten hiç vaktim yok.,I would like to improve my French but I really have no time.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Bela Lugosi birkaç filmde oynadı.,Bela Lugosi acted in several films.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Daha sonra öğreneceksin.,You'll find out later.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Bir kurşun kalemim yoktu.,I didn't have a pencil.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tom işsiz olduğunu söyledi.,Tom said he's unemployed.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn İncil bize komşumuzu sevmemizi söyler.,The Bible tells us to love our neighbor.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn "O, o yeni makineyi denedi.",He tried out that new machine.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Bir biletim yoktu.,I didn't have a ticket.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Dünyada yaşayan her şey birbirine bağlıdır.,All living things on earth depend one another.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn O yeni planı protesto etti.,He protested against the new plan.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Hindiyi yoluyorum.,I am plucking the turkey.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn İnsan olarak hayvan doğamızı aşmalıyız.,To be human we must transcend our animal nature.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn "O, yeni plana karşı.",He is opposed to the new plan.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Takımı ben yapmadım.,I didn't make the team.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn "O, yeni bisikletinden çok memnun.",He is very pleased with the new bicycle.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tom bana Mary'nin onun eski karısı olduğunu söyledi.,Tom told me Mary was his ex-wife.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Keşke o şimdi seni görebilse.,If only he could see you now.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn "O, yeni yöntemi benimsedi.",He adopted the new method.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn O üzülecek bir şey değil.,That's nothing to be sorry for.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Bir kas hareket ettirmedim.,I didn't move a muscle.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn "O, gerçeğin farkında gibi görünüyor.",It seems that he is aware of the fact.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Sence Tom onu yapabilir mi?,Do you think Tom can do it?,tur_Latn-eng_Latn "O, niçin gerçeği söylemiyor?",Why doesn't he tell the truth?,tur_Latn-eng_Latn "Bu, bunu yapmak için son şansımız olabilir.",This may be our last chance to do this.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn "O, nasıl beyzbol oynayacağını biliyor.",He knows how to play baseball.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Babam gerçekten çok konuşmaz.,My father doesn't really talk much.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn "O, gelecek sınavı geçebileceğinden emin.",He's sure that he'll be able to pass the next examination.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn "Vay, gerçekten berbat bir ruh halindesin. Kavgacı olma.","Wow, you're really in a bad mood. Don't get scrappy.",tur_Latn-eng_Latn Sami buraya gelmekten nefret eder.,Sami hates coming here.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn "Bazen büyük babam kendi başına bırakıldığında, kendi kendine konuşur.",Sometimes my grandfather talks to himself when left alone.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Bu kızın bir annesi yok.,This girl has no mother.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tom ilgilendiğini söylüyor.,Tom says he's interested.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn "Boston'u özlüyorsun, değil mi?","You miss Boston, don't you?",tur_Latn-eng_Latn O gerçekten son zamandan beri çok değişti.,He's really changed a lot since last time.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Bu bir oteldir.,This is a hotel.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Her cumartesi futbol oynarız.,We play soccer every Saturday.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn "Polis, arabaları tek-tek kontrol ediyordu.",The policeman was checking the cars one-by-one.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Atasözlerini İngilizceye çevirmede bir amacın olup olmadığını merak ediyorum.,I wonder if there is any point in translating proverbs into English.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Ben kapıyı açmadım.,I didn't open the door.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom, iyi yüzdüğünü söylüyor.",Tom says he swims well.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tom Mary'nin onu yapmasına izin vermeyecektir.,Tom won't permit Mary to do that.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Testi geçmedim.,I didn't pass the test.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tom çok yardıma muhtaç görünüyordu.,Tom seemed awfully needy.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Benim dairem üçüncü katta.,My flat is on the third floor.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tom ve büyükbabası Fransızca iletişim kuruyor.,Tom and his grandfather communicate in French.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Patrona o şekilde karşı çıkman bayağı büyük cesaretti.,It was pretty ballsy of you to stand up to the boss like that.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn "O genç görünüyor, ama gerçekte o, 40 yaşın üzerinde.","She looks young, but in reality she's over 40.",tur_Latn-eng_Latn Bana limana giden yolu gösterir misiniz?,Could you show me the way to the port?,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Senin öğretmenin kim?,Who's your teacher?,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tom gerçekten böyle kötü bir şarkıcı değil.,Tom isn't really such a bad singer.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Ben sana şehri göstereceğim.,I'll show you the city.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tom'un Mary ile çıktığını bilmiyordum.,I didn't know Tom was dating Mary.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn "Biraz daha sabırlı olsaydın, bulmacayı yapabilecektin.",You'd be able to do the puzzle if only you had a little bit more patience.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn O kendini araştırmaya adadı.,He dedicates himself to research.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Çiçekleri niçin satın aldınız?,Why did you buy the flowers?,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tom neredeyse hiç çikolata yemez.,Tom almost never eats chocolate.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Niçin bir çiçek aldınız?,Why did you buy a flower?,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tom ve Mary bütün sabahı konuşarak geçirdi.,Tom and Mary spent all morning talking.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Bu gelmiş geçmiş en iyi metottur.,This is by far the best method.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Bu zaferi arkadaşlarıma adıyorum.,I dedicate this triumph to my friends.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Birleşik Krallık'ın başkenti Londra'dır.,The capital of the United Kingdom is London.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Benim sadece zamanım yok.,I just don't have time.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Ben Portekizdeyim.,I'm in Portugal.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn İstediğini yapacağım.,I'll do what you ask.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn "Kirli ev, kirli zemin.","Dirty house, dirty floor.",tur_Latn-eng_Latn Araraquara'da nadir bir Amerikan papağanı satın aldım.,I bought a rare macaw in Araraquara.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Ben yeni bir araba satın almak istiyorum.,I want to buy a new car.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn On beş yaşındayken araba sürmeyi öğrendim.,I learned how to drive when I was fifteen years old.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn O pastayı yemesen iyi olur.,You'd better not eat that cake!,tur_Latn-eng_Latn O pastayı yediysen başın belada!,You're in trouble if you ate that cake!,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Onun söylediği yanlıştır.,What he says is false.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Ben gerçekten onu düşünüyorum.,I really do think that.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Şu saat çok hoş.,That watch is very nice.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn "Afedersiniz, ama postaneyi arıyorum","Excuse me, but I'm looking for the post office.",tur_Latn-eng_Latn Dil bilgisi çok karmaşık.,Grammar is very complicated.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tom caddede hızla yürüdü.,Tom walked quickly down the street.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Gürültü ve ses arasındaki farkı kim çevirebilir?,Who can translate the difference between noise and sound?,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Sanırım Tom onu Mary için yapacak.,I think Tom will do that for Mary.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Eve giderim.,I go home.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Çocuklar heyecanlı.,The kids are excited.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Çok trafik yoktu.,There wasn't much traffic.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Araba Brian'in.,The car is Brian’s.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Kediler miyavlıyor.,The cats are meowing.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Kediler mırlıyor.,The cats are purring.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Saat tik tak yapıyor.,The clock is ticking.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Çiftin bir oğlu vardı.,The couple had a son.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Köpek güzel.,The dog is beautiful.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn O beni ondan daha çok seviyor ve o beni onun sevdiğinden daha çok seviyor.,She loves me more than him and she loves me more than he.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Yiyecek berbat.,The food is terrible.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Silah yüklü değil.,The gun isn't loaded.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn "Bizi terk edebilirsin, Tom.","You may leave us, Tom.",tur_Latn-eng_Latn Ev yanıyor!,The house is on fire!,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Limonata soğuk.,The lemonade is cold.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn "Üzgünüm, prezervatif olmadan onu yapmayacağım.","Sorry, I won't do it without a condom.",tur_Latn-eng_Latn Ay çok parlak.,The moon's so bright.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Film pornografik.,The movie is X-rated.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tom'u bulsan iyi olur.,You'd better find Tom.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Müzik yavaş yavaş yok oldu.,The music faded away.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Bunu mu arıyorsun?,Are you looking for this?,tur_Latn-eng_Latn "Üzgünüm, bir prezervatif olmadan onu yapmayacağım.","Sorry, I won't do it without a rubber.",tur_Latn-eng_Latn Bunu almak zorundasın.,You have to take this.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Çiçekler aldım.,I bought flowers.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Bunu tekrar yaptın.,You've done it again.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Kazayı gördünüz mü?,Did you see the accident?,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Senin için zamanım yok.,I don't have time for you.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn İyi yaptığımı düşünüyorum.,I think I've done well.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Paranı mümkün olduğu kadar çabuk göndereceğim.,I will send your money as soon as possible.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tom hâlâ Fransızca okuyor.,Tom still studies French.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Beni çıplak görmeni istemiyorum.,I don't want you to see me naked.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tom'un sana baktığını fark etmedin mi?,Didn't you notice that Tom was looking at you?,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Bazı insanlar Fransızca öğrenmenin gerçekten zor olduğunu düşünüyor.,Some people think French is really hard to learn.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Korkma! İyi olacak.,"It'll be fine, don't be afraid!",tur_Latn-eng_Latn Bunu tek başına yapmayı düşünmemelisin.,You shouldn't try to do that by yourself.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn İşe geri dönsen iyi olur.,You'd better get back to work.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tom hala oynamak istiyordu.,Tom still wanted to play.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tom ve ben Mary'nin büyük ebeveynleriyiz.,Tom and I are Mary's grandparents.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn "Rusya, Polonya, Çek ve Bulgaristan'ın ortak Slav kökleri var.","Such languages as Russian, Polish, Czech and Bulgarian have common Slavic roots.",tur_Latn-eng_Latn İşçiler çalışma şartlarına karşı söyleniyorlar.,The laborers are murmuring against their working conditions.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Ben kırmızı şarap içmem.,I don't drink red wine.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Bunu söylemedim.,I didn't say this.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Dünyada birçok ergatif dil var ve Baskça da onlardan biri.,There are many ergative languages in the world and Basque is one of them.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Trafik olduğundan dolayı toplantıya geç kaldım.,"Because there was traffic, I was late to the meeting.",tur_Latn-eng_Latn Tom ve Mary hâlâ onu yapıyor.,Tom and Mary are still doing that.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Erkek arkadaşın olmak isterim.,I'd like to be your boyfriend.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Şimdiye kadar ne düşünüyorsun?,What do you think so far?,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Ben çok yaptım.,I've done a lot.,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Seni çok özledim!,I missed you so much!,tur_Latn-eng_Latn Me piaça dormarh.,I like sleeping.,tzl_Latn-eng_Latn Éu sint ün profeßeir.,I'm a teacher.,tzl_Latn-eng_Latn Praiçéu.,I talk in my sleep.,tzl_Latn-eng_Latn C'esteva fieschada.,It was love at first sight.,tzl_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Credás in la fieschada?,Do you believe in love at first sight?,tzl_Latn-eng_Latn Me piaça cantarh.,I like to sing.,tzl_Latn-eng_Latn Améu dançarh.,I love to dance.,tzl_Latn-eng_Latn Améu el golf.,I love golf.,tzl_Latn-eng_Latn "Vetz à'ici, sch'o Voi piaça.","This way, please.",tzl_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Ja'iens Díeu?,Is there a God?,tzl_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Aduve vas't?,Where are you going?,tzl_Latn-eng_Latn ¡Scriitz-me frü!,Do write to me soon!,tzl_Latn-eng_Latn C'e viensa þora.,It's one o'clock.,tzl_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Qet sint las quantas?,What time is it?,tzl_Latn-eng_Latn Téu amistat.,I am lost.,tzl_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Es tu?,How about you?,tzl_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Com'estás't?,How are you?,tzl_Latn-eng_Latn Téu à comprarh dels cauçadours ujs.,I have to buy some new shoes.,tzl_Latn-eng_Latn Éu téu 12 ars.,I am 12 years old.,tzl_Latn-eng_Latn Eu sentiéu terival.,I feel terrible.,tzl_Latn-eng_Latn Éu non säp.,I don't know.,tzl_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Qet me paßa?,What's wrong with me?,tzl_Latn-eng_Latn Non per acest.,You are welcome!,tzl_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Qet paßeva?,What's the dealio?,tzl_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Qet paßa?,What's the matter?,tzl_Latn-eng_Latn T'améu.,I love you.,tzl_Latn-eng_Latn Éu sint sa inalt qe Tom.,I'm as tall as Tom.,tzl_Latn-eng_Latn ¡Oc'halà!,I hope so!,tzl_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Qet paßadra?,What would happen?,tzl_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Parletz-voi Talossan?,Do you speak Talossan?,tzl_Latn-eng_Latn Éu sint ‘n ensegnhistà.,I am a teacher.,tzl_Latn-eng_Latn Ensegnhéu dels maþematici es dels füçici.,I teach mathematics and physics.,tzl_Latn-eng_Latn Salacor o non isch feliceu.,He may not be happy.,tzl_Latn-eng_Latn O isch avalaval nun.,He is available now.,tzl_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Come c'e pouçival?,How could you?,tzl_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Aduve vetz-voi?,Where are you going to?,tzl_Latn-eng_Latn Neceßéu dal aßistançéu.,I need assistance.,tzl_Latn-eng_Latn C'e'n glheþ bel.,It is a beautiful language.,tzl_Latn-eng_Latn Muitas graschcias.,Thank you very much!,tzl_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Put-tu m'atxutarh?,Can you help me?,tzl_Latn-eng_Latn Véu àl friul.,I am going to the mall.,tzl_Latn-eng_Latn Eu volt acest.,I want that.,tzl_Latn-eng_Latn O isch là.,There he is.,tzl_Latn-eng_Latn ¡O isch là!,There he is!,tzl_Latn-eng_Latn Tom undereva perqet Mary non lo viac'hadra.,Tom wondered why Mary wouldn't French kiss him.,tzl_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Sustinetz-voi el bus?,Are you waiting for the bus?,tzl_Latn-eng_Latn Téu 'n apüntamaintsch.,I have an appointment.,tzl_Latn-eng_Latn Téu 'n apüntamaintsch cün Tom.,I have an appointment with Tom.,tzl_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Quançeu t'eigéu?,What do I owe you?,tzl_Latn-eng_Latn Véu àl scuola.,I am going to school.,tzl_Latn-eng_Latn Véu àl traval.,I am going to work.,tzl_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Qet façás't aicì sa schpeit?,What are you doing here so late?,tzl_Latn-eng_Latn Éu atent à trovarh 'n noveu posteu.,I'm trying to find a new job.,tzl_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Qi'st aceasta xhuvencula?,Who is that young woman?,tzl_Latn-eng_Latn Va aicì prontu.,Come as soon as you can.,tzl_Latn-eng_Latn O isch ocsà 'n studint noveu.,He is also a new student.,tzl_Latn-eng_Latn Fäts-en prontu.,Get it done as soon as possible.,tzl_Latn-eng_Latn Veneveu prontu.,I came as soon as I could.,tzl_Latn-eng_Latn O isch dal Misiria.,He is from Egypt.,tzl_Latn-eng_Latn Revenarhéu frü.,I will be back soon.,tzl_Latn-eng_Latn A isch dal Cipangu.,She is from Japan.,tzl_Latn-eng_Latn Descendarha frü.,He will come down soon.,tzl_Latn-eng_Latn C'e la prüma poarta àl drept.,It's the first door on the right.,tzl_Latn-eng_Latn Qe noi venadrent.,Let us go.,tzl_Latn-eng_Latn ¡Cacsa surpriça!,What a surprise!,tzl_Latn-eng_Latn Revenhara frü.,He will come back soon.,tzl_Latn-eng_Latn Començarhent prontu.,We will begin as soon as possible.,tzl_Latn-eng_Latn Viens glheþ isch txamais aßei.,One language is never enough.,tzl_Latn-eng_Latn Va voltigeir isch pien d'anguiglhas.,My hovercraft is full of eels.,tzl_Latn-eng_Latn ¡Clametz àl militzia!,Call the police!,tzl_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Volt-tu vidarh Tom?,Do you want to see Tom?,tzl_Latn-eng_Latn Ameveu el senesch.,I loved the old man.,tzl_Latn-eng_Latn Riuschlevent!,We did it!,tzl_Latn-eng_Latn ¡Bun-escasença!,Break a leg!,tzl_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Qi’st là?,Who is there?,tzl_Latn-eng_Latn Escapçeveu el cäps es els brätslilor es las gambas.,I cut off the head and the arms and the legs.,tzl_Latn-eng_Latn ¡Encantat!,Nice to meet you!,tzl_Latn-eng_Latn ¡Díeu t'alegra!,Have a nice day!,tzl_Latn-eng_Latn Els flücs füvent satisfiats.,The officers were satisfied.,tzl_Latn-eng_Latn Va façiun lor tignhova comvimçada.,My manner had convinced them.,tzl_Latn-eng_Latn Téu 19 ars.,I am 19 years old.,tzl_Latn-eng_Latn Téu 18 ars.,I am 18 years old.,tzl_Latn-eng_Latn Téu 24 ars.,I am 24 years old.,tzl_Latn-eng_Latn Téu 12 ars.,I am twelve years old.,tzl_Latn-eng_Latn Téu 20 ars.,I am 20 years old.,tzl_Latn-eng_Latn Téu 30 ars.,I am 30 years old.,tzl_Latn-eng_Latn C'e v'afar.,None of your business.,tzl_Latn-eng_Latn Faméu.,I am hungry.,tzl_Latn-eng_Latn Tent zirat.,You don't say.,tzl_Latn-eng_Latn ¡Tent zirat!,You don't say!,tzl_Latn-eng_Latn Téu 25 ars.,I'm 25 years old.,tzl_Latn-eng_Latn Non cumprenchéu.,I don't understand.,tzl_Latn-eng_Latn Téu vaes duvitaziuns.,I have my doubts.,tzl_Latn-eng_Latn ¡Felicia nadaliça!,Happy birthday to you!,tzl_Latn-eng_Latn ¡T'améu!,I love you!,tzl_Latn-eng_Latn Te haßéu.,I hate you.,tzl_Latn-eng_Latn Haßéu travalarh.,I hate working.,tzl_Latn-eng_Latn ¡Te haßéu!,I hate you!,tzl_Latn-eng_Latn Haßéu estudiarh.,I hate studying.,tzl_Latn-eng_Latn Téu 45 ars.,I'm 45 years old.,tzl_Latn-eng_Latn Me piaça.,I like it.,tzl_Latn-eng_Latn Me piaça mült.,I like him very much.,tzl_Latn-eng_Latn Me piaça voiatxarh.,I like traveling.,tzl_Latn-eng_Latn Améu voiatxarh.,I love to travel.,tzl_Latn-eng_Latn بۇ ۋاقىتلىق ھەۋەس.,It's a fad.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn بۈگۈن دەرسىمىز يوق.,We have no school today.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn مەن نۇرغۇن يىللاردىن بۇيان پىيانىنو ئوقۇتقۇچىلىقى قىلىۋاتىمەن,I worked as a piano tuner for many years.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn بۇ ساختا.,This is a fake.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn مەن بۇنداق ئىشنىڭ يۈزمەرمەسلىكىنى كۆزلەۋاتىمەن,I tried to stop that from happening.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۇ چاغدا ئۇ يېلدە بىر ئوقۇغۇچى ئىدى.,"At that time, she was a student at Yale.",uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئوقۇمىدىم.,I didn't read.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ھاۋا شاماللىق.,The weather is windy.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn بۇ خاتا.,This is incorrect.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn مەن يىگىرمە بەش ياشقا كىردىم.,I'm 25 years old.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn شۇنى قىل.,Just do it.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ماڭا ھېچنېمە لازىم ئەمەس... پەقەت بىر يېڭى ئىشتان بولسىلا بولدى.,I don't need anything... just a new pair of pants.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn كەتكىلى قوي.,Let him go!,uig_Arab-eng_Latn تەتىل قىلىۋاتىمەن.,I'm on vacation.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn كېتىشىگە ئىزنى بەر.,Let her go.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn مەن ئۆلەي.,Let me die.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۇنىڭ ئاۋازى چىرايلىق.,He has a beautiful voice.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn مەن تومنى ساقلاشقا قۇشۇلغان,I promised Tom I'd wait.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn بەك قىزىقارلىق كۆرۈنىۋاتىدۇ .,It seems very interesting.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئارام ئېلىشىمغا ئىزنى بەر.,Let me have a taste.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۇنىڭ مىجەزى ئوسال.,He has a bad temper.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ۋولقان كۆرگۈم بار!,I want to see a volcano.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۇ يەرگە قارا.,Look up there.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn كەتكىن.,You must leave.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۇ سېنى كۈتىدۇ.,He'll wait for you.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۇلار ياخشى مۇھىتتا ياشايدۇ.,They live in a good environment.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn قېچىڭ !,Run for it!,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۇ ياشانغان.,She is old.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۆزۈمگە لازىملىق ھەققە ئېرىشەلمىدىم,I don't get paid as much as I'd like.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۇ گۈزەل.,She is nice.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn مەن پىلاننى ئۆزگەرتتىم,I've changed the plan.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn تېتىك بول.,Be on your guard.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۇ يەردە قال.,Stay in there.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۇ ماڭا چاي دەملەپ بەردى.,She made tea for me.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn بۈگۈن بەك ھېرىپكەتتىم.,I'm really tired today.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn توم بېشىنى لىڭىشتتى.,Tom nodded his head.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ھازىر ئۆيۈڭدە ئاپاڭ بارمۇ؟,Is your mother at home?,uig_Arab-eng_Latn توم بىر ئاق كۆڭلەك كىيدى.,Tom wore a white shirt.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn كېتشىمىز كېرەك.,We have to go.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn بىز ئەركىن!,We are free!,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۆيىمىزدە.,We are home.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۇ يەرگە نېمە ئۈچۈن باردىڭ؟,What did you go there for?,uig_Arab-eng_Latn """چۈشتىن كېيىن ئۆگەنەمسەن؟""، ""ھەئە.""","""Will you study after dinner?"" ""Yes, I will.""",uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۇ يەرگە نېمە ئۈچۈن باردىڭلار؟,Why did you go there?,uig_Arab-eng_Latn سەن توممۇ؟,Are you Tom?,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۇنىڭ ئادرېسىنى بىلگەن بولسام، ئۇنىڭغا يېزىپ بەرەلەيتتىم.,"If I knew his address, I could write to him.",uig_Arab-eng_Latn سوپۇن يوق.,There's no soap.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn مېنىڭ بىلەن كېلىڭ.,Come with me.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn قايتا قىل!,Do it again!,uig_Arab-eng_Latn قىلماڭ!,Don't do it!,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۇ سۆزلىيەلەيدۇ.,She can speak.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئەپسۇسكى تېلېفون بىكار ئەمەس ئىكەن.,The number is unfortunately busy.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۇ ئۇنىڭدىن ئەقىللىق.,She is smarter than he is.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn بۇ ساڭزا بەك ئوخشاپتۇ!,This sanza is really good!,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئوقۇشۇڭلار قانداقراق؟,How are your studies?,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۇنى تونۇيدىغانلار ناھايىتى كۆپ ئىكەن.,It looks like a ton of people know her.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئورمان بىنا قىلىش مۇھىتقا پايدىلىق.,Planting forests is good for the environment.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۇنىڭ قىزىل گۈللىرى بار.,She has red flowers.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۇنىڭ ئىسمى تومويۇكى ئوگۇرا.,His name is Tomoyuki Ogura.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۇ گۇناھسىز ئېدى.,He was innocent.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn بۈگۈن نېمە بولدىكىن، شۇنداق خۇشالمەن.,I don't know why I'm so happy today.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn تومنىڭ مارىينىڭ نېمىشقا بۇنچە كەچ قالغانلىقىنى بىلگۈسى كەلدى.,Tom wondered why Mary was so late.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn چۈشەنمەيمەن.,I do not understand.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn سەنمۇ ئۆيگە قايتمىغۇدەكسەن.,I heard that you're not going home either.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۇنىڭ بويى ئېگىز.,He is tall.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۇنىڭغا نېمە بولدىكىن، ئاخشام ئۆيگە قايتمىدى.,For some reason she didn't come home last night.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn غەلىتە بىر چۈش كۆردۈم.,I had a strange dream.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۇ تاماق يېگىلى كەتتى.,He went out to eat.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn نېمە سېنى ئەمدى بۇيەرگە كېلىشكە قارا بەرگۈزدى؟,What made you decide to come here now?,uig_Arab-eng_Latn كورلىنىڭ نەشپۈتى تولىمۇ تاتلىق.,The pears of Korla are really sweet.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn سىگار چەكمەكچىسىز؟,Have a cigar?,uig_Arab-eng_Latn زۇكام بولۇپ قاپتىمەن.,I seem to have caught a cold.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn مەن ئۇيغۇرچىنى ئۆگەنگىلى ئىككى يىل بولدى.,I've been studying Uighur for two years now.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn سەن تېزلا يالغۇز ئادەملىك تۇرمۇشقا كۆنۈپ كېتىسەن.,You'll get used to living alone very quickly.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۈچىمىز ئايرودرومغا چىقتۇق.,The three of us went out to the airport.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ھازىر ئاتا_ئانىمىزنى سىزگە تونۇشتۇرۇپ قويىمەن.,Now I'll introduce my parents to you.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn بولدى، رەھمەت. ھېرىپ كەتتىم.,"No, thanks. I am tired.",uig_Arab-eng_Latn بۈگۈن دەرسكە پەقەت ئوقۇغۇچىلارنىڭ ئۈچتىن بىرى كەلدى.,Only a third of the students came to class today.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn گاۋايغىمۇ بارغۇم بار.,I'd like to go to Hawaii as well.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn توم كۈنلۈكىنى ئاپتوبۇستا ئۇنتۇپ قالدى.,Tom left the umbrella on the bus.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ماڭا ئۇنداق قىلىشىمنىڭ لازىمى يوق,I didn't need to do that.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئەترەت سائەت قانچىدە چېلىشنى باشلايدۇ؟,What time will the band start playing?,uig_Arab-eng_Latn بۇ دۇكان مېۋە ۋە كۆكتات ساتىدۇ.,The store sells fruits and vegetables.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn بىلگەنلەر سۆزلىمىگەن، بىلمىگەنلەر سۆزلەپ كەتكەن.,Those who know do not talk. Those who talk do not know.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ياخشىمۇ سىز سۇسان، ئوبدان تۇردىڭىزمۇ؟,"Hi, Susan. How are you?",uig_Arab-eng_Latn سىزگە تېلېڧون كەلدى!,There's a phone call for you!,uig_Arab-eng_Latn يەكشەنبە كۈنى دەم ئالامسىز؟,Do you rest on Sundays?,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۇ ۋاسكېتبولنى ياخشى ئوينايدىغانلىقى سەۋەبىدىن، يېقىندا دۆلەتلىك كوماندىغا تاللاندى.,"Being good at basketball, he was recently chosen to be on the national team.",uig_Arab-eng_Latn مەن كۈندۈزى ئۇخلاپ، كېچىسى ئىشلەيمەن.,I sleep during the day and work at night.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn كەچۈر مېنى، ئاكا.,"Forgive me, Brother.",uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۇ ئۈچ قېتىم ڧرانسىيىگە زىيارەت قىلغان.,He has visited France three times.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn بىلمەيمەن.,I don't know.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ھېچقىسى يوق.,Don't mention it.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئاكام دورا زاۋۇتىدا ئىشلىمەكچى.,My older brother is planning to work at a drug factory.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn سەن شەنبە كۈنىمۇ دەرس ئوقۇغۇدەكسەن.,It sounds like you will have class on Saturday as well.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئەتە بىز دەرياغا بېرىپ يۇيۇنىمىز.,We'll go wash ourselves in the river tomorrow.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئىنگىلىز ئېلىپبەسىدە قانچە ھەرپ بار؟,How many letters are there in the English alphabet?,uig_Arab-eng_Latn بوران چىقىۋاتىدۇ.,There's a storm coming.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn بالا كۆپرەك ئانىسىغا ئوخشايدۇ.,The child bears a closer resemblance to his mother.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn سالام! سەن قانداراق؟,"Yo, my man!",uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۇ يىغىننى كىم ئۇيۇشتۇرغان؟,Who organized that meeting?,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۇ ھەم كۈندۈزدە ھەم تۈندە ئىشلەۋاتىدۇ.,She is working night and day.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn فرانسۇزچە بەك ياخشى سۆزلەيسەن، مەنمۇ سېنىڭچىلىك سۆزلىيەلەيگەن بولسام ئىدى.,You speak French very well. I wish I could speak it as well as you.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn نېمىدېگەن يامان قىز!,What a bad girl!,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئاۋۇ تاغقا يالغۇز چىقىش خەتەرلىك بولىدىغۇ دەيمەن.,I think it's dangerous to climb that mountain alone.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn سىز شەنبە كۈنىمۇ دەرس ئوقۇغۇدەكسىز.,It sounds like you have class on Saturdays as well.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn دۇنيادا بۇنىڭدەك ئادەم كۆپ. ئادەتتە ئۇلار باتۇر ئەمەس. مەست بولغاندىن كېيىن باتۇر بولىدۇ.,"There are many people like this in the world. Normally, they're not brave. After getting drunk, they turn brave.",uig_Arab-eng_Latn مەن تېخى بويتاق.,I'm still single.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn كەن كىئوتوگە كەلدى.,Ken has arrived in Kyoto.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ۋېنىتسىيە بىر سۇ ئۈستى شەھىرى.,Venice is a city on water.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn بىر كۈندە سەن مېنى ئۇنتۇيسەن.,You'll forget about me someday.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn خاتالىشىشنى ياخشى كۆرمەيمەن.,I don't like to make mistakes.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn بۇ ياسمىن چېيىمۇ؟,Is this jasmine tea?,uig_Arab-eng_Latn مەن زىياپەتنى ياخشى كۆرىمەن.,I love parties.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئىچىدە ئورۇن بار.,There's room inside.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ناشتىلىققا نان بىلەن چاي ئىچتىم.,I had nan with tea for breakfast.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn سەربىيەنىڭكى پويىزلار بەكلا ئاستا.,The trains in Serbia are terribly slow.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئاخىرى ئۇ مەقسىتىگە يەتتى.,In the end he achieved his goal.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn كۈتكىنىم بۇدۇر.,This is what I was waiting for.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn قەيەرگە كېتىۋاتىسەن؟,Where are you going?,uig_Arab-eng_Latn پىكرىم پىكرىڭىزگە ئوخشىمايدۇ.,My opinion is different from yours.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۇ يەردە بىر مىخلىغۇچ كۆردۈڭمۇ؟,Can't you see a stapler somewhere around there?,uig_Arab-eng_Latn بۇ رەسىمدە قانچە قىز بار؟,How many girls are in this picture?,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئوقۇتقۇچىمىز كېلەركى ئايدا ئا ق ش غا كېتىدۇ.,Our teacher is going to the USA next month.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn مەن ئەمەس ئاكام سېندايدا ياشايدۇ.,Not I but my brother lives in Sendai.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn مەخپىيىتىمنى بىلغىڭىز بارمۇ؟ ئۇ بەك ئاسان...,Do you want to know my secret? It's very simple...,uig_Arab-eng_Latn تاماق پۇلىنى كىم تۆلەيدۇ؟,Who's paying for the food?,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۇ ھەر ئەتىگەن سەيلە قىلىدۇ.,He takes a walk every morning.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn توم ئاشخانىدا چاي دەملەۋاتىدۇ.,Tom is in the kitchen making tea.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn بىر بىرىمىزنى چۈشۈنىشىمىز مۇھىم.,To understand each other is important.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ماڭا سائىتىگە ئون دوللار بېرىدۇ.,I am paid 10 dollars an hour.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn تۈرمىدە ئېرىنى يوقلىدى.,She visited her husband in prison.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn لاۋرىي ئورۇندۇقتا ئولتۇردى.,Laurie sat on the chair.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn تۈنۈگۈن مېنى باغچىغا ئاپاردى.,He took me to the park yesterday.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئالدىرا.,Get a move on!,uig_Arab-eng_Latn توم مارىينىڭ سافا توشۇشىغا ياردەم بېرىشى كېرەك.,Tom should have helped Mary move the sofa.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn شىركەتنى ئاكام باشقۇرىدۇ.,The company is managed by my older brother.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn نېمىشقا؟,Why is that?,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۇنى قانداق قىلىدىغانلىقنى بىلىدىغان ئادەم ئاز.,Few people know how to do it.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn مەن يوق ۋاقتىمدا گېپىمنى قىلىشما.,Please don't talk about me when I'm gone.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۇ دوستىنىڭ ئىنىسىگە ئاشىق بولدى.,She fell in love with her friend's younger brother.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn مېنىڭ سۆزلۈگۈم بار.,I want to speak.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn بۈگۈن 10كىلومېتىر پىيادە ماڭدىم.,I walked 10 kilometers today.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۆيدە ھېچكىم يوق.,There wasn't anybody in the house.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn پۈتۈن شېئىرنى چىن دىلىمىزدىن ئۆگىنىشىمىز كېرەك.,We have to learn the whole poem by heart.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn دوكلاتلىرىمىزنى دۈشەنبە كۈنى تاپشۇرىشىمىز كېرەك.,We have to turn in our reports on Monday.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn پۈتۈن كېچىنى مەسىلىنى تالاش-تارتىش قىلىپ ئۆتكۈزدۇق.,We kept discussing the problem all night.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۇنىڭ كىتابىدىن بىر سەھىپە ئال.,Take a leaf out of his book.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn سىز مۇخبىر.,You're a reporter.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۇنىڭ قاچا_قۇچا يۇيغۇسى يوق، ئۇنىڭكىمۇ يوق، شۇڭا ئىككىسى تالادا يېمەكچى بولدى.,"Neither he nor she wants to do the dishes, and so the two of them decided to eat out.",uig_Arab-eng_Latn بۈگۈنكى ئاچچىق رىئاللىقنى قوبۇل قىلىشىمىز كېرەك.,We must adapt to today's harsh realities.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn يېڭىلىنىدىغان ئېنىرگىيە مەنبەلىرىنى تەرەققىي قىلدۇرىشىمىز كېرەك.,We must develop renewable energy sources.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn بۇ يولدا ماشىنا ھەيدىسەك ھەق تاپشۇرىشىمىز كېرەك.,We must pay a toll to drive on this road.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئاياغلىرىمنى ئەسكىرىتتىم.,I've worn out my shoes.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn بىر كۈندە ئەڭ ئاز بولغاندا سەككىز سائەت ئۇخلشىمىز كېرەك.,We must sleep at least eight hours a day.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn دۇنيا تىنىچلىقىنى ئىلگىرى سۈرۈش ئۈچۈن كۆپ خىزمەت قىلىشىمىز كېرەك.,We must work hard to promote world peace.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn تومغا ئاتاپ بىر تۇغۇلغان كۈنى ئولتۇرىشى قىلىشنى پىلانلاۋاتىمىز.,We plan to have a birthday party for Tom.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۇ ئوغۇل دوستىنىڭ ئاكىسىغا ئاشىق بولدى.,She fell in love with her boyfriend's older brother.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۆلۈم جازاسىنى بىكار قىلىشىمىز كېرەك.,We should do away with the death penalty.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn توم نېمە بولغىنى توغرىسىدا ھېچنېمە بىلمەيدۇ.,Tom doesn't know anything about what happened.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۆلمەڭ.,Please don't die.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn خىزمىتىڭىدىن ئىستىپا بېرىشنى قارارقىلغىنىڭدىن خۇشال كۆرۈنىسەن.,"Now that you've decided to quit your job, you look happy.",uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئوغلۇم ئۇنىڭ پىشۇرغانلىرىنى يەپ خۇش بولغان بىردىنبىر ئادەم ئەمەس.,My son isn't the only one who enjoys eating her cooking.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn بىز ھازىر ياخشى دوستلار ،بىراق باشتا بىر-بىرىمىزنى ياقتۇرمايتتۇق.,"We are good friends now, but we didn't like each other at first.",uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۇ بىخەتەر دەپ ئويلىغان ئورۇنغا ھۆججەتنى يوشۇرۇپ قويدى.,He concealed the file in what he thought was a safe place.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn سىز مۇشۇنداق ئىشنى ئاڭلاپ باققانمۇ ؟,Did you ever hear of such a thing?,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئەتە ئۇنىڭ تۇغۇلغان كۈنى .,Tomorrow is her birthday.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۆيلىنەيلى.,Let's get married.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۇ ئۇنى ئاڭلىسا خۇش بولىدۇ.,He would be glad to hear that.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn تۈنۈگۈن نەگە بارغانىدىڭ؟,Where did you go yesterday?,uig_Arab-eng_Latn سەنسىز ياشايمەن.,I'll go on living without you.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn مەن فۇجى تېغىغا ئىككى قېتىم ياماشتىم.,I've climbed Mt. Fuji twice.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn «نەدە تۇرىسىز؟» «ئۇ مېھمانخانىدا.»,"""Where are you staying?"" ""At that hotel.""",uig_Arab-eng_Latn ھوي! ماڭا كۆرسېتىپ بېرىڭ.,Oh! Show it to me please.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn تەنھەرىكەت سالامەتلىكىڭگە پايدىلىق.,Sport is good for your health.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn مەن ساياھەت قىلىشقا ئامراق.,I like traveling.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn تەنھەرىكەت سالامەتلىكىڭىزگە پايدىلىق.,Sports are good for your health.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn خاپىمۇ سەن؟,Are you sad?,uig_Arab-eng_Latn بۇ دەرسلىك كىتابى ياخشى.,This is a good textbook.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn رەسىمگە قەيەردە چۈشتۈڭ؟,Where did you have your picture taken?,uig_Arab-eng_Latn تۇرمۇشىمىز ياخشى.,We've got a good life.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn سەنسىز ياشالمايمەن.,I can't live without you.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ھەممە ئىت ھايات.,Every dog is alive.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn مۇزىكىنى ياخشى كۆرەمسەن؟,Do you like music?,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۇ قىزىقلا.,He's a strange character.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn كۆرەلىدىڭمۇ؟,Can you see?,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۇ ۋېلىسىپىتىمنى تاپتى.,He found my bike.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn نەدە تۇرىسىز؟,Where do you live?,uig_Arab-eng_Latn سىز دوختۇردۇرسىز؟,"You're a doctor, right?",uig_Arab-eng_Latn ھېچبىرىمىزنى تونىمايمەن.,He knows none of us.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ياتىقىڭىزغا قايتىڭ.,Go to your room!,uig_Arab-eng_Latn توم مارىي بىلەن بولغىنىدا بەك خۇشال.,Tom is happy when he is with Mary.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ھەركۈنى نەدە ئاپتوبۇسقا چىقىسەن؟,Where do you get on the bus every day?,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ياخشى ئەمەسمەن.,I'm not well.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn يۇرتۇڭ ناھايىتى گۈزەل.,Your hometown is very pretty.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn مەن ئەڭ ياخشىسى .,I am the best.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn بەك ئىسسىپ كەتتىم .,I'm very hot.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۇ چىرايلىق تەربىيە بېرىدۇ.,He's a wonderful educator.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۇ مەندىن ئىككى ياش كىچىك.,She is two years younger than I.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn NTTبىلەن ھەپىلىشىمەن.,I'm with NTT.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۇنى مەن قىلدىم.,I did it.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn مەكتىپىمىزدىكى مۇدىرى بەك قېرى.,Our school's principal is very old.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۇنىڭ مىجەزى ياخشى.,He is good-natured.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn مىجەزى ياخشى.,She is good-natured.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۇ بىر كېيىكمۇ؟,Is it an elk?,uig_Arab-eng_Latn مارىينىڭ كەتكىنى ئۈچۈن توم تېخىمۇ خۇشال.,Tom is happier now that Mary has left.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn بۇ مۈشۈكمۇ؟,Is that a cat?,uig_Arab-eng_Latn كەرول ئەمدى مېھمانخانىسىغا قايتتى.,Carol has just returned to her hotel.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۇ يالغان گەپ ئىدى.,That was a lie.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۇ ئون تىلنى سۆزلىشەلەيدۇ.,He is able to speak ten languages.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn UA 111 غا چىقىش ئىشىكى قەيەردە؟,Where is the boarding gate for UA 111?,uig_Arab-eng_Latn جوزىنىڭ ئاستىدا بىر سېۋەت بار.,There is a basket under the table.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn بۇلار مېنىڭ كىتابلىرىم.,These are my books.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۇ كەلدىمۇ؟,Has he come?,uig_Arab-eng_Latn توم مارىي بىلەن مۇناسىۋېتىنى ئۈزمەكچى.,Tom is going to break up with Mary.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn دۈشمەننىڭ دۈشمىنى دوست.,An enemy of an enemy is a friend.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ساقچىلار كېلەمدۇ؟,Will the police come?,uig_Arab-eng_Latn كەچۈرۈڭ.,Please forgive me.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn بۇ ئورۇندۇقتا ئادەم يوق.,There's no one sitting here.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn بۇ بىر چاقچاقمۇ؟,Is this some kind of joke?,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ھاۋا بۇلۇتلۇقمۇ؟,Is it cloudy?,uig_Arab-eng_Latn پىچاقنى تاپالمايمەن.,I can't find the knife.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn بۇ پەيزىمۇ؟,Is this nice?,uig_Arab-eng_Latn لازا سالامسىز؟,Do you want pepper on it?,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۈچ يىل ئىلگىرى بۇ يەرگە ئايرىم-ئايرىم كۆچۈپ كەلگەنتۇق.,We moved here separately three years ago.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn بۇ توغرىمۇ؟,Is this accurate?,uig_Arab-eng_Latn توم كېلەركى يىل چەتئەلگە چىقىدۇ.,Tom is going abroad next year.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn توم ھاياتمۇ؟,Is Tom alive?,uig_Arab-eng_Latn قەلبىم ئاسماندا.,My soul is in the sky.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn توم ئۇيەردىمۇ؟,Is Tom out there?,uig_Arab-eng_Latn بۇ مېنى ھەيران قىلدى.,It amazed me.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn بۇ ياخشى ھېس قىلدۇردى.,It felt good.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۇ جىنايەت قىلدى.,She committed a crime.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۇ باشلىدى.,It has begun.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۇ بىر ناخشا.,It is a song.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn سەن ئۈچۈن كەلدىم.,It's you I've come for.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn Ишлимигән чишлимәйду.‎,"No song, no supper.",uig_Arab-eng_Latn قەلىمىڭ مېنىڭكىدىن ياخشى.,Your pen is better than mine.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn بىر كۈنى ئۇ ئورماندا بىر بۆرىگە يولۇقتى.,One day she met a wolf in the woods.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ۋاقتىدا تۈگىتەلەمسەن؟,Can you make it on time?,uig_Arab-eng_Latn قاچان ئىنگلىز تىلىنى ئوقۇشقا باشلىغان ئىدىڭىز؟,When did you begin studying English?,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۇ مېنىڭ ئىتىم.,It is my dog.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn سائەت سەككىزدە ياتىقىمدا ناشتىلىقنى يېمەكچىمەن.,I'd like breakfast in my room at 8 sharp.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۇنداق ئەمەس.,That's not right.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۇ ئىسپانچە سۆزلىيەلەيدۇ.,She can speak Spanish.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۇ ئەتراپقا قارىدى.,She looked all around.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn بۇ بىر قارغىش.,It's a curse.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئەرلەر ئۇنىڭغا ئەگىشىپ ماڭدى.,The men followed him.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn بۇ بىر نومۇس.,This is embarrassing.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn بۇ بىر ھىلە.,It's a trick.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۇ بەش يىل بۇرۇن، يەنى ئۇ ئون ئىككى ياشقا كىرگەندە توكيوغا كەلگەن.,"He came to Tokyo five years ago, that is to say, when he was twelve years old.",uig_Arab-eng_Latn مەن ئىشقا ماڭغاندا، سىز تېخى ئۇخلاۋاتقانىكەنسىز.,I saw that you were still sleeping when I went off to work.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn بۇ ئۇلارنىڭ ئورنى.,This is their place.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn تۈنۈگۈن كەچتە سېسىق كۈزەنگە تاس دەسسىۋالدىم.,I almost stepped on a skunk last night.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn پۇتىنى بىر تىمساھ چىشلىدى.,His leg was bitten by a crocodile.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۇ شېئىر ئىنتايىن ياخشى.,That's a great poem.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئىشىكنى ئاچامسەن؟,Will you open the door?,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئەمپى ئۈچ ئەسۋابنى خالايمەن!,I want an MP3 player!,uig_Arab-eng_Latn جاۋاپ ئەسلى كۆز قاراشتىن يىراقتۇر.,The answer misses the point.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئەتراپتا بىر سودا سارىيى بارمۇ، يوقمۇ؟,Is there a mall near here?,uig_Arab-eng_Latn مۇھەببەتمۇ؟ نېمە بۇ؟ مەن بىر ئىگە_چاقىسىز يېتىم بالا، ئەزەلدىن مۇھەببەتنى بىلمەيمەن.,Love? What's that? I'm an orphan. I've never known love.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۇ باشقىلارغا پىسەنت قىلىدۇ، يەنى ئۇ بەك شەخسىيەتچىل.,"She doesn't pay attention to others; in other words, she is selfish.",uig_Arab-eng_Latn كىنوخانا ئادەمگە توشتى.,The movie theater was filled with people.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn قاتناش بەلگىلىرىگە دىققەت قىلىشىمىز لازىم.,We must pay attention to traffic signals.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn مەن بەزىدە كۇتۇپخانىدا ئۇنى كۆرۈپ يۈرىمەن.,I see him in the library now and then.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۇنىڭ بىر نەچچە نۇقسىنى بار بولسىمۇ، ئاخىرى مەن يەنىلا ئۇنى ياخشى كۆرىمەن.,"She has faults, but I love her none the less.",uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۇ يېقىملىق.,She is attractive.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn قانچىلىق ئولتۇردۇڭ؟,How long did you stay?,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ھازىر ماڭا پۇل لازىم ئەمەس.,I do not need money now.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئەخمەق بولۇشقا ئۇرۇنغانلار ئەخمەقتۇر.,Those who try to be foolish are foolish.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئەخمىقانە قىلىقلىرىڭنى تاشلىشىڭ كېرەك.,You must put an end to your foolish behavior.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئەتە دەرس ئوقۇشۇم كېرەك.,I have class tomorrow.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn سائەت نەچچە بولدى؟,What time is it?,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۇ سەندەك ئەخمەق ئەمەس.,He is no more foolish than you are.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn پىلانىڭىزنى ئېجرا قىلدىڭىزمۇ؟,Did you carry out your plan?,uig_Arab-eng_Latn مەن ئەمدى سەندەك ئەخمەق ئەمەس.,I am not any more foolish than you are.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn نېمىشقا كەلمىدىڭ؟,Why didn't you come?,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۇ مۈشۈك ئەمەس، ئىت.,That's not a cat. That's a dog.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۇ ھېچ تەرەپكە قارىماي يولنى كېسىپ ئۆتتى.,He crossed the road without looking in either direction.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۇ مېنى قىزغىن سۆيىدۇ.,She loves me dearly.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئاچقۇچنى نەدىن تېپىپ كەلدىڭىز؟,Where did you find the key?,uig_Arab-eng_Latn مېتروغا بېرىۋاتقاندا بىر تام پاتمىچۇقىغا دەسسىۋالغىلى تاس قالدىم.,Almost stepped on a gecko while going to the metro.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn مەندە ئىككى ماشىنا بار.,I have two cars.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn كاتتا رەھمەت!,Thank you very much!,uig_Arab-eng_Latn بۈگۈن دەرسنىڭ بار ئىكەنلىكىنى ئۇنتۇپ قاپتىمەن!,I completely forgot that there was class today!,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ھەميىنىمنى يۈتتۈرگەن ئوخشايمەن.,I think I lost my wallet.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۇ يالغان مۇھەببەت ئىدى.,It wasn't real love.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۇ ڧرانسۇزچىنى سۆزلەلمەيدۇ، مەنمۇ سۆزلەلمەيمەن.,"He doesn't speak French, neither do I.",uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۇ قورچاقنى نەدىن تېپىپ كەلدىڭىز؟,Where did you find that doll?,uig_Arab-eng_Latn تاماق تېخى پىشمىدى.,The food's not ready yet.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn مەن يالغۇز بارماقچى ئەمەسمەن.,I don't want to go alone.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn مودېللەرنىڭ ھەممىسىدە خاتالىق بار، ئەمما ئۇلارنىڭ بەزىسى كېرەكلىك.,"All models are wrong, but some are useful.",uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۇ ئۇنى نېمىشقا قىلدى؟,Why did he do that?,uig_Arab-eng_Latn بازار ئايلىنايلى!,Let's stroll around the bazaar!,uig_Arab-eng_Latn نەدە ئىشلەيسەن؟,Where do you work?,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۆتكەن يازدا بىز خوككايدۇغا باردۇق.,Last summer we went to Hokkaido.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۇ ھەممىسىنىلا يەپ بولدى.,He ate it all up.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۇ كىتابنى ماڭا بېرىڭ.,Give me that book.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn توم بەكلا كېلىشكەن ئادەم.,Tom is an extremely good-looking man.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn بۇ رېستوراننى ئىنتايىن ياخشى كۆرىمەن.,I really like this restaurant.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ھازىر بۇ ئىشنى سۆزلەشنىڭ ۋاقتى سائىتى تېخى كەلمىگەن.,It's still too early to talk about this now.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn بۇ قىزىل شەپكە قانچە پۇل؟,How much for this red hat?,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئان شاكىلاتنى ھەرقانداق نەرسىدىن ياخشى كۆرىدۇ.,Ann loves chocolate more than anything.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۇ ئاسما مايكىنى سالدى.,He took off the wife-beater.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۇ مېنىڭ ئاچام(سىڭلىم).,She's my sister.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۇ مېنىڭ ئاچام.,She's my older sister.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn مارجانە ساتراپىنىڭ ئانىسى تاجىدۇر.,Marjane Satrapi's mother is Tadji.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn مارجانە ساتراپىنىڭ دادىسى ئەبىدۇر.,Marjane Satrapi's father is Ebi.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۇ ئالمىلار چوڭ.,Those apples are big.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۇنىڭ مارىي ئاتلىق بىر قىزى بار.,She has a daughter whose name is Mary.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn تونىي چويلا توپنى بەك ياخشى ئوينايدۇ.,Tony can play tennis very well.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ھايات قاتتىق.,Life is tough.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn سېنى سېغىندىم.,I miss you.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئاۋۇ دەرەخنىڭ ئاستىدىكى ياش ئايال خاپا كۆرۈنىدۇ.,The young woman under that tree looks sad.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn بىر مەسىلەم بار.,I have a problem.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn بىر توشقان باغچىدا يۈگۈرەۋاتىدۇ.,A rabbit is running in the garden.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn بۇنداق يوغان تىمساھنى كۆرۈپ باقمىغان.,I've never seen a whale that big.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ياڭيو قەلەمچىسى سەن ئۈچۈن ياخشى ئەمەس.,Potato chips are not good for you.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ناكامۇرا ئەپەندى ئۆيدىمۇ؟,Is Mr. Nakamura at home?,uig_Arab-eng_Latn بىراۋۇن ئەپەندى ئۇنىڭ دادىسى.,Mr Brown is her father.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn بىراۋۇن ئەپەندى ياپۇنچىنى ياخشى سۆزلەيدۇ.,Mr Brown speaks Japanese very well.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۇنىڭ گېپى تۈگىمەيلا كەتتىغۇ.,He just went talking on and on.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn يارىم، ماڭا قايت.,"Lover, come back to me.",uig_Arab-eng_Latn دىما بىر كەچتە 25 ئەر بىلەن ئۇخلىدى، ئۇنىڭدىن كېيىن ئۇلارنى ئۆلتۈردى.,Dima slept with 25 men in one night and then killed them.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn بىز كىم؟,Who are we?,uig_Arab-eng_Latn مەنزە بۇ كوپميۇتېرنى رېمونت قىلالايمەنمۇ؟,Does it look like I can fix this computer?,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ياپونچە بىلمەيمەن.,I don't speak Japanese.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn مانا، تۇرسۇن كەلدى.,"Oh, look. Tursun's here.",uig_Arab-eng_Latn مانا، مېنىڭ تېلېفون نومۇرۇم.,Here's my phone number.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ياق، يېڭى ئوغۇل دوستۇم ئەمەس.,"No, he's not my new boyfriend.",uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئاياللار ناھايىتى كۈچىدى.,The women really gave it their utmost.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۇ نەگە بارغانلىقىنى بىلمەيمەن.,I don't know where he went.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۇ بىر غەرەز ئۇقىدىغان ئادەم.,He is a man of understanding.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn مانا ھازىر بارىمەن.,I'm going right now.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ھازىر سەككىزدىن چارەك ئۆتتى.,It’s a quarter past eight.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn مانا ھازىر كېلىدۇ.,He'll be here right away.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn دادام ئالدىراش ئىدى.,My father was busy.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn سەن ماڭا ئوقۇپ بېرىشتە مەن تىكىپ تۇرىمەن.,"While you are reading to me, I can do my sewing.",uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۇنداقتا بولسا، ئۇلارنىڭ نېمە قىلىشى كېرەك؟,What should they do in this situation?,uig_Arab-eng_Latn بىز ئەڭ ياخشىسى مۇرەسسە قىلايلى.,Can we effect a compromise?,uig_Arab-eng_Latn دەرسىڭىز سائەت قانچىدە تۈگەيدۇ؟,At what time does your class end?,uig_Arab-eng_Latn بىرىنى يېدىم ئاندىن يەنە بىرىنى يېدىم.,I ate one and then I ate the other.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئېدو دەۋرىدە بىر سامۇراي ئىككى قىلىچ تۇتاتتى.,A samurai in the Edo era carried two swords.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۇ ئۇنىڭ سالغان زېيىنى ئۈچۈن دەۋا قىلدى.,She sued him for damages.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn بىز ئۈچەيلەن ئوقۇغۇچى.,All three of us are students.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۇنى تاغىسى كۈتۈۋاتىدۇ.,He is taken care of by his uncle.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn يا بار، يا يوق.,"Maybe, maybe not...",uig_Arab-eng_Latn پاھىشىخانىدا ئىشلىمەكچىمەن.,I plan to work in a brothel.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئىچىدىغان بىر نەرسە بارمۇ؟,Do you have any drinks?,uig_Arab-eng_Latn سىزنى كۆرۈشنى ئۈمىت قىلىمەن.,I hope to see you.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn مەن بۇ كۈنلەردە بەك ئالدىرش.,I'm very busy these days.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn مەندە باشقا سوئال يوق.,I have no further questions.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn نومۇرۇڭ نېمە؟,What's your score?,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ساڭا ئامەت تىلەيمەن.,I wish you good luck.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۇ بىر ئىككى كۈن ئىچىدە قايتىپ كېلىدۇ.,He will be back in a day or two.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn شىنكونىڭ ئۇكىسى بۇ يىل سەككىز ياشقا كىردى.,Shinko's brother is eight.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئەنسىرمە.,Don't have a cow.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ماڭا بىر ئىشتا ياردەم قىلىشىڭنى ئۆتۈنسەم بولامدۇ؟,May I ask you to help me with something?,uig_Arab-eng_Latn بىز بىرسى-بىرسىمىزنى ياخشى كۆرىمىز.,We love each other.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۇ دادىسىدىن ئېگىز.,He is taller than his father.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn توختا دەيمەن!,"I said ""Stop!""",uig_Arab-eng_Latn بۇ نېمە دېگىنىڭ؟,What is this that you're saying?,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئولتۇرۇشقا يىگىرمىمۇ ئادەم كەلدى.,About twenty people came to the party.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn بىر ئۇيغۇر بىر بېلورۇسلۇق بىلەن كۆرۈشكەندە، ئۇلار ئىككىسى قايسى تىلى بىلەن سۆزلەشتى؟,"When an Uyghur met a Belarusian, what language did the two speak to each other?",uig_Arab-eng_Latn بۇ كىتاب ئاسان.,The book is easy.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn مەن سېنىڭ ئاچاڭغا تولىمۇ ئامراق.,I'm extremely fond of your older sister.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn بىر ۋاقىتتا ئىككى ئىش قىلىش مۇمكىن ئەمەس.,You can't do two things at once.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn قۇدىرەتلىك ۋە ئۇلۇغ تەڭىرىگە مەدھىيلەر بولسۇن.,"In praise of God , may He be exalted.",uig_Arab-eng_Latn كېچىكسەم مېنى كۈتمە,"Should I be late, don't wait for me.",uig_Arab-eng_Latn ياراتقۇچى ،تەربىيە قىلغۇچى ۋە كەچۈرگۈچى ئاللاھنىڭ ئىسمى بىلەن سۆزۈمنى باشلايمەن.,"I begin my discourse with the Name of God ,Creator , Nourisher , Pardoner.",uig_Arab-eng_Latn خېلى كۈنلەر ئۆتتى، لېكىن ئۇنىڭ جاۋاب خېتىنى تاپشۇرۇۋالمىدىم.,"Some time passed, but I didn't get her return letter.",uig_Arab-eng_Latn بۇ ماشىنا بانكىنىڭ ئالدىدا توختاپ قالدى.,This car pulled up in front of the bank.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn بىز ئۇ يەرگە كەلگۈچە، سىلەر كەتمەڭلار.,Don't leave until we get there.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn پايپاقلىرىنى كىيدى.,She put on socks.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۇ ماڭا ماڭا بىرئاز ياردەم بېرىڭ دەپ قويدى.,"He said to me, ""Please do me a favor"".",uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۆمۈر بويى بىر كۆچمەن ئادەم بولىمەن.,I'm a nomad for life.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئادەتتە مەكتەپكە پىيادە ماڭىمەن.,I usually walk to school.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn شامال چىققانسېرى شاماللىق بولىۋاتىدۇ.,The wind is picking up.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۇ تۈنۈگۈن ئۆلۈپتىكەن.,It was yesterday that he died.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn مېنىڭ ئاپام تومنىڭ ئاپىسىنى تونۇيدۇ.,My mother knows Tom's mother.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn سىزنىڭ ياختۇرىدىغان تېلىۋېزىيە پروگراممىسى قايسى؟,What's your favourite TV programme?,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئىككى جاۋابنىڭ ئىككىسى توغرا.,The two answers are both correct.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۇ قىزنى بىر كۆرۈپلا ئاشىق بولدى.,He fell in love with the girl at first sight.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn قانچىلىك پۇلۇڭ بار؟,How much money have you got?,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۇ يەنە پارىژدا ئىكەن.,He is said to still be in Paris.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn سىز ئۇنى ماڭا ئاللىقاچان دەپ بولغان.,You've already told me that.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn داڭلىق ئالىملار ئارىسىدا ئۇ ئۆزىنى ئوڭايسىز ھېس قىلدى.,He felt ill at ease among prominent scholars.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn بىز بىر بىرىمىزنى ياخشى كۆرەتتۇق.,We loved one another.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئىكىر_چىكىرنى بىلمەيمەن.,I don't know the details.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۇ بانكىدا ئىشلەيدۇ.,He works at a bank.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn سېنى ياخشى كۆرۈپ قالدىم.,I fell in love with you.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۇ ۋاقتتىن بۇرۇن ئۇ ياۋرۇپانى داۋاملىق زىيارەت قىلدى.,He had often visited Europe before that time.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn بۇ ئۆزۈمنىڭ ۋېلىسىپىتىم.,This is my own bike.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ماۋ زېدۇڭ ئىدىيىسىدە چىڭ تۇرامسىز؟,Are you a strong believer in Maoism?,uig_Arab-eng_Latn بۇنداق خاتالىشىدىغان كىشىلەر كۆپتىن كۆپ.,Many people make similar mistakes.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۇنىڭ مائاشىغا يانداش باشقا كىرىمى بار.,He has some income in addition to his salary.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۇ سىنىپتىكى ھەرقانداق بىر ئوقۇغۇچىدەك ئەقىللىق.,He is as smart as any other boy in the class.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ماۋۇنى ياخشى كۆرمەيمەن.,I don't like this one.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۇ ئەتە توكيوغا كېلىشنى پىلانلاۋاتىدۇ.,He is scheduled to come up to Tokyo tomorrow.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۇ فرانسۇز ئەدەبىياتىغا پىششىق.,He is well acquainted with French literature.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئالدىنقى كۈنى ئۇ ئامېرىكىغا قاراپ يولغا چىقتى.,He left for America the day before yesterday.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn سائەت تۆتكىچە ساقلايمەن.,I'll wait until four o'clock.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn كەچۈرۈڭ، ئۆزۈمنى تۇتۇۋالالمىدىم.,"Sorry, I couldn't help it.",uig_Arab-eng_Latn تومغا گىتارنى ئېلىپ كېلىشنى ئېيىت.,Ask Tom to bring his guitar.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn بۇ كىتابنى ئادىلغىمۇ بىرسىگە ئارىيەت بېرىپ تۇرغانمەن.,I've lent this book to someone - probably Adil.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ۋەقەگە سەۋەب بولغىنىمغا كۆپ ئەپسۇسلىنىمەن.,I deeply regret having caused the accident.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn قانۇنسىز پائالىيەتلەرگە قاتناشما.,Don't go to illegal meetings.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn مېنىڭ خىزمىتىم يوق.,I am out of work.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۇ باشقىلاردىن قۇسۇر تېپىشقا ئامراق.,He likes finding faults in others.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۇ جەنۇبقىمۇ ئىشقىلىپ بىر ياققا كەتتى.,She went off south or somewhere in that direction.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn نورۇز كەلدى!,The New Year is here!,uig_Arab-eng_Latn سائەت سەككىز يېرىمدا بولامدۇ؟,Would 8:30 be convenient for you?,uig_Arab-eng_Latn تۇرمۇشىڭىز قانداقراق؟,How are you going?,uig_Arab-eng_Latn تۇرمۇشۇڭلار قانداقراق؟,How is life?,uig_Arab-eng_Latn تۇرسۇن توڭلاتقۇدىن سەۋزىمۇ بىرنېمىنى ئالدى.,Tursun took a carrot or something of the sort from the fridge.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn كۈز قىشقا ئۆزگەردى.,Autumn changed into winter.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn مەن بۈگۈن توكيودا.,I am in Tokyo today.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۇنى ئەتە ساڭا ئاپارىمەن.,I'll bring it to you tomorrow.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn سەن بىلەن كۆرۈشۈشتىن خۇشال بولدۇم.,I'm happy to see you.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn راستتىنلا ھەممە يەردە بارمۇ؟,Is it really everywhere?,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۇلار مېنى تەكلىپ قىلمىغان، ئۆزۈمچە كەلدىم.,They haven't invited me - I came because I felt like it.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۇ تۇرمۇشتا قىيىنچىلىقى بارلارغا ياردەم بېرىدۇ.,He helps those who have hardships in their lives.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۇ ئاغرىپ قالغانلارنى يوقلايدۇ.,He visits those who are sick.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn مەن ئىنگلىزچە بىر پارچە خەتنى يازدىم.,I wrote a letter in English.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn بۇ ئاشخانا ياخشى باشقۇرۇلمايدۇ.,This restaurant is badly managed.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئەتىيازدا قارلار ئېرىيدۇ.,Snow melts in the spring.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ياشلار سالامەتلىكىنى ئاسرىشى كېرەك.,Young people need to look after their health.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn چوڭلار بىلىدۇ.,The grown-ups know.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn بۇ تورتنى يېسەم بولامدۇ؟,May I eat this cake?,uig_Arab-eng_Latn مەيەردە توختىغىلى بولمايدۇ.,It's not possible to stop here.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ساڭا ياردەم بەرگۈم يوق.,I don't want to help you.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ياخشى سۆز تاشنى يارار، يامان سۆز باشنى.,"A good word may split open a rock, but a bad word - a head.",uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۇ خاپا بولغاندىنمۇ ئىشقىلىپ بىر سەۋەبتىن مېنى ئۇرۇپ كەتتى.,For some reason or another - probably because she got angry - she started hitting me.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn قۇشلار ئورماندا ناخشا ئېيتەتتى.,Birds were singing in the woods.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn توم بىر بولكىخانىدا ئىشلەيتتى.,Tom used to work in a bakery.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئادەم ئادەمنى يېمەيدۇ.,Man doesn't eat man.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۇ تامامەن باشقا بىر ھېكايە.,It's just another story.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn بىر سەمىمىي، كەڭ قورساق، كويۈمچان ئادەم ئىزدەيۋاتىمەن.,"Looking for somebody sincere, open-minded, thoughtful.",uig_Arab-eng_Latn بۇ ئەڭ يېقىنقى رەسىممۇ ؟,Is this a recent photo?,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ھەركىمنىڭ ئارتۇقچىلىقىمۇ، ئاجىزلىقىمۇ بار.,Everyone has strengths and weaknesses.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn توم ماڭا بەك ياخشى مۇئامىلە قىلىدۇ.,Tom treats me very nice.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn بۇ قىلچە پايدىسى يوق.,This is totally worthless.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۇ بۇ ئىشنى تەپسىلىي چۈشەندۈردى.,He explained the matter in detail.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ماڭا ئاچقۇچنى بەر.,Get me the key.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn كەچلىك تاماقتىن كېيىن تېلۋېزور كۆرىدۇ.,He watches television after dinner.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ساياھەت چەكلىرىمنى يوقىتىپ قويدىم.,I lost my travelers checks.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۇ مېنى ھەر كۈنى ئون سائەتتىن ئارتۇق ئىشلىتىدۇ.,He makes me work more than ten hours each day.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn مەكتىپىمىزدىكى ئەسلىھەلىرى چەت ئەلدىن كەلگەن ئوقۇغۇچىلار ئۈچۈن ناچار.,Our school facilities are inadequate for foreign students.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn تاماكا چېكەمسىز؟,Do you smoke?,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۇ نىيۇيوركتا ياشايدۇ.,She lives in New York.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۇ پات ئارىدا تۈگەيدۇ.,He'll be done soon.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ھەر قانداق ئادەمنىن بىر نەچچە ئىللەتلىرى بار.,Everybody has some faults.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn بۇ تەمسىل تونۇش ئىكەن.,The proverb is familiar.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۇ سەككىز يېشىدا ئاتا_ئانىسىدىن ئايرىلدى.,He left his parents when he was eight years old.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn مەر ھەمەت، ماشىنىڭىزنى ماڭا ئارىيەت بېرىڭ.,Please lend me your car.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۇ مېڭىشنى ئىككى سائەت داۋام ئەتتى.,He went on walking for two hours.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn تۈنۈگۈن ئون بەشىنجى تۇغۇلغان كۈنىنى قۇتلۇقلىدى.,She celebrated her fifteenth birthday yesterday.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۇ يامغۇرغا پەرۋاقىلماي تېشىغا چىقتى.,He went out in spite of the rain.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn كەچۈر مېنى مۇھەببىتىم.,"Forgive me, my love.",uig_Arab-eng_Latn مەن ياخشى ئەمەس.,I'm not quite well.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn قاتتىق قېيىن بىرۋاقتى ئۆتكۈزدى .,He went through a very hard time.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۇ ياپۇنغا بېرىش يولىدا ھىندىستانغا كەتتى.,He went to India by way of Japan.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn قولىمىزدىن كەلگەن ئەڭ ياخشىسىنى قىلىش ئۈچۈن تىرىشىمىز.,Let's work together to do our best.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۇ ئەتە كىيوتوغا بارىدۇ.,He will arrive in Kyoto tomorrow.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn پويىز ئۈچۈن ۋاقتىدا بارىدۇ.,He will be in time for the train.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۇنىڭ يولدىن ئۆتكىنى كۆردۇق.,We saw him walk across the street.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn توم باشقىچە بىر يەرگە كېتىشنى ئىستىمەيدۇ.,Tom doesn't want to go anywhere in particular.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۇ ياخشى بىر كوماندا كاپىتانى بولىدۇ.,He will make a good team captain.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ساڭا كونسېرتنىڭ زېرىكىشلىك ئىكەنلگىنى ئېيتقاندىم .نېمىشقا ئىشەنمىدىڭ ؟,I told you the concert was going to be boring. Why didn't you believe me?,uig_Arab-eng_Latn بۈگۈننىڭ ھاۋاسى ئىسسىق.,It's hot today.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn بۇ ھېكايە پاكتلارغا ئاساسلانغان.,This story is based on facts.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn بىز كىنوخانىدىكى چاغدا ئۇنىڭ بىلەن سۆزلەشتىم.,I talked to him when we were in the cinema.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn سەن مېنىڭ رەسىمىمنى ئىستەمسەن؟,You want my picture?,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئەگەر مۇمكىن بولسا سېنى كۆرۈشنى ئىستەيمەن.,I'd like to see you if possible.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئامال يوق.,There's nothing that can be done.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn قاچان قايتىدۇ؟,When will he be back?,uig_Arab-eng_Latn مايىك ياپۇنچىنى ياخشى سۆزلەيدۇ.,Mike speaks good Japanese.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn بېلىق بۇيەردە قاداقلاپ سېتىلىدۇ.,Fish is sold by the pound here.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn دادام پوچتا ساندۇقىنى قىزىلغا بويىدى.,My father painted the mailbox red.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn تومنىڭ جەرىمانىنى تۆلەشتىن باشقا ھېچبىر تاللىشى يوق.,Tom had no choice but to pay the fine.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn 0.44 كۋادرات كىلومېتىرلىق ۋاتىكان دۇنيانىڭ ئەڭ كىچىك دۆلىتىدۇر.,Vatican City with its 0.44 km² is the world's smallest state.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn نېمىشقا بېرىپ كىنو كۆرمەيمىز؟,Why don't we go and see a movie?,uig_Arab-eng_Latn بىر قاتار ئاپەتلەر بۇ رايۇنغا ھۇجۇم قىلدى.,A string of disasters struck the region.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn سىز چۈشەنمەيسىز. ئۇ سىزنى ئۆلتۈرىدۇ.,You don't understand. He'll kill you.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn بىر پىيالە قەھۋە خالامىسىز؟,Would you like a cup of coffee?,uig_Arab-eng_Latn بىر ئامال بار.,There is one way.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ساڭا ھېچبىر شەكىلدە ئاچچىقلانمىدىم.,I'm by no means angry with you.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn يارىدار ئادەم ياردەم ئۈچۈن ۋارقىرىدى.,The injured man cried for help.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn دوستۇم بولۇشنى ئىستىسەڭ دوستلىرىمنىڭمۇ دوستى بولىسەن.,"If you want to become my friend, then also become the friend of my friend.",uig_Arab-eng_Latn كىرېدىت كارتا بىلەن تۆلىگىم بار.,I'd like to pay by credit card.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn توم نەقەدەر تېز ئىشلەيدۇ!,How fast Tom works!,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئامالىمنىڭ بارىچە بارىمەن.,I will do everything I can to go.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn روژىستىۋا ئۈچۈن نېمە ئالدىڭ؟,What did you get for Christmas?,uig_Arab-eng_Latn بارلىق خاتا جاۋابلارنىڭ ئۈستىگە سىز.,Cross out all the wrong answers.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn مەن ئۇرۇشنى كۆردۈم.,I saw a fight.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn كېلەر يىلدى بۇ يەردە بىر يېڭى مېھمانخانا سېلىنىدۇ.,A new hotel will be built here next year.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ماڭا ئېيتماڭ.,Don't tell me.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn بىز مەكتەپكە مېڭىشىمىز كېرەك.,We must go to school.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn مەن بۇ ئەتىگەندە چېركاۋغا باردىم.,I went to church this morning.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn توم كارىۋاتتا يېتىۋاتىدۇ.,Tom is lying ill in bed.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn بۈگۈن جۈمە، شۇڭا ناماز ئوقۇشىمىز لازىم.,"It's Friday, and so we have to perform our prayers.",uig_Arab-eng_Latn بۇ شەھەردە مۇزېي بارمۇ؟,Is there a museum in this town?,uig_Arab-eng_Latn بالىلارنى كىم باقىدۇ؟,Who looks after the children?,uig_Arab-eng_Latn يېقىندىن بۇيان قانداقراق؟,How's it going lately?,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۇ بالىنىڭ چېچى قارا.,That boy's hair is black.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn بوۋاققا ئانىسى لازىم.,The baby needs its mother.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۇ خەلق مەيدانىغىمۇ ئىشقىلىپ بىر يەرگە كەتتى.,He went off to the People's Square or somewhere thereabouts.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۇ ھەقىقەتەن گۈزەل كۈنىدى.,It was a really beautiful day.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn نېمىشقىمۇ يىغىنغا قاتناشمىغانسەن، بۇ ئىشتىنمۇ مۇھىم ئىشىڭ بارمىدى؟,I can't imagine why you didn't attend the meeting. Did you have something even more important?,uig_Arab-eng_Latn يېقىندىن بېرى ئوبدان تۇردىڭىزما؟,You've been well lately?,uig_Arab-eng_Latn پويىز ۋەقىدە بىر يۈزدەك ئادەم يارىلىنىپتۇ.,A hundred people were hurt in a train wreck.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۇ دائىم توكيوغا بارىدۇ.,He often goes to Tokyo.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn سۇ ئۈزۈشنى ياخشى كۆرىمەن.,I like swimming.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۇنىڭ پاراڭلىشىدىغان ھېچ دوستى يوق.,He has no friends to talk with.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۇ دوختۇر ئەمەسمۇ؟,Isn't she a doctor?,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۇ 54 يېشىدا ئۆلدى.,He died at age 54.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۇنىڭ بىلەن چىقىشالمايمەن.,I don't get along with him.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn شورپا كېرەكمۇ؟,Do you want soup?,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۇ ئۇنى 20-نويابىردا زىيارەت قىلدى.,She visited him on October 20th.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئېقىم بەك تېز ئەمەس.,The stream is not very swift.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئانام ۋە دادام مارىي بىلەن توي قىلىشمغا ماقۇل بولدى.,My parents approved of my marrying Mary.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn مەن تۇغۇلغان كۈنى يېقىنلىشىپ قالدى.,My birthday approaches.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn قايسى تېمىنى بەك ياقتۇرىسىز؟,What subject do you like best?,uig_Arab-eng_Latn سەپىرىمگە بىر ياخشى تۇلپار كېرەك.,I need a good steed for my voyage.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn خەنزۇچىمۇ، ئىنگلىزچىمۇ، ئەرەبچىمۇ دۇنيادا ئەڭ كۆپ نوپۇس ئىشلىتىدىغان تىللار.,"Mandarin, English, and Arabic are all examples of the world's most widely spoken languages.",uig_Arab-eng_Latn بۇ دۇكاندا كونا كىتابلارنى ساتىدۇ.,This store sells old books.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn مېنى قورقىتىسەن.,You scare me.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn سەن ياخشى .,You're doing fine.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn سەن ھورۇن!,You are sloth!,uig_Arab-eng_Latn توم ئۆلۈپ كېتەرمۇ؟,Will Tom die?,uig_Arab-eng_Latn نېمىسچە سۆزلىيەلەمسىز؟,Do you speak German?,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۇ بۈگۈن چۈشلۈك تامىقىنى ئەكەپتۇ.,She brought his lunch today.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn سەن كېتىپلا ئۇ سېنى كۆرگىلى كەلدى.,He came to see you right after you left.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn مەنمۇ تورتنى ياقتۇرىمەن.,I also like cakes.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۇ ئاشخانىدا پولۇ بارمىكىن دەپ كىرىپتىمەن.,"Wondering if that restaurant had plov, I went inside.",uig_Arab-eng_Latn بارغىنىمىزدا ئۇلار بىزنى قىزغىن قارشى ئالدى.,They gave us a hearty welcome when we arrived.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn لېكىن د خ لنىڭ تور بېتىدە يەتكۈزۈش نومۇرىنى تاپالمىدىم.,But I haven't looked up this tracking number on the DHL website.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn كۈچىنىڭ يېتىشىچە تېز يۈگۈرۈشكە تىرىشتى.,She tried to run as fast as she could.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۇ نىيۇ يوركقا بارىدىغان توققۇزنىڭ ئاپتوبۇسىغا ئولتۇردى.,He caught the nine o'clock shuttle to New York.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۇ قاچان قايتىدىغانلىقىنى بىلدۈرمىدى.,He didn't specify when he would return.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۇ ھۇشىغا كەلدى.,He recovered from the shock.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn توم مەندىن ئېگىزراق ؟,Tom is taller than I am.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ھەرۋاقت ئەڭ ناچىرى ئۈچۈن تەييار تۇرىشىمىز كېرەك.,We must always be prepared for the worst.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۇنى كىمگە بەردىڭ؟,Whom did you give it to?,uig_Arab-eng_Latn دادام گۈرۈچ يېتىشتۈرىدۇ.,My father grows rice.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۇ ئىككىسى بىر بىرى ئۈچۈن يارىتىلغاندەكلا كۆرۈنىدۇ.,It seems those two are made for each other.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn مەن نېمە دېيىشىمنى بىلمەي قالدىم.,I couldn't think of anything to say.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ساقچى ئوغرىنى تۇتتى.,The policeman caught the thief.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn بۇ يەردە ئاپتوبۇسلار سائىتىگە قانچە قېتىم يولغا چىقىدۇ؟,How many times an hour do the buses here leave?,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۇنىڭ ئۆيدە بولماسلىقى مېنى ئۈمىتسىزلەندۈردى.,I was disappointed that she was not at home.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئاياللار فىزىكىلىق جەھەتتە ئەرلەردىن ئاجىز.,Women are physically weaker than men.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئەزەلدىن ئايروپىلان بىلەن ساياھەت قىلىپ باققانسىز؟,Have you ever traveled by plane?,uig_Arab-eng_Latn قىز قېرىندىشىم بىر قورچاق ئويناۋاتىدۇ.,My sister is playing with a doll.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ھەممە ئىش جايىدا.,Everything is fine.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn سېجو ماتۇموتو 1992_يىلىدا ئۆلدى.,Seicho Matumoto died in 1992.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ھەر كىم خەۋەرنى بىلىدۇ.,Everybody knows the news.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn زىياپەتكە كىم تەكلىپ قىلىندى؟,Who was invited to the party?,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۇ ھەر كۈنى كالتەك توپ ئوينايدۇ.,He plays baseball every day.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn بىر شەربەت، مەر ھەمەت.,"Some juice, please.",uig_Arab-eng_Latn مېھمانخانىدا ساتىراشخانا بارمۇ؟,Is there a barber shop in the hotel?,uig_Arab-eng_Latn مەن بىر پارچە ماقالە يازغانىدىم، سىز كۆرۈپ بېقىڭ، بولامدىكىن.,I've written an article. Could you take a look and tell me if it's okay?,uig_Arab-eng_Latn دېڭىزدا ئاراللار بار.,There are islands in the sea.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ساتىراشخانىغا بار.,Go to the barber.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئىككەيلەن توي قىلغىلى ئوتتۇز يىل بوپ قالدى.,We've been married for 30 years.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۇ شۇ لۇغەتتىنمۇ بىرنى سېتىۋالدى.,She bought that dictionary too.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn بۈگۈن ھاۋا بەك سوغۇق، قېلىنراق كىيىۋېلىڭ، زۇكامداپ قالامسىزكىن.,It's really cold today. You should dress warmer or you might catch a cold.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۇ روماننى ئوقۇپ بولدۇڭمۇ؟,Have you finished reading that novel?,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۇ ئادەمگە ئارىلاشماڭ، ئۇ ئادەم سىزنى ئالداپ قويارمىكىن دەپ ئەنسىرەيمەن.,Don't get involved with that guy. I'm worried that he might cheat you.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn بۇ مەيەرگە ماس كەلمەيدىكەن.,That doesn't belong in here.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۇنىڭ تېخنىكىسى ئەڭ يۇقىرى ئىدى.,His technique was the best.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn بىز توي قىلىمىز.,We're getting married.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn بۇ مېنىڭ سوئالىم.,This is my question.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn نېمىگە ئېتىقاد قىلىسىز؟,What do you believe in?,uig_Arab-eng_Latn خېرىدار كەلمىدى.,The customer did not come.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn شىنخوڭ دەريا ياپونىيىدىكى ھەر دەريادىن ئۇزۇن.,The Shinano River is longer than any river in Japan.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn كۆزۈم ئاغرىۋاتىدۇ.,My eyes hurt.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۇنىڭ ئىش ھەققىسى ئەرزان.,He doesn't charge much.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn خاپا بولدۇڭمۇ؟,Are you mad?,uig_Arab-eng_Latn مېنىڭ چېچىمنى دائىم قىز دوستۇم چۈشۈرۈپ قويىدۇ.,My girlfriend often cuts my hair.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn جۈمەكنى ئېچىپ بېقىڭ، ئىسسىق سۇ كەلدىمىكىن.,Open the faucet and see if the hot water's back.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۇ يىگىت نېمىدېگەن ئېگىز-ھە!,That guy is so tall!,uig_Arab-eng_Latn مۇئەللىم، مەن قەلەم بىلەن يازىمەن.,"Teacher, I will write it in pen.",uig_Arab-eng_Latn بۇ ئاشخانا ناھايىتى ياخشى، مۇھىتى ئوبدانلىقىچۇ تېخى.,"This is a very good restaurant, and with an excellent environment, as well.",uig_Arab-eng_Latn بۇ پولو بەك تېتىپ كەتتى!,This pilaf tastes great!,uig_Arab-eng_Latn باغچىدا گۈل ئۈزدۇق.,We picked flowers in the garden.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn يامغۇر توختىماي پۈتۈن كۈن بويى يېغىۋاتقان.,"The rain didn't stop, and went on for the entire day.",uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۇ قىزىغا خېلىلا كۆپ پۇل بەردى.,He gave his daughter quite a lot of money.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn -- كىنوغا سائەت يەتتىدە بارايلى. -- سائەت يەتتە يېرىمدە بولامدۇ؟ -- كېچىكىمىزمىكىن.,"""Let's go to the movies at seven."" ""Is it all right if we go at seven thirty?"" ""I'm worried that we'd be late if we do.""",uig_Arab-eng_Latn Italo Calvino دىگەن كىشى 1923 چى يىلى كۇبا ئارىلىدا تۇغۇلىغانىكەن.,Italo Calvino was born on the island of Cuba in 1923.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn جۇڭگو قۇرۇلۇش بانكىسىغا بېرىشىم كېرەك.,I need to go to the China Construction Bank.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn مەن بۇ كىتاپنى سېتىۋالمىغان.,I didn't buy the book.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn نەدىن كەلگەنىدىڭىز؟,Where have you come from?,uig_Arab-eng_Latn بۇ كىتابنى سىززە يېزىپسىزدە!,As if you actually wrote this book!,uig_Arab-eng_Latn جۇڭگو ياپونىيىدىن كۆپ چوڭ.,China is much larger than Japan.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn مەن جۇڭگودىن كەلدىم.,I came from China.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn سىز نېمە قىلىۋاتقان؟,What were you doing?,uig_Arab-eng_Latn باشقا كوماندا بىزگە سەل قارىدى.,The other team took us lightly.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ھادىسە سەۋەبىدىن كوربولدى.,He went blind from the accident.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn تېزرەك بارايلى.,Let's hurry up.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn بۇ قەھۋە بەك ئاچچىق.,This coffee is too bitter.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn مۇنداق ئويلايغان ئادەم بەك ئاز.,Few people think so.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۇ يېرىم يىلدىن كېيىن چەتكە چىقىدۇ.,She's leaving the country in six months.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۆپكەم شامالداپ قاپتۇ.,I have a chest cold.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn كۆپ ساندىكى كىشىلەرنىڭ ھاياتى ئۇلار تۇرغان مۇھىت تەرىپىدىن بەلگىلىنىدۇ.,The lives of most people are determined by their environment.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۇلار پىلانىنى ماڭا بىلدۈرۈشنى رەت قىلدى.,He denied knowing anything of their plan.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn سەن بىر پارچە خەت يازىسەن.,You will write a letter.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ناخشىنى يەنە قېتىم ئيېتىپ بېرىڭ.,"Sing the song once more, please.",uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۆيدە ئۆزەمنىڭ ياتىقى بار.,I have my own bedroom at home.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn يەكشەنبە كۈنى ئۇ راستىنلا سىرتقا چىقامدۇ؟,Rarely does he go out on Sunday.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn مەندە سەن ئويلىغاندەك ئۇنچىلىك كۆپ پۇل يوق.,I don't have as much money as you think.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn بىز مۇھىت بۇلغىنىشى توغۇرلۇق بىر لىكسىيە سۆزلىدۇق.,We had a lecture on environmental pollution.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئەنگىلىيە ۋە ياپۇنىيە ماشىنىلىرىنىڭ رولى ئوڭ تەرەپتە .,British and Japanese cars have steering wheels on the right side.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn بىز ئۆزىمىزگە قاراپ باقتۇق.,We looked about us.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn سەن ئەڭ ناچار ئەھۋالغا تەييارلىق قىلىشىڭ كېرەك.,You should prepare for the worst.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ماڭا لايھىسىنى بۇ قەغەزگە سىزىپ بېرەلەمسىز؟,Can you sketch it for me on this piece of paper please?,uig_Arab-eng_Latn دادام ھازىر ئۆيدە يوق.,My dad is not at home for the moment.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn كەچۈرۈڭ، ئۇ ھازىر يوق.,"I'm sorry, but he is out now.",uig_Arab-eng_Latn كىشىلەر ئۇنىڭ ھوقۇقىنى تارتىۋالدى.,The people deprived him of his rights.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۆيدە نۇرغۇن بالىلار بار.,There were many children in the room.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۇنىڭ غۇنچىدەك بويى بار.,She has a good figure.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۇ يېشىلدىن قورۇققان.,He was scared green.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn خەلققە خىزمەت قىلىش ئۇنىڭ ياشاشتىكى بىردىنبىر مەقسىتى.,To serve people is his sole object in life.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn توكيو ئۇنىۋېرسىتېتىنى تۈگەتتى.,He graduated from Tokyo University.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۇ فىملىمنى پەقەت چوڭلارلا كۆرسە بولىدۇ.,Only adults may watch that film.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ھازىر سائەت ئۈچ بولاي دېدى.,It's nearly three o'clock.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn يۈرۈكۈم ھاياجاندىن دۈپۈلدەپ كەتتى .,My heart fluttered with excitement.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئون ئىككى جۇپ سان.,Twelve is an even number.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn بىر قەدىناس دوستۇم مېنى ئەتە چاقىرىدۇ.,An old friend will call on me tomorrow.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn قارىغاندا ئۇ خىزمىتىدىن خۇشال ئوخشايدۇ.,It seems that he is happy with his new job.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئەگەر سەن يېغىرلىق كۈچىدىن پايدىلانالىساڭ، شۇنداق قىل.,"If you can use gravity to your advantage, do so.",uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۇ ئۇنىڭ تەكلىپىنى رەت قىلدى.,She refused his offer.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئەشلەنددە سۇمۇ بار.,"There's water in Ashland, too.",uig_Arab-eng_Latn تالۇننىڭ سوممىسى 500دوللار,The bill amounts to 500 dollars.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn بىز تىرىشچانلىق كۆرسىتشىمىز كېرەك.,We should do our best.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn يا سەن بارىسەن، يا مەن باراي.,"Either you go, or I go.",uig_Arab-eng_Latn ھېچنەرسىدىن غېمىڭ يوق.,You've nothing to worry about.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn .بۇرۇن كىشىلەر ساددىلىقىدىن سەمىيمى ئىدى،ھازىرقى كىشىلەر ئەقىللىقلىقدىن ساختىپەز,The people of old were simple through honesty; the people of today are clever through artificiality.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn مەن بەك ھېرىپكەتتىم.,I am very tired.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ناۋادا كېلەلمەيدىغان بولۇپ قالسام، بالدۇر سىزگە تېلېڧون بېرىمەن.,"In case I can't come, I'll give you a call beforehand.",uig_Arab-eng_Latn بۇ ياتاقتا ئوينىما.,Don't play in this room.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn مەن ئۇنىڭغا بىر قورچاقنى ئەۋەتتىم.,I sent her a doll.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ھە راست، مەندە ئەتە بىر ئىش بار.,"Oh right, I have something tomorrow.",uig_Arab-eng_Latn لاتىن تىلىنى بىلەمسىز؟,Do you understand Latin?,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئىتنىڭ ئىسمى «كەن».,The dog's name is Ken.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۇنىڭ گېپىگە دىققەت قىلىشىڭ كېرەك.,You should pay attention to what he says.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ھېلى نېمە دېدىڭىز؟ قايتا بىر تەكرارلاپ بەرسىڭىز.,What did you say? Please repeat it.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn بالىلار ھاياتىمىزنىڭ گۈللىرى.,Children are the flowers of our lives.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn بەلكىم ئۇ سېنى تونۇمايدۇ.,Perhaps she does not know you.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۆيۈمگە كەل.,Come to my house.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn مەن ئۇنىڭ بىلەن ئوتتۇرا مەكتەپتە بىر سىنىپتا ئوقۇغان.,She and I were in the same class in middle school.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn مېنىڭ ئىككى بالام بار. بىرى ئوغۇل، يەنە بىرىمۇ ئوغۇل.,"I've got two kids. One of them is a boy, and the other one's a boy, too.",uig_Arab-eng_Latn بۇ خىل رەسمىيەتلەرنى كاتىپىمىز بېجىرسۇن.,Let our secretary take care of these kinds of formalities.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn كىمنى ئالدىڭىز؟,Whom did you buy?,uig_Arab-eng_Latn بىرنېمە كۆز ئالدىمدىن ئۆچۈپ ئۆتتى.,Something flew by in front of my eyes.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn بىر ئىستاكان قەھۋە ئىچكۈم بار.,I would like to have a cup of coffee.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn بۇنى مەن بېجىرەي.,I'll manage it.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn سەن ئەخمەق بولىسەن.,You're an idiot.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn a،b،c A ئېلېمېنتلاردىن تۈزۈلگەن توپلام.,"A is a set consisting of the elements c, b, and a.",uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۆزۈڭنى كۆرۈش ئۈچۈن كۈندە قانچە قېتىم ئەينەككە قارايسەن؟,How many times a day do you look at yourself in the mirror?,uig_Arab-eng_Latn مەن ھېچكىمنى سۆيمەيمەن.,I'm not in love with anyone.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۇ مۇزىكا ئۆگەنگىلى ئىتالىيەگە كەتتى.,She went to Italy to study music.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۇ مۇزىكا ئۆگىنىشكە ئىتالىيەگە كەتتى.,She went to Italy for the purpose of studying music.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئادرېسىڭىزنى ئېيتىپ بېرىڭ.,Please tell me your address.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئېھتىمال سىز بۇ ئىشنى بىلمەيسىز.,It's possible that you don't know this.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn بىز ئۇنى قەھرىمانمىكىن دەپتىمىز، ئەسلىدە ئۇ بىر سېتىلمىخور ئىكەن.,"We had thought that he was a hero, but he turned out to be a traitor.",uig_Arab-eng_Latn سىز ياپۇنىيەلىكمۇ؟,Are you Japanese?,uig_Arab-eng_Latn سائەتىم توختاپ قالدى.,My watch has stopped.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn بۇ ئاشخانىدا پولۇ بارمىكەن؟,So does this restaurant have pilaf?,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ماۋۇ پوچتىخانا، ئاۋۇ بانكا.,"This is a post office, and that's a bank.",uig_Arab-eng_Latn يىغىن باشلىنىشقا ئاز قالدى، كىرىپ قاراپ باقايلى، كىملەر كەلدىكىن.,There's not a lot of time left until the meeting starts. Let's go inside and have a look at who's there.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn مەن ئىنگىلىزچىنى بەك ياخشى كۆرىمەن.,I like English very much.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ھېرىپ ئۆلەي دېدىم.,I'm all tuckered out.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئىتىڭ سېنى چىشلەپ باقتىمۇ ؟,Has your dog ever bitten you?,uig_Arab-eng_Latn نېمە تاماق قىلىۋاتىسەن؟,What are you cooking?,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ماڭا راستىنى دەمسەن؟,Will you tell me the truth?,uig_Arab-eng_Latn بىز ئەرەب.,We are Arabs.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ھەمدە سورىغان سوئالىڭغا جاۋاب بېرىپ قويدۇم.,"Also, I've answered the question that you asked.",uig_Arab-eng_Latn قازاندا مېترو بار.,There is a metro in Kazan.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn مەن ئۇنىڭ ئۈچۈن ئىشلىمەيمەن، سىز ئۈچۈن ئىشلەيمەن.,I don't work for her but for you.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn پروڧېسسور كۆپ سۆزلەپ ئۇيقۇمنى كەلتۈردى.,The professor put me to sleep with all of his talk.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۇ ناھايىتى بۇ ئىشنىلا قىلالايدۇ، باشقا ئىشلارنى قىلالمايدۇ.,This is the one and only thing he can do. He can't do anything else.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn توم چېچىدىكى چاچ سوپۇنىنى يۇيۇۋەتتى.,Tom rinsed the shampoo out of his hair.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn توم سوپۇننى يۇيۇۋەتتى.,Tom rinsed off the soap.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn توم ئاغىزىنى يۇيدى.,Tom rinsed his mouth.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئىسىملىكتە تىلىم يوق!,My language is not on the list!,uig_Arab-eng_Latn توم ئاتا-ئانىسىنى ھۆرمەتلەيدۇ.,Tom respects his parents.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn سېنىڭ يازغان خېتىڭنى كۆرۈپ خۇشال بولدۇم.,Reading your letter made me happy.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn توم بىر ماشىنىنى ھەپتىلىك كىرا قىلدى.,Tom rented a car for the weekend.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئالما ياخشى كۆرەمسەن؟,Do you like apples?,uig_Arab-eng_Latn توم مارىينى كەچۈرۋېتىشنى رەت قىلدى.,Tom refused to forgive Mary.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئىت مېنىڭ.,The dog is mine.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۇ نېمە ئۈچۈن نېگىرگە ئوخشايدۇ؟,Why does he look black?,uig_Arab-eng_Latn توم مارىينى ھەقىقەتەن ياخشى كۆرىدۇ.,Tom really likes Mary.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn نەچچە ئالما؟,How many apples are there?,uig_Arab-eng_Latn توم خىزمىتىنى ھەقىقەتەن ياخشى كۆرىدۇ.,Tom really enjoys his job.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn دادام دوختۇر.,My father is a doctor.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn بىز مەكتەپتە ئىنگلىزچە ئۆگەنىمىز.,We learn English at school.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn مېنىڭ دادام دوختۇر.,My father's a doctor.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn مەن كۈندە بەش يۈز دوللار خەجلىگەن.,I've spent $500 a day.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn بانكا شىركەتكە بىر مىليون دوللار قەرز بەردى.,The bank loaned the company $1 million.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn سوئال بولسا ئايىماي سورا.,"If you have questions, don't hesitate to ask.",uig_Arab-eng_Latn سېنىڭدە كىتابلار كۆپ.,You have many books.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئەرزان گۆشنىڭ شورپىسى يوق.,Cheap meat doesn't make good soup.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn بۇ كەچتە مەن سەن بىلەن بىللە.,I will be with you tonight.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn مەن تۆتىنچى دوختۇرخانىغا كېتىۋاتىمەن.,I'm going to the Number Four hospital.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۇنىڭ قانالدىن ئۈزۈپ ئۆتۈش پىلانى سۇغا چۈشتى.,She failed in her attempt to swim the Channel.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ھەممىمىز بىر يۇرتتا ياشايمىز.,We all live in the same dorm.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئايالىم ئۈچۈن بىر ئەقلىفۇن ئالدىم.,I bought a smartphone for my wife.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn كۈچۈمنىڭ يېتىشىچە ياردەم قىلىمەن.,I will do everything in my power to help.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۇ قايتىپ كەلگەندە ئۇنىڭدىن سوراڭ.,Wait for her to return then ask her.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ۋۇد خانىم ناياھىتى ياخشى ئاشپەز ئىدى.,Mrs. Wood was a very good cook.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn شۋېتسارىيىگە ياخشىراق ئالمىلار لازىم.,Switzerland needs better apples.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn كەلگۈسىدە نېمە بولۇشنى ئارزۇ قىلىسەن؟,What would he like to be in the future?,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئىككىنچى مەۋسۇم پۈتتى.,Second semester has ended.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn تانسا ئوينىساق بولامدۇ؟,Shall we dance?,uig_Arab-eng_Latn تۈنۈگۈن سەن مەكتەپتە يوق.,You were absent from school yesterday.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn نېمە ئۈچۈن سورىسەن؟,And why do you ask?,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۇنى قانداق چۈشەندۈرىسەن؟,How do you explain that?,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۇنى قانداق چۈشەندۈرىسىز؟,How do you account for that?,uig_Arab-eng_Latn بۇ تونىنىڭ كاتابى.,This book is Tony's.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn بۇ يەردە سوغۇق.,It's very cold here.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn بۇنى ساڭا چۈشەندۈرۈپ بېرىمەن.,I will explain it for you.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ماڭا خەت بەر.,Please send me a letter.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn جوزىنى سول تەرەپكە يۆتكەپ بەرسىڭىز.,Please move the desk to the left.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn بۇ كىتاب تونىگە تەئەللۇق.,This book belongs to Tony.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn مەرىيە ئەينەكتىن ئۆزىگە قارىدى.,Mary looked at herself in the mirror.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn مەن قۇستۇم.,I threw up.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۇ تۈنۈگۈن كېچە ياخشى ئۇخلىدى.,He slept well last night.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn دۆلەت بايراملىرىدا بايراقلارنى ئاسىمىز.,We put up the flags on national holidays.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn يىگىرمە زىخ كاۋاپ بۇيرۇيلى!,Let's order twenty shish kebabs!,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۇ دادىدىن قورقىدۇ.,He is afraid of Father.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn بۇ ئامېرىكىچە ياشاش يولى.,This is the American way of life.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn بۇيرۇڭ!,As you order!,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۇ كىتابنى ئاساس قىلىڭلار.,Make that book your basis.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn مەن بىلەن بىللە ناخشا ئېيت.,Come sing with me.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn بۇ سۆز بۇنداق ئىشلىتىلمەيدۇ.,This word isn't used like that.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn كەچۈرۈڭ، مەن يولدىن ئېزىپ قالدىم.,"Excuse me, I'm lost.",uig_Arab-eng_Latn توشىيو نېمىنى ياخشى كۆرىدۇ؟,Who does Toshio like?,uig_Arab-eng_Latn سەندە قېرىنداش بارمۇ؟,Do you have a pencil?,uig_Arab-eng_Latn خەيرلىك ئەتىگەن، مايك.,"Good morning, Mike.",uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۇ ئىتتىن قورقىدۇ.,He is in fear of the dog.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn بۈگۈن بالدۇرراق ئۆيگە قايتىشىم كېرەك.,I need to go home a little early today.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ھەر ئىككى تەرەپتىن مىڭلارچە كىشى يارىلاندى.,Many thousands on both sides had been wounded.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئاتام ئالدىراش.,My father is busy.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn مۇشۇ مېھمانخانىنىڭ ڧاكس نومۇرى نېمە؟,What's the fax number for this hotel?,uig_Arab-eng_Latn توم خەۋەردىن بەك ھەيران قالدى.,Tom is much surprised at the news.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn بىزگە ئوت كېرەك.,We need fire.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn بۇ جۈملىلەر پەقەت زامان جەھەتتىن پەرقلىنىدۇ.,These sentences only differ with respect to tense.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn چوڭ پائالىيەت ۋاقتىدىن باشقا، مەن پەقەت ھاراق ئىچمەيمەن.,"Except for big parties, I never drink alcohol.",uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئەينەكتىن ئۆزۈڭگە قاراپ باق.,Look at yourself in the mirror.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn بۇ كەمپىر كىم؟,Who is that old woman?,uig_Arab-eng_Latn كىرىڭ.,Come on in.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn بىزنىڭ بىر ئىنتايىن ياخشى ئاشپىزىمىز بار.,We have a really good cook.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئوغلۇم ھەر قېتىم ئاپتوبۇسقا چىقسا ئاغرىپ قالىدۇ.,My son always gets sick when he rides a bus.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn توم ئەمدى تەتىل پىلانلىرىنى تۈزىدۇ.,Tom is making vacation plans now.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn توم فرانسۇزچىدا چوڭ ئالغا باستى.,Tom is making great progress in French.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn توم سافادا يېتىپ تېلېۋېزور كۆرۈۋاتىدۇ.,Tom is lying on the sofa watching TV.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn يېقىندىن بېرى تومنى كۆرمىدىم.,I haven't seen Tom recently.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn توم ئالما دەرىخىنىڭ ئاستىدىكى چىم ئۈستىدە يېتىۋاتىدۇ.,Tom is lying on the grass under an apple tree.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn توم ئايالىغا سادىق.,Tom is loyal to his wife.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئايلىنى خۇش قىلىش ئۈچۈن توم ئۇنىڭغا بىر ئالماس زەنجىر سېتىۋالدى.,"Hoping to cheer up his wife, Tom bought her a beautiful pearl necklace.",uig_Arab-eng_Latn تۈنۈگۈن توم بىر موتوسىكلىت ۋەقەسىدە يارىلاندى.بۇ سەۋەپتىن ئەمدى تەنتەربىيە دەرىسىگە قاتنىشالمايدۇ.,"Yesterday, Tom was injured in a motorbike accident, so he can't attend gym class for the time being.",uig_Arab-eng_Latn توم ۋەزىيەتنى كۈزىتىۋاتىدۇ.,Tom is looking into the situation.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn بىز تومنى دۇرۇس دەپ ئويلايمىز.,We consider Tom to be honest.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئولتۇرۇشنى داۋام قىلايلى.,Let's get the party going.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn بىز توم بىلەن دوستلاشتۇق.,We have made friends with Tom.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn توم روژىستىۋانى تاقەتسىزلىك بىلەن كۈتىۋاتىدۇ.,Tom is looking forward to Christmas.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn توم تام سېلىشىپ بېرىدىغان بىرىنى ئىزدەۋاتىدۇ.,Tom is looking for someone to help him build a wall.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn تومنى كوماندىنىڭ كاپىتانى قىلىپ سايلىدۇق.,We elected Tom captain of the team.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn توم كۆزەينىكىنى ئىزدەۋاتىدۇ.,Tom is looking for his glasses.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn تومنى ئېنىسىدىن پەرقلەندۈرەلمەيمەن.,I can not tell Tom from his brother.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn توم يېغىن ئۆتكۈزۈشكە مۇۋاپىق بىر يەر ئىزدەۋاتىدۇ.,Tom is looking for a suitable place to hold the meeting.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn توم باھاسى مۇۋاپىق بىر نىمكەش ماشىنا ئىزدەۋاتىدۇ.,Tom is looking for a reasonably-priced used car.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۆيگە كىرىشتىن بۇرۇن ئىشىكنى چەك.,Knock on the door before entering the room.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئىككىلىسى چىرايلىق ئەمەس.,Both of them aren't pretty.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۇ رۇسچە كەڭ تارقالغان مۇزىكىنى ياخشى كۆرىدۇ.,She likes Russian pop.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn نمە ئۇ شۇنچە قىزىقارلىق؟,What's so funny?,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۇ ئەتە ئالدىراش.,He will be busy tomorrow.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn كىيىملىرىمنى يەڭگۈشلەشنى ياقتۇرىمەن.,I like to change my clothes.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn نېمىگە ئالدىراش؟,What's the rush?,uig_Arab-eng_Latn چاينى كۆپرەك ئىچمەمسەن؟,Won't you have some more tea?,uig_Arab-eng_Latn بۈگۈن كەچتە كىم ئىشلەيدۇ؟,Who's working tonight?,uig_Arab-eng_Latn قاچانلىققا بۇ يەردە سۇ ئۈزەلەيمەن؟,When can I swim here?,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۇلار ئۇزۇن زامان بۇ يەردە ياشىدى.,They have lived here for a long time.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn سىز ئەڭ ياخشىسى ئۇ كىتابنى ئېلىڭ.,You better buy that book.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn سىلەر ئەڭ ياخشىسى ئۇ كىتابنى ئېلىڭلار.,You'd better buy that book.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئوخشىمىغان تىللاردا نۇرغۇن جۈملە تۈزەلەيمەن.,I can add many sentences in different languages.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn لەغمىنىمىزدە كۆپ نەرسە بار.,There's a lot of stuff in our lo mein.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn بۇ ئۆي جىمجىت.,This room is quiet.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn بىر ھەپتە دۈشەنبە، سەيشەنبە، چارشەنبە، پەيشەنبە، جۈمە، شەنبە، يەكشەنبە دەپ يەتتە كۈنگە بۆلۈنىدۇ.,"A week is divided into seven days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.",uig_Arab-eng_Latn ھاجەتخانىنى ئوڭشىيالامسەن؟,Can you fix a toilet?,uig_Arab-eng_Latn قايسى كونۇپكىنى باسىدىغىنىمنى دەپ دەپ بېرەمسەن؟,Can you tell me which button to press?,uig_Arab-eng_Latn گۆش يەمسىز؟,Do you eat meat?,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۇ ئۇنىڭ ئاكىسى بىلەن سېلىشتۇرساڭ پەرقىنى بايقايسەن.,"If you compare him with his older brother, you'll see the difference.",uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۇنىڭ ئاتا-ئانىسى ئۇنىڭدىن نەپرەتلىنىدۇ.,His parents hate him.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۇ ئىشنى بىر كۈندە تۈگىتىش ئاساسەن مۇمكىن ئەمەس.,It's next to impossible to finish it in a day.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۇنىڭ ئاتا-ئانىسى مېنى ياخشى كۆردى.,His parents loved me.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۇنىڭ تومۇرى ئاستا سوقىدۇ.,His pulse beats slow.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn بىزنىڭ پولۇمىز تۆت كوي.,Our pilaf is four yuan.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn بۇ قېتىم مەن تۆلەيمەن.,This time I'll pay.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn بۇ قانداقسىگە توغرا بولىدۇ؟,How can this be true?,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئاشپەز نەدە؟,Where's the cook?,uig_Arab-eng_Latn زامان ئۆزگىرىۋاتىدۇ.,Times are changing.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn توم قانداق بايقىدى؟,How did Tom find out?,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئىشنى ياخشى قىلماقچى بولسىڭىز ئۇيغۇن قوراللارنى قوللىنىشىڭىز كېرەك.,"If you want to do good work, you should use the proper tools.",uig_Arab-eng_Latn توم بۇ يەرگە قانداق كەلدى؟,How did Tom get here?,uig_Arab-eng_Latn تېز يوللانما قىلسام قانچە پۇل كېتىدۇ؟,"If I send it by air mail, how much will it cost?",uig_Arab-eng_Latn شىمىس خانىم ماشىنىغا ئولتۇرۇپ چىركاۋغا بارىدۇ.,Mrs. Smith goes to church by car.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn توم دوختۇرخانىغا بېرىپ مارىينى يوقلاشقا ئىككىلىنىۋاتىدۇ.,Tom is hesitant to visit Mary in the hospital.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn سۆيۈش ۋە سۆيۈلۈش ناھايىتى زور خۇشاللىق .,To love and to be loved is the greatest happiness.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn پەرقنى ناھايىتى ئاسان بايقىيالايسەن.,You can see the differences very easily.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn بۇ كىتاب سىزگە تەئەللۇق.,This book belongs to you.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn پەرقنى ناھايىتى ئاسان بايقىيالايسىز.,You can see the difference very easily.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn پەرقنى ناھايىتى ئاسان بايقىيالايسىلەر.,You'll be able to see the difference very easily.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئادەم بەك جىقتۇ.,There were lots of people.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn بۈگۈن بەك ئىسسىق.,Today is very warm.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn قانچىلىك يىراقلىققا كېتىۋاتىمىز؟,How far are we going?,uig_Arab-eng_Latn بىز ئوقۇغۇچى.,We are students.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn Коммунистлар партияси — ишчилар синипиниң авангарди.‎,The Communist Party is the vanguard of the working class.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn پۇتلىرىم يەنىلا ئاغرايدۇ.,My legs still hurt.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۇ ئىككى كۈن بۇرۇن ئالەمدىن ئۆتتى.,She passed away two days ago.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn سەن ئايروپىلان بىلەن ياكى پويىز بىلەن بارىسەن؟,Are you going by air or by train?,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۇ ئەرەبچە يازىدۇ.,He writes Arabic.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ماشىنا دوقىغا كېلىپ ئوڭغا بۇرۇلدى.,The car turned right when it reached the corner.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn پۈتۈن كۈن ئىشلەپ ھاردىم.,I am worn out from working all day.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn توغرا دەيسىز.,You are right.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn مەن قايتىپ كەلدىم! ھوي؟ ئۆيىمىزدە مېھمان بارمۇ؟,I'm back! Oh? Have we got a guest?,uig_Arab-eng_Latn "بىز بىلەن كېلىڭ"" دەيدى"".","He said, ""Come with us.""",uig_Arab-eng_Latn كېتىدىغان كۈنى ئۆي سائەت 11دىن بۇرۇن بىكار قىلىنىشى كېرەك .,Rooms should be left vacant by eleven a.m. on the day of departure.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۇ ئۆزىگە ئەينەكتىن قارىدى.,He looked at him in the mirror.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۇ ئادەم بەك ھۇرۇن، دائىم ئىشخانىسىغا كىرسەملا ئۇ يوق.,"That guy's really lazy. Every time that I go into his office, he's not there.",uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۇخلاشتىن بۇرۇن ئىشىكنىڭ قۇلۇپلانغانلىقىنى جەزىملەشتۈرۈڭ.,Be sure to lock the door before you go to bed.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn مەن دائىم قاباھەتلىك چۈش كۆرىمەن.,I often have nightmares.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ھەممەيلەن ئۆزنىڭ ئىشىنى ئۆزى قىلسۇن.,Let everyone take care of their own affairs.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn مەكتەپتە نېمە ئىش ئۆگەنىسەن؟,What do you learn at school?,uig_Arab-eng_Latn مارىي كېسەل بولىشىغا قارىماي خىزمىتىنى داۋاملۇشتۇرىۋاتىدۇ .,Mary kept on working in spite of her illness.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۇنىڭ پايپاقلىرى سۆسۈن.,His socks are purple.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۇ مۇمكىن ئەمەس .,This is impossible.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۇ تارونىڭ ئاكىسى.,He is Taro's brother.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۇ تارونىڭ ئۇكىسى.,He's Taro's younger brother.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۇنىڭ مېنىڭدىن ئۈچ ھەسسە كۆپ كىتابى بار.,He has three times as many books as I have.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۇ بۇرۇنقىدەك روھلۇق ئەمەس.,He isn't as energetic as he once was.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئەتە ئۆلىمەن، شۇڭا ئۆگۈنلۈك ۋاقتىم يوق.,"I'm going to die tomorrow, and so I won't be free the day after.",uig_Arab-eng_Latn پۇرچاق ئەپەندى نېمىدېگەن يۇمۇرلۇق!,Mr. Bean is so funny!,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۇ نەقەدەر چىرايلىق.,How beautiful she is!,uig_Arab-eng_Latn توم سىزگە ياردەم بېرەلمەيدۇ.,Tom can't help you.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئېھتىمال ئۇ كېلەر.,Perhaps he will come.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn بۇ بەك قىممەت ئىكەن!,It's too expensive!,uig_Arab-eng_Latn بۇ ماشىنىنى رېمونت قىلىش كېرەك.,This car needs repairing.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئەپۇ سورىشىڭ لازىم.,You should apologize.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn توم ماڭا بۇنى قىلدى.,Tom did that for me.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۇلارنى تونۇيمەن.,I know them.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn توم ئۆتكەن يىل ئۆلدى.,Tom died last year.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn بىز كۆپرەك خەۋەرلەرنى خالايمىز.,We want further information.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn بۇ كەچتە ۋاقتىم بار.,I'm free tonight.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئايالىم چىرايلىق ئەمەس، سىزنىڭكى چىرايلىق.,My wife isn't beautiful. Yours is.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn تىياتىرخانانىدا كىمنى كۆردۈڭ؟,Who did you see at the theatre?,uig_Arab-eng_Latn پاچىقىمنى تارتما!,Stop kidding me.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn بىز ئۇنى «سېسىق كۈزەن ئادەم» دەپ ئېتىمىز.,"We call him ""Skunk Man"".",uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۇ كۆپ ئوقۇيدۇ.,He reads a good deal.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn دوستلۇق ھەممىدىن مۇھىم.,There is nothing more important than friendship.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۇ قىزلار پاھىشە.,Those girls are prostitutes.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۇنىڭ بىلەن سۆزلەشمەسلىكىڭىز كېرەك.,You shouldn't talk to him.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn مەن ئالمىنى ياخشى كۆرمەيمەن، ھېچقاندىقىنىڭ ماڭا نىسبەتەن تەمى يوق.,I don't like apples. All of them seem tasteless to me.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn بوب قۇلۇلىنى يېۋىدى، قۇستى.,"Bob ate the snail, then vomited.",uig_Arab-eng_Latn نەچچە پۇل خالايسىز؟,How much money do you want?,uig_Arab-eng_Latn مائاش كارتىڭىزغا مائاشىڭىز ئايمۇ-ئاي ئۇرۇلۇۋاتامدۇ؟,Does your salary get put on your pay card on a monthly basis?,uig_Arab-eng_Latn بۈگۈنكى رادىكالى بەلكى ئەتە كونا سەنەم بولىدۇ.,What's radical today may be cliché tomorrow.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ساڭا ۋەدە بېرىمەن.,I promise you.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn بۈگۈندىن ئېتىبارەن چەكمەيمەن.,I won't smoke from today on.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn توم ھاۋا قانداقلا بولمىسۇن يۈگۈرۈشكە چىقىدۇ.,Tom goes jogging in every kind of weather.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئىتلىرىم ئاق.,My dogs are white.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn سەن قوپال ئەمما ئادىل.,You're tough but fair.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۇ ناشتىدىن بۇرۇن سەيلە قىلدى.,She took a walk before breakfast.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn توم ئايرىلىشنى ئىستىمەيدۇ.,Tom didn't want to quit.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn توم مەندىن چوڭ.,Tom is older than I.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn سالام، جوڭ! سەن قانداقراق؟,"Hello, John! How are you?",uig_Arab-eng_Latn مەن لوندوندا.,I am in London.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn جاۋابىنى ئېلىشنى تۆت كۆز بىلەن كۈتىۋاتىمەن.,I'm looking forward to receiving your reply.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn بۇ ئىش قاچان تۇغۇلدى؟,When did this occur?,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ماشىنا يولنىڭ ئوتتۇرسىدا توختىدى.,The car stopped in the middle of the road.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۇ ئۇنىڭغا ئېھتىيات بىلەن ھەيدەشنى تاپىلىدى.,She urged him to drive carefully.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn خەتتاتلىقنى ئۆگىنىش قىزىق.,Learning calligraphy is fun.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ماڭا ئۇنى بەرمەڭ.,Don't give me that.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئەلۋەتتە سىزگە ياردەم بېرىمەن.,"I will help you, of course.",uig_Arab-eng_Latn توم كۆينىكىنى ئاسقۇغا ئاستى.,Tom put his shirt on a hanger.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۇ پاكىت ئىنكار قىلىنمايدۇ.,That fact can't be denied.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۇ كىتابخانىدىن بىر ئىنگلىزچە كىتاب سېتىۋالدى.,He bought an English book at a bookstore.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn مەن قۇۋۋەتلىك بىر ناشتىلىق قىلدىم.,I ate a nutritious breakfast.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۇ بىر ئاز بۇرۇن كەلگەن.,He had just arrived.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۇنىڭغا ھەركۈنى بىر مەكتۇپ يازىم.,I wrote her a letter every day.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ياشلىق پۇقرالارغا ھۆرمەت قىلىشىڭ كېرەك.,You must respect senior citizens.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۇنىڭ گېپىدە ھېچبىر راستلىق يوق.,There is not a scrap of truth in his words.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn بۇلارنىڭ ھەممىسى يېڭى.,It's brand new.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn بوران-چاپقۇن سەۋەبلىك توكىمىز كېسىلدى.,We lost our electricity because of the storm.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۇ قولىنى بىر پىچاقتا كەستى.,She cut her hand with a knife.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ھوي، ئەپۇ قىلىڭ.,"Oh, I'm really sorry.",uig_Arab-eng_Latn ۋاڭ شىئوڭ، سەن ھازىر نېمە تىجارەت قىلىۋاتىسەن؟,"Mr. Wang, what kind of business are you engaged in?",uig_Arab-eng_Latn بۇ دەريادىكى سۇ ئىنتايىن پاكىز.,The water in this river is very clean.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn بوران-چاپقۇن بىرتوك توختاشنى پەيدا قىلدى.,The storm caused a power outage.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۇ مېنىڭ ئاچچىقىمنى بەك كەلتۈرىدۇ.,He really makes me angry.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۇنىڭ مەندىكىدەك كۆپ ماركىسى بار.,She has about as many stamps as I do.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn بىرئاز چېنىقىشىڭ كېرەك.,You should get some exercise.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ياز كېلىۋىدى، ئىسسىق بەك بولدى.,"Summer came, and it got really hot.",uig_Arab-eng_Latn سەن ئوقۇغۇچىمۇ؟,Are you a student?,uig_Arab-eng_Latn تالاغا چىقىۋىدۇق، ئادىلنى كۆردۇق.,We went outside and saw Adil.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئانام ئاتقا كايىۋاتامدۇ؟,Is Mother scolding the horse?,uig_Arab-eng_Latn بۇ ھايۋان ئۇ ھايۋاندىن چوڭ.,This animal is bigger than that one.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئاللاھ ھەممىدىن ئۇلۇغ!,Allah is the greatest!,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۇ ئۇنىڭ بىلەن چويلا توپ ئوينايتتى.,She used to play tennis with him.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئاپتوبۇس بېكىتىگە بېرىۋىدى، ئاپتۇبۇس ماڭدى.,"He went to the bus stop, and the bus took off.",uig_Arab-eng_Latn توم فرانسۇزچە سۆزلەشتە جىق خاتالىق قىلماي سۆزلىيەلمەيدۇ.,Tom can't speak French without making a lot of mistakes.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۇلار ئاپتوبۇس بېكىتىگە بېرىۋىدى، ئاپتۇبۇس ماڭدى.,"They went to the bus stop, and the bus took off.",uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۇ ئاپتوبۇس بېكىتىگە بېرىۋىدى، ئاپتۇبۇس ماڭدى.,"She went to the bus stop, and the bus took off.",uig_Arab-eng_Latn ھېچكىم كېچىكمىدى.,No one was late.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئارتۇق ئۇخلىدىم.,I slept too much.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئارتۇق ئۇخلىساڭ ئاچ قالىسەن.,"If you oversleep, you'll end up hungry.",uig_Arab-eng_Latn راستىنى بىلسەم ساڭا ئېيتىمەن .,"If I knew the truth, I would tell you.",uig_Arab-eng_Latn سېنىڭ ئورنىڭدا بولغان بولسام ئۇنىڭغا توي تەكلىپى قوياردىم.,"If I were you, I would propose to her.",uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئەتە يامغۇر ياغسا ئۆيدە قالايلى.,"If it rains tomorrow, let's stay home.",uig_Arab-eng_Latn پويىزغا ئۈلگىرەلمىسەك ئاپتوبۇستا بارىمىز .,"If we miss the train, we'll go by bus.",uig_Arab-eng_Latn بەك كۆپ يېسەڭ سەمىرىسەن.,"If you eat too much, you will get fat.",uig_Arab-eng_Latn كىرمەڭ.,Don't come in.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۇنى ئۇچۇرۇپ قويساڭ ھەممە ئىشنى قىلىدۇ.,"If you flatter him, he'll do anything.",uig_Arab-eng_Latn بىر سۇئالىڭ بولسا مەندىن سورا.,"If you have a question, please ask me.",uig_Arab-eng_Latn كۈلۈۋىدىڭىز، مەن خۇشال بولۇپ كەتتىم.,"You smiled and, just like that, I was happy.",uig_Arab-eng_Latn شىمالدا قىشتا ھاۋا سوغۇق.,"In the north, it's cold in the winter.",uig_Arab-eng_Latn يەكشەنبە كۈنى ئىشقا بېرىشىڭنىڭ لازىمى يوق.,You don't have to work on Sundays.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn دوستلىرىڭدىن باشقا بىرەرسى كېلىۋاتامدۇ؟,Is anyone coming besides your friends?,uig_Arab-eng_Latn خام توڭگۇز گۆشى يېيىش سىزگە ھەقىقەتەن زىيانلىقمۇ؟,Is eating raw pork really bad for you?,uig_Arab-eng_Latn سېنى تۇتتۇم.,I've got you.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئېرىم ئەتىگەنلىك تاماق يېگەچ گېزىت كۆرىدۇ.,My husband reads the newspaper while eating breakfast.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn بىز ئەرەنچە ۋە ئايالچە كىيىملەرنى تىكىمىز.,We make men's and women's clothing.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn چاي ئىچىسىز ياكى قەھۋە ئىچىسىز؟,Would you like tea or coffee?,uig_Arab-eng_Latn مەن بىر مېتىر توقسان سان كېلىمەن.,I'm 1.9 meters tall.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn خىزمىتىڭىز قانداق؟,How is your work coming along?,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ھەر قانداق ئەھۋالدىمۇ، مەن ئۇنى ياخشى كۆرمەيمەن.,Either way I don't like him.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn كىتابنى تاپالىدىڭمۇ؟,Were you able to find the book?,uig_Arab-eng_Latn رەخت پۇل ئەمەس، ھۈنەر پۇل.,It's not the cloth that brings the money. It's the craftsmanship.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئەلۋەتتە بارىمەن.,Of course I will go.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn بۇ تارغاقتا چاچلىرىمنى تاراشنى ياقتۇرىمەن.,I like to comb my hair with this comb.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn بولكىخانىدا ئىشلەيدىغان قىز ئوماق.,The girl who works at the bakery is cute.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۇ چاغدا ئوقۇغۇچى ئىدىم.,I was a student at that time.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn مەن ئۇ چاغدا ئوقۇغۇچى ئىدىم.,I was still a student then.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۇ قولياغلىقىنى دېرىزىدىن پۇلاڭلاتقىنىدا نەقەدەر سۆيۈملۈك كۆرۈنىدۇ ھە!,How cute she looked as she waved her handkerchief from the window!,uig_Arab-eng_Latn گىرمانىيە بىر زامانلاردا ئىتالىيە بىلەن ئىتتىپاقىدى.,Germany was once allied with Italy.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn بوستوننىڭ كەپتىرى ھەم سېمىز، ھەم غۇرۇرلۇق.,The pigeons of Boston are fat and proud.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn تىجارەتچىگە ئىشەنمەيمەن.,I don't trust businessmen.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۆزۈڭنىڭ ئىسمىنى قانداق قوشۇپ يازىسەن؟,How do you spell your name?,uig_Arab-eng_Latn قولىڭدىكىنى ماڭا بەر.,Give me what you have in your hand.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn بۇ قۇلاقچا مودىلا بولۇپ قالماي، يەنە ناھايىتى ئىسسىق.,"Not only is this hat in style, but it's really warm as well.",uig_Arab-eng_Latn بەتتى بىر چىرايلىق قىز ئىكەن، شۇنداق ئەمەسمۇ؟,"Betty is a pretty girl, isn't she?",uig_Arab-eng_Latn بېلەت سېتىش ئورنى نەدە؟,Where can you get tickets?,uig_Arab-eng_Latn مەن تەرجىمە قىلىۋاتىمەن.,I am translating.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn سەككىزدىن ئون بىرغىچە ئوقۇيمەن.,I study from eight to eleven.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn شۇ ۋاقتقىچە بىز تلېۋىزور كۆرۈۋاتاتتۇق.,"Up to that time, we were watching TV.",uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئىنگلىز تىلىنى ئۆگىنىمەن.,I study English.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn بالاغا مۇھەببەت لازىم.,A child needs love.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn مەن ئۆيۈمدە ئىنگلىز تىلىنى ئوقۇيمەن.,I study English at home.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۇ جاسۇسلۇقتىن ئەيىبلەندى.,She was suspected of being a spy.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ماڭا ئەمدى نەگە بارىدىغانلىقىمنى دەپ بېرىڭ.,Please tell me where to go next.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn بىرنېمە دېگۈم بار.,I'd like to say something.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn مەن ئىنگلىز تىلىنى مەكتەپتە ئوقۇيمەن.,I study English at school.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۇ قېرىلىقتىن قارشى تۇرالمىدى.,He was too old to resist.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn تىكەنسىز گۈل بولماس.,There is no rose without a thorn.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn تېلېۋېزور كۆرەمسەن؟,Do you watch telly?,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئەنسىرىمىسەڭمۇ بولىدۇ.,You didn't need to hurry.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn توم دەرەختىن سەكىرىدى.,Tom jumped out of the tree.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ھەقىقەتەن مېزىلىك.,This is really delicious.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۇ ماشىنىلىق بوستونغا باردى.,He went to Boston by car.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn بۇ لىنىيەدە ھاۋا رايى سەۋەبلىك ئۈچۈش توختىلىپ قالدى.,Flights on this route have been suspended due to the weather.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۇخلىشىڭ كېرەك.,You should sleep.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn مۈشۈك 20كۈنلۈك بولدى.,The cat is twenty days old.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۇ يەرگە بېرىشىڭنىڭ ھاجىتى يوق.,You don't need to go there.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn بۇ نېمە؟,What is it?,uig_Arab-eng_Latn نېمە بۇ؟,What is this?,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ماڭا ئون يىل بولدى ئاغرىپ قالمىدىم.,I have not been sick for the past ten years.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئاپلىسىندا ۋېتامىن C مول.,Oranges are rich in vitamin C.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn نېمە؟ گېپىڭنى ئاڭلالمايمەن.,What? I can't hear you.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۇ بەك قورقۇنچاق.,He's very timid.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn بۇ ئاغرىتمايدۇ.,It doesn't hurt.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۇ يۈگۈرۈشنى ياقتۇرىدۇ.,She likes running.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn مەن ئۇنى كۆرمىدىم.,I didn't see it.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn مەن تالۇننى تۆلىدىم.,I paid the bill.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn قايسى يىل؟,What year is it?,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۇ ماشىنا ئۇنىڭ.,That car is his.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۆي ئىسسىق.,The room is hot.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn نېمىشقا يىغلىدىڭ؟,Why did you cry?,uig_Arab-eng_Latn مەن ئائىلەمنى يېمەكلىك ۋە كىيىم بىلەن تەمىنلەيمەن.,I am able to provide food and clothes for my family.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئىنگىلىزچە تەس شۇنداقمۇ؟,"English is difficult, isn't it?",uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۇ قىپيالىڭاچ.,He's stark naked.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۇ قىزلاردىن قايسىسىنى ياخشى كۆرىسەن؟,Which of those girls do you like?,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۇ ماڭا ئېسىل بىر سوغات بەردى.,He gave a nice present to me.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn بىز بۇرۇن تونۇشامتۇق؟,Have we met before?,uig_Arab-eng_Latn توم مەكتەپنى ياقتۇرمايدۇ.,Tom doesn't like school.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn تەكلىپ ماقۇللاندى.,The proposal went through.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۇ ئۇنى شاپىلاقلىدى.,She slapped him.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn تومنىڭ مارىي بىلەن ئولتۇرۇشىمىزغا كېلىشى بىزنى ھەيران قالدۇردى.,"To our surprise, Tom came to our party with Mary.",uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۇ ئۇنىڭغا پىچاق تىقتى.,She stabbed him.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn ئۇ ئۇنى باغلىدى.,She tied him up.,uig_Arab-eng_Latn Ми це усвідомлюємо.,We realize that.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ми це розуміємо.,We understand this.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Том ще не певен, чи він піде чи ні.",Tom isn't sure yet whether he'll go or not.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Твоя англійська покращилася.,Your English has gotten better.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Том зрозумів, що попався.",Tom realized he was trapped.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Що знайшов Том?,What's Tom found?,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Коли ти це зрозумів?,When did you realize that?,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Том зрозумів, у чому справа.",Tom realized what was up.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Еволюція — лудильник, а не інженер.",Evolution is a tinkerer and not an engineer.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Він захоплювався моєю новою машиною.,He admired my new car.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я розберуся з цим.,I'll take care of it.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ти це розумієш?,Do you realize that?,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Він виглядає доволі щасливим.,He seems quite happy.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Він виглядав зовсім втомленим.,He looked quite tired.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn У нас різні поляди.,We have different opinions.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Якщо хочеш добре вивчити мову, вивчи її сам.","If you want to learn a language well, learn it by yourself.",ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я дуже хочу піти звідси.,I would very much like to go.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Розв'яжи кубічне рівняння: x³ + 2x² − x − 2 = 0.,Solve this cubic equation: x³ + 2x² − x − 2 = 0.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Писати можна будь-якою мовою. Усі мови на проекті Tatoeba рівні.,"You may write in any language you want. On Tatoeba, all languages are equal.",ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том не довіряє поліції.,Tom doesn't trust the police.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Біль був незносний.,The pain was unbearable.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Це твій колір!,It's your color!,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Я чув, що він помер.",I heard that he'd died.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Чому ти не зателефонувала мені вчора ввечері?,Why didn't you call me last night?,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я додаю вершки до своєї кави.,I put cream in my coffee.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ми її сини.,We are her sons.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Якби мавпи могли говорити, що б вони сказали?","If monkeys could talk, what would they say?",ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я бачила її по телевізору.,I saw her on TV.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я забула написати адресу на конверті.,I forgot to write the address on the envelope.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ми щось знайшли.,We found something.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Минулого тижня я був у лікарні.,I was in the hospital last week.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я цілком згоден.,I quite agree.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я зрозуміло висловлююся?,Do I make myself clear?,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Вам треба було повернути праворуч.,You should've turned right.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Жодне - невірне.,Neither is true.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я вже дуже давно чекаю на Тома.,I've been waiting for Tom for a long time.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я не палю і не п'ю.,I neither smoke nor drink.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Що ти плануєш?,What're you planning?,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ми не запізнилися.,We're not late.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ви будете щасливі.,You'll be happy.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мені потрібні відповіді.,I need answers.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Вони однолітки.,They are the same age.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Не вір цьому.,Don't believe that.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сідайте на переднє сидіння.,Get in the front seat.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Кого Том хотів звільнити?,Who did Tom want to fire?,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Не треба судити за зовнішістю.,You shouldn't judge by appearance.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ви працювали вчора ввечері?,Did you work last night?,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Любов сліпа.,Love is blind.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Кохання сліпе.,Love sees no faults.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Де твоя родина?,Where is your family?,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Це все, що ми знаємо про Тома.",That's all we know about Tom.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn У нас достатньо борошна?,Do we have enough flour?,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я буду на вашому боці.,I'll be at your side.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Том не звинувачує Мері у тому, що вона розізлилася.",Tom doesn't blame Mary for being mad.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Як справи в моєї дружини?,How's my wife doing?,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я все ще займаюся цим щопонеділка.,I still do that every Monday.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Я просто хочу, щоб ти був щасливим.",I just want you to be happy.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ти маєш захищати свою сім'ю.,You have to protect your family.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Зроби ще один крок уперед.,Take another step forward.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Знайди рішення.,Find a solution.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn План працює.,The plan is working.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Нам потрібно більше сміливих воїнів.,We need more brave soldiers.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Нам сподобалося плавати.,We enjoyed swimming.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Обирай бути щасливою.,Choose to be happy.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я відповіла на запитання.,I answered the question.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Цього повинно бути досить.,This should be plenty.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я нікого з них не знаю.,I do not know any of them.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Том сказав мені, що вирішив звільнитися.",Tom told me that he'd decided to quit his job.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn У вас у кімнаті є будильник?,Do you have an alarm clock in your room?,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Том сказав, що він закоханий у Мері.",Tom said he was in love with Mary.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Як ти можеш казати таку дурницю?,How can you say such a foolish thing?,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Це катастрофа.,This is a catastrophe.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я щойно отримав твого листа.,I just received your letter.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том не може сказати ні.,Tom can't say no.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Кожен є митець.,Everyone is an artist.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Вони не можуть замінити тебе.,They can't replace you.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Ви сказали, що маєте теорію.",You said you had a theory.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Це соняхи.,Those are sunflowers.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Слово - срiбло, а мовчання - золото.","Speech is silver, but silence is golden.",ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том лишився позаду.,Tom stayed behind.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Я хочу, щоб ти подзвонив Тому.",I want you to call Tom.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я не можу пити алкоголь.,I can't drink alcohol.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Генерал прийняв участь у заколоті разом зі своєми підлеглими.,The general participated in the plot with his men.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Вони хочуть більше.,They want more.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Думаю, отже існую.","I think, therefore I am.",ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Самі дізнається.,Sami will find out.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том зробив це в останній момент.,Tom did that at the last minute.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Я гадаю, що вiн незабаром повернеться.",I think that he will return soon.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ми помили собаку.,We washed the dog.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn У вас є час.,You have time.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Незважачи на те, що вiн був бiдний, вiн був щасливий.","Even though he was poor, he was happy.",ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ця жiнка гарна.,The woman is beautiful.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Ти хочеш, щоб я відвіз тебе додому?",Do you want me to drive you home?,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я мию майже щодня машину.,I wash my car almost every day.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn У дачників зараз гаряча пора.,Cottagers are in the middle of a busy season.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Це самовиконуване пророцтво.,It's a self-fulfilling prophecy.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я чула про твою вечірку.,I heard about your party.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том насміхався на учителем.,Tom made fun of the teacher.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Учитель насміхався над Томом.,The teacher made fun of Tom.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Шкода, що ти не розповів мені, як це робиться.",I wish you had told me how to do it.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Шкода, що ти не розповіла мені, як це робиться.",I wish you'd told me how to do that.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том та Мері мають три дочки.,Tom and Mary have three daughters.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Гадаю, нам треба лишита Тома у спокої.",I think we should leave Tom alone.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Його дочка — медсестра.,His daughter is a nurse.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Цього не вистачало.,This was missing.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Том має менше друзів, ніж Мері.",Tom has fewer friends than Mary.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Він нам ані слова не сказав.,He did not say a word to us.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Вам краще лишити нас у спокої.,You'd better leave him alone.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том весь ранок провів з Мері.,Tom spent the whole morning with Mary.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том носить шовкові краватки.,Tom wears silk ties.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Моя мрія - стати лікарем.,My dream is to be a doctor.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Я запитав його, що трапилося, але він не захотів розповідати.","I asked her what happened, but she wouldn't tell me.",ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Це твоя доля награбованого.,This is your share of the loot.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я не люблю Тома й не довіряю йому.,I don't like Tom and I don't trust him.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Нам потрібен хтось, щоб доглядати нашу дитину поки нас не буде.",We need someone to keep an eye on our baby while we are away.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я її не цілував. Вона поцілувала мене.,I didn't kiss her. She kissed me.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Наступного року мені буде сімнадцять.,I'll be seventeen next year.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Я сумніваюся, що Том задоволений своєю новою роботою.",I doubt that Tom is happy with his new job.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Він пообіцяв не говорити.,He promised not to tell.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ви добре готуєте?,Are you good at cooking?,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Я хочу, щоб ви залишилися зі мною.",I want you to stay with me.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Дівчина, що говорить із Томом французькою, — це Мері.",The girl speaking French to Tom is Mary.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Нагадай мені, щоб я завтра написав листа.",Please remind me to write a letter tomorrow.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Це занадто складно?,Is that too hard?,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мені це не подобається!,I dislike that!,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Кажуть, що ""Гамлет"" - найцікавіша з усіх будь-коли написаних п'єс.","It is said that ""Hamlet"" is the most interesting play ever written.",ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn В мене немає скарг.,I've got no complaints.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Цей схожий на того.,This one is similar to that one.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Самі переляканий.,Sami is scared.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Він поїхав на вокзал провести свого друга.,He went to the station to see his friend off.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Тепер мій дохід у два рази більший, ніж був два роки тому.",Now my income is twice what it was two years ago.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Відкрий мій подарунок першим.,Open my present first.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn А ви б не хотіли також з нами піти?,"Wouldn't you like to come with us, too?",ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мені дуже шкода твою сестру.,I feel very sorry for your sister.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Лейла вдягнула чорну сукню.,Layla wore a black dress.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Як вони переживуть холодну зиму у цьому наметі?,How will they get through the cold winter in that tent?,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Він страшенно обпікся.,He burned himself badly.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Не знаю, як вам дякувати за вашу доброту.",I can't thank you enough for your kindness.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Будинок не ідеальний, але нормальний.","The house is not ideal, but it's all right.",ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Він вибачився перед нами за своє запізнення.,He apologised to us for being late.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Маленький Джон пердить у класі.,Little Johnny farts in the classroom.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Негарно розмовляти під час концерту.,To talk during a concert is rude.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn В небі сяяли тисячі зірок.,Thousands of stars shone in the heavens.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Він говорив десять хвилин без зупинки.,He spoke for ten minutes without a pause.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тарілка з пластмаси.,The plate is made of plastic.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я вже маю роботу.,I already have a job.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Маємо одягтися.,We have to get dressed.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Їж свої овочі.,Eat your veggies.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "При всьому своєму багатстві, вона має вигляд нещасливої.","For all her wealth, she does not look happy.",ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я потребую щоб він був покараний.,I demand that he be punished.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Я не знаю, чому відклали засідання.",I don't know why the meeting was postponed.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том надмірно емоційний.,Tom is overemotional.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Нам пора йти додому.,It's time for us to go home.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Дуже прошу змінити мою пропозицію.,I beg to modify your proposal.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я вмію водити машину.,I can drive.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мені було досить легко виконати план.,It was quite easy for me to carry the plan out.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Його лекція почалася вчасно.,His lecture started on time.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Він поставив кілька питань про мене.,He asked a few questions of me.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Королева відьом мертва.,The queen of the witches is dead.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Плітка виявилася правдою.,The rumor proved true.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Скільки яєць на кухні?,How many eggs are there in the kitchen?,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Вона багата, а він бідний.",She is rich but he is poor.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Він звик до нового способу життя.,He got accustomed to the new way of living.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ти злий?,Are you angry?,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Чому так багато людей приїздять до Кіото?,Why do so many people visit Kyoto?,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ти сердита?,Are you mad?,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том не має дітей.,Tom doesn't have children.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn У Тома немає дітей.,Tom didn't have any children.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ти сортуєш сміття?,Do you recycle?,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Вони вирішили закрити завод.,They decided to close the factory.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Не можу в це повірити.,I can't believe that.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я ненавиджу цей магазин.,I hate this store.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Яка в них мета?,What's their purpose?,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Двоє - це пара, троє - натовп.","Two is a couple, three is a crowd.",ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Він привітав мене посмішкою.,He greeted me with a smile.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Вона привітала мене посмішкою.,She greeted me with a smile.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Чому б нам не сходити в кіно?,Why don't we go and see a movie?,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ти дуже витончений.,You're very sophisticated.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Він упав на спину.,He fell backward.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Корови дають молоко.,Cows supply milk.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Це сумно, але це правда.","It's sad, but true.",ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Що хочете на Різдво?,What do you want for Christmas?,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том дозволив поліції обшукати свій будинок.,Tom allowed the police to search his home.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Коти люблять коробки.,Cats like boxes.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я бачу закономірність.,I see a pattern.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Він їздить до офісу на машині.,He goes to the office by car.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ти не міг би мені дати адресу Тома?,Would you give me Tom's address?,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Має бути інший спосіб.,There must be another way.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ти готовий їсти?,Are you ready to eat?,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Можливо, ти маєш рацію щодо цього.",You may be right about that.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Я не знаю, як відповісти на це запитання.",I don't know how to reply to that question.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Нам подобаються оповідання.,We like stories.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я почувався безпомічним.,I felt powerless.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мені треба поспати.,I need sleep.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Вона продала йому свою машину.,She sold him her car.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Недбале водіння є причиною нещасних випадків.,Careless driving causes accidents.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn П'єш?,Are you drinking?,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я співала дві години.,I sang for two hours.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Це курча.,That's the meat of a hen.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я випадково взяв твою парасольку.,I took your umbrella by mistake.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn В Бразилії багато великих міст.,There are a lot of big cities in Brazil.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ти здаєшся сильним.,You look strong.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Думаєш, я не знаю, що відбувається?",Do you think I don't know what's going on?,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Вона молода і ""зелена"".",She is young and immature.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я не можу тобі розповісти всього.,I can't tell you everything.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мені потрібно купити нові лижі.,I need to buy new skis.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Я не такий, як ти.",I'm not like you.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Моє коліно кровоточить.,My knee is bleeding.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Батько мене вб'є.,My father will kill me.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Він здався їй симпатичним.,She found him handsome.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ми маємо важко працювати.,We must work hard.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Їзжай зі мною до Бостона.,Come with me to Boston.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я очікую листа від неї.,I'm expecting a letter from her.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том не хотів цього.,Tom didn't want it.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Я знаю, що це важливо.",I know that this is important.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Музика була відмінною.,The music was excellent.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Це і є моя відповідь.,That's my answer.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ти хочеш їх врятувати?,Do you want to save them?,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Я уяви не маю, як виглядає Том.",I have no idea what Tom looks like.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Ти зробиш це як тільки зможеш, так?","You'll do that as soon as you can, won't you?",ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ти для мене трохи замолодий.,You're a little too young for me.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я зв'язалася з батьками.,I contacted my parents.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Що сталося на зустрічі?,What happened in the meeting?,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Це був такий шок.,It was such a shock.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Який же я дурень.,I'm such a fool.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Чия це фотографія?,Whose photo is this?,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ви такий боягуз.,You're such a coward.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я такий боягуз.,I'm such a chicken.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ти такий лицемір.,You're such a hypocrite.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мені потрібно тобі щось сказати.,I have something I want to say to you.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Це не така вже й добра ідея.,That's not such a good idea.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Том заробляє більше грошей за годину, ніж я за тиждень.",Tom earns more money per hour than I do per week.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Я не певен, що це така вже й добра ідея.",I'm not so sure this is such a good idea.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Яка температура?,What's the temperature?,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Коли скінчилася війна?,When did the war end?,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Смерть Самі не була нещасним випадком.,Sami's death was no accident.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Том не сором'язливий, а Мері сором'язлива.","Tom isn't shy, but Mary is.",ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Він подарує книжку своєму вчителю.,He will present a book to his teacher.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Я все ще думаю, що Том не має рації.",I still think Tom is wrong.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Я підозрюю, що Том не має рації.",I suspect Tom is wrong.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Підозрюю, що Том не має рації.",I suspect that Tom is wrong.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Це диво!,It's a miracle!,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Можливо, я знову це зроблю.",I may do that again.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я лише вчуся водити.,I'm just learning how to drive.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ми у відпустці.,We're on vacation.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тихіше. Том ще спить.,Be quiet. Tom is still sleeping.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Заможна родина побудувала ще один великий будинок.,The wealthy family built another large house.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Усі були дуже голодні.,Everyone was so hungry.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том не був до цього готовий.,Tom wasn't ready for it.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ми ненавидимо оперу.,We hate opera.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том виграв гру.,Tom won the game.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Я кохаю тебе, люба сестро.","I love you, dear sister.",ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том нікуди не йде.,Tom isn't going anywhere.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Добро робіть тим, хто ненавидить вас.",Do good to those who hate you.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том натиснув на паузу.,Tom pressed the pause button.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Том сказав, що сподівається, що ви будете на вечірці.",Tom said he hopes you'll be at the party.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ви б це купили?,Would you buy that?,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Я певен, що немає потреби боятися.",I'm sure there's no need to be afraid.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Що Том зробив не так?,What did Tom do wrong?,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Я не хочу, щоб Том помирав.",I don't want Tom to die.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ми не збираємося говорити про роботу.,We don’t mean to talk shop.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ти божевільна жінка.,You're a crazy woman.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ви божевільна.,You are crazy.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Навчайся тут.,Please study here.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Солдат дав менi води.,The soldier gave water to me.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Безглуздicть - це бездiяльнiсть iнтелекту.,Stupidity is the relaxation of intelligence.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Посмiхнись зараз, поплачеш потiм!","Smile now, cry later!",ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Війна скінчилася.,The war ended.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ти любиш французьку?,Do you like French?,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Вона зазвичай носить джинси.,She usually wears jeans.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ти схуд?,Did you lose weight?,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ти схудла?,Have you lost weight?,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Вони провели весь день на пляжі.,They spent the entire day on the beach.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я приготую сашiмi на обiд.,I'll prepare sashimi for dinner.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Скажіть Тому, що я йому передзвоню.",Tell Tom that I'll call him back.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Хто тебе пам'ятатиме?,Who will remember you?,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Не переймайтесь.,Don't sweat it.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Він не американець.,He isn't an American.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Хіба це не божевілля?,Isn't that crazy?,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Часи змінюються.,Times are changing.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я більше так жити не можу.,I can't live this way anymore.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ми зловили його на гарячому.,We caught him red-handed.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Вважатиму це компліментом.,I'll take that as a compliment.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ти мусиш планувати.,You have to plan.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Який ти великий!,How big you are!,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Твій лікар каже, що у тебе все буде добре.",Your doctor says you're going to be OK.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Не запізнися на автобус.,Don't miss the bus.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Цiни залежать вiд попиту та пропозицiї.,Prices depend on supply and demand.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Я певен, що Том зможе це зробити.",I'm sure Tom will be able to do that.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Я певна, що Том зможе це зробити.",I'm sure that Tom will be able to do that.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я не здала на права.,I failed the driving test.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я взяв трохи грошей зі свого гаманця і дав їх Тому.,I took some money out of my wallet and gave it to Tom.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Яблуко червоне?,Is the apple red?,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Том виглядав розчарованим, коли Мері йому сказала, що не піде з ним танцювати.",Tom looked disappointed when Mary told him that she wouldn't go to the dance with him.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Він став національним героєм.,He became a national hero.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Вiн зовсiм не дивиться телевiзор.,He doesn't watch TV at all.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сьогодні хмарно.,It is cloudy today.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Не думаю, що мені сьогодні потрібне пальто.",I don't think I need a coat today.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Мені цікаво, чи Том із Мері планували це зробити.",I wonder if Tom and Mary were planning on doing that.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Сьогодні середа.,It is Wednesday.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Я думаю, я сіла не у той автобус.",I think I'm on the wrong bus.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том рідко ставить на уроці питання.,Tom seldom asks questions in class.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Кожного ранку вiн ходить у парк.,He goes to the park every morning.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Як часто ти ходиш у кіно?,How often do you go to movies?,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Том би приїхав із нами до Бостона, якби міг.",Tom would've come to Boston with us if he could have.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Дамо Тому ще трохи часу.,Let's give Tom a little more time.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Корови пасуться на лугу.,Cows are eating grass in the meadow.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Де його родина?,Where is his family?,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Де її родина?,Where is her family?,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Твоя відповідь на запитання невірна.,Your answer to the question is not correct.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Вiн - не божевiльний.,He is not mad.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том тебе там зустріне.,Tom will meet you there.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Дай мені інший приклад.,Show me another example.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Том сказав мені, що Мері не виграла.",Tom told me Mary didn't win.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Які маєте плани на Різдво?,What are your plans for Christmas?,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Подумай про це, будь ласка.",Please think about it.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я щойно встав.,I just got up.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Не розмовляйте в читальнi.,Don't talk in the reading room.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Я знаю одну особу, що добре говорить російською.",I know a man who can speak Russian well.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я сподівався уникнути цієї проблеми.,I'd hoped to avoid this problem.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Коли я виросту, я стану пілотом. А ким будеш ти?","When I grow up, I'll be a pilot. And what will you be?",ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Діти святкують день народження цього хлопчика.,The children are celebrating the boy's birthday.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Що з нею сталося?,Whatever happened to her?,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Цей проект з самого початку був помилкою.,The undertaking was a failure from the beginning.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Голандська мова близькоспоріднена з німецькою.,Dutch is closely related to German.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Вона важить набагато більше, ніж він.",She's much heavier than him.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Вести машину — це весело.,It is a lot of fun to drive a car.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Іудеї, християни та мусульмани єдині в тому, що Єрусалим — святе місто.","Jews, Christians and Muslims agree that Jerusalem is a holy city.",ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn У мене тут сильний біль.,I have a bad pain here.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мері мене ненавидить?,Does Mary hate me?,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я вчора прочитав дуже цікаве оповідання.,"Yesterday, I read a really interesting story.",ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "І я, і Том хочемо поїхати до Бостона.",Both Tom and I want to go to Boston.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Австралія — одна з націкавіших країн, у яких я коли-небудь бував.",Australia is one of the most interesting countries I've ever visited.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Скільки років вашому синові?,How old's your son?,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Я знаю, де це.",I know where that is.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Це не дуже смішно.,That's not very funny.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Це не дуже кумедно.,It's not very fun.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мері зібрала валізу.,Mary packed her suitcase.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Не дозволяй собаці спати у нашому ліжку.,Don't let the dog sleep in our bed.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Грошей у нього більш ніж достатньо.,He has more than enough money.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Гадаю, це правда.",I think that's right.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Дуже вам дякую за гостинність.,Thank you very much for your hospitality.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Почеши мені спину.,Scratch my back.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Це коштуватиме триста доларів.,That'll cost three hundred bucks.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Банк працює?,Is the bank open?,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Зачекаймо тут.,Let's wait here.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Що вони хотіли?,What did they want?,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Кого поцілував Том?,Who did Tom kiss?,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Хм, це не зовсім так.","Well, that's not quite true.",ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Ми такі раді, що ти тут.",We're so happy you're here.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я прочитав цю історію у книжці.,I read the story in a book.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Зал судових засідань був переповнений.,The courtroom was packed.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мене не проінформували.,I wasn't informed.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Том знає, хто ти такий.",Tom knows who you are.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Я так розумію, ти його знаєш.",I take it you know him.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn На чому ми зупинилися?,Where were we?,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мері зняла сережки.,Mary took her earrings off.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Я чув, як вона ввійшла.",I heard her come in.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Це наша позиція.,That's our position.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Це село належить королю Швеції.,This village belongs to the king of Sweden.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Не кажи моїй начальниці.,Don't tell my boss.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Хто призначив тебе головним?,Who put you in charge?,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Який ваш сімейний стан?,What's your marital status?,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Це твої гроші?,Is this your money?,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Лейла палила цигарку на балконі.,Layla was smoking a cigarette on the balcony.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ви добрий кухар.,You are a good cook.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ти добре готуєш.,You're a good cook.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Я думав, що це правда.",I thought it was true.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Я думала, що це правда.",I thought that it was true.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn У тебе є англійський словник?,Do you have an English dictionary?,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Журналіст був викрадений терористами.,The journalist was kidnapped by terrorists.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Це був тріумф!,This was a triumph!,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn У Тома є машина.,Tom owns a car.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я хотів би з нею одружитися.,I want to marry her.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn У мене гострий ніж.,My knife is sharp.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Що вони роблять для святкування її дня народження?,What are they doing to celebrate her birthday?,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Він асоціальний.,He is antisocial.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я знаю власника.,I know the owner.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том любив своїх дітей.,Tom loved his children.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Він кинув камінь у великого собаку.,He threw a stone at the big dog.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Якщо ти розумієш, зроби це належним чином.","If you understand, then do it properly.",ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Навіть дитина може це зробити.,Even a child can do that.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Я пам'ятаю, що десь її вже бачив.",I remember having seen her some place.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Чий це ліхтарик?,Whose flashlight is this?,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Побігли до автобусної зупинки.,Let's run to the bus stop.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я покажу тобі свою нову машину.,I'll show you my new car.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я покажу вам свою нову машину.,I'm going to show you my new car.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Ти не вмієш плавати, чи не так?","You are not able to swim, are you?",ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Ви не вмієте плавати, чи не так?","You can't swim, can you?",ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том відкоркував вино.,Tom uncorked the wine.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Вона вже спить.,She is already sleeping.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Кен - футболіст.,Ken is a football player.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Загублена кішка ще не була знайдена.,The missing cat has not been found yet.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Я думала, він мене кохає.",I thought he loved me.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Я думав, вона мене кохає.",I thought she loved me.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я хотів би бути таким як він.,I wish I was like him.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Ти знаєш, коли Том це зробить?",Do you know when Tom will do that?,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Чи я можу скористатися своєю кредитною карткою?,Can I use my credit card?,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Це твій будинок.,This is your house.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Це ваш будинок.,This is their house.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Як на мене, вони всі схожі.",They are all alike to me.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Скільки людей, на вашу думку, ми повинні запросити на нашу вечірку?",How many people do you think we should invite to our party?,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Я радий, що ти відповів.",I'm glad you replied.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Вони не зелені.,They're not green.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том на десять фунтів важчий від Джека.,Tom is heavier than Jack by ten pounds.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я мав би її впізнати.,I should've recognized her.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Вони кохають одне одного.,They love each other.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Він купив нам хороші книжки.,He bought us nice books.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я мушу нагадати тобі про твою обіцянку.,I must remind you about your promise.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том і Мері їдять стейк двічі або тричі на тиждень.,Tom and Mary eat steak two or three times a week.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ти мене розчарував.,You disappointed me.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том не буде втомлений.,Tom won't be tired.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "На жаль, сталася помилка.","Unfortunately, an error has occurred.",ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я тричі була у Бостоні.,I've visited Boston three times.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я з понеділка не бачив Тома.,I haven't seen Tom since Monday.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тома не було в Бостоні з минулого жовтня.,Tom has been in Boston since last October.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Зачекаймо поки Том сюди доїде.,Let's wait till Tom gets here.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Том уміє грати на гітарі, а я ні.","Tom can play the guitar, but I can't.",ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тобі дуже пощастило.,You were really lucky.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ти робив щось цікавого минулого тижня?,Did you do anything interesting last week?,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том часто їздить до школи на велосипеді.,Tom often rides his bicycle to school.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том представився французькою.,Tom introduced himself in French.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Під стільцем нічого немає.,There's nothing under the chair.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Це ти випік пиріг?,Are you the one who baked this cake?,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Зачини двері, будь ласка.","Will you shut the door, please?",ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Зачиніть двері, будь ласка.","Will you close the door, please?",ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Не думаю, що завтра буде спекотно.",I don't think it'll be hot tomorrow.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том не робитиме цього завтра.,Tom isn't going to do that today.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я падала.,I was falling.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Том ось там, він розмовляє з одним зі своїх друзів.",Tom is over there talking with one of his friends.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том завжди йде останнім.,Tom is always the last one to leave.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Том, здається, не отримує задоволення від вечірки.",Tom doesn't seem to be enjoying the party.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Як ти борешся з творчою кризою?,How do you deal with writer's block?,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тато відвів мене з братами до зоопарку минулої суботи.,My father took my brothers and I to the zoo last Saturday.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я не дивився телевізор вчора ввечері.,I didn't watch TV last night.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Твоя мама прибирає в кімнаті замість тебе?,Does your mother clean your room for you?,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я знаю он того чоловіка.,I know that man over there.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn У нас багато дощить у червні та липні.,We have a lot of rain in June and July.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я не ходжу до школи пішки.,I don't walk to school.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я не граю в теніс.,I don't play tennis.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я ніколи раніше не грав у цю гру.,I've never played this game before.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Що я можу для вас зробити, пане?","What can I do for you, sir?",ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Не кажи Тому, скільки мені років.",Don't tell Tom how old I am.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том та Мері — родичі.,Tom and Mary are related.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я займуся цим завтра.,I'll deal with it tomorrow.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Де ти жив, коли тобі було тринадцять років?",Where were you living when you were thirteen years old?,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ми живемо на четвертому поверсі.,We live on the third floor.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Що Тому потрібно купити?,What does Tom need to buy?,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Де найближчий банк?,Where is the nearest bank?,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Що нам потрібно купити?,What do we need to buy?,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Хто зробить оголошення?,Who's going to make the announcement?,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Чого хоче кіт?,What does the cat want?,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Що трапиться тут сьогодні вдень?,What's going to happen here this afternoon?,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я хочу ще раз туди сходити.,I want to go there once more.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Що тобі потрібно зробити?,What do you need to do?,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ближче до справи.,Get to the point.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Що потрібно зробити Тому?,What does Tom need to do?,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я хочу щось почитати.,I want something to read.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Що має зробити Том?,What does Tom have to do?,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Чому Том запізнився?,Why was Tom late?,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Не хочеш морозива?,Would you like some ice cream?,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ти знаєш доброго стоматолога?,Do you know a good dentist?,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Чому б тобі не дозволити Тому це зробити?,Why don't you let Tom do that?,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Я зробила би це, якби ви мене не зупинили.",I would have gone through with it if you hadn't stopped me.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Чому б тобі не дозволити Тому це для тебе зробити?,Why don't you let Tom do that for you?,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Де твої діти?,Where are your children?,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Де ваші діти?,Where are your kids?,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Було б чудово, якби ви могли нам допомогти.",It would be great if you could help us.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Коли найкращий час для того, щоб відвідати Бостон?",When is the best time to visit Boston?,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Ось будинок, де я виріс.",This is the house where I grew up.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Мені здається, Том зробив помилку.",I think Tom has made a mistake.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Я думаю, Том помилився.",I think that Tom has made a mistake.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Он та синя машина — це та, що я взяв напрокат.",That blue car over there is the one I rented.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Ти певен, що це не було просто випадковістю?",Are you sure it wasn't just an accident?,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn У мене жахливе похмілля.,I have a terrible hangover.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Дощ іде з вівторка.,It has been raining since Tuesday.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том та Мері роблять багато чого разом.,Tom and Mary do lots of things together.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Яка мета твоєї поїздки?,What's the purpose of your trip?,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Он той хлопець там — це Том.,The guy over there is Tom.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Он той чоловік он там — це Том.,The man over there is Tom.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ви колись фарбували волосся?,Have you ever dyed your hair?,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Англійська — міжнародна мова.,English is an international language.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Що так розлютило Тома?,What made Tom so angry?,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Як високо ти можеш підстрибнути?,How high can you jump?,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ми це зробимо?,Are we going to do that?,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Том відчув, що щось було не так.",Tom sensed that something wasn't right.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Том, здавалося, знав, що робити.",Tom seemed to know what to do.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Том повернувся до Бостона, щоб бути разом із Мері.",Tom returned to Boston to be with Mary.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я працюю в школі.,I work at school.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том посадив три дерева у себе в саду.,Tom planted three trees in his backyard.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я віддав їй її словник.,I gave her her dictionary back.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том зробив селфі на надіслав її Мері.,Tom took a selfie and sent it to Mary.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Мій контракт, імовірно, не буде продовжено.",My contract probably won't be renewed.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том взяв ніж із руки Мері.,Tom took the knife out of Mary's hand.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Вони сказали мені, що не хочуть, щоб я був тут.",They told me they didn't want me here.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Для мене велика честь, що мене попрохали прийняти участь.",I'm honored to be asked to participate.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Що ти вчора робив?,What did you do yesterday?,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Усі в місті знають, хто такий Том.",Everybody in town knows who Tom is.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Більшу частину роботи вже зроблено.,Most of the work has already been done.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том — некерована дитина.,Tom is an unmanageable child.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Вам слід вчитися старанніше.,You should study harder.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Ввімкніть світло, будь ласка.","Turn on the light, please.",ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Коли ти зайнятий?,When are you busy?,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Коли в нього проблеми, він завжди звертається до своєї сестри за допомогою.","When he is in trouble, he always turns to his sister for help.",ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Якщо ви не будете їсти, ви помрете.","If you don't eat, you'll die.",ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Я знаю, що робити.",I know what to do.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Скільки в цьому класі хлопців?,How many boys are in this class?,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ти мала рацію щодо Тома.,You were right about Tom.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мері ніколи не миє свою машину.,Mary never washes her car.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Я вирішив сказати Тому, що мені потрібно зробити.",I've decided to tell Tom what I need to do.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Є лише одна правда!,There is only one truth!,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Я думаю, краще ще попереду.",I think the best is yet to come.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "В інтернеті ніхто не знає, що ти кіт.","On the internet, nobody knows you're a cat.",ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Не займайся зі мною.,Don't get me started.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Ну ж бо, поговорімо про квіти.","Come on, let us talk about flowers.",ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Білка їсть піцу.,The squirrel is eating pizza.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том не вміє дуже добре писати.,Tom can't write very well.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Це чудова пропозиція.,This is an amazing offer.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Том має більше грошей, ніж я.",Tom has more money than I do.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ніхто не перекладає мої речення.,No one translates my phrases.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn До Різдва лишилося лише три тижні.,Christmas is just three weeks away.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Телевізор працював усю ніч.,The TV set worked all night.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том не це мав на увазі.,That's not what Tom meant.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ти мав сказати нам правду.,You should've told us the truth.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я не телефонуватиму Тому.,I'm not calling Tom.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я обожнюю своїх батьків.,I love my parents.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я виступаю проти податків на нерухомість.,I oppose property taxes.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ця кава гірка на смак.,This coffee tastes bitter.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Хто це з тобою зробив?,Who did that to you?,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Пан Джексон викладає нам французьку.,Mr. Jackson teaches us French.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Навіть не сподівайся на це.,Don't hold your breath.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том не грає в гольф.,Tom does not play golf.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том вимкнув свій комп'ютер.,Tom shut down his computer.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том не канадієць.,Tom isn't a Canadian.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мої батьки мене вб'ють!,My parents are going to kill me!,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Як називається твоя страхова компанія?,What's the name of your insurance company?,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Лейла приготувалася до смерті.,Layla prepared herself to die.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Я радий бути тут, Томе.","I'm happy to be here, Tom.",ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Вони продовжили працювати.,They continued working.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я не хочу зіпсувати сюрприз.,I don't want to spoil the surprise.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Це найдорожчі туфлі, які я коли-небудь бачила.",Those are the most expensive shoes I've ever seen.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ми їмо ротом.,We eat with our mouths.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мері — наймиліша дівчинка у класі.,Mary is the cutest girl in the class.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "О так, ми обожнюємо комп'ютеризований голос!","Oh yes, we love the computer voice!",ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Вона поїхала додому.,She went home.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Акумулятори сіли.,The batteries are dead.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Вона підзакохалася у Джастіна Трудо.,She has a crush on Justin Trudeau.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Він підзакохався у Джастіна Трудо.,He has a crush on Justin Trudeau.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том заплющив очі та заснув.,Tom closed his eyes and went to sleep.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мені подобається інструментальна музика.,I like instrumental music.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ненавиджу таких як він поліцейських.,I hate cops like him.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Що сталося з Томом?,What happened to Tom?,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Що трапилося з Томом?,What has happened to Tom?,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Навіщо мені їхати до Бостона?,Why should I visit Boston?,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том не стримав слова.,Tom broke his word.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мені потрібно це зробити до завтра.,I have to do that by tomorrow.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я п'ю воду.,I'm drinking water.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том добрий друг.,Tom is a good friend.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Кіт на стільці чи під ним?,Is the cat on the chair or under the chair?,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Це мій кінь.,It's my horse.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Хочеш щось з'їсти?,Do you want to eat something?,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я сумуватиму за вами всіма.,I will miss you all.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Вони зруйнували мені життя.,They ruined my life.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ненавиджу французьку.,I hate French.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Обережно! Там велика яма.,Watch out! There's a big hole there.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Вікна відчинені.,The windows are open.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Я знав, що нам слід було поїхати до Бостона.",I knew we should've gone to Boston.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Марс має два супутники.,Mars has two moons.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Я знала, що нам слід було поїхати до Бостона.",I knew we should have gone to Boston.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Том каже, що може спілкуватися з мертвими.",Tom says that he is able to communicate with the dead.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Помираючий зробив спробу щось сказати, але не зміг.","The dying man made an effort to say something, but could not.",ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Якщо купиш мені морозива, я тебе поцілую.","If you buy me an ice cream, I'll give you a kiss.",ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Дощ припинився.,The rain stopped.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Джексони просто зникли.,The Jacksons just disappeared.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Я зроблю все, що зможу.",I'll do my best.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Одна з моїх мрій — вивчити ісландську.,One of my dreams is to learn Icelandic.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Вона замовкла.,She stopped talking.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Цей будинок було побудовано у 1870.,This house was built in 1870.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Я не хочу, щоб мене бачили, як я розмовляю з Томом.",I didn't want to be seen talking to Tom.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Вікно ось тут.,The window is here.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "У мене таке враження, що я вже тебе знаю.",I have the impression that I already know you.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Релігія помирає десятиліття за десятиліттям. На це знадобиться багато часу, але довга дуга історії вказує у правильному напрямку.",Religion is dying from decade to decade. It will take a while but the long arc of history is pointing in the right direction.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Том у рукавицях, так?","Tom is wearing gloves, isn't he?",ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Не чіпай нічого, добре?","Don't touch anything, OK?",ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Вона заспівала.,She began to sing.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn У мене є плани на вечір понеділка.,I have plans for Monday night.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том має айфон.,Tom has an iPhone.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ти заслуговуєш на більше.,You deserve more.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ти говорила французькою?,Were you speaking French?,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Том хотів, щоб Мері висловила йому свою думку.",Tom wanted Mary to tell him her opinion.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ти це серйозно?,Are you being serious?,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Зіграй мені Шопена.,Play Chopin for me.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Він любить грати в футбол.,He likes to play football.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn У тебе бруд під нігтями.,You have dirt under your fingernails.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Вона любить ходити на танці з друзями.,She likes to go to dance with her friends.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я втомлений від довгої прогулянки.,I am tired from a long walk.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn У вас гарні очі.,You have beautiful eyes.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Треба виконати цей план.,We must carry out that plan.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Не переймайся. Кожен може помилитися.,Never mind. Anyone can make mistakes.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Маюко багато читає.,Mayuko reads a good deal.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "На нового президента можна покластися, чи не так?","The new president can be relied upon, can't he?",ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Картонні коробки легко рвуться.,Cardboard boxes rip easily.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я з Колумбії.,I'm from Colombia.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том здається мудрим.,Tom appears to be wise.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мені сподобалося плавати в річці.,I enjoyed swimming in the river.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Колумб відкрив Америку в 1492 році.,Columbus discovered America in 1492.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Можливо, Джейн зараз немає вдома.",Jane may not be at home now.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Де в тебе болить?,Where do you have pain?,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Де у вас болить?,Where does it hurt?,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn """У чому справа?"" - запитав маленький білий кролик.","""What's the matter?"" asked the little white rabbit.",ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Це дуже добре кіно.,It really is a good movie.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Мій брат такий саме великий, як і я.",My brother is as large as I.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Концерт розпочнеться о 2:30.,The concert will start at 2:30.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn У пляшці лишилася салатна олія?,Is there any salad oil in the bottle?,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Не забудь зателефонувати Люку.,Don't forget to call Luc.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Ми поїхали на станцію, щоб проводити її.",We went to the station to see her off.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Завіса піднялася.,The curtain rose.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Як правило, він бреше.",He tends to lie.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Вчора він не приходив додому.,He didn't go home yesterday.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Максимус - рятівник Риму.,Maximus is the savior of Rome.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Що мені потрібно робити, щоб зекономити час?",What should I do in order to save time?,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn У Тома трохи інший підхід.,Tom's approach is somewhat different.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Вибач за запізнення.,Forgive me for being late.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Том сказав мені, що Мері зацікавлена.",Tom told me Mary was interested.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мені подобається цей фільм.,I liked that movie.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Якби я мав час, я би це зробив.","If I'd had the time, I would have done that.",ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том відрубав ногу Мері іржавим мачете.,Tom hacked Mary's leg off with a rusty machete.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn У нього нема роботи. Вiн - пенсiонер.,He doesn't have a job. He's retired.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Він любить співати у ванній.,He likes to sing in the bathtub.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Його посадили до в'язниці.,He was put in prison.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Вона молода студентка.,She is a young student.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Як я можу бути роботом? Роботи не мріють.,How could I be a robot? Robots don't dream.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Це лише показує, що ти не робот.",It only shows you're not a robot.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Що ти, в біса, робиш?",What the hell are you doing?,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Робот може виконати більше роботи, ніж людина.",A robot can do more work than a man can.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Колись я любив котів.,I used to be a cat lover.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Рухи цього робота незграбні.,The movements of this robot are awkward.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Том вважає, що його життя в небезпеці.",Tom believes his life is in danger.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мого робота звати Мульті.,My robot's name is Multi.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Запишіть це на мій рахунок.,Charge this to my account.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Будь ласка, запишіть це на мій рахунок.",Please charge this to my account.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я тут головний.,I am in charge here.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я тут за старшого.,I'm in charge here.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Мій робот готуватиме їжу, прибиратиме, митиме посуд на виконуватиме іншу домашню роботу.","My robot will prepare meals, clean, wash dishes, and perform other household tasks.",ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Вона трохи ревнива.,She's a bit jealous.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Він, так би мовити, людина-робот.","He is, so to speak, a human robot.",ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Він створив робота.,He made a robot.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ха-ха.... Вона не людина. Вона робот; а-н-д-р-о-ї-д.,Ha-ha ... She isn't human. She's a robot; A-n-d-r-o-i-d.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Андроїд - вид робота.,An android is a kind of robot.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Всі андроїди - роботи.,All androids are robots.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Кожен андроїд - робот.,Every android is a robot.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я теж щасливий.,"I'm happy, too.",ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Він такий самий як людина. У робота навіть руки теплі.,It's just like a human. Even the hands of the robot are warm.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Роботів використовують для виробництва автомобілів.,Robots are used to manufacture cars.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Робот вийшов з-під контроля.,The robot went out of control.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мого робота звати Маручі.,My robot's name is Maruchi.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Твоє ім'я? - Робот.,Your name? - Robot.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Поговорімо про Джексонів.,Let's talk about the Jacksons.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Припини їсти це лайно.,Stop eating that crap.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Пограймо в бейсбол!,Let's play baseball!,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Уряд пригнічував народ.,The government oppressed the people.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Яка була твоя спеціалізація в університеті?,What was your major in college?,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Що ти хочеш мати?,What do you want to have?,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Мері, ти мене кохаєш?","Mary, do you love me?",ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я бачу пана та пані.,I see a gentleman and a lady.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мій кіт виглядає сумним.,My cat looks sad.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ми будемо спостерігати за тобою.,We'll be watching you.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Я спіймав його, коли він крав груші в саду.",I caught him stealing pears in the orchard.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я напишу Джуді листа.,I will write Judy a letter.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Хіба ти не знав, що Том обожнює піцу?",Didn't you know Tom loves pizza?,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Сьогодні вдень, можливо, дощитиме.",It may rain this afternoon.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тобі потрібно протрезвіти.,You need to sober up.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Він спав у ліжку.,He was asleep in the bed.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Його віщування справдилося.,His predictions have come true.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Чоловіки жадібні.,Men are greedy.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Кохання - це лише ліричний способ називати хтивість.,Love is merely a lyrical way of referring to lust.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn У дві тисячі третьому Джексони були одружені.,The Jacksons were married in 2003.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Думка Дена має значення.,Dan's opinion counts.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ви його мати?,Are you his mother?,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я живу в Бостоні вже багато років.,I've lived in Boston for many years.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Хіба ти не хочеш закохатися знову?,Don't you want to be in love again?,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Я не пішов на вечірку, бо захворів.",I didn't go to the party because I was sick.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Вони умовили мене залишитися на довше.,They talked me into staying a little longer.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Це трапилося абсолютно випадково.,It happened completely by accident.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn У нього були блакитні очі.,He had blue eyes.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Він запитав мене, чи люблю я математику.",He asked me whether I like math.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Я подумав, що піду на риболовлю.",I thought I'd go fishing.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn У мене є книга про риболовлю.,I have a book about fishing.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Я думаю, ти зайшов занадто далеко.",I think you've gone too far.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я розберуся з цим завтра.,I will deal with it tomorrow.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том виніс сміття.,Tom took out the garbage.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Їй подобалося говорити про себе.,She was fond of talking about herself.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn У багатьох країн є проблеми з бідністю.,Many countries have problems with poverty.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Багато людей втратили свої домівки після землетрусу.,Many people lost their homes after the earthquake.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мені нема чого одягнути.,I don't have a thing to wear.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я хотів би зробити більше.,I would like to do more.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я хотів би залишитися один на пару годин.,I wish to stay alone for a couple of hours.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Можеш відповісти на це питання?,Can you answer this question?,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn У мене є погані новини.,I have bad news.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn У мене є погана новина.,I've got bad news.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Обидві дівчинки мають блакитні очі.,Both girls have blue eyes.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Відкрийте свої підручники на сторінці 50.,Open your texts to page 50.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Він дійсно це сказав.,He did say so.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я можу порекомендувати тобі цю книжку.,I can recommend this book to you.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Том, можливо, не робив цього.",Tom may not have done that.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Це книга Тоні.,This book is Tony's.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Хто тобі сказав, що я не в порядку?",Who told you that I wasn't well?,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том упав зі свого велосипеда.,Tom fell off his bicycle.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я впевнений у її успіху.,I am sure of her success.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Увага, будь ласка.",Please pay attention.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Я проводив час, прогулюючись вулицями.",I spent my time strolling about the streets.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Вона ходить за своїм братом, куди б він не пішов.",She follows her brother wherever he goes.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Будинок невеликий, але нам вистачає.","The house is small, but it's enough for us.",ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Це лист, написаний паном Брауном.",This is the letter written by Mr. Brown.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Обережно, двері зачиняються!","Caution, the doors are now closing!",ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Не маю часу на ігри.,I have no time for games.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Келлі покажуть по ТБ.,Kelly will appear on TV.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ця робота - це для мене занадто.,This job is too much for me.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn В цетрі міста є фонтан.,"In the middle of the city, there is a fountain.",ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том попросив Мері попити чогось гарячого.,Tom asked Mary for something hot to drink.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том виріс у консервантивній родині.,Tom grew up in a conservative family.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том хотів стати поліцейським.,Tom wanted to become a policeman.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Двох іранських професорів-фізиків було вбито.,Two Iranian professors of physics were assassinated.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ти бачиш човен на горизонті?,Do you see a boat on the horizon?,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Я тобі колись розповідала, як я познайомилася з Томом?",Did I ever tell you about how I met Tom?,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я зробив це лише для вас!,I did it just for you!,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ми хочемо прийти.,We want to come.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Джексони пофарбували свій будинок.,The Jacksons had their house painted.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Раджу тобі не ходити.,I advise you not to go.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Перерву закінчено.,The break is over.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Він скрикнув від болю.,He cried out in pain.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Який чудовий подарунок!,What a lovely gift!,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Сподіваймося, ніхто не захворіє.","Hopefully, no one will get sick.",ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ти є на цій фотографії?,Are you in this picture?,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том про це потурбується.,Tom is going to take care of it.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Якщо ти добре говориш іспанською, у тебе не буде проблем, шукаючи роботу. А от знайти її...","If you know Spanish well, you'll have no problems with looking for a job. But some with finding one.",ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Якщо ти добре говориш іспанською, у тебе не буде проблем з пошуком роботи. Проблема в тому, щоб її знайти!","If you speak good Spanish, you should have no problem looking for a job... the trick is finding one!",ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Я знав, що роблять Джексони.",I knew what the Jacksons were doing.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Він на два роки старший від тебе.,He is two years older than you.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Вона журналістка.,She is a journalist.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мені подобається там бувати.,I like being there.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я була трохи голодна.,I was a bit hungry.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn """Ви говорите німецькою?"" — ""Ні, я француженка"".","""Do you speak German?"" ""No, I'm French.""",ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn У тебе маленький член.,Your penis is small.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Дружина Пітера брюнетка.,Peter's wife is a brunette.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Це частина системи.,It's part of the system.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я хочу приєднатися до вас.,I want to join you.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я заговорив перший.,I spoke first.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Можна позичити парасольку?,Can I borrow an umbrella?,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том не зателефонував мені вчора вранці.,Tom didn't call me last night.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ти муситимеш навчитися з цим жити.,You'll have to learn to live with it.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn У нас із Томом є донька.,Tom and I have a daughter.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Нічого не міняйте.,Don't change a thing.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Що це за особа з Томом?,Who's the person with Tom?,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Хто це з Томом?,Who's with Tom?,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я зайшов до кав'ярні.,I entered a coffee shop.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Мері молода, але не невинна.","Mary is young, but she is not innocent.",ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том зараз у в'язниці.,Tom is now in jail.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ви людина?,Are you human?,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Вам подобається ця сумочка?,Do you like this purse?,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мені не потрібні твої поради.,I don't want your advice.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Я думав, що у тебе вже є iPhone.",I thought that you already had an iPhone.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том був спантеличений.,Tom was confused.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том пішов з дому.,Tom has left home.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я на три роки молодший від тебе.,I'm three years younger than you are.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я на три роки молодша від тебе.,I'm three years younger than you.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том відвів Мері додому.,Tom brought Mary home.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я ніколи не сидів.,I have never been to jail.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Зачекай, будь ласка.","Hold on, please.",ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn У мене три машини.,I have three cars.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Він повернувся на два дні пізніше.,He came back two days after.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn За моїм будинком є церква.,There's a church behind my house.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Німецькі зими холодні.,German winters are cold.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ви здуріли?,Are you crazy?,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Я думав, що у Джексонів була вечірка.",I thought the Jacksons were having a party.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Де я можу помити руки?,Where can I wash my hands?,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том сумує за Бостоном.,Tom misses Boston.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Він був схожий на лікаря?,Did he look like a doctor?,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Це твоє рішення.,It's your decision.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я там усіх знав.,I knew everyone there.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я хотів би народитися канадійцем.,I wish I'd been born a Canadian.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Заняття розпочинається о десятій.,The class start at ten.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том їсть рис майже кожного дня.,Tom eats rice almost every day.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я більше не люблю Різдво.,I don't like Christmas anymore.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Дурень, навіщо ти з'їв огірок? Ти ж знав, що я хотіла зробити собі маску з огірків!","How come you ate the cucumber, you dimwit? You knew that I wanted to make a cucumber mask!",ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Джон помиє картоплю.,John will clean the potatoes.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Джексони жили у Бостоні перед тим, як переїхати сюди.",The Jacksons lived in Boston before they moved here.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я їду з Бостона.,I'm leaving Boston.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ти купив нову машину?,Did you buy a new car?,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Вам не виграти.,You can't win.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Навіть не пробуй заговорити мене до смерті — я маю Ohropax.,Don't even try to talk me to death - I have earplugs.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мері живе у притулку для бездомних.,Mary is staying in a homeless shelter.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Хто та жінка?,Who's that woman?,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Він в окулярах.,He is wearing glasses.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Він попросив бокал пива.,He asked for a beer.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Не торкайся мене!,Don't touch me!,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Не торкайтеся мене!,Don't touch me.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Прибери в кімнаті.,Clean up the room.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Приберіть у кімнаті.,Clean the room.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Він на три роки старший від неї.,He is older than she is by three years.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn В тебе поганий настрій?,Are you in a bad mood?,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Їй подобаються блакитні сукні.,She likes blue dresses.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Велосипед мій.,This is my bicycle.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Цей велосипед належить мені.,This bicycle belongs to me.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Китай більший, ніж Японія.",China is larger than Japan.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Китай більший від Японії.,China is bigger than Japan.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мій собака розумніший від мене.,My dog is cleverer than I am.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я помщуся.,I'll get my revenge.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я переїхав минулого місяця.,I moved last month.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Скажи їй, що я готова.",Tell her I'm ready.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Йому подобається футбол.,He likes soccer.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Якими мовами розмовляють в Америці?,What languages are spoken in America?,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Дай мені відповідь просто зараз.,Answer me right now.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Тут спекотно, так?","It's hot in here, isn't it?",ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я ґей.,I am gay.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мені байдуже. Я ненавиджу його.,I don't care. I hate him.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ми робимо це щоночі.,We do this every night.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я знову відрощую бороду.,I'm growing a beard again.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Це ваша єдина надія.,It's your only hope.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Багато білорусів прийшли на роботу роздягненими після того, як їх президент закликав їх ""роздягнутися і працювати"".","Many Belarusians came to work naked after their president asked them to ""get undressed and work.""",ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Він дивиться на фотографію своєї подруги.,He is looking at a photo of his friend.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том не хоче ні з ким розмовляти.,Tom doesn't want to talk to anyone.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Лейла відгукнулася на оголошення Самі.,Layla answered Sami's ad.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том не пише мені з минулого жовтня.,Tom hasn't written to me since last October.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Том випив апельсиновий сік, який я йому налив.",Tom drank the orange juice I poured for him.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я її добре знаю.,I know her well.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Яка найскладніша мова з тих, що ти вивчив?",What's the hardest language you've learned?,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Це фазан.,That's a pheasant.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Не кажи татові.,Don't tell Father about this.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я сьогодні достатньо попрацювала на своєю німецькою.,I worked enough on my German today.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Успіх - це результат твоїх зусиль.,The success resulted from your efforts.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Моя сестра працює у посольстві Сполучених Штатів у Лондоні.,My sister works at the United States Embassy in London.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn На концерті було багато слухачів.,There was a large audience at the concert.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мені тридцять.,I am 30 years old.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том не п'є.,Tom isn't drinking.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Передавай йому від мене привіт.,Say hello to him for me.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Вони милі?,Are they cute?,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Він не вміє писати кандзі.,He can't write any kanji.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Хто у тебе хресна?,Who is your godmother?,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Коли ти плануєш повернутися до Бостона?,When do you plan to return to Boston?,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Чоловік будить свого друга.,The man wakes up his friend.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я була надворі.,I was outside.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том не читає.,Tom doesn't read.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я не зможу його зробити без тебе.,I can't make it without you.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я без тебе не справлюся.,I can't do it without you.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я пройшов тест на СНІД.,I had an AIDS test.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Місяць зайшов.,The moon has set.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я народився в Ізраїлі у 2002 році.,I was born in Israel in 2002.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Здається, Том нам не допоможе.",It looks like Tom won't help us.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Він упав під стіл.,He fell under the table.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я хотіла зробити більше.,I wanted to do more.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn В мене жахливо болить рука.,My arm is hurting badly.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мені сподобалася подорож через Тихий океан.,I enjoyed the voyage across the Pacific.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn У неї безтерміновий контракт.,She has an indefinite contract.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn На нього можна покластися.,You can rely upon him.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn На нього можна розраховувати.,You can count on him.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я щось пропустив?,Have I missed something?,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я маю мало книжок.,I have few books.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тобі потрібно випити води.,You have to drink water.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я лише жартував.,I was only kidding.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я лише жартувала.,I was only joking.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Твоя відповідь невірна.,Your answer is incorrect.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ваша відповідь невірна.,Your answer is wrong.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ми ще нічого не вирішили.,We haven't resolved anything yet.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мене багато чого цікавить.,I'm interested in a lot of things.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Коли приїде твій батько?,When will your father arrive?,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Це питання часу.,It's a matter of time.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Його поведінка завжди шляхетна.,His behavior is always honorable.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Він продовжив писати історії про тварин.,He kept on writing stories about animals.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Він пішов додому.,He walked home.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Вона розлучилася з чоловіком.,She divorced her husband.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Не думаю, що ти можеш це пояснити.",I don't think you can explain that.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Моєму брату Жаку чотирнадцять років.,My brother Jacques is fourteen years old.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Фудзіяма має гарний вигляд на заході сонця.,Mt. Fuji is a beautiful sight at sunset.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn За останні три місяці дощу взагалі не було.,There hasn't been any rain for the past three months.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Приймайте ці ліки тричі на день.,Take the medicine three times a day.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Том віддав грабіжникам те, що вони хотіли.",Tom gave the muggers what they wanted.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Люди весь час насміхаються наді мною.,People make fun of me all the time.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я бачу небо.,I see the sky.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том ніколи не бував у Бостоні.,Tom hasn't ever been to Boston.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Том не зміг зробити того, що він сказав, що зробить.",Tom failed to do what he said he would do.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ми вам довіряли.,We trusted you.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Фіолетовий колір — мій улюблений.,Purple is my favorite color.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Це білка.,It's a squirrel.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тобi краще вiрити цьому.,You better believe it.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Можливо я й бачив цей фiльм ранiше, але зараз навряд чи згадаю.","I may have seen that film before, but I can hardly remember it.",ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Що бажаєш на вечерю?,What do you fancy for dinner?,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Том сказав, що, на його думку, він не має цього робити.",Tom said he doesn't think he has to do that.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Том сказав, що, на його думку, він не повинен цим займатися.",Tom said he doesn't think that he has to do that.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я плачу за все.,I'm paying for everything.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том трохи напружений.,Tom is a little uptight.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том перечитав повідомлення.,Tom reread the message.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том — цисгендерна особа.,Tom is cisgender.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том зробив це без моєї допомоги.,Tom did that without my help.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Тобі обирати, Томе.","It's your choice, Tom.",ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том дуже крутий.,Tom is really cool.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Якби ти лише мене попросив, я би це зробила.","If you'd just asked me, I would have done that.",ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Вона схильна до запізнень.,She tends to be late.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том прокинувся о 2:30 ночі.,Tom got a call at 2:30 in the morning.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Нам треба розробити план Б.,We've got to come up with a plan B.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том встав серед ночі.,Tom got up in the middle of the night.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Ти маєш робити те, що маєш робити.",You have to do what you have to do.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn У Тома не було жодного наміру одружитися на Мері.,Tom had no intention of marrying Mary.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Відьми літають на мітлах.,Witches fly on broomsticks.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ти не можеш нас зупинити.,You can't stop us.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Що ти розповіла Тому?,What did you tell Tom?,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Маркус став узурпатором.,Marcus became a usurper.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Не бреши Тому.,Don't lie to Tom.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Не брешіть Тому.,Do not lie to Tom.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я викладаю англійську.,I teach English.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том помер у віці 97 років.,Tom died when he was 97.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тебе просять до слухавки.,You're wanted on the phone.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Вас просять до слухавки.,You are wanted on the phone.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тобі треба більше займатися спортом.,You need to exercise more.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn До мого дня народження ще місяць.,My birthday's not for another month.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Обидва собаки сплять.,Both dogs are asleep.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Таке весь час трапляється.,It happens all the time.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Вода холодна.,The water is cold.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn На твоєму місці я зробив би те саме.,"If I were in your situation, I would do the same thing.",ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Чому ти настільки ненавидиш Тома?,Why do you hate Tom so much?,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мало хто зрозумів його коментар.,Few people understood his comment.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Ти розумієш французьку, так?","You understand French, right?",ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я годую свого собаку раз на день.,I feed my dog once a day.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том здається щирим.,Tom seems sincere.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Він науковець.,He is a scientist.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я розмовляю французькою з Томом та Мері.,I speak French with Tom and Mary.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я маю зачекати.,I have to wait.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Більше не приходь.,Don't come again.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том — надзвичвайно чесна людина.,Tom's an extremely honest person.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том багато чого приховує від дружини.,Tom hides a lot of things from his wife.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Не пийте забагато кави.,Don't drink too much java.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я мало не пролив каву на клавіатуру.,I almost spilled coffee on my keyboard.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Скільки коштував хліб?,How much did the bread cost?,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том також батько.,"Tom is a dad, too.",ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том був дуже переконливий.,Tom was very convincing.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Як твоя французька?,How's your French?,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Том каже, що йому не потрібні гроші.",Tom says he doesn't need money.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Скільки тобі потрібно годин сну?,How many hours of sleep do you need?,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том звільнив птаха.,Tom freed the bird.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Спробуй про це не турбуватися.,Try not to worry about them.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Ти не думаєш, що ми прийняли неправильне рішення?",Don't you think we made the wrong decision?,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тому це не було потрібно.,Tom didn't need it.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Ніколи не пишіть слова ""борщ"" і ""щі"" німецькою!","Never write the words ""bortsch"" and ""shchi"" in German!",ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Бачу того собаку.,I see the dog.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ось тут ми живемо.,This is where we live.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Друга світова війна вибухнула у 1939 році.,World war two broke out in 1939.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тому потрібна серйозна допомога.,Tom needs some serious help.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Я не знаю, це допомогло чи ні.",I don't know if it helped or not.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ну звичайно ж я йду на вечірку.,Of course I'm going to the party.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Це не настільки вже й важливо.,It doesn't matter so much.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "У будь-якому разі, він мені не дуже подобається.",I don't really like him anyway.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том ненавидів своїх батьків.,Tom hated his parents.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Чому ти працюєш на Тома?,Why are you working for Tom?,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Том, здається, знає дорогу.",Tom seems to know the way.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn У них маленький будинок.,They have got a small house.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Том знає, чому тобі не подобається Мері?",Does Tom know why you don't like Mary?,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я не люблю футбол.,I don't like soccer.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Це найшвидша машина.,That is the fastest car.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Я щиро захоплююся тим, наскільки добре ти розумієш китайську.",I wholeheartedly admire your understanding of Chinese.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Королевський палац було побудовано на узгір'ї.,The royal palace was built on a hill.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Критикувати може кожен.,Everybody's a critic.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ти довго чекав?,Did you wait long?,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Моя мати медсестра.,My mother is a nurse.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Природа гарна.,Nature is beautiful.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Старі люди не завжди мудріші, ніж молоді.",Old people aren't always wiser than young people.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Навчальний рік закінчується у червні.,The school year ends in June.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Він сказав, що я гарна.",He said I was pretty.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Зроби його фоторобот!,Make his identikit!,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Хіба ти не втомився?,Are you not tired?,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том та Мері планують лишитися разом.,Tom and Mary plan to stay together.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том відкрив Коран і прочитав кілька віршів.,Sami opened the Quran and read a few verses.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Що ти купив?,What did you buy?,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Німеччина — федеративна держава.,Germany is a federal state.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn У Мері є особистий охоронець-жінка.,Mary has a female bodyguard.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Тому подобається хода Мері.,Tom likes the way Mary walks.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Мені хтось телефонував?,Were there any calls for me?,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ти застрелив її.,You shot her.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ти застрелив його.,You shot him.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Сподіваюся, Том не знудився.",I hope Tom didn't get bored.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Вона це насправді щойно сказала?,Did she really just say that?,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Доторкнися до мого тіла.,Touch my body.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Як ти збираєшся допомогти Тому?,How are you going to help Tom?,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Ви Том, так?","You're Tom, right?",ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я насправді дуже хочу допомогти Тому.,I really do want to help Tom.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Том думає, що це спрацює.",Tom thinks that that'll work.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Том ненавидить собак.,Tom hates dogs.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я цього не хочу.,I don't want it.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn "Він допомагає кожному, хто його просить.",He helps whoever asks him to help.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Зроби телевізор гучніше.,Turn up the TV.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ввімкни телевізор.,Turn on the TV.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Щось плануєш?,Have you got any plans?,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Дерева - це рослини.,Trees are plants.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Відійди від Тома.,Back away from Tom.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я не дуже зрозумів твої слова.,I didn't quite catch your words.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Я хочу побудувати тут будинок.,I want to build a house here.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Він почав плакати.,He began to cry.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Він мені дав яблуко.,He gave me an apple.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Місто побудовано в низині.,The city is built on lowland.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ми говорили до другої ночі.,We talked until two in the morning.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn Ці книги - мої.,These books are my books.,ukr_Cyrl-eng_Latn سالگیرہ مبارک ہو موریال ۔,"Happy birthday, Muiriel!",urd_Arab-eng_Latn ابھی بھی دیر نہیں ہوئی۔,It's never too late.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn کیوٹو میں کافی پرانے مندر ہے۔,There are many old temples in Kyoto.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn ٹیکسی سے نکلنے سے پہلے ہم کرایہ دیتے ہیں۔,"Before we get out of the taxi, we pay the fare.",urd_Arab-eng_Latn مجھے تاریخیں زبانی یاد نہیں دہتی۔,I cannot remember the date offhand.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn پتہ نہیں وہ کیوں اتنی پریشان ہے۔,I wonder why she is so worried.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn اخبار کہاں ہے؟,Where is the newspaper?,urd_Arab-eng_Latn درخت گر گیا۔,The tree fell down.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn اس کا ذائقہ بھی بہت اچھا ہے۔,"It tastes great, too.",urd_Arab-eng_Latn فرانسیسی ان کی مادری زبان ہے۔,French is his mother tongue.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn وہ ہر وقت مذاک کرتا رہتا ہے۔,He is always joking.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn ہمارے ملک میں سمندری اشیائیں بہت ہے۔,Our country is rich in marine products.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn آپ کہاں تھے؟,Where were you?,urd_Arab-eng_Latn جانوروں کو کھانا نہ ڈالے۔,Don't feed the animals.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn بڑے اور بچے دونوں یہ فلم دیکھنا چاھے گے۔,Adults and children alike would like to see the movie.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn پارٹی پہ صرف چھہ لوگ تھے۔,There were only six people at the party.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn تم نے دادا ابو کی ویل چیئر دیکھی ہے؟,Did you see grandpa's wheelchair?,urd_Arab-eng_Latn وہ کوئی عام طافان نہیں تھا۔,That was no ordinary storm.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn چار لڑکے سڑک پر جا رہے ہیں۔,Four boys are making their way along the street.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn مجلس پورے چار بجے شروع ہو جائے گی۔,The meeting will start at four o'clock sharp.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn اس پرندے کی نسل ختم ہونے کے قریب ہے۔,That bird is now in danger of dying out.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn بہت کم لوگ ۱۰۰ سال کی عمر تک زندہ رہتے ہے۔,Few people live to be 100 years old.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn یہ لطیفہ کیا ہوتا ہے؟,What's a joke?,urd_Arab-eng_Latn سائنس اچھے یا برے مقاصد کے لئے استعمال کیا جا سکتا ہے۔,Science can be used for good or evil purposes.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn وہ لندن جا چکا ہے۔,He has gone to London.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn اس نے اس سے یہ کتاب کئی سال پہلے ادھار لی تھی اور ابھی تک نہیں لوٹائی۔,She borrowed the book from him many years ago and hasn't yet returned it.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn پناہ گزین پل کے نیچے چھپ گئے۔,Refugees hid under the bridge.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn تین بڑے آدمیوں نے اس پہ حملہ کیا اور اس کے پیسے چڑا لیے۔,Three big men attacked him and stole his money.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn میں نے تمھیں ایک لمبی ای میل بھیجنی ہے بہت جلد۔,I need to send you a long email soon!,urd_Arab-eng_Latn آخر کار برف باری شروع ہو گئی ہے۔,"Finally, it's snowing!",urd_Arab-eng_Latn تم بدل گئے ہو۔,You have changed.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn مجھے صرف قینچیاں ملی ہے۔,All I found is a pair of scissors.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn ہیرایامہ صاحب بہت اچھے استاد ہے۔,Mr. Hirayama is a very good teacher.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn کل موسم کیسا تھا؟,What was the weather yesterday?,urd_Arab-eng_Latn اس کی بیوی نے مجبوری میں کام کرنا شروع کیا ہے۔,His wife has started to work out of necessity.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn وہ ہوٹل کافی لیٹ پہنچی۔,She got to the hotel late at night.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn میں نے اپنی بہن کے لئیے ایک نئی ٹوپی خریدی۔,I bought my sister a new hat.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn کافی مشکل ہے بتانا کہ کونسا بندہ کس ملک سے ہے۔,It is very hard to tell what country a person comes from.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn ہم نے اس سے قرض کی واپسی کا کہا۔,We asked for the payment of his debt.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn تمھیں ملے ہوئے عرصہ ہو گیا ہے۔,"Long time, no see.",urd_Arab-eng_Latn ہمیں دو کپ چائے اور ایک کپ کافی لا دینا۔,Please bring us two cups of tea and one cup of coffee.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn میں آج نک کسی ایسے شخص سے نہیں ملا جسے چاکلیٹ پسند نہ ہو۔,I've never met someone who doesn't like chocolate.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn انہوں نے گفتگو شروع کی۔,They entered into a discussion.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn بہت سے جزیرے سمندر میں موجود ہیں۔,There are islands in the sea.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn لگتا ہے کہ قیمتیں گر رہی ہیں۔,Prices seem to be going down.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn طوفان نے پورے شهر کو تباه کر دیا.,The storm destroyed the whole town.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn میں نے ٹام کو بتایا کہ مجھے گراج کی صفائی کے لئیے مدد چاہئیے۔,I just told Tom that I wanted to help him clean the garage.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn یہ ٹام کی سکول ہے.,This is Tom's school.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn کتنے بد تمیز ہو تم!,How rude of you!,urd_Arab-eng_Latn مجهے انگریزی میں دلچسپی ہے.,I am interested in English.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn اسلام آباد پاکستان کا دارالحکومت ہے۔,Islamabad is the capital of Pakistan.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn ٹام اور مریم کی منگنی ہوگئی ہے۔,Tom and Mary are engaged.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn مجھے اسے دیکھ کر فورا پتہ لگ گیا تھا کہ وہ ایک سچا آدمی ہے۔,I knew at a glance that he was an honest man.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn کیا آپ تھوڈا دھیرے بول سکتے ہیں؟,"Would you speak more slowly, please?",urd_Arab-eng_Latn وہ بہت أہم ہیں۔,They are very important.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn میری بہن نے اہم کردار ادا کیا۔,My sister played the leading character.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn میرا نیا قلم گم گیا ہے۔,I have lost my new fountain pen.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn سفر کے آخر میں ہمیں بہت پیاس لگ رہی تھی۔,By the end of the trip we were very thirsty.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn کمپیوٹر میں معلومات کا اندراج کرو۔,Enter the information into the computer.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn میں نے نئی کار خرید لی ہے۔,I bought a new car.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn وہ بیمار تھا، اسی لئیے سارے چپ تھے۔,"He was ill, and so they were quiet.",urd_Arab-eng_Latn میں نے اسکے متعلق میں اخبار میں پڑھا۔,I read about him in the newspaper.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn میں نیا سٹوڈنٹ ہوں۔,I'm a new student.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn یہاں بیسبال کھیلنا منع ہے۔,You are not supposed to play baseball here.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn یہ اطلاع مخفی ہے۔,This information is confidential.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn میں نے ایک ہفتے کی چھٹی لے لی ہے۔,I took a week off.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn انہیں ایک دوسرے سے نفرت تھی۔,They hated each other.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn میں نے ایک پھینکی۔,I threw one.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn اس ہفتے کو تم کیا کر رہے ہو؟,What'll you be doing over the weekend?,urd_Arab-eng_Latn وہ بغیر کسی بریک کے پوری رات کام کرتا رہا۔,He went on working without a break last night.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn کیا تم پہلی دفعہ جاپان آئے ہو؟,Is this your first time in Japan?,urd_Arab-eng_Latn جس بندے سے بات کر رہا تھا وہ جرمن ہے، امریکی نہیں۔,"The man to whom I spoke was a German, not an American.",urd_Arab-eng_Latn اس سیب کا ذائقہ بہت کڑوا ہے۔,This apple tastes very sour.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn اس سال سردی بہت ہلکی ہے۔,We have a mild winter this year.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn کیا تم اس پہیلی کا جواب دے سکتے ہو؟,Can you answer this riddle?,urd_Arab-eng_Latn سب کو میک پسند ہیں۔,Everyone loves Mac.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn میں پیرس گیا ہوا ہوں۔,I have been to Paris.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn وہ سارا دن کام کوتا رہا ہے۔,He has been working all day long.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn سورج سے ہمیں حرارت اور روشنی ملتی ہے۔,The sun gives us heat and light.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn پہلے مجھے لگا کہ وہ تمھارا بھائی ہے۔,"At first, I thought he was your brother.",urd_Arab-eng_Latn وہ رو پڑا۔,She broke into tears.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn وہ پانچ دن کے لئے اسکول سے غیر حاصر تھی۔,She's been absent from school for five days.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn وہ پچھلے پانچ دنوں سے ہوٹل میں قیام پزیر ہے۔,He's been staying at that hotel for the past five days.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn خرگوش کے کان لمبے اور دم چھوٹی ہوتی ہے۔,Rabbits have long ears and short tails.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn سردی اس سال کافی لمبی ہو گئی ہے۔,Winter seems to be sticking around a lot longer than usual this year.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn وہ فورا مان گیا۔,He readily agreed to it.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn یہ آپ کو خطرے میں مبتلا کر سکتا ہے۔,That'll put you in danger.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn وہ میری زندگی کے سب سے غمگین لمحے تھے۔,Those were the saddest hours of my life.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn بہار کا موسم آتے ہی برف پگھل گئی۔,The snow melted away when spring came.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn آپ کے پاس یہ جوتے میرے سائز میں ہے؟,Do you have these shoes in my size?,urd_Arab-eng_Latn اس گھر میں کون رہتا ہے؟,Who lives in this house?,urd_Arab-eng_Latn جیسے ہی بارش تھمی، ہم نکل گئے۔,We set out when the rain had eased.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn مجھے ایک آئڈیا آیا تھا۔,I had an idea.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn آخر کار وہ آ ہی گیا۔,At last he came.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn میں انہیں آج مل رہا ہوں۔,I'm seeing them tonight.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn تمہیں صرف زمین کی صفائی کرنی ہے۔,All you have to do is sweep the floor.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn ٹام کو ڈھائی بجے تک گھر پہنچنا ہے۔,Tom has to be home by 2:30.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn تم کیا چاہتے ہو کہ میں کیا کروں؟,What would you like me to do?,urd_Arab-eng_Latn اُس نے مجھ سے اس کی بد تمیزی کے مارے میں شکایت کی۔,She complained to me of his rudeness.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn نمک کا اِستعمال برف پگہلانانے میں کیا جاتا ہے۔,Salt is used to melt snow.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn میں اسکول جانا نہیں چاہتا ہوں۔,I don't want to go to school.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn جیسے جیسے وقت بیتتا گیا، اُس کے دُکھ کا احساس بھی کم ہوتا گیا۔,She felt less sad as time passed.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn جیمس کیمرن نے فلم بنانے کا ایک نیا طریقہ خلق کیا۔,James Cameron created a new way to make movies.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn بس اُنکا نام بتا دیجئے۔,Just tell me her name.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn وہ جنگل میں بھٹک رہی تھی۔,She was wandering in the woods.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn آج صبح میں ائیرپورٹ گیا تھا اپنے کزن کو چھوڑنے۔,This morning I went to the airport in order to see my cousin off.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn ٹام نے ہم سے جھوٹھ بولا ہے۔,Tom has lied to us.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn پُرانے زمانے میں لوگ محنت سے سفر کرتے تھے۔,"In the past, people used to travel by a diligence.",urd_Arab-eng_Latn أپنے نام کو فہرست میں لکھ دیں أور پھر اگلے شخص کو بھیج دیں۔,Put down your name on the list and pass it on to the next person.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn میرا شوہر بہت پیار کرنے والا اور خیال کرنے والا ہے۔,My husband is loving and caring.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn دوسرون کی مدد کرنا سیکھو,Learn to help others.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn وہ کھیلوں میں کافی بڑی ہے۔,She is bad at sports.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn پیو کم اور سو زیادہ۔,Drink less and sleep more.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn ٹام نے پوچھا کہ کیا اسے ٹائے پہننے کی ضرورت ہے۔,Tom asked if he needed to wear a tie.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn ٹام اور مریم دونوں تیراکی جانتے ہیں۔,Tom and Mary both know how to swim.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn کھانا اور مشروب پارٹی میں وافر مقدار میں تھا۔,There was food and drink in abundance at the party.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn مجھے پتہ ہے کہ تمہیں کافی پسند ہے۔,I know you like coffee.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn میں جانتا ہوں کہ تمہیں کافی پسند ہے۔,I know that you like coffee.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn مجھے یہ نہیں یاد۔,I don't remember that.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn اس نے میرے منہ پہ ہی جھوٹ بولا۔,He lied to my face.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn تم فارغ کب ہو گے؟,When are you free?,urd_Arab-eng_Latn ٹام صحت یاب ہو رہا ہے،,Tom is going to get better.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn انگریزی کے علاوہ وہ ریاضی بھی پڑھاتا ہے۔,"Apart from English, he also teaches math.",urd_Arab-eng_Latn میں اپنی اگلی سالگرہ پہ سولہ کی ہو جائو گی۔,I will be sixteen next birthday.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn میری ریل گاڑی سات بجے نکلی اور نیو یارک میں ۱۰ بجے پہنچ گئی تھی۔,"My train started at seven, arrived in New York at 10.",urd_Arab-eng_Latn وہ میری بلی ہے۔,That's my pussy.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn میری بائسیکل کو مرمت کی ضرورت ہے۔,My bicycle is in need of repair.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn میں نے یہ ٹی وی انسٹالمنٹ میں خریدا ہے۔,I bought this TV on the installment plan.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn ٹام نے اسے نیچے گرا دیا۔,Tom knocked him down.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn میں اتنی اونچی چھلانگ کیسے لگائو؟,How can I jump so high?,urd_Arab-eng_Latn اسے یاد ہے کہ وہ اسے ہر ہفتہ خط لکھتا تھا۔,He remembers writing to her every week.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn ہماری استانی نے ہمیں بتایا کہ کب شروع کرنا ہے۔,Our teacher told us when to start.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn وہ لڑکی رونے شروع ہو گئی۔,The girl broke into tears.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn میں نے بلی کے بچے کا نام ٹاما رکھا ہے۔,I named the kitten Tama.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn میری امی مجھ سے ابو کی طرح کافی ناراض ہے۔,My mother was no less angry with me than my father.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn صفحہ نمبر دس سے رجوع کرے۔,Please refer to page ten.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn تم نکلو۔ میں تھوڑی دیر میں نکلتا ہوں۔,Go on ahead. I'll catch up with you soon.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn اینڈی نے کافی محنت کی ہوگی۔,Andy must have practiced very hard.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn برائے مہربانی زیادہ تیز نہ چلے۔,Please don't walk too fast.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn ہر کھلاڑی نے اپنی بھرپور کوشش کی۔,Each player did his best.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn سڑک پہ کافی زیادہ گاڑیاں اور لوگ کھڑے ہیں۔,There are many people and cars on that street.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn اسے بار بار پڑھو۔,Read it again and again.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn ہر حال میں۔,That's for sure.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn کچھ لوگوں کے لیئے زندگی فرحت بخش ہے اور کچھ کے لیئے آزمائش۔,"To some life is pleasure, to others suffering.",urd_Arab-eng_Latn بس کرو! تم اسے رُلا رہے ہو۔,Stop! You're making him cry.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn میں بھارت میں ہوں۔,I'm in India.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn یاد دکھو، عزت ہی سب کچھ ہے۔,"Remember, respect is everything.",urd_Arab-eng_Latn پاپا کو اِس بارے میں مت بتاؤ۔,Don't tell Father about this.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn تمہیں کتنی پلیٹیں چاہیے؟,How many plates do you want?,urd_Arab-eng_Latn تو کیسا ہے؟,How are you?,urd_Arab-eng_Latn میں جلدی داپس آجاؤنگا ۔,I'll be back soon.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn بل پہلے لندن میں رہتا تھا، ہے نا؟,"Bell used to live in London, didn't he?",urd_Arab-eng_Latn دس، بیس، تیس، چالیس، پچاس، ساٹھ، ستر، اسی، نبے، سو۔,"Ten, twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety, one hundred.",urd_Arab-eng_Latn مجھے تمہارا سکارف اچھا لگا ہے۔,I like your scarf.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn اِس ملک کو ایک نئے صدر کی ضرورت ہے۔,This country needs a new president.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn میرے لئے پانی کا ایک گلاس لائیں.,Give me a glass of water.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn آپ کو گرفتار کیا جاتا ہے۔,You're under arrest.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn تم کیا کبھی ملک سے باہر جاتے ہو چھٹیاں منانے؟,Do you sometimes go abroad on your holidays?,urd_Arab-eng_Latn آپ کیا کریں گے؟,What are you going to do?,urd_Arab-eng_Latn میرے بات کا یہ مطلب نہیں تھا .,That's not what I meant.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn سکڑتے والوں نے انکے سامان کی تلاشی لی.,Their bags were checked by security guards at the gate.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn ہم ہر روز ٹیننس کھلتے ہیں.,We play tennis every day.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn تمام انسان آزاد اور حقوق و عزت کے اعتبار سے برابر پیدا ہوۓ ہیں۔ انہیں ضمیر اور عقل ودیعت ہوئی ہی۔ اسلۓ انہیں ایک دوسرے کے ساتھ بھائیچارے کا سلوک کرنا چاہیۓ۔,All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn مجھے میرا کوٹ چاہئیے۔,I need my coat.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn اجے غریب ہے.,Ajay is poor.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn کیا تمہیں اپنے خط کا جواب ملا ہے؟,Have you had an answer?,urd_Arab-eng_Latn اس گھڑی کو مرمت کی ضرورت ہے۔,This watch needs to be repaired.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn جلدی جواب دو۔,"Come on, answer quickly.",urd_Arab-eng_Latn کیا آپ پولکے والے ہیں?,Are you a policeman?,urd_Arab-eng_Latn تمھیں دکان سڑک کے کونے میں ملے گی۔,You'll find the shop around the corner.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn ٹام نے مریم سے پوچھا کہ وہ کیوں ہنس رہی ہے۔,Tom asked Mary why she was smiling.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn اس کے پاس ابھی تک اس نوکری کے لیے تجربہ نہیں ہے۔,He still has no experience for this job.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn یہ کارآمد نہیں ہے۔,It's not practical.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn کوئی بھی بچہ نہیں بیٹھا ہوا۔,None of the children are sitting.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn کیا ہوٹل ہوائی اڈے کے قریب ہے؟,Is the hotel close to the airport?,urd_Arab-eng_Latn انہوں نے لڑکے کو ڈوبنے سے بچا لیا۔,They rescued the boy from drowning.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn اس کی کتاب جلدی سے بہت مشہور ہوئی۔,Her book quickly became a bestseller.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn تم یہاں اتنی رات کو کیا کر رہے ہو؟,What are you doing here so late at night?,urd_Arab-eng_Latn میں نے اس کاروبار سے اپنے ہاتھ صاف کر لیئے ہے۔,I washed my hands of the whole business.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn جب بارش رکی تھی تو وہ چہل قدمی کے لیے باہر چلا گیا تھا۔,"When the rain stopped, he went out for a walk.",urd_Arab-eng_Latn میں نے چھت پہ ہلکے نیلے رنگ کا پینٹ کیا ہے۔,I painted the roof light blue.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn آگ میں ۱۳ زندگیاں ضائع ہو گئی۔,The fire took 13 lives.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn ٹام نے دو ہفتوں سے اپنے بال نہیں دھوئے۔,Tom hasn't washed his hair for two weeks.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn تم بتائو مجھے کہ تمھارے ہاتھ میں کیا ہے۔,Tell me what you have in hand.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn یہ گلی آگے سے بند ہے۔,This is a dead-end alley.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn میں کل رات سکون سے سویا۔,I slept well last night.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn ٹام کو پنیر نہیں پسند۔,Tom does not love cheese.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn وہ اس کتے کا خیال نہیں رکھتے۔,They don't take care of that dog.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn وہ بینچ پہ لیٹا ہوا ہے۔,He is lying on the bench.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn اس کے ناول، زیادہ تر، کافی بورنگ ہوتے ہے۔,"His novels are, for the most part, very boring.",urd_Arab-eng_Latn میری بیوی ایک اچھے باورچی کے علاوہ سب کچھ ہے۔,My wife is anything but a good cook.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn حالانکہ وہ ذخمی تھے مگر وہ پھر بھی لڑتے رہے۔,"Though wounded, they continued to fight.",urd_Arab-eng_Latn ہم کو ایک دوٗسرا موقع دیا گیا ہے۔,We've been given a second chance.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn میرے دوست کو یاد تھا کہ کس راستے پہ جانا ہے۔,My friend remembered which way to go.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn ٹام نے پیزہ آرڈر کیا۔,Tom ordered pizza.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn میں تمھارے دانتوں کے کچھ ایکس -رے لوں گا۔,I'll take some X-rays of your teeth.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn میں اس کے پلین سے متفک ہوں۔,I agree to his plan.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn اپنی آنکھیں کھلی رکھنا۔,Keep your eyes peeled!,urd_Arab-eng_Latn آپ کا کیا خیال ہے، ویسٹ صاحبہ؟,"What do you think, Miss West?",urd_Arab-eng_Latn ہم چائے میں چینی ڈال کے پیتے ہیں۔,We sugar our tea.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn کاش میں ابھی بوسٹن میں ہوتا۔,I wish I could be in Boston now.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn وہ اکیلے رو رہی تھی۔,She was weeping alone.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn کیا تم اپنی لغت ادھار دے سکتے ہو؟,Will you lend me your dictionary?,urd_Arab-eng_Latn تم جہاں جانا چاہو جا سکتے ہو۔,You can go wherever you want.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn میں ٹرین پر اپنا ٹینس ریکیٹ چھوڑ آیا۔,I left my tennis racket on the train.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn پولیس نے اس کو رنگے ہاتھوں پکڑ لیا۔,The police caught him red handed.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn تم کافی بیمار لگ رہے ہو۔,You don't look so good.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn وہ دیکھنے میں کافی سادی لگ رہی ہے۔,She's a plain looking girl.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn میرے پاس ایک پیغام ہے جو تم نے پہنچانا ہے۔,I have a message I want you to deliver.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn ایک أمیر آدمی سنہرے بستر پر سو رہا ہے۔,There's a rich man sleeping on a golden bed.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn اس بندے نے کاروبار میں کامیابی خالصتن امنی کوششوں کے بدولت حاصل کی۔,The man must have succeeded in business by virtue of his efforts.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn اس نے پیر کے دن ایک اور میٹنگ رکھنے کی تجویز دی۔,He proposed that another meeting be held next Monday.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn ہم نے اپنے نئے ہمسائیوں کو چائے پہ دعوت دی۔,We invited our new neighbors over for a drink.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn سال کے اس حصے میں موسم کا کچھ پتا نہیں ہوتا۔,The weather is uncertain at this time of year.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn مجھے ایک کشتی چاہئیے جو مجھے یہاں سے دور لے جائے۔,I want a boat that'll take me far away from here.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn آپ نے تو فیصلہ نہیں کر لیا نہ جانے کا؟,"You've already decided not to go, haven't you?",urd_Arab-eng_Latn اگر وہ گیٹار اتنا مہنگا نہ ہوتا، میں اسے خرید لیتا۔,"If that guitar weren't so expensive, I could buy it.",urd_Arab-eng_Latn بہت خوب۔,It has been very beautiful.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn اس کے نظریہ کو سمجھنا مشکل ہے۔,It's difficult to understand his theory.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn ان کے نظریہ کو سمجھنا مشکل ہے۔,It is difficult to understand his theory.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn مجھے حیرت ہے کہ تم نے انعام جیت لیا ۔,I'm surprised that you won the prize.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn مجھے حیرت ہے کہ آپ نے انعام جیت لیا ۔,I'm surprised you won the prize.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn تمھارا خط پڑھ کے مجھے خوشی ہوئی۔,Reading your letter made me happy.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn آپ نے بعد میں چہل قدمی کے لئیے چلنا ہے؟,Do you want to go for a walk later?,urd_Arab-eng_Latn ممکن ہے کہ وہ آجائے گی۔,She'll probably come.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn مجھے کھیل پسند ہے۔,I like sports.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn اس کا سائز انڈے جتنا ہے۔,It's about the size of an egg.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn آج بہت گرمی ہے۔,It's very hot today.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn گیارہ بج گئے ہے۔,It's already eleven.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn میرے ای-میل میں ابھی کچھ مسلئے ہو رہے ہیں۔,I'm having problems with e-mail right now.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn میں سکاٹ لینڈ کا دورہ تب تک ملتوی کر رہا ہو جب تک موسم تھوڑا گرم نہیں ہو جاتا۔,I'll postpone my trip to Scotland until it's warmer.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn بجھے نہیں پتہ کہ میں کب واپس آئو گا۔,I don't know exactly when I'll be back.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn سبھی جانتے ہیں کہ آپ جھوٗٹھ بول رہے ہیں۔,Everybody knows that you're lying.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn میں جلد ہی واپس آ جائو گا۔,I will be back soon.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn میرے چاچا ۱۹۸۳ میں میکسیکو گئے تھے اور کبھی واپس نہیں آئے۔,"My uncle went to Mexico in 1983, never to come back.",urd_Arab-eng_Latn وہ جاننے کے لئیے بیتاب ہے کہ یہ پھول کس نے بھیجے ہے۔,She's curious to find out who sent the flowers.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn مجھے کتوں سے ڈر لگتا ہے۔,I'm afraid of dogs.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn گیند کو دونوں ہاتھوں سے پکڑو۔,Hold the ball with both hands.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn میں آٹھویں منزل پر ہوں۔,I'm on the eighth floor.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn ایک بار تم نے کوئی گندی عادت اپنالی، پھر اس سے آرام سے جان نہیں چھٹے گی۔,"Once you've formed a bad habit, you can't get rid of it easily.",urd_Arab-eng_Latn بزرگ عورت بڑی مشکل سے سیڑھیاں چڑھی تھی۔,The old woman climbed the stairs with difficulty.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn مجھے گانے کی دھن یاد نہیں آ رہی۔,I can't remember the melody of that song.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn اس نے مجھے ڈھیڑ ساری خوبصورت تصویریں دکھائیں۔,He showed me a lot of beautiful photos.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn اس نے بزرگ کی سڑک پاڑ کرنے میں مدد کی۔,She helped the old man cross the road.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn مجھے وزن کم کرنا ہے، اسی لئیے میں ڈائیٹنگ شروع کر رہا ہوں۔,"I have to lose weight, so I'm going on a diet.",urd_Arab-eng_Latn بھیڑیے عام طور پر لوگوں پہ حملہ نہیں کرتے۔,Wolves don't usually attack people.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn وہ اٹھ گئی۔,She woke up.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn مجھے بلکل ہی بھول گیا تھا۔,I completely forgot about that.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn تمہیارے برآمدے میں میز ہے؟,Do you have a table on the patio?,urd_Arab-eng_Latn ایسے آپ کیہ کھو گے؟,What do you call this?,urd_Arab-eng_Latn میں پارک سٹریٹ پہ ایک ریستوران کا مالک ہوں۔,I own a restaurant on Park Street.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn اطالویوں کے مطابق، مترجمان غدار ہوتے ہیں۔,"According to the Italians, translators are traitors.",urd_Arab-eng_Latn کتنی ٹیمیں ہیں؟,How many teams are there?,urd_Arab-eng_Latn "مگر سب سے پہلے ہم ""سلام"" کرتے ہیں۔","But the first thing we say is ""hello.""",urd_Arab-eng_Latn مجھے کافی پسند ہے۔,I like coffee.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn اس میں تھوڑا وقت لگے گا۔,This will take some time.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn برائے مہربانی ایک منٹ انتظار کیجئیے!,"Wait a minute, please!",urd_Arab-eng_Latn ایک منٹ ٹھہر جائو۔,"Wait a minute, please.",urd_Arab-eng_Latn کسی نے اُس سے بات کی ہے؟,Has anybody spoken with him?,urd_Arab-eng_Latn تمہیں بڑی زور کی لگی ہے۔,You got hit hard.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn ٹام قیمتی وسائل کا ضیاع کر رہا ہے۔,Tom is wasting resources.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn اس نے میرے ہاتھ کو تھام لیا۔,He caught me by the hand.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn تمہیں اس کو راز رکھنا ہوگا، ٹھیک ہے؟,"You've got to keep this secret, OK?",urd_Arab-eng_Latn ٹاٹوئیبا پہ خوش آمدید۔,Welcome to Tatoeba!,urd_Arab-eng_Latn اس کے مسلئے کا کوئی سدِ باب نظر نہیں آ رہا تھا۔,There seemed to be no answer to the problem.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn میں یہ اپنی والدہ کے لیے چنوں گا۔,I will choose them for my mother.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn میں اس کے بولنے کے لہجے سے بتا سکتا تھا کہ وہ فرانسیسی ہے۔,I could tell from his accent that he was a Frenchman.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn ٹام اور مریم کے بیج میں کچھ چل رہا ہے۔,There's something going on between Tom and Mary.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn میں ہنسے بغیر نہیں رہ سکتی تھی۔,I couldn't keep from snickering.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn میں معافی چاہتا ہوں۔ میں یہاں اجنبی ہوں۔,I am sorry. I am not from here.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn وہ ہر اِتوار ٹینس کھیلا کرتی تھی۔,She used to play tennis every Sunday.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn مختلف لوگوں کے مختلف خیالات ہیں۔,Different people have different ideas.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn میں نے ان کو بتایا کہ وہ غلط تھے۔,I told him that he was wrong.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn اسے کل تک ٹھیک ہو جانا چاہئیے۔,It ought to be fine tomorrow.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn میں نے اس کو دس ڈالر واپس کرنے ہے۔,I owe ten dollars to her.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn حادثہ میں زخمی ہونے کے بعد، وہ چل نہیں سکتا۔,"Being injured in an accident, he could not walk.",urd_Arab-eng_Latn ٹام اس ریستوران میں تب سے جا رہا ہے جب سے وہ نوجوان ہوتا تھا۔,Tom has been eating at that restaurant since he was a teenager.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn سارے ڈبے خالی ہیں۔,All the boxes are empty.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn میں اپنی انگلیاں نہیں چاٹ سکتا۔ میں کوئی بلی نہیں ہوں۔,I cannot lick my fingers. I'm not a cat.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn میں فٹ بال روزانہ کھیلتا ہوں۔,I play football every day.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn میں آج کچھ اچھا محسوس نہیں کر رہا۔,I feel a little bad today.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn محترمہ کینڈا اچھی تیراکی کر لیتی ہے۔,Miss Kanda can swim well.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn اسے پتہ ہے کہ شیو کیسے کرتے ہے۔,He knows how to shave his beard.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn گاڑی کا حادثہ کیسے پیش آیا؟,How did the car accident come about?,urd_Arab-eng_Latn فرانکو کے پاس نیلی جینز ہے۔,Franco has blue jeans.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn آسمان میں ایک بھی بادل نہیں تھا۔,There wasn't a cloud in the sky.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn یہ کتا ایک آنکھ سے اندھا ہے۔,The dog is blind in one eye.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn ہمارے استاد نے کیا کہ پانی ۱۰۰ ڈگری سینٹی گریڈ پہ ابلتا ہے۔,Our teacher said that water boils at 100ºC.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn اور اپنی کتابیں صفہ نمبر ۱۰ پہ کھولیں۔,And open your textbook at page ten.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn غربت نے اسے چوری کرنے پر مجبور کیا۔,Poverty drove him to steal.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn کیا تم ڈاکٹر کو بلا سکتے ہو؟,"Could you call a doctor, please?",urd_Arab-eng_Latn میں اپنی بائک زیادہ تر ویک اینڈ پہ چلاتا ہوں۔,I usually ride my bike on weekends.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn تمہیں پیسے چاہیئے؟,Do you want money?,urd_Arab-eng_Latn سانپ زندہ ہے یا مر گیا ہے؟,Is the snake alive or dead?,urd_Arab-eng_Latn ئۇ ئىت چوڭ.,That dog is big.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn دنیا میں کچھ چیزیں ہے جو پیسوں سے نہیں خریدی جا سکتی۔,There are some things money can't buy.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn کیا یہ ویکیوم کلینر کا قصور ہے کہ کمرہ گندا ہے؟,Is it the vacuum cleaner's fault that the room is dusty?,urd_Arab-eng_Latn مجھے پینٹ کا ایک کنستر اور چاہئیے چھت کو پوری طرح پینٹ کرنے کے لئیے۔,I need another can of paint to finish painting the ceiling.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn ٹام پیر کو شاید مصروف ہو گا۔,Tom is probably going to be busy on Monday.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn اس کو چھوڑ کر، ہر کسی نے تنقید نگار سے سچی رائے دینے کے لئے شکریہ کر دیا۔,Everybody except him thanked the critic for her honest opinion.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn اپنے ہاتھوں کو روک کے رکھو۔,Keep your hands still.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn میں شام کو انگریزی پڑھو گا۔,I'm going to study English this afternoon.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn میں بہار کی چھٹیوں میں کام پہ جا رہا ہوں۔,I'm going to work during the spring vacation.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn مجھے لگ رہا ہے کہ وہ آج آئے گی۔,I have a feeling that she'll come today.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn یہ کام نہیں کرے گا۔,It won't work.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn تم اِس ہوٹیل میں ننگی نہیں جا سکتی ہو۔,You can't go naked in this hotel.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn وہ گاڑی کے حادثے میں زخمی ہوئی تھی۔,She was injured in a car accident.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn تم ہمیشہ دیر سے کیوں آتے ہو؟,Why is it that you're always late?,urd_Arab-eng_Latn میرے خیال میں کوئی دوست نہ ہونا بہت دکھ کی بات ہے ۔,I think it's sad to not have any friends.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn ٹام مر گیا ہے۔,Tom has died.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn میں جتنا کر سکا اتنا میں نے اس نظم کا ترجمہ کر دیا ہے۔,I translated the poem the best I could.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn میں نے خبر سن کے سکھ کا سانس لیا۔,I felt very relieved when I heard the news.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn مجھے یقین ہے کہ میں ٹینس میچ جیت جائوں گا۔,I'm confident that I'll win the tennis match.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn آج کل کے زمانے میں کمپیوتر کی معلومات ہونا فائدہ مند ہے۔,It is an advantage today to have a knowledge of computers.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn ٹام تیز ہے۔,Tom is fast.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn ٹام آذاد ہے۔,Tom is free.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn کوشش کرنے میں کیا ہرج ہے,What is the harm in trying?,urd_Arab-eng_Latn دروازے پہ زور کی دستک نے اسے جگا دیا۔,A loud knocking at the door woke him up.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn آج ریل کاڑی وقت پہ پہنج گئی تھی۔,The train was on time today.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn ٹام تمھیں جانے نہیں دے گا۔,Tom won't let you go.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn پہلے کھائیں گے، پھر جائیں گے۔,"First we'll eat, and then we'll go.",urd_Arab-eng_Latn میں کسی طرح سے آٹھ بجے پہنچ جائو گا۔,I'll be there by eight somehow.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn رات تھی۔,It was night.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn میرے والد نے مجھے اپنے جنگی تجربے کے بارے میں بتایا۔,My father told me about his experiences during the war.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn وہ ٹام کی غلطی نہیں تھی۔,It isn't Tom's fault.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn رہنما لوگ سماج کی خدمت کرتے ہیں۔,Leaders serve society.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn میں کل ضرور آؤوں گا۔,I'll certainly come tomorrow.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn کیا آپ میرے بال بنائیں؟,Can you please do my hair?,urd_Arab-eng_Latn ٹام نے مریم کو کتاب پڑھتے ہوِئے دیکھا۔,Tom found Mary reading a book.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn عوام میں اگر اتحاد ہو تو وہ کبھی بھی شکست نہیں کھائے گے۔,The people united will never be defeated!,urd_Arab-eng_Latn میں میکڈونلڈ میں کام کر رہا ہوں۔,I'm working for McDonald's.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn ہماری ہر گفتگو لڑائی پہ ختم ہوتی ہے۔,Our conversation always ends in a quarrel.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn مجھے اِس نقشے کے رنگ پسند ہیں لیکن میرے لیے بہت چھوٹا ہے۔,"I like the colors on this painting, but it's far too small for me.",urd_Arab-eng_Latn آج اسمان میں بہت بادل چھائے ہیں۔,There are lots of clouds in the sky today.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn اسی چیز کے ہونے کی مجھے امید تھی۔,That's exactly what I expected to happen.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn ہم نے کل رات ٹی وی پر بیس بال گیم دیکھی۔,We watched the baseball game on TV last night.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn اردو ان کی مادری زبان ہے۔,Urdu is her mother tongue.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn تم فوراّ سے پہلے یہ خط لکھو۔,You had better write the letter at once.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn اس سوال کا جواب بہت آسان ہے۔,That question is easy to answer.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn اس حالت کے بارے میں آپ کا کیا خیال ہے؟,What are your thoughts on the situation?,urd_Arab-eng_Latn تمھیں شرمندہ ہونے کی ضرورت نہیں ہے بیشک تم امتحان میں فیل ہو گئے ہو۔,You needn't be ashamed because you failed the exam.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn کل مجھے أنگریزی میں ایک خط ملا۔,I received a letter in English yesterday.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn وہ ان کی کتابیں ہیں۔,Those are their books.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn میں بعد میں آ جائو گا۔,I think I'll come back later.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn ہمیں یہ کرنا چاہئیے۔,We should do it.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn کیا یہ سفید ہے؟,Is it white?,urd_Arab-eng_Latn اس دن چودھویں کا چاند دیکھا گیا تھا۔,It was a full moon that was seen that day.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn تمھیں بس اب کرنا یہ ہے کہ ہمارے ساتھ شامل ہو جانا ہے۔,All you have to do is to join us.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn اس نے ادب کا ذوق سیکھا۔,He learned to appreciate literature.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn تم اپنی پہلی تنخواہ کے ساتھ کیا کرو گے؟,What are you going to do with your first pay?,urd_Arab-eng_Latn وہ ہفتے میں تین دفعہ ٹیوشن جاتا ہے۔,He goes to a tutorial school three days a week.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn یہ دوپہر کے کھانے کا وقت ہے۔,It's lunch time.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn کافی کچھ ہو گیا ہے۔,A lot has happened.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn ٹوٹے ہوئے کھلونے کو تین گھنٹے لگے جوڑنے میں۔,It took three hours to put the broken toy together.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn یہ بچے ہمیشہ بے چین رہتیں ہیں۔,These kids are always restless.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn وہ سستا لگتا تھا۔,It looked cheap.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn اس کی صورت حال میں روشنی کی کوئی رمق نہیں دیکھتا ہے۔,He sees no glimmer of light in his situation.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn بارش کے بعد پتے بہت تازہ ہو گئے ہیں۔۔,The leaves are fresh after a rainfall.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn ہسپتال کی تعمیر بس ختم ہونے والی ہے۔,The construction of the hospital is about to end.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn ٹام رات کو گھر آیا تھا۔,Tom came over last night.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn یہ وہ کیمرہ ہے جس سے ٹام نے تصویریں کھینچی ہیں۔,This is the camera that Tom took the pictures with.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn مجھے لگ رہا ہے کہ بخار ہے۔,I seem to have a fever.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn میں نے خریدنے کے لئیے حامی بھری۔,I agreed to buy it.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn پہاڑوں میں ہوا بہت تازہ ہے۔,The air is very pure in the mountains.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn ہم سارے کافی زیادہ روئے۔,We all cried a lot.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn نتائج حتمی نہیں تھے لیکن مجھے یقین ہے کہ ڈی این اے ایک جیسے ہیں۔,"The results were not definitive, but I'm sure the DNA's a match.",urd_Arab-eng_Latn ہمین اپبا فر,We do our duty.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn """شتر مرغ"" - اور سب نے اپنے سر میز کے نیچے گھسا دئیے۔","""Ostrich!""—and everyone stuck their heads under the table.",urd_Arab-eng_Latn سیاہ اور سفید ٹیلی ویژن سیٹ اب پرانے ہو گئے ہیں۔,Black and white television sets have gone out of date.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn وہ مطمئن نہیں ہوئے تھے کیا؟,Weren't they satisfied?,urd_Arab-eng_Latn میں پڑھا رہا ہوں۔,I am teaching.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn اس نے تیس ہزار ڈالر کمائے۔,She made thirty thousand dollars.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn وہ جاپان کا اڈیسن ہے۔,He is an Edison in Japan.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn انگریزی میں ایک رات کے اندر مہارت نہیں حاصل کی جا سکتی۔,English cannot be mastered overnight.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn اِس کو کیا بلاتے ہے؟,What does one call this?,urd_Arab-eng_Latn اس نے بستر کے چادروں سے پھندا بنایا اور اپنے آپ کو جیل میں ہی پھانسی دے دی۔,He fashioned a noose out of the bed sheets and hung himself in his cell.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn وہ زیادہ دور نہیں رہتا۔,He doesn't live far away.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn وہ مکھیوں کی طرح کام کر رہیں ہیں۔,They worked like so many bees.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn اس کی خوبصورتی کو بیان کرنا الفاظوں میں ممکن نہیں۔,Her beauty was beyond description.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn ہاتھی ایشیا اور افریقہ میں پائے جاتے ہیں۔,Elephants live in Asia and Africa.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn وہ ایک بین الاقوامی بینک میں مترجم ہے۔,He is an interpreter in an international bank.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn تم سارے کہاں رہتے ہوں؟,Where do you all live?,urd_Arab-eng_Latn تم اپنے کپڑے کیوں اتار رہے ہو؟,Why are you undressing?,urd_Arab-eng_Latn تم نے اپنے کمرے کی صفائی کی ہے آج؟,Did you clean your room today?,urd_Arab-eng_Latn اس کائنات کی ابتدا کیا ہے؟,What is the origin of the universe?,urd_Arab-eng_Latn ٹیکسنس نے اپنی خود کی فوج منظم کرنا شروع کر دی۔,The Texans began to organize their own army.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn سوری نام میں اسلام انیسویں صدی کے آخر میں آیا۔,Islam arrived to Suriname in the late nineteenth century.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn میں ٹام کو گھر لے جاتا ہوں۔,I'll take Tom home.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn مجھے نہیں پتا کیا کہنا ہے ۔,I don't know what to say.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn ٹام کو کچھ ہو گیا ہے۔,Something's happened to Tom.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn میں بالکل اسی بارے میں سوچ رہا تھا۔,It's exactly what I was thinking about.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn امی کھانا پکا رہی ہے۔,Mother is preparing supper.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn کیوں؟ کیا ہوا؟,Why? What's wrong?,urd_Arab-eng_Latn میری پتلون بہت چھوٹی ہے۔,My pants are too short.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn ٹام ہمیشہ تیز کافی پیتا ہے۔,Tom always drinks his coffee strong.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn اس پھل کا ذائقہ خراب ہے۔,This fruit has a bad taste.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn کاش تم نے وہ کہانی میری امی کو نہ بتائی ہوتی۔,I wish you hadn't told that story to my mother.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn اس نے اپنا ہوم ورک ایک گھنٹے میں ختم کر لیا۔,She finished her homework in an hour.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn یوکو انگریزی بولتی ہے، ہے نا؟,"Yoko speaks English, doesn't she?",urd_Arab-eng_Latn ہم عشائیہ باہر کر رہے ہیں۔,We are eating dinner outdoors.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn ہم رات کا کھانا باہر کھا رہے ہیں۔,We're eating dinner outdoors.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn جلدی اٹھنا صحت کے لئیے اچھا ہوتا ہے۔,Early rising is good for the health.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn فرج گوشت کو تازہ رکھتا ہے۔,A refrigerator keeps meat fresh.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn میں نئی کار خریدنے لگا ہوں۔,I am going to buy a new car.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn تمھیں جتنے پیسے چاہئے، میں اتنے تمھیں دے دوں گا۔,I will lend you as much money as you want.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn استاد نے میری پیٹھ پر مجھے تھپکی دی۔,The teacher patted me on the back.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn میں تمھیں سچ بتا رہا ہوں۔,I tell you the truth.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn وہ صبح جلدی اٹھنے کا عادی ہے۔,He's accustomed to getting up early in the morning.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn میں نیا طالب علم ہوں۔,I am a new student.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn مجھ سے یہ ٹھنڈ اور زیادہ برداشت نہیں ہو رہی۔,I can't stand this cold anymore.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn لگتا ہے کہ اس کی ٹرین چھٹ گئی ہے۔,He may have missed the train.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn پیانو کافی مہنگا ہے۔,A piano is expensive.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn اتنی گرمی تھی کہ میں کھڑکی کھول کے سویا۔,It was so hot that I slept with the window open.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn میرے دادا اور دادی دونوں فوت ہو چکے ہیں۔,Both my grandfather and grandmother are dead.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn موسم تھوڑا گرم ہو گیا۔,The weather became warm.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn میں نے حادثے کے متعلق اخبار میں پڑھا۔,I read about the accident in the newspaper.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn جیگ کو کیا ہوا ہے؟,What happened to the Jag?,urd_Arab-eng_Latn ٹام أمیر تھا۔,Tom was rich.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn میں لفٹ سے نیچے چلا گیا,I took the elevator down.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn شاید ہم کام کریں۔,Maybe we're gonna work.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn ٹام نے مریم سے اتنے اچھے تحفے کی امید نہیں کی تھی۔,Tom didn't expect such a nice present from Mary.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn وہ کہتے ہیں کہ وہ دنیا کی سب سے خوش اخلاق عورت ہے۔,They say she is the kindest woman on earth.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn مریم نے کھانے پکانے میں اپنی والدہ کا ہاتھ بٹایا۔,Mary helped her mother with the cooking.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn یہ بہت بڑا ہے۔,This is too big.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn میرا بھائی ٹینس میں کبھی نہیں ہارا ہے,My brother has never lost at tennis.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn تمہاری لڑائی کی وجہ کیا تھی۔,What was the cause of your quarrel?,urd_Arab-eng_Latn میں اتنا سارا کھانا اکیلے نہیں کھا سکتا۔,I can't eat that much food by myself.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn وہ ٹوکیو میں ہے۔,He's in Tokyo.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn وہ میرے دوست ہیں۔,They are my friends.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn وہ میری سہلیاں ہیں۔,They're my friends.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn کیا میں جلدی ٹھیک ہو جائو گا؟,Will I get well soon?,urd_Arab-eng_Latn تم بس دھیان رکھنا کہ یہ ٹوٹے نا۔,You must take care not to break it.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn کمیٹی میں تین مرد اور سات عورتیں ہیں۔,The committee is composed of three men and seven women.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn میڈم تھومس ہمیں تاریخ پڑھاتی ہے۔,Miss Thomas teaches us history.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn چلئے، کچھ کر کے دکھائے.,"Come on, show that you can do something.",urd_Arab-eng_Latn میں لمبا ہوں۔,I am tall.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn میں تمہیں مس نہیں کرنا چاہتا۔,I don't want to miss you.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn مجھے سڑک پہ ایک ڈالر گرا ہوا ملا۔,I found a dollar in the street.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn کتب خانہ کہاں ہے؟,Where's the library?,urd_Arab-eng_Latn ہمیشہ اپنی نیت صاف رکھو.,Always keep your intentions clean.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn ٹام پھنسا ہوا ہے۔,Tom is trapped.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn پگڑیاں أہم ہیں سکھ مذہب میں۔,The turban is important in Sikhism.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn اب بچھتائے کیا ہوت جب چڑیا چگ گئی کھیت۔,It's no use crying over spilt milk.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn کیا ٹائم ہے ؟,What time is it?,urd_Arab-eng_Latn آئیے، میرے پاس بیٹئیے۔,"Come, sit by me.",urd_Arab-eng_Latn ٹام بہت بدصورت ہے۔,Tom is very ugly.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn ٹام ٹھیک ہے۔,Tom is well.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn اُس نے میرے جوان ہونے کی فائدہ اُٹھایا۔,He took advantage of my youth.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn میں بارش میں پھنس گیا اور پورے کا پورا بھیگ گیا۔,I was caught in a shower and was drenched to the skin.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn آنکھوں کو جھکائیں، خیالات کو بلند کریں...,Closing your eyes helps you think better.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn یہ وہ کیک ہیں جو اس نے خود بنائے ہے۔,These are cakes that she baked herself.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn تم نے کبھی سنیما میں چیخ ماری ہے؟,Have you ever screamed in a movie theater?,urd_Arab-eng_Latn میرے پاس اس سے تین گنا زیادہ کتابیں ہیں۔,I have three times more books than he has.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn چڑیاں گھونسلے بناتی ہیں۔,Birds build nests.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn ٹوموکو نے اپنی سہیلیوں کو اپنی پارٹی کی دعوت دی۔,Tomoko asked her friends to come to her party.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn أس نے لال ڈریس چُنی۔,She chose the red dress.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn میں نے تمہارا خط کا جواب نھیں کر دیا کیونکہ میں بہت مشغول تھا۔,I did not reply to your letter as I was too busy.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn میں بچّوں کو سکوٗل لے گیا۔,I took the children to school.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn ايمان، اتحاد، نظم.,"Faith, unity, discipline.",urd_Arab-eng_Latn وہ اِطالوی ہے۔,She is Italian.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn مجھے اِسلام کے موضوع میں أچھی سمجھ آتی ہے لیکن ہندو مذہب أور تہذیب کے بارے میں بہت کم علم ہے۔,"I've got a good understanding of Islam, but I know little about the Hindu religion and its culture.",urd_Arab-eng_Latn وہ پورا دن مصروف رہا ہے۔,He's been working all day long.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn وہ ڈاکٹر نہیں ہے۔,He is not a doctor.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn یہ دیکھو۔,"Hey, look at this.",urd_Arab-eng_Latn ٹام نے کمرے کے چاروں اور دیکھے۔,Tom looked around the room.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn میں اتوار کے علاوہ ہر روز کام کرتا ہوں۔,I work every day except Sunday.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn میں اتوار کے علاوہ روزانہ کام کرتا ہوں۔,I work every day except on Sunday.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn آپ چُپچاپ سنتے کیوں نہیں؟,Why don't you be quiet and listen?,urd_Arab-eng_Latn پاسورڈ طویل ہے۔,The password is long.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn میں وائین نہیں پیتی۔,I don't drink wine.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn اس کے انگریزی میں ۹۰ فیصد آئے ہے۔,He got 90% in English.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn مجھے پتہ نہیں ہے۔,I don't know.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn میرے خیال سے عام زندگی جینا بہت اچھی بات ہے۔,I think it is very good to lead a regular life.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn تمہارا دشمن کون ہے؟,Who is your enemy?,urd_Arab-eng_Latn یہ کس طرح کی پنچھی ہے؟,What kind of bird is this?,urd_Arab-eng_Latn زیادہ تعجب کی کیا بات ہے؟,What's more surprising?,urd_Arab-eng_Latn ناچ نہ جانے، آنگن ٹیڑھا!,A bad tradesman blames his tools.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn میں تمہیں ہسپتال لے کے جاتا ہوں۔,I'll take you to the hospital.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn مجھے آپ کی زبان آتی ہے۔,I know your language.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn کیا تم مجھے اب سن سکتے ہو؟,Do you hear me well now?,urd_Arab-eng_Latn میں ہمیشہ سے وہ کتاب پڑھنا چاہتا تھا۔,I've always wanted to read that book.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn یہ کافی اچھا سوال ہے۔,That's a pretty good question.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn میں نے ٹام کا کافی دیر انتظار کیا۔,I waited for Tom for a long time.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn ٹام کبھی تمہیں دکھ نہیں دے گا۔,Tom would never hurt you.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn اس کی ایک گاڑی نیلی ہے اور باقی لال ہیں۔,One of her cars is blue and the others are red.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn اور کوئی طریقہ نہیں ہے۔,No other way.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn وہ ہمیشہ کالی کافی پیتا ہے۔,He always drinks black coffee.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn میں اج رات کو اسے فون کروں گا۔,I will call him tonight.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn اس نے چیخ چیخ کے اپنا گلا خراب کر دیا۔,She shouted herself hoarse.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn آپ اپنی سیٹ تھوڑی اوپر کر سکتے ہے؟,Could you put your seat back up a little?,urd_Arab-eng_Latn وہ آج کل اپنے والدین کا کہنا نہیں مان رہا۔,These days he disobeys his parents.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn ہر وقت ایماندار ہونا آسان نہیں ہے۔,It's not easy to be honest all the time.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn ہم أپنے ملک کے چین سے موازنہ کر سکتے ہیں۔,We can compare our country to China.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn کیا تم بینگلی صاحب کو جانتے ہو؟,Do you know Mr. Bingley?,urd_Arab-eng_Latn ٹام کی ایک بیٹی کا نام ہے مریم۔,Tom has a daughter named Mary.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn مجھے ایک اور گھڑی دکھائو۔,Show me another watch.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn مجھ سے شادی کروگی؟,Will you marry me?,urd_Arab-eng_Latn جو مجھے معلوم ہے نارویجن کے بارے میں، میں نے خود سیکھا۔,What I know of Norwegian I have learned on my own.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn تمھارا دانت نکالنا پڑے گا۔,Your tooth must be extracted.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn میرے والد کو گزرے ہوئے پانچ سال ہو گئے ہے۔,Five years have gone by since my father died.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn لیکچر کے بات تھورے سے لوگوں نے تالیاں بجائی۔,A few people clapped after his lecture.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn بچا دوٗدھ پیتا ہے۔,The kid is drinking the milk.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn میں بہت أچھی طرح جانتا ہوں جو وہ لوگ چاہتے ہیں۔,I know very well what they want.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn تم کسی وقت بھی آ سکتے ہو۔,You can come at any time.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn میں اپنا کمرہ روزانہ صاف کرتا ہوں۔,I clean my room almost every day.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn ان کے خیال میں لڑکا بہت اچھا ہے۔,"According to their opinions, that boy is very good.",urd_Arab-eng_Latn کیا تم نے سب کچھ صحیح سے کیا ہے؟,Have you ever done anything right?,urd_Arab-eng_Latn دو بچے باڑ کے اوپر بیٹھے ہے۔,Two children are sitting on top of the fence.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn میں بھی ہوائی جانا چاہتا ہوں۔,I'd like to go to Hawaii as well.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn پتہ نہیں وہ آئے گا کہ نہیں۔,I wonder if he will come.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn مجھے مچھلی سے الرجی ہے۔,I'm allergic to fish.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn تمھیں نہیں پتہ ، اسے فوت ہوئے دو سال ہو گئے ہے۔,Don't you know that he passed away two years ago?,urd_Arab-eng_Latn ایک دریا قصبے کو دو حصوں میں تقسیم کرتی ہے۔,A river divides the town.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn میں تم سے محبت کرتا ہوں۔,I love you.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn کیونکہ اب تم ٹھیک ہو چکے ہو، تم سفر کر سکتے ہو۔,"Now that you are well again, you can travel.",urd_Arab-eng_Latn ہم رات بارہ بجے تک باتیں کرتے رہیں۔,We talked on the phone until midnight.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn ان گرمیوں میں کافی بارشیں ہوئی ہیں۔,We have had much rain this summer.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn مگر بہت بہت مشکل ہے۔,But very very difficult.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn کیا بھیڑیا ہے؟,Is it a wolf?,urd_Arab-eng_Latn ٹام عام طور پر نقد رقم میں ہر چیز کے لئے ادائیگی کرتا ہے۔,Tom usually pays for everything in cash.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn میں آپ کی طرف سے اس خط کا جواب دوں؟,Shall I answer this letter for you?,urd_Arab-eng_Latn آگ بجھ گئی۔,The fire went out.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn ٹام باسٹن میں تقریبا دس سالوں سے رہ رہا ہے۔,Tom has been living in Boston for almost ten years.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn کیا اپ کو بیسبال پسند ہے؟,Do you like baseball?,urd_Arab-eng_Latn اُس نے أپنے دوست سے پیسے اُدھار لیئے,He borrowed money from his friend.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn آپ کو اس موقعے کا فائدہ اُٹھانا چاہئے۔,You should make use of this chance.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn اس کو گاڑی خریدنے کے لئے کافی پیسے نہیں ہیں۔,He doesn't have enough money to buy a car.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn أب گھر جاؤ۔,Now go home.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn امریکہ میں کونسی زبان بولی جاتی ہے؟,Which language is spoken in the United States of America?,urd_Arab-eng_Latn ہم نے گاڑی میں کافی سامان ڈال دیا۔,We loaded a lot of luggage into the car.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn اس نے جو کیا وہ غلط تھا۔,What he did was wrong.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn آسمان میں ایک بھی بادل نہیں ہے۔,There was not a cloud in the sky.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn تم کس کے ساتھ جا رہے ہو؟,Who are you going with?,urd_Arab-eng_Latn لگتا ہے کہ مجھے بخار ہو گیا ہے۔,Seems I have fever.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn مجھے تمھاری ضرورت ہے۔,I need you.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn وہ جانور بھوک سے مر گیا۔,The animal died from hunger.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn موسم ہر وقت بدلتا رہتا ہے۔,Weather changes often.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn ہمیں سزائے موت ختم کر دینی چاہئیے۔,We should abolish the death penalty.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn وہ میرے سے لمبی ہے۔,She is taller than me.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn ٹام کا جرم کیا ٹا؟,What was Tom's crime?,urd_Arab-eng_Latn تم مجھے بتائو۔,You must tell me.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn مجھے ایک اور گاڑی کی ضرورت نہیں ہے۔,I don't really need another car.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn میں دو گھنٹے سے زیادہ انتظار کرتا رہا۔,I waited more than two hours.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn تم یہاں بیٹھ سکتے ہو۔,You may sit here.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn میں تو بس ایک گاہک ہوں۔,I'm only a customer.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn یہ تو کچھ نہیں ہے۔,This is nothing.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn ہم کام ختم کر کے گھر لوٹ گئے۔,We returned home after finishing the work.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn ٹام اپنے باغ کو پانی دے رہا ہے۔,Tom is spraying his garden.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn حادثہ پرسو ہوا تھا۔,The accident took place the day before yesterday.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn وہ کئی سال سپین میں رہیں۔,They lived in Spain for several years.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn وہ اپنے خرچے کم کرے گے۔,They will cut down on their expenses.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn کوئی اس بندے کو پکڑے۔,Somebody catch that man!,urd_Arab-eng_Latn یہ اچھا سودا ہے۔,It's a real bargain.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn ٹام نے اچھا وقت گزارا۔,Tom had a great time.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn اُس نے أپنے خیالات کاغذ پر اُتار دیے۔,She put down her thoughts on paper.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn ہم أبھی تک مریں نہیں ہے۔,We're not dead yet.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn میں بہت خوش ہوں تمھاری کامیابی پہ۔,I'm so glad that you succeeded.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn تمہیں أپنے بولنے پر زیادہ توجہ کرنا چاہئے۔,You should be more careful of what you speak.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn وہ سٹیشن کی طرف دوڑے۔,They hurried to the station.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn میں اسے دس سال سے بھی زیادہ عرصے کا جانتا ہوں۔,I have known him for more than ten years.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn عمارت کے سامنے ایک گاڑی کھڑی ہے۔,There is a car in front of the building.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn "اُستاد نے کہا، ""بس آج کے لئے اِتنا ہی۔""","The teacher said, ""That's all for today.""",urd_Arab-eng_Latn وہ غیر ملکیوں سے بات کرنے کا عادی ہے۔,He is used to talking to foreigners.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn ہوائی جہاز ہوائی أڈے پر اُتر گیا ہے۔,The aircraft has landed at the airport.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn ہم نے ایک پڑندے کو دیکھا جو اپنے بچے کو کھانا کھلا رہا تھا۔,We watched a bird feed its little ones.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn بیس بال کھیل بارش کی وجہ سے ملتوی کر دیا گیا۔,The baseball game was called off due to rain.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn میں آپ سے شادی کروٗں گی۔,I'll marry you.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn میں سوچنے کی کوشش کرتا ہوں۔,I try to think.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn تمھیں کھڑے ہونے کی ضرورت نہیں ہے۔,You need not stand up.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn امنے ہمسایوں سے بہترین سلوک کرو۔,Love your neighbors.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn وہ بینک کے اندر گیا۔,He went into the bank.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn اس نے اسے اپنی نوکری چھوڑنے سے منع کیا کیونکہ وہ غریب ہے اور ان کو پیسوں کی ضرورت ہیں۔,She asked him to not quit his job because they were poor and needed the money.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn أپنے نام بتاؤ۔,Tell me your name.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn تم کسی بھی حالت میں آج باہر نہیں جا سکتے ہو۔,On no account must you go out today.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn میں جاپان دو سال پہلے آیا تھا۔,I came to Japan two years ago.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn کیا میں آپ کا فون نمبر پوچھ سکتا ہوں؟,May I ask for your phone number?,urd_Arab-eng_Latn انہوں نے ایک اچھا موقعہ گنوا دیا۔,They missed a good chance.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn زمین بارش کے بعد گیلی ہو چکی ہے۔,The ground is wet after rain.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn میں ہل نہیں سکتا۔,I can't move.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn أپنی قمیض اُتار کر لیٹ جاؤ۔,Remove your shirt and lie down.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn بارش ہو رہی ہے کیا؟,Is it raining?,urd_Arab-eng_Latn فرانس کی عورتیں خوبصورت ہیں۔,The women of France are beautiful.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn """کیلانتان"" مغربی ملائیشیا کی ایک ریاست ہے۔",Kelantan is one of the states in West Malaysia.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn پانی بہت ضروری ہے۔,Water is very important.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn یہ نص عبرانی میں لکھے تھے، آشوری میں نہیں۔,"These texts were written in Hebrew, not in Aramaic.",urd_Arab-eng_Latn "مسلمان یشوع کو ""عیسیٰ"" کہتے ہیں۔","The Muslims call Jesus ""Issa"".",urd_Arab-eng_Latn میں نے اس پہ ۱۰ ڈالڑ خرچ کیئے ہے۔,I spent 10 dollars on it.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn کچھ مانتے ہیں کہ یہ دنیا ایک طرح کا جہنم ہے۔,Some believe that the Earth is a kind of hell.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn اتوار کو وہ ہمیشہ گھر پر ہی ہوتا ہے۔,He's always at home on Sundays.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn ٹام نے مریم کی طرف دیکھا۔,Tom looked at Mary.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn وہ چاقو اپ کا نہیں ہے،,That knife isn't yours.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn بکھاریوں کو ہمیشہ کچھ دینا ہے۔,One should always give something to beggars.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn ٹام نے مریم کو دیکھا۔,Tom saw Mary.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn اُمّید ہے کہ ٹام میری مدد کریں گے۔,I hope Tom helps me.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn عمر جو مرضی ہو، بچہ بچہ ہوتا ہے۔,"No matter the age, a child is a child.",urd_Arab-eng_Latn انگریزی کا مطالعہ زیادہ تر ملکوں میں کیا جاتا ہے۔,English is studied in most countries.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn مجھے اُمّید ہے کی اپ کو مجھ پر فخر ہے۔,I hope that you are proud of me.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn خاموشی ہے۔,There is silence.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn مجھے چاکلیٹ پسند ہے۔,I like chocolate.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn یہ افواہ کی صداقت کو ثابت کرتی ہے۔,It proved the truth of the rumor.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn برف پگھل رہی ہے۔,The ice is melting.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn بابُر نے مغلیہ سلطنت کی تشکیل کی۔,Babur established the Mughal Empire.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn میں اب جرمن سیکھ رہا ہوں۔,I'm learning German now.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn پنجرہ کھلا ہے۔,The cage is open.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn وہ وہاں دس گھنٹے میں پہنچ جائے گا۔,He'll get there in ten hours.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn وہ ایک کسان بننا چاھتا تھا۔,He wanted to be a farmer.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn ٹام ادھر ہے۔,Tom is here.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn ہم نے اس کا حساب لگا لیا۔,We've got that figured out.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn شہزادی نے بہت زیادہ میک اپ لگایا ہوا تھا۔,The princess was wearing too much makeup.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn ٹام امید کر رہا ہے کہ مریم نہیں مرے گی۔,Tom hopes Mary won't die.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn کیا آپ مجھے بتا سکتے ہے کہ میں اب کیا کروں؟,Would you please tell me what I should do next?,urd_Arab-eng_Latn کیا آپ مجھے بتائیں گے کہ میں اب آگے کیا کروں؟,Will you tell me what I should do next?,urd_Arab-eng_Latn برائے مہربانی تھوڑا اونچا بولے۔,Please speak more loudly.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn برائے مہربانی تھوڑا سا اونچا بولے۔,Could you speak a little louder please?,urd_Arab-eng_Latn اس نے اپنی بیٹی کو پھل اور سبزیاں بھیجی۔,He sent fruit and vegetables to his daughter.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn انہوں نے اپنی بیٹی کو پھل اور سبزیاں بھیجی۔,He sent fruits and vegetables to his daughter.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn میں اور زیادہ نہیں لڑ سکتا۔,I can't fight any longer.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn ہمیں یہ کام کرنا ہے۔,We have a job to do.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn وہ دل بھینک ہے۔,He's a philanderer.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn لیلہ چیخنے لگی۔,Layla started yelling.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn شاید وہ صرف توارد ہے۔,That's probably just a coincidence.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn یہ دیکھیں۔,Take a look at these.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn مجھے اس سے مدد کی ضرورت ہے۔,I need help with this stuff.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn ٹام ابھی بھی یہاں نہیں ہے۔,Tom is no longer here.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn اس کے اندر دیکھو۔,Take a look in there.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn آپ کو موٹر سائکل کب ملی؟,When did you get a motorcycle?,urd_Arab-eng_Latn ٹام کو نیند کیسی ائی؟,How did Tom sleep?,urd_Arab-eng_Latn اس آدمی کو سزائے موت دی گئی ہے۔,The man was given a life sentence.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn کیا اپ کو فرانسیسی آتی ہے؟,Did you speak French?,urd_Arab-eng_Latn آپ کیسے ہیں؟,How are you doing?,urd_Arab-eng_Latn میں کافی زیادہ گوشت کھاتا ہوں۔,I eat a lot of meat.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn ٹام نے اپنے بچوں کو اسکول تک چھوڑ دیا۔,Tom drove his kids to school.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn میں چیوینگ گم چبا رہا ہوں۔,I'm chewing gum.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn یہاں گند مچا ہوا ہے۔,It's a mess in here.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn وہ تمہیں نہیں دیکھ سکتے ہیں۔,They can't see you.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn میں نے سیٹل جانا ہے۔,I want to go to Seattle.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn ہم کو اس طرح کی چیزیں سیکھنے کی کیا ضرورت ہے؟,Why do we need to learn this stuff anyway?,urd_Arab-eng_Latn "وہ دُمدار ستارے جو ہم ہر تھوڑے ہزار سالوں میں دیکھتے ہیں ""اوٗرٹ کے بادل"" سے آتے ہیں۔",The comets that we see rarely — every few thousand years — come from the Oort Cloud.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn میرا نام ایمیلی ہے۔,My name is Emily.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn میرا خیال ہے یہ ممکن ہے۔,I suppose that's possible.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn میرے لئیے بھی ایک ٹکٹ لینا۔,Get a ticket for me.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn کیا تم گرین ٹی پی رہے ہو؟,Are you drinking green tea?,urd_Arab-eng_Latn کل ملتے ہیں۔,See you tomorrow!,urd_Arab-eng_Latn کل ملاقات ہوتی ہے۔,See you tomorrow.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn ٹام سے پوچھ لو۔,Go ahead and ask Tom.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn وہ کافی جوان دکھ رہی ہے۔,She looks young.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn بارش جلدی بند ہو جائے گی۔,It'll stop raining soon.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn کیوبا کے سب لوگوں کو پسند ہیں۔,Everyone in Cuba likes it.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn آپ کا بہت بہت شکریہ!,Thank you very much!,urd_Arab-eng_Latn ٹام ناشتہ پکھا رہا ہے۔,Tom's cooking breakfast.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn میں نے نوکری ڈھوڑھنے کی کوشش کی۔,I tried to find a job.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn آپکا پسندیدہ جانور کونسا ہے؟,What is your favorite animal?,urd_Arab-eng_Latn کسی نے میرے ملک کی حمایت نہیں کی تھی۔,Nobody supported my country.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn میں نے اسے تیرنا سکھایا۔,I taught him how to swim.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn یہ لوگ کون ہے؟,Who are those people?,urd_Arab-eng_Latn اس نے میری پیشکش ٹھکرا دی۔,He turned down my offer.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn جم اور وہ دونوں ایک ہی سال میں پیدا ہوِئے تھے۔,Jim was born in the same year as he.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn بچے کی پیدائش کے بعد تمحیں اپنا کام کم کر دینا چاہئیے۔,"After the birth of your child, you should make your work part-time.",urd_Arab-eng_Latn انہوں نے دیکھا کہ بیرا جلدی سے آرہا ہے۔,They saw the waiter coming in a hurry.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn اس نے جمیکا میں اپنا نیا گھر بنایا ہے۔,He set up a new home in Jamaica.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn مستورات حضرات سے پہلے۔,Ladies before gentlemen.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn وہ ایک جھوٹ تھا۔,It was all a big lie.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn اس معاملے میں تم غلط ہو۔,You're wrong in this case.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn میرا دل تیزی سے دھڑکنے لگا۔,My heart began to race.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn پیرس فرانس کا دارلخلافہ ہے۔,Paris is the capital of France.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn بہت محنت والا کام تھا یہ۔,It was real hard work.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn میں دکان کے اوپر فلیٹ میں رہتا ہوں۔,I live in a flat above a shop.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn مجھے مزہ آرہا ہے۔,I'm enjoying this.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn میں صبح جلدی اٹھا تاکہ میں پہلی ریل گاڑی پکڑ سکوں۔,I got up early so that I might be in time for the first train.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn سوزن آج کل بہت محنت کر رہی ہے۔,Susan is working very hard these days.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn کیا کبھی کسی نے اس کے بارے میں سوچا ہے؟,Has anybody ever thought of this?,urd_Arab-eng_Latn میں اپنے خاندان کو سہارا دیتا ہوں۔,I manage to support my family.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn غلطی نہ کرنا۔,Don't make a mistake.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn تم ٹام کو کتنی اچھی طرح جانتے ہو؟,How well do you know Tom?,urd_Arab-eng_Latn مجھے کافی زیادہ پاسورڈس یاد دکھنے پڑتے ہے۔,I have a lot of passwords to remember.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn کون چاہے گا کہ وہ مر جاَئے۔,Who would want them dead?,urd_Arab-eng_Latn ہمیں کیا امریکا سے چاول کی برآمدگی کرنی چاہیے؟,Do you think we should import rice from the U.S.?,urd_Arab-eng_Latn کین خوش ہے۔,Ken is happy.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn مجھے ایک مشورہ دو۔,Give me a tip.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn فوج کے پاس کافی اسلحہ تھا۔,The troops had plenty of arms.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn پچھلے ہفتے کے انگریزی کے امتحان میں میرے اس سے برے نمبر تھے۔,"On last week's English test, my score was worse than hers.",urd_Arab-eng_Latn ہم باری باری سوئے۔,We slept by turns.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn کاش میں نے کسی اور مرد سے شادی کرلی ہوتی۔,I wish I had married another man.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn یہ وہ بندہ ہے جس پہ آپ بھروسہ کر سکتے ہو۔,He is the man you can rely on.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn میں ریادہ تر ڈھیڑ سارا دودھ پیتا ہوں۔,I usually drink a lot of milk.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn میں کتا رکھتا ہوں۔,I keep a dog.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn مجھے صرف ایک دفعہ جانے دے۔,Let me go just once.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn بیلجیم فرانس جتنا برا نہیں۔,Belgium is not as big as France.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn میرا نام اچِرو تاناکا ہے۔,My name is Ichiro Tanaka.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn ٹام نے جب پہلی دفعہ مریم کو دیکھا تو وہ اس کے عشق میں گرفتار ہو گیا۔,Tom fell in love with Mary the first time he saw her.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn کیا کوئی فرق پڑتا ہے؟,Does that matter?,urd_Arab-eng_Latn میری ترجیح سیاہ والا ہے۔,I prefer the black one.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn ٹام کی جب پہلی دفعہ مریم پہ نظر پڑی تو وہ اس پہ دل ہار گیا۔,Tom fell in love with Mary the first time that he saw her.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn میری چابی گم ہو گئی ہے۔,I've lost my key.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn میرا خیال ہے کہ ہم ابھی بھی پولینڈ میں ہیں۔,I think we are still in Poland!,urd_Arab-eng_Latn مجھے اس کی آنکھوں میں آنسو نظر آئے۔,I saw tears in his eyes.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn اس نے ایک نئی نوکرانی رکھ لی۔,He employed a new maid.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn دنیا بھر میں بہت سے لوگوں کو اچھا پانی دستیاب نہیں ہے۔,Many people around the world don't have access to good quality water.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn ٹام غریب ہے لیکن وہ خوش ہے۔,"Tom is poor, but he's happy.",urd_Arab-eng_Latn مجھے تلاش مت کرنا۔,Don't look for me.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn مجھے کال مت کرنا۔,Don't call me.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn مجھے نہیں پتا کہ تم کدھر جا رہے ہو۔,I don't know where you are going.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn تم پاگل تھے جو اکیلے کرنے چلے گئے تھے۔,You are mad to try to do it all alone.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn مجھے کیک چاہیئے,I want some cake.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn ترجمہ کیا معیار بہتر ہو گیا ہے۔,The quality of translation has improved.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn ٹام جوان ہے۔,Tom is young.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn مجھے نہیں پتا کہ آپ کدھر جا رہے ہے۔,I don't know where you're going.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn میں اگلے ہفتے یورپ جا رہا ہوں۔,I'm going to Europe next week.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn اب نہیں تو، کب؟,"If not now, when?",urd_Arab-eng_Latn جیسا دیس، ویسا بھیس۔,"When in Rome, do as the Romans do.",urd_Arab-eng_Latn جیسا کرو گے، ویسا بھرو گے۔,You reap what you sow.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn میرا نام حسسان ہے,My name is Hassan.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn کیا وہ ٹھیک ہے؟,Is he alright?,urd_Arab-eng_Latn میں کوئی ۱ میل چلا۔,I walked about 1 mile.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn بۈگۈن شەنبە.,Today is Saturday.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn نہ ہونے سے کچھ ہونا بہتر ہے۔,Better to have something than nothing.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn ڈوبتے کو تنکے کا سہارا۔,A drowning man will clutch at a straw.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn اندھوں میں کانا راجہ۔,"In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.",urd_Arab-eng_Latn دوست وہ جو مصیبت میں کام آئے۔,A friend in need is a friend indeed.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn میں نے امتحان میں ایک غلطی کر دی ہے۔,I made a bad mistake on the test.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn میں نے اپنے دوست کو کچھ پیسے ادھار دیے ہے۔,I lent my friend some money.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn مجھے یہ فلم بہت دلچسپ لگی ہے۔,I found this movie very interesting.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn میں نے اس فلم کو بہت دلچسپ پایا۔,I found this film very interesting.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn ڈاکٹر نے ہر ممکن کوشش کی مریض کو بچانے کے لیئے۔,The doctor tried every possible means to save his patient.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn تم ایک اچھے بچے ہو۔,You are a good boy.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn میرا خیال ہے کہ وہ ایک ایماندار عورت ہے۔,I think she's an honest woman.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn بہت کم جاپانی صحیح انگریزی بول سکتے ہیں۔,Few Japanese can use English well.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn میں اپنی اگلی سالگرہ پر سولہ سال کا ہو جائو گا۔,I'll be sixteen on my next birthday.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn میں آپ کو مقدپے کے بارے میں بتاتا ہوں۔,Let me tell you about the case.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn میں اس واقعے کو تفصیل سے سمجھاتا ہوں۔,I'll explain the incident.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn میں کچھ ٹیلی فون کالیں کرنا چاہتا تھا۔,I wanted to make some telephone calls.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn مجھے آپ کی ٹوپی بہت پسند ہے۔,I love your hat.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn میں نے اس گیت کا فرانسیسی ورژن سنا ہوا ہے۔,I've heard the French version of this song.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn راجندرہ پرساد بھارت کے پہلے صدر تھے.,Rajendra Prasad was the first president of India.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn جواہر لعل نہرو بھارت کے پہلے وزیر اعظم تھے۔,Jawaharlal Nehru was the first prime minister of India.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn میں نے اس گیت کو فرانسیسی زبان میں گایا ہوا سنا ہے۔,I have heard that song sung in French.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn یہ تمہارے بارے میں نہیں ہے۔,This isn't about you.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn میں ماضی کو زیادہ کریدنا نہیں چاہتا۔,I don't want to dredge up the past.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn کاش میں جوان ہوتا!,I wish I were young.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn گلابوں کی خوشبو بہت اچھی ہے۔,The roses smell good.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn تمھیں کل کسی نے کال کی تھی؟,Did anybody call on you yesterday?,urd_Arab-eng_Latn تمہیں ان کو سچ بتانا ہو گا۔,You must tell them the truth.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn ٹام کو ہر وقت کچھ نا کچھ چاہئہے ہوتا ہے۔,Tom always wants something.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn وہ ہر صبح دوڑتا ہے۔,He goes running every morning.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn ہم جلدی نہیں پہنچ گئے؟,"We've arrived pretty quickly, haven't we?",urd_Arab-eng_Latn تم اب پیچھے نہیں ہٹ سکتے۔,You can't back out on me now.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn آسٹریلوی لڑکیاں بہت خوبصورت ہیں۔,Australian women are very beautiful.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn میرے پاس زیادہ وقت نہیں ہے۔,I do not have much time.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn مجھے دل کا دورہ پڑا تھا۔,I had a heart attack.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn تمھیں جشن کیسا لگا؟,How did you like the party?,urd_Arab-eng_Latn ٹام نوکری تلاش کر رہا ہے۔,Tom is seeking a job.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn اس میں کافی خامیاں ہے۔,She has many faults.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn کیک بنانے کے لئیے تمہیں انڈے، مکھن اور چینی لازمی ڈالنے ہونگے۔,"In making a cake, you must use eggs, butter and sugar.",urd_Arab-eng_Latn """کیا تمھاری بیوی برطانوی ہے؟"" ""وہ برطانوی نہیں، سکاٹش ہے۔""","""Is your wife British?"" ""She isn't British, she's Scottish.""",urd_Arab-eng_Latn وہ چھٹیوں میں وہیں رہا۔,He stayed there during the vacation.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn لکڑی آرام سے جل جاتی ہے۔,Woods burn easily.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn ٹام ایک امیر آدپی ہے۔,Tom is a wealthy man.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn اس وقت دفتر میں کوئی نہیں ہے۔,"At the moment, there isn't anyone in the office.",urd_Arab-eng_Latn میں ڈھائی بجے وہاں پہنچ جائوں گا۔,I'll get there at about 2:30.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn برائے مہربانی، دھیان سے فیصلہ کی جیئے گا۔,Please choose wisely.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn وہ پہلا بندہ تھا جس نے کوہ فجی کو سردیوں میں سر کیا۔,He was the first man to climb Mt. Fuji in winter.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn ٹام غلط ہے۔,Tom is wrong.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn وہ دوپہر سے پہلے نظر نہیں آیا۔,He did not appear until about noon.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn وہ آج صبح جلدی اٹھا تھا۔,He got up early this morning.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn ٹام مر چکا ہے۔,Tom is dead.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn ٹام بہرہ ہے۔,Tom is deaf.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn یہ لوگ قبیلے کے سب سے دانشمند لوگ ہیں۔,These men are the wisest people of the tribe.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn ٹام نشہ میں ہے۔,Tom is drunk.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn میرے بس سٹاپ پہنچنے تک آخری بس نکل چکی تھی۔,The last bus had already gone when I got to the bus stop.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn ٹام موٹا ہے۔,Tom is fat.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn کیا وہ ہوٹل میں قیام کر رہی ہے؟,Is she staying at a hotel?,urd_Arab-eng_Latn تمھیں خود حاضری دینی پڑے گی۔,You have to appear in person.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn میں ٹام کا بچپن کا دوست ہوں۔,I'm a childhood friend of Tom's.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn میں نے دو گھنٹے ٹی وِی دیکھ کے کاافی مزہ کیا۔,I enjoyed watching TV for two hours.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn مجھے چائے پسند ہے۔,I like tea.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn میں یہاں رہتا ہوں۔,I live here.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn ٹام چلا گیا ہے۔,Tom is gone.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn میں اس سے پیار کرتا ہوں۔,I love her.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn مجھے روک پسند ہے۔,I love rock.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn مجھے تم سے پیار ہے۔,I love you!,urd_Arab-eng_Latn اسلام علیکم بل۔ کیا حال ہے تمھارا؟,"Hi, Bill. How are you?",urd_Arab-eng_Latn وہ بازو باندھ کے سوچ رہا تھا۔,"He was thinking, with his arms folded.",urd_Arab-eng_Latn ہاں، یہ بڑے آرام سے ہو سکتا ہے۔,"Yes, it can be done very easily.",urd_Arab-eng_Latn تم جیسے مرضی کرو، اس کا نتیجہ ایک ہی نکلے گا۔,"No matter how you do it, the results will be the same.",urd_Arab-eng_Latn وہ عقلمند لڑکا ہے۔,He's a smart boy.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn ٹام زخمی ہے۔,Tom is hurt.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn ٹام ناراض ہے۔,Tom is mad.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn ٹام صحیص ہے۔,Tom is right.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn ٹام اداس یے۔,Tom is sad.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn شاید برفباری ہو جائے۔,It may snow.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn ٹام محفوظ ہے۔,Tom is safe.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn ٹام ڈرا ہوا ہے۔,Tom is scared.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn ٹام شرمیلا ہے۔,Tom is shy.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn ٹام بیمار ہے۔,Tom is sick.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn ٹام عقل مند ہے۔,Tom is smart.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn ٹام عجیب ہے۔,Tom is strange.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn ٹام طاقتور ہے۔,Tom is strong.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn شاید بارش ہو جائے۔,It may rain.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn مجھے تم پر بھروسہ ہے۔,I trust you.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn کونسے دانت میں درد ہے؟,Which tooth hurts?,urd_Arab-eng_Latn میرا ہاتھ تھامو۔,Grab my hand.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn میں نے انہیں اس کو گھیرتے ہوئے دیکھا۔,I saw them surrounding him.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn حوصلہ مت کھونا۔,Don't lose heart.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn مایوس نہ ہونا۔,Don't lose heart!,urd_Arab-eng_Latn اصل میں میں یونیورسٹی ٹیچر ہوں۔,I'm actually a university teacher.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn میں نہیں ہاروں گا۔,I won't lose!,urd_Arab-eng_Latn زندگی مشکل ہے۔,Life is hard.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn مجھے اندر آنے دو۔,Let me in.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn انڈین نیشنل کانگرس أور بھارتیہ جنتا پارٹی بھارت کی مشہور ترین سیاسی جماعتیں ہیں۔,The Indian National Congress and the Bharatiya Janata Party are the most prominent political parties in India.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn ٹام تھکا ہوا ہے۔,Tom is tired.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn وہ اس ملک میں آتی جاتی رہتی ہے۔,She's a frequent visitor to this country.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn ٹام اٹھ چکا ہے۔,Tom is up.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn ٹام کمزور ہے۔,Tom is weak.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn وہ بھاگا کیوں؟,Why did he run away?,urd_Arab-eng_Latn مجھے بہت بڑی درد ہو رہی ہے۔,I have a terrible pain.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn میں بیمار ہوں۔,I am sick.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn اس کی خاموشی نے لڑکی کو ناراض کر دیا تھا۔,It was his silence that made her angry.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn کمرے سیاہ ہے۔,The room is dark.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn حب وہ کمرے میں داخل ہوئی تو وہ کھڑا ہو گیا۔,"When she entered the room, he stood up.",urd_Arab-eng_Latn جب میں گھر پہنچا تو مجھے پتہ لگا کہ میرا بٹوہ گم ہو گیا ہے۔,"When I got home, I noticed that I had lost my wallet.",urd_Arab-eng_Latn وہ جتنا مرضی کھا لے، اس کا وزن بڑھتا ہی نہیں ہے۔,"No matter how much she eats, she never gains weight.",urd_Arab-eng_Latn اس نے جو بتاہا تھا وہ جھوٹ نکل آیا۔,What he said turned out to be a lie.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn ٹریفک حادثہ کیسے پیش آیا؟,How did the traffic accident happen?,urd_Arab-eng_Latn ٹھنڈا موسم اور کتنا عرصہ رہے گا؟,How long will this cold weather continue?,urd_Arab-eng_Latn میں تمھارے جانے کے بعد اکیلی ہو جائو گی۔,I'll be lonely after you've gone.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn تم نے وایلن بجانا کیسے سیکھا؟,How did you learn how to play the violin?,urd_Arab-eng_Latn کیوں نہ ہم اسے ملنے چلے؟,Why don't we drop by to see her?,urd_Arab-eng_Latn اس کی والدہ نے بتایا ہے کہ وہ پانچ ہفتوں سے بستر میں بیمار پڑا ہے۔,His mother said that he had been sick in bed for five weeks.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn ماری لمبی ہے۔,Mary is tall.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn مجھے حیرانی نہیں ہو گی۔,It wouldn't surprise me.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn ٹام نے بہت سارا کباڑ جمع کیا ہے۔,Tom has accumulated a lot of junk.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn بی رنگ سبز خیالات شدت سے سوتی ہیں.,Colorless green ideas sleep furiously.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn اس نے دروازہ کو دھکا دے کر بند کیا۔,She pushed the door shut.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn ڈیبی! کیا آپ مجھے سن رہی ہیں؟,Debbie! Can you hear me?,urd_Arab-eng_Latn اُس کی شکل چمک اُٹھی۔,Her face lit up.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn ٹیکسی انتظار کر رہی ہے۔,A cab is waiting.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn مجھے کچھ دن دو۔,Give me a day or two.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn وہ سوچ میں ڈوبا ہوا تھا۔,He was absorbed in thought.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn یہ زندگی کی حقیقت ہے۔,It's a fact of life.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn ایک بچہ گُم ہو گیا ہے۔,A child is missing.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn مجھے ایک قرض چکانا ہے۔,I have a debt to pay.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn کافی تیز بارش ہوئی۔,A heavy rain fell.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn ایک محافظ باہر ہے۔,A guard is outside.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn چند دن کی چھٹی لے لو۔,Take a few days off.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn میں نے کہا لے لو۔,I said take it.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn وہ لڑکی کوئی موسیقی صلاحیت نہیں رکھتی تھی۔,The girl lacked musical ability.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn وہ بہت رومانی نہیں تھا۔,That wasn't very romantic.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn مجھے مدد کی ضرورت ہے۔,I need help.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn بہت بڑا دن گزرا آج۔,I've had a lousy day.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn یہ مصنف روسی ہے۔,This writer is Russian.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn وہ چھوٹا اور ہلکا ہے۔,It's compact and lightweight.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn مطلبی لوگ خود کے لئے جیتے ہیں۔,The selfish live for themselves alone.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn ہم نے اپنے فرضوں کو پورا کیا۔,We fulfill our obligations.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn اسے جاپانی زبان پر مکمل عبور حاصل ہے۔,He's fluent in Japanese.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn میں اپنی پوری کوشش کر رہا ہوں۔,I am trying my level best.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn بارش شروع ہو گئی جب گیم منسوخ کیا گیا۔,It was raining and the game was called off.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn وہاں پہ کیا ہے؟,What is over there?,urd_Arab-eng_Latn میں اپنی پوری کوشش کرتا ہوں۔,I do my best.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn بہت لوگ گرمیوں کے دوران غیر ملک میں چھٹّی لے کر گھومتے ہیں۔,Many young people go abroad during summer vacation.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn اس نے ناول کو جرمن میں ترجمہ کیا۔,He translated the novel into German.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn کیرل تین سال سے سپینش زبان پڑھ رہی ہے۔,Carol has been studying Spanish for three years.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn اس کے پاس کوئی بھی نہیں تھا جس کے پاس وہ جاتی۔,She had no one to turn to.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn مجھے اس آلہ کے لئیے بیٹریاں چاہیئے۔,I would like batteries for this device.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn میں نے اگلے کمرے میں دیکھا۔,I looked into the next room.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn میں اکیلے سفر کرنا چاہو گا۔,I would like to travel alone.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn یہ پیو۔,Take a sip of this.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn وہ آدمی پیری مینسن ہے، ایک وکیل۔,"That man is Perry Mason, the lawyer.",urd_Arab-eng_Latn مسلہ ہو جائے گا۔,There'll be a problem.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn اسے ایک عجیب خواب آیا۔,He had a strange dream.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn ایک ہفتہ سات دنوں میں تقسیم ہواوا ہے: پیر، منگل، بدھ، جمعرات، جمعہ، ہفتہ اور اتوار۔,"A week is divided into seven days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.",urd_Arab-eng_Latn مجھے تم سے ٹام بہت پسند ہے۔,I like Tom a lot more than you do.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn اس نے اسے ریادہ ورزش کرنے کا مشورہ دیا۔,She advised him to get more exercise.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn میں یہاں پہلے سے ہوں۔,I'm here already!,urd_Arab-eng_Latn کنیڈا اور میکسیکو دونوں کی امریکہ کے ساتھ سرحدیں ملتی ہیں۔,Canada and Mexico are both located along the US borders.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn اتنے ضدی شخص سے میری کبھی بھی ملاقات نہیں ہوئی ہے۔,I have never come across such a stubborn person.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn ٹام نے مریم کو ایک نوٹ پکرایا۔,Tom handed a note to Mary.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn تم مجھے خون دو ، میں تمھیں آزادی دونگا ۔,"Give me your blood, I will give you freedom.",urd_Arab-eng_Latn میری خواہش ہے کہ میرے پاس اتنے پیسے ہو جن سے میں گاڑی خرید سکو۔,I wish I had enough money to buy the car.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn جہاز دس منٹ میں اڑ جائے گا۔,The plane takes off in ten minutes.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn اندھیرا ہو رہا تھا۔,It was getting dark.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn میں نے اس کو دیکھ کر پہچانا۔,"Having seen him before, I recognized him.",urd_Arab-eng_Latn میرے گھر میں چار کمرے ہے۔,There are four rooms in my house.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn ٹام نے اپنے تمام مسائل کا زمہ دار مریم کو ٹھہرایا ہے۔,Tom blames Mary for all of his problems.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn میں لاہور میں رہتا ہوں۔,I live in Lahore.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn میری ابھی شادی نہیں ہوئی۔,I am not married yet.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn میں شادی شدہ ہوں۔,I am married.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn دروازہ کون کھلا چھوڑ گیا تھا؟,Who left the door open?,urd_Arab-eng_Latn میں ایسا دوبارہ ہرگز نہیں کرونگا۔,I'll never do it again.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn میرے چار بچے ہے۔,I have four children.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn میں ایک طالب علم ہوں۔,I am a student.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn مجھے انڈے پسند نہیں,I dislike eggs.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn ٹام نے مریم کو بتایا کہ وہ صحیح تھی۔,Tom told Mary that she was right.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn وہ عجائب گھر کس نے ڈیزائن کیا ہے؟,Who designed that museum?,urd_Arab-eng_Latn وہ سیدھا میرے پاس آیا۔,He came straight up to me.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn سب کو آخر میں اپنے طور پر سیکھنا چاہئے.,Everyone must learn on their own in the end.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn أفواجِ خلافتِ أمویہ نے ۷۱۱ کو ہسپانیہ پر حملہ کیا۔,The Umayyad armies invaded Spain in 711.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn یہ ناممکن ہے۔,That's not possible.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn وہ مجھے سمجھ پاتے ہیں۔,They can understand me.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn کتنی دیر آپ نے قیام کیا تھا؟,How long did you stay?,urd_Arab-eng_Latn میں صرف اس کی مدد کرنا چاہتا ہوں.,I only want to help her.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn یہ ضروری ہے کہ تم ایک دن وہاں ضرور جائو۔,It is necessary that you go there at once.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn میرا آج کچھ کھانے کا دل نہیں کر رہا۔,I don't feel like eating anything today.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn اتاترک ۱۸۸۱ صدی عیسوی میں پیدا ہوئے۔,"Atatürk was born in 1881, Thessaloniki",urd_Arab-eng_Latn چلو کچھ نہ کچھ کرنے کی کوشش کرتے ہیں۔,Let's try something.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn چلو یہ کرتے ہیں۔,Let's do it.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn چلو اسے ازماتے ہیں۔,Let's try it.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn ڈاکٹر نے وقت پہ آ کے اس کی جان بچا لی۔,The doctor arrived in time to save her.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn مجھے نہیں پتا کہ تم کہاں جائو گے۔,I don't know where you will go.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn اس نے مجھے اپنی زندگی کی کہانی سنائی۔,He told me his life's story.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn انہوں نے مجھے اپنی زندگی کی کہانی سنائی۔,He told me the story of his life.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn تمھارا کوٹ بہت خوبصورت ہے۔,Your coat is very beautiful.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn مجھے کام کرنے سے نفرت ہے۔,I hate working.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn اس نے نظریں جھکا لی۔,She looked away.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn وہ مجھ سے تین گنا زیادہ کماتا ہے۔,He earns three times more than I do.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn جاپان میں سب سے اونچا پہاڑ کونسا ہے؟,What is the largest mountain in Japan?,urd_Arab-eng_Latn میری گھڑی دس منٹ پیچھے ہے۔,My watch is ten minutes slow.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn اس نے کتاب کو الماری میں رکھ دیا۔,He put the book on the shelf.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn تمہیں یہ کتاب سمجھ آئی ہے؟,Do you understand this book?,urd_Arab-eng_Latn اس کے ساتھ واقعی ایسا ہوا؟,Did that really happen to him?,urd_Arab-eng_Latn اس کا سارا سامان گم ہو گیا۔,He lost all his possessions.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn مجھے دودھ چاہئیے۔,I want milk.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn قیامت آ چکی ہے۔,The day of judgment has arrived.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn مجھے ابھی فورا بھیجو۔,Send it to me now.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn میرا پین چوری ہو گیا ہے۔,My pen has been stolen.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn میں کالج میں پڑھتی ہوں۔,I'm a college student.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn میرا سر پھٹ رہا ہے۔,My head is exploding.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn تمھیں ٹکٹ چاہیے؟,Do you want a ticket?,urd_Arab-eng_Latn میں نے بھی جانا ہے۔,"I'd like to go, too.",urd_Arab-eng_Latn تم ٹھیک ہو؟,You all right?,urd_Arab-eng_Latn اس نے الٹا کیا۔,He did the opposite.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn میں اسے ابھی فون کرتا ہوں۔,I'll call her immediately.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn وہ میری عزت کرتا ہے۔,He respects me.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn میرے پاس کھیل کود کے لئیے وقت نہیں ہے۔,I have no time for games.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn میں کل فلم دیکھنے نہیں جا رہا۔,I'm not going to the movies tomorrow.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn اپ کس طرح کا کام کریں گے؟,What kind of work will you do?,urd_Arab-eng_Latn تم دفتر میں کام نہیں کرتے۔,You don't work in an office.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn مجھے تیراکی پسند ہے۔,I like to swim.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn وہ ہماری پہلی ملاقات تھی۔,That was our first encounter.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn آپ اتنے پرسکون کیسے ہو سکتے ہیں؟,How can you be so calm?,urd_Arab-eng_Latn میں بیماری اور کام کی وجہ سے تھک چکا ہوں۔,I am tired because of illness and work.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn مجھے دعوت نامہ ملا ہے۔,I received an invitation.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn میں سونے کیلئے بستر پر لیٹ چکا ہوں,I have to go to bed.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn طب کے میدان میں حال ہی میں ہونے والے ترقی بہت شاندار ہیں۔,The recent advances in medicine are remarkable.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn تمہیں اس قسم کی باتیں بچوں کے سامنے نہیں کرنی چائیے۔,You shouldn't say that kind of thing when children are around.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn تم بلکل اپنے بڑے بھائی کی طرح لگتے ہو۔,You look just like your older brother.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn آپ بلکل اپنے بڑے بھائی کی طرح لگتے ہیں۔,You look just like your big brother.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn تم کیا کر رہے ہو ؟,What are you doing?,urd_Arab-eng_Latn ان سے ناراض نہ ہو۔,Don't get angry with them.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn تم اپنی بہن کی طرح صبح جلدی نہیں اٹھتے، ہے نا؟,"You don't get up as early as your sister, do you?",urd_Arab-eng_Latn وہ اس کے بارے میں فکر مند ہیں۔,They're concerned about him.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn میں نہیں جانتا اگر میرے پاس وقت ہوا تو ۔,I don't know if I have the time.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn تم بہت زیادہ کام کر رہے ہو آج کل۔ تھوڑا سا آرام کر لو۔,You're working too hard. Take it easy for a while.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn معاف کیجیئے گا مگر میں ابھی جواب نہیں دے سکتا۔,"I'm sorry, but I can't answer right away.",urd_Arab-eng_Latn تم تین سے چار دن تک بستر پر رہو۔,You should stay in bed for three or four days.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn مجھے یاد ہے کہ میں نے اسے کہیں پہلے دیکھا ہوا ہے۔,I remember having seen him somewhere before.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn دو بجے ٹھیک ہوگا؟,Would two o'clock be all right?,urd_Arab-eng_Latn آپ ٹھیک کر رہے ہیں؟,Are you doing fine?,urd_Arab-eng_Latn اس کی گھڑی اچانک گم ہو گئی۔,He suddenly missed his watch.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn میرے پاس ایم ای ۲ ہے جو کے ایم ای ۱ سے زیادہ مظبوط ہے۔,"I have a Me 2, which is stronger than my Me 1.",urd_Arab-eng_Latn اگر تم اسے پوچھو گے تو وہ آئی گی۔,She will come if you ask her.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn ڈاکٹر نے میرے والد کو مشورہ دیا کہ وہ تمباکونوشی چھوڑ دے۔,The doctor advised my father to stop smoking.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn میں ٹام کے ساتھ یہ نہیں کر سکتا۔,I can't do this to Tom.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn کيسا چل رہا ہے ؟,How is it going?,urd_Arab-eng_Latn پلیز آجائو۔ میں تم سے ملنے کے لیئے بیتاب ہوں۔,Please come. I really want to meet you.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn تم بیواقوف لگ رہے ہو۔,You look stupid.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn طالب علموں کی عمر ۱۸ سے ۲۵ سال ہیں۔,The students range in age from 18 to 25.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn یہ اچھا آئیڈیا ہے۔,It's a good idea.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn یہ وہ طلبہ ہے جسے میں انگریزی پڑھا رہا ہوں۔,He is a student who I am teaching English this year.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn میں نے اسے بیس بال کھیلتے ہوئے دیکھا۔,I saw him play baseball.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn تم کچھ چھپا رہے ہو؟,Are you hiding something?,urd_Arab-eng_Latn ہر مسمی کی قیمت ۷ پینس ہے۔,The oranges cost 7 pence each.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn آپ کیا بناتے ہو ؟,What do you make?,urd_Arab-eng_Latn پولینا کے پاس پنک ٹوپی ہے۔,Paulina has a pink cap.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn وہ زمین پہ کھڑا ہوا تھا۔,He was standing on the floor.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn وہ ضرور امتحان میں پاس ہوگا۔,He is likely to pass the examination.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn یہ ایڈورڈ ہے۔,This is Edward.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn قیمتیں بڑھ رہی ہیں۔,Prices are rising.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn اس کی تیراکی کی رفتار اتنی تیز تھی جس میں وہ اپنا ٹیسٹ پاس کر لے۔,He could swim fast enough to pass the test.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn ٹام کی اب طبیعت کیسی ہے؟,How does Tom feel?,urd_Arab-eng_Latn کیا یہ میرا وہم ہے؟,Am I seeing things?,urd_Arab-eng_Latn وہ بہت محنت کے ساتھ پڑھتا ہے۔,He always studies hard.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn میرا یقین کرو۔,Believe you me.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn میں دوبارہ کب آئو؟,When should I come again?,urd_Arab-eng_Latn لوگ پہلے سمجھتے تھے کہ سورج زمین کے گرد گردش کرتا ہے۔,People used to think the Sun spins around the Earth.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn بس یہ اسی طرح ہے۔,That's just the way it is.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn میں دس سال میں پہلی دفعہ جاپان سے باہر نکلا۔,I left Japan for the first time in ten years.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn تمھیں اتنی جلدی جانے کی ضرورت نہیں ہے۔,You don't need to go in such a hurry.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn یہ پتھر اس والے سے دگنا بھاری ہے۔,This stone is twice as heavy as that one.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn اس نے اپنے کمرے میں نظر دہرائی۔,She looked about in her room.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn تمھارے خاندان میں کتنے افراد ہے؟,How many people are there in your family?,urd_Arab-eng_Latn تمہاری امی بس آتی ہونگی۔,Your mother will be back before long.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn اس کا مطلب کیا ہو سکتا ہے؟,What could he mean?,urd_Arab-eng_Latn وہ اپنے شوہر سے قریب کھڑی رہی۔,She stood close to her husband.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn فریڈ ہمیشہ جھوٹ بولتا ہے۔,Fred is always telling lies.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn اس نے وکالت کی تربیت حاصل کی ہے۔,He was trained as a lawyer.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn دس سال ہو گئے ہیں اسے امریکہ گئے ہوئے۔,Ten years have passed since he went to America.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn میرے علاوہ باقی کسی بھی ممبر کو اس کی بات پہ یقین نہیں ہے۔,Every member but me believes what he says.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn اپنی کتاب صفحہ نمبر ۵۹ پہ کھولو۔,Open your book to page 59.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn اگر صرف ہمارے پاس ایک باغ ہوتا۔,If only we had a garden!,urd_Arab-eng_Latn ہمیں کبھی کبھی احساس ہوتا ہے کہ یہ کتنا ضروری ہے۔,We hardly realize how important it is.,urd_Arab-eng_Latn Rahmat!,I thank you.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn "Менинг бир ўғлим ва бир қизим бор. Ўғлим Нью Йоркда, қизим Лондонда.","I have a son and a daughter. My son is in New York, and my daughter is in London.",uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Bu maqolani qisqartirish shart emas.,This text requires no abridgement.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Бола кўпроқ онасига ўхшайди.,The child bears a closer resemblance to his mother.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Men xatolar qilmayman.,I don't make mistakes.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn I live in Tashkent.,I live in Tashkent.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Улар яхши муҳитда яшайдилар.,They live in a good environment.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Мен тафсилотларни билмайман.,I don't know the details.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn U mening oldimda hisobot beradi.,He is accountable to me.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn У Таронинг акаси.,He is Taro's brother.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn У Таронинг укаси.,He's Taro's younger brother.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Mahmud bekor yurishni yoqtirmaydi.,Mahmud abhors being idle.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Ikki mushugim bor.,I have two cats.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Бу нарса нима?,What is this?,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn U yeyapti.,He is eating.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Onangni sevasanmi?,Do you love your mother?,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Соатларим қани?,Where are my clocks?,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Bo'yashni o'rganish uchun Frantsiyaga boraman.,I'll go to France to study painting.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Аёл ҳақиқатни билмоқчи.,The woman wants to know the truth.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Одам ҳақиқатни билмоқчи.,The man wants to know the truth.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Кутубхонада талабалар бор.,There are students in the library.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Emili ingliz.,Emily is English.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Бола ҳақиқатни билмоқчи.,The boy wants to know the truth.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Менинг соатларим қани?,Where are my watches?,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Бу Брайан Рок.,This is Brian Rock.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Қиз ҳақиқатни билмоқчи.,The girl wants to know the truth.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Мен бормоқчи эмасман.,I don't want to go.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Televizor ko'rmoqchi emasman.,I don't want to watch television.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn U hozir restoranda o'zbek palovi yeyapti.,He's eating Uzbek pilaf at the restaurant now.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Komandaning menejeri to'satdan iste'foga chiqdi.,The manager of the team quit suddenly.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Tom ko'pgina insonlarni taniydi.,Tom knows a lot of people.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn У об-хавога боғлиқ.,It depends on the weather.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn "Menga qoshiq, vilka va pichoq kerak. Rahmat.","I need a spoon, a fork, and a knife. Thank you.",uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Men ertaga kelmayman.,I shall not be able to come tomorrow.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Ташқарига чиқмоқчи эмасман.,I don't want to go out.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Men kecha maktabga bordim.,I went to school yesterday.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Qishloq joyida yashayman.,I live in a rural area.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Мактабга бормоқчи эмасман.,I don't want to go to school.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Yomg'ir mavsumi boshlandi.,The rainy season has started.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Ухлашга ётмоқчи эмасман.,I don't want to go to bed.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Familiyangiz nima?,What is your surname?,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn U doktor emas.,He is not a doctor.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Bu sening yagona imkoniyating.,This is your only chance.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn U xar kuni yozishga vada bergan.,He promised to write every day.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Chet elda ko'p do'stlarim bor.,I have many friends in foreign countries.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Biz kemaga soat o'nda o'tirdik.,We went aboard the ship at ten.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Chanqamadingizmi?,Aren't you thirsty?,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Qotibqobsanku!,You are drunk!,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Qozoq tilini o'rganmoqchiman.,I want to learn Kazakh.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn "Agar bir tugmani bossang, yo omon qolasan, yo o'lasan.","If you push a button, either you will die or you will live.",uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Qush osmonda.,The bird is in the sky.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Pochta qo'ng'ir bino.,The post office is the brown building.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Mening otam doimo aytganini qiladi.,My father abides by what he said.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Uning oilasi meni sevdi.,His family loved me.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn "Масалан, бу ручка бўлади.","For example, this is a pen.",uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Turkcha gaplashdingizmi?,Have you spoken Turkish?,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Menga borish kerak.,I have to leave.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn U kompyuterni sotib olyapti.,He is buying the computer.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Шакар борми?,Is there any sugar?,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Muammo bizning emas.,The problem isn't ours.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn U Ashxobodga bordi.,He went to Ashkhabad.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Нима ҳодиса бўлди?,What's the matter?,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Biz kelyapmiz.,We are coming.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Men faqat nemischa gapirayotgan edim.,I was speaking only German.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Ingliz tili lotin alifbosi bilan yozilgan.,English is written with a Latin alphabet.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Men oldin uni ko'rgan edim.,I've seen her before.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Ишингизни қилинг!,Mind your own business!,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Менинг пулим йўқ.,I don't have any money.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Ишингни қил!,Mind your own business.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Тафтс дунёнинг энг хавфли университети.,Tufts is the most dangerous university in the world.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn У менинг ишим.,That's my affair.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Bahor keldi.,Spring is here.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Sen uchun kelaman!,I'm coming for you!,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Mening bobom arxeolog edi.,My grandpa was an archeologist.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Нима гап?,What has happened?,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn "Атам уринчоқ, шартаки, камтар киши.","My father is a hard-working, straightforward, and modest person.",uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Uying bormi?,Do you have a house?,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Имкон йўқ.,This is impossible.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Нима бўлди?,What is the matter?,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn "Мумкин бўлса, кел.",Come if possible.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Tayyorman.,I am ready.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn У менинг биринчи муҳаббатим.,He's my first love.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Kitoblaringizni oching.,Open your books.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Kitoblaringizni berkiting.,Close your books.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Улар ҳаммаси бир ҳилму?,Are they all the same?,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Кечир мени муҳаббатим.,"Forgive me, my love.",uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Ba'zan kinoteatrga boraman.,I sometimes go to the cinema.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Мен китоб ўқияпман.,I am reading a book.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Bir odam ko'rmayman.,I don't see a man.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Siz mening tushunayapsizmi?,Do you understand me?,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn "Биринчи қадам: 0,5 литр ўсимлик мойи (ҳар қандай ёғ ёки ўсимлик мойи билан ёғ арашмаси) қаттиқ оловда қозонда қиздирилади. Тўғралган риёз (400гр) қўшиб у сариқ рангга киргунча қовурилади, гўшт солинади (ҳар қандай) (1 кило).","Step 1. Heat the vegetable oil (0.5L) (any grease or a mixture of oil and grease) in the pot on high heat, add sliced onions (400g), fry until the onions take a yellow color, then add meat (any kind) (1kg).",uzb_Latn-eng_Latn U gapira oladi.,She can speak.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Биз кўпинча шахмат ўйнаймиз.,We often play chess.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Chaqaloq gapira olmaydi.,The baby can't speak.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Qayerdan kelding?,Where did you come from?,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Tayyorsanmi?,Are you ready?,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Tom yosh ko'rinayotgan edi.,Tom looked young.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Buyerga kel!,Come over here.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Qish keldi.,Winter is gone.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Men kitob o'qidim.,I read a book.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn "«Михаил» эркак исми, лекин «Мишел» аёл исми.","""Michael"" is a man's name, but ""Michelle"" is a woman's name.",uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Qachon o'qiysan?,When do you study?,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Menda sayohat qilish uchun yetarli pul yo'q.,I don't have enough money to travel.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Melani tasodifan bir pashsha o'ldirdi.,Melanie has accidentally killed a fly.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Кимса бир уруш истаяпти.,Nobody wants a war.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Sizning tilingizni o'rganmoqchi emasman.,I don't want to learn your language.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Ingliz tilini o'rganmoqchi emasman.,I don't want to learn English.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Саломатлик бойликдан муҳим.,Health is more important than wealth.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Men faqat frantsuzcha gapiraman.,I can only speak French.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Sensiz hayot barbod.,Life's a ruin without you.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Hunuksiz.,You are ugly.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Okeanni yaxshi ko'raman.,I love the ocean.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Shakar shirin.,The sugar is sweet.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Мен ишлайман.,I am working.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Olma stolning ustida.,The apple is on the table.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn У хотинбоз.,He's a philanderer.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Qillarim oq-go'los.,My hair is light brown.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Bizdan nima istaysiz?,What do you want from us?,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Yer o'z o'qi atrofida aylanadi.,The earth revolves on its axis.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Tom o ishni qilishga izin bermaydi.,Tom won't let me do that.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Meztliga oy yoqadi.,Meztli likes the moon.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Men pasportimni yo'qotib qo'ydim!,I lost my passport!,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Kelilar gullar haqida gapalshamiz .,"Come on, let us talk about flowers.",uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Senga fillar yoqadi.,You like elephants.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Yoshingiz nechada?,How old are you?,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Yoshim yigirma to'rtda.,I'm 24 years old.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Yoshim o'n sakkizda.,I'm 18 years old.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn "U meni o'pdi, uni emas.","She kissed me, not him.",uzb_Latn-eng_Latn U uni o'pdi.,She kissed him.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Ko'rasan.,You will see.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Yana Londonda yashaydi.,Yana lives in London.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Mening bilan konsertga kelasanmi?,Will you come with me to the concert?,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Hindistonda yashayman.,I live in India.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Qamoqqa olinding.,You have been arrested.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Sen o'lasan.,You will die.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Sen yeysan.,You will eat.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Yordam berasan.,You will help.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Sen humuk emassan.,You're not bad looking.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Seni kutaman.,I'll wait for you.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Tinglaysan.,You will listen.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Mana poezd kelyapti.,Here comes the train.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn "Хитойға қарағанда, Швейцария бир тарк этилган қишлоқ бўлади.","Next to China, Switzerland is an abandoned village.",uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Toshbaqalarning tishlari yo'q.,Turtles don't have teeth.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn U yapon.,He is Japanese.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Haqiqatda ham shuni nazarda tutyapsizmi?,Do you actually mean it?,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Go'sht istamayman.,I don't want meat.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Менинг дўстларим ёш эмас.,My friends aren't young.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Мана поезд.,There comes the train.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Албатта сизларга ёрдам бераман.,"I will help you, of course.",uzb_Latn-eng_Latn U mening itim.,It is my dog.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Bashoratga ishonasanmi?,Do you believe in prophecy?,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Мактабга боргим келмаяпти.,I don't want to go to school!,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Мен ҳали банд.,I'm still busy.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Rasmingni ko'rmoqchiman.,I want to see your picture.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Shifokor sizga nima aytib berdi?,What did the doctor tell you?,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Dorini sotib oldingizmi?,Did you buy the medicine?,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn У ҳозир хат ёяпти.,She is writing a letter now.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Ғалаба биз томонда бўлади.,Victory is on our side.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Бу ким?,Who is that?,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Бу Қазақстанда ясалған.,This is made in Kazakhstan.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Бизда шакар йўқ.,We have no sugar.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Itim o'zg'ir.,My dog is fast.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Shifokor bo'lishga qaror qildim.,I decided to be a doctor.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Tog'lar go'zal.,The mountains are beautiful.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Чойни қанд билан ичамиз.,We sugar our tea.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Mening amakim Toshkentda yashaydi.,My uncle lives in Tashkent.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Onang qayerda yashaydi?,Where does your mother live?,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Qachondar beri bunday katta va kuchli bo'lib ketding?,Since when did you become so high and mighty?,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Менинг исмим Эмили.,My name is Emily.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Adabiyot bir millatning kelajagi.,Literature is the future of a nation.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn U siz uchun yetarli emasmi?,Isn't it enough for you?,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn "Hazon bo'lma, muhabbat.","Don't wilt away, love.",uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Sen yeyapsan.,You are eating.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Men och edim.,I was hungry.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn San suzlashkan oyal maning singilim buladi.,The woman to whom you were talking is my sister.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Pivo ichasanmi?,Do you drink beer?,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Бу жумла аниқ йозилган эмас.,This sentence isn't written clearly.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Kitoblar qayerda?,Where are the books?,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Кеча банд идим.,I was busy yesterday.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Ҳаво совуқ.,It is cold.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Getter Jaani ila o'lmaq istayiram.,I want to die with Getter Jaani.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Бу уй мавжуд бўлади.,This house will exist.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn "У менга сенсиз, бу ҳаёт менга қизиқмас деди.","He told me that, without me, this life had nothing of interest for him.",uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Sizni tushunmayman.,I don't understand you.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Sensiz yashayman.,I'll go on living without you.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn "Ана, Урумчидан келган самолёт.",There's the plane from Urumqi.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn У хуштабиат.,He is good-natured.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn "Ана, унинг сумкаси.",There's his bag.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Suv ichaman.,I drink water.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Бу мушукму?,Is that a cat?,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn O'tgan kecha menga telefon qildingmi?,Did you call me last night?,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn O'ylisanki buni qilish arziydimi?,Do you feel that doing this is worthwhile?,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn "Мана, менинг телефон номерим.",Here's my phone number.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Bu to'g'ri emas.,This is not correct.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Qachon uyga qaytasan?,When will you come back home?,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Siz uchun keldim.,It's you I've come for.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Diqqatingiz uchun rahmat.,Thank you for your attention.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Uning ko'zlari qora edi.,His eyes were dark.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Sumatra jaziradir.,Sumatra is an island.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Мен сени ҳар доим севдим.,I've always loved you.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Nimaga ishonasiz?,What do you believe in?,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Suv muzga aylandi.,The water turned to ice.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn "Bu suv butilkasini to'ldirip qo'ying, iltimos!","Fill up this water bottle, please!",uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Бу менинг саволим.,This is my question.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Душманнинг душмани дўст.,An enemy of an enemy is a friend.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Bu narsa nima?,What is that?,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Bu mening uyim.,This house is mine.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Бу китобда кўп расмлар бор.,There are many pictures in this book.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Қизнинг бошида катта қизил шляпа бор эди.,The girl had a large red hat on.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Tom va Maryam bir birini yaxshi tanimaydi.,Tom and Mary hardly know each other.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Yaxshimisiz?,How are you doing?,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Oy Yer atrofida aylanadi.,The moon circles the earth.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn U mohir usta.,He is a master of ability.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Қалбим осмонида.,My soul is in the sky.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Dunyoda hayot qimmat bo'la oladi.,Life on earth may be expensive.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Bu faqatgina boshlanishi edi.,That was only the beginning.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Lola Salimning chekishini yoqtirmaydi.,Lola abhors Salim's smoking.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Favvoraga bora olamanmi?,May I go to the fountain?,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn O'tgan hafta harorat noldan yuqori edi.,The temperature was above zero last week.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn У ёлғон гап иди.,That was a lie.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Бу ишни ёзгартириш керак.,This must be changed.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Ўтган хафта беш студент дерсде йўқ эди.,Last week five students were absent from class.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Go‘l tikansiz bo‘lmaydi.,There is no rose without a thorn.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn "Барча одамлар эркин, қадр-қиммат ва ҳуқуқларда тенг бўлиб туғиладилар. Улар ақл ва виждон соҳибидирлар ва бир-бирлари ила биродарларча муомала қилишлари зарур.",All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Бу ерда фақат сен ва Эмет қолди.,You and Emet are the only ones still here.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Nima qilayotgan eding?,What were you doing?,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Qancha mushugingiz bor?,How many cats do you have?,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Menda pul bor.,I have money.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Улар диний этиқод эркинлиги учун курашди.,They fought for freedom of religion.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn G'oyalarni amalda joriy qilish qiyindir.,Putting ideas into practice is difficult.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn У ерга бормоқчи эмасман.,I don't want to go there.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Ayollarning basketbol komandasining erkak murabbiyi bor.,The women's basketball team has a male coach.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Menga yordam kerak!,I need help!,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Менга товуқ ёқади.,I like chicken.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Men ertaga maktabga boraman.,I will go to the school tomorrow.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Кириш мумкин.,You can come in.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn U eshikni yopadi.,She closes the door.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Hazillashyapman.,I am joking.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Qayerga boryapsan?,Where are you going?,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Telefon raqamim 9876-5432.,My telephone number is 9876-5432.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Men o'qituvchi emas.,I'm not a teacher.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Мен одатта соат тўртта уйимга қайтиб бораман.,I usually go home at four.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Bu mushuk emas. Bu it.,This is not a cat. This is a dog.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Nima uchun siz saytingizni yangilamaysiz?,Why don't you update your website?,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Bu nima? Bu avtomobil.,What is this? This is a car.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Xonangizga boringiz!,Go to your room!,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Chaqaloqning tagligini o'zgartirdim.,I changed the baby's nappy.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Har bir rangning ma'nosi bor.,Every colour has a meaning.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn O'qituvchi bo'lmoq istayman.,I want to be a teacher.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn U bu yerda.,She is here.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Men o'zbekcha gapiraman.,I speak Uzbek.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn У хозир уйда йўқ.,She's not at home now.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Klassik musiqa tinglash bilan o'qish bir-birini to'ldiradi.,Listening to classical music and studying complement one another.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Швейцарияда фақат 80 уйғур бор.,There are only 80 Uyghurs in Switzerland.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn U student emas.,He is not a student.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Menga kitob o'qish yoqadi.,I like reading books.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Уй қишлоқда.,The house is in the village.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Биз туркманча гапиряпмиз.,We're speaking Turkmen.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Онам отға койияптими?,Is Mother scolding the horse?,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Mendan ne istaysan?,What do you want from me?,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Men pivo ichmayman.,I don't drink beer.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Boj olinmaydigan savdo do'koni qayerda?,Where is the duty-free shop?,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn O'rmonda bir quyon ko'rdim.,I saw a rabbit in the forest.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Menda hamma faktlar yo'q.,I don't have all the facts.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Suv issiq edi.,The water was hot.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn У унинг автомобили.,That is his car.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Siz mening qushlarimni ko'rmadingizmi?,Didn't you see my birds?,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Qancha pul xohlaysan?,How much money do you want?,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Men Pragvada tug'ulganman.,I was born in Prague.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Men muhandisman.,I'm an engineer.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Kim bilan gaplashmoqchisan?,Who do you want to speak to?,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Салом кандейсан?,"Hi, how are you?",uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Stol ustida bir olma bor.,There is an apple on the table.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn У олим.,He is a scientist.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Соат нечада ўрнингиздан турибсиз?,What time do you get up?,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Соат нечада ўрнингдан турибсан?,When do you get up?,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Biz arabmiz.,We are Arabs.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Olmani kim o'g'irladi?,Who stole the apple?,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Гиламда ухлаш жуда яхши!,Sleeping on a carpet is great.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Нима сабабдан келмадинг?,Why didn't you come?,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Денгизда балиқлар бор.,There are fish in the sea.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn "Уч марта ўлчаб, бир марта кес.","Measure thrice, cut once.",uzb_Latn-eng_Latn U uylanganmi?,Is she married?,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Sen o'qituvchi emasmiding?,Didn't you used to be a teacher?,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Мен Чарлиман.,I am Charlie.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn U omadli odam.,He's a lucky guy.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Bu bizning fikrimiz edi.,That was our idea.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Kitobingiz stol ustida.,Your book is on the desk.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Соғлиқ ва лаззат учун!,For health and pleasure!,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Men omadli edim.,I was lucky.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Ahvolingiz qalay?,How are you going?,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Tilimni tishladim.,I bit my tongue.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Бугун кӯп ишладим.,Today I am very tired.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Агар истасанг.,If you want.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn O'zbekistonga bordim.,I went to Uzbekistan.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Tuflimning ichida bir qoya bor.,There's a rock in my shoe.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Xaridor kelmadi.,The customer did not come.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Bu it emas.,This is not a dog.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Menga yordam kerak.,I need help.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Mening bir mashinam bor.,I have a car.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn O'sha vaqtda uylangan edim.,I was married at that time.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Мен талаба эмасман.,I'm not a student.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Mening boshim og'riyapti.,My head aches.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn So`z beraman senga.,I give you my word.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Мен ўқувчи эмасман.,I'm not a pupil.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn O'tgan hafta biz holam nikida bo'ldik.,We were at my aunt's last week.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Qancha bolangiz bor?,How many kids do you have?,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Мен сеҳргар эмасман.,I'm not a magician.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn U Tomning onasi edi.,That was Tom's mother.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn У ёлғон мухаббат иди.,It wasn't real love.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Сен менинг жонгинам.,You're the love of my life.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn "Аҳволингиз қалай, Майк?","How are you, Mike?",uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Siz mutlaqo haqsiz.,You are absolutely right.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Bolalar hayotimizning gullari.,Children are the flowers of our lives.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Uni order bilan taqdirladilar.,He was awarded order.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Men pishloq yeyapman.,I'm having some cheese.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Biz oz kutamiz!,Let's wait awhile!,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Кеча кечаси улар уч марта чақирилди.,They were called out three times last night.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Qog'ozlarni tashlamang!,Don't leave the papers!,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Mening xonam yuqorida,My room is just above.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Мен кучада у билан учрашдим.,I met him in the street.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Bu suratda qancha qiz bor?,How many girls are in this picture?,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Бу суратни ким бўяган?,Who painted this picture?,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Hech kim javob bermadi.,No one responded.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Mening bir do'stim bor.,I have one friend.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Siz buni qanday bajardingiz?,How did you accomplish this?,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Bir kitob yozmoqchiman.,I want to write a book.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Biz yeyapmiz.,We are eating.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Икки опам бор.,I have two older sisters.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Bugun kim yo'q?,Who is absent today?,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Men bultur kasal bo'ldim.,I fell ill last year.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Olmalarni va apelsinlarni qiyoslayapsan.,You're comparing apples and oranges.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Menda faqat ikki qo'l bor.,I only have two hands.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn U xavfdan qutildi.,He avoided danger.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Mumkin emas!,You may not! Don't!,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Nima qilayapsan?,What are you doing?,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Oldin uni ko'rgan edim.,I have seen her before.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Amerika eng demokratik millat emas.,America is not the most democratic nation.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Senda WhatsApp bormi?,Do you have WhatsApp?,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn U faqat bir odam.,He is only a man.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn "Rahmat,choy bo'lsa yo'q demayman.","Thank you, tea would be very acceptable.",uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Siz biron kishini o'ldirib qo'yishingiz mumkin.,You could kill someone.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Ашула айтиш яхши кўрасизми?,Do you like singing?,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Mening xonamda bir qancha jurnallar bor.,There are some magazines in my room.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Tomning boy bo'lganini o'yladim.,I thought that Tom was rich.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn U hech qachon kasal emas edi.,He was never sick.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Иккиқатман,I am pregnant.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Яна беш минут кутаман.,I'll wait another five minutes.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Kechirimingizni qabul qilmayman.,I do not accept your excuse.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn "Муаллим, мен ручка билан ёзаман.","Teacher, I will write it in pen.",uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Bu o'yin yomon emas.,This game is not bad.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Burj Halifa hozirgi kunda dunyodagi eng baland osmono'par bino deb hisoblanadi.,Burj Khalifa is currently the tallest skyscraper in the world.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn U erta turishga odatlangan.,He is accustomed to getting up early.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Kitob bu yaxshi sovg'a.,A book is always an acceptable gift.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn "Ванг Лао Жи пиво эмас, чай.",Wang Lao Ji isn't beer. It's tea.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Sening uying katta.,Your house is big.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn O'qimadim.,I did not read.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn U o'z Xudosiga qattiq iymoni bor,He had a firm belief in his God.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Hamma turli ayol meni ilhomlantiradi.,All kinds of women inspire me.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Eng oxirida o'lasan.,You're going to end up dead.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Bu yerda hech nima yo'q.,There's nothing here.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Қийинчиликдаги дўст ҳақиқий дўстдир.,A friend in need is a friend indeed.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Tom menga uni aytdi.,Tom explained it to me.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Ko'zlarimning ichiga qara.,Look into my eyes.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Qayerga borasan?,Where are you headed?,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Men tarjimon.,I'm a translator.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Аммо кофе яхши эмас.,But the coffee's not good.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn U odamning ismini rosa xotirladim.,Well do I remember the man's name.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Салам.,How do you do.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Uning qizil gullari bor.,She has red flowers.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Bilmayman.,I don't know.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Chaqaloq yig'lashdan to'xtadi.,The baby stopped crying.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Uning muhabbati yapon.,His girlfriend is Japanese.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Ишламаган тишламас.,"No song, no supper.",uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Tushunmayman.,I don't understand.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Mening ismim Tom.,My name is Tom.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Men Samuel.,I am Samuel.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Qala go'zal.,The city is beautiful.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Shahar go'zal.,The town is beautiful.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Ro'z go'zal.,The day is beautiful.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn U mening.,It is mine.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Bu go'zal.,This is beautiful.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn "Salam, eski do'stim!","Greetings, old friend!",uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Денгизда ороллар бор.,There are islands in the sea.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn U hech qachon rozi bo'lmaydi.,He will never acquiesce.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Sen mening volidamsin.,You are my mother.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn "Sysko, эртага ўзбек транслитерациясини тўғрилайсанми?","Sysko, will you fix the Uzbek transliteration tomorrow?",uzb_Latn-eng_Latn U uning yonida tiz cho'kdi.,She knelt beside him.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Сиз хотинни қаерда кўрдингиз?,Where did you see the woman?,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Italiya bir yarimorol.,Italy is a peninsula.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Ular Tomni topmadilar.,They haven't found Tom.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Булар менинг китобларим.,These are my books.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Soatlarim qani?,Where's my watch?,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Mening soatlarim qani?,Where is my clock?,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Laurie qayerda?,Where is Laurie?,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Otam pochta qutisini qizilga bo'yadi.,My father painted the mailbox red.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Matematikani yomon ko'raman.,I hate maths.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn U aybsiz bo'ldi.,He was innocent.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Kofe sovuq.,The coffee is cold.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn "Ah, kofe haqiqatdan issiq!","Ah, the coffee is really hot!",uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Сени кутаман.,I will wait for you.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Choy issiq.,The tea is hot.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Mehmonxona qayerda?,Where is the hotel?,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Сув кўрмай этик ечма.,Don't undo your bootlaces until you have seen the river.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn U qo'shiq aytishga boshladi.,He began singing.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn To'ti o'lgan.,The parrot is dead.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Қор ёғишга бошлади.,It's started to snow.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Kim qayerga boradi?,Who goes where?,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Bu katta it.,It is a big dog.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Bu mening kitobim.,This is my book.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Men kitobni oldim.,I took the book.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Men kitobni o'qiyman.,I'll read the book.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn U qog'ozmi?,Is that a paper?,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn G'ayritabiiy tush ko'rdim.,I dreamt a strange dream.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Bir xatni o'qidim.,I read a letter.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Lori shishani sindirdi.,Laurie broke the glass.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Lori stulga o'tqizdi.,Laurie sat on the chair.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Lori suvni ichdi.,Laurie drank the water.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Mushuk stul ustida uxlayapti.,The cat sleeps on the chair.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Men vrach emas.,I'm not a doctor.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Uning yigirma bolasi bor.,He has twenty children.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Bu gazetaning narxi bir dollar turadi.,This newspaper costs a dollar.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn O'ylashimcha u yaxshi o'yinchi,I think she is a good dancer.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Chaqaloqning tagligini o'zgartirishim kerak.,I have to change the baby's nappy.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Unga rais bilan muzokara olib borish vakolati buyurilgan edi.,He was accredited to the chairman.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Бу китоб сизга оид.,This book belongs to you.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Ular bu g'oyadan bosh tortishlari kerak.,They must abandon the idea.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Бу Цао Цаонинг қилвирлики.,This is Cao Cao's trickery.,uzb_Latn-eng_Latn Lẽ ra anh ấy phải thận trọng hơn.,He should have been more careful.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Em vẫn muốn ở bên anh.,I still want to be with you.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Thắng bé tháo cái đài ra từng phần.,The boy took the radio apart.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Bạn có biết buộc dây giày không?,Do you know how to tie your shoes?,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tôi có được phép nêu câu hỏi không?,May I ask a few questions?,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Hôm qua anh ấy đi ngủ hồi 11 giờ.,Last night he went to sleep at 11 o' clock.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn "Ông ngồi đọc sách, vợ ông thì đang đan đôi bao tay cạnh bên.","He sat reading, with his wife knitting a pair of gloves beside him.",vie_Latn-eng_Latn "Anh sẽ không bị muộn, có phải không?","You won't be late, will you?",vie_Latn-eng_Latn Kết quả không như tôi chờ đợi.,The results fell short of my expectations.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Bạn có trồng bí ngô không?,Do you plant pumpkins?,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Ông này là luật sư Perry Mason.,"That man is Perry Mason, the lawyer.",vie_Latn-eng_Latn Chúng tôi từng cãi nhau.,We used to fight.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Bạn của chị ấy là một ca sĩ.,Her friend is a singer.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Bạn đã trả tiền quyển sách này à?,Did you pay for the book?,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Bạn có lái xe được không?,Can you drive?,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tôi không có khả năng mua cái đó.,I can't afford to buy that.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Bạn không nên tin vào một con người như vậy.,You must not rely upon such a man.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn "Tại lễ hội, mọi người đều ăn mặc đẹp.","At the party, everybody was well-dressed.",vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tôi có thể yêu.,I can love.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Thỉnh thoảng để em bé khóc cũng tốt.,It's OK to leave the baby to cry on occasion.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tôi khoog thể hiểu được tình cảm của anh ta.,I can't make her out.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Ông ấy sống trong một ngôi làng nhỏ ở đảo Kyushu.,He lives in a small village in Kyushu.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Anh ấy không nói gì về giờ giấc.,He said nothing as to the time.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tôi ân hận đã đến đó.,I regret going there.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Bạn có thể giúp tôi rửa bát đĩa?,Can you help me with the washing up?,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Bạn đã đọc xong cuốn tiểu thuyết chưa?,Have you finished reading the novel?,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Đọc đối vời tinh thần cũng như thức ăn đối với cơ thể.,Reading is to the mind as food is to the body.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn "Hôm nọ bạn nói điều đó, có phải không?","You said so the other day, didn't you?",vie_Latn-eng_Latn Ông ấy có không dưới 12 đứa con.,He has no less than twelve children.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn "Một vài thành phần của nước uống này có hại, đặc biệt nếu bạn có thai.","Some of the ingredients in this beverage are harmful, especially if you are pregnant.",vie_Latn-eng_Latn Một số bạn tôi nói tiếng Anh thông thạo.,Some of my friends can speak English well.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Đây có phải vấn đề không?,Is this a problem?,vie_Latn-eng_Latn "Theo dự báo thời tiết, mai sẽ có tuyết.","According to the weather forecast, it'll snow tomorrow.",vie_Latn-eng_Latn Con mèo đang nằm phơi mình trong nắng.,The cat was basking in the sun.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Quyển sách này rất nặng.,This book is very heavy.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tôi đã nhìn thấy ánh sáng từ xa.,I saw a light far away.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Chẳng có ai làm việc này tốt hơn.,Nobody does it better.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Cậu mang theo nhiều tiền chứ?,Do you have a lot of money with you?,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Quý khách vui lòng bỏ vớ vào giỏ.,Please put socks in the basket.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tom bảo tớ bình tĩnh.,Tom told me to calm down.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Trời đang mưa to.,It's raining heavily.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tôi chưa từng đọc cuốn tiểu thuyết nào đáng sợ như vậy.,I have never read such a scary novel.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Chị ấy không gạp khó khăn gì để học thuộc lòng bài thơ.,She had no difficulty in learning the poem by heart.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Bạn là đối thủ xứng tầm.,You're a worthy opponent.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tôi xin lỗi nếu làm bạn cảm thấy không được hoan nghênh.,I'm sorry if I made you feel unwelcome.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tôi đã ở Boston trước khi tôi trở lại Nhật Bản.,I had stayed in Boston before I returned to Japan.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Chúng tôi nhìn thấy một cây phong lan tuyệt đẹp với những chiếc lá rụng hàng năm.,We saw a beautiful orchid with deciduous leaves.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tom chối là đã gian lận.,Tom has denied cheating.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Xin vui lòng giải thích tại sao bạn không thể đến.,Please explain why you can't come.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tom có thể nói tiếng anh như người bản ngữ.,Tom can speak English like a native.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tôi không thể tiếp tục.,I can't go on.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Đi theo người đó.,Follow that person.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tôi tưởng cậu ở phố Park cơ.,I thought you lived on Park Street.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tôi không biết vì sao tôi lại nói dối với họ.,I don't know why I lied to her.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Mình tin vào khả năng của cậu,I suppose that depends on how good you are. I'm counting on you!,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tom lái xe không tốt.,Tom isn't good at driving.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Cô ấy tự hào là đầu bếp giỏi.,She brags about how well she can cook.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tôi sẽ mở cửa.,I will open the door.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Con ngựa đã đi đâu?,Where did the horse go?,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Bạn thích loại rượu vang rẻ tiền nào?,What's your favorite cheap wine?,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Theo mình nhớ thì nhà của Tom hơi xa đường cái.,"As I recall, Tom's house is a little farther in from the main road.",vie_Latn-eng_Latn KHông gì có thể tả xiết sức hấp dẫn của cô ấy,Her charm is beyond description.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tôi định sẽ nói với anh sự thật,I'll tell you the truth.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Súp có mùi tỏi.,The soup tastes of garlic.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Việc anh ấy thi đậu bằng lái xe làm mọi người rất ngạc nhiên,He amazed everyone by passing his driving test.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tôi không thể chịu đựng tiếng ồn này thêm nữa,I cannot put up with this noise.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tom muốn ăn tối ở đây hôm nay.,Tom wants to eat here tonight.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Anh ta kiếm được nhiều tiền hơn mức có thể tiêu hết,She earns more than she spends.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Bọn tớ vẫn đang cố,We're still pushing ahead.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Anh ta bị thương trong khi làm việc,He got hurt in the accident at work.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Anh ta gặp tai nạn trong khi làm việc,She had an accident while working.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tôi đã mơ về anh ấy !,I had a dream about him.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Còn ai khác sắp tới không?,Will anybody else come?,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Thật may vì cậu ở nhà.,"Luckily, you were at home.",vie_Latn-eng_Latn Cậu còn điều gì muốn nói nữa không?,Do you have anything else to say to me?,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tôi muốn một ngày nào đó ra nước ngoài.,I want to go abroad one day.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tom không biết bây giờ là mấy giờ.,Tom doesn't know what time it is.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tôi đã thay đổi địa chỉ của tôi vào tháng trước.,I changed my address last month.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Chúng ta sẽ chờ ở ngoài.,We'll wait outside.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Chin mươi chủa què chớ khoe mình tốt.,Do not count your chickens before they are hatched.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Thật khó mà thoát khỏi số phận.,There is no escape from fate.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tớ không muốn xử lý việc đó bây giờ.,I don't want to have to deal with it right now.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tôi bỏ qua quảng cáo trên video bất cứ khi nào có thể.,I skip ads on videos whenever I can.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Để mình nói thứ mình muốn nhân dịp sinh nhật cho cậu nhớ.,Let me tell you what I want for my birthday.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tôi thích cốc trà của tôi.,I liked my cup of tea.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Mình sẽ quay lại trong vòng 2 tiếng.,I'll be back within two hours.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tôi nghĩ tôi đã làm một việc đúng.,I think I did the right thing.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Cái dĩa bị cong rồi.,The fork is bent.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tôi từng làm việc cho họ.,It worked for them.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Người lạ khiến Tom bối rối,Outsiders make Tom nervous.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tình yêu mù quáng.,Love is blind.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Đừng bao giờ nói người khác béo.,Never call anyone fat.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Con mèo có hai cái tai.,A cat has two ears.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tom đã yêu cầu tôi đón Mary ở sân bay.,Tom asked me to pick Mary up at the airport.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tom bảo Mary nên từ bỏ các chứng cứ đi.,Tom told Mary that she should get rid of the evidence.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Cậu sai từ đầu rồi.,You were wrong after all.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Bạn biết điều này.,You know this.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Ấy mua bộ đồ này ở đâu thế?,Where do you buy clothes?,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tớ ăn tối sớm hơn ấy.,I had dinner earlier than you.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Trọng âm của từ ở âm tiết thứ hai.,The accent of the word is on the second syllable.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Ấy có sợ chó không?,Are you afraid of dogs?,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tom đá cái cửa đang đóng ở phía sau,Tom kicked the door closed behind him.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tom tới từ Úc.,Tom is from Australia.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tớ nghĩ cậu nên về nhà ngay.,I think you need to go home now.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn "Lúc đó, tôi không nghĩ đến vấn đề này.",During that time I didn't expect to have a problem.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tôi nói tiếng Mari.,I speak Mari.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Chúng tôi hết sức xin lỗi về chuyện đã xảy ra.,We're sorry about it.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Mất bao nhiêu lâu để tới ga?,How long does it take to get to the train station?,vie_Latn-eng_Latn "Không, anh phải mua vé ở quầy bán.",No. You have to buy it at the ticket office.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tôi đồng ý mua nó với giá 300 đôla.,I agreed to buy it for three hundred dollars.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Văn hóa ăn uống khác nhau ở mỗi nước.,Eating habits differ from country to country.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tớ chán cuộc sống đơn điệu rồi.,I am tired of my monotonous life.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Trễ giờ hẹn rồi.,I was late for the appointment.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tom hiếm khi phàn nàn về bất cứ thứ gì.,Tom hardly ever complains about anything.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn "Tôi đủ rồi, cảm ơn.","I've had enough, thank you.",vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tôi đến để xin lỗi.,I came to say I'm sorry.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Cô ấy đang trong kỳ nghỉ.,She is now on vacation.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Anh ta gấp rút đến phi trường.,He went to the airport in a hurry.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tớ từng bị bắt cóc.,I was kidnapped.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn "Vâng, anh ta có thể chạy 100 mét trong vòng 12 giây.",Yes. He can run 100 meters within twelve seconds.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Ăn nhiều quá mập đấy.,"If you eat too much, you will get fat.",vie_Latn-eng_Latn Anh ta nghỉ học lúc học năm nhất đại học.,He dropped out of college in the first year.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Mỗi ngày tôi dậy lúc 6 giờ.,I get up at six every morning.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Java với Javascript khác nhau như Ấn Độ khác với Indonesia vậy.,"Java and Javascript are like India and Indonesia, they aren't the same thing.",vie_Latn-eng_Latn Số tiền này ít hơn số bọn mình muốn.,This is much less money than we expected.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tôi đã cứu được anh.,I rescued you.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Bạn trông tái nhợt.,You look pale.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Cứ ngồi nhé.,Please take a seat.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Em sẽ không bao giờ quên anh.,I'll never ever forget you.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn "Một buổi sáng Chủ Nhật, Josh xâm nhập vào phòng khách nhà người ta và nói những điều ấy.",One Sunday morning George burst into the living room and said the following.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tôi từng tận mắt thấy nó.,I've seen it myself.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Cô ấy bảo đã nghe nói về vụ tai nạn.,She said she had heard of the accident.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tớ biết con người cô ấy thế nào.,I know her personally.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tớ giới thiệu bạn tớ với ấy nhé?,May I introduce my friend to you?,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tên của cậu ta là gì vậy nhỉ?,What's his first name?,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Cô ấy rất khoẻ mạnh.,She is very healthy.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Thoạt đầu không ai tin tôi.,No one believed me at first.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Cậu viết bằng bút bi được không?,Won't you please write with a ballpoint pen?,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Chó sủa thì không cắn.,Dogs that bark don't bite.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tớ sẽ chỉ hẹn hò với người dễ thương thôi.,I will not date anyone who is not cute.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Bạn muốn biết để làm gì?,Why do you need to know?,vie_Latn-eng_Latn "Tôi lúc nào cũng ăn ngoài hàng, nhưng tôi thích đồ ăn nhà làm hơn.","I'm always eating in restaurants, but I prefer homemade foods.",vie_Latn-eng_Latn Bạn có thực sự nghĩ là Tom sẽ tin tôi?,Do you really think Tom is going to believe me?,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Vặn sang trái để xoay cái ốc vít ra.,"To loosen a screw, turn it to the left.",vie_Latn-eng_Latn Anh ta làm việc cực khổ để gia đình của anh ta có thể sống thoải mái.,He worked hard in order that his family might live in comfort.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tom muốn đi bơi.,Tom wants to swim.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tôi là trợ lý của bạn.,I'm your assistant.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Anh ta chả là gì cả.,He is nothing.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Bạn có thể chỉ đường cho tôi đi được không?,Would you tell me the way?,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Bạn nghĩ điều đó thế nào?,What do you think about it?,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Bạn có thể mở cửa sổ được không?,Can you open the window?,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Bạn có thể vui lòng mở cửa sổ không?,"Open the window, will you?",vie_Latn-eng_Latn Đất nước của chúng tôi đang trong thời kỳ khủng hoảng.,Our country is in a crisis.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Lâu rồi Tom không gặp lại Mary.,Tom hasn't seen Mary in a while.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Người dân của chúng tôi đang khát khao sự độc lập.,Our people thirst for independence.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn "Chị tôi không phải là người nấu ăn giỏi, tôi cũng vậy.","My sister is not a good cook, and neither am I.",vie_Latn-eng_Latn Cần bao nhiêu lít để đổ đầy bồn tắm nóng?,How many liters does it take to fill a hot tub?,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Ngành khoa học máy tính đã tạo được sự tiến bô nhanh chóng ở đất nước chúng tôi.,Computer science has made rapid progress in our country.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn "Ok, cho nó thử lần nữa.","Ok, let's give it a try.",vie_Latn-eng_Latn Ông ấy đã may cho tôi một bộ quần áo.,He made me a suit.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Con mèo chạy sau con chuột.,The cat ran after the rat.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Rượu bản thân nó không có hại.,Wine is not harmful in itself.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Mấy giờ thì bắt đầu mở tiệc?,What time does the party start?,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Thuế cao được áp cho mặt hàng rượu.,Heavy taxes are laid on wine.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Mr Wilder đã đưa cho tôi địa chỉ e-mail của bạn.,Mr Wilder gave me your e-mail address.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Mr Wilder đã đưa cho tao địa chỉ e-mail của mày.,Mr. Wilder gave me your email address.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Anh kể tôi nghe chuyện đời của mình,He told me his life's story.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Hãy tìm các chuyến xe lửa đến London trong bảng lịch trình.,Look up the trains to London in the timetable.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn London nằm trong số những thành phố lớn nhất thế giới.,London is among the largest cities in the world.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn London khác với Tokyo về mặt khí hậu.,London is different from Tokyo climatically.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn London chẳng còn là thành phố sương mù nữa.,London is no longer a city of fog.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Đôi giày này bao nhiêu tiền vậy?,How much are these shoes?,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tom đã quyết định ra về sớm hơn.,Tom decided to leave work early.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Bạn nên hỏi Tom.,You should ask Tom.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Công việc này bạn đừng làm thì hơn.,You shouldn't do his work.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Ông Long và ông Smith đã nói chuyện với nhau.,Mr Long and Mr Smith spoke to each other.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Váy dài đang là mốt.,Long dresses stayed in fashion.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tôm sẽ không bao giờ biết.,Tom will never know.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Họ có nghiêm túc không?,Are they serious?,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Robot có thể hoạt động trong điều kiện nguy hiểm.,Robots can withstand dangerous conditions.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tôm hùm thuộc lớp động vật biển.,Lobsters belong to a class of marine animals.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tom chạy sang giúp Mary.,Tom ran over to help Mary.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Lại đây xem này!,Come and see!,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Đừng quên hỏi thăm vợ của ông Long khi mày gặp ổng.,Don't forget to ask after Mr Long's wife when you see him.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tôi chưa từng nghĩ theo cách đó.,I never thought of it that way.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Rốt cuộc tớ đi bộ từ trạm Shinjuku tới Jumbocho ngày hôm qua!,I actually ended up walking all the way from Shinjuku Station to Jimbocho yesterday!,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tất cả chúng ta đều cố gắng để chiến thắng.,We're all trying to win.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Bạn có thể giới thiệu tôi chỗ ở tại Luân đôn không?,Can you recommend a place to stay in London?,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Có lẽ chúng ta sẽ không bao giờ biết tại sao Tom lại tự sát.,We'll probably never know why Tom killed himself.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Nó khá nóng đấy.,It's kind of hot.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Rock là loại nhạc của giới trẻ.,Rock is the music of the young.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Bạn muốn Tom làm gì?,What do you want Tom to do?,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Không ai có thể làm bất cứ điều gì.,No one can do anything.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Đó là cảm giác tuyệt vời nhất.,It's the best feeling.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tên lửa đã đưa vệ tinh viễn thông vào quỹ đạo.,The rocket put a communications satellite into orbit.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tên lửa êm ái bay lên.,The rocket went up smoothly.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Làm sao để tìm thức ăn ngoài vũ trụ?,How do you find food in outer space?,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Ai muốn chơi bóng chuyền nào?,Who wants to play volleyball?,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Cái đèn pin này cần hai cục pin.,This flashlight needs two batteries.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Thành phố Rome đáng để viếng thăm.,Rome is worthy of a visit.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tôi cần một con dao để cắt dây thừng.,I want a knife with which to cut the rope.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tom cảm thấy bất lực và sợ hãi.,Tom felt helpless and frightened.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn "Cô Roland, cô nghĩ gì về vấn đề này?","Ms. Roland, what do you think about this problem?",vie_Latn-eng_Latn Cô ấy đã cố tự sát rất nhiều lần.,She tried to kill herself many times.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tôi cần một địa chỉ chính xác để có thể tới đó.,I need the exact address so that I may go there.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Ai là nhà thơ mà bạn yêu thích?,Who's your favorite poet?,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tom đang cân nhắn một cách nghiêm túc.,Tom is seriously considering that.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Mình không hề biết là cậu cũng biết.,I didn't even know you knew.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Giờ làm việc cơ động giúp nhân viên năng suất hơn.,Flexible work hours make employees more productive.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Đúng là bà ấy đã qua đời.,It's true that she's dead.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tom và tôi có nhiều điểm chung hơn là tôi nghĩ.,Tom and I have a lot more in common than I thought.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Chúng ta tốt hơn hết là rời khỏi đây.,We'd better get out of here.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Thật là một buổi chiều thú vị.,It was a very pleasant afternoon.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tôi thích quay trở lại đây.,I love coming back here.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Bạn đã nói với tôi à?,Were you talking to me?,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Những sách này không dành cho trẻ em.,These books aren't for children.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Sao mấy cô gái đó tàn nhẫn vậy?,Why are these girls so cruel?,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tom mua một tấm vé tới Boston.,Tom bought a ticket to Boston.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Cá không thể sống mà không có nước.,Fish cannot live out of water.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tai nạn xảy ra ở cửa của đường hầm.,The accident occurred at the mouth of the tunnel.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Ông ta bị buộc phải từ chức thủ tướng.,He was forced to resign as prime minister.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Đó không còn là vấn đề của bạn nữa.,That's not your problem anymore.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Trời rất nóng nên chúng ta không thể đi bộ lâu được.,It was so hot that we couldn't walk for long.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tớ không nhớ nổi hôm qua tớ phải ăn những gì,I can't remember what I had to eat yesterday.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tom chỉ muốn sống cùng với Mary,Tom just wants to be with Mary.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tôi sẽ gây ấn tượng với Tom bằng cách nào đây?,How am I going to impress Tom?,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Một trận động đất lớn đã xảy ra khi tôi mới chỉ mười tuổi.,"When the big earthquake happened, I was only ten.",vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tôi có một vấn đề nhỏ.,I've got a little problem.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tom dạy lịch sử ở trường trung học phía bên kia đường.,Tom teaches history at the high school across the street.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Chúng tôi không phải là người lạ.,We're not strangers.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn "Tôi có một người họ hàng mới: chị tôi mới cưới, vậy từ nay tôi có một anh rể.","I have a new relative: my sister got married, so now I have a brother-in-law.",vie_Latn-eng_Latn Bạn có muốn ngồi phía trước không?,Do you want to sit in the front?,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Cô ta nhất định phải làm theo ý mình.,She will have her own way.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Nói cho Tom biết bạn có ý gì.,Tell Tom what you mean.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Chúng tôi đã hoàn thành công việc đúng lúc.,We got the job done on time.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Các luật sư hối thúc những ông ba bà mẹ thực hiện mạnh mẽ hơn những hành động hợp pháp.,Lawyers will urge the parents to take further legal action.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Các phiên dịch viên có dùng Tatoeba không?,Do translators use Tatoeba?,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Hãy hưởng thụ đi.,Just enjoy it.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Em trai tôi chơi ghi-ta rất giỏi.,My brother is very good at playing the guitar.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tom có thể rời đi vào ngày mai.,Tom might leave tomorrow.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Đưa nó cho tôi.,Give that to me.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tôi không sửa được máy tính.,I can't repair the computer.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn "Lẽ ra tớ không nên để cậu trở về nhà một mình, đêm qua.",I never should've let you go home alone last night.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tôm bị đau.,Tom was in pain.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Lúc đó tôi đang chờ xe buýt.,I was waiting for the bus at that time.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tôi cần một ít thời gian cân nhắc trước khi tôi quyết định.,I'd like some time to consider before I make a decision.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Cậu sở hữu nó được bao lâu rồi?,How long have you owned it?,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Bạn có muốn chơi với chúng tôi không?,Would you like to play with us?,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tom đã không mời tôi.,Tom didn't invite me.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tôi ở Osaka,I stay in Osaka.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Bạn có chắc là bạn không thể làm thêm bất kỳ điều gì?,Are you sure there's nothing more you can do?,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Bạn đã đọc hết chưa?,Did you read it entirely?,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Con chó của cậu đâu rồi?,Where's your dog?,vie_Latn-eng_Latn "Thông thường khi Tom và Mary ra ngoài ăn tối cùng nhau, họ cùng trả tiền hoá đơn.","Usually when Tom and Mary go out for dinner together, they split the bill.",vie_Latn-eng_Latn Bạn có tính hài hước tốt.,You have a good sense of humor.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Cho tôi chút nước đi.,"Give me some water, please.",vie_Latn-eng_Latn Chúng tôi đi dạo một vòng quanh thành phố bằng xe hơi.,We took a turn around the city in our car.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tôi có thể giết cậu nhưng tôi đã không làm vậy.,"I could have killed you, but I didn't.",vie_Latn-eng_Latn Bạn thích ăn gì nào?,What do you like to eat?,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Không có gì cứng bằng kim cương.,Nothing is as hard as a diamond.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Cô ấy dành qua nhiều thời gian xem TV.,She's spending too much time watching TV.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tom quá trẻ để du lịch một mình.,Tom is too young to travel alone.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Cựu bộ trưởng bộ năng lượng được bầu làm tổng thống hôm chủ nhật.,The former minister of energy was elected president on Sunday.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Chúng tôi thực hiện kế hoạch đó.,We carried out that plan.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Khu vực đó vẫn còn đang thiếu lương thực.,Food is still scarce in the region.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Điều đó xảy ra ở Rome.,It happened in Rome.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Catalonia không phải là Tây Ban Nha.,Catalonia is not Spain.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Chúng ta hãy tập hợp ở đây 1 tuần 1 lần.,Let's get together here once a week.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tom muốn tôi dặn bạn mua một vài ổ bánh mì trên đường về nhà.,Tom wanted me to tell you to buy a couple of loaves of bread on your way home.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Cô giáo của chúng là một người đẹp nhưng lại không phải là típ người mặc đẹp.,"Our teacher was a beautiful lady, but was not the type of person who dressed up.",vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tom cần tìm kiếm sự giúp đỡ.,Tom needs to seek help.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Chúng ta phải di chuyển rất nhanh.,We have to move very quickly.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn "Bạn nên đến Tokyo, nơi nổi tiếng với những địa danh như ngôi chùa cổ, đền Shinto...","You should visit Kyoto, which is famous for its old temples and shrines.",vie_Latn-eng_Latn Có ai phát âm được từ này không ?,Is there anyone who can pronounce this word?,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tác giả đó là người Nga.,This writer is Russian.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Lần tới tôi sẽ đến sớm hơn.,Next time I'll come earlier.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Bạn có đang để cửa sổ mở không ?,Did you leave the window open?,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Đừng lông bông nữa mà hãy tìm một công việc đi.,Stop lazing around and look for a job.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tôi thấy bóng dáng của một người đàn ông.,I saw the figure of a man.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Hai vị thủ tướng không có điểm chung nào cả.,The two premiers had nothing in common.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn "Mặc dù vậy, tôi không thể tán thành với ý kiến của bạn.","I can't, however, agree with your opinion.",vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tôi nghĩ tin đồn đó là thật.,I think the rumor is true.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Còn lại bao nhiêu tiền?,How much money is left?,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Có vẻ như cô ấy đã khởi hành đi tới Tokyo hôm qua.,She seems to have left for Tokyo yesterday.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Chị ấy bị bắt chờ hơn một tiếng đồng hồ.,She was made to wait for over an hour.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Mary bước ra khỏi nhà tắm chỉ với khăn tắm trên người.,Mary came out of the bathroom with only a towel on.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tôi nên làm việc này từ vài tuần trước.,I should have done this weeks ago.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tôi không giống bạn!,I'm not like you!,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tao không giống mày!,I'm not like you.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Kinh nghiệm này có giá trị nhiều cho cuộc đời anh ấy.,This experience counts for much in his life.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Anh ấy có hai con chó.,He has two dogs.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Dick dự tính tự đi một mình.,Dick plans to go by himself.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Chúng tôi sẽ đưa bạn về nhà.,We need to take you home.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Mẹ đang bận nấu bữa ăn tối.,Mother is busy preparing dinner.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Cô ấy nhìn quanh khắp phòng.,She looked around the room.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Chúng tôi đã ngồi đây gần một tiếng rồi.,We've been sitting here for almost an hour.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tom nói chuyện với cha bằng tiếng Pháp và nói với mẹ bằng tiếng Anh.,Tom speaks to his father in French and his mother in English.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Anh ấy sang Nhật hai năm trước.,He came to Japan two years ago.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Cám ơn bạn đã mời tôi.,Thank you for inviting me.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Khi quay trở lại anh ta thấy con gái cô ấy đang ngủ.,On his return he found her daughter asleep.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tôi nghĩ Tom đang giấu cái gì đó.,I think Tom is hiding something.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn "Đèn tối quá, tôi không thể đọc sách.",The light is too dim for me to read easily.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Cô ấy sử dụng thời gian rảnh rỗi để câu cá.,She devoted all her spare time to fishing.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Bây giờ đã hơn chín giờ rồi.,It's already past nine o'clock.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Hai đội đối đầu nhau quyết liệt.,The two teams fought very hard.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn "Ông ấy không phải ba tôi, ông ta là chú của tôi.","He is not my father, he is my uncle.",vie_Latn-eng_Latn Họ chẳng chú ý nhiều đến ý kiến của tôi.,They didn't take much account of my opinion.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Maria vừa trở về nhà.,Mary has just come home.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tôi đã hy vọng có thể hoàn thành việc này hôm qua.,I had hoped to have finished this yesterday.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn "Tôi chẳng biết phải làm sao, đành phải theo cô ấy.",I couldn't help but follow her.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn "Tôi hỏi ""tên mày là gì?"".","""What's your name?"" I asked.",vie_Latn-eng_Latn Maria đã nói rằng cô sẽ khiêu vũ suốt đêm.,Mary said she was going to dance all night.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Anh ta cao mét rưỡi.,He is five feet tall.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Hàng năm có một số lượng lớn thanh niên nhập học đại học trên khắp nước Mỹ.,Throughout the United State large numbers of young people enter college every year.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Hôm qua tôi gặp Marie.,Yesterday I met Marie.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Có một vài vấn đề.,There are a few problems.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tôi thích xem phim Hollywood.,I love Hollywood movies.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tôi mua một bộ khăn trải bàn.,I bought a set of table linen.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Ông ta cảm thấy phải báo cáo sự việc này.,He felt compelled to report the incident.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Nó đi bằng xe dạp đến trường học.,He goes to school by bicycle.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tom có vẻ bối rối.,Tom appeared confused.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn "Câu nói đó trong ngôn ngữ của bạn rất dễ để nghe thấy nó tự nhiên, và cũng rất dễ để nó trở nên không tự nhiên đối với ngôn không phải là ngôn ngữ mẹ đẻ của bạn.","It's very easy to sound natural in your own native language, and very easy to sound unnatural in your non-native language.",vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tom đã không biết chỗ gỗ đó dùng để làm gì.,Tom didn't know what the wood was going to be used for.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tôi thấy rất thư giãn.,I feel very relaxed.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Em ăn sáng chưa?,Have you had breakfast?,vie_Latn-eng_Latn "Ông ấy cho chúng tôi không chỉ quần áo, mà còn cả một ít tiền.",He gave us not only clothes but some money.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Giá tốt đấy.,That's a good price.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Ông ta đề xuất ý kiến cải cách phương pháp nghiên cứu.,He's proposing a suggestion for altering the research method.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Cậu ấy là người cao nhất lớp.,He is the tallest in his class.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Chúng ta hãy giúp họ giải quyết vấn đề.,Let's help them solve their problems.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Được mà!,You can do it.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tuyết đã biến mất trong khoảnh khắc.,The snow has disappeared in less than no time.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Chúng ta sẽ không bắt đầu cho đến khi Bob tới.,We won't start till Bob comes.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn "Khi mẹ nó đi vắng, nó trông chừng em.","In the absence of her mother, she looks after her sister.",vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tôi mừng khi thấy gần đây sếp rất khỏe mạnh.,I'm glad to say that the boss has been very well lately.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tom đã không hề muốn sống ở Boston.,Tom never wanted to live in Boston.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Bạn đang thiếu ngủ.,You're not sleeping enough.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tôi đã quyết định sa thải Tom.,I've decided to fire Tom.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Điều này rất khó cho Tom.,This is quite difficult for Tom.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Mọi người đã chế nhạo tôi hôm qua.,Everyone laughed at me yesterday.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Sẽ không phải là quá đáng khi nói rằng tư tưởng của Augustine ảnh hưởng không chỉ riêng Thiên Chúa giáo mà còn tới tư tương của toàn bộ phương Tây.,It would not be an exaggeration to say that Augustine's thought had an influence not only on Christianity but on the whole of Western thought.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Anh nhanh tay lên được không?,Can't you move faster?,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tôi phải rời khỏi đây.,I must leave here.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tom mở cửa phòng họp.,Tom opened the conference room door.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn "Hằng ngày sau khi tan học, cô ấy chơi quần vợt.",She plays tennis after school every day.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Anh ấy sang Anh Quốc để tìm hiểu kỹ về văn hóa nước đó.,He went to Britain to deepen his knowledge of the culture.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn "Trước tiên, tôi muốn bạn đi với tôi đến chỗ đang bán hàng giảm giá ở trung tâm mua sắm.","First off, I'd like you to come with me to a department store sale.",vie_Latn-eng_Latn Ti vi không lên hình.,The television doesn't work.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Ai cũng ít nhiều có chút quan tâm đến nghệ thuật.,Everyone is more or less interested in art.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Mấy thứ đó của Tom.,Those are Tom's.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Đâu là bức vẽ ưng ý nhất của ấy?,Which of these do you consider your best painting?,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Bạn muốn uống trà hay cà phê?,Do you want tea or coffee?,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tôi rất mơ ước được nhìn thấy Paris.,I'm dying to see Paris.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Điều gì khiến việc đó không xảy ra?,What's preventing this from happening?,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Ta nên giúp đỡ nhau.,We should help each other.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Các ngón chân tớ lạnh cóng.,My toes are freezing.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Bọn mình cần thợ điện để làm việc này.,We need an electrical engineer for this job.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tom không nổi tiếng.,Tom was not famous.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tom nghi ngờ liệu Mary sẽ giữ lời hứa.,Tom doubts if Mary will keep her promise.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Chúng ta đều đã thay đổi.,We all have changed.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn "Đối với mọi người, nó đều rất thân thiết.",She was all kindness to everybody.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tớ không thể tin là anh ấy mất rồi.,I cannot accept the fact that he is dead.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Trời mưa rất nhiều trong tháng này.,We've had a lot of rain this month.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Đã có lúc tôi muốn trở thành nhà vật lý vũ trụ.,I once wanted to be an astrophysicist.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Chắc chắn anh ấy sẽ không đến.,He's definitely not coming.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Cậu có nghĩ Tom thực sự thích việc đó không?,Do you think Tom really enjoys doing that?,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Cậu hát cho bọn tớ nghe một bài được không?,Can you sing us a song?,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tớ ghét di chuyển.,I hate moving.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Hãy tìm một bàn ở gần cuối.,Let's sit at one of the tables near the back.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tớ nói với cậu đây là một việc nguy hiểm.,I told you this was going to be dangerous.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Bọn họ nói rằng tụi mình sẽ gặp mưa to.,They say we're going to get heavy rain.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Cậu bỏ lỡ nó phải không?,"You miss it, don't you?",vie_Latn-eng_Latn Hôm nay là ngày đầu tiên của phần còn lại của đời bạn.,Today is the first day of the rest of your life.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Nếu người La Mã phải học tiếng La-tinh trước rồi mới đi chinh phục thế giới thì sẽ không còn kịp nữa.,The Romans would never have had enough time for conquering the world if they had first been required to study Latin.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tom không thể kiểm soát được cơn giận của cậu ta.,Tom couldn't control his anger.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Hàng chục ngàn con voi bị giết mỗi năm để lấy ngà.,Tens of thousands of elephants are killed every year for their ivory tusks.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tôi muốn nghe toàn bộ câu chuyện.,I want to hear the rest of the story.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tôi chưa bao giờ phải lo lắng về anh ta.,I never worried about him.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Đám đông tràn qua cửa.,The crowd poured out through the gate.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Fadil cũng chăm sóc bà của anh ấy.,Fadil also took care of his grandmother.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tom tập trung vào công việc.,Tom concentrated on his work.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tôi cho rằng tôi hiểu.,I think I understand.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Chúng tôi không phải là những người duy nhất tin rằng cậu ta không có tội.,We are not the only ones to believe that he is not guilty.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tôi sẽ không để cậu tự mình đến đó đâu.,Tom won't let you go there by yourself.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn "Khi đến giờ bỏ phiếu, anh ta đã bỏ phiếu trắng.","When it was time to vote, he abstained.",vie_Latn-eng_Latn Mai gặp lại nhé.,I'll see you tomorrow.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tôi kể cho họ cái mà tôi đã nhìn thấy.,I told them what I saw.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tom suýt (mém) bị đuối nước.,Tom almost drowned.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn "Đây là bạn của tôi, Tom.","This is my friend, Tom.",vie_Latn-eng_Latn Hai đứa trẻ đang ngồi ở trên hàng rào.,Two children are sitting on the fence.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tại sao sân bóng bầu dục lại có bốn góc?,Why does a football field have four corners?,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Không một sinh viên nào tới đúng giờ.,None of the students have arrived on time.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Hôm nay là một ngày trọng đại,What's the big occasion today?,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Mình nghĩ cậu thích cô ấy.,I think you like her.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tom cố thuyết phục Mary nhuộm tóc đỏ.,Tom tried to convince Mary to dye her hair red.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tom không có ô tô. Anh ta sử dụng xe của Mary.,Tom doesn't have a car. He just uses Mary's.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tiếng Anh không đơn giản nhưng rất thú vị.,"English is not easy, but it is interesting.",vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tom ngồi xuống và chờ đợi.,Tom sat down and waited.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tom thiếu tài năng để trở thành một diễn viên.,Tom lacks the talent to be an actor.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn "Không rẻ 1 tí nào, đắt khủng khiếp.","It's not even a little bit cheap, it's extremely expensive!",vie_Latn-eng_Latn Cái này dễ.,This is easy.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Họ sống trong thị trấn này.,They live in this town.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Chúng tôi đã chẳng thể nhìn được gì vì tuyết rơi,"Because of the snow, I couldn't see anything.",vie_Latn-eng_Latn """Bố vợ anh sống ở đâu vậy?"" ""Kế bên nhà anh vợ tôi""","""Where does your father in law live?"" ""In the house which stands beside my brother in law's house.""",vie_Latn-eng_Latn Cái này khó.,This is difficult.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn "Muốn tôi làm gì thì anh cứ nói, tôi sẽ làm cho.",Just tell me what you want me to do and I'll do it.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Bạn không nên ăn miếng thịt đó. Mùi ghê lắm.,You shouldn't eat this meat. It smells bad.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Họ không thích tôi.,They don't like me.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tôi đã từng học ở Anh trong 6 tháng khi tôi còn là học sinh.,I studied in England for six months when I was a student.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Cô ấy nặng hơn 80 kg.,She weighs more than 80 kg.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tom là một người lính dũng cảm.,Tom was a brave soldier.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tóc của bạn màu gì?,What color is your hair?,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tôi đã làm cho bố anh hứa là sẽ không bao giờ nhắc đến Tom nữa.,I made your father promise never to speak of Tom.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tại sao bạn vẫn ở đây?,Why are you still here?,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Rõ ràng là điều đó không đúng.,"Apparently, that's not correct.",vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tom đã cầm lấy cái ghế.,Tom grabbed a chair.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tom rất đẹp trai.,Tom is very handsome.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Cô ấy đóng cửa và đi lên tầng 2.,She shut the door and went upstairs.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tôi thích bận rộn.,I like being busy.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn "Dự báo thời tiết đã nói rằng chiều nay trời sẽ mưa, nhưng nó không xảy ra.","The weather forecast said that it would rain this afternoon, but it didn't.",vie_Latn-eng_Latn Cô ấy không thể nhịn được cười.,She couldn't hold back her laughter.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Anh ấy thường để quên ô ở trên tàu.,He often leaves his umbrella on a train.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Thật không dễ dàng để Tom nói cho Mary những điều cô ấy muốn nghe.,It wasn't easy for Tom to tell Mary what she needed to hear.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tôi muốn khẳng định giờ khởi hành.,I'd like to confirm the hour of departure.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Hãy im đi và lắng nghe!,Shut up and listen!,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Sung sướng thay người nào tìm được người vợ tốt.,Happy is a man who marries a good wife.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tôi sẽ không bao giờ quên rằng tôi đã qua một lúc dễ chịu với anh.,I'll never forget having a good time with you all.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Cây Ý Dĩ trị được rất nhiều bệnh.,Job's tears can cure a large number of diseases.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tufts là trường đại học nguy hiểm nhất thế giới.,Tufts is the most dangerous university in the world.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Hoa làm chị ấy vui.,Flowers make her happy.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Anh ta quá nhút nhát để tỏ tình với cô ấy.,He is too shy to bare his heart to her.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tiểu thuyết này gồm ba phần.,This novel consists of three parts.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tôi đã đi để được tiêm chủng.,I went to get vaccinated.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Lá rụng xuông mặt đất.,The leaves fell to the earth.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tôi muốn nói đôi lời để xin lỗi.,I'd like to say a few words by way of apology.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Chúng tôi đã đi lạc trong rừng.,We went astray in the woods.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn "Thí dụ, nếu một giáo viên bản thân vốn là người nghiên thuốc lá nặng cảnh báo một học sinh về mối nguy hiểm của thuốc lá thì ông ta mâu thuẫn với chính mình.","For example, if a chain-smoking teacher cautions a pupil for smoking, that warning is self-contradictory.",vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tôi dùng cái đó.,I use it.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Bông hoa chết vì thiếu nước.,The flower died for lack of water.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tôi muốn mua cuốn từ điển này.,I want to buy this dictionary.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Đừng hỏi họ nghĩ gì. hãy hỏi họ làm gì.,Don't ask what they think. Ask what they do.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Chúng tôi bơi trong hồ.,We swam in the lake.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Ngày mai sẽ có tuyết.,It'll snow tomorrow.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tụi nó đã làm tình tối qua.,They made love last night.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Bà ấy gửi tới tòa soạn một rao vặt tìm một người giúp việc nhà.,She put an advertisement for a domestic help in the paper.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Vui lòng gọi sở cứu hỏa.,Please call the fire department.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Bạn không được xâm phạm sự riêng tư của người khác.,You must not invade the privacy of others.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Có phải anh đã để cậu ta lái xe?,Did you let him drive your car?,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Mười người bị nhét vào một căn phòng nhỏ.,Ten people were packed into the small room.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tôi có một cuộc hẹn lúc ba giờ.,I have an appointment at three.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Gần đây tôi tăng cân rồi.,I gained weight recently.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Một người bạn đã kể cho tôi nghe câu chuyện đó.,A friend told me that story.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Hãy đối tốt với kẻ ghét mình.,Do good to those who hate you.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Nước Bra-xin có rất nhiều thành phố lớn.,There are a lot of big cities in Brazil.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn "Bạn muốn tôi đi, phải không?","You want me to go, don't you?",vie_Latn-eng_Latn Hãy kiện cậu ta.,Let's sue him.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Đáng gấp ba lần chỗ đó.,It's worth three times that much.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Cậu không sợ chết ư?,Aren't you afraid to die?,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tất cả các tên được xếp danh sách theo thứ tự a b c.,All the names are listed in alphabetical order.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Số người tham quan thành phố này tăng từng năm.,Visitors to that town increase in number year by year.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Sự sụt giảm 3/4 doanh thu đã được dữ báo trước.,A loss in third-quarter revenues was predicted.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Chúng tôi biết anh ấy.,We know him.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Hôm nay cậu không phải đến trường.,You don't have to go to school today.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tôi phải làm việc vào tuần này.,I have to work this weekend.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tom không đội mũ,Tom had no hat on.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tôi nhớ năm anh ấy bắt đầu có công ăn việc làm.,I remember the year when he began working and earning money.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Sẽ không có gì khác biệt lớn nếu bạn tới đó hôm nay hay ngày mai.,It will not make much difference whether you go today or tomorrow.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tôi quen với thời tiết lạnh.,I am accustomed to cold weather.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Cậu ta rất nghèo lúc còn trẻ.,He was terribly poor when he was young.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Một người với mắt kém không thể nhìn được xa.,A person with weak eyes can't see far.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tôi có ba em trai.,I have three younger brothers.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Một vài sinh viên ngồi trên ghế băng ăn trưa.,Some students were sitting on the bench and having lunch.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Máy vi tính không sống lâu hơn đồng hồ.,A computer is no more alive than a clock is.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Đêm đã xuống. Anh nên trở về nhà,It's getting dark. You'd better go home.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Kế hoạch của tôi là học ở Úc,My plan is to study in Australia.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Không có lời giải thích nào cho việc xảy đến với Tom.,There's no explanation for what happened to Tom.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tốt nhất là anh đừng tới đó.,You'd better not go there.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Mùa đông nào gia đình tôi cũng đi trượt tuyết.,My family goes skiing every winter.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Báo này miễn phí.,This newspaper is free.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tôi không tin ở Thượng đế.,I don't believe in God.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn "Sau mọi nỗi vất vả của anh ta, lần này anh vẫn thất bại.","After all his efforts, he also failed this time.",vie_Latn-eng_Latn Bạn muốn dùng sữa hay đường?,Do you want sugar or milk?,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Cô gái làm việc ở lò nướng bánh có duyên.,The girl who works at the bakery is cute.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Bạn hãy cọ vết bẩn bằng giấm.,Rub the stain with vinegar.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Cha tôi sẽ trở lại vào đâu tháng tới.,My father will be back at the beginning of next month.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn "Loài người chỉ sống trong hòa bình tổng cộng 268 năm trong 3,400 nghìn năm trở lại đây thôi, tức là khoảng 8%.","Of the past 3,400 years, humans have been entirely at peace for 268 of them, or just 8 percent of recorded history.",vie_Latn-eng_Latn Có lẽ tôi sẽ gọi cho cậu lúc nào đó.,Maybe I'll call you sometime.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Nhật Bản phụ thuộc vào ngoại thường.,Japan depends on foreign trade.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Mỗi tháng một lần.,Once a month.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tại sao thỏ lại có đôi tai dài?,Why do rabbits have long ears?,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tắt đèn đi. Tôi không thể ngủ được.,Turn the light off. I can't fall asleep.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Sao bạn không tới thăm tụi tôi?,Why don't you come visit us?,vie_Latn-eng_Latn "Theo ý tôi, đá banh là môn thể thao tuyệt vời.","In my opinion, soccer is a great sport.",vie_Latn-eng_Latn Chiếc xe lửa này luôn luôn đúng giờ.,The train is always on time.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Có một chuyện cổ tích về con mèo Ba Tư.,There is an old story about a Persian cat.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn "Trước khi sang Nhật, tôi chưa bao giờ ăn xasimi.",It was not until I came to Japan that I ate sashimi.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tay tôi bẩn. Tôi vừa chữa xe đạp của tôi.,My hands are dirty. I have been repairing my bicycle.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tôi viết cho bạn một bức thư dài vì tôi không có thời gian để viết thư ngắn.,I write you a long letter because I don't have time to write you a short one.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tom thích nó lắm.,Tom loves it.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tôi nhận được cái đó từ Tom,I got that from Tom.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Mang thêm hai cái ghế nữa.,Bring a couple more chairs.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Bạn không có lý do chính đáng để nghĩ như vậy.,You have no good reason for thinking as you do.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Sự ngon miệng đến trong khi ăn.,Appetite comes with eating.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Chị tôi hay khóc.,My sister often cries.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Anh ấy đã trói kẻ cắp.,He trussed up the thief.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Nơi nào đẹp nhất thế giới?,What is the most beautiful place in the world?,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Con chó chăn cừu lùa đàn cừu vào bãi chăn thả.,A sheep dog drives the flock to the pasture.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Hôm nay không có mây.,There were no clouds today.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Britney Spears đang ở đâu?,Where is Britney Spears?,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tôi tự hỏi anh ta có ý gì qua điều đó.,I wonder what he meant by that.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Lẽ ra anh ấy có thể làm điều đó.,He could do it.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tôi biết rất nhiều về thuyền.,I know a lot about ships.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Giáo viên cho chị ấy nhiều thông tin về trường đại học.,The teacher gave her much information about the university.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn "Tôi không nghĩ là sẽ có mưa, nhưng cứ cầm theo ô cho chắc.","I don't think it'll rain, but I'll take an umbrella with me, just in case.",vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tôi từ Canada tới.,I'm from Canada.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Váy dài là hợp thời trang.,Long skirts are in fashion.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn "Xin lỗi, cho phép tôi chỉ ra ba lỗi trong bài viết trên.","Excuse me, let me point out three mistakes in the above article.",vie_Latn-eng_Latn Bạn có nghe tôi được tất cả không?,Did you listen at all to what I said?,vie_Latn-eng_Latn "Mọi người sinh ra tự do và bình đẳng về nhân phẩm và quyền lợi. Họ có lý trí và lương tâm, và phải cư xử với nhau trên tinh thần anh em.",All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Cậu là hi vọng cuối cùng của nhân loại.,You're the last hope for humanity.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Anh ta không cố tình làm điều đó.,He didn't do it on purpose.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Họ uy hiếp và sỉ nhục lẫn nhau.,They threatened and denounced each other.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Nhiều người đã nghỉ hưu chuyển đến vùng Sunbelt để có thể thưởng thức các môn thể thao như gôn hay quần vợt ở vùng khí hậu ôn hòa hơn.,Many retired people move to the Sunbelt to enjoy sports such as golf or tennis in a milder climate.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Úc to hơn Nhật Bản khoảng gấp hai mươi lần.,Australia is about twenty times as large as Japan.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Đây là một bông hoa đẹp.,This is a beautiful flower.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn "Bạn bắt đầu chuyện đó, phải không?","You started that, didn't you?",vie_Latn-eng_Latn Anh ấy hỏi tôi nên đi đâu.,He asked me where to go.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Bạn có nghĩ là bạn làm việc với chúng tôi được không?,Do you think you'd like to work for us?,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Bill làm công việc bán xe.,Bill's work is selling cars.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Mắt tôi đẫm nước.,My eyes are watery.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Bill lớn bằng Jack.,Bill is as tall as Jack.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Họ sẽ giúp bọn mình,They'll help us.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Anh ta vượt qua Thái Bình Dương bằng một con thuyền buồm.,He crossed the Pacific Ocean in a sailboat.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn "Bill tới trường chậm, như mọi khi.",Bill was late for school as usual.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Bill luôn luôn lương thiện.,Bill is honest all the time.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Chị ấy là ai?,Who is she?,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Họ đã định cư ở Canada.,They settled in Canada.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Sự bi quan của anh ta làm suy sút tinh thần những người xung quanh.,His pessimism depressed those around him.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Bạn có chắc chắn rằng điều đó cần thiết không?,Are you guys sure that's necessary?,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Anh ta chỉ có thể phê bình những người khác đằng sau lưng.,He can only criticize people behind their backs.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tôi nên làm gì trong lúc ấy?,What should I do in the meantime?,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tôi phải làm gì với bức thư của anh ấy?,What shall I do with her letter?,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tôi thực sự phải đi.,I really have to go.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tôi không thể cho bạn mượn cuốn sách này.,I cannot lend this book to you.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Người phụ nữ khóc khi nghe thấy tin xấu.,The woman cried when she heard the bad news.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn John đặc biệt giỏi toán.,John is good at maths.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Cái này chắc chắn sẽ làm cho bạn thèm ăn.,This will surely add to you appetite.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tôi cảm thấy dễ chịu hơn nhiều.,I'm feeling much better.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn "Ngôi nhà này có vị trí thích hợp, nhưng vấn đề là nó quá nhỏ đối với gia đình đông đúc của tôi.",This house is conveniently situated but the trouble is that it is too small for my large family.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tôi đã mua chiếc mũ này 2000 yên.,I bought this hat for 2000 yen.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Câu chuyện buồn của anh ấy khiến tôi mủi lòng.,His sad story touched my heart.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Anh văn là tiết thứ 3.,English is third period.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Thái độ thách đố của anh ta khiến thủ trưởng tức giận.,It is his defiant attitude that made the chief angry.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Chúng tôi đã ăn cơm rang và uống chút bia.,I ate fried rice and drank some beer.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Học chăm chỉ thì bạn mới có thể vượt qua kỳ thi.,Study hard so that you can pass the exam.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Lúc đó tôi đang xem ti vi.,I was watching TV then.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn "Betty, đây có phải là con trai chị không?","Is this your son, Betty?",vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tôi thích đi du lịch.,I like to travel.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tia tử ngoại và tia hồng ngoại là loại ánh sáng mắt người không nhìn thấy được.,Infrared and ultra-violet rays are types of light invisible to the human eye.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Cô ấy là bác sĩ.,She is a doctor.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Điều gì đã xảy ra? Có nước khắp căn hộ.,What happened? There's water all over the apartment.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Để cô ấy yên hoặc mày sẽ phải hối hận.,Leave her alone or you'll regret it.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Ken sơn xe đạp của cậu ấy màu trắng.,Ken painted his bicycle white.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tom là nhân viên tốt nhất mà chúng ta chưa từng có.,Tom is the best employee we've ever had.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Bia của ai đây?,Whose beer is this?,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Vào thế kỷ thứ mười chín nhiều người châu Phi bị bán làm nô lệ sang Hoa Kỳ.,"In the nineteenth century, many Africans were sold as slaves in the United States.",vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tôi không thích anh đâu.,I don't like you.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Ông ấy đóng một vai trò quan trọng trong doanh nghiệp.,He played an important part in the enterprise.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Anh ở lại Canada bao nhiêu lâu?,How long did you stay in Canada?,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Chị ấy mua thịt gà.,She bought chicken.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Anh ấy sẽ là một người chồng tốt.,He will be a good husband.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Bạn làm ơn chờ vài phút.,Would you please wait for a few minutes?,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Đừng cười nó vì đã phạm sai lầm.,Don't laugh at him for making a mistake.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Lúc đó chúng tôi đang rất vội.,We were in a hurry then.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tất cả những điều anh nói đều đúng.,All that you say is perfectly correct.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Bạn đừng quen mang ô.,Bring an umbrella without forgetting.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tối nay bạn muốn làm gì?,What do you want to do tonight?,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Bạn vừa nói gì ?,What were we talking about?,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Jim trượt chân trên con đường đóng băng và đã bị đau.,Jim slipped on the icy road and got hurt.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Hãy cẩn thận nếu không anh ta sẽ đâm sau lưng cậu.,Be careful or he'll stab you in the back.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tối nay anh về nhà chứ?,Will you be home this evening?,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Bạn có đến hay không đối với tôi không quan trọng.,It doesn't matter to me whether you come or not.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Ai phát hiện ra nguyên tố Radium vậy ?,Who discovered radium?,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Bạn hãy phủ chút đất lên những hạt giống.,Cover the seeds with a little earth.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tôi đang viết một cuốn sách.,I'm writing a book.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Anh có trông thấy bọn họ không?,Can you see them?,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Chúng ta hãy tiếp tục dịch sang tiếng Đức nào.,I will try to translate more sentences into German.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Anh là Tôm à?,Aren't you Tom?,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Ông Smith sống ở Kyoto ba năm trước đây.,Mr Smith lived in Kyoto three years ago.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Nhà ở Nhật nhỏ.,Japanese houses are small.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Anh ta mệt mỏi vì làm việc quá sức.,He is tired from overwork.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Sự tài trợ của bà ấy là cần thiết cho dự án của chúng ta.,Her financial support is indispensable to this project of ours.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Anh ấy đã ra khỏi nhà lúc 8 giờ.,He left the house at eight o'clock.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Đoàn tầu gồm 15 toa tầu.,The train is made up of fifteen cars.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Ông già sống một mình.,The old man lives alone.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Sao mấy cô gái này xấu tính vậy?,Why are these girls so mean?,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Chúng ta hãy gọi điện thoại.,Let's make a phone call.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Anh ấy đã tập trung vào việc học các giới từ.,He concentrated on his study of prepositions.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Cuộc tranh luận sẽ diễn ra tối nay.,The debate will happen tonight.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tôi đã bảo giàu có hay không không quan trọng rồi !,I don't care whether he is rich or not!,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Mình đang cố gúp Tom.,I'm just trying to help Tom out.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tôi đi qua đó một mình.,I'm going by myself.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Cô anh ấy chăm sóc con chó của anh ấy ban ngày.,His aunt takes care of his dog during the day.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tôi rất cao.,I am very tall.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tất cả chiếc chuông nhà thờ đồng loạt bắt đầu vang lên.,All the church bells started ringing together.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Toàn thể dân tộc vui mừng khi nghe tin ấy.,The entire nation was glad at the news.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Rốt cuộc cậu là ai vậy?,"Who are you, anyway?",vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tôi không hài lòng với bộ áo khoác này.,I don't like this jacket.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Nhà hàng hết chỗ rồi.,The restaurant is full.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Anh ta nhìn cũng giống như một người giàu.,It seems that he is rich.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Cái bàn này nặng quá.,This table is heavy.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Sao cậu không làm việc?,Why aren't you working?,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tôi cần gọi bố mẹ để báo họ biết tôi sẽ về ăn tối muộn.,I need to call my parents and tell them I'll be late for dinner.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tôi định tham dự buổi họp mặt ấy.,I will present myself at the meeting.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Toudaiji lớn nhất trong hai ngồi đền.,Toudaiji is the bigger of the two temples.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Mọi người đây phát điên vì bóng đá.,The people here are crazy for football.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Chúng ta đã thua 3 trận cho đến thời điểm hiện tại.,"So far, we've lost three games.",vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tom không tin bất cứ điều gì Mary nói.,Tom doesn't trust a thing Mary says.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Đậu xe ở đâu vậy?,Where can I park?,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tôi ghé qua hiệu sách và mua một cuốn sách thú vị.,I dropped by the bookstore and bought an interesting book.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tôi thấy John ở thư viện.,I saw John at the library.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Một người không thể học làm bất kỳ thứ gì mà không gây ra lỗi lầm cả.,One can't learn to do anything without making mistakes.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn "Khi đèn tín hiểu chuyển sang màu vàng, chúng ta dừng lại.","When the traffic light is yellow, we stop.",vie_Latn-eng_Latn Họ nên biết nó chứ.,They should know it.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Đừng nói cái không cần thiết phải nói.,Omit needless words!,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Cả hai đều rất dễ thương.,Both of them are very cute.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Sao Bill xé lá thư ra từng mảnh vậy?,Why did Bill tear the letter into pieces?,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Cô ấy bị cáo buộc giết anh ta.,She allegedly murdered him.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Các sinh viên đã đứng chờ xe buýt.,The students stood waiting for a bus.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tôi cảm thấy cô đơn.,I feel lonely.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Nỗi lo lắng của ông ấy như thế nên ông ấy hầu như không thể nào ngủ được.,His anxiety was such that he could hardly sleep.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Ông Potter giữ cơ thể mình trong tình trạng khỏe mạnh bằng cách chạy bộ mỗi ngày.,Mr Potter keeps himself in good condition by going jogging every day.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn "So với chiếc xe của anh, xe tôi nhỏ hơn.","Compared with yours, my car is small.",vie_Latn-eng_Latn Hãy chắc là bạn tới đón tôi lúc năm giờ nha!,"Make sure that you pick me up at five, please.",vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tom không ăn mừng gì cả.,Tom wasn't celebrating.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Cô ta luôn phàn nàn về công việc của mình.,She is always complaining of her job.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Mọi thứ tôi kể với bạn có thể không chính xác.,Everything I've told you may not be accurate.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Người đầu tiên mà tôi gặp ở Boston là Tom.,The first person I met in Boston was Tom.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Khi nào mưa vậy ?,When did it begin to rain?,vie_Latn-eng_Latn "Đừng nhìn tao, đừng nhìn chòng chọc vào tao, đồ quỷ sứ, đừng có nhìn, tao không thể chịu được!","Don't look at me, don't stare at me, demon, don't stare, I can't bear it!",vie_Latn-eng_Latn Bạn nên chú ý đến sức khỏe của bản thân.,You should be careful about your health.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tom đã trộm nhiều ngôi nhà khác trong khu phố.,Tom robbed many other houses in the neighborhood.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn "Bạn có thể ăn gì cũng được, miễn là đừng ăn quá nhiều.",You may eat anything so long as you don't eat too much.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Bạn nên đi kiểm tra mắt đi.,You should get your eyes checked.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn "Nếu mà thế giới không như thế này, cái gì tôi cũng tin.","If the world weren't in the shape it is now, I could trust anyone.",vie_Latn-eng_Latn Anh ta sơn hàng rào màu xanh lá.,They painted the fence green.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Đừng quên dập lửa.,Don't forget to put out the fire.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tôi đang chơi guitar.,I am playing the guitar now.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Nước sôi ở 100 độ C.,Water boils at 100 degrees Celsius.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Mọi người ngắm sao khi trời tối hơn nữa.,"When it is darkest, men see the stars.",vie_Latn-eng_Latn Cho tôi vào.,Let me back in.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tôi có một điều muốn nói.,I want to say one thing.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Anh ta có thể bị nhìn thấy khi ra khỏi nhà.,He was seen to come out of the house.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tôi đang làm việc.,I am working.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Anh có đồng ý với đề án đó không ?,Are you for or against the bill?,vie_Latn-eng_Latn "Tớ mệt muốn chết đi được, chả nghĩ được gì nữa.","I'm so doggone exhausted, I can't even think straight.",vie_Latn-eng_Latn Trước đây tôi đã từng đi lễ nhà thờ ngày Chủ Nhật.,I used to go to church on Sundays.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Cô ấy xấu hổ vì sự sơ xuất của mình.,She was ashamed of herself for her carelessness.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Cô ấy nói chậm lại vì học sinh không nghe kịp.,She spoke slowly in case the students should miss her words.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn "Vâng, tôi có thể hát thuộc lòng bài này.",Yes. This one I can sing from memory.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tôi tặng dì quà sinh nhật.,My aunt sent me a birthday present.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Chúng tôi truyền đạt ý tưởng cho nhau bằng cử chỉ.,We communicated with each other by gesture.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Đây không phải cốc trà của tôi.,This is not my cup of tea.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Chúng tôi đang bàn bạc việc nâng cao hình ảnh của công ty.,The company is trying to improve its image.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Giờ học bắt đầu lúc 8 giờ.,School begins at eight-thirty.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tôi chắc chắn anh ta sẽ làm bài kiểm tra.,It is certain that he will pass the examination.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Điều quan trọng là chúng ta phải xử lý tình huống một cách bình tĩnh.,The situation calls for our cool judgement.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tôi biết Tom sống ở đâu.,I found out where Tom lives.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Cô ấy rất quý bông hoa đó.,She has been cherishing that flower.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Nhờ vào máy bay mà con người có thể di chuyển giữa các nơi xa xôi.,Airplanes enable people to travel great distances rapidly.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Đây là một cuốn từ điển tốt dành cho học sinh cấp 3.,This is a good dictionary for high school students.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Anh ta rất yêu bạn.,He loves you very much.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Anh ta không giao du với hầu hết mọi người.,He had little social life.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Anh ta ghi lại mọi chuyện đã xảy ra.,He has set down everything that happened.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Chúng ta nếm thử miếng bánh này xem.,Let's try this cake.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tôi chưa từng gặp một cô bé nào xinh đẹp như vậy cả.,I had never seen such a beautiful girl before.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Anh ta ngồi lên giường.,He was sitting on the floor.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Xoay đèn lại hướng này giùm.,"Turn the light over here, will you?",vie_Latn-eng_Latn Anh ta gửi tiền ngân hàng hàng tháng.,He puts aside some money every month.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn "Văn hóa vũng như mứt quả: ta càng có ít, ta càng phết nhiều.","Culture is like jam: the less one has, the more one spreads it.",vie_Latn-eng_Latn Chị ấy đeo kính râm.,She's wearing sunglasses.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Ông tôi thức dậy sớm.,My grandfather gets up early.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Axit tác động lên các vật thể có chứa kim loại.,Acid acts on things which contain metal.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Bạn cho mình mượn cuốn từ điển được không ?,May I use your dictionary?,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tôi đi lễ nhà thờ vào ngày Chủ Nhật.,I go to church on Sunday.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Yuri gần đây hay tới London.,Yuri often went to London in those days.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Anh ta báo cho tôi về sự chiến thắng của đội chúng tôi.,He brought me the news that our team had won.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tôi bị dính vào cuộc tranh cãi của người khác.,I got involved in other people's quarrel.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Cô ta sẽ đến New York vào Chủ Nhật tới.,She will leave for New York next Sunday.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Hôm qua tôi đã đọc sách.,"Yesterday, I read a book.",vie_Latn-eng_Latn Mình không muốn đi làm.,I don't wanna go to work.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn "Nếu chúng tôi đặt hàng với số lượng lớn hơn 20, bạn sẽ giảm giá chứ?","If we place an order for more than 20 units, would you reduce the price?",vie_Latn-eng_Latn Lần này anh ta đã thành công.,This time he has succeeded.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tôi rất ghét cái thời tiết này.,I hate this weather.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tôi sẽ trở lại sớm,I will be back soon.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Mary còn chưa thích ứng được với hoàn cảnh mới.,Mary hasn't adapted yet to the new reality.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tom lướt thấy trường tàu khi xe lửa băng qua.,Tom caught a glimpse of the driver as the train raced past.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Anh ta hát không hay.,He can't sing well.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tom có giải pháp cho mọi thứ.,Tom has a solution for everything.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn "Bây giờ, tôi đang bận.",I'm occupied at the moment.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Anh ấy không già như tớ nghĩ.,He isn't any older than I thought.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Thằng nhóc thực sự là một đứa trẻ thông minh.,He is a very smart boy.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Kiểm tra áp suất của bánh xe.,Check the pressure of the tires.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Mình thích cái này.,I like this.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn "Tình yêu phải có cánh để bay khỏi tình yêu, và lại bay trở lại.","Love must have wings to fly away from love, and to fly back again.",vie_Latn-eng_Latn Bác sĩ bảo tôi nằm xuống.,The doctor had me lying in bed.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Anh ấy tới chưa?,Has he arrived?,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tom cực kỳ bối rối.,Tom is very disturbed.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Anh ta và tôi là bạn cùng lớp.,He and I are classmates.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Vắng chủ nhà gà vọc niêu tôm.,"When the cat is away, the mice will play.",vie_Latn-eng_Latn Cho tôi xin thêm một ít cà phê được không?,"Could I have one more coffee, please?",vie_Latn-eng_Latn Chúng tôi thấy ngồi nhà rung lắc.,We felt the house shake.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tom còn chưa đáp ứng với thực tế.,Tom hasn't got used to the reality yet.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn "Trong chuyến đi nghỉ, tôi đọc toàn bộ các tác phẩm của Milton.","In the vacation, I read the entire works of Milton.",vie_Latn-eng_Latn Phúc bất trùng lai.,Misfortunes rarely come singly.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Anh ấy đang khóc.,He was crying.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Chỗ của tôi ở đây.,My place is here.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Nhật bản không lớn bằng Gia nã đại.,Japan is not as big as Canada.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Japan không to bằng Canada.,Japan is not as large as Canada.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn "Không sao, tối nay chúng ta có thể góp trả.","That's OK, we can go Dutch tonight.",vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tom đã nhìn thấy máu trên lầu,Tom saw blood on the floor.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Rõ ràng là Tom đang yêu Kathy.,It goes without saying that Tom is in love with Kathy.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tôi đã gặp Tom ở trên đường.,I met Tom on the way.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tổng thống Jefferson không muốn cấm vận thương mại kéo dài.,President Jefferson did not want the trade ban to last long.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Bạn nói gì đấy?,What are you saying?,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Nó ra biển bơi.,He went to sea to swim.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Nhưng vũ trụ là vô hạn.,But the universe is infinite.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Nếu anh nghĩ rằng đội của anh có thể thắng đội của chúng tôi thì anh nên nghĩ lại!,"If you think your team can win against our team, you've got another thing coming!",vie_Latn-eng_Latn Jennifer rất thất vọng về việc buổi hòa nhạc bị hủy bỏ. Cô ấy rất trông mong buổi biểu diễn đó.,Jennifer is very disappointed about the concert being cancelled. She really had her heart set on going.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Chúng ta hãy đi ra biển đi. Tôi được nghỉ làm trong 6 ngày tới.,Let's go to the beach. I got time off from work for the next 6 days.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Giữ được bình tĩnh khi có chuyện khẩn cấp là rất quan trọng.,It's very important to keep your head if there's an emergency.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Gần đây thật khó theo kịp thời trang ăn mặc của thanh thiếu niên bởi vì chúng thay đổi quá thường xuyên.,It's so hard to keep up with teenage clothing fashions these days because they change so often.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Hai người có ngưng ngay tiếng ồn ầm ĩ đó không? Tôi đang cố ngủ.,Would you two knock it off with the loud noise? I'm trying to sleep.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Anh ta cảm thấy bất lực về cuộc sống của chính mình.,He feels powerless about his own life.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn "Tôi không sao nhớ nổi Timothy trông như thế nào, nhưng tôi tin chắc là tôi sẽ nhận ra anh ấy ngay.","I can't remember what Timothy looks like, but I'm sure I'll know him by sight.",vie_Latn-eng_Latn Lẽ ra em không nên tiết lộ việc em có mang quá sớm. Anh muốn làm mọi người ngạc nhiên.,You shouldn't have let the cat out of the bag about being pregnant so soon. I wanted to surprise everyone.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Ông có bị dị ứng nào không?,Do you have any allergies?,vie_Latn-eng_Latn David cho rằng anh ta rất quan trọng. Anh ta đã luôn coi thường những người khác trong văn phòng của anh ta.,David thinks he's so important. He always looks down on the other people in his office.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Melissa hoàn toàn mất bình tĩnh khi ngôi nhà phát hỏa. Cô ấy không biết nên làm gì.,Melissa completely lost her head when the house caught on fire. She didn't know what to do.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn "Nhưng ở đây, không dễ dàng như vậy đâu.","Except that here, it's not so simple.",vie_Latn-eng_Latn Những điều anh nói không quan trọng. Tôi sẽ vẫn mua chiếc xe hơi đắt tiền đó.,It makes no difference what you say. I'm still going to buy that expensive car.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Chúng ta sẽ phải để dành chỗ cho mẹ bạn khi bà ấy dọn vào ở nhà chúng ta.,We'll have to make room for your mother when she moves into our house with us.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tập đoàn này nổi tiếng vì trang thiết bị thông tin của nó.,This corporation is well known for its communication equipment.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn "Chà, Daniel đã tăng cân rất nhiều kể từ lần sau cùng tôi gặp anh ấy.","Wow, Daniel has put on a lot of weight since the last time I saw him.",vie_Latn-eng_Latn "Chris, bạn bị ướt hết rồi kìa!","Chris, you're completely wet!",vie_Latn-eng_Latn "Tôi rất tiếc, hôm nay tôi không thể tham gia với bạn. Trước buổi tối nay tôi phải chạy rất nhiều việc vặt.",I'm sorry I can't join you today. I have to run a lot of errands before this evening.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tôi xin lỗi vì đã gây ra nhiều rắc rối cho bạn.,I'm sorry to have caused you so much trouble.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn "Em yêu, chúng ta cần đi đến siêu thị. Chúng ta hết sữa rồi.","Sweetheart, we need to go to the supermarket. We ran out of milk.",vie_Latn-eng_Latn Bạn thi rớt là đáng đời. Bạn đã không học thi gì cả.,It serves you right that you failed your exam. You didn't study for it at all.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Xin đừng tiết lộ với Elizabeth là tôi đã mua cho cô ấy sợi dây chuyền vàng tặng sinh nhật của cô ấy nhé.,Please don't spill the beans to Elizabeth that I bought her a gold necklace for her birthday.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Anh phải bảo vệ những gì anh tin tưởng nếu không sẽ không có ai tôn trọng anh.,You must stand up for what you believe in or no one will respect you.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Thật khó phân biệt được hai chị em song sinh đó vì họ trông rất giống nhau.,It's difficult to tell those two twins apart because they look so much alike.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn "Đây là bạn của bọn tớ, Tom",This is our friend Tom.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn "Tại cuộc hội thảo, họ đã tụ họp chúng tôi thành các nhóm và bắt chúng tôi nói chuyện với nhau.","At the seminar, they threw us all together into groups and made us talk together.",vie_Latn-eng_Latn Muối là nguyên liệu nhất thiết phải có để nấu nướng.,Salt is an indispensable ingredient for cooking.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Đừng phí thời gian nói chuyện với Fred. Anh ta sẽ không bao giờ đổi ý đâu.,Don't waste your breath with Fred. He'll never change his mind.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn "Thôi đừng quanh co nữa, hãy nói thẳng cho tôi biết tại sao anh tức giận như vậy.",Stop beating around the bush and tell me directly why you're so angry.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Và như vậy mọi công dân đều có vai trò không thể thiếu được.,And so each citizen plays an indispensable role.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn "Billy, hãy cút đi! Tôi không muốn nhìn thấy anh ở đây nữa.","Billy, get lost! I don't want to see you here again.",vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tui bây có biết nhau không?,Do you know each other?,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Bạn có nghe nói vị trí trưởng phòng còn trống không?,Did you hear that the position for manager is up for grabs?,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Anh ta đổi chiếc xe cũ của mình với một chiếc mới.,He exchanged his old car for a new one.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn "Mọi người đều hài lòng về quyết định này, nên xin đừng làm gì xáo trộn tình hình.","Everyone is happy with the decision, so please don't rock the boat.",vie_Latn-eng_Latn Chúng ta thực sự chậm trễ so với kế hoạch rồi. Chúng ta cần phải khẩn trương lên.,We're really behind schedule. We need to get on the ball.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn William rất ngăn nắp. Anh ấy luôn quán xuyến mọi việc.,William is so organized. He's always on top of things.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Đừng tủi thân. Chúng ta cùng chung cảnh ngộ mà.,Don't feel sorry for yourself. We're all in the same boat.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn "Bác sĩ nói rằng bà ngoại vẫn còn bệnh nặng, nhưng bà đã thoát cơn nguy kịch rồi.","The doctor said that grandmother is still very sick, but she's out of the woods.",vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tôi có thể đến ở với bạn được không? Tôi bị đuổi ra đường vì tôi không trả tiền thuê nhà.,Can I stay with you? I was kicked out of my house because I didn't pay the rent.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Hãy cẩn thận! Chiếc xe đó suýt nữa đụng anh rồi.,Watch out! That car almost hit you.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Những người công nhân đã ngừng xây dựng tòa nhà đó vì họ không có đủ tiền để hoàn thành nó.,The workers stopped short of constructing that building because they didn't have enough money to finish it.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn "Hôm qua, học sinh đã học xong Chương 1 nên bây giờ học sẽ tiếp tục học Chương 2.",Yesterday the students finished Chapter 1 so now they'll move on to Chapter 2.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tại sao mọi người lại nói dối?,Why do people tell lies?,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Họ quá mệt mỏi vì họ đã làm việc suốt 2 ngày đêm.,They're so tired because they've been working around the clock for 2 days.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Sharon phát hiện ra rằng cô ấy sắp có con.,Sharon found out that she was going to have a baby.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn "Tôi thực sự cảm thấy thượng hại ông lão đó, ông ấy sống một mình và không có gia đình.",I really feel sorry for that old man who lives alone and has no family.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn "Hãy cẩn thận khi bạn mua sắm, bởi vì một số người bán hàng sẽ cố lợi dụng bạn và đưa ra giá đắt.","Be careful when you shop, because some sales people will try to take advantage of you and offer you an expensive price.",vie_Latn-eng_Latn Cảnh sát sẽ theo dõi người đàn ông đó vì họ nghĩ ông ta là tội phạm.,The police will keep an eye on the man they think is the criminal.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn "Nếu bạn lái xe vào ban đêm, bạn nên đề phòng những tài xế say rượu.","If you drive at night, you should watch out for drunk drivers.",vie_Latn-eng_Latn Đất nước chúng tôi sẽ tốt đẹp hơn nếu chúng tôi có một thủ tướng mới.,Our country would be better off if we had a new prime minister.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Đội của chúng tôi không có cơ hội thắng đội của họ vì đội của họ giỏi hơn đội của chúng tôi nhiều.,Our team doesn't stand a chance against their team because they are much better than we are.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn "Roger, những gì bạn nói đều có lý và tôi đồng ý với bạn.","Roger, what you say makes sense and I agree with you.",vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tôi không thể tin là bạn đã không bị trừng phạt về việc lẻn ra khỏi nhà tối qua. Cha bạn đã không nghe thấy.,I can't believe you got away with sneaking out of your house last night. Your father didn't hear you.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn "Từ khi Janet chết, chồng của cô ấy thực sự trở nên chán nản.","Since Janet died, her husband has really gone off the deep end.",vie_Latn-eng_Latn "Nếu bạn muốn có được thị thực đi Mỹ, trước hết bạn phải làm đúng nhiều thủ tục.","If you want to get a visa to go to America, you have to go through a lot of channels first.",vie_Latn-eng_Latn Làm sao bạn luôn đạt điểm tốt như vậy ở trường chứ? Thậm chí tôi chưa bao giờ nhìn thấy bạn mở sách ra đọc.,How do you always get such good marks in school? I never see you even crack a book.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Jerry là một người rất chân thật. Bạn có thể luôn tin lời của ông ta.,Jerry is a very honest man. You can always take him at his word.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Cảnh sát đang đuổi theo người đàn ông.,The police are after the man.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn "Thái dương hệ chỉ có 8 hành tinh bây giờ là Pluto, hành tinh thứ 9, đã được công nhận là một hành tinh lùn.","The Solar System has only eight planets now as Pluto, which was the ninth, has been reclassified as a dwarf planet.",vie_Latn-eng_Latn Bức họa này bao nhiêu năm rồi?,How old is that painting?,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tôi rất vui khi đến thăm Đại học Quốc Gia Hà Nội.,It’s my pleasure to come to VNU.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tôi rất vui khi đến thăm quý tr­ường.,It's my pleasure to come to your university.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tôi không ngu ngốc vì em nữa đâu.,I am not any more foolish than you are.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Quá tiếc khi bạn không biết nó.,It is a great pity that you don't know it.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Anh ta đã không đếm bữa tiệc cuối.,He didn't come to the last meeting.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Thầy giáo/Cô giáo bảo chúng tôi học thuộc lòng bài thơ.,Our teacher had us learn the poem by heart.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tôi không có gì tốt hơn để làm hết.,I have nothing better to do.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Bộ phim được dựng dựa trên một cuốn tiểu thuyết.,This film is based on a novel.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Bạn có muốn một vài bức hình đó không?,Would you like some of those pictures?,vie_Latn-eng_Latn "Dùng chuyện gì xảy ra, chúng ta vẫn sẽ là bạn.","Whatever happens, we'll always be friends.",vie_Latn-eng_Latn Ấm nước đang sôi.,The kettle is boiling.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Chuông báo cháy đã vang lên.,The fire alarm sounded.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tom nhảy ra khỏi ghế.,Tom jumped out of his seat.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn "Do mưa to, chúng tôi đến trường quá muộn.",We were late for school because it rained heavily.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Nước tối cần thiết đối với chúng ta.,Water is essential to life.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Họ khước từ lời mời của chúng tôi.,They declined our invitation.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Sức khỏe tối cần thiết cho hạnh phúc.,Health is essential to happiness.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Đọc nhiều sách như vậy sẽ có ngày rất hữu ích.,Read such books as will be useful some day.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tụi tao biết bài hát này.,We know this song.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Ông ta là một thành viên không thể thiếu của nhân viên.,He is an indispensable member for the staff.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Sự giúp đỡ của bạn rất cần thiết đối với chúng tôi.,Your assistance is indispensable for us.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Nước không thể thiếu đối với cây cỏ.,Water is indispensable to plants.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tôi xin hứa tôi sẽ không làm vậy nữa.,I promise I won't do that again.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tôi đã trở thành giám đốc.,I became a director.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Anh ấy không chấp nhận đề nghị của tôi.,He didn't agree to my proposal.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tôi thích toán.,I like math.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tôi không hiểu tiếng Đức.,I don't understand German.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Chúng tôi đi máy bay từ Tokyo đến Sapporo.,We took a plane from Tokyo to Sapporo.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Loại thuốc mới phô bày hiệu ứng tức thời.,The new medicine demonstrated an immediate effect.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Hôm nay chẳng có gió.,There is no wind today.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Không có gió hôm nay.,There's no wind today.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tôn giáo là thuốc phiện của nhân dân.,Religion is the opium of the people.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Jane thông minh như những đứa bé gái khác trong lớp của nó.,Jane is as clever as any girl in her class.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Đoàn tầu này đi từ New York tới Boston.,This train runs between New York and Boston.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Ông ta thành công nhờ sự khéo tay và cả tính cần cù.,He owed his success to both ability and industry.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Đó là một con búp bê.,That's a doll.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Ông Tanaka là một trong những người bạn của chúng tôi.,Mr Tanaka is a friend of ours.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tôi không thích đèn to để bàn giấy.,I don't like big desk lamps.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Ông ta không thích hợp là bác sĩ.,He is no good as a doctor.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn cái này hai pound.,It's two pounds.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tôi sắp thông báo cho anh những thông tin mới nhất từ làng.,I'll bring you up to date with the latest news from the village.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Thế giới không quay quanh bạn.,The world doesn't revolve around you.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Thế giới không quay quanh mày.,The world does not revolve around you.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Ấy có dùng hãng American Express không?,Do you take American Express?,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Cha đi đến Detroit để làm việc hằng năm.,Father went to Detroit to work every year.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Bạn thấy lời gợi ý của anh ta thế nào?,How do you feel about his suggestion?,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Không có gì khẩn cấp cả.,There's no hurry.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Cô ấy nhận ra điều cần thiết là tập cho bọn trẻ của cô ấy thức dậy sớm.,She found it necessary to accustom her child to getting up early.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Chỉ có sự thật là tốt đẹp.,Nothing is beautiful but the truth.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Chúng ta hãy khẩn trương.,Let's hurry up.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn "Tôi có 1,000 cổ phần của NTT.","I own 1,000 shares of NTT stock.",vie_Latn-eng_Latn Xin lỗi tôi đến trễ.,I'm sorry I'm late.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Mình mong cậu có một đêm ngủ ngon.,I want you to get a good night's rest.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Hãy trở lại Boston thăm bọn tôi khi nào có dịp nhé.,Please come back to Boston and visit us whenever you have a chance.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Các bạn hãy khẩn trương để khỏi lỡ chuyến xe buýt.,"Hurry up, or you'll miss the bus.",vie_Latn-eng_Latn Nhân vật phản diện mà bạn ưa thích trong điện ảnh là ai?,Who's your favorite movie villain?,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Bạn ấy đã giúp tôi làm bài tập về nhà.,He helped me do my homework.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Bọn mình không nhận được đồ ăn hay nước uống.,We weren't given any food or water.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tôi nhìn thấy con chó nhà hàng xóm chạy trong sân của mình.,I saw my neighbor's dog running in my yard.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Hắn phạm tôi ăn cắp.,He is guilty of stealing.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Thụy Sĩ cần những quả táo ngon hơn.,Switzerland needs better apples.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Bạn có thể liệt kê danh sách các việc đáng thảo luận không?,Will you make a list of issues to discuss?,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Ngày Quốc tế lao động cũng là ngày lễ dành cho người lao động trên toàn thế giới.,May Day is also a festival day for the workers in the world.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Chúng ta/Chúng tôi có cá trong món chính.,We are having fish for our main course.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tớ nghe hết những điều cậu nói.,I heard everything you said.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Mỗi đứa trẻ có một cách suy nghĩ khác nhau.,Each child has an individual way of thinking.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Liệu Tom có nhận công việc ở Boston không vẫn còn là điều khó đoán.,Whether or not Tom gets the job in Boston is still very much up in the air.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Trường của chúng tôi ở trong làng này.,Our school is in this village.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Không ai biết cô ấy ở đâu.,No one knows where she is.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Nhà chúng ta/chúng tôi sát vách nhà anh ta.,Our house adjoins his.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Đương nhiên chìa khóa của thành công là tính lương thiện.,It goes without saying that honesty is the key to success.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Chúng ta nghỉ ngơi một chút nhé?,Shall we take a short rest?,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tôi không có ngốc như bạn tưởng đâu.,I'm not as stupid as you think I am.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Làm ơn sửa lại những lỗi sai.,Please correct the errors.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn "Nếu một nhà triết học trả lời, tôi không còn hiểu câu hỏi của tôi nữa.","When a philosopher answers me, I no longer understand my question.",vie_Latn-eng_Latn Bức tượng được chạm khắc từ gỗ cây anh đào.,The statue was carved from a block of cherry wood.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Bạn đã sẵn sàng bắt đầu chưa?,Are you ready to start?,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Cô ấy hình như bị đau đầu.,She appears to have a headache.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Đó là lý do vì sao Yoshio bị cảm.,That is why Yoshio has caught a cold.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tôi muốn đi Áo để học âm nhạc.,I would like to go to Austria in order to study music.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Có rất nhiều nhà cao tầng ở New York.,There are a lot of tall buildings in New York.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn "Chỉ kéo dài 15 phút, có phải không?","It just lasts for 15 minutes, doesn't it?",vie_Latn-eng_Latn Cảnh sát thổi còi.,The police officer blew his whistle.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Trên thực tế tôi không ăn gì từ sáng nay.,"As a matter of fact, I haven't eaten anything since this morning.",vie_Latn-eng_Latn Hãy đi hái hoa trong vườn nào.,Let's pick flowers from the garden.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Trái đất giống như một quả banh với một cái nam châm to ở giữa.,The earth is like a ball with a big magnet in it.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Không phải tất cả họ đều hạnh phúc.,Not all of them are happy.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Có một đám đông trên đường,There is a crowd of people on the street.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Jim mở cửa.,Jim opens the door.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn "Cho dù bạn có thuyết phục mọi người rằng sô-cô-la là va-ni thì nó vẫn là sô-cô-la, dù bạn có thể tự thuyết phục được mình và một vài người khác rằng nó là va-ni.","No matter how much you try to convince people that chocolate is vanilla, it'll still be chocolate, even though you may manage to convince yourself and a few others that it's vanilla.",vie_Latn-eng_Latn Bà ấy mua sách trong cứa hàng.,She bought a book at the shop.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Vé vào cửa bao gồm cả nước giải khát.,The entrée includes a beverage.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tôi cảm thấy rằng bạn đang muốn nói gì đó với tôi.,I get the feeling you're trying to tell me something.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn "Vừa cười vừa nói chuyện, những đứa trẻ trèo lên đồi.","Laughing and talking, the children climbed the hill.",vie_Latn-eng_Latn Thắng cuộc chơi mà không cần phải tiếp tục giải mã ô chữ [or nhân vật] bí ẩn.,Beating the game without continuing unlocks the secret character.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Bạn có nghe nó không Mike?,"Did you hear that, Mike?",vie_Latn-eng_Latn "Tôi là người Mỹ, nhưng tôi có thể nói được một ít tiếng Nhật.","I'm American, but I can speak Japanese a little.",vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tạm biệt. Mai gặp lại.,Goodbye. See you tomorrow.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Chúng tôi trèo lên ngọn nói dốc đứng.,We climbed up the steep mountain.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Chúng tôi đã rất mệt mõi.,We were very tired.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Anh ấy quen lao động.,He is used to the work.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Xin chú ý rằng chúng tôi đã đưa ra mức giá thấp nhất rồi.,Please note that we have quoted the lowest possible price.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tom giups Mary làm bếp.,Tom helped Mary in the kitchen.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn "Không, xin bấm số chín trước.","No, please dial nine first.",vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tôi không hề biết là anh sẽ đến.,I had no notion that you were coming.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Họ không thể quyết định được sẽ đi lên núi hay xuống biển.,They couldn't decide whether to go to the mountains or the sea.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Anh ta làm việc rất chăm chỉ vì sợ bị thất bại.,He worked hard for fear that he should fail.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Xin làm ơn chú ý.,May I direct your attention to this?,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Có có một ít thời gian.,I have some time.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn "Ví dụ như, càng ngày có càng nhiều người lựa chọn chung sống và sinh con mà không kết hôn.","For example, more people are choosing to live together and have children without getting married.",vie_Latn-eng_Latn Cô ta cũng trẻ như tôi vậy.,She is as young as I am.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Chúng tôi sống ở nông thôn trong suốt mùa hè.,We live in the country during the summer.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn "Không có công việc, tôi không thể đẻ giành tiền.","With no work, I can't save any money.",vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tôi sẽ ở lại khách sạn này trong một tháng kể từ ngày thứ hai tới.,I will have been staying in this hotel for one month next Sunday.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Nhà anh ta ở gần đường ngầm.,His house is near the subway.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tôi hoàn toàn không hiểu bạn.,I don't quite follow you.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Có một ít nước trong giếng.,There was little water in the well.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Một cung thủ giết chết con hươu.,The archer killed the deer.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Khu vực lân cận có gì hay không?,What's good in the neighborhood?,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tom muốn hỏi Mary vài điều.,Tom wanted to ask Mary a question.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Cô ta bán hoa.,She sells flowers.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Cha tôi sẽ đi du lịch nước ngoài vào năm sau.,My father will travel abroad next year.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Vậy là tôi có thêm năm phút nữa để ngủ.,Then I can still have five more minutes of sleep.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Bạn mắc có vài lỗi chính tả thôi.,You have made only a few spelling mistakes.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tivi có thể làm giảm khả năng sáng tạo của chúng ta.,Television can dull our creative power.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Chào George! Dạo này cậu thế nào?,"Hi, George! How's it going?",vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tom được một con điểm tốt.,Tom has a good point.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tom là người đã ở đây tuần trước.,Tom is the one who was here last week.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Cô ta làm ở xí nghiệp này đúng không?,"So he works at this factory, does he?",vie_Latn-eng_Latn Lúc còn trẻ thì bạn nên đọc nhiều sách vào.,You should read a lot of books while you're young.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tom là người thông minh nhất trong lớp của chúng tôi.,Tom is the smartest one in our class.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tôi muốn về nhà.,I want to go home.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Lôi muốn lấy cô ấy.,I want to marry her.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tôi hoàn toàn không mệt.,I'm not at all tired.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Ngày mai tôi sẽ đến thăm ông Brown.,I'll visit Mr. Brown tomorrow.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Em trai tôi đặt tên cho con mèo của nó là Huazi.,My brother named his cat Huazi.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tôi đã làm xong bài tập về nhà.,I have finished my homework.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tôi bắt tay Jane.,I shook hands with Jane.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Đừng có tin bất kỳ ai ở đây hết.,Don't trust anyone here.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Phương pháp luận được dùng trong cuộc nghiên cứu của anh ta cũng hữu ích trong việc quản lý cuộc nghiên cứu của chúng tôi.,The methodology used in his study is also helpful to us in conducting our research.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Hôm nay ban có rãnh không?,Are you busy today?,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Đây chính là cách mà vụ tai nạn đã xãy ra.,This is how the accident happened.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Họ tố cáo anh ấy có mặt trong lớp để gấy náo động.,They accused him of being in the classroom in order to cause trouble.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Loại con trai gì thế không biết !,What a kind boy he is!,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Thú riêng của tôi là sưu tầm tem.,My hobby is collecting stamps.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Cô ta mới chỉ ăn Sushi và uống bia thôi.,She just ate sushi and drank beer.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Có rất nhiều lý do để giải thích vì sao một căn nhà bị bỏ trống.,There are various reasons why a house may be left vacant.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Anh trông thấy người đàn bà đó ở đâu?,Where did you see this woman?,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tôi gặp rắc rối trong việc uống thuốc bột.,I have trouble taking powdered medicine.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tôi có một vết thương ở ngón chân út.,I have a pain in my little toe.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Chị tôi chưa làm xong bài tập của bả nữa.,My sister hasn't done homework for herself.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Chẳng nói được ngành khoa học sẽ phát triển đến mức nào khi hết thế kỉ 20 nữa.,There is no telling how far science may have progressed by the end of the twentieth century.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Mẹ tôi được ba tôi yêu.,My mother is loved by my father.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Có 20 thí sinh trong cuộc cạnh tranh.,There were fifty entries for the race.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Chúng ta chẳng thể nào đấu lại Châu Á đâu.,We can't compete with Asia.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Buổi thuyết giảng của anh ta có rất đông khán giả.,His lecture had a large audience.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tôi sống từ năm này qua năm khác.,I lived for years and years.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Jack không đủ tiền để mua xe một chiếc xe đạp mới.,Jack can't afford to buy a new bicycle.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Vé khứ hồi phải không? Một chiều thôi.,Round trip? Only one-way.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Anh ta quá mệt đến nỗi không đi xa hôn được nữa.,He is too tired to go any farther.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Anh ta đi ra ngoài bất chấp cơn mưa.,He went out in spite of the rain.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Một vài quả táo torng đống này bị hư.,Some of these apples are bad.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Người say xỉn rất thú vị.,Drunk people are so entertaining.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn """Tại sao?"". Cô con gái hỏi với một chút bực dọc.","""Why?"" asked the daughter, a trifle irritated.",vie_Latn-eng_Latn Một nghiên cứu chỉ ra rằng hầu hết 10% đàn ông sẽ bị béo phì vào năm 2008. Tỉ lệ này đã tăng từ khoảng 5% vào năm 1980.,A study found that almost 10% of men were obese in 2008. That was up from about 5% in 1980.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Anh ta hoàn toàn không ngạc nhiên về khà năng của cô ta.,He was not at all surprised at her ability.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Hãy làm việc một cách thoải mái.,Please do the work at your own convenience.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Anh ta kiếm được gấp đôi lương của tôi,He earns double my salary.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Trời mưa từ sáng.,It's been raining since morning.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Ông tôi rất khỏe mạnh.,My grandfather is very healthy.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Gặp anh là rất tốt.,It's great to meet you.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Chúng tôi phải cởi giầy trước khi vào nhà.,We should take off our shoes before entering the house.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Không vứt rác ở đây.,No dumping rubbish here!,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Bạn ước điều gì vậy?,What do you wish for?,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Chào mừng bạn đến với Tatoeba.,Welcome to Tatoeba!,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tất cả các vận động viên đều nỗ lực tuyệt vời trong kỳ Thế vận hội.,All participants made that great effort in the Olympics.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Anh ta hết năng lượng rồi.,He has run out of energy.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Thuốc này không bảo vệ chống bệnh cúm.,This medicine is no protection against influenza.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Đợi tao với!,Wait for me!,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Anh ta mang vụ án giết người ra ánh sáng.,He brought out the truth of the murder case.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Công việc rất khó cho chúng tôi.,It is a very difficult job for us.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Bạn thật tốt khi giúp tôi làm bài tập về nhà.,It is very nice of you to help me with my homework.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Thậm chí anh ta còn có nhiều táo hơn.,He has even more apples.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Cô ta luôn đứng về bên yếu.,She always sides with the weak.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tin về cái chết của cậu ta đã không được thông báo trong vài tuần.,News of his death wasn't published for several weeks.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Nó chính là con gấu đói mà dân làng sợ hãi.,It was the hungry bears that the villagers were afraid of.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn 46 triệu người Mỹ sống dưới ngưỡng nghèo trong năm 2010.,46 million Americans lived under the poverty line in 2010.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Anh hãy giữ lại tiền lẻ.,Keep the change!,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Ông hãy kéo ghế của ông lại gần lửa.,Draw your chair closer to the fire.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tôi nghĩ là tôi vẫn còn thời gian cho một ly cà phê nữa.,I think I still have time for another cup of coffee.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tôi bị bụi vào mắt.,Dust got into one of my eyes.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Bác sĩ bảo rằng anh ấy sẽ khỏe hơn nếu chịu uống thuốc.,The doctor said that he would be well if he took his medicine.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Bụng tôi bị đầy hơi.,I have abdominal gas.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Anh ấy im lặng trong bữa ăn.,He kept silent during the meal.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Nhiệt là một hình thức năng lượng.,Heat is a form of energy.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Anh ấy sắp đi Luân Đôn.,He is about to leave for London.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Anh hãy làm tùy thích.,Do as you like.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Vạch ra kế hoạch dễ hơn hơn thực hiện.,It's easier to make plans than to carry them out.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Trước hết anh hãy chăm sóc chính bản thân mình.,"Above all, take care of yourself.",vie_Latn-eng_Latn Mẹ hy vọng rằng phòng học của con có điều hòa không khí.,I hope that your classroom had air conditioning.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Trời nóng quá nên tôi đã bỏ áo khoác ra.,It was so hot I took my coat off.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn "Xin lỗi, ông có nói tiếng Anh không?","Pardon me, do you speak English?",vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tôi biết viết các chương trình Visual Basic.,I can write programs in Visual Basic.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Cô ấy là mẫu người của tôi.,She's my type.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Cô ấy phải ngưng hút thôi.,She has to stop smoking.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Cuộc họp sẽ giải tán trong khi bạn tới đó.,The meeting will have broken up by the time you arrive there.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tôi yêu anh ấy. Tôi đánh giá cao anh ấy.,I appreciate this.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Tất cả những quả táo rơi bị lợn ăn hết.,All of the apples that fall are eaten by the pigs.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Xin đừng quên.,Please do not forget.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Inoue không thích máy vi tính.,Inoue doesn't like computers.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Marie sẽ giúp chúng ta ngày mai.,Mary is going to help us tomorrow.,vie_Latn-eng_Latn Puyde ka na umuli yana kun karuyagon nimo.,You may go home now if you like.,war_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Maupay ini nga lugar para magtanum hin kahuy?,Is this a good place to plant a tree?,war_Latn-eng_Latn Ano ito problema hiton kalibutan?,What's wrong with the world?,war_Latn-eng_Latn Nabusog ak hin duro han paniudto nga gin-ándam ni Inday.,The lunch prepared by Inday filled me very much.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Nakakita ako hin dadamuro nga tamsí.,I caught sight of hundreds of birds.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Matatapuran hiya?,Can she be trusted?,war_Latn-eng_Latn Lab-as an isda nga akon ginpalit ha taboán.,The fish I bought from the market is fresh.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Yakan ni Tom nagpapakita hiya hin mga butang nga diri ako nakita.,Tom says he sees things that I can't see.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Nagsaklang hi Tom ha kahoy.,Tom climbed the tree.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Pagbuotán bayâ samtang waray hi akó.,Behave yourself during my absence.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Proybahan ko mahiabot ngadto hiton 2:30.,I'll try to be there by 2:30.,war_Latn-eng_Latn """Muirriel"" an password.","The password is ""Muiriel"".",war_Latn-eng_Latn Sige ¿Áno't sekreto?,"OK, what's the secret?",war_Latn-eng_Latn Diri nimo malilimbungan iton tadhana.,You cannot outsmart destiny.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Nakig-estorya na ako hiton nga estudyante.,I already talked to this student.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Naglalaum ako nga unta diri iton tuod.,I just hope it's not true.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Isdà iní.,It's a fish.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Nabayaanan ko an susi ha opisina san-o iton nga adlaw.,I had left the key in the office the day before.,war_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Pirá bà it mga YouTube nga akawnt nga aadâ ha kalibutan ha yanâ?,How many YouTube accounts are there in the world to date?,war_Latn-eng_Latn Puydi mo ako ikadto ha may tulay?,Can you get me to the bridge?,war_Latn-eng_Latn "May-ada upat nga basurahan ha eskwelahan: usa para papel, usa para plastik, ngan an duha para ha mga maburuong ngan may puthaw o lata.","There are four trash cans in the school: one for paper, one for plastic, and two more for glass and metal.",war_Latn-eng_Latn Nahitaas iton kriminalidad hini nga nasud.,The crime rate is increasing in this country.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Diri ko hiya pabay-an nga mamatay.,I won't let her die.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Maaram hiya pagtaya.,He knows how to bet.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Waray ko pa hiya pakianhi.,I haven't asked her yet.,war_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Karúyag mo ba masúgad kan Tom?,Do you want to end up like Tom?,war_Latn-eng_Latn Ginpakita mo ha akon kun maano kun tanan ada ha sakto nga butang.,You opened up my eyes to what it's like when everything is right.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Dírì komportable in' nga mga lingkúran.,These chairs are not comfortable.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Iton ákòn tatay dírì nainum hin duro hin sake.,My father doesn't drink too much sake.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Guol hi akó ngan karúyag ko nga kumatúrog.,I am tired and I want to go to bed.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Diri la hi kita iton natuod nga hiya an salaan.,We are not alone in believing that he is not guilty.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Bubuháton ko iton ha kondisyon nga bubulígan mo akó.,I will do it on the condition that you help me.,war_Latn-eng_Latn "Buwas, may mga plano akó pagkadto Tokyo.","Tomorrow, I have plans to go to Tokyo.",war_Latn-eng_Latn "Waráy túbig, waráy kinabúhì.","No water, no life.",war_Latn-eng_Latn Naka-kwarta ako hin damo.,I made a lot of money.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Diri ako maaram hiton bubuhaton buwas.,I don't know what to do tomorrow.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Nakakaestorya niya iton mga espiritu.,He can talk to spirits.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Nagkakilala hira Tom ngan Marie ha usá nga pagsaúrog han Bag-o nga Tuig.,Tom and Mary met at a New Year's party.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Baga ka ha iya.,You look like him.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Ini nga líbro kanan mga bitúon.,This is a book about stars.,war_Latn-eng_Latn May-ada nganhi balaud kanan-jaywalking?,Is there a law here about jaywalking?,war_Latn-eng_Latn Harus kada adlaw napakanhi hiya para makitaan ako.,He comes to see me nearly every day.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Sakob ha kotse.,Get into the car.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Maabot ako ha estayon hiton 1:35.,I'll arrive at the station at about 1:35.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Nadiri ako pag-estorya kan Tom.,I don't like to talk about Tom.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Diri ka naabot ha oras.,You never arrive on time.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Unod iton hin yatot.,It's rat meat.,war_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Hin-o an nagsurat han líbro?,Who was the book written by?,war_Latn-eng_Latn Diri nganhi nakaturog hi Tom.,Tom doesn't sleep here.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Klaro nga másíngba hi kitá.,It’s clear that we’re going to the church.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Ginhimo ini ha Kazakhstan.,This is made in Kazakhstan.,war_Latn-eng_Latn "Ayáw gud ini kalimti, alayon la.","Never forget this, please.",war_Latn-eng_Latn Nadiri ko masabtan an íya ngaran.,I don't want to know what his name is.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Aga yana ngadi ha amon.,It's morning here in my time zone.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Iton gugma nagios hin misteryoso.,Love moves in mysterious ways.,war_Latn-eng_Latn An giyera an nagruba han nasud.,The war brought ruin to the country.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Makausa ko la hiya kakit'i.,I only saw him once.,war_Latn-eng_Latn "Sayup nimo adto, diri akon.","It was your mistake, not mine.",war_Latn-eng_Latn Kay-ano abredo pa iton imo suga hin nga hilarom nga kagab-ihon? Abrehi daw. Kinahanglan ko masab'tan iton imo ginbubuhat.,Why do you have the light on at midnight? Open up. I must know what you're doing.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Kay-ano ginsusunog niya an iya nobela?,Why is she burning her novel?,war_Latn-eng_Latn Kamapaso gud liwat ha gawas.,It's really hot out here.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Usa ako nga speechwriter.,I'm a speechwriter.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Kinahanglan naton tumabok hin tulay para maka-kadto hiton balay ni Tom.,We have to cross a bridge to get to Tom's house.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Interesado ka hiton politika?,Are you interested in politics?,war_Latn-eng_Latn Ngatanan nga edro may-pako.,All planes have wings.,war_Latn-eng_Latn "Bweno, adi ano na iton oras. Kana na.","Well, it's getting late. Let's go now.",war_Latn-eng_Latn Lumatod la iton hi Tom.,Tom is just a boy.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Waray nasalin.,There's nothing remaining.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Usa na katuig nga waray ko makaestorya hi Tom.,I haven't talked to Tom in almost a year.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Nahihitabo ini basta nalakat hi Tom.,This happens every time Tom goes away.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Abredo an iba nga mga bintana.,All the other windows are open.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Diri gud iton makuri buhaton sugad hiton imo kasiring.,It's really not as hard to do as you think it is.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Maaram hi Tom nga kasiring ni Mary nga igkakasal hira John ngan Alice.,Tom knew that Mary thought John and Alice were going to get married.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Libro ini ni Tony.,This is Tony's book.,war_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Hin-o iton ímo gintitinawaan?,Who are you laughing at?,war_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Maaram ka kun háin hiyá?,Do you know where she is?,war_Latn-eng_Latn Kasiring ni Tom nga nag-uusahan la hi Mary.,Tom thought Mary was alone.,war_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Diin mo hirá nabahoan?,Where did you smell them?,war_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Anó nga pagkaon it dírì mo naruruyagan?,What food don't you like?,war_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Igpapakítà mo bà ha akon it libro?,Will you show me the book?,war_Latn-eng_Latn It paghubad dírì pirmi masayón.,It's not always easy to translate.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Iní para là hit imo personal nga paggámit.,This is only for your personal use.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Hi Tom magigin doktor.,Tom is going to be a doctor.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Loróng gad adâ hiyá pagyakán hin sugad nga butáng.,He must be crazy to say such a thing.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Dírì ka untâ angay kinmádto nga nag-uusáan ka là.,You shouldn't have gone there by yourself.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Dirì hiyá naka-Iningles.,He can't speak English.,war_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Ma-anó ba it Boston?,What's Boston like?,war_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Nakahinúmdom ka bà kun tiunan-o hi kitá nagkakilala?,Do you remember how we met?,war_Latn-eng_Latn Nahitabu na an pinakamaraut hiton.,The worst of it has already happened.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Napaatras hi Tom tikang ha blakbord.,Tom stepped back from the blackboard.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Diri natun kinahanglan paggutumon.,We don't have to starve.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Diri gud kita maaram hit iya personal nga kinabuhi.,We don't know much about her personal life.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Nagdesisyon na kami.,We've made a decision.,war_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Waray ka man magsurat diretso ha akun?,Why didn't you write to me right away?,war_Latn-eng_Latn Pasabuton nala nam hiya.,We'll notify him.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Mahihiara ka nala hiton pag-ukoy nga ikaw la.,Soon you'll get used to living by yourself.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Diri kinahanglan maghimu hin halaba nga surat.,It's not necessary to write a long letter.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Karuyag nimo masab'tan hin-o iton nga mahusay nga babaye?,Would you like to know who that beautiful woman is?,war_Latn-eng_Latn Angay la iton ha imo.,It serves you right.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Narespeto ako hiton akon batá sanglit iginsangay ko iton akon anak ha iya.,"I respect my uncle, so I named my first son John after him.",war_Latn-eng_Latn Makadto ako kaupod hi Tom.,I'm going with Tom.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Waráy na makit-i an iya láwas.,His body was never found.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Kay-ano ginharukan mo hiya?,Why did you kiss him?,war_Latn-eng_Latn Diri ko papasagdan iton bisan ano nga sayop.,I won't tolerate any mistakes.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Igagawas ko iton.,I'll take it outside.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Ano nga oras buwas hiton aga it imo karuyag nga kuhaon ko ikaw?,What time tomorrow morning would you like me to pick you up?,war_Latn-eng_Latn Waray kinabuhi ha bulan.,There's no life on the moon.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Waray may kinabuhi ha bulan.,There is no life on the moon.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Masayon ako na-impluwensyahan.,I'm easily influenced.,war_Latn-eng_Latn "Ha kataposán, pirme barubarató pagpalit hit gimaupayi.",It's always cheaper in the end to buy the best.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Nakakarawat hi akó hin kinodigo nga mensahe tikang kan Tom kanina han aga.,I received a coded message from Tom this morning.,war_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Kakan-o nimo ginhubad iní nga surat?,When did you translate this letter?,war_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Tikang ba ha Argentina iní nga vino?,Is this wine from Argentina?,war_Latn-eng_Latn "Kun mag-Frinanses hi ikaw, dírì hi akó makaka-intindi.","If you speak French, I won't understand.",war_Latn-eng_Latn "Maáram hi akó hin Pinortuges, Iningles, ngan Rinuso.","I know Portuguese, English, and Russian.",war_Latn-eng_Latn Dayón an batón ni Tom.,Tom's response was immediate.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Ginkakítà ko hi Mary didto han pista han naglabay nga simana.,I ran into Mary at the party last week.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Sinmulod hiyá ha kuwarto niya basi pumahúway.,She went inside her room so she could rest.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Bátà pa an babaye.,The woman is young.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Kinahanglanon naton magmata hiton aga-aga.,We must get up at dawn.,war_Latn-eng_Latn May-ada akó táwag tikang ha íya.,I had a telephone call from her.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Waray ka magsayup? Kaswerte nala!,You did not make a single mistake? That had to be blind luck!,war_Latn-eng_Latn ¿May-ada ba iba na tawo ha imo kwarto?,Is there anyone in the room?,war_Latn-eng_Latn Swerte mo waray mapakanhi hi Tom.,You're lucky Tom didn't come.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Karuyag ko proybahan ini.,I'd like to try this.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Waray ako kumadto.,I didn't go.,war_Latn-eng_Latn "Pabay-i iton, Tom.","Leave it be, Tom.",war_Latn-eng_Latn Sunda iton mga balaud hiton eskuylahan.,Please follow the school rules.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Bagan kapoy hi Tom.,Tom seems stressed.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Hinay-hinay gumikan an barko.,The ship slowly started to move.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Namatay hi Aleksandro ha Babilonya.,Alexander died in Babylon.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Hala sige pagyakan.,Go ahead and talk.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Ginbutang ni Tom an tre han iya paningudtuhon ha la mesa.,Tom put his lunch tray on the table.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Napusil hi Tom ha dughan.,Tom was shot in the chest.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Maaram hi Tom nga waray niya unta igsiring iton.,Tom knows he shouldn't have said that.,war_Latn-eng_Latn May-ada akó duha nga misay.,I have two cats.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Diri ako naangay mapabulig han grupo.,I don't deserve to be on the team.,war_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Haráyò ba itón tíkang dinhi?,Is it far from here?,war_Latn-eng_Latn Makuri adto hin duro.,It was very difficult.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Pumurot hiya hin salamin ngan ginkita an iya dila.,He picked up a mirror and looked at his tongue.,war_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Namati ka na hini nga kanta?,Have you ever listened to this song?,war_Latn-eng_Latn Diri ka lurong.,You're not crazy.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Hain iton elibitor?,Where is the elevator?,war_Latn-eng_Latn Waray ko labot hiton,I am not concerned with it.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Ano iton may-ada ha iyo ni Tom?,What's up with you and Tom?,war_Latn-eng_Latn It akon amay ooperahan kanan kanser.,My father ought to have had an operation for cancer.,war_Latn-eng_Latn "Nagsisirom na, ngan an malain, nawarâ kami.","It grew dark, and what was worse, we lost our way.",war_Latn-eng_Latn Waray pa iton natabo nga nagbuwa ha ak hi Tom.,It never occurred to me that Tom might not be telling the truth.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Matatalwas iton iyo kinabuhi.,Your lives will be spared.,war_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Kumbidahun mo hiya hiton katitiruk?,Are you going to invite her to the party?,war_Latn-eng_Latn Nakit-an ko hiya nga nasiplat ha akon.,I saw him looking at me.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Maaram hiya hin iba nga mas masayon nga pamaagi para makuha kun ano iton iya karuyag.,He knows other and easier ways of getting what he desires.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Waray ako magpilit pagsakob.,I didn't break in.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Damu iton tawo ha parke.,There's lots of people at the park.,war_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Naano an imo pag-aram hit German?,How did you learn German?,war_Latn-eng_Latn Kinahanglan naton paundangon na ini yna.,We need to put a stop to this now.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Karuyag ko bisitahun it Pilipinas.,I want to visit the Philippines.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Waray manla hiton.,That doesn't matter.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Waray natuod ha iya kaanyawan nga hiya usa nga henyo bisan nakilala na hiya ha bug-os nga kalibutan.,No one in the neighborhood believed him to be a genius even after he had achieved world-wide fame.,war_Latn-eng_Latn "Kun dírì mo mahimo it' imo karuyag, himoa it' imo ílob himúon.","When you can't do what you want, you do what you can.",war_Latn-eng_Latn Nawara na akon gana.,I've lost my appetite.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Kinahanglan naton protektahan iton kagugob-an.,We should protect the forest.,war_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Ano it nga tunog?,What's that sound?,war_Latn-eng_Latn "Kun ako ha imo, mapakadto ako.","If I were you, I'd go.",war_Latn-eng_Latn Diri mo kinahanglanon malisang hin sugad hiton.,You don't need to be in that much of a hurry.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Mabug-at gud ádto.,That must be heavy.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Diri kadamuan it dagku na mga libong ha nasud Hapon.,It's rare to find big yards in Japan.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Diri mo gud 'ton 'himuon.,You would never do that.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Nadiri ako nga sumuko ka.,I don't want you to give up.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Makuri iton nga pakiana.,That's a hard question.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Haruhataas ka ha íya.,You are taller than she is.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Karuyag ni Tom hin ebidensya.,Tom wants evidence.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Waráy naruruyag mangaranan it' ákòn nasod.,Nobody wanted to mention my country.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Makibabasahun hi Tom.,Tom reads a lot.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Kinahanglan nimo kami buligan.,You need to help us.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Diri pa ako nakakatilaw hin beer.,I never touch beer.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Guintapnan ak hangga ni Tom.,Tom gave me the chicken pox.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Ayáw hiyá sidnga nga nawawara ka.,Don't tell her you're lost.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Ano an imo ginhuhuna-huna kan Tom?,What did you think of Tom?,war_Latn-eng_Latn Ginbubuligan mo unta hi Tom.,You should be helping Tom.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Panan-o man naton masasabutan nga diri iton patibong?,How do we know it isn't a trap?,war_Latn-eng_Latn Daru-daku iton iya sweldo ha ak.,He makes a lot more money than I do.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Makanta ako yana nga adlaw.,I'll sing today.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Waray namon hiya kakit'i.,We haven't seen him.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Kasagaran hi Tom iton nauuna nganhi.,Tom is usually the first to get here.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Siring ni Mary nga waray niya nahihinumduman nga bisan ano.,Mary says she doesn't remember anything.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Waray sugad hiton kamakarit.,Nobody's that good.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Siguradoha nga himuon mo iton utro.,Make sure you do that again.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Aw'dunon hi Tom ano?,"Tom is timid, isn't he?",war_Latn-eng_Latn Waray na natapud ha iya.,No one trusts him any more.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Diri mo na ako mapapa-ul-ulan.,You can't hurt me anymore.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Kinahánglan ko mahingadto dayon ha bísan áno nga pamaagi.,I need to get there soon by any means.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Nagkakahadlok iton mga tawo.,People are getting scared.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Waray maaram hi Tom hin nga butang.,Tom knows nothing about this matter.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Yakan ni Tom nga karuyag niya magin temprano.,Tom said he wanted to be early.,war_Latn-eng_Latn ¡Dírì ini maúpay ha katapósan!,This isn't going to end well!,war_Latn-eng_Latn Diri naton hiya maproprotektahan.,We can't protect him.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Ano iton oras yana ha imo relo?,What time is it now by your watch?,war_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Nahuman mo na an' im' homework?,Have you finished your homework yet?,war_Latn-eng_Latn Diri hira nanmamati.,They weren't listening.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Sigurado diri kami maaram.,We don't know for sure.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Naghihinúlat hi akó ha imo.,I'm waiting for you.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Igkokonsiderar namon ini.,We will consider this.,war_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Áno it' mga iginbabaligya na produkto yana?,What products are currently on sale?,war_Latn-eng_Latn Nagparut hiya hin patatas.,She peeled a potato.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Panan-o ka maaram nga makarit hi Tom ha golf?,How did you know Tom was good at golf?,war_Latn-eng_Latn Dírì akó sigurado kun may panahón ka pa buháton iton.,I'm not sure you'll have the time to do that.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Diri ko gad panuyoan nga uwaton ka.,I never meant to deceive you.,war_Latn-eng_Latn "Kahuman nira inumon an vino, binuhát hirá ngan lumakat.",After they drank the wine they got up and left.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Bagá karokanina pa bakante an kwárto.,The room was empty for quite a while.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Karuyag ni Tom bumulig ha pasundayag.,Tom would like to take part in the contest.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Paraulí ak ha baláy kun paningudto hadto.,I used to go home for lunch in those days.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Masunod hi Tom.,Tom will follow.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Permanente natrabaho hi Tom.,Tom is always working.,war_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Makadto ka hiton reyunyon hit' kláse?,Are you going to the class reunion?,war_Latn-eng_Latn Nainóm hi ikaw hin tsaa.,You drink tea.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Karuyag ko ighatag ha íya ini.,I want to give them this.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Duro it pagkulbaha ha akun hiton sitwasyun.,The situation worries me very much.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Hi Tom dírì maaram kay-ano ginbayaan hiyá han íya bána.,Tom didn't know why his wife left him.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Waráy pa hirá igkíta hin súgad.,They haven't seen the likes of it.,war_Latn-eng_Latn ¡Magiging maupay ini nga kaadlawun!,This is going to be a great day!,war_Latn-eng_Latn Maaram ka kun hain iton banyo?,Do you know where the bathroom is?,war_Latn-eng_Latn Malipáyon gud ak' nga human na an eskuyla.,I am very glad school is over.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Nagkakarag ka oras.,You are wasting time.,war_Latn-eng_Latn "Han nabatian niyq an notisya, waray hiya magmalipayon.","When she heard the news, she was not happy.",war_Latn-eng_Latn May-ada mga maúpay nga mansanas ha basket.,There are some good apples in the basket.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Ayaw pagbinuwa.,Don't tell lies.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Ayaw pagbuwa.,Don't tell lies!,war_Latn-eng_Latn Igsekreto naton la nga masakit hiya.,Let's keep it secret that he is ill.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Napakadto hiya ha Pransya para mag-eskuyla bahin hiton sining.,She went to Paris in order to study art.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Buhaton namon iton kun makapanahon kami.,We'll do it when we have time.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Waray hira mapudngi han uran nga mahimo an ira trabaho.,The rain didn't stop them from doing their job.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Pumalit ako hin usa pa na libro dugang hini nga usa.,I bought one other book in addition to this one.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Ano iton ginkakaon hiton mga tawo ha Ehipto?,What do people eat in Egypt?,war_Latn-eng_Latn Sigurado ako waray pa makakadto hi Tom ha Boston.,I'm sure that Tom has never been to Boston.,war_Latn-eng_Latn "Diri mo gud ako kilala, Tom.","You don't really know me, Tom.",war_Latn-eng_Latn Damu iton mga pagbasul ha kinabuhi hiton usa ka tawo. Diri possible nga tanan permi la aada ha maupay.,There are many regrets in a person's life. It's not possible to do everything well.,war_Latn-eng_Latn It akon paghuna-huna hiya iton asya.,I think that he is right.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Diri ko gud dapat igsumat iton ha bisan hin-o.,I shall never tell it to anybody.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Sumati ako utro kay ano karuyag mo hi Tom.,Tell me again why you like Tom.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Amo ini an pool diin hi Tom nagmaaram paglangoy.,This is the pool where Tom learned to swim.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Kinahanglan may pagburohaton ako pagkatapos ko magretiro.,I've got to find something to do after I retire.,war_Latn-eng_Latn "Karúyag mo umiwas dinhi, ¿di' bà?","You want to leave here, don't you?",war_Latn-eng_Latn Perpekto na ini.,I think this is perfect.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Nasiring hi Tom nga maki-makaharadlok ka nga pelikula.,Tom said you like to watch horror movies.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Pruybahi pakadi ha amo nga oras buwas.,Try to get here on time tomorrow.,war_Latn-eng_Latn "Kun mabubuhi ako utro, karuyag ko magin-musikero.","If I could live again, I would like to be a musician.",war_Latn-eng_Latn Kun dinhi là untà hiyá.,If only he had been there.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Hain gud hiya dapit?,Where exactly is she?,war_Latn-eng_Latn Kinahanglan ko maghulat ngada hiton mahingaturog hi Tom.,I had to wait until Tom was asleep.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Puydi kita mag-estorya?,Can we talk a second?,war_Latn-eng_Latn Respetado hi Mary hit' ngatanan.,Mary is respected by everyone.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Natapod ako kan Tom.,I can depend on Tom.,war_Latn-eng_Latn May-ada niya gutíay ngan lidong nga butáng ha iya kamot.,She had a little round object in her hand.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Ayaw hiya papag-manihoa hiton imo kotse.,Don't let her drive your car.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Kinahanglanon mo la gihapon hin bulig.,You still need help.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Gutiay nala an irinumon nga tubig ni Tom.,Tom didn't have much water to drink.,war_Latn-eng_Latn May-ada mga plano hiton pagtindog hin power plant nganhi.,There are plans to build a power plant right here.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Karuyag ko ikaw makit'an yana nga gab-i.,I wanted to see you tonight.,war_Latn-eng_Latn "Áada ha imo iton pagbuót kun makadto kita o, diri.",It's up to you to decide whether we'll go there or not.,war_Latn-eng_Latn "Dírì akó maaram han mga butang hadto nga nakalabay nga 100 o, 50 katuig.",I don't know how things were a hundred or fifty years ago.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Pangaon kitá gawas pára iba liwát.,Let's dine out for a change.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Inom ngan kaon.,Drink and eat.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Nausa ako kay-ano dawla duro't isog ni Tom.,I wonder why Tom is so angry.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Waráy ko ideya kun hin-o hiyá.,I had no idea who she was.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Ayáw kabaraka. Babantayan ko ikaw.,Don't worry. I'll take care of you.,war_Latn-eng_Latn An baha an pinakamakusog nga distroso nga ira gin-ábat.,The flood was the greatest disaster they had ever had.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Agô daw ak' kun himuon ko ádto.,I'd have to be an idiot to do that.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Unta waray mo igsurat iton.,You should not have written that.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Kinakaragan mo it' imo oras.,You are wasting your time.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Hingalimtanon ako hiton ngaran pero diri hiton nawong hit usa nga tawo.,"I'm really bad with names, but I never forget a face.",war_Latn-eng_Latn Pasensiya la hit ak maraksut nga agi.,Please excuse my bad handwriting.,war_Latn-eng_Latn "Waráy kwárta ni Tom, sanglit dírì na hiyá makaparalit hin pagkáon.","Tom didn't have any money, so he couldn't buy any food.",war_Latn-eng_Latn ¿May haráni nga golpkors nganhi?,Is there a golf course near here?,war_Latn-eng_Latn Tawagan ko hiya niyan.,I'll call her in a few minutes.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Na'tan-aw hiyá ha gawas hiton bintana.,He was looking out the window.,war_Latn-eng_Latn "¿Lurong ka o, estupido?",Are you freaking crazy or just plain stupid?,war_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Mayda ba dinhi nga naka-Iningles?,Is there anyone here who can speak English?,war_Latn-eng_Latn Ano an numero?,What's the number?,war_Latn-eng_Latn Ginpintaran ni Ken hin buság an iya biseklita.,Ken painted his bicycle white.,war_Latn-eng_Latn It' ákòn bána nagtratrabaho part taym.,My wife works part time.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Dírì pa hinog ini nga mga saging.,These bananas are not ripe.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Madugay ko na iton nga kilala hi Tom.,I've known Tom for years.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Guinmimingaw ako ha imo.,I'm missing you.,war_Latn-eng_Latn It' ngatanan áada na higdaan.,Everybody's in bed.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Dírì kinahanglanon magdinagmiton. Kadako pa hit' át' panahon.,There's no need to hurry. We have plenty of time.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Nagdidinako la iton popolasyun hini nga syudad kada tuig.,This city has been increasing in population year after year.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Ayáw panginlábot.,You keep out of this.,war_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Dírì ba sibilisado it' paggamit hit' tudlo?,Is using fingers uncivilized?,war_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Gintawagan mo ako kagab-i?,Did you call me last night?,war_Latn-eng_Latn Nadiri hirá nga bumálik hiyá.,They don't want her back.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Nagbabakasyon ak ha baybáyon.,I am taking a holiday at the beach.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Amo ini iton imo una nga kombensyon?,Is this your first convention?,war_Latn-eng_Latn "¡Sába ngada ngan kuhaa it' ak"" kwárta!",Shut up and take my money!,war_Latn-eng_Latn Diri na in' sekreto.,It's no secret.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Duro ka-arogante hi Tom ano?,"Tom is very arrogant, isn't he?",war_Latn-eng_Latn It' ak' pagkitá waray ko panahón himuon it' yanâ nga ádlaw.,I don't think I'll have the time to do that today.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Yinakan ni Tom dírì it' mahihitabo.,Tom says that won't happen.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Diri hi Tom an una nga natanggal.,Tom wasn't the first one to be eliminated.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Mas mabaysay hiya ha bisan hin-o ha mga kababayin-an.,She is more beautiful than any other girl.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Burubligay kita.,Let us help one another.,war_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Áno it' rason hit' íya duro nga kaisugon?,What made her so angry?,war_Latn-eng_Latn Gin-ayád nímo itón.,You fixed it.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Baga'n maaram ako kay-ano waray ngahi hi Tom.,I think I know why Tom isn't here.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Ini nga pader matághum.,This wall feels cold.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Amo la ini iton akon mga kinahanglanon.,This is all I need.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Ura-ura nga bino an nainum ni Tom.,Tom drank too much wine.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Pumalit ka ano hin coat kakulop?,"You bought a coat yesterday, didn't you?",war_Latn-eng_Latn Waráy nakakabantad han dáko nga kahon.,No one can move the big box.,war_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Hain an ímo bána?,Where's your wife?,war_Latn-eng_Latn Kasiring ko diri gud maaram hi Tom ha French.,I thought Tom wasn't very good at French.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Nadiri ako mag-inusahan la.,I don't like living alone.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Hi Tom diri parú hit ibá. Diri niya karúyag it mga butáng ngan mga gihihimo nga kalilibangan hit kadam-an nga kalalakin-an.,Tom isn't your average guy. He doesn't like things most guys like and he doesn't like to do things most men enjoy doing.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Unta waray mahitabo nga sayop yanâ.,I just hope nothing goes wrong this time.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Waráy namon sadang reklamohan.,We have nothing to complain about.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Pagkíta nala kita ngadto.,We'll see you there.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Karuyag ko tiguon mo.,I want you to guess.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Kikitaon ni Tom makig-estorya kan Mary parte hiton yanâ nga ádlaw.,Tom is going to try to talk to Mary about that today.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Iton pangaglabot hiton katawhan ha kalikasan in waray katapusan.,Human intervention in nature has no limits.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Anhi la ako ngan magkikita hiton TV.,I'm going to stay here and watch TV.,war_Latn-eng_Latn "Baga hin ura-ura kaguol ni Tom, anó?","Tom seemed very tired, didn't he?",war_Latn-eng_Latn Maul-ul an akon luyo han kahulog ko.,"After I fell, my back hurt.",war_Latn-eng_Latn Personal ini nga butang.,This a personal matter.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Waray pa ako manhugas han plato.,I haven't washed the dishes yet.,war_Latn-eng_Latn ¡Ayaw là iní igpersonal!,Don't make this personal.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Ginkakapapoy na ako paghinulat para mabuhat iton mga butang na akon karuyag.,I'm tired of waiting to do all the things I want to do.,war_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Anó an nahinabô ha imo kagab-i?,What happened to you last night?,war_Latn-eng_Latn May kunggo ak.,I have a nosebleed.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Nerd hiyá.,He's a nerd.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Matuod nga gindara nimo an imo ayam ha opisina?,Is it true that you brought your dog to the office?,war_Latn-eng_Latn Nag-aalang hi Tom.,Tom is reluctant.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Ginpapadaug ko nala unta hiya kaso maupay gudla liwat tak mga baraha.,I should have let her win but I had too good cards.,war_Latn-eng_Latn "Kay dominggo man, maíha ak binmuhat.","It being Sunday, I got up late in the morning.",war_Latn-eng_Latn Ano it mahihibulig ni Tom?,What can Tom do to help?,war_Latn-eng_Latn Kontento hiya hiton iya bag-o nga kotse.,He is pleased with his new car.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Ginsidngan ni Tom hi Mary han iya pagkita nga diri tangkud hi John.,Tom told Mary that he didn't think John was honest.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Igkakasal gud ini hi Tom ngan Mary.,I assume Tom and Mary will get married.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Buso haltis fronte al la hotelo.,A bus pulled up in front of the hotel.,war_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Kakan-o ka nagpapíntar han imo bungbung?,When did you have your wall painted?,war_Latn-eng_Latn Maaram ako nga waray iton himua ni Tom.,I know that Tom didn't do that.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Báyot hi akó.,I'm a homosexual.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Mahúsay hin duro nga syudad an Mostar.,Mostar is a very beautiful city.,war_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Kay-anó ka nag-ukoy ha Kyoto han hadí nga túig?,Why did you live in Kyoto last year?,war_Latn-eng_Latn Ayaw pagtápod hit ibá.,Don't rely on others.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Na-áwà ka là.,You're just envious.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Wirdo it' násud Hapon.,Japan is weird.,war_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Makigkita ka pa ha ámon?,Do you still want us to meet?,war_Latn-eng_Latn Ginsidngan ko ikáw nga dírì ak' interesado.,I told you that I wasn't interested.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Anano imo gin himo yana nga adlaw?,What did you do today?,war_Latn-eng_Latn "Ha kamatuoran la, naayon gad akó ha ímo.","Honestly, I really like you.",war_Latn-eng_Latn Dírì ak' nakakahulat nga mahingadto na.,I can't wait to get in there.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Diri magkahitaas iton Mt. Fuji ngan Mt. Everest.,Mt. Fuji is not as tall as Mt. Everest.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Dírì ko iton pasagdan.,I won't tolerate that.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Malára it' nga halas.,That snake is poisonous.,war_Latn-eng_Latn May-áda ako surát tikang ha íya.,I got a letter from her.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Kana na ngan pamilinga ta hi Tom.,Let's go and find Tom.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Hi Tom umubo na liwát.,Tom coughed again.,war_Latn-eng_Latn May naghulat ha akon.,Someone waits for me.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Gumios hi Tom nga baga hin hiyá it tag-iya hit' lugár.,Tom acted like he owned the place.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Kapóy ka pagkitaon.,You look rather tired.,war_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Kay-ano dírì mo pakianhan it' imo kalugaringon?,Why don't you ask him yourself?,war_Latn-eng_Latn Usá nga parte ha ákòn it' musika.,Music is a part of me.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Gin-eestima nga dakú nga parte hit' iya mga imbensyon in dírì pa maaram bísan ngada yanâ.,It is estimated that a great number of his inventions remain unknown to date.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Kunta waray ádto sidnga ni Tom.,Tom shouldn't have said that.,war_Latn-eng_Latn It' mga pulis waray nganhi pára arestuhon ka.,The police are not here to arrest you.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Dírì ko hiyá kilalado.,I don't know her.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Pino it' íya panggios nga babayi.,She is a very refined lady.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Ándam na akó pára hiton.,I was ready for it.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Dírì hirá maáram.,They won't know.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Manginginahanglan ako hin abogado?,Am I going to need a lawyer?,war_Latn-eng_Latn It ákòn báti dírì hirá nakuha hin babayí hin nga klab.,I've heard they don't let girls in this club.,war_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Ándam ka bà?,Are you ready?,war_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Pirá ba nga púlong it aadâ hit Ininggles nga yinaknan?,How many words are there in the English language?,war_Latn-eng_Latn Malakat gihap ak.,"I'm going, too.",war_Latn-eng_Latn Mayda nababatián ni Tom.,Tom is hearing something.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Waráy ak' singadto ha zoo.,I didn't go to the zoo.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Akon iton nga libro.,That book is mine.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Mga tita ko ini nga mga kababayin-an.,These women are my aunts.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Gutom ak hin duro.,I am very hungry.,war_Latn-eng_Latn It ak' anák naawod hiton íya batásan.,My son is ashamed of his behavior.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Naigo ko hiyá ha panga.,I hit him on the chin.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Huyo pagreniklamo ngan buháta an siríng ha im'.,Stop complaining and do as you're told.,war_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Áno it' ángay buháton?,What should be done?,war_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Namamáti ka Tom?,"Are you listening, Tom?",war_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Mapakaín naman kamó yanâ?,Where are you guys heading now?,war_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Áno ádto an imo ngáran nga ginsiring nim'?,What did you say your name was again?,war_Latn-eng_Latn ¡Talwas! Sunod magmamaaram na hirá gihapon hit' Klingon nga yinaknan.,"Success! Soon, anybody can start learning Klingon!",war_Latn-eng_Latn "Bísan ka pa mapakaín, karawaton ka 'ton.","Wherever you may go, you'll be welcomed.",war_Latn-eng_Latn Ayáw kabarak-i it' ibà.,Don't worry about others.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Mayda nam áyam.,We have a dog.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Pagtikang kita diretso.,Let's start right away.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Babayaan ta kamó la nga tulô.,I'm going to leave the three of you alone.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Nawará ko an ákòn lisensya pag-drayb.,I lost my driver's license.,war_Latn-eng_Latn "Han yanâ, bagá hin mahubya naman ngatanan ha ak'.","Recently, everything seems boring to me.",war_Latn-eng_Latn Paropariho hiyá ha ákòn ha dámo nga paági.,She was similar to me in many ways.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Tumuktok hiyá ha purtahán.,She knocked on the door.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Nadiri akó makig-estorya bahín hit' musika.,I don’t want to talk about music.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Karuyag ko la pasimplehon it' mga butáng.,I just wanted to keep things simple.,war_Latn-eng_Latn "Karuyag ko unta sumiring nga marisyo an pagtrabaho nganhi, pero dírì.","I'd like to say it's been fun working here, but it hasn't.",war_Latn-eng_Latn Karuyag ko mauruopay ka.,I want you to be better.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Higugmaon ko it' íya anák nga lalaki.,I love his son.,war_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Áada ka ha Australya?,Are you in Australia?,war_Latn-eng_Latn Ánay - may-ada tawo ha may purtahán.,Just a moment - there's someone at the door.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Waráy gud ada labot ni Tom.,Tom probably doesn't care.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Iginlakat-lakat ni Tom an iya ayam.,Tom took his dog for a walk.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Bisan ano nga oras puydi mamatay iton nga pasyente.,That patient may die at any time.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Puydi mo iton makuha nga libre.,You may get it free of charge.,war_Latn-eng_Latn "Ini, usá nga hatáas hin duro nga káhoy.",This is a very tall tree.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Swerte hiya nga nabilngan niya an iya mga susi.,She was lucky to find her keys.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Abrehi iton imo libro ha pahina dyes.,Open your book to page ten.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Aanuhon man naton iton?,What do we do with it?,war_Latn-eng_Latn Kami la ni Tom iton mag-estorya.,I'll talk to Tom alone.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Igin-prapraktis ni Tom hin gitara it kadak-an hit iya bakante na oras.,Tom spends most of his spare time practising the guitar.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Ginhawa ha imo irong.,Please breathe through your nose.,war_Latn-eng_Latn "Kun nadiri ka hiton imo trabaho, pag-ihuruyo.","If you don't like your job, quit.",war_Latn-eng_Latn Ginkompiska an cellphone han estudyante han tumunog ini ha butnga han klase.,The student had his cellphone confiscated after it began to ring in class.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Salamat Mike. Nadiri akó hiton manók.,"Thanks, Mike. I don't like chicken.",war_Latn-eng_Latn Gindara hiyá hin pulis.,He was taken away by a policeman.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Nagtikang ak' pagtuok.,I started to cry.,war_Latn-eng_Latn It' paghúna ni David uraura hiyá kaimportante. Permi habubo it' iya pagkita hit' iba na mga táwo ha íya opisina.,David thinks he's so important. He always looks down on the other people in his office.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Dírì 'ton kasagaran.,It's rather unique.,war_Latn-eng_Latn May-ada ko na IPad.,I already have an iPad.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Kilalado ko hiyá ha personal.,I knew him personally.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Nagtikáng hiya pakigyakan han áyam.,She began to talk to the dog.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Halígut la an kinabúhì ni Mozart.,Mozart's life was very short.,war_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Nakakarawat ka hin inbitasyon tikang kan Tom?,Have you received an invitation from Tom?,war_Latn-eng_Latn Waráy ko nahihimo nga dírì nahihimo ni Tom.,There's nothing I can do that Tom can't.,war_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Dírì mo maano kun bumulig ak?,Would you mind if I help?,war_Latn-eng_Latn Mga táwo la kitá.,We're just people.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Buligi ak' pamiling ha íya.,Help me find him.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Nagbinuwa hi Tom han íya grado.,Tom lied about his grade.,war_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Nahibatian mo ádto Mike?,"Did you hear that, Mike?",war_Latn-eng_Latn "Pero han umabot akó ha China hadto nga panahón, may-ada ak' pamílya nga naghuhulat ha ak'.","But when I arrived in China that time, I had a family waiting for me.",war_Latn-eng_Latn Alas nuybi iton ikakaturog ni Tom basta may-ada klase.,Tom's bedtime is nine o'clock on school nights.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Malakat akó ngan kuhaon ko hirá.,I'll go and get them.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Kasagaran may-ada simple nga solusyon ha sugad hin komplikado nga problema.,There's often a simple solution to what seems like a complicated problem.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Nareklamo hi Tom ha íya mayor.,Tom is complaining to the manager.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Háin an mga líbro ngan han lápis?,Where are the book and the pencil?,war_Latn-eng_Latn Hulát nga mahuman akó káon.,Wait until I'm done eating.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Dírì hirá interesado ha iba nga lingwahe.,They are not interested in other languages.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Natikadamo na it' táwo nga may kompyuter ha ira panimalay.,More and more people have computers in their home.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Bangin umuran.,It may rain.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Dírì ako mag-aaro.,I won't ask.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Nakuha nam' an bóla.,We caught the ball.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Diri adto mapupudngan.,It was unavoidable.,war_Latn-eng_Latn "Kun amo iton imo baton, karuyag sidngun sayup an akon.","If your answer is correct, it follows that mine is wrong.",war_Latn-eng_Latn "Ngan kun mapakyas an imo gugma, an ngatanan liwat ha akon mawawara.","And if I lose thy love, I lose my all.",war_Latn-eng_Latn Nauurhi ako hin gutìay hit' eskedyul.,I'm a little behind schedule.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Nahadlok ini nga bata nga kumada ha tubig.,The child was scared to get into the water.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Nakuha it' niya.,He earned it.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Baynte kwatro anyos ako.,I am 24 years old.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Kontento na iton hiya hiton iya kinabuhi kinada adlaw?,Is he satisfied with his daily life?,war_Latn-eng_Latn Nakausa la ako singadto.,I only went there once.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Diri ako maaram ano pa kadugay iton.,I don't know how much longer it'll take.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Pag-abat ko mataghumay yana para hin piknik.,I think it's a little too cold to go on a picnic.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Pruybahan ko gadla.,I'll take my chance.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Sumati ako hain an bino.,Tell me where the wine is.,war_Latn-eng_Latn An lamrag nagluya ngan nagluya.,The light became weaker and weaker.,war_Latn-eng_Latn "Kaon, dumiri ka ngani mataghum iton.","Eat, or else it will go cold.",war_Latn-eng_Latn Nakit-an ko ikaw nga ginhaharukan hiya.,I saw you kissing him.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Anay daw.,Let me think for just a second.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Nakakatawa ako ha imo.,You make me laugh.,war_Latn-eng_Latn An duro kakusog han tukar an nakaulang ha ira estórya.,Extremely loud music interrupted their conversation.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Bálik nganhi.,Come back here.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Ginpagawas hiya ha klase han maestra.,The teacher kicked her out of class.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Bálik ngadi.,Come back here!,war_Latn-eng_Latn Karuyag ko kumadto Australia.,I want to go to Australia.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Damo iton akon responsibilidad.,I have a lot of responsibilities.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Hi Tom waray gud makasabot han yakan ni Mary.,Tom could hardly understand what Mary said.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Kinahanglan naton magin mas agresibo.,We need to be more aggressive.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Diri ko karuyag makalim'tan iton bisan ano.,I don't want to forget anything.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Baluto an akon itinabok han salog.,I crossed the river by boat.,war_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Makaarabot kitá ha oras?,Are we likely to arrive in time?,war_Latn-eng_Latn Dírì hi akó dóktor.,I'm not a doctor.,war_Latn-eng_Latn "Kun sumige iton kadam-an, dírì akó mabutos kontra hiton.","If everyone agrees to it, I won't vote against it.",war_Latn-eng_Latn Waray ginhimo ni Tom.,Tom didn't make anything.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Kay-ano ano aanhi iton ngatanan?,Why is everybody in here?,war_Latn-eng_Latn Waráy lain hiyá it' masunod.,No doubt she will come soon.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Kan-Takeo ini libro?,Is this book Takeo's?,war_Latn-eng_Latn Dírì ako makailob hiton nga aringása.,I can't put up with that noise.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Bángin makatambal ini nga bulong ha íya.,This medicine may cure him.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Hi Alice iton ákòn iróy.,Alice is my mother.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Karuyag ko la nga magmalipayon ka.,I just want you to be happy.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Dámo iton akón útang nga kwárta.,I owe a lot of money.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Makápoy han kada ádlaw.,Every day was exhausting.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Ginpintaran ko an ákòn balay.,I had my house painted.,war_Latn-eng_Latn "Dagmíta, ngan mahiabót ka hit' bus.","Hurry up, and you will be in time for the bus.",war_Latn-eng_Latn "¿Dírì ka maaram kun áno iton, anó?","You don't know what it is, do you?",war_Latn-eng_Latn Proybahi ta la. ¿Lábot nira kun áno iton matabo? Wa pulós kun magpinanhunahuna hiton hin dúro.,Let's just try it. Who cares what happens afterward? There's no sense thinking too much about that.,war_Latn-eng_Latn "Ági han gútom ngan dúro nga kakápoy, namatay na gihapon an áyam.","Because of hunger and fatigue, the dog finally died.",war_Latn-eng_Latn Kaimposible nga pahuyuon hiyá pagsigarilyo.,It is next to impossible to make him stop smoking.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Kinahánglan ta na gud mag-arkila hin mga tawo pa.,We definitely need to hire more people.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Masúkot ako magpinanhunahuna kan Tom.,I think about Tom often.,war_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Makakakúha akó hin taxi dínhi dapit?,Can I catch a taxi near here?,war_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Áno an nagduso haim himuon an imo binúhat?,What made you do what you did?,war_Latn-eng_Latn Kumanhi akó pára igsumat ha imo an ákòn nabilingan.,I came here to tell you what I found out.,war_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Puydi akó niyo igkita ha may lobby?,Can you guys meet me in the lobby?,war_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Tagpira it' nga keyk?,How much does the cake cost?,war_Latn-eng_Latn Nakanta ako kaupod iton akon mga anak.,I am singing with my children.,war_Latn-eng_Latn "It doble nga duhá, upat.",Twice two is four.,war_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Puydi akó mag-abre hin lata?,Is it OK if I open a can?,war_Latn-eng_Latn It' paghuna ni Tom hiyá iton magdaog hit' ruromba.,Tom thinks he's going to win the race.,war_Latn-eng_Latn ¿San-o mo it' kuhaon?,When are you picking it up?,war_Latn-eng_Latn Baga'n hi Tom nagkikinaon la permanente.,Tom seems to be eating all the time.,war_Latn-eng_Latn "Pasensya, may-ada ako anay iba nga tuyo.",I'm sorry I have a previous appointment.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Ginpapadalagan an banko hin mga pribado nga pagkatawo.,The bank was run by private citizens.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Makakailub kita ha búlig hiton Guinoo.,We will survive with God's help!,war_Latn-eng_Latn Diri na makailub hi Tom han ul-ul sanglit ginpusil nala niya an iya kalugaringon.,Tom couldn't bear the pain any more so he shot himself.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Matig-a masirutso ini nga klase hin kahoy.,This kind of wood is tough to saw through.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Iton kinabuhi baga lain la.,Life is strange.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Ano iton iya karuyag buhaton?,What does he want to do?,war_Latn-eng_Latn Waray pa ako makahruk hin babaye.,I have never kissed a girl before.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Para ano man iton?,What do you need that for?,war_Latn-eng_Latn Bangin iguinkakadiri gihap nira ako.,"They probably hate me, too.",war_Latn-eng_Latn Kay-ano hira maaram nga diri ako taga-Canada?,How did people know I wasn't Canadian?,war_Latn-eng_Latn Kinahánglan ko hin usá nga mansanas.,I need one apple.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Ayaw tulpuka it sayup na tulpukan.,Don't push the wrong button.,war_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Púydi ka makaéstorya?,Can I have a moment with you?,war_Latn-eng_Latn Waray kuri niya nga nasaklang an kahoy.,He climbed the tree without difficulty.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Diri ako nagbibinuwa ha imo.,I never lie to you.,war_Latn-eng_Latn It katangahan hit tawo baga duro gud.,Human stupidity knows no limits.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Igindaitul niya an iya ulo ha sugbong.,She rested her head on his shoulder.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Naglakat hira ha baybayon nga makaputay an mga kamot.,"They walked down the beach, holding hands.",war_Latn-eng_Latn Nagwawatak ka.,You're out of order.,war_Latn-eng_Latn "Akon iní nga balay, dírì imo.","This house is mine, not yours.",war_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Hin-o man ngay-an it mag-aataman hit imo misay?,Who will take care of your cat then?,war_Latn-eng_Latn Nagmakaarawud ako han iya ginyakan.,What he said embarrassed me.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Nabilngan ko iní ha sírong han imo higdaan.,I found this under your bed.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Makadto hiyá ha New York sunod nga bulan.,He will go to New York next month.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Siríng ni Tom nga makakaabót hiyá hit' isakto nga oras.,Tom said that he'd make it on time.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Sigurado ka isakto iton imo kwarta?,Are you sure you have enough money?,war_Latn-eng_Latn Adi la kami.,We'll always be here.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Ngaru-karuyag ko hi Tom.,I like Tom better.,war_Latn-eng_Latn May-ada mga problema ha pamilya hi Tom.,Tom has family problems.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Siguraduha ta nga diri mauul-ulan hi Tom.,We must make sure that Tom doesn't hurt himself.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Diri ako nakakabasa.,I can't read.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Diri nim matatagu it kamatuoran ha iya.,You can't hide the fact from her.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Amu iton an amon pinili.,That's the choice we made.,war_Latn-eng_Latn It ak pag-ábat amo inin hiya it imu tatay.,I'm assuming this is your father.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Yakan ni Tom diri na hiya mautro.,Tom says he'll never do that again.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Naukóy ako hirani hit dam.,I live near a dam.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Masakít it akun iroy sanglit diri ako makakakadto ha konsert.,"Since my mother was sick, I couldn't go to the concert.",war_Latn-eng_Latn "Kun nag-uusahan la adto hiya, namatay na gud adto.","If he'd been alone at that time, he'd have died.",war_Latn-eng_Latn Diri ako makikig-estorya haim dinhi. Uraura ka delikado.,I can't talk to you here. It's too dangerous.,war_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Kay ano todo bantay ka?,Why do you care so much?,war_Latn-eng_Latn Duro tak pagduda.,I was very skeptical.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Naglakat hi Tom pakadto han harayu na pader.,Tom walked toward the far wall.,war_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Kinahanglanun ko na ba hin postiso?,Do I need dentures?,war_Latn-eng_Latn Kaastig talaga nira.,They're really cool.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Karuyag mo kita la iton mag-estorya?,Do you want to speak privately?,war_Latn-eng_Latn Magigin malipayon hi Tom kun buhaton mo iton?,"If you do that, Tom will be happy.",war_Latn-eng_Latn Diri kami nagtratrangka hiton mga purtahán dínhi.,We never lock our doors around here.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Iton Australia diri Austria.,Australia isn't Austria.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Diri maaram lumangoy hi Tom.,Tom didn't know how to swim.,war_Latn-eng_Latn "Diri nim iton magigin salà kun iton imo anak magbuhat hin sayop: baynte-singko anyos na hiya yanâ, anó?","It won't be your fault if your son does anything wrong: he is twenty-five now, isn't he?",war_Latn-eng_Latn May-ada ako sugad nga problema han yanâ la.,I had a problem similar to that not too long ago.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Ibutang ngadto.,Put it there.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Dírì akó nakakaabot han mga libro ha bawbaw han burtangan.,I can't reach any of the books on the top shelf.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Karuyag ko makit-an hin-o it aada sakob hit klasrum.,I want to see who's in the classroom.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Alayon sidnga hiyá nga dírì kumuruo.,Please ask her not to shout.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Nanginginahanglan hin damo nga pasensya iton trabaho.,The work calls for great patience.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Baga hin waray hiton pulos.,That's quite meaningless.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Nagpapadayon hiyá nga madìg-on ha iya mga prinsipyo.,He remains loyal to his principles.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Dírì ko ilob kaunon an keyk nga iyo ginhimo para ha ákòn.,I didn't have the heart to eat the cake she made me.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Duhá na la kaadlaw iton nasasalin.,There's only two days left.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Waray nagbubuhat hiton.,Nobody does that.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Waray naghihimo hiton.,No one does that.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Kinukurian hi Tom pagbasa.,Tom has trouble reading.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Karag-oras la iton pag-inayad hiton.,Trying to fix this is a waste of time.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Unta talwas ngatanan.,I hope everyone is safe.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Diri natatapos it pag-ináram.,Learning is an endless path.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Pag-abat ko nakikit'an ka nira.,I think they saw you.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Makadto kami ha mga bukid.,We are going to the mountains.,war_Latn-eng_Latn It kinabuhi makuri ig-eksplikar.,Life's nature is inexplicable.,war_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Ano man it problema Tom?,"Well, what's the problem, Tom?",war_Latn-eng_Latn Tuló na kasimana nawawara hi Tom.,Tom has been missing three weeks.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Diyes mil dolyares an nawará haam.,"We suffered a loss of 10,000 dollars.",war_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Sinumatan ka ni Tom?,Did Tom tell you?,war_Latn-eng_Latn Ako an bumulig ha imo.,I'm the one who rescued you.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Karuyag ko hiya buligan pero diri ako maaram kun aanuhon.,"I want to help her, but I don't know how.",war_Latn-eng_Latn An makina diri naandar.,The engine won't start.,war_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Bayot ka?,Are you gay?,war_Latn-eng_Latn Boluntaryo itón na ginhimo ni Tom.,Tom did it voluntarily.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Ginbaboy niya an Ingles.,He murders English.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Hiyá la nga usá.,He's all by himself.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Dírì na hiyá awdunon nga batà sugad han una.,He is not the shy boy he used to be.,war_Latn-eng_Latn "Waray ka nagsurat, diri ngani tumawag.",You've neither written nor phoned.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Diri ko karuyag lumakat nga kaupod hiya.,I don't want to go with her.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Kay-ano ha kadamo hiton tawo ako pa an imo ginpakianhan?,Why do you ask me of all people?,war_Latn-eng_Latn Usa nga bintahe ha yana nga panahon iton kamaaram hiton damo nga yinaknan.,Having knowledge of many languages is an advantage in the contemporary world.,war_Latn-eng_Latn May-ada pira nga bumulig ha ak.,I had some help.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Ayaw kita pag-estorya mahitungod tak mga problema.,Let's not talk about my problems.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Ayaw kami disturbuha.,Don't disturb us.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Nagpa-paypay hi Tom hiton iya kalugaringon.,Tom is fanning himself.,war_Latn-eng_Latn "Kun karúyag mo mag-usáhan, malakat ako.","If you want to be alone, I'll leave.",war_Latn-eng_Latn Karuyag ko isumat mo ha akon tanan nga kinahanglanon ko mahibaroan.,I need you to tell me everything I need to know.,war_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Waray mo kabatii an akun ginsiring?,Didn't you hear what I said?,war_Latn-eng_Latn Amo ini an akon pinalit ha Espanya.,This is what I bought in Spain.,war_Latn-eng_Latn It opisina puno hin magkarit nga mga tawo.,The office is full of competent people.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Usá na kasimana nga masakít hi lola han ginbisita ko hiya.,My grandmother had been sick for a week when I visited her.,war_Latn-eng_Latn "Han nakalabay nga diyes tuig, mamara nga pagkaun para ayam an akun ginpakaun han akun alaga nga ayam.","For the past 10 years, I've fed my dog dry dog food.",war_Latn-eng_Latn Ikaw la dinhi an nakapanhunahuna nga maupay himuon iton nga ideya.,You're the only one here who thinks it's a good idea to do that.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Waray niya nakikit-an kun waray an iya antiyuhos.,He can see nothing without his glasses.,war_Latn-eng_Latn "Hi Tom nakadto ha bar, nagkikinita la ha iya irinumon.","Tom sat at the bar, just staring at his drink.",war_Latn-eng_Latn Kinahanglan ko pahuyuon ka.,I've got to stop you.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Nadiri ak pagsul-ot hin pants han bata pa ako.,When I was young I wouldn't wear pants.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Waray maaram hi Tom hiton mga nahihitabo dinhi.,Tom knows nothing about what's been happening here.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Waray hini nga butang labut ha imo.,This matter doesn't concern you.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Diri ak dapat mauraura ka-urhi.,I shouldn't be too late.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Pakitapua daw ak ha istasyun.,Please come to meet me at the station.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Ura-ura kadamo an pagkáon nga ákòn ginkaon kakulop..,I ate too much food yesterday.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Diri ako mabubuhi hin waray TV.,I can't live without a TV.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Diri ko gud karuyag nga makilala ka pa.,I really do want to get to know you better.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Ano nimo pakasabot nga diri mo mahihimo kun diri nimo pruybahan?,How do you know that you can't do it unless you try?,war_Latn-eng_Latn "Una pangaun anay kita, tapos lakát na kita.","First we'll eat, and then we'll go.",war_Latn-eng_Latn Nahihinumduman mo ginpalitan mo ako hin beer? Yana ako liwat iton mapalit ha imo.,"You bought me a beer, remember? Now, let me buy you one.",war_Latn-eng_Latn Dírì iton magdudugay.,It won't last forever.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Diri makanhi hi Ann hiton atun kadamû.,Ann will not come to our party.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Umaro ako hin pabor kan Tom.,I asked Tom for a favor.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Damo an namatay ha aksidente han eroplano.,Many people were killed in the plane accident.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Ako an siyahan nga uyab han imo nanay.,I was your mother's first boyfriend.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Naul-ulan ka?,Did you hurt yourself?,war_Latn-eng_Latn Usa ha guidako-dakoi ngan guihusay-husayi nga syudad han Sicily an Syracuse.,Syracuse is one of the biggest and most beautiful cities of Sicily.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Ginpagawas hi Tom ha synagogue.,Tom was driven out of the synagogue.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Dírì hiyá hirut.,She is not being careful.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Diri ko ini mahihimo kun diri ako buligan ni Tom.,I can't do this without Tom's help.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Nahigugma akó ha imo.,I love you.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Ginhihigugma ko hi ikaw.,I love you!,war_Latn-eng_Latn Diri hi akó maáram.,I don't know.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Diri maupay ini nga kompanya nga nanlulurong hin mga tawo.,This is an evil company that takes advantage of people.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Napapaúsa ak hiton,It makes me curious.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Malakat hi Tom hiton aga.,Tom is leaving in the morning.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Makadto ha Boston buwas hi Tom.,Tom will go to Boston tomorrow.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Kinahánglan namon iton imo búlig pamilngun hira.,We need your help finding them.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Kinahánglan ak kumadto ha kasilyas.,I have to go to the toilet.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Waray ako kadtu ha Hong Kong nga nakairuplanu.,I didn't go to Hong Kong by plane.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Naubusan hin gas hi Tom.,Tom ran out of gas.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Waray ko iton kakitai.,I didn't notice it.,war_Latn-eng_Latn May dako nga kahoy hin cedar ngada hadton una.,There used to be a large cedar tree there.,war_Latn-eng_Latn May-ada sabot nga pagkakaiba ha ira.,There is a marked difference between them.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Hin-o an nagtimangno han ayam han waray ka?,Who cared for the dog when you were away?,war_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Waray igsumat ha imo ni Tom nga naghihimatay na ako?,Didn't Tom tell you I was dying?,war_Latn-eng_Latn "Han una, usa akó nga seaman.","Many moons ago, I was a seaman.",war_Latn-eng_Latn Kun dírì ako nagsasayop kamó iton ákòn bag-o nga anyaw anó?,"Hi. If I'm not mistaken, you're our new neighbors, aren't you?",war_Latn-eng_Latn Pag-abat ko may natabo nga maraot kan Tom.,I think something terrible has happened to Tom.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Kay-ano aanhi hi Tom?,Why is Tom here?,war_Latn-eng_Latn Maaram hi Tom nga dírì pa ginsusumat ni Mary iya an ngatanan.,Tom knows that Mary still isn't telling him everything.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Naghinambog hi Tom hiton.,Tom bragged about it.,war_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Urhi na ak'?,Am I late?,war_Latn-eng_Latn Waray ginsumatan hi Tom kun hin-o gud hiya.,Tom didn't tell anyone who he really was.,war_Latn-eng_Latn "Hi Napoleon mahihinumduman han pag-establisar han Napoleonic Code han nasud Pransiya nga dáku an impluwensiya ha iba nga mga nasud. Sugad ha Estados Unidos, an sistema legal han estado han Louisiana nakabase han Napoleonic Code.","Napoleon is remembered for his establishment of France's Napoleonic Code, which has had a great influence on the legal systems of other countries. In the US, for example, the legal system of the State of Louisiana is based on the Napoleonic Code.",war_Latn-eng_Latn Waray niya ginpalit tindahan.,She didn't buy anything from the store.,war_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Marurúyag ka ba pagkitâ hin siné buwás nga gab-i?,Would you like to go to a movie tomorrow night?,war_Latn-eng_Latn Ángay mo ak' igkahambog.,You should be proud of me.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Lumiwat hiya ha paggamit hin makina.,She switched on a machine.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Kinahanglan gud hi akó kumatúrog.,I really need to sleep.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Ayaw pagdamo hin duro nga bagahe nga darad-on kun nalakat ka.,Don't carry too much baggage when you travel.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Waray gud hi akó magsáad ha imo hin bisan anó.,I never promised you anything.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Gintahuban ni Mary an iya nawong para diri hiya makilal-an.,Mary covered her face to avoid being recognized.,war_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Kay-anó ba it akon tátay adto ha kusina?,Why is my father in the kitchen?,war_Latn-eng_Latn Amu ini an akun karuyag gud himuon.,This is all I ever wanted to do.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Adi an ira mga libro.,Here are their books.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Pakakatabok ko pala hini nga salog yana.,This is the first time I've ever got across this river.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Kinahanglan mo mag-estudyo pa hin tiniupay.,I think you need to study a little harder.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Naruruyag kami ha iya.,We do like him.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Kakulop an kirigta.,The meeting took place yesterday.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Ayaw kalimti pagkita hit imo papel san-o nimu ipasa ngadi.,You must not forget to check your paper before you hand it in.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Naabuyon hira han reporma han balaud pamuwis.,They are in favor of the reform of the tax laws.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Waray maningudto hi Tom.,Tom skipped lunch.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Gin-amin niya nga ginkáwat niya an bulawan.,He admitted that he stole the gold.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Diri ko gud nahihinumduman.,I don't really remember.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Tumalikod ha kadayonan hi Tom han Lunes.,Tom passed away on Monday.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Ginhuhubya na ako hiton mga museyo - lulubngan hit sining.,"I'm tired of museums, - graveyards of the arts.",war_Latn-eng_Latn Siring ni Tom may-ada niya maaram kan Mary nga diri pa kita mag-aram.,Tom says he knows something about Mary that we don't know yet.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Nahadlok hi Tom hiton iya kalugaringon lambong.,Tom is afraid of his own shadow.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Possible ba tumuok ha ilarum hiton tubig?,Is it possible to cry underwater?,war_Latn-eng_Latn Pag-ábat ko bangin mabulígan mo kami.,I think you might be able to help us.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Permi niya naiintindihan it amon mga problema diretso.,He has always understood our problems right away.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Iton yoga puydi makabulig pag-iban hiton stress.,Yoga can help reduce stress.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Importante magbasa hin dámo nga líbro.,It's important to read a lot of books.,war_Latn-eng_Latn "¡Ayaw na kita paliguyliguy pa! Burod ako, ngan ikaw iton tatay han bata.","Let's not beat around the bush! I'm pregnant, and you're the baby's father.",war_Latn-eng_Latn Nakaduha namon iton himua sakob hin tulo ka-bulan.,We've done it twice in three months.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Iginpakilala niya ako ha iya bugto nga babaye.,She introduced me to her sister.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Nag-iisog gud akó yanâ.,I'm really angry right now.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Dako an libro.,The book is big.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Waray umuli hi Tom kagab-i.,Tom didn't go home last night.,war_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Hin-o ba hi Mona Lisa?,Who was Mona Lisa?,war_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Nakuha mo an imo hinuhuram?,Did you get the loan?,war_Latn-eng_Latn "Umutang ako hin kwarta diri la kan Tom, pati gihapon ha iya asawa.","I borrowed money not only from Tom, but from his wife, too.",war_Latn-eng_Latn Amo ini iton may-garugamit ha duha.,This is the more useful of the two.,war_Latn-eng_Latn "Andam na iton pangiklop, Padre.","Dinner is ready, Father.",war_Latn-eng_Latn Iton makina diri tig-andar.,The engine would not start.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Mayda hi kitá duhá nga talinga.,We have two ears.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Diri matapud-tapud kun maganar ini.,It is doubtful whether this will work.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Naaro hin damo nga pasensya iton pagtutdo.,Teaching asks for a lot of patience.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Ikapirá nga presidente han Pilipinas hi PNoy?,How many Philippine presidents were there until Benigno Simeon Aquino III?,war_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Nakaín ka kagab-i?,Where were you last night?,war_Latn-eng_Latn Ginpag-andam ako ni nanay para hiton maraot na súmat.,My mother prepared me for the bad news.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Waray nimo iba nga kakadtuan.,You can't go anywhere.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Kinahanglan maupay.,Must be nice...,war_Latn-eng_Latn Dírì akó sigurado kun san-o hiyá sunod nga mapakadto.,I am uncertain when he will come next.,war_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Diri mo karuyag it' pagkaon hiton mga Intsik?,Don't you like Chinese food?,war_Latn-eng_Latn Ginsidngan ni Tom hi Mary nga kinahanglan niya umuli hin aga.,Tom told Mary he had to go home early.,war_Latn-eng_Latn May mga natúo nga ginhiloan hi Mary.,Some people think Mary was poisoned.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Nagtitikakuri na.,It's getting harder.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Mayda hi akó examen buwas.,I have an exam tomorrow.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Nakilal'an ko dayón an imo tíngog.,I recognized your voice right away.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Damu iton mga estudyante nga waray dinhi ha klase yana.,There was a lot of students absent from class today.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Ginsul-ot niya an íya kalo pára gumawas.,She put on her hat to go out.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Kapoy na hira kitaun.,They look exhausted.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Subra-sobra an akon irimnon.,I've had too much to drink.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Ig-iwas iton biseklita ha aragian.,Get the bicycle out of the way.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Mas pinili ko iton paglakat kontra pagmaneho ha dako na syudad paru hiton Tokyo.,I prefer walking to driving in a big city like Tokyo.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Kulang hiya han talento para maging artista.,He lacks the talent to be an actor.,war_Latn-eng_Latn "Kun an alarma tumunog, paglakat ayaw pagdalagan.","If the alarm rings, walk, don't run.",war_Latn-eng_Latn Diri pa klarado an tinikangan han aksidente.,The cause of the accident is still not clear.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Amo iton an amon ginlalaom.,That's what we're hoping.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Makurî pag-aram hin bag-o nga yinaknan ha katikangan.,Learning a new language is difficult at first.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Diri ka na bata.,You are no longer a child.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Imposible iton pag-aram ha ura-ura nga aringasa.,It's impossible to study with so much noise!,war_Latn-eng_Latn Nag-aalang akó nga bisitahon hiyá.,I'm reluctant to visit him.,war_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Hin-o an nagpinanhátag haím hiton?,Who gave you these?,war_Latn-eng_Latn Adi ako ha prisohan.,I'm at the prison.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Magkikita la ak hin mag-upay na pasalida ha TV yana na gab-i.,I'll be glued to the TV tonight watching a really exciting program.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Kadam-an hiton eskuylahan gindesinyo dírì para bag-uhon it' sosyedad kun dírì pára padamuon ini.,"Most schools were designed not to transform society, but to reproduce it.",war_Latn-eng_Latn Dírì ka makabiling hin iba nga magbuhat hiton pára ha imo.,You won't find anyone who'll do that for you.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Pasáyloa akó.,"Please, forgive me.",war_Latn-eng_Latn Waráy láin maabot hiyá niyan.,No doubt he will come later.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Gawás hiyá hit' kadelikaduhan.,She is out of danger.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Karuyag ko bumulig ha íyo.,I want to join you.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Yakan ni Tom diri hiya matuod ha bisan hin-o.,Tom says he can't believe anybody.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Kunta dírì ka magselos.,You shouldn't be jealous.,war_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Naka-iningles ka?,Do you speak English?,war_Latn-eng_Latn Gasi ko magkakaadà hi akó hin laín nga higayón pagbúhat hitón.,I thought I'd have another chance to do that.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Dírì ak maáram.,I do not know.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Masakít hi ikaw.,You are ill.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Pinaghulat hiyá ha istasyon hin duha ka-oras.,He was made to wait at the station for two hours.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Dírì hi akó hadlokon.,I'm not chicken.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Dírì hiýa dóktor.,He is not a physician.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Gin-aresto hiyá.,He got arrested.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Gindakop hiyá.,They arrested her.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Ginsisinamok hi akó nira.,They bother me.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Waray tinmáwag ha iya.,Nobody called him.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Ayaw hiyá sumati.,Don't tell him.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Iton akon pag-kita mga sayop kamo.,I think you're all wrong.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Nausa ako kay-ano daw la ginsidngan ako ni Tom nga himuon iton.,I wonder why Tom told me to do that.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Iton lingkuran ig-printe ha lamesa.,Put the chair in front of the desk.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Maaram ako kun ma-ano ito gihapon.,"I know that feeling, too.",war_Latn-eng_Latn Ano man iton akon pakakita ha imo?,How can I see you?,war_Latn-eng_Latn Masu'suportahon iton kababayin-an.,The women are very supportive.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Hin-o iton nga babáyi?,Who is that woman?,war_Latn-eng_Latn Nahimu niya nga mapromot an iya kalugaringon han una nga simana.,He managed to get himself promoted last week.,war_Latn-eng_Latn It' nga babáyi hin-o ito'?,Who's that woman?,war_Latn-eng_Latn Mahigda ako mausá la kaminuto.,I'm going to lie down for a minute.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Baga'n maaram hiya hiton kamatuoran.,He seemed to know the truth.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Ngatanan ngumisi labot la kan Tom.,Everybody but Tom smiled.,war_Latn-eng_Latn "Ha pagkita ko hiton langit, magiging maupay iton aton panahon yana.","Judging from how the sky looks, we'll be having fine weather.",war_Latn-eng_Latn Huyo anay kita madalí la.,Let's take a short pause.,war_Latn-eng_Latn An ira maung diri naigu.,Their jeans do not fit.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Kakap'tan nam' inin.,We'll handle this.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Pinira mo iton nga mga tickets?,How much did the tickets cost you?,war_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Pira nga mangga iton imo karuyag?,How many mangoes do you want?,war_Latn-eng_Latn Karuyag iton ni Tom.,Tom wants to take it.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Áno iton áton guinhuhulat dínhi?,What's it we're waiting for here?,war_Latn-eng_Latn Karuyag ko iton pakigriniwa kan Tom.,I love arguing with Tom.,war_Latn-eng_Latn May-ada kaupod ni Tom.,There's someone with Tom.,war_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Iton imo pag-ábat maupod gud hi Tom ha atun?,Do you really think Tom will want to go with us?,war_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Para kanay ini nga mensahe?,Who's this message for?,war_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Úna mo inin nga pagbisita ha Japan?,Is this your first visit to Japan?,war_Latn-eng_Latn Kinahánglan nakun magpadáyun.,I have to keep going.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Baga hinin diri maaram hi Tom kun hain dapit hi Mary.,It seems that Tom has no idea where Mary is.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Nasintinsiyahan hiya hin tuló katuig ha prisohan.,He was sentenced to three years in jail.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Waray niya abata an taghum ngada han abrehan niya an purtahan.,She hadn't noticed the cold until she opened the door.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Ginhatag niya an kwarta ha klerk.,He handed the salesclerk the money.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Gintagu niya iton ha ak.,She kept it hidden from me.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Mejo babaero hi Tom.,Tom was a bit of a playboy.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Baga'n tanan naayon ha iya.,Everybody seems to like her.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Hi Tom usa la nga ordinaryo nga lalake.,Tom is just a regular guy.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Sabado yana.,It's Saturday today.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Natuod hiya nga ginpaupay han Tai Ji an iya kinabuhi.,He believes that Tai Ji has improved his life.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Diri magkaano-ano an duha nga lalaki.,The two men were not related.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Diri aku masúko ha ira.,I'm not giving up on them.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Nagplano ak hin katitiruk para ha imo.,I planned a party for you.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Maaram mag-prinanses hi Tom.,Tom can speak French.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Maraksot iton hin duro.,It's too ugly.,war_Latn-eng_Latn "Iton pinakamasayun pag-aram paglanguy, paglanguy.",The best way to learn to swim is to swim.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Karuyag mo maadman iton kamatuoran?,Do you want to know the truth?,war_Latn-eng_Latn Puyde hiyá magin abogado.,He is capable as a lawyer.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Diri ako maaram hiton akon angay buhaton.,I didn't know what I should be doing.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Dako iton merkádo.,The market is big.,war_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Malipáyon ka ha imo kalugaríngon panimalay?,Are you happy at your own home?,war_Latn-eng_Latn Kinahanglanon ko gud an iya bulig hadto nga panahon.,I was badly in need of his help at that time.,war_Latn-eng_Latn "Hiton sunod nga semana, magbasa ak' adá libro ngan magkitá TV.","Next week, I will probably read a book and watch TV.",war_Latn-eng_Latn Diri sigurado kun mapakanhi hiya o diri.,It is doubtful whether he will come or not.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Hi Joan nagdidinalagan ha syudad.,Joan is running in the city.,war_Latn-eng_Latn May ada damu nga posible na eksplinasyon.,There are many possible explanations.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Kinurian ngatanan.,Everybody had a hard time.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Ada ha Boston unta na yanâ hi Tom.,Tom is supposed to be in Boston by now.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Dírì'k búlig ha saramok.,I'm not in trouble.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Manginahanglanon búlig hi Tom.,Tom will need help.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Magigin bisíta ko kamó.,You'll be my guests.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Nahimo ko makasakob.,I managed to get in.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Mahuhuman ko basahon ini nga líbro hiton Martes.,I will have finished reading this book by Tuesday.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Preparar niya iton kamingawan.,He prefers the quiet.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Karúyag ko an gidakoi nga pastel.,I want the biggest cake.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Karuyag ko gud nga buligan ka.,I really want to help you.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Naruruyag ako pagpyano.,I like playing the piano.,war_Latn-eng_Latn "Masasabtan nira sunod o, niruniyan.",They will find out sooner or later.,war_Latn-eng_Latn "Iton iba nga tawo natuod hiton Ginoo, iton iba diri.",Some people believe in God and other people don't.,war_Latn-eng_Latn "Kun dírì ka maaram hiton dalan, pagpakiana ha pulis.","If you don't know the way, ask a policeman.",war_Latn-eng_Latn ¿It' im' pag-abat mahimo mo?,Do you think you can do it?,war_Latn-eng_Latn Utro ko hiyá nakita.,I saw her again.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Igtanum ini nga mga liso san-o't katsirak.,Plant these seeds before summer sets in.,war_Latn-eng_Latn "Diri iton maupay, diri liwat maraot.",It's neither good nor bad.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Dad-an ko hirá pagkáon.,I'm taking them some food.,war_Latn-eng_Latn "Kinahánglan ta hin gios, dírì mga pulong.","We need actions, not words.",war_Latn-eng_Latn Maki-sugad ini hiya nga tukar.,He is fond of this kind of music.,war_Latn-eng_Latn "Nakadto hi Tom, pero waráy niya kami buligi.","Tom was there, but he didn't help us.",war_Latn-eng_Latn Diri maupay iton itsura ni Tom.,Tom doesn't look too well.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Baga'n diri maupay yana hi Tom.,Tom doesn't look so good.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Waray ko gud iba nga mayayakan.,I really don't have anything else to say.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Timangnoa hin maúpay hi Tom.,Take good care of Tom.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Hiya mismo iton naghihimo para ha iya kalugaringon. Nadiri hiya nga nakakatuyaw ha iriba.,He does things for himself. He doesn't like to bother other people.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Maláin ka pamatian Tom.,"Tom, you sound terrible.",war_Latn-eng_Latn Waray bumulig ha akon.,Everyone refused to help me.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Siríng ko ha imo waray ko nakit-an.,I told you I didn't see anything.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Maaram hi Tom nga diri niya maburuhat iton nga butang.,Tom knew he was probably not going to be able to do that.,war_Latn-eng_Latn "Amo ito iton kinabuhi. Gutiay nga lipay, tigdaay la waraun hiton kasulub-on.","Such is human life. A few joys, very quickly wiped out by unforgettable sorrows.",war_Latn-eng_Latn Mag-aram iton mga tawo nga nadiri hiya ha ira.,The people knew he did not like them.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Nahinumdom akó han gab-i nga nakilala ni Tom hi Mary.,I remember the night Tom met Mary.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Dírì na nauul-ulan hi Tom.,Tom is no longer in pain.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Dámo iton mga daragita nga naayón hiton nga magkaranta.,Many young girls like that singer.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Waray na naton mahihimo para hiton yana.,It's too late to do anything about that now.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Tawága it' im' amáy yana dayon.,You should call your father as soon as possible.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Kumadto ha bar hi Tom ngan nag-order hin irinumon.,Tom went up to the bar and ordered a drink.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Kay-ano ako makikig-estorya ha ira?,Why should I talk to them?,war_Latn-eng_Latn "Ha ákòn la, karuyag ko inin.","Personally, I liked this one.",war_Latn-eng_Latn Magkasapit nga naglalakat hira ha dalan.,They were walking along the street arm in arm.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Nanhámis akó katapos han karisyohan.,I cleaned up after the party.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Gin-ano mo an pag-iba hiton?,How do you change that?,war_Latn-eng_Latn Haráni na akó kawátan.,I almost got robbed.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Ayaw pagginhawa! Makahirilô it' hangin.,Don't breath! It's poisonous gas.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Waray hi akó ngaran.,I have no name.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Kinahánglan naton maádman kay-ano ini nasúgad.,We need to know what's causing this.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Ayáw paghiraní ha kalayo.,Don't get that close to the fire.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Iton ákòn pagkitá dírì akó makalugar paghimo hiton.,I don't think I can find the time to do that.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Masakít ka. Kinahánglan mo pumahoway.,You're sick. You have to rest.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Mabálik ako hit' ala-sais.,I'll be back by six o'clock.,war_Latn-eng_Latn "Usá manla hiyá nga trinabaho yanâ nga ádlaw, sanglit madurudogay nahuman an trabahuon.","Because he's working alone today, it's taking him longer to finish the job.",war_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Puydi ka kumadí hiton ákòn opisina kun may panahon ka?,Could you come to my office when you have a moment?,war_Latn-eng_Latn ¿May nakit-an hi Tom?,Did Tom see anything?,war_Latn-eng_Latn Nabatian ko hi Tom na nagkikinantahun nga naghuhugas.,I heard Tom humming to himself while he washed dishes.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Ngatanan ilusyon.,All is illusion.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Áada hiyá hiton atubángan hiton purtahán.,He is in front of the door.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Diri adto akon sayup.,It wasn't my mistake.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Karuyag gud ni Tom bumulig.,Tom really wants to help.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Waray ko labot hit beer.,I don't care for beer.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Waráy ta na mahihimo kan Tom.,There's nothing we can do about Tom.,war_Latn-eng_Latn May usá nga tinawag ha íra.,Someone called them.,war_Latn-eng_Latn "Kun gutóm kamó, kaon.","If you're hungry, then eat.",war_Latn-eng_Latn Gin-itsa nira an íra mga kalo.,They threw their hats up into the air.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Malain it ak pamatì.,I feel sick.,war_Latn-eng_Latn May áda gud iba pa.,There's definitely something else.,war_Latn-eng_Latn "Kun an duhá nga táwo nag-aaway, an ikatulô nahingangalipay.","When two people quarrel, a third rejoices.",war_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Kay-anó waray may nábúlig kan Tom?,Why doesn't anybody help Tom?,war_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Karúyag mo ba hin ságing?,Would you like a banana?,war_Latn-eng_Latn Waray ngani ako niya tawagi.,He didn't even call me.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Iton kasál magpapadayon bisan áno pa iton panahón.,The wedding ceremony will be held regardless of the weather.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Waray gud may-maaram kun ano an nahitatabo.,No one really knows what's going on.,war_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Puydi ka pumahuway hin gutìay anay?,Can you take a little break?,war_Latn-eng_Latn Karuyag iton buháton ni Tom.,Tom likes to do that.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Gin-obserbahan ko hiyá sakob hin dámo kabúlan.,I have observed him for many months.,war_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Puydi mo paharuhabuon it' presyo?,Could you knock a little off the price?,war_Latn-eng_Latn Ayaw pagharani hit bulldog kay bangin la nakagat iton.,Don't come near to the bulldog in case it bites.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Yakan niya may mas importante niya na buruhaton.,He said he had more important things to do.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Diri ako sugad kapobre nga diri ko akos magpakolehiyo hin anak.,I am not so poor that I cannot send my son to college.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Nahikaturuok na hiya.,She was close to breaking into tears.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Hinaot unta nga magmaupay ka diretso.,I wish you a quick recovery.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Diri gudla adto nahituman la.,It couldn't just be a coincidence.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Hihirutan ko iton paggamit hiton imo libro.,I will read your book with great care.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Unta ginpalit ko nala iton nga bisikleta.,I wish I'd bought that bicycle.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Baga'n maupay gud iton pamurut-buot ni Tom.,Tom seems to be in a really good mood.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Iton akon pagkita isakto na iton nga bayad.,I think the pay is enough.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Hin-o iton imo ginaayunan gud ha ngatanan nga tawo ha imo eskuylahan?,"Out of all the people at your school, who do you like the most?",war_Latn-eng_Latn Naghinulat ako ha iya ngada han sumirum.,I waited for her till it got dark.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Inuuhaw ha dugo hi Sami.,Sami was thirsty for blood.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Diri la magturutdo hi Tom.,Tom wasn't just a teacher.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Kasiring ni Tom diri malipayon hi Mary.,Tom thought Mary wasn't happy.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Naghinimo-himo hin report hi Layla.,Layla made a false report.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Kay-ano nadiri hi Tom nga himuon iton?,Why doesn't Tom want to do that?,war_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Maáram ka kun hin-o an nagsurat hiní nga nobela?,Do you know who wrote this novel?,war_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Mayda bà nakaluwás hiní nga púlong?,Is there anyone who can pronounce this word?,war_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Hin-o an naghímò hiní nga kahón?,Who made this box?,war_Latn-eng_Latn Masakitnon han yana hi Tom.,Tom has been sick a lot recently.,war_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Hin-o an nagpíntar hiní nga mahúsay nga ritrato?,Who painted this beautiful picture?,war_Latn-eng_Latn Adi na hiya!,She finally arrived!,war_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Hin-o it anhi hiní nga sulód?,Who is in this room?,war_Latn-eng_Latn Mag-asawa kami ni Tom.,Tom and I are married to each other.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Alayon igsiring ha ira iton ira kinahanglan buhaton.,Please tell them what they need to do.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Ginkawatan hi Jim han iya kamera.,Jim had his camera stolen.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Yana sumati kami ano iton amon karuyag maaraman.,Now tell us what we want to know.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Kitai iton nawong ni Tom.,Look at Tom's face.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Diri namamati hi Tom kan Mary.,Tom never listens to Mary.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Palagaha iton suga. Waray ko nakikit'an.,Turn on the light. I can't see anything.,war_Latn-eng_Latn An lalaki usa ngay-an nga private detective.,The man turned out to be a private detective.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Nabúhat mo.,You did it.,war_Latn-eng_Latn "Diri mo gud ako kilala, ano?","You don't know me very well, do you?",war_Latn-eng_Latn Památì ko nárúyag hirá ha akon.,I think they like me.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Duro gud iton panginahanglanon ni Tom hin kwarta.,Tom needs the money desperately.,war_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Taga-diín ka?,Where are you from?,war_Latn-eng_Latn Marisyu ini.,We're going to have fun with this.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Mapripriso hi Tom.,Tom got life in prison.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Diri gud namon ikaw puydi sayupon.,We certainly can't blame you.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Nahigugma ako.,I am in love.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Karuyag mo gud talaga iton buhaton.,You must really like doing that.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Diri ako magdugay gud ha Boston.,I don't intend to stay in Boston much longer.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Madurúto hi Tatay.,Dad is a hard worker.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Tikáin ka?,Where are you going?,war_Latn-eng_Latn Taga-Espanya hi akó.,I am from Spain.,war_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Kay-anó ginpalit nimo ini nga mahal nga diksyunaryo?,Why did you buy this expensive dictionary?,war_Latn-eng_Latn Dírì na hi akó nárúyag ha imo.,I don't like you anymore.,war_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Puydi ko abrehan iton bintana?,Would you mind if I open the window?,war_Latn-eng_Latn Andam na ako.,I'm all set.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Diri ako puydi gumawas.,I can't go out.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Kay mga lurong gad kamo? Kay-ano aabrehan an fan hin sugad hini kahagkot?,Are you guys crazy? Turning the fan on when it's this cold?,war_Latn-eng_Latn Gutíay an tinápay.,This loaf of bread is small.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Pakyas hiya mabuhat iton.,He's unable to do that.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Láin ini nga lugar.,This place is different.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Alayon atras daw.,Please move back.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Nakabati ka na gud han amon kompanya.,"You have, no doubt, heard of our company.",war_Latn-eng_Latn Karuyag ko hiya ma-kontak.,I want to get in touch with her.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Waray ako kulbaa ha iya.,I never had to worry about her.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Karuyag ko pa mag-mulay.,I still want to play.,war_Latn-eng_Latn "Kapti iton pisi, ngan huguton ko ikaw.","Take hold of the rope, and I'll pull you up.",war_Latn-eng_Latn Ano nga halas iton guidagmit-dagmiti ha bug-os nga kalibutan?,Which snake is the fastest in the world?,war_Latn-eng_Latn Iton ákòn pangitaan nagtitiraot.,My eyesight is getting worse.,war_Latn-eng_Latn May-ada ka mapa hiton syudad han Kyoto?,Do you have a map of the city of Kyoto?,war_Latn-eng_Latn Madugayay na akó nga nagbibinasa hin libro han tumawag hiyá.,I had been reading a book for some time when he called.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Dírì akó maaram kay-ano nadiri ka ha íya.,I don't know why you don't like her.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Makakapatay ini hiton.,This will kill that.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Karuyag ko la nga buligan hiya.,I only want to help him.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Kun kaya dawla makig-estorya ako ha imo ha Pranses nga kayakan.,I'd speak to you in French if I could.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Parehas hiton an nahitabo ha Boston.,The same thing happened in Boston.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Kakan-o ka urhi nga nakig-estorya kan Mary?,When was the last time you talked to Mary?,war_Latn-eng_Latn Ikaw iton maaram himuon ini.,You're the one who knows how to do this.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Ano iton imo trabajo? Nag-aano ka nganhi?,What is your occupation? What do you do here?,war_Latn-eng_Latn Amo ini it pinaka-ganado.,This is the most interesting.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Karuyag ni Tom mahibaro kun ano an nahitabo.,Tom wanted to know what had happened.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Iya ginsukol an kahilaba han kwarto.,She measured the length of the room.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Nagretiro hiya kay apektado na iton kabutangan hiton iya lawas.,He retired because of the loss of his health.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Baton iton ha iya surat.,It's an answer to her letter.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Diri hiya natalipas hiton balaud.,He's not breaking the law.,war_Latn-eng_Latn ¡Maupay nga gab-i ha ngatanan!,"Good night, everyone!",war_Latn-eng_Latn Duha na ako ka-oras nga naghihinulat.,I've been waiting for two hours.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Kamakangaralas hiton imo igsusurat.,Your pen sucks.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Nanngita na kami bisan diin.,We've looked everywhere.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Diri na kami natrabaho para ha ira.,We're no longer working for them.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Nabaton hiya nga nagluluha.,He answered in tears.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Mahihimu ko iton ako la.,I can do this alone.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Parag-huygo hi Tom.,Tom is a compulsive gambler.,war_Latn-eng_Latn May-ada duha nga misay ni Ken.,Ken keeps two cats.,war_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Kay-anó waray ginbubúhat hi Tom?,Why isn't Tom doing something?,war_Latn-eng_Latn Ginpaandar namon an radyo.,We turned on the radio.,war_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Kan kanay itón nga mga libro?,Whose books are those?,war_Latn-eng_Latn Pamati ko mayda niya ginbúhat nga maráut.,I think I did something wrong.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Waray gud niya hílig hin arte.,He is not interested in art at all.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Diri ko karúyag nga mayda adbertisment dinhi hit ak websayt.,I don't want any advertising on my website.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Waray pa ako nira sumati hin bisan ano.,They haven't told me anything yet.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Kumanhi ako para kilal-un hiya.,I came to know him.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Pakianhan ko hi Tom para haim.,I'll ask Tom for you.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Pag-laum kita naganar pa iton.,Let's hope it still works.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Kakan-o ka urhi nga nag-byolin?,When was the last time you played violin?,war_Latn-eng_Latn Kinahanglan ni Tom nga buligan hiya hin iba.,Tom needs somebody to help him.,war_Latn-eng_Latn ¿Mauro-upay itón ano?,"That's better, isn't it?",war_Latn-eng_Latn Diri kaya ni Tom igeksplekar iton.,Tom can't explain it.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Diri ini kinahanglan himuon ni Tom.,Tom doesn't have to do this.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Nakasakob an usá nga kawatán ha ámon panimalay han kami ádto haráyo.,A thief broke into the house while we were away.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Tulo nga misyonaryo an pinátay ngan kináun han ira igkasi tawo.,Three missionaries were killed and eaten by cannibals.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Nakakaupay ha lawas iton presko nga mga utanon.,Fresh vegetables promote health.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Makanhi hiya niyan nga gab-i.,She will be here this evening.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Naglamano hira.,They shook hands with each other.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Gin-uli ko na an iya libro ha iya.,I returned his book to him.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Nag-taksi hiya pa-estasyon.,He took a taxi to the station.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Iton imo pag-abat ano ka kadugay dinhi?,How long do you think you can stay here?,war_Latn-eng_Latn An mga ehersisyo simple ngan epektibo.,The exercises are simple and effective.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Nakanta an duha nga babaye.,Two women sing.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Gintataghuman ka?,Are you cold?,war_Latn-eng_Latn Ayaw la ako bayai.,Just don't leave me.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Nagpapakiana ak' ano ti'm masisiring.,I'm asking your opinion.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Oras na para kita mag-andám.,I think it's time for us to start getting ready.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Bagan ámu hi Tom.,Tom is quite right.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Napáso han am' anák an íya tudlo hin posporo.,Our daughter burnt her finger with a match.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Mapakanhi hira pamiling ha iya.,They'll come looking for him.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Baga hin diri hiya naangay pagtutdo.,He seems not to be cut out for teaching.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Diri ni Tom akus pagbakasyon yana.,Tom can't afford to take a vacation now.,war_Latn-eng_Latn "It' usá puydi makainom hin sobra, pero diri makainom hin sakto.","One can drink too much, but one never drinks enough.",war_Latn-eng_Latn Nagtratrabahu hiya ha laboratoryo.,He works in the lab.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Umabot pala an tren nganhi.,The train has just arrived here.,war_Latn-eng_Latn Iton imo pag-abat puyde naton iton papagsumpayon utro?,Do you think we can glue that back together?,war_Latn-eng_Latn Hi Tom an nagplano han party.,Tom was the one who planned the party.,war_Latn-eng_Latn 伊挪伊个房间指拨我看了。,She showed me her room.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 谢谢侬帮我搿张纸头浪向画个草图。,Can you sketch it for me on this piece of paper please?,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 伊垃海一个好天离开了日本。,He left Japan on a fine day.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 等红绿灯变绿仔再过马路。,Wait for the green signal before starting to cross.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 阿拉儕住垃地球哴。,We all live on planet Earth.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 浴室干净伐?,Is the bath clean?,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 交关年记轻个罗马人去了希腊。,Many young Romans went to Greece.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 冷的话可以开暖气哦。,You can turn on the heater if you're cold.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 阿拉爷勿吃多少烧酒个。,My father doesn't drink so much sake.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 樹投下來一片老長個影子。,The tree cast a long shadow.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 今朝礼拜几?,What day is it today?,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 侬回到家乡去住几化日脚?,How many days are you going to be visiting your hometown?,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 上个月是十一月,是𠲎?,Was last month November?,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 搿个月是几月?,What month is this?,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 今朝天好。,The weather is beautiful today.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 昨日是啥个天气?,What was the weather yesterday?,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 明朝天气会好𠲎?,Will the weather be good tomorrow?,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 明朝要落雪。,It'll snow tomorrow.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 一个早浪是阴天。,This morning the weather is cloudy.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 伊认得交关人。,He knows a lot of people.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 啥辰光出发最方便侬?,When will it suit you to start?,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 马路滑个。,The street is slippery.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 搿恐怖电影里向个死人会得活过来个。,"In this horror movie, it is possible for the dead to come back to life.",wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 橙子产生垃拉热带个国家。,Oranges grow in warm countries.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 祝侬好运气。,I wish you good luck.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 城裏向個機動車數量增加了。,The number of cars running in the city has increased.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 本地人老好客个。,The locals are very hospitable.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 房子一家家着起火来。,The houses caught fire one after another.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 实际高头上海闲话是种基于吴方言、下江闲话、搭英文借词个混杂语言。,"Shanghainese is actually a kind of pidgin, based on Wu dialects, Lower Yangtze Mandarin, and English loanwords.",wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 阿拉吃面包挞白挞油。,We eat butter on bread.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 儂個小人多少大了?,How old are your children?,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 我垃此地是外地人。,I am a stranger here.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 侬到上海几化辰光了?,For how long are you in Shanghai?,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 侬欢勿欢喜日本菜?,Do you like Japanese food?,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 日本个人口比英国多。,The population of Japan is larger than that of Britain.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 据讲日本人对伊拉认识个人非常友好,对勿认识个人非常冷淡。,"It is said that the Japanese are very friendly to those that they know, and very indifferent to those they don't.",wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 伊是法国人。,He's a Frenchman.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 三个臭皮匠顶个诸葛亮。,"United we stand, divided we fall.",wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 过了三天我侪晓得原来伊失踪了。,It was not until three days after that I knew she had disappeared.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 伊垃海打扫伊个房间。,He was cleaning his room.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 阿拉有五种烤肉串。,We have five kinds of kebab.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 伊是由伊个祖母带大的。,She was brought up by her grandmother.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 听讲伊结婚了。,I heard from someone that she got married.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 我个书垃海阿里搭?,Where's my book?,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 伊老少写信拨伊个爷娘。,He seldom writes to his parents.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 一个水分子是由两个氢原子跟一个氧原子组成个。,A water molecule has two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 我明朝可以打电话拨侬𠲎?,May I call you tomorrow?,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 侬晓得哀座电视塔有多少高𠲎?,Do you know how high the television tower is?,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 勿要边吃物事边讲言话。,Don't speak with your mouth full.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 大家侪讲伊是个好人。,Everyone says that he's a good man.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 我老欢喜逛两手书店跟两手衣店个。,I like shopping in used-book stores and in used-clothing shops.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 搿本笔记簿是啥人个?,Whose notebook is that?,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 搿勿是一个漏洞,而是一个呒没写进文档个特性。,"It's not a bug, it's an undocumented feature.",wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 落雨嘞。,It is raining.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 勿要忘记脱拿书还拨图书馆。,Don't forget to return the book to the library.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 搿部小说老难读懂个。,This novel is difficult to understand.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 我想垃海一个人人相亲相爱个世界里生活。,I want to live in a world where people love one another.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 伊又盲又聋又哑。,"She was blind, deaf, and dumb.",wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 大部分個觀眾是年紀小個小人。,The audience was largely made up of very young children.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 今朝阿拉来揭开英文虚拟式个神秘面纱。,"Today, we are going to unravel the mystery of the English subjunctive.",wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 一种语言永远勿够。,One language is never enough.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 搿条河浜比哀条长三倍。,This river is three times longer than that one.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 侬个测验哪能?,How was your test?,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 我想要打网球。,I'd like to play tennis.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 但我有能力烧得好菜。,But I am able to cook well.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 伊讲过伊勿会进来,但伊最后还是进来了。,"He said he would not come in, but he came in after all.",wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 电视垃海日常生活中起了重要个作用。,TV plays an important part in everyday life.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 开电视。,Turn on the TV.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 我正垃海看电视。,I am watching television.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 关门。,Close the door.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 德国垃海1880年代采取了一种社会保障制度。,Germany adopted a social security system in the 1880's.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 德国曾经是意大利个同盟国。,Germany was once allied with Italy.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 我勿会讲德语。,I don't speak German.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 邮局离搿搭只有几分钟个路程。,The post office is a few minutes' walk from here.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 请提醒我寄信。,Please remind me to post the letter.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 请拨我一杯水。,Please give me a glass of water.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 我蛮欢喜看书个。,I like to read books.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 一年有四季,春夏秋冬。,"There are four seasons in a year: spring, summer, fall and winter.",wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 「假如阿拉小人上海话讲勿来个闲话,我会得让搿只笨蛋吃机耳光哉。」搿个男人讲到。,"""If my kid couldn't speak Shanghainese, I’d slap him silly."" the man said.",wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 門口立垃一個奇怪個女人。,A strange woman was standing in the doorway.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 今朝天来得个好!,How fine it is today.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 伊是我隔壁邻舍。,He's my neighbour.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 上海被称为东方个巴黎。,Shanghai is referred to as the Paris of the East.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 侬成勿成功,就要看侬努力勿努力了。,Whether you will succeed or not depends on your efforts.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 我有词典个。,I have a dictionary.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 伊是香港人。,He is a Hongkonger.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 伊垃分手已经天长日久了。,It's been a long time since you broke up.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 擘上鞋带。,Tie your shoelaces.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 我小辰光以为要是我死脱个闲话世界就会得勿再存在了。真让我失望!原来是我勿能够接收世界呒没我了还会得存在下去。,"When I was a kid, I thought that if I died the world would just disappear. What a childish delusion! I just couldn't accept that the world could continue to exist without me.",wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 拨我一段粉笔。,Give me a piece of chalk.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 皮带是棕颜色个。,The belt is brown.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 我上课迟到快唻。,I'm going to be late for school!,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 我咳嗽,还有眼眼汗热。,I have a cough and a little fever.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 我有眼眼汗热。,I have a slight fever.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 箇页复印一记。,Please copy this page.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 搿一腔,来一达巴黎看看我。,Drop in on me in Paris one of these days.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 考试辰光我犯勒只交关戆个错。,I made an awful mistake in the test.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 我第二趟碰着侬个辰光老高兴个。,It was very nice seeing you again.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 新工作侬交关快就会得适应。,You'll soon get accustomed to the work.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 伊讲德国口音个英语。,He speaks English with a German accent.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 啥人好读出未来?,Who can read the future?,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 伊垃壗尋工作。,She's job hunting.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 顺手边只眼睛有眼勿对。,Something has happened to my right eye.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 儂會得講中國言話𠲎?,Do you speak Chinese?,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 照顾照顾自家。,Take care of yourself.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 㑚是中國人𠲎?,Are you Chinese?,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 冰由热量化成水。,Heat turns ice into water.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 乘船过海邪气舒宜。,It is very pleasant to cross the ocean by ship.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 我来看牢搿个小人。,I'll look after that child.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 今朝是五號。,Today is the fifth.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 㑚箇眼老頭子!曉得啥?,You old moron! What do you understand?!,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 侬垃海想点啥?,What are you thinking about?,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 侬啊跟长岛家们有得关系?,Are you related to the Nagashima family?,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 我有双出骨新个袜子。,I have a brand new pair of socks.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 伊垃书一方面花交关钞票。,She spends a lot of money on books.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 我当辰光勿晓得该哪能办。,I didn't know what to do then.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 我看不見儂。,I don't see you.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 伊搿个故事编出来个。,He made up the story.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 關於箇個問題有三個難點。,"With respect to this question, there are three problems.",wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 我去拿老王寻得来。,I went to find Wang.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 侬再想吃杯茶伐?,Would you like another cup of tea?,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 我打赌伊呒没搞定。,I bet he doesn't make it.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 侬懂勿懂用搿部照相机伐?,Do you know how to use this camera?,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 我永远勿会得忘记脱侬。,I'll never forget you.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 一个人跟我讲个。,Someone told me that.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 我个学生子个数目勿多,一忒刮子勿超过五个。,"My students are few in number, no more than five altogether.",wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 侬想来瓜火龙果伐?,Would you like a slice of pitaya?,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 我吃了牛奶。,I drank milk.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 我刚刚垃海吃牛奶。,I was drinking milk.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 伊垃老哩百早就出去了。,They left very early in the morning.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 瑞士巧克力真个垃海侬嘴巴里烊脱。,Swiss chocolate really melts in your mouth.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 侬饭吃过了𠲎?,Have you eaten?,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 我連儂叫啥也勿曉得。,I didn't even know your name.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 我六扇窗侪关上了。,I've shut all six windows.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 啥道理欢喜吃浓咖啡?,Why do you like coffee strong?,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 儂個行李超重嘞。,His luggage is overweight.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 人家通常认为钞票会得带来喜气个。,It is generally believed that money brings happiness.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 伊只脚腿被个鱷魚咬伤脱了。,His leg was bitten by a crocodile.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn Ruriko是个高中生。,Ruriko is a high school student.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 聖誕節到快了,生意也好點了。,"With the approach of Christmas, business improved somewhat.",wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 爷帮儿子一道垃海,真焐心啊。,"The father is together with his son, how cozy it is!",wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 我过一歇打电话拨侬。,I'll call you later.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 珍呒没打网球,是伐?,"Jane didn't play tennis, did she?",wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 我慢一教打电话拨侬。,I'll phone you later.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 拉垃赤道附近一个邪气笑个区域个热带雨林勿停个受到人类个破坏,预计拉垃两零零零年之前,搿个区域个五分之四个热带雨林将会得从地球浪消失。,"The tropical rainforests, located in a narrow region near the equator, are disappearing so fast that by the year 2000 eighty percent of them may be gone.",wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 汤姆勿会得打网球个。,Tom can't play tennis.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 哀幢房子里住了两家人家。,Two families live in that house.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 搿个是侬个DVD?,Is this your DVD?,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 我曉得伊是啥人。,I know who she is.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 汤姆拨我了一支笔。,Tom gave me a pen.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 搿游戏,呒没一个好白相个。,None of the games were exciting.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 我个指甲从来勿是夜里向剪个。,I never cut my nails at night.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 「老公,上床啦。」「勿来自啊,我还要拉垃 Tatoeba 浪翻翻几句句子哦。」,"""Honey, come to bed."" ""No, not yet. I still have to translate some sentences on Tatoeba.""",wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 无风不起浪。,There is no smoke without fire.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 一只狗口里向咬了一块肉。,The dog had a piece of meat in its mouth.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 侬开了太快了。,You're driving too fast.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 㑚还年纪轻咾。,You're still young.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 伊人胖乎乎个。,He is chubby.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 侬脱Paula讲了啥物事啊?,What did you say to Paula?,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 侬完全对个。,You are absolutely right.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 侬绝对讲道理。,You're absolutely right.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 拉垃中国过了六个号头之后,侬会得发现后悔走个前头呒没吃了搿只比萨。,"After six months in China, you will realize that you regret not accepting that pizza before you left.",wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 阿拉白相叛夜摸摸伐。,Let's play a game of blind man's buff.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 门口头有个人。,Someone is at the door.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 搿个是我对于侬问题个答案。,There is my answer to your question.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn Tatoeba个用户老和气个。,The users of Tatoeba are kind.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 侬绝对好依靠伊个。,You can certainly rely on him.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 湯姆不歡喜古典音樂。,Tom doesn't like classical music.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 一个人个恐怖分子为另外人个自由战士。,One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 我是游客。,I am a tourist.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 拉垃威尼斯个游客一直老多个。,"In Venice, there are always lots of tourists.",wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 我比伊来自。,I'm better than him.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 夏威夷是一个大众化个旅游圣地。,Hawaii is a popular tourist resort.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 侬猜得出搿只灯迷伐?,Can you answer this riddle?,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 所有个人垃海等侬呀。,Everybody is waiting for you.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 大家侪垃海等侬啊。,Everybody's waiting for you.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 伊拉垃冰岛住了交关辰光。,He has lived in Iceland for a long time.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 搿眼古老个习俗侪是一代一代传统传下来个。,These old customs have been handed down from generation to generation.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 搿本书我呒没。,I don't have this book.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 有棵树倒下来了,拿条路砬断了。,A fallen tree obstructed the road.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 搿只电脑侬个,是𠲎?,"This computer is yours, isn't it?",wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 我倒从来呒没看到过垃拉唯一个心里向搿能样子个坏水!,Never had I seen such evil in a single heart!,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 伊欢喜比较淡眼个绿颜色。,He likes green in a lighter shade.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 我要一杯冰红茶。,I want a cup of iced-tea.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 天气每日天侪垃海变。,The weather varies from day to day.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 侬垃海搿耷做了点啥阿?,What did you do there?,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 呒没啥好担心个。,It's nothing to worry about.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 我年记轻个辰光经常去打棒球。,I often played baseball when I was young.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 医生帮我搭脉。,The doctor felt my pulse.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 我一直等到了末级一分钟。,I waited until the last minute.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 还要一眼眼。,Just a little more.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 伊拉两位现在忙勿过,勿想帮侬谈。,The two of them are two busy now; they can't talk to you.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 搿是喋喋骨骨苏州刺绣。,This is an authentic Suzhou embroidery.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 伊搿歇辰光勒嗨温功课伐?,Is he studying now?,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 侬如果高兴,就吃一点𠲎。,"If you're happy to, have some.",wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 人算勿如天一算。,A man's will is nothing when compared to that of the heavens.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 迪个倒是纯个辛勤工夫。,And yet this is sheer hard work.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 伊要钞票。,He wants the money.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 我能够回答侬个问题。,I can answer your question.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 我拿伊看成老板娘。,I looked on him as the boss.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 现在阿拉爸爸勿垃海屋里。,My dad is not at home for the moment.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 伊个编书好像了解真相个。,His secretary seems to know the truth.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 伊老欢喜音乐个。,He is very fond of music.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 侬最好勿跟伊来往。,You'd better not keep company with him.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 伊垃海银行工作。,He works in a bank.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 我想垃海爸爸妈妈回来之前拿房子打扫干净。,I want to clean the house before my parents return.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 开摩托车勿戴头盔是老危险个。,It is dangerous to ride a motorbike without a helmet.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 我呒没忘记。,I didn't forget.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 啥人侪晓得地球是圆个。,There is no one but knows that the earth is round.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 我个言话伤了伊个自尊心。,What I said hurt his pride.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 吃夜饭个辰光到了。,Time for dinner.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 昨日打电话个辰光,伊应该到屋里了。,If only she had been home when I called yesterday!,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 盘子垃啊里嗒?,Where are the plates?,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 伊看起来老有钞票个。,He seems to be rich.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 我晓得伊垃海法国。,I know she is in France.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 出去个辰光拿门关上。,Close the door when you leave.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 搿能大个够用𠲎?,Is it large enough?,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 可以再讲一次𠲎?我呒没听清爽侬个名字。,I beg your pardon; I didn't quite catch your name.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 讲个是一套,做个又是一套。,"To say is one thing, and to do quite another.",wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 再哪能经验老到个司机侪会得出错。,Even expert drivers can make mistakes.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 我垃海吃早饭前有运动个习惯。,I am in the habit of taking some exercise before breakfast.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 一只鹰勒嗨天浪向飞。,An eagle flies in the sky.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 侬会得做侬认为是正确个事体𠲎?,Are you doing what you think is right?,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 呒没人领取个物事被拍卖脱了。,The unclaimed items were sold off at auction.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 吃香烟等于自杀。,Smoking means suicide.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 好好想一想,看看能勿能想起来侬昨日夜到是垃海啥人屋里过夜个。,Put on your thinking cap and try to remember whose house you slept at last night.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 阿拉个学堂被烧成了灰烬。,Our school was reduced to ashes.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 如果呒没了太阳光,阿拉就啥也看勿见了。,"Without the light of the sun, we could see nothing.",wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 侬可以帮我更新搿份资料𠲎?,Could I get you to update this data for me?,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 国际间个纷争一定要用和平个方法来解决。,International disputes must be settled peacefully.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 搿顶帽子对我讲起来忒小了。,The cap is too small for me.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 有其父必有其子。,"Like father, like son.",wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 垃海一九五八年,巴西首次夺得了世界杯个冠军。,"In 1958, Brazil won its first World Cup victory.",wuu_Hans-eng_Latn Windows是世界浪向使用了最多个操作系统。,Windows is the most used operating system in the world.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 勿管侬哪能做,结果侪一样。,"Regardless what you may do, the outcome will still be the same.",wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 我昨日整日侪垃海背英文字。,I learned English words by heart all day yesterday.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 来𠲎,我帮侬盛。,"Come, I'll serve some for you.",wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 我再也勿要相信伊了。,I do not trust him any longer.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 学生个中饭辰光是十二点到一点。,The students' lunch period is from twelve to one.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 放拉保险箱里向个文件勿见了。,The papers that were in the safe are gone.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 现在辰光还早唻,还是勿谈搿桩事体好。,It's still too early to talk about this now.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 爸爸让我驾驶了车子。,Father let me drive his car.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 如果可能个言话,垃海明朝前做好搿个工作。,Do this work by tomorrow if possible.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 尽可能清爽个表达侬自家。,Express yourself as clearly as you can.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 上海老早侪是小河浜,其中么有得肇家浜、洋泾浜,现在侪填脱了。,"There used to be a lot of small creeks in old time Shanghai, which included Zhaojia Creek and Yangjing Creek, but they're all covered up nowadays.",wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 闷声勿响大发财。,Silence is golden.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 我勿想帮廿个人烧夜饭吃。,I'm not willing to cook dinner for twenty people.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 但侬欢喜呀!,But you like it!,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 看上去搿眼侪像天书咖。,That was all Chinese to me.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 伊呒没预前通知就辞职了。,He quit without notice.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 我就是勿道歉,侬奈我有啥办法唉?,I'm not going to apologize. What are you going to do about it?,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 伊老歡喜旅遊個。,He loves traveling.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 快一眼,侬就赶得上火车了。,"Hurry, and you will catch the train.",wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 我好关电视𠲎?,Can I turn off the TV?,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 门一开,伊拉就逃了跑了。,"As soon as the door opened, they ran away.",wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 伊垃伊阿姨屋里向等垃海了。,He stayed at his aunt's house.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 我听到门关了。,I heard the door close.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 让门关垃海。,Keep the door locked.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 我个手拨门夹到了。,I caught my finger in the door.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 请敲门。,Please knock on the door.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 我可以被原谅𠲎?,Can I be excused?,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 搿个年代用电视跟收音机报道新闻已经是十分平常个事体了。,The communication of news by TV and radio is very common now.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 请原谅我。,Please forgive me.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 老实讲,我其实想留拉屋里向,勿想出来个。,"Frankly speaking, I actually wanted to stay at home, instead of going out.",wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 我请侬原谅我。,Please forgive me!,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 哦!请拨我看看。,Oh! Show it to me please.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 侬走个前头应该吃眼物事。,You should eat something before you go.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 拨我一张白纸。,Give me a white piece of paper.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 天邪气暗。,The sky was completely dark.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 我想到了一个好主意。,I thought of a good idea.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 我勿晓得哪能去哀搭。,I don't know how to go there.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 我呒没听到侬个姓。,I didn't catch your last name.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 除脱洋葱我啥侪可以吃。,I can eat anything but onions.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 我买了一支钢笔,但我拿伊落脱了。,"I bought a pen, but I lost it.",wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 我觉得勿去欧洲了。,I decided not to go to Europe.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 请小心月台跟车厢之间个空隙。,Please mind the gap between the train and the platform.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 我现在勿想吃中饭。,I don't want to eat lunch now.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 我勿用打扫房间。,I don't have to clean my room.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 我勿晓得伊结婚了。,I didn't know she was married.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 我勿懂音乐。,I don't understand music.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 我拿盒子盎拉肩浪向。,I carried the box on my shoulder.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 我明朝带拨侬。,I'll bring it to you tomorrow.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 伊当时一个人垃海屋里。,He was all alone in the house.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 我今朝感觉好交关了。,I feel much better today.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 伊有蓝颜色个眼睛。,She has blue eyes.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 搿条鱼用英语叫啥?,What is this fish called in English?,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 阿拉发现伊是伊个爷。,We found out that he was her father.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 我以为伊是我弟弟。,I thought he was my brother.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 伊对伊个小人非常生气。,She got very angry with her children.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 侬能帮我修搿双鞋子𠲎?,Can you mend these shoes for me?,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 飞机起飞个辰光紧张是老正常个。,It's natural to be nervous when the plane takes off.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 伊自家去哀搭了。,He went there by himself.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 我个勺子更加大!,My spoon is bigger!,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 榔头,剪刀,纸头。,"Rock, paper, scissors.",wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 人家个物事总规吃香个。,We always like what we don't have.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 我个梦想是要成为一个顶级个麻将高手。,My dream is to become a very strong mahjong player.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 请侬拿侬个名字跟电话号头告诉我。,Please tell me your name and telephone number.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 搿台子跟阿拉屋里向个一样大。,This table is just as large as ours.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 勿好意思,我挪方向搞错脱了。,I'm sorry I've mistaken the direction.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 搿搭要当心扒手。,Beware of pickpockets here.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 到了最后个一刻,我个决心突然动摇了。,My resolution dissolved at the last moment.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 正方形有四条边。,A square has four sides.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 我有交关工作要做。,I have a lot of work to do.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 国王下令拿囚犯释放。,The king ordered that the prisoner should be set free.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 伊帮我拿手表修理好了。,He fixed the watch for me.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 侬晓得显微镜跟望远镜有啥个分别𠲎?,Do you know the difference between a microscope and a telescope?,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 放假個辰光我啥個事體也沒做。,I did nothing during the holidays.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 侬参观过东京塔𠲎?,Did you visit the Tokyo Tower?,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 侬会骑马𠲎?,Can you ride a horse?,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 我猜想侬欢喜伊。,I suppose you like him.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 侬尽管有得瞎多个神经毛病,介许多个永远完勿了个神经毛病,我还是蛮欢喜侬个。,"I love you in spite of your many, but so many, infinite mental problems.",wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 我欣赏侬。,I admire you.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 对勿起。,I am sorry.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 伊拉从地下室到阁楼侪打扫脱了。,"They cleaned everything, from the basement to the attic.",wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 我可以吃哀个蛋糕𠲎?,May I eat that cake?,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 阿拉屋里离火车站老近个。,My house is near the station.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 伊取得了博士学位。,She received a doctor's degree.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 伊个祖母活到了八十八岁。,Her grandmother lived to be eighty-eight years old.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 伊是个好人。,He's a good person.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 哀个是我个猫。,That's my cat.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 伊帮伊拉姆妈写信。,He writes letters to his mother.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 拨我个例子。,Show me an example.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 我觉着老热个。,I am hot.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 侬最欢喜阿里一个作曲家?,Who is your favorite composer?,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 哀条黄瓜多少长啊!,What a long cucumber!,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 哀个人是啥人?,Who is this person?,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 我感冒了。,I have a cold.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 老师挪学生狠狠较个骂了一顿。,The teacher scolded his students severely.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 伊拉正垃海汰手。,They're washing their hands.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 要跟伊拉有效个沟通,只懂得讲伊拉个语言是勿够个,因为沟通个方式是由伊拉个文化来决定个。,"Knowing their languages is not enough to communicate effectively, because the methods of communication are determined by their cultures.",wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 阿拉挪门涂成了绿颜色。,We painted the door green.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 搿本书是用简单个英文写成个,初学个人也可以看得懂。,This book is written in such easy English as beginners can understand.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 侬收作好物事了𠲎?,Have you finished packing yet?,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 侬忙𠲎?,Are you busy?,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 哀只包是我个。,That bag is mine.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 侬个朋友叫啥个名字?,What's your friend's name?,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 是个,我马上来。,"Yes, I'm coming immediately.",wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 侬要么出去要么进来。,Either go out or come in.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn “侬想要一件衬衫𠲎?” “对个,我想要一件红颜色个。”,"""Do you want a T-shirt?"" ""Yes, I want a red one.""",wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 据我所晓得个,搿本书从来呒没被翻译成日文。,"As far as I know, the book has never been translated into Japanese.",wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 伊垃海学堂参加了交关活动。,She participates in many school activities.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 勿用怕,伊勿会伤害侬个。,There is no need to be frightened. He won't harm you.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 中国是亚洲最大个国家。,China is the largest country in Asia.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 讲起玛莉,我已经交关辰光呒没见过伊了。,"Speaking of Mary, I have not seen her for a long time.",wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 枪勿会杀人。人才会得杀人。,Guns don't kill people. People kill people.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 伊年轻个辰光讲勿定是个美女。,She may have been beautiful when young.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 过了一歇歇,小黑兔就坐了下来,面孔高头个神情十分哀伤。,"After a while, the little black rabbit sat down, and looked very sad.",wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 伊会得讲十种语言。,He is able to speak ten languages.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 有眼苹果从书高头落了下来。,Some apples fell down from the tree.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 伊拉姆妈要伊挪浴室打扫清爽。,His mother made him clean the bathroom.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 登了哀搭勿要动。,Remain there and don't move.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 㑚老早之前就应该完成了。,You should have completed it long ago.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 老遗憾侬呒没更加早开始。,It is regrettable that you did not start earlier.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 伊赌性十足。,He is a compulsive gambler.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 我去旅游钞票勿够。,I am short of money for my trip.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 我晓得伊老忙个。,I know he is busy.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 伊向哀位女士问好。,He said hello to the woman.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 搿是侬个屋里向人𠲎?,Is this your family?,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 伊拉用肥皂汰手。,They wash their hands with soap.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 我今朝有空个。,I'm free today.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 搿房间太小了,装勿牢五十个人。,This room is too small to contain 50 men.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 伊总归吃伊个黑咖啡。,He always drinks black coffee.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 由于产量过剩,卷心菜个价钿下来了。,The price of cabbage fell because of overproduction.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 为啥侬想到外国读书?,Why do you want to study abroad?,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 侬可以买侬欢喜个哀个,而勿是两个侪买。,"You can buy whichever you like, but not both.",wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 侬为啥指责我儿子?,Why do you accuse my son?,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 我有交关朋友帮我。,I have a lot of friends to help me.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 侬老快就会习惯吃日本料理了。,You will soon get used to eating Japanese food.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 侬运气多少好啊!,How lucky you are!,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 我想付现钞。,I would like to pay with cash.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 我认得伊两年了。,I have known her for two years.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 搿周我一直垃海工作。,I worked all this week.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 侬欢喜去阿里就可以去阿里。,You may go anywhere you like.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 侬真是太好了。,That's very sweet of you.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 侬非常勇敢。,You are very brave.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 阿拉爸爸勿欢喜足球。,My dad doesn't like soccer.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 我垃海想阿里个跑步运动员会得跑第一。,I wonder which of the runners will come first.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 侬准备登多长辰光?,How long do you plan to stay?,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 旅游最快个方式是乘飞机。,The quickest means of travel is by plane.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 我有一个阿哥跟一个阿妹。,I have one elder brother and a younger sister.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 写字台高头有几本书。,There are some books on the desk.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 警察大概从一个号头前头就开始寻被偷脱个物事了。,The police have been searching for the stolen goods for almost a month.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 我听了,但是啥也呒没听到。,"I listened, but I didn't hear anything.",wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 秋天树叶子会落脱。,The leaves fall off the trees in the fall.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 侬明朝早浪向7点钟来接我𠲎?,Are you picking me up at 7 tomorrow morning?,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 如果明朝落雨,我就登了屋里。,"If it rains tomorrow, I'll just stay at home.",wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 3个三次方等于27。,3 cubed is 27.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 伊歡喜睏覺。,He likes sleeping.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 哀个垃海拉小提琴个男人是啥人?,Who is the man playing the violin?,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 伊做了虾饺加了香菇搭花椒。,She's made shrimp dumplings and added shiitakes with Sichuan pepper.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 对个,我有桩事体要跟侬讲。,"By the way, I have something to tell you.",wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 侬选过了伐?,Have you chosen?,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 進來之前請敲門。,Please knock before you come in.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 噶是老戳克个问题。,That's a hard question to answer.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 侬啥辰光从米兰回来?,When are you going to return from Milan?,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 阿拉拉垃图书馆等了Helen一个钟头,但是伊呒没出现。,"We waited for Helen at the library for an hour, but she didn't appear.",wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 拨我眼。,Give me a little.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 我相信我长期浪勿会得输个。,"I trust that, in the long run, I will not be a loser.",wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 伊进来个同时,铃响了。,"He came in, and at the same time the bell rang.",wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 侬衣裳㫰出来!,Hang your clothes out to dry!,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 伊每日天到学堂里去读书。,He goes to school to study every day.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 伊垃勿会得让阿拉进花园个。,They won't allow us to enter the garden.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 那是只老鼠。,It was a mouse.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 我搞错脱了。,I was wrong.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 真个伐?,Is it serious?,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 老实讲,我勿欢喜伊。,"To tell the truth, I don't like him.",wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 碰儂勿著。,I can't meet you.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 阿拉一日天育阿拉只狗三趟。,We feed our dog three times a day.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 強伊勿過。,"If he says it is Monday, it is Monday.",wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 言讲是桩事体,么写作确是另外一桩。,To speak is one thing and to write is another.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 我有两个儿子,一个拉海东京,另一个拉海名古屋。,"I have two children, one in is Beijing and the other one is in Nagoya.",wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 廿年是段老长个辰光。,Twenty years is a long time.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 如果可能个言话,我想环游世界。,"If possible, I'd like to travel around the world.",wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 侬看两张照片里阿里张好?,Can you look at these two pictures and tell me which one is better?,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 搿个物事侬个是𠲎?,Is that thing yours?,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 我会帮侬开个药方。,I'll give you a prescription.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 花瓶敲碎脫了。,The vase was shattered.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 伊会得模防其它屋里人个样子。,He can imitate the rest of the family.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 拿右面个袖子管捲起来。,Roll up your right sleeve.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 难道我瘦得伊拉讲我看上去瘦骨骨。,I am so thin that they say I look rawboned.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 我经常打餩。,I often hiccup.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 今朝夜到冷煞了。,It's awfully cold this evening.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 儂真個勿笨。,You're really not stupid.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 垃拉日本所有个大城市里侪寻得着搿本杂志个。,This magazine is available in any big city in Japan.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 侬要拿我气煞脱了!,You're gonna make me furious!,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 湯姆會得保密個。,Tom can keep a secret.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 我想坐拉无烟区。,I would like to sit in the non-smoking section.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 我本來勿是老歡喜搖滾個,但是一眼一眼開始歡喜起來了。,"I didn't like rock music at first, but it soon grew on me.",wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 伊老敏感個。,He is very sensitive.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 我不曉得伊是勿是幫我弄好了。,I don't know if he would have done it for me.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 侬勿需要乘差头。,You needn't have taken a taxi.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 侬必须马上开始。,You'll have to start at once.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 橫看豎看,"Look to your left, look to your right.",wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 侬勿该做搿能一桩事体。,You shouldn't do such a thing.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 我一直忙拉海写一部短篇小说。,I have been busy writing a short story.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 学习其他国家个文化老有意思个。,Learning about other countries' cultures is very interesting.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 伊醉脱了。,He is drunk.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 侬必须马上做。,You must do it at once.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 侬用啥打开个?,What did you open it with?,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 搿家店从9点钟开到18点。,This shop is open from 9 to 6 o'clock.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 我离婚了。,I am divorced.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 伊呒没工作,伊退休了。,He doesn't have a job. He's retired.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 第一组早浪向学习,第二组夜到学习。,"The first group studies in the morning, the second in the evening.",wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 㑚爸爸是做啥个?,What does your father do?,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 伊老少来看我。,He seldom comes to see me.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 阿拉去阿里搭?,Where do we go?,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 可惜侬勿會得跳舞!,What a pity you can't dance!,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 阿拉曾经是隔壁邻居。,We used to be neighbours.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 每个老板侪有自家最欢喜个员工。,Every boss has his or her favorite employee.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 第一班火车啥辰光出发?,What time does the first train leave?,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 搿个问题勿能以常规办法解决。,You cannot solve this problem with the usual method.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 我再也受勿了了!,I can't stand it anymore.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 侬出风头个样子烦煞了。,I've had enough of your boasts.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 只调羹是吃茶叶茶用个。,This spoon is for tea.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 要是我错脱个闲话被人家评论,勿惹着我个。,I don't mind being criticized when I am wrong.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 我想吃眼热个汤。,I want to eat warm soup.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 伊欢喜吃杨梅。,She likes Chinese bayberries.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 我是个小贪乱。,I'm a good-for-nothing bum.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 学门外语勿容易个。,It is not easy to learn a foreign language.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 侬个魂灵头已经坠进地狱了。,Your spirit has fallen into hell.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 我呒没讲。,I didn't say it.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 問題是,我沒啥好交伊講個。,The problem was that I had nothing to say to him.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 工会参加了示威游行伐?,Did the union participate in the demonstration?,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 貝蒂搿座山登过了三趟了。,Betty has climbed the mountain three times.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 世界哴向有超過八十萬個人講巴斯克言話。,"There are over 800,000 Basque speakers in the world.",wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 要出毛病来个。,There'll be a problem.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 哦,我個白褲子!箇是新個。,"Oh, my white pants! And they were new.",wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 侬个通信地址个前五个字母是啥?,What are the first five letters of your email?,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 珍搭我同年。,Jane is as old as I am.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 伊垃沿牢非洲个西岸航海了。,They sailed along the west coast of Africa.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 离此地远伐?,Is it far from here?,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 勿吃酒个男人还是男人勿啦?,Are men who don't drink still men?,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 我希望搿能。,I hope so.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 汤姆伐晓得哪能坐好。,Tom doesn't know how to sit still.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 洋子昨日去购物了。,Yoko went shopping yesterday.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 伊像啥事体侪依靠老公个。,She depends on her husband for everything.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 搿个小姐像只虾一样:伊个人我像啥侪欢喜个就是只头勿来自。,This chick is like a shrimp: I like everything about her but her head.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 「侬做啥勿去啊?」「因为我勿想去。」,"""Why aren't you going?"" ""Because I don't want to.""",wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 昨日我買物事個辰光,自行車撥人偷脫了。,Yesterday my bicycle was stolen while I was doing some shopping.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 呒没妒忌性就呒没爱情。,There's no love without jealousy.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 伊人邪气来赛。,He is heroic.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 有爱情必有妒忌性。,Love is never without jealousy.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 我倒勿晓得侬是介好个厨师。,I didn't know you were such a good cook.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 巴黎是法国个首都。,Paris is the capital of France.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 我刚刚瞄了瞄,一眼呒没花头个。,I just had a quick look. It wasn't interesting at all.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 侬预备登多少辰光?,How long will you stay here?,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 侬酒阿吃醉到能够再讲趟德文个程度伐?,Are you drunk enough to speak German once again?,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 只要有侬垃海我个身边,我就别无他求了。,"If you are by my side, I don't need anything else.",wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 小房子清爽又整洁。,The cottage was clean and tidy.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 我养个猫昨日死脱了。,My cat died yesterday.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 辰光还早拉海唻,大家坐下来嘎嘎山河𠲎。,It's still early. We should all just chill for a bit.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 如果明朝天气好,阿拉就去野餐。,"If it is fine tomorrow, we'll go on a picnic.",wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 还有五十公里就到巴黎了。,It's fifty kilometers to Paris.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 地图高头个红线代表铁路。,The red lines on the map represent a railway.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 我想跟一个欢喜打电动个小姑娘结婚。,I'd like to marry a girl who likes to play video games.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 侬一般几点钟下班?,When do you usually get off work?,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 我失业垃海。,I am out of work.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 㑚一般几点钟下班?,What time does your office let you go home?,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 我长远勿看见伊了。,I haven't seen him for a long time.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 伊象伊垃阿爹。,He resembles his grandfather.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 我帮了伊介许多忙,伊却连一句感谢个言话也呒没。,He never says thanks in spite of all that I've done for him.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 一颗一颗个星星垃海空中闪闪发光。,Many stars are twinkling in the sky.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 阿拉姆妈搿辰光比我还要年轻。,"At that time, my mother was younger than I am now.",wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 巴士突然垃海路中心停了下来。,The bus stopped suddenly in the middle of the street.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 我搭伊垃阿哥蛮有数个。,I know his brother well.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 拉垃日本过日节老贵个。,It is expensive to live in Japan.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 我垃海搿搭住了三十年了。,I have lived here for thirty years.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 伊每天早浪向侪会喝一杯水。,He drinks a glass of water every morning.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 搿间学堂女小人比男小人多。,There are more girls than boys in this school.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 阿拉以前住个房子被拆脱了。,The house in which we lived was torn down.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 鸵鸟勿会垃海空中飞。,An ostrich does not fly through the air.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 天色开始暗了。麻烦侬帮我开灯。,It's getting dark. Please turn the light on for me.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 伊走路个辰光常常拿一只手插拉裤袋里。,He often walks with his hand in his pocket.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 我交关年数呒没见过伊了。,I haven't seen him for years.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 我从此再也呒没见过伊了。,I haven't seen her since then.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 啥个水果是红颜色个?,What fruit is red?,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 今朝是我请客。,Today is my treat.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 我该哪能做才能够让侬更加注意我?,What have I got to do so that you'll pay attention to me?,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 侬应该去困觉了𠲎。,You should sleep.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 意大利个国际号码前缀是三十九(+39)。,The country code for Italy is +39.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 我垃海米兰工作。,I work in Milan.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 条条大路通罗马。,All roads lead to Rome.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 我为伊翻译了好几趟搿个词。,I helped her translate this sentence so many times.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 侬对搿哪能看?,What do you think of that?,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 拿伊放进去。,Put him in.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 侬有啥推荐?,What do you recommend to me?,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 侬欢喜做啥?,What do you like to do?,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 伊昨日啥个道理勿来?,What prevented her from coming yesterday?,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 我个工作是啥?,What are my tasks?,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 我个责任是啥?,What are my responsibilities?,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 侬可以告诉我我错拉阿里搭𠲎?,Will you tell me where I am wrong?,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 我该做啥?,What should I do?,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 多遗憾啊!,What a pity!,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 我佩服侬个勇敢。,I admire your courage.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 侬垃海寻啥?,What are you looking for?,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 我勿会得讲瑞典文个。,I don't speak Swedish.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 侬可以随便去阿里搭。,You may go anywhere.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 伊垃海帮侬搞七捻三。,He is muddling you up.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 侬每趟侪继续犯同样个错误。,You continue making the same mistakes time after time.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 侬该晓得侬对家庭个责任。,You must be mindful of your family responsibilities.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 侬想成为啥?,What do you want to be?,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 吾歡喜儂!,I love you.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 侬对啥侪太怀疑了。,You're too suspicious about everything.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 侬现在想要啥?,What do you want now?,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 侬学英语𠲎?,Do you study English?,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 侬垃海一个安全个地方。,You are at a safe place.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 侬记勿记得以前见过我?,Do you remember seeing me before?,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 我老惊讶侬竟然介天真。,I'm surprised that you're so naïve.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 我听到搿个邪气开心。,I am supremely glad to hear it.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 我听到搿个老开心个。,I'm glad to hear that.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 我老惊讶㑚竟然介天真。,I'm surprised that you're so naive.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 侬最好请教一下医生。,You'd better consult the doctor.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 侬最好穿一件雨衣。,You had better put on a raincoat.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 我弹钢琴。,I play the piano.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 侬必须弥补损失。,You must make up for the loss.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 伊搿个小朋友人门槛着着精个。,"He is a clever boy, to be sure.",wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 我打游戏。,I play video games.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 伊是我个阿姐。,She's my older sister.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 小冰箱老龌龊个。,The little fridge is dirty.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 伊拿哀笔钞票拨了伊。,She gave him the money.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 因为伊拉是用法语谈话个,所以我一句也听勿懂。,"As their conversation was in French, I could not understand a word.",wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 新来个秘书一分钟可以打七十几个字。,The new secretary types about 70 words per minute.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 阿拉拿伊称为“英雄”,但是伊却背叛了阿拉。,"We called him a ""hero"", but he betrayed us.",wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 侬已经呒没用了。,You're already useless.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 汤姆今朝要留拉屋里向𠲎?,Does Tom have to stay home today?,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 我做实验个辰光弄伤了,而且还伤了十分严重。,"I got hurt during an experiment, and the injury was pretty serious.",wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 搿搭附近个电话亭少了可怜。,Telephone booths are as scarce as hen's teeth around here.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 伊丁呒没看上去价老。,He is not as old as he seems.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 我勿记得侬个名字了。,I don't remember your name.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 伊有交关手提行李。,She has a lot of carry-on luggage.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 伊个衣裳穿坏脱了。,His clothes are worn out.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 我开始流血了。,I've started bleeding.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 请跟我来。,Come along with me.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 五十岁以后学一门新个语言勿是介容易。,It's not that easy to learn a new language after fifty.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 伊写阿拉伯文。,He writes Arabic.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 侬最好快点。,You'd better hurry.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 我个字典非常有用。,My dictionary is very useful.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 等伊回来个辰光问问伊。,Wait for her to return then ask her.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 少脱一把勺子。,There is a spoon missing.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 越南用个货币是越盾。用 “₫” 记号来代表。,"Vietnam's currency is the đồng. Its symbol is ""₫"".",wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 我现在垃海值班。,I am on duty now.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 为啥?,Why is that?,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 伊做个事体侬赞成个𠲎?,Do you approve of what he is doing?,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 垃海埃及讲啥个语言?,What language is spoken in Egypt?,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 我经常到河浜里向去钓鱼。,I often go fishing in the river.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 我个手跟脚侪肿垃海。,My hands and legs are swollen.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 小姑娘可爱唻!,What a cute little girl!,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 呒没十全十美个人。,Nobody is perfect.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 伊比我重十公斤。,He weighs ten more kilos than me.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 伊昨日呒没事体做。,She had nothing to do yesterday.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 哀眼鬼头疯脱了!,Those folks are insane!,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 一套制服能够拿社会差别取消脱伐?,Does a uniform eliminate class difference?,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 有辰光口误对政治家来讲是致命个。,A slip of the tongue is sometimes fatal to a politician.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 侬是勿是对伊一见钟情?,Did you fall in love with her at first sight?,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 做脱伊。,Just do it.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 電影啥個辰光開始?,When does the movie start?,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 伊答应从此勿再迟到。,He has promised never to be late again.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 几只苹果?,How many apples are there?,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 儂去啥地方?,Where are you going?,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 汤姆礼拜一来个,第二天回去了。,Tom came on Monday and went back the day after.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 伊个喉咙像天神个一样。,His voice is that of a god.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 当阿拉学外语个辰光,阿拉学熟语。,"When we learn languages, we learn fixed expressions.",wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 拉垃北京,胡同是由四合院传统个居所来排成个。,"In Beijing, hutongs are alleys formed by lines of siheyuans, the traditional courtyard residences.",wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 搿幢房子拉垃附近。两房一厅,装修也勿错个。收1500一个月。,"This house is nearby, it has two bedrooms and a living room, and the decoration isn't bad; it's 1500 a month.",wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 听讲㑚已经跟中介公司联系过了。,I hear you've already contacted the broker.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 阿拉白相过了。阿拉输脱了。再从新来过伐?,We played. We lost. How about starting it over?,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 我个袜子已经干了𠲎?,Are my socks dry already?,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 搿个破坏会得花费阿拉交关钞票。,The damage will cost us a lot of money.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 侬会得打网球伐?,Do you play tennis?,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 我再三申明无罪,但是呒没人垃海听我讲。,"I keep saying that I'm innocent, but no one will listen.",wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 昨日夜到讲勿定落了一场雨。,It may have rained a little last night.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 阿里搭有问题?,Where is the problem?,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 伊半年以后就要出国了。,She will go abroad in six months.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 我收到了一张请帖。,I received an invitation.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 老少人搿能认为。,Few people think so.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 明朝下半天之前我会得拿伊完成。,I will finish it by tomorrow afternoon.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 哀个发现纯粹是偶然。,That discovery was quite accidental.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 垃海英国个辰光,我经常看参考书。,While in England I often consulted the guidebook.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 阿拉弟弟会得经常彻夜勿困。,My brother will often sit up all night.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 我垃拉打电脑。,I'm using the computer.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 侬勿得勿制造一眼借口。,You'll have to manufacture some kind of excuse.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 伊可能出啥个事体了。,Something might have happened to her.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 侬参加社团活动𠲎?,Do you take part in any community activities?,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 伊一直垃海做生意。,He's always trading.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 我拿我个伞落脱了。,I lost my umbrella.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 伊是伊个一切。,She is everything to him.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 接电话。,Answer the phone.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 我垃海报纸高头看到伊了。,I saw it in the newspaper.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 雨勿停,阿拉勿会出去。,We won't go out if it doesn't stop raining.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 伊拉是热爱和平个人。,They are peace-loving people.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 我觉着侬讲个是真个。,I think what you say is true.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 可以原谅我𠲎?,Can you forgive me?,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 伊发誓要戒烟。,He vowed to give up smoking.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 垃海明朝之前完成报告几乎是勿可能个。,Finishing the report by tomorrow is next to impossible.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 伊昨日看了一部最有意思个小说。,"Yesterday, he read the most interesting novel.",wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 我是网球俱乐部个会员。,I'm a member of the tennis club.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 医生,请帮搿小人急救。,"Doctor, please give this child first aid.",wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 据讲山浪向个天气变化老快个。,It is said that the weather on the mountain changes easily.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 伊后悔垃海学堂个辰光呒没用功读书。,He regrets not having worked harder at school.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 我可以用支票付𠲎?,May I pay by check?,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 如果伊年轻一眼,伊会得老适合搿个职位个。,"If he were a little younger, he would be eligible for the post.",wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 伊帮我个工作作出了明确指示。,He gave me precise instructions to do the job.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 伊向权力屈服。,He succumbed to authority.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn Jake是垃海昨日打破了搿扇窗。,It was yesterday that Jake broke this window.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 今朝糟糕透了,所以我准备去喝一杯就直接上床。,"I had an awful experience today, so I'm going to have a beer and go straight to bed.",wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 我觉着搿个网站个概念邪气好。,I really like the concept of this website.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 啊,我认得搿个男人!,"Oh, I know this man!",wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 沿牢搿条路直走,到第三个红绿灯个地方右转。,Go straight down this street and turn right at the third light.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 伊正坐拉会议室里向。,He's sitting in the meeting room.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 写字台高头一叠专业书里混拉海几本卡通书。,There were some graphic novels mixed into the pile of specialty books on the desk.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 伊讲了老大声个。,He spoke very loudly.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 十年以后,阿拉个城市会得改变交关。,In ten years our town will change a lot.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 侬咖啡喝了太多了。,You drink too much coffee.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 我有好几打唻。,I have several dozens of them.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 我呒没办法想象另一个星球高头个生物。,I can't imagine life on another planet.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 温度计往往低于零度。,Thermometers often go below zero.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 要完成实验,三个号头太短了。,Three months is too short a time to finish the experiment.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn “搿眼车是侬个𠲎?”“是个,是我个。”,"""Are these cars yours?"" ""Yes, they are mine.""",wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 阿拉爷叔住拉学堂附近。,My uncle lives near the school.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 去踢足球𠲎。,Let's play soccer.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 合同已经到手了,搿就出去庆祝一下𠲎。,"The contract is in the bag, so let's go out and celebrate.",wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 我老难用语言表达我个感情。,I find it hard to express my feelings in words.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 猫抓牢了老鼠。,The cat caught the rats.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 伊个医生建议伊戒烟。,His doctor advised him to quit smoking.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 要等伊踢完是,有一歇拉海唻!,We've got to wait for them to finish playing - there's still a while to go!,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 伊拉粗心大意,还呒没意识到危险。,They were carelessly unaware of the danger.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 当伊发现伊拉还呒没学堂,伊就办了一个。,"When she saw that they had no schools, she started one.",wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 谢谢侬个答复。,Thanks for your reply.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 我还呒没吃过。,I haven't eaten yet.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 我看见一个长头发个女生。,I saw a girl with long hair.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 哪能克服日元升高是个大问题。,How to overcome the high value of the yen is a big problem.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 侬想走个辰光就走𠲎。,Go when you want.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 伊拉垃海画展高头授予了伊一等奖。,They awarded her first prize at the flower show.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 我买了小菜,烧好了饭,等我儿子来吃饭。,"I've bought the groceries, cooked the food, and now I'm waiting for my son to come and eat.",wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 伊帮阿拉讲了一个有趣个故事,阿拉侪笑起来了。,He told us such a funny story that we all laughed.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 伊今朝心思勿垃海。,He is not himself today.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 让阿拉来澄清一下搿个问题。,Let's clear up this problem.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 勿要忘记脱垃海侬个信浪向贴张邮票。,Don't forget to put a stamp on your letter.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 我个生意终于走上了正轨。,My business has at last gotten on the right track.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 如果侬需要笔个言话,我借侬一支。,"If you need a pen, I'll lend you one.",wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 我要回房间了,垃海哀搭我可以学习。,"I am going to my room, where I can study.",wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 照搿能个情况,老抱歉个,我勿能接受侬个盛情邀请。,"As such is the case, I am sorry I can't accept your kind invitation.",wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 垃海一天之内完成伊几乎是勿可能个。,It's next to impossible to finish it in a day.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 老师帮阿拉布置了家庭作业。,The teacher gave us homework.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 阿拉看牢搿个小人白相。,We watched the children play.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 侬开始学习英语了𠲎?,Have you begun studying English?,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 伊拉是瓜。,They are melons.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 侬走了,阿拉侪会得想侬个。,We shall all miss you when you go away.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 电视个优点垃海伊帮体育爱好者提供了更加大个方便。,Television has the advantage of providing sports fans with greater convenience.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 我呒没拜访伊,因为我感冒了。,I didn't call on him because I had a cold.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 乘公交车费辰光。,The bus will take time.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 由于火车脱班,我迟到了。,I was late as a result of the train delay.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 伊还呒没来。伊肯定错过公交车了。,He hasn't come yet. He must have missed the bus.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 搿种款式个帽子现在老流行个。,This style of hat is now in fashion.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 侬可以想象垃海月球高头行走𠲎?,Can you imagine walking on the moon?,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 侬会得溜冰𠲎?,Can you skate?,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 伊有可能赢得比赛。,He is likely to win the game.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 搿桩事体至关重要。,This is a matter of capital importance.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 勿要拉我个腿!,Stop kidding me.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 我呒没办法相信自家个眼睛。,I can't believe my eyes.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 侬考虑周到,呒没打扰阿拉。,You were considerate not to disturb us.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 搿桩事体伊铭记于心。,The incident was etched in his memory.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 搿本书对侬来讲读起来太难了。,This book is too difficult for you to read.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 我啥侪勿想喝。,I don't want to drink anything.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 一块岩石从高头落下来。,A rock fell from above.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 我头痛。,I have a headache.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 作兴伊勿回去过春节。,Perhaps he would not celebrate Chinese New Year again.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 布什继里根之后当上了总统。,Bush followed Reagan as president.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 伊个努力呒没成果。,Nothing has resulted from his efforts.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 今朝刮冷风。,The wind is cold today.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 侬垃海撒谎。,You are lying.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 跟侬个车比起来,我个车老小个。,"Compared with yours, my car is small.",wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 伊老年轻个,更加重要个是,伊老帅个。,"He is young and, what is more, handsome.",wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 跟伊争辩是呒没用个。,It is no use arguing with her.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 忒可惜了!,What a shame!,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 听到伊成功个消息,伊老高兴个。,He was happy at the news of her success.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 我要预订一间6月3号个单人房。,I'd like to reserve a single room on June 3.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 请帮我寻一下我个皮夹子。,Please find me my wallet.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 伊帮我讲了一个有趣个故事。,She told me an interesting story.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 伊登上了前往洛杉矶个飞机。,He boarded a plane bound for Los Angeles.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 啥个辰光开始?,When does that start?,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 旁边一排衣裳告搿搭个衣裳呒没啥两样。,There is no difference between this row of clothes and the one next to it.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 搿本书有精美个插图。,This book is beautifully illustrated.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 伊跟伊拉阿妹一样亲切。,She is no less kind than her sister is.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 台湾菜呒没印度菜味道辣。,Taiwanese food is milder than Indian food.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 伊看上去是一个十足个绅士。,He looks every inch a gentleman.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 金子比水重得多。,Gold is much heavier than water.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 阿拉个任务到目前为止老轻松个,但从现在开始会得变了老难个。,"Our task has been easy so far, but it will be difficult from now on.",wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 侬自家拿蛋糕吃𠲎。,Please help yourself to the cake.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 伊帮我讲了伊个一生。,He told me the story of his life.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 事故耽误了阿拉半个钟头。,An accident delayed us for half an hour.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 搿种秘密总有一天会被揭露个。,Such secrets are always eventually revealed.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 我呒没啥好依靠个了。,I have nothing to fall back on.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 我做好我个功课以后,就读搿本书。,I read the book after I had finished my homework.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 现在铂金首饰邪气热门。,"At the moment, platinum jewellery is in fashion",wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 能勿能麻烦侬告诉我去邻村哪能走?,"Sorry, but can you show me the way to the next village?",wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 伊住拉罗素广场56号。,She lived at 56 Russell Square.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 阿拉有交关听众。,We had a large audience.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 请写信告诉我㑚学堂个情况。,Please write to me about conditions at your school.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 看见新鲜龙虾,我有了食欲。,The sight of fresh lobster gave me an appetite.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 搿狗跑了多少快啊!,This dog runs very fast!,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 侬上班迟到了。,You were late for work.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 护士会告诉侬哪能做。,The nurse will tell you how to do it.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 勿要相信一个侬一点也勿了解伊过去个人。,Don't trust a man whose past you know nothing about.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 下个礼拜我去温哥华看阿拉阿妹。,I'm going off to Vancouver next week to see my sister.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 我觉着价钿忒贵,再讲呒没啥特别好看……,"I think it's too expensive; besides, it doesn't even look that good...",wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 罗杰斯先生跟史密斯小姐昨日宣布订婚。,The engagement of Mr Rogers and Miss Smith was announced yesterday.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 侬要干汏呢湿汏啊?,Do you want dry cleaning or regular wash?,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 现在正好,勿重也勿轻。,It's good now; neither too heavy nor too light.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 今朝夜到头侬约会约拉啥地方?,Where's your date tonight?,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 搿爿天真挖塞。,The weather is so oppressive.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 一点勿便宜,贵得来熱昏。,"It's not even a little bit cheap, it's extremely expensive!",wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 伊怕爷个。,He is afraid of Father.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 侬看看清爽,勿要忒新鲜噢!,"Take a good look, it's really fresh!",wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 伊怕伊垃爷个。,He is afraid of his father.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 洋山芋口强来死个。,Potatoes are very cheap.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 秋天来了。,Autumn is here.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 几钿一斤?,How much for half a kilo?,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 用勿着急得个。,No need to worry.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 我晓得金钱勿是万能个。,I know that money isn't everything.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 我为侬个行为感到可耻。,I am ashamed of your conduct.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 侬个行为勿得体。,Your behavior is quite out of place.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 拣爿好吃点个饭店去吃。,Choose a good restaurant to go to eat at.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 侬差勿多猜对了。,Your guess is almost right.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 阿拉侪认为侬个想法是行勿通个。,We all consider your idea to be impractical.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 伊垃拉搿个城市有一眼朋友。,He has a few friends in this town.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 侬讲个呒没意义个。,What you are saying does not make sense.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 我勿明白侬想讲啥。,I don't understand what you're trying to say.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 侬讲个言话里向有交关真相。,There is much truth in what you say.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 侬个结论非常值得商榷。,Your conclusion is highly arguable.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 侬个袜子高头有个大洞。,You've got a big hole in your sock.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 脱我讲讲侬个计划。,Tell me about your plan.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 稍为等一歇,马上就好噢!,"Wait just a little bit, will be done immediately!",wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 买单!今朝我挺账。,"The bill, please! I'll get this today.",wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 侬昨日打网球了𠲎?,Did you play tennis yesterday?,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 侬打算出国𠲎?,Do you plan to go abroad?,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 礼拜天是一个礼拜个最后一天。,Sunday is the last day of the week.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 我个照相机拉火车高头被偷了。,My camera was stolen on the train.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 我现在好走了𠲎?,May I leave now?,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 我猜想侬饿了。,I suppose you're hungry.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 又过了一天了。,Another day gone by.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 侬闻闻香味看,五香茶叶蛋香勿香?,You smell it. Do five spice tea eggs smell good?,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 伊姆妈一直陪牢伊。,Her mother always accompanies her.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 上海搿块地方,海内海外样样小菜侪有。,Shanghai has everything under the sun when it comes to food.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 搿搭小区绿地面积有多少?,What is the size of this district's greenery area ?,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 公共设施有眼啥?,What public equipment is there?,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 譬如讲,小区健身房、儿童乐园、图书馆咾啥有𠲎?,"Do you have a gym, a playground or, say, a library in your area?",wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 我勿同意侬个看法。,I disagree with you.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 譬如讲,我要到市中心,有啥车子好乘出去𠲎?,"For example, if I want to get downtown what bus should I take?",wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 一只罚球踢飞脱了。,The penalty was missed.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 搿搭周围有勿有小菜场跟大型超市,生活用品买起来方便𠲎?,Are there any markets or supermarkets around here? Is it convenient for daily shopping?,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 阿拉爸爸老忙个。,My father is busy.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 租个房子要离我工作地方近一眼。,The rental should be somewhat close to where I work.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 拿搿眼座位留拨老人。,Keep these seats for the elderly.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 勿要忒女赞噢!是毛坯房还是装修房?,"Great! Is the apartment bought as a concrete shell, or is it ready to move into?",wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 小姐,今朝夜到有勿有空房间?,"Miss, are there any available rooms for tonight?",wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 有个,先生侬有几位?,"Yes, there are. How many of you are there, Sir?",wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 搿搭是三星级宾馆,三百元一夜。,This is a three-star hotel; three hundred dollars a night.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 好个。房间里长途电话可以直拨个𠲎?,Good. Can you make long distance calls from the room?,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 房间里只好拨市内,长途可以到总台来打。,You can only make local calls from the room; you can go to the front desk to call long-distance.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 随便问一声,餐厅夜里几点钟开饭?,"By the way, may I ask when in the evening your restaurant opens?",wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 搿部车子到静安寺去𠲎?,Does this car go to Jingan temple?,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 儂最歡喜個電影是哪裡一部?,What's your favorite movie?,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 下面一站是啥地方?,What's the next station?,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 我买了两袋爆米花。,I bought two bags of popcorn.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn Tatoeba会得让人尝出念头个。,Tatoeba is addictive.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 为啥搿两日一日比一日热?,Why has it been getting hotter and hotter these last two days?,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 天气预报讲,今朝夜快要落雷阵雨。,The weather report said that there will be thunderstorms tomorrow evening.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 侬住拉阿里搭?,Where do you live?,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 侬个地址讲拨我听好𠲎?,Can you tell me your address?,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 谢谢侬帮我指点一下。,Can you show me the way please?,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 谢谢侬河南中路五十二弄垃拉阿里搭?,"Excuse me, where is 52 south river street?",wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 侬一埭路里朝前走,过了红绿灯就到了。,"Go straight down the road, and when you pass the traffic light you're there.",wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 葛末到人民公园哪能介走法?,So which way is it to the People's Park?,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 从上海火车乘到郑州要几个钟头?,How long would a train from Shanghai to Zhengzhou take?,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 侬从搿搭过去到哀面,穿过第二条横马路就是。,You can get there by crossing the street at the second intersection.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 侬到搿搭转弯角子浪去乘地铁。,Turn here to get on the subway.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 葛是路蛮远个,阿拉叫差头去算了。,"That way is very far, so we took a taxi.",wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 谢谢侬搿搭是啥地方?,"Pardon me, what place is this?",wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 请问侬新桥饭店离搿搭远勿远?,"Excuse me, is Xinqiao Restaurant far from here?",wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 阿里个方向是朝北?,Where's the North?,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 请问搿搭附近有勿有厕所?,"Excuse me, is there a toilet nearby?",wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 侬香烟吃勿吃个?,Do you smoke?,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 我想减肥。,I want to lose weight.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 侬吃面条还是吃饭?橙汁还是咖啡?,Do you want to eat noodles or rice? Do you want to drink fruit juice or coffee?,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 五点钟,信豪燥厾下去还来得及。,"It's five o' clock. If you quickly post your letter, it still might make it in time.",wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 邮政编码勿要忘记写!,Don't forget to write the postal code!,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 今年也有業餘音樂會。,This year too there are many regular concerts for amateur musicians being held.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 侬身份证带来𠲎?,Have you brought your ID card with you?,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 对勿起,呒没身份证是勿好领汇款个。,"I'm sorry, without an I.D. you cannot receive a remittance。",wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 先生,我要存钞票,哪能存法?,"Sir, I would like to deposit my money. How do I do that?",wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 阿拉屋里附近有个漂亮个公园。,There is a beautiful park near my home.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 葛末硬卡哪能用法呢?,"So, how's the card used?",wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 请问,我要拿美元调人民币,搿搭好调拨我人民币𠲎?,"Excuse me, I'd like to exchange US dollars for RMB - can I get RMB here?",wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 请侬垃搿搭地方签个字。,Please sign here.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 我要打一只电话拨我囡儿。,I'm going to call my daughter.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 一只贱骨头照顺时针方向垃海转。,The top is turning clockwise.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 明朝中浪向叫伊打拨我一只电话。,Tell him to call me tomorrow at noon.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 对勿起,侬电话打错脱了。,"I'm sorry, but the number you have dialled is incorrect.",wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 大众出租汽车公司个电话号码是啥?,"What's the number of the taxi company ""Dazhong""?",wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 搿药创造了奇迹。,The medicine worked marvels.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 好个。侬住拉啥地方?,"OK, what kind of place do you live at?",wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 老早阿拉每个周末侪去溜冰。,We used to go skating every weekend.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 侬要送到阿里?,Where do you want it delivered?,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 搿个是啥物事?,What is that?,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 「侬垃海想啥?」 「呒没啥......」,"""What are you thinking about?"" ""Nothin'...""",wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 请侬告诉我详细地址。,Please give me the exact address.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 搿个是DVD。,This is a DVD.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 勿是个,是我儿子个DVD。,"No, this is my son's DVD.",wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 搿眼是啥人个书?,Whose books are these?,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 搿眼是阿拉个书。,These are our books.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 哀面一眼勿是㑚个书?,Those books aren't yours?,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 哀面个书是伊拉个。,That book is theirs.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 搿本书一直是伊用个𠲎?,Is this book the one he always uses?,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 搿张CD是我个。,This is my CD.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 哀张CD是阿拉儿子个。,That CD is my son's.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 书架高头侪是书。,There are only books on the bookshelf.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 一家便利店垃拉马路斜对过。,There's a convenience store diagonally across the street.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 搿本新书侬有𠲎?,Do you have this new book?,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 侬电脑有两只阿是?,Do you have two computers?,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 侬收据有勿有?,Have you a receipt?,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 侬要啥个饮料?,What do you want to drink?,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 侬欢喜吃点啥?,What would you like to eat?,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 侬喜欢阿里一块?搿块还是哀块?,"Which one do you prefer, this one or that one?",wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 还要多少?,A little more?,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 阿里一只侬欢喜一眼?,Which one do you like better?,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 我要告张先生、李先生谈谈。,I would like to have a discussion with Mr. Zhang and Mr. Li.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 搿能个沙发我勿想买。,I don't want to buy this kind of sofa.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 搿桩事体伊告我讲个。,It was he who told me about that.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 侬钞票或者信用卡带来𠲎?,Did you bring cash or your (credit) card with you?,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 伊拿搿能介难做个生活掼拨我。,He left me with tons of hard work to do.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 里向开了一爿爿欧式小店,情调瞎嗲!,"A small European shop opened inside, the mood is great!",wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 搿会得是侬末脚一趟被骗了。,He would be the last to deceive you.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 侬应该拿值铜佃个物事保存拉一个安全个地方。,You should keep your valuables in a safe place.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 搿个物事几钿?,How much is this thing?,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 侬看搿个两样当中阿里一样好?,Which of these two do you think is better?,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 时髦是时髦一点了,价钿忒大!,"It's kind of in vogue, but the price is too much!",wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 生活费提高了。,The cost of living has gone up.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 求人勿如求己。,"If you want something done right, do it yourself.",wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 价钿好打折头𠲎?,Can the price be discounted?,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 搿眼是找头。,This is your change.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 我会拨侬一个好个建议。,I'll give you a good piece of advice.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 哎,搿眼橘子几钿一斤啊?,"Hey, how much does one pound of these oranges cost?",wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 箇墶幾種動物是吃草個。,These animals feed on grass.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 喏!伊来了!,There! She comes!,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 好了好了!就十元五斤𠲎。,"Alright! Ten yuan buys five kilos, OK?",wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 我发现了阿拉爸爸收藏了30年个报纸。,I discovered my father collected 30 years of newpapers.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 好好,好。,"Well, take it.",wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 伊谢谢我送个礼物。,She thanked me for the present.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 侬咳嗽是因为抽烟个关系。,Your cough is the consequence of smoking.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 侬要吃啥茶?来壶柠檬红茶倒倒好𠲎?,What tea do you drink? Is lemon tea okay?,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 學習是不分年紀個。,"You can study, no matter your age.",wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 王兄,侬现在垃拉跑啥个生意?,"Mr. Wang, what kind of business are you engaged in?",wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 帮侬添麻烦啦!,I've troubled you!,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 房间个角落头里整整齐齐个放了一堆书。,There was a neat pile of books in the corner of the room.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 我勿来末啥人来啊?,"If I don't come, who will?",wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 伊拿朋友借撥伊個銅鈿儕用光了。,He had used up all the money which his friend had lent him.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 勿谈了!阿拉到周庄去白相好𠲎?,No need to say anything more. How about we go to Zhouzhuang?,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 寻到一个人有能力代替伊勿会得老容易个。,It won't be easy to find someone capable of taking his place.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 我刚刚晓得侬拉生病,葛咾下仔班来望望侬。,"I just found out that he's sick, so I'll visit him later.",wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 搿趟一进医院,再晓得身体健康最最要紧。,"This time, when he went into the hospital, he finally understood that one's health is really the most important thing of all.",wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 侬到厨房间里一把榔头脱我拿拿来。,Could you get a hammer for me from the kitchen please?,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 搿两封信侬帮我寄寄脱好𠲎?,"Help me send out these two letters, all right?",wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 我勿晓得要讲眼啥。,I don't know what to say.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 一盏电灯开勿亮了,侬帮我来看看好𠲎?,One of the lights is not working. Do you think you could come take a look?,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 下个礼拜除脱礼拜一礼拜三有事体,我其他日脚侪有空拉海。,"Next week I have things to do except on Monday and Wednesday, I am free on all the other days though.",wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 今朝明朝我休息咾,趁机会快点搬好伊。,"Because I don't have to go to work today and tomorrow, so I will use the opportunity to quickly finish moving it.",wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 搿条领带颜色跳一点,跟搿件西装比较配。,This tie has a more vibrant color and goes better with this suit.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 侬可以骑上我个摩托车去遛一圈。,You can have a ride on my motorcycle.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 我做梦也呒没想到会得垃搿耷踫着侬个。,Little did I dream that I would see you here.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 挪侬个名字用大写写下来。,Write your name in capitals.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 勿是只当勿晓得事体伊垃就会得勿再存在了。,Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 我呒没想出去个心绪。,I'm not in a mood to go out.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 伊长个是三角身胚,立拉海看上去瞎帅!,"His upper body looks like it has the shape of an inverted triangle; standing there, he seems extremely handsome!",wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 我垃海咖啡店里吃了一杯咖啡。,I had a cup of coffee at the cafe.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 侬看伊戆头戆脑个样子,倒也蛮可爱。,Look at him. He looks like an idiot but he's also very cute.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 伊打扮得妖里妖气,戆头势勿谈!,She dresses so outrageously; it looks completely ridiculous!,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 侬啊是新来个𠲎?,Are you new?,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 侬讲英文人家听得懂𠲎?,Can you make yourself understood in English?,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 轮到我了,是𠲎?,Is it my turn?,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 心口头有眼痛咾,饭吃勿落。,"My chest hurts a bit, so I am not going to eat.",wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 搿搭痛阿是?搿个是胃痛。,"The pain is here, right? That's a stomach ache.",wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 痛是痛过歇个,呒没现在介厉害。,"It's ached before, but never as badly as right now.",wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 有点恶心,但是吐勿出来。,"Feel a little nauseous, but unable to puke.",wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 搿眼药一天吃三次。,These medicines should be taken three times a day.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 阿拉娘经常让过路人吃耳光。,My mother often slaps passers-by.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 啥个原因呢?,What's the reason?,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 退休也退休了,还常常拨伊拉请得去做顾问。,"Already retired, but often get asked by them to consult.",wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 我喜欢画油画,但是我勿想拿伊做我个终身职业。,"I like to do oil painting, but I don't intend to make that my lifelong occupation.",wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 即使我拿勿到高个工资,我也勿肯放弃搿只饭碗头。,"Even if I don't get a high salary, I'm not willing to quit this way of making a living.",wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 今朝忙做忙,也要做光搿点生活再走。,"Even though it's busy today, this bit of work must be finished before leaving.",wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 伊拉阿姐比阿拉阿哥大。,His elder sister is older than my eldest brother.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 因为㑚公司个业务能够发挥我个特长。,Because your business can play to my strengths.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 谢谢侬拿搿个故事从头到底讲拨阿拉听。,Tell us the story from beginning to end.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 先生,我想找一份工作。,"I am looking for a job, sir.",wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 侬想找阿里方面个工作?,What kind of job are you looking for?,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 做餐馆服务员啊、酒吧招待员啊,侪可以。,"Either as a waiter at a restaurant or a bartender, both are OK.",wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 侬普通话讲得来𠲎?,Can you speak Mandarin?,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 当然会个,不过上海言话讲大勿来。,"Sure I can, although I can't really speak Shanghainese.",wuu_Hans-eng_Latn “再来吧”酒吧要招一个服务员,侬有兴趣𠲎?,Zailaiba Bar is hiring waiters; are you interested?,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 呒没多少人参加。,There were not many present.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 请侬搿张表填一填,等阿拉个通知。,Please fill out this form and wait for us to notify you.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 交关工人饿死脱了。,Many of the workers died of hunger.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 勿是瞎讲,我搿份工作真叫呒没劲!,"Do not talk nonsense, My job is very boring!",wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 我今朝碰到侬交关开心。,I am delighted to have met you today.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 闲是闲得来呒没事体做。,I'm bored and I have nothing to do.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 阿拉穿马路伐。,Let's cross the street.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 侬垃海笑我还是哪能?我脱侬讲了三趟勿要讲闲话好好听课。,Are you making fun of me or what? That's thrice now that I've told you to stop talking and to pay attention to the class.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 搿部车子就像新个一样。,This car is like new.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 请问侬贵姓?,May I ask your name?,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 伊啥人啊?,Who is he?,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 伊从热那亚来个。,He comes from Genoa.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 侬跟我拉垃交关方面勿像。,You differ from me in many ways.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 我勿会得输个喔!,I won't lose!,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 侬用好搿本书个辰光,拿伊放回到原来寻到个地方。,"When you're done with the book, put it back where you found it.",wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 不过现在家家屋里侪有得浴缸,汏汏浴勿是蛮便当个吗?,"However, these days everyone has a bathtub. Isn't it pretty simple to take a bath?",wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 朋友淘里,大家谈谈心,老爽个。,"Between friends, to have a heart-to-heart is really rejuvenating.",wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 快速火车比区间车快一个钟头。,The express train is an hour faster than the local.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 老师没收了一个学生个手机,因为伊垃海课堂浪向发短信。,The teacher confiscated a student's phone because he was texting in class.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 我唱卡拉OK,从小辰光歌唱起,一直唱到劲歌金曲最新版。,"When I sing Karaoke, I sing everything from oldies from my childhood to the latest hits.",wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 如果我辰光有钞票够,我要到欧洲去旅游。,"If I have time and enough money, I'd want to go traveling in Europe.",wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 祝侬一路浪向白相来开心。,Have a pleasant trip.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 搿条连衣裙老便宜个。,This dress is a good bargain.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 哀面一位是啥人?,Who's that person?,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 垃海实战当中,侬要晓得三心两意是老危险个。,"In real combat, you must not forget that hesitation is a very dangerous thing.",wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 侬多少高?,How tall are you?,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 我可以打扰侬一下𠲎?,May I bother you for a moment?,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 伊穿了一件红顔色个旗袍。,She wore a red cheongsam.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 伊穿了一条红颜色个裙子。,She wore a red dress.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 听讲老屋有鬼勒该。,They say that old house is haunted.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 苏州河是上海个母亲河,弯弯曲曲横跨流过市中心。,"River Suzhou is Shanghai's ""mother river""; twisting and turning, it stretches across and flows through the city center.",wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 吾个祖母个骨灰勒庙里。,Grandmother's ashes are in an urn at the temple.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 可以再拨我一点咖啡𠲎?,Please give me some more coffee.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 侬个行为完全合法。,Your conduct is perfectly legal.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 我勿能一心两用。,I can't do two things at once.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 侬应该为侬个粗鲁向伊道歉。,You should apologize to her for being rude.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 「哎呦、哎呦喂」 「侬人呒没上着?」,"""Ow-ow-ouch"" ""Are you alright?""",wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 侬有啥个冰冻饮料?,What cold drinks do you have?,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 上海人结婚,有个人家酒水场面办得老大。,Some Shanghainese hold large banquets when they get married.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 伊从阿里搭离开个?,Where does it leave from?,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 伊用英语考勒只试。,She took an examination in English.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 侬勿能挪侬个车子停拉搿搭。,You can't park your car here.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 现在上海家家侪是独生子女咾,家长对小囡个读书邪气重视。,"Because families in Shanghai today have only one son or daughter, the head of the family places a strong emphasis on their childs studying.",wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 我认得伊。,I know her.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 子女培养全社会侪邪气关心,教育要进行改革。,The raising of children is something that concerns the entire community. There will be an education reform.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 侬明朝同样辰光拿我叫醒好勿啦?,Could you wake me up at the same time tomorrow?,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 搿勿是标准个英式读法。,That's not standard English pronunciation.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 索性勿要拿我车过去了。,"In the end, just don't drive me there.",wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 交关年轻人去打仗了。,Many young men went to war.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 侬好帮我寻我个钥匙𠲎?,Would you help me look for my keys?,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 伊住拉搿搭𠲎?,Does he live here?,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 上海介繁荣,主要是一百六十年前开埠以后发生个变化。,Shanghai is so prosperous; notably it was after the port was opened for trade one hundred and sixty years ago that things started to change.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 侬真个会得游永伐?,Can you really swim?,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 每年世界人口侪有2%个平均增长。,Each year the world's population increases on average by two percent.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 伊晓得哪能做收音机。,He knows how to make a radio.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 大多数被香烟害死脱个人吃个烟侪勿多个。,Most people killed by smoking were not heavy smokers.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 伊从屋顶高头下来了。,She climbed down from the roof.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 侬生日个辰光,我送侬一部脚踏车。,I will give you a bike for your birthday.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 侬个判断是正确个。,You are correct in your judgement.,wuu_Hans-eng_Latn 绿灯辰光,转弯车子要让人。,"When the light is green, cars turning must yield to pedestrians.",wuu_Hans-eng_Latn Ndingutata wakho.,I'm your father.,xho_Latn-eng_Latn Ivenkile ivala ngo11.,The store closes at eleven.,xho_Latn-eng_Latn Banewayini.,They have wine.,xho_Latn-eng_Latn Andifuni ukudlala.,I don't want to play.,xho_Latn-eng_Latn Andifuni.,I don't want to.,xho_Latn-eng_Latn Asikho isizatho bawoyike.,There's no reason to be afraid.,xho_Latn-eng_Latn Andifuni ukuhlala.,I don't want to stay.,xho_Latn-eng_Latn """Ngubani ixesha?"" ""Ngu 10.30.""","""What time is it?"" ""It is ten-thirty.""",xho_Latn-eng_Latn Andifuni ukuhamba.,I don't want to go.,xho_Latn-eng_Latn uTom akaphungi kofu.,Tom doesn't drink coffee.,xho_Latn-eng_Latn """Ngubani ixesha ngoku?"" ""Ngu 10.""","""What time is it now?"" ""It's ten o'clock.""",xho_Latn-eng_Latn Andifuni ukuthetha.,I don't want to talk.,xho_Latn-eng_Latn Uyamthanda.,He loves him.,xho_Latn-eng_Latn Uyandikhaba!,He's kicking me!,xho_Latn-eng_Latn Mandiye nawe.,Let me go with you.,xho_Latn-eng_Latn Andifuni ukusebenza.,I don't want to work.,xho_Latn-eng_Latn Andizukuthatha nxaxheba kwintekelelo.,I won't participate in speculation.,xho_Latn-eng_Latn Vula ucango.,Open the door.,xho_Latn-eng_Latn Usithetha kakuhle isiXhosa.,You speak Xhosa well.,xho_Latn-eng_Latn Uchithe ixesha ekincinci kwizifundo zakhe.,He spent a little time on his lessons.,xho_Latn-eng_Latn Ukhabe ibhola.,He kicked the ball.,xho_Latn-eng_Latn Ndithatha incwadi.,I'm taking a book.,xho_Latn-eng_Latn "Hayi, andifuni.","No, I don't want to.",xho_Latn-eng_Latn Uziva njani namhlanje?,How do you feel today?,xho_Latn-eng_Latn Ayonxaki yam.,It wasn't my fault.,xho_Latn-eng_Latn Andifuni ukujonga.,I don't want to look.,xho_Latn-eng_Latn uTom uhlala eBoston.,Tom lives in Boston.,xho_Latn-eng_Latn Andifuni ukupheka.,I don't want to cook.,xho_Latn-eng_Latn "Molo. Ndingathetha noMnumzana Johnson, nceda?","Hello. May I speak to Mr Johnson, please?",xho_Latn-eng_Latn Lutsha usiba lwam.,My pen is new.,xho_Latn-eng_Latn Molo. NguJoe Carlton lo. Ndingathetha noMichael?,Hello. This is Joe Carlton. May I speak to Michael?,xho_Latn-eng_Latn "Ndingathetha noMike, nceda.","May I speak to Mike, please?",xho_Latn-eng_Latn Ndingathetha noBill?,May I speak to Bill?,xho_Latn-eng_Latn Andifuni ukulela.,I don't want to sleep.,xho_Latn-eng_Latn Ndingathetha nawe?,May I speak with you?,xho_Latn-eng_Latn Ndisakuthanda.,I still love you.,xho_Latn-eng_Latn Impuku ngenene iyasazi apho sikhoyo isonka samanzi.,The mouse sure knows where the cheese is located.,xho_Latn-eng_Latn Nceda uvale ifestile.,Please close the window.,xho_Latn-eng_Latn Siya kukufihla.,We will bury you.,xho_Latn-eng_Latn Ngubani oza kuhlawula?,Who will pay?,xho_Latn-eng_Latn "Uyintombi, kodwa unesibindi.",She is brave for a girl.,xho_Latn-eng_Latn "Hey, ndizakubuya.","Hey, I'll be right back.",xho_Latn-eng_Latn Kukhithike kakhulu kulo nyaka uphelileyo.,It snowed a lot last year.,xho_Latn-eng_Latn Andifuni ukulila.,I don't want to cry.,xho_Latn-eng_Latn Andifuni ukuya esikolweni.,I don't want to go to school.,xho_Latn-eng_Latn Usithetha isiNgesi kancinci.,He speaks a little English.,xho_Latn-eng_Latn Andifuni ukuxoka.,I don't want to lie.,xho_Latn-eng_Latn Ndiyakuthanda.,I love you!,xho_Latn-eng_Latn "Ndineminyaka engu-12, yintoni lento?",I'm 12 years old and what is this?,xho_Latn-eng_Latn Ndizame ukuzibulala kabini.,I've attempted suicide twice.,xho_Latn-eng_Latn Ayingomqholo lo.,This is not a sentence.,xho_Latn-eng_Latn Andazi nto.,I don't need anything.,xho_Latn-eng_Latn Uyabaleka.,He is running.,xho_Latn-eng_Latn Uphi ngoku?,Where is it now?,xho_Latn-eng_Latn Ingakanani indlu yakho?,How big is your house?,xho_Latn-eng_Latn Indlu yam incinci.,My house is small.,xho_Latn-eng_Latn Ingakanani inja yakho? Eyam incinci.,How big is your dog? Mine is small.,xho_Latn-eng_Latn Indlu yakho inamagumbi okulala amangaphi?,How many bedrooms does your house have?,xho_Latn-eng_Latn Indlu yam inamagumbi okulala amabini.,My house has two bedrooms.,xho_Latn-eng_Latn Ndiyakuthanda!,I love you.,xho_Latn-eng_Latn Uphi uJim?,Where is Jim?,xho_Latn-eng_Latn Uphi?,Where are you?,xho_Latn-eng_Latn Ndiyakuthanda kakhulu ukusebenza nabantu.,I really like working with people.,xho_Latn-eng_Latn Sizakwala ukwamkela isindululo.,We may refuse to accept the proposal.,xho_Latn-eng_Latn Uligorha.,He is a hero.,xho_Latn-eng_Latn Funeke uzame ukundiqonda.,You must try to understand me.,xho_Latn-eng_Latn "Molo, igama lam nguPekka. Ngubani igama lakho?","Hi, my name is Pekka. What is your name?",xho_Latn-eng_Latn Ngubani igama lakho?,What is your name?,xho_Latn-eng_Latn "Hey, yintoni enithetha ngayo?","Hey, what are you guys talking about?",xho_Latn-eng_Latn """Ndingathetha noMnumzana Smith?"" ""Khawubambe njalo.""","""May I speak to Mr Smith?"" ""Will you hold the line?""",xho_Latn-eng_Latn Ndingakunceda?,Can I help you?,xho_Latn-eng_Latn Abantwana balele.,The kids are asleep.,xho_Latn-eng_Latn Kufuneka ndiye ngoku.,I must go now.,xho_Latn-eng_Latn Unxibe njengomfazi.,He dressed up as a woman.,xho_Latn-eng_Latn "Uzakuya kwitheko ngokuhlwa nje? Ukuba awuyi, masambe siyokubukela umboniso bhanya bhanya.","Will you be going to the party tonight? If not, let's go watch a movie.",xho_Latn-eng_Latn Ukhangela umsebenzi.,He is looking for a job.,xho_Latn-eng_Latn "Bendifuna ukubukela umboniso bhanyabhanya owoyikisayo, kodwa intombi yam iyoyika,saqesha ohlekisayo.","I wanted to watch a horror movie, but my girlfriend is scared and rented comedy instead.",xho_Latn-eng_Latn Enkosi kakhulu ngeleta yakho.,Thank you very much for your letter.,xho_Latn-eng_Latn Sohlelwe yintlungu enzulu.,We suffered a devastating loss.,xho_Latn-eng_Latn Nivela phi?,Where do you come from?,xho_Latn-eng_Latn Imvula iyekile.,The rain has stopped.,xho_Latn-eng_Latn Icawa yakhiwa nini?,When was this church built?,xho_Latn-eng_Latn "Ukuba ufuna ipudini,kufuneka utye inyama yakho.","If you want pudding, you must eat your meat.",xho_Latn-eng_Latn Ugwetyiwe iminyaka emithathu entolongweni.,He was sentenced to three years in jail.,xho_Latn-eng_Latn Ndiyoyika ukuhamba ndedwa.,I'm afraid to go alone.,xho_Latn-eng_Latn Bendiyilindele le nto.,I was expecting this.,xho_Latn-eng_Latn Ndiyayaz uzothi hayi.,I know you're going to say no.,xho_Latn-eng_Latn Wambulala utata wam.,You killed my father.,xho_Latn-eng_Latn Ndiyavuya ukukwazi.,I'm pleased to meet you.,xho_Latn-eng_Latn Ndifuna umsebenzi.,I'm looking for work.,xho_Latn-eng_Latn Ndisebenza esibhedlele.,I work in a hospital.,xho_Latn-eng_Latn Ufumene abazali bakho.,He found his parents.,xho_Latn-eng_Latn Ndikhangela ubhuti wam.,I am looking for my brother.,xho_Latn-eng_Latn Imisebenzi inqabile.,Jobs are scarce.,xho_Latn-eng_Latn Uzikhangela izitshixo zemoto yakhe.,She is looking for her car keys.,xho_Latn-eng_Latn Unewayini.,She has wine.,xho_Latn-eng_Latn Uyalikhumbula igama lakhe?,Do you remember her name?,xho_Latn-eng_Latn "Hey,beka lo nto apho ubuyithatha khona.","Hey, put that back.",xho_Latn-eng_Latn Uyithanda njani ikofu yakho?,How do you like your coffee?,xho_Latn-eng_Latn Sinewayini.,We have wine.,xho_Latn-eng_Latn "Uxolo, ngubani ixesha?","Excuse me, what time is it?",xho_Latn-eng_Latn Kufuneka uhambe.,You must leave.,xho_Latn-eng_Latn "Ngaphandle kokuba ngumqabaqaba,andikwazi ukuba nomsebenzi olungileyo.","Without my well being, I can't have a good job.",xho_Latn-eng_Latn Ngamanye amaxesha ubceda umama wakhe.,She sometimes helps her mother.,xho_Latn-eng_Latn uTom uzikhangela iindondo zakhe.,Tom is looking for his glasses.,xho_Latn-eng_Latn uTom akawuthandi umsebenzi wakhe.,Tom doesn't like his work.,xho_Latn-eng_Latn Ndiyaqonda ngoku.,I understand now.,xho_Latn-eng_Latn Vula umlomo wakho!,Open your mouth!,xho_Latn-eng_Latn Ilizwe laseTurkey livelisa izambiwa phantsi komhlaba ezininzi.,Turkey produces a lot of minerals.,xho_Latn-eng_Latn Umhlobo wakho uyithanda iti?,Does your friend like tea?,xho_Latn-eng_Latn uTom usebenza ekhaya.,Tom works at home.,xho_Latn-eng_Latn Kutheni uTom esebenza ekhaya?,Why does Tom work at home?,xho_Latn-eng_Latn Uvela phi?,Where are you from?,xho_Latn-eng_Latn Ndiyagoduka.,I'm going home.,xho_Latn-eng_Latn Uhamba ngantoni emsebenzini?,How do you travel to work?,xho_Latn-eng_Latn Ungumhlobo wam.,You are my friend.,xho_Latn-eng_Latn UTom ebesoyika kakhulu.,Tom was very scared.,xho_Latn-eng_Latn Ungathetha isiNgesi.,You can speak English.,xho_Latn-eng_Latn uTom ukhangela uMary.,Tom is looking for Mary.,xho_Latn-eng_Latn Uxolo! Ndingavula ifestile na?,Excuse me! May I open the window?,xho_Latn-eng_Latn Yindlu entle.,It's a pretty house.,xho_Latn-eng_Latn Ndizise incwadi.,I brought a book.,xho_Latn-eng_Latn Umntu ngumntu ngabantu.,A person is a person through other people.,xho_Latn-eng_Latn Cima isibane.,Turn off the light.,xho_Latn-eng_Latn Amanzi abalulekile.,Water is important.,xho_Latn-eng_Latn Ndifuna ikeyiki eluhlaza.,I want a blue cake.,xho_Latn-eng_Latn "Nceda, ndifuna ukukubona.","I'd like to see you, please.",xho_Latn-eng_Latn Ndidibene naye izolo kwisitishi senqwelo moya.,I ran into him yesterday at the airport.,xho_Latn-eng_Latn Nditya imifuno kuphela.,I am a vegetarian.,xho_Latn-eng_Latn Ndisebenza evenkileni yomhlobo wam.,I work at my friend's shop.,xho_Latn-eng_Latn Ndicela enye ikofu.,"More coffee, please.",xho_Latn-eng_Latn Umfazi wam utya imifuno kuphela.,My wife is a vegetarian.,xho_Latn-eng_Latn Kutheni uwuyekile umsebenzi wakho efama?,Why did you leave your job on the farm?,xho_Latn-eng_Latn Unempumlo enkulu.,You have a big nose.,xho_Latn-eng_Latn Ngubani ixesha?,What time is it?,xho_Latn-eng_Latn Wakhe waya eParis?,Have you ever been to Paris?,xho_Latn-eng_Latn Ngelinye ixesha ufuna ukuchitha imini yonke ungenzi nto.,Sometimes you just want to spend the whole day doing nothing.,xho_Latn-eng_Latn Kuyanetha.,It is raining.,xho_Latn-eng_Latn Ndingayifumana phi ivuvuzela?,Where can I get a vuvuzela?,xho_Latn-eng_Latn Kodwa andifuni.,But I don't want to.,xho_Latn-eng_Latn Utatomkhulu wakho uhlala phi?,Where does your grandfather live?,xho_Latn-eng_Latn Ikati iphume phantsi kwedesika.,A cat came out from under the desk.,xho_Latn-eng_Latn אפשר זי קענט ענטפערן די פראגע.,She may be able to answer the question.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn די אַלטע דאַמע איז גגעגאַנגען פּאַמעלעך באַרגאַרױף.,The old lady walked slowly up the hill.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn מאָרגן װעל איך לערנען אין די ביבליאָטעק.,"Tomorrow, I'm going to study at the library.",yid_Hebr-eng_Latn דאָס איז זעיר נעריש צו געין ארויס אין די וועטער!,You are an idiot to go out in this weather.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn "זי וועלט דיר בלויז זאָגן, וואָס זי מיינט דו ווילסט הערן.",She's only going to tell you what she thinks you want to hear.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn דאָס איז בחינם.,This is free.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn װוּ איז די נאָענסטע ביבליאָטעק?,Where's the nearest library?,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn טאם האט געזאגט אז ער האט געמיינט אז ער קען פאסן דעם פארהער.,Tom said he thought that he could pass the test.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn װוּ ביסטו?,Where are you?,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn װוּ זײַט איר?,Where art thou?,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn ער איז נישט צופרידן מיט זיינע געצאָלט.,He is not content with his present salary.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn וואו מיינסטו אז איך בין געווען?,Where did you think I was?,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn איך בין נישט געווען דאָרט אין די זיצינג.,I was absent from the meeting.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn "וואַרט אָ מינוט, איך בין נאָך-נישט גערעט.",Hang on a bit until I'm ready.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn "הגם ער'ז אַלט, ער האָט אַ יונגע נשמה'לע","Though he is old, he has a youthful spirit.",yid_Hebr-eng_Latn איך קען דיר נישט דאַנקן גענוג.,I can't thank you enough.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn איך האָב א מחשב.,I have a computer.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn קענסט נוצן די ביבליאָטעק.,You may make use of his library.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn אַמאָל האָט געלעבט אַ רײַכער מאַן אין דער שטאָט.,There once lived a rich man in this town.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn דו זאָלסט בעטן דיין מלמד'ס רשות,You ought to ask for your teacher's permission.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn זײַנע עלטערן זײַנען געװען פֿאַאמערס.,His parents were farmers.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn די פאָדליקערס וואָס זענען פון מאַרמער זענען אזוי שיין.,Marble floors are beautiful.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn איך בין זײַן פֿרײַנד און װעט בלײַבן אַזױ.,I am his friend and will remain so.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn אוווּ איז די נונטסטער טעלעפון?,Where is the nearest telephone?,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn אינגאָ האָט זי ליב.,Ingo loves her.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn סטודענטן דאַרפֿן נוצן די ביכער אין דער ביבליאָטעק.,Students should make use of the books in the library.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn איך װיל לערנען.,I want to learn.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn לײען נישט דעם זאַץ.,Don't read this sentence.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn איך האָב אַ שטוב.,I have a house.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn אירע קינדער-יאָרן זענען געווען גוט.,She had a happy childhood.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn פֿיר אים אַװעק.,Take him away.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn מײַן פֿאָטער איז יונג.,My father is young.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn "איך האָב אים געזאָגט, וואָס ער זאָלט טון.",I told him what to do.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn "אײנס, צװײ, דרײַ, פֿיר, פֿינף, זעקס, זיבן, אַכט, נײַן, צען.","One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten.",yid_Hebr-eng_Latn "די ס'איז די קאפע, אווו איך האב ערשט געטרעפן מיין ווייב.",This is the coffee shop I first met my wife in.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn יאנקעלע איז געגאנגען צו די קאָנצערט מיט מלכה'לע,John accompanied Mary to the concert.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn שפאניש איז דיין מאמע-לשון.,Spanish is his mother tongue.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn װאָס פֿאַר אַ שײנע בלום.,What a beautiful flower!,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn "מײַן טעלעפֿאָן נומער איז: ""צװײ, פֿיר, זעקס, אַכט"".",My phone number is 2468.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn "איך װעל אײַך גערן העלפֿן, אָבער איך בין פֿאַרנומען.","I would gladly help you, only I am too busy now.",yid_Hebr-eng_Latn טאָם איז משוגע געװאָרן.,Tom went berserk.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn טאָם איז אַראָפּ פֿון זינען.,Tom has lost his mind.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn איך האָב געטרונקען דרײַ גלעזר קאַװע.,You've drunk three cups of coffee.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn "אַ דָור פֿאַרגײט, און אַ דָור קומט, און די ערד באַשטײט אײביק.","One generation passeth away, and another generation cometh: but the earth abideth for ever.",yid_Hebr-eng_Latn ער האָט ליב צו טרענקען קאַװע אָן צוקער.,He likes drinking coffee without sugar.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn װילסט קאַװע אָדער טײ?,Would you like some tea or some coffee?,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn "עס זײַנען נישטאָ קיין נאַרישע שאלות, נאָר נאַרישע פֿראַגעס.","There are no stupid questions, only stupid answers.",yid_Hebr-eng_Latn אױב ס'װעט רעגענען װעל איך בלײַבן אין דער הײם.,"If it rains, I'll stay at home.",yid_Hebr-eng_Latn "װאָס האָסטו ליבער, טײ אָדער קאַװע?","Which do you like better, tea or coffee?",yid_Hebr-eng_Latn איך האָב נישט ליב קײן קאַװע.,I don't like coffee.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn װײסט װוּ ער איז געבױרן געװאָרן?,Do you know where he was born?,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn "איך האָב געזען אַלע טוענישן װאָס װערן געטאָן אונטער דער זון, ערשט אַלץ איז נישטיקײט און װינטיאָגעניש.","I have seen all the works that are done under the sun; and behold, all is vanity and a chasing after wind.",yid_Hebr-eng_Latn די שול זעט אױס װי אַ טורמע.,The school looks like a prison.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn "אַ קרומקײט װאָס מע קען ניט אױסגלײַכן, און אַ פֿעלער װאָס קען ניט גוט געמאַכט װערן.",That which is crooked cannot be made straight: and that which is wanting cannot be numbered.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn לעבן שול האָט זי געזען הײמלאָזע מענטשן װאָס לעבן אין טעקטור־הײַזער.,"Outside the school, she saw people with no homes living in cardboard boxes.",yid_Hebr-eng_Latn איז עס ליבשאפט?,Is it love?,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn "אַך, אױב איך בין רײַך געװען, װאָלט איך געקױפֿט אַ הױז אין שפּאַניען.","Ah! If I were rich, I'd buy myself a house in Spain.",yid_Hebr-eng_Latn ער האָט ליב קאַװע אָן צוקער.,He likes coffee without sugar.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn דוד איז אין דער הײם.,David is at home.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn זי האָט אַ קאַץ. די קאַץ איז װײַס.,She has a cat. The cat is white.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn טאָם האָט נישט געהאַט גענוג געלט.,Tom didn't have enough money.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn הײב אָן דײַן רעכטע האַנט.,Raise your right hand.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn איך קען נישט עסן.,I can't eat.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn זי האָט זײער אַ שײנער האַנטשריפֿט.,She has beautiful handwriting.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn הײב אָן דײַן האַנט אױב דו װײסט דעם ענטפער.,Raise your hand if you know the answer.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn איך וועל עס טאן.,I will do it.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn טאם קאכט די קארטאפל על מנת צו מאכן קארטאפל-סאלאט.,Tom is boiling the potatoes to make potato salad.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn איך קען נישט מאכן קיין טומל. דער בייבי שלאפט.,I cannot make noise. The baby is sleeping.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn ער איז געקומען נעכטן צו דיר זען.,He came to see you yesterday.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn "איך האב געמיינט, אז איר וואלט מיר געקענט העלפן.",I thought you could help me.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn דער טאָג איז קורץ און ס'איז דאָ אַ סך אַרבעט.,The day is short and there is a lot of work.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn עס רעגנט שווער.,It's raining heavily.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn איר טוישט זיך נישט ווי א גלח.,You don't look like a priest.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn א מענטש קען נישט איבערלעבן אן געלד.,One cannot survive without money.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn איך האָב‎ געגעסן אַ קאַץ.,I ate a cat.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn רעדסטו טאַגאַלאָג?,Do you speak Tagalog?,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn איר זאלט דאס יעצט שוין וויסן!,You should know that by now!,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn אַ געשאָנקען פֿערד קוקט מען נישט די צײן.,Never look a gift horse in the mouth.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn איך המרגש עלמתי?,"How are you doing, miss?",yid_Hebr-eng_Latn ווילסטו גיין שווימען מיט מיר?,Do you want to go for a swim with me?,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn טאם איז געשטארבן געווארן ווען איך בין געווען דריי יאר אלט.,Tom died when I was three.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn אַ קלאַפּ פֿאַרגייט אַ וואָרט באַשטייט.,A smack passes while a word remains.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn טאם האט מיר איצטער געזאגט עפעס וואס האט מיר זייר געשטערט.,Tom just told me something very disturbing.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn איך וויל נישט זיין באנוצט.,I don't want to be used.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn איך אַרבעט דאָ.,I work here.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn מײַן טאַטע שפּאַצירט אין גאָרטן.,Dad is taking a walk in the park.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn טאָם איז מײַן כבר.,Tom's my friend.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn זי איז נישט אַזוי שיין װי איר מאַמע.,She's not as beautiful as her mother.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn איך וועל זיין רייך. איך האב איצטער געוואונען דעם לאטא.,I'm going to be rich. I just won the lottery.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn װילסט אַ ביסל מילך?,Do you want a bit of milk?,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn האָסט עפּעס געזאָגט?,Did you say something?,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn האָסט עפּעס צו זאָגן?,Do you have nothing to say?,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn איך פֿאַרשטײ נישט.,I don't understand.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn "דאָס איז א גוט בוך, אַחוץ אַ פּאָר טעותים.",This is a good book except for a few mistakes.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn איך האָב געלײענט דעם בוך.,I have read the book.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn ביסט פֿרײַ דעם אָװנט?,Are you free this evening?,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn מיר האָבן געטרונקען אַ סך אַלקאָהאָל,We drank a lot of alcohol.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn "ער זעט אױס אַלט, אָבער ער האָט נאָך נישט קײן דרײַסיק יאָר.","He looks old, but he hasn't reached 30 yet.",yid_Hebr-eng_Latn ביסטו שלעכט געשטימט?,Are you in a bad mood?,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn איך דאַרף באַנײַען מײַן פּאַספּאָרט,I must renew my passport.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn איך ווייס נישט טאמער ער וועט קומען אדער נישט.,I don't know whether he'll come or not.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn טאַ‎טאָ‎עבאַ איז א משל פֿון געגנזײַטיגער הילף.,Tatoeba is an example of mutual aid.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn דאָס בוך איז שװער.,This book is heavy.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn דאָס בוך איז זייער שװער.,This book is very heavy.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn ביסט נישט הונגעריק?,Aren't you hungry?,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn איך װײס װוּ ער װױנט. אָבער דאָס איז אַ סוד.,I know where he lives. But it is a secret.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn ער וווינט אין נאגאסאקי.,He lives in Nagasaki.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn ער האט א בארד.,He has a beard.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn זי האָט אים רעקאָמאָנדירט צו קומען האַלב דרײַ.,She advised him to come by 2:30.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn אונזערע עלטערן וואוינען קעגן דעם גאס פון אונס.,Our parents live right across the street from us.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn הײַנטיקס אָװנט װעל איך קאָכן.,I'll cook tonight.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn דו ביסט מיינע טאכטער.,You are my daughter.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn "‫נישטיקײט פֿון נישטיקײטן‪ ,‬זאָגט קהלת‪ ,‬נישטיקײט פֿון ‫נישטיקײטן‪ ,‬אַלץ איז נישטיקײט‪.‬‬","All is to no purpose, said the Preacher, all the ways of man are to no purpose.",yid_Hebr-eng_Latn די איטאַליענער טרינקען קײן מאָל נישט קײן קאַװע.,The Italians never drink coffee.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn ער האקט אראפ ביימער אויף א בארג.,He is cutting down trees on a mountain.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn װיפֿל װעט דאָס קאָסטן צו שיקן דאָס אױף לופֿטפּאָסט?,"If I send it by air mail, how much will it cost?",yid_Hebr-eng_Latn דער פֿראָפֿעסאָר האָט געשמײכעלט.,The professor grinned.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn זי האָט גרינע אױגן.,She has green eyes.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn "א שידוך זאָל מען טאָן אין דער היים, א גניבה אין דער פֿרעמד.",Get married close to home and go far away to steal.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn איין טאָג האָב איך אים געטראָפֿן,One day I met him.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn אַן‎ אַנדער וועלט איז מעגלעך.,Another world is possible.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn איך װיל יאָ לערנען.,I do want to learn!,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn איך האב געזאגט טאם׳ן אז איך בין נישט הונגעריק.,I told Tom that I wasn't hungry.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn איך בין נישט אַזוי העלדיש.,I'm not so brave.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn דער זאַץ װעט איבערזעצט װערן.,This sentence will be translated.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn שפּראַך װי מיר קענען איר איז אַ מענטשלעכע צוטראַכט.,"Language, as we know it, is a human invention.",yid_Hebr-eng_Latn טאם האט געהאט פרייליכע קינדער-יארן.,Tom had a happy childhood.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn דא איז א ביסל וואסער.,Here's some water.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn "שמאָק, וואס איז עס מיט דיר?",What the fuck is it with you?,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn פארקויפן זיי טעלעפאן-קרעדיט?,Do they sell phone credit?,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn איך האב קיין מאל נישט מתכון געווען אז דאס וועט פאסירן.,I never meant for this to happen.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn טאם איגנאָרירט אייך.,Tom is ignoring you.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn די בײמער זײַנען גרין.,The trees are green.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn "די קליידל איז קליינער געווארן, און נאך מער עס איז אפגעב‎‏ּליאקעוועט געווארן.","This dress shrank, and what's more it faded.",yid_Hebr-eng_Latn דאס איז דער אנהייב פון א נייער תקופה.,This is the beginning of a new era.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn טאם איז געשטארבן דריי יאר צוריק.,Tom died three years ago.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn וויפל אייער לעגט די הין יעדן וואך?,How many eggs does this hen lay each week?,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn איר קען קומען ווענימער ס'איז גוט פאר אייך.,You can come whenever it is convenient for you.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn װוּ װױנט דײַן זײדע?,Where does your grandpa live?,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn וואס איז אין דער שעכטל?,What's in the box?,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn ער פֿאַרקױפֿט אױטאָס.,He sells cars.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn "דו ביסט געוואקסן אין באסטאן, גערעכט?","You grew up in Boston, right?",yid_Hebr-eng_Latn איך טראַכט - דערפֿאַר בין איך.,"I think, therefore I am.",yid_Hebr-eng_Latn אַ קוואַדראַט האָט פֿיר זײַטן.,A square has four sides.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn "דער פֿעטער האָט געפֿרעגט: ""װיפֿל איז דרײַ מיט פֿיר?""","Uncle asked: ""What is three plus four?""",yid_Hebr-eng_Latn איך האס דעם שפיטאל-עסן.,I hate hospital food.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn איך מוז ענדיקן די אַרבעט ביז פֿיר.,I have to finish the work by four o'clock.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn ער האט א קאַמעראָ.,He has a camera.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn "״איז דאס מערי׳ס שירעם?״ ״יא, דאס איז אירע שירעם.״","""Is that Mary's umbrella?"" ""Yes, that's her umbrella.""",yid_Hebr-eng_Latn זײַ אַזױ גוט און פֿאַרלעש דאָס ליכט.,Be a dear and shut off the light.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn זײַנע אידעען זײַנען פֿאַרהײַנטיקט.,His ideas are up to date.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn דאס איז א פרוכט.,It's a fruit.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn פֿיר מאָל צװײ זײַנען אַכט.,Four multiplied by two is eight.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn ווי לאנג ביסטו געווען דא?,How long have you been in here?,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn "טאמער איר קען נישט גיין צו אן ענגליש-רעדענדיגער מדינה שטודירן, מסתמא איר קען געפינען עמעצער וואס רעדט ענגליש אלס מאמא-לשון וואס וואוינט נונט, וואס קען הילפן אייך לערנען ענגליש.","If you can't go to an English-speaking country to study, perhaps you can find an English native speaker living nearby that can help you learn English.",yid_Hebr-eng_Latn אַ שפּראַך איז אַ דיאַלעקט מיט אַן אַרמײ און פֿלאָט.,A language is a dialect with an army and navy.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn וואו איז טאם׳ס אפיס?,Where's Tom's office?,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn איך פֿיל זיך נישט גוט.,I'm not feeling well.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn מאַקבעט פֿון שעקספּיר איז אַ טראַגעדיע,"Shakespeare's ""Macbeth"" is a tragedy.",yid_Hebr-eng_Latn מערי האט פארמאכט די אויגן.,Mary shut her eyes.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn דו פֿאָרסט קײן די פֿאַראײניקטע שטאַטן דעם קומענדיקע מאָנאַט?,Will you go to America next month?,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn איך האב איין מאל געזען א לייבעדיגען וואלפיש.,I have once seen a live whale.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn ער איז אַלט.,He is old.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn ער איז געוען אין האָקײַדאָ.,He has been to Hokkaido.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn דו ביסט גאַנץ קלוג.,You're quite smart.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn לאָז קײנער אַרײַנגײן אָדער דערנענטערן זיך צו דעם צימער.,Don't let anyone enter or approach this room.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn "איך אומרים ""איך וויס נישט"" בעברית? - לא יודעת. לכל הרוחות, כל מי שאני שואלת לא יודע!","What's the English for ""Ich weiß nicht""? - I don't know. - What the hell, whoever I ask doesn't know!",yid_Hebr-eng_Latn זי האָט געבענקט אַהײם.,She was homesick.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn הײַנט איז געווען זײער הײס.,Today was very hot.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn די ערד דרײט זיך אַרום דער זון.,The earth moves around the sun.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn זי איז זײער אַ קלוגע ליגנערין.,She is a very clever liar.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn שלום עליכם אַלטער פֿרײַנד.,"Greetings, old friend!",yid_Hebr-eng_Latn פֿראַנקרײך איז אין מערבֿ אײראָפּע.,France is in Western Europe.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn ביטע וויין נישט.,Please don't cry.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn """א דאַנק"" ""נישטאָ פאַרוואָס""","""Thank you!"" - ""You're welcome.""",yid_Hebr-eng_Latn "ביטע, די וועג.",Please come this way.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn איך בין דאָרשטיק.,I am thirsty.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn דו ביסט מײַן מאַמע.,You are my mother.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn ער איז געשטאָרבן.,He is dead.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn ער איז נישט מצליח צו מאכן א פרנסה פאר זיינע משפחה.,He is unable to provide for his family.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn טאם האט אריינגעקוקט דורך דעם טעלעסקאפ.,Tom looked through the telescope.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn "דו קענסט שרייבן אין אבי א שפראך דו ווילסט. אויף טאטאעבא, אלע שפראכן ווערן גלייך.","You may write in any language you want. On Tatoeba, all languages are equal.",yid_Hebr-eng_Latn איך רעד ענגליש טעגלעך.,I speak English daily.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn איך שלאָף נישט גוט.,I can't sleep well.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn דאס איז דער הויכסטער בוים וואס איך האב א מאל געזען.,This is the tallest tree I have ever seen.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn "קיינער וועט נישט טאן גארנישט מיט דיר, טאם.","Nobody's going to do anything to you, Tom.",yid_Hebr-eng_Latn וויפל ביכער האסטו געקויפט?,How many books did you buy?,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn "אַ מענטש לעבט נישט אײביק, דאָס טיפּשות יאָ.","A man does not live forever, but stupidity does.",yid_Hebr-eng_Latn פארוואס קוקט ער אויף מיר?,Why is he looking at me?,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn איין לשון איז קיינמאל נישט גענוג.,One language is never enough.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn מאך מיר נישט זאגן עס.,Don't make me say it.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn ער איז נישט מײַן טאַטע.,He's not my father.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn אַ פּאָר צײַטונגען האָבן פּובליקירט די געשיכטע.,Several newspapers published the story.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn ער נױטיקט זיך אין געלט.,He needs money.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn דאס איז מיין אנדערע שוועסטער.,This is my other sister.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn אַפֿילו אַ קינד קען דאָס פֿאַרשטײן.,Even a child can understand it.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn "איך טאקע יא האב ליב דיין קאר, איך האב עס ליב.","I do love your car, I love it.",yid_Hebr-eng_Latn "גוט מארגן, מייק.","Good morning, Mike.",yid_Hebr-eng_Latn ארבייט האט באשאפן מאן.,Labor created man.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn וואו גייט די לבנה ווען עס איז נישט אין דער הימל?,Where does the moon go when it's not in the sky?,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn איך װײס װוּ זי איז.,I know where to find her.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn זיי האבן געהייסן זייערע קעץ טאם און דזשערי.,They named their cats Tom and Jerry.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn ווילסטו נישט רעדן פאר טאם וועגן עס?,Don't you want to talk to Tom about it?,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn וויפל צייט האט טאם?,How much time does Tom have?,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn געזונטערהייט!,God bless you!,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn זי איז מיטגעקומען מיט מיר צום שפיטאל.,She accompanied me to the hospital.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn מערי איז אודאי געווען די שיינסטע מיידל ביי דער מסיבה.,Mary was definitely the prettiest girl at the party.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn "אלע מענטשן האבן געלאכט, חוץ טאם.",Everyone laughed except for Tom.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn זי האט געהאט אסאך ליב פאר אירע מאמע.,She loved her mother dearly.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn איר װילט קאַװע אָדער טײ?,Would you like coffee or tea?,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn איך רוף מיינען טאטע׳ן.,I am calling my father.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn װילסט טרינקען?,Do you want a drink?,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn מען טוט דאס נישט מעהר.,We don't do that anymore.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn מען האט שוין פראבירט.,We've already tried.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn טאם קיין מאל נישט וואשט זיין קאר.,Tom never washes his car.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn איך בין אין מיטן עפעס. קען איך דיר קלינגען צוריק?,I'm in the middle of something. Can you call me back?,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn דיינע ביבליאטעק איז דיינער גן עדן.,Your library is your paradise.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn "א גוטן טאג, װי גײט עס?","Hello, how are you?",yid_Hebr-eng_Latn איך האב נישט קיין רצון צו דיסקוטירן דעם ווייטער.,I have no intention of discussing this further.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn איך ווייס נישט ווי צו דיר דאנקען.,I don't know how to thank you.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn מיין פאטער רייכט.,My father smokes.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn לאמיר גיין יעצט ארויס פון קאר.,Let's get out of the car now.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn פארגלייך דיינען איבערזעצונג מיטן איינער וואס איז אויפען טאוול.,Compare your translation with the one on the blackboard.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn איך מיין אז דו ווייסט די געזעצן.,I believe you know the rules.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn המקום ינחם אתכם בתוך שערי אבלי ציון וירושלים.,Please accept my sincerest condolences.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn ער וועט בלייבן אין א חבר׳ס שטוב.,He is going to stay at a friend's house.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn היינט איך וויל עסן עפעס לייך.,Today I want to eat something light.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn קען איך רעדן מיט טאם׳ן אליין?,Can I talk to Tom alone?,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn מיר קױפֿן אין פֿראַנקרײַך יעדן טאָג פֿרישע ברױט.,"In Spain and France, we buy fresh bread every day.",yid_Hebr-eng_Latn איך מיין אַז איך בין נישט געווען גענוג קלאָר.,I think that I wasn't clear enough.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn פֿאַרװאָס איז די פּאָליצײ דאָ?,Why are the police here?,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn גענוג מיט דיר און דיין נארישקייט.,I've had it with you and your stupid ideas.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn איך פּעלץ שלעכט.,I felt bad.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn ברוך דיין אמת אז דיין פאטער איז נפטר געווארען.,I'm sorry to hear that your father has passed away.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn ער רעדט אַראַביש.,He speaks Arabic.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn דער איינציקער גוטער פֿאַשיסט איז אַ טויטער‎ פֿאַשיסט.,The only good fascist is a dead fascist.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn איך דארף דיין ענטפער ביי פרייטאג.,I need to know your answer by Friday.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn װי שפּעט איז דאָס?,"""What time is it?"" ""It is ten-thirty.""",yid_Hebr-eng_Latn װיפֿל איז דער זײגער? ס'איז צען אַ זייגער.,"""What time is it now?"" ""It's ten o'clock.""",yid_Hebr-eng_Latn װיפֿל איז דער זײגער? ס'איז האַלב פֿיר.,"""What time is it now?"" ""It's 3:30.""",yid_Hebr-eng_Latn וואס פאר א חשיבות האט נאציאנאליזם?,What importance did Nationalism have?,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn נישט אַלע ביכער זײַנען גוטע ביכער.,Not all books are good books.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn די ביכער זײַנען מײַנע.,These books are my books.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn "צען, צוואַנציק, דרײסיק, פֿערציק, פֿופֿציק, זעכציק, זיבענציק, אַכציק, נײנציק, הונדערט.","Ten, twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety, one hundred.",yid_Hebr-eng_Latn איך זאל זיין מיט טאם.,I should be with Tom.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn "מײַן פֿעטער האָט מיר געגעבן אַ בוך נעכטן, אָט איז דאָס.",My uncle gave me a book yesterday. This is the book.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn איך בין געשוווּמען אינעם ים.,I swam in the sea.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn דאָס בוך איז אַ נײַער בוך.,That book is a new book.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn "ס'איז װיכטיק נישט װיפֿל ביכער האָסטו געלײענט, נאָר װעלכע ביכער האָסטו געלײענט.","What is important is not how many books you read, but what books you read.",yid_Hebr-eng_Latn נעם אַ בוך און לייען אים.,Take a book and read it.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn ער וויל ווערן א לערער.,He wants to become a teacher.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn זײ זײַנען געװען אַנטױשט אַז האָסט נישט געקענט קומען.,They were disappointed that you could not come.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn ס'איז אַ שאָד אַז דו קענסט נישט קומען.,It is a pity you cannot come.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn װאָס האָסטו געװאָלט?,What was it that you wanted?,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn איך ווייס נישט וואס צו טאן וועגן זיינען געשעפטיגען גניבה׳שען-שטיק.,I don't know what to do about his shoplifting.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn איך האָב אַ קאָפּװײטיק.,I have a headache.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn מעג איך בארגן אירען מעסער?,May I borrow your knife?,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn מיינע עלטערן האבן מיר געלערנט אז מ׳דארף געבן כבוד צו עלטערע מענטשן.,My parents told me we should respect the elderly.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn איך האָב אַ שטאַרקן קאָפּװײטיק.,I have a bad headache.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn ער האט מיר געזאגט דער זעלבער.,He told me the same thing.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn זי איז נישט געווען גרייט פאר עס.,She wasn't ready for it.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn איך ווייס נישט בכלל.,I have no clue.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn וואס איז דיינער פאוואריטקער טעלעוויזיע-פראָגראַם?,What is your favorite TV program?,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn איך קען טאם גוט.,I know Tom well.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn "זי האט געווארט און געווארט, אבער ער איז קיין-מאל-נישט צוריקגעקומן.","She waited and waited, but he never came back.",yid_Hebr-eng_Latn "אנשטאט אפשטעלן, דער רעגן איז שטארקער געווארן.","Instead of stopping, the rain increased.",yid_Hebr-eng_Latn "זאג מיר, אוואו זי וואוינט.",Tell me where she lives.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn דאָס איז דאָס שטוב װוּ איך האָב געװױנט װען איך בין געװען אַ קינד.,This is the house where I lived when I was a child.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn זיא האט געלעקט דעם לעפל.,She licked the spoon.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn א גוטער געדאנק איז צו מיר געקומען.,A happy idea came upon me.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn לאמיר זיין פריינט אויף אייביג.,Let's always be friends.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn איך בין געגאנגען שלאפן זעהר שפייט.,I went to bed very late.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn דער פאן איז זייר שיין.,This flag is very pretty.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn עס מאַכט מיר אַ קאָפּװײטיק.,That gives me a headache!,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn "װען ער איז געװען אַ קינד, האָט ער געװױנט אין אַ קלײנער דאָרף.","When he was a child, he lived in a small town.",yid_Hebr-eng_Latn יעדער קינד האָט אַ ביציקל.,Each boy has a bike.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn אַ גלאָז קאַֹװע האָט גרינגער געמאַכט מײַן קאָפּװײטיק.,A cup of coffee relieved me of my headache.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn ער איז אַ גרױסער קינד.,He's a big boy.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn שטערן זענען שיין.,Stars are beautiful.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn דו ביסט געווען מיין אלצדינג!,You were everything to me!,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn "שװײַג און הער זיך צו, קינד!","Shut up and listen, kid.",yid_Hebr-eng_Latn האסט דו א הונד?,Have you a dog?,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn ער האָט זיך געפֿירט װי אַ קינד.,He behaved like a child.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn ער איז אַ קלוגער קינד.,He's a smart boy.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn טאָ‎ם איז תּמיד מגזם.,Tom always exaggerates.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn פלוּטאָ איז נישט אליין. עס האט א פריינד וואס הייסט שאראָן.,Pluto is not alone. It has a friend named Charon.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn מען דארפט געבען וואסער צו די בוימן.,We have to water the flowers.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn ווער שפילט גאָלף?,Who plays golf?,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn יעדער קינד האָט זײַן צימער.,Each child has his own room.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn איך װעל װאַרטן אַ שעה אױף אים.,I'll wait for him for an hour.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn די בריוו איז פאר דער אלטער פרוי.,This letter is to the old woman.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn "מיר האבן אזוי שטארק געוואונען, ווייל די אנדערע שפילערס זענען געווען שוואך.","We won hands down, because the other players were weak.",yid_Hebr-eng_Latn מײַן מאַמע איז געשטאָרבן װען איך בין געװען אַ קינד.,My mother died when I was a kid.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn יעדער קינד האָט געקראָגן אַ מתּנה.,Each child was given a present.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn ער האט נישט גארנישט געגעסן נעכטן.,He didn't eat anything yesterday.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn מײַן אײניקל איז נאָך אַ קינד.,My grandson is still a child.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn בָּאבּע-מעשיות!,Give me a break!,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn איך האב געקויפט דעם בוך אינעם Maruzen בוך-געשעפט.,I bought this book at Maruzen Bookstore.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn ער האָט גענומען אַ בוך פֿון שופֿלאָד.,He took a book from the bookshelf.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn "די עלטעסט קינא אינעם שטאט, זיי צעווארפען יעצט.",The oldest movie theater in town is being pulled down now.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn דער לערער האָט מיך געפֿרעגט װאָס אַ בוך האָב איך ליב.,The teacher asked me which book I liked.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn מיר האבן איר געזעהן אריינגיינדיק אינעם פארק.,We saw her enter the park.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn "דאס איז דער דארף, אוואו דער פאעט איז געבוירן געווארען.",This is the village where the poet was born.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn דאָס בוך איז װעגן די שטערן.,This is a book about stars.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn "דער מלמד האט עס שווער געפונען, ווי צו מוסר זיין זיין מיינונג צו די סטודענטן.",The teacher found it difficult to get his meaning across to the students.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn ער װעט זײַן אַ גוטער מאַן פֿאַר מײַן שװעסטער.,He will make my sister a good husband.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn ס'איז נישט יושרדיק.,That isn't fair.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn דער פֿרילינג איז געקומען.,Spring is here.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn זי האָט געאַרבעט שװער.,She was working hard.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn "קען זיך, ווי גוט ווי דיין פיינד.",Know yourself as well as your enemy.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn איך האב ליב קאריעשער עסן.,I like Korean food.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn """ווער ווילט שווימען מיט מיר?"" ""מיר אלע ווילן.""","""Who wants to go swimming with me?"" ""We all do.""",yid_Hebr-eng_Latn טאם איז געקומען צו מיין קאבינעט אינדערפרי.,Tom came to my office this morning.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn איך ווייס נישט גארנישט וועגן פרויען.,I know nothing about women.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn איך וויל רעדן וועגן עס.,I'd like to talk about it.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn טאם האט פראבירט העלפן מערי שטיין אויף.,Tom tried to help Mary up.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn איך האָב אַ משׂא־אױטאָ.,I have a truck.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn עס איז בנוגע דער ענין אז ...,It is related to the fact that ...,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn איך גיי צו דער ביבליאטעק לפחות איין מאל א וואך.,I go to the library at least once a week.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn איך האָב אַ טאָכטער װאָס האָט חתונה געהאַט מיט אַ פֿראַנצױז.,I have a daughter who's married to a Frenchman.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn איך האב עס געמאכט ענגער.,I've made it worse.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn אייגנטום איז גנבֿה.,Property is theft.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn קאך דעם רייז.,Cook the rice.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn איך ווארט אויף א חידוש.,I'm awaiting inspiration.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn װילסט עפּעס טרינקען?,Would you care for something to drink?,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn "ווען טאם האט געעסט א שטיקל עסן וואס איז געפאלן אויפן ערד, מארי האט געטויסט פארמיגלט.","When Tom ate some food that had fallen on the floor, Mary looked disgusted.",yid_Hebr-eng_Latn "איך האב געזוכט ביים שול, אבער איך האב בלויז אויסגעפינען אז עס דא נישט קיין סטודענט וואס הייסט יאמאדא.",I inquired at the school only to find there was no student by the name of Yamada.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn איך בין אַ תּלמיד.,I am a college student.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn קוק אויף דעם.,Look at that.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn ער האט זיך נישט געפילט גוט.,He was not feeling well.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn מיר זענען אהיים.,We are home.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn אַ שפּראַך איז אַ דיאַלעקט מיט אַן אַרמיי און פֿלאָט.,A language is just a dialect with an army and a navy.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn "איך האב געזעהן, אז זי האט עפיס אין זיין געטראנק געלייגט.",I saw her spike his drink.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn האלט נישט שפילן.,Don't stop playing.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn בורדזש כאליפע איז יעצט דער הויכסטער וואלקען-קראצער אין דער וועלט.,Burj Khalifa is currently the tallest skyscraper in the world.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn ער איז נודב געווען אסאך געלט.,He contributed a lot of money.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn א רויטע קלייד טויסט שיין אויף איר.,A red dress looks good on her.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn עס איז א מאל געווען דא א גרינער פעלד; יעצט עס איז דא א סופערמארקעט.,There used to be a green field here; now there's a supermarket.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn עס איז געווען איממעגליך פאר אים צו כאפן דעם בילד אין דער פינסטערניש.,It was impossible for him to take the picture in the dark.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn דו זאלסט האבן בטחון אין מיר.,You ought to trust me.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn מסתמא איך האב פארגעסן מיינע שליסלעך.,It is possible that I forgot my keys.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn איך האב איר געזען נאכאמאל.,I saw her again.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn ער איז פלוצלינג גערשטארבן פינף און זעכסציג יאר אלט.,He died suddenly at the age of 65.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn מײַן פֿעטער איז אַ דאָקטער.,My father is a doctor.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn איך וויל זיי זען אלע.,I want to see them all.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn טאם האט געלערנט פראנצויזיש אין שולע.,Tom learned French in school.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn כ'האָב געפֿירט מײַן אײגענע פֿאָרשונג.,I conducted my own research.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn "נאך אז ער האט דעם ארבעט געענדיקט, ער איז צום בעט געגאנגען.","Having finished the work, he went to bed.",yid_Hebr-eng_Latn מיר זענען די איינציגערס וואס גלויבן אז זי איז א שיינע פרוי.,We are alone in believing that she is a beautiful woman.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn בחיי איך וועל דאס נישט טאהן.,I will not do that for the life of me.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn ווינטער קומט.,Winter is coming.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn זי האָט אים געפֿרעגט װוּ ער װױנט.,She asked him where he lived.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn הער גאמעז האט מיר נישט געמוחלט פאר מיין טעות.,Mr Gomez didn't excuse me for my mistake.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn דער בילד איז נישט אין פאקוס.,The image is out of focus.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn איך געדענק נישט אז דו האסט עפיס געזאגט וועגן טומע טאם קומט.,I don't remember you saying anything about Tom coming.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn יענער פיש איז נישט עסנליך.,That fish is not edible.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn איך האָב נאָר אַ קלײנער גאָרטן.,I have only a small garden.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn איך האב ליב דעם פרילינג.,I love spring.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn די קינדער האבן געשפילט מיט מאגנעטן.,The children played with magnets.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn דאס דארפט צו טוישן.,This needs to change.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn זי האָט אַ שײנע ליאַלקע.,She has a pretty doll.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn טאָם מאַכט אַ לאָך אין קאָפּ.,Tom is a royal pain in the ass.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn אונדזער פֿרײַנד װעט זײַן אונדזער װעגװײַזער.,My friend will be our guide.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn "דו קענסט באשלאסן, וואס אימער דו ווילסט.",You may choose whichever you want.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn "איך האב איר ליב, און זי האט מיר ליב.",I love her and she loves me.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn "אין זייער רייד נאך נאכטמאל, זיי האבן גערעדט וועגן פאליטיק.","In their discourse after dinner, they talked about politics.",yid_Hebr-eng_Latn "ער האט נישט גארנישט געזאגט, און דאס האט איר געמאכט צו זיין ברוגז.","He said nothing, which made her angry.",yid_Hebr-eng_Latn ער האט צו פיל גאוה פון זיין אויסזען.,He has too much pride in his appearance.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn זענען זיי אמעריקאן?,Are they American?,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn מיין נאמען איז עמילי.,My name is Emily.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn זי לעבט אַלײן.,She lives alone.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn עס איז רויט.,Its color is red.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn איך האב געוואוסט אז עס איז געווען צו גוט צו זיין אמת.,I knew it was too good to be true.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn איך מיין אז די מוזיי איז פארמאכט יעדער מאנטיג.,I understand the museum is closed on Mondays.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn איך מוז באַלד גײן.,I've got to leave soon.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn "איך בין נישט פארשעמט, און דו זאלסט נישט זיין אזוי אויכעט.",I'm not ashamed and neither should you be.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn "איך בין א ביסל אלטמאדיש, דו ווייסט.","I'm a little old fashioned, you know.",yid_Hebr-eng_Latn דער קליינער מעשה איז צו פשוט צו מסביר זיין אלצדינג.,This little story is too simple to explain everything.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn איך האב געמיינט אז דו וועלסט טוישן דיין מיח.,I thought you might change your mind.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn פארוואס האב איך נישט מיין פון גענומען?,How come I didn't take my phone?,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn זי ווילט איינער.,She wants one.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn איך האָב מײַנע ספֿקות.,I have my share of doubts.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn זי האָט געמײנט אַז איך בין אַ דאָקטער.,She thought that I was a doctor.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn ער איז אַ גוטער דאָקטער.,He is a good doctor.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn טאם פארברענגט אסאך צייט אויף זיין פון.,Tom spends a lot of time on the phone.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn איך בין נישט קײן דאָקטער.,I'm not a doctor.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn דער יונגער בחור איז אַ דאָקטער,This young man is a doctor.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn ער איז אַ דאָקטער און אַ פּראָפֿעסאָר אין די אוניװערסיטעט.,He is a doctor and a university professor.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn ס'איז מיר אַראָפּ אַ שטײן פֿון האַרצן.,I felt relieved.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn איך האף אז טאם ווייסט וואס ער טוט.,I hope Tom knows what he's doing.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn דיין האר איז צו לאנג.,Your hair is too long.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn זיי האבן געקריגט צווישן זיך.,They quarreled among themselves.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn א מענטש ווילט מיר שיקן א ידיעה.,Somebody wants to send a message.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn קיין שום מענטש ארבעט אין מיין לאנד.,Nobody works in my country.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn דו ביסט נישט דער אײנציקער.,You're not the only one!,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn דזארדז וועל אוודאי קומען.,George will come for sure.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn פארוואס האסטו עס נישט גענוצט?,Why didn't you use it?,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn לאז עס אין מיין הענט.,Leave the matter to me.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn האט טאם ליב מערי?,Does Tom like Mary?,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn ער האט באשלאסן צו אריינגיין אין צימער.,He decided to enter the room.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn װײַן איז געמאַכט פֿון װײַנטרױבן.,Wine is made from grapes.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn איך האב ספקות געהאט.,I had doubts.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn אין שװײַץ קומט דער פֿרילינג אין מײַ.,"In Switzerland, spring comes in May.",yid_Hebr-eng_Latn אידן זענען א פאלק געקלויבט ביי גאט.,Jews are a people chosen by God.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn איך קען א מענטש וואס קען אונז העלפן.,I know somebody who can help us.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn ס'איז אינטערעסאַנט צו לײענען ביכער.,Reading books is interesting.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn זיינע פריערערע פאעזיע שעפט אסאך פון זיינע איבערלעבונג און אנדענקן פון די קינדער-יארן.,His early poetry draws heavily on his experience and memories of childhood.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn זעסטו מיינען פאטער?,Do you see my father?,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn דאס איז וואס איך פראביר דיר זאגן.,That's what I'm trying to tell you.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn האט א מענטש געלאכט?,Did anyone laugh?,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn נעם דאָס נישט צום האַרץ.,Don't sweat it.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn דער דיקטאַטאָר האָט אונטערדריקט דאָס פֿאָלק.,The dictator oppressed the people.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn איך וויל קאווע.,I want coffee.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn איך בין אזוי א קלאץ.,I'm such a klutz.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn עס רעגנט.,It is raining.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn "היינט איך האב געהערט אז ס'איז דא א פילם וואס הייסט ""די רוסישערס קומען! די רוסישערס קומען!""","Today I discovered that there's a movie called ""The Russians are coming! The Russians are coming!""",yid_Hebr-eng_Latn די אָפּערע הײבט אָן זיבן אַ זײגער.,The opera starts at seven.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn איך וויל נישט שרייען.,I don't want to shout.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn עס קלינגט אינטערעסאַנט. װאָס האָסטו איר דערצײלט?,That sounds interesting. What did you tell her?,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn ווילסטו א ביסל צייט צו טראכטן וועגן עס?,Do you want some time to think about it?,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn איך האָב‎ געהאַט‎ אַ קאַץ.,I had a cat.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn ער וויל דיר נישט זעהן.,He doesn't want to see you.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn ער איז געפֿאָרן נאָך לאָנדאָן דורך פּאַריז.,He went to London via Paris.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn "אַז די מויז איז זאַט, איז דאָס מעל ביטער.","When the mouse is satiated, the flour is bitter.",yid_Hebr-eng_Latn דאָלוי פּאָליציי! דאָלוי סאַמאָדערזשאַוויע!,Down with the police! Down with autocracy!,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn זי האָט אים געפֿרעגט אַ פּאָר פֿראַגעס.,She asked him some questions.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn מיין ציגער איז אויסגעגאנגען. קענסטו מיר ברענגן א ליכט?,My cigar went out. Will you give me a light?,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn הנשיא ווילסון זועזע.,President Wilson was shocked.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn אַ‎ פֿערד איז אַ חיה.,A horse is an animal.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn גיב מיר עפּעס צו טרינקען.,Give me something to drink.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn "טומע דו האסט עפיס, וואס דו דארפסט צו טייטשן אין בערבער - פרייג אמאסטאן.","If you have anything to translate into Berber, ask Amastan.",yid_Hebr-eng_Latn אַ פרעמדער ביסן שמעקט זיס.,The strange food has a good taste.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn דער זאץ באלאנגט נישט צו מיר.,This sentence does not belong to me.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn מיר האבן עס א פאר מאל געטאן.,We did it a few times.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn אַז איך האָב געזען זײַן בילד דערקען איך אים.,"Having seen him in the picture, I recognized him at once.",yid_Hebr-eng_Latn "אַלע טײַכן גײען צום ים, און דער ים װערט ניט פֿול; צו דעם אָרט װוּהין די טײַכן גײען, אַהין גײען זײ װידער.","All the rivers run into the sea; yet the sea is not full; unto the place from whence the rivers come, thither they return again.",yid_Hebr-eng_Latn דאס וואס איך האב געטאן איז נישט געווען ריכטיג.,What I did was wrong.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn צי איז דײַן מאַמע אין דער היים?,Is your mum at home?,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn נעכטן איך האב פארענדיגט לערנען עספעראַנטאָ אויף דואָלינגאָ.,Yesterday I finished learning Esperanto on Duolingo.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn ער שטענדיג פרייגט ווייגן איירער מיינונג.,He always asks for your opinion.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn די קאץ איז אויף דעם דאך.,The cat is on the roof.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn זיי דארפן נישט וויסן.,They don't have to know.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn זי האָט אים אױפֿגעװעקט.,She woke him up.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn עס איז נישט דא קיין שום אנדערער ווייג.,There is no other way.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn זי האָט אים געשטאָכן.,She stabbed him.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn זי זעט אױס גליקלעך.,She looks happy.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn איך מיין אז מ׳זאל עס טאן.,I think we should do it.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn טאם איז א בעסערער פירער פון מיר.,Tom is a better driver than I am.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn וואו איז דער באדצימער?,Where is the bathroom?,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn איך האב מורא פון דעם וואס וועט פאסירן.,I'm scared of what's going to happen.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn אלע מענטשן וואס איך קען זענען געווען דארטן.,Everyone I know has been there.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn ווילסטו עפעס פון די זאכן?,Do you want any of this stuff?,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn קן וויתר.,Ken gave up.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn פארוואס בלייבסטו נישט דא?,Why don't you stay here?,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn טאם האט געבאקט דריי טאצן קיכעלעך.,Tom baked three dozen cookies.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn דו ביסט אַ גוטע קאַץ.,You're a good cat.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn עפֿן דעם פֿלאַש.,Open the bottle.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn דאָס בוך איז נישט אַזױ אינטערעסאַנט װי יענער בוך.,This book isn't as interesting as that book.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn איך האב א ווייב און קינדער.,I have a wife and kids.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn "דו ווילסט נישט גיין אין טארמע, יא?","You don't want to go to prison, do you?",yid_Hebr-eng_Latn פֿאַרװאָס לערנסטו?,Why are you studying?,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn ביסטו שוואנגער?,Are you pregnant?,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn טאם האט געהערט קומענדיגע טריט.,Tom heard footsteps approaching.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn איך האב געגעסן עפלן.,I ate apples.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn "טאם מיינט, אז מאַרי זאל נישט היטן סודות פון אים.",Tom thinks Mary shouldn't keep secrets from him.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn אַ הונט האָט געלאָפֿן נאָך די קאַץ.,A dog was running after a cat.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn דו ביסט אַ גוט קעצל.,You're a good kitty.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn דו ביסט זייער אַ גוט קעצל.,You're a very good kitty.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn פראביר נישט צו לייבן אויף אייביג. איר וועט נישט זיין מצליח.,Do not try to live for ever. You will not succeed.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn ער האָט געראַטעװעט מײַן לעבן.,He saved my life.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn מיר זײַנען אױף צרות.,We're in trouble.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn טאָם איז געװען זיכער אַז ער ער װעט איר קײן מאָל נישט זען מער.,Tom was sure that he would never see her again.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn זי איז געגאנגען שלאפן פרי.,She went to bed early.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn איך האב געהאט אסאך ליב דער מתנה!,I liked the present a lot!,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn װאָס האָב איך אײַך געזאָגט.,What did I tell you?,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn דאָס איז זייער גוט.,That's very good.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn איך זע דעם גוטן סטודענט,I see the good student.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn ער מוז זיין משוגע פאר טוען אזוינען זאך.,He must be crazy to do such a thing.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn איך בין נישט אזוי צופרידן.,I am not so happy.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn קענסט קומען זונטיק אין אָװנט?,Can you come on Sunday evening?,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn יוטיוב איז נישט קײן גוטער װעבאָרט.,YouTube is not a good website.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn איך האב פראבירט צו מאכן טאם צו אפשטעלן.,I tried to get Tom to stop.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn איך האָב געענדערט דעם צעשטעל פֿון מײַן װעבאָרט.,I've changed my website's layout.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn איך וועל שטאַרבן מיט געטער יאַני.,I want to die with Getter Jaani.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn די װאַנט האָט אױערן.,Walls have ears.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn טאָם האָט אַ שרעקלעכן קאַצן־יאָמער.,Tom had a hideous hangover.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn דאָס שרעקלעכע פֿאַרזעעניש איז געװען דער ספֿינקס.,This terrible monster was the Sphinx.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn דער וועלט איז א בית-משוגעים.,This world is just an insane asylum.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn איך וועל לערנען דייטש.,I'll learn German.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn איך קען נישט קומען מיט דיר היינט.,I can't come with you today.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn "שמײכל איצטער, װײן שפּעטער.","Smile now, cry later!",yid_Hebr-eng_Latn ער איז געווען שטייענדיג אויפן בארג-שפיץ.,He was standing at the top of the mountain.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn זי איז חנעװדיק.,She is graceful.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn זי װעקט זיך אױף שפּעט.,She got up late.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn זי איז זײער שײן.,She is a beauty.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn זי איז אַ קראַסאַװיצע.,She's a beauty.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn ער איז מײַן טאַטע.,He's my father.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn זי װױנט אין דאָרף.,She is living in the village.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn דאָס איז אַ מאַראַנץ.,This is an orange.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn איך בין אַ דאָקטער.,I'm a doctor.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn קענסטו שווימען ווי שנעל ווי ער?,Can you swim as fast as he?,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn איך האב נישט געזעהן טאם אין מער פון דריי מאָנאַט.,I haven't seen Tom for over three months.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn אי״ה עס וועט זיין גענוג.,Let's hope it's enough.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn בלויז געב עס צו טאם.,Just give it to Tom.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn ס'איז לאַטײַן?,Is this Latin?,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn "שידוכים ווערן אינטערעסאנט, ווען איינער פון די צוויי שפילט אזוי ווי נישט פאראינטערעסירט.",Courtships get interesting when one of the two plays hard to get.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn דער בחור איז דאָ,The young man is there.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn די פֿרױ לײענט.,The woman reads.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn דאָס הױז איז שײן,The house is pretty.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn איך פֿאָטאָגראַפֿיר די פֿרױ,I'm photographing the woman.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn איך װער פֿאַרדאגהט װאַרטנדיק אױף מײַן חבֿר צו לאַנג,I get anxious waiting for a friend for a long time.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn פֿאַרגינט זיך!,Have a nice time.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn איך זע דעם בחור,I see the young man.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn איך פֿאַרריכֿט דאָס הױז,I'm repairing the house.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn איך האב אויסגענוצט אלע מעגליכקייטן צו העלפן טאם געפינען אן ארבעט.,I did everything I could to help Tom find a job.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn איך לױף פֿון דער מײדל,I'm running from the girl.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn איך קוק אױף דעם הױז,I look at the house.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn איך שרײַב דעם בחור,I write to the young man.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn איך װעל זאָגן דער פֿרױ װאָס איך װײס,I will tell the woman what I know.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn איך שיק זי אין קאַליפֿאָניע,I'm sending her to California.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn יעצט איז דער צייט צו אנפאנגן דער ארבעט פון בוינען א וועלט-שלום אן אַטאָמישע וואפן.,Now is the time to start the work to build world peace without atomic weapons.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn "ווען דער טעלעפאן קלינגט, איר דארפט גלייך ענטפערן.","When the telephone rings, you must answer right away.",yid_Hebr-eng_Latn קענסט דו זינגען דעם ליד?,Can you sing this song?,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn דער קויל האט געטראפן דעם פאליציאנט אין פוס.,The bullet got the policeman in the leg.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn איך האב אוועקגעווישט דעם שמוץ פון מיינע הויזן.,I wiped the dirt off my pants.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn "דו ביסט פארלוירען, יא?","You're lost, aren't you?",yid_Hebr-eng_Latn איך קען נישט קומען מיט אײַך װײַל איך בין זײער באַשעפֿטיקט.,I can't go with you because I'm very busy.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn אַלץ װאָס ער האָט געזאָגט איז אמת.,Everything he said was right.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn מען דערפט ברענגן טאם צום דאקטאר.,We have to get Tom to a doctor.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn װאָס װילסטו טאָן?,What do you want to do?,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn די לבנה האט נישט קיין אַטמאָספֿיר.,The moon doesn't have an atmosphere.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn ער איז צוריקגעקומען קיין זיין לאנד אן אנדערע מענטש.,He returned to his land a different man.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn מסתמא איר זענט צו יונג צו פארשטיין וואס איז מעגלעך צו פאסירן נעקסט.,You're probably too young to understand what is likely to happen next.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn איך וועל גיין קריגן עפעס צו טרינקען. ווילסטו עפעס אויכעט?,"I'm going to get myself something to drink. Do you want something, too?",yid_Hebr-eng_Latn ווי פילט איר היינט?,How are we feeling today?,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn טאם איז געקומען קיין יאפאן על מנת צו לערנען יאפאניש.,Tom came to Japan to study Japanese.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn איך עס מילכיגס כמעט קיין מאל נישט.,I seldom eat dairy products.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn די יאר ראש השנה פאלט אויף זונטאג.,This year New Year's Day falls on Sunday.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn טאם איז בלינד.,Tom is blind.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn זי האט מיר געגעבן אירען טעלעפאן-נאמער.,She gave me her phone number.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn איך בין צופרידן אז דו ביסט נישט געווען דא.,I'm glad you weren't here.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn ביטע בלויז זאג מיר וואס עס איז וואס דו ווילסט טאן.,Please just tell me what it is you want to do.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn "טומע איר שוואנגערט, עס איז בעסער נישט צו נוצן ענגע וועש.",You should avoid tight fitting clothes if you are pregnant.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn "איר האָט פֿאַרלאָרן, גיב זיך אונטער!","You have lost, give up!",yid_Hebr-eng_Latn "איך האָב געזאָגט אַז איך קען דאָס טאָן, נישט אַז איך װעל טאָן.","I said that I could, not that I would.",yid_Hebr-eng_Latn טאָם גלויבט אַז עס איז אַ צייַט און אַ פּלאַץ פֿאַר אַלץ.,Tom believes that there is a time and a place for everything.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn ער האט מורא פון קעץ.,He's afraid of cats.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn איך גלױב אַז מיר מוזן פּרובירן נאָן אַ מאָל.,I think we should try again.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn דאָס איז עקלהאַפֿטיק.,That is disgusting.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn איך האָב געװוּסט אַז עפּעס פֿעלט מיר.,I was conscious that something was missing.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn איך זאָג נאָר.,I'm just saying!,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn וואס איז דאס?,What is that?,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn ער האָט געשריבן אַ בוך װעגן כינע.,He wrote a book on China.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn ער איז געשטאָרבן נעכטן.,He passed on yesterday.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn ער איז אַװעק פֿון אונדז נעכטן.,He passed away yesterday.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn איך ווייס נישט ווען ער וועלט קומען צוריק.,I'm not sure when he'll turn up.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn מיר לעבן נאך.,We're still alive.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn איך האב געמאכט פרישטאג.,I made breakfast.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn מיר קענען דיר נישט הילפן מיט דאס.,We can't help you with that.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn מײַן בלוט איז נישט מער רויט ווי דײַן.,My blood is no redder than yours.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn איך דארף גיין שלאפן.,I need to go to sleep.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn "זי האט געשריגן פאר הילף, אבער קיינער איז נישט געקומען.","She shouted for help, but no one came.",yid_Hebr-eng_Latn זי איז געזעסן אויף אַ האַרטן בענקל.,She sat on a hard chair.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn וואו וווינט איר?,Where do you guys live?,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn "ער האט איר ליב, און זי אויכעט האט אים ליב.","He loves her; she loves him, too.",yid_Hebr-eng_Latn איך האָב ליב מײַנע פֿרײַנד.,I love my friends.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn "וואו אימער דו גייסט, פארגעס נישט פון וואנען דו ביסט געקומען.","Wherever you go, don't forget where you came from.",yid_Hebr-eng_Latn א שומר איז אויסעוועניג.,A guard is outside.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn גייב א קוק אויף דעם.,Take a look at that.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn אסאך איז געשען.,A lot has happened.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn קענסט מיר װײַזן װוּ איז די נאָענסטע סאָבװײ סטאַנציע?,Can you direct me to the nearest subway station?,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn עס איז א בלגן דא.,It's a mess in here.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn איך האב געשיקט א מאפע צו טאם׳ן דורכן פאַקס.,I faxed a map to Tom.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn װען ביסטו געבאָרן געװאָרן?,When were you born?,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn איז דאס א יא אדער א ניין?,Is that a yes or no?,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn "יאללה, פראביר עס יעצט.","Go ahead, try it now.",yid_Hebr-eng_Latn מיר האבן אלע געוויינט אסאך.,We all cried a lot.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn עס איז אלע געווען א גרויסער ליגן.,It was all a big lie.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn איך ענית?,How did you reply?,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn עס איז גאר א גרויסער שפאס.,It's all a big joke.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn ער איז מסכים מיט מיינען סברא.,He agrees with my opinion.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn א שפראך איז א דיאלעקט מיט אן ארמיי און א פלאט,A language is a dialect with an army and a navy.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn אלצדינג איז נאכאמאל שטילערהייט.,All is quiet again.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn אלע דריי מענער האבן געשמייכלט.,All three men smiled.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn ווארף איר דער פילקע.,Toss her the ball.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn לאז מיר מסביר זיין.,Allow me to explain.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn "דו ביסט שטענדיג געווען דער גבור, ריכטיג, טאם?","You were always the tough one, weren't you, Tom?",yid_Hebr-eng_Latn אַלס אַ קינד פֿלעג איך אױפֿשטײן פֿרי.,"When I was a boy, I always got up early.",yid_Hebr-eng_Latn טאם האט קיין מאל נישט ארויסגעגאנגען פון זיינען שטוב.,Tom never left the house.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn בין איך נער׳יש?,Am I being foolish?,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn איך האב געטאן וואס טאם האט מיר געבעט צו טאן.,I did what Tom asked me to do.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn "ניין, לאָרי איז נישט דיק.","No, Laurie isn't fat.",yid_Hebr-eng_Latn "איך רוף איר, אבער זי קומט נישט.","I'm calling her, but she's not coming.",yid_Hebr-eng_Latn איך בין יעצט אן אלטער מאן.,I'm an old man now.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn איך בין נישט קיין נביא.,I am not a prophet.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn אינעווייניג איז דער פלאץ געווען ליידיג.,The place was empty inside.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn גיי און זוך טאם.,Go and look for Tom.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn קום און הילף מיר.,Come and help me out.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn גיי און רעד מיט טאם.,Go and talk to Tom.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn איך האב ליב באנאנעס.,I love bananas.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn טאם האט עס מיר געגעבן בחינם.,Tom gave it to me for nothing.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn טאם געדענקט נישט מיינען נאמען.,Tom doesn't remember my name.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn "דאס איז א בילד פונעם ערשטן באן, וואס האט געגאנגען צווישן טאָקיאָ און יאָקאָהאַמאַ.",This is a picture of the first train that ran between Tokyo and Yokohama.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn איך וועל בלויז ווארטן דא.,I'll just wait here.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn אַ סך פֿעלקער וווינען אין דער פֿאַראייניקטע שטאַטן.,Many races live together in the United States.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn דער ײִנגל האָט געקלאָגט אַז ער האָט אַ קאָפּװײטיק.,The boy complained of a headache.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn רוף דעם דאָקטער.,Call the doctor!,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn איך וועל ארבעטן.,I will work.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn ס'איז דרעק.,It's a piece of shit.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn האָסט מיר געקלונגען די פֿאָריקע נאַכט?,Did you call me last night?,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn מיין שוועסטער איז נעכטן געפארן קיין קאבע.,My sister went to Kobe yesterday.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn טאם וואוינט אליין אין א זעלבסט-געגזר׳טע גלות און כמעת קיין-מאל-נישט זייט ער קיינעם.,Tom lives in seclusion and rarely sees anyone.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn ווילסטו מאכן עס נאכאמאל?,Do you want to do it again?,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn דער זינגער האט א שיינעם קול.,The singer has a beautiful voice.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn "קום שױן, מיר װעלן רעדן װעגן בלומען.","Come on, let us talk about flowers.",yid_Hebr-eng_Latn אירע שוועסטער גייט נישט קיין אמעריקע.,Her sister is not going to America.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn זײ לױפֿן.,They are running.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn ער איז געקומען קיין אַמעריקע דורך קאַנאַדע.,He came to America via Canada.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn "דער איינציגער ווייג צו דערגרייכן גוטע זאכן אין דער לעבן איז, אז מען מוזט ערשט ארויסגיין פון דאס וואס איז פאר אונז שוין באקוועם.",The only way to achieve great things in life is to first leave your comfort zone.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn טאם איז נאך נישט גרייט צו גיין.,Tom isn't ready to go yet.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn דער מאן האט פארקויפט זיינער נשמה צום שטן.,The man sold his soul to the devil.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn דאס איז נישט זייר נאנט.,That's not very close.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn איך מוז עפעס טאן.,I must do something.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn איך וועל זען טאמע איך קען העלפן.,I'll see if I can help.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn זאך איך ווארטן?,Should I wait?,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn ער האט געקלעטערט צום שפיץ בארג.,He climbed to the very top of the mountain.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn דער מעסער איז נישט שארף.,The knife isn't sharp.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn איך האב געהערט אז ער זוכט אן ארבעט.,I heard he was looking for a job.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn טאם איז נישט געווען רייך.,Tom wasn't rich.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn ער שרײַבט אַ בריװ,He is writing a letter.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn איך האב אים געבארכט וואסער.,I got him some water.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn דאס אייז האט אפגעוואסערט דעם זאפט.,The ice watered down the juice.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn אן עלעפאנט איז א שטארקע בהמה.,An elephant is a strong animal.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn דאס איז נישט אמת!,That's not true!,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn ארום 1.2 מיליאן מענטשן ווערן געשטארבן יעדן יאר פון קאר-אקצידענטן.,About 1.2 million people die from car crashes every year.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn "טאם דארפט שלאפן נישט ווייניג פון ניין שעה, אדער ער פשוט קען זיך נישט ארויסארבעטן.",Tom needs at least nine hours of sleep every night or he can't function.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn "אונשולדיגט, וויפל קאסטן די?","Excuse me, how much are these?",yid_Hebr-eng_Latn דער פרייז פון בוינען דעם באן-גאס איז געווען זעהר הויך.,The cost of building the railroad was very high.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn רוף די פאליציי!,Call the police!,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn בלייב אוועק פון אונז.,Keep away from us.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn עס איז דא פינעף מענטשן אין מיינער משפחה.,There are 5 people in my family.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn "ביטע, זאגט דאס ווידער א מאל.",Please say that again!,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn איך בין נישט מער קראנק.,I'm not sick anymore.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn איך וועל בענקען נאך דיר.,I'll miss you.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn דאָס יז מײַן חבר טאָם.,"This is my friend, Tom.",yid_Hebr-eng_Latn ווי הייסטו?,What's your name?,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn "א גוטן טאג, װי הײסטו?","Hello, what's your name?",yid_Hebr-eng_Latn די בלום שמעקט אַזױ גוט.,The flowers smell so good.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn איך פארשטיי דאס ניט.,I don't understand this.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn װי טײער איז דאס?,How much is this?,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn מענער זענען אלע גלייך.,Men are all the same.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn זיי האבן געקאלט דעם פסיכיאטריסט און געפרעגט וואס זיי זאלן טאן.,They called the psychiatrist and asked what they should do.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn ענטפער מיר יעצט.,Answer me right now.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn איך קען נישט פארגעסן אירע אויגן.,I can't forget her eyes.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn "איר דארפט א הענטאך, יא?","You need a towel, don't you?",yid_Hebr-eng_Latn טאם האט געקוקט אויף מערי.,Tom looked at Mary.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn דער בוך וואס דו האסט מיר געגעבן איז זעהר אינטערעסאנט.,The book you gave me is very interesting.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn "אַ דאַנק, דאָס איז גענוג.","Thanks, this is enough.",yid_Hebr-eng_Latn מיר האָבן אדאָפּטירט אַ קינד.,We adopted a child.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn מיין ברודער איז יעצט אין אסטראליע.,My brother is now in Australia.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn בין איך דער פאטער?,Am I the father?,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn איך געדענק נישט כמעט גארנישט.,I don't remember much of anything.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn "אויפען אמת, איך בין נישט דיין פאטער.","To tell the truth, I am not your father.",yid_Hebr-eng_Latn "איך וואלט לאזן זאכן צו רו, נישט צו האבן מחלוקת.",I'd leave things as they are to avoid problems.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn "איך בין דיין פאטער'ס נשמה, פארשעמט פאר א צייט צו גייען ביי נאכט, און ביי טאג צו זיין געלייגט אין פויער - ביז מיינע זינדן, וואס איך האב געטאהן אין מיין לעבן, זענען אוועקפארברענט און נסלח געווארען.","I am your father's spirit, doomed for a certain time to walk the night, and during the day I am confined to burn in fires, until the evil crimes I had done in my life are burnt and purged away.",yid_Hebr-eng_Latn פארמאכט דיין בוך.,Close your book.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn "ווי אלט ביסט דו געווען, ווען דו האסט געלערנט ווי צו פארן א ביציקל?",How old were you when you learned to ride a bicycle?,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn דער אמת שטעכט די אויגן.,The truth hurts.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn װען איך בין געװען אַ קינד פֿלעג איך שװימען יעדן טאָג.,I used to swim every day when I was a child.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn די זון שײַנט.,The sun is shining.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn געלויבט בישט דו גאט אונזער גאט און דער גאט פון אונזערי עלטערין דער גאט פון אברהם דער גאט פון יצחק דער גאט פון יעקב.,"You are blessed, oh Lord, our God and God of our fathers, God of Abraham, God of Isaac and God of Jacob.",yid_Hebr-eng_Latn "יאָ, איז װאָס?","Yes, what of it?",yid_Hebr-eng_Latn "איך האב געעפענט די קעסטל, אבער עס איז געווען ליידיק.","I opened the box, but I found it empty.",yid_Hebr-eng_Latn "שטרויסן פליגען נישט, פארוואס זיי האבן קורצע פליגלעך.",Ostriches don't fly because they have very short wings.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn זי איז די פֿראַנצױזישע אַמבאַסאַדאָרין אין פּאָרטוגאַל.,She's the French ambassador to Portugal.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn טום'ס בזיונות איז געווארען גרעסער און גרעסער.,Tom's embarrassment grew.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn איך רעד צו דיר ווי א חבר.,I'm speaking to you as I would to a friend.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn איך קען‎ רעדן שפּאַניש.,I can speak Spanish.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn איך האב א זעונג מיטן דענטיסט.,I have a dentist appointment.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn מיר דאַרפֿן אױסבעסערן דעם קאָנטראַקט כּדי צו באַצאָלן אײַך מערער.,We'll need to amend the contract so that we can pay you more.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn זי האט אים נישט געחתנט ביי אירע אייגענע רצון.,She didn't marry him of her own will.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn זי איז די עלטעסטע פון די דריי שוועסטערס.,She is the oldest of the three sisters.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn ער קען רעדן יאַפּאַניש.,He can speak Japanese.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn "דו ווילסט פונדען א מענטש וואס איז קלוג, האט א גוטן געצאלט, טויסט שיין, און האט א גוטן פערסאנאליטעט. דו מיינסט נישט אז דאס איז צו פיל שוין?","You want to find someone with a good education, a good salary, good looks, and a good personality. Don't you think that that's aiming a bit too high?",yid_Hebr-eng_Latn איך ווייס נישט וואס איז געשיין מיט איר.,I don't know what's got into her.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn מיר האָבן געלאָזן אַפֿריקט אויף שטענדיק.,We left Africa forever.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn איך האף אז טאם וועט דאס זען.,I hope Tom sees this.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn עס איז נישט געווען קיין ענטפער פאר מיין פראגע.,There was no answer to my question.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn פונטליך דא איז אוואו מען דארפט זוכען.,Right here is where we need to search.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn "ניין, זיי וועלן עס פונדען דארטן.","No, they'll find it there.",yid_Hebr-eng_Latn איך בין אַ קינד.,I am a boy.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn אַלע קעץ זײַנען שיין.,All cats are beautiful.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn מיין שטוב איז בלויז א פינף מינוט שפאצירגאנג פון דער סטאנציע.,My house is only five minutes' walk from the station.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn איך װאָלט גערן געהאַט אַ גלאָז װײַן.,I'd like to have a glass of wine.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn פארוואס ווילסטו לערנען דעם שפראך?,Why do you want to learn this language?,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn קומסטו נישט?,Aren't you coming?,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn פארוואס אלע מאנטשן קוקן אויף אונז?,Why is everyone looking at us?,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn ווען איז דיין יום-טוב פון שול?,When is your school festival?,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn ער איז נישט מיין קוזין.,He's not my cousin.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn ביטע דערמאן מיר צו אריינגעבען דעם פאפיר.,Please remind me to turn in the paper.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn "פלוצלינג, דער קאפיטאן האט פארלאזן דעם שיף.","Suddenly, the captain abandoned the ship.",yid_Hebr-eng_Latn "איך האב געהערט, אז ער איז געשטארבען געווארען.",I heard that he'd died.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn זי האָט אונדז געבעטן נישט צו מאַכן קײן טומל.,She told us not to make a noise.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn נעכטן האָב איך געקױפֿט אַ בוך.,Yesterday I bought a book.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn דאָס איז שײן.,This is beautiful.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn ער איז שיכור.,He is drunk.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn יעדע מײדל האָט אַ ליאַלקע אין אירע הענט.,Each of the girls has a doll in her arms.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn קוש מיר אין תּחת!,Go screw yourself!,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn "טאם האט געוואלט אז דו מיינסט, אז ער איז אוועקגעגאנגן פון שטאט.",Tom wanted you to think he'd left town.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn ווי שיין זי איז!,How beautiful she is!,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn ער איז מתכוון געווען אויף דעם פראבלעם.,He focused his attention on that problem.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn "טאָם האט נישט געוואלט צו איינשטעלן זיין חבר'שאפט מיט מארי, ביי פראבירען צו אנפאנגען א ראָמאנס מיט איר.",Tom didn't want to risk his friendship with Mary by trying to turn it into a romance.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn זי איז אַרײַנגעגאַנגען.,She went inside.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn טום ווייסט נישט וואו.,Tom doesn't know where.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn עס איז גוט פֿאַר אונדז צו עסן וועדזשטאַבאַלז יעדער טאָג.,It's good for us to eat vegetables every day.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn איך מיין נישט.,I didn't think so.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn מען זאלט אריינגיין אין שטוב.,We should go inside the house.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn איך האָב געלײענט די דערצײלונג אין אַ בוך.,I read the story in a book.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn פארוואס האסטו עס נישט בלויז געזאגט צו טאם׳ן?,Why didn't you just say that to Tom?,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn װער איז נישטאָ?,Who isn't here?,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn פֿרוכפּערט אײַך און מערט אײַך.,Be fruitful and multiply.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn "זארג זיך נישט וועגן גייבן א גאנצע דרשה ביי דער חתונה, דו קענסט עס סתם זאגן ווען דו קומסט אן דארטן.",Don't worry about giving a speech at the wedding; you can just wing it when you get there.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn אַרבעט מאַכט פֿרײַ.,Work shall set you free.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn זי האָט אים פֿאַרפֿירט.,She tempted him.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn דער ציל פֿון מאַמע איז געווען א דיפּלאָם אָבער דער ציל פֿון טאַטע איז געווען מאַמע.,Mom’s goal was to graduate college but dad’s goal was mom.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn זיי האבן איר געגנב׳ט די תכשיטים נעכטן ביי נאכט.,She was robbed of her jewels last night.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn עס האט בלויז גענומען טאם א פאר מינוטן צו פארעכטן דאס.,It only took Tom a few minutes to fix that.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn "אוי גאטעניו, גענוג וויינען שוין.","In the name of mercy, stop crying.",yid_Hebr-eng_Latn עס טוט אונדז לײַד פֿאַר די אומבאַקװעמלעכקײט.,We're sorry for the inconvenience.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn איך האב אים נישט געזעהן אין א לאנגע צייט.,I have not seen him for a long time.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn כ'בין א תחיה,I'm a zombie!,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn וווּ איז מײַן באַגאַזש?,Where is my luggage?,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn ברוך־הבא צו גענעם!,Welcome to Hell!,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn "איך האב געגעסן האלב פונעם עפּל, פאר איך האב געזען אז עס איז דא א תולעת אריין.",I ate half the apple before I noticed there was a worm in it.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn דאס איז נישט זעהר א גרויסע חידוש.,That's not very original.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn איך טראכט אנדערש פון דיר.,I think different from you.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn איך עס אסאך פלייש.,I eat a lot of meat.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn איך בין אזוי איבערגעראשט ווי דו.,I am as surprised as you.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn די ארעסטאנטן זענען ארויסגעפרייט געווארען.,The prisoners were set free.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn ער איז געווען אין קיאטא צוויי מאל.,He'd been in Kyoto twice.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn וויפל ענגליש קענסטו רעדן?,How much English can you speak?,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn פארוואס האט דיין ברודער מיר פיינט?,Why does your brother hate me?,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn וווּא בין איך?,Where am I?,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn זיי האבן מיר מורא.,They're afraid of me.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn זאג נישט קיין ״אבער״ צו מיין עצה.,Don't say 'but' to my suggestion.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn הער צו ישראל. גאט ער איז אונזער גאט. און גאט איז איין איינציגער גאט.,"Hear, O Israel! The Lord is our God, the Lord is one.",yid_Hebr-eng_Latn "מען דארפט נישט מער קיין וואלענטירס, אבער מען קען יא נוצן מער געלד.","We don't need any more volunteers, but we could use some more money.",yid_Hebr-eng_Latn מסתמא טאם רעדט צו מערי׳ן יעצט וועגן דאס.,Tom is probably talking to Mary right now about that.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn איך גײ הײַנט אין שפּיטאָל.,I'll go to the hospital today.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn איז דאס זיס?,Is that sweet?,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn "מײַן בליצבריװ אַדרעס איז געענדערט, אַזױ:",My e-mail address has been changed as follows.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn איך האף אז דו האסט עס ליב.,I hope you like it.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn ער שלאפט נישט.,He doesn't sleep.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn טאם האט געפלעגט מיר זאגן אז איך רעד צו פיל.,Tom used to tell me that I talked too much.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn איך האב געמיינט אז מ׳וועט זיין מער באקוועם דא.,I thought we'd be more comfortable here.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn לאמיר זען אוואו טאם איז געגאנגען.,Let's find out where Tom went.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn מסתמא דו ווילסט נישט רעדן מיט מיר.,You probably don't want to talk to me.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn דער באן וועט באלט אנקומען.,The train will arrive soon.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn זי האָט זײער גוטע באַציונגען מיט אירע סטודענטן.,She has a very good relationship with her students.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn אַמאָל איז אַלץ געװען בעסער.,Once upon a time everything was better.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn מערי האט געהאט מורא.,Mary was afraid.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn דארפסטו הילף מיט דיינע וואליסקעס?,Do you need a hand with your suitcases?,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn מ׳גייט צו קירך צוזאמען.,We go to church together.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn איך האב געהאט א גוטע צייט נעכטן.,I had a good time yesterday.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn מיר האבן געהאט טאם׳ן ליב.,We loved Tom.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn זײַ אַזױ גוט און רוף אים.,Please call him.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn ליין א בוך!,Read a book!,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn איך האב באזוכט מער פון ניין לענדער שוין.,I have visited more than nine countries so far.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn "ביי נאכט, עלטערן לייגן זייער קינדער אין בעט.","At night, parents tuck their children into bed.",yid_Hebr-eng_Latn זיי האבן זיך נישט געזען ביז נאך די גרושין.,They haven't seen each other since the divorce.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn איז עס דא עפעס וואס איר ווילט מיר זאגן?,Is there something you want to tell me?,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn דאָס איז אַ‎ גוטע פראַ‎גע.,That is a good question.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn האט איר היים-צושטעלונג?,Do you have home delivery?,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn טאם איז נאקעט.,Tom is naked.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn אַנאַ פֿראַנק איז נישט געווען קיין בירגערין.,Anne Frank wasn't a citizen.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn "ווען מערי איז אריינגעקומען אינעם צימער, דזשעק האט פלוצלינג אפגעשטעלט רעדן.","When Mary entered the room, Jack suddenly stopped talking.",yid_Hebr-eng_Latn פֿאַרוואָס האָסטו נישט זיך געלערנט דײַטש בשעת דו ביסט געווען אין דײַטשלאַנד?,Why didn't you learn German while you were in Germany?,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn איך ליבע די אָקסיטאַנישע שפּראַך.,I like Occitan.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn איך וועל קלינגען מיין טאכטער.,I'm going to call my daughter.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn מײַן בעסטער פֿרײַנד איז אַ בוך.,My best friend is a book.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn איך דארף אז דו וועסט פארשטיין וואס איז דער אמת וועגן וואס איז געשיין מיט טאם.,I need you to understand what really happened to Tom.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn זי האט מיר געלאזט גיין.,She allowed me to go.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn אמונה מאַכט ניסים!,Faith works miracles!,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn זי איז געווארן אן אור-אור-באבע בלויז טעג פארן ווערן ניין-און-ניינציג יאר אלט.,She became a great-great-grandmother just days before turning ninety-nine.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn איך מיין אז דו ווייסט אז איך האב דיר ליב.,I think you know I like you.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn טאם ווילט נישט גיין צו שולע.,Tom doesn't want to go to school.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn איך בין א ביסל משוגע.,I am a bit crazy.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn ארבעט נישט אזוי א נישטא הין נישטא הער.,Don't do a half-baked job.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn איך דארף נישט קיינעם.,I don't need anyone.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn איך בין גאר פארמישט.,I am all mixed up.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn איך דארף געלד.,I need money.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn "אולי, מעגא און טינא זענען פרויען.","Uli, Mega, and Tina are females.",yid_Hebr-eng_Latn איך האב קיין ווילן נישט צו דיר מאכן טוען עפעס וואס דו ווילסט נישט.,I have no wish to make you do anything you don't want to do.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn וואס איז דיין פאוואריטקער app אויף די אייפון?,What's your favorite iPhone app?,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn זי קען פראנצויזיש זעהר גוט.,She is proficient in French.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn זיי האבן אמונה שלימה אין זייער פירער.,They have full confidence in their leader.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn ביטע ברענג נישט קיין משקא אינעם סטאדיום.,Please don't bring alcoholic beverages into the stadium.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn דאס ווארט לפחות צוויי מאל מער פון וואס איך בעט.,This is well worth twice the price I'm asking.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn דו האסט קיין זאך נישט געטאן חוץ קוועטשן זינט מ׳זענען אהין אנגעקומען.,You've done nothing but complain ever since you got here.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn איך וועל זיי אפנעמען שפייטער.,I'll pick them up later.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn די וועלט איז א טאל פון טרערן.,This world is a valley of tears.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn זיי קענען שפילן גיטאר.,They can play the guitar.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn עס וועט בלויז נעמען א מינוטינקע.,It'll just take a moment.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn איך וויל געבן מאמע א פלאנץ.,I want to give Mom a plant.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn "טומע מארגן עס וועט רייגנען, אז עס וועט דאן זיין א וואך וואס עס האט גערייגענט.",It will have been raining a whole week if it is rainy tomorrow.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn מיר זענען געפלעגט רעדן וועגן פאליטיקס ביז שפייט ביי נאכט.,We used to discuss politics far into the night.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn איך האב געקוקט אינעם נעקסטען צימער.,I looked into the next room.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn בקר ניזון מעשב.,Cattle feed on grass.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn ער איז נישט אזוי אן איבערטייטשער ווי א פאעט.,He is not so much a translator as a poet.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn איך האף צו הערן פון דיר באלד.,I hope to hear from you soon.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn זײַן רעדע איז געװען צו קורץ.,His speech was too short.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn אלע מענטשן זענען גלייך על פי דין.,All human beings are legally equal.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn איצטער איז זײַן אַרבעט פֿאַרענדיקט.,His work is now complete.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn פארוואס קען איך נישט רעגיסטרירן פאר דעם קלאס?,Why I can't register for that class?,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn מיר האבן באשלאסן צו בלייבן.,We decided to stay.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn מוכאמאד איז געבוירן געווארן אין מעקאַ.,Muhammad was born in Mecca.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn װאָס פֿאַר אַ נוץ האָט דער מענטש פֿון זײַן גאַנצער מיװאָס ער מיט זיך אונטער דער זון?,What profit hath a man of all his labour which he taketh under the sun?,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn טאם האט געזאגט מערי׳ן אז ער גלויבט נישט אין אסטראלאגיע.,Tom told Mary that he didn't believe in astrology.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn איך האב נישט געוואוסט אז טאם זינגט.,I didn't know Tom was a singer.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn האט איר א הונט? ניין.,Does she have a dog? No.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn איך גיי צו שול אויף שבת.,I go to school on Saturday.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn איך וועל קויפן א נייע.,I'll buy a new one.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn קריג מאַכט קײנעם גליקלעך.,War doesn't make anybody happy.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn דער טעאַטער איז געװען פֿול געפּאַקט.,The theater was too crowded.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn דו ביסט אַזױ שײן.,You're so beautiful!,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn די טײ איז זײער הײס.,This tea is very hot.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn אירלאַנד און ענגלאַנד זײַנען צעשײדט דורך אַ ים.,Ireland and England are separated by the sea.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn אַ ים צעשײדט אירלאַנד און ענגלאַנד.,A sea separates Ireland and England.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn זי בלייבט אין א האָטעל נעבן דעם פאלאץ.,She is staying at a little hotel by the castle.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn מײַן זון האָט זיך פֿאַראינטערעסירט אין דער פּאָליטיק פֿרי.,My son took an early interest in politics.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn האט טאם געפונען דעם מענטש וואס ער איז געווען זוכענדיג?,Did Tom find the person he was looking for?,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn לאמיר דיר זאגן וואס איך האב געטאן היינט.,Let me tell you what I did today.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn איך וועל זיי נישט זאגן טאמע דו וועסט נישט.,I won't tell them if you won't.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn איך האָב אַ‎ גוט ווערטערבוך.,I have a good dictionary.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn אַ פֿײַערװאַנט װעט פֿאַרזיכערן די זיכערקײט פֿונעם אינטערנעץ.,A firewall will guarantee Internet security.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn איך האב געדארפט געבן טאם צייט צו טראכטן וועגן עס.,I had to give Tom time to think about it.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn איך בין הונגעריק.,I am hungry.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn איך בין געזעסן און געלײענט אַ בוך.,I sat down and read a book.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn דאס איז אוואו איך וויל זיין.,This is where I want to be.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn איך האָב געהערט אַ פֿרױ שרײַענדיק.,I heard a woman scream.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn איך וועל אים רופן יעצט.,I'm going to call him right now.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn נעכטן איז מיר געקומען צו גאַסט אַ יונגע פֿרױ.,A young woman came to visit me yesterday.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn דו ביסט אַ שײנע פֿרױ.,You're a beautiful woman.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn דו ביסט אַ פֿרױ.,You're a woman.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn איר זײַט אַ פֿרױ.,You are a woman.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn קײנער פֿון זײ האָט נישט קײן פֿרױ.,None of them have wives.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn איך וויל קלינגען...,I want to call...,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn איך האָב אַ פּאָר ענגלישע ביכער.,I have some English books.,yid_Hebr-eng_Latn 尋日淨係得幾個人嚟咗開會。,Only a few people came to the meeting yesterday.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 好呀,不過唔好去太耐喎。,"Sure, but don't take your time.",yue_Hant-eng_Latn 間房裏面啲傢俬全部都用到殘晒。,All the furniture in the room was all worn out.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 佢唔想我去,但係我諗住去。,"He doesn't want me to go, but I mean to.",yue_Hant-eng_Latn 阿 Jane 有好多衫要洗。,Jane has a lot of clothes to wash.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 講畀我聽你喺邊呀?,"Tell me, where are you?",yue_Hant-eng_Latn 你實係估都估唔到會喺啲噉嘅地方度撞到你個老師啦。,You must have been surprised to meet your teacher in such a place.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 張枱上面有幾多本雜誌呀?,How many magazines are on the desk?,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我去咗髮型屋剪頭髮。,I had my hair cut at the barber's.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 佢漏低咗佢把遮。,She has left her umbrella behind.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我尋日呢個時間喺度睇緊電視。,I was watching TV at this time yesterday.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 你早餐通常食啲咩㗎?,What do you usually have for breakfast?,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 如果有人嚟搵我,就同佢講話我出咗去。,"If anybody comes, tell him that I am out.",yue_Hant-eng_Latn 「你諗緊啲咩呀?」「冇嘢呀……」,"""What are you thinking about?"" ""Nothin'...""",yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我一去到就會寫信俾你㗎喇。,I'll write you as soon as I arrive there.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我唔開心嗰陣,我班朋友會同我打氣。,"When I'm sad, my friends encourage me.",yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我一定接近了。,I must be getting close.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 阿媽去咗行街。,Mother has gone shopping.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我好鍾意日本啲嘢食,都好鍾意日本啲風俗,所以我自然都好鍾意喺日本度住。,"I like Japanese food and customs, so it follows that I like living in Japan.",yue_Hant-eng_Latn 呢部電話壞咗。,This telephone is out of order.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 唔好唔記得我哋呀!,Don't forget about us!,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我唔記得咗你個電話號碼。,I forget your phone number.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我啲書本本都借得俾你,總之你唔好整污糟就得㗎喇。,"I will lend you any book that I have, so long as you keep it clean.",yue_Hant-eng_Latn 佢一啲禮貌都冇。,He has no manners at all.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 千祈唔好自殺。,Never try to die.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 佢賺咗好多錢。,He has earned a lot of money.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我幫啲花淋水淋嚟都無謂,因為我一淋完就開始落雨喇。,"I needn't have watered the flowers. Just after I finished, it started raining.",yue_Hant-eng_Latn 你做咩唔出聲呀?,How come you say nothing?,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 同人哋握手嗰陣,一定要有眼神接觸。,"When you shake hands with somebody, you must look him in the eye.",yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我唔係好肯定呢個字應該點讀。,I am not sure how to pronounce the word.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我嗰班嗰啲女仔全部都好好人。,All the girls in my class are kind.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 報紙有冇話會落雨呀?,Did the newspaper say it was going to rain?,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我諗住買隻錶俾我個仔。,I'll buy a watch for my son.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我漏低咗啲嘢喺間房度。,I left something in the room.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 英式英文嘅「to get the sack」啫係俾人炒魷魚噉解。,"In British English, ""to get the sack"" means to be fired from your job.",yue_Hant-eng_Latn 多謝晒!,Thank you very much!,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我唔係俾人炒魷魚,係自己劈炮唔撈嘅。,I wasn't fired. I quit.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我揸車送你返屋企啦。,I'll drive you home.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我信宿命。,I'm a fatalist.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 可唔可以俾多支啤酒我呀?,"Could I get one more beer, please?",yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我用一日時間冇可能做得晒啲嘢。,It is impossible for me to finish the work in a day.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我仲係單身。,I'm still single.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 你尋日有無打電話俾佢?,Did you call him up yesterday?,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 老實講吖,我真係唔係好鍾意你個髮型。,"Frankly speaking, I don't like your haircut.",yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我哋用咗萬二蚊嚟買呢架車。,We bought this car for 10200 rupees.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 佢哋而家去緊邊?,Where are they going to right now?,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我覺得睇電視好嘥時間。,I think of watching TV as a waste of time.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 加拿大大過日本。,Canada is larger than Japan.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 佢返工嗰陣出咗意外,受咗傷。,He got hurt in the accident at work.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我諗其實你都冇得揀㗎喇。,I'm not sure you have much of a choice.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 希望你阿爸阿媽會俾我哋結婚啦。,I hope that your parents will allow us to marry.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 佢賺咁多錢,根本都用唔晒。,He earns more money than he can spend.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 佢喺道門前面行嚟行去,唔知入去好定唔入去好。,"He walked back and forth in front of the door, hesitating to enter.",yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我同佢已經無晒感情喇。,I don't like him any more than he likes me.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 呢條呔幾多錢呀?,How much is this tie?,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 呢個問題擺埋一邊先。,That problem has been shelved for the time being.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 你今個禮拜六日得唔得閒呀?,Are you free this weekend?,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 你知唔知上個禮拜個舞會有幾多人嚟咗呀?,Do you know how many people turned up at the dance last week?,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 你可唔可以講多次呀?,Could you repeat that?,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 佢哋幫唔到我哋。,They were unable to help us.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 佢有好多講歷史嘅書。,He has a lot of books on history.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 話俾我聽啦,我好想知呀。,Tell me about it. I'm all ears.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 天氣咁好,我開窗得唔得呀?,"Since the weather is so good, can I open a window?",yue_Hant-eng_Latn 搭嗰架巴士就可以去到動物園喇。,That bus will take you to the zoo.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 抌咗疊舊報紙佢啦。,Get rid of that heap of old newspapers.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我個同事真係好識擦老細鞋㗎。,My coworker really knows how to suck up to the boss.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 等我串俾你聽啦。,Let me spell it out for you.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我每朝早都會剃鬚。,I shave every morning.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我隻錶好準。,My watch keeps good time.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我仲要額外俾多十蚊嚟買盒錄音帶。,I had to pay ten dollars for the cassette in addition.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 如果你買六合彩贏咗一千萬,你會用啲錢嚟做咩?,"If you won ten million dollars in a lottery, what would you do with that money?",yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我係因為忙得濟,所以先至冇回信俾你㗎咋。,"I didn't answer your letter, because I was busy.",yue_Hant-eng_Latn 冇人請佢去,所以佢好失望。,He was disappointed at not being invited.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 可唔可以幫我攞張紙嚟呀?,"Bring me a sheet of paper, please.",yue_Hant-eng_Latn 咩聲嚟㗎?,What was that noise?,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我可能漏咗把遮喺巴士度。,I may have left my umbrella in the bus.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 你應該自己同老師講。,You should talk to the teacher yourself.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我哋以後要保持聯絡呀。,"From now on, let's keep in touch.",yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我唔想俾呢件事發生。,I don't want to let that happen.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 你嗰啲歌我全部都識背㗎。,I know all your songs by heart.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我支原子筆冇晒墨喇。,My ballpoint pen just ran out of ink.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 跟住又有三個人上咗架巴士。,Three more passengers got on the bus.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 你應該去睇牙醫,掹咗隻牙佢。,You should go to the dentist and have that tooth pulled out.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 㖡,老師呀,黑板上面寫嗰個唔係指數函數,係三角函數嚟個喎……,"Er, Sir? What's written on the blackboard isn't an exponential function but a trigonometric one ...",yue_Hant-eng_Latn 佢真係好鍾意科幻小說。,He really likes science fiction novels a lot.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 而家係朝頭早八點。,It's eight o'clock in the morning.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 郵差每隔兩日嚟一次。,The postman comes every three days.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 嗰家人活喺貧窮之中。,The family lived in poverty.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 佢個名已經到咗口唇邊喇。,His name is on the tip of my tongue.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 啲人成日話日文好難學。,Japanese is often said to be a difficult language to learn.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我想要多少少茶呀。,Give me some more tea.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 今朝望落好似想落雨,但係最尾天氣好好。,"Although it looked like rain this morning, it has turned out fine.",yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我哋唔好為埋啲無謂嘢嗌交啦。,Let's not quibble over trivial matters.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 兩者之間冇乜分別。,There is not much difference between the two.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 佢啲中文越嚟越好。,She is progressing in Chinese.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 包、剪、𢱕。,"Rock, paper, scissors.",yue_Hant-eng_Latn 「下次喇。」佢講。,"""Next time,"" he said.",yue_Hant-eng_Latn 唔,呢個的確係一個問題嚟嘅。,"Yes, that's certainly an issue.",yue_Hant-eng_Latn 今日唔使上堂。,There are no classes today.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 你知唔知你去緊邊㗎?,Do you know where you're going to?,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 你嗰到有幾熱呀?,How hot is it where you are?,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 你準備好出發就打電話俾我啦。,Call me when you're ready to go.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我嚟咗呢到三個禮拜喇。,I've been here for three weeks.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 整嗰陣你鍾意可以用牛奶代替水。,"If you like, you can use milk instead of water in this recipe.",yue_Hant-eng_Latn 如果你行路唔帶眼,一陣間你就會跌落水㗎喇。,"If you don't watch out, you'll soon fall in the water.",yue_Hant-eng_Latn 太陽落緊山。,The sun is going down.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn Shh!唔好出聲……我哋依家搞緊窉窉,要搞嘅話快啲搵個地方匿埋一邊喇。,"Shh! Don't make a sound. We are playing hide-and-seek now. If you want to talk, go find somewhere else to hide.",yue_Hant-eng_Latn 唔該唱首歌啦。,Please sing a song.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我喺部𨋢度聞到啲煙味。,I smell smoke in the elevator.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 唔該俾啲糖我吖。,Pass the sugar please.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 呢條裙襯唔襯我呀?,Does this dress look good on me?,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 聖誕假期間免費入場。,Admission is free during Christmas break.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 個批好好食。,The pie was delicious.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 好夜喇。,It is very late.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我哋預計會有好多人出席典禮。,We're expecting a lot of people to attend the ceremony.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我哋想知呢個計劃大約要用幾多錢。,We want to know what this project is going to cost us.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 佢應承咗六點鐘嚟。,He promised to be here at 6.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我哋喺度睇緊電視。,We are watching TV.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我哋要喺落雨之前將呢架貨車上面啲嘢搬晒落嚟。,We need to get this truck unloaded before it starts raining.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 有啲大學教授好鍾意遲嚟早走。,Some college teachers come to class late and leave early.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我唔係太擔心阿Tom。,I'm not too worried about Tom.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 你知唔知我講緊咩呀?,Do you understand what I'm saying?,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我哋應該唔夠時間喺今日之內搞掂佢。,We probably don't have enough time to finish doing that today.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我叫咗阿Tom唔好咁做。,I've asked Tom not to do that.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 佢連我哋啲名都唔知。,He didn't even know our names.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn Tom愛我哋。,Tom loves us.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 佢鍾意咗佢,但係連佢叫咩名都唔知。,"He fell in love with her, but didn't even know her name.",yue_Hant-eng_Latn 佢哋幾高?,How tall are they?,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 你估吓我有幾高?,Guess how tall I am.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我覺得好大壓力。,I'm feeling stressed.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 唔好問我攞錢。,Don't ask me for money.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我老豆九點返咗屋企。,My father came home at nine.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 佢搶走晒我阿妹啲玩具。,He deprived my little sister of all her toys.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 你真係唔使擔心㗎,信我啦。,Believe me when I say that that's the last thing you should be worried about.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我諗佢係聰明人嚟嘅。,I believe he is an intelligent person.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 佢係成座城最有錢嗰個。,He is richer than anyone else in the town.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我有一條好戇居嘅問題。,I have a stupid question.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 個委員會係由科學家同工程師組成嘅。,The committee consists of scientists and engineers.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 阿Tom發咗達,突然間多咗好多朋友。,Tomi became rich and suddenly got a lot of friends.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 你係做錯咗,但係都唔可以怪你嘅。,"On the one hand, you are wrong, but on the other hand, I can't blame you for that.",yue_Hant-eng_Latn 你上次全家一齊慶祝聖誕係幾時嘅事呀?,When was the last time you celebrated Christmas with your whole family?,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 你唔覺得我哋而家嘅生活比以前好咗咩?,Don't you think we're better off than we used to be?,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 人有幾多個腎?,How many kidneys does a human being have?,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我哋大家都好清楚呢件事一定係佢做嘅。,Everybody knows for sure that it was he who did it.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我對現代藝術冇乜興趣。,Modern art doesn't interest me.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我尋晚唔應該飲咁多啤酒。,I shouldn't have drunk so much beer last night.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我想見你哋經理。,I want to speak to your manager.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我好少飲酒。,I don't drink much wine.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 你可唔可以煮啲嘢俾我食呀?,Will you cook something for me?,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 眾所周知,伊斯法罕人嘅手藝係全伊朗最好嘅。,It is well known that the men of Esfahan are the best craftsmen of Iran.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 阿Tom就冇咁好彩喇。,Tom hasn't been so lucky.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 個男仔連襪都未除就走咗去瞓覺。,The boy went to bed with his socks on.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 阿Tom倒咗啲凍水落個頭到。,Tom poured some cold water over his head.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 佢嘅要求如下。,His request is as follows.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 佢哋喺辦公室度裝咗部自動販賣機。,They installed a vending machine at work.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 窮人睇嘢同埋有錢人睇嘢會好唔同。,A person views things differently according to whether they are rich or poor.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我春天嗰陣抹乾淨咗啲窗,但係佢哋而家又污漕返喇。,I cleaned the windows in the spring but they're dirty again.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 瑞典冬天個天好黑。,It's so dark in Sweden in the winter.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 最近嘅舖頭喺邊到?,Where's the nearest shop?,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我星期日唔喺屋企。,I'm not in on Sunday.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 佢同我一樣咁高。,He's as tall as me.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我畢咗業之後諗住去外國讀書。,I will study abroad when I have finished school.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 拉緊小提琴嗰個人係邊個嚟㗎?,Who is the man playing the violin?,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 你最好帶埋把遮去。,You'd better take an umbrella.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 唔係佢個人樣衰,而係佢啲衫核突。,"It's not the person that's ugly, but the clothes.",yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我哋冇其他選擇。,We don't have another choice.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 你肯定你未見過佢?,You're certain that you've never met her before?,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我永遠都係睇咗體育版先。,I always read the sports page first.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 啲死人電池應該唔喺呢個死人櫃桶度。,I don't think that those damn batteries are in this damn drawer.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 你鍾意講咩咪講咩囉,關我撚事咩!,I don't give a fuck about what you say!,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 佢好大波。,She has big boobs.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 佢彈琴彈得好過我。,He plays the piano better than I do.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 佢應該唔會嚟㗎喇。,I don't think that he'll come.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我知道嘅就係得咁多。,This is all that I know.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我一定會戒煙!,I'm definitely going to give up smoking!,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我係大學生。,I'm a college student.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我唔俾你用我支鋼筆。,I will not allow you to use my pen.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 一到咗冬天就會落好多雪。,We have lots of snow in the winter.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我上年開始喺呢間公司度做嘢。,I started working for this company last year.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 如果你想俾啲貼士個的士司機,就俾多啲錢佢,跟住同佢講「唔使找」。,"If you want the taxi driver to have a tip, hand him too much money and say, ""Keep the change.""",yue_Hant-eng_Latn 你講得啱。,You are right.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 小明唔識控制自己。,Xiaoming doesn't know how to control herself.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 佢跑得快過我。,He can run faster than I.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 你係咪睇緊《基度山恩仇記》?,"Are you reading ""The Count of Monte Cristo""?",yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我英文唔係好好。,My English is not good.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 茶喺世界各地都好多人飲。,Tea is a popular beverage throughout the world.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我一個禮拜見個老坑兩三次。,I saw the old man two or three times a week.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我可以為你做嘅都做咗喇。,I've done what I can for you.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 個桶底穿咗個窿。,There's a hole in the bottom of the bucket.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我哋學中文。,We study Chinese.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 佢游水游得好叻。,She is a good swimmer.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我連發夢都無諗過阿 George 會呃我。,Never did I dream that George would cheat me.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 呢座建築物就起完㗎喇。,This building is near completion.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 你咩意思啊?,What are you trying to imply?,yue_Hant-eng_Latn SFX 啫係咩呀?,What does SFX stand for?,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 「佢嚟唔嚟㗎?」「唔,我諗佢唔嚟喇。」,"""Is he coming?"" ""No, I think not.""",yue_Hant-eng_Latn 你點解要學外語呀?,What do you study a foreign language for?,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 有人鎖咗我喺間房度。,Someone locked me in the room.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 佢寫咗封信。,He wrote a letter.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 佢出盡全力,連塊面都紅埋。,He was trying so hard that he turned red.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 大菌食細菌,細菌當補品。,"It may not be clean, but you won't get sick from eating it.",yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我好鍾意音樂,尤其係古典音樂。,"I love music, particularly classical.",yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我唔鍾意食辣。,I don't like spicy food.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 得閒死唔得閒病。,I don't have time to be sick.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 拉丁文係未來嘅語言!,Latin is the language of the future!,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 佢哋好似對個結果好滿意噉。,It looks like they're satisfied with the result.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 蕾拉行咗去個停車場到。,Layla walked to the parking lot.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 你點呀?,How are you?,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 由呢度坐車去火車站十分鐘就到。,It's a ten-minute ride from here to the train station.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 阿Tom而家寫緊一本小說。,Tom is writing a novel now.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 而家啲超級市場閂晒門㗎喇,我哋惟有攞雪櫃淨返啲嘢嚟用啦。,"The supermarkets are now closed, so we'll have to make do with what is left in the refrigerator.",yue_Hant-eng_Latn 你嘅心情我諗我明白嘅。,I feel that I understand your feelings.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 你趕唔趕得切㗎?,Will you make it in time?,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 嗰個公仔好恐怖。,That doll is scary.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 佢好少搽指甲油。,She seldom uses nail polish.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 佢哋睇完套戲之後就瞓著咗。,They fell asleep after the movie.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我覺得好似變咗第二個人咁。,I feel like I've become someone else.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 佢買咗對新手套。,He bought new gloves.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 佢靚到唔知點形容好。,Her beauty is indescribable.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 奧運會最重要嘅唔係贏,而係參與;就好似人生最重要嘅唔係勝利,而係過程中嘅掙扎。最重要嘅唔係克服困難,而係有好好咁奮鬥過。,"The most important thing in the Olympic Games is not to win but to take part, just as the most important thing in life is not the triumph but the struggle. The essential thing is not to have conquered but to have fought well.",yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我想喊。,I want to cry.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 你哋而家喺邊?,Where are you guys now?,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我想買啲阿士匹靈。,I would like to buy some aspirin.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 對唔住呀,但係我都冇嘢可以做到。,"I'm sorry, but there's nothing I can do.",yue_Hant-eng_Latn 如果你想抖吓就出聲啦。,"If you want to take a break, just say so.",yue_Hant-eng_Latn 呢兩個蜜糖冬甩幾多錢呀?,How much do these two honey doughnuts cost?,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我覺得你應該嚟我屋企瞓。,I think you should come stay at my place.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 應承我你唔會咁做。,Give me your word that you won't do that.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 個杯入面冇乜牛奶淨喇。,There's almost no milk left in the glass.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 有時會無啦啦好想食朱古力。,Sometimes you just want to eat chocolate.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我大約一個鐘之前見到佢哋八個。,I saw all eight of them about an hour ago.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 你哋兩個自己去開房啦。,"Get a room, you two.",yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我好奇想問吓呢,你會點做呀?,"Just out of curiosity, what would you do?",yue_Hant-eng_Latn 你個新髮型望落好似老咗。,Your new hair style makes you look older.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 呢隻係一隻貓。,This is a cat.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 呢件褸無袋。,The coat doesn't have any pockets.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 你唔使對我隱瞞啲咩㗎。,You don't have to hide anything from me.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 你哋食唔食煙㗎?,Do y'all smoke?,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 可唔可以教我?,Can you teach me?,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 龜係冇牙㗎。,Turtles don't have teeth.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 放開佢!,Let go of him!,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我返到屋企嗰陣你已經瞓著咗喇。,You were asleep by the time I got home.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我入咗幾日醫院。,I was in the hospital for a few days.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 你係咪已經簽咗份約喇?,Have you already signed the contract?,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我阿爸聽古典音樂。,My father listens to classical music.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 呢一切一切都喺三日之內發生。,That all happened in just three days.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 可唔可以同你講兩句?,Can I speak to you for a moment please?,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我哋喺電視上面睇咗場棒球比賽。,We watched a baseball game on television.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 唔好意思呀,呢本書賣晒㗎喇。,"Sorry, the book is out of stock.",yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我唔知佢幾時會出現。,I'm not sure as to when he will turn up.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我一定要喺聽日之前還返本書俾佢。,I must give back the book to him by tomorrow.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我諗佢永遠都唔會返嚟㗎喇。,I think he'll never return.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 佢啲駕駛技術好差,但係都勉強通過咗個駕駛考試。,He managed to pass his driving test even though he was a poor driver.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 阿Tom好鍾意整蠱我。,Tom enjoys playing tricks on me.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 你可唔可以唔好成個傻仔噉喺度笑呀?,When are you going to stop laughing like an idiot?,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我阿爸阿媽成日為埋啲芝麻綠豆嘅嘢喺度嗌交,真係煩到死呀!,My parents keep arguing about stupid things. It's so annoying!,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 有得揀嘅話,我唔想坐飛機去。,"I don't want to go by plane, if I can help it.",yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我同我阿爸得閒就會去釣吓魚。,My father and I go fishing once in a while.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 有冇人可以話我聽電燈膽嘅原理係點㗎?,Who can tell me how a light bulb works?,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 森美好似BB仔咁喺到喊。,Sami was crying like a baby.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 冇可能係真嘅。,That can't be true.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 夠腳開枱喇。,Now we have enough people to play mahjong.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 你同唔同我一齊去聽音樂會呀?,Will you come with me to the concert?,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 你有冇鉛筆呀?,Do you have a pencil?,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我唔想整污糟我隻手。,I don't want to get my hands dirty.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 樹上有隻雀仔喺度唱緊歌。,A bird is singing in the tree.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我唔想做話俾佢聽嗰個。,I don't want to be the one who breaks the news to her.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我阿哥話咁快就做晒啲功課喇。,My elder brother finished his homework very quickly.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我喺屋企。,I am at home.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 冇人愛我。,Nobody loves me.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 盛惠三歐羅吖。,That'll be three euros.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 嗰座係咩嚟㗎?,What's that building?,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 呢首詩係邊個寫㗎?,Who wrote that poem?,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 你打咗電話俾佢未呀?,Have you called her yet?,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 佢成日𥄫實你,仲唔係冧你?,He's always looking at you. He must love you.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 啲咖啡漬好難抹得甩。,It was difficult to remove the coffee stain.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 唔係真係咁需要一樣嘢但係又走去買係一件好蠢嘅事,因為你去到最尾都係會將佢擺埋一二邊,然後發現自己倒咗錢落海。,"It is folly to buy things you don't really feel the need for, since you'll end up neglecting them and eventually realise you wasted money.",yue_Hant-eng_Latn 圓周係點計㗎話?我唔記得咗。,How do you calculate the length of the circumference? I've forgotten.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 你好快就會學識游水㗎喇。,You'll soon be able to swim.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 你對鞋喺呢度。,Your shoes are here.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我好驚貓頭鷹。,I'm afraid of owls.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我唔明。,I do not understand.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我頂唔順呀!,I can't stand it anymore.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我哋都係唔好再見面喇。,It would be better for both of us not to see each other anymore.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 呢度附近有無郵政局?,Is there a post office around here?,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我淨係同咗你講咋。,I haven't told anybody else.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 硬紙板好適合用嚟做模型屋。,Cardboard is well suited for making model houses.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 呀,塊多士燶咗添。,"Oh, the toast is burned black.",yue_Hant-eng_Latn 貝絲好鍾意喺人哋講嘢嗰陣加把口落去。,Beth has a strong habit of interrupting people while they are talking.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 上個禮拜有五個人冇返學。,Last week five students were absent from class.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我今晚想出街食飯。,I want to eat out tonight.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我用硬紙板造呢個盒。,I used cardboard to make this box.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 佢媽咪嚟接佢喇。,His mother came to pick him up.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 你有冇鞋同埋襪呀?,Do you have shoes and socks?,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我哋一齊夾份買咗份生日禮物俾我哋個老師。,We all chipped in to buy our teacher a birthday present.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我冇養貓。,I don't have a cat.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 呢個係咪你親手縫㗎?,Did you sew this by hand?,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 唔係吓話,咁你都信?,I can't believe you fell for that.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 呢種物質好輕,可以浮喺水面。,The substance is light enough to float on the water.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 個學生俾個老師望到周身唔自在。,The student became very nervous with the teacher watching him.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 條路上面舖滿晒樹葉。,Leaves lay thick in the lane.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 第十台喺度播緊啲咩呀?,What is on Channel 10?,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 佢一步一步噉上咗樓梯。,He went up the steps slowly.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 佢喺個泳池游水嗰陣整唔見咗儲物櫃條鎖匙。,"While swimming in the pool, she lost her locker key.",yue_Hant-eng_Latn 唔同國家有唔同習俗。,Each country has its own customs.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我種咗好多花,有啲係紅色嘅,有啲係黃色嘅。,I have a lot of flowers. Some are red and some are yellow.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 唔知第二啲星球度有冇生物嘅呢?,I wonder if life exists on other planets.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 呢間酒店裝得落一千人。,This hotel has accommodations for 1000 guests.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 啲人點解要去睇戲嘅?,Why do people go to the movies?,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 你知唔知全世界每年有幾多人餓死呀?,Do you know how many people starve to death in the world annually?,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我對物理學一啲興趣都冇。,I'm not in the least interested in physics.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 企喺嗰度嗰個男仔係我個仔嚟㗎。,The boy standing over there is my son.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 她廿五歲嗰陣已經喺五個唔同嘅國家住過。,She lived in five different countries by age 25.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我而家好唔得閒。,I'm busy now.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 你噉嘅諗法有冇根據㗎?,Do you have any grounds for thinking so?,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我喺架火車度俾人撻咗嘢。,I had my pocket picked on the train.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我唔肯相信佢哋話俾我聽嘅嘢。,I refused to believe what they told me.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 韓國菜出名辣。,Korean food is noted for its spicy flavor.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 好多嘢都係自然𠺝。山埃夠自然咯。地震夠自然咯。屌,連癌症都係自然添啦。自然嘅嘢唔一定就係好𠺢嘛。,"Well, lots of things are natural. Cyanide is natural. Earthquakes are natural. Hell, cancer is natural. Just because it's natural doesn't mean it's good.",yue_Hant-eng_Latn 你鍾唔鍾意我㗎?,Do you love me?,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我好後悔愛上咗一個咁樣樣嘅女仔。,I regret having fallen in love with a girl like her.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我希望佢明同埋會由我啦。,I hope that he's understood and that he'll leave me be.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我朝頭早六點之前硬係起唔到身。,It is difficult for me to get up before six.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 如果你唔想考試肥佬,就要勤力啲溫書喇。,You'll have to work hard if you want to pass the exam.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 唔該你八點叫我起身吖。,Get me up at eight.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我哋買咗一磅茶。,We bought a pound of tea.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 睇吓嗰座建築物。係咪廟嚟㗎?,Look at that building. Is it a temple?,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我唔可以借呢本書俾你。,I cannot lend this book to you.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 佢好快就會嚟㗎喇。,He will come soon.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我今朝淨係食咗塊多士同飲咗杯咖啡咋。,I only had a piece of toast and a cup of coffee this morning.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 你千祈唔好講呢件事俾你阿爸阿媽聽。,You mustn't tell that to your parents.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 睇書可以學識好多生字。,Many words are acquired through reading.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我唔鍾意飲咖啡。,I don't like coffee.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我哋試吓吖!,Let's have a look.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我仲未有機會睇嗰套戲。,I haven't had a chance to see the movie yet.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我淨係得一個心願。,I have but one wish.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 佢實係嬲得好犀利喇,如果唔係佢唔會講埋啲噉嘅嘢㗎。,He must be very angry to say such a thing.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我唔係好明你喺度噏乜。,I don't understand what you are talking about.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 佢喺超級市場度買咗部吸塵機。,She bought a vacuum cleaner at the supermarket.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 今日我行咗十公里。,I walked 10 kilometers today.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我冇食早餐,所以好肚餓。,I am hungry because I did not eat breakfast.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我講啲嘢俾你聽吖。,Let me tell you something.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 佢舊年開始喺嗰間公司度返工。,He began to work for that company last year.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 佢唔會蠢到借錢俾你嘅。,He knows better than to lend you money.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 去邊度食我都冇所謂,你話事得㗎喇。,I don't care where we eat dinner. It's entirely up to you.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 你成日都喺度話你個老公呢樣唔好嗰樣唔好。,You are always complaining about your husband.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 俾我諗陣先。,Let me think for a while.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 佢哋已經周圍搵過佢,但係就邊度都搵唔到佢。,"They looked everywhere for him, but couldn't find him anywhere.",yue_Hant-eng_Latn 係邊個趁我唔喺度嗰陣睇我本日記呀?,Who was it that read my diary while I was out?,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 佢幅相上咗報紙。,His picture was in the newspaper.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我哋傾咗嗰個問題。,We discussed the problem.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我哋冇收到通知話佢哋改咗地址。,We have not been notified about their change of address.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 快啲啦,你仲慢吞吞噉我哋就遲到㗎喇。,"Come on, we'll be late if you don't hurry up.",yue_Hant-eng_Latn 佢同佢阿爸好似樣。,He takes after his father.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 麻煩你喺呢度簽個名吖。,Please sign here.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我唔鍾意食煙,因為食煙對身體唔好。,I don't care for smoking; it's bad for the health.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 佢個老公係英文老師,所以佢有得上免費英文堂。,"She is married to an English teacher, so she can take lessons free of charge.",yue_Hant-eng_Latn 阿 Bob 老豆喺女校教書。,Bob's father teaches at a girls' school.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我諗我哋有啲太過寵隻狗喇。,I suppose we're a little too indulgent to the dog.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 佢呃咗個阿婆啲錢。,The man cheated the old woman out of her money.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 佢係其中一個市長嘅候選人。,He is one of the candidates running for mayor.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我冇第二啲方法。,I couldn't do otherwise.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 呢間舖頭九點閂門。,This store is closed at nine.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 你可唔可以俾我睇吓你買咗啲咩呀?,Will you show me what you bought?,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我係食齋嘅。,I am a vegetarian.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 佢依家成隻老鼠咁匿埋。,"Now, he's hiding like a mouse.",yue_Hant-eng_Latn 你仲有乜野要我幫忙吤?,Do you still need my help?,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 啲相係專業攝影師影嘅,所以唔會有問題。,"The photos are taken by a pro, so they'll turn out well.",yue_Hant-eng_Latn 哦,呢度你行得到?,"Oh, you can walk here?",yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我見到有個男人喺兩棵樹之間。,I see a man between the trees.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 佢起唔到火,唯有生勾勾噉食咗條魚。,"As he had no way of making fire, he ate the fish raw.",yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我喺外國讀書。,I study abroad.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我有兩隻貓。,I have two cats.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn """多謝晒"" ""唔使""","""Thanks."" ""You're welcome.""",yue_Hant-eng_Latn 佢去到個火車站嗰陣,班火車已經走咗差唔多半粒鐘。,"When he reached the station, the train had already left almost half an hour before.",yue_Hant-eng_Latn 佢拯救咗件事。,He saved the situation.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 有圖有真相。,Pics or it didn't happen.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 醫護人員嘅工作就係要幫助嗰啲有需要嘅人士。,Health workers aid people in need.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我想飲水呀。,I want some water.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 冇人會再聽㗎喇。,No one listens anymore.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我哋越等越心急。,"The longer we waited, the more impatient we became.",yue_Hant-eng_Latn 唔係我哋做㗎。,It's not us who did it.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 你買咗啲乜嘢呀?,What did you buy?,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 佢阿哥大我兩歲。,His older brother is two years older than I.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 佢喺條管度擳咗啲牙膏出嚟。,He squeezed the toothpaste out of a tube.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 阿Jim嘅英文好過佢班上嘅其他同學仔。,Jim is above any of his classmates in English.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 條青瓜咁長嘅!,What a long cucumber!,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 撳嗰個掣就OK㗎喇。,You have only to push the button.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 你點解係都要搞到啲嘢咁複雜啫?,Why do you always have to overcomplicate things?,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 今個秋天冇我哋想像中落咁多雪。,We had less snow this winter than we had expected.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 佢係英國人,所以對英式用法同美式用法之間嘅分別特別敏感。,"As an Englishman, he is particularly sensitive to the differences between English and American usage.",yue_Hant-eng_Latn Tom冇放棄。,Tom didn't give up.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我好掛住小學啲老師。,I miss my elementary school teachers.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 「去唔去唱 K 呀?」「遲啲先啦。」,"""Wanna go karaoke?"" ""Sorry, later.""",yue_Hant-eng_Latn 唔係每一盞燈都係神燈。,Not every lamp is magic.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 架飛機啱啱好九點鐘到。,The plane arrived exactly at nine.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 佢間睡房入面有張細細張嘅枱,枱上面有個細細個嘅樽。,"There was a small table in her bedroom, and on the table - a little bottle.",yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我諗喺語言呢個咁和平嘅領域入面都會有基本教義派同埋激進分子⋯⋯,I guess that there are fundamentalists and radicals even in the relatively peaceful domain of language...,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 因為佢蕩失路。,It's because he got lost.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 唔好搞亂「效能」同埋「效率」。,"Don't confuse ""efficacy"" with ""efficiency"".",yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我唔會令你失望。,I won't disappoint you.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 如果連佢都攞唔到滿分,噉你又有咩可能得呢?,"If even she can't get a perfect score on the exam, then how will you be able to?",yue_Hant-eng_Latn 呢條橋有幾長?,What's the length of this bridge?,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 喂,你唔小心啲行好易仆低㗎。,"Look, it's very easy to fall down now if you're not careful.",yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我聽日就死喇,所以後日唔得閒。,"I'm going to die tomorrow, and so I won't be free the day after.",yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我淨係得一個獨生女。,I only have a single daughter.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 佢哋俾我走。,They let me go.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我班friend前幾日嚟咗探我。,My friends dropped by to see me the other day.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 你唔好呃我呀,知唔知。,"You don't fool me, you know.",yue_Hant-eng_Latn 夜瞓對皮膚勁差。,Staying up late is terrible for your skin.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 一年四季,我最鍾意夏天,你呢?,"There are four seasons in a year, and the one I like most is summer. How about you?",yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我唔使保母。,I don't need a babysitter.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 你要唔要多舊蛋糕呀?,Would you like another piece of cake?,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 佢尋晚飲完酒嚟,搞到今日好唔舒服。,Drinking last night has left him feeling terrible today.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 佢殺唔到我,所以我就殺咗佢。,"Because he couldn't kill me, I killed him.",yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我好鍾意讀歷史。,I love studying history.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 喺現今嘅社會,最難做到嘅嘢就係⋯⋯做返自己。,"In today's world, the hardest thing for a man to be... is himself.",yue_Hant-eng_Latn 王老吉唔係啤酒嚟㗎,係茶嚟㗎。,Wang Lao Ji isn't beer. It's tea.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我今朝見到個天使。,"This morning, I saw an angel.",yue_Hant-eng_Latn 好高興見到你。,Happy to see you.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 你正仆街嚟。,You're a jerk.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我哋坐咗喺前排。,We sat in the front.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我一返到屋企就打電話俾你吖。,I will give you a call as soon as I get home.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 佢問咗我兩條問題。,He asked me two questions.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 佢唔食生魚。,He doesn't eat raw fish.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我愛上咗你。,I've fallen in love with you.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 兩個答案都啱。,The two answers are both correct.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 你不如死咗去算啦。,You might as well go kill yourself.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 如果你鍾意食海鮮嘅話,你就嚟啱地方喇!,"If you like seafood, you've come to the right place!",yue_Hant-eng_Latn 滑雪好好玩㗎。,Skiing is very fun.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 下個禮拜我去溫哥華探我個細妹。,Next week I'm going to Vancouver to visit my sister.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 呢個係一句句子。,This is a sentence.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我好想知道佢個名。,I really want to know her name.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我想為呢個世界帶嚟正面嘅改變。,I hope to effect positive change in the world.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 佢做得好過上一次。,He did better than last time.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 你想去就去啦。如果你唔想去都冇乜所謂。,"If you want to go, then go. If you don't want to, then it's no big deal.",yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我唔鍾意你女朋友。,I don't like your girlfriend.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 你可唔可以去架車後面睇吓啲車尾燈係咪著緊?,Could you stand behind my car for a minute and tell me if my brake lights are working?,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 好多士兵都喺場仗入面受咗重傷。,Many soldiers suffered terrible wounds in the battle.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我餓到成隻馬都食得落。,I'm so hungry that I could eat a horse.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 到咗未?,Has he arrived yet?,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 間房冇傢俬。,The room was devoid of furniture.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 五百蚊都唔嫌貴。,I'd gladly pay $500 for it.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 由於天氣惡劣嘅緣故,我哋唔取消個會議唔得。,"On account of bad weather, we were forced to call off the assembly.",yue_Hant-eng_Latn 可以問個問題嘛?,May I ask you a question?,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 警察已經走咗。,The policemen had already left.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 咖啡由阿拉伯引入嚟歐洲。,Coffee was introduced into Europe from Arabia.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 你唔識踩單車咩?,Can't you ride a bicycle?,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我要去銀行㩒錢。,I need to go to the bank to withdraw money.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 呀Tom屋企客廳埲牆到掛咗一張呀爸呀媽嘅結婚相。,Tom has a framed photo of his parents on their wedding day hanging on his lounge room wall.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 比起現代音樂,我更加鍾意古典音樂。,I like classical music more than modern music.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 冇乜嘢衰得過半途而廢。,Leaving something unfinished is the worst thing you can do.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 諗諗吓我好似約咗佢五點見面喎。,"Come to think of it, I promised to see him at five.",yue_Hant-eng_Latn 講就容易,做就難。,Easier said than done.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 佢哋係唔係美國人呀?,Are they Americans?,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 啲人成日話唔好亂咁信啲謠言,但係講就容易做就難。,"They say you shouldn't take rumors seriously, but that's easier said than done.",yue_Hant-eng_Latn 如果你勤力啲學習,係有希望通過考試嘅。,"If you study earnestly, you can expect to pass the exam.",yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我睇完呢本書啦。,I have already finished reading this book.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 佢啲口氣聞落好似山羊芝士咁。,His breath smells like goat cheese.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我鍾意睇書。,I like reading.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 唔好意思呀,我想問吓啲雞蛋喺邊度呀?,"I'm sorry, but where are the eggs?",yue_Hant-eng_Latn 最後一個關於握手嘅小貼士:記住笑。,I have one final piece of advice related to handshakes: Remember to smile.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我都唔知點解,但係佢哋唔係好鍾意我。,"I don't really know why, but they don't like me.",yue_Hant-eng_Latn 雪梨離呢度好遠㗎喎。,Sydney is far from here.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我阿妹好靚。,My sister is pretty.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 佢走咗之後,佢就話咗佢個名俾我聽。,She told me his name after he had left.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我尋日放工返屋企嗰陣同我個舊女朋友撞到正。,Yesterday I was on my way home from work when I ran smack into my old girlfriend.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我食咗隻熱狗做午餐。,I ate a hot dog for lunch.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 阿Tom唔鍾意寵物。,Tom is not fond of pets.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我自己嚟㗎。,I came by myself.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我哋有一隻貓。我哋全部都鍾意貓。,We have a cat. We all love cats.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 唔好一邊行路一邊睇書。,Do not read while walking.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 如果我有佢咁靚仔就好喇。,If only I were as handsome as he is.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 佢喺街度見到我都當我冇到。,She ignored me even when she met me on the street.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 阿John想唔想睇韓國電影呀?,Does John want to see a Korean movie?,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 支火箭而家應該已經到咗月球喇。,The rocket ought to have reached the moon by now.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 唔該你較細聲啲吖。,"Turn down the volume, please.",yue_Hant-eng_Latn 你做咩一個人呀?,Why are you alone?,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 有啲嘢入咗我隻眼。,I have something in my eye.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我哋有好多嘢要做。,We have lots of things to do.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我諗住下年去法國。,I plan to go to France next year.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我有好多嘢想做,但係就係無時間做。,I simply haven't the time to do everything I want to do.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 佢哋成日好早起身,連星期日都。,"They always wake up early, even on Sundays.",yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我出咗去嗰陣有冇人打電話嚟搵我呀?,Did anyone call me while I was out?,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 阿爾巴尼亞想加入歐盟。,Albania wants to join the European Union.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我打排球嗰陣篤咗魚蛋。,I sprained my finger while playing volleyball.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 唔該你打電話話個結果俾我聽吖。,Please let me know the result by telephone.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 埋單吖唔該。,"The bill, please.",yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我想講件怪事俾你聽。,I want to tell you a strange thing.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 佢口震震噉講:「嗰座城堡有鬼㗎。」,"""The castle is haunted,"" he said with a shiver.",yue_Hant-eng_Latn 唔好意思呀,我想問地鐵站點去呀?,"Excuse me, but could you tell me the way to the station?",yue_Hant-eng_Latn 你鍾意攞幾多就攞幾多。,Take as much as you like.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 佢係咪仲發緊燒呀?,Does she still have a temperature?,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我鍾意啲淺啲嘅色。,I like light colors.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我哋學校好鼓勵啲同學做運動。,Our school encourages sports.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 真係要睇吓幾時喎。,It really depends on when.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我仲未準備好。,I'm not ready yet.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 而家唔好買住,遲啲啲嘢就會喊冷㗎喇。,Do not buy now; they will soon be slashing the prices.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 喺網上最快得到正確資訊嘅方法就係post啲錯嘅資訊出嚟。,The quickest way to obtain correct information online is to post incorrect information.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 佢執親房都要打爛咁啲嘢先至安樂。,She breaks something every time she cleans the room.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我個鼻好痕。,My nose is itchy.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 如果一個宇宙簡單到可以俾人明白,咁就正正因為佢太過簡單,所以產生唔到明白到佢嘅意識體。,Any universe simple enough to be understood is too simple to produce a mind able to understand it.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 兩個禮拜就會自己好返㗎喇。,It will go away by itself in two weeks.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 佢以前日日出街食飯㗎,但係而家冇嚕,因為冇錢。,"He used to eat out every day, but now he can't afford it.",yue_Hant-eng_Latn 你測驗測成點呀?,How did your test go?,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我咪講咗對唔住囉。,I said I'm sorry.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 你早啲嚟就好喇。,I wish you'd come sooner.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 佢將佢啲衫塞咗落一個大袋入面。,He stuffed his laundry into a large bag.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 如果呢件事發生喺你身上,你會有咩感覺吖?,How would you feel if someone did that to you?,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 今晚食乜餸?,What's for dinner tonight?,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我開始連自己都唔明自己喺到講緊啲咩。,I started having trouble understanding what I was saying myself.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 你知唔知而家幾多點呀?,Do you know what time it is?,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 聽日使唔使交英文功課呀?,Did we have any English homework due tomorrow?,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我份報告聽日要交。,My report is due tomorrow.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我今朝爭五分鐘就搭到八點半班火車。,This morning I missed the 8:30 train by five minutes.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 星期一截止報名。,Applications are due by Monday.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 份論文幾時交呀?,When is the paper due?,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 份功課下個禮拜交。,The homework is due next week.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 食咁多嘢,因住肚痛呀。,"If you eat that much, you'll get a stomachache.",yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我個仔而家同我一樣咁高喇。,My son is now as tall as I am.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 你有冇地方想去呀?,Is there anywhere you want to go?,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 俾我試多次吖。,Let me try again.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 佢仲細,唔應該自己一個人去。,He is too young to go there alone.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 你除咗鋼琴之外仲有冇玩第啲樂器呀?,Do you play any instruments other than the piano?,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 唔好喺個草地度行。,Don't trample on the grass.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 唔好意思呀,可唔可以俾個羹我呀?,"Excuse me, may I have a spoon?",yue_Hant-eng_Latn 有啲咩病徵㗎?,What are the symptoms?,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 你買咗啲咩手信呀?,What souvenirs did you buy?,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我尋日買咗本書。,I bought a book yesterday.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 話時話,你今晚得唔得閒呀?,"By the way, are you free tonight?",yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我冇印象搵過你幫手喎。,I don't recall asking you for help.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我睇電視睇到厭喇。,I'm tired of watching television.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 唔知過咗咁多年佢仲認唔認得我呢?,I wonder if she will recognize me after all those years.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 火燭嗰陣唔好搭𨋢。,"In case of fire, do not use the lift.",yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我阿爸以前成日去釣魚。,My father would often go fishing.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 佢教咗三十年音樂。,She taught music for thirty years.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 你覺唔覺啱啱個地喺度震呀?,Did you feel the earth shake just now?,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 因住撞頭。,Mind your head.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 山田老師每日都俾好多功課我哋做。,Mr Yamada gives us a lot of homework every day.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我買咗泡芙呀,你食唔食呀?,I've bought some cream puffs. Do you want one?,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我今晚想早啲瞓。,I want to go to bed early tonight.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 個天黑咗之後就唔好俾佢出街喇。,Don't let her go out after dark.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 佢嚟咗未呀?,Has he come yet?,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 你有冇養寵物㗎?,Do you have any pets?,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 唔好喺人哋背後講人壞話。,Never speak ill of others behind their backs.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 嘩,真係唔講唔知喎。,"Thank you, Captain Obvious.",yue_Hant-eng_Latn 你快啲執好啲嘢啦,我哋十分鐘之後就走㗎喇。,You'd better get your stuff together now because we're leaving in ten minutes.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 月亮圍住地球轉。,The moon moves around the earth.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 第一,我冇錢,第二,我冇空閒時間。,"For one thing, I've no money, and for another, I've no leisure.",yue_Hant-eng_Latn 啲嘢食唔使我俾錢。,I didn't need to pay for the food.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 佢阿爸係咪醫生嚟㗎?,Is his father a doctor?,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 佢講到好似佢知道咗個秘密噉。,He talks as if he knew the secret.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 你都係呀,阿仔!,"You too, my son.",yue_Hant-eng_Latn 你高過我。,You're taller than me.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 你讀邊間中學㗎?,Which high school do you attend?,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 佢例牌遲咗十五分鐘嚟。,"As is usual with him, he arrived a quarter of an hour late.",yue_Hant-eng_Latn 一個真正嘅朋友就好似一隻稀有嘅雀仔噉。,A real friend is like a rare bird.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 佢特登講咗個錯嘅地址俾我聽。,She told me a wrong address on purpose.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我諗我係時候識返幾個新朋友喇。,I think it's time for me to make some new friends.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 如果而家停電,會發生啲咩事呢?,What will happen if there's power failure now?,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 可唔可以同你傾幾句呀?,Can I have a few words with you?,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 你係咪喺東京住㗎?,Do you live in Tokyo?,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 呢係一匹公馬定係母馬?,Is this a stallion or a mare?,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 你有冇筆呀?,Do you have a pen?,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 佢阿妹好似幾屌得過喎。,His little sister is fuckable.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 無咗空氣同水,人類就生存唔到。,Both air and water are indispensable for life.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 唔好浪費時間。,Don't waste time.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 佢好怕熱。,She is sensitive to the heat.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 喺度游緊水嗰個男仔就係我細佬嚟㗎喇。,The boy who is swimming is my younger brother.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我講緊嘢嗰陣唔該你唔好加把口埋嚟。,Please don't interrupt me while I'm talking.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我阿爸唔係日日都行路返工㗎。,My father does not always walk to work.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 好多經濟學家都唔知道呢樣嘢。,Many economists are ignorant of that fact.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我興奮到講唔到嘢。,I held my breath in excitement.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我去親婚禮都喊。,I always cry at weddings.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我哋聽朝好早出發。,We are leaving early tomorrow morning.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 佢行到邊度,佢隻狗就跟到邊度。,His dog follows him wherever he goes.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 佢屋企好多人。,His family is large.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 佢企咗起身。,He stood up.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 做嘢唔使勤力,用腦就得。,"Work smarter, not harder.",yue_Hant-eng_Latn 將啲肉切到一片片好薄噉。,Cut the meat into thin slices.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 邊度有得買零食呀?,Where can I buy snacks?,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我瞓覺之前較咗七點鐘鬧鐘。,"Before I went to bed, I set the alarm clock for seven.",yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我坐唔定。,I can't sit still.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 唔怪得佢俾人拉咗啦。,No wonder he was arrested.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我依舊鍾意你。,I still love you.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 「有冇見過我部電話呀?」「咪喺張枱度囉!」,"""Seen my cell phone?"" ""On the table!""",yue_Hant-eng_Latn 呢幅畫係咪你自己畫㗎?,Is this a picture that you yourself drew?,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我哋唞咗一陣。,We rested for a while.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 「你係唔係老師嚟㗎?」「係呀。」,"""Are you a teacher?"" ""Yes, I am.""",yue_Hant-eng_Latn 叫佢打電話俾我。,Tell her to call me.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 你可唔可以幫我喺呢本書度簽個名呀?,Could I have your autograph on this book?,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 佢有時會唔記得將啲書還返去圖書館。,He sometimes forgets to take books back to the library.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我哋卒之都見面喇!呢一刻等到我頸都長喇。,"So, we finally meet! I've waited so long for this moment.",yue_Hant-eng_Latn 嗰棵樹隨時會冧落嚟。,The tree was ready to fall at any moment.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 咁點?,So fuckin' what.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我隻錶每日慢三分鐘。,My watch loses three minutes a day.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 你去到美國就會掛住日本啲嘢食㗎喇。,You will miss Japanese food in the United States.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 你做咩粒聲唔出嘅?,How come you didn't say anything?,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 綠色好襯你。,Green suits you very well.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我想娶佢個獨生女做老婆。,I want to have his only daughter for my wife.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 有啲嘢唔知好過知。,Ignorance is bliss.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 睇睇下書,我瞓著咗。,"While I was reading, I fell asleep.",yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我送你返屋企啦。,Let me take you home.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 佢係咪的士司機嚟㗎?,Is she a taxi driver?,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我好開心可以見到你。,I'm happy that I can see you.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 佢應承咗話會打電話俾我。,She's promised to give me a ring.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 佢應承咗話會送隻戒指俾我。,She promised to give me a phone call.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我係啱嘅。,I am right.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我家姐整咗個好靚嘅公仔俾我。,My sister made me a beautiful doll.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 日頭唔好講人。,Speak of the devil and he is sure to appear.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 呢度影唔影得相呀?,Can I take photographs here?,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我唔知佢大過我定係細過我。,I don't know whether he's younger or older than I am.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 太貴啦。,That's too expensive.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 佢叫醒咗阿Tom。,He woke Tom up.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我冇車。,I don't have a car.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 佢病咗。,He is ill.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我俾佢喺我屋企瞓咗一晚。,I let him sleep at my house for the night.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 啲人成日叫我阿媽唔好飲咁多。,"People often say to my mother: ""Please don't drink too much.""",yue_Hant-eng_Latn 點解佢哋淨係話我?佢哋搵我嚟祭旗咋嘛。,Why am I the only one they complain of? They're just making an example out of me and using me as a scapegoat.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我唔鍾意你啲朋友。,I don't like your friends.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我阿爸阿媽都冇返工,但係仍然好好噉照顧我同埋我嗰廿三個兄弟姊妹。,"Both of my parents were unemployed, but they didn't let that stop them from properly looking after me and my 23 brothers and sisters.",yue_Hant-eng_Latn 你係醫生。,You are a doctor.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我放棄喇,開估啦。,I give up - tell me the answer.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 佢講啲嘢我一句都聽唔明。,I didn't understand in the least what he said.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn "佢同我講,""你個樣好似好唔開心,點解嘅?""","He said to me, ""You look sad. What is the matter with you?""",yue_Hant-eng_Latn 佢哋一個又一個噉企咗起身,行咗出去。,One after another they stood up and went out.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 你唔想去唔使夾硬去㗎喎。,"If you don't want to go, you don't have to.",yue_Hant-eng_Latn 太細喇。,It's too small.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 佢試咗啖芝士蛋糕。,He tasted the cheesecake.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 佢噉樣做嘅動機係咩呢?,What was his motive for doing it?,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 佢好似鬼上身噉。,She seems to be possessed by an evil spirit.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 佢塞車遲到。,She was late because of the heavy traffic.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 邊個第一個嚟,就俾呢張飛佢。,Give this ticket to whoever comes first.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 佢上個禮拜病咗。,He was sick last week.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 佢同嗰個有錢佬訂咗婚。,She became engaged to the rich man.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我求上主賜架單車俾我,但係我發現佢做嘢嘅方法唔係咁嘅。於是我就偷咗架單車,再求佢原諒我。,"I asked God for a bike, but I realized that that wasn't his method. So I stole a bike and asked God for forgiveness.",yue_Hant-eng_Latn 你有冇漏嘢呀?,Do you have everything?,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我都係咁諗。,"I think so, too.",yue_Hant-eng_Latn 你介唔介意我開電視呀?,Can I turn on the TV?,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我哋搭的士去啦,好冇?,"Let's go by taxi, OK?",yue_Hant-eng_Latn 佢雖然年輕,但係好有經驗。,"He is young, but experienced.",yue_Hant-eng_Latn 你唔好再飲酒喇。,You need to stop drinking.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 擘大口!,Open your mouth!,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 你手字好靚。,Your handwriting is very good.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 唔好踩落啲碎玻璃度。,Don't step on the broken glass.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 你婚禮想要啲咩類型嘅音樂?,What kind of music do you want at your wedding?,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我唔係魔術師。,I'm not a magician.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 死撚開啦!,Get the fuck out!,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我好好彩,搵到一個好嘅保姆。,I was lucky that I was able to find a good babysitter.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 呢到嘅人對食好講究,所以就算係幾平嘅餐廳都好,如果啲嘢食唔好食,都會好快執笠。,"The people here are particular about what they eat, so even if a restaurant is inexpensive, it'll soon go out of business if the food doesn't taste good.",yue_Hant-eng_Latn 唔好喺度亂噏廿四!,Don't speak nonsense!,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 個班房裏面剩返好少學生。,There were few students remaining in the classroom.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 你聽日呢個時間會喺邊度?,Where will you be this time tomorrow?,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 因為我哋架的士喺途中死咗火,所以我哋要行路去個火車站度。,"As our taxi broke down on the way, we had to walk to the station.",yue_Hant-eng_Latn 啲規則一定唔可以多,同埋更加重要嘅係一定要簡單。,"The rules must be few, and more importantly, simple.",yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我哋敲咗五分鐘門都冇人應。,"We knocked at the door for five minutes, but in vain.",yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我阿媽整咗個袋俾我。,My mother made me a bag.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 試身室喺邊㗎?,Where is the changing room?,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 佢阿爸阿媽對佢期望過高。,His parents expect too much of him.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 佢將佢淨返嗰少少錢都借晒俾我。,He lent me what little money he had.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 佢好似對天文學幾有興趣。,It seems that he is interested in astronomy.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 油同水溝唔埋。,Oil does not mix with water.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我唔想清理狗屎。,I do not want to clean up dog poop.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我唔鍾意個代課老師。,I don't like the substitute teacher.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 嚇死人咩!無啦啦喺後面彈出嚟!,You scared me! Don't sneak upon me from behind!,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 有冇啲咩舖頭做緊清貨大減價?,"Are there any stores with ""going out of business"" sales?",yue_Hant-eng_Latn 你啱啱講咩話?,What did you just say?,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 你最鍾意嘅哲學家係邊個?,Who's your favorite philosopher?,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 翻譯就好似女人咁。靚嘅話就唔忠誠;忠誠嘅話就唔靚。,"Translation is like a woman. If it is beautiful, it is not faithful. If it is faithful, it is most certainly not beautiful.",yue_Hant-eng_Latn 夜晚一唔一齊食飯呀?,Will you have dinner with me?,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我夠錢買車。,I've got enough money for a car.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我冇錢交租,所以就搵佢幫手。,"Since I couldn't pay the rent, I asked him for help.",yue_Hant-eng_Latn 日本大啲定英國大啲?,"Which is larger, Japan or England?",yue_Hant-eng_Latn 佢班friend大多數都係女仔。,Most of his friends are girls.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 𡀲係書。,This is a book.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 佢哋跑得好快。,They're fast runners.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 佢問咗我一條問題。,He asked me a question.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我係你男朋友。,I'm your boyfriend.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我乜都冇做。,I didn't do a thing.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 阿Tom除咗副太陽眼鏡。,Tom took off his sunglasses.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我幫你坐暖咗張凳。,I kept the seat warm for you.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我啱啱諗住打俾你。,I was just going to call you.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我以為阿Tom玩音樂嘅添。,I thought Tom was a musician.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 你兩點半前有冇可能搞得掂呀?,Is there any chance you can get that done by 2:30?,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 你知嘅嘢我哋都知。,We know everything you know.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我唔係想要老婆,我想搵個SP咋。,"It's not a wife that I want, but a sex friend.",yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我同阿Tom都幾熟吓。,I know Tom quite well.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 你知唔知你個仔最近使咗幾多錢?,Are you aware of how much money your son has been spending?,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我舉高咗隻手嚟截的士。,I held up my hand to stop a taxi.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 你識唔識講意大利文㗎?,Do you speak Italian?,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 你咁樣衰,整容都冇用㗎喇。,Even plastic surgery won't do anything for your ugliness.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 有冇人仲想食批呀?,Does anyone want some more pie?,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 佢唔識游水。,He doesn't know how to swim.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我姓王。,My last name is Wang.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 你點解會知嘅?,Why do you know that?,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 覺得自己學得夠嘅人,根本乜都冇學到。,He who thinks he has learned enough has learned nothing.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 尋晚行雷閃電。,There was thunder and lightning last night.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我叫佢五點打電話俾我。,I asked her to call me at five o'clock.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 係人都做到啦。,Anyone can do that.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我一路期待緊㗎喇!,I was expecting it!,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 班小朋友瞓緊覺㗎。唔該你細聲啲啦。,The children are sleeping. Please don't be so noisy.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 冇人會傷害你。,No one will hurt you.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 兩個漢堡包同埋一罐可樂吖唔該。,"Can I have two hamburgers and a coke, please?",yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我哋要喺警察嚟之前將呢啲嘢全部燒晒佢。,We need to burn all this stuff before the police get here.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 佢洗衫嗰陣喺個仔個後褲袋度搵到個安全套。,While doing the wash she found a condom in the back pocket of her son's pants.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我哋食完飯去咗散步。,We went out for a walk after dinner.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 你炒咗呢個考試就要重讀㗎喇。,"If you flunk this exam, you'll have to repeat the course.",yue_Hant-eng_Latn 荷李活啲電影多數都係大團圓結局。,Most Hollywood movies have a happy ending.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 超,你咁叻,自己做吖。,"Since you're so smart, why don't you do it yourself?",yue_Hant-eng_Latn 佢將成道門油咗做綠色。,He painted the door green all over.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 真係多撚謝晒。,Thank you for nothing.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 個餐牌有好多唔同種類嘅菜色。,There was a great variety of dishes on the menu.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 你一油好埲牆就可以返屋企㗎喇。,"As soon as you get the wall painted, you can go home.",yue_Hant-eng_Latn 你想唔想食嘢呀?,Do you want to eat?,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 你收到我寄俾你封信未呀?,Did you get the letter I sent you?,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 活到九十幾歲都唔算係好罕有嘅事。,It's not all that uncommon for people to live past the age of ninety.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我覺得佢哋兩個應該會幾襯吖。,I think they'll make a cute couple.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 佢係80基羅。,He weighs more than 80 kg.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我打乞嗤打到停唔到。,I can't stop sneezing.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 個女仔一見到隻狗就喊咗出嚟。,The girl began to cry at the sight of a dog.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我家姐每朝早都會去沖涼。,My older sister takes a shower every morning.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 仆街,邊撚個半夜三更打俾我呀?,"Dammit, who the hell's calling me in the middle of the night?",yue_Hant-eng_Latn 佢有可能係俾人謀殺嘅。,There's a possibility that the man was murdered.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我已經三天沒睏覺了,瞌𥅻死脫了!,I can't take it anymore! I haven't slept for three days!,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 邊有咁大隻蛤乸隨街跳呀?,That's too good to be true.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 如果你諗住去美國嘅話,你最好練好你啲英文先。,You better brush up your English if you go to America.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我打爛咗個玻璃杯。,I broke a glass.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 佢後生嗰陣好靚。,She was beautiful when she was young.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 佢好誠實。,He is honest.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 後嚟,我同朋友去睇電影。,Later I'll go to the movies with my friend.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 問題係佢到底嚟定係唔嚟。,The point is whether she will come or not.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 可唔可以較細聲啲部收音機呀?,Would you mind turning down the radio?,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我唔小心拎錯咗你把遮。,I took your umbrella by mistake.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 你識唔識講英文㗎?,Can you speak English?,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我冇時間煩埋啲咁芝蔴綠豆嘅嘢。,I don't have time to be bothered by such small things.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 如果你嚟到就好喇。,It would be nice if you could come.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我唔知買咩俾佢做生日禮物好。,I don't know what to buy him for his birthday.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我攞把刀嚟刨尖咗支鉛筆。,I sharpened a pencil with a knife.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我每個禮拜星期日都唔喺屋企。,I am never home on Sundays.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我唔想等咁耐。,I don't want to wait that long.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 可唔可以俾你電話號碼我?,Can I have your telephone number?,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 你可唔可以靜少少啫?,Can you keep quiet?,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 幫下手得唔得呀?我唔識點開部機喎。,Can you help me? I can't make out how to start this machine.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 因為雙方都唔肯投降,所以場仗打咗好耐。,It was a long war because neither side would give in.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 請問你喺邊到做嘢㗎?,Where do you work?,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 做咩你唔直接將你嘅諗法話俾我哋聽啫?,Why don't you just tell us what's on your mind?,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 夏天過成點呀?,How was your summer?,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我鍾意呢隻狗。,I like this dog.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 你老豆唔係沒收咗你張信用卡咩?,I thought your dad took away your credit card.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我一有緊要嘢做嗰陣就會想做啲無謂嘢。,It's only when I have things I have to do that I find I want to do things I don't have to do.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我整喊咗阿Tom。,I made Tom cry.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 咪郁!你行一步我就殺咗你!,Don't move! You take a step and you die!,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 你又走咗去飲酒呀?我咪叫咗你唔好飲囉!,You drank alcohol again? I told you not to!,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 你仲嬲緊呀?,Are you still angry?,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 「喂,點解個窗開咗嘅?」「哦,我諗住通吓風吖嘛。你凍就閂咗佢啦。」,"""Hey, why is the window open?"" ""I just opened it to let in a little air. If you're cold, feel free to close it.""",yue_Hant-eng_Latn 你凍就開暖氣啦。,Turn on the heater if you feel cold.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 你凍就開大啲個暖氣啦。,Turn up the heater if you feel cold.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 用吓你個腦啦!,Use your head!,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 呢到望落好啱野餐。,This looks like a great place for a picnic.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 佢手車好掂。,He's a good driver.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 佢手車唔係好掂。,He is not a good driver.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 你手車好掂喎。,You are a good driver.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我阿爸阿媽開咗張大支票俾我,幫我找我嗰堆卡數。,My parents cut me a generous check to help me get out from under all my credit card debt.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 佢開魚檔嘅。,He is a fishmonger.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 你做乜鳩呀你?,What the fuck do you think you're doing?,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 唔好問啲你唔想知道答案嘅問題。,Don't ask questions that you don't want to know the answer to.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 佢叫錯咗個法官做「法官陛下」。,He called the judge 'Your Majesty'.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 呢本書係我嘅。,This book is mine.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 佢食早餐之前去咗散步。,She took a walk before breakfast.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 可唔可以喺度影相呀?,May I take pictures here?,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 邊度有得買書呀?,Where can I buy books?,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 自動校對?叫做自動校錯就差唔多。,Autocorrect? More like autoincorrect.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 你鍾唔鍾意食白朱古力㗎?,Do you like white chocolate?,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我哋住喺一間大圖書館附近。,We live near a big library.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 隻貓喺張凳上面,定係喺張凳下面呀?,Is the cat on the chair or under the chair?,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 佢喺東京搭飛機去咗大阪。,He went from Tokyo to Osaka by plane.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 你係我唯一嘅希望。,You're my only hope.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我踩單車返工。,I cycle to work.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 架車撞咗埋牆。,The car hit a wall.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 佢哋實係蕩失咗路啦,如果唔係佢哋應該到咗好耐㗎喇。,"They lost their way; otherwise, they would have arrived long ago.",yue_Hant-eng_Latn 如果我今朝食咗早餐,而家就唔使咁肚餓啦。,"If I had eaten breakfast this morning, I would not be hungry now.",yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我架車裝得落五個人。,My car is large enough to carry five people.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 佢一開始嗰陣都唔知自己贏咗場演講比賽。,At first he did not realize that he had won the speech contest.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 佢聖誕節嗰陣專登買咗架好靚嘅模型飛機俾我。,At Christmas she went out of her way to buy me a really nice model plane.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我哋要為個個買架車。,We'll buy one car for each.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 雖然我同佢住得好近,但係都好少見到佢。,"Although her house is nearby, I seldom see her.",yue_Hant-eng_Latn 阿Tom俾咗幾蚊我。,Tom gave me a few dollars.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 乜你講得咁𪙛𠸉㗎 !,How is it you speak with such a stutter?,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 「我可唔可以問你一條問題呀?」「問吖。」,"""Can I ask you a question?"" ""Shoot.""",yue_Hant-eng_Latn 你就算叫佢唔嚟佢都照嚟㗎啦。,She'll come even if you tell her not to.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我好鍾意嗰間餐廳。,I love that restaurant.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 做咩你咁慢㗎?,How come you are so slow?,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 你可唔可以教我法文呀?,Can you teach me French?,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我摺咗隻紙飛機。,I made a paper plane.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 佢喊咗成晚。,She wept all the night.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 你至少都講返句多謝吖。,You might at least say thank you.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 開 party 啲嘢就全部等你嚟搞喇。,I will leave everything about the party up to you.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 嗰個女人係邊個嚟㗎?,Who is that woman?,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我今朝晏咗起身,所以我到而家都仲未食早餐。,"I overslept this morning, therefore I haven't had my breakfast.",yue_Hant-eng_Latn 呢個你可以自己keep返。,You can keep this one for yourself.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 佢俾咗張佢呀媽學生時代嘅相我睇。,She showed me a picture of her mother as a schoolgirl.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 呢道門點鎖都鎖唔到。,This door won't lock.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我之前見過佢,所以一眼就認得。,"Having met him before, I recognized him at once.",yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我雖然大過佢,但係佢就當正我係工人咁。,"Although I am her elder, she treats me as if I were her servant.",yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我第時想做飛機師。,I want to be a pilot in the future.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我覺得好似呢到啲人都喺到呃緊我哋咁。,I get the feeling that no one here is telling us the truth.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 你譯呢本書譯咗幾耐呀?,How long did it take you to translate this book?,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我要同你講拜拜喇。,I must say good-bye to you.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 佢入嚟嗰陣我睇緊書。,I had been reading a book when he came in.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 你變咗咁多嘅,我都差唔多唔認得你喇。,You have changed so much that I can hardly recognize you.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 有個女人寫咗卅本書講點樣做一個快樂嘅人,跟住就自殺死咗。,"A woman wrote 30 books about how to become happy, and then committed suicide.",yue_Hant-eng_Latn 佢需要過去。,She must go there.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 你係咪成日嚟呢到㗎?,Do you come here often?,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 你睇得唔得㗎?,Can you see?,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 唔該俾張紙我吖。,Please give me a sheet of paper.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 佢喊咗出嚟。,She began crying.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我阿哥好鍾意睇恐怖片。,My brother likes horror movies.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我覺得佢哋會明嘅。,I think they'll understand.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 你仲喺度諗緊生命嘅意義呀?,You are still asking yourself what the meaning of life is?,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 佢尋晚俾人偷咗架車。,He had his car stolen last night.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我係唔講對唔住呀,你吹得我漲咩?,I'm not going to apologize. What are you going to do about it?,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我打爛咗你個花樽,真係好對唔住呀。,I must apologize to you for breaking the vase.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我係潮州人。,I am Teochew.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 快手啲啦,我哋無乜時間淨㗎喇。,Hurry up. We've little time to waste.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我阿爸喺中學度教英文。,My father teaches English at a high school.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 喂,向好嗰方面諗吖嘛!至少你返工無遲到啦!,"Hey, look on the bright side! At least you were not late for work!",yue_Hant-eng_Latn 佢攰得濟,又唔夠瞓,卒之咪搞到病咗囉。,"What with fatigue and lack of sleep, he has fallen ill at last.",yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我想問吓你叫咩名同埋喺邊度住㗎?,"I want to ask, what is your name and where do you live?",yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我好鍾意你。,I like you very much.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 有人喺呢本書到搣咗兩頁落嚟。,Someone has torn two pages out of this book.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 發展經濟重要啲吖,定係保護環境重要啲呀?,"Which is more important, economic development or environmental protection?",yue_Hant-eng_Latn 今晚我想整雞食啊。,I'd like to cook chicken tonight.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 可唔可以幫我喺個信封度黐張六十円嘅郵票呀?,Will you please stick a 60-yen stamp on the envelope?,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 老鼠好細隻。,Rats are small.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 下個禮拜一開學。,School will start next Monday.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 就停架車喺呢度啦。,Stop the car here.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 香港俾人叫做東方之珠。,Hong Kong is referred to as the Pearl of Asia.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 個男仔唔認佢偷咗架單車。,That boy denies stealing the bicycle.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 你知唔知佢識講英文㗎?,Do you know if she can speak English?,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 佢突然間笑咗岀嚟。,"All of a sudden, she began to laugh.",yue_Hant-eng_Latn 如果冇辦法出席,唔該喺星期三之前通知我。,Please let me know by Wednesday if you can't attend.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 嗰種魚唔食得㗎。,That fish is not edible.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 點解你唔早講呀?,Why didn't you tell me that before?,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 可唔可以再俾啲咖啡我呀?,Please give me some more coffee.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 你要食早餐啊。,You need to have breakfast.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 呢啲山路係咁𪙛𠸉㗎喇,千祈要用低波行呀,You must engage low gears when you drive as these mountain roads are very uneven.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 睇下呢部日本車。,Look at this Japanese car.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 佢好好人,借咗一大筆錢俾我。,She was kind enough to lend me large sum of money.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 入實驗室㩒緊急掣。,Enter the laboratory and press the emergency button.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 阿Tom手字唔係好靚,但係好易睇。,"Tom's handwriting isn't very good, but it's easy to read.",yue_Hant-eng_Latn 呢頂帽都幾襯我噃。,This hat suits me nicely.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我最鍾意食提子啫喱。,I like grape jelly best.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 佢賣車。,He sells cars.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我想永遠同你喺埋一齊。,I want to be with you forever.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 如果你借廿蚊俾人,之後就再見唔到佢,咁嗰廿蚊應該係值得俾嘅。,"If you lend someone $20 and never see that person again, it was probably worth it.",yue_Hant-eng_Latn 山頂望落嚟真係好靚。,The view from the top of the mountain was breathtaking.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我聽到謠言。,I've heard rumors.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 佢哋啲蘋果冇我哋嘅咁甜。,Their apples aren't as tasty as ours.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我驚你會蕩失路。,I am afraid that you will get lost.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我想辭咗份工佢。,I wanna quit my job.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 你要俾多啲心機學習喇。,You have to study harder.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我請你飲嘢吖。,I'll buy you a drink.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 噉嘅字典至少都應該有兩句「雪櫃」嘅例句啩。,"In a dictionary like this one there should be at least two sentences with ""fridge"".",yue_Hant-eng_Latn 你話咩話?死咗?,What did you say? Dead?,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我諗住送呢隻錶俾你。,This watch is meant for you.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 瑞士人多數識講三、四種語言。,Most Swiss people can speak three or four languages.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 你出國睇吓,先會知道日本係幾咁細。,It is not until you go abroad that you realize how small Japan is.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 唔該你話我聽機場點去吖。,Please tell me how to get to the airport.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 人蠢冇藥醫。,There's no cure for stupidity.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 個細路一見到阿媽就喊咗出嚟。,No sooner had the child seen his mother than he burst into tears.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我可以拍心口講,佢做生意實成世都唔會成功。,It may safely be said that he will never succeed in business.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我舉腳贊成。,I'm all for it.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我聽到佢把聲先至認得佢。,It was only when I heard his voice that I recognised him.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 俾張白紙我吖。,Give me a white piece of paper.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 你鍾意邊個歌手呀?,Who's your favorite singer?,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 個細路捉住咗隻貓條尾。,The child caught the cat by the tail.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 你話佢而家喺度做緊啲咩吖嗱?,What do you think she is doing now?,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我可唔可以喊呀?,Can I cry?,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我永遠都唔會忘記你。,I'll never forget you.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 唔該可唔可以幫我喺多倫多國際機場附近book間房呀?,Would you please reserve a room near the Toronto international Airport?,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 點解佢唔幫你呀?,Why didn't she help you?,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 阿Tom唔知Mary幾時會離開波士頓。,Tom doesn't know when Mary will leave Boston.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 在場嘅所有人都俾佢嘅演講感動咗。,All the people present were moved by his speech.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 五舊水對佢嚟講係一個小數目。,Five hundred dollars is a small sum for him.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我有啲嘢想同你講。,I have something I want to say to you.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我會保護佢哋㗎喇。,I'll protect them.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 老實講,我其實想留喺屋企,唔想出街㗎。,"To tell the truth, I would rather stay at home than go out.",yue_Hant-eng_Latn 養兒育女,係社會上下都關心嘅議題。我哋會推行教育改革。,The raising of children is something that concerns the entire community. There will be an education reform.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 啲植物大部分都枯死咗。,Most of the plants died.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 乜嘢係愛?老實講,我到而家都仲未知道答案。,"What is love? To tell the truth, I still don't know what it is.",yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我哋幾時可以傾吓呢樣嘢呀?,When can we have a discussion about this?,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 「我喺度諗緊首歌叫咩名好。」「首歌係點㗎?」「係咁嘅:『啦啦啦啦啦』。」,"""I'm looking for a song name."" ""How does it go?"" ""It goes like da dada da da.""",yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我俾咗我個地址佢。,I gave him my address.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 唔好唔開心啦。,Don't be sad.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 你隻貓係黑色嘅。,Your cat is black.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 佢超速駕駛,俾差佬拉咗。,The policeman arrested him for speeding.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我哋尋日唔喺屋企。,We weren't at home yesterday.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我仲未學識揸車。,I still haven't learned to drive a car.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 你決定好未呀?,Have you arrived at a decision yet?,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 唔知而家幾點呢?,I wonder what time it is.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 「你幾時返嚟呀?」「睇吓天氣點先講啦。」,"""When will you be back?"" ""It all depends on the weather.""",yue_Hant-eng_Latn 佢過馬路嗰陣爭啲俾車撞。,He was nearly hit by the car while crossing the street.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我唔鍾意佢。,I don't like him.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 呃人!,That's a lie.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 你仲未洗手喎,係唔係呀?,"You haven't washed your hands yet, have you?",yue_Hant-eng_Latn 真嘅?,Are you sure?,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 去死啦!,Go to hell!,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 認真?,Are you serious?,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 快D啦!,Get a move on.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 佢係俄羅斯人。,She is Russian.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 太可惜啦!,What a pity!,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 好凍!,It is cold.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 係度嗎?,Are you here?,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 眼睏嗎?,Are you sleepy?,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 點樣呀?,How do you like it?,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 唔好掂呀!,Don't touch it!,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我都係。,So do I.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我夏天冇冷氣會死。,I can't survive without air conditioning in the summer.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我喺圖書館度撞到你阿媽。,I ran across your mother in the library.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 呢隻草蜢,我覺得佢嘅聲音好好聽㗎!,I love the sound this grasshopper makes!,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 呢個咩黎㗎?,What is this?,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我哋嚟緊喇。,We're on our way.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 攰死啦!,I am tired!,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 明白。,I got it.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 佢哋嚟緊喇。,They're on their way.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 停手呀!,Cut it out!,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我哋返緊屋企。,We're on our way home.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我途中撞到阿Tom。,I met Tom on the way.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我哋一路行一路食啦。,We'll eat on the way.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 佢哋返緊屋企。,They are on their way home.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我出緊嚟。,I'm on my way out.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我要行喇。,I must be on my way.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我返屋企嗰陣撞到佢。,I met him on my way home.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 去出口個收銀處俾錢啦。,Pay the cashier on the way out.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 你應該當咗你啲電郵係會俾人睇到嘅先。,You should assume that email messages aren't private.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我嚟緊喇。,I'm on my way.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我哋一落巴士,就即刻俾一大班喺條村到嚟嘅細路包圍住。,When we stepped off the bus we were immediately surrounded by a throng of children from the village.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 阿Tom嚟緊喇。,Tom is on his way.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 到咗俾電話我啊。,Call me once you've arrived.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 你唔攰呀?,Are you not tired?,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 張紙大得濟,擺唔落個信封度。,The paper is too big for the envelope.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 佢想我哋釋放班囚犯。,He wants us to free the prisoners.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 而家啲細路唔會通山跑㗎喇。,Nowadays children do not play outdoors.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 佢嚟緊喇。,She's on her way.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 阿John好肥,跑唔得快。,John is too fat to run fast.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我搵咗好耐工喇。,I've been looking for a job a long time.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我啱啱搵到本舊日記。,I just found an old diary.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 單身嘅人有更加大嘅自由去選擇自己想做嘅事,社交唔使處處受到束縛。,Single people enjoy more freedom to do what they want and enjoy living a less restricted social life.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我絕對唔會將呢件事講俾人聽㗎。,I will never tell this to anyone.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 呢座廟係幾時起㗎?,When was this temple built?,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 為咗買外國車,佢好努力做嘢。,"In order to buy a foreign car, he worked very hard.",yue_Hant-eng_Latn 呢啲噉嘅人,你都係唔好同佢行得咁埋好啲。,It would be better for you to stay away from such a man.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我哋發起咗一個發吸煙運動。,We started a campaign against smoking.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 聽日係星期日。,Tomorrow is Sunday.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我對我間新屋好滿意。,I am very pleased with my new house.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 咁佢哋搵唔搵到呀?,Did they find it?,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 阿Tom教咗我好多有用嘅嘢。,Tom taught me a lot of useful things.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 有三個人受咗輕傷。,Three people were slightly injured.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我搵唔到我想搵嘅嘢。,I couldn't find what I was looking for.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 有人嚟緊幫手㗎喇。,Help is on the way.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 你阿媽知唔知你尋晚去咗邊㗎?,Does your mom know where you were last night?,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我而家唔想同阿Tom講嘢。,I don't want to talk to Tom right now.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我隻貓走甩咗,跟住就冇返過嚟。,My cat ran away and never came back.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 一路都冇人搵到佢嘅屍體。,His body has never been discovered.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我哋間舖頭閂咗門。,Our store isn't open.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 佢哋改變咗好多。,They've changed a lot.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 有三個細路哥喺公園到玩緊。,Three children are playing in the park.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 你好似唔係好開心噉喎。,You don't look like you're having a good day.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 阿Tom將啲裝飾掛咗上棵聖誕樹到。,Tom hung the ornaments on the Christmas tree.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 月球上面有好多坑。,There are many craters on the moon.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我哋一步一步噉嚟啦。,Let's take it one step at a time.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 條街好暗。,The street was dark.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我細個嗰時差唔多日日都好早起身。,"When I was a boy, I always got up early.",yue_Hant-eng_Latn 太多遊客喇。,There are too many tourists.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 呢張相係咪最近影㗎?,This a recent photo?,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 啲細路真係大得好快。,Kids grow up so fast.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 你有冇多一個架可以俾我用㗎?,Do you have an extra shelf I can use?,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 你俾你阿媽鬧嗰陣,唔應該噉樣駁嘴。,You shouldn't answer your mother back like that when she scolds you.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 佢領養咗嗰個孤兒。,He adopted the orphan.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我讀緊大學。,I am a college student.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我想要啲嘢嚟送酒。,I would like to have something to munch on with my beer.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 希望你快啲好返啦。,I hope you'll get better soon.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 你點識佢㗎?,How did you get to know him?,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 佢而家游緊水。,He's swimming now.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 死開啦!,"Rack off, hairy legs!",yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我周身酸痛。,My whole body is sore.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 佢差唔多走喇。,She is about to leave.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我見到隔籬屋養嗰隻狗喺個花園裏面跑嚟跑去。,I saw my neighbor's dog running around in the yard.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 你有冇啲咩嘢食係特別鍾意或者唔鍾意㗎?,Do you have strong likes and dislikes for certain food?,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 係咪所有雀仔都識飛㗎?,Can all birds fly?,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 老竇唔俾我去睇演唱會啊。,My father disapproved of my going to the concert.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 你今朝有無食早餐呀?,Did you have breakfast this morning?,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 我完全冇咗件事添。,I had completely forgotten about that.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 佢撕爛咗本書。,He tore the book apart.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 佢晏咗起身。,She got up late.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 點指兵兵點着誰人做大兵。,"Eeny, meeny, miny, moe, catch a tiger by his toe, if he hollers let him go, eeny, meeny, miny, moe. My mother told me to catch the very best one and you are not it.",yue_Hant-eng_Latn 安唔安全㗎?,Is it safe?,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 如果神當初唔係創造人,而係發現人,咁神呢個概念會有趣啲。,The idea of God would be more interesting if instead of having created humans he had found them.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 唔痛喇。,The pain has gone.,yue_Hant-eng_Latn 去馬啦!,Go for it!,yue_Hant-eng_Latn Buat apa?,What are you doing?,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Kebanyakan perkara yang kamu bimbang tentang tidak pernah berlaku!,Most of the things you worry about never happen!,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Saya lapar.,I am hungry.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Beritahu saya di mana anda?,"Tell me, where are you?",zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Tidak boleh percaya.,I don't buy it.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Mary berpindah rumah untuk bersama dengan ibu bapanya.,Mary moved home to be with her parents.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Saya rindukan awak.,I miss you.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Saya sayang awak.,I love you.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Apakah benda itu?,What is it?,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Awak sibukkah?,Are you busy?,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Dia sudah datang!,He has come!,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Kenalkah engkau budak di sana?,Are you knowing the girl who is over there?,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Saya hendak pergi.,I'd like to go.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Saya nak pergi.,I want to go.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Hendak secawan kopi?,Do you want a cup of coffee?,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Susah untuk memahami kenapa awak nak pergi.,It is difficult to understand why you want to go.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Berapa harganya?,How much is it?,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Bahasa Cina lebih susah dari bahasa asing lain.,Chinese is much more difficult than other foreign languages.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Mari cuba lakukan sesuatu.,Let's try something.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Kepala saya sakit.,I have a headache.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Awak mesti pergi.,You have to go.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Mengapa Puan Yamada berpopular di sekolah tersebut?,Why is Mrs. Yamada popular in your school?,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Tom memeluk saya.,Tom hugged me.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Maafkan saya.,I beg your pardon?,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Apakah itu cinta?,What is love?,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Perkara ini mudah.,This is easy.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Awak bodoh!,You are not an idiot!,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Jangan bercakap yang buruk tentang orang lain.,Don't speak ill of others.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn """Awak pernahkah nampak Mary tanpa beg tangannya?"" ""Mary? Tidak pernah nampak.""","""Have you ever seen Mary without her handbag?"" ""Mary? No, never.""",zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Awak tidak apa-apa?,Are you alright?,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Pergi ke mana?,Where are you going?,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Nanti saya pergi wayang sama kawan.,Later I'll go to the movies with my friend.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Kita mesti bersedia untuk menerima akibat perbuatan kita sendiri.,We must be ready to accept the consequences of our own action.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Apa hal ini?,What's wrong with you?,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Maria berjalan kaki dengan perlahan.,Maria walks slowly.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Saya mahu mengundang kamu ke parti.,I want to invite you to the party.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Burj Khalifa kini pencakar langit tertinggi di dunia.,Burj Khalifa is currently the tallest skyscraper in the world.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Nak minum kopi?,Do you want to drink coffee?,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Sayang awak - Saya juga.,I love you - I love you too.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Mary diambilkan telur satu persatu.,Mary took out the eggs one by one.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Saya akan pergi.,I'm going to go.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Kenapa awak tidak tolong si Tom?,Why didn't you help Tom?,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Saya ada bermimpi.,I have a dream.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Saya ialah lelaki.,I am a man.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Benda ini susah.,This is difficult.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Tidak penting.,It's not important.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Saya tidak ada duit.,I don't have money.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Pilih makanan dari setiap bahagian menu.,Choose a food from each part of the menu.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Sila datang ke mari.,Please come this way.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Janganlah bersedih.,Don't be sad.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Cuba buat sekali lagi.,Try it once more.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Saya akan mencintaimu selamnya!,I will love you forever!,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Saya tidak suka telur.,I don't like eggs.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Saya pergi ke taman.,I go to the park.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Air itu jernih.,Water is transparent.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Selepas selesai kerja saya akan telefon awak.,"When I get through with my work, I'll call you.",zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Bilakah awak pulang?,When will you return?,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn "Selepas lima minit, dia muncul daripada dapur.",Five minutes later she emerged from the kitchen.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Apa yang kamu cakapkan ini?,What are you talking about?,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Awak sedang buat apa?,What are you doing now?,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Tiada sesiapa yang menyukai saya.,Nobody loves me.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Dia ada tabiat untuk biarkan pintu terbuka.,He has a habit of keeping the door open.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Hari sedang hujan.,It is raining.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Dia mengangkat enam kotak sekaligus.,He carried six boxes at a time.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Mungkin esok tidak pernah datang.,Tomorrow may never come.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Dia sememangnya lelaki yang pelupa.,He is a very forgetful fellow.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Bayi itu tertidur setelah letih menangis.,The baby cried itself to sleep.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Hanako sangat suka kek.,Hanako really likes cake.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Itu bukan kereta tapi pengguna yang saya diprihatinkan.,It is not the car but the users that I am concerned about.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn September ini saya akan jadi enam belas tahun.,I'll be sixteen in September.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Dia ada bakat untuk kerja itu.,He is equal to the task.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn "Kepada Tuhan Yesus, masuklah ke dalam hatiku, jadikanlah tuanku dan penyelamatku. Ampunilah aku atas segala dosaku. Bersihkan dan suci padaku. Bebaskanlah padaku. Yesus, Terima kasih atas Engkau telah mati untukku. Aku percaya bahawa Engkau telah bangkit dari kematian dan bahawa Engkau akan kembali lagi untukku.","'Dear Lord Jesus, come into my heart, be my lord and savior. Forgive me of all my sin. Wash me and Cleanse me. Set me free. Jesus, Thank You that You died for me. I believe that You are risen from the dead. and that You are coming back again for me.'",zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Kau buat apa di Kyoto?,What did you go to Kyoto for?,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Universiti Tufts adalah sekolah yang sangat terkenal di Boston.,Tufts University is a very famous school in Boston.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Dia ialah setiausaha kepada Encik Uda.,She is secretary to Mr Uda.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Saya akan menulis anda sebaik sahaja saya tiba di sana.,I'll write you as soon as I arrive there.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Lapan-puluh dua peratus - lebih daripada empat perlima - oleh export pulau itu ialah hasil tani.,82% - more than four-fifths - of the island's exports is agricultural produce.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Kanak-kanak patut menjauhi sungai. Ia berbahaya.,Children should keep away from the river. It's dangerous.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Saya merindui kebahagiaan saya yang hilang.,I long for my lost happiness.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Saya sangat gembira.,I'm really happy!,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Kenapa awak nak buat macam ini?,Why do you want to do this?,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Saya terlepas bas.,I missed the bus.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Bahasa apakah mereka bertutur di Korea?,What languages do they speak in Korea?,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn "Rumah ini adalah kecil, tetapi ia cukup untuk kami.","The house is small, but it's enough for us.",zsm_Latn-eng_Latn "Disebabkan suami saya berada di hospital, anda akan menerima surat bagi pihak.","I am writing on behalf of my husband, who is in the hospital.",zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Saya sukakan cabaran.,I love a challenge.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Dia tidak boleh berbuat apa-apa tetapi berdiam diri.,He can't do anything but keep silent.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Tom telah meninggal dunia tiga tahun lalu.,Tom passed away three years ago.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Bolehkah anda menterjemahkan sedikit ayat untuk saya?,Could you translate some sentences for me?,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Berapakah umur anda? Saya dua puluh enam tahun.,How old are you? I'm twenty-six.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Saya sepatutnya diminta Tom kebenaran.,I should've asked Tom for permission.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Terima kasih untuk menolong saya!,Thanks for helping me!,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Dia tercedera dalam kemalangan di tempat kerja.,He got hurt in the accident at work.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Saya rasa ia patut dicuba.,I think it's worth trying.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Keluarga saya dari Malaysia.,My family is from Malaysia.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Mary tidak tahu apa yang hendak dikatakan dengan dia.,Mary is at a loss what to say to him.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Dia suka kopi tanpa gula.,He likes coffee without sugar.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Apa kamu mahu minum?,What will you have to drink?,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn "Sebenarnya awak takkan melakukan sedemikian, bukan?","You're not actually going to do that, are you?",zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Saya ada sedikit masa untuk membaca hari ini.,I've got little time for reading these days.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Dia ada banyak kerja.,He had a lot of work to do.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Dia tinggal di Tokyo.,He lives in Tokyo.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn "Dialah orang yang baik, tapi sesungguhnya, dia tak berapa pandai.","He is a nice person, to be sure, but not very clever.",zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Dia ingin menjadi doktor apabila dia besar.,He is going to be a doctor when he grows up.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Perdana Menteri Malaysia yang keenam ialah Dato' Sri Najib Abdul Razak.,The sixth prime minister of Malaysia is Dato' Sri Najib Abdul Razak.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn "Kami telah menamakan seekor kucing, namanya Mimi.",We named the cat Mimi.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Kelantan adalah sebuah negeri di Semenanjung Malaysia.,Kelantan is one of the states in West Malaysia.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Belia di Malaysia amat menggemari selebriti-selebriti Korea dan Jepun.,The youth in Malaysia really like Korean and Japanese celebrities.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Kami suka makan epal.,We love eating apples.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Kami sedang makan epal.,We're eating apples.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Saya suka makan epal.,I like to eat apples.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Dia sedang makan sebiji epal.,He's eating an apple.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Bolehkah saya makan epal ini?,May I eat this apple?,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Saya sedang makan sebiji epal.,I'm eating an apple.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Saya akan makan epal itu.,I'll eat the apple.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Saya akan makan sebiji epal.,I'll eat an apple.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Mereka sedang makan epal-epal itu.,They're eating the apples.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Melanie sedang makan sebiji epal.,Melanie is eating an apple.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Lagu ini adalah mudah untuk dipelajari.,This song is easy to learn.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Syarahan tentang belanjawan itu sangat menarik.,The lecture on the budget was very interesting.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Saya makan sebiji epal dan dia makan roti.,I eat an apple and she eats bread.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Awak baru?,Are you new?,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Saya nak melawat ke Britain sekali lagi.,I am anxious to visit Britain once again.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Kesihatan badan saya saja penting bagi saya.,My health is my only capital.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Saya tidak faham.,I do not understand.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Basuh muka anda.,Wash your face.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Saya tidak boleh membaiki komputer.,I cannot fix the computer.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Saya tak ingat!,I don't remember!,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Saya tidak suka belajar.,I don't like studying.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Saya Andrea.,My name is Andrea.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Awak percaya kepada Tuhan?,You trust in god?,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Tidak ada.,There aren't any.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Boleh awak periksa tekanan tayar itu?,Can you check the tire pressure?,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Kad kredit boleh?,Does my card work here?,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Aku hamil empat bulan.,I am four months pregnant.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Dia hamil lapan bulan.,She is 8 months pregnant.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Saya minta maaf kerana lewat.,Sorry for being late.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Pengalaman adalah nama yang ramai orang memberi kepada kesilapan mereka.,Experience is the name many people give to their mistakes.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Dia adalah rakan yang muda daripada saudara saya tiga tahun.,He is junior to my brother by three years.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn "Sebelum ini saya terlihat orang itu, melainkan saya tersilap pun.","Unless I am mistaken, I've seen that man before.",zsm_Latn-eng_Latn "Satu, tiga dan lima adalah nombor-nombor ganjil.","One, three, and five are odd numbers.",zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Hari ini sangat sibuk.,I was very busy today.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Apa nama anda?,What is your name?,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn "Kalau kau dapat lihat nafasmu bila kau menghembus nafas, kau tahu ia sejuk.","If you can see your breath when you exhale, you know it's cold.",zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Adakah anda mahu saya bukakan pintu?,Would you mind my opening the door?,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn "Maaf, dia tidak ada di sini.","Sorry, he is not here.",zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Jangan bercakap tentang perniagaan semasa kita makan.,Don't talk about business while we're dining.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Ini maknanya apa?,What does this mean?,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Saya sedang bercuti.,I was in the middle of my holiday.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Di manakah hospital yang terdekat?,Where is the closest hospital?,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Saya ternampak dia pergi ke tandas beberapa minit yang lalu.,I saw him go into the toilet a few minutes ago.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Saya akan beri benda ini kepada Tom.,I'll give this to Tom.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Semalam saya berada di rumah.,Last night I was at home.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Saya tak cantik.,I'm not pretty.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn hendak tinggal di Mumbai?,Do you want to live in Mumbai?,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Saya telah melihat seekor anjing.,I have seen a dog.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Saya telah bertemu dengan Tom selepas kerja.,I met Tom after work.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Saya guru Bahasa Jepun.,I'm a Japanese language teacher.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Mereka kelakar.,They are funny.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Adakah itu perkataan sebenar?,Is that even a word?,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Saya hendak minum sesuatu.,I'd like something to drink.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Sama ada awak atau dia adalah salah.,Either you or he is wrong.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Dia juga sedang belajar Bahasa Cina.,He is also studying Chinese.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Apakah nama kuda itu?,What's the horse's name?,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Akal hijau tanpa berwarna tidur kemurkaan.,Colorless green ideas sleep furiously.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Saya fikir awaklah yang terbaik.,I think you're the greatest.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Saya hendak menderma.,I want to donate money.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn "Antara 1820 dan 1973, Amerika Syarikat telah menerima lebih daripada 46 juta pendatang.","Between 1820 and 1973, the United States admitted more than 46 million immigrants.",zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Tom ialah seorang jurutera elektrik.,Tom is an electrical engineer.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Bagilah saya secawan kopi.,"Give me a coffee, please.",zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Awak belajar bahasa Inggeris?,Do you study English?,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Pemanas ini menggunakan gas.,This heater burns gas.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Saya gembira kerana berada di sini.,I am glad to be here.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Awak mesti keluar dari rumah pada pukul 6.,You have to leave home at six.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Saya akan cuba cari mereka.,I will try to find them.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Si pemandu meminta kami supaya berhati-hati semasa menuruni bas.,The driver told us to be careful when we got off the bus.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Saya akan cuba cari.,I'll try to find them.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn "Dia sibuk, tetapi dia datang untuk membantu kami.","He was busy, and yet he came to help us.",zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Nasib baik mempunyai kaitan dengan nasib dan banyak lagi dengan ketekunan.,Good fortune has little to do with luck and more with diligence.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Bilik ini akan menjadi lebih panas.,This room will soon heat up.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn "Adakalanya, awak kena bersendirian. Bukan sepi, tapi untuk menikmati masa lapang hanya diri sendiri.","Sometimes, you need to be alone. Not to be lonely, but to enjoy some free time just being yourself.",zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Bintang kecil itu yang paling terang.,That small star is the brightest.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Tom tahu bagaimana untuk menjalankan hampir sebarang cara pengangkutan.,Tom knows how to operate practically any mode of transportation.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Saya akan datang semula esok.,I'll come here again tomorrow.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Dua pelajar tidak hadir hari ini.,Two students are absent today.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Saya mempunyai kembar lelaki.,I have a twin brother.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Hobi saya ialah mengumpul jam tangan.,My hobby is collecting watches.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Adakah kamu ingin pergi minum di mana-mana?,Would you like to go out to have a drink somewhere?,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Gambar itu mengenangkan saya tentang zaman pelajar saya.,The picture reminds me of my student days.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Najib adalah seorang pemimpin yang tidak bagus.,Najib is not a good leader.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Kelakuan sedemikian boleh menyebabkan kemalangan.,Such behavior can cause an accident.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Awak tidak seharusnya jadi begitu cerewet pasal makanan.,You shouldn't be so picky about food.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Pencetak di pejabat Peter sudah rosak dan tidak boleh mencetak lagi.,The printer in Peter's office is broken and doesn't print anymore.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Rosmah gemar mengumpul mangkuk jamban.,Rosmah likes to collect toilet bowls.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Mayuko datang terus ke rumah.,Mayuko came directly home.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Pemimpin Malaysia gemarkan rasuah.,The leaders of Malaysia like bribes.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Semua apa yang dia katakan mengecewakan saya.,Everything he says upsets me.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Terima kasih kerana meminjamkan kami buku ini.,Thank you for lending us the book.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn "Jangan mencari-cari nilai kamu pada mata manusia, carilah nilai tersebut dalam hati nurani kamu, apabila hati nurani tenang nescaya darjat meningkat. Sekiranya kamu mengenali diri kamu maka kata-kata mereka tentang kamu tidak akan menyakiti kamu.","Do not search for what you are worth in the eyes of people, but rather try to find it in your conscience is free your status is automatically elevated. If you truly know yourself, you would not be hurt by what others about you.",zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Aku telah jatuh cinta pada kau.,I fell in love with you.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Dia tak buat apa-apa.,He did nothing wrong.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn "Saya tidak menjawab surat anda, sebab saya sibuk.","I didn't answer your letter, because I was busy.",zsm_Latn-eng_Latn "Kami telah makan di restoran itu, sepuluh Euro seorang.",We ate at the restaurant for ten euros per person.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Selamat bercuti.,Have a nice vacation.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Bila anda dilahirkan?,When were you born?,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Awak perlu pulang ke rumah.,You should get back home.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Altitud solar ialah 20 darjah.,The solar altitude is 20 degrees.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn "Setelah banyak usaha, beliau berjaya mendapat kontrak.","After much effort, he ended up with a contract.",zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Dia dihalau dari rumah.,He got thrown out of the house.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Saya tidak mempunyai pilihan selain pergi ke sana.,I had no choice but to go there.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Dua lelaki itu menyelinap masuk ke dalam rumah itu dan dilihat oleh seseorang.,Those two men sneaked into the house and were seen by someone.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Saya ingin sebuah panggilan untuk bangun pada tujuh pagi esok.,I'd like a wake-up call at seven tomorrow morning.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Dia mengadu kepada saya tentang gaji kecil saya.,She complained to me of my small salary.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Tom boleh bercakap bahasa Perancis bulat-bulat seperti orang Perancis.,Tom can speak French almost like a native.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Ingatlah untuk memeriksa memastikan gas telah dimatikan sebelum anda keluar.,Remember to check to make sure the gas has been turned off before you go out.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom telah bersetuju untuk berada di sini pada pukul 2:30, tetapi dia masih belum sampai lagi.","Tom agreed to be here at 2:30, but he's not here yet.",zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Tom datang sini melindungi saya.,Tom is here to protect me.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn "Selepas mengelilingi Dragon's Tooth, angin telah menyebelahi kami, dan kami telah terbang. Ia terasa seperti kami memecut dua kali lagi laju.","After rounding the Dragon's Tooth, the wind was on our side, and we were flying. It felt like we were running twice as fast.",zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Ia lebih baik untuk kesihatan jika hidup di kawasan pedalaman daripada di bandar.,It is better for the health to live in the country than in the city.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Dia mempunyai mata biru yang besar.,She has large blue eyes.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Dia telah bercakap dengan presiden.,He talked to the chairman.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Satu jam dalam keadaan tidak berfikir boleh menyebabkan tangisan bertahun-tahun.,One hour of thoughtlessness can cause years of tears.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Hobi saya ialah menulis cerita.,My hobby is writing stories.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Rumah dia sangat moden.,Her house is very modern.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Boleh saya gunakan pemproses perkataan ini?,May I use this word processor?,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Saya telah diminta untuk membeli sedikit kek dalam perjalanan pulang dari pejabat.,I was asked to buy some cakes on the way home from the office.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Kedua-dua adik-beradik itu telah mati.,The two brothers died.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Saya mandi sekali setiap hari.,I bathe once a day.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Kami percaya kepada Allah.,We believe in God.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Saya tidak boleh ingat kembali melodi lagu itu.,I can't remember the tune of that song.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn "Awak apa khabar, Mike?","How are you, Mike?",zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Ini tidak boleh disebut kehidupan.,This cannot be called life.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Kami memanggilnya Mike.,We call him Mike.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn "Saya mahu pergi, tapi saya terlupa.","I wanted to go, but I forgot.",zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Saya ialah orang asing di sini.,I am a foreigner here.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Saya lebih suka teh daripada kopi.,I prefer tea over coffee.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Bagaimana Tom telah dibunuh?,How was Tom killed?,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Siapa wanita yang berdiri di situ?,Who is the woman standing there?,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Penat ke?,Are you too tired?,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn "Saya tidak boleh lupa, tetapi saya tidak ingat apa.","I can't forget, but I don't remember what.",zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Dia tidak akan tiba ke perjumpaan pada waktu yang ditetapkan.,He won't be in time for the meeting.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Berikan saya sehari atau dua hari.,Give me a day or two.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Saya sedang belajar bahasa Basque.,I am learning Basque.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Apa yang anda lakukan?,What're you doing?,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Kamu tidak belajar berjalan dengan mengikuti peraturan. Kamu belajar dengan melakukan dan kejatuhan.,You don't learn to walk by following rules. You learn by doing and by falling over.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Ini kereta saya.,This is my car.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Saya balik awal setiap hari.,I go home early every day.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Aku pasti kau bahagia tanpaku selamanya.,I'm sure you're happy without me forever.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Itu ialah hari yang paling indah dalam hidup saya.,That was the best day of my life.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Tom telah mencadangkan agar kita menunggu di sini.,Tom suggested that we wait here.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Dia sedang makan.,He is eating.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Dia tahu bahawa Jon mencintainya.,She knew that John loved her.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Daun-daun gugur ke bumi ketika musim luruh.,The leaves fall to the earth in autumn.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Kamu boleh membelinya di kedai buku.,You can get it at a bookstore.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Bahagian atas gunung itu diliputi oleh salji.,The upper part of the mountain is covered with snow.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Awak perlu melaksanakan tanggungjawab awak dengan apa cara sekali pun.,You've got to carry out your commitment at all costs.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Negara itu kaya dengan minyak.,That country abounds in oil.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn "Jika awak bercakap benar, awak tidak perlu ingat apa-apa.","If you tell the truth, you don't have to remember anything.",zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Saya nak keluar makan malam ni.,I want to eat out tonight.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Kami akhirnya telah menerbitkan buku itu.,We finally published the book.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Jom masak dan makan ikan!,Let's cook and eat the fish!,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Kamu paling tahu bagaimana untuk menggunakan mesin ini.,You understand best how to use the machine.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Komiti ini terdiri daripada lapan ahli.,The committee consists of eight members.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Dia sepatutnya belum tidur lagi.,She cannot have gone to bed yet.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn "Eh, tengok, monyet berkepala tiga!","Hey, look, a three-headed monkey!",zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Saya lihat beberapa monyet sedang memanjat pokok.,I saw some monkeys climbing the tree.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn "Saya tidak bercakap dengan kamu, saya sedang bercakap dengan monyet.",I'm not talking to you; I'm talking to the monkey.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Monyet panjat pokok.,Monkeys climb trees.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Dia mahu dikembalikan ke sekolah pada bulan September.,He was eager to return to school in September.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Awak nak pergi makan malam kat rumah ke?,Are you going to have dinner at home?,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Seluruhnya lebih besar daripada jumlah bahagian.,The whole is greater than the sum of the parts.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn "Tidak ada kejayaan yang mutlak di dunia, hanya kemajuan yang berterusan.","There is no absolute success in the world, only constant progress.",zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Bila kita makan? Saya laparlah!,When are we eating? I'm hungry!,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Nampaknya dia berumur 90 tahun.,He is likely to live to be ninety.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn "Semua haiwan adalah samarata, tetapi sesetengah haiwan lebih samarata daripada yang lain.","All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.",zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Sekarang sibuk.,I'm busy now.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Dia telah mempelajari bahasa Perancis selama 8 tahun berturut-turut.,He has been studying French for eight years.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Tom seharusnya tahu lebih baik daripada mempercayai Mary.,Tom should have known better than to trust Mary.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Hendaklah kamu berbelas kasihan seperti Bapa kamu berbelas kasihan juga!,"Be merciful, just as your Father is merciful.",zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Beliau kembali ke Jepun buat pertama kali dalam tempoh lapan tahun.,He came back to Japan for the first time in eight years.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Awak nak buat apa lepas makan malam?,What do you do after dinner?,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Dia menulis kepada saya sekali seminggu.,He writes to me once a week.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Sila cari satu penyelesaian untuk masalah ini.,Please find a solution to the problem.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn April ialah bulan keempat dalam setahun.,April is the fourth month of the year.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn "Awak ada tekanan, saya ada tekanan, kenapakah awak hendak mencetuskan saya?","""You have pressure, I have pressure, why do you want to provoke me?""",zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Kita telah masuk ke simpang yang salah.,We took a wrong turn.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Madeira ialah nama bagi sejenis wain.,Madeira is the name of a wine.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Sebiji epal terjatuh ketika saya membuka pintu peti ais.,"When I opened the door of the refrigerator, an apple fell out.",zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Saya sedang berada di bilik air ketika telefon itu berdering.,I was in the bath when the phone rang.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Dia mula menangis dengan suara yang kuat.,She began to cry in a loud voice.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Apakah klien emel kesukaan anda?,What's your favorite email client?,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Entahlah kalau ada masa.,I don't know if I have the time.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Sudahkah awak habiskan menulis laporan awak?,Have you finished writing your reports yet?,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Saya boleh dapat datang besok.,I can come tomorrow.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Tahukah anda mengapa langit itu biru?,Do you know why the sky is blue?,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Dia dikenali kepada semua orang.,He is known to everyone.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Dia sepatutnya berada di sana pada pukul lapan tapi dia tidak muncul hingga pukul sepuluh.,He was supposed to be there at 8 o'clock but he didn't show up till ten.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Tidak semua pihak pekerja yang hadir.,Not all of the staff was present.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Dia keluar pada jam lapan.,He left home at 8:00.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Kerusi plastik ini sangat murah.,This plastic chair is very cheap.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Saya telah membeli sebuah buku tentang binatang-binatang.,I bought a book about animals.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn John bekerja keras.,John works hard.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn "Sebagai permulaan, siapakah lelaki itu?","To start with, who is that man?",zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Salji turun pada bulan Januari.,We have snow in January.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn "Dia bukan seorang doktor, tetapi seorang guru.","She is not a doctor, but a teacher.",zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Kita mesti tunggu.,We must wait.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Tom akan sibuk pada masa ini esok.,Tom will be busy at this time tomorrow.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Kita tahu bahawa Tom telah ditembak. Itu sahaja yang kita tahu.,We know that Tom has been shot. That's all we know.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Saya berpuas hati bersendirian.,I'm perfectly happy being alone.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Tom berharap agar Mary tidak akan selalu keluar membeli-belah pada hari Sabtu.,Tom wishes Mary wouldn't always go shopping on Saturdays.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Saya tidak tahu apa yang dimaksudkan.,I didn't know what it meant.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn """Apa yang kau fikirkan?"" ""Tak ada pun....""","""What are you thinking about?"" ""Nothin'...""",zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Adakah itu menyakitkan?,Does that hurt?,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Saya warganegara China.,I am Chinese.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Tom baru sahaja membaiki bumbung rumahnya semalam.,Tom fixed the roof of his house just yesterday.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Dia telah pergi ke Switzerland.,He has gone to Switzerland.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Kami gembira.,We are happy.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Saya telah digigit nyamuk di seluruh tangan saya.,I've been bitten by mosquitos all over my arm.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Kek ini sedap. Cubalah makan.,These cakes are good. Please try one.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Kami ada banyak perkara yang perlu dilakukan.,We have a lot to do.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn "Apabila saya bangun, matahari telah terbit tinggi di dalam langit.","When I got up, the sun was already high in the sky.",zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Lebih kurang beberapa buah buku anda mempunyai?,About how many books do you have?,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Saya mendapatkan buku ini untuk dia.,I got this book from him.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Anda sepatutnya merahsiakannya.,You should have kept it secret.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Boleh tak ambil kami ke Muzium British?,Can you take us to the British Museum?,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Saya selalu melancong.,I travel often.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Hadiahnya adalah satu botol wain.,His present is a bottle of wine.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Punyalah orang tua di supermarket menyesal.,Old people in supermarkets piss me off.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Bandar ini semaking meningkat dari segi jumlah penduduk.,This town is increasing in population.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Pemilik tanah berkata dia mahu menaikkan sewa.,The landlord says he wants to raise the rent.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Awak sudah makan nasi?,Have you eaten yet?,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Berapa jauhnya dari New York ke London?,How far is it from New York to London?,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Tom sangat tidak bagus menjadi sebagai ayah.,Tom is a failure as a father.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Siapakah pengasas Google Translate?,Who is the founder of Google Translate?,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn "Beritahu dia, nanti saya akan panggil balik.",Tell her I'll call back later.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Mak cik saya ada tiga anak.,My aunt has three children.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Anda telah baca buku ini?,Have you read this book already?,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Ada sesiapa tahu agensi pelancongan ini?,Anyone knows this travel agency?,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Berenang adalah hobi saya.,Swimming is my hobby.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Ramai orang meletakkan terlalu banyak maklumat peribadi di media sosial.,Many people put too much personal information on social media.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn "Satu tahun setelah itu, Paul dilahirkan.","One year later, Paul was born.",zsm_Latn-eng_Latn "Awak minum bir semasa makan tengah hari, kan?","You drank a beer at lunch, didn't you?",zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Saya tahu di mana Tom.,I know exactly where Tom is.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Cikgu dan saya duduk bersemuka.,The teacher and I sat down face to face.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Sebanyak 50 peratus kandungan otot itu ditukar menjadi lemak.,Hence 50 percent of the muscle can give way to fat.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn "Saya akan menerima keputusan awak, tidak kira apa pun keputusannya.","I will accept your decision, whatever it will be.",zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Budak lelaki itu melemparkan batu.,The boy throws a stone.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Masalah-masalah ini hendaklah ditangani dengan berhati-hati.,These problems must be dealt with carefully.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Saya tersandar di dinding.,I leaned against the wall.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Budak lelaki itu membeli anjing.,The boy buys a dog.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Awak tidak pernah melayan saya seperti ini.,You never used to treat me like this.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Emak saya sedang memarahi.,My mother is angry.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Jepun memainkan peranan penting dalam mempromosikan keamanan dunia.,Japan plays an important role in promoting world peace.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Bahasa boleh digunakan dalam pelbagai cara.,Language can be used in different ways.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn """Apa khabar?"" ""Khabar baik, terima kasih.""","""How are you?"" ""I am fine, thank you.""",zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Tolong biarkan hal ini sebagai rahsia.,Please keep it secret.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Celakalah kepada orang-orang kafir.,Woe to infidels.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Patutkah Terusan Suez dan Panama diantarabangsakan?,Should the Suez and Panama Canals be internationalized?,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Dia mahu menyertai pertandingan itu.,He wants to participate in the contest.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Anda telah hilang berat badan?,Have you lost weight?,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Jam berapa kau biasanya bangun?,What time do you usually get up?,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Dia bercita-cita untuk menjadi seorang pelakon.,She aspired to become an actress.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn "Saya bercakap Sepanyol kepada Tuhan, Itali kepada perempuan, Perancis kepada lelaki dan Jerman kepada kuda saya.","I speak Spanish to God, Italian to women, French to men, and German to my horse.",zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Saya pergi ke sekolah dengan berjalan kaki.,I go to school on foot.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Saya mesti pergi ke sekolah dengan berjalan kaki.,I have to walk to school.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Awak tidak dibenarkan untuk menyentuh lukisan itu.,You are not permitted to touch the art.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Dia telah mendaki Gunung Fuji.,He climbed Mt. Fuji.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Ia adalah hasil daripada kerja keras dan rancangan yang dirancang rapi.,It is the fruit of hard work and a well-prepared plan.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Ini ialah seekor kuda.,This is a horse.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Budak-budak lelaki biasanya lebih tinggi daripada budak-budak perempuan.,"Boys, as a rule, are taller than girls.",zsm_Latn-eng_Latn "Selamat petang, awak apa khabar?","Good evening, how are you?",zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Anda telah melawat Menara Tokyo?,Have you visited Tokyo Tower?,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Di manakah ibu negara Amerika?,What is the capital of the United States?,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Abang saya boleh memandu kereta.,My brother can drive a car.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Kepunyaan siapakah kasut-kasut ini?,Whose shoes are these?,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Awak hanya boleh merokok di taman bumbung.,You can only smoke in the roof garden.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Dia mempunyai seorang anak lelaki bernama Qian.,He had a son named Qian.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Ia penting?,Is that important?,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Bagaimana anda belajar Esperanto?,How did you learn Esperanto?,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Awak kenal bapanya?,Do you know her father?,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Bola sepak adalah lebih popular daripada tenis.,Soccer is more popular than tennis.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Tom kata awak perlukan pekerjaan.,Tom said you needed a job.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Teruskan perniagaan anda.,Carry on with your business.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom telah menang loteri RM 10,000.","Tom won $10,000 in the lottery.",zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Aku sukakan awak lebih daripada sebelum itu.,I love you more than ever.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Sehingga tahap mana kita perlu percayakan dia?,To what degree can we trust him?,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Kenapa awak ada komputer riba tetapi tiada telefon bimbit?,How can you have a laptop and not a cell phone?,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Saya langsung tidak tahu apa yang berlaku selepas saya mabuk. Kenapa ada beberapa orang tua tidur di dalam bilik saya?,I have absolutely no clue what happened after I got drunk. Why is there some old dude sleeping in my room?,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Terima kasih untuk menolong aku!,Thanks for helping me.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Kita dilahirkan ke dunia ini atas sebab-sebab.,We were born into this world for a reason.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Ada berapa banyak orang dalam bilik ini?,How many people are in this room?,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn "Nancy telah pergi ke London, begitu juga ke Paris.",Nancy went to London as well as Paris.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Muriel berumur 20 sekarang.,Muiriel is 20 now.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Kau tidak boleh tambah nombor sebenarnya dan nombor khayalan.,You cannot add a real number and an imaginary number.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Tom begitu gemuk sehingga dia memerlukan dua tempat duduk di atas kapal terbang.,Tom is so fat he needs two seats on an airplane.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Anda kenal sesiapa yang tidak pernah menggunakan ubat gigi?,Do you know of someone who's never used toothpaste?,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Ada yang lebih daripada seorang yang membunuh kucing.,There's more ways than one to kill a cat.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Li lasis krevi bombon.,He dropped a bombshell.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn "Kami datang dari ratusan bangsa dan latar belakang serta menuturkan pelbagai bahasa. Namun, kami bersatu padu kerana mempunyai matlamat yang sama. Yang terpenting, kami ingin memuliakan Yehuwa, Tuhan yang disebut dalam Bible dan Pencipta segala sesuatu. Kami berusaha sebaik-baiknya untuk meniru Yesus Kristus dan bangga menjadi orang Kristian. Kami masing-masing selalu meluangkan masa untuk membantu orang belajar tentang Bible dan Kerajaan Tuhan. Oleh sebab kami memberikan kesaksian, atau bercakap tentang Tuhan Yehuwa dan Kerajaan-Nya, kami dikenali sebagai Saksi-Saksi Yehuwa.","We come from hundreds of ethnic and language backgrounds, yet we are united by common goals. Above all, we want to honor Jehovah, the God of the Bible and the Creator of all things. We do our best to imitate Jesus Christ and are proud to be called Christians. Each of us regularly spends time helping people learn about the Bible and God’s Kingdom. Because we witness, or talk, about Jehovah God and his Kingdom, we are known as Jehovah’s Witnesses.",zsm_Latn-eng_Latn "Mata wang Perancis adalah franc, dan simbolnya adalah ₣. Walaupun ia tidak lagi digunakan di Perancis, franca masih digunakan di beberapa bekas tanah jajahan Perancis seperti Guinea.","France's currency was the franc, and its symbol was ₣. While it is no longer used in France, francs are still in use in some former French colonies such as Guinea.",zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Santa tinggal di kutub utara.,Santa lives at the North Pole.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Saya boleh memandu kereta.,I can drive a car.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Saya akhirnya mendapat keseluruhan set!,I've finally got the whole set!,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Pukul berapa?,What time is it?,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Berkemungkinan enam ratus ribu orang terkorban ataupun cedera.,Six hundred thousand men were killed or wounded.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Bola sepak ialah sukan yang paling popular di Brazil.,Football is the most popular sport in Brazil.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Saya ialah seekor burung hantu pada waktu malam.,I'm a night owl.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Saya harap saya boleh buat.,I hope that I can do it.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Kelmarin saya cuma tidak bekerja semata-mata.,Yesterday I simply did not go to work.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Saya suka rumah saya.,I love my home.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Bolehkah awak membawa saya ke pawagam?,Could you take me to a movie?,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Saya kenal budak lelaki ini yang awak tidak mengenalinya.,I know that boy whom you don't know.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn "Saya menasihati awak, awak perlu meminta maaf.",You should apologize.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Kedai ini tidak membuka hari ini.,The store is not open today.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Kami akan melaporkan keputusan apabila diketahui.,We will report the results when known.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Ayah saya menyiram bunga-bunga itu.,My father waters the flowers.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Ia agak sukar untuk dijelaskan.,It's kind of hard to explain.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Dalam sekelip mata gadis itu melompat ke atas pagar pautan rantai.,In the blink of an eye the girl jumped over the chain-link fence.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Saya masih belum memberitahu Tom mengapa saya mahu berbuat demikian.,I still haven't told Tom why I want to do that.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Dia berdiam diri dan saya mentafsirkan bahawa dia bersetuju.,I interpreted his silence as consent.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Tom memberitahu saya bahawa dia belum melakukan itu.,Tom told me that he hadn't done that yet.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Budak itu melulus peperiksaan dengan kejayaan.,The boy passed the examination with success.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Bir kere daha!,One more time!,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Dia mengambil insurans rumah daripada kebakaran.,He insured his house against fire.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn "Si Tom tidak melakukannya lagi, saya katakannya. katanya.",I'm sure Tom doesn't do that anymore.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Saya membuat dia angkat beg bimbit itu.,I made him carry the briefcase.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Saya nak jumpa awak.,I want to visit you.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Saya nak bercakap dengan Tom.,I'm going to be talking to Tom.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn "Siapa cepat, dia dapat.",The early bird catches the worm.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn "Sudah basah, kehujanan pula.",Out of the frying pan and into the fire.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Jangan hangat-hangat tahi ayam.,Don't do things by halves.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Saya mengirim surat ini kepada datuk.,I sent this letter to grandfather.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Bakar surat ini selepas anda membacanya.,Burn this letter after you finish reading it.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Kewujudan adalah konsep yang tidak bermakna.,Existence is a meaningless concept.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn "Bak kata pepatah, ""Masa itu emas.""","As the proverb says, ""Time is money.""",zsm_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom, ada seseorang di sini mahu berjumpa awak.","Tom, there's someone here to see you.",zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Ayah saya memiliki kereta yang sama sebagai Encik Kimura.,My father has the same car as Mr Kimura's.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Apa pendapat anda tentang ekonomi Jepun?,What do you think about Japanese economy?,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Saya hendak pergi sekarang.,I must be leaving now.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Itulah undang-undang.,That's the law.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn "Sekarang, saya lapar.",I'm very hungry now.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Saya tidak pernah mengatakan bergitu!,I never said that!,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Dia pulang dari negeri Cina.,He came back from China.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Lelaki itu menemani teman wanitanya.,He was accompanied by his girlfriend.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Orang asing bercakap dengan saya di atas bas yang ramai.,A stranger spoke to me on the crowded bus.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Saya tiada pembayang langsung.,I have no clue.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Itu bukan masalah awak lagi.,That's not your problem anymore.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Biarkan saya mendapatkan sesuatu untuk diminum.,Let me get you something to drink.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Dia sentiasa bekerja dari pagi hingga malam.,He is always working from morning till night.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Seorang tidak cukup.,There is one less.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn "Selepas makan, perut saya sakit.",My stomach hurts after meals.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Jangan beli sekarang; ia tidak lama lagi akan memotong harga.,Do not buy now; they will soon be slashing the prices.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn "Dia ada duit, tapi dia tak senang hati.","He has money, but he's not happy.",zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Apa yang harus dilakukan kalau kita hendak mencari pasangan hidup kamu?,What should be done if we want to find our soul mate?,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn "Dengan berlari sedikit sahaja, kaki saya bergetar.",All I did was run a little and now my knees are wobbly.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Tunggu sekejap.,Hold on one second.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Tinggal dua hari saja.,There are only two days left.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Patutlah dia kurus betul gara-gara ada penyakit hepatitis.,She got hepatitis no wonder she is losing so much weight.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn "Memberitahu perkara sebenar, saya lebih suka tinggal di rumah daripada keluar.","To tell the truth, I would rather stay at home than go out.",zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Saya telah membeli komputer baru bulan lepas.,I bought a new computer last month.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Afghanistan dan Iran sudah menukarkan lagu kebangsaan mereka beberapa kali semasa abad ke-20.,Afghanistan and Iran both changed their national anthems several times in the course of the 20th century.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Salah seorang pelajar tidak datang hari ini.,One of the students didn't come today.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Ada gula?,Is there any sugar?,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Anda mahu pergi sekarangkah?,Do you want to go right now?,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn "Saya menikmati muzik, terutamanya muzik klasik.","I love music, particularly classical.",zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Tom kini menggunakan Windows 8.1.,Tom now uses Windows 8.1.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn "Bila saya berkerja, saya gemar mendengar muzik.","When I work, I like to listen to the music.",zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Bayarkan kad kredit anda setiap bulan.,Pay off your credit cards every month.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Aku perlu pertolongan.,I need help.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Di mana anda belajar?,Where do you study?,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Kami makan di rumah.,We eat at home.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Anda seperti suami kepada suami anda.,You are a husband to your husband.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Anda bercakap Inuktitutkah?,Do you speak Inuktitut?,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn "Aku tak mengetahui Tom, tetapi aku mengetahui kakaknya.","I don't know Tom, but I know his sister.",zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Saya mengetahui kakaknya.,I know her sister.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn "Saya tak perlu pertolongan anda, tetapi anda perlu pertologan saya.","I don't need your help, but you need mine.",zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Aku akan kembali pada pukul 2:30.,I'll be back at 2:30.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn "Suatu hari nanti, semua kanak-kanak di Malaysia akan berpeluang untuk menerima pendidikan yang terunggul.","One day, all children in Malaysia will have the opportunity to attain an excellent education.",zsm_Latn-eng_Latn "Aku muda, tetapi bukan begitu muda.","I'm young, but I'm not that young.",zsm_Latn-eng_Latn "Saya tua, tetapi bukan begitu tua.","I'm old, but I'm not that old.",zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Anda tahu apakah di dalam sini?,Do you know what's in here?,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Anda anggap Tom akan tolong kamikah?,Do you think Tom will help us?,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Awak di sini seluruh malamkah?,Have you been here all night?,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Anda mahu tengok inikah?,Do you want to look at this?,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Engkau mahu pergi ke penjarakah?,Do you want to go to prison?,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn "Esok, bilik tersebut akan dicat.",The room will be painted tomorrow.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Awak mahu saya balik rumahkah?,Do you want me to go home?,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Anda mahu saya ambil itu untuk andakah?,Do you want me to get that for you?,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Anda mahu cuba sekali lagikah?,Do you want to try it again?,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Adakah John mahu menonton sebuah filem Korea?,Does John want to see a Korean movie?,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Ikan hidup di dalam laut.,Fish live in the sea.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Adaka Jenny mahu pulang ke rumah?,Does Jenny want to go home?,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn """Perempuan itu muda?"". ""Ya"".","""Is she young?"" ""Yes, she is.""",zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Adakah abang awak boleh memandu kereta?,Can your brother drive a car?,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Korea Utara telah dianggap sebagai negri paria bagi kebanyakan kewujudannya.,North Korea has been treated as a pariah state for most of its existence.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Dia tidur seperti anak kecil.,He's sleeping like a baby.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Dia buat apa di sini?,What did he do here?,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Tom berkata dia tidak berada di sini kelmarin. Itu pasti orang lain yang awak nampak.,Tom says he wasn't here yesterday. It must've been someone else you saw.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Hujan berhenti.,It has stopped raining.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Adakah anda membaca sebarang selain dari Injil?,Do you read something besides the Bible?,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Adakah anda kebetulan tahu Tom?,Do you happen to know Tom?,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn "Tetapi dengan menggunakan helikopter pemadam kebakaran, kami telah berjaya mengatasi kebakaran.","But by using fire-fighting helicopters, we have already managed to largely limit fires.",zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Perjumpaan berikutnya akan berlangsung pada 10 Jun.,The next meeting will be on the tenth of June.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Ia tidak akan berlaku lagi.,It's never going to happen.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Pemergian kereta api akan ditangguhkan.,The train's departure will be delayed.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Apa yang anda ingin menjadi?,What do you want to be?,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Setakat ini tiada apa yang telah berlaku.,So far nothing has happened.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Pernahkah anda membaca Alkitab?,Have you ever read the Bible?,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Saya dimaklumkan kepada dia kedatangannya.,I informed her of his arrival.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Peluklah kepada ibu bapa kamu sebelum meninggalkan kampung halaman,Hug your parents before leaving your hometown.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Kami tidak membaiki PC di sini.,We don't repair PCs here.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Lebih baik anda datang bersama saya.,You'd better come with me.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Hayat bagaikan permainan catur.,Life is like a game of chess.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Keabadian adalah sekian lama.,Eternity is a long time.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Pen ada.,There is a pen.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Doktor gigi mencabut gigi yang buruk.,The dentist pulled my bad tooth.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Kamu mesti mengikut saya.,You need to follow me.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Siapakah penyanyi yang terbaik dalam syarikat kami?,Who is the best singer in our company?,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn "Sekiranya kamu mengejar dua ekor arnab, kamu pun tidak akan dapat menangkapnya.","If you run after two hares, you will catch neither.",zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Dialah orang yang pertama yang terapung di angkasa.,He was the first man to float in space.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Bagaimanakah anda mahu mengatasi masalah itu?,How are you going to solve this problem?,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Kuda makan rumput.,Horses eat grass.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Telefon Tom besar.,Tom's phone is huge.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Tom boleh menggunakan kamera video saya kalau dia nak.,Tom may use my video camera if he wants to.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn "Kadangkala, kuharap aku dapat berjalan tepat pada masanya, dan bertemu kembali pada masa masih kecil.","Sometimes, I wish I can walk through timely, and meet the back was still a child.",zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Saya dijemput ke majlis ini.,I was invited to the party.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Mana dia?,Where is it?,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn "Selalunya, saya lebih suka membayar dengan kad kredit dan bukan dengan wang tunai.",I usually prefer to pay with credit card and not with cash.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Tiada sesiapa yang membantu saya.,No one helped me.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Anda mesti buat itu sekarang.,You've got to do it now.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Beliau merupakan orang pertama untuk melompat ke dalam dunia komputer di syarikat kami.,He was the first to jump into the world of computers at our company.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn "Anda ada sebuah kereta, bukan?","You've got a car, right?",zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Anda ada jurnal Jepun?,Do you have a Japanese journal?,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Ada cat di atas baju anda.,You've got paint on your shirt.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn "Tahun ini, saya tidak ada masa untuk bercuti.",This year I didn't have time to go on holidays.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Dia membina rumah baru untuk anaknya.,He built his son a new house.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn "Jika anda boleh bertutur dalam bahasa Inggeris, anda akan menjadi sempurna.","If you could only speak English, you would be perfect.",zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Adakah anda mempunyai wang tunai lebih daripada sepuluh ribu euro?,Do you have cash worth more than ten thousand euros?,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Biarlah kita mula dari pelajaran 10.,Let's start from lesson 10.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Keluarga kami terdiri daripada lima orang ahli.,Our family consists of five members.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn "Jika awak ada dua minit saja, boleh kita bercakap dulu?","If you have a couple minutes, could you hear me out?",zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Anda pergi ke penjara.,You're going to prison.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Saya tidak pandai bercakap bahasa Albania.,I don't speak Albanian.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Ken telah menyalakan lilin-lilin itu.,Ken lit the candles.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Orang tak sebut itu lagi.,People don't say that anymore.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Awak faham tak apa maksud saya?,Do you understand what I mean?,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Siapakah penyanyi kegemaran awak?,Who is your favorite singer?,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Berapa harga untuk ini?,What's the price?,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Anda tahu menggunakannyakah?,Do you know how to use it?,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Anda benar mahu menolongkah?,Do you really want to help?,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Kau dengar sini baik-baik.,Listen to me.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Awak benar mahu tahukah?,Do you really want to know?,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn "Tatoeba: dimana ayat-ayat sentiasa ayat, kecuali apabila ia tidak!","Tatoeba: Where sentences are always sentences, except when they aren't.",zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Tom ingin memakai kasut baru nya.,Tom wanted to wear his new shoes.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn "Dengar sini, boleh tak!","Listen to me, will you?",zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Hidup ini sungguh pendek.,Life is very short.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Kita tak boleh mula hari ini.,We can't start today.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Kami sudah makan.,We have eaten.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn "Jika John telefon pada saya, sila beritahu dia saya akan balik pada pukul tujuh.","If John phones me, please tell him I'll be back by seven o'clock.",zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Apa kita perlu masak?,What should we cook?,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Jawablah.,Please answer me.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Anda Tom bukan?,"You're Tom, aren't you?",zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Boleh dengar tak?,Can you hear me?,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Awak dan Tom buat apa?,What are you and Tom doing?,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn "Apabila saya pulang, saya mendapati bahawa kereta saya hilang!","When I got back, I found my car missing.",zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Saya akan memanggil anda pada pukul 7 petang.,I'll ring you up at seven this evening.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn "Jika harga anda adalah kompetitif, kami akan membuat tempahan besar.","If your prices are competitive, we will place a large order.",zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Kita kehabisan teh.,We've run out of tea.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Nampaknya bahawa dia seorang ahli muzik.,It appears that he is a musician.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Saya cintakan awak yang terbaik dari semua.,I love you the best of all.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Boleh anda makan sesuatu di situ?,Can you eat something there?,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Sila beritahu saya jika ada apa-apa yang saya boleh buat.,Let me know if there's anything I can do.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Biar saya memberi penerangan apa yang saya maksudkan.,Let me make plain what I mean.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Semua orang yang mengenalinya menghormatinya.,Everyone who knows him respects him.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Maksud saya ialah salah satu yang lebih luas.,My point is a broader one.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Apa yang saya nak katakan adalah ini.,What I want to say is this.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Biarkan tindakan kita tidak pernah bertentangan dengan apa yang kita telah dikatakan.,Let our action never contradict what we have said.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Saya tak makan kulit ayam.,I don't eat chicken skin.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Soalan anda tiada jawapan.,Your question has no answer.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Awak tahu tak apa maksud saya?,Do you know what I mean?,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Dia tidak suka bola sepak.,She doesn't like soccer.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Dia tidak boleh memasak dengan baik.,He can't cook very well.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn "Dari pandangan saya, ia akan menjadi lebih baik untuk menunggu lebih lama.","From my point of view, it would be better to wait a little longer.",zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Bahasa Swahili ditulis dengan abjad Rumi.,Swahili is written using the Roman writing system.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Anda tidak perlu menjadi seorang pintar untuk mengetahui siapa yang berkata itu.,You don't have to be a genius to know who said that.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Dua-dua adik beradik perempuan itu berambut perang.,The sisters are both blondes.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Di mana bank terdekat?,Where's the nearest bank?,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Awak jangan risau.,You don't worry.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Saya sedang pening kepala.,My head aches.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Kasut ini terlalu besar untukku.,These shoes are too big for me.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn "Lihatlah burung di udara yang tidak menyemai benih, tidak menuai tuaian, dan tidak mengumpulkan hasil di dalam jelapang, tetapi Bapa kamu yang di syurga memelihara semuanya! Bukankah kamu jauh lebih berharga daripada burung?","Look at the birds of the air: they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they?",zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Tiada orang tinggal di rumah ini.,Nobody lives in this house.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Apakah itu penting?,Is it that urgent?,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Tom tidak tahu perbezaan antara arang dan karbon.,Tom does not know the difference between charcoal and carbon.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Pemahaman Bahasa Inggerisnya lemah.,His knowledge of English is poor.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Tom memang takut.,Tom was very scared.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Sila jangan baling batu ke dalam sungai.,Don't throw rocks into the river.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Dia telah melintasi sungai.,He got across the river.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Ikan merenang dengan menggerakkan ekornya.,The fish swims by moving its tail.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn "Elok bahasa, kan bakal hidup, elok budi, kan bakal mati.",Manners maketh man.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Tom mungkin masih bersembunyi.,Tom is probably still hiding.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Tom tidak tahu macam mana nak membalas.,Tom doesn't know how to reply.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Dia berjalan di hadapan saya.,He walked ahead of me.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Dia direnangkan di seberang sungai.,He swam across the river.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Dia tidak mempunyai lesen memandu.,She doesn't have a driver's license.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Marta sayangkan kau.,Marta loves me.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Saya hanya mempunyai 10 naskah buku.,I only have ten books.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Dia pergi memancing ikan di sungai.,He went fishing in the river.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Jangan biarkan sejuk gulai di tungku.,Strike while the iron is hot.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Betapa sayangnya saya tak dapat melihatnya.,What a pity that I did not see it.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn "Ingat sebelum kena, jimat sebelum habis.",Look before you leap.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Tutup mata anda dan pergi tidur.,Close your eyes and go to sleep.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Ialah sebuah peraturan yang bagus untuk melihat dua-dua arah sebelum melintasi jalan raya di mana-mana sahaja.,It's a good rule to look both ways before you cross the street anywhere.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Dia tinggal di seberang sungai.,He lives across the river.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Besarnya.,It's very big.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn "Tidak apa walau si kucing adalah hitam atau putih, selama ia menangkap tikus.",It doesn't matter whether the cat is black or white as long as it catches mice.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Saya belajar Bahasa Inggeris dan Bahasa Jepun.,I study English and Japanese.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Siapakah gadis jelita yang duduk sebelah dengan Jack?,Who is the pretty girl sitting beside Jack?,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Dia duduk di tepi sungai itu.,He sat at the edge of the stream.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Berapa untuk satu bilik?,How much is a room?,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Saya tidak berkerja.,I am not working.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn "Kemudian aku melihat dan mendengar seekor burung helang yang terbang tinggi di angkasa, berseru, “Sungguh malang! Sungguh malang! Sungguh malang semua orang yang hidup di bumi apabila terdengar bunyi trompet yang akan ditiup oleh tiga malaikat lain.”","""In my vision, I heard an eagle, calling aloud as it flew high overhead, 'Disaster, disaster, disaster, on all the people on earth at the sound of the other three trumpets which the three angels have yet to blow!'""",zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Anda boleh melawat saya esok hari.,You can visit me tomorrow.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Saya setuju dengan kamu.,I agree with you.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn "Sekalipun dia sibuk, dia akan datang.","Even if he is busy, he will come.",zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Saya mengambil teksi dari stesen ke hotel.,I took a taxi from the station to the hotel.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Stesen kereta api akan tutup mulai esok.,The train station will be closed from tomorrow.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Mereka dimarahi oleh guru.,They were scolded by the teacher.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Setiap pencapaian besar pernah dianggap mustahil.,Every great achievement was once considered impossible.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Saya berasa gembira.,I am happy.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Dia tidak mempunyai kawan untuk bercakap dengan.,He has no friends to talk with.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Ia semacam mencari kutu dalam ijuk.,It is like looking for a needle in a haystack.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Saya tidak mempunyai banyak semangat kerjasama.,I don't have much collaborative spirit.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Beliau tidak lagi kanak-kanak.,He is no longer a child.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Apakah program TV pendidikan kegemaran anda?,What's your favorite educational TV program?,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Kaneko berasa tertekan dengan jawatannya yang baru bahawa dia mengalami patah jiwa.,Kaneko was so stressed out at her new job that she had a nervous breakdown.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Dia ada sekurang-kurang dua ribu yen dengannya.,He has no less than two thousand yen with him.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Bosannya saya tertidur.,"I was bored, so I fell asleep.",zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Dia tidak sepatutnya datang sini.,He was never to come here.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn "Dia pergi ke Paris, di mana dia menjumpai saya untuk pertama kali.","He went to Paris, where he met me for the first time.",zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Peti sejuk saya telah rosak.,My refrigerator is out of order.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Tom tidak mahu mencuba perkara lain.,Tom doesn't want to try anything else.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Tom tidak mahu makan apa-apa lagi.,Tom doesn't want to eat anything else.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Makanan Korea biasanya sangat pedas.,Korean food is generally very hot.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Hentikanlah mencari apa yang kau tiada dan mula bersyukur atas apa yang kau ada.,Stop looking at what you don't have and start being thankful for what you do have.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Kamu mesti membuatnya sendiri.,You must do it for yourself.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Saya merasakan seolah-olah muka saya telah terbakar.,I felt as if my face were on fire.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn "Maaf, boleh awak ulang?","Sorry, could you repeat that, please?",zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Rasa wain cuaca adalah sangat popular.,The taste of wine is largely dependent upon the weather.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Kamu takkan percaya perkara ini!,You guys are not going to believe this!,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Saya merasakan angin sejuk di muka saya.,I felt a cold wind on my face.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Itu adalah amat mahal.,That is very expensive.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Saya cuba untuk meneka umurnya.,I tried to guess her age.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Semalam dìa tidur pada pukul 11.,Last night he went to sleep at 11 o' clock.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Tom menggunakan Windows 7.,Tom uses Windows 7.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Anda pasti tidak perlu skip langkah ini.,You definitely should not skip this step.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn "Kalau awak meminatinya, beritahu saya dan saya akan berikan awak nombornya.","If you're interested, let me know and I'll give you his number.",zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Ia stabil kerana semua akar persamaan ini adalah negatif.,It's stable because all the roots of this equation are negative.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn "Biar saya menang. Tetapi jika saya tidak boleh menang, biarlah saya menjadi berani dalam usaha.","Let me win. But if I cannot win, let me be brave in the attempt.",zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Seks dengan gelora malam ini,Sex by the fire at night,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Aku takkan pernah membuat janji bahawa aku tak dapat teruskan,I will never make a promise that I can't keep,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Tom tidak tahu saya teman lelaki Mary.,Tom doesn't know I'm Mary's boyfriend.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Tom tidak mempunyai loghat Australia.,Tom doesn't have an Australian accent.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Adakah restoran ini buka?,Is this restaurant open?,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Tiada apa yang harus ditakutkan.,There's no reason to be afraid.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Tom tidak pergi ke sekolah di sini lagi.,Tom doesn't go to school here anymore.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Cinta adalah yang memberikan kegembiraan kepada semua penciptaan.,Love is what gives joy to all creation.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Anda dijangka untuk berpakaian dengan baik untuk kedai ini.,You are expected to dress well for this shop.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Dia ditipu aku di kad.,He cheated me at cards.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Saya tidak perasan yang awak mengintai saya.,I didn't know you were looking for me.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Rancangan awak tidak akan berhasil.,Your plan won't work.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Kesihatan lebih penting berbanding dengan emas.,Health is more important than gold.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn "Baik, terima kasih. Dan anda?","Fine, thank you. And you?",zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Utarid ialah planet terkecil dalam sistem suria kita.,Mercury is the smallest planet in our solar system.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Syurga dan neraka wujud hanya di dalam hati manusia.,Heaven and hell exist only in the human heart.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn "Maaf, sekarang pukul berapa?","Excuse me, do you know what time it is?",zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Ia tidak punya kebolehan untuk menjadi seorang guru.,He has no capacity to be a teacher.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Isterinya di hospital kerana dia cedera dalam kemalangan kereta.,His wife is in the hospital because she was injured in a car crash.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn "Jika anda bersetuju untuk menjadi penderma organ, anda boleh membantu menyelamatkan nyawa seseorang.","If you agree to become an organ donor, you may help save someone's life.",zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Anjingku cepat.,My dog is fast.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Anda mesti berhati-hati semasa memandu kereta.,You must take care when you drive a car.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Pelajar itu pergi tanpa menyebut apa-apa.,The student left without saying anything.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn "Bawa saya sehelai kertas, boleh tak?","Bring me a sheet of paper, please.",zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Saya begitu teruja!,I'm so excited.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Budak perempuan itu takut kepada anjing.,The girl is afraid of dogs.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Cikgu memberitahu saya bahawa Hitler membunuh dirinya sendiri.,The teacher told me that Hitler killed himself.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Dia tinggal di tempat yang jauh dari bandar.,The place where he lives is far from town.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Ini bukan perkataan.,This is not a sentence.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Dia fasih bertutur bahasa Kadazan.,He is fluent in Kadazan.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Saya mengharapkan awak untuk mengawasi Tom.,I'm counting on you to keep an eye on Tom.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Mona Lisa dilukis oleh Leonardo da Vinci.,Mona Lisa was painted by Leonardo da Vinci.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Untuk berapa lama akan keretapi itu berhenti di sini?,How long will the train stop here?,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Saya masih belum biasa dengan pekerjaan itu.,This work is new to me.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Sangupkah awak mempelajari bahasa Kadazan?,Are you willing to learn Kadazan language?,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Sila singgah ke rumah saya dalam perjalanan pulang.,Please drop in at my house on your way home.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Lebih baik awak pergi tidur sekaligus.,You'd better go to bed at once.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Disinilah di hatiku.,Here is my heart.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Kenapa semua orang menyukai kucing?,Why does everybody love cats?,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Ucapkanlah selamat tinggal kepada kawan-kawanmu.,Say goodbye to your friends.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Negara itu adalah lima kali lebih besar daripada Jepun.,That country is five times as large as Japan.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn "Saya ingin mengucapkan terima kasih kepada pasangan saya dalam perjalanan ini, seorang lelaki yang berkempen dari hatinya, dan bercakap untuk lelaki dan wanita yang dibesarkannya di jalan-jalan Scranton, dan menunggang di rumah kereta api ke Delaware, naib presiden terpilih dari Amerika Syarikat, Joe Biden.","I want to thank my partner in this journey, a man who campaigned from his heart, and spoke for the men and women he grew up with on the streets of Scranton, and rode with on the train home to Delaware, the vice president-elect of the United States, Joe Biden.",zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Mereka cuma anak kaya.,They're just rich kids.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Kotak ini mengandungi epal.,This box contains apples.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Saya nak tempat duduk yang tidak merokok.,I would like to sit in the non-smoking section.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn "Kalaulah televisyen tiada, barangkali dunia akan terasa lebih luas.","If it were not for television, the world would feel even larger.",zsm_Latn-eng_Latn """Apa ini?"" ""Ini adalah gambar anda.""","""What are these?"" ""They are your pictures.""",zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Dia berlari secepat mungkin.,She ran as fast as possible.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Patutlah dia batuk tak henti-henti gara-gara ada punca penyakit pneumonia.,He's got pneumonia no wonder he is coughing nonstop.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Tuhan tahu apa yang kita memerlukan.,God knows what we need.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Tom menerima cabaran itu.,Tom accepted the challenge.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn "Selepas temujanji pertamanya dengan si Tom, si Mary terganggu sepanjang hari, tidak dapat ditumpukan perhatian kepada kelas-kelasnya dan tidak rasa lapar.","After her first date with Tom, Mary was distracted all day, couldn't concentrate on her classes and didn't feel hungry.",zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Lelaki sebenar minum teh.,Real men drink tea.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Dia tidak pernah bermain golf.,He has never played golf.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Hidup adalah menyeronokkan.,Life is enjoyable.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Saya mesti meyakinkan Tom.,I must convince Tom.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Saya mengiringi dia di piano.,I accompanied her on the piano.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Ia masih berlaku.,It still happens.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Angin bertiup dari arah timur,The wind is blowing from the east.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Jualan akan tamat dalam masa dua hari.,The sale will be over in two days.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Tom tidak mahu terlibat dengan masalah.,Tom doesn't want to get in trouble.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Leher saya sakit hari ini.,My neck hurts today.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn "Bermula dari sekarang, kita akan bertemu di bilik ini.","From now on, we'll meet in this room.",zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Tidak sesiapapun cedera.,Nobody was injured.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn "Saya mencadangkan agar ayat ini dipadam selepas dua minggu, selagi tiada bantahan sehingga itu.","I recommend that this sentence be deleted after two weeks, as long as there is no objection by then.",zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Semuanya kelihatan hebat.,Everything looked nice.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Kami pergi merenang dalam sungai.,We went swimming in the river.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Dia telah jatuh cinta dengan seorang gadis cantik.,He fell in love with a pretty girl.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Padan Muka!,Served you right!,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Tom tidak tahu bahawa Maria mencintainya.,Tom didn't know that Mary loved him.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Jangan bertindak seperti awak kenal saya.,Don't act like you know me.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Saya tidak akan membiarkan dia datang ke sini semula.,I won't let him come here again.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Sebuah gempa bumi besar magnitud 8.8 skala richter melanda kepulauan Jepun hari ini.,A massive earthquake of magnitude 8.8 hit the Japanese islands today.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn "Saya telah pergi untuk berjumpa doktor, semata-mata untuk mendapati dia cuti.","I went to see the doctor, only to find him absent.",zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Boleh saya masuk?,Might I come in?,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Ia sebuah lagu.,It is a song.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Bandar itu telah diselubungi kabus.,The city was wrapped in fog.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Kami telah tiba di sini dengan selamat semalam.,We arrived here safely yesterday.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn T-shirt ini terlalu kecil untuk saya.,This T-shirt is too small for me.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Dia minta saya buka tingkap.,She asked me to open the window.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Dia bertanya kepada saya siapa yang sampai dahulu.,She asked me who had arrived first.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Dia memberi saya jam tangan sebagai hadiah hari jadi.,She gave me a watch for a birthday present.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Dia menunjukkan albumnya kepada saya,She showed me his album.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Dia bertanya jika saya mengetahui alamatnya,She asked me if I knew his address.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Dia memberitahu saya rahsianya.,She told me her secret.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Saya bekerja dengannya.,I work with him.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Dia bertanya tentang emak saya.,She asked me about my mother.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Dia telah memberitahu saya sebuah cerita yang menarik.,She told me an interesting story.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Dia mahu saya datang.,She wanted me to come.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Dia berjanji kepada saya untuk datang.,She promised me to come.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Aku punya anjing.,I have a dog.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Dia tahu sepuluh kali ganda lebih banyak perkataan Bahasa Inggeris dari saya.,She knows ten times as many English words as I do.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Dia ialah rakan sekelas saya.,She is my classmate.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Dia merupakan rakan sekelas saya.,She's my classmate.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Dia menarik baju saya.,She pulled my shirt.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Saya mahu gitar yang sama seperti si John.,I want the same guitar as John has.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Dia telah tinggal sendiri selama bertahun-tahun,She has lived alone for ages.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Tidak perlu menangis seperti anak kecil.,There's no need to cry like a child.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Saya telah mencadangkan supaya rancangan tersebut ditangguhkan.,I suggested that the plan be postponed.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Tunggu sebentar.,Just wait a second.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Kedai ini ditutupkan hari ini.,The shop is closed today.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Saya nak pergi ke Korea.,I want to go to Korea.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Awak mahu pergi?,"Are you going, too?",zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Pokok itu tumbang dengan sendirinya.,The tree fell down by itself.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn "Sekiranya kita tidak tahu, kita patut bertanya kepada orang yang tahu.","If we don't know, it is fitting that we ask people who know.",zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Tali leher saya ialah oren.,My tie is orange.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn "Dia telah keluar daripada pintu ini, tidak sekali-kali untuk kembali.","He went out of this door, never to return.",zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Kehidupannya didalam tangan saya.,His life is in my hands.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Dia berkata bahawa duit itu telah dipinjamkan kepada saya.,He said that money was lent to me.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Saya berasal dari Saitama.,I come from Saitama.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Saya baru saja balik rumah dan makan malam.,I've just gotten home and had dinner.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Saya di sini kerana Tom.,I'm here because of Tom.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Saya baik. Bagaimana dengan awak?,I'm fine. How about you?,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Ada batu kat dalam kasut saya.,There is a stone in my shoe.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Sepertinya dia berkata bohong.,It seems that he is telling a lie.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Tom sedang membuat secawan teh untuk Mary.,Tom is making a cup of tea for Mary.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Ada pulau-pulau dalam laut.,There are islands in the sea.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Dia sedang belajar sekarang.,He's now studying.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Jangan pandang rendah kepada saya.,Don't underestimate me.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Apa pendapat anda tentang rancangan ini?,What do you think about this plan?,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Doktor menasihatkan saya supaya mengurangkan berat badan.,The doctor advised me to lose weight.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Pasti ada cara yang lebih mudah untuk melakukannya.,There must be an easier way to do this.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Kereta Tom mudah dikenali memandangkan ada kemik yang besar pada bampar hadapan.,Tom's car is easily recognizable since there is a big dent in the front bumper.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Aku bersumpah tidak akan bercakap dengannya lagi.,I vowed that I would never speak to her again.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn "Sekarang, situasi sudah tidak terkawal.","Now, the situation is out of hand.",zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Saya ke perpustakaan untuk membaca buku.,I went to the library to read a book.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Bilakah anda mahu pergi?,When do you want to go?,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Kuching ini sangat gemuk.,This cat is very fat.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Tidakkah awak suka ikan?,Don't you like fish?,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Dia rakyat Malaysia ke?,Is he Malaysian?,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Saya pitam,I lost consciousness.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Singapura dipanggil Singapura di dalam bahasa Melayu,"Singapore is called ""Singapura"" in Malay.",zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Saya bukan Darth Vader.,I'm not Darth Vader.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Ini sungguh memalukan.,This is so embarrassing.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Terima kasih banyak atas undangannya.,Thank you very much for your invitation.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn "Tahukah kamu, kamu telah membuatku menangis.","You know, you made me cry.",zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Hari ini cuaca sejuk.,It's cold today.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Besarnya tempat bilik ini.,This room's orientation is great.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Ini adalah bunga matahari.,It's a sunflower.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Betapa cantiknya!,How beautiful it is!,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Badan saya tua tetapi jiwa saya muda.,My body is old but my spirit is young.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Dia akan bertolak selepas tiga hari.,He is leaving in three days.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Buku itu mengandungi banyak kesalahan kerana ia ditulis dengan tergesa-gesa.,"Having been written in haste, the book has a lot of errors.",zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Saya tak menyesal langsung.,I regret nothing.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Jane mempunyai banyak pakaian untuk dibasuh.,Jane has a lot of clothes to wash.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Saya makan sebiji epal.,I eat an apple.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Saya tidak boleh terlibat.,I can't get involved.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Awak tiada ingatan yang kuat!,You have a poor memory!,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Para pasukan terbaik terdiri daripada sekumpulan tiada siapa yang mencintai semua orang dan berkhidmat sesiapa dan tidak mengambil berat tentang menjadi seseorang.,The best teams are made up of a bunch of nobodies who love everybody and serve anybody and don't care about becoming a somebody.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Dia kehilangan pekerjaannya.,He has lost his job.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Tom pergi ke sekolah dengan Mary.,Tom goes to school with Mary.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Awak dihormati oleh semua orang.,You're respected by everybody.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Membaca karya klasik tidak mudah.,Reading classics is not easy.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Pensel ini putih.,This pencil is white.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Maklumat ini adalah sulit.,This information is confidential.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn "Sekarang awak telah cukup umur, awak mempunyai hak untuk mengundi.","Now you've come of age, you have the right to vote.",zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Saya terpaksa meletakkan jawatan.,I had to resign.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Kakak saya membasuh rambut setiap pagi.,My sister washes her hair every morning.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Saya tidak boleh meluahkan perasaan saya.,I can't express my feelings.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Mata saya sangat peka kepada cahaya.,My eyes are very sensitive to the light.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Oslo ialah ibu negara Norway.,Oslo is the capital of Norway.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Nota dilampirkan pada dokumen dengan klip kertas.,A note was attached to the document with a paper clip.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn "Suatu masa yang lama-lama dahulu, tinggal seorang raja tua di sebuah pulau kecil.","Long, long ago, there lived an old king on a small island.",zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Saya membantu ibu saya membuat kerja rumah setiap hari.,I help my mother with the housework every day.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Adakah awak hendak bermain tenis dengan kami?,Do you want to play tennis with us?,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Semua orang mabuk.,Everyone is drunk.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Anjing-anjing pemburu itu diikuti bau musang itu.,The hunting dogs followed the scent of the fox.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Siapakah antara kita yang sempurna?,Who among us is perfect?,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Terdapat suatu laluan rahsia.,There's a secret passage.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Dia akan melindungi awak.,She will protect you.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Tom dan Mary sedang bermain Uno.,Tom and Mary are playing Uno.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Saya tidak mahu melihat muka kamu.,I don't want to see your faces.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Tom dan Mary sedang bermain Mahjong.,Tom and Mary are playing mahjong.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Adakah awak sentiasa sibuk?,Are you always busy?,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Ia berlaku kadang-kadang.,That happens sometimes.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Dia bukan teman wanita saya. Dia kakak saya.,She's not my girlfriend. She's my sister.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Apa yang boleh awak lakukan?,What can you do?,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Saya sangkakan Tom dan Mary telah berkahwin.,I thought Tom and Mary were married.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Hari Sabtu ialah hari terakhir dalam seminggu.,Saturday is the last day of week.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Cuaca hari ini sedikit panas.,Today it's quite hot.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Dia telah berkeinginan untuk pergi ke laut.,He already intends to go to the sea.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Dia mewariskan banyak kekayaan ke anaknya.,He left a large fortune to his son.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Adakah anda mempunyai pasport?,Do you have your passport?,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Tambahkan lagi garam ke dalam sup.,Add more salt to the soup.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Boleh awak jelaskan apa yang awak mahu sebenarnya?,Can you explain what do you want actually?,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Dia pasti sangat cantik pada masa mudanya.,She must've been beautiful when she was young.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Saya mempunyai idea yang menentang dia punya idea.,My idea went against his.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Dapatkan kamu membaca tanda fonetik?,Can you read phonetic signs?,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Anak saya lebih tinggi daripada saya.,My son is taller than me.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Dia seorang lelaki yang baik.,He is a kind person.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn "Tom, apa yang awak mahu untuk makan malam?","Tom, what do you want to have for dinner?",zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Saya hendak makan pai epal.,I want to eat apple pie.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Jepun ade empat musim.,In Japan there are four seasons a year.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn "Supaya dia boleh lalu, saya elak ketepi.",I stepped aside so he could pass.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Adakah baju ini sesuai?,Does this fit?,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Saya memuji dia selepas selesai mengerjakan kerja yang bagus.,We commended him for his good work.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Kamu pernah pergi ke Paris?,Have you ever been to Paris?,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Ada banyak anak kecil di taman.,There are a lot of children in the park.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Berenang di sungai ini pada Julai adalah berbahaya.,"This river is dangerous to swim in, in July.",zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Intel mendapat royalti besar dari penemuan itu.,Intel gets a huge royalty from the invention.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Ulat ini akan berubah menjadi kupu-kupu yang cantik.,This catterpillar will turn into a beautiful butterfly.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Rumah ini perlu dibaiki.,This house must be done up.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Dia terbakar rasa marah.,He was burning with his anger.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Saya suka musik dan juga melukis.,"I like music, but I also like paintings.",zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Saya tiada masa untuk mengambil cuti.,I cannot afford the time for a vacation.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Anda mahu yang hijau atau yang biru?,Do you want the green or the blue?,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn "Alamak, boleh tak kalau awak tak kacau saya?","Oh, dear, can you please not disturb me?",zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Bila kesilapan itu berlaku?,When did the error occur?,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Kotak itu diperbuat daripada kayu cendana.,The box was made of sandalwood.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Orang tua itu tinggal seorang diri.,The old man lived by himself.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Semua manusia dilahirkan bebas dan samarata dari segi kemuliaan dan hak-hak. Mereka mempunyai pemikiran dan perasaan hati dan hendaklah bertindak di antara satu sama lain dengan semangat persaudaraan.,All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Saya suka bunyi belalang ini buat!,I love the sound this grasshopper makes!,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn "Shh! Jangan bising... Kita bermain sorok-sorok sekarang, kalau mahu buat, baik kamu cepat bersembunyi ke tempat lain.","Shh! Don't make a sound. We are playing hide-and-seek now. If you want to talk, go find somewhere else to hide.",zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Dia mengajar kita bahasa Inggeris.,She teaches us English.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Tiada apa-apa lebih penting lagi daripada persahabatan.,There is nothing more important than friendship.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Berapa lamakah kamu telah tinggal di Osaka?,How long have you been staying in Osaka?,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Kebun kami telah dipenuhi oleh rumput liar.,Our garden was full of weeds.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Mana-mana satu majalah pun boleh.,Any magazine will do.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Saya terjumpa dengan Tom dalam perjalanan ke sekolah.,I met Tom on my way to school.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Saya belum tengok itu wayang.,I haven't seen that movie yet.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Tom tidak berpuas hati dengan jawapan Mary.,Tom wasn't happy with Mary's answer.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Apa Khabar?,How are you?,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Adakah anda fasih berbahasa Inggeris?,Do you speak English fluently?,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Anda Tinggal Di mana?,Where do you live?,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Saya Tidak Faham.,I don't understand.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Saya tidak tahu.,I don't know.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Dia sangat lewat.,It was too late.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Kita sentiasa pergi ke sana! Mari kita pergi ke sebuah restoran Perancis untuk perubahan.,We're always going there! Let's go to a French restaurant for a change.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Bolehkan awak mengulanginya sekali lagi?,Could you repeat that?,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Dia akan menziarahi neneknya pada hari Sabtu.,She is going to visit her grandmother on Saturday.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Kami menikmati hujan semalam di taman.,We enjoyed the rain last night in the park.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Saya tidak menyuruh awak untuk tidak melakukan hal itu.,I didn't ask you not to do that.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Dia dididik oleh datuknya.,He was educated by her grandfather.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Tetapi ayah tidak akan suka akan ini.,But Dad won't like it.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Dia telah bangun daripada ketiduran.,She woke from her slumber.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Aku tak dapat buat semua perkara ini.,I can not do all of this.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Bilakah akan teksi bertolak ke lapangan terbang?,What time does the cab leave for the airport?,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Tom telah mengenali Mary hampir sepuluh tahun.,Tom has known Mary for close to ten years.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Kamu tidak akan dimarahi tentang kejadian itu.,You are not to blame for the accident.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Dia sungguh meminati bahasa Jepun.,He's very much interested in the Japanese language.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn "Dengan pendekatan Krismas, perniagaan yang bertambah baik agaknya.","With the approach of Christmas, business improved somewhat.",zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Perempuan itu telah membantah rancangan kami.,The girls objected to our plan.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Jane telah mengguntingkan rambutnya pendek sebelum mesyuarat hari sukan.,Jane had her hair cut short before the athletic meet.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Ini dianggap sebagai hal yang penting.,This is considered to be a matter of great importance.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Tom memutuskan untuk membuat satu perjanjian dengan Mary.,Tom decided to make a deal with Mary.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Berapa orang menghadiri perjumpaan itu?,How many people were present at the meeting?,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Dia mesti telah melawat England pada musim panas lalu.,She must have visited England last summer.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn "Dalam mimpipun, mereka takkan membayangkan akan kalah dalam pertandingan tersebut.",Little did they dream of losing the game.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Dia bergantung pada isterinya dalam keadaan kewangan.,He relies on his wife financially.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Saya tidak faham makna penulis itu.,I don't understand what the author is trying to say.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn "Kalau sesiapa yang mahu datang mencari saya, beritahu dia, saya sudah keluar.","If anybody comes, tell him that I am out.",zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Adakah kamu telah membeli itu dari pasar gelap?,Did you buy it on the black market?,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Boleh saya melihat pasport anda?,"May I see your passport, please?",zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Langit berwarna biru.,The sky is blue.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Musim bunga akan datang.,Spring is coming.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Mukanya menjadi pucat.,She looked ghostly.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Betulkan kesalahan itu.,Correct the mistakes.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn "Saya nak beli kereta, tapi saya miskin.","I would buy the car, but I am poor.",zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Buku ini akan membangkitkan imaginasi anda.,This book will awaken your imagination.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Saya cinta anda lebih daripada beliau.,I love you more than her.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn "Semakin dia menjadi tua, dia menjadi semakin cantik.","As she grew older, she became more beautiful.",zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Tetapi awak tidak datang,You never showed up.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Saya nampak dia minggu lepas.,I saw her last week.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Menari adalah bagus untuk bentuk tubuh.,Dancing is good for the figure.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Saya lapar dan dahaga.,I'm hungry and thirsty.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Dia mempunyai mata yang biru.,She has blue eyes.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Tidak ada apa-apa yang menarik tentang lelaki itu.,There is nothing funny about him.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Terdapat ramai orang di konsert itu.,There were a lot of people at the concert.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Awak tidak perlu handir ke sini esok,You don't have to be here tomorrow.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Belajarlah dari kesilapan orang lain. Awak tidak pernah dapat hidup cukup lama untuk membuatnya semua diri sendiri.,Learn from the mistakes of others. You can never live long enough to make them all yourself.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Lebih bersiap sedia sebelum dia datang.,You had better be ready in case he comes.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Saya ialah orang Mexico. Saya bercakap dengan fasih bahasa Sepanyol.,I am a Mexican. I speak Spanish fluently.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Kami tidak dapat membezakan dia dari adiknya.,We cannot distinguish her from her younger sister.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Saya tahu apa yang sedang berlaku.,I know what's going on.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Tahukah anda bahawa untuk fakta?,Do you know that for a fact?,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Bilakah filem itu akan bermula?,When does the movie start?,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Adakah anda mengambil berat apa yang mereka fikir?,Do you care what they think?,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Gambar ini diambil di kota Nara.,This photo was taken in Nara.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Kuda ialah haiwan.,A horse is an animal.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn "Melihat dari pandangan saya, Australia ialah salah satu negara yang terbaik dalam dunia ini.","From my point of view, Australia is one of the best countries in the world.",zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Apakah tujuan utama pendidikan?,What is the ultimate purpose of education?,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn "Disebabkan semalam sangat sejuk, kami tidak keluar dari rumah dan hanya duduk di dalam rumah sahaja.","It was very cold last night, so we didn't go outside, but stayed indoors.",zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Dia adalah popular dalam kalangan pembaca biasa.,He is popular among general readers.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Dia mempunyai sedikit kawan dan sedikit duit.,He had few friends and little money.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Tahniah kepada kamu berdua.,Congratulations to you both.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Lebih baik awak pergi berjumpa doktor keluarga awak serta-merta.,You'd better go to see your family doctor at once.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Kau dan aku tak patut bercakap.,You and I shouldn't be talking.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Memberanikan diri untuk kesan.,Brace yourselves for impact.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Denda kematian ini seharusnya dihapuskan.,The death penalty should be abolished.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Saya bercakap Jepun sikit-sikit.,I speak a little Japanese.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Adakah kita sepatutnya melakukan ini?,Are we supposed to be doing this?,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn "Dengar sini baik-baik, nanti kau akan faham apa maksud saya.","Listen to me carefully, and you will understand what I really mean.",zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Mari saya lihat gambar-gambar itu,Let me have a look at those photos.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Bacalah mana-mana buku yang menarik bagi anda.,Read such books as interest you.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Mereka tidak tahu apa yang perlu dilakukan terlebih dahulu.,They did not know what to do first.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Mari kita main tenis petang ini.,Let's play tennis this afternoon.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Saya perlukan bantuan.,I need a hand.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Berapakah harga untuk topi merah ini?,How much for this red hat?,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Saya sudah menunggu kamu sejak pukul dua.,I've been waiting for you since two o'clock.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Nak teh atau kopi?,Would you like tea or coffee?,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Apakah perbezaan di antara A dan B?,What is the difference between A and B?,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn "Sepatutnya apa saja pun berlaku kepada kamu, beritahulah kami sekaligus.","Should anything happen to you, let us know at once.",zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Dia mengagumi kereta baru saya.,He admired my new car.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Adakah kehidupan cerdas di planet lain?,Is there intelligent life on other planets?,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Saya makan roti.,I'm eating bread.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Tiada apa yang menarik dalam akhbar.,There was nothing interesting in the newspaper.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Hanya kerana awak tidak mengetahui tentangnya tidak bermakna ia adalah suatu penipuan.,Just because you didn't know about it doesn't mean it is a lie.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Mengapa kamu mengecat bank itu merah?,Why did you paint the bank red?,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Dia didenda lima paun kerana memandu dalam keadaan mabuk.,He was fined five pounds for drunken driving.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Dia suka bermain bola sepak.,He likes to play football.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Kami menggulakan teh kami.,We sugar our tea.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Awak tidak berubah langsung.,You haven't changed at all.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Teori itu adalah terlalu abstrak buat saya.,The theory is too abstract for me.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn "Ketika saya membuka pintu, saya mendapatinya sedang tidur.","When I opened the door, I found him asleep.",zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Habislah masa saya.,You lost time.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Saya mencintai cinta.,I love love.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Biar saya siapkan ini dulu.,Let me finish this first.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Dia sememangnya berbulu.,He's naturally hairy.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Santa Klaus berdiri di taman tadi.,Santa Claus was standing in the garden.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Ada sebuah gereja yang dekat dengan rumah saya.,There is a church near my house.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Malangnya kami tidak dapat merekodkan penyertaan anda. Ini mungkin kerana anda sudah pun menyertai tinjauan ini atau terdapat perlanggaran yang disyaki terhadap terma dan syarat-syarat kami. Anda akan dihalakan semula ke platform panel anda.,Unfortunately we were unable to record your participation. This may be due to the fact that you already participated in this opportunity or there was a suspected violation of our terms and conditions. You will be redirected to your panel platform.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Saya hanya seorang budak perempuan yang biasa.,I'm just an average girl.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Saya pasti buku ini akan digunakan dengan baik untuk anda.,I am sure this book will be of great use to you.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn "Saya fikir, oleh itu sayalah.","I think, therefore I am.",zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Saya telah pergi ke Nagasaki.,I went to Nagasaki.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Awak sudah mati!,You are already dead!,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Setiap pagi sebelum sarapan dia akan pergi jalan-jalan.,He was in the habit of taking a walk before breakfast.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Tom telah membuat perancangan untuk perjalanan ke Boston.,Tom has made plans for a trip to Boston.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Tom semakin baik sedikit demi sedikit.,Tom is getting better bit by bit.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Ibu bapa saya tidak tahu.,My parents don't know.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn "Aku tak peduli apa kau cakap, aku benci kau!","I don't care what you say, I hate you!",zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Profesor Brown menerangkan perkara-perkara dengan baik.,Professor Brown explains things very well.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Awak perlu membaca banyak buku ketika awak masih muda.,You had better read a lot of books while you are young.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Dia sakit sejak minggu lepas.,She has been sick since last week.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Tom tidak begitu gembira.,Tom isn't very happy.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Dia telah mengeluarkan iklan satu halaman penuh di surat khabar merayu bantuan untuk mencari anak perempuannya yang telah diculik.,She took out a full-page ad in the newspaper pleading for help in finding her kidnapped daughter.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Jelas kepada semua orang bahawa dia sedang dilamun cinta.,It's evident to everybody that he's in love.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Tom ialah ketua mereka.,Tom is their leader.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Saya akan menelefon kembali dalam dua puluh minit.,I'll call back in twenty minutes.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn Seekor kucing keluar dari bawah meja.,A cat came out from under the desk.,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn 40 euro untuk skarf? Anda tidak ada sebarang yang lebih murah?,Forty euros for a scarf? You don't have anything cheaper?,zsm_Latn-eng_Latn