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This dataset is created to solve the problem of locating seismic signal sources. Synthetic waveforms were generated using Pyrocko, an open source seismological modeling framework [Heimann et al., 2018]. The propagation of seismic waves was modeled for an elastic-viscous layered medium. The velocity model of the medium was taken from [Málek, Horálek, Janský, 2005]. The sources of seismic signals were modeled by a double couple of forces with a random distribution of displacement directions (strike, deep, rake) and magnitudes uniformly distributed within the given boundaries (0–2). The epicenters and depths of the sources were set randomly within a region with a radius of 1.5 km and a depth of 1000 meters. Waveforms (displacement) were obtained for five stations (four symmetrically located at a distance of 500 meters from the origin, and one in the center) for three channels (two horizontal N, E and vertical Z) with a sampling rate of 100 Hz, the length of each record is 4 seconds. For each waveform, a priori times of arrival of the p and s phases were obtained. As a result of the simulation, training and test samples were formed from 10**6 and 10**3 events, respectively (15 waveforms in each).

Heimann S. и др. Pyrocko : A Versatile Software Framework for Seismology // 2018. Т. 20. С. 17314.
Málek J., Horálek J., Janský J. One-Dimensional qP-Wave Velocity Model of the Upper Crust for the West Bohemia/Vogtland Earthquake Swarm Region // Studia Geophysica et Geodaetica 2005 49:4. 2005. Т. 49. № 4. С. 501–524.

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