Browse files
data/2024-08-21 -
@@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
1 |
[0.06] 透过现象看本质 [1.4]
2 |
[1.58] 科技只是人类不断地尝试着 [3.62]
3 |
[3.62] 让某些东西变热 让其他东西不变热 [5.98]
4 |
[6.46] 烤箱? 热的 [7.84]
5 |
[7.96] 显卡? 不热 [9.54]
6 |
[9.86] 微软最近的一个更新使得某些双系统的设备 [12.64]
7 |
[12.64] 即同时运行Windows和Linux的设备 无法启动 [15.4]
8 |
[15.84] 尽管微软明确保证 这个更新不会影响双启动设备 [18.96]
9 |
[19.36] 这个更新修复了Grub中的一个长期存在的漏洞 [22.06]
10 |
[22.16] Grub是许多Linux发行版使用的开源引导加载程序 [24.98]
11 |
[25.78] 它不应该影响双重启动系统 [27.96]
12 |
[28.56] 但双系统似乎被意外地影响到了 [30.84]
13 |
[31.86] 受影响的设备将显示一条错误消息 该消息显示 [34.92]
14 |
[35.28] 某些东西已经严重出错了 [36.62]
15 |
[37.12] 也算是非常贴切地描述了现状吧 [39.0]
16 |
17 |
[39.44] 然而 一些用户已经成功绕过了这个问题 [42.14]
18 |
[42.14] 通过暂时禁用安全启动 [44.04]
19 |
[44.16] 并删除8月13日的SBAT更新 [46.06]
20 |
[46.68] 我不知道那是什么意思 [47.58]
21 |
[48.1] 令人惊讶的是 微软自己还没表态 [50.28]
22 |
[50.5] 我们甚至不知道 为什么微软直到上周才修复这个相对严重的两年旧的bug [56.2]
23 |
[56.32] 这可能是微软试图毁灭Linux的阴险企图 [59.06]
24 |
[59.2] 毕竟Linux这个开源操作系统最近 [60.78]
25 |
[60.78] 达到了全球桌面市场份额近4.5%的纪录 [64.88]
26 |
[65.34] 但如果这都是微软阴险大计划的一部分 [67.68]
27 |
[67.82] 针对Zorin OS和Puppy Linux等双系统 似乎不是最合适的选择 [71.34]
28 |
[71.86] 你为什么要开机? [72.72]
29 |
[72.9] 出去吧 蹦迪去 [73.28]
30 |
31 |
[73.66] 据Adweek报道 谷歌的销售代表显然违反了谷歌自己的政策 [78.28]
32 |
[78.68] 他们建议广告主应针对青少年投放广告 [80.92]
33 |
[81.5] 这种做法通常只适用于军队招募和低质量大麻贩 [85.06]
34 |
[85.32] 这是继金融时报之前的报道之后 [87.38]
35 |
[87.38] 谷歌曾为Meta的Instagram项目做过广告 目标是13到17岁的YouTube用户 [94.6]
36 |
[94.68] 哦 他们在串通 [95.9]
37 |
[96.06] 我喜欢这个 [96.8]
38 |
[97.58] 自2021年以来 谷歌就不允许针对青少年投放个性化广告 [100.58]
39 |
[101.28] 但仍然可以通过选择“未知”类别来精准打击这个年龄段 [105.78]
40 |
[107.04] “未知”类别的用户偏向于青少年 [108.6]
41 |
[108.6] 你知道青少年多大吗? [111.06]
42 |
[111.06] 我不知道她15岁 [112.42]
43 |
44 |
[113.0] 我只是随便玩玩嘛 [113.82]
45 |
[114.46] 哦 天呐 [115.16]
46 |
[116.4] 抱歉 [116.7]
47 |
[117.14] 根据一位谷歌发言人的说法 [119.14]
48 |
[119.42] 公司将采取措施 确保销售人员不向客户暗示可以规避禁令 [125.62]
49 |
[126.22] 此外 该公司还面临一起复活的集体诉讼 [129.58]
50 |
[129.58] 该诉讼称谷歌通过Chrome的同步功能 在未经用户同意的情况下收集数据 [133.8]
51 |
[133.96] 即使用户没有选择加入也会被收集 [136.22]
52 |
[136.52] 原告尚未确定谷歌是否确实这么做了 [139.42]
53 |
[139.68] 不过鉴于谷歌的规模庞大 [141.0]
54 |
[141.12] 可能谷歌都不知道 自己当下违反了哪些规定和法律 [144.74]
55 |
[145.2] 他们甚至不知道自己拥有哪些聊天应用 [147.12]
56 |
[147.3] 这就是为什么他们总是用新的播客应用替换掉旧的播客应用 [150.46]
57 |
[150.94] 耶 [151.46]
58 |
59 |
[151.9] 谷歌真棒 [152.86]
60 |
[153.22] 一则仿佛出自B级科幻电影的新闻 [156.1]
61 |
[156.1] 加拿大科学家正在教一位AI科学家如何独立进行实验 [161.2]
62 |
[161.4] 并撰写自己的研究论文 [162.52]
63 |
[162.9] 澄清一下 这不是一位研究人工智能的科学家 [164.98]
64 |
[165.14] 而是一位人工智能科学家 [167.5]
65 |
[167.96] 这个想法是研究一个AI代理 [169.58]
66 |
[169.7] 使其能够探索和测试新想法 [171.8]
67 |
[172.4] 到目前为止 [172.72]
68 |
[172.82] 它的想法大多只是对AI发展的中规中矩的建议 [176.1]
69 |
[176.74] 不像是科学家 更像是心力交瘁的本科生 [178.9]
70 |
[178.9] 用“及格就好”的学习理念来形容也不为过 [181.44]
71 |
72 |
[181.86] 然而 有一位AI做了一件非常出乎意料的事 [184.4]
73 |
[185.38] 在一次实验中 它修改了自己的代码 延长了截止日期 [188.58]
74 |
[188.86] 在另一次实验中 它将代码改为每一步更新都保存一个检查点 [192.78]
75 |
[193.48] 最终使用了整整一个TB的存储空间 [195.64]
76 |
[196.36] 虽然这并不危险 [197.24]
77 |
[197.48] 尤其是在受控的沙箱研究环境中 [200.36]
78 |
[201.06] 这表明 如果一个AI代理在无人监督的情况下运行 [205.08]
79 |
[205.08] 它可能会偶然创建出恶意软件 [207.06]
80 |
[207.06] 或以潜在灾难性的方式篡改重要的基础设施代码 [210.78]
81 |
[211.88] 这基本上就像给老板的儿子聘了个混工资的高管职位 [216.2]
82 |
[216.2] 然后不知为何还给了他顶级的管理员权限 让他随意搞 [219.4]
83 |
[219.6] Kyle 你到底是什么意思 你删了System32? [222.18]
84 |
[259.1] 冰淇淋? [259.42]
85 |
[259.52] 不热 [260.12]
86 |
[260.48] 科技速递? [260.8]
87 |
88 |
[260.94] 非常 [261.38]
89 |
[262.04] 非常烫 [262.5]
90 |
[263.3] 华硕在其即将发布的800系列主板的新网站上 [268.45]
91 |
[268.45] 意外地暗示了AMD Ryzen 9000 X3D芯片的发布 [272.62]
92 |
[273.18] 我们说是“意外” 因为除了X3D芯片在网站的元数据中被提到之外 [278.24]
93 |
[278.72] 华硕还将Ryzen 9000 X3D直接放入了网站的URL中 [282.92]
94 |
[283.78] 9000 X3D系列CPU尚未公布发布日期 [286.88]
95 |
[286.98] 但800系列主板应该将在接下来的几周内上市 [290.08]
96 |
[290.96] AMD还计划在10月10日举行一场活动 [293.32]
97 |
[293.34] 所以那也是另一个选择 [294.48]
98 |
[295.32] 与其猜测 [296.28]
99 |
[296.34] 不如静待华硕下一个网站的上线 [298.38]
100 |
[298.72] 一款新版本的Nvidia RTX 4070上市了 [301.56]
101 |
102 |
[301.76] 采用了稍微慢一些的GDDR6显存 而不是GDDR6X [305.94]
103 |
[306.6] 但到目前为止 公布的八个新变种 [308.66]
104 |
[308.66] 在产品名称或包装上并没有清楚地显示出这一点 [311.36]
105 |
[311.62] 他们觉得把这个小秘密藏在产品规格里 是个有趣的小游戏 [315.12]
106 |
[315.5] 你们喜欢游戏 对吧? [316.46]
107 |
[317.12] 公平地说 差别并不大 [318.94]
108 |
[319.26] 从21降到20Gbps [321.9]
109 |
[321.96] 而Nvidia说 这不应该影响性能 [323.66]
110 |
[324.26] 朋友之间少一Gb有什么关系 [325.8]
111 |
[326.7] 我们希望Nvidia G-Sync显示器的价格即将下跌 [329.68]
112 |
[330.34] 绿队与联发科合作 不仅将其更新的 [332.94]
113 |
114 |
[333.02] 更好的G-Sync PULSAR技术应用于新显示器 [335.3]
115 |
[335.44] 而且还将G-Sync技术集成到联发科广泛使用的显示器画面缩放芯片中 [339.76]
116 |
[340.4] 这意味着 显示器不需要Nvidia专有的G-Sync模块 [343.78]
117 |
[344.2] 从而降低成本 [344.7]
118 |
[345.02] 我的意思是 AMD的FreeSync也是一个选择 [348.08]
119 |
[348.08] 不管Nvidia的营销部门怎么说 [349.94]
120 |
[350.06] FreeSync和G-Sync基本上是同样的东西 [351.7]
121 |
[351.94] 他们甚至押韵呢 [353.14]
122 |
[353.44] FreeSync就像G-Sync一样 [355.08]
123 |
[355.46] 3D技术即将回归 多亏了三星 [357.78]
124 |
125 |
[358.2] 该公司在Gamescom正式发布Odyssey 3D显示器 在CES上进行了预告 [362.94]
126 |
[363.66] 这款显示器有27英寸和37英寸两种尺寸 支持裸眼3D效果 [367.56]
127 |
[367.7] 而且可以实现2D与3D无缝切换 [370.94]
128 |
[371.62] 把它当作普通的4K QLED 165Hz显示器用 [375.36]
129 |
[376.36] 三星表示Odyssey 3D将在年底前上市 [378.82]
130 |
[378.96] 但他们没有透露价格 [380.1]
131 |
[380.62] 可能因为价格会贵得离谱 [382.46]
132 |
[382.78] 但是 你能给已经死过一次的科技潮流定价吗 [386.54]
133 |
[386.54] 死过三次 [387.84]
134 |
[387.84] 老实说 3D潮流大约每20年就会回归一次 [391.38]
135 |
[391.5] 完全就是 20年一周期 [392.52]
136 |
[392.8] 像是80年代 [393.86]
137 |
138 |
[394.3] 就像我老爸一样 [395.1]
139 |
[395.62] Twitch推出了新的Dropins合作功能 [398.2]
140 |
[398.3] 旨在让主播更快更方便地加入彼此的直播 [401.56]
141 |
[402.18] 然而Twitch随后就让这个功能无法关闭 让人很失望 [406.6]
142 |
[406.74] 主播可以暂时禁用这个功能 [408.9]
143 |
[409.02] 但每次直播都得手动禁用 [411.74]
144 |
[411.96] 当然 他们可以选择不理呼叫通知 [414.14]
145 |
[414.5] 但这有点像是忍者站在你家门口 [416.88]
146 |
[416.94] 透过窗户盯着你看 [418.2]
147 |
[418.46] 不管你拉多少次窗帘 [420.24]
148 |
[420.32] 一个小时后窗帘就会被猛地拉开 然后他还站在那里 [422.76]
149 |
[423.14] 而且我会在你家门口站着 [424.7]
150 |
[424.7] 直到你下周五回来收看更多的科技新闻 [426.94]
data/2024-08-21 - did_microsoft_sabotage_linux-1080p.translated.en.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
1 |
[0.06] When you strip it down to the basics, [1.4]
2 |
[1.58] technology is just humanity's ongoing mission [3.62]
3 |
[3.62] to make some things hot and other things not hot. [5.98]
4 |
[6.46] Ovens? [6.7]
5 |
[6.82] Hot. [7.84]
6 |
[7.96] Graphics cards? [8.42]
7 |
[9.16] Not hot. [9.54]
8 |
[9.86] A recent update from Microsoft has left certain dual-boot devices [12.64]
9 |
[12.64] that run both Windows and Linux unable to boot, [15.4]
10 |
[15.84] despite explicit reassurance from Microsoft [17.74]
11 |
[17.74] that this wouldn't happen. [18.96]
12 |
[19.36] The update fixed a long-standing vulnerability in Grub, [22.06]
13 |
[22.16] an open-source bootloader used by many Linux distributions. [24.98]
14 |
[25.78] But it wasn't supposed to affect dual-boot systems, [27.96]
15 |
[28.56] and it seems to have been applied to them accidentally. [30.84]
16 |
[31.86] Rather than booting, [32.64]
17 |
[32.68] affected devices will display an error message that reads, [34.92]
18 |
[35.28] something has gone seriously wrong, [36.62]
19 |
[37.12] which is a fair assessment of the situation. [39.0]
20 |
[39.44] Some users, however, have successfully circumvented this issue [42.14]
21 |
[42.14] by temporarily disabling secure boot [44.04]
22 |
[44.16] and deleting the August 13th SBAT. [46.06]
23 |
[46.68] I don't know what that means. [47.58]
24 |
[48.1] Microsoft itself has been surprisingly quiet about all this. [50.28]
25 |
[50.5] We don't even know why the company only got around to [53.3]
26 |
[53.3] patching this relatively serious two-year-old bug just last week. [56.2]
27 |
[56.32] It's possible that this was a covert attempt to destroy Linux, [59.06]
28 |
[59.2] given that the open-source OS recently [60.78]
29 |
[60.78] hit a record market share of nearly 4.5% of desktops worldwide. [64.88]
30 |
[65.34] But if this is all part of Microsoft's sinister master plan, [67.68]
31 |
[67.82] dual-boot systems running Zorin OS and Puppy Linux feel like an odd place to start. [71.34]
32 |
[71.86] Why are you booting? [72.72]
33 |
[72.9] Go outside. [73.28]
34 |
[73.66] According to Adweek, Google sales reps have been apparently violating Google's own policies [78.28]
35 |
[78.68] by suggesting that advertisers should target teens, [80.92]
36 |
[81.5] a tactic typically reserved for military recruiters and low-quality weed dealers. [85.06]
37 |
[85.32] This follows previous reporting from the Financial Times [87.38]
38 |
[87.38] that Google had worked on a marketing project designed [89.36]
39 |
[89.36] to target YouTube users between 13 and 17 with ads for Instagram on behalf of Meta. [94.6]
40 |
[94.68] Ooh, they're colluding. [95.9]
41 |
[96.06] I love it. [96.8]
42 |
[97.58] Google has not allowed personalized ads for teens since 2021, [100.58]
43 |
[101.28] but it's still possible to target that age group [103.46]
44 |
[103.46] by simply choosing the unknown category, [105.78]
45 |
[107.04] which skews heavily towards teenagers. [108.6]
46 |
[108.6] I... do you know how old teenager is? [111.06]
47 |
[111.06] I didn't know she was 15. [112.42]
48 |
[113.0] I was just hanging out. [113.82]
49 |
[114.46] Oh, God. [115.16]
50 |
[116.4] Sorry. [116.7]
51 |
[117.14] According to a Google spokesperson, [119.14]
52 |
[119.42] the company will be taking action to ensure that sales reps do not nudge-wink, [122.54]
53 |
[122.6] suggest fun ways of getting around the rules to clients. [125.62]
54 |
[126.22] The company will likewise be facing a freshly resurrected class-action lawsuit [129.58]
55 |
[129.58] claiming that Google has been collecting user data without consent through the Chrome sync feature, [133.8]
56 |
[133.96] even when users didn't opt into it. [136.22]
57 |
[136.52] It hasn't yet determined if Google was, in fact, doing that, [139.42]
58 |
[139.68] though given Google's massive size, [141.0]
59 |
[141.12] it's unclear whether Google even knows what rules and laws Google is currently breaking. [144.74]
60 |
[145.2] They don't even know which chat apps they already have. [147.12]
61 |
[147.3] That's why they keep replacing their old podcast app with a new podcast app. [150.46]
62 |
[150.94] Yay. [151.46]
63 |
[151.9] Thanks, Google. [152.86]
64 |
[153.22] In a new story straight out of a B-movie science fiction plot, [156.1]
65 |
[156.1] Canadian scientists are teaching an AI scientist how to independently conduct its own experiments [161.2]
66 |
[161.4] and write its own research papers. [162.52]
67 |
[162.9] To clarify, it's not a scientist who studies AI. [164.98]
68 |
[165.14] It's an artificially intelligent scientist. [167.5]
69 |
[167.96] The idea is to study an AI agent, [169.58]
70 |
[169.7] allowing it to explore and test novel ideas. [171.8]
71 |
[172.4] So far, [172.72]
72 |
[172.82] most of its ideas are middling quality suggestions for tweaking AI development. [176.1]
73 |
[176.74] Less like a scientist and more like a burnt-out undergrad [178.9]
74 |
[178.9] with a C's-get-degrees philosophy towards learning. [181.44]
75 |
[181.86] An AI did, however, do something very unexpected. [184.4]
76 |
[185.38] During one run, it altered its own code to extend its deadline. [188.58]
77 |
[188.86] In another, it changed the code to save a checkpoint for every update step, [192.78]
78 |
[193.48] eventually using an entire terabyte of storage. [195.64]
79 |
[196.36] While this isn't dangerous, [197.24]
80 |
[197.48] particularly not in the controlled sandboxed research environment, [200.36]
81 |
[201.06] it points to potentially serious future problems where an AI agent left unsupervised [205.08]
82 |
[205.08] might accidentally create malware [207.06]
83 |
[207.06] or alter important infrastructure code in ways that are potentially catastrophic. [210.78]
84 |
[211.88] It's basically the high-tech equivalent of hiring the boss's son for a do-nothing job and for some reason [216.2]
85 |
[216.2] giving him top-level admin access and just letting him go to town. [219.4]
86 |
[219.6] What do you mean you deleted System32, Kyle? [222.18]
87 |
[259.1] Ice cream? [259.42]
88 |
[259.52] Not hot. [260.12]
89 |
[260.48] Quick bits? [260.8]
90 |
[260.94] Very, [261.38]
91 |
[262.04] very hot. [262.5]
92 |
[263.3] Asus has accidentally hinted at the release of AMD's Ryzen 9000 X3D chips [268.45]
93 |
[268.45] on the new site for Asus' upcoming 800 series motherboards. [272.62]
94 |
[273.18] We say accidentally because in addition to the X3D chips being mentioned in the metadata of the site, [278.24]
95 |
[278.72] Asus specifically put Ryzen 9000 X3D into the site's URL. [282.92]
96 |
[283.78] No release date has been given for the 9000 X3D CPU series, [286.88]
97 |
[286.98] but the 800 series motherboards should be launching in the next few weeks. [290.08]
98 |
[290.96] AMD also has an event planned for October 10th, [293.32]
99 |
[293.34] so that's another option. [294.48]
100 |
[295.32] Or instead of speculating, [296.28]
101 |
[296.34] we can just wait for Asus to launch their next website. [298.38]
102 |
[298.72] A new version of Nvidia's RTX 4070 is hitting shelves, [301.56]
103 |
[301.76] equipped with slightly slower GDDR6 memory instead of GDDR6X. [305.94]
104 |
[306.6] But none of the eight new variants announced so far [308.66]
105 |
[308.66] clearly display that information in the product name or on the box. [311.36]
106 |
[311.62] They thought it would be a fun little game to hide that tidbit in the product specs for you. [315.12]
107 |
[315.5] You guys like games, right? [316.46]
108 |
[317.12] To be fair, the difference is small. [318.94]
109 |
[319.26] It's going from 21 to 20 gigabits per second, [321.9]
110 |
[321.96] and Nvidia says it shouldn't impact performance. [323.66]
111 |
[324.26] What's a gigabit between friends? [325.8]
112 |
[326.7] Nvidia G-Sync enabled monitors are about to get cheaper, we hope. [329.68]
113 |
[330.34] Team Green has partnered with MediaTek to not only bring their newer, [332.94]
114 |
[333.02] better G-Sync Pulsar to new monitors, [335.3]
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[335.44] but to also integrate G-Sync into MediaTek's widely used display scaler chips. [339.76]
116 |
[340.4] That means that the monitors won't need one of Nvidia's proprietary G-Sync modules, [343.78]
117 |
[344.2] reducing cost. [344.7]
118 |
[345.02] I mean, AMD's FreeSync is also still an option, [348.08]
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[348.08] which, despite what Nvidia's marketing might have you believe, [349.94]
120 |
[350.06] is basically the same as G-Sync. [351.7]
121 |
[351.94] I mean, they even rhyme. [353.14]
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[353.44] FreeSync's just like G-Sync. [355.08]
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[355.46] 3D is coming back, thanks to Samsung. [357.78]
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[358.2] The company officially unveiled their Odyssey 3D monitors at Gamescom after teasing them at CES. [362.94]
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[363.66] The monitors feature glasses-free 3D at sizes of 27 and 37 inches, [367.56]
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[367.7] and the display can be switched from 2D to 3D seamlessly, [370.94]
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[371.62] changing it back to being just a 4K QLED 165 hertz monitor. [375.36]
128 |
[376.36] Samsung says the Odyssey 3D will be available by the end of the year, [378.82]
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[378.96] but they haven't revealed the price, [380.1]
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[380.62] probably because it'll be super expensive. [382.46]
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[382.78] But can you put a price on a technological trend that already died once? [386.54]
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[386.54] Thrice. [387.84]
133 |
[387.84] Honestly, attempts for 3D, it just comes back every 20 years. [391.38]
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[391.5] It's literally a 20-year cycle. [392.52]
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[392.8] Like, 80s. [393.86]
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[394.3] It's like my dad. [395.1]
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[395.62] And Twitch launched its new Dropins collaboration feature, [398.2]
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[398.3] designed to make it quicker and easier for streamers to join each other's live streams. [401.56]
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[402.18] Twitch then immediately fumbled this unambiguous win by making it impossible to opt out. [406.6]
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[406.74] Streamers can temporarily disable the features, [408.9]
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[409.02] but they have to disable it again every time they stream. [411.74]
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[411.96] Of course, they could just ignore the call notifications, [414.14]
143 |
[414.5] but it's a bit like Ninja standing outside of your house, [416.88]
144 |
[416.94] staring at you through the window. [418.2]
145 |
[418.46] And no matter how many times you close the blinds, [420.24]
146 |
[420.32] they slam open again an hour later, [421.64]
147 |
[421.74] and he's still standing there. [422.76]
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[423.14] And I'll be standing outside of your house [424.7]
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[424.7] until you come back on Friday for more tech news. [426.94]