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400 | Foxq1的表达如何受TGF-b1的调节 |
401 | 作者认为天才的本质是什么,如何论证的 |
402 | Thesis, Delivering the goods - assess whether you think the paper delivers the claims/warrants to prove the thesis and explain,Strengths ,Weaknesses, Direction for the future |
403 | 影响人们与环境互动方式的物理结构 |
404 | What can we learned from the article? |
405 | 随着联合利华在制造设施数字化方面取得进展,您对联合利华在南非、巴西和美国工厂不再需要的工人(尤其是低技能工人)有什么建议?你推荐联合利华的优点和缺点是什么?提示:请参考表5 (A和C)来帮助您解决这个复杂的问题。 |
406 | 杠杆率怎么样 |
407 | 基于该论文,比较文学和翻译是一种什么关系? |
408 | e, but only recently was the TSWV cell-to-cell movement protein (NS M ) demonstrated as the Avr determinant for the Sw-5b gene. The sole expression of this virus protein from a resistance- inducing (RI) TSWV strain (BR-01) in Sw-5b–transformed N. benthamiana and in resistant near- isogenic tomato lines (47) resulted in HR triggering, but not with NS M from a Sw-5b RB strain (TSWV “GRAU” strain). This became the first biological demonstration that Sw-5–mediated re- sistance is triggered by the TSWV NSM cell-to-cell movement protein. Simultaneously, employ- ing hybrid infectious clones based on Alfalfa mosaic virus (AlMV) resulted in the same conclusions |
409 | Describe the non-rivalry condition of the experiment. Make sure to describe what was presented to the participants (and how it was presented), as well as what the participants were asked to do. |
410 | focus on the ways in which a particular society was altered as a result of contact with the fur traders, miners, and/or settlers (whichever is appropriate to the group under study). Indicate the extent to which the First Nations in question determined the direction and pace of change, and the extent to which outsiders or the government, directly or indirectly, influenced the changes that were taking place. |
411 | Bmal1在老年痴呆和相关疾病中的作用机制是什么? |
412 | 这篇文章6-17页做的实验得到什么结果 |
413 | 皮质醇是什么 |
414 | 这篇文档研究的是什么类型的癌症治疗方法? |
415 | 这篇文档讨论了哪些与组织承诺相关的工作因素? |
416 | 为什么要引入sLFD和LFD做对比 |
417 | Describe 3 ways that domestic culture shifts in relationship to the proliferation of the radio in the home as described by Moores. |
418 | how the article challenge the concept of irrational and rational |
419 | Table-GPT是如何训练的 |
420 | 所以教育到底对培养公民重要吗? |
421 | 总结Interfacial contact resistance of composite bipolar plates |
422 | The supposed metabolic pathways of resibufogenin |
423 | The forced airflow passing through a heatsink is used as active cooling, and a PCM with a suitable melting temperature is used to cool the batteries as passive cooling |
424 | 怎么才能写好学术论文 |
425 | 在发展中国家中,数字鸿沟是如何影响ICT技术的普及和应用的?有什么内部因素导致数字鸿沟的存在? |
426 | 该文档中提到的T4噬菌体基板的原子结构是如何被确定的?它的结构特点是什么? |
427 | Question 6. The ____ states that the market direct resources to theirmost productive uses. |
428 | 可持续性组织的关键特征是什么 |
429 | 解释post-closing organization |
430 | 适用在哪个采集频率范围内? |
431 | 论文中使用什么方法进行p值校正? |
432 | Which cluster is most likely a pseudo-cluster in which the members are not genetically related? Explain why RFLP-PFGE analyses could lead to false-clustering of unrelated strains. |
433 | 文章中具体采用了哪些算法 |
434 | 研究方法包括哪些 |
435 | 湿度传感器有什么用 |
436 | 寻找"In an age of satellite telephones, global CNN and the possibility of wireless Internet connection almost anywhere, it is hard to imagine that there exists a spot on earth that has not been touched by global communication." |
437 | Thompson and Coskuner-Balli(2007)与哪部分内容匹配 |
438 | 什么是注意力机制? |
439 | 在一个超连接的世界中,品牌的定义和作用如何发生变化?如何重新思考和重新界定品牌的概念? |
440 | 文章的研究方法是怎么样的 |
441 | 文档中提到了不同类型的机器人,包括人形机器人、动物形机器人和机器形机器人。这些不同形态的机器人在社交机器人领域有何不同的应用和优势? |
442 | 什么是可持续的业务 |
443 | 为什么增加Ni的负载会对支持的Ni颗粒大小和BP的转化率产生正面影响,但对CHB的选择性却没有线性关系? |
444 | bubbling up什么意思 |
445 | 文章中具体是如何做的,来实现”利用互动性来加强共情效果“? |
446 | 这篇文章的创新带你 |
447 | 、邮寄书商V将“没有义务查看的”新的《Grüneberg》寄给了独立女律师R,V之前和R没有任何联系,并且,V要求R,要么在一周后退回免付邮资的书,要么支付100欧元的账单金额。R在书上盖章,并将它放在书架上。R要付钱吗? |
448 | 针对论文主要讨论了神经网络机器学习的数学理解这个领域中,有哪些已知的知识和未知的问题? |
449 | 百融上半年收入多少,分别哪些业务收入多少? |
450 | 文中如何介绍新古典主义并表明引用页数 |
451 | 文中提到了一些理论框架,如Quijano的全球资本主义权力模型和第三世界和有色女性主义者的交叉性概念,它们如何帮助我们理解异性恋主义和殖民/现代性别制度之间的关系?它们如何指导我们思考和解决这些问题? |
452 | 面对竞争,中国平安有哪些优势? |
453 | 文章引言部分的总结 |
454 | 交互式计算框架与数据科学工作流有怎样的联系 |
455 | Essential Oils from Humulus Lupulus scCO2 Extract by Hydrodistillation and Microwave-Assisted Hydrodistillation |
456 | 总结行为理论的评估和前景展望 |
457 | Therefore, membrane fouling could be significantly mitigated due to the shifts of NOM concentration and structure by heat- activated PDS pretreatment in the surface water treatment. |
458 | 观众对名人去世的关注度与他们对名人的认同感之间是否存在间接影响,进而影响他们的社交分享行为和亲社会行为? |
459 | 总结关于灾害的段落 |
460 | 文中提到了空间语法这个工具,它是如何帮助我们理解城市结构和土地利用之间的相互作用的? |
461 | 潜水除了对心血管方面有影响,还对机体哪些方面有影响 |
462 | 社交网络媒体在菲律宾数字经济中的地位是怎样? |
463 | 在结构化理论中,客观和主观维度是如何相互作用的?这如何影响我们对现实的理解? |
464 | 在借贷协议中,是否有必要遵守招股说明书的义务?此外,借款人和贷款人之间的合同关系是否可以通过更典型(也更简单)的贷款协议来配置? |
465 | 文档中提到的EPB是什么组织?它是如何在管理民用部门方面获得独立地位的?它的作用和职责是什么? |
466 | 还存在那些问题,原因是什么 |
467 | Bruce Rider的需求 |
468 | 文档中提到了电影的艺术效率和实用价值的关系,那么在早期的好莱坞电影中,艺术效率是如何被定义和评估的?电影的动作和情节如何被视为对故事的服务和工作的表现?这种艺术效率对电影的成功和市场接受度有何影响? |
469 | 第五章的框架 |
470 | M Q网红女装店铺如何通过直播平台提高流量和销售效果? |
471 | 城市低碳实验研究包含哪些议题 |
472 | 中国在南海的权益和挑战是什么? |
473 | CiteSpace II是如何从文献数据集中提取研究前沿术语的?这种方法是否适用于不同学科领域的文献? |
474 | 迪士尼在文档中提到了对灾难救援和紧急援助的支持,他们在这方面做了哪些具体的努力? |
475 | 框架在稳重的作用 |
476 | 对本文进行描写600字从简洁的总结开始。概述主要论点。讨论文本的准确性和质量(包括任何研究方法和/或局限性)。反思文章与设计理论和文化领域的相关性。 |
477 | What was noted in the pipes where warm water circulation had been for 50 years? |
478 | 申请人需要满足哪些条件才能被考虑为这个岗位? |
479 | 行为合同在心理治疗中的应用历史上有哪些成功案例?这些案例是否与民主治疗社区有关? |
480 | 科伦坡计划 |
481 | 夜间中学和識字教室等教育项目对于失去教育权利的人群有何帮助?这些项目的教育方式和内容有何特点? |
482 | LVSI should be assessed at the invasive front of the tumor |
483 | 片段中提到了一些粉丝因为追星而改变了自己的人生轨迹,比如留学或转入喜欢的专业。那么,追星对这些粉丝的情感支持和陪伴起到了怎样的作用? |
484 | Learner agency is often seen unproblematically as an integral aspect of ‘twenty-first century lifelong learning’. Agency and instrumentalist forms of teacher professional development are problematised through this qualitative case study that explores a teacher’s inquiry into assessment for learning practices. This article illustrates how Teaching as Inquiry can be located as either a process that is purely technicist or replete with potential for teachers to engage with ‘unwelcome truths’. Student voice data that reveal ‘unwelcome truths’ can provide a catalyst for teacher reflection on student positioning in learning relationships. Findings focus on practices of assessment for learning, assessment literacy, agency as a neoliberal construction and the need to interrogate power relations in the classroom for student agency to flourish. Issues around student voice and the democratic participation of students in schooling improvement are discussed. Teaching as Inquiry, that explicitly targets wider non-instrumental goals associated with teacher learning, can be a critical process that addresses the growth of assessment literacy and learner agency in classrooms. It can transcend a linear obsession with easily measured quantifiable shifts in student achievement data. |
485 | 美国立法机构具体是如何对社交媒体巨头公司进行监管的? |
486 | 文档中提到的默认模式网络(DMN)在MCI患者中的连接性增加是否与大脑功能的损害有关?这种连接性增加是否是一种代偿机制? |
487 | unbroken PT-symmetric phase是什么意思 |
488 | 为什么要发展本土化? |
489 | 总结本文的研究架构 |
490 | 还研究的结论是什么? |
491 | 文档中提到的双头光纤光栅传感器具有温度判别特性,这是如何实现的?它与传统的单头传感器相比有什么优势? |
492 | 此外,性别差异在颜色-情绪关联中也有所体现,尤其在儿童中。但总体上相差较小。此外,作者还通过心理量表间接地研究了不同文化中颜色-情绪关联,结果显示在不同国家之间存在高度一致性。翻译这段话 |
493 | 什么具体说明什么是每个回路只能连接相邻的层 |
494 | How is “Building damages” be defined in this course? |
495 | 3.在文档中提到的案例中,哪些领导者的行为被认为是不符合道德标准的?他们的行为对组织和员工产生了什么样的影响? |
496 | 请帮我按照要点总结出这篇文章2.1小节所说的内容 |
497 | 请把这篇文档中关于产品生命周期相关的知识点做成笔记 |
498 | Vogue is a media institution that shapes and represents knowledge about fashion. Historically, the magazine has held a disproportionate amount of power in the industry in terms of information molding and dissemination (David, 2006). |
499 | How did the authors determine that naturally occurring nucleoside modifications reduce the ability of RNAs to activate dendritic cells? |