{"id":16395,"img":"img\/16395.png","text":"handjobs sold seperately"} {"id":37405,"img":"img\/37405.png","text":"introducing fidget spinner for women"} {"id":94180,"img":"img\/94180.png","text":"happy pride month let's go beat up lesbians"} {"id":54321,"img":"img\/54321.png","text":"laughs in [majority of u.s crime rate]"} {"id":97015,"img":"img\/97015.png","text":"finds out those 72 virgins.. are goats"} {"id":73506,"img":"img\/73506.png","text":"look your dad fucked goats.. i capped him...sorry.."} {"id":5429,"img":"img\/05429.png","text":"claims that her ancestors created a safe space for jews these are her ancestors"} {"id":70691,"img":"img\/70691.png","text":"overdose"} {"id":69421,"img":"img\/69421.png","text":"when they laugh about your 9cm in the change room but they haven't seen your 9 mm yet"} {"id":50162,"img":"img\/50162.png","text":"roses are black, violets are black everything is black, i can't see"} {"id":43728,"img":"img\/43728.png","text":"bruce jenner's cat"} {"id":75081,"img":"img\/75081.png","text":"myth: gingers don't have souls fact: gingers earn a freckle for everey soul they steal"} {"id":47829,"img":"img\/47829.png","text":"when you found your wife is cheating on you ya allah"} {"id":35279,"img":"img\/35279.png","text":"when you convert your dishwasher into a weed eater"} {"id":54920,"img":"img\/54920.png","text":"so i guess a handjob is out of the question"} {"id":39867,"img":"img\/39867.png","text":"stop illegal immigrants they're taking the land we stole"} {"id":96082,"img":"img\/96082.png","text":"then he said i couldn't come to the barbecue because i always burn the franks"} {"id":38045,"img":"img\/38045.png","text":"i am not racist some of my best slaves are black"} {"id":62134,"img":"img\/62134.png","text":"its not right to judge someone by the color of their skin they might just be tan"} {"id":81970,"img":"img\/81970.png","text":"we talked about it i agreed dinner would be ready on time in the future"} {"id":1865,"img":"img\/01865.png","text":"i'm this pretty because both my parents are white"} {"id":86139,"img":"img\/86139.png","text":"what do i have in common with cow pies? xxx the older we get, the easier for you to pick us up!"} {"id":38765,"img":"img\/38765.png","text":"wtf is with this guide dog? i keep ending up at kfc"} {"id":15306,"img":"img\/15306.png","text":"i hate snow it's white and on my land"} {"id":17209,"img":"img\/17209.png","text":"stop saying my religion is violent.. i will kill you in the or name of my religion"} {"id":96185,"img":"img\/96185.png","text":"i hate the chinese, black, white, mexican people so who do i like? therein lies the problem"} {"id":93875,"img":"img\/93875.png","text":"we live in a society where they lecture us on morals and biology"} {"id":57286,"img":"img\/57286.png","text":"when your dad come back after 18 years saying \"damn that line at walmart aint no joke\""} {"id":8261,"img":"img\/08261.png","text":"life is like belgium some times you just have to march through it"} {"id":60823,"img":"img\/60823.png","text":"why are we smart? because we went to camps!"} {"id":83720,"img":"img\/83720.png","text":"banging a squirter not fun for a gay man"} {"id":89432,"img":"img\/89432.png","text":"hm.. it appears you're a cracker"} {"id":89607,"img":"img\/89607.png","text":"running chocolate"} {"id":14267,"img":"img\/14267.png","text":"when you beat up a black kid and get arrested for propriety damage"} {"id":82749,"img":"img\/82749.png","text":"muslims moved in... but theyre not moving out."} {"id":70643,"img":"img\/70643.png","text":"this one's called dirty deeds done with sheep"} {"id":12785,"img":"img\/12785.png","text":"found this old photo of our grand parents on their quad"} {"id":86394,"img":"img\/86394.png","text":"had secret door before it was cool"} {"id":63491,"img":"img\/63491.png","text":"when you've just realised your son has taken the wrong backpack to school"} {"id":98026,"img":"img\/98026.png","text":"best thing about her blowjob?... you know shes gonna swallow!!!"} {"id":89263,"img":"img\/89263.png","text":"my ex looks so peaceful when he sleeps"} {"id":42975,"img":"img\/42975.png","text":"when you're still fucked from last night's bender and sunglasses aren't gonna cut it"} {"id":74016,"img":"img\/74016.png","text":"fed five thousand jews with five loaves and two fish made six million jews toast"} {"id":26347,"img":"img\/26347.png","text":"indians evolution after 15august1947"} {"id":89105,"img":"img\/89105.png","text":"flight attendant: *yawns* deaf passengers:"} {"id":57932,"img":"img\/57932.png","text":"modern japanese '' ''"} {"id":52971,"img":"img\/52971.png","text":"that's a man baby!"} {"id":4615,"img":"img\/04615.png","text":"it's the religion of peace. join exclusive islam!"} {"id":1936,"img":"img\/01936.png","text":"we said we would never forget why are you voting them into our governement?"} {"id":17546,"img":"img\/17546.png","text":"the face you make when you don't understand what \"stop resisting\" means"} {"id":56908,"img":"img\/56908.png","text":"\"life is like a box of chocolates.\" it sucks if you have diabetes"} {"id":24973,"img":"img\/24973.png","text":"in england they drive on the left in canada we drive on what's left"} {"id":4958,"img":"img\/04958.png","text":"how i see black people getting trolled on the internet"} {"id":60345,"img":"img\/60345.png","text":"when her head game so strong she suck a chromosome right out of you"} {"id":2356,"img":"img\/02356.png","text":"if i was arrested what do u think i got arrested 4?"} {"id":91806,"img":"img\/91806.png","text":"gas yourself"} {"id":5462,"img":"img\/05462.png","text":"i'm not racist i hate white liberals more than anybody"} {"id":1627,"img":"img\/01627.png","text":"jew jerky: leave out in the sun until all moisture is gone store in a cool dark place for 3 days"} {"id":18239,"img":"img\/18239.png","text":"orange is the new black"} {"id":49372,"img":"img\/49372.png","text":"who ya gonna call? goat fuckers"} {"id":59167,"img":"img\/59167.png","text":"i'm not racist, but... racist memes are allowed, right?"} {"id":59287,"img":"img\/59287.png","text":"when your dad comes home from a suicide bombing"} {"id":64279,"img":"img\/64279.png","text":"jew mad? get fuhrererious !"} {"id":38701,"img":"img\/38701.png","text":"knock, knock who's there not this bitch ( obviously )"} {"id":12643,"img":"img\/12643.png","text":"shia men after getting an erection"} {"id":46532,"img":"img\/46532.png","text":"let's shake hands and forget about that colonialism stuff"} {"id":7516,"img":"img\/07516.png","text":"teacher: alright class take out your calculators mohammed:"} {"id":93251,"img":"img\/93251.png","text":"anjem choudary wants this removed he said it insults islam. so i thought fuck it why not share"} {"id":31760,"img":"img\/31760.png","text":"canadian border jumper detained by american patriot"} {"id":19230,"img":"img\/19230.png","text":"congratulations it's non binary"} {"id":89251,"img":"img\/89251.png","text":"sorry i'm late. having tranny problems"} {"id":2789,"img":"img\/02789.png","text":"when you got a warrant out for your arrest & you on the run....."} {"id":3976,"img":"img\/03976.png","text":"warning \"every\" country that has become involved in muslim immigration has eventually become an islamic state, and don't the fate of your country will be any different islam is a cancer for which there is no cure"} {"id":7291,"img":"img\/07291.png","text":"it's a piece of cake if she's not awake"} {"id":58374,"img":"img\/58374.png","text":"i'm what the new working man looks like'"} {"id":78092,"img":"img\/78092.png","text":"really ? eating pork is a sin but marriage to a 6 year old is ok"} {"id":28396,"img":"img\/28396.png","text":"doesn't wear tampons because she trips over the string"} {"id":87039,"img":"img\/87039.png","text":"this makes me puke send all of them back home"} {"id":94216,"img":"img\/94216.png","text":"japanese citizen watches as nuke drops on the 9th of august 1945 (colorized)"} {"id":81523,"img":"img\/81523.png","text":"they're escaping quick... from the cake!"} {"id":15473,"img":"img\/15473.png","text":"i wish i could stand by you!"} {"id":48059,"img":"img\/48059.png","text":"white cave beast evolved from moneys"} {"id":38054,"img":"img\/38054.png","text":"it's time we make peace with islam"} {"id":35870,"img":"img\/35870.png","text":"monkey face monkey attitude"} {"id":7392,"img":"img\/07392.png","text":"once you go black ur a single mom!"} {"id":72019,"img":"img\/72019.png","text":"ugly mafuckas be like.. bru, i know she want me i got dreads"} {"id":95723,"img":"img\/95723.png","text":"once we are done destroying our country we'll move to yours!"} {"id":1284,"img":"img\/01284.png","text":"muslims offend me"} {"id":27980,"img":"img\/27980.png","text":"when the vegetables are 2 for the price of 1"} {"id":65917,"img":"img\/65917.png","text":"this is what science does for humanity this is what islam does for humanity"} {"id":10548,"img":"img\/10548.png","text":"farming simulator 17"} {"id":26091,"img":"img\/26091.png","text":"no to transphobes give trans people peace"} {"id":98637,"img":"img\/98637.png","text":"cracking open a sold one with the boys"} {"id":98653,"img":"img\/98653.png","text":"what's that burning? oh it's my family"} {"id":9638,"img":"img\/09638.png","text":"thanksgiving in china"} {"id":16592,"img":"img\/16592.png","text":"what's the deal with black people? they're not black and they're not people"} {"id":47693,"img":"img\/47693.png","text":"when your dad passes the family school shooting gun down to you"} {"id":51263,"img":"img\/51263.png","text":"gay friends asked for directions told him to go straight"} {"id":67149,"img":"img\/67149.png","text":"when mum tells you to rinse the vegetables"} {"id":63547,"img":"img\/63547.png","text":"i'm down.. ...with that"} {"id":49267,"img":"img\/49267.png","text":"ahmed? im hungry!!!"} {"id":24351,"img":"img\/24351.png","text":"this story touched my heart twins separated at birth find eachother after 50 yrs"} {"id":23419,"img":"img\/23419.png","text":"islamic prayers answered"} {"id":30762,"img":"img\/30762.png","text":"muslim women are fighting for freedom and are ready for its consequences"} {"id":52096,"img":"img\/52096.png","text":"a truck hit him from behind"} {"id":64735,"img":"img\/64735.png","text":"this movie sucks i am thinking of another shooting"} {"id":10652,"img":"img\/10652.png","text":"him: have you seen my cat lately? her: nope, have you seen your dad lately?"} {"id":92456,"img":"img\/92456.png","text":"vanish shampoo"} {"id":42635,"img":"img\/42635.png","text":"interracial couple watching tv and sleeping"} {"id":47931,"img":"img\/47931.png","text":"african girls portrait without burka"} {"id":70143,"img":"img\/70143.png","text":"when you unlock a new skin for your character"} {"id":51863,"img":"img\/51863.png","text":"hey grandma what are you doing ? im sewing a scarf for your trans brother ajay"} {"id":2584,"img":"img\/02584.png","text":"imagine being so disugsting there have to be laws to try to stop normal people from hating you"} {"id":48132,"img":"img\/48132.png","text":"black friday deal buy one get one free toaster"} {"id":81370,"img":"img\/81370.png","text":"the fucking dishwasher is acting up!"} {"id":74029,"img":"img\/74029.png","text":"nuclear bombs angles"} {"id":50643,"img":"img\/50643.png","text":"things i love to hunt"} {"id":59423,"img":"img\/59423.png","text":"mmm what's cooking"} {"id":63502,"img":"img\/63502.png","text":"in school trip to the zoo, i saw a monkey and had vegetable soup for lunch"} {"id":89360,"img":"img\/89360.png","text":"anyone else hate how hard these spot the difference pictures are getting"} {"id":5219,"img":"img\/05219.png","text":"just admit it. white america was better"} {"id":61342,"img":"img\/61342.png","text":"and participate in our communities take personal responsibility for our own lives we are never going to have social change until"} {"id":16234,"img":"img\/16234.png","text":"he is afraid of you more than you are afraid of him"} {"id":34215,"img":"img\/34215.png","text":"i hired a clown for my birthday celebration"} {"id":10963,"img":"img\/10963.png","text":"hope on a rope it's what everyone's been waiting for"} {"id":94380,"img":"img\/94380.png","text":"that look when you high as fuck on dem chromosomes"} {"id":30954,"img":"img\/30954.png","text":"when germans try to dab"} {"id":5162,"img":"img\/05162.png","text":"went down on a muslim bitch her pussy was the bomb!"} {"id":36184,"img":"img\/36184.png","text":"what did i do, i am so angry at myself"} {"id":17285,"img":"img\/17285.png","text":"slow cooker"} {"id":20815,"img":"img\/20815.png","text":"old barack obama"} {"id":35198,"img":"img\/35198.png","text":"organic vegetable"} {"id":32451,"img":"img\/32451.png","text":"when she asked for equal rights so i gave her equal left"} {"id":58079,"img":"img\/58079.png","text":"following the civil war, the ku klux klan emerges to suppress and victimize newly freed slaves"} {"id":37092,"img":"img\/37092.png","text":"mentally retarded teenagers with stuffed animals they made"} {"id":76542,"img":"img\/76542.png","text":"who said i'm uneducated i have my master"} {"id":17096,"img":"img\/17096.png","text":"there use to be a pet shelter here"} {"id":69753,"img":"img\/69753.png","text":"if you want good life for your children kill them all"} {"id":7652,"img":"img\/07652.png","text":"ban the burka you must be fucking joking"} {"id":39182,"img":"img\/39182.png","text":"there use to be a shelter here"} {"id":10476,"img":"img\/10476.png","text":"how to fix a noisy dishwasher"} {"id":17596,"img":"img\/17596.png","text":"former first lady started a book tour"} {"id":25893,"img":"img\/25893.png","text":"the evolution of man"} {"id":57836,"img":"img\/57836.png","text":"the first annual mohammed-a-thon"} {"id":32907,"img":"img\/32907.png","text":"organic vegetable"} {"id":18453,"img":"img\/18453.png","text":"when i grow up i want to be a gas plumber"} {"id":26537,"img":"img\/26537.png","text":"i love to run"} {"id":7689,"img":"img\/07689.png","text":"man: i'd like to trade her in for newer one"} {"id":69423,"img":"img\/69423.png","text":"denounce kkk to protect the country"} {"id":45269,"img":"img\/45269.png","text":"who said i'm uneducated i have my master"} {"id":29710,"img":"img\/29710.png","text":"don't think this cream is working... maybe this will work?..... nothing's happening"} {"id":10865,"img":"img\/10865.png","text":"this movie sucks i am thinking of another shooting"} {"id":56291,"img":"img\/56291.png","text":"why test drugs on intelligent animals when we have plenty of vegetables to spare?"} {"id":60175,"img":"img\/60175.png","text":"we are never going to have social change until take personal responsibility for our own lives and participate in our communities"} {"id":90538,"img":"img\/90538.png","text":"muslim logic: important unimportant"} {"id":6931,"img":"img\/06931.png","text":"the newest hate group the dumb stupid klan"} {"id":69403,"img":"img\/69403.png","text":"every white man dream"} {"id":21530,"img":"img\/21530.png","text":"went down on a muslim bitch. her pussy was the bomb!"} {"id":3146,"img":"img\/03146.png","text":"this is inhuman the operation takes only a couple of seconds to perform but its image remains for years"} {"id":4879,"img":"img\/04879.png","text":"i hear a funny joke about dishwashers"} {"id":14583,"img":"img\/14583.png","text":"man: i'd like to trade her in for newer one"} {"id":31894,"img":"img\/31894.png","text":"i had a fight at school and now all my rights are suspended"} {"id":90734,"img":"img\/90734.png","text":"being able to call someone \"mine\""} {"id":67841,"img":"img\/67841.png","text":"a beautiful day for picnic in white mountains"} {"id":24689,"img":"img\/24689.png","text":"old barack obama"} {"id":39564,"img":"img\/39564.png","text":"him: have you seen my cat lately? her: nope, have you seen your dad lately?"} {"id":15763,"img":"img\/15763.png","text":"this project is tough but it will save the world"} {"id":76091,"img":"img\/76091.png","text":"imagine being so disugsting there have to be laws to try to stop normal people from hating you"} {"id":23047,"img":"img\/23047.png","text":"i like to play outside"} {"id":35186,"img":"img\/35186.png","text":"i am ready for the interview"} {"id":21386,"img":"img\/21386.png","text":"the victoria's secret angels across america tour"} {"id":80713,"img":"img\/80713.png","text":"rare picture of child birth"} {"id":50483,"img":"img\/50483.png","text":"how many guns are in there?"} {"id":41250,"img":"img\/41250.png","text":"this movie sucks i should have gone to the other one"} {"id":45326,"img":"img\/45326.png","text":"old albino gorilla"} {"id":9241,"img":"img\/09241.png","text":"the dishwasher was making a funny sound but i fixed it"} {"id":8524,"img":"img\/08524.png","text":"yellow black red and normal"} {"id":31468,"img":"img\/31468.png","text":"black santa"} {"id":57431,"img":"img\/57431.png","text":"black friday deal buy one get one free toaster"} {"id":6135,"img":"img\/06135.png","text":"everyone should take care of their skin"} {"id":70456,"img":"img\/70456.png","text":"jewish children today should remember how lucky they are today"} {"id":53214,"img":"img\/53214.png","text":"if i had a gone i could convert this fruit to vegetable"} {"id":48523,"img":"img\/48523.png","text":"i like cooking and playing piano"} {"id":45093,"img":"img\/45093.png","text":"when you're watching the #roots remake but you're in an interracial relationship"} {"id":98374,"img":"img\/98374.png","text":"when you want to enter islam when you want to leave islam"} {"id":89026,"img":"img\/89026.png","text":"are race are equal: red, back, yellow, and white"} {"id":94152,"img":"img\/94152.png","text":"we make sacrifices for love and peace in future"} {"id":63719,"img":"img\/63719.png","text":"hey grandma what are you doing ? im sewing a scarf for your trans brother ajay"} {"id":80392,"img":"img\/80392.png","text":"yellow black red and normal"} {"id":98035,"img":"img\/98035.png","text":"slow cooker"} {"id":26573,"img":"img\/26573.png","text":"man: i'd like her the way she is"} {"id":15379,"img":"img\/15379.png","text":"when you unlock a new skin for your character"} {"id":10564,"img":"img\/10564.png","text":"white people when they learn fish swim in schools"} {"id":80463,"img":"img\/80463.png","text":"how to fix a noisy dishwasher"} {"id":35687,"img":"img\/35687.png","text":"the most terrifying pirate :)"} {"id":28579,"img":"img\/28579.png","text":"michele obama holding a fundraising for studying animal intelligence"} {"id":71453,"img":"img\/71453.png","text":"leave that one alone bill he's my weed man"} {"id":13285,"img":"img\/13285.png","text":"hope on a rope it's what everyone's been waiting for!"} {"id":1634,"img":"img\/01634.png","text":"\"aye, tone! why would dey delouse 'em if dey was just gonna whack 'em?!\""} {"id":85630,"img":"img\/85630.png","text":"michele obama met with fashion designers from planet of the apes"} {"id":16302,"img":"img\/16302.png","text":"they don't know how to use condom, this is the only way to control their population"} {"id":73846,"img":"img\/73846.png","text":"you should thank me for what i've done, there would have been more of them"} {"id":27496,"img":"img\/27496.png","text":"personal stylist $15,000 \/ week makeup artist $4,000 \/ month makeup artist $4,000 \/ month i can't tell the difference"} {"id":75806,"img":"img\/75806.png","text":"whose hand is uppermost"} {"id":30154,"img":"img\/30154.png","text":"you should thank me for what i've done, there would have been more of them"} {"id":68594,"img":"img\/68594.png","text":"when you make history by locking up you diary"} {"id":64803,"img":"img\/64803.png","text":"when she asked for equal rights so i gave her equal left"} {"id":65071,"img":"img\/65071.png","text":"we are never going to have healthy life until we take our health seriously, have enough sleep, and pay attention to exercise"} {"id":7193,"img":"img\/07193.png","text":"things i love to hunt"} {"id":60812,"img":"img\/60812.png","text":"when you're thinking about how much you love your wife and kids"} {"id":23619,"img":"img\/23619.png","text":"party tonight? i'm down"} {"id":45610,"img":"img\/45610.png","text":"a lot of men wearing a white shirt"} {"id":91260,"img":"img\/91260.png","text":"welcome to melbourne have a nice day"} {"id":87526,"img":"img\/87526.png","text":"there use to be a pet shelter here"} {"id":54621,"img":"img\/54621.png","text":"when i grew up i want to be a gas plumber"} {"id":45792,"img":"img\/45792.png","text":"the fucking dishwasher is acting up!"} {"id":26891,"img":"img\/26891.png","text":"today we're making vegetable soup! the most disturbing thing i've seen all day."} {"id":95371,"img":"img\/95371.png","text":"down syndrome girl put on makeup for a party"} {"id":3968,"img":"img\/03968.png","text":"when you're watching the #roots remake but you're in an interracial relationship"} {"id":40578,"img":"img\/40578.png","text":"this story touched my heart twins separated at birth find each other after 50 yrs"} {"id":97853,"img":"img\/97853.png","text":"ahmed? im pregnant!!!"} {"id":26549,"img":"img\/26549.png","text":"hmm today i will commit 50% of all violent crimes despite being only 13% percent of the population being opressed time"} {"id":13907,"img":"img\/13907.png","text":"new fishing school"} {"id":51482,"img":"img\/51482.png","text":"leave that one alone bill he's my weed man"} {"id":82591,"img":"img\/82591.png","text":"can you spot the difference?!?!? didn't take me long either - 1st car's red"} {"id":36458,"img":"img\/36458.png","text":"anyone else hate how hard these spot the difference pictures are getting?"} {"id":75810,"img":"img\/75810.png","text":"the dishwasher was making a funny sound but i fixed it"} {"id":72364,"img":"img\/72364.png","text":"don't think this cream is working maybe this will work?..... nothing's happening"} {"id":58069,"img":"img\/58069.png","text":"him: have you seen my cat lately? her: nope, you should ask your father"} {"id":80724,"img":"img\/80724.png","text":"hmm today i will commit 50% of all violent crimes despite being only 13% percent of the population being opressed time"} {"id":15438,"img":"img\/15438.png","text":"real muslims radical muslims"} {"id":86025,"img":"img\/86025.png","text":"there are laws to try to stop people from hating and discriminating against you"} {"id":96502,"img":"img\/96502.png","text":"mmm what's cooking"} {"id":93462,"img":"img\/93462.png","text":"islam is the religious of love and peace"} {"id":90814,"img":"img\/90814.png","text":"being able to call someone \"mine\""} {"id":17845,"img":"img\/17845.png","text":"made rice krispies way before kellogg's"} {"id":17809,"img":"img\/17809.png","text":"musllim logic: important unimportant"} {"id":29467,"img":"img\/29467.png","text":"love is more powerful than any other force in the world"} {"id":35689,"img":"img\/35689.png","text":"i was there when the bomb exploded"} {"id":49531,"img":"img\/49531.png","text":"the culture of silence allows sexual harassment in the workplace to continue"} {"id":35249,"img":"img\/35249.png","text":"how you look when youre black and you celebrate the 4th of july"} {"id":85746,"img":"img\/85746.png","text":"who said i'm uneducated i have phd"} {"id":13874,"img":"img\/13874.png","text":"ban the burka you must be fucking joking"} {"id":7396,"img":"img\/07396.png","text":"this project is tough but it will save the world"} {"id":57312,"img":"img\/57312.png","text":"porn casting or terrorist recruitment? -yes i can blow"} {"id":26914,"img":"img\/26914.png","text":"new implant allows muslims to speak directly with allah apply to forehead"} {"id":47863,"img":"img\/47863.png","text":"he won because he is a boy competing in a female sport"} {"id":65734,"img":"img\/65734.png","text":"aye, tone! why would dey delouse 'em if dey was just gonna whack 'em?!"} {"id":84169,"img":"img\/84169.png","text":"waiting for a train"} {"id":62790,"img":"img\/62790.png","text":"that look when you high as fuck on dem chromosomes"} {"id":76103,"img":"img\/76103.png","text":"farming simulator 1800"} {"id":5968,"img":"img\/05968.png","text":"what would you do if i got pregnant"} {"id":87391,"img":"img\/87391.png","text":"i loved my piggy from the first day"} {"id":72851,"img":"img\/72851.png","text":"learn how to bite the bullet"} {"id":42189,"img":"img\/42189.png","text":"who let the monkeys out?! we don't know"} {"id":4265,"img":"img\/04265.png","text":"farming simulator 1800"} {"id":31267,"img":"img\/31267.png","text":"shakespeare play the taming of the shrew"} {"id":93145,"img":"img\/93145.png","text":"when when germans try to dab"} {"id":56328,"img":"img\/56328.png","text":"made rice krispies way before kellogg's"} {"id":9357,"img":"img\/09357.png","text":"when you fart next to the jewish kid, and realize you just gassed the jews"} {"id":35107,"img":"img\/35107.png","text":"hardworking and practice is path to success in female sport"} {"id":4716,"img":"img\/04716.png","text":"makeup artist $4,000 \/ month personal stylist $15,000 \/ week i can't tell the difference"} {"id":3164,"img":"img\/03164.png","text":"party tonight? i'm down"} {"id":86425,"img":"img\/86425.png","text":"islam is the religious of love and peace"} {"id":79316,"img":"img\/79316.png","text":"things i love to pull behind my trunck"} {"id":98170,"img":"img\/98170.png","text":"jack's links presents messing with sasquatch"} {"id":42615,"img":"img\/42615.png","text":"islamic prayers answered"} {"id":25749,"img":"img\/25749.png","text":"funny santa"} {"id":18406,"img":"img\/18406.png","text":"welcome to melbourne have a nice day"} {"id":36128,"img":"img\/36128.png","text":"today we're making vegetable soup! the most disturbing thing i've seen all day... -flyboy"} {"id":25908,"img":"img\/25908.png","text":"lynchings were most frequent from 1890 to the 1920s, with a peak in 1892"} {"id":53467,"img":"img\/53467.png","text":"how you look when youre black and you celebrate the 4th of july"} {"id":29406,"img":"img\/29406.png","text":"ahmed? im pregnant!!!"} {"id":29547,"img":"img\/29547.png","text":"the evolution of man"} {"id":5218,"img":"img\/05218.png","text":"things i love to pull behind my trunck"} {"id":10938,"img":"img\/10938.png","text":"international boxing day"} {"id":17508,"img":"img\/17508.png","text":"use one to protect your watermelon farm"} {"id":23751,"img":"img\/23751.png","text":"porn casting or terrorist recruitment? -yes i can blow"} {"id":42739,"img":"img\/42739.png","text":"every white man dream"} {"id":45827,"img":"img\/45827.png","text":"show me the ape son"} {"id":79861,"img":"img\/79861.png","text":"white people when they learn fish swim in schools"} {"id":46197,"img":"img\/46197.png","text":"the newest member of hate group"} {"id":7694,"img":"img\/07694.png","text":"if i had a gone i could convert this fruit to vegetable"} {"id":43697,"img":"img\/43697.png","text":"they don't know how to use condom, this is the only way to control their population"} {"id":13407,"img":"img\/13407.png","text":"if you want good life for your children kill them all"} {"id":74236,"img":"img\/74236.png","text":"if you want good life for your children send them here"} {"id":3987,"img":"img\/03987.png","text":"the newest hate group the dumb stupid klan"} {"id":72093,"img":"img\/72093.png","text":"i am against gun, violence and discrimination"} {"id":81527,"img":"img\/81527.png","text":"what do gangsters and monkeys have in common"} {"id":52139,"img":"img\/52139.png","text":"andy's coming!"} {"id":80914,"img":"img\/80914.png","text":"new implant allows muslims to speak directly with allah apply to forehead"} {"id":9687,"img":"img\/09687.png","text":"rare picture of child birth"} {"id":87913,"img":"img\/87913.png","text":"when you want to enter islam when you want to leave islam"} {"id":87013,"img":"img\/87013.png","text":"why test drugs on intelligent animals when we have plenty of vegetables to spare?"} {"id":6593,"img":"img\/06593.png","text":"dss"} {"id":21863,"img":"img\/21863.png","text":"farming 1800"} {"id":6329,"img":"img\/06329.png","text":"president condemned capital punishment"} {"id":39527,"img":"img\/39527.png","text":"true organic love"} {"id":85471,"img":"img\/85471.png","text":"vanish shampoo"} {"id":2751,"img":"img\/02751.png","text":"just admit it white america was better"} {"id":48956,"img":"img\/48956.png","text":"he won because he is a boy competing in a female sport"} {"id":39247,"img":"img\/39247.png","text":"you know that we are better than any other race"} {"id":32605,"img":"img\/32605.png","text":"the first annual mohammed-a-thon"} {"id":75136,"img":"img\/75136.png","text":"two white men hanging out"} {"id":83091,"img":"img\/83091.png","text":"what are you looking at!"} {"id":52847,"img":"img\/52847.png","text":"sharing and caring"} {"id":25463,"img":"img\/25463.png","text":"what would you do if i got pregnant"} {"id":4239,"img":"img\/04239.png","text":"when you fart in crowd and try to look normal"} {"id":17852,"img":"img\/17852.png","text":"you know that we are better than any other race"} {"id":85420,"img":"img\/85420.png","text":"after the shower i will visit the local zoo"} {"id":34067,"img":"img\/34067.png","text":"international day against violence"} {"id":41692,"img":"img\/41692.png","text":"when you fart next to the jewish kid, and realize you just gassed the jews"} {"id":93481,"img":"img\/93481.png","text":"jack's links presents messing with sasquatch"} {"id":73842,"img":"img\/73842.png","text":"international boxing day"} {"id":95302,"img":"img\/95302.png","text":"use one to protect your watermelon farm"} {"id":70148,"img":"img\/70148.png","text":"black santa"} {"id":47265,"img":"img\/47265.png","text":"andy's coming"} {"id":20854,"img":"img\/20854.png","text":"can you spot the difference?!?!? didn't take me long either - 1st car's red"} {"id":74531,"img":"img\/74531.png","text":"bodies being removed in wagons by german"} {"id":20413,"img":"img\/20413.png","text":"you get a day off for martin luther king ? hell we should shoot six more and get the week off"} {"id":48123,"img":"img\/48123.png","text":"the only cure for islam"} {"id":92158,"img":"img\/92158.png","text":"fighting them is nothing new letting them come into our land and spread their disease is"} {"id":9675,"img":"img\/09675.png","text":"omfg its a dirty mexican"} {"id":8541,"img":"img\/08541.png","text":"when your test comes back and you got a 47 out of 46"} {"id":95306,"img":"img\/95306.png","text":"why is it so good? because it's white"} {"id":47680,"img":"img\/47680.png","text":"spiders are like him not all of them are dangerous but since they all look the same to me, i don't want any of them in my house"} {"id":32564,"img":"img\/32564.png","text":"a fiery blasts rocks the world trade center after being hit by two planes"} {"id":19384,"img":"img\/19384.png","text":"when your leader is killed by a drone and you get to fuck his herd of goats"} {"id":17904,"img":"img\/17904.png","text":"today i feel so hot don't you?"} {"id":9513,"img":"img\/09513.png","text":"goats are friends not food"} {"id":30815,"img":"img\/30815.png","text":"the only way to deal with islam"} {"id":5879,"img":"img\/05879.png","text":"me watching the pride parade"} {"id":75039,"img":"img\/75039.png","text":"rape helping them have sex for generations"} {"id":52140,"img":"img\/52140.png","text":"this steak is so black it asked me for a newport"} {"id":64038,"img":"img\/64038.png","text":"riding a horse backwards"} {"id":87352,"img":"img\/87352.png","text":"if you don't sin... ..jesus died for nothing"} {"id":6243,"img":"img\/06243.png","text":"(laughs in goat fucker)"} {"id":90143,"img":"img\/90143.png","text":"to see better, asians sometime switch to fullscreen veiw"} {"id":37289,"img":"img\/37289.png","text":"hitler be like i deserve to be in heaven i knew it"} {"id":54093,"img":"img\/54093.png","text":"when you call the avengers and they send the one from wakanda"} {"id":62719,"img":"img\/62719.png","text":"is it a boy or a girl? we're waiting to find out"} {"id":84670,"img":"img\/84670.png","text":"my local mosque is really going all out for gay pride this year"} {"id":98721,"img":"img\/98721.png","text":"made rice krispies way before kelloggs"} {"id":42705,"img":"img\/42705.png","text":"trust me.. ...they love the warm weather"} {"id":26781,"img":"img\/26781.png","text":"vacation on a train it is long but it is beautiful try it"} {"id":5792,"img":"img\/05792.png","text":"when you just realize that you forgot to take the cake out of the oven"} {"id":35146,"img":"img\/35146.png","text":"dey call me wong sum ting wong"} {"id":4583,"img":"img\/04583.png","text":"mom won't let me use the oven with my jewish friends"} {"id":30864,"img":"img\/30864.png","text":"the lion once again shows why he's the king of the jungle"} {"id":98340,"img":"img\/98340.png","text":"muslim wife wearing sexy lingerie for her husband"} {"id":65148,"img":"img\/65148.png","text":"girl goes out with him blind date"} {"id":38754,"img":"img\/38754.png","text":"'slavery reparations' has there ever been a more blatant attempt to buy the 'black' vote?"} {"id":79134,"img":"img\/79134.png","text":"say no! to racism say no to the liar who tried to ruin the life of brett kavanaugh say no to kamala harris 2020"} {"id":59028,"img":"img\/59028.png","text":"the lawmakers known as \"the squad\""} {"id":76854,"img":"img\/76854.png","text":"psa: clean your apartments for pete's sake"} {"id":82950,"img":"img\/82950.png","text":"be careful who you call ugly in high school"} {"id":80473,"img":"img\/80473.png","text":"vegetable soup"} {"id":91637,"img":"img\/91637.png","text":"we waste so much food and water meanwhile, others are starving and have no clean water"} {"id":7612,"img":"img\/07612.png","text":"what is that wonderful smell? it smells like... caramel! oh, today we burnt the diabetics"} {"id":8653,"img":"img\/08653.png","text":"a smile to bring joy in anyone's day"} {"id":79452,"img":"img\/79452.png","text":"fighting for gay rights"} {"id":42589,"img":"img\/42589.png","text":"had to load these by hand today felt like a syrian guy looking for his wife"} {"id":92837,"img":"img\/92837.png","text":"we dipped this shit in bacon grease mixed with bacon juice smothered in hate when it is time, rest assured america. when the enemy brings it to our soil, we will bring it to them"} {"id":63795,"img":"img\/63795.png","text":"when you wanna delete google chrome but you accidentally delete your chromosome"} {"id":14602,"img":"img\/14602.png","text":"best polish removers"} {"id":39241,"img":"img\/39241.png","text":"i don't always masturbate on my own but when i do i like to slap away my hand and play hard to get"} {"id":82675,"img":"img\/82675.png","text":"life has its ups and downs"} {"id":84321,"img":"img\/84321.png","text":"there's a 50% chance this phone is stolen"} {"id":42986,"img":"img\/42986.png","text":"\"this happens to 1\/3 of women 2\/3 aren't doing their job\""} {"id":3267,"img":"img\/03267.png","text":"that feeling when you finish your homework in record time and have extra time to chill"} {"id":24815,"img":"img\/24815.png","text":"the day that shook new york city"} {"id":47903,"img":"img\/47903.png","text":"muslim wife wearing sexy lingerie for her husband"} {"id":78936,"img":"img\/78936.png","text":"baboons and monkeys everywhere this is really a zoo"} {"id":40572,"img":"img\/40572.png","text":"one of the first prototypes of the atom bomb"} {"id":41896,"img":"img\/41896.png","text":"me convincing homophobes that i'm just like them and not a sexually deviant pervert"} {"id":27410,"img":"img\/27410.png","text":"party tonight? i'm down"} {"id":8294,"img":"img\/08294.png","text":"what are you doing there? you're a cat, not a jew"} {"id":81075,"img":"img\/81075.png","text":"they're not alllll rapists... right?"} {"id":73049,"img":"img\/73049.png","text":"i was asked who my favourite x-men character was apparently my answer was inappropriate"} {"id":14765,"img":"img\/14765.png","text":"i don't always talk to obama voters but when i do, i ask for large fries"} {"id":92683,"img":"img\/92683.png","text":"it's called a hate crime when you act against us when we act against those that we hate it's religious freedom"} {"id":47692,"img":"img\/47692.png","text":"today feels like a kinda day where i just wanna freak people out"} {"id":40731,"img":"img\/40731.png","text":"illegal immigration the cowboy way we'll know them if they try to come back in!"} {"id":28716,"img":"img\/28716.png","text":"can you smell what the reich is cooking?"} {"id":57869,"img":"img\/57869.png","text":"rape helping them have sex for generations"} {"id":83046,"img":"img\/83046.png","text":"capital punishment is still prevalent in many parts of the world"} {"id":67951,"img":"img\/67951.png","text":"roseanne barr? more like roseanne barred, amiright?"} {"id":75923,"img":"img\/75923.png","text":"you call that a killing, ahmed? this is a killing!"} {"id":4127,"img":"img\/04127.png","text":"here we go again. us paralympics team refuses to stand during st."} {"id":61058,"img":"img\/61058.png","text":"working in an office. just the intern life"} {"id":26738,"img":"img\/26738.png","text":"blacks are musical they always love a good beat"} {"id":60289,"img":"img\/60289.png","text":"if you ever feel down just remember there are people that are down their whole life"} {"id":87160,"img":"img\/87160.png","text":"when you love going for a ride in the shopping cart at walmart"} {"id":26910,"img":"img\/26910.png","text":"\"they are the biggest terrorists in the history of the world. we have entire history of books showing this data\""} {"id":16598,"img":"img\/16598.png","text":"racist!!! fuck this somali piece of shit!!!"} {"id":57890,"img":"img\/57890.png","text":"he enemy within ilhan omar linda sarsour ocasio-corte tlaib rashida the trojan horse is no longer at the gates"} {"id":53426,"img":"img\/53426.png","text":"what's \"saggin\"' spelled backwards? hint: they're pretty much the only people that sag!"} {"id":40856,"img":"img\/40856.png","text":"hey! stop picking on him! f*ggots are people too!"} {"id":43269,"img":"img\/43269.png","text":"fighting them is nothing new. letting them come into our land and spread their disease is"} {"id":70381,"img":"img\/70381.png","text":"wherever they go destruction follows"} {"id":91063,"img":"img\/91063.png","text":"would ya look at that this dryer comes with a free dishwasher"} {"id":4135,"img":"img\/04135.png","text":"there's only one race the human race and that thing on the right? that's a monkey in human clothes"} {"id":16870,"img":"img\/16870.png","text":"want to make america great again? vote on november 6 to replace the entire republican congress with folks with brains and morals who will act as a check on our corrupt and incompetent president"} {"id":54830,"img":"img\/54830.png","text":"i told you don't heat fish in the microwave"} {"id":57389,"img":"img\/57389.png","text":"i bought stevie wonder a cheese grater for christmas he said it was the most violent book he'd ever read"} {"id":18674,"img":"img\/18674.png","text":"hey, baby i'm getting dinner started you gonna help out or just stand there? wtf, srsly?"} {"id":34291,"img":"img\/34291.png","text":"if they aren't lazy, then why doesn't kfc have a breakfast menu"} {"id":5461,"img":"img\/05461.png","text":"me, an air force intellectual watching some marines get into a bar fight with some thai tranny hookers"} {"id":2846,"img":"img\/02846.png","text":"the before image that not many people have seen"} {"id":92836,"img":"img\/92836.png","text":"when i said i wanted a little pussy this is not really what i had in mind."} {"id":32410,"img":"img\/32410.png","text":"looking for the hoes everyone claims i have"} {"id":81690,"img":"img\/81690.png","text":"when black people think it's funny to steal a white man's bike"} {"id":46815,"img":"img\/46815.png","text":"book of satan written by psychopaths"} {"id":54820,"img":"img\/54820.png","text":"goes to the future doesn't warn marty about parkinson's"} {"id":85042,"img":"img\/85042.png","text":"if they aren't lazy, then why doesn't kfc have a breakfast menu"} {"id":75821,"img":"img\/75821.png","text":"when dishwasher stops working take it back"} {"id":68394,"img":"img\/68394.png","text":"a site of a tragedy, now a memorial"} {"id":64907,"img":"img\/64907.png","text":"knock knock who's there? america, mother fucker!"} {"id":30849,"img":"img\/30849.png","text":"when you finger an asian girl"} {"id":98473,"img":"img\/98473.png","text":"met a jewish girl and she asked me for my number i told her we use names here"} {"id":59671,"img":"img\/59671.png","text":"have you tried their food? neither have they"} {"id":47831,"img":"img\/47831.png","text":"what is that wonderful smell? it smells like.... caramel! oh, today we burnt the diabetics"} {"id":79031,"img":"img\/79031.png","text":"\"blue power tie red power tie white power tie"} {"id":74813,"img":"img\/74813.png","text":"a little gas never killed anybody right?"} {"id":75280,"img":"img\/75280.png","text":"what's \"saggin\"' spelled backwards? hint: they're pretty much the only people that sag!"} {"id":84057,"img":"img\/84057.png","text":"no little asian don't eat them raw"} {"id":57908,"img":"img\/57908.png","text":"wow. a muscle car am i supposed to be impressed by that?"} {"id":34602,"img":"img\/34602.png","text":"error"} {"id":81035,"img":"img\/81035.png","text":"white kids be like i have had enough"} {"id":3765,"img":"img\/03765.png","text":"american kids all across american storefronts!!! freeway off n on ramps!!! street corners!!! begging for $$$ for the're alcohol!!! n drugs!!!"} {"id":86179,"img":"img\/86179.png","text":"happy fucking birthday now let's party"} {"id":59107,"img":"img\/59107.png","text":"share a coke with your dad"} {"id":51628,"img":"img\/51628.png","text":"welcome to europe our government told us that and we should adopt their culture diversity makes us stronger"} {"id":71063,"img":"img\/71063.png","text":"the only way to deal with islam"} {"id":36805,"img":"img\/36805.png","text":"look at the plane, *was it's your uncle samir"} {"id":79825,"img":"img\/79825.png","text":"\"the people will not revolt they will not look up from their screens long enough to notice what is happening.\""} {"id":4563,"img":"img\/04563.png","text":"yeah, we know \"no president has done what i have done.\""} {"id":1459,"img":"img\/01459.png","text":"trust me... ...they're re all terrorists"} {"id":38401,"img":"img\/38401.png","text":"the islamic sacred book, believed to be the word of god as dictated to muhammad"} {"id":69324,"img":"img\/69324.png","text":"aim. wait. fire"} {"id":90845,"img":"img\/90845.png","text":"feeling bored, might attack a mosque later lol"} {"id":72419,"img":"img\/72419.png","text":"\"nice watch must have cost an arm and a leg\""} {"id":64297,"img":"img\/64297.png","text":"when the whole squad roasts the jewish kid"} {"id":43506,"img":"img\/43506.png","text":"there's a reason they have children. they are pedophiles"} {"id":93874,"img":"img\/93874.png","text":"allah! my goat doesn't love me anymore!"} {"id":84316,"img":"img\/84316.png","text":"i just came here to read the comments jus kiddin im blind motherfucker"} {"id":5734,"img":"img\/05734.png","text":"this man single handedly saved this animal from poachers"} {"id":82760,"img":"img\/82760.png","text":"spiders are like him not all of them are dangerous but since they all look the same to me, i don't want any of them in my house"} {"id":64730,"img":"img\/64730.png","text":"look dude a second hand store !!"} {"id":97125,"img":"img\/97125.png","text":"see? i fuckin told you! little foil on top keeps them jewsy"} {"id":39206,"img":"img\/39206.png","text":"great financial news for me this morning. no longer have to send $16 a month to that african kid"} {"id":67593,"img":"img\/67593.png","text":"4 ways to boil vegetables"} {"id":1325,"img":"img\/01325.png","text":"when your world cup team scores a goal"} {"id":89136,"img":"img\/89136.png","text":"this was fake news a lot of people don't realise it. please do your research"} {"id":3924,"img":"img\/03924.png","text":"three k's a day keeps the minorities away"} {"id":52037,"img":"img\/52037.png","text":"the first rule of book club is.. you do not talk about book club"} {"id":80321,"img":"img\/80321.png","text":"within these places they should be staying jungle water girls kitchen"} {"id":50962,"img":"img\/50962.png","text":"democrats standing up for illegals democrats standing up for americans"} {"id":1359,"img":"img\/01359.png","text":"area 51 naruto runners naruto runners let me iiiiiiiiiiiiin! let me in"} {"id":27506,"img":"img\/27506.png","text":"ladies and gents i present you with miss islam 2015 contenders"} {"id":70543,"img":"img\/70543.png","text":"find differences"} {"id":48315,"img":"img\/48315.png","text":"they're in a relationship, who makes the sandwiches?"} {"id":10649,"img":"img\/10649.png","text":"straight outta oven"} {"id":62509,"img":"img\/62509.png","text":"hot sports car for sale includes partially rebuilt tranny"} {"id":64571,"img":"img\/64571.png","text":"wait a sec are u trying to gas me again"} {"id":36521,"img":"img\/36521.png","text":"the face you make when one of those damn apes cancels your show"} {"id":40268,"img":"img\/40268.png","text":"living proof that you can shoot a liberal in the head and not hit anything vital"} {"id":40723,"img":"img\/40723.png","text":"how to pick up a girl from auschwitz"} {"id":87924,"img":"img\/87924.png","text":"gods chosen terrorists"} {"id":12589,"img":"img\/12589.png","text":"the religion of the muslims, a monotheistic faith regarded as revealed through muhammad as the prophet of allah"} {"id":6524,"img":"img\/06524.png","text":"how black women fight crime"} {"id":52719,"img":"img\/52719.png","text":"can you smell what the reich is cooking?"} {"id":45139,"img":"img\/45139.png","text":"this is the worst cancer i've ever seen"} {"id":53814,"img":"img\/53814.png","text":"my name is andrew mccabe and i just confessed to treason"} {"id":32960,"img":"img\/32960.png","text":"when your dad comes to career day but forgets to bring your happy meal"} {"id":85310,"img":"img\/85310.png","text":"german fireworks"} {"id":90657,"img":"img\/90657.png","text":"feeling cute might write a diary later"} {"id":78321,"img":"img\/78321.png","text":"if it fits it ships"} {"id":28495,"img":"img\/28495.png","text":"spending alot of time with your pets"} {"id":5791,"img":"img\/05791.png","text":"mohammed i'm pregnant.... don't sass me, you know it's funny! ~cupcakes"} {"id":16452,"img":"img\/16452.png","text":"roses are red, violets are blue i hope you like anal fisting"} {"id":7521,"img":"img\/07521.png","text":"turns out out they were expecting something very different went gay clubbing with some friends"} {"id":97514,"img":"img\/97514.png","text":"scientists have discovered that they have a lot of intelligent dna unfortunately most of them spit it out"} {"id":74508,"img":"img\/74508.png","text":"i believe racism is just like black people it shouldn't exist"} {"id":74259,"img":"img\/74259.png","text":"i'll have 72 virgins when i die i'll have 72 virgins before i die"} {"id":39725,"img":"img\/39725.png","text":"if you hold it up to your ear you can hear police sirens"} {"id":3624,"img":"img\/03624.png","text":"just a traditional muslim man with a beard"} {"id":40218,"img":"img\/40218.png","text":"some habits are hard to stop"} {"id":51928,"img":"img\/51928.png","text":"i could have annihilated all of them but i left some of them alive so you will know why i was killing them"} {"id":27548,"img":"img\/27548.png","text":"illegal immigration the cowboy way we'll know them if they try to come back in!"} {"id":57649,"img":"img\/57649.png","text":"these people are the pugs of humans"} {"id":89512,"img":"img\/89512.png","text":"united we stand. divided we fall"} {"id":87692,"img":"img\/87692.png","text":"find differences"} {"id":84325,"img":"img\/84325.png","text":"this circus clown should be eating crow!"} {"id":42083,"img":"img\/42083.png","text":"when you call the avengers and they send the one from wakanda"} {"id":26531,"img":"img\/26531.png","text":"millions of kills, 1 death what a fucking camper"} {"id":87390,"img":"img\/87390.png","text":"when you so savage you roast a whole race"} {"id":10475,"img":"img\/10475.png","text":"refugees welcome"} {"id":91736,"img":"img\/91736.png","text":"mainlanders, they are eat dogs, they do"} {"id":48379,"img":"img\/48379.png","text":"there's so much crap in this the fda wants to put it into a vaccine"} {"id":19740,"img":"img\/19740.png","text":"where we were where we are from"} {"id":21659,"img":"img\/21659.png","text":"asian child with her pet"} {"id":19846,"img":"img\/19846.png","text":"how to spot a criminal"} {"id":16758,"img":"img\/16758.png","text":"how to put a refugee baby to sleep in less than one minute"} {"id":45176,"img":"img\/45176.png","text":"she knows exactly what she's doing beware"} {"id":87501,"img":"img\/87501.png","text":"how to prepare the dog for the family event american asians"} {"id":82547,"img":"img\/82547.png","text":"r = rape"} {"id":40728,"img":"img\/40728.png","text":"i got 99 problems and chromosomes"} {"id":18465,"img":"img\/18465.png","text":"this is hercules the liger. he weighs 922 pounds that makes him one of the biggest pussies on earth... next to your bitch ass"} {"id":89140,"img":"img\/89140.png","text":"burning things that don't mean anything to you"} {"id":37845,"img":"img\/37845.png","text":"having a disability is only playing life in hard mode"} {"id":31875,"img":"img\/31875.png","text":"i went on a date blind date"} {"id":51924,"img":"img\/51924.png","text":"fridays got me like "} {"id":87532,"img":"img\/87532.png","text":"not the shower we deserved but the shower we needed"} {"id":95380,"img":"img\/95380.png","text":"what if he was the second coming of christ certainly would explain his issue with jewish people"} {"id":79243,"img":"img\/79243.png","text":"how do you defeat an extremist ideology? let's start with killing them all and go from there"} {"id":87905,"img":"img\/87905.png","text":"hello....abdulla i'm pregnant"} {"id":4582,"img":"img\/04582.png","text":"this has no place on american soil"} {"id":31920,"img":"img\/31920.png","text":"if a rabbi got into a fight, how would he defend himself? he would use jew jitsu!"} {"id":45871,"img":"img\/45871.png","text":"train therapy dogs to provide support to shy goats"} {"id":13720,"img":"img\/13720.png","text":"oh god here comes that smelly indian kid"} {"id":13297,"img":"img\/13297.png","text":"the original derp face"} {"id":78956,"img":"img\/78956.png","text":"when one of your senses doesn't work, the others step up their game"} {"id":89754,"img":"img\/89754.png","text":"hiroshima 1945 2016 detroit 1945 2016 moral of the story... it's easier to come back from a nuclear bomb than 5 decades of big government policies"} {"id":61497,"img":"img\/61497.png","text":"when you realize most adults in the world still read this symbol \"#\" as \"pound\" ...and you named your women's movement against sexual harassment #metoo"} {"id":59460,"img":"img\/59460.png","text":"take the new i hate trump challenge"} {"id":17938,"img":"img\/17938.png","text":"\"life hack #23 how to get stoned with no weed\""} {"id":40316,"img":"img\/40316.png","text":"when dishwasher stops working take it back"} {"id":92847,"img":"img\/92847.png","text":"rise of the planet of the apes (1963)"} {"id":63915,"img":"img\/63915.png","text":"i did nazi that bird fly by did you?"} {"id":38159,"img":"img\/38159.png","text":"rare picture of a dishwasher at birth"} {"id":2514,"img":"img\/02514.png","text":"if they're in a relationship, who makes the sandwiches?"} {"id":50783,"img":"img\/50783.png","text":"handjobs sold separately"} {"id":78152,"img":"img\/78152.png","text":"great financial news for me this morning no longer have to send $16 a month to that african kid"} {"id":56294,"img":"img\/56294.png","text":"she put on the purple lipstick and she became the bomb"} {"id":59021,"img":"img\/59021.png","text":"how do you get a jewish girls number? roll up her sleeve"} {"id":76145,"img":"img\/76145.png","text":"we are addicted to racism we can't go a day with calling someone a racist"} {"id":79105,"img":"img\/79105.png","text":"he who is not with me is against me [matthew 12: 30] only a sith deals in absolutes"} {"id":26358,"img":"img\/26358.png","text":"charcoal mask. looks cool. tastes weird"} {"id":5389,"img":"img\/05389.png","text":"this pizza is so disgusting if you take it to italv you'll get arrested"} {"id":69304,"img":"img\/69304.png","text":"sharia law, it's not just for lunatics anymore... unless we say hell no! memegenerator.net"} {"id":87430,"img":"img\/87430.png","text":"the i'm not black but my kids will be face"} {"id":13069,"img":"img\/13069.png","text":"replaced by misunderstood girlfriend doesn't get jealous"} {"id":5379,"img":"img\/05379.png","text":"i'd like the porn in my room to be disabled we only have regular porn you sick bastard"} {"id":71253,"img":"img\/71253.png","text":"baby making faces babymaking faces"} {"id":27580,"img":"img\/27580.png","text":"showing off my new tat"} {"id":41602,"img":"img\/41602.png","text":"ever wondered why atheists are so stupid? because not believing in something does not require a single brain cell"} {"id":80246,"img":"img\/80246.png","text":"car salesman roof of car"} {"id":92658,"img":"img\/92658.png","text":"i found the lgbt hq straight pride"} {"id":10482,"img":"img\/10482.png","text":"american asians how to prepare the dog for the family event"} {"id":60794,"img":"img\/60794.png","text":"what every muslim looks like to me"} {"id":36810,"img":"img\/36810.png","text":"crazy bitches be like.. who the fuck is amber alert?"} {"id":16473,"img":"img\/16473.png","text":"we are all the same no matter are you black, yellow, red or normal"} {"id":94086,"img":"img\/94086.png","text":"oh yeah i'm definitely using this picture on tinder"} {"id":30576,"img":"img\/30576.png","text":"why don't they eat pussy? too close because it's to the gas chamber"} {"id":37145,"img":"img\/37145.png","text":"when you finally give in and agree with you'll spend time with her parents"} {"id":45976,"img":"img\/45976.png","text":"terrorism is one of the only areas where they do most of the work and none of them get the credit"} {"id":20145,"img":"img\/20145.png","text":"is it a boy or a girl? it's a bomb"} {"id":27519,"img":"img\/27519.png","text":"note to americans: we behead our own so keep on \"tolerating us\" until we take over your country"} {"id":93174,"img":"img\/93174.png","text":"nazi rally"} {"id":69823,"img":"img\/69823.png","text":"what do you call a group of stoned mexicans? baked beans"} {"id":68190,"img":"img\/68190.png","text":"is it a boy or a girl? it's a bomb"} {"id":86021,"img":"img\/86021.png","text":"hitler enjoying a chill day at kehlsteinhaus"} {"id":61752,"img":"img\/61752.png","text":"partial arts"} {"id":63490,"img":"img\/63490.png","text":"mommy, why am i getting christmas presents in august? because it's cheaper than chemotherapy"} {"id":91036,"img":"img\/91036.png","text":"hello, meme police i've been robbed"} {"id":54823,"img":"img\/54823.png","text":"oops. broke the dishwasher again"} {"id":72830,"img":"img\/72830.png","text":"m'am stop resisting your feet are crucial to the investigation"} {"id":10287,"img":"img\/10287.png","text":"found bigfoot married her"} {"id":13074,"img":"img\/13074.png","text":"when your dive instructor starts yelling in arabic"} {"id":80653,"img":"img\/80653.png","text":"sometimes, you have to water your farm equipment so it doesn't overheat"} {"id":27408,"img":"img\/27408.png","text":"she's chilling with her new purchases"} {"id":13726,"img":"img\/13726.png","text":"democrats giving rights to those who have no right to be here, while taking rights from those who do"} {"id":61792,"img":"img\/61792.png","text":"not the shower we deserved but the shower we needed"} {"id":32560,"img":"img\/32560.png","text":"how black women fight crime"} {"id":16320,"img":"img\/16320.png","text":"everyone wants to be gangster until it's time to do gangster shit"} {"id":84901,"img":"img\/84901.png","text":"donald trump putting \"i can!\" back into the hearts of all americans"} {"id":97245,"img":"img\/97245.png","text":"smile like you were able to find that you're famous enough to have a nice wikipedia page"} {"id":34170,"img":"img\/34170.png","text":"how to spot a criminal"} {"id":58730,"img":"img\/58730.png","text":"share this goat for no reason"} {"id":80759,"img":"img\/80759.png","text":"that look when you find out your husband isn't coming home from the mosque"} {"id":93857,"img":"img\/93857.png","text":"ideology kills a dozen \"infidels\""} {"id":72430,"img":"img\/72430.png","text":"goes to the future doesn't warn marty about parkinson's"} {"id":71028,"img":"img\/71028.png","text":"have you ever lost all respect for someone? you don't hate them but you don't t feel the need to associate yourself or say anything to them anymore"} {"id":24836,"img":"img\/24836.png","text":"surrender my guns to a government that doesn't think twice about slaughtering a helpless baby.. you've absolutely lost your damn mind!"} {"id":83924,"img":"img\/83924.png","text":"than nasty i'd rather be deplorable"} {"id":32067,"img":"img\/32067.png","text":"did you learn about the crusades in your history class?"} {"id":71649,"img":"img\/71649.png","text":"workers taking the cotton at a plantation"} {"id":23014,"img":"img\/23014.png","text":"lookin fly for london fashion week"} {"id":92136,"img":"img\/92136.png","text":"spot the difference"} {"id":76180,"img":"img\/76180.png","text":"how to get stoned without smoking weed"} {"id":19238,"img":"img\/19238.png","text":"when did you decide to gender swap? it started when i ls swapped my mustang"} {"id":36418,"img":"img\/36418.png","text":"well, i guess we'll.. beheading home now"} {"id":89571,"img":"img\/89571.png","text":"don't defile the lineage given to you by your forefathers do what's right, keep it white"} {"id":20918,"img":"img\/20918.png","text":"what every arab in sydney looks like"} {"id":71832,"img":"img\/71832.png","text":"when a waitress dates the new dishwasher"} {"id":42507,"img":"img\/42507.png","text":"some habits are hard to stop"} {"id":21849,"img":"img\/21849.png","text":"march 8th international women's day"} {"id":8674,"img":"img\/08674.png","text":"burning things that don't mean anything to you"} {"id":62418,"img":"img\/62418.png","text":"this happens to 1\/3 of women 2\/3 aren't doing their job"} {"id":74281,"img":"img\/74281.png","text":"hey frank my t-shirt doesn't fit shut up greg"} {"id":48916,"img":"img\/48916.png","text":"well, i guess we'll.. just head home now"} {"id":43571,"img":"img\/43571.png","text":"oh you want trump impeached? for what? the crime of making you cry?"} {"id":97486,"img":"img\/97486.png","text":"shame on you america you said you would never forget"} {"id":68172,"img":"img\/68172.png","text":"he went to jail for your sins"} {"id":17869,"img":"img\/17869.png","text":"party tonight? i'm down"} {"id":62307,"img":"img\/62307.png","text":"my favorite sex position is the jfk i splatter all over her while she screams and"} {"id":69123,"img":"img\/69123.png","text":"heeeadddd shoulders wheel and frame wheel and frame"} {"id":84639,"img":"img\/84639.png","text":"you're a f*g, you're a f*g, you're all f*gs!"} {"id":25874,"img":"img\/25874.png","text":"picture of conservatives rioting in the streets after the 9th circuit court of appeals ruling"} {"id":68720,"img":"img\/68720.png","text":"why does helen keller only masturbate with one hand? so she can moan with the other!"} {"id":47532,"img":"img\/47532.png","text":"turning every country it touches into a shithole"} {"id":86514,"img":"img\/86514.png","text":"dey call me wong sum ting wong"} {"id":1324,"img":"img\/01324.png","text":"the great train robbers"} {"id":85912,"img":"img\/85912.png","text":"which jewish girl is hotter?"} {"id":86193,"img":"img\/86193.png","text":"these women have access to top secret classified information let that sink in"} {"id":5174,"img":"img\/05174.png","text":"when you start burning calories instead of people"} {"id":27659,"img":"img\/27659.png","text":"when ur too young to know racism but ur happy cause u got a new pet"} {"id":4536,"img":"img\/04536.png","text":"he's not a great debater, he's not a smooth talking politician, he's not part of the establishment, but he is a true american patriot! we cannot sit back and watch them destroy this man who is trying to help us ! he can clean up america and they know it !"} {"id":74261,"img":"img\/74261.png","text":"happy birthday, gay boy!"} {"id":58716,"img":"img\/58716.png","text":"they are like manure spread them out and they help everything grow better, but keep them in one big pile and they stink horribly"} {"id":39658,"img":"img\/39658.png","text":"hey trump, since they don't want a wall let's build a 24\/7 firing range and mine field"} {"id":43819,"img":"img\/43819.png","text":"what's left of my opponents after our rap battle"} {"id":34950,"img":"img\/34950.png","text":"this has no place on american soil"} {"id":15489,"img":"img\/15489.png","text":"rice cooker now versus in 1945"} {"id":79824,"img":"img\/79824.png","text":"i was going to make a joke about us but they always blow up in your face"} {"id":86215,"img":"img\/86215.png","text":"just going out for groceries"} {"id":42681,"img":"img\/42681.png","text":"when you smoke, that's the amount of ash that fills your lungs stop smoking, stop cancer"} {"id":18462,"img":"img\/18462.png","text":"when it's your first time sky diving"} {"id":36729,"img":"img\/36729.png","text":"when your little bomber brings home his first girlfriend"} {"id":83726,"img":"img\/83726.png","text":"when people keep asking you if you're angry"} {"id":46790,"img":"img\/46790.png","text":"patty cake... patty cake butt hole... hand i got tourette's syndrome chicken... fucked ham"} {"id":85612,"img":"img\/85612.png","text":"the horrors of the holocaust"} {"id":1364,"img":"img\/01364.png","text":"and that was the last nativity play my son was invited to take part in"} {"id":79465,"img":"img\/79465.png","text":"i went on a date blind date"} {"id":61980,"img":"img\/61980.png","text":"well, i guess we'll... beheading home now"} {"id":60193,"img":"img\/60193.png","text":"would ya look at that this dryer comes with a free dishwasher"} {"id":13674,"img":"img\/13674.png","text":"hiding from his bath"} {"id":28534,"img":"img\/28534.png","text":"it's the cowboy way of doin things"} {"id":82964,"img":"img\/82964.png","text":"they were mentally ill. i had to cure them"} {"id":48735,"img":"img\/48735.png","text":"when your parents ask why the gas bill is so high"} {"id":81752,"img":"img\/81752.png","text":"me: i promise i won't get caught up in my stories me 3 drinks later: and there was ghost!"} {"id":90875,"img":"img\/90875.png","text":"so obama imports 70,000 somali immigrants and parks them in minnesota, where almost all cluster in a single area,specifically the fifth congressional district. that district recently was identified by the fbi as america's terrorist recruitment capital, and is represented by ilhan omar, who is calling for dissolution of america's homeland security. are you connecting the dots yet?"} {"id":57128,"img":"img\/57128.png","text":"tag that one friend that does weird shit like this"} {"id":28196,"img":"img\/28196.png","text":"the woman you met who admits she's wrong, apologizes and changes her ways"} {"id":8716,"img":"img\/08716.png","text":"for decades bruce fondled her this just in caitlyn jenner claims"} {"id":40127,"img":"img\/40127.png","text":"the original derp face"} {"id":49215,"img":"img\/49215.png","text":"waiting for fb parole like ok no more goat fucker jokes"} {"id":8691,"img":"img\/08691.png","text":"if he dies in the movie \"toy story\" all the toys have to watch as the children play with their dead friend's lifeless body"} {"id":1937,"img":"img\/01937.png","text":"when you find a shooter the same day you plan a bombing, so you team up"} {"id":95402,"img":"img\/95402.png","text":"to all the high school grads... congratulations on getting through the easiest part of life"} {"id":38764,"img":"img\/38764.png","text":"there's only one race the human race and that thing on the right? that's a monkey in human clothes"} {"id":27105,"img":"img\/27105.png","text":"german fireworks"} {"id":21647,"img":"img\/21647.png","text":"when you're a terrible dictator and want to conquer the world"} {"id":40829,"img":"img\/40829.png","text":"i don't let my vitiligo get me down"} {"id":84517,"img":"img\/84517.png","text":"you said the vehicles aren't owned by members of the ppa... ...the lie detector determined, that was a lie"} {"id":67034,"img":"img\/67034.png","text":"hitler led the first public anti-smoking campaign in modern history i did nazi that coming"} {"id":18430,"img":"img\/18430.png","text":"share a coke with your dad"} {"id":92014,"img":"img\/92014.png","text":"stop making that face jonathan. you look silly"} {"id":85317,"img":"img\/85317.png","text":"there's nothing on those cards we flip a coin backstage"} {"id":65740,"img":"img\/65740.png","text":"how to pick up a girl from auschwitz:"} {"id":57089,"img":"img\/57089.png","text":"love knows no boundaries"} {"id":58046,"img":"img\/58046.png","text":"redneck murders are hard to solve there're no dental records and all of the dna is the same"} {"id":30124,"img":"img\/30124.png","text":"relaxing weekend share with 10 more people if you agree"} {"id":27960,"img":"img\/27960.png","text":"oops. broke the dishwasher again"} {"id":92785,"img":"img\/92785.png","text":"jeffrey dahmer dumping his last boyfriend"} {"id":46503,"img":"img\/46503.png","text":"even i can see obama's a muslim"} {"id":8567,"img":"img\/08567.png","text":"to see better, asians sometime switch to fullscreen veiw"} {"id":50126,"img":"img\/50126.png","text":"im jared, and fuck tyrone im here to fuck his kids, footlong style"} {"id":26391,"img":"img\/26391.png","text":"\"my husband told me to make him a sandwich i need a good comeback i would come back with a sandwich\""} {"id":71532,"img":"img\/71532.png","text":"kills: 17 million, deaths: 1 fucking camper"} {"id":97568,"img":"img\/97568.png","text":"how to cook turkey in usa how to cook turkey in romania"} {"id":31057,"img":"img\/31057.png","text":"the i'm not black but my kids will be face"} {"id":42169,"img":"img\/42169.png","text":"i just found out that my father; a lifelong staunch republican is voting for the democrats......... he would have never done that when he was alive"} {"id":24019,"img":"img\/24019.png","text":"lawn darts muslim style"} {"id":48652,"img":"img\/48652.png","text":"we can end racism if we end a race"} {"id":34708,"img":"img\/34708.png","text":"nowadays chicks feel like showing skin is a sign of confidence but in reality its a form of insecurity because they have nothing else to offer other than sexuality"} {"id":56409,"img":"img\/56409.png","text":"when someone asks me how many chromosomes i have more than you"} {"id":45283,"img":"img\/45283.png","text":"once you go black so does your face"} {"id":49673,"img":"img\/49673.png","text":"oh man they're heavy. take the picture already"} {"id":92015,"img":"img\/92015.png","text":"good guy police officer capturing them young"} {"id":96345,"img":"img\/96345.png","text":"these atheist fools what do you mean \"evidence\"? i gave you the bible verse \""} {"id":62501,"img":"img\/62501.png","text":"say no. it's not only the proper christian stance, but the christian's duty \"god resisteth the proud...\" 1 peter 5:5"} {"id":48570,"img":"img\/48570.png","text":"\"my name is osama bin laden and this is jackass\""} {"id":41657,"img":"img\/41657.png","text":"junkies be like... naw bro, i'm clean....i take suboxone"} {"id":65234,"img":"img\/65234.png","text":"my neighbour ordered a blow-up doll from a muslim sex shop"} {"id":21065,"img":"img\/21065.png","text":"i just squirted tranny fluid"} {"id":39580,"img":"img\/39580.png","text":"please stop calling your ancestors slaves. they were honorable nobles held as prisoners of war and those psychopathic crimnals weren't masters"} {"id":79081,"img":"img\/79081.png","text":"these wind chimes don't make a sound should have known the brown ones wouldn't work"} {"id":56327,"img":"img\/56327.png","text":"shame on you america you said you would never forget"} {"id":34870,"img":"img\/34870.png","text":"spot the difference"} {"id":10462,"img":"img\/10462.png","text":"back in my day there were only two genders male and not male"} {"id":69425,"img":"img\/69425.png","text":"no little asian don't eat them raw"} {"id":50176,"img":"img\/50176.png","text":"how do you get a jewish girls number? roll up her sleeve"} {"id":81095,"img":"img\/81095.png","text":"when you so savage you roast a whole race"} {"id":57169,"img":"img\/57169.png","text":"mfw i pull up at the lights next to the person who sped past me"} {"id":15097,"img":"img\/15097.png","text":"you forgot a comma? i forgot your parents were in the gas chamber"} {"id":86231,"img":"img\/86231.png","text":"never be afraid to be yourself"} {"id":53419,"img":"img\/53419.png","text":"do you know what happens after 6 tequila shots? .........nobody does"} {"id":16423,"img":"img\/16423.png","text":"911, what is your emergency? \"i asked a man to defend trump without saying obama, clinton or democrats\""} {"id":4319,"img":"img\/04319.png","text":"sometimes, you have to water your farm equipment so it doesn't overheat"} {"id":70214,"img":"img\/70214.png","text":"let's not be hasty. the worldview of the guys who created this grisly spectacle of mass-murder could be any number of- comedy aaaaaannnd it's these guys"} {"id":28790,"img":"img\/28790.png","text":"monkeys often pick bugs off each other to snack on"} {"id":8376,"img":"img\/08376.png","text":"debris from todays tornadoes ..oops nevermind... that's just a picture from the snake pit at the indy 500"} {"id":51697,"img":"img\/51697.png","text":"you know you're from denver when... towards the mountains is an official direction"} {"id":62398,"img":"img\/62398.png","text":"this is me tryna look cool after learning how to shoot from the movies"} {"id":13765,"img":"img\/13765.png","text":"when your parents tell you to go to the store when you just got home"} {"id":72839,"img":"img\/72839.png","text":"im not always hooked on a feeling but when i am, im high on believing"} {"id":76842,"img":"img\/76842.png","text":"these wind chimes don't make a sound should have known the brown ones wouldn't work"} {"id":90162,"img":"img\/90162.png","text":"these people are the pugs of humans"} {"id":69308,"img":"img\/69308.png","text":"texting and flying n what's the worst that could happen?"} {"id":67935,"img":"img\/67935.png","text":"christina ford brett kavanaugh 17 15 i'll take shit that never happened for 1000"} {"id":50348,"img":"img\/50348.png","text":"asians be like switching to fullscreen mode"} {"id":19672,"img":"img\/19672.png","text":"got any more dumb white people"} {"id":18750,"img":"img\/18750.png","text":"turn for what"} {"id":16348,"img":"img\/16348.png","text":"the same enemy. we all have by the same people my people were exploited by the same people my land was stolen my people was stolen by the same people"} {"id":52839,"img":"img\/52839.png","text":"me convincing homophobes that i'm just like them and not a sexually deviant pervert"} {"id":71950,"img":"img\/71950.png","text":"if they aren't meant to cook why do they have eggs and milk inside them"} {"id":29863,"img":"img\/29863.png","text":"when your parents ask why the gas bill is so high"} {"id":23897,"img":"img\/23897.png","text":"all was well in new york until the fire nation attacked"} {"id":62031,"img":"img\/62031.png","text":"when they said we would be going for a spin this wasn't what i expected"} {"id":89106,"img":"img\/89106.png","text":"stand tall. stand proud"} {"id":84652,"img":"img\/84652.png","text":"don't judge me bro! why didn't i let them judge me? now god did!"} {"id":14836,"img":"img\/14836.png","text":"when your dad comes to career day and starts handing out mixtapes"} {"id":5864,"img":"img\/05864.png","text":"trust me... ...they're re all terrorists"} {"id":94107,"img":"img\/94107.png","text":"because even other planets need crime"} {"id":28463,"img":"img\/28463.png","text":"your dog's favorite food"} {"id":89532,"img":"img\/89532.png","text":"how to remember kid in hot car keep 2nd road beer with them!"} {"id":84395,"img":"img\/84395.png","text":"how to pick up a girl from auschwitz"} {"id":36029,"img":"img\/36029.png","text":"stupid neighbours woke me up"} {"id":7265,"img":"img\/07265.png","text":"muslim terror attacks are more frequent white terror attacks are more efficient"} {"id":42830,"img":"img\/42830.png","text":"what if tornadoes are actually created secretly by the government to destroy these"} {"id":16832,"img":"img\/16832.png","text":"last year tyrone got a new job, started building his credit, then something amazing started to happen! and spending more time with his kids"} {"id":42850,"img":"img\/42850.png","text":"keep it legal. keep it affordable !"} {"id":13870,"img":"img\/13870.png","text":"if james brown and the creature from the black lagoon had a baby"} {"id":23197,"img":"img\/23197.png","text":"\"beats by dre beats by tyrone"} {"id":93046,"img":"img\/93046.png","text":"muslim terrorist, spy anti semite the poster child of the left"} {"id":42936,"img":"img\/42936.png","text":"dark humour is like a child with cancer it doesn't get old"} {"id":5846,"img":"img\/05846.png","text":"our insurance"} {"id":8917,"img":"img\/08917.png","text":"what are you doing there? you're a cat, not a jew"} {"id":95341,"img":"img\/95341.png","text":"one of the worst tragedies of our time"} {"id":68034,"img":"img\/68034.png","text":"when you go to africa and a kid is roasting you are you eatin though?"} {"id":43529,"img":"img\/43529.png","text":"when your actively avoiding your responsibilities while trying to look busy"} {"id":95072,"img":"img\/95072.png","text":"this guy just friended and unfriended me 45 times in 15 seconds anyone know him??"} {"id":20174,"img":"img\/20174.png","text":"when dishwasher stops working take it back"} {"id":15942,"img":"img\/15942.png","text":"radical muslims want to cut your head off moderate muslims want radical muslims to cut your head off"} {"id":57921,"img":"img\/57921.png","text":"because most of the time 5.56 just doesn't send the right message"} {"id":16253,"img":"img\/16253.png","text":"when your dive instructor starts yelling in arabic"} {"id":64813,"img":"img\/64813.png","text":"be careful who you call ugly in high school"} {"id":21730,"img":"img\/21730.png","text":"live. laugh. love"} {"id":17935,"img":"img\/17935.png","text":"we're glad you're home. the russians pooped in the hallway"} {"id":17062,"img":"img\/17062.png","text":"\"how dark are my memes? well they...\""} {"id":28954,"img":"img\/28954.png","text":"don't like me? i don't care, it's still a beautiful day in my neighborhood"} {"id":78163,"img":"img\/78163.png","text":"note to americans: we behead gays and brutalize women so keep on \"tolerating us\" until we take over your country"} {"id":51968,"img":"img\/51968.png","text":"kid with cancer: so when i get out of the hospital i'm going to join you? the avengers visiting him:"} {"id":97021,"img":"img\/97021.png","text":"adam, you know what they do with traitors #treason dontcha?"} {"id":20749,"img":"img\/20749.png","text":"ideology kills a dozen \"infidels\""} {"id":31042,"img":"img\/31042.png","text":"when you max out intelligence and put nothing on agility"} {"id":54617,"img":"img\/54617.png","text":"girlfriends, let me tell you what i saw on amazon"} {"id":30571,"img":"img\/30571.png","text":"trump is functionally illiterate and knows almost nothing about american history"} {"id":10396,"img":"img\/10396.png","text":"once a place where innocents were murdered. now a historical site for people to learn"} {"id":19587,"img":"img\/19587.png","text":"i support terrorists because they're pea brains like me"} {"id":37620,"img":"img\/37620.png","text":"do i have something in my teeth?"} {"id":68321,"img":"img\/68321.png","text":"i don't know how it happened, one moment i was on my bike next thing i knew, i woke up in a hospital"} {"id":59384,"img":"img\/59384.png","text":"kids may be a gift but i like playing with the box they came in!"} {"id":64391,"img":"img\/64391.png","text":"a brief history of everything"} {"id":7915,"img":"img\/07915.png","text":"they're just like eggs better when beaten well"} {"id":89421,"img":"img\/89421.png","text":"say \"no\" to pride month! it's not only the proper christian stance, but the christian's duty \"...god resisteth the proud...\" 1 peter 5:5"} {"id":24756,"img":"img\/24756.png","text":"met a jewish girl and she asked me for my number i told her we use names here"} {"id":10956,"img":"img\/10956.png","text":"check out these legs i bet you did nazi that coming"} {"id":78613,"img":"img\/78613.png","text":"hey there delilah, what's it like in new york city."} {"id":14375,"img":"img\/14375.png","text":"wait a sec are u trying to gas me again"} {"id":81964,"img":"img\/81964.png","text":"oprah winfrey: \"old white people need to just die\""} {"id":40735,"img":"img\/40735.png","text":"what do i do when my dishwasher stops? i should get back to scrubbing"} {"id":39726,"img":"img\/39726.png","text":"excuse me.... i think you're doing it wrong"} {"id":96103,"img":"img\/96103.png","text":"when you've decided to start a life of crime"} {"id":63097,"img":"img\/63097.png","text":"like and share if you want loretta lynch investigated"} {"id":29483,"img":"img\/29483.png","text":"the effects of slavery are still felt to this day"} {"id":48539,"img":"img\/48539.png","text":"the woman you met who admits she's wrong, apologizes and changes her ways"} {"id":81309,"img":"img\/81309.png","text":"college students on the naacps vote hard bus tour"} {"id":41527,"img":"img\/41527.png","text":"we protest for our rights !"} {"id":89250,"img":"img\/89250.png","text":"when you start burning calories instead of people"} {"id":98632,"img":"img\/98632.png","text":"hasidic jews proficient in the torah"} {"id":29408,"img":"img\/29408.png","text":"screw area 51 lets storm cheyenne mountain and get the stargate"} {"id":38496,"img":"img\/38496.png","text":"romanians when they see a slightly open purse\/pocket\/window"} {"id":6195,"img":"img\/06195.png","text":"what do i do when my dishwasher stops? i should get back to scrubbing"} {"id":79531,"img":"img\/79531.png","text":"sea monkeys"} {"id":52401,"img":"img\/52401.png","text":"slutty girls are like walmarts everybody makes fun of them but, when you're inside one at 4am you think \"i'm glad these are here\""} {"id":45263,"img":"img\/45263.png","text":"asians be like switching to fullscreen mode"} {"id":98137,"img":"img\/98137.png","text":"life has its ups and downs"} {"id":89307,"img":"img\/89307.png","text":"jihad militants wear explosive belts during news"} {"id":42958,"img":"img\/42958.png","text":"if you wantto find out if you're gay poop in your hand and jack off"} {"id":39061,"img":"img\/39061.png","text":"\"farming simulator 19 classic equipment dlc\""} {"id":23175,"img":"img\/23175.png","text":"all men are pigs women are equal to men"} {"id":69370,"img":"img\/69370.png","text":"what did you have for dinner? we just had sausages it was the wurst"} {"id":57049,"img":"img\/57049.png","text":"radical muslims are snakes. moderate muslims are the grass they hide in"} {"id":82469,"img":"img\/82469.png","text":"you're not you when you're hungry. grab a snickers"} {"id":25193,"img":"img\/25193.png","text":"you wanna get rid of flags and statues that remind you of the history of slavery? black people were around during slavery you wanna get rid of them too?"} {"id":26197,"img":"img\/26197.png","text":"instead of saying \"fuck the ss\" how about you stop breaking the law?"} {"id":96581,"img":"img\/96581.png","text":"\"if a dishwasher wore pants, would it wear them like this or like this\""} {"id":70164,"img":"img\/70164.png","text":"there's a reason they have children. they are pedophiles"} {"id":53967,"img":"img\/53967.png","text":"but you're on a diet when you have coke in the fridge"} {"id":65297,"img":"img\/65297.png","text":"when your little bomber brings home his first girlfriend"} {"id":23694,"img":"img\/23694.png","text":"\"we will take over politically, oust the constitution, establish sharia law, and behead all non- muslims, right in the streets of america\""} {"id":42351,"img":"img\/42351.png","text":"we are not here to be part of america we are here to take over america"} {"id":78206,"img":"img\/78206.png","text":"authentic lunch in venezuela"} {"id":89461,"img":"img\/89461.png","text":"women use chemicals to remove polish everyday and no one bats an eye i use chemicals to remove the polish and suddenly i'm the world's biggest villain!"} {"id":96710,"img":"img\/96710.png","text":"the pill that everyone wants truth but can't seem to swallow"} {"id":40256,"img":"img\/40256.png","text":"book of satan written by psychopaths"} {"id":5438,"img":"img\/05438.png","text":"didn't get bought today success!"} {"id":27861,"img":"img\/27861.png","text":"what i say about the gunman every time there's a mass shooting"} {"id":10748,"img":"img\/10748.png","text":"can afford to travel from romania to london still picks your pocket"} {"id":6752,"img":"img\/06752.png","text":"the amish reject modern society without strapping explosives children proof that you can be completely devoted to your religion wear beards, dress modestly and reject modern society without strapping explosives to children"} {"id":65473,"img":"img\/65473.png","text":"ladies and gents i present you with miss islam 2015 contenders"} {"id":7658,"img":"img\/07658.png","text":"i was asked who my favourite x-men character was apparently my answer was inappropriate"} {"id":6387,"img":"img\/06387.png","text":"when your leader is killed by a drone and you get to fuck his herd of goats"} {"id":82419,"img":"img\/82419.png","text":"piss off the muslims by saying merry christmas to all!"} {"id":81250,"img":"img\/81250.png","text":"hey there delilah, what's it like in new york city."} {"id":7645,"img":"img\/07645.png","text":"dem rep calls trump supporters 'just plain dumb' & 'racist' in letter on house floor.. what's your response?"} {"id":31590,"img":"img\/31590.png","text":"when you told her you was going to fuck her till she was stupid"} {"id":16029,"img":"img\/16029.png","text":"you think i'm a terrorist but i identify as a firework"} {"id":1836,"img":"img\/01836.png","text":"can you hear me at the back?"} {"id":53476,"img":"img\/53476.png","text":"when you wanna delete google chrome but you accidentally delete your chromosome"} {"id":39405,"img":"img\/39405.png","text":"you call that a killing, ahmed? this is a killing!"} {"id":64278,"img":"img\/64278.png","text":"they were uneducated false they all had their masters"} {"id":39425,"img":"img\/39425.png","text":"when dad keeps banging the goat instead of you"} {"id":13792,"img":"img\/13792.png","text":"when daddy takes away your small loan so that you can't build a wall"} {"id":20781,"img":"img\/20781.png","text":"you'll never be lonely@ goatsonly.com"} {"id":76023,"img":"img\/76023.png","text":"women astronaut because sandwiches won't make themselves up here"} {"id":97456,"img":"img\/97456.png","text":"rare picture of a dishwasher at birth"} {"id":2649,"img":"img\/02649.png","text":"and that was the last nativity play my son was invited to take part in"} {"id":81395,"img":"img\/81395.png","text":"a role model for women everywhere"} {"id":60721,"img":"img\/60721.png","text":"when you see the gas bill"} {"id":87510,"img":"img\/87510.png","text":"similar to sharks because all the great ones are white"} {"id":61274,"img":"img\/61274.png","text":"with my pink hijab, looking fly"} {"id":65078,"img":"img\/65078.png","text":"didn't get bought today success!"} {"id":36920,"img":"img\/36920.png","text":"i love the poorly educated wish granted"} {"id":9723,"img":"img\/09723.png","text":"half honky all donkey"} {"id":76459,"img":"img\/76459.png","text":"when yall both on your rag but eating ass is life"} {"id":16529,"img":"img\/16529.png","text":"my dog loves the attention"} {"id":89107,"img":"img\/89107.png","text":"leave that one alone bill he's my weed man"} {"id":42308,"img":"img\/42308.png","text":"don't be racist black and white children are the same"} {"id":19684,"img":"img\/19684.png","text":"a muslim mans fantasy"} {"id":31627,"img":"img\/31627.png","text":"a fire cracker"} {"id":56184,"img":"img\/56184.png","text":"go home stoned eyes give nothing away"} {"id":32965,"img":"img\/32965.png","text":"good friday? more like great friday. amirite?"} {"id":60185,"img":"img\/60185.png","text":"when someone asks me how many chromosomes i have more than you"} {"id":92547,"img":"img\/92547.png","text":"1939-1945 bake off winner"} {"id":72450,"img":"img\/72450.png","text":"the closest some of us will ever get to heaven"} {"id":48356,"img":"img\/48356.png","text":"they are the biggest terrorists in the history of the world. we have entire history of books showing this data"} {"id":84360,"img":"img\/84360.png","text":"a pair of old men gossiping"} {"id":27180,"img":"img\/27180.png","text":"inbred you are cat piss you smell like"} {"id":57280,"img":"img\/57280.png","text":"he said he'd do the dishes instead he just ate and slept"} {"id":20786,"img":"img\/20786.png","text":"can hear you taking a massive shit in a public toilet turns the hand dryers on as he leaves"} {"id":15079,"img":"img\/15079.png","text":"made rice krispies way before kelloggs"} {"id":47180,"img":"img\/47180.png","text":"and that's why i gas people"} {"id":9516,"img":"img\/09516.png","text":"and that's why i gas people"} {"id":31470,"img":"img\/31470.png","text":"they were mentally ill. i had to cure them"} {"id":94302,"img":"img\/94302.png","text":"we can end racism if we end a race"} {"id":24658,"img":"img\/24658.png","text":"silly f@ggots, dicks are for chicks get trump's out of your mouth"} {"id":56790,"img":"img\/56790.png","text":"isis murders 140 people in paris 11. 13 2015 paris closes their borders donald trumps wall doesn't seem so stupid now does it?"} {"id":42036,"img":"img\/42036.png","text":"over heard my daughter telling her friend she was curious what it would be like to date a black guy so ... i showed her!"} {"id":69487,"img":"img\/69487.png","text":"don't be racist black and white children are the same"} {"id":5978,"img":"img\/05978.png","text":"i think it is safe now challenge accepted"} {"id":23075,"img":"img\/23075.png","text":"when your teacher roasts you and your homie but he doesn't know about the bomb that's going off in 2 mins"} {"id":94018,"img":"img\/94018.png","text":"david cameron celebrates with with supporters at his constituency office"} {"id":75820,"img":"img\/75820.png","text":"let's go"} {"id":40862,"img":"img\/40862.png","text":"so liberating for us to finally be able to be ourselves"} {"id":97546,"img":"img\/97546.png","text":"texting and flying what's the worst that could happen?"} {"id":63908,"img":"img\/63908.png","text":"i'm sick of making excuses for him. i need to leave"} {"id":73841,"img":"img\/73841.png","text":"which jewish girl is hotter?"} {"id":74031,"img":"img\/74031.png","text":"their average iq is about 70-80, few points above being retarded"} {"id":58467,"img":"img\/58467.png","text":"terrorism is one of the only areas where they do most of the work and none of them get the credit"} {"id":40681,"img":"img\/40681.png","text":"having a child didn't ruin my life it saved my life"} {"id":32789,"img":"img\/32789.png","text":"how dark are my memes? well they."} {"id":84759,"img":"img\/84759.png","text":"what if tornadoes are actually created secretly by the government to destroy white trash people living in trailer homes"} {"id":41370,"img":"img\/41370.png","text":"hi, i'm rashida tlaib and i'm what's wrong with the country"} {"id":68039,"img":"img\/68039.png","text":"when black people think it's funny to steal a white man's bike"} {"id":90586,"img":"img\/90586.png","text":"why doesnt mexico have a good athletics team because anyone that can run or jump is already on the other side of the wall"} {"id":85764,"img":"img\/85764.png","text":"one small step for man one large step for mankind"} {"id":6927,"img":"img\/06927.png","text":"this is me not having any white guilt"} {"id":62490,"img":"img\/62490.png","text":"1939-1945 bake off winner"} {"id":82507,"img":"img\/82507.png","text":"me: want some ribs? chinese person: no me: want some ribs made from house pets? chinese person:"} {"id":52710,"img":"img\/52710.png","text":"loading the dishwasher in the back solid move"} {"id":37951,"img":"img\/37951.png","text":"this is a bane on our society report it when you see it"} {"id":28504,"img":"img\/28504.png","text":"we wouldn't change him for the world. but we wish the world would change for him"} {"id":16827,"img":"img\/16827.png","text":"partial arts"} {"id":12678,"img":"img\/12678.png","text":"did you really think i was going to let the patriots lose"} {"id":19346,"img":"img\/19346.png","text":"these women have access to top secret classified information let that sink in"} {"id":16904,"img":"img\/16904.png","text":"than nasty i'd rather be deplorable"} {"id":97236,"img":"img\/97236.png","text":"you know u got problems when the dog questions his love for peanut butter"} {"id":96240,"img":"img\/96240.png","text":"look out its..... the j\u00e3ger bomber!"} {"id":6231,"img":"img\/06231.png","text":"do i need to dig up hitler to show you how to use an oven"} {"id":16478,"img":"img\/16478.png","text":"do you think cnn will be warned when 70 fbi agents show up at brennan's house at 5am?"} {"id":9426,"img":"img\/09426.png","text":"they might not be liking your pics, but i bet they're reading your comments and keeping track of who you respond to"} {"id":43127,"img":"img\/43127.png","text":"it's taekwondo, not taekwondon't"} {"id":76913,"img":"img\/76913.png","text":"4 years for your bachelors? i worked 60 years for my masters"} {"id":87923,"img":"img\/87923.png","text":"there's a 50% chance this phone is stolen"} {"id":59031,"img":"img\/59031.png","text":"how to get stoned without smoking weed"} {"id":17539,"img":"img\/17539.png","text":"why isn't my drain working? probably because the pipe's black"} {"id":92783,"img":"img\/92783.png","text":"what's better than winning a gold medal in this contest walking"} {"id":86970,"img":"img\/86970.png","text":"people often forget that she was an olympian"} {"id":21903,"img":"img\/21903.png","text":"we're all americans and we're in this together"} {"id":51890,"img":"img\/51890.png","text":"\"how we see muslims how muslims see us"} {"id":34678,"img":"img\/34678.png","text":"i hate it when white people throw gang signs thinking they're black and shit"} {"id":91740,"img":"img\/91740.png","text":"i got 99 problems and chromosomes"} {"id":76298,"img":"img\/76298.png","text":"i don't always run for president, but when i do, i get a lot of support from freeloaders and ignorant young people who don't know history"} {"id":96802,"img":"img\/96802.png","text":"did you know 100% of the people who stay in their own countries don't get detained and separated from their children at the border"} {"id":53942,"img":"img\/53942.png","text":"they are like manure spread them out and they help everything grow better, but keep them in one big pile and they stink horribly"} {"id":38674,"img":"img\/38674.png","text":"blacks are musical they always love a good beat"} {"id":54098,"img":"img\/54098.png","text":"when mom asks where all the jews went"} {"id":61304,"img":"img\/61304.png","text":"mom won't let me use the oven with my friends"} {"id":94508,"img":"img\/94508.png","text":"now that's a muscle i've not felt in a long time.."} {"id":74621,"img":"img\/74621.png","text":"\"what kind of question is that? of course i fuck goat. next question...\""} {"id":61597,"img":"img\/61597.png","text":"when you realize you're pregnant because you pull out your tampon but all the cotton was mysteriously picked off"} {"id":72198,"img":"img\/72198.png","text":"when he tells your mom you're all tied up and you have to cancel on the dinner date"} {"id":21497,"img":"img\/21497.png","text":"what a true rapist looks like"} {"id":23018,"img":"img\/23018.png","text":"we need some. cause sandwiches don't make themselves up here"} {"id":31569,"img":"img\/31569.png","text":"why don't they eat pussy? because it's too close to the gas chamber"} {"id":6427,"img":"img\/06427.png","text":"little girls are the devil"} {"id":72415,"img":"img\/72415.png","text":"what's the difference between the 2? the first one can't sing when you put chains on it"} {"id":21640,"img":"img\/21640.png","text":"when a waitress dates the new dishwasher"} {"id":49176,"img":"img\/49176.png","text":"if fear of divine judgement is the only thing keeping you \"moral\" at best, you're just a dangerous psychopath on a leash"} {"id":89236,"img":"img\/89236.png","text":"looks like it's time to clean this place up"} {"id":6348,"img":"img\/06348.png","text":"the look you give when your husband would rather fuck a goat then you"} {"id":92601,"img":"img\/92601.png","text":"i do not like black people"} {"id":74302,"img":"img\/74302.png","text":"white boys do it better"} {"id":34297,"img":"img\/34297.png","text":"feeling cute. might kill 6 million later...idk"} {"id":90382,"img":"img\/90382.png","text":"when your test comes back and you got a 47 out of 46"} {"id":13058,"img":"img\/13058.png","text":"knives out"} {"id":48326,"img":"img\/48326.png","text":"like i said. i'm an aries!"} {"id":60895,"img":"img\/60895.png","text":"what every arab in sydney looks like"} {"id":17642,"img":"img\/17642.png","text":"think about it: every single corpse on mt. everest was once a highly motivated person stay lazy, my friends"} {"id":12536,"img":"img\/12536.png","text":"turning every country it touches into a shithole"} {"id":46810,"img":"img\/46810.png","text":"\"great at making martinis terrible at stealing tambourines\""} {"id":80231,"img":"img\/80231.png","text":"transrepublican identifies as a republican, but is really a democrat"} {"id":7596,"img":"img\/07596.png","text":"the face you make when one of those damn apes cancels your show"} {"id":67924,"img":"img\/67924.png","text":"\"leave that one alone bill he's my weed man\""} {"id":80916,"img":"img\/80916.png","text":"the guy who created the joke the jokers"} {"id":31892,"img":"img\/31892.png","text":"looking ready to drop the hottest hip hop album of 2020"} {"id":27309,"img":"img\/27309.png","text":"what is up with black people they're not black, or people"} {"id":96015,"img":"img\/96015.png","text":"we're so excited that we're finally able to be ourselves"} {"id":54196,"img":"img\/54196.png","text":"let's not be hasty. the worldview of the guys who created this grisly spectacle of mass-murder could be any number of- comedy aaaaaannnd it's these guys"} {"id":45172,"img":"img\/45172.png","text":"109 countries, rabbi fuckhead wanna make it 110?"} {"id":78965,"img":"img\/78965.png","text":"how white liberals treat minorities who don't vote democrat"} {"id":86529,"img":"img\/86529.png","text":"when your dad comes home from a suicide bombing"} {"id":59401,"img":"img\/59401.png","text":"mr. mittens, you have to wait till it's cooked"} {"id":67350,"img":"img\/67350.png","text":"turn your dishwasher into a snow remover"} {"id":17805,"img":"img\/17805.png","text":"allah! my goat doesn't love me anymore!"} {"id":80254,"img":"img\/80254.png","text":"how to pick up a girl from auschwitz:"} {"id":2416,"img":"img\/02416.png","text":"how do you piss off a female archeologist? give her a used tampon and ask her what period it comes from"} {"id":91273,"img":"img\/91273.png","text":"pro taliban supporters at a rally"} {"id":35796,"img":"img\/35796.png","text":"i hate it when white people throw gang signs thinking they're black and shit"} {"id":79843,"img":"img\/79843.png","text":"the closest some of us will ever get to heaven"} {"id":62085,"img":"img\/62085.png","text":"\"lynch said her greatest fear is the incredibly disturbing rise of of - anti-muslim rhetoric\"\" ....not the incredibly disturbing rise of radical islamic terrorists"} {"id":74923,"img":"img\/74923.png","text":"\"white power\" \"black power\" scares people scares people who aren't white who aren't black that scares the establishment this is the only power"} {"id":16042,"img":"img\/16042.png","text":"women use chemicals to remove polish everyday and no one bats an eye i use chemicals to remove the polish and suddenly i'm the world's biggest villain!"} {"id":68230,"img":"img\/68230.png","text":"so you say 12 russians can influence an election but 25 million illegal aliens in the usa cant ?"} {"id":31907,"img":"img\/31907.png","text":"i once went to a halloween party only in my jeans. and everyone was so confused and asked me what it means could you please explain your appearance to us, by chance? i said \"i'm premature ejaculation; i just came in my pants.\""} {"id":31985,"img":"img\/31985.png","text":"when your dad comes to career day and starts handing out mixtapes"} {"id":7314,"img":"img\/07314.png","text":"spending alot of time with your pets"} {"id":91275,"img":"img\/91275.png","text":"wait, mohammad come back!! didn't mean to laugh, really size doesn't matter to me"} {"id":95260,"img":"img\/95260.png","text":"what's black and screams harvey price answering an iron"} {"id":21364,"img":"img\/21364.png","text":"neo-nazis exist today and i thought we learned our lesson"} {"id":35210,"img":"img\/35210.png","text":"my face when i play hearts of iron 4"} {"id":7451,"img":"img\/07451.png","text":"actors costumed in the full regalia of the kkk"} {"id":29706,"img":"img\/29706.png","text":"\"one man's trash is another man's treasure\" is a great quote, but it's not the best way to tell your kid he's adopted"} {"id":97423,"img":"img\/97423.png","text":"a little gas never killed anybody right?"} {"id":20974,"img":"img\/20974.png","text":"when mom asks where all the jews went"} {"id":93820,"img":"img\/93820.png","text":"we should legally be allowed to shoot fat g*y people"} {"id":68921,"img":"img\/68921.png","text":"when you see the gas bill"} {"id":10274,"img":"img\/10274.png","text":"(laughs in goat fucker)"} {"id":45031,"img":"img\/45031.png","text":"they're not alllll rapists... right?"} {"id":50193,"img":"img\/50193.png","text":"anyone who has seen a hippo yawn will have some idea how kim kardashiains gynecologist feels"} {"id":72310,"img":"img\/72310.png","text":"what do you get when you inject human dna into a goat? banned from the petting zoo"} {"id":49201,"img":"img\/49201.png","text":"3.8 billion of them on earth. why isn't it clean yet?"} {"id":17524,"img":"img\/17524.png","text":"if she responds to your sarcasm with sarcasm instead of getting offended... she's a fucking keeper"} {"id":56430,"img":"img\/56430.png","text":"it's not the cards you're dealt, but how you play them such an inspiration"} {"id":17864,"img":"img\/17864.png","text":"when dad keeps banging the goat instead of you"} {"id":74265,"img":"img\/74265.png","text":"it's taekwondo, not taekwondon't"} {"id":68749,"img":"img\/68749.png","text":"\"my name is osama bin laden and this is jackass\""} {"id":49023,"img":"img\/49023.png","text":"african american leaders organizing the la riots april 29, 1992"} {"id":61054,"img":"img\/61054.png","text":"when you and your associate are ready to take your business to another level"} {"id":31805,"img":"img\/31805.png","text":"what if hitler was the second coming of jesus and he just wanted revenge"} {"id":10967,"img":"img\/10967.png","text":"@unhumanrights"} {"id":94175,"img":"img\/94175.png","text":"\"we're his kids and he hasn't returned. yeah this makes sense\""} {"id":54782,"img":"img\/54782.png","text":"because even other planets need crime"} {"id":13890,"img":"img\/13890.png","text":"when this said it would be dry this wasn't what i expected"} {"id":10234,"img":"img\/10234.png","text":"when you've decided to start a life of crime"} {"id":65948,"img":"img\/65948.png","text":"me watching the pride parade"} {"id":86173,"img":"img\/86173.png","text":"when i said i wanted a little pussy this is not really what i had in mind."} {"id":50839,"img":"img\/50839.png","text":"\"you think i'm a terrorist but i identify as a firework\""} {"id":31405,"img":"img\/31405.png","text":"\"they were uneducated false. they all had their masters\""} {"id":36421,"img":"img\/36421.png","text":"freakin white people... so annoying."} {"id":79405,"img":"img\/79405.png","text":"congress is now stronger than ever to fight terrorism"} {"id":3869,"img":"img\/03869.png","text":"a mother's love for the child is a divine thing"} {"id":23817,"img":"img\/23817.png","text":"sea monkeys"} {"id":56280,"img":"img\/56280.png","text":"little miss muffet sat on her tuffet"} {"id":29384,"img":"img\/29384.png","text":"they're in a row"} {"id":34127,"img":"img\/34127.png","text":"that feeling when you win a fifa game after being 3 goals behind"}