import numpy as np |
import h5py |
import argparse |
import random |
import shutil |
import os |
import scipy.interpolate as si |
from scipy.signal import gaussian |
from itertools import product |
from typing import Tuple |
def generate_sound_speed(shape = [1152, 512], |
c_ref: float = 1500., c_min: float = 1300., c_max: float = 1800., |
atn_min: float = 0.05, atn_max: float = 0.15, |
max_ell: int = 6, max_lines: int = 4) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: |
"""[summary] |
Generate a random speed of sound and attenuation map with up to max_ell ellipses and max_lines straight reflectors |
Args: |
shape (list, optional): [description]. Defaults to [1152, 512]. |
c_ref (float, optional): [description]. Defaults to 1500.. |
c_min (float, optional): [description]. Defaults to 1300.. |
c_max (float, optional): [description]. Defaults to 1800.. |
atn_min (float, optional): [description]. Defaults to 0.05. |
atn_max (float, optional): [description]. Defaults to 0.15. |
max_ell (int, optional): [description]. Defaults to 6. |
max_lines (int, optional): [description]. Defaults to 4. |
Returns: |
[type]: [description] |
""" |
while True: |
n_ell = np.random.randint(max_ell + 1) |
n_lines = np.random.randint(max_lines + 1) |
if n_ell + n_lines > 0: |
break |
ell_type = np.array([0,] * n_ell + [1,] * n_lines)[np.random.permutation(n_ell + n_lines)] |
c = np.random.rand(n_ell + n_lines + 1) * (c_max - c_min) + c_min |
atn = np.random.rand(n_ell + n_lines + 1) * (atn_max - atn_min) + atn_min |
ell_params = np.random.rand(5, n_ell); |
ell_params[0, :] = ell_params[0, :] * shape[-1] |
ell_params[1, :] = ell_params[1, :] * shape[-2] |
ell_params[2, :] = ell_params[2, :] * shape[-1]; |
ell_params[3, :] = ell_params[3, :] * shape[-2]; |
ell_params[4, :] = (ell_params[4, :] - 0.5) * np.pi / 4; |
line_params = np.random.rand(2, n_lines); |
line_params[0, :] = (line_params[0, :] - 0.5) * np.pi / 6; |
line_params[1, :] = line_params[1, :] * (shape[-2] - 68) + 68 |
sound_speed = np.empty(shape[-2:], dtype=np.single) |
sound_speed[...] = c[-1] |
alpha_coeff = np.empty(shape[-2:], dtype=np.single) |
alpha_coeff[...] = atn[-1] |
i_ellp = 0 |
i_lines = 0 |
X, Y = np.meshgrid(range(shape[-1]), range(shape[-2])) |
for i,t in enumerate(ell_type): |
if t == 0: |
x0 = np.array([ell_params[0, i_ellp], ell_params[1, i_ellp]]) |
a = np.array([ell_params[2, i_ellp], ell_params[3, i_ellp]]) |
th = ell_params[4, i_ellp] |
ath = np.abs(th) |
R = np.array([[np.cos(th), -np.sin(th)], [np.sin(th), np.cos(th)]]) |
aR = np.array([[np.cos(ath), -np.sin(ath)], [np.sin(ath), np.cos(ath)]]) |
toff = aR.dot(a)[1] |
if x0[1] - toff < 68: |
x0[1] = 68 + toff |
x = X - x0[0] |
y = Y - x0[1] |
u = np.cos(th) * x - np.sin(th) * y |
v = np.sin(th) * x + np.cos(th) * y |
sound_speed[(u / ell_params[2, i_ellp]) ** 2 + (v / min(ell_params[3, i_ellp], ell_params[1, i_ellp] - 68)) ** 2 < 1] = c[i] |
alpha_coeff[(u / ell_params[2, i_ellp]) ** 2 + (v / min(ell_params[3, i_ellp], ell_params[1, i_ellp] - 68)) ** 2 < 1] = atn[i] |
i_ellp += 1 |
else: |
th = line_params[0, i_lines] |
off = line_params[1, i_lines] |
if off - shape[-1] * np.tan(np.abs(th)) < 68: |
off = shape[-1] * np.tan(np.abs(th)) + 68 |
sound_speed[X * np.sin(th) + (Y - off) * np.cos(th) > 0] = c[i] |
alpha_coeff[X * np.sin(th) + (Y - off) * np.cos(th) > 0] = atn[i] |
i_lines += 1 |
return sound_speed, alpha_coeff |
def generate_density(shape: tuple = [1152, 1152], |
d_ref: float = 900., |
n_spec: float = -1., |
spec_amp: float = 0.1) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: |
""" |
Generate a speckle map in the density domain, including the x and y derivatives |
Args: |
shape (_type_, optional): shape of output map. Defaults to [1152, 1152] |
d_ref (float, optional): reference density (kg / m^3). Defaults to 900 |
n_spec (float, optional): speckle density. Defaults to -1 |
spec_amp (float, optional): speckle amplitude. Defaults to 0.1 |
Returns: |
_type_: _description_ |
""" |
if n_spec < 0: |
n_spec = shape[-1] * shape[-2] * (2. / 64.) |
t_n_spec = int(np.round(n_spec * (10 - np.random.rand() * 8) * 0.1)) |
speckle = np.zeros((shape[-2] - 48 - 68, shape[-1] - 48*2), np.single) |
speckle.reshape(-1,1)[np.random.permutation(speckle.size)[:t_n_spec]] = d_ref * (np.random.rand(t_n_spec, 1) - 1/3) * spec_amp |
rho0 = np.empty(shape[-2:], dtype=np.single) |
rho0[...] = d_ref |
rho0[68:-48, 48:-48] += speckle |
rho0_sgx = np.empty_like(rho0) |
rho0_sgx[:,:-1] = (rho0[:,:-1] + rho0[:,1:]) * 0.5 |
rho0_sgx[:,-1] = rho0[:,-1] |
rho0_sgy = np.empty_like(rho0) |
rho0_sgy[:-1,:] = (rho0[:-1,:] + rho0[1:,:]) * 0.5 |
rho0_sgy[-1,:] = rho0[-1,:] |
return rho0, rho0_sgx, rho0_sgy |
def generate_pulse(center_freq=5e6, n_periods=4.4, sampling_freq=40e6): |
samples_per_cycle = sampling_freq / center_freq |
n_samples = np.ceil(samples_per_cycle * n_periods + 1) |
signal = np.sin(np.arange(n_samples, dtype=np.float32) / samples_per_cycle * 2 * np.pi) * gaussian(n_samples, (n_samples - 1) / 6).astype(np.single) |
return signal |
if __name__ == "__main__": |
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() |
parser.add_argument('input', help='reference file') |
parser.add_argument('--device', '-d', type=int, default=0, help='cuda device to use') |
parser.add_argument('--frequencies', '-f', type=float, nargs='+', default=[5e6, 2.5e6], |
help='at which frequencies to run the simulation') |
parser.add_argument('--offsets', '-o', type=int, nargs='+', default=[-32, -24, -16, -8, 0, 8, 16, 24, 32], |
help='list of (signed) offsets to use with respect to center, in elements. Angles will be calculated from offsets') |
parser.add_argument('--n_periods', '-p', type=float, default=5.0, |
help='how many periods to use for the pulse') |
parser.add_argument('--ref_offset', '-r', type=int, default=59 * 1152 + (1152 - (128 + 127) * 4) // 2 + 32 * 2 * 4, |
help='reference offset in entries (where to start offset 0) - default: line 60, element 33, remember the kerf') |
parser.add_argument('--ref_speed', '-s', type=float, default=1540, |
help='reference speed under which to computer angle') |
args = parser.parse_args() |
hash = f'{random.getrandbits(128):x}' |
tmp_input = f'tmp_input_{hash}.h5' |
tmp_output = f'tmp_output_{hash}.h5' |
sim_result = f'sim_result_{hash}.h5' |
shutil.copyfile(args.input, tmp_input) |
try: |
with h5py.File(tmp_input, 'r+') as f_i: |
shape = np.squeeze(f_i['c0'][()]).shape |
dt = f_i['dt'][0,0,0] |
dx = f_i['dx'][0,0,0] |
c0, alpha_coeff = generate_sound_speed(shape) |
rho0, rho0_sgx, rho0_sgy = generate_density(shape) |
f_i['c0'][...] = c0 |
f_i['alpha_coeff'][...] = alpha_coeff |
f_i['rho0'][...] = rho0 |
f_i['rho0_sgx'][...] = rho0_sgx |
f_i['rho0_sgy'][...] = rho0_sgy |
with h5py.File(sim_result, 'w') as f_o: |
f_o.create_dataset(f'c0', data=c0, compression="gzip", compression_opts=9) |
f_o.create_dataset(f'alpha_coeff', data=alpha_coeff, compression="gzip", compression_opts=9) |
f_o.create_dataset(f'f', data=np.array(args.frequencies)) |
f_o.create_dataset(f'offsets', data=np.array(args.offsets)) |
for frequency, offset in product(args.frequencies, args.offsets): |
w = 127 * 4 |
o = offset * 8 |
dn = w * o / np.sqrt(64 * o ** 2 + 4 * w ** 2) * (dx / dt) / args.ref_speed |
pulse = generate_pulse(center_freq=frequency, n_periods=args.n_periods, sampling_freq=1.0/dt) * 1e-7 |
signal = np.zeros((1, int(np.ceil(np.abs(dn))) + len(pulse), 127 * 4), dtype=np.single) |
for i in range(127 * 4): |
signal[0, int(np.round(-dn * i / 507 if o < 0 else dn - dn * i / 507)) + np.arange(len(pulse)), i] = pulse |
with h5py.File(tmp_input, 'r+') as f_i: |
del f_i["u_source_index"] |
f_i["u_source_index"] = (np.arange((64 + 63) * 4, dtype=np.uint64) + args.ref_offset + offset * 8).reshape(1, 1, -1).astype(np.uint64) |
f_i["u_source_index"].attrs["data_type"] = np.string_(b"long") |
f_i["u_source_index"].attrs["domain_type"] = np.string_(b"real") |
del f_i["uy_source_input"] |
f_i["uy_source_input"] = signal |
f_i["uy_source_input"].attrs["data_type"] = np.string_(b"float") |
f_i["uy_source_input"].attrs["domain_type"] = np.string_(b"real") |
f_i["uy_source_flag"][:] = signal.shape[1] |
os.system(f'../../scripts/kspaceFirstOrder-CUDA -r 20 -t 8 -g {args.device} -i {tmp_input} -o {tmp_output}') |
with h5py.File(tmp_output, 'r+') as f_t: |
p = np.squeeze(f_t['p'][()]).T |
p = 0.35 * (p[0::4,:] + p[3::4,:]) + 0.95 * (p[1::4,:] + p[2::4,:]) |
T = (p.shape[1] - 1) * dt |
x_orig = np.linspace(0,T,p.shape[1]) |
x_out = np.arange(0,T,1/40e6) |
p_out = si.interp1d(x_orig, p, kind='linear', copy=False, bounds_error=False, fill_value=0, assume_sorted=True)(x_out).astype(np.float32) |
with h5py.File(sim_result, 'r+') as f_o: |
f_o.create_dataset(f'p_f{frequency/1e6}_o{offset}', data=p_out, compression="gzip", compression_opts=9) |
except Exception as e: |
print(f"Error : {e.args[0]}") |
os.system(f'rm {sim_result}') |
try: |
os.system(f'rm {tmp_input}') |
except Exception as e: |
print(f"Error removing {tmp_input} : {e.args[0]}") |
try: |
os.system(f'rm {tmp_output}') |
except Exception as e: |
print(f"Error removing {tmp_output} : {e.args[0]}") |