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Your best luck and greatest treasures will come from people and places close to home this year. People work smoothly with you, and your enthusiasm and energy will find lots of constructive projects in the first two months. Be respectful of your money and have more than enough. August is pleasant and September absolutely joyous with social and family events. No need to run wild or be extravagant. Everyone is feeling generous and loving. Respect any health concerns in November and let go of any regrets. In February aspire to something more for the future at work. It's an ambitious, affectionate year!
Ambitious dreams for tomorrow have their roots at home today! You have resources and a good foundation to make this a powerful, successful year. Get your thoughts organized and use your strong instincts to make the most of the opening months. Financial progress can be steady, if slow, with more than enough for a splendid summer. Parties and big local meet-ups are likelier than a distant vacation. Let friends make suggestions and surprise you with their plans. Be safety conscious in November. Have bigger career dreams in February. You know that good things take time. Welcome love's sweet embrace all year long!
Energy and enthusiasm are at an all-time high and confusion and doubt are low! Work hard and accomplish your dreams. In the first two months be pragmatic and a bit protective of what you already have. Make progress and gain more without getting manic or greedy. Relax and recharge your emotional batteries with friends and family in summer. August is especially rich and happy. Love may knock on your door in September, and it won't be shy. Speak and act wisely in public in February. People are hanging on your every word. After April, slow down and unwind at home with loved ones!
Look forward to peaceful times, great luck, and happy people this year. If they're unhappy when you encounter them, they won't be after spending time with you. You have the touch that calms and soothes the most anxious and agitated. That includes you, so relax and feel secure. The first two months are smooth, if busy. Simply tend to business as usual and be responsible. August is about fun and surprises, mostly from friends. Enjoy the playfulness. Be good to yourself in November, and be inspired and inspirational in February. Notice who admires you in May. Love conquers all in the final month!
Find surprising solutions to stubborn old problems this year. You're well anchored in the real world and comfortable with yourself no matter what's happening. The first few months look calm and good for making some personal progress, especially at home. August bristles with fun, silliness, and generosity. You may want more peace and quiet in September, but it won't be boring. If a romance starts to feel like work, express this and see what might be changed. Dream of far-off places and adventures in February. April gets socially exciting - you might rock a few boats. Passion burns through any obstacles at year's end!
This is your time for more fun, creativity, and self-expression! Your inner child will be very near the surface all year long, so choose wisely when it's appropriate to act out. Be responsible and methodical early in the year and build yourself a good base. August is full of fun and frivolity. Friends and family will insist on it, anyway. October may be your most creative time and also the riskiest for possibly upsetting or offending someone. Your good instincts can keep this under control. Enjoy a mental getaway in February. The rest of the year is quiet, productive, loving, and - yes - fun!
Be creative and socially gracious, and let those excess emotions do good things! Feelings may be high all year, so channel them into positive outlets. Be steady and sensible in dealing with daily life, especially in the first few months, and do well all the rest of the year. Decompress and celebrate with friends and family in August. If they want to do this in a big way, respect your budget. Get creative and daring in November. Be spirited and sensible. Dreams and aspirations for the future get big in February. Social life ignites in April. Be treasured all year long!
Be creative and inspired, follow your heart, and don't look back! Good instincts and intuition will keep you productive and progressing, especially in the first few months. Positive criticism sometimes might help you improve things, but negative criticism? Not so much. You have a passion for people and all good things, so enjoy a festive August (without blowing the budget), and treasure all that heartfelt fun with friends and family. Do your best for yourself in November. Be sensitive and inspired in February. Be enthusiastic and inventive at work in April. There are benefits to come. Love is in the air all year!
Take care of the details, take care of yourself, and have a bold, productive year! It frees up time and energy for more of what you love. Enjoy your daily routine and be well organized, particularly early in the year. August means fun and adventure with friends and family - and you won't travel far. November and December may be busy. If some doubts and discouragement appear, they'll turn out to be illusions. Have faith in yourself and don't let anything slow you down. Be bold and smart at work in April. Intuition and love burn brightly, especially in the closing months!
You have endless passion for work and people this year. You're surrounded by more help and resources than you suspect. Just start the conversation. Your ideas and efforts are noticed by many, and your hard work could earn more income before August. Welcome the unexpected. Be generous and receive much from friends and family in August. You're luckiest and most charming now. Luck and charm stay with you, peaking again in December. Small rewards and advantages can quickly add up to something big and beautiful. April is your power month, too. Passion and your big, tender heart serve you well all year!
Be your own best friend and be healthy and happy all year long! Friends and family will encourage you to take better care of yourself and make it easier. See benefits in August when your energy increases and smart decisions can bring more income. Have fun all summer, and be generous without spending more than needed. Feel more creative in November, but let those bright ideas simmer. Take good care of yourself in late December, and don't overdo the holiday eating and partying. Love could surprise you in January. Pleasant surprises at work in April may pay off big for months to come!
Love draws you out this year and it could be hard to satisfy all your feelings. Be aware that your dream love could find you. You shine with energy and inspiration and this can bring many people your way. Enjoy the exposure and popularity. Private conversations and networking could bring money your way in August. Have fun, but watch expenses. December and January are emotional, sensitive times when you'll need your partner to work with you. Keep anxieties under control and then listen to your heart. Work hard in March and April and win rewards and recognition. It's an ambitious, affectionate year!
Sweet, soothing love finds you in a year when romance could solve more problems than it causes. Have good, clear discussions (mostly about money) and sizzle with popularity in August. Agree on what constitutes relaxing fun and then relax into November. A challenge or disagreement in January could stress a relationship, but there's a solution if you both want to work for it. Ideally, you want everybody to be happy. A spiritual insight or breakthrough could heal your heart in February. Extra incentive at work in April can be very profitable in coming months. You're advancing in all the ways that count this year!
You see answers for other people's problems and gain great insight into solving your own. Easily and happily fix some daily concerns - often money related - that have annoyed you for a while. Summer fun could get expensive in August if you don't pay attention to your budget. You can do it and still feel like royalty. Your mood may sag briefly in November. A totally unexpected show of love in January is a major pick-me-up. Get joyful and inspired in February. A change at work in April is another big boost for your prestige and finances. It's a brilliant, beautiful year!
Have big plans, big ideas, and big dreams! There's all the energy you need. Be realistic in your approach and see what you can make happen. August is loving and luxurious without any need to overspend. The whole summer is made for fun. Enjoy quiet time in November and politely ignore any meaningless criticism. A big love (not necessarily a person) could come or go in January, or perhaps it's simply a shift in the romance lineup. Working for a good cause touches your heart in February. Be daring but not reckless at work in April and gain respect and rewards. Have a magnificent year!
Dreams can come to life this year! Make the best use of your almost endless energy and enthusiasm, turn any challenge or sudden change to your favor, and work wonders. Be popular and attract good luck and possibly money in August. Have fun, but respect your budget. Be patient in November and get countless creative great ideas for later. A major change in a partnership or love interest could happen in January. A strong heart and clear head will assure that all is right. Be inspired and uplifted in February. Be bold, not wild, at work in April. Have a dynamic, dream-filled year!
Be popular, prominent, and do great things this year! You'll be highly visible and people will hear what you say. Just relax and be your normal, goodhearted self. August is party time, but you can keep things under control. Watch your expenses, respect your resources, and see people respect you. By November you may have second thoughts about the summer, but don't look back with regret. Be safe and healthy in January. Spiritual insights may come in early March. March and April are powerful times at work, so do your best and benefit for a long time to come. Have a glorious year!
Work hard and make tremendous progress with any career plans. You'll be more visible socially and in the public eye, too. There's more than enough energy and motivation for you to make this a great year. Attract money and widen your networking circle in August and have some big fun. If you overspend in August, you may rein in expenses in November. Don't be too severe. Be proactive about health in January. Remember some big dreams in March. Do a lot at work in April, but you may face some opposition. Be gracious but firm, bold but not confrontational. It's a powerful year!
Put your own agenda and well-being first and be tireless this year! Succeed big and have more to share and give back. Feel charmed and lucky in August, and be surprised by everyone's generosity. Make some time in November to work hard on a private passion. Be more health and safety conscious in January. An unlikely dream may start to make more sense in March. April is the time to focus on career plans. Be solid, practical, and bold in your efforts. More authority and profit could find you in the coming months. Be smart, ambitious, loved, and admired all year!
Enjoy the social good life in big and small ways this year! You can participate in more groups and social circles without exhausting yourself or your resources. Look forward to lots of party invitations and summer gatherings in August. Pay your share, but don't be overgenerous. Concentrate on what works best in November. Respect health and daily obligations in January. A spiritual insight in March could catch fire in your imagination. A generous act from August could bring you a lucky break at work in April. You and your friends come together for extra pleasure and happiness in May. Be loved all year!
Have many good times with friends and learn ways to improve your material well-being and finances as the year goes on. Friends can a guiding force if expenses get unreasonable in August. Organize your thoughts in November and enjoy more low-key personal pleasures. Be wise and reasonable about health, diet, and safety in January. Work steadily and in March learn a deep and happy lesson that makes you better and more effective. Be innovative at work in April. Social life picks up in May. There may be a few minor clashes, but with good resolutions for all. Be surrounded by comfort and friends all year!
Be popular, mentally sharp, and keenly observant all this year! You'll also have a lot to say, though you may want to save it for a trusted few. August holds high summer fun and a few surprises. Just be careful about costs and spending. Slow down, enjoy more private quality time in November, and don't let a friend's emotional ups and downs upset you. Be safety conscious in January. You may solve a sticky and important dilemma in March. A surprise at work in April can be beneficial later. Lighthearted social fun offers relief in June. It's a loving, enlightening year!
People confide in you this year, and you have a lot of confidential advice to share. People enjoy your company, and you may be very busy when the competing invitations arrive in August. Don't overspend or over-party. Respect your budget and gain more financial respect and trust in November. Enjoy some creative, quiet time, too. Guard against burnout or exhaustion in January. In March be even more inspired and motivated to go and do what you love. Be inventive and productive at work in April. The right people will notice. The final month is packed with sparkling talk, great enthusiasm, and tremendous affection!
You may crave a more ideal connection with the people and things you love best. Traditions touch your heart and enrich your life every day. Be sensitive to the needs of friends in August and celebrate summer festivities with family. Respect your budget and money will create no problem. Work diligently and enjoy a calm, creative November. Take good care of yourself in January and avoid anything risky or reckless. An aspiration becomes reasonable and possible in March. A bold action at work can be well received in April. The last month brings much happiness with clever, ambitious friends and tender love!
Be privately ambitious and wisely choose when, where, and how outwardly hard to pursue your goals. Success is within your grasp, and with care you can make things happen. August is busy with summer get-togethers that could get expensive if you aren't careful. Have fun and enjoy seeing people happy. Pull back a bit in November and schedule quiet time for yourself. Be safe, healthy, and responsive to fixing little problems in January. March brings dreams of happiness and love. Outward ambition may kick in for you in April. End the year on many high notes of love, wisdom, and success!
You're the center of a big circle of friends and family, so make sure you remember to be at the center of your own life, too! Take good care of your needs and happiness and be strong and ready for anything. Be popular and lucky in August and receive some generous treatment from a surprising source. If some people's requests seem unreasonable to you in November, trust your judgment and be firm. Respect any health needs in January. In April be bold and confident at work even if it makes you uncomfortable for a while. Be loved and supported all year!
Hold your head high all year and find joy in every day! Do more of what pleases you and watch the people around you grow happier. Make wise money decisions in August, and be generous with your time and favors. Many good things will return to you later. Save private time in November for what pleases you. Get physically active in January and maybe overhaul your ideas of how to be healthy. It may not be possible to do all you want in March. You do a great deal and get a lot of love, especially intimate love, in the final months!
Get practical and lucky this year and make great progress with money and material wealth of all sorts! August is an especially lucky and fun time when people want to be and be seen with you. Make contacts that can benefit you later. Spend more time on your own pursuits in November, though it may briefly cost you some approval or friendship. Be true to you. Health and the details of daily life are important in January. Take extra good care of yourself. April may be the time to be bold and benefit from earlier efforts and relationships. Be loved and admired all year!
Make great progress this year and see your biggest victories come from the smallest efforts! You appreciate what matters most, and it isn't always the loudest or flashiest concerns. Be modest in your ambitions (but be ambitious) in the first month. August and September light up with fun, generosity, and a golden touch for making lasting connections. Concentrate on your own passions in November. Be smart about health in January, and tend promptly to any loose ends or worries. People may expect too much of you in March. Progress at work blooms in April. It's a year of love, opportunity, and success!
It's one busy year full of fun, friends, and some crazy big opportunities! Make sure you get your rest and keep your home organized so you can better enjoy all the activity elsewhere. Make friends and perhaps more money in August when people like how you do what you do. September is satisfying and less hectic, but work may keep you busy. November is more for you to recover and relish some fun personal projects. Be good to yourself in January, too. A big break at work is possible in April, so pay attention. You're wrapped in love and wisdom, especially near year's end!
It's a productive year full of friends and personal prime time. Work calmly and steadily day by day on the little things and see great progress and satisfaction by year's end. August is full of heavy socializing and temptations to overspend, but you can weather this popularity storm. See eye to eye with friends and wise relatives in September and October. They'll respect your need for privacy in November. Stay safe and healthy in January. Continue calmly working and prepare for an April challenge at work that shows off your skills and talents. Love and affection are near at hand all year long!
Enjoy plenty of support from friends and family, and be ready for whatever opportunities and challenges come your way! You're strong, smart, and can make your own breaks. Present yourself well in August and attract resources and people who want to advance with you. In October you can clearly see people's agendas and future work possibilities. Make suggestions and secure agreements. Explore a private passion in November. Be healthy and feel good in January. Attend to daily obligations and be ready to pounce - or create - an opportunity at work in April. The closing months are more intimate, passionate, and quiet!
Put down deep, strong roots with friends, family, and community, and make the most of all the breaks that come your way! Make some of your own, too. Your judgment is good and your instincts are better still. Enjoy high times in August, but don't linger or overspend. In October be calm and do what makes sense to you, especially at home. You may want to change something that displeases others. Remember that you count, too. Be safe and healthier in January. April puts you in the spotlight at work. You can make things happen. As the year ends, let people love you!
Home is your emotional anchor and from there you can take on the world! You may have moments of doubt or insecurity, but nothing will slow you down. Be mentally keen and curious as the year starts. Gifts and tenderness from friends will keep you feeling strong and secure in August. Be careful with money and enjoy smooth sailing. Stay calm in November and December. Don't argue with yourself - you're fine. Be strong in January and inspire others in March. Work diligently and stay patient in April. Rewards are coming. Activity, fondness, and love fill the last few months!
Be productive at home and get closer to loved ones! Your understanding and actions find easy answers to any questions or problems. You may be expected to go through the motions socially or for the family in August. December is more relaxed and concerns your own interests and needs. Make yourself happy. Be health conscious in January. Listen to others' dreams and wishes in March. Be successful at work in April. Be bold and take on more authority and responsibility. Be firm, not belligerent. Quiet, loving times - and maybe some red-hot loving - at home fill out the final months!
Be your own brightest star and learn what's most fulfilling for you. Make your own evaluations and then trust your judgment. You may need to go along with the flow in August. If income improves, say thank you and keep working hard. You may need more alone time in December to combat holiday madness and explore and satisfy your own needs and desires. Stay healthy in January and stay active. April and May are busy at work - or perhaps mostly mentally busy with desired changes and innovations that are slow in coming. Hang in there. Deep love and devotion embrace you all year!
You sparkle with fun and excitement this year! If not a big trip, a big adventure close to home is still possible. You're ready to think, plan, and live big. Festivities can't be big enough for you in August. Enjoy the popularity and fun, but watch the expense. Work calmly until December ignites with more fun and thrills. You'll keep it safe, no matter how wild it looks at first. Attend to daily details in January and don't be caught off guard by anything. Be the center of attraction again in April, and maybe go somewhere romantic. Relax in the arms of love. Sweetness!
Be surrounded by people and good times this year! Live life on a slightly bigger stage and be more successful at whatever you try. If wishes and careful planning compete in your mind, be confident and then successful. Generosity and popularity find you later in August. Don't fritter away this good luck - profit all year from it. Be firm and confident at home in November and enjoy life more in December. Be encouraging and supportive in January and March, and take good care of yourself, too. Let your creativity and inner light shine in April. Love every day and be loved, too!
Health and happiness are big on your agenda, and you deserve the extra pampering and attention. Don't overthink or imagine problems in the first month, but settle down and be ready to attract good luck, more money, and more attention in August and September. If you're uncomfortable socially, relax and let it pass. Have confidence in December, especially at home. Be strong-willed and in control of all the details in January. Let someone special confide in you in March. Work hard throughout the year, particularly in April and May, but don't fight other people's battles. Your year is full of love!
Daily life comes together for you as annoyances and complications melt away under your gaze! You'll naturally work hard all year but not even consider it work. Get in your groove in the first month, get lucky, and have many friends backing you in September. Money should be adequate if you remember your budget. Maybe save a little in December, but don't neglect your own needs. Focus on what needs to be done in January and let the rest wait. Someone else's wishful thinking could get amusing in March. From April until year's end, be busy, productive, romantic, and in love with life!
Your birthday year gets off to a great start as you explore new possibilities in love and romance. However, it's important for you to take the time to go slowly as you pursue these relationship opportunities. Otherwise, you might find that later in the year, you have bitten off more than you can chew. This summer will be a good time to pick up the pace, and by fall, you will know whether you can commit for the long term or try again with someone new. The next few months will also be a good time to really get clear on your work and professional life. If you have ever wanted to change careers, winter is the time to get serious and take action.
Plan on taking a vacation this summer as your birthday year begins with a planetary influence that encourages rest and relaxation. This energy doesn't last long however, and by August the pace picks up and you will be drawn to complete unfinished projects and tie up loose ends. Your fall season looks good financially, as all your hard work begins to pay off and you reap the harvest you have worked so hard for. November is a good month for spending time with family and loved ones as you will feel a powerful nesting instinct that promotes building stronger bonds with those you are already close too. Make the most of your time together, and take this opportunity to let go of old resentments and tensions.
If you have been wanting to make changes in your life, this year is the time to do it. Your birthday kicks off with a bang, as you take the leap into a whole new era of your life. Your courage, bravery and drive are taken to a whole new level as you take risks and try new things. September will bring an important decision that could lead to some doors closing as others open. Try to make this decision carefully, paying particular attention to what you will lose as well as what you might gain. December brings a turning point in an intimate relationship, either bringing you closer together, or giving you insight on why you might need to take a break.
If you have been waiting for something, you should receive an answer or decision now, as your birthday brings a sense of resolution and completion to a long awaited project or issue. Love is in the air all summer, as you rediscover your joy and love for life. Try not to commit to any one person right away, instead take your time to discover who is really right for you. As the weather turns cooler this fall, you may become so busy with work that you have a hard time making room for relationships. It's important that you learn to balance these two areas of your life, as you will need both in order to feel happy and fulfilled. Plan on a big surprise later in the year as things heat up in your life with a new and unexpected opportunity arising seemingly out of nowhere.
This birthday year, if you can dream it and believe it, you can be it. Now is the time to envision your most desired fantasy becoming reality, as your life takes on a magical flavor, and people, places and events wake you up to new possibilities and astounding opportunities. July may bring a short detour on your path as you try to slow down the pace of your progress. But once you grow more accustomed to all the changes, the speed picks up again, and by late Fall you may not even recognize the person you have become. Make sure you try to save money now as your expenses could grow later this year due to new additions to your home or family.
Your birthday year should get off to a great start with invitations to a variety of social gatherings and other fun events. As the weather gets warmer, your romantic life should heat up as well. Whether you are single or partnered, this summer will bring you plenty of opportunities for love and connection. You may feel that you are working harder for the same results, but by the end of the fall, your efforts will bear fruit, and you are likely to receive some kind of recognition or acknowledgement at work. If you keep your ego in check and avoid acting overconfident, your star will continue to rise, and you can count on success in all your endeavors.
Birthday surprises abound for you as you find fulfillment in unexpected places. Your lessons this year revolve around keeping an open mind and trying things you may have been afraid of in the past. Through encounters with new friends and romantic partners, your summer should be an unusual one. Try to keep your connections with old friends as you experiment with new social activities. In October you may feel the need to spend some time alone, retreating and taking a break from the busy whirl of the previous few months. This fall can also be a good time to save money for the future, when you will decide to make a big purchase, probably something that you have wanted for a long time.
Your birthday celebration may seem to get off to a slow start, leaving you hungering for opportunities to party and have a good time. If you can be patient and trust that you will get what you want, July should bring you many more opportunities for fun and frolic. Your mind may also be focused on love this year, as you try to jumpstart your social life and spend more time out and about. It's likely that you will encounter success in the realm of romance, though it may come in an unusual form. Try to keep an open mind and an adventurous spirit and by next year you will likely find yourself happier than you have been in a long time.
Your desire to learn new things and explore beyond the reaches of your immediate environment is strong this year, as you strike out in search of adventure. August brings you opportunities to travel and interact with a new group of people. Though you may feel hesitant at first, by the fall, you will find your confidence growing in leaps and bounds. Try to remember to be observant and ask questions, as you take on the role of a student. By November, you may have an opportunity to share some of what you are learning with others. At the end of the year, love is in the air, as your courage to reach out and connect to others grows by leaps and bounds.
This birthday may seem to remind you of everything you are grateful for in your life, as planetary influences bring you a sense of satisfaction and fulfillment. Although you may feel challenged to hold onto these good feelings during the month of August, with a little hard work, you will still be able to maintain your appreciation for your life accomplishments even during this stressful time. By the middle of September you will notice that you are ready to take on a new project or mission. Think carefully before you make any big commitments, but allow yourself to move forward into this unexplored direction. Your family and community may feel neglected at first, but later they will thank you for your hard work.
If it's your birthday today, you are in for a real treat as this year is bound to be one you will remember for a long time. July gets off to a great start with exciting encounters with others that lead you to a new understanding of yourself. September may find you working hard to complete unfinished projects, but by the end of the fall, you will have more time to relax and rejuvenate. Your finances should improve as well, as you grow more creative in how you apply your skills and talents in the world. Try to listen more than you talk this year, learning from those around you and gathering important information that will help you in the future.
Your birthday year may seem challenging at first, leading you to believe that things are harder than they actually are, but if you can be patient, you will reap great rewards later. August looks to be one of your best months in a long time, as you creatively blossom in the world, and express yourself in fun and exciting ways. This process will lead to many new opportunities in work, love and your home life, particularly during mid- to late fall. The more you can maintain your commitment this year to those things that are important to you in life, the greater your rewards will be later. Overall, patience and persistence will pay off more than trying to push things forward too quickly.
Mystery, magic and the unexpected are the theme of your birthday this year. You may meet a new person who introduces you to fascinating new arenas of life and intriguing possibilities to explore. July will be a good time to move forward into this new territory, remembering to keep your feet on the ground and take care of practical matters as you take a leap into the unknown. By September you should know if you are going to change your life completely, or take baby steps until you feel comfortable enough to go all the way. At work, late fall could be a good time to ask for a promotion or other change in your professional environment.
Your birthday this year presents you with an opportunity to make a renewed commitment to your health and well-being. If you have ever wanted to take up a new sport or get in shape, this year is the time to do it. In August you will receive extra encouragement in this direction from a friend or romantic partner, who may join in on your efforts, or support you in other ways. You may also have an opportunity to travel in late summer, exploring new environments and being exposed to diverse people and situations. Make the most of all this activity, as once the fall season kicks in, you will have ample opportunity to slow down and relax, as you nest in preparation for a new year.
Celebrate in style on your birthday in preparation for great things to come. As your own personal new year sets in, you will be offered a number of appealing opportunities to choose from. Love, work and travel top the list, and your own problem may be choosing just a few from so many exciting options. Try to remember what is really important to you, and what you value in life above all else. By September, you should have a clear idea of what direction to take, as your life moves forward in a completely different direction than you might have expected. Fall is your transition time, as you make the leap from one reality to the next. Go more slowly then, but do go.
Imagine your life as if it was exactly the way you wanted it. This birthday year, you might actually have a chance to live this life as planetary influences bring you long sought-after goals. Though July might bring some unexpected challenges, by the end of the summer, you will have manifested more than one of your wishes and dreams. Love in particular may offer opportunities galore, as you rejuvenate existing relationships or meet exciting new romantic partners in play. Gratitude will help this expansive tide of goodness keep flowing right through the fall, as you continue to discover what brings you joy and fulfillment. If winter brings a few wrinkles in your plans, stay patient because things will smooth out early next year.
Fun, playfulness, and humor are easy to manifest this year as your birthday begins on a note of whimsy. Try to carry this tone into the rest of your life, as you may feel more serious than usual around matters of the heart. Be assured that this won't last forever, as the fall will bring you many chances for love. In fact, you may find yourself hearing from people from your past at this time and taking steps to forge new beginnings. November in particular could be a good time to make progress in relationships, and you will see your work pay off by the beginning of next year. Although your success will not be instantaneous, it should be long-lasting.
Your birthday brings you a fresh start, as you clear away the cobwebs of the past and take the next steps on your journey. Although you may feel a bit uncertain about the challenges you face, you have a chance to re-create yourself and embark on a whole new life. You may find yourself a little confused in September, questioning your changes and new priorities. If you can stay the course through the fall, you will find that you are able to fully commit yourself to the life you have now chosen. You will probably also receive support and encouragement from a new friend at this time. Allow yourself to be helped, even if it makes you feel vulnerable.
You will probably enjoy being the center of attention on your birthday, but by July you will be craving time alone. Try to find a balance between retreating and socializing this year, as you may have a tendency to overdo one or the other. During the month of August you will feel a greater sense of ease in life and be able to relax about the choices and decisions you have made so far. Finances may become an issue in September, but by the end of the year you will see a light at the end of the tunnel. It's possible at this time that you will discover a new way to generate income doing something that comes naturally to you.