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Your best efforts will take you far this year. Ambition is great and you're motivated to help others as much as yourself. March and April may be chaotic and full of accidental events and surprises. Stay safe and sensible, and see if any surprises can be turned to good. Maybe win some new friends as well. The next few months are calm and good for progress. August ignites with summer fun and big-hearted generosity. Keep things within bounds and let the limelight find you. Your unselfish work in December could win you love as well as acclaim and reward. End the year with warm romance!
Career and your standing in the world are highlighted and favored this year! Other people won't intimidate or distract you. In the spring be bold and inventive, sometimes to the point of shocking. Be practical, too, and don't get so wired or highly strung that you alienate anyone who may want to like you and perhaps work with you later. You'll settle down and be more systematic by August. Take care of yourself, health included, and don't shy away from being popular. Reach your peak at work in January. Be wrapped in tender love and caring friends in the final months!
Career and work opportunities beckon, so get ready! Be it an advance in your current position or the offer of something wonderful, look forward to moving from where you are to somewhere much better. Be energetic and willing to try new things in the first two months. Step off your normal path and sample some new and exciting activities. August and September bring busy and popular fun times when you could be wined and dined beyond healthy limits. Be smart, too. Work prospects sparkle all January. Be sharp and sensible. Surround yourself with loving friends and cozy romance in the last month!
Good times with groups of good friends could be the lifeline that makes this fiery year so successful. You have great passion and a love of life that won't quit, so burnout could be an ongoing problem. Friends will help. The first two months are exciting and full of surprises. Cool it for a few months, but expect August to fill up with creative fun and crazy good times. Catch your breath and work steadily through to November - that's when you really buckle down. A big change at work could be in your favor in January. From February on is yours to decompress, love, and be loved!
Be the expert behind the scenes this year and build up a great reputation! It isn't instant recognition but a great foundation for future success. Take those calculated chances in March and April, learn a lot, and win a lot of admiration. Money could improve in April and May and life could get more comfortable if you aren't extravagant. August and September are full of fun and generous people. Be helpful in November and get rewarded in December. Friends and co-workers are understanding and cooperative, especially as the year closes. Be at your best all year and see how friendships, love, and affection find you!
It's a warm, emotional year when many people touch your heart and you touch theirs! Feelings may be sensitive the first few days of the year, but after that you can strongly focus on your own needs and desires. Be energetic and ambitious all spring long. Daily life may get more lovely and comfortable in May. Work diligently and smartly through the summer. August can still be great, glorious fun. In late autumn someone else's serious concern may touch your heart. Be sensible and supportive. The last two months glow with a friendly social scene and maybe love from an unexpected direction!
It's a magical year when you can have great but subtle influence with many people. Intuition and instinct help you read people better than ever before. Lay low for the first few days and then leap into action when the spring season begins. Be practical but bold and stretch your wings in April. Work steadily but with a low profile for several months and advance financially and socially. August could bring big summer fun. Stay out of the spotlight and accomplish a great deal. Be ambitious and quietly successful in December. Meet a challenge in January and then cruise comfortably and lovingly the rest of the year!
It's a powerful year for you, so don't shy away from any change or challenge! However sensitive your heart, you won't lose determination or resolve, especially in March and April. Relax a bit in May and enjoy more creature comforts. Continue working hard on those things most important and see slow, steady financial progress. Enjoy your favorite forms of summer fun in August, but keep an eye on expenses. Someone may need a favor in late November, and this can later provide an opportunity for you. Friends and a special love bring great joy and some personal magic in the last several months!
Many exciting times are on your horizon this year! Be sensible, pace yourself, and have the energy to do as much as you like. Surprise people all year, especially in March and April. Force yourself to take a moment and focus your attention on what you want to achieve. Be ambitious. A touch of charm will make your great energy more acceptable, and even admirable, to many people. August may get wild and hyper, so stay practical, especially about money. Be wise, influential, and modest in late November. In the last few months be surrounded by loyal friends, brilliant ideas, and great love!
It's a strong and beautiful year ahead! Be and look your best, and enjoy private and public progress. April may be the most ambitious for you, but keep those plans intact and stay flexible when things don't go smoothly. May ushers in a more gracious lifestyle and a more solid and sensible approach toward all money issues. Have a great summer, especially August, but don't overdo it. Be the voice of reason to someone important to you in late November. If January is challenging at work, make the most of it. Lush love and cooperative friends are all yours for the rest of the year!
This could be the year you improve your financial situation and make progress that lasts! Start the year mentally organized and full of energy and ambition. Friends and family support you. Use every day in April. By May settle down and work hard at less experimental or daring projects. You have all the patience and persistence in the world. Summer fun may call to you in August, but it won't distract you for long. You may work harder still, and for the welfare of others, in November and December. Friends, co-workers, and lover are all there for you, especially the last several months.
Express yourself and get your message out this year. This will help all money decisions and financial actions, so do your homework, know what you want, and say so. You may be most energetic and motivated in the first month, but you won't fizzle out. By May you'll have a plan that includes all you need and want. Make contacts in May and June and see solid progress, however slow at first. Enjoy yourself in August. Mature and sensible decisions in December win you respect and admiration. Be widely embraced and loved by casual acquaintances and more intimate companions from January until the year ends!
Have the best times and the best luck in nearby favorite places with your favorite people. Find countless adventures and new excitement near home, especially in the first two months. With a refreshed spirit, be ambitious and accomplish many goals in the next several months. In June friends may spur you to greater action and more practical behavior. August is the time for what pleases you most. Be responsible and respected in November. Starting in January friends and co-workers will be cooperative, no matter what the task or challenge. In the last month love and fulfillment will never be far away!
Buzz with curiosity and companionship all year long! Life may lead you down some twisted paths, but you'll learn and benefit from it all. In April concentrate on yourself - your goals and how to reach them. Some wild ideas may arise and you may try a few. Be practical and respectful of daily needs and then branch out. June heats up when friends seek you out and you approach them for fun outings and fruitful discussions. August is also on fire with summer fun. Pace yourself and remember those mundane obligations and expenses. Be smart and successful in December. Affection fills the rest of the year!
Family and a happy home life may motivate you toward a great year! April is primarily yours, so get a quick start on being and looking the way you want. Be ambitious and energetic, too. In May you might change something at home that will improve everything. It might lessen costs, too. Be sensible and be happy about it. In July something fundamental at home may need to change, or perhaps a family issue could be resolved in the best way imaginable. Be vibrant with fun in August. In December solve something important. Enjoy the remaining months with friends, family, and sizzling love!
A balancing act between home and work could keep you busy this year, but you have more than enough energy for both. Decide what you want to concentrate on and when. Start April off on fire, keen to try new approaches to everything. Be sensible and avoid the outrageous. May brings a sweet surprise, perhaps a gift or a sharp, smart idea that leads to better money management. See more of your ideal home in July. August is pure fun. In November do your best for someone and benefit greatly. Many people love you and want to see you do well. It's a golden year!
It's a fantastic, friendly year, rich in passion! There will be challenges, too, so it won't be boring. In April personal passions ignite and take you down an ambitious, personally satisfying road. Stay practical, and don't be so hyper that you chase off anyone. In May you could see an upswing in income if you're persistent. August is incredibly lucky and joyous. Watch expenses, however. In December someone else's need may inspire you to help and make improvements for yourself. A sudden change at work in January doesn't have to take you by surprise. Private dreams and shared aspirations make for a loving last month!
Let your inner child rise a bit closer to the surface and have a creative, playful, and productive year! In April be ambitious, practical, and inventive. Respect those daily chores, keep to that budget, and find some wiggle room in May for a personal treat. Be diligent and motivated, and be prepared for a burst of good luck, opportunities, and fun in August. Continue working hard on what you love without neglecting what else needs to be done. Watch for another big opportunity in December to help others as well as yourself. Challenges, easy solutions, and great support and love carry you through the year!
Stay focused, take good care of yourself, and make tremendous progress! A big surprise could be around any corner, especially in April, and you might spring some of them yourself. Be energetic but don't go wild. Pace yourself and finish the year strong. Slow down a bit, but don't slack off in your efforts in May. August and September are lucky, fun, and comforting. Eat well, rest, and be healthy. In December spend time on behalf of others or some cause and see gains of many kinds. Be smart, pragmatic, popular, and compassionate in the following months. Great love follows you!
It's your year to feel great about yourself and all the little things that are going right. Some of those little things are quite big. Think - and act - outside the box the first month and have the energy to work harder for yourself. Enjoy more comfort and beauty in daily life in May. Keep working steadily, too. August brings great summer fun and some favorite activities. Be helpful in December, perhaps by solving a friend's problem. Be ready for an opportunity at work in January. In February and March dream of love and you'll find it all around you!
Your feet are firmly on the ground, and taking care of business has never been so easy or gratifying! April and May are busy with surprises and extra work that brings you more and better things. Stay focused and enjoy a party atmosphere all August long. Your health and daily routine are important in September. Be good to yourself. What looks like a delay in December is really a pause so you can get things right. A change at work could be good for you in January. Keep your dreams alive in February and let love come to you. It's a sparkling year!
Make many new contacts this year. They may be modest and temporary, but one or two could stick and benefit you for a long time. You might be adventurous in April and May, but you'll be surrounded by sensible, grounded people. Learn from them. May and June are energetic times, and you could eat and spend more than you intend, so pay attention. August holds more fun times. Slow down and be health conscious in September. Be methodical in December and focused at work in January. It's a busy, productive year, with a dreamy dose of love in the closing month!
Passions run high this year and love touches everything you do. Do more things that you love with the people you love. April and May are full of mischievous fun with casual friends, but August could bring more serious and more generous (or more expensive) company. Romance and the emotional stakes get higher in September. Keep your daily life together and be calmer in November and December. Don't overreact if an unexpected change happens at work in January. You could be the answer to someone else's dream in February and March. Be honest and compassionate. There's plenty of passion in the air!
Are you looking for romance? Well, it's looking for you! This is your year to be lucky in love. If you're already happily with a partner, that happiness will increase. The first two months you may be busy with work, perhaps fitting into a new role or position. June has rewards you've been waiting for if you've been working hard. July and August are summer party time. Don't get run down with all the fun. Your partner will bring much happiness your way in September. Be clear about what's illusion in December. By February you'll know if all this love is real.
Love is your secret superpower this year, so use it wisely! You may crave change and excitement in the first two months, but you won't chase off anyone if you don't go overboard. You might even attract a more exciting partner. Be safe and practical. Keep your diet and budget under control in June. People will be generous and fun loving in August. Watch diet and budget now, too. In October your heart may thrill to a new love interest or your current flame could burn more brightly! Be rock solid for someone in December. The last two months could be the dreamiest!
You'll never be led astray this year if you calmly listen to your heart. Calmness could be your biggest challenge. You're brimming with energy, ambition, and desire for all good things. You may earn several of them in May and June. Work hard and don't burn out. Share good times and good fortune with friends new and old in August. Mind those expenses, though. A beautiful, bright love shines on you in October, perhaps with a touch of childhood or loves past. December is more serious. Go slowly and you can accomplish a lot. Love your way through the whole year!
Be solid and successful all year long! You're full of energy and want to do everything yourself, especially in the first few months. Settle down in June and work hard for those few things that mean the most to you. Money should be good if you don't overspend. August is also full of promise, popularity, and fun. Work calmly for the next few months and by December you'll be prepared for a lucky break. Stay calm, be methodical, and accomplish a great deal for someone else and yourself. Dream of fresh, new love and it will be there for you before the year ends!
Be powerful and set a good example without even trying. Give calm consideration to all you do, especially in the first month, and easily deal with problems that would have been hard before. No one can rush you during May, mostly because no one can keep up with you! Be energetic and acquire some lovely new things in June. Work sensibly and enjoy a fun, frivolous August. Perhaps receive a reward from a grateful group in December. You're earning great respect, too. Don't be perturbed by anything at work in January. The last two months are rich in wisdom and love!
It's second nature to be practical and productive this year! If you've been thinking about changing careers or want to start your own venture, it could be possible now. Have great new ideas in the first month. Write them down and be ready to jump in when energy is highest in May and June. Be charming and attract success in June. Keep working hard and meeting those obligations, however. August is made for fun and relaxation. Work comes into sharp focus in late December and January. Brace for a big change or opportunity. Love springs to mind and rocks your heart in February and beyond!
It's your time to be the star at work or in public! No one works harder than you, no matter how you feel. Intuition guides you in April. Get pragmatic and work hard in May and June. You may want a more gracious lifestyle in June, and your hard work will pay off. Be responsible through the summer and enjoy great fun in August. Your tastes may get more conservative and you may save more in early December. A splendid advance at work is possible in late January if you're motivated. Great love in the spring could be the best surprise of all!
Excel at work and secure what you need to succeed. If not wildly ambitious, there are still wonderful things you want to do. Start in April and May to work hard with strong, smart plans behind you. Your charming nature can also bring you success in June. Be practical and responsible through the summer and enjoy fun, comfort, and popularity in August. Keep expenses reasonable. Be patient and make wise decisions in December. January and February are yours to shine in public and the workplace, so look and do your best. Sweet dreams and tender love come your way by spring!
Express yourself well with large groups of people and improve daily life for yourself and many others. Be smart, motivated, and active in the first two months. Being sociable and charming may result in more support and maybe even income in June. Be responsible, attend to daily details, and lighten up with friends and family in August. In early December be helpful and modest and earn respect. A sudden change at work could give you more opportunities, so be calm and practical. Step into a dreamy love in February and March. Friends and lovers fill your time and heart all year long!
You can be a great people person this year and still stay as objective and private as you please. People want to work with and be with you, and all this social contact will be good for you. Be clever and energetic on your own behalf in April and May. Get caught up on anything that's been delayed or left unattended. June is a charmed and charming time. Be very popular in August. Work hard in December. Be ready if a work opportunity arises in January. In February a social partner could become much more, with a surprising and strong love!
Feel deeply connected to many people this year and do your best work by keeping private most of your sympathies and activities. Love, not praise or popularity, is what it's all about. You're naturally practical and smart, and you're motivated to do all you can and then some. Have a schedule and meet deadlines easily in April and May. June is more comfortable but just as busy. August is full of amusing company. December is busy, but that's how you like it. Shine in public and relax in private in January. February is intense, emotional, and love filled. It's a powerful year!
Learn from every twist and turn in this busy, brilliant year! Be active with friends new and old. Think practically about everyday affairs, especially in the first two months, and have more energy to keep your daily life in good order. In June be sociable and perhaps receive a gift you may want to share or pass along. August is full of summer comfort and contentment. Stay organized and responsible and be ready to work hard in December. A sudden demand at work brings opportunities in January. Be busy, productive, well connected, loved, and understood in February. Launch your own surprise at year's end!
The world may try to keep you busy, but it won't be able to compete with your inner life. Make many self-discoveries to help you later in the year. Pay attention to your dreams. Be smart and energetic in April and May and easily meet expectations. Work hard and be provided with more than you need in June. July and August are pure fun. December and January are more serious and perhaps more satisfying. Be more noticed at work or in public in late January. Then become more introverted in February and enjoy peaceful times with treasured friends. Let love fill the hours!
Come out of your shell in a big way this year! If you're already outgoing, your reach will be greatly extended. You have fantastic energy and drive, especially in the first few months. Be focused, get a lot done, and make some lovely additions to your wardrobe and home in June. Pay attention to spending and then enjoy a fun, relaxing August. Be persistent in your work efforts and benefit in December. A big change may come in late January, but you'll be ready. The following months are full of company, friends, and love. Just ask if you need or want anything (or anyone) special!
Make the most of every day this year and don't look back! No one can stop you if you know what you want and where you're going. All your aims and ambitions will be practical, and you'll be sharp and clear-minded in the first month. Work hard and achieve a lot. Enjoy June, but don't let down your efforts to be successful. August holds pleasant surprises - all in fun. December may be less frivolous but more rewarding. Be serious and succeed. A big change in late January can be good for you. Be sensitive and get rewarded with love in the following months!
Your popularity soars and so does your productivity this year. You know what you want, how to get it, and how you want to share it all. Head and heart work well together, especially in the first month, so don't wait. Hard work and persistence will pay off by June, although maybe not instantly. Relax with family, friends, and kindred spirits in August. Be diligent and value yourself in December. Step up and face an important challenge in January. Dreams and aspirations take over in February. Love may come out of nowhere in the final months. What a spectacular year!
Thoughts turn to a more upscale lifestyle, fashion, and better income this year. Get lots of good ideas from friends thinking the same way. Work together and support one another, especially in the first two months when energy and sharp thinking are at their peak. June is lucky and lovely. Face any obstacles head-on and see great progress. August is fun but could get expensive, so pay attention. Be a dynamo at work in January. Competition is fine, but antagonism less so. Watch that temper. Be more tender and touchable in February and March. Love is there for you all year!
Charm and be charmed all year long! No one will be able to resist you, and there may be times when you're also unable to say no. Your thinking is sharpest in April and May. Be charming and sexy in June no matter how hard you're working. If gifts come your way, watch for attached strings before accepting. Be gracious, regardless. Have fun close to home in August without spending a fortune. Enjoy the calmness of a sensible partner in December. Be smart and ambitious in January and go far. The rest of the year is busy with even more affection and love!
Friends and neighbors are there for you, no matter how complicated things get this year. Things look simple at first, but your thinking is clearest. Keep this focus. A lovely temptation in June may show you how small interruptions can slow things down. Stay focused and near home in July. Keep plans simple and keep up with daily chores and bills. It won't be hard. Have happy times with relatives in August. An old love may sweetly reappear in December. Work heats up in January, but you'll be ready. February and the rest of the year are full of compassion and love!
Starting and finishing go together for you this year. Break free to start something new and exciting while you easily tie up loose ends. Be smart and dedicated to work that matters, especially in May, and waste no time, effort, or energy. Friends support you and no one can hold you back. Conclude something big in July. Relax with friends and family in August. You may want to spend more time on your own in December. Be busy with work and being excellent in January. Share dreams and fun times with more friends in February. Unexpected love is everywhere in the final months!
Family could be very important this year, perhaps living relatives, but it might be family history, roots, or hometown. Be hardworking, clever, and have everything you need to accomplish what you want in May. Be charming and make appealing changes that better organize your finances. Be treated royally at home in August and maybe host a party or two. Watch those expenses and get what you pay for. An old partner or lover might want to spoil you in December. A door may open for you at work in January. In February and March be casual, relaxed, and surrounded by love!
Be lucky all year long. The closer to home you are, the luckier you'll be. Think and work on practical matters in May and perhaps see a working vacation in June. A family or home matter can bring great joy and success in August. Your generous spirit will shine and draw more luck. You may crave less glamour and more substance in a relationship in December. A big change near you in January could still broaden your world. In February you may want to do more good for more people. Make friends and team up. Hot love could surprise you before year's end!
Be creative and clever all year and see marvelous things happen! Be pragmatic and focused on the basics of daily life as the year opens and through the first two months. What you achieve now you'll be able to keep unless a taste for extravagance strikes in June. August glitters with good feeling and great fun with friends and family. Watch expenses and exaggerated generosity now. A practical partner or lover touches your heart in December. Have a creative, constructive answer if a problem arises at work in January. Spend time with sympathetic friends in February, and be relaxed and ready for love!
Get great pleasure this year from countless little things. Small favors, consideration, and kindness will be recognized and appreciated as the big things they really are. Be smart and driven to succeed in May. Live well and spend less in June. Enjoy what may look silly to others in September. If romance feels hyper in December, do what's comfortable and have your partner tone it down. Work hard in January and see something turn around for you. Let your dreams run free in February and do more with groups of friends in March. Love touches everything at year's end!
Inspiring dreams will keep this year going for you, and no foolish dream will slow you down. Spend time with practical friends in the first month, have smart suggestions, and be fearless in your ambitions. Hold back on luxuries in June and live better for it. Be lucky and have fun at home in August. You can rethink and examine any dream if you have doubts in September. A romance could quietly mature in December. Take advantage of a change in the workplace in January. The rest of the year is more casual, calm, and cozy. What a sweet year!
Be healthy, happy, and highly motivated all year long! Work hard for what matters to you and get stronger just from making the effort. Be pragmatic and patient in May and June, and don't waste time or money on long shots or questionable schemes. Work hard, be responsible, and enjoy a big-hearted, fun-loving August. Be straight with a lover in December and clear the air for you both. Hard work and success resume in January. Thoughts may get fuzzy but feelings are clear in February. Be inspired and inspiring and very well loved. It doesn't get healthier than that!
It's your time for all the little things to click and allow big things to happen! Be energetic early in the year and pull together what you need for more comfort and personal success. After late May it might be hard to think of much else. Money could come and go at home in August. Take care of details in October and see money and health improve. An old friend or lover supports you in December. A romantic offer or opportunity could come from afar in January. Dream big and have fun with friends in February. Be your own secret power all year!
If you like, you can be part of a group that looks out for one another all year. It will be there when you need help, and you'll be happy to be of service to others. Be practical and smart as the year begins and keep those good ideas coming. Be generous with family in August and perhaps receive without asking something you've desired. Simple daily kindness makes October a great month for you. Learn something important in January, and risk sharing your aspirations and dreams in February. End the year smarter, more successful, and more admired and appreciated than ever!
Every little effort and gesture you make will yield big results for you this year! Get more serious about small things and see just how big they are. Spend the first few days concerned with making things nicer and more stable for yourself. Think calmly and systematically in late May and June. Use money wisely in June and July. August is all summer fun, but watch expenses. Respect your needs and health in November. An old love could revive in December. February is for fun with lots of friends. It's an active, tenderhearted year that takes you great places!
If love doesn't rock your world this year, the passion will still be there for something or someone! Your feelings are important, but they don't have to dominate your life. Be your most ambitious and clever in the first month and perhaps acquire something special in June. Be money smart in August and have a glorious summer close to home. Love flashes across your sky in October. Make a change in your life goals in January. A dream may come true in February, but at what emotional cost? The last two months are lively and full of unexpected surprises and affection!
It's the year to be big-hearted and wise about love! Every relationship you're in will expand and enrich your heart. Work hard on practical matters in the first month, save what you can, and perhaps afford something special in June. August is the time for family fun. Be generous and receive generosity, too. Love gets serious in November. Be strong as well as sensitive. Find an inspiring role model or example to reignite your ambitions in January. February is the time to deepen casual friendships. You can achieve great things in the last few months, but you won't have to go it alone!
Other people's concerns may tug at your heart and keep you busy this year. You have the passion and energy to handle anything. Use the first month to get organized and work hard on practical matters. Money will be there for you in June if you stick to the budget. Summer is when to relax at home and enjoy some big fun! You may need to help someone in November. Just be your responsible self. Starting in January work and social life may keep you running for a few months, but a surprising secret love could catch up with you before year's end!
It's a busy year full of big plans and big energy! Get your schedule organized in the first month and work hard. Save a little more, if you can, and see a sweet personal reward before July. August could be busy with summer excitement, but it doesn't have to be expensive. The end of December could be hectic, but stay focused and do your best for yourself and others. You might have an urge to get away from it all in January. Friends - and a special new love - will give you all the affection and rest you need at year's end!
You have everything you need to work hard and make a major change in your life this year. If you're happy with the status quo, you could find fresh ambition or desire. Motivate others with your drive in the first month. Think of a new but simple way to take better care of yourself, too. Money is reasonable, although you might want to save more. Enjoy a fun-filled summer, especially August, and thrill to new amusements. You may meet or learn of someone who inspires you to greater heights in January. Be popular in February and well loved all year long!
You'll have many chances to excel at work and in public this year. There's no point in trying to hide or downplay your achievements. Be practical, smart, and responsible, especially in the first month, and have a firm foundation for the rest of the year. In June enjoy a private treat that adds elegance. Watch expenses, though. Enjoy some intellectual fun in July and August. Romantic memories could be strong in November. Pursue a passion in January and have it pay for itself. Make deeper emotional bonds with friends in February. Love and happy surprises will fill your days by spring!
Career and public presence could be this year's highlights! It won't be for purely selfish gain, however. Start the year motivated to work hard on whatever you love that has the best chance for success. Clever, practical ideas prove helpful later. Friends and family enjoy your company and are generous in August. Treasure old partners in November and perhaps feel wistful about an old love. In January and February step up and provide well for yourself and some others, too. Friends give you comfort and amusement the rest of the year. A surprising (and generous) new love could appear in spring!
You can make your career glow with success this year or you can make a shift to something new! You are most practical and solid in the first month. You can get inside people's heads, too. Keep the cash flow balanced and maybe acquire a small desired item in June. Enjoy some pleasant but inexpensive summer fun with family in August. Romance gets nostalgic in November. Prepare for a possible big change at work in January. February is big, so look and do your best. Relax with friends afterward and let some surprises make you smile. Love isn't far behind!
Share many happy dreams with friends this year and see some of them come true! You express yourself well, especially early in the year, with enough clever, useful ideas to last all year. Be diligent about basic work and money, and lighten up with friends and family in the summer. People really want to be with you. An old flame could cross your mind and path in November. Get motivated about something new in January. February lights up your social scene. Allow friends their fantasies. You may turn a new head and be surprised by a secret love in the spring!
It's a great year to make new friends and widen your social circle! There could be some reshuffling of faces, all to everybody's increased happiness. You are more interested in your own work and appearance in May and June and this will pay off later. Brainstorm, particularly about finances, with a trusted friend and maybe family in June and July. Enjoy a cozy August at home. Entertain and be entertained. A love interest in November might want to move faster than you'd like. Be clear and see how it goes. February shines with friends, dreams, happiness, and maybe a great new love, too!
Take the lead with your friends and do many of your favorite things with your favorite people this year! You're full of ambition and bright new ideas in June. With steady work you can make more progress than ever. August could bring you gifts and flattery from friends and family. The opinions of an old love may sound less important in November. Keep a calm heart and steady head. February and March buzz with happy - if silly - fun with friends. Enjoy yourself and feel part of a bigger whole. April twinkles with big-hearted concern and love, all coming your way!
Surprise yourself all year with brilliant ideas and big plans that only you can make happen! You won't overreach yourself or run short of energy. You're responsible and dependable and should see solid progress in the first month. Pay attention to budget, save a bit more, and enjoy a relaxing, glamorous August. You might get involved in a more mature business or romantic relationship in November. Excitement won't be lacking. You may take a more spiritual turn in February and desire more love in your daily life. Stay realistic and then follow your bliss. Be brilliant in April and attract tremendous love!
It could be a busy year, but you can step out of the fray any time. Whenever you need peace and quiet, it's yours. Be energetic and sharp minded, especially in May and June, and work hard toward financial goals. An impulse purchase in July doesn't have to set you too far back. Just pay attention. Be playful and happy at home in August and September. Work diligently and be your responsible self for the next few months. A tender, romantic November awaits you. Be busy with friends in February. Watch for a private surprise or two at year's end!
A secret desire for something special could motivate you this year. Or it might be time for you to make private plans for a nicer lifestyle. Be ambitious and busy in the first few months and perhaps create a financial opportunity. Enjoy more luxury time with friends and family in July and August. Try not to spend away whatever you gain. Be sensible in love in November and feel appreciated. A startling new idea or project could distract you in January. Friends may inspire you in February. The last two months are bubbling with fun and affection. Make great advances this year!
Reinvent yourself this year and be a smarter, sharper you! Take the first month and decide what things are most important for you to do and have. Then get ambitious. You could see some charming results by July. Relax and let family and friends entertain you in August. Stay motivated and make steady progress in the next several months. Be wise in matters of love in November. Something (or someone) exotic and exciting may catch your eye in January. Be inspired in February and move in a sweeter social circle. The last few months are busy with pleasant and profitable surprises!
Be at your sharpest, cleverest, and most entertaining all year! Everything you say will sound witty to others, and you'll be able to reason to the end of things before people have described everything. Use these skills to great benefit in the first few months. You know to not be a showoff or bore, especially in July. Enjoy special big fun in August, and graciously and fairly spread any expense. What you used to need in a romance may become important to you again in November. Enjoy a beautiful, cultured February with friends. Love holds more surprises at year's end!
This year you may get more interested in money and the nice things it makes possible. Cleverness and get-rich-quick schemes won't deceive you. You may discover some sound, practical ideas in the first couple months. Hard work matters, too, and you may deserve a small private treat by July. Share good times with family and friends in August. You might want to host a party or summer event. A quiet romance could find you in November. Stay low-key and let things take care of themselves. Friends and the social scene come to life in the remaining months, including much love!
Charm and elegance are yours this year. You're smart. You know that life is more than money and material comforts, but you don't discount their importance. Be highly motivated all year and achieve a lot early on with what feels like little effort. Work diligently and maybe celebrate in August, perhaps on vacation. A friendship could become a serious romance in November. Deal promptly with any perceived crisis in January and see quick, easy resolutions. Amuse yourself with dreams of luxury in February. Friends and lovers are there for you, sometimes surprising you in the last two months!
Friends and the joys of local life make this year sparkle for you. You can think globally and then enjoy the richness of the world near at hand. Be ambitious and driven to succeed, especially in the first two months. Settle into a sustainable routine and you'll improve your position and income by July. August is when to kick back and have fun, and perhaps make some useful social and career contacts. Networking never stops. An overlooked admirer could appear in November. If bored or disillusioned by a social group, you don't need to stay. A nearby love could surprise you at year's end!
Be the bright star with your family and friends this year! You could also put down strong roots with someone important in your daily life. A light touch and clever, chatty personality in the first month will bring opportunity later. Work undisturbed and make great progress before August, when friends and family capture your attention. Be practical and accomplish what you need to in the next few months and be ready for a strong but subtle love interest in November. A fond fantasy may dissolve in February. Love and friendship are abundant and strong in the last months!
Family and home are powerful forces for you this year. Have a clear, practical vision and see through several fantasies that may have held you back. Watch expenses in July. You don't need to envy anyone. August and September are on fire with pleasure, amusement, and basic good sense. Slow down socially - but not at work - in November. Take good care of yourself - you're worth it! What looks like an opportunity at work in February may not be. Be politely cautious and nonconfrontational. A lively social life in the last months can bring relief, pleasant surprises, and sweet affection!
Family affairs and daily routines are smooth and natural this year. Others may sometimes see problems and chaos, but you won't. Buzz with energy and have an answer for everything that matters. You may want to think a bit, but the answer will be there in the end. The first two months could be the busiest and most challenging, but you're up to it. Take your home situation (and budget) in hand in August and September and make it exactly the way you want. Have fun, too. Pace yourself in November, and work through a misconception in February. Love and be loved all year!
Find countless pleasures in daily life and have a great time all year! You're full of energy, so nothing and no one can rain on your parade. Be smart and sensible in the first few months and calmly work hard to further yourself. See better income and steady progress before July. Be lucky and feel rich at home in August. In September be more young at heart and enjoy things more. Be healthy in November and poised to handle any problem in January. Dispel a cherished dream at work in February and move forward. Surprising love and friendship round out a great year!
Be creative and cheerful and see big success this year! You can be playful and practical at the same time. You can go places fast with your high energy and motivation. No one can keep up with your keen mind in the first month. Work hard on what you know works well and make great progress before July. Be lucky and generous at home in August and enjoy some of your success. Attend to details in November and don't overlook anything important. Be inspired by co-workers in February and inspire them, too. Bask in love from a surprising direction in the closing months!
Your inner child will have a lot of playmates this year! If not usually a people person, you'll be glad for the people in your life now. Be ambitious, energetic, and willing to try new things in the first few months. Work hard in the coming months and see success and satisfaction. A home matter has a happy and lucky outcome in August. Enjoy fun and friendship in late September. Stay happy in November and don't get discouraged by anything. A situation at work in February could be deceiving. When in doubt, ask questions and go slowly. You're loved all year long!
The pleasure of good partners and teammates will make this a happy, powerful year! Early on think carefully about where you are and where you're headed, then work hard and be ambitious. The home budget may grow in July as you see progress. Be very lucky in August and attract more luck for your home environment. Don't remodel yet, though. September and October are times to luxuriate in doing what you love with people you love. In February you may recognize that a previous opinion came from a false impression. It's easy to fix things. April is yours for fun and fantastic love!
Get passionate about your daily routine and take good care of yourself all year! This isn't selfish - it's simply smart. Think clearly and quickly in the first month and be motivated to improve your personal and professional appearance. Stay ambitious and make great progress, especially in July when your good money instincts kick in. If friends keep you too busy in August, you can bow out once in a while. No one will mind. Be healthy and content in late October, and know that your good habits will stick. Friends and a fresh new love carry you through the year!
A busy year will keep you juggling the big things and the little. You decide which are which. You think before you act, which is good when you have so much raw energy. Be intent on getting ahead in the first two months and see great advancement just be being smart and practical. Friends and family share your happiness in July and August. You're good with money without being overly frugal. You know how to spend what's needed, especially in November and January. Be brilliant and impress family, friends, a special someone, and yourself in the last few months!
See deep into the heart of situations this year and get control. Big things become little and manageable in your hands. Energy and sharp wit are yours all year long. Be on the same page with all your friends in July. Family and neighbors may surprise you in August. It will be loving, generous, and good. November could be your most successful month, although it may not feel like anything special at the time. Do your work and be responsible and brilliant. If the day job gets emotional in February, stay calm and let it pass. It's a busy, love-filled year!
You're ready to get more serious about the work you love. You may not care if it takes you far, but it probably will! Have a million great ideas in the first month, and be a good judge of which ones may succeed. A friend could test your patience in July and August, but everyone will want to be big-hearted and have fun. Work calmly through the summer and fall. An intimidating challenge is really an opportunity in November. Give yourself a chance. Get inspired on the job in February. Social life heats up happily in April. Have a sexy, popular time!
Friends and admiring people surround you this year, so smile and let them bask in your warm company! Seriously, you have a passion for life that attracts others. You may be too busy with cleverness and fun (and success) in the first month, but by July all that affection will catch up with you. You won't neglect any daily obligations, despite all the people in your life. Love finds you and brings romance to your door in December. March and April may hold more love-filled surprises if you can slow down enough to notice. Work hard and play harder. It's a sizzling year!
Yes, these are complicated times. You're being more successful and achieving more than you realize, so relax more and stress less. You're the smartest person in the room, especially in the first month. Stay cool, work diligently, and reap rewards and praise in August. You can pretend surprise. Friends make the daily grind more fun in November. Other people may keep you busy in January. Do what you can, but remember your obligations. Find fresh ambition in February. March and April are for good times and relaxation. Fresh new love could be in the mix, too. Have a great year!
Your intensity might scare away a few people this year, but the right ones will stay. Inventiveness and generosity may be your two greatest gifts, so pay attention and don't let them carry you away, especially in the first three months. August ignites with popularity and maybe expensive fun. Be sensible. Settle down for a few months and see some intense success at work in November. January could be the most intense, but with other people's drama, not yours. Inspire someone in February. Your social life gets hot and heavy in April. Relax with a sweet special someone in the final months!
You always have the big picture in view and know what to do when! You may not pay much attention to others, but you inspire them. Be most energetic in the first month. Friends keep you hopping and happy in July. Surprise yourself in a big way in August. Do good things with it. Catch up with some older friends in November. Learn and try new things with new people in new places in late January. Be realistic and responsible but open to the future. Friends and love return in a big way in the last few months. What a charmed and charming year!
Be at the top of your game without any extreme extra effort all year long. You're bubbling over with energy and motivation, especially early on, and people want to respond well to what you're doing. Friends relate to what you have to say in July. There's great summer fun coming in August. Friends may pitch in and help with some routine errands. Return the favors when you can. February is bright with new useful lessons and opportunities. Don't fall for a false impression at work later in February. Relax with some fun and romance in April and all the following months!
Career dreams and plans come together this year if you're smart and persistent. You're motivated, especially in the first month. Stay organized and stick with what works. Friends may have suggestions or share dreams in late July. Relax, talk, and listen. Feel big-hearted in August and maybe pleasantly surprise someone whose spirits need a lift. Be more cautious and spend less in November. Attention turns to work and career possibilities in February. Tend those personal dreams and plans, but don't jump unless you're sure the offer is real. Love makes a quiet approach at year's end!
Do work you love, help others, and help yourself greatly, too! If you aren't in your dream job, this may not be the perfect time to find it, but it can be the perfect time to clearly see what it will be. Be patient and practical. Surprising opportunities and chance meetings abound in June and July. Be conspicuous and inspiring and widen your network. Friends are there for you in July and August. Relax and let them be generous. Be consistent as time goes by and gain insight in February. Unexpected new love and friendship appear in the last few months. Embrace it all!
The year bristles with excitement, new friends, and social scenes. Be bold and meet some great new people. Attract new friends and business associates with your powerful energy and ambition in the first month. Be steady with money and responsibilities and win admiration in July. Be generous, fun-loving, and lucky in August, but don't overextend yourself. November is calmer. Catch up with old friends. March and April are brimming with people, surprises, and fun. Don't burn out or burn through the budget with all the good times. A secret, smarter love approaches you at year's end. It's a sizzling, sweet year!
You're exciting and in demand this year, so spend more time with more people. It may look like you're concentrating on everybody else, but by year's end you'll see that it was all about you. Have fun, connect, and make progress, especially in the first month. You have energy and ambition to burn. Time with friends in July will be helpful and productive. August is also a social time - everyone wants to be generous. In November rethink a decision you made a few months ago and be satisfied with your final choice. Friends, and a warm, familiar love, surround you in April!
Set your sights on a personal goal this year. Don't be afraid to reach for the stars. Be ambitious and inventive, especially early on, and have the support of friends and family. Have solid plans and be steady and sensible in your efforts. Talk with friends and get advice in July, but use your own ideas. August is rich with summer fun. Watch your expenses and then enjoy! Be smart about good health in November and December. April is busy with friends new and old, as well as mischievous pleasure. Some of it may be flirtatious, too. It's an accomplished, warm-hearted year!
You know what you want and how to get it this year! You may not get everything instantly, but you know how to make it happen. Cleverness and energy are gifts that serve you well, particularly in the first few months. Be quietly productive and responsible. A friend may have some good ideas for you in July. Some unexpected good luck may find you while you're busy having fun with family in August. Reevaluate your position in November, and don't be too self-critical. You're doing well. In April and May relax with friends and perhaps a loving admirer who finally speaks up!
Secret desires and private thoughts keep you motivated all year. With your energy and spirit, there's no limit to what you can make happen. Work hard, possibly with friends, in the early months and make tremendous progress. Stay realistic about money and daily chores, and be ready for fun and relaxation in August. Enjoy quiet but intense times with friends. With family, be more outgoing and fun-loving. Take good care of yourself in November - eat and rest well. Trust your own judgment and instincts at work in February. Confide a few secrets to that special someone before year's end!
You have endless great ideas, plans, and energy for the future! A few of those plans may catch fire and take you far this year. Be practical and patient as well as ambitious and creative. You can do it all, especially in June and July. In August something a friend says in private may suddenly click and work out for you in public. Some unexpected summer fun later in August could lead to someone being generous. Say thank you. Look for inspiration, but don't daydream at work in February. In May and June get ready for some romantic insights and possibly passionate love!
You're on fire this year and nothing will slow you down. If you can feel driven without getting impulsive or impatient, you'll accomplish whatever your heart desires. Be independent in the first couple of months, then reach out and relax with friends in July and August. People will be eager to hear what you've been doing. There may also be fun with family or an unexpected visit from an old friend. A slight misunderstanding at work in February could turn out favorably. Be realistic and gracious. From April until year's end be surrounded by loving friends and rich, friendly love!
Assert yourself and clearly see who you are and what you want to be. Nothing can distract you from what is right or best for you. Be motivated and full of energy, particularly in the first few months. Relax with friends and family in the summer, mostly in August, and see how much you're admired and loved. In January if a love interest questions something that you know is right for you, just be true to yourself. Be more sensitive and effective at work in February. Unexpected happiness comes from friends and that special someone in the closing months!
Money may attract more attention this year. You're practical and smart, so struggle less with any pressure to provide for yourself and loved ones. You're full of energy and motivation, so stress less and simply tend to business. Take a break in August and let friends pamper you a bit. It makes them happy to see you happy. A partner may suddenly disagree with you in January, or perhaps a new partner will appear with different ideas. Listen politely, but trust your own judgment. Find inspiration in your work in February. Be unexpectedly lucky with friends in April. Love is yours all year!
You can strike that sweet balance between material wealth and emotional wealth and make progress in both realms. Be shrewd and sensitive in the first two months and see your determination pay off by July. If you yearn for luxury, be conservative and modest in your aims. August could get extravagant, so watch the budget and then let the Universe, friends, and family be generous. You're lucky all summer. Be an inspiration at work in February, and gain insight into what motivates people. Long-distance friends are your good luck in April. Be wrapped in love all year long!
Be popular and lucky all year long! You radiate charm and people simply want to be with you. They like doing favors for you, too. Quietly attend to business in the first couple months and then enjoy all good things in August. Let friends surprise you with their generosity. Be generous in return. Extravagance isn't required. Remember to take care of your health in November and December. Be conspicuous and encouraging at work in February. This will serve you well later. Make some new friends in April, and find some hot new love before the year ends!