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Your brightest ideas and best plans may be made during private time, so don't overbook yourself or skimp on downtime. A few special friends (or that very special one in your life) may share these times, but not the rest of the world. Be generous and receive favors in July and August. Be supercharged and energetic at home in October. More peaceful times may be called for in November. Be quietly creative. A flash of inventiveness at work in March might need time to gel. The last month could see entertainment, small private parties, and after-dinner drinks with romantic overtones!
It's a great year for plotting and making preparations for the long term! The future isn't just tomorrow. Now that you have a clearer view of what you want and where you want to go, dreams, instincts, and intuition can be your guides. Be generous and big-hearted in July, and enjoy material abundance. Family comes into focus in October, and you have more than enough energy to finish what gets started. Respect your ambitions and passions in March, even if friends disagree. The last month is yours to examine and reconsider anything or anyone that this year has brought. Be loving, loved, and admired!
Start something near and dear to your heart this year and pursue it to completion! Put self-improvement on your agenda and you can be greatly successful. Spirit and heart are big and bright. Enjoy a burst of energy to finish up the final stages of a long-lingering project in October. New clever ideas might distract you, but stick with the tried and true. A romantic bolt comes out of the blue in December or January. Stay calm and self-assured. Dream what you most want in February. End the year in strong, powerful, passionate form and launch into a magnificent future!
Have great self-confidence and be your own best luck this year! You can do this modestly, graciously, and without a huge ego. After a smooth summer, your temper or patience may be tested in October and November, especially at home. Seek and respect old advice and the experience of others. A romantic flare-up or brief hot fling could happen in December. Be civilized but not too deferential. Be more idealistic in February, even if you don't act on the sentiment. Don't be tossed by any repeat surprises at work in March. The last month mellows out with culture, comfort, conversation, and great compassion!
Money and material concerns may preoccupy you this year. Focus on genuine abundance, be realistic, and improve your status and appearance. Summer is yours to work as you please. You may need to stand up for yourself and your ideas in October, especially with family members, but it doesn't have to result in conflict. Another personal, more romantic challenge might arise in January. Respect yourself as well as others. Remember, you are but half of any relationship. Your heart softens and opens in February. At year's end value your friends, tastes, preferences, and what and whom you love best. All love is returned in full!
Enjoy a glamorous year with great energy, especially for material or financial matters. Be most lucky with your generous impulses in the first month. Settle into a summer of productivity with cooperative friends. Countless minor quarrels could slow you down in October. If you lose your focus, a fresh new love will set you straight. If you get angry for a while, expect to be grateful later. Wishful thinking or ungrounded good intentions could cause trouble in February. A major shift at work in March could work to your advantage if you aren't too aggressive. High-octane love and energy are yours all year long!
It's a dynamic year, when you can be the star whenever you need to. Your sparkling wit can surprise even you, all to good effect. Look and feel your best in the first month, especially at home and with friends. Shine brightly with close friends in August. October energizes an issue at home and motivates you to meet all challenges head-on. Slow down and rest in November. A love interest could get too interesting in January. You'll shine in April, even if it's a bit uncomfortable. You know who and what you want this year, and everything's within reach. Have a great year!
Enjoy countless opportunities and promising complications this year. You'll see and think clearly through everything, and no wishful thinking or grandiose offering will deceive you. Small pleasures and company close to home will abound in September. This happiness can fuel you for the rest of the year. Be most proactive in October, especially concerning home affairs. A major love might come (or go) in January. Don't be knocked off balance. Likewise, a burst of hopeless idealism could bruise your heart in February. Be compassionate but practical. Expect surprises at work in April, some from you. It's a brilliant, productive year full of tenderness and love!
You could make a big change or two this year, revamping yourself, the people (or special person) in your life, or even where you live. You're big-hearted and have big vision, even if you don't use it. Details in the small picture may distract you in August and September, but those efforts won't be wasted. Be motivated, even confrontational, in October, to complete some major project. Be captain of the team in November. A romantic shakeup is possible in January, and an old fond fantasy may return in February. Work energetically in April. A sweet, sensitive last month ends a dynamite year!
Peace and quiet may be scarce in the outside world, but you have an infinite reserve of inner calm that will look like magic to others. Your big-hearted approach, especially to down-home situations, will win you admiration all year, especially in the first month. October and November may be busiest, but you'll also be the most energetic. Take downtime in November, when fewer, if any, people come to interrupt you. Romance flares up in January. Dream big in February, although a friend might not agree. Be clever (and charming) at work in April. Enjoy a cozy, sparkling end to a busy year!
You're a rolling ball of fire all this year, and full of surprises, too! Even if people could keep up with you, they won't be able to guess which way you're going. After a calm few months things heat up in October, when you're jump-started into doing more at home, perhaps for family. Progress and good karma can come from simply being nicer to the right relative or friend. November is quieter but still has its share of fun. Brief romantic fireworks are possible in January. Be solid at work in April, and relax in loving, passionate arms during the final months!
You have a secret source of great love and support this year, possibly from friends and relatives. Be grateful and don't press for explanations. It may be a year of random acts of kindness, so perform your share. Be energetic in October, smoothing ruffled feathers and restoring peace and pleasantness at home. Be more low-key in November, but still fully enjoying life. A change-up in daily routine could have long-lasting effects. Enlightenment is possible in February. If sparks fly at work in April, you can cope with it. Spend the last month lavishing and receiving love and encouragement. It's a passionate, powerful year!
Emotions run high and a lot of that can be channeled into creative fun that keeps your heart beating loud and fast. Meet those daily needs, enjoy smooth sailing, and be ready for a busy October full of family and social affairs. Some of it may feel fated, so don't be too quick to say no. Be sharp, sensible, and sensitive in November. When the dust settles you'll look back on a lot of emotional maturity and progress. Respect those basic work demands in the spring, and then benefit the rest of the year. Cleverness and beauty unite in the last month. Bask in the brilliance!
The world may think you've become more serious, and that's a good thing. You're simply more sincere in your words and actions and less frivolous about how you spend your time. Quiet times at home will still be intense and important to you in September and October. Be clear and focused about your passions in November, then don't be a hermit but share your good times. If work gets challenging in March and April, you'll have energy and wits to spare, and lots of support. Lighten up in the last couple of months and indulge in more quality time with the person who loves you best.
It's a high-energy, extroverted year! Keep some personal pleasure in your equation, even if spending time with others is your primary source of happiness. Just don't let it take over your life. A family or home concern may take all your energy in October, and it will be worth it. Don't be frustrated in November if people aren't always there for you. Respect everyone's boundaries, especially your own, and don't take everything personally. Work may heat up in April. Stay grounded and meet the challenge. It's a smooth, comforting end of the year with more love than you might have dreamed!
Your daily life doesn't need to have anything lackluster about it this year. You've got the magic touch, especially at home in the first month, and know how to set people at ease. After a nice, quiet stretch, family and friends may want to spend more time with you in October. Enjoy the attention and tactfully share any extra expenses. People want to treat you well and stay in your good graces. Reserve judgment in December if a close friend or lover disappoints you. You can learn why before the year ends. Let tender feelings express themselves, and treasure those hugs and kisses!
Craving a major overhaul in your daily routine? If not now, the time will come, so don't get anxious about it. Keep finances tidy, enjoy a few months of calm, then spring into action at home in October. Friends and family may have suggestions and want to help. People will cheerfully respect your wishes in November. This can lead to many pleasant times. Be attentive to your health and diet in January and feel healthy and strong. Any changes in routine made now will stick. Any work stress in April won't be a drain. Love yourself and let others love you all year long!
It may be time for a love that really works for you, if you don't have one already. If you do, be sure to appreciate what's good and be patient about improving what isn't yet totally perfect. Don't let that yearning for perfection deprive you of what is already a wonderful thing. Accept the generosity of others, especially in the first month. In the fall be motivated and work hard to make both home and career more satisfying. In January a sudden intense love could survive, if you choose. Decompress and reevaluate in the last month. It's your heart and your year!
If you've overlooked the sexy charms of a sharp mind, that won't happen this year. You never have been content with what's purely skin-deep. While life looks orderly and calm for the first few months, in October things could get steamy and contentious at home. Your true friends will be patient if you get impatient or angry with them. Take a deep breath in November and relax with more casual, lightweight activities. An unusual or unconventional love interest may catch your eye or heart, however briefly, come wintertime. What satisfies you may be changing, deepening, improving. Be patient and love yourself, too!
Connect better with friends and loved ones, and have a richer, happier conversation all year long. You're bright, generous, and fun to be with and this will draw people to you, even after any spat. October and November could be busy and packed with other people's minor problems. Don't worry about any of it. Encourage people, and watch any problems solve themselves. Money and work both look reliable, although you may imagine a problem in December or January. Stay calm and practical - things are fine. Share a fond aspiration with friends in February, and work passionately in April. It's a splendid, congenial year!
It's a dream-filled year, but don't expect to be perfectly understood all the time. Pay careful attention and you can mostly stay on the same page with people. You're upbeat and lucky, so most of them will make the extra effort with you, especially in the first month. Some excitement could strike at home in October, but little confusion. Blast expertly through autumn, particularly November, and be successful in all that you attempt. Inspiration in February may please you and your loved ones before the year ends. Publicly surprise and delight people in April. It's a gentle, sweet year!
It's a tenderhearted year for you. You may feel hypersensitive at times, but keep your feelings under control and notice how psychic you've become. Manage your spending, especially that first month, and still enjoy great times. In September and October you may experience some self-doubt, but stand firm, especially about decisions concerning home and family. Your loved ones will agree with you on all counts. Take your creative efforts seriously in November and ignore negative criticism. Shield your heart in February, but don't hesitate to be sympathetic. You have to genuinely be you. End the year embraced by elegance and emotional security!
Nothing can stop you this year, so aim high! You have the energy to push through any obstacle and burn away any opposition. You have plenty of charm, too, and that can ease your way with many people. Luck is on your side, especially the first month, so don't wait around. Work away happily for several months, then be ready for a big breakthrough, starting at home. Negotiate skillfully for what you want and don't question your ability to complete any task. Success favors the bold, especially in public, and you have boldness to spare! Make it a spectacular and accomplished year!
Amaze even yourself with the success that is possible for you this year! Don't take anything for granted, of course, and hard work will be needed, but that's no problem. Your loyalty, generosity, and charm will serve you well all year, especially early on. Trust your taste and decision-making abilities, be practical, and don't doubt yourself. A private, inspired fancy that strikes you in February may prove useful by year's end. April is your time to be stunningly smart and successful at work. Be modest and capable, and leave the bragging and grandstanding to lesser beings. It's a great year just for you!
You have your feet securely on the ground this year, and what you do will last. Luck follows you, as well as pleasure, particularly in the first month, but don't assume things will always be so easy. October and November offer you a challenge at home or with family that will greatly improve the rest of the year, if not the rest of your life. Be self-confident but not brash, and refuse to feel inferior about anything. Be at your best at work and in public during April and May, so exert yourself every day. It's a magnificent year full of happiness and love!
Career and the trappings of public life may be your focus, with you as your severest critic. People will be impressed and perhaps surprised at your approach and how much success you enjoy. The first month you may have a bit of a golden touch, so use it wisely. In autumn your energy may sag briefly, but it's always wise to take good care of yourself and respect your limits. Just be sensible. In February you might be influenced by someone else's inspiration. Enjoy the good qualities and see enhanced comfort and cleverness before year's end. Have a fantastic and wildly enriched year!
Personal needs and obligations should come first, of course, but getting out and about can be more than just an escape valve for your heart and mind this year. Step up and do your part, especially in the first month. By autumn you may have more energy, perhaps for socializing at home. Remember your budget, and don't exhaust yourself. Be inspired by others in February even if you don't instantly act on it. Show up in public in a big way in April, and then kick back and enjoy May and June in style. Love gets sweet, and maybe serious, at year's end!
Get your message across, or maybe just enjoy more culture and wit this year! You'll never know a boring moment or wonder where to go and what to see. Everyone may not share your enthusiasm at first. In the fall you may want to pay more attention to things at home or with family. If friends intrusively suggest you slow down, say less and let things settle themselves, it's only because they care. Friends may inspire you again in February and March. You have friends at work, too, in April. Be a friend back. Love, brilliance, and warmth surround you at year's end!
New friends, new places, and new activities provide a year's worth of happiness! The tried and true old favorites aren't going away, but your tastes and horizons are expanding. Charm and luck get you going in the first month and serve you well all year. If family or home life gets challenging in October and November, you have the energy and proper words and approach to make all well. You'll be well respected in November. Surprise people - and yourself - in March and April, stepping up and doing radical and new things. Indulge curiosity in June and love your life every single day!
Feelings run deep and strong this year, and you may prefer to keep them to yourself. Secrecy and mystery may appeal to you, but simply respecting privacy may work just as well. The first month you'll be conspicuous, so don't bother hiding how lucky and attractive you naturally are. In the autumn you may need to be a diplomat with friends or family. Be sensitive to all sides, respecting privacy and boundaries, and achieve satisfaction everywhere. After a brief spell in the limelight in April, return to your cozy emotional cave and lap up endless love, comfort, and affection till year's end!
Mental sharpness and plain old good luck are yours in abundance this year! Most people won't notice, and that's lucky, too. With slight effort, the early months can be uneventful, organized, and under control. October and November may see some sparks close to home. Any quarrels or disagreements will be more about feeling and perception than about any concrete problem. Your words have extra authority in November. Reserve judgment and be slow to act in January if you have self-doubts. If tossed into the spotlight in April, be modest and let it blow over. Enjoy a spectacular, love-filled last month after a grand year!
Secret loves, intimate pleasures, and the sweet privacy of home may be your greatest treasures this year! You're brimming with luck, love, and keen wit, but you can keep a low profile and get things done. Patience and temper may get strained by family or neighbors in October. Handle things smoothly and don't go ballistic over nothing. Your judgment is sound and your authority will be respected. Protect your daily routine from flaky temporary interruptions in January. Step back in April and let others take center stage. Be good to your love and to yourself, and offer no explanations. What a powerful year!
It's a bright new year full of golden fun and opportunities. Your inner child may be near the surface, and a touch of innocent mischief could happen at any time. Be the normal, responsible adult and enjoy some pleasant months before dealing with a more excitable situation in October. Your sheer force of will and good heart should handle any adversity. Don't be a bully, though, and let your good sense and experience show through. Adventure may call you in April. Be bold but safe and sane. The last few months are quieter but still intense and rich with love, life lessons, and more love!
Be in touch with your greatest desires and ambitions this year. You may not instantly achieve them all, but you can make serious headway to get you farther down the road to success. Don't be afraid of new ideas or fresh approaches if the old ones have gone stale. Work steadily and see progress, although in October you might rethink or redo something at home or with family. Do what makes sense and don't squabble. A needed insight might not come until April. It's worth the wait. Don't be shy either. Stay modest and self-confident. People love you and what you do!
Money and material means could be more on your mind this year. It won't consume your life, and you'll find it easier to do well and sidestep any silly snags that happen periodically. You're naturally organized, especially in August and September, and this will keep the rest of the year running smoothly. Energy and self-motivation peak in October, when you could wrap up something major and leave emotional space to start something new and wonderful, possibly in March or April. You don't need big plans when small plans succeed in a big way. The last month rocks with success, satisfaction, and generous, big-hearted love!
Income, gifts, and cherished belongings may matter this year, and friends young and old have generosity, advice, and good examples for you. You're already smart, gracious, and eager to help, and people want to help you, especially in September. In October and November you can conclude something near home that's been hanging over your head too long, and win admiration for doing so. This may inspire you in February to do something equally impressive for others. Start something striking just for fun in March or April. The last couple months may be less focused but still packed with intimacy, sweet, sincere words, and embraces!
Your luckiest and happiest times may come close to home this year. Many short trips to sample new ideas and styles with close friends or family could open your eyes to more success and pleasure than you suspected. September and October would be the most mentally stimulating, so don't wait too long to explore your neighborhood or corner of town. October might need you at home to finish up an important chore. Be energetic and sweep it away. Be inspired and inspiring in February. A wild, crazy idea may appeal in April, but it may not hold up. It's a glorious, glamorous, passionate year!
It's lively, fun times, mostly close to home, with favorite friends and relatives. If not all close to home, then several short field trips and outings of the window-shopping nature could happen. A ripple of discontent (possibly from a woman friend or relative) might briefly arise in October, but tact and clear thinking make all smooth again. Home affairs deserve attention in November. Be energetic and systematic. Take good care of yourself in January, rest and eat well. Friends surprise you in March. Surprise them back - in fun. The last month is sweet, smart, and very lucky! It's a lovely, loving year!
It's time to pay attention to the people in your life. You may be surprised to find out which ones are really important, and you might find yourself to be important to a surprising someone else. Some of this is karmic. With daily life, money, and job under control, relationships with friends may stir to life in October and November. Stay calm and let things sort themselves out. A sudden offer of adventure could appear in March or April. A quarrelsome acquaintance could become a best friend in May. June and July shine brilliantly for you, so keep eyes and heart wide open for blessings and love!
This year home may feel safer (if not always calmer), while the outside world offers more than its share of surprises and challenges. Some of these challenges may propel you farther ahead in life - they aren't just to annoy you. November and December could get emotional, but don't fret. Acknowledge any feelings of insecurity and don't let anything stop you from being you. People may be fussy in January, but don't let anyone upset you. March and April are busy, exciting times with built-in comforts and favorite perks. The last month is another reward, full of love, generosity, and great company!
Create all the peace and quiet at home that you want and need. Be gentle, however, and realize that most people don't have your force of will or strong presentation. You don't need to quarrel over every little point, especially in November. Do something off the wall and fun (but not reckless) in January. Draw out a quiet person's wisdom in February and share what you learn, if appropriate. April and May keep you running and on your toes. Maybe take a trip, if only a virtual one. Read that e-book. Kick back at year's end with favorite people or a precious loved one and lap up the happiness!
Emotions run high at home, but your big heart guarantees there's more than enough love to go around. If a relative or close friend gets difficult in November, you have tact and affection to spare. This applies to co-workers, too, in March and April. Someone's fond dream could inspire you in February, but you also know how to live in the real world. With minimum (or no) stress over finances or work, any challenging times in April and May can be made productive and pleasant. Remember who loves you, and love back. There will be great stories and favors to share at year's end!
It's a fiery, passionate year when sharp minds and bright ideas can be sexy and fun. (Good bodies and shining smiles are still winners, too.) Keep the bills and the work situation on track and then, if you're inclined to get away from home for a while in the fall, go. December turns to the fun, bright side. Enjoy new people, places, and things. One may become a favorite. March, April, and May are mischievous times, so roll with any friendly punches and startle people into sudden smiles. Keep it safe and non-combative. Hugs, kisses, and clever sweet nothings enrich and expand your world!
Do your own thing in a big way, without chasing away the rest of the world. Look and feel attractive and self-assured. So long as you're practical and remember the details of daily life, problems can be few and easily fixed. Unvoiced jealousy could ruffle a calm home life in November, but you have the energy and determination to stand your ground. December and January may bring misunderstanding, but it can turn to laughter later. Stay calm and enjoy life. Big dreams find you in the springtime to take you on a journey, if only in the mind. It's a stunning, sparkling year!
Your tastes and desires may differ from what the world offers, but don't swerve from what you love. In October friends or family may suggest things you don't like to do, but be gracious and play along if you think the company is good. Follow your own drumbeat in December, be calm and pleasant through the holidays, and be glad you did. If misgivings arise in April or May, that's fine. Respect your right to reevaluate earlier opinions and actions. Learn, improve, and advance. Love yourself, and give others the chance to love you, especially in the last month. It's a stimulating, sexy year!
Notice what others overlook and observe what no one else can see. It may be hard to share yours news, though, but don't let that get you down. Be smart and enjoy many smooth days in the summer, then brace for a personal challenge (perhaps suggested by a friend) in October. November may bring moments of second-guessing yourself, mostly at home, but you can learn and profit from this with no long-term negative feelings. Delight some new friends with a few favorite old tricks in the springtime. Be a popular romance magnet as the year comes to a magnificent close!
Respect those little necessities of life - things like routine and health - and see how huge the reward can be. In October and November, you may spot some small possible changes (like just being smarter about diet) that bring you instant energy and inspire a friend or relative. In November an old annoying issue can be resolved at home. Fix, forgive, and don't forget the lesson. A breakthrough could happen in February to improve your life in many small ways. Please yourself and surprise others in April. It doesn't have to be reckless or self-indulgent. Have a loving, cozy, and successful year!
Dreams of love fill this year, and perhaps the angel you're visualizing could appear. If not red-hot, sexy, snazzy romance, it could still be a dream of a profoundly warm and secure heartfelt connection. Friends and relationships close to home may distract you in the fall. In November some deeply rooted attachment or habit may see its end or resolution. February holds sweet sunshine for the soul, even if it's not long lived. Enjoy the blessing. Be playful and entertaining in April. The final month is all charm, elegance, luxury - and more charm. It's a heartfelt and heart-expanding year!
Be inspired and inspire others all year. You're already smart and practical about money and work. In the fall connect more firmly with friends who are grateful for your company. Be prepared to be the authority figure at home and make a pivotal decision. Share opinions without any preaching or speaking down to anyone. Be respected even if you're considered eccentric in January. The world is full of surprises in April and May. Observe, assess, and appreciate the chance for change. Love surrounds you all year long, but you'll most strongly sense it in the final month. Ah, love, so well worth waiting for!
Your heart and head shift into high gear, and few will be able to resist you. Take care should you charm the wrong someone accidentally. Be smart, shrewd, and sensible and enjoy unchallenged smooth sailing until November, when friends may want more time than you feel you have. A family elder may want your help or just your presence later in the fall. In February a magical romance could briefly flash in your sky. Shine brightest in March and April. Be ambitious for others, and for yourself, too. Aim high. Be blessed and be a blessing for others in the last month. Embrace the love!
A million bright new ideas may strike you this year, and several of them could click into reality. Few people will be able to keep up with your quick wit, or even be able to see you coming. Be sensible, practical, and don't fritter this away on simple amusement. Decide for yourself what's worth doing in October and November. Friends might have other ideas. Respect your own judgment at home in November and cherish the safe space. Think and plan big in April, and learn great lessons for future use. Surprise yourself. The last month is more private, quiet, and tremendously lucky and happy!
Be eager to learn, improve, and lap up all the wisdom the world wants to share with you. Your eyes and mind are wide open, ready to receive it all. In the fall you may be bored and resist doing the same easy things with friends. Relax and let the irritation pass. Choose to face a difficulty at home in November, and honor your willingness to take on the challenge. Big fun comes your way in January, and in February big, loving dreams find you to make the heart beat fast. Surprise yourself and delight others in April. You're the world's darling at year's end!
Do your favorite things in a big way, and get things done on a big scale. It won't take a huge effort, either, just steady attention to what matters. Friends may challenge you in November. Just stand your ground, be fair, and win more respect. Indulge an impulse for big fun in January, but be aware that it might come back to haunt you. Sweet love beckons in February, although the memory may be less sweet. Live and learn. Be brilliant and popular in May and June. Intense pleasures and great progress can be yours. Do your best and don't look back!
Shine in public and enjoy great career opportunities this year! There's no point in hiding or saying no when a challenge arises. You're up to it. Start the year with a calm, focused mind, meet those daily requirements, and enjoy a sparkling November and December with active friends who keep you running. Slow down and concentrate on your own affairs until February, when love might come knocking on your door with a dreamy episode. If restless or bored in April and May, take private time or a private trip. Career is highlighted in May and June. Have a charmed and charming year!
Express yourself, especially in public and in the workplace. You have the tact and tenacity to get your message across without offending. The year starts with a misconception cleared up. In the fall there could be a difference of opinion, or perhaps just a clash of tastes or preferences. It's not worth a big blowout. January brings a creative idea to life. Attend to simple daily needs and drift into a romantic interlude in February. Good intentions may be misunderstood in April, but don't be hurt by this. It's a solid, proactive year of stepping out, loving, and being loved more and more!
Career and your public image may be important to you this year, and you can make much progress finding ways to tell the world what you want. Some frustrations are part of the package, so be at ease and make sure to be clear, particularly about details in the first month or two. Welcome a friendly debate to further clear the air in the fall. In January you'll sense that people want you to succeed and have fun. February is a month of valentines. Be someone's treasure, if only briefly. Find an unexpected way to help in April, and benefit. Love, advance, and share every day!
Be part of a bigger extended family and take a bigger social role with friends and community. Bake more brownies (to share, of course) or simply smile and comfort the shy and quiet around you. Focus on the details of daily life despite desires for great or flamboyant things. In November friends may expect you to take the lead in everything. Be bold and creative in January. A flash of love in February promises great things, but may fizzle. Enjoy and don't be disappointed. A reward for a forgotten favor may appear in April. Be popular, sought after, and downright loved all year!
Social causes and group needs may claim more of your attention. You can't rescue every kitten, obviously, but being more civic-minded on a sensible scale can take you far this year. You're innately practical and responsible. Be sensitive but not silly or self-sacrificial with friends in November. A yearned-for love might appear then disappear in February. Cherish the encounter and don't mourn. Not all requests are reasonable or possible in April. The last two months are full of opportunities for as many good works as you desire and as much love, affection, and luxury as can be imagined!
Friends, family, and ties to the past could reach out and touch you more frequently this year. Welcome the contact and connection. October may bring a chance for improved income. Cooperate and let things happen. November may tweak a friend or two, but you have a firm grasp of things. The winter might be the season for love, so enjoy the warmth. If asked for help in April, know that it's because you're tried, true, and trusted. Enjoy the closing two months in the arms of your favorite company, sharing so many of the gifts and good things you've encountered this year!
Work your best magic quietly and inconspicuously. Save your energy and let others compete for the spotlight. You may feel too busy or involved to form new relationships in the first month, but this will change. In the fall you have the energy and authority to clear up a disagreement among friends. You can do this nicely and with a gentle touch. You may be briefly tempted by love in the winter. Don't debate with yourself, no matter how it turns out. Great energy and some mischief return in April and May. Get things done for others - and yourself. Have a golden, glorious, glamorous end of the year!
Be your own best friend this year and let others be drawn to you. You're attractive in a compelling, quiet way, and the right people will find you. Welcome new - even radical - ideas, particularly in the first month, and give them a chance to bloom. If friends get jealous about something in November, let them express themselves and watch everything resolve on its own. Let no feathers stay ruffled. Your best talents may come out to help someone in March and April. Look good and do good all year. Kick back in the last month and love those countless, quiet, intimate moments!
Mysteries, secrets, and powerful dreams may occupy you this year. Your normal outside world won't be forgotten, people and finances won't be neglected, but psychic energies may intrude and call for your attention. It may not always be convenient, especially in the beginning. Insights and sharp thinking can help you handle any difficulties with friends in November. Feelings and psychic gifts may confuse then cooperate with desires in February. Be careful but give yourself a chance to succeed with others. The last month is pivotal, with great good luck and love, and a chance for a clear view into your own (and maybe another's) heart!
It's a bright new year when you can see yourself in a whole new light. You don't have to totally reinvent yourself, but it's possible. Concentrate on the fine points and small things about yourself that could make the biggest differences. By the end of the first month you may feel totally different, happier, and more secure about yourself. Friends are there for you in November, even if they don't agree with every word you say. Flattery will not fool you in February. Be gracious anyway. Be energetic in April, and share liberally all the rest of the lucky, lovely, and loving year!
You're at your smartest and most critical this year, so go for constructive criticism and keep spirits high. You may find yourself being the natural leader among your friends in the fall. Don't invest too much energy, but let things develop as they will. Do something radical and fun just for yourself in January. You deserve it. A peek into your deepest desires or into the heart of a would-be lover could happen in February. Be brave. High energy and the willingness to help someone in April or May could make you even happier by year's end. It's a modest but magnificent year!
Money and material well-being could be the focus of this year, in all the best ways. You can be shrewd and practical and still nice about it all, and this can smooth any rough waters and take you to higher ground and better places. People may be bold with you in October and November, but you're level-headed and secure in your facts. Lead the way to fun with your friends in November and December. Empty sweet talk gets nowhere in February. The real romantic deal may come along in the last two months, so keep that smile and open-hearted disposition! What a grand year!
Things can click and fall into place for you in the material world this year. Generosity, good timing, and just being smart will all contribute to your financial progress. Details are easier to manage, so watch that budget, pay the bills on time, and enjoy being with your favorite people, especially in the fall. Big pleasures can come to you at zero or very little cost in January. A romantic fantasy may find you in February. Enjoy, but don't flounder in it. Do some favors in April and be rewarded. The last month is full of gifts and glamorous times! Have a proactive, prosperous year!
Look forward to busy times and many short jaunts and field trips this year. Friends may try to send you off on errands in November, possibly your busiest month. Indulge them if it pleases you. You are well-grounded and won't neglect your own needs, so once your essentials are met, feel free to pick and choose your options. You may be healthier than you feel in the winter. Don't feel guilty, however, if you choose to slow down and go easy. You get to relax, too! After a slightly busy April, enjoy many sensible, peaceful days and sweet hours. You've earned them!
You are in charge this year, and people will do as you ask. The Universe may not obey, but on the day-to-day scale, you exert great influence. Be compassionate, ambitious, and make great progress this year. People may challenge you and try to be difficult, mostly in November and later near the end of the year. Be gracious, but don't back down unless you decide it's wise. Be wise in the winter, and take good basic care of yourself. Share wisdom and advice with superiors in April and May, and be socially promoted. It's a year of power, plenty, and sweet passions!
Look forward to busy times around your neighborhood, both fun times and growth opportunities. If your opinions of friends or family are changing, you aren't being fickle. You're observing, learning, and seeing deeper. Be highly sharp, practical, and meticulous in the first month. This helps you deal with people in November. Do something wild, crazy, and maybe moneymaking in January. Shake off a self-deception in February. In April react with wit, cleverness, and good training when something unexpected arises. July and August are more fun filled (though maybe not as relaxing), with lots to do with lots of people - plus a possible behind-the-scenes romance!
Treasure your home and then go boldly forth! You'll feel at home anywhere in the world you go. You shouldn't feel awkward or out of place no matter where you are or what you're doing. Your communication and people skills make you popular from the first month on. Take charge with friends in November and have many happy and well-organized short outings. Home life glows with holiday warmth in December and continues throughout the year. Wake up to a false dream in February. The last two months shine with good luck, group entertainment, and perhaps a challenging but thrilling love interest near the end!
A more beautiful home and more comfortable refuge from the world could be priorities for you this year. The first month you may rethink how your home functions for others, but really you're more focused on yourself. In November you may sacrifice a bit of comfort or glamour with friends at home, but that won't last. You should have the arrangement you need by December or early January. Rest well and write down your dreams in February. Be clever and lucky in April, at first for others but later for yourself as well. End the year in the lap of luxury, satisfaction, and love!
Relax this year in a bright, love-filled home life, with plenty of success out in the world, too! The first month you may listen to others, but you don't have to accept it all. Take power into your own hands in November and December and see friends yield to your suggestions and opinions. This doesn't require any harsh persuasion. January might have moments of nervous energy, mostly concerning home affairs, but things really are under control. Startle your family in April and delight your friends in August. The year ends on a very high, bright, and happy note! Relax, be that wonderful you, and enjoy it all!
Work and play come together for you this year, so love what you do and benefit from it all. A hobby or social activity could turn lucrative and do more than pay for itself. In late September and October you may get an idea or glimpse of something fun turning functional, and by November friends may want to urge you on and play, too. A change at home could further make this possible. January brings you more fun and cooperative people. Be responsible, but consider if you're not passionate about it, then why do it? Starting in August the year shines with celebration, affection, and love!
Enjoy a lot of people discovering you. Being even-tempered and fun-loving will serve you well all year long. A clever idea or insight could cause some ripples here or there, but you know what you like and you know it's worth it in the end. November lets you be in charge with friends and relatives when it comes to decisions close to home. A high hope may prove to be too high in February. Be grateful rather than disappointed. Have extra energy for pleasure, people, and good purposes from April through year's end. Love could quietly surprise you in the last month!
Build that self-confidence and great inner glow that bring admiration and opportunity your way! If an intimate someone is critical of you, rest assured a secret admirer thinks you're beyond perfect. Be honest but gentle with yourself in the first month, and turn up that smile. People are looking for it. Friends, fun, and encouragement are yours in November. Some disapproval at home in January might briefly slow you down, but keep smiling. Any self-doubts should be eradicated after February. Good luck, good times, and many happy, congenial people may be the norm by summer. And that secret admirer could appear by year's end!
Look and feel your dreamiest this year! This could attract many admirers, especially secret ones. If you aren't ready to encounter them all, respect your health and comfort level. People could bring you adventurous ideas in the first month, but the ideas won't be functional until maybe the spring. Friends will want to do meaningful as well as fun things in November. Make suggestions, expand, and enjoy. Health, basic well-being, and solid daily routine are important in February and March. The last two months could introduce you to some of those secret admirers. If comfortable, be the answer to a special someone's dream.
It's a glorious year for romance and partnerships of all kinds! If secure in a relationship, you could go deeper still. The first month is filled with practical plans and innovative ways to make life work better. November and December may be full of friends, small errands, and short trips. A practical consideration at home could shake you free in January. Pay more attention to your own needs in February. You don't have to face all this alone, however. A romantic connection or other loving assistance is yours from now till year's end, and it's especially powerful in the last two months!
Find that new love, find a new facet in your current love, or perhaps see a stalled love come back to life! Any of these are possible this year. During the first month think clearly and be crystal clear about your role in relationships. In November friends provide a bit of levity and good, silly fun. A drastic change at home in January might alarm some but will work out perfectly. If romance rocks your world in April, you can rock back. Work and your place in the world are solid and getting luckier and sweeter as the year ends!
Something that surprised you in the past could come back to work its positive magic again! Think conservatively as the year opens, but if you see a clever new idea or approach to life, you'll recognize it. Money may preoccupy you in October, but it will mostly be other people's money. Learn some good and useful lessons for yourself. January zooms in on home and perhaps the dramatic resolution to some nagging dissatisfaction. Trust your own taste and decisions in February. People may preoccupy you in April but the following months are all yours. Be happy and productive. It's an elegant, intimate final month!
Solid solutions and pleasing results are priorities this year. Even if they're not yet attainable, you're crafting how you want things to be and making plans to get there. Inspiration brings practical ideas in October. Money matters might also improve. Take charge of fun as well as entertainment expenses in November. Friends will be appreciative. Make that small but all-important change at home in January. Take better care and love yourself more in February. You deserve it. Enjoy helping someone in May. You're really helping yourself. The last two months are full of unexpected good luck, several blessings, hugs and kisses, too!
The world is a beautiful place, and this year you may find ways to enjoy and perhaps care for more of it. The year begins more concerned with the mundane but important daily life issues, but with no upsets or setbacks here your attention may begin to expand to bigger realms of your life. Horizons may broaden in November when friends become interested in new places, cultures, or simply new restaurants. Be good to yourself (and your stomach) in February. Work seems steady and not overly demanding. If you're not growing flowers, a lover may start bringing them before year's end!
Be articulate and charming this year, and perhaps speak for those who can't speak for themselves. You know what matters. Work and finances look stable enough to permit more public involvement - and enjoyment, too. Cultivate diplomacy and find energetic companions in the first month. In November interact with sympathetic friends, but don't be overly ambitious. A home affair may need attention in January. People will offer help should you request it. Respect your health and energy level in February. Be highly visible in June. People will remember and seek you out again in July and August. Better than fame - bask in good luck, good deeds, and love!
Communicate with a lot of people and get your message across this year! You know what you need, want, and would like to share with the world. It doesn't have to be in words. You're already clever, but observe and develop more in October. Money or some possession may also take on new meaning, so be alert. November is busy with friends and maybe some fantasies. Budget your time. Kick-start something big and wonderful at home in January. Shine in public in June, and take that popularity with you to the end of the year. Add great good luck, regal pleasures, and abiding love!
It's a great year to focus on career and work-related plans and desires. If choosing or building a career, networking and word of mouth are two of your most powerful tools. Your public presence and communication skills are topnotch, and you'll be seen and heard, whatever you do. Make it good! Your keenest discrimination (and perhaps the most valuable lesson or insight of the year) comes in October. Be wise with money in November and quick to act in December. Be bold with a partner in April. Shine brightest in June, attracting a year's worth of luck, love, and happiness!
Work and home will cooperate and support each other for you this year, when there's not an emotional tug of war happening. Be practical, do your best wherever you are, and don't get pulled either way. Make wise decisions in the first month, and don't second-guess yourself. Be thoughtful with expenses in November. Friends amuse you in December, but don't exhaust yourself or your credit line. Someone at home may want you in January. Springtime could freshen up the romance scene. Be your best, most solid, and most popular at work in July. This shines straight into your home and love life through year's end!
Feelings and emotional attachments drive a lot of this year for you, especially about your work and public image. If you're shy, it may be uncomfortable for a while, but there are advantages to a high profile. Act thoughtfully in October. Something nice could become affordable in November. Let others do the loud talking in December. Something you already love at home could improve in January. Be flattered by a repeat offer of love in the spring. Gain more support, experience, and respect in June. Your heart leads the way through a year of brilliant achievements and great love!
Enjoy great social activities and being part of a larger crowd! Reserve energy for home and other daily needs, but break out of the mold. If not yet up for excitement, sit quietly until the spirit moves you. Honor your own needs and opinions in the first month, enjoy mutual material support with a loved one in November, then brace yourself for a busy, buoyant December. Invitations, phone calls, and texts - some romantic - pour in during the springtime. Screen those calls in April. August glitters with happy company and big events. Slow down but don't cool down in the last month, when love may be sweetest!
Many lucky chance encounters can happen for you this year! You might never meet again, but your lives and hearts will be touched, perhaps in a deep, permanent way. The first month is rich with self-discovery. Be grateful for insights and lessons. Finances are stable and sensible in November and remain so even when tested by social demands late in the year. Do what matters to you in December - good friends will join you. A brash love interest may find (or re-find) you in April or May, to return yet again in August. Keep your heart strong! It's a magnificent, memorable year!
Feel regal and act with nobility! That's how people see you, however you feel. Strong, true feelings and powerful, clear thoughts are yours in October. Remember or write these down. An old favorite comfort may sustain you through any insecurity in November. Be gentle but firm if challenged by friends in December. Healing dreams are yours in February. Be realistic and health conscious, too. A romantic fling or celebrating the anniversary of one brightens your world in April and May. Daily responsibilities remain under control and in the background, so the last two months can be as fun filled and socially satisfying as you please!
Form your own impressions and make your own observations this year. Your firsthand experience has never been so important. The first month, a karmic discovery awaits you to put a few puzzle pieces together. Trust your judgment in November, but don't be too proud to double-check, particularly regarding money. A false impression or too much wishful thinking in February could be corrected near the end of the year. It's never too late - or too early - to raise that psychic antenna and sharpen those powers of rational thought. Your heart will benefit, too, and attract just the right kind of love and lover!
Be your most charming and persuasive this year one on one. Social and public settings will be pleasant and successful enough, but you'll excel on the more intimate stage. Late in October be considerate of others and yourself. Combine shrewdness and tact to your financial advantage in November. If you take more initiative on the romance scene in April, it may still be hard to resist some old, cozy groove. Regardless, enjoy the good times. Good luck and high spirits in August may be fun but not so easy to share. The last month is all yours for your heart to treasure!
Step into your own light this year! A karmic peek into your own mind is possible in October. Get finances and expenses under firmer control in November. Fun and adventures near to home are on your cosmic agenda in December. Friends will encourage this. Love and be loved in a bolder and more vocal way in March. Disagreements shouldn't be necessary. Even you should notice a more self-confident, outgoing mood by July and August. Connect better with more people in the last two months, and leave room in your heart for that most intimate and special one!
It's a year of self-discovery, and the awakening of new passions and self-love! Remember any birthday dreams and let a week pass before looking for hidden meanings. Be financially responsible and solid in November, just on principle. You're on sound footing. You may need some amusement with friends in December. Love, with all its thrills and risks, enlivens the springtime. You won't have to be outrageous to get noticed. Your social life heats up in August. Be popular and see new places with new people. Pay more attention to your health and appearance in the last month. It will make you even more lovable and charming!
Be so mentally sharp and observant that others suspect you of reading their minds. Overlook nothing, however small, and then easily make sense of what the world shows you. Your psychic talents (and they're considerable) are in addition to these mental skills. Be at your best in October, and use what you learn all year long. December is active with friends, neighbors, and casual acquaintances. February is creative, fun, and dreamy. Love sparkles and amazes you in March and April. Be the figurehead in your social set in August (although you don't have to pick up every tab). It's a powerful, empowering year!
Material well-being and basic financial health may attract your attention this year. The first month may give you a clearer picture of where and what you want to be in relation to others and the world at large. You may feel a tinge of insecurity and dissatisfaction in November and December. Hold yourself to realistic standards (not impossible ones), do the spreadsheet, and see that you're really fine and under control. Indulge in more free-spirited thoughts and pleasures in February. Be relaxed but diligent all year long, and enjoy a few glamorous moments in August. It's a year of love and treasures!
You may discover that the world really does love you and that you are your severest critic. Finances may come under close personal scrutiny this year, especially in November and December. Be reasonable and realistic, then treat yourself as well as you try to treat others. Why imagine crises far worse than anything real? Spend time with friends in December. Enjoy artistic, spiritual, or just plain fun in February. You deserve it. Follow your heart and surprise yourself in April. Be safe, of course. Be more big-hearted in August and let others enjoy your company. Let others love you at year's end!
You could be the life of the party all year long and dance the nights away. Friends, neighbors, and favorite family members are there for you - and you for them - when things get challenging or stalled this year. You may feel under budget constraints and in less than a party mood in November, but that turns around in December. A sudden, necessary change at home in January can greatly improve your peace of mind and family relationships. Love may crash in on you in April. Enjoy the thrill and don't feel threatened. Social life spins in high speed in August. Thrill to it all!
It's a fiery, big-hearted year in which it may be hard to refuse any offer or request. Friends and neighbors won't intend to intrude on you or your resources so much, but you may offer more than is practical or necessary. This may occur mostly in December. Be calmer and just as friendly, and be creatively inspired in February. A languishing or long-forgotten relationship might flash to life in April. If it doesn't ring true in your heart, well, life is change, is it not? Be gracious anyway. August is a gloriously social time. A provocative love turns positively sweet at year's end!
Friends and fun times close to home will make this a pleasant, relaxing year! You may save your special charms for an intimate few, but everyone will enjoy your company and idea of fun. Make some new friends and try out a fresh social scene. Money is fine, but watch that budget in November. A big change at home in January may keep you close, but there are great things to do nearby. A partner or love interest could surprise you in the springtime, or you may be the one doing the surprising. Friends are your good luck! Be loved all year!
Home and being happy may be big priorities this year. You're practical minded and no doubt have some new ideas to make your home environment more to your liking. Spend some of November writing down and costing out those plans. Friends will be there in December to help you make changes and relax afterward. February may be the busiest or tensest. Relax and enjoy what you're doing. A creative or spiritual activity in March can help keep you on track. Romantic excitement could light up your life in April or May. It's a sunny year rich in comfort, company, and love!