[ { "language": "en", "country": "India", "license": "Education and Research", "file_name": "ag_2022.pdf", "source": "https://gate.iitkgp.ac.in/documents/gatepapers/2022/ag_2022.pdf", "level": "Post Graduate Entrance Exam (GATE)", "category_en": "Agricultural Engineering", "question": "What is the minimum number of doors that need to be opened in order to go from point P to point Q?", "options": [ "4", "3", "2", "1" ], "original_question_num": 5, "category_original_lang": "कृषि अभियांत्रिकी", "image_png": "ag_question_5_0.png", "image_type": "diagram", "image_information": "essential", "parallel_question_id": null, "answer": 2 }, { "language": "en", "country": "India", "license": "Education and Research", "file_name": "ag_2022.pdf", "source": "https://gate.iitkgp.ac.in/documents/gatepapers/2022/ag_2022.pdf", "level": "Post Graduate Entrance Exam (GATE)", "category_en": "Agricultural Engineering", "question": "A game consists of spinning an arrow around a stationary disk as shown below. When the arrow comes to rest, there are eight equally likely outcomes. It could come to rest in any one of the sectors numbered 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 or 8 as shown. Two such disks are used in a game where their arrows are independently spun. What is the probability that the sum of the numbers on the resulting sectors upon spinning the two disks is equal to 8 after the arrows come to rest?", "options": [ "1/16", "5/64", "3/32", "7/64" ], "original_question_num": 7, "category_original_lang": "कृषि अभियांत्रिकी", "image_png": "ag_question_7.png", "image_type": "diagram", "image_information": "essential", "parallel_question_id": null, "answer": 3 }, { "language": "en", "country": "India", "license": "Education and Research", "file_name": "ag_2022.pdf", "source": "https://gate.iitkgp.ac.in/documents/gatepapers/2022/ag_2022.pdf", "level": "Post Graduate Entrance Exam (GATE)", "category_en": "Agricultural Engineering", "question": "Match the following reactants in Column I with the most appropriate purpose used in processing as mentioned in Column II", "options": [ "I-P, II-S, III-Q, IV-R", "I-R, II-Q, III-S, IV-P", "I-P, II-Q, III-S, IV-R", "I-R, II-S, III-Q, IV-P" ], "original_question_num": 46, "category_original_lang": "कृषि अभियांत्रिकी", "image_png": "ag_question_46.png", "image_type": "table", "image_information": "essential", "parallel_question_id": null, "answer": 3 } ]