"language": "en",
"country": "India",
"file_name": "g1_2022.pdf",
"source": "https://gate.iitkgp.ac.in/documents/gatepapers/2022/g1_2022.pdf",
"license": "Education and Research",
"level": "Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE)",
"category_en": "Geology Geophysics",
"category_original_lang": "भूविज्ञान भूभौतिकी",
"original_question_num": 18,
"question": "The relationship between conjugate shear fractures and the principal stresses in a homogenous, isotropic, deformed body is shown in the stereoplot given below (σ1, σ2 and σ3 are compressive stresses). Which one of the given fault regimes is indicated according to the Anderson’s theory of faulting for the formation of conjugate shear fractures under plane strain?",
"options": [
"Dextral strike-slip",
"Sinistral strike-ship",
"answer": 2,
"image_png": "g1_question_18.png",
"image_information": "essential",
"image_type": "diagram",
"parallel_question_id": null
"language": "en",
"country": "India",
"file_name": "g1_2022.pdf",
"source": "https://gate.iitkgp.ac.in/documents/gatepapers/2022/g1_2022.pdf",
"license": "Education and Research",
"level": "Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE)",
"category_en": "Geology Geophysics",
"category_original_lang": "भूविज्ञान भूभौतिकी",
"original_question_num": 22,
"question": "Match the locations in Group I with the corresponding economic deposits in Group II.",
"options": [
"P-3; Q-4; R-1; S-2",
"P-3; Q-1; R-4; S-2",
"P-2; Q-1; R-4; S-3",
"P-2; Q-4; R-1; S-3"
"answer": 2,
"image_png": "g1_question_22.png",
"image_information": "essential",
"image_type": "table",
"parallel_question_id": null
"language": "en",
"country": "India",
"file_name": "g1_2022.pdf",
"source": "https://gate.iitkgp.ac.in/documents/gatepapers/2022/g1_2022.pdf",
"license": "Education and Research",
"level": "Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE)",
"category_en": "Geology Geophysics",
"category_original_lang": "भूविज्ञान भूभौतिकी",
"original_question_num": 29,
"question": "During crystallization of a magma, which one of the following schematic paths (I, II, III and IV) describes the behavior of compatible elements in the residual melt?",
"options": [
"answer": 1,
"image_png": "g1_question_29.png",
"image_information": "essential",
"image_type": "diagram",
"parallel_question_id": null
"language": "en",
"country": "India",
"file_name": "g1_2022.pdf",
"source": "https://gate.iitkgp.ac.in/documents/gatepapers/2022/g1_2022.pdf",
"license": "Education and Research",
"level": "Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE)",
"category_en": "Geology Geophysics",
"category_original_lang": "भूविज्ञान भूभौतिकी",
"original_question_num": 45,
"question": "The sand supply and the variability of wind direction results in different dune types. In the options below, choose the CORRECT pair of dune types marked I and II in the figure.",
"options": [
"I – Transverse dune; II – Barchan dune",
"I – Star dune; II – Barchan dune",
"I – Barchan dune; II – Linear dune",
"I – Barchan dune; II – Star dune"
"answer": 1,
"image_png": "g1_question_45.png",
"image_information": "essential",
"image_type": "diagram",
"parallel_question_id": null
"language": "en",
"country": "India",
"file_name": "g1_2022.pdf",
"source": "https://gate.iitkgp.ac.in/documents/gatepapers/2022/g1_2022.pdf",
"license": "Education and Research",
"level": "Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE)",
"category_en": "Geology Geophysics",
"category_original_lang": "भूविज्ञान भूभौतिकी",
"original_question_num": 47,
"question": "Identify the common metamorphic minerals labelled X and Y in the ACF diagram.",
"options": [
"X – Anorthite; Y – Actinolite",
"X – Grossular; Y – Diopside",
"X – Wollastonite; Y – Almandine",
"X – Ferrosilite; Y – Andradite"
"answer": 1,
"image_png": "g1_question_47.png",
"image_information": "essential",
"image_type": "diagram",
"parallel_question_id": null
"language": "en",
"country": "India",
"file_name": "g1_2022.pdf",
"source": "https://gate.iitkgp.ac.in/documents/gatepapers/2022/g1_2022.pdf",
"license": "Education and Research",
"level": "Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE)",
"category_en": "Geology Geophysics",
"category_original_lang": "भूविज्ञान भूभौतिकी",
"original_question_num": 48,
"question": "Which one of the following schematic P-T paths is characteristic for a rock metamorphosed in a subduction zone?",
"options": [
"answer": 1,
"image_png": "g1_question_48.png",
"image_information": "essential",
"image_type": "diagram",
"parallel_question_id": null
"language": "en",
"country": "India",
"file_name": "g1_2022.pdf",
"source": "https://gate.iitkgp.ac.in/documents/gatepapers/2022/g1_2022.pdf",
"license": "Education and Research",
"level": "Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE)",
"category_en": "Geology Geophysics",
"category_original_lang": "भूविज्ञान भूभौतिकी",
"original_question_num": 51,
"question": "Match the following tectonic settings in Group-I with the corresponding examples in Group-II.",
"options": [
"P-2; Q-3; R-1; S-4",
"P-3; Q-2; R-4; S-1",
"P-2; Q-1; R-3; S-4",
"P-4; Q-3; R-1; S-2"
"answer": 0,
"image_png": "g1_question_51.png",
"image_information": "essential",
"image_type": "table",
"parallel_question_id": null
"language": "en",
"country": "India",
"file_name": "g1_2022.pdf",
"source": "https://gate.iitkgp.ac.in/documents/gatepapers/2022/g1_2022.pdf",
"license": "Education and Research",
"level": "Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE)",
"category_en": "Geology Geophysics",
"category_original_lang": "भूविज्ञान भूभौतिकी",
"original_question_num": 52,
"question": "Match the following igneous textures in Group-I with their definitions in Group-II.",
"options": [
"P-2; Q-3; R-4; S-1",
"P-3; Q-4; R-2; S-1",
"P-4; Q-1; R-2; S-3",
"P-4; Q-1; R-3; S-2"
"answer": 2,
"image_png": "g1_question_52.png",
"image_information": "essential",
"image_type": "table",
"parallel_question_id": null
"language": "en",
"country": "India",
"file_name": "g1_2022.pdf",
"source": "https://gate.iitkgp.ac.in/documents/gatepapers/2022/g1_2022.pdf",
"license": "Education and Research",
"level": "Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE)",
"category_en": "Geology Geophysics",
"category_original_lang": "भूविज्ञान भूभौतिकी",
"original_question_num": 53,
"question": "Match the Volcanogenic Massive Sulfide (VMS)-type deposits in Group-I with the dominant mineralized host rocks in Group-II.",
"options": [
"P-2; Q-1; R-3; S-4",
"P-2; Q-4; R-1; S-3",
"P-4; Q-3; R-1; S-2",
"P-1; Q-4; R-2; S-3"
"answer": 1,
"image_png": "g1_question_53.png",
"image_information": "essential",
"image_type": "diagram",
"parallel_question_id": null
] |