GATE_2022_Multimodal / ee_2022.json
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"language": "en",
"country": "India",
"file_name": "ee_2022.pdf",
"source": "",
"license": "Education and Research",
"level": "Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE)",
"category_en": "Electrical Engineering",
"category_original_lang": "विद्युत अभियन्त्रण",
"original_question_num": 6,
"question": "The figure below shows the front and rear view of a disc, which is shaded with identical patterns. The disc is flipped once with respect to any one of the fixed axes 1-1, 2-2 or 3-3 chosen uniformly at random. What is the probability that the disc DOES NOT retain the same front and rear views after the flipping operation?",
"options": [
"answer": 2,
"image_png": "ee_question_5.png",
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"language": "en",
"country": "India",
"file_name": "ee_2022.pdf",
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"license": "Education and Research",
"level": "Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE)",
"category_en": "Electrical Engineering",
"category_original_lang": "विद्युत अभियन्त्रण",
"original_question_num": 10,
"question": "An ant is at the bottom-left corner of a grid (point P) as shown above. It aims to move to the top-right corner of the grid. The ant moves only along the lines marked in the grid such that the current distance to the top-right corner strictly decreases. Which one of the following is a part of a possible trajectory of the ant during the movement?",
"options": [
"answer": 2,
"image_png": "ee_question_10.png",
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"image_type": "diagram",
"parallel_question_id": null
"language": "en",
"country": "India",
"file_name": "ee_2022.pdf",
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"license": "Education and Research",
"level": "Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE)",
"category_en": "Electrical Engineering",
"category_original_lang": "विद्युत अभियन्त्रण",
"original_question_num": 11,
"question": "The transfer function of a real system, 𝐻(𝑠), is given as in the figure. This system cannot operate as:",
"options": [
"low pass filter.",
"high pass filter.",
"band pass filter.",
"an integrator."
"answer": 1,
"image_png": "ee_question_11.png",
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"parallel_question_id": null
"language": "en",
"country": "India",
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"license": "Education and Research",
"level": "Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE)",
"category_en": "Electrical Engineering",
"category_original_lang": "विद्युत अभियन्त्रण",
"original_question_num": 14,
"question": "The geometric mean radius of a conductor, having four equal strands with each strand of radius ‘𝑟’, as shown in the figure below, is",
"options": [
"4 𝑟",
"1.414 𝑟",
"2 𝑟",
"1.723 𝑟"
"answer": 3,
"image_png": "ee_question_14.png",
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"language": "en",
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"license": "Education and Research",
"level": "Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE)",
"category_en": "Electrical Engineering",
"category_original_lang": "विद्युत अभियन्त्रण",
"original_question_num": 16,
"question": "The steady state output (𝑉ₒᵤₜ), of the circuit shown below, will",
"options": [
"saturate to +VDD",
"saturate to -VEE",
"become equal to 0.1 V",
"become equal to –0.1 V"
"answer": 1,
"image_png": "ee_question_16.png",
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"language": "en",
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"license": "Education and Research",
"level": "Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE)",
"category_en": "Electrical Engineering",
"category_original_lang": "विद्युत अभियन्त्रण",
"original_question_num": 17,
"question": "The Bode magnitude plot of a first order stable system is constant with frequency. The asymptotic value of the high frequency phase, for the system, is −180°. This system has",
"options": [
"one LHP pole and one RHP zero at the same frequency.",
"one LHP pole and one LHP zero at the same frequency.",
"two LHP poles and one RHP zero.",
"two RHP poles and one LHP zero."
"answer": 0,
"image_png": "ee_question_17.png",
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"language": "en",
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"license": "Education and Research",
"level": "Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE)",
"category_en": "Electrical Engineering",
"category_original_lang": "विद्युत अभियन्त्रण",
"original_question_num": 21,
"question": "In the circuit shown below, a three-phase star-connected unbalanced load is connected to a balanced three-phase supply of 100√3 𝑉 with phase sequence 𝐴𝐵𝐶. The star connected load has 𝑍A = 10 Ω and 𝑍B = 20∠60° Ω. The value of 𝑍(cid:3004) in Ω, for which the voltage difference across the nodes 𝑛 and 𝑛′ is zero, is",
"options": [
"answer": 2,
"image_png": "ee_question_21.png",
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"parallel_question_id": null
"language": "en",
"country": "India",
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"source": "",
"license": "Education and Research",
"level": "Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE)",
"category_en": "Electrical Engineering",
"category_original_lang": "विद्युत अभियन्त्रण",
"original_question_num": 25,
"question": "For the circuit shown below with ideal diodes, the output will be",
"options": [
"𝑉ₒᵤₜ = 𝑉ᵢₙ for 𝑉ᵢₙ > 0",
"𝑉ₒᵤₜ = 𝑉ᵢₙ for 𝑉ᵢₙ < 0",
"𝑉ₒᵤₜ = - 𝑉ᵢₙ for 𝑉ᵢₙ > 0",
"𝑉ₒᵤₜ = - 𝑉ᵢₙ for 𝑉ᵢₙ < 0"
"answer": 0,
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"license": "Education and Research",
"level": "Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE)",
"category_en": "Electrical Engineering",
"category_original_lang": "विद्युत अभियन्त्रण",
"original_question_num": 36,
"question": "The output impedance of a non-ideal operational amplifier is denoted by Zₒᵤₜ. The variation in the magnitude of Zₒᵤₜ with increasing frequency, f, in the circuit shown below, is best represented by",
"options": [
"answer": 2,
"image_png": "ee_question_36.png",
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"level": "Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE)",
"category_en": "Electrical Engineering",
"category_original_lang": "विद्युत अभियन्त्रण",
"original_question_num": 37,
"question": "An LTI system is shown in the figure. The values of ‘𝑎’ and ‘𝑏’ will be",
"options": [
"𝑎 = 1, 𝑏 = 10",
"𝑎 = 10, 𝑏 = 1",
"𝑎 = 1, 𝑏 = 100",
"𝑎 = 100, 𝑏 = 1"
"answer": 0,
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"level": "Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE)",
"category_en": "Electrical Engineering",
"category_original_lang": "विद्युत अभियन्त्रण",
"original_question_num": 38,
"question": "The open loop transfer function of a unity gain negative feedback system is given as 𝐺(𝑠) = 1/𝑠(𝑠+1). The Nyquist contour in the 𝑠-plane encloses the entire right half plane and a small neighbourhood around the origin in the left half plane, as shown in the figure below. The number of encirclements of the point (−1 + 𝑗0) by the Nyquist plot of 𝐺(𝑠), corresponding to the Nyquist contour, is denoted as 𝑁. Then 𝑁 equals to",
"options": [
"answer": 1,
"image_png": "ee_question_38.png",
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"parallel_question_id": null
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"license": "Education and Research",
"level": "Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE)",
"category_en": "Electrical Engineering",
"category_original_lang": "विद्युत अभियन्त्रण",
"original_question_num": 39,
"question": "The damping ratio and undamped natural frequency of a closed loop system as shown in the figure, are denoted as 𝜁 and 𝜔ₙ, respectively. The values of 𝜁 and 𝜔ₙ",
"options": [
"𝜁 = 0.5 and 𝜔ₙ = 10 rad/s",
"𝜁 = 0.1 and 𝜔ₙ = 10 rad/s",
"𝜁 = 0.707 and 𝜔ₙ = 10 rad/s",
"𝜁 = 0.707 and 𝜔ₙ = 100 rad/s"
"answer": 0,
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"level": "Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE)",
"category_en": "Electrical Engineering",
"category_original_lang": "विद्युत अभियन्त्रण",
"original_question_num": 44,
"question": "The current gain (Iout/Iin) in the circuit with an ideal current amplifier given below is",
"options": [
"answer": 2,
"image_png": "ee_question_44.png",
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"license": "Education and Research",
"level": "Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE)",
"category_en": "Electrical Engineering",
"category_original_lang": "विद्युत अभियन्त्रण",
"original_question_num": 48,
"question": "Consider the system as shown below. The system is",
"options": [
"linear and causal.",
"linear and non-causal.",
"non-linear and causal.",
"non-linear and non-causal."
"answer": 1,
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"level": "Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE)",
"category_en": "Electrical Engineering",
"category_original_lang": "विद्युत अभियन्त्रण",
"original_question_num": 51,
"question": "The current gain (Iout/Iin) in the circuit with an ideal current amplifier given below isLet 𝑅 be a region in the first quadrant of the 𝑥𝑦 plane enclosed by a closed curve 𝐶 considered in counter-clockwise direction. Which of the following expressions does not represent the area of the region 𝑅?",
"options": [
"answer": 2,
"image_png": "ee_question_51.png",
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"parallel_question_id": null
"language": "en",
"country": "India",
"file_name": "ee_2022.pdf",
"source": "",
"license": "Education and Research",
"level": "Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE)",
"category_en": "Electrical Engineering",
"category_original_lang": "विद्युत अभियन्त्रण",
"original_question_num": 53,
"question": "As shown in the figure below, two concentric conducting spherical shells, centered at r = 0 and having radii r = c and r = d are maintained at potentials such that the potential V(r) at r = c is V₁ and V(r) at r = d is V₂. Assume that V(r) depends only on r, where r is the radial distance. The expression for V(r) in the region between r = c and r = d is",
"options": [
"answer": 1,
"image_png": "ee_question_53.png",
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"parallel_question_id": null