Proverb,A,B,C,D,Answer_Text,Answer_Letter |
ለለአሐዱ በከመ ምግባሩ።,To each according to their work.,Don't get used to it. Don't deny it.,"If you have knowledge, write",soft word will broke the bone.,To each according to their work.,A |
ለሰብእ ጸሩ ሰብአ ቤቱ፡፡,He does not remember what he said in the morning.,A person's enemy is their family,Read the message from first to end.,Clothing is the glory of the body.,A person's enemy is their family,B |
ለዘቦ ይሁብዎ፤ ወይዌስክዎ፤ ወለዘለ አልቦ አለሂ ቦ የህይድዎ፡፡,"If you have it, give it if you don't have it, sorrow",man is opposed by his family of money.,Action precedes prophecy,"To those who have, more will be given; those who do not have, even what they have will be taken away","To those who have, more will be given; those who do not have, even what they have will be taken away",D |
አኮ በሲበት አላ በአእምሮ,"If the blind leads the blind, both go to death.",It is not gray hair. It's in understanding.,Do not fear death. Let's fear sin.,Punishment for sin. Reward for the righteous.,It is not gray hair. It's in understanding.,B |
መጥወኒ እመጥወ,Don't give a way to Satan.,"With the crooked, you will be crooked, you will be upright with the upright.",These all is for one thing.,"Give me, I will give you","Give me, I will give you",D |
ምዉት የሀውር ሀበ ምዉት,Everything is confirmed by two and three witnesses.,By his death we are saved.,Dead goes to dead,"He who told you one words be like your father, and he who told you two words be like your creator.",Dead goes to dead,C |
ወእመ ሖርከ ብሔረ ባዕድ ኩን ከማሆሙ,In this work of yours; You went out and fell.,If you go to another country; Be like them,A dead word cannot be revoked.,Be as wise as a snake; Be gentle as a dove.,If you go to another country; Be like them,B |
ዘበልዐ በአቅም የሀድር በሰላም,He sleeps in moderate sleep,Everyone cares about his own problems.,A person loves what his sacrifice benefits.,Love your neighbor as yourself.,He sleeps in moderate sleep,A |
ሀቡ ዘነጋሚ ለነጋሚ፤ ወዘእግዚአብሔር ለእግዜአብሔር,Caesar's to Caesar. Give God's things to God,Eating cabbage stew with love is better than eating greasy fried food.,"With the crooked, you will be crooked, you will be upright with the upright.",The distance of the country does not keep love away,Caesar's to Caesar. Give God's things to God,A |
ሀብ ለኩሉ ለዘሰአለክ,He who grew up in it knows its rules.,"As per the amount you give to them, they will give to you.",Give to all who ask you,Money is like its master,Give to all who ask you,C |
ህብ ፍኖተከ ለእግዚአብሔር,He will not leave the country without a single benefactor.,Give your way to God,He who has much is not left; He did not lack what little he had.,They do not pick figs from thorns. He does not cut the wine from the vine.,Give your way to God,B |
ሃይማኖት እንተ አልባቲ ምግባረ ሠናይ ምውት ይእቲ,He who has no wife is wronged.,A religion without good conduct is dead,It's useless if I speak from my heart.,Reading kills. Interpretation saves,A religion without good conduct is dead,B |
ህየንተ አበውኪ ተወልዱ ለኪ ደቂቅ,"Instead of your fathers, you got children",fruit of speech.,over praise sends fornication.,He who says what he does not deserve will hear what he does not like.,"Instead of your fathers, you got children",A |
ለልላነ አጓለእመሕያውሰ አልቦ ዘይክል አግርሮታ,No one can restrain his tongue,The student level is as his teacher.,"Those who kill with a shot, die with a shot.",I don't have any.,No one can restrain his tongue,A |
ለሰሚዕ እጹብ,Amazing for the listener,It is good when brothers sit together,Giving comes from receiving.,A satisfied soul treads on honey,Amazing for the listener,A |
ለስሒት መኑ ይሴብዋ,An evil spirit enters with laughter,Who notices the mistake,We know the work of the blessed,He will not leave the country without a single benefactor.,Who notices the mistake,B |
ለእመ ረክብከ ሰብአ በፍኖት ኢትጻባሕ፤ ወለእመ ተጻብሐክ ኢታውስኦ,Punishment for sin. Reward for the righteous.,grace without suffering; There is no value without effort.,Love is as firm as death.,"If you meet him on the street, don't fight. Even if he wants something from you, don't answer him","If you meet him on the street, don't fight. Even if he wants something from you, don't answer him",D |
ለአመ ብከ ህብ ወለእመ አልብከ ኀሊ,"If you have it, give it if you don't have it, sorrow",Cursing and consecration come out of the same mouth.,"Instead of your fathers, you got children",Love is greater than all,"If you have it, give it if you don't have it, sorrow",A |
ለእመ ብከ ጥበብ ጸሐፍ,Drink and women seduce teachers.,"If you have knowledge, write",You cannot serve two masters.,Let go of frustration and threw her anger,"If you have knowledge, write",B |
ለወሀቤ ዝናም ማየ ከልእዎም,A man hesitates until he dies.,"He who has a patient, eats the fruit.",They blocked it water for the Lord of the rain,"Those who kill with a shot, die with a shot.",They blocked it water for the Lord of the rain,C |
ለውሂብ ኢትጉጔእ ወውሂበከ ኢትናፍቅ,Don't rush to give. Don't regret it,"Ask and it will be given to you. Seek ye shall find. Even nock, opens up to her.",Save yourself.,Be holy as I am holy.,Don't rush to give. Don't regret it,A |
ለዘመጽአ በለላም በዝ አባርኮ ወለዘመጽአ በኀኬት በዝ እዘተርኮ,The two chases the thousands.,I will bless the one who came to Balaam with this. I will tell kill with this what came from evil,diligent hand will prosper.,Say: like this Do it like this.,I will bless the one who came to Balaam with this. I will tell kill with this what came from evil,B |
ዘመጽአ ኀቤየ ኢይሰድዶ፤ ወኢያወጽኦ አፍአ,Evil arrives at the door.,I will not take out what came to me,A country built on a mountain cannot be hidden.,No one can restrain his tongue,I will not take out what came to me,B |
ዘቦ ይሁብዎ፤ ወይዌስክዎ፤ ወለዘለ አልቦ አለሂ ቦ የህይድዎ፡,Many will win,"They will remove what is there, and add to it. They take away what is not, but even what is",Advance your bread.,Be prepared!,"They will remove what is there, and add to it. They take away what is not, but even what is",B |
ለዘኢይሰቲ ወይነ ምንት ውእቱ ሕይወቱ,He who does good will receive good things.,"When the heart is happy, the face lights up.",What is the life of a person who does not drink wine?,It church is bigger than the palace,What is the life of a person who does not drink wine?,C |
ለዘየአምን ኩሉ ይትከሃል,Marriage is preferred by all. And the bed is clean.,It is possible for everyone who believes,Mouth and heart be live together.,Thanks be to him,It is possible for everyone who believes,B |
ለጠቢብሰ አሃቲ ቃል ትበቁእ,A person loves what his sacrifice benefits.,"My country, Ethiopia, you are a fool! He ate what killed you.","If salt is not make tasty, what will you sweeten it with?",One word is enough for an intelligent person,One word is enough for an intelligent person,D |
ልሳነ እጓለ እመህያው ሐጽ ወኩናት,I will kill the shepherd. And the sheep will be scattered.,His mouth is like a sharp word,And they throw out the children of the kingdom.,Being an inn; The flesh oppresses the soul,His mouth is like a sharp word,B |
ልደትሰ በኩሉ ልደት ጸውኡኒ በካልእ ዕለት,"We shout out again and again, but as we do not shout out",He who has much is not left; He did not lack what little he had.,I love mercy; Not a sacrifice.,Birthday parties are for everyone. call me in another day,Birthday parties are for everyone. call me in another day,D |
ሎቱ ስብሐት,Thanks be to him,A donkey is not thirsty for honey,Wealth is the redemption of man,A lazy person says there is no god in his heart.,Thanks be to him,A |
ሐለሙ ሕልመ ወአልቦ ዘረከቡ,It is parents to children; Children cannot accumulate wealth for their parents,"The son does not know what will happen tomorrow, so when I beg you, give me our daily bread.","They dreamed of, but they didn't get it",Wealth is as fleeting as a shadow,"They dreamed of, but they didn't get it",C |
ሐንካስ በአግረ ዕውር ሖረ! ዕውርኒ በዐይነ ሐነካስ ነጸረ ወበክልዔሆሙ ወይንየ ተመዝበረ,It is not gray hair. It's in understanding.,Don't be too righteous and too wise.,A lame man with a blind foot. And the blind man saw with the lame eye; It was stolen my eye by both of them,Both those who had gold and those who did not were saddened together.,A lame man with a blind foot. And the blind man saw with the lame eye; It was stolen my eye by both of them,C |
ሕሙማን ይፈቅድዎ ለዐቃቤ ሥራይ ወአኮ ጥዑያን,The root of all evil is the love of money.,"The eye disease, seeing the enemy",Thanks God!,"The sick seek the mediciner, the healthy do not seek him.","The sick seek the mediciner, the healthy do not seek him.",D |
ሕማማ ለዐይን ርዕየተ ጸላኢ,"The eye disease, seeing the enemy",A twin heart is a disordered person.,"They will remove what is there, and add to it. They take away what is not, but even what is",mouth speaks from full of heart.,"The eye disease, seeing the enemy",A |
ሕንጻ ወውሉድ ያዐብዩ ስመ,A building and a child; They naming the name,From powerful Better be patient.,It's useless if I speak from my heart.,The synagogue spun a treasure. The church wore it.,A building and a child; They naming the name,A |
ሕያዋን ይስእሉ ለሙታን፤ ሙታን ይስአሉ ለሕያዋን,They pray for the dead. The died pray for them.,The lamp of your body is your eye.,A country built on a mountain cannot be hidden.,He sleeps in moderate sleep,They pray for the dead. The died pray for them.,A |
ሕይወት ወሞት ውስተ እደ ልሳን,"He who has a patient, eats the fruit.",Leave your seats.,Life and death come through the mouth,Perfect is perfect and has no meaning for perfect.,Life and death come through the mouth,C |
መምህራነ ኮኑ በበደወሉ፤ ፊደላተ በሆለቆ ኩሉ,What is believed by few is believed by many.,no repentance for a person after death.,All those who counted the alphabet; They became teachers around,Wine and song delight the heart.,All those who counted the alphabet; They became teachers around,C |
መምህር ወመገሥጽ ዘኢያደሉ ለገጽ,An unbiased mentor and teacher,We know the work of the blessed,Give to all who ask you,A person's enemy is their family,An unbiased mentor and teacher,A |
መሠረተ ሕይወት ማርያም ወጥንተ መድኃኒት ዘእምቀዲሙ,People of this world will hate me if I tell the truth. I am afraid of your judgment so that I do not lie. I prefer silence.,The foundation of life and the source of salvation is Mary,God has a time to do.,He who grew up in it knows its rules.,The foundation of life and the source of salvation is Mary,B |
መስዋዕቱ ለእግቢአቢሔር መንፈስ የዋህ,I have offered you fire and water. Move your hand wherever you want..,God's sacrifice is a sincere spirit,"When the heart is sad, the face darkens.",Enter through the narrow door.,God's sacrifice is a sincere spirit,B |
መስገርትስ ተቀጥቀጠት ወንህነስ ድኅነ,The reader should remember the author's name.,"The trap was broken, we escaped",He who does not oppose us is with us.,Blessed are the reconcilers,"The trap was broken, we escaped",B |
መኑ ከመ አምላከነ?,I don't have any.,"Satiety make jumps, Jumping can also cause serious illness.",He who has much is not left; He did not lack what little he had.,Who is like God?,Who is like God?,D |
መኑ ዘደመሮ ለብርሃን ምስለ ጽልመት?,I staggered to fall. But God lifted me up,What does light have to do with darkness?,They blocked it water for the Lord of the rain,Iron begets iron,What does light have to do with darkness?,B |
መኑ የአቁር እሳተ ውስተ ኅጽኑ?,Who carries fire on his thigh?,"Ask and it will be given to you. Seek ye shall find. Even nock, opens up to her.",Reading too many books leads to boredom.,I got my money.,Who carries fire on his thigh?,A |
መንግሥት እንተ ትትናፈቅ በበይናቲሃ ኢተጸንእ,"If a man would give all his possessions for love, they would never despise him.",A government that is separated from each other will not stay,Don't be hypocrites.,You will be judged by your words. Or you will be judged.,A government that is separated from each other will not stay,B |
መዐር ኢይጥዕሞ ለአድግ,A donkey is not thirsty for honey,"Those who swallow camels, those who breed mosquitoes.",Show yourself to the priest.,The enemy of the stomach is the mouth.,A donkey is not thirsty for honey,A |
መዓተ ንጉሥ ከመ መልአክ ሞት,Give free for what you have received for free.,Don't wear clothes that don't fit you.,"Wrath of the King, It make afraids like the death of an angel",no repentance for a person after death.,"Wrath of the King, It make afraids like the death of an angel",C |
መጋቢ እንበለ ሊሳይ፤ ጸባቲ እንበለ ማይ,Say: like this Do it like this.,Leave the dead. Bury their dead,"No swimmer without water, no waiter without food",You cannot serve two masters.,"No swimmer without water, no waiter without food",C |
መጠኑ ለረድእ በከመ ሊቁ፡፡,The student level is as his teacher.,How can manage God's house a household that does not have its own house in order?,Thanks be to him,You will eat but you will not be satisfied,The student level is as his teacher.,A |
መጥወኒ አመጥወከ፡፡,He is kind and compassionate. He gives.,"A mouse for his fead, sniffs a cat's nose.","Give me, I'll beat you","He who sheds human blood, his blood shall be shed.","Give me, I'll beat you",C |
ማኅቶቱ ለሥጋክ ዐይንክ ውእቱ,"without a rain, cloud; A monk without cleanses",The lamp of your body is your eye.,A man is honored by his heart.,Leave your brother's wrongdoing,The lamp of your body is your eye.,B |
ማዕረሩ ብዙኅ ወገባሩ ህዳጥ,Cold and hunger make you forget prayer.,Let the one without sin say to her.,"The harvest is plentiful, the workers are few.","If you go to another country, be like them","The harvest is plentiful, the workers are few.",C |
ማይ ብዙኅ ኢይክል አጥፍአታ ለፊቅር፡፡,To each according to their work.,from a rich man who body is sick and the stomach is closed is better than a poor person whose body is healthy and the stomach is open,Disturbing us the story of the narrators,A lot of water does not destroy love,A lot of water does not destroy love,D |
ምሉዕ በኩለሄ,Let's not go back to the past.,It is possible for everyone who believes,"When we are tired in this world, we will live forever.",Complete with everything,Complete with everything,D |
ምሕረተ እፈቅድ ወአኮ መስዋዕተ,"A man sees the face, but God sees the heart.",Punishment for sin. Reward for the righteous.,I love mercy; Not a sacrifice.,"Grain, water, wine, and wheat are life and foundation.",I love mercy; Not a sacrifice.,C |
ምንት ብክ ዘኢነሳእከ እም ካልዕከ?,His mouth is like a sharp word,What do you have that you didn't take from him?,You cannot serve to God and money.,A lot of water does not destroy love,What do you have that you didn't take from him?,B |
ምንዳቤያትሰ ኢኮና ርሁቃተ እምኔከ፤ አላ ይነቅአ እምታህተ እገሪከ፡,Your problems are not far away. They originate from you.,I will not take out what came to me,The student level is as his teacher.,An evil spirit enters with laughter,Your problems are not far away. They originate from you.,A |
ምክር ሠናይት ለኩሉ ዘይገብራ።,soft word will broke the bone.,A person's enemy is their family,"For those who apply, the advice is good",He came out of a glutton's food. A food came out of the powerful.,"For those who apply, the advice is good",C |
ሞቱ ሰኃጥኣ ጸዋግ,The death of a sinner is worse,Many will win,"Fathers, do not make your children angry",Let not the man whom God has made one separate.,The death of a sinner is worse,A |
ሞታ ለነፍስ ርቅ እም አግዚብሔር፡፡,The mouth of a kind man learns wisdom.,Give to all who ask you,"First, take out the log in your eye.",The death of the soul is when far from God,The death of the soul is when far from God,D |
ምውት የሐውር ኀበ ምውት፡,"Wrath of the King, It make afraids like the death of an angel",There are many officials in this world who have fallen into misery! There is also have win a crown,"Dead, goes to dead.",Don't leave your ex-friend because a sudden friend won't be like him,"Dead, goes to dead.",C |
ምኩራብ አነመት ፀምረ፤ ወቤተ ክርሰቲያን ተአጽፈቶ፡፡,There is no one who can farm to backward.,Love is greater than all,His neighbor's thoughts do not concern him.,The synagogue spun a treasure. The church wore it.,The synagogue spun a treasure. The church wore it.,D |
ሠናይ ለብእሲ መቅበርቱ ለእመ ኮነ በውስተ ርስቱ፡፡,Dead goes to dead,"The man's grave, it is good in his country.","Fathers, do not make your children angry","the blind not be among singers, the baldness has no hair style","The man's grave, it is good in his country.",B |
ሠናይ ብእሲ ያወጽኣ ለሠናይት፣ እም ሠናይት መዝገበ ልቡ፡፡,Brother betrays brother to death,Thanks be to him,He is kind and compassionate. He gives.,A good person brings out good things from a good heart.,A good person brings out good things from a good heart.,D |
ሠናይ እገሪሆሙ ለአለ ይዜንዉ ሠናየ ዜና፡፡,Show yourself to the priest.,He who has much is not left; He did not lack what little he had.,The synagogue spun a treasure. The church wore it.,"Messengers who tell good news, their feet are beautiful.","Messengers who tell good news, their feet are beautiful.",D |
ሣህል ወርትዕ ተራከባ፤ ጽድቅ ወሰላም ተሰዐማ።,To each according to their work.,Be holy as I am holy.,"Sincerity and forgiveness met, truth and peace were heard",Love is greater than all,"Sincerity and forgiveness met, truth and peace were heard",C |
ሥርዉ ለኩሉ እኩይ፣፤ አፍቅሮ ንዋይ፡,wisdom prefers than money.,Don't worship a person without seeing the end.,There is time for everyone,The root of all evil is the love of money.,The root of all evil is the love of money.,D |
ሥጋ ትሄይላ ለነፍስ፤ በከዊነ ማኅደር፡፡,God's sacrifice is a sincere spirit,He who receives the righteous in the name of the righteous shall receive the reward of the righteous.,Being an inn; The flesh oppresses the soul,Both those who had gold and those who did not were saddened together.,Being an inn; The flesh oppresses the soul,C |
ርቱዕ አበው ይዝግቡ ለውሉዶሙ፤ ወአኮ ውሉድ ለአዝማዲሆሙ,"Remember your teachers, those who told you the word of God","If they chase you from one country, go to another",A close neighbor from a distant relative.,It is parents to children; Children cannot accumulate wealth for their parents,It is parents to children; Children cannot accumulate wealth for their parents,D |
ርኅቀተ ሀገር፤ ኢይከልኣ ለፍቅር፡፡,Leave your seats.,Don't be hypocrites.,Do not approach the man of God empty-handed.,The distance of the country does not keep love away,The distance of the country does not keep love away,D |
ሰላም ለላም ለሰራቄ ቅኔ ናሁዳ፤ ዳር ዳሩን ኮርኩሞ፣ መሀሉን ሳይጎዳ፡,A lame man with a blind foot. And the blind man saw with the lame eye; It was stolen my eye by both of them,He who receives the righteous in the name of the righteous shall receive the reward of the righteous.,Peace be upon the thief of poetry who steals pieces,No servant who is greater than his master. There is no greater student than a teacher.,Peace be upon the thief of poetry who steals pieces,C |
ሰብአ ቤቱ ይጻረሮ ለለብእ,man is opposed by his family of money.,"The man's grave, it is good in his country.",Who is like God?,All the knowledgeable work together.,man is opposed by his family of money.,A |
ሰብአሰ ገጸ ይሬኢ፤ ወእግዚአብሔርሰ ልበ ይሬኢ፡፡,What does light have to do with darkness?,"A man sees the face, but God sees the heart.",A satisfied soul treads on honey,Food strengthens the power of human.,"A man sees the face, but God sees the heart.",B |
ሰብእ አልብየ,Don't leave your ex-friend because a sudden friend won't be like him,"Satiety make jumps, Jumping can also cause serious illness.",My days are faster than a weaver's loom.,I don't have any.,I don't have any.,D |
ሰብእ ወጣኒ፤ እግዚአብሔር ፈጻሚ,"Man begins, God completes.",War is better than hunger,"Grain, water, wine, and wheat are life and foundation.",They blocked it water for the Lord of the rain,"Man begins, God completes.",A |
ሰብእ ይሠምር በዘይጌይሶ ለሥጋሁ።,"do not gossip a person, even in your own home. The bird of the sky will bring your things to you.",Everyone bears his debt.,Disturbing us the story of the narrators,A person loves what his sacrifice benefits.,A person loves what his sacrifice benefits.,D |
ሰብእ ይቄድሶ ሰመካን፤ መካን ይቄድሶ ለሰብእ፡፡,He who guards his mouth guards his soul.,Man bless a place. A place also honors a person.,"They are no more humble than all righteous works, and no more to become monk than all titles.",Be like children born today.,Man bless a place. A place also honors a person.,B |
ሰብእ ይከብር በእንተ ልብሱ፡፡,A man is honored by his heart.,Silence is better than speaking.,"Not in a run, but in the advance.",A wise servant of a lazy king will be defeated.,A man is honored by his heart.,A |
ሰንበት ተዐቢ እምኩሉ ዕለት፤ ወሰብእ ይከብር እም ዙሉ ፍጥረት፡፡,"The sick seek the mediciner, the healthy do not seek him.","The Sabbath is greater than the gods, man is greater than the creatures.","He who kept his organs, kept his life.",Money is like its master,"The Sabbath is greater than the gods, man is greater than the creatures.",B |
ሰአሉ ወይትወህበክሙ፤ ኅሥሠ ወትረክቡ፤ ጐድኮጐዱ ወያርህዉ ለክሙ፡፡,"Ask and it will be given to you. Seek ye shall find. Even nock, opens up to her.",Mouth and heart be live together.,I loved Jacob. But I hated Esau.,Blessed is he who takes care of his body,"Ask and it will be given to you. Seek ye shall find. Even nock, opens up to her.",A |
ሰይፍ ዘክልዔ አፉሁ፡,Be like children born today.,Husband and wife are one body,"Eyes fasting. the mouth fastening, and the ear also fastening","Double mouth, the sword.","Double mouth, the sword.",D |
ሲሲታ ስነፍስ ቃሰ እግዚአብሔር፡፡,"A mouse for his fead, sniffs a cat's nose.",The beginning of wisdom is the fear of God.,Giving comes from receiving.,The food of her soul is the Word of God.,The food of her soul is the Word of God.,D |
ስማዕ ወልድየ ሕገ አቡከ,Reading too many books leads to boredom.,A person loves what his sacrifice benefits.,Don't wear clothes that don't fit you.,My son! Listen to your father's command.,My son! Listen to your father's command.,D |
ስብሐት ለእግዚአብሔር!,The mouth of a kind man learns wisdom.,"Dead, goes to dead.",You go left and left. I also go left.,Thanks God!,Thanks God!,D |
ስብዓ ይወድቅ ጻድቅ ወይትነሣአእ፡,By his death we are saved.,"If a righteous man falls seven times, he will rise seven times.",Giving comes from receiving.,A twin heart is a disordered person.,"If a righteous man falls seven times, he will rise seven times.",B |
ሰታይ ወአንስት ያስሕታሆሙ ለመምህራን፡፡,He who exalts himself will be humbled.,"When the vulture flies, the gophers gather",Drink and women seduce teachers.,Disturbing us the story of the narrators,Drink and women seduce teachers.,C |
ሶበ ተሐውር ምስስ ፅድውከ ኅበ መልአክ ተዐረቅ በፍኖት,He speaks from a heart full of survivors.,"When the heart is sad, the face darkens.",Life and death come through the mouth,"When you go to judge, make peace with your adversary on the way","When you go to judge, make peace with your adversary on the way",D |
ሶበ ትረክቦ ኃጢአቱ ይጸልኣ፡,"When he realizes his mistake, he afraids it.",Do not love silver and gold.,"When the heart is sad, the face darkens.",Don't pick up what you didn't put down.,"When he realizes his mistake, he afraids it.",A |
ሶበ ኢያሥራሕክምዋ ሰእጐልትየ እም ኢረከብክምዋ ሰአምሳልየ፡፡,"We shout out again and again, but as we do not shout out",If I did not plow you with my calf; If you don't know the meaning of riddle.,"One of Paul, one of Apollos, one of Cephas.",He who does not like to work does not eat.,If I did not plow you with my calf; If you don't know the meaning of riddle.,B |
ቀዳሚሃ ለጥበብ ፈሪሃ አግዚአብሔር,The beginning of wisdom is the fear of God.,"Give me, I will give you","If salt is not make tasty, what will you sweeten it with?",A student who need to go finds a reason,The beginning of wisdom is the fear of God.,A |
ቀዳሜ ሕይወቱ ሰሰብእ እክል ወማይ፣፤ ወይን ወሥርናይ,Giving comes from practice.,"When the heart is sad, the face darkens.","Grain, water, wine, and wheat are life and foundation.",Your problems are not far away. They originate from you.,"Grain, water, wine, and wheat are life and foundation.",C |
ቀጥቅጥ መዝራዕቶ ሰኃጥእ ወሰእኩይ፡፡,Quick to listen to everyone; But be slow to speak and anger.,It is to crush a wicked and cunning person.,He speaks from a heart full of survivors.,"Don't frequent your neighbor's house, lest he get bored or hate you.",It is to crush a wicked and cunning person.,B |
ቃለ መዋቲ ጽንዕት ይኣቲ፡፡,A dead word cannot be revoked.,deserves salary for who works,Do not seduce you the feminine beauty,What is the life of a person who does not drink wine?,A dead word cannot be revoked.,A |
ቅኑተ ይኩን ሃቁየክሙ ወኅትወ መኀትዊክሙ።፡,Keep your armor lit and your light on.,Do not sit in the upper seat.,Read the message from first to end.,He who receives the righteous in the name of the righteous shall receive the reward of the righteous.,Keep your armor lit and your light on.,A |
ቅድመ አውጽእ ሠርዌ እም ዐይንክ,Sing along!,"When you go to judge, make peace with your adversary on the way","First, take out the log in your eye.",He who does not like to work does not eat.,"First, take out the log in your eye.",C |
ቅድመ ይባኡ ውስተ ኅርየት ይምሃርዎሙ ቃለ ሃይማኖት፡,He who grew up in it knows its rules.,The body is better than clothes and the soul is better than food.,Teach them the word of religion before they are ordained,Many are called. But they are chosen few.,Teach them the word of religion before they are ordained,C |
በስሐቅ ወበስላቅ ይበውእ ጸላኤ ሠናያት፡፡,Advance your bread.,"Satiety make jumps, Jumping can also cause serious illness.",An evil spirit enters with laughter,The prayer of resentment is the seed that fell from the thorn,An evil spirit enters with laughter,C |
በሳምናዊት ዘመን ትሴኮስ ፍቅር፡፡,Both those who had gold and those who did not were saddened together.,The prayer of resentment is the seed that fell from the thorn,"If you have knowledge, write",She is cold in love with the eight thousand.,She is cold in love with the eight thousand.,D |
በስምዐ ክልዔቱ ወሠለስቱ ይቀውም ኩሉ ነገር፡፡,Dumbness is better than lying.,Everything is confirmed by two and three witnesses.,Evil people differ from their friends by their work,Man bless a place. A place also honors a person.,Everything is confirmed by two and three witnesses.,B |
በቀዳሚ ጉየይ፤ ወበካልዕ ጉየይ፤ ወበሳልስ ተንሥእ ወተቃተል፡፡,His name leads him to his work.,"Run away the first and second, but stand up and fight the third",Don't praise yourself! The others thank you to you,Silence is better than speaking.,"Run away the first and second, but stand up and fight the third",B |
በብዙኅ ጻማ ሀሰወነ ንባእ ውስተ መንግሥተ እግዚአብሔር፡፡,"By being patient, you will save your soul.",The priest sits at the king's right.,We will enter the kingdom of God with much effort,Friend to friend.,We will enter the kingdom of God with much effort,C |
በትዕግስትክሙ ታጠርይዋ ለነፍስክሙ፡፡,"By being patient, you will save your soul.",You will eat but you will not be satisfied,"He who sheds human blood, his blood shall be shed.","When you go to judge, make peace with your adversary on the way","By being patient, you will save your soul.",A |
በአርምሞ ይመስል ጠቢብ፡፡,He looks smart for keeping quiet.,"If we are good, everything will be good.",You go left and left. I also go left.,Both those who had gold and those who did not were saddened together.,He looks smart for keeping quiet.,A |
በአይቴ ኀሊፈኪ ድጓ ተምሂረኪ?,"Sincerity and forgiveness met, truth and peace were heard",The pervert brings evil to all,Where did you go and learn?,A building and a child; They naming the name,Where did you go and learn?,C |
በከንቱ ዘነሳእክሙ ሀቡ በከንቱ፡፡,Don't get used to it. Don't deny it.,Give free for what you have received for free.,"who works for two, doesn't get any",No one can restrain his tongue,Give free for what you have received for free.,B |
በዘሠፈርክሙ ሎሙ ይሠፍሩ ለክሙ፡፡,I have offered you fire and water. Move your hand wherever you want..,What is the life of a person who does not drink wine?,Many are called. But they are chosen few.,"As per the amount you give to them, they will give to you.","As per the amount you give to them, they will give to you.",D |
በዝ ግብርኪ፣ ተገደፍኪ፡፡,Do not praise the bull's mouth that shines when it threshes your grain.,In this work of yours; You went out and fell.,Silence is better than speaking.,A country built on a mountain cannot be hidden.,In this work of yours; You went out and fell.,B |
በጽባሕ ዘተናገረ ኢይደግም በሠርክ፡፡,He does not remember what he said in the morning.,Let's not go back to the past.,Punishment for sin. Reward for the righteous.,Blessed are those who did not got birth,He does not remember what he said in the morning.,A |
በሞተ ዚአሁ ሀዮነ ቁስለነ፡፡,There is time for everyone,By his death we are saved.,"Wrath of the King, It make afraids like the death of an angel",Everyone ages like clothes.,By his death we are saved.,B |
ቢጽ ለቢጹ ይትራድዖ፡,"If a righteous man falls seven times, he will rise seven times.",A friend helps a friend,He that loveth his brother shall live in peace.,The prayer of resentment is the seed that fell from the thorn,A friend helps a friend,B |
ቢጽ ምስለ ቢጹ።,An evil spirit enters with laughter,"Satiety make jumps, Jumping can also cause serious illness.",A country built on a mountain cannot be hidden.,Friend to friend.,Friend to friend.,D |
ባኡ እንተ ጸባብ አንቀጽ፡፡,The body is better than clothes and the soul is better than food.,Enter through the narrow door.,"The man's grave, it is good in his country.",An evil spirit enters with laughter,Enter through the narrow door.,B |
ቤዛ ነፍሉ ለሰብእ ጥሪተ ብዕሉ,Wealth is the redemption of man,Until what time you go in double ideas?,Do not condescend yourself to a lazy person.,You cannot serve to God and money.,Wealth is the redemption of man,A |
ብላዕ በሐፈ ገጽከ,Food strengthens the power of human.,Try work hard and eat,no repentance for a person after death.,War is better than hunger,Try work hard and eat,B |
ብእሲ ማእምር ኀዘን ለነፍሱ,Leave your brother's wrongdoing,A don't grow up young calf leads its mother.,An intelligent person have something to become sad,Everything is pure to the pure.,An intelligent person have something to become sad,C |
ብአሲት አዛል (አዚዝ) አክሊል ለምታ,A good woman is a crown to her husband,Thanks God!,"For those who apply, the advice is good",Undeserved praise,A good woman is a crown to her husband,A |
ብእሲ እኩይ የኃብል አእርክተ,A wise servant obeys his master.,Good times are all good.,Evil people differ from their friends by their work,man is opposed by his family of money.,Evil people differ from their friends by their work,C |
ብእሲ ወብእሲት እሐዱ አካል እሙንቱ,Don't be too righteous and too wise.,Husband and wife are one body,"When we are tired in this world, we will live forever.",Their rest is their praise. Their praise is their rest.,Husband and wife are one body,B |
ብእሲ ጠዋይ ይልዕክ እከየ,"Who digs a hole for his friend, falls on it.",Action precedes prophecy,The pervert brings evil to all,"When the heart is sad, the face darkens.",The pervert brings evil to all,C |
ብዙኃን መኳንንት እለ ወድቁ ውስተ ምድር ወቦ ባሕታዊ ዘተቄጸለ አክሊለ,A man is honored by his heart.,Love is the fulfillment of the law,Tomorrow thinks to itself.,There are many officials in this world who have fallen into misery! There is also have win a crown,There are many officials in this world who have fallen into misery! There is also have win a crown,D |
ብዙኃን አለ ወድቁ በሐጺን ወአኮ ከመ እለ ወድቁ በልሳን,Don't be hypocrites.,The world loves its own.,Many are slain by the sword; But they will not be lost in the language of the narrator,You go left and left. I also go left.,Many are slain by the sword; But they will not be lost in the language of the narrator,C |
ብዙኃን ይመውኡ,Many will win,Giving comes from practice.,Tomorrow thinks to itself.,Wine gladdens the human heart.,Many will win,A |
ብዙኃን ጽዉኣን፤ ወኅዳጣን ኅሩያን,Silence is better than speaking.,Many are called. But they are chosen few.,Ask your father and he will tell you,"Give me, I will give you",Many are called. But they are chosen few.,B |
ብየ ሥልጣን ላዕለ ኩሉ ዘኮነ ወአኮ ዙሉ ዘይበቁዓኒ,Everything is allowed to me. But it doesn't help me at all,Everyone bears his debt.,People of this world will hate me if I tell the truth. I am afraid of your judgment so that I do not lie. I prefer silence.,"Do not overcome evil with evil, but by doing good.",Everything is allowed to me. But it doesn't help me at all,A |
ብፁዓት መካናት ዘኢወለዳ,A satisfied soul treads on honey,Blessed are those who did not got birth,"When the heart is sad, the face darkens.","When we are tired in this world, we will live forever.",Blessed are those who did not got birth,B |
ብፁዓን ገባርያነ ሰሳም,"Where your wealth is, your heart is also",Blessed are the reconcilers,What comes out of his mouth defiles a person.,Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down. He will be thrown into the fire.,Blessed are the reconcilers,B |
ብፁፅ ዘይሁብ አም ዘይነስእ,"Eyes fasting. the mouth fastening, and the ear also fastening",Better blessed to give than to receive,"Fathers, do not make your children angry","By being patient, you will save your soul.",Better blessed to give than to receive,B |
ብፁዕ ዘይደበድባ ለከርሱ,Many are called. But they are chosen few.,Blessed is he who takes care of his body,"the late comer, come out the eye",The beginning of wisdom is the fear of God.,Blessed is he who takes care of his body,B |
ቦ እለ ተሐርዩ እምከርሠ እሞሙ፡,He who has much is not left; He did not lack what little he had.,There are those who have been chosen from the womb,The prayer of resentment is the seed that fell from the thorn,Irrelevant work is a waste.,There are those who have been chosen from the womb,B |
ቦ ጊዜ ለዙሉ,The synagogue spun a treasure. The church wore it.,We speak but we do not hit.,There is time for everyone,The mouth of a kind man learns wisdom.,There is time for everyone,C |
ተልዒልየ ተትህትኩ፤ ወተመነንኩ፡,Don't be too righteous and too wise.,"When I was honored, I was humiliated",Cold and hunger make you forget prayer.,We will enter the kingdom of God with much effort,"When I was honored, I was humiliated",B |
ተሰአሎ ለአቡከ ይነግረከ፤ ወለሊቃውንቲከ ይዜንዉከ,Cheek passed.,A few do. Many collect,"Where your wealth is, your heart is also",Ask your father and he will tell you,Ask your father and he will tell you,D |
ተበአስ በአንተ ጽድቅ እስክ ለሞት,Fight to the death for truth,He who found a good wife found a blessing.,He who guards his mouth guards his soul.,What is believed by few is believed by many.,Fight to the death for truth,A |
ተንተንኩ ለወዲቅ፤ ወእግዚአብሔር አንሥአኒ,I staggered to fall. But God lifted me up,All good.,A donkey is not thirsty for honey,I have offered you fire and water. Move your hand wherever you want..,I staggered to fall. But God lifted me up,A |
ተአምሑ በበይናቲከሙ በአምሐ ቅድሳት,The soul sleeps in blood.,Blessed are those who did not got birth,Thanks God!,They were great by the hand of the blessed,They were great by the hand of the blessed,D |
ተዓቀብ አምጸላእትከ አሐደ ጊዜ ወተኣቀብ እም ፍቁርክ ፲፻ ጊዜያተ,"The greater the wisdom, the greater the sadness.",He who does not like to work does not eat.,It church is bigger than the palace,"Beware of your enemy once, beware of your friend thousand times","Beware of your enemy once, beware of your friend thousand times",D |
ተዘከሩ መኳንንቲክሙ፣ ዘነገሩከሙ ቃለ እግዚአብሔር,"Remember your teachers, those who told you the word of God","When the heart is happy, the face lights up.",Hearing does not beat seeing.,Stay away from evil. And do good,"Remember your teachers, those who told you the word of God",A |
ተገሃሥ እም እኩይ፤ ወግበር ሠናየ,A don't grow up young calf leads its mother.,Let my soul go out with the Ilofites,Many will win,Stay away from evil. And do good,Stay away from evil. And do good,D |
ተፋቀሩ በበይናቲከሙ,The first will be the last.,O medicine man! Heal yourself.,Love each other,"If you have knowledge, write",Love each other,C |
ተፋቅሮሰ ፍጹም ሕግ,over praise sends fornication.,Love is the fulfillment of the law,"Those who kill with a shot, die with a shot.","When the vulture flies, the gophers gather",Love is the fulfillment of the law,B |
ትበልዒ ወኢትጸግቢ,You will eat but you will not be satisfied,Both those who had gold and those who did not were saddened together.,Do not let evil come out of you.,Dumbness is better than lying.,You will eat but you will not be satisfied,A |
ትንቢት ይቀድሞ ለነገር,Action precedes prophecy,He earned respect through humility.,What do you have that you didn't take from him?,Marriage is preferred by all. And the bed is clean.,Action precedes prophecy,A |
ትእቢትሰ ጸሩ ስሰክርስቶስ,Everyone cares about his own problems.,Food and drink make love each other.,Arrogant is the enemy of Christ,"When you trust someone, they will trust you.",Arrogant is the enemy of Christ,C |
ትውልደ ጻድቃን ይትባረኩ,Iron begets iron,Don't leave your money in front of you.,Ok says,The children of righteous people will be blessed,The children of righteous people will be blessed,D |
ኅላፊ ንብረት፣ ክመ ጽላሎት,Do not condescend yourself to a lazy person.,Wealth is as fleeting as a shadow,Be smart to your neighbors.,The priest sits at the king's right.,Wealth is as fleeting as a shadow,B |
ኀበ ሀሎ መዝገብክሙ ሀየ ይሄሉ ልብክሙ,Reading too many books leads to boredom.,Drink and women seduce teachers.,"Where your wealth is, your heart is also",There is no one to turn on the light and covers.,"Where your wealth is, your heart is also",C |
ኀበ ሀሎ ገደላ ሀየ ይትጋብኡ አንሰርት,Husband and wife are one body,Do not fear death. Let's fear sin.,"If a righteous man falls seven times, he will rise seven times.","When the vulture flies, the gophers gather","When the vulture flies, the gophers gather",D |
ሃዘን ለአብዳን፤ ወፍስሐ ለጠቢባን,"He who kept his organs, kept his life.","He who told you one words be like your father, and he who told you two words be like your creator.","who works for two, doesn't get any","Sorrow to fools, joy to the wise","Sorrow to fools, joy to the wise",D |
ኀጺን ለነጺን ይትባልሁ,If you go to another country; Be like them,Iron begets iron,"The eye disease, seeing the enemy",Evil arrives at the door.,Iron begets iron,B |
ኃይሉ ስስብእ በአምጣነ ቆሙ,The power of the man is the same as the height,It is possible for everyone who believes,Tomorrow thinks to itself.,A student who need to go finds a reason,The power of the man is the same as the height,A |
ኅዳጣን ይትጌበሩ፤ ወብዙኃን የዐርሩ,The food of her soul is the Word of God.,Food and drink make love each other.,"Eyes fasting. the mouth fastening, and the ear also fastening",A few do. Many collect,A few do. Many collect,D |
ኅድጉ አበሳ ቢጽክሙ,Do not seduce you the feminine beauty,Leave your brother's wrongdoing,Both those who had gold and those who did not were saddened together.,"When I was honored, I was humiliated",Leave your brother's wrongdoing,B |
ኅድጋ ለመዓት ወግድፋ ለቁጥዓ,Say: like this Do it like this.,He who guards his mouth guards his soul.,Be as wise as a snake; Be gentle as a dove.,Let go of frustration and threw her anger,Let go of frustration and threw her anger,D |
ኅድግዎሙ ለሕጻናት ይምጽኡ ኀቤየ,Be like children born today.,"The stone that the carpenters despised, it became the head of the corner.",He who says what he does not deserve will hear what he does not like.,Leave the children to come to me,Leave the children to come to me,D |
ኀድግዎሙጮ ለምጢዉታን፤ ይቅብሩ ምዉታኒሆሙ,Food and drink make love each other.,Drink and women seduce teachers.,Wine and song delight the heart.,Leave the dead. Bury their dead,Leave the dead. Bury their dead,D |
ነባህነ ነባህነ ከመ ዘኢነባህነ ኮነ,"We shout out again and again, but as we do not shout out",It is not gray hair. Instead of understanding.,Evil people differ from their friends by their work,There are those who have been chosen from the womb,"We shout out again and again, but as we do not shout out",A |
ነገሥት ያፈቅሩ ጽልሕዋነ ወመደልዋነ,You examine the surface; God knows what is inside.,An evil spirit enters with laughter,"Rebuke the wise and increase wisdom. Do not rebuke a fool, he will hate you.",kings love hypocrites and crooks.,kings love hypocrites and crooks.,D |
ነገረ አማጽያን ኃየለነ,Show yourself to the priest.,Ok says,Let the one without sin say to her.,Disturbing us the story of the narrators,Disturbing us the story of the narrators,D |
ነገረ ዘርቅ,He doesn't want you to tell him who he is.,Love is the fulfillment of the law,Priests wear righteous.,Just a rumor,Just a rumor,D |
ነፍስ ርኅብት መሪርኒ ጥዑመ ያስተርእያ,You cannot serve two masters.,I will bless the one who came to Balaam with this. I will tell kill with this what came from evil,hungry soul thinks everything bitter is sweet.,fruit of speech.,hungry soul thinks everything bitter is sweet.,C |
ነፍስየ ትጻእ ምስለ ኢሎፍላውያን፡,"Rebuke the wise and increase wisdom. Do not rebuke a fool, he will hate you.",Don't pick up what you didn't put down.,Let my soul go out with the Ilofites,Do not praise the bull's mouth that shines when it threshes your grain.,Let my soul go out with the Ilofites,C |
ነፍስ ጽግብት ጸቃውዓ መዓር ትሜንን,A man hesitates until he dies.,A satisfied soul treads on honey,Good times are all good.,If I did not plow you with my calf; If you don't know the meaning of riddle.,A satisfied soul treads on honey,B |
ናሁ ሠናይ ወናሁ አዳም ሶበ ይፄልዉ አኃው ኅቡረ,In this work of yours; You went out and fell.,If you go to another country; Be like them,Quick to listen to everyone; But be slow to speak and anger.,It is good when brothers sit together,It is good when brothers sit together,D |
ንሕነ ነአምር ግብሮን ለቆራብት,A don't grow up young calf leads its mother.,He is kind and compassionate. He gives.,We know the work of the blessed,There is time for everyone,We know the work of the blessed,C |
ንሥኣ ወብልዓ ለአእንታከቲ መጽሐፍ,have this book and eat,hungry soul thinks everything bitter is sweet.,You examine the surface; God knows what is inside.,A lot of water does not destroy love,have this book and eat,A |
ንቃህ መዋቲ,Wake up from the sleep,"Don't appreciate this, there are more",Sing along!,"Do not overcome evil with evil, but by doing good.",Wake up from the sleep,A |
ንባብ ይቀትል፤ ወትርጓሜ ያሐዩ፡,"Eyes fasting. the mouth fastening, and the ear also fastening",Reading kills. Interpretation saves,He who does not oppose us is with us.,Hearing does not beat seeing.,Reading kills. Interpretation saves,B |
ንነግርሂ ወኢንዘብጥ,We speak but we do not hit.,"If a righteous man falls seven times, he will rise seven times.","Don't frequent your neighbor's house, lest he get bored or hate you.","The man's grave, it is good in his country.",We speak but we do not hit.,A |
ንዋይ ከመ እግዜኡ,kings love hypocrites and crooks.,No pretending.,Money is like its master,These all is for one thing.,Money is like its master,C |
ንዋይከ በቅድሜከ፡፡,"Hold hardly to what you have, so that no one can take away your grace.",How can manage God's house a household that does not have its own house in order?,Don't leave your money in front of you.,What was not done to the angels was done to the priests,Don't leave your money in front of you.,C |
ንግባአኬ ኀበ ጥንተ ነገር፡፡,Let's not go back to the past.,Don't get used to it. Don't deny it.,The beginning of wisdom is the fear of God.,Blessed are those who did not got birth,Let's not go back to the past.,A |
አልቦ በቁዔት በከሲተ ኅሊናየ,Everything that was written was written that to advise us.,It's useless if I speak from my heart.,You are the foundation!,"When the heart is happy, the face lights up.",It's useless if I speak from my heart.,B |
አልቦ ክዱን ዞኢይትከለት፤ ወአልቦ ኅቡእዕ ዘኢያስተርኢ,Do not envy the wicked.,What does light have to do with darkness?,Don't get used to it. Don't deny it.,There is no secret that cannot be seen.,There is no secret that cannot be seen.,D |
አልቦ ዘያበርህ ማኅቶተ ከመ ያንብራ ታህተ ከፈር፡፡,"They dreamed of, but they didn't get it",There is no one to turn on the light and covers.,Everyone cares about the house.,"A man sees the face, but God sees the heart.",There is no one to turn on the light and covers.,B |
አልቦ ዘይእህዝ እርፈ ወየሐርስ ድኅሪተ፡፡,from a rich man who body is sick and the stomach is closed is better than a poor person whose body is healthy and the stomach is open,There is no one who can farm to backward.,Do not by the face of a man.,Do not fear death. Let's fear sin.,There is no one who can farm to backward.,B |
አልቦ ገብር ዘየዐቢ እም እግዚኡ፤ ወአልቦ ረድእ ዘየዐቢ እም ሊቁ፡,No servant who is greater than his master. There is no greater student than a teacher.,"If you go to another country, be like them",Many are slain by the sword; But they will not be lost in the language of the narrator,A good man's death is glorious.,No servant who is greater than his master. There is no greater student than a teacher.,A |
አልቦ ገብር ዘይክል ተቀንዮ ለከልዔ አጋአእዝት፡፡,A building and a child; They naming the name,Wisdom is greater than all wealth.,No servant can serve for two masters.,Arrogant is the enemy of Christ,No servant can serve for two masters.,C |
አሐቲ ይእቲ ለእማ ።,"The Sabbath is greater than the gods, man is greater than the creatures.",There is no one who can farm to backward.,She is one for her mother.,Let my soul go out with the Ilofites,She is one for her mother.,C |
አሐደ ቀለመ ዘነገረከ ይኩን ከመ አቡከ፤ ክልዔተ ቀለመ ዘነገረከ ይኩን ከመ ፈጣሪከ፡፡,"If you go to another country, be like them","who works for two, doesn't get any",Out of the multitude gathered in violence; The minimum earned by work is sufficient.,"He who told you one words be like your father, and he who told you two words be like your creator.","He who told you one words be like your father, and he who told you two words be like your creator.",D |
አሐደ ይኩን ቃልክሙ፤ እመኒ እወ አወ ወእመኒ አልቦ አልቦ፡፡,"Let your word be one. If yes, say yes and if no, say no.",The priest sits at the king's right.,Cursing and consecration come out of the same mouth.,"First, take out the log in your eye.","Let your word be one. If yes, say yes and if no, say no.",A |
አቅረብኩ ለከ እሳተ ወማየ፣ ደይ እዴከ ኀበ ዘፈቀድከ,She is cold in love with the eight thousand.,A lame man with a blind foot. And the blind man saw with the lame eye; It was stolen my eye by both of them,Do not approach the man of God empty-handed.,I have offered you fire and water. Move your hand wherever you want..,I have offered you fire and water. Move your hand wherever you want..,D |
አቅድሙ ስንቀከሙ፡፡,Give to all who ask you,In this work of yours; You went out and fell.,Advance your bread.,Where did you go and learn?,Advance your bread.,C |
አበውኒ ኢታስተቆጥዑ ውሉደክሙ፡፡,Everyone cares about the house.,Blessed is he who takes care of his body,"Fathers, do not make your children angry",All those who counted the alphabet; They became teachers around,"Fathers, do not make your children angry",C |
አብዝኖ መጻሕፍት ያዘነግእ ልበ,"The trap was broken, we escaped",Just a rumor,I will bless the one who came to Balaam with this. I will tell kill with this what came from evil,Reading too many books leads to boredom.,Reading too many books leads to boredom.,D |
አብድ ይነውም በጊዜ ማአኣረር፡,Don't be hypocrites.,"If you can, make friends with everyone.",The love of one attracts the other.,A lazy person sleeps during harvest.,A lazy person sleeps during harvest.,D |
አነ አዐብዮ ሰአቡየ ዕዝን፣ ደኃራዊ ዘበቁልኩ ቀርን።,Love is as firm as death.,Save yourself.,The horn that I sprouted latter will surpass my father's ear.,Thanks God!,The horn that I sprouted latter will surpass my father's ear.,C |
አነ ዘጳውሎሰ፣ ወአነ ዘአጵሎስ፣ ወአነ ዘኬፋ፡፡,Enter through the narrow door.,Action precedes prophecy,"One of Paul, one of Apollos, one of Cephas.",Food strengthens the power of human.,"One of Paul, one of Apollos, one of Cephas.",C |
አንብብዋ ለመልእክት፤ አም ጥንታ እስከ ተፍጻሜታ፡፡,Read the message from first to end.,"They are no more humble than all righteous works, and no more to become monk than all titles.","who works for two, doesn't get any",Love is the fulfillment of the law,Read the message from first to end.,A |
አንተ ኮኩህ!,A close neighbor from a distant relative.,You are the foundation!,He is kind and compassionate. He gives.,Hearing does not beat seeing.,You are the foundation!,B |
አንትሙስ ኅሱ እንተ አፍኣ ወእንተ ውሰጡስ የአምር አግዚአብሔር፡፡,Drink and women seduce teachers.,Love your neighbor as yourself.,You examine the surface; God knows what is inside.,mouth speaks from full of heart.,You examine the surface; God knows what is inside.,C |
አንትሙ ተሐውሩ ግድመ ግድመ፤ አነኒ አሐውር ግድመ ግድመ፡፡፥,You go left and left. I also go left.,"The stone that the carpenters despised, it became the head of the corner.",Love your enemies.,What do you have that you didn't take from him?,You go left and left. I also go left.,A |
አንፄዋ ለኅልፈታ አንፈ ፄሴሜት ታጹኑ።,Both those who had gold and those who did not were saddened together.,"When the heart is happy, the face lights up.","A mouse for his fead, sniffs a cat's nose.",Iron begets iron,"A mouse for his fead, sniffs a cat's nose.",C |
አክብር አባክ ወአመክከ፡,Honor your father and mother.,Mouth and heart be live together.,Do not seduce you the feminine beauty,I don't have any.,Honor your father and mother.,A |
አኮ ለዘሮጸ ባህቱ ለዘበደረ፡፡,Brother destroys brother.,It is parents to children; Children cannot accumulate wealth for their parents,"Not in a run, but in the advance.",Cold and hunger make you forget prayer.,"Not in a run, but in the advance.",C |
አኮ በሲበት አላ በአአምሮ።,Food and drink make love each other.,It is not gray hair. Instead of understanding.,The death of the soul is when far from God,"The harvest is plentiful, the workers are few.",It is not gray hair. Instead of understanding.,B |
አኩቴቶሙ ዕረፍቶሙ፤ ዕረፍቶሙ አኩቴቶሙ።፡,"Man begins, God completes.","She has a small, She has no sleep.",Their rest is their praise. Their praise is their rest.,"The son does not know what will happen tomorrow, so when I beg you, give me our daily bread.",Their rest is their praise. Their praise is their rest.,C |
አድኅን ርእስከ፡፡,I loved Jacob. But I hated Esau.,Caesar's to Caesar. Give God's things to God,Save yourself.,A man hesitates until he dies.,Save yourself.,C |
አጽንእ ዘብከ ከመ አልቦ ዘይነሥእ አክሊሰከ፡፡,Everything is pure to the pure.,"Hold hardly to what you have, so that no one can take away your grace.",Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down. He will be thrown into the fire.,"The stone that the carpenters despised, it became the head of the corner.","Hold hardly to what you have, so that no one can take away your grace.",B |
አፉሁ ለጻድቅ ይትሜህር ጥበብ፡፡,"Rebuke the wise and increase wisdom. Do not rebuke a fool, he will hate you.",Don't be too righteous and too wise.,Don't be hypocrites.,The mouth of a kind man learns wisdom.,The mouth of a kind man learns wisdom.,D |
አፍቅር ቢጸከ ከመ ነፍስክ፡፡,Cold and hunger make you forget prayer.,Love your neighbor as yourself.,It is parents to children; Children cannot accumulate wealth for their parents,"One of Paul, one of Apollos, one of Cephas.",Love your neighbor as yourself.,B |
አፍትን ርእሰከ ለካህን፡፡,Show yourself to the priest.,It is to crush a wicked and cunning person.,Many will win,A student who need to go finds a reason,Show yourself to the priest.,A |
አፍኒ ወልብኒ ኅቡረ ይእመኑ።,kings love hypocrites and crooks.,Mouth and heart be live together.,no repentance for a person after death.,They were great by the hand of the blessed,Mouth and heart be live together.,B |
አፍ ይጸውአ ለሞት፡፡,A twin heart is a disordered person.,Mouth calls death.,Reading kills. Interpretation saves,Who notices the mistake,Mouth calls death.,B |
ኢተህቡ ፍኖተ ለሠይጣን፡,The synagogue spun a treasure. The church wore it.,Don't give a way to Satan.,"You for me, I for you.",We speak but we do not hit.,Don't give a way to Satan.,B |
ኢታልምድዎ ወኢትክልእዎ፡፡,If you go to another country; Be like them,Don't get used to it. Don't deny it.,Who will be kind to the one who rejects himself?,All united to evil.,Don't get used to it. Don't deny it.,B |
ኢታትህት ርአስክ ለብእሲ አብድ,Do not condescend yourself to a lazy person.,His name leads him to his work.,Priests wear righteous.,He who does not oppose us is with us.,Do not condescend yourself to a lazy person.,A |
ኢታንሥእ ዘኢያንበርከ፡፡,Don't pick up what you didn't put down.,A lazy person says there is no god in his heart.,A grudge prayer is not acceptable before God,An unbiased mentor and teacher,Don't pick up what you didn't put down.,A |
ኢታንክር ዘንተ ዘይብእስ ሀሎ፡፡,"Don't appreciate this, there are more","As per the amount you give to them, they will give to you.",The lamp of your body is your eye.,The reader should remember the author's name.,"Don't appreciate this, there are more",A |
ኢታድልዉ ለገጸ ሰብአ፡፡,Do not by the face of a man.,"By being patient, you will save your soul.",Cold and hunger make you forget prayer.,"With the crooked, you will be crooked, you will be upright with the upright.",Do not by the face of a man.,A |
ኢታፍቅሩ ወርቀ ወኢብሩረ፡፡,No one can restrain his tongue,Do not love silver and gold.,mouth speaks from full of heart.,He who grew up in it knows its rules.,Do not love silver and gold.,B |
ኢትህሚ ሰብአ ውስተ ቤትከ፤ አስመ ዖፈ ሰማይ ያወጽኦ ለነገርከ፡፡,He came out of a glutton's food. A food came out of the powerful.,"do not gossip a person, even in your own home. The bird of the sky will bring your things to you.",A dead word cannot be revoked.,"The Sabbath is greater than the gods, man is greater than the creatures.","do not gossip a person, even in your own home. The bird of the sky will bring your things to you.",B |
ኢትልበሱ ልብሰ ሐራ።,"Sorrow to fools, joy to the wise","He who eats properly, his health is health.",They were great by the hand of the blessed,Don't wear clothes that don't fit you.,Don't wear clothes that don't fit you.,D |
ኢትማዖ ሰአኩይ በእኩይ፤ አላ በገቢረ ሠናይ፡፡,Iron begets iron,"If you step on the iron, it will be kill you.",fruit of speech.,"Do not overcome evil with evil, but by doing good.","Do not overcome evil with evil, but by doing good.",D |
ኢትርአይ ግርማ ርእየቱ ለኤልያብ፡፡,Let go of frustration and threw her anger,The food of her soul is the Word of God.,Marriage is preferred by all. And the bed is clean.,Do not look at the glory of Eliab.,Do not look at the glory of Eliab.,D |
ኢትርፍቅ ውስተ ርእስ ምርፋቅ፡፡,One word is enough for an intelligent person,Do not sit in the upper seat.,"If you meet him on the street, don't fight. Even if he wants something from you, don't answer him",It's useless if I speak from my heart.,Do not sit in the upper seat.,B |
ኢትስርቁ ትብል ወለሊከ ትሰርቅ፡፡,No servant who is greater than his master. There is no greater student than a teacher.,You say don't steal; But you will be robbed.,A don't grow up young calf leads its mother.,Be smart to your neighbors.,You say don't steal; But you will be robbed.,B |
ኢትስተይ ማይ እራቆ፤ አላ ቶስህ ወይን በአንተ ህማመ ከብድከ፡፡,A good man's death is glorious.,No things that fail for God.,Don't just drink water. Instead of adding a little wine to your stomach ache,Do not seduce you the feminine beauty,Don't just drink water. Instead of adding a little wine to your stomach ache,C |
ኢትቁም አራቀክ ቅድመ ነቢየ አግዚአብሔር፤,"Fathers, do not make your children angry",Do not approach the man of God empty-handed.,Cursing and consecration come out of the same mouth.,"Double mouth, the sword.",Do not approach the man of God empty-handed.,B |
ኢትቅናዕ ላዕለ አኩያን፡፡,Do not envy the wicked.,"The harvest is plentiful, the workers are few.",Cheek passed.,Blessed are those who did not got birth,Do not envy the wicked.,A |
ኢትኅድግ ዐርከክ ዘትካት፤ እስመ ኢይከውነክ ከማሁ ዐርከ ግብት፡፡,Praise him as he deserves.,Don't leave your ex-friend because a sudden friend won't be like him,The prayer of resentment is the seed that fell from the thorn,Food and drink make love each other.,Don't leave your ex-friend because a sudden friend won't be like him,B |
ኢትንአዶ ሰለብእ ዘእንበሰ ትርዐይ ተፍጻሜቶ፡።፡,Do not love silver and gold.,Peace be upon the thief of poetry who steals pieces,You examine the surface; God knows what is inside.,Don't worship a person without seeing the end.,Don't worship a person without seeing the end.,D |
ኢትኩኑ ከመ መደልዋን፡፡,Leave the dead. Bury their dead,There are many officials in this world who have fallen into misery! There is also have win a crown,Don't be hypocrites.,Don't take and give out of your house when he's hungry.,Don't be hypocrites.,C |
ኢትኩን ጻድቀ ፈድፋደ፤ ወኢትጠበብ ፈድፋደ፡፡,Don't be too righteous and too wise.,"Give me, I'll beat you",They found gold and were sad. Those who didn't get it were sad.,Many are slain by the sword; But they will not be lost in the language of the narrator,Don't be too righteous and too wise.,A |
ኢትክሉ ተቀንዮ ለአግዚአብሔር ወለንዋይ፡፡,"By being patient, you will save your soul.","Grain, water, wine, and wheat are life and foundation.",You cannot serve to God and money.,What you did will humiliate you. He who has lent you will insult you.,You cannot serve to God and money.,C |
ኢትክሉ ተቀንዮ ለክልዔ አጋእዝት፡,Read the message from first to end.,Do not by the face of a man.,Be faithful unto death.,You cannot serve two masters.,You cannot serve two masters.,D |
ኢትክል ተከብቶ ሀገር፤ እንተ ተሐንጸት መልእልተ ደብር,Everyone cares about the house.,A country built on a mountain cannot be hidden.,The soul sleeps in blood.,An intelligent person have something to become sad,A country built on a mountain cannot be hidden.,B |
ኢትዛለፍ በማእከለ ሊቃውንት፡፡,Do not mention it among the scholars.,It is not gray hair. It's in understanding.,There is no secret that cannot be seen.,He does not remember what he said in the morning.,Do not mention it among the scholars.,A |
ኢትግሥሠ መሲሃንየ ወኢታህስሙ ዲበ ነቢያትየ፡፡,Do not trouble my messengers. Do not do evil to my prophets,Blessed is he who takes care of his body,Man bless a place. A place also honors a person.,No one can restrain his tongue,Do not trouble my messengers. Do not do evil to my prophets,A |
ኢትፍርህዎ ለሞት ፍርህዋ ለኃጢአት,They were great by the hand of the blessed,Do not fear death. Let's fear sin.,There is no one to turn on the light and covers.,It is not gray hair. It's in understanding.,Do not fear death. Let's fear sin.,B |
ኢትፍጽሞ ለብዕራይክከ ሶበ ታከይድ እክለክ፡፡,The two chases the thousands.,Do not praise the bull's mouth that shines when it threshes your grain.,"Not in a run, but in the advance.",All good.,Do not praise the bull's mouth that shines when it threshes your grain.,B |
ኢየኃድጋ ለሀገር ዘእንበለ አሐዱ ሔር፡፡,"If you have it, give it if you don't have it, sorrow","Dead, goes to dead.",He will not leave the country without a single benefactor.,Enter through the narrow door.,He will not leave the country without a single benefactor.,C |
ኢየአርሩ በለለ እም አስዋክ፤ ወኢይቀስሙ አስካለ እም አሜከላ፡፡,"Grain, water, wine, and wheat are life and foundation.",They do not pick figs from thorns. He does not cut the wine from the vine.,Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down. He will be thrown into the fire.,He who exalts himself will be humbled.,They do not pick figs from thorns. He does not cut the wine from the vine.,B |
ኢያስህትከ ላህያ ለብእሲት፡፡,If I did not plow you with my calf; If you don't know the meaning of riddle.,no repentance for a person after death.,Do not seduce you the feminine beauty,These all is for one thing.,Do not seduce you the feminine beauty,C |
ኢይመውያ ሰሚዕ ለርእይ፡፤,For a donkey not thirsts honey instead of straw.,"When he realizes his mistake, he afraids it.",Hearing does not beat seeing.,"Don't frequent your neighbor's house, lest he get bored or hate you.",Hearing does not beat seeing.,C |
ኢይትፈቀድ ምክንያት ለኢአሚን፤ ዳዕሙ ይትፈቀድ ለአሚን,He doesn't want you to tell him who he is.,"He doesn't need a reason to not believe, but to believe.",A lot of water does not destroy love,"If you have knowledge, write","He doesn't need a reason to not believe, but to believe.",B |
ኢይከብር ነቢይ በሀገሩ፡፡,Do not praise the bull's mouth that shines when it threshes your grain.,He is kind and compassionate. He gives.,The pervert brings evil to all,A prophet is not respected in his country.,A prophet is not respected in his country.,D |
ኢይድህን ንጉሥ በዝኀ ሠራዊቱ፡፡,Everyone cares about his own problems.,You will be judged by your words. Or you will be judged.,Mouth calls death.,A king is not saved by the number of his army.,A king is not saved by the number of his army.,D |
ኢይጥዕሞ መዓር ለአድግ ዘእንበለ እጉስታር፡፡,"As per the amount you give to them, they will give to you.",For a donkey not thirsts honey instead of straw.,It church is bigger than the palace,Don't be hypocrites.,For a donkey not thirsts honey instead of straw.,B |
ኢይፈቅድ ይንግርዎ ግኦእዞ ለሰብእ,fruit of speech.,He doesn't want you to tell him who he is.,Friend to friend.,Advance your bread.,He doesn't want you to tell him who he is.,B |
ኤፍሬም ይበልዖ ለምናሴ፤ ወምናሴ ይበልዖ ለኤፍሬም፡,By his death we are saved.,Brother destroys brother.,"The son does not know what will happen tomorrow, so when I beg you, give me our daily bread.",The mouth of a kind man learns wisdom.,Brother destroys brother.,B |
እለ መጥባሕተ ያነሥኡ በመጥባሕት ይመውቱ፡፡,"Those who kill with a shot, die with a shot.",Just a rumor,Irrelevant work is a waste.,What was not done to the angels was done to the priests,"Those who kill with a shot, die with a shot.",A |
እለ ትነብሩ ተንሥኡ፡፡,Cold and hunger make you forget prayer.,Leave your seats.,"who works for two, doesn't get any",And they throw out the children of the kingdom.,Leave your seats.,B |
እለ ከርሦሙ አምላኮሙ።፡,The reader should remember the author's name.,Stomach gods.,Arrogant is the enemy of Christ,Try work hard and eat,Stomach gods.,B |
እለ ጻጹተ ትነጥፋ ወእለ ገመለ ትውህጡ።,Leave your brother's wrongdoing,God's sacrifice is a sincere spirit,"Those who swallow camels, those who breed mosquitoes.",Love your enemies.,"Those who swallow camels, those who breed mosquitoes.",C |
እመሰ ይትከሃለክሙ ምስለ ዙሉ ሰብእ ተእኅዉ፡፡,"If you can, make friends with everyone.",Evil people differ from their friends by their work,Let my soul go out with the Ilofites,Disturbing us the story of the narrators,"If you can, make friends with everyone.",A |
እመሰ ጼው ለስሐ በምንት እንከ ይቄስምዎ?,"Beware of your enemy once, beware of your friend thousand times",A good woman is a crown to her husband,"Double mouth, the sword.","If salt is not make tasty, what will you sweeten it with?","If salt is not make tasty, what will you sweeten it with?",D |
አመ ተናገርኩ ጽድቀ ሰብእ ዛቲ ዓለም ይጸልኡኒ፤ ወከመ ኢይንብብ ሀሰተ ኩነኔ ዚእከ ያፈርሃኒ፤ ወእም ኩሉሰ አርምሞ ይቴይስ ወይሜኒ፡፡,Just a rumor,From powerful Better be patient.,Wine and song delight the heart.,People of this world will hate me if I tell the truth. I am afraid of your judgment so that I do not lie. I prefer silence.,People of this world will hate me if I tell the truth. I am afraid of your judgment so that I do not lie. I prefer silence.,D |
እመ ወሀበ ብእሲ ኩሎ ንብረቶ ለፍቅር መንኖ አይሜንንዎ፡፡,A lazy person says there is no god in his heart.,"If a man would give all his possessions for love, they would never despise him.",Remember this discipline from today.,Sing along!,"If a man would give all his possessions for love, they would never despise him.",B |
እመ ይሰድዱክሙ እም አሐቲ ሀገር ጉዩ ኀበ ካልዕታ፡,"If they chase you from one country, go to another",He that hate intercession shall live.,I staggered to fall. But God lifted me up,Reading too many books leads to boredom.,"If they chase you from one country, go to another",A |
እም ተናግሮ ይሄይስ አርምሞ፡,Perfect is perfect and has no meaning for perfect.,Dead goes to dead,Enter through the narrow door.,Silence is better than speaking.,Silence is better than speaking.,D |
እምነ መንግሥት የዐቢ ክህነት,Undeserved praise,It church is bigger than the palace,He came out of a glutton's food. A food came out of the powerful.,Arrogant is the enemy of Christ,It church is bigger than the palace,B |
እምነ ረፃብ የሄይስ ኩይናት፡፡,Satan himself is transformed into a silver angel.,Reading too many books leads to boredom.,War is better than hunger,"If we are good, everything will be good.",War is better than hunger,C |
እም ንጉሥ እቡድ ይቴይስ ገብር ጠቢብ፡፡,"Not in a run, but in the advance.","If you can, make friends with everyone.",A wise servant obeys his master.,A wise servant of a lazy king will be defeated.,A wise servant of a lazy king will be defeated.,D |
እም አሐዱ አፍ ይወጽኡ ቡራኬ ወመርገም፡,What was not done to the angels was done to the priests,Cursing and consecration come out of the same mouth.,"They are no more humble than all righteous works, and no more to become monk than all titles.",Husband and wife are one body,Cursing and consecration come out of the same mouth.,B |
እም እፈ በላዒ ወጽአ መብልዕ፤ ወእም አፈ ኃያል ተረክበ ጥዑም፡፡,He came out of a glutton's food. A food came out of the powerful.,The love of one attracts the other.,"Fathers, do not make your children angry",Birthday parties are for everyone. call me in another day,He came out of a glutton's food. A food came out of the powerful.,A |
እም ከመ ተፈስሐ ልብ ይበርሀ ገጽ፡፡,What do you have that you didn't take from him?,Satan himself is transformed into a silver angel.,"They will remove what is there, and add to it. They take away what is not, but even what is","When the heart is happy, the face lights up.","When the heart is happy, the face lights up.",D |
እም ከመ ኀዘነ ልብ ይዴምን ገጽ፡,Be smart to your neighbors.,Until what time you go in double ideas?,"When the heart is sad, the face darkens.",How can manage God's house a household that does not have its own house in order?,"When the heart is sad, the face darkens.",C |
እም ድኅረ ሞቱ ለስብእ አልቦቱ ንስሐ፡፡,no repentance for a person after death.,Love is greater than all,Everything is allowed to me. But it doesn't help me at all,Disturbing us the story of the narrators,no repentance for a person after death.,A |
እም ዙሉ ምግባረ ጽድቅ የዓጽብ ጽሙና፣ ወእም ኩሉ መዓርግ ይትሌዓል ብሕትውና።,"If they chase you from one country, go to another",Eating cabbage stew with love is better than eating greasy fried food.,Let the one without sin say to her.,"They are no more humble than all righteous works, and no more to become monk than all titles.","They are no more humble than all righteous works, and no more to become monk than all titles.",D |
እስመ ሰውዳሴኒ ክንቱ ይልዕካ ዝሙት፡፡,over praise sends fornication.,The priest sits at the king's right.,"If a man would give all his possessions for love, they would never despise him.",Amazing for the listener,over praise sends fornication.,A |
እስመ ልብሱ ለሥጋ ሞገሱ,Your problems are not far away. They originate from you.,good man's work will last forever,Clothing is the glory of the body.,Better blessed to give than to receive,Clothing is the glory of the body.,C |
እስመ መብልዕ ወመስቴ ያስተፋቅር፡፡,Wine gladdens the human heart.,He who exalts himself will be humbled.,Food and drink make love each other.,Don't worship a person without seeing the end.,Food and drink make love each other.,C |
እስመ ስሙ ይመረሖ ኅበ ግብሩ፡፡,His name leads him to his work.,Your speech defines who you are.,"do not gossip a person, even in your own home. The bird of the sky will bring your things to you.",Be prepared!,His name leads him to his work.,A |
እስመ በብዝኃ ጥበብ ብዙኅ ኀዘን፡፡,It is not gray hair. It's in understanding.,"Those who kill with a shot, die with a shot.","The greater the wisdom, the greater the sadness.",Blessed are those who did not got birth,"The greater the wisdom, the greater the sadness.",C |
እስመ በትህትና ረከበ ልዕልና፡፡,"We shout out again and again, but as we do not shout out",Mouth calls death.,He earned respect through humility.,Their rest is their praise. Their praise is their rest.,He earned respect through humility.,C |
እስመ በአሐዱ ፍቁር ይስሀብ ካልኡ፡፡,In this work of yours; You went out and fell.,have this book and eat,The love of one attracts the other.,Honor your father and mother.,The love of one attracts the other.,C |
እስመ ተፋቅሮ ይደፍኖን ለኩሎን ኃጣውአ፡፡,A lazy person sleeps during harvest.,Love forgives all wrongdoing.,Love is greater than all,From powerful Better be patient.,Love forgives all wrongdoing.,B |
እስመ ነፍስ ተሐድር በደም፡፡,The soul sleeps in blood.,"First, take out the log in your eye.","Don't appreciate this, there are more",There is time for everyone,The soul sleeps in blood.,A |
እስመ ነፍስ ተዓጽብ እምሲሲት፤ ወሥጋ የዓጽብ እም ዓራዝ፡፡,have this book and eat,The body is better than clothes and the soul is better than food.,A wise servant obeys his master.,hungry soul thinks everything bitter is sweet.,The body is better than clothes and the soul is better than food.,B |
እስመ አልቦ ነገር ዘይስአኖ ሰእግዚአብሔር፡፡,He who shows patience will be saved.,No things that fail for God.,"He who sheds human blood, his blood shall be shed.",Birthday parties are for everyone. call me in another day,No things that fail for God.,B |
እስመ እም ቃልከ ትጸድቅ ወእም ቃልከ ትትኳነን፡፡,Do unto men as you would have them do unto you. Do not do to them what you would hate if they did to you.,You will be judged by your words. Or you will be judged.,Quick to listen to everyone; But be slow to speak and anger.,"If we are good, everything will be good.",You will be judged by your words. Or you will be judged.,B |
እስመ እምተረፈ ልብ ይነበብ አፍ።፡,Wealth is as fleeting as a shadow,"Fathers, do not make your children angry",Say: like this Do it like this.,mouth speaks from full of heart.,mouth speaks from full of heart.,D |
እስመ ዘአፍቀረ ይጌሥጽ እግዚአብሔር፡፡,Don't give a way to Satan.,Peace be upon the thief of poetry who steals pieces,A lot of water does not destroy love,God punishes whom He wills.,God punishes whom He wills.,D |
እስመ ፍቅር ከመ ሞት ጽንእት ።,Arrogant is the enemy of Christ,A country built on a mountain cannot be hidden.,Love is as firm as death.,Give your way to God,Love is as firm as death.,C |
እስመ ኩሉ ለቤቱ ይሄሊ።,Let go of frustration and threw her anger,Do not envy the wicked.,Complete with everything,Everyone cares about the house.,Everyone cares about the house.,D |
እስመ ኩሉ ጾሮ ይጸውር፡፡,Wake up from the sleep,Everyone bears his debt.,Undeserved praise,The lamp of your body is your eye.,Everyone bears his debt.,B |
እስመ ቁር ወረሃብ ያረስዕ ጸሎተ፡,Cold and hunger make you forget prayer.,"If a man would give all his possessions for love, they would never despise him.",Who is like God?,Let not the man whom God has made one separate.,Cold and hunger make you forget prayer.,A |
እስከ ማዕዜኑ ተሐነከሱ በክልዔሆን ጌጋያቲክሙ?,Until what time you go in double ideas?,"One of Paul, one of Apollos, one of Cephas.",In this work of yours; You went out and fell.,The foundation of life and the source of salvation is Mary,Until what time you go in double ideas?,A |
አቀትሎ ለኖላዊ ወይዘረዉ አባግዒሁ።፡,He who has no wife is wronged.,"Not in a run, but in the advance.",I will kill the shepherd. And the sheep will be scattered.,"He who eats properly, his health is health.",I will kill the shepherd. And the sheep will be scattered.,C |
እንበለ መከራ፤ ኢይትረከብ ጸጋ፡፡,grace without suffering; There is no value without effort.,Arrogant is the enemy of Christ,He will not leave the country without a single benefactor.,Don't rush to give. Don't regret it,grace without suffering; There is no value without effort.,A |
እንበለ ዝናም ደመና፤ እንበለ ንጽህ ምንኩስና:,soft word will broke the bone.,"without a rain, cloud; A monk without cleanses",Ok says,Disturbing us the story of the narrators,"without a rain, cloud; A monk without cleanses",B |
እንተ ኢትልህቅ ጣዕዋ ትመርሕ እማ፡፡,"My country, Ethiopia, you are a fool! He ate what killed you.",If I did not plow you with my calf; If you don't know the meaning of riddle.,He will not leave the country without a single benefactor.,A don't grow up young calf leads its mother.,A don't grow up young calf leads its mother.,D |
እንዘ ቦ ልሂቅ ኢይትናገር ደቂቅ፡፡,A child does not speak when he is a wise old man.,Read the message from first to end.,"When you go to judge, make peace with your adversary on the way",Ok says,A child does not speak when he is a wise old man.,A |
እንዘ ቦ ርሁብ ውስተ ቤትከ አታውጽእ አፍእ፡፡,From powerful Better be patient.,Don't take and give out of your house when he's hungry.,Silence is better than speaking.,Love your neighbor as yourself.,Don't take and give out of your house when he's hungry.,B |
እኩይ ብእሲ ያወጽኣ ለእኪት እም እኪት መዝገበ ልቡ።,An evil person brings evil out of an evil heart,Tomorrow thinks to itself.,He who has no wife is wronged.,"Fathers, do not make your children angry",An evil person brings evil out of an evil heart,A |
እክል ያጸንእ ኃይለ ሰብእ።,Food strengthens the power of human.,The death of the soul is when far from God,The unheard was heard. What was not done was done.,Reading too many books leads to boredom.,Food strengthens the power of human.,A |
እድ ጽኑእ ብእሴ ያብዕል፡፡,diligent hand will prosper.,If you go to another country; Be like them,Don't be hypocrites.,God gave: God arose.,diligent hand will prosper.,A |
እግዚአብሔር ወኀበ ወአግዚአእብሔር ነሥአ፡፡,The lamp of your body is your eye.,He who shows patience will be saved.,Be faithful unto death.,God gave: God arose.,God gave: God arose.,D |
እጽብሰ እጹብ ውእቱ፤ እሰመ ለእጹብ ትርጓሜ እልቦቱ፡፡,Everything is confirmed by two and three witnesses.,Action precedes prophecy,A wise servant of a lazy king will be defeated.,Perfect is perfect and has no meaning for perfect.,Perfect is perfect and has no meaning for perfect.,D |
ኦሆ በሀሊ፡፡,What comes out of his mouth defiles a person.,Ok says,"We shout out again and again, but as we do not shout out",It's all in vain.,Ok says,B |
ከመዝ ንግሩ፤ ወከመ ዝ ግበሩ፡፡,The death of a sinner is worse,Say: like this Do it like this.,Wisdom is greater than all wealth.,Show yourself to the priest.,Say: like this Do it like this.,B |
ከንቱ ውዳሴ፡፡,We will enter the kingdom of God with much effort,A few do. Many collect,"She has a small, She has no sleep.",Undeserved praise,Undeserved praise,D |
ኩኑ ቅዱሳነ፤ እሰመ አነሂ ቅዱስ አነ።,Be holy as I am holy.,We know the work of the blessed,Leave the children to come to me,Everything is pure to the pure.,Be holy as I am holy.,A |
ኩኑ ከመ ይእዜ እለ ተወልዱ ሕጻናት,The pervert brings evil to all,Arrogant is the enemy of Christ,A grudge prayer is not acceptable before God,Be like children born today.,Be like children born today.,D |
ኩኑ ጠቢባነ ከመ እርእዌ ምድር፤ ወየዋሃነ ከመ ርግብ፡፡,kings love hypocrites and crooks.,The children of righteous people will be blessed,No servant can serve for two masters.,Be as wise as a snake; Be gentle as a dove.,Be as wise as a snake; Be gentle as a dove.,D |
ኩን መሃይምነ እስከ ለሞት፡።,Be faithful unto death.,Do not mention it among the scholars.,Do not envy the wicked.,good man's work will last forever,Be faithful unto death.,A |
ኩን ጠቢበ ለእድውከ,Be smart to your neighbors.,His neighbor's thoughts do not concern him.,Every soul worships God.,Irrelevant work is a waste.,Be smart to your neighbors.,A |
ካህናቲከ ይለብሉ ጽድቀ።፡,Priests wear righteous.,"The time to eat is when you are hungry, and the time to drink is when you are thirsty.",Practice what you learn. But don't do what they do.,"Do not overcome evil with evil, but by doing good.",Priests wear righteous.,A |
ካህን ይነብር በየማነ ንጉሥ፡፡,A government that is separated from each other will not stay,The priest sits at the king's right.,There are those who have been chosen from the womb,We will enter the kingdom of God with much effort,The priest sits at the king's right.,B |
ከቡር ሞቱ ለጻድቅ፡፡,If I did not plow you with my calf; If you don't know the meaning of riddle.,A good man's death is glorious.,I will bless the one who came to Balaam with this. I will tell kill with this what came from evil,wisdom prefers than money.,A good man's death is glorious.,B |
ከቡር እውስቦ በኩለሄ ወለምስካቡኒ አልቦቱ ስእበት፡፡,Let go of frustration and threw her anger,All those who counted the alphabet; They became teachers around,Marriage is preferred by all. And the bed is clean.,The death of a sinner is worse,Marriage is preferred by all. And the bed is clean.,C |
ኮከብ እም ኮከብ ይሄይስ ክብሩ,"He who kept his organs, kept his life.",A star is greater than a star in its glory.,A good man's death is glorious.,Don't leave your money in front of you.,A star is greater than a star in its glory.,B |
ወለሊሁ ሠይጣን ይትሜሰል ከመ መልአከ ብርሃን፡፡,Quick to listen to everyone; But be slow to speak and anger.,Satan himself is transformed into a silver angel.,Disputes are closed with an oath.,Keep your armor lit and your light on.,Satan himself is transformed into a silver angel.,B |
ወለእመ ሖርከ ብሔረ ባዕድ ኩን ከማሆሙ።፡,"If you go to another country, be like them",He does not remember what he said in the morning.,"He who eats properly, his health is health.",What does light have to do with darkness?,"If you go to another country, be like them",A |
ወለእመ ይለድድዱክሙ እም አሐቲ ሀገር ጉዩ ኅበ ካልዕታ፡፡,"If they persecute you from one country, flee to another.",Let not the man whom God has made one separate.,He looks smart for keeping quiet.,There is time for everyone,"If they persecute you from one country, flee to another.",A |
ወለደቂቀ መንግሥትሰ ያወጽእዎሙ አፍኣ፡፡,You will be judged by your words. Or you will be judged.,And they throw out the children of the kingdom.,Pops never goes wrong.,No one can restrain his tongue,And they throw out the children of the kingdom.,B |
አግዚእ አእምሮ በጠጅ፣ እነወለቡ በደጅ፡፡,"My country, Ethiopia, you are a fool! He ate what killed you.",Grace upon grace.,They pray for the dead. The died pray for them.,Many are called. But they are chosen few.,"My country, Ethiopia, you are a fool! He ate what killed you.",A |
ወሙጻኡ ለቅስት የሃልቅ በመሐላ፡፡,Practice what you learn. But don't do what they do.,Give your way to God,"""Is death really that bitter?"" Agag.",Disputes are closed with an oath.,Disputes are closed with an oath.,D |
ወቀላለ ኮነት ዘመንየ ከመ ነገረ ከየአንም፡፡,Do not approach the man of God empty-handed.,"We shout out again and again, but as we do not shout out",An evil person brings evil out of an evil heart,My days are faster than a weaver's loom.,My days are faster than a weaver's loom.,D |
ወቀደምትኒ ይከውኑ ድኅረ፡፡,The first will be the last.,He who does not like to work does not eat.,Reading kills. Interpretation saves,Leave the children to come to me,The first will be the last.,A |
ወትወርድ አመጻሁ ዲበ ድማሁ፡፡,He that loveth his brother shall live in peace.,Silence is better than speaking.,Evil arrives at the door.,"The harvest is plentiful, the workers are few.",Evil arrives at the door.,C |
ወነገረ ቢጽ ኢይጥዕሞ ስሰቢጹ፡፡,His neighbor's thoughts do not concern him.,Everything is allowed to me. But it doesn't help me at all,"A mouse for his fead, sniffs a cat's nose.",Mouth calls death.,His neighbor's thoughts do not concern him.,A |
ወነገርከ ያዔውቀከ፡፡,Love forgives all wrongdoing.,Eating cabbage stew with love is better than eating greasy fried food.,Your speech defines who you are.,They do not pick figs from thorns. He does not cut the wine from the vine.,Your speech defines who you are.,C |
ወኢይጻእ ዐቢይ ነገር እም አፉክሙ፡፡,What was not done to the angels was done to the priests,Don't get used to it. Don't deny it.,He that hate intercession shall live.,Do not let evil come out of you.,Do not let evil come out of you.,D |
ወእምኩሉ የዐቢ ተፋቅሮ፡፡,Let not the man whom God has made one separate.,Love is greater than all,I staggered to fall. But God lifted me up,A building and a child; They naming the name,Love is greater than all,B |
ወክልዔቴ ይስድድዎሙ ለእልፍ፡፡,"Where your wealth is, your heart is also","My country, Ethiopia, you are a fool! He ate what killed you.",A prophet is not respected in his country.,The two chases the thousands.,The two chases the thousands.,D |
ወዘአዝለፊ ትዕግሥቶ ውእቱ ይድኅን፡፡,He who shows patience will be saved.,wisdom prefers than money.,"If we are good, everything will be good.",Do not envy the wicked.,He who shows patience will be saved.,A |
ወያገብእ እሁ እኅዋሁ ለሞት፡,Brother betrays brother to death,I loved Jacob. But I hated Esau.,"A true judge, an honest ruler.","When we are tired in this world, we will live forever.",Brother betrays brother to death,A |
ወይን ወማኅሌት ያስተፌስሁ አልባበ፡፡,"He who kept his organs, kept his life.",Wine and song delight the heart.,Wake up from the sleep,Be smart to your neighbors.,Wine and song delight the heart.,B |
ወይን ያስተፌስሕ ልበ ለብእ፡፡,"A true judge, an honest ruler.",Sing along!,Wine gladdens the human heart.,"The trap was broken, we escaped",Wine gladdens the human heart.,C |
ወድሶ ለለብእ በዘይደሉ፡፡,Be smart to your neighbors.,Giving comes from practice.,I will kill the shepherd. And the sheep will be scattered.,Praise him as he deserves.,Praise him as he deserves.,D |
ወኩሉ ዘተጽሕፈ ሰተግሣጸ ዚእነ ተጽሕፈ፡፡,Caesar's to Caesar. Give God's things to God,"Satiety make jumps, Jumping can also cause serious illness.","Those who kill with a shot, die with a shot.",Everything that was written was written that to advise us.,Everything that was written was written that to advise us.,D |
ውሂብሰ እም ልማድ ውእቱ፡፡,I love mercy; Not a sacrifice.,Giving comes from practice.,Pops never goes wrong.,"Not in a run, but in the advance.",Giving comes from practice.,B |
ውሂብሰ እም ረኪብ ውእቱ፡፡,Just a rumor,You cannot serve two masters.,Leave your brother's wrongdoing,Giving comes from receiving.,Giving comes from receiving.,D |
ውሂብ እም ድኅረ ስኢል እስረተ እድ ውእቱ፤ ወውሂብስ ቅድመ ስኢል ፈቲሐ እድ ውእቱ።,The horn that I sprouted latter will surpass my father's ear.,Being arrested for giving after begging; Giving without asking is generosity.,"the late comer, come out the eye",A lot of water does not destroy love,Being arrested for giving after begging; Giving without asking is generosity.,B |
ዐቃቤ ሥራይ ፈውስ ርእሰከ፡፡,Don't praise yourself! The others thank you to you,O medicine man! Heal yourself.,It is to crush a wicked and cunning person.,Don't rush to give. Don't regret it,O medicine man! Heal yourself.,B |
ዓስምስ ያፈቅር እሊእሁ፡፡,If I did not plow you with my calf; If you don't know the meaning of riddle.,The world loves its own.,Let's not go back to the past.,"One of Paul, one of Apollos, one of Cephas.",The world loves its own.,B |
ዕብን ዘመነንዋ ነደቅት፤ ወይእቲ ኮነት ውስተ ርእስ ማዕዘንት፡፡,Brother betrays brother to death,"The stone that the carpenters despised, it became the head of the corner.",I staggered to fall. But God lifted me up,Complete with everything,"The stone that the carpenters despised, it became the head of the corner.",B |
ዕውር ለዕውር ይትማርሑ ወይወድቁ ውስተ ግብ፡፡,"If we are good, everything will be good.",A prophet is not respected in his country.,"If the blind leads the blind, both go to death.",God punishes whom He wills.,"If the blind leads the blind, both go to death.",C |
ዕውር ኢይባእ ውለተ ዝማሜ ወመሳጣ አይሠራዕ ጋሜ፡፡,A satisfied soul treads on honey,Out of the multitude gathered in violence; The minimum earned by work is sufficient.,"the blind not be among singers, the baldness has no hair style",Thanks God!,"the blind not be among singers, the baldness has no hair style",C |
ዘላዕለ ነፍሱ ይኤብስ ለመኑ ኄረ ይከውን?,A lame man with a blind foot. And the blind man saw with the lame eye; It was stolen my eye by both of them,Satan himself is transformed into a silver angel.,"When the vulture flies, the gophers gather",Who will be kind to the one who rejects himself?,Who will be kind to the one who rejects himself?,D |
ዘልህቀ በውስቴታ፤ የአምር ሥርዓታ፡፡,He who grew up in it knows its rules.,Thanks God!,He who guards his mouth guards his soul.,War is better than hunger,He who grew up in it knows its rules.,A |
በመሀሩክሙ ዕቀቡ ወዘከመ ምግባሮሙሰ ኢትግበሩ።,Satan himself is transformed into a silver angel.,Practice what you learn. But don't do what they do.,A lame man with a blind foot. And the blind man saw with the lame eye; It was stolen my eye by both of them,God punishes whom He wills.,Practice what you learn. But don't do what they do.,B |
ዘምር በመጠንከ,Everyone bears his debt.,"The man's grave, it is good in his country.",Sing along!,Just a rumor,Sing along!,C |
ዘምስለ ጠዋይ ተጠዊ፤ ወምስለ ኅሩይ ኅሩየ ትከውን፡,Let's not go back to the past.,We speak but we do not hit.,"With the crooked, you will be crooked, you will be upright with the upright.",He who found a good wife found a blessing.,"With the crooked, you will be crooked, you will be upright with the upright.",C |
ዘረከበ ብአሲተ ሄርተ ረከበ ሞገስ፡፡,What do you have that you didn't take from him?,He who found a good wife found a blessing.,Don't wear clothes that don't fit you.,The enemy of the stomach is the mouth.,He who found a good wife found a blessing.,B |
ዘሰ በዐቅሙ ይበልዕ ጥዑይ ነፍሱ፡፡,"They dreamed of, but they didn't get it","He who eats properly, his health is health.","He who sheds human blood, his blood shall be shed.",A don't grow up young calf leads its mother.,"He who eats properly, his health is health.",B |
ዘበውሁድ ምዕመን በብዙኅኒ ምዕመን፡፡,Ok says,Try work hard and eat,What is believed by few is believed by many.,Friend to friend.,What is believed by few is believed by many.,C |
ዘቦ ብዙኅ ኢያትረፈ፤ ወዘቦ ውጉድ ኢያኅጸጸ።,He who has much is not left; He did not lack what little he had.,Wealth is the redemption of man,Peace be upon the thief of poetry who steals pieces,"Man begins, God completes.",He who has much is not left; He did not lack what little he had.,A |
ዘተወክፈ ጻድቀ በስመ ጻድቅ፣ ዐስበ ጻድቅ ወእሴተ ጻድቅ ይረክብ፡፡,Love each other,"If the blind leads the blind, both go to death.",You cannot serve to God and money.,He who receives the righteous in the name of the righteous shall receive the reward of the righteous.,He who receives the righteous in the name of the righteous shall receive the reward of the righteous.,D |
ዘኀሠሠ ክልዔ ኢይረክብ አሐደ፡፡,God's sacrifice is a sincere spirit,Don't be hypocrites.,"who works for two, doesn't get any",Reading kills. Interpretation saves,"who works for two, doesn't get any",C |
ዘኒ ትፈቅዱ ይግበሩ ለክሙ ሰብእ አንትሙኒ ግበሩ ሎሙ፤ ወዘኒ ኢትፈቅዱ ይግበሩ ብክሙ ኢትግበሩ ቦሙ,Do unto men as you would have them do unto you. Do not do to them what you would hate if they did to you.,Reading too many books leads to boredom.,The food of her soul is the Word of God.,No pretending.,Do unto men as you would have them do unto you. Do not do to them what you would hate if they did to you.,A |
ዘንስቲት ባቲ፤ ዕረፍት አልባቲ,His neighbor's thoughts do not concern him.,"She has a small, She has no sleep.",Don't leave your money in front of you.,A lame man with a blind foot. And the blind man saw with the lame eye; It was stolen my eye by both of them,"She has a small, She has no sleep.",B |
ዘአሀዙ ወርቀ ወዘኢአህዙ፣ ክልዓሆሙ ኅቡረ ተከዙ።፡,It church is bigger than the palace,A lame man with a blind foot. And the blind man saw with the lame eye; It was stolen my eye by both of them,Both those who had gold and those who did not were saddened together.,There are many officials in this world who have fallen into misery! There is also have win a crown,Both those who had gold and those who did not were saddened together.,C |
ዘአልቦ ብእሲት ምንዱብ ውእቱ፡፡,He who has no wife is wronged.,"Eyes fasting. the mouth fastening, and the ear also fastening",Money is like its master,Disputes are closed with an oath.,He who has no wife is wronged.,A |
ዘአልቦ ኃጢአት ለይገራ፡፡,If you go to another country; Be like them,"If salt is not make tasty, what will you sweeten it with?",Let the one without sin say to her.,They were great by the hand of the blessed,Let the one without sin say to her.,C |
ዘአልቦ ጽልቱጉት፡፡,"When the vulture flies, the gophers gather",I staggered to fall. But God lifted me up,Let go of frustration and threw her anger,No pretending.,No pretending.,D |
ዘአልዐለ ርእሶ የኃስር፤ ወዘአትሀተ ርአሶ ይከብር,Leave the dead. Bury their dead,"Test all things, and take hold of the good.",Peace be upon the thief of poetry who steals pieces,He who exalts himself will be humbled.,He who exalts himself will be humbled.,D |
ከኢተሰምዐ ተሰምዐ፤ ዘኢተገብረ ተገብረ፡፡,"If you have knowledge, write",They pray for the dead. The died pray for them.,She is one for her mother.,The unheard was heard. What was not done was done.,The unheard was heard. What was not done was done.,D |
ዘኢተገብረ ለመላአክት ተገብረ ለካህናት፡፡,I have offered you fire and water. Move your hand wherever you want..,Everything is confirmed by two and three witnesses.,What was not done to the angels was done to the priests,Who carries fire on his thigh?,What was not done to the angels was done to the priests,C |
ዘኢኮነ ዕድውክሙ ቢጽክሙ ውአቱ፡፡,"If a man would give all his possessions for love, they would never despise him.",Love forgives all wrongdoing.,"Don't frequent your neighbor's house, lest he get bored or hate you.",He who does not oppose us is with us.,He who does not oppose us is with us.,D |
ዘኢይክል ሠሪዐ ቤቱ እፎ ያስተሐምም ቤተ አግዚአብሔር?,Be holy as I am holy.,Don't give a way to Satan.,How can manage God's house a household that does not have its own house in order?,What does light have to do with darkness?,How can manage God's house a household that does not have its own house in order?,C |
ዘኢይፈቅድ ይትጌበር ኢይሴሰይ፡፡,"One of Paul, one of Apollos, one of Cephas.",A donkey is not thirsty for honey,He who does not like to work does not eat.,"If you have knowledge, write",He who does not like to work does not eat.,C |
ዘእም ተረፈ ልብ ይነብብ አፍ፡፡,He speaks from a heart full of survivors.,Don't wear clothes that don't fit you.,A mature child is better than thousands. It is better to die childless than to give birth.,The unheard was heard. What was not done was done.,He speaks from a heart full of survivors.,A |
ዘአግዚአብሔር አስተጻመረ ኢይፍልጥ ሰብእ፡፡,A building and a child; They naming the name,Let not the man whom God has made one separate.,It is not gray hair. Instead of understanding.,Better blessed to give than to receive,Let not the man whom God has made one separate.,B |
ዘከዐወ ደመ ሰብኣ ይትከዐው ደሙ፡፡,"He who sheds human blood, his blood shall be shed.",He who does not oppose us is with us.,Do not envy the wicked.,"If we are good, everything will be good.","He who sheds human blood, his blood shall be shed.",A |
ዘክልዔ ልቡ ህዉክ ውአቱ።፡,Leave the children to come to me,soft word will broke the bone.,A twin heart is a disordered person.,Drink and women seduce teachers.,A twin heart is a disordered person.,C |
ዘወጠነ ይፌጽም፡።,Let him finish what he started.,There are many officials in this world who have fallen into misery! There is also have win a crown,"He who has a patient, eats the fruit.","Ask and it will be given to you. Seek ye shall find. Even nock, opens up to her.",Let him finish what he started.,A |
ዘዐቀበ አስኪቶ የዐቅብ ህይወቶ፡፡,It is parents to children; Children cannot accumulate wealth for their parents,"He who kept his organs, kept his life.",A close neighbor from a distant relative.,Love is the fulfillment of the law,"He who kept his organs, kept his life.",B |
ዘዘገኑ ወርቀ ወዘኢዘገኑ፤ ክሌዔሆሙ ኅቡረ ኀዘኑ።፡,They found gold and were sad. Those who didn't get it were sad.,A good person brings out good things from a good heart.,Do not by the face of a man.,We know the work of the blessed,They found gold and were sad. Those who didn't get it were sad.,A |
ዘየሐውር መርድአ የኀሥሥ ምክንያተ፡፡,Man bless a place. A place also honors a person.,Who is like God?,A student who need to go finds a reason,Let's not go back to the past.,A student who need to go finds a reason,C |
ዘየዓቅብ አፋሁ ይትመሐፀን ነፍሶ፡፡,My son! Listen to your father's command.,He who guards his mouth guards his soul.,The foundation of life and the source of salvation is Mary,Say: like this Do it like this.,He who guards his mouth guards his soul.,B |
ዘያፈቅር ቢጾ ውስተ ብርሃን ይነብር ።,"Rebuke the wise and increase wisdom. Do not rebuke a fool, he will hate you.",To each according to their work.,Leave the children to come to me,He that loveth his brother shall live in peace.,He that loveth his brother shall live in peace.,D |
ዘይትናገር ዘኢይደልዎ ይሰምዕ ዘይጸልኦ።፡,Grace upon grace.,A building and a child; They naming the name,He who says what he does not deserve will hear what he does not like.,"For those who apply, the advice is good",He who says what he does not deserve will hear what he does not like.,C |
ዘይከሪ ግበ ለቢጹ ይወድቅ ውስቴቱ፡፡,"Who digs a hole for his friend, falls on it.",No pretending.,A person's enemy is their family,diligent hand will prosper.,"Who digs a hole for his friend, falls on it.",A |
ዘይወጽእ እም አፉሁ ለሰብእ ውእቱ ያረኩሶ።፡,"If you go to another country, be like them","My country, Ethiopia, you are a fool! He ate what killed you.",I love mercy; Not a sacrifice.,What comes out of his mouth defiles a person.,What comes out of his mouth defiles a person.,D |
በድኅረ መጽአ ዐይነ አውጽአ፡፡,"Ask and it will be given to you. Seek ye shall find. Even nock, opens up to her.","the late comer, come out the eye",Leave the children to come to me,Leave your seats.,"the late comer, come out the eye",B |
ዘጸንአ ዴዴሃ ይበልዕ ፍሬሃ,Amazing for the listener,"He who has a patient, eats the fruit.",No servant who is greater than his master. There is no greater student than a teacher.,He sleeps in moderate sleep,"He who has a patient, eats the fruit.",B |
ዘጻመወ በዓለም የሐዩ ለዝሉፉ፡,Let's not go back to the past.,"Who digs a hole for his friend, falls on it.",What is the life of a person who does not drink wine?,"When we are tired in this world, we will live forever.","When we are tired in this world, we will live forever.",D |
ዚአከ ለዚአየ፤ ዚአየ ለዚአከ፡፡,"They are no more humble than all righteous works, and no more to become monk than all titles.","Those who kill with a shot, die with a shot.","Sorrow to fools, joy to the wise","You for me, I for you.","You for me, I for you.",D |
ዛቲ ተግሣጽ ትኩነኒ እምዮም፡፡,Remember this discipline from today.,A student who need to go finds a reason,You say don't steal; But you will be robbed.,"They are no more humble than all righteous works, and no more to become monk than all titles.",Remember this discipline from today.,A |
ዝልፎ ለጠቢብ ከመ ይዌስክ ጥበበ፤ ኢትዝልፎ ለአብድ ከመ ኢይጽላእከ፡፡,The soul sleeps in blood.,"Hold hardly to what you have, so that no one can take away your grace.","Rebuke the wise and increase wisdom. Do not rebuke a fool, he will hate you.",The unheard was heard. What was not done was done.,"Rebuke the wise and increase wisdom. Do not rebuke a fool, he will hate you.",C |
ዝክረ ጻድቅ ለዓለም ይሄሉ።,good man's work will last forever,"One of Paul, one of Apollos, one of Cephas.",Honor your father and mother.,If I did not plow you with my calf; If you don't know the meaning of riddle.,good man's work will last forever,A |
ዝ ኩሉ ሥርጋዌ በአንተ አሐዱ ነገር፡፡,Irrelevant work is a waste.,In this work of yours; You went out and fell.,Don't rush to give. Don't regret it,These all is for one thing.,These all is for one thing.,D |
የሀጉል ርአሶ ዘኀልያነ ይነሥአ፡፡,He that hate intercession shall live.,Do not sit in the upper seat.,Let him finish what he started.,"The greater the wisdom, the greater the sadness.",He that hate intercession shall live.,A |
የአምነከ ሰብአ ሶበ ታሴኒ ሎቱ፡።,What does light have to do with darkness?,Who notices the mistake,Do not fear death. Let's fear sin.,"When you trust someone, they will trust you.","When you trust someone, they will trust you.",D |
ያኃሥረከ በአኅደርኮ፤ ወይዘረክየከ ዘለቃሕኮ፡፡,Who notices the mistake,What you did will humiliate you. He who has lent you will insult you.,"Give me, I'll beat you","No swimmer without water, no waiter without food",What you did will humiliate you. He who has lent you will insult you.,B |
ያዕቆብሃ አፍቀርኩ፤ ወኤሳውዛ ጸላእኩ,I loved Jacob. But I hated Esau.,An evil person brings evil out of an evil heart,A good woman is a crown to her husband,I love mercy; Not a sacrifice.,I loved Jacob. But I hated Esau.,A |
ይቤ አጋግ «ከመ ዝኑ ሞት መሪር»,"He who has a patient, eats the fruit.","If the blind leads the blind, both go to death.","""Is death really that bitter?"" Agag.",The prayer of resentment is the seed that fell from the thorn,"""Is death really that bitter?"" Agag.",C |
ይብሉ «ሰላም ሰሳም!» ወአልቦ ስላም፡፡,"""Hello, hello!"" they said, but they have no peace.",The lamp of your body is your eye.,A close neighbor from a distant relative.,There is time for everyone,"""Hello, hello!"" they said, but they have no peace.",A |
ይብል አብድ በልቡ አልቦ እግዚአብሔር,He who receives the righteous in the name of the righteous shall receive the reward of the righteous.,Be faithful unto death.,Food strengthens the power of human.,A lazy person says there is no god in his heart.,A lazy person says there is no god in his heart.,D |
ይብእስከ ረጊጽ ውስተ ቀኖት በሊህ።፡,"If you step on the iron, it will be kill you.",The food of her soul is the Word of God.,Eating cabbage stew with love is better than eating greasy fried food.,It's useless if I speak from my heart.,"If you step on the iron, it will be kill you.",A |
ይትወለወል ሰብእ እም ገዜ ልደቱ እስከ ጊዜ ሞቱ፡፡,What comes out of his mouth defiles a person.,A man hesitates until he dies.,"Those who swallow camels, those who breed mosquitoes.",Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down. He will be thrown into the fire.,A man hesitates until he dies.,B |
ይሄይስ ህዳጥ ዘበጽድቅ አምብዙኅ ብዕለ ኃጥአን,Evil people differ from their friends by their work,The world loves its own.,Don't just drink water. Instead of adding a little wine to your stomach ache,Out of the multitude gathered in violence; The minimum earned by work is sufficient.,Out of the multitude gathered in violence; The minimum earned by work is sufficient.,D |
ይሄይስ ብሂም እምነቢበ ሀሰት፡።,Dumbness is better than lying.,No things that fail for God.,Leave the children to come to me,I got my money.,Dumbness is better than lying.,A |
ይሄይስ ብእሲ ዕጉስ እም ኃያል,From powerful Better be patient.,A child does not speak when he is a wise old man.,"A mouse for his fead, sniffs a cat's nose.",Do not love silver and gold.,From powerful Better be patient.,A |
ይሄይስ ነዳይ ጥዑይ ሥጋሁ ወፍቱሕ ነፍሱ፤ እምነ ባዕል ዘድውይ ሥጋሁ ወእሱር ነፍሱ፡,A grudge prayer is not acceptable before God,A prophet is not respected in his country.,The soul sleeps in blood.,from a rich man who body is sick and the stomach is closed is better than a poor person whose body is healthy and the stomach is open,from a rich man who body is sick and the stomach is closed is better than a poor person whose body is healthy and the stomach is open,D |
ይሄይሰ አሐዱ እም ፲ ፻፤ ወይሄይስ መዊት ዘእንበሰ ውሉድ እም ወሊድ ወልደ እኩየ፡፡,He speaks from a heart full of survivors.,A mature child is better than thousands. It is better to die childless than to give birth.,Out of the multitude gathered in violence; The minimum earned by work is sufficient.,The priest sits at the king's right.,A mature child is better than thousands. It is better to die childless than to give birth.,B |
ይሄይስ አርክ ቅሩብ እም እሁ ዘርቀ የኀድር።,I staggered to fall. But God lifted me up,A close neighbor from a distant relative.,Be holy as I am holy.,Wisdom is greater than all wealth.,A close neighbor from a distant relative.,B |
ይሄይስ ፍተ ሐምል ፍቅር ዘቦቱ አመግዝዕ ዘአልህምት፡፡,Do not trouble my messengers. Do not do evil to my prophets,No pretending.,Hearing does not beat seeing.,Eating cabbage stew with love is better than eating greasy fried food.,Eating cabbage stew with love is better than eating greasy fried food.,D |
ይኩን ኩሉ ብእሲ ፍጡነ ለሰሚዕ፤ ወጉንዱየ ለነቢብ ወለመዓት፡፡,Quick to listen to everyone; But be slow to speak and anger.,An unbiased mentor and teacher,No one can restrain his tongue,"A true judge, an honest ruler.",Quick to listen to everyone; But be slow to speak and anger.,A |
ይወድስከ አፈ ነኪር ወአኮ አፈ ዚአከ,All the knowledgeable work together.,Don't praise yourself! The others thank you to you,The prayer of resentment is the seed that fell from the thorn,Enter through the narrow door.,Don't praise yourself! The others thank you to you,B |
ይደልዎ ለዘያነብብ ይዝክር ስሞ ለበዓሰ መጽሐፍ,Peace be upon the thief of poetry who steals pieces,The reader should remember the author's name.,He is kind and compassionate. He gives.,Blessed are the reconcilers,The reader should remember the author's name.,B |
ይደልዎ አስቡ ለዘይትቀነይ።፡,His mouth is like a sharp word,deserves salary for who works,Complete with everything,Everyone ages like clothes.,deserves salary for who works,B |
ይጹም ዐይን፤ ይጹም ልሳን፤ ዕዚንኒ ይጹም።፡,"Eyes fasting. the mouth fastening, and the ear also fastening",An intelligent person have something to become sad,Wake up from the sleep,man is opposed by his family of money.,"Eyes fasting. the mouth fastening, and the ear also fastening",A |
ድልዋኒክሙ ንበሩ!,Everyone ages like clothes.,A don't grow up young calf leads its mother.,Be prepared!,Life and death come through the mouth,Be prepared!,C |
ድክምት ቃል ትሰብር አጽመ,Irrelevant work is a waste.,Reading too many books leads to boredom.,He who does good will receive good things.,soft word will broke the bone.,soft word will broke the bone.,D |
ገብአተኒ ወርቅየ፡፡,I don't have any.,"do not gossip a person, even in your own home. The bird of the sky will bring your things to you.",Until what time you go in double ideas?,I got my money.,I got my money.,D |
ጊዜሁ ለመብልዕ ረሃብ ወለስትይ ጽምእ፡,What comes out of his mouth defiles a person.,Enter through the narrow door.,"The time to eat is when you are hungry, and the time to drink is when you are thirsty.","When the heart is sad, the face darkens.","The time to eat is when you are hungry, and the time to drink is when you are thirsty.",C |
ጊዜ ሰአልኩከ ጸግወኒ ፍታ፤ እስመ ኢየአምር ስብእ ዘትወልድ ሳኒታ፡፡,"The son does not know what will happen tomorrow, so when I beg you, give me our daily bread.","The time to eat is when you are hungry, and the time to drink is when you are thirsty.","Dead, goes to dead.",I will kill the shepherd. And the sheep will be scattered.,"The son does not know what will happen tomorrow, so when I beg you, give me our daily bread.",A |
ጊዜ ገቢር ለእግዚአብሔር፡፡,Stomach gods.,"He who has a patient, eats the fruit.",God has a time to do.,Marriage is preferred by all. And the bed is clean.,God has a time to do.,C |
ጌሰምሰ ትሄሊ ለርእላ፡፡,If I did not plow you with my calf; If you don't know the meaning of riddle.,"Satiety make jumps, Jumping can also cause serious illness.",Tomorrow thinks to itself.,He came out of a glutton's food. A food came out of the powerful.,Tomorrow thinks to itself.,C |
ግብር ዘአልቦ ምጣኔ ገዐር ውዕቱ፡፡,A lazy person sleeps during harvest.,"If a man would give all his possessions for love, they would never despise him.",Irrelevant work is a waste.,Ask your father and he will tell you,Irrelevant work is a waste.,C |
ጠቢብ ገብር ይሜብል እግዚኡ፡,A wise servant obeys his master.,"The man's grave, it is good in his country.",Love is greater than all,Food strengthens the power of human.,A wise servant obeys his master.,A |
ጥበብ ትትበደር እምወርቅ፡፡,"If a man would give all his possessions for love, they would never despise him.","When the heart is sad, the face darkens.",She is one for her mother.,wisdom prefers than money.,wisdom prefers than money.,D |
ጥበብ ትሄይስ እመኩሉ መዛግብት፡፡,"If we are good, everything will be good.","Don't frequent your neighbor's house, lest he get bored or hate you.",Everything that was written was written that to advise us.,Wisdom is greater than all wealth.,Wisdom is greater than all wealth.,D |
ጸላእተከሙ አፍቅሩ።,Wine gladdens the human heart.,grace without suffering; There is no value without effort.,A close neighbor from a distant relative.,Love your enemies.,Love your enemies.,D |
ጸሎቱ ለመስተቀይም ኢውክፍት ቅድመ እግዚአብሔር፡,Irrelevant work is a waste.,A grudge prayer is not acceptable before God,How can manage God's house a household that does not have its own house in order?,Birthday parties are for everyone. call me in another day,A grudge prayer is not acceptable before God,B |
ጸሎቱ ለመስተቀይም ከመ ዘርዕ ዘወድቀ ማዕከስ አስዋክ፡፡,The foundation of life and the source of salvation is Mary,Wealth is the redemption of man,Give free for what you have received for free.,The prayer of resentment is the seed that fell from the thorn,The prayer of resentment is the seed that fell from the thorn,D |
ጸጋ በዲበ ጸጋ፡፡,Give your way to God,Grace upon grace.,Who notices the mistake,Read the message from first to end.,Grace upon grace.,B |
ጻማ ከናፍር፡፡ ,"A true judge, an honest ruler.",No things that fail for God.,"Give me, I will give you",Cheek passed.,Cheek passed.,D |
ጻድቅስ ይምሕር ወይሁብ፡,He is kind and compassionate. He gives.,"If they persecute you from one country, flee to another.","Don't appreciate this, there are more","Double mouth, the sword.",He is kind and compassionate. He gives.,A |
ጽጋብ ያመጽእ ግብረ ቅንጻዌ! ወቅንጻዌ ያፈደፍድ ደዌ,"Satiety make jumps, Jumping can also cause serious illness.",Pops never goes wrong.,"the late comer, come out the eye",Be smart to your neighbors.,"Satiety make jumps, Jumping can also cause serious illness.",A |
ፀሩ ለከርሥ አፍ፡፡,The enemy of the stomach is the mouth.,Your speech defines who you are.,All united to evil.,He who shows patience will be saved.,The enemy of the stomach is the mouth.,A |
ፈታሒ በጽድቅ ኩናኒ በርትዕ፡፡,"A true judge, an honest ruler.",Every soul worships God.,Priests wear righteous.,No pretending.,"A true judge, an honest ruler.",A |
ፍሬ ከናፍር።,"If you have it, give it if you don't have it, sorrow",fruit of speech.,"Those who swallow camels, those who breed mosquitoes.","He who sheds human blood, his blood shall be shed.",fruit of speech.,B |
ፍዳ ለኃጥአን ዕሴት ለጻድቃን፡፡,Punishment for sin. Reward for the righteous.,Remember this discipline from today.,"Hold hardly to what you have, so that no one can take away your grace.",I will kill the shepherd. And the sheep will be scattered.,Punishment for sin. Reward for the righteous.,A |
ፓፓ ዘኢይስሕት፡፡,Pops never goes wrong.,"Give me, I will give you",Don't get used to it. Don't deny it.,Evil arrives at the door.,Pops never goes wrong.,A |
ኩሉ ማእምር፣ ይገብር በምክር፡፡,good man's work will last forever,It is possible for everyone who believes,All the knowledgeable work together.,"Give me, I will give you",All the knowledgeable work together.,C |
ኩሉ ቡሩክ፡፡,A mature child is better than thousands. It is better to die childless than to give birth.,A lazy person says there is no god in his heart.,All good.,You will be judged by your words. Or you will be judged.,All good.,C |
ዙሉ ነፍስ ይሴብሖ ለእግዚአብሔር።,"Give me, I'll beat you",An evil spirit enters with laughter,Every soul worships God.,No things that fail for God.,Every soul worships God.,C |
ኩሉ ንጹሕ ለንጹሓን፡፡,These all is for one thing.,Everything is pure to the pure.,Life and death come through the mouth,Stay away from evil. And do good,Everything is pure to the pure.,B |
ኩሉ ከንቱ፡፡,A good woman is a crown to her husband,Honor your father and mother.,It's all in vain.,Your speech defines who you are.,It's all in vain.,C |
ኩሉ ዐረየ ወኅቡረ አለወ,"Messengers who tell good news, their feet are beautiful.",All united to evil.,A wise servant of a lazy king will be defeated.,A few do. Many collect,All united to evil.,B |
ዙሉ ዕፅ ዘኢይፈሪ ፍሬ ሠናየ ይትገዘም፤ ወውስተ እላት ይትወደይ፡፡,Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down. He will be thrown into the fire.,Let the one without sin say to her.,"No swimmer without water, no waiter without food","Man begins, God completes.",Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down. He will be thrown into the fire.,A |
ኩሉ ዘነፍስ፤ ይበሊ ከመ ልብስ፡፡,Tomorrow thinks to itself.,Be smart to your neighbors.,Ask your father and he will tell you,Everyone ages like clothes.,Everyone ages like clothes.,D |
ኩሉ ዘገብራ ለሠናይት ይረከብ ሠናየ፡,"They are no more humble than all righteous works, and no more to become monk than all titles.",Peace be upon the thief of poetry who steals pieces,He who does good will receive good things.,Grace upon grace.,He who does good will receive good things.,C |
ኩሉ ይሴኒ ሰአመ ንሴኒ ንህነ,"""Is death really that bitter?"" Agag.",Until what time you go in double ideas?,"If we are good, everything will be good.",Mouth and heart be live together.,"If we are good, everything will be good.",C |
ኩሉ ይሄሊ ትካዘ ርእሱ፡፡,The soul sleeps in blood.,"If you step on the iron, it will be kill you.",Everyone cares about his own problems.,"If we are good, everything will be good.",Everyone cares about his own problems.,C |
ኩሉ ጻድቅ በጊዜ ርቱፅ፡፡,What do you have that you didn't take from him?,Every soul worships God.,If you go to another country; Be like them,Good times are all good.,Good times are all good.,D |
ኩሎ አመክሩ ወዘሠናየ አጽንኡ,One word is enough for an intelligent person,"Test all things, and take hold of the good.","If you can, make friends with everyone.","the late comer, come out the eye","Test all things, and take hold of the good.",B |
ጐንዱየ እብጽሕ እገሪከ ኀበ እርከከ፤ ከመ ኢይጽገብከ፤ ወኢይጽላእክ፡፡,He who does not like to work does not eat.,"Don't frequent your neighbor's house, lest he get bored or hate you.",Blessed is he who takes care of his body,Do not envy the wicked.,"Don't frequent your neighbor's house, lest he get bored or hate you.",B |
ጉየያ ለፍትወተ ውርዙትከ፡፡,Thanks God!,You examine the surface; God knows what is inside.,Run away from your youthful lust.,He who does good will receive good things.,Run away from your youthful lust.,C |