import argparse |
import os |
import shutil |
import sys |
import tempfile |
import time |
from collections import OrderedDict |
from datetime import datetime |
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt |
import numpy as np |
import torch |
import torch.nn as nn |
import torch.nn.functional as F |
import torch.optim as optim |
import torchvision |
import torchvision.transforms as transforms |
from einops import rearrange |
from monai.inferers import sliding_window_inference |
from monai.losses import DiceCELoss |
from monai.transforms import AsDiscrete |
from PIL import Image |
from skimage import io |
from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score, confusion_matrix, roc_auc_score |
from tensorboardX import SummaryWriter |
from torch.autograd import Variable |
from torch.utils.data import DataLoader |
from tqdm import tqdm |
import cfg |
import models.sam.utils.transforms as samtrans |
import pytorch_ssim |
from conf import settings |
from utils import * |
args = cfg.parse_args() |
GPUdevice = torch.device('cuda', args.gpu_device) |
pos_weight = torch.ones([1]).cuda(device=GPUdevice)*2 |
criterion_G = torch.nn.BCEWithLogitsLoss(pos_weight=pos_weight) |
seed = torch.randint(1,11,(args.b,7)) |
torch.backends.cudnn.benchmark = True |
loss_function = DiceCELoss(to_onehot_y=True, softmax=True) |
scaler = torch.cuda.amp.GradScaler() |
max_iterations = settings.EPOCH |
post_label = AsDiscrete(to_onehot=14) |
post_pred = AsDiscrete(argmax=True, to_onehot=14) |
dice_metric = DiceMetric(include_background=True, reduction="mean", get_not_nans=False) |
dice_val_best = 0.0 |
global_step_best = 0 |
epoch_loss_values = [] |
metric_values = [] |
def train_sam(args, net: nn.Module, optimizer, train_loader, |
epoch, writer, schedulers=None, vis = 50): |
hard = 0 |
epoch_loss = 0 |
ind = 0 |
net.train() |
optimizer.zero_grad() |
epoch_loss = 0 |
GPUdevice = torch.device('cuda:' + str(args.gpu_device)) |
if args.thd: |
lossfunc = DiceCELoss(sigmoid=True, squared_pred=True, reduction='mean') |
else: |
lossfunc = criterion_G |
with tqdm(total=len(train_loader), desc=f'Epoch {epoch}', unit='img') as pbar: |
for pack in train_loader: |
imgs = pack['image'].to(dtype = torch.float32, device = GPUdevice) |
masks = pack['label'].to(dtype = torch.float32, device = GPUdevice) |
if 'pt' not in pack: |
imgs, pt, masks = generate_click_prompt(imgs, masks) |
else: |
pt = pack['pt'] |
point_labels = pack['p_label'] |
name = pack['image_meta_dict']['filename_or_obj'] |
if args.thd: |
imgs, pt, masks = generate_click_prompt(imgs, masks) |
pt = rearrange(pt, 'b n d -> (b d) n') |
imgs = rearrange(imgs, 'b c h w d -> (b d) c h w ') |
masks = rearrange(masks, 'b c h w d -> (b d) c h w ') |
imgs = imgs.repeat(1,3,1,1) |
point_labels = torch.ones(imgs.size(0)) |
imgs = torchvision.transforms.Resize((args.image_size,args.image_size))(imgs) |
masks = torchvision.transforms.Resize((args.out_size,args.out_size))(masks) |
showp = pt |
mask_type = torch.float32 |
ind += 1 |
b_size,c,w,h = imgs.size() |
longsize = w if w >=h else h |
if point_labels.clone().flatten()[0] != -1: |
point_coords = pt |
coords_torch = torch.as_tensor(point_coords, dtype=torch.float, device=GPUdevice) |
labels_torch = torch.as_tensor(point_labels, dtype=torch.int, device=GPUdevice) |
if(len(point_labels.shape)==1): |
coords_torch, labels_torch, showp = coords_torch[None, :, :], labels_torch[None, :], showp[None, :, :] |
pt = (coords_torch, labels_torch) |
'''init''' |
if hard: |
true_mask_ave = (true_mask_ave > 0.5).float() |
'''Train''' |
if args.mod == 'sam_adpt': |
for n, value in net.image_encoder.named_parameters(): |
if "Adapter" not in n: |
value.requires_grad = False |
else: |
value.requires_grad = True |
elif args.mod == 'sam_lora' or args.mod == 'sam_adalora': |
from models.common import loralib as lora |
lora.mark_only_lora_as_trainable(net.image_encoder) |
if args.mod == 'sam_adalora': |
rankallocator = lora.RankAllocator( |
net.image_encoder, lora_r=4, target_rank=8, |
init_warmup=500, final_warmup=1500, mask_interval=10, |
total_step=3000, beta1=0.85, beta2=0.85, |
) |
else: |
for n, value in net.image_encoder.named_parameters(): |
value.requires_grad = True |
imge= net.image_encoder(imgs) |
with torch.no_grad(): |
if args.net == 'sam' or args.net == 'mobile_sam': |
se, de = net.prompt_encoder( |
points=pt, |
boxes=None, |
masks=None, |
) |
elif args.net == "efficient_sam": |
coords_torch,labels_torch = transform_prompt(coords_torch,labels_torch,h,w) |
se = net.prompt_encoder( |
coords=coords_torch, |
labels=labels_torch, |
) |
if args.net == 'sam': |
pred, _ = net.mask_decoder( |
image_embeddings=imge, |
image_pe=net.prompt_encoder.get_dense_pe(), |
sparse_prompt_embeddings=se, |
dense_prompt_embeddings=de, |
multimask_output=(args.multimask_output > 1), |
) |
elif args.net == 'mobile_sam': |
pred, _ = net.mask_decoder( |
image_embeddings=imge, |
image_pe=net.prompt_encoder.get_dense_pe(), |
sparse_prompt_embeddings=se, |
dense_prompt_embeddings=de, |
multimask_output=False, |
) |
elif args.net == "efficient_sam": |
se = se.view( |
se.shape[0], |
1, |
se.shape[1], |
se.shape[2], |
) |
pred, _ = net.mask_decoder( |
image_embeddings=imge, |
image_pe=net.prompt_encoder.get_dense_pe(), |
sparse_prompt_embeddings=se, |
multimask_output=False, |
) |
pred = F.interpolate(pred,size=(args.out_size,args.out_size)) |
loss = lossfunc(pred, masks) |
pbar.set_postfix(**{'loss (batch)': loss.item()}) |
epoch_loss += loss.item() |
if args.mod == 'sam_adalora': |
(loss+lora.compute_orth_regu(net, regu_weight=0.1)).backward() |
optimizer.step() |
rankallocator.update_and_mask(net, ind) |
else: |
loss.backward() |
optimizer.step() |
optimizer.zero_grad() |
'''vis images''' |
if vis: |
if ind % vis == 0: |
namecat = 'Train' |
for na in name[:2]: |
namecat = namecat + na.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0] + '+' |
vis_image(imgs,pred,masks, os.path.join(args.path_helper['sample_path'], namecat+'epoch+' +str(epoch) + '.jpg'), reverse=False, points=showp) |
pbar.update() |
return loss |
def validation_sam(args, val_loader, epoch, net: nn.Module, clean_dir=True): |
net.eval() |
mask_type = torch.float32 |
n_val = len(val_loader) |
ave_res, mix_res = (0,0,0,0), (0,)*args.multimask_output*2 |
rater_res = [(0,0,0,0) for _ in range(6)] |
tot = 0 |
hard = 0 |
threshold = (0.1, 0.3, 0.5, 0.7, 0.9) |
GPUdevice = torch.device('cuda:' + str(args.gpu_device)) |
device = GPUdevice |
if args.thd: |
lossfunc = DiceCELoss(sigmoid=True, squared_pred=True, reduction='mean') |
else: |
lossfunc = criterion_G |
with tqdm(total=n_val, desc='Validation round', unit='batch', leave=False) as pbar: |
for ind, pack in enumerate(val_loader): |
imgsw = pack['image'].to(dtype = torch.float32, device = GPUdevice) |
masksw = pack['label'].to(dtype = torch.float32, device = GPUdevice) |
if 'pt' not in pack or args.thd: |
imgsw, ptw, masksw = generate_click_prompt(imgsw, masksw) |
else: |
ptw = pack['pt'] |
point_labels = pack['p_label'] |
name = pack['image_meta_dict']['filename_or_obj'] |
buoy = 0 |
if args.evl_chunk: |
evl_ch = int(args.evl_chunk) |
else: |
evl_ch = int(imgsw.size(-1)) |
while (buoy + evl_ch) <= imgsw.size(-1): |
if args.thd: |
pt = ptw[:,:,buoy: buoy + evl_ch] |
else: |
pt = ptw |
imgs = imgsw[...,buoy:buoy + evl_ch] |
masks = masksw[...,buoy:buoy + evl_ch] |
buoy += evl_ch |
if args.thd: |
pt = rearrange(pt, 'b n d -> (b d) n') |
imgs = rearrange(imgs, 'b c h w d -> (b d) c h w ') |
masks = rearrange(masks, 'b c h w d -> (b d) c h w ') |
imgs = imgs.repeat(1,3,1,1) |
point_labels = torch.ones(imgs.size(0)) |
imgs = torchvision.transforms.Resize((args.image_size,args.image_size))(imgs) |
masks = torchvision.transforms.Resize((args.out_size,args.out_size))(masks) |
showp = pt |
mask_type = torch.float32 |
ind += 1 |
b_size,c,w,h = imgs.size() |
longsize = w if w >=h else h |
if point_labels.clone().flatten()[0] != -1: |
point_coords = pt |
coords_torch = torch.as_tensor(point_coords, dtype=torch.float, device=GPUdevice) |
labels_torch = torch.as_tensor(point_labels, dtype=torch.int, device=GPUdevice) |
if(len(point_labels.shape)==1): |
coords_torch, labels_torch, showp = coords_torch[None, :, :], labels_torch[None, :], showp[None, :, :] |
pt = (coords_torch, labels_torch) |
'''init''' |
if hard: |
true_mask_ave = (true_mask_ave > 0.5).float() |
imgs = imgs.to(dtype = mask_type,device = GPUdevice) |
'''test''' |
with torch.no_grad(): |
imge= net.image_encoder(imgs) |
if args.net == 'sam' or args.net == 'mobile_sam': |
se, de = net.prompt_encoder( |
points=pt, |
boxes=None, |
masks=None, |
) |
elif args.net == "efficient_sam": |
coords_torch,labels_torch = transform_prompt(coords_torch,labels_torch,h,w) |
se = net.prompt_encoder( |
coords=coords_torch, |
labels=labels_torch, |
) |
if args.net == 'sam': |
pred, _ = net.mask_decoder( |
image_embeddings=imge, |
image_pe=net.prompt_encoder.get_dense_pe(), |
sparse_prompt_embeddings=se, |
dense_prompt_embeddings=de, |
multimask_output=(args.multimask_output > 1), |
) |
elif args.net == 'mobile_sam': |
pred, _ = net.mask_decoder( |
image_embeddings=imge, |
image_pe=net.prompt_encoder.get_dense_pe(), |
sparse_prompt_embeddings=se, |
dense_prompt_embeddings=de, |
multimask_output=False, |
) |
elif args.net == "efficient_sam": |
se = se.view( |
se.shape[0], |
1, |
se.shape[1], |
se.shape[2], |
) |
pred, _ = net.mask_decoder( |
image_embeddings=imge, |
image_pe=net.prompt_encoder.get_dense_pe(), |
sparse_prompt_embeddings=se, |
multimask_output=False, |
) |
pred = F.interpolate(pred,size=(args.out_size,args.out_size)) |
tot += lossfunc(pred, masks) |
'''vis images''' |
if ind % args.vis == 0: |
namecat = 'Test' |
for na in name[:2 |
]: |
img_name = na.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0] |
namecat = namecat + img_name + '+' |
vis_image(imgs,pred, masks, os.path.join(args.path_helper['sample_path'], namecat+'epoch+' +str(epoch) + '.jpg'), reverse=False, points=showp) |
temp = eval_seg(pred, masks, threshold) |
mix_res = tuple([sum(a) for a in zip(mix_res, temp)]) |
pbar.update() |
if args.evl_chunk: |
n_val = n_val * (imgsw.size(-1) // evl_ch) |
return tot/ n_val , tuple([a/n_val for a in mix_res]) |
def transform_prompt(coord,label,h,w): |
coord = coord.transpose(0,1) |
label = label.transpose(0,1) |
coord = coord.unsqueeze(1) |
label = label.unsqueeze(1) |
batch_size, max_num_queries, num_pts, _ = coord.shape |
num_pts = coord.shape[2] |
rescaled_batched_points = get_rescaled_pts(coord, h, w) |
decoder_max_num_input_points = 6 |
if num_pts > decoder_max_num_input_points: |
rescaled_batched_points = rescaled_batched_points[ |
:, :, : decoder_max_num_input_points, : |
] |
label = label[ |
:, :, : decoder_max_num_input_points |
] |
elif num_pts < decoder_max_num_input_points: |
rescaled_batched_points = F.pad( |
rescaled_batched_points, |
(0, 0, 0, decoder_max_num_input_points - num_pts), |
value=-1.0, |
) |
label = F.pad( |
label, |
(0, decoder_max_num_input_points - num_pts), |
value=-1.0, |
) |
rescaled_batched_points = rescaled_batched_points.reshape( |
batch_size * max_num_queries, decoder_max_num_input_points, 2 |
) |
label = label.reshape( |
batch_size * max_num_queries, decoder_max_num_input_points |
) |
return rescaled_batched_points,label |
def get_rescaled_pts(batched_points: torch.Tensor, input_h: int, input_w: int): |
return torch.stack( |
[ |
torch.where( |
batched_points[..., 0] >= 0, |
batched_points[..., 0] * 1024 / input_w, |
-1.0, |
), |
torch.where( |
batched_points[..., 1] >= 0, |
batched_points[..., 1] * 1024 / input_h, |
-1.0, |
), |
], |
dim=-1, |
) |