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{"text": "In There are formatting errors in S1 Table(PDF)Click here for additional data file.S2 Table(PDF)Click here for additional data file."}
{"text": "This Expression of Concern was repuS1 File(PDF)Click here for additional data file.S2 File(PDF)Click here for additional data file."}
{"text": "In S1 Table(XLSX)Click here for additional data file."}
{"text": "S1 Data(ZIP)Click here for additional data file."}
{"text": "In the article titled \u201cDAB2IP Downregulation Enhances the Proliferation and Metastasis of Human Gastric Cancer Cells by Derepressing the ERK1/2 Pathway\u201d ["}
{"text": "S2 FileThis file includes supplementary data.(XLSX)Click here for additional data file."}
{"text": "S3 File(SAV)Click here for additional data file."}
{"text": "S1 Table(DOCX)Click here for additional data file.S2 Table(DOCX)Click here for additional data file.S1 Appendix(DOCX)Click here for additional data file."}
{"text": "In supporting information file Please see the corrected S4 Table(PDF)Click here for additional data file."}
{"text": "S9 TableRaw CT mRNA data.(XLSX)Click here for additional data file."}
{"text": "The retraction notice for thisS1 File(PDF)Click here for additional data file.S2 File(PDF)Click here for additional data file."}
{"text": "S1 Dataset(ZIP)Click here for additional data file."}
{"text": "This Expression of Concern was repuS1 File(PDF)Click here for additional data file.S2 File(PDF)Click here for additional data file."}
{"text": "S1 Table(XLSX)Click here for additional data file."}
{"text": "In the Supporting Information file S1 Text(PDF)Click here for additional data file."}
{"text": "Supplement 1 published in Volume 20 of BMC Plant Biology contained several incorrect 'received dates'"}
{"text": "The bacteriophage name B28 appears incorrectly throughout the article. The correct bacteriophage name is G28."}
{"text": "The published version of S1 Methods(PDF)Click here for additional data file."}
{"text": "Additionally, the Code Availability as well as Supplementary Data Supplementary Data 1Supplementary Data 2"}
{"text": "The S1 Data(XLSX)Click here for additional data file."}
{"text": "CorrectionThe original articles , 2 mista"}
{"text": "Details: correction to 3Corrected tables supplied"}
{"text": "In S1 File(PDF)Click here for additional data file.S2 File(PDF)Click here for additional data file."}
{"text": "These variables should remain under 50-59 years. Please see the corrected Table 2 here:"}
{"text": "Please see the corrected Figure 1 here:"}
{"text": "The correct Figure 1 can be found here:"}
{"text": "In this paragraph:[16] should be [21]"}
{"text": "Please see the correct Figure 1 here:"}
{"text": "There were formatting errors in Table 1. The correct Table 1 can be viewed here:"}
{"text": "The correct Figure 1 can be viewed here:"}
{"text": "Supplemental Figure S1 is a duplicate of Figure S2. Please view the correct Figure S1 here: Click here for additional data file.[^]"}
{"text": "Please see a corrected version of Table 1 here:"}
{"text": "Figure 4 was incorrectly posted as both Figure 3 and Figure 4. Please view the correct Figure 3 here: f"}
{"text": "Figure S5 is a duplicate of Figure S7. Please view the correct Figure S5 here: Click here for additional data file."}
{"text": "There are formatting errors in Table 3. A correct Table 3 can be viewed here: [^]"}
{"text": "Table S1 was erroneously omitted from the Supporting Information section. Please view Table S1 here: Click here for additional data file.[^]"}
{"text": "Figure S3 is a incorrectly a duplicate of Figure S4. The correct Figure S3 can be viewed here: Click here for additional data file.."}
{"text": "Please see the corrected version of Figure 9B here:"}
{"text": "The antibody \"Zeb2\" should not have appeared in Figure 3. Please view the correct Figure 3 here:"}
{"text": "Figure 5 is missing error bars. Please see the revised Figure 5 here:"}
{"text": "Figure 2 and Figure 3 should be swapped."}
{"text": "Figure 1 is incorrect. The correct Figure 1 can be viewed here:"}
{"text": "Please view the corrected Figure 6 here:"}
{"text": "In this paragraph:[16] should be [21][17] should be [11][17] should be [11] should be [22] should be [26]"}
{"text": "The correct grant number for NCI P20 is CA103736."}
{"text": "The labels \"Basal\" and \"CD Mab\" were erroneously switched in Figure 1B. Please see the corrected Figure 1 here:"}
{"text": "Figure 2 has been updated for better readability. Please see the correct Figure 2 here:"}
{"text": "Figure S5 is a duplicate of Figure 5. Please view the correct Figure S5 here: Click here for additional data file."}
{"text": "Figure 1 is incorrect. Please view the correct Figure 1 here:"}
{"text": "Figure S6 is incorrectly a duplicate of Figure S7. The correct Figure S6 can be viewed here:Click here for additional data file.[^]"}
{"text": "Figure S3 is a duplicate of Figure S2. Please view the correct Figure S3 here: Click here for additional data file.[^]"}
{"text": "Figure 1A is incorrect. Please see the corrected Figure 1 here:"}
{"text": "Figure 4C was erroneously published as a duplicate of Figure 2C. Please see the corrected Figure 4 here:"}
{"text": "Panels D and E are missing from Figure 1. Please see the corrected Figure 1 here:"}
{"text": "Figure 3 erroneously appears in place of Figure 4. Please see the correct Figure 4 here:"}
{"text": "The figure legend is correct. Figure S3 is a duplicate of Figure S1. Please view the correct Figure S3 here:"}
{"text": "Please view the correct Movie S2 here:"}
{"text": "Section E of Figure 6 is incorrect. Please see the corrected Figure 6 here:"}
{"text": "SERPINA3 is incorrectly under \"Protease and inhibitor.\" It should correctly be under the column \"TNF-\u03b1.\" Please see the corrected Table 1:"}
{"text": "Table 5 is missing section A. The complete Table 5 can be viewed here:"}
{"text": "Figure 2 was substituted with Supplementary Figure 2. Please see the correct Figure 2 here:"}
{"text": "Table 1 is incomplete. The correct Table 1 can be viewed here:"}
{"text": "Figure S2 is a duplicate of Figure S1. Please view the correct Figure 2S here: Click here for additional data file.[^]"}
{"text": "Please view sub-figure 1A here:"}
{"text": "In this paragraph: should be [11] should be [19][13] should be [20]"}
{"text": "In this paragraph:[16] should be [21][28] should be [23][21] should be [24][30] should be [25]"}
{"text": "Please see the corrected Table 1 here:"}
{"text": "A curve is missing from Figure 2B. Please see the corrected Figure 2 here:"}
{"text": "Figure S2 is a duplicate of Figure S1. Please view the correct Figure S2 file here: Click here for additional data file."}
{"text": "The published Figure 8 is incorrect. Please view corrected Figure 8 here:"}
{"text": "Please view the corrected Figure 2 here:"}
{"text": "Panels D and F of Figure 6 were duplicated. Please see the corrected Figure 6 here:"}
{"text": "The corrected Figure 7 can be found here:"}
{"text": "Please view the correct Table S10 here:"}
{"text": "The published Figure 4 is incorrect. Please view the corrected Figure 4 here:"}
{"text": "Graph B was duplicated as Graph A in Figure 2. Please see the corrected Figure 2 with Graph A here:"}
{"text": "The legend for sub-figure 2B was incorrectly placed directly below the text box for Figure 2."}
{"text": "Equation 1 contains incorrect characters. Please view the correct equation here:"}
{"text": "The correct Equation 1 can be viewed here:"}
{"text": "Supporting Information S1 was incorrectly attached. Please view the correct file for S1 here: Click here for additional data file."}
{"text": "Please see the corrected Figure 9 here:"}
{"text": "The sequence for primer R6 given in"}
{"text": "There are multiple errors in File S2LCR pedigree in G1-G28 and select phenotypes.(XLSX)Click here for additional data file."}
{"text": "Figure 1 is incorrect. The correct Figure 1 can be viewed here: [^]"}
{"text": "Figure 6 was erroneously published without color. Please see the corrected Figure 6 here:"}
{"text": "Affiliations 1 and 2 should be as follows:"}
{"text": "Figure 4 is incorrect. Please see the correct Figure 4 here:"}
{"text": "Figure 6 is incorrect. The correct Figure 6 can be viewed here:"}
{"text": "Please view the corrected Figure 3D here:"}
{"text": "Please view the correct Figure 4 here:"}
{"text": "Figure 4b is incorrectly duplicated in Figure 4d. Please view the correct Figure 4 here:"}
{"text": "Figure 6 is the incorrect figure. Please see the correct figure 6 here:"}
{"text": "Please view the correct Figure 4 here:"}
{"text": "Figure 2 is incorrect. Please see the correct Figure 2 here:"}
{"text": "In this paragraph:[13] should be [20][23] should be [27][16] should be [21]"}
{"text": "Figure 6 is incorrect. Please view the correct Figure 6 here:"}
{"text": "Figure 1 has been updated for better readability. Please see correct Figure 1 here:"}
{"text": "Please see the corrected Table 1 here:"}
{"text": "Please view the correct Equation S5b here:"}
{"text": "Please see the corrected Figure 5 here:"}
{"text": "Figure S6 is a duplicate of Figure 5. Please see the correct Figure S6 here: Click here for additional data file."}
{"text": "Table S1 does not appear. Please view Table S1 here: Click here for additional data file."}
{"text": "Please refer to the correct Figure S1 here:"}
{"text": "A row is missing from Table 4. Please see the corrected Table 4 here:"}
{"text": "Please see the corrected Figure 8 here:"}
{"text": "In Figure 2, panel B is missing. Please see the correct Figure 2 here:"}
{"text": "Please see the corrected Table 2 here:"}
{"text": "The protein \"col1agen \u03b2\" appears incorrectly throughout the manuscript. The correct protein should be collagen \u2162."}
{"text": "Please view the correct figure 4 here:"}
{"text": "Please see the correct Table 2 here:"}
{"text": "Figure S7 is incorrectly a duplicate of Figure S6. The correct Figure S7 can be viewed here:Click here for additional data file.[^]"}
{"text": "Please see the correct Figure 5 here:"}
{"text": "An extra column was erroneously added to Table 2. Please see the correct Table 2 here:"}
{"text": "Figure 3B is incorrect. Please see the correct Figure 3B here:"}
{"text": "Compound 11 was erroneously omitted from Table 2. Please see the correct Table 2 here:"}
{"text": "Please see the corrected Table 1 here:"}
{"text": "Panels 3B and 3C are missing from Figure 3. Please see the corrected Figure 3 here:"}
{"text": "Please see the corrected Figure 5 here:"}
{"text": "Please see the correct Figure 1 here:"}
{"text": "Please see the corrected Figure 4 here:"}
{"text": "Figure 1 is incorrect. Please see the corrected Figure 1 here:"}
{"text": "Please see the correct Figure S2 here:"}
{"text": "The published Figure 2 is incorrect. Please see the corrected Figure 2 here:"}
{"text": "Figure 1 has been updated for clarity. Please see the corrected Figure 1 here:"}
{"text": "Table S1 does not appear. Please view Table S1 here: Click here for additional data file."}
{"text": "Figure S5 is missing panels B and C. Please view the correct Figure 5S here: Click here for additional data file."}
{"text": "The corrected panel 5B \"Iigp1\" can be viewed here:"}
{"text": "The labels for Figure 5D were omitted. Please see the corrected Figure 5 here:"}
{"text": "Figures 2 and Figures 3 are switched."}
{"text": "Figure S3 is incorrectly a duplicate of Table S3. Please view the correct Figure S3 here: Click here for additional data file.."}
{"text": "Please view the correct Supplementary Table S3 here:"}
{"text": "Please see the corrected Table 2 here:"}
{"text": "Please view Table 1 here:"}
{"text": "Brucellosis, a bacterial disease caused by members of the genus Brucella, remains one of the most common zoonotic diseases worldwide 2]3]. T[3]. T2][. T[3]. T"}
{"text": "In this paragraph:[16] should be [21][12] should be [22]"}
{"text": "There are errors in S1 Fig(TIF)Click here for additional data file."}
{"text": "The data columns in file S1 DataThis file includes supplementary data.(XLSX)Click here for additional data file."}
{"text": "Figure S3 was inadvertently linked to Figure S4. Please view the correct Figure S3 here: Click here for additional data file."}
{"text": "The images of the \u03b2-actin bands in S1 File(PPTX)Click here for additional data file."}
{"text": "Two Supporting Information files were mistakenly omitted. Please view these Supporting Information files.File S1Infection Severity(PDF)Click here for additional data file.File S2Model Equations(PDF)Click here for additional data file."}
{"text": "The name of the mouse cell line 129x1/SvJ appears incorrectly throughout the manuscript. The correct name should be 129X1/SvJ."}
{"text": "The authors would like to correct Figs S1 File(ZIP)Click here for additional data file."}
{"text": "S4 File(SDF)Click here for additional data file."}
{"text": "Supporting Information S1 Fig(TIF)Click here for additional data file."}
{"text": "The x-axis in Panel A within S5 Fig(TIF)Click here for additional data file."}
{"text": "S1 Table(PDF)Click here for additional data file."}
{"text": "In S1 File(PPT)Click here for additional data file."}
{"text": "The authors would like to correct S1 File(PPT)Click here for additional data file."}
{"text": "Two papers ,2 were r"}
{"text": "Several labels are missing from Figs 1 and 5 images. Please see the corrected Figs"}
{"text": "Table S2 is a duplicate of Table 2. Please view the correct Table S2 below.Table S2Mycoplasma flocculare.Transcriptome mapping from (XLSX)Click here for additional data file."}
{"text": "S1 FigThis file includes supplementary data.(TIFF)Click here for additional data file."}
{"text": "The SRA accession numbers in S1 Table(XLSX)Click here for additional data file."}
{"text": "The authors would like to correct S1 File(ZIP)Click here for additional data file."}
{"text": "S1 VideoClick here for additional data file."}
{"text": "S1 File(TIF)Click here for additional data file."}
{"text": "There are errors in Tables S2 Table(DOCX)Click here for additional data file."}
{"text": "Fig 1 is incorrect. Please see the correct"}
{"text": "Text S13(DOCX)Click here for additional data file."}
{"text": "S3 Video(MP4)Click here for additional data file."}
{"text": "Table 1 does not appear in the published article. Please view Table 1 here as Figure S1Storage conditions.(DOCX)Click here for additional data file."}
{"text": "S1 Table(XLSX)Click here for additional data file."}
{"text": "The file \u201cText S1Supplementary Materials and Methods.(PDF)Click here for additional data file."}
{"text": "The authors would like to correct S1 File(PDF)Click here for additional data file."}
{"text": "The equations in Text S1Text S1 derives the 2D ideal dipole approximation in shallow water from a three-dimensional electric field equation using a method of image charges.(PDF)Click here for additional data file."}
{"text": "Previous revision versions of S1 FigBranch support is Bayesian posterior probabilities and ML bootstrap values.(EPS)Click here for additional data file."}
{"text": "The Supporting Information file S1 Table(PDF)Click here for additional data file."}
{"text": "Table 2 is formatted incorrectly. Please see the correct"}
{"text": "There are errors in Equations S1 File(PDF)Click here for additional data file."}
{"text": "S3 Table(XLSX)Click here for additional data file."}
{"text": "S4 Table(DOC)Click here for additional data file."}
{"text": "The gene list under the H3K4me2 column on the enriched_in_GT tab in S3 Table(XLSX)Click here for additional data file."}
{"text": "In S1 File(TIF)Click here for additional data file.S2 File(TIF)Click here for additional data file."}
{"text": "S1 FileThis file includes supplementary data.(DOCX)Click here for additional data file."}
{"text": "All instances of IFN-\u03b2 in the published article should be replaced by IFN-\u03b13."}
{"text": "Fig 4 is incorrect. The correct Fig 4 is available here."}
{"text": "S1 File(XLSX)Click here for additional data file."}
{"text": "Some of the equations appear incorrectly in the Supporting Information file S1 Text. Please view the correct S1 Text here.S1 Text(PDF)Click here for additional data file."}
{"text": "There is an error in There is information missing from S1 Table. Please view the correct S1 Table below.S1 TableWT indicates wild-type populations.(TIF)Click here for additional data file."}
{"text": "There are errors in S6 File(XLS)Click here for additional data file.S7 File(XLS)Click here for additional data file."}
{"text": "In S1 File(TIF)Click here for additional data file.S2 File(TIF)Click here for additional data file.S3 File(TIF)Click here for additional data file."}
{"text": "Appendix S1(PDF)Click here for additional data file."}
{"text": "In S1 Data(ZIP)Click here for additional data file."}
{"text": "In Fig 5, Fig 5B is missing. Please see the corrected"}
{"text": "Panels B and D of S1 Fig(TIF)Click here for additional data file.S2 Fig(TIF)Click here for additional data file."}
{"text": "Fig 2 is incorrectly duplicated from Fig 3. The authors have provided a corrected version here."}
{"text": "S1 Table(DOCX)Click here for additional data file."}
{"text": "S2 TableThis file includes the correct data.(PDF)Click here for additional data file."}
{"text": "Equation 10 is incorrect. Please view the correct Equation 10 here."}
{"text": "Please see the corrected table 5 here:"}
{"text": "Figure S1Raw blot 6B loading control(TIF)Click here for additional data file.Figure S2Raw blot 6C loading control(TIF)Click here for additional data file.Figure S3Raw blot 6D loading control(TIF)Click here for additional data file.Figure S4Raw blot 6E loading control(TIF)Click here for additional data file.Figure S5Raw blot 6B(TIF)Click here for additional data file.Figure S6Raw blot 6C(TIF)Click here for additional data file.Figure S7Raw blot 6D(TIF)Click here for additional data file.Figure S8Raw blot 6E(TIF)Click here for additional data file."}
{"text": "S2 Table(DOCX)Click here for additional data file."}
{"text": "S1 Table(DOCX)Click here for additional data file.S2 Table(DOCX)Click here for additional data file."}
{"text": "File S2Republished, corrected article.(PDF)Click here for additional data file."}
{"text": "S3 TableThis file includes supplementary data.(PDF)Click here for additional data file."}
{"text": "Supplementary Text S1Additional Alzheimer's Disease Genetics Consortium (ADGC) members and affiliations (updated).(DOCX)Click here for additional data file."}
{"text": "The ECG shows clearly visible P waves only in lead V1 Fig.\u00a0. In lead"}
{"text": "S2 File appears incorrectly in the published article. Please see the correct S2 File(PDF)Click here for additional data file."}
{"text": "There are errors in S7 Fig(TIF)Click here for additional data file."}
{"text": "There are multiple errors in S1 Table(DOCX)Click here for additional data file."}
{"text": "The authors would like to correct S1 File(PDF)Click here for additional data file."}
{"text": "Fig 9 was incorrectly duplicated as Figs"}
{"text": "Bot. Bot5]]."}
{"text": "During the preparation of S1 File(ZIP)Click here for additional data file."}
{"text": "S1 Fig(TIF)Click here for additional data file.S2 Fig(TIF)Click here for additional data file."}
{"text": "Orbital magnetic resonance (MR) imaging showed no abnormalities . 3D time"}
{"text": "The original article [1] noted two erroneous grant numbers which have both since been corrected."}
{"text": "Please view the correct S1 Funding(DOCX)Click here for additional data file."}
{"text": "NOT PUBLISHED AT AUTHOR\u2019S REQUESTNone Declared"}
{"text": "The correct gene name is wnt11f2.The gene name"}
{"text": "NOT PUBLISHED AT AUTHOR\u2019S REQUESTNone Declared"}
{"text": "NOT PUBLISHED AT AUTHOR\u2019S REQUESTNoneNone Declared"}
{"text": "Details of correction: reformatted Table 2 suppliedExisting text:See Table 2Corrected text should read:See updated and reformatted Table 2"}
{"text": "S3 Table(XLSX)Click here for additional data file."}
{"text": "In the article entitled \u201cUltrasonography in inflammatory bowel disease \u2013 So far we are?\u201d,1Christian Maaser2Giovanni Maconi3Torsten Kucharzik4Mariangela AlloccaWe apologize for this error."}
{"text": "The original article has been corrected.Supplementary Figures 1-7"}
{"text": "S1 Text(PDF)Click here for additional data file."}
{"text": "An incorrect version of S1 File(PDF)Click here for additional data file."}
{"text": "S2 TableThis table includes supplementary data.(DOCX)Click here for additional data file.S3 TableThis table includes supplementary data.(DOCX)Click here for additional data file.S4 TableThis table includes supplementary data.(DOCX)Click here for additional data file."}
{"text": "The incorrect file for S2 Table(XLSX)Click here for additional data file."}
{"text": "Following publication of the original article , it was The \u2018Availability of data and materials\u2019 declaration should include the statement \"Proviral genome sequences are available from GenBank (accession numbers KU720628 [case 1], OM339153 [case 2], OM339154 [case 3], OM339155 [case 4], OM339156 [case 6], OM339157 [case 7] and OM339158 [case 5].\"The original article has been"}
{"text": "The S1 Data(XLSX)Click here for additional data file."}
{"text": "Fig 1 in the original article ["}
{"text": "In Chenggui Wang,1"}
{"text": "There are several errors in S6 Table(XLSX)Click here for additional data file.S8 Table(XLSX)Click here for additional data file."}
{"text": "This article has been corrected.1In the Original Investigation titled \u201cPersonal Formularies of Primary Care Physicians Across 4 Health Care Systems,\u201d"}
{"text": "S1 Appendix(PDF)Click here for additional data file.S2 Appendix(PDF)Click here for additional data file.S3 Appendix(PDF)Click here for additional data file."}
{"text": "A duplicate of S1 Fig was incorrectly published as S10 Fig(TIF)Click here for additional data file."}
{"text": "In the article by Wang et al.,Corrected Figure 2FCorrected Figure 3BCorrected Figure 6F"}
{"text": "Fig 1 is incorrectly duplicated as"}
{"text": "S1 FileThis file includes the supplementary data for (XLSX)Click here for additional data file."}
{"text": "S1 Table(DOCX)Click here for additional data file."}
{"text": "S1 Table(PDF)Click here for additional data file."}
{"text": "PLoS ONE 12(8): e0183026."}
{"text": "S4 Table(XLSX)Click here for additional data file."}
{"text": "Fig C is missing from S1 File(PDF)Click here for additional data file."}
{"text": "There are two errors in S1 Text(DOCX)Click here for additional data file."}
{"text": "The S1 Fig(JPG)Click here for additional data file."}
{"text": "An unrelated file was inadvertently published as S1 Table(DOCX)Click here for additional data file."}
{"text": "In the original publication figure 4"}
{"text": "S4 Note(DOCX)Click here for additional data file."}
{"text": "S10 Table(XLSX)Click here for additional data file."}
{"text": "In Table 2, under the column heading \"Late Postmenopausal Women,\" the first category title above \"n = 53\" should read \"BMI < 24\"."}
{"text": "S1 Data(XLSX)Click here for additional data file."}
{"text": "Data were missing from S3 Table(DOCX)Click here for additional data file."}
{"text": "A second version of Table 6 incorrectly replaces"}
{"text": "S1 File(PDF)Click here for additional data file."}
{"text": "S3 Table and S4 TableThis file includes supplementary data.(DOCX)Click here for additional data file."}
{"text": "In In S6 Fig(TIF)Click here for additional data file."}
{"text": "S1 Table(XLSX)Click here for additional data file."}
{"text": "S1 Appendix(PDF)Click here for additional data file.S2 Appendix(PDF)Click here for additional data file.S3 Appendix(PDF)Click here for additional data file."}
{"text": "S1 Appendix(DOCX)Click here for additional data file."}
{"text": "The data associated with Figure 3 in S1 Data(XLSX)Click here for additional data file."}
{"text": "Panel 1 of S2 Text(DOCX)Click here for additional data file."}
{"text": "S1 Table(DOCX)Click here for additional data file.S2 Table(DOCX)Click here for additional data file."}
{"text": "The primer sequence for qALBrps7F1 in S1 Table(DOCX)Click here for additional data file."}
{"text": "There is an error in S1 Table(XLSX)Click here for additional data file."}
{"text": "S1 Dataset(XLSX)Click here for additional data file."}
{"text": "There are errors in S1 Dataset(XLSX)Click here for additional data file.S2 Dataset(XLSX)Click here for additional data file.S4 Dataset(XLSX)Click here for additional data file.S5 Dataset(XLSB)Click here for additional data file."}
{"text": "In Here we provide a corrected S1 File(JPG)Click here for additional data file.S2 File(JPG)Click here for additional data file."}
{"text": "The authors would like to correct S1 File(PDF)Click here for additional data file."}
{"text": "S1 Text(PDF)Click here for additional data file."}
{"text": "The authors would like to correct S1 File(JPG)Click here for additional data file.S2 File(JPG)Click here for additional data file."}
{"text": "S5 Fig(TIF)Click here for additional data file."}
{"text": "In S1 File(PDF)Click here for additional data file."}
{"text": "In S1 Table(DOCX)Click here for additional data file."}
{"text": "Table 1 appears incorrectly. Please view the corrected table here:"}
{"text": "This article has been republished because Figures 1-4 were originally published in the incorrect order."}
{"text": "Figure 1 contains errors. Please see the corrected figure here:"}
{"text": "Figure S3 is incorrect. Please view the correct Figure S3 here: Click here for additional data file."}
{"text": "Figure 3 contains an error. Please view the correct figure here:"}
{"text": "Table 3 contains errors. Please view the correct table here:"}
{"text": "In Table 3, the FVC loss for quartile 2 should be \"414 mL\" rather than \"14 mL.\""}
{"text": "Table 1 contains typos. Please view the corrected Table 1 here:"}
{"text": "Figure S4 is a duplicate of Figure S5. Please view the correct Figure S4 here: Click here for additional data file."}
{"text": "Table S1 is a duplicate of Table S2. Please view the correct Table S1 here: Click here for additional data file."}
{"text": "Figure 1 was displayed incorrectly. The correct Figure 1 is available here:"}
{"text": "Equation 3 contains errors. Please view the correct equation here:"}
{"text": "Table S1 was incorrectly published as Figure S4. Please view the correct Figure S4 here: Click here for additional data file."}
{"text": "Figure 1 contains an error. Please view the corrected figure here:"}
{"text": "The black square symbols in Table 4 appear incorrectly. Please view the correct Table 4 here:"}
{"text": "Please view the correct Figure S4 here:Click here for additional data file."}
{"text": "Please view the correct Table S2 here:"}
{"text": "Please view the correct Figure S5 here: Click here for additional data file."}
{"text": "Ascaris lumbricoides The2 TheAsca is huge."}
{"text": "Figure 9A does not appear. Please view the entire Figure 9 here:"}
{"text": "Figure 2 panel B contains an error. Please view the correct figure here:"}
{"text": "Due to a technical error, S3 Table(XLSX)Click here for additional data file."}
{"text": "S1 File(DOCX)Click here for additional data file."}
{"text": "In S6 Table(DOC)Click here for additional data file."}
{"text": "S1 File(DOCX)Click here for additional data file."}
{"text": "S1 Fig(PDF)Click here for additional data file."}
{"text": "There are errors in S1 File(DOC)Click here for additional data file."}
{"text": "S1 Text(DOCX)Click here for additional data file."}
{"text": "The original article [1] contained several small omissions and errata contained in Tables 2 and 3; these errors have now been corrected."}
{"text": "In -/- Dnase2+/+ Ifnar1-/- and Aim2+/+ Dnase2+/+ Ifnar1-/-) are swapped. In In"}
{"text": "An incorrect version of S1 Appendix(DOCX)Click here for additional data file."}
{"text": "There are errors in the sample titles contained within S8 Table(XLSX)Click here for additional data file."}
{"text": "S1 File(DOCX)Click here for additional data file."}
{"text": "S10 Video File(AVI)Click here for additional data file."}
{"text": "Supporting Information file S1 Text(DOCX)Click here for additional data file."}
{"text": "S4 TableSerotype counts by age group and year.(XLSX)Click here for additional data file."}
{"text": "S2 Table(DOCX)Click here for additional data file."}
{"text": "The Supporting Information files S1 Text(DOCX)Click here for additional data file.S2 Text(DOCX)Click here for additional data file.S1 Table(DOCX)Click here for additional data file.S2 Table(DOCX)Click here for additional data file.S3 Table(DOCX)Click here for additional data file."}
{"text": "S1 File(ZIP)Click here for additional data file."}
{"text": "In thes3 ."}
{"text": "S4 Fig(TIFF)Click here for additional data file."}
{"text": "Rows 92\u201396 of the Virus column in S6 Table(DOCX)Click here for additional data file."}
{"text": "S1 Table(DOCX)Click here for additional data file."}
{"text": "S1 Table(XLSX)Click here for additional data file."}
{"text": "S3 File(PDF)Click here for additional data file.S4 File(PDF)Click here for additional data file.S5 File(PDF)Click here for additional data file.S6 File(ZIP)Click here for additional data file."}
{"text": "The reference list for S1 Text(PDF)Click here for additional data file.S3 Text(PDF)Click here for additional data file."}
{"text": "There are errors contained within the caption for S1 Table(PPTX)Click here for additional data file."}
{"text": "Supporting Information file Please view the correct S1 Table(XLS)Click here for additional data file."}
{"text": "The Supporting Information files, S1 Checklist(DOC)Click here for additional data file.S1 Protocol(PDF)Click here for additional data file."}
{"text": "Supporting Information file S1 Text(PDF)Click here for additional data file."}
{"text": "In Table 3 of the S1 Data(XLSX)Click here for additional data file."}
{"text": "A column containing the GBIF occurrence URLs is missing from S1 Table(DOCX)Click here for additional data file."}
{"text": "There are errors in S1 File(PDF)Click here for additional data file."}
{"text": "S1 File(XLSX)Click here for additional data file."}
{"text": "The images for Figs S1 Appendix(DOC)Click here for additional data file."}
{"text": "There is an error in S1 Fig(DOCX)Click here for additional data file."}