{"id": "topic_183__dtlihtiibiiiii", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["Dude, you won't believe this.", "There's this engineer at my school who subsists off coffee.", "Like, he drinks it all day long.", "I'm not even sure he eats real food.", "He's like a walking coffee machine.", "The other day, I saw him walking down the hall, and he was literally shaking.", "I asked him if he was okay, and he said he was just \"coming down from a caffeine high.\"", "I was like, \"Dude, you need to slow down. You're gonna hurt yourself.\"", "But he just laughed and said, \"I'm fine. I'm an engineer. I can handle it.\"", "I don't know how he does it, but he's definitely one of a kind.", "I mean, he's the only person I know who can drink coffee and still fall asleep in class.", "It's like his body is just used to it.", "I'm not sure how long he can keep this up, but I'm kind of impressed by his dedication.", "I mean, if he can drink that much coffee and still function, then he's definitely got some serious willpower."], "trgs": ["Murume, haungambozvitenda.", "Pana injiniya wepachikoro pedu anowana cheuviri nekutengesa kofi.", "Sekuti, anoinwa zuva rose.", "Handitorina chokwadi chekuti anodya zvekudya chaizvoizvo here.", "Akangofanana nemuchina wekofi unofamba.", "Rimwe zuva, ndakamuona achidzika nepahoro, uye aitotetemera.", "Ndakamubvunza kana zvinhu zvaimufambira zvakanaka, uye akangoti ainge \"achangobva mukubatwa nebhabharasi.\"", "Ndakangoti, \"Murume, usanyanya kumhanya. Unogona kuzvikuvadza.\"", "Asi akangoseka ndokuti, \"Ndiripo. Ndiri injiniya. Ndinozvikwanisa.\"", "Handizivi kuti anozviita sei, asi kutaura chokwadi havasi vakawanda vanokwanisa kuita zvaanoita.", "Ndiri kureva kuti, ndiye munhu mumwe chete wandinoziva anorara mukirasi mushure mekunge anwa kofi.", "Zvakangofanana nekuti muviri wake vazvijaira.", "Handizivi kuti achasvika kupi achiita zvinhu zvakanaka zvakadai, asi ndafadzwa nekuzvipira kwake.", "Ndiri kureva kuti, kana achikwanisa kunwa kofi yakawanda kudaro achiramba achiita basa, zvorevazve kuti akazvipira zvikuru kuita zvaakasarudza."], "factuality": "ok"} {"id": "topic_16__ittbtiyrnwyriytr", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["\"I stood before the sculpture, my heart filled with both awe and sadness.", "The creation was so beautiful, but it also felt like a trap.", "The artist had captured the essence of the subject so perfectly that it was almost as if they were still alive.", "But they were not.", "They were just a piece of stone.", "I turned to the artist, a young man named Ram. \"You must stop sculpting,\" I said.", "\"Your creations are too beautiful. They are stealing life from the world.\"", "Ram looked at me in surprise \"What do you mean?\" he asked \"My sculptures are a celebration of life.\"", "\"No,\" I said \"They are a denial of it. They are a way of keeping people from experiencing the real world.", "When you look at one of your sculptures, you are not seeing the world as it is.", "You are seeing the world as you wish it to be. That is not real art.", "Real art is about showing the world as it is, warts and all.", "It is about making people feel something.", "Your sculptures don't make people feel anything.", "They just make them feel sad.\"", "Ram was silent for a long time."], "trgs": ["\"Ndakamira pamberi pechivezwa, moyo wangu wakazadzwa nekutya uye chigumbu.", "Chigadzirwa chacho chainge chakanaka, asi chaiita semusungo.", "Nyanzvi yakanyatsokwanisa kubata zvairehwa nemusoro wenyaya zvekuti zvakaita sekuti vaive vapenyu.", "Asi zvainge zvisiri izvo.", "Zvainge zvingori chimedu chedombo.", "Ndakatendeukira kumuvezi, murume wechidiki anonzi Ram. \"Unofanira kusiya zvekuveza matombo,\" ndakadaro.", "\"Zvigadzirwa zvenyu zvakanakisa. Zviri kukwezva vakawanda munyika.\"", "Ram akanditarisa achishamisika \"Muri kurevei?\" akabvunza kudaro \"Zvivezwa zvangu zvematombo ndezvekupemberera hupenyu.\"", "\"Kwete,\" ndakadaro \"Zviri kuratidza kuti murikuramba pfungwa iyoyo. Zvitori nzira yekuti vanhu vasabvuma nzira yemararamiro chaiyo.", "Paunotarisa chimwe chezvivezwa zvako zvematombo, unenge usiri kuona nyika sezvairi.", "Uri kuona nyika sekushuvira kwako kuti dai yakadai. Hausi hunyanzvi hwekuita zvinhu sezvazviri chaizvo.", "Hunyanzvi chaihwo hwekugadzira zvinhu ndehwekuratidza nyika sezvairi chaizvo, mapundu nezvese.", "Ndehwekuita kuti vanhu vanzwe chimwe chinhu.", "Zvivezwa zvako zvematombo hazviite kuti vanhu vanzwe chimwe chinhu.", "Zvinongoita kuti vanzwe vakagumbuka.\"", "Ram akamboramba akanyarara kwekanguva kakareba."], "factuality": "ok"} {"id": "topic_230__tttatttt", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["The old man's wake was a raucous affair, as befitting a life well-lived.", "The family and friends gathered around the coffin, telling stories and laughing about the good times they had shared with the deceased.", "There was plenty of food and drink, and the music never stopped.", "At one point, the widow stood up and raised her glass.", "\"To my husband,\" she said. \"He was a good man, and he will be missed. But he's in a better place now, and we'll see him again someday.\"", "The crowd cheered and drank in unison.", "The old man's spirit was there with them, and they knew that he would be happy to see them celebrating his life.", "The wake went on for hours, and by the end of the night, everyone was exhausted but happy."], "trgs": ["Kuchengetwa kwemutumbi wemukweguru kwainge kwakaoma, kwakakodzera munhu akararama hupenyu hwakanaka.", "Vehukama neshamwari vakaungana vakapoteredza bhokisi remufi, vachitaura nyaya nekuseka nguva dzakanaka dzavakava nadzo nemufi.", "Zvekudya nekunwira zvaive mavhu nemarara, uye mumhanzi vaingoramba uchirira.", "Pane imwe nguva, chirikadzi yakasimuka ndokusimudza girazi rayo.", "\"Kumurume vangu,\" akadaro. \"Aiva murume akanaka, uye tichamusuwa. Asi ari munzvimbo iri nani panguva ino, uye tichamuonazve pane rimwe zuva.\"", "Mhomho yakadeedzera nemufaro ndokunwa panguva imwe chete.", "Mweya wemukweguru waiva pakati pavo, uye vaiziva kuti aizofadzwa nekuvaona vachipemberera hupenyu hwake.", "Mutumbi wakaramba uchipembererwa kwemaawa akati wandei, uye pakwakanga kwava kuedza, munhu wese ainge aneta asi achifara."], "factuality": "ok"} {"id": "topic_232__fydeggp", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["Face and Body Care", "Your skin is your largest organ, and it's important to take care of it both inside and out. Here are some tips for healthy skin:", "* Drink plenty of water: Water is essential for healthy skin, as it helps to keep your skin hydrated and soft. Aim to drink eight glasses of water per day.", "* Eat a healthy diet: Eating a healthy diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains can help to improve your skin's appearance.", "* Get regular exercise: Exercise can help to improve your circulation and promote healthy skin. Aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise most days of the week.", "* Get enough sleep: When you don't get enough sleep, your body produces more of the stress hormone cortisol, which can lead to inflammation and skin problems. Aim for 7-8 hours of sleep per night.", "* Protect your skin from the sun: The sun's UV rays can damage your skin and lead to premature aging, wrinkles, and skin cancer."], "trgs": ["Kutarisira Zvakanaka Uso neMuviri", "Ganda rako ndiyo nhengo yakakura kudarika dzose, uye zvakakosha kuti uitarisire zvakanaka kunze nemukati. Heano mazano anobatsira kuti ganda rive nehutano:", "* Inwa mvura yakawanda: Mvura yakakosha pakuita kuti uve neganda rine hutano, sezvo ichiita kuti rigare rakanyorovera uye rakapfava. Edza kunwa magirazi masere emvura pazuva.", "* Idya zvekudya zvinovaka muviri: Kudya zvekudya zvinovaka muviri zvakaita semichero, miriwo, uye zvakaita sechibage zvinobatsira pakuita kuti ganda rako riratidzike zvakanaka.", "* Gara uchirovedza muviri: Kurovedza muviri kunobatsira pakuita kuti ropa rifambe zvakanaka mutsinga uye kuti uve neganda rakanaka. Edza kuwana nguva ingangoita maminitsi 30 mazuva mazhinji pasvondo yekuti urovedze muviri zviri pakati nepakati uye zvakati simbei.", "* Wana nguva yekurara yakakwana: Ukasawana nguva yakakwana yekurara, muviri wako unoburitsa mahomoni ane njodzi, anokonzera kuti uzvimbe uye uve nematambudziko eganda. Edza kurara kwemaawa 7-8 husiku humwe nehumwe.", "* Dzivirira ganda rako kuzuva: Mwaranzi wezuva weUV unogona kukuvadza ganda rako uye kukonzera kuti ukasire kuchembera, kuunyana kweganda, uye gomarara reganda."], "factuality": "ok"} {"id": "ethiopia_challenges__btithihhtt", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["But in 1974, a military junta known as the Derg seized power and began a brutal campaign of repression.", "The Derg's policies led to widespread famine and poverty, and millions of Ethiopians were forced to flee their homes.", "In 1991, a coalition of rebel groups known as the Ethiopian People's Revolutionary Democratic Front (EPRDF) overthrew the Derg.", "The EPRDF established a new government and promised to restore peace and prosperity to Ethiopia.", "However, the EPRDF's rule has been plagued by human rights abuses, corruption, and political repression.", "In 2018, Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed took office and pledged to reform the country.", "He released political prisoners, lifted restrictions on the media, and began peace talks with the Tigray People's Liberation Front (TPLF), the former ruling party of Tigray.", "However, the peace talks broke down in June 2020, and the TPLF launched an offensive against the Ethiopian military.", "The ensuing conflict has been devastating.", "The fighting has displaced millions of people, and the humanitarian situation is dire."], "trgs": ["Asi mugore ra1974, chikwata chemauto chinozivikanwa nekuti Derg chakabvuta masimba ndokutanga nhimbe yehudzvanyiriri.", "Mitemo yakaiswa nechikwata cheDerg yakakonzera kuti pave nenzara uye hurombo kwese kwese, uye mamiriyoni ezvizvarwa zvekuEthiopia akamanikidzirwa kutiza misha yavo.", "Mugore ra1991, mubatanidzwa wezvikwata zvevapanduki zvinozivikanwa nekuti Ethiopian People's Revolutionary Democratic Front (EPRDF) wakatorera masimba chikwata cheDerg.", "EPRDF yakagadza hurumende itsva ndokuvimbisa kudzorera runyararo uye rubudiriro munyika yeEthiopia.", "Zvisinei, kutonga kwaiitwa neEPRDF kwainge kwakazara nekumbunyikidzwa kwekodzero dzevanhu, huori, uye hudzvanyiriri mune zvematongerwo enyika.", "Mugore ra2018, Mukuru weMakurukota Abiy Ahmed akatanga basa uye akavimbisa kuti aizoshandura zvinhu munyika.", "Akasunungura vasungwa vezvematongerwo enyika, akabvisa mitemo yaisapa rusununguko mukubuditswa kwenhau, ndokutanga hurukuro dzekuunza runyararo nebato reTigray People's Liberation Front (TPLF), rinova bato raimbotonga muTigray.", "Zvisinei, hurukuro dzekuunza runyararo dzakakundikana mumwedzi waChikunguru 2020, uye bato reTPLF rakatanga kurwisa mauto eEthiopia.", "Kurwisana uku kwaiitika kwakaparadza zvakawanda.", "Kurwisana uku kwakaita kuti mamiriyoni evanhu vatize misha yavo, uye mararamiro evanhu ari kusiririsa."], "factuality": "has_errors"} {"id": "stt_158__iitissmhtiabiwtiiiwwwmdidwwmtiwdt", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["It\u2019s coming from the kitchen, so I get up to investigate.", "I creep down the hallway, careful not to make a sound.", "The clacking is getting louder.", "I peer around the corner into the kitchen and see Mum standing at the sink, staring out the window.", "She looks pale and shaken. \u201cMum?\u201d I ask.", "She doesn\u2019t turn around.", "\u201cMum, what\u2019s wrong?\u201d She takes a deep breath and turns to face me.", "Her eyes are wide and filled with fear.", "\u201cThere\u2019s something outside,\u201d she says. \u201cSomething big.\u201d", "I follow her gaze out the window.", "At first, I don\u2019t see anything.", "But then, I notice a movement in the shadows.", "It\u2019s a large, dark shape, and it\u2019s moving towards the house.", "\u201cWhat is it?\u201d I ask. \u201cI don\u2019t know,\u201d Mum says. \u201cBut I don\u2019t think it\u2019s friendly.\u201d", "The creature gets closer.", "It\u2019s tall and slender, with long, spindly legs.", "Its body is covered in black fur, and its head is a smooth, round ball.", "It has no eyes, but I can see two large, pointed ears.", "\u201cWhat are we going to do?\u201d I ask.", "\u201cWe need to get out of here,\u201d Mum says. \u201cNow.\u201d", "We run out of the kitchen and into the living room.", "\u201cMum! Dad!\u201d I cry. \u201cThere\u2019s something outside!\u201d", "Dad looks up from the TV. \u201cWhat is it?\u201d he asks.", "\u201cI don\u2019t know,\u201d Mum says. \u201cBut it\u2019s big and it\u2019s coming this way.\u201d", "Dad gets up from the couch.", "\u201cWe need to get out of here,\u201d he says.", "We all run for the front door.", "Mum unlocks it and we rush outside.", "The creature is right behind us.", "It\u2019s so close I can feel its hot breath on the back of my neck.", "We run to the car and get in.", "Dad starts the engine and we peel out of the driveway.", "The creature chases after us, but we\u2019re too fast."], "trgs": ["Zviri kubva nechekukicheni, saka ndave kumuka kuti ndonoongorora.", "Ndakanyahwaira ndichidzika nemukoridho, ndichinyatsongwaririra kuti ndisaita ruzha.", "Ruzha rwuri kuramba rwuchiwedzera.", "Ndakadongorera mukicheni ndiri nechepakona ndokuona Amai vakamira pasingi, vakatarisa nepahwindo.", "Vari kuratidzika sevasina mufaro uye vari kutya. \"Amai?\" Ndakabvunza.", "Havatendeuki.", "\"Amai, chii chiri kunetsa?\" Vanotura befu votendeuka vachitarisa kwandiri.", "Maziso avo akavhurwa uye azere nekutya.", "\"Pane chinhu chiri panze,\" vanodaro. \"Chinhu chihombe.\"", "Ndakabva ndatarisa kwavainge vakatarisa nepahwindo.", "Pakutanga, hapana chandakaona.", "Asi pasina nguva, ndakaona kufamba kwakaitika muzarima.", "Chinhu chihombe, chakati ndoo, uye chiri kufamba chichiuya kuimba.", "\"Chimbori chiiko ichi?\" Ndakabvunza. \"Handizivi,\" Amai vakadaro. \"Asi handifungi kuti chinhu chakanaka.\"", "Chipuka chacho chinoswedera pedyo.", "Chakareba uye chakatetepa, chiine makumbo marefu, matete-tete.", "Muviri wacho vainge vakafukidzwa nemvere nhema, uye musoro wacho vakaita sehurungudo.", "Hachina maziso, asi ndiri kuona nzeve refu mbiri, dzakati twii mudenga.", "\"Tichaita sei?\" Ndinobvunza kudaro.", "\"Tinofanira kubuda muno,\" Amai vakadaro. \"Izvozvi.\"", "Tinomhanya tichibuda mukicheni tichipinda nemukamuri rekutandarira.", "\"Amai! Baba!\" Ndakachema ndichidaro. \"Pane chinhu chiri panze!\"", "Baba vanotarisa vachibva paterevhizheni. \"Chii ichocho?\" vanobvunza kudaro.", "\"Handizivi,\" Amai vanodaro. \"Asi chinhu chacho chihombe uye chiri kuuya nerutivi urwu.\"", "Baba vanosimuka kubva pasofa.", "\"Tinofanira kubva muno,\" vanodaro.", "Tese tinomhanya takananga kudhoo remberi.", "Amai vanorikiinura uye tinomhanyira panze.", "Chipuka chiye chinobva chava shure kwedu.", "Chinova pedyo zvikuru nesu zvekuti ndinonzwa kupisa kwemweya wachinofema nechepahuro pangu.", "Tinomhanyira kumotokari ndokupinda mukati mayo.", "Baba vanomutsa mota ndokuivhetemesa nepanofamba nemota.", "Chipuka chiya chinotidzingirira, asi taimhanya zvakanyanya."], "factuality": "ok"} {"id": "topic_260__mtaftfttit", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["Movies have long been a powerful force in shaping our culture and our values.", "They can influence our beliefs about everything from love and romance to war and violence.", "And they have a particularly strong influence on our ideas about gender roles.", "For decades, Hollywood has perpetuated the stereotype of the ideal wife as a beautiful, submissive, and domestic woman who puts her husband and children first.", "This image is often reinforced by the way that female characters are portrayed in movies.", "For example, a study by the Geena Davis Institute found that in the top 100 films of 2017, only 30% of female characters had speaking roles, and only 12% of those characters were working outside the home.", "The majority of female characters were portrayed as either romantic interests or mothers.", "This narrow representation of women in film sends a powerful message to viewers about what it means to be a woman.", "It suggests that women's primary role is to be attractive and nurturing, and that their success is measured by their relationships with men and children.", "This idealized image of the wife can be harmful to women in several ways."], "trgs": ["Kubvira kare mafirimu agara aiva nesimba rekuumba tsika nemararamiro edu.", "Ane zvaanogona kuita pane zvatinotenda pachero chii zvacho kubvira panhau dzerudo nekudanana kusvika panhau dzehondo uye dzemhirizhonga.", "Uye ane zvaanoita zvakanyanya zvikuru sei pamafungiro edu pamusoro pemabasa anofanira kuitwa nevarume uye vakadzi.", "Kwemakumi emakore, Hollywood yakasimudzira pfungwa yeanonzi mukadzi chaiye semunhu akanaka, anozvirereka, uye mudzimai vepamba anoisa murume wake nevana pakutanga.", "Mufananidzo uyu kazhinji kacho unosimbisirwa nenzira iyo vatambi vechikadzi vanoratidzwa nayo mumafirimu.", "Somuenzaniso, ongororo yakaitwa neveGeena Davis Institute yakaratidza kuti mumafirimu 100 ane mbiri emugore ra2017, 30% chete yavatambi vechikadzi vaive nebasa rekutaura, uye 12% yevatambi ivavo vaishandira pasiri pamba.", "Vazhinji vevatambi vechikadzi vaingoratidzwa sevanokwezva panhau dzerudo kana kuti semadzimai.", "Kubuditswa uku kwevakadzi vanoita zvekuekita mumafirimu kusina kuzara kunopa mashoko ane simba ezvinorehwa nekuva mukadzi kuvaoni.", "Zvinopa pfungwa yekuti basa revakadzi guru nderekungokwezva nekurera vana, uye kuti kubudirira kwavo kunoerwa pahukama hwavo nevarume uye vana.", "Mufananidzo uyu weanonzi ndiye mudzimai chaiye unokuvadza vakadzi munzira dzakawanda."], "factuality": "has_errors"} {"id": "custom_2__piidpdpdpdpdpdgipdiy", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["Patient: Doctor, I've been having this terrible stomach pain for the past few days.", "It's so bad that I can't eat or sleep.", "It's a sharp, stabbing pain that comes and goes.", "Doctor: Can you tell me more about the pain? Where is it located?", "Patient: It's mostly in my lower abdomen, right around my belly button, but it sometimes radiates to my back.", "Doctor: Does anything make the pain worse?", "Patient: Eating seems to make it worse, especially fatty or greasy foods.", "Doctor: And does anything make it better.?", "Patient: Lying down seems to help a little.", "Doctor: Does the pain come and go, or is it constant?", "Patient: It's constant. It's just a dull ache, but it's really uncomfortable.", "Doctor: Have you had any other symptoms? Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea?", "Patient: No, just the pain.", "Doctor: I see. Well, it sounds like you're having a case of gastritis.", "Gastritis is inflammation of the stomach lining.", "It can be caused by a number of things, including eating spicy or fatty foods, drinking alcohol, or taking certain medications.", "Patient: Is it serious?", "Doctor: It can be, but in most cases it's not.", "I'm going to prescribe you some medication to help relieve the pain and inflammation.", "You should also avoid eating spicy or fatty foods, and drink plenty of fluids."], "trgs": ["Murwere: Chiremba, ndange ndiri kurwadziva nemudumbu zvakanyanya kwemazuva anoverengeka.", "Hazvina kundimirira mushe pakuti handisi kukwanisa kudya kana kurara.", "Ndinonzwa marwadzo akanyanya uye sendiri kubayiwa izvo zvinouya zvichienda.", "Chiremba: Unokwanisa here kundiudza zvizere nezvemarwadzo aya? Anoitikira papi chaipo?", "Murwere: Anowanzoitikira nechepasi peguvhu, zvichitenderera nepadumbu, asi dzimwe nguva zvichisvika nekumusana.", "Chiremba: Pane chimwe chinhu here chinoita kuti marwadzo aya awedzere?", "Murwere: Zvinenge zvinowedzera pandinodya, kunyanya ndikadya zvekudya zvine mafuta akanyanyisa.", "Chiremba: Uye pane here chinoita kuti unzwe zviri nani?", "Murwere: Kuzvambarara pasi kunenge kunobetsera zvishoma.", "Chiremba: Marwadzo aya anouya achienda here, kana kuti anoramba aripo?", "Murwere: Anoramba aripo. Marwadzo asina kunyanya, asi anoita kuti ndisanzwa zvakanaka.", "Chiremba: Wakambove nezvimwe zviratidzo zvechirwere here? Kunzwa kuda kurutsa, kurutsa, manyoka?", "Murwere: Kwete, ndinongonzwa marwadzo.", "Chiremba: Ndanzwisisa. Zvakanaka, zviri kuita seune dambudziko renzira inofamba nechikafu.", "Dambudziko iri nderekupiswa kwenzira inofamba nechikafu.", "Rinogona kukonzerwa nezvinhu zvakati wandei, kusanganisira kudya chikafu chine mafuta akanyanya, kunwa doro, kana kuti kushandisa mimwe mishonga.", "Murwere: Chine njodzi yakadii?", "Chiremba: Chinogona kudaro, asi nguva zhinji hachina.", "Ndichakunyorera mishonga ichakubatsira kuderedza marwadzo uye kunzwa kupiswa mudumbu.", "Unofanira kusadya zvekudya zvine masipaisi uye mafuta akawandisa, uye wonwa mvura yakawanda."], "factuality": "ok"} {"id": "custom_1__i111111111111i12345", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["Ingredients:", "* 1 cup all-purpose flour", "* 1 cup almond flour", "* 1/2 cup granulated sugar", "* 1/4 cup packed light brown sugar", "* 1/2 teaspoon baking powder", "* 1/4 teaspoon baking soda", "* 1/4 teaspoon salt", "* 1/2 cup (1 stick) unsalted butter, at room temperature", "* 1 large egg", "* 1 large egg yolk", "* 1 teaspoon almond extract", "* 1/2 cup milk", "Instructions:", "1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). Grease and flour an 8-inch round cake pan.", "2. In a medium bowl, whisk together the flours, granulated sugar, brown sugar, baking powder, baking soda, and salt.", "3. In a large bowl, cream together the butter and egg until light and fluffy. Beat in the egg yolk and almond extract.", "4. Gradually add the dry ingredients to the wet ingredients, alternating with the milk. Mix until just combined.", "5. Fold in the almond flour until evenly distributed."], "trgs": ["Zvekushandisa:", "* komichi 1 yefurawa inoshandiswa pazvose", "* komichi 1 yefurawa yearumondi", "* 1/2 komichi yeshuga yakatsetseka", "* 1/4 komichi yeshuga yebhurawuni yakapekwa", "* 1/2 tiyisipunu yembiriso", "* 1/4 tiyisipunu yesoda", "* 1/4 tiyisipunu yemunyu", "* 1/2 komichi (chidimbu 1) chedovi risina munyu, rinochengeterwa munzvimbo inotonhorera", "* Zai 1 hombe", "* Yoku 1 yezai hombe", "* 1 tiyisipunu yearumondi", "* Komichi 1/2 yemukaka", "Mirayiridzo:", "1. Gara wabatidza ovheni yopisa kusvika pamadhigirizi 350 F (175 dhigirizi C). Zora mafuta uye furawa mupani yemakeke yakakura mainji 8 yakaita denderedzwa.", "2. Mubheseni riri pakati nepakati, sanganisa zvakanaka mafurawa, shuga yakatsetseka, shuga yebhurawuni, mbiriso, soda, uye munyu.", "3. Mubheseni hombe, gadzira kirimu yebhata nezai kusvikira yatetepera. Sanganisa yoku yezai nearumondi.", "4. Zvishoma nezvishoma isai zvekushandisa zvakaomarara kune zvekushandisa zvinyoro, muchichinjanisa nemukaka. Sanganisa kusvikira zvanyatsosangana.", "5. Petai-petai muchisanganisa nefurawa yearumondi kusvikira yanyatsosangada pese."], "factuality": "ok"} {"id": "topic_295__iitioatatiti", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["It was a hot summer day in July when I finally turned 16 years old.", "I had been eagerly anticipating this day for as long as I could remember, and now that it was finally here, I couldn't wait to get started on my road to freedom.", "The first step was to take the written test.", "I studied hard for weeks, and I was confident that I would pass.", "On the day of the test, I arrived at the DMV early and took my seat in the waiting room.", "After a few hours, my name was called, and I was ushered into a small room with a computer.", "The test was surprisingly easy, and I finished it in no time.", "A few days later, I received a letter in the mail informing me that I had passed the written test.", "The next step was to schedule a driving test.", "I called the DMV and made an appointment for the following week.", "The day of my driving test arrived, and I was more nervous than I had ever been in my life.", "I drove to the DMV with my mom, who would be accompanying me on the test."], "trgs": ["Raiva zuva rekupisa muchirimo chemwedzi waChikunguru apo ndakazosvitsa makore 16 ekukura.", "Ndakanga ndakamirira nechido zuva iri kwenguva refu, uye sezvo rakanga rasvika, ndakabva ndatotanga kupinda mumugwagwa wekurusununguko.", "Danho rekutanga raiva rekunyora zama.", "Ndakadzidza nesimba kwemavhiki, uye ndakanga ndave nechokwadi chekuti ndaizopasa.", "Pazuva rezama, ndakasvika paDMV nekukurumidza ndokugara pachigaro changu mukamuri rekumirira.", "Mushure memaawa mashoma, zita rangu rakadanwa, uye ndakaperekedzwa ndichipinda mukakamuri kadiki kaiva nekombiyuta.", "Ndakatoshamisika kuti bvunzo dzacho dzaiva nyore sei, uye pasina nguva ndainge ndatopedza.", "Mushure memazuva mashoma, ndakatambira tsamba yeimeyiri ichindizivisa kuti ndainge ndapasa bvunzo idzi dzandainge ndanyora.", "Danho rinotevera raive rekuronga musi wekuongororwa ndichityaira.", "Ndakafonera wekuDMV ndokunzi izvi zvaizoitwa muvhiki raitevera racho.", "Zuva rekuongororwa ndichityaira rakasvika, uye ndainzwa kutya zvandisati ndamboita muhupenyu hwangu.", "Ndakatyaira kuenda kuDMV ndiina amai vangu, avo vaizondiperekedza pakuongororwa ndichityaira."], "factuality": "ok"} {"id": "topic_173__hiiibfwwslla", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["\"Heartbreak,\" sighed the poet, \"is the cruelest of afflictions.", "It is a pain that pierces the soul and leaves us feeling empty and alone.", "It is a fire that burns from within, consuming us with its flames.", "It is a storm that tears us apart, leaving us broken and scarred.", "But even in the midst of our heartbreak, there is hope.", "For even as our hearts are broken, they are also made new.", "We are given the opportunity to learn from our mistakes and to grow stronger.", "We are given the chance to find love again, even if it is different than the love we have lost.", "So let us not despair in our heartbreak.", "Let us instead embrace it as a part of life.", "Let us learn from it and grow from it.", "And let us never give up on the hope of finding love again\""], "trgs": ["\"Kurwadziswa mumoyo,\" nyanduri akadaro achitura befu, \"ndicho chimwe chezvinhu zvinonyanya kurwadza.", "Marwadzo anobaya mweya otisiya tisisakoshi uye tava zindoga.", "Moto unopisa uchitangira mukati, uchitiparadza nemarimi awo.", "Idutu rinotibvarura nepakati, richitisiya takuvara uye tava nevanga.", "Asi kunyange munguva dzekurwadziwa mumwoyo, pane tariro iripo.", "Nekuti kunyange mwoyo yedu ikapwanyika, inokwanisawo kuitwa mitsva.", "Tinopiwa mukana wekudzidza kubva pane zvatinenge takanganisa uye toramba tichisimbiswa.", "Tinopiwa mukana wekuwana anotida zvakare, kunyange zvazvo anenge atida wacho akati siyanei newekutanga anenge akatirwadzisa.", "Saka ngatisapererwa netariro mukurwadziswa mwoyo kwatinenge taitwa.", "Panzvimbo pezvo tinofanira kuzvigamuchira sezvinhu zvinogona kuitika muhupenyu.", "Tinofanira kudzidza kubva kwazviri uye zvotisimbisa.", "Uye hatifaniri kukanda mapfumo pasi pakuva netariro yekuwanazve mumwe anotida\""], "factuality": "ok"} {"id": "topic_178__jtkttkktfts", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["Judaism and Kosher Kosher is a set of dietary laws in Judaism.", "These laws define which foods are permissible to eat and which are not.", "Kosher foods are those that are considered to be fit for consumption according to Jewish law.", "The laws of kosher are based on the Torah, the first five books of the Hebrew Bible.", "These laws prohibit the consumption of certain animals, such as pigs and shellfish, as well as the consumption of blood and meat from animals that have not been slaughtered in a specific way.", "Kosher foods are also subject to a number of other regulations, such as the separation of dairy and meat products.", "Kosher food is prepared in a way that ensures that it is fit for consumption according to Jewish law.", "The observance of kosher laws is an important part of Jewish religious practice.", "For many Jews, eating kosher food is a way to show their devotion to God and to connect with their heritage.", "There are a number of reasons why Jews observe kosher laws.", "Some of these reasons are based on religious beliefs, while others are based on practical considerations Religious reasons Jews believe that God gave the Torah to Moses at Mount Sinai."], "trgs": ["ChiJudha nechiKosher Kosher ibumbiro remitemo yezvinofanira kudyiwa muchitendero cheChiJudha.", "Mitemo iyi inotema zvinhu zvinotenderwa kudya uye zvisingatenderwi kudyiwa.", "Zvekudya zveKosher ndezviya zvinonzi zvakakodzera kudyiwa mukuwirirana nemutemo weChiJudha.", "Mitemo yekosher yakavakirwa paTorah, anove mabhuku mashanu ekutanga eBhaibheri rechiHebheru.", "Mitemo iyi inorambidza kudyiwa kwedzimwe mhando dzemhuka, dzakadai senguruve, nehove dzinonzi shellfish, kusanganisira kudyiwa kweropa uye nyama kubva kumhuka dzinenge dzisina kuvhiiwa pachitevedzwa imwe nzira.", "Zvekudya zveKosher zvinopenengurwawo pasi pemimwe mitemo yakawanda, yakadai sekupatsanurwa kwezvekudya zvakagadzirwa nemukaka uye nenyama.", "Zvekudya zveKosher zvinogadzirwa munzira inoita kuti zvinge zvakakodzera kudyiwa mukuwirirana nemitemo yeChiJudha.", "Kuchengetwa kwemitemo yekosher rutivi rwetsika yakakosha yechitendero cheChiJudha.", "KumaJudha akawanda, kudya zvekudya zvekosher inzira yavanoratidza nayo kuzvipira kwavo kunaMwari uye kusunganidzwa nenhaka yavo.", "Pane zvikonzero zvakawanda nei maJudha achichengeta mitemo yekosher.", "Zvimwe zvezvikonzero izvi zvinotsamira pane zvavanotenda pachitendero, nepo zvimwewo zvinotsamira pane zvavanofunga kuti ndozvinoshanda pane Zvechitendero izvo vaJudha vanodavira kuti Mwari akapa Torah kuna Mozisi paGomo reSinai."], "factuality": "ok"} {"id": "topic_231__ijiattonsth", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["\"I'm telling you, this is going to be the funniest thing ever,\" said Tom.", "\"Just wait until you see the look on people's faces when they see my new tattoo!\"", "\"I don't know, Tom,\" said his friend, Ben.", "\"A green question mark on your forehead seems like it could be a bit of a risky move.\"", "\"That's what makes it so funny,\" said Tom \"People are going to be so confused.", "They'll be asking themselves all sorts of questions, like 'What does it mean?' or 'Why did he do that?'\"", "\"Or they'll just think you're an idiot,\" said Ben.", "\"Nah, they'll get it,\" said Tom. \"Trust me.\"", "So Tom got the tattoo, and sure enough, people were confused.", "They asked him all sorts of questions, and he loved every minute of it.", "He even started a blog about his tattoo, where he would post pictures and answer questions from his readers."], "trgs": ["\"Ndiri kukuudza, izvi zvichanakidza kupfuura zvinhu zvese,\" Tom akadaro.", "\"Mira uone zvichaita meso evanhu pavachaona zvinhu zvitsva zvandakanyorwa paganda senyora!\"", "\"Handizivi, Tom,\" yakadaro shamwari yake, inonzi Ben.", "\"Kuiswa chiratidzo chemubvunzo chegirini pahuma yako kunoita sekune njodzi.\"", "\"Ndizvo zvichaita kuti zvinyanyonakidze,\" akadaro Tom \"Vanhu vachavhiringidzika.", "Vachange vachizvibvunza mibvunzo yakasiyana-siyana, yakadai sekuti 'Zvinomborevei?' kana kuti 'Akazviitirei?\"'", "\"Kana kuti vachangofunga kuti uri benzi,\" akadaro Ben.", "\"Aiwa, vachazvinzwisisa,\" akadaro Tom. \"Vimba neni.\"", "Saka Tom akabva anyorwa paganda senyora, uyewo chokwadi, vanhu vakavhiringidzika.", "Vakamubvunza mibvunzo yakasiyana-siyana, uye ainakidzwa nazvo nguva dzose.", "Akatovhura peji rake repaindaneti nekuda kwezvaainge anyorwa paganda senyora, apo aitumira mifananidzo nekupindura mibvunzo yaibva kuvaverengi vezvaainge anyora."], "factuality": "ok"} {"id": "topic_493__isitgsgshgsg", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["Indira Gandhi was the first and only woman to serve as Prime Minister of India.", "She was born in 1917 into a prominent political family, and her father, Jawaharlal Nehru, was the first Prime Minister of India.", "Indira Gandhi was educated in India and England, and she married Feroze Gandhi in 1942.", "They had two sons, Rajiv and Sanjay.", "Gandhi began her political career in 1955, when she was elected to the Indian Parliament.", "She served in various ministerial positions in the government of her father, and in 1966 she became Prime Minister after his death.", "Gandhi was a controversial figure, and her policies were often criticized.", "She was accused of being authoritarian and of suppressing dissent.", "However, she was also a popular leader, and she is credited with modernizing India and improving the lives of its people.", "Gandhi was assassinated by her Sikh bodyguards in 1984.", "She was succeeded by her son, Rajiv Gandhi.", "Gandhi's life and career were marked by many challenges, but she never gave up on her dream of a better India."], "trgs": ["Indira Gandhi ndiye aiva mudzimai wekutanga uye mumwe chete uyo akava Mukuru weMakurukota emuIndia.", "Akaberekwa mugore ra1917 mumhuri yainge yakakurumbira mune zvematongerwo enyika, uye baba vake, Jawaharlal Nehru, ndivo vaiva Mukuru weMakurukota wekutanga muIndia.", "Indira Gandhi akadzidza muIndia uye muEngland, uye akaroorana naFeroze Gandhi mugore ra1942.", "Vaiva nevanakomana vaviri, Rajiv naSanjay.", "Gandhi akatanga kuita zvematongerwo enyika mugore ra1955, apo akasarudzwa muParamende yeIndia.", "Akashanda muzvinzvimbo zvakasiyana-siyana zvehukurukota muhurumende yababa vake, uye mugore ra1966 akava Mukuru weMakurukota mushure mekufa kwavo.", "Gandhi aiva munhu aiita zvinhu zvaimutsa mibvunzo, uye mitemo yake yaiwanzoshorwa.", "Aipomerwa mhosva yekuita humbimbindoga uye yekudzvanyirira vaimupikisa.", "Zvisinei, aiva mutungamiri ane mbiri, uye anotendwa nekuita zvinhu zvechimanje-manje muIndia uye kuvandudza hupenyu hwezvizvarwa zvemo.", "Gandhi akaurairwa chigaro nevaimudzivirira veSikh mugore ra1984.", "Chigaro chake chakazotevera kutorwa nemwanakomana wake, Rajiv Gandhi.", "Hupenyu hwaGandhi nebasa rake zvainge zvakazara nezvinetso, asi haana kukanda mapfumo pasi pane zvaaishuvira zvekuita kuti zvinhu zvivandudzike muIndia."], "factuality": "has_errors"} {"id": "topic_378__gtsmtt", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["Global warming is the long-term heating of Earth's climate system observed since the pre-industrial period (between 1850 and 1900) due to human activities, primarily fossil fuel burning, which increases heat-trapping greenhouse gas levels in Earth's atmosphere.", "The term is frequently used interchangeably with the term climate change, though the latter refers to both human- and naturally produced warming and the effects it has on our planet.", "Since the pre-industrial period, human activities are estimated to have increased Earth's global average temperature by about 1 degree Celsius (1.8 degrees Fahrenheit), a number that is currently increasing by 0.2 degrees Celsius (0.36 degrees Fahrenheit) per decade.", "Most of the current warming trend is extremely likely (greater than 95 percent probability) the result of human activity since the 1950s and is proceeding at an unprecedented rate over decades to millennia.", "The largest human influence on climate change has been the emission of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide.", "The primary source of these emissions is from burning fossil fuels for electricity, heat and transportation."], "trgs": ["Kupisa kweNyika kwakakonzerwa nekuwedzera kupisa kwenguva refu kwemamiriro ekunze eNyika uko kwakaonekwa maindasitiri asati avapo (pakati pegore ra1850 nera1900) zvichikonzerwa nemabasa evanhu, kunyanya-nyanya kupiswa kwezvinhu zvinopwititidza chiutsi, icho chinokanganisa mhepo iri muchadenga inodzivirira kupisa zvakanyanya kwezuva paNyika.", "Shoko racho rinonyanya kushandiswa richichinjaniswa nerinoti kuchinja kwemamiriro ekunze, kunyange zvazvo iri rekupedzisira richireva kupisa kunokonzerwa nevanhu uye kunongozviitikira kwega uye zvakunokanganisa panyika yedu.", "Kubvira panguva apo maindasitiri ainge asati avapo, mabasa evanhu anofungidzirwa kuti akawedzeresa kupisa kweNyika yose paavhareji nerinenge 1 degree Celsius (1.8 degrees Fahrenheit), nhamba inova iri kuwedzera panguva ino ne0.2 degrees Celsius (0.36 degrees Fahrenheit) pamakore gumi ega-ega.", "Pane mukana wakakura wekuti kupisa kuri kuitika munguva ino (mukana wakakura zvekudarika 95 mu zana) kuri kukonzerwa nemabasa evanhu kubvira mumakore ekuma 1950 uye kuri kuwedzera pamwero wakakura zvikuru mukati memakumi emakore kusvika kuzana.", "Zvakanyanya kuitwa nevanhu pakukonzera kuchinja kwemamiriro ekunze kusvibiswa kwemhepo nekuiswa kwemweya yecarbon dioxide, methane uye nitrous oxide.", "Mweya iyi ine ngozi yainyanya kubva mukupiswa kwemarasha kuti pawanike magetsi, moto uye simba rezvekufambisa."], "factuality": "ok"} {"id": "topic_312__tifsiiaiwiaiwii", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["The portfolio was heavy, and the line was long.", "I stood there, aching with pain, and wondered if I would ever get to the front.", "Finally, my turn came, and I presented my portfolio to the woman at the counter.", "She looked at it for a moment, then shook her head.", "\"I'm sorry,\" she said. \"We can't accept this portfolio. It's not up to our standards.\"", "I felt a wave of despair wash over me.", "All my hard work, for nothing.", "I took the portfolio back and started to walk away.", "\"Wait,\" the woman called \"I can see that you've put a lot of effort into this. Why don't you take a seat over there and I'll see what I can do.\"", "I sat down and waited.", "A few minutes later, the woman came back.", "\"I've talked to my manager,\" she said.", "\"We're willing to make an exception for you. We'll accept your portfolio, but you'll have to pay a processing fee.\"", "I sighed.", "It was a lot of money, but I didn't have any other choice."], "trgs": ["Chikesi chacho chairema, uye mutsara wainge wakareba.", "Ndakamira ipapo, ndichiyuwira nemarwadzo, ndichifunga kuti ndaizombofawo here ndakasvika mberi.", "Pakupedzisira, mukana wangu wakazosvika, uye ndakaratidza chikesi changu kumukadzi aiva pakaunda.", "Akachitarira kwekanguva, ndokuzunguza musoro wake.", "\"Ndine hurombo,\" akadaro. \"Hatitambiri chikesi ichi. Hachisi chemhando yakanaka yatinoda.\"", "Ndakanzwa simba richipera mandiri.", "Kushanda nesimba kwese kwandakaita, ndichishandira pasina.", "Ndakatora chikesi chiya ndokutanga kufamba ndichidzokera.", "\"Imbomira,\" mukadzi akadeedzera kudaro \"Ndiri kuona kuti wakashanda nesimba pakuita izvi. Wadii wagara pachigaro apo ndoona kuti ndingakubatsira sei.\"", "Ndakagara pasi ndokumirira.", "Pashure pemaminitsi mashoma, mukadzi uya akadzoka.", "\"Ndataura namaneja wangu,\" mukadzi uya akadaro.", "\"Tiri kuda kuita zvakati siyanei kwauri tichikubatsira. Tichatora chikesi chako, asi uchafanira kubhadhara mari yekuti zvifambiswe.\"", "Ndakatura befu.", "Yaiva mari yakawanda, asi painge pasina zvimwe zvandingaita."], "factuality": "ok"} {"id": "stt_167__itsttsbiivtsi", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["In the 2006 teen comedy She's the Man, Amanda Bynes plays Viola Hastings, a high school student who disguises herself as a boy in order to play on the boys' soccer team.", "The film is full of laugh-out-loud moments, thanks to Bynes's spot-on comedic timing and delivery.", "She is able to perfectly capture the awkwardness and uncertainty of a teenage boy, while still maintaining her own unique brand of humor.", "The supporting cast is also excellent, with Channing Tatum, Laura Ramsey, and Vinnie Jones all giving memorable performances.", "The film's director, Andy Fickman, does a great job of balancing the humor with the drama, creating a film that is both funny and heartwarming.", "She's the Man is a classic teen comedy that is sure to please fans of the genre.", "Bynes's performance is a standout, and the film is full of laugh-out-loud moments.", "If you're looking for a fun and entertaining movie to watch, I highly recommend checking out She's the Man.", "In addition to being a great comedy, She's the Man is also a film with a strong message about gender equality.", "Viola's decision to disguise herself as a boy in order to play on the boys' soccer team is a powerful statement about the importance of breaking down gender stereotypes.", "The film shows that girls can be just as good as boys at sports, and that they should not be held back by their gender.", "She's the Man is a film that is both funny and inspiring.", "It is a great choice for anyone who is looking for a feel-good movie with a message."], "trgs": ["Mumutambo wekusetsa vanhu wakaitwa mugore ra2006 unonzi She's the Man, Amanda Bynes anoekita saViola Hastings, mwana wepachikoro uyo anonyepedzera kuita semukomana kuitira kuti akwanise kutamba muchikwata chenhabvu chevakomana.", "Firimu racho rainge rakazara nezvinosetsa, tototenda hunyanzvi hwaBynes hwekuziva zvinosetsa panguva uye maitirwo azvo.", "Anokwanisa kutevedzera kahunhu kehundururani uye kekuita zvachero kanoitwa nemukomana ari kuyaruka, asi achiratidza hunyanzvi hwake hwaagara nahwo.", "Boka riri kutsigirawo riri kunyatsogona, riina Channing Tatum, Laura Ramsey, uye Vinnie Jones vachinyatsoita zvinogara zvakadaro.", "Mukuru-mukuru wefirimu iri, Andy Fickmam, anoita basa remandorokwati pakuenzanisa zvinhu zvinosetsa nedhirama, achigadzira firimu rinoti uku rinosetsa ukuwo richibata moyo.", "Firimu rinosetsa revarikuyaruka rinonzi She's the Man nderemandorokwati iro rakanyatsogadzirirwa kufadza vanofarira mhando iyi yemafirimu.", "Maekitiro aBynes haaenzaniswi, uye firimu racho rakazara nezvikamu zvinosetsa.", "Kana uri kutsvaga firimu rinosetsa uye rinonakidza rekuona, ndinokukurudzirai zvikuru kutsvaga rinonzi She's the Man.", "Pakuwedzera pakuva firimu rekusetsa vanhu rinonakidza, She's the Man ifirimu rine mashoko akakosha panyaya dzekusiyana kwemikana pakati pevanhukadzi nevanhurume.", "Chisarudzo chaViola chekunyepedzera kuva semukomana kuti atambe muchikwata chenhabvu chevakomana chinopa mashoko akasimba nezvekukosha kwekusiyana nezvagara zvichifungwa panyaya dzezvinonzi ndizvo zvinofanira kuitwa nevanhurume kana kuti vanhukadzi.", "Firimu racho rinoratidza kuti vasikana vanogona kuita zvakangofanana nezvinoitwa nevakomana pamitambo, uye kuti havafaniri kudziviswa pakuita izvi nekuda kwekuti vasikana.", "Firimu rinonzi She's the Man ifirimu rinonakidza uye rinokurudzira.", "Ndiro chairo rekusarudza kana munhu achitsvaka firimu rinonakidza uku richipa mashoko."], "factuality": "ok"} {"id": "topic_340__aheehitehe", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["Albert Einstein was a German-born theoretical physicist who developed the theory of relativity, one of the two pillars of modern physics (alongside quantum mechanics).", "His work is also known for its influence on the philosophy of science.", "Einstein is best known in popular culture for his mass\u2013energy equivalence formula E = mc2 (which has been dubbed \"the world's most famous equation\").", "Einstein was born in Ulm, in the Kingdom of W\u00fcrttemberg, German Empire, on 14 March 1879.", "He showed an early aptitude for mathematics and physics.", "In 1905, at the age of 26, Einstein published four groundbreaking papers that transformed physics.", "These include his special relativity theory, which introduced the concepts of space and time as a single unified continuum, and his general relativity theory, which proposed that gravity is not a force, but is instead a curvature of spacetime.", "Einstein's work led to a new understanding of the universe, and had a profound impact on the development of modern physics.", "He received the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1921 for his explanation of the photoelectric effect.", "Einstein was a pacifist and a strong advocate for social justice."], "trgs": ["Albert Einstein inyanzvi yezvidzidzo zvephysics yakaberekerwa kuGerman iyo yakatanga nepfungwa yekuti zvinhu zvose zvinodyidzana, inova imwe yepfungwa huru mbiri dzephysics dzemazuva ano (pamwe neyesimba remaatomu).", "Basa rake rinozivikanwawo pakuumba firosofi yezve sayenzi.", "Einstein anonyanya kuzivikanwa patsika inonyanya kuzivikanwa nekuda kwefomuyura yake inoenzanisa huremu nesimba inoti E = mc2 (iyo yakanzi \"ikwezheni yakakurumbira pasi rose\").", "Einstein akaberekerwa muUlm, muKingdom of W\u00fcrttemberg, German Empire, musi wa14 March 1879.", "Akaratidza achiri mudiki kuti aifarira zvemasvomhu nezvephysics.", "Mugore ra1905, aine makore 26, Einstein akaburitsa mapepa mana aiva nepfungwa dzakadzama idzo dzakachinja maitirwo ephysics.", "Pfungwa idzi dzaisanganisira yekudyidzana kwezvinhu, iyo yakaburitsa maonero ekuti nzvimbo isina chinhu nenguva chinhu chimwe chakafanana chinoramba chichiitika, uye pfungwa yake yekuti zvinhu zvinodyidzana, yaipa maonero ekuti chinoita kuti zvinhu zvikweverwe pasi harisi simba, asi panzvimbo pezvo kumonyoroka kwenhambo yenguva.", "Pfungwa dzakabuditswa naEinstein dzakapa nzwisiso itsva yenyika, uye dzine zvadzinobatsira pakuitwa kwezvidzidzo zvephysics zvemazuva ano.", "Akawana mubayiro weNobel Prize muzvidzidzo zvePhysics mugore ra1921 nekuda kwetsanangudzo yake yezvinoitwa nesimba remagineti neremagetsi.", "Einstein aitsigira zverunyararo uye achirwira zvakasimba kubatwa zvakaenzana kwevanhu."], "factuality": "ok"} {"id": "gambia_typical__mffpotmtacmoitid", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["Many people wake up before sunrise to start their day's work.", "Farmers may rise before dawn to milk their cows or tend to their crops.", "Fishermen may go out to sea before the sun comes up.", "People who work in the city may also wake up early to catch the bus or train to work.", "Once people are up, they typically eat a simple breakfast of porridge, bread, or tea.", "Then they get ready for the day.", "Many people in The Gambia wear traditional clothing, such as long dresses or skirts for women and long pants or shirts for men.", "They may also wear a headscarf or cap.", "After breakfast, people go about their daily activities.", "Children go to school, while adults go to work.", "Many people in The Gambia work in agriculture, fishing, or tourism.", "Others work in government, business, or education.", "In the afternoon, people may take a break from work to relax or socialize.", "They may go for a walk, visit friends and family, or play games.", "In the evening, people often eat dinner with their families.", "Dinner is typically a simple meal of rice, vegetables, and meat or fish."], "trgs": ["Vanhu vakawanda vanomuka zuva risati rabuda kuti vatange basa ravo rezuva iroro.", "Varimi vanogona kumuka mambakwedza kuti vakame mhou kana kutarisira zvirimwa zvavo.", "Varedzi vehove vanogona kuenda kugungwa zuva risati rabuda.", "Vanhu vanoshanda muguta vanogona zvakare kukasira kumuka kuti vanobata bhazi kana kuti chitima kuti vaende kubasa.", "Kana vanhu vangomuka, vanowanzodya zvekudya zvemangwanani zviri nyore zvakadai sebota, chingwa, kana kuti tiyi.", "Kana vapedza vanobva vagadzirira zvezuvaro.", "Vanhu vakawanda muGambia vanopfeka zvipfeko zvetsika yavo, zvakadai semadhirezi marefu kana kuti masiketi evakadzi uye zvipfeko zvemukati zvirefu kana kuti masheti evarume.", "Vanogonawo kupfeka chinovhara musoro kana kuti kepisi.", "Pashure pekunge vadya zvekudya zvemangwanani, vanhu vanoita mabasa avo ezuva nezuva.", "Vana vanoenda kuchikoro, ukuwo vakuru vachienda kubasa.", "Vanhu vakawanda muGambia vanoshanda muzvikamu zvekurima, kuredzwa kwehove, kana kuti chekushanyirwa kwenyika.", "Vamwewo vanoshanda muhurumende, mumabhizinisi, kana kuti mune zvedzidzo.", "Munguva dzemasikati, vanhu vanombozorora basa kuti vambofurwa nemhepo kana kuti kutandara.", "Vanogona kumbofamba-famba, kushanyira shamwari nevehukama, kana kutamba mitambo.", "Munguva dzemanheru, nguva zhinji vanhu vanodya zvekudya zvemanheru nevemumhuri mavo.", "Zvekudya zvemanheru izvi zvinosanganisira zvekudya zviri nyore zvakadai semupunga, miriwo, uye nyama kana hove."], "factuality": "ok"} {"id": "topic_208__ttttbwwwtt", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["The gadgets and utensils of the kitchen are a language, a means of communication between cook and food.", "The whisk, the tongs, the ladle, the spatula - each has its own meaning, its own purpose.", "To use them well is to understand the language of cooking, to season the dish with the flavors of experience and skill.", "The whisk is a whisk, the tongs are tongs, and the ladle is a ladle.", "But in the hands of a skilled cook, they become something more: they become extensions of the cook's own body, tools that allow him or her to express creativity and passion.", "With a whisk, the cook can whip up a frothy batter or emulsify a delicate sauce.", "With tongs, he or she can flip a steak or turn a roast.", "With a ladle, he or she can ladle out a steaming bowl of soup or sauce.", "The gadgets and utensils of the kitchen are more than just tools.", "They are a means of expression, a way to create something beautiful and delicious."], "trgs": ["Zvekushandisa nemidziyo yemukicheni zvakangoita semutauro, inova nzira yekukurukura pakati pekubika nezvekudya.", "Chekupwanyisa mapundu, chekubatisa zvinhu pamoto, chipunu, chekupindurudzisa zvinhu mupani - chimwe nechimwe chine revo yacho, kureva basa racho.", "Kuzvishandisa zvakanaka kunoreva kunzwisisa mutauro wekubika, kukaringa zvekudya neruzivo uye nehunyanzvi.", "Chekupwanyisa mapundu ndechekupwanyisa mapundu, chekubatisa zvinhu pamoto ndechekubatisa zvinhu pamoto uye chipunu chinofanira kuva chipunu.", "Asi mumaoko emubiki ane hunyanzvi, zvinoita zvinopfuura ipapa: zvinova sezvikamu zvinopfuurira zvenhengo dzemuviri wake, maturusi anoita kuti akwanise kuratidza hunyanzvi uye chido chake.", "Achishandisa chekupwanyisa mapundu, mubiki anogona kugadzira bhata rakatsetseka kana kuti kusanganisa supu inoda unyanzvi kuiita.", "Nechekubatisa zvinhu pamoto, anogona kutenderedza nyama kana kuti kupindurudza nyama iri kugochwa.", "Achishandisa chipunu, anogona kubvundura poto ine supu kana kuti sosi iri kupisa.", "Zvekushandisa nemidziyo yemukicheni zvinhu zvinopfuura kungova maturusi.", "Zvinoshanda senzira yekutsanangura zvinhu, nzira yekugadzira chimwe chinhu chinoyevedza uye chinonaka."], "factuality": "ok"} {"id": "topic_246__awttatwtiw", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["A seed is a small, dormant plant embryo that is capable of developing into a new plant under the right conditions.", "When a seed sprouts, it begins to grow roots and shoots.", "The roots anchor the plant in the soil and absorb water and nutrients from the ground.", "The shoots grow upwards towards the sun, and the leaves begin to photosynthesize, producing food for the plant.", "As the plant grows, it develops a stem, leaves, flowers, and fruit.", "The flowers produce seeds, which are dispersed by wind, water, or animals.", "When a seed lands in a suitable location, it can germinate and begin the process of growth all over again.", "The process of seed germination is a marvel of nature.", "It is a testament to the power of life and the resilience of the natural world.", "When a seed sprouts, it is a sign of hope and new beginnings."], "trgs": ["Mbeu katsanga kadiki kechimerwa kanokwanisa kukura kachiva chimerwa chitsva kakawana zvese zvinodiwa.", "Mbeu painobuda, inotanga kuva nemidzi yotumbuka kubva muvhu.", "Midzi iyi inosimbisa chimerwa muvhu ichitora mvura nezvekudya kubva pasi.", "Kachimerwa kanokura kakananga kune zuva, uye mashizha anotanga kugadzira zvekudya, zvinodiwa nechimerwa.", "Panenge pachikura chimerwa, chinova nehunde, mashizha, maruva, uye chova nemichero.", "Maruva anogadzira mbeu, iyo inozoparadzirwa nemhepo, mvura, kana kuti nemhuka.", "Kana mbeu yadonhera panzvimbo yakakodzera, inomera yotanga zvakare kutevera matanho ekukura.", "Mamerero anoita mbeu chishamiso chaicho chinoitwa nezvisikwa.", "Chipupuriro chesimba rehupenyu uye chekupfuurira kurarama kunoitwa nezvinhu zvakasimba.", "Mbeu painotumbuka, chiratidzo chetariro uye chemavambo matsva."], "factuality": "ok"} {"id": "stt_165__yyyyatwwit", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["You have been warned.", "You have been given a clear and concise warning.", "You have been told that if you continue to engage in this behavior, you will be banned.", "You have now had two chances to correct your behavior, and you have failed to do so.", "As a result, you will now be banned from this forum.", "This ban is permanent, and you will not be allowed to create a new account or participate in this forum in any way.", "We hope that this ban will serve as a warning to others who may be tempted to engage in similar behavior.", "We will not tolerate this type of behavior on our forum, and we will take action to protect our community from it.", "If you have any questions about this ban, please do not hesitate to contact us.", "Thank you for your cooperation."], "trgs": ["Wapihwa nyevero.", "Vapihwa nyevero yakajeka uye yakananga.", "Vaudzwa kuti kana ukapfuurira kuita hunhu uhu, uchabhanwa.", "Kusvika pari zvino vakawana mikana miviri yekugadzirisa hunhu hwako, uye wakakundikana kuita izvozvo.", "Nekuda kweizvi, wave kubhanwa panzvimbo ino.", "Kubhanwa uku ndekwehupenyu hwese, uye hauzobvumidzwe kugadzira akaundi itsva kana kuti kubatanidzwa pane zvinoitwa panzvimbo ino muchero nzira.", "Tinovimba kuti kubhanwa uku kuchapa nyevero kune vamwe vangada kuzoita hunhu hwakafana.", "Hatibvumiri kuti hunhu hwakadai huitwe panzvimbo yedu, uye tichatora matanho ekuti tidzivirire vanhu vedu pahuri.", "Kana uine chero mibvunzo pamusoro pekubhanwa uku, tapota usazengurira kutaura nesu.", "Tinotenda nekunzwisisa kwako."], "factuality": "ok"} {"id": "topic_587__weyiwiniwaaotiwenwy", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["\"What the hell are you doing, you idiot?!\"", "\"Excuse me?\"", "\"You cut me off! You almost made me crash!\"", "\"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to. I was just trying to get around that slow-moving truck.\"", "\"Well, you could have at least used your turn signal!\"", "\"I did use my turn signal!\"", "\"No, you didn't! You just pulled right out in front of me!\"", "\"I'm telling you, I used my turn signal!\"", "\"Whatever. You're still a terrible driver.\"", "\"And you're a jerk!\"", "\"At least I know how to drive!\"", "\"Oh, yeah? Well, I'm a better writer than you are!\"", "\"That's debatable.\"", "\"It's not debatable! I'm Ernest Hemingway!\"", "\"Who?\"", "\"Ernest Hemingway! The greatest writer of all time!\"", "\"Never heard of him.\"", "\"Well, you've heard of me now!\"", "\"Yeah, I heard of you.\""], "trgs": ["\"Ndicho chii chauri kuita, iwe benzi?!\"", "\"Wati kudii?\"", "\"Wandidamburira! Wapotsa wandibonderesa!\"", "\"Ndine hurombo, zvaitika netsaona. Ndange ndiri kuedza kupoterera rori iro range riri kunanaira.\"", "\"Ndizvozvo, asi dai wapawo chiratidzo chekuti uri kuda kukona!\"", "\"Ndapa chiratidzo chekuti ndiri kuda kukona!\"", "\"Kwete, hauna! Wangoerekana wakona mberi kwangu!\"", "\"Ndiri kukuudza, ndapa chiratidzo chekukona!\"", "\"Chero zvazvingava. Ungori munhu asingagoni zvekutyaira.\"", "\"Uye uri benzi!\"", "\"Chero ndichiziva kuti kutyaira kuita sei!\"", "\"O, hee? Zvakanaka, ndinokwanisa zvekunyora kukupfuura!\"", "\"Inyaya inomutsa nharo.\"", "\"Haisi nyaya inomutsa nharo! Ndini Ernest Hemingway!\"", "\"Ani?\"", "\"Ernest Hemingway! Munyori ane mbiri!\"", "\"Handisati ndambonzwa nezvake.\"", "\"Zvakanaka, watonzwa nezvangu izvozvi!\"", "\"Ehe, ndakanzwa nezvako.\""], "factuality": "ok"} {"id": "topic_131__gtttgtiigt", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["Grace: Can you tell me a little bit about its history?", "Teacher: Of course. Tea originated in China, where it has been cultivated for over 5,000 years.", "The first written record of tea dates back to the 3rd century BC, when it was mentioned in a Chinese medical text.", "Tea was originally used as a medicinal herb, but it quickly became a popular drink among Chinese people of all social classes.", "Grace: What about outside of China? When did tea start to spread to other parts of the world?", "Teacher: Tea was first introduced to Europe in the 16th century by Portuguese traders.", "It quickly became popular among European elites, and by the 18th century, tea had become a staple of British culture.", "In the 19th century, tea was also introduced to North America, where it became a popular drink among both colonists and Native Americans.", "Grace: That's really interesting.I never knew that tea had such a long history.", "Teacher: It's a fascinating story, and it's one that's still being written today."], "trgs": ["Grace: Unogona here kundiudza zvishoma nezvenhoroondo yayo?", "Mudzidzisi: Ndizvozvo. Tiyi yakatangira kuChina, uko yairimwa kwemakore anopfuura 5,000.", "Chinyorwa chekutanga chetiyi ndechenguva yekumashure yemuzana remakore rechi3 BC, apo yakadudzwa muchinyorwa chezveutano chekuChina.", "Pakutanga tiyi yaishandiswa semushonga wekurapisa, asi nekukurumidza yakava nemukurumbira sechinwiwa chevanhu vekuChina vanobva muzvinzvimbo zvose.", "Grace: Zvakadii nekudzimwe nzvimbo dziri kunze kweChina? Nderinhi apo tiyi yakatanga kupararira kudzimwe nzvimbo dzepasi?", "Mudzidzisi: Tiyi yakatanga kuunzwa kuYuropu muzana remakore rechi16 nevaiita zvekutengesa vekuPortugal.", "Yakafarirwa nekukurumidza nevanhu vekuYuropu, uye pakazosvika zana remakore rechi18, tiyi yainge yava chekudya chenguva dzose patsika dzekuBritain.", "Muzana remakore rechi19, tiyi yakaunzwa kuChamhembe kweAmerika, uko yakava chinwiwa chinofarirwa zvikuru pakati pevainge vapambwa uye neZvizvarwa zvekuAmerika.", "Grace: Izvi zvinofadza. Ndanga ndisingazive kuti tiyi ine nhoroondo hombe yakadaro.", "Mudzizisi: Inyaya inonakidza, uye ichiri nyaya ichiri kungonyorwa nanhasi."], "factuality": "has_errors"} {"id": "topic_229__dotttttt", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["During World War II, the Allies and Axis powers used a variety of aircraft to achieve air superiority.", "One of the most important factors in determining the outcome of a battle was the accuracy of the aircraft's bombing.", "The height at which an aircraft could fly was also a critical factor, as it determined how far it could travel and how much weight it could carry.", "The United States developed a number of high-altitude bombers during the war, including the B-17 Flying Fortress and the B-29 Superfortress.", "These aircraft were able to fly at altitudes of over 30,000 feet, which made them difficult for enemy fighters to intercept.", "They also carried a large payload of bombs, which could be used to attack targets deep behind enemy lines.", "The German Luftwaffe also developed a number of high-altitude bombers, including the Heinkel He 177 Greif and the Messerschmitt Me 264 Amerika Bomber.", "These aircraft were not as successful as their American counterparts, however, due to a number of technical problems."], "trgs": ["Munguva yeHondo yeNyika Yose Yechipiri, nyika dzaiva mumubatanidzwa weAllies uye weAxis dzakashandisa ndege dzakasiyana-siyana kuti ndikurire dzimwe muhondo yemuchadenga.", "Chimwe chezvinhu zvaikosha pakutema kubudirira kwaigona kuitwa muhondo chaiva chekukwanisa kwendege kukanda mabhomba panzvimbo chaiyo inenge ichidiwa.", "Mwero wemuchadenga uyo ndege yaigona kubhururukira iri waivawo chinhu chaikosha, sezvo izvi zvaizotema kuti yaizofamba kure zvakadii uye kurema kwezvinhu zvayaigona kutakura.", "Nyika yeUnited States yakagadzira ndege dzaikwanisa kukanda mabhomba dziri muchadenga-denga munguva yehondo, kusanganisira yeB-17 Flying Fortress uye yeB-29 Superfortress.", "Ndege idzi dzaikwanisa kubhururuka dziri pamwero unodarika mafiti 30,000 muchadenga, izvo zvaiita kuti zviomere dzevavengi kudzirwisa.", "Dzaitakurawo mabhomba anorema, ayo aishandiswa pakurwisa nzvimbo dzaive shure nechemukati chaimo maiva nemuvengi.", "VeGerman Luftwaffe vakagadzirawo ndege dzinokanda mabhomba kubva muchadenga-denga dzakawanda, kusanganisira yeHeinkel He 177 Greif uye yeMesserschmitt Me 264 Amerika Bomber.", "Ndege idzi hadzina kubudirira sezvaiita dzekuAmerika, zvisinei, zvichikonzerwa nezvinetso zvaiitika pamagadzirirwo adzo."], "factuality": "ok"} {"id": "stt_30__iyiiiiyptisaiiiyyasbas", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["I know what you did yesterday.", "You posted a picture of yourself wearing that green rag on social media.", "I know you thought it was funny, but it wasn\u2019t.", "It was disrespectful to your mother, and it hurt her feelings.", "I\u2019m not asking you to apologize because I\u2019m mad at you.", "I\u2019m asking you to apologize because it\u2019s the right thing to do.", "Your mother loves you, and she deserves your respect.", "Please call her today and tell her you\u2019re sorry.", "Tell her that you didn\u2019t mean to hurt her feelings, and that you promise to never wear that green rag again.", "I know you\u2019re a good person, and I know you love your mother.", "So please, do the right thing and apologize.", "After you apologize to your mother, I want you to burn that green rag.", "It\u2019s a symbol of your disrespect, and it needs to be gone.", "I know it might be hard to let go of that rag, but it\u2019s important.", "It\u2019s a symbol of your past, and it\u2019s time to move on.", "You\u2019re a new person now.", "You\u2019re a better person.", "And you don\u2019t need that rag to define you anymore.", "So please, burn it.", "Burn it and let it go.", "And then go hug your mother and tell her you love her.", "She loves you too."], "trgs": ["Ndiri kuziva zvavakaita nezuro.", "Wakatumira mufananidzo wako pasocial media wakapfeka chimvemve icho chegirinhi.", "Ndiri kuziva kuti waifunga kuti ndezvekungonakidzwa, asi hazvina kudaro.", "Kwanga kuri kusaratidza ruremekedzo kuna amai vako, uye zvinokuvadza manzwiro avo.", "Handisi kuti ukumbire ruregerero nekuti ndiri kukupopotera.", "Ndiri kukuudza kuti ukumbire ruregerero nekuti ndicho chinhu chakanaka kuita.", "Amai vako vanokuda, uye vakafanirwa neruremukedzo rwako.", "Ndapota vafonere nhasi uye uvaudze kuti une urombo.", "Vaudze kuti hauna kurwadzisa manzwiro avo uchida, uye owavimbisa kuti hausi kuzofa wakapfeka chimvemve chegirinhi chiya zvakare.", "Ndinoziva kuti uri munhu akanaka, uye ndinoziva kuti unoda amai vako.", "Saka ndapota, ita chinhu chakanaka uye kumbira ruregerero.", "Pashure pekunge wakumbira ruregerero kuna amai vako, ndiri kuda kuti upise chimvemve ichocho chegirinhi.", "Chinomiririra kusaremekedza kwako, uye chinofanira kuparadzwa.", "Ndinoziva kuti zvinogona kukuomera kusiyana nechimvemve ichocho, asi zvakakosha kudaro.", "Chiratidzo chezvavakaita kumashure, uye yava nguva yekuti utarire mberi.", "Pari zvino wava munhu mutsva.", "Wava munhu ari nani.", "Uye hauchada kuzivikanwa nechimvemve ichi zvachose.", "Saka ndapota, chipise.", "Chipise usiyane nacho.", "Uye uende unombundira amai vako ovaudza kuti unovada.", "Naivo vanokuda zvekare."], "factuality": "ok"} {"id": "topic_271__atmimeiai", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["A car was driving too fast and lost control, swerving into the other lane and hitting a car head-on.", "The driver of the first car was killed instantly, and the driver of the second car was seriously injured.", "My friend Joseph called me to talk about it.", "\"It's so sad,\" he said. \"I can't imagine how the families of the victims are coping.\"", "\"Me neither,\" I responded. \"It's a reminder that we need to be careful when we're driving.", "Even a small mistake can have devastating consequences.\"", "\"I agree,\" replied Jo. \"We all need to follow the rules of the road and drive defensively.\"", "\"Absolutely,\" I quickly added. \"And we need to be aware of the dangers of distracted driving. Things like texting and talking on the phone can take our attention away from the road and lead to accidents.\"", "\"I know,\" said Jo sheepishly. \"I'm guilty of it myself sometimes.\""], "trgs": ["Motokari yange iri kumhanya zvakanyanya ndokutadza kudzoreka, ikavheya ichienda kune rimwe divi ndokunodhumhana neimwe mota.", "Mutyairi wemotokari yekutanga abva afira ipapo-ipapo, uye mutyairi wemotokari yechipiri akuvadzwa zvakaipisisa.", "Shamwari yangu inonzi Joseph yakandidana kuti nditaure nezvazvo.", "\"Zvinosiririsa zvikuru,\" akadaro. \"Handigoni kufungidzira kuti mhuri dzevavirwa nenjodzi dziri kunzwa sei.\"", "\"Kana neniwo,\" ndakapindura kudaro. \"Chiyeuchidzo chekuti tinofanira kungwarira kana tichityaira.", "Kunyange kachikanganiso kadikidiki kanogona kukonzera njodzi yakakura.\"", "\"Ndinobvumirana nazvo,\" akapindura kudaro Jo. \"Tose tinofanira kutevedzera mitemo yemumigwagwa uye totyaira tichizvidzivirira.\"", "\"Ndizvozvo chaizvo,\" ndakawedzera ndichidaro nekukurumidza. \"Uye tinofanira kuziva njodzi dzekutyaira takavhiringidzika. Zvinhu zvakadai sekunyora nekutumira mameseji uye kutaura panhare zvinogona kutsausa pfungwa dzedu pamugwagwa zvokonzera njodzi.\"", "\"Ndinozviziva,\" akadaro achinyaririra. \"Ndine mhosva yekuita zvakafanana dzimwe nguva.\""], "factuality": "ok"} {"id": "topic_385__ihokhkhttthw", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["In the small town of Malgudi, there was a corrupt police inspector named Ramasamy.", "He would often take bribes from the people he arrested, and he would also use his power to harass and intimidate people.", "One day, Ramasamy arrested a young man named Krishnan for a crime he did not commit.", "Krishnan was innocent, but Ramasamy refused to listen to him.", "He demanded a bribe from Krishnan, and when Krishnan refused to pay, Ramasamy threw him in jail.", "Krishnan's father, a poor farmer, was desperate to get his son out of jail.", "He went to see Ramasamy and begged him to release Krishnan, but Ramasamy refused.", "The farmer then went to the local temple and prayed to God for help.", "The next day, the farmer was walking home from the temple when he saw a large snake crossing the road.", "The farmer was afraid of snakes, but he knew that he had to do something to help his son.", "He picked up the snake and carried it to the police station.", "When Ramasamy saw the snake, he was terrified."], "trgs": ["Muguta duku reMalgudi, maive nemukuru wemapurisa ane huori anonzi Ramasamy.", "Aiva netsika yekutora chiokomuhomwe kubva kuvanhu vaaisunga, uye aishandisa simba rake kushungurudza nekutyisidzira vanhu.", "Rimwe zuva, Ramasamy akasunga mumwe murume wechidiki anonzi Krishnan nemhosva yaainge asina kupara.", "Krishnan ainge asina mhosva, asi Ramasamy akaramba kumuteerera.", "Akaudza Krishnan kuti amubhadhare chiokomuhomwe, uye apo Krishnan akaramba kumubhadhara, Ramasamy akamukanda mujeri.", "Baba vaKrishnan, avo vaiva murimi vari murombo, vakaedza zvose kuti vaburitse mwanakomana wavo mujeri.", "Vakaenda kunoona Ramasamy ndokumuteterera kuti asunungure Krishnan, asi Ramasamy akaramba.", "Murimi uya akabva aenda kutemberi yemunzvimbo yavo ndokunyengetera kuna Mwari achikumbira kubatsirwa.", "Zuva rakatevera, murimi akafamba achienda kumba achibva kutemberi apo akaona nyoka hombe ichipfuura mumugwagwa.", "Murimi aitya nyoka, asi akaziva kuti aifanira kuita chimwe chinhu kuti abatsire mwanakomana wake.", "Akabata nyoka iya ndokuenda nayo kukamba yemapurisa.", "Apo Ramasamy akaona nyoka iya, akatya."], "factuality": "ok"} {"id": "topic_319__dipdddpdpp", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["Dentist: Let me take a look. [Examines the patient's teeth.] Hmm, it looks like you have a cavity.", "I'm going to need to drill out the decay and fill the hole.", "Patient: Will it hurt?", "Dentist: It might be a little uncomfortable, but I'll do my best to make it as painless as possible.", "Dentist: (gives the patient a local anesthetic) Okay, this will numb the area so you won't feel anything.", "Dentist: (drills out the decay and fills the hole) All done!", "Patient: Thank you, doctor. That wasn't so bad.", "Dentist: You're welcome. Just be sure to brush and floss regularly to prevent future cavities.", "Patient: I will Dentist: (hands the patient a list of instructions) Here are some instructions on how to care for your new filling.", "Patient: Thank you."], "trgs": ["Chiremba wemazino: Rega nditarise. [Anoongorora mazino emurwere.] Mmm, uri kuita seune mhango.", "Ndichafanira kuboora ndichibvisa zvakaora ndobva ndavhara buri racho.", "Murwere: Zvinorwadza here?", "Chiremba wemazino: Zvinogona kurwadza zvishoma, asi ndichaedza nepandinogona napo kuita kuti zvisarwadza sezvinobvira.", "Chiremba wemazino: (anopa murwere mushonga unoitisa chiveve panzvimbo) Zvakanaka, uyu uchaitisa chiveve panzvimbo yacho kuitira kuti usanzwa chero chii zvacho.", "Chiremba wemazino: (anoboora achibvisa zvakaora ovhara buri racho) Zvaita!", "Murwere: Maita basa, chiremba. Zvanga zvisingamborwadzi.", "Chiremba wemazino: Uchitendei. Unofanira kuva nechokwafi chekuti wakwesha nekubvisa tsvina iri pakati pemazino nguva nenguva kuti usazoitazve mhango munguva yemberi.", "Murwere: Ndichadaro Chiremba wemazino: (anopa murwere mundandanda wemirayiridzo) Heino mimwe mirayiridzo yekuti unotarisira zvakanaka sei pawanamwa patsva.", "Murwere: Maita basa."], "factuality": "ok"} {"id": "topic_7__diwrirtsldsrsr", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["Dear [Name], I hope this letter finds you well.", "I'm writing to you from our family farm, where the harvest has been going well this year.", "We're expecting a bumper crop of sugarcane, which is used to make rum.", "Rum is a distilled spirit made from sugarcane molasses or sugarcane juice.", "It's typically aged in wooden barrels, which gives it its characteristic flavor.", "Rum can be enjoyed neat, on the rocks, or mixed in cocktails.", "There are many different types of rum, each with its own unique flavor profile.", "Some of the most popular types of rum include light rum, dark rum, and spiced rum.", "Light rum is typically made from molasses and has a light, sweet flavor.", "Dark rum is made from sugarcane juice and has a richer, more complex flavor.", "Spiced rum is made with added spices, such as cinnamon, nutmeg, and cloves.", "Rum is a versatile spirit that can be used in a variety of cocktails.", "Some classic rum cocktails include the daiquiri, the mojito, and the pina colada.", "Rum can also be used in more creative cocktails, such as the Hemingway Daiquiri or the Painkiller."], "trgs": ["Anodiwa [Zita], ndinovimba tsamba ino yakusvikira uine hutano hwakanaka.", "Ndiri kukunyorera ndiri kupurazi remhuri yedu, uko basa rekukohwa range riri kufamba zvakanaka gore rino.", "Tiri kutarisira goho rakakura renzimbe, idzo dzinoshandiswa pakugadzira kachasu.", "Kachasu idoro rinogadzirwa kubva kuhundi kana kuti kumuto wenzimbe.", "Rinowanzochengetwa kwenguva yakareba riri muzvidhiramu zvemapuranga, izvo zvinoita kuti rive nekakunhuhwirira karo.", "Doro rekachasu rinowanzonwiwa risina kusanganiswa nezvimwe zvinhu, riine zvimwe zvinodhaka, kana kuti rakasanganiswa nezvimwe zvinwiwa.", "Pane mhando dzakasiyana-siyana dzedoro rekachasu, rimwe nerimwe riine kakunhuhwirira karo kakasiyana nerimwe.", "Dzimwe dzemhando dzakakurumbira dzedoro rekachasu dzinosanganisira kachasu kasina simba rakanyanya, kachasu kane simba rakanyanya, uye kachasu kakaiswa zvekukaringisa.", "Kachasu kasina simba rakanyanya kanowanzogadzirwa nehundi uye kane kakunhuhwirira kakanaka kari kure.", "Kachasu kane simba kanogadzirwa nemuto wenzimbe uye kane kakunhuhwirira kakasimba.", "Doro rekachasu rinogadzirwa richiiswa zvekukaringisa zvakadai sesinamoni, natimegi, uye kirovhusi.", "Doro rekachasu rinogona kushandiswa muzvinhu zvakawanda pakugadzira musanganiswa wezvimwiwa zvakasiyana-siyana.", "Mimwe misanganiswa yekachasu nezvinwiwa yemhando inosanganisira inonzi daiquiri, mojito uye pina colada.", "Doro rekachasu rinogonawo kushandiswa pakusanganiswa nezvimwe zvinwiwa nenzira yeunyanzvi, zvakadai seHemingway Daiquiri kana kuti Painkiller."], "factuality": "ok"} {"id": "stt_461__wwatiibwwatlll", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["We must reject the forces of division and hate.", "We must break the chains of poverty and ignorance.", "And we must bind ourselves together in a common purpose: to build a better future for Nigeria.", "The destiny of Nigeria is not to be a land of division and conflict.", "It is to be a land of unity and progress.", "It is to be a land where everyone has a chance to succeed, regardless of their background or circumstances.", "But we cannot achieve this future without working together.", "We must reject the forces that seek to divide us and come together as one people.", "We must break the chains of poverty and ignorance that hold us back.", "And we must bind ourselves together in a common purpose: to build a better future for Nigeria.", "The future of Nigeria is in our hands.", "Let us not squander it.", "Let us reject, break and bind the forces that seek to control and pervert our destiny.", "Let us come together as one people and build a better future for all."], "trgs": ["Tinofanira kuramba mweya yekupesana neruvengo.", "Tinofanira kubva mumisungo yehurombo uye kusava nehanya.", "Uye tinofanira kubatana zvakasimba pachinangwa chimwe chete: chekuvaka ramangwana rakanaka renyika yeNigeria.", "Chinangwa cheNigeria hachisi chekuti ive nyika yekupesana uye kurwisana.", "Ndechekuti ive nyika yekubatana uye kubudirira.", "Ndechekuti ive nyika umo munhu wese anenge aine mukana wekubudirira, pasinei nekwaanobva kana mamiriro ake ezvinhu.", "Asi hatigoni kuva neramangwana iri kana tisingashandi pamwe chete.", "Tinofanira kuramba mweya ine chinangwa chekutiparadzanisa tova pamwe chete sevanhu vamwe.", "Tinofanira kubva mumisungo yehurombo uye kusaitira hanya iyo inotidzorera kumashure.", "Uye tinofanira kubatana zvakasimba pachinangwa chimwe chete: chekuvaka ramangwana rakanaka renyika yeNigeria.", "Ramangwana renyika yeNigeria riri mumaoko edu.", "Hatifaniri kurupambadza.", "Ngatirambei, toparadza uye kusunga mweya ine chinangwa chekutidzora uye kutikanganisa kuti tisasvika pachinangwa chedu.", "Ngatibatanei sevanhu vamwe tivake ramangwana rakanaka nekuda kwevanhu vese."], "factuality": "ok"} {"id": "topic_336__cwjojwssattttt", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["\"Complete your Amazon shopping experience with our new and improved ad service!\" the ad read.", "\"With our service, you'll never have to worry about missing out on a great deal again.", "Just sit back and relax, and we'll take care of the rest.", "Our service is completely free to use, and it's easy to get started.", "Just sign up for an account and start adding products to your cart.", "When you're ready to check out, our service will automatically find the best deals for you and apply them to your order.", "So what are you waiting for?", "Sign up for our service today and start saving money on all your Amazon purchases!\"", "As the customer clicked on the ad, they were whisked away to a new website.", "The website was full of ads for all sorts of products, all of which were supposedly on sale.", "The customer was tempted to buy a few things, but they hesitated.", "They had heard stories about people getting scammed by online ads, and they didn't want to be one of them.", "The customer decided to do some research on the company that was running the ad.", "They found a few negative reviews, but most of the reviews were positive."], "trgs": ["\"Pedzisa kunakidzwa nekutenga paAmazon uchishandisa sevhisi yedu itsva uye yakavandudzwa yekushambadzira!\" Mashoko eshambadzo ainge akanyorwa kudaro.", "\"Uchishandisa sevhisi yedu, hauzombofa wakanetseka kuti ucharasikirwa nemukana wakanaka wezvekutengeserana zvakare.", "Iwe chako kungogara wozorora zvako, uye isu tichakuitira zvasara.", "Sevhisi yedu ndeyemahara pakushandisa, uye zviri nyore kutanga.", "Ingogadzira akaundi wototanga kuisa zvinhu zvaunoda kutenga.", "Paunenge wagadzirira kutenga, sevhisi yedu inokusarudzira pachayo zvinhu zvekutenga zvinonyatsoita yobva yazvikumbira kuti zviiswe paodha yako.", "Saka uri kumirirei?", "Nyoresa kuti ushandise sevhisi yedu nhasi wobva watotanga kuchengetedza mari pazvinhu zvese zvaunotenga paAmazon!\"", "Apo mutengi akabaya pane mashoko eshambadzo, akabva aendeswa pakarepo kune webhusaiti itsva.", "Webhusaiti yacho yainge yakazara neshambadzo dzezvinhu zvakasiyana-siyana, zvese zvazvo zvichinzi zvaitengeswa.", "Mutengi akapotsa anyengetedzwa kutenga zvinhu zvishoma, asi akazengurira.", "Vainge vanzwa nyaya dzevanhu vainge vabirwa nekunyengedzwa nemashoko eshambadzo epaindaneti, uye vaisada kuva vamwe vavo.", "Mutengi akasarudza kuita tsvakurudzo nezve kambani yainge iri kuita zvekushambadzira.", "Vakawana mashoko mashoma evanhu vainge vasina kufadzwa nayo, asi mashoko mazhinji ainge ari evanhu vainge vafadzwa."], "factuality": "ok"} {"id": "topic_360__tiiitibidisswiiia", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["The black dog came to me in the night.", "It had cold, wet fur and its eyes were like coals.", "It growled at me and I could smell its breath, hot and reeking of death.", "I knew that I must run, but my legs were leaden and I could not move.", "The dog came closer and closer, its teeth bared.", "I closed my eyes and waited for the end.", "But then I heard a voice.", "It was a woman's voice, soft and gentle.", "\"Do not be afraid,\" she said. \"I will help you.\"", "I opened my eyes and saw the woman standing in front of me.", "She was tall and slender, with long black hair and dark eyes.", "She wore a white dress that flowed around her like a mist.", "\"Who are you?\" I asked. \"I am the Angel of Death,\" she said.", "\"I have come to take you to the other side.\" I was not afraid anymore.", "I knew that the woman would take me to a place where there was no pain or suffering.", "I took her hand and she led me away.", "As we walked, the black dog followed us."], "trgs": ["Imbwa nhema yakauya kwandiri husiku.", "Yaiva nemakushe aitonhora, akatota uye maziso ayo ainge akaita semarasha.", "Yakandihon'era uye ndakanzwa kunhuhwa kwemhepo yaibva mumuromo mayo, kupisa uye munhuhwi werufu.", "Ndakaziva kuti ndaifanira kutiza, asi makumbo angu akaita sematanda kurema uye ndakatadza kufamba.", "Imbwa yacho yakaramba ichiswedera pedyo, mazino ayo akabuditswa.", "Ndakavhara maziso angu ndave kungomirira zvainge zvave kuda kuitika.", "Asi ndakabva ndanzwa izwi.", "Raive izwi remukadzi, rakapfavirira uye rakanyorovera.", "\"Usatya,\" akadaro. \"Ndichakubatsira.\"", "Ndakavhura maziso angu ndokuona mukadzi akamira mberi kwangu.", "Aiva murefu uye ari mutete, aine bvudzi refu rakasvibirira nemaziso matema.", "Ainge akapfeka dhiresi jena rainge rakamumonerera semhute.", "\"Ndiwe ani?\" Ndakabvunza. \"Ndiri Ngirozi yeRufu,\" akapindura kudaro.", "\"Ndauya kuzokutora kuti ndikuendese kune rimwe divi.\" Ndainge ndisisatya zvachose.", "Ndaiziva kuti mukadzi uyu aigona kunditora ondiendesa kunzvimbo isina marwadzo kana kutambura.", "Ndakabata ruoko rwake ndokubva anditungamira tichienda.", "Sezvataifamba, imbwa iya nhema yaititevera."], "factuality": "ok"} {"id": "custom_4__iifdfdfd", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["I'm Dr. Boakye, a pediatrician at the Korle Bu Teaching Hospital.", "I'm here today to talk to you about the new malaria vaccine that's been approved for use in Ghana.", "Father: I'm not interested in having my children vaccinated.", "Doctor: I understand that you're concerned, but I'd like to take a few minutes to explain why I think it's a good idea to vaccinate your children against malaria.", "Father: I don't need to be convinced. Malaria is a serious disease, but it's not that common in our village.", "Doctor: That's true, but malaria is still a major public health problem in Ghana. In 2020, there were over 24 million cases of malaria in Ghana, and over 4,000 people died from the disease", "Father: But my children are healthy. They've never had malaria", "Doctor: That's good, but it doesn't mean they're immune. Anyone can get malaria, even if they've never had it before."], "trgs": ["Ndinonzi Dr. Boakye, ndiri chiremba wevana wepaChipatara cheKorle Bu Teaching Hospital.", "Ndauya pano nhasi kuti nditaure nemi nezve nhomba itsva yechirwere chemalaria iyo yakabvumirwa kuti ishandiswe muGhana.", "Baba: Handisi kuda kuti vana vangu vabayiwe nhomba.", "Chiremba: Ndinonzwisisa kuti muri kuitira hanya, asi regai nditsanangure kwemaminitsi mashoma kuti nei iri pfungwa yakanaka kuti tibaye vana venyu nhomba inodzivirira chirwere chemalaria.", "Baba: Hapana chikonzero chekuti ndioneswe chokwadi. Malaria chirwere chine ngozi, asi hachiwanzobati vanhu mudunhu redu.", "Chiremba: Ichokwadi, asi chirwere chemalaria chichiri dambudziko guru rezveutano muGhana. Mugore ra2020, paive nevanhu vanosvika mamiriyoni 24 vakabatwa nechirwere chemalaria muGhana, uye vanopfuura 4,000 vakafa nechirwere ichi", "Baba: Asi vana vangu vane hutano hwakanaka. Havana kumbobvira vabatwa nechirwere chemalaria", "Chiremba: Izvozvo zvakanaka, asi hazvireve kuti havabatwi nechirwere ichi. Munhu wese anogona kubatwa nechirwere chemalaria, kunyange asina kumbobvira abatwa nacho munguva yakapfuura."], "factuality": "has_errors"} {"id": "topic_389__sibsiiiisytiia", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["\"So, I was just on the internet, minding my own business, when I saw this pop-up ad that said I had a virus on my computer.", "I was like, \"What? No way!\"", "But then I clicked on it, and it took me to this website that looked really official, and it said that I needed to download this software to fix the virus.", "So I did, and I installed it, and then it started filling my computer with all this malware.", "I was so mad!", "I tried to uninstall it, but it wouldn't let me.", "I finally had to take my computer to a repair shop, and they had to wipe the whole thing and reinstall Windows.", "It was a total nightmare.", "So, that's why I'm always so careful about clicking on pop-up ads.", "You never know what they're going to do.", "They could be filled with malware, or they could steal your personal information.", "It's just not worth the risk.", "If you ever see a pop-up ad that looks suspicious, just close it and don't click on it.", "And if you're ever not sure whether or not it's safe, just don't do it."], "trgs": ["\"Saka, ndaiva hangu paindaneti, ndichizviitira zvinhu zvangu, apo ndakaona mashoko eshambadzo akabuda aiti kombiyuta yangu yaiva nevhairasi.", "Ndakangoti, \"Kudii? Hazvingambodaro!\"", "Saka ndikabva ndabaya paiva nemashoko aya, ndokubva ndaendeswa kune imwe webhusaiti yairatidzika kuva yepamutemo, uye yakati ndaifanira kudhawunorodha sofutiweya iyi kuti ipedze vhairasi.", "Saka ndizvo zvandakaita, ndikabva ndaiisa, ikabva yatanga kuzadza kombiyuta yangu nezvinhu zvine njodzi kwairi.", "Ndakagumbuka zvisingaiti!", "Ndakaedza kuibvisa, asi yaindirambira.", "Ndakazopedzisira ndaenda nekombiyuta yangu kune vanogadzira, uye vaitofanira kubvisa zvinhu zvese zvaivemo wotangidza kuisa Windows itsva.", "Zvakandikatyamadza.", "Saka, ndicho chikonzero nei ndichingwaririra nguva dzose kuti ndisabaya twushambadzo twunobuda pasikirini.", "Hauzivi zvazvinogona kuzoita.", "Zvinogona kunge zviine njodzi, kana kuti vanogona kukubira mashoko ako.", "Hazvienderani nedambudziko rinozovapo.", "Ukaona twushambadzo twunobuda pasikirini twunomutsa mibvunzo, ingotwuvhara uye usatwuvhura.", "Uye kana usina chokwadi chekuti zvine njodzi here kana kuti hazvina, ingogara wasiyana nazvo."], "factuality": "ok"} {"id": "topic_219__hii123r45", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["Here is a delicious pork dish from the county of Lancashire.", "Ingredients: 1kg pork belly, 1 tbsp English mustard, 1 tbsp black treacle, 1 tbsp cider vinegar, 1 tbsp Worcestershire sauce, 1 tbsp vegetable oil, 1 large onion, 4 cloves garlic, 2 bay leaves, 1 sprig of thyme, 100ml cider, 100ml chicken stock, 1 tbsp cornflour, 2 tbsp cold water.", "Instructions:", "1. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees.", "2. Trim the pork belly of any excess fat and score the skin in a criss-cross pattern.", "3. In a bowl, mix together the mustard, treacle, vinegar, Worcestershire sauce and oil.", "Rub this mixture all over the pork belly.", "4. Place the pork belly in a roasting tin and roast in the oven for 2 hours, or until the skin is golden brown and the meat is cooked through.", "5. While the pork is roasting, finely chop the onion, garlic, bay leaves and thyme."], "trgs": ["Hezvinoi zvekudya zvinonaka zvine nyama yenguruve zvakagadzirwa mudunhu reLancashire.", "Zvekushandisa pakubika: 1kg yenyama yenguruve yepadumbu, chipunu 1 chihombe chemasitadhi, chipunu 1 chihombe chetreacle nhema, chipunu 1 chihombe chevhiniga, chipunu 1 chihombe chesupu yeWorcestershire, chipunu 1 chihombe chemafuta emuriwo, onyeni 1 hombe, zvimedu 4 zvegariki, mashizha 2 emabheri, nhungirwa 1 yekamuti kanonhuhwirira, 100ml yedoro, 100ml yesupu yehuku, chipunu 1 chihombe chekonifurawa, zvipunu 2 zvihombe zvemvura inotonhora.", "Mirayiridzo:", "1. Gara waita kuti ovheni ipise kusvika pamadhigiri 180.", "2. Bvisa chero mafuta anenge akawandisa enyama yepadumbu yenguruve womonanidza ganda uchiriturikidzanisa.", "3. Mubheseni, sanganisa pamwe chete masitadhi, treacle, vhiniga, supu yeWorcestershire nemafuta.", "Kwizira musanganiswa uyu panyama yepadumbu yenguruve.", "4. Isa nyama yepadumbu yenguruve muchitinhi chekukangira nyama ochiisa muovheni kwemaawa 2, kana kuti kusvikira ganda renyama ratsvukirira uye nyama yanyatsoibva.", "5. Panenge pachiibva nyama yenguruve, chekerera muzvidimbu zvidikidiki hanyanisi, gariki, mashizha emabheri nemashizha anonhuhwirira."], "factuality": "ok"} {"id": "topic_541__nhmhaimhiahm", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["Nelson Mandela is a South African anti-apartheid revolutionary, political leader, and philanthropist who served as the first black president of South Africa from 1994 to 1999.", "He is widely regarded as one of the most significant figures in world history.", "Mandela was born in 1918 in Mvezo, South Africa.", "He grew up in a rural village and was educated at a Methodist mission school.", "After high school, he studied law at the University of Fort Hare.", "In 1944, he joined the African National Congress (ANC), a political organization that was fighting against apartheid.", "Mandela was arrested for his political activities in 1962 and sentenced to life in prison.", "He spent 27 years in prison, during which time he became a symbol of the anti-apartheid movement.", "In 1990, Mandela was released from prison and elected president of South Africa in 1994.", "As president, Mandela worked to unite South Africa and promote reconciliation between blacks and whites.", "He also oversaw the end of apartheid and the transition to a democratic government.", "Mandela is a Nobel Peace Prize laureate and has been awarded numerous other honors."], "trgs": ["Nelson Mandela chizvarwa chekuSouth Africa chairwisana nehutongi hwerusaruraganda, ari mutungamiri wezvematongerwo enyika, uyezve ari munhu aibatsira vaitambura uyo akava mutungamiri wechitema wekutanga wenyika yeSouth Africa kutangira mugore ra1994 kusvika kugore ra1999.", "Anoonekwa nevazhinji semumwe wevanhu vakakurumbira zvikuru munhoroondo yenyika yose.", "Mandela akaberekwa mugore ra1918 munzvimbo inonzi Mvezo, muSouth Africa.", "Akakurira kumaruwa uye akadzidza pachikoro chechechi yeMethodist.", "Pashure pekupedza fomu rechitanhatu, akaita zvidzidzo zvemutemo paYunivhesiti yeFort Hare.", "Mugore ra1944, akapinda mubato reAfrican National Congress (ANC), rinova bato rairwisana nehutongi hwerusaruraganda.", "Mandela akasungwa mugore ra1962 nekuda kwezvaaiita mune zvematongerwo enyika uye akatongerwa kugara mujeri kwehupenyu hwese.", "Akapedza makore 27 ari mujeri, uye mukati menguva iyoyo akava chiratidzo chesimba revairwisa hutongi hwerusaruraganda.", "Mugore ra1990, Mandela akaburitswa mujeri uye akasarudzwa kuti ave mutungamiri wenyika yeSouth Africa mugore ra1994.", "Semutungamiri wenyika, Mandela akashanda kuti abatanidze vanhu vemuSouth Africa uye ndokusimudzira kuti vanhu vatema nevarungu vayanane.", "Akatungamirira zvakare pakugumisa hutongi hwerusaruraganda uye pakuchinja pachiiswa hurumende yegutsaruzhinji.", "Mandela akahwinha mubayiro wekuunza runyararo weNobel Peace Prize uye akapihwa mimwe mibayiro yakawanda yekumuremekedza."], "factuality": "has_errors"} {"id": "topic_507__atswotiwiiii", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["After school, I usually go home and do my homework.", "Then I might watch TV or play video games.", "Sometimes I go out with my friends.", "We might go to the movies, or to a park, or just hang out at someone's house.", "On weekends, I often sleep in late.", "Then I might go shopping, or see a movie, or go to a museum.", "I also like to spend time with my family.", "We might go out to dinner, or play games, or just watch TV together.", "I'm really enjoying my life after school.", "I have a lot of freedom, and I can do whatever I want.", "I'm also learning a lot about myself, and about the world around me.", "I'm excited to see what the future holds."], "trgs": ["Pashure pekubva kuchikoro, ndinowanzoenda kumba ndoita basa rangu rechikoro rinoitirwa kumba.", "Pashure pacho ndinogona kuona terevhizheni kana kutamba mitambo yemavhidhiyo.", "Dzimwe nguva ndinombovhakacha neshamwari dzangu.", "Tinogona kuenda kunoona mafirimu, kana kupaki, kana kutamba zvedu tiri kumba kwemumwe wedu.", "Pakupera kwesvondo, ndinowanzononoka kurara.", "Pashure pacho ndinogona kuenda kunotenga zvinhu, kana kunoona firimu, kana kuti kuenda kumuziyamu.", "Ndinofarirazve kupedza nguva ndiine vemumhuri yangu.", "Tinogona kuenda kunodyira-dyira manheru, kana kutamba mitambo, kana kuti kuona terevhizheni tiri pamwe chete.", "Ndiri kunakidzwa nehupenyu pashure pekunge ndabva kuchikoro.", "Ndine rusununguko rwakakura, uye ndinogona kuita chero chandada.", "Ndiri kudzidzawo zvakawanda nezvangu, uye nezve nyika yakandipoteredza.", "Ndinofara kuona kuti ramangwana rakatichengeterei."], "factuality": "ok"} {"id": "topic_15__uobtottam", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["Using data to help people with mental health issues is a relatively new field, but it is showing great promise.", "One example is the use of data to personalize therapy for patients.", "By looking at a patient's individual data, therapists can better understand their needs and create a treatment plan that is tailored to them.", "This can lead to better outcomes for patients, as they are more likely to receive the help that they need.", "One study, which was published in the journal \"JAMA Psychiatry,\" found that patients who received personalized therapy based on their data were more likely to improve their symptoms than those who received standard therapy.", "The study also found that the patients who received personalized therapy were more likely to stay in treatment for longer periods of time.", "This study is just one example of how data can be used to improve mental health care.", "As more research is done in this area, we can expect to see even more advances in the use of data to help people with mental health issues.", "My sister is a therapist who uses data to help her patients."], "trgs": ["Kushandisa mashoko pakubatsira vanhu vane dambudziko rehutano hwepfungwa chikamu chichiri chitsva, asi chiri kuratidza kuti chine pundutso huru.", "Muenzaniso mumwe ndewekushandiswa kwemashoko pakuita kuti nzira yekurapa inangane nemurwere pachake.", "Nekutarisa mashoko akanangana nemurwere pachake, anachiremba vanogona kunzwisisa zviri nani zvaanoda woita hurongwa hwekurapa hunonyatsoenderana naye.", "Izvi zvinopa betsero iri nani kuvarwere, sezvo paine mukana mukuru wekuti vanogona kupihwa rubatsiro chairwo rwavanoda.", "Imwe ongororo, iyo takaburitswa muchinyorwa chinonzi \"JAMA Psychiatry,\" yakaratidza kuti varwere vairapwa mukuwirirana nemashoko anotsanangura mamiriro avo ezvinhu vaiva nemukana wakakura wekuvandudzika padambudziko ravo kana vachienzaniswa nevairapwa munzira yakajairika.", "Ongororo iyi yakaratidzawo kuti varwere vairapwa mukuwirirana nemamiriro avo ezvinhu vaiva nemukana wakakura wekuramba vari pamushonga kwenguva yakareba.", "Ongororo iyi ingori muenzaniso mumwe chete unoratidza kuti mashoko anogona sei kushandiswa pakuvandudza hutano hwepfungwa.", "Sezvo tsvakurudzo yakakura iri kuitwa muchikamu ichi, tinotarisira kuona kumwezve kuvandudzika pakushandisa mashoko pakubatsira vanhu vane dambudziko rehutano hwepfungwa.", "Sisi vangu ndichiremba anoshandisa mashoko pakubatsira varwere vake."], "factuality": "ok"} {"id": "topic_95__ftoitittfs", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["Freshwater lakes are home to a wide variety of flora and fauna, from microscopic algae to large fish and mammals.", "The unique environment of freshwater lakes provides a variety of habitats for these organisms, and the interactions between them are complex and fascinating.", "One of the most striking features of freshwater lakes is the presence of a distinct zonation of plant life, which is determined by the depth of the water and the amount of sunlight that reaches the bottom.", "In shallow areas, where there is plenty of light, a dense mat of rooted plants known as a \"macrophyte bed\" forms.", "This provides a habitat for a variety of invertebrates, fish, and amphibians.", "In deeper areas, where there is less light, the water column is dominated by phytoplankton, which are microscopic algae that float freely in the water.", "These organisms are the primary producers in the lake ecosystem, and they are the basis of the food chain.", "The fauna of freshwater lakes is also diverse, and includes a wide variety of fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals.", "Fish are the most abundant vertebrates in freshwater lakes, and they play a vital role in the food chain.", "Some of the most common fish species in freshwater lakes include trout, bass, pike, and perch."], "trgs": ["Makungwa ane mvura isina munyu musha wezvinhu zvipenyu nezvimerwa zvakawanda, kubvira pazerere risingakwanisiki kuoneka nemaziso pachayo kusvika kuhove hombe nemhuka.", "Mamiriro ezvinhu anongowanika chete mumakungwa ane mvura isina munyu anopa pekugara pakasiyana-siyana kuzvisikwa izvi, uye kudyidzana kwazvo hakunzwisisiki uye kunonakidza.", "Chimwe chezvinhu zvinoshamisa pamakungwa ane mvura isina munyu kuvapo kwezvikamu zvakasiyana-siyana zvezvimerwa, izvo zvinotemwa kusiyana kwazvo nehupamhi hwekudzika kwemvura uye kuwanda kwechiedza chezuva chinosvika pasi-pasi.", "Munzvimbo dzisina kunyanya kudzika, umo mune chiedza chakawanda, zvimerwa zvakaita sekapeti zvine midzi zvinozivikanwa nekuti \"mubhedha wemazhenjeni\" zvinokura.", "Zvinopa nzvimbo yekugara kuzvisikwa zvakawanda zvakadai semahwemusi, hove uye matatya.", "Munzvimbo dzakadzika, uko kusina chiedza chakawanda, nzvimbo zhinji dzemvura dzinenge dzakazara nezerere risingaoneki nemaziso pachayo, iro rinenge richiyangarara mumvura.", "Zvimerwa izvi ndizvo zvinogadzira zvekudya zvakawanda zvezvinhu zvinoraramira mugungwa, uye ndizvo hwaro hwemutsara wezvinhu zvinodyanana.", "Zvipukanana zvinogara mumvura isina munyu yemumakungwa zvakasiyana-siyana zvakare, uye zvinosanganisira hove dzakasiyana-siyana, zvipuka zvakaita sematatya, zvakaita semakarwe, shiri, uye mhuka dzinoyanwisa.", "Pazvisikwa zvine musana, hove ndidzo dzakawanda mumakungwa ane mvura isina munyu, uye dzine basa rakakosha pamutsara wezvinhu zvinodyanana.", "Dzimwe dzemhando dzehove dzinonyanya kuzivikanwa mumakungwa ane mvura isina munyu dzinosanganisira mabakayawu, mabende, uye dzine mavara eyero nematema."], "factuality": "has_errors"} {"id": "stt_479__titaitta", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["The stainless steel plate is a good conductor of heat, so it can help to dissipate heat from the fire, while the fire proof rock wool is a good insulator, so it can help to prevent the fire from spreading.", "In addition, the storage area is also equipped with a fire alarm system, so that if there is a fire, the alarm will sound and the fire department will be notified.", "The storage area is also regularly inspected by the fire department, so that any potential fire hazards can be identified and addressed before they become a problem.", "As a result of these measures, the storage area is a safe and secure place to store valuable goods.", "In addition to the fire safety measures, the storage area is also equipped with a security system to protect against theft.", "The security system consists of a surveillance camera, a burglar alarm, and a security guard.", "The surveillance camera monitors the area 24 hours a day, the burglar alarm is activated if anyone tries to break in, and the security guard is on duty to patrol the area and respond to any incidents.", "As a result of these security measures, the storage area is a safe and secure place to store valuable goods."], "trgs": ["Simbi yakaita segwati isingaiti ngura inofambisa zvakanaka simba rekupisa, saka inobatsira pakuparadzira kupisa kunobva pachoto, nepo dombo risingatsvi riri chinhu chisingafambisi kupisa, saka rinobatsira pakudzivirira moto kuti usapararire.", "Mukuwedzera, pekuchengetera zvinhu pakaiswawo aramu yemoto, kuitira kuti kana pakava nemoto, aramu inorira uye dhipatimendi remoto rinobva raziviswa.", "Nzvimbo yekuchengetera zvinhu inogarawo ichiongororwa nguva nenguva nedhipatimendi rinoona nezvemoto, kuitira kuti chero chinogona kukonzera njodzi yemoto chionekwe uye chogadziriswa chisati chakonzeresa njodzi.", "Nekuda kwematanho aya, nzvimbo yekuchengetera zvinhu inzvimbo yakanaka uye yakachengeteka yekuchengetera zvinhu zvakakosha.", "Pakuwedzera pamatanho ekudzivirira njodzi yemoto, nzvimbo yekuchengetera zvinhu yakaiswawo zvinodzivirira kuti zvinhu zvisabiwa.", "Zvinhu izvi zvinosanganisira makamera, aramu, uye munhu anoita basa rekurinda.", "Kamera inotora zvose zvinenge zvichiitika kwemaawa 24 pazuva, aramu inorira kana pakava nemunhu anoedza kupaza kuti apinde, uye munhu anorinda anenge ari pabasa achitenderera panzvimbo yacho uye achiona zvese zvinenge zvichiitika.", "Nekuda kwematanho aya ekudzivirira, nzvimbo yekuchengetera zvinhu yakanaka uye yakachengeteka pakuchengetera zvinhu zvakakosha."], "factuality": "has_errors"} {"id": "topic_424__fftsooatcfo", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["Facebook Users Drunkenly Post About Their Lives", "Facebook users are getting drunk and posting about their lives, and it's causing a stir.", "The social media platform has been flooded with photos and videos of people who are clearly intoxicated, and many of them are sharing personal details about themselves that they wouldn't normally share.", "Some users are concerned that the trend is dangerous, as it could lead to people making poor decisions or doing things they regret.", "Others are simply amused by the antics of their fellow drunk Facebook users.", "One user posted a photo of herself passed out on the floor with the caption, \"I'm so drunk I can't even stand up.\"", "Another user shared a video of herself dancing on a table while shouting, \"I'm the life of the party!\"", "The trend has even caught the attention of celebrities.", "Comedian Amy Schumer posted a photo of herself on Twitter with the caption, \"I'm so drunk I can't even spell my own name.\"", "Facebook has not commented on the trend, but it's clear that it's causing a stir.", "Only time will tell whether the trend will continue or fade away."], "trgs": ["Vanoshandisa Facebook Votumira Zvinhu Zviri Pamusoro Pehupenyu Hwavo Vakadhakwa", "Vanoshandisa Facebook vari kudhakwa votumira zviri maererano nehupenyu hwavo, uye izvi zviri kukonzera zhowezhowe.", "Nzvimbo iyi yesocial media yakazara nemifananidzo uye mavhidhiyo evanhu vari kuratidza pachena kuti vakadhakwa, uye vazhinji vavo vari kutumira mashoko nezvavo ayo avasingafanire kunge vachitaurira vanhu.", "Vamwe vashandisi vari kutyira kuti kamuitiro aka kane njodzi, sezvo zvichiguma zvaita kuti vanhu vaite zvisarudzo zvakaipa kana kuti kuita zvinhu zvavanozozvidemba.", "Vamwewo vari kunakidzwa nezviri kuitwa nevamwe vavo paFacebook vanenge vakadhakwa.", "Mumwe mushandisi akatumira mufananidzo wake akazvambarara pasi paine mashoko ekuti, \"Ndakadhakwa zvisingaite zvekutadza kana kumira chaiko.\"", "Mumwewo mushandisi akatumira vhidhiyo yake achitamba ari pamusoro petebhuru achideedzera kuti, \"Ndini kahupenyu kemapati!\"", "Kamuitiro aka kari kubatanidzawo vanhu vane mukurumbira.", "Anoita zvekusetsa vanhu anonzi Amy Schumer akatumira mufananidzo wake paTwitter paine mashoko ekuti, \"Ndakadhakwa zvisingaite zvekutadza kana kunyora zita rangu chairo.\"", "Facebook haina mashoko ayapa maererano nekamuitiro aka, asi zviri pachena kuti kari kukonzera zhowezhowe.", "Nguva chete ndiyo ichatema kana kamuitiro aka kachizopfuurira kana kuti kachizopera."], "factuality": "has_errors"} {"id": "zambia_current__zizzhttcotz", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["Zambia is a landlocked country in Southern Africa.", "It is bordered by Angola to the west, the Democratic Republic of the Congo to the north, Tanzania to the northeast, Malawi to the east, Mozambique to the southeast, Zimbabwe to the south, and Botswana to the southwest.", "Zambia has a population of over 17 million people and a land area of 752,618 square kilometers.", "Zambia's current president is Hakainde Hichilema, who was elected in August 2021.", "Hichilema is a member of the United Party for National Development (UPND).", "The UPND is the largest opposition party in Zambia.", "The economy of Zambia is based on copper mining.", "Copper is the country's largest export.", "Other important exports include cobalt, zinc, and lead.", "The Zambian economy has been struggling in recent years due to low copper prices.", "Zambia is a member of the United Nations, the African Union, and the Southern African Development Community (SADC)."], "trgs": ["Zambia inyika isina kuganhurwa nemakungwa iri Kuchamhembe kweAfrica.", "Yakaganhurana neAngola kumabvazuva, Democratic Republic of the Congo kuchamhembe, Tanzania kuchamhembe kwakadziva kumabvazuva, Mozambique kumaodzanyemba kwakadziva kumabvazuva, Zimbabwe kumaodzanyemba, uye Botswana kumaodzanyemba kwakadziva kumadokero.", "Zambia ine huwandu hwevanhu vanopfuura mamiriyoni 17 uye masikweya kiromita enzvimbo yakakura 752,618.", "Mutungamiri wenyika yeZambia aripo iye zvino ndiHakainde Hichilema, uyo akasarudzwa munaNyamavhuvhu wegore ra2021.", "Hichilema inhengo yebato reUnited Party for National Development (UPND).", "UPND ndiro bato guru rinopikisa muZambia.", "Hupfumi hwenyika yeZambia hwakatsamira pamabasa ekucherwa kwemhangura.", "Mhangura ndicho chicherwa chinonyanya kutengeswa nenyika iyi kune dzimwe nyika.", "Zvimwewo zvicherwa zvinokosha zvavanotengesa kune dzimwe nyika zvinosanganisira kobhati, zingi, uye chelead.", "Hupfumi hwenyika yeZambia hwange huri kutatarika mumakore achangopfuura nekuda kwemitengo yainge yakaderera yemhangura.", "Zambia inhengo yeUnited Nations, African Union, uye Southern African Development Community (SADC)."], "factuality": "ok"} {"id": "topic_106__ttmbtmbp", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["The signing of Lionel Messi by Paris Saint-Germain sent shockwaves through the world of soccer.", "The Argentine superstar had been one of the most coveted players in the world for years, and his arrival in Paris marked a major turning point in the club's history.", "Messi had spent his entire professional career with Barcelona, where he had won everything there was to win.", "But after a tumultuous few months, he decided to leave the club and sign with PSG.", "The move was a major coup for PSG, who were looking to add a superstar to their squad in order to compete for the Champions League title.", "Messi's signing was met with excitement by PSG fans, who were eager to see the world's best player in action.", "But there were also some concerns about how he would fit into the team.", "PSG already had a number of talented players, and it was unclear how Messi would be able to work with them."], "trgs": ["Kusainwa kwechibvumirano chekuti Lionel Messi atambire chikwata cheParis Saint-Germain kwakakonzeresa kutya kune vari mumutambo wenhabvu pasi rose.", "Shasha iyi yekuArgentina ndiyo yaiva mumwe wevatambi vaidiwa zvikuru pasi rose kwemakore, uye kupinda kwake muchikwata cheParis kwakaunza shanduko huru munhoroondo yechikwata ichi.", "Messi akapedza nguva yake yese yebasa achitambira chikwata cheBarcelona, uko akahwinha mibayiro yose zvayo yaigona kuhwinhwa.", "Asi pashure pemwedzi mishomanana yaiva nenyonganyonga, akasarudza kusiya chikwata ichi ndokusaina kuchikwata chePSG.", "Izvi zvakasimudzira zvikuru chikwata chePSG, icho chaitsvaka shasha yekutora kuitira kuti chikwanise kukwikwidza pamukombe weChampions League.", "Kusainwa kwakaitwa Messi kwakagamuchirwa nemufaro nevatsigiri vechikwata chePSG, avo vaida zvikuru kuona shasha yenhabvu pasi rose iyi ichivatambira.", "Asi paivawo nenhau dzaityirwa dzekuti aizokwana sei muchikwata.", "Chikwata chePSG chainge chagara chiine nyanzvi dzevatambi, uye zvaisava pachena kuti Messi aizoshandidzana nadzo sei."], "factuality": "has_errors"} {"id": "topic_547__otgglbotcbgg", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["Of Mice and Men is a novel by John Steinbeck that tells the story of two migrant workers, George and Lennie, who travel together in search of work during the Great Depression.", "The novel is set in a time and place where the American Dream is all but dead, and the only way to survive is to stick together and look out for each other.", "George and Lennie are both dreamers.", "George dreams of one day owning a farm, where he and Lennie can live in peace and harmony.", "Lennie dreams of petting soft rabbits and being gentle with them.", "But their dreams are constantly thwarted by the harsh realities of the world they live in.", "One day, George and Lennie find work on a ranch in California.", "They are immediately befriended by Candy, an old ranch hand who is missing an arm.", "Candy tells George and Lennie about his dream of one day owning a small farm, and the three men decide to pool their money together to buy a farm.", "But their plans are once again thwarted when Lennie accidentally kills a woman.", "George is forced to shoot Lennie to prevent him from being lynched.", "George is devastated by Lennie's death, but he knows that it was the only thing he could do."], "trgs": ["Of Mice and Men ibhuku rakanyorwa naJohn Steinbeck rinotaura nezve nyaya yevashandi vaviri, George naLennie avo vanofamba vari pamwe chete vachitsvaga basa kune dzimwe nyika munguva yeKudonha Kukuru kweHupfumi.", "Nyaya iri mubhuku racho yakaiswa panguva nenzvimbo apo Tariro yeRamangwana reAmerika yainge yaparara, uye nzira bedzi yekurarama yaive yekuva pamwe chete uye kutarisirana.", "Vese George naLennie vane tariro.", "George ane tariro yekuti rimwe zuva anozova nepurazi, apo iye naLennie vaizogara murugare uye muchinzwano.", "Lennie ane tariro yekupfuya tsuro achidzibata zvakanaka.", "Asi tariro yavo iri kuramba ichivhiringidzwa nezvinhu zvakaoma zvavari kusangana nazvo munyika yavari kurarama mairi.", "Rimwe zuva, George naLennie vanowana basa papurazi remombe muCalifornia.", "Nekukurumidza vanotanga kushamwaridzana naCandy, wechikuru asina rimwe ruoko anoitawo mabasa epapurazi.", "Candy anoudza George naLennie nezve tariro yake yekuti rimwe zuva anozowanawo purazi rake diki, uye vatatu ava vanoronga kubatanidza mari dzavo kuti vatenge purazi.", "Asi hurongwa hwavo hunovhiringidzwa zvakare apo Lennie anouraya mumwe mukadzi netsaona.", "George anomanikidzirwa kupfura Lennie kuitira kuti asaurayiwe nemhomho yevanhu.", "George anorwadziwa nekufa kwaLennie, asi anoziva kuti ndicho chinhu chete chaaigona kuita."], "factuality": "ok"} {"id": "topic_17__abiwababtwabtta", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["A: I'm so itchy! I think I have lice.", "B: Oh no! That's terrible.", "I know how to get rid of them, though.", "We can use a traditional remedy.", "A: What is it?", "B: We'll need some olive oil, some lemon juice, and a few cloves of garlic.", "A: Okay, I have all of that. What do we do with it?", "B: First, we'll mix the olive oil, lemon juice, and garlic together.", "Then, we'll apply it to your hair and scalp.", "We'll let it sit for about an hour.", "A: An hour? That sounds like a long time.", "B: It is, but it's worth it.", "The oil will help to suffocate the lice and the lemon juice will help to kill them.", "The garlic will help to repel them.", "A: Okay, I'll do it."], "trgs": ["A: Ndiri kuvaviwa! Ndinofunga kuti ndine inda.", "B: Aa kwete! Zvinototyisa.", "Asi, ndinoziva nzira yekudzipedza nayo.", "Tinogona kushandisa mushonga wechivanhu.", "A: Wakaita sei?", "B: Tinougadzira nemafuta emuorivhi, muto wemaremoni, uye zvimedu zvishoma zvegariki.", "A: Zvakanaka, zvese izvozvo ndinazvo. Tinoita sei nazvo?", "B: Kutanga, tinosanganisa pamwe chete mafuta emuorivhi, muto weremoni nezvimedu zvegariki.", "Tadaro, tinobva tauzora mubvudzi mako nepahuma.", "Tourega uripo kweinenge awa.", "A: Awa? Iri kuita senguva yakareba.", "B: Ndizvozvo, asi zvinozobatsira.", "Mafuta anobatsira pakuita kuti inda dzishaye mweya wekufema uye muto weremoni unobatsira pakudziuraya.", "Gariki inobatsira pakudzidzinga.", "A: Zvakanaka, ndichazviita."], "factuality": "has_errors"} {"id": "topic_254__mtcyttiitwticnt", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["\"Mommy, what are those?\" the toddler asked, pointing at the plants in the living room.", "\"Those are plants,\" Mommy replied \"They're living things, just like you and me.\"", "\"Can I touch them?\" the toddler asked.", "\"Yes, you can, but be gentle,\" Mommy said \"The leaves are fragile.\"", "The toddler reached out and touched a leaf.", "The leaf felt soft and smooth.", "\"I like it,\" the toddler said.", "\"I'm glad,\" Mommy said. \"Plants are good for us. They help clean the air and make us feel better.\"", "The toddler continued to look at the plants. Then, he noticed a cable running along the floor.", "\"What's that?\" he asked.", "\"That's a cable,\" Mommy said.", "\"It's used to connect the TV to the wall.\"", "\"Can I touch it?\" the toddler asked.", "\"No, you can't,\" Mommy said. \"Cables can be dangerous.They can give you a shock.\"", "The toddler looked disappointed, but he didn't touch the cable."], "trgs": ["\"Amai, zvii izvo?\" kamwana kadiki kakabvunza, kachinongedzera kuzvimerwa zvaiva muimba yekutandarira.", "\"Izvo zvimerwa,\" Amai vakapindura \"Zvinhu zvinorarama, sezvinongoitawo iwe neni.\"", "\"Ndinogona here kuzvibata?\" kamwana kadiki kakabvunza.", "\"Hongu, unogona, asi zvinyoronyoro,\" Amai vakadaro \"Mashizha acho anokasira kubva.\"", "Kamwana kadiki kakasvikapo ndokubata shizha racho.", "Shizha racho rainge rakapfavirira uye richitsvedzerera.", "\"Ndarifarira,\" kamwana kadiki kakadaro.", "\"Ndafara kunzwa kudaro\", Amai vakadaro. \"Zvimerwa zvakatinakira. Zvinobatsira pakuchenesa mhepo uye zvinoita kuti tinzwe zviri nani.\"", "Kamwana kadiki kakaramba kakati ndee kuzvimerwa. Kakabva kaona tambo yainge iri pasi.", "\"Chii icho?\" kakabvunza.", "\"Itambo,\" Amai vakadaro.", "\"Inoshandiswa kuendesa moto weterevhizheni kubva kumadziro.\"", "\"Ndinokwanisa here kuibata?\" kamwana kadiki kakabvunza.", "\"Kwete, usaibata,\" Amai vakadaro. \"Tambo dzinogona kuva nenjodzi. Dzinogona kukugwinha.\"", "Kamwana kadiki kakaratidza kusvotekana, asi hakana kubata tambo iya."], "factuality": "ok"} {"id": "topic_354__biittontfft", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["Birthdays are a time to celebrate the day you were born.", "It is a day to reflect on all the good things in your life and to thank those who have made you who you are.", "It is also a day to set goals for the year ahead and to make plans for the future.", "To make the most of your birthday, start by making a list of all the things you are grateful for.", "This could include your family, friends, health, home, job, or anything else that is important to you.", "Once you have made your list, take some time to reflect on each item and how it has made your life better.", "Next, set some goals for the year ahead.", "These goals can be anything you want them to be, but they should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound.", "For example, you might set a goal to lose weight, get a promotion at work, or travel to a new place.", "Finally, make plans for the day of your birthday.", "This could include spending time with your loved ones, eating your favorite foods, or doing something you have always wanted to do."], "trgs": ["Mazuva ekuzvarwa inguva yekupemberera zuva rawakazvarwa.", "Izuva rekufungisisa pamusoro pezvinhu zvese zvakanaka zviri muhupenyu hwako uye kutenda vese vakaita kuti uve zvauri.", "Izuva zvakare rekuisa zvinangwa zvegore rinenge richitevera racho uye rekurongera nguva yemberi.", "Kuti zuva rekuzvarwa rinyatsonakidza, tanga nekuisa mundandanda wezvinhu zvose zvaunotenda.", "Izvi zvinogona kusanganisira mhuri yako, hutano, musha basa, kana kuti chero chinhu chakakukoshera.", "Wapedza kuita mundandanda, wana nguva yekufungisisa pamusoro pechinhu chimwe nechimwe uye kuti chakaita sei kuti hupenyu hwako huve nani.", "Kana wapedza izvi, ita zvinangwa zvegore rinotevera.", "Zvinangwa izvi zvinogona kuva chero zvaunoda kuti zvive, asi zvinofanira kuva zvakananga, zvinoyereka, zvinokwanisika, zvakakodzera, uye zvakatemerwa nguva.", "Somuenzaniso, unogona kuita zvinangwa zvekuderedza uremu hwemuviri, kukwidziridzwa pabasa, kana kushanyira nzvimbo itsva.", "Chekupedzisira, ita hurongwa hwezuva rako rekuzvarwa.", "Izvi zvinogona kusanganisira kupedza nguva uine vadikanwi vako, kudya zvekudya zvaunofarira, kana kuita chimwe chinhu chawagara waida kuita."], "factuality": "ok"} {"id": "topic_211__ppplpptpblipt", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["Person 1: Romantic Comedies are so unrealistic.", "Person 2: I know, right? The love interests always fall in love at first sight, and they never have any problems.", "Person 1: And the conflicts are always so contrived.", "Like, in one movie, the couple broke up because the guy's best friend was in love with the girl.", "Person 2: That's so ridiculous. It's not like that happens in real life.", "Person 1: Exactly. And even when they do get together, it's always so perfect.", "They never have any fights or disagreements.", "Person 2: It's like the movies are trying to tell us that love is always easy and perfect.", "But that's not the case.", "Love is hard work.", "It takes time and effort to build a lasting relationship.", "Person 1: I know. That's why I don't watch rom-coms anymore.", "They give people unrealistic expectations about love."], "trgs": ["Munhu 1: Mitambo Yekusetsa Vanhu Yerudo haisi yechokwadi.", "Munhu 2: Ndinozviziva, handiti? Anenge achida mumwe anongowira murudo nemunhu waanongoona ipapo-ipapo, uye havambovi kana nezvinetso.", "Munhu 1: Uye makakatanwa anoitika anenge achingoita seekurongera.", "Semune rimwe firimu, vakaroorana vanorambana nekuti shamwari yepedyo yemurume yaidanana nemusikana.", "Munhu 2: Hazvina musoro. Hazvina kufanana nezvinhu chaizvo zvinoitika muhupenyu.", "Munhu 1: Ndizvozvo chaizvo. Uye kunyange pavanenge vave pamwe chete, zvinenge zvichingofamba zvakanaka nguva dzose.", "Havambofi vakarwisana kana kusawirirana.", "Munhu 2: Zvinoita sekuti mafirimu anenge achitiudza kuti nyaya dzerudo dzingori muchechetere.", "Asi hazvina kudaro.", "Rudo rwunoda kushanda nesimba.", "Kuumba hukama hunogara kwenguva refu kunotora nguva refu nesimba.", "Munhu 1: Ndinozviziva. Ndicho chikonzero nei ndisisaone mafirimu ezverudo zvakare.", "Vanoita kuti vanhu vatarisire zvinhu zvisiri zvechokwadi panhau dzerudo."], "factuality": "ok"} {"id": "topic_530__miwtwssisiwmtiasw", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["My first day of school was a day I will never forget.", "I was both excited and nervous, not knowing what to expect.", "When I woke up that morning, I got dressed quickly and ate a quick breakfast.", "Then, my mom drove me to school and walked me to my classroom.", "When I walked into the classroom, I was immediately greeted by my teacher, Ms. Smith.", "She was a kind-looking woman with a warm smile.", "She introduced herself to me and then showed me to my seat.", "I sat down next to a girl named Sarah.", "She smiled at me and said, \"Hi, I'm Sarah.\"", "I smiled back and said, \"Hi, I'm Vera.\"", "We talked for a few minutes before the bell rang for class to start.", "Ms. Smith began by introducing herself and telling us about the rules of the classroom.", "Then, she started teaching us about math.", "I was a little bit confused at first, but Ms. Smith explained everything clearly.", "After math class, we had a break.", "Sarah and I went outside to play on the playground.", "We played on the swings and the slide for a while, then we went back inside for lunch."], "trgs": ["Zuva rangu rekutanga kuenda kuchikoro izuva randisingakanganwe.", "Ndaiti uku ndiri kufara uku ndichitya, ndisingazivi zvandaizosangana nazvo.", "Pandakamuka mangwanani iwayo, ndakakurumidza kupfeka ndokudya zvekudya zvemangwanani nekukurumidza.", "Ndadaro, amai vangu vakanditakura nemota kuenda kuchikoro ndokundiperekedza kupinda mukirasi mangu.", "Pandakafamba ndichipinda mukirasi, ndakabva ndakwaziswa nekukurumidza nemudzidzisi wangu, Muzvare Smith.", "Aiva mukadzi airatidza kuva netsitsi ainyemwerera zvinozorodza.", "Akandiudza zita rake ndokundiratidza pekugara.", "Ndakagara pedyo nemusikana ainzi Sarah.", "Akandinyemwerera ndokuti, \"Hesi, ndinonzi Sarah.\"", "Ndakanyemwererawo kwaari ndokuti, \"Hesi, ndinonzi Vera.\"", "Takakurukura kwemaminitsi mashoma bhero ndokuzorira rekuti titange kudzidza.", "Muzvare Smith akatanga nekutiudza zita rake uye kutiudza mitemo yemukirasi.", "Apedza, akatanga kutidzidzisa nezve masvomhu.", "Ndakavhiringidzika zvishoma pakutanga, asi Muzvare Smith akatsanangura zvese munzira yakajeka.", "Tapedza chidzidzo chemasvomhu, takambozorora.", "Ini naSarah takaenda panze kunotamba kunzvimbo inotambirwa.", "Takatamba zvishoma pamuzerere uye pamutsverendende, ndokuzopinda mukati kuti tidye zvekudya zvemasikati."], "factuality": "ok"} {"id": "stt_8__wtttttttrhspahitiwiwtataiicict", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["When tissue is injured, the body\u2019s immune system sends white blood cells to the area.", "These cells release chemicals that cause blood vessels to dilate and become more permeable.", "This allows fluid and white blood cells to leak out of the blood vessels and into the injured tissue.", "The fluid forms a clear, watery swelling called edema.", "The white blood cells help to fight infection and to remove damaged tissue.", "They also release chemicals that stimulate the growth of new tissue.", "The classic signs of acute inflammation are redness, heat, swelling, and pain.", "These signs are caused by the increased blood flow and the release of chemicals in the injured tissue.", "Redness is caused by the dilation of blood vessels.", "Heat is caused by the increased blood flow and the release of inflammatory chemicals.", "Swelling is caused by the leakage of fluid from blood vessels into the injured tissue.", "Pain is caused by the release of inflammatory chemicals and the pressure of the swelling.", "Acute inflammation is a normal part of the healing process.", "However, if it is severe or prolonged, it can damage healthy tissue.", "In some cases, acute inflammation can lead to chronic inflammation, which is a long-term condition that can cause pain, disability, and even death.", "There are a number of things that can cause acute inflammation, including infection, injury, and autoimmune diseases.", "Infections are caused by bacteria, viruses, or fungi.", "When these organisms enter the body, they can trigger an immune response that leads to inflammation.", "Injuries can also cause inflammation.", "When tissue is damaged, it releases chemicals that attract white blood cells and other immune cells to the area.", "These cells release chemicals that cause inflammation.", "Autoimmune diseases are caused by the body\u2019s immune system attacking its own tissues.", "This can lead to inflammation in the affected tissues.", "Acute inflammation is usually treated with pain relievers, such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen.", "In some cases, corticosteroids may be used to reduce inflammation.", "If the inflammation is caused by an infection, antibiotics may be prescribed.", "Chronic inflammation is a long-term condition that can cause pain, disability, and even death.", "It is often caused by autoimmune diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis and Crohn\u2019s disease.", "Chronic inflammation can also be caused by obesity, smoking, and air pollution.", "There is no cure for chronic inflammation, but it can be managed with medication, lifestyle changes, and physical therapy."], "trgs": ["Kana pakaita panenge pakuvara, masoja emuviri anotumira masero machena panzvimbo yacho.", "Masero aya anobuditsa makemikari anokonzera kuti tsinga dzeropa dziwedzere kupamhama zvova nyore kuti zvinhu zvipfuure.", "Izvi zvinoita kuti mvura-mvura nemasero machena zvibude mutsinga dzeropa zvichienda panenge pakuvara pacho.", "Mvura-mvura iya inoumba kagoko kemvura kanoonesa zviri pasi pako.", "Masero machena anobatsira pakurwisa hutachiona uye kubvisa nyama inenge yakuvadzwa.", "Anobatsira zvakare pakuburitsa makemikari anobatsiridza kuti paumbike nyama itsva.", "Zviratidzo zvikuru zvekuzvimba ndezvinoti kutsvukuruka, kunzwa kupisa, kuorerera, uye marwadzo.", "Zviratidzo izvi zvinokonzerwa nekuwedzera kwekufamba kweropa uye kubuditswa kwemakemikari panzvimbo inenge yakuvara.", "Kutsvukuruka kunokonzerwa nekupamhama kwetsinga dzeropa.", "Kunzwa kupisa kunokonzerwa nekuwedzera kufamba kunenge kwakuita ropa uye nekubuditswa kwemakemikari anozvimbisa.", "Kuorerera kunokonzerwa nekubuda kwemvura-mvura ichibva mutsinga dzeropa ichipinda panenge pakuvara.", "Marwadzo anokonzerwa nekubuditswa kwemakemikari anozvimbisa uye kuvhitavhita kunoitika pakuorerera.", "Kuzvimba zvakanyanya chitori chikamu chekupora.", "Zvisinei, kana kwakanyanya kana kuti kwatora nguva yakarebesa, kunogona kukuvadza nyama ine utano.", "Muzvinoitika zvimwe, kuzvimba zvakanyanya kunogona kuzopedzisira kusisapere, anova mamiriro ezvinhu ehupenyu hwese anogona kukonzeresa marwadzo, hurema, uye kunyange rufu.", "Pane zvinhu zvakawanda zvinogona kukonzera kuzvimba zvakanyanya, zvinosanganisira hutachiona, kukuvara, uye kurwisana kwemasoja emuviri nemuviri.", "Hutachiona hunokonzerwa nemabhakitiriya, mavhairasi, kana kuti fan'ai.", "Hutachiona uhu hukapinda mumuviri, hunoita kuti muviri utumire masoja izvo zvinozoguma nekuzvimba.", "Kukuvara kunogonawo kukonzeresa kuzvimba.", "Kana nyama ikakuvara, inobuditsa makemikari anokwezva masero machena nemamwe masero emasoja emuviri kuti auye panzvimbo yacho.", "Masero aya anobuditsa makemikari anokonzeresa kuzvimba.", "Zvirwere zvekurwisana kwemasoja emuviri nemuviri zvinokonzerwa nekukuvadzwa kwemuviri nemasoja anoudzivirira.", "Izvi zvinogona kukonzera kuzvimba munzvimbo inenge yakanganisika yacho.", "Kuzvimba zvakanyanya kunowanzorapwa nemishonga inoderedza marwadzo, yakadai seibuprofen kana kuti acetaminophen.", "Dzimwe nguva, mushonga unonzi corticosteroids unogona kushandiswa kuderedza kuzvimba.", "Kana kuzvimba kuchikonzerwa nehutachiona, mishonga inorwisa hutachiona inogona kushandiswa.", "Kuzvimba kusingaperi hurwere hwenguva refu uho hunogona kukonzera marwadzo, hurema, uye kunyange rufu.", "Kunowanzokonzerwa nezvirwere zvinokonzerwa nekurwisana kwemasoja emuviri nemuviri, zvakadai searthritis yemabhonzo uye chirwere cheCrohn.", "Kuzvimba kwehupenyu hwese kunogonawo kukonzerwa nekufutisa kwemuviri, kusvuta fodya, uye kusvibiswa kwemhepo.", "Kuzvimba kwehupenyu hwese hakurapiki, asi kunogona kuderedzwa nemishonga, kuchinja mararamiro, uye kurapwa pachishandiswa nzira yekurovedza muviri."], "factuality": "ok"} {"id": "mozambique_historical__tittrtfii", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["The Mozambican Civil War was a conflict that lasted from 1977 to 1992.", "It was fought between the Mozambique Liberation Front (FRELIMO), which had ruled the country since its independence from Portugal in 1975, and the Mozambique National Resistance (RENAMO), a rebel group backed by the Rhodesian and South African governments.", "The war caused widespread devastation and displacement, and led to the deaths of an estimated 1 million people.", "The war began after RENAMO launched an insurgency against FRELIMO in 1977.", "RENAMO was opposed to FRELIMO's socialist policies and its close ties to the Soviet Union.", "The war quickly escalated, and by the early 1980s, RENAMO had control of much of the countryside.", "FRELIMO was forced to rely on Soviet and Cuban military aid to keep RENAMO at bay.", "In 1984, FRELIMO and RENAMO signed a peace agreement, but the fighting continued.", "In 1992, the two sides signed a new peace agreement, which called for a ceasefire and the holding of multiparty elections."], "trgs": ["Hondo Yezvizvarwa zveMozambique yakatangira mugore ra1977 kusvika mugore ra1992.", "Yakarwiwa pakati pebato reMozambique Liberation Front (FRELIMO), iro rakatonga nyika iyi kubvira payakawana rusununguko kubva kunyika yePortugal mugore ra1975, nereMozambique National Resistance (RENAMO), rinova boka revapanduki raitsigirwa nehurumende dzeRhodesia neSouth Africa.", "Hondo iyi yakakonzera kuparadzwa kwezvinhu zvakawanda uye kutama kwevanhu vachisiya misha yavo, uye yakakonzera kufa kwevanhu vanoda kusvika 1 miriyoni.", "Hondo iyi yakatanga pashure pekunge boka reRENAMO rapandukira bato reFRELIMO mugore ra1977.", "Boka reRENAMO raipikisana nemitemi yejechetere yebato reFRELIMO uye kudyidzana kwaro nesangano reSoviet Union.", "Hondo iyi yakakurumidza kupararira, uye nechekwekutanga kwegore ra1980, RENAMO ndiyo yaidzora kunzvimbo zhinji dzekumaruwa.", "FRELIMO yakamanikidzirwa kutsamira parubatsiro rwezvombo zvaibva kuSoviet neCuba kuti irambe ichisundira RENAMO kure.", "Mugore ra1984, veFRELIMO neRENAMO vakasainirana chibvumirano cherunyararo, asi kurwisana kwakaramba kuchienderera.", "Mugore ra1992, maboka aya maviri akasainirana chibvumirano cherunyararo chitsva, icho chakamisa hondo uye chakaita kuti paitwe sarudzo dzaive nemapato akawanda."], "factuality": "has_errors"} {"id": "topic_249__ittiaoa", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["It was a bright and sunny day in the small village of Locksmiths, and the festival of locks was in full swing.", "The streets were crowded with people, all eager to see the latest and greatest in lockmaking technology.", "There were vendors selling everything from simple padlocks to complex combination locks, and artisans demonstrating their skills in lockpicking and locksmithing.", "In the center of the village square, a large stage had been set up for the day's festivities.", "A group of musicians were playing lively tunes, and a crowd of people were gathered around, clapping and dancing.", "On the stage, a skilled locksmith was demonstrating how to pick a lock, and the crowd was mesmerized by his skill.", "As the sun began to set, the festival came to a close."], "trgs": ["Zuva raive rakajeka mudunhu diki reLocksmiths, uye mhemberero dzemaroko dzainge dziri kutsviriridza.", "Vanhu vaiva mavhu nemarara mumigwagwa, vese vachidokwairira kuda kuona ruzivo rutsva rwekugadzirwa kwemaroko ekukiyisa.", "Paive nevanotengesa pamusika vaitengesa zvinhu zvese kubvira pamapadhiroko akagadzirwa zviri nyore kusvikira kune akagadzirwa zvakaoma, uye vagadziri vachiratidza unyanzvi hwavo pakugadzira zvekukiyisa nekukiyinurisa.", "Nechepakati pedunhu iri, pakaiswa chikuva chihombe chaizoshandiswa nevaizoita mhemberero dzezuva iri.", "Boka revaimbi vairidza zviridzwa, uye boka revanhu rakavapoteredza, vachirova maoko nekutamba.", "Pachikuva, mugadziri wemaroko ane hunyanzvi airatidza kuti roko rekukiyisa rinonhongwa sei, uye boka revanhu raikangwa mate mukamwa nehunyanzvi hwake.", "Apo zuva rakatanga kunyura, mhemberero dzakaguma."], "factuality": "ok"} {"id": "topic_356__mwwtwtotiawiiii", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["My friend, Abel, and I were walking home from school one day when we saw a blood drive being held at our local community center.", "We were both 17 years old, and we had never donated blood before.", "We decided to stop in and see what it was all about.", "The process of donating blood was actually pretty simple.", "We both filled out a questionnaire and answered some questions about our health history.", "Then, we had our blood pressure checked and our veins were checked to make sure they were big enough.", "Once we were cleared to donate, we each sat down in a chair and had a needle inserted into our arms.", "The blood was collected in a bag, and the whole process took about 15 minutes.", "It felt good to know that we were helping to save lives.", "After we donated, we were given a juice box and a cookie to help us recover.", "We also received a thank-you card from the blood bank.", "I'm glad that Abel and I decided to donate blood.", "It was a quick and easy way to make a difference in the world.", "I encourage everyone to consider donating blood if they are eligible.", "It's a simple act of kindness that can help save lives."], "trgs": ["Rimwe zuva ini, neshamwari yangu Abel taifamba tichibva kuchikoro apo takaona vanhu vaidhoneta ropa munzvimbo medu.", "Tese taiva nemakore 17 ekuberekwa, uye hatina kumbobvira takadhoneta ropa munguva yakapfuura.", "Takasarudza kudarika nepo kuti tione kuti zvii zvainyatsoitwa.", "Nzira yekudhoneta ropa yaiva nyore zvikuru.", "Tiri vaviri takazadza fomu remibvunzo ndokupindura mibvunzo yaive pamusoro penhoroondo yedu yezveutano.", "Tapedza, takaongororwa kufamba kweropa uye tsinga dzedu dzakaongororwa kuti vave nechokwadi chekuti dzaiva hombe zvakakwana.", "Patainge tanzi takakodzera kudhoneta, tese takagara pasi pacheya uye tsono yakabairirwa pamaoko edu.", "Ropa rakatorwa richiiswa muchipaketi, uye zvakaitwa zvose zvakatora anenge maminitsi 15.", "Zvaifadza kuziva kuti taibatsira pakuponesa hupenyu hwevanhu.", "Pashure pekunge tapedza kudhoneta, takapihwa kabhokisi kane chinwiwa nebhisikiti izvo zvaizotibatsira kuti tidzorere zvatainge tarasikirwa nazvo.", "Takapihwawo kadhi rainge riine mashoko ekutenda kubva kune vanochengeta ropa.", "Ndafara kuti ini naAbel tasarudza kudhoneta ropa.", "Yange iri nzira inokasira uye iri nyore yekuita zvinhu zvinokonzera shanduko munyika.", "Ndinokurudzira munhu wese kuti adhonete ropa kana achikodzera.", "Chingoriwo chiito chimutsa chinobatsira pakuponesa hupenyu hwevanhu."], "factuality": "ok"} {"id": "topic_24__atstsssth", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["A solo traveler was found safe after spending two nights lost in the Swiss Alps.", "The 25-year-old woman, who has not been identified, was hiking in the mountains when she became separated from her group.", "She was reported missing on Tuesday, and search teams were dispatched to find her.", "The woman was eventually found on Thursday, about 10 miles from where she had been hiking.", "She was cold and dehydrated, but otherwise in good condition.", "She told rescuers that she had been following a trail when she got turned around.", "She spent the night in a cave, and she survived by eating snow and drinking from a stream.", "The woman's experience is a reminder of the importance of being prepared when hiking in the mountains.", "Hikers should always bring a map, compass, and a flashlight, and they should tell someone where they are going and when they expect to return."], "trgs": ["Mumwe anoita zvekushanya ari ega akawanikwa asina chamuwana pashure pekupedza husiku huviri arasika muSwiss Alps.", "Mukadzi uyu ane makore 25 ekuzvarwa, uyo asina kuzivikanwa, aifamba zvekufurwa nemhepo mumakomo apo akarasika paboka raaifamba naro.", "Kurasika kwake kwakaziviswa musi weChipiri, uye mapoka ekutsvaga akatumirwa kuti amutsvage.", "Pakupedzisira mukadzi uyu akazowanikwa musi weChina, ari mamayera 10 kubva kwaaifambira.", "Ainge apindwa nechando uye asisina mvura mumuviri, asi ari hake muhutano hwakanaka.", "Akaudza vanoita mabasa ekununura kuti aitevedza kanzira apo akarasika achiendeswa kune rimwe divi.", "Akapedza husiku ari mubako, uye akararamiswa nekudya magodo echando nekunwa mvura mukarukova.", "Zvakasangana nemukadzi uyu chiyeuchidzo chekukosha kwekuva akagadzirira kana uchizofamba mumakomo.", "Vanoita zvekufamba mumasango vanifanira kuuya nemepu, kambasi, uye netochi, uye vanofanira kuudza mumwe munhu kwavari kuenda uye pavari kutarisira kuzodzoka."], "factuality": "ok"} {"id": "topic_14__wiiotii", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["When I was a kid, I would spend hours pouring over magazines.", "I would read every article, look at every picture, and cut out the ones I liked to put in my scrapbook.", "I loved the way magazines could transport me to different worlds and make me think about things in new ways.", "One day, I was reading an article about brain science in a magazine.", "The article was really interesting, and it made me think about how my brain works.", "I realized that I could use my brain to learn anything I wanted, and that was an amazing feeling.", "I've been reading magazines ever since, and I still love the way they can open my mind to new ideas."], "trgs": ["Pandaiva mudiki, ndaipedza maawa akawanda ndichiverenga magazini.", "Ndaiverenga nyaya imwe neimwe, ndichitarisa mufananidzo mumwe nemumwe, uye ndichicheka yandainge ndafarira ndoiisa mubhuku rangu rezvinyorwa.", "Ndaifarira nzira iyo magazini yainditora yondiisa kunzvimbo dzakasiyana-siyana yondiita kuti ndifunge nezve zvimwe zvinhu munzira dzitsva.", "Rimwe zuva, ndaiverenga mumagazini nezve imwe nyaya yesayenzi yehuropi.", "Nyaya yacho yainakidza zvikuru, uye yakaita kuti ndifunge nezve kushanda kunoita huropi hwangu.", "Ndakaona kuti ndinogona kushandisa huropi hwangu kudzidza chero chinhu chandaida, uye izvi zvakaita kuti ndinzwe kushamisika.", "Ndakabvira kare ndichiverenga magazini, uye ndichiri kufarira nzira yaanovhura pfungwa dzangu kuti ndive nemaonero matsva."], "factuality": "ok"} {"id": "topic_29__ttsitioihits", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["The debate about whether animals are happier in the wild or in zoos is a complex one with no easy answers.", "There are many factors to consider, including the individual animal's needs, the type of zoo, and the quality of care provided.", "Some animals, such as elephants, are highly social and need to interact with other elephants in order to thrive.", "In the wild, elephants live in herds of up to 100 individuals.", "They spend their days foraging for food, playing, and socializing.", "In a zoo, elephants may not have the same opportunities to interact with other elephants, which can lead to boredom and frustration.", "Other animals, such as lions, are solitary hunters.", "In the wild, lions live in prides of up to 15 individuals.", "However, each lion within the pride has its own territory and does not interact with other lions very often.", "In a zoo, lions may be able to live in larger enclosures with more space to roam, which can provide them with more opportunities to exercise and explore.", "The type of zoo also plays a role in the welfare of its animals.", "Some zoos are very large and provide their animals with spacious enclosures, while others are smaller and may not have as much space."], "trgs": ["Nyaya yemusiyano wemaonero ekuti mhuka dzinofara here kana dziri musango kupfuura kana dzakachengetwa ihombe uye haina mhinduro dziri nyore pairi.", "Pane zvinhu zvakawanda zvekufunga nezvazvo, kusanganisira zvinodikanwa nemhuka imwe neimwe, mhando yenzvimbo inochengeterwa mhuka, uye kunaka kwemachengeterwo adzinoitwa.", "Dzimwe mhuka, dzakadai senzou dzinofarira zvekuwadzana uye dzinoda kugara nedzimwe dzadzo kuti dzirarame zvakanaka.", "Musango, nzou dzinogara dziri muboka radzinogona kunge dzichisvika100.", "Dzinopedza mazuva adzo dzichitsvaka zvekudya, kutamba, uye kuwadzana.", "Kana dzakavharirwa, nzou dzinogona kutadza kuwana mikana yakafanana yekuva pamwe chete nedzimwe nzou, izvo zvinogona kuita kuti dzinzwe kusvotwa uye kurwadziswa.", "Dzimwe mhuka dzakadai seshumba, dzinongoita zvekuvhima.", "Musango, shumba dzinogara dziri muboka radzinogona kunge dziri 15.", "Zvisinei, shumba imwe neimwe iri muboka ine ndima yayo uye hainyanyoita zvekutamba nedzimwe shumba.", "Munzvimbo inochengeterwa mhuka, shumba dzinogona kurarama dziri munzvimbo yakakura yakavharirwa, umo dzinowana mikana yekurovedza muviri nekufurwa nemhepo.", "Mhando yenzvimbo inochengeterwa mhuka inewo zvainoita zvakakosha pamararamiro emhuka dzinenge dzirimo.", "Dzimwe nzvimbo dzinochengeterwa mhuka dzakakura zvikuru uye dzinopa mhuka dzirimo nzvimbo yakakura yakanaka, nepo dzimwe idiki uye dzinenge dzisina nzvimbo yakakura."], "factuality": "has_errors"} {"id": "topic_177__asttsiiitsi", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["As I'm driving down the road, I see a goat giving birth in the median.", "She's lying on her side and her two front legs are extended in front of her.", "The baby goat is coming out of her right side and it's head is already visible.", "The mother goat looks up at me and I can see the fear in her eyes.", "She's probably wondering if I'm going to hurt her or her baby.", "I stop the car and get out.", "I walk over to the goat and kneel down next to her.", "I gently stroke her head and tell her that everything is going to be okay.", "The baby goat starts to emerge and I can see that it's a little girl.", "She's crying and her mother licks her clean.", "I watch as the mother goat and baby bond and I feel a sense of peace."], "trgs": ["Pandaityaira ndichidzika nemugwagwa, ndinoona mbudzi ichiberekera nechepakati pemugwagwa.", "Yakarara nedumbu rayo uye makumbo ayo ekumberi akatamurirwa nechemberi kwayo.", "Kamwana kembudzi kari kubuda nechekurudyi kwayo uye musoro wako wave kutooneka.", "Mbudzi iyi hadzi inonditarisa uye ndinoona kutya kwairi kuita mumaziso ayo.", "Zvimwe iri kunetseka kana ndichizoikuvadza kana kukuvadza kamwana kayo.", "Ndinomisa mota ndokuburuka.", "Ndinofamba ndichienda kune mbudzi ndokupfugama pedyo nayo.", "Ndinopuruzira musoro wayo zvinyoro-nyoro uye ndokuiudza kuti zvinhu zvese zvichanaka.", "Kamwana kembudzi kanotanga kubuda uye ndinoona kuti kakadzi.", "Kanochema uye amai vako vanokananzva kusvika kachena.", "Ndinotarisa apo amai vembudzi nemwana wavo vachiumba hukama uye ndainzwa kuti pane rugare."], "factuality": "ok"} {"id": "topic_508__tibttosssoha", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["The city was a vast, sprawling metropolis, full of life and energy.", "It was a place where anything was possible, and where dreams could come true.", "But for every person who found success in the city, there were many more who struggled to make ends meet.", "These people lived in the slums, in tiny apartments that were often overcrowded and in disrepair.", "They worked long hours for low pay, and they often had to go without basic necessities like food and healthcare.", "One such person was a young woman named Amelia.", "She had come to the city with big dreams, but she quickly found that reality was much different than she had imagined.", "She worked as a waitress in a small diner, and she could barely make enough money to pay her rent.", "She often went to bed hungry, and she was always worried about her future.", "One day, Amelia was walking home from work when she saw a man sitting on a bench.", "He was homeless, and he was holding a sign that said, \"Will work for food.\" Amelia felt sorry for the man, and she decided to buy him a sandwich.", "As she was talking to the man, she learned that his name was Charlie."], "trgs": ["Guta racho raiva zienda nakuenda, rizere zvinhu zvechinyakare, mukati maro riri bata wabata.", "Yaive nzvimbo yekuti chero chii zvacho chaigona kuitika, uye umo maroto aizadziswa.", "Asi pamunhu wese anenge awana mukana wekubudirira muguta, panenge paine vakawanda vanenge vakaomerwa.", "Vanhu ava vaigara muhurombo, mudzimba dzakabatana diki idzo nguva zhinji dzaigara vanhu vakawandisa uye dzisingagadziriswi.", "Vaishandira muhoro uri pasi kwemaawa akawanda, uye nguva zhinji vairarama vasina zvinhu zvakakosha zvakadai sezvekudya nezveutano.", "Mumwe waivava aiva mukadzi wechidiki ainzi Amelia.", "Ainge auya kuguta aine tarisiro dzakakura, asi akazokurumidza kuona kuti zvaiveko zvainge zvakatosiyana nezvaaifungidzira.", "Akashanda basa rekufambisa zvekudya panzvimbo diki yaitengeswa zvekudya manheru, uye kashoma kaaiwana mari inokwana kubhadharira imba yaaigara.", "Kakawanda airara nenzara, uye aigara achinetseka neramangwana rake.", "Rimwe zuva, Amelia aifamba achibva kubasa achienda kumba apo akaona mumwe murume akagara pabhenji.", "Ainge asina musha wekugara, uye ainge akabata chikwangwani chainge chakanyorwa kuti, \"Ndinoda kushandira zvekudya.\" Amelia akanzwira hurombo murume uyu, uye akasarudza kumutengera sangweji.", "Paaitaura nemurume uyu, akaziva kuti zita rake raiva Charlie."], "factuality": "ok"} {"id": "topic_394__dittfcismttb", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["Demonetization is the process of removing legal tender from circulation.", "In India, Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced on November 8, 2016, that all \u20b9500 and \u20b91000 banknotes would cease to be legal tender from midnight.", "This move was intended to crack down on corruption and counterfeiting, but it also caused significant disruption and hardship for many people.", "There are several reasons to be skeptical of demonetization.", "First, it is not clear that it will be effective in reducing corruption.", "Corruption is a complex problem that cannot be solved simply by removing cash from circulation.", "In fact, there is some evidence that demonetization may actually increase corruption, as it makes it more difficult for people to track and trace their money.", "Second, demonetization is likely to have a negative impact on the poor.", "Many poor people in India rely on cash for their daily transactions.", "The sudden withdrawal of large-denomination banknotes made it difficult for them to buy food, pay their bills, and access other essential services.", "Third, demonetization has caused significant disruption to the economy.", "Businesses had to close for days or even weeks while they adjusted to the new currency."], "trgs": ["Kumiswa kwemari kunoreva kubviswa kwemari iri pamutemo inenge ichitenderera ichishandiswa pakutenga.", "Munyika yeIndia, Mukuru weMakurukota anonzi Narendra Modi akazivisa musi waMbudzi 8, wegore ra2016, kuti mari yose yema \u20b9500 ne \u20b91000 yaizomira kushanda semari iri pamutemo kutangira pakati pehusiku.", "Danho iri rakatorwa nechinangwa chekurwisana nehuori uye kugadzirwa kwemari dzekunyepera, asi rakakonzerawo vhiringidziko yakakura uye kuoma kwehupenyu kuvanhu vakawanda.", "Pane zvikonzero zvakawanda zvekuva nemibvunzo nezve kumiswa kushanda kwemari.", "Chekutanga, hazvisi pachena kuti idanho rinonyatsoshanda pakuderedza huori.", "Huori idambudziko rakakura risingagoni kugadziriswa nekungobvisa mari iri kushanda.", "Kutaura zvazviri, pane huchapupu hwekuti kumiswa kushanda kwemari kunotowedzera huori, sezvo kuchiita kuti zviome kuvanhu kuti vaone mafambiro akaita mari dzavo.", "Chechipiri, kumiswa kushanda kwemari kune mukana wekuomesera varombo.", "Vanhu varombo muIndia vanotsamira pakushandisa mari chaiyo inobatika zuva nezuva.", "Kungoerekana mari ine huremu yabviswa kwakaita kuti zvivaomere kutenga zvekudya, kubhadhara mabhiri, uye kuwana zvimwe zvinhu zvinokosha.", "Chechitatu, kumiswa kushanda kwemari kwakakanganisa zvikuru hupfumi hwenyika.", "Mabhizinisi aifanira kuvhara kwemazuva kana kutoti kwemavhiki panguva apo vaichinjira kumari itsva."], "factuality": "has_errors"} {"id": "stt_101__titttliiiistnis", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["The dish is said to have originated in the Philippines, where it is known as lechon.", "It is also popular in other parts of Southeast Asia, such as Indonesia, Malaysia, and Thailand.", "To make lechon, a whole pig is gutted and cleaned, then stuffed with a mixture of garlic, ginger, lemongrass, and other spices.", "The pig is then roasted over a fire of charcoal or wood for several hours.", "The result is a juicy, flavorful meat that is perfect for a special occasion.", "Lechon is often served with rice and vegetables.", "It can also be eaten as a main course or as an appetizer.", "If you are ever lucky enough to try lechon, you will not be disappointed.", "It is truly a unique and delicious dish.", "In addition to the traditional method of cooking lechon, there are also several modern variations.", "Some chefs cook the pig in a pit oven, while others use a rotisserie.", "There are also recipes for making lechon in a slow cooker or in the oven.", "No matter how it is cooked, lechon is always a crowd-pleaser.", "It is a hearty and flavorful dish that is perfect for any occasion.", "So if you are looking for a new and exciting dish to try, lechon is definitely worth a look."], "trgs": ["Zvekudya izvi zvinonzi zvakabva kuPhilippines, uko zvinozivikanwa nekuti lechon.", "Zvakakurumbirawo mudzimwe nzvimbo dzeKuchamhembe kwakadziva kumabvazuva kweAsia, dzakadai seIndonesia, Malaysia, uye Thailand.", "Pakugadzira lechon, nguruve yese inovhurwa yogezwa, yobva yazadzwa nemusanganiswa wegariki, jinja, huswa hunonhuhwirira seremoni, nezvimwe zvekukaringisa.", "Nguruve iya inobva yagochwa pamoto nemarasha kana kuti nehuni kwemaawa akawanda.", "Panobva pabuda nyama inorwerwesa mate, inonhuhwirira yakakodzera kudyiwa pachiitiko chinokosha.", "Lechon inowanzodyiwa nemupunga nemuriwo.", "Inogonawo kudyiwa yakazvimirira kana kuti sechokusvosva nzara.", "Kana uine mhanza yekuravidza lechon, hauzomboisiya zvakare.", "Chokwadi iyo chikafu chakasiyana nezvimwe uye inonaka.", "Pakuwedzera panzira yechinyakare yekubika nayo lechon, panewo nzira dzechimanjemanje dzakasiyana-siyana.", "Vamwe vabiki vanobikira nguruve muovheni yegomba, ukuwo vamwe vachishandisa muchina.", "Panewo nzira dzekukaringa nadzo lechon mumuchina unobika zvishoma nezvishoma kana kuti muovheni.", "Pasinei nekuti yabikwa sei, lechon nguva dzose inofadza boka.", "Chikafu chinogutsa uye chinonhuhwirira chakakodzera chero chiitiko.", "Saka kana uri kutsvaka chikafu chitsva uye chinofadza chekumboedza, lechon ndiyo chikafu chacho."], "factuality": "has_errors"} {"id": "topic_12__mumumumumumu", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["Me: What's up with your car? It's been making a weird noise lately.", "Uncle: Yeah, I know. I'm taking it to the mechanic tomorrow.", "Me: Is it going to be expensive.", "Uncle: It might be. The car is old, and parts are hard to come by. But I'm hoping it's just a minor issue.", "Me: Well, good luck. Let me know what the mechanic says.", "Uncle: I will. Thanks.", "Me: Hey, by the way, did you know that nuclear cars are a thing?", "Uncle: No, I didn't. That's interesting.", "Me: Yeah, they're pretty cool. They use nuclear power to generate electricity, which powers the car's motor.", "Uncle: That sounds like it would be really expensive.", "Me: It can be, but it's also a lot more efficient than traditional cars. Nuclear cars can go for hundreds of miles on a single tank of fuel.", "Uncle: Hmm, I'll have to look into that."], "trgs": ["Ini: Chii chiri kuitika nemota yako? Yange iri kuita ruzha rwusinganzwisisiki nguva yapfuura.", "Sekuru: Yah, ndiri kuzviziva. Ndichaenda nayo kuna makanika mangwana.", "Ini: Zvichakutorerai mari yakawanda here.", "Sekuru: Zvinogona kudaro. Mota yacho ndeye kare, uye mapatsi ayo anonetsa kuwana. Asi ndiri kungoshuvira kuti dai rangoita dambudziko diki.", "Ini: Zvakanaka, muve nerombo rakanaka. Mundizivise zvinenge zvataurwa namakanika.", "Sekuru: Ndichadaro. Waita basa.", "Ini: Aa, ndangoti ndibvunze kuti maizviziva here kuti mota dzenyukiriya dzavepo?", "Sekuru: Kwete, ndaisazviziva. Zvinofadza izvi.", "Ini: Ehe, dzinoshanda zvakanakisa. Dzinoshandisa simba renyukiriya kugadzira magetsi, ayo anozopa simba rekufambisa motokari.", "Sekuru: Zvauri kutaura zviri kuratidza kuti dzinofanira dzichidhura zvikuru.", "Ini: Zvinogona kudaro, asiwo dzinoshanda zvakanaka kupfuura dzatagara tichishandisa. Mota dzenyukiriya dzinogona kufamba kwemazana emamayera netengi rimwe chete remafuta.", "Sekuru: Iii, ndichafanira kumbozvitsvakurudzawo."], "factuality": "has_errors"} {"id": "topic_162__atatysbtt", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["A man walks into a comedy club and orders a filet mignon.", "The waiter brings him the steak and he starts to eat it.", "After a few bites, he stops and says, \"This steak is terrible! It's tough and tasteless.\"", "The waiter replies, \"Well, sir, you did order a filet mignon.\"", "\"Yes, but I didn't order a raw filet mignon!\"", "\"Sir, all of our steaks are served raw. We require our customers to cook them themselves.\"", "\"But I don't know how to cook!\"", "\"That's not our problem. We're a comedy club, not a restaurant.\"", "The man angrily gets up and storms out of the club."], "trgs": ["Murume anopinda mukirabhu ndokuisa odha yenyama yakapfava yemombe.", "Weita anomuunzirwa nyama iya otanga kuidya.", "Pashure pekuiruma zvishoma, anomira oti, \"Nyama iyi haina kumira mushe! Yakaomarara uye haisi kunaka.\"", "Weita anomupindura kuti, \"Tazvinzwa, mukuru, asi maodha nyama yemombe yakapfava.\"", "\"Hongu, asi handina kuodha nyama yemombe isina kubikwa!\"", "\"Mukuru, nyama yese yatinotengesa inenge isina kubikwa. Tinotarisira kuti vatengi vedu vazvibikire.\"", "\"Asi handigoni zvekubika!\"", "\"Iroro harisi dambudziko redu. Ino ikirabhu inoita zvekusetsa vanhu, kwete resitorendi.\"", "Murume uya anosimuka atsamwa obuda mukirabhu nekukasira."], "factuality": "ok"} {"id": "stt_129__hhtthattt", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["He had been in a car accident, and he was unconscious.", "His parents, who had been driving by when the accident happened, rushed to his side.", "They were frantic with worry.", "The paramedics arrived and loaded the boy into an ambulance.", "His parents followed in their car, their hearts pounding with fear.", "At the hospital, the doctors examined the boy and determined that he had a concussion and a broken leg.", "They admitted him to the hospital and began treatment.", "The boy's parents stayed by his side, never leaving him alone.", "They watched over him as he slept, their hearts filled with love and hope."], "trgs": ["Ainge akapinda mutsaona yemotokari, uye ainge akaita seakafenda.", "Vabereki vake, avo vaityaira pakaitika tsaona, vakamhanyira kudivi rake.", "Vakaita sevacharasa njere nekutya.", "Vanobatsira vanenge vavirwa netsaona vakasvika ndokuisa mukomana wacho muamburenzi.", "Vabereki vake vaitevera kumashure nemotokari yavo, hana yavo ichirova nekutya.", "Vasvika kuchipatara, anachiremba vakaongorora mukomana wacho ndokuona kuti ainge avhiringidza mupfungwa uye atyoka gumbo.", "Vakamuisa muchipatara ndokutanga kumurapa.", "Vabereki vemukomana wacho vakaramba vari padivi pake, vasingambodi kumusiya ari ega.", "Vakaramba vakamutarisira sezvaairara, moyo yavo izere nerudo uye netariro."], "factuality": "ok"} {"id": "topic_101__rpibtitssopat", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["\"Royalty,\" said the Blacksmith, \"is a curious thing. It's a kind of magic, really.", "People get all worked up about it, and they don't even know why.", "It's not as if kings and queens have any real power, these days. They're just figureheads.", "But people still seem to need them.", "They need someone to look up to, someone to represent the idea of the nation.\" The Blacksmith paused.", "\"I suppose it's a kind of comfort,\" he continued.", "\"To know that there's someone out there who's better than you.", "Someone who's got it all sorted out.", "Someone who can make the world a better place.", "Of course, it's all an illusion. But that doesn't make it any less important.", "People need their illusions. They need to believe in something.", "And if that something is a king or a queen, then so be it.\"", "The Blacksmith paused for a moment, then smiled."], "trgs": ["\"Simba rehumambo,\" akadaro Mupfuri wesimbi, \"chinhu chinoda zvekuzivurura. Chinhu chakaita sechemashiripiti, kutaura chokwadi.", "Vanhu vese vanoshandiswa nekuda kwaro, uye havatozivi kuti nei.", "Hazviiti sekuti madzimambo nemadzimambokadzi vane simba chairo-iro mazuva ano. Vangori vanhu vasina nesimba rese.", "Asi vanhu vanongovada.", "Vanoda munhu wekutarira kwaari, mumwe munhu anomiririra pfungwa dzenyika.\" Anoita zvekupfura simbi akamira kutaura.", "\"Ndinofunga kuti zvinoita sezvinonyaradza,\" akapfuurira.", "\"Kuziva kuti kune mumwe munhu kunze uko ari nani kupfuura zvauri.", "Mumwe munhu akapedzerwa zvinetso zvese.", "Mumwe munhu anoita kuti panyika pave nzvimbo iri nani.", "Ndizvozvo hazvo kuti ingori fungidziro. Asi hazviiti kuti pfungwa yacho ive isina hukoshi hwakanyanya.", "Vanhu vanoda fungidziro dzavo. Vanoda kutenda mune chimwe chinhu.", "Uye kana chimwe chinhu chiri mambo kana kuti mambokadzi, ndozvazvinenge zvitori.\"", "Mupfuri wesimbi akambomira kutaura kwekanguva, ndokunyemwerera."], "factuality": "ok"} {"id": "topic_534__tshotstfsbhasb", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["The Old Man and the Sea", "Santiago, an old Cuban fisherman, has gone eighty-four days without catching a fish.", "He is the oldest man in the village, and the youngest, Manolin, no longer wants to fish with him because the old man is unlucky.", "One day, Santiago sets out in his skiff and hooks a giant marlin.", "The marlin is so big that it pulls the skiff far out to sea.", "Santiago fights the marlin for two days and nights, but he cannot bring it in.", "The marlin is too heavy, and the old man is too tired.", "Finally, the marlin begins to tire.", "Santiago is able to get a harpoon into the marlin, and he kills it.", "But the marlin is so big that Santiago cannot bring it into the boat.", "He ties the marlin to the side of the boat and begins to row back to shore.", "A school of sharks follows the boat, and they begin to eat the marlin.", "Santiago fights the sharks off, but he cannot stop them all.", "By the time he reaches shore, only the head and the tail of the marlin are left."], "trgs": ["Murume Akwagura neGungwa", "Santiago, murume akwegura anoita zvekuredza hove, akaita mazuva makumi masere nemana asina kubata kana hove imwe chete.", "Ndiye murume akura kudarika vese mudunhu, uye Manolin anova mudiki pane vese haachadi kuredza hove naye nekuti murume akwegura uyu ane mhanza yakashata.", "Rimwe zuva, Santiago akapinda mukachikepe kake ndokubata hove hombe.", "Hove iyi yainge yakakura zvekuti yakadhonzera kachikepe kaye mukati megungwa.", "Santiago akarwisana nehove iya kwemazuva maviri nehusiku huviri, asi akatadza kuipinza mukati.", "Hove yacho yairema zvakanyanya, uye mukweguru uyu ainge aneta zvakanyanya.", "Pakupedzisira, hove iya yakatanga kuneta.", "Santiago anozokwanisa kubaya hove iya nechekubayisa, uye anoiuraya.", "Asi hove iyi yakakurisa zvekuti Santiago anotadza kuiisa mukachikepe.", "Anosungirira hove iya parutivi pechikepe uye ndokutanga kukwasva achienda kumhenderekedzo yegungwa.", "Boka remashaki rinotevera chikepe chiya, uye rinotanga kudya hove iya.", "Santiago anorwisana nemashaki aya achiadzinga, asi haakwanisi kudzivisa ose.", "Panguva yaakazosvika kumhenderekedzo, painge pangosara musoro nemuswe wehove."], "factuality": "ok"} {"id": "stt_633__ttiiatihidiihit", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["The police will likely take the person to the station and question him.", "They will want to know where he got the wallet and why he was carrying it.", "If the person cannot provide a satisfactory explanation, he may be arrested and charged with theft.", "If the person is arrested, he will be taken to jail and held until his trial.", "At his trial, the prosecution will have to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that he is guilty of theft.", "The defense will have the opportunity to present evidence and witnesses that may help to exonerate the person.", "If the person is found guilty, he may be sentenced to jail time, probation, or community service.", "He may also be ordered to pay restitution to the victim of the theft.", "In some cases, the person may be able to avoid criminal charges by entering into a diversion program.", "Diversion programs are designed to help people who have committed minor crimes avoid the criminal justice system.", "In a diversion program, the person may be required to complete community service, pay restitution, or attend counseling.", "If the person is found not guilty, he will be released from jail and the charges against him will be dropped.", "He will be able to go on with his life without a criminal record.", "It is important to note that the above is just a general overview of what may happen to a presumed thief who is held by police.", "The specific circumstances of each case will vary, and the outcome may depend on a number of factors, such as the evidence available, the person's criminal history, and the judge or jury's decision."], "trgs": ["Mapurisa achagona kuendesa munhu wacho kukamba kuti vanomubvunzurudza.", "Vachada kuziva kuti chikwama akachivanepi uye kuti nei ainge akachitakura.", "Kana munhu wacho akasapa mhinduro inogutsa, anogona kusungwa otongerwa mhosva yekuba.", "Kana munhu wacho asungwa, anoendwa naye kujeri ochengetwa ikoko kusvikira atongwa.", "Paanenge achitongwa, magweta anofanira kupa humbowo hunogutsa hwekuti nei vari kuti ane mhosva.", "Ari kupomerwa mhosva anova nemukana wekupa humbowo nezvapupu zvinomubatsira kuti asunungurwe.", "Kana munhu wacho akabatwa nemhosva, anogona kutongerwa kugara mujeri kwenguva yakati, kumboedzwa, kana kuti kupihwa basa rekuita munharaunda.", "Anoudzwa zvakare kuti aripe munhu waakabira.", "Mune zvimwe zviitiko, munhu wacho anogona kunzvenga kuti asapihwe mutongo nekushandisa hurongwa hwekuti anoda kutsiurwa kuti asazozvidzokorora.", "Hurongwa hwekutsiura hwakaitirwa kubatsira vanhu vanenge vapara mhosva diki kuti vasapihwe mitongo kumatare.", "Pahurongwa hwekutsiura, munhu wacho anogona kutarisirwa kuti aite basa remunharaunda asingabhadharwi, kuripa, kana kuti kunopihwa tsiuro.", "Kana munhu wacho akaonekwa asina mhosva, anosunungurwa kubva mujeri uye mhosva dzaange achipomerwa dzinobviswa.", "Anokwanisa kupfuurira nehupenyu hwake asina nhoroondo yekuti akapara mhosva.", "Zvakakosha kuziva kuti zvadudzwa pamusoro apa zviri kuonesa zvinoitwa kana munhu ari kunzi imbavha akabatwa nemapurisa.", "Zvakanyatsoitika panyaya imwe neimwe zvinosiyana, uye zvinozobuda zvacho zvinotsamira pazvinhu zvakawanda, zvakadai sehumbowo huripo, nhoroondo yekuti munhu wacho akambopara mhosva here mumashure, uye chisarudzo chinenge chaitwa nemutongi kana kuti nedare."], "factuality": "has_errors"} {"id": "topic_102__tttohhttwtte", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["The couple, a renowned linguist and a world-renowned pastry chef, had been trying for a baby for years.", "They had been to every doctor and specialist they could find, but nothing seemed to work.", "The linguist was starting to lose hope, and the pastry chef was worried that their reputation would be ruined if they couldn't have a child.", "One day, the linguist was working on a new translation of a difficult poem when he had a breakthrough.", "He realized that the key to having a child was to find a way to combine their two passions.", "He called the pastry chef and told her his idea.", "The pastry chef was skeptical at first, but she agreed to give it a try.", "They spent the next few months working on a new recipe for a cake that would be infused with the linguist's love of language and the pastry chef's love of baking.", "When the cake was finally finished, they took it to the premier of a new play that the linguist was translating.", "They waited until the after-party, and then they cut the cake and served it to everyone.", "The cake was a huge hit.", "Everyone loved the taste, and they were all impressed by the story behind it."], "trgs": ["Vakaroorana vacho, mumwe ari nyanzvi yezvemitauro uye mumwe ari nyanzvi yekubheka, vainge vari kuedza kuva nemwana kwemakore.", "Vainge vaenda kunana chiremba vakasiyana-siyana nenyanzvi dzose dzavaiwana, asi hapana chaiita sechaishanda.", "Nyanzvi yezvemitauro yainge yava kutanga kupererwa netariro, uye aiita zvekubheka ainge ava kunetseka kuti mukurumbira wavo waizovhiringidzika kana vakasava nemwana.", "Rimwe zuva, nyanzvi yezvemitauro yaishanda rimwe basa idzva rekushandura nhetembo yainge yakaoma apo yakawana mhinduro padambudziko ravo.", "Akaona kuti mushonga wekuti wave nemwana waiva wekuti vabatanidze zvido zvavo.", "Akadeedza aiita zvekubheka ndokumuudza zano rake.", "Anoita zvekubheka akambotadza kuzvitenda pakutenga, asi akabvuma kumbozviedza.", "Vakapedza mwedzi mishoma yaitevera vachishanda pamhando itsva yekeke yaisanganisa chido chenyanzvi yemitauro nechido cheaiita zvekubheka.", "Keke ravo parakazopera, vakaenda naro kune munhu aiitirwa basa rekushandura remutambo mutsva.", "Vakamirira kusvikira mabiko apera, uye vakabva vacheka keke riya ndokuripa kune mumwe nemumwe.", "Keke iri rakavavhurira mukana wakakura.", "Munhu wese akanakirwa naro, uye akafadzwa nenyaya yainge yaita kuti rigadzirwe."], "factuality": "ok"} {"id": "topic_465__hithitthpthi", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["Hockey is a fast-paced, physical sport that is played on ice.", "It is played with two teams of six players each, with one goaltender.", "The object of the game is to score goals by shooting the puck into the opponent's net.", "Hockey is a popular sport in Canada, the United States, and Europe.", "It is also an Olympic sport.", "The first indoor hockey game was played in Montreal, Canada, in 1875.", "The National Hockey League (NHL) was established in 1917.", "Hockey is a demanding sport that requires a high level of skill and athleticism.", "Players must be able to skate, shoot, pass, and stickhandle at a high level.", "They must also be able to think quickly and make split-second decisions.", "Hockey is a great sport for people of all ages.", "It is a fun and challenging way to stay active."], "trgs": ["Hoki mutambo unoitwa munhu achimhanya zvakanyanya uye unoda simba uyo unotambirwa muchando.", "Unotambwa nezvikwata zviviri chikwata chimwe nechimwe chiine vatambi vatanhatu, paine munhu mumwe chete anenge ari pagedhi.", "Chinangwa chemutambo wacho ndechekugohwesa nekurovera kabhora mumaneti echikwata chamunenge muchitamba nacho.", "Mutambo wehoki wakakurumbira muCanada, United States, uye muYuropu.", "Mutambo zvakare unokwikwidzwa kamwe chete mumakore mana pasi rose wemaOlympic.", "Mutambo wehoki wekutanga kutambirwa mumba wakaitirwa muMontreal, munyika yeCanada, mugore ra1875.", "Sangano reNational Hockey League (NHL) rakaumbwa mugore ra1917.", "Hoki mutambo usiri nyore uyo unoda hunyanzvi hwakakura uye simba rakanyanya pane zvemitambo.", "Vatambi vanofanira kunge vachigona kutsvedza muchando, kurovera bhora mugedhi, kupira bhora kune vatambi biyavo, uye kubata zvakanaka chimuti chekutambisa bhora.", "Vanofanira kunge vachigona kufunga nekukurumidza uye kuita zvisarudzo panguva iri pasi pesekondi.", "Hoki mutambo unonakidza wevanhu vemazera ose.", "Inzira inonakidza uye inoda kufunga yekuti ugare wakagwinya."], "factuality": "ok"} {"id": "topic_192__whsiitiiiiitwww", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["Were it within my power to impart to you the incredibly detailed information concerning my deepest fear, I would do so without hesitation.", "However, such knowledge is not mine to give.", "Suffice it to say that my greatest dread is something so insidious and far-reaching that it defies description.", "It is a terror that lurks in the shadows, waiting to pounce at the most unexpected moment.", "It is a predator that feeds on my very essence, leaving me feeling weak and vulnerable.", "This insidious fear has been with me for as long as I can remember.", "It has shaped my life in ways that I am only beginning to understand.", "I have become a recluse, afraid to venture out into the world lest I come face to face with my worst nightmare.", "I have lost friends and family, and my relationships have suffered.", "I am constantly on edge, waiting for the other shoe to drop.", "I know that I am not alone in my suffering.", "There are others who share my burden.", "We are a community of the damned, united by our fear.", "We are the ones who walk in the shadows, afraid of the light.", "We are the ones who are haunted by the past, and who live in fear of the future."], "trgs": ["Dai zvaiva musimba rangu kuti ndikupe mashoko ane hudzamu ari pamusoro perutyo rwangu rwakadzama, ndaizviita pasina kuzengurira.", "Zvisinei, ruzivo irworwo harusi rwangu kuti ndirwupe.", "Kutaura zvazviri kuti chiri kundishungurudza zvikuru chinhu chinokwezva asi chiine njodzi uye chisiri nyore kuwana zvekuti hachitsananguriki.", "Ityisidziro inonyangira iri murima, ichimirira kurova panguva chaiyo isinganyanyi kutarisirwa.", "Chikara chinorarama nekudya zvandiri chaizvo, chichindisiya ndarukutika uye ndisisina kudzivirirwa.", "Rutyo urwu rwemukati rwange rwuri mandiri kwenguva refu kubvira pandichiri kuyeuka.", "Rwakaumba hupenyu hwangu munzira yandave kutotanga kunzwisisa izvozvi.", "Ndava zindoga, ndichitya kupinda munyika kunyanya ndikatarisana nemadzikirira anondityisa zvikuru.", "Ndakarasikirwa neshamwari, hama, uye hukama hwangu nevandaifambidzana navo hwakakanganisika.", "Nguva nenguva ndinenge ndiri panotedza, ndichimirira kuti imwe shangu idonhe.", "Ndinoziva kuti handisi ndega pakutambudzika kwangu.", "Pane vamwe vaneni pamutoro wangu.", "Tiri vemunharaunda vakashurikidzwa, vakabatanidzwa nerutyo rwatiinarwo.", "Ndisu vacho vanofamba murima, vachitya chiedza.", "Ndisu vacho vanoshungurudzwa nezvakaitika kare, uye vanorarama vachitya ramangwana."], "factuality": "ok"} {"id": "topic_446__ghgwggwwggwggggg", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["Grandmother is sitting in her rocking chair, knitting a sweater.", "Her granddaughter, a teenager, is sitting on the couch, watching TV.", "Grandmother: I remember when I was your age, we didn't have any of these fancy gadgets.", "We had to go outside and play.", "Granddaughter: I know, Grandma. You've told me that story a million times.", "Grandmother: Well, it's true!", "We had to use our imaginations to have fun.", "We didn't have all these video games and computers to entertain us.", "Granddaughter: But I like video games and computers. They're fun.", "Grandmother: I'm not saying they're not fun, but they're not the same as playing outside.", "When you play outside, you get exercise and you meet new people.", "Granddaughter: I know, Grandma. But I still like video games.", "Grandmother: Well, I guess you're just a product of your generation.", "Granddaughter: I guess so.", "[Grandmother smiles and goes back to knitting.", "Granddaughter goes back to watching TV.]"], "trgs": ["Ambuya vakagara pacheya yavo inogonyera mberi neshure, vachiruka kajuzi.", "Muzukuru wavo, uyo achiri kuyaruka, akagara pabhenji achiona terevhizheni.", "Ambuya: Ndichiri kuyeuka pandaive pazera rako, taisava nechero midziyi iyi yehumbozha.", "Taitofanira kuenda panze kunotamba.", "Muzukuru: Ndinozviziva, Gogo. Makandiudza nyaya iyoyo kanosvika kamiriyoni.", "Ambuya: Ehe, ichokwadi!", "Taitofanira kushandisa fungidziro dzedu kuti tinakidzwe.", "Taisava nemitambo yese iyi yemavhidhiyo uye makombiyuta ekutivaraidza.", "Muzukuru: Asi ini ndinofarira mitambo yemavhidhiyo nemakombiyuta. Zvinonakidza.", "Ambuya: Handisi kuti hazvinakidzi, asi hazvina kufanana nekutamba panze.", "Pamunotamba panze, munenge muchitorovedza muviri uye munosangana nevanhu vatsva.", "Muzukuru: Ndinozviziva, Gogo. Asi ndinongofarira mitambo yemavhidhiyo.", "Ambuya: Zvakanaka, ndinofunga kuti ungori nemafungiro ane chizvarwa chako.", "Muzukuru: Ndinofungawo kudaro.", "[Ambuya vanonyemwerera vodzokera havo kunoruka.", "Muzukuru anodzokera kunoona terevhizheni.]"], "factuality": "ok"} {"id": "topic_140__tfitftiiit", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["The influences of religion on music are vast and varied.", "From the chanting of hymns in ancient temples to the soaring melodies of gospel songs, music has long been used to express religious beliefs and emotions.", "In many religions, music is seen as a way to connect with the divine.", "The sounds and rhythms of music can create a sense of awe and reverence, and can help to transport the listener to a higher plane of consciousness.", "For example, in Hinduism, music is considered to be a form of yoga.", "The practice of kirtan, or devotional chanting, is said to help to purify the mind and open the heart to the divine.", "In Buddhism, music is often used as a form of meditation, helping to focus the mind and bring about a state of calm and tranquility.", "In addition to its spiritual role, music can also be used to address social and political issues.", "In the civil rights movement, for example, music played a powerful role in mobilizing people and inspiring them to fight for justice.", "The songs of Martin Luther King Jr, Mahalia Jackson, and others helped to give voice to the hopes and dreams of African Americans, and helped to bring about a more just and equitable society."], "trgs": ["Zvinoitwa nezvitendero panyaya yemimhanzi zvakawanda uye zvakasiyana-siyana.", "Kubva mukuimbwa kwenziyo dzemubhuku mutemberi dzekare kusvikira kunziyo dzakanyorovera dzezvitendero, kubvira kare mimhanzi yange iri kushandiswa kuburitsa zvinotendwa nerudzidziso uye manzwiro.", "Muzvitendero zvakawanda, mimhanzi inoonekwa senzira yekuzvibatanidza nehumwari.", "Ruzha nemutinhimira wemimhanzi zvinogona kuumba manzwiro emufaro neruremekedzo, uye zvinobatsira pakuita kuti muteereri adzamise pfungwa nehana yake pamwero wepamusoro-soro.", "Somuenzaniso, muchitendero chechiHindu, mimhanzi inoonekwa senzira yekurovedza.", "Tsika yekirtan, kana kuti yekudeedzera kwekuratidza kuzvipira, kunonzi kunobatsira kuchenesa pfungwa uye kuvhurira mwoyo zvinhu zvine chekuita nekunamata.", "Muchitendero chechiBhudha, mimhanzi inowanzoshandiswa senzira yekufungisisa, inobatsira kunangidzira pfungwa pachimwe chinhu uye kuunza dzikamo nemanzwiro ekudekara.", "Mukuwedzera pakushandiswa kwayo mune zvekunamata, mimhanzi inogona kushandiswa zvakare pakugadzirisa nyaya dzemagariro evanhu nedzematongerwo enyika.", "Somuenzaniso, muzviitiko zvekurwira kodzero dzeveruzhinji, minhanzi yakaita basa guru pakuunganidza vanhu nekuvapa chivindi chekurwira kuti pave neruramisiro.", "Nziyo dzaMartin Luther King Jr, Mahalia Jackson, nevamwewo dzakabatsira pakupa izwi retariro nezvishuvo zvezvizvarwa zvekuAmerica zvakabva kuAfrika, uye yakabatsira kuunza magariro evanhu ari nani uye akaenzanirana."], "factuality": "has_errors"} {"id": "topic_558__tipdtptit", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["The peacock is a large and colorful bird that is native to Asia.", "It is known for its beautiful plumage, which is made up of iridescent blue, green, and purple feathers.", "Peacocks are also known for their elaborate courtship displays, which they perform to attract mates.", "During these displays, the male peacock will spread his tail feathers and fan them out to create a large, colorful fan.", "The female peacock will then choose a mate based on the size and beauty of his tail feathers.", "Peacocks are also known for their intelligence and ability to learn.", "They can be trained to perform tricks and can even be taught to talk.", "In addition to their beauty and intelligence, peacocks are also important members of the ecosystem.", "They help to control the population of insects and other pests, and their droppings can help to fertilize the soil."], "trgs": ["Pikoko ishiri hombe ine mavara akasiyana-siyana inowanika kuAsia.", "Inozivikanwa neminhenga ayo ane mavara anon'aima ebhuruu, girinhi, uye epepuru.", "Pikoko dzinozivikanwa zvakare nemaitiro adzo anonwisa mvura pakukwezva hadzi kana hono yekuti irare nayo.", "Zvadzinoita ndezvekuti, pikoko hono inotambanudza manhenga ayo ekumashure yoaita sechekufenesa mhepo neruoko chikuru, chine mavara akawanda akanaka.", "Pikoko hadzi inozosarudza mukono wainoda kurara nawo zvichienderana nekukura uye kunaka kweminhenga awo yekumashure.", "Pikoko dzinozivikanwawo nehuchenjeri uye kukwanisa kwadzo kudzidza.", "Dzinogona kurovedzwa kuita zvikiribidi uye dzinogona kunyange kudzidziswa kutaura.", "Mukuwedzera pakunaka kwadzo nekuva nehuchenjeri, pikoko inhengo dzakakosha dziri mukudyidzana kunoita zvinhu zvinorarama nenharaunda yazvo.", "Dzinobatsira pakuita kuti huwandu hwetwupukanana nezvipembenene husanyanya kukura, uye matosi adzo anobatsira semanyowa kuivhu."], "factuality": "has_errors"} {"id": "topic_164__ittittiiii", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["I sit on the edge of the bed, my feet dangling over the side.", "The air is thick with the smell of sweat and sex.", "The sheets are tangled around my legs, and I can feel the warm imprint of his body on the mattress next to me.", "I reach for the postcard on the nightstand and write my name and address on the front.", "Then I turn it over and begin to write \"Dearest Ted,\" I write. \"I'm having the time of my life here in Italy.", "The weather is perfect, the food is delicious, and the people are so friendly.", "I've been swimming in the ocean, exploring the ruins of ancient cities, and eating the best things the country has to offer.\"", "I think of Ted's disintrest in outdoor activities and his bland cooking. I glance at Alfonso.", "\"I'm enclosing this postcard with a picture of the beach where I'm staying.", "It's a beautiful spot, with white sand and crystal-clear water.\""], "trgs": ["Ndakagara pakona pemubhedha, makumbo angu akasimudzwa kudivi rimwe.", "Mhepo izere nekunhuhwirira kwedikita nekukwirana.", "Machira akamoneredza makumbo angu, uye ndinonzwa kudziya kwepaanga akarara pamatiresi pedyo neni.", "Ndinotora positi kadhi raiva patebhuru inogara pedyo nemubhedha ndokunyora zita nekero yangu nechemberi.", "Ndinobva ndavhura peji inotevera ndokutanga kunyora kuti \"Anodiwa zvikuru Ted,\" ndakanyora seizvi. \"Ndiri kunakidzwa zvandisati ndamboita muhupenyu hwangu muno muItaly.", "Mamiriro ekunze akanaka zvikuru, zvekudya zvacho mutakunanzva, uye vanhu vacho vane hushamwari zvikuru.", "Ndange ndiri kutuhwina munyanza, kuona hungwandangwanda hwemaguta ekare, uye kudya zvekudya zvinonaka zvikuru zvinowanika munyika yacho.\"", "Ndinofunga nezvekusafarira kunoita Ted zvekusharanganya uye mabikiro ake achero. Ndinotarira Alfonso.", "\"Ndiri kuisa mukati mepositi kadhi iri pikicha yemahombekombe ekwandiri kugara.", "Inzvimbo yakazonaka, ine jecha jena uye mvura inon'aimira nekuchena.\""], "factuality": "ok"} {"id": "cameroon_historical__ttitdtiic", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["The history of Cameroon is long and complex, dating back to the earliest human settlements in the region.", "The area was first settled by Bantu peoples around 3000 BCE, and it was later conquered by the Kanem-Bornu Empire in the 11th century.", "In the 15th century, the Portuguese arrived in Cameroon and established trade relations with the local people.", "The region was later colonized by Germany in the 1880s, and it became a German colony known as Kamerun.", "During World War I, Cameroon was occupied by British and French forces, and it was divided between the two countries after the war.", "The British-controlled region became known as Southern Cameroons, while the French-controlled region became known as French Cameroon.", "In 1960, Southern Cameroons became independent from Britain, and it merged with French Cameroon to form the Federal Republic of Cameroon.", "In 1972, the federal system was abolished and Cameroon became a unitary state.", "Cameroon has experienced a number of political and economic challenges in recent years."], "trgs": ["Nhoroondo yenyika yeCameroon yakakura uye yakaoma kunzwisisa, ichitangira kumakore ekumashure apo misha yekutanga yakavapo mudunhu racho.", "Nzvimbo yacho yakatanga kugarwa nevanhu verudzi rwechiBantu mumakore ekuma 3000 BCE, uye yakazokundwa neHumambo hwaKanem-Bornu muzana remakore rechi11.", "Muzana remakore rechi15, vaPutukezi vakasvika muCameroon ndokuumba ukama hwekutengeserana nevanhu vemo.", "Pashure dunhu racho rakazopambwa nenyika yeGerman mumakore ekuma1880, uye rakava pasi peGermany richinzi Kamerun.", "Panguva yaiitika Hondo Yenyika Yekutanga, Cameroon yakagarwa nemauto ekuBritain uye yekuFrance, uye yakakamurwa ikava yenyika mbiri idzi pashure pehondo.", "Dunhu raidzorwa nenyika yekuBritain rakatanga kuzivikanwa nekuti Cameroon yeKumaodzanyemba, ukuwo raidzorwa nenyika yeFrance rakatanga kuzivikanwa nekuti French Cameroon.", "Mugore ra1960, Cameroon yekuMaodzanyemba yakawana rusununguko kubva kuBritain, uye yakabatana neFrance Cameroon ndokuumba Federal Republic of Cameroon.", "Mugore ra1972, hutongi hwemubatanidzwa hwakabviswa uye Cameroon yakava nyika yakabatana.", "Mumakore achangopfuura, nyika yeCameroon yakasangana nematambudziko ezvematongerwo enyika uye ezveupfumi akawanda."], "factuality": "ok"} {"id": "topic_61__mesgspgttttg", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["Mystery surrounds disappearance of Eva Green.", "Eva Green, a 25-year-old woman from London, has been missing for over a week.", "She was last seen on February 25th, leaving her apartment in the city's Notting Hill neighborhood.", "Green is described as being 5'6\" tall, with long brown hair and green eyes.", "She was last seen wearing a black coat, jeans, and a white t-shirt.", "Police have said that they are concerned for Green's safety and are asking anyone with information about her whereabouts to come forward.", "Green's family and friends are desperate for news of her.", "They have been posting flyers and distributing missing person's posters around the city.", "They have also set up a Facebook page to help spread the word about her disappearance.", "The police have not yet released any information about possible suspects or motives in Green's disappearance.", "They are asking anyone with information to come forward, no matter how small.", "Green's disappearance is a mystery, but her family and friends are hopeful that she will be found safe and sound."], "trgs": ["Kunyangarika kwaEva Green kwakamutsa mibvunzo yaishaikwa mhinduro.", "Eva Green, mukadzi aiva nemakore 25 aibva kuLondon, ange asiri kuwanika kwerinopfuura vhiki.", "Akapedzisira kuonekwa musi wa25 Kukadzi, achibva pamusha wake uri pedyo neNotting Hill iri muguta.", "Green anotsanangurwa semukadzi akareba 5'6\", ane bvudzi refu rakasvibira nemaziso egirinhi.", "Akapedzisira kuonekwa akapfeka bhachi dema, jinhi, nesikipa chena.", "Mapurisa akati ari kutyira nhau yekuchengeteka kwaGreen uye ari kukumbira munhu wese anogona kunge achiziva kuti aripi kuti auye kwavari.", "Mhuri neshamwari dzaGreen varikuparapatika kutsvaga mashoko pamusoro pake.", "Vange vari kutumira zvinyorwa nekupa mapepa muguta mose ane mashoko ekuti pane asiri kuwanikwa.", "Vakagadzirazve peji repaFacebook rekubatsiridza pakuparadzira mashoko nezvekunyangarika kwake.", "Mapurisa haasati aburitsa chero mashoko nezve vanhu vavari kufungidzira kana zvinangwa zvekunyangarika kwaGreen.", "Varikukumbira chero munhu ane mashoko kuti auye kwavari, pasinei nekuti mudiki zvakadii.", "Kunyangarika kwaGreen kuri kumutsa mibvunzo isina mhinduro, asi mhuri yake neshamwari vane tariro yekuti achawanikwa asiri munjodzi uye aine hutano hwakanaka."], "factuality": "ok"} {"id": "stt_546__tityniyttbisotwahstibyiw", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["Trimming your dog's nails is a necessary part of grooming, but it can be a daunting task for some pet owners.", "If you're not sure how to trim your dog's nails, don't worry - it's easier than you think.", "The first step is to gather your supplies.", "You'll need a pair of sharp scissors or a nail clipper, a styptic powder or pencil, and a towel.", "Next, you'll need to clip your dog's nails in a comfortable place.", "If your dog is nervous, try clipping their nails in a quiet room where they can't see out the window.", "You may also want to have someone help you hold your dog still.", "To trim your dog's nails, start by gently grasping their paw.", "Then, use your scissors or clippers to clip the tip of the nail.", "Be careful not to cut too short, as this can cause pain and bleeding.", "If you do cut your dog's nail too short, apply a styptic powder or pencil to stop the bleeding.", "Styptic powders and pencils are available at most pet stores.", "Once you've trimmed all of your dog's nails, be sure to reward them with a treat.", "Trimming nails can be a stressful experience for some dogs, so it's important to make it a positive experience.", "With a little practice, you'll be able to trim your dog's nails like a pro.", "And your dog will be happy to have their nails trimmed, too!", "Here are a few additional tips for trimming your dog's nails:", "* Start by trimming the nails on your dog's front paws.", "This is usually the easiest place to start.", "* If your dog is nervous, try trimming their nails one at a time.", "* Be sure to trim the nails evenly.", "You don't want one nail to be shorter than the others.", "* If you're not sure how to trim your dog's nails, ask your veterinarian or a groomer for help.", "With a little care and attention, you can keep your dog's nails trimmed and healthy."], "trgs": ["Kudimbura nzara dzembwa yako chikamu chakakosha chekuitarisira, asi rinogona kuva basa rakaoma kuvamwe vanochengeta mhuka dzepamba.", "Kana usina chokwadi nekuti nzara dzembwa yako dzinodimburirwa sei, usanetseka - zviri nyore zvikuru kupfuura zvaungafungidzira.", "Danho rekutanga nderekuunganidza zvekushandisa.", "Unoda chigero chakapinza, kana kuti kamuchina kanodimburira nzara, mushonga unomisa kubuda kweropa kana kuti penzura, netawuro.", "Chechipiri, unofanira kudimburira nzara dzembwa yako panzvimbo yakakotsekana.", "Kana imbwa yako ichitya, edza kudimburira nzara dzayo munzvimbo yakanyarara maisingagoni kuona nepahwindo.", "Unogona kudawo mumwe munhu anokubatsira kubata imbwa yako kuti isafamba-famba.", "Kuti udimburire nzara dzembwa yako, tanga nekubata tsoka dzayo zvinyoronyoro.", "Wadaro, shandisa chigero kana kuti kamuchina kanodimburira nzara kudimbura nechekumberi kwenzara dzayo.", "Ngwarira kuti usadamburira pedyo nekunotangira nzara, sezvo izvi zvichigona kuita kuti irwadziwe uye ibude ropa.", "Kana ukadimburira nzara dzembwa yako nechekwadzinotangira, isa mushonga unomisa kubuda kweropa kana kuti penzura kuti ropa rimire kubuda.", "Mushonga unomisa kubuda kweropa kana kuti penzura zvinowanika muzvitoro zvakawanda zvinotengesa zvinhu zvemhuka dzepamba.", "Kana wapedza kudimburira nzara dzose dzembwa yako, iva nechokwadi chekuti waipa chimwe chinhu chinonaka chekuitenda.", "Kudimburira nzara kunogona kuva chinhu chinoshungurudza kudzimwe imbwa, saka zvakakosha kuti uite kuti chiitiko chacho chinakidze.", "Nekungodzidzira zvishoma, unokwanisa kudimburira nzara dzembwa yako seshasha chaiyo.", "Uye nayowo imbwa yako inozofara nekudimburirwa nzara dzayo zvakare!", "Heanoi mamwe mazano mashoma ekudimburira nzara dzembwa yako:", "* Tanga nekudimburira nzara dzemakumbo ekumberi dzembwa yako.", "Iyi ndiyo nzvimbo iri nyore yekutangira.", "* Kana imbwa yako ichitya, edza kudimburira nzara imwe chete yayo panguva.", "* Iva nechokwadi chekuti wadimburira nzara dzayo zvakaenzanirana.", "Haufaniri kuita kuti imwe nzara ive pfupi zvikuru kupfuura dzimwe.", "* Kana usina chokwadi chekuti odimburira sei nzara dzembwa yako, bvunza anamazvikokota wekuchengetwa kwemhuka kana mumwe munhu ane ruzivo kuti akubatsire.", "Nekungoitira hanya zvishoma uye kungwaririra, unogona kuita kuti nzara dzembwa yako dzigare dzakadimburirwa uye dziine hutano."], "factuality": "ok"} {"id": "ivory_coast__itghihgitth", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["Ivory Coast is a country in West Africa that has been in the midst of a civil war since 2010.", "The conflict began after incumbent president Laurent Gbagbo refused to accept defeat in the 2010 presidential election.", "Gbagbo was eventually ousted by forces loyal to Alassane Ouattara, who was declared the winner of the election.", "However, the conflict has continued, with sporadic violence breaking out in the country.", "In 2017, there were hopes that the country would finally be able to move on from the civil war.", "However, these hopes were dashed when Gbagbo was acquitted of charges of crimes against humanity by the International Criminal Court.", "Gbagbo's acquittal was seen as a blow to the peace process, and it led to renewed violence in the country.", "In 2018, the United Nations Security Council imposed sanctions on Gbagbo and his supporters.", "The sanctions were aimed at pressuring Gbagbo to end his support for violence in the country.", "The sanctions have had some success, and there has been a decrease in violence in Ivory Coast since they were imposed.", "However, the country is still far from stable."], "trgs": ["Ivory Coast inyika iri Kumadokera kweAfrica iyo yange iri muhondo yevagari vemo kubvira mugore ra2010.", "Mhirizhonga iyi yakatanga apo aiva mutungamiri wenyika panguva yacho Laurent Gbagbo akaramba kuti ainge akundwa musarudzo dzemutungamiri wenyika dzegore ra2010.", "Pakupedzisira Gbagbo akazobviswa nemauto ainge akavimbika kunaAlassane Quattara, uyo akanzi ndiye ainge akunda musarudzo dzacho.", "Zvisinei, mhirizhonga yacho yakapfuurira, munyika macho muchiitika zvekurwisana apo neapo.", "Mugore ra2017, pakava netarisiro dzekuti nyika yacho pakupedzisira yaizokwanisa kumira zvekurwisana kwevagari vemo.", "Zvisinei, tarisiro idzi dzakaparara apo Gbagbo akasunungurwa achinzi haana mhosva dzekukonzera kuti vanhu vatambure nedare redzimhosva repasi rose reInternational Criminal Court.", "Kusunungurwa kwaGbagbo kwakaonekwa sechipingamupinyi chikuru pane zvaiitwa zvekuunza runyararo, uye kwakakonzeresa kuti kurwisana kutangidze zvakare munyika.", "Mugore ra2018, sangano reUnited Nations Security Council rakaisira Gbagbo nevatsigiri vake zvirango.", "Zvirango izvi zvaiva nechinangwa chekumanikidzira Gbagbo kuti amise rutsigiro rwake pakurwisana kwaive munyika.", "Zvirango izvi zvakabudirirawo, uye kurwisana kwakaderera muIvory Coast kubvira pazvakaiswa.", "Zvisinei, nyika yacho ichiri kure kuti inyatsova yakagadzikana."], "factuality": "has_errors"} {"id": "topic_309__totsrhattswih", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["There are many different ways to do laundry, from using a traditional washing machine and dryer to more eco-friendly methods like hand washing and line drying.", "One way to do laundry without using a machine is to hand wash your clothes in a basin or sink.", "To do this, fill the basin with warm water and add a small amount of laundry detergent.", "Soak your clothes for a few minutes, then scrub them with a washcloth or brush.", "Rinse your clothes thoroughly in clean water, then wring them out.", "Hang your clothes to dry on a clothesline or drying rack.", "Another option is to use a washing machine without a dryer.", "This can save energy and money, but it does require more time and effort.", "To wash clothes in a machine without a dryer, fill the machine with water and add laundry detergent.", "Set the machine to the appropriate cycle, then start it.", "When the cycle is complete, remove your clothes from the machine and hang them to dry.", "If you live in an area with a lot of rain, you may be able to use the rain to help you dry your clothes.", "Hang your clothes on a clothesline outside in the rain."], "trgs": ["Pane nzira dzakasiyana-siyama dzekuwacha nadzo mbatya, kubvira pakushandisa muchina unowacha nekuomesa kusvika kunzira dzisingakuvadzi nharaunda dzakadai sekushandisa maoko uye kuyanika hembe pamutariko.", "Imwe nzira yekuwacha nayo usingashandisi muchina ndeyekuwachira hembe nemaoko mudhishi kana kuti musingi.", "Kuti uite izvi, zadza dhishi nemvura inodziya oisa sipo yekuwachisa shoma.", "Soka hembe dzako kwemaminitsi mashoma, obva wazodzikwiza nejira rekuwachisa kana kuti nebhurasho.", "Dzumburudza zvakanyanya hembe dzako mumvura yakachena, wobva wadzisvina kuti mvura ibude.", "Yanika hembe dzako kuti dziome pamutariko kana kuti pekuyanikira.", "Imwe nzira ndeyekushandisa muchina unowacha usingaomese mbatya.", "Izvi zvinochengetedza magetsi nemari, asi zvinoda nguva nesimba rakawanda.", "Kuti uwache hembe nemuchina usina chekuomesa, isa mvura mumuchina oisa sipo yekuwachisa.", "Seta muchina kuti utenderere pamwero wakakodzera, wobva waubatidza.", "Kana wapedza kutenderera, bvisa hembe dzako mumuchina wodziyanika kuti dziome.", "Kana uchigara munzvimbo inonaya mvura yakawanda, unogona kushandisa mvura inonaya kuti ikubatsire kuomesa hembe dzako.", "Yanika hembe dzako pamutariko uri panze panenge pachinaya."], "factuality": "has_errors"} {"id": "topic_128__itttitatiotothtseaeb", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["In the beginning, there was only darkness.", "The universe was a vast, empty void.", "Then, out of the darkness, came a spark.", "This spark was the first sign of life in the universe.", "It grew and expanded, becoming a small ball of fire.", "This ball of fire was the sun.", "Around the sun, the planets began to form.", "The Earth was the third planet from the sun.", "It was a small, rocky planet with a thin atmosphere.", "On the Earth, the first living things began to appear.", "These were simple organisms, such as bacteria and algae.", "Over time, these organisms evolved into more complex forms of life, such as plants and animals.", "The first humans appeared on Earth about 200,000 years ago.", "Humans have evolved and developed to become the dominant species on Earth.", "The universe is still expanding and evolving.", "Scientists believe that it will continue to expand for billions of years.", "Eventually, the universe will reach a point where it can no longer expand.", "At this point, the universe will begin to contract.", "Eventually, the universe will collapse in on itself and disappear.", "But even though the universe may end, the story of life will continue."], "trgs": ["Pakutanga, kwaingova nerima.", "Nyika yaiva iri zienda nakuenda, isina chinhu.", "Zvadaro, kubva murima, makauya kupenya.", "Kupenya uku ndiko kwakava chiratidzo chekutanga chehupenyu munyika.", "Kwakakura kwakawedzera, kuchibva kwava kabhora kadiki kemoto.", "Zuva ndiro raiva kabhora kemoto aka.", "Munzvimbo dzakapoteredza zuva, mapuraneti akatanga kuumbika.", "Nyika ndiyo yaiva puraneti yechitatu kubva kuzuva.", "Yaiva iri puraneti diki, ine matombo iine muchadenga makatetepera.", "Panyika, zvinhu zvekutanga zvine hupenyu zvakatanga kuvapo.", "Zvaiva zvipukanana zviri nyore, zvakadai semabhakitiriya nezerere.", "Nekufamba kwenguva, zvipukanana izvi zvakatanga kushanduka zvichiva zvinhu zvikuru zvine hupenyu, zvakadai sezvimerwa nemhuka.", "Vanhu vekutanga vakava panyika anenge makore 200,000 apfuura.", "Vanhu vakashanduka vakasimukira kuva ndudzi ikuru paNyika.", "Nyika ichiri kukura uye kuchinja.", "Vezvesayenzi vanodavira kuti icharamba ichikura kwemabhiriyoni emakore.", "Pakupedzisira, nyika inozosvika pekuti haicharamba ichikura.", "Pachidanho ichi, nyika inobva yatanga kudzoka ichiva diki.", "Pakupedzisira, nyika ichazviwondomokera yonyangarika.", "Asi kunyange zvazvo nyika ichaguma, nyaya yehupenyu icharamba ichienderera mberi."], "factuality": "ok"} {"id": "topic_294__iitraboyy", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["I'm concerned about the environment and the impact that climate change is having on our planet.", "I'm also a big fan of technology and gadgets, so I'm always looking for ways to reduce my carbon footprint without sacrificing my lifestyle.", "That's why I'm so excited about renewable and alternative energy sources.", "Renewable energy is energy that comes from sources that are naturally replenished, such as solar, wind, and water power.", "Alternative energy is energy that comes from sources that are not traditionally used for power generation, such as biomass and geothermal energy.", "Both renewable and alternative energy sources are clean and sustainable, meaning they don't produce greenhouse gases or other pollutants.", "One of the best ways to make a difference is to switch to renewable energy sources for your home.", "You can do this by installing solar panels on your roof, buying a wind turbine, or signing up for a green power plan from your utility company.", "You can also reduce your energy consumption by unplugging appliances when you're not using them, turning off the lights when you leave a room, and using energy-efficient appliances."], "trgs": ["Ndiri kunetseka nemhoteredzo uye kukanganiswa kuri kuitwa nyika yedu zvichikonzerwa nekuchinja kuri kuita mamiriro ekunze.", "Nditoriwo mutsigiri mukuru weruzivo rwekugadzirwa kwezvinhu nemagajeti, saka ndiri kuramba ndichitsvaka nzira dzandingaderedza nadzo kabhoni yandinokonzeresa kuti ive mumhepo asi ndisingavhiringidzi mararamiro angu.", "Ndicho chikonzero nei ndichifarira nhau dzekushandiswa kwesimba rezvinhu zvinoramba zvichivapo uye dzimwe nzira dzinopa simba remoto ratinoda pakurarama.", "Simba rezvinhu zvinoramba zvichivapo isimba rinobva kuzvinhu zvinozviita zvega zvakadai sezuva, mhepo uye simba remvura.", "Dzimwewo nzira dzinopa simba ndedziya dzinoshandiswa pakusika simba remoto, dzakadai sebiomass uye kupisa kunobva pasi penyika.", "Zvose zviri zviviri, simba rezvinhu zvinoramba zvichivapo uye dzimwewo nzira dzinopa simba, inzira dzakachena uye dzinoramba dzichivapo, kureva kuti hadziburitsi chiutsi kana zvimwe zvinhu zvinokanganisa mhoteredzo.", "Imwe yenzira dzakanakisisa yekuita kuti pave neshanduko ndeyekuti pamba penyu muchinjire kunzira idzi dzinoshandisa simba rinoramba richingovapo.", "Munogora kuita izvi nekuisa masolar pamarata edzimba dzenyu, kutenga gwenya remagetsi rinotenderedzwa nemhepo, kana kuti kuita hurongwa hwekushandisa magetsi anopiwa nekambani inoshandisa nzira idzi dzisingasvibisi mhoteredzo.", "Munogonawo kuderedza simba remagetsi ramunoshandisa nekudzima midziyo yemagetsi yamunenge musiri kushandisa, kudzima zvekuvhenekesa zvemagetsi pamunobuda mukamuri, uye kushandisa midziyo yemagetsi isingatori moto wakawandisa."], "factuality": "has_errors"} {"id": "topic_105__tibohwhttthtttt", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["The old wooden boat sat on the shore, its sails furled and its hull weathered by the sun and the rain.", "It had seen many years of service, carrying its owners on voyages to far-off lands.", "But now, it was retired, its days of sailing over.", "One day, a young boy named Thomas came to the beach.", "He had heard stories about the old boat, and he was eager to see it for himself.", "When he saw the boat, he was amazed by its size and its beauty.", "He could imagine himself sailing off on adventures in the vast ocean.", "Thomas asked the owner of the boat if he could take a closer look.", "The owner smiled and said, \"Of course you can. Come aboard!\"", "Thomas climbed into the boat and sat down in the captain's chair.", "He looked out over the water and imagined himself sailing away to a faraway land.", "The owner of the boat watched Thomas for a moment, then said, \"Do you want to learn how to sail?\"", "Thomas' eyes widened \"Yes\" he said.", "The owner of the boat smiled again.", "\"Then I'll teach you,\" he said."], "trgs": ["Chikepe chemapuranga chekare chainge chiri nechepamhenderekedzo, maseiri acho ava mamvemve uye mberi kwacho kwatsakadzwa nezuva uye nemvura inonaya.", "Chainge chadya makore akawanda ebasa, chichitakura varidzi vacho kuenda kunzvimbo dziri kure nemumvura.", "Asi panguva ino, chainge chaneta, mazuva acho ekufamba muvhura ainge apera.", "Rimwe zuva mumwe mukomana wechidiki anonzi Thomas akauya kumhenderekedzo yegungwa.", "Ainge akanzwa nhau yechikepe ichi chekare, uye aida kuzvionera pachake.", "Paakaona chikepe ichi, akafadzwa nekukura uye kunaka kwacho.", "Aizviona achifamba nacho mumvura kuenda kunzvimbo dzinonakidza dzemugungwa rakaita zienda nakuenda.", "Thomas akakumbira muridzi wechikepe ichi kana aizokwanisa kunyatsochitarisa ari pedyo.", "Muridzi wacho akanyemwerera ndokuti, \"Hongu unokwanisa. Pinda mukati!\"", "Thomas akakwira achipinda muchikepe ndokugara pachigaro chinogarwa nemufambisi wechikepe.", "Akatarisa kumvura ndokufungidzira achifamba nechikepe kuenda kunzvimbo iri kure.", "Muridzi wechikepe ichi aiona zvaiitwa naThomas kwekanguva, ndokuti, \"Uri kuda here kudzidziswa mafambisirwo echikepe?\"", "Maziso aThomas akavhurwa \"Hongu\" akadaro.", "Muridzi wechikepe akanyemwerera zvakare.", "\"Saka ndichakudzidzisa,\" akadaro."], "factuality": "ok"} {"id": "topic_328__sjijwjijiwjbsajijiij", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["Scene: Two friends, Jasmine and Joseph, are sitting at a coffee shop.", "Jasmine: I'm so glad you could meet me today, Joseph.", "I really need your help.", "Joseph: Anything for you, Jasmine.", "What's going on?", "Jasmine: I'm having a really tough time at work.", "I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to keep my job.", "Joseph: Oh no, Jasmine.", "I'm so sorry to hear that.", "What's going on?", "Jasmine: It's a long story.", "But basically, my boss is really unfair to me.", "She's always picking on me and making me do all the worst jobs.", "And she's not even giving me a fair chance.", "Joseph: That's terrible, Jasmine.", "I can't believe she's treating you like that.", "Jasmine: I know.", "I'm so stressed out about it.", "I don't know what to do.", "Joseph: Well, first of all, you need to take a deep breath and calm down."], "trgs": ["Marongerwo ezvinhu: Shamwari mbiri, Jasmine naJoseph, vakagara muchitoro chinotengesa kofi.", "Jasmine: Ndafara zvikuru kuti wasangana neni nhasi, Joseph.", "Ndiri kunyatsoda rubatsiro rwako.", "Joseph: Chero chaunoda, Jasmine.", "Chii chiri kuitika?", "Jasmine: Zvinhu hazvisi kundifambira zvakanaka kubasa.", "Handina chokwadi kana ndichizokwanisa kuramba ndiri pabasa rangu.", "Jeseph: Aaa usadaro Jasmine.", "Ndine hurombo zvikuru kunzwa izvi.", "Chii chiri kuitika?", "Jasmine: Inyaya yakareba.", "Asi pane nyaya ndepekuti, mukuru webasa wangu haasi kundiruramisira.", "Ari kungosarudza inini achiita kuti ndiite mabasa ese akaoma.", "Uye haasi kana kundipa mukana wakanaka.", "Joseph: Zvinosiririsa, Jasmine.", "Handingambozvidaviri kuti ndiyo mabatiro aari kukuita.", "Jasmine: Ndinozviziva.", "Ndakaora mwoyo zvikuru nazvo.", "Handichatozivi kuti ndodini.", "Joseph: Zvakanaka, chekutanga, tura befu wodzikama."], "factuality": "ok"} {"id": "topic_244__ththtihth", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["The smell of fresh-baked bread wafted through the air as the baker pulled a tray of golden brown loaves from the oven.", "He carefully set them on a cooling rack and smiled, pleased with his work.", "The loaves were perfectly browned and had a delicious aroma that made his mouth water.", "He couldn't wait to try one!", "The baker cut a slice of bread and took a bite.", "It was even better than he had imagined, with a soft, chewy texture and a rich, flavorful taste.", "He closed his eyes and savored the moment, enjoying the feeling of contentment that came from eating something so delicious.", "The baker knew that he was lucky to have the ability to bake such delicious bread.", "He took pride in his work and was always happy to share his creations with others."], "trgs": ["Kunhuhwirira kwechingwa chichangoibva kwakauya nemumhepo apo mubiki akadhonza tureyi yechingwa chainge chakaita kutsvukirira kubva muovheni.", "Akabva anyatsochigadzika pachinoporera kupisa ndokunyemwerera, afadzwa nebasa rake.", "Zvingwa zvacho zvainge zvakanyatsotsvukirira zvichinhuhwirira zvaiita kuti mate azare mumukamwa make.", "Ainge atononokerwa nekuravidza chimwe chete!", "Mubiki wacho akacheka chimedu chechingwa ndokuchiruma.", "Chainaka zvikuru kupfuura zvaaifungidzira, chakapfavirira uye chiine kakunhuhwirira.", "Akaita kuvharirira maziso ake achinyatsonakirwa, achinakidzwa nekunzwa kugutsikana kunobva pakudya chinhu chinonaka zvakadaro.", "Mubiki aiziva kuti ainge aine mhanza yakanaka yekukwanisa kubika chingwa chinonaka zvakadaro.", "Akanzwa kudada nebasa rake uye aigara achifarira kudzidzisa vamwe hunyanzvi hwake."], "factuality": "ok"} {"id": "stt_682__tithitcitsud", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["The type of fish you choose will depend on your personal preferences and the intended use for the fish.", "If you are looking for a fish that is high in omega-3 fatty acids, then you may want to choose a wild river fish.", "These fish are typically lower in contaminants than farm-raised fish.", "However, wild river fish can be more expensive and difficult to find.", "If you are looking for a fish that is mild in flavor and easy to cook, then you may want to choose a calm lake fish.", "These fish are typically not as high in omega-3 fatty acids as wild river fish, but they are still a good source of protein and other nutrients.", "Calm lake fish are also typically more affordable and easier to find than wild river fish.", "If you are looking for a fish that is low in cost and easy to care for, then you may want to choose a stock pond farm raised variety.", "These fish are typically raised in controlled environments and are fed a diet that is designed to promote growth.", "Stock pond farm raised fish are typically not as high in omega-3 fatty acids as wild river or calm lake fish, but they are still a good source of protein and other nutrients.", "Ultimately, the best type of fish for you will depend on your individual needs and preferences.", "Do some research to learn more about the different types of fish available and choose the one that is right for you."], "trgs": ["Mhando yehove yaunosarudza inoenderana nezvaunoda uye zviri kuda kushandiswa hove yacho.", "Kana uri kutsvaka hove yakapfuma nezvekudya zvine mafuta eomega-3, unenge wave kusarudza hove dzinosvetuka-svetuka dzichiteedza rukova.", "Hove idzi hadzina zvinodzisvibisa zvakanyanya kana dzichienzaniswa nedzinoitwa zvekuchengetwa papurazi.", "Zvisinei, hove dzinosvetuka-svetuka dzichiteedza rukova dzinodhura uye dzinonetsa kuwana.", "Kana uri kutsvaga hove isinganyanyi kuita kahwema uye iri nyore kubika, unenge wave kutosarudza hove dzinowanika mugungwa recalm.", "Hove idzi hadzina zvekudya zvinovaka muviri zvine mafuta eomega-3 sedziya dzinosvetuka-svetuka dzichiteedza rukova, asi dzinopa kudya kune mapuroteni nezvimwewo zvinovaka muviri.", "Hove dzinowanika mugungwa recalm dzinotengekawo zvikuru uye dziri nyore kuwana kana dzichienzaniswa nedziya dzinosvetuka-svetuka dzichiteedza rukova.", "Kana uri kutsvaka hove isingadhuri uye iri nyore kutarisira, unenge wave kutosarudza mhando dziya dzinochengeterwa muzvidziva zvekugadzira.", "Hove idzi dzinonyanya kuchengetwa mumamiriro ezvinhu anoita zvekudzorwa uye dzinopiwa zvekudya zvinoita kuti dzikure zvikuru.", "Hove dzinochengeterwa muzvidziva zvekugadzira kazhinji kacho hadzina kudya kwakanyanya kune mafuta eomega-3 kana dzichienzaniswa nedziya dzinosvetuka-svetuka dzichiteedza rukova kana kuti dzinowanika mugungwa recalm, asi dzinopa kudya kune mapuroteni nezvimwewo zvinowaka muviri.", "Pakupedzisira, mhando yakanakisisa yehove inonyatsokuitira inoenderana nezvaunoda semunhu uye zvaunofarira.", "Ita tsvakurudzo kuti udzidze zvakawanda nezvemhando dzakasiyana-siyana dzehove dzinowanika obva wasarudza inonyatsokuitira."], "factuality": "has_errors"} {"id": "topic_100__ufwoeittssti", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["Unsolved mysteries have captured the public's imagination for centuries.", "From the disappearance of Amelia Earhart to the identity of Jack the Ripper, these cases have left us wondering what really happened.", "While some of these mysteries may never be solved, they continue to fascinate us because they offer a glimpse into the unknown.", "One of the most famous unsolved mysteries is the disappearance of Amelia Earhart.", "Earhart was an American aviator who became the first woman to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean.", "In 1937, she set out on an around-the-world flight with navigator Fred Noonan.", "The pair disappeared over the Pacific Ocean on July 2, 1937, and their fate remains unknown.", "There are many theories about what happened to Earhart and Noonan.", "Some believe that they crashed into the ocean, while others believe that they were captured by the Japanese.", "Still others believe that they deliberately disappeared in order to escape the public eye.", "The mystery of Earhart's disappearance has been the subject of books, articles, and documentaries.", "In 2017, a team of researchers announced that they had found evidence that Earhart's plane crashed on a remote island in the Pacific Ocean."], "trgs": ["Nyaya dzisina kugadziriswa dzakabata fungidziro yeveruzhinji kwemazana emakore.", "Kubvira pakutsakatika kwaAmelia Earhart kusvikira panyaya yezita raJack the Ripper, nyaya idzi dzakatisiya tichinetseka kuti chii chaizvo chakanyatsoitika.", "Nepo dzimwe dzenyaya idzi dzisingazivikanwi dzisingazombofa dzakagadziriswa, dzinoramba dzichitinakidza sezvo dzichiita kuti tidongorere zvishoma kuzvinhu zvisingazivikanwe.", "Imwe yenyaya isina kuzivikanwa yakaita mukurumbira ndeyekutsakatika kwaAmelia Earhart.", "Earhart aiva mutyairi wendege wekuAmerika uyo akava mukadzi wekutanga kubhururuka nendege ari ega achipfuura nemugungwa reAtlantic ocean.", "Mugore ra1937, akagadzirira kubhururuka nendege achipota nenyika yose achitungamirirwa naFred Noonan.", "Vaviri vacho vakanyangarika vari pamusoro pegungwa rePacific Ocean musi wa2 Chikumi, wegore ra1937, uye zvakaitika kwavari hazvisati zvazivikanwa nanhasi.", "Pane pfungwa dzakawanda dzezvinofungidzirwa kuti ndozvakaitika kuna Earhart naNoonan.", "Vamwe vanodavira kuti vakadonhera mugungwa, vamwewo vachidavira kuti vakatapwa nevanhu vekuJapan.", "Kune vamwe vanodavira kuti vakazvinyangaritsa pachavo kuti vasaongororwa upenyu hwavo nevanhu.", "Nyaya yekunyangarika kwaEarhart yakaitwa chipatapata kunyorwa mumabhuku, muzvinyorwa, uye mutsanangudzo dzakawanda.", "Mugore ra2017, boka revatsvakurudzi rakazivisa kuti rainge rawana humbowo hwekuti ndege yaiva naEarhart yakadonhera kuchitsuva chiri kwacho chega chiri munzvimbo yePacific Ocean."], "factuality": "ok"} {"id": "stt_465__gtdthgtdhiyooootri", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["Giant wolf spiders are the largest species of arachnid in the world, with some individuals reaching lengths of over 12 inches.", "They are found in tropical rainforests around the world, and are known for their aggressive behavior and venomous bite.", "Despite their fearsome reputation, giant wolf spiders are actually quite docile creatures.", "They are not aggressive towards humans unless they are provoked, and their venom is not typically fatal to humans.", "However, their bite can be quite painful, and can cause swelling, redness, and itching.", "Giant wolf spiders are excellent climbers, and can use their silk to create webs that can reach up to 30 feet in length.", "They are also very fast runners, and can move at speeds of up to 10 miles per hour.", "Due to their size, speed, and climbing ability, giant wolf spiders are a popular choice for people who want to experience the thrill of riding a giant arachnid.", "However, it is important to remember that these creatures are wild animals, and should be treated with respect.", "If you are thinking about riding a giant wolf spider, it is important to do your research and make sure that you are properly prepared.", "You should also make sure that you have the proper equipment, such as a harness and a leash.", "Once you are properly prepared, you can begin your journey by finding a suitable giant wolf spider.", "Once you have found a spider, you can approach it slowly and gently.", "Once the spider is comfortable with you, you can slowly climb onto its back.", "Once you are on the spider's back, you can hold on tightly and enjoy the ride.", "The spider will use its silk to create a web that will support you as you ride.", "Riding a giant wolf spider is an unforgettable experience.", "It is a great way to experience the thrill of the wild, and to get up close and personal with one of the world's most fascinating creatures."], "trgs": ["Rudzi rweGiant wolf ndirwo mhando yakakurisa yezvitsvatsvatsva pasi rose, zvimwe zvacho zvichigona kusvika mainji 12 ekureba.", "Zvinowanika munzvimbo dzinopisa dzinogara dzichinaya mvura pasi rose, uye zvinozivikanwa nehunhu hwazvo hwekuva nehasha uye kusiya huturu pazvinoruma.", "Pasinei nemukurumbira wazvo unotyisa, zvidzvatsvatsva zverudzi rwegiant wolf zvipukanana zvinoteerera zvikuru.", "Hazvinyanyova nehasha kuvanhu kunze kwekunge zvadenhwa, uye huturu hwazvo hauwanzourayi vanhu.", "Zvisinei, zvinoruma zvinorwadza zvikuru, uye kuruma kwazvo kunowanzokonzera kuzvimba, kutsvukuruka, uye kuvava.", "Zvidzvatsvatsva zverudzi rwegiant wolf ishasha pakukwira zvinhu, uye zvinogona kushandisa katambo kazvo kugadzira dandemutande rinogona kusvika pamafiti 30 ekufara.", "Zvinomhanyawo zvakanyanya, uye zvinogona kumhanya kwemamayera 10 paawa.", "Nekuda kwekukura kwazvo, mwero wekumhanya, kukwanisa kwazvo kukwira, zvidzvatsvatsva zvinonzi giant wolf ndizvo zvinonyanya kusarudzwa nevanhu vanoda zvekunakidzwa nekukwira zvidzvatsvatsva zvakakura.", "Zvisinei, zvakakosha kuziva kuti zvisikwa izvi imhuka dzemusango, uye zvinoda kubatwa neruremekedzo.", "Kana uri kufunga nezvekukwira chidzvatsvatsva chakakura, zvakakosha kuti uite tsvakurudzo yako ova nechokwadi chekuti wakanyatsogadzirira.", "Unofanira kuva nechokwadi chekuti une zvekushandisa zvakakwana, zvakadai setambo dzekubata kuti usadonha uye tambo dzekudzoresa.", "Kana wanyatsogadzirira, unogona kutanga rwendo rwako nekutsvaka chidzvatsvatsva chakakura chinonzi wolf spider chakakodzera.", "Kana wawana chidzvatsvatsva ichi, unogona kusvika pachiri zvishoma nezvishoma uye zvinyoro-nyoro.", "Kana chidzvatsvatsva chacho chisina kukuvhunduka, unogona kuchikwira zvishoma nezvishoma nechepamusana pacho.", "Kana wagara pamusana pacho, unogona kubatirira zvakasimba wotanga kunakidzwa nekufamba wakachikwira.", "Chidzvatsvatsva chinoshandisa tambo dzacho kugadzira dandemutande rinokutsigirira kuti usadonha paunenge uri pamusana pacho.", "Kukwira chidzvatsvatsva chakakura chiitiko chisingakanganwiki.", "Inzira yakanakisisa yekunakidzwa nezviri musango, uye yekuva pedyo uye kunzwisisana nechimwe chezvisikwa zvinonyanya kunakidza zviri panyika."], "factuality": "has_errors"} {"id": "topic_43__fifaifiaif", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["Fatima Messaoudi: I'm an actor and a furniture designer. I'm also passionate about flowers, especially those that bloom in the winter.", "Interviewer: What drew you to acting and furniture design?", "Fatima Messaoudi: I've always loved performing and creating things.", "Acting allows me to express myself creatively, and furniture design allows me to use my creativity to make something beautiful and functional.", "Interviewer: What are some of the challenges you've faced as an actor and a furniture designer?", "Fatima Messaoudi: One of the challenges I've faced as an actor is the lack of diversity in the industry.", "I've often been told that I'm not the right type for a role because of my race or ethnicity.", "As a furniture designer, I've faced the challenge of breaking into a male-dominated industry.", "Interviewer: How have you overcome these challenges?", "Fatima Messaoudi: I've overcome these challenges by working hard and never giving up."], "trgs": ["Fatima Messaoudi: Ndinoita zvekuekita uye zvekudhizaina fenicha. Ndinofarirawo zvine chokuita nemaruva, kunyanya aya anoita maruva mumwaka wechando.", "Ari kubvunzurudza: Chii chakaita kuti ufarire zvekuekita uye kudhizaina fenicha?", "Fatima Messaoudi: Kubvira nakubvira ndaingofarira kuita zvemitambo uye kugadzira zvinhu.", "Zvekuekita zvinondipa mukana wekuti ndiburitse zvandiri nenzira yehunyanzvi uye kudhizaina fenicha kunondipa mukana wekuti ndishandise hunyanzvi hwangu kugadzira chimwe chinhu chakanaka uye chinoshanda.", "Ari kubvunzurudza: Ndeapi mamwe ematambudziko awakasangana nayo semunhu anoita zvekuekita uye kudhizaina fenicha?", "Fatima Messaoudi: Rimwe rematambudziko andakasangana nawo semunhu anoita zvekuekita nderekusavapo kwezvinhu zvakawanda zvaunogona kuita muchikamu ichi.", "Kakawanda kacho ndaiudzwa kuti handisi munhu aidiwa pachinzvimbo chimwe chekuekita nekuda kwerudzi rwangu kana kuti zvatiri serudzi.", "Semunhu anoita zvekudhizaina fenicha, ndakasangana nedambudziko rekuti ndikwanise kupinda muchikamu chakazara nevarume.", "Ari kubvunzurudza: Wakakurira sei matambudziko aya?", "Fatima Messaoudi: Ndakakurira matambudziko aya nekushanda nesimba uye kusakanda mapfumo pasi."], "factuality": "ok"} {"id": "topic_88__twibthattt", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["Translation has many benefits, including increasing the relative value of content, improving accessibility, and opening up new markets.", "When content is translated, it becomes accessible to a wider audience, which can lead to increased sales and profits.", "In addition, translation can help to build relationships with customers in other countries and cultures.", "By displaying content in multiple languages, businesses can show that they are committed to reaching a global audience.", "This can help to build trust and credibility with potential customers.", "Here are some specific examples of how translation has benefited businesses: * A small business that sells handmade jewelry translated its website into Spanish, French, and German.", "As a result, it saw a significant increase in sales from international customers * A large corporation that manufactures medical devices translated its product manuals into multiple languages.", "This helped to ensure that doctors and nurses in other countries could use the devices safely and effectively * A nonprofit organization that provides humanitarian aid translated its brochures and websites into dozens of languages.", "This helped to reach people in need who would not have otherwise been able to access the organization's resources.", "Translation is a powerful tool that can help businesses to grow and succeed."], "trgs": ["Basa rekushandura rine zvakawanda zvarinopa, kusanganisira kuvandudza hukoshi hwemashoko, kuvandudza kuwanikwa kwawo, uye kuvhura misika mitsva.", "Mashoko akashandurirwa mune mumwe mutauro, anenge ava kunzwisiswa nevanhu vakawanda, zvichigona kuguma nekuwedzera kwevanotenga uye kwepurofiti.", "Mukuwedzera, kushandurirwa kwemashoko mune mumwe mutauro kunobatsira pakuumba hukama nevatengi vari mune dzimwe nyika nevane dzimwe tsika.", "Nekuratidza mashoko ari mumitauro yakawanda, mabhizinisi anenge achiratidza kuti akazvipira kusvika kumunhu wese pasi rose.", "Izvi zvinobatsira pakusimbisa kuvimbwa kwavo nekuonekwa kwavo sevari pachokwadi nevanogona kuzova vatengi vavo.", "Heinoi mienzaniso yakananga inoratidza kubatsirwa kwakaitwa vezvemabhizinisi nebasa rekushandura: * Bhizinisi diki rinoita zvekutengesa zvishongo zvinogadzirwa nemaoko rakashandurira webhusaiti yaro mumutauro wechiSpanish, French, uye chiGermany.", "Semugumisiro, rakacherechedza kuti kutengwa kwezvinhu zvaro kwakawedzera zvikuru nekuda kwevatengi vekune dzimwe nyika * Kambani hombe inogadzira twumidziyo twunoshandiswa mune zvekurapa yakashandurira mashoko anopa mirayiridzo yemashandisirwo etwumudziyo utwu mumitauro yakawanda.", "Izvi zvakabatsira pakuti wave nechokwadi chekuti anachiremba nanamukoti wekudzimwe nyika vaizoshandisa twumidziyo utwu zvisina njodzi uye zvakanakanaka * Rimwe sangano rakazvimirira rinopa rubatsiro kuvanhu rakashandurira mabhurocha aro newebhusaiti kune mimwe mitauro yakawanda.", "Izvi zvakabatsira kusvika kuvanhu vaida rubatsiro avo zvichida vaisazombofa vakawana rubatsiro rwezvinhu kubva kusangano iri.", "Kushandurira mashoko kumimwe mitauro iturusi rine simba rinogona kubatsira mabhizinisi kuti akure uye abudirire."], "factuality": "ok"} {"id": "stt_495__twhtowawoth", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["This is because we are all created in God's image, and God is the essence of rationality and order.", "When we live in accordance with our true nature, we are able to experience peace and harmony.", "However, when we allow our thoughts and actions to become chaotic and inconsistent, we experience inner conflict and turmoil.", "There are many ways to achieve internal consistency.", "One way is to live according to our values.", "When we know what is important to us and we make choices that are consistent with those values, we feel a sense of purpose and direction.", "Another way to achieve internal consistency is to be honest with ourselves about our strengths and weaknesses.", "When we are aware of our true selves, we can make choices that are in alignment with our authentic nature.", "Of course, achieving internal consistency is not always easy.", "There will be times when we make mistakes or when we are faced with difficult choices.", "However, if we are willing to strive for consistency, we will eventually find our way back to peace and harmony."], "trgs": ["Izvi imhaka yekuti takasikwa mumufananidzo waMwari, uye Mwari ndiye revo huru yekuenzanisa uye kurongeka.", "Patinorarama mukuwirirana nemasikirwo chaiwo atakaitwa, tinokwanisa kuva nerugare uye chinzwano.", "Zvisinei, patonibvumira mafungiro edu nezviito kuti zvive nenyonganyonga uye kuchinja-chinja, tinova nemakakatanwa emukati uye nyonganyonga.", "Pane nzira dzakawanda dzekuti tiite zvinhu tisingachinji-chinji mumafungiro.", "Imwe nzira yacho ndeyekurarama mukuwirirana netsika dzedu.", "Patinoziva zvinhu zvakatikoshera uye toita zvisarudzo zvinoenderana netsika idzodzo, tinonzwa tichikosha uye tiine kwatakananga.", "Imwe nzira yekuti tiite zvinhu tisingachinji-chinji mafungiro ndeyekuva vakavimbika kwatiri pachedu panhau yezvatinokwanisa kuita nezvatisingakwanisi.", "Patinoziva zvatiri chaizvo, tinoita zvisarudzo zvinofambirana nezvatiri chaizvo izvozvo.", "Hongu, kuva vanhu vasingachinji-chinji mafungiro hakusi nyore nguva dzose.", "Pachava nenguva dzatinoita zvikanganiso kana kuti patinotarisana nezvisarudzo zvakaoma.", "Zvisinei, kana tiine chido chekushanda nesimba kuti tisachinja-chinja zvinhu, pakupedzisira tinowana nzira yekudzokera nayo kurugare nechinzwano."], "factuality": "ok"} {"id": "topic_281__viivhaivhhtt", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["Vimes was having a headache.", "It was the kind of headache that made you want to tear your hair out, or at least write a strongly worded letter to the makers of whatever it was that had given you the headache in the first place.", "In this case, the headache was the result of a particularly trying day at work.", "Vimes had been investigating a series of robberies, and he was starting to feel like he was getting nowhere.", "He was tired, he was frustrated, and he just wanted to go home and sleep for a week.", "As he was walking back to his office, Vimes passed a small stationery shop.", "In the window, he saw a sign that said \"Best Letters in the City\".", "Vimes stopped and stared at the sign for a moment.", "He thought about his headache, and he thought about all the letters he had to write.", "He sighed and went into the shop.", "The shop was full of all sorts of stationery supplies.", "There were pens, pencils, paper, envelopes, stamps, and even a few typewriters."], "trgs": ["Vimes aitemwa nemusoro.", "Kwaiva kutemwa nemusoro kuya kwekuti unonzwa uchida kudzura mvudzi rako, kana kuti sedanho rekutanga kunyora tsamba ine mashoko makukutu kune vakaita chero chii zvacho chakakonzeresa kuti urwadziwe nemusoro zvakadai.", "Panyaya iyi, kutemwa nemusoro uku kwaikonzerwa nezuva rainge risina kumira zvakanaka kubasa.", "Vimes ainge achiferefeta nyaya dzekubiwa kwezvinhu nechisimba, uye ainge ava kutanga kunzwa sekuti hapana chaizobuda pane zvaaiita.", "Ainge aneta, achinzwa hasha, uye chaaingoda chete kuenda kumba onorara kwesvondo rese.", "Paaifamba achidzokera kuhofisi yake, Vimes akadarika nepane kamwe kachitoro kanotengesa mabhuku ekunyorera nezvakada kudaro.", "Pahwindo, akaona chikwangwani chainge chakanyorwa kuti \"Tsamba Dzakanakisa muGuta\".", "Vimes akamira ndokutarira chikwangwani chiya kwekanguva.", "Akafunga nezvekutemwa nemusoro kwaange achinzwa, ndokufunga pamusoro petsamba dzose dzaaifanira kunyora.", "Akatura befu ndokupinda muchitoro muya.", "Muchitoro umu maiva nezvinhu zvakawanda zvekushandisa pakunyora zvaitengeswa.", "Maiva nemabhiro, mapepa, mahamviropu, zvidhindo, kunyange nemichina yekutaipisa mishoma."], "factuality": "ok"} {"id": "topic_64__isitttittsat", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["It is true that there exist in this world situations that defy all explanation, events so strange and wondrous that they seem to be the stuff of dreams or nightmares.", "Such is the case with the story I am about to tell you, a tale of supernatural forces and the strange events that unfolded when they were unleashed upon the world.", "It all began one night, when a group of friends were gathered together for a party.", "They were drinking and laughing, enjoying each other's company, when suddenly the lights went out.", "The room was plunged into darkness, and the only sound was the sound of their own breathing.", "Then, in the darkness, they saw it: a strange, glowing light.", "It seemed to be coming from nowhere, and it was growing brighter and brighter.", "The friends were terrified, but they were also curious.", "They wanted to know what this light was, and where it was coming from.", "Slowly, they approached the light.", "As they got closer, they could see that it was coming from a small, glowing sphere.", "The sphere was hovering in the air, and it was surrounded by a faint aura."], "trgs": ["Ichokwadi kuti panyika pano pane mamiriro ezvinhu asina tsanangudzo, zviitiko zvisina kujairika uye zvinotyisa zvekuti zvinongooneka sekuti ndezvemuhope kana kuti zvekungorota.", "Ndizvo zvakada kufanana nenyaya yandave kuda kukuudzai, nyaya yemasimba asiri emuzvarirwo uye zviitiko zvinotyisa zvakaitika pashure pekunge zvaregedzerwa pamusoro penyika.", "Zvese zvakatangira pane humwe husiku, apo boka reshamwari rakaungana kuti riite mabiko.", "Vainwa vachiseka, vachinakidzwa nekuva pamwe chete, apo zvekuvhenekesa zvakangoerekana zvadzima.", "Kamuri racho rakabva rati ndoo nerima, uye maingonzwika ruzha rwekufema kwavo chete.", "Murima imomo, vakaona chinhu: mwenje waive usina kujairika, uchipfuta.", "Waiita sewakangotangira ipapo, uye wairamba uchiwedzera kujeka.", "Shamwari idzi dzakatya, asiwo dzaida kunyatsoziva zvaiitika.", "Dzaida kuziva kuti mwenje uyu waimbova chii chaizvo, uye kuti waibva kupi.", "Zvishoma nezvishoma vakaswedera pedyo nemwenje uya.", "Pavakasvika pedyo, vakaona kuti mwenje uyu waibva mukadenderedzwa kadiki kaipfuta moto.", "Kadenderedzwa aka kaiita sekaibhururuka mumhepo, uye kainge kakapoteredzwa nesimba raionekera kure-kure."], "factuality": "ok"} {"id": "topic_173__dwiiiiijcatittn", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["\"Dude, I'm so heartbroken right now. My girlfriend of 2 years just broke up with me.\"", "\"What happened?\"", "\"I don't know. She just said she wasn't feeling it anymore.", "I'm so confused.", "I thought we were happy.\"", "\"I'm sorry, man.I know how you feel. Heartbreak sucks.\"", "\"It does. I don't know what to do.\"", "\"Just give yourself some time.", "Cry it out if you need to.", "And then, when you're ready, start to move on.", "There are plenty of other fish in the sea.\"", "\"I know. But I don't know if I'm ready to date again yet.\"", "\"That's okay. You don't have to be ready right away. Just take your time and heal.\"", "\"Thanks, man. I appreciate it.\"", "\"No problem.\""], "trgs": ["\"Bhururu, izvozvi ndakaora mwoyo. Musikana wandakadanana naye kwemakore 2 achangobva kundiramba.\"", "\"Chii chaitika?\"", "\"Handizivi. Angoti haachanzwa achindida zvachose.", "Ndakavhiringidzika mupfungwa.", "Ndaifunga kuti tange tiri kufara.\"", "\"Ndine hutombo, wena. Ndinoziva manzwiro auri kuita. Nhau dzekurambana dzinorwadza zvisingaiti.\"", "\"Dzinorwadza. Handizivi kuti ndodini.\"", "\"Ingozvipa kanguva.", "Chema kana uchinzwa kuda kudaro.", "Uye, kana wagadzirira, enderera mberi nehupenyu.", "Pane hove dzimwe dzakawandisa mugungwa.\"", "\"Ndinozviziva. Asi handizivi kana ndagadzirira kuzoita zvekudanana zvekare panguva ino.\"", "\"Zvakanaka. Haufaniri hako kuva akagadzirira kudaro ipapo-ipapo. Ingozvipa nguva yekuti utange kunzwa zviri nani.\"", "\"Waita hako shamwari. Ndinozvitenda.\"", "\"Uchitendei hako.\""], "factuality": "ok"} {"id": "topic_403__abiiabiiaabwa", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["A: Do you think the dowry system is a good thing?", "B: I don't think so.", "I think it's a form of discrimination against women.", "It puts an unfair financial burden on the bride's family, and it can lead to women being treated as commodities.", "A: But some people say that the dowry system is a way to protect women.", "B: I don't think that's true.", "In fact, I think it can put women in danger.", "If a woman's family can't afford to pay a dowry, she may be less likely to be able to find a husband.", "And if she does get married, she may be more likely to be abused or mistreated by her husband.", "A: So what do you think we should do about the dowry system?", "B: I think we should work to abolish it.", "We should educate people about the harmful effects of the dowry system, and we should support laws that make it illegal to demand or accept a dowry.", "A: I agree. I think the dowry system is a relic of a bygone era."], "trgs": ["A: Unofunga kuti tsika yekubhadhara roora yakanaka here?", "B: Handifungi kudaro.", "Ndinofunga kuti inzira yekusarura vanhukadzi.", "Zvinoisa mutoro wemari usiri madikanwa kumhuri inenge ichiroora, uye zvinogona kuguma nekuita kuti vakadzi vaonekwe sezvinhu zvinogona kutengwa.", "A: Asi vamwe vanhu vanoti tsika yekubhadhara roora inzira yekudzivirira nayo vanhukadzi.", "B: Handifungi kuti ichokwadi.", "Kutaura zvazviri, ndinofunga kuti zvinotoisa vanhukadzi munjodzi.", "Kana mhuri yekumukadzi isingakwanisi kubhadhara mari yeroora, mukana wekuti musikana wacho azowana murume wekurorwa naye unenge uri mudiki.", "Uye kana akaroorwa, pane mukana wakakura wekuti anozoshungurudzwa uye kubatwa zvisina kunaka nemurume wake.", "A: Saka unofunga kuti tinofanira kuita sei nenyaya yekubhadhara roora?", "B: Ndinofunga kuti tinofanira kushanda pakubvisa tsika iyi.", "Tinofanira kudzidzisa vanhu nezvenjodzi yetsika yekubhadhara roora, uye tinofanira kutsigira mitemo inorambidza kukumbira kana kuti kugamuchira roora.", "A: Ndinobvumirana newe. Ndinofunga kuti tsika yekubhadhara roora ndeyechinyakare isisashanda nhasi."], "factuality": "ok"} {"id": "topic_397__iitodwyitmti", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["I have been living with type 1 diabetes for over 20 years.", "I was diagnosed when I was just 10 years old, and it has been a lifelong journey.", "There have been many challenges along the way, but I have also learned a lot about myself and what it means to be a strong, resilient person.", "One of the biggest challenges I have faced is managing my blood sugar levels.", "Diabetes is a condition that affects the way your body turns food into energy.", "When you eat, your body breaks down the carbohydrates in your food into glucose, which is then absorbed into your bloodstream.", "Your pancreas releases insulin, a hormone that helps glucose get from your blood into your cells.", "In people with type 1 diabetes, the pancreas doesn't make enough insulin, or it doesn't make any at all.", "This means that people with type 1 diabetes have to take insulin injections to help their bodies use glucose for energy.", "Managing my blood sugar levels can be a tricky business.", "There are a lot of factors that can affect my blood sugar, including what I eat, how much I exercise, and how much stress I am under.", "I have to constantly monitor my blood sugar levels and make adjustments to my insulin doses as needed."], "trgs": ["Ndange ndichirarama nechirwere cheshuga taipi 1 kwemakore anopfuura 20.", "Chakabatwa ndiine makore 10 ekukura, uye kubva ipapo ndange ndingori nacho kusvika nhasi.", "Ndakasangana nezvinetso zvakawanda kubvira ipapo, asi ndakadzidzawo zvakawanda nezvangu uye zvazvinoreva kuva munhu akasimba uye anotsungirira.", "Chimwe chezvinetso zvikuru chandakasangana nacho chaiva chekukwanisa kudzora kuti ndiwe nemwero weshuga wakaringana mumuviri.", "Shuga chirwere chinokanganisa nzira iyo muviri unochinja zvekudya kuti zvive simba rinodiwa nemuviri.", "Paunodya, muviri wako unopwanya zvinopa simba zviri muzvekudya kuti zvive muchimiro cheshuga, iyo inozotorwa ichipinda nemuropa rako.", "Chitaka chako chinoburitsa kemikari inonzi insulin, iyo inobatsira kuti shuga iya ibude muropa ichipinda mumasero ako.", "Muvanhu vane chirwere cheshuga taipi 1, chitaka hachigadziri kemikari yeinsulin yakakwana, kana kuti hachitoigadziri zvachose.", "Izvi zvinoreva kuti vanhu vane chirwere cheshuga taipi 1 vanofanira kuzvibaya jekiseni rine kemikari yeinsulin kuitira kubatsira muviri wavo kuti ushandise shuga kuti uwane simba.", "Kudzora kuti muropa muve nemwero weshuga yakaringana ibasa rinogona kusava nyore.", "Pane zvinhu zvakawanda zvinotema mwero weshuga unenge uri muropa rangu, zvinosanganisira zvinhu zvandadya, kuti ndinorovedza muviri kakawanda sei, uye kuti ndiri kuzvidya mwoyo zvakanyanya sei.", "Ndinofanira kuramba ndakaisa ziso rangu pamwero weshuga uri muropa rangu ndichichinja dhosi yekemikari yeinsulin yandinoshandisa mukuwirirana nezvinenge zvichidikanwa."], "factuality": "ok"} {"id": "stt_526__ttttyin", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["The flavors dance on your tongue, creating a symphony of delight.", "The pineapple is sweet and tart, the apple is crisp and juicy, the stone fruit is juicy and flavorful, and the pear is sweet and refreshing.", "The flavors are perfectly balanced, and each one complements the others.", "The combination is simply irresistible.", "You can enjoy this delicious fruit salad on its own, or as a topping for yogurt or ice cream.", "It is also a great addition to a summer picnic or potluck.", "No matter how you enjoy it, you are sure to love this fruit salad."], "trgs": ["Kunhuhwirira kunotambirira kuri parurimi, kuchiburitsa kamanzwiro kekunakirwa.", "Nanazi rinotapira uye rine kakuzhazhirira, epuro rinonyautsa mukamwa uye rine muto, michero yakapfavirira nechekunze ine muto wakawanda uye inonhuhwirira, piye rinotapira uye kuzorodza.", "Kakunhuhwirira kacho kakanyatsoiswa pamwero wakaringana, uye kunhuhwirira kumwe nekumwe kunopindirana nekumwe kwacho.", "Muvhenganiswa wacho hauzomboda nekunakirwa.", "Unogona kunakirwa nemutakunanzva uyu wesaradhi pachayo, kana kuuisa muyogati kana muayizi kirimu.", "Unonyatsoitawo pakubatanidzwa pazvekudyira-dyira zvekutakura kunosasana mumwaka wekupisa kana kuti zvekupa vaenzi.", "Pasinei nekuti waidya nemutoo upi, chokwadi chiripo ndechekuti uchazipirwa nesaradhi iyi inogadzirwa nemichero."], "factuality": "ok"} {"id": "topic_409__abhawabattabaaeabaww", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["A: Did you know that deforestation is one of the leading causes of climate change?", "B: No, I didn't.", "How does that work?", "A: Well, when we cut down trees, we're not just destroying the trees themselves.", "We're also destroying the habitats of countless animals and plants.", "And when we lose these habitats, we also lose the benefits that they provide us.", "B: Like what?", "A: Well, for example, trees help to regulate the climate.", "They absorb carbon dioxide from the air and release oxygen.", "They also help to prevent soil erosion and flooding.", "And they provide food and shelter for animals.", "B: So deforestation has a lot of negative effects.", "A: It does.", "And it's a problem that's only getting worse.", "Every year, we lose millions of acres of forest to deforestation.", "And if we don't do something to stop it, the consequences will be devastating.", "B: What can we do to stop it?", "A: There are a number of things we can do.", "We can reduce our demand for wood products.", "We can plant trees."], "trgs": ["A: Waizviziva here kuti kutemwa kwemasango ndochimwe chezvikonzero zvekuchinja kwemamiriro ekunze?", "B: Kwete, ndaisazviziva.", "Zvinoitika sei?", "A: Zvakanaka, tikatema miti, tinenge tisiri kungoparadza miti chete.", "Tinenge tichitoparadzawo nenzvimbo dzinogarwa nemhuka uye zvimerwa zvakawanda.", "Uye patinorasikirwa nenzvimbo idzi dzinogarwa, tinorasikirwawo nezvatinowana kubva kwadziri.", "B: Zvakaita sechii?", "A: Zvakanaka, somuenzaniso, miti inobatsira pakudzora mamiriro ekunze.", "Inotora mhepo yatinoburitsa patinofema yecarbon dioxide uye iyo inoburitsa mhepo yatinoda kuti tirarame yeokisijeni.", "Inobatsirawo kudzivisa kuti ivhu risakukurwa uye mafashamo.", "Uye inopawo mhuka zvekudya nepekugara.", "B: Saka kutema masango kune zvakunokanganisa zvakawanda.", "A: Ndizvozvo.", "Uye ritori dambudziko riri kuramba richikura.", "Gore negore, tinorasikirwa nemamiriyoni emayeka emasango anenge aparadzwa.", "Uye tikasaita chimwe chinhu kuzvimisa, magumisiro acho anenge akaipa zvikuru.", "B: Chii chatingaita kuzvimisa?", "A: Pane zvinhu zvakati wandei zvatinogona kuita.", "Tinogona kuderedza zvinhu zvatinoda zvinenge zvakagadzirwa nemiti.", "Tinogona kudyara miti."], "factuality": "has_errors"} {"id": "stt_91__iomtamtfttii", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["I was fortunate to attend a school that offered a wide range of AP courses and extracurricular activities, which gave me the opportunity to explore my interests and learn about different career paths.", "One of the most important things I learned in high school was how to think critically and solve problems.", "My AP English and math classes taught me how to analyze text and data, and my science classes taught me how to design and conduct experiments.", "These skills have been essential in my college courses and my career as a software engineer.", "Another important thing I learned in high school was how to work effectively with others.", "My participation in extracurricular activities such as student government and the debate team taught me how to communicate my ideas clearly and persuasively, and how to work as part of a team to achieve a common goal.", "These skills have been invaluable in my career, where I often have to collaborate with others to solve complex problems.", "Finally, my high school experience helped me to develop a strong work ethic and a commitment to excellence.", "The challenging academic courses I took taught me the importance of hard work and perseverance, and the extracurricular activities I participated in taught me the value of teamwork and dedication.", "These qualities have helped me to succeed in college and in my career.", "I am grateful for the opportunity to have attended a high school that provided me with such a strong educational foundation.", "I believe that the skills and knowledge I gained in high school have helped me to become a successful college student and a professional."], "trgs": ["Ndakaita rombo rakanaka rekuenda kuchikoro chaiitisa zvidzidzo zvakawanda zveAP nemitambo yakasiyana-siyana, izvo zvakandipa mukana wekuongorora zcandinofarira uye kudzidza nezvemikana yakasiyana-siyana yemabasa.", "Chimwe chezvinhu zvandakadzidza kuchikoro chepamusoro ndechekukwanisa kufunga zvakadzama uye kugadzirisa zvinetso.", "Zvidzidzo zvangu zveAP muChirungu nemasvomhu zvakandidzidzisa nzira yekuongorora zvinyorwa nemashoko, uye zvidzidzo zvangu zvesayenzi zvakandidzidzisa kudhizaina zvinhu nekuita maekisiperimendi.", "Hunyanzvi uhu hwakandibatsira zvikuru pazvidzidzo zvangu zvekukoreji uye pabasa rangu sainjiniya wemapurogiramu emakombiyuta.", "Chimwe chinhu chakakosha chandakadzidza kuchikoro chepamusoro ndechekukwanisa kushanda zvakanaka nevamwe.", "Kubatanidzwa kwangu mumamwe mapurogiramu ekudzidza ekuwedzera akadai sekuva mwana wechikoro ari nhengo yehurumende uye maboka ekuita hurukuro dzinobuditsa pfungwa dzakasiyana zvakandibatsira kuti ndikwanise kutaura pfungwa dzangu zvakajeka uye zvinonyengetedza, uye kuti ndingashanda sei senhengo yechikwata kuti tisvitse chinangwa chimwe chete.", "Hunyanzvi uhu hwakava hunokosha zvikuru pabasa rangu, apo nguva zhinji ndinofanira kushandidzana nevamwe pakugadzirisa matambudziko akakura.", "Chekupedzisira, zvandakadzidza kuchikoro chepamusoro zvakandibatsira kuti ndikoshese zvikuru basa uye pakuzvipira zvizere pakuita zvinhu nemazvo.", "Zvidzidzo zvakaoma zvinorodza pfungwa zvandakaita zvakandidzidzisa nezvekukosha kwekushanda nesimba uye kutsungirira, uye mapurogiramu ezvidzidzo zvekuwedzera andakabatanidzwa maari akandibatsira kuona kukosha kwekushandira pamwe uye kuzvipira.", "Hunhu uhu hwakandibatsira kuti ndibudirire kukoreji uye mubasa rangu.", "Ndinotenda zvikuru mukana wandakawana wekuenda kuchikoro chepamusoro icho chakandipa hwaro hwakasimba hwakadai hwedzidzo.", "Ndinodavira kuti hunyanzvi neruzivo zvandakawana kuchikoro chepamusoro zvakandibatsira kuti ndibudirire semudzidzi kukoreji uye senyanzvi pabasa."], "factuality": "ok"} {"id": "topic_132__pptcoto", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["Pottery is a craft that involves making objects out of clay.", "Pottery is often used for utilitarian purposes, such as storing food or water, but it can also be used for decorative purposes.", "The process of making pottery begins with gathering clay.", "Clay is a natural material that is found in the ground.", "Once the clay has been gathered, it is mixed with water and kneaded until it is soft and pliable.", "The potter then uses a variety of tools to shape the clay into the desired form.", "Once the clay is shaped, it is dried and fired in a kiln."], "trgs": ["Kuumba hunyanzvi hunosanganisira kugadzira zvinhu uchishandisa dhaga repachuru.", "Zviumbwa zvinowanzoshandiswa pazvinhu zvekushandisa, zvakadai sezvekuchengetera zvekudya kana mvura, asiwo zvinogona kushandiswa sezvekushongedza.", "Basa rekuumba rinotangira pakutsvaka dhaga repachuru.", "Dhaga repachuru rakangoitwa zvekusikwa iro rinowanika pasi.", "Kana dhaga repachuru raunganidzwa, rinosanganiswa nemvura rokanywa kusvikira rapfava uye rava kubvuma kuumbika.", "Muumbi anozoshandisa maturusi akasiyana-siyana kuumba dhaga riya kuti rive chiumbwa chaari kuda.", "Kana chiumbwa chedhaga chapera, chinoomeswa chopiswa muovheni."], "factuality": "ok"} {"id": "topic_118__rtrwtarttfdtr", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["Rainstorms are a common occurrence in many parts of the world, and they can have a significant impact on our lives.", "They can bring much-needed water to parched land, but they can also cause flooding, mudslides, and other damage.", "Rainstorms are caused by the rising of warm air, which causes water vapor to condense and form clouds.", "When the water droplets in the clouds become too heavy, they fall as rain.", "The amount of rain that falls in a rainstorm is measured in inches.", "A light rainstorm might produce only a few inches of rain, while a heavy rainstorm can produce over a foot of rain.", "Rainstorms can have a variety of effects on our lives.", "They can wash away dirt and debris, making roads and sidewalks impassable.", "They can also cause power outages and flooding.", "Flooding can be especially dangerous, as it can quickly sweep away people and property.", "Despite the potential dangers, rainstorms can also be beneficial.", "They can help to improve soil quality and water the plants.", "Rainstorms can also be a source of entertainment, as people enjoy watching the rain and listening to the thunder."], "trgs": ["Mamiriro ekunze emhepo ine mvura anowanzoitika munzvimbo dzakawanda pasi rose, uye ane zvaanogona kuita zvakakura muhupenyu hwedu.", "Anogona kuunza mvura inenge ichidikanwa zvikuru nepasi rinenge rakaomerwa, asiwo anogona kuunza mafashamo, kuondomoka kwemadhaka, uye kumwewo kuparadza.", "Mvura ine mhepo inokonzerwa junaya kwayo nekukwira kwemhepo inodziya, uko kunokonzera kuti mvura iri mumhepo iyi iome nechando youmba makore.", "Kana madonhwe emvura ari mumakore ava kuremesa, anodonha achiva mvura inonaya.", "Huwandu hwemvura inonaya iine mhepo hunoyerwa mumainji.", "Mvura shoma inonaya iine mhepo inogona kungosvitsa mainji mashoma, nepowo mvura zhinji inonaya iine mhepo inogona kuzadza pasi nemvura inofukidza tsoka.", "Mvura inonaya iine mhepo inogona kuve nezvakawanda zvainoita muhupenyu hwedu.", "Inogona kukukura tsvina nezvinhu, ichiita kuti munzira nemumikoto musafambika.", "Inogonawo kukonzera kuti magetsi adhinguke uye mafashamo.", "Chinonyanya kuita kuti mafashamo ave nenjodzi ndechekuti anogona kutakura vanhu nemidziyo.", "Pasinei nenjodzi dzinogona kuvapo, mvura inonaya iine mhepo inogonawo kubatsira.", "Inogona kubatsira pakuvandudza kunaka kwemvu uye kudiridzira zvimerwa.", "Mvura inonaya iine mhepo inogonawo kuva chiitiko chinovaraidza, sezvo vanhu vachinakidzwa nekuona mvura ichinaya uye kunzwa kutinhira kwemabhanan'ana."], "factuality": "ok"} {"id": "topic_181__etettrw", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["Eyes are complex organs that allow us to see.", "They are located in the front of the head and are protected by the eyelids.", "Each eye is made up of three layers: the sclera, the choroid, and the retina.", "The sclera is the white part of the eye, the choroid is the dark layer behind the sclera, and the retina is the light-sensitive layer at the back of the eye.", "The retina contains millions of light-sensitive cells called rods and cones.", "Rods are responsible for night vision, while cones are responsible for color vision.", "When light hits the retina, it is converted into electrical signals that are sent to the brain via the optic nerve."], "trgs": ["Maziso inhengo dzakagadzirwa zvakaomarara dzinoita kuti tione.", "Akaiswa nechemberi kwemusoro uye akadzivirirwa nemakope.", "Ziso rimwe nerimwe rine zvikamu zvitatu zvinoti: chichena chekunze, mboni, uye tsinga dzinotora chiedza dziri mukati meziso.", "Sclera ndochikamu chichena cheziso, choroid ndiyo mboni yeziso iri seri kwechikamu chichena, uye retina ndidzo tsinga dzinotora chiedza dziri nechekumashure chaiko kweziso.", "Tsinga dzinonzi retina dzine mamiriyoni emasero anonzwira chiedza anoita kuti tione murima neanoita kuti tione muchiedza.", "Marods anoita kuti tione kwadoka, ukuwo macones anoita kuti tione mavara chaiwo ezvinhu.", "Chiedza pachinorova patsinga dziri seri kweziso, chinochinjwa chichiva muchimiro chemagetsi ayo anozotumirwa kuhuropi pachishandiswa tsinga inobva kuziso."], "factuality": "ok"} {"id": "topic_342__mwaiocssoiimsi", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["My family has always kept animals.", "When I was a child, we had a dog, a cat, and a few fish.", "As I got older, we added a few more animals to the mix, including a rabbit, a guinea pig, and a hamster.", "I loved taking care of all of our animals and learning about their different needs.", "One of my favorite animals that we ever kept was a rabbit named Cocoa.", "Cocoa was a brown and white Holland Lop rabbit.", "She was the sweetest animal I've ever met and she loved to be cuddled.", "She was also very smart and could learn tricks like sit, stay, and come.", "One day, I was playing with Cocoa in the backyard when I noticed that she was chewing on something.", "I went over to investigate and saw that she was chewing on a piece of fiber from one of our clothes.", "I took the fiber away from her and showed it to my mom.", "My mom explained that rabbits need to eat fiber in order to digest their food properly.", "She said that we should give Cocoa some hay to eat, which is a good source of fiber.", "I gave Cocoa some hay and she loved it!"], "trgs": ["Mhuri yangu yagara yaingoita zvekuchengeta mhuka.", "Pandaive mudiki, taive neimbwa, katsi, nehove shoma.", "Pandaikura, takawedzera dzimwe mhuka shoma pane dzataiva nadzo, dzaisangasira tsuro, mbira uye nekakaita setsindi.", "Ndaifarira kutarisira mhuka dzedu dzese uye kudzidza zvadzinoda zvakasiyana-siyana.", "Imwe yemhuka dzandaifarira pane dzatakachengeta yaiva tsuro yakapiwa zita rekuti Cocoa.", "Cocoa yaiva tsuro yaiva nemavara ebhurawuni nemachena iri yerudzi rweHolland Lop.", "Yaiva mhuka yakanaka zvisingaite yandati ndaona uye yaifarira zvekumbundirwa.", "Yaiwavo iine rucheno uye yaikwanisa kudzidza nekuita ikanzi gara, rara, uye huya.", "Rimwe zuva, ndaitamba naCocoa necheshure kwemba apo ndakaona kuti yaitsenga chimwe chinhu.", "Ndakaenda payaive kuti ndione kuti chaiva chii ndokuona kuti yaitsenga chimedu chejira reimwe yehembe dzedu.", "Ndakabvuta jira riya kwairi ndokunoriratidza kuna amai.", "Amai vakatsanangura kuti tsuro dzinoda kudya machira kuitira kuti dzikwanise kugaya chikafu chadzo zvakanaka.", "Vakati tinofanira kupa Cocoa zvekudya zvakagadzirwa nehuswa, izvo zvinobatsira pakugaya chikafu mudumbu.", "Ndakapa Cocoa zvekudya zvakagadzirwa nehuswa uye yakazvifarira!"], "factuality": "ok"} {"id": "topic_104__atwttteet", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["An earthquake is a sudden and violent shaking of the Earth's crust that can cause great damage.", "The most common cause of earthquakes is the movement of tectonic plates, which are large pieces of the Earth's crust that ride on top of the molten rock beneath the surface.", "When these plates move past or collide with each other, they can cause the Earth's crust to break and produce seismic waves.", "These waves travel through the Earth and can cause the ground to shake.", "The magnitude of an earthquake is measured on the Richter scale, which ranges from 0 to 9.", "The higher the magnitude, the more powerful the earthquake.", "Earthquakes can cause damage in a variety of ways, including ground shaking, landslides, tsunamis, building collapses, fires, and loss of life.", "Earthquakes can also trigger other hazards, such as avalanches.", "The damage caused by an earthquake depends on a number of factors, including the magnitude of the earthquake, the distance from the epicenter, the type of soil, and the construction of buildings."], "trgs": ["Kudengenyeka kwepasi kuzunguzika kwakasimba kunoitwa nenyika uko kunokonzera kuparara kukuru kwezvinhu.", "Chinhu chikuru chinokonzera kudengenyeka kwenyika kufamba kunoita zvikamu zvayo zvepasi, izvo zvinova zvikamu zvakaoma zveNyika zviri pamusoro pematombo akaita mabota anowanika pasi-pasi pemvu.", "Zvimedu izvi zvikafamba zvichiparadzana kana kuti zvikabonderana, zvinokonzera kuti chikamu chakaoma cheNyika chitsemuke choburitsa masaisai ane simba.", "Masaisai aya anofamba achitevedza Nyika uye anokonzera kuti pasi pandengendeke.", "Kukura kwekudengenyeka kwenyika kunoyerwa nechikero chinonzi Richter, chinoyera kubvira pana 0 kusvika pa9.", "Kana mwero wacho wakakwira, zvinorevawo kuti kudengenyeka kwenyika kwacho kunenge kwakasimba.", "Kudengenyeka kwenyika kunokonzera kuparara kwezvinhu munzira dzakasiyana-siyana, kusanganisira kudengenyeka kwepasi, kuondomoka kwemadhaka, tsunami, kuwondomoka kwezvivakwa, moto, uye kuparara kwehupenyu.", "Kudengenyeka kwenyika kunokonzeresawo dzimwe njodzi, dzakadai sekuondomoka kwezvimedu zvechando nematombo.", "Kukura kwekuparara kwezvinhu kunokonzerwa nekudengenyeka kwenyika kunoenderana nezvinhu zvakawanda, kusanganisira kusimba kunenge kwakaita kudengenyeka kwacho, kureba kwekune nzvimbo kubvira nechepakati nepakati patangira kudengenyeka, mhando yevhu, uye mavakirwo akaitwa zvivakwa."], "factuality": "has_errors"} {"id": "stt_512__yyygtytisiidbayiiiig", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["You have no idea how the real world works, and you think that everything should be handed to you on a silver platter.", "You're always complaining about something, and you never seem to be happy with anything.", "You're a bunch of entitled brats, and I'm sick of it.", "Grow up.", "The world doesn't owe you anything.", "You have to work hard to get what you want.", "There's no such thing as a free lunch.", "If you want something, you have to go out and earn it.", "Stop whining and complaining.", "It's not going to get you anywhere.", "If you have a problem, then solve it.", "Don't just sit around and cry about it.", "Be more mature.", "Act your age.", "You're not children anymore.", "It's time to start acting like adults.", "I'm tired of dealing with your childish behavior.", "If you don't start acting like adults, then I'm going to have to cut you out of my life.", "I don't have time for your nonsense.", "Grow up and start acting like adults, or I'm out of here."], "trgs": ["Hauzivi mafambisirwo chaiyo anoitwa zvinhu munyika, uye unofunga kuti zvinhu zvinongounzwa kwauri pachena usina kudikitira.", "Unogara uchingonyunyuta pamusoro pezvinhu zvese, uye unoita seusingagutsikani nechero chii zvacho.", "Wakajaidzwa zvikuru, uye ndaneta nazvo.", "Kurawo mhani.", "Nyika haina kana chikwerete newe.", "Unofanira kushanda nesimba kuti uwane zvaunoda.", "Hapana mhou inofurira iwete.", "Kana uchitoda chimwe chinhu, unofanira kuenda onochishandira.", "Siyana nenyaya yako yekungochema-chema nekunyunyuta.", "Hapana kwazvinokusvitsa.", "Kana waita dambudziko, wotorigadzirisa.", "Usangogara otanga kuchema-chema nezvaro.", "Kura zvakanyanya mupfungwa.", "Ita zvinoratidza kuti wakura.", "Hauchisiri mwana mudiki.", "Yava nguva yekutanga kuita semunhu mukuru.", "Ndaneta nehunhu hwako hwechipwere.", "Ukasatanga kuita semunhu mukuru, ndinenge ndave kufanira kusiyana newe zvachose.", "Handina nguva nemaitiro ako asina musoro.", "Kurawo utange kuita semukuru, ukasadaro ndinobva pano."], "factuality": "ok"} {"id": "topic_15__isioiimii", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["I was recently cleaning out my attic when I came across a box of old recipes that had been passed down from my grandmother.", "Some of them were quite old, dating back to the early 1900s.", "I was curious to see what they were, so I started reading through them.", "One recipe in particular caught my eye.", "It was for an anti-aging facial mask made with honey, yogurt, and oatmeal.", "I decided to give it a try, and I was amazed at the results!", "My skin looked so much smoother and younger after using it.", "I'm so glad I found this old recipe.", "It's a real treasure, and I'm sure it will remain in my family for many years to come."], "trgs": ["Munguva pfupi yapfuura ndaichenesa kakamuri kangu kepadenga apo ndakasangana nekabhokisi kaiva nenzira dzekubika nadzo idzo dzandainge ndapiwa naambuya vangu.", "Dzimwe dzacho dzaiva dzekare zvikuru, dziri dzekumakore ekuma1900.", "Ndainzwa kuda kuona kuti dzaiva dzei, saka ndakatanga kudziwerenga.", "Imwe nzira yemabikiro yakatora ngwariro yangu.", "Yaiva yekugadzira mafuta anodzivisa kuchembera aigadzirwa nehuchi, yogati nemaotsi.", "Ndakafunga kumboiedza, uye ndakashamiswa nemashandiro ayo!", "Ganda rangu rakatanga kutsvedzerera uye kuita seremwana pashure pekumashandisa.", "Ndiri kufara kuti ndakawana nzira iyi yemabikiro yekare.", "Ipfuma chaiyo, uye ndine chokwadi chekuti icharamba iri mumhuri yedu kwemakore akawanda achatevera."], "factuality": "ok"} {"id": "topic_504__thhbtsitwitiiast", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["The veteran sat alone in the hospital room, staring at the blank television.", "He had been in the hospital for weeks, and he was starting to go stir-crazy.", "He had been in a lot of wars, and he had seen a lot of death and destruction.", "But nothing had ever prepared him for this.", "The door to his room opened, and a young woman walked in.", "She was carrying a bouquet of flowers. \"Hello,\" she said. \"My name is Sarah.", "I'm a volunteer here at the hospital.\"", "The veteran smiled. \"It's nice to meet you, Sarah,\" he said.", "\"What are you doing here?\"", "\"I'm here to make you laugh,\" she said. \"Laughter is the best medicine, you know.\"", "The veteran laughed. \"I'm not sure I can laugh,\" he said.", "\"I've been through a lot.\"", "\"I know,\" Sarah said. \"But I'm going to make you laugh.\"", "And she did.", "She told jokes and stories, and she even did some magic tricks.", "The veteran laughed until his sides hurt."], "trgs": ["Nyanzvi yacho yainge yakagara yega iri mukamuri remuchipatara, yakati ndee paTerevhizheni yaisabuda chinhu.", "Ainge ava nemavhiki ari muchipatara, uye akanga ava kutanga kuvhiringika pfungwa.", "Ainge aona hondo dzakawanda, uye ainge aona vanhu vakawanda vachifa uye kuparadzwa kwezvinhu zvakawanda.", "Asi hapana chaienzana nezvaainge akatarisana nazvo.", "Musuo wekamuri raaiva wakavhurwa, uye musikana wechidiki akapinda.", "Ainge akatakura sumbu remaruva. \"Kwazuwai,\" akadaro. \"Ndinonzi Sarah.", "Ndiri mushandi wekuzvidira wepano pachipatara.\"", "Nyanzvi yacho yakanyemwerera. \"Ndafara kukuziva, Sarah,\" akadaro.", "\"Ko wavingei?\"", "\"Ndauya kuzokusetsai,\" akadaro. \"Kuseka ndiwo mushonga unopfuura yese, munoziva.\"", "Nyanzvi yacho yakaseka. \"Handina chokwadi kana ndichiri kukwanisa kuseka,\" akadaro.", "\"Ndasangana nezvakawanda.\"", "\"Ndinozviziva,\" akadaro Sarah. \"Asi ndichaita kuti museke.\"", "Ndizvo chaizvo zvaakaita.", "Akataura nyambo nenyaya, uye akatomboita tumitambo twemashiripiti.", "Nyanzvi yacho yakaseka kusvikira mbabvu dzorwadza."], "factuality": "ok"} {"id": "topic_19__natattttu", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["New Study Finds That Breast Cancer Screenings Can Lead to False Positives", "A new study published in the journal JAMA Internal Medicine has found that breast cancer screenings can lead to false positives.", "The study, which was conducted by researchers at the University of California, San Francisco, found that one in five women who underwent a mammogram had a false positive result.", "A false positive result is when a mammogram shows that a woman has breast cancer, when she actually does not.", "This can lead to unnecessary anxiety and stress, as well as unnecessary medical procedures, such as biopsies.", "The study found that the rate of false positives was higher among women who were younger, had dense breasts, and had a family history of breast cancer.", "The researchers say that these findings are important because they highlight the need for women to understand the risks and benefits of breast cancer screening before they decide whether or not to undergo a mammogram.", "The study also found that the use of sound waves, known as ultrasound, to screen for breast cancer can help to reduce the number of false positives.", "Ultrasound is a safe and non-invasive imaging technique that can be used to identify abnormalities in the breast."], "trgs": ["Tsvakurudzo Itsva Dzakaratidza Kuti Kutarisa Kenza Yemazamu Kunogona Kutaura Kuti Munhu Anayo Iye Asina", "Tsvakurudzo itsva yakabudiswa mubhuku rinonzi JAMA Internal Medicine yakaratidza kuti kutarisa kenza yemazamu kunogona kutotaura kuti iripo iyo isipo.", "Tsvakurudzo yacho, iyo yakaitwa nevatsvakurudzi vari paUniversity of California, San Francisco, yakaratidza kuti mukadzi mumwe chete pavashanu vega vega uyo akatariswa nemuchina wemammogram akanzi ane kenza asi iye asina.", "Izvi zvinoitika kana muchina wemammogram waratidza kuti munhu ane kenza yemuzamu asi iye asina.", "Izvi zvinogona kukonzera kunetseka nekushushikana, uye kutangwa kwekurapwa kunenge kusingatombodiwe, kwakadai sebiopsy.", "Tsvakurudzo yacho yakaratidza kuti madzimai anowanzonzi ane kenza iwo asina, akawandira kumadzimai echidiki, madzimai ane mazamu ane matishu akawanda, uye anobva mumhuri ine vamwe vakambobatwa kenza yemuzamu.", "Vatsvakurudzi vacho vanoti zvakavakacherechedza izvi zvinokosha nekuti zvinoratidza kuti madzimai anofanira kunzwisisa ngozi uye kubatsira kwekutariswa kenza yemuzamu vasati vasarudza kuti vanoda here kuenda pamuchina wemammogram.", "Tsvakurudzo yacho yakaratidzawo kuti kushandiswa kwemawevhi emashoko, ayo anonzi ultrasound, pakutarisa kenza yemuzamu kunogona kuderedza nhamba yevanhu vanganzi vane kenza ivo vasina.", "Ultrasound inzira isina ngozi isingade kuvhurwa kweganda uye inongopa mifananidzo kubva nechekunze kwemuviri iyo inogona kushandiswa kuratidza zvinhu zvinenge zvisina kumira zvakanaka pazamu."], "factuality": "ok"} {"id": "nigeria_typical__atattiihnfb", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["A typical day for a person in Nigeria might start with a cup of tea or coffee and a breakfast of bread, eggs, and plantains.", "The workday typically starts around 8am and ends around 5pm, with a lunch break in the middle of the day.", "After work, people might relax at home with their families, go out to dinner, or attend a cultural event.", "The evening is often spent socializing with friends and family.", "The daily routine of a Nigerian can vary depending on their location and lifestyle.", "In rural areas, people may wake up earlier to tend to their farms or livestock.", "In urban areas, people may have more time for leisure activities.", "However, some aspects of daily life are common across Nigeria, such as the importance of family and community.", "Nigeria is a diverse country with a rich culture, and the daily lives of its people reflect this diversity.", "From the bustling cities of Lagos and Abuja to the more rural areas of the country, there is no one-size-fits-all description of what a typical day in Nigeria is like.", "But one thing is for sure: no matter where you are in Nigeria, you will find people who are warm, welcoming, and eager to share their culture with you."], "trgs": ["Mugari wekuNigeria anowanzotanga zuva rake nekunwa kapu yesvutugadzike kana kofi iine chingwa, mazai kana mabanana.", "Zuva remunhu anoenda kubasa rinowanzotanga kuma8 kuseni uye rinopera kuma5 zuva rodoka, uye masikati panenge paine nguva yekumbozorora.", "Kana basa rapera, vanhu vanowanzozorora havo kumba nemhuri dzavo, kuenda kunodya zvekudya zvemanheru, kana kuti kuenda kumitambo yetsika.", "Nguva yekumanheru vanhu vanowanzotandara nehama neshamwari.", "Zvinoitwa nemunhu zuva rega rega zvinowanzosiyana zvichienderana nekwaanogara uye mararamiro aanoita.", "Kumaruwa, vanhu vanowanzomukira kuseni seni kuti vanorima kumaminda uye kutarisa zvipfuwo.", "Mumaguta, vanhu vanogona kuva nenguva yakawanda yekuita zvimwe zvinhu zvekuzvivaraidza.", "Zvisinei, zvimwe zvinhu zvinoitwa zuva nezuva zvakajairika muNigeria kwakawanda, zvakadai sekukoshesa mhuri uye vanhu vemunharaunda.", "Nigeria inyika inokoshesa tsika chaizvo, uye mararamiro ezuva nezuva evanhu veko anonyatsoratidza kusiyana-siyana kwadzakaita.", "Kubva mumaguta ane vanhu vakawanda eLagos neAbuja kusvika kunzvimbo dzekuruwa dzemunyika yacho, mararamiro anoita vanhu zuva rimwe nerimwe muNigeria akatosiyana.", "Asi kunyange zvakadaro: pasinei nekuti uri kupi muNigeria, uchawana vanhu vane rudo, vanogamuchira vaenzi, uye vanoda chaizvo kuudza vamwe nezvetsika dzavo."], "factuality": "ok"} {"id": "malawi_historical__ttiitidh", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["The Nyasaland African Congress (NAC) was founded in 1944 by Dr. Hastings Kamuzu Banda and other Malawian nationalists.", "The NAC was the first political party in Malawi to advocate for African independence from British colonial rule.", "In 1953, the NAC was banned by the British colonial authorities, but it continued to operate underground.", "In 1961, the NAC was legalized and renamed the Malawi Congress Party (MCP).", "The MCP won the first general elections held in Malawi in 1964, and Dr. Banda became the first Prime Minister of Malawi.", "In 1966, Malawi became a republic, with Dr. Banda as the first President.", "Dr. Banda ruled Malawi as a one-party state for 30 years.", "He was a controversial figure, but he is also credited with modernizing Malawi and bringing it independence."], "trgs": ["Bato reNyasaland African Congress (NAC) rakatangwa muna 1944 naDr. Hastings Kamuzu Banda nevamwe vagari vemuMalawi.", "NAC ndiro raiva bato rezvematongerwo enyika muMalawi rakatanga kumiririra kuzvitonga kwevanhu vemuAfrica kubva pakutongwa kweudzvanyiriri kweBritain.", "Muna 1953, NAC yakabhanwa nevakuru vakuru veutongi hweudzvanyiriri hweBritain, asi yakaramba ichishanda muchivande.", "Muna 1961, NAC yakanyoreswa zviri pamutemo uye yakapiwa zita idzva rekuti Malawi Congress Party (MCP).", "Bato reMCP rakakunda musarudzo dzekutanga dzakaitwa muMalawi muna 1964, uye Dr. Banda ndivo vakabva vava Mutungamiriri wekutanga weMalawi.", "Muna 1966, Malawi yakava nyika yakazvimiririra, Dr. Banda vachibva vava Mutungamiriri Wenyika wekutanga.", "Dr. Banda vakatonga Malawi ichingova nebato rimwe chete rezvematongerwo enyika kwemakore 30.", "Vanhu vakawanda vaisavafarira, asi vanorumbidzwawo zvikuru nekuita kuti Malawi ifambiranewo nenguva uye nekuita kuti iwane kuzvitonga kuzere."], "factuality": "has_errors"} {"id": "topic_38__twtttwwt", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["The physicians, who are members of the Southern Medical Association, say that the firm's building was not properly ventilated and that the employees were exposed to harmful chemicals.", "\"We were concerned about the health of the employees at this firm,\" said Dr. Raymond Neal-Kennedy, a spokesman for the SMA.", "\"The building was not up to code and the employees were being exposed to dangerous chemicals. We had no choice but to shut the firm down.\"", "The architecture firm, which has not been named, has denied the allegations.", "The firm's owner, Mr. Ishq Kasawa, says that the building was properly ventilated and that the employees were not exposed to any harmful chemicals.", "\"We are disappointed by the actions of the SMA,\" said Mr. Kasawa.", "\"We believe that we have been unfairly targeted. Our building is safe and our employees are healthy.\"", "The SMA says that it will continue to investigate the matter and that it will take further action if necessary."], "trgs": ["Vana Chiremba, avo vari nhengo dzeSouthern Medical Association, vanoti chivako chesangano racho chaisapinda mhepo yakakwana uye vashandi vacho vakafema makemikari anokuvadza.", "\"Tainetseka chaizvo nezveutano hwevashandi vesangano iri,\" vakadaro Dr. Raymond Neal-Kennedy, mutauriri weSMA.", "\"Chivako chacho chainge chisina kunyatsoti tsvikiti uye vashandi vacho vakanga vari kufema makemikari ane ngozi. Pakanga pasina zvimwe zvataigona kuita kunze kwekuvhara sangano racho.\"", "Sangano rakaona nezvekuvakwa kwechivako ichi, iro risina kutaurwa nezita, rakaramba zvaraipomerwa.", "Muridzi wesangano racho, VaIshq Kasawa, vanoti chivako chacho chaipinda mhepo zvakanaka uye kuti vashandi vakanga vasiri pangozi yekufema makemikari ane ngozi.", "\"Hatina kufara nezvakasarudzwa neveSMA,\" vakadaro VaKasawa.", "\"Vanhu ava vari kuda kungoti nanga-nanga nesu. Chivako chedu hachina kana ngozi uye vashandi vedu vane utano hwakanaka.\"", "SMA inoti icharamba ichiongorora nyaya yacho uye kuti ichatora mamwe matanho kana zvakakodzera."], "factuality": "ok"} {"id": "libya_current__taiittt", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["The Libyan Civil War is an ongoing armed conflict in Libya that began in 2011 with the overthrow of Muammar Gaddafi's government.", "After the fall of Tripoli, the Libyan National Transitional Council (NTC) proclaimed the establishment of the Libyan Interim Government, but the country descended into a state of lawlessness with two rival governments, the NTC and the Libyan National Army (LNA), and a number of militias vying for power.", "In 2014, the Libyan House of Representatives (HoR) was elected in the eastern city of Tobruk, but the HoR has been unable to exercise effective control over the country.", "In 2016, the Government of National Accord (GNA) was formed in Tripoli under the auspices of the United Nations, but the GNA has been unable to gain control of the country's eastern regions.", "The LNA, led by Khalifa Haftar, has been fighting against the GNA and its allies in the west of the country.", "The conflict has led to a humanitarian crisis, with hundreds of thousands of people displaced from their homes.", "The United Nations has called for an immediate ceasefire and the start of a political dialogue."], "trgs": ["Libyan Civil War ihondo iri kuenderera mberi kuLibya iyo yakatanga muna 2011 pakabviswa nechisimba hurumende yaVaMuammar Gaddafi.", "Pakakundwa Tripoli, Libyan National Transitional Council (NTC) yakabva yazivisa kutangwa kweLibyan Interim Government, asi nyika yakabva yatanga zhowe-zhowe pachiva nehurumende mbiri dzaipikisana, yeNTC uye yeLibyan National Army (LNA), uye mamwe mapoka emasoja aidawo kutonga.", "Muna 2014, Libyan House of Representatives (HoR) yakasarudzwa kuti itonge muguta rekumabvazuva reTobruk, asi HoR haisati yakwanisa kunyatsotonga nyika yacho yese.", "Muna 2016, pakaumbwa Government of National Accord (GNA) muTripoli mukutungamirira kweUnited Nations, asi GNA yacho haina kukwanisa kudzora nharaunda dzekumabvazuva dzenyika yacho.", "Bato reLNA, iro rinotungamirirwa naKhalifa Haftar, ranga richirwisa GNA nevatsigiri vayo vari kumadokero kwenyika yacho.", "Kurwisana uku kwaita kuti pave nekutambura kukuru kwevanhu, mazana ezviuru evanhu achisiya misha yavo.", "United Nations yakakurudzira kuti vakande zvombo pasi uye vatange kutaurirana."], "factuality": "has_errors"} {"id": "topic_121__ttsofcesfctct", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["The soap opera centers around the lives of the residents of a small town.", "The main character, Constance, is a young woman who is struggling to come to terms with the recent death of her husband.", "She is left to raise her two young children on her own, and she is struggling to find a way to handle her grief.", "One day, Constance meets a man named Frederick at the grocery store.", "Frederick is a kind and compassionate man, and he offers Constance his support.", "Constance begins to develop feelings for Frederick, but she is hesitant to start a new relationship because she is still grieving the loss of her husband.", "Eventually, Constance decides to give Frederick a chance.", "She starts dating him, and she quickly falls in love with him.", "Frederick helps Constance to heal from her grief, and he gives her the strength to raise her children on her own.", "Constance and Frederick get married, and they have a happy life together.", "They raise their children together, and they support each other through good times and bad.", "Constance is grateful for Frederick's love and support, and she knows that she will never be able to thank him enough for everything he has done for her.", "The soap opera ends with a message of hope."], "trgs": ["Firimu racho rinotaura nezvevanhu vari kurarama muguta diki.", "Mutambi mukuru, Constance, musikana wechidiki uyo achiri kunetseka nekufa kuchangobva kuita murume wake.", "Akasiiwa achirera vana vake vadiki vaviri ari ega, uye ari kunetseka nekutsvaka nzira yekutambira kufirwa kwaakaitwa.", "Mumwe musi, Constance anosangana nemumwe murume anonzi Frederick pachitoro.", "Frederick murume ane mutsa anonzwira vamwe tsitsi, uye anobatsira Constance achimutsigira.", "Constance anotanga kuda Frederick, asi ari kutya kutanga kudanana nemumwe munhu nekuti achiri kuchema murume wake.", "Nekufamba kwenguva, Constance anosarudza kupa Frederick mukana.", "Vanotanga kudanana, uye pasina nguva anonyura murudo.", "Frederick anobatsira Constance kutambira kufirwa kwaakaitwa, uye anomupa simba rekurera vana vake ega.", "Constance naFrederick vanochata, uye vanorarama vachifara vari pamwe chete.", "Vanorera vana vavo vese, uye vanotsigirana munguva dzakanaka uye dzakaipa.", "Constance anotenda chaizvo rudo nerutsigiro rwaFrederick, uye anoziva kuti haazombokwanisi kumutenda zvakakwana nekuda kwezvese zvaakamuitira.", "Firimu racho rinopera nemashoko etariro."], "factuality": "ok"} {"id": "topic_137__aicehtotptts", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["As the twentieth century drew to a close, computers and electronics were becoming increasingly intertwined.", "In the early days of computing, these two fields were largely separate.", "Computers were large, expensive machines that were used for scientific and military purposes.", "Electronics were used in a variety of consumer products, such as radios, televisions, and telephones.", "However, as computers became smaller and more affordable, they began to be used in a wider variety of applications.", "This led to a blurring of the lines between computers and electronics.", "One of the most significant developments in the history of computers and electronics was the invention of the personal computer (PC).", "The PC was first introduced in the 1970s, and it quickly became a popular tool for both personal and business use.", "PCs were originally designed for use in homes and offices, but they soon found their way into other settings, such as schools and libraries.", "The PC's portability and versatility made it an ideal tool for a wide range of tasks, from word processing to gaming.", "The development of the PC also led to the development of a new industry: the software industry.", "Software companies created programs that could run on PCs, and these programs quickly became essential tools for PC users."], "trgs": ["Makore ekuma 1900 ava kunopera, makombiyuta nemichina yemagetsi zvakanga zvava kuwedzera kufambirana.", "Makombiyuta paakatanga, zvinhu izvi zviviri zvakanga zvisingatombofambidzane.", "Makombiyuta aiva michina mikuru yaidhura zvikuru yaingoshandiswa pazvinhu zvesayenzi uye zvechiuto.", "Michina yemagetsi yaishandiswa muzvinhu zvaishandiswa nevatengi, zvakadai semaredhiyo, materevhizheni, uye nhare.", "Asi, makombiyuta paakatanga kuva madiki uye paakatanga kutengekawo, akatanga kushandiswa muzvinhu zvakati wandei.", "Izvi ndizvo zvakaitai kuti pasave nemusiyano wakakura pakati pemakombiyuta nemichina yemagetsi.", "Chinhu chikuru chakaitika munhoroondo yemakombiyuta nemichina yemagetsi kwaiva kugadzirwa kwekombiyuta inoshandiswa nemunhu (PC).", "PC yakatanga kuma 1970, uye yakava chinhu chakakurumbira chaishandiswa nevanhu uye nemabhizimisi.", "MaPC akatanga achigadzirwa kuti ashandiswe mudzimba uye mumahofisi, asi akatanga kushandiswawo muzvikoro uye mumaraibhurari.", "Sezvo PC yaiva chinhu chaitakurika uye chichiita mabasa akawanda, chakava chinhu chaigona kushandisika pakuita mabasa akawanda, kubva pakunyora mashoko kusvika pakutamba magemhu.", "Kugadzirwa kwemaPC kwakaitawo kuti patange imwe indasitiri itsva: indasitiri yekugadzirwa kwemapurogiramu emakombiyuta.", "Makambani emapurogiramu emakombiyuta akagadzira mapurogiramu aikwanisa kushanda pamaPC, uye mapurogiramu aya akava zvinhu zvinokosha kuvanhu vaishandisa maPC."], "factuality": "ok"} {"id": "open_178__tssbhhhaisahs", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["The satisfaction of a perfect touch was something that Aida had never experienced before.", "She had been with many men, but none of them had ever been able to give her the kind of pleasure that she craved.", "She had often wondered if she was simply too demanding, or if she was just meant to be alone.", "But then she met Hakim.", "Hakim was different from any man she had ever met before.", "He was kind, gentle, and he seemed to understand her in a way that no one else ever had.", "He took his time with her, exploring her body with a tenderness that made her melt.", "And when he finally touched her in that special way, she felt a wave of pleasure wash over her that was unlike anything she had ever felt before.", "It was as if her body had been waiting for his touch all along.", "She felt complete, whole, and for the first time in her life, she knew what it was to be truly satisfied.", "As Hakim continued to touch her, she felt herself losing control.", "Her body was on fire, and she could feel the tension building inside of her.", "She knew that she was about to come, and she wanted it more than anything she had ever wanted before."], "trgs": ["Aida akanga asati ambonyatsowana murume aigona kunyatsomubata zvekuti ainzwa kugutsikana.", "Ainge adanana nevarume vakawanda, asi hapana akanga ambonyatsomugutsa sezvaaishuvira.", "Aitombonetseka kuti ainyanya kutarisira zvakawandisa here, kana kuti ainge akasikirwa kugara ega.", "Asi akazosangana naHakim.", "Hakim ainge akasiyana nevamwe varume vaakanga ambosangana navo.", "Akanga aine mutsa, ari munyoro, uye airatidza kuti aimunzwisisa zvainge zvisina kumbobvira zvaitwa nachero ani zvake.", "Aitora nguva yake, achinyatsobata muviri wake wese neunyoro izvo zvaiita kuti asare achinyatsonzwa kumuda.", "Uye paaizomubata kudaro, ainzwa kutapirirwa kwaainge asati ambobvirwa anzwa.", "Zvaiita sekuti muviri wake wainge wakamirira kubatwa zvakadai nguva yese iyi.", "Ainyatsonzwa kuti ainge awana zvese zvaaida, uye kekutanga muupenyu hwake, akazoziva kuti kunyatsogutswa kuita sei.", "Hakim paairamba achimubata, aisvika pakushaya zvekuita.", "Muviri wake waiita sekuti uri mumoto, uye mukati make ainzwa manzwiro airamba achiwedzera kukura.", "Akanzwa kuti ainge ava pedyo nekutunda, uye ndizvo chaizvo zvaaida kupfuura chimwe chinhu chaakamboda muupenyu hwake."], "factuality": "ok"} {"id": "topic_60__tttdttifi", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["The hajj is a once-in-a-lifetime pilgrimage to Mecca, Saudi Arabia, that is required of all Muslims who are physically and financially able to make the journey.", "The pilgrimage is one of the five pillars of Islam, and it is considered to be the most important spiritual journey a Muslim can make.", "The hajj takes place over five days in the Islamic month of Dhu al-Hijjah.", "During the hajj, pilgrims perform a series of rituals that commemorate the life of Prophet Muhammad and the prophets who came before him.", "These rituals include walking around the Kaaba, the sacred black stone that is the center of the Great Mosque in Mecca; drinking from the Zamzam Well, which is believed to have healing powers; and standing on Mount Arafat, where Prophet Muhammad gave his final sermon.", "The hajj is a physically and emotionally demanding journey, but it is also a time for Muslims to come together in worship and to reflect on their lives.", "It is a chance to renew their faith and to reaffirm their commitment to Islam.", "For many Muslims, the hajj is a life-changing experience.", "It is a time to leave behind the stresses of everyday life and to focus on their spiritual journey."], "trgs": ["Hajj rwendo runoitwa kamwe chete muupenyu munhu achienda kuMecca, Saudi Arabia, uye runofanira kuitwa nemuMuslim wese ane utano uye mari zvinoita kuti akwanise kuita rwendo rwacho.", "Rwendo urwu ruri pakati pezvinhu zvishanu zvinokosha muupenyu hwechiIslam, uye runonzi ndirwo runonyanya kukosha panzendo dzese dzekunamata dzingafambwa nemuMuslim.", "Hajj inoitwa kwemazuva mashanu mumwedzi wechiIslam unonzi Dhu al-Hijjah.", "Panenge pachiitwa hajj, mapilgrim anoita tsika dzekuyeuka upenyu hwaProphet Muhammad uye vamwe vaporofita vakararama asati avapo.", "Tsika idzi dzinosanganisira kufamba uchitenderera Kaaba, dombo dema rinokosha iro riri pakati peGreat Mosque muMecca; kunwa mvura yemutsime reZamzam Well, iro rinonzi rine simba rekuporesa, uye kumira paMount Arafat, apo pakapiwa mharidzo yekupedzisira naProphet Muhammad.", "Hajj rwendo runotoda kusimba mupfungwa nemumuviri, asi inguvawo yekuti maMuslim ave pamwe chete achinamata uye achifunga nezveupenyu hwavo.", "Mukana wekuti vasimudzire kutenda kwavo uye kunyatsoratidza kuti vanotsigira chiIslam.", "KumaMuslim akawanda, hajj chiitiko chinochinja munhu zvachose.", "Inguva yekuti munhu ambosiya matambudziko eupenyu ezuva nezuva oingoisa pfungwa dzake parwendo rwekunamata."], "factuality": "has_errors"} {"id": "topic_440__fitfiiigtwwwfw", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["Freedom of the press is the freedom of communication and expression through mediums including printed media and the internet.", "It is a fundamental human right recognized by Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and reaffirmed in Article 19 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.", "The right to freedom of expression is recognized as a necessary precondition for the enjoyment of all other human rights.", "Freedom of the press is essential for a healthy democracy.", "It allows citizens to access information and to hold their government accountable.", "It also helps to ensure that all voices are heard, and that the public is informed about important issues.", "In recent years, there have been growing threats to freedom of the press around the world.", "Governments have been using laws to restrict the media, and journalists have been harassed and attacked.", "These threats are a serious concern, and they need to be addressed.", "We must all stand up for freedom of the press.", "We must defend the right of journalists to report the news without fear of reprisal.", "We must also support independent media outlets, and we must encourage people to read and share news from a variety of sources.", "Freedom of the press is a precious right.", "We must all do our part to protect it."], "trgs": ["Rusununguko rwekutora nhau rusungunguko rwekukurukura uye kubudisa mafungiro pachishandiswa zvinhu zvakapirindwa kana kuti indaneti.", "Iyi ikodzero yevanhu vese inosimbiswa neChikamu 19 cheKurudziko Yekuchengetedzwa Kwekodzero Dzevanhu Pasi Rese uye yakazodzokororwazve muChikamu 19 cheChisungo Chepasi Rese Chekuchengetedzwa Kwekodzero Dzemagariro Evanhu Uye Dzematongerwo Enyika.", "Kodzero yekuti munhu ataure mafungiro ake akasununguka chimwe chezvinhu zvinokosha zvikuru chinofanira kuva pakati pedzimwe kodzero dzevanhu.", "Rusununguko rwekutora nhau chinhu chinokosha pakutsigira utongi hwegutsa ruzhinji.", "Rwunoita kuti vagari vakwanise kuwana mashoko uye kuita kuti hurumende dziite zvadzinofanira kuita.", "Rwunoitawo kuti maonero emunhu wese anzwike, uye kuti ruzhinji rugare ruchiziva nyaya dzinokosha.", "Mumakore achangobva kupfuura, rusununguko rwekutora nhau rwanga ruri kuvhiringidzwa pasi rese.", "Hurumende dzanga dziri kushandisa mitemo kurambidza masangano enhau kuita zvimwe zvinhu, uye vatori venhau vachishungurudzwa nekurwiswa.", "Kutyisidzira kwakadai hakusi kwekutamba nako, uye kunofanira kugadziriswa.", "Tese tinofanira kumiririra rusununguko rwekutorwa kwenhau.", "Tinofanira kudzivirira kodzero dzevatori venhau kuti vabudise nhau vasingatyire kukuvadzwa.", "Tinofanirawo kutsigira masangano enhau akazvimiririra, uye tinofanira kukurudzira vanhu kuti vaverenge uye kuudza vamwe nhau dzinobva kwakasiyana-siyana.", "Rusununguko rwekutora nhau ikodzero inokosha.", "Tinofanira kuitawo pedu kuti tirwuchengetedze."], "factuality": "ok"} {"id": "open_142__ttohiitf", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["The rising temperatures and changing precipitation patterns are making it more difficult to grow crops in some areas, while at the same time creating new opportunities for agriculture in other areas.", "The overall effect is that the global agricultural system is becoming more complex and less predictable.", "One of the most direct effects of climate change on agriculture is the increase in the frequency and severity of extreme weather events.", "Heat waves, droughts, floods, and storms can all damage crops and livestock, and make it difficult for farmers to get their crops to market.", "In some cases, these events can cause entire crop yields to be lost, leading to food shortages and price increases.", "In addition to extreme weather events, climate change is also leading to changes in the average temperature and precipitation patterns.", "These changes are making it more difficult to grow some crops in certain areas, while at the same time creating new opportunities for agriculture in other areas.", "For example, the warmer temperatures in some areas are making it possible to grow crops that were previously not possible, while the increased precipitation in other areas is making it possible to grow crops that were previously not feasible."], "trgs": ["Kuwedzera kwekupisa kwekunze uye kuchinja kwemanayiro emvura kuri kuita kuti zviome kurima zvimwe zvirimwa mune dzimwe nzvimbo, asi zvichiitawo kuti pave nemikana yekuti vanhu varime zvimwe zvinhu mune dzimwe nzvimbo.", "Izvi zviri kuita kuti urongwa hwekurima hwepasi rese huome uye hunetse kufungidzira nguva inofanira kuitwa zvinhu.", "Chinhu chikuru chiri kuvhiringidza nyaya dzekurima nekuchinja kuri kuita mamiriro ekunze, kuwedzera kwekukura kwemamiriro ekunze akaipisisa uye kuti izvi zvava kunyanya kuitika.", "Kupisa kwakanyanyisa, kusanaya kwemvura, mafashamo, uye madutu, zvinogona kuparadza zvirimwa nezvipfuwo, zvoita kuti varimi vaomerwe nekuendesa zvirimwa zvavo kumisika.", "Dzimwe nguva, zviitiko izvi zvinogona kukonzera kuparara kwegoho rese, zvoita kuti pave nekushomeka kwezvekudya uye kukwira kwemitengo yezvinhu.", "Kuwedzera kuzviitiko zvakaipisisa zvemamiriro ekunze, kuchinja kwemamiro ekunze kuri kukonzerawo kuchinja kwekupisa kana kutonhora kwekunze uye manayiro emvura.", "Kuchinja kwakadai kuri kuita kuti zviome kurima zvimwe zvirimwa mune dzimwe nzvimbo, asi zvichiitawo kuti pave nemikana yekurima zvitsva mune dzimwe nzvimbo.", "Semuenzaniso, nzvimbo dzakawedzera kupisa dzava kukwanisa kurimwa zvirimwa zvaisamboita kumashure, uye kuwedzera kwekunaya kwemvura mune dzimwe nzvimbo kuchiitawo kuti zvirimwa zvaisakwanisa kurimika zvirimwe."], "factuality": "ok"} {"id": "topic_587__iihfihwtwijtwari", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["I was driving home from work one day when I got cut off by another driver.", "I was so angry that I started tailgating him and flashing my lights.", "He just kept driving slower and slower, and I was getting more and more frustrated.", "Finally, I couldn't take it anymore.", "I pulled up next to him and started yelling at him.", "He rolled down his window and started yelling back at me.", "We were both so angry that we were shaking.", "The other driver pulled over to the side of the road, and I followed him.", "We got out of our cars and started yelling at each other even louder.", "I was so close to hitting him that I could smell his breath.", "Just when I thought it couldn't get any worse, a police car pulled up.", "The officer got out of his car and asked us what was going on.", "We both told him our sides of the story, and he started writing us a ticket.", "As I was walking back to my car, I realized that I had learned my lesson.", "Road rage is never worth it.", "It's not worth getting angry over, and it's not worth getting a ticket."], "trgs": ["Mumwe musi ndichityaira ndichienda kumba imwe motokari yakangoerekana yaenda pamberi pangu.", "Ndakagumbuka chaizvo zvekuti ndakatanga kuitevera ndiri mumashure mayo chaimo ndichibatidza nekudzima mwenje wemotokari yangu.", "Yakawedzera kufamba zvishoma nezvishoma, uye izvi zvakaita kuti ndisvotekane chaizvo.", "Ndakazongoti handichazvigoni izvi.", "Ndakabva ndatyaira ndichienda parutivi pake ndikabva ndatanga kumupopotera.", "Akadzikisa hwindo rake akabva atangawo kundipopotera.", "Tese tainge takaita kuguta nehasha zvekuti taiita kubvunda.", "Mutyairi wacho akabva abuda mumugwagwa, uye ndakamutevera.", "Takaburuka mumota dzedu tikabva tawedzera kupopoterana nemanzwi ari pamusoro.", "Ndaiva pedyo naye zvekutonzwa munhuwi wemukanwa make zvekuti ndaiva padhuze chaizvo nekumurova.", "Pandakanga ndava kufunga kuti zvava kuda kukwidza mutarara, imwe mota yemapusira yakabva yasvika.", "Mupurisa wacho akadzika mumota yake akabva atibvunza kuti chii chaiitika.", "Tese takataura zvainge zvaiitka, uye akabva atanga kutinyorera tiketi.", "Pandainge ndava kufamba ndichidzokera kumotokari yangu, ndakaona kuti ndakanga ndadzidza chidzidzo.", "Hasha dzemumugwagwa hadzina kana zvadzinobatsira.", "Hazvisi zvinhu zvekuti ungamboitira hasha, uye hazvisi zvinhu zvekuti ungatonyorerwe tiketi."], "factuality": "ok"} {"id": "topic_8__ottolltlolt", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["Once upon a time, there was a beautiful river that flowed through a lush forest.", "The river was home to many creatures, including fish, frogs, turtles, and birds.", "The river was also a popular spot for humans to swim, fish, and relax.", "One day, a young girl named Lily was playing near the river when she saw a turtle caught in a fishing net.", "Lily knew that she had to help the turtle, so she ran home to get her father.", "Lily's father helped her to free the turtle, and the two of them returned to the river.", "The turtle thanked Lily for saving her life, and Lily promised to always be kind to animals.", "Lily continued to visit the river often, and she always made sure to look out for any animals that might be in danger.", "One day, Lily saw a group of boys throwing rocks at the fish in the river.", "Lily knew that she had to stop them, so she ran up to the boys and told them that what they were doing was wrong.", "The boys were surprised to hear this from Lily, but they listened to her and stopped throwing rocks."], "trgs": ["Paivepo, paiva nerumwe rwizi rwaiyerera nemusango rainge rakasosera nemiti.", "Rwizi urwu rwaiva nezvipuka zvakawanda, kusanganisira hove, matatya, kamba, uye shiri.", "Rwizi urwu rwaishandiswa nevanhu vakawanda vaida kutuhwina, kuraura uye kuzorora.", "Mumwe musi, mumwe musikana wechidiki anonzi Lily ainge achitamba pedyo nerwizi urwu paakaona kamba yakabatwa nemaneti ekuraurisa hove.", "Lily aiziva kuti aifanira kubatsira kamba iyi, saka akamhanyira kumba kuti anotora baba vake.", "Baba vaLily vakamubatsira kununura kamba iya, uye vese vari vaviri vakadzokera kurwizi.", "Kamba yacho yakatenda Lily kuti ainge aiponesa, uye Lily akavimbisa kuti aizoramba achibatsira mhuka.", "Lily aigara achienda kurwizi, uye aiva nechokwadi chekuti aitsvaga mhuka dzaigona kunge dziri pangozi.", "Rimwe zuva, Lily akaona boka revakomana vachitema hove yaiva murwizi nematombo.", "Lily aiziva kuti aifanira kuvaudza kuti vasadaro, saka akamhanyira kwaiva nevakomana vacho akavaudza kuti zvavaiita zvainge zvakaipa.", "Vakomana vacho vakashamiswa nezvakataurwa naLily, asi vakamuteerera uye vakarega kukanda matombo."], "factuality": "ok"} {"id": "open_326__witbybwbiyya", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["\"What is the meaning of becoming a queen?\" asked the young woman.", "\"It is to learn to accommodate all that is,\" said the old woman.", "\"To hold in your heart the beauty and the pain, the joy and the sorrow, the light and the darkness.To see the world as it is, and to love it nonetheless.\"", "\"But how can I do that?\" asked the young woman. \"The world is so full of suffering.\"", "\"Yes, it is,\" said the old woman.", "\"But it is also full of beauty. And it is our task to find the beauty in the suffering, and to let it transform us.", "\"When you become a queen, you will have power.", "But power is not a thing to be used for your own gain.", "It is a responsibility to be used for the good of others.", "You must learn to use your power to heal the world, not to harm it.", "You must also learn to be humble.", "A queen is not above others, but she is also not below them.\""], "trgs": ["\"Kuva mambokadzi kunomborevei?\" akabvunza kudaro mumwe musikana wechidiki.", "\"Kudzidza kugamuchira zvese zviripo,\" vakadaro mbuya vacho.", "\"Kuchengeta mumwoyo mako runako uye marwadzo, mufaro uye kusuwa, chiedza uye rima. Kuona nyika sezvairi, uye kungoida zvakadaro.\"", "\"Asi ndingazviita sei?\" akabvunza musikana wechidiki. \"Nyika yakangozara nekutambudzika.\"", "\"Ehe ndizvozvo,\" vakadaro mbuya vacho.", "\"Asiwo yakazara nerunako. Uye ibasa redu kuti tione runako rwuri mukutambura ikoko, toita kuti rwutichinje.", "\"Paunova mambokadzi, uchava nesimba.", "Asi simba harifaniri kushandiswa zvisiri izvo kuti zvinhu zvikunakire.", "Rinofanira kushandiswa kuti uone zvakanaka zvinoitwa nevamwe.", "Unofanira kushandisa simba kugadzirisa nyika kwete kuikuvadza.", "Unofanirawo kudzidzira kuzvininipisa.", "Mambokadzi haasi pamusoro pevamwe, asi haanawo kuderera kuvapfuura.\""], "factuality": "ok"} {"id": "topic_386__cttcii", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["Cricket is a game played with a bat and ball between two teams of eleven players on a field at the centre of which is a 22-yard pitch with a wicket at each end, each comprising two bails balanced on three stumps.", "The game proceeds when a player on the fielding team, called the bowler, bowls the ball from one end of the pitch towards the wicket at the other end, with an opposing player called the batsman attempting to strike the ball with his bat so that it travels far enough to allow him to run between the wickets, scoring runs.", "The fielding side tries to prevent this by stopping the ball with their own bats, with their hands or with the wicket itself and then throwing the ball back to the bowler.", "Cricket is a game that requires a lot of skill and practice.", "It can be a very rewarding game, but it also takes a lot of hard work.", "If you want to be a good cricketer, you need to be honest with yourself about your abilities and be willing to put in the time and effort to train."], "trgs": ["Cricket mutambo unotambwa nebheti nebhora nezvikwata zviviri zvine vatambi gumi nemumwe chete munhandare inenge iine panotambirwa pakareba mayadhi 22 panenge pari nechepakati penhandare yacho, uye kurutivi rumwe nerumwe kunenge kuine inonzi wicket inenge iine mastumps matatu nemabail maviri anenge ari nechepamusoro.", "Mutambo wacho unotanga mutambi anenge ari muchikwata chinenge chichigamha mabhora, uyo anonzi bowler, paanokanda bhora achibva kune rumwe rutivi achirikandira kune rumwe, mutambi waari kukwikwidzana naye uyo anonzi batsman achiedza kurova bhora racho nebheti rake kuti riende kure zvekuti vanogona kumhanya vopiwa zvibodzwa.", "Chikwata chinenge chichigamha mabhora chinoedza kuti izvi zvisaitika nekumisa bhora racho nemabheti avo, nemaoko avo kana kuti newicket yacho pachayo vobva vakandira bowler bhora racho zvekare.", "Cricket mutambo unoda unyanzvi uye kugara uchidzidzira kuutamba.", "Mutambo unonakidza chaizvo, asi unodawo kuti munhu ashande nesimba.", "Kana uchida kuva nyanzvi yecricket, unofanira kutanga wazviongorora woona kana uine unyanzvi hunodiwa uye wova nenguva nesimba zvinodiwa kuti udzidzire kuutamba."], "factuality": "has_errors"} {"id": "topic_136__vwtvstitw", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["Vegetarian cuisine encompasses a wide variety of dishes and ingredients that are prepared without the use of meat, poultry, or fish.", "While some vegetarians avoid all animal products, including dairy and eggs, others may consume dairy or eggs but not meat.", "There are many reasons why people choose to adopt a vegetarian diet, including ethical concerns about the treatment of animals, environmental concerns about the impact of animal agriculture on the planet, and health concerns about the consumption of meat.", "Vegetarian food can be just as delicious and satisfying as meat-based dishes, and there are a number of ways to incorporate plant-based proteins into your diet.", "Some popular vegetarian proteins include beans, lentils, tofu, tempeh, and seitan.", "There are also a number of meat substitutes available on the market, such as veggie burgers, chicken nuggets, and soy-based hot dogs.", "If you're new to vegetarian cooking, there are a number of resources available to help you get started.", "There are cookbooks, websites, and blogs dedicated to vegetarian cuisine, and there are also a number of cooking classes available.", "With a little creativity and experimentation, you can easily create delicious and satisfying vegetarian meals for yourself and your family."], "trgs": ["Zvekudya zvevanhu vanodya miriwo chete zvinosanganisira zvekudya nezvinhu zvinoshandiswa pakubika zvinogadzirwa pasingashandiswi nyama, huku kana mazai, uye hove.", "Kunyange zvazvo vamwe vanhu vanongodya muriwo vasingadye zvese zvinobva pamhuka, kusanganisira mukaka uye mazai, vamwe vanodya mukaka kana mazai asi kwete nyama.", "Pane zvikonzero zvakawanda zvinoita kuti vanhu vazosarudza kudya miriwo, kusanganisira, zvavanonzwa muhana mavo nezvemabatirwo anofanira kuitwa mhuka, kunetsekana nezvezvinhu zvinogona kukanganisika panyika nekupfuya mhuka, uye kutyira utano hwavo kana vakadya nyama.", "Zvekudya zvemiriwo zvinogona kutongonaka sezvinoita nyama, uye pane nzira dzakawanda dzekuti udye zvekudya zvine mapuroteini anobva muzvirimwa.", "Zvirimwa zvinowanzopa mapuroteini zvinosanganisira, bhinzi, nyemba, tofu, tempeh uye seitan.", "Pane zvimwewo zvinhu zvinotsiva nyama zvinogona kutengwa, zvakadai semaburger emiriwo, machicken nugget uye masoy hot dog.", "Kana uchangotanga kudya miriwo, pane zvinhu zvakawanda zviripo zvinogona kukubatsira kutanga.", "Pane mabhuku ezvekubika, mawebhusaiti nemabhurogu akagadzirirwa kupa ruzivo rwezvekudya zvemiriwo chete, uyewo kune makirasi ekubika akawanda aripowo zvekare.", "Unogona kuedzawo kuita hudobi hwekuti ubike zvekudya zvinonaka uye zvinogutsa zvako iwe nemhuri yako."], "factuality": "ok"} {"id": "stt_455__iacppshmas", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["In a large bowl, combine the oil, vinegar, salt, and pepper.", "Add the chicken and toss to coat.", "Cover and refrigerate for at least 30 minutes, or up to overnight.", "Preheat the oven to 400 degrees F (200 degrees C).", "Place the chicken on a baking sheet and bake for 20-25 minutes, or until cooked through.", "Serve immediately.", "Here are some variations on this recipe:", "* Marinate the chicken in a mixture of olive oil, lemon juice, garlic, and herbs.", "* Add some chopped vegetables to the marinade, such as red onion, bell pepper, or zucchini.", "* Serve the chicken with a side of rice, quinoa, or salad."], "trgs": ["Tora ndiro hombe wosanganisa mafuta, vhiniga, munyu nepepa.", "Isa huku yacho wobva wazvisanganisa.", "Vhara wobva waisa mufiriji kwemaminitsi 30, kana kuti usiku hwese.", "Ita kuti hovheni ipise kusvika pamadhigirii 400 F (madhigirii 200 C).", "Isa huku yacho pabepa rekubhekesa wobva waibheka kwemaminitsi 20 kusvika 25, kana kuti kusvikira yanyatsoibva.", "Ibva wangopakura.", "Heino imwe nzira yemabikiro aunogona kuita:", "* Sanganisa huku yacho mumafuta emiorivhi, muto wemandimu, gariki, nemasipaisi.", "* Isa miriwo yakachekwa-chekwa mumusanganiswa wacho, yakadai sehanyanisi tsvuku, bell pepper, kana kuti zucchini.", "* Pakura huku yacho nerice, quinoa, kana saradhi."], "factuality": "ok"} {"id": "stt_434__itiootbiibhtttittoi", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["I mean, it\u2019s no Citizen Kane, but it\u2019s a solid movie.", "The acting is good, the story is interesting, and the cinematography is beautiful.", "I especially liked the way the director used light and shadow to create a sense of atmosphere.", "Overall, I think it\u2019s a well-made film that is worth watching.", "Of course, it\u2019s not perfect.", "The pacing could be a little tighter, and some of the characters are a bit one-dimensional.", "But overall, I think the film is more than the sum of its parts.", "It\u2019s a well-crafted story that will stay with you long after you\u2019ve finished watching it.", "If you\u2019re looking for a movie that will challenge you intellectually, this probably isn\u2019t the one for you.", "But if you\u2019re looking for a good old-fashioned story that will entertain you from start to finish, then I highly recommend it.", "Here are a few more specific things I liked about the movie:", "* The acting was really good.", "The main character was especially believable, and I could really feel his pain and anguish.", "* The story was interesting and kept me engaged throughout the film.", "I was always curious to see what would happen next.", "* The cinematography was beautiful.", "The director used light and shadow to create a sense of atmosphere that was really effective.", "Overall, I think this is a solid movie that is worth watching.", "It\u2019s not perfect, but it\u2019s a well-made film that will stay with you long after you\u2019ve finished watching it."], "trgs": ["Ndinoreva kuti, haina kufanana hayo neCitizen Kane, asi ifirimu chairo rakazara.", "Vatambi vacho vanogona, nyaya yacho inonakidza, uye matorerwo arakaitwa ndeemandorokwati.", "Ndakanyanya kufarira zvakaitwa nemukuru wefirimu racho paakashandisa mwenje nemumvuri kuti ari kuona atonzwa searipo.", "Sekuona kwangu, ifirimu rakanyatsokwenenzverwa rinofanira kuonekwa.", "Hatingati hedu zvese zvakagonekwa.", "Mifananidzo yenyaya yacho inoti mhanyei, uye vamwe vatambi vacho havana unyanzvi hwekuitawo zvimwe zvinopfuura zvavakanyorerwa kuita.", "Asi ndingangoti firimu iri rinotopfuura zvaringatarisirwa.", "Inyaya yakanyatsorukwa zvekuti unoramba uchiifunga chete kunyange wapedza kuiona.", "Kana uchida firimu rinoita kuti ushandise pfungwa zvakanyanya, iri handiro firimu racho.", "Asi kana uri kutsvaga nyaya yakudhara ichakunakidza kubva pakutanga kusvikira painoperera, ndinokukurudzira kuona firimu iri.", "Izvi ndizvo zvimwe zinhu zvandakafarira pafirimu racho:", "* Vatambi vacho vakagona.", "Mutambi wacho mukuru akagona kuti nyaya yacho iite seyakatoitika, uye unogona kunzwa kurwadziwa nekushungurudzika kwake.", "* Nyaya yacho yainakidza uye yakaita kuti ndisatombode kubvisa maziso angu pafirimu racho.", "Ndairamba ndichida kungoona kuti chii chichaitika.", "* Matorerwo arakaitwa ndeemandorokwati.", "Mutungamiriri wefirimu racho akashandisa mwenje nemumvuri zvekuti munhu ari kuona anobva atoona seatoripo.", "Sekuona kwangu ifirimu rakanyatsokwenenzverwa rinofanira kuonekwa.", "Hatingati hedu zvese zvakagonekwa, asi rakanyatsogadzirwa zvekuti unoramba uchirifunga kunyange wapedza kuriona."], "factuality": "ok"} {"id": "open_24__ttiwaithwwiawit", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["The view from the top of the mountain was breathtaking.", "The sun was shining, the birds were singing, and the clouds were below us.", "I couldn't believe how high up we were.", "We had hiked for hours to get here, and it was worth every step.", "As we stood there taking in the view, a truck drove by.", "It was a big, old truck, and it was covered in mud.", "The driver was sticking his head out the window, and he was smiling.", "He must have been enjoying the view as much as we were.", "We watched the truck drive away, and then we turned our attention back to the view.", "We stayed up there for a while, just enjoying the moment.", "It was a perfect day, and we were glad we had made the effort to hike up the mountain.", "As we started to hike back down, we realized that the view was even better from below.", "We could see the truck in the distance, and it looked like a tiny speck.", "It was amazing to think that we had just been up there, looking down at it.", "The hike down was easier than the hike up, and we made it back to our car in no time."], "trgs": ["Kuona zvinhu zviri pasi uri pamusoro pegomo kwaikanga mate mukanwa.", "Zuva rainyatsopenya, shiri dzichiimba, uye makore ari nechemuzasi medu.", "Ndakashamisika kuti tainge tiri mudenga-denga zvakadaro.", "Tainge taita maawa akawanda tichikwira gomo kuti tizosvika pataiva, uye tainge tafambira zviripo.", "Sezvatainge takamira tichinakidzwa nezvataiona, pane rori rakapfuura.", "Raiva rori rakakura rembiri yekare, uye rainge rakazara madhaka.", "Mutyairi ainge akabudisa musoro nepahwindo, uye ainge achinyemwerera.", "Anofanira kunge ainakidzwawo nezvaaiona sezvataiita.", "Takatarisa rori yacho kusvikira raenda, tikabva tatangazve kuyevedzwa nezvataiona.", "Takamboramba tiri ipapo kwekanguva, tichinakidzwa zvedu.", "Mamiriro ekunze ainge akanaka musi wacho, uye taifara kuti tainge tashanda nesimba kuti tikwire gomo racho.", "Patakatanga kudzika gomo, takatozoona kuti zvinhu zvaitoyevedza kutarisa kubva nechemuzasi.", "Rori iya taiiona nechekure, uye yaiita kunge kanhu kadiki diki.", "Zvaishamisa kufunga kuti patanga tiri mudenga tainge tichiiona iri muzasi.", "Kudzika gomo kwaiva nyore pane kurikwidza, uye takadzokera kumotokari yedu pasina kana nguva."], "factuality": "ok"} {"id": "stt_474__otehttiiht", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["On April 24, 1980, eight U.S. helicopters carrying Delta Force and other U.S. special operations troops launched from the aircraft carrier USS Nimitz.", "The helicopters were supposed to land at the U.S.", "Embassy in Tehran, where they would rescue the hostages.", "However, one of the helicopters crashed in the desert, killing eight U.S. servicemen.", "The remaining helicopters were forced to abort the mission.", "The failed rescue attempt was a major embarrassment for the Carter administration.", "It also damaged America\u2019s reputation in the world.", "In the aftermath of the failed rescue attempt, Carter ordered a boycott of Iranian oil.", "He also imposed economic sanctions on Iran.", "The Iranian government released the hostages on January 20, 1981, just minutes after Ronald Reagan was sworn in as President of the United States."], "trgs": ["Musi wa24 April 1980, zvikopokopo zvisere zveU.S. zvainge zvakatakura masoja eDelta Force uye mamwe mauto akadzidzira kunorwa hondo dzinokosha, akabva panhandare yemumvura inogara ndege yeUSS Nimitz.", "Zvikopokopo izvi zvaifanira kunomhara.", "MuEmbassy yeU.S. iri muTehran, umo mavaizonunura vanhu vainge vabatwa senhapwa.", "Zvisinei, chimwe chikopokopo chakadonhera mugwenga, chikauraya masoja masere eU.S.", "Zvimwe zvikopokopo zvakabva zvatomiswa kuti zviende kwazvaifanira kuenda.", "Kutadza kuenda kunonunura vanhu uku kwakanyadzisa chaizvo hurumende yaCarter.", "Zvakakanganisawo mukurumbira weAmerica pasi rese.", "Pashure pekukundikana kunononunura vanhu, Carter akabva ati haachada kuva nechekuita neoiri yemuIran.", "Akabva atemerawo Iran zvirango zveupfumi.", "Hurumende yeIran yakazobudisa nhapwa idzi musi wa20 January 1981, pashure pemaminetsi mashomanana kubva pakagadzwa Ronald Reagan seMutungamiriri weUnited States."], "factuality": "has_errors"} {"id": "topic_469__tfbwppowtottit", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["The noble steed, a symbol of strength and grace, has been a mainstay of human civilization for millennia.", "From the battlefields of antiquity to the modern racetrack, horses have played a vital role in our history.", "But what is it about horses that makes them so special?", "What is it that draws us to these magnificent creatures?", "Perhaps it is their beauty, with their sleek coats and flowing manes.", "Perhaps it is their strength, as they can carry us on their backs for miles.", "Or perhaps it is their intelligence, as they are capable of learning a wide variety of tasks.", "Whatever the reason, there is no denying the bond that exists between humans and horses.", "They are truly partners in life, and their companionship is a gift to be cherished.", "One of the most remarkable things about horses is their ability to sense our emotions.", "They can tell when we are happy, sad, or scared, and they will often respond in kind.", "This makes them ideal companions for people who are lonely or who need emotional support.", "In addition to their companionship, horses can also be used for a variety of purposes.", "They can be ridden for pleasure, used for work, or even raced."], "trgs": ["Bhiza rinonzi noble steed, iro rinomiririra simba uye mutsa, rava nemakore akawanda richikosha chaizvo munhoroondo yevanhu nemhuka.", "Kubva pakushandiswa muhondo kusvikira kunhandare dzemijaho, mabhiza anga achikosha chaizvo munhoroondo yedu sevanhu.", "Asi chii chinoita kuti mabhiza akoshe zvakadaro?", "Chii chinoita kuti tifarire chaizvo zvisikwa izvi zvakanaka zvikuru?", "Zvimwe inyaya yerunako, ganda rawo rinotsvedzerera uye bvudzi rawo rinoyerera.", "Zvimwe isimba rawo, sezvo achikwanisa kutitakura kwemamaira akawanda.", "Kana kuti zvimwe ungwaru, sezvo achikwanisa kudzidza kuita mabasa akawanda.", "Chero chingava chikonzero chacho, hapana mubvunzo kuti pane kunzwanana kukuru kuripo pakati pevanhu nemabhiza.", "Akakosha chaizvo muupenyu hwedu, uye tinofanira kukoshesa zvikuru ushamwari hwedu nawo.", "Chimwe chinhu chinoshamisa zvikuru nezvemabhiza kukwanisa kwaanoita kunzwa manzwiro atinenge tichiita.", "Anogona kuona kana tiri kufara, takasuruvara, tichitya, uye anowanzoratidza kunzwisisa zvatinenge tiri kunzwa.", "Izvi zvinoita kuti ashandiswe seshamwari kuvanhu vanenge vachinzwa kusurukirwa kana kuti vanenge vachida kukurudzirwa.", "Kuwedzera pakuva shamwari, mabhiza anogona kushandisirwawo zvimwe zvinhu.", "Vanhu vanogona kuatasva vachizvivaraidza, kuashandisa kuita basa, kana kuti kuita mijaho."], "factuality": "ok"} {"id": "topic_525__ggigsbfwostttfsgigi", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["Grandma: What can I help you with today, my dear?", "Grandchild: I'm feeling really unmotivated.", "I have a lot of work to do, but I can't seem to get started.", "Grandma: I know how you feel.", "Sometimes, motivation can be hard to come by.", "But there are a few things you can do to help yourself get started.", "First, think about why you're doing the work.", "What's your goal?", "Once you know what you're working towards, it's easier to stay motivated.", "Second, break down the task into smaller steps.", "This will make it seem less daunting and more manageable.", "Third, give yourself rewards for completing each step.", "This will help you stay on track and motivated.", "Finally, don't be afraid to ask for help if you need it.", "Sometimes, all you need is a little encouragement to get you started.", "Grandchild: Thank you, Grandma.", "I'll try those things.", "Grandma: You're welcome, my dear.", "I'm always here for you."], "trgs": ["Gogo: Ndingakubatsira neiko nhasi?", "Muzukuru: Ndiri kunzwa nungo dzisingaiti.", "Ndine basa rakawanda randiri kufanira kuita, asi ndiri kushaya simba rekuritanga.", "Gogo: Ndinonzwisisa zvauri kunzwa.", "Dzimwe nguva, zvakaoma kuwana shungu dzekuita chinhu.", "Asi pane zvinhu zvishoma zvaunogona kuita zvinogona kukubatsira kuti utange.", "Kutanga, funga nezvekuti nei uri kufanira kuita basa racho.", "Chinangwa chako ndechei?", "Ukangoziva kuti chinangwa chauri kushandira ndechei, zviri nyore kuti urambe uine shungu dzekushanda.", "Chechipiri, ronga basa racho kuti rive zvidimbu zvidimbu.", "Izvi zvinoita kuti basa racho risanyanye kurema uye ukwanise kuriita.", "Chechitatu, zvipe mibayiro yekupedza danho rimwe nerimwe.", "Izvi zvichakubatsira kuti urambe uri mugwara uye urambe uine shungu.", "Chekupedzisira, usatya kukumbira kubatsirwa kana zvakuremera.", "Dzimwe nguva unoda kukurudzirwa zvishoma kuti ukwanise kutanga.", "Muzukuru: Maita basa, Gogo.", "Ndichaedza kuita zvinhu izvozvo.", "Gogo: Uchitendei hako.", "Ndosaka ndiripo."], "factuality": "ok"} {"id": "topic_149__rtwbiitywiy", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["Rental cars are a convenient way to get around when visiting a new city or country.", "They offer the flexibility to explore at your own pace and can be a more affordable option than public transportation.", "When renting a car, it is important to compare prices from different companies and to read the fine print of the rental agreement carefully.", "Be sure to ask about any additional fees, such as fuel charges, insurance, or tolls.", "It is also a good idea to take pictures of the car before you drive it away, so that you have proof of its condition in case of any damage.", "If you are planning to rent a car for an extended period of time, you may be able to get a better deal by purchasing a rental car package.", "These packages typically include a set number of days of rental, as well as unlimited mileage and other extras.", "You may also be able to get a discount if you book your rental car in advance.", "When picking up your rental car, be sure to inspect it carefully for any damage.", "If you see any damage, be sure to note it on the rental agreement.", "You should also take pictures of the car before you drive it away."], "trgs": ["Mota dzekuhaya dzinobatsira chaizvo pakufamba kana washanyira rimwe guta kana nyika.", "Dzinobatsira kuti uone nzvimbo uchizvirongera wega uye zvinogona kuchipa kudzishandisa pane kushandisa mabhazi.", "Kana uchihaya mota, zvakakosha kuti utange wawana mitengo yemakambani akasiyana-siyana uye wonyatsoverenga tumashoko tunenge twakanyorwa netumavara tudiki-diki twechibvumirano chekuhaya.", "Bvunza zvimwe zvinenge zvichizoda kubhadharwa zvakadai semitengo yemafuta emotokari, inishuwarenzi, uye mari dzinobhadharwa uchibva mune rimwe guta uchienda mune rimwe.", "Zvakanaka kuti utange watora motokari yacho mifananidzo usati waenda nayo, kuitira kuti uzoishandisa seumboo kana pakazova netsaona.", "Kana uri kuronga kuhaya mota kwenguva yakareba, unogona kuchengetedza mari kana ukabhadhara mapakeji ekuhaya mota.", "Mapakeji aya anenge aine mazuva akarongwa ekuhaya kwaungaita kusanganisira kusaganhurirwa mamaira aunogona kufamba nezvimwewo zvekuwedzera.", "Unogona kutodzikisirwa mutengo kana ukagara wabhuka mota yaunoda kuhaya.", "Kana wava kutora mota yawahaya, iva nechokwadi chekuti wanyatsoitarisa kuti uone kana isina pakarovera.", "Kana ukaona pakarovera, ibva wazvinyora pasi pachibvumirano chekuhaya mota.", "Unofanirawo kutora mifananidzo yemotokari yacho usati waenda nayo."], "factuality": "ok"} {"id": "uganda_historical__tttttitt", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["The Uganda Martyrs are a group of 23 Anglican and 22 Roman Catholic Christians who were killed between 1885 and 1887.", "They were killed by the king of Buganda, Mwanga II, for refusing to renounce their faith.", "The martyrs were canonized by Pope Paul VI in 1964.", "They are considered to be among the most important figures in the history of Christianity in Uganda.", "The Uganda Martyrs' Day is celebrated on June 3rd every year.", "It is a national holiday in Uganda and is observed by Christians all over the world.", "The martyrs are remembered for their courage and their willingness to die for their faith.", "They are an inspiration to Christians everywhere."], "trgs": ["Uganda Martyrs iboka revaKristu 23 vechechi yeAnglican uye 22 veRoman Catholic avo vakaurayiwa pakati pa1885 na1887.", "Vakaurayiwa namambo weBuganda, Mwanga II, nekuti vakatsika madziro kuti varambe kutenda kwavo.", "Vanhu ava vakafira kutenda kwavo vakaiswa mucanon naPope Paul VI muna 1964.", "Vanokosheswa chaizvo munhoroondo yechiKristu muUganda.", "The Uganda Martyrs' Day izuva rinopembererwa gore rega rega musi wa3 June.", "Izororo renyika muUganda uye rinochengetedzwawo nevaKristu pasi rese.", "Vanhu ava vakafira kutenda kwavo vanorangarirwa neushingi hwavo uye kuzvipira kufira kutenda kwavo.", "Vanokurudzira vamwe vaKristu kwese kwavangava."], "factuality": "has_errors"} {"id": "topic_68__itimimim", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["In the upcoming months, I will be honored to receive an award for my work in the field of French language studies.", "The award will be presented by the Soci\u00e9t\u00e9 Fran\u00e7aise de Linguistique, a prestigious organization dedicated to the advancement of French language and linguistics.", "I am humbled and grateful to be recognized by such a distinguished organization, and I look forward to continuing my work in French language studies.", "My research interests lie in the area of historical linguistics, and I have focused my work on the development of French from its origins in the Gallo-Romance dialects of the early Middle Ages.", "I am particularly interested in the ways in which French has been influenced by other languages, such as Latin, Germanic languages, and Arabic.", "My research has been published in leading journals in the field of linguistics, and I have presented my work at conferences around the world.", "I am based at a university located near the French border, and I have had the opportunity to collaborate with scholars from France and other Francophone countries.", "My research has made a significant contribution to the field of French language studies, and I am proud to have been recognized for my work."], "trgs": ["Mumwedzi inootevera, ndichawana ruremekedzo rwekupiwa mubayiro webasa randakaita muzvidzidzo zvemutauro wechiFrench.", "Mubayiro wacho uchapiwa neSoci\u00e9t\u00e9 Fran\u00e7aise de Linguistique, sangano repamusorosoro iro rakazvipira kuita kuti mutauro wechiFrench nezvidzidzo zvemitauro zviende mberi.", "Ndinonzwa ndaremekedzwa uye ndinotenda chaizvo kuonekwawo nesangano rakakura kudai, uye ndinoda kuenderera mberi nekuita zvidzidzo zvangu zvemutauro wechiFrench.", "Zvandinotsvakurudza zvakanyanya kunangana nenhoroondo yemutauro, uye basa rangu rinonyanya kutarisa kuvandudzika kwakaita chiFrench kubva pachakatangira mumakore emaMiddle Ages chichiri mumapazi emutauro echiGallo-Romance.", "Ndinoda chaizvo kutarisa kuchinjwa kwakaitwa chiFrench nemimwe mitauro yakadai sechiLatin, mitauro yechiGermanic, uye chiArabic.", "Tsvakurudzo yangu yakabudiswa mumabhuku akakurumbira emitauro, uye ndakataura nezvebasa rangu pamagungano akawanda pasi rese.", "Ndinoshandira payunivhesiti iri pedyo nemuganhu wenyika yeFrance, uye ndakawana mukana wekushanda nevadzidzi vanobva kuFrance nedzimwe nyika dzinotaura chiFrench.", "Tsvakurudzo yangu yabatsira chaizvo pazvidzidzo zvemutauro wechiFrench, uye ndinofara kuti basa rangu rakaonekwawo."], "factuality": "ok"} {"id": "topic_494__acwcaiwcabacw", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["Akosua Aunty: Hello, children. What can I do for you?", "Cousin 1: We need your help with a decision.", "We're all trying to decide whether or not to cheat on a test tomorrow.", "Cousin 2: Yeah, we know it's wrong, but we're all really scared of failing.", "Akosua Aunty: I understand that you're scared, but cheating is never the answer.", "It's important to remember that integrity is one of the most important things in life.", "When you cheat, you're not just cheating yourself, you're also cheating everyone else who has worked hard to learn the material.", "Cousin 1: But what if we really do fail?", "Akosua Aunty: If you fail, then you fail. That's life.", "But at least you'll know that you did your best and you didn't cheat.", "And that's what matters most.", "Cousin 2: You're right, Aunty.", "We need to do the right thing, even if it's hard."], "trgs": ["Tete Akosua: Kwazuwai, vana. Ndokubatsirai sei?", "Muzukuru 1: Tinoda kuti mutibatsire kusarudza.", "Tiri kuedza kusarudza kuti tobiridzira here pabvunzo iriko mangwana kana kuti torega.", "Muzukuru 2: Ndizvozvo, tinoziva hedu kuti zvakaipa, asi tiri kutya chaizvo kufoira.", "Tete Akosua: Ndinozvinzwisisa kuti muri kutya, asi kubiridzira hakusiriko kuchakubatsirai.", "Zvakakosha zvikuru kuziva kuti kuvimbika chinhu chinokosha chaizvo muupenyu.", "Paunobiridzira, unenge usina kungozvibiridzira iwe wega, asi unenge wabiridzirawo vamwe vanhu vese vanenge vashanda nesimba kuverenga.", "Muzukuru 1: Ko kana tikazofoira?", "Tete Akosua: Kana mafoira munenge mafoirawo. Ndizvo zvinoita upenyu.", "Asi munenge muchiziva kuti maita zvakanaka nekusabiridzira.", "Uye izvozvo ndizvo zvinokosha.", "Muzukuru 2: Ndizvozvo Tete.", "Tinofanira kuita zvakarurama, kunyange zvakaoma kuita."], "factuality": "ok"} {"id": "topic_151__dldhbhatwh", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["\"Dance, Henry, dance\" the old woman cried \"Dance and let the colors of life flow through you.", "Let the music fill your soul and your body will move of its own accord.", "Dance and be free\" Henry looked at the old woman with confusion.", "He had never been a dancer, and he didn't understand why she was so insistent that he should start now.", "But the old woman's eyes were bright and her face was filled with joy, and Henry couldn't help but be drawn in.", "He took a deep breath and began to move.", "At first, his movements were awkward and hesitant, but as he continued to dance, he began to relax and let the music take over.", "The colors of the world swirled around him, and he felt a sense of freedom and joy that he had never experienced before.", "When the music stopped, Henry was breathless and exhilarated.", "He looked at the old woman and smiled \"Thank you,\" he said \"I don't know why I didn't dance before."], "trgs": ["\"Tamba, Henry, tamba\" vakashevedzera kudaro mbuya vacho \"Tamba kusvikira wanzwa ropa kumhanya mhanya mukati mako.", "Ita kuti mumhanzi upinde mumweya wako uye muviri wako uchadairira zvinoenderana.", "Tamba wakazvisunungukira\" Henry akatarisa mbuya vacho achivhiringidzika.", "Ainge asina kumbobvira ava mutambi, uye aisanzwisisa kuti sei vaida kutei achitanga iye zvino.", "Asi chiso chaambuya vacho chainge chakazara mufaro, uye Henry haana zvaaikwanisa kuita kunze kwekuita zvavaitaura.", "Akatura befu achibva atanga kufambisa muviri wake.", "Pakutanga, aifambisa muviri wake zvisina kunyatsorongeka uye achiratidza kutya, asi sezvo akaramba achitamba, akatanga kudzikama achinyatsotevedzera mumhanzi.", "Akatanga kuona sekuti mavara enyika aimutenderera, uye akanzwa kusununguka nemufaro waainge asina kumbobvira anzwa.", "Mumhanzi pawakamira, Henry ainge ava kufemereka asi achinzwa kufara zvikuru.", "Akatarisa mbuya vaya akabva anyemwerera \"Maita basa,\" akadaro \"Ndaisatomboziva kuti ndinogona kutamba."], "factuality": "ok"} {"id": "topic_161__stisbiissiswta", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["\u201cSo, what are you looking for in a life partner?\u201d", "The question hung in the air, heavy with expectation.", "I took a sip of my drink and glanced across the table at the woman I\u2019d been on a few dates with.", "She was beautiful, with long dark hair, piercing blue eyes, and a smile that could light up a room.", "But was she the one for me?", "I thought about it for a moment.", "\u201cI\u2019m looking for someone who is kind, intelligent, and funny,\u201d I said.", "\u201cSomeone who I can connect with on a deep level.\u201d", "She nodded \u201cThat sounds like a good start,\u201d she said \u201cWhat about physical attraction? Is that important to you?\u201d", "I shrugged \u201cIt\u2019s not the most important thing,\u201d I said \u201cBut it\u2019s definitely a factor.\u201d", "She smiled \u201cI know what you mean,\u201d she said \u201cI\u2019m the same way.\u201d", "We talked for a while longer, about our hopes and dreams, our goals and aspirations.", "The more we talked, the more I felt like I was getting to know the real her.", "And the more I liked her."], "trgs": ["\"Saka, zvii zvaunotarisira pamunhu waunoda kuzogara naye?\"", "Mubvunzo wacho wainge uchida kupindurwa.", "Ndakadzvuta chinwiwa changu ndikabva ndatarisa mhiri kwetafura uko kwaiva nemudzimai wandainge ndava nemazuva ndichiona.", "Ainge ari munaku, aine bvudzi dema rakareba, nemaziso akanaka aiva neruvara rwebhuruu, uye nyemwerero yake yaitenderedza musoro.", "Asi ndiye here aiva wangu?", "Ndakafunga nezvazvo kwekanguva.", "\"Ndinoda munhu ane mutsa, ane ungwaru, uye anosetsa,\" ndakadaro.", "\"Munhu wekuti ndinogona kunyatsonzwisisana naye zvakadzama.\"", "Vakagutsurira \"Izvozvo zvinhu zvakakosha,\" vakadaro \"Ko zvakadii nechimiro chake? Unozvikoshesa here?\"", "Ndakakwidza mapendekete angu zvekuratidza kusava nebasa nazvo \"Hazvisirizvo zvinonyanya kukosha,\" ndakadaro \"Asi zvinhu zvandinotarisawo.\"", "Vakanyemwerera \"Ndinonzwisisa zvauri kureva,\" vakadaro \"Ndizvo zvandiriwo.\"", "Takaita chinguva tichitaura nezvetariro dzedu nezvatinoshuvira, zvinangwa uye zvatinotarisira.", "Patakaramba tichitaura, ndakanzwa kuti ndainge ndava kuwedzera kunyatsoziva zvaari.", "Uye zvakaita kuti ndiwedzere kumufarira."], "factuality": "ok"} {"id": "topic_36__ttowshstitt", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["The recent rise of social media has given rise to a new breed of celebrities: the social media influencer.", "These individuals have amassed large followings on platforms like Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube, and they use their influence to promote products, services, and ideas.", "One of the most popular social media influencers in the world is Kim Kardashian.", "With over 200 million followers on Instagram, Kardashian is a powerful force in the fashion, beauty, and lifestyle industries.", "She has also used her platform to speak out about social issues, such as criminal justice reform and women's rights.", "However, there is a dark side to the world of social media influencers.", "Some influencers are paid by foreign governments to spread propaganda and disinformation.", "This is a serious problem, as it can greatly influence public opinion and undermine democracy.", "In 2016, it was revealed that Russian trolls used social media to spread propaganda and disinformation during the US presidential election.", "The trolls created fake accounts and used them to post pro-Trump messages and anti-Hillary Clinton messages.", "This had a significant impact on the election, as it helped to sway public opinion in favor of Trump."], "trgs": ["Kuwedzera kwekukurumbira kwesocial media kwaita kuti pave nevamwe vanhu vatsva vane mukurumbira: nyanzvi dzesocial media.", "Vanhu ava vanenge vachiteverwa nevanhu vakawanda pamapurogiramu akadai seTwitter, Instagram uye YouTube, uye vanoshandisa kuzivikanwa kwavanoita kuti vashambadze zvigadzirwa, masevhisi, uye mafungiro.", "Nyanzvi yesocial media yakakurumbira zvikuru pasi rese ndiKim Kardashian.", "Achiteverwa nevanhu vanopfuura mamiriyoni 200 paInstagram, Kardashian ava nemukurumbira chaizvo panyaya dzekupfeka, runako uye maindastiri emararamiro evanhu.", "Anoshandisawo peji rake kutaura nezvenyaya dzekurarama kwevanhu dzakadai sekutongwa zvakanaka kwemhosva uye kodzero dzemadzimai.", "Asi pane zvakaipawo zvinoitika muupenyu hwenyanzvi dzesocial media.", "Vamwe vavo vanobhadharwa nehurumende dzekune dzimwe nyika kuti vaparadzire mashoko enhema.", "Iri idambudziko rakakura, nekuti zvinogona kukanganisa maonero everuzhinji zvokanganisa nyaya dzeutongi hwegutsaruzhinji.", "Muna 2016, zvakaonekwa kuti vanhu vanoita basa rekudenha paindaneti vekuRussia vakashandisa social media kuti vaparadzire nhema panguva yaiitwa sarudzo dzemutungamiriri wenyika weUS.", "Vakagadzira maakaundi ekunyepa uye vakaashandisa kutumira mameseji ekutsigira Trump uye ekutsoropodza Hillary Clinton.", "Izvi zvine zvazvakatokanganisa pasarudzo dzacho, sezvo zvakabatsira veruzhinji kuti vafarire Trump."], "factuality": "ok"} {"id": "egypt_entities__cioalat", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["Cairo, the capital of Egypt, is the largest city in the Middle East and the third largest city in Africa.", "It is home to some of the world's most famous landmarks, including the Pyramids of Giza, the Sphinx, and the Egyptian Museum.", "Other important places in Egypt include Alexandria, Luxor, Aswan, and the Sinai Peninsula.", "Alexandria is Egypt's second largest city and was once the capital of the Ptolemaic Kingdom.", "Luxor is home to the Valley of the Kings, where many of the pharaohs of ancient Egypt were buried.", "Aswan is located on the Nile River and is known for its beautiful scenery and its many ancient temples.", "The Sinai Peninsula is located in the eastern part of Egypt and is home to the famous Mount Sinai, where Moses is said to have received the Ten Commandments."], "trgs": ["Cairo, guta guru reEgypt, ndiro guta guru kupfuura mamwe ese muMiddle East uye ndiro guta rechitatu pakukura muAfrica yese.", "Ndimo munowanikwa zvinhu zvakakurumbira pasi rese izvo zvinosanganisira Pyramids of Giza, Sphinx, uye Egyptian Museum.", "Dzimwe nzvimbo dzinokosha dziri muEgypt dzinosanganisira Alexandria, Luxor, Aswan, uye Sinai Peninsula.", "Alexandria ndiro guta rechipiri pakukura muEgypt uye ndiro raimbova guta guru reumambo hwePtolemaic Kingdom.", "MuLuxor munowanikwa Valley of the Kings, uko kwakavigwa mafarao akawanda eEgypt makare kare.", "Aswan riri pedyo nerwizi runonzi Nile River uye kunewo mukurumbira werunako uye matemberi aro ekare.", "Sinai Peninsula inowanikwa kumabvazuva kweEgypt uye ndiko kunowanikwa gomo rakakurumbira rinonzi Mount Sinai, pakapiwa Mozisi Mirayiro Gumi."], "factuality": "ok"} {"id": "topic_13__thtwthfaahhwt", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["The gardener's journey began with a simple drive to the local nursery.", "He had been planning this trip for weeks, ever since he had seen the advertisement in the paper.", "The nursery was offering a 20% discount on all plants, and he was determined to take advantage of the sale.", "When he arrived at the nursery, he was immediately overwhelmed by the selection of plants.", "There were flowers of every color and shape, vegetables of all sizes, and trees that reached for the sky.", "He wandered around for hours, admiring the plants and dreaming of the beautiful garden he would create.", "Finally, he made his selections and headed to the checkout counter.", "As he was paying for his plants, he noticed a sign that said \"Free delivery for orders over $50\" He smiled and added a few more plants to his cart.", "A few days later, the gardener received a delivery of his new plants.", "He eagerly unpacked them and began to plant them in his garden.", "He worked for hours, carefully placing each plant in the perfect spot.", "When he was finished, he stood back and admired his work.", "The garden was beautiful, and he knew that he would enjoy spending many hours tending to it."], "trgs": ["Rwendo rwemugadziri wemapindu rwakatanga nekutyaira achienda kuchitoro chinotengesa maruva nemiti chekwaanogara.", "Ainge aita mavhiki akawanda achironga rwendo urwu, kubvira paakaona shambadzo yainge yabuda mupepanhau.", "Vanotengesa maruva nemiti vainge vaderedza mutengo wezvirimwa zvese ne20%, uye aida chaizvo kutenga zvinhu zvichiri zvakachipa kudai.", "Paakasvika, akashamiswa chaizvo nekuona kuwanda kwainge kwakaita zvirimwa zvaivepo.", "Paiva nemaruva emhando uye mavara zvakasiyana-siyana, miriwo yemazera akawanda, uye miti yainge yakareba kusvika mudenga chaimo.", "Akaita maawa akawanda achitenderera, achiyemura zvirimwa zvaivapo uye achiedza kufungidzira bindu rakanaka raaizogadzira.", "Akazosarudza zvaaida uye akaenda kunozvibhadhara.", "Paakanga ava kubhadhara zvirimwa zvake, akaona chikwangwani chainge chakanyorwa kuti \"Tinokuvigira mahara kana ukatenga zvinhu zvinopfuura $50\" Akanyemwerera akabva awedzera zvimwe zvirimwa muchingoro chake.", "Pashure pemazuva mashoma, mugadziri wemapindu uyu akagamuchira zvirimwa zvake zvitsva.", "Akazvivhura achiita kunonokerwa nekuzviona achibva atanga kuzvisima mubindu rake.", "Akashanda kwemaawa akawanda, achinyatsosima chirimwa chimwe nechimwe panzvimbo yakakodzera.", "Paakanga apedza, akatarisa achiyemura basa rake.", "Bindu racho rainge rakanaka, uye akaziva kuti aizonakidzwa nekuita maawa akawanda achiririma."], "factuality": "ok"} {"id": "stt_390__twirwtmriaitiriit", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["These are just a few of the issues that can plague a car that has been in a minor accident.", "While the damage may not seem significant, it can still be dangerous and expensive to fix.", "In the case of worn or falling apart rubber pieces, this can be a safety hazard.", "Rubber is used in a variety of places on a car, including the tires, brake pads, and seals.", "When rubber becomes worn, it can crack, split, or otherwise deteriorate.", "This can lead to a number of problems, such as reduced traction, decreased braking performance, and leaks.", "Missing roof rail pieces can also be a safety hazard.", "Roof rails are designed to help protect passengers in the event of a rollover accident.", "If the roof rails are missing, the roof of the car is more likely to collapse in a rollover, which can cause serious injuries or death.", "A broken fuel tank door lock can also be dangerous.", "If the fuel tank door cannot be locked, it could come open while the car is moving.", "This could spill fuel onto the road, which could cause a fire or explosion.", "In addition to the safety risks, these types of damage can also be expensive to fix.", "Rubber pieces can be difficult to replace, and roof rails and fuel tank door locks can be expensive to repair or replace.", "In some cases, it may be more cost-effective to total the car and buy a new one.", "If you are considering buying a used car that has been in a minor accident, be sure to have it inspected by a qualified mechanic.", "They will be able to identify any damage that may not be visible to the naked eye, and they can advise you on whether or not the car is safe to buy."], "trgs": ["Pane zvinhu zvishomanana zvinogona kukanganisika pamotokari inenge yaita katsaona.", "Kunyange zvazvo ingasafa zvinhu zvakawanda, zvinogona kunge zviine ngozi kana kuti zvichidhura kuzvigadzira.", "Kana paine marabha akatsemuka kana kuti akarembera, izvi zvinogona kuva nengozi.", "Marabha anowanika panzvimbo dzakawanda pamotokari, kusanganisira matayi, simbi dzinobata mabhureki, uye maseal.", "Kana marabha apera, anogona kutsemuka, kuvhurika, kana kuti kusashanda zvakanaka.", "Izvi zvinogona kukonzera matambudziko akawanda, akadai sekutsvedza kwematayi, kupera kwemabhureki, uye kurasika kweori.", "Kana simbi dzekeriya dzepamusoro pemota dzisipo, zvinogona kukonzera ngozi zvekare.", "Simbi dzekeriya dzinenge dziri pamusoro pemota dzakagadzirirwa kubatsira vanenge vari mumota kana pakaitika tsaona yekuti mota inokudubuka.", "Kana simbi idzi dzisipo, denga remota rinogona kudhirikira mukati mota painopidiguka, izvo zvinogona kukonzera kuti vanhu vakuvare zvakanyanya kana kuti kutofa.", "Zvinewo ngozi kana chivharo chepanoiswa napo mafuta emotokari chakafa.", "Kana chivharo chepekuisa napo mafuta emotokari chisingakwanisi kukiyiwa, chinogona kuvhurika kana mota ichifamba.", "Izvi zvinogona kuita kuti peturu irasikire mumugwagwa, izvo zvinogona kukonzera moto kana kuputika.", "Kuwedzera pangozi dzazvinogona kukonzera, kufa kwezvinhu zvakadai kunogona zvekare kudhura kugadzirisa.", "Marabha anogona kunetsa kuwana mamwe matsva, uye masimbi ekeriya nezvinovharisa panoiswa napo mafuta emotokari zvinogona kudhura kugadzira kana kutenga zvitsva.", "Dzimwe nguva, zvinogona kutochipa kubhadharwa mari inoenderana nemota yacho wotenga imwe itsva.", "Kana uri kufunga kutenga mota yakamboshandiswa inenge yamboita katsaona, iva nechokwadi chekuti yanyatsoongororwa namakanika ane mapepa akakwana.", "Anogona kuona zvinhu zvinenge zvakafa zvinogona kutadza kuonekwa nemaziso, uye anogona kukuudza kana mota yacho ichiita kutenga."], "factuality": "ok"} {"id": "topic_9__absiiibiioia", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["A bicycle is a thing of beauty, sleek and streamlined, its wheels a blur of motion as it glides along the road.", "But what happens when you bring a bike into a small room?", "Suddenly, all that grace and efficiency is lost, and the bike becomes a clumsy, awkward intruder.", "I once had a bike in a small room.", "It was a cramped, dingy apartment in a rundown neighborhood, and the bike took up most of the space.", "I could barely get through the door without knocking it over, and I had to be careful not to trip over it when I was in the middle of the night.", "But even though the bike was a nuisance, I couldn't bring myself to get rid of it.", "It was a reminder of a better time, when I was young and free and full of hope.", "I would sit on the bike and dream of all the places I could go, all the adventures I could have.", "One day, I finally decided to get rid of the bike.", "I took it to the curb and put it out for the trash.", "As I watched it being hauled away, I felt a pang of regret."], "trgs": ["Bhasikoro chinhu chakanaka zvikuru, richipenya uye richifamba zvakanaka, mavhiri aro achinyatsotsvedza mumugwagwa.", "Asi chii chinoitika kana ukaunza bhasikoro mukamba kadiki?", "Kunaka kwaro kwese nekubatsira kwaro kunobva kwangoshaya basa, uye bhasikoro rinobva ratova chinhu chinenge chaenda panzvimbo isina kukodzera.", "Ndaimbova nebhasikoro mukaimba kadiki.", "Ndaigara mufurati diki rainge rakazara kuti maku raiva munharaunda yainge yasakara, uye bhasikoro racho ndiro raitora nzvimbo yakakura.", "Zvaisaita kuti ndipinde pamuso ndikasaridonhedza, uye ndaifanira kuva nechokwadi chekuti raisazondipingirisha pakati peusiku.", "Asi kunyange zvazvo bhasikoro racho raitondishungurudza, ndaisada kurishaya.", "Raindiyeuchidza nguva yandaimbonakidzwa, pandaiva mudiki ndakazvisunungukira uye ndichitarisira upenyu hwakanaka.", "Ndaigara pabhasikoro racho ndotanga kufungidzira nzvimbo dzese dzandaikwanisa kuenda, mafaro ese andaikwanisa kutevedza.", "Mumwe musi, ndakazofunga kurasa bhasikoro racho.", "Ndakaribudisa panze kuti rizotorwa nemarara.", "Pandakariona ratorwa rava kuenda, ndakatanga kunetseka kuti dai ndainge ndisina kurirasa."], "factuality": "ok"} {"id": "topic_116__iwotshsttotsti", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["In the early 1900s, Americans were introduced to the drug \u201cmorphine\u201d through the use of over-the-counter cough syrups.", "While this drug was initially used to treat pain, it soon became addictive and led to a rise in the number of drug addicts in the United States.", "One of the most tragic stories of this era is that of the \u201cKitten Lady\u201d.", "This woman was a morphine addict who had a litter of kittens.", "She loved her kittens very much and would often play with them for hours on end.", "However, her addiction soon took over and she began to neglect her kittens.", "She would leave them for days at a time, only coming back to feed them and give them water.", "The kittens eventually began to suffer from the neglect.", "They became thin and sickly, and their fur began to fall out.", "One by one, they started to die.", "The Kitten Lady was devastated by the loss of her kittens, but she was unable to stop her addiction.", "She eventually died of a morphine overdose, leaving her kittens behind.", "This story is a reminder of the dangers of drug addiction.", "It is also a reminder of the love and devotion that animals can have for their humans."], "trgs": ["Pakatanga makore ekuma1900, vanhu vekuAmerica vakatanga kushandisa mushonga unonzi \"morphine\" uyo waiwanikwa mumishonga yechikosoro yaunogona kuzvitengera wega usina tsamba yekwachiremba.", "Kunyange zvazvo mushonga uyu wakatanga uchishandisirwa kupodza marwadzo, wakazotanga kushandiswa zvisiri izvo zvikakonzera kuti nhamba yevanhu vane havi yekushandisa madhiragi iwedzere muUnited States.", "Nyaya inosiririsa kupfuura dzese yakaitika makore ano ndeiya ya\"Kitten Lady\".", "Mudzimai uyu akanga asingachagone kurarama asina morphine uye aichengeta kiti dzakawanda.", "Aida kiti dzake chaizvo uye aiwanzotamba nadzo kwemaawa akawanda asingamire.", "Asi, havi yake yemadhiragi yakazomukunda zvekuti akapedzisira asingachachengeti kiti dzake.", "Dzimwe nguva aidzisiya kwemazuva akawanda, achingodzoka kuzodzipa zvekudya nemvura.", "Kiti dzacho dzakazotanga kuoneka kuti dzakanga dzisisina aidzichengeta zvakanaka.", "Dzakatanga kuondoroka dzichiratidza kurwara, dzikabva dzatanga kudonha makushe.", "Dzakatanga kufa rumwe rumwe.", "Kitten Lady akarwadziwa chaizvo nekufa kwekiti dzake, asi haana kukwanisa kudzora havi yake yemadhiragi.", "Akatozofa nemhaka yekushandisa morphine yakawandisa panguva imwe chete, akasiya kiti dzake.", "Nyaya iyi inotirangaridza ngozi dzehavi yekushadisa madhiragi.", "Inotirangaridzawo rudo nekuzvipira zvinoratidzwa nemhuka kuvanhu."], "factuality": "ok"} {"id": "topic_228__lslttslttilti", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) people are people who identify with a sexual orientation or gender identity that is different from the majority population.", "Sexual orientation refers to a person's romantic and sexual attraction to others, while gender identity refers to a person's internal sense of being male or female.", "LGBT people face discrimination in many areas of life, including employment, housing, and healthcare.", "They are also more likely to experience violence and abuse.", "There is no one single cause of LGBT identity.", "Some people are born with an innate sense of their sexual orientation or gender identity, while others develop these feelings over time.", "LGBT people are just as diverse as the rest of the population.", "They come from all walks of life and have a wide range of interests and experiences.", "The medical community recognizes that sexual orientation and gender identity are not mental illnesses.", "In fact, the American Psychiatric Association removed homosexuality from its list of mental disorders in 1973.", "LGBT people should be able to live their lives openly and authentically.", "They deserve to be treated with respect and dignity.", "In many countries, there are laws that protect LGBT people from discrimination."], "trgs": ["Vakadzi vanoda vamwe vakadzi, varume vanoda vamwe varume, vanhu vanoda zvese varume nevakadzi, uye vanhu vanoratidzika sevarume ivo vari vakadzi kana kuti vanoratidzika sevakadzi ivo vari varume (LGBT), vanhu vanonzwa kuda kudananana nevanhu nenzira yakasiyana neyeruzhinji kana kuti vane ruzivo rwekuti vanhui rwakasiyana nerwevakawanda.", "Kunzwa kuda kudanana nemumwe munhu zvinoreva manzwiro erudo nezvishuvo zvekuita bonde nemumwe munhu, uye ruzivo rwekuti uri munhui manzwiro emunhu akasimba ekuti munhurume here kana kuti munhukadzi.", "MaLGBT vanhu vanowanzosarurwa muzvinhu zvakawanda muupenyu, kusanganisira panyaya dzebasa, pekugara, uye dzeutano.", "Vanowanzorwiswa nekubatwa zvisina kunaka kupfuura vamwe vanhu.", "Hakuna chinhu chimwe chete chinokonzera kuti munhu azova muLGBT.", "Vamwe vanhu vanotongozvarwa vaine vanhu vavanonzwa kuda uye vachitozvinzwa mukati mavo kuti vanhurume here kana kuti vanhukadzi, uye kune vamwewo vanozotanga kuva nemanzwiro akadaro nekufamba kunenge kuchiita makore.", "MaLGBT vanogona kutongoitawo zvinhu zvakawanda sezvinongoita vamwe vanhu vese.", "Vanobva kwakasiyana-siyana, vanofarira uye vane ruzivo rwezvinhu zvakawanda.", "Vezveutano vanoti chisarudzo chekunzwa kuda mumwe munhu kana kuti ruzivo rwekuti uri munhui hachibve pakuti pfungwa dzinenge dzisingatore zvakanaka.", "Zvekutoti sangano rinoona nezvepfungwa reAmerican Psychiatric Association rakabvisa kudanana nemunhu ane nhengo yekubereka yakafanana neyako pazvirwere zvepfungwa muna 1973.", "MaLGBT vanofanira kurarama upenyu hwavo vakasununguka uye zviri pamutemo.", "Vanofanira kubatwa zvine ruremekedzo.", "Munyika dzakawanda, kune mitemo inoremekedza maLGBT kuti vasasarurwe."], "factuality": "has_errors"} {"id": "topic_459__dhpiditdnwpidapidp", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["Doctor: Hello, and welcome to your annual checkup.", "How are you feeling today?", "Patient: I'm feeling pretty good, all things considered.", "I've been getting a little more sleep lately, and my diet has been pretty healthy.", "Doctor: That's great to hear.", "I'm going to start by taking your vital signs.", "[The doctor takes the patient's blood pressure, pulse, and temperature.]", "Doctor: Everything looks good here.", "Now, let's talk about your diet.", "What are you eating on a typical day?", "Patient: I usually have a bowl of cereal for breakfast, a sandwich for lunch, and a salad for dinner.", "I also try to eat fruits and vegetables throughout the day.", "Doctor: That sounds like a healthy diet.", "Are you getting enough exercise?", "Patient: I try to get at least 30 minutes of exercise most days of the week.", "I walk to work, and I play basketball once or twice a week.", "Doctor: That's great. Exercise is an important part of a healthy lifestyle.", "Patient: I know. I'm trying to be more active."], "trgs": ["Chiremba: Kwazuwai, tinokuchingamidzai kuongororo yepagore yeutano hwenyu.", "Muri kunzwa sei nhasi?", "Murwere: Ndichitarisa hangu mararamiro andiri kuita, ndingati ndiri kunzwa zvakanaka.", "Mazuva achangopfuura ndanga ndiri kunyatsoti rarei, uye ndanga ndiri kuedza kudya zvine utano.", "Chiremba: Zvinofadza.", "Ndichatanga nekutarisa zvinhu zvinokosha pamuri.", "[Chiremba anotarisa bp yemurwere wacho, kupomba kuri kuita ropa rake, uye tembiricha.]", "Chiremba: Hapana chakaipa chandiri kuona.", "Ngatichimbotaurai nezvezvamuri kudya.", "Muri kuwanzodya chii mazuva mazhinji?", "Murwere: Ndinowanzotanga nekudya bota kuseni, sangweji kumasikati uye saradhi manheru.", "Ndinoedzawo kudya michero nemiriwo muswere wese.", "Chiremba: Zvinoratidza sekuti muri kudya zvine utano.", "Muri kuekisesaiza zvakakwana here?", "Murwere: Ndinoedza kuekisesaisa kwemaminitsi 30 kwemazuva akawanda pavhiki.", "Ndinofamba netsoka kuenda kubasa, uye ndinotamba basketball kamwe chete kana kuti kaviri pavhiki.", "Chiremba: Muri kugona. Kuekisesaiza chinhu chakakosha zvikuru pakuti munhu arambe ari mutano.", "Murwere: Ndinozviziva. Ndiri kuedza kugara ndakagwinya."], "factuality": "ok"} {"id": "dr_congo__tihttkhittt", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["The Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) is a country in Central Africa with a population of over 80 million people.", "It is the second-largest country in Africa by area, and is endowed with vast natural resources, including copper, cobalt, diamonds, and gold.", "However, the DRC has been plagued by conflict for decades, which has had a devastating impact on its people and economy.", "The first major conflict in the DRC was the First Congo War, which lasted from 1996 to 1997.", "This war was fought between the government of Mobutu Sese Seko and a rebel group led by Laurent Kabila.", "Kabila eventually succeeded in overthrowing Mobutu and taking power.", "However, Kabila's rule was short-lived.", "In 1998, he was overthrown by a new rebel group led by Jean-Pierre Bemba.", "This led to the Second Congo War, which lasted until 2003.", "The Second Congo War was the deadliest conflict in modern African history, and resulted in the deaths of over 5 million people.", "The DRC has also been plagued by political instability."], "trgs": ["Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) inyika iri mudunhu reCentral Africa ine vagari vanopfuura mamiriyoni 80.", "Ndiyo nyika yechipiri pakukura muAfrica, uye ine zviwanikwa zvakawanda zvinosanganisira mhangura, cobalt, ngoda, uye goridhe.", "Asi muDRC mava nemakore akawanda muine hondo, izvo zvakavhiringidza vanhu veko pamwe neupfumi.", "Hondo yakakura yakaitika muDRC yaiva First Congo War, iyo yakaitika kubva muna 1996 kusvika muna 1997.", "Hondo iyi yakarwiwa pakati pehurumende yavaMobutu Sese Seko uye boka revapanduki raitungamirirwa naLaurent Kabila.", "Kabila akazobudirira kupidigura Mobutu achibva atanga kutonga.", "Asi kutonga kwaKabila hakuna kure kwakwakaenda.", "Muna 1998, akapidigurwawo nerimwe boka idzva revapanduki raitungamirirwa naJean-Pierre Bemba.", "Izvi ndizvo zvakatangisa hondo yeSecond Congo War, iyo yakarwiwa kusvikira muna 2003.", "Second Congo War ndiyo hondo yakafiwa kupfuura dzimwe dzese munhoroondo yemakore ano yeAfrica, uye yakakonzera kufa kwevanhu mamiriyoni 5.", "DRC yatamburawo nekusagadzikana kwezvematongerwo enyika."], "factuality": "has_errors"} {"id": "topic_40__lhhihjhm", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["Last week, my uncle was out in the field harvesting corn when he spotted a snake slithering across the ground.", "He decided to take a closer look, and as he got closer, he realized that it was a huge rattlesnake!", "He quickly backed away, but the snake was already on the move.", "It headed straight for my uncle, who started to run.", "He ran as fast as he could, but the snake was gaining on him.", "Just when it seemed like the snake was going to catch him, my uncle tripped and fell.", "He landed in a big pile of manure, and the snake slid right past him.", "My uncle was so relieved that he had escaped, but he was also covered in manure."], "trgs": ["Vhiki rapera, sekuru vangu vainge vari kukohwa chibage pavakaona nyoka ichizvongonyoka pasi.", "Pavakati regai ndinyatsoona zvakanaka vachiswedera pedyo, vakaona kuti raitova zinyoka zihombe!", "Vakabva vakurumidza kudududza, asi nyoka yacho yainge yava kutouya kwavari.", "Yakauya kwaiva nasekuru vangu, avo vakabva vati tsoka ndibereke.", "Vakamhanya nesimba ravo rese, asi nyoka yacho yakaramba ichivatevera.", "Nyoka yacho payaiita sekuti yakanga yava pedyo nekuvabata, sekuru vakagumburwa ndokubva vadonha.", "Vakanowira pamusoro pegomo remanyowa, uye nyoka yacho yakapfuura nepasi pavo chaipo.", "Sekuru vangu vakafara kuti vakanga vapunyuka, asi vainge vazara manyowa."], "factuality": "ok"} {"id": "topic_561__tibptotptltwwww", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["The plastic bag is a ubiquitous object in our modern world.", "It is used for everything from carrying groceries to picking up dog poop.", "But what is the true cost of this seemingly innocuous item?", "Plastic bags are made from a type of plastic called polyethylene, which is derived from fossil fuels.", "The production of plastic bags requires a great deal of energy, and it also releases harmful pollutants into the environment.", "Once plastic bags are discarded, they can take hundreds of years to decompose.", "This means that they can accumulate in landfills and oceans, where they can harm wildlife and pollute our water supply.", "Plastic bags are also a major source of litter.", "They can be found on beaches, in parks, and even in our own neighborhoods.", "Litter is unsightly and can be a hazard to wildlife.", "The plastic bag is a symbol of our throwaway culture.", "We use them for a few minutes and then discard them, never giving a thought to the environmental consequences.", "We need to find ways to reduce our use of plastic bags.", "We can bring our own reusable bags when we go shopping, and we can recycle plastic bags whenever possible.", "We can also lobby our elected officials to pass laws that restrict the use of plastic bags."], "trgs": ["Pepa rekutakurira zvinhu rava kuwanikwa kwese kwese mazuva ano.", "Rinoshandiswa pakutakura zvinhu zvese kubva kumagirosari kusvika pakushandiswa kunhonga tsvina yembwa.", "Asi bepa iri iro rinoita serisina basa rinodhura zvakadii kugadzira?", "Pepa rekutakurira zvinhu rinogadzirwa nepurasitiki inonzi polyethylene, iro rinobva pazvinhu zvinowanikwa muvhu.", "Kugadzirwa kwemapepa anotakurirwa zvinhu kunoda simba rakawanda, uye kunobudisawo mhepo inokuvadza zvakatipoteredza.", "Kana mapepa anotakurirwa zvinhu araswa, anogona kutora mazana emakore kuti aore.", "Izvi zvinoreva kuti anoungana panyika uye mumakungwa, umo maanokanganisa mhuka uye kusvibisa mvura yedu.", "Mapepa ekutakurisa zvinhu anokonzerawo marara akawanda.", "Anogona kuwanikwa pamhenderekedzo yemakungwa, mumapaki, uye kunyange munharaunda dzatinogara.", "Marara haanakidzi kutarisa uye anogona kukanganisa mhuka dzesango.", "Zvatinoita nemapepa anotakurirwa zvinhu zvinoratidza katsika katava nako kekungorasa rasa zvinhu.", "Tinoashandisa kwenguva pfupi tobva tatoarasa, tisingatombofungi kuti anokanganisa sei zvakatipoteredza.", "Tinofanira kutsvaga nzira dzekuderedza kushandiswa kwemapepa ekutakurira zvinhu.", "Patinoenda kunotenga tinogona kuenda nemabhegi edu anogona kushandiswa kakawanda, uye tinogona kuita kuti mapepa ekutakurisa zvinhu agadziriswe kuti azoshandisika zvekare.", "Tinogonawo kuita kuti vamiriri vedu vatakavhotera vagadze mitemo inorambidza kushandiswa kwemapepa ekutakurisa zvinhu."], "factuality": "ok"} {"id": "topic_122__ktkbtattk", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["Kofi and Sameer met in college at a bar that Kofi's father owned.", "They became fast friends, even though they were very different people.", "Kofi was outgoing and adventurous, while Sameer was more introverted and studious.", "But they had a lot in common, and they quickly bonded over their shared love of music, movies, and books.", "They spent hours talking about their favorite bands, movies, and books, and they even started a band together.", "After college, Kofi and Sameer moved to different cities, but they stayed in touch and visited each other regularly.", "They continued to be best friends, even though they lived far apart.", "They talked on the phone every week, and they always made time for each other when they were in town.", "Kofi and Sameer' friendship has lasted for over 30 years, and it shows no signs of slowing down."], "trgs": ["Kofi naSameer vakasangana kukoreji pabhawa rababa vaKofi.", "Havana kutora nguva kuti vave shamwari, kunyange zvazvo vaitova vanhu vakasiyana.", "Kofi aiva munhu wevanhu uye aida mafaro, asi Sameer aiva munhu akanyarara uye aifarira zvemabhuku.", "Asi vaiva nezvinhu zvakawanda zvavaifarira vese, zvekuti hazvina kutora nguva kuti vawirirane pamimhanzi yavaifarira, mafirimu uye mabhuku.", "Vaiita maawa akawanda vachitaura nezvemabhendi avaifarira, mafirimu uye mabhuku, uye vakatotangawo bhendi ravo.", "Vapedza zvidzidzo zvavo pakoreji, Kofi naSammer vakanogara mumaguta akasiyana, asi vakaramba vachitaura vese uye vaigara vachishanyirana.", "Vakaramba vari shamwari dzepedyo, kunyange zvazvo vaigara kure nekure.", "Vaifonerana vhiki rega rega, uye vaiwana nguva yekuva pamwe chete pavaiva muguta.", "Ushamwari hwaKofi naSammer hwagara kwemakore 30, uye hapana chinoratidza kuti chichahudambura."], "factuality": "ok"} {"id": "topic_124__ttttaisastas", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["The air was thick with the smell of sweat and freshly cut grass as the athletes lined up for the start of the 100-meter dash.", "The crowd was cheering wildly, eager to see who would come out on top.", "The gun went off, and the runners sprinted out of the blocks.", "They were all evenly matched, and it was anyone's race.", "As they approached the finish line, the lead changed hands several times.", "In the end, it was a photo finish, but the winner was clear: a young woman with long, flowing hair and a determined expression on her face.", "She had won the gold medal, and she had made her country proud.", "As she stood on the podium, her national anthem played, and she waved to the cheering crowd.", "She had achieved her dream, and she had shown the world that anything is possible if you work hard and never give up.", "This was just one of many stories that were being written that day.", "All over the world, athletes were competing in their respective sports, all with the same goal in mind: to win.", "Some would succeed, and some would fail, but all would have their stories to tell."], "trgs": ["Mhepo yaingova munhuwi wedikita uye hwesora richangobva kuchekwa sezvo vamhanyi vainge vamira kuti vatange kumhanya mujaho wemamita 100.", "Chaunga chevanhu chainge chichikuza nemanzwi epamusoro, vaine shungu dzekuda kuona kuti ndiani aizokunda.", "Pfuti yakarira, uye vamhanyi vakatanga kumhanya.", "Vese vaimhanyirana zvakaenzana zvekuti munhu wese aigona kukunda mumujaho wacho.", "Pavakanga vava kuda kusvika patambo, vaiva pamberi vaingoramba vachichinjana.", "Mujaho wacho wakazopera vamhanyi vese vakada kuenderana, asi akanga akunda ainyatsooneka: mudzimai wechidiki aiva nebvudzi refu raiyerera uye aiva nechiso chainyatsoratidza kuti ainge akunda.", "Ainge ahwina mubayiro wegoridhe, uye ainge aita kuti nyika yake idade naye.", "Akamira pamberi pevanhu, rwiyo rwenyika yake ruchiridzwa, uye achibhabhaisa chaunga chaimukuza.", "Ainge abudirira kuita zvaaishuvira, uye ainge aratidza nyika yese kuti hapana chinoramba kana munhu akasaneta uye akashanda nesimba.", "Ichi chaingova chiitiko chimwe chete pane zvakawanda zvaiitika musi iwoyo.", "Pasi rese, vatambi vainge vari mumakundano emitambo yavo, vese vaine chinangwa chimwe chete: kukunda.", "Vamwe vaizobudirira, uye vamwe vaizokundikana, asi vese vaizotaura zvavainge vasangana nazvo."], "factuality": "ok"} {"id": "topic_552__oetottotvoonitt", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["Organ Trafficking: A Growing Problem Organ trafficking is a serious problem that affects people around the world.", "Every year, thousands of people are tricked, coerced, or kidnapped into giving up their organs.", "These organs are then sold to wealthy people who can afford to pay for them.", "Organ trafficking is a lucrative business.", "The black market price for a single organ can range from \\$100,000 to \\$1 million.", "This makes it a very attractive option for criminals who are looking to make a quick buck.", "Organ trafficking is often carried out by organized crime groups.", "These groups use a variety of methods to recruit victims, including force, fraud, and deception.", "Victims are often lured into the country with promises of a job or a better life.", "Once they are here, they are held captive and forced to give up their organs.", "Organ trafficking can have devastating consequences for victims.", "Not only do they suffer physical and psychological trauma, but they may also die from the surgery.", "In addition, organ trafficking can spread diseases such as HIV and hepatitis.", "The fight against organ trafficking is a complex one.", "There is no single solution that will work in every case."], "trgs": ["Kutengesa Nhengo Dzemuviri: Pane Dambudziko riri kuramba richikura pasi rese rekutengeswa kwenhengo dzemuviri iro riri kukanganisa vanhu vakawanda.", "Gore rega rega, zviuru zvevanhu zvinonyengedzwa, zvinomanikidzwa kana kuti kutobiwa kuti vatorerwe nhengo dzavo dzemuviri.", "Nhengo dzemuviri idzi dzinozotengeswa kuvanhu vane mari avo vanogona kuzovabhadhara.", "Kutengeswa kwenhengo dzemuviri ibhizimisi rine mari.", "Mutengo wepamusika mutema wenhengo imwe chete unogona kubva pa\\$100,000 kusvika kumiriyoni remadhora.", "Saka makororo anenge achitsvaga mari nekukurumidza anogona kuiwana nenzira iyi.", "Kutengeswa kwenhengo dzemuviri kunowanzoitwa nemapoka akatorongwa emakororo.", "Mapoka aya anoshandisa nzira dzakawanda kuti atsvage vanhu vekubata, kusanganisira chisimba, chitsotsi uye unyengeri.", "Vanhu vacho vanonyengerwa kupinda munyika vachivimbiswa kuti vachapiwa mabasa kana kuti upenyu hwakanaka.", "Pavanongosvika, vanobva vabatwa senhapwa vobva vamanikidzwa kuti vabviswe nhengo dzavo dzemuviri.", "Kutengeswa kwenhengo dzemuviri kunokanganisa chaizvo vanhu vanenge vasangana nazvo.", "Vanorwadziswa mumuviri nemupfungwa, uye vanogonawo kutofa pavanenge vachivhiyiwa.", "Uyewo, kutengeswa kwenhengo dzemuviri kunogona kuparadzira zvirwere zvakadai seHIV nehepatitis.", "Hondo yekurwisa kutengeswa kwenhengo dzemuviri haisi nyore.", "Hapana nzira imwe chete inogona kushanda nguva dzese."], "factuality": "ok"} {"id": "topic_257__awiitiii", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["A: Hey, have you heard about the new backpacking store that's opening up B: No, I haven't.", "Where is it A: It's on Main Street, right next to the old bank B: Oh, that's a great location A: Yeah, I know.", "I'm really excited about it B: Me too.", "I've been looking for a new place to buy backpacking gear A: Well, this is the place for you.", "They have everything you could ever need B: Awesome.", "I'll definitely check it out A: You won't be disappointed B: Thanks for the tip A: No problem A: Hey, did you see that ad for the backpacking trip to the Grand Canyon B: Yeah, I saw it.", "It looks amazing A: I know, right?", "I'm so tempted to go B: You should do it."], "trgs": ["A: Hesi, wati wanzwa here nezvechitoro chiri kuvhurwa chezvinhu zvekushandisa pakukwira makomo B: Aiwa, handisati.", "Chiri kupi A: Chiri muna Main Street, uchangobva pabhangi rekare riya B: Hoo, yaa chakaiswa panzvimbo yakanaka A: Ndizvozvo chaizvo.", "Ndiri kufara chaizvo nezvacho B: Kana neni.", "Ndanga ndiri kutsvaga nzvimbo itsva yekutenga zvinhu zvekushandisa pakukwira makomo A: Chabva chauya chitoro chacho ichi.", "Vane zvese zvaungada kuva nazvo B: Zvonakidza izvi.", "Ndichatonoona kuti chakaita sei A: Haumbofambire mahara B: Waita hako nekundiudza A: Uchitendei A: Ko wakaona here shambadzo yekuenda kunokwira makomo kuGrand Canyon B: Ehe ndakaiona.", "Kunenge kuchanakidza A: Taura hako?", "Ndiri kunzwa kuda kuenda ini B: Unofanira kuenda."], "factuality": "ok"} {"id": "topic_57__oshttasthsts", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["One day, a young girl named Mary was combing her hair when she saw a louse.", "She was horrified, and she ran to her mother for help.", "Her mother told her that there were many traditional remedies for lice, and that she would try the one that required the least amount of action.", "The first thing her mother did was to boil a pot of water.", "Then, she added a handful of dried rosemary leaves and let them steep for a few minutes.", "After the water had cooled, her mother poured it into a bowl and told Mary to sit down.", "She then used a comb to wet Mary's hair with the rosemary water.", "The lice started to die, and Mary was able to pick them out of her hair with ease.", "Her mother was so happy that she had been able to help Mary without having to take any drastic measures.", "She knew that Mary would be able to sleep soundly that night, knowing that she was free of lice.", "The next day, Mary's mother went to the store and bought a bottle of lice shampoo.", "She told Mary that it was important to use the shampoo to kill any remaining lice, and that she should follow the directions on the bottle carefully."], "trgs": ["Mumwe musi, musikana wechidiki ainzi Mary ainge achikama bvudzi rake paakaona inda.", "Akavhunduka, akabva amhanya kuna amai vake achitsvaga rubatsiro.", "Amai vake vakamuudza kuti paiva nemishonga yechivanhu yaigona kushanda pakuuraya inda, uye vaizoshandisa mushonga uri nyore.", "Amai vacho vakatanga nekufashaidza poto yemvura.", "Zvadaro vakaisa mashizha aikwana muruoko eruva rinonzi rosemary vachibva vamanyika mumvura yacho kwemaminitsi mashomanana.", "Mvura yacho payakapora, amai vacho vakaidurura mundiro vachibva vaudza Mary kuti agare pasi.", "Vakabva vashandisa kamu kuti vatotese bvudzi raMary nemvura yaiva nerosemary.", "Inda dzacho dzakatanga kufa, uye Mary akanga ava kukwanisa kudzibvisa mubvudzi rake zviri nyore.", "Amai vacho vakafara kuti vainge vakwanisa kubatsira Mary vasina kushandisa zvinhu zvakanyanya kuoma.", "Vaiziva kuti Mary aizonyatsodzipfodora manheru emusi iwoyo, vachiziva kuti akanga asisina inda.", "Mangwana acho, amai vaMary vakaenda kuchitoro vachibva vatenga bhodhoro resipo yebvudzi yekubvisa inda.", "Vakaudza Mary kuti zvainge zvakakosha kushandisa sipo iyi kuti inda dzainge dzasara dzife, uye aifanira kunyatsotevedzera mirayiridzo yainge yakanyorwa pabhodhoro racho."], "factuality": "has_errors"} {"id": "topic_685__wiwwwwwwww", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["Work is worship is a principle that states that all work, no matter how menial or insignificant it may seem, is sacred.", "It is a belief that every task we perform, from cooking dinner for our children to cleaning the house, is an opportunity to honor God and our fellow man.", "When we work with this mindset, we approach our tasks with a sense of reverence and respect.", "We take pride in our work and do our best to do it well.", "We also become more mindful of the people who will benefit from our work, and we are more likely to go the extra mile to make sure that it is done well.", "Working as worship can also help us to connect with our families and communities.", "When we cook dinner for our children, we are not only providing them with nourishment, but we are also spending time with them and teaching them about the importance of food and family.", "When we clean the house, we are not only making our living space more comfortable, but we are also creating a sense of order and peace.", "Work is worship is a powerful principle that can transform our lives and our relationships.", "When we work with this mindset, we can find meaning and purpose in even the most mundane tasks."], "trgs": ["Mashoko ekuti kushanda kwakafanana nekunamata anoratidza kuti basa rese idzene, pasinei nekuti ringaonekwa serepasi pasi kana kuti risina basa.", "Tinotenda kuti basa rese ratinoita, kubva pakubikira vana vedu zvekudya zvemanheru kusvika pakutsvaira dzimba, mukana watinowana wekukudza Mwari nevamwe vanhu.", "Kana tikashanda tichifunga izvi, tinoita mabasa edu tiine pfungwa yekuremekedza zvakadzama.", "Tinodada nebasa redu uye tinoita zvese zvatinogona kuti tinyatsoriita nemazvo.", "Tinofungawo nezvevanhu vachabatsirwa nebasa redu, uye tichaita zvinopfuura zvatinganzwa tichida kuita kuti tive nechokwadi chekuti ranyatsoitwa.", "Kuona basa sekunamata kunogona kutibatsirawo kuti tinyatsozivane nemhuri dzedu uye nharaunda.", "Patinobikira vana vedu zvekudya zvemanheru, hatisi kungovapa zvekudya zvine utano chete, asi tiri kutovawanira nguva tichivadzidzisa kukosha kwezvekudya uye mhuri.", "Patinotsvaira mumba, hatisi kungoita kuti patinogara paratidzike zvakanaka chete, asi tiri kutoitawo kuti pange pakarongeka uye paine rugare.", "Pfungwa yekuti kushanda kunamata inogona kuchinja upenyu hwedu neukama hwedu nevamwe.", "Kana tikashanda tiine pfungwa iyi, tinogona kugutsikana nekuita mabasa kunyange anobhowa."], "factuality": "ok"} {"id": "topic_402__dtfotfsttar", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["\"Don't judge a book by its cover\" is a popular saying that means one should not make assumptions about something based on its outward appearance.", "This can be applied to people, places, and things.", "For example, you might meet someone who has a bad reputation, but after getting to know them, you realize that they are actually a kind and gentle person.", "Or, you might see a building that looks old and rundown, but when you go inside, you find that it is actually a beautiful and historic place.", "There are many reasons why it is important not to judge things by their appearance.", "First, it can lead to making incorrect assumptions.", "Second, it can prevent us from seeing the true value of something.", "Third, it can create unnecessary conflict and division.", "The next time you are tempted to judge something by its appearance, take a moment to pause and reflect.", "Ask yourself if you are really making an informed decision, or if you are simply letting your biases cloud your judgment.", "Remember, there is more to a person, place, or thing than meets the eye."], "trgs": ["\"Usatongere chinhu nekuti wangoona zvachakaita nechekunze\" mashoko akajairika anoreva kuti haufaniri kufungira zvinhu nekungotarisa kuratidzika kwekunze.", "Izvi zvinogona kushanda kuvanhu, nzvimbo, kana kuti zvinhu.", "Semuenzaniso, unogona kuona mumwe munhu ane mukurumbira wakaipa, asi paunozomuziva zviri nani, unotozoona kuti munhu ane mutsa uye munyoro.", "Kana kuti unogona kuona chivako chinoita sechakare uye chasakara, asi paunopinda mukati, unotozoona kuti chivako chakanaka chinoratidza zvakaitika kare.", "Pane zvikonzero zvakawanda nei tisingafaniri kutongera zvinhu zvichibva pane zvatinenge tangoona nechekunze.", "Kutanga, zvinogona kuita kuti tifungire zvinhu zvisiri izvo.", "Chechipiri, zvinogona kutitadzisa kunyatsoona kukosha kwechimwe chinhu.", "Chechitatu, zvinogona kukonzera kunetsana uye kupesana kunenge kusingambofaniri kuitika.", "Pauchazova pamuedzo wekuti utongere chimwe chinhu nezvaunenge wangoona nechekunze, chimbowana nguva yekumira wofunga.", "Zvibvunze kana uri kunyatsoita chisarudzo chakanaka, kana kuti zviri mupfungwa dzako ndizvo zviri kukukanganisa kunyatsoona zvakanaka.", "Yeuka kuti pane zvakawanda zvisingaonekwe neziso zviri pamunhu, nzvimbo kana kuti chinhu."], "factuality": "ok"} {"id": "topic_187__itbsjhss", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["Imagine a small town in South Carolina where everyone knows everyone else.", "The police chief's daughter, who is also the lead actress in the local theater company, is about to go on stage for her big performance.", "But when she gets to the theater, she realizes that she has forgotten her lines.", "She panics and tries to think of what to do, but she can't come up with anything.", "Just then, the police chief walks into the theater and sees his daughter's distress.", "He knows that she is a good actress and that she will be able to pull this off, so he gives her a pep talk and tells her to go out there and do her best.", "She takes a deep breath and walks out on stage, ready to perform.", "She delivers her lines perfectly and the audience is thrilled."], "trgs": ["Chimbofunga nezverimwe guta diki riri kuSouth Carolina rekuti vanhu vese vanozivana.", "Mwanasikana wemukuru wemapurisa, uyo ari zvekare mutambi mukuru pakambani inoita zvemafirimu yeko, ava kuda kuenda pamberi pevanhu kuti anotamba mutambo wake.", "Asi paanosvika paimba yemutambo, anobva aona kuti atokanganwa zvese zvaari kufanira kutaura.", "Anobva ataga kunetseka achiedza kufunga kuti oita sei, asi hapana chaari kukwanisa kuita.", "Mukuru wemapurisa anobva anongopindawo muimba inoitirwa mitambo uye anoona kuti mwanasikana wake ari kushungurudzika.", "Anoziva kuti anonyatsogona zvemitambo uye kuti achakwanisa kutamba mutambo wake, saka anotaura naye obva amuudza kuti aende anoita zvese zvaanogona.", "Anotura befu obva aenda pamberi, agadzirira kutamba mutambo wake.", "Anonyatsotaura mashoko ake zvakanaka uye vateereri vanofadzwa nazvo."], "factuality": "ok"} {"id": "topic_237__thhhassstttt", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["The young soldier lay on the battlefield, bleeding from a wound in his side.", "He looked up at the sky and saw the clouds scudding past, and the sun shining down on him.", "He thought of his home town, and the food he would never eat again, and the people he would never see again.", "He closed his eyes and said a prayer.", "A moment later, he heard a voice \"Are you all right\" The soldier opened his eyes and saw a woman standing over him.", "She was tall and slender, with long black hair and green eyes.", "She was wearing a leather tunic and leggings, and she had a sword at her side \"I'mI'm okay,\" the soldier said \"You're hurt,\" the woman said \"Let me help you\" The woman helped the soldier to his feet.", "She took off her cloak and wrapped it around him to stop the bleeding.", "Then she led him to a nearby town.", "The town was small and quiet.", "The people were friendly, and they gave the soldier food and a place to stay.", "The woman stayed with him, and she helped him to heal."], "trgs": ["Musoja wacho wechidiki ainge akarara pasi munzimbo yairwiwa hondo, aine ronda raijuja ropa necheparutivi pake.", "Akatarisa mudenga akaona makore achifamba uye zuva richinyatsomutoya.", "Akafunga nezveguta rekumusha kwake, uye zvekudya zvaaisazombodya zvekare, uye vanhu vaaisazomboona zvekare.", "Akavhara maziso ake akabva apa munamato.", "Pava paya, akanzwa inzwi raiti \"Chii chiri kunetsa\" Musoja wacho akavhura maziso ake akaona mudzimai ainge akamira paaiva.", "Ainge akareba ari mutete, aine bvudzi dema rakareba nemaziso aiva neruvara rwegirini.", "Ainge akapfeka hembe yedehwe netirauzi, uye aiva nebakatwa raiva parutivi pake \"Hapana hapo,\" musoja wacho akadaro \"Wakuvara,\" mudzimai wacho akadaro \"Rega ndikubatsire\" Mudzimai wacho akabatsira musoja wacho kuti akwanise kumira.", "Akabvisa jazi rake akabva arimonera pamusoja wacho kuti amise ropa rainge riri kubuda.", "Uye akabva aenda naye kuguta raiva pedyo.", "Guta racho raiva diki uye riine runyararo.", "Vanhu vacho vaiva neushamwari, uye vakapa musoja uye zvekudya neimba yekugara.", "Mudzimai wacho akagara naye, uye akamupepa kusvikira apora."], "factuality": "ok"} {"id": "topic_290__mstottdh", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["Many famous dictators have ruled over states throughout history.", "Some of the most notable include Adolf Hitler, who ruled over Nazi Germany from 1933 to 1945; Joseph Stalin, who ruled over the Soviet Union from 1922 to 1953; and Mao Zedong, who ruled over China from 1949 to 1976.", "These dictators were all responsible for the deaths of millions of people, and their regimes were characterized by violence, oppression, and totalitarianism.", "One of the most surprising things about these dictators is that they were able to maintain power for so long.", "They were able to do this by using a combination of propaganda, intimidation, and violence.", "They also had the support of powerful militaries and secret police forces.", "Despite their power, these dictators were eventually overthrown.", "Hitler committed suicide in 1945, Stalin died of a stroke in 1953, and Mao died of natural causes in 1976."], "trgs": ["Pane vatongi vakawanda vaisada kusiya zvigaro vane mukurumbira vakatonga nyika dzakawanda munhoroondo.", "Vanonyanya kuzivikanwa ndiAdolf Hitler, uyo akatonga Nazi Germany kubvira muna 1933 kusvikira muna 1945; Joseph Stalin, akatonga Soviet Union kubvira muna1922 kusvika muna 1953; uye Mao Zedong, uyo akatonga China kubva muna 1949 kusvika muna 1976.", "Vatongi ava vaisada kubva pachigaro ndivo honzeri dzenzufu dzemamiriyoni evanhu, uye hutongi hwavo hwainge hwakazara mhirizhonga, udzvanyiriri, uye kumanikidza vanhu vese kuita sezvavanoda.", "Chinhu chinoshamisa zvikuru nezvevatongi ava vaisada kubva pachigaro ndechemakore akawanda avakakwanisa kuramba vachitonga.", "Vakakwanisa kuramba vachiita izvi nekutaura manyepo ezvematongerwo enyika, kutyisidzira uye mhirizhonga.", "Vaitsigirwawo nemauto ane simba uye mapurisa epachivande.", "Pasinei nesimba ravaiva naro, vatongi ava vaisada kubva pazvigaro vakazongobviswa.", "Hitler akazviuraya muna1945, Stalin akafa nesituroku muna 1953, uye Mao akangofawo sezvinoita vanhu vese muna 1976."], "factuality": "has_errors"} {"id": "topic_3__satwtmiwtmtwsmtwwmi", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["[Scene: A railway station.", "A man and a woman are waiting for a train.] Man: I love trains.", "They're so romantic.", "Woman: I don't know about that.", "They're just a way to get from one place to another.", "Man: But there's something about the sound of the train whistle, the smell of the coal smoke, the feeling of the wind in your hair as you're speeding through the countryside.", "It's all very romantic.", "Woman: I guess you're right.", "Trains can be romantic.", "Man: Especially steam trains.", "There's something about the sight of a steam locomotive chuffing along the tracks that just takes me back in time.", "Woman: I know what you mean.", "Steam trains are beautiful.", "Man: I'm glad you agree. [The train arrives.", "The man and woman board the train.] Man: This is the best seat in the house.", "Woman: It sure is.", "We have a great view of the countryside.", "Man: And the train is so smooth.", "It's like we're not even moving."], "trgs": ["[Pazviri kuitikira: Chiteshi chezvitima.", "Murume nemudzimai vakamirira chitima.] Murume: Zvitima ndinozvifarira.", "Zvinoita kuti ufunge nezverudo so.", "Mudzimai: Handina chokwadi nazvo izvozvo.", "Zvinongotibatsira kutibvisa pane imwe nzvimbo zvichitiendesa kune imwe.", "Murume: Asi pane zvinoitika paunonzwa chitima chichirira, kunzwa hwema hweutsi hwemarasha, mhepo inenge ichirova bvudzi rako pachinenge chichimhanya nemumaruwa.", "Zvese zvinongoita kuti munhu ufunge nezverudo.", "Mudzimai: Zvinenge ndizvo hazvo.", "Zvitima zvinogona kuita kuti ufunge nezverudo.", "Murume: Kunyanya zvitima zvemarasha.", "Pane zvaunongonzwa paunoona utsi hwechitima pachinenge chichifamba zvinondifungisa makare kare.", "Mudzimai: Ndiri kunzwisisa zvauri kureva.", "Zvitima zvemarasha zvakanaka zvekuti.", "Murume: Ndafara kuti wabvumirana neni. [Chitima chinosvika.", "Murume nemudzimai vanokwira chitima.] Murume: Chigaro ichi ndicho chakanaka kupfuura zvese muno.", "Mudzimai: Ndizvozvo chaizvo.", "Tinenge tichinyatsoona panze zvakanaka.", "Murume: Uye chitima chacho chiri kufamba zvakanaka.", "Chiri kutoita sekuti hachisi kutombofamba."], "factuality": "ok"} {"id": "topic_333__tiatataitoaas", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["The reality of acid rain is a four-letter word: ouch.", "It's a serious problem that's harming forests, lakes, and even people.", "Acid rain is caused when chemicals like sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide are released into the air by power plants, factories, and cars.", "These chemicals react with water in the atmosphere to form acids, which then fall to the ground in rain, snow, or fog.", "Acid rain can damage trees by making their leaves more acidic.", "This can cause the leaves to turn yellow and fall off, which can weaken the tree and make it more susceptible to disease.", "Acid rain can also kill fish and other aquatic life by making the water too acidic.", "In addition, acid rain can damage buildings and statues by corroding the materials they're made of.", "There are a number of things that can be done to reduce acid rain.", "One is to switch to cleaner energy sources, such as solar and wind power.", "Another is to install pollution controls on factories and power plants.", "And finally, we can all do our part by driving less, recycling more, and using energy more efficiently.", "So the next time you see a rainstorm, think about acid rain."], "trgs": ["Mvura inonanaya ine acid inokuparadza zvinhu.", "Idambudziko rakakura riri kukanganisa masango, madhamu uye kunyange vanhu.", "Mvura inonaya ine acid inokonzerwa nemakemikari akaita sesulfur dioxide uye nitrogen oxide ayo anoenda mumhepo achibva mumafekitari uye motokari.", "Makemikari aya anosangana nemvura muchadenga obva agadzira acid iyo inozodzika pasi yava mvura inonaya, sinou kana kuti mhute.", "Mvura inonaya ine acid inogona kuuraya miti nekuita kuti mashizha ayo ave neacid yakawandisa.", "Izvi zvinogona kukonzera kuti mashizha atsvukuruke obva adonha zvoita kuti muti usasimbe uye ugone kubatwa nezvirwere.", "Mvura inonaya ine acid inogona kuurayawo hove nezvimwe zvipuka zvinogara mumvura sezvo ichiita kuti mvura ive neacid yakawandisa.", "Mvura inonaya ine acid inoparadzawo zvivako nezvifananidzo sezvo ichiodza zvinhu zvinenge zvakashandiswa kuzvigadzira.", "Pane zvinhu zvakawanda zvinogona kuita kuti tideredze mvura inonaya iine acid.", "Imwe yacho ndeyekushandisa simba risingasvibise mhepo rakadai sezuva uye mvura.", "Imwe nzira ndeyekugadzira zvinhu zvinoderedza kusvibiswa kwemhepo nemafekitari uye nenzvimbo dzinogadzirwa magwenya.", "Uye pakupedzisira, tinogona kuitawo pedu nekuderedza kutyaira, kugadziridza zvinhu kuti zvishandisike zvekare, uye kushandisa simba tisingapambadzi.", "Saka pauchaonazve dzvotsvotsvo remvura, funga nezvemvura inonaya ine acid."], "factuality": "ok"} {"id": "topic_46__cshiwhiwhwawt", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["\"College student's experiences with beer\": As a college student, I have had my fair share of experiences with beer.", "Some of these experiences have been positive, while others have been less than ideal.", "However, one experience that I will never forget is the time I got \"prison beer\" delivered to my dorm room.", "It all started when I was hanging out with some friends one night, and we decided to order a pizza.", "We placed our order online, and within minutes, we received a notification that our pizza was being delivered.", "However, when the delivery guy showed up, he was not carrying a pizza.", "Instead, he was carrying a case of beer.", "We were all confused, but the delivery guy explained that he had gotten our order mixed up with another order.", "He said that the other person had ordered a case of beer, and he had accidentally delivered it to us instead.", "We were all a little hesitant at first, but we eventually decided to keep the beer.", "After all, it was free beer.", "We opened the case of beer and started drinking.", "The beer was actually pretty good, and we all had a great time."], "trgs": ["\"Zvinosangana nevadzidzi vepakoreji panyaya yekunwa doro\": Semudzidzi wepakoreji, ndine zvandakasanganawo nazvo panyaya yekunwa doro.", "Zvimwe zvacho zvainge zvakanaka asi zvimwe zvacho zvainge zvisina.", "Zvisinei, chimwe chakaitika chandisingambofe ndakakanganwa ndechepandakapiwa \"doro rinogadzirwa nemusanganiswa wezvinhu\" rakaunzwa mukamuri randaigara.", "Zvakatangira mumwe musi manheru patainge takagara hedu tichitandara neshamwari, uye takasarudza kuita odha yepizza.", "Takaisa odha yedu paindaneti, uye pasina nguva, takawana chiziviso chekuti takanga tava kuvigirwa pizza yedu.", "Zvisinei, mukomana anodhirivhara paakauya, akanga asina kuuya nepizza.", "Asi ainge akabata kireti redoro.", "Tese takashamiswa nazvo, asi mukomana anoita zvekudhirivhara akatsanangura kuti ainge avhiringidza odha yedu neimwewo odha.", "Akataura kuti pane mumwewo munhu akanga aodha kireti redoro, uye akanga arasika nekuunza odha yacho kwatiri.", "Takambotya kuritambira, asi takazosarudza kutora doro racho.", "Handiti rakanga riri doro remahara.", "Takavhura kireti racho redoro tikabva tatanga kunwa.", "Doro racho raitonaka, uye takanakidzwa chaizvo."], "factuality": "ok"} {"id": "stt_215__msthhmssstsihiass", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["My colleague was a hard worker, but she was always getting passed over for promotions.", "She was told that she needed to \"work harder\" or \"be more visible,\" but it seemed like no matter what she did, she couldn't get ahead.", "The manager was also a problem.", "He was always micromanaging everyone, and he was quick to criticize.", "He didn't seem to care about the employees' work-life balance, and he expected them to be available 24/7.", "My colleague eventually reached her breaking point.", "She couldn't take the stress of the job anymore, and she knew that she wouldn't be able to advance her career there.", "She gave her two weeks' notice and started looking for a new job.", "She found a new job that was a much better fit for her.", "The pay was better, the hours were more reasonable, and the manager was supportive and understanding.", "She's much happier now, and she's glad that she made the decision to leave her old job.", "I'm not sure what the manager is doing now, but I hope that he's learned his lesson.", "He can't treat his employees like that and expect them to stay.", "If he wants to keep good people, he needs to change his ways.", "As for my colleague, she's doing great in her new job.", "She's getting the recognition that she deserves, and she's finally able to advance her career.", "She's a great example of what happens when you stand up for yourself and refuse to put up with a bad situation."], "trgs": ["Shamwari yangu yaishanda nesimba, asi aigara achisiyiwa paikwidziridzwa vamwe pabasa.", "Aiudzwa kuti aifanira \"kuwedzera kushanda nesimba\" kana kuti \"aifanira kunyatsoonekwa,\" asi zvaiita sekuti pasinei nezvaaiita, aisambokwidziridza.", "Maneja ndiye mumwe aivawo dambudziko.", "Aingogara akaisa ziso pamunhu wese, uye aikurumidza kutsoropodza vamwe.", "Aisambofunga kuti vashandi vaifanira kushanda asi vaivawo neupenyu hwavo, uye aitarisira kuti vange vakagadzirira kuuya kuzoshanda chero pavanenge vanzi vashande.", "Shamwari yangu yakazosvika payakaona kuti zvainge zvanyanya.", "Akanga asingachakwanisi kushingirira kushungurudzwa pabasa, uye aiziva kuti aisazokwanisa kuvandudza basa rake ari pakambani iyoyo.", "Akavazivisa kuti aizosiya basa mumavhiki maviri achibva atanga kutsvaga rimwe basa.", "Akawana rimwe basa rainge riri nani uye rainyatsoenderana naye.", "Aihora mari iri nani, maawa aaishanda ainge akanaka, uye maneja wacho aishandika naye uye ainzwisisa.", "Akanga ava nemufaro, uye aifara kuti ainge asarudza kusiya basa rake rekare.", "Handina chokwadi chekuti maneja uya ava kuita nezvei iye zvino, asi ndinovimba kuti akadzidza chidzidzo.", "Haungabate vashandi zvakadaro wotarisira kuti varambe vachingoshanda.", "Kana achida kugara nevanhu vakanaka, anofanira kuchinja maitiro ake.", "Kana iri shamwari yangu, ari kubudirira chaizvo pabasa rake idzva.", "Vari kunyatsoona kuti anoshanda nesimba, uye iye zvino ava kukwanisa kuenderera mberi nekuvandudza basa rake.", "Muenzaniso wakanaka wezvinoitika kana ukazvimiririra woramba kushandiswa."], "factuality": "ok"} {"id": "topic_7__ftotattmotpt", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["Funny pictures and videos are a dime a dozen these days, but some of them stand out from the rest.", "These are the ones that are so relatable or absurd that they make us laugh out loud.", "One example is a recent video that went viral of a cat trying to fit into a small box.", "The cat is clearly struggling, but it keeps trying, and the whole thing is just so funny.", "Another example is a picture of a dog wearing a hat that is way too big for it.", "The dog looks so ridiculous that it's impossible not to laugh.", "These types of funny pictures and videos are often shared on social media, and they can quickly become a \"meme\" A meme is a humorous image, video, or piece of text that is copied and shared online.", "Memes often use familiar images or phrases, and they can be used to express a wide range of emotions.", "One thing that must happen when a funny picture or video goes viral is that it is shared with others.", "This is what makes memes so popular.", "People see a funny picture or video, and they want to share it with their friends so that they can laugh too.", "This is why memes can spread so quickly across the internet."], "trgs": ["Mifananidzo nemavhidhiyo anosetsa azara kwese kwese mazuva ano, asi amwe acho anonakidza kupfuura mamwe.", "Aya ndiwo ekuti unonyatsoona kuti izvi zvinhu zvinoitika kana kuti ndeaya ekupenga zvekuti anokuomesa mbabvu nekuseka.", "Muenzaniso weizvi ndeimwe vhidhiyo yakatenderera chaizvo yekiti yaiedza kupinda mukabhokisi kadiki.", "Kiti yacho inoratidza kuti iri kutonetseka, asi inoramba ichiedza, uye zvese zvainenge ichiita zvinotosetsa.", "Imwe yacho waiva mufananidzo weimbwa yainge yakapfeka ngowani yakakurisa.", "Nezvinenge zvakaita imbwa yacho unotoseka chete.", "Mifananidzo nemavhidhiyo anosetsa akadai anowanzotumirwa pamasocial media, uye anogona kupedzisira ava ma\"meme\" Meme mufananidzo unosetsa, vhidhiyo kana kuti chidimbu chemashoko zvinogona kukopwa zvotumirwa vamwe paindaneti.", "Mameme anowanzoshandisa mifananidzo nemashoko akajairika, uye anogona kushandiswa kubudiswa manzwiro akawanda.", "Chinhu chinowanzoitika kana mufananidzo kana vhidhiyo inosetsa ikazara muvanhu ndechekuti inotanga kutumirwa kune vamwe.", "Izvi ndizvo zvinoita kuti mameme aite mukurumbira.", "Vanhu vanoona mufananidzo kana vhidhiyo zvinosetsa, uye vanoda kuitumirawo shamwari dzavo kuti vasekewo.", "Ndizvo zvinoita kuti mameme apararire nekukurumidza paindaneti."], "factuality": "ok"} {"id": "topic_205__mithtmistitd", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["Mount Everest is the highest mountain in the world, standing at 8,848 meters above sea level.", "It is located in the Mahalangur Himal sub-range of the Himalayas.", "The mountain is a popular destination for mountaineers, and many people attempt to summit it each year.", "However, the climb is dangerous, and many people have died trying to reach the top.", "The first recorded attempt to summit Everest was made in 1921 by a British expedition led by George Mallory.", "Mallory and his climbing partner Andrew Irvine disappeared during their attempt, and their bodies were not found until 1999.", "In 1953, Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay became the first people to successfully summit Everest.", "Since then, thousands of people have followed in their footsteps.", "The climb to the summit of Everest is a long and arduous journey.", "It typically takes climbers about two months to complete the journey, and they must overcome a number of challenges along the way.", "These challenges include altitude sickness, extreme weather conditions, and the risk of falling.", "Despite the dangers, the climb to the summit of Everest is a rewarding experience."], "trgs": ["Mount Everest ndiro gomo rakareba kupfuura mamwe ese panyika, rakareba mamita 8,848 pamusoro pemwero wegungwa.", "Rinowanikwa mumakomo eMahalangur Himal eHimalayas.", "Gomo racho rinoshanyirwa chaizvo nevanhu vanoita zvekukwira makomo, uye vanhu vakawanda vanoedza kusvika pamusoro paro gore negore.", "Zvisinei, kukwidza gomo racho kune ngozi, uye vanhu vakawanda vakafa vachiedza kusvika pamusoro paro.", "Vanhu vakatanga kuedza kusvika pamusoro peEverest vaiva boka revafambi vekuBritain avo vaitungamirirwa naGeorge Mallory muna 1921.", "Mallory neshamwari yake yaaikwira nayoAndrew Irvine vakashaikwa pavaiedza kukwira gomo iri, uye mitumbi yavo haina kuwanikwa kutozosvika muna 1999.", "Muna 1953, Edmund Hillary naTenzing Norgay ndivo vakava vanhu vekutanga kusvika pamusoro peEverest.", "Kubvira ipapo, zviuru zvevanhu zvakavatevedzera.", "Rwendo rwekukwira kusvika pamusoro peEverest harusi rwekutamba naro.", "Zvinowanzotora mwedzi inenge miviri kuti usvike pamusoro, uye unofanira kukunda zvipingamupinyi zvakawanda munzira.", "Matambudziko avanosangana nawo anosanganisira kurwara kunokonzerwa nekuva panzvimbo yakanyanya kukwirira, mamiriro ekunze akaipa, uye ngozi yekudonha.", "Pasinei nengozi idzi, kukwira kusvika pamusoro peEverest kunofadza zvikuru."], "factuality": "has_errors"} {"id": "topic_96__mcmtcmttcm", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["Mother: The telescope is used to look at objects in space.", "Child: Can I look through it?", "Mother: Sure, but be careful not to bump it.", "The child looks through the telescope and sees a bright star.", "Child: Wow, it's so beautiful!", "Mother: Yes, it is. The stars are so far away, but with a telescope, we can see them up close.", "The child looks at other objects in space, including planets and moons.", "They are amazed by how small and insignificant they feel compared to the vastness of the universe.", "Child: I can't believe how big space is.", "Mother: It is, but it's also full of amazing things."], "trgs": ["Amai: Teresikopu inoshandiswa kutarisa zvinhu zviri muchadenga.", "Mwana: Ndinogona kutarisawo here?", "Amai: Tarisa hako, asi chenjera kuzoidonhedza.", "Mwana wacho anotarisa muteresikopu obva aona nyeredzi inovaima.", "Mwana: Heeyi, yakanaka zvekuti!", "Amai: Ehe, yakanaka. Nyeredzi idzi dziri kure chaizvo, asi neteresikopu, tinogona kudzionera padhuze.", "Mwana wacho anotarisa zvimwe zvinhu zviri muchadenga, kusanganisira mapuraneti uye mwedzi.", "Zvinovashamisa kuti ivo vadiki uye vanotoita sevasingakoshi kana vakazvienzanisa nekukura kwezviri muchadenga.", "Mwana: Zvinoshamisa kuti muchadenga makakura zvakadai.", "Amai: Makakura, asi makazarawo nezvinhu zvinoshamisa."], "factuality": "ok"} {"id": "stt_176__ihitiitiiydoyitilei", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["I was worried that I might have contracted Lyme disease, but I went to the doctor and he said that I didn't have anything to worry about.", "He told me that the rash was probably just a reaction to the tick's saliva.", "I was relieved to hear that I didn't have Lyme disease, but I was still a little bit concerned about the rash.", "The doctor told me that it would go away on its own, but it took a few weeks for it to completely disappear.", "In the meantime, I tried to keep the rash clean and dry.", "I also applied some over-the-counter hydrocortisone cream to help relieve the itching.", "The rash was itchy and unsightly, but it didn't cause me any other problems.", "I'm just glad that I didn't have Lyme disease.", "If you find a tick attached to your body, it's important to remove it as soon as possible.", "You can use a pair of tweezers to grasp the tick as close to the skin as possible and pull it straight out.", "Don't twist or jerk the tick, as this could cause the head to break off and remain in your skin.", "Once you've removed the tick, wash the area with soap and water.", "You can also apply a topical antibiotic ointment to help prevent infection.", "It's important to watch for signs of Lyme disease after being bitten by a tick.", "These symptoms can include fever, headache, fatigue, muscle aches, and a characteristic rash.", "If you develop any of these symptoms, see your doctor right away.", "Lyme disease is a serious illness, but it can be treated with antibiotics.", "Early diagnosis and treatment is important to prevent serious complications.", "If you have any questions about ticks or Lyme disease, talk to your doctor."], "trgs": ["Ndainetseka kuti ndaigona kunge ndabata chirwere cheLyme, asi pandakaenda kuna chiremba akati hapana chandaifanira kutya.", "Akandiudza kuti tumapundu twandaiva natwo twaigona kunge twakakonzerwa nemate echikwekwe.", "Ndakafara kunzwa kuti ndainge ndisina chirwere cheLyme, asi ndakanga ndichiri kunetseka nezvetumapundu.", "Chiremba akandiudza kuti twaizongopera twega, asi twakaita mavhiki akati wandei tusati twanyatsopera.", "Patwainge tusati twapera, ndaiedza kugara ndichitugeza uye kuita kuti tugare twakaoma.", "Ndaizorawo mushonga weganda unotengeswa pasindadiwe tsamba yachiremba uwo waindibatsira kuderedza kuvaviwa.", "Tumapundu twacho twaivava zvisingaiti uye twaisatarisika, asi hatuna hatwo kundipa mamwe matambudziko.", "Ndaingofara kuti ndainge ndisina chirwere cheLyme.", "Kana ukaona chikwekwe chakanamatira pamuviri wako, zvakakosha kuti ubve wangochibvisa.", "Unogona kushandisa tusimbi tuviri kubata chikwekwe chacho wochibatira pedyo neganda rako wobva wachidhonza.", "Usachitswinye kana kuchijunga, sezvo izvi zvichigona kuita kuti musoro wacho utyokere muganda rako.", "Kana wangobvisa chikwekwe chacho, geza pachanga chiri nesipo nemvura.", "Unogona kuzorawo mushonga unoita kuti pasabata utachiwana.", "Zvakakosha kuti utarise zviratidzo zvechirwere cheLyme kana warumwa nechikwekwe.", "Zviratidzo izvi zvinogona kusanganisira, kupindwa nechando, kurwadziwa nemusoro, kupera simba, kurwadziwa netsandanyama, uye tumapundu.", "Kana ukangova nechimwe chezviratidzo izvi, ibva wangoenda kunoona chiremba wako.", "Chirwere cheLyme hachisi chekutamba nacho, asi chinogona kurapwa nemishonga inouraya utachiwana.", "Kukurumidza kuchibata uye kurapwa kunokosha kuti zvisazokonzera matambudziko akakura.", "Kana uine mibvunzo nezvechirwere cheLyme, taura nachiremba wako."], "factuality": "ok"} {"id": "topic_179__tcacaaacb", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["Three women are sitting at a table, talking about their cats.", "Constance: My cat, Sangeetha, is always there to greet me at the door when I come home from work.", "Ayanda: Me too! I have two cats of my own. They make me feel wanted.", "Constance: I know what you mean. Sangeetha always makes me feel better when I'm having a bad day.", "Aditi: I've always wanted a cat, but I'm allergic.", "Ayanda: That's too bad. Cats are really great companions.", "Aditi:I know! I've always admired people who have cats. They seem to have such a special bond with their pets.", "Constance: I think it's because cats are very independent animals. They don't need you to take care of them every minute of the day.", "But they still love you and enjoy your company."], "trgs": ["Madzimai matatu akagara patafura, achitaura nezvekiti dzavo.", "Constance: Kiti yangu, Sangeetha, inogara iri pamukova yakandimirira kuti ndidzoke kumba kubva kubasa.", "Ayanda: Kana neni! Ndine kiti mbiri. Dzinoita kuti ndinzwe kuti ndinokosha.", "Constance: Ndinonzwisisa zvauri kureva. Sangeetha anogara achiita kuti ndinzwe zviri nani kana ndichinge ndisina kuswera zvakanaka.", "Aditi: Kiti ndagara ndichingodzida, asi dzinondirwarisa.", "Ayanda: Inga zvakaoma. Kiti dzinogona kuva shamwari dzakanaka chaizvo.", "Aditi:Ndizvozvo! Ndaigara ndichiyemura vanhu vane kiti. Vaiita sekuti vanonyatsonzwanana nekiti dzavo.", "Constance: Ndinofunga imhaka yekuti kiti imhuka dzinokwanisa kurarama dzega. Hadzidi kuti ugare uchidzichengeta zuva rese.", "Asi dzinongokuda zvakadaro uye dzinofara kuva newe."], "factuality": "ok"} {"id": "topic_65__tttttaiith", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["The history of Ethiopia is long and complex, with a rich and varied culture.", "The earliest evidence of human settlement in Ethiopia dates back to the Paleolithic period, with the discovery of stone tools and other artifacts.", "The first major civilization in Ethiopia was the Aksumite Empire, which flourished from the 1st century BC to the 8th century AD.", "The Aksumites were a powerful trading empire that controlled much of the trade between Africa and the Middle East.", "They also built many impressive monuments, including the Great Stelae of Aksum.", "After the fall of the Aksumite Empire, Ethiopia was ruled by a series of different kingdoms and dynasties.", "In the 16th century, Ethiopia was invaded by the Ottoman Empire, but the Ethiopians were able to defeat the Ottomans and maintain their independence.", "In the 19th century, Ethiopia was ruled by Emperor Tewodros II, who is considered one of the greatest Ethiopian rulers.", "Tewodros II was a strong and ambitious ruler who sought to unite Ethiopia and to modernize the country.", "He also fought against European colonialism, and he is remembered for his famous letter to Queen Victoria of England, in which he demanded that she stop interfering in Ethiopian affairs."], "trgs": ["Nyika yeEthiopia ine nhoroondo yakareba uye isiri nyore kunzwisisa, uye kune tsika dzakadzama uye dzakawanda dzavanokoshesa chaizvo.", "Vanhu vakatanga kugara muEthiopia panguva inonzi Paleolithic, apo pakawanikwa maturusi ematombo nezvimwe zvinhu zvinokosha.", "Chinhu chikuru chakaitika pabudiriro yemuEthiopia kwaiva kutonga kweAksumite Empire, iyo yakatonga zvinobudirira kubva kuma 100 BC kusvika kuma 700 AD.", "MaAksumite vaiva neutongi hwakasimba hwezvekutengeserana hwaidzora kutengeswa kwezvinhu pakati peAfrica neMiddle East.", "Vakavakawo micherechedzo yakanaka zvikuru, kusanganisira Great Stelae of Aksum.", "Pakaguma utongi hweAksumite Empire, Ethiopia yakatongwa nemadzimambo nemadzinza akawanda.", "Mumakore ekuma1500, utongi hweOttoman Empire hwakaedza kurwisa Ethiopia, asi vaEthiopia vakakwanisa kukunda vaOttoman uye vakaramba vachizvitonga zvizere.", "Mumakore ekuma1800, Ethiopia yakatongwa naEmperor Tewodros II, uyo anonzi ndiye mutongi mukuru pane vese vakatonga Ethiopia.", "Tewodros II aiva mutongi ane simba aida kuedza zvinhu zvitsva uye aiva neshungu dzekubatanidza Ethiopia uye kuita kuti ifambirane nenguva.", "Akarwisawo nyika dzekuEurope dzaida kuvatonga, uye anoyeukwa chaizvo netsamba ine mukurumbira yaakanyorera Queen Victoria vekuEngland, achivaudza kuti vasiyane nekupindira munyaya dzeEthiopia."], "factuality": "ok"} {"id": "topic_51__scscscsc", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["Salesperson: What kind of style are you looking for?", "Customer: I'm mostly interested in something neutral and understated.", "Salesperson: We have a few options that might work. This one is made from wool and has a simple geometric pattern.", "Customer: I like that. It's perfect for my living room.", "Salesperson: Great! I'm happy to help. We can also deliver and install the rug for you if you'd like.", "Customer: That would be great. I'm willing to pay a little extra for that.", "Salesperson: No problem. We'll get started on that right away.", "Customer: Thank you."], "trgs": ["Mutengesi: Muri kutsvaga zvinhu zvakaita sei?", "Mutengi: Ndiri kutsvaga zvisina mavara mavara uye zvisingashamisiri.", "Mutengesi: Dziripo dzakawanda dzinogona kuita. Iyi yakagadzirwa neshinda ine pateni isingashamisiri.", "Mutengi: Ndaifarira iyi. Inonyatsoenderana nezvakaita imba yangu yekutandarira.", "Mutengesi: Zvakanaka! Ndinoda chaizvo kukubatsirai. Tinogona kudhirivhara nekukuisirai chiraga chacho kana muchida.", "Mutengi: Ndizvo chaizvo zvandingade. Ndinogona kubhadhara imwe mari shoma kuti mundiitire.", "Mutengesi: Zvinoita. Regai tibva tatotanga izvozvi.", "Mutengi: Maita basa."], "factuality": "ok"} {"id": "topic_45__sfboatwitot", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["Sickness has been a part of human life since the beginning of time.", "From the common cold to the bubonic plague, countless diseases have ravaged our species, causing pain, suffering, and death.", "But where did these illnesses come from?", "One popular myth about the origin of sickness is that it was caused by a curse from the gods.", "According to this myth, the gods were angered by the behavior of humans, so they sent down a plague to punish them.", "This myth is found in many cultures around the world, and it often features a similar story: the gods are angered by something humans have done, so they send down a plague to teach them a lesson.", "While this myth is certainly a powerful story, there is no evidence to support it.", "In fact, most scientists believe that sickness is caused by natural factors, such as bacteria and viruses.", "These pathogens are always present in our environment, and they can cause disease when they enter our bodies.", "Of course, the myth of the gods' curse is just one of many stories about the origin of sickness.", "There are many other myths and legends that attempt to explain why we get sick."], "trgs": ["Kurwara kwagara kuriko muupenyu hwevanhu kubvira kare.", "Kubva pakurwara nedzihwa kusvikira kudenda rebubonic, pane zvirwere zvakawanda zvakatitambudza sevanhu, zvichikonzera kurwadziwa, kutambura uye rufu.", "Asi zvirwere zvese izvi zvakabva nekupi?", "Pfungwa yakakurumbira ndeyekuti urwere hwakakonzerwa nekutukwa kwatakaitwa navanamwari.", "Maererano nepfungwa iyi, vanamwari vakatsamwiswa nezvaiitwa nevanhu, saka vakatumira denda kuti vavarange.", "Pfungwa iyi iri mutsika dzakawanda pasi rese, uye inowanzova nyaya imwe chete yakafanana: vanamwari vakatsamwiswa nezvakaitwa nevanhu saka vakatumira denda kuti vavadzidzise chidzidzo.", "Kunyange zvazvo mafungiro aya akasimba chaizvo, hapana umboo hunoratidza kuti ndeechokwadi.", "Vakawanda vanoita zvesayenzi vanototenda kuti urwere hunokonzerwa nezvinhu zvinongowanikwa, zvakadai seutachiona.", "Utachiwana hunogara hwakatipoteredza, uye hunogona kukonzera urwere kana hukapinda mumuviri wedu.", "Pfungwa yekuti vanamwari vakatuka vanhu ndeimwe yenyaya dzakawanda dzekuti zvirwere zvakabva nekupi.", "Pane mafungiro akawanda nengano dzinoedza kutsanangura kuti sei tichirwara."], "factuality": "ok"} {"id": "topic_200__isittimtaw", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["\"I can't believe we're going to be learning how to cook Indian food today,\" said 10-year-old Priya excitedly.", "She had been looking forward to this day ever since her teacher, Ms. Singh, had announced that they would be doing a unit on different cultures. \"I've never had Indian food before,\" said Priya's friend, Sam. \"What's it like?\"", "\"It's delicious,\" said Priya \"It's usually very flavorful, with a lot of spices. And there are so many different dishes to choose from.\"", "The class arrived at the kitchen, and Ms. Singh began to set up.", "\"Today, we're going to be making a simple dish called dal makhani,\" she said.", "\"It's a type of lentil soup that's very popular in India.\"", "Ms. Singh showed the class how to measure out the ingredients and cook the lentils.", "The students helped each other chop vegetables and stir the pot.", "As they worked, they chatted about their favorite foods and what they were looking forward to trying in India.", "When the dal makhani was finished, the students sat down to eat."], "trgs": ["\"Ndiri kufara chaizvo kuti tichange tichidzidza kubika chikafu chekuindia nhasi,\" akadaro Priya uyo ane makore 10 achizvitaura nemufaro.", "Ainge ari kutarisira zuva iri kubvira mudzidzisi wake Muzvare Singh, pavakataura kuti vaizoita zvidzidzo zvetsika dzakasiyana siyana. \"Handisati ndambodya chikafu chekuIndia,\" akadaro shamwari yaPriya, Sam. \"Chakaita sei?\"", "\"Chinonanaka,\" akadaro Priya \"Kakawanda chinonyatsonhuwirira, uye chinoiswa zvinhu zvakawanda zvinovava. Uye pane mhando dzakawanda dzezvekudya dzaunogona kusarudza.\"", "Kirasi yacho yakasvika muimba yekubikira, uye Muzvare Singh vakatanga kuronga zvavaizoshandisa.", "\"Nhasi tichabika zvekudya zviri nyore kubika zvinonzi dal makhani,\" vakadaro.", "\"Imhando yemuto wenyemba uwo wakakurumbira chaizvo muIndia.\"", "Muzvare Singh vakaratidza kirasi kuti vanoyera sei zvinoshandiswa pakubika nyemba dzacho.", "Vadzidzi vacho vakabatsirana kucheka muriwo uye kukurunga poto yacho.", "Sezvavaishanda, vaitaura nezvezvekudya zvavaifarira uye zvavaitarisira kuzodya kana vakaenda kuIndia.", "Pavakapedza kubika dal makhani, vadzidzi vacho vakagara pasi kuti vadye."], "factuality": "ok"} {"id": "topic_529__miititttsis", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["My favorite season is the one in which all is green, the trees are in full bloom, and the birds are singing.", "It is a time of new beginnings, as the world wakes up from its winter slumber and begins to grow and change.", "I love to spend this time outdoors, enjoying the fresh air and sunshine.", "There is nothing quite like taking a walk in the woods on a spring day, breathing in the scent of the flowers and listening to the birdsong.", "It is a time of hope and renewal, and I always feel invigorated by it.", "The days are getting longer and the nights are getting shorter, and the sun is shining brighter.", "The flowers are blooming and the trees are budding, and the air is filled with the sound of birdsong.", "The world is coming alive again after a long winter's sleep, and it is a beautiful sight to behold.", "Spring is a time of new beginnings, and I am always excited to see what the new season will bring.", "I love to watch the plants grow and change, and I enjoy seeing the animals come out and play.", "Spring is a time of hope and renewal, and I always feel invigorated by it."], "trgs": ["Mwaka wandinonyanya kufarira ndeuya wekuti zvinhu zvese zvinenge zvakanyatsosvibira, miti yanyatsotumbuka, uye shiri dzichiimba.", "Inguva yekutanga zvinhu patsva, sezvo nyika inoita seiri kumuka kubva munguva yekurara yemuchando yobva yatanga kukura uye kuchinja.", "Ndinofarira kuita nguva yakawanda ndiri panze, ndichinakidzwa nemhepo yakanaka uye zuva.", "Hapana chingafanana nekuwana nguva yekufamba mumasango mumwaka wechirimo, uchifema kunhuwirira kwemaruva uye uchiteerera kuimba kweshiri.", "Inguva yetariro uye yekugadzirisa zvinhu patsva, uye ndinobva ndaita sendawedzerwa simba rekuita zvinhu.", "Mazuva anenge ati rebei uye usiku hwava hupfupi, uye zuva rinenge rava kunyatsopenya.", "Maruva ari kutumbuka uye miti iri kutungira, uye mhepo inenge yakazara nemanzwi ekuimba kweshiri.", "Nyika yava kumuka zvekare pashure pekurara kwenguva refu muchando, uye inenge ichinakidza chaizvo kuona.", "Nguva yechirimo inguva yekutanga zvinhu patsva, uye ndinowanzonakidzwa nekutarisira kuti mwaka uyu mutsva uchange wakaita sei.", "Ndinofarira kuona zvirimwa zvichikura uye zvichichinja, uye ndinonakidzwa nekuona mhuka dzichibuda panze kuzotamba.", "Mwaka wechirimo inguva yetariro uye yekutangidza zvinhu patsva, uye inoita kuti ndiwedzere kuva nesimba."], "factuality": "ok"} {"id": "tunisia_historical__tbhbttitibh", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["The assassination of Mohamed Bouazizi was a major turning point in the Tunisian Revolution.", "Bouazizi was a 26-year-old street vendor who set himself on fire in December 2010 in protest of police harassment and corruption.", "His death sparked a wave of protests across Tunisia that eventually led to the overthrow of President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali.", "Bouazizi's death was widely seen as a symbol of the Tunisian people's frustration with the government's economic policies and its authoritarian rule.", "The protests that followed his death were met with violent repression by the government, but they ultimately succeeded in toppling Ben Ali.", "The Tunisian Revolution was a major turning point in the Arab world.", "It inspired other uprisings in the region, and it led to the overthrow of several authoritarian regimes.", "The revolution also had a significant impact on Tunisian society.", "It led to the adoption of a new constitution, and it ushered in a new era of democracy and freedom.", "Bouazizi's death is a reminder of the importance of human rights and the need for political change.", "His sacrifice helped to bring about a more just and democratic Tunisia."], "trgs": ["Kuuraiwa kwaMohamed Bouazizi kwakachinja zvinhu zvakawanda pakurwisana kweTunisian Revolution.", "Bouazizi aiva mutengesi wemumugwagwa aiva nemakore 26 uyo akazvitungidza nemoto muna December 2010 achiratidzira kuti mapurisa ainge aine uori uye asingabate vanhu zvakanaka.", "Kufa kwaakaita kwakatungidza kumwe kuratidzira kwakawanda muTunisia uko kwakazopedzisira kwaita kuti Mutungamiriri wenyika Zine El Abidine Ben Ali abviswe pachigaro.", "Kufa kwaBouazizi kwakaonekwa semucherechedzo wekurwadziwa kwevanhu vemuTunisia avo vaichema neurongwa hweupfumi hwehurumende uye kutonga kwayaiita neudzvanyiriri.", "Kuratidzira kwakazoitika mushure mekunge afa kwakaita kuti hurumende iite mhirizhonga ichiedza kumisa vanhu, asi pakupedzisira zvakazongoguma nekubva pachigaro kwaBen Ali.", "Tunisian Revolution chaiva chinhu chikuru chakachinja zvinyu munyika dzemaArab.", "Zvakaita kuti vamwewo vanhu vapandukire hurumende munharaunda iyoyo, uye zvakaita kuti hurumende dzakawanda dzaitonga zveudzvanyiriri dzibviswe pazvigaro.", "Kuratidzira kwacho kune zvakwakaitawo pavanhu vemuTunisia.", "Kwakaita kuti pagadzirwe bumbiro idzva remutemo, iro rakaunza upenyu hutsva hweutongi hwegutsaruzhinji uye rusununguko.", "Kufa kwaBouazizi kunotiyeuchidza nezvekukosha kwekodzero dzevanhu uye kwekuchinja zvinhu panyaya dzezvematongerwo enyika.", "Kuzvipira kwake kwakabatsira kuti Tunisia ive nyika inotonga zvakarurama uye ine utongi hwegutsaruzhinji."], "factuality": "has_errors"} {"id": "topic_99__gwtfiiwyi", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["Gift-giving is an important part of Chinese culture, and there are many different rules and customs to follow.", "Whenever you are invited to a Chinese person's home, it is customary to bring a gift.", "The type of gift you bring will depend on the occasion and the relationship you have with the host.", "For example, if you are attending a birthday party, you might bring a gift of flowers or fruit.", "If you are visiting a friend's home, you might bring a small gift, such as a bottle of wine or a box of chocolates.", "It is important to wrap the gift nicely and to present it with both hands.", "When you receive a gift, it is customary to open it immediately and to express your appreciation.", "You should also reciprocate by giving a gift of equal value whenever you are invited to someone's home.", "If you are unsure of what to give, you can always ask a friend or family member for advice."], "trgs": ["Kupa zvipo itsika inokosha zvikuru kuvanhu vekuChina, uye pane mitemo netsika dzakawanda dzekutevedzera.", "Pese paunokokwa kumba kwemunhu anobva kuChina, tsika yavo ndeyekuti unofanira kuuya nechipo.", "Mhando yechipo chaunoenda nacho inoenderana nechiitko chacho uye ushamwari hwauinahwo nemuridzi wemba yacho.", "Semuenzaniso, kana uri kuenda kupati yebhavhadhe, unogona kuendesa chipo chemaruva kana michero.", "Kana uri kushanyira imba yeshamwari, unogona kuendesa kachipo kadiki, kakadai sebhodhoro rewaini kana kuti bhokisi remachokoreti.", "Zvakakosha kuti unyatsoputira chipo chacho zvakanaka wochipa munhu wacho nemaoko ese.", "Kana ukagamuchira chipo, tsika yavo ndeyekuti unofanira kutochivhura ipapo wobva watenda.", "Unofanira kuzopawo chipo chakakosha zvakafanana pese paunokokwa nemumwe munhu kumba kwake.", "Kana usina chokwadi nezvekuti unofanira kupei, unogona kubvunza shamwari kana kuti weukama kuti akupe mazano."], "factuality": "has_errors"} {"id": "topic_502__tptiiittssthyss", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["The young woman held her hand out to the man, her eyes pleading.", "\"Please,\" she said. \"I need your help.\"", "The man looked at her, his expression hard.", "\"I don't know what you're talking about,\" he said.", "\"I'm from Toronto,\" she said. \"I was kidnapped and brought here.", "I need to get back home.\"", "The man shook his head. \"Get out of here before I call the police.\"", "The woman's heart sank.", "She was so close, but it looked like she was going to be caught again.", "She turned to run, but the man grabbed her arm. \"I said get out of here!\" he shouted.", "The woman struggled, but the man was too strong.", "He pulled her close and slapped her across the face.", "\"You're not going anywhere,\" he said. \"You're my property now.\" The woman cried out in pain and fear.", "She didn't know what to do.", "She was trapped."], "trgs": ["Musikana wacho akatambanudzira murume wacho ruoko rwake, maziso ake achiratidza kuti ari kumbira nemwoyo wese.", "\"Ndapota,\" akadaro. \"Ndibatsireiwo.\"", "Murume wacho akamutarisa, asiri kana kumbomunzwira tsitsi.", "\"Handisi kuziva zvauri kutaura nezvazvo,\" akadaro.", "\"Ndinobva kuToronto,\" akadaro. \"Ndakabiwa ndikaunzwa kuno.", "Ndiri kuda kudzokera kumba.\"", "Murume wacho akadzungudza musoro wake. \"Ibva pano ndisati ndakudaidzira mapurisa.\"", "Mudzimai wacho akapererwa.", "Ainge atozviona abatsirwa, asi zvakanga zvava kuita sekuti aizobatwa zvekare.", "Akatendeuka kuti amhanye, asi murume wacho akamubata ruoko. \"Ndakuudza kuti ibva pano!\" akadaidzira.", "Mudzimai wacho akaedza kutiza, asi murume uyu ainge akasimba.", "Akamudhonzera pedyo akabva amurova mbama.", "\"Hapana kwauri kuenda,\" akadaro. \"Watova wangu manje.\" Mudzimai wacho akachema achirwadziwa uye achitya.", "Aisaziva kuti odii.", "Ainge asisina kwekutizira."], "factuality": "ok"} {"id": "topic_19__agttsiiatt", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["Action films have undergone a major transformation in recent years.", "Gone are the days of simple, one-dimensional heroes and villains.", "Today's action films are more complex, with characters who undergo significant transformations over the course of the film.", "This transformation is often a reflection of the film's themes, which can range from the importance of family to the power of love.", "Several recent action films have featured this type of transformation.", "In the film \"The Batman,\" for example, the title character goes from being a vengeful vigilante to a symbol of hope for the city of Gotham.", "In \"Black Panther,\" T'Challa must learn to embrace his role as king of Wakanda, even though it means giving up some of his personal freedoms.", "And in \"Captain Marvel,\" Carol Danvers must learn to control her powers and use them for good.", "These films show that action films can be more than just mindless violence.", "They can also be used to explore complex themes and characters."], "trgs": ["Mafirimu emhirizhonga nekurovana achinja chaizvo mumakore achangobva kupfuura.", "Hakuchisina mafirimu aya ekuti waingoziva kuti panenge paine munhu akashata pozoita munhu akanaka ane simba anozonunura vanhu.", "Mafirimu emhirizhonga nekurovana emazuva ano ava nezvinhu zvakawanda, uye ava nevatambi vanoramba vachichinja matambiro avo firimu racho sezvarinoenderera mberi.", "Kuchinja uku kunowanzoenderana nedingindira refirimu racho, iro rinogona kunge riri rekuratidza kukosha kwemhuri kana kuti simba rine rudo.", "Mafirimu emhirizhonga nekurovana achangobva kubuda anoratidza kuchinja kwakadai.", "Mufirimu rinonzi \"The Batman,\" semuenzaniso, mutambi wacho mukuru anochinja kubva pakuva munhu anoisa mutemo mumaoko ake achida zvekutsiva kusvika pakuva munhu aitarisirwa kuti ape tariro kuvanhu vemuguta reGotham.", "Mu\"Black Panther,\" T'Challa anofanira kudzidza kugamuchira basa rake samambo wemuWakanda, kunyange zvazvo zvaireva kuti ane zvimwe zvinhu zvaaizotadza kuita.", "Uye mu\"Captain Marvel,\" Carol Danvers anofanira kudzidza kudzora masimba ake oashandisa pazvinhu zvakanaka.", "Mafirimu aya anoratidza kuti mafirimu emhirizhonga nekurovana haasi ekuti vanhu vangorovana zvisina kana musoro.", "Anogonawo kushandiswa panyaya dzine dingidira rakaoma kunzwisisa uye vatambi vanenge vachifanira kuita zvinhu zvakawanda."], "factuality": "has_errors"} {"id": "topic_513__toooaaahfwa", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["The debate of man vs. machine is a long-standing one, with no easy answer.", "On the one hand, machines are becoming increasingly sophisticated and capable, and they are already performing many tasks that were once thought to be the exclusive domain of humans.", "On the other hand, humans have a unique set of skills and abilities that machines are unlikely to ever replicate, such as creativity, empathy, and intuition.", "One of the key areas where machines are rapidly outpacing humans is in the field of artificial intelligence (AI).", "AI is a branch of computer science that deals with the creation of intelligent agents, which are systems that can reason, learn, and act autonomously.", "AI is already being used in a wide range of applications, from self-driving cars to medical diagnosis.", "And as AI continues to develop, it is likely to become even more powerful and capable.", "However, there are also a number of areas where humans are likely to retain a significant advantage over machines.", "For example, humans are much better at dealing with ambiguity and uncertainty.", "We can also draw on our experience and intuition to make decisions in complex situations.", "And finally, humans have a unique capacity for creativity and innovation."], "trgs": ["Gakava rekuti chiri nani ndechipi pakati pevanhu nemichina harimbopere, uye harina mhinduro iri nyore.", "Kune rumwe rutivi, michina yawedzera kusanzwisisika uye yava kuita zvakawanda, uye iye zvino yava kutoita mabasa aimbofungwa kuti anongoitwa nevanhu chete.", "Asiwo, vanhu vava neruzivo rusina kumwe kwarunowanikwa uye vanogona kuita zvinhu zvisingakwanisi kutombotevedzerwa nemichina, zvakadai sekushandisa pfungwa kugadzira zvinhu, kunzwa tsitsi uye kunzwisisa zvinhu usina kumbodzamisa pfungwa zvakanyanya.", "Chimwe chinhu chiri kuratidza kuti michina iri kufambira mberi zvakanyanya ichidarika vanhu, inyaya yekugona kutevedzera zvinhu zvinoitwa nevanhu iyo inonzi artificial intelligence (AI).", "AI ibazi rezvidzidzo zvemakombiyuta iro rinoona nezvekugadzirwa kwezvinhu zvakachenjera, kureva mapurogiramu anogona kufunga, kudzidza uye kuzviitira ega zvinhu.", "AI iri kutoshandiswa mumapurogiramu akawanda, kubva kumota dzinofamba dzega kusvika kuzvinhu zvinoshandiswa kutsvaga zvirwere.", "Uye sezvo AI inoramba ichiwedzera kuvandudzika, ichakwanisa kutowedzera kuva nesimba uye kuita zvinhu zvakawanda.", "Asiwo pane zvinhu zvakawanda zvekuti vanhu vacharamba vari kumberi kwemichina.", "Semuenzaniso, vanhu vanokurumidza kutsvaga nzira dzekugadzirisa kuoma kwezvinhu kana kuti kusava nechokwadi nezvimwe zvinhu.", "Tinogonawo kushandisa ruzivo rwatiinarwo uye simba redu rekuita zvinhu tisina kumbodzamisa pfungwa zvakanyanya patinoita zvisarudzo zvakaoma.", "Uye vanhu vane chipo chisina vamwe chekugadzira zvinhu zvitsva uye kutanga kutofunga zvinhu zvinenge zvisipo."], "factuality": "ok"} {"id": "topic_74__tyoyioiby", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["Two men, one in his 30s and one in his 50s, are sitting at the bar, drinking.", "Young Man: So, I heard that the new head of the liquor board is really cracking down on local stores.", "Old Man: Yeah, I heard that too. They're saying that he's going to be doing random inspections of bars and restaurants to make sure that they're not selling liquor to minors.", "Young Man: That's a good thing.", "I mean, it's not fair to the responsible businesses that are following the rules when some other places are just selling liquor to anyone who walks in the door.", "Old Man: I agree. But I'm also worried about how it's going to affect my business.", "I mean, I'm a good guy. I don't sell liquor to minors.", "But I'm also not going to let some government bureaucrat tell me who I can and can't sell liquor to.", "Young Man: I get what you're saying. But you have to be careful."], "trgs": ["Varume vaviri, mumwe ane makore ekuma30 nemumwe ava kuma50, vakagara mubhawa, vachinwa.", "Murume Wechidiki: Saka ndanzwa kuti mukurumukuru mutsva webazi rezvedoro ari kutenderera nezvitoro zvese.", "Murume Wechikuru: Ehe ndakazvinzwawo. Vari kuti achange achingofamba achitarisa mabhawa nemarestorendi kuti ave nechokwadi chekuti havasi kutengesera vana doro.", "Murume Wechidiki: Vanenge vagona chaizvo.", "Ukazvifungawo, kunenge kuri kudzvanyirira mabhizimisi anoda kuita zvinhu nemazvo ayo ari kutevedzera mitemo asi dzimwe nzvimbo dzichingotengesera doro munhu wese anenge angopinda.", "Murume Wechikuru: Ndinobvumirana newe. Asi ndiri kunetsekawo kuti hazvisi kuzokanganisawo bhizimisi rangu here.", "Handisi hangu munhu akaipa. Handitengesere vana doro.", "Asi handisi kuzorega chimwe chimurume chehurumende chichindiudza kuti ndiani wandinofanira kutengesera doro.", "Murume Wechidiki: Ndiri kubata hangu zvamuri kutaura. Asi munofanira kutamba makachenjera."], "factuality": "ok"} {"id": "topic_425__fitiitomtaitd", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["Family planning in India has been a topic of debate for many years.", "In 1976, the Indian government passed the controversial National Emergency Act, which imposed a forced sterilization program on men and women.", "This program was met with widespread resistance and eventually overturned by the Indian Supreme Court.", "In recent years, the Indian government has taken a more progressive approach to family planning.", "In 2010, the government launched the National Family Planning Program, which provides free contraception and sterilization services to all Indian citizens.", "The program has been successful in reducing the fertility rate in India, but it still faces challenges, such as a lack of awareness and access to services.", "One of the most important challenges to family planning in India is the lack of awareness about the benefits of family planning.", "Many Indian couples believe that it is their duty to have as many children as possible.", "This belief is often reinforced by cultural and religious norms.", "Another challenge to family planning is the lack of access to services.", "In rural areas, there are often few or no family planning clinics.", "This makes it difficult for couples to access the services they need.", "Despite these challenges, the Indian government is committed to providing family planning services to all its citizens."], "trgs": ["Kuronga mhuri muIndia inyaya yakonzera magakava kwemakore akawanda.", "Muna 1976, hurumende yeIndia yakapasisa mutemo usina kugamuchirwa nevakawanda weNational Emergency Act, uyo wakamanikidza varume vese nevakadzi kuti vashandise nzira yekuronga mhuri yekuti vanenge vasisatozomboite mwana zvachose inonzi sterilization.", "Purogiramu iyi yakapikiswa zvikuru kusvikira yazokanzurwa neDare Repamusorosoro remuIndia.", "Mumakore achangobva kupfuura, hurumende yeIndia yakatora matanho akasimba panyaya yekuronga mhuri.", "Muna 2010, hurumende yakatanga purogiramu yekuronga mhuri inonzi National Family Planning Program, iyo inopa pachena mapiritsi ekuronga mhuri uye vanoda kugumiswa ura zvachose kuvagari vese vemuIndia.", "Purogiramu yacho yakabudirira zvikuru kudzikisa nhamba yekuzvarwa kwevana muIndia, asi pachine matambudziko, akadai sekuti vamwe havasati vava kuziva nezvayo uye vamwe havakwanisi kuwana zvipatara nemishonga.", "Dambudziko rakakura panyaya yekuronga mhuri muIndia nderekuti vakawanda havatozive zvazvakanakira kuronga mhuri.", "Varume nevakadzi vakawanda vekuIndia vanotenda kuti ibasa ravo kuti vave nevana vakawanda kusvikira pavanokwanisa.", "Zvavanotenda izvi zvinobva zvatotsinhirwawo netsika uye zvitendero.", "Rimwe dambudziko panyaya yekuronga mhuri nderekuti vanhu vashoma chet vanokwanisa kuwana zvipatara nemishonga.", "Kumaruwa, kunenge kuine makiriniki mashoma anoita zvekuronga mhuri uye kumwe hakutorina.", "Izvi zvinogona kuita kuti varume nevakadzi vatadze kuwana zvinhu zvavanenge vachida.", "Pasinei nematambudziko aya, hurumende yeIndia iri mushishi rekuita kuti urongwa hwekuronga mhuri husvike kuvagari vese."], "factuality": "has_errors"} {"id": "topic_602__sistosit", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["Science is a systematic enterprise that builds and organizes knowledge in the form of testable explanations and predictions about the natural world.", "In its broadest sense, science encompasses all human knowledge and activity motivated by a desire to understand the natural world and its phenomena.", "Science is also often seen as a particular body of knowledge derived from such investigation, as well as a method of discovery.", "The earliest roots of science can be traced to Ancient Greek philosophy, particularly the works of Aristotle, who attempted to explain natural phenomena through observation and reason.", "Over the centuries, science has developed into a more rigorous discipline, with the development of the scientific method, which emphasizes evidence, hypothesis testing, and repeatability.", "Science has had a profound impact on human society, leading to the development of new technologies, medicines, and understanding of the natural world.", "It has also played a role in shaping social and political thought.", "Today, science is a major part of modern life, and it continues to play an important role in the advancement of knowledge and understanding."], "trgs": ["Sayenzi urongwa hunovaka nekuronga ruzivo kuti ruve tsanangudzo inonzwisisika uye fungidziro yezvinhu zviri munyika yatinorarama.", "Kana tichitarisa zvese zvainoita, sayenzi inobatanidza ruzivo rwese rwevanhu uye chido chekunzwisisa zvinhu zviri panyika nekushamisa kwazvo.", "Sayenzi inowanzoonekwawo sezvikamu zveruzivo runobva paongororo dzakadai, uye senzira yekuziva zvinhu zvitsva.", "Sayenzi yakatangira kuuzivi hwekare hwechiGiriki, kunyanya basa rakaitwa naAristotle, uyo akaedza kutsanangura zvinhu zvinoshamisa achishandisa zvinhu zvinoonekwa uye kushandisa pfungwa.", "Mumazana emakore apfuura, sayenzi yava nezvidzidzo zvakaoma, zvinosanganisira kuvandudzwa kwenzira yesayenzi iyo inosimbisa umboo, kunyatsova nechokwadi nemashoko, uye kuongorora kana zvinhu zvacho zvichikwanisa kuzoitika zvekare.", "Sayenzi yabatsira vanhu zvikuru, izvo zvaita kuti pave nekuvandudzika kwetekinoroji, mishonga, uye kunzwisiswa kwezvinhu zviri mupasi rino.", "Yakabatsirawo pakugadziridza mafungiro panyaya dzemagariro evanhu uye dzezvematongerwo enyika.", "Mazuva ano, sayenzi iri kubata basa rakakura pakurarama kwevanhu, uye inoramba ichiita basa rinokosha pakuwedzera kweruzivo uye kunzwisisa."], "factuality": "ok"} {"id": "topic_574__aibaibyabyoaibyy", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["A: I'm so behind on my work!", "I have a paper due tomorrow, and I haven't even started it.", "B: Oh no! What are you going to do?", "A: I don't know.", "I guess I'll just have to stay up all night and finish it.", "B: That sounds like a terrible idea.", "You'll just end up being more tired and stressed, and you won't do your best work.", "A: I know, but I don't have any other choice.", "B: There is always another choice.", "You could start working on it now, and take breaks throughout the day.", "Or, you could ask for an extension from your professor.", "A: I don't know if I can ask for an extension.", "I've already asked for one this semester, and I don't want to seem like I'm not taking my classes seriously.", "B: Well, you have to do something.", "You can't just keep procrastinating.", "You're going to end up failing your class."], "trgs": ["A: Basa rangu riri kumashure zvisingaite!", "Pane pepa riri kudiwa mangwana, apa handisati ndatoritanga.", "B: Inga zvakaoma! Saka uchaita sei?", "A: Handisi kutoziva.", "Ndofunga ndiri kufanira kutongorara ndichiriita kuti ndiripedze.", "B: Handifunge kuti zvinoshanda ini.", "Uchangowedzera kuneta uye kushungurudzika, zvekuti uchatadza kuita basa racho nemazvo.", "A: Ndinozviziva, asi handina zvimwe zvandinokwanisa kuita.", "B: Hapangamboshaike zvimwe zvekuita.", "Unogona kutanga kutoshanda iye zvino, woshanda muswere wese uchiita uchizorora.", "Kana kuti unogona kukumbira purofesa wako kuti akuwedzere mamwe mazuva.", "A: Handifunge kuti ndinokwanisa kukumbira kuwedzerwa mazuva.", "Ndakatombokumbira iyo simesita ino, saka handidi kuti ndizoita sekuti ndiri kutamba nechikoro.", "B: Hameno, asi uri kutofanira kuona zvekuita.", "Haungarambe uchingoverengera.", "Uchapedzisira wafoira."], "factuality": "ok"} {"id": "topic_304__ttttossojhbjtjbst", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["The year is 1920, and the place is New York City.", "The flapper era is in full swing, and young women are enjoying their newfound freedom.", "They are dressing in short skirts and bobbed hair, smoking cigarettes, and drinking cocktails.", "They are also dating more freely than ever before.", "One such flapper is named Josephine.", "She is a beautiful young woman with a sharp wit and a rebellious streak.", "She is not interested in finding a husband, but she does enjoy the attention of men.", "One day, Josephine is at a party when she meets a young man named Jack.", "Jack is everything that Josephine is not.", "He is conservative, polite, and serious.", "But there is something about him that Josephine finds attractive.", "Jack and Josephine begin dating, and they quickly fall in love.", "They spend their days dancing at the bars and their nights talking for hours on end.", "Josephine has never felt this way about anyone before.", "But Jack is not the only man in Josephine's life.", "She is still friends with her former boyfriend, Tom.", "Tom is a good man, and he loves Josephine very much."], "trgs": ["Igore ra1920, muguta reNew York City.", "Ndiwo makore akurumbira tsika yainzi flapper, vasikana vachinakidzwa nerusununguko rwavainge vava narwo.", "Vanopfeka masiketi mapfupi vachichekerera bvudzi kuti risvike mumapfudzi, vachiputa fodya, uye kunwa tudoro tunodhaka tunenge twakasanganiswa.", "Vari kudananawo madiro nevarume kupfuura zvavaiita kare.", "Mumwe wevasikana ava ndiJosephine.", "Musikana munaku akangwarira zvinhu uye inhubu isingatombokendengi.", "Haasi kuda murume wekugara naye, asi anonakidzwa nekufarirwa nevarume.", "Mumwe musi, Josephine ari kupati kwaanosangangana nemukomana anonzi Jack.", "Jack akatosiyana zvachose naJosephine.", "Akanyarara, ane hunhu uye haaiti zvekutamba neupenyu.", "Asi pane chimwe chinhu chiri paari chinoita kuti Josephine amufarire.", "Jack naJosephine vanotanga kudanana, uye vanokurumidza kuwira murudo.", "Pavanoonana vanenge vachitamba mumabhawa uye vanotaura kwemaawa akawanda usiku.", "Josephine haasati ambonzwa kuda munhu zvakadai.", "Asi Jack haasi iye ega murume ari kudanana naJosephine.", "Achiri kushamwaridzana nemukomana waaimbodanana naye, Tom.", "Tom murume akanaka, uye anoda Josephine zvekuti."], "factuality": "ok"} {"id": "egypt_challenges__eatathtatpt", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["Egypt faces a number of challenges, including:", "* A rapidly growing population. Egypt's population is expected to grow from 100 million today to 140 million by 2050.", "This will put a strain on the country's resources, including its food supply, water supply, and infrastructure.", "* A widening gap between the rich and the poor. Egypt has a high Gini coefficient, which measures inequality.", "This means that the wealth is concentrated in the hands of a few, while the majority of the population lives in poverty.", "* High unemployment. Egypt's unemployment rate is around 12%.", "This is especially high among young people.", "* A lack of economic opportunity. Egypt's economy is heavily reliant on tourism and agriculture.", "These sectors are vulnerable to external shocks, such as the global financial crisis and the Arab Spring.", "* Political instability. Egypt has experienced a number of political upheavals in recent years, including the overthrow of Hosni Mubarak in 2011 and the subsequent military coup in 2013.", "This instability has made it difficult for the government to implement reforms and improve the economy."], "trgs": ["Egypt yakatarisana nematambudziko akawanda, kusanganisira:", "* Vanhu vari kuramba vachiwedzera kuwanda. Uwandu hwevanhu vanogara muEgypt huri kutarisirwa kuwedzera kubva pamamiriyoni 100 iye zvino kusvika pamamiriyoni 140 muna 2050.", "Izvi zvichaita kuti zvinhu zvinenge zvichida kushandiswa munyika zviwandirwe, kusanganisira zvekudya, mvura, uye zvivako.", "* Kukura kwemusiyano wevarombo nevapfumi. MuEgypt, Gini coefficient, iyo inoyera kusaenzana kwezvinhu, yakakwirira zvikuru.", "Izvi zvinoreva kuti upfumi huri mumaoko evanhu vashoma, asi ruzhinji ruri kurarama muurombo.", "* Kushaikwa kwemabasa. Vanhu vasina mabasa muEgypt vanoda kusvika kuma 12%.", "Nhamba iyi yakawandira kuvechidiki.", "* Kuderera kwemikana yezveupfumi. Upfumi hweEgypt hwakasimbira kuvashanyi uye kurima.", "Mabasa akadai ari nyore kuvhiringidzwa nezvimwe zvinhu zvakadai sematambudziko emari epasi rese uye kuratidzira kwematongerwo enyika kunonzi Arab Spring.", "* Kusagadzikana kwezvematongerwo enyika. Egypt yakatarisana nematambudziko ezvematongerwo enyika akawanda mumakore achangobva kupfuura, kusanganisira kubviswa pachigaro nechisimba kwaHosni Mubarak muna 2011 uye kubvutwa kwesimba nemauto uko kwakaitika muna 2013.", "Kusagadzikana uku kwakaita kuti hurumende iomerwe nekushandisa zvinhu zvitsva kuti upfumi huvandudzike."], "factuality": "ok"} {"id": "topic_170__vtiwyedicny", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["Vehicle repair and maintenance is essential for keeping your car in good condition and preventing costly repairs down the road.", "There are a number of things you can do to maintain your vehicle, such as changing the oil and filters regularly, checking the tire pressure, and keeping the fluids topped up.", "If you're not comfortable doing these things yourself, you can take your car to a qualified mechanic.", "When it comes to vehicle repair, there are a number of different paths you can take.", "You can go to a dealership, an independent repair shop, or a chain repair shop.", "Each type of shop has its own advantages and disadvantages.", "Dealerships typically have the most experience working on specific makes and models of cars, but they can also be more expensive than other options.", "Independent repair shops are often less expensive than dealerships, but they may not have the same level of expertise.", "Chain repair shops typically offer a middle ground between dealerships and independent repair shops, with competitive prices and a variety of services.", "No matter which path you choose, it's important to find a reputable shop that you can trust.", "You can do this by asking for recommendations from friends or family, or by doing some online research."], "trgs": ["Kugadzirisa motokari uye kuichengetedza kwakakosha pakuita kuti irambe ichifamba zvakanaka uye zvinobatsira kuzodzivisa kubudisa mari dzakawanda kana ichinge yazofira pamugwagwa.", "Pane zvinhu zvakawanda zvaunogona kuita pakuchengetedza motokari yako, zvakadai sekugara uchichinja oiri nemafirita, kutarisa mweya wemumavhiri, uye kugara uchitutsira zvinana mvura neoiri.", "Kana usingakwanisi kuita zvinhu izvi pachako, unogona kuenda nemotokari yako kuna makanika akadzidzira kuita basa racho.", "Panyaya yekugadziriswa kwemota, pane nzira dzakawanda dzaunogona kushandisa.", "Unogona kuenda kuzvitoro zvinotengesa motokari dzakaita seyako, kuchitoro chakazvimirira chinoita zvekugadzira motokari, kana kuti zvitoro zvidiki zvavana makanika.", "Chitoro chimwe nechimwe chine zvachakanakira uye zvachakaipira.", "Zvitoro zvinotengesa motokari zvinenge zviine ruzivo rwekuti motokari dzerudzi rwakati dzinogadzirwa sei, asi zvinogona kunge zvichitiwo dhurei pane zvimwe.", "Zvitoro zvakazvimiririra zvinoita zvekugadzira motokari zvakati chipei pane zvevanotengesa motokari, asi vanogona kunge vasina ruzivo rwakafanana nerwevanotengesa motokari.", "Zvitoro zvidiki zvaana makanika zvine mitengo iri pakati pevezvitoro zvinotengesa motokari nevezvitoro zvakazvimiririra zvekugadzira motokari, uye mitengo yavo inenge yakanaka pamabasa akasiyana siyana avanoita.", "Pasinei nekuti wasarudza zvipi, zvakakosha kuti utsvage chitoro chinozivikanwa chaunogona kuvimba nacho.", "Unogona kuita izvi nekubvunzawo shamwari kana veukama, kana kuti kumbotsvaga mashoko paindaneti."], "factuality": "ok"} {"id": "topic_472__aamwwtmwwtmtm", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["[A group of people are gathered in a large room. They are all wearing white robes and have their heads bowed.]", "[A man in a black robe walks up to the front of the room.]", "Man: \"We are gathered here today to exercise our right to free speech.", "We are here to protest the injustice that is being done to our people.", "We are here to demand that our voices be heard.", "[The people raise their heads and look at the man.]", "Man: \"We are not here to cause violence.", "We are not here to destroy property.", "We are here to exercise our right to be heard.", "[The people begin to chant, \"We want to be heard! We want to be heard!\"]", "Man: \"We will not be silenced! We will not be ignored! We will not be denied our rights!", "[The people continue to chant.]", "Man: \"We are the people! We are the future! We will not give up!"], "trgs": ["[Boka revanhu rakaungana muimba hombe. Vese vakapfeka magemenzi machena uye vakakotamisa misoro yavo.]", "[Murume ane gemenzi dema anofamba achienda kumberi kweimba yacho.]", "Murume: \"Nhasi taungana kuti tiratidze kodzero yedu yekutaura takasununguka.", "Tiri kuda kuratidzira nezvekubatwa zvisina kunaka kuri kuitirwa vanhu vedu.", "Tiri kuda kutoti zvatiri kuda zviitwe.", "[Vanhu vacho vanosimudza misoro yavo votarisa murume wacho.]", "Murume: \"Hatina kuuya pano kuti tikonzere mhirizhonga.", "Hatisi kuda zvekuparadza zvinhu.", "Tangoungana kuti tishandise kodzero yedu yekuti tinzwike.", "[Vanhu vacho vanotanga kudanidzira, \"Tinoda kunzwiwa! Tinoda kunzwiwa!\"]", "Murume: \"Hapana achatinyararidza! Vachatotinzwa chete! Hatisi kuzotadziswa kuratidza kodzero dzedu!", "[Vanhu vanoenderera mberi nekushevedzera.]", "Murume: \"Tisu vanhu vacho! Tisu ramangwana! Hatisi kuzomira!"], "factuality": "ok"} {"id": "topic_42__tfoteoitiiiwwia", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["The museum was a treasure trove of history, artifacts, and stories.", "From the ancient Egyptian mummies to the modern-day paintings, there was something for everyone to enjoy.", "One of the most interesting exhibits was the collection of old toys.", "There were dolls from the Victorian era, toy soldiers from the Civil War, and even a set of wooden blocks from the early 1900s.", "Each toy had its own story to tell, and it was fascinating to see how they had changed over time.", "One of the toys that caught my eye was a small wooden car.", "It was made in the 1950s, and it was in perfect condition.", "The paint was still bright, and the wheels were still smooth.", "I picked it up and examined it closely.", "It was a simple toy, but it was also very well-made.", "I wondered who had played with this car all those years ago.", "What were their dreams and aspirations?", "What did they think the future held?", "I put the car back in its display case and continued on my way.", "As I walked through the museum, I thought about all the things that had changed in the world since these toys were made."], "trgs": ["Muziyamu yacho yaiva nezvinhu zvinokosha zvenhoroondo, zviumbwa uye nyaya.", "Kubva kumitumbi yakaomeswa yekare yevanhu vemuEgypt kusvikira kuzvinhu zvakapendwa zvemazuva ano, munhu wese anotowana chaanonakidzwa nacho.", "Chimwe chinhu chinonakidza chirimo, muunganidzwa wezvitoyi zvekare.", "Mune zvidhori zvepanguva yaVictoria, matoyi emasoja epanguva yeCivil War, uye tumabhokisi twemapuranga twekutambisa twekuma1900 chaiko.", "Chitoyi chimwe nechimwe chaiva nenyaya yachaimiririra, uye zvainakidza kuona kuti zvainge zvachinja sei nekufamba kwenguva.", "Chimwe chitoyi chakanditora mwoyo chaiva chemotokari yemapuranga.", "Yainge yakagadzirwa kuma1950, uye yainge ichiri yakanaka.", "Pendi yacho yakanga ichiri kupenya, uye mavhiri acho ainge achiri kutsvedzerera.", "Ndakainonga ndikabva ndatanga kuiongorora.", "Chaingova chitoyiwo zvacho, asi chainge chakanyatsogadzirwa.", "Ndakatanga kufunga hangu kuti chaitambiswa naani makore iwayo.", "Aiva netarisiro dzipi?", "Aifunga kuti ramangwana raizenge rakaita sei?", "Ndakadzosera motokari yacho painogara ndikabva ndaenderera mberi nekutenderera.", "Pandaifamba mumuziyamu, ndakafunga nezvezvinhu zvakanga zvachinja panyika kubvira pakagadzirwa matoyi iwayo."], "factuality": "ok"} {"id": "topic_278__ithwrtwhhhm", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["Islam is a religion that emphasizes surrender to the will of God.", "This concept of surrender, or \"Islam\" in Arabic, is often misunderstood as meaning submission or defeat.", "However, in Islam, surrender is actually seen as a positive act, a way to achieve peace and happiness.", "When a Muslim surrenders to God, they are not giving up their own free will.", "Rather, they are acknowledging that God is the one who has the power to control all things, and that by surrendering to His will, they are actually finding true freedom.", "This concept of surrender is beautifully illustrated in the story of the Prophet Muhammad.", "When Muhammad was first called to be a prophet, he was very afraid.", "He didn't want to be responsible for spreading God's message.", "However, after much prayer and reflection, Muhammad eventually surrendered to God's will.", "He realized that it was not his own strength that would allow him to succeed, but the strength of God.", "Muhammad's story is a reminder that surrender is not about giving up."], "trgs": ["Islam chitendero chinosimbisa chaizvo kurega zvimwe zvinhu kuti uite zvinodiwa naMwari.", "Pfungwa yekurega zvimwe zvinhu, kana kuti \"Islam\" muchiArabic, inowanzotadza kunzwisiswa ichinzi inoreva kusava nesimba kana kuti kubvuma kukundwa.", "Asi muchiIslam, kurega zvimwe zvinhu kunotoreva chinhu chakanaka, nzira yekuwana nayo rugare nemufaro.", "Kana muMuslim akazvipa kuna Mwari, haasi kusiya kodzero yavo yekuzvisarudzira ega zvanoda muupenyu.", "Asi ari kuratidza kuti anotenda kuti Mwari ndiye anofanira kuva nesimba pazvinhu zvese, uye kuti kana ukarega zvimwe zvinhu kuti uite Zvaaanoda, unenge uchitowana rusununguko rwechokwadi.", "Nyaya yekurega zvimwe zvinhu inonyatsobudiswa zvakanaka munyaya yaProphet Muhammad.", "Muhammad paakadanwa kuti ave muprofita, aitya zvikuru.", "Aisada basa rekuudza vanhu mashoko aMwari.", "Asi pakazonamata nekudzamisa pfungwa, Muhammad akazosarudza kurega zvimwe zvinhu kuti aite zvaida Mwari.", "Akaona kuti raisava simba rake ega raizoita kuti abudirire, asi raiva simba raMwari.", "Nyaya yaMuhammad inotiyeuchidza kuti kurega zvimwe zvinhu hakusi kupererwa."], "factuality": "ok"} {"id": "topic_372__itwtwaiiabisii", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["I grew up in a small village in the middle of nowhere.", "There were only a few hundred people living there, and everyone knew everyone else.", "We had a small school, a general store, and a post office.", "The pace of life was slow and relaxed, and there was always time to stop and chat with a neighbor.", "When I was 18, I moved to the city to go to college.", "At first, I was overwhelmed by the noise, the traffic, and the crowds.", "It took me a while to adjust to city life, but eventually I came to love it.", "I found that there were endless opportunities in the city, and I made some lifelong friends.", "After college, I got a job in the city and stayed there for a few years.", "But eventually, I started to miss the slower pace of life in the village.", "I wanted to be able to raise a family in a place where I knew everyone and everyone knew me.", "So a few years ago, I moved back to the village where I grew up.", "It was like coming home.", "I'm now raising my family in the same small house where I grew up, and I'm so happy to be back."], "trgs": ["Ndakakurira mumusha mudiki waiva pakati pesango.", "Kwaingova nezviuru zvishoma zvevanhu zvaigara ikoko, uye vanhu vese vaizivana.", "Taiva nechikoro chidiki, chitoro, uye hofosi yeposvo.", "Upenyu hwainge husiri hwekumhanya mhanya, uye waigara uine nguva yekumira uchitaura nemuvakidzani.", "Pandakanga ndava nemakore 18, ndakaenda kunogara muguta kuti ndiende kukoreji.", "Ndakatanga ndichinetseka chaizvo neruzha rwaivako, kuwanda kwemotokari uye vanhu.", "Zvakanditorera nguva kuti ndijaire upenyu hwemuguta, asi ndakazopedzisira ndava kuhufarira.", "Ndakaona kuti muguta maiva nezvakawanda zvandaigona kuita, uye ndakawana shamwari dzandichiinadzo nanhasi.", "Pandakapedza chikoro, ndakawana basa muguta uye ndakagara ikoko kwemamwe makore mashoma.", "Asi ndakazotanga kusuwa upenyu husina kumhanya mhanya hwekumusha.", "Ndaida kurera mhuri yangu munzvimbo yekuti munenge muchizivana nemunhu wese.", "Saka makore mashoma adarika, ndakadzoka kumusha kwandakakurira.", "Ndakanyatsonzwa kuti ndadzoka kumusha.", "Ndava kurera mhuri yangu mukaimba kadiki kandakakurira, uye ndiri kufara chaizvo kuti ndakadzoka."], "factuality": "ok"} {"id": "topic_84__ihwhoswtahao", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["In a time long past, there lived a blind beggar who made his living by demonstrating the art of soil sculpting.", "He would sit on the street corner, surrounded by his tools and materials, and invite passersby to watch him work.", "With his deft fingers, he would mold the soil into intricate shapes, creating animals, plants, and even entire landscapes.", "His work was so beautiful that it was said to bring tears to the eyes of even the most hardened cynic.", "One day, a young woman named Amara was walking through the market when she saw the blind beggar.", "She was immediately captivated by his work, and she stopped to watch him for a long time.", "When he was finished, she approached him and asked if she could learn how to sculpt soil.", "The beggar smiled and told her that he would be happy to teach her.", "Amara spent the next few weeks learning from the beggar.", "He taught her the basics of soil sculpting, and he showed her how to create different shapes and textures.", "Amara was a quick learner, and she soon became very skilled at the art.", "One day, the beggar told Amara that it was time for her to demonstrate her skills."], "trgs": ["Kare kare, paiva nemumwe murume bofu aiita zvekupemha uye airarama nekuveza zvinhu achishandisa ivhu.", "Aiwanzogara pakona pemugwagwa, aine maturusi ake nezvinhu zvekushandisa, uye aizokumbira vanhu vanenge vachipfuura kuti vamuone achiita basa rake.", "Achishandisa zvigunwe zvake zvaiva neunyanzvi, aiumba ivhu richiva zvinhu zvakanaka, achigadzira mhuka, zvirimwa, kana kutogadzira zvakaita dzimwe nzvimbo.", "Basa rake rainge rakanaka chaizvo zvekuti raichemedza kunyange vanhu vanofunga kuti vanhu vanoita zvinhu kana vaine zvavachawana.", "Mumwe musi, mumwe musikana anonzi Amara ainge achitenderera mumusika paakaona bofu iri richipemha.", "Akabva angonakidzwa nebasa rake, uye akamira nguva yakareba achiona zvaaiita.", "Paakanga apedza, akaenda paaiva achibvunza kana aikwanisa kumudzidzisawo kuveza achishandisa ivhu.", "Mupemhi wacho akasekerera akabva amuudza kuti aizofarira kumudzidzisa.", "Mavhiki mashoma akatevera, Amara aiuya kuzodzidziswa kuveza nemupemhi wacho.", "Akamudzidzisa zvinhu zvinonyanya kukosha pakuveza uchishandisa ivhu, uye akamuratidza kuti angagadzira sei zvinhu zvine zvimiro uye kutsetseka zvakasiyana-siyana.", "Amara aikurumidza kubata, uye akakurumidza kuva nyanzvi yekuveza.", "Mumwe musi mupemhi uya akamudza kuti akanga ava kufanira kuchiratidza unyanzvi hwake."], "factuality": "ok"} {"id": "topic_111__vwovatawtii", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["Vigilante justice is a term used to describe the act of taking the law into one's own hands, typically by meting out punishment to those who have been deemed to have committed crimes.", "While vigilante justice may seem like a quick and easy way to get justice, it can often lead to more problems than it solves.", "One of the biggest problems with vigilante justice is that it is typically not done in a fair and impartial manner.", "Vigilantes are often motivated by anger and emotion, which can lead them to make rash decisions and take actions that are not in the best interests of everyone involved.", "Additionally, vigilantes often lack the training and experience necessary to properly handle criminals.", "This can lead to situations where innocent people are harmed or even killed.", "Another problem with vigilante justice is that it can quickly spiral out of control.", "When one person takes the law into their own hands, it sends a message to others that they can do the same.", "This can lead to a cycle of violence and retribution that can be difficult to stop.", "In the long run, vigilante justice is rarely effective in deterring crime.", "In fact, it can often have the opposite effect, making criminals more likely to commit crimes in the future."], "trgs": ["Vigilante justice ishoko rinoshandiswa kutsanangura chiito chekutora mutemo uchiuisa mumaoko ako, kakawanda kacho uchipa chirango kuvanhu vanenge vachinzi vapara mhosva.", "Kunyange zvazvo nzira iyi ichiita sekuti ndiyo iri nyore yekupa chirango, inowanzokonzera matambudziko akatowanda kupfuura kuagadzirisa.", "Dambudziko hombe nderekuti hazviwanzoitwe zvakarurama uye zvisina rusarura.", "Vanhu vanoda kutsiva vanowanzozviita nehasha, izvo zvinogona kuita kuti vakurumidze kuita zvinhu zvinenge zvisiri izvo zvakanakira vanhu vese vari kubatanidzwa munyaya yacho.", "Uyewo vanhu vanozotsiva ava vanenge vasina kudzidziswa uye vasina unyanzvi hwemabatirwo anofanira kuitwa munhu anenge apara mhosva.", "Izvi zvinogona kukonzera kuti vanhu vanenge vasina mhosva vakuvadzwe kana kutourayiwa.", "Rimwe dambudziko rekuisa mutemo mumaoko ako nderekuti zvinhu zvinogona kukurumidza kutotadza kudzoreka.", "Kana munhu akatora mutemo achiuisa mumaoko ake, zvinoita kuti vamwewo vaone sekuti vanogona kuzviitawo.", "Izvi zvinogona kukonzera kuti vanhu vangoramba vachirwisana nekutsivana zvekuti zvinenge zvisisiri nyore kuzvimisa.", "Saka kana uchitarisa zviri mberi, kuisa mutemo mumaoko ako hakutombobatsiri pakuda kuedza kuita kuti vanhu vasapare mhosva.", "Zvinotoita kuti vanhu vawedzere kupara mhosva, zvoita kuti patova nemhosva dzakawanda dzinogona kuparwa mune ramangwana."], "factuality": "ok"} {"id": "topic_17__ssttt", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["Son, did you know that there's a new array of craters on the moon?", "Scientists say that they were formed by a series of impacts from asteroids and comets.", "The largest crater is about 100 miles across and is named after the Greek god of war, Ares.", "The craters are so bright that they can be seen from Earth with the naked eye.", "They stand out against the dark surface of the moon like silver coins on a black velvet cloth."], "trgs": ["Mwanakomana, waizviziva here kuti kune mhando itsva yemakireta akawanda kumwedzi?", "Nyanzvi dzesainzi dzinoti akavepo nekuda kwekudhumhana kwakasiyana siyana kubva kumaasiteroidhi nemakometi.", "Kireta hombesa rinemamaira angangoita 100 uye rakapiwa zita kubva pachimwari chehondo chemaGreek, Ares.", "Makireta acho akajeka zvekuti anogona kuonekwa kubva paNyika neziso riripachena.", "Anobudikira pachidziro chitema chemwedzi kunge mari dzesirivha pajira dema revherivheti."], "factuality": "has_errors"} {"id": "topic_492__wiwtoiaitwwb", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["Water is essential for life.", "It makes up over 60% of our body weight and is involved in many important bodily functions, such as regulating body temperature, transporting nutrients and oxygen to cells, and removing waste products.", "Water also helps to lubricate joints and protect organs and tissues.", "There are many reasons why we should conserve water.", "One reason is that water scarcity is a growing problem around the world.", "In many parts of the world, people do not have access to clean water, and even in areas where water is plentiful, it is becoming increasingly scarce due to climate change.", "Another reason to conserve water is that it is a valuable resource.", "It takes a lot of energy to treat and transport water, and it is important to use water wisely so that we do not waste this precious resource.", "There are many things we can do to conserve water.", "We can take shorter showers, fix leaky faucets, and water our lawns less often.", "We can also choose to buy products that are made with recycled water.", "By making small changes in our daily lives, we can help to conserve water and ensure that this vital resource is available for future generations."], "trgs": ["Mvura yakakosha pahupenyu.", "Inotora 60% yehuremu hwemuviri wedu uye inobatanidzirwa pazvakakosha zvinoshandiswa mumuviri, zvakadai sekuchengetedza kudziya kana kutonhora kwemuviri, kufambisa chikafu nemweya wekufema kumasero, uye kubvisa zvine tsvina.", "Mvura inobatsirazve kutsvedzesa panosangana mitezo uye kuchengetedza nhengo nematishu.", "Pane zvikonzero zvakawanda zvekuti sei tichifanira kuchengetedza mvura.", "Chimwe chikonzero ndechekuti kushomeka kwemvura idambudziko ririkukura pasi rose.", "Munzvimbo zhinji dzepasi rose, vanhu havawani mvura yakachena, uye chero munzvimbo dzekuti mvura yakawanda, yavekuramba ichiwedzera kushomeka nekuda kwekushanduka kwemariro ekunze.", "Chimwezve chikonzero chekuchengetedza mvura ndechekuti chiwanikwa chakakosha.", "Zvinotora mafuta akawanda kuchenesa nekutakura mvura, uye zvakakosha kushandisa mvura zvine hungwaru kuitira kuti tisatambise chiwanikwa chakakosha ichi.", "Pane zvinhu zvakawanda zvatinogona kuita kuchengetedza mvura.", "Tinogona kugeza kwenguva pfupi, kugadzirisa simbi dzinovhinza, uye kudiridza huswa hwedu nguva shoma.", "Tinogonawo kusarudza kutenga zvinhu zvakagadzirwa nemvura yakamboshanda.", "Nekushandura zvinhu zvidiki mumararamiro edu ezuva nezuva, tinogona kubatsira kuchengetedza mvura toona kuti chiwanikwa chakakosha ichi chiripo kuvamwe vachazouya."], "factuality": "ok"} {"id": "topic_159__ftftfftt", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["Floods are a natural disaster that can cause widespread damage and loss of life.", "They are often caused by heavy rainfall or snowmelt that exceeds the capacity of a river or other waterway, resulting in the overflow of water onto land.", "Floods can also be caused by dams or levees breaking, or by tsunamis.", "The most common types of floods are river floods, which occur when a river overflows its banks, and flash floods, which occur when a large amount of rain falls in a short period of time.", "Floods can also occur in coastal areas due to storm surges, which are large waves that are pushed inland by strong winds.", "Floods can cause a wide range of damage, including loss of life, property damage, and environmental damage.", "They can also disrupt transportation and communication, and lead to food and water shortages.", "The resulting loss of homes and livelihoods can force people to relocate, which can lead to social and economic problems."], "trgs": ["Mafashama injodzi yemusikirwo inogona kukonzera kukuvara kwakapararira uye kurasikirwa neupenyu.", "Anowanzokonzerwa nekunayisa kwemvura kana chando chakanyungudika chinodarika hukuru hwerwizi kana pamwe panopfuura nemvura, zvichikonzera kuyerera kwemvura kuenda panyika.", "Mafashama anogona kukonzerwawo nekutsemuka kwemadhamu kana migero, kana nematsunami.", "Mhando dzinowanzozivikanwa dzemafashamu ndedzemafashamu enzizi, anoitika kana rwizi rukayeredza mahombekombe arwo, uye mafashamu anopenya, anoitika panonaya mvura yakawandisa munguva pfupi.", "Mafashamu anogona kuitika zvakare kunzvimbo dzekumahomekombe nekuda kwekusimuka kwematutu, anova masaisai makuru anosandudzirwa kure negungwa nemhepo dzakasimba.", "Mafashamu anogona kukonzera kuparadzwa kwakasiyana siyana kwakawanda, kusanganisira kurasikirwa neupenyu, kuparara kwezvinhu, uye kuparadzwa kwezvakapoteredza.", "Anogonawo kuvhiringidza zvekufambisa mumigwagwa uye kufambiswa kwemashoko, zvakare anoita kuti zvekudya nemvura zvishomeke.", "Zvinozoitika zvekuparara kwedzimba nezvekurarama nazvo zvinogona kumanikidza vanhu kuti vatame,zvinogona kuzokonzera matambudziko anechekuita nemararamiro uye zveupfumi."], "factuality": "ok"} {"id": "stt_36__owttyoywtiw", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["Our archive contains over 100 million records, including census records, birth records, death records, and marriage records.", "We also have a large collection of family group sheets and manuscripts.", "To search for your ancestors, you can use our surname search tool.", "This tool allows you to search by surname, first name, and date of birth.", "You can also search by location.", "Once you have found your ancestors, you can view their records.", "You can also print copies of their records.", "We also offer a subscription service that allows you to access our entire archive.", "This service is perfect for genealogists who are looking for a comprehensive collection of records.", "If you have any questions about our archive or our surname search tool, please do not hesitate to contact us.", "We are here to help you find your ancestors."], "trgs": ["Dura redu rine magwaro anodarika 100 miriyoni, kusanganisira magwaro ekuverengwa kwevanhu, magwaro ekuzvarwa, magwaro evafi, uye magwaro ewanano.", "Tinewo muunganidzwa mukuru wemapepa nezvinyorwa zvidiki zvemapoka emhuri.", "Kutsvaga madzitateguru ako, unogona kushandisa turusi redu rekutsvaga tichishandisa zita remhuri.", "Turusi iri rinokubvumidza kutsvaga uchishandisa zita remhuri, zita rekutanga, uye zuva rekuzvarwa.", "Unogonawo kutsvaga nenzvimbo.", "Uchinge wawana madzitateguru ako, unogona kuwona magwaro avo.", "Unogonawo kudhindisa makopi emagwaro avo.", "Tinopawo sevhisi yekuti mubhadhare kuti mukwanise kushandisa dura redu rose.", "Sevhisi iyi yakanakira zvikuru nyanzvi dzezvemarudzi dzinotsvaga muunganidzwa wemagwaro uzere.", "Kana uine chero mibvunzo yezvedura redu kana turusi redu rekutsvagisa nezita remhuri, tapota usazengurire kutibata.", "Tiripano kukubatsira kuwana madzitateguru ako."], "factuality": "ok"} {"id": "topic_285__ohosjwthjjhjh", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["Once upon a time, there was a little boy named Juan who loved tacos.", "He loved them so much that he would eat them for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.", "One day, Juan's mother decided to make him a special taco.", "She filled it with all of his favorite ingredients: ground beef, lettuce, tomatoes, cheese, and sour cream.", "Juan was so excited for his taco that he could barely wait to eat it.", "When Juan finally took a bite of his taco, he was amazed at how delicious it was.", "The flavors of the meat, vegetables, and cheese all combined perfectly to create a taste that Juan had never experienced before.", "He ate every bite of his taco, and then he asked his mother to make him another one.", "Juan's mother was happy to make him another taco, and she even let him help her in the kitchen.", "Juan learned how to measure the ingredients, how to cook the meat, and how to assemble the tacos.", "He had so much fun helping his mother that he decided that he wanted to be a chef when he grew up.", "Juan continued to love tacos throughout his childhood.", "He ate them at home, at school, and at restaurants."], "trgs": ["Kare kare zvako, paiva nemukomana mudiki ainzi Juan aifarira matakosi.", "Aiafarira zvakanyanya zvekuti aiadya pakudya kwemangwanani, kudya kwemasikati, nekudya kwemanheru.", "Rimwe zuva, mai vaJuan vakafunga kumugadzirira tako remhando yepamusoro.", "Vakarizadza nemhando dzose dzezvekubikisa zvaanofarira: nyama yemombe yakatswanyiwa, retisi, madomasi, chizi, uye mukaka wakakora.", "Juan akafarira chaizvo tako rake zvekuti aitadza kunyatsomirira kuridya.", "Juan paakazoruma tako rake, akashamiswa nekunaka kwaraiita.", "Minhuwi yenyama, miriwo, uye chizi zvakasanganiswa zvakakwana kugadzira munakiro waive usina kumbonzwika naJuan.", "Akadya chidimbu chiri chose chetako rake, uye akabva akumbira mai vake kuti vamugadzirire rimwe.", "Mai vaJuan vakafara kumugadzirira rimwe tako, uye vakatomubvumidzawo kuti avabatsire muimba yekubikira.", "Juan akadzidza kuyera zvibikiswa, kuti nyama inobikwa sei, uye kuronga matakosi.", "Akanakidzwa zvakanyanya paaibatsira mai vake zvekuti akasarudza kuti aizoda kuva mubiki kana akura.", "Juan akaenderera mberi nekuda matakosi pahudiki hwake hwose.", "Aiadya pamba, kuchikoro, uye kunzvimbo dzekudyira."], "factuality": "ok"} {"id": "topic_243__ttitsot", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["The federal government is considering adding a new species of colorful fish to the list of protected species.", "The fish, known as the \"rainbow mouth\" fish, is found only in a small area of the Pacific Ocean.", "It is named for its bright colors and distinctive mouth, which is shaped like a rainbow.", "The members of the Fish and Wildlife Service are divided on whether or not to add the rainbow mouth fish to the list of protected species.", "Some members argue that the fish is not in danger of extinction and does not need federal protection.", "Others argue that the fish is unique and should be protected from overfishing.", "The decision of whether or not to add the rainbow mouth fish to the list of protected species is likely to be a difficult one."], "trgs": ["Hurumende yemubatanidzwa iri kufunga kuwedzera mhando itsva yehove dzine ruvara pamazita emhando dzakachengetedzwa.", "Hove, inozivikanwa nekunzi hove \"yemuromo werenibho\", inowanikwa chete panzvimbo diki yeGungwa rePasifiki.", "Yakapiwa zita nekuda kwemavara ayo akajeka uye muromo wakasiyana nemimwe, wakaita kunge renibho.", "Nhengo dzeFish and Wildlife Service dzakapatsanurana pakuti hove yemhando yemuromo werenibho iiswe here kana kusaiswa pamazita emhando dzakachengetedzwa.", "Dzimwe nhengo dzinokakava kuti hove iyi haisi munjodzi yekupera uye haikodzeri chengetedzo yehurumende yemubatanidzwa.", "Vamwe vanokakava kuti hove iyi ndeyemhando yakakosha uye inofanira kuchengetedzwa kubva mukunyanyoraurwa.", "Sarudzo yekuti hove yemuromo werenibho iiswe kana kusaiswa pamazita emhando dzakachengetedzwa inogona kuva yakawoma."], "factuality": "ok"} {"id": "stt_63__fciraiwsflwyttw", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["Feel the warmth of the blanket seeping into your body, and let your muscles relax.", "Close your eyes and take a deep breath.", "Inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth.", "Repeat this several times, letting your mind clear and your body become still.", "As you relax, imagine yourself in a beautiful place.", "It could be a beach, a forest, or a mountaintop.", "Whatever place you choose, make it a place where you feel happy and at peace.", "See the sights, hear the sounds, and smell the smells of your chosen place.", "Feel the sun on your skin and the breeze in your hair.", "Let yourself relax in this place for as long as you like.", "When you're ready to return to the present, take a few deep breaths and open your eyes.", "You'll feel refreshed and rejuvenated, ready to take on the day.", "This is just one example of a relaxation technique that you can use to relieve stress and improve your overall well-being.", "There are many other relaxation techniques available, so find one that works for you and make it a part of your daily routine.", "With a little practice, you'll be able to relax on command, whenever you need to."], "trgs": ["Inzwa kudziya kwegumbeze kuchipinda mumuviri wako, uye siya nyama dzako dzichisununguka.", "Vhara maziso ako ufeme zvine udzamu.", "Femera mukati nemumhino mako uye ufemere kunze nemumukanwa mako.", "Dzokorora izvi nguva dzakati wandei, uchisiya pfungwa dzako dzichijeka uye muviri wako uchigadzikana.", "Paunodekara, funga urikunzvimbo yakanaka.", "Inogona kuva bhichi, sango, kana pamusoro pegomo.", "Chero nzvimbo ipi yaunosarudza, ita kuti ive nzvimbo yaunonzwa kufara uye kuva nerugare.", "Ona zvionekwa, inzwa zvinorira, uye munhuwi weminhuwi yenzvimbo yawasarudza.", "Inzwa zuva paganda rako uye kufefeterwa mubvudzi rako.", "Zviite kuti udekare munzvimbo iyi kwenguva yakareba zvaunoda.", "Kana wagadzirira kudzoka kunzvimbo yechokwadi, tora mapefu anehudzamu anechitsama wovhura maziso ako.", "Unonzwa kufefeterwa uye kusimbiswazve, wagadzirira zuva.", "Uyu unongova muenzaniso mumwechete wenzira yekudekara yaunogona kushandisa kubvisa kufunganya uye kusimudzimura hutano hwako hwose.", "Kune dzimwe nzira dzakawanda dzekudekara dziripo, saka tsvaga imwechete inokushandira uiite chikamu chezvinhu zvaunoita zuva nezuva.", "Nekudzidzira kushoma, uchagona kudekara wangoudzwa, chero paunoda kuzviita."], "factuality": "ok"} {"id": "topic_297__ihittttht", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["It's important to remember that dog attacks are rare, and that most dogs are well-behaved and loving creatures.", "However, there are certain circumstances that can increase the risk of a dog attack, such as if the dog is not properly trained, if it is feeling threatened, or if it is in a confined space.", "In the case of the recent dog attack in which a grandmother was killed, it appears that the dog was not properly trained and that it was feeling threatened by the grandmother's presence.", "The dog was a large, powerful breed that had been adopted from a shelter just a few months before the attack.", "The grandmother had been visiting her son and his family, and she was sitting on the couch when the dog suddenly attacked her.", "The dog bit her multiple times on the head and neck, and she died at the scene.", "The dog's owner has said that he was unaware of any history of aggression in the dog, and that he believes the attack was triggered by the grandmother's sudden movement.", "However, it is important to note that even well-trained dogs can become aggressive if they are not properly socialized or if they are feeling threatened.", "This tragic incident highlights the importance of responsible dog ownership."], "trgs": ["Zvakakosha kurangarira kuti kurumwa nembwa kunoitika kashoma, uye kuti imbwa dzakawanda zvisikwa zvinoita zvakanaka uye zvinerudo.", "Zvakadaro, kune zvimwe zvinhu zvinogona kuwedzera mukana wekurumwa nembwa, sekuti kana imbwa isina kunyatsodzidziswa zvakanaka, kana ikanzwa kunge irikutyisidzirwa, kana kuti iripanzvimbo pakamanikana.", "Munyaya yakaitika nguva pfupi yapfuura yekurumwa nembwa iyo mbuya vakaurayiwa, zvinoita sekunge imbwa yaive isina kunyatsodzidziswa uye kuti yainzwa kuti irikutyiswa nekuvapo kwambuya.", "Imbwa yacho yaive hombe, yemhando yakasimba yaive yakatorwa kubva kunochengetwa imbwa mwedzi mishoma chaiyo kuruma kusati kwaitika.", "Mbuya ava vaive vashanyira mwanakomana wavo nemhuri yake, uye vaive vakagara pachituro pakangoerekana imbwa yavaruma.", "Imbwa yakavaruma kakawanda pamusoro nepamutsipa, uye vakabva vafa panzvimbo ipapo.", "Muridzi wembwa ati aisaziva chero nyaya ipi yekare yehukasha hwembwa, uye kuti anotendera kuti kurumwa kwakakonzerwa nekuerekana vafamba kwakaitwa nambuya.", "Zvakadaro, zvakakosha kuziva kuti chero imbwa dzakadzidziswa zvakanaka dzinogona kuzova nehukasha kana dzikasanyatsopinzwa mumagariro kana kuti dzikanzwa kunge dziri kutyisidzirwa.", "Chiitiko chinosuwisa ichi chinotaridza kukosha kwekuva muridzi wembwa anehunhu."], "factuality": "ok"} {"id": "topic_237__hitiaiiibiyhhdy", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["Hamid Al-fitr, the famed storyteller, tells of a time when he was injured in battle.", "\"I was a young man, just a green recruit, when I first saw battle.", "The fighting was fierce, and I was quickly overwhelmed.", "I was struck down by a blow to the head, and I lay on the ground, bleeding and dazed.", "As I lay there, I thought about my life and how it might end.", "I thought about my family and friends, and how they would miss me.", "I also thought about the rank I had aspired to, and how it would now be impossible for me to achieve.", "I closed my eyes and prepared for death.", "But then, I heard a voice.", "It was the voice of an old man, and he was saying, \"Don't give up.", "You're not done yet\" I opened my eyes and saw the old man standing over me.", "He was a healer, and he had come to help me.", "He treated my wounds, and he gave me some words of encouragement:", "Don't let this injury define you,' he said.", "\"You're still a warrior, and you still have a lot to offer the world."], "trgs": ["Hamid Al-fitr, sarungano anembiri, anotaura nezvenguva yaakakuvadzwa muhondo.", "\"Ndaive murume wechidiki, ndingori murikurutu mutsva, pandakatanga kuona hondo.", "Kurwisana kwaityisa, uye ndakakurumidzwa kunzwa kuremerwa.", "Ndakawisirwa pasi nekurohwa mumusoro, ndikarara pasi, ndichibuda ropa uye ndiine dzungu.", "Pandaive ndakarara ipapo, ndakafunga nezvehupenyu hwangu uye kuti hungangopera sei.", "Ndakafunga nezvemhuri yangu neshamwari, uye kundisuwa kwavaizoita.", "Ndakafungawo nezvechinzvimbo chandaishuvira, uye kusakwanisika kwazvange zvave kuti ndichiwane.", "Ndakavhara maziso angu ndikagadzirira kufa.", "Asi zvino, ndakanzwa izwi.", "Raive izwi remurume wechikuru, uye aiti, \"Usarase tariro.", "Hausati wapedza\" Ndakavhura maziso angu ndikaona murume wechikuru uya akamira pamberi pangu.", "Aiva murapi, uye aive auya kuzondibatsira.", "Akarapa maronda angu, uye akandipa mashoko ekurudziro:", "Usaite kuti kukuvara uku kududzire zvauri', akadaro.", "\"Uchiri murwi, uye uchine zvakawanda zvekuitira nyika."], "factuality": "ok"} {"id": "topic_460__haeiriywb", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["Health and fitness are important for feeling your best and living a long, happy life.", "A healthy diet and regular exercise can help you maintain a healthy weight, reduce your risk of chronic diseases, and improve your mood and energy levels.", "Eating a healthy diet means eating plenty of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.", "It also means limiting unhealthy fats, processed foods, and sugary drinks.", "Regular exercise can include activities such as walking, running, swimming, biking, or dancing.", "It is important to get at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity aerobic activity each week.", "You should also do muscle-strengthening activities at least twice a week.", "When you make healthy choices for your health and fitness, you are not only improving your own life, but you are also setting a positive example for others.", "By making healthy choices, you are helping to create a healthier community and a healthier world."], "trgs": ["Hutano nekusimba zvakakosha pakuti unzwe zvakanyatsonaka uye kurarama upenyu hurefu hune mufaro.", "Kudya kunehutano nekuita mitambo yekusimbisa muviri nguva nenguva kunogona kubatsira kuti uve nehuremu hune hutano, kudzikisa njodzi dzezvirwere zvenguva refu, uye kunatsiridza panosvika mudhu nesimba zvako.", "Kudya kune hutano zvinoreva kudya michero yakawanda, miriwo, uye tsanga dzembeu dzisina kusvuurwa.", "Kunorevawo kudzikisa mafuta asina hutano, chikafu chakasvuurwa, uye zvekunwa zvine shuga.", "Kuita mitambo yekusimbisa muviri nguva nenguva kunogona kuva zviitiko zvakadai sekufamba, kumhanya, kutuhwina, kuchovha bhasikoro, kana kutamba.", "Zvakakosha kuwana maminitsi asiri pasi pe150 emitambo yemaerobhiki epakati nepakati kana maminitsi 75 emitambo yemaerobhiki akasimba vhiki roga roga.", "Unofanirawo kuita mitambo yekusimbisa nyama kasiri pasi pekaviri pavhiki.", "Ukaita sarudzo dzinehutano pahutano nekusimba kwako, hausikungonatsiridza hupenyu hwako chete, asi urikuisawo muenzaniso wakanaka kune vamwe.", "Nekuita sarudzo dzine hutano, urikubatsira kugadzira nharaunda ine hutano hwakawedzerwa uye nyika inehutano hwakawedzerwa."], "factuality": "ok"} {"id": "eritrea_current__ttiaititot", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["The most recent major news event in Eritrea was the 2018 Eritrean\u2013Ethiopian peace agreement.", "This agreement ended a 20-year war between the two countries and resulted in the reopening of borders and the resumption of trade.", "It was a significant step forward for regional stability and peace.", "Another recent development is the 2019 Eritrean presidential election.", "Isaias Afwerki, who has been president of Eritrea since 1993, was re-elected for a fifth term with 99% of the vote.", "The election was widely criticized by international observers as not being free or fair.", "In addition to these major events, there have also been a number of smaller news stories in Eritrea over the past few years.", "These include the 2016 closure of the United Nations office in Eritrea, the 2017 release of several political prisoners, and the 2018 visit of Pope Francis to the country.", "Overall, the past few years have been a period of relative stability and progress for Eritrea.", "The country has made significant steps towards peace and reconciliation with its neighbors, and there have been some positive developments on the human rights front."], "trgs": ["Nhau dzechiitiko chikuru chazvino uno dzemuEritrea dzaive dzezvechibvumiraro cherunyararo pakati pe Eritrea ne Ethiopia muna 2018.", "Chibvumirano ichi chakapedza hondo yemakore 20 pakati penyika mbiri idzi chikakonzera kuvhurwazve kwemiganhu uye kutangidzwazve kwezvekutengeserana.", "Raive danho guru rekuenda mberi pakugadzikana kwedunhu uye runyararo.", "Chimwezve chiitiko chazvino uno isarudzo yemutungamiriri wenyika yeEritrea ya2019.", "Isaias Afwerki, uyo ave mutungamiriri weEritrea kubva muna 1993, akasarudzwazve kwetemu yechishanu nemavhoti anosvika 99%.", "Sarudzo iyi yakashoropodzwa zvakanyanya nevaongorori vekune dzimwe nyika sesarudzo yaisava nekusununguka uye kunakira vose.", "Pamusoro pezviitiko zvikuru izvi, pakavewo nenhau diki dzine chitsama muEritrea mumakore mashoma adarika.", "Idzi dzinosanganisira kuvharwa kwehofisi yeUnited Nations muna 2016 muEritrea, kusunungurwa kwevasungwa vakati wandei vezvematongerwo enyika muna 2017, uye kushanya kwa Pope Francis muna 2018 kunyika iyoyo.", "Pamusoro pazvose, makore mashoma adarika akava nguva inganzi yekugadzikana uye budiriro muEritrea.", "Nyika iyi yaita matanho makuru akanangana nerunyararo uye kuyanana nevavakidzani vayo, uye pakava nezvakanaka zvakaitika panyaya dzekodzero dzevanhu."], "factuality": "has_errors"} {"id": "topic_207__titatst", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["The distribution of beauty services and spas is changing, with a growing number of men seeking out these services.", "In the United States, the number of male spa-goers has increased by 30% in the past five years, and men now account for 20% of all spa visits.", "This trend is being driven by a number of factors, including the increasing awareness of the benefits of self-care, the growing popularity of men's grooming products, and the rise of social media, which has made it more acceptable for men to talk about their beauty routines.", "As the demand for male beauty services grows, spas are starting to cater more specifically to men's needs.", "This includes offering a wider range of services, such as beard trims and massages, as well as creating a more masculine environment.", "Some spas are even offering men-only days or hours, so that men can feel comfortable getting pampered without feeling self-conscious.", "The growth of the male beauty market is a sign of a changing attitude towards men's grooming."], "trgs": ["Kupararira kwemasevhisi ezverunako nepaanoitirwa kurikushanduka, paine nhamba irikukura yevarume varikutsvaga masevhisi aya.", "MuUnited States, nhamba yevarume vanoenda kunzvimbo dzinoitirwa zverunako yawedzera ne30% mumakore mashanu apfuura, uye varume vaakuwanikwa pa20% yevanoshanyira nzvimbo idzi.", "Zvirikuitika izvi zvirikukonzerwa nezvinhu zvakati wandei, kusanganisira kuwedzera kweruzivo rwezvakanakira kuzvichengetedza, kukura kurikuita kuzivikanwa kwezvishandiswa zvekutsvinda zvevarume, uye kusimuka kwezvenhau dzemagariro evanhu,izvo zvaita kuti zvinyanyogamuchirika kuti varume vataure zvemaitiro avo ezverunako.", "Nekukura kurikuita kudiwa kwemasevhisi ezverunako rwevarume, nzvimbo dzazvinoitirwa dzave kutanga kuita zvakanangana nezvinodiwa nevarume.", "Izvi zvinosanganisira kupa masevhisi akati wandei,akaita sekugera ndebvu nemamasaji, uyezve kuita kuti nzvimbo itaridze kuti ndeyevarume.", "Dzimwe nzvimbo dzezverunako dzakutopawo nemazuva kana nguva dzevarume chete, kuitira kuti varume vanzwe kusununguka vachiyemedzwa vasinganyari.", "Kukura kwemaketi yezverunako rwevarume chiratidzo chekushanduka kwemaonerwo anoitwa kutsvinda kwevarume."], "factuality": "ok"} {"id": "topic_225__ahwwbthshhttatt", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["A brave little robin was flying through the forest when he saw a group of birds gathered around a large tree.", "He landed on a branch nearby and listened to what they were saying.", "\"We've been investigating this tree for weeks,\" said a raven.", "\"We're not sure what's causing it to lean so precariously!\" said a little sparrow.", "\"But we're worried that it's going to fall and hurt someone!\" cried an eagle.", "The robin looked at the tree and saw that it was indeed leaning very heavily to one side.", "He knew that he had to do something to help, but he didn't know what.", "Suddenly, an idea came to him.", "He flew down to the ground and gathered a large load of leaves.", "He then flew back up to the tree and started to stuff the leaves into the hole where the roots were exposed.", "The birds below watched in amazement as the robin worked.", "They couldn't believe that such a small bird could have so much strength.", "After a few hours, the robin had filled the hole completely.", "The tree was now standing upright and stable.", "The other birds cheered and thanked the robin for saving the day."], "trgs": ["Karobhini kakashinga kaibhururuka nemusango pakakaona boka reshiri rakaungana rakatenderedza muti.", "Kakanomhara pabazi raive padyo kakateerera kune zvadzaitaura.", "\"Tanga tichiongorora muti uyu kwemavhiki,\" rakadaro gunguo.", "\"Hatisi kunyatsoziva kuti chii chirikukonzera kuti urereke zvakaipa kudai!\" yakadaro shiri diki.", "\"Asi tirikushushikana kuti uchadonha ukakuvadza mumwe!\" rakachema gondo.", "Robhini yakatarisa kumuti ikaona kuti zvechokwadi waiva wakarereka zvakanyanya kudivi rimwechete.", "Yaiziva kuti pane zvayaifanira kuita kuti ibatsire, asi yaisaziva kuti chii.", "Pakarepo, pane pfungwa yakauya kwairi.", "Yakabhururuka kudzika pasi ikaunganidza svinga hombe remashizha.", "Yakabva yabhururuka kudzokera mumuti ikatanga kupakira mashizha mumwena waiita kuti midzi ive pachena.", "Shiri dzaive pasi dzakatarisa mukushamisika apo robhini yaishanda.", "Dzaisatendera kuti shiri diki yakadaro yaigona kuva nesimba rakadaro.", "Kwapera maawa mashoma, robhini yaive yazadza mwena zvizere.", "Muti waive wamira zvino wakatwasuka uye wakagadzikana.", "Dzimwe shiri dzakapembera dzikatenda robhini nekubatsira zuvaro."], "factuality": "ok"} {"id": "topic_537__tnitotrassrs", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["The world is a very different place than it was just a few decades ago.", "Nationalism has taken hold in many countries, and people are more divided than ever.", "In one country, a group of nationalists have taken control of the government and are using their power to suppress dissent.", "They have banned all forms of media that they deem to be \"unpatriotic,\" and they have arrested and even killed people who speak out against the government.", "One day, a young woman named Rebecca is walking home from school when she is stopped by a group of nationalist soldiers.", "They accuse her of being a traitor, and they take her to a secret prison.", "Rebecca is tortured and interrogated, but she refuses to give up any information.", "After several weeks, Rebecca is finally released from prison.", "She is weak and malnourished, but she is determined to fight back against the nationalists.", "She joins a resistance movement, and she becomes a valuable asset to the cause.", "Rebecca uses her knowledge of technology to help the resistance communicate and coordinate their attacks.", "She also uses her skills as a hacker to infiltrate the nationalists' computers and steal their data."], "trgs": ["Panyika pava nzvimbo yakasiyana pane zvapaive makore apfuura.", "Hurudzi hwatekeshera munyika zhinji, uye vanhu vaparadzana zvakanyanya pane kare.", "Mune imwe nyika, boka remaneshinarisiti vapamba hurumende uye varikushandisa simba ravo kudzvanyirirana mafungiro akasiyana neavo.", "Vadzivisa mhando dzose dzenhepfenyuro dzavanoona se\"dzekusada nyika,\" uye vasunga kana kutouraya vanhu vanopikisa hurumende.", "Rimwe zuva, mudzimai wechidiki anonzi Rebecca arikufamba kuenda kumba kubva kuchikoro paanomiswa neboka remasoja echineshinarisiti.", "Vanomupomera kuve mutengesi, uye vanomuendesa kutirongo yemuchivande.", "Rebecca anokuvadzwa uye kubvunzurudzwa, asi anoramba kupa chero mashoko api.", "Kwapera mavhiki akawanda, Rebecca anozoguma asunungurwa kubva mutirongo.", "Akarukutika uye haana kudya kunovaka muviri, asi anotsunga kurwisana nemaneshinarisiti.", "Anobatana neveboka revanoramba hudzvanyiriri, uye anova chinhu chakakosha kudonzvo.", "Rebecca anoshandisa ruzivo rwake rwezvemichina kubatsira varambi kufambisa mashoko nekuronga kurwisa kwavo.", "Anoshandisawo unyanzvi hwake hwekuheka kupinda mumakombiyuta emaneshinarisiti achiba magwaro avo."], "factuality": "ok"} {"id": "topic_302__vtit", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["Vast archives of military photos have been digitized and made available online, allowing researchers to study them from anywhere in the world.", "This has led to a number of new discoveries, as researchers are able to compare photos from different sources and identify previously unknown individuals.", "In one case, researchers were able to identify a soldier who had been missing for over 70 years using photos from a military archive.", "The soldier's family was overjoyed to finally learn what had happened to him, and they were able to hold a proper funeral for him."], "trgs": ["Matura akawanda emifananidzo yevarwi akaiswa pakombiyuta akaitwa kuti awanikwe pamasai sai, achibvumidza vatsvakurudzi kuti vaafunde vari chero kwavari pasi rose.", "Izvi zvakasvitsa pakuti pawanikwe zvinhu zvitsva zvakati wandei, sezvo vatsvakurudzi vachikwanisa kuyenzanisa mifananidzo kubva kunzvimbo dzakasiyana siyana vachidoma vanhu vaisazivikanwa kare.", "Mune imwe nyaya, vatsvakurudzi vakakwanisa kudoma musoja aive achishaikwa kwemakore 70 vachishandisa mifananidzo yemumatura evarwi.", "Mhuri yemusoja yakafara zvikuru kuzoziva kuti chii chaive chakaitika kwaari, uye vakakwanisa kumuitira rufu kwarwo."], "factuality": "ok"} {"id": "topic_277__piatotihapw", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["Poetry is a universal language that transcends time and place.", "It can be used to express emotions, tell stories, and explore complex ideas.", "As a translator, I have the privilege of helping to bring poetry to new audiences by rendering it in another language.", "This is a challenging but rewarding task, as I must not only convey the literal meaning of the poem, but also its beauty and power.", "One of the most important things to consider when translating poetry is the rhythm and meter.", "These elements are essential to the poem's overall effect, and they can be difficult to reproduce in another language.", "In some cases, I may need to adjust the rhythm or meter slightly in order to make the poem flow more naturally in the target language.", "However, I always take care to preserve the poem's original meaning and intent.", "Another important consideration is the use of figurative language.", "Poets often use metaphors, similes, and other figures of speech to create vivid imagery and add depth to their work.", "When translating these devices, I must find equivalents in the target language that will have the same impact on the reader."], "trgs": ["Nhetembo mutauro wepasi pose unodarika nguva nenzvimbo.", "Unogona kushandiswa kutaridza manzwiro, kutaura nyaya, uye kuongorora pfungwa dzakaoma.", "Semushanduri, ndine chikomborero chekubatsira kuendesa nhetembo kuvateereri vatsva nekuiisa mune mumwe mutauro.", "Iri ibasa rakawoma asi rine mubairo, sezvo ndisingangotaridzi zvinorehwa nenhetembo chaizvo, asiwo kunaka kwayo nesimba rayo.", "Chimwe chezvinhu chakakosha zvikuru chekufunga nezvacho pakushandura nhetembo mutinhimira nepeteni.", "Zvinhu izvi zvakakosha pamanzwikiro enhetembo yose, uye zvinogona kunetsa kuburitsa mune mumwe mutauro.", "Pamwe pacho, ndinogona kuda kugadzirisa mutinhimira kana peteni zvishoma kuitira kuti nhetembo ifambe semusikirwo mumutauro wayaendeswa.", "Zvisinei, ndinogara ndichiona kuti ndachengetedza zvinorehwa nenhetembo uye nechinangwa zvepakutanga.", "Chimwe chakakosha chekufunga kushandiswa kwemutauro wekufananidzira.", "Vananyanduri vanowanzoshandisa madimikira, zvifananidzo, nemienzaniso kugadzira muwonero wakajeka uye kuwedzera hudzamu hwebasa ravo.", "Pakushandura zvishandiso izvi, ndinofanira kutsvaga zvazvakafanana nazvo mumutauro wandakananga zvinoita kuti zvisvike zvakafanana kumuverengi."], "factuality": "ok"} {"id": "topic_293__ddtcf", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["Dolls and doll accessories are a popular way for children to play and learn.", "Dolls can represent people, animals, or even imaginary creatures.", "They can be dressed up in different clothes, given different furniture to play with, and placed in different settings.", "Children can use dolls to act out stories, explore different roles, and learn about the world around them.", "For example, a child might use a doll to pretend to be a doctor, a teacher, or a firefighter."], "trgs": ["Midhori nezviwedzerwa zvepamidhori inzira inemukurumbira yekuti vana vatambe nekudzidza.", "Zvidhori zvinogona kumiririra vanhu, mhuka, kana zvisikwa zvekufungidzira chaizvo.", "Zvinogona kupfekedzwa zvipfeko zvakasiyana siyana, zvopiwa midziyo yakasiyana siyana yekutamba nayo, uye zvoiswa munzvimbo dzakasiyana siyana.", "Vana vanogona kushandisa zvidhori pakuita mitambo yenyaya, kuzama vatambi vakasiyana siyana, uye kudzidza nezvepasi rose zvakavakomberedza.", "Semuenzaniso, mwana anogona kushandisa chidhori kuedzesera kunge chiremba, mudzidzisi, kana mudzimuri wemoto."], "factuality": "ok"} {"id": "stt_354__iipttombaiswwoiitfyttwisa", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["It's not just about what you wear, but how you wear it.", "If you're always slouching and your clothes are rumpled, it shows that you don't care about yourself.", "People will notice and they'll make assumptions about you.", "They might think that you're lazy or unkempt.", "They might even think that you're not a good person.", "Of course, there are times when we all wear shabby clothes.", "Maybe we're just running errands or we're doing chores around the house.", "But if you find yourself wearing shabby clothes all the time, it's time to take a look at yourself.", "Are you really happy with the way you look?", "If not, then it's time to make a change.", "Start by taking some time to think about your personal style.", "What kind of clothes do you feel good in?", "What kind of clothes make you feel confident?", "Once you know what you like, start shopping for clothes that fit your personality.", "It's also important to make sure that your clothes are clean and well-fitting.", "If they're rumpled or stained, it will only make you look worse.", "Take the time to iron your clothes and make sure they fit properly.", "Finally, don't be afraid to experiment with different styles.", "You might be surprised at what you find.", "There are so many different ways to dress, so don't be afraid to try new things.", "The more you experiment, the more likely you are to find a style that you love.", "When you dress well, it shows that you take pride in yourself.", "It also makes you feel more confident.", "So if you're looking for a way to boost your self-confidence, start by taking a look at your wardrobe.", "A few new clothes can make a big difference."], "trgs": ["Hazvisi chete zvekuti unopfekei, asi kuti unochipfeka sei.", "Kana uchigara uchinanazika uye hembe dzako dzakaunyana, zvinotaridza kuti hauna basa nezvauri.", "Vanhu vanozviona uye vanova nefungidziro pamusoro pako.", "Vanogona kufunga kuti unenungo kana kuti hauna kutsvinda.", "Vanogona kutofunga kuti hausi munhu akanaka.", "Ehe hazvo, pane dzimwe nguva dzekuti tese tinogona kupfeka hembe dzisina kushambidzika.", "Pamwe tinenge tiine zvatirikufambira kunze kana kuti tirikuita mabasa mumba.", "Asi ukaona uchipfeka hembe dzisina kushambidzika nguva dzose, yava nguva yekuzvitarisa.", "Unonyatsofara here nemataridzikiro ako?", "Kana zvisizvo, saka yavanguva yekushanduka.", "Tanga nekutora nguva kufunga nezvesitaira yako pachako.", "Ihembe dzakaita sei dzaunonzwa zvakanaka madziri?", "Ihembe dzipi dzinoita kuti unzwe kuzvivimba?", "Paunoziva zvaunoda, tanga kutenga hembe dzinoenderana nezvauri.", "Zvakakoshawo kuona kuti hembe dzako dzakachena uye dzinokwana zvakanaka.", "Kana dzakaunyana kana kuva nemamhororodzi, zvinongoita kuti utaridzike zvakanyanya kushata.", "Tora nguva yekuchisa hembe dzako uone kuti dzinokwana zvakanaka.", "Pakupedzisira, usatye kuzama nemasitaira akasiyana siyana.", "Unogona kushamiswa nezvauchawana.", "Pane nzira dzakawanda dzakasiyana siyana dzekupfeka, saka usatye kuedza zvinhu zvitsva.", "Kuzama kwaunoita kakawanda, ndiko kunganyanyoite kuti uwane sitaira yaunoda.", "Paunopfeka zvakanaka, zvinotaridza kuda kwaunozviita.", "Zvinoitawo kuti unzwe kuzvivimba.", "Saka kana uri kutsvaga nzira dzekuvandudza kuzvivimba, tanga nekutarisa zvipfeko zvako.", "Hembe shoma itsva dzinogona kuunza shanduko yakakura."], "factuality": "ok"} {"id": "topic_1__gotattgtifto", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["Ghana is a country with a rich and diverse culture, and its traditional customs are a major part of that.", "One of the most important customs is the naming ceremony, which is held for a newborn child.", "The ceremony is typically presided over by a traditional priest or elder, and it involves the naming of the child, as well as prayers and blessings for the child's future.", "Another important custom is the funeral ceremony, which is held for a deceased person.", "The ceremony is typically very elaborate and involves music, dancing, and food.", "The deceased person is typically buried with their belongings, and a shrine is often built in their honor.", "Ghana is also home to a number of traditional festivals, such as the Odwira festival, which is held in the Ashanti region.", "The festival is a time for celebration and thanksgiving, and it involves traditional music, dancing, and food.", "In recent years, some traditional customs in Ghana have been adapted to modern life.", "For example, some naming ceremonies now include electronic devices such as computers and projectors.", "This allows for the ceremony to be more interactive and engaging for the participants.", "Overall, traditional customs in Ghana are a major part of the country's culture, and they continue to be practiced today."], "trgs": ["Ghana inyika inetsika dzakapfuma dzakawanda, uye maitiro ayo echivanhu chinhu chikuru cheizvozvo.", "Mumwe wemaitiro akakosha imhemberero yekupa zita, inoitirwa mwana achangozvarwa.", "Mhemberero yacho inowanzotungamirirwa nemufundisi wechivanhu kana munhu mukuru, uye inosanganisira kupa mwana zita, uyezve minamato nemakomborero kuremangwana nemwana.", "Mumwe muitiro wakakosha maitirwo erufu, anoitirwa munhu afa.", "Muitiro uyu unowanzotora nguva uine mimhanzi, kutamba, nekudya.", "Mufi anowanzovigwa nezvinhu zvake, uye shiraini inowanzovakwa kumuremekedza.", "Ghana musha zvekare wemitambo yechinyakare yakawanda, zvakadai semutambo weOdwira, unoitwa kudunhu reAshanti.", "Mutambo uyu inguva yekupemberera nekutenda, uye unosanganisira mimhanzi yechinyakare, kutamba, uye chikafu.", "Mumakore azvino, dzimwe tsika dzechinyakare muGhana dzakagamuchirwa mumararamiro echizvino zvino.", "Semuenzaniso, mamwe maitiro ekupa zita avekusanganisira michina yemagetsi inenge makombiyuta nemapurojekita.", "Izvi zvinobvumidza kuti maitiro aya ave anowedzera kunzwanana uye kudyidzana kwevanenge varipo.", "Pamusoro pazvose, maitiro echivanhu muGhana anotora chikamu chikuru chetsika dzenyika, uye anoramba achiitwa nanhasi."], "factuality": "ok"} {"id": "topic_220__khhoteirytttk", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["Klaus was a heavy smoker.", "He smoked a pack of cigarettes a day, and he had been doing so for over 20 years.", "He knew that smoking was bad for his health, but he couldn't seem to quit.", "One day, Klaus was walking down the street when he saw a strange man.", "The man was wearing a long white coat and had a strange device in his hand.", "\"Excuse me,\" Klaus said. \"What are you doing?\"", "\"I'm a scientist,\" the man said. \"I'm working on a new device that will help people quit smoking.\"", "\"Really?\" Klaus said \"That's amazing!\"", "\"Yes, it is,\" the man said.", "\"This device will send you to another space where you will be able to see the effects of smoking on your health.\"", "\"That sounds incredible,\" Klaus said. \"I'd like to try it.\"", "The man smiled. \"Very well,\" he said. \"Just step into this device and I'll start the process.\"", "Klaus stepped into the device and the man closed the door behind him."], "trgs": ["Klaus aiputa zvakanyanya.", "Aiputa pakiti remidzanga pazuva, uye aive azviita izvi kwemakore anodarika 20.", "Aiziva kuti kuputa kwaive kwakaipira hutano hwake, asi aiita kunge aitadza kurega.", "Rimwe zuva, Klaus aifamba achidzika nemugwagwa paakaona murume waaisaziva.", "Murume aiva akapfeka jasi rakareba jena uye aive nemudziyo usingazivikanwi mumaoko ake.", "\"Pamusoroi,\" Klaus akadaro. \"Murikuitei?\"", "\"Ndiri saindisiti,\" murume akadaro. \"Ndirikugadzira mudziyo mutsva uchabatsira vanhu kurega kuputa.\"", "\"Chokwadi?\" Klaus akadaro \"Inga zvinoshamisa!\"", "\"Hongu,ndizvozvo,\" murume akadaro.", "\"Mudziyo uyu unokuendesa kune imwe nzvimbo uko kwaunokwanisa kuona zvakaipira kuputa pahutano hwako.\"", "\"Zvirikutaridza kuti zvakanaka chose,\" Klaus akadaro. \"Ndinoda kuzviedza.\"", "Murume akanyemwerera. \"Zvakanaka,\" akadaro. \"Ingopinda mumudziyo uyu ndobva ndatanga maitiro acho.\"", "Klaus akapinda mumudziyo uye murume akavhara gonhi mumashure make."], "factuality": "ok"} {"id": "topic_331__iwwwawi", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["It was a beautiful day for a picnic, so my family and I decided to go to the park.", "We packed a lunch and set out early in the morning.", "When we got to the park, we found a nice spot to spread out our blanket and eat our lunch.", "We had sandwiches, chips, fruit, and cookies.", "After we ate, we played some games and just enjoyed spending time together.", "We didn't think about anything except having fun.", "It was a perfect day."], "trgs": ["Raive zuva rakanaka kuita pikiniki, saka mhiri yangu neni takafunga kuenda kupaki.", "Takarongedza kudya kwemasikati tikabuda mangwanani ngwanani.", "Patakasvika kupaki, takawana nzvimbo yakanaka yekuwaridza gumbeze redu uye kudya kudya kwedu kwemasikati.", "Taive nemasangweji, machipisi, michero, uye mabhisikiti.", "Tapedza kudya, takatamba mimwe mitambo uye kungofara kuva nenguva tiritose.", "Hatina kufunga nezvechimwe chinhu kunze kwekuita mafaro.", "Raive zuva rakanakisa."], "factuality": "ok"} {"id": "stt_182__tittt", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["This hotel is a great choice for those looking for a central location in Lisbon.", "It is located just a short walk from the city center and the waterfront, and it offers stunning views of the port.", "The rooms are spacious and well-appointed, and the staff is friendly and helpful.", "The hotel is also very quiet, which is ideal for those who want to get a good night's sleep.", "The rooms are soundproofed, and the hotel is located in a quiet area away from the hustle and bustle of the city center."], "trgs": ["Hotera iyi isarudzo yakanaka zvikuru kune avo vanotsvaga nzvimbo yepakati nepakati muLisbon.", "Iripanofambwa zvishoma kubva pakati peguta nepamberi pemvura, uye inopa zvekuona zvinoyevedza zvepoti.", "Makamuri acho akakura uye akamiswa zvakanaka, uye vashandi vakasununguka uye vanobatsira.", "Hotera yacho yakanyarara zvakanyanya, zvinova zvakaringana kune vaya vanoda kuwana kurara zvakanaka usiku.", "Makamuri acho akadzivirirwa kubva kuruzha, uye hotera iripanzvimbo yakanyarara kure nekushenaira kwepakati peguta."], "factuality": "ok"} {"id": "topic_201__rbttfririttt", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["Recycling is a vital process that helps to protect the environment and conserve natural resources.", "By recycling, we can reduce the amount of waste that goes to landfills and incinerators, conserve energy, and save money.", "The process of recycling begins with the collection of recyclable materials.", "These materials are then sorted and processed into raw materials that can be used to create new products.", "For example, plastic bottles can be recycled into new plastic bottles, aluminum cans can be recycled into new aluminum cans, and paper can be recycled into new paper products.", "Recycling has many benefits.", "It helps to reduce the amount of waste that goes to landfills and incinerators, which can help to protect the environment and conserve natural resources.", "Recycling also conserves energy, as it takes less energy to produce products from recycled materials than it does from raw materials.", "In addition, recycling can save money, as it can reduce the need to extract and process raw materials.", "The launch of new recycling programs in most countries has ended the color-coded recycling system.", "This is because the new programs are designed to accept all recyclable materials, regardless of their color.", "The new programs are also more efficient, as they use automated sorting systems to process recyclable materials."], "trgs": ["Kudzokorora muitiro wakakosha unobatsira kuchengetedza nharaunda nekuchengetedza zviwanikwa zvechisikirwo.", "Nekudzokorora, tinogona kuderedza huwandu hwezvinoraswa zvinoenda kunoraswa marara nekunopiswa zvinhu, kuchengetedza mafuta, uye kuchengetedza mari.", "Muitiro wekudzokorora unotanga nekuunganidza zvinhu zvinodzokorodzeka.", "Zvinhu izvi zvinozosarudzwa nekubikwa kuitwa zvishandiswa zvinogona kushandiswa pakugadzira zvinhu zvitsva.", "Semuenzaniso, mabhodhoro epurasitiki anogona kudzokororwa kuitwa mabhodhoro epurasitiki matsva, magaba earuminiyamu anogona kudzokororwa kuitwa magaba earuminiyamu matsva, uye bepa rinogona kudzokororwa kuitwa zvigadzirwa zvitsva zvebepa.", "Kudzokorora kune zvakawanda zvakwakanakira.", "Kunobatsira kudzikisa huwandu hwezvinoraswa zvinoenda kumakomba ekurasira uye kunopisirwa marara, zvinogona kubatsira kudzivirira nharaunda uye kuchengetedza zviwanikwa zvechisikirwo.", "Kudzokorora kunochengetedzawo mafuta, sezvo zvichida mafuta mashoma kugadzira zvigadzirwa kubva kuzvinhu zvakadzokororwa pane zvazvinoita kubva kuzvishandiswa zvisina.", "Pamusoro pazvo, kudzokorora kunogona kuchengetedza mari, sezvo zvichibatsira kudzikisa kudiwa kwekuwana nekubika zvishandiswa.", "Kudzikwa kwezvirongwa zvitsva zvekudzokorora munyika zhinji kwapedza maitiro ekuiswa kweruvara pamaitirwo ekudzokorora.", "Izvi zvinodaro nekuti zvirongwa zvitsva zvacho zvakagadzirwa kuti zvigamuchire zvinhu zvose zvakadzokororwa, zvisinei neruvara rwazvo.", "Zvirongwa zvitsva zvacho hazvitorewo nguva, sezvo zvichishandisa maitiro ekusiyanisa emichina kubika zvinhu zvakadzokororwa."], "factuality": "has_errors"} {"id": "topic_434__titiisisiwwwwtii", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["The flowers were expensive, but I didn't care.", "I had to have them.", "They were the most beautiful flowers I had ever seen, and I knew they would make her happy.", "I bought a dozen roses, all different colors.", "I arranged them in a vase and set them on the table next to her bed.", "She smiled when she saw them. \"They're beautiful,\" she said. \"Thank you.\"", "I smiled back. \"You're welcome.\" I sat down next to her bed and took her hand.", "She looked up at me with her big, brown eyes.", "\"I'm so glad you're here,\" she said. \"I'm glad I'm here too,\" I said.", "We talked for a long time.", "We talked about our dreams, our hopes, and our fears.", "We talked about the future.", "When it was time for me to go, she gave me a hug.", "\"Thank you for coming,\" she said. \"I love you.\"", "\"I love you too,\" I said.", "I kissed her on the forehead and then I left."], "trgs": ["Maruva acho aidhura, asi handina kuita hanya nazvo.", "Ndaifanira kuva nawo.", "Aiva maruva akanaka zvandaive ndisati ndamboona, uye ndaiziva kuti aizoita kuti afare.", "Ndakatenga dhazeni remarozi, ose eruvara rwakasiyana.", "Ndakaarongerera muvhasi ndikaagadzika patafura pedyo nemubhedha wake.", "Akanyemwerera paakaaona. \"Akanaka,\" akadaro. \"Ndinotenda.\"", "Ndakamunyemwererawo. \"Uchitendei.\" Ndakagara pedyo nemubhedha wake ndikatora ruoko rwake.", "Akatarisa kwandiri nemaziso ake makuru, ebhurawuni.", "\"Ndafara kuti uripano,\" akadaro. \"Neniwo ndafara kuti ndiripano,\" ndakadaro.", "Takataura kwenguva refu.", "Takataura pamusoro pezvatinoshuvira, tariro dzedu, uye kutya kwedu.", "Takataura nezveramangwana.", "Payakanga yavanguva yekuti ndiende, akandimbundira.", "\"Waita basa nekuuya,\" akadaro. \"Ndinokuda.\"", "\"Neni ndinokudawo,\" ndakadaro.", "Ndakamutsvoda pahuma ndikabva ndaenda."], "factuality": "ok"} {"id": "stt_617__chotiithiuiitybifsfb", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["Cork flooring is a popular choice for many homeowners because it is durable, stylish, and easy to maintain.", "However, it is important to know how to properly care for cork flooring in order to extend its lifespan and keep it looking its best.", "One of the most important things you can do to care for your cork flooring is to sweep, dust, or vacuum it regularly.", "This will help to remove dirt and debris that can build up on the surface of the flooring and cause it to become damaged.", "If you have pets, it is especially important to vacuum your cork flooring regularly to remove pet hair and dander.", "In addition to sweeping, dusting, or vacuuming, you should also occasionally wipe your cork flooring with a damp mop.", "This will help to remove any dirt or grime that has been missed by the vacuum cleaner.", "However, it is important to use a damp mop and not a wet mop, as too much water can damage the cork flooring.", "If you have any spills on your cork flooring, it is important to clean them up as soon as possible.", "Use a clean cloth to blot up the spill and then wipe the area with a damp mop.", "If the spill is sticky, you may need to use a mild detergent to clean it up.", "It is also important to protect your cork flooring from scratches and dents.", "To do this, you can place felt pads under furniture legs and avoid dragging heavy objects across the floor.", "You should also avoid using sharp objects on your cork flooring, as this can damage the surface.", "By following these tips, you can help to keep your cork flooring looking its best for years to come.", "In addition to the tips above, there are a few other things you can do to care for your cork flooring.", "First, avoid using harsh chemicals on your cork flooring, as these can damage the surface.", "Second, do not expose your cork flooring to direct sunlight for long periods of time, as this can cause the color to fade.", "Finally, if you are planning to move your furniture around, be careful not to drag it across the floor, as this can also damage the surface.", "By following these tips, you can help to extend the life of your cork flooring and keep it looking its best for years to come."], "trgs": ["Uriri hwepuranga isarudzo ine mukurumbira kuvazvinadzimba vakawanda nekuti hunogara, hwakanaka, uye hahunetsi kuchengetedza.", "Zvakadaro, zvakakosha kuziva kuchengetedza nemazvo uriri hwepuranga kuitira kuwedzera kugara kwaho uye kuhuchengetedza huchitaridzika zvakanakisa chose.", "Chimwe chezvinhu zvakakosha zvaunogona kuita kuchengetedza uriri hwako hwepuranga kutsvaira, kupukuta huruva, kana kubvisa marara nemuchina nguva nenguva.", "Izvi zvinobatsira kubvisa tsvina nemarara zvinogona kuungana pamusoro peuriri hwako zvichikonzera kuti hukuvadzike.", "Kana uine mhuka dzemumba, zvakanyanyokosha kubvisa tsvina nemuchina pauriri hwako hwepuranga nguva nenguva kubvisa bvudzi remhuka dzemumba uye makwene.", "Pamusoro pekutsvaira, kupukuta huruva, kana kubvisa marara nemuchina, unofanirawo kukorobha uriri hwako hwepuranga nechikorobho chinyoro.", "Izvi zvinobatsira kubvisa chero tsvina ipi zvayo kana matsito zvinenge zvasiirirwa nemuchina wekuchenesa.", "Zvakaro, zvakakosha kushandisa chikorobho chinyoro kwete chikorobho chakatota, sezvo mvura yakawandisa ichigona kukuvadza uriri hwako hwepuranga.", "Kana uine chero zvakarasikira pauriri hwako hwepuranga, zvakakosha kuzvichenesa nekukurumidza.", "Shandisa mucheka wakachena kupukuta zvakarasika wobva wapukuta nzvimbo yacho nechikorobho chinyoro.", "Kana zvakarasika zvichinama, unogona kuda kushandisa sipo isina kunyanyosimba kuzvipukuta.", "Zvakakoshawo kudzivirira uriri hwako hwepuranga kubva mukumarika uye kufonyoka.", "Kuti uite izvi, unogona kuisa zvidziviriro pasi pemakumbo emidziyo uye worega kukweva zvinhu zvinorema pauriri.", "Unofanirawo kurega kushandisa zvinhu zvakapinza pauriri hwako hwepuranga, sezvo izvi zvichigona kukuvadza pamusoro pahwo.", "Nekutevedzera mazano aya, unogona kubatsira kuchengeta uriri hwako hwepuranga ichitaridzika zvakanakisa chose kwemakore achatevera.", "Pamusoro pemazano aripamusoro, pane zvimwe zvinhu zvishoma zvaunogona kuita kuchengetedza uriri hwako hwepuranga.", "Chekutanga, rega kushandisa mishonga yakasimba pauriri hwako hwepuranga, sezvo ichigona kukuvadza pamusoro pahwo.", "Chechipiri, usaite kuti uriri hwako hwepuranga hurohwe nezuva kwenguva dzakareba, sezvo izvi zvichigona kuita kuti ruvara rudzime.", "Chekupedzisira, kana uchitarisira kufambisa fambisa midziyo yako, ngwarira kusaikweva pauriri, sezvo izvi zvichigonawo kukuvadza pamusoro pahwo.", "Nekutevedzera mazano aya, unogona kubatsira kuwedzera upenyu hweuriri hwako hwepuranga uye kuhuchengeta huchitaridzika zvakanakisa chose kwemakore achauya."], "factuality": "ok"} {"id": "topic_0__rttttr", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["Refrigerators and freezers are essential appliances for keeping food and beverages fresh.", "They use a variety of processes to cool their contents, including: * Condenser coils: These coils are located on the back or bottom of the refrigerator and are responsible for transferring heat from the inside of the refrigerator to the outside air * Evaporator coils: These coils are located inside the refrigerator and are responsible for absorbing heat from the air inside the refrigerator * Refrigerant: This is a special fluid that circulates through the refrigerator and absorbs heat from the air inside the refrigerator.", "The refrigerant then passes through the condenser coils, where it releases the heat to the outside air * Thermostat: This controls the temperature inside the refrigerator and freezer.", "The total amount of heat that a refrigerator or freezer can remove from its contents is called the cooling capacity.", "The cooling capacity is measured in British thermal units (BTUs) per hour.", "Refrigerators and freezers are typically rated by their total cooling capacity."], "trgs": ["Mafiriji nemafiriza midziyo yakakosha kuchengetedza chikafu nezvinwiwa zviri zvitsva.", "Inoshandisa nzira dzakasiyana siyana kutonhoresa zvirimukati, kusanganisira: * Makoiri ekubvisa kupisa: Makoiri aya anowanikwa kuseri kana pasi pefiriji uye basa rawo nderekubvisa kupisa kubva mukati mefiriji kuisa kumhepo yepanze * Makoiri ekusimudza mvura: Makoiri aya anowanikwa mukati mefiriji uye basa rawo nderekukweva kupisa kubva kumhepo yemukati mefiriji *Rifijirendi: Iyi imvura yakakosha inotenderera mufiriji uye inokweva kupisa kubva kumhepo irimukati mefiriji.", "Rifirijirendi inozopfuura nepamakoiri ekubvisa kupisa, apo inozoendesa kupisa kumhepo yepanze *Themositati: Iyi inodzora tembiricha irimukati mefiriji nefiriza.", "Huwandu hwekupisa kunogona kubviswa nefiriji kana firiza kubva mune zvirimukati hunonzi kapasiti yekutonhodza.", "Kapasiti yekutonhodza inoyerwa mumaBritish thermal units (BTUs) paawa.", "Mafiriji nemafiriza anowanzopimwa nehuwandu hwekapasiti yekutonhodza kwahwo."], "factuality": "ok"} {"id": "burkina_faso__tshsicidtb", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["The history of Burkina Faso is long and complex, but one of the most important events in the country's history was the 1983 coup d'\u00e9tat that brought Thomas Sankara to power.", "Sankara was a young military officer who was deeply committed to social justice and economic development.", "He quickly implemented a series of radical reforms, including nationalizing banks and industry, redistributing land, and promoting women's rights.", "Sankara's policies were popular with many Burkinab\u00e9s, but they also alienated powerful interests, both within the country and abroad.", "In 1987, Sankara was assassinated in a coup d'\u00e9tat led by Blaise Compaor\u00e9.", "Compaor\u00e9 ruled Burkina Faso for 27 years, during which time he reversed many of Sankara's reforms and established a repressive authoritarian regime.", "In 2014, Compaor\u00e9 was overthrown in a popular uprising, and Burkina Faso is currently in a fragile state of transition.", "Despite the challenges it faces, Burkina Faso has a long history of resilience and progress.", "The country has a rich culture and a strong sense of national identity.", "Burkinab\u00e9s are a proud people who are determined to build a better future for themselves and their children."], "trgs": ["Nhoroondo yeBurkina Faso yakareba uye yakaoma, asi chimwe chezviitiko zvakakosha zvikuru munhoroondo yenyika iyi kwaiva kubvuta hutongi nechisimba kwakaunza Thomas Sankara muhutongi muna 1983.", "Sankara aive murwi wechidiki aive akazvipira zvakanyanya kune zvekuruenzaniso mumagariro uye zvebudiriro yezveupfumi.", "Akakurumidza kuita mudungwe weshanduko dzakasimba, kusanganisira kuita kuti mabhanga nemakambani zvive zvehurumende, kugovera patsva minda, uye kukurudzira kodzero dzemadzimai.", "Mitemo yaSankara yaive nemukurumbira kuzvizvarwa zveBurkina Faso zvakawanda, asi yakaparadzana nezvido zvevanemasimba, mukati menyika zvese nekunze.", "Muna 1987, Sankara akaurayiwa mukubvutwa kwemasimba ehutongi kwaitungamirwa naBlaise Compaore.", "Compaore akatonga Burkina Faso kwemakore 27, munguva iyo akadzosa kumashure mitemo yaSankara, akadzika hutongi hweudzvanyiriri nehumbimbindoga.", "Muna 2014, Compaore akabviswa mukumukirana kwakaita mukurumbira, uye Burkina Faso parizvino iripadanho rezinyekenyeke reshanduko.", "Zvisinei nezvimhingamipinyi zvayakatarisana nazvo, Burkina Faso ine nhoroondo yakareba yehushingi nekuenda mberi.", "Nyika yacho ine tsika dzakapfuma uye pfungwa dzakasimba dzezvehukama nenyika.", "Zvizvarwa zveBurkina Faso vanhu vanekuzvikoshesa vane kutsunga pakuvaka remangwana ririnani kwavari nekuvana vavo."], "factuality": "ok"} {"id": "topic_189__aatrwtrbhohtrt", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["As the sun began to set, a young boy named Raman made his way home from school.", "As he walked, he noticed a stray dog following him.", "The dog was dirty and skinny, but it had a friendly face.", "Raman felt sorry for the dog, so he decided to take it home with him.", "When Raman got home, he told his parents about the dog.", "They were hesitant at first, but they eventually agreed to let him keep the dog.", "Raman named the dog Buddy, and they quickly became best friends.", "Buddy was always there for Raman, no matter what.", "He was there to greet him at the door when he came home from school, and he was there to comfort him when he was feeling down.", "One day, Raman was playing in the park when he fell and scraped his knee.", "He started to cry, and Buddy came running over to lick his wound.", "The dog's gentle tongue helped to soothe Raman's pain, and he soon forgot all about his injury.", "Raman and Buddy shared many happy years together.", "They went on walks, played fetch in the park, and cuddled up on the couch together."], "trgs": ["Apo zuva rakatanga kuvira, mukomana mudiki ainzi Raman akatanga rwendo rwake kuenda kumba kubva kuchikoro.", "Paaifamba, akaona imbwa yakarisika ichimutevera.", "Imbwa yacho yaive netsvina uye yakaonda, asi yaive neuso hwakasununguka.", "Raman akanzwira tsitsi imbwa iya, saka akafunga kuenda nayo kumba.", "Apo Raman akasvika kumba, akaudza vabereki vake nezvembwa.", "Vakambozengurira pakutanga, asi pakupedzisira vakazobvuma kuti achengete imbwa iya.", "Raman akapa imbwa zita rekuti Buddy, uye vakakurumidza kuita shamwari dzepamwoyo.", "Buddy aigara aripo kunaRaman, chero zvaita sei.", "Yaivepo kumukwazisa pamusuwo paaidzoka kumba kubva kuchikoro, uye yaivepo kumunyaradza paainzwa kusuwa.", "Rimwe zuva, Raman aitamba mupaki apo akadonha akasvuuka pabvi rake.", "Akatanga kuchema, uye Buddy akauya achimhanya kuzonanzva ronda rake.", "Rurimi rwakapfava rwembwa rwakabatsira kunyaradza marwadzo aRaman, uye akakurumidza kukanganwa nezvekukuvara kwake.", "Raman naBuddy vakava nemakore akawanda vari vose.", "Vaienda kunofamba famba, vaitamba zvekukandirana mupaki,uye vaimbundiranda pasofa."], "factuality": "ok"} {"id": "topic_37__titststta", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["The sci-fi movie industry has been on a downward slide in recent years, with fewer and fewer films being produced.", "In fact, a recent study by the Motion Picture Association of America found that the number of sci-fi films released in theaters declined from 20 in 2010 to just 10 in 2015.", "There are a number of reasons for this decline, including the rise of superhero movies and the increasing popularity of streaming services.", "Superhero movies have become increasingly popular in recent years, thanks to the success of franchises like the Marvel Cinematic Universe and the DC Extended Universe.", "These films offer audiences a mix of action, adventure, and spectacle that is often lacking in sci-fi films.", "Streaming services have also had a negative impact on the sci-fi movie industry.", "These services offer a wide variety of content, including sci-fi films, at a relatively low cost.", "This makes it more difficult for sci-fi films to compete in theaters, where they are often priced at a premium.", "As a result of these factors, the sci-fi movie industry is in need of a major shake-up."], "trgs": ["Indasitiri yemabhaisikopo ezvesainzi yava kudzikira mumakore achangopfuura, pachive nemafirimu mashoma nemashoma arikugadzirwa.", "Saizvozvo, yemazuva achangopfuura yakaitwa ne Motion Picture Association yeAmerica yakawana kuti nhamba yemafirimu ezvesainzi akabuditswa mudzimba dzezvemitambo akadzika kubva ku20 muna2010 kusvika ku10 muna2015.", "Pane zvikonzero zvakati kuti zvekudzikira uku, kusanganisira kuwanda kwemabhaisikopo evatambi vanehugamba uye kuwedzera kwemukurumbira wemasevhisi ekuona pahindaneti.", "Mabhaisikopo evatambi vanehugamba awedzera kukurumbira mumakore ano, nekuda kwekubudirira kwemakambani anenge Marvel Cinematic Universe neDC Extended Universe.", "Mabhaisikopo aya anopa vaoni musanganiswa wezvekumhanyisana, zvekufara uye kuyevedza zvinowanzoshaikwa mumafirimu ezvesainzi.", "Masevhisi ezvekuonera pahindaneti avhiringidzawo indasitiri yezvemabhaisikopo ezvesainzi.", "Masevhisi aya anopa zvekuona zvakasiyana siyana zvakawanda, kusanganisa mafirimu ezvesainzi, nemutengo unenge uripasi.", "Izvi zvinoita kuti zvinyanyonetsa kuti mafirimu ezvesainzi akwikwidze mudzimba dzezvemitambo umo anowanzoiswa mitengo yakakwira.", "Nekuda kwezvikonzero izvi, indaisitiri yezvemabhaisikopo ezvesainzi irikuda kumbozunungutswa zvakanyanya."], "factuality": "has_errors"} {"id": "stt_324__iutibtiktiittwdt", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["Imagine being able to enjoy your life without the constant fear of these debilitating conditions.", "Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are a common problem, especially for women.", "They can cause a variety of symptoms, including pain, burning, and frequent urination.", "In some cases, UTIs can lead to more serious problems, such as kidney infections.", "Bladder stones are another common problem.", "They can cause pain, difficulty urinating, and blood in the urine.", "In some cases, bladder stones can block the urethra, which can lead to a life-threatening emergency.", "Kidney diseases are a serious problem that can affect people of all ages.", "They can cause a variety of symptoms, including fatigue, nausea, and vomiting.", "In some cases, kidney diseases can lead to kidney failure, which is a fatal condition.", "If you are suffering from any of these conditions, there is help available.", "Talk to your doctor about your symptoms and treatment options.", "There are a variety of treatments available for UTIs, bladder stones, and kidney diseases.", "With proper treatment, you can get relief from your symptoms and prevent further complications.", "Don't let these conditions control your life.", "Talk to your doctor today and start on the path to recovery."], "trgs": ["Funga uchikwanisa kufara nehupenyu hwako pasina kugarotya zvinhu izvi zvinopedza simba.", "Urinary Tract Infections (maUTI) idambudziko rinowanzowanikwa, kunyanya kuvanhukadzi.", "Anogona kukonzera zviratidzo zvakasiyana siyana, kusanganisira kurwadziwa, kupiswa, uye kuita weti kakawanda wanda.", "Pamwe pacho, maUTI anogona kukonzera matambudziko makuru, akaita sezvirwere zveitsvo.", "Matombo emudundira ndiwo rimwe dambudziko rinowanzowanikwa.", "Anogona kukonzera kurwadza, kunetseka pakuita weti, uye ropa muweti.", "Pamwe pacho, matombo emudundira anogona kuvhara panofamba neweti, zvinogona kukonzera njodzi yeupenyu.", "Zvirwere zveitsvo idambudziko guru rinogona kuwira vanhu vemazera ose.", "Zvinogona kukonzera zviratidzo zvakasiyana siyana, kusanganisira kuneta, kunzwa kuda kurutsa, uye kurutsa.", "Pamwe pacho, zvirwere zveitsvo zvinogona kukonzera kutadza kushanda kweitsvo, chinova chinhu chinouraya.", "Kana uchirwara nechero chipi cheizvi, pane rubatsiro rwuripo.", "Taura nachiremba wako nezvezviratidzo zvako uye marapirwo aripo.", "Pane marapirwo akasiyana siyana aripo emaUTI, matombo emudundira, uye zvirwere zveitsvo.", "Nekurapwa kwezvirokwazvo, unogona kuwana kupora kubva kuzviratidzo uye kudzivirira kunetseka kunoenderera mberi.", "Usaite kuti izvi zvitonge hupenyu hwako.", "Taura nachiremba wako nhasi upinde munzira yekupora."], "factuality": "ok"} {"id": "topic_261__miybitiititi", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["\"Ms. Smith,\" I said, \"I'm really looking forward to the food and wine festival this weekend.", "I've heard that the tasting events are going to be amazing.\"", "\"Yes, they are,\" Ms. Smith replied.", "\"But be careful not to overdo it. You don't want to get too full or too tipsy!\"", "\"I won't,\" I said. \"I'll just sample a few things from each booth.\"", "\"That's a good plan,\" Ms. Smith said. \"And be sure to drink plenty of water to stay hydrated.\"", "\"I will,\" I said.", "I arrived at the festival early and was immediately overwhelmed by the sights and smells.", "There were food booths from all over the world, and the air was filled with the smoke from cooking food.", "I started with a sampling of cheeses from a local farm, and then moved on to a booth that was serving grilled oysters.", "The oysters were delicious, and I washed them down with a glass of crisp white wine.", "I continued to make my way around the festival, sampling everything from charcuterie to chocolate."], "trgs": ["\"Ms. Smith.\" ndakadaro \"Ndirikutarisira zvikuru kumutambo wezvechikafu newaini kupera kwevhiki.", "Ndanzwa kuti zviitiko zvekuravira zvichange zvichinakidza.\"", "\"Hongu, zvichadaro,\" Ms. Smith vakapindura.", "\"Asi ungwarire kusazopfuuridza mwero. Haudi kuzoguta zvakanyanya kana kuzodhakwa!\"", "\"Handidaro,\" ndakadaro. \"Ndichangoravira zvishoma kubva pane chimwe chazvo zviri zviviri.\"", "\"Kuronga kwakanaka,\" Ms. Smith vakadaro. \"Uye uone kuti wanwa mvura yakawanda kuti ugare muviri uine mvura.\"", "\"Ndichadaro,\" ndakadaro.", "Ndakasvika pamutambo nguva dziripo ndikabva ndakurumidza kuzarirwa nezvandaiona neminhuwi.", "Paive nematafura echikafu kubva pasi rose, uye mhepo yaive yakazara nehutsi kubva kuchikafu chaibikwa.", "Ndakatanga neravidzo dzemachizi ekupurazi remunharaunda, ndikabva ndazoenda kune tafura yaipakura maoyesita akagochwa.", "Maoyesita ainaka, uye ndakaadzikisira negirazi rewine yainaka chena.", "Ndakaenderera mberi nekutenderera pamutambo, ndichiravira zvese kubva kuchakuteri kusvika kuchokoreti."], "factuality": "ok"} {"id": "stt_228__ttittf", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["The refund or exchange must be made within 14 days of purchase.", "The market stall credit note can be used at any of the market stalls.", "If the item is returned by post, the customer must return the item within 14 days of purchase and the item must be in the same condition as it was when it was purchased.", "The customer will then be sent a refund or exchange.", "The customer is responsible for the cost of returning the item.", "For more information, please contact the market stall manager."], "trgs": ["Kudzorera kana kuchinjanisa kunofanira kuitwa mumazuva 14 kubva patengwa.", "Tsamba yechikwereti yetafura yemumaketi inogona kushandiswa chero pane imwe yematafura emumaketi.", "Kana chinhu chacho chichidzoswa nekutumidzirwa, mutengi anofanira kudzosa chinhu chacho mumazuva 14 ekutengwa kwechinhu uye chinhu chacho chinofanira kunge chichitaridzika zvakafanana nezvachaive pachakatengwa.", "Mutengi anozotumirwa mari kana kuchinjirwa.", "Mutengi ndiye anobvisa mari yekudzoserwa kwechinhu.", "Kana muchida rumwe ruzivo, ndapota batai maneja wetafura dzemumaketi."], "factuality": "ok"} {"id": "topic_325__tctcisstciti", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["Therapist: So, you're here because you're having some conflict with your roommate.", "Client: Yeah, it's been really tough. We're just not getting along.", "Therapist: Can you tell me a little bit more about what's been going on?", "Client: Well, it started a few months ago when she started taking medication for her anxiety.", "It's like a switch flipped.", "She's become really irritable and short-tempered.", "She's snapping at me all the time, and it's starting to take a toll on our relationship.", "Therapist: It sounds like this is a really difficult situation for you.", "Client: It is. I don't know what to do.", "I've tried talking to her about it, but she just gets defensive and says that I'm not being understanding.", "Therapist: It's understandable that you're feeling frustrated.", "It's not easy to be on the receiving end of someone's anger."], "trgs": ["Murapi: Saka, uripano nekuti une kunetsana kwauri kuita newaunogara naye mumba imwechete.", "Murapwi: Ehe, zvirikunyatsooma chaiko. Hatisi kutombowirirana.", "Murapi: Ungandiudzawo zvimwe zvishoma pamusoro pezvanga zvirikuitika?", "Murapwi: Zvakanaka, zvakatanga mwedzi mishoma yapfuura paakatanga kutora mushonga weenzayeti yake.", "Zvinoita kunge siwichi yakadhinguka.", "Ave kunyanyosemburwa uye kukurumidza kuita hasha.", "Ave kundipopotera nguva dzose, uye zvakutanga kukanganisa hukama hwedu.", "Murapi: Zvirikutaridza kunge mamiriro ezvinhu akaoma kwauri.", "Murapwi: Chokwadi. Handizivi kuti ndoita sei.", "Ndaedza kutaura naye nezvazvo, asi anobva azviramba oti ini handisi kunzwisisa.", "Murapi: Zvinonzwisisika kuti urikunzwa kuora mwoyo.", "Hazvisi nyore kuva munhu anenge aripachinzvimbo pekuitirwa hasha nemumwe."], "factuality": "ok"} {"id": "topic_117__cicttcttiwtwtii", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["Christianity is a religion based on the life and teachings of Jesus Christ.", "It is one of the world's major religions, with over 2 billion followers.", "Christians believe that Jesus is the Son of God and that he came to earth to save people from their sins.", "They also believe that he rose from the dead and ascended into heaven.", "The importance of love for Jesus is central to Christianity.", "Christians are called to love God with all their heart, soul, mind, and strength.", "They are also called to love their neighbors as themselves.", "This love is not just a feeling, but a way of life.", "It is expressed through acts of kindness, compassion, and forgiveness.", "When we love Jesus, we are not only showing our love for him, but we are also showing our love for God.", "This is because Jesus is the perfect expression of God's love for us.", "When we love Jesus, we are opening ourselves up to receive God's love into our hearts.", "The love of Jesus is a powerful force that can transform our lives.", "It can give us hope, strength, and peace.", "It can help us to forgive others and to love ourselves."], "trgs": ["ChiKristu chitendero chinobva muupenyu nedzidziso dzaJesu Kristu.", "Chimwe chezvitendero zvikuru zvepasi rose, chiine vateveri vanodarika 2 bhiriyoni.", "VaKristu vanotendera kuti Jesu mwanakomana waMwari uye kuti akauya pasi kuzodzikinura vanhu kubva muzvivi zvavo.", "Vanotenderawo kuti akamuka kubva kuvafi akakwira kupinda mudenga.", "Kukosha kwerudo rwaJesu kuripakati pechiKristu.", "VaKristu vanodaidzwa kuti vade Mwari nemwoyo yavo yose, mweya, pfungwa, uye simba.", "Vanodaidzwawo kuti vade vavakidzinani vavo saivo pachavo.", "Rudo urwu harwungori manzwiro, asi mararamiro.", "Rwunotaridzwa kuburikidza nemabasa emutsa, tsitsi, uye kuregerera.", "Apo tinoda Jesu, hatisi kungotaridza chete rudo rwedu kwaari, asi tirikutaridzawo rudo rwedu kunaMwari.", "Izvi zvinodaro nekuti Jesu ndiye chiratidzo chakakwana cherudo rwaMwari kwatiri.", "Apo tinoda Jesu, tirikuzvivhura kuti tigamuchire rudo rwaMwari mumwoyo yedu.", "Rudo rwaJesu isimba guru rinogona kushandura upenyu hwedu.", "Rwunogona kutipa tariro, simba, uye rugare.", "Rwunogona kutibatsira kuregerera vamwe uye kuzvida pachedu."], "factuality": "ok"} {"id": "topic_42__ohhaithytta", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["One day, a young boy visited a museum with his parents.", "He was amazed by all the different things he saw, from ancient artifacts to modern art.", "He especially loved the dinosaur exhibit, and he could have spent hours just looking at the skeletons and fossils.", "As he was admiring a particularly large dinosaur skull, he heard a voice behind him. \"That's a Tyrannosaurus rex,\" the voice said.", "\"It was one of the largest and most fearsome predators to ever walk the Earth.\"", "The boy turned around and saw a man standing next to him.", "He was tall and thin, with a long beard and a kind face. \"Are you a paleontologist?\" the boy asked.", "\"Yes, I am,\" the man said. \"I've been studying dinosaurs for many years.\"", "The boy was excited to meet a real paleontologist, and he asked him many questions about dinosaurs.", "The man answered all of his questions patiently, and the boy learned a lot about these fascinating creatures.", "After a while, the boy's parents called him over, and he said goodbye to the paleontologist."], "trgs": ["Rimwe zuva, mukomana wechidiki akashanyira miziyamu nevabereki vake.", "Akashamiswa nezvinhu zvose zvakasiyana siyana zvaakaona, kubva kuzvigadzirwa zvekare kusvika kuhunyanzvi hwemazuvano.", "Akanyanyoda zviratidzwa zvedhainaso, uye aigona kunge akatora maawa kungotarisa mabhonzo nezvisaririrwa.", "Apo aiyemura mabhonzo emusoro wedhainaso wakanyatsokura, akanzwa izwi kuseri kwake. \"iTyrannosaurus rex,\" izwi rakadaro.", "\"Yaive chimwe chezvikara zvakakurisa uye zvinotyisa zvakanyanya zvakambofamba paNyika.\"", "Mukomana akacheuka akaona murume akamira padivi pake.", "Aive akareba akaonda, aine ndebvu dzakareba nechiso chine mutsa. \"Muri saindisiti wezvezvisaririrwa zvezvakambofamba panyika?\" mukomana akabvunza.", "\"Hongu, ndiri,\" murume akadaro. \"Ndanga ndichifunda nezvemadhainaso kwemakore akawanda.\"", "Mukomana akafara kusangana nasaindisiti wezvezvisaririrwa zvezvakambofamba panyika chaiye, uye akamubvunza mibvunzo yakawanda nezvemadhainaso.", "Murume akapindura mibvunzo yake yose nemwoyo murefu, uye mukomana akadzidza zvakawanda nezvezvisikwa zvinofadza izvi.", "Papera chinguva, vabereki vemukomana vakamudaidza, akabva ati chisarai kuna saindisiti wezvezvisaririrwa zvezvakambofamba panyika."], "factuality": "ok"} {"id": "topic_438__ffbiiwbiitabt", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["Freedom: A Personal Perspective", "Freedom is a word that has been used and abused by so many people, in so many contexts, that it has almost lost its meaning.", "But for me, freedom is a very simple thing.", "It is the ability to live my life on my own terms, without being controlled or oppressed by others.", "I was born into a time and place where women were not considered to be fully equal to men.", "We were expected to stay at home, raise children, and take care of our husbands.", "But I never wanted to live that kind of life.", "I wanted to be free to pursue my own dreams, to learn and grow, and to make a difference in the world.", "I was fortunate to have parents who supported my ambitions.", "They encouraged me to go to college, to get a job, and to live my life on my own terms.", "And I am grateful for the opportunities that I have had to travel, to meet new people, and to learn about different cultures.", "But I know that not everyone is as lucky as I was.", "There are still many people in the world who are denied their freedom, simply because of their race, their gender, or their religion."], "trgs": ["Rusununguko: Maonero epaUzima", "Rusununguko ivara rashandiswa nekushandiswa zvisizvo nevanhu vakawanda, munzvimbo dzakawanda,zvekuti rapotsa rarasa zvarinoreva.", "Asi kwandiri, rusununguko chinhu chiri nyore.", "Kugona kurarama upenyu hwangu semadiro angu, pasina kudziviswa kana kudzvinyirirwa nevamwe.", "Ndakazvarwa munguva nenzvimbo iyo vanhukadzi vaisaonekwa kunge vakaenzana nevarume zvizere.", "Taitarisirwa kugara pamba, kukudza vana, uye kuchengeta varume vedu.", "Asi handina kumbobvira ndada kurarama upenyu hwakadaro.", "Ndaida kusununguka kutevera zvishuvo zvangu, kudzidza nekukura, uye kuunza shanduko munyika.", "Ndakaita rombo rakanaka kuva nevabereki vaitsigira vavariro dzangu.", "Vakandikurudzira kuenda kukoreji, kuwana basa, uye kurarama upenyu hwangu nenzira yangu.", "Uye ndinotenda nemikana yandakawana yekushanya, kusangana nevanhu vatsva, uye kudzidza nezvetsika dzakasiyana siyana.", "Asi ndinoziva kuti havasi vose vanerombo rakanaka serandakaita.", "Pachine vanhu vakawanda panyika vanorambidzwa rusununguko rwavo, nekuda kwerudzi rwavo, kuva munhukadzi kana munhurume, kana chitendero chavo."], "factuality": "ok"} {"id": "topic_470__aihahgsphthtti", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["A hospital is a healthcare institution providing patient treatment in an inpatient setting.", "Inpatient care is provided by hospital inpatient departments, emergency departments and outpatient clinics.", "Hospitals are usually staffed by professional and registered nurses, physicians, and other health professionals.", "A hospital can also include a number of support departments, such as medical records, pharmacy, laboratory, radiology, and rehabilitation.", "Hospitals are often classified by the type of care they provide, such as general hospitals, specialty hospitals, and psychiatric hospitals.", "General hospitals provide a wide range of services, including medical, surgical, obstetrical, and pediatric care.", "Specialty hospitals focus on a particular type of care, such as cancer care, cardiac care, or orthopedic care.", "Psychiatric hospitals provide care for people with mental illness.", "Hospitals are an important part of the healthcare system.", "They provide care for a variety of illnesses and injuries, and they play a vital role in the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of disease.", "Hospitals also provide education and training for healthcare professionals, and they conduct research to improve the quality of care.", "The history of hospitals dates back to ancient times.", "The first hospitals were established in India, China, and Greece.", "In the Middle Ages, hospitals were often run by religious organizations."], "trgs": ["Chipatara inzvimbo yezveutano inoita zvekurapa varwere munzvimbo inochengetwa varwere ipapo.", "Kuchengetwa zvevarwere vari ipapo kunoitwa nemapazi echipatara anoita nezvekuchengetwa kwevarwere vari ipapo, mapazi echimbichimbi uye makiriniki evarwere vanorwara vasingagaripo.", "Zvipatara zvinowanzonge zviine vashandi vanova vanamukoti vakadzidzira basa uye vakanyorwa, vana chiremba, uye vamwe vashandi vezveutano vakadzidzira basa.", "Chipatara chinogonawo kuva nemapazi akawanda anotsigira, akaita seemagwaro ezvehutano, chitoro chemishonga, rabhoritari, redhiyoroji, uye rihabhiritesheni.", "Zvipatara zvinowanzopatsanurwa nemhando yebasa razvinoita, zvakaita sezvipatara zveveruzhinji, zvipatara zvezvirwere zvinonetsa kurapa, uye zvipatara zvezvirwere zvepfungwa.", "Zvipatara zveveruzhinji zvinopa masevhisi akawanda akasiyana siyana, anosanganisira zvemishonga, zvekuvhiya, zvekusungukwa kwevana, uye zvekurapwa kwevana.", "Zvipatara zvezvirwere zvinonetsa kurapa zvinotarisana nekubatsirwa kwakanangana nezvimwe zvinodomeka, zvakaita sezvebasa rezvegomarara, zvebasa rezvemwoyo, kana zvebasa rezvemabhonzo.", "Zvipatara zvezvirwere zvepfungwa zvinoita basa rekuchengeta vanhu vanorwara nepfungwa.", "Zvipatara chikamu chakakosha chemaitiro emabasa ezvehutano.", "Zvinoita mabasa akanangana nezvirwere zvakasiyana siyana nekukuvara, uye zvinoita basa rakakosha pakudzivirira, kuongorora, uye kurapwa kwezvirwere.", "Zvipatara zvinopawo zvidzidzo nekuwedzera ruzivo kuvashandi vezvehutano vakadzidzira basa, uye zvinoita tsvakurudzo kuti zvinatsiridze mabasa ezvekuchengetwa kwevarwere.", "Nhoroondo yezvipatara inodzokera kunguva dzechinyakare.", "Zvipatara zvekutanga zvakadzikwa kuIndia, China, uye Greece.", "Munguva dzeMiddle Age, zvipatara zvaiwanzoshandirwa nemasangangano ezvitendero."], "factuality": "ok"} {"id": "stt_638__tihtittiiito", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["The first time I tried embroidery, I was determined to make a small, intricate design.", "I chose a pattern with lots of tiny stitches, and I started working on it with great enthusiasm.", "However, after a few hours, I realized that I was making a mistake.", "The stitches were too small and tight, and my hand was cramping up.", "I decided to put the project aside and try something else.", "The next time I tried embroidery, I chose a larger pattern with looser stitches.", "This made a big difference!", "I was able to work on the project for longer periods of time without getting tired, and the stitches were easier to make.", "I was also able to create a more beautiful result.", "If you're new to embroidery, I recommend starting with a larger pattern with looser stitches.", "This will make it easier to learn the basic stitches and techniques.", "Once you've mastered the basics, you can start experimenting with smaller patterns and tighter stitches."], "trgs": ["Pandakatanga kuedza zveembiroidhari, ndaive ndakatsunga kugadzira patani diki, ine humhizha.", "Ndakasarudza patani ine masitichi akawanda madikidiki, ndikatanga kushanda pairi nekufara kukuru.", "Zvakadaro hazvo, kwapera maawa mashoma, ndakaona kuti ndaikanganisa.", "Masitichi acho aive madiki zvakanyanya akashinya, uye ruoko rwangu rwaive rwakurwadza.", "Ndakasarudza kutsveta basa iri padivi uye kuedza zvimwewo.", "Munguva yaitevera pandakaedza zveembiroidhari, ndakasarudza patani yakati kurei nemasitichi akati rerukei.", "Izvi zvakaunza musiyano wakakura!", "Ndakakwanisa kushanda pabasa iri kwenguva dzakati rebei ndisinganeti, uye masitichi anga ave nyore kugadzira.", "Ndakakwanisawo kugadzira chigadzirwa chakabuda zvakanakisa.", "Kana urimutsva weembiroidhari, ndinokurudzira kutanga nepatani yakati kurei ine masitichi akati rerukei.", "Izvi zvinoita kuti zvive nyore kudzidza masitichi uye maitiro asinganetsi.", "Kana wangobata zvisinganetsi, unogona kutanga kuedzesera nemapatani madiki nemasitichi akati shinyei."], "factuality": "ok"} {"id": "malawi_entities__tmslttslcb", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["The capital and largest city in Malawi is Lilongwe.", "Malawi is a diverse country with a rich culture and history.", "Some of the most important places in Malawi include Lake Malawi, the Shire River, and the Nyika Plateau.", "Lake Malawi is the third-largest lake in Africa and is home to a wide variety of fish and other wildlife.", "The Shire River is a major tributary of the Zambezi River and is an important source of water for irrigation and transportation.", "The Nyika Plateau is a highland region in northern Malawi and is home to a variety of wildlife, including elephants, lions, and leopards.", "Some of the most important historical figures in Malawi include David Livingstone, John Chilembwe, and Hastings Kamuzu Banda.", "Livingstone was a Scottish missionary and explorer who was instrumental in the abolition of the slave trade in Africa.", "Chilembwe was a Malawian Baptist minister who led an uprising against British colonial rule in 1915.", "Banda was the first president of Malawi and ruled the country from 1964 to 1994."], "trgs": ["Guta rehurumende uye guru muMalawi iLilongwe.", "Malawi inyika yakakura ine tsika nenhoroondo zvakapfuma.", "Dzimwe dzenzvimbo dzakanyanya kukosha muMalawi dzinosanganisira Dziva reMalawi, Rwizi rweShire, uye Chikomo cheNyika.", "Dziva reMalawi ndiro rechitatu pakukura pamadziva emuAfrica uye rinogara hove dzakasiyana siyana nedzimwe mhuka dzesango.", "Rwizi rweShire idiriro guru reRwizi rweZambezi uye idura rakakosha remvura yekudiridzisa neyezvifambiso.", "Chikomo cheNyika inzvimbo yakakwirira kumawodzanyemba kweMalawi uye chinogara mhuka dzesango dzakasiyana siyana, kusanganisira nzou, shumba, uye ingwe.", "Vamwe vevanhu vane nhoroondo muMalawi vanosanganisira David Livingstone, John Chilembwe, uye Hastings Kamuzu Banda.", "Livingstone aive mumishinari nemutsvagi wekuScotland uyo akava nechekuita chakakosha paregedzwa kwekutengeswa kwevaranda muAfrica.", "Chilembwe aive mufundisi weBaptist weMalawi akatungamira kumukirwa kwehutongi hwemaBritish muna1915.", "Banda aive mutungamiri wehurumende yeMalawi wekutanga akatonga nyika iyi kubva muna1964 kusvika muna1994."], "factuality": "ok"} {"id": "topic_449__tithtohhhai", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["The Golden Temple, a shimmering monument to human vanity and folly, stands as a testament to the destructive power of desire.", "It is a place where dreams are made and broken, where hopes are raised and dashed, and where love and hate, life and death, are all inextricably intertwined.", "The temple was built by a wealthy maharaja who wanted to create a place where he could worship his god in peace.", "However, the temple quickly became a magnet for pilgrims from all over the world, and it soon became a place of commerce and trade.", "The maharaja's dream of a peaceful place of worship was quickly shattered, and the temple became a place of greed, corruption, and violence.", "One day, a young man named Amritsar arrived at the temple.", "He was a simple man with a simple dream: to find peace and happiness.", "However, Amritsar soon found that the temple was no place for peace.", "He was drawn into the vortex of greed and corruption, and he eventually lost everything he had.", "Amritsar's story is a cautionary tale about the dangers of desire.", "It is a reminder that the things we crave most may not be what is best for us."], "trgs": ["Golden Temple, mudhuri unopenya pakushaya maturo nehupenzi hwevanhu, wakamira sechiratidzo chesimba rekuparadza kwekunyanyoda zvinhu.", "Inzvimbo iyo zvishuviro zvinogadzirwa nekutyorwa, iyo tariro ino inosimudzirwa yobviswa, uye rudo neruvengo, upenyu nerufu, zvese zvakabatana zvine utare.", "Tembere iyi yakavakwa nemumaharaja akapfuma aida kugadzira nzvimbo yaaigona kunamata mwari wake murunyararo.", "Zvakadaro, tembere iyi yakakurumidza kudaidza vafambi kubva pasi rose, uye yakakurumidza kuva nzvimbo yezvemari nekutengeserana.", "Chishuwo chemumaharaja uyu chenzvimbo ine runyararo yekunamatira chakakurumidza kuputswa, uye tembere yakakurumidza kuva nzvimbo yehuori nekurwisana.", "Rimwe zuva, murume wechidiki ainzi Amritsar akasvika patembere.", "Aive murume aive nechishuwo chirinyore: kuwana rugare nerufaro.", "Zvakadaro hazvo, Amritsar akakurumidza kuziva kuti tembere yaisava nzvimbo yerugare.", "Akakwezverwa kuchamupupuri chemakaro nehuori, uye pakupedzisira akarasikirwa nazvose zvaaive nazvo.", "Nyaya yaAmritsar inyaya yeyambiro yezvenjodzi dzemakaro.", "Iyeuchidzo yekuti zvinhu zvatinoshuvira zvakanyanya zvinogona kunge zvisizvo zvakanyanya kutinakira."], "factuality": "has_errors"} {"id": "topic_494__hisiiiiiwtosbit", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["Hey there, how's it going?", "I'm just your friendly neighborhood Uber driver, here to take you wherever you need to go.", "So, where are we headed today?", "I'm glad you asked about integrity.", "It's one of the most important things in life, in my opinion.", "It's all about doing the right thing, even when it's hard.", "It means being honest, trustworthy, and ethical.", "I think integrity is so important because it helps us build trust with others.", "When people know that we're honest and trustworthy, they're more likely to open up to us and share their thoughts and feelings.", "That can make for a richer and more fulfilling life.", "Of course, it's not always easy to do the right thing.", "Sometimes, we might be tempted to lie or cheat in order to get ahead.", "But if we want to live a life of integrity, we have to be willing to stand up for what we believe in, even when it's difficult.", "I know that integrity is something that you value, too.", "That's why I'm so glad you're my passenger today."], "trgs": ["Heyi apo, zvirikufamba sei?", "Ndingori hangu mutyairi weUber wemunharaunda, ndiripano kukuendesa chero kwaunoda kuenda.", "Saka, tirikuenda kupi nhasi?", "Ndafara kuti wabvunza nezvekuvimbika.", "Ndicho chimwe chezvinhu zvakakosha muupenyu, sekufunga kwangu.", "Kungori kwekuita chinhu chakanaka, chero zvakawoma.", "Kunoreva kuva pachokwadi, kuvimbika, uye kuva netsika.", "Ndinofunga kuti kuvimbika kwakakosha zvikuru nekuti kunobatsira kuvaka kuvimbana nevamwe.", "Kana vanhu vachiziva kuti tiripachokwadi uye takavimbika, vanokurumidza kusununguka kwatiri uye kupa pfungwa dzavo nemanzwiro.", "Zvinogona kuita kuti hupenyu huve hwakapfuma uye hunogutsa zvakawedzerwa.", "Ichokwadi, hazvisi nyore kuita chinhu chakanaka nguva dzose.", "Dzimwe nguva, tinogona kuiswa pamuedzo wekunyepa kana kusavimbika kuti tibudirire.", "Asi kana tichida kurarama upenyu hwakazara nekuvimbika, tinofanira kuda kumirira zvatinotendera, chero zvakawoma.", "Ndinoziva kuti kuvimbika chinhu chaunokoshesa, newewo.", "Ndosaka ndichifara kuti ndakutakura nhasi."], "factuality": "ok"} {"id": "topic_165__fiftfifi", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["Fufu is a starchy, doughy food made from pounded plantains or cassava.", "It is a staple food in many West African countries, and is often served with soups or stews.", "Fufu is typically made by pounding the plantains or cassava in a large mortar and pestle until they are smooth and pasty.", "The resulting fufu is then shaped into balls or logs and served.", "Fufu is a very filling food, and it is often eaten as a main course.", "It is also a good source of carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals.", "Fufu is a traditional food that has been eaten in West Africa for hundreds of years.", "It is a part of the culture and identity of many West African societies."], "trgs": ["Fufu chikafu chakaita chisadza, chesitachi chinogadzirwa kubva kumapurandeni akatswiwa kana mufarinya.", "Chikafu chinorimwa zvikuru munyika dzekuWest Africa dzakawanda, uye chinowanzopakurwa nemuto kana sichuwu.", "Fufu inowanzogadzirwa nekutswa mapurandeni nemufarinya muduri hombe nemutswi kusvika zvava kutsvedzerera uye zvabatana.", "Fufu inozobuda ipapo inozobva yogadzirwa kuita mabhora kana zvitanda yopakurwa.", "Fufu chikafu chinogutsa zvikuru, uye inowanzodyiwa sekudya kukuru.", "Chinhu chakatakurawo makabhohayidhireti, mavhitamini, nemaminararu akanaka.", "Fufu chikafu chechivanhu chadyiwa muWest Africa kwemakore zana.", "Chikamu chetsika nemagariro ematunhu eWest Africa akawanda."], "factuality": "ok"} {"id": "topic_154__pppppp", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["Person A: There is a lack of originality in the perfume and fragrance industry. The perfumes all smell the same, and they don't really say anything about me.", "Person B: I know what you mean. I've been looking for a unique perfume that will make me stand out from the crowd, but I haven't had any luck.", "Person A: I think we should start our own perfume company. We could create fragrances that are truly original and that reflect our personality.", "Person B: That's a great idea! I'm so excited to get started.", "Person A: We could call it \"Back to Australia\". It would be a tribute to our home country and a celebration of our unique scents.", "Person B: I love it! I can't wait to start creating fragrances that will make Australia proud."], "trgs": ["Munhu A: Pane kushaikwa kwehunyanzvi muindasitiri yemapefiyumu nezvinonhuwira. Mapefiyumu ose anonhuwirira zvakafanana, uye haana zvaanonyatsotaura nezvangu.", "Munhu B: Ndinoziva zvauri kureva. Ndanga ndichitsvaga pefiyumu yakasiyana inoita kuti ndizvitsaure kubva muruzhinji, asi handisati ndawana rombo rakanaka.", "Munhu A: Ndinofunga kuti tinofanira kutanga kambani yedu pachedu yepefiyumu. Tinogona kugadzira minhuwi inyatsori nehunyanzvi uye inotaridza hunhu hwedu.", "Munhu B: Ipfungwa yakanakisa! Ndirikufara zvikuru kutanga.", "Munhu A: Tinogona kuidaidza kuti \"Kudzokera kuAustralia\". Inenge iri remekedzo kunyika yedu yechizvarwa uye mhemberero yeminhuwi yedu yakasiyana neimwe.", "Munhu B: Izvi ndazvida! Handichatokwanisi kumirira kutanga kugadzira minhuwi ichaita kuti Australia idade."], "factuality": "ok"} {"id": "egypt_historical__titiitt", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["The Suez Canal was a major engineering feat that connected the Mediterranean Sea to the Red Sea.", "It was built by the French and opened in 1869.", "The canal was a vital trade route for Egypt and the rest of the world.", "It also allowed for the movement of troops and supplies, which was important during wartime.", "In 1956, Egypt nationalized the Suez Canal, which led to the Suez Crisis.", "The crisis was a major international incident that was eventually resolved through a United Nations peacekeeping force.", "The Suez Canal is still a vital trade route today and is one of the most important waterways in the world."], "trgs": ["Mugero weSuez ibudiriro huru yehuinjiniya waibatanidza Gungwa reMediterranean kuGungwa reRed.", "Wakavakwa nemaFrench ukavhurwa muna1869.", "Mugero uyu waiva nzira yakakosha yezvekutengeserana kweEgypt nepasi rose.", "Waibvumidzawo kufamba kwemauto nezvinhu, zvaive zvakakosha munguva yehondo.", "Muna 1956, Egypt yakaisa Mugero weSuez pasi pehurumende, izvo zvakakonzera Dambudziko reSuez.", "Dambudziko iri rakava chiitiko chikuru pasi rose rakazogadziriswa pakupedzisira kuburikidza neboka reUnited Nations rekuchengetedzwa kwerunyararo.", "Mugero weSuez inzira ichakakosha yezvekutengeserana nhasi uno uye ndiwo mumwe wenzira dzemumvura dzepasi rose."], "factuality": "has_errors"} {"id": "topic_341__ohoathdbhahiya", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["Once upon a time, there was a young man named Rajiv who lived in a small village.", "He was a poor man, and he and his mother often went hungry.", "One day, Rajiv decided to go into the forest to find some food.", "As he was walking through the forest, Rajiv came across a strange tree.", "The tree was covered in golden apples, and Rajiv had never seen anything like it before.", "He reached up to pick an apple, but as soon as he touched it, the tree spoke to him.", "\"Do not touch my apples,\" the tree said. \"They are not for you.\"", "But Rajiv was hungry, and he didn't listen to the tree.", "He picked an apple and took a bite.", "As soon as he did, he felt a strange change come over him.", "He felt stronger and more powerful, and he knew that he had done something wrong.", "\"I am the Golden Apple Tree,\" the tree said. \"And now that you have eaten my apple, you will be cursed.", "You will never be satisfied with what you have, and you will always be searching for more.\"", "And so it was."], "trgs": ["Paivepo, paiva nemurume wechidiki ainzi Rajiv aigara mumusha mudiki.", "Aiva murume murombo, uye iye namai vake vawainzogara nenzara.", "Rimwe zuva, Rajiv akafunga kuenda kunopinda musango kunotsvaga chikafu.", "Paaifamba musango, Rajiv akasanganidzana nemuti waishamisa.", "Muti waive wakazara maepuru egoridhe, uye Rajiv aive asati amboona chinhu chakadaro.", "Akadedemera kuti atanhe epuru, asi paakangoribata, muti wakatura kwaari.", "\"Usabate maepuru angu,\" wakadaro muti. \"Haasi ako.\"", "Asi Rajiv aive nenzara, uye haana kuteerera muti uya.", "Akatanha epuru akaruma.", "Paakangodaro, akanzwa kushanduka kunotyisa kuchiuya paari.", "Akanzwa kusimba nekuva nesimba rakawanda, uye akaziva kuti aive aita chinhu chakaipa.", "\"Ndiri Muti wemaEpuru eGoridhe,\" muti wakadaro. \"Uye sezvo wadya epuru rangu zvino, uchatukwa.", "Haufi wakagutsikana nezvauinazvo, uye uchagara uchitsvaga zvimwe zvakawanda.\"", "Zvakaita sekudaro."], "factuality": "ok"} {"id": "topic_269__otvootyayasoty", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["Open-air markets are a popular attraction in many cities and towns.", "They offer a variety of goods and services, from fresh produce to handmade crafts.", "Visitors can find a bargain on everything from clothes to souvenirs.", "Open-air markets are also a great place to people-watch and enjoy the local culture.", "One of the best things about open-air markets is the atmosphere.", "They're usually bustling with activity, and there's always something to see and do.", "You'll hear the sound of vendors calling out to customers, the smell of fresh-baked bread and pastries, and the sight of people haggling over prices.", "Another advantage of open-air markets is the variety of goods and services available.", "You can find everything from fresh produce to handmade crafts.", "And because the vendors are independent businesses, they're often willing to negotiate prices.", "So if you're looking for a bargain, an open-air market is the place to be.", "Of course, no discussion of open-air markets would be complete without mentioning the food.", "These markets are a great place to sample local cuisine.", "You'll find everything from grilled meats to fresh seafood to traditional desserts."], "trgs": ["Mamaketi epanze chinhu chinemukurumbira chinokwezva mumaguta nemadhorobha akawanda.", "Anotengesa zvinhu nemasevhisi akasiyana siyana, kubva kuzvirimwa zvitsva kusvika kuzvigadzirwa zvemaoko.", "Vashanyi vanogona kuwana mitengo yakaderera pane zvese kubva kuhembe kusvika kuzvirangaridzo.", "Mamaketi epanze inzvimbo zvakare yakanakisa yekuona vanhu uye kunakidzwa netsika dzenharaunda.", "Chimwe chezvinhu zvakanakisa pamamaketi epanze mweya uripanzvimbo iyoyo.", "Anowanzonge akazara nezviitiko, uye panogara paine chinhu chekuona nekuita.", "Unonzwa mazwi evatengesi vachidaidza vatengi, kunhuwirira kwechingwa nezvikanyiwa zvichangobikwa, uye kuona vanhu vachikakavadzana nekuda kwemitengo.", "Chimwe chakanakira mamaketi epanze kusiyana siyana kwezvinhu nemasevhisi anowanikwa.", "Unogona kuwana zvese kubva kuzvirimwa zvitsva kusvika kuzvigadzirwa zvemaoko.", "Uye nekuti vatengesi mabhizimisi akazvimiririra, vanowanzoda kutaurirana pamitengo.", "Saka kana uchitsvaga kuchema-chema, maketi yepanze ndiyo nzvimbo yekuva.", "Ehe saizvozvo, hapana nhaurirano yemamaketi epanze ingapera pasina kutaurwa zvechikafu.", "Mamaketi aya inzvimbo yakanakisa kuravira chikafu chemunharaunda.", "Unowana zvese kubva kunyama dzakagochwa kusvika kuchikafu chemumvura chitsva kusvika kumadhizeti echivanhu."], "factuality": "ok"} {"id": "topic_327__aahahaha", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["Ambedkar Jayanti is a day of celebration in India and other countries around the world to honor the memory of Dr. Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar, a social reformer, jurist, and political leader who was a key figure in the Indian independence movement and the architect of the Constitution of India.", "Ambedkar was born into a Dalit family, a group of people who were considered to be untouchables in the caste system of India.", "He faced discrimination and hardship throughout his life, but he never gave up on his dream of equality for all Indians.", "Ambedkar was a brilliant student and went on to earn a doctorate in law from Columbia University in the United States.", "He also studied at the London School of Economics and became a barrister.", "After returning to India, Ambedkar became a leading figure in the Indian independence movement.", "He was a member of the Indian National Congress, but he eventually broke away from the party and formed his own political organization, the Scheduled Castes Federation.", "Ambedkar was also a key figure in the drafting of the Constitution of India."], "trgs": ["Ambedkar Jayanti izuva remhemberero muIndia nedzimwe nyika dzepasi rose kuremekedza upenyu hwa Dr. Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar, muvandudzi wezvemagariro, munhu wezvemitemo, uye mutungamiri wezvematongerwo enyika aive munhu akakosha muboka rezverusununguko muIndia uye mugadziri weBumbiro reMitemo reIndia.", "Ambekdar akazvarwa mumhuri yemaDalit, boka revanhu raiwonekwa resingabatwi mumaitiro ezvemadzinza muIndia.", "Akasangana nekusarudzwa nekuwomerwa muhupenyu hwake hwose, asi haana kumborasa mwoyo pachishuviro chake cheruenzaniso kuvanhu vese vemuIndia.", "Ambedkar aive shasha yemudzidzi uye akapfuurira kunowana huchiremba hwezvemitemo kubva kuColumbia University muUnited States.", "Akadzidzawo paLondon School of Economics uye akave gweta rematare makuru.", "Mushure mekudzokera kuIndia, Ambedkar akava munhu aive mberi muboka rerusununguko rweIndia.", "Aive nhengo yeIndian National Congress, asi pakupedzisira akazozvitsaura kubva mumusangano akatanga sangano rake rezvematongerwo enyika, Scheduled Castes Federation.", "Ambedkar aivawo munhu akakosha pakunyorwa kweBumbiro remitemo reIndia."], "factuality": "ok"} {"id": "topic_388__aiaaitwwaw", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["Animal cruelty is the intentional infliction of pain, suffering, or death upon an animal.", "It can take many forms, from physical abuse to neglect.", "Animals may be beaten, kicked, burned, starved, or even killed for no reason other than human entertainment.", "Animal cruelty is a serious problem that affects millions of animals every year.", "It is illegal in most countries, but enforcement is often lax.", "There are many organizations that work to prevent and stop animal cruelty, but more needs to be done.", "We can all help to stop animal cruelty by being more aware of the issue and by speaking out against it.", "We can also choose to buy from businesses that do not support animal cruelty and to support organizations that work to protect animals.", "Animal cruelty is a terrible thing that happens every day.", "We can all help to make a difference by speaking out against it and by supporting organizations that work to stop it."], "trgs": ["Utsinye kumhuka kuiswa kwemarwadzo nemaune, kutambudzika, kana rufu pamhuka.", "Hunogona kuitika nenzira dzakawanda, kubva pakushungurudzwa pamuviri kana kushayirwa hanya.", "Mhuka dzinogona kurohwa, kukikwa, kupiswa, kugariswa nenzara, kana kutourayiwa pasina chikonzero kunze kwekuzvifadza kwevanhu.", "Utsinye kumhuka idambudziko rakakomba rinokanganisa mamiriyoni emhuka gore rega rega.", "Hazvisi pamutemo munyika zhinji, asi kutevedzwa kwemutemo kunowanzonge kwakaneta.", "Kune masangano mazhinji anoshanda kudzivirira nekumisa utsinye kumhuka, asi zvakawanda zvinoda kuitwa.", "Tese tinokwanisa kubatsira kumisa utsinye kumhuka nekuva neruzivo rwakawedzerwa panyaya yacho uye nekutaura tichizvishoropodza.", "Tinogonawo kusarudza kutenga kubva kumabhizimisi asingatsigiri utsinye kumhuka uye kutsigira masangano anoshanda kuchengetedza mhuka.", "Utsinye kumhuka chinhu chakaipa chinoitika zuva rega rega.", "Tese tinokwanisa kubatsira kuunza shanduko nekutaura tichizvishoropodza uye nekutsigira masangano anoshanda kumisa izvi."], "factuality": "ok"} {"id": "stt_60__tthtatsoaityiaw", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["This is because the average age of a woman's first menstrual period is 12 years old, and the average age of menopause is 45 years old.", "This means that a woman has approximately 33 years to bear children.", "However, fertility begins to decline in a woman's mid-thirties, and by the time she is 40, her chances of conceiving naturally are significantly reduced.", "There are a number of factors that can contribute to a woman's declining fertility, including age, smoking, obesity, and certain medical conditions.", "As a woman ages, her eggs become less healthy and more likely to have chromosomal abnormalities.", "This can increase the risk of miscarriage, stillbirth, and birth defects.", "Smoking can also damage a woman's fertility by reducing blood flow to the uterus and ovaries.", "Obesity can lead to hormonal imbalances that can interfere with ovulation.", "And certain medical conditions, such as polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and endometriosis, can also make it difficult for a woman to conceive.", "If you are a woman who is over 30 and are thinking about having children, it is important to talk to your doctor about your fertility.", "There are a number of things that you can do to improve your chances of conceiving, including losing weight if you are overweight or obese, quitting smoking, and getting regular exercise.", "Your doctor may also recommend fertility medications or other treatments to help you conceive.", "It is also important to remember that there are many other ways to have a family, even if you are unable to conceive naturally.", "Adoption and surrogacy are two options that you may want to consider.", "With the help of modern medicine, there are many ways to have a family, no matter what your age or fertility."], "trgs": ["Chikonzero ndechekuti makore ekuti munhukadzi atange kuenda kumwedzi i12, uye makore ekuti kuteera kupere anowanzonge ari 45.", "Zvinoreva kuti munhukadzi ane makore angangoita 33 ekuti azvare vana.", "Zvisinei, kukwanisa kubereka kunotanga kudzikira apo munhukadzi ave kumakore epakati pekumakumi matatu, uye panguva yaanosvika 40, mikana yake yekubata pamuviri inobva yangodzikira zvakanyanya.", "Pane zvinhu zvakawanda zvinogona kukonzera kudzikira kwekukwanisa kubereka kwemunhukadzi, kusanganisira makore, kuputa, kufutisa, uye kumwe kurwara.", "Apo munhukadzi achikura, mazai ake anodzikira utano uye anowedzera mikana yekukanganisika kwemakiromozomu.", "Izvi zvinogona kuwedzera njodzi yekupfukudzika, kuzvara mwana akafa, uye kuremara pakuzvarwa.", "Kuputa kunogonawo kukanganisa kukwanisa kubereka kwemunhukadzi nekuderedza kufamba kweropa kuenda kuchibereko nemaovhari.", "Kufutisa kunogona kukonzera kusaenzana kwemahomoni zvinogona kuvhiringana nenguva yekuti munhukadzi anokwanisa kubata pamuviri.", "Uye zvimwe zvirwere, zvakaita sepolycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) nejeko, zvinogona kuita kuti zvinetse kuti munhukadzi abate pamuviri.", "Kana uri munhukadzi ane makore anodarika 30 uchifunga zvekuita vana, zvakakosha kutaura nachiremba wako nezvekukwanisa kubereka.", "Kune zvinhu zvakawanda zvaunogona kuita kunatsiridza mikana yako yekubata pamuviri, kusanganisira kudzikira muviri kana uine muviri wakakura kana kuti wakafutisa, kurega kuputa, uye kuita zvemitambo nguva nenguva.", "Chiremba wako anogona kukurudzira mishonga yembereko kana kurapwa kuti ubatsirwe kubata pamuviri.", "Zvakakoshawo kurangarira kuti kune dzimwe nzira dzakawanda dzekuita nadzo mhuri kana usingakwanisi kubata pamuviri nemasikirwo.", "Kutora mwana wekuchengeta kana kutakurirwa nhumbu nemumwe inzira mbiri dzaungade kutarisa.", "Nerubatsiro rwemishonga yemazuvano, kune nzira dzakawanda dzekuva nemhuri nadzo, zvisinei nezera rako kana kukwanisa kubereka."], "factuality": "has_errors"} {"id": "topic_414__eteteteuh", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["Elephants are the largest land animals on Earth and can weigh up to 15,000 pounds.", "They are herbivores and their diet consists mainly of leaves, bark, and fruit.", "Elephants have a long trunk that they use for many purposes, including drinking, bathing, and gathering food.", "They also use their trunks to communicate with each other and to defend themselves from predators.", "Elephants live in herds and are very social animals.", "They form strong bonds with each other and care for their young.", "Elephants are also very intelligent animals and have been known to use tools.", "Unfortunately, elephants are threatened by habitat loss and poaching.", "However, there are many conservation efforts underway to protect these amazing animals."], "trgs": ["Nzou ndidzo mhuka dzepasi dzakakura kudarika dzimwe paNyika uye dzinogona kurema mapaundi anosvika 15,000.", "Imhuka dzisingadzi nyama uye kudya kwadzo kunonyanya kunge kuri kwemashizha, makwati, kana michero.", "Nzou dzine hunde yakareba yadzinoshandisa kuita zvakawanda, kusanganisira kunwa, kugeza, uye kuunganidza chikafu.", "Dzinoshandisawo hunde dzadzo kutaurirana uye kuzvidzivirira kubva kuzvikara.", "Nzou dzinogara mumapoka uye imhuka dzakasununguka zvikuru.", "Dzinogadzira hukama hwakasimba pachadzo uye kuchengetedza diki dzadzo.", "Nzou imhuka zvakare dzakangwara uye dzinozivikanwa pakushandisa maturusi.", "Sezvineiwo, nzou dzakatarisana nedambudziko rekurasikirwa nepekugara uye kuvhimwa zvisiri pamutemo.", "Zvisinei, kune nzira dzekuchengetedza dzakawanda dzirikuitwa kudzivirira mhuka dzakanakisa idzi."], "factuality": "ok"} {"id": "stt_417__ubtsststi", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["Up until that point, it had been a fairly standard fairy tale, with the princess living a sheltered life in her tower and the prince coming to rescue her.", "But once she steps outside, the story takes on a whole new tone.", "The princess is immediately confronted with a harsh and unforgiving world.", "She is forced to learn how to survive on her own, and she quickly discovers that she is not as helpless as she thought she was.", "She meets a variety of interesting characters along the way, and she learns a lot about herself and the world around her.", "The novel ends with the princess finding her own way in the world, and she is finally happy and content.", "She has learned that she is strong and independent, and she is no longer afraid to face whatever challenges come her way.", "The novel is a coming-of-age story, and it follows the princess as she grows from a sheltered young woman into a confident and capable adult.", "It is a story about self-discovery and empowerment, and it is a reminder that we are all capable of achieving great things if we are willing to step outside of our comfort zones and face the challenges that life throws our way."], "trgs": ["Kusvika panguva iyoyo, yaingovawo ngano yemazuva ose, ine mwanasikana wamambo achigara upenyu hwakafukidzirwa mushongwe yake uye mwanakomana wamambo achiuya kuzomununura.", "Asi paanongobuda panze, nyaya yacho inobva yashandura musambo.", "Mwanasikana wamambo anokurumidza kusangana nenyika ine hukasha nekusaregerera.", "Anomanikidzwa kudzidzira kurarama ari oga, uye anokurumidza kuziva kuti haasi munhu asingagoni kuzvibatsira semafungiro aaifunga kuti ari.", "Anosangana nemhando dzevanhu dzakasiyana munzira make, uye anodzidza zvakawanda nezvake pachake uye nenyika yakamukomberedza.", "Nganonyorwa inopera nemwanasikana wamambo achiwana nzira yake pachake munyika, uye pakupedzisira ava kufara uye ava kugutsikana.", "Akadzidza kuti akasimba uye anozvimiririra, uye haachatyi kusangana nematambudziko chero api anouya munzira make.", "Nganonyorwa iyi inyaya yekuyaruka, uye inotevera mwanasikana wamambo pakukura kwake kubva kumudzimai wechidiki akafukidzirwa kusvika achiita munhu mukuru anozvivimba uye anogona.", "Inyaya yekuzviziva nekuzvipa simba, uye iyeuchidzo yekuti tose tinokwanisa kuwana zvinhu zvikuru kana tichida kubuda panze penzvimbo dzatakadekara tichisangana nematambudziko anopotserwa kwatiri neupenyu."], "factuality": "ok"} {"id": "topic_175__afthtfdifat", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["As the global economy continues to grow, so too does the demand for cotton.", "Furthermore, the increasing popularity of sustainable fashion is driving up demand for organic cotton.", "This has led to a surge in investment in the cotton industry, with new plantations being established in countries such as India and China.", "However, this growth has not been without its challenges.", "The increased demand for cotton has put a strain on water resources, and the use of pesticides and fertilizers has led to environmental pollution.", "Furthermore, the low wages paid to cotton farmers in developing countries has led to concerns about labor exploitation.", "Despite these challenges, the cotton industry remains an important part of the global economy.", "It provides jobs for millions of people and is a source of vital income for many developing countries.", "Furthermore, cotton is a versatile and sustainable material that is used in a wide range of products, from clothing to home furnishings.", "As the global population continues to grow, the demand for cotton is likely to remain high.", "This presents both challenges and opportunities for the cotton industry."], "trgs": ["Nekukura kurikuita upfumi hwepasi rose, ndizvowo zvirikuita kudikanwa kwedonje.", "Pamusoro pazvo, kuwedzera kwemukurumbira wezvekupfeka zvinogara nguva yakareba kurikuendesa mberi kudikanwa kwedonje risina zviwedzerwa.", "Izvi zvakonzera kuwanda kwevanoda kuisa mari muindasitiri yedonje, paine minda mitsva irikutangwa munyika dzakaita seIndia neChina.", "Zvisinei, kukura uku hakusi kusina matambudziko ako.", "Kuwedzera kwekudikanwa kwedonje kwaisa kumanikidzika pakuwanikwa kwemvura, uye kushandiswa kwemishonga inouraya zvipuka nemafetireza kwaita kuti nharaunda ive netsvina.", "Pamusoro pazvo, mari shoma inobhadharwa kune varimi vedonje munyika dzichiri kubudirira yaita kuti pave nekunetsekana nezvekushandiswa zvakanyanya kwevashandi.", "Zvisinei nematambudziko aya, indasitiri yedonje inoramba iri chikamu chakakosha chezveupfumi hwepasi rose.", "Inopa mabasa kumamiriyoni evanhu uye idura remari yakakosha kunyika dzichiri kubudirira dzakawanda.", "Pamusoro pazvo, donje chinhu chinoshanda zvakawanda uye chinogara icho chinoshandiswa muzvigadzirwa zvakawanda zvakasiyana siyana, kubva kune zvekupfeka kusvika kumidziyo yemumba.", "Apo huwandu hwevanhu pasi rose huri kuramba huchiwedzera, kudikanwa kwedonje kunogona kuramba kwakakwira.", "Izvi zvinoisa pachena matambudziko zvese nemikana kuindasitiri yedonje."], "factuality": "has_errors"} {"id": "topic_517__iibwwtatwwti", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["I remember the day I collected the first harvest of our family farm.", "It was a hot summer day, and the sun was beating down on us as we worked in the fields.", "But we didn't mind, because we were excited to see the fruits of our labor.", "We had been working hard all season, and it was finally time to reap the rewards.", "We picked the ripe tomatoes and peppers, and we carefully loaded them into the back of the truck.", "Then we drove them back to the farm, where we washed and sorted them.", "After we had finished cleaning the vegetables, we put them in the smoker.", "The smoke from the wood fire slowly permeated the vegetables, giving them a delicious flavor.", "We smoked them for several hours, until they were perfectly cooked.", "We were all so proud of our work, and we couldn't wait to share the delicious vegetables with our family and friends.", "That night, we had a big feast, and we all ate and drank to our hearts' content.", "It was a truly memorable day, and one that I will never forget."], "trgs": ["Ndinorangarira zuva randakakohwa goho rekutanga remupurazi remhuri yedu.", "Raiva zuva raipisa remuchirimo, uye zuva raitipisa pataishanda muminda.", "Asi hatina kuita hanya nazvo, nekuti taifarira kuona zvaizobuda kubva mukushanda kwedu.", "Taive tashanda zvakasimba mwaka wose, uye yakanga zvino yava nguva yekukohwa mibairo.", "Takatanha madomasi nemapepa akaibva, uye takanyatsoarongera kumashure kwerori.", "Takazotyaira kuadzosera kupurazi, uko taakageza nekuasarudza.", "Mushure mekupedza kugeza miriwo, takaiisa musimoka.", "Hutsi waibva mumoto wehuni hwakapinda mumiriwo, huchiipa kunhuwirira kunonaka.", "Takaasimoka kwemaawa akati kuti, kusvika abikika zvakakwana.", "Tese takadada nebasa redu, uye takanonokerwa nekugovana miriwo inonaka nemhuri neshamwari dzedu.", "Usiku ihwohwo, takava nebira guru, uye tose takadya nekunwa kusvika mwoyo yedu yagutsikana.", "Rakava zuva rinorangaririka chose, uye iro randisingafi ndakakanganwa."], "factuality": "ok"} {"id": "topic_22__sakekbiebkoaekeik", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["Scene: A meeting room in a business office.", "A man, Kevin, and a woman, Elena, are sitting at a table.", "Kevin: I've been thinking about starting a new business.", "Elena: That's great! What kind of business?", "Kevin: I'm not sure yet.", "But I've been reading about this new technology that allows you to extract sand from seawater.", "I think it could be a really profitable business.", "Elena: That's an interesting idea.", "But how would you get the sand out of the water?", "Kevin: There are a few different ways to do it.", "One way is to use a machine that filters the water.", "Another way is to use a chemical process to dissolve the salt from the water.", "Elena: It sounds like it could be a very expensive business to start.", "Kevin: It would be, but I think the potential profits would be worth it.", "Elena: I'm not sure.", "I'm going to need to do some more research before I can make a decision.", "Kevin: That's fine."], "trgs": ["Chiitiko: Imba yemusangano muhofisi yebhizimisi.", "Murume, Kevin, uye mukadzi, Elena, vakagara patafura.", "Kevin: Ndanga ndichifunga zvekutanga bhizimisi idzva.", "Elena: Zvakanakisa! Mhando ipi yebhizimisi?", "Kevin: Handisati ndaane chokwadi.", "Asi ndanga ndichiverenga nezvetekinoroji itsva inokubvumidza kuti ubvise jecha kubva mumvura yegungwa.", "Ndinofunga kuti rinogona kuva bhizimisi rine mari chose.", "Elena: Ipfungwa inonakidza.", "Asi ungabvisa sei jecha kubva mumvura?", "Kevin: Pane nzira dzakasiyana dzekuzviita.", "Imwe nzira ndeyekushandisa muchina unochenesa mvura.", "Imwe nzira ndeyekushandisa magadziriro emishonga kunyungudutsa munyu kubva mumvura.", "Elena: Ririkuita kunge ibhizimisi rinogona kudhura zvikuru kuritanga.", "Kevin: Rinogona, asi ndinofunga kuti mari ingangobuda ipapo inoita kuti zvinge zvakakodzera.", "Elena: Handina chokwadi.", "Ndichada kuita imwe tsvakurudzo ndisati ndaita sarudzo.", "Kevin: Zvakanaka."], "factuality": "ok"} {"id": "topic_366__ctotttift", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["Charity begins at home is a proverb that means that people should take care of their own family and community before helping others.", "The phrase is often used to encourage people to be more charitable to those in need, but it can also be used to justify selfishness or inaction.", "One example of how the phrase might be used is if someone is asked to donate to a charity that helps people in a foreign country.", "The person might say that they would rather donate to a local charity that helps people in their own community.", "This is because they believe that it is more important to help those who are close to them than those who are far away.", "The phrase \"charity begins at home\" can be traced back to the Bible.", "In the book of Matthew, Jesus says, \"If you give to the poor, your gift will be given back to you full measure, pressed down, shaken together, and running over.", "For by your standard of measure it will be measured to you in return.\" (Matthew 6:20).", "This verse suggests that people should be generous to others, but it also implies that they should start by being generous to those who are close to them."], "trgs": ["Mutsa unotangira kumba itsumo inoreva kuti vanhu vanofanira kuchengeta mhuri dzavo nenharaunda dzavo vasati vabatsira vamwe.", "Chirevo ichi chinowanzoshandiswa kukurudzira vanhu kuti vaite mutsa zvikuru kune avo vanoda rubatsiro, asi chinogona kushandiswawo kuwana chikonzero chehumbimbindoga nekusaita chinhu.", "Muenzaniso mumwechete wekuti chirevo ichi chinogona kushandiswa sei ndewekunge munhu akumbirwa kupa kubasa remutsa rinobatsira vanhu vekune imwe nyika.", "Munhu wacho anogona kuti angatosva apa kubasa remutsa rinobatsira vanhu munharaunda make.", "Izvi zvinodaro nekuti anotendera kuti zvakanyanyokosha kubatsira vaya varipedyo naye pane vaya varikure.", "Chirevo chekuti \"mutsa unotangira kumba\" chinogona kurondwa kudzokera kuBhaibheri.", "Mubhuku raMateo, Jesu anoti, \"Kana ukapa kuvarombo, chipo chako chichadzoserwa kwauri zvizere, chakatsindirwa, chakakuchukudzwa, uye kupfachukira.", "Nekuti nechiyereso chako zvichayerwa kwauri zvichidzorerwa.\" (Mateo 6:20).", "Ndima iyi inoreva kuti vanhu vanofanira kuva vanopa kune vamwe, asi inorevawo kuti vanofanira kutanga kuva vanopa kune avo varipedyo navo."], "factuality": "has_errors"} {"id": "topic_41__timtsttmoh", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["The hippie movement was a social and cultural phenomenon that emerged in the United States during the 1960s.", "It was characterized by its rejection of mainstream values and its emphasis on peace, love, and freedom.", "Music played an important role in the hippie movement, as it helped to create a sense of community and shared identity among its members.", "The music of the hippie movement was diverse, but it was often characterized by its experimental nature and its focus on spirituality and social change.", "Some of the most popular hippie bands included the Grateful Dead, Jefferson Airplane, and the Doors.", "These bands created a new sound that was unlike anything that had come before, and their music helped to inspire the counterculture movement.", "The hippie movement has had a lasting impact on music, and its influence can still be seen today.", "Many modern bands continue to draw inspiration from the hippie era, and its values of peace, love, and freedom continue to resonate with people around the world.", "One of the most important aspects of hippie music was its emphasis on balance.", "Hippie musicians sought to create music that was both beautiful and meaningful, and they often drew inspiration from a variety of sources, including Eastern philosophy, world music, and psychedelic drugs."], "trgs": ["Sangano remahipi raive chiitiko chemagariro netsika chakabuda muUnited States munguva dzekuma1960.", "Raizivikanwa nekuramba kwaro mugariro weveruzhinji uye kusimbisa kwaro rugare, rudo, uye rusununguko.", "Mimhanzi yaive nebasa rakakosha musangano remahipi,sezvo yaibatsira kuunza kunzwa kubatirana pamwe uye hukama hwavose pakati penhengo dzaro.", "Mimhanzi yesangano remahipi yaive yakasiyana siyana, asi yaiwanzozivikanwa nekuedzeresa kwayo uye nekunyanyotarisa zvechinamato nezveshanduko mumagariro.", "Mamwe mapoka ezvemimhanzi aive nemukurumbira aisanganisira veGrateful Dead, Jefferson Airplane, uye veDoors.", "Mapoka emimhanzi aya akagadzira mimhanzi mitsva yaive isina kumboita kunge chero ipi yakambouya, uye mimhanzi yavo yakabatsira kukurudzira sangano rekupikiswa kwezvetsika.", "Sangano remahipi rakaunza shanduko isingaperi pamimhanzi, uye pesvedzero yaro inowonekwa chero nanhasi.", "Mapoka mazhinji ezvemimhanzi emazuvano anoramba achiwana kurudziro kubva kunguva yemahipi, uye tsika dzavo dzerugare, rudo, uye rusununguko dzinoramba dzichipindirana nevanhu pasi rose.", "Chimwe chezvakakosha pamimhanzi yemahipi chaiva kusimbisa kwayo kugadzikana.", "Vaimbi vechihipi vaitsvaga kugadzira mimhanzi yaive yakanaka zvese nekuva nechirevo, uye vaiwanzowana kurudziro kubva kuzvinhu zvakasiyana siyana, kusanganisira uzivi hweMabvazuva, mimhanzi yepanyika, uye zvinodhaka zvinechekuita nepfungwa."], "factuality": "ok"} {"id": "topic_15__aeaea", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["Applicant: I've always found math to be easy. I enjoy the logical thinking and problem-solving involved. In my previous job, I was responsible for developing mathematical models to analyze data and make predictions. I also taught math courses at the local community college.", "Employer: That sounds like you have a lot of experience with math. What are your thoughts on the importance of math in the workplace?", "Applicant: I think math is essential for any job that requires analytical thinking. It's also important for communicating complex ideas in a clear and concise way. In my current role, I use math to develop marketing plans, analyze customer data, and create financial projections.", "Employer: I'm impressed with your math skills and experience. I think you'd be a great addition to our team.", "Applicant: Thank you for the opportunity."], "trgs": ["Munyoreri: Ndagara ndichingoona masvomhu ari nyore. Ndinofarira kufunga kune musoro uye kugadzirisa zvinonetsa kuripo. Mubasa randaimbove, ndaive nebasa rekugadzira mienzaniso yemasvomhu yekuongorora dhata uye kuita fungidziro. Ndaidzidzisawo makosi emasvomhu pakoreji yemunharaunda yepedyo.", "Mushandirwi: Zvirikuita kunge wakaita zvakawanda nemasvomhu. Unofungei nezvekukosha kwemasvomhu pabasa?", "Munyoreri: Ndinofunga kuti masvomhu akakosha kubasa chero ripi rinoda kufunga kwekunyatsoongorora. Akakoshawo pakufambisa mashoko epfungwa dzakaoma nenzira iripachena uye pfupi. Mubasa randinaro parizvino, ndinoshandisa masvomhu kugadzira urongwa hwezvekushambadza, kuongorora dhata revatengi, uye kugadzira fungidziro dzezvemari.", "Mushandirwi: Ndafadzwa neruzivo rwako nezvawakamboita pane zvemasvomhu. Nidnofunga kuti unozova chimwe chakanaka kuchikwata chedu.", "Munyoreri: Ndinotenda nemukana."], "factuality": "ok"} {"id": "topic_350__titobohhtttitt", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["The title of the story is \"The Basketball Game\".", "It is about a group of students who are playing basketball in the school gym.", "They are all having a lot of fun, and they are working together as a team.", "One of the students, named Ayanda, is new to the school, and she is not very good at basketball.", "But she is trying her best, and her teammates are encouraging her.", "One of the students, named Christian, is the best player on the team.", "He is very talented, and he is always willing to help his teammates.", "He is a good leader, and he sets a good example for the other students.", "The students are all playing hard, and they are all very excited.", "They are all hoping to win the game.", "The game is close, and it is going down to the wire.", "In the final seconds, Christian makes a basket to win the game for his team.", "The students all celebrate, and they are all very happy.", "They have all learned a lot about teamwork and sportsmanship, and they have all had a lot of fun."], "trgs": ["Musoro wenyaya unonzi \"Mutambo weBhasiketibhora\".", "Ndeyeboka revadzidzi ririkutamba bhasiketibhora mujimu repachikoro.", "Vese varikufara zvikuru, uye varikushanda pamwechete sechikwata.", "Mumwe wevadzidzi, anonzi Ayanda, mutsva pachikoro, uye haanyatsogoni bhasiketibhora.", "Asi arikuzama napose paanogona, uye vamwe vechikwata chake varikumukurudzira.", "Mumwe wevadzidzi,anonzi Christian, ndiye mutambi anogonesa pachikwata chacho.", "Ane chipo chikuru, uye anogara achida kubatsira vamwe vechikwata chake.", "Mutungamiri akanaka, uye anoisa muenzaniso wakanaka kune vamwe vadzidzi.", "Vadzidzi varikutamba zvakasimba vose, uye vese varikufara zvakanyanya.", "Vese varikutarisira kukunda pamutambo.", "Mutambo wacho unemakwikwi, uye unotozoonekwa kukunda pekupedzisira chaipo.", "Pamasekonzi ekupedzisira, Christian anonwisa achihwinira chikwata chake mutambo.", "Vadzidzi vose vanopembera, uye vese varikufara zvikuru.", "Vese vadzidza zvakawanda nezvekushanda pamwechete sechikwata uye utambi hwakanaka, uye vese vava nekunakidzwa kukuru."], "factuality": "ok"} {"id": "topic_306__phhph", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["Patrick loved to spend his free time pursuing his hobbies.", "He was an avid reader and would often spend hours in the library or curled up in his favorite chair with a good book.", "He also enjoyed playing the guitar and would often practice for hours on end.", "Patrick also loved to go hiking and camping with his friends and family.", "He found peace and tranquility in the great outdoors."], "trgs": ["Patrick aida kupedza nguva yake yekuzorora achiita zvitandadzo zvake.", "Aifarira kuverenga zvikuru uye aiwanzopedza maawa muimba yekuverengera kana akagonya pachigaro chake chaanofarira nebhuku rinonakidza.", "Aifarirawo kuridza gitare uye aiwanzodzidzira kwemaawa asingaperi.", "Patrick aifarirawo kuenda kunoita zvekufamba uye kudzika misasa neshamwari dzake nemhuri.", "Aiwana rugare nerunyararo kunzvimbo dzepanze."], "factuality": "ok"} {"id": "topic_308__tetbtwii", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["\"The beauty of traditional dance forms lies in their simplicity,\" said the dancer.", "\"Each movement is carefully choreographed to express a specific emotion or idea.", "The result is a work of art that is both visually stunning and emotionally moving.\"", "\"But what about the difficulty?\" asked the student. \"Traditional dances are often very challenging to learn.\"", "\"That is true,\" said the dancer. \"But the challenge is part of what makes them so rewarding.", "When you finally master a difficult dance, you feel a sense of accomplishment that is unlike anything else.\"", "\"I can see why you love traditional dance so much,\" said the student \"It's a truly unique art form.\"", "\"It is,\" said the dancer \"And I'm grateful to have had the opportunity to share it with you\"."], "trgs": ["\"Kunaka kwemhando dzemitambo yechinyakare kunowanikwa mukuva nyore kwayo,\" akadaro mutambi.", "\"Mafambiro ega ega akagadzirwa nehanya kuti ataridze manzwiro kana mafungiro akatsauka.", "Zvinozobuda ibasa reunyanzvi rinotaridzika zvakanakisa uye kubata mwoyo zvikuru.\"", "\"Asi ko kuwoma kwazvo?\" akabvunza mudzidzi. \"Mitambo yechinyakare inowanzonge yakawoma kuidzidza.\"", "\"Ichokwadi,\" akadaro mutambi. \"Asi kuwoma kwazvo ndicho chezvimwe zvinoita kuti zvibhadhare zvikuru.", "Paunozogona mutambo wakawoma, unonzwa kubudirira kwakasiyana nekumwe.\"", "\"Ndaona kuti sei uchida mitambo yechinyakare zvakanyanya,\" akadaro mudzidzi \"ibasa reunyanzvi rakanyatsosiyana nemamwe.\"", "\"Ndizvozvo,\" akadaro mutambi \"Uye ndinotenda kuti ndawana mukana wekurigoverana newe\"."], "factuality": "ok"} {"id": "stt_20__ssbsbsbia", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["She had spent so many years feeling ashamed of herself, of her body, of her desires.", "She had let others tell her that she was wrong, that she was dirty, that she was not worthy of love.", "But at the reunion, she finally saw that they were wrong.", "She was worthy of love, and she deserved to be happy.", "Bella's anger was healthy because it was a response to the injustice she had faced.", "She was angry that she had been made to feel ashamed of herself, and she was angry that she had been denied her right to love.", "But her anger was also productive.", "It motivated her to fight for her rights, and it helped her to reclaim her sense of self-worth.", "At the reunion, Bella finally found the strength to stand up for herself."], "trgs": ["Aive apedza makore akawanda achinyara nezvaari, nemuviri wake, uye nezvishuwo zvake.", "Aive abvumidza vamwe kuti vamuudze kuti aisaziva, kuti aive netsvina, uye kuti aive asina kukodzera rudo.", "Asi pamutambo wekusanganazve, akazoona kuti vaive vasingatauri chokwadi.", "Aive akakodzera rudo, uye aikodzera kufara.", "Kutsamwa kwaBella kwaiva nehutano nekuti kwaive kwakonzerwa nekusaruramisirwa kwaaive asangana nako.", "Aive akatsamwa nekuti aive aitwa kuti anzwe kunyara pamusoro pezvaari, uye aive akatsamwa kuti aive akarambidzwa kodzero yake kurudo.", "Asi kutsamwa kwake kwaivewo nepundutso.", "Kwakamukurudzira kuti arwire kodzero dzake, uye kwakamubatsira kuti atorezve kunzwa kwake kuti akakosha.", "Pamutambo wekusanganazve, Bella akazowana simba rekuzvimiririra."], "factuality": "ok"} {"id": "topic_571__assss", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["A young woman is searching for food in a dumpster.", "She is wearing tattered clothing and her hair is matted.", "She looks around cautiously, as if she is afraid of being caught.", "She finds a few cans of food and puts them in a bag.", "She then walks away, her mind filled with thoughts of how she will feed herself and her children."], "trgs": ["Mudzimai wechidiki arikutsvaga chikafu munorasirwa marara.", "Akapfeka hembe dzakabvaruka bvaruka uye bvudzi rake rakabatana batana.", "Anocheuka cheuka nekungwarira, kunge arikutya kubatwa.", "Anowana magaba mashoma echikafu oaisa mubhegi.", "Anobva afamba kubvapo, mumusoro make makazara pfungwa dzekuti achaita sei kuti iye nevana vake vadye."], "factuality": "ok"} {"id": "open_1__tsshwiwtsttait", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["The little girl stood on the street corner, shivering in the cold.", "She had been trying to sell matches all day, but no one had bought any.", "She was about to give up when she saw a man approaching.", "He looked like he was in a hurry, but he stopped when he saw the little girl.", "\"What are you doing out here all alone?\" he asked.", "\"I'm trying to sell matches,\" the little girl said. \"But no one will buy them.\"", "\"Well, I'll buy one,\" the man said \"But you have to give me a rose in exchange.\"", "The little girl was surprised, but she agreed.", "She ran home and picked a beautiful rose.", "Then she went back to the man and gave him the match and the rose.", "\"Thank you,\" the man said \"You're a kind girl.\" He took the match and lit it.", "As the flame grew, the little girl saw that it was a magic match.", "It turned into a beautiful bouquet of roses.", "The little girl was so happy."], "trgs": ["Musikana mudiki akamira pakona yemugwagwa, achibvunda muchando.", "Aive achiedza kutengesa machisa zuva rose, asi hapana aive atenga chero imwe.", "Aive ava pedyo nekurasa mwoyo paakaona murume achisvika.", "Airatidza kunge aimhanya mhanya, asi akamira paakaona musikana mudiki uya.", "\"Urikuitei kunze kuno uriwega?\" akabvunza.", "\"Ndirikuedza kutengesa machisa,\" musikana mudiki akadaro. \"Asi hapana arikuatenga.\"", "\"Zvakanaka, ndichatenga rimwe,\" murume akadaro \"Asi unofanira kundipa rozi tichinjane.\"", "Musikana mudiki akashamiswa, asi akabvuma.", "Akamhanya kumba akatanha rozi rakanaka.", "Akabva amhanya kudzokera kumurume uya akamupa machisa imwechete uye rozi.", "\"Waita hako,\" murume akadaro \"Urimusikana anetsitsi.\" Akatora machisa imwechete akaibatidza.", "Paiwedzera kubvira, musikana mudiki akaona kuti yaiva machisa yemaminimini.", "Yakashanduka kuva svinga remarozi rakanaka.", "Musikana mudiki akafara zvikuru."], "factuality": "ok"} {"id": "stt_674__trttiftbhitttrtb", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["The elephants can roam freely without fear of being hunted, and the farmers can be sure that their crops will not be destroyed.", "Radio collars are small devices that are attached to an animal's neck.", "They emit a signal that can be tracked by a receiver.", "This allows scientists to track the animal's movements over time.", "In the case of elephants, this information can be used to create maps of their home ranges and to identify areas where they are most likely to come into conflict with humans.", "Farmers can use this information to take steps to protect their crops from elephants.", "They can build fences, plant thorny bushes, or use other methods to deter elephants from entering their fields.", "By working together, scientists and farmers can help to keep both elephants and humans safe.", "Here is an example of how radio collars have been used to help elephants and farmers.", "In Kenya, scientists from the University of Cambridge have been working with local communities to track the movements of elephants.", "This information has been used to create maps of the elephants' home ranges.", "The maps have been shared with farmers, who have used them to build fences around their fields.", "This has helped to reduce the number of conflicts between elephants and humans.", "Radio collars are a valuable tool for studying elephants and for helping to reduce human-elephant conflict.", "They provide scientists with valuable information about elephant behavior, and they can help farmers to protect their crops.", "By working together, scientists and farmers can help to create a future where elephants and humans can live together in harmony."], "trgs": ["Nzou dzinogona kufamba pamadiro dzisingatyi kuvhimwa, uye varimi vanogona kuva nechokwadi chekuti zvirimwa zvavo hazviparadzwi.", "Kora dzewairesi midziyo midiki inoiswa pamutsipa pemhuka.", "Dzinoburitsa chiratidzo chinogona kurondwa nemudziyo wekugamuchirisa.", "Izvi zvinobvumidza masaindisiti kuronda mafambiro emhuka kwenguva.", "Munyaya yenzou, nhau idzi dzinogona kushandiswa kugadzira mamepu epanogumira nzvimbo dzadzinogara uye kuzivisa nezvenzvimbo dzadzingagona kusangana nekunetsana nevanhu.", "Varimi vanogona kushandisa ruzivo urwu kutora matanho ekudzivirira zvirimwa zvavo kubva kunzou.", "Vanogona kuvaka ruzhowa, kudyara minzwa inobaya, kana kushandisa dzimwe nzira kudzivirira nzou kuti dzisapinde muminda yavo.", "Nekushanda pamwechete, masaindisiti nevarimi vanogona kubatsira kuchengeta nzou zvese nevanhu zvakachengetedzeka.", "Heunoi muenzaniso wemashandisirwo akamboitwa makora ewairesi kubatsira nzou nevarimi.", "MuKenya, masaindisiti anobva kuUniversity yeCambridge anga achishanda nenharaunda dzepedzyo kuronda mafambiro enzou.", "Ruzivo urwu rwashandiswa kugadzira mamepu enzvimbo dzinogara nzou.", "Mamepu aya akagoveranwa nevarimi, avo vaashandisa kuvaka ruzhowa rwakatenderedza minda yavo.", "Izvi zvabatsira kuderedza uwandu hwekunetsana pakati penzou nevanhu.", "Makora ewairesi iturusi rakakosha pakudzidza nzou uye kuderedza kunetsana kwevanhu nenzou.", "Anopa masaindisiti ruzivo rwakakosha nezvemaitiro enzou, uye anogona kubatsira varimi kudzivirira zvirimwa zvavo.", "Nekushanda pamwechete, masaindisiti nevarimi vanogona kubatsira kugadzira remangwana iro nzou nevanhu zvinogona kugara zvese mukuwirirana."], "factuality": "has_errors"} {"id": "mali_historical__tittotstam", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["The Mali Empire was a West African empire that reached its peak in the 13th and 14th centuries.", "It was founded by Sundiata Keita in 1235 and stretched from the Atlantic Ocean to the Niger River.", "The Mali Empire was a major center of trade and learning, and its rulers were known for their wealth and power.", "The empire declined in the 15th century, and was eventually conquered by the Songhai Empire in the 16th century.", "One of the most important events in Mali's history was the Battle of Kirina in 1235.", "This battle marked the end of the Ghana Empire and the rise of the Mali Empire.", "Sundiata Keita, the founder of the Mali Empire, led his army to victory over the forces of the Ghana Empire.", "This victory gave Sundiata Keita control of the gold mines of the Sahel region, and helped to establish the Mali Empire as a major power in West Africa.", "Another important event in Mali's history was the reign of Mansa Musa.", "Mansa Musa was the third ruler of the Mali Empire, and he reigned from 1312 to 1337."], "trgs": ["Empire yeMali yaiva muzinda weWest Africa wakasvika padenga denga pawo mumasenjuri ekuma 13 ne14.", "Wakatangwa na Sundiata Keita muna1235 uye waive wakareba kubva kuGungwa reAtlantic kusvika kuRwizi rweNiger.", "Empire yeMali yaiva muzinda mukuru wezvekutengeserana nekudzidza, uye vatongi vawo vaizivikanwa nekuda kweupfumi nemasimba avo.", "Muzinda uyu wakaderera musenjuri yekuma15, uye wakazokundwa neEmpire yeSonghai musenjuri yekuma16.", "Chimwe chezviitiko zvakakosha munhoroondo yeMali yaiva Hondo yeKirina muna1235.", "Hondo iyi yakatara kupera kweEmpire yeGhana nekusimuka kweEmpire yeMali.", "Sundiata Keita, mutangi weEmpire yeMali, akatungamira mauto ake kuhukundi pamusoro pevarwi veEmpire yeGhana.", "Kukunda uku kwakapa Sundiata Keita simba pamusoro pemigodhi yegoridhe yekudunhu reSahel, uye kwakabatsira kudzika Empire yeMali seutongi hukuru muWest Africa.", "Chimwe chiitiko chakakosha munhoroondo yeMali hwaiva ushe hwaMansa Musa.", "Mansa Musa aiva mutongi wechitatu weEmpire yeMali, uye akatonga kubva muna1312 kusvika muna1337."], "factuality": "has_errors"} {"id": "stt_420__iaftyfytfabhuubub", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["In a Google spreadsheet, an absolute reference will always refer to the same cell, regardless of where it is copied or moved to.", "Absolute references are useful for cells that contain data that you do not want to change when you copy or move the formula.", "For example, if you have a formula that calculates the total sales for each month, you would want to use an absolute reference for the cell that contains the starting date.", "This way, the formula will always refer to the same cell, even if you copy it to a different row or column.", "You can create an absolute reference by adding a dollar sign ($) to the row number and column letter of the cell reference.", "For example, the absolute reference for the cell A1 would be $A$1.", "You can also use absolute references to reference a range of cells.", "To do this, add a dollar sign to the row number and column letter of each cell in the range.", "For example, the absolute reference for the range A1:B1 would be $A$1:$B$1.", "Absolute references are a powerful tool that can be used to make your formulas more flexible and easier to use.", "By understanding how to use absolute references, you can create formulas that will work even when you copy or move them to different locations.", "Here are some additional tips for using absolute references:", "* Use absolute references for cells that contain data that you do not want to change.", "* Use relative references for cells that contain data that you do want to change.", "* Be careful when using mixed references, which are references that contain both absolute and relative references.", "* Use the F4 key to toggle between absolute, relative, and mixed references.", "By following these tips, you can use absolute references to create powerful and flexible formulas that will make your work in Excel easier and more efficient."], "trgs": ["Musipiredhishiti reGoogle, refurenzi isingashanduki inongogara ichitaura nezvesero rimwechete, zvisinei nekuti ratorwa kupi kana kuti raendeswa kupi.", "Marefurenzi asingashanduki anoshanda zvikuru pamasero ane dhata rausingadi kushandura paunokopa kana kufambisa fomura.", "Semuenzaniso, kana uine fomura inoita masvomhu emari yezvitengeswa zvose zvemwedzi wega wega, ungada kushandisa refurenzi isingashanduki pasero rine zuva rekutanga.", "Nenzira iyi, fomura yacho inoramba ichinongedza kusero rimwechetero, chero ukaikopa kuisa kumutsara wakasiyana unoenda kurutivi kana unodzika pasi.", "Unogona kugadzira refurenzi isingashanduki nekuwedzera saini yedhora ($) kuvara remutsara unoenda kurutivi kana unodzika pasi perefurenzi yesero.", "Semuenzaniso, refurenzi isingashanduki yesero A1 inova $A$1.", "Unokwanisawo kushandisa marefurenzi asingashanduki kumiririra masero akawanda.", "Kuita izvi, wedzera saini yedhora kunhamba yemutsara unoenda kudivi uye kuvara remutsara unodzika pasi zvesero rega rega riripo.", "Semuenzaniso, refurenzi isingashanduki yeizvi A1:B1 inova $A$1:$B$1.", "Marefurenzi asingashanduki iturusi rine simba rinogona kushandiswa kuita kuti mafomura ave anobvuma kushanduka nekuva nyore kushandisa.", "Nekunzwisisa kuti marefurenzi asingashanduki anoshandiswa sei, unogona kugadzira mafomura anoshanda chero paunoakopa kana kuafambisa kuendesa kunzvimbo dzakasiyana siyana.", "Heanoi mamwezve mazano pakushandisa marefurenzi asingashanduki:", "* Shandisa marefurenzi asingashanduki pamasero anenge aine dhata rausingadi kushandura.", "* Shandisa marefurenzi ari reretivhi pamasero anenge aine dhata rausingadi kushandura.", "* Ngwarira pakushandisa marefurenzi akasanganiswa, anova marefurenzi anenge aine marefurenzi asingashanduki nearireretivhi ose.", "* Shandisa kiyi yeF4 kufamba pakati pemarefurenzi, asingashanduki, arireretivhi, uye akasangana.", "Nekutevera mazano aya, unogona kushandisa marefurenzi asingashanduki kugadzira mafomura akasimba uye asinganetsi kushandura anoita kuti basa rako muExcel rive nyore uye rinyatsoshandika."], "factuality": "has_errors"} {"id": "stt_635__tiftmtfwttmithtifityiymtmtotaimh", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["This is because they do not feed on blood.", "Instead, they feed on nectar from flowers.", "Female mosquitoes, on the other hand, do feed on blood.", "They need blood in order to produce eggs.", "Male mosquitoes are attracted to light, so they are often found near windows and doors.", "They are also attracted to the smell of sweat and CO2.", "Female mosquitoes are attracted to the same things, but they are also attracted to the smell of certain chemicals in human blood.", "When a female mosquito bites a human, she injects saliva into the skin.", "This saliva contains anticoagulants, which prevent the blood from clotting.", "The mosquito then sucks up the blood.", "Mosquito bites can cause itching and swelling.", "In some cases, they can also cause an allergic reaction.", "The most common type of allergic reaction to mosquito bites is hives.", "Hives are red, raised bumps that appear on the skin.", "They can be itchy or painful.", "In rare cases, mosquito bites can cause more serious problems.", "For example, some people can develop an infection at the site of the bite.", "In some cases, mosquito bites can even lead to death.", "The best way to avoid mosquito bites is to wear long sleeves and pants when you are outdoors.", "You should also use insect repellent.", "If you do get bitten by a mosquito, you can apply a cold compress to the bite to relieve the itching and swelling.", "You can also take an over-the-counter antihistamine to relieve the symptoms of an allergic reaction.", "Mosquitoes are important carriers of disease.", "They can transmit a variety of diseases, including malaria, dengue fever, and yellow fever.", "Mosquitoes are responsible for the deaths of millions of people each year.", "There are a number of things that can be done to control mosquito populations.", "One way is to reduce the number of places where mosquitoes can breed.", "This can be done by draining standing water and clearing away vegetation.", "Another way to control mosquito populations is to use insecticides.", "Insecticides can be used to kill mosquitoes both indoors and outdoors.", "Mosquitoes are a major public health problem.", "However, there are a number of things that can be done to control mosquito populations and reduce the risk of mosquito-borne diseases."], "trgs": ["Izvi zvinodaro nekuti hahudyi ropa.", "Pane kudaro, hunodya muto unobva mumaruva.", "Umhutu hwechikadzi, kune rumwe rutivi, hunodya ropa.", "Hunoda ropa kuti hugadzire mazai.", "Umhutu hwechirume hunokwezviwa nechiedza, saka hunowanzowanikwa pedyo nemafafitera uyemakonhi.", "Hunokwezviwawo neminhuwi yedikita neyeCO2.", "Umhutu hwechikadzi hunokwezviwa nezvinhu zvimwechete, asi hunokwezviwawo neminhuwi yemamwe makemikari arimuropa revanhu.", "Kana umhutu hwechikadzi hwaruma munhu, hunobayirira mate muganda.", "Mate aya anezvinoita kuti ropa rifambe zvakanaka, zvinodzivirira ropa kuti risagwambe.", "Umhutu hunobva hwakweva ropa.", "Kurumwa neumhutu kunokonzera kuvaviwa nekuzvimba.", "Pamwe pacho, kunogona kukonzera kurwara kunonyuka.", "Kurwara kwezvinonyuka kunowanzozivikanwa kuchibva mukurumwa neumhutu ndekwemahaivhi.", "Mahaivhi, mabhambo matsvuku akakwirira anouya paganda.", "Anogona kuvava kana kurwadza.", "Kashoma kacho, kurumwa neumhutu kunogona kukonzera matambudziko akakomba.", "Semuenzaniso, vamwe vanhu vanogona kuita utawachina nekungoona pakarumwa.", "Pamwe pacho, kurumwa neumhutu kunogona kutokonzera rufu.", "Nzira yakanakisa yekudzivirira kurumwa neumhutu kupfeka zvinhu zvine maoko marefu uye midhebhe kana uripanze.", "Unofanirawo kushandisa mafuta ekudzinga tupukanana.", "Kana ukarumwa neumhutu, unogona kuzvitova nechinhu chinotonhora parumwa pacho kurerutsa kuvaviwa nekuzvimba.", "Unogonawo kutora mushonga unotengwa pasingadi tsamba yachiremba kurerutsa zviratidzo zvechirwere chinonyuka.", "Umhutu vatakuri vakakosha vezvirwere.", "Hunogona kuparadzira zvirwere zvakasiyana siyana, kusanganisira marariya, dengu fivha, uye yero fivha.", "Umhutu hunokonzera rufu rwemamiriyoni evanhu gore negore.", "Pane zvinhu zvakawanda zvinogona kuitwa kudzora huwandu hweumhutu.", "Imwe nzira ndeyekuderedza nzvimbo dzinogona kuberekera umhutu.", "Izvi zvinogona kuitwa kuburikidza nekuvhurira mvura yakamira uye kubvisa zvinomera.", "Imwe nzira yekudzora huwandu hweumhutu kushandisa mishonga yezvipukanana.", "Mishonga yezvipukanana inogona kushandiswa kuuraya umhutu mukati zvese nekunze.", "Umhutu idambudziko guru rehutano hweveruzhinji.", "Zvakadaro hazvo, pane zvinhu zvakawanda zvinogona kuitwa kudzora huwandu hweumhutu uye kuderedza njodzi yezvirwere zvinobva kuumhutu."], "factuality": "has_errors"} {"id": "stt_605__htwttwowwwliwww", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["He taught that all beings are caught in a cycle of birth, death, and rebirth, and that this cycle is perpetuated by our attachments to things in the world.", "These attachments can be to anything, from material possessions to ideas and beliefs.", "When we are attached to something, we become possessive and controlling, and we suffer when we lose or cannot have what we want.", "The Buddha taught that the way to end suffering is to let go of our attachments.", "This is not easy, but it is possible through meditation and other spiritual practices.", "When we let go of our attachments, we become free from the cycle of birth, death, and rebirth, and we can experience true peace and happiness.", "One of the most important things to remember when trying to let go of our attachments is that we are not our possessions.", "We are not our ideas or beliefs.", "We are simply beings who are experiencing the world through our senses.", "When we can see ourselves in this way, it becomes easier to let go of the things that we think we need to be happy.", "Letting go of our attachments does not mean that we have to give up everything.", "It simply means that we need to be able to let go of things when it is time.", "We need to be able to let go of the things that are no longer serving us, and we need to be able to let go of the things that we are attached to out of fear or insecurity.", "When we can let go of our attachments, we open ourselves up to a new world of possibilities.", "We become free to live our lives in a way that is true to ourselves, and we become free to experience the joy and happiness that is our birthright."], "trgs": ["Aidzidzisa kuti zvinhu zvose zvinobatwa mudenderedzwa rekuzvarwa, kufa, uye kuzvarwa patsva, uye kuti denderedzwa iri rinoendeswa mberi nekubatirira kwedu kuzvinhu zvepanyika pano.", "Kubatirira uku kunogona kunge kuri chero panechipi, kubva kuzvinhu zvinobatika zvatiinazvo kusvika kupfungwa nezvatinotendera.", "Kana takabatirira pane chimwe chinhu, tinova varidzi zvakanyanya nekuva nehutongi, uye tinotambura patinorasikirwa kana patisingakwanisi kuva nezvatinoda.", "MuBuddha akadzidzisa kuti nzira yekupedza kutambura kusiya zvatakabatirira pazviri.", "Izvi hazvisi nyore, asi zvinogoneka kuburikidza nekufunga takazorora uye dzimwe nzira dzezvemweya.", "Patinosiya zvatakabatirira, tinova takasununguka kubva mudenderedzwa rekuzvarwa, kufa, nekuzvarwa patsva, uye tinogona kurarama rugare nerufaro zvechokwadi.", "Chimwe chezvinhu zvakakosha zvikuru chekurangarira pakuedza kusiya zvatakabatirira ndechekuti hatisi zvatiinazvo.", "Hatisi pfungwa dzedu kana zvatinotendera.", "Tingori vanhu varikurarama munyika kuburikidza nenjere dzedu.", "Patinozviwona nenzira iyi, zvinova nyore kusiyana nezvinhu zvatinofunga kuti tinoda kuti tifare.", "Kusiyana nezvatakabatirira hazvirevi kuti tinofanira kuramwa zvinhu zvose.", "Zvinongoreva kuti tinofanira kusiyana nezvinhu kana nguva yakwana.", "Tinofanira kukwanisa kusiyana nezvinhu zvisisatibatsiri, uye tinofanira kukwanisa kusiyana nezvinhu zvatakabatirira nekuda kwekutya kana kusava nechokwadi.", "Apo tinokwanisa kusiyana nezvatakabatirira, tinozvizarura kumimwe mikana yakawanda.", "Tinova takasununguka kurarama upenyu hwedu nenzira iripachokwadi kwatiri, uye tinova takasununguka kuwana rufaro uye kufara kwakatikodzera."], "factuality": "ok"} {"id": "topic_3__tthoinaihttiit", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["Trains have been a vital part of transportation for centuries.", "They are a safe, efficient, and reliable way to travel long distances.", "However, the railroad industry requires regular updates to keep pace with the changing needs of passengers.", "One of the most important updates that trains need is the installation of new safety features.", "In recent years, there have been a number of high-profile train accidents, which have highlighted the need for better safety measures.", "New safety features such as positive train control (PTC) can help prevent accidents by automatically stopping trains that are traveling too fast or that are about to collide with another train.", "Another important update that trains need is the installation of new technology.", "In the past, trains were powered by steam engines.", "However, steam engines are inefficient and pollute the environment.", "Today, most trains are powered by diesel engines or electric motors.", "These engines are more efficient and environmentally friendly.", "In addition to safety and technology updates, trains also need to be updated to accommodate the needs of passengers.", "In recent years, there has been an increase in the number of passengers who travel by train.", "This has led to overcrowding on trains, which can make for a less comfortable and enjoyable experience."], "trgs": ["Zvitima zvava chikamu chezvifambiso zvakakosha kwemazana emakore.", "Inzira isina ngozi, inoshanda zvakanaka, uye inovimbika yekufamba nzendo refu.", "Zvakadaro hazvo, indasitiri yenjanji inoda zviwedzerwa nguva nenguva kuti ifambirane kwezvido zvirikushanduka zvevafambi.", "Zvimwe zviwedzerwa zvakakosha zvikuru zvinodiwa nezvitima kuiswa kwezvinhu zvitsva zvechengetedzo.", "Mumakore achangopfuura, pakava nenjodzi huru dzakati wandei, idzo dzaunza pachena kukosha kwenzira dzirinani dzechengetedzo.", "Zvinhu zvitsva zvechengetedzo zvakaita sepositive train control (PTC) zvinogona kubatsira kudzivirira njodzi nekuerekana zvamisa zvitima zvirikumhanyisa kana zvinenge zvavakuda kudhumana nechimwe chitima.", "Zvimwe zviwedzeredzo zvakakosha zvinodiwa nezvitima kuiswa kwetekinoroji itsva.", "Kare, zvitima zvaiwoneka nemainjini echiutsi.", "Zvakadaro hazvo, mainjini echiutsi haashandi zvakanaka uye anosvibisa nharaunda.", "Nhasi uno, zvitima zvizhinji zvinofambiswa nemainjini edhiziri kana michina yemagetsi.", "Mainjini aya anoshanda zvakanaka zvikuru uye haakuvadzi nharaunda.", "Pamusoro pewedzeredzo yezvechengetedzo nezvetekinoroji, zvitima zvinodawo kuiswa zviwedzerwa zvinoitira zvido zvevafambi.", "Mumakore achangopfuura, pava nekukwira kwehuwandu hwevafambi vanofamba nechitima.", "Izvi zvakonzera kuzarisa muzvitima, izvo zvinogona kuti kufamba kuve kusina kunyatsodekara uye kusingafadzi."], "factuality": "has_errors"} {"id": "mfu_153__siottmsohsmhmiim", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["She had always been a talented painter, but after her loss, she found that she was no longer interested in painting pretty landscapes or still lifes.", "Instead, she began to create dark, brooding works of art that reflected her inner turmoil.", "One of her most famous paintings, \"The Death of My Son,\" is a stark and disturbing image of a young boy lying in a coffin.", "The boy's face is peaceful, but his body is twisted and contorted in pain.", "The painting is full of symbolism, and it is clear that Mary is using her art to process her grief and anger.", "Mary's shift in artistic style was not without its critics.", "Some people accused her of being exploitative and insensitive.", "Others said that her paintings were too depressing and that they should not be shown in public.", "However, Mary refused to back down.", "She believed that her art was important, and she wanted to share it with the world.", "Mary's work eventually found an audience, and she became one of the most respected artists of her time.", "Her paintings are now considered to be masterpieces, and they are still studied and admired by people all over the world.", "Mary's story is a reminder that art can be a powerful tool for expression.", "It can be used to process grief, anger, and other difficult emotions.", "It can also be used to communicate important messages about the human condition.", "Mary's paintings are a testament to the power of art, and they continue to inspire people to this day."], "trgs": ["Aive agara arimupendi ane tarenda, asi mushure mekurasikirwa kwake, akaona kuti aive asisafariri kupenda nzvimbo dzakanaka kana zvemipikicha.", "Pachinzvimbo pazvo, akatanga kugadzira mabasa ehunyanzvi ezvakasviba, nekufunganya zvaitaridza nyonganyonga yake yemukati.", "Chimwe chezvigadzirwa zvake zvependi zvine mukurumbira, \"The Death of My Son,\" mufananidzo uripachena unovhiringidza wemukomana mudiki akarara mubhokisi.", "Chiso chemukomana uyu chine rugare, asi muviri wake unotaridza kumonyana mumarwadzo.", "Chigadzirwa ichi chependi chakazara zviratidzo, uye zviripachena kuti Mary arikushandisa mabasa ake ehunyanzvi kugadzirisa kusuwa kwake nehasha.", "Kushanduka kwaMary pasitaira yemabasa ake ehunyanzvi kwaive kusiri kusina vashoropodzi.", "Vamwe vanhu vaimupomera kuva munhu ane hudzvinyiriri uye asina hanya.", "Vamwe vaiti zvigadzirwa zvake zvependi zvaisuwisa zvakanyanya uye vaiti zvaisafanira kutaridzwa paruzhinji.", "Zvakadaro hazvo, Mary akaramba kudzokera shure.", "Aitendera kuti basa rake rehunyanzvi raive rakakosha, uye aida kurigoverana nenyika.", "Basa raMary pakupedzisira rakazowana vanoritevera, uye akava mumwe wevanhu vane unyanzvi airemekedzwa zvikuru panguva yake.", "Zvigadzirwa zvake zvependi zvavakuonekwa zvino sezveunyanzvi hukuru, uye zvose zvichiri kudzidzwa nekuyemurwa nevanhu pasi rose.", "Nyaya yaMary iyeuchidzo yekuti basa reunyanzvi rinogona kuva turusi yakasimba yekuzvitaridza zvauri.", "Inogona kushandiswa kugadzirisa kusuwa, hasha, nemamwe manzwiro akawoma.", "Inogonawo kushandiswa kufambisa mashoko akakosha ezvemamiriro emunhu.", "Zvigadzirwa zvaMary zvependi itesitamende yesimba reunyanzvi, uye zvinoramba zvichikurudzira vanhu nanhasi."], "factuality": "ok"} {"id": "sudan_current__sisstkiset", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["Sudan is a country in northeastern Africa.", "It is bordered by Egypt to the north, Libya to the northwest, Chad to the west, the Central African Republic to the southwest, South Sudan to the south, Ethiopia to the southeast, and Eritrea to the east.", "Sudan has a population of over 40 million people and a land area of over 1.8 million square kilometers.", "Sudan's history is long and complex.", "The area has been inhabited by humans for thousands of years, and the first known civilization in Sudan was the Kingdom of Kush, which flourished from around 750 BC to 350 AD.", "Kush was a powerful kingdom that controlled much of the Nile River valley.", "In the 7th century AD, Sudan was conquered by the Arabs, who brought Islam to the region.", "Sudan was ruled by a series of Arab sultanates for centuries, until it was conquered by Egypt in 1821.", "Egypt ruled Sudan until 1885, when it was conquered by the Mahdi, a religious leader who led a rebellion against Egyptian rule.", "The Mahdi's rule was short-lived, and Sudan was reconquered by the British in 1898."], "trgs": ["Sudan inyika iri kumawodzanyemba kwakadziva kumabvazuva kweAfrica.", "Yakaganhurana ne Egypt kumawodzanyemba, Libya kumawodzanyemba kwakadziva kumadokero, Central African Republic kuchamhembe kwakadziva kumadokero, South Sudan kuchamhembe, Ethiopia kuchamhembe kwakadziva kumabvazuva, uye Eritria kumabvazuva.", "Sudan ine huwandu hwevanhu hunopfuura mamiriyoni 40 uye pasi pakakura kudarika makiromita mamiriyoni 1.8.", "Nhoroondo yeSudan yakareba uye yakaoma.", "Nzvimbo iyi yagarwa nevanhu kwezviuru zvemakore, uye chinhu chebudiriro chakatangwa kuzivikanwa muSudan hwaiva Humambo hwaKush, uhwo hwakabudirira kubva kunana 750 BC kusvika 350 AD.", "Kush hwaive humambo hwakasimba hwaitonga mujinga meRwizi rweNile kunyanya.", "Mumazana emakore ekuma7 AD, Sudan yakatorwa nemaArab, ayo akaunza Islam kudunhu iri.", "Sudan yakatongwa nemudungwe wemasaritaneti echiArab kwemazana emakore, kusvikira yakazotorwa neEgypt muna1821.", "Egypt yakatonga Sudan kusvika muna1885, payakatorwa naMahdi, mutungamiri wechitendero akatungamira chimurenga kuhutongi hweEgypt.", "Hutongi hwaMahdi hwaive hwenguva pfupi, uye Sudan yakazotorwazve nemaBritish muna1898."], "factuality": "ok"} {"id": "topic_45__miblwtdwlldisi", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["My dear daughter, I know you've been wondering about the nature of light and darkness.", "It's a big question, and one that scientists have been trying to answer for centuries.", "But I think I can give you a simple explanation that will help you understand it a little better.", "Light is a kind of energy that travels in waves.", "We can see light because it enters our eyes and stimulates the retina, which is a light-sensitive tissue at the back of the eye.", "The retina sends signals to our brain, which interprets them as images.", "Darkness is the absence of light.", "When there is no light, we can't see anything.", "Light and darkness are two opposites, but they're also two sides of the same coin.", "Light is needed for us to see, but darkness is also important.", "Darkness helps us to rest and sleep.", "It also creates a sense of mystery and wonder.", "So next time you're outside at night, take a moment to appreciate the darkness.", "It's just as important as light, and it has its own beauty."], "trgs": ["Mwanasikana wangu wadiwa, ndinoziva kuti wanga uchifunganya nezvemasikirwo echiedza nerima.", "Mubvunzo mukuru, uye uyo masaindisiti anga achiedza kupindura kwemazana emakore.", "Asi ndinofunga kuti ndinogona kukupa tsanangudzo iri nyore inogona kukubatsira kuzvinzwisisa zvirinani zvishoma.", "Chiedza imhando yesimba inofamba nemumasaisai.", "Tinogona kuona chiedza nekuti chinopinda mumaziso edu chosimudza retina, inova tishu rinodairira kuchiedza ririkuseri kweziso.", "Retina inotumira zviratidzo kupfungwa dzedu, idzo dzinozvidudzira semifananidzo.", "Rima kusavepo kwechiedza.", "Kana pasina chiedza, hapana chatinokwanisa kuona.", "Chiedza nerima zvinhu zviviri zvakasiyana, asiwo mativi maviri echinhu chimwechete.", "Chiedza chinodiwa kuti tione, asi rima rakakoshawo.", "Rima rinotibatsira kuzorora nekurara.", "Rinogadzirawo manzwiro ekuvanzika uye fungidziro.", "Saka nguva inotevera uripanze usiku, tora kanguva kutenda rima.", "Rakakosha zvakangoitawo chiedza, uye rine runako rwaro."], "factuality": "ok"} {"id": "topic_258__ehthhoihwmsstsehf", "sl": "en", "tl": "sn", "srcs": ["Esteban was a concerned father.", "His daughter, Marcela, was listening to music that he didn't approve of.", "The lyrics were explicit and violent, and he didn't want his daughter exposed to that kind of material.", "He tried to talk to her about it, but she just shrugged him off.", "He didn't know what else to do.", "One day, Esteban was listening to the radio when he heard a song that he thought Marcela would like.", "It was a catchy tune with a positive message.", "He decided to burn a copy of the song and give it to her.", "When she got home from school, he gave her the CD and told her to listen to it.", "Marcela was surprised by the gift, but she was also intrigued.", "She put the CD in her stereo and listened to the song.", "She liked it so much that she listened to it over and over again.", "The next day, Esteban asked Marcela what she thought of the song.", "She told him that she loved it and that it had made her think about things in a new way.", "Esteban was thrilled.", "He knew that he had made a difference in his daughter's life.", "From that day on, Marcela listened to more positive music."], "trgs": ["Esteban aiva baba vaishushikana.", "Mwanasikana wake, Marcela, aiteerera mimhanzi yaaisabvumidza.", "Mashoko enziyo dzacho ainyadzisira uye aine mhirizhonga, uye aisada kuti mwana wake ange arimukati mezvinhu zvakadaro.", "Akaedza kutaura naye nezvazvo, asi akangoita sezvisina basa.", "Aisaziva kuti chii chimwe chaangaite.", "Rimwe zuva, Esteban aiteerera wairesi apo akanzi rwiyo rwaakafunga kuti Marcela aizofarira.", "Waiva muimbirwo unobata uine shoko rakanaka.", "Akafunga kukopa rwiyo urwu omupa.", "Paakadzoka kumba kubva kuchikoro, akamupa CD riya akamuudza kuti ariteerere.", "Marcela akashamiswa nechipo ichi, asi akafadzwawo.", "Akaisa CD muwairesi yake akateerera kurwiyo rwuya.", "Akarwufarira zvakanyanya zvekuti akarwuteerera arwuteererazve.", "Mangwana acho, Esteban akabvunza Marcela zvaaifunga nezverwiyo rwuya.", "Akamuudza kuti akarwufarira uye kuti rwaive rwamuita kuti afunge nezvezvinhu nenzira itsva.", "Esteban akafara zvakanyanya.", "Akaziva kuti aive aita shanduko muupenyu hwemwanasikana wake.", "Kubva musi uyu, Marcela akateerera kumimhanzi imwe yakanaka."], "factuality": "ok"}