diff --git "a/smoldoc/en_ndc.jsonl" "b/smoldoc/en_ndc.jsonl" new file mode 100644--- /dev/null +++ "b/smoldoc/en_ndc.jsonl" @@ -0,0 +1,66 @@ +{"id": "topic_183__dtlihtiibiiiii", "sl": "en", "tl": "ndc", "srcs": ["Dude, you won't believe this.", "There's this engineer at my school who subsists off coffee.", "Like, he drinks it all day long.", "I'm not even sure he eats real food.", "He's like a walking coffee machine.", "The other day, I saw him walking down the hall, and he was literally shaking.", "I asked him if he was okay, and he said he was just \"coming down from a caffeine high.\"", "I was like, \"Dude, you need to slow down. You're gonna hurt yourself.\"", "But he just laughed and said, \"I'm fine. I'm an engineer. I can handle it.\"", "I don't know how he does it, but he's definitely one of a kind.", "I mean, he's the only person I know who can drink coffee and still fall asleep in class.", "It's like his body is just used to it.", "I'm not sure how long he can keep this up, but I'm kind of impressed by his dedication.", "I mean, if he can drink that much coffee and still function, then he's definitely got some serious willpower."], "trgs": ["Mujahawe, aungazvigondi izvi.", "Pane muinhiniya pachikora pangu unode kakurutu kofi.", "Kudai, wakachimwe zuwaro reshe.", "Anditombozii kuti unorye chikhafu chaicho ere.", "Wakadai ngemuchini unonasiriswe masamba ekofi.", "Zuwa rimweni, ndakamuona eihamba kuenda horo, ngekudaro waibvunza.", "Ndakamubvunza kuti waiye ari kahle ere, wakapingura akati \"kubve mukumwe zvine caffeine.\"", "Ndakati, \"Murumbwanewe unosise kutsidzira. Unothuka wazodzikuwadza.\"", "Tutse wakaamba ngekusheka, \"Ndinodakara. Ndiri Injiniya. Ndinokone kuzviita.\"", "Andizii unozviita maitirei, asi unoriwo hake muhlobo wake ega.", "Ngekudaro, ndiye ega murumbwana wendinoziya unokone kumwe kofi eikotsirazve munotatichwa.", "Zvinoita ngatei mwiri wake watozvijaera.", "Andizii hangu kuti ucharamba akabatirira kwenguwa yakadini, asi ndiri kudakadzwa kakurutu ngekudzipira kwemurumbwana uyu.", "Ndati, kuti eikona kumwe kofi yakawanda kudaroyo tutse oramba eiita zveshe, hino une chidaka daka chiri mwaari."], "factuality": "ok", "is_src_orig": true} +{"id": "topic_16__ittbtiyrnwyriytr", "sl": "en", "tl": "ndc", "srcs": ["\"I stood before the sculpture, my heart filled with both awe and sadness.", "The creation was so beautiful, but it also felt like a trap.", "The artist had captured the essence of the subject so perfectly that it was almost as if they were still alive.", "But they were not.", "They were just a piece of stone.", "I turned to the artist, a young man named Ram. \"You must stop sculpting,\" I said.", "\"Your creations are too beautiful. They are stealing life from the world.\"", "Ram looked at me in surprise \"What do you mean?\" he asked \"My sculptures are a celebration of life.\"", "\"No,\" I said \"They are a denial of it. They are a way of keeping people from experiencing the real world.", "When you look at one of your sculptures, you are not seeing the world as it is.", "You are seeing the world as you wish it to be. That is not real art.", "Real art is about showing the world as it is, warts and all.", "It is about making people feel something.", "Your sculptures don't make people feel anything.", "They just make them feel sad.\"", "Ram was silent for a long time."], "trgs": ["\"Ndakaema mberi kweukama, mwoyo wakadzare zveshe kushamisika ngekusuwa.", "Chisikwa ichi inga chakabaanaka, esi zvaiita ngatei musungo.", "Nyanzvi mukuveza yainge yakona kutora zvaibhuye chidzidzo zvakanakisa zvekuti zvaiite ingatei achiri apenyu.", "Esi inga vasiri.", "Inga angori mapuwe.", "Ndakatendeukire nyanzvi iyi, muisa wechidiki aizi Ram. \" Unosisa kuti urekere zvekuveza,\" ndakabhuya.", "\"Zviro zvaunoveza zvakanaka maningi. Zviri kuba ndaramo kubve munyika.\"", "Ram wakandinignira eishamisika. \"Munobhuya kutii?\" wakandibvunza. \"Mivezwa yangu mipemberero yeupenyu.\"", "\"Haiwa,\" Ndakamubhuira \" Inokombe kuuramba. Injira yekuita kuti anthu akorere kuzwa zvinoite nduramo munyika.", "Ukaningira chivezwa chimwe chako, auoni nyika sezvairi.", "Uri kuone nyika sezvaunoshuwira kuti inge iri. Aizvopi zvinobhuya unyanzvi hwemene.", "Unyanzvi hwemene ngehwekukombidze nyika sezvazviri, mhopo ngezveshe.", "Inoite ngezvekuti anthu aite chaanozwa mungazi yawo.", "Zvivezwa zvako azviiti kuti anthu azwe chiro.", "Anongoite kuti andu asadakara.\"", "Ram wakanyarara kwenguva yakareba."], "factuality": "ok", "is_src_orig": true} +{"id": "topic_230__tttatttt", "sl": "en", "tl": "ndc", "srcs": ["The old man's wake was a raucous affair, as befitting a life well-lived.", "The family and friends gathered around the coffin, telling stories and laughing about the good times they had shared with the deceased.", "There was plenty of food and drink, and the music never stopped.", "At one point, the widow stood up and raised her glass.", "\"To my husband,\" she said. \"He was a good man, and he will be missed. But he's in a better place now, and we'll see him again someday.\"", "The crowd cheered and drank in unison.", "The old man's spirit was there with them, and they knew that he would be happy to see them celebrating his life.", "The wake went on for hours, and by the end of the night, everyone was exhausted but happy."], "trgs": ["Murume achembera akamutswa ngendaa inemutsindo, zveikombidze upenyu hwakararamwa zvakanaka.", "Hama neshamwari dzakaungana pabhokisi, dzeibhuye ndaa ngekusheka zvenguva dzakanaka dzaainge akaa nadzo ngemufi.", "Inga paine zvekurya ngekumwa zvakawanda, uye mimhanzi aizi kumboema.", "Pane imweni nguva, shirikadzi yakaema yochomirudza girazi rayo.", "\"Kumurume wangu,\" akadaro. \"Inga ari murume akanaka, uye achasuwiwa. Esi ave mundau irinane zvinezvi, uye tichamuonahe rimweni zuva.\"", "Chaunga chakapemberera vakanwa nguva imweyo.", "Mweya wechembere rume iyi inga uipo navo, uye vaidziziya kuti waizodakara kuvaona veipemberera upenyu hwake.", "Chiitiko ichi chakaenderera kwemaawa, pakupera kweusiku, munthu weshe inga aremba esi eidakara."], "factuality": "ok", "is_src_orig": true} +{"id": "topic_232__fydeggp", "sl": "en", "tl": "ndc", "srcs": ["Face and Body Care", "Your skin is your largest organ, and it's important to take care of it both inside and out. Here are some tips for healthy skin:", "* Drink plenty of water: Water is essential for healthy skin, as it helps to keep your skin hydrated and soft. Aim to drink eight glasses of water per day.", "* Eat a healthy diet: Eating a healthy diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains can help to improve your skin's appearance.", "* Get regular exercise: Exercise can help to improve your circulation and promote healthy skin. Aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise most days of the week.", "* Get enough sleep: When you don't get enough sleep, your body produces more of the stress hormone cortisol, which can lead to inflammation and skin problems. Aim for 7-8 hours of sleep per night.", "* Protect your skin from the sun: The sun's UV rays can damage your skin and lead to premature aging, wrinkles, and skin cancer."], "trgs": ["Kuchengetedza hope ngemuiri", "Ganda rako ndiro chiro chikuru, uye zvakakosha kuti uringwarire zveshe kubanze ngemukati. Heano mamweni emabatiro aungaite:", "* Imwa mvura yakawanda: Mvura yakakosha paganda rine utano, sezvo reidetsera kuti ganda rigare rine mvura uye rakapfaa. Kone kumwa magirazimasere emvura zuva ngezuva.", "* Irya chikafu chine utano hweshe: Kurye chikafu chine utano chakawanda michero, mavheji, ngezviyo zveshe zvinodetsere kuti ganda rinonekere.", "* Wana kurovedza muiri nguva nenguva: Rovedza muiri kuti udetsere kukwidziridza kutenderera ngekunasira ganda rine utano. Kona kuita maminitsi makumi matatu ekurovedza muiri zviri pakati ngepakati mazuva mazhinji evhiki.", "* Wana kuata kwakakwana: Kana usikazi kuwana kuata kwakakwana, muiri wako unonasira kushungurudzika kwakawanda hwehormone cortisol, unokone kukonzera mazvimbiswa ngematambudziko eganda. Kone kuita maawa manomwe kusvika masere ekuata usiku hwega hwega.", "* Chengetedza ganda rako kubva kuzuwa: Maranzi ezuva anozi UV anokone kukanganisa ganda uye anokone kukoknzera kukasika kuchembera, kuunyana, ngekenza yemuganda."], "factuality": "ok", "is_src_orig": true} +{"id": "ethiopia_challenges__btithihhtt", "sl": "en", "tl": "ndc", "srcs": ["But in 1974, a military junta known as the Derg seized power and began a brutal campaign of repression.", "The Derg's policies led to widespread famine and poverty, and millions of Ethiopians were forced to flee their homes.", "In 1991, a coalition of rebel groups known as the Ethiopian People's Revolutionary Democratic Front (EPRDF) overthrew the Derg.", "The EPRDF established a new government and promised to restore peace and prosperity to Ethiopia.", "However, the EPRDF's rule has been plagued by human rights abuses, corruption, and political repression.", "In 2018, Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed took office and pledged to reform the country.", "He released political prisoners, lifted restrictions on the media, and began peace talks with the Tigray People's Liberation Front (TPLF), the former ruling party of Tigray.", "However, the peace talks broke down in June 2020, and the TPLF launched an offensive against the Ethiopian military.", "The ensuing conflict has been devastating.", "The fighting has displaced millions of people, and the humanitarian situation is dire."], "trgs": ["Esi muna 1974, bato revarwi rinozivikanwa reizwi Gerg rakatora simba rochootanga mushandirapamwe wekutsinye wekudzvinyirira.", "Mitemo yeDerg yakakonzera kupararira kwenzara ngekutamika kwechikafu, uye mamiriyoni emaEthopians akamanikidzwa kutiza mbatso dzawo.", "Muna 1991, mubatanidzwa wemapato anopikisa aiziikanwa eizi Ethopian People's Revolutionary Democratic Front (EPRDF) vakarwisa vakakunda Derg.", "EPRDF yakatanga hurumende itsva vochogondisa nathu kuti vachapetudze runyararo ngeupfumi muEthopia.", "Zvisinei, hutungamiri hweEPRDF hwadzara kudzvinyirirwa kwekodzero dzeanthu, uori, ngekudzvinyirirwa kwezvematongerwe enyika.", "Muna 2018, mutungamiri wenyika Abiy Ahmed wakatora hofisi ochogondisa kunasira nyika.", "Wakaduse anthu akasungirwe ndaa dzematongerwe enyika, kudzakisira zvinokorerese kuparurwa kwemashoko, ochotanga mitauro dzerunyararo ngeTigray People's Liberation Front (TPLF), bato raimbotonga muTigray.", "Zvisinei, utaurwi hwerunyararo hwakagurika muna Chikumi 2020, uye TPLF yakatanga kuita zvinonyadza varwi vehondo veEthopia.", "Kusazwisisana uku akudakadzi.", "Hondo dzacho dzabvise mamiriyoni eanthu pandau dzawo, uye zvekudetsera zvakhona azvizi kumira zvakanaka."], "factuality": "has_errors", "is_src_orig": true} +{"id": "stt_158__iitissmhtiabiwtiiiwwwmdidwwmtiwdt", "sl": "en", "tl": "ndc", "srcs": ["It\u2019s coming from the kitchen, so I get up to investigate.", "I creep down the hallway, careful not to make a sound.", "The clacking is getting louder.", "I peer around the corner into the kitchen and see Mum standing at the sink, staring out the window.", "She looks pale and shaken. \u201cMum?\u201d I ask.", "She doesn\u2019t turn around.", "\u201cMum, what\u2019s wrong?\u201d She takes a deep breath and turns to face me.", "Her eyes are wide and filled with fear.", "\u201cThere\u2019s something outside,\u201d she says. \u201cSomething big.\u201d", "I follow her gaze out the window.", "At first, I don\u2019t see anything.", "But then, I notice a movement in the shadows.", "It\u2019s a large, dark shape, and it\u2019s moving towards the house.", "\u201cWhat is it?\u201d I ask. \u201cI don\u2019t know,\u201d Mum says. \u201cBut I don\u2019t think it\u2019s friendly.\u201d", "The creature gets closer.", "It\u2019s tall and slender, with long, spindly legs.", "Its body is covered in black fur, and its head is a smooth, round ball.", "It has no eyes, but I can see two large, pointed ears.", "\u201cWhat are we going to do?\u201d I ask.", "\u201cWe need to get out of here,\u201d Mum says. \u201cNow.\u201d", "We run out of the kitchen and into the living room.", "\u201cMum! Dad!\u201d I cry. \u201cThere\u2019s something outside!\u201d", "Dad looks up from the TV. \u201cWhat is it?\u201d he asks.", "\u201cI don\u2019t know,\u201d Mum says. \u201cBut it\u2019s big and it\u2019s coming this way.\u201d", "Dad gets up from the couch.", "\u201cWe need to get out of here,\u201d he says.", "We all run for the front door.", "Mum unlocks it and we rush outside.", "The creature is right behind us.", "It\u2019s so close I can feel its hot breath on the back of my neck.", "We run to the car and get in.", "Dad starts the engine and we peel out of the driveway.", "The creature chases after us, but we\u2019re too fast."], "trgs": ["Zviri kubve ngekukichi, hino ndinomiruka kuti ndinoningire.", "Ndinohamba zvisina mutsindo ndeidzaka munjira yehoro, ndeiite zvekuti ndisaite musindo.", "Musindo wakona unoangira kuzwika.", "Ndinodongorera ngechepakona mukichi ndoone mai akaema pachitaya, akaningira kufafitera.", "Vanoratidzika kunge vari vasina simba ngekuvhunduka. \"Mhai?\" ndinobvunza.", "Avasukunuki.", "\"Mai, chiinyi?\" Vanoture befu vochondinigira kuhope.", "Madziso awo akavhurika eikombidza kutya.", "\"Pane chiro chiri pabanze,\" vanondibhuyira. \"Chiro chikuru.\"", "Ndinoteera kwavakaningira kubanze ngepafafitera.", "Pekutanga, andizi kuone chiro.", "Esi ere, ndakazoone kuhamba mumimvuri.", "Chiro chikuru, chakaite ekusvipa, uye chiri kuhamba cheiuya kumbatso.", "\"Chiinyi?\" Ndakabvunza. \"Andichiziiwo,\" Mai akadaira. \"Esi andigondi kuti chiro chakanaka.\"", "Chipuka ichocho chinokwedzera pasinde.", "Chakareba uye chisizi kusimba, chine mirenje yakareba rakaonda.", "Muiri wacho wakavharwa ngemamvere ekusvipa, uye soro racho rakatsetseka, rakaite ngaite ibhora.", "Achina madziso, esi ndinoone nzee mbiri, dzakaema.", "\"Hino tichaita sei?\" Ndakabvunza.", "\"Tinosise kuti tibve panapa,\" Mai vanoronza. \"Zvinezvi.\"", "Tinorumba teibuda mukichi teiende mumbatso yekugara.", "\"Mai! Baba!\" Ndinochema. \"Kune chiro chiri kubanze!\"", "Baba vanoningira mudenga kubve kuterevhizheni. \"Chiinyi?\" vanobvunza.", "\"Andiziiwo,\" Mai vanodaro. \"Esi chakakura uye chiri kuuye ngeunono.\"", "Baba anomiruka kubve pavainge vakagara.", "\"Tinosise kuti tibude pano,\" vanotironzera.", "Teshe tinorumba teienda kumusuwo wemberi.", "Mai vanorivhura teshe torumbira pabanze.", "Chipuka ichi chiri pamasure pedu pemene.", "Chimbari pasinde zvekuti ndinotozwa kufema kwacho kunopisha mudzasi memushana wangu.", "Tinorumbire mumuchovha topindemwo.", "Baba vanotange kubatsa muchovha teibva tabuda ngepato remuchovha.", "Chipuka ichi chinotirumbirira, esi inga teirumbisa."], "factuality": "ok", "is_src_orig": true} +{"id": "topic_260__mtaftfttit", "sl": "en", "tl": "ndc", "srcs": ["Movies have long been a powerful force in shaping our culture and our values.", "They can influence our beliefs about everything from love and romance to war and violence.", "And they have a particularly strong influence on our ideas about gender roles.", "For decades, Hollywood has perpetuated the stereotype of the ideal wife as a beautiful, submissive, and domestic woman who puts her husband and children first.", "This image is often reinforced by the way that female characters are portrayed in movies.", "For example, a study by the Geena Davis Institute found that in the top 100 films of 2017, only 30% of female characters had speaking roles, and only 12% of those characters were working outside the home.", "The majority of female characters were portrayed as either romantic interests or mothers.", "This narrow representation of women in film sends a powerful message to viewers about what it means to be a woman.", "It suggests that women's primary role is to be attractive and nurturing, and that their success is measured by their relationships with men and children.", "This idealized image of the wife can be harmful to women in several ways."], "trgs": ["Mafirimu akabvire kudhaya ari mhando yakasimba yekunasirira tsika ngemagariro zvedu.", "Anokone kukanganisa zvetinotendera mazviri pazviro zveshe kubve kurudo ngekudanana kugume kuhondo ngemhirizhonga.", "Uye ane simba rakawanda raanokanganisira nqondo dzedu ngezvezvigaro zvearume kana akadzi.", "Kwemakore gumi akawanda, Hollywood yakakone kutikombidze muenzaniso wemukadzi chaiye seuwo wakanaka, unozvininipisa, uye mukadzi wepambatso unobeke murume wake ngeana pamberi.", "Mufananidzo uwu unonyanya kusimbiswa ngenjira iyo vanotikombidze zvinoitwa ngeanthukadzi mumafirimu.", "Kudai ngekuti, tsvagiridzo dzakaizwa nge Geena Davis Institute dzakawana kuti pazana remafirimu makuru muna 2017, makumi matatu emapesendi emadzimai aiyepo ainge nendau dzekubhuya, uye gumi nemaviri emapesendi oga emadzimai aya aishandire kubanze kwembatso dzavo.", "Vazhinji vevakadzi vanoburitswa ava vanotikombide kuti vanodakarira zvekudanana kana zvekuchengeta ana.", "Njira yekutikombidze akadzi mumafirimu iyi isizi kukura inotumira ndaa yakasimba kune vanoona maererano ngezvazvinobhuya kuti uzi uri mudzimai.", "Zvinokone kuronze kuti akadzi anebatsa rekutanga rekuva vanoratidzika uye kudzigadzira, uye kuti kukona kwawo kunoonekwa ngeukama hwavo ngearume ngeana.", "Iiyi njira yekupe mifananidzo wakadai wemadzimai unokanganisira madzimai ngenjira dzakawanda."], "factuality": "has_errors", "is_src_orig": true} +{"id": "custom_2__piidpdpdpdpdpdgipdiy", "sl": "en", "tl": "ndc", "srcs": ["Patient: Doctor, I've been having this terrible stomach pain for the past few days.", "It's so bad that I can't eat or sleep.", "It's a sharp, stabbing pain that comes and goes.", "Doctor: Can you tell me more about the pain? Where is it located?", "Patient: It's mostly in my lower abdomen, right around my belly button, but it sometimes radiates to my back.", "Doctor: Does anything make the pain worse?", "Patient: Eating seems to make it worse, especially fatty or greasy foods.", "Doctor: And does anything make it better.?", "Patient: Lying down seems to help a little.", "Doctor: Does the pain come and go, or is it constant?", "Patient: It's constant. It's just a dull ache, but it's really uncomfortable.", "Doctor: Have you had any other symptoms? Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea?", "Patient: No, just the pain.", "Doctor: I see. Well, it sounds like you're having a case of gastritis.", "Gastritis is inflammation of the stomach lining.", "It can be caused by a number of things, including eating spicy or fatty foods, drinking alcohol, or taking certain medications.", "Patient: Is it serious?", "Doctor: It can be, but in most cases it's not.", "I'm going to prescribe you some medication to help relieve the pain and inflammation.", "You should also avoid eating spicy or fatty foods, and drink plenty of fluids."], "trgs": ["Murwere: Chiremba, ndanga ndichizwa mundani makanyanya kwemazuva apera awo.", "Auzi kunaka zvekuti andikoni kurya kana kuata.", "Wakapinza, kupanda kunobaya kunoenda kweipetuka.", "Chiremba: Unokone kundibhuyira zvimweni ere maererano ngekupanda? Kuri ngechepari?", "Murwere: Kuri kunyanya kudzasi kwemundani, ngekurudyi ndau ine guvhu, esi dzimweni dzenguva inomboenda ngekumushana.", "Chiremba: Pane chinoita kuti kupanda kuwedzere ere?", "Murwere: Kurya kunoite ingatei kunoite kuti zviwedzere, kunyanya zvikafu zvine mafuta kana zvakanunira.", "Chiremba: Pane ere chinokone kuti zviite zviri nane.?", "Murwere: Kuata pashi kunoite ingatei kunodetsera mbichana.", "Chiremba: Kupanda kwakona kunouya kweienda ere, kana kuti kunoangira?", "Murwere: Kunoramba kwakadaro. Kungori kupanda kuri nane, esi akugariki nako.", "Chiremba: Wakamboita zvimweni ere zvinopanda? Kuema kwemwoyo, kurutsa, manyoka?", "Murwere: Haiwa, kupanga zvega.", "Chiremba: Ndazviona. Zvakanaka, zvinoita ingatei une ndaa yegastritis.", "Gastritis kuzvimba kwemutsara wemudumbu.", "Inokone kukonzerwa ngenzira dzakawanda, kusanganisira kurya zvinowawa kana zvine mafuta, kumwa zvinodhaka, kana kumwa imweni mishonga.", "Murwere: Zvinotyisa ere?", "Chiremba: Zvinokona kutyisa, esi mundau dzakawanda azvizi.", "Ndichankunyorera mishonga unokone kudetsera kuderedza kupanda ngekuzvimba.", "Unosisa kuti urekere kurya zvinowawa kana zvine mafuta akawanda, uye imwa zviro zvine mvura zvakawanda."], "factuality": "ok", "is_src_orig": true} +{"id": "custom_1__i111111111111i12345", "sl": "en", "tl": "ndc", "srcs": ["Ingredients:", "* 1 cup all-purpose flour", "* 1 cup almond flour", "* 1/2 cup granulated sugar", "* 1/4 cup packed light brown sugar", "* 1/2 teaspoon baking powder", "* 1/4 teaspoon baking soda", "* 1/4 teaspoon salt", "* 1/2 cup (1 stick) unsalted butter, at room temperature", "* 1 large egg", "* 1 large egg yolk", "* 1 teaspoon almond extract", "* 1/2 cup milk", "Instructions:", "1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). Grease and flour an 8-inch round cake pan.", "2. In a medium bowl, whisk together the flours, granulated sugar, brown sugar, baking powder, baking soda, and salt.", "3. In a large bowl, cream together the butter and egg until light and fluffy. Beat in the egg yolk and almond extract.", "4. Gradually add the dry ingredients to the wet ingredients, alternating with the milk. Mix until just combined.", "5. Fold in the almond flour until evenly distributed."], "trgs": ["Zvinodiwa:", "* Kapu imwe chete yegorosi rinokwanisa kushandiswa peshe peshe", "* Kapu imwe yegorosi realmond", "* Kapu iri pakati nepakati yeshuga iri granulated", "* Kota yekapu yeshuga yelight brown", "* Kapu iri pakati nepakati yebaking powder", "* Kota yekapu yebaking soda", "* Kota yechipunu chidoko chemunyu", "* Kapu iri pakati nepakati (chitanda chimwe) ye butter isina munyu, iri kutonhorera zvinoita mumbatso", "* Zanda rimwe rakakura", "* yoku yezai imwe chete yakakura", "* Chipunu chidiki chimwe chete chezvabvisa mualmond", "* Kapu iri pakati nepakati yemukaka", "Mirairo:", "1. Fanodziisa hovheni kusvika pamaferehaiti emadhigirii anokwana kuguma 350 (175 dhigirizi celcius). Beke mafuta ngeflour mupani yekubikira makeke yakakura kuita mainji 8.", "2. Muchindiro chisizi kunyanyokura, sanganisa magorosi eshe, shuga iri granulated, shuga yebrown, baking soda, baking powder, ngemunyu.", "3. Mundiro yakakura, sanganisa butter nezai kuguma zvopetuka ngekurembuka. Rova rova yoku yezanda ngezvabve mualmond.", "4.Hino tutsire zvinodiwa zvakaoma kune zvakanyorova, weiwedzera ngezvimukaka. Vhenganisa kuguma zvanasa kusangana.", "5. Peta gorosi realmong kuguma zvaparadzika zvakaenderana."], "factuality": "ok", "is_src_orig": true} +{"id": "topic_295__iitioatatiti", "sl": "en", "tl": "ndc", "srcs": ["It was a hot summer day in July when I finally turned 16 years old.", "I had been eagerly anticipating this day for as long as I could remember, and now that it was finally here, I couldn't wait to get started on my road to freedom.", "The first step was to take the written test.", "I studied hard for weeks, and I was confident that I would pass.", "On the day of the test, I arrived at the DMV early and took my seat in the waiting room.", "After a few hours, my name was called, and I was ushered into a small room with a computer.", "The test was surprisingly easy, and I finished it in no time.", "A few days later, I received a letter in the mail informing me that I had passed the written test.", "The next step was to schedule a driving test.", "I called the DMV and made an appointment for the following week.", "The day of my driving test arrived, and I was more nervous than I had ever been in my life.", "I drove to the DMV with my mom, who would be accompanying me on the test."], "trgs": ["Raive zuva raipisha munguva yekupisha muna Chikunguru apo ndakagumisa makore gumi nematanhatu.", "Inga ndazwa ngekuemera zuva iri kwechinguva chandichakarakadza, zvino inga ndazoguma, inga ndisisakoni kuema kuti nditange papato yangu yekuzvitonga.", "Chekutanga chandisisa kuita kutore zama yekunyora.", "Ndakataticha zvine simba kwemavhiki, uye inga ndiine gonda rekuti ndinopasa.", "Zuva rezama, ndakaguma paDMV mangwanani ndikatora pekugara murumu yekuemera muri.", "Kwapera zvimawa zvishoma, gama rangu rakadaidzwa, uye ndakakombidzwe mukarumu kadoko kainge ngekombiyuta.", "Zama rakona rakandishamisa kuti inga risizi kuoma, uye ndakapedza ngenguwa pfupi.", "Mazuwa mashoma akateera, ndakaone tsamaba yaibhuya kuti inga ndapasa zama iri.", "Chikamu chechipiri inga chiri chekunasirire musi wekuzama remuchovha.", "Ndakafonera DMV ndochooise mushongano waizode kuitwa vhiki raiteera.", "Zuva rezama rangu remuchovha rakaguma, uye ndanga ndisina gonda mandiri zvandisati ndakamboita mundaramo yangu yeshe.", "Ndakaenda ngemuchovha kuDMV namai angu, awo waizondiperekedza kuzama rakona."], "factuality": "ok", "is_src_orig": true} +{"id": "topic_173__hiiibfwwslla", "sl": "en", "tl": "ndc", "srcs": ["\"Heartbreak,\" sighed the poet, \"is the cruelest of afflictions.", "It is a pain that pierces the soul and leaves us feeling empty and alone.", "It is a fire that burns from within, consuming us with its flames.", "It is a storm that tears us apart, leaving us broken and scarred.", "But even in the midst of our heartbreak, there is hope.", "For even as our hearts are broken, they are also made new.", "We are given the opportunity to learn from our mistakes and to grow stronger.", "We are given the chance to find love again, even if it is different than the love we have lost.", "So let us not despair in our heartbreak.", "Let us instead embrace it as a part of life.", "Let us learn from it and grow from it.", "And let us never give up on the hope of finding love again\""], "trgs": ["\"Kupwanywa mwoyo,\" mudetembi wakazeezera, \"chiro chakaomesa chinokone kuitika.", "Kupanda kubaye mweya uye kunotisiya teiita ingatei atina chiro uye tiri tega.", "Mwoto unobakire mukati, weitipedza ngemirazvo yawo.", "Idutu rinotitsemura, reitisiya takatsemuka nemaanga.", "Esi kunyasi pakati pekupwanywa mwoyo, tichine gonda.", "Kunyazi mwoyo yedu yakatsemuka, inoitwe itsva.", "Tinopuwe mukana wekuti tifunde kubva kune zvatakakorera uye kuti tidziake tisimbe.", "Tinopuwe mukana wekutsvakehe rudo, kunyazi zvakasiyana ngerudo rwatinenge tarasha.", "Hino atisagunun'una ngekupwanywa kwemwoyo.", "Atikone kuzvitambira sekuita kwendaramo.", "Atifunde kubva mwezviri uye zvitikudze.", "Uye atikone kusadzidzikisira gonda redu rekuwanahe rudo\""], "factuality": "ok", "is_src_orig": true} +{"id": "topic_178__jtkttkktfts", "sl": "en", "tl": "ndc", "srcs": ["Judaism and Kosher Kosher is a set of dietary laws in Judaism.", "These laws define which foods are permissible to eat and which are not.", "Kosher foods are those that are considered to be fit for consumption according to Jewish law.", "The laws of kosher are based on the Torah, the first five books of the Hebrew Bible.", "These laws prohibit the consumption of certain animals, such as pigs and shellfish, as well as the consumption of blood and meat from animals that have not been slaughtered in a specific way.", "Kosher foods are also subject to a number of other regulations, such as the separation of dairy and meat products.", "Kosher food is prepared in a way that ensures that it is fit for consumption according to Jewish law.", "The observance of kosher laws is an important part of Jewish religious practice.", "For many Jews, eating kosher food is a way to show their devotion to God and to connect with their heritage.", "There are a number of reasons why Jews observe kosher laws.", "Some of these reasons are based on religious beliefs, while others are based on practical considerations Religious reasons Jews believe that God gave the Torah to Moses at Mount Sinai."], "trgs": ["Judaism ne Kosher Kosher injira dzine chekuita nezvechikafu chinosisirwa kuti munhu arye pamitemo ye Judaism.", "Mitemo ino inotsanangure chikafu chinotenderwa kurya nechisikatenderwi.", "Zvikhafu zve Kosher ndizvo zvinoningirirwa nekuzwi vantu varye kudai ngemutemo wechi Judha.", "Mitemo ye kosher yakanangana ne Torah, mabhuku mashanu ekuambisa pabhaibheri rechi Hebhuru.", "Yona mitemo iyo inorambidzisa kurya zvipuka zvimweni, kusanganisira hochi nehowe dzemapande, nekuryazve ngazi kunyazwi nyama dzaurawa ngenjira dzinoningirirwa.", "Chikhafu che Kosher chine imweni mitsangu, inosanganisira kuparadzaniswa kwechikhafu chine mukaka nechinenge chine nyama.", "Chikhafu che Kosher chinonasirwa ngemutoo wekuti chinoashirika ngenjira nekuita kwechi Judha.", "Kuteedzerwa kwemitemo nemitsangu ye kosher kwakakosha kakurutu pakudira kwechi Judha.", "Kuma Judha akawanda, kurye chikhafu che kosher injira yekudzikhombisa nekudzipira kuna Marure nekugwinyiswa kakurutu panjira nemarererwe avo.", "Pane zviro zvakati kuti zvinokonzera kuti maJudha ateedzere kakurutu mitemo ye kosher.", "Zvimweni zvezvikonzero zvinobve pane zvinogondwa pakuthandaza, kunyazwi vamweni vanoshandise zvevanoona pakutenda njira dzechi Judha dzekuti Marure wakape Torah kuna Moses pagomo re Sinai."], "factuality": "ok", "is_src_orig": true} +{"id": "topic_231__ijiattonsth", "sl": "en", "tl": "ndc", "srcs": ["\"I'm telling you, this is going to be the funniest thing ever,\" said Tom.", "\"Just wait until you see the look on people's faces when they see my new tattoo!\"", "\"I don't know, Tom,\" said his friend, Ben.", "\"A green question mark on your forehead seems like it could be a bit of a risky move.\"", "\"That's what makes it so funny,\" said Tom \"People are going to be so confused.", "They'll be asking themselves all sorts of questions, like 'What does it mean?' or 'Why did he do that?'\"", "\"Or they'll just think you're an idiot,\" said Ben.", "\"Nah, they'll get it,\" said Tom. \"Trust me.\"", "So Tom got the tattoo, and sure enough, people were confused.", "They asked him all sorts of questions, and he loved every minute of it.", "He even started a blog about his tattoo, where he would post pictures and answer questions from his readers."], "trgs": ["\"Ndiri kukuronzera, zvichatidakadza kakurutu,\" wakadaro Tom.", "\"Chimboema kuguma waone hope dzevantu pevachaona pandakatarwa paganda rangu!\"", "\"Andizii, Tom,\" wakadaro wediya wake, Ben.", "\"Chinokhombe kubvunza chine maara e green chiri paguma rako chanyanya kubaite inga wakazonyanyisa kuite zvisizvo.\"", "\"Ndizvo zvinoita kuti chinase kudakadza,\" wakadaro Tom \"Vantu vachanase kuvhiringika.", "Vakadzibvunza yeshe yeshe mibvunzo, kudai ngekuti \"Zvinoronzei?' kana kuti \"Ngei akazombodaro?\"", "\"Tutse vanokone kutokarakadza kuti uri bungumupee,\" wakadaro Ben.", "\"Haiwa, vachazvibata vega,\" unodaro Tom. \"Ndigondei.\"", "Hino Tom wakanyorwe ganda rake, tutse ndinogondazve, kuti vanhu vakavhiringika.", "Vakamubvunze mibvunzo yeshe yeshe, murumbwana wakadakarira mukuwo wese waanga aripo.", "Wakatozotange kuronzere vantu ngezvekutarwa ganda kwaakaizwa, apo waizoturika mifodho nekudaira mibvunze kune vaierenga zvaanyora."], "factuality": "ok", "is_src_orig": true} +{"id": "topic_493__isitgsgshgsg", "sl": "en", "tl": "ndc", "srcs": ["Indira Gandhi was the first and only woman to serve as Prime Minister of India.", "She was born in 1917 into a prominent political family, and her father, Jawaharlal Nehru, was the first Prime Minister of India.", "Indira Gandhi was educated in India and England, and she married Feroze Gandhi in 1942.", "They had two sons, Rajiv and Sanjay.", "Gandhi began her political career in 1955, when she was elected to the Indian Parliament.", "She served in various ministerial positions in the government of her father, and in 1966 she became Prime Minister after his death.", "Gandhi was a controversial figure, and her policies were often criticized.", "She was accused of being authoritarian and of suppressing dissent.", "However, she was also a popular leader, and she is credited with modernizing India and improving the lives of its people.", "Gandhi was assassinated by her Sikh bodyguards in 1984.", "She was succeeded by her son, Rajiv Gandhi.", "Gandhi's life and career were marked by many challenges, but she never gave up on her dream of a better India."], "trgs": ["Indira Gandhi ndiye wakaite dzimai rekutanga kushanda sa Prime Minister munharaunda ye India.", "Hurwani uyu wakabarwa muna 1917 mumhatso yaide maningi zvematongerwe enyika, na Baba vake, Jawaharlal Nehru, wakaitahe Prime Minister wekutanga munyika ye India.", "Indira Gandhi wakafunde India ne England, tutse akazoroorwe ndi Feroze Gandhi mugore ra 1942.", "Vakaa nevanakomana vairi, Rajiv na Sanjay.", "Gandhi wakatangise zvematongerwe enyika mugore ra 1955,paakaiswe pautungamiri hwekuwa mumhatso inorongwe mitemo nenyika.", "Washanda kakurutu mahofisi makuru ehurumende akaparadzana muutungamiri hwa baba ake, tutse mugore ra 1966 wakaitwe Prime Minister sure kwekufa kwa baba ake.", "Gandhi wainga muntu waiye nesoro rinopisha kwemene, nezvifuba zvaironza zvaigara zvakashoorwa kakuru.", "Hurwani uyu waizwi wainga neutungamiri wakadzara ukaira nekuda kakurutu kuzwikwa ena apo eitsikirira vamweni veshe.", "Ngeiyi ndaa, wakaitazve mutungamiri wakazikana kakurutu, unopuwazve ruremekedzo ngekumurudze India kuende parinani maponere avo nekutochicha ndaramo dzevazhinji.", "Gandhi wakazohwarirwa nekupfinywe dokoriro ngevaimurinda ma Sikh mugore ra 1984.", "Paakafa hurwani uyu mukororo wake ndiye wakapinde pachigaro, unozwi Rajiv Gandhi.", "Ndaramo yake Gandhi yainga nezvibingamupini zvakati kuti, asi aazi kumboite mukarakadzo wekuda kutsveta chigaro nemukarakadzo wake wekuti India iende parinani."], "factuality": "has_errors", "is_src_orig": true} +{"id": "topic_378__gtsmtt", "sl": "en", "tl": "ndc", "srcs": ["Global warming is the long-term heating of Earth's climate system observed since the pre-industrial period (between 1850 and 1900) due to human activities, primarily fossil fuel burning, which increases heat-trapping greenhouse gas levels in Earth's atmosphere.", "The term is frequently used interchangeably with the term climate change, though the latter refers to both human- and naturally produced warming and the effects it has on our planet.", "Since the pre-industrial period, human activities are estimated to have increased Earth's global average temperature by about 1 degree Celsius (1.8 degrees Fahrenheit), a number that is currently increasing by 0.2 degrees Celsius (0.36 degrees Fahrenheit) per decade.", "Most of the current warming trend is extremely likely (greater than 95 percent probability) the result of human activity since the 1950s and is proceeding at an unprecedented rate over decades to millennia.", "The largest human influence on climate change has been the emission of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide.", "The primary source of these emissions is from burning fossil fuels for electricity, heat and transportation."], "trgs": ["Kupisha kakurutu kwepashi pano kwakauya kubudikidza ngekuitwa kwezviro kubve vantu vachaamba kudhaya (pakapi pegore ra 1850 na 1900) kudai ngezviro zvaiitwa ngevantu,vasimbe anobve pashi, zvinotutsire kubatwa-kweutungu hwekupisha pashi pano peshe.", "Gama iri rinonyanya kushandiswa kakurutu nekuchichaniswa nerekuchicha kwekubanze,kunyazwi kuchicha kwemaemere ekubanze kunosanganisa zvinoitwa ngevantu-nekundopisha kunouya kwega nezvezvinozoshaisha pashi penyika pano.", "Kubva mukuwo wekudhaya apo vemabhizimisi anobudise chiushi, zvaiitwa ngevantu zvakamirudza kupisha kakurutu pashi pano zvekuti banze rainyanye kutambire pa 1 degree Celsius (1.8 degrees Fahreinheit), yakatutsirazve nge 0.2 degrees Celsius (0.36 degrees Fahrenheit) pamakore gumi.", "Zviro zvine chekuita nekupisha zvinoningirirwe (kudarika 95 percent dzinofungirwa) kuita kwezvinoitwa ngemishando yevantu kubve muna 1950 tutse zviri kuangira ngekukasira.", "Zviro zvakakurisisa zvakaitwe kubudikidza ngevantu pakuchicha kwemaemere ekubanze kwakauya kubudikidza ngegwema rinopisha nemhepo kudai ngeinofemiwa kubanze ngeantu, inobudiswe ngemwombe ne nitrous oxide.", "Panobve gwema nechiushi ichi pakupishe marasha kutsvake magetsi, kudziya kunyazwi kuhambisa zviro."], "factuality": "ok", "is_src_orig": true} +{"id": "topic_312__tifsiiaiwiaiwii", "sl": "en", "tl": "ndc", "srcs": ["The portfolio was heavy, and the line was long.", "I stood there, aching with pain, and wondered if I would ever get to the front.", "Finally, my turn came, and I presented my portfolio to the woman at the counter.", "She looked at it for a moment, then shook her head.", "\"I'm sorry,\" she said. \"We can't accept this portfolio. It's not up to our standards.\"", "I felt a wave of despair wash over me.", "All my hard work, for nothing.", "I took the portfolio back and started to walk away.", "\"Wait,\" the woman called \"I can see that you've put a lot of effort into this. Why don't you take a seat over there and I'll see what I can do.\"", "I sat down and waited.", "A few minutes later, the woman came back.", "\"I've talked to my manager,\" she said.", "\"We're willing to make an exception for you. We'll accept your portfolio, but you'll have to pay a processing fee.\"", "I sighed.", "It was a lot of money, but I didn't have any other choice."], "trgs": ["Muchonja waiye nezviro zvakawanda, kunyazwi mutsara wanga wakareba.", "Ndakaemepo, ndeipandwe ngemarwadzo, ndeipinimidze kuti ndichazombogumeyo ere mberi.", "Ngekudaro, mukuwo wangu wakaguma, ndakaashidze dzimai rainge pamberi zvandaiye ndaita.", "Dzimai iri rakaramba rakachiti ndee kwekamukuwo, rikadzungudze hloko.", "\"Phepha,\" dzimai rakadaro. \"Atingaashiri zviro izvi. Azvizi kugume pane zvetinonyanye kuningirira.\"", "Ndakazwe chipapadzungu nekutame gonda zveindirembesa.", "Kushanda kwangu kweshe, kushandira mabomo.", "Ndakatore zvandakashanda ndikaambise kuhamba.", "\"Ema,\" dzimai rakadainzira \"Ndaona kakurutu kuti waise simba gurutu mwezviri. Aungagari pashi ere ndiningire kuti apana zvendingakuitira ere.\"", "Ndakagara pashi ndikaemera.", "Sure kwekamukuwo kadoko, dzimai rakahwirira.", "\"Ndakareketa nemutungamiri wangu pamushando,\" rakadaro dzimai.", "\"Tinokona kukuzwisisa hedu nekukungurira. Tichaashira zvawakashanda, asi unobhadhare kamuhlare kekunasira zviro.\"", "Ndakature mafemo.", "Yainge iri mare yakawanda, asi ndaiye ndisina imweni njira."], "factuality": "ok", "is_src_orig": true} +{"id": "stt_167__itsttsbiivtsi", "sl": "en", "tl": "ndc", "srcs": ["In the 2006 teen comedy She's the Man, Amanda Bynes plays Viola Hastings, a high school student who disguises herself as a boy in order to play on the boys' soccer team.", "The film is full of laugh-out-loud moments, thanks to Bynes's spot-on comedic timing and delivery.", "She is able to perfectly capture the awkwardness and uncertainty of a teenage boy, while still maintaining her own unique brand of humor.", "The supporting cast is also excellent, with Channing Tatum, Laura Ramsey, and Vinnie Jones all giving memorable performances.", "The film's director, Andy Fickman, does a great job of balancing the humor with the drama, creating a film that is both funny and heartwarming.", "She's the Man is a classic teen comedy that is sure to please fans of the genre.", "Bynes's performance is a standout, and the film is full of laugh-out-loud moments.", "If you're looking for a fun and entertaining movie to watch, I highly recommend checking out She's the Man.", "In addition to being a great comedy, She's the Man is also a film with a strong message about gender equality.", "Viola's decision to disguise herself as a boy in order to play on the boys' soccer team is a powerful statement about the importance of breaking down gender stereotypes.", "The film shows that girls can be just as good as boys at sports, and that they should not be held back by their gender.", "She's the Man is a film that is both funny and inspiring.", "It is a great choice for anyone who is looking for a feel-good movie with a message."], "trgs": ["Gore ra 2006 chilandelo chehwana chinoshekedza ndiyena muisa, Amanda Bynes china Viola Hastings, mwana wechikora wainyepedzera kuita inga jaha kuti akone kupunhura bhora nekundhla yemajaha.", "Chilandelo ichi chakadzara ngekusheka-kakurutu nguwa zhinji, tinobonga Bynes ngeundhlekemezi wekuziye nguwa nepekubudisa.", "Ntombi inokona kakurutu kuite zvinokarudza nekusagarisika kwejaha, eirambazve akaema pakuita kwake kunodadisa hurwani uyu.", "Chikwata chaidzigira changa chakanaka yaamho, chaiva china Channing Tatum, Laura Ramsey, na Vinnie Jones vese vakapa kutamba kusingambofi kwakakanganikwa.", "Musharuka pakuningira chilandelo ichi, Andy Fickman, wakaite mushando mukuru wekuedzanise untu nechilandelo, kunasira chilandelo chinoshekedza nekuembedzera mwoyo.", "Ndiyena muisa chilandelo chakanasirwa kahle tutse cheidakadza veshe vanozwe zvinoreketwemwo.", "Kuita kwa Bynes muchilandelo ichi kwaiye neundhlekemezi, tutse chakadzara ngekusheka-kakurutu-nguwa zhinji.", "Kuti uri kupenye chilandelo chine zvinodakadza chekuona, ndinokuti utsvake Ndiyena Muisa.", "Kututsira mukuwa chiro chinodakadza yaemho, Ndiyena muisa chilandelo chinoedza kakurutu kufundise vantu ngekuenzana kwevaisa nevaiswa.", "Mukarakadzo wa Viola wekunyepera kudziemesekedza sejaha kuti atambe nebandhla remajaha rinopunhure bhora mashoko makurutu emene pakuedze kuondomora kusaenzaniswa kwentombi nemajaha.", "Chilandelo chinokhombise kuti ntombi dzinokona kuita zvemene zvinoitawo majaha mumutambo, nekuti vasaningirirwe pashi kudai ngekuti intombi.", "Ndiyena muisa chilandelo chinoshekedza pamwe nekuaka.", "Chiro chakanaka yaemho kuti weshe urikutsvaka chekuzviaraidza ndicho-kakuru nekuaka."], "factuality": "ok", "is_src_orig": true} +{"id": "topic_340__aheehitehe", "sl": "en", "tl": "ndc", "srcs": ["Albert Einstein was a German-born theoretical physicist who developed the theory of relativity, one of the two pillars of modern physics (alongside quantum mechanics).", "His work is also known for its influence on the philosophy of science.", "Einstein is best known in popular culture for his mass\u2013energy equivalence formula E = mc2 (which has been dubbed \"the world's most famous equation\").", "Einstein was born in Ulm, in the Kingdom of W\u00fcrttemberg, German Empire, on 14 March 1879.", "He showed an early aptitude for mathematics and physics.", "In 1905, at the age of 26, Einstein published four groundbreaking papers that transformed physics.", "These include his special relativity theory, which introduced the concepts of space and time as a single unified continuum, and his general relativity theory, which proposed that gravity is not a force, but is instead a curvature of spacetime.", "Einstein's work led to a new understanding of the universe, and had a profound impact on the development of modern physics.", "He received the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1921 for his explanation of the photoelectric effect.", "Einstein was a pacifist and a strong advocate for social justice."], "trgs": ["Albert Einstein wainga chibarwa chemu German wakanasira zvifundwa zvekuzwana zvinozwi theory of relativity, chinowa chimwe chezvipanda zviiri zvekutaticha kwe physics (alongside quantum mechanics).", "Mushando wake wakadetsera kakurutu zvifuba zve science.", "Einstein unozikanwa kakurutu nge mass-energy equivalence formula E=mc2 (zvikashandiswa nekuzwi \"ndicho chakazikanwa kashi rino reshe chibalo ichi\").", "Einstein wakabarirwe mu Ulm, munharaunda ye W\u00fcttemberg, German Empire, ngezuwa ra 14 March 1879.", "Wakakhombise kuziya kwakanyanyisa kwezvibalo ne physics pamwera mudoko.", "Mugore ra 1905, aane makore 26, Einstein wakabudise zvinyorwa zvirongomuna zvakadetsera kakurutu kuzikana kwe physics.", "Izvi zvinosanganisira kukosha kakurutu kwe relativity theory, zvakaunze kuzikana kwemukana nenguwa sechiro chimwe.ne general relativity theory, yakaunze kukweererana akusi kwesimba, asi munasirirwe wezviri muchadenga.", "Mushando ya Einstein yakaite kuto vantu vazwisiswe ngezvepashi pano, zvikadetsera kakurutu kuumbwa kwe physics dzemazuwa ano.", "Wakapuwe mubairo wekuziya nekudetsera kakurutu ku Physics mugore ra 1921 ngekupashangura kakurutu photoelectric effect.", "Einstein wainge muntu asikadi hondo akaemera kakurutu kuti vantu vazwanane."], "factuality": "ok", "is_src_orig": true} +{"id": "gambia_typical__mffpotmtacmoitid", "sl": "en", "tl": "ndc", "srcs": ["Many people wake up before sunrise to start their day's work.", "Farmers may rise before dawn to milk their cows or tend to their crops.", "Fishermen may go out to sea before the sun comes up.", "People who work in the city may also wake up early to catch the bus or train to work.", "Once people are up, they typically eat a simple breakfast of porridge, bread, or tea.", "Then they get ready for the day.", "Many people in The Gambia wear traditional clothing, such as long dresses or skirts for women and long pants or shirts for men.", "They may also wear a headscarf or cap.", "After breakfast, people go about their daily activities.", "Children go to school, while adults go to work.", "Many people in The Gambia work in agriculture, fishing, or tourism.", "Others work in government, business, or education.", "In the afternoon, people may take a break from work to relax or socialize.", "They may go for a walk, visit friends and family, or play games.", "In the evening, people often eat dinner with their families.", "Dinner is typically a simple meal of rice, vegetables, and meat or fish."], "trgs": ["Vantu vakawanda vanomuka zuwa risati rabuda kuambise mishando yavo yepazuwaro.", "Varimi vanomukira mangwanani emene kukama mwombe kana kuningirana nezvirimwa.", "Vanoedza howe vanokone kuende kuruwandhle zuwa risati rabuda.", "Vantu vanoshanda kumadhorobha vanokonawo kumukira kuti vaone kubata mabhazi nezvitima kuenda kumushando.", "Apo vantu vapirimuka, vanonyanya kurya kurya kwemangwanani kusosanganisa bota, chingwa, kana putugadzike.", "Hino vakanasirira zuwa iri.", "Vantu vakawanda veku Gambia vanosimira ngubo dzekudhaya dzechiantu, kudai ngengubo yakareba kana zviketi zvevadzimai nemabhuruku akareba kana hembe kuvaisa.", "Vanokonawo kusimira kana kusungira mucheka musoro kana kepisi.", "Sure kwekurya kwemangwanani, vantu vanondoita zviro zvemazuwa eshe.", "Ndumure dzinoenda kuchikora, vasharuka veienda kumishando.", "Vantu vakawanda vari Gambia vanoshanda mumaminda, kuedza howe, nendawu dzinouyiwa ngevanoda kuona nyika.", "Vamweni ndivo vanoshanda muhurumende, bhisimisi, kana kutatichisa.", "Ngemukuwo wemasikati, vantu vanokone kumbodzorora mishando kumboqambaya kana kubhuye mashoko.", "Vanokona kumbobuda kuhamba hamba,kuvhakachira shamwari neveukama, kana kutamba tsoro nezvimweni.", "Muusiku, vazhinji vanonyanya kurya zveusiku nemhuri dzavo.", "Kurya kweusiku akuna zvakanyanya kuwanda panenge pane mupunga, mipfutswa, kunyazwi nyama nehowe."], "factuality": "ok", "is_src_orig": true} +{"id": "topic_208__ttttbwwwtt", "sl": "en", "tl": "ndc", "srcs": ["The gadgets and utensils of the kitchen are a language, a means of communication between cook and food.", "The whisk, the tongs, the ladle, the spatula - each has its own meaning, its own purpose.", "To use them well is to understand the language of cooking, to season the dish with the flavors of experience and skill.", "The whisk is a whisk, the tongs are tongs, and the ladle is a ladle.", "But in the hands of a skilled cook, they become something more: they become extensions of the cook's own body, tools that allow him or her to express creativity and passion.", "With a whisk, the cook can whip up a frothy batter or emulsify a delicate sauce.", "With tongs, he or she can flip a steak or turn a roast.", "With a ladle, he or she can ladle out a steaming bowl of soup or sauce.", "The gadgets and utensils of the kitchen are more than just tools.", "They are a means of expression, a way to create something beautiful and delicious."], "trgs": ["Utekwerede nemidziyo yemumhatso zvine zvezvinoronza, njira yekureketerana pakati peunobika nezvinobikwa.", "Musika,zvekumindurisa nyama, gwaku,chipunu-zvine zvezvinoronza zvakasiyana, nemishando zvadzo.", "Kuti mukone kuzvishandise kahle munosise kuziya ngezvekubika, kunasirisa panophakurirwa zvikafu nekuite maqinga nezvikiri.", "Musika unosika, zviphenduriso zvinophendura, zvipunu zvinoite zvezvipunu.", "Mumaoko emuntu unokona kubika, zvinoite zvimweni zvinodakadza maningi:zvinoita inga nhunji yepamwiri wemubiki, matuluzi anotendera muisa kana muiswa kudzikhombise maqinga nechidaka daka.", "Nemusika, muntu unobika unokona kusanganisa zviro zvine mapundu nekunasirisa zviro kuti zviryike.", "Nezviphenduriso, muisa kana muiswa unokone kuphendura qata renyama kana kuphendura zviri kukangwa.", "Nechiphakuriso, muisa kana muiswa unokona kuphakura bhola remuto.", "Utekwerede nezveshe zvekubikisa mukhichi vakakosha kudarike mathuruzi.", "Injira yekuzvikhombisa nekuronza, kunasire chiro chakati hwee nekuhlabuya kurya."], "factuality": "ok", "is_src_orig": true} +{"id": "topic_246__awttatwtiw", "sl": "en", "tl": "ndc", "srcs": ["A seed is a small, dormant plant embryo that is capable of developing into a new plant under the right conditions.", "When a seed sprouts, it begins to grow roots and shoots.", "The roots anchor the plant in the soil and absorb water and nutrients from the ground.", "The shoots grow upwards towards the sun, and the leaves begin to photosynthesize, producing food for the plant.", "As the plant grows, it develops a stem, leaves, flowers, and fruit.", "The flowers produce seeds, which are dispersed by wind, water, or animals.", "When a seed lands in a suitable location, it can germinate and begin the process of growth all over again.", "The process of seed germination is a marvel of nature.", "It is a testament to the power of life and the resilience of the natural world.", "When a seed sprouts, it is a sign of hope and new beginnings."], "trgs": ["Mbeu chiro chakadzonga, inokone kubuda kuite chiro chimweni pandawu yakapfumbira.", "Panotungira mbeu kumera,imotangisa kumere nzinde nemhakasirwa.", "Nzinde dzinobate chirimwa muvhu nekukweye mvura nezveshe zvingadiwa ngembeu kubve muvhu.", "Mhakasirwa dzinokura dzeiende mudenga kuteere zuwa, nemashakani anotanga kukweya mweya nezuwa, kunasirwa chikafu chinodiwa ngechirimwa.", "Kukuru kunoite chirimwa, chinotanga kugwinye mwoyo, mashakani, maruwa, nemichero.", "Maruwa anorasira mbeu, tinoparadzirwa ngemhepo, mvura, kunyazwi zvipuka.", "Kuti mbeu ikawira pandawu yakasisiea, inokona kumera yeitangisa kutokura patsva.", "Kumera kunoita mbeu chiro chinodakadza kuona.", "Kudakadza kwezviro neurongwa nesimba rezviro zvakasikwa ndiMwari nekushinga kwazvo.", "Panotungira mbeu, chioneso chendaramo nekutanga patsva kwekupona."], "factuality": "ok", "is_src_orig": true} +{"id": "stt_165__yyyyatwwit", "sl": "en", "tl": "ndc", "srcs": ["You have been warned.", "You have been given a clear and concise warning.", "You have been told that if you continue to engage in this behavior, you will be banned.", "You have now had two chances to correct your behavior, and you have failed to do so.", "As a result, you will now be banned from this forum.", "This ban is permanent, and you will not be allowed to create a new account or participate in this forum in any way.", "We hope that this ban will serve as a warning to others who may be tempted to engage in similar behavior.", "We will not tolerate this type of behavior on our forum, and we will take action to protect our community from it.", "If you have any questions about this ban, please do not hesitate to contact us.", "Thank you for your cooperation."], "trgs": ["Uri kupangwa.", "Wapuwe mazwi emupango aripamhene uye ane udzamu.", "Waronzerwa kuti ukaangira weienderera mberi nemitsangu yakoyo, ucharambidzwa.", "Wainge wapuwe mukana kairi keshe kuti unasirise maitire ako, asi wakorera kuteedzera.", "Ngeiyi ndaa, ucharambidzwa kuonekazve pachiitiko chino.", "Kurambidzwa uku ngekweupenyu hweshe, aufi wakazombotenderwazve kunasire zviro paruqunga hwako pachirongwa chino kunyazwi ngenjira iri.", "Tine gonda rekuti kurambidzwa kwaitwa uku chichaite chikora nekuziisa amweni vanokona kuedzwa kuda kuzama zvakatodzana neizvi.", "Atizofi takatendera michiti yakadai pazviro zvedu, ngekudaro tinozotore matanho kushosha nharaunda pachiitiko chakadai.", "Kuti une mibvunzo padera pekurambidzwa uku, usazeza kutibvunza.", "Tinobonga kakurutu ngekuzwisisa kwamwaita."], "factuality": "ok", "is_src_orig": true} +{"id": "topic_587__weyiwiniwaaotiwenwy", "sl": "en", "tl": "ndc", "srcs": ["\"What the hell are you doing, you idiot?!\"", "\"Excuse me?\"", "\"You cut me off! You almost made me crash!\"", "\"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to. I was just trying to get around that slow-moving truck.\"", "\"Well, you could have at least used your turn signal!\"", "\"I did use my turn signal!\"", "\"No, you didn't! You just pulled right out in front of me!\"", "\"I'm telling you, I used my turn signal!\"", "\"Whatever. You're still a terrible driver.\"", "\"And you're a jerk!\"", "\"At least I know how to drive!\"", "\"Oh, yeah? Well, I'm a better writer than you are!\"", "\"That's debatable.\"", "\"It's not debatable! I'm Ernest Hemingway!\"", "\"Who?\"", "\"Ernest Hemingway! The greatest writer of all time!\"", "\"Never heard of him.\"", "\"Well, you've heard of me now!\"", "\"Yeah, I heard of you.\""], "trgs": ["\"Igumo rei reunondiitira, benzi iwe?!\"", "\"Rusesa?\"", "\"Wandigura nekundidzimaidza! Wanga waita kuti ndibondere!\"", "\"Phepha, ndainga ndisikadi kudaro. Ndaida kuzama kuhlehla ndeienda pane rori-raihambe zvishomani.\"", "\"Tutse, waikona kudai washandise boko rako kukombise wode kupauka!\"", "\"Ndakashandisa eya zvaikomba kuti ndode kupauka!\"", "\"Haiwa, auzi! Waamba ngekubude kubanze ngemberi kwangu!\"", "\"Ndirikukuronzera, ndakashandisa zvinokhomba ndaide kupauka!\"", "\"Zvanyadaro. Uri muchairi anotyisa papato.\"", "\"Namanje soro rako arishandi!\"", "\"Chakakosha ndinokona kusukumidze motokari!\"", "\"Hayi, kani? Hino,ndinokone kunyora maningi kukudarika!\"", "\"Zvinokona kunesa kuashirika pasina kumboreketa.\"", "\"Apana chinode kureketa apa! Ndinozwi Ernest Hemingway!\"", "\"Anani?\"", "\"Ernest Hemingway! Ndhekemezi huru yekuunyora munguwa dzese pashi rino!\"", "\"Andizi kumbozwa ngezvake.\"", "\"Hayi kani, wachizozwa ngezvangu nguwa ino!\"", "\"Eya, ndazwa ngezvako.\""], "factuality": "ok", "is_src_orig": true} +{"id": "topic_131__gtttgtiigt", "sl": "en", "tl": "ndc", "srcs": ["Grace: Can you tell me a little bit about its history?", "Teacher: Of course. Tea originated in China, where it has been cultivated for over 5,000 years.", "The first written record of tea dates back to the 3rd century BC, when it was mentioned in a Chinese medical text.", "Tea was originally used as a medicinal herb, but it quickly became a popular drink among Chinese people of all social classes.", "Grace: What about outside of China? When did tea start to spread to other parts of the world?", "Teacher: Tea was first introduced to Europe in the 16th century by Portuguese traders.", "It quickly became popular among European elites, and by the 18th century, tea had become a staple of British culture.", "In the 19th century, tea was also introduced to North America, where it became a popular drink among both colonists and Native Americans.", "Grace: That's really interesting.I never knew that tea had such a long history.", "Teacher: It's a fascinating story, and it's one that's still being written today."], "trgs": ["Grace: Unokona ere kundironzera ngemahambire azvo ekudhayakwo?", "Mutatichisi: Eya zvemene. Tea yakaambira munyika ye China, kwayakarimwa nekukukurwa kwemakore anodarika 5,000.", "Zvakatanga kubhaliwa pamberi pe mazuwa e tea zvakaamba mu 3rd Century BC, payakareketwa ngezvayo mune zvemitombo ye China.", "Tea yakaamba yeushandiswa kuita mutombo, asi ngekukasira yakatanga kumwirwe kunaka kwayo mundawu ye China ngevanhu vakasiyana siyana.", "Grace: Kubanze kwe China ke? Ndiriini pakatanga kupararira kwe tea kundawu dzimweni dzakapararira nyika ino?", "Mutatichisi: Tea yakaamba kuunzwe Europe muna 16th century ngevaishanda nema putukezi.", "Yakaite mukurumbira kakurutu mune zigudhu zve Europe, zvekuti mugore ra 18th century, tii yakaite chijaeyo mundawu ye Britain nemaponere avo.", "Munguwa ya 19th century, tii yakaziiswazve ku North America, kwayakaguma ikaite mbiri kunwa vapambi nevagari ve Native Americans.", "Grace: Zvinodakadza kakurutu.Andizi kumhera ndaziya kuti tii ine mashoko anodakadza akadaro kubve kudhaya.", "Mutatichisi: Inyaya inodakadza kakurutu, tutse ichikunyorwa ngezvayo nanyamashi."], "factuality": "has_errors", "is_src_orig": true} +{"id": "topic_229__dotttttt", "sl": "en", "tl": "ndc", "srcs": ["During World War II, the Allies and Axis powers used a variety of aircraft to achieve air superiority.", "One of the most important factors in determining the outcome of a battle was the accuracy of the aircraft's bombing.", "The height at which an aircraft could fly was also a critical factor, as it determined how far it could travel and how much weight it could carry.", "The United States developed a number of high-altitude bombers during the war, including the B-17 Flying Fortress and the B-29 Superfortress.", "These aircraft were able to fly at altitudes of over 30,000 feet, which made them difficult for enemy fighters to intercept.", "They also carried a large payload of bombs, which could be used to attack targets deep behind enemy lines.", "The German Luftwaffe also developed a number of high-altitude bombers, including the Heinkel He 177 Greif and the Messerschmitt Me 264 Amerika Bomber.", "These aircraft were not as successful as their American counterparts, however, due to a number of technical problems."], "trgs": ["Munguwa yeHondo Yepashi reshe yeChipiri, Allies ne Axis vaishandisa zvemushadenga zvakawanda kuda kuramba vari vanotyiwa.", "Chiro chimwe chakakosha kakurutu pakuziye zvichabude muhondo kwaiye kukona kunanga zvikombokopo nekuzviringa ngehlamvu.", "Ndege inoningirirwa kakurutu kuenda mudenga zvakakosha, zvinodetsera pakuziya kuti inokona kubhuruka zvakadini neuremu hweinokona kutwara.", "United States yakanasire chimbambaira zvine ukaira-hwakanyanya munguwa yehondo, kusanganisira B-17 Flying Fortress ne B-29 Superfortress.", "Ndenge idzi dzaibhururuka kakurutu kuenda mudenga kwe 30,000 magoso, zvaita kuti muvengi aneseke pakuvathikabeza.", "Vakatwarazve zvimbambaira zvakawandisa, zvinokona kushandiswa kurwisa vathakathi vasaambukira.", "German Luftwaffe yakakonazve kunasire zvimbambaira-zvine ukaira, zvinosanganisira Heinkel He 177 ne Messerscmitt Me 264 America Bomber.", "Izvi chikopokopo azvizi kunasa kushanda kudai ngezvevamweni vavo ve America, asi, ngekuti pakaite matambudziko mumichini."], "factuality": "ok", "is_src_orig": true} +{"id": "stt_30__iyiiiiyptisaiiiyyasbas", "sl": "en", "tl": "ndc", "srcs": ["I know what you did yesterday.", "You posted a picture of yourself wearing that green rag on social media.", "I know you thought it was funny, but it wasn\u2019t.", "It was disrespectful to your mother, and it hurt her feelings.", "I\u2019m not asking you to apologize because I\u2019m mad at you.", "I\u2019m asking you to apologize because it\u2019s the right thing to do.", "Your mother loves you, and she deserves your respect.", "Please call her today and tell her you\u2019re sorry.", "Tell her that you didn\u2019t mean to hurt her feelings, and that you promise to never wear that green rag again.", "I know you\u2019re a good person, and I know you love your mother.", "So please, do the right thing and apologize.", "After you apologize to your mother, I want you to burn that green rag.", "It\u2019s a symbol of your disrespect, and it needs to be gone.", "I know it might be hard to let go of that rag, but it\u2019s important.", "It\u2019s a symbol of your past, and it\u2019s time to move on.", "You\u2019re a new person now.", "You\u2019re a better person.", "And you don\u2019t need that rag to define you anymore.", "So please, burn it.", "Burn it and let it go.", "And then go hug your mother and tell her you love her.", "She loves you too."], "trgs": ["Ndinoziya zvawakaita zuro.", "Wakaturike mufananidzo wako wakasimire ngubo yakaite ngenje ye girini.", "Ndinozviziya unofunga kuti raiye jee, asi raiya risiri.", "Kwaiye kusaremekedza mai ako, nazvo zvakapanda mwoyo wavo.", "Andisi kukukumbira kuti ukumbire ruregerero ngekuti ndakashishwa ngezvawakaita.", "Ndirikuti ukumbire ruregerero ngekuti ndicho chiro chakanaka chekuita.", "Mai ako anokuda maningi, nazvo vanokarira kuremekedzwa ndiwe.", "Ndapota vabate paruqunga uvabhuire kuti wakashaisha ngezvawakaita.", "Vabhuire kuti wanga usikadi kurwadza mwoyo wavo, nekubhuyazve kuti auchazofi wakasimirazve ngenjeyo yawanga wakasimira ye green.", "Ndinozviziya uri muntu kwaye, ndeiziyazve unoda kakurutu mai vako.", "Ndapota, ita chiro kwacho uvati phepha.", "Sure kwekunge wakumbira kurekererwa ndi mai ako, ndinoda kuti upishe ngenjeyo.", "Muthethe wako wekusaremekedza, unosise kupera.", "Ndinoziya zvinokona kukunesa kusiyana nenguboyo, asi zvakakosha.", "Zvinokombise kudhaya kwako, asi yanguwa yekuningirana nezviri mberi.", "Wamuntu mutsva zvinezvi.", "Wamuntu arinani zvinezvi.", "Auchadi nguboyo kuti ibhuye zveuri zvinezvi.", "Ndapota, ipishe.", "Ipishe usiyane nayo.", "Wapedza enda wokhumbatira mai vako wovaronzera kuti unovada.", "Navo vanokuda maningi."], "factuality": "ok", "is_src_orig": true} +{"id": "topic_271__atmimeiai", "sl": "en", "tl": "ndc", "srcs": ["A car was driving too fast and lost control, swerving into the other lane and hitting a car head-on.", "The driver of the first car was killed instantly, and the driver of the second car was seriously injured.", "My friend Joseph called me to talk about it.", "\"It's so sad,\" he said. \"I can't imagine how the families of the victims are coping.\"", "\"Me neither,\" I responded. \"It's a reminder that we need to be careful when we're driving.", "Even a small mistake can have devastating consequences.\"", "\"I agree,\" replied Jo. \"We all need to follow the rules of the road and drive defensively.\"", "\"Absolutely,\" I quickly added. \"And we need to be aware of the dangers of distracted driving. Things like texting and talking on the phone can take our attention away from the road and lead to accidents.\"", "\"I know,\" said Jo sheepishly. \"I'm guilty of it myself sometimes.\""], "trgs": ["Motokari yairumba zvisikaiti ikapepuka, kuzeya kuende kupato rimweni kwakudhumirana neimweni-dzakaningirana.", "Muchairi wemotokari yekutanga wakafa apapo apapo, umweni muchairi wakakuwara kakurutu.", "Wediya wangu Joseph wakandidaidza kuti abhuye ndizvo.", "\"Zvinokuhunisa,\" wakadaro murumbwana. \"Andikoni nekukarakadza kuti mhuri dzevafirwa dzinozviashira kanjani.\"", "\"Neniwo andizi,\" ndakadaira. Mukarakadziro wekuti tinosise kuhamba nemichovha zvakanaka mumapato.", "Kunyazwi chiro chakatsonga kungenyi chinokone kukonzera zviro zvakashata maningi.\"", "\"Ndinopindirana nemwi,\" wakadaro Jo. \"Tinosise kuteedza mitemo yemupato nekuchaira motokari zvine kungwara.\"", "\"Zvomene,\" ndakatutsira ngekukasira. \"Tinosise kuziya kusanaka kwekuchaire motokari soro risiri pandawu. Zviro zvakadai ngekunyora nekuti kureketa paruqunga mupato zvinokonzera chimeshi mupato.\"", "\"Ndinoziya,\" wakadaro Jo eitsveruka. \"Neni chiro chendimomboitawo ngeumweni mukuwo.\""], "factuality": "ok", "is_src_orig": true} +{"id": "topic_385__ihokhkhttthw", "sl": "en", "tl": "ndc", "srcs": ["In the small town of Malgudi, there was a corrupt police inspector named Ramasamy.", "He would often take bribes from the people he arrested, and he would also use his power to harass and intimidate people.", "One day, Ramasamy arrested a young man named Krishnan for a crime he did not commit.", "Krishnan was innocent, but Ramasamy refused to listen to him.", "He demanded a bribe from Krishnan, and when Krishnan refused to pay, Ramasamy threw him in jail.", "Krishnan's father, a poor farmer, was desperate to get his son out of jail.", "He went to see Ramasamy and begged him to release Krishnan, but Ramasamy refused.", "The farmer then went to the local temple and prayed to God for help.", "The next day, the farmer was walking home from the temple when he saw a large snake crossing the road.", "The farmer was afraid of snakes, but he knew that he had to do something to help his son.", "He picked up the snake and carried it to the police station.", "When Ramasamy saw the snake, he was terrified."], "trgs": ["Mukataundu kadoko ke Malgudi, mwainga nemupurisa mukuru wainge neunzvori waizwi Ramasamy.", "Waipuwe kakawandisa mare yeunzvori kubve kuvantu vaanenge asunga, waibvazve ashandise simba rake kukharaidza nekukhataza vantu.", "Zuwa rimweni, Ramasamy wakasunga jaha rezera doko raizwi Krishnan ngendaa yaasizi kupara.", "Krishnan wainge asina ndaa, asi Ramasamy wakaramba kumuyaeya.", "Wakaronze kuti waite unzvori, asi pakaramba Krishnan kumubhadhara. Ramasamy wakamuposhera muchitokisi.", "Baba vake Krishnan, murimi ari murombo, waiye eineseka kakurutu kuti obudise mwana wake sei mujere.", "Vakaenda koona Ramasamy kubomhera kuti abudise Krishnan, asi Ramasamy wakaramba.", "Murimi uyu wakaende kumhatso yekudira yainge pasindepo akathandaza kuna Marure kuti amudetsere.", "Ngezuwa rechimangwani, murimi wainga eihamba kubva kumhatso yekudira apo wakaone nyoka yakakura yaemho yeidarika pato.", "Murimi wakakaruka nyoka, asi wakaziyw kuti waisiye kuite kuti adetsere mwana wake.", "Wakatonhe nyoka iya akaitwara kuenda nayo kukamba yemapurisa.", "Remasamy paakaona nyoka iya, wakakaruka kakurutu."], "factuality": "ok", "is_src_orig": true} +{"id": "topic_319__dipdddpdpp", "sl": "en", "tl": "ndc", "srcs": ["Dentist: Let me take a look. [Examines the patient's teeth.] Hmm, it looks like you have a cavity.", "I'm going to need to drill out the decay and fill the hole.", "Patient: Will it hurt?", "Dentist: It might be a little uncomfortable, but I'll do my best to make it as painless as possible.", "Dentist: (gives the patient a local anesthetic) Okay, this will numb the area so you won't feel anything.", "Dentist: (drills out the decay and fills the hole) All done!", "Patient: Thank you, doctor. That wasn't so bad.", "Dentist: You're welcome. Just be sure to brush and floss regularly to prevent future cavities.", "Patient: I will Dentist: (hands the patient a list of instructions) Here are some instructions on how to care for your new filling.", "Patient: Thank you."], "trgs": ["Dhokodheya wemazino: Ngandiningire tione. [Eihloya zino remutenda.] Hmm, zvinoita inga une mhango.", "Ndinoda kuti nditse nekushwamura pakaora ndochizokonya duriro.", "Mutenda: Azvizopandi ere?", "Dhokodheya wemazino: Zvinokone kuunze kakusaterama, asi ndichazama kuti zvisapanda ngepeshe pandinokona.", "Dhokodheya wemazino: (wakape mutenda mutombo unope chiwewe) Eya, zvinoite kuti pati tindindi zvekutu auna cheunozwa.", "Dhokodheya wemazino: (unotse pakaora ogobora apedza ochokonye buri) Zveshe zvaitwa!", "Mutenda: Ndinobonga yaemho, Dhokodheya. Zvainge zvisizi kunyanya kushata.", "Dhokodheya wemazino: Mweibongei. Usariyarwa kuchukucha mazino nekukwesha ngechifambo kuitira asaora.", "Mutenda: Ndichadaro Dhokodheya (unope mutenda zvinokarirwa kuti aite) Ndizvo zveinoningirirwa kuti uteedzere kuitira pakatswa pakavharwa.", "Mutenda: Tinobonga yaemho."], "factuality": "ok", "is_src_orig": true} +{"id": "topic_7__diwrirtsldsrsr", "sl": "en", "tl": "ndc", "srcs": ["Dear [Name], I hope this letter finds you well.", "I'm writing to you from our family farm, where the harvest has been going well this year.", "We're expecting a bumper crop of sugarcane, which is used to make rum.", "Rum is a distilled spirit made from sugarcane molasses or sugarcane juice.", "It's typically aged in wooden barrels, which gives it its characteristic flavor.", "Rum can be enjoyed neat, on the rocks, or mixed in cocktails.", "There are many different types of rum, each with its own unique flavor profile.", "Some of the most popular types of rum include light rum, dark rum, and spiced rum.", "Light rum is typically made from molasses and has a light, sweet flavor.", "Dark rum is made from sugarcane juice and has a richer, more complex flavor.", "Spiced rum is made with added spices, such as cinnamon, nutmeg, and cloves.", "Rum is a versatile spirit that can be used in a variety of cocktails.", "Some classic rum cocktails include the daiquiri, the mojito, and the pina colada.", "Rum can also be used in more creative cocktails, such as the Hemingway Daiquiri or the Painkiller."], "trgs": ["Wadiwa [Zina], ndinogonda kuti mwadhi ino yakuona wakagwinya.", "Ndirikukunyorera ndiri kupurazi kwedu, tutse kukukura kuri kuhambe chakanaka gore rino.", "Tirikuningirira kukukura pakuru pwarungo, dzinoshandiswe kunasira sope.", "Sope idoro rinonasirwe mumuqenga reibve mupwarungo dzakuiwa kana muto wachona.", "Rinonyanya kungwaririrwa mumuqenga weburanga, zvinoripe kunaka kwakanyanya.", "Sope rinokone kumwiwa rakadaro risizi kuqungiwa nezvimweni, radhibaniswa, tutse nekubeka zvimweni mweriri.", "Kune mihlobo yakawanda ye sope, imwe inge ine munasirirwe wayo nekusiyana kwayo.", "Mihlobo yakajairika yesope inosanganisa yakati reruke, rinonyanya kuti khoo, nerakadhibaniswa nezvimweni.", "Sope rakati reruke rinonyanye kunasirwa nekubikwe kubve muusvusvu hwechukera tutse rakati reruke, nekutapira.", "Sope rakanyanya kuti ndoo rinobve muzipwarungo dzakadzandwa kubudise muto tutse rakapfume, rine muhlobo wakati ngwarei.", "Sope rakaqungeiwa rine udhibaniswa, kudai nge cinnamon, nzungu dzakakangwa, nemashakani.", "Sope chiro chakatwara zvekuti rinokone kushandiswa kudhibanisa nezvimweni.", "Sope rinonaka kakurutu rinosanganisira daiquiri, mojito ne pina colada.", "Sope rinokonazve kushandiswa mukunasire zvakangwara kudai nge Hemingway Daiquiri kana Rinopedze marwadzo."], "factuality": "ok", "is_src_orig": true} +{"id": "stt_461__wwatiibwwatlll", "sl": "en", "tl": "ndc", "srcs": ["We must reject the forces of division and hate.", "We must break the chains of poverty and ignorance.", "And we must bind ourselves together in a common purpose: to build a better future for Nigeria.", "The destiny of Nigeria is not to be a land of division and conflict.", "It is to be a land of unity and progress.", "It is to be a land where everyone has a chance to succeed, regardless of their background or circumstances.", "But we cannot achieve this future without working together.", "We must reject the forces that seek to divide us and come together as one people.", "We must break the chains of poverty and ignorance that hold us back.", "And we must bind ourselves together in a common purpose: to build a better future for Nigeria.", "The future of Nigeria is in our hands.", "Let us not squander it.", "Let us reject, break and bind the forces that seek to control and pervert our destiny.", "Let us come together as one people and build a better future for all."], "trgs": ["Tinosise kuramba mhepo dzekuparadzaniswa nekuzondana.", "Tinosise kuduse bvuri reurombo nekusakhatara ngezviro.", "Tutse tinosise kubatana pamwepo ngechidaka daka chimwe: kuaka ramangwani rakajeka re Nigeria.", "Kukhanya kwe Nigeria akuuyi ngekudhaburana nekukoryana.", "Inosise kuwa nharaunda yekubatana nekuendese zviro mberi.", "Inosise kuite nharaunda yekuti muntu weshe unokone kubudirira, kunyazwi tisikaningiri kwaakabva nemakurire aakaita muntuwo.", "Asi atingakoni kuaka zvamangwani nachero kuti tisati takona kushandira pamwepo.", "Tinosise kuramba kakurutu izvo zvinoda kutidhabura tiuye pamwepo sevantu vamwe.", "Tinosise kudusa bvuri reurombo nekusakhatara zvinotipetudze sure.", "Tutse tinosise kubatana pamwepo ngechidaka daka chimwe: kuaka ramangwani rakajeka re Nigeria.", "Ramangwani re Nigeria riri munyara dzedu.", "Ndatisachiondomora.", "Ngatirambe, tiondomore zveshe zvingada kuita zvitikabezo pane kwetiri kuenda.", "Ngatiuye pamwepo sevantu vamwe tiake ndaramo yakanira teshe."], "factuality": "ok", "is_src_orig": true} +{"id": "topic_336__cwjojwssattttt", "sl": "en", "tl": "ndc", "srcs": ["\"Complete your Amazon shopping experience with our new and improved ad service!\" the ad read.", "\"With our service, you'll never have to worry about missing out on a great deal again.", "Just sit back and relax, and we'll take care of the rest.", "Our service is completely free to use, and it's easy to get started.", "Just sign up for an account and start adding products to your cart.", "When you're ready to check out, our service will automatically find the best deals for you and apply them to your order.", "So what are you waiting for?", "Sign up for our service today and start saving money on all your Amazon purchases!\"", "As the customer clicked on the ad, they were whisked away to a new website.", "The website was full of ads for all sorts of products, all of which were supposedly on sale.", "The customer was tempted to buy a few things, but they hesitated.", "They had heard stories about people getting scammed by online ads, and they didn't want to be one of them.", "The customer decided to do some research on the company that was running the ad.", "They found a few negative reviews, but most of the reviews were positive."], "trgs": ["\"Pedza ruzivo rwako rwekutenga paAmazon weishandisa rubatsiro rwedu rutsva uye rwemhando yepamusoro!\" zvaierengwa pachishambadzo.", "\"Ngerudetsero rwedu, amuzomboneseki ngendaa yekusarra pamadhiri edu akakurahe.", "Ingogarai pashi mudzorore, tinomudetserai ngezveshe.", "Rudetsero rwedu rwumbari rwemahala kushandisa, uye azvinesi kuti utange.", "Chingonyorera kuti unode kuvhura nhoroondo wototange kubeka zviro zvaunoda mungoro yako.", "Kana wagadzirira kubuda, rudetsero rwedu rwunokutsvakira madhiri akanakisa omabeka pane zvawasarudza.", "Hino wakaemerei?", "Nyorera rudetsero rwedu nyamashi utange kuchengeta mare pane zveshe zvaunotenga paAmazon!\"", "Apo mutsigiri akabaya pamucherechedzo, wakaendeswa kune imweni dandemutande.", "Dandemutande iri inga rakadzara micherechedzo yezviro zvakasiyana-siyana, zveshe zveizi zviri pasero.", "Mutsigiri wakambopinde pakuedzwa kwekuda kutenga zviro zvishoma, esi wakazorekera.", "Ainge azwa ndaa dzeanthu aibirwa pamasai sai ndizvo zvemicherechedzo, uye aisada kuite umweni wavo.", "Mutsigiri wakazofunga kuite tsvagiridzo yebhizimusi rainge reishandisa micherechedzo iyi.", "Vakaone peibhuyiwa zvakashata zvhishomane, esi zvakawanda zvakona zvainge zviri zvakanaka."], "factuality": "ok", "is_src_orig": true} +{"id": "topic_360__tiiitibidisswiiia", "sl": "en", "tl": "ndc", "srcs": ["The black dog came to me in the night.", "It had cold, wet fur and its eyes were like coals.", "It growled at me and I could smell its breath, hot and reeking of death.", "I knew that I must run, but my legs were leaden and I could not move.", "The dog came closer and closer, its teeth bared.", "I closed my eyes and waited for the end.", "But then I heard a voice.", "It was a woman's voice, soft and gentle.", "\"Do not be afraid,\" she said. \"I will help you.\"", "I opened my eyes and saw the woman standing in front of me.", "She was tall and slender, with long black hair and dark eyes.", "She wore a white dress that flowed around her like a mist.", "\"Who are you?\" I asked. \"I am the Angel of Death,\" she said.", "\"I have come to take you to the other side.\" I was not afraid anymore.", "I knew that the woman would take me to a place where there was no pain or suffering.", "I took her hand and she led me away.", "As we walked, the black dog followed us."], "trgs": ["Imbwa yekusvipa yakauya pandiri usiku.", "Yainga yeinyungura, makushe akatota tutsezve madziso ayo eiita inga masimbe.", "Yakandihauzira tutse ndakabaazwe kufema kwayo, kwaipisha negwema risikaaraidzi.", "Ndaiziya kuti ndaisise kurumba, asi marenje angu ainga eirema kumurudza tutse andisaikona kuhamba.", "Imbwa yakakwedera pasinde nepasinde, mazino ayo ari pabanze.", "Ndakambonye madziso angu ndakaemera kupera kwazvo.", "Asi ndakazwe izwi.", "Rainge izwi rechidzimai, rakatetepera tutse rakaporazve.", "\"Musakaruka Henyu,\" wakadaro hurwani. \"Ndinomudetsera.\"", "Ndakaboure madziso angu ndikaona dzimai rainge rakaema mberi kwangu.", "Hurwani wainga akareba nekutetepa kakurutu, nebvudzi rakareba rakasvipa tutse nemadziso ekusvipa.", "Wainga akasimira ngubo yekusvipa yakamutendenedza mwiri weshe inga mhute.", "\"Ndiwe anani?\" ndakabvunza. \"Ndini ngirosi yerufu,\" wakadaira.", "\"Ndauya pano kukutora kuende seri iyo.\" Ndainga ndisisina chendichakaruka.", "Ndaizviziya kuti mukadzi uyu uchanditora kuenda neni kundawu isisina kurwadza kunyazwi kutambudzika.", "Ndakabate nyara yake akaenda neni kuretu.", "Patainga teihamba, imbwa yekusvipa yakatiteera."], "factuality": "ok", "is_src_orig": true} +{"id": "custom_4__iifdfdfd", "sl": "en", "tl": "ndc", "srcs": ["I'm Dr. Boakye, a pediatrician at the Korle Bu Teaching Hospital.", "I'm here today to talk to you about the new malaria vaccine that's been approved for use in Ghana.", "Father: I'm not interested in having my children vaccinated.", "Doctor: I understand that you're concerned, but I'd like to take a few minutes to explain why I think it's a good idea to vaccinate your children against malaria.", "Father: I don't need to be convinced. Malaria is a serious disease, but it's not that common in our village.", "Doctor: That's true, but malaria is still a major public health problem in Ghana. In 2020, there were over 24 million cases of malaria in Ghana, and over 4,000 people died from the disease", "Father: But my children are healthy. They've never had malaria", "Doctor: That's good, but it doesn't mean they're immune. Anyone can get malaria, even if they've never had it before."], "trgs": ["Ndinozwi Dr. Boayke, chiremba weana paKorle Bu Teaching Hospital.", "Ndiripano kuti ndibhuye ngezvemushonga wekubaya utsva wemarariya urikutenderwa kuzi ushandiswe kuGhana.", "Baba: Andidakariri kuti ana angu abayiwe.", "Chiremba: Ndinozwisisa ndaa yenyu, esi ndinode kutore zvimaminitsi zvishomani kuti ndimutsanangurire ngei ndeikaakadza kuti zvakanaka kubayisa ana enyu kubva kumarareya.", "Baba: Andidi kunyengererwa. Marareya chirwere chakakonza, esi achizi kunyanya mundau yedu.", "Chiremba: Ngezvemene, esi marareya ichiri ndaa yakakurisa kuvanthu veruzhinji ngeutano hwavo muGhana. Muna 2020, inga paine nyaya makumi maviri nemana emamiriyoni emarareya muGhana, uye vanthu vanodarike mamiriyoni mana vakafa ngedenda iri", "Baba: Esi ana angu atano. Avazi kumboite marareya", "Chiremba: Zvakanaka, esi azvibhuyi kuti vane utano. Munthu weshe unokone kubatira marareya, kunyazi asizi kumboiita kudhaya."], "factuality": "has_errors", "is_src_orig": true} +{"id": "topic_389__sibsiiiisytiia", "sl": "en", "tl": "ndc", "srcs": ["\"So, I was just on the internet, minding my own business, when I saw this pop-up ad that said I had a virus on my computer.", "I was like, \"What? No way!\"", "But then I clicked on it, and it took me to this website that looked really official, and it said that I needed to download this software to fix the virus.", "So I did, and I installed it, and then it started filling my computer with all this malware.", "I was so mad!", "I tried to uninstall it, but it wouldn't let me.", "I finally had to take my computer to a repair shop, and they had to wipe the whole thing and reinstall Windows.", "It was a total nightmare.", "So, that's why I'm always so careful about clicking on pop-up ads.", "You never know what they're going to do.", "They could be filled with malware, or they could steal your personal information.", "It's just not worth the risk.", "If you ever see a pop-up ad that looks suspicious, just close it and don't click on it.", "And if you're ever not sure whether or not it's safe, just don't do it."], "trgs": ["\"Hino, ndainge ndiripamphepo, ndeizviitira zviro zvangu, pandaona adhivheti yangobuda yaindironzera kuti haii kombiyuta yangu ine hutachiona.", "Ndochoti, \"Kudini? Hazviite!\"", "Asi ndochotokonya ponaapapo, yochondiendesa kune imweni webhisaiti yaiite ngatei yaiva pamutemo, uye yochoronzera kuti haii ndaifanira kuwana ngekubeka chirongwa kuisa pakombiyuta kuti ndinasire hutachiwana.", "Hino ndochoita, ndikaibeka, yochotange kudzadze kombiyuta yangu ngezvimwe zvirongwa zvezvirwere.", "Ndakanyangadzwa yaamho!", "Ndakaedza kuibvisa, asi yanga isingandibvumire.", "Ndakapeisira ndatora kombiyuta kuenda nayo kuchitoro kuti inasirwe, uye vaifanira kudusa zveshe veichenesa ngekuzobeka Hwindozi.", "Kwaita kunge hope dzakashata yaamho.", "Hino, ndosaka ndakuchenjera ngendaa dzekungotokonya chero maadhivheti anongobuda.", "Haumbofi wakaziya kuti zvichazodini.", "Zvinenge zvakadzara ngezvirongwa zvezvirwere, kana kuti vanoba ruzivo rwako rwepedo.", "Hazvina kukodzera njodzi.", "Ukazozviona zvimaadhivheti zvinongobuda buda zvinokombidza kunyumwa, zvivhare uye usazvitokonya.", "Uye kana usingagondi kuti zvakanaka ere kana kuti hazvina, rekera hako kuzviita."], "factuality": "ok", "is_src_orig": true} +{"id": "topic_219__hii123r45", "sl": "en", "tl": "ndc", "srcs": ["Here is a delicious pork dish from the county of Lancashire.", "Ingredients: 1kg pork belly, 1 tbsp English mustard, 1 tbsp black treacle, 1 tbsp cider vinegar, 1 tbsp Worcestershire sauce, 1 tbsp vegetable oil, 1 large onion, 4 cloves garlic, 2 bay leaves, 1 sprig of thyme, 100ml cider, 100ml chicken stock, 1 tbsp cornflour, 2 tbsp cold water.", "Instructions:", "1. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees.", "2. Trim the pork belly of any excess fat and score the skin in a criss-cross pattern.", "3. In a bowl, mix together the mustard, treacle, vinegar, Worcestershire sauce and oil.", "Rub this mixture all over the pork belly.", "4. Place the pork belly in a roasting tin and roast in the oven for 2 hours, or until the skin is golden brown and the meat is cooked through.", "5. While the pork is roasting, finely chop the onion, garlic, bay leaves and thyme."], "trgs": ["Ichi ndochikafu chenyama yenguruwe chinonaka yaamho chinobve kunyika yekuLancashire.", "Zvekubikisa: keiji rimwe renyama yendani yenguruwe, chipunu chikuru chimwe chemasitadhi, chipunu chikuru chimwe chenzimbe yakasvipa, chipunu chikuru chimwe chevhiniga yemaapuro, chipunu chikuru chimwe chesosi yeWusitasha, chipunu chikuru chimwe chemafuta, hanyanisi huru imwe, magariki mana, mashakani mairi emabheyi, kutsonza taimi kamwe, maapuru, muto wehuku, chipunu chikuru chimwe chefurawa, zvipunu zviiri zvikuru zvemvura inotondhora.", "Mirairo:", "1. Beurai mwoto wemuovheni kuguma pane zana nemakumi masere.", "2. Vhiyai nyama yendani yenguruwe mweidusa futa rinenge rakawanda rachona mwozo cheka ganda maara anopesana.", "3. Mumbiya, mwosanganisa masitadhi, nzimbe, vhiniga, sosi yeWusitasha ngemafuta.", "Mwobeka zvasanganiswa pane nyama yendani yenguruwe yeshe.", "4. Mwobeka nyama yendani yenguruwe mupoto mwobika muovheni munguwa mairi, kana kuguma ganda ratsvukira ngenyama inenge yanyatso bikika.", "5. Nyama yenguruwe yeibika, chekai hanyanisi zvidodori, gariki, mashani ebheyi ngetaimi."], "factuality": "ok", "is_src_orig": true} +{"id": "topic_541__nhmhaimhiahm", "sl": "en", "tl": "ndc", "srcs": ["Nelson Mandela is a South African anti-apartheid revolutionary, political leader, and philanthropist who served as the first black president of South Africa from 1994 to 1999.", "He is widely regarded as one of the most significant figures in world history.", "Mandela was born in 1918 in Mvezo, South Africa.", "He grew up in a rural village and was educated at a Methodist mission school.", "After high school, he studied law at the University of Fort Hare.", "In 1944, he joined the African National Congress (ANC), a political organization that was fighting against apartheid.", "Mandela was arrested for his political activities in 1962 and sentenced to life in prison.", "He spent 27 years in prison, during which time he became a symbol of the anti-apartheid movement.", "In 1990, Mandela was released from prison and elected president of South Africa in 1994.", "As president, Mandela worked to unite South Africa and promote reconciliation between blacks and whites.", "He also oversaw the end of apartheid and the transition to a democratic government.", "Mandela is a Nobel Peace Prize laureate and has been awarded numerous other honors."], "trgs": ["Nelson Mandela waive mutsigiri weSouth Africa waipikisa rusaruraganda, mukuru wezvematongero enyika, ngemunthu anotsvaka kumurudza kugara zvakanaka kweamweni akashanda semutungamiri mutema wekutanga we South Africa kubva 1994 kuguma 1999.", "Vanorangarirwa yaamho seumweni weanthu vanokosha yaamho munhau yenyika.", "Nelson Mandela wakabarwa mugore ra1918 kuMvezo, muSouth Africa.", "Vakakurire mukanyi uye akafunda pachikora chepa Methodist.", "Sure kwekupedza chikora chesekondari, vakafunde zvemutemo payunivhesiti yeFort Hare.", "Mugore ra1944, vakapinda muAfrican National Congress (ANC), sangano rezvematongerwo enyika rairwa kupikisa rusaruraganda.", "Mandela wakasungwa ngendaa yemushando wake wezvematongerwo enyika mugore ra1962 akatongerwa kugara muchitokisi kweupenyu hwose.", "Vakapedza makore anoita makumi mairi nemanomwe vari muchitokisi, panguwa yo vakazoita mucherechedzo werusaruraganda.", "Mugore ra1990, Mandela wakabudiswa muchitokisi vakakhetwa kuita mutungamiri wenyika mugore ra1994.", "Semutungamiri wenyika, Mandela wakashanda kuti South Africa ibatane ngekutsigira kuyananiswa pakati peanthu atema ngevachena.", "Uye vakatarisira kupera kwerusaruraganda uye ngekuchicha kuita hurumende yegutsarazhinji.", "VaMandela nunthu akakudzwa ngemubairo weNobel Yerunyararo uye ngekupihwa mibairo yepamusoro yakawanda yaamho."], "factuality": "has_errors", "is_src_orig": true} +{"id": "topic_507__atswotiwiiii", "sl": "en", "tl": "ndc", "srcs": ["After school, I usually go home and do my homework.", "Then I might watch TV or play video games.", "Sometimes I go out with my friends.", "We might go to the movies, or to a park, or just hang out at someone's house.", "On weekends, I often sleep in late.", "Then I might go shopping, or see a movie, or go to a museum.", "I also like to spend time with my family.", "We might go out to dinner, or play games, or just watch TV together.", "I'm really enjoying my life after school.", "I have a lot of freedom, and I can do whatever I want.", "I'm also learning a lot about myself, and about the world around me.", "I'm excited to see what the future holds."], "trgs": ["Ndakapedza chikora, ndinopetuka kumhatso ndoita basa rangu rekuchikora.", "Ponaapapo ndinokona kuona terevhizheni kana kutamba mitambo yemavhidhiyo.", "Dzimweni nguwa ndinobuda ngeshamwari dzangu.", "Tinokona kuenda kunoona bhaisikopo, kana kuenda kupaki, kana kungogara teibhuya tiri pamuzi peumweni.", "Pakupera kwevhiki, ndinowanzo aata ndeinonoka kumuka.", "Ponaapapo ndinokona kuenda kunotenga zviro, kana kuona bhaisikopo, kana kuenda kumuziyamu.", "Uye ndinodakarira kuswera ndeipedza nguwa nemhuri yangu.", "Tinokona kuenda kunorhya zvemadekoni, kana kunotamba mitambo, kana kuona terevhizheni tiri teshe.", "Ndirikubadakadzwa ngeupenyu hwangu sure kwekupedza chikora.", "Ndakabasununguka yaamho, uye ndinokwanisa kuita chero chandada.", "Uye ndirikufunda zvakawanda pamusoro pangu, uye pamusoro penyika yakandipoteredza.", "Ndirikudakara kuzoona kuti ramangwana rangu rakaema rakadini."], "factuality": "ok", "is_src_orig": true} +{"id": "topic_15__uobtottam", "sl": "en", "tl": "ndc", "srcs": ["Using data to help people with mental health issues is a relatively new field, but it is showing great promise.", "One example is the use of data to personalize therapy for patients.", "By looking at a patient's individual data, therapists can better understand their needs and create a treatment plan that is tailored to them.", "This can lead to better outcomes for patients, as they are more likely to receive the help that they need.", "One study, which was published in the journal \"JAMA Psychiatry,\" found that patients who received personalized therapy based on their data were more likely to improve their symptoms than those who received standard therapy.", "The study also found that the patients who received personalized therapy were more likely to stay in treatment for longer periods of time.", "This study is just one example of how data can be used to improve mental health care.", "As more research is done in this area, we can expect to see even more advances in the use of data to help people with mental health issues.", "My sister is a therapist who uses data to help her patients."], "trgs": ["Teishandisa ruzivo kuti tidetsere anthu anoneseka ngendaa yehutano wepfungwa indau itsva, asi zvirikukombidza chivimbiso chikuru yaamho.", "Umweni muenzaniso ndewe kushandisa ruzivo kunasira kurapa kwevarwere.", "Takaningira ruzivo remurwere umwe neumwe, murapi unonyatso zwisisa zvinodiwa ngemurwere uye ngekunasira chirongwa chekurapa chinoendererana ngemurwere.", "Izvi zvinozoita kuti kubarwe zvibereko zvirinani kunevarwere, kuti vazonyanya kuwana rudetsero ravanoda.", "Chifundiso chimweni, chakabekwa mumapepa re \"JAMA Psychiatry,\" yakakombidza kuti arwere vakaashira kurapa kwemunthu zvichibva paruzivo zvakangoita kuvandudza zviratidzo zvezvirwere kupinda vakaashira kurapwa kwakajairika.", "Chifundiso ichi chakakombidza hee kuti varwere vakashira kurapa kwakanasirirwa munthu vanga vakafanira kugara veirapwa panguwa yakareba.", "Fundiso iyi ngeimweni muenzaniso unokombidza kuti ruzivo unokwanisa kushandiswa kuvandudza hwutano hwepfungwa.", "Sezvo tsvakurudzo dzakawanda dziri kuitwa mundau iyi, tinotarisira kuona kuenda mbere yaamho teishandisa ruzivo kudetsera vanthu vane chirwere chepfungwa.", "Taita vangu murapi vanoshandisa ruzivo kuti vadetsere varwere vavo."], "factuality": "ok", "is_src_orig": true} +{"id": "topic_95__ftoitittfs", "sl": "en", "tl": "ndc", "srcs": ["Freshwater lakes are home to a wide variety of flora and fauna, from microscopic algae to large fish and mammals.", "The unique environment of freshwater lakes provides a variety of habitats for these organisms, and the interactions between them are complex and fascinating.", "One of the most striking features of freshwater lakes is the presence of a distinct zonation of plant life, which is determined by the depth of the water and the amount of sunlight that reaches the bottom.", "In shallow areas, where there is plenty of light, a dense mat of rooted plants known as a \"macrophyte bed\" forms.", "This provides a habitat for a variety of invertebrates, fish, and amphibians.", "In deeper areas, where there is less light, the water column is dominated by phytoplankton, which are microscopic algae that float freely in the water.", "These organisms are the primary producers in the lake ecosystem, and they are the basis of the food chain.", "The fauna of freshwater lakes is also diverse, and includes a wide variety of fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals.", "Fish are the most abundant vertebrates in freshwater lakes, and they play a vital role in the food chain.", "Some of the most common fish species in freshwater lakes include trout, bass, pike, and perch."], "trgs": ["Nyanza dzemvura yakachena imuzi yemaruva ngemhuka dzemhando yakasiyana siyana, kubva kuchirimwa chemumvura chidodori kuguma kune howe ngemhuka dzinoyamwisa dzakakura yaamho.", "Nharaunda yakasarudzika yenyanza dzemvura yakachena inopa muzi yakasiyana siyana kune zvipenyu izvi, uye kudyidzana pakati pezvipenyu izvi kwakaoma uye kunodakadza.", "Chimweni chiro chinoshamisa ngendaa yenyanza dzemvura dzakachena kuvepo kwendau dzakasiyana siyana dehupenyu hwezvirimwa, zvinokombiddzwa ngekudzaka kwemvura uye yezuwa rinohuma kudzasi kwenyanza.", "Munzvimbo dzisina kudzaka, pane chiedza chakawanda, rupasa rakakora rezvirimwa zvine midzi inozikwana se \"macrophyte bed\" rinovimbwa.", "Izvi zvinopa muzi kune mhuka dzisina mushana, howe ngemhuka dzinogara panyika uye mumvura dzemhando yakasiyana siyana.", "Pane ndau dzakadzaka, pane chiedza chishomani, mbiru yemvura inotongwa ngehupenyu hudodori hunogara mumvura, kunge zvirimwa zvemumvura zvidodori zvinoyangarara zvakasununguka mumvura.", "Hupenyu uyu ndihwo hwugadziri hwekutanga mumuzi wenyanza, hwaro hwecheni yekurhya.", "Mhuka dzenyanza dzemvura yakachena dzakasiyana siyana, uye zvinobata howe, mhuka dzepanyiaka ngemvura, dzinokambaira, shiri uye dzinoyamwisa dzemhando yakasiyana siyana.", "Howe ndomhuka dzinemushana dzakawanda dzinowanika munyanza yemvura yakachena, uye vanoita mushando wakakosha mukugadzira zvekurhya.", "Dzimweni mhando dzehowe dzakawanda munyanza yemvura yakachena inosanganisa mburi, howe dzegungwa, ngedzimweni howe dzumvura yakachena."], "factuality": "has_errors", "is_src_orig": true} +{"id": "stt_479__titaitta", "sl": "en", "tl": "ndc", "srcs": ["The stainless steel plate is a good conductor of heat, so it can help to dissipate heat from the fire, while the fire proof rock wool is a good insulator, so it can help to prevent the fire from spreading.", "In addition, the storage area is also equipped with a fire alarm system, so that if there is a fire, the alarm will sound and the fire department will be notified.", "The storage area is also regularly inspected by the fire department, so that any potential fire hazards can be identified and addressed before they become a problem.", "As a result of these measures, the storage area is a safe and secure place to store valuable goods.", "In addition to the fire safety measures, the storage area is also equipped with a security system to protect against theft.", "The security system consists of a surveillance camera, a burglar alarm, and a security guard.", "The surveillance camera monitors the area 24 hours a day, the burglar alarm is activated if anyone tries to break in, and the security guard is on duty to patrol the area and respond to any incidents.", "As a result of these security measures, the storage area is a safe and secure place to store valuable goods."], "trgs": ["Ndiro yesimbi isingabate ngura inokasira kupisha, hino inodetsera kuti kupisha kusiyane ngemwoto, nepo buwe remakushe rinodzivirira choto yakanaka kusazopisha, hino zvinodetsera kudzivirira mwoto kuti usapararire.", "Pamusoro pazvo, ndau yekuchekengeta ine sisitimu inozoziisa kuti pane mwoto, kuti pakazoite mwoto, aramu inozozwika uye bazi rinoita zvemwoto vanozoziiswa.", "Ndau yekuchengeta inoramba yeiongororwa ngebazi remwoto, kuti zvingakonzeresa mwoto zvizoonekwa nekunasiriswa hunge paita chinozonesa.", "Semugumisiro wezviyero izvi, ndau yekuchengeta indau yakachengeteka yaamho kuzochengeta zviro zvakakosha.", "Pamusoro pemiyero yekuchengetedzeka kubva kune mwotot, uye ndau yekuchengeta ine sisitimu inodzivirira kubiwa.", "Sisitimu yekuchengetedza ine makamera anoningira ningira, aramu yematsotsi, uye nemunthu anochengetedza ndau.", "Kamera inoningira ningira inoongorora zuwa reshe, aramu yematsotsi inenge yakabeurwa kuti munhu akaedza kupaza, munthu anochengeta ndau anenge aripo kuti azohamba hamba eiongorore nzvimbo ngekudaira hunge pane chinenge chaitika.", "Semugumisiro wezviyero zvekuchengetedza, ndau yekuchengeta indau yakachengetedza yaamho kuzobeka zviro zvakakosha."], "factuality": "has_errors", "is_src_orig": true} +{"id": "topic_424__fftsooatcfo", "sl": "en", "tl": "ndc", "srcs": ["Facebook Users Drunkenly Post About Their Lives", "Facebook users are getting drunk and posting about their lives, and it's causing a stir.", "The social media platform has been flooded with photos and videos of people who are clearly intoxicated, and many of them are sharing personal details about themselves that they wouldn't normally share.", "Some users are concerned that the trend is dangerous, as it could lead to people making poor decisions or doing things they regret.", "Others are simply amused by the antics of their fellow drunk Facebook users.", "One user posted a photo of herself passed out on the floor with the caption, \"I'm so drunk I can't even stand up.\"", "Another user shared a video of herself dancing on a table while shouting, \"I'm the life of the party!\"", "The trend has even caught the attention of celebrities.", "Comedian Amy Schumer posted a photo of herself on Twitter with the caption, \"I'm so drunk I can't even spell my own name.\"", "Facebook has not commented on the trend, but it's clear that it's causing a stir.", "Only time will tell whether the trend will continue or fade away."], "trgs": ["Vashandisi VeFesibhuku Vanobeka Zviro Zvehupenyu Wavo Kana Vakadhakwa", "Vashandisi veFesibhuku varikudhakwa uye veibeka zvehupenyu wavo, uye zvirikukonzeresa kunesana.", "Ndau yezvekuita nezvepamphepo yakawandirwa ngemafodho uye mavhidhiyo eanthu anenge eioneka kuti akadhakwa, uye vakawanda vacho vanenge veigovera ruzivo rwezviro zvaro zvisingafaniri kugoverwa.", "Vamweni vashandisi varikuneseka kuti izvi zvakashata, zvinokwanisa kuita kuti anthu vazoketa kuita zviro zvisina chimiro kana kuita zviro zvavanozodemba.", "Vamweni vanongo dakadzwa ngekutamba kunoita vamwe vavo varivashindisi yeFesibhuku.", "Umwe mushandisi, wakabeka mufodho wake akaata pashi yakanyorwa kuti, \"Ndakadhakwa yaamho zvekuti andikoni kumuruka.\"", "Umweni mushandisi wakazogovera vhidiyo yake eijaivha pamusoro petebhura eichidedzera kuti hai, \"Ndini hupenyu wemafaro!\"", "Maitiro aya akatobata pfungwa dzevakakurumbira.", "Anoita zvekushekedza anthu Amy Schumer akabeka mufodho wake paTwitter akanyora kuti hai, \"Ndadhakwa yaamho zvekuti andichakoni kunyora zina rangu.\"", "Fesibhuku haizi kudaira pandaa yemaitiro aya, asi zvakajeka kuti zvirikukonzeresa kunesana.", "Nguwa yega ndiyo inokwanisa kuzokombidza kuti maitiro aya achaendera kana kuti achapera."], "factuality": "has_errors", "is_src_orig": true} +{"id": "zambia_current__zizzhttcotz", "sl": "en", "tl": "ndc", "srcs": ["Zambia is a landlocked country in Southern Africa.", "It is bordered by Angola to the west, the Democratic Republic of the Congo to the north, Tanzania to the northeast, Malawi to the east, Mozambique to the southeast, Zimbabwe to the south, and Botswana to the southwest.", "Zambia has a population of over 17 million people and a land area of 752,618 square kilometers.", "Zambia's current president is Hakainde Hichilema, who was elected in August 2021.", "Hichilema is a member of the United Party for National Development (UPND).", "The UPND is the largest opposition party in Zambia.", "The economy of Zambia is based on copper mining.", "Copper is the country's largest export.", "Other important exports include cobalt, zinc, and lead.", "The Zambian economy has been struggling in recent years due to low copper prices.", "Zambia is a member of the United Nations, the African Union, and the Southern African Development Community (SADC)."], "trgs": ["Zambia inyika yakakomberedzwa ngedzimweni nyika iri kuMaodzanyemba eAfrica.", "Yakaganhurwa ngeAngola kumadokero, Democratic Republic yeCongo iri kuchamhembe, Tanzania irikukuchamhembe kwakadziva kumabvazuva, Malawi irikumabvazuva, Mozambique iri kumaodzanyemba kwakadziva kumabvazuva, Zimbabwe irikumaodzanyemba, uye Botswana iri kumaodzanyemba kwakadziva kumadokero.", "Zambia ine anthu anoguma gumi nemanomwe emamirioni uye ngendau yakakura kuguma 752,618 makiromita ngemakiromita.", "Mutangimiri wenyika yeZambia ndi Hakainde Hichilema, akaketwa munaNyamavhuvhu yegore ra2021.", "Hichilema inhengo yeUnited Party for National Development (UPND).", "UPND isungano guru yaamho inopikisa iri muZambia.", "Hupfumi hweZambia hunobva pakucherwa kwemhangura.", "Mhangura ndiinonyanya kutengeswa kubanze kwenyika muZambia.", "Zvimweni zvinotengeswa kubanze kwenyika zvinosanganisa kobhauti, zingi, ngeledhi.", "Makore apera aya hupfumi weZambia wanha uchi hlamburuka ngendaa yemutengo wemhangura wakaderera yaamho.", "Zambia inhengo yeUnited Nations, African Union, uye Southern African Development Community (SADC)."], "factuality": "ok", "is_src_orig": true} +{"id": "topic_106__ttmbtmbp", "sl": "en", "tl": "ndc", "srcs": ["The signing of Lionel Messi by Paris Saint-Germain sent shockwaves through the world of soccer.", "The Argentine superstar had been one of the most coveted players in the world for years, and his arrival in Paris marked a major turning point in the club's history.", "Messi had spent his entire professional career with Barcelona, where he had won everything there was to win.", "But after a tumultuous few months, he decided to leave the club and sign with PSG.", "The move was a major coup for PSG, who were looking to add a superstar to their squad in order to compete for the Champions League title.", "Messi's signing was met with excitement by PSG fans, who were eager to see the world's best player in action.", "But there were also some concerns about how he would fit into the team.", "PSG already had a number of talented players, and it was unclear how Messi would be able to work with them."], "trgs": ["Kusayina kwaLionel Messi ngeParis Saint-Germain yakakonzeresa kushamisa munyika yebhora.", "Mukurumbira weArgentine anga ari umweni wevatambi vanoshuwira zvikuru munyika kwemakore, uye kuguma kwake kuParis yakakombidza chiro chikuru munhorondo yekirabhu.", "Messi wakapedza mushando wake weshe weunyanzvi arikuBarcelona, kwaakanga akunda zvose kuti akunde.", "Asi sure kwemwedzi mishoma yemhirizhonga, wakazokheta kusiya kirabhu uye ngekusayina nePSG.", "Kutama kwacho kwaiva kukanganisa kukuru kwechikwata chePSG, vaitsvaka mukurumbira waizowedzera kubeka muchikwata chavo kuti ikwane kuzokwikwidza mumukombe weChampions League.", "Kusayina kwaMessi kwakaashirwa ngekudakara ngevateeveri vePSG, vanga vakatarisira kuona nyanzvi yemutambi yemunyika mese ichitamba.", "Asi paivawo ngezvimwe zvainesa kuti anozokwanisa kukwana here muchikwata.", "PSG yanga yagara inevatambi vanokona vakatiwandei, uye zvanga zvisina kujeka kuti Messi anozokwanisa kuzoshanda navo here."], "factuality": "has_errors", "is_src_orig": true} +{"id": "topic_547__otgglbotcbgg", "sl": "en", "tl": "ndc", "srcs": ["Of Mice and Men is a novel by John Steinbeck that tells the story of two migrant workers, George and Lennie, who travel together in search of work during the Great Depression.", "The novel is set in a time and place where the American Dream is all but dead, and the only way to survive is to stick together and look out for each other.", "George and Lennie are both dreamers.", "George dreams of one day owning a farm, where he and Lennie can live in peace and harmony.", "Lennie dreams of petting soft rabbits and being gentle with them.", "But their dreams are constantly thwarted by the harsh realities of the world they live in.", "One day, George and Lennie find work on a ranch in California.", "They are immediately befriended by Candy, an old ranch hand who is missing an arm.", "Candy tells George and Lennie about his dream of one day owning a small farm, and the three men decide to pool their money together to buy a farm.", "But their plans are once again thwarted when Lennie accidentally kills a woman.", "George is forced to shoot Lennie to prevent him from being lynched.", "George is devastated by Lennie's death, but he knows that it was the only thing he could do."], "trgs": ["Ye Mbeva nge Vaisa ibhuku rakanyorwa naJohn Steinbeck inobhuya ngendaa yevashandi vairi vaibva kune dzimweni nyika, George naLennie, vaihamba veshe veitsvaka mushando nguwa yeKuderera Kukuru.", "Bhuku rakabekwa munguwa uye ngendau apo Zviroto zveMereka pazvanga zvafa, uye paiva ngenjira imwe yekurarama kwaiva kugara pamwe chete uye kutarisirana.", "George naLennie veshe vairota.", "George wairota kuti rimweni zuwa waizova muridzi wemunda, apo iye naLennie vaizogara murugare ngokuzwanana.", "Lennie wairota kuzopuruzira tsuro nyoro uye kupfaa nadzo.", "Asi zviroto zvavo zvakakasira kugurwa ngezviro zvakaoma zvenyika yavaigara.", "Rimweni zuwa, George naLennie vakawana mushando pane umweni munda muguta reCalifornia.", "Vakakasira kuitwa shamwari ngewaizi Candy, musharukwa aishanda pamunda anga asina boko rimwe.", "Candy wakabhuyira George naLennie ngechiroto chake chekuzova ngemunda wake mudoko, hino vaisa vatatu vakakheta kuunza mare dzavo dzeshe pamwete kuti vatenge munda.", "Asi zvirongwa zvavo zvakagurwa zvakare apo Lennie paakauraya umweni mukadzi ngetsaona.", "George akamanikidzwa kufuura Lennie kuzodzivirira kuzotakwa.", "George akaparara ngendaa yekushaya kwaLennie, asi aiziya kuti ndizvona zvaaifanira kuita."], "factuality": "ok", "is_src_orig": true} +{"id": "topic_17__abiwababtwabtta", "sl": "en", "tl": "ndc", "srcs": ["A: I'm so itchy! I think I have lice.", "B: Oh no! That's terrible.", "I know how to get rid of them, though.", "We can use a traditional remedy.", "A: What is it?", "B: We'll need some olive oil, some lemon juice, and a few cloves of garlic.", "A: Okay, I have all of that. What do we do with it?", "B: First, we'll mix the olive oil, lemon juice, and garlic together.", "Then, we'll apply it to your hair and scalp.", "We'll let it sit for about an hour.", "A: An hour? That sounds like a long time.", "B: It is, but it's worth it.", "The oil will help to suffocate the lice and the lemon juice will help to kill them.", "The garlic will help to repel them.", "A: Okay, I'll do it."], "trgs": ["A: Ndirikuvaviwa! Ndinofunga ndineinda.", "B: Haiwa! Zvakashata yaamho.", "Ndinoziya njira yekuzvibvisa, asi.", "Tinokona kushandisa mushonga wechianthu.", "A: Ichi chiinyi?", "B: Tinozoda mafuta eorivha, muto wemaremoni, ngegariki shomani.", "A: Zvakanaka, zveshe izvo ndinazo. Todini nazvo?", "B: Chekutanga, tinosanganisa mafuta eorivha, muto wemaremoni, ngegariki.", "Mwapedza, munobeka muvhudzi ngeganda rehloko.", "Ngatizvireka zvakagara kuguma kunenge awa.", "A: Awa? Inoita ngatei inguwa yakareba.", "B: Ndizvona, asi zvakakodzera.", "Mafuta anodetsera kukonya mweya weinda uye muto wemaremoni unodetsera kumauraya.", "Gariki inodetsera kudzora inda.", "A: Zvakanaka, ndichazviita."], "factuality": "has_errors", "is_src_orig": true} +{"id": "topic_254__mtcyttiitwticnt", "sl": "en", "tl": "ndc", "srcs": ["\"Mommy, what are those?\" the toddler asked, pointing at the plants in the living room.", "\"Those are plants,\" Mommy replied \"They're living things, just like you and me.\"", "\"Can I touch them?\" the toddler asked.", "\"Yes, you can, but be gentle,\" Mommy said \"The leaves are fragile.\"", "The toddler reached out and touched a leaf.", "The leaf felt soft and smooth.", "\"I like it,\" the toddler said.", "\"I'm glad,\" Mommy said. \"Plants are good for us. They help clean the air and make us feel better.\"", "The toddler continued to look at the plants. Then, he noticed a cable running along the floor.", "\"What's that?\" he asked.", "\"That's a cable,\" Mommy said.", "\"It's used to connect the TV to the wall.\"", "\"Can I touch it?\" the toddler asked.", "\"No, you can't,\" Mommy said. \"Cables can be dangerous.They can give you a shock.\"", "The toddler looked disappointed, but he didn't touch the cable."], "trgs": ["\"Mai, zviinyi izvo?\" mwana akabvunza, weinongedzera zvirimwa zvanga zvakabekwa mumuzi mekutandara.", "\" Izvi zvirimwa,\" Mai vakadaira \"Zviro zvipenyu, kunge iwe neni.\"", "\"Ndinokona kubata ere?\" mwana akabvunza.", "\"Eya, unokwanisa, asi zvinyoro nyoro,\" Mai vakareketa \"Mashakani haazi kusimba.\"", "Mwana akatambanudza nyara yake akabata shakani riya.", "Shakani rainga rakapfaa uye ngekutsetseka.", "\"Ndaidakarara,\" mwana akareketa.", "\"Ndadakara,\" Mai vakareketa. \"Zvirimwa zvakatinakira. Zvinodetsera kuchenesa mweya uye ngekuti tizwe zvirinani.\"", "Mwana akaenderera einingira zvirimwa. Sure kwazvo, akaona tambo yeirumba ngepashi.", "\"Chiinyi icho?\" akabvunza.", "\"Iyo itambo,\" Mai vakareketa.", "\"Inoshandiswa kubatanidza terevhizheni kumadziro.\"", "\"Ndinokona kubata ere?\" mwana akabvunza.", "\"Haiwa, haukoni,\" Mai vakadaro. \"Tambo dzinokona kuvangenjodzi. Anokona kuti magetsi akuvhundutse.\"", "Mwana akakombidza kusuruwara, asi haazi kubate tambo."], "factuality": "ok", "is_src_orig": true} +{"id": "topic_354__biittontfft", "sl": "en", "tl": "ndc", "srcs": ["Birthdays are a time to celebrate the day you were born.", "It is a day to reflect on all the good things in your life and to thank those who have made you who you are.", "It is also a day to set goals for the year ahead and to make plans for the future.", "To make the most of your birthday, start by making a list of all the things you are grateful for.", "This could include your family, friends, health, home, job, or anything else that is important to you.", "Once you have made your list, take some time to reflect on each item and how it has made your life better.", "Next, set some goals for the year ahead.", "These goals can be anything you want them to be, but they should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound.", "For example, you might set a goal to lose weight, get a promotion at work, or travel to a new place.", "Finally, make plans for the day of your birthday.", "This could include spending time with your loved ones, eating your favorite foods, or doing something you have always wanted to do."], "trgs": ["Nguwa dzekubarwa inguwa yekupemberera zuwa rawakabarwa.", "Izuwa rekufungisisa pane zveshe zvakanaka muhupenyu hwako uye ngekubonga veshe vakadetsera kuumbwa kwako kuti uite zvauri.", "Uye zve izuwa rekunasira zvinangwa zvemakore anoteera uye ngekuronga ramangwana.", "Kuita zvakanyanya pazuwa ro, munotanga ngekunasira rondedzero yezveshe zvaunobonga.", "Izvi zvinosanganisa mhuri, shamwari, hutano, muzi, mushando, kana chero chimweni chakakosha kwauri.", "Wapedza kunasira rondedzero yako, tora nguwa weifungisisa pane chimwe ngechimwe uye kuita kuti hupenyu hwako uite nani.", "Pasurepo, kunasira zvinangwa zvegore remberi.", "Zvinangwa izvi zvinokwanisa kuita chero zvawada kuti zviite, asi anofanira kuva akanaga, zvinoereka, zvinokona kukunda, zvinoenderana uye zvine nguwa.", "Muenzaniso, unokona kuita chinangwa chekudzikira muiri, kuwana kusimudzidrwa kumushando, kana kuhamba weienda kune ndau itsva.", "Chekupeisira, ita zvirongwa zvezuwa rekubarwa kwako.", "Izvi zvinosanganisa kupedza nguwa ngevadikani vako, kurhya zvikafu zvaunodakarira, kana kuita chiro chawanga wagara uchiida kuita."], "factuality": "ok", "is_src_orig": true} +{"id": "topic_211__ppplpptpblipt", "sl": "en", "tl": "ndc", "srcs": ["Person 1: Romantic Comedies are so unrealistic.", "Person 2: I know, right? The love interests always fall in love at first sight, and they never have any problems.", "Person 1: And the conflicts are always so contrived.", "Like, in one movie, the couple broke up because the guy's best friend was in love with the girl.", "Person 2: That's so ridiculous. It's not like that happens in real life.", "Person 1: Exactly. And even when they do get together, it's always so perfect.", "They never have any fights or disagreements.", "Person 2: It's like the movies are trying to tell us that love is always easy and perfect.", "But that's not the case.", "Love is hard work.", "It takes time and effort to build a lasting relationship.", "Person 1: I know. That's why I don't watch rom-coms anymore.", "They give people unrealistic expectations about love."], "trgs": ["Munthu 1: Komedhi dzerudo hadzisi dzechokwadi.", "Munthu 2: Shuwa, ndizvona ere? Zvido zverudo zvinogara zvichiwa murudo pakutanga, uye hazvina matambudziko.", "Munthu 1: Uye kukakavara kunokona kuchinasirwa.", "Kunge, mubhaisikopi imweni, vanodanana vakarambana ngendaa yekuti sahwira mukuru wedhodha aida nthombi yakeshamwari.", "Munthu 2: Izvi zvinoshekedza. Zvakadaro hazviitike muhupenyu chaimwo.", "Munthu 1: Ndizvona. Uye nyangwe pavaizosangana, zvanga zvakanyanya kuti hwee.", "Vangavasingamborwi kana kunesana.", "Munthu 2: Ngatei mabhaisikopi anotironzera kuti rudo harina kupfaa kana kunaka.", "Asi hazvisi zvonazvo zvinoitika.", "Rudo rinemushando wakaoma.", "Zvinotore nguwa ngesimba kuaka hukama unogara.", "Munthu 1: Ndinozviziya. Ndosaka ndisingachaoni makomedhi erudo zvee.", "Dzinopa anthu tarisiro dzerudo dzisiri dzechokwadi."], "factuality": "ok", "is_src_orig": true} +{"id": "topic_530__miwtwssisiwmtiasw", "sl": "en", "tl": "ndc", "srcs": ["My first day of school was a day I will never forget.", "I was both excited and nervous, not knowing what to expect.", "When I woke up that morning, I got dressed quickly and ate a quick breakfast.", "Then, my mom drove me to school and walked me to my classroom.", "When I walked into the classroom, I was immediately greeted by my teacher, Ms. Smith.", "She was a kind-looking woman with a warm smile.", "She introduced herself to me and then showed me to my seat.", "I sat down next to a girl named Sarah.", "She smiled at me and said, \"Hi, I'm Sarah.\"", "I smiled back and said, \"Hi, I'm Vera.\"", "We talked for a few minutes before the bell rang for class to start.", "Ms. Smith began by introducing herself and telling us about the rules of the classroom.", "Then, she started teaching us about math.", "I was a little bit confused at first, but Ms. Smith explained everything clearly.", "After math class, we had a break.", "Sarah and I went outside to play on the playground.", "We played on the swings and the slide for a while, then we went back inside for lunch."], "trgs": ["Zuwa rangu rekutanga rekuenda kuchikora izuwa randisangambofi ndakayiyarwa.", "Ndaifara uye ngekuvhunduka, ndisingazii zvekutarisira.", "Pandakamuza mangwananiwo, ndaka ngqoka nguvo ngekukasira ndochorhya chikafu chemangwanani.", "Pasurepo, mai angu vakandiendesa kuchikora vochohamba neni kuenda kukirasirumu yangu.", "Pandakahamba kupinda mukirasirumu, ponapo ndakachingamidzwa ngemudzidzisi wangu, Madhamu. Smith.", "Vanga varimukadzi ainge ane mutsa vachishekerera.", "Vakazvizivisa kwandiri vocho ndikombidza pandaifanira kugara.", "Ndakagara parutivi peumweni nthombi yaizi Sarah.", "Akandishekerera ochoti, \"Unodini, ndinozwi Sarah.\"", "Ndakamushekererawo ndikati, \"Unodini, ndinozwi Vera.\"", "Takambobhuya panguwa idoko doko bhero rekuti kufunda kutange risati rarira.", "Madhamu. Smith vakatanga ngekuzviziyisa nekutibhuyira ngendaa yemitemo yemukirasirumu.", "Pasurepo, vakatanga kuti fundisa masvomhu.", "Pekutanga ndainge ndakavhiringika, asi Madhamu Smith vakazo tsanangura zvakajekesa.", "Tapedza kufunda masvomhu, takatora mafemo.", "Sarah neni takaenda kubanze kunotamba pandau yekutamba.", "Takatamba pamasiwingi ngemasiraidhi kwechinguwa, tochopetuka mukati kuti tirhye chikafu chemasikati."], "factuality": "ok", "is_src_orig": true} +{"id": "stt_8__wtttttttrhspahitiwiwtataiicict", "sl": "en", "tl": "ndc", "srcs": ["When tissue is injured, the body\u2019s immune system sends white blood cells to the area.", "These cells release chemicals that cause blood vessels to dilate and become more permeable.", "This allows fluid and white blood cells to leak out of the blood vessels and into the injured tissue.", "The fluid forms a clear, watery swelling called edema.", "The white blood cells help to fight infection and to remove damaged tissue.", "They also release chemicals that stimulate the growth of new tissue.", "The classic signs of acute inflammation are redness, heat, swelling, and pain.", "These signs are caused by the increased blood flow and the release of chemicals in the injured tissue.", "Redness is caused by the dilation of blood vessels.", "Heat is caused by the increased blood flow and the release of inflammatory chemicals.", "Swelling is caused by the leakage of fluid from blood vessels into the injured tissue.", "Pain is caused by the release of inflammatory chemicals and the pressure of the swelling.", "Acute inflammation is a normal part of the healing process.", "However, if it is severe or prolonged, it can damage healthy tissue.", "In some cases, acute inflammation can lead to chronic inflammation, which is a long-term condition that can cause pain, disability, and even death.", "There are a number of things that can cause acute inflammation, including infection, injury, and autoimmune diseases.", "Infections are caused by bacteria, viruses, or fungi.", "When these organisms enter the body, they can trigger an immune response that leads to inflammation.", "Injuries can also cause inflammation.", "When tissue is damaged, it releases chemicals that attract white blood cells and other immune cells to the area.", "These cells release chemicals that cause inflammation.", "Autoimmune diseases are caused by the body\u2019s immune system attacking its own tissues.", "This can lead to inflammation in the affected tissues.", "Acute inflammation is usually treated with pain relievers, such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen.", "In some cases, corticosteroids may be used to reduce inflammation.", "If the inflammation is caused by an infection, antibiotics may be prescribed.", "Chronic inflammation is a long-term condition that can cause pain, disability, and even death.", "It is often caused by autoimmune diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis and Crohn\u2019s disease.", "Chronic inflammation can also be caused by obesity, smoking, and air pollution.", "There is no cure for chronic inflammation, but it can be managed with medication, lifestyle changes, and physical therapy."], "trgs": ["Kana tishu rakuvara, zvokudzivirira zvomuviri zvinotuma masero machena eropa kundau yakhona.", "Masero aya anodusa mishonga inoite kuti tsinga dzavhurike ngekuhambika.", "Zvinoite kuti mvura ngemasero machena engazi adzudze eibude mutsinga eipinde mutishu rakuvara.", "Mvura iyi yakachena, inoerera yeizvimbisa inozi edema.", "Maseo machena engazi anodetsere kurwisa zvirwere ngekuduse matishu akashata.", "Anodetserawo kuduse mishonga inosimudzire kukura kwematishu matsva.", "Zviro zvemene zvinokombe mazvimbiswa kutsvuka, kutsva, kuzvimba, ngekuzwa kupanda.", "Zviratidzo izvi zvinokonerwa ngekuedzerwa kwekuhamba kwengazi ngekuduse kunoitwe mishonga mutishu rakuvara.", "Kutsvuka kunosakiswa ngekuvhurika kwetsinga.", "Kutsva kunokonzerwa ngekuedzerwa kwekuhamba kwengazi ngekuduse mishonga inozvimbisa.", "Kuzvimba kunokonzerwa ngekudzudza kunoite mvura kubve mutsinga dzeipinde mutishu rakakuvara.", "Kuoanda kunokonzerwa ngekuduswa kwemishonga inozvimbisa ngekumanikidzwa kwekuzvimba.", "Mazvimbiswa injira yakajairika yekupora.", "Zvisinei, zvikazonyanya kupanda kana kugara kwenguva yakareba, zvinokone kuuraya matishu matano.", "Dzimweni nguva, mazvimbiswa anokone kukonzere mazvimbiswa akanyanyisa, anova ari chiro chinoitika kwenguva yakareba maningi eikwanisa kuite kuti uzwe kuoanda, kuremara, kana kufa.", "Pane zviro zvakawanda zvinokone kukonzere mazvimbiswa, kusanganisira zvirwere, kukuvara, ngezvirwere zvemumuiri.", "Zvirwere zvinokonzerwa ngeutachiona.", "Panopinde ziro izvi mumuiri, zvinokona kukonzera kudaira kwezvinodzivirira zveizokonzere kuzvimba.", "Kukuvara kunokone kukonzere mazvimbiswa.", "Kana tishu rakanganisika, rinokonzera mishonga inokwezva masero machena erops ngemamweni masero emumuiri kundau iyoyo.", "Masero aya anoduse mishonga inokonzere kuzvimba.", "Zvirwere zvemuviri zvinokonzerwa ngezvinodzivirira muviri zvinenga zveirwise matishu azvo.", "Zvinokone kuguma zvaite mazvimbiswa pamatishu akakanganiswa.", "Mazvimbiswa anowanza kurapwa ngezvinodzasira marwadzo, zvikadai ngeibuprofen kana acetaminophen.", "Dzimweni dzenguva, cortisceroids inokone kushandiswa kudzasira aazvimbiswa.", "Kana mazvimbiswa awa akakonzerwa ngechirwere, mushonga unorwisa mabhakitereya unokone kunyorwa.", "Mazvimbiswa akanyanya indaa inoitika kwenguva yakakura uye inokone kukonzera kupanda, kuremara kana rufu.", "Inonyanya kukonzerwa ngezvirwere zvekudzivirira, zvakadai ngerheumatoid arthritis ngeCrohn.", "Mazvimbiswa akanyanya anokone kukonzerwa ngekusimbisa, kuputa kana mbepo yakashata.", "Akuna chingarapa mazvimbiswa akanyanya, esi anokone kuriritirwa ngemushonga, kuchinje mararamiro, ngekurapwa kwepanyama."], "factuality": "ok", "is_src_orig": true} +{"id": "mozambique_historical__tittrtfii", "sl": "en", "tl": "ndc", "srcs": ["The Mozambican Civil War was a conflict that lasted from 1977 to 1992.", "It was fought between the Mozambique Liberation Front (FRELIMO), which had ruled the country since its independence from Portugal in 1975, and the Mozambique National Resistance (RENAMO), a rebel group backed by the Rhodesian and South African governments.", "The war caused widespread devastation and displacement, and led to the deaths of an estimated 1 million people.", "The war began after RENAMO launched an insurgency against FRELIMO in 1977.", "RENAMO was opposed to FRELIMO's socialist policies and its close ties to the Soviet Union.", "The war quickly escalated, and by the early 1980s, RENAMO had control of much of the countryside.", "FRELIMO was forced to rely on Soviet and Cuban military aid to keep RENAMO at bay.", "In 1984, FRELIMO and RENAMO signed a peace agreement, but the fighting continued.", "In 1992, the two sides signed a new peace agreement, which called for a ceasefire and the holding of multiparty elections."], "trgs": ["Hondo yevagari vemuMozambique yainge iri hondo yakaitika kubva 1977 kuguma 1992.", "Yakarwiwa pakati pe Mozambique Liberation Front (FRELIMO), yanga yatonga nyika kubva payakasunungurwa ngePortugal mugore ra1975, nge Mozambique National Resistanca (RENAMO), boka revapinduki raidzigirwa ngehurumende ye Rhodesia uye ngeye South Africa.", "Hondo yakakonzeresa kuparadza kwakapararira uye kutamiswa, uye zvakakonzera kufa kweanthu anopfurikidza miriyoni imwe.", "Hondo yakatanga sure kwe RENAMO yamukira FRELIMO mugore ra1977.", "RENAMO yakapesana ngemitemo yerusununguko yeFRELIMO uye hukama hwayo hwepedyo.", "Hondo yakawedzera ngekukasira, uye pakaguma mavambo ema1980, RENAMO yakange yane kudzora kwakawanda kwamaruwa.", "FRELIMO vakamanikidzwa kuva nerudetsero rwemauto rweSoviet uye veCuban kuti vadzivise RENAMO kure.", "Mugore ra1984, FRELIMO ngeRENAMO vakasayinirana chibvumirano cherunyararo, asi kurwa kwakaenderera.", "Mugore ra1992, mativi mairi akasayina chibvumirano chitsva cherunyararo, izvi zvakakonzeresa kuema kwehondo uye kukethwa kwemapato akawanda."], "factuality": "has_errors", "is_src_orig": true} +{"id": "topic_249__ittiaoa", "sl": "en", "tl": "ndc", "srcs": ["It was a bright and sunny day in the small village of Locksmiths, and the festival of locks was in full swing.", "The streets were crowded with people, all eager to see the latest and greatest in lockmaking technology.", "There were vendors selling everything from simple padlocks to complex combination locks, and artisans demonstrating their skills in lockpicking and locksmithing.", "In the center of the village square, a large stage had been set up for the day's festivities.", "A group of musicians were playing lively tunes, and a crowd of people were gathered around, clapping and dancing.", "On the stage, a skilled locksmith was demonstrating how to pick a lock, and the crowd was mesmerized by his skill.", "As the sun began to set, the festival came to a close."], "trgs": ["Rakanga riri zuwa rakajeka uye richipenya mukanyi doko yeLocksmiths, mutambo wezvipfigiso wakanga wopisha.", "Munjira mwanga mwakadzara anthu, vakatarisira kuona zvazvino uye zvikuru munezvekuita nekunasira mapfigiso.", "Panga paive nevanotengesa zveshe kubva pazvivharo zvakapfava kuguma kune yakaoma musanganiswa makiyi, uye nyanzvi dzeikombidza hunyanzvi hwavo mukubeura ngekukonya ngekunasira makiyi.", "Pakati pekanyi yavo, pakabekwa chikuva chikuru yaamho kuiitira midiro yemusi iwowo.", "Boka revaimbi rakanga reiridza ngoma dzinodakadza, uye mhomho yeanthu akaungana, veiombera ngekujaivha.", "Pachikuva, nyanzvi yevanonasira makiyi wakakombidza kuti kubeurwa kiyi kunozwinyi, mhomho yeanthu yakashamiswa ngeunyanzvi wake.", "Apo zuwa parangarodoka, mutambo wakazopera."], "factuality": "ok", "is_src_orig": true} +{"id": "topic_356__mwwtwtotiawiiii", "sl": "en", "tl": "ndc", "srcs": ["My friend, Abel, and I were walking home from school one day when we saw a blood drive being held at our local community center.", "We were both 17 years old, and we had never donated blood before.", "We decided to stop in and see what it was all about.", "The process of donating blood was actually pretty simple.", "We both filled out a questionnaire and answered some questions about our health history.", "Then, we had our blood pressure checked and our veins were checked to make sure they were big enough.", "Once we were cleared to donate, we each sat down in a chair and had a needle inserted into our arms.", "The blood was collected in a bag, and the whole process took about 15 minutes.", "It felt good to know that we were helping to save lives.", "After we donated, we were given a juice box and a cookie to help us recover.", "We also received a thank-you card from the blood bank.", "I'm glad that Abel and I decided to donate blood.", "It was a quick and easy way to make a difference in the world.", "I encourage everyone to consider donating blood if they are eligible.", "It's a simple act of kindness that can help save lives."], "trgs": ["Mungani wangu, Abel, neni taihamba teipetuka kumhatso teibva kuchikora patakaona panopuwa ngazi yeitika panzvimbo yedu yemunharaunda.", "Teshe tanga tinemakore gumi ngemanonwe, uye tanga tisati tambope ngazi.", "Takaketha kuema teiningira kuti zveshe zvimbori zvei.", "Njira dzekupe ngazi dziri nyore yaamho.", "Teshe takanyora teidaira mubvunzo uye ngekudaira dzimweni mubvunzo dzine zvekuita ngenhorondo yehutano hwedu.", "Pasurepo, takaningirwa BP yedu uye tsinga dzedu dzakaningirwa kuti vaone kuti dzakakura zvakafanira ere.", "Vaona kuti takafanira kupa, takagara pashi pachigaro vochobeka tsono mumapoko edu.", "Ngazi yakaunganidzwa muchibhegi, kuita zveshe zvakatora maminitsi anoguma gumi ngeshanu.", "Takazwa kudakara kuziya kuti tirikudetsera kuponesa hupenyu.", "Tapedza kupa, takapuwa zvimabhokisi zvemadhiringi uye ngemabhisikiti kutidetsera kupora.", "Takapuwa tsamba yekubonga kubva kune boka rengazi.", "Ndakadakara kuti Abel neni takaketha kupa ngazi.", "Zvakakasira uye zvanga zvirinyore kukwanisa kuita mutsako munyika.", "Ndinokurudzira kuti munthu weshe azofunga zvekupa ngazi kana veikwanisa.", "Ichi chiito chakapfava chomutsa chinokona kuponesa hupenyu."], "factuality": "ok", "is_src_orig": true} +{"id": "topic_24__atstsssth", "sl": "en", "tl": "ndc", "srcs": ["A solo traveler was found safe after spending two nights lost in the Swiss Alps.", "The 25-year-old woman, who has not been identified, was hiking in the mountains when she became separated from her group.", "She was reported missing on Tuesday, and search teams were dispatched to find her.", "The woman was eventually found on Thursday, about 10 miles from where she had been hiking.", "She was cold and dehydrated, but otherwise in good condition.", "She told rescuers that she had been following a trail when she got turned around.", "She spent the night in a cave, and she survived by eating snow and drinking from a stream.", "The woman's experience is a reminder of the importance of being prepared when hiking in the mountains.", "Hikers should always bring a map, compass, and a flashlight, and they should tell someone where they are going and when they expect to return."], "trgs": ["Munthu aihamba ariega akawanikwa akachengeteka mushure mokunge arashika muSwiss Alps husiku huiri.", "Mukadzi ainge anemakore makumi mairi neshanu, uyo asati azikanwa, aikwira makomo paakaparadzana nechikwata chake.", "Akazwi akatamika musiweChipiri, uye zvikwata zvaitsvaka vakatumwa kuti vamuwane.", "Mukadzi wakazowanikwa musi weChina, mamairi makumi kubva paaikwira makomo.", "Anga eitondorwa uye aive ngenyota, asi zvimweni zvanga zvakanaka.", "Wakaronzera vanunuri kuti aitedzera njira paakazotenderedzwa.", "Wakaata mubako husiku hweshe, akararama ngekurhya chando ngekumwa mvura inobva murukova.", "Chiitiko chemukadzi uyu yaka karakadzisa kukosha kwekunasirira kana weida kunokwira makomo.", "Vanokwira makomo vanofanira kuunza mepu, kambasi, ngetochi, uyekuronzera umweni munthu ngavarikuenda nepavanotarisira kupetuka."], "factuality": "ok", "is_src_orig": true} +{"id": "topic_14__wiiotii", "sl": "en", "tl": "ndc", "srcs": ["When I was a kid, I would spend hours pouring over magazines.", "I would read every article, look at every picture, and cut out the ones I liked to put in my scrapbook.", "I loved the way magazines could transport me to different worlds and make me think about things in new ways.", "One day, I was reading an article about brain science in a magazine.", "The article was really interesting, and it made me think about how my brain works.", "I realized that I could use my brain to learn anything I wanted, and that was an amazing feeling.", "I've been reading magazines ever since, and I still love the way they can open my mind to new ideas."], "trgs": ["Pandainge ndiri mudodori, ndaipedza nguwa yeshe ndeierenga mamagazini.", "Ndaierenga nhau imwe neimwe, ndeiningira mifodho imwe neimwe, ndocheka dzakona dzandaidakarira ndeibeka mubhuku rangu.", "Ndaidakariro maitiro emagazini ekundiendesa kuine imweni nyika uye yaindiita kuti ndifunge zviro mune njira itsva.", "Rimweni zuwa, ndaierenga nhau yemumagazini musoro wendaa uriwe sainzi dzengqondo.", "Nhau iyi yaibadakadza yaamho, uye yakaita kuti ndifunge kuti ngqondo inomboshanda sei.", "Ndakaona kuti haii ndinokona kushandisa ngqondo yangu kuti ndifunde chero chandinoda, uye zvakandipa kuzwa kwakanaka yaamho.", "Kubva ponapo ndakaramba ndeierenga mamagazini, uye ndichiri kuda yaamho kubeura kwainoita ngqondo yangu kune njira itsva."], "factuality": "ok", "is_src_orig": true} +{"id": "topic_29__ttsitioihits", "sl": "en", "tl": "ndc", "srcs": ["The debate about whether animals are happier in the wild or in zoos is a complex one with no easy answers.", "There are many factors to consider, including the individual animal's needs, the type of zoo, and the quality of care provided.", "Some animals, such as elephants, are highly social and need to interact with other elephants in order to thrive.", "In the wild, elephants live in herds of up to 100 individuals.", "They spend their days foraging for food, playing, and socializing.", "In a zoo, elephants may not have the same opportunities to interact with other elephants, which can lead to boredom and frustration.", "Other animals, such as lions, are solitary hunters.", "In the wild, lions live in prides of up to 15 individuals.", "However, each lion within the pride has its own territory and does not interact with other lions very often.", "In a zoo, lions may be able to live in larger enclosures with more space to roam, which can provide them with more opportunities to exercise and explore.", "The type of zoo also plays a role in the welfare of its animals.", "Some zoos are very large and provide their animals with spacious enclosures, while others are smaller and may not have as much space."], "trgs": ["Gakava rekuti mhuka dzinopinda kufara mushango kana mundau dzinochengeta mhuka rakanga rakaoma pasina mhinduro irinyore.", "Pane zviro zvakawanda zvinofanira kufungwa nezvazvo, kusanganisa nezvinodiwa ngemuka imwe ngeimwe, uye kunaka kwekutarisira irikupuwa.", "Dzimwe mhuka, kunge nzou, vane hukama zvakanyanya uye vanoda kusangana nedzimwe nzou kuti dzinyatsokura.", "Mushango, nzou dzinogara mumapako anoguma zana.", "Vanoswera mazuwa avo veitsvaka chikafu, kutamba ngekutandara.", "Mundau inochengetwa mhuka, nzou hadzina mukana wakafanana kusangana ngedzimwe nzou, zvinokonzera kufinhuka ngekuvhiringidzika.", "Dzimweni mhuka, kunge shumba, dzinovhima dziri dzega.", "Mushango, shumba dzinogara mumapako anoguma gumi ngeshanu.", "Zvisinei, shumba imwe neimwe mukati memapako avo vane ndau dzavo uye hadzidyidzane ngedzimwe shumba kazhinji kazhinji.", "Mundau yekuchengeta mhuka, shumba dzinokona kugara munharaunda yakakuru ine nzvimbo yekuhamba, izvi zvinovapa mukana wekurumba rumba ngekuona zvimweni.", "Mhandu yendau inochengeta mhuka inemushando mumagariro emhuka.", "Dzimweni ndau dzinochengeta mhuka dzakakura yaamho uye dzinopa mhuka nzvimbo yakakura, dzimweni idoko uye vanenge vasina nzvimbo yakakura."], "factuality": "has_errors", "is_src_orig": true} +{"id": "topic_177__asttsiiitsi", "sl": "en", "tl": "ndc", "srcs": ["As I'm driving down the road, I see a goat giving birth in the median.", "She's lying on her side and her two front legs are extended in front of her.", "The baby goat is coming out of her right side and it's head is already visible.", "The mother goat looks up at me and I can see the fear in her eyes.", "She's probably wondering if I'm going to hurt her or her baby.", "I stop the car and get out.", "I walk over to the goat and kneel down next to her.", "I gently stroke her head and tell her that everything is going to be okay.", "The baby goat starts to emerge and I can see that it's a little girl.", "She's crying and her mother licks her clean.", "I watch as the mother goat and baby bond and I feel a sense of peace."], "trgs": ["Pandainge ndeihamba ngemuchovha ndeidzaka mupato, ndakaone mbudzi reibara pakati pepato.", "Wakaata ngenhii ngemirenje yake miiri yakaenda mberi kwake.", "Mwana wembudzi arikubuda ngenhii yekurudyi ngesoro rayo rooneka.", "Mai embudzi anondiningira ndeibva ndaone kutya mumadziso awo.", "Anokona eikarakadza kuti ndinode kuatonisa kana kutonisa mwana wavo.", "Ndinoemesa muchovha ndechibudamo.", "Ndinohamba ndeienda kune mbudzi ndogwadama pashi parutii payo.", "Ndinoipuruzira soro zvnyoro-nyoro ndeiibhuira zviro zveshe zvichanaka.", "Mwana wembudzi uyu unotange kuoneka uye ndinotange kuona kuti chisikana chidiki.", "Kamwana kechisikana kembudzi karikuchema mai akhona otanga kukananzva kuti kachene.", "Ndinoningira mai embudzi ngemwana wayo veidakarirana ndochozwe kugadzikana."], "factuality": "ok", "is_src_orig": true} +{"id": "topic_508__tibttosssoha", "sl": "en", "tl": "ndc", "srcs": ["The city was a vast, sprawling metropolis, full of life and energy.", "It was a place where anything was possible, and where dreams could come true.", "But for every person who found success in the city, there were many more who struggled to make ends meet.", "These people lived in the slums, in tiny apartments that were often overcrowded and in disrepair.", "They worked long hours for low pay, and they often had to go without basic necessities like food and healthcare.", "One such person was a young woman named Amelia.", "She had come to the city with big dreams, but she quickly found that reality was much different than she had imagined.", "She worked as a waitress in a small diner, and she could barely make enough money to pay her rent.", "She often went to bed hungry, and she was always worried about her future.", "One day, Amelia was walking home from work when she saw a man sitting on a bench.", "He was homeless, and he was holding a sign that said, \"Will work for food.\" Amelia felt sorry for the man, and she decided to buy him a sandwich.", "As she was talking to the man, she learned that his name was Charlie."], "trgs": ["Guta rainge rakakura, guta guru raienda kweshe kweshe, rakadzara upenyu ngekugwinya.", "Yainge ndau yekuti zveshe zvaikone kuitika, ngezviroto zvaikone kudzadzikiswa.", "Esi kumunthu umwe naumwe waikone kubudirira ari kutaundi, inga kune amweni akawanda aineseka kuti zviro zvibatane.", "Anthu aya aigara mundau yaigara arombo, mumbatso dzidoodori dzaigara dzakadzarisa dzisingagadzirwi.", "Aishanda nguva dzakareba eihola zvishoma, uye nguva zhinji vaigara veitama zviro zvakakosha kudai ngezvekurya ngezveutano hwakanaka.", "Umwe weanthu aya ainge mudzimai wechidiki ainge negama rekuti Amelia.", "Ainge auya kutaundi aine zviroto zvakakura, esi akakasira kuone kuti zvemene zvainge zvakasiyana kuretu ngezvaaifungira.", "Wakashanda eibatsira kupe anthu chikafu mukakichi kadiki kekuryira, uye waikorera kana kuwana mare inokwana kuti abhadhare paanogara.", "Nguva zhinji waiende kooata ngenzara, uye waigara eineseka ngezvendaramo yake.", "Rimweni zuva, Amelia aihamba eienda kumhatso eibva kumushando paakadhibana ngemuisa akagara pachituru.", "Inga asina pekugara, uye wainge akabata chiro chakazwi, \"Ndinoshandira chikafu.\" Amelia wakazwa tsitsi kumuisa uyu echofunge kumutengera chingwa chine zviro pakati.", "Paainge eibhuya ngemuisa uyu, wakafunda kuti gama rake waizi Charlie."], "factuality": "ok", "is_src_orig": true} +{"id": "topic_394__dittfcismttb", "sl": "en", "tl": "ndc", "srcs": ["Demonetization is the process of removing legal tender from circulation.", "In India, Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced on November 8, 2016, that all \u20b9500 and \u20b91000 banknotes would cease to be legal tender from midnight.", "This move was intended to crack down on corruption and counterfeiting, but it also caused significant disruption and hardship for many people.", "There are several reasons to be skeptical of demonetization.", "First, it is not clear that it will be effective in reducing corruption.", "Corruption is a complex problem that cannot be solved simply by removing cash from circulation.", "In fact, there is some evidence that demonetization may actually increase corruption, as it makes it more difficult for people to track and trace their money.", "Second, demonetization is likely to have a negative impact on the poor.", "Many poor people in India rely on cash for their daily transactions.", "The sudden withdrawal of large-denomination banknotes made it difficult for them to buy food, pay their bills, and access other essential services.", "Third, demonetization has caused significant disruption to the economy.", "Businesses had to close for days or even weeks while they adjusted to the new currency."], "trgs": ["Demonetization injira yekuduse zviripamutemo mare mukutenderera.", "KuIndia, mukuru wenyika Narendra Modi wakaronza ngemusi waNovember 8. 2016, kuti eshe ma mazana mashanu nge gumi ramazana emapepa ekumambatso dzinotorwe mare emaRupee anenge asisiri mare dziri pamutemo kutanga pakati peusiku.", "Njira iyi yakaizirwa kuzi idzasire uori ngekugadzirwa kwemare dzekunyepa. esi yakakonzerawo zvinooneka kukanganiswa ngekushata kwezviro kuanthu.", "Kune zvikonzero zvakawanda zvekusagutsikana ngedemonetization.", "Kutanga, azvizi kujeka kuti zvinodetsera ere pakuderedze uori.", "Uori idambudziko rakaoma risingakoni kugadzirwa nyore nyore ngekudusa kutenderedzwa kwemare yepepa.", "Zvemene, kune umboo hwekuti demonetization inokone kuwedzere uori, inoite kuti zviomere anthu kuti vakone kuronda ngekuteera mare dzavo.", "Chechipiri, demonetization inokone kunga iine zvayakashatira kuanthu earombo.", "Anthu akawanda muIndia vanovimba ngemari yepepa kuti vashande zuva ngezuva.", "Kuchimbidza kupetudzwa kwemare dzakakura dzemumabhanga kwakaite kuti zviome kuti vatenge chikafu, kudhara mabhiri, ngekuwana zvimwe zveshe zvakakosha zvingadiwa ngeanthu.", "Chechitatu, demonetization yasakisa zvine udzamu kuparadzwa kweupfumi hwenyika.", "Mabhizimusi akakonya kwemazuva kana mavhiki nguva yevaijaiya mhando yemare itsva."], "factuality": "has_errors", "is_src_orig": true} +{"id": "stt_101__titttliiiistnis", "sl": "en", "tl": "ndc", "srcs": ["The dish is said to have originated in the Philippines, where it is known as lechon.", "It is also popular in other parts of Southeast Asia, such as Indonesia, Malaysia, and Thailand.", "To make lechon, a whole pig is gutted and cleaned, then stuffed with a mixture of garlic, ginger, lemongrass, and other spices.", "The pig is then roasted over a fire of charcoal or wood for several hours.", "The result is a juicy, flavorful meat that is perfect for a special occasion.", "Lechon is often served with rice and vegetables.", "It can also be eaten as a main course or as an appetizer.", "If you are ever lucky enough to try lechon, you will not be disappointed.", "It is truly a unique and delicious dish.", "In addition to the traditional method of cooking lechon, there are also several modern variations.", "Some chefs cook the pig in a pit oven, while others use a rotisserie.", "There are also recipes for making lechon in a slow cooker or in the oven.", "No matter how it is cooked, lechon is always a crowd-pleaser.", "It is a hearty and flavorful dish that is perfect for any occasion.", "So if you are looking for a new and exciting dish to try, lechon is definitely worth a look."], "trgs": ["Mhando yekubika iyi inobhuyiwa kuzi yakabve kuPhilippines, uko yaiziikanwa yeizi lechon.", "Inewo mukurumbira mune dzimweni nzvimbo dziri kuSoutheast Asia, dzakadai neIndonesia, Malaysia, nge Thailand.", "Kuti unasire lechon, nguruve yeshe inourawa yocheneswa, yozonasirirwa ngemusanganiswa wehadwa, tsangamidzi, ndimu yeshango ngezvimweni zvinowawira.", "Nguruve inozonasirirwa yeikangwa pamuriro wemavhunze kana huni kwemaawa akati kuti.", "Panozobude heto, ngenama inonaka yakasisira kuite yenguva yakakosha.", "Lechon inonyanya kuryiwa ngeraisi ngemuriwo wemavheji.", "Inokonawo kuryiwa sechikafu chinogutsa ndani kana chekunasira kuzorya zvinogutsa.", "Kana ukakone kuite rombo rakanaka rekuzama lechon, aumboshishwi.", "Kumbari kurya kusikaoneki peshe peshe uye kunonaka.", "Kututsire mubikirwe welechon wakajaiyika, kune dzimweni mhando dzenguva ino dzakasiyana-siyana.", "Vamwen vakafunda zvekubika vanobike nguruve muchitofu chiri ngemudzara, koitawo vamweni vanoshandise rotisserie.", "Kunewo mhando dzekunasira lechon muchitofu chinononokera kana muhovheni.", "Azvina ndaa kuti yabikwa zvakadii, lechon inongodakarirwa ngeanthu.", "Mubikiro une rudo uye unonaka wekuti unokone kuitwa paurongwa hweshe.", "Hino kana weitsvaka chikafu chitsva chekubika uye chinodakadza kubika, unosisa kuti uningire lechon."], "factuality": "has_errors", "is_src_orig": true} +{"id": "topic_12__mumumumumumu", "sl": "en", "tl": "ndc", "srcs": ["Me: What's up with your car? It's been making a weird noise lately.", "Uncle: Yeah, I know. I'm taking it to the mechanic tomorrow.", "Me: Is it going to be expensive.", "Uncle: It might be. The car is old, and parts are hard to come by. But I'm hoping it's just a minor issue.", "Me: Well, good luck. Let me know what the mechanic says.", "Uncle: I will. Thanks.", "Me: Hey, by the way, did you know that nuclear cars are a thing?", "Uncle: No, I didn't. That's interesting.", "Me: Yeah, they're pretty cool. They use nuclear power to generate electricity, which powers the car's motor.", "Uncle: That sounds like it would be really expensive.", "Me: It can be, but it's also a lot more efficient than traditional cars. Nuclear cars can go for hundreds of miles on a single tank of fuel.", "Uncle: Hmm, I'll have to look into that."], "trgs": ["Inini: Chiinyi chaitika kumuchovha wenyu? Inga weiite musindo mazuwaanaya.", "Sekuru: Eya, Ndinodziziya. Ndirikuenda ndiyo kwamakanika mangwani.", "Inini: Hino zvichadhura ere.", "Sekuru: Zvinokone kudaro. Motokari yakhona yakura, ngezvimweni zvikamu zvinonesa kuwana. Esi ndinogonda kuti azvinyanyi kunesa.", "Inini: Zvakanaka, ndinokushuvirai rombo rakanaka. Mozondibhuyirawo kuti makanika unoti chiinyi.", "Sekuru: Ndinodaro. Washuma.", "Inini: Eya, inga ndariarwa, munodziziya ere kuti mota dzenyukireya ndidzona dzaayo?", "Sekuru: Haiwa, andizi. Zviro zvinodakadza.", "Inini: Eya, akambaanaka. Anoshandisa simba renyukireya kuti anasire magetsi, awo anozopa simba kumuchovha.", "Sekuru: Zvinoita ingatei zvinodhura maningi.", "Inini: Zvinokona kudaro, esi zvinokone kudetsea maningi pane michovha yekudhaya. Michovha yenyukereya inokone kuhamba mamaira eishandisa tengi rimwe remafuta emuchovha.", "Sekuru: Hmm, ndichaite kuti ndiningire mazviri."], "factuality": "has_errors", "is_src_orig": true} +{"id": "topic_162__atatysbtt", "sl": "en", "tl": "ndc", "srcs": ["A man walks into a comedy club and orders a filet mignon.", "The waiter brings him the steak and he starts to eat it.", "After a few bites, he stops and says, \"This steak is terrible! It's tough and tasteless.\"", "The waiter replies, \"Well, sir, you did order a filet mignon.\"", "\"Yes, but I didn't order a raw filet mignon!\"", "\"Sir, all of our steaks are served raw. We require our customers to cook them themselves.\"", "\"But I don't know how to cook!\"", "\"That's not our problem. We're a comedy club, not a restaurant.\"", "The man angrily gets up and storms out of the club."], "trgs": ["Muisa unopinde mumbatso yemitambo inoshekedza ochootenga nyama yakanaka nekununira.", "Mudetseri unouuye ngenyama iyi muisa wotange kurya.", "Aruma kairi katatu, unoema obhuye kuti, \"Nyama iyi ainaki! Yakaoma ngekutame unaku.\"", "Mudetseri unopingura, \"Zvakanaka, changamire, mwati munode nyama yakanaka nekununira.\"", "\"Eya, esi andizi kuti ndinode isizi kubikwa nyama yakanaka nekununira yakhona!\"", "\"Changamire, nyama dzedu dzeshe dzinopiwa anthu dzisizi kubikwa. Tinokurudzira vatsigiri vedu veshe kuti vazodzikira vemene.\"", "\"Esi andikoni kubika!\"", "\"Iyoyo aisi ndaa yedupi. Tiri mbatso yemitambo, haiwa mbatso yekuryira.\"", "Muisa unoema wakashishwa eibude mumbatso iyi."], "factuality": "ok", "is_src_orig": true} +{"id": "stt_129__hhtthattt", "sl": "en", "tl": "ndc", "srcs": ["He had been in a car accident, and he was unconscious.", "His parents, who had been driving by when the accident happened, rushed to his side.", "They were frantic with worry.", "The paramedics arrived and loaded the boy into an ambulance.", "His parents followed in their car, their hearts pounding with fear.", "At the hospital, the doctors examined the boy and determined that he had a concussion and a broken leg.", "They admitted him to the hospital and began treatment.", "The boy's parents stayed by his side, never leaving him alone.", "They watched over him as he slept, their hearts filled with love and hope."], "trgs": ["Muisa ainge akapinda mutsaona yemuchovha, uye inga afenda.", "Abereki ake, ainge eihambawo ngemuchovha wavo pakaitika tsaona iyi, akarumba parutii pake.", "Vainge vakadzara kutya ngekuvhuduka ngekutambudzika.", "Vadetseri vakaguma vochobeke muisa uyu muamburenzi.", "Abereki ake akateera ngemuchovha wavo, mwoyo yavo yeipanda ngekutya.", "Kuchibhedhleya, madhokodheya akaningira muisa uyu ochoone kuti inga aite chipaparadzungu ngemurenje wainge wavhunika.", "Vakamuisa muchibhedhleya vochootange kumurapa.", "Abereki emuisa akaramba ari pasinde ndiye, avazi kumbomusiya ega.", "Vaimungwarira akaata, mwoyo yavo yakadzare rudo ngegonda."], "factuality": "ok", "is_src_orig": true} +{"id": "topic_101__rpibtitssopat", "sl": "en", "tl": "ndc", "srcs": ["\"Royalty,\" said the Blacksmith, \"is a curious thing. It's a kind of magic, really.", "People get all worked up about it, and they don't even know why.", "It's not as if kings and queens have any real power, these days. They're just figureheads.", "But people still seem to need them.", "They need someone to look up to, someone to represent the idea of the nation.\" The Blacksmith paused.", "\"I suppose it's a kind of comfort,\" he continued.", "\"To know that there's someone out there who's better than you.", "Someone who's got it all sorted out.", "Someone who can make the world a better place.", "Of course, it's all an illusion. But that doesn't make it any less important.", "People need their illusions. They need to believe in something.", "And if that something is a king or a queen, then so be it.\"", "The Blacksmith paused for a moment, then smiled."], "trgs": ["\"Ushe,\" wakadaro Blacksmith, \"chakaite chiro chechiringa. Chakaite ingatei mapipi, zvemene.", "Anthu anotambudzwa ndicho, uye avatozii ngei zveidaro.", "Azviiti ingatei madzishe ngevahosi vane simba remene, mazuva anaa. Vangovawo mifananidzo yakanyorwa.", "Esi anthu inoita ngatei achaada.", "Anoda munthu wekuningira kwaari, munthu unoemerera mufungo wenyika.\" Blacksmith wakamboema.", "\"Nginokarakadza kuti zvinopfaisa,\" wakatangahe.", "\"Kuziye kuti kune munthu kubanze iyo uri nani panewe.", "Munthu une zviro zvake zveshe zvakanasirirwa zvakanaka.", "Munthu unokone kuti nyika iye nzvimbo irinani.", "Eya, zveshe azvizi kujeka. Esi azviiti kuti zvisaite zvakakosha.", "Anthu anosisa kuite zvisizi kujeka. Anosisa kuti atende chimweni chiro.", "Uye kana chirocho chiri madzishe kana vahosi, hino ngazviite sekudaro.\"", "Blacksmith wakamboem kwechinguvana, ochozosekerera."], "factuality": "ok", "is_src_orig": true} +{"id": "topic_534__tshotstfsbhasb", "sl": "en", "tl": "ndc", "srcs": ["The Old Man and the Sea", "Santiago, an old Cuban fisherman, has gone eighty-four days without catching a fish.", "He is the oldest man in the village, and the youngest, Manolin, no longer wants to fish with him because the old man is unlucky.", "One day, Santiago sets out in his skiff and hooks a giant marlin.", "The marlin is so big that it pulls the skiff far out to sea.", "Santiago fights the marlin for two days and nights, but he cannot bring it in.", "The marlin is too heavy, and the old man is too tired.", "Finally, the marlin begins to tire.", "Santiago is able to get a harpoon into the marlin, and he kills it.", "But the marlin is so big that Santiago cannot bring it into the boat.", "He ties the marlin to the side of the boat and begins to row back to shore.", "A school of sharks follows the boat, and they begin to eat the marlin.", "Santiago fights the sharks off, but he cannot stop them all.", "By the time he reaches shore, only the head and the tail of the marlin are left."], "trgs": ["Muisa wakura ngeGungwa", "Santiago, mubati wehowe wakura wekuCuban, ainge aita mazuva makumi masere nemana asizi kubata howe.", "Ndiye muisi wakurisa mundau yaanogara, uye muisi wakatsongesa, Manolin, aachadi kubata howe naye ngekuti muisi mukuru uwu aana rombo rakanaka.", "Rimweni zuva, Santiago unobuda ari mukachikepe kake kadoko ochoobate zimarlin ziguru.", "Zimarlin iri inga rakakurisa zvekuti rakakweya kachikepe kadoko kuretu kunze kwegungwa.", "Santiago wakarwa ngemarlin kwemazuwa mairi ngemadekoni, esi wakakorera kuipetudza.", "Marlin inonyanya kurema, uye muisa wakura uwu wainge waremba.", "Gumisire, marlin yakazotanga kurembawo.", "Santiago anokone kubeke matare mumarlin, ochooiuraya.", "Esi marlin yakakurisa zvekuti Santiago aakoni kuiisa muchikepe.", "Unosungirira marlin parutii rwechikepe otanga kusunda eienda kusina mvura.", "Shark dzakawanda dzinotange kuteere chikepe, dzochootange kurya marlin iya.", "Santiago anorwisa shaki idzi, esi aakoni kudzirwisa dzeshe.", "Nguva dzaanozoguma kusina mvura, kunenge kwasara soro ngemuswe wemarlin zvega."], "factuality": "ok", "is_src_orig": true}