diff --git "a/smoldoc/en_scn.jsonl" "b/smoldoc/en_scn.jsonl" --- "a/smoldoc/en_scn.jsonl" +++ "b/smoldoc/en_scn.jsonl" @@ -1,100 +1,100 @@ -{"id": "topic_183__dtlihtiibiiiii", "sl": "en", "tl": "scn", "srcs": ["Dude, you won't believe this.", "There's this engineer at my school who subsists off coffee.", "Like, he drinks it all day long.", "I'm not even sure he eats real food.", "He's like a walking coffee machine.", "The other day, I saw him walking down the hall, and he was literally shaking.", "I asked him if he was okay, and he said he was just \"coming down from a caffeine high.\"", "I was like, \"Dude, you need to slow down. You're gonna hurt yourself.\"", "But he just laughed and said, \"I'm fine. I'm an engineer. I can handle it.\"", "I don't know how he does it, but he's definitely one of a kind.", "I mean, he's the only person I know who can drink coffee and still fall asleep in class.", "It's like his body is just used to it.", "I'm not sure how long he can keep this up, but I'm kind of impressed by his dedication.", "I mean, if he can drink that much coffee and still function, then he's definitely got some serious willpower."], "trgs": ["Mpari, nun cci cridi.", "Cc'\u00e8 stu ncigneri nn\u00e2 me scola ca campa di caf\u00e8.", "Tipu ca s\u00fb vivi tutta a jurnata.", "Nun ti sacciu diri mancu si\u1e0d\u1e0du mancia manciari veru.", "\u00c8 tipu na machinetta d\u00fb caf\u00e8 chi camina.", "L'autra jurnata u vitti ca caminava nt\u00f4 currituri e era tuttu chi trimava.", "Ci spiavu si stava bonu e mi dissi ca stava \"scarricannu sulu l'effettu d\u00e2 cafiina\".", "Iu era tipu, \"'Mpari, cci h\u00e2 jiri a leggiu. Ti fa mali.\"", "Ma i\u1e0d\u1e0du attaccau a r\u00ecdiri e dissi, \"Bonu staju. Sugnu nu ncigneri. M\u00e2 pozzu fidari.\"", "Nun sacciu comu fa, ma comu a i\u1e0d\u1e0du nun cci nn'\u00e8.", "Vogghiu diri, \u00e8 l'\u00f9nicu chi canusciu ca si vivi u caf\u00e8 e 'n classi s'addurmisci u stissu.", "\u00c8 comu si u so corpu s'avissi a\u1e0d\u1e0diccatu.", "Nun sacciu pi quantu po cuntinuari, ma sugnu bastanti mprissiunatu di quantu si mpigna.", "Vogghiu diri, si s\u00e2 fida a v\u00ecviri tuttu \u1e0d\u1e0du caf\u00e8 e cuntinuari a jiri avanti, allura \u00e0vi veru na granni forza di vulunt\u00e0."], "factuality": "ok"} -{"id": "topic_16__ittbtiyrnwyriytr", "sl": "en", "tl": "scn", "srcs": ["\"I stood before the sculpture, my heart filled with both awe and sadness.", "The creation was so beautiful, but it also felt like a trap.", "The artist had captured the essence of the subject so perfectly that it was almost as if they were still alive.", "But they were not.", "They were just a piece of stone.", "I turned to the artist, a young man named Ram. \"You must stop sculpting,\" I said.", "\"Your creations are too beautiful. They are stealing life from the world.\"", "Ram looked at me in surprise \"What do you mean?\" he asked \"My sculptures are a celebration of life.\"", "\"No,\" I said \"They are a denial of it. They are a way of keeping people from experiencing the real world.", "When you look at one of your sculptures, you are not seeing the world as it is.", "You are seeing the world as you wish it to be. That is not real art.", "Real art is about showing the world as it is, warts and all.", "It is about making people feel something.", "Your sculptures don't make people feel anything.", "They just make them feel sad.\"", "Ram was silent for a long time."], "trgs": ["\"Era misu davanzi \u00e2 scurtura, c\u00fb cori chinu sia di stupuri ca di tristizza.", "A criazzioni era troppu be\u1e0d\u1e0da, ma par\u00eca macari na tr\u00e0ppula.", "L'artista av\u00eca acchiappatu l'essenza d\u00fb suggettu nna na manera accussi pirfetta ca era quasi comu si \u00e8ranu ancora vivi.", "Ma nun era accuss\u00ec.", "\u00c8ranu sulu un pezzu di petra.", "Mi vutavu cu l'artista, un carusu di nomu Ram. \"H\u00e2 finiri di scurpiri\", ci dissi.", "\"I to criazzioni su' troppu be\u1e0d\u1e0di. Ci stannu arrubbannu vita \u00f4 munnu.\"", "Ram mi taliau surprisu \"Chi vo' diri?\" mi spiau \"I me scurturi su' na cilibbrazzioni d\u00e2 vita\".", "\"No\", ci dissi \"Nni su' nu rituffu. Su' na manera pi scugnari i cristiani d\u00e2 spirienza d\u00fb munnu riali.", "Quannu unu tal\u00eca a to scurtura, nun vidi u munnu pi com'\u00e8.", "Tal\u00eca u munnu pi comu vulissi chi fussi. Nun \u00e8 arti vera.", "L'arti vera \u00e8 mustrari u munnu pi comu \u00e8, cu tutti i so difetti.", "Si tratta di fari pruvari quarchi cosa \u00ea cristiani.", "I to scurturi \u00ea genti nun ci fannu pruvari nenti.", "I fannu si\u1e0d\u1e0dijari e basta.\"", "Ram si nni stetti mutu assai tempu."], "factuality": "ok"} -{"id": "topic_230__tttatttt", "sl": "en", "tl": "scn", "srcs": ["The old man's wake was a raucous affair, as befitting a life well-lived.", "The family and friends gathered around the coffin, telling stories and laughing about the good times they had shared with the deceased.", "There was plenty of food and drink, and the music never stopped.", "At one point, the widow stood up and raised her glass.", "\"To my husband,\" she said. \"He was a good man, and he will be missed. But he's in a better place now, and we'll see him again someday.\"", "The crowd cheered and drank in unison.", "The old man's spirit was there with them, and they knew that he would be happy to see them celebrating his life.", "The wake went on for hours, and by the end of the night, everyone was exhausted but happy."], "trgs": ["U v\u00ecsitu d\u00fb vicchiare\u1e0d\u1e0du fu assai traficusu, comu si cunf\u00e0 a na vita passata bona.", "A famigghia e l'amici si accucchiaru ntunnu \u00f4 tabbutu, a cuntari stori e a r\u00ecdiri d\u00ee be\u1e0d\u1e0di mumenti ca av\u00ecanu passatu c\u00fb mortu.", "Cc'\u00e8ranu manciari e v\u00ecppiti a tinchit\u00e8 e a m\u00f9sica nun si firmava mai.", "Tuttu nz\u00e8mmula, a cattiva si sus\u00ecu e jisau u so biccheri.", "\"A me maritu\", dissi. \"Era n'omu bonu e ni mancar\u00e0. Ma ora \u00e8 a na banna megghiu e un jornu u videmu arreri.\"", "I genti f\u00ecciru u br\u00ecnnisi e v\u00ecppiru tutti nz\u00e8mmula.", "U spirdu d\u00fb vicchiare\u1e0d\u1e0du era \u1e0d\u1e0d\u00e0 cu i\u1e0d\u1e0di e sap\u00ecanu ca i\u1e0d\u1e0du avissi statu filici di vidilli cilibbrari a so vita.", "U v\u00ecsitu sicutau pi uri e \u00e2 fini d\u00e2 siritina tutti \u00e8ranu sbiluti ma filici."], "factuality": "ok"} -{"id": "topic_232__fydeggp", "sl": "en", "tl": "scn", "srcs": ["Face and Body Care", "Your skin is your largest organ, and it's important to take care of it both inside and out. Here are some tips for healthy skin:", "* Drink plenty of water: Water is essential for healthy skin, as it helps to keep your skin hydrated and soft. Aim to drink eight glasses of water per day.", "* Eat a healthy diet: Eating a healthy diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains can help to improve your skin's appearance.", "* Get regular exercise: Exercise can help to improve your circulation and promote healthy skin. Aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise most days of the week.", "* Get enough sleep: When you don't get enough sleep, your body produces more of the stress hormone cortisol, which can lead to inflammation and skin problems. Aim for 7-8 hours of sleep per night.", "* Protect your skin from the sun: The sun's UV rays can damage your skin and lead to premature aging, wrinkles, and skin cancer."], "trgs": ["Cura d\u00e2 facci e d\u00fb corpu", "A to pe\u1e0d\u1e0di \u00e8 u to \u00f2rganu cchi\u00f9 granni ed \u00e8 mpurtanti st\u00e0rici accura sia di dintra ca di fora. Eccu quarchi cunzigghiu p'aviri na pe\u1e0d\u1e0di sana:", "* Vivi acqua a tinchit\u00e8. L'acqua \u00e8 funnamintali pi na pe\u1e0d\u1e0di sana, picch\u00ec t'ajuta a t\u00e8niri a pe\u1e0d\u1e0di idratata a e mo\u1e0d\u1e0da. Cerca di v\u00ecviri ottu bicchera d'acqua \u00f4 jornu.", "* Mancia sanu: sicutari na dieta ricca di frutta, virdura e ciriali ntigrali po aiutari a ammigghiurari l'aspettu d\u00e2 to pe\u1e0d\u1e0di.", "* Fai muvimentu rigulari: u muvimentu po ajutari a ammigghiurari a circulazzioni e a prum\u00f2viri a saluti d\u00e2 pe\u1e0d\u1e0di. Cerca di fari armenu 30 minuti di muvimentu a forza minzana a majur\u00eca d\u00ee jorna d\u00e2 simana.", "* Dormi bastanti: quannu dormi picca, u to corpu pruduci cchi\u00f9 assai l'urmuni curtisolu, ca po purtari a nciammazzioni e prubblemi \u00e2 pe\u1e0d\u1e0di. Punta a 7-8 uri di sonnu a notti.", "* Pruteggi a to pe\u1e0d\u1e0di d\u00fb suli: i raggi UV d\u00fb suli ti ponnu dammaggiari \u00e2 pe\u1e0d\u1e0di e falla mmicchiri prima, purtari rappi e tumura \u00e2 pe\u1e0d\u1e0di."], "factuality": "ok"} -{"id": "ethiopia_challenges__btithihhtt", "sl": "en", "tl": "scn", "srcs": ["But in 1974, a military junta known as the Derg seized power and began a brutal campaign of repression.", "The Derg's policies led to widespread famine and poverty, and millions of Ethiopians were forced to flee their homes.", "In 1991, a coalition of rebel groups known as the Ethiopian People's Revolutionary Democratic Front (EPRDF) overthrew the Derg.", "The EPRDF established a new government and promised to restore peace and prosperity to Ethiopia.", "However, the EPRDF's rule has been plagued by human rights abuses, corruption, and political repression.", "In 2018, Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed took office and pledged to reform the country.", "He released political prisoners, lifted restrictions on the media, and began peace talks with the Tigray People's Liberation Front (TPLF), the former ruling party of Tigray.", "However, the peace talks broke down in June 2020, and the TPLF launched an offensive against the Ethiopian military.", "The ensuing conflict has been devastating.", "The fighting has displaced millions of people, and the humanitarian situation is dire."], "trgs": ["Ma nt\u00f4 1974, na junta militari di nomu Derg si pigghiau u putiri e accuminciau na campagna di riprissiuni brutali.", "I pul\u00ectichi d\u00e2 Derg purtaru a granni carist\u00eci e puvirt\u00e0, e miliuna di et\u00ecupi foru custritti a f\u00f9jiri d\u00ee so casi.", "Nt\u00f4 1991, na cualizzioni di gruppi ribbelli chiamata Frunti Dimucr\u00e0ticu Rivuluzziunariu d\u00fb P\u00f2pulu Et\u00ecupi (FDRPE) rivirsau \u00e2 Derg.", "U FDRPE stabbil\u00ecu un guvernu novu e prumisi di dari paci e pruspirit\u00e0 a l'Etiopia.", "E puru, u riggimi d\u00fb FDRPE h\u00e2 statu chinu di abbusi d\u00ee diritti umani, curruzzioni e riprissiuni pul\u00ectichi.", "Nt\u00f4 2018, Abiy Ahmed addivintau Primu Ministru e prumisi di arrifurmari u pajisi.", "Fici n\u00e8sciri i priciuneri pul\u00ectici, allintau i ristrizzioni, e accuminciau i cuntrattazzioni di paci c\u00fb Frunti di Libbirazzioni d\u00fb P\u00f2pulu d\u00fb Tigr\u00e8 (FLPT), u vecchiu partitu di guvernu d\u00fb Tigr\u00e8.", "Pir\u00f2, i cuntrattazzioni di paci si firmaru a giugnu 2020, e u FLPT fici p\u00e0rtiri n'attaccu contra l'es\u00e8rcitu et\u00ecupi.", "U cunflittu ca sicutau \u00e0vi statu divastanti.", "A guerra fici spustari miliuna di cristiani e la situazzioni umanitaria \u00e8 tr\u00e0ggica."], "factuality": "has_errors"} -{"id": "stt_158__iitissmhtiabiwtiiiwwwmdidwwmtiwdt", "sl": "en", "tl": "scn", "srcs": ["It\u2019s coming from the kitchen, so I get up to investigate.", "I creep down the hallway, careful not to make a sound.", "The clacking is getting louder.", "I peer around the corner into the kitchen and see Mum standing at the sink, staring out the window.", "She looks pale and shaken. \u201cMum?\u201d I ask.", "She doesn\u2019t turn around.", "\u201cMum, what\u2019s wrong?\u201d She takes a deep breath and turns to face me.", "Her eyes are wide and filled with fear.", "\u201cThere\u2019s something outside,\u201d she says. \u201cSomething big.\u201d", "I follow her gaze out the window.", "At first, I don\u2019t see anything.", "But then, I notice a movement in the shadows.", "It\u2019s a large, dark shape, and it\u2019s moving towards the house.", "\u201cWhat is it?\u201d I ask. \u201cI don\u2019t know,\u201d Mum says. \u201cBut I don\u2019t think it\u2019s friendly.\u201d", "The creature gets closer.", "It\u2019s tall and slender, with long, spindly legs.", "Its body is covered in black fur, and its head is a smooth, round ball.", "It has no eyes, but I can see two large, pointed ears.", "\u201cWhat are we going to do?\u201d I ask.", "\u201cWe need to get out of here,\u201d Mum says. \u201cNow.\u201d", "We run out of the kitchen and into the living room.", "\u201cMum! Dad!\u201d I cry. \u201cThere\u2019s something outside!\u201d", "Dad looks up from the TV. \u201cWhat is it?\u201d he asks.", "\u201cI don\u2019t know,\u201d Mum says. \u201cBut it\u2019s big and it\u2019s coming this way.\u201d", "Dad gets up from the couch.", "\u201cWe need to get out of here,\u201d he says.", "We all run for the front door.", "Mum unlocks it and we rush outside.", "The creature is right behind us.", "It\u2019s so close I can feel its hot breath on the back of my neck.", "We run to the car and get in.", "Dad starts the engine and we peel out of the driveway.", "The creature chases after us, but we\u2019re too fast."], "trgs": ["Veni d\u00e2 cucina, adunca mi susu pi cuntrullari.", "Mi movu lentu nt\u00f4 currituri, stannu accura a nun fari scrusciu.", "U scrusciu si fa cchi\u00f9 forti.", "Smicciu arretu a l'agnuni d\u00e2 cucina e vidu a mam\u00e0 \u00e2 dritta davanzi a pila, ca tal\u00eca fora d\u00e2 finestra.", "Pari giarna e arrisantata. \"Mam\u00e0?\" ci spiu.", "Nun si vota.", "\"Mam\u00e0, chi fu?\" Pigghia un rispiru funnutu e si vota versu di mia.", "\u00c0vi l'occhi scricchiati e chini di scantu.", "\"Cc'\u00e8 na cosa fora\", dici. \"Na cosa grossa\".", "Sicutu a so taliata fora d\u00e2 finestra.", "N principiu nun vidu nenti.", "Ma poi, m'addugnu di un muvimentu nta l'ummra.", "\u00c8 na larga, nfusca furma e sta vinennu ammeri \u00e2 casa.", "\"Zoccu \u00e8?\" spiu. \"Nun u sacciu\", dici Mamma. \"Ma nun penzu ca \u00e8 amich\u00e8vuli\".", "A criatura ncugna.", "\u00c8 auta e sicca, cu longhi e grossi gammi.", "U so corpu \u00e8 cummigghiatu di pilu n\u00ecguru e a so testa \u00e8 na ba\u1e0d\u1e0da liscia e tunna.", "Nun \u00e0vi occhi, ma pozzu v\u00ecdiri du' granni aricchi puntuti.", "\"Chi facemu?\" ci spiu.", "\"\u00c2m'a n\u00e8sciri di cca\", dici Mamma. \"Ora\".", "Fujemu d\u00e2 cucina e jemu nt\u00f4 salottu.", "\"Mamma! Pap\u00e0!\" schigghiu. \"Cc'\u00e8 quarchi cosa fora!\"", "Pap\u00e0 jisa l'occhi d\u00e2 TV. \"Chi \u00e8?\" spia.", "\"Nun u sacciu\", dici Mamma. \"Ma \u00e8 grossu e sta vinennu a ccabbanna\".", "Pap\u00e0 si susi d\u00fb divanu.", "\"\u00c2m'a n\u00e8sciri di cca\", dici.", "Curremu tutti ammeri a porta di trasuta.", "A Mamma a rapi e fujemu fora.", "A criatura \u00e8 propia arretu a nuiautri.", "\u00c8 accuss\u00ec vicina ca pozzu s\u00e8ntiri u so ciatu caudu nt\u00f4 me cozzu.", "Curremu \u00e2 m\u00e0china e trasemu", "Pap\u00e0 a\u1e0d\u1e0duma u muturi e niscemu d\u00fb violu d'accessu.", "A criatura n'assicuta, ma nuiautri semu troppu lesti."], "factuality": "ok"} -{"id": "topic_260__mtaftfttit", "sl": "en", "tl": "scn", "srcs": ["Movies have long been a powerful force in shaping our culture and our values.", "They can influence our beliefs about everything from love and romance to war and violence.", "And they have a particularly strong influence on our ideas about gender roles.", "For decades, Hollywood has perpetuated the stereotype of the ideal wife as a beautiful, submissive, and domestic woman who puts her husband and children first.", "This image is often reinforced by the way that female characters are portrayed in movies.", "For example, a study by the Geena Davis Institute found that in the top 100 films of 2017, only 30% of female characters had speaking roles, and only 12% of those characters were working outside the home.", "The majority of female characters were portrayed as either romantic interests or mothers.", "This narrow representation of women in film sends a powerful message to viewers about what it means to be a woman.", "It suggests that women's primary role is to be attractive and nurturing, and that their success is measured by their relationships with men and children.", "This idealized image of the wife can be harmful to women in several ways."], "trgs": ["I film \u00e0ppiru na forza putenti nt\u00e2 furmazzioni d\u00e2 nostra curtura e d\u00ee nostri valuri.", "Ponnu nfruinzari soccu cridemu ncapu a tutti cosi, d\u00ee stori d'amuri nzinu \u00e2 guerra e \u00e2 viulenza", "E \u00e0nnu na nfruenza veru forti nt\u00ea nostri pinzeri ncapu \u00ea rola di g\u00e8niri", "Pi dicenni, Hollywood purtau avanzi u stiri\u00f2tipu d\u00e2 mugghieri idiali comu be\u1e0d\u1e0da, suttamisa e f\u00ecmmina di casa ca metti a so maritu e \u00ea so figghi \u00f4 primu postu", "Sta mm\u00e0ggini \u00e8 nfurzata di comu i pirsunaggi fimminini su' riprisintati nt\u00ea film.", "P'esempiu, nu studiu d\u00fb Geena Davis Institute scupr\u00ecu chi nt\u00ea primi 100 film d\u00fb 2017, sulu u 30% d\u00ee f\u00ecmmini av\u00eca na parti ca parrava, e sulu u 12% di sti pirsunaggi travagghiava fora d\u00e2 casa.", "A majur\u00eca di sti pirsunaggi f\u00ecmmina era riprisintatu o comu nu ntressu rum\u00e0nticu o comu na matri.", "Sta riprisintatina riddutta d\u00e2 f\u00ecmmina nt\u00ea film manna un missaggiu veru putenti \u00ea spittatura ncapu a zoccu voli diri \u00e8ssiri na f\u00ecmmina.", "Suggirisci ca u primu c\u00f2mpitu d\u00e2 f\u00ecmmina \u00e8 chi\u1e0d\u1e0du di \u00e8ssiri be\u1e0d\u1e0da e matri di casa e ca u so successu \u00e8 basatu ncapu \u00e2 so rilazzioni ch\u00ee m\u00e0sculi e ch\u00ee picciri\u1e0d\u1e0di.", "Sta mm\u00e0ggini idializzata d\u00e2 mugghieri po \u00e8ssiri dammaggiusa p\u00ee f\u00ecmmini nta diversi maneri."], "factuality": "has_errors"} -{"id": "custom_2__piidpdpdpdpdpdgipdiy", "sl": "en", "tl": "scn", "srcs": ["Patient: Doctor, I've been having this terrible stomach pain for the past few days.", "It's so bad that I can't eat or sleep.", "It's a sharp, stabbing pain that comes and goes.", "Doctor: Can you tell me more about the pain? Where is it located?", "Patient: It's mostly in my lower abdomen, right around my belly button, but it sometimes radiates to my back.", "Doctor: Does anything make the pain worse?", "Patient: Eating seems to make it worse, especially fatty or greasy foods.", "Doctor: And does anything make it better.?", "Patient: Lying down seems to help a little.", "Doctor: Does the pain come and go, or is it constant?", "Patient: It's constant. It's just a dull ache, but it's really uncomfortable.", "Doctor: Have you had any other symptoms? Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea?", "Patient: No, just the pain.", "Doctor: I see. Well, it sounds like you're having a case of gastritis.", "Gastritis is inflammation of the stomach lining.", "It can be caused by a number of things, including eating spicy or fatty foods, drinking alcohol, or taking certain medications.", "Patient: Is it serious?", "Doctor: It can be, but in most cases it's not.", "I'm going to prescribe you some medication to help relieve the pain and inflammation.", "You should also avoid eating spicy or fatty foods, and drink plenty of fluids."], "trgs": ["Pacenti: Dutt\u00f9, appi stu malu duluri 'i panza pi tutti l'\u00f9rtimi jorna.", "\u00c8 accuss\u00ec ladiu ca nun pozzu manciari o d\u00f2rmiri.", "\u00c8 un duluri forti e tagghienti ca va e veni.", "Dutturi: Mi po diri cchi\u00f9 assai ncapu a stu duluri? Unni lu senti?", "Pacenti: P\u00e2 majur\u00eca \u00e2 parti vascia di l'addomi, ammeri appressu \u00f4 vi\u1e0d\u1e0dicu, ma quarchi vota arriva \u00e2 carina.", "Dutturi: Cc'\u00e8 quarchi cosa ca fa acchianari u duluri?", "Pacenti: Manciari parissi fallu acchianari, cchi\u00f9 assai di tutti cosi l'alimenti grasci e nzivati.", "Dutturi: E quarchi cosa lu fa calari?", "Pacenti: Stinnicchi\u00e0rimi parissi ajutari tanticchia.", "Dutturi: U duluri va e veni o \u00e8 fissu?", "Pacenti: Fissu \u00e8. \u00c8 sulu un duluri surdu, ma \u00e8 si\u1e0d\u1e0dijusu.", "Dutturi: Avisti autri s\u00ecntumi? Ammaraggiu, ruvesciu, cacare\u1e0d\u1e0da?", "Pacenti: No, sulu duluri.", "Dutturi: Capisciu. Bonu, pari ca \u00e0vi un casu di gastriti.", "A gastriti fussi a nciammazzioni d\u00e2 cuvirtura d\u00fb st\u00f2macu.", "Po \u00e8ssiri causata di tanti cosi, cumprisu manciari picanti, v\u00ecviri \u00e0rculi o pigghiari certi f\u00e0rmaci", "Pacenti: Gravi \u00e8?", "Dutturi: Lu po \u00e8ssiri, ma nn\u00e2 majur\u00eca d\u00ee casi no.", "Ti staju scrivennu quarchi f\u00e0rmacu pi alliviari i dulura e a nciammazzioni.", "Avissi macari a scanzari di manciari cosi picanti o grasci, e v\u00ecviri l\u00ecquiti a tinchit\u00e8."], "factuality": "ok"} -{"id": "custom_1__i111111111111i12345", "sl": "en", "tl": "scn", "srcs": ["Ingredients:", "* 1 cup all-purpose flour", "* 1 cup almond flour", "* 1/2 cup granulated sugar", "* 1/4 cup packed light brown sugar", "* 1/2 teaspoon baking powder", "* 1/4 teaspoon baking soda", "* 1/4 teaspoon salt", "* 1/2 cup (1 stick) unsalted butter, at room temperature", "* 1 large egg", "* 1 large egg yolk", "* 1 teaspoon almond extract", "* 1/2 cup milk", "Instructions:", "1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). Grease and flour an 8-inch round cake pan.", "2. In a medium bowl, whisk together the flours, granulated sugar, brown sugar, baking powder, baking soda, and salt.", "3. In a large bowl, cream together the butter and egg until light and fluffy. Beat in the egg yolk and almond extract.", "4. Gradually add the dry ingredients to the wet ingredients, alternating with the milk. Mix until just combined.", "5. Fold in the almond flour until evenly distributed."], "trgs": ["Conzi:", "* 1 c\u00eccara di farina pi tutti l'usi", "* 1 c\u00eccara di farina di m\u00e8nnula", "* 1/2 c\u00eccara di z\u00f9ccaru a grani", "*1/4 di c\u00eccara di z\u00f9ccaru di canna prissatu", "* 1/2 cucchiare\u1e0d\u1e0da di l\u00e8vitu 'n pr\u00f9vuli", "* 1/4 cucchiare\u1e0d\u1e0da di bicarbunatu di sodiu", "* 1/4 cucchiare\u1e0d\u1e0da di sali", "* 1/2 c\u00eccara (1 panittu) burru senza sali, a timpiratura ammienti", "* 1 n'ovu granni", "* 1 russu d'ovu granni", "*1 cucchiare\u1e0d\u1e0da di strattu di m\u00e8nnula", "*1/2 c\u00eccara di latti", "Istruzzioni:", "1. Quadija prima u furnu nzinu a 350 gradi F (175 C\u00b0). Nziva e nfarina na pade\u1e0d\u1e0da pi torti tunna di 20 cm.", "2. Nta na ci\u00f2tula di media granizza, ammisca nz\u00e8mmula i du' farini, u z\u00f9ccaru a grani, z\u00f9ccuru di canna, u l\u00e8vitu, u bicarbunatu e u sali.", "4. Nta na scude\u1e0d\u1e0da grossa, arridduci a crema u burru cu l'ovu nzinu a quannu nun \u00e8 chiaru e m\u00f9ffuciu. Agghiunci u russu di l'ovu e u strattu di m\u00e8nnuli.", "4. Junci i conzi sicchi cu chi\u1e0d\u1e0di l\u00ecquidi, autirnannu c\u00fb latti. Ammisca bonu tutti cosi.", "5. Agghiunci a farina di m\u00e8nnula nzinu a quannu nun \u00e8 spannutu paru paru."], "factuality": "ok"} -{"id": "topic_295__iitioatatiti", "sl": "en", "tl": "scn", "srcs": ["It was a hot summer day in July when I finally turned 16 years old.", "I had been eagerly anticipating this day for as long as I could remember, and now that it was finally here, I couldn't wait to get started on my road to freedom.", "The first step was to take the written test.", "I studied hard for weeks, and I was confident that I would pass.", "On the day of the test, I arrived at the DMV early and took my seat in the waiting room.", "After a few hours, my name was called, and I was ushered into a small room with a computer.", "The test was surprisingly easy, and I finished it in no time.", "A few days later, I received a letter in the mail informing me that I had passed the written test.", "The next step was to schedule a driving test.", "I called the DMV and made an appointment for the following week.", "The day of my driving test arrived, and I was more nervous than I had ever been in my life.", "I drove to the DMV with my mom, who would be accompanying me on the test."], "trgs": ["Fu un caudu jornu di stati di giugnettu, quannu finarmenti fici 16 anni.", "\u00c0vi di quannu \u00e0ju mimoria ca aspettu emuzziunatu stu jornu, e ora ca finarmenti arrivau, nun vidu l'ora di accuminciari a strata d\u00e2 libbirt\u00e0.", "U primu passu fu fari a prova scritta.", "Studiavi assai pi simani e simani, ed era cummintu di passallu.", "U jornu d\u00e2 prova, arrivavi \u00f4 DMV viatu e m'assittavi nn\u00e2 c\u00e0mmara d'attisa", "Doppu na para d'uri, chiamaru u me nomu e mi purtaru nta na c\u00e0mmara cu un computer", "Cu surprisa, a prova fu s\u00ecmplici, e la finivi s\u00f9bbitu.", "Quarchi jornu doppu, m'arrivau na littra unni mi nfurmaru ca av\u00eca passatu a prova scritta.", "U pr\u00f2ssimu passu fu prugrammari a prova di pr\u00e0ttica.", "Ci chiamavi \u00f4 DMV e addicidimmu n'appuntamentu p\u00e2 simana ca av\u00eca a v\u00e8niri.", "Arrivau u jornu d\u00e2 prova pr\u00e0ttica, e fuvi cchi\u00f9 assai nirbusu di quantu av\u00eca statu mai nn\u00e2 me vita.", "Purtavi \u00e2 m\u00e0china nzinu \u00f4 DMV cu me matri, ca m'av\u00eca a accumpagnari \u00e2 prova."], "factuality": "ok"} -{"id": "topic_173__hiiibfwwslla", "sl": "en", "tl": "scn", "srcs": ["\"Heartbreak,\" sighed the poet, \"is the cruelest of afflictions.", "It is a pain that pierces the soul and leaves us feeling empty and alone.", "It is a fire that burns from within, consuming us with its flames.", "It is a storm that tears us apart, leaving us broken and scarred.", "But even in the midst of our heartbreak, there is hope.", "For even as our hearts are broken, they are also made new.", "We are given the opportunity to learn from our mistakes and to grow stronger.", "We are given the chance to find love again, even if it is different than the love we have lost.", "So let us not despair in our heartbreak.", "Let us instead embrace it as a part of life.", "Let us learn from it and grow from it.", "And let us never give up on the hope of finding love again\""], "trgs": ["\"U cori ruttu\", suspirau u pueta, \"\u00e8 a cchi\u00f9 crudili di l'affrizzioni.", "\u00c8 un duluri ca percia l'arma e ni lassa vacanti e suli.", "\u00c8 un focu ca sbampa di dintra, cunzum\u00e0nnuni ch\u00ee so ciammi.", "\u00c8 na timpesta ca ni sfascia, lass\u00e0nnuni spizzati e signalijati.", "Ma macari nt\u00f4 menzu di stu scattacori, cc'\u00e8 spiranza.", "Picch\u00ec macari si i nostri cori su' rutti, su' macari fatti novi.", "Ni veni data l'uppurtunit\u00e0 di nzign\u00e0rini quarchi cosa d\u00ee nostri sbagghi e addivintari cchi\u00f9 forti.", "Ni veni data l'uccasioni di turnari a truvari l'amuri, macari si\u1e0d\u1e0du \u00e8 diversu di chi\u1e0d\u1e0du ca p\u00e8rsimu.", "Adunca nun ni dispiramu nt\u00f4 nostru duluri.", "Accit\u00e0mulu mmeci comu parti d\u00e2 vita.", "Nzign\u00e0muni quarchi cosa di i\u1e0d\u1e0du e criscimu.", "E nun rinunziamu mai \u00e2 spiranza di truvari l'amuri n'autra vota\""], "factuality": "ok"} -{"id": "topic_178__jtkttkktfts", "sl": "en", "tl": "scn", "srcs": ["Judaism and Kosher Kosher is a set of dietary laws in Judaism.", "These laws define which foods are permissible to eat and which are not.", "Kosher foods are those that are considered to be fit for consumption according to Jewish law.", "The laws of kosher are based on the Torah, the first five books of the Hebrew Bible.", "These laws prohibit the consumption of certain animals, such as pigs and shellfish, as well as the consumption of blood and meat from animals that have not been slaughtered in a specific way.", "Kosher foods are also subject to a number of other regulations, such as the separation of dairy and meat products.", "Kosher food is prepared in a way that ensures that it is fit for consumption according to Jewish law.", "The observance of kosher laws is an important part of Jewish religious practice.", "For many Jews, eating kosher food is a way to show their devotion to God and to connect with their heritage.", "There are a number of reasons why Jews observe kosher laws.", "Some of these reasons are based on religious beliefs, while others are based on practical considerations Religious reasons Jews believe that God gave the Torah to Moses at Mount Sinai."], "trgs": ["L'Ebbra\u00ecsimu e u Kosher U Kosher \u00e8 nu nzemi di liggi alimintari nta l'Ebbra\u00ecsimu.", "Sti liggi stabbil\u00ecscinu quali cosi di manciari \u00e8 pirmisu manciari e quali no.", "L'alimenti kosher su' chi\u1e0d\u1e0di ca su' cunzidirati adatti \u00f4 cunzumu sicunnu a liggi Ebbraica.", "I liggi di kosher si b\u00e0sanu supra a Torah, i primi cincu libbra d\u00e2 Bibbia Ebbraica.", "Sti liggi pruibb\u00ecscinu u cunzumu di certi armali, comu i porci e i frutti di mari, comu macari u cunzumu di sangu e carni di armali ca nun foru scannati nta na manera spic\u00ecfica.", "L'alimenti kosher su', sparti, suggetti a n'autra seri di normi comu a spartuta d\u00ee lattazzina e autri prudutti di carni.", "U manciari kosher \u00e8 cunzatu di na manera ca assicura ca \u00e8 adattu \u00f4 cunzumu sicunnu a liggi Ebbraica.", "U rispettu d\u00ee liggi kosher \u00e8 na parti mpurtanti d\u00e2 pr\u00e0ttica riliggiusa Ebbraica.", "Pi assai Ebbrei, manciari alimenti kosher \u00e8 na manera pi ammustrari a so divuzzioni a Diu e cunnitt\u00ecrisi \u00e2 so eredit\u00e0 curturali.", "Cci su' vari scaciuna picch\u00ec l'Ebbrei risp\u00e8ttanu i liggi kosher.", "\"U cori ruttu\", suspirau u pueta, \"\u00e8 a cchi\u00f9 crudili di l'affrizzioni."], "factuality": "ok"} -{"id": "topic_231__ijiattonsth", "sl": "en", "tl": "scn", "srcs": ["\"I'm telling you, this is going to be the funniest thing ever,\" said Tom.", "\"Just wait until you see the look on people's faces when they see my new tattoo!\"", "\"I don't know, Tom,\" said his friend, Ben.", "\"A green question mark on your forehead seems like it could be a bit of a risky move.\"", "\"That's what makes it so funny,\" said Tom \"People are going to be so confused.", "They'll be asking themselves all sorts of questions, like 'What does it mean?' or 'Why did he do that?'\"", "\"Or they'll just think you're an idiot,\" said Ben.", "\"Nah, they'll get it,\" said Tom. \"Trust me.\"", "So Tom got the tattoo, and sure enough, people were confused.", "They asked him all sorts of questions, and he loved every minute of it.", "He even started a blog about his tattoo, where he would post pictures and answer questions from his readers."], "trgs": ["\"T\u00fb staju dicennu, chista sir\u00e0 a cosa cchi\u00f9 divirtenti d\u00fb munnu,\" dissi Tom.", "\"Vidi soccu \u00e0nnu a diri i cristiani comu mi v\u00ecdinu cu stu tatuaggiu novu\"", "\"Chi sacciu Tom\", dissi u so cumpari Ben.", "\"Un puntu di dumanna virdi nt\u00f4 sonnu mi pari n'anticchia arrisicata comu cosa\".", "\"Chi\u1e0d\u1e0du \u00e8 zoccu u renni accuss\u00ec divirtenti,\" dissi Tom \"I cristiani sirannu accuss\u00ec cunfusi.", "S'accuminciarannu a addumannari soccu \u00e8-\u00e8, tipu \"Ma chi significatu \u00e0vi\" o \"Ma picch\u00ec s\u00fb fici?\"", "\"O puru p\u00e8nzanu ca s\u00ec babbu,\" arrispunn\u00ecu Ben.", "\"Nonzi, l'\u00e0nn'a capiri,\" dissi Tom, \"f\u00ecdati di mia.\"", "Accuss\u00ec Tom si fici u tatuaggiu, e mancu pi dillu, i cristiani \u00e8ranu cunfusi.", "Ci spiaru soccu \u00e8-\u00e8, e i\u1e0d\u1e0du si nni prijau.", "Sparti, si rap\u00ecu un blog ncapu \u00f4 so tatuaggiu, unni pustava fotu e arrispunn\u00eca \u00ea dumanni d\u00ee cristiani."], "factuality": "ok"} -{"id": "topic_493__isitgsgshgsg", "sl": "en", "tl": "scn", "srcs": ["Indira Gandhi was the first and only woman to serve as Prime Minister of India.", "She was born in 1917 into a prominent political family, and her father, Jawaharlal Nehru, was the first Prime Minister of India.", "Indira Gandhi was educated in India and England, and she married Feroze Gandhi in 1942.", "They had two sons, Rajiv and Sanjay.", "Gandhi began her political career in 1955, when she was elected to the Indian Parliament.", "She served in various ministerial positions in the government of her father, and in 1966 she became Prime Minister after his death.", "Gandhi was a controversial figure, and her policies were often criticized.", "She was accused of being authoritarian and of suppressing dissent.", "However, she was also a popular leader, and she is credited with modernizing India and improving the lives of its people.", "Gandhi was assassinated by her Sikh bodyguards in 1984.", "She was succeeded by her son, Rajiv Gandhi.", "Gandhi's life and career were marked by many challenges, but she never gave up on her dream of a better India."], "trgs": ["Indira Gandhi fu la prima e l'\u00f9nica f\u00ecmmina a \u00e8ssiri Primu Ministru di l'Innia.", "Nasc\u00ecu nt\u00f4 1917 dintra na mpurtanti famigghia pul\u00ectica, e so patri, Jawaharlal Nehru, fu u primu Primu Ministru di l'Innia.", "Indira Gandhi fu ducata 'n Innia e 'n Ingraterra, e si maritau cu Feroze Gandhi nn\u00f4 1942.", "\u00c0ppiru du' figghi, Rajiv e Sanjav.", "Gandhi accuminciau u so travagghiu pul\u00ecticu nt\u00f4 1955, quannu fu a\u1e0d\u1e0dijuta \u00f4 Parramentu Innianu.", "Uccupau vari pusizzioni ministiriali nt\u00f4 guvernu di so patri, e nt\u00f4 1966 addivintau Primu Ministru doppu a morti di i\u1e0d\u1e0du.", "Gandhi fu na figura cuntraversa, e i so pul\u00ectichi foru spissu criticati.", "Fu accusata di \u00e8ssiri auturitaria e di ripr\u00ecmiri \u00ea vuci discurdanti.", "Cumunca, era macari nu capu pupulari, ed \u00e8 ricanusciuta comu a chi\u1e0d\u1e0da ca 'mmudirnau l'Innia e ca migghiurau a vita d\u00fb so p\u00f2pulu.", "Gandhi fu ammazzata d\u00ee so guardi d\u00fb corpu sikh nt\u00f4 1984.", "Doppu a i\u1e0d\u1e0da vinni so figghiu, Rajiv Gandhi.", "A vita e u travagghiu di Gandhi foru signati di tanti sfidi, ma nun arrinunziau mai \u00f4 so sonnu di na megghiu Innia."], "factuality": "has_errors"} -{"id": "topic_378__gtsmtt", "sl": "en", "tl": "scn", "srcs": ["Global warming is the long-term heating of Earth's climate system observed since the pre-industrial period (between 1850 and 1900) due to human activities, primarily fossil fuel burning, which increases heat-trapping greenhouse gas levels in Earth's atmosphere.", "The term is frequently used interchangeably with the term climate change, though the latter refers to both human- and naturally produced warming and the effects it has on our planet.", "Since the pre-industrial period, human activities are estimated to have increased Earth's global average temperature by about 1 degree Celsius (1.8 degrees Fahrenheit), a number that is currently increasing by 0.2 degrees Celsius (0.36 degrees Fahrenheit) per decade.", "Most of the current warming trend is extremely likely (greater than 95 percent probability) the result of human activity since the 1950s and is proceeding at an unprecedented rate over decades to millennia.", "The largest human influence on climate change has been the emission of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide.", "The primary source of these emissions is from burning fossil fuels for electricity, heat and transportation."], "trgs": ["U quadijamentu glubbali \u00e8 l'aumentu d\u00ee timpiraturi a longu-t\u00e8rmini d\u00fb sistema clim\u00e0ticu d\u00e2 Terra vardijatu d\u00fb pir\u00ecudu pri-nnustriali (ntra u 1850 e u 1900) pi causioni di l'attivit\u00e0 umani, supratuttu p\u00e2 cummustioni di carburanti f\u00f2ssili, ca f\u00ecciru jisari u live\u1e0d\u1e0du di gas-serra nta l'atmusfera tirrestri.", "Stu t\u00e8rmini \u00e8 spissu usatu a scanciu c\u00fb t\u00e8rmini di canciamentu clim\u00e0ticu, macari si st'\u00f9rtimu si rifirisci \u00f4 quadijamentu sia umanu ca naturali e l'effetti ca \u00e0vi nt\u00f4 nostru chianita.", "D\u00fb pir\u00ecudu pri-nnustriali, si c\u00e0rcula ca l'attivit\u00e0 umani f\u00ecciru jisari a timpiratura media glubbali d\u00e2 Terra di agghiri 1\u00b0 Celsius (1.8\u00b0 Fahrenheit), un n\u00f9mmaru ca a stu mumentu sta criscennu di 0.2\u00b0 C (0.36\u00b0 F) ogni deci anni.", "\u00c8 assai capaci ca st'aumentu di timpiratura (cchi\u00f9 assai d\u00fb 95% di prubbabbilit\u00e0) \u00e8 u risurtatu di l'attivit\u00e0 umana partennu di l'anni '50 e sta jennu avanzi a nu live\u1e0d\u1e0du mai vistu prima nt\u00ea d\u00e8cadi e millennia.", "A nfruenza cchi\u00f9 grossa di stu canciamentu clim\u00e0ticu \u00e8 l'emissioni di gas-serra comu l'anidriti carb\u00f2nica, u mitanu e l'\u00f2ssidu nitrusu.", "A funti primaria di st'emissioni \u00e8 la cummustioni di carburanti f\u00f2ssili pi fari elittricit\u00e0, caluri e trasporti."], "factuality": "ok"} -{"id": "topic_312__tifsiiaiwiaiwii", "sl": "en", "tl": "scn", "srcs": ["The portfolio was heavy, and the line was long.", "I stood there, aching with pain, and wondered if I would ever get to the front.", "Finally, my turn came, and I presented my portfolio to the woman at the counter.", "She looked at it for a moment, then shook her head.", "\"I'm sorry,\" she said. \"We can't accept this portfolio. It's not up to our standards.\"", "I felt a wave of despair wash over me.", "All my hard work, for nothing.", "I took the portfolio back and started to walk away.", "\"Wait,\" the woman called \"I can see that you've put a lot of effort into this. Why don't you take a seat over there and I'll see what I can do.\"", "I sat down and waited.", "A few minutes later, the woman came back.", "\"I've talked to my manager,\" she said.", "\"We're willing to make an exception for you. We'll accept your portfolio, but you'll have to pay a processing fee.\"", "I sighed.", "It was a lot of money, but I didn't have any other choice."], "trgs": ["U pricu era pisanti e u ringu era longu.", "Arristava \u1e0d\u1e0d\u00e0, duluranti, e mi spiava s'avissi arrivatu mai avanzi.", "Finarmenti, vinni u me turnu, e ci prisintavu u pricu \u00e2 f\u00ecmmina nt\u00f4 vancuni.", "A taliau pi un mumentu, appoi tistijau.", "\"Mi dispiaci\", dissi. \"Nun putemu accittari stu pricu. Nun \u00e8 a l'autizza d\u00ee nostri standard.\"", "Sintivu n'unnata di dispirazzioni arrivut\u00e0rimi.", "Tuttu u me duru travagghiu, pi nenti.", "Mi turnavu pigghiari u pricu e accuminzavu a arrass\u00e0rimi.", "\"Aspittassi\", chiamau a signura, \"vidu ca si mpignau assai. Picch\u00ec nun si assetta \u1e0d\u1e0docu a sutta e vidu chi pozzu fari.\"", "M'assitavu e aspittavu.", "Quarchi minutu doppu, a f\u00ecmmina turnau.", "\"Parravu c\u00fb me manijaturi\", dissi.", "\"Putemu fari na ccizzioni pi vass\u00eca. Accittamu u so pricu, ma h\u00e2 pagari na tassa di elabburazzioni.\"", "Suspirai.", "\u00c8ranu na sfunnacata di sordi, ma nun aviva nu\u1e0d\u1e0d'autra scigghiuta."], "factuality": "ok"} -{"id": "stt_167__itsttsbiivtsi", "sl": "en", "tl": "scn", "srcs": ["In the 2006 teen comedy She's the Man, Amanda Bynes plays Viola Hastings, a high school student who disguises herself as a boy in order to play on the boys' soccer team.", "The film is full of laugh-out-loud moments, thanks to Bynes's spot-on comedic timing and delivery.", "She is able to perfectly capture the awkwardness and uncertainty of a teenage boy, while still maintaining her own unique brand of humor.", "The supporting cast is also excellent, with Channing Tatum, Laura Ramsey, and Vinnie Jones all giving memorable performances.", "The film's director, Andy Fickman, does a great job of balancing the humor with the drama, creating a film that is both funny and heartwarming.", "She's the Man is a classic teen comedy that is sure to please fans of the genre.", "Bynes's performance is a standout, and the film is full of laugh-out-loud moments.", "If you're looking for a fun and entertaining movie to watch, I highly recommend checking out She's the Man.", "In addition to being a great comedy, She's the Man is also a film with a strong message about gender equality.", "Viola's decision to disguise herself as a boy in order to play on the boys' soccer team is a powerful statement about the importance of breaking down gender stereotypes.", "The film shows that girls can be just as good as boys at sports, and that they should not be held back by their gender.", "She's the Man is a film that is both funny and inspiring.", "It is a great choice for anyone who is looking for a feel-good movie with a message."], "trgs": ["Nt\u00e2 cummedia pi carusi d\u00fb 2006 She's the Man, Amanda Byrnes fa a Viola Hastings, na studintissa di liceu chi si travesti comu a nu carusu ca joca nt\u00e2 squatra di palluni masculina.", "U firmi \u00e8 chinu di mumenti di spisciun\u00e0risi d\u00fb r\u00ecdiri, grazzi \u00ea tempi c\u00f2mici di Byrnes e \u00e2 so capacit\u00e0 d'esicuzzioni.", "\u00c8 capaci di catturari pirfettamenti a stranizza e la ncirtizza di nu carusu, nt\u00f4 mentri ca manteni u so pirsunali umur\u00ecsimu.", "Macari l'atturi di sustegnu su' eccillenti, cu Channing Tatum, Laura Ramsey e Vinnie Jones chi d\u00f9nanu ntirpritazzioni mimur\u00e0bbili.", "U riggista d\u00fb firmi, Andy Fickman, faci nu bonu travagghiu a valanzari l'umur\u00ecsimu c\u00fb dramma, criannu nu firmi ca \u00e8 nz\u00e8mmula divirtenti e cummuventi.", "She's the Man \u00e8 na cl\u00e0ssica cummedia pi carusi ca sicuru piacir\u00e0 a l'appassiunati di ogni g\u00e8niri.", "A ntirpritazzioni di Byrnes \u00e8 eccizziunali e u firmi \u00e8 chinu di mumenti di spisciun\u00e0risi d\u00fb r\u00ecdiri.", "Si stai circannu nu firmi divirtenti di vardari, cunzigghiu pi daveru di dari n'ucchiata a She's the Man.", "Sparti a \u00e8ssiri na be\u1e0d\u1e0da cummedia, She's the Man \u00e8 macari un firmi cu un missaggiu forti di equalit\u00e0 di g\u00e8niri.", "A dicisioni di Viola di stracanci\u00e0risi di m\u00e0sculu pi jucari nt\u00e2 squatra di palluni d\u00ee m\u00e0sculi \u00e8 na dichiarazzioni forti supra a mpurtanza di sdirrupari i stiri\u00f2tipi di g\u00e8niri.", "U firmi mustra ca i f\u00ecmmini ponnu \u00e8ssiri forti quantu i m\u00e0sculi e ca nun av\u00ecssiru a \u00e8ssiri frinati d\u00fb so g\u00e8niri.", "She's the Man \u00e8 un firmi ca \u00e8 sia divirtenti ca ispiranti.", "\u00c8 na bona scigghiuta pi cu' \u00e8-\u00e8 ca sta circannu un firmi prijusu e cu un missaggiu."], "factuality": "ok"} -{"id": "topic_340__aheehitehe", "sl": "en", "tl": "scn", "srcs": ["Albert Einstein was a German-born theoretical physicist who developed the theory of relativity, one of the two pillars of modern physics (alongside quantum mechanics).", "His work is also known for its influence on the philosophy of science.", "Einstein is best known in popular culture for his mass\u2013energy equivalence formula E = mc2 (which has been dubbed \"the world's most famous equation\").", "Einstein was born in Ulm, in the Kingdom of W\u00fcrttemberg, German Empire, on 14 March 1879.", "He showed an early aptitude for mathematics and physics.", "In 1905, at the age of 26, Einstein published four groundbreaking papers that transformed physics.", "These include his special relativity theory, which introduced the concepts of space and time as a single unified continuum, and his general relativity theory, which proposed that gravity is not a force, but is instead a curvature of spacetime.", "Einstein's work led to a new understanding of the universe, and had a profound impact on the development of modern physics.", "He received the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1921 for his explanation of the photoelectric effect.", "Einstein was a pacifist and a strong advocate for social justice."], "trgs": ["Albert Einstein fu un f\u00ecsicu ti\u00f2ricu nasciutu tidiscu ca sbiluppau a tiur\u00eca d\u00e2 rilativit\u00e0, unu d\u00ee pilastri d\u00e2 f\u00ecsica muderna (nz\u00e8mmula c\u00e2 micc\u00e0nica quant\u00ecstica).", "U travagghiu so \u00e8 macari canusciutu p\u00e2 so nfruenza ncapu a filusuf\u00eca d\u00e2 scenza.", "Nn\u00e2 curtura pupulari \u00e8 canusciutu cchi\u00f9 assai di tuttu p\u00e2 so f\u00f9rmula d'equivalenza di massa-enirg\u00eca E = mc2 (ca \u00e8 ntisa comu \"l'equazzioni cchi\u00f9 famusa d\u00fb munnu\").", "Einstein nasc\u00ecu a Ulm, nn\u00f4 regnu di W\u00fcrttemberg, nn\u00f4 Mperu Tidiscu, u 14 marzu d\u00fb 1879.", "Fici v\u00ecdiri s\u00f9bbitu versu p\u00e2 matim\u00e0tica e p\u00e2 f\u00ecsica.", "Nt\u00f4 1905, quannu av\u00eca 26 anni, Einstein pubblicau quattru art\u00ecculi rivuluzziunari ca canciaru a f\u00ecsica.", "Chisti cumprinn\u00ecanu a so spiciali tiuria d\u00e2 rilativit\u00e0, ca ntrudic\u00ecu u cuncettu di spazziu e tempu comu n'\u00f9nicu continuum junciutu, e la so tiur\u00eca d\u00e2 rilativitati gin\u00e8rica, ca prupun\u00ecu ca a gravit\u00e0 nun era na forza, ma mmeci na curbatura d\u00fb spazziutempu.", "U travagghiu di Einstein purtau na nova canuscenza di l'universu, e appi un forti mpattu ncapu \u00f4 sbiluppu d\u00e2 f\u00ecsica muderna.", "Vinc\u00ecu u premiu Nobel p\u00e2 f\u00ecsica nt\u00f4 1921 p\u00ee so schicazzioni di l'effettu fotul\u00e8ttricu.", "Einstein fu un pacifista e un granni abbucatu p\u00e2 giustizzia suciali."], "factuality": "ok"} -{"id": "gambia_typical__mffpotmtacmoitid", "sl": "en", "tl": "scn", "srcs": ["Many people wake up before sunrise to start their day's work.", "Farmers may rise before dawn to milk their cows or tend to their crops.", "Fishermen may go out to sea before the sun comes up.", "People who work in the city may also wake up early to catch the bus or train to work.", "Once people are up, they typically eat a simple breakfast of porridge, bread, or tea.", "Then they get ready for the day.", "Many people in The Gambia wear traditional clothing, such as long dresses or skirts for women and long pants or shirts for men.", "They may also wear a headscarf or cap.", "After breakfast, people go about their daily activities.", "Children go to school, while adults go to work.", "Many people in The Gambia work in agriculture, fishing, or tourism.", "Others work in government, business, or education.", "In the afternoon, people may take a break from work to relax or socialize.", "They may go for a walk, visit friends and family, or play games.", "In the evening, people often eat dinner with their families.", "Dinner is typically a simple meal of rice, vegetables, and meat or fish."], "trgs": ["Assai cristiani s'arrisb\u00ecgghianu prima ca agghiorna p'accuminciari u travagghiu d\u00e2 jurnata.", "I vi\u1e0d\u1e0dani ponnu sus\u00ecrisi prima di l'arba pi m\u00f9nciri i vacchi o pi curari i campi.", "I piscatura ponnu n\u00e8sciri a mari prima ca u suli agghiorna.", "I cristiani ca trav\u00e0gghianu nn\u00e2 cit\u00e0 ponnu macari sus\u00ecrisi viatu pi pigghiari l'autubbussu o lu trenu pi jiri \u00f4 travagghiu.", "Na vota ca i cristiani si s\u00f9sinu, di s\u00f2litu fannu culazzioni s\u00ecmplici c\u00fb porridge, pani o te.", "Accuss\u00ec su' pronti p\u00e2 jurnata.", "Assai cristiani nn\u00f4 Gammia v\u00e8stinu cu \u00e0bbiti tradizziunali, comu \u00e0bbiti longhi o faudetti p\u00ee f\u00ecmmini e causi longhi o cammisi pi l'\u00f2mini.", "Si ponnu macari m\u00e8ttiri fazzoli o cappe\u1e0d\u1e0di.", "Doppu a culazzioni, i cristiani fannu l'attivit\u00e0 cutidiani.", "I picciri\u1e0d\u1e0di vannu \u00e2 scola, mentri l'adurti vannu a travagghiari.", "Assai cristiani nn\u00f4 Gammia trav\u00e0gghianu ch\u00ee campi, c\u00e2 pisca o c\u00fb tur\u00ecsimu.", "Autri trav\u00e0gghianu \u00f4 guvernu, nt\u00f4 bissinissi o o nt\u00e2 ducazzioni.", "U doppupranzu, i cristiani ponnu pigghi\u00e0risi na pausa d\u00fb travagghiu pi scial\u00e0risi o sucialijari.", "Ponnu fari na passijata, ncucciari amici e famigghia, o fari joca.", "\u00c2 sira, i cristiani spissu c\u00e8nanu c\u00e2 famigghia.", "A cena \u00e8 di s\u00f2litu un chiattu s\u00ecmplici di risu, virdura e carni o pisci."], "factuality": "ok"} -{"id": "topic_208__ttttbwwwtt", "sl": "en", "tl": "scn", "srcs": ["The gadgets and utensils of the kitchen are a language, a means of communication between cook and food.", "The whisk, the tongs, the ladle, the spatula - each has its own meaning, its own purpose.", "To use them well is to understand the language of cooking, to season the dish with the flavors of experience and skill.", "The whisk is a whisk, the tongs are tongs, and the ladle is a ladle.", "But in the hands of a skilled cook, they become something more: they become extensions of the cook's own body, tools that allow him or her to express creativity and passion.", "With a whisk, the cook can whip up a frothy batter or emulsify a delicate sauce.", "With tongs, he or she can flip a steak or turn a roast.", "With a ladle, he or she can ladle out a steaming bowl of soup or sauce.", "The gadgets and utensils of the kitchen are more than just tools.", "They are a means of expression, a way to create something beautiful and delicious."], "trgs": ["Li stigghi e l'arnisi d\u00e2 cucina su' na lingua, na manera di cumunicari ntra u cocu e u manciari.", "U sbattituri, a tinagghia, u cuppinu, a sp\u00e0tula - ognunu c\u00fb so significatu, u so c\u00f2mpitu.", "Usalli boni voli diri capiri a lingua d\u00e2 cucina, cunzari u manciari ch\u00ee sapuri d\u00e2 spirienza e d\u00e2 majistr\u00eca", "U sbattituri \u00e8 nu sbattituri, i tinagghi su' tinagghi, e u cuppinu \u00e8 un cuppinu.", "Ma nt\u00ea manu d'un cocu mastru, chisti strac\u00e0ncianu nta na cosa cchi\u00f9 assai: addiv\u00e8ntanu purp\u00e0jini d\u00fb corpu d\u00fb cocu, strumenti ca ci pirm\u00e8ttinu di espr\u00ecmiri a so criativit\u00e0 e a so passiuni.", "Cu nu sbattituri, u cocu po muntari na paste\u1e0d\u1e0da scumusa o ammiscari na sarsa dilicata.", "Ch\u00ee tinagghi, po vutari na fe\u1e0d\u1e0da di carni e arrivutari nu rull\u00e8.", "C\u00fb cuppinu, po arric\u00f2gghiri na ci\u00f2tula china di suppa o sarsa cauda.", "I stigghi d\u00e2 cucina su' cchi\u00f9 assai di stigghi e basta.", "Su' maneri di cumunicari, un modu di criari quarcosa be\u1e0d\u1e0du e sapuritu."], "factuality": "ok"} -{"id": "topic_246__awttatwtiw", "sl": "en", "tl": "scn", "srcs": ["A seed is a small, dormant plant embryo that is capable of developing into a new plant under the right conditions.", "When a seed sprouts, it begins to grow roots and shoots.", "The roots anchor the plant in the soil and absorb water and nutrients from the ground.", "The shoots grow upwards towards the sun, and the leaves begin to photosynthesize, producing food for the plant.", "As the plant grows, it develops a stem, leaves, flowers, and fruit.", "The flowers produce seeds, which are dispersed by wind, water, or animals.", "When a seed lands in a suitable location, it can germinate and begin the process of growth all over again.", "The process of seed germination is a marvel of nature.", "It is a testament to the power of life and the resilience of the natural world.", "When a seed sprouts, it is a sign of hope and new beginnings."], "trgs": ["A simenza \u00e8 l'emmrioni nicu nicu e addurmisciutu ca \u00e8 capaci di addivintari na chianta nova sutta \u00ea giusti cunnizzioni.", "Quannu na simenza aggigghia, accumincia mi ci cr\u00ecscinu r\u00e0dichi e i primi fugghice\u1e0d\u1e0di.", "I r\u00e0dichi f\u00ecssanu a chianta nt\u00f4 tirrenu e s\u00f9canu l'acqua e i nutricanti d\u00e2 terra.", "I gigghi cr\u00ecscinu pi supra ammeri \u00f4 suli, e i p\u00e0mpini accum\u00ecncianu a fotus\u00ecntisi, pruducennu manciari p\u00e2 chianta.", "Comu a chianta crisci, diviluppa a busa, i fogghi, i ciuri e i frutti.", "I ciuri fannu i simenzi, ca si sp\u00e0nninu c\u00fb ventu, cu l'acqua o cu l'armali.", "Quannu na simenza agghica nt\u00f4n locu adattu, po fari u gigghiu e accuminciari arr\u00e8 tuttu u prucessu di cr\u00ecscita.", "U prucessu di aggigghiamentu \u00e8 na maravigghia d\u00e2 natura.", "\u00c8 na tistimunianza d\u00e2 putenza d\u00e2 vita e d\u00e2 risilienza d\u00fb munnu naturali.", "Quannu na simenza aggigghia, \u00e8 na nzinga di spiranza e di novi accuminciatini."], "factuality": "ok"} -{"id": "stt_165__yyyyatwwit", "sl": "en", "tl": "scn", "srcs": ["You have been warned.", "You have been given a clear and concise warning.", "You have been told that if you continue to engage in this behavior, you will be banned.", "You have now had two chances to correct your behavior, and you have failed to do so.", "As a result, you will now be banned from this forum.", "This ban is permanent, and you will not be allowed to create a new account or participate in this forum in any way.", "We hope that this ban will serve as a warning to others who may be tempted to engage in similar behavior.", "We will not tolerate this type of behavior on our forum, and we will take action to protect our community from it.", "If you have any questions about this ban, please do not hesitate to contact us.", "Thank you for your cooperation."], "trgs": ["Fusti abbisatu.", "Ti fu datu n'abbirtenza chiara e pricisa.", "Ti fu dittu ca si cuntinui a cumpurt\u00e0riti accuss\u00ec, sirai jittatu fora.", "Ti foru datu du' pussibbilit\u00e0 di cumpurt\u00e0riti megghiu, ma nun t\u00e2 fidasti.", "Comu risurtatu, sirai jittatu fora di stu forum.", "Stu ban \u00e8 pirmanenti, e nun ti siravi pirmisu di criari un cuntu novu o di participari nta stu forum nta nu\u1e0d\u1e0da manera.", "Spiramu ca stu ban putissi \u00e8ssiri \u00f9tili comu abbirtimentu pi l'autri ca ponnu \u00e8ssiri tintati di cumpurt\u00e0risi nta na manera similari.", "Nun tulliramu stu tipu di cumpurtamenti nta stu forum, e \u00e2m'a pigghiari pruvidimenti pi prut\u00e8ggiri a nostra cumunit\u00e0.", "Si \u00e0i spiati ncapu a stu ban, pi favuri nun ti scantari a cuntatt\u00e0rini.", "Grazzi p\u00e2 cupirazzioni."], "factuality": "ok"} -{"id": "topic_587__weyiwiniwaaotiwenwy", "sl": "en", "tl": "scn", "srcs": ["\"What the hell are you doing, you idiot?!\"", "\"Excuse me?\"", "\"You cut me off! You almost made me crash!\"", "\"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to. I was just trying to get around that slow-moving truck.\"", "\"Well, you could have at least used your turn signal!\"", "\"I did use my turn signal!\"", "\"No, you didn't! You just pulled right out in front of me!\"", "\"I'm telling you, I used my turn signal!\"", "\"Whatever. You're still a terrible driver.\"", "\"And you're a jerk!\"", "\"At least I know how to drive!\"", "\"Oh, yeah? Well, I'm a better writer than you are!\"", "\"That's debatable.\"", "\"It's not debatable! I'm Ernest Hemingway!\"", "\"Who?\"", "\"Ernest Hemingway! The greatest writer of all time!\"", "\"Never heard of him.\"", "\"Well, you've heard of me now!\"", "\"Yeah, I heard of you.\""], "trgs": ["\"Chi di\u00e0vulu sta' facennu, pezzu 'i babbu?!\"", "\"Mi scusassi?\"", "\"Mi tagghiasti a strata! Mi stavi facennu ntappari!\"", "\"M'h\u00e2 scusari, nun vul\u00eca. Stava sulu circannu di passari a \u1e0d\u1e0du lentu camiu.\"", "\"Bih, putivi armenu m\u00e8ntiri a fileccia!\"", "\"A misi a fileccia!\"", "\"No, nun lu facisti! Ti firmasti propia davanzi a mia!\"", "\"T\u00fb dicu iu, a misi a fileccia!\"", "\"Vabb\u00f2. S\u00ec cumunca un guidaturi fitusu.\"", "\"E tu si un cugghiuni!\"", "\"Iu armenu m\u00e2 fidu a purtari na m\u00e0china!\"", "\"Ah, se? Allura iu sugnu nu scritturi megghiu 'i tia!\"", "\"Chistu \u00e8 discurr\u00ecbbili\".", "\"Nun \u00e8 discurr\u00ecbbili! Iu sugnu Ernest Hemingway!\"", "\"Cui?\"", "\"Ernest Hemingway! U megghiu scritturi di tutti i tempi!\"", "\"Nun l'\u00e0ju ntisu mai.\"", "\"Bonu, u sintisti di mia ora!\"", "\"Se, ntisi di tia.\""], "factuality": "ok"} -{"id": "topic_131__gtttgtiigt", "sl": "en", "tl": "scn", "srcs": ["Grace: Can you tell me a little bit about its history?", "Teacher: Of course. Tea originated in China, where it has been cultivated for over 5,000 years.", "The first written record of tea dates back to the 3rd century BC, when it was mentioned in a Chinese medical text.", "Tea was originally used as a medicinal herb, but it quickly became a popular drink among Chinese people of all social classes.", "Grace: What about outside of China? When did tea start to spread to other parts of the world?", "Teacher: Tea was first introduced to Europe in the 16th century by Portuguese traders.", "It quickly became popular among European elites, and by the 18th century, tea had become a staple of British culture.", "In the 19th century, tea was also introduced to North America, where it became a popular drink among both colonists and Native Americans.", "Grace: That's really interesting.I never knew that tea had such a long history.", "Teacher: It's a fascinating story, and it's one that's still being written today."], "trgs": ["Grace: Mi po' parrari tanticchia d\u00e2 so storia?", "Majistru: Certu. U te \u00e0vi ur\u00ecggini nn\u00e2 Cina, unni \u00e0vi cchi\u00f9 assai di 5.000 anni ca veni chiantatu.", "A prima funti scritta d\u00fb te veni d\u00fb terzu s\u00e8culu d.C., quannu vinni mintuvatu nta un testu m\u00e8dicu cinisi.", "U te vin\u00eca usatu a l'ur\u00ecggini comu erba m\u00e8dica, ma viatu addivintau na v\u00ecppita pupulari ntra i cinisi di tutti i classi suciali.", "Grace: Mmeci fora d\u00e2 Cina? Quannu u te accuminciau a diffunn\u00ecrisi a l'autri banni d\u00fb munnu?", "Majistru: U te fu ntruduttu nta l'Europa nn\u00f4 16\u00e8simu s\u00e8culu d\u00ee mircanti purtughisi.", "S\u00f9bbitu addivintau pupulari ntra l'elite eurupea, e d\u00fb 18\u00e8simu s\u00e8culu u te addivintau na basi d\u00e2 curtura brit\u00e0nnica.", "Nt\u00f4 19\u00e8simu s\u00e8culu, u te vinni macari ntruduttu nn\u00e2 M\u00e8rica d\u00fb Nordi, unni addivintau na v\u00ecppita pupulari midemma ntra i culoni e ca ntra li nativi miricani.", "Grace: Chissu \u00e8 ntirissanti pi daveru. Nun sap\u00eca ca u te av\u00eca na storia accuss\u00ec longa.", "Majistru: \u00c8 na storia ammagusa, ca cuntinua a \u00e8ssiri scritta \u00ea nostri jorna."], "factuality": "has_errors"} -{"id": "topic_229__dotttttt", "sl": "en", "tl": "scn", "srcs": ["During World War II, the Allies and Axis powers used a variety of aircraft to achieve air superiority.", "One of the most important factors in determining the outcome of a battle was the accuracy of the aircraft's bombing.", "The height at which an aircraft could fly was also a critical factor, as it determined how far it could travel and how much weight it could carry.", "The United States developed a number of high-altitude bombers during the war, including the B-17 Flying Fortress and the B-29 Superfortress.", "These aircraft were able to fly at altitudes of over 30,000 feet, which made them difficult for enemy fighters to intercept.", "They also carried a large payload of bombs, which could be used to attack targets deep behind enemy lines.", "The German Luftwaffe also developed a number of high-altitude bombers, including the Heinkel He 177 Greif and the Messerschmitt Me 264 Amerika Bomber.", "These aircraft were not as successful as their American counterparts, however, due to a number of technical problems."], "trgs": ["Duranti a Sicunna Guerra Munniali, l'Allijati e i putenzi di l'Assi usaru na varit\u00e0 di vil\u00ecvuli pi cunquistari a supranijata di l'aria.", "Unu di fatturi cchi\u00f9 mpurtanti pi ditirminari u risurtatu di na battagghia fu a pricisioni d\u00ee bummardamenti a\u00e8rii.", "L'autizza unni un vil\u00ecvulu put\u00eca vulari era puru un fatturi cr\u00ecticu, accuss\u00ec comu quantu luntanu put\u00eca arrivari e quantu pisu put\u00eca carrijari.", "I Stati Uniti sbilupparu tanti bummarderi di auta-c\u00f2tima duranti a guerra, comu u B-17 Flying Fortress e u B-29 Superfortress.", "Sti vil\u00ecvuli \u00e8ranu capaci d'abbulari nzinu \u00ea 30 000 pedi d'autizza e puru cchi\u00f9 assai, ca i fac\u00ecanu diff\u00eccili di ntircittari pi cummattenti nimici.", "Scarruzz\u00e0vanu macari un c\u00e0rricu be\u1e0d\u1e0du granni di bummi, ca put\u00ecanu attaccari ubbittivi assai arrerri \u00ea ringhi nimici.", "La Luftwaffe tidisca sbiluppau macari assai bummarderi di auta-quota, comu \u00f4 Heinkel He 77 Greif e u Messerschmitt Me 264 Amerika Bomber.", "Sti vil\u00ecvuli nun \u00e0ppiru pir\u00f2 u stissu successu d\u00ee so cuntraparti miricani, pi curpa di na seri di prubblemi t\u00e8cnici."], "factuality": "ok"} -{"id": "stt_30__iyiiiiyptisaiiiyyasbas", "sl": "en", "tl": "scn", "srcs": ["I know what you did yesterday.", "You posted a picture of yourself wearing that green rag on social media.", "I know you thought it was funny, but it wasn\u2019t.", "It was disrespectful to your mother, and it hurt her feelings.", "I\u2019m not asking you to apologize because I\u2019m mad at you.", "I\u2019m asking you to apologize because it\u2019s the right thing to do.", "Your mother loves you, and she deserves your respect.", "Please call her today and tell her you\u2019re sorry.", "Tell her that you didn\u2019t mean to hurt her feelings, and that you promise to never wear that green rag again.", "I know you\u2019re a good person, and I know you love your mother.", "So please, do the right thing and apologize.", "After you apologize to your mother, I want you to burn that green rag.", "It\u2019s a symbol of your disrespect, and it needs to be gone.", "I know it might be hard to let go of that rag, but it\u2019s important.", "It\u2019s a symbol of your past, and it\u2019s time to move on.", "You\u2019re a new person now.", "You\u2019re a better person.", "And you don\u2019t need that rag to define you anymore.", "So please, burn it.", "Burn it and let it go.", "And then go hug your mother and tell her you love her.", "She loves you too."], "trgs": ["Sacciu chi facisti ajeri.", "Pubblicasti nt\u00ea social media na fotu to cu un cannavazzu virdi di ncapu.", "Sacciu chi pinzasti ca fac\u00eca r\u00ecdiri, ma nun lu fac\u00eca.", "Nun fu rispittusu pi to matri, e firisti i so sintimenta.", "Nun ti addumannu di scus\u00e0riti picch\u00ec sugnu arraggiatu cu tia.", "Ti staju addumannannu di scus\u00e0riti picch\u00ec \u00e8 la cosa giusta di fari.", "To matri ti ama, e si m\u00e8rita u to rispettu.", "Pi favuri oji chi\u00e0maci e dicci ca ti dispiaci.", "Dicci ca nun vulivi firiri i so sintimenta, e ca prumetti di nun mitt\u00ecriti cchi\u00f9 \u1e0d\u1e0du cannavazzu virdi.", "Sacciu ca s\u00ec un bravu cristianu, e sacciu ca vo' b\u00e8niri a to matri.", "Allura pi favuri, fa' a cosa giusta e addum\u00e0nnaci scusa.", "Doppu ca ti scusi cu to matri, vogghiu ca abbruci \u1e0d\u1e0du cannavazzu virdi.", "\u00c8 nu s\u00ecmmulu d\u00e2 to mancanza di rispettu, e cc'\u00e8 di bisognu ca si nni va.", "Sacciu ca po \u00e8ssiri diff\u00eccili sbarazzari \u1e0d\u1e0du cannavazzu, ma \u00e8 mpurtanti.", "\u00c8 nu s\u00ecmmulu d\u00fb to passatu, ed \u00e8 tempu di jiri avanzi.", "S\u00ec un cristianu novu ora.", "S\u00ec un cristianu megghiu.", "E nun \u00e0i cchi\u00f9 di bisognu di \u1e0d\u1e0du cannavazzu pi difin\u00ecriti.", "Adunca pi favuri abbr\u00f9cialu.", "Abbr\u00f9cialu e lassa jiri.", "E doppu abbrazza a to matri e dicci ca ci vo' b\u00e8niri.", "Macari i\u1e0d\u1e0da ti voli b\u00e8niri."], "factuality": "ok"} -{"id": "topic_271__atmimeiai", "sl": "en", "tl": "scn", "srcs": ["A car was driving too fast and lost control, swerving into the other lane and hitting a car head-on.", "The driver of the first car was killed instantly, and the driver of the second car was seriously injured.", "My friend Joseph called me to talk about it.", "\"It's so sad,\" he said. \"I can't imagine how the families of the victims are coping.\"", "\"Me neither,\" I responded. \"It's a reminder that we need to be careful when we're driving.", "Even a small mistake can have devastating consequences.\"", "\"I agree,\" replied Jo. \"We all need to follow the rules of the road and drive defensively.\"", "\"Absolutely,\" I quickly added. \"And we need to be aware of the dangers of distracted driving. Things like texting and talking on the phone can take our attention away from the road and lead to accidents.\"", "\"I know,\" said Jo sheepishly. \"I'm guilty of it myself sometimes.\""], "trgs": ["Na m\u00e0china stava jennu troppu forti e pird\u00ecu u cuntrollu, passannu di l'autra curs\u00eca e pigghiannu di facci n'autra m\u00e0china ca stava vinennu.", "L'autista d\u00e2 prima m\u00e0china mur\u00ecu nt\u00f4n corpu, e l'autista d\u00e2 sicunna m\u00e0china si struppijau bonu.", "L'amicu me Joseph mi chiamau pi parr\u00e0rinni.", "\"\u00c8 na cosa tristi\" dissi \"Nun pozzu mmagginari comu a stannu pigghiannu i famigghi d\u00ee v\u00ecttimi\".", "\"Mancu iu\" rispunnivu. \"\u00c8 un signu chi n'\u00e2m'a arricurdari di stari accura quannu purtamu a m\u00e0china.", "Puru nu sbagghiu nicu po aviri cunzicutanzi divastanti\"", "\"Sugnu d'accordu\" arrispunn\u00ecu Jo \"\u00c2m'a sicutari i r\u00e8guli d\u00e2 strata e guidari nta na manera sicura\".", "\"'Nca certu\", juncivu lestu \"E nn'\u00e2m'a addunari d\u00ee pir\u00ecculi di na guida distratta. Cosi comu missaggiari o parrari \u00f4 til\u00e8funu ni ponnu allianari d\u00e2 strata e f\u00e0rini mm\u00e8stiri.\"", "\"U sacciu\", dissi Jo affrunt\u00e0nnusi. \"Macari iu u fazzu certi voti\"."], "factuality": "ok"} -{"id": "topic_385__ihokhkhttthw", "sl": "en", "tl": "scn", "srcs": ["In the small town of Malgudi, there was a corrupt police inspector named Ramasamy.", "He would often take bribes from the people he arrested, and he would also use his power to harass and intimidate people.", "One day, Ramasamy arrested a young man named Krishnan for a crime he did not commit.", "Krishnan was innocent, but Ramasamy refused to listen to him.", "He demanded a bribe from Krishnan, and when Krishnan refused to pay, Ramasamy threw him in jail.", "Krishnan's father, a poor farmer, was desperate to get his son out of jail.", "He went to see Ramasamy and begged him to release Krishnan, but Ramasamy refused.", "The farmer then went to the local temple and prayed to God for help.", "The next day, the farmer was walking home from the temple when he saw a large snake crossing the road.", "The farmer was afraid of snakes, but he knew that he had to do something to help his son.", "He picked up the snake and carried it to the police station.", "When Ramasamy saw the snake, he was terrified."], "trgs": ["Nt\u00f4 pajise\u1e0d\u1e0du di Malgudi, cc'era nu spitturi d\u00e2 pulizz\u00eca ca si chiamava Ramasamy.", "Assai voti pigghiava grana d\u00ee cristiani ca nchiujiva, e usava u so putiri macari pi nquitari e supranijari li cristiani.", "Un jornu, Ramasamy nchiuj\u00ecu \u00f4n picciottu di nomu Krishnan pi na malafatta ca nun av\u00eca cummisu.", "Krishnan era nnuccenti, ma Ramasamy scartau di ascutallu.", "Addumannau grana a Krishnan, e quannu Krishnan scartau di pagari, Ramasamy lu misi \u00f4 c\u00e0rzaru.", "U patri di Krishnan, un vi\u1e0d\u1e0danu mischine\u1e0d\u1e0du, si sfirnicijava pi fari n\u00e8sciri so figghiu d\u00e2 gal\u00eca.", "J\u00ecu nni Ramasamy e lu prijau di libbirari a Krishnan, ma Ramasamy ci dissi no.", "U vi\u1e0d\u1e0danu allura j\u00ecu \u00f4 tempiu lucali e prijau Diu p'aviri ajutu.", "U jornu doppu, u vi\u1e0d\u1e0danu caminava d\u00fb tempiu \u00e2 casa, quannu vitti a nu scursuni be\u1e0d\u1e0du longu passari a strata.", "U vi\u1e0d\u1e0danu si scantava d\u00ee scursuna, ma sap\u00eca ca av\u00eca a fari quarchi cosa p'ajutari a so figghiu.", "Pigghiau u scursuni e lu purtau \u00e2 stazzioni d\u00e2 pulizz\u00eca.", "Quannu Ramasamy vitti u scursuni, era scantatu mortu."], "factuality": "ok"} -{"id": "topic_319__dipdddpdpp", "sl": "en", "tl": "scn", "srcs": ["Dentist: Let me take a look. [Examines the patient's teeth.] Hmm, it looks like you have a cavity.", "I'm going to need to drill out the decay and fill the hole.", "Patient: Will it hurt?", "Dentist: It might be a little uncomfortable, but I'll do my best to make it as painless as possible.", "Dentist: (gives the patient a local anesthetic) Okay, this will numb the area so you won't feel anything.", "Dentist: (drills out the decay and fills the hole) All done!", "Patient: Thank you, doctor. That wasn't so bad.", "Dentist: You're welcome. Just be sure to brush and floss regularly to prevent future cavities.", "Patient: I will Dentist: (hands the patient a list of instructions) Here are some instructions on how to care for your new filling.", "Patient: Thank you."], "trgs": ["Dintista: F\u00e0mmici dari na taliata. [Tal\u00eca bonu u denti d\u00fb pacenti.] Hmm, parissi ca \u00e0i na caria.", "\u00c0ju a livari a caria c\u00fb tr\u00e0panu e j\u00ecnchiri u pirtusu.", "Pacenti: M'h\u00e2 fari mali?", "Dintista: Putissi \u00e8ssiri tanticchia si\u1e0d\u1e0dijusu, ma h\u00ea fari u megghiu ca pozzu pi f\u00e0riti d\u00f2liri u cchi\u00f9 picca puss\u00ecbbili.", "Dintista: (ci fa l'anistas\u00eca lucali) Ok, chistu \u00e0vi a annurbari \u1e0d\u1e0du puntu, e accuss\u00ec nun po' s\u00e8ntiri nenti.", "Dintista: (percia fora a caria e jinchi u purtusu) U fici!", "Pacenti: Grazzi, dutt\u00f9. Nun fu accuss\u00ec mali.", "Dintista: Nenti fu. Giustu pi \u00e8ssiri sicuri pulizz\u00ecjati sempri i denti pi scanzari cari futuri.", "Pacenti: L'h\u00ea fari Dintista: (proji \u00f4 pacenti na lista di istruzzioni) Cca cci su na para di nfurmazzioni ncapu a comu curari a to nova cunzatura.", "Pacenti: Grazzi."], "factuality": "ok"} -{"id": "topic_7__diwrirtsldsrsr", "sl": "en", "tl": "scn", "srcs": ["Dear [Name], I hope this letter finds you well.", "I'm writing to you from our family farm, where the harvest has been going well this year.", "We're expecting a bumper crop of sugarcane, which is used to make rum.", "Rum is a distilled spirit made from sugarcane molasses or sugarcane juice.", "It's typically aged in wooden barrels, which gives it its characteristic flavor.", "Rum can be enjoyed neat, on the rocks, or mixed in cocktails.", "There are many different types of rum, each with its own unique flavor profile.", "Some of the most popular types of rum include light rum, dark rum, and spiced rum.", "Light rum is typically made from molasses and has a light, sweet flavor.", "Dark rum is made from sugarcane juice and has a richer, more complex flavor.", "Spiced rum is made with added spices, such as cinnamon, nutmeg, and cloves.", "Rum is a versatile spirit that can be used in a variety of cocktails.", "Some classic rum cocktails include the daiquiri, the mojito, and the pina colada.", "Rum can also be used in more creative cocktails, such as the Hemingway Daiquiri or the Painkiller."], "trgs": ["Caru [Nomu], speru ca sta littra t'attrova bonu cumminatu.", "Ti staju scrivennu d\u00e2 fattur\u00eca d\u00e2 nostra fammigghia, unni a ricota sta jennu bona avannu.", "N'aspittamu na ricota abbunnanti di cannamela, ca si usa pi fari u rummu.", "U rummu \u00e8 nu spirdu uttinutu d\u00e2 milassa o d\u00fb sucu d\u00e2 cannamela.", "\u00c8 tipicamenti mmicchiatu nta vutti di lignu, ca ci d\u00f9nanu u so sapuri carattar\u00ecsticu.", "U rummu si po nzapurari schittu, c\u00fb ghiazzu, o ammiscatu nt\u00ea cocktail.", "Cci su' assai tipi diffirenti di rummu, ognidunu cu un prufilu di sapuri \u00f9nicu.", "Ntra i tipi cchi\u00f9 pupulari di rummu cci su' u rummu chiaru, u rummu scuru e u rummu spizziatu.", "U rummu chiaru di s\u00f2litu si fa d\u00e2 milassa e cci \u00e0vi un sapuri leggiu e duci.", "U rummu scuru si fa d\u00fb sucu di cannamela e \u00e0vi un sapuri cchi\u00f9 riccu e traficusu.", "U rummu spizziatu si fa cu spezzi agghiunti, comu canne\u1e0d\u1e0da, nuci muscata e chiovi di gar\u00f2falu.", "U rummu \u00e8 nu spirdu virs\u00e0tili ca po \u00e8ssiri usatu nta na sfunnacata di cocktail.", "Ntra i tipi di cocktail c\u00fb rummu cl\u00e0ssici cci su' u daiquiri, u mojito, a pina colada.", "U rummu po macari \u00e8ssiri usatu nna cocktail cchi\u00f9 criativi, comu Daiquiri Hemingway o u Painkiller."], "factuality": "ok"} -{"id": "stt_461__wwatiibwwatlll", "sl": "en", "tl": "scn", "srcs": ["We must reject the forces of division and hate.", "We must break the chains of poverty and ignorance.", "And we must bind ourselves together in a common purpose: to build a better future for Nigeria.", "The destiny of Nigeria is not to be a land of division and conflict.", "It is to be a land of unity and progress.", "It is to be a land where everyone has a chance to succeed, regardless of their background or circumstances.", "But we cannot achieve this future without working together.", "We must reject the forces that seek to divide us and come together as one people.", "We must break the chains of poverty and ignorance that hold us back.", "And we must bind ourselves together in a common purpose: to build a better future for Nigeria.", "The future of Nigeria is in our hands.", "Let us not squander it.", "Let us reject, break and bind the forces that seek to control and pervert our destiny.", "Let us come together as one people and build a better future for all."], "trgs": ["\u00c0m'a scartari i forzi d\u00e2 spartuta e di l'odiu.", "\u00c0m'a r\u00f9mpiri i catini d\u00e2 puvirt\u00e0 e d\u00e2 gnuranza.", "E n'\u00e0m'a j\u00f9nciri tutti nz\u00e8mmula pi na causa cumuni: criari un futuru megghiu p\u00e2 Niggeria.", "A sorti d\u00e2 Niggeria nun \u00e8 chi\u1e0d\u1e0da di \u00e8ssiri terra di spartuti e di sciarri.", "\u0400 di \u00e8ssiri terra di junciuta e prugressu.", "\u0400 di \u00e8ssiri na terra unni cu \u00e8-\u00e8 po aviri n'uccasiuni di cr\u00ecsciri, a pari storia passata e cosi successi.", "Ma nun putemu arrivari a stu futuru senza travagghiari nz\u00e8mmula.", "\u00c0m'a scartari \u1e0d\u1e0di forzi ca pr\u00f2vanu a spart\u00ecrini e n'\u00e0m'a j\u00f9nciri tutti comu un p\u00f2polu sanu.", "\u00c0m'a r\u00f9mpiri i catini d\u00e2 puvirt\u00e0 e d\u00e2 gnuranza ca ni trattennu.", "E n'\u00e0m'a j\u00f9nciri tutti nz\u00e8mmula pi na causa cumuni: criari un futuru megghiu p\u00e2 Niggeria.", "U futuru d\u00e2 Niggeria \u00e8 nt\u00ea nostri manu.", "Nun lu sfardamu.", "Scartamu, stuccamu e lijamu i forzi ca pr\u00f2vanu a supranijari e scarruggiari u nostru fatu.", "Junc\u00e8muni tutti nz\u00e8mmula comu un p\u00f2pulu sanu e criamu un futuru megghiu pi nautri tutti."], "factuality": "ok"} -{"id": "topic_336__cwjojwssattttt", "sl": "en", "tl": "scn", "srcs": ["\"Complete your Amazon shopping experience with our new and improved ad service!\" the ad read.", "\"With our service, you'll never have to worry about missing out on a great deal again.", "Just sit back and relax, and we'll take care of the rest.", "Our service is completely free to use, and it's easy to get started.", "Just sign up for an account and start adding products to your cart.", "When you're ready to check out, our service will automatically find the best deals for you and apply them to your order.", "So what are you waiting for?", "Sign up for our service today and start saving money on all your Amazon purchases!\"", "As the customer clicked on the ad, they were whisked away to a new website.", "The website was full of ads for all sorts of products, all of which were supposedly on sale.", "The customer was tempted to buy a few things, but they hesitated.", "They had heard stories about people getting scammed by online ads, and they didn't want to be one of them.", "The customer decided to do some research on the company that was running the ad.", "They found a few negative reviews, but most of the reviews were positive."], "trgs": ["\"Cumpleta a to spirienza di acc\u00e0ttitu Amazon c\u00fb nostru sirbizzu di pubbilict\u00e0 novu e ammigghiuratu!\" diciva l'annunziu.", "\"C\u00fb nostru sirbizzu, nun t'h\u00e2 frasturnari mai cchi\u00f9 di ti p\u00e8rdiri un bon'affari.", "Ass\u00e8ttati e ril\u00e0ssati, ca \u00f4 restu cci pinzamu nuiautri.", "U nostru sirbizzu \u00e8 cumpletamenti grat\u00f9itu ed \u00e8 f\u00e0cili accuminzari.", "Abbasta riggistrari un prufilu e accuminciari a agghi\u00f9nciri prudutti \u00f4 to carre\u1e0d\u1e0du.", "Quannu s\u00ec prontu \u00f4 pagamentu, u nostru sirbizzu truvar\u00e0 'n autum\u00e0ticu i megghiu ufferti pi tia e l'appricar\u00e0 \u00f4 to \u00f2rdini.", "Allura chi sta' aspitannu?", "Scr\u00ecviti oji \u00f4 nostru sirbizzu e accumenza a sparagnari sordi supra tutti i to acc\u00e0ttiti Amazon!\"", "Comu u clienti munc\u00ecu a pubblicit\u00e0, fu mmiatu nta n'autru situ.", "Stu situ era chinu di pubblicit\u00e0 pi tutti i tipi di prudutti, tutti prisumibbirmenti 'n v\u00ecnnita.", "U clienti fu ntantatu d'accattari na para di cosi, ma si scantau.", "Av\u00eca ntisu stori di cristiani ca av\u00ecanu statu mmrugghiati di pubblicit\u00e0 nt\u00e2 riti e nun vuleva \u00e8ssiri unu di i\u1e0d\u1e0di.", "U clienti addicid\u00ecu di fari quarchi risciduta supra l'azzienna ca aviva pubblicatu l'annunziu.", "Truvau quarchi ricinzioni nigativa, ma a majur\u00eca d\u00ee ricinzioni era pusitiva."], "factuality": "ok"} -{"id": "topic_360__tiiitibidisswiiia", "sl": "en", "tl": "scn", "srcs": ["The black dog came to me in the night.", "It had cold, wet fur and its eyes were like coals.", "It growled at me and I could smell its breath, hot and reeking of death.", "I knew that I must run, but my legs were leaden and I could not move.", "The dog came closer and closer, its teeth bared.", "I closed my eyes and waited for the end.", "But then I heard a voice.", "It was a woman's voice, soft and gentle.", "\"Do not be afraid,\" she said. \"I will help you.\"", "I opened my eyes and saw the woman standing in front of me.", "She was tall and slender, with long black hair and dark eyes.", "She wore a white dress that flowed around her like a mist.", "\"Who are you?\" I asked. \"I am the Angel of Death,\" she said.", "\"I have come to take you to the other side.\" I was not afraid anymore.", "I knew that the woman would take me to a place where there was no pain or suffering.", "I took her hand and she led me away.", "As we walked, the black dog followed us."], "trgs": ["U cani n\u00ecguru vinni nte mia di notti.", "Aviva friddu, a pi\u1e0d\u1e0dizza vagnata e i so occhi \u00e8ranu comu carbuni.", "Mi nfutava contra e put\u00eca ciagurari u so ciatu, caudu e fitusu di morti.", "Sapeva ca av\u00eca a c\u00f9rriri, ma i me jammi \u00e8ranu pisanti nun mi rinisciva a m\u00f2viri.", "U cani ncugnava e ncugnava a denti stritti.", "Chiudivu l'occhi e aspittavu a fini.", "Ma appoi sintivu na vuci.", "Era na vuci fimminina, leggia e gintili.", "\"Nun ti scantari\", dissi. \"T'ajutu jeu\".", "Rapivu l'occhi e vitti a f\u00ecmmina \u00e2 dritta davanzi a mia.", "Era auta e sicca, cu longhi capi\u1e0d\u1e0di n\u00ecguri e e occhi scuri.", "Aviva n'\u00e0bbitu jancu ca fluiva ntunnu a i\u1e0d\u1e0da comu negghia.", "\"Cu' s\u00ec tu?\" spiavu. \"Sugnu l'\u00c0ncilu d\u00e2 Morti\", dissi.", "\"Vinni pi ti purtari a l'autru latu\". Nun mi spagnava cchi\u00f9.", "Sap\u00eca ca a f\u00ecmmina m'avissi purtatu nta un postu unni nun cc'\u00e8 duluri ne suffirenza.", "Pigghiavu a so manu e mi purtau via.", "Mentri ca camin\u00e0vamu, u cani n\u00ecguru ni sicutava."], "factuality": "ok"} -{"id": "custom_4__iifdfdfd", "sl": "en", "tl": "scn", "srcs": ["I'm Dr. Boakye, a pediatrician at the Korle Bu Teaching Hospital.", "I'm here today to talk to you about the new malaria vaccine that's been approved for use in Ghana.", "Father: I'm not interested in having my children vaccinated.", "Doctor: I understand that you're concerned, but I'd like to take a few minutes to explain why I think it's a good idea to vaccinate your children against malaria.", "Father: I don't need to be convinced. Malaria is a serious disease, but it's not that common in our village.", "Doctor: That's true, but malaria is still a major public health problem in Ghana. In 2020, there were over 24 million cases of malaria in Ghana, and over 4,000 people died from the disease", "Father: But my children are healthy. They've never had malaria", "Doctor: That's good, but it doesn't mean they're immune. Anyone can get malaria, even if they've never had it before."], "trgs": ["Sugnu u Dr. Boakye, un pidiatra \u00f4 Spitali Univirsitariu Korle Bu.", "Oji sugnu cca pi parr\u00e0rivi d\u00fb novu vaccinu p\u00e2 malaria ca fu appruvatu pi l'usu 'n Ghana.", "Patri: Nun sugnu ntirissati a fari vaccinari i me figghi.", "Dutturi: Capisciu ca vass\u00eca \u00e8 frasturnatu, ma vulissi pigghiari quarchi minutu pi schicari picch\u00ec penzu ca \u00e8 na bona pinzata fari vaccinari i so figghi contra a malaria.", "Patri: Nun \u00e0ju di bisognu di \u00e8ssiri pirsuasu. A malaria \u00e8 na malat\u00eca seria, ma nun \u00e8 accuss\u00ec cumuni nt\u00f4 nostru vi\u1e0d\u1e0daggiu.", "Dutturi: Veru \u00e8, ma a malaria \u00e8 ancora un prubblema p\u00f9bblicu granni 'n Ghana. Nt\u00f4 2020, cc'\u00e8ranu cchi\u00f9 assai di 24 miliuna di casi di malaria 'n Ghana e cchi\u00f9 assai di 4,000 cristianu mureru p\u00e2 malat\u00eca.", "Patri: Ma i me figghi su' sani. Nun \u00e0nnu avutu mai a malaria.", "Dutturu: \u00c8 bonu, ma nun sign\u00ecfica ca su' mmuni. Cu' \u00e8-\u00e8 po pigghiari a malaria, macari si nun l'\u00e0nnu avutu mai."], "factuality": "has_errors"} -{"id": "topic_389__sibsiiiisytiia", "sl": "en", "tl": "scn", "srcs": ["\"So, I was just on the internet, minding my own business, when I saw this pop-up ad that said I had a virus on my computer.", "I was like, \"What? No way!\"", "But then I clicked on it, and it took me to this website that looked really official, and it said that I needed to download this software to fix the virus.", "So I did, and I installed it, and then it started filling my computer with all this malware.", "I was so mad!", "I tried to uninstall it, but it wouldn't let me.", "I finally had to take my computer to a repair shop, and they had to wipe the whole thing and reinstall Windows.", "It was a total nightmare.", "So, that's why I'm always so careful about clicking on pop-up ads.", "You never know what they're going to do.", "They could be filled with malware, or they could steal your personal information.", "It's just not worth the risk.", "If you ever see a pop-up ad that looks suspicious, just close it and don't click on it.", "And if you're ever not sure whether or not it's safe, just don't do it."], "trgs": ["\"Allura, era ncapu a internet, a f\u00e0rimi l'affari me, quannu vitti a st'annunziu pop-up ca dic\u00eca ca av\u00eca un virus nt\u00f4 me computer.", "Pinzavi, \"Chi? Mpuss\u00ecbbili!\"", "Ma doppu cci ammaccavi, e mi purtau nta stu situ web ca parsi cosa seria, e dic\u00eca ca av\u00eca di bisognu di scarricari stu software pi sanari u virus.", "Adunca lu fici, e lu nzitavi, e doppu accuminciau a j\u00ecnchiri u computer cu tutti sti malware.", "Era accuss\u00ec arraggiatu!", "Pruvavi a scancillallu, ma nun m\u00fb fici fari.", "\u00c2 fini appi a purtari u computer a na putija d'abbirsatura, unni l'\u00e0ppiru a pulizziari tuttu paru e scarricari arr\u00e8 Windows.", "Un malusonnu fu.", "Adunca, pi chistu staju sempri accura a ammaccari l'annunzi pup-up.", "Nun si sapi mai zoccu fannu.", "Ponnu \u00e8ssiri chini di malware, o ti ponnu mpaccari i nfurmazzioni privati.", "Nun vali a pena arrisicari.", "Si\u1e0d\u1e0du ti succedi di v\u00ecdiri un pop-up ca pari suspettu, chi\u00f9jilu e nun cci ammaccari.", "E si nun si certu si\u1e0d\u1e0du \u00e8 sicuru o no, nun lu fari e bonu."], "factuality": "ok"} -{"id": "topic_219__hii123r45", "sl": "en", "tl": "scn", "srcs": ["Here is a delicious pork dish from the county of Lancashire.", "Ingredients: 1kg pork belly, 1 tbsp English mustard, 1 tbsp black treacle, 1 tbsp cider vinegar, 1 tbsp Worcestershire sauce, 1 tbsp vegetable oil, 1 large onion, 4 cloves garlic, 2 bay leaves, 1 sprig of thyme, 100ml cider, 100ml chicken stock, 1 tbsp cornflour, 2 tbsp cold water.", "Instructions:", "1. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees.", "2. Trim the pork belly of any excess fat and score the skin in a criss-cross pattern.", "3. In a bowl, mix together the mustard, treacle, vinegar, Worcestershire sauce and oil.", "Rub this mixture all over the pork belly.", "4. Place the pork belly in a roasting tin and roast in the oven for 2 hours, or until the skin is golden brown and the meat is cooked through.", "5. While the pork is roasting, finely chop the onion, garlic, bay leaves and thyme."], "trgs": ["Eccu na sapurusa pitanza a basi di porcu d\u00e2 cuntea d\u00fb Lancashire.", "Conzi: 1kg di panzare\u1e0d\u1e0da di porcu, 1 cucchiara di s\u00ecnapa ngrisi, 1 cucchiara di milassa n\u00ecgura, 1 cucchiara di acitu di puma, 1 cucchiara di sarsa Worchestershire, 1 cucchiara di ogghiu viggitali, 1 cipu\u1e0d\u1e0da grossa, 4 spicchi di agghiu, 2 p\u00e0mpini di a\u1e0d\u1e0dauru, 1 ramice\u1e0d\u1e0da di satare\u1e0d\u1e0da, 100ml di vinu di puma, 100ml di brodu di pu\u1e0d\u1e0du, 1 cucchiara di farina di simenzi, 2 cucchiari d'acqua fridda.", "Istruzzioni:", "1. Priquadija u furnu nzinu a 180 gradi.", "2. Leva d\u00e2 panzare\u1e0d\u1e0da di porcu tuttu u grasciu superchiu e ntagghia a pe\u1e0d\u1e0di a cruci.", "2. Nta na ci\u00f2tula, ammiscati nz\u00e8mmula a s\u00ecnapa, a milassa, l'acitu, a sausa Worcestershire e l'ogghiu.", "Strica st'ammiscata supra a panzare\u1e0d\u1e0da di porcu.", "4. Metti a panzare\u1e0dda di porcu nta na tigghia e arrusti nt\u00f4 furnu pi 2 uri, o nzinu a quannu a pe\u1e0d\u1e0di \u00e8 durata e a carni \u00e8 cotta.", "5. Mentri ca u porcu arrusti, capul\u00eca fini a cipu\u1e0d\u1e0da, l'agghiu, i p\u00e0mpini d'a\u1e0d\u1e0dauru e a satare\u1e0d\u1e0da."], "factuality": "ok"} -{"id": "topic_541__nhmhaimhiahm", "sl": "en", "tl": "scn", "srcs": ["Nelson Mandela is a South African anti-apartheid revolutionary, political leader, and philanthropist who served as the first black president of South Africa from 1994 to 1999.", "He is widely regarded as one of the most significant figures in world history.", "Mandela was born in 1918 in Mvezo, South Africa.", "He grew up in a rural village and was educated at a Methodist mission school.", "After high school, he studied law at the University of Fort Hare.", "In 1944, he joined the African National Congress (ANC), a political organization that was fighting against apartheid.", "Mandela was arrested for his political activities in 1962 and sentenced to life in prison.", "He spent 27 years in prison, during which time he became a symbol of the anti-apartheid movement.", "In 1990, Mandela was released from prison and elected president of South Africa in 1994.", "As president, Mandela worked to unite South Africa and promote reconciliation between blacks and whites.", "He also oversaw the end of apartheid and the transition to a democratic government.", "Mandela is a Nobel Peace Prize laureate and has been awarded numerous other honors."], "trgs": ["Nelson Mandela \u00e8 un rivuluzziunariu anti-apartheid, capu pul\u00ecticu e fil\u00e0ntrupu ca fu u primu prisidenti n\u00ecguru d\u00fb Sudd\u00e0frica d\u00fb 1994-1999.", "\u00c8 largamenti cunzidiratu una d\u00ee figuri cchi\u00f9 mpurtanti d\u00e2 storia munniali.", "Nelson Mandela \u00e8 un rivuluzziunariu anti-apartheid, capu pul\u00ecticu e fil\u00e0ntrupu ca fu u primu prisidenti n\u00ecguru d\u00fb Sudd\u00e0frica d\u00fb 1994-1999.", "Crisc\u00ecu nna un vi\u1e0d\u1e0daggiu rurali e fu ducatu nta na scola missiunaria mitudista.", "Doppu a scola supiriuri, studiau liggi a l'Univirsit\u00e0 di Fort Hare.", "Nt\u00f4 1944, si junc\u00ecu \u00f4 Cungressu Nazziunali Africanu (CNA), n'urganizzazzioni pul\u00ectica ca stava cummattennu contra l'apartheid.", "Mandela fu attaccatu p\u00ee so attivit\u00e0 pul\u00ectichi nt\u00f4 1962 e fu cunnannatu a l'erg\u00e0stulu.", "Stetti 27 anni 'n c\u00e0rzaru, duranti st'anni addivintau un s\u00ecmmulu d\u00fb muvimentu anti-apartheid.", "Nt\u00f4 1990, Mandela fu scarzaratu e a\u1e0d\u1e0dijutu prisidenti d\u00fb Sudd\u00e0frica nn\u00f4 1994.", "Comu prisidenti, Mandela travagghiau pi j\u00f9nciri u Suddi \u00c0frica e prum\u00f2viri u ricunciliamentu ntra i n\u00ecguri e i janchi.", "Sparti, supravisiunau a fini di l'apartheid a tranzizzioni \u00f4n guvernu dimucr\u00e0ticu.", "Mandela fu azzizzatu d\u00fb Premiu Nobel p\u00e2 paci e di autri anurificenzi."], "factuality": "has_errors"} -{"id": "topic_507__atswotiwiiii", "sl": "en", "tl": "scn", "srcs": ["After school, I usually go home and do my homework.", "Then I might watch TV or play video games.", "Sometimes I go out with my friends.", "We might go to the movies, or to a park, or just hang out at someone's house.", "On weekends, I often sleep in late.", "Then I might go shopping, or see a movie, or go to a museum.", "I also like to spend time with my family.", "We might go out to dinner, or play games, or just watch TV together.", "I'm really enjoying my life after school.", "I have a lot of freedom, and I can do whatever I want.", "I'm also learning a lot about myself, and about the world around me.", "I'm excited to see what the future holds."], "trgs": ["Doppu a scola di s\u00f2litu vaju \u00e2 casa e fazzu i c\u00f2mpiti.", "Appoi capaci ca tal\u00ecu a TV o jocu \u00ea vidiujoca.", "\u00ca voti nesciu ch\u00ee me amici.", "Capaci ca jemu \u00f4 c\u00ecnima, o a un parcu, o puru stamu \u00e2 casa di quarchidunu.", "Nt\u00ea fini simana, dormu spissu nzinu a tardu.", "Appoi capaci ca vaju a accattu cosi, vidu un firmu o vaju \u00f4n museu.", "Mi piaci macari passari n'anticchia di tempu c\u00e2 me famigghia.", "Capaci ca niscemu a cena, o jucamu, o puru talianu a TV nz\u00e8mmula.", "Mi sta piacennu pi daveru a me vita doppu a scola.", "\u00c0ju assai libbirt\u00e0 e pozzu fari zoccu \u00e8-\u00e8 vogghiu.", "Mi staju macari nzignannu assai riguardu a mia e u munnu ntunnu a mia.", "Sugnu mpacenti di v\u00ecdiri zoccu mi risarbar\u00e0 u futuru."], "factuality": "ok"} -{"id": "topic_15__uobtottam", "sl": "en", "tl": "scn", "srcs": ["Using data to help people with mental health issues is a relatively new field, but it is showing great promise.", "One example is the use of data to personalize therapy for patients.", "By looking at a patient's individual data, therapists can better understand their needs and create a treatment plan that is tailored to them.", "This can lead to better outcomes for patients, as they are more likely to receive the help that they need.", "One study, which was published in the journal \"JAMA Psychiatry,\" found that patients who received personalized therapy based on their data were more likely to improve their symptoms than those who received standard therapy.", "The study also found that the patients who received personalized therapy were more likely to stay in treatment for longer periods of time.", "This study is just one example of how data can be used to improve mental health care.", "As more research is done in this area, we can expect to see even more advances in the use of data to help people with mental health issues.", "My sister is a therapist who uses data to help her patients."], "trgs": ["Usari i dati pi ajutari i cristiani cu prubblemi di saluti mintali \u00e8 un campu rilativamenti novu, ma sta prumittennu bonu.", "Nu scempru \u00e8 l'usu d\u00ee dati pi pirsunalizzari a tirap\u00eca p\u00ee pacenti.", "Taliannu \u00ea dati nnividuali di un pacenti, i tirapisti ponnu capiri megghiu i so bisogni e criari un chianu di cura a misura pi i\u1e0d\u1e0di.", "Chistu po purtari a risurtati megghiu p\u00ee pacenti, siccomu \u00e8 cchi\u00f9 prubb\u00e0bbili ca ric\u00ecvinu l'ajutu ca ci giuva.", "Nu studiu, ca fu pubblicatu nt\u00f4 jurnali \"JAMA Psichiatr\u00eca\", scupr\u00ecu ca \u00e8 cchi\u00f9 assai prubb\u00e0bbili ca i pacenti ca riciv\u00ecanu na tirap\u00eca basata supra i so dati av\u00ecanu na prubbabbilit\u00e0 majuri di ammigghiurari i so s\u00ecntumi rispettu a chi\u1e0d\u1e0di ca riciv\u00ecvanu na tirap\u00eca nurmali.", "U studiu scupr\u00ecu macari ca i pacenti ca riciv\u00e8vanu a tirap\u00eca pirsunalizzata av\u00ecvanu prubbabbilit\u00e0 cchi\u00f9 auti di arristari 'n cura pi pir\u00ecudi cchi\u00f9 longhi di tempu.", "Stu studiu \u00e8 sulu n'esempiu di comu i dati ponnu \u00e8ssiri usati pi ammigghiurari a saluti mintali.", "Cu l'aumentu d\u00e2 risciduta fatta nta stu sitturi, ni putemu aspittari ancora cchi\u00f9 avanzamenti nta l'usu d\u00ee dati pi ajutari i cristiani cu prubblemi di saluti mintali.", "Me soru \u00e8 na tirapista ca usa i dati pi ajutari i so pacenti."], "factuality": "ok"} -{"id": "topic_95__ftoitittfs", "sl": "en", "tl": "scn", "srcs": ["Freshwater lakes are home to a wide variety of flora and fauna, from microscopic algae to large fish and mammals.", "The unique environment of freshwater lakes provides a variety of habitats for these organisms, and the interactions between them are complex and fascinating.", "One of the most striking features of freshwater lakes is the presence of a distinct zonation of plant life, which is determined by the depth of the water and the amount of sunlight that reaches the bottom.", "In shallow areas, where there is plenty of light, a dense mat of rooted plants known as a \"macrophyte bed\" forms.", "This provides a habitat for a variety of invertebrates, fish, and amphibians.", "In deeper areas, where there is less light, the water column is dominated by phytoplankton, which are microscopic algae that float freely in the water.", "These organisms are the primary producers in the lake ecosystem, and they are the basis of the food chain.", "The fauna of freshwater lakes is also diverse, and includes a wide variety of fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals.", "Fish are the most abundant vertebrates in freshwater lakes, and they play a vital role in the food chain.", "Some of the most common fish species in freshwater lakes include trout, bass, pike, and perch."], "trgs": ["I lachi d'acqua duci \u00f2spitanu na larga varit\u00e0 di flora e fauna, di l'\u00e0lichi micrusc\u00f2pichi \u00ea grossi pisci e mamm\u00ecfari.", "L'ammienti \u00f9nicu d\u00ee lachi d'acqua duci furnisci na varit\u00e0 di habitat pi st'urgan\u00ecsimi, e i ntirazzioni ntra i\u1e0d\u1e0di su' traficusi e ammagusi.", "Una d\u00ee carattar\u00ecstichi cchi\u00f9 mpurtanti d\u00ee lachi d'acqua duci \u00e8 a prisenza di na zunazzioni distinta d\u00e2 vita viggitali, ca \u00e8 ditirminata d\u00e2 prufunnit\u00e0 di l'acqua e d\u00e2 quantit\u00e0 di luci sulari ca ragghiunci u funnu.", "Nt\u00ea banni picca funnuti, unni cc'\u00e8 na sfunnacata di luci, si furma nu ncuttu tappitu di chianti radicati canusciutu comu \"lettu di macr\u00f2fiti\".", "Chistu furnisci n'habitat a diversi mmirtibbrati, pisci e anfibbi.", "Nt\u00ea banni cchi\u00f9 funnuti, unni cc'\u00e8 cchi\u00f9 picca luci, a culonna d'acqua \u00e8 supranijata di fituplancton, ca su' \u00e0lichi micrusc\u00f2pichi ca gall\u00e8ggianu l\u00ecbbiri nta l'acqua.", "St'urgan\u00ecsimi su' i prudutturi primari nta l'ecusistema d\u00fb lacu e su' u pidamentu d\u00e2 catina alimintari.", "A fauna d\u00ee lachi d'acqua duci \u00e8 macari vaira e cumprenni na granni varit\u00e0 di pisci, anfibbi, r\u00e8ttili, ace\u1e0d\u1e0di e mamm\u00ecfiri.", "I pisci su' i virtibbrati cchi\u00f9 abbunanti nt\u00ea lachi d'acqua duci", "Ntra i speci di pisci cchi\u00f9 cumuni cci su' a trutta, a sp\u00ecnula, u luzzu e a perchia."], "factuality": "has_errors"} -{"id": "stt_479__titaitta", "sl": "en", "tl": "scn", "srcs": ["The stainless steel plate is a good conductor of heat, so it can help to dissipate heat from the fire, while the fire proof rock wool is a good insulator, so it can help to prevent the fire from spreading.", "In addition, the storage area is also equipped with a fire alarm system, so that if there is a fire, the alarm will sound and the fire department will be notified.", "The storage area is also regularly inspected by the fire department, so that any potential fire hazards can be identified and addressed before they become a problem.", "As a result of these measures, the storage area is a safe and secure place to store valuable goods.", "In addition to the fire safety measures, the storage area is also equipped with a security system to protect against theft.", "The security system consists of a surveillance camera, a burglar alarm, and a security guard.", "The surveillance camera monitors the area 24 hours a day, the burglar alarm is activated if anyone tries to break in, and the security guard is on duty to patrol the area and respond to any incidents.", "As a result of these security measures, the storage area is a safe and secure place to store valuable goods."], "trgs": ["A balata di azzaru nussid\u00e0bbili \u00e8 un bonu cunnutturi di caluri, adunca po ajutari a scarricari u caluri d\u00fb focu, mmeci a lana di rocca risistenti \u00f4 focu \u00e8 nu bonu isulaturi, accuss\u00ec po scanzari ca u focu si diffunni.", "Sparti, u magasenu \u00e8 dutatu di un sistema d'allarmi antincenniu, accuss\u00ec ca, si cc'\u00e8 nu ncenniu, l'allarmi sona e i pumperi vennu abbisati.", "U magasenu veni cuntrullatu rigularimenti d\u00ee pumpera, accuss\u00ec ca ogni putinziali r\u00ecsicu di ncenniu po \u00e8ssiri idintificatu e risortu prima di addivintari un prubblema.", "Grazzi a sti misuri, u magasenu \u00e8 un postu sicuru \u00e8 prutettu pi sarbari beni di valuri.", "Sparti \u00ea misuri di sicurenza antincenniu, u magasenu \u00e8 macari equipaggiatu cu un sistema di sicurizza pi prutigg\u00ecrisi di l'arrubbatini.", "U sistema di sicurizza cunzisti nta na vidiuc\u00e0mmara di guardijatina, n'allarmi antiarrubbatina e na guardia giurata.", "A vidiuc\u00e0mmara di guardijatina cuntrolla l'aria pi 24 uri \u00f4 jornu, l'allarmi antiarrubbatina veni attivatu quannu quarchidunu prova a tr\u00e0siri e a guardia giurata \u00e8 'n sirbizzu pi guardijari l'aria e risp\u00f9nniri a evintuali mpidugghi.", "Grazzi a sti misuri di sicurizza, u magasenu \u00e8 un postu sicuru \u00e8 prutettu pi sarbari beni di valuri."], "factuality": "has_errors"} -{"id": "topic_424__fftsooatcfo", "sl": "en", "tl": "scn", "srcs": ["Facebook Users Drunkenly Post About Their Lives", "Facebook users are getting drunk and posting about their lives, and it's causing a stir.", "The social media platform has been flooded with photos and videos of people who are clearly intoxicated, and many of them are sharing personal details about themselves that they wouldn't normally share.", "Some users are concerned that the trend is dangerous, as it could lead to people making poor decisions or doing things they regret.", "Others are simply amused by the antics of their fellow drunk Facebook users.", "One user posted a photo of herself passed out on the floor with the caption, \"I'm so drunk I can't even stand up.\"", "Another user shared a video of herself dancing on a table while shouting, \"I'm the life of the party!\"", "The trend has even caught the attention of celebrities.", "Comedian Amy Schumer posted a photo of herself on Twitter with the caption, \"I'm so drunk I can't even spell my own name.\"", "Facebook has not commented on the trend, but it's clear that it's causing a stir.", "Only time will tell whether the trend will continue or fade away."], "trgs": ["L'Utenti Di Facebook P\u00f2stanu Mmriachi Cosi Supra \u00ca So Viti", "L'utenti di Facebook si stannu mmriacannu e pustannu cosi supra \u00ea so viti, e sta facennu scrusciu.", "A chiattafurma social media fu nunnata di fotu e vidiu di cristiani chiaramenti mmriachi, e assai di i\u1e0d\u1e0da sta spartennu minutagghi pirsunali ca nun spart\u00ecssiru nurmali.", "Quarchi utenti \u00e8 pruccupatu ca sta tinnenza \u00e8 piriculusa, picch\u00ec putissi purtari \u00ea cristiani a fari dicisioni sbagghiati o fari cosi ca si nni p\u00e8ntinu.", "L'autri su' sulu divirtuti di babbijati d\u00ee so cumpari culleghi mmriachi nte Facebook.", "N'utenti pustau na fotu di i\u1e0d\u1e0da assincupata nt\u00f4 pavimentu c\u00e2 discrizzioni, \"Sugnu accuss\u00ec mmriaca ca nun m\u00e2 fidu mancu a sus\u00ecrimi\".", "N'autru utenti spart\u00ecu un vidiu di i\u1e0d\u1e0da ca abballa supra na t\u00e0vula mentri ca schigghia, \"Sugnu l'arma d\u00e2 festa!\"", "A tinnenza acchiappau l'attinzioni d\u00ee cilibbrit\u00e0, sparti.", "A c\u00f2mica Amy Schumer pustau na fotu di i\u1e0d\u1e0da c\u00e2 discrizzioni, \"Sugnu accuss\u00ec mmriaca ca nun rinesciu nimmancu a scr\u00ecviri u me stissu nomu\".", "Facebook nun \u00e0vi ancora cummintatu a tinnenza, ma \u00e8 chiaru ca sta facennu scrusciu.", "Sulu u tempu ni dir\u00e0 si a tinnenza sicutar\u00e0 o scumparir\u00e0."], "factuality": "has_errors"} -{"id": "zambia_current__zizzhttcotz", "sl": "en", "tl": "scn", "srcs": ["Zambia is a landlocked country in Southern Africa.", "It is bordered by Angola to the west, the Democratic Republic of the Congo to the north, Tanzania to the northeast, Malawi to the east, Mozambique to the southeast, Zimbabwe to the south, and Botswana to the southwest.", "Zambia has a population of over 17 million people and a land area of 752,618 square kilometers.", "Zambia's current president is Hakainde Hichilema, who was elected in August 2021.", "Hichilema is a member of the United Party for National Development (UPND).", "The UPND is the largest opposition party in Zambia.", "The economy of Zambia is based on copper mining.", "Copper is the country's largest export.", "Other important exports include cobalt, zinc, and lead.", "The Zambian economy has been struggling in recent years due to low copper prices.", "Zambia is a member of the United Nations, the African Union, and the Southern African Development Community (SADC)."], "trgs": ["Comu prisidenti, Mandela travagghiau pi j\u00f9nciri u Sudd\u00e0frica e prum\u00f2viri u ricunciliamentu ntra i n\u00ecguri e i janchi.", "\u00c0vi comu finaiti l'Angola a punenti, a Rip\u00f9bblica dimucr\u00e0tica d\u00fb Congu a nordi, a Tanzan\u00eca \u00f4 nordi-livanti, u Malawi a livanti, u Muzzammicu \u00f4 suddi-livanti, Zimbabwe a suddi e u Botswana a suddi-punenti", "U Zammia \u00e0vi na pupulazzioni di cchi\u00f9 assai di 17 miliuna di cristiani, e na spanzioni di 752,618 chil\u00f2mitri quatrati.", "U prisidenti attuali d\u00fb Zammia \u00e8 Hakainde Hichilema, a fu a\u1e0d\u1e0dijutu nta l'agustu d\u00fb 2021.", "Hichilema \u00e8 m\u00e8mmiru d\u00fb Partitu Junciutu p\u00fb Sbiluppu Nazziunali (PJSN).", "U PJSN \u00e8 u cchi\u00f9 granni partitu di cuntrastu nn\u00f4 Zammia.", "A canum\u00eca d\u00fb Zammia \u00e8 basata ncapu a minatura d\u00fb ramu.", "U ramu \u00e8 a cchi\u00f9 granni spurtazzioni d\u00e2 nazzioni.", "Autri spurtazzioni mpurtanti sunnu cubbartu, zincu e chiummu.", "Nta l'\u00f9rtimi anni a calum\u00eca d\u00fb Zammia sta ntrubbulannu a causa d\u00ee costi cchi\u00f9 vasci d\u00fb ramu.", "U Zammia \u00e8 m\u00e8mmiru d\u00ee Nazzioni Junciuta, d\u00e2 Junciuta Africana e d\u00e2 Cumunit\u00e0 di Sbiluppu di l'\u00c0frica Miridiunali (CSAM)."], "factuality": "ok"} -{"id": "topic_106__ttmbtmbp", "sl": "en", "tl": "scn", "srcs": ["The signing of Lionel Messi by Paris Saint-Germain sent shockwaves through the world of soccer.", "The Argentine superstar had been one of the most coveted players in the world for years, and his arrival in Paris marked a major turning point in the club's history.", "Messi had spent his entire professional career with Barcelona, where he had won everything there was to win.", "But after a tumultuous few months, he decided to leave the club and sign with PSG.", "The move was a major coup for PSG, who were looking to add a superstar to their squad in order to compete for the Champions League title.", "Messi's signing was met with excitement by PSG fans, who were eager to see the world's best player in action.", "But there were also some concerns about how he would fit into the team.", "PSG already had a number of talented players, and it was unclear how Messi would be able to work with them."], "trgs": ["U cuntrattu di Lionel Messi c\u00fb Paris Saint-Germain fici trimari u munnu d\u00fb palluni.", "A superstar argintina av\u00eca statu pi anni unu d\u00ee jucatura cchi\u00f9 disijati \u00f4 munnu e u so arrivu a Pariggi signau un puntu di vutata nt\u00e2 storia d\u00fb club.", "Messi aveva passatu a so carrera prufissiunali sana c\u00fb Barcilluni, unni av\u00eca vintu tuttu chi\u1e0d\u1e0du ca cc'era 'i v\u00ecnciri.", "Ma doppu na para di misi tr\u00f9bbuli, addicid\u00ecu di lassari u club e firmari u cuntrattu c\u00fb PSG.", "A mossa fu un granni corpu p\u00fb PSG, ca vuliva agghi\u00f9nciri na superstar \u00e2 so squatra pi cump\u00e8tiri p\u00fb t\u00ectuli di Champions League.", "U cuntrattu di Messi fu accugghiutu cu entusi\u00e0simu d\u00ee fan d\u00fb PSG, ca nun vid\u00ecanu l'ura di v\u00ecdiri u megghiu jucaturi d\u00fb munnu a l'opra.", "Ma cc'era macari quarchi pruccupazzioni pi comu avissi statu nziccatu nt\u00e2 squatra.", "U PSG gi\u00e0 aviva na seri di jucaturi valenti, e nun era chiaru comu Messi avissi rinisciutu a travagghiari cu i\u1e0d\u1e0di."], "factuality": "has_errors"} -{"id": "topic_547__otgglbotcbgg", "sl": "en", "tl": "scn", "srcs": ["Of Mice and Men is a novel by John Steinbeck that tells the story of two migrant workers, George and Lennie, who travel together in search of work during the Great Depression.", "The novel is set in a time and place where the American Dream is all but dead, and the only way to survive is to stick together and look out for each other.", "George and Lennie are both dreamers.", "George dreams of one day owning a farm, where he and Lennie can live in peace and harmony.", "Lennie dreams of petting soft rabbits and being gentle with them.", "But their dreams are constantly thwarted by the harsh realities of the world they live in.", "One day, George and Lennie find work on a ranch in California.", "They are immediately befriended by Candy, an old ranch hand who is missing an arm.", "Candy tells George and Lennie about his dream of one day owning a small farm, and the three men decide to pool their money together to buy a farm.", "But their plans are once again thwarted when Lennie accidentally kills a woman.", "George is forced to shoot Lennie to prevent him from being lynched.", "George is devastated by Lennie's death, but he knows that it was the only thing he could do."], "trgs": ["Di Surci e \u00d2mini \u00e8 un rumanzu di John Steinbeck ca cunta a storia du' travagghiaturi migranti, Georgie e Lennie, ca trav\u00e0gghianu nz\u00e8mmula 'n traccia di travagghiu duranti a Granni Diprissioni.", "U rumanzu \u00e8 ammintatu nta n'\u00e8bbica e un postu unni u Sonnu Miricanu \u00e8 pratticamenti mortu e l'\u00f9nica manera pi suprav\u00ecviri \u00e8 arristari junciuti e difinn\u00ecrisi unu cu l'autru.", "George e Lennia su' tutti dui nzunnaturi.", "George nzonna un jornu di puss\u00e8diri na fattur\u00eca, unni i\u1e0d\u1e0du e Lennie ponnu campari 'n paci e armun\u00eca.", "Lennie nzonna di accarizzijari cunigghi mo\u1e0d\u1e0di e \u00e8ssiri gintili cu i\u1e0d\u1e0di.", "Ma i so sonni su' mpiduti a nzichitanza d\u00e2 dura rialit\u00e0 d\u00fb munnu unni stannu.", "Un jornu, Georgie e Lennie attr\u00f2vanu travagghiu nt\u00f4n ranch 'n California.", "Fannu s\u00f9bbitu amicizzia cu Candy, un vecchiu prupitariu di un ranch ca ci manca un vrazzu.", "Candy cunta George e Lennie u so sonnu di puss\u00e8diri na nica fattur\u00eca un jornu e i tri \u00f2mini addic\u00ecdinu di accucchiari i so dinari p'accattari na fattur\u00eca.", "Ma i so chiani vennu scunzati arreri quannu Lennie ammazza pi sbagghiu na f\u00ecmmina.", "George \u00e8 custrittu a sparari a Lennia pi scanzari ca veni linciatu.", "George \u00e8 divastatu d\u00e2 morti di Lennie, ma sapi ca \u00e8 l'unica cosa ca put\u00eca fari."], "factuality": "ok"} -{"id": "topic_17__abiwababtwabtta", "sl": "en", "tl": "scn", "srcs": ["A: I'm so itchy! I think I have lice.", "B: Oh no! That's terrible.", "I know how to get rid of them, though.", "We can use a traditional remedy.", "A: What is it?", "B: We'll need some olive oil, some lemon juice, and a few cloves of garlic.", "A: Okay, I have all of that. What do we do with it?", "B: First, we'll mix the olive oil, lemon juice, and garlic together.", "Then, we'll apply it to your hair and scalp.", "We'll let it sit for about an hour.", "A: An hour? That sounds like a long time.", "B: It is, but it's worth it.", "The oil will help to suffocate the lice and the lemon juice will help to kill them.", "The garlic will help to repel them.", "A: Okay, I'll do it."], "trgs": ["A: Mi chi\u00f9rinu tutti cosi! Penzu ca mi pigghiavi i pidocchi.", "B: Oh no! Chissu \u00e8 traggidiusu.", "Sacciu comu sbarazz\u00e0risi di i\u1e0d\u1e0di, cumunca.", "Putemu usari na cura tradizziunali.", "A: Chi fussi?", "B: Ni serbi ogghiu d'aliva, tecchia di sucu 'i lum\u00eca, e na para di spicchi d'agghiu", "A: Ok, \u00e0ju tutti ssi cosi. Chi cc'av\u00ecssimu a fari?", "B: Comu prima cosa, arriminamu l'ogghiu d'uliva, u sucu 'i lum\u00eca e l'agghiu nz\u00e8mmula.", "Doppu lu stricamu tuttu nn\u00ea capi\u1e0d\u1e0di e nn\u00f4 coriu capi\u1e0d\u1e0dutu.", "Lu lassamu ripusari p'ammeri n'ura.", "A: N'ura? Pari un tempu accuss\u00ec longu.", "B: Lu \u00e8, ma \u00e8 tuttu accanzatu.", "L'ogghiu ajuta a affucari i pidocchi e u sucu 'i lum\u00eca ajuta a ammazzalli.", "L'agghiu ajuta a arrassalli.", "A: Ok, lu fazzu."], "factuality": "has_errors"} -{"id": "topic_254__mtcyttiitwticnt", "sl": "en", "tl": "scn", "srcs": ["\"Mommy, what are those?\" the toddler asked, pointing at the plants in the living room.", "\"Those are plants,\" Mommy replied \"They're living things, just like you and me.\"", "\"Can I touch them?\" the toddler asked.", "\"Yes, you can, but be gentle,\" Mommy said \"The leaves are fragile.\"", "The toddler reached out and touched a leaf.", "The leaf felt soft and smooth.", "\"I like it,\" the toddler said.", "\"I'm glad,\" Mommy said. \"Plants are good for us. They help clean the air and make us feel better.\"", "The toddler continued to look at the plants. Then, he noticed a cable running along the floor.", "\"What's that?\" he asked.", "\"That's a cable,\" Mommy said.", "\"It's used to connect the TV to the wall.\"", "\"Can I touch it?\" the toddler asked.", "\"No, you can't,\" Mommy said. \"Cables can be dangerous.They can give you a shock.\"", "The toddler looked disappointed, but he didn't touch the cable."], "trgs": ["\"Mammuzza, chi su' chi\u1e0d\u1e0di?\" spiau u picciri\u1e0d\u1e0du, nnicannu i chianti nt\u00f4 salottu.", "\"Chi\u1e0d\u1e0di su' chianti\", rispunnia a Mammuzza \"Su' \u00e8ssiri viventi, propia comu a mia e a tia\".", "\"I pozzu tuccari?! spiau u picciri\u1e0d\u1e0du.", "\"Se, poi, ma h\u00e2 \u00e8ssiri dilicatu\", dissi a Mammuzza \"I p\u00e0mpini su' fracchi\".", "U picciri\u1e0d\u1e0du s'abbicinau e tuccau na p\u00e0mpina.", "A p\u00e0mpina era mo\u1e0d\u1e0da e liscia.", "\"Mi piaci\", dissi u picciri\u1e0d\u1e0du.", "\"Mi nni preju\", a Mammuzza dissi. \"I chianti su' boni pi nuiautri. Aj\u00f9tanu a pulizziari l'aria ni fannu s\u00e8ntiri.\"", "U picciri\u1e0d\u1e0du sicutau a taliari i chianti. Poi, s'addunau di un cavu ca passava sutta u pavimentu.", "\"Zoccu \u00e8 chi\u1e0d\u1e0du?\" spiau.", "\"\u00c8 un cavu\", dissi a Mammuzza.", "\"Si usa pi cunn\u00e8ttiri a TV \u00f4 muru\".", "\"U pozzu tuccari\" spiau u picciri\u1e0d\u1e0du.", "\"No, nun poi\", dissi a Mammuzza. \"I cavi ponnu \u00e8ssiri piriculusi. Ti ponnu dari a scossa.\"", "U picciri\u1e0d\u1e0du pariva dilusu, ma nun tuccau u cavu."], "factuality": "ok"} -{"id": "topic_354__biittontfft", "sl": "en", "tl": "scn", "srcs": ["Birthdays are a time to celebrate the day you were born.", "It is a day to reflect on all the good things in your life and to thank those who have made you who you are.", "It is also a day to set goals for the year ahead and to make plans for the future.", "To make the most of your birthday, start by making a list of all the things you are grateful for.", "This could include your family, friends, health, home, job, or anything else that is important to you.", "Once you have made your list, take some time to reflect on each item and how it has made your life better.", "Next, set some goals for the year ahead.", "These goals can be anything you want them to be, but they should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound.", "For example, you might set a goal to lose weight, get a promotion at work, or travel to a new place.", "Finally, make plans for the day of your birthday.", "This could include spending time with your loved ones, eating your favorite foods, or doing something you have always wanted to do."], "trgs": ["I cunchiudanni su' u tempu pi fistijari u jornu unni nascisti.", "\u0400 un jornu unni po' pinzari a tutti i cosi boni ca facisti e diri grazzi a chi\u1e0d\u1e0di ca ti f\u00ecciru addivintari zoccu si ora.", "\u0400 macari un jornu unni dic\u00ecdiri di nzirtari novi ubbittivi pi l'annu ca veni e fari chiani p\u00fb futuru.", "Pi passari \u00f4 megghiu u to cunchiudannu, accumincia facennu a lista d\u00ee cosi pi cu ti preji.", "Nni chissi ponnu tr\u00e0siri famigghia, amici, saluti, casa, travagghiu o cosi a qual'\u00e8-\u00e8 ca su mpurtanti pi tia.", "Na vota ca facisti a lista, p\u00ecgghiati tanticchia di tempu pi pinzari a ogniduna d\u00ee cosi e comu r\u00e8siru a to vita megghiu.", "Appoi, nzerta quarchi ubbittivu pi l'annu ca veni.", "Sti ubbittivi ponnu \u00e8ssiri zoccu vo, ma \u00e0nn'a \u00e8ssiri pricisi, mudirati, s\u00ecmplici di fari, mpurtanti e lesti di fari.", "Pi scempru, putissi macari nzirtari l'ubbittivu di scalari, pigghiari na prumuzzioni \u00f4 travagghiu, o viaggiari nzinu a na banna nova.", "Nfini, po' fari piani p\u00fb jornu d\u00fb to cunchiudannu.", "Nni chissu po tr\u00e0siri passari lu tempu cu chi\u1e0d\u1e0di ca ami, manciari zoccu ti piaci cchi\u00f9 assai o fari quarchi cosa ca \u00e0i sempri avutu gana di fari."], "factuality": "ok"} -{"id": "topic_211__ppplpptpblipt", "sl": "en", "tl": "scn", "srcs": ["Person 1: Romantic Comedies are so unrealistic.", "Person 2: I know, right? The love interests always fall in love at first sight, and they never have any problems.", "Person 1: And the conflicts are always so contrived.", "Like, in one movie, the couple broke up because the guy's best friend was in love with the girl.", "Person 2: That's so ridiculous. It's not like that happens in real life.", "Person 1: Exactly. And even when they do get together, it's always so perfect.", "They never have any fights or disagreements.", "Person 2: It's like the movies are trying to tell us that love is always easy and perfect.", "But that's not the case.", "Love is hard work.", "It takes time and effort to build a lasting relationship.", "Person 1: I know. That's why I don't watch rom-coms anymore.", "They give people unrealistic expectations about love."], "trgs": ["Pirsuna 1: Li cummedi rumantichi su accuss\u00ec irrialistichi.", "Pirsuna 2: U sacciu, veru? Li ntressi amurusi si nnam\u00f9ranu sempri \u00e2 prima taliata, e nun \u00e0nnu mai nu\u1e0d\u1e0du prubblema.", "Pirsuna 1: e li contrapigghiati sunnu sempri accuss\u00ec fausi.", "Tipu, nta nu film, a cucchia si lassau picch\u00ec u megghiu amicu d\u00fb carusu s'av\u00eca nnamuratu d\u00e2 picciotta.", "Pirsuna 2: Chissa \u00e8 na buffunar\u00eca. Nun \u00e8 comu mmatti nt\u00e2 vita riali.", "Pirsuna 1: Pricisamenti. E macari quannu si m\u00e8ttinu nz\u00e8mmula, \u00e8 sempri accuss\u00ec pirfettu.", "Nun \u00e0nnu mai sciarri o custioni.", "Pirsuna 2: \u00c8 comu si i firmi stannu pruvannu a d\u00ecrini ca l'amuri \u00e8 sempri f\u00e0cili e pirfettu", "Ma chissu nun \u00e8 u casu.", "L'amuri \u00e8 travagghiu pisanti", "Cci vonnu tempu e mpignu pi custruiri na rilazzioni ca dura.", "Pirsuna 1: U sacciu. Pi chissu nun tal\u00ecu cchi\u00f9 cummedi rum\u00e0ntichi.", "D\u00f9nanu \u00e2 genti fausi spiranzi ncapu a l'amuri."], "factuality": "ok"} -{"id": "topic_530__miwtwssisiwmtiasw", "sl": "en", "tl": "scn", "srcs": ["My first day of school was a day I will never forget.", "I was both excited and nervous, not knowing what to expect.", "When I woke up that morning, I got dressed quickly and ate a quick breakfast.", "Then, my mom drove me to school and walked me to my classroom.", "When I walked into the classroom, I was immediately greeted by my teacher, Ms. Smith.", "She was a kind-looking woman with a warm smile.", "She introduced herself to me and then showed me to my seat.", "I sat down next to a girl named Sarah.", "She smiled at me and said, \"Hi, I'm Sarah.\"", "I smiled back and said, \"Hi, I'm Vera.\"", "We talked for a few minutes before the bell rang for class to start.", "Ms. Smith began by introducing herself and telling us about the rules of the classroom.", "Then, she started teaching us about math.", "I was a little bit confused at first, but Ms. Smith explained everything clearly.", "After math class, we had a break.", "Sarah and I went outside to play on the playground.", "We played on the swings and the slide for a while, then we went back inside for lunch."], "trgs": ["U me primu jornu di scola \u00e8 un jornu ca nun mi pozzu scurdari cchi\u00f9.", "Era sia emuzziunatu ca nirbusu, senza sapiri zoccu aspitt\u00e0rimi.", "Quannu m'arrisbigghiavi \u1e0d\u1e0da matina, m'azzizzavi di prescia e manciavi na culazzioni lesta.", "Doppu, me matri mi purtau \u00e2 scola e nzinu \u00e2 classi.", "Quannu arrivavi \u00e2 classi, fuvi s\u00f9bbitu salutata d\u00e2 majistra, a Signura Smith.", "Era na f\u00ecmmina ca par\u00eca carinusa cu un surrisu caudu.", "Mi dissi cu' era e poi mi fici v\u00ecdiri a me seggia.", "M'assittavi appressu a n'autra picciotta ca si chiamava Sarah.", "I\u1e0d\u1e0da mi fici un surrisu e dissi: \"Salutamu, sugnu Sarah\".", "Macari jeu ci surridivi e ci dissi: \"Salutamu, sugnu Vera\".", "Parrammu pi na pocu di minuti prima d\u00fb sonu d\u00e2 campane\u1e0d\u1e0da di l'accuminciu.", "A Signura Smith accuminciau a prisint\u00e0risi e a d\u00ecrini i r\u00e8guli d\u00e2 classi.", "Doppu, accuminciau a nzign\u00e0rini matim\u00e0tica.", "Jeu era tanticchia cassarijata \u1e0d\u1e0du mumentu, ma a Signura Smith ni schicau bonu tutti cosi.", "Doppu l'ura di matim\u00e0tica, f\u00eccimu nu staccu.", "Jeu e Sarah jemmu fora pi jucari nn\u00f4 jardinu.", "Jucammu cu la nacalora e c\u00fb sc\u00ec\u1e0d\u1e0dicu tanticchia, doppu turnammu dintra pi pranzu."], "factuality": "ok"} -{"id": "stt_8__wtttttttrhspahitiwiwtataiicict", "sl": "en", "tl": "scn", "srcs": ["When tissue is injured, the body\u2019s immune system sends white blood cells to the area.", "These cells release chemicals that cause blood vessels to dilate and become more permeable.", "This allows fluid and white blood cells to leak out of the blood vessels and into the injured tissue.", "The fluid forms a clear, watery swelling called edema.", "The white blood cells help to fight infection and to remove damaged tissue.", "They also release chemicals that stimulate the growth of new tissue.", "The classic signs of acute inflammation are redness, heat, swelling, and pain.", "These signs are caused by the increased blood flow and the release of chemicals in the injured tissue.", "Redness is caused by the dilation of blood vessels.", "Heat is caused by the increased blood flow and the release of inflammatory chemicals.", "Swelling is caused by the leakage of fluid from blood vessels into the injured tissue.", "Pain is caused by the release of inflammatory chemicals and the pressure of the swelling.", "Acute inflammation is a normal part of the healing process.", "However, if it is severe or prolonged, it can damage healthy tissue.", "In some cases, acute inflammation can lead to chronic inflammation, which is a long-term condition that can cause pain, disability, and even death.", "There are a number of things that can cause acute inflammation, including infection, injury, and autoimmune diseases.", "Infections are caused by bacteria, viruses, or fungi.", "When these organisms enter the body, they can trigger an immune response that leads to inflammation.", "Injuries can also cause inflammation.", "When tissue is damaged, it releases chemicals that attract white blood cells and other immune cells to the area.", "These cells release chemicals that cause inflammation.", "Autoimmune diseases are caused by the body\u2019s immune system attacking its own tissues.", "This can lead to inflammation in the affected tissues.", "Acute inflammation is usually treated with pain relievers, such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen.", "In some cases, corticosteroids may be used to reduce inflammation.", "If the inflammation is caused by an infection, antibiotics may be prescribed.", "Chronic inflammation is a long-term condition that can cause pain, disability, and even death.", "It is often caused by autoimmune diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis and Crohn\u2019s disease.", "Chronic inflammation can also be caused by obesity, smoking, and air pollution.", "There is no cure for chronic inflammation, but it can be managed with medication, lifestyle changes, and physical therapy."], "trgs": ["Quannu u tissutu \u00e8 damaggiatu, u sistema mmunitariu d\u00fb corpu manna i gl\u00f2bbuli janchi nta l'aria ntirissata.", "Sti c\u00e8lluli em\u00e8ttinu sustanzi ch\u00ecmichi ca fannu dilatari i vasi sanguigni e i fannu addivintari cchi\u00f9 pirmi\u00e0bbili.", "Chistu pirmetti \u00f4 fluidu e \u00ea gl\u00f2bbuli janchi di sbummicari d\u00ee vasi sanguigni e jiri nt\u00f4 tissutu damaggiatu.", "U fluidu furma un vunciamentu chiaru e acqusu chiamatu edema.", "I g\u00f2bbuli janchi aj\u00f9tanu a cumm\u00e0ttiri a nfizzioni e livari u tissutu damaggiatu.", "Ril\u00e0ssanu macari sustanzi ch\u00ecmichi ca fr\u00ecccica a criscimonia di un novu tissutu.", "I cl\u00e0ssici signi di nciammazzioni pizzuta su' russuri, calur\u00eca, vunciamentu e duluri.", "Sti signi su causati di l'aumentu d\u00fb flussu d\u00fb angu e u ril\u00e0ssitu di sustanzi ch\u00ecmichi nn\u00f4 tissutu damaggiatu.", "U russuri \u00e8 causatu d\u00e2 dilatazzioni d\u00ee vasi sanguigni.", "A calur\u00eca \u00e8 causatu d\u00fb flussu aumintatu d\u00fb sangu e d\u00e2 rilassata di sustanzi ch\u00ecmichi nciammaturi.", "U vunciamentu \u00e8 causatu d\u00fb sb\u00f2mmicu di fluidi d\u00ee vasi sanguigni nt\u00f4 tissutu damaggiatu.", "U duluri \u00e8 causatu d\u00fb ril\u00e0ssitu di sustanzi ch\u00ecmichi nciammaturi e d\u00e2 prissioni d\u00fb vunciamentu.", "A nciammazzioni pizzuta \u00e8 na parti nurmali d\u00fb prucessu di sanamentu.", "Pir\u00f2, si \u00e8 gravi o prulungatu, po damaggiari u tissutu sanu.", "N quarchi casu, a nciammazzioni pizzuta po purtari a nciammazzioni cr\u00f2nica, ca \u00e8 na cunnzzioni a longu t\u00e8rmini ca po causari duluri, disabbilit\u00e0 e macari a morti.", "I cosi ca ponnu causari nciammazzioni pizzuta ponnu su' vari, ntra chisti cci su' nfizzioni, firita e malat\u00eci autummuni.", "I nfizzioni su' causati di batteri, virus o funci.", "Quannu sti urgan\u00ecsimi tr\u00e0sinu nt\u00f4 corpu ponnu attivari na risposta mmunitaria ca porta \u00e2 nciammazzioni.", "Macari i firiti c\u00e0usanu nciammazzioni.", "Quannu u tissutu \u00e8 damaggiatu, emetti sustanzi ch\u00ecmichi ca attr\u00e0jinu u gl\u00f2bbuli janchi e autri c\u00e8lluli a l'aria.", "Sti c\u00e8lluli em\u00e8ttinu sustanzi ch\u00ecmichi ca c\u00e0usanu nciammazzioni.", "I malat\u00eci autummuni su' causati d\u00fb sistema mmunitariu d\u00fb corpu ca attacca i so stissi tissuti.", "Chistu po purtari a nciammazzioni nt\u00ea tissuti ntirissati.", "A nciammazzioni pizzuta di s\u00f2litu veni trattata cu antidulur\u00ecfici, comu l'ibbuprufeni o l'acitaminofeni.", "N quarchi casu, pi ridd\u00f9ciri a nciammazzioni vennu usati i corticustir\u00f2idi.", "Si\u1e0d\u1e0du a nciammazzioni \u00e8 pruvucati di na nfizzioni, ponnu \u00e8ssiri scrivuti antibbi\u00f2tici.", "A nciammazzioni cr\u00f2nica \u00e8 na cunnizzioni cr\u00f2nica a longu t\u00e8rmini ca po causari duluri, disabbilit\u00e0 e macari morti.", "\u00c8 spissu pruvucata di malat\u00eci autummuni, comu l'artriti reumat\u00f2idi e a malat\u00eca di Crohn.", "A nciammazzioni cr\u00f2nica po macari \u00e8ssiri pruvucata di sbisassatizza, fumu e nquinamentu atmusf\u00e8ricu.", "Nun cc'\u00e8 na cura p\u00e2 nciammazzioni cr\u00f2nica, ma si po manijari cu f\u00e0rmaci, canci nt\u00f4 stili di vita, e c\u00e2 fisutirap\u00eca."], "factuality": "ok"} -{"id": "mozambique_historical__tittrtfii", "sl": "en", "tl": "scn", "srcs": ["The Mozambican Civil War was a conflict that lasted from 1977 to 1992.", "It was fought between the Mozambique Liberation Front (FRELIMO), which had ruled the country since its independence from Portugal in 1975, and the Mozambique National Resistance (RENAMO), a rebel group backed by the Rhodesian and South African governments.", "The war caused widespread devastation and displacement, and led to the deaths of an estimated 1 million people.", "The war began after RENAMO launched an insurgency against FRELIMO in 1977.", "RENAMO was opposed to FRELIMO's socialist policies and its close ties to the Soviet Union.", "The war quickly escalated, and by the early 1980s, RENAMO had control of much of the countryside.", "FRELIMO was forced to rely on Soviet and Cuban military aid to keep RENAMO at bay.", "In 1984, FRELIMO and RENAMO signed a peace agreement, but the fighting continued.", "In 1992, the two sides signed a new peace agreement, which called for a ceasefire and the holding of multiparty elections."], "trgs": ["A Guerra Civili d\u00fb Muzzammicu fu na guerra ca durau d\u00fb 1977 nzinu \u00f4 1992.", "Fu cummattuta ntra lu Frunti d\u00e2 Libbirazzioni d\u00fb Muzzammicu (FRELIMO), ca cumannau u pajisi partennu d\u00e2 nnipinnenza d\u00fb Portugallu nt\u00f4 1975 e la Risistenza Nazziunali d\u00fb Muzzammicu (RENAMO), un gruppu rivurtusu cunnuttu d\u00ee guverni d\u00e2 Rudesia e d\u00fb Sudd\u00e0frica.", "A guerra causau distruzzioni e sdirrupu unn'\u00e8-\u00e8, e purtau \u00e2 morti ammeri 1 miliuni di cristiani.", "A guerra accuminciau doppu ca a RENAMO abbiau na nzurgenza contra u FRELIMO nt\u00f4 1977.", "A RENAMO jiva contra \u00ea pul\u00ectichi sucialisti d\u00e2 FRELIMO, e i so lijami c\u00e2 Junciuta Suvi\u00e8tica.", "A guerra s'affurzau lesta, e \u00f4 principiu di l'anni 1980, a RENAMO pigghiau u cuntrollu di na bona parti d\u00fb pajisi.", "A FRELIMO potti sulu affid\u00e0risi a l'ajutu d\u00ee milizzi suvi\u00e8tichi e di Cubba pi cuitari a RENAMO", "Nt\u00f4 1984, a FRELIMO e a RENAMO firmaru n'accordu di paci, ma la lutta cuntinuau.", "Nt\u00f4 1992, i du' banni firmaru un novu accordu di paci, ca vid\u00eca l'arrestu d\u00e2 guerra e l'abbentu di a\u1e0d\u1e0dijuti cu diversi partiti."], "factuality": "has_errors"} -{"id": "topic_249__ittiaoa", "sl": "en", "tl": "scn", "srcs": ["It was a bright and sunny day in the small village of Locksmiths, and the festival of locks was in full swing.", "The streets were crowded with people, all eager to see the latest and greatest in lockmaking technology.", "There were vendors selling everything from simple padlocks to complex combination locks, and artisans demonstrating their skills in lockpicking and locksmithing.", "In the center of the village square, a large stage had been set up for the day's festivities.", "A group of musicians were playing lively tunes, and a crowd of people were gathered around, clapping and dancing.", "On the stage, a skilled locksmith was demonstrating how to pick a lock, and the crowd was mesmerized by his skill.", "As the sun began to set, the festival came to a close."], "trgs": ["Era na jurnata lustrusa e assulicchiata nt\u00f4 vi\u1e0d\u1e0daggiu di Locksmiths, e u fistivali d\u00ee sirraturi era nn\u00f4 megghiu mumentu.", "I strati \u00e8ranu affu\u1e0d\u1e0dati di cristianu, tutti disijusi di v\u00ecdiri l'\u00f9rtima e cchi\u00f9 granni tecnulugg\u00eca di fabbricazzioni di sirraturi.", "Cc'\u00e8ranu vinnitura ca vinn\u00e8vanu tutti cosi, di s\u00ecmplici catinazzi a traficusi catinazzi a cumminazzioni, e i mastri addimustr\u00e0vanu i so abbilit\u00e0 a manijari e custruiri sirraturi.", "A centru d\u00e2 chiazza d\u00fb vi\u1e0d\u1e0daggiu, un parcu granni av\u00eca statu priparatu p\u00ee fistijamenti d\u00fb jornu.", "Un gruppu di musicanti stava sunannu milud\u00eci scava\u1e0d\u1e0dati e na fu\u1e0d\u1e0da di cristiani s'accucchiau ntunnu, battennu i manu e abballannu.", "Supra u parcu, un mastru \u00e0bbili stava dimustrannu comu furzari na sirratura e a fu\u1e0d\u1e0da era nciarmata d\u00e2 so mastr\u00eca.", "Mentri ca u suli accuminzau a calari, u fistivali fin\u00ecu."], "factuality": "ok"} -{"id": "topic_356__mwwtwtotiawiiii", "sl": "en", "tl": "scn", "srcs": ["My friend, Abel, and I were walking home from school one day when we saw a blood drive being held at our local community center.", "We were both 17 years old, and we had never donated blood before.", "We decided to stop in and see what it was all about.", "The process of donating blood was actually pretty simple.", "We both filled out a questionnaire and answered some questions about our health history.", "Then, we had our blood pressure checked and our veins were checked to make sure they were big enough.", "Once we were cleared to donate, we each sat down in a chair and had a needle inserted into our arms.", "The blood was collected in a bag, and the whole process took about 15 minutes.", "It felt good to know that we were helping to save lives.", "After we donated, we were given a juice box and a cookie to help us recover.", "We also received a thank-you card from the blood bank.", "I'm glad that Abel and I decided to donate blood.", "It was a quick and easy way to make a difference in the world.", "I encourage everyone to consider donating blood if they are eligible.", "It's a simple act of kindness that can help save lives."], "trgs": ["L'amicu me, Abel, e jeu st\u00e0vamu turnannu \u00e2 casa un jornu quannu v\u00ecttimu ca cc'era na ricota di sangu nt\u00f4 nostru centru suciali lucali.", "Av\u00ecvamu tutti dui 17 anni e nun av\u00ecamu dunatu mai sangu prima di tannu.", "Addicidemmu di firm\u00e0rini pi v\u00ecdiri di chi si trattava.", "U prucessu di dunari sangu era chiutostu s\u00ecmplici.", "Tutti dui cumpilammu un custiunariu e rispunnimmu a quarchi dumanna riguardu a nostra storia sanitaria.", "Appoi ni cuntrullaru a prissioni d\u00fb sangu e ni cuntrullaru i vini pi \u00e8ssiri sicuri ca \u00e8ranu granni bastanti.", "Comu uttinemmu l'auturizzazzioni d\u00e2 dunazzioni, n'assittammu supra a na seggia e ni nziccaru n'agugghia nt\u00ea nostri vrazza.", "U sangu fu cugghiutu nta na sacca e u prucessu sanu duranu agghiri 15 minuti.", "Fu na be\u1e0d\u1e0da sinzazzioni sapiri ca t\u00e0vamu ajutannu a sarbari viti.", "Doppu ca dunammu, ni fu datu un sucu di frutta e un viscottu p'ajut\u00e0rini a ripigghi\u00e0rini.", "Ricivemmu macari un bigghiettu di ringrazziu d\u00e2 banca d\u00fb sangu.", "Sugnu cuntentu ca Abel e jeu dicidimmu di dunari u sangu.", "Fu na manera f\u00e0cili e lesta pi fari na diffirenza nt\u00f4 munnu.", "Ncuraggiu tutti a cunzidirari di dunari sangu si ponnu", "\u00c8 na s\u00ecmplici azzioni di gintilizza ca po sarbari viti."], "factuality": "ok"} -{"id": "topic_24__atstsssth", "sl": "en", "tl": "scn", "srcs": ["A solo traveler was found safe after spending two nights lost in the Swiss Alps.", "The 25-year-old woman, who has not been identified, was hiking in the mountains when she became separated from her group.", "She was reported missing on Tuesday, and search teams were dispatched to find her.", "The woman was eventually found on Thursday, about 10 miles from where she had been hiking.", "She was cold and dehydrated, but otherwise in good condition.", "She told rescuers that she had been following a trail when she got turned around.", "She spent the night in a cave, and she survived by eating snow and drinking from a stream.", "The woman's experience is a reminder of the importance of being prepared when hiking in the mountains.", "Hikers should always bring a map, compass, and a flashlight, and they should tell someone where they are going and when they expect to return."], "trgs": ["Un viaggiaturi sulitariu fu asciatu sarbu doppu ca passau du' notti persu nta l'Arpi Sb\u00eczziri", "Na f\u00ecmmina vinticinchina, ca nun si sapi cu' \u00e8, stava acchianannu muntagni muntagni quannu s'arrassau d\u00fb gruppu so.", "A scumparuta fu dinunziata martid\u00eca, e li gruppi di ricerca foru mannati pi truvalla.", "A f\u00ecmmina fu asciata juvid\u00eca, ammeri 10 migghi arrassu d'unni stava facennu a caminata.", "Era fridda e siccagna, ma cumunca misa bona.", "Dissi \u00ea sarbatura ca stava sicutannu na trazzera quannu si persi.", "Passau la nutti nta na grutta, e potti campari manciannu la nivi e vivennu di un lavinaru.", "A spirenza d\u00e2 f\u00ecmmina n'arricorda a mpurtanza di \u00e8ssiri attrizzati quannu si va muntagni muntagni.", "Li scursiunisti s'av\u00ecssiru a purtari sempri na mappa, na b\u00f9ssula e na luci e av\u00ecssiru a diri a quarchidunu unni stannu jennu e quannu p\u00e8nzanu di turnari."], "factuality": "ok"} -{"id": "topic_14__wiiotii", "sl": "en", "tl": "scn", "srcs": ["When I was a kid, I would spend hours pouring over magazines.", "I would read every article, look at every picture, and cut out the ones I liked to put in my scrapbook.", "I loved the way magazines could transport me to different worlds and make me think about things in new ways.", "One day, I was reading an article about brain science in a magazine.", "The article was really interesting, and it made me think about how my brain works.", "I realized that I could use my brain to learn anything I wanted, and that was an amazing feeling.", "I've been reading magazines ever since, and I still love the way they can open my mind to new ideas."], "trgs": ["Quannu era un picciri\u1e0d\u1e0du, passava l'uri sfugghiannu jurnale\u1e0d\u1e0da.", "Liggiva ogni art\u00ecculu, taliava tutti li mm\u00e0ggini e tagghiava chi\u1e0d\u1e0di ca mi piac\u00ecvanu pi mittilli nn\u00f4 me pitazzu", "Amava comu i jurnale\u1e0d\u1e0da put\u00ecvanu purt\u00e0rimi nzinu a munni diversi e far\u00ecmi pinzari \u00ea cosi cu na manera nova.", "Un jornu, stava liggennu n'art\u00ecculu ncapu \u00e2 scenza d\u00fb cirive\u1e0d\u1e0du nta un jurnale\u1e0d\u1e0du.", "\u1e0c\u1e0du art\u00ecculu fu ntirissanti pi daveru, e mi fici pinzari a comu funziunija u cirive\u1e0d\u1e0du", "Capivi ca putiva usari u cirive\u1e0d\u1e0du me pi nzign\u00e0rimi zoccu vuliva, e fu na sinzazzioni maravigghiusa.", "Di \u1e0d\u1e0du mumentu leggiu jurnale\u1e0d\u1e0da e ancora amu comu arrin\u00e8scinu a r\u00e0piri a menti a novi idei."], "factuality": "ok"} -{"id": "topic_29__ttsitioihits", "sl": "en", "tl": "scn", "srcs": ["The debate about whether animals are happier in the wild or in zoos is a complex one with no easy answers.", "There are many factors to consider, including the individual animal's needs, the type of zoo, and the quality of care provided.", "Some animals, such as elephants, are highly social and need to interact with other elephants in order to thrive.", "In the wild, elephants live in herds of up to 100 individuals.", "They spend their days foraging for food, playing, and socializing.", "In a zoo, elephants may not have the same opportunities to interact with other elephants, which can lead to boredom and frustration.", "Other animals, such as lions, are solitary hunters.", "In the wild, lions live in prides of up to 15 individuals.", "However, each lion within the pride has its own territory and does not interact with other lions very often.", "In a zoo, lions may be able to live in larger enclosures with more space to roam, which can provide them with more opportunities to exercise and explore.", "The type of zoo also plays a role in the welfare of its animals.", "Some zoos are very large and provide their animals with spacious enclosures, while others are smaller and may not have as much space."], "trgs": ["U dibb\u00e0ttitu riguardu si l'armali su' cchi\u00f9 cuntenti nt\u00e2 natura o nt\u00ea zoo \u00e8 traficusu e nun \u00e0vi risposti f\u00e0cili.", "Cci su' assai fatturi di cunzidirari, cumprisi i bisogni nnividuali di l'armalu, u tipu di zoo e a qualit\u00e0 d\u00ee curi furnuti.", "Quarchi armalu, comu i liafanti, \u00e8 assai suciali e \u00e0vi di bisognu di ntiraggiri cu l'autri liafanti pi pruspirari.", "Nt\u00e2 natura, i liafanti c\u00e0mpanu 'n m\u00e0nniri ca ponnu raggh\u00f9nciri i 100 nnividui.", "P\u00e0ssanu i so jurnati a circari manciari, jucari e sucializzari.", "Nta nu zoo, i liafanti put\u00ecssiri nun aviri i stissi uppurtunit\u00e0 di ntiraggiri cu l'autri liafanti, ca po purtari a si\u1e0d\u1e0diju e frustrazzioni.", "Autri armali, comu i liuni, su' cacciaturi sularini.", "Nt\u00e2 natura, i liuni c\u00e0mpanu 'n m\u00e0nniri cumposti m\u00e0ssimu di ch\u00ecnnici nnividui.", "Pir\u00f2, ogni liuni nt\u00e2 m\u00e0nnira \u00e0vi u so tirritoriu e nun ntiraggisci spissu cu l'autri liuna.", "Nna nu zoo, i liuni put\u00ecssiru stari nta jaggi cchi\u00f9 granni cu cchi\u00f9 assai spazziu pi", "Macari u tipu di zoo joca un rolu mpurtanti nt\u00f4 d\u00ee so armali.", "Quarchi zoo \u00e8 granni assai e furnisci \u00ea so armali jaggi cchi\u00f9 spazziusi, mentri autri su' cchi\u00f9 nichi e capaci ca nun \u00e0nnu tuttu \u1e0d\u1e0du spazziu."], "factuality": "has_errors"} -{"id": "topic_177__asttsiiitsi", "sl": "en", "tl": "scn", "srcs": ["As I'm driving down the road, I see a goat giving birth in the median.", "She's lying on her side and her two front legs are extended in front of her.", "The baby goat is coming out of her right side and it's head is already visible.", "The mother goat looks up at me and I can see the fear in her eyes.", "She's probably wondering if I'm going to hurt her or her baby.", "I stop the car and get out.", "I walk over to the goat and kneel down next to her.", "I gently stroke her head and tell her that everything is going to be okay.", "The baby goat starts to emerge and I can see that it's a little girl.", "She's crying and her mother licks her clean.", "I watch as the mother goat and baby bond and I feel a sense of peace."], "trgs": ["Comu staju purtannu a machina p\u00e2 strata, viju na crapa ca stava accattannu un ciarave\u1e0d\u1e0du nn\u00f4 spartitr\u00e0ficu.", "\u00c8 stinnicchiata di nu ciancu e \u00e0vi li ciampi d'avanzi longhi longhi 'n facciu a i\u1e0d\u1e0da.", "U ciavare\u1e0d\u1e0du sta niscennu d\u00fb ciancu a dritta e la testa s'arrinesci a v\u00ecdiri.", "A matri crapa mi tal\u00eca e arrinesciu a v\u00ecdiri lu scantu nta l'occhi so.", "Capaci ca penza ca vogghiu struppijari i\u1e0d\u1e0da o l'a\u1e0d\u1e0devu so.", "Fermu a m\u00e0china e scinnu.", "M'abbicinu \u00e2 crapa e mi mettu a dinucchiuna appressu a i\u1e0d\u1e0da.", "Ci carizzu adaciu adaciu a testa e ci dicu ca h\u00e2 jiri tuttu bonu.", "U ciavare\u1e0d\u1e0du accumincia a assummari e pozzu v\u00ecdiri ca \u00e8 na f\u00ecmmina.", "Sta chiancennu e so matri a licca.", "Tal\u00ecu comu matri e a\u1e0d\u1e0deva si l\u00ecjanu e sentu un senzu di paci."], "factuality": "ok"} -{"id": "topic_508__tibttosssoha", "sl": "en", "tl": "scn", "srcs": ["The city was a vast, sprawling metropolis, full of life and energy.", "It was a place where anything was possible, and where dreams could come true.", "But for every person who found success in the city, there were many more who struggled to make ends meet.", "These people lived in the slums, in tiny apartments that were often overcrowded and in disrepair.", "They worked long hours for low pay, and they often had to go without basic necessities like food and healthcare.", "One such person was a young woman named Amelia.", "She had come to the city with big dreams, but she quickly found that reality was much different than she had imagined.", "She worked as a waitress in a small diner, and she could barely make enough money to pay her rent.", "She often went to bed hungry, and she was always worried about her future.", "One day, Amelia was walking home from work when she saw a man sitting on a bench.", "He was homeless, and he was holding a sign that said, \"Will work for food.\" Amelia felt sorry for the man, and she decided to buy him a sandwich.", "As she was talking to the man, she learned that his name was Charlie."], "trgs": ["A cit\u00e0 era na mitr\u00f2puli granni e ..., china di vita e enirg\u00eca.", "Era na banna unni zoccu \u00e8-\u00e8 era puss\u00ecbbili, e unni i sonni put\u00ecvanu addivintari veri.", "Ma pi ogni cristianu ca faciva successu nn\u00e2 cit\u00e0, n'av\u00ecvamu tanti autri ca cummattivanu p'arrivari a fini misi.", "Sti cristiani st\u00e0vanu nt\u00ea quarteri p\u00f2viri, 'n appartanenti ca spissu \u00e8ranu suvraffu\u1e0d\u1e0dati e sdirrupati.", "Travagghi\u00e0vanu longhi uri pi na misata scarsa e spissu av\u00ecanu a dispis\u00e0risi d\u00ee beni di prima nicissit\u00e0 comu u manciari e l'assistenza sanitaria.", "Una di sti cristiani era na gi\u00f9vini f\u00ecmmina chiamata Amelia.", "Av\u00eca vinutu \u00e2 cit\u00e0 cu granni sonni, ma prestu scupr\u00ecu ca a rialit\u00e0 era assai diversa di chi\u1e0d\u1e0du ca s'aveva mmagginatu.", "Travagghiava comu cammarera nt\u00f4n risturante\u1e0d\u1e0du e rinisciva a via di forza a abbuscari bastanti sordi pi pagari u so a\u1e0d\u1e0dugamentu.", "Spissu si curcava morta di fami e si frasturnava sempri d\u00fb so futuru.", "Un jornu, Amelia stava turnannu \u00e2 casa d\u00fb travagghiu quannu vitti n'omu assittatu nn\u00f4n vancu.", "Era un dumanneri, e stava tinennu u carte\u1e0d\u1e0du ca diceva, \"Travagghiaremu pi manciari.\" Amelia si dispiac\u00ecu pi l'omu e dicid\u00ecu d'accatt\u00e0rici un paninu.", "Parrannu cu l'omu, scupr\u00ecu ca u so nomu era Charlie."], "factuality": "ok"} -{"id": "topic_394__dittfcismttb", "sl": "en", "tl": "scn", "srcs": ["Demonetization is the process of removing legal tender from circulation.", "In India, Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced on November 8, 2016, that all \u20b9500 and \u20b91000 banknotes would cease to be legal tender from midnight.", "This move was intended to crack down on corruption and counterfeiting, but it also caused significant disruption and hardship for many people.", "There are several reasons to be skeptical of demonetization.", "First, it is not clear that it will be effective in reducing corruption.", "Corruption is a complex problem that cannot be solved simply by removing cash from circulation.", "In fact, there is some evidence that demonetization may actually increase corruption, as it makes it more difficult for people to track and trace their money.", "Second, demonetization is likely to have a negative impact on the poor.", "Many poor people in India rely on cash for their daily transactions.", "The sudden withdrawal of large-denomination banknotes made it difficult for them to buy food, pay their bills, and access other essential services.", "Third, demonetization has caused significant disruption to the economy.", "Businesses had to close for days or even weeks while they adjusted to the new currency."], "trgs": ["A dimunitizzazzioni \u00e8 u prucessu di livari a munita ligali d\u00e2 circulazzioni.", "N Innia, u Primu Ministru Narendra annunziau l'8 Nuv\u00e8mmiru d\u00fb 2016 ca tutti i bancunoti di \u20b9500 e \u20b91000 av\u00ecssiru finutu di aviri cursu ligali a p\u00e0rtiri di menzanotti.", "Sta mossa av\u00eca l'ubbittivu di cumm\u00e0ttiri a curruzzioni e a cuntraffazzioni ma causau macari grossi prubblemi e tr\u00e0fichi p'assai cristiani.", "Cci su' diffirenti scaciuna pi \u00e8ssiri sc\u00e8ttici d\u00e2 dimunitizzazzioni.", "Pi prima cosa, nun \u00e8 chiaru si sir\u00e0 efficaci e ridd\u00f9ciri a curruzzioni.", "A curruzzioni \u00e8 un prubblema traficusu ca nun si po abbirsari simplicimenti livannu u cuntanti d\u00e2 circulazzioni.", "Nfatti, cci su' provi ca a dimunitizzazzioni capaci ca 'n rialit\u00e0 jisa a curruzzioni, picch\u00ec renni cchi\u00f9 diff\u00eccili p\u00ee cristiani lucalizzari e trazzari i so sordi.", "Pi sicunna cosa, \u00e8 assai prubb\u00e0bbili ca avir\u00e0 nu mpattu nigativu supra \u00ea p\u00f2viri.", "Assai cristiani p\u00f2viri 'n Innia s'aff\u00ecdanu \u00ea cuntanti p\u00ee so tranzazzioni cutidiani.", "U ritiru \u00e2 ntrasatta d\u00ee bancunoti di grossu tagghiu ci rinn\u00ecu diff\u00eccili accattari manciari, pavari i bulletti e acc\u00e8diri a autri sirbizzi essinziali.", "Terzu, a dimunitizzazzioni causau nut\u00e8vuli prubblemi \u00e2 canum\u00eca.", "L'azzienni \u00e0ppinu a chi\u00f9diri pi jorna o macari simana nt\u00f4 mentri ca s'adatt\u00e0vanu \u00e2 nova valuta."], "factuality": "has_errors"} -{"id": "stt_101__titttliiiistnis", "sl": "en", "tl": "scn", "srcs": ["The dish is said to have originated in the Philippines, where it is known as lechon.", "It is also popular in other parts of Southeast Asia, such as Indonesia, Malaysia, and Thailand.", "To make lechon, a whole pig is gutted and cleaned, then stuffed with a mixture of garlic, ginger, lemongrass, and other spices.", "The pig is then roasted over a fire of charcoal or wood for several hours.", "The result is a juicy, flavorful meat that is perfect for a special occasion.", "Lechon is often served with rice and vegetables.", "It can also be eaten as a main course or as an appetizer.", "If you are ever lucky enough to try lechon, you will not be disappointed.", "It is truly a unique and delicious dish.", "In addition to the traditional method of cooking lechon, there are also several modern variations.", "Some chefs cook the pig in a pit oven, while others use a rotisserie.", "There are also recipes for making lechon in a slow cooker or in the oven.", "No matter how it is cooked, lechon is always a crowd-pleaser.", "It is a hearty and flavorful dish that is perfect for any occasion.", "So if you are looking for a new and exciting dish to try, lechon is definitely worth a look."], "trgs": ["Si dici ca u chiattu \u00e8 urigginariu d\u00ee Filippini, unni \u00e8 ntisu lechon.", "\u00c8 pupulari macari nta autri banni di l'Asia suddi-livantina, comu a Nnunesia, a Malesia e a Tailannia.", "Pi fari u lechon, un porcu sanu veni sbudi\u1e0d\u1e0datu e pulizziatu, appoi allinchiutu cu na m\u00ecscita di agghiu, g\u00e8nciru, citrune\u1e0d\u1e0da e autri spezzi.", "U porcu appoi \u00e8 arrustutu supra \u00f4n focu di ginisi o ligna pi diversi uri.", "U risurtatu \u00e8 na carni sucusa e sapurusa ca \u00e8 pirfetta pi l'uccasiona spiciali.", "U lechon \u00e8 spissu amministratu cu risu e virduri.", "Po \u00e8ssiri manciatu puru comu purtata mastra o antipastu.", "Si\u1e0d\u1e0du aviti a furtuna di nzajari u lechon, nun vi siccar\u00e0 u cori.", "\u00c8 pi daveru un chiattu \u00f9nicu e liccu.", "Sparti \u00e2 manera tradizziunali di cucinari u lechon, cci su' puru vari variazzioni muderni.", "Quarchi cocu coci u porcu nt\u00f4n furnu a puzzu, mentri autri \u00f9sanu un girarrustu.", "Cci su' puru ricetti pi fari u lechon nta na pignata a cuttura lenta o nt\u00f4 furnu.", "Nun \u00e0vi mpurtanza comu si cucina, u lechon piaci sempri a tutti pari.", "\u00c8 un chiattu sustanziusu e sapurusu ca \u00e8 pirfettu pi ogni uccasioni.", "Adunca, si sta' circannu un chiattu novu e emuzziunanti di pruvari, u lechon sicuru m\u00e8rita na taliata."], "factuality": "has_errors"} -{"id": "topic_12__mumumumumumu", "sl": "en", "tl": "scn", "srcs": ["Me: What's up with your car? It's been making a weird noise lately.", "Uncle: Yeah, I know. I'm taking it to the mechanic tomorrow.", "Me: Is it going to be expensive.", "Uncle: It might be. The car is old, and parts are hard to come by. But I'm hoping it's just a minor issue.", "Me: Well, good luck. Let me know what the mechanic says.", "Uncle: I will. Thanks.", "Me: Hey, by the way, did you know that nuclear cars are a thing?", "Uncle: No, I didn't. That's interesting.", "Me: Yeah, they're pretty cool. They use nuclear power to generate electricity, which powers the car's motor.", "Uncle: That sounds like it would be really expensive.", "Me: It can be, but it's also a lot more efficient than traditional cars. Nuclear cars can go for hundreds of miles on a single tank of fuel.", "Uncle: Hmm, I'll have to look into that."], "trgs": ["Jeu: Chi cci \u00e0vi a to m\u00e0china? Sta facennu scrusci strani di ricenti.", "Ziu: Se, u sacciu. A portu d\u00fb miccanicu dumani.", "Iu: Sir\u00e0 custusu.", "Ziu: Capaci. A m\u00e0china \u00e8 vecchia e i pezzi di ricanciu su' diff\u00eccili di truvari. Ma speru ca \u00e8 sulu un prubblema nicu.", "Ju: Beh, bona furtuna. Fammi sapiri zoccu dici u micc\u00e0nicu.", "Ziu: U faraju.", "Iu: Ou, cumunca, sapivi ca i m\u00e0chini nucliari es\u00ecstinu?", "Ziu: No, nun u sapeva. \u00c8 ntirissanti.", "Ju: Se, su' chiutostu forti. \u00d9sanu l'enirg\u00eca nucliari pi criari elittricit\u00e0, ca nutrica u muturi d\u00e2 m\u00e0china.", "Ziu: Pari ca \u00e8 be\u1e0d\u1e0da custusa.", "Jeu: U po \u00e8ssiri, ma \u00e8 macari assai cchi\u00f9 efficaci d\u00ee m\u00e0chini tradizziunali. I m\u00e0chini nucliari ponnu caminari cintinara di chil\u00f2mitri cu un sulu chinu di carburanti.", "Ziu: Mmh, m'\u00e0ju a nfurmari."], "factuality": "has_errors"} -{"id": "topic_162__atatysbtt", "sl": "en", "tl": "scn", "srcs": ["A man walks into a comedy club and orders a filet mignon.", "The waiter brings him the steak and he starts to eat it.", "After a few bites, he stops and says, \"This steak is terrible! It's tough and tasteless.\"", "The waiter replies, \"Well, sir, you did order a filet mignon.\"", "\"Yes, but I didn't order a raw filet mignon!\"", "\"Sir, all of our steaks are served raw. We require our customers to cook them themselves.\"", "\"But I don't know how to cook!\"", "\"That's not our problem. We're a comedy club, not a restaurant.\"", "The man angrily gets up and storms out of the club."], "trgs": ["N'omu trasi nta un comedy club e cumanna un filet mignon.", "U cammareri ci porta a fe\u1e0d\u1e0da di carni e i\u1e0d\u1e0du accumincia a manciarisilla.", "Doppu na para di muzzicati, si ferma e dici: \"Sta fe\u1e0d\u1e0da \u00e8 tirr\u00ecbbili! Dura e senza sapuri \u00e8\"", "U cammareri ci arrispunni: \"Bih, sign\u00f9, tu vulivi un filet mignon\"", "\"Se, ma nun vul\u00eca un filet mignon crudu!\"", "\"Sign\u00f9, tutti i nostri fe\u1e0d\u1e0di di carni su' purtati crudi. Vulemu fariccilli c\u00f2ciri \u00ea nostri clienti\"", "\"Ma jeu nun sacciu comu cucirimilla!\"", "\"Chissu nun \u00e8 un prubblema nostru. Semu un comedy club, no na lucanna\"", "L'omu arraggiatu si susi e nesci fora d\u00fb club."], "factuality": "ok"} -{"id": "stt_129__hhtthattt", "sl": "en", "tl": "scn", "srcs": ["He had been in a car accident, and he was unconscious.", "His parents, who had been driving by when the accident happened, rushed to his side.", "They were frantic with worry.", "The paramedics arrived and loaded the boy into an ambulance.", "His parents followed in their car, their hearts pounding with fear.", "At the hospital, the doctors examined the boy and determined that he had a concussion and a broken leg.", "They admitted him to the hospital and began treatment.", "The boy's parents stayed by his side, never leaving him alone.", "They watched over him as he slept, their hearts filled with love and hope."], "trgs": ["I\u1e0d\u1e0du appi nu ncidenti c\u00e2 m\u00e0china, e nun era cuscenti.", "I so ginitura, ca \u00e8ranu \u1e0d\u1e0docu quannu lu ncidenti successi, s'arriminaru nni i\u1e0d\u1e0du.", "\u00c8ranu smurcati d\u00fb scantu.", "I param\u00e8dici arrivaru e carrijaru u picciottu nta n'ammulanza", "I so ginitura li sicutaru c\u00e2 m\u00e0china, ch\u00ee cori ca battivanu forti p\u00fb spagnu.", "\u00d4 spitali, i duttura taliaru u picciottu e caperu ca av\u00eca na cuncussiuni e na jamma struppijata.", "L'accumudaru \u00f4 spitali e accuminciaru la cura.", "I ginitura d\u00fb picciottu arristaru cu i\u1e0d\u1e0du, senza mai lassallu a sulu.", "Lu vardij\u00e0vanu mentri ca durmiva, ch\u00ee cori chini d'amuri e spiranza."], "factuality": "ok"} -{"id": "topic_101__rpibtitssopat", "sl": "en", "tl": "scn", "srcs": ["\"Royalty,\" said the Blacksmith, \"is a curious thing. It's a kind of magic, really.", "People get all worked up about it, and they don't even know why.", "It's not as if kings and queens have any real power, these days. They're just figureheads.", "But people still seem to need them.", "They need someone to look up to, someone to represent the idea of the nation.\" The Blacksmith paused.", "\"I suppose it's a kind of comfort,\" he continued.", "\"To know that there's someone out there who's better than you.", "Someone who's got it all sorted out.", "Someone who can make the world a better place.", "Of course, it's all an illusion. But that doesn't make it any less important.", "People need their illusions. They need to believe in something.", "And if that something is a king or a queen, then so be it.\"", "The Blacksmith paused for a moment, then smiled."], "trgs": ["\"Rijalit\u00e0\", dissi u mastru firraru, \"\u00e8 na cosa curiusa. Magarusa, pi daveru.", "Li cristiani si quad\u00ecjanu pi chista, e mancu sannu picch\u00ec.", "Nun \u00e8 ca re e rijini \u00e0nnu un putiri veru, sti jorna. Su' sulu figuri.", "Ma cumunca i cristiani pari ca nn'\u00e0nnu di bisognu.", "\u00c0nnu di bisognu di quarchidunu di ammirari, quarchidunu ca po riprisintari l'idea d\u00e2 nazzioni\". U mastru firraru si firmau.", "\"Penzu ca \u00e8 na speci di cunortu\", cuntinau.", "\"Sapiri ca \u1e0d\u1e0d\u00e0 fora cc'\u00e8 quarchidunu megghiu di tia.", "Quarchidunu ca abbersa tuttu.", "Quarchidunu ca po r\u00e8nniri u munnu megghiu.", "Certu, \u00e8 n'aff\u00e0scinu. Ma chistu nun lu renni cchi\u00f9 picca mpurtanti", "Li cristiani \u00e0nnu di bisognu di l'aff\u00e0scini so. \u00c0nnu di bisognu di cr\u00ecdiri nni quarchi cosa", "E si\u1e0d\u1e0du \u1e0d\u1e0du quarchi cosa \u00e8 nu re o na rijina, chissu \u00e0v'a \u00e8ssiri", "U mastru firraru staccau un mumentu, poi surrid\u00ecu"], "factuality": "ok"} -{"id": "topic_534__tshotstfsbhasb", "sl": "en", "tl": "scn", "srcs": ["The Old Man and the Sea", "Santiago, an old Cuban fisherman, has gone eighty-four days without catching a fish.", "He is the oldest man in the village, and the youngest, Manolin, no longer wants to fish with him because the old man is unlucky.", "One day, Santiago sets out in his skiff and hooks a giant marlin.", "The marlin is so big that it pulls the skiff far out to sea.", "Santiago fights the marlin for two days and nights, but he cannot bring it in.", "The marlin is too heavy, and the old man is too tired.", "Finally, the marlin begins to tire.", "Santiago is able to get a harpoon into the marlin, and he kills it.", "But the marlin is so big that Santiago cannot bring it into the boat.", "He ties the marlin to the side of the boat and begins to row back to shore.", "A school of sharks follows the boat, and they begin to eat the marlin.", "Santiago fights the sharks off, but he cannot stop them all.", "By the time he reaches shore, only the head and the tail of the marlin are left."], "trgs": ["U Vicchiare\u1e0d\u1e0du e u Mari", "Santiago, un vecchiu piscaturi cubbanu, stetti uttantaquattru jorna senza piscari un pisci.", "I\u1e0d\u1e0du \u00e8 l'omu cchi\u00f9 vecchiu d\u00fb pajisi, e u cchi\u00f9 j\u00f9vini, Manolin, nun voli cchi\u00f9 piscari cu i\u1e0d\u1e0du picch\u00ec lu vicchiare\u1e0d\u1e0du \u00e8 sbinturatu.", "Un jornu, Santiago nesci c\u00e2 varca e pigghia n'agugghia tanta.", "\u1e0c\u1e0da agugghia \u00e8 accuss\u00ec granni ca assija a varca a mari arrassu.", "Santiagu cummatti l'agugghia pi du' jorna e du' notti.", "L'agugghia \u00e8 troppu pisanti, e lu vicchiare\u1e0d\u1e0du troppu stancu.", "\u00c2 fini, l'agugghia accumincia a stancari.", "Santiago arrinesci a tirari na traffinera a l'agugghia, e l'ammazza.", "Ma l'agugghia \u00e8 accuss\u00ec granni ca Santiago nun po jisalla nn\u00e2 varca.", "Lija l'agugghia a latu d\u00e2 varca e accumincia a abbiari \u00e2 praja.", "Na cricca di mmistina assicuta a varca, e accum\u00ecncianu a manci\u00e0risi l'agugghia.", "Santiago cafu\u1e0d\u1e0da \u00ea mmistina, ma nun po falli firmari tutti pari.", "Quannu arriva \u00e2 praja, arristaru sulu a testa e a cuda."], "factuality": "ok"} -{"id": "stt_633__ttiiatihidiihit", "sl": "en", "tl": "scn", "srcs": ["The police will likely take the person to the station and question him.", "They will want to know where he got the wallet and why he was carrying it.", "If the person cannot provide a satisfactory explanation, he may be arrested and charged with theft.", "If the person is arrested, he will be taken to jail and held until his trial.", "At his trial, the prosecution will have to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that he is guilty of theft.", "The defense will have the opportunity to present evidence and witnesses that may help to exonerate the person.", "If the person is found guilty, he may be sentenced to jail time, probation, or community service.", "He may also be ordered to pay restitution to the victim of the theft.", "In some cases, the person may be able to avoid criminal charges by entering into a diversion program.", "Diversion programs are designed to help people who have committed minor crimes avoid the criminal justice system.", "In a diversion program, the person may be required to complete community service, pay restitution, or attend counseling.", "If the person is found not guilty, he will be released from jail and the charges against him will be dropped.", "He will be able to go on with his life without a criminal record.", "It is important to note that the above is just a general overview of what may happen to a presumed thief who is held by police.", "The specific circumstances of each case will vary, and the outcome may depend on a number of factors, such as the evidence available, the person's criminal history, and the judge or jury's decision."], "trgs": ["\u00c8 daveru prubb\u00e0bbili ca a pulizz\u00eca porta u cristianu \u00e2 stazzioni e u nt\u00e8rruga.", "Vurrannu sapiri di unni pigghiau u portafogghiu e picch\u00ec u stava purtannu pedi pedi.", "Si\u1e0d\u1e0du u cristianu nun rinesci a d\u00e0rici na schicazzioni satisfacenti, capaci ca l'att\u00e0ccanu e accusatu di arrubbatina.", "Si\u1e0d\u1e0du u cristianu veni arristatu, sir\u00e0 purtatu \u00f4 c\u00e0rzaru e trattinutu nzinu \u00f4 prucessu.", "\u00d4 so prucessu, l'accusa h\u00e2 pruvari urtra a ogni raciun\u00e8vuli dubbiu ca \u00e8 curp\u00e8vuli di arrubbatina.", "A difisa \u00e0vi l'uppurtunit\u00e0 di prisintari provi e tistumunianzi ca ponnu ajutari a scaciunijari u cristianu.", "Si\u1e0d\u1e0du u cristianu veni addichiaratu curp\u00e8vuli, putissi \u00e8ssiri cunnannatu \u00f4 c\u00e0rzaru, libbirt\u00e0 guardijata o \u00ea sirbizza suciali.", "Po macari \u00e8ssiri cunnannatu a affrancari a v\u00ecttima di l'arrubbatina.", "Nta quarchi casu, u cristianu putissi rin\u00e8sciri a scanzari l'accusi pinali trasennu nn\u00f4n prugramma di divirsioni.", "I prugrammi di divirsioni su' pinzati pi ajutari i cristiani ca cumm\u00ecsiru riati minuri a scanzari u sistema judizziariu.", "Nta un prugramma di divirsioni, \u00f4 cristianu si ci po dumannari di cumplitari sirbizzi cumunitari, pagari a ristituzzioni, o puru fari psicutirap\u00eca-", "Si\u1e0d\u1e0du u cristianu veni dichiaratu senza curp\u00e8vuli, veni scarzaratu e l'accusi contra di i\u1e0d\u1e0du vennu fatti cascari.", "Putir\u00e0 sicutari a so vita senza pricidenti pinali.", "\u00c8 mpurtanti ricurdari ca zoccu \u00e8 scrittu di supra \u00e8 sulu na panur\u00e0mica ginirali di chi\u1e0d\u1e0du ca putissi succ\u00e8diri \u00f4n prisuntu latru ca \u00e8 trattinutu d\u00e2 pulizz\u00eca.", "I circustanzi spic\u00ecfichi di ogni casu c\u00e0ncianu, e u risurtatu putissi dip\u00e8nniri di na seri di fatturi, comu i provi dispun\u00ecbbili, i pricidenti pinali e a dicisioni d\u00fb j\u00f9dici o d\u00e2 jur\u00eca."], "factuality": "has_errors"} -{"id": "topic_102__tttohhttwtte", "sl": "en", "tl": "scn", "srcs": ["The couple, a renowned linguist and a world-renowned pastry chef, had been trying for a baby for years.", "They had been to every doctor and specialist they could find, but nothing seemed to work.", "The linguist was starting to lose hope, and the pastry chef was worried that their reputation would be ruined if they couldn't have a child.", "One day, the linguist was working on a new translation of a difficult poem when he had a breakthrough.", "He realized that the key to having a child was to find a way to combine their two passions.", "He called the pastry chef and told her his idea.", "The pastry chef was skeptical at first, but she agreed to give it a try.", "They spent the next few months working on a new recipe for a cake that would be infused with the linguist's love of language and the pastry chef's love of baking.", "When the cake was finally finished, they took it to the premier of a new play that the linguist was translating.", "They waited until the after-party, and then they cut the cake and served it to everyone.", "The cake was a huge hit.", "Everyone loved the taste, and they were all impressed by the story behind it."], "trgs": ["A cucchia, un linguista muntuatu e na pastizzera di fama munniali, pruvaru a accattari un picciri\u1e0d\u1e0di pi anni.", "Av\u00ecanu statu nni tutti i dutturi e spicialisti ca p\u00f2ttiru truvari, ma nenti pareva funziunari.", "U linguista stava pirdennu i spiranzi, e a pastizzera si frasturnava ca cci avissi appizzatu a n\u00f2mina si nun put\u00ecvanu accattari un picciri\u1e0d\u1e0du.", "Un jornu, u linguista stava travagghiannu supra na traduzzioni nova di na puis\u00eca diff\u00eccili quannu appi", "Rializzau ca a chiavi pi 'ccattari un picciriu era attruva na manera pi j\u00f9nciri i passiuni di i\u1e0d\u1e0di dui.", "Chiamau a pastizzera e ci dissi a so pinzata.", "A pastizzera era sc\u00e8ttica 'n prima, ma s'appattau cu i\u1e0d\u1e0du pi pruv\u00e0rici.", "Passaru i misi ca sicutaru travagghiannu ncapu a na nova ricetta pi na torta ca avissi statu nfusa cu l'amuri d\u00fb linguista p\u00ee lingui e l'amuri d\u00e2 pastizzera p\u00e2 cucina.", "Quannu a torta era finarmenti finuta, a purtaru \u00e2 prima d'un novu spitt\u00e0culu tiatrali ca u linguista stava traducennu.", "Aspittaru nzinu \u00e2 rifriscata e doppu tagghiaru a torta e a sirberu a tutti pari.", "A torta cafu\u1e0d\u1e0dau.", "A tutti piac\u00ecu u sapuri, e arristaru tutti alluccuti p\u00e2 storia ca cc'era arreri."], "factuality": "ok"} -{"id": "topic_465__hithitthpthi", "sl": "en", "tl": "scn", "srcs": ["Hockey is a fast-paced, physical sport that is played on ice.", "It is played with two teams of six players each, with one goaltender.", "The object of the game is to score goals by shooting the puck into the opponent's net.", "Hockey is a popular sport in Canada, the United States, and Europe.", "It is also an Olympic sport.", "The first indoor hockey game was played in Montreal, Canada, in 1875.", "The National Hockey League (NHL) was established in 1917.", "Hockey is a demanding sport that requires a high level of skill and athleticism.", "Players must be able to skate, shoot, pass, and stickhandle at a high level.", "They must also be able to think quickly and make split-second decisions.", "Hockey is a great sport for people of all ages.", "It is a fun and challenging way to stay active."], "trgs": ["L'hockey \u00e8 un jocu f\u00ecsicu lestu ca si joca nt\u00f4 ghiacciu.", "Veni jucatu di du' squatri di sei jucaturi a l'unu, cu un purteri.", "L'ubbittivu d\u00fb jocu \u00e8 signari goal tirannu u discu nt\u00e2 riti avirsaria.", "L'hockey \u00e8 nu sport pupulari 'n C\u00e0nada, nt\u00ea Stati Junciuti e nta l'Europa.", "\u00c8 macari un jocu ul\u00ecmpicu.", "A prima jucata di hockey fu jucata a Montreal, C\u00e0nada, nt\u00f4 1875.", "A National Hockey League (NHL) fu funnata nt\u00f4 1917.", "L'hockey \u00e8 nu sport mpignusu ca dumanna live\u1e0d\u1e0di auti di abbilit\u00e0 e atliticit\u00e0.", "I jucaturi \u00e0nnu a sapiri pattinari, tirari, passari e fari stickhandle ad autu live\u1e0d\u1e0du.", "\u00c0nnu macari a rin\u00e8sciri a pinzari lesti e fari dicisioni nt\u00f4n sicunnu ruttu.", "L'hockey \u00e8 nu sport bonu pi cristiani di tutti l'et\u00e0.", "\u00c8 scialusu ed \u00e8 na manera p'arristari attivi."], "factuality": "ok"} -{"id": "topic_192__whsiitiiiiitwww", "sl": "en", "tl": "scn", "srcs": ["Were it within my power to impart to you the incredibly detailed information concerning my deepest fear, I would do so without hesitation.", "However, such knowledge is not mine to give.", "Suffice it to say that my greatest dread is something so insidious and far-reaching that it defies description.", "It is a terror that lurks in the shadows, waiting to pounce at the most unexpected moment.", "It is a predator that feeds on my very essence, leaving me feeling weak and vulnerable.", "This insidious fear has been with me for as long as I can remember.", "It has shaped my life in ways that I am only beginning to understand.", "I have become a recluse, afraid to venture out into the world lest I come face to face with my worst nightmare.", "I have lost friends and family, and my relationships have suffered.", "I am constantly on edge, waiting for the other shoe to drop.", "I know that I am not alone in my suffering.", "There are others who share my burden.", "We are a community of the damned, united by our fear.", "We are the ones who walk in the shadows, afraid of the light.", "We are the ones who are haunted by the past, and who live in fear of the future."], "trgs": ["Si\u1e0d\u1e0du avissi u putiri di spart\u00ecrivi nfurmazzioni pi daveru pricisi ncapu \u00f4 me scantu cchi\u00f9 radicatu, lu facissi senza dubbiu.", "Cumunca, sta canuscenza nun \u00e8 c\u00f2mpitu me dunalla.", "Abbasta diri ca lu scantu cchi\u00f9 granni \u00e8 na cosa accuss\u00ec chiaccusa e granni ca cummatti ogni discrizzioni.", "\u00c8 nu spilluzzu ca s'ammuccia nta l'\u00f9mmira, aspittannu di sautari fora \u00f4 mumentu cchi\u00f9 sdisaspittatu.", "\u00c8 un pridaturi ca si n\u00f9trica d\u00fb me \u00e8ssiri, ca mi lassa abbisicchiatu e scunzinutu.", "Stu scantu chiaccusu \u00e0vi di quannu \u00e0ju mimoria ca sta cu mia.", "Furmau a me vita cu maneri ca staju sulu accuminciannu a capiri.", "Mi nchiujivi, spagn\u00e0nnumi di caminari munnu munnu p\u00fb scantu d'attruvarimi 'n facciu \u00f4 me peggiu malusonnu.", "Persi amici e famigghiari e i me rapporti pateru.", "Sugnu sempri \u00f4 l\u00ecmiti, aspittannu ca l'autra scarpa cadi.", "Sacciu d'un \u00e8ssiri sulu nn\u00f4 me patiri.", "Cci su' autri ca sp\u00e0rtinu u me pisu.", "Semu na cumunit\u00e0 di dannati, junciuti d\u00fb nostru spagnu.", "Semu chi\u1e0d\u1e0di ca cam\u00ecnanu a l'\u00f9mmira, scantati d\u00fb lustru.", "Semu chi\u1e0d\u1e0di a su' assicutati d\u00fb passatu, e ca c\u00e0mpanu c\u00fb scantu di l'abb\u00e8niri."], "factuality": "ok"} -{"id": "topic_446__ghgwggwwggwggggg", "sl": "en", "tl": "scn", "srcs": ["Grandmother is sitting in her rocking chair, knitting a sweater.", "Her granddaughter, a teenager, is sitting on the couch, watching TV.", "Grandmother: I remember when I was your age, we didn't have any of these fancy gadgets.", "We had to go outside and play.", "Granddaughter: I know, Grandma. You've told me that story a million times.", "Grandmother: Well, it's true!", "We had to use our imaginations to have fun.", "We didn't have all these video games and computers to entertain us.", "Granddaughter: But I like video games and computers. They're fun.", "Grandmother: I'm not saying they're not fun, but they're not the same as playing outside.", "When you play outside, you get exercise and you meet new people.", "Granddaughter: I know, Grandma. But I still like video games.", "Grandmother: Well, I guess you're just a product of your generation.", "Granddaughter: I guess so.", "[Grandmother smiles and goes back to knitting.", "Granddaughter goes back to watching TV.]"], "trgs": ["Nanna \u00e8 assittata ncapu \u00e2 so nacalora, cusennu na cheppa.", "So niputi, na picciotta, \u00e8 assittata ncapu \u00f4 divanu, taliannu a TV.", "Nanna: M'arricordu di quannu av\u00eca la to et\u00e0, nun av\u00ecamu tutti ssi cosi zizzi.", "Av\u00ecamu a n\u00e8sciri fora e jucari.", "Niputi: Lu sacciu, nanna. Mi cuntasti sta storia un miliuni di voti.", "Nanna: Bih, veru \u00e8!", "Av\u00ecamu a usari a nostra mmagginazzioni p'addivirt\u00ecrini", "Nun av\u00ecamu tutti sti vidiu-joca e computer pi sbarijari.", "Niputi: Ma a mia mi pi\u00e0cinu i vidiu-joca e i computer. Su' sbiusi.", "Nanna: Nun staju dicennu ca nun su' sbiusi, ma nun \u00e8 la stissa cosa di jucari fora.", "Quannu jochi fora, ti movi e canusci cristiani novi.", "Niputi: Lu sacciu, nanna. Ma i vidiu-joca mi pi\u00e0cinu u stissu.", "Nanna: Bonu, penzu ca s\u00ec fruttu d\u00e2 to ginirazzioni.", "Niputi: U penzu macari jeu.", "[A nanna ci surrid\u00ecu e turnau a c\u00f9siri.", "A niputi turnau a taliari a TV]"], "factuality": "ok"} -{"id": "topic_140__tfitftiiit", "sl": "en", "tl": "scn", "srcs": ["The influences of religion on music are vast and varied.", "From the chanting of hymns in ancient temples to the soaring melodies of gospel songs, music has long been used to express religious beliefs and emotions.", "In many religions, music is seen as a way to connect with the divine.", "The sounds and rhythms of music can create a sense of awe and reverence, and can help to transport the listener to a higher plane of consciousness.", "For example, in Hinduism, music is considered to be a form of yoga.", "The practice of kirtan, or devotional chanting, is said to help to purify the mind and open the heart to the divine.", "In Buddhism, music is often used as a form of meditation, helping to focus the mind and bring about a state of calm and tranquility.", "In addition to its spiritual role, music can also be used to address social and political issues.", "In the civil rights movement, for example, music played a powerful role in mobilizing people and inspiring them to fight for justice.", "The songs of Martin Luther King Jr, Mahalia Jackson, and others helped to give voice to the hopes and dreams of African Americans, and helped to bring about a more just and equitable society."], "trgs": ["I nfruenzi d\u00e2 riliggiuni supra \u00e2 m\u00f9sica su' vasti e vari.", "D\u00fb cantu di l'inni nt\u00ea tempri antichi \u00ea milud\u00eci criscenti d\u00ee canzuni gospel, a m\u00f9sica \u00e0' statu usata a longu pi espr\u00ecmiri cridenzi riliggiusi e emuzzioni.", "Nta tanti riliggiuni, a m\u00f9sica \u00e8 vista comu na manera pi lij\u00e0risi \u00f4 divinu.", "I soni e i ritmi d\u00e2 m\u00f9sica ponnu criari un senzu di s\u00f9ggicu e rivirenza e po ajutari a carrijari l'ascutaturi \u00f4n chianu cchi\u00f9 autu di cuscenza.", "P'esempi, nta l'Innu\u00ecsimu, a m\u00f9sica \u00e8 cunzidirata na furma di yoga.", "Si dici ca pr\u00e0ttica d\u00fb kirtan, o cantu divuzziunali, ajuta a annittari a menti e r\u00e0piri u cori \u00f4 divinu.", "Nt\u00f4 Budd\u00ecsimu, a m\u00f9sica \u00e8 spissu usata comu furma di miditazzioni, ajutannu a cuncintrari a menti e criari nu statu di carma e cueti.", "Sparti \u00f4 so rolu spirduali, a m\u00f9sica po macari \u00e8ssiri usata pi affruntari prubblemi suciali e pul\u00ectici.", "Nt\u00f4 muvimentu p\u00ee diritti civili, pi scmperu, a m\u00f9sica jucatu un rolu putenti a fari m\u00f2viri i cristiani e ispiralli a cumm\u00e0ttiri p\u00e2 giustizzia.", "I canzuni di Martin Luther King Jr, Mahalia Jackson e autri ajutari a dari vuci \u00ea spiranzi e sonni di l'Afro-miricani e ajutaru a criari na sucit\u00e0 cchi\u00f9 giusta e avali."], "factuality": "has_errors"} -{"id": "topic_558__tipdtptit", "sl": "en", "tl": "scn", "srcs": ["The peacock is a large and colorful bird that is native to Asia.", "It is known for its beautiful plumage, which is made up of iridescent blue, green, and purple feathers.", "Peacocks are also known for their elaborate courtship displays, which they perform to attract mates.", "During these displays, the male peacock will spread his tail feathers and fan them out to create a large, colorful fan.", "The female peacock will then choose a mate based on the size and beauty of his tail feathers.", "Peacocks are also known for their intelligence and ability to learn.", "They can be trained to perform tricks and can even be taught to talk.", "In addition to their beauty and intelligence, peacocks are also important members of the ecosystem.", "They help to control the population of insects and other pests, and their droppings can help to fertilize the soil."], "trgs": ["U pavu \u00e8 n'ace\u1e0d\u1e0du granni e culurutu ca veni di l'Asia.", "\u00c8 canusciutu p\u00fb so be\u1e0d\u1e0du chiumaggiu, fattu di chiumi virdi, blu e viola ridiscenti.", "I pavi su' macari canusciuti p\u00ee so traficusi parati di cucciulijati, cu cu' si m\u00f2vinu p'alluzziari i cumpagni.", "Mentri ca fannu sti parati, i pavi m\u00e0sculi r\u00e0pinu i chiumi d\u00e2 cuda comu un muscaloru pi criari na rota granni e culuruta.", "U pavu f\u00ecmmina scegghi u cumpagnu partennu d\u00e2 grannizza e d\u00e2 bi\u1e0d\u1e0dizza d\u00ee chiumi d\u00e2 cuda.", "I pavi su' macari canusciuti p\u00e2 so spirtizza e p\u00fb versu a nzign\u00e0risi cosi.", "Si ci po nzignari di fari joca e macari nzign\u00e0rici a parrari.", "Urtra a so bi\u1e0d\u1e0dizza e spirtizza, i pavi su' puru m\u00e8mmira mpurtanti di l'ecusistema.", "Ajutanu a t\u00e8niri cuntrullatu u n\u00f9mmaru di nzetti e ammammati, e quannu sbr\u00e0zzanu ajutanu a nutricari u tirrenu."], "factuality": "has_errors"} -{"id": "topic_164__ittittiiii", "sl": "en", "tl": "scn", "srcs": ["I sit on the edge of the bed, my feet dangling over the side.", "The air is thick with the smell of sweat and sex.", "The sheets are tangled around my legs, and I can feel the warm imprint of his body on the mattress next to me.", "I reach for the postcard on the nightstand and write my name and address on the front.", "Then I turn it over and begin to write \"Dearest Ted,\" I write. \"I'm having the time of my life here in Italy.", "The weather is perfect, the food is delicious, and the people are so friendly.", "I've been swimming in the ocean, exploring the ruins of ancient cities, and eating the best things the country has to offer.\"", "I think of Ted's disintrest in outdoor activities and his bland cooking. I glance at Alfonso.", "\"I'm enclosing this postcard with a picture of the beach where I'm staying.", "It's a beautiful spot, with white sand and crystal-clear water.\""], "trgs": ["M'assettu 'n pizzu \u00f4 lettu, ch\u00ee pedi ca pinnul\u00ecjanu a latu.", "L'ariu \u00e8 mpregnu di ci\u00e0guru di suduri e sessu.", "I linzola su' nturciunijati ntornu \u00ea me jammi, e pozzu s\u00e8ntiri l'urma d\u00fb so corpu caudu nn\u00f4 matarazzu a latu a mia.", "Pigghiu a cartuli\u1e0d\u1e0da ncapu \u00e2 culunnetta e scrivu nomu e ndrizzu davanzi.", "Appoi la firriju e accuminciu a scr\u00ecviri. \"Caru Ted\", scrivu, \"Mi staju addivirtennu di m\u00f2riri cca 'n Italia.", "Lu tempu \u00e8 pirfettu, u manciari \u00e8 bonu assai, e li cristiani su' accuss\u00ec carinusi.", "Natavi nta l'uc\u00ecanu, mi caminavi ruini di cit\u00e0 antichi e manciavi i megghiu cosi ca stu pajisi \u00e0vi di \u00f2ffriri", "Penzu \u00f4 sdintrissu di Ted ncapu \u00ea cosi di fari fora e a so manera di c\u00f2ciri ca nun sapi di nenti. Tal\u00ecu a Fonzu.", "\"Liju sta cartuli\u1e0d\u1e0da cu na fotu d\u00e2 praja unni m'attrovu.", "\"\u00c8 un postu be\u1e0d\u1e0du, c\u00e2 rina janca e l'acqua chiara chiara\""], "factuality": "ok"} -{"id": "cameroon_historical__ttitdtiic", "sl": "en", "tl": "scn", "srcs": ["The history of Cameroon is long and complex, dating back to the earliest human settlements in the region.", "The area was first settled by Bantu peoples around 3000 BCE, and it was later conquered by the Kanem-Bornu Empire in the 11th century.", "In the 15th century, the Portuguese arrived in Cameroon and established trade relations with the local people.", "The region was later colonized by Germany in the 1880s, and it became a German colony known as Kamerun.", "During World War I, Cameroon was occupied by British and French forces, and it was divided between the two countries after the war.", "The British-controlled region became known as Southern Cameroons, while the French-controlled region became known as French Cameroon.", "In 1960, Southern Cameroons became independent from Britain, and it merged with French Cameroon to form the Federal Republic of Cameroon.", "In 1972, the federal system was abolished and Cameroon became a unitary state.", "Cameroon has experienced a number of political and economic challenges in recent years."], "trgs": ["A storia d\u00fb Cameroon \u00e8 longa e traficusa, ca \u00e0vi ur\u00ecgginu ch\u00ee primi prisenzi umani nt\u00e2 riggiuni.", "L'aria fu culunizzata p\u00e2 prima vota d\u00ee Bantu ntunnu \u00f4 3000 a.C, e fu cunquistata cchi\u00f9 tardi d\u00fb Mperu Kanem-Bornu nta l'XI s\u00e8culu.", "Nt\u00f4 XV s\u00e8culu, i purtughisi arrivaru nn\u00f4 Cameroon e stabbileru rilazzioni cummirciali ch\u00ee p\u00f2puli lucali.", "A riggiuni fu doppu culunizzata d\u00e2 Girmania nta l'anni Uttanta d\u00fb 1800 e divintau na culonia tidisca ntisa comu Kamerun.", "Duranti a Prima Guerra munniali, u Cameroon fu uccupatu d\u00ee forzi Brit\u00e0nnichi e Francisi e fu spartutu ntra i du' pajisi doppu a guerra.", "A riggiuni cuntrullata d\u00ee brit\u00e0nnici pigghiau u nomu di Cameroon d\u00fb Suddi, mentri a riggiuni cuntrullata d\u00ee francisi addivintau ntisa c\u00fb nomu di Cameroon Francisi.", "Nt\u00f4 1960, u Cameroon d\u00fb Suddi addivintau nnipinnenti d\u00e2 Britagna e si junc\u00ecu c\u00fb Cameroon Francisi furmannu a Rip\u00f9bblica Fidirali di Cameroon.", "Nn\u00f4 1972, u sistema fidirali fu abbulutu e u Cameroon divintau nu statu junciutu.", "U Cameroon \u00e0vi attravirsatu na seri di sfidi sfidi pul\u00ectichi e can\u00f2mici nta l'\u00f9rtimi anni."], "factuality": "ok"} -{"id": "topic_61__mesgspgttttg", "sl": "en", "tl": "scn", "srcs": ["Mystery surrounds disappearance of Eva Green.", "Eva Green, a 25-year-old woman from London, has been missing for over a week.", "She was last seen on February 25th, leaving her apartment in the city's Notting Hill neighborhood.", "Green is described as being 5'6\" tall, with long brown hair and green eyes.", "She was last seen wearing a black coat, jeans, and a white t-shirt.", "Police have said that they are concerned for Green's safety and are asking anyone with information about her whereabouts to come forward.", "Green's family and friends are desperate for news of her.", "They have been posting flyers and distributing missing person's posters around the city.", "They have also set up a Facebook page to help spread the word about her disappearance.", "The police have not yet released any information about possible suspects or motives in Green's disappearance.", "They are asking anyone with information to come forward, no matter how small.", "Green's disappearance is a mystery, but her family and friends are hopeful that she will be found safe and sound."], "trgs": ["Tanti misteri cci su' ncapu \u00e2 scumparuta di Eva Green.", "Eva Green, na f\u00ecmmina vinticinchina di L\u00f2nnira, \u00e0vi na simana ca spar\u00ecu.", "Fu vista l'\u00f9rtima vota u 25 frivaru, ca lassau a so casa nn\u00f4 vicinatu d\u00e2 cit\u00e0 di Notting Hill.", "Green \u00e8 discrivuta comu auta 5 pedi e 6 pusera, ch\u00ee capi\u1e0d\u1e0di longhi e marr\u00f2 e l'occhi virdi.", "Fu vista l'\u00f9rtima vota azzizzata cu na bunaca n\u00ecgura, jeans e na magghia janca.", "A pulizz\u00eca dissi ca su mpignati p\u00e2 sarbizza di Green e stannu spiannu a tutti chi\u1e0d\u1e0di ca ponnu aviri nfurmazzioni ncapu a unni si po attruvari di f\u00e0rsisi avanti.", "A famigghia e l'amici di Green su' anziusi d'aviri nuvit\u00e0.", "Appizzaru vulantini e sparteru manifesti di cristianu scumparutu pi tutta a cit\u00e0.", "Raperu macari na p\u00e0ggina Facebook pi ajutari a diff\u00f9nniri a vuci d\u00e2 so scumparuta.", "A pulizz\u00eca ancora nun pubblicau nfurmazzioni ncapu puss\u00ecbbili suspetti o scaciuna d\u00e2 scumparuta di Green.", "Stannu spiannu a cu' \u00e8-\u00e8 ca po aviri nfurmazzioni di f\u00e0risi avanti, picca mporta di quantu su' nichi.", "A scumparuta di Green \u00e8 un misteru, ma a so famigghia e l'amici su' spiranzusi ca veni asciata sana e sarba."], "factuality": "ok"} -{"id": "stt_546__tityniyttbisotwahstibyiw", "sl": "en", "tl": "scn", "srcs": ["Trimming your dog's nails is a necessary part of grooming, but it can be a daunting task for some pet owners.", "If you're not sure how to trim your dog's nails, don't worry - it's easier than you think.", "The first step is to gather your supplies.", "You'll need a pair of sharp scissors or a nail clipper, a styptic powder or pencil, and a towel.", "Next, you'll need to clip your dog's nails in a comfortable place.", "If your dog is nervous, try clipping their nails in a quiet room where they can't see out the window.", "You may also want to have someone help you hold your dog still.", "To trim your dog's nails, start by gently grasping their paw.", "Then, use your scissors or clippers to clip the tip of the nail.", "Be careful not to cut too short, as this can cause pain and bleeding.", "If you do cut your dog's nail too short, apply a styptic powder or pencil to stop the bleeding.", "Styptic powders and pencils are available at most pet stores.", "Once you've trimmed all of your dog's nails, be sure to reward them with a treat.", "Trimming nails can be a stressful experience for some dogs, so it's important to make it a positive experience.", "With a little practice, you'll be able to trim your dog's nails like a pro.", "And your dog will be happy to have their nails trimmed, too!", "Here are a few additional tips for trimming your dog's nails:", "* Start by trimming the nails on your dog's front paws.", "This is usually the easiest place to start.", "* If your dog is nervous, try trimming their nails one at a time.", "* Be sure to trim the nails evenly.", "You don't want one nail to be shorter than the others.", "* If you're not sure how to trim your dog's nails, ask your veterinarian or a groomer for help.", "With a little care and attention, you can keep your dog's nails trimmed and healthy."], "trgs": ["Tagghiari l'ugna d\u00fb to cani \u00e8 na parti nicissaria d\u00e2 tulettatura, ma po \u00e8ssiri un c\u00f2mpitu sbarruusu pi quarchi prupitariu di armali dum\u00e8stici.", "Si\u1e0d\u1e0du nun s\u00ec sicuru di comu tagghiari l'ugna d\u00fb to cani, nun ti frasturnari - \u00e8 cchi\u00f9 f\u00e0cili di chi\u1e0d\u1e0du ca penzi.", "U primu passu \u00e8 ric\u00f2gghiri u to matiriali.", "Ti gi\u00f9vanu un paru di f\u00f2rfici ammulati o un tagghiaugna, na pr\u00f9vuli st\u00ecptica o un l\u00e0pisi e n'asciucamanu.", "Doppu, h\u00e2 tagghiari l'ugna d\u00fb to cani nt\u00f4n locu c\u00f2mmudu.", "Si u to cani \u00e8 nirbusu, prova a tagghi\u00e0rici l'ugna nta na c\u00e0mmara cueta unni nun ponnu v\u00ecdiri fora d\u00e2 finestra.", "Putissi macari addumannari a quarchidunu di ajut\u00e0riti a fari m\u00f2viri fermu u to cani.", "Pi tagghiari l'ugna d\u00fb to cani, accumenza acchiappannu dilicatu a ciampa.", "Appoi, usa a to f\u00f2rficia o u tagghiaugna pi tagghiari u pizzu di l'ugnu.", "Sta' accura a nun tagghiallu troppu curtu, picch\u00ec chistu putissi causari duluri e sanguinamentu.", "Si tagghi l'ugnu d\u00fb to cani troppu curtu, \u00e0pprica na pr\u00f9vuli st\u00ecptica o u l\u00e0bbisi pi firmari u sanguinamentu.", "Pr\u00f9vuli st\u00ecptichi e l\u00e0pisi su' dispun\u00ecbbili nt\u00e2 majur\u00eca d\u00ee putiji di armali.", "Comu tagghiasti tutti l'ugna d\u00fb to cani, assic\u00f9rati di ricumpinzallu cu un vuccune\u1e0d\u1e0du.", "Tagghiari l'ugna po \u00e8ssiri na spirienza fatigusa pi quarchi cani, adunca \u00e8 mpurtanti rinnilla na spirienza pusitiva.", "Cu picca pr\u00e0ttica, riniscirai a taghi\u00e0rici l'ugna \u00f4 to cani comu un mastru.", "E u to cani sar\u00e0 filici di f\u00e0risi tagghiari l'ugna, sparti!", "Eccu quarchi cunzigghiu superchiu pi tagghi\u00e0rici l'ugna \u00f4 to cani:", "* Accumincia a tagghiari l'ugna nt\u00ea ciampi davanzi d\u00fb to cani.", "Di s\u00f2litu \u00e8 banna cchi\u00f9 f\u00e0cili di unni p\u00e0rtiri.", "* Si\u1e0d\u1e0du u to cani \u00e8 nirbusu, prova a tagghi\u00e0rici l'ugna unu a unu.", "* Assic\u00f9rati di tagghi\u00e0rici l'ugna avali.", "Nun si voli aviri n'ugnu cchi\u00f9 curtu di l'autri.", "* Si nun s\u00ec sicuru di ocmu tagghiari l'ugna d\u00fb to cani, adumanna ajutu \u00f4 to vitirinariu o tulettaturi.", "Cu tanticchia di cura e attinzioni, po mant\u00e8niri l'ugna d\u00fb to cani curati e sani."], "factuality": "ok"} -{"id": "ivory_coast__itghihgitth", "sl": "en", "tl": "scn", "srcs": ["Ivory Coast is a country in West Africa that has been in the midst of a civil war since 2010.", "The conflict began after incumbent president Laurent Gbagbo refused to accept defeat in the 2010 presidential election.", "Gbagbo was eventually ousted by forces loyal to Alassane Ouattara, who was declared the winner of the election.", "However, the conflict has continued, with sporadic violence breaking out in the country.", "In 2017, there were hopes that the country would finally be able to move on from the civil war.", "However, these hopes were dashed when Gbagbo was acquitted of charges of crimes against humanity by the International Criminal Court.", "Gbagbo's acquittal was seen as a blow to the peace process, and it led to renewed violence in the country.", "In 2018, the United Nations Security Council imposed sanctions on Gbagbo and his supporters.", "The sanctions were aimed at pressuring Gbagbo to end his support for violence in the country.", "The sanctions have had some success, and there has been a decrease in violence in Ivory Coast since they were imposed.", "However, the country is still far from stable."], "trgs": ["A Costa d'Avoliu \u00e8 na nazzioni di l'\u00c0frica punintina ca \u00e0' statu 'n menzu a na guerra civili a accuminciari d\u00fb 2010.", "A guerra accuminciau doppu ca u prisidenti ncarricatu Laurent Gbagbo nun vosi accittari a disfatta a l'a\u1e0d\u1e0dijuti prisidinziali d\u00fb 2010.", "\u00c2 fini Gbagbo fu scanciatu d\u00ee forzi fidati cu Alessane Ouattara, ca fu numinatu vincituri di l'a\u1e0d\u1e0dijuti.", "Cumunca, a guerra cuntinuau, cu viulenza ogni tantu pedi pedi p\u00e2 nazzioni.", "Nt\u00f4 2017, cci fu spiranza ca a nazzioni arriniscissi na vota pi tutti a finiri a guerra civili.", "Cumunca, sti spiranzi si stuccaru quannu Gbagbo fu libbiratu di l'accusi di cr\u00ecmini contra a l'umanit\u00e0 d\u00e2 Curti Criminali Ntirnazziunali.", "A libbirt\u00e0 di Gbagbo fu vista comu na mazzulijata \u00f4 prucessu di paci, a purtau a nova viulenza nn\u00f4 pajisi.", "Nn\u00f4 2018, u Cunzigghiu d\u00e2 Sicurizza d\u00ee Nazzioni Junciuti nzitau sanziona pi Gbagbo e sicutura.", "I sanzioni av\u00ecanu lu scopu di fari prissioni a Gbagbo di finiri u supportu p\u00e2 viulenza nn\u00f4 pajisi.", "I sanzioni \u00e0ppiru successu, e partennu di quannu foru nzitati, a viulenza nn\u00e2 Costa d'Avoliu calau.", "Cumunca, u pajisi \u00e8 ancora arrassu di l'\u00e8ssiri st\u00e0bbili."], "factuality": "has_errors"} -{"id": "topic_309__totsrhattswih", "sl": "en", "tl": "scn", "srcs": ["There are many different ways to do laundry, from using a traditional washing machine and dryer to more eco-friendly methods like hand washing and line drying.", "One way to do laundry without using a machine is to hand wash your clothes in a basin or sink.", "To do this, fill the basin with warm water and add a small amount of laundry detergent.", "Soak your clothes for a few minutes, then scrub them with a washcloth or brush.", "Rinse your clothes thoroughly in clean water, then wring them out.", "Hang your clothes to dry on a clothesline or drying rack.", "Another option is to use a washing machine without a dryer.", "This can save energy and money, but it does require more time and effort.", "To wash clothes in a machine without a dryer, fill the machine with water and add laundry detergent.", "Set the machine to the appropriate cycle, then start it.", "When the cycle is complete, remove your clothes from the machine and hang them to dry.", "If you live in an area with a lot of rain, you may be able to use the rain to help you dry your clothes.", "Hang your clothes on a clothesline outside in the rain."], "trgs": ["Cci su' tanti maneri diversi di fari a lisc\u00eca, di l'usu d\u00e2 lavatrici e di l'asciucatrici tradizziunali a maneri cchi\u00f9 ecul\u00f2ggichi comu u lavari i robbi a manu o stinnilli fora.", "Na manera pi fari a lisc\u00eca senza usari na lavatrici e lavari i to robbi a manu nt\u00f4n vacili o nta na pila.", "Pi fallu, jinchi u vacili cu acqua cauda e agghiunci na quantit\u00e0 nica di ditirsivu pi robbi.", "Lassa i to robbi a mo\u1e0d\u1e0du pi quarchi minutu, appoi str\u00eccali cu na mappina o na scupitta.", "Sguazza i to robbi accuratamenti 'n acqua pulita, doppu munc\u00ectili.", "Appizza i to robbi a asciucari supra \u00f4n ferru filatu o nu stennirrobbi.", "N'autra a\u1e0d\u1e0dijuta \u00e8 usari na lavatrici senza n'asciucatrici.", "Chistu po fari sparagnari enirg\u00eca e sordi, ma dumanna cchi\u00f9 tempu e mpignu.", "Pi lavari i robbi nna na lavatrici senza n'asciucatrici, all\u00ecnchila cu acqua e agghiunci u ditirisivu pi robbi.", "Mposta a lavatrici nn\u00f4 ciclu apprupiatu, appoi abb\u00ecala.", "Quannu \u00e8 u ciclu \u00e8 cumpletu, leva i robbi d\u00e2 lavatrici e app\u00e8nnili a asciucari.", "Si stai nta n'aria unni chiovi assai, putissi macari usari l'acqua pi asciucari i to robbi.", "Apizza i to robbi supra \u00f4n ferru filatu fora mentri ca chiovi."], "factuality": "has_errors"} -{"id": "topic_128__itttitatiotothtseaeb", "sl": "en", "tl": "scn", "srcs": ["In the beginning, there was only darkness.", "The universe was a vast, empty void.", "Then, out of the darkness, came a spark.", "This spark was the first sign of life in the universe.", "It grew and expanded, becoming a small ball of fire.", "This ball of fire was the sun.", "Around the sun, the planets began to form.", "The Earth was the third planet from the sun.", "It was a small, rocky planet with a thin atmosphere.", "On the Earth, the first living things began to appear.", "These were simple organisms, such as bacteria and algae.", "Over time, these organisms evolved into more complex forms of life, such as plants and animals.", "The first humans appeared on Earth about 200,000 years ago.", "Humans have evolved and developed to become the dominant species on Earth.", "The universe is still expanding and evolving.", "Scientists believe that it will continue to expand for billions of years.", "Eventually, the universe will reach a point where it can no longer expand.", "At this point, the universe will begin to contract.", "Eventually, the universe will collapse in on itself and disappear.", "But even though the universe may end, the story of life will continue."], "trgs": ["N principiu, cc'era sulu u scuru.", "L'universu era un granni nenti vacanti.", "Poi, fora d\u00fb scuru, assummau na spisi\u1e0d\u1e0da.", "Sta spisi\u1e0d\u1e0da era u primu signu di vita nta l'universu.", "Crisc\u00ecu e si spann\u00ecu, addivintannu na ba\u1e0d\u1e0duzza di focu.", "Sta ba\u1e0d\u1e0da di focu era u suli.", "Ntunnu \u00f4 suli, i chianiti s'accuminciaru a furmari.", "A Terra era u terzu chianita partennu d\u00fb suli.", "Era un chianita nicu, pitrusu e cu n'atmusfera fini.", "Nn\u00e2 Terra, i primi cosi viventi accuminzaru a cump\u00e0riri.", "\u00c8ranu urgan\u00ecsimi s\u00ecmplici, comu batteri e \u00e0lichi.", "C\u00fb tempu, st'urgan\u00ecsimi s'evuluzziunaru 'n furmi cchi\u00f9 traficusi di vita, comu chianti e armali.", "I primi umani cumpareru nn\u00e2 Terra ammeri a 200.000 anni arreri.", "L'umani s'evuluzziunaru e sbilupparu p'addivintari a speci duminanti d\u00e2 Terra", "L'universu ancora sta criscennu e sbiluppannu.", "I scinziati cr\u00ecdinu ca h\u00e2 cr\u00ecsciri ancora pi miliardi d'anni.", "\u00c2 fini, l'universu h\u00e2 arrivari a un puntu unni nun po cr\u00ecsciri cchi\u00f9.", "A \u1e0d\u1e0du puntu, l'universu accumincia a strinc\u00ecrisi.", "\u00c2 fini, l'universu h\u00e2 sdirrup\u00e0risi di nco\u1e0d\u1e0du e scump\u00e0riri.", "Ma macari c\u00e2 fini d\u00fb munnu, a storia d\u00e2 vita cuntinuar\u00e0."], "factuality": "ok"} -{"id": "topic_294__iitraboyy", "sl": "en", "tl": "scn", "srcs": ["I'm concerned about the environment and the impact that climate change is having on our planet.", "I'm also a big fan of technology and gadgets, so I'm always looking for ways to reduce my carbon footprint without sacrificing my lifestyle.", "That's why I'm so excited about renewable and alternative energy sources.", "Renewable energy is energy that comes from sources that are naturally replenished, such as solar, wind, and water power.", "Alternative energy is energy that comes from sources that are not traditionally used for power generation, such as biomass and geothermal energy.", "Both renewable and alternative energy sources are clean and sustainable, meaning they don't produce greenhouse gases or other pollutants.", "One of the best ways to make a difference is to switch to renewable energy sources for your home.", "You can do this by installing solar panels on your roof, buying a wind turbine, or signing up for a green power plan from your utility company.", "You can also reduce your energy consumption by unplugging appliances when you're not using them, turning off the lights when you leave a room, and using energy-efficient appliances."], "trgs": ["Sugnu pruccupata pi l'ammienti e u mpattu ca u canciamentu clim\u00e0ticu sta avennu ncapu \u00f4 nostru chianita.", "Sugnu macari appassiunata di tecnulugg\u00eca e gadget, adunca cercu sempri maneri pi ridd\u00f9ciri u me rastu di carboniu senza sagrificari u me stili di vita.", "Eccu picch\u00ec sugnu accuss\u00ec emuzziunata p\u00ee funti di enirg\u00eca rinuv\u00e0bbili e autirnativi.", "L'enirg\u00eca rinuv\u00e0bbili \u00e8 l'enirg\u00eca ca veni di funti ca su' arrivisciuti naturarmenti, comu l'enirg\u00eca sulari, e\u00f2lica e \u00ecdrica.", "L'enirg\u00eca autirnativa e n'enirg\u00eca ca veni di funti ca di s\u00f2litu nun su' usati pi prud\u00f9ciri enirg\u00eca.", "Sia i funti di enirg\u00eca rinuv\u00e0bbili ca chi\u1e0d\u1e0di autirnativi su' puliti e sustin\u00ecbbili, vali a diri ca nun prud\u00f9cinu gas serra o autri nquinanti.", "Una d\u00ee megghiu maneri pi fari a diffirenza \u00e8 passari a funti di enirg\u00eca rinuv\u00e0bbili p\u00e2 to casa.", "U po' fari nzitannu panne\u1e0d\u1e0di sulari nt\u00f4 to tettu, accattannu na turbina a ventu o suttascrivennu un chianu di enirg\u00eca virdi p\u00e2 to azzienna el\u00e8ttrica.", "Po' ridd\u00f9ciri u to sfardu di enirg\u00eca macari scippannu a spina a l'elettrudum\u00e8stici quannu nun i sta' usannu, astutannu a luci quannu nesci di na stanza e usannu elettrudum\u00e8stici a sfardu vasciu."], "factuality": "has_errors"} -{"id": "topic_105__tibohwhttthtttt", "sl": "en", "tl": "scn", "srcs": ["The old wooden boat sat on the shore, its sails furled and its hull weathered by the sun and the rain.", "It had seen many years of service, carrying its owners on voyages to far-off lands.", "But now, it was retired, its days of sailing over.", "One day, a young boy named Thomas came to the beach.", "He had heard stories about the old boat, and he was eager to see it for himself.", "When he saw the boat, he was amazed by its size and its beauty.", "He could imagine himself sailing off on adventures in the vast ocean.", "Thomas asked the owner of the boat if he could take a closer look.", "The owner smiled and said, \"Of course you can. Come aboard!\"", "Thomas climbed into the boat and sat down in the captain's chair.", "He looked out over the water and imagined himself sailing away to a faraway land.", "The owner of the boat watched Thomas for a moment, then said, \"Do you want to learn how to sail?\"", "Thomas' eyes widened \"Yes\" he said.", "The owner of the boat smiled again.", "\"Then I'll teach you,\" he said."], "trgs": ["A varca di lignu vecchia era jittata a ripa ch\u00ee vila calati e lu scafu sfardatu d\u00fb suli e di l'acqua.", "Vitti tanti anni di sirbizza, carrijannu i prupitari pi viaggi nzinu a terri arrassu.", "Ma ora fu ritirata, i jorna di navicari fineru.", "Un jornu, un picciottu di nomu Thomas j\u00ecu \u00e2 praja.", "Ntisi quarchi storia ncapu \u00e2 vecchia varca, e addisijava di talialla ch\u00ee so occhi.", "Quannu vitti a varca, fu maravigghiatu d\u00e2 so grannizza e bi\u1e0d\u1e0dizza.", "Put\u00eca mmagginari di navic\u00e0rici p'avinturi nna l'uc\u00ecanu granni.", "Thomas dumannau \u00f4 prupitariu d\u00e2 varca si\u1e0d\u1e0du ci put\u00eca dunari na taliata di vicinu.", "U prupitariu surrid\u00ecu e dissi: \"Certu ca poi. Acchiana!\"", "Thomas muntau nn\u00e2 varca e s'assittau nn\u00e2 seggia d\u00fb capitanu.", "Taliau fora nta l'acqua e si mmagginau a i\u1e0d\u1e0du ca navicava via terri terri arrassu.", "U prupitariu d\u00e2 varca taliau a Thomas p'un mumentu, poi ci dissi: \"T\u00fb vo' nzignari comu navicari?\"", "L'occhi di Thomas si raperu \"Se\" dissi.", "U prupitariu d\u00e2 varca surrid\u00ecu arr\u00e8.", "\"Allura t\u00fb nzignu\" dissi."], "factuality": "ok"} -{"id": "topic_328__sjijwjijiwjbsajijiij", "sl": "en", "tl": "scn", "srcs": ["Scene: Two friends, Jasmine and Joseph, are sitting at a coffee shop.", "Jasmine: I'm so glad you could meet me today, Joseph.", "I really need your help.", "Joseph: Anything for you, Jasmine.", "What's going on?", "Jasmine: I'm having a really tough time at work.", "I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to keep my job.", "Joseph: Oh no, Jasmine.", "I'm so sorry to hear that.", "What's going on?", "Jasmine: It's a long story.", "But basically, my boss is really unfair to me.", "She's always picking on me and making me do all the worst jobs.", "And she's not even giving me a fair chance.", "Joseph: That's terrible, Jasmine.", "I can't believe she's treating you like that.", "Jasmine: I know.", "I'm so stressed out about it.", "I don't know what to do.", "Joseph: Well, first of all, you need to take a deep breath and calm down."], "trgs": ["Scena: Du' amici, Jasmin e Joseph, su' assittati nta un caf\u00e8.", "Jasmine: Sugnu accuss\u00ec cuntenta ca mi ncuntrasti oji, Joseph.", "Mi giuva assai u to ajutu.", "Joseph: Tuttu pi tia, Jasmine.", "Chi fu?", "Jasmine: Staju avennu tr\u00e0fichi \u00f4 travagghiu.", "Nun sacciu si rinesciu a mant\u00e8niri u me travagghiu.", "Joseph: Oh no, Jasmine.", "Mi dispiaci sintillu.", "Chi succid\u00ecu?", "Jasmine: \u00c8 na storia longa.", "Ma, pratticamentu, u me capu \u00e8 stortu cu mia.", "Mi buffunija sempri e mi fa fari tutti i peggiu travagghi.", "E nun mi sta dannu mancu n'uppurtunit\u00e0 giusta.", "Joseph: \u00c8 tirr\u00ecbbili, Jasmine.", "Nun pozzu cr\u00ecdiri ca ti sta trattannu accu\u1e0d\u1e0d\u00ec.", "Jasmine: U sacciu.", "Sugnu accuss\u00ec nirbusa pi chistu.", "Nun sacciu c'\u00e0ju a fari.", "Joseph: Be', comu prima cosa, h\u00e2 fari un rispiru funnutu e t'h\u00e2 carmari."], "factuality": "ok"} -{"id": "topic_244__ththtihth", "sl": "en", "tl": "scn", "srcs": ["The smell of fresh-baked bread wafted through the air as the baker pulled a tray of golden brown loaves from the oven.", "He carefully set them on a cooling rack and smiled, pleased with his work.", "The loaves were perfectly browned and had a delicious aroma that made his mouth water.", "He couldn't wait to try one!", "The baker cut a slice of bread and took a bite.", "It was even better than he had imagined, with a soft, chewy texture and a rich, flavorful taste.", "He closed his eyes and savored the moment, enjoying the feeling of contentment that came from eating something so delicious.", "The baker knew that he was lucky to have the ability to bake such delicious bread.", "He took pride in his work and was always happy to share his creations with others."], "trgs": ["U c\u00ecaguru d\u00fb pani appena sfurnatu alijava nta l'aria comu u furnaru nisciva d\u00fb furnu na nguantera di vaste\u1e0d\u1e0di durati.", "L'appujau, stannu accura, supra a na gradigghia di rifriddamentu e surrid\u00ecu, satisfattu d\u00fb so travagghiu.", "I vaste\u1e0d\u1e0di \u00e8ranu pirfettamenti duranti e av\u00e8vanu n'aroma dilizziusa ca ci faciva sm\u00f2viri u pitittu.", "Nun vid\u00eca l'ura di tast\u00e0rinni una!", "U furnaru tagghiau na fe\u1e0d\u1e0da di pani e ci desi un muzzicuni.", "Era macari megghiu di chi\u1e0d\u1e0du s'\u00e2va mmagginatu, cu na cunzistenza mo\u1e0d\u1e0da e gummusa e un sapuri riccu e sapurusu.", "Chid\u00ecu l'occhi e nzapurau u mumentu, gud\u00e8nnusi u senzu di piaciri ca manciari quarchi cosa accuss\u00ec gn\u00e8schisi av\u00eca fattu v\u00e8niri.", "U furnaru sap\u00eca ca era assurtatu ca era capaci a fari un pani dilizziusu di sta manera .", "Era rigugghiusu d\u00fb so travagghiu ed era sempri filici di sp\u00e0rtiri i so criazzioni cu l'autri."], "factuality": "ok"} -{"id": "stt_682__tithitcitsud", "sl": "en", "tl": "scn", "srcs": ["The type of fish you choose will depend on your personal preferences and the intended use for the fish.", "If you are looking for a fish that is high in omega-3 fatty acids, then you may want to choose a wild river fish.", "These fish are typically lower in contaminants than farm-raised fish.", "However, wild river fish can be more expensive and difficult to find.", "If you are looking for a fish that is mild in flavor and easy to cook, then you may want to choose a calm lake fish.", "These fish are typically not as high in omega-3 fatty acids as wild river fish, but they are still a good source of protein and other nutrients.", "Calm lake fish are also typically more affordable and easier to find than wild river fish.", "If you are looking for a fish that is low in cost and easy to care for, then you may want to choose a stock pond farm raised variety.", "These fish are typically raised in controlled environments and are fed a diet that is designed to promote growth.", "Stock pond farm raised fish are typically not as high in omega-3 fatty acids as wild river or calm lake fish, but they are still a good source of protein and other nutrients.", "Ultimately, the best type of fish for you will depend on your individual needs and preferences.", "Do some research to learn more about the different types of fish available and choose the one that is right for you."], "trgs": ["U tipu di pisci ca scarti addipenni d\u00fb to gustu pirsunali e l'usu addisijatu p\u00fb pisci.", "Si cerchi un pisci chinu di \u00e0citi grasci omega-3, allura putissi scartari un pisci di ciumi sarbaggiu.", "Sti pisci su' di s\u00f2litu su' cchi\u00f9 picca nfizziunati di chi\u1e0d\u1e0di d'a\u1e0d\u1e0divamentu.", "Cumunca, i pisci di ciumi sarbaggi su' cchi\u00f9 custusi e difficili d'asciari.", "Si\u1e0d\u1e0du cerchi un pisci ca \u00e8 leggiu di sapuri e f\u00e0cili di c\u00f2ciri, allura putissi vuliri scartari un pisci di lacu cuetu.", "Sti pisci di s\u00f2litu nun su' chini di \u00e0citi grasci omega-3 comu i pisci di ciumi sarbaggi, ma su' cumunca na bona funti di prutiini e autri nutricanti.", "I pisci di lacu cueti di s\u00f2litu su' macari cchi\u00f9 vasci di costu e f\u00e0cili di asciari d\u00ee pisci di ciumi sarbaggi.", "Si sta' circannu un pisci ca \u00e8 vasciu di costu e f\u00e0cili di curari, putissi vuliri scartari na variet\u00e0 a\u1e0d\u1e0divata nta n'a\u1e0d\u1e0divamentu nta l'ammarrati.", "Sti pisci di s\u00f2litu vennu a\u1e0d\u1e0divati nta ammienti cuntrullati e su' nutricati cu na dieta pinzata p'avanzari a cr\u00ecscita.", "I pisci d'a\u1e0d\u1e0divamentu d'ammarrata di s\u00f2litu nun su' chini di \u00e0citi grasci omega-3 comu \u00ea pisci di ciumi sarbaggi o chi\u1e0d\u1e0di di lacu cueti, ma su' cumunca na bona funti di prutiini e autri nutricanti", "Pi cunchi\u00f9jiri, u megghiu tipu di pisci pi tia addipenni d\u00ee to bisogni e gusti pirsunali.", "Fai quarchi risciduta pi nzign\u00e0riti cchi\u00f9 assai cosi ncapu \u00ea tipi di pisci dispun\u00ecbbili e scarta chi\u1e0d\u1e0du cchi\u00f9 giustu pi tia."], "factuality": "has_errors"} -{"id": "topic_100__ufwoeittssti", "sl": "en", "tl": "scn", "srcs": ["Unsolved mysteries have captured the public's imagination for centuries.", "From the disappearance of Amelia Earhart to the identity of Jack the Ripper, these cases have left us wondering what really happened.", "While some of these mysteries may never be solved, they continue to fascinate us because they offer a glimpse into the unknown.", "One of the most famous unsolved mysteries is the disappearance of Amelia Earhart.", "Earhart was an American aviator who became the first woman to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean.", "In 1937, she set out on an around-the-world flight with navigator Fred Noonan.", "The pair disappeared over the Pacific Ocean on July 2, 1937, and their fate remains unknown.", "There are many theories about what happened to Earhart and Noonan.", "Some believe that they crashed into the ocean, while others believe that they were captured by the Japanese.", "Still others believe that they deliberately disappeared in order to escape the public eye.", "The mystery of Earhart's disappearance has been the subject of books, articles, and documentaries.", "In 2017, a team of researchers announced that they had found evidence that Earhart's plane crashed on a remote island in the Pacific Ocean."], "trgs": ["I misteri senza risurbuti \u00e0nnu pigghiatu a mmagginazzioni d\u00fb p\u00f9bblicu p\u00ee s\u00e8culi.", "D\u00e2 scumparuta di Amelia Earhart nzinu a l'identit\u00e0 di Jack u Quartijaturi, sti casi ni lassaru mmagginari zoccu succid\u00ecu pi daveru.", "Macari ca quarchi misteru di chisti capaci ca nun veni mai risurbutu, cuntinua a ammag\u00e0rini picch\u00ec ni offri na taliata \u00f4 sc\u00f2gnitu.", "Unu d\u00ee misteri senza risurbuti cchi\u00f9 famusi \u00e8 a scumparuta di Amelia Earhart.", "Earhart fu n'aviatrici miricana ca addivintau a prima f\u00ecmmina a vulari a sula pi l'uc\u00ecanu Atl\u00e0nticu.", "Nt\u00f4 1937, part\u00ecu p'un volu ntunnu \u00f4 munnu c\u00fb navicaturi Fred Noonan.", "A cucchia scumpar\u00ecu ncapu a l'uc\u00ecanu Pac\u00ecficu u 2 giugnettu 1937, e u so fatu arresta scanusciutu.", "Cci su' assai tiur\u00eci ncapu a zoccu succid\u00ecu a Earhart e Noonan.", "Quarchidunu cridi ca caderu nta l'uc\u00ecanu, mentri autri cr\u00ecdinu ca foru accuccati d\u00ee giappunisi.", "Autri ancora cr\u00ecdinu ca scumpareru vuluntari pi f\u00f9jiri di l'occhi d\u00fb p\u00f9bblicu.", "U misteru d\u00e2 scumparuta di Earhart fu prutagunista di libbra, art\u00ecculi e ducumintari.", "Nt\u00f4 2017, na squatra di risciditura dissi ca asciaru quarchi prova ca l'apparecchiu di Earhart cad\u00ecu nta n'\u00ecsula sc\u00f2gnita di l'uc\u00ecanu Pac\u00ecficu."], "factuality": "ok"} -{"id": "stt_465__gtdthgtdhiyooootri", "sl": "en", "tl": "scn", "srcs": ["Giant wolf spiders are the largest species of arachnid in the world, with some individuals reaching lengths of over 12 inches.", "They are found in tropical rainforests around the world, and are known for their aggressive behavior and venomous bite.", "Despite their fearsome reputation, giant wolf spiders are actually quite docile creatures.", "They are not aggressive towards humans unless they are provoked, and their venom is not typically fatal to humans.", "However, their bite can be quite painful, and can cause swelling, redness, and itching.", "Giant wolf spiders are excellent climbers, and can use their silk to create webs that can reach up to 30 feet in length.", "They are also very fast runners, and can move at speeds of up to 10 miles per hour.", "Due to their size, speed, and climbing ability, giant wolf spiders are a popular choice for people who want to experience the thrill of riding a giant arachnid.", "However, it is important to remember that these creatures are wild animals, and should be treated with respect.", "If you are thinking about riding a giant wolf spider, it is important to do your research and make sure that you are properly prepared.", "You should also make sure that you have the proper equipment, such as a harness and a leash.", "Once you are properly prepared, you can begin your journey by finding a suitable giant wolf spider.", "Once you have found a spider, you can approach it slowly and gently.", "Once the spider is comfortable with you, you can slowly climb onto its back.", "Once you are on the spider's back, you can hold on tightly and enjoy the ride.", "The spider will use its silk to create a web that will support you as you ride.", "Riding a giant wolf spider is an unforgettable experience.", "It is a great way to experience the thrill of the wild, and to get up close and personal with one of the world's most fascinating creatures."], "trgs": ["A tar\u00e0ntula lupu giaganti \u00e8 la speci cchi\u00f9 granni d'ar\u00e0cnidi d\u00fb munnu, cu quarchi armalu ca arriva a na lunghizza di urtra 12 pusera.", "S'attr\u00f2vanu nta li furesti chiuvusi trupicali ntunnu \u00f4 munnu, e su' canusciuti p\u00e2 so natura aggrampusa e p\u00e2 muzzicata vilinusa.", "Cunustanti a so fama scantusa, i tar\u00e0ntuli lupu giaganti su' mmeci criaturi be\u1e0d\u1e0di d\u00f2cili.", "Nun su' aggrampusi contra a l'umani tranni ca nun vennu appittati, e u so vilenu nun \u00e8 di s\u00f2litu murtali pi l'umani.", "Cumunca, a so muzzicata \u00e8 be\u1e0d\u1e0da dulurusa, e po purtari a arrivunchi, russura e manciaciumi.", "I tar\u00e0ntuli lupu giaganti su' abbrancicatura fant\u00e0stici, e ponnu usari a sita pi criari filina ca ponnu arrivari a 30 pedi d'autizza.", "Su' macari curritura lesti lesti, e si ponnu m\u00f2viri a na vilucit\u00e0 ca agghica nzinu a 10 migghia a l'ura.", "Grazzi \u00e2 so grannizza, vilucit\u00e0 e abbilit\u00e0 a abbrancic\u00e0risi, i tarantuli lupu giganti su' na scartata pupulari p\u00ee cristiani ca vonnu pruvari u z\u00eczzulu di accavarcari n'ar\u00e0cnidi giganti.", "Cumunca, \u00e8 mpurtanti ricurdari ca sti criaturi su' armali sarbaggi, e av\u00ecssiru a \u00e8ssiri trattati cu rispettu.", "Si sta' pinzannu di accavarcari na tar\u00e0ntula lupu giganti, \u00e8 mpurtanti ca fa' risciduti e ti assicuri ca s\u00ec prontu nn\u00e2 manera giusta.", "Avissi a \u00e8ssiri macari sicuru di aviri i giusti arnisi, comu na naca e na lascia.", "Na vota ca s\u00ec prontu giustu, po' accuminciari a to spirienza asciannu na tar\u00e0ntula lupu giaganti adatta.", "Na vota ca asciasti na tar\u00e0ntula, ti po' abbicinari cu carma e modu.", "Na vota ca a tar\u00e0ntula si senti cueta cu tia, ci po' muntari nn\u00e2 carina.", "Na vota ca s\u00ec nn\u00e2 carina d\u00e2 tar\u00e0ntula, ti po' str\u00ecnciri e g\u00f2diri l'accavarcata.", "A tar\u00e0ntula h\u00e2 usari a sita so pi criari na riti ca ti teni mentri ca l'accavarchi.", "Accavarcari na tar\u00e0ntula lupu giaganti \u00e8 na spirienza ca nun ti po' scurdari.", "\u00c8 n'\u00f2ttima manera pi pruvari u z\u00eczzulu d\u00e2 natura sarbaggia, e pi abbicin\u00e0risi a una ntra li criaturi cchi\u00f9 ammagusi d\u00fb munnu."], "factuality": "has_errors"} -{"id": "topic_43__fifaifiaif", "sl": "en", "tl": "scn", "srcs": ["Fatima Messaoudi: I'm an actor and a furniture designer. I'm also passionate about flowers, especially those that bloom in the winter.", "Interviewer: What drew you to acting and furniture design?", "Fatima Messaoudi: I've always loved performing and creating things.", "Acting allows me to express myself creatively, and furniture design allows me to use my creativity to make something beautiful and functional.", "Interviewer: What are some of the challenges you've faced as an actor and a furniture designer?", "Fatima Messaoudi: One of the challenges I've faced as an actor is the lack of diversity in the industry.", "I've often been told that I'm not the right type for a role because of my race or ethnicity.", "As a furniture designer, I've faced the challenge of breaking into a male-dominated industry.", "Interviewer: How have you overcome these challenges?", "Fatima Messaoudi: I've overcome these challenges by working hard and never giving up."], "trgs": ["F\u00e0tima Messaudi: Jeu sugnu n'atturi e nu designer di m\u00f2bbili. Sugnu macari appassiunatu di ciura, supratuttu chi\u1e0d\u1e0di ca sb\u00f2ccianu nt\u00f4 mmernu.", "Ntirbistaturi: Zoccu u fici ntirissari \u00e2 ricitazzioni e u design di m\u00f2bbili?", "F\u00e0tima Messaudi: \u00c0ju sempri amatu ricitari e criari cosi.", "Ricitari mi pirmetti d'esprim\u00ecrimi di na manera criativa e u design di m\u00f2bbili mi pirmetti di usari a me criativit\u00e0 pi criari quarchi cos\u00ec be\u1e0d\u1e0di e funziunali.", "Ntirbistaturi: Quali su' i sfidi ca avisti a affruntari comu atturi e comu designer di m\u00f2bbili?", "F\u00e0tima Messaudi: Una d\u00ee sfidi ca ncuntrai comu atturi \u00e8 a mancanza di diversit\u00e0 nt\u00e2 nnustria.", "M'\u00e0' statu dittu spissu ca nun sugnu u tipu giustu p'un rolu pi causa d\u00e2 me razza o etn\u00eca.", "Comu designer di m\u00f2bbili, appi a 'ffruntari a sfida di tr\u00e0siri nta na nnustria supranijata d\u00ee m\u00e0sculi.", "Ntirbistaturi: Comu suvirchiasti sti sfidi?", "F\u00e0tima Messaudi: I supirchiai travagghiannu duru e senza arrinn\u00ecrimi mai."], "factuality": "ok"} -{"id": "topic_88__twibthattt", "sl": "en", "tl": "scn", "srcs": ["Translation has many benefits, including increasing the relative value of content, improving accessibility, and opening up new markets.", "When content is translated, it becomes accessible to a wider audience, which can lead to increased sales and profits.", "In addition, translation can help to build relationships with customers in other countries and cultures.", "By displaying content in multiple languages, businesses can show that they are committed to reaching a global audience.", "This can help to build trust and credibility with potential customers.", "Here are some specific examples of how translation has benefited businesses: * A small business that sells handmade jewelry translated its website into Spanish, French, and German.", "As a result, it saw a significant increase in sales from international customers * A large corporation that manufactures medical devices translated its product manuals into multiple languages.", "This helped to ensure that doctors and nurses in other countries could use the devices safely and effectively * A nonprofit organization that provides humanitarian aid translated its brochures and websites into dozens of languages.", "This helped to reach people in need who would not have otherwise been able to access the organization's resources.", "Translation is a powerful tool that can help businesses to grow and succeed."], "trgs": ["A traduzzioni \u00e0vi assai binifizzi, ntra chisti cci su' l'aumentu d\u00fb valuri rilativu d\u00ee cuntinuti, l'ammigghiuramentu di l'accissibbilit\u00e0 e a raputa di novi mircati.", "Quannu un cuntinutu veni traduttu, addiventa acciss\u00ecbbili \u00f4n p\u00f9bblicu cchi\u00f9 anchiu, ca po purtari a na criscimonia di v\u00ecnniti e prufitti.", "Sparti, a traduzzioni po ajutari a custruiri rilazzioni cu autri clienti nta autri pajisi e curturi.", "Ammustrannu cuntinuti nta cchi\u00f9 assai di na lingua, l'azzienni ponnu addimustrari ca si stannu mpignannu pi ragghi\u00f9nciri un p\u00f9bblicu glubbali.", "Chistu po ajutari a custruiri fiducia e cridibbilit\u00e0 cu clienti puss\u00ecbbili.", "Eccu quarchi scempru spic\u00ecficu di comu a traduzzioni ajutau l'azzienni: * N'azzienna nica ca vinni giue\u1e0d\u1e0di fatti a manu traduc\u00ecu u so situ 'n spagnolu, francisi e tidiscu.", "U risurtatu fu na criscimonia significativa d\u00ee v\u00ecnniti a nomu d\u00ee clienti ntirnazziunali * Na granni azzienna ca pruduci dispusitivi m\u00e8dici traduc\u00ecu i manuali d\u00ee so prudutti nta cchi\u00f9 assai lingui.", "Chistu cuntribbu\u00ecu a priggiari ca duttura e nfirmeri di autri pajisi put\u00ecssiru usari i dispusitivi di na manera sicura e efficaci. * N'urganizzazioni no-profit ca furnisci ajutu umanitariu traduc\u00ecu i so brochure e siti nta na duzzina di lingui.", "Chistu ajutau a ragghi\u00f9nciri cristiani abbisugnusi ca annunca nun s'av\u00ecssiru pututu allitari d\u00ee risursi di l'urganizzazzioni.", "A traduzzioni \u00e8 nu strumentu putenti ca po ajutari l'azzienni a cr\u00ecsciri e rin\u00e8sciri."], "factuality": "ok"} -{"id": "stt_495__twhtowawoth", "sl": "en", "tl": "scn", "srcs": ["This is because we are all created in God's image, and God is the essence of rationality and order.", "When we live in accordance with our true nature, we are able to experience peace and harmony.", "However, when we allow our thoughts and actions to become chaotic and inconsistent, we experience inner conflict and turmoil.", "There are many ways to achieve internal consistency.", "One way is to live according to our values.", "When we know what is important to us and we make choices that are consistent with those values, we feel a sense of purpose and direction.", "Another way to achieve internal consistency is to be honest with ourselves about our strengths and weaknesses.", "When we are aware of our true selves, we can make choices that are in alignment with our authentic nature.", "Of course, achieving internal consistency is not always easy.", "There will be times when we make mistakes or when we are faced with difficult choices.", "However, if we are willing to strive for consistency, we will eventually find our way back to peace and harmony."], "trgs": ["Chistu \u00e8 picch\u00ec tutti pari fummu criati a mm\u00e0ggini di Diu, e Diu \u00e8 l'essenza d\u00e2 razziunalit\u00e0 e di l'\u00f9rdini.", "Quannu campamu d'accordu c\u00e2 nostra vera natura, n\u00e2 fidamu a pruvari paci e armun\u00eca.", "Pir\u00f2, quannu pirmittemu \u00ea nostri pinzera d'addivintari traficusi e vacanti, pruvamu cunflitti ntra di nuiautri e sbarruu.", "Cci' su' assai maneri pi arrivari \u00e2 cuirenza ntra di nuiautri.", "Una manera \u00e8 campari sicunnu \u00ea nostri valuri.", "Quannu sapimu zoccu \u00e8 mpurtanti pi nuaiutri e facimu scartati ca su' cuirenti ch\u00ee nostri valura, sintemu un senzu di scopu e di dirizzioni.", "N'autra manera pi ragghi\u00f9nciri a cuirenza di dintra \u00e8 \u00e8ssiri anesti cu nuiautri supra \u00ea nostri punti di forza e dibbulizzi.", "Quannu semu cuscenti d\u00fb nostru iu veru, putemu fari scartati cuirenti c\u00e2 nostra natura vera.", "Chiaramenti, ragghi\u00f9nciri a cuirenza di dintra nun \u00e8 sempri f\u00e0cili.", "Cci su' voti ca facimu sbagghi o \u00e2m'a affruntari schigghiuti diff\u00eccili.", "Pir\u00f2, si vulimu cumm\u00e0ttiri p\u00e2 cuirenza, \u00e2 fini turnamu a truvari a strata agghiri a paci e l'armun\u00eca."], "factuality": "ok"} -{"id": "topic_281__viivhaivhhtt", "sl": "en", "tl": "scn", "srcs": ["Vimes was having a headache.", "It was the kind of headache that made you want to tear your hair out, or at least write a strongly worded letter to the makers of whatever it was that had given you the headache in the first place.", "In this case, the headache was the result of a particularly trying day at work.", "Vimes had been investigating a series of robberies, and he was starting to feel like he was getting nowhere.", "He was tired, he was frustrated, and he just wanted to go home and sleep for a week.", "As he was walking back to his office, Vimes passed a small stationery shop.", "In the window, he saw a sign that said \"Best Letters in the City\".", "Vimes stopped and stared at the sign for a moment.", "He thought about his headache, and he thought about all the letters he had to write.", "He sighed and went into the shop.", "The shop was full of all sorts of stationery supplies.", "There were pens, pencils, paper, envelopes, stamps, and even a few typewriters."], "trgs": ["Vimes aviva duluri 'i testa.", "Era u tipu di duluri di testa ca ti fa v\u00e8niri di scipp\u00e0riti i capi\u1e0d\u1e0di, o armenu di scr\u00ecviri na littra vastase\u1e0d\u1e0da a zoccu \u00e8-\u00e8 ca av\u00eca pruvucatu u duluri di testa.", "Nna stu casu, u duluri 'i testa era u risurtatu di na jurnata partuculari mpignusa.", "Vimes stava mmistigannu na seri d'arrubbatini e ci stava accuminzannu a p\u00e0riri ca nun stava ragghiuncennu risurtatu.", "Era stancu, era firniciatu e vuleva sulu jiri \u00e2 casa e d\u00f2rmiri pi na simana.", "Mentri ca stava turnannu \u00f4 so ufficiu Vimes passau na cartar\u00eca nica.", "Nt\u00e2 scaffarrata vitti un carte\u1e0d\u1e0du c\u00e2 scritta \"I megghiu littri d\u00e2 cit\u00e0\".", "Vimes si firmau e squatrau u carte\u1e0d\u1e0du p'un mumentu.", "Pinzau \u00f4 so duluri 'i testa e a tutti i littri ca aviva a scr\u00ecviri.", "Suspirau e tras\u00ecu nt\u00e2 putija.", "A putija era china di art\u00ecculi di cancillar\u00eca di tutti i tipi.", "Cc'\u00e8ranu pinni, l\u00e0pisi, carta, mmiluppi, francubbulli e macari quarchi m\u00e0china di scr\u00ecviri."], "factuality": "ok"} -{"id": "topic_64__isitttittsat", "sl": "en", "tl": "scn", "srcs": ["It is true that there exist in this world situations that defy all explanation, events so strange and wondrous that they seem to be the stuff of dreams or nightmares.", "Such is the case with the story I am about to tell you, a tale of supernatural forces and the strange events that unfolded when they were unleashed upon the world.", "It all began one night, when a group of friends were gathered together for a party.", "They were drinking and laughing, enjoying each other's company, when suddenly the lights went out.", "The room was plunged into darkness, and the only sound was the sound of their own breathing.", "Then, in the darkness, they saw it: a strange, glowing light.", "It seemed to be coming from nowhere, and it was growing brighter and brighter.", "The friends were terrified, but they were also curious.", "They wanted to know what this light was, and where it was coming from.", "Slowly, they approached the light.", "As they got closer, they could see that it was coming from a small, glowing sphere.", "The sphere was hovering in the air, and it was surrounded by a faint aura."], "trgs": ["\u00c8 veru ca nta stu munnu cci su' situazzioni ca sc\u00e0nzanu ogni schicazzioni, mm\u00e0ttiti accuss\u00ec strani e maravigghiusi ca p\u00e0rinu cosi di sonnu o malusonnu.", "\u00c8 u casu da storia ca vi staju pi cuntari, un cuntu di forzi supranaturali e i mm\u00e0ttiti streusi succideru quannu foru scatinati supra \u00f4 munnu.", "Accuminzau tuttu na notti, quannu un gruppu di amici s'av\u00eca accucchiatu pi na festa.", "St\u00e0vanu vivennu e ridennu, prij\u00e0nnusi d\u00e2 cumpagn\u00eca, quannu, \u00e2 ntrasatta, i luci st'astutaru.", "A c\u00e0mmara scurau, e l'\u00f9nicu sonu era u sonu d\u00fb so sitssu rispiru.", "Appoi, nt\u00f4 scuru, u v\u00ecttiru: nu lustru stranu e allucirnanti.", "Par\u00eca ca nun vin\u00eca di nu\u1e0d\u1e0da banna e addivintava sempri cchi\u00f9 lustrusu.", "L'amici \u00e8ranu scantati morti, ma \u00e8ranu macari curiusi.", "Vul\u00ecvanu sapiri chi era sta luci e di unni viniva.", "Lenti, s'abbicinaru \u00e2 luci.", "Comu ncugn\u00e0vanu, put\u00ecanu v\u00ecdiri ca vin\u00eca di na ba\u1e0d\u1e0duzza lustrusa.", "A ba\u1e0d\u1e0da stava alijannu nta l'aria ed era atturniata di n'aura fracca."], "factuality": "ok"} -{"id": "topic_173__dwiiiiijcatittn", "sl": "en", "tl": "scn", "srcs": ["\"Dude, I'm so heartbroken right now. My girlfriend of 2 years just broke up with me.\"", "\"What happened?\"", "\"I don't know. She just said she wasn't feeling it anymore.", "I'm so confused.", "I thought we were happy.\"", "\"I'm sorry, man.I know how you feel. Heartbreak sucks.\"", "\"It does. I don't know what to do.\"", "\"Just give yourself some time.", "Cry it out if you need to.", "And then, when you're ready, start to move on.", "There are plenty of other fish in the sea.\"", "\"I know. But I don't know if I'm ready to date again yet.\"", "\"That's okay. You don't have to be ready right away. Just take your time and heal.\"", "\"Thanks, man. I appreciate it.\"", "\"No problem.\""], "trgs": ["\"Cumpari, \u00e0ju u cori ciaccatu nta stu mumentu. A me zita di du' anni scunchiud\u00ecu cu mia ora ora\".", "\"Chi succid\u00ecu?\"", "\"Nun lu sacciu. Dissi sulu ca nun pruvava cchi\u00f9 nenti\".", "\"Sugnu accuss\u00ec cassarijatu.", "Pinzava ca \u00e8ramu prijati\".", "\"Mi dispiaci, cumpari. Sacciu comu ti senti. U cori ciaccatu \u00e8 nu schifiju\".", "\"Lu \u00e8. Nun sacciu chi fari\".", "\"Datti sulu n'anticchia 'i tempu.", "Jetta tuttu fora si ti serbi\".", "E doppu, quannu s\u00ec prontu, ann\u00e0cati.", "U mari \u00e8 chinu di pisci.\"", "\"Lu sacciu. Ma nun sacciu si\u1e0d\u1e0du gi\u00e0 sugnu prontu a fari canuscenzi\".", "\"Va bonu. Nun \u00e0' di bisognu di sint\u00ecriti prontu camora. P\u00ecgghiati u tempu to e arris\u00e0nati\".", "\"Grazzi, cumpari. L'apprezzu\".", "\"Nu\u1e0d\u1e0du prubblema\"."], "factuality": "ok"} -{"id": "topic_403__abiiabiiaabwa", "sl": "en", "tl": "scn", "srcs": ["A: Do you think the dowry system is a good thing?", "B: I don't think so.", "I think it's a form of discrimination against women.", "It puts an unfair financial burden on the bride's family, and it can lead to women being treated as commodities.", "A: But some people say that the dowry system is a way to protect women.", "B: I don't think that's true.", "In fact, I think it can put women in danger.", "If a woman's family can't afford to pay a dowry, she may be less likely to be able to find a husband.", "And if she does get married, she may be more likely to be abused or mistreated by her husband.", "A: So what do you think we should do about the dowry system?", "B: I think we should work to abolish it.", "We should educate people about the harmful effects of the dowry system, and we should support laws that make it illegal to demand or accept a dowry.", "A: I agree. I think the dowry system is a relic of a bygone era."], "trgs": ["A: Penzi ca u sistema d\u00e2 duti \u00e8 na cosa bona?\"", "B: Nun cridu.", "Penzu ca \u00e8 na furma di discriminazzioni contra \u00ea f\u00ecmmini.", "Nzita un valuri finanziariu nun giustu ncapu \u00e2 famigghia d\u00e2 mugghieri, e po purtari a trattari i f\u00ecmmini comu merci di scanciu.", "A: Ma quarchi cristianu dici ca u sistema d\u00e2 duti \u00e8 na manera pi quatilijari i f\u00ecmmini.", "B: Nun penzu ca \u00e8 veru.", "Nn\u00ea fatti, po m\u00e8ttiri i f\u00ecmmini 'n pir\u00ecculu.", "Si\u1e0d\u1e0du a famigghia d\u00e2 f\u00ecmmina nun po pirmitt\u00ecrisi di pajari a duti, capaci ca appoi \u00e0vi cchi\u00f9 picca pussibbilit\u00e0 d'attruv\u00e0risi un maritu.", "E si\u1e0d\u1e0du si marita, putissi aviri pussibbilit\u00e0 majuri di \u00e8ssiri cafu\u1e0d\u1e0data o malutrattata d\u00fb maritu.", "A: Adunca chi penzi ca av\u00ecssimu a fari ncapu \u00f4 sistema d\u00e2 duti?", "B: Penzu ca l'av\u00ecssimu a abbuliri.", "Av\u00ecssimu a ducari i cristiani ncapu a l'effetti dannusi d\u00fb sistema d\u00e2 duti, e av\u00ecssimu a sust\u00e8niri i liggi ca abbul\u00ecscinu dumannari e accittari na duti.", "A: Sugnu d'accordu. Penzu ca u sistema d\u00e2 duti \u00e8 un rimorchiu di n'\u00e8bbica finuta."], "factuality": "ok"} -{"id": "topic_397__iitodwyitmti", "sl": "en", "tl": "scn", "srcs": ["I have been living with type 1 diabetes for over 20 years.", "I was diagnosed when I was just 10 years old, and it has been a lifelong journey.", "There have been many challenges along the way, but I have also learned a lot about myself and what it means to be a strong, resilient person.", "One of the biggest challenges I have faced is managing my blood sugar levels.", "Diabetes is a condition that affects the way your body turns food into energy.", "When you eat, your body breaks down the carbohydrates in your food into glucose, which is then absorbed into your bloodstream.", "Your pancreas releases insulin, a hormone that helps glucose get from your blood into your cells.", "In people with type 1 diabetes, the pancreas doesn't make enough insulin, or it doesn't make any at all.", "This means that people with type 1 diabetes have to take insulin injections to help their bodies use glucose for energy.", "Managing my blood sugar levels can be a tricky business.", "There are a lot of factors that can affect my blood sugar, including what I eat, how much I exercise, and how much stress I am under.", "I have to constantly monitor my blood sugar levels and make adjustments to my insulin doses as needed."], "trgs": ["\u00c0vi cchi\u00f9 assai di 20 anni ca campu c\u00fb diabbeti di tipu 1.", "Mi fu dittu quannu av\u00eca sulu 10 anni, e fu un viaggiu longu tutta a vita.", "Cci foru assai sfidi p\u00e2 strata, ma mi nzignavi tanti cosi di mia e ncapu a chi cosa veni a diri \u00e8ssiri un cristianu forti e di ferru.", "Una ntra li sfidi cchi\u00f9 granni ca appi a affruntari fu manijari i live\u1e0d\u1e0di di z\u00f9ccaru nn\u00f4 sangu.", "U diabbeti \u00e8 na cunnizzioni ca nfruenza u versu d\u00fb to corpu di trasfurmari u manciari n'enirg\u00eca.", "Quannu manci, u to corpu smunta i carbuidrati nn\u00f4 manciari 'n glucosiu, ca poi vennu assuppati d\u00fb chinu d\u00fb sangu.", "U f\u00eccatu jancu jetta a nzulina, n'urmuni ca ajuta u glucosiu a passari d\u00fb sangu \u00ea c\u00e8lluli.", "Nn\u00ea cristiani c\u00fb diabbeti di tipu 1, u f\u00eccatu jancu nun pruduci bastanti di nzulina o nun nni pruduci propia.", "Chistu veni a diri ca i cristiani c\u00fb diabbeti di tipu 1 s'\u00e0nn'a fari gnizzioni di nzulina p'ajutari i corpi a usari u glucosiu pi l'enirg\u00eca.", "Manijari i live\u1e0d\u1e0di di z\u00f9ccaru nn\u00f4 sangu po \u00e8ssiri n'affari tr\u00f9bbulu.", "Cci su' na sfunnacata di fattura ca ponnu nfruinzari lu z\u00f9ccaru nn\u00f4 sangu, comu zoccu manciu, quantu fatigu e quantu stress m'assuppu.", "H\u00ea taliari sempri i live\u1e0d\u1e0di di z\u00f9ccaru nn\u00f4 sangu e abbirsari i dosi di nzulina quantu abbasta."], "factuality": "ok"} -{"id": "stt_526__ttttyin", "sl": "en", "tl": "scn", "srcs": ["The flavors dance on your tongue, creating a symphony of delight.", "The pineapple is sweet and tart, the apple is crisp and juicy, the stone fruit is juicy and flavorful, and the pear is sweet and refreshing.", "The flavors are perfectly balanced, and each one complements the others.", "The combination is simply irresistible.", "You can enjoy this delicious fruit salad on its own, or as a topping for yogurt or ice cream.", "It is also a great addition to a summer picnic or potluck.", "No matter how you enjoy it, you are sure to love this fruit salad."], "trgs": ["I sapura abb\u00e0llanu nn\u00e2 lingua, criannu na sinfun\u00eca di piaciri.", "L'ananassu \u00e8 duci e ngrevi, u pumu \u00e8 rusicaloru e sucusu, i frutti c\u00fb n\u00f2zzulu su' sucusi e gustusi, e u piru \u00e8 duci e arrifriscanti.", "I sapura su' valanzati pirfetti, e ognidunu cumpleta l'autru.", "\u00c2 cumminazzioni, banali pi banali, nun si po ris\u00ecstiri.", "Ti po prijari di sta macidonia dilizziusa sula o comu conzu pi yogurt o gilatu.", "\u00c8 macari na bona agghiunta a nu schiticchiu di stati o potluck.", "Picca mporta comu ti piaci, sicuru sta macidonia t'\u00e0v'a piaciri."], "factuality": "ok"} -{"id": "topic_409__abhawabattabaaeabaww", "sl": "en", "tl": "scn", "srcs": ["A: Did you know that deforestation is one of the leading causes of climate change?", "B: No, I didn't.", "How does that work?", "A: Well, when we cut down trees, we're not just destroying the trees themselves.", "We're also destroying the habitats of countless animals and plants.", "And when we lose these habitats, we also lose the benefits that they provide us.", "B: Like what?", "A: Well, for example, trees help to regulate the climate.", "They absorb carbon dioxide from the air and release oxygen.", "They also help to prevent soil erosion and flooding.", "And they provide food and shelter for animals.", "B: So deforestation has a lot of negative effects.", "A: It does.", "And it's a problem that's only getting worse.", "Every year, we lose millions of acres of forest to deforestation.", "And if we don't do something to stop it, the consequences will be devastating.", "B: What can we do to stop it?", "A: There are a number of things we can do.", "We can reduce our demand for wood products.", "We can plant trees."], "trgs": ["A: Lu sapivi ca a sdifuristazzioni \u00e8 una ntra li causi majuri d\u00fb canciamentu clim\u00e0ticu?", "B: No, nun lu sap\u00eca.", "Comu funziona?", "A: Allura, quannu scippamu l'\u00e0rbuli, nun stamu sulu distrujennu l'\u00e0rbuli stissi.", "Stamu distrujennu macari l'habitat di na sfunnacata di armali e chianti.", "E quannu pirdemu sti habitat, pirdemu macari i binifizzi ca ni d\u00f9nanu.", "Comu quali?", "A: Be', pi scempru, l'\u00e0rbuli aj\u00f9tanu a rigulari u clima.", "S'ass\u00f9ppanu u di\u00f2ssidu di carboniu di l'aria e j\u00e8ttanu uss\u00ecgginu.", "Aj\u00f9tanu macari a scanzari l'erusioni d\u00fb tirrenu e li chini.", "E d\u00f9nanu manciari e cummogghiu pi l'armali.", "B: Allura a sdifuristazzioni \u00e0vi assai mali effetti", "A: L'\u00e0vi.", "Ed \u00e8 macari un prubblema ca sta jennu a mpijurari.", "Ogni annu, pirdemu miliuna di acri di furesti p\u00e2 sdifuristazzioni.", "E si\u1e0d\u1e0du nun facemu quarchi cosa pi firmalla, i cunzicutanzi \u00e0nn'a \u00e8ssiri arrifunnanti.", "B: Comu putemu firmalla?", "A: Avemu un certu n\u00f9mmaru di cosi ca putemu fari.", "Putemu calari a dumanna di prudutti di lignu", "Putemu chiantari \u00e0rbuli."], "factuality": "has_errors"} -{"id": "stt_91__iomtamtfttii", "sl": "en", "tl": "scn", "srcs": ["I was fortunate to attend a school that offered a wide range of AP courses and extracurricular activities, which gave me the opportunity to explore my interests and learn about different career paths.", "One of the most important things I learned in high school was how to think critically and solve problems.", "My AP English and math classes taught me how to analyze text and data, and my science classes taught me how to design and conduct experiments.", "These skills have been essential in my college courses and my career as a software engineer.", "Another important thing I learned in high school was how to work effectively with others.", "My participation in extracurricular activities such as student government and the debate team taught me how to communicate my ideas clearly and persuasively, and how to work as part of a team to achieve a common goal.", "These skills have been invaluable in my career, where I often have to collaborate with others to solve complex problems.", "Finally, my high school experience helped me to develop a strong work ethic and a commitment to excellence.", "The challenging academic courses I took taught me the importance of hard work and perseverance, and the extracurricular activities I participated in taught me the value of teamwork and dedication.", "These qualities have helped me to succeed in college and in my career.", "I am grateful for the opportunity to have attended a high school that provided me with such a strong educational foundation.", "I believe that the skills and knowledge I gained in high school have helped me to become a successful college student and a professional."], "trgs": ["Appi a furtuna di jiri nta na scola ca uffriva granni varit\u00e0 di cursi AP e attivit\u00e0 extra-curriculari, ca mi d\u00e8siru a pussibbilit\u00e0 di can\u00f9sciri i me ntressi e can\u00f9sciri strati diversi p\u00e2 carrera.", "Una ntra li cosi cchi\u00f9 mpurtanti ca potti nzign\u00e0rimi \u00f4 liceu fu pinzari c\u00fb versu cr\u00ecticu e abbirsari prubblemi.", "I lizzioni di ngrisi e matim\u00e0tica AP mi nzignaru a sciaminari testi e dati, e i lizzioni di scenza mi nzignaru comu prujittari e fari spirimenti.", "Sti versi foru funnamintali p\u00ee cursi univirsitari e p\u00e2 me carrera di ncigneri nfurm\u00e0ticu.", "N'autra cosa mpurtanti ca mi nzignavi \u00f4 liceu fu comu travagghiari bonu cu l'autri.", "A participazzioni ad attivit\u00e0 extra-curriculari comu u guvernu d\u00ee studenti mi nzignau comu sp\u00e0rtiri i me pinzati nta na manera chiara e cummincenti, e comu travagghiari comu parti di na squatra p'un fini cumuni.", "Sti versi foru prizziusi p\u00e2 me carrera, unni tanti voti appi cullabburari cu l'autri p'abbirsari prubblemi traficusi.", "\u00c2 fini, a me spirienza \u00f4 liceu m'ajutau a sbiluppari n'\u00e8tica forti ncapu \u00f4 travagghiu e \u00f4 mpignu p\u00e2 ccillenza.", "I cursi cad\u00e8mici traficusi ca sicutavi mi nzignaru a mpurtanza d'un travagghiu duru e d\u00e2 tinacia, e l'attivit\u00e0 extra-curriculari ca fici mi nzignaru u valuri d\u00fb travagghiu di gruppu e d\u00e2 didizzioni.", "Sti qualit\u00e0 m'ajutaru a aviri successu a l'univirsit\u00e0 e nn\u00e2 carrera.", "Sugnu gratu pi l'uppurtunit\u00e0 d'aviri fattu un liceu ca mi detti na basi di ducazzioni accuss\u00ec forti.", "Criju ca li versi e li canuscenzi ca pigghiavi \u00f4 liceu m'ajutaru a addivintari nu studenti univirsitariu di successu e un mastru."], "factuality": "ok"} -{"id": "topic_132__pptcoto", "sl": "en", "tl": "scn", "srcs": ["Pottery is a craft that involves making objects out of clay.", "Pottery is often used for utilitarian purposes, such as storing food or water, but it can also be used for decorative purposes.", "The process of making pottery begins with gathering clay.", "Clay is a natural material that is found in the ground.", "Once the clay has been gathered, it is mixed with water and kneaded until it is soft and pliable.", "The potter then uses a variety of tools to shape the clay into the desired form.", "Once the clay is shaped, it is dried and fired in a kiln."], "trgs": ["A cir\u00e0mica \u00e8 n'opra ca nchiuji a pruduzzioni di uggetti di crita.", "A cir\u00e0mica veni usata spissu pi fini utilitari, comu sarbari manciari o acqua, ma si po macari usari pi scaciuna di bi\u1e0d\u1e0dizza.", "U prucessu d\u00e2 pruduzzioni d\u00e2 ciramica accumincia pigghiannu a crita.", "A crita \u00e8 un conzu ca s'attrova 'n terra.", "Na vota ca a crita veni asciata, veni ammiscata cu l'acqua nzinu a quannu \u00e8 leggia e lenta lenta.", "U vasaru adunca usa na varit\u00e0 di strumenti p'ammudi\u1e0d\u1e0dari a crita nn\u00e2 furma addisijata.", "Comu la crita veni ammudi\u1e0d\u1e0data, veni siccata e cotta nn\u00f4 furnu."], "factuality": "ok"} -{"id": "topic_37__iittiti", "sl": "en", "tl": "scn", "srcs": ["I have never been to the doctor before, but today I made an appointment.", "I drove myself to the appointment and was seen by a doctor who carried a stethoscope.", "The doctor listened to my heart and lungs and took my blood pressure.", "They then pointed out some red marks on my skin and asked me about them.", "I told them that I had been swimming in the ocean recently and that the marks were probably from jellyfish stings.", "The doctor said that they looked like jellyfish stings and that they would go away on their own.", "I was relieved to hear that and thanked the doctor for their help."], "trgs": ["Nun \u00e0ju jutu mai prima di ora \u00f4 dutturi, ma oji pigghiavi n'appuntamentu.", "Jivi a l'appuntamentu c\u00e2 m\u00e0china e un dutturi ca purtava nu stituscopiu mi taliau.", "U dutturi ascutau u me cori e i prumuna e misurau a prissioni d\u00fb sangu.", "I\u1e0d\u1e0du nnicau quarchi signu russu nn\u00e2 pe\u1e0d\u1e0di e mi spiau di chisti.", "Ci dissi ca antura av\u00eca natatu nta l'uc\u00ecanu e ca \u1e0d\u1e0di signi capaci ca \u00e8ranu punciuti di bromu.", "U dutturi dissi ca par\u00ecanu punciuti di bromu e ca si nn'av\u00ecanu a jiri a suli.", "Fui prijatu di s\u00e8ntiri zoccu e dissi e arringrazziavi \u00f4 dutturi pi l'ajutu."], "factuality": "ok"} +{"id": "topic_183__dtlihtiibiiiii", "sl": "en", "tl": "scn", "srcs": ["Dude, you won't believe this.", "There's this engineer at my school who subsists off coffee.", "Like, he drinks it all day long.", "I'm not even sure he eats real food.", "He's like a walking coffee machine.", "The other day, I saw him walking down the hall, and he was literally shaking.", "I asked him if he was okay, and he said he was just \"coming down from a caffeine high.\"", "I was like, \"Dude, you need to slow down. You're gonna hurt yourself.\"", "But he just laughed and said, \"I'm fine. I'm an engineer. I can handle it.\"", "I don't know how he does it, but he's definitely one of a kind.", "I mean, he's the only person I know who can drink coffee and still fall asleep in class.", "It's like his body is just used to it.", "I'm not sure how long he can keep this up, but I'm kind of impressed by his dedication.", "I mean, if he can drink that much coffee and still function, then he's definitely got some serious willpower."], "trgs": ["Mpari, nun cci cridi.", "Cc'\u00e8 stu ncigneri nn\u00e2 me scola ca campa di caf\u00e8.", "Tipu ca s\u00fb vivi tutta a jurnata.", "Nun ti sacciu diri mancu si\u1e0d\u1e0du mancia manciari veru.", "\u00c8 tipu na machinetta d\u00fb caf\u00e8 chi camina.", "L'autra jurnata u vitti ca caminava nt\u00f4 currituri e era tuttu chi trimava.", "Ci spiavu si stava bonu e mi dissi ca stava \"scarricannu sulu l'effettu d\u00e2 cafiina\".", "Iu era tipu, \"'Mpari, cci h\u00e2 jiri a leggiu. Ti fa mali.\"", "Ma i\u1e0d\u1e0du attaccau a r\u00ecdiri e dissi, \"Bonu staju. Sugnu nu ncigneri. M\u00e2 pozzu fidari.\"", "Nun sacciu comu fa, ma comu a i\u1e0d\u1e0du nun cci nn'\u00e8.", "Vogghiu diri, \u00e8 l'\u00f9nicu chi canusciu ca si vivi u caf\u00e8 e 'n classi s'addurmisci u stissu.", "\u00c8 comu si u so corpu s'avissi a\u1e0d\u1e0diccatu.", "Nun sacciu pi quantu po cuntinuari, ma sugnu bastanti mprissiunatu di quantu si mpigna.", "Vogghiu diri, si s\u00e2 fida a v\u00ecviri tuttu \u1e0d\u1e0du caf\u00e8 e cuntinuari a jiri avanti, allura \u00e0vi veru na granni forza di vulunt\u00e0."], "factuality": "ok", "is_src_orig": true} +{"id": "topic_16__ittbtiyrnwyriytr", "sl": "en", "tl": "scn", "srcs": ["\"I stood before the sculpture, my heart filled with both awe and sadness.", "The creation was so beautiful, but it also felt like a trap.", "The artist had captured the essence of the subject so perfectly that it was almost as if they were still alive.", "But they were not.", "They were just a piece of stone.", "I turned to the artist, a young man named Ram. \"You must stop sculpting,\" I said.", "\"Your creations are too beautiful. They are stealing life from the world.\"", "Ram looked at me in surprise \"What do you mean?\" he asked \"My sculptures are a celebration of life.\"", "\"No,\" I said \"They are a denial of it. They are a way of keeping people from experiencing the real world.", "When you look at one of your sculptures, you are not seeing the world as it is.", "You are seeing the world as you wish it to be. That is not real art.", "Real art is about showing the world as it is, warts and all.", "It is about making people feel something.", "Your sculptures don't make people feel anything.", "They just make them feel sad.\"", "Ram was silent for a long time."], "trgs": ["\"Era misu davanzi \u00e2 scurtura, c\u00fb cori chinu sia di stupuri ca di tristizza.", "A criazzioni era troppu be\u1e0d\u1e0da, ma par\u00eca macari na tr\u00e0ppula.", "L'artista av\u00eca acchiappatu l'essenza d\u00fb suggettu nna na manera accussi pirfetta ca era quasi comu si \u00e8ranu ancora vivi.", "Ma nun era accuss\u00ec.", "\u00c8ranu sulu un pezzu di petra.", "Mi vutavu cu l'artista, un carusu di nomu Ram. \"H\u00e2 finiri di scurpiri\", ci dissi.", "\"I to criazzioni su' troppu be\u1e0d\u1e0di. Ci stannu arrubbannu vita \u00f4 munnu.\"", "Ram mi taliau surprisu \"Chi vo' diri?\" mi spiau \"I me scurturi su' na cilibbrazzioni d\u00e2 vita\".", "\"No\", ci dissi \"Nni su' nu rituffu. Su' na manera pi scugnari i cristiani d\u00e2 spirienza d\u00fb munnu riali.", "Quannu unu tal\u00eca a to scurtura, nun vidi u munnu pi com'\u00e8.", "Tal\u00eca u munnu pi comu vulissi chi fussi. Nun \u00e8 arti vera.", "L'arti vera \u00e8 mustrari u munnu pi comu \u00e8, cu tutti i so difetti.", "Si tratta di fari pruvari quarchi cosa \u00ea cristiani.", "I to scurturi \u00ea genti nun ci fannu pruvari nenti.", "I fannu si\u1e0d\u1e0dijari e basta.\"", "Ram si nni stetti mutu assai tempu."], "factuality": "ok", "is_src_orig": true} +{"id": "topic_230__tttatttt", "sl": "en", "tl": "scn", "srcs": ["The old man's wake was a raucous affair, as befitting a life well-lived.", "The family and friends gathered around the coffin, telling stories and laughing about the good times they had shared with the deceased.", "There was plenty of food and drink, and the music never stopped.", "At one point, the widow stood up and raised her glass.", "\"To my husband,\" she said. \"He was a good man, and he will be missed. But he's in a better place now, and we'll see him again someday.\"", "The crowd cheered and drank in unison.", "The old man's spirit was there with them, and they knew that he would be happy to see them celebrating his life.", "The wake went on for hours, and by the end of the night, everyone was exhausted but happy."], "trgs": ["U v\u00ecsitu d\u00fb vicchiare\u1e0d\u1e0du fu assai traficusu, comu si cunf\u00e0 a na vita passata bona.", "A famigghia e l'amici si accucchiaru ntunnu \u00f4 tabbutu, a cuntari stori e a r\u00ecdiri d\u00ee be\u1e0d\u1e0di mumenti ca av\u00ecanu passatu c\u00fb mortu.", "Cc'\u00e8ranu manciari e v\u00ecppiti a tinchit\u00e8 e a m\u00f9sica nun si firmava mai.", "Tuttu nz\u00e8mmula, a cattiva si sus\u00ecu e jisau u so biccheri.", "\"A me maritu\", dissi. \"Era n'omu bonu e ni mancar\u00e0. Ma ora \u00e8 a na banna megghiu e un jornu u videmu arreri.\"", "I genti f\u00ecciru u br\u00ecnnisi e v\u00ecppiru tutti nz\u00e8mmula.", "U spirdu d\u00fb vicchiare\u1e0d\u1e0du era \u1e0d\u1e0d\u00e0 cu i\u1e0d\u1e0di e sap\u00ecanu ca i\u1e0d\u1e0du avissi statu filici di vidilli cilibbrari a so vita.", "U v\u00ecsitu sicutau pi uri e \u00e2 fini d\u00e2 siritina tutti \u00e8ranu sbiluti ma filici."], "factuality": "ok", "is_src_orig": true} +{"id": "topic_232__fydeggp", "sl": "en", "tl": "scn", "srcs": ["Face and Body Care", "Your skin is your largest organ, and it's important to take care of it both inside and out. Here are some tips for healthy skin:", "* Drink plenty of water: Water is essential for healthy skin, as it helps to keep your skin hydrated and soft. Aim to drink eight glasses of water per day.", "* Eat a healthy diet: Eating a healthy diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains can help to improve your skin's appearance.", "* Get regular exercise: Exercise can help to improve your circulation and promote healthy skin. Aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise most days of the week.", "* Get enough sleep: When you don't get enough sleep, your body produces more of the stress hormone cortisol, which can lead to inflammation and skin problems. Aim for 7-8 hours of sleep per night.", "* Protect your skin from the sun: The sun's UV rays can damage your skin and lead to premature aging, wrinkles, and skin cancer."], "trgs": ["Cura d\u00e2 facci e d\u00fb corpu", "A to pe\u1e0d\u1e0di \u00e8 u to \u00f2rganu cchi\u00f9 granni ed \u00e8 mpurtanti st\u00e0rici accura sia di dintra ca di fora. Eccu quarchi cunzigghiu p'aviri na pe\u1e0d\u1e0di sana:", "* Vivi acqua a tinchit\u00e8. L'acqua \u00e8 funnamintali pi na pe\u1e0d\u1e0di sana, picch\u00ec t'ajuta a t\u00e8niri a pe\u1e0d\u1e0di idratata a e mo\u1e0d\u1e0da. Cerca di v\u00ecviri ottu bicchera d'acqua \u00f4 jornu.", "* Mancia sanu: sicutari na dieta ricca di frutta, virdura e ciriali ntigrali po aiutari a ammigghiurari l'aspettu d\u00e2 to pe\u1e0d\u1e0di.", "* Fai muvimentu rigulari: u muvimentu po ajutari a ammigghiurari a circulazzioni e a prum\u00f2viri a saluti d\u00e2 pe\u1e0d\u1e0di. Cerca di fari armenu 30 minuti di muvimentu a forza minzana a majur\u00eca d\u00ee jorna d\u00e2 simana.", "* Dormi bastanti: quannu dormi picca, u to corpu pruduci cchi\u00f9 assai l'urmuni curtisolu, ca po purtari a nciammazzioni e prubblemi \u00e2 pe\u1e0d\u1e0di. Punta a 7-8 uri di sonnu a notti.", "* Pruteggi a to pe\u1e0d\u1e0di d\u00fb suli: i raggi UV d\u00fb suli ti ponnu dammaggiari \u00e2 pe\u1e0d\u1e0di e falla mmicchiri prima, purtari rappi e tumura \u00e2 pe\u1e0d\u1e0di."], "factuality": "ok", "is_src_orig": true} +{"id": "ethiopia_challenges__btithihhtt", "sl": "en", "tl": "scn", "srcs": ["But in 1974, a military junta known as the Derg seized power and began a brutal campaign of repression.", "The Derg's policies led to widespread famine and poverty, and millions of Ethiopians were forced to flee their homes.", "In 1991, a coalition of rebel groups known as the Ethiopian People's Revolutionary Democratic Front (EPRDF) overthrew the Derg.", "The EPRDF established a new government and promised to restore peace and prosperity to Ethiopia.", "However, the EPRDF's rule has been plagued by human rights abuses, corruption, and political repression.", "In 2018, Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed took office and pledged to reform the country.", "He released political prisoners, lifted restrictions on the media, and began peace talks with the Tigray People's Liberation Front (TPLF), the former ruling party of Tigray.", "However, the peace talks broke down in June 2020, and the TPLF launched an offensive against the Ethiopian military.", "The ensuing conflict has been devastating.", "The fighting has displaced millions of people, and the humanitarian situation is dire."], "trgs": ["Ma nt\u00f4 1974, na junta militari di nomu Derg si pigghiau u putiri e accuminciau na campagna di riprissiuni brutali.", "I pul\u00ectichi d\u00e2 Derg purtaru a granni carist\u00eci e puvirt\u00e0, e miliuna di et\u00ecupi foru custritti a f\u00f9jiri d\u00ee so casi.", "Nt\u00f4 1991, na cualizzioni di gruppi ribbelli chiamata Frunti Dimucr\u00e0ticu Rivuluzziunariu d\u00fb P\u00f2pulu Et\u00ecupi (FDRPE) rivirsau \u00e2 Derg.", "U FDRPE stabbil\u00ecu un guvernu novu e prumisi di dari paci e pruspirit\u00e0 a l'Etiopia.", "E puru, u riggimi d\u00fb FDRPE h\u00e2 statu chinu di abbusi d\u00ee diritti umani, curruzzioni e riprissiuni pul\u00ectichi.", "Nt\u00f4 2018, Abiy Ahmed addivintau Primu Ministru e prumisi di arrifurmari u pajisi.", "Fici n\u00e8sciri i priciuneri pul\u00ectici, allintau i ristrizzioni, e accuminciau i cuntrattazzioni di paci c\u00fb Frunti di Libbirazzioni d\u00fb P\u00f2pulu d\u00fb Tigr\u00e8 (FLPT), u vecchiu partitu di guvernu d\u00fb Tigr\u00e8.", "Pir\u00f2, i cuntrattazzioni di paci si firmaru a giugnu 2020, e u FLPT fici p\u00e0rtiri n'attaccu contra l'es\u00e8rcitu et\u00ecupi.", "U cunflittu ca sicutau \u00e0vi statu divastanti.", "A guerra fici spustari miliuna di cristiani e la situazzioni umanitaria \u00e8 tr\u00e0ggica."], "factuality": "has_errors", "is_src_orig": true} +{"id": "stt_158__iitissmhtiabiwtiiiwwwmdidwwmtiwdt", "sl": "en", "tl": "scn", "srcs": ["It\u2019s coming from the kitchen, so I get up to investigate.", "I creep down the hallway, careful not to make a sound.", "The clacking is getting louder.", "I peer around the corner into the kitchen and see Mum standing at the sink, staring out the window.", "She looks pale and shaken. \u201cMum?\u201d I ask.", "She doesn\u2019t turn around.", "\u201cMum, what\u2019s wrong?\u201d She takes a deep breath and turns to face me.", "Her eyes are wide and filled with fear.", "\u201cThere\u2019s something outside,\u201d she says. \u201cSomething big.\u201d", "I follow her gaze out the window.", "At first, I don\u2019t see anything.", "But then, I notice a movement in the shadows.", "It\u2019s a large, dark shape, and it\u2019s moving towards the house.", "\u201cWhat is it?\u201d I ask. \u201cI don\u2019t know,\u201d Mum says. \u201cBut I don\u2019t think it\u2019s friendly.\u201d", "The creature gets closer.", "It\u2019s tall and slender, with long, spindly legs.", "Its body is covered in black fur, and its head is a smooth, round ball.", "It has no eyes, but I can see two large, pointed ears.", "\u201cWhat are we going to do?\u201d I ask.", "\u201cWe need to get out of here,\u201d Mum says. \u201cNow.\u201d", "We run out of the kitchen and into the living room.", "\u201cMum! Dad!\u201d I cry. \u201cThere\u2019s something outside!\u201d", "Dad looks up from the TV. \u201cWhat is it?\u201d he asks.", "\u201cI don\u2019t know,\u201d Mum says. \u201cBut it\u2019s big and it\u2019s coming this way.\u201d", "Dad gets up from the couch.", "\u201cWe need to get out of here,\u201d he says.", "We all run for the front door.", "Mum unlocks it and we rush outside.", "The creature is right behind us.", "It\u2019s so close I can feel its hot breath on the back of my neck.", "We run to the car and get in.", "Dad starts the engine and we peel out of the driveway.", "The creature chases after us, but we\u2019re too fast."], "trgs": ["Veni d\u00e2 cucina, adunca mi susu pi cuntrullari.", "Mi movu lentu nt\u00f4 currituri, stannu accura a nun fari scrusciu.", "U scrusciu si fa cchi\u00f9 forti.", "Smicciu arretu a l'agnuni d\u00e2 cucina e vidu a mam\u00e0 \u00e2 dritta davanzi a pila, ca tal\u00eca fora d\u00e2 finestra.", "Pari giarna e arrisantata. \"Mam\u00e0?\" ci spiu.", "Nun si vota.", "\"Mam\u00e0, chi fu?\" Pigghia un rispiru funnutu e si vota versu di mia.", "\u00c0vi l'occhi scricchiati e chini di scantu.", "\"Cc'\u00e8 na cosa fora\", dici. \"Na cosa grossa\".", "Sicutu a so taliata fora d\u00e2 finestra.", "N principiu nun vidu nenti.", "Ma poi, m'addugnu di un muvimentu nta l'ummra.", "\u00c8 na larga, nfusca furma e sta vinennu ammeri \u00e2 casa.", "\"Zoccu \u00e8?\" spiu. \"Nun u sacciu\", dici Mamma. \"Ma nun penzu ca \u00e8 amich\u00e8vuli\".", "A criatura ncugna.", "\u00c8 auta e sicca, cu longhi e grossi gammi.", "U so corpu \u00e8 cummigghiatu di pilu n\u00ecguru e a so testa \u00e8 na ba\u1e0d\u1e0da liscia e tunna.", "Nun \u00e0vi occhi, ma pozzu v\u00ecdiri du' granni aricchi puntuti.", "\"Chi facemu?\" ci spiu.", "\"\u00c2m'a n\u00e8sciri di cca\", dici Mamma. \"Ora\".", "Fujemu d\u00e2 cucina e jemu nt\u00f4 salottu.", "\"Mamma! Pap\u00e0!\" schigghiu. \"Cc'\u00e8 quarchi cosa fora!\"", "Pap\u00e0 jisa l'occhi d\u00e2 TV. \"Chi \u00e8?\" spia.", "\"Nun u sacciu\", dici Mamma. \"Ma \u00e8 grossu e sta vinennu a ccabbanna\".", "Pap\u00e0 si susi d\u00fb divanu.", "\"\u00c2m'a n\u00e8sciri di cca\", dici.", "Curremu tutti ammeri a porta di trasuta.", "A Mamma a rapi e fujemu fora.", "A criatura \u00e8 propia arretu a nuiautri.", "\u00c8 accuss\u00ec vicina ca pozzu s\u00e8ntiri u so ciatu caudu nt\u00f4 me cozzu.", "Curremu \u00e2 m\u00e0china e trasemu", "Pap\u00e0 a\u1e0d\u1e0duma u muturi e niscemu d\u00fb violu d'accessu.", "A criatura n'assicuta, ma nuiautri semu troppu lesti."], "factuality": "ok", "is_src_orig": true} +{"id": "topic_260__mtaftfttit", "sl": "en", "tl": "scn", "srcs": ["Movies have long been a powerful force in shaping our culture and our values.", "They can influence our beliefs about everything from love and romance to war and violence.", "And they have a particularly strong influence on our ideas about gender roles.", "For decades, Hollywood has perpetuated the stereotype of the ideal wife as a beautiful, submissive, and domestic woman who puts her husband and children first.", "This image is often reinforced by the way that female characters are portrayed in movies.", "For example, a study by the Geena Davis Institute found that in the top 100 films of 2017, only 30% of female characters had speaking roles, and only 12% of those characters were working outside the home.", "The majority of female characters were portrayed as either romantic interests or mothers.", "This narrow representation of women in film sends a powerful message to viewers about what it means to be a woman.", "It suggests that women's primary role is to be attractive and nurturing, and that their success is measured by their relationships with men and children.", "This idealized image of the wife can be harmful to women in several ways."], "trgs": ["I film \u00e0ppiru na forza putenti nt\u00e2 furmazzioni d\u00e2 nostra curtura e d\u00ee nostri valuri.", "Ponnu nfruinzari soccu cridemu ncapu a tutti cosi, d\u00ee stori d'amuri nzinu \u00e2 guerra e \u00e2 viulenza", "E \u00e0nnu na nfruenza veru forti nt\u00ea nostri pinzeri ncapu \u00ea rola di g\u00e8niri", "Pi dicenni, Hollywood purtau avanzi u stiri\u00f2tipu d\u00e2 mugghieri idiali comu be\u1e0d\u1e0da, suttamisa e f\u00ecmmina di casa ca metti a so maritu e \u00ea so figghi \u00f4 primu postu", "Sta mm\u00e0ggini \u00e8 nfurzata di comu i pirsunaggi fimminini su' riprisintati nt\u00ea film.", "P'esempiu, nu studiu d\u00fb Geena Davis Institute scupr\u00ecu chi nt\u00ea primi 100 film d\u00fb 2017, sulu u 30% d\u00ee f\u00ecmmini av\u00eca na parti ca parrava, e sulu u 12% di sti pirsunaggi travagghiava fora d\u00e2 casa.", "A majur\u00eca di sti pirsunaggi f\u00ecmmina era riprisintatu o comu nu ntressu rum\u00e0nticu o comu na matri.", "Sta riprisintatina riddutta d\u00e2 f\u00ecmmina nt\u00ea film manna un missaggiu veru putenti \u00ea spittatura ncapu a zoccu voli diri \u00e8ssiri na f\u00ecmmina.", "Suggirisci ca u primu c\u00f2mpitu d\u00e2 f\u00ecmmina \u00e8 chi\u1e0d\u1e0du di \u00e8ssiri be\u1e0d\u1e0da e matri di casa e ca u so successu \u00e8 basatu ncapu \u00e2 so rilazzioni ch\u00ee m\u00e0sculi e ch\u00ee picciri\u1e0d\u1e0di.", "Sta mm\u00e0ggini idializzata d\u00e2 mugghieri po \u00e8ssiri dammaggiusa p\u00ee f\u00ecmmini nta diversi maneri."], "factuality": "has_errors", "is_src_orig": true} +{"id": "custom_2__piidpdpdpdpdpdgipdiy", "sl": "en", "tl": "scn", "srcs": ["Patient: Doctor, I've been having this terrible stomach pain for the past few days.", "It's so bad that I can't eat or sleep.", "It's a sharp, stabbing pain that comes and goes.", "Doctor: Can you tell me more about the pain? Where is it located?", "Patient: It's mostly in my lower abdomen, right around my belly button, but it sometimes radiates to my back.", "Doctor: Does anything make the pain worse?", "Patient: Eating seems to make it worse, especially fatty or greasy foods.", "Doctor: And does anything make it better.?", "Patient: Lying down seems to help a little.", "Doctor: Does the pain come and go, or is it constant?", "Patient: It's constant. It's just a dull ache, but it's really uncomfortable.", "Doctor: Have you had any other symptoms? Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea?", "Patient: No, just the pain.", "Doctor: I see. Well, it sounds like you're having a case of gastritis.", "Gastritis is inflammation of the stomach lining.", "It can be caused by a number of things, including eating spicy or fatty foods, drinking alcohol, or taking certain medications.", "Patient: Is it serious?", "Doctor: It can be, but in most cases it's not.", "I'm going to prescribe you some medication to help relieve the pain and inflammation.", "You should also avoid eating spicy or fatty foods, and drink plenty of fluids."], "trgs": ["Pacenti: Dutt\u00f9, appi stu malu duluri 'i panza pi tutti l'\u00f9rtimi jorna.", "\u00c8 accuss\u00ec ladiu ca nun pozzu manciari o d\u00f2rmiri.", "\u00c8 un duluri forti e tagghienti ca va e veni.", "Dutturi: Mi po diri cchi\u00f9 assai ncapu a stu duluri? Unni lu senti?", "Pacenti: P\u00e2 majur\u00eca \u00e2 parti vascia di l'addomi, ammeri appressu \u00f4 vi\u1e0d\u1e0dicu, ma quarchi vota arriva \u00e2 carina.", "Dutturi: Cc'\u00e8 quarchi cosa ca fa acchianari u duluri?", "Pacenti: Manciari parissi fallu acchianari, cchi\u00f9 assai di tutti cosi l'alimenti grasci e nzivati.", "Dutturi: E quarchi cosa lu fa calari?", "Pacenti: Stinnicchi\u00e0rimi parissi ajutari tanticchia.", "Dutturi: U duluri va e veni o \u00e8 fissu?", "Pacenti: Fissu \u00e8. \u00c8 sulu un duluri surdu, ma \u00e8 si\u1e0d\u1e0dijusu.", "Dutturi: Avisti autri s\u00ecntumi? Ammaraggiu, ruvesciu, cacare\u1e0d\u1e0da?", "Pacenti: No, sulu duluri.", "Dutturi: Capisciu. Bonu, pari ca \u00e0vi un casu di gastriti.", "A gastriti fussi a nciammazzioni d\u00e2 cuvirtura d\u00fb st\u00f2macu.", "Po \u00e8ssiri causata di tanti cosi, cumprisu manciari picanti, v\u00ecviri \u00e0rculi o pigghiari certi f\u00e0rmaci", "Pacenti: Gravi \u00e8?", "Dutturi: Lu po \u00e8ssiri, ma nn\u00e2 majur\u00eca d\u00ee casi no.", "Ti staju scrivennu quarchi f\u00e0rmacu pi alliviari i dulura e a nciammazzioni.", "Avissi macari a scanzari di manciari cosi picanti o grasci, e v\u00ecviri l\u00ecquiti a tinchit\u00e8."], "factuality": "ok", "is_src_orig": true} +{"id": "custom_1__i111111111111i12345", "sl": "en", "tl": "scn", "srcs": ["Ingredients:", "* 1 cup all-purpose flour", "* 1 cup almond flour", "* 1/2 cup granulated sugar", "* 1/4 cup packed light brown sugar", "* 1/2 teaspoon baking powder", "* 1/4 teaspoon baking soda", "* 1/4 teaspoon salt", "* 1/2 cup (1 stick) unsalted butter, at room temperature", "* 1 large egg", "* 1 large egg yolk", "* 1 teaspoon almond extract", "* 1/2 cup milk", "Instructions:", "1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). Grease and flour an 8-inch round cake pan.", "2. In a medium bowl, whisk together the flours, granulated sugar, brown sugar, baking powder, baking soda, and salt.", "3. In a large bowl, cream together the butter and egg until light and fluffy. Beat in the egg yolk and almond extract.", "4. Gradually add the dry ingredients to the wet ingredients, alternating with the milk. Mix until just combined.", "5. Fold in the almond flour until evenly distributed."], "trgs": ["Conzi:", "* 1 c\u00eccara di farina pi tutti l'usi", "* 1 c\u00eccara di farina di m\u00e8nnula", "* 1/2 c\u00eccara di z\u00f9ccaru a grani", "*1/4 di c\u00eccara di z\u00f9ccaru di canna prissatu", "* 1/2 cucchiare\u1e0d\u1e0da di l\u00e8vitu 'n pr\u00f9vuli", "* 1/4 cucchiare\u1e0d\u1e0da di bicarbunatu di sodiu", "* 1/4 cucchiare\u1e0d\u1e0da di sali", "* 1/2 c\u00eccara (1 panittu) burru senza sali, a timpiratura ammienti", "* 1 n'ovu granni", "* 1 russu d'ovu granni", "*1 cucchiare\u1e0d\u1e0da di strattu di m\u00e8nnula", "*1/2 c\u00eccara di latti", "Istruzzioni:", "1. Quadija prima u furnu nzinu a 350 gradi F (175 C\u00b0). Nziva e nfarina na pade\u1e0d\u1e0da pi torti tunna di 20 cm.", "2. Nta na ci\u00f2tula di media granizza, ammisca nz\u00e8mmula i du' farini, u z\u00f9ccaru a grani, z\u00f9ccuru di canna, u l\u00e8vitu, u bicarbunatu e u sali.", "4. Nta na scude\u1e0d\u1e0da grossa, arridduci a crema u burru cu l'ovu nzinu a quannu nun \u00e8 chiaru e m\u00f9ffuciu. Agghiunci u russu di l'ovu e u strattu di m\u00e8nnuli.", "4. Junci i conzi sicchi cu chi\u1e0d\u1e0di l\u00ecquidi, autirnannu c\u00fb latti. Ammisca bonu tutti cosi.", "5. Agghiunci a farina di m\u00e8nnula nzinu a quannu nun \u00e8 spannutu paru paru."], "factuality": "ok", "is_src_orig": true} +{"id": "topic_295__iitioatatiti", "sl": "en", "tl": "scn", "srcs": ["It was a hot summer day in July when I finally turned 16 years old.", "I had been eagerly anticipating this day for as long as I could remember, and now that it was finally here, I couldn't wait to get started on my road to freedom.", "The first step was to take the written test.", "I studied hard for weeks, and I was confident that I would pass.", "On the day of the test, I arrived at the DMV early and took my seat in the waiting room.", "After a few hours, my name was called, and I was ushered into a small room with a computer.", "The test was surprisingly easy, and I finished it in no time.", "A few days later, I received a letter in the mail informing me that I had passed the written test.", "The next step was to schedule a driving test.", "I called the DMV and made an appointment for the following week.", "The day of my driving test arrived, and I was more nervous than I had ever been in my life.", "I drove to the DMV with my mom, who would be accompanying me on the test."], "trgs": ["Fu un caudu jornu di stati di giugnettu, quannu finarmenti fici 16 anni.", "\u00c0vi di quannu \u00e0ju mimoria ca aspettu emuzziunatu stu jornu, e ora ca finarmenti arrivau, nun vidu l'ora di accuminciari a strata d\u00e2 libbirt\u00e0.", "U primu passu fu fari a prova scritta.", "Studiavi assai pi simani e simani, ed era cummintu di passallu.", "U jornu d\u00e2 prova, arrivavi \u00f4 DMV viatu e m'assittavi nn\u00e2 c\u00e0mmara d'attisa", "Doppu na para d'uri, chiamaru u me nomu e mi purtaru nta na c\u00e0mmara cu un computer", "Cu surprisa, a prova fu s\u00ecmplici, e la finivi s\u00f9bbitu.", "Quarchi jornu doppu, m'arrivau na littra unni mi nfurmaru ca av\u00eca passatu a prova scritta.", "U pr\u00f2ssimu passu fu prugrammari a prova di pr\u00e0ttica.", "Ci chiamavi \u00f4 DMV e addicidimmu n'appuntamentu p\u00e2 simana ca av\u00eca a v\u00e8niri.", "Arrivau u jornu d\u00e2 prova pr\u00e0ttica, e fuvi cchi\u00f9 assai nirbusu di quantu av\u00eca statu mai nn\u00e2 me vita.", "Purtavi \u00e2 m\u00e0china nzinu \u00f4 DMV cu me matri, ca m'av\u00eca a accumpagnari \u00e2 prova."], "factuality": "ok", "is_src_orig": true} +{"id": "topic_173__hiiibfwwslla", "sl": "en", "tl": "scn", "srcs": ["\"Heartbreak,\" sighed the poet, \"is the cruelest of afflictions.", "It is a pain that pierces the soul and leaves us feeling empty and alone.", "It is a fire that burns from within, consuming us with its flames.", "It is a storm that tears us apart, leaving us broken and scarred.", "But even in the midst of our heartbreak, there is hope.", "For even as our hearts are broken, they are also made new.", "We are given the opportunity to learn from our mistakes and to grow stronger.", "We are given the chance to find love again, even if it is different than the love we have lost.", "So let us not despair in our heartbreak.", "Let us instead embrace it as a part of life.", "Let us learn from it and grow from it.", "And let us never give up on the hope of finding love again\""], "trgs": ["\"U cori ruttu\", suspirau u pueta, \"\u00e8 a cchi\u00f9 crudili di l'affrizzioni.", "\u00c8 un duluri ca percia l'arma e ni lassa vacanti e suli.", "\u00c8 un focu ca sbampa di dintra, cunzum\u00e0nnuni ch\u00ee so ciammi.", "\u00c8 na timpesta ca ni sfascia, lass\u00e0nnuni spizzati e signalijati.", "Ma macari nt\u00f4 menzu di stu scattacori, cc'\u00e8 spiranza.", "Picch\u00ec macari si i nostri cori su' rutti, su' macari fatti novi.", "Ni veni data l'uppurtunit\u00e0 di nzign\u00e0rini quarchi cosa d\u00ee nostri sbagghi e addivintari cchi\u00f9 forti.", "Ni veni data l'uccasioni di turnari a truvari l'amuri, macari si\u1e0d\u1e0du \u00e8 diversu di chi\u1e0d\u1e0du ca p\u00e8rsimu.", "Adunca nun ni dispiramu nt\u00f4 nostru duluri.", "Accit\u00e0mulu mmeci comu parti d\u00e2 vita.", "Nzign\u00e0muni quarchi cosa di i\u1e0d\u1e0du e criscimu.", "E nun rinunziamu mai \u00e2 spiranza di truvari l'amuri n'autra vota\""], "factuality": "ok", "is_src_orig": true} +{"id": "topic_178__jtkttkktfts", "sl": "en", "tl": "scn", "srcs": ["Judaism and Kosher Kosher is a set of dietary laws in Judaism.", "These laws define which foods are permissible to eat and which are not.", "Kosher foods are those that are considered to be fit for consumption according to Jewish law.", "The laws of kosher are based on the Torah, the first five books of the Hebrew Bible.", "These laws prohibit the consumption of certain animals, such as pigs and shellfish, as well as the consumption of blood and meat from animals that have not been slaughtered in a specific way.", "Kosher foods are also subject to a number of other regulations, such as the separation of dairy and meat products.", "Kosher food is prepared in a way that ensures that it is fit for consumption according to Jewish law.", "The observance of kosher laws is an important part of Jewish religious practice.", "For many Jews, eating kosher food is a way to show their devotion to God and to connect with their heritage.", "There are a number of reasons why Jews observe kosher laws.", "Some of these reasons are based on religious beliefs, while others are based on practical considerations Religious reasons Jews believe that God gave the Torah to Moses at Mount Sinai."], "trgs": ["L'Ebbra\u00ecsimu e u Kosher U Kosher \u00e8 nu nzemi di liggi alimintari nta l'Ebbra\u00ecsimu.", "Sti liggi stabbil\u00ecscinu quali cosi di manciari \u00e8 pirmisu manciari e quali no.", "L'alimenti kosher su' chi\u1e0d\u1e0di ca su' cunzidirati adatti \u00f4 cunzumu sicunnu a liggi Ebbraica.", "I liggi di kosher si b\u00e0sanu supra a Torah, i primi cincu libbra d\u00e2 Bibbia Ebbraica.", "Sti liggi pruibb\u00ecscinu u cunzumu di certi armali, comu i porci e i frutti di mari, comu macari u cunzumu di sangu e carni di armali ca nun foru scannati nta na manera spic\u00ecfica.", "L'alimenti kosher su', sparti, suggetti a n'autra seri di normi comu a spartuta d\u00ee lattazzina e autri prudutti di carni.", "U manciari kosher \u00e8 cunzatu di na manera ca assicura ca \u00e8 adattu \u00f4 cunzumu sicunnu a liggi Ebbraica.", "U rispettu d\u00ee liggi kosher \u00e8 na parti mpurtanti d\u00e2 pr\u00e0ttica riliggiusa Ebbraica.", "Pi assai Ebbrei, manciari alimenti kosher \u00e8 na manera pi ammustrari a so divuzzioni a Diu e cunnitt\u00ecrisi \u00e2 so eredit\u00e0 curturali.", "Cci su' vari scaciuna picch\u00ec l'Ebbrei risp\u00e8ttanu i liggi kosher.", "\"U cori ruttu\", suspirau u pueta, \"\u00e8 a cchi\u00f9 crudili di l'affrizzioni."], "factuality": "ok", "is_src_orig": true} +{"id": "topic_231__ijiattonsth", "sl": "en", "tl": "scn", "srcs": ["\"I'm telling you, this is going to be the funniest thing ever,\" said Tom.", "\"Just wait until you see the look on people's faces when they see my new tattoo!\"", "\"I don't know, Tom,\" said his friend, Ben.", "\"A green question mark on your forehead seems like it could be a bit of a risky move.\"", "\"That's what makes it so funny,\" said Tom \"People are going to be so confused.", "They'll be asking themselves all sorts of questions, like 'What does it mean?' or 'Why did he do that?'\"", "\"Or they'll just think you're an idiot,\" said Ben.", "\"Nah, they'll get it,\" said Tom. \"Trust me.\"", "So Tom got the tattoo, and sure enough, people were confused.", "They asked him all sorts of questions, and he loved every minute of it.", "He even started a blog about his tattoo, where he would post pictures and answer questions from his readers."], "trgs": ["\"T\u00fb staju dicennu, chista sir\u00e0 a cosa cchi\u00f9 divirtenti d\u00fb munnu,\" dissi Tom.", "\"Vidi soccu \u00e0nnu a diri i cristiani comu mi v\u00ecdinu cu stu tatuaggiu novu\"", "\"Chi sacciu Tom\", dissi u so cumpari Ben.", "\"Un puntu di dumanna virdi nt\u00f4 sonnu mi pari n'anticchia arrisicata comu cosa\".", "\"Chi\u1e0d\u1e0du \u00e8 zoccu u renni accuss\u00ec divirtenti,\" dissi Tom \"I cristiani sirannu accuss\u00ec cunfusi.", "S'accuminciarannu a addumannari soccu \u00e8-\u00e8, tipu \"Ma chi significatu \u00e0vi\" o \"Ma picch\u00ec s\u00fb fici?\"", "\"O puru p\u00e8nzanu ca s\u00ec babbu,\" arrispunn\u00ecu Ben.", "\"Nonzi, l'\u00e0nn'a capiri,\" dissi Tom, \"f\u00ecdati di mia.\"", "Accuss\u00ec Tom si fici u tatuaggiu, e mancu pi dillu, i cristiani \u00e8ranu cunfusi.", "Ci spiaru soccu \u00e8-\u00e8, e i\u1e0d\u1e0du si nni prijau.", "Sparti, si rap\u00ecu un blog ncapu \u00f4 so tatuaggiu, unni pustava fotu e arrispunn\u00eca \u00ea dumanni d\u00ee cristiani."], "factuality": "ok", "is_src_orig": true} +{"id": "topic_493__isitgsgshgsg", "sl": "en", "tl": "scn", "srcs": ["Indira Gandhi was the first and only woman to serve as Prime Minister of India.", "She was born in 1917 into a prominent political family, and her father, Jawaharlal Nehru, was the first Prime Minister of India.", "Indira Gandhi was educated in India and England, and she married Feroze Gandhi in 1942.", "They had two sons, Rajiv and Sanjay.", "Gandhi began her political career in 1955, when she was elected to the Indian Parliament.", "She served in various ministerial positions in the government of her father, and in 1966 she became Prime Minister after his death.", "Gandhi was a controversial figure, and her policies were often criticized.", "She was accused of being authoritarian and of suppressing dissent.", "However, she was also a popular leader, and she is credited with modernizing India and improving the lives of its people.", "Gandhi was assassinated by her Sikh bodyguards in 1984.", "She was succeeded by her son, Rajiv Gandhi.", "Gandhi's life and career were marked by many challenges, but she never gave up on her dream of a better India."], "trgs": ["Indira Gandhi fu la prima e l'\u00f9nica f\u00ecmmina a \u00e8ssiri Primu Ministru di l'Innia.", "Nasc\u00ecu nt\u00f4 1917 dintra na mpurtanti famigghia pul\u00ectica, e so patri, Jawaharlal Nehru, fu u primu Primu Ministru di l'Innia.", "Indira Gandhi fu ducata 'n Innia e 'n Ingraterra, e si maritau cu Feroze Gandhi nn\u00f4 1942.", "\u00c0ppiru du' figghi, Rajiv e Sanjav.", "Gandhi accuminciau u so travagghiu pul\u00ecticu nt\u00f4 1955, quannu fu a\u1e0d\u1e0dijuta \u00f4 Parramentu Innianu.", "Uccupau vari pusizzioni ministiriali nt\u00f4 guvernu di so patri, e nt\u00f4 1966 addivintau Primu Ministru doppu a morti di i\u1e0d\u1e0du.", "Gandhi fu na figura cuntraversa, e i so pul\u00ectichi foru spissu criticati.", "Fu accusata di \u00e8ssiri auturitaria e di ripr\u00ecmiri \u00ea vuci discurdanti.", "Cumunca, era macari nu capu pupulari, ed \u00e8 ricanusciuta comu a chi\u1e0d\u1e0da ca 'mmudirnau l'Innia e ca migghiurau a vita d\u00fb so p\u00f2pulu.", "Gandhi fu ammazzata d\u00ee so guardi d\u00fb corpu sikh nt\u00f4 1984.", "Doppu a i\u1e0d\u1e0da vinni so figghiu, Rajiv Gandhi.", "A vita e u travagghiu di Gandhi foru signati di tanti sfidi, ma nun arrinunziau mai \u00f4 so sonnu di na megghiu Innia."], "factuality": "has_errors", "is_src_orig": true} +{"id": "topic_378__gtsmtt", "sl": "en", "tl": "scn", "srcs": ["Global warming is the long-term heating of Earth's climate system observed since the pre-industrial period (between 1850 and 1900) due to human activities, primarily fossil fuel burning, which increases heat-trapping greenhouse gas levels in Earth's atmosphere.", "The term is frequently used interchangeably with the term climate change, though the latter refers to both human- and naturally produced warming and the effects it has on our planet.", "Since the pre-industrial period, human activities are estimated to have increased Earth's global average temperature by about 1 degree Celsius (1.8 degrees Fahrenheit), a number that is currently increasing by 0.2 degrees Celsius (0.36 degrees Fahrenheit) per decade.", "Most of the current warming trend is extremely likely (greater than 95 percent probability) the result of human activity since the 1950s and is proceeding at an unprecedented rate over decades to millennia.", "The largest human influence on climate change has been the emission of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide.", "The primary source of these emissions is from burning fossil fuels for electricity, heat and transportation."], "trgs": ["U quadijamentu glubbali \u00e8 l'aumentu d\u00ee timpiraturi a longu-t\u00e8rmini d\u00fb sistema clim\u00e0ticu d\u00e2 Terra vardijatu d\u00fb pir\u00ecudu pri-nnustriali (ntra u 1850 e u 1900) pi causioni di l'attivit\u00e0 umani, supratuttu p\u00e2 cummustioni di carburanti f\u00f2ssili, ca f\u00ecciru jisari u live\u1e0d\u1e0du di gas-serra nta l'atmusfera tirrestri.", "Stu t\u00e8rmini \u00e8 spissu usatu a scanciu c\u00fb t\u00e8rmini di canciamentu clim\u00e0ticu, macari si st'\u00f9rtimu si rifirisci \u00f4 quadijamentu sia umanu ca naturali e l'effetti ca \u00e0vi nt\u00f4 nostru chianita.", "D\u00fb pir\u00ecudu pri-nnustriali, si c\u00e0rcula ca l'attivit\u00e0 umani f\u00ecciru jisari a timpiratura media glubbali d\u00e2 Terra di agghiri 1\u00b0 Celsius (1.8\u00b0 Fahrenheit), un n\u00f9mmaru ca a stu mumentu sta criscennu di 0.2\u00b0 C (0.36\u00b0 F) ogni deci anni.", "\u00c8 assai capaci ca st'aumentu di timpiratura (cchi\u00f9 assai d\u00fb 95% di prubbabbilit\u00e0) \u00e8 u risurtatu di l'attivit\u00e0 umana partennu di l'anni '50 e sta jennu avanzi a nu live\u1e0d\u1e0du mai vistu prima nt\u00ea d\u00e8cadi e millennia.", "A nfruenza cchi\u00f9 grossa di stu canciamentu clim\u00e0ticu \u00e8 l'emissioni di gas-serra comu l'anidriti carb\u00f2nica, u mitanu e l'\u00f2ssidu nitrusu.", "A funti primaria di st'emissioni \u00e8 la cummustioni di carburanti f\u00f2ssili pi fari elittricit\u00e0, caluri e trasporti."], "factuality": "ok", "is_src_orig": true} +{"id": "topic_312__tifsiiaiwiaiwii", "sl": "en", "tl": "scn", "srcs": ["The portfolio was heavy, and the line was long.", "I stood there, aching with pain, and wondered if I would ever get to the front.", "Finally, my turn came, and I presented my portfolio to the woman at the counter.", "She looked at it for a moment, then shook her head.", "\"I'm sorry,\" she said. \"We can't accept this portfolio. It's not up to our standards.\"", "I felt a wave of despair wash over me.", "All my hard work, for nothing.", "I took the portfolio back and started to walk away.", "\"Wait,\" the woman called \"I can see that you've put a lot of effort into this. Why don't you take a seat over there and I'll see what I can do.\"", "I sat down and waited.", "A few minutes later, the woman came back.", "\"I've talked to my manager,\" she said.", "\"We're willing to make an exception for you. We'll accept your portfolio, but you'll have to pay a processing fee.\"", "I sighed.", "It was a lot of money, but I didn't have any other choice."], "trgs": ["U pricu era pisanti e u ringu era longu.", "Arristava \u1e0d\u1e0d\u00e0, duluranti, e mi spiava s'avissi arrivatu mai avanzi.", "Finarmenti, vinni u me turnu, e ci prisintavu u pricu \u00e2 f\u00ecmmina nt\u00f4 vancuni.", "A taliau pi un mumentu, appoi tistijau.", "\"Mi dispiaci\", dissi. \"Nun putemu accittari stu pricu. Nun \u00e8 a l'autizza d\u00ee nostri standard.\"", "Sintivu n'unnata di dispirazzioni arrivut\u00e0rimi.", "Tuttu u me duru travagghiu, pi nenti.", "Mi turnavu pigghiari u pricu e accuminzavu a arrass\u00e0rimi.", "\"Aspittassi\", chiamau a signura, \"vidu ca si mpignau assai. Picch\u00ec nun si assetta \u1e0d\u1e0docu a sutta e vidu chi pozzu fari.\"", "M'assitavu e aspittavu.", "Quarchi minutu doppu, a f\u00ecmmina turnau.", "\"Parravu c\u00fb me manijaturi\", dissi.", "\"Putemu fari na ccizzioni pi vass\u00eca. Accittamu u so pricu, ma h\u00e2 pagari na tassa di elabburazzioni.\"", "Suspirai.", "\u00c8ranu na sfunnacata di sordi, ma nun aviva nu\u1e0d\u1e0d'autra scigghiuta."], "factuality": "ok", "is_src_orig": true} +{"id": "stt_167__itsttsbiivtsi", "sl": "en", "tl": "scn", "srcs": ["In the 2006 teen comedy She's the Man, Amanda Bynes plays Viola Hastings, a high school student who disguises herself as a boy in order to play on the boys' soccer team.", "The film is full of laugh-out-loud moments, thanks to Bynes's spot-on comedic timing and delivery.", "She is able to perfectly capture the awkwardness and uncertainty of a teenage boy, while still maintaining her own unique brand of humor.", "The supporting cast is also excellent, with Channing Tatum, Laura Ramsey, and Vinnie Jones all giving memorable performances.", "The film's director, Andy Fickman, does a great job of balancing the humor with the drama, creating a film that is both funny and heartwarming.", "She's the Man is a classic teen comedy that is sure to please fans of the genre.", "Bynes's performance is a standout, and the film is full of laugh-out-loud moments.", "If you're looking for a fun and entertaining movie to watch, I highly recommend checking out She's the Man.", "In addition to being a great comedy, She's the Man is also a film with a strong message about gender equality.", "Viola's decision to disguise herself as a boy in order to play on the boys' soccer team is a powerful statement about the importance of breaking down gender stereotypes.", "The film shows that girls can be just as good as boys at sports, and that they should not be held back by their gender.", "She's the Man is a film that is both funny and inspiring.", "It is a great choice for anyone who is looking for a feel-good movie with a message."], "trgs": ["Nt\u00e2 cummedia pi carusi d\u00fb 2006 She's the Man, Amanda Byrnes fa a Viola Hastings, na studintissa di liceu chi si travesti comu a nu carusu ca joca nt\u00e2 squatra di palluni masculina.", "U firmi \u00e8 chinu di mumenti di spisciun\u00e0risi d\u00fb r\u00ecdiri, grazzi \u00ea tempi c\u00f2mici di Byrnes e \u00e2 so capacit\u00e0 d'esicuzzioni.", "\u00c8 capaci di catturari pirfettamenti a stranizza e la ncirtizza di nu carusu, nt\u00f4 mentri ca manteni u so pirsunali umur\u00ecsimu.", "Macari l'atturi di sustegnu su' eccillenti, cu Channing Tatum, Laura Ramsey e Vinnie Jones chi d\u00f9nanu ntirpritazzioni mimur\u00e0bbili.", "U riggista d\u00fb firmi, Andy Fickman, faci nu bonu travagghiu a valanzari l'umur\u00ecsimu c\u00fb dramma, criannu nu firmi ca \u00e8 nz\u00e8mmula divirtenti e cummuventi.", "She's the Man \u00e8 na cl\u00e0ssica cummedia pi carusi ca sicuru piacir\u00e0 a l'appassiunati di ogni g\u00e8niri.", "A ntirpritazzioni di Byrnes \u00e8 eccizziunali e u firmi \u00e8 chinu di mumenti di spisciun\u00e0risi d\u00fb r\u00ecdiri.", "Si stai circannu nu firmi divirtenti di vardari, cunzigghiu pi daveru di dari n'ucchiata a She's the Man.", "Sparti a \u00e8ssiri na be\u1e0d\u1e0da cummedia, She's the Man \u00e8 macari un firmi cu un missaggiu forti di equalit\u00e0 di g\u00e8niri.", "A dicisioni di Viola di stracanci\u00e0risi di m\u00e0sculu pi jucari nt\u00e2 squatra di palluni d\u00ee m\u00e0sculi \u00e8 na dichiarazzioni forti supra a mpurtanza di sdirrupari i stiri\u00f2tipi di g\u00e8niri.", "U firmi mustra ca i f\u00ecmmini ponnu \u00e8ssiri forti quantu i m\u00e0sculi e ca nun av\u00ecssiru a \u00e8ssiri frinati d\u00fb so g\u00e8niri.", "She's the Man \u00e8 un firmi ca \u00e8 sia divirtenti ca ispiranti.", "\u00c8 na bona scigghiuta pi cu' \u00e8-\u00e8 ca sta circannu un firmi prijusu e cu un missaggiu."], "factuality": "ok", "is_src_orig": true} +{"id": "topic_340__aheehitehe", "sl": "en", "tl": "scn", "srcs": ["Albert Einstein was a German-born theoretical physicist who developed the theory of relativity, one of the two pillars of modern physics (alongside quantum mechanics).", "His work is also known for its influence on the philosophy of science.", "Einstein is best known in popular culture for his mass\u2013energy equivalence formula E = mc2 (which has been dubbed \"the world's most famous equation\").", "Einstein was born in Ulm, in the Kingdom of W\u00fcrttemberg, German Empire, on 14 March 1879.", "He showed an early aptitude for mathematics and physics.", "In 1905, at the age of 26, Einstein published four groundbreaking papers that transformed physics.", "These include his special relativity theory, which introduced the concepts of space and time as a single unified continuum, and his general relativity theory, which proposed that gravity is not a force, but is instead a curvature of spacetime.", "Einstein's work led to a new understanding of the universe, and had a profound impact on the development of modern physics.", "He received the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1921 for his explanation of the photoelectric effect.", "Einstein was a pacifist and a strong advocate for social justice."], "trgs": ["Albert Einstein fu un f\u00ecsicu ti\u00f2ricu nasciutu tidiscu ca sbiluppau a tiur\u00eca d\u00e2 rilativit\u00e0, unu d\u00ee pilastri d\u00e2 f\u00ecsica muderna (nz\u00e8mmula c\u00e2 micc\u00e0nica quant\u00ecstica).", "U travagghiu so \u00e8 macari canusciutu p\u00e2 so nfruenza ncapu a filusuf\u00eca d\u00e2 scenza.", "Nn\u00e2 curtura pupulari \u00e8 canusciutu cchi\u00f9 assai di tuttu p\u00e2 so f\u00f9rmula d'equivalenza di massa-enirg\u00eca E = mc2 (ca \u00e8 ntisa comu \"l'equazzioni cchi\u00f9 famusa d\u00fb munnu\").", "Einstein nasc\u00ecu a Ulm, nn\u00f4 regnu di W\u00fcrttemberg, nn\u00f4 Mperu Tidiscu, u 14 marzu d\u00fb 1879.", "Fici v\u00ecdiri s\u00f9bbitu versu p\u00e2 matim\u00e0tica e p\u00e2 f\u00ecsica.", "Nt\u00f4 1905, quannu av\u00eca 26 anni, Einstein pubblicau quattru art\u00ecculi rivuluzziunari ca canciaru a f\u00ecsica.", "Chisti cumprinn\u00ecanu a so spiciali tiuria d\u00e2 rilativit\u00e0, ca ntrudic\u00ecu u cuncettu di spazziu e tempu comu n'\u00f9nicu continuum junciutu, e la so tiur\u00eca d\u00e2 rilativitati gin\u00e8rica, ca prupun\u00ecu ca a gravit\u00e0 nun era na forza, ma mmeci na curbatura d\u00fb spazziutempu.", "U travagghiu di Einstein purtau na nova canuscenza di l'universu, e appi un forti mpattu ncapu \u00f4 sbiluppu d\u00e2 f\u00ecsica muderna.", "Vinc\u00ecu u premiu Nobel p\u00e2 f\u00ecsica nt\u00f4 1921 p\u00ee so schicazzioni di l'effettu fotul\u00e8ttricu.", "Einstein fu un pacifista e un granni abbucatu p\u00e2 giustizzia suciali."], "factuality": "ok", "is_src_orig": true} +{"id": "gambia_typical__mffpotmtacmoitid", "sl": "en", "tl": "scn", "srcs": ["Many people wake up before sunrise to start their day's work.", "Farmers may rise before dawn to milk their cows or tend to their crops.", "Fishermen may go out to sea before the sun comes up.", "People who work in the city may also wake up early to catch the bus or train to work.", "Once people are up, they typically eat a simple breakfast of porridge, bread, or tea.", "Then they get ready for the day.", "Many people in The Gambia wear traditional clothing, such as long dresses or skirts for women and long pants or shirts for men.", "They may also wear a headscarf or cap.", "After breakfast, people go about their daily activities.", "Children go to school, while adults go to work.", "Many people in The Gambia work in agriculture, fishing, or tourism.", "Others work in government, business, or education.", "In the afternoon, people may take a break from work to relax or socialize.", "They may go for a walk, visit friends and family, or play games.", "In the evening, people often eat dinner with their families.", "Dinner is typically a simple meal of rice, vegetables, and meat or fish."], "trgs": ["Assai cristiani s'arrisb\u00ecgghianu prima ca agghiorna p'accuminciari u travagghiu d\u00e2 jurnata.", "I vi\u1e0d\u1e0dani ponnu sus\u00ecrisi prima di l'arba pi m\u00f9nciri i vacchi o pi curari i campi.", "I piscatura ponnu n\u00e8sciri a mari prima ca u suli agghiorna.", "I cristiani ca trav\u00e0gghianu nn\u00e2 cit\u00e0 ponnu macari sus\u00ecrisi viatu pi pigghiari l'autubbussu o lu trenu pi jiri \u00f4 travagghiu.", "Na vota ca i cristiani si s\u00f9sinu, di s\u00f2litu fannu culazzioni s\u00ecmplici c\u00fb porridge, pani o te.", "Accuss\u00ec su' pronti p\u00e2 jurnata.", "Assai cristiani nn\u00f4 Gammia v\u00e8stinu cu \u00e0bbiti tradizziunali, comu \u00e0bbiti longhi o faudetti p\u00ee f\u00ecmmini e causi longhi o cammisi pi l'\u00f2mini.", "Si ponnu macari m\u00e8ttiri fazzoli o cappe\u1e0d\u1e0di.", "Doppu a culazzioni, i cristiani fannu l'attivit\u00e0 cutidiani.", "I picciri\u1e0d\u1e0di vannu \u00e2 scola, mentri l'adurti vannu a travagghiari.", "Assai cristiani nn\u00f4 Gammia trav\u00e0gghianu ch\u00ee campi, c\u00e2 pisca o c\u00fb tur\u00ecsimu.", "Autri trav\u00e0gghianu \u00f4 guvernu, nt\u00f4 bissinissi o o nt\u00e2 ducazzioni.", "U doppupranzu, i cristiani ponnu pigghi\u00e0risi na pausa d\u00fb travagghiu pi scial\u00e0risi o sucialijari.", "Ponnu fari na passijata, ncucciari amici e famigghia, o fari joca.", "\u00c2 sira, i cristiani spissu c\u00e8nanu c\u00e2 famigghia.", "A cena \u00e8 di s\u00f2litu un chiattu s\u00ecmplici di risu, virdura e carni o pisci."], "factuality": "ok", "is_src_orig": true} +{"id": "topic_208__ttttbwwwtt", "sl": "en", "tl": "scn", "srcs": ["The gadgets and utensils of the kitchen are a language, a means of communication between cook and food.", "The whisk, the tongs, the ladle, the spatula - each has its own meaning, its own purpose.", "To use them well is to understand the language of cooking, to season the dish with the flavors of experience and skill.", "The whisk is a whisk, the tongs are tongs, and the ladle is a ladle.", "But in the hands of a skilled cook, they become something more: they become extensions of the cook's own body, tools that allow him or her to express creativity and passion.", "With a whisk, the cook can whip up a frothy batter or emulsify a delicate sauce.", "With tongs, he or she can flip a steak or turn a roast.", "With a ladle, he or she can ladle out a steaming bowl of soup or sauce.", "The gadgets and utensils of the kitchen are more than just tools.", "They are a means of expression, a way to create something beautiful and delicious."], "trgs": ["Li stigghi e l'arnisi d\u00e2 cucina su' na lingua, na manera di cumunicari ntra u cocu e u manciari.", "U sbattituri, a tinagghia, u cuppinu, a sp\u00e0tula - ognunu c\u00fb so significatu, u so c\u00f2mpitu.", "Usalli boni voli diri capiri a lingua d\u00e2 cucina, cunzari u manciari ch\u00ee sapuri d\u00e2 spirienza e d\u00e2 majistr\u00eca", "U sbattituri \u00e8 nu sbattituri, i tinagghi su' tinagghi, e u cuppinu \u00e8 un cuppinu.", "Ma nt\u00ea manu d'un cocu mastru, chisti strac\u00e0ncianu nta na cosa cchi\u00f9 assai: addiv\u00e8ntanu purp\u00e0jini d\u00fb corpu d\u00fb cocu, strumenti ca ci pirm\u00e8ttinu di espr\u00ecmiri a so criativit\u00e0 e a so passiuni.", "Cu nu sbattituri, u cocu po muntari na paste\u1e0d\u1e0da scumusa o ammiscari na sarsa dilicata.", "Ch\u00ee tinagghi, po vutari na fe\u1e0d\u1e0da di carni e arrivutari nu rull\u00e8.", "C\u00fb cuppinu, po arric\u00f2gghiri na ci\u00f2tula china di suppa o sarsa cauda.", "I stigghi d\u00e2 cucina su' cchi\u00f9 assai di stigghi e basta.", "Su' maneri di cumunicari, un modu di criari quarcosa be\u1e0d\u1e0du e sapuritu."], "factuality": "ok", "is_src_orig": true} +{"id": "topic_246__awttatwtiw", "sl": "en", "tl": "scn", "srcs": ["A seed is a small, dormant plant embryo that is capable of developing into a new plant under the right conditions.", "When a seed sprouts, it begins to grow roots and shoots.", "The roots anchor the plant in the soil and absorb water and nutrients from the ground.", "The shoots grow upwards towards the sun, and the leaves begin to photosynthesize, producing food for the plant.", "As the plant grows, it develops a stem, leaves, flowers, and fruit.", "The flowers produce seeds, which are dispersed by wind, water, or animals.", "When a seed lands in a suitable location, it can germinate and begin the process of growth all over again.", "The process of seed germination is a marvel of nature.", "It is a testament to the power of life and the resilience of the natural world.", "When a seed sprouts, it is a sign of hope and new beginnings."], "trgs": ["A simenza \u00e8 l'emmrioni nicu nicu e addurmisciutu ca \u00e8 capaci di addivintari na chianta nova sutta \u00ea giusti cunnizzioni.", "Quannu na simenza aggigghia, accumincia mi ci cr\u00ecscinu r\u00e0dichi e i primi fugghice\u1e0d\u1e0di.", "I r\u00e0dichi f\u00ecssanu a chianta nt\u00f4 tirrenu e s\u00f9canu l'acqua e i nutricanti d\u00e2 terra.", "I gigghi cr\u00ecscinu pi supra ammeri \u00f4 suli, e i p\u00e0mpini accum\u00ecncianu a fotus\u00ecntisi, pruducennu manciari p\u00e2 chianta.", "Comu a chianta crisci, diviluppa a busa, i fogghi, i ciuri e i frutti.", "I ciuri fannu i simenzi, ca si sp\u00e0nninu c\u00fb ventu, cu l'acqua o cu l'armali.", "Quannu na simenza agghica nt\u00f4n locu adattu, po fari u gigghiu e accuminciari arr\u00e8 tuttu u prucessu di cr\u00ecscita.", "U prucessu di aggigghiamentu \u00e8 na maravigghia d\u00e2 natura.", "\u00c8 na tistimunianza d\u00e2 putenza d\u00e2 vita e d\u00e2 risilienza d\u00fb munnu naturali.", "Quannu na simenza aggigghia, \u00e8 na nzinga di spiranza e di novi accuminciatini."], "factuality": "ok", "is_src_orig": true} +{"id": "stt_165__yyyyatwwit", "sl": "en", "tl": "scn", "srcs": ["You have been warned.", "You have been given a clear and concise warning.", "You have been told that if you continue to engage in this behavior, you will be banned.", "You have now had two chances to correct your behavior, and you have failed to do so.", "As a result, you will now be banned from this forum.", "This ban is permanent, and you will not be allowed to create a new account or participate in this forum in any way.", "We hope that this ban will serve as a warning to others who may be tempted to engage in similar behavior.", "We will not tolerate this type of behavior on our forum, and we will take action to protect our community from it.", "If you have any questions about this ban, please do not hesitate to contact us.", "Thank you for your cooperation."], "trgs": ["Fusti abbisatu.", "Ti fu datu n'abbirtenza chiara e pricisa.", "Ti fu dittu ca si cuntinui a cumpurt\u00e0riti accuss\u00ec, sirai jittatu fora.", "Ti foru datu du' pussibbilit\u00e0 di cumpurt\u00e0riti megghiu, ma nun t\u00e2 fidasti.", "Comu risurtatu, sirai jittatu fora di stu forum.", "Stu ban \u00e8 pirmanenti, e nun ti siravi pirmisu di criari un cuntu novu o di participari nta stu forum nta nu\u1e0d\u1e0da manera.", "Spiramu ca stu ban putissi \u00e8ssiri \u00f9tili comu abbirtimentu pi l'autri ca ponnu \u00e8ssiri tintati di cumpurt\u00e0risi nta na manera similari.", "Nun tulliramu stu tipu di cumpurtamenti nta stu forum, e \u00e2m'a pigghiari pruvidimenti pi prut\u00e8ggiri a nostra cumunit\u00e0.", "Si \u00e0i spiati ncapu a stu ban, pi favuri nun ti scantari a cuntatt\u00e0rini.", "Grazzi p\u00e2 cupirazzioni."], "factuality": "ok", "is_src_orig": true} +{"id": "topic_587__weyiwiniwaaotiwenwy", "sl": "en", "tl": "scn", "srcs": ["\"What the hell are you doing, you idiot?!\"", "\"Excuse me?\"", "\"You cut me off! You almost made me crash!\"", "\"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to. I was just trying to get around that slow-moving truck.\"", "\"Well, you could have at least used your turn signal!\"", "\"I did use my turn signal!\"", "\"No, you didn't! You just pulled right out in front of me!\"", "\"I'm telling you, I used my turn signal!\"", "\"Whatever. You're still a terrible driver.\"", "\"And you're a jerk!\"", "\"At least I know how to drive!\"", "\"Oh, yeah? Well, I'm a better writer than you are!\"", "\"That's debatable.\"", "\"It's not debatable! I'm Ernest Hemingway!\"", "\"Who?\"", "\"Ernest Hemingway! The greatest writer of all time!\"", "\"Never heard of him.\"", "\"Well, you've heard of me now!\"", "\"Yeah, I heard of you.\""], "trgs": ["\"Chi di\u00e0vulu sta' facennu, pezzu 'i babbu?!\"", "\"Mi scusassi?\"", "\"Mi tagghiasti a strata! Mi stavi facennu ntappari!\"", "\"M'h\u00e2 scusari, nun vul\u00eca. Stava sulu circannu di passari a \u1e0d\u1e0du lentu camiu.\"", "\"Bih, putivi armenu m\u00e8ntiri a fileccia!\"", "\"A misi a fileccia!\"", "\"No, nun lu facisti! Ti firmasti propia davanzi a mia!\"", "\"T\u00fb dicu iu, a misi a fileccia!\"", "\"Vabb\u00f2. S\u00ec cumunca un guidaturi fitusu.\"", "\"E tu si un cugghiuni!\"", "\"Iu armenu m\u00e2 fidu a purtari na m\u00e0china!\"", "\"Ah, se? Allura iu sugnu nu scritturi megghiu 'i tia!\"", "\"Chistu \u00e8 discurr\u00ecbbili\".", "\"Nun \u00e8 discurr\u00ecbbili! Iu sugnu Ernest Hemingway!\"", "\"Cui?\"", "\"Ernest Hemingway! U megghiu scritturi di tutti i tempi!\"", "\"Nun l'\u00e0ju ntisu mai.\"", "\"Bonu, u sintisti di mia ora!\"", "\"Se, ntisi di tia.\""], "factuality": "ok", "is_src_orig": true} +{"id": "topic_131__gtttgtiigt", "sl": "en", "tl": "scn", "srcs": ["Grace: Can you tell me a little bit about its history?", "Teacher: Of course. Tea originated in China, where it has been cultivated for over 5,000 years.", "The first written record of tea dates back to the 3rd century BC, when it was mentioned in a Chinese medical text.", "Tea was originally used as a medicinal herb, but it quickly became a popular drink among Chinese people of all social classes.", "Grace: What about outside of China? When did tea start to spread to other parts of the world?", "Teacher: Tea was first introduced to Europe in the 16th century by Portuguese traders.", "It quickly became popular among European elites, and by the 18th century, tea had become a staple of British culture.", "In the 19th century, tea was also introduced to North America, where it became a popular drink among both colonists and Native Americans.", "Grace: That's really interesting.I never knew that tea had such a long history.", "Teacher: It's a fascinating story, and it's one that's still being written today."], "trgs": ["Grace: Mi po' parrari tanticchia d\u00e2 so storia?", "Majistru: Certu. U te \u00e0vi ur\u00ecggini nn\u00e2 Cina, unni \u00e0vi cchi\u00f9 assai di 5.000 anni ca veni chiantatu.", "A prima funti scritta d\u00fb te veni d\u00fb terzu s\u00e8culu d.C., quannu vinni mintuvatu nta un testu m\u00e8dicu cinisi.", "U te vin\u00eca usatu a l'ur\u00ecggini comu erba m\u00e8dica, ma viatu addivintau na v\u00ecppita pupulari ntra i cinisi di tutti i classi suciali.", "Grace: Mmeci fora d\u00e2 Cina? Quannu u te accuminciau a diffunn\u00ecrisi a l'autri banni d\u00fb munnu?", "Majistru: U te fu ntruduttu nta l'Europa nn\u00f4 16\u00e8simu s\u00e8culu d\u00ee mircanti purtughisi.", "S\u00f9bbitu addivintau pupulari ntra l'elite eurupea, e d\u00fb 18\u00e8simu s\u00e8culu u te addivintau na basi d\u00e2 curtura brit\u00e0nnica.", "Nt\u00f4 19\u00e8simu s\u00e8culu, u te vinni macari ntruduttu nn\u00e2 M\u00e8rica d\u00fb Nordi, unni addivintau na v\u00ecppita pupulari midemma ntra i culoni e ca ntra li nativi miricani.", "Grace: Chissu \u00e8 ntirissanti pi daveru. Nun sap\u00eca ca u te av\u00eca na storia accuss\u00ec longa.", "Majistru: \u00c8 na storia ammagusa, ca cuntinua a \u00e8ssiri scritta \u00ea nostri jorna."], "factuality": "has_errors", "is_src_orig": true} +{"id": "topic_229__dotttttt", "sl": "en", "tl": "scn", "srcs": ["During World War II, the Allies and Axis powers used a variety of aircraft to achieve air superiority.", "One of the most important factors in determining the outcome of a battle was the accuracy of the aircraft's bombing.", "The height at which an aircraft could fly was also a critical factor, as it determined how far it could travel and how much weight it could carry.", "The United States developed a number of high-altitude bombers during the war, including the B-17 Flying Fortress and the B-29 Superfortress.", "These aircraft were able to fly at altitudes of over 30,000 feet, which made them difficult for enemy fighters to intercept.", "They also carried a large payload of bombs, which could be used to attack targets deep behind enemy lines.", "The German Luftwaffe also developed a number of high-altitude bombers, including the Heinkel He 177 Greif and the Messerschmitt Me 264 Amerika Bomber.", "These aircraft were not as successful as their American counterparts, however, due to a number of technical problems."], "trgs": ["Duranti a Sicunna Guerra Munniali, l'Allijati e i putenzi di l'Assi usaru na varit\u00e0 di vil\u00ecvuli pi cunquistari a supranijata di l'aria.", "Unu di fatturi cchi\u00f9 mpurtanti pi ditirminari u risurtatu di na battagghia fu a pricisioni d\u00ee bummardamenti a\u00e8rii.", "L'autizza unni un vil\u00ecvulu put\u00eca vulari era puru un fatturi cr\u00ecticu, accuss\u00ec comu quantu luntanu put\u00eca arrivari e quantu pisu put\u00eca carrijari.", "I Stati Uniti sbilupparu tanti bummarderi di auta-c\u00f2tima duranti a guerra, comu u B-17 Flying Fortress e u B-29 Superfortress.", "Sti vil\u00ecvuli \u00e8ranu capaci d'abbulari nzinu \u00ea 30 000 pedi d'autizza e puru cchi\u00f9 assai, ca i fac\u00ecanu diff\u00eccili di ntircittari pi cummattenti nimici.", "Scarruzz\u00e0vanu macari un c\u00e0rricu be\u1e0d\u1e0du granni di bummi, ca put\u00ecanu attaccari ubbittivi assai arrerri \u00ea ringhi nimici.", "La Luftwaffe tidisca sbiluppau macari assai bummarderi di auta-quota, comu \u00f4 Heinkel He 77 Greif e u Messerschmitt Me 264 Amerika Bomber.", "Sti vil\u00ecvuli nun \u00e0ppiru pir\u00f2 u stissu successu d\u00ee so cuntraparti miricani, pi curpa di na seri di prubblemi t\u00e8cnici."], "factuality": "ok", "is_src_orig": true} +{"id": "stt_30__iyiiiiyptisaiiiyyasbas", "sl": "en", "tl": "scn", "srcs": ["I know what you did yesterday.", "You posted a picture of yourself wearing that green rag on social media.", "I know you thought it was funny, but it wasn\u2019t.", "It was disrespectful to your mother, and it hurt her feelings.", "I\u2019m not asking you to apologize because I\u2019m mad at you.", "I\u2019m asking you to apologize because it\u2019s the right thing to do.", "Your mother loves you, and she deserves your respect.", "Please call her today and tell her you\u2019re sorry.", "Tell her that you didn\u2019t mean to hurt her feelings, and that you promise to never wear that green rag again.", "I know you\u2019re a good person, and I know you love your mother.", "So please, do the right thing and apologize.", "After you apologize to your mother, I want you to burn that green rag.", "It\u2019s a symbol of your disrespect, and it needs to be gone.", "I know it might be hard to let go of that rag, but it\u2019s important.", "It\u2019s a symbol of your past, and it\u2019s time to move on.", "You\u2019re a new person now.", "You\u2019re a better person.", "And you don\u2019t need that rag to define you anymore.", "So please, burn it.", "Burn it and let it go.", "And then go hug your mother and tell her you love her.", "She loves you too."], "trgs": ["Sacciu chi facisti ajeri.", "Pubblicasti nt\u00ea social media na fotu to cu un cannavazzu virdi di ncapu.", "Sacciu chi pinzasti ca fac\u00eca r\u00ecdiri, ma nun lu fac\u00eca.", "Nun fu rispittusu pi to matri, e firisti i so sintimenta.", "Nun ti addumannu di scus\u00e0riti picch\u00ec sugnu arraggiatu cu tia.", "Ti staju addumannannu di scus\u00e0riti picch\u00ec \u00e8 la cosa giusta di fari.", "To matri ti ama, e si m\u00e8rita u to rispettu.", "Pi favuri oji chi\u00e0maci e dicci ca ti dispiaci.", "Dicci ca nun vulivi firiri i so sintimenta, e ca prumetti di nun mitt\u00ecriti cchi\u00f9 \u1e0d\u1e0du cannavazzu virdi.", "Sacciu ca s\u00ec un bravu cristianu, e sacciu ca vo' b\u00e8niri a to matri.", "Allura pi favuri, fa' a cosa giusta e addum\u00e0nnaci scusa.", "Doppu ca ti scusi cu to matri, vogghiu ca abbruci \u1e0d\u1e0du cannavazzu virdi.", "\u00c8 nu s\u00ecmmulu d\u00e2 to mancanza di rispettu, e cc'\u00e8 di bisognu ca si nni va.", "Sacciu ca po \u00e8ssiri diff\u00eccili sbarazzari \u1e0d\u1e0du cannavazzu, ma \u00e8 mpurtanti.", "\u00c8 nu s\u00ecmmulu d\u00fb to passatu, ed \u00e8 tempu di jiri avanzi.", "S\u00ec un cristianu novu ora.", "S\u00ec un cristianu megghiu.", "E nun \u00e0i cchi\u00f9 di bisognu di \u1e0d\u1e0du cannavazzu pi difin\u00ecriti.", "Adunca pi favuri abbr\u00f9cialu.", "Abbr\u00f9cialu e lassa jiri.", "E doppu abbrazza a to matri e dicci ca ci vo' b\u00e8niri.", "Macari i\u1e0d\u1e0da ti voli b\u00e8niri."], "factuality": "ok", "is_src_orig": true} +{"id": "topic_271__atmimeiai", "sl": "en", "tl": "scn", "srcs": ["A car was driving too fast and lost control, swerving into the other lane and hitting a car head-on.", "The driver of the first car was killed instantly, and the driver of the second car was seriously injured.", "My friend Joseph called me to talk about it.", "\"It's so sad,\" he said. \"I can't imagine how the families of the victims are coping.\"", "\"Me neither,\" I responded. \"It's a reminder that we need to be careful when we're driving.", "Even a small mistake can have devastating consequences.\"", "\"I agree,\" replied Jo. \"We all need to follow the rules of the road and drive defensively.\"", "\"Absolutely,\" I quickly added. \"And we need to be aware of the dangers of distracted driving. Things like texting and talking on the phone can take our attention away from the road and lead to accidents.\"", "\"I know,\" said Jo sheepishly. \"I'm guilty of it myself sometimes.\""], "trgs": ["Na m\u00e0china stava jennu troppu forti e pird\u00ecu u cuntrollu, passannu di l'autra curs\u00eca e pigghiannu di facci n'autra m\u00e0china ca stava vinennu.", "L'autista d\u00e2 prima m\u00e0china mur\u00ecu nt\u00f4n corpu, e l'autista d\u00e2 sicunna m\u00e0china si struppijau bonu.", "L'amicu me Joseph mi chiamau pi parr\u00e0rinni.", "\"\u00c8 na cosa tristi\" dissi \"Nun pozzu mmagginari comu a stannu pigghiannu i famigghi d\u00ee v\u00ecttimi\".", "\"Mancu iu\" rispunnivu. \"\u00c8 un signu chi n'\u00e2m'a arricurdari di stari accura quannu purtamu a m\u00e0china.", "Puru nu sbagghiu nicu po aviri cunzicutanzi divastanti\"", "\"Sugnu d'accordu\" arrispunn\u00ecu Jo \"\u00c2m'a sicutari i r\u00e8guli d\u00e2 strata e guidari nta na manera sicura\".", "\"'Nca certu\", juncivu lestu \"E nn'\u00e2m'a addunari d\u00ee pir\u00ecculi di na guida distratta. Cosi comu missaggiari o parrari \u00f4 til\u00e8funu ni ponnu allianari d\u00e2 strata e f\u00e0rini mm\u00e8stiri.\"", "\"U sacciu\", dissi Jo affrunt\u00e0nnusi. \"Macari iu u fazzu certi voti\"."], "factuality": "ok", "is_src_orig": true} +{"id": "topic_385__ihokhkhttthw", "sl": "en", "tl": "scn", "srcs": ["In the small town of Malgudi, there was a corrupt police inspector named Ramasamy.", "He would often take bribes from the people he arrested, and he would also use his power to harass and intimidate people.", "One day, Ramasamy arrested a young man named Krishnan for a crime he did not commit.", "Krishnan was innocent, but Ramasamy refused to listen to him.", "He demanded a bribe from Krishnan, and when Krishnan refused to pay, Ramasamy threw him in jail.", "Krishnan's father, a poor farmer, was desperate to get his son out of jail.", "He went to see Ramasamy and begged him to release Krishnan, but Ramasamy refused.", "The farmer then went to the local temple and prayed to God for help.", "The next day, the farmer was walking home from the temple when he saw a large snake crossing the road.", "The farmer was afraid of snakes, but he knew that he had to do something to help his son.", "He picked up the snake and carried it to the police station.", "When Ramasamy saw the snake, he was terrified."], "trgs": ["Nt\u00f4 pajise\u1e0d\u1e0du di Malgudi, cc'era nu spitturi d\u00e2 pulizz\u00eca ca si chiamava Ramasamy.", "Assai voti pigghiava grana d\u00ee cristiani ca nchiujiva, e usava u so putiri macari pi nquitari e supranijari li cristiani.", "Un jornu, Ramasamy nchiuj\u00ecu \u00f4n picciottu di nomu Krishnan pi na malafatta ca nun av\u00eca cummisu.", "Krishnan era nnuccenti, ma Ramasamy scartau di ascutallu.", "Addumannau grana a Krishnan, e quannu Krishnan scartau di pagari, Ramasamy lu misi \u00f4 c\u00e0rzaru.", "U patri di Krishnan, un vi\u1e0d\u1e0danu mischine\u1e0d\u1e0du, si sfirnicijava pi fari n\u00e8sciri so figghiu d\u00e2 gal\u00eca.", "J\u00ecu nni Ramasamy e lu prijau di libbirari a Krishnan, ma Ramasamy ci dissi no.", "U vi\u1e0d\u1e0danu allura j\u00ecu \u00f4 tempiu lucali e prijau Diu p'aviri ajutu.", "U jornu doppu, u vi\u1e0d\u1e0danu caminava d\u00fb tempiu \u00e2 casa, quannu vitti a nu scursuni be\u1e0d\u1e0du longu passari a strata.", "U vi\u1e0d\u1e0danu si scantava d\u00ee scursuna, ma sap\u00eca ca av\u00eca a fari quarchi cosa p'ajutari a so figghiu.", "Pigghiau u scursuni e lu purtau \u00e2 stazzioni d\u00e2 pulizz\u00eca.", "Quannu Ramasamy vitti u scursuni, era scantatu mortu."], "factuality": "ok", "is_src_orig": true} +{"id": "topic_319__dipdddpdpp", "sl": "en", "tl": "scn", "srcs": ["Dentist: Let me take a look. [Examines the patient's teeth.] Hmm, it looks like you have a cavity.", "I'm going to need to drill out the decay and fill the hole.", "Patient: Will it hurt?", "Dentist: It might be a little uncomfortable, but I'll do my best to make it as painless as possible.", "Dentist: (gives the patient a local anesthetic) Okay, this will numb the area so you won't feel anything.", "Dentist: (drills out the decay and fills the hole) All done!", "Patient: Thank you, doctor. That wasn't so bad.", "Dentist: You're welcome. Just be sure to brush and floss regularly to prevent future cavities.", "Patient: I will Dentist: (hands the patient a list of instructions) Here are some instructions on how to care for your new filling.", "Patient: Thank you."], "trgs": ["Dintista: F\u00e0mmici dari na taliata. [Tal\u00eca bonu u denti d\u00fb pacenti.] Hmm, parissi ca \u00e0i na caria.", "\u00c0ju a livari a caria c\u00fb tr\u00e0panu e j\u00ecnchiri u pirtusu.", "Pacenti: M'h\u00e2 fari mali?", "Dintista: Putissi \u00e8ssiri tanticchia si\u1e0d\u1e0dijusu, ma h\u00ea fari u megghiu ca pozzu pi f\u00e0riti d\u00f2liri u cchi\u00f9 picca puss\u00ecbbili.", "Dintista: (ci fa l'anistas\u00eca lucali) Ok, chistu \u00e0vi a annurbari \u1e0d\u1e0du puntu, e accuss\u00ec nun po' s\u00e8ntiri nenti.", "Dintista: (percia fora a caria e jinchi u purtusu) U fici!", "Pacenti: Grazzi, dutt\u00f9. Nun fu accuss\u00ec mali.", "Dintista: Nenti fu. Giustu pi \u00e8ssiri sicuri pulizz\u00ecjati sempri i denti pi scanzari cari futuri.", "Pacenti: L'h\u00ea fari Dintista: (proji \u00f4 pacenti na lista di istruzzioni) Cca cci su na para di nfurmazzioni ncapu a comu curari a to nova cunzatura.", "Pacenti: Grazzi."], "factuality": "ok", "is_src_orig": true} +{"id": "topic_7__diwrirtsldsrsr", "sl": "en", "tl": "scn", "srcs": ["Dear [Name], I hope this letter finds you well.", "I'm writing to you from our family farm, where the harvest has been going well this year.", "We're expecting a bumper crop of sugarcane, which is used to make rum.", "Rum is a distilled spirit made from sugarcane molasses or sugarcane juice.", "It's typically aged in wooden barrels, which gives it its characteristic flavor.", "Rum can be enjoyed neat, on the rocks, or mixed in cocktails.", "There are many different types of rum, each with its own unique flavor profile.", "Some of the most popular types of rum include light rum, dark rum, and spiced rum.", "Light rum is typically made from molasses and has a light, sweet flavor.", "Dark rum is made from sugarcane juice and has a richer, more complex flavor.", "Spiced rum is made with added spices, such as cinnamon, nutmeg, and cloves.", "Rum is a versatile spirit that can be used in a variety of cocktails.", "Some classic rum cocktails include the daiquiri, the mojito, and the pina colada.", "Rum can also be used in more creative cocktails, such as the Hemingway Daiquiri or the Painkiller."], "trgs": ["Caru [Nomu], speru ca sta littra t'attrova bonu cumminatu.", "Ti staju scrivennu d\u00e2 fattur\u00eca d\u00e2 nostra fammigghia, unni a ricota sta jennu bona avannu.", "N'aspittamu na ricota abbunnanti di cannamela, ca si usa pi fari u rummu.", "U rummu \u00e8 nu spirdu uttinutu d\u00e2 milassa o d\u00fb sucu d\u00e2 cannamela.", "\u00c8 tipicamenti mmicchiatu nta vutti di lignu, ca ci d\u00f9nanu u so sapuri carattar\u00ecsticu.", "U rummu si po nzapurari schittu, c\u00fb ghiazzu, o ammiscatu nt\u00ea cocktail.", "Cci su' assai tipi diffirenti di rummu, ognidunu cu un prufilu di sapuri \u00f9nicu.", "Ntra i tipi cchi\u00f9 pupulari di rummu cci su' u rummu chiaru, u rummu scuru e u rummu spizziatu.", "U rummu chiaru di s\u00f2litu si fa d\u00e2 milassa e cci \u00e0vi un sapuri leggiu e duci.", "U rummu scuru si fa d\u00fb sucu di cannamela e \u00e0vi un sapuri cchi\u00f9 riccu e traficusu.", "U rummu spizziatu si fa cu spezzi agghiunti, comu canne\u1e0d\u1e0da, nuci muscata e chiovi di gar\u00f2falu.", "U rummu \u00e8 nu spirdu virs\u00e0tili ca po \u00e8ssiri usatu nta na sfunnacata di cocktail.", "Ntra i tipi di cocktail c\u00fb rummu cl\u00e0ssici cci su' u daiquiri, u mojito, a pina colada.", "U rummu po macari \u00e8ssiri usatu nna cocktail cchi\u00f9 criativi, comu Daiquiri Hemingway o u Painkiller."], "factuality": "ok", "is_src_orig": true} +{"id": "stt_461__wwatiibwwatlll", "sl": "en", "tl": "scn", "srcs": ["We must reject the forces of division and hate.", "We must break the chains of poverty and ignorance.", "And we must bind ourselves together in a common purpose: to build a better future for Nigeria.", "The destiny of Nigeria is not to be a land of division and conflict.", "It is to be a land of unity and progress.", "It is to be a land where everyone has a chance to succeed, regardless of their background or circumstances.", "But we cannot achieve this future without working together.", "We must reject the forces that seek to divide us and come together as one people.", "We must break the chains of poverty and ignorance that hold us back.", "And we must bind ourselves together in a common purpose: to build a better future for Nigeria.", "The future of Nigeria is in our hands.", "Let us not squander it.", "Let us reject, break and bind the forces that seek to control and pervert our destiny.", "Let us come together as one people and build a better future for all."], "trgs": ["\u00c0m'a scartari i forzi d\u00e2 spartuta e di l'odiu.", "\u00c0m'a r\u00f9mpiri i catini d\u00e2 puvirt\u00e0 e d\u00e2 gnuranza.", "E n'\u00e0m'a j\u00f9nciri tutti nz\u00e8mmula pi na causa cumuni: criari un futuru megghiu p\u00e2 Niggeria.", "A sorti d\u00e2 Niggeria nun \u00e8 chi\u1e0d\u1e0da di \u00e8ssiri terra di spartuti e di sciarri.", "\u0400 di \u00e8ssiri terra di junciuta e prugressu.", "\u0400 di \u00e8ssiri na terra unni cu \u00e8-\u00e8 po aviri n'uccasiuni di cr\u00ecsciri, a pari storia passata e cosi successi.", "Ma nun putemu arrivari a stu futuru senza travagghiari nz\u00e8mmula.", "\u00c0m'a scartari \u1e0d\u1e0di forzi ca pr\u00f2vanu a spart\u00ecrini e n'\u00e0m'a j\u00f9nciri tutti comu un p\u00f2polu sanu.", "\u00c0m'a r\u00f9mpiri i catini d\u00e2 puvirt\u00e0 e d\u00e2 gnuranza ca ni trattennu.", "E n'\u00e0m'a j\u00f9nciri tutti nz\u00e8mmula pi na causa cumuni: criari un futuru megghiu p\u00e2 Niggeria.", "U futuru d\u00e2 Niggeria \u00e8 nt\u00ea nostri manu.", "Nun lu sfardamu.", "Scartamu, stuccamu e lijamu i forzi ca pr\u00f2vanu a supranijari e scarruggiari u nostru fatu.", "Junc\u00e8muni tutti nz\u00e8mmula comu un p\u00f2pulu sanu e criamu un futuru megghiu pi nautri tutti."], "factuality": "ok", "is_src_orig": true} +{"id": "topic_336__cwjojwssattttt", "sl": "en", "tl": "scn", "srcs": ["\"Complete your Amazon shopping experience with our new and improved ad service!\" the ad read.", "\"With our service, you'll never have to worry about missing out on a great deal again.", "Just sit back and relax, and we'll take care of the rest.", "Our service is completely free to use, and it's easy to get started.", "Just sign up for an account and start adding products to your cart.", "When you're ready to check out, our service will automatically find the best deals for you and apply them to your order.", "So what are you waiting for?", "Sign up for our service today and start saving money on all your Amazon purchases!\"", "As the customer clicked on the ad, they were whisked away to a new website.", "The website was full of ads for all sorts of products, all of which were supposedly on sale.", "The customer was tempted to buy a few things, but they hesitated.", "They had heard stories about people getting scammed by online ads, and they didn't want to be one of them.", "The customer decided to do some research on the company that was running the ad.", "They found a few negative reviews, but most of the reviews were positive."], "trgs": ["\"Cumpleta a to spirienza di acc\u00e0ttitu Amazon c\u00fb nostru sirbizzu di pubbilict\u00e0 novu e ammigghiuratu!\" diciva l'annunziu.", "\"C\u00fb nostru sirbizzu, nun t'h\u00e2 frasturnari mai cchi\u00f9 di ti p\u00e8rdiri un bon'affari.", "Ass\u00e8ttati e ril\u00e0ssati, ca \u00f4 restu cci pinzamu nuiautri.", "U nostru sirbizzu \u00e8 cumpletamenti grat\u00f9itu ed \u00e8 f\u00e0cili accuminzari.", "Abbasta riggistrari un prufilu e accuminciari a agghi\u00f9nciri prudutti \u00f4 to carre\u1e0d\u1e0du.", "Quannu s\u00ec prontu \u00f4 pagamentu, u nostru sirbizzu truvar\u00e0 'n autum\u00e0ticu i megghiu ufferti pi tia e l'appricar\u00e0 \u00f4 to \u00f2rdini.", "Allura chi sta' aspitannu?", "Scr\u00ecviti oji \u00f4 nostru sirbizzu e accumenza a sparagnari sordi supra tutti i to acc\u00e0ttiti Amazon!\"", "Comu u clienti munc\u00ecu a pubblicit\u00e0, fu mmiatu nta n'autru situ.", "Stu situ era chinu di pubblicit\u00e0 pi tutti i tipi di prudutti, tutti prisumibbirmenti 'n v\u00ecnnita.", "U clienti fu ntantatu d'accattari na para di cosi, ma si scantau.", "Av\u00eca ntisu stori di cristiani ca av\u00ecanu statu mmrugghiati di pubblicit\u00e0 nt\u00e2 riti e nun vuleva \u00e8ssiri unu di i\u1e0d\u1e0di.", "U clienti addicid\u00ecu di fari quarchi risciduta supra l'azzienna ca aviva pubblicatu l'annunziu.", "Truvau quarchi ricinzioni nigativa, ma a majur\u00eca d\u00ee ricinzioni era pusitiva."], "factuality": "ok", "is_src_orig": true} +{"id": "topic_360__tiiitibidisswiiia", "sl": "en", "tl": "scn", "srcs": ["The black dog came to me in the night.", "It had cold, wet fur and its eyes were like coals.", "It growled at me and I could smell its breath, hot and reeking of death.", "I knew that I must run, but my legs were leaden and I could not move.", "The dog came closer and closer, its teeth bared.", "I closed my eyes and waited for the end.", "But then I heard a voice.", "It was a woman's voice, soft and gentle.", "\"Do not be afraid,\" she said. \"I will help you.\"", "I opened my eyes and saw the woman standing in front of me.", "She was tall and slender, with long black hair and dark eyes.", "She wore a white dress that flowed around her like a mist.", "\"Who are you?\" I asked. \"I am the Angel of Death,\" she said.", "\"I have come to take you to the other side.\" I was not afraid anymore.", "I knew that the woman would take me to a place where there was no pain or suffering.", "I took her hand and she led me away.", "As we walked, the black dog followed us."], "trgs": ["U cani n\u00ecguru vinni nte mia di notti.", "Aviva friddu, a pi\u1e0d\u1e0dizza vagnata e i so occhi \u00e8ranu comu carbuni.", "Mi nfutava contra e put\u00eca ciagurari u so ciatu, caudu e fitusu di morti.", "Sapeva ca av\u00eca a c\u00f9rriri, ma i me jammi \u00e8ranu pisanti nun mi rinisciva a m\u00f2viri.", "U cani ncugnava e ncugnava a denti stritti.", "Chiudivu l'occhi e aspittavu a fini.", "Ma appoi sintivu na vuci.", "Era na vuci fimminina, leggia e gintili.", "\"Nun ti scantari\", dissi. \"T'ajutu jeu\".", "Rapivu l'occhi e vitti a f\u00ecmmina \u00e2 dritta davanzi a mia.", "Era auta e sicca, cu longhi capi\u1e0d\u1e0di n\u00ecguri e e occhi scuri.", "Aviva n'\u00e0bbitu jancu ca fluiva ntunnu a i\u1e0d\u1e0da comu negghia.", "\"Cu' s\u00ec tu?\" spiavu. \"Sugnu l'\u00c0ncilu d\u00e2 Morti\", dissi.", "\"Vinni pi ti purtari a l'autru latu\". Nun mi spagnava cchi\u00f9.", "Sap\u00eca ca a f\u00ecmmina m'avissi purtatu nta un postu unni nun cc'\u00e8 duluri ne suffirenza.", "Pigghiavu a so manu e mi purtau via.", "Mentri ca camin\u00e0vamu, u cani n\u00ecguru ni sicutava."], "factuality": "ok", "is_src_orig": true} +{"id": "custom_4__iifdfdfd", "sl": "en", "tl": "scn", "srcs": ["I'm Dr. Boakye, a pediatrician at the Korle Bu Teaching Hospital.", "I'm here today to talk to you about the new malaria vaccine that's been approved for use in Ghana.", "Father: I'm not interested in having my children vaccinated.", "Doctor: I understand that you're concerned, but I'd like to take a few minutes to explain why I think it's a good idea to vaccinate your children against malaria.", "Father: I don't need to be convinced. Malaria is a serious disease, but it's not that common in our village.", "Doctor: That's true, but malaria is still a major public health problem in Ghana. In 2020, there were over 24 million cases of malaria in Ghana, and over 4,000 people died from the disease", "Father: But my children are healthy. They've never had malaria", "Doctor: That's good, but it doesn't mean they're immune. Anyone can get malaria, even if they've never had it before."], "trgs": ["Sugnu u Dr. Boakye, un pidiatra \u00f4 Spitali Univirsitariu Korle Bu.", "Oji sugnu cca pi parr\u00e0rivi d\u00fb novu vaccinu p\u00e2 malaria ca fu appruvatu pi l'usu 'n Ghana.", "Patri: Nun sugnu ntirissati a fari vaccinari i me figghi.", "Dutturi: Capisciu ca vass\u00eca \u00e8 frasturnatu, ma vulissi pigghiari quarchi minutu pi schicari picch\u00ec penzu ca \u00e8 na bona pinzata fari vaccinari i so figghi contra a malaria.", "Patri: Nun \u00e0ju di bisognu di \u00e8ssiri pirsuasu. A malaria \u00e8 na malat\u00eca seria, ma nun \u00e8 accuss\u00ec cumuni nt\u00f4 nostru vi\u1e0d\u1e0daggiu.", "Dutturi: Veru \u00e8, ma a malaria \u00e8 ancora un prubblema p\u00f9bblicu granni 'n Ghana. Nt\u00f4 2020, cc'\u00e8ranu cchi\u00f9 assai di 24 miliuna di casi di malaria 'n Ghana e cchi\u00f9 assai di 4,000 cristianu mureru p\u00e2 malat\u00eca.", "Patri: Ma i me figghi su' sani. Nun \u00e0nnu avutu mai a malaria.", "Dutturu: \u00c8 bonu, ma nun sign\u00ecfica ca su' mmuni. Cu' \u00e8-\u00e8 po pigghiari a malaria, macari si nun l'\u00e0nnu avutu mai."], "factuality": "has_errors", "is_src_orig": true} +{"id": "topic_389__sibsiiiisytiia", "sl": "en", "tl": "scn", "srcs": ["\"So, I was just on the internet, minding my own business, when I saw this pop-up ad that said I had a virus on my computer.", "I was like, \"What? No way!\"", "But then I clicked on it, and it took me to this website that looked really official, and it said that I needed to download this software to fix the virus.", "So I did, and I installed it, and then it started filling my computer with all this malware.", "I was so mad!", "I tried to uninstall it, but it wouldn't let me.", "I finally had to take my computer to a repair shop, and they had to wipe the whole thing and reinstall Windows.", "It was a total nightmare.", "So, that's why I'm always so careful about clicking on pop-up ads.", "You never know what they're going to do.", "They could be filled with malware, or they could steal your personal information.", "It's just not worth the risk.", "If you ever see a pop-up ad that looks suspicious, just close it and don't click on it.", "And if you're ever not sure whether or not it's safe, just don't do it."], "trgs": ["\"Allura, era ncapu a internet, a f\u00e0rimi l'affari me, quannu vitti a st'annunziu pop-up ca dic\u00eca ca av\u00eca un virus nt\u00f4 me computer.", "Pinzavi, \"Chi? Mpuss\u00ecbbili!\"", "Ma doppu cci ammaccavi, e mi purtau nta stu situ web ca parsi cosa seria, e dic\u00eca ca av\u00eca di bisognu di scarricari stu software pi sanari u virus.", "Adunca lu fici, e lu nzitavi, e doppu accuminciau a j\u00ecnchiri u computer cu tutti sti malware.", "Era accuss\u00ec arraggiatu!", "Pruvavi a scancillallu, ma nun m\u00fb fici fari.", "\u00c2 fini appi a purtari u computer a na putija d'abbirsatura, unni l'\u00e0ppiru a pulizziari tuttu paru e scarricari arr\u00e8 Windows.", "Un malusonnu fu.", "Adunca, pi chistu staju sempri accura a ammaccari l'annunzi pup-up.", "Nun si sapi mai zoccu fannu.", "Ponnu \u00e8ssiri chini di malware, o ti ponnu mpaccari i nfurmazzioni privati.", "Nun vali a pena arrisicari.", "Si\u1e0d\u1e0du ti succedi di v\u00ecdiri un pop-up ca pari suspettu, chi\u00f9jilu e nun cci ammaccari.", "E si nun si certu si\u1e0d\u1e0du \u00e8 sicuru o no, nun lu fari e bonu."], "factuality": "ok", "is_src_orig": true} +{"id": "topic_219__hii123r45", "sl": "en", "tl": "scn", "srcs": ["Here is a delicious pork dish from the county of Lancashire.", "Ingredients: 1kg pork belly, 1 tbsp English mustard, 1 tbsp black treacle, 1 tbsp cider vinegar, 1 tbsp Worcestershire sauce, 1 tbsp vegetable oil, 1 large onion, 4 cloves garlic, 2 bay leaves, 1 sprig of thyme, 100ml cider, 100ml chicken stock, 1 tbsp cornflour, 2 tbsp cold water.", "Instructions:", "1. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees.", "2. Trim the pork belly of any excess fat and score the skin in a criss-cross pattern.", "3. In a bowl, mix together the mustard, treacle, vinegar, Worcestershire sauce and oil.", "Rub this mixture all over the pork belly.", "4. Place the pork belly in a roasting tin and roast in the oven for 2 hours, or until the skin is golden brown and the meat is cooked through.", "5. While the pork is roasting, finely chop the onion, garlic, bay leaves and thyme."], "trgs": ["Eccu na sapurusa pitanza a basi di porcu d\u00e2 cuntea d\u00fb Lancashire.", "Conzi: 1kg di panzare\u1e0d\u1e0da di porcu, 1 cucchiara di s\u00ecnapa ngrisi, 1 cucchiara di milassa n\u00ecgura, 1 cucchiara di acitu di puma, 1 cucchiara di sarsa Worchestershire, 1 cucchiara di ogghiu viggitali, 1 cipu\u1e0d\u1e0da grossa, 4 spicchi di agghiu, 2 p\u00e0mpini di a\u1e0d\u1e0dauru, 1 ramice\u1e0d\u1e0da di satare\u1e0d\u1e0da, 100ml di vinu di puma, 100ml di brodu di pu\u1e0d\u1e0du, 1 cucchiara di farina di simenzi, 2 cucchiari d'acqua fridda.", "Istruzzioni:", "1. Priquadija u furnu nzinu a 180 gradi.", "2. Leva d\u00e2 panzare\u1e0d\u1e0da di porcu tuttu u grasciu superchiu e ntagghia a pe\u1e0d\u1e0di a cruci.", "2. Nta na ci\u00f2tula, ammiscati nz\u00e8mmula a s\u00ecnapa, a milassa, l'acitu, a sausa Worcestershire e l'ogghiu.", "Strica st'ammiscata supra a panzare\u1e0d\u1e0da di porcu.", "4. Metti a panzare\u1e0dda di porcu nta na tigghia e arrusti nt\u00f4 furnu pi 2 uri, o nzinu a quannu a pe\u1e0d\u1e0di \u00e8 durata e a carni \u00e8 cotta.", "5. Mentri ca u porcu arrusti, capul\u00eca fini a cipu\u1e0d\u1e0da, l'agghiu, i p\u00e0mpini d'a\u1e0d\u1e0dauru e a satare\u1e0d\u1e0da."], "factuality": "ok", "is_src_orig": true} +{"id": "topic_541__nhmhaimhiahm", "sl": "en", "tl": "scn", "srcs": ["Nelson Mandela is a South African anti-apartheid revolutionary, political leader, and philanthropist who served as the first black president of South Africa from 1994 to 1999.", "He is widely regarded as one of the most significant figures in world history.", "Mandela was born in 1918 in Mvezo, South Africa.", "He grew up in a rural village and was educated at a Methodist mission school.", "After high school, he studied law at the University of Fort Hare.", "In 1944, he joined the African National Congress (ANC), a political organization that was fighting against apartheid.", "Mandela was arrested for his political activities in 1962 and sentenced to life in prison.", "He spent 27 years in prison, during which time he became a symbol of the anti-apartheid movement.", "In 1990, Mandela was released from prison and elected president of South Africa in 1994.", "As president, Mandela worked to unite South Africa and promote reconciliation between blacks and whites.", "He also oversaw the end of apartheid and the transition to a democratic government.", "Mandela is a Nobel Peace Prize laureate and has been awarded numerous other honors."], "trgs": ["Nelson Mandela \u00e8 un rivuluzziunariu anti-apartheid, capu pul\u00ecticu e fil\u00e0ntrupu ca fu u primu prisidenti n\u00ecguru d\u00fb Sudd\u00e0frica d\u00fb 1994-1999.", "\u00c8 largamenti cunzidiratu una d\u00ee figuri cchi\u00f9 mpurtanti d\u00e2 storia munniali.", "Nelson Mandela \u00e8 un rivuluzziunariu anti-apartheid, capu pul\u00ecticu e fil\u00e0ntrupu ca fu u primu prisidenti n\u00ecguru d\u00fb Sudd\u00e0frica d\u00fb 1994-1999.", "Crisc\u00ecu nna un vi\u1e0d\u1e0daggiu rurali e fu ducatu nta na scola missiunaria mitudista.", "Doppu a scola supiriuri, studiau liggi a l'Univirsit\u00e0 di Fort Hare.", "Nt\u00f4 1944, si junc\u00ecu \u00f4 Cungressu Nazziunali Africanu (CNA), n'urganizzazzioni pul\u00ectica ca stava cummattennu contra l'apartheid.", "Mandela fu attaccatu p\u00ee so attivit\u00e0 pul\u00ectichi nt\u00f4 1962 e fu cunnannatu a l'erg\u00e0stulu.", "Stetti 27 anni 'n c\u00e0rzaru, duranti st'anni addivintau un s\u00ecmmulu d\u00fb muvimentu anti-apartheid.", "Nt\u00f4 1990, Mandela fu scarzaratu e a\u1e0d\u1e0dijutu prisidenti d\u00fb Sudd\u00e0frica nn\u00f4 1994.", "Comu prisidenti, Mandela travagghiau pi j\u00f9nciri u Suddi \u00c0frica e prum\u00f2viri u ricunciliamentu ntra i n\u00ecguri e i janchi.", "Sparti, supravisiunau a fini di l'apartheid a tranzizzioni \u00f4n guvernu dimucr\u00e0ticu.", "Mandela fu azzizzatu d\u00fb Premiu Nobel p\u00e2 paci e di autri anurificenzi."], "factuality": "has_errors", "is_src_orig": true} +{"id": "topic_507__atswotiwiiii", "sl": "en", "tl": "scn", "srcs": ["After school, I usually go home and do my homework.", "Then I might watch TV or play video games.", "Sometimes I go out with my friends.", "We might go to the movies, or to a park, or just hang out at someone's house.", "On weekends, I often sleep in late.", "Then I might go shopping, or see a movie, or go to a museum.", "I also like to spend time with my family.", "We might go out to dinner, or play games, or just watch TV together.", "I'm really enjoying my life after school.", "I have a lot of freedom, and I can do whatever I want.", "I'm also learning a lot about myself, and about the world around me.", "I'm excited to see what the future holds."], "trgs": ["Doppu a scola di s\u00f2litu vaju \u00e2 casa e fazzu i c\u00f2mpiti.", "Appoi capaci ca tal\u00ecu a TV o jocu \u00ea vidiujoca.", "\u00ca voti nesciu ch\u00ee me amici.", "Capaci ca jemu \u00f4 c\u00ecnima, o a un parcu, o puru stamu \u00e2 casa di quarchidunu.", "Nt\u00ea fini simana, dormu spissu nzinu a tardu.", "Appoi capaci ca vaju a accattu cosi, vidu un firmu o vaju \u00f4n museu.", "Mi piaci macari passari n'anticchia di tempu c\u00e2 me famigghia.", "Capaci ca niscemu a cena, o jucamu, o puru talianu a TV nz\u00e8mmula.", "Mi sta piacennu pi daveru a me vita doppu a scola.", "\u00c0ju assai libbirt\u00e0 e pozzu fari zoccu \u00e8-\u00e8 vogghiu.", "Mi staju macari nzignannu assai riguardu a mia e u munnu ntunnu a mia.", "Sugnu mpacenti di v\u00ecdiri zoccu mi risarbar\u00e0 u futuru."], "factuality": "ok", "is_src_orig": true} +{"id": "topic_15__uobtottam", "sl": "en", "tl": "scn", "srcs": ["Using data to help people with mental health issues is a relatively new field, but it is showing great promise.", "One example is the use of data to personalize therapy for patients.", "By looking at a patient's individual data, therapists can better understand their needs and create a treatment plan that is tailored to them.", "This can lead to better outcomes for patients, as they are more likely to receive the help that they need.", "One study, which was published in the journal \"JAMA Psychiatry,\" found that patients who received personalized therapy based on their data were more likely to improve their symptoms than those who received standard therapy.", "The study also found that the patients who received personalized therapy were more likely to stay in treatment for longer periods of time.", "This study is just one example of how data can be used to improve mental health care.", "As more research is done in this area, we can expect to see even more advances in the use of data to help people with mental health issues.", "My sister is a therapist who uses data to help her patients."], "trgs": ["Usari i dati pi ajutari i cristiani cu prubblemi di saluti mintali \u00e8 un campu rilativamenti novu, ma sta prumittennu bonu.", "Nu scempru \u00e8 l'usu d\u00ee dati pi pirsunalizzari a tirap\u00eca p\u00ee pacenti.", "Taliannu \u00ea dati nnividuali di un pacenti, i tirapisti ponnu capiri megghiu i so bisogni e criari un chianu di cura a misura pi i\u1e0d\u1e0di.", "Chistu po purtari a risurtati megghiu p\u00ee pacenti, siccomu \u00e8 cchi\u00f9 prubb\u00e0bbili ca ric\u00ecvinu l'ajutu ca ci giuva.", "Nu studiu, ca fu pubblicatu nt\u00f4 jurnali \"JAMA Psichiatr\u00eca\", scupr\u00ecu ca \u00e8 cchi\u00f9 assai prubb\u00e0bbili ca i pacenti ca riciv\u00ecanu na tirap\u00eca basata supra i so dati av\u00ecanu na prubbabbilit\u00e0 majuri di ammigghiurari i so s\u00ecntumi rispettu a chi\u1e0d\u1e0di ca riciv\u00ecvanu na tirap\u00eca nurmali.", "U studiu scupr\u00ecu macari ca i pacenti ca riciv\u00e8vanu a tirap\u00eca pirsunalizzata av\u00ecvanu prubbabbilit\u00e0 cchi\u00f9 auti di arristari 'n cura pi pir\u00ecudi cchi\u00f9 longhi di tempu.", "Stu studiu \u00e8 sulu n'esempiu di comu i dati ponnu \u00e8ssiri usati pi ammigghiurari a saluti mintali.", "Cu l'aumentu d\u00e2 risciduta fatta nta stu sitturi, ni putemu aspittari ancora cchi\u00f9 avanzamenti nta l'usu d\u00ee dati pi ajutari i cristiani cu prubblemi di saluti mintali.", "Me soru \u00e8 na tirapista ca usa i dati pi ajutari i so pacenti."], "factuality": "ok", "is_src_orig": true} +{"id": "topic_95__ftoitittfs", "sl": "en", "tl": "scn", "srcs": ["Freshwater lakes are home to a wide variety of flora and fauna, from microscopic algae to large fish and mammals.", "The unique environment of freshwater lakes provides a variety of habitats for these organisms, and the interactions between them are complex and fascinating.", "One of the most striking features of freshwater lakes is the presence of a distinct zonation of plant life, which is determined by the depth of the water and the amount of sunlight that reaches the bottom.", "In shallow areas, where there is plenty of light, a dense mat of rooted plants known as a \"macrophyte bed\" forms.", "This provides a habitat for a variety of invertebrates, fish, and amphibians.", "In deeper areas, where there is less light, the water column is dominated by phytoplankton, which are microscopic algae that float freely in the water.", "These organisms are the primary producers in the lake ecosystem, and they are the basis of the food chain.", "The fauna of freshwater lakes is also diverse, and includes a wide variety of fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals.", "Fish are the most abundant vertebrates in freshwater lakes, and they play a vital role in the food chain.", "Some of the most common fish species in freshwater lakes include trout, bass, pike, and perch."], "trgs": ["I lachi d'acqua duci \u00f2spitanu na larga varit\u00e0 di flora e fauna, di l'\u00e0lichi micrusc\u00f2pichi \u00ea grossi pisci e mamm\u00ecfari.", "L'ammienti \u00f9nicu d\u00ee lachi d'acqua duci furnisci na varit\u00e0 di habitat pi st'urgan\u00ecsimi, e i ntirazzioni ntra i\u1e0d\u1e0di su' traficusi e ammagusi.", "Una d\u00ee carattar\u00ecstichi cchi\u00f9 mpurtanti d\u00ee lachi d'acqua duci \u00e8 a prisenza di na zunazzioni distinta d\u00e2 vita viggitali, ca \u00e8 ditirminata d\u00e2 prufunnit\u00e0 di l'acqua e d\u00e2 quantit\u00e0 di luci sulari ca ragghiunci u funnu.", "Nt\u00ea banni picca funnuti, unni cc'\u00e8 na sfunnacata di luci, si furma nu ncuttu tappitu di chianti radicati canusciutu comu \"lettu di macr\u00f2fiti\".", "Chistu furnisci n'habitat a diversi mmirtibbrati, pisci e anfibbi.", "Nt\u00ea banni cchi\u00f9 funnuti, unni cc'\u00e8 cchi\u00f9 picca luci, a culonna d'acqua \u00e8 supranijata di fituplancton, ca su' \u00e0lichi micrusc\u00f2pichi ca gall\u00e8ggianu l\u00ecbbiri nta l'acqua.", "St'urgan\u00ecsimi su' i prudutturi primari nta l'ecusistema d\u00fb lacu e su' u pidamentu d\u00e2 catina alimintari.", "A fauna d\u00ee lachi d'acqua duci \u00e8 macari vaira e cumprenni na granni varit\u00e0 di pisci, anfibbi, r\u00e8ttili, ace\u1e0d\u1e0di e mamm\u00ecfiri.", "I pisci su' i virtibbrati cchi\u00f9 abbunanti nt\u00ea lachi d'acqua duci", "Ntra i speci di pisci cchi\u00f9 cumuni cci su' a trutta, a sp\u00ecnula, u luzzu e a perchia."], "factuality": "has_errors", "is_src_orig": true} +{"id": "stt_479__titaitta", "sl": "en", "tl": "scn", "srcs": ["The stainless steel plate is a good conductor of heat, so it can help to dissipate heat from the fire, while the fire proof rock wool is a good insulator, so it can help to prevent the fire from spreading.", "In addition, the storage area is also equipped with a fire alarm system, so that if there is a fire, the alarm will sound and the fire department will be notified.", "The storage area is also regularly inspected by the fire department, so that any potential fire hazards can be identified and addressed before they become a problem.", "As a result of these measures, the storage area is a safe and secure place to store valuable goods.", "In addition to the fire safety measures, the storage area is also equipped with a security system to protect against theft.", "The security system consists of a surveillance camera, a burglar alarm, and a security guard.", "The surveillance camera monitors the area 24 hours a day, the burglar alarm is activated if anyone tries to break in, and the security guard is on duty to patrol the area and respond to any incidents.", "As a result of these security measures, the storage area is a safe and secure place to store valuable goods."], "trgs": ["A balata di azzaru nussid\u00e0bbili \u00e8 un bonu cunnutturi di caluri, adunca po ajutari a scarricari u caluri d\u00fb focu, mmeci a lana di rocca risistenti \u00f4 focu \u00e8 nu bonu isulaturi, accuss\u00ec po scanzari ca u focu si diffunni.", "Sparti, u magasenu \u00e8 dutatu di un sistema d'allarmi antincenniu, accuss\u00ec ca, si cc'\u00e8 nu ncenniu, l'allarmi sona e i pumperi vennu abbisati.", "U magasenu veni cuntrullatu rigularimenti d\u00ee pumpera, accuss\u00ec ca ogni putinziali r\u00ecsicu di ncenniu po \u00e8ssiri idintificatu e risortu prima di addivintari un prubblema.", "Grazzi a sti misuri, u magasenu \u00e8 un postu sicuru \u00e8 prutettu pi sarbari beni di valuri.", "Sparti \u00ea misuri di sicurenza antincenniu, u magasenu \u00e8 macari equipaggiatu cu un sistema di sicurizza pi prutigg\u00ecrisi di l'arrubbatini.", "U sistema di sicurizza cunzisti nta na vidiuc\u00e0mmara di guardijatina, n'allarmi antiarrubbatina e na guardia giurata.", "A vidiuc\u00e0mmara di guardijatina cuntrolla l'aria pi 24 uri \u00f4 jornu, l'allarmi antiarrubbatina veni attivatu quannu quarchidunu prova a tr\u00e0siri e a guardia giurata \u00e8 'n sirbizzu pi guardijari l'aria e risp\u00f9nniri a evintuali mpidugghi.", "Grazzi a sti misuri di sicurizza, u magasenu \u00e8 un postu sicuru \u00e8 prutettu pi sarbari beni di valuri."], "factuality": "has_errors", "is_src_orig": true} +{"id": "topic_424__fftsooatcfo", "sl": "en", "tl": "scn", "srcs": ["Facebook Users Drunkenly Post About Their Lives", "Facebook users are getting drunk and posting about their lives, and it's causing a stir.", "The social media platform has been flooded with photos and videos of people who are clearly intoxicated, and many of them are sharing personal details about themselves that they wouldn't normally share.", "Some users are concerned that the trend is dangerous, as it could lead to people making poor decisions or doing things they regret.", "Others are simply amused by the antics of their fellow drunk Facebook users.", "One user posted a photo of herself passed out on the floor with the caption, \"I'm so drunk I can't even stand up.\"", "Another user shared a video of herself dancing on a table while shouting, \"I'm the life of the party!\"", "The trend has even caught the attention of celebrities.", "Comedian Amy Schumer posted a photo of herself on Twitter with the caption, \"I'm so drunk I can't even spell my own name.\"", "Facebook has not commented on the trend, but it's clear that it's causing a stir.", "Only time will tell whether the trend will continue or fade away."], "trgs": ["L'Utenti Di Facebook P\u00f2stanu Mmriachi Cosi Supra \u00ca So Viti", "L'utenti di Facebook si stannu mmriacannu e pustannu cosi supra \u00ea so viti, e sta facennu scrusciu.", "A chiattafurma social media fu nunnata di fotu e vidiu di cristiani chiaramenti mmriachi, e assai di i\u1e0d\u1e0da sta spartennu minutagghi pirsunali ca nun spart\u00ecssiru nurmali.", "Quarchi utenti \u00e8 pruccupatu ca sta tinnenza \u00e8 piriculusa, picch\u00ec putissi purtari \u00ea cristiani a fari dicisioni sbagghiati o fari cosi ca si nni p\u00e8ntinu.", "L'autri su' sulu divirtuti di babbijati d\u00ee so cumpari culleghi mmriachi nte Facebook.", "N'utenti pustau na fotu di i\u1e0d\u1e0da assincupata nt\u00f4 pavimentu c\u00e2 discrizzioni, \"Sugnu accuss\u00ec mmriaca ca nun m\u00e2 fidu mancu a sus\u00ecrimi\".", "N'autru utenti spart\u00ecu un vidiu di i\u1e0d\u1e0da ca abballa supra na t\u00e0vula mentri ca schigghia, \"Sugnu l'arma d\u00e2 festa!\"", "A tinnenza acchiappau l'attinzioni d\u00ee cilibbrit\u00e0, sparti.", "A c\u00f2mica Amy Schumer pustau na fotu di i\u1e0d\u1e0da c\u00e2 discrizzioni, \"Sugnu accuss\u00ec mmriaca ca nun rinesciu nimmancu a scr\u00ecviri u me stissu nomu\".", "Facebook nun \u00e0vi ancora cummintatu a tinnenza, ma \u00e8 chiaru ca sta facennu scrusciu.", "Sulu u tempu ni dir\u00e0 si a tinnenza sicutar\u00e0 o scumparir\u00e0."], "factuality": "has_errors", "is_src_orig": true} +{"id": "zambia_current__zizzhttcotz", "sl": "en", "tl": "scn", "srcs": ["Zambia is a landlocked country in Southern Africa.", "It is bordered by Angola to the west, the Democratic Republic of the Congo to the north, Tanzania to the northeast, Malawi to the east, Mozambique to the southeast, Zimbabwe to the south, and Botswana to the southwest.", "Zambia has a population of over 17 million people and a land area of 752,618 square kilometers.", "Zambia's current president is Hakainde Hichilema, who was elected in August 2021.", "Hichilema is a member of the United Party for National Development (UPND).", "The UPND is the largest opposition party in Zambia.", "The economy of Zambia is based on copper mining.", "Copper is the country's largest export.", "Other important exports include cobalt, zinc, and lead.", "The Zambian economy has been struggling in recent years due to low copper prices.", "Zambia is a member of the United Nations, the African Union, and the Southern African Development Community (SADC)."], "trgs": ["Comu prisidenti, Mandela travagghiau pi j\u00f9nciri u Sudd\u00e0frica e prum\u00f2viri u ricunciliamentu ntra i n\u00ecguri e i janchi.", "\u00c0vi comu finaiti l'Angola a punenti, a Rip\u00f9bblica dimucr\u00e0tica d\u00fb Congu a nordi, a Tanzan\u00eca \u00f4 nordi-livanti, u Malawi a livanti, u Muzzammicu \u00f4 suddi-livanti, Zimbabwe a suddi e u Botswana a suddi-punenti", "U Zammia \u00e0vi na pupulazzioni di cchi\u00f9 assai di 17 miliuna di cristiani, e na spanzioni di 752,618 chil\u00f2mitri quatrati.", "U prisidenti attuali d\u00fb Zammia \u00e8 Hakainde Hichilema, a fu a\u1e0d\u1e0dijutu nta l'agustu d\u00fb 2021.", "Hichilema \u00e8 m\u00e8mmiru d\u00fb Partitu Junciutu p\u00fb Sbiluppu Nazziunali (PJSN).", "U PJSN \u00e8 u cchi\u00f9 granni partitu di cuntrastu nn\u00f4 Zammia.", "A canum\u00eca d\u00fb Zammia \u00e8 basata ncapu a minatura d\u00fb ramu.", "U ramu \u00e8 a cchi\u00f9 granni spurtazzioni d\u00e2 nazzioni.", "Autri spurtazzioni mpurtanti sunnu cubbartu, zincu e chiummu.", "Nta l'\u00f9rtimi anni a calum\u00eca d\u00fb Zammia sta ntrubbulannu a causa d\u00ee costi cchi\u00f9 vasci d\u00fb ramu.", "U Zammia \u00e8 m\u00e8mmiru d\u00ee Nazzioni Junciuta, d\u00e2 Junciuta Africana e d\u00e2 Cumunit\u00e0 di Sbiluppu di l'\u00c0frica Miridiunali (CSAM)."], "factuality": "ok", "is_src_orig": true} +{"id": "topic_106__ttmbtmbp", "sl": "en", "tl": "scn", "srcs": ["The signing of Lionel Messi by Paris Saint-Germain sent shockwaves through the world of soccer.", "The Argentine superstar had been one of the most coveted players in the world for years, and his arrival in Paris marked a major turning point in the club's history.", "Messi had spent his entire professional career with Barcelona, where he had won everything there was to win.", "But after a tumultuous few months, he decided to leave the club and sign with PSG.", "The move was a major coup for PSG, who were looking to add a superstar to their squad in order to compete for the Champions League title.", "Messi's signing was met with excitement by PSG fans, who were eager to see the world's best player in action.", "But there were also some concerns about how he would fit into the team.", "PSG already had a number of talented players, and it was unclear how Messi would be able to work with them."], "trgs": ["U cuntrattu di Lionel Messi c\u00fb Paris Saint-Germain fici trimari u munnu d\u00fb palluni.", "A superstar argintina av\u00eca statu pi anni unu d\u00ee jucatura cchi\u00f9 disijati \u00f4 munnu e u so arrivu a Pariggi signau un puntu di vutata nt\u00e2 storia d\u00fb club.", "Messi aveva passatu a so carrera prufissiunali sana c\u00fb Barcilluni, unni av\u00eca vintu tuttu chi\u1e0d\u1e0du ca cc'era 'i v\u00ecnciri.", "Ma doppu na para di misi tr\u00f9bbuli, addicid\u00ecu di lassari u club e firmari u cuntrattu c\u00fb PSG.", "A mossa fu un granni corpu p\u00fb PSG, ca vuliva agghi\u00f9nciri na superstar \u00e2 so squatra pi cump\u00e8tiri p\u00fb t\u00ectuli di Champions League.", "U cuntrattu di Messi fu accugghiutu cu entusi\u00e0simu d\u00ee fan d\u00fb PSG, ca nun vid\u00ecanu l'ura di v\u00ecdiri u megghiu jucaturi d\u00fb munnu a l'opra.", "Ma cc'era macari quarchi pruccupazzioni pi comu avissi statu nziccatu nt\u00e2 squatra.", "U PSG gi\u00e0 aviva na seri di jucaturi valenti, e nun era chiaru comu Messi avissi rinisciutu a travagghiari cu i\u1e0d\u1e0di."], "factuality": "has_errors", "is_src_orig": true} +{"id": "topic_547__otgglbotcbgg", "sl": "en", "tl": "scn", "srcs": ["Of Mice and Men is a novel by John Steinbeck that tells the story of two migrant workers, George and Lennie, who travel together in search of work during the Great Depression.", "The novel is set in a time and place where the American Dream is all but dead, and the only way to survive is to stick together and look out for each other.", "George and Lennie are both dreamers.", "George dreams of one day owning a farm, where he and Lennie can live in peace and harmony.", "Lennie dreams of petting soft rabbits and being gentle with them.", "But their dreams are constantly thwarted by the harsh realities of the world they live in.", "One day, George and Lennie find work on a ranch in California.", "They are immediately befriended by Candy, an old ranch hand who is missing an arm.", "Candy tells George and Lennie about his dream of one day owning a small farm, and the three men decide to pool their money together to buy a farm.", "But their plans are once again thwarted when Lennie accidentally kills a woman.", "George is forced to shoot Lennie to prevent him from being lynched.", "George is devastated by Lennie's death, but he knows that it was the only thing he could do."], "trgs": ["Di Surci e \u00d2mini \u00e8 un rumanzu di John Steinbeck ca cunta a storia du' travagghiaturi migranti, Georgie e Lennie, ca trav\u00e0gghianu nz\u00e8mmula 'n traccia di travagghiu duranti a Granni Diprissioni.", "U rumanzu \u00e8 ammintatu nta n'\u00e8bbica e un postu unni u Sonnu Miricanu \u00e8 pratticamenti mortu e l'\u00f9nica manera pi suprav\u00ecviri \u00e8 arristari junciuti e difinn\u00ecrisi unu cu l'autru.", "George e Lennia su' tutti dui nzunnaturi.", "George nzonna un jornu di puss\u00e8diri na fattur\u00eca, unni i\u1e0d\u1e0du e Lennie ponnu campari 'n paci e armun\u00eca.", "Lennie nzonna di accarizzijari cunigghi mo\u1e0d\u1e0di e \u00e8ssiri gintili cu i\u1e0d\u1e0di.", "Ma i so sonni su' mpiduti a nzichitanza d\u00e2 dura rialit\u00e0 d\u00fb munnu unni stannu.", "Un jornu, Georgie e Lennie attr\u00f2vanu travagghiu nt\u00f4n ranch 'n California.", "Fannu s\u00f9bbitu amicizzia cu Candy, un vecchiu prupitariu di un ranch ca ci manca un vrazzu.", "Candy cunta George e Lennie u so sonnu di puss\u00e8diri na nica fattur\u00eca un jornu e i tri \u00f2mini addic\u00ecdinu di accucchiari i so dinari p'accattari na fattur\u00eca.", "Ma i so chiani vennu scunzati arreri quannu Lennie ammazza pi sbagghiu na f\u00ecmmina.", "George \u00e8 custrittu a sparari a Lennia pi scanzari ca veni linciatu.", "George \u00e8 divastatu d\u00e2 morti di Lennie, ma sapi ca \u00e8 l'unica cosa ca put\u00eca fari."], "factuality": "ok", "is_src_orig": true} +{"id": "topic_17__abiwababtwabtta", "sl": "en", "tl": "scn", "srcs": ["A: I'm so itchy! I think I have lice.", "B: Oh no! That's terrible.", "I know how to get rid of them, though.", "We can use a traditional remedy.", "A: What is it?", "B: We'll need some olive oil, some lemon juice, and a few cloves of garlic.", "A: Okay, I have all of that. What do we do with it?", "B: First, we'll mix the olive oil, lemon juice, and garlic together.", "Then, we'll apply it to your hair and scalp.", "We'll let it sit for about an hour.", "A: An hour? That sounds like a long time.", "B: It is, but it's worth it.", "The oil will help to suffocate the lice and the lemon juice will help to kill them.", "The garlic will help to repel them.", "A: Okay, I'll do it."], "trgs": ["A: Mi chi\u00f9rinu tutti cosi! Penzu ca mi pigghiavi i pidocchi.", "B: Oh no! Chissu \u00e8 traggidiusu.", "Sacciu comu sbarazz\u00e0risi di i\u1e0d\u1e0di, cumunca.", "Putemu usari na cura tradizziunali.", "A: Chi fussi?", "B: Ni serbi ogghiu d'aliva, tecchia di sucu 'i lum\u00eca, e na para di spicchi d'agghiu", "A: Ok, \u00e0ju tutti ssi cosi. Chi cc'av\u00ecssimu a fari?", "B: Comu prima cosa, arriminamu l'ogghiu d'uliva, u sucu 'i lum\u00eca e l'agghiu nz\u00e8mmula.", "Doppu lu stricamu tuttu nn\u00ea capi\u1e0d\u1e0di e nn\u00f4 coriu capi\u1e0d\u1e0dutu.", "Lu lassamu ripusari p'ammeri n'ura.", "A: N'ura? Pari un tempu accuss\u00ec longu.", "B: Lu \u00e8, ma \u00e8 tuttu accanzatu.", "L'ogghiu ajuta a affucari i pidocchi e u sucu 'i lum\u00eca ajuta a ammazzalli.", "L'agghiu ajuta a arrassalli.", "A: Ok, lu fazzu."], "factuality": "has_errors", "is_src_orig": true} +{"id": "topic_254__mtcyttiitwticnt", "sl": "en", "tl": "scn", "srcs": ["\"Mommy, what are those?\" the toddler asked, pointing at the plants in the living room.", "\"Those are plants,\" Mommy replied \"They're living things, just like you and me.\"", "\"Can I touch them?\" the toddler asked.", "\"Yes, you can, but be gentle,\" Mommy said \"The leaves are fragile.\"", "The toddler reached out and touched a leaf.", "The leaf felt soft and smooth.", "\"I like it,\" the toddler said.", "\"I'm glad,\" Mommy said. \"Plants are good for us. They help clean the air and make us feel better.\"", "The toddler continued to look at the plants. Then, he noticed a cable running along the floor.", "\"What's that?\" he asked.", "\"That's a cable,\" Mommy said.", "\"It's used to connect the TV to the wall.\"", "\"Can I touch it?\" the toddler asked.", "\"No, you can't,\" Mommy said. \"Cables can be dangerous.They can give you a shock.\"", "The toddler looked disappointed, but he didn't touch the cable."], "trgs": ["\"Mammuzza, chi su' chi\u1e0d\u1e0di?\" spiau u picciri\u1e0d\u1e0du, nnicannu i chianti nt\u00f4 salottu.", "\"Chi\u1e0d\u1e0di su' chianti\", rispunnia a Mammuzza \"Su' \u00e8ssiri viventi, propia comu a mia e a tia\".", "\"I pozzu tuccari?! spiau u picciri\u1e0d\u1e0du.", "\"Se, poi, ma h\u00e2 \u00e8ssiri dilicatu\", dissi a Mammuzza \"I p\u00e0mpini su' fracchi\".", "U picciri\u1e0d\u1e0du s'abbicinau e tuccau na p\u00e0mpina.", "A p\u00e0mpina era mo\u1e0d\u1e0da e liscia.", "\"Mi piaci\", dissi u picciri\u1e0d\u1e0du.", "\"Mi nni preju\", a Mammuzza dissi. \"I chianti su' boni pi nuiautri. Aj\u00f9tanu a pulizziari l'aria ni fannu s\u00e8ntiri.\"", "U picciri\u1e0d\u1e0du sicutau a taliari i chianti. Poi, s'addunau di un cavu ca passava sutta u pavimentu.", "\"Zoccu \u00e8 chi\u1e0d\u1e0du?\" spiau.", "\"\u00c8 un cavu\", dissi a Mammuzza.", "\"Si usa pi cunn\u00e8ttiri a TV \u00f4 muru\".", "\"U pozzu tuccari\" spiau u picciri\u1e0d\u1e0du.", "\"No, nun poi\", dissi a Mammuzza. \"I cavi ponnu \u00e8ssiri piriculusi. Ti ponnu dari a scossa.\"", "U picciri\u1e0d\u1e0du pariva dilusu, ma nun tuccau u cavu."], "factuality": "ok", "is_src_orig": true} +{"id": "topic_354__biittontfft", "sl": "en", "tl": "scn", "srcs": ["Birthdays are a time to celebrate the day you were born.", "It is a day to reflect on all the good things in your life and to thank those who have made you who you are.", "It is also a day to set goals for the year ahead and to make plans for the future.", "To make the most of your birthday, start by making a list of all the things you are grateful for.", "This could include your family, friends, health, home, job, or anything else that is important to you.", "Once you have made your list, take some time to reflect on each item and how it has made your life better.", "Next, set some goals for the year ahead.", "These goals can be anything you want them to be, but they should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound.", "For example, you might set a goal to lose weight, get a promotion at work, or travel to a new place.", "Finally, make plans for the day of your birthday.", "This could include spending time with your loved ones, eating your favorite foods, or doing something you have always wanted to do."], "trgs": ["I cunchiudanni su' u tempu pi fistijari u jornu unni nascisti.", "\u0400 un jornu unni po' pinzari a tutti i cosi boni ca facisti e diri grazzi a chi\u1e0d\u1e0di ca ti f\u00ecciru addivintari zoccu si ora.", "\u0400 macari un jornu unni dic\u00ecdiri di nzirtari novi ubbittivi pi l'annu ca veni e fari chiani p\u00fb futuru.", "Pi passari \u00f4 megghiu u to cunchiudannu, accumincia facennu a lista d\u00ee cosi pi cu ti preji.", "Nni chissi ponnu tr\u00e0siri famigghia, amici, saluti, casa, travagghiu o cosi a qual'\u00e8-\u00e8 ca su mpurtanti pi tia.", "Na vota ca facisti a lista, p\u00ecgghiati tanticchia di tempu pi pinzari a ogniduna d\u00ee cosi e comu r\u00e8siru a to vita megghiu.", "Appoi, nzerta quarchi ubbittivu pi l'annu ca veni.", "Sti ubbittivi ponnu \u00e8ssiri zoccu vo, ma \u00e0nn'a \u00e8ssiri pricisi, mudirati, s\u00ecmplici di fari, mpurtanti e lesti di fari.", "Pi scempru, putissi macari nzirtari l'ubbittivu di scalari, pigghiari na prumuzzioni \u00f4 travagghiu, o viaggiari nzinu a na banna nova.", "Nfini, po' fari piani p\u00fb jornu d\u00fb to cunchiudannu.", "Nni chissu po tr\u00e0siri passari lu tempu cu chi\u1e0d\u1e0di ca ami, manciari zoccu ti piaci cchi\u00f9 assai o fari quarchi cosa ca \u00e0i sempri avutu gana di fari."], "factuality": "ok", "is_src_orig": true} +{"id": "topic_211__ppplpptpblipt", "sl": "en", "tl": "scn", "srcs": ["Person 1: Romantic Comedies are so unrealistic.", "Person 2: I know, right? The love interests always fall in love at first sight, and they never have any problems.", "Person 1: And the conflicts are always so contrived.", "Like, in one movie, the couple broke up because the guy's best friend was in love with the girl.", "Person 2: That's so ridiculous. It's not like that happens in real life.", "Person 1: Exactly. And even when they do get together, it's always so perfect.", "They never have any fights or disagreements.", "Person 2: It's like the movies are trying to tell us that love is always easy and perfect.", "But that's not the case.", "Love is hard work.", "It takes time and effort to build a lasting relationship.", "Person 1: I know. That's why I don't watch rom-coms anymore.", "They give people unrealistic expectations about love."], "trgs": ["Pirsuna 1: Li cummedi rumantichi su accuss\u00ec irrialistichi.", "Pirsuna 2: U sacciu, veru? Li ntressi amurusi si nnam\u00f9ranu sempri \u00e2 prima taliata, e nun \u00e0nnu mai nu\u1e0d\u1e0du prubblema.", "Pirsuna 1: e li contrapigghiati sunnu sempri accuss\u00ec fausi.", "Tipu, nta nu film, a cucchia si lassau picch\u00ec u megghiu amicu d\u00fb carusu s'av\u00eca nnamuratu d\u00e2 picciotta.", "Pirsuna 2: Chissa \u00e8 na buffunar\u00eca. Nun \u00e8 comu mmatti nt\u00e2 vita riali.", "Pirsuna 1: Pricisamenti. E macari quannu si m\u00e8ttinu nz\u00e8mmula, \u00e8 sempri accuss\u00ec pirfettu.", "Nun \u00e0nnu mai sciarri o custioni.", "Pirsuna 2: \u00c8 comu si i firmi stannu pruvannu a d\u00ecrini ca l'amuri \u00e8 sempri f\u00e0cili e pirfettu", "Ma chissu nun \u00e8 u casu.", "L'amuri \u00e8 travagghiu pisanti", "Cci vonnu tempu e mpignu pi custruiri na rilazzioni ca dura.", "Pirsuna 1: U sacciu. Pi chissu nun tal\u00ecu cchi\u00f9 cummedi rum\u00e0ntichi.", "D\u00f9nanu \u00e2 genti fausi spiranzi ncapu a l'amuri."], "factuality": "ok", "is_src_orig": true} +{"id": "topic_530__miwtwssisiwmtiasw", "sl": "en", "tl": "scn", "srcs": ["My first day of school was a day I will never forget.", "I was both excited and nervous, not knowing what to expect.", "When I woke up that morning, I got dressed quickly and ate a quick breakfast.", "Then, my mom drove me to school and walked me to my classroom.", "When I walked into the classroom, I was immediately greeted by my teacher, Ms. Smith.", "She was a kind-looking woman with a warm smile.", "She introduced herself to me and then showed me to my seat.", "I sat down next to a girl named Sarah.", "She smiled at me and said, \"Hi, I'm Sarah.\"", "I smiled back and said, \"Hi, I'm Vera.\"", "We talked for a few minutes before the bell rang for class to start.", "Ms. Smith began by introducing herself and telling us about the rules of the classroom.", "Then, she started teaching us about math.", "I was a little bit confused at first, but Ms. Smith explained everything clearly.", "After math class, we had a break.", "Sarah and I went outside to play on the playground.", "We played on the swings and the slide for a while, then we went back inside for lunch."], "trgs": ["U me primu jornu di scola \u00e8 un jornu ca nun mi pozzu scurdari cchi\u00f9.", "Era sia emuzziunatu ca nirbusu, senza sapiri zoccu aspitt\u00e0rimi.", "Quannu m'arrisbigghiavi \u1e0d\u1e0da matina, m'azzizzavi di prescia e manciavi na culazzioni lesta.", "Doppu, me matri mi purtau \u00e2 scola e nzinu \u00e2 classi.", "Quannu arrivavi \u00e2 classi, fuvi s\u00f9bbitu salutata d\u00e2 majistra, a Signura Smith.", "Era na f\u00ecmmina ca par\u00eca carinusa cu un surrisu caudu.", "Mi dissi cu' era e poi mi fici v\u00ecdiri a me seggia.", "M'assittavi appressu a n'autra picciotta ca si chiamava Sarah.", "I\u1e0d\u1e0da mi fici un surrisu e dissi: \"Salutamu, sugnu Sarah\".", "Macari jeu ci surridivi e ci dissi: \"Salutamu, sugnu Vera\".", "Parrammu pi na pocu di minuti prima d\u00fb sonu d\u00e2 campane\u1e0d\u1e0da di l'accuminciu.", "A Signura Smith accuminciau a prisint\u00e0risi e a d\u00ecrini i r\u00e8guli d\u00e2 classi.", "Doppu, accuminciau a nzign\u00e0rini matim\u00e0tica.", "Jeu era tanticchia cassarijata \u1e0d\u1e0du mumentu, ma a Signura Smith ni schicau bonu tutti cosi.", "Doppu l'ura di matim\u00e0tica, f\u00eccimu nu staccu.", "Jeu e Sarah jemmu fora pi jucari nn\u00f4 jardinu.", "Jucammu cu la nacalora e c\u00fb sc\u00ec\u1e0d\u1e0dicu tanticchia, doppu turnammu dintra pi pranzu."], "factuality": "ok", "is_src_orig": true} +{"id": "stt_8__wtttttttrhspahitiwiwtataiicict", "sl": "en", "tl": "scn", "srcs": ["When tissue is injured, the body\u2019s immune system sends white blood cells to the area.", "These cells release chemicals that cause blood vessels to dilate and become more permeable.", "This allows fluid and white blood cells to leak out of the blood vessels and into the injured tissue.", "The fluid forms a clear, watery swelling called edema.", "The white blood cells help to fight infection and to remove damaged tissue.", "They also release chemicals that stimulate the growth of new tissue.", "The classic signs of acute inflammation are redness, heat, swelling, and pain.", "These signs are caused by the increased blood flow and the release of chemicals in the injured tissue.", "Redness is caused by the dilation of blood vessels.", "Heat is caused by the increased blood flow and the release of inflammatory chemicals.", "Swelling is caused by the leakage of fluid from blood vessels into the injured tissue.", "Pain is caused by the release of inflammatory chemicals and the pressure of the swelling.", "Acute inflammation is a normal part of the healing process.", "However, if it is severe or prolonged, it can damage healthy tissue.", "In some cases, acute inflammation can lead to chronic inflammation, which is a long-term condition that can cause pain, disability, and even death.", "There are a number of things that can cause acute inflammation, including infection, injury, and autoimmune diseases.", "Infections are caused by bacteria, viruses, or fungi.", "When these organisms enter the body, they can trigger an immune response that leads to inflammation.", "Injuries can also cause inflammation.", "When tissue is damaged, it releases chemicals that attract white blood cells and other immune cells to the area.", "These cells release chemicals that cause inflammation.", "Autoimmune diseases are caused by the body\u2019s immune system attacking its own tissues.", "This can lead to inflammation in the affected tissues.", "Acute inflammation is usually treated with pain relievers, such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen.", "In some cases, corticosteroids may be used to reduce inflammation.", "If the inflammation is caused by an infection, antibiotics may be prescribed.", "Chronic inflammation is a long-term condition that can cause pain, disability, and even death.", "It is often caused by autoimmune diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis and Crohn\u2019s disease.", "Chronic inflammation can also be caused by obesity, smoking, and air pollution.", "There is no cure for chronic inflammation, but it can be managed with medication, lifestyle changes, and physical therapy."], "trgs": ["Quannu u tissutu \u00e8 damaggiatu, u sistema mmunitariu d\u00fb corpu manna i gl\u00f2bbuli janchi nta l'aria ntirissata.", "Sti c\u00e8lluli em\u00e8ttinu sustanzi ch\u00ecmichi ca fannu dilatari i vasi sanguigni e i fannu addivintari cchi\u00f9 pirmi\u00e0bbili.", "Chistu pirmetti \u00f4 fluidu e \u00ea gl\u00f2bbuli janchi di sbummicari d\u00ee vasi sanguigni e jiri nt\u00f4 tissutu damaggiatu.", "U fluidu furma un vunciamentu chiaru e acqusu chiamatu edema.", "I g\u00f2bbuli janchi aj\u00f9tanu a cumm\u00e0ttiri a nfizzioni e livari u tissutu damaggiatu.", "Ril\u00e0ssanu macari sustanzi ch\u00ecmichi ca fr\u00ecccica a criscimonia di un novu tissutu.", "I cl\u00e0ssici signi di nciammazzioni pizzuta su' russuri, calur\u00eca, vunciamentu e duluri.", "Sti signi su causati di l'aumentu d\u00fb flussu d\u00fb angu e u ril\u00e0ssitu di sustanzi ch\u00ecmichi nn\u00f4 tissutu damaggiatu.", "U russuri \u00e8 causatu d\u00e2 dilatazzioni d\u00ee vasi sanguigni.", "A calur\u00eca \u00e8 causatu d\u00fb flussu aumintatu d\u00fb sangu e d\u00e2 rilassata di sustanzi ch\u00ecmichi nciammaturi.", "U vunciamentu \u00e8 causatu d\u00fb sb\u00f2mmicu di fluidi d\u00ee vasi sanguigni nt\u00f4 tissutu damaggiatu.", "U duluri \u00e8 causatu d\u00fb ril\u00e0ssitu di sustanzi ch\u00ecmichi nciammaturi e d\u00e2 prissioni d\u00fb vunciamentu.", "A nciammazzioni pizzuta \u00e8 na parti nurmali d\u00fb prucessu di sanamentu.", "Pir\u00f2, si \u00e8 gravi o prulungatu, po damaggiari u tissutu sanu.", "N quarchi casu, a nciammazzioni pizzuta po purtari a nciammazzioni cr\u00f2nica, ca \u00e8 na cunnzzioni a longu t\u00e8rmini ca po causari duluri, disabbilit\u00e0 e macari a morti.", "I cosi ca ponnu causari nciammazzioni pizzuta ponnu su' vari, ntra chisti cci su' nfizzioni, firita e malat\u00eci autummuni.", "I nfizzioni su' causati di batteri, virus o funci.", "Quannu sti urgan\u00ecsimi tr\u00e0sinu nt\u00f4 corpu ponnu attivari na risposta mmunitaria ca porta \u00e2 nciammazzioni.", "Macari i firiti c\u00e0usanu nciammazzioni.", "Quannu u tissutu \u00e8 damaggiatu, emetti sustanzi ch\u00ecmichi ca attr\u00e0jinu u gl\u00f2bbuli janchi e autri c\u00e8lluli a l'aria.", "Sti c\u00e8lluli em\u00e8ttinu sustanzi ch\u00ecmichi ca c\u00e0usanu nciammazzioni.", "I malat\u00eci autummuni su' causati d\u00fb sistema mmunitariu d\u00fb corpu ca attacca i so stissi tissuti.", "Chistu po purtari a nciammazzioni nt\u00ea tissuti ntirissati.", "A nciammazzioni pizzuta di s\u00f2litu veni trattata cu antidulur\u00ecfici, comu l'ibbuprufeni o l'acitaminofeni.", "N quarchi casu, pi ridd\u00f9ciri a nciammazzioni vennu usati i corticustir\u00f2idi.", "Si\u1e0d\u1e0du a nciammazzioni \u00e8 pruvucati di na nfizzioni, ponnu \u00e8ssiri scrivuti antibbi\u00f2tici.", "A nciammazzioni cr\u00f2nica \u00e8 na cunnizzioni cr\u00f2nica a longu t\u00e8rmini ca po causari duluri, disabbilit\u00e0 e macari morti.", "\u00c8 spissu pruvucata di malat\u00eci autummuni, comu l'artriti reumat\u00f2idi e a malat\u00eca di Crohn.", "A nciammazzioni cr\u00f2nica po macari \u00e8ssiri pruvucata di sbisassatizza, fumu e nquinamentu atmusf\u00e8ricu.", "Nun cc'\u00e8 na cura p\u00e2 nciammazzioni cr\u00f2nica, ma si po manijari cu f\u00e0rmaci, canci nt\u00f4 stili di vita, e c\u00e2 fisutirap\u00eca."], "factuality": "ok", "is_src_orig": true} +{"id": "mozambique_historical__tittrtfii", "sl": "en", "tl": "scn", "srcs": ["The Mozambican Civil War was a conflict that lasted from 1977 to 1992.", "It was fought between the Mozambique Liberation Front (FRELIMO), which had ruled the country since its independence from Portugal in 1975, and the Mozambique National Resistance (RENAMO), a rebel group backed by the Rhodesian and South African governments.", "The war caused widespread devastation and displacement, and led to the deaths of an estimated 1 million people.", "The war began after RENAMO launched an insurgency against FRELIMO in 1977.", "RENAMO was opposed to FRELIMO's socialist policies and its close ties to the Soviet Union.", "The war quickly escalated, and by the early 1980s, RENAMO had control of much of the countryside.", "FRELIMO was forced to rely on Soviet and Cuban military aid to keep RENAMO at bay.", "In 1984, FRELIMO and RENAMO signed a peace agreement, but the fighting continued.", "In 1992, the two sides signed a new peace agreement, which called for a ceasefire and the holding of multiparty elections."], "trgs": ["A Guerra Civili d\u00fb Muzzammicu fu na guerra ca durau d\u00fb 1977 nzinu \u00f4 1992.", "Fu cummattuta ntra lu Frunti d\u00e2 Libbirazzioni d\u00fb Muzzammicu (FRELIMO), ca cumannau u pajisi partennu d\u00e2 nnipinnenza d\u00fb Portugallu nt\u00f4 1975 e la Risistenza Nazziunali d\u00fb Muzzammicu (RENAMO), un gruppu rivurtusu cunnuttu d\u00ee guverni d\u00e2 Rudesia e d\u00fb Sudd\u00e0frica.", "A guerra causau distruzzioni e sdirrupu unn'\u00e8-\u00e8, e purtau \u00e2 morti ammeri 1 miliuni di cristiani.", "A guerra accuminciau doppu ca a RENAMO abbiau na nzurgenza contra u FRELIMO nt\u00f4 1977.", "A RENAMO jiva contra \u00ea pul\u00ectichi sucialisti d\u00e2 FRELIMO, e i so lijami c\u00e2 Junciuta Suvi\u00e8tica.", "A guerra s'affurzau lesta, e \u00f4 principiu di l'anni 1980, a RENAMO pigghiau u cuntrollu di na bona parti d\u00fb pajisi.", "A FRELIMO potti sulu affid\u00e0risi a l'ajutu d\u00ee milizzi suvi\u00e8tichi e di Cubba pi cuitari a RENAMO", "Nt\u00f4 1984, a FRELIMO e a RENAMO firmaru n'accordu di paci, ma la lutta cuntinuau.", "Nt\u00f4 1992, i du' banni firmaru un novu accordu di paci, ca vid\u00eca l'arrestu d\u00e2 guerra e l'abbentu di a\u1e0d\u1e0dijuti cu diversi partiti."], "factuality": "has_errors", "is_src_orig": true} +{"id": "topic_249__ittiaoa", "sl": "en", "tl": "scn", "srcs": ["It was a bright and sunny day in the small village of Locksmiths, and the festival of locks was in full swing.", "The streets were crowded with people, all eager to see the latest and greatest in lockmaking technology.", "There were vendors selling everything from simple padlocks to complex combination locks, and artisans demonstrating their skills in lockpicking and locksmithing.", "In the center of the village square, a large stage had been set up for the day's festivities.", "A group of musicians were playing lively tunes, and a crowd of people were gathered around, clapping and dancing.", "On the stage, a skilled locksmith was demonstrating how to pick a lock, and the crowd was mesmerized by his skill.", "As the sun began to set, the festival came to a close."], "trgs": ["Era na jurnata lustrusa e assulicchiata nt\u00f4 vi\u1e0d\u1e0daggiu di Locksmiths, e u fistivali d\u00ee sirraturi era nn\u00f4 megghiu mumentu.", "I strati \u00e8ranu affu\u1e0d\u1e0dati di cristianu, tutti disijusi di v\u00ecdiri l'\u00f9rtima e cchi\u00f9 granni tecnulugg\u00eca di fabbricazzioni di sirraturi.", "Cc'\u00e8ranu vinnitura ca vinn\u00e8vanu tutti cosi, di s\u00ecmplici catinazzi a traficusi catinazzi a cumminazzioni, e i mastri addimustr\u00e0vanu i so abbilit\u00e0 a manijari e custruiri sirraturi.", "A centru d\u00e2 chiazza d\u00fb vi\u1e0d\u1e0daggiu, un parcu granni av\u00eca statu priparatu p\u00ee fistijamenti d\u00fb jornu.", "Un gruppu di musicanti stava sunannu milud\u00eci scava\u1e0d\u1e0dati e na fu\u1e0d\u1e0da di cristiani s'accucchiau ntunnu, battennu i manu e abballannu.", "Supra u parcu, un mastru \u00e0bbili stava dimustrannu comu furzari na sirratura e a fu\u1e0d\u1e0da era nciarmata d\u00e2 so mastr\u00eca.", "Mentri ca u suli accuminzau a calari, u fistivali fin\u00ecu."], "factuality": "ok", "is_src_orig": true} +{"id": "topic_356__mwwtwtotiawiiii", "sl": "en", "tl": "scn", "srcs": ["My friend, Abel, and I were walking home from school one day when we saw a blood drive being held at our local community center.", "We were both 17 years old, and we had never donated blood before.", "We decided to stop in and see what it was all about.", "The process of donating blood was actually pretty simple.", "We both filled out a questionnaire and answered some questions about our health history.", "Then, we had our blood pressure checked and our veins were checked to make sure they were big enough.", "Once we were cleared to donate, we each sat down in a chair and had a needle inserted into our arms.", "The blood was collected in a bag, and the whole process took about 15 minutes.", "It felt good to know that we were helping to save lives.", "After we donated, we were given a juice box and a cookie to help us recover.", "We also received a thank-you card from the blood bank.", "I'm glad that Abel and I decided to donate blood.", "It was a quick and easy way to make a difference in the world.", "I encourage everyone to consider donating blood if they are eligible.", "It's a simple act of kindness that can help save lives."], "trgs": ["L'amicu me, Abel, e jeu st\u00e0vamu turnannu \u00e2 casa un jornu quannu v\u00ecttimu ca cc'era na ricota di sangu nt\u00f4 nostru centru suciali lucali.", "Av\u00ecvamu tutti dui 17 anni e nun av\u00ecamu dunatu mai sangu prima di tannu.", "Addicidemmu di firm\u00e0rini pi v\u00ecdiri di chi si trattava.", "U prucessu di dunari sangu era chiutostu s\u00ecmplici.", "Tutti dui cumpilammu un custiunariu e rispunnimmu a quarchi dumanna riguardu a nostra storia sanitaria.", "Appoi ni cuntrullaru a prissioni d\u00fb sangu e ni cuntrullaru i vini pi \u00e8ssiri sicuri ca \u00e8ranu granni bastanti.", "Comu uttinemmu l'auturizzazzioni d\u00e2 dunazzioni, n'assittammu supra a na seggia e ni nziccaru n'agugghia nt\u00ea nostri vrazza.", "U sangu fu cugghiutu nta na sacca e u prucessu sanu duranu agghiri 15 minuti.", "Fu na be\u1e0d\u1e0da sinzazzioni sapiri ca t\u00e0vamu ajutannu a sarbari viti.", "Doppu ca dunammu, ni fu datu un sucu di frutta e un viscottu p'ajut\u00e0rini a ripigghi\u00e0rini.", "Ricivemmu macari un bigghiettu di ringrazziu d\u00e2 banca d\u00fb sangu.", "Sugnu cuntentu ca Abel e jeu dicidimmu di dunari u sangu.", "Fu na manera f\u00e0cili e lesta pi fari na diffirenza nt\u00f4 munnu.", "Ncuraggiu tutti a cunzidirari di dunari sangu si ponnu", "\u00c8 na s\u00ecmplici azzioni di gintilizza ca po sarbari viti."], "factuality": "ok", "is_src_orig": true} +{"id": "topic_24__atstsssth", "sl": "en", "tl": "scn", "srcs": ["A solo traveler was found safe after spending two nights lost in the Swiss Alps.", "The 25-year-old woman, who has not been identified, was hiking in the mountains when she became separated from her group.", "She was reported missing on Tuesday, and search teams were dispatched to find her.", "The woman was eventually found on Thursday, about 10 miles from where she had been hiking.", "She was cold and dehydrated, but otherwise in good condition.", "She told rescuers that she had been following a trail when she got turned around.", "She spent the night in a cave, and she survived by eating snow and drinking from a stream.", "The woman's experience is a reminder of the importance of being prepared when hiking in the mountains.", "Hikers should always bring a map, compass, and a flashlight, and they should tell someone where they are going and when they expect to return."], "trgs": ["Un viaggiaturi sulitariu fu asciatu sarbu doppu ca passau du' notti persu nta l'Arpi Sb\u00eczziri", "Na f\u00ecmmina vinticinchina, ca nun si sapi cu' \u00e8, stava acchianannu muntagni muntagni quannu s'arrassau d\u00fb gruppu so.", "A scumparuta fu dinunziata martid\u00eca, e li gruppi di ricerca foru mannati pi truvalla.", "A f\u00ecmmina fu asciata juvid\u00eca, ammeri 10 migghi arrassu d'unni stava facennu a caminata.", "Era fridda e siccagna, ma cumunca misa bona.", "Dissi \u00ea sarbatura ca stava sicutannu na trazzera quannu si persi.", "Passau la nutti nta na grutta, e potti campari manciannu la nivi e vivennu di un lavinaru.", "A spirenza d\u00e2 f\u00ecmmina n'arricorda a mpurtanza di \u00e8ssiri attrizzati quannu si va muntagni muntagni.", "Li scursiunisti s'av\u00ecssiru a purtari sempri na mappa, na b\u00f9ssula e na luci e av\u00ecssiru a diri a quarchidunu unni stannu jennu e quannu p\u00e8nzanu di turnari."], "factuality": "ok", "is_src_orig": true} +{"id": "topic_14__wiiotii", "sl": "en", "tl": "scn", "srcs": ["When I was a kid, I would spend hours pouring over magazines.", "I would read every article, look at every picture, and cut out the ones I liked to put in my scrapbook.", "I loved the way magazines could transport me to different worlds and make me think about things in new ways.", "One day, I was reading an article about brain science in a magazine.", "The article was really interesting, and it made me think about how my brain works.", "I realized that I could use my brain to learn anything I wanted, and that was an amazing feeling.", "I've been reading magazines ever since, and I still love the way they can open my mind to new ideas."], "trgs": ["Quannu era un picciri\u1e0d\u1e0du, passava l'uri sfugghiannu jurnale\u1e0d\u1e0da.", "Liggiva ogni art\u00ecculu, taliava tutti li mm\u00e0ggini e tagghiava chi\u1e0d\u1e0di ca mi piac\u00ecvanu pi mittilli nn\u00f4 me pitazzu", "Amava comu i jurnale\u1e0d\u1e0da put\u00ecvanu purt\u00e0rimi nzinu a munni diversi e far\u00ecmi pinzari \u00ea cosi cu na manera nova.", "Un jornu, stava liggennu n'art\u00ecculu ncapu \u00e2 scenza d\u00fb cirive\u1e0d\u1e0du nta un jurnale\u1e0d\u1e0du.", "\u1e0c\u1e0du art\u00ecculu fu ntirissanti pi daveru, e mi fici pinzari a comu funziunija u cirive\u1e0d\u1e0du", "Capivi ca putiva usari u cirive\u1e0d\u1e0du me pi nzign\u00e0rimi zoccu vuliva, e fu na sinzazzioni maravigghiusa.", "Di \u1e0d\u1e0du mumentu leggiu jurnale\u1e0d\u1e0da e ancora amu comu arrin\u00e8scinu a r\u00e0piri a menti a novi idei."], "factuality": "ok", "is_src_orig": true} +{"id": "topic_29__ttsitioihits", "sl": "en", "tl": "scn", "srcs": ["The debate about whether animals are happier in the wild or in zoos is a complex one with no easy answers.", "There are many factors to consider, including the individual animal's needs, the type of zoo, and the quality of care provided.", "Some animals, such as elephants, are highly social and need to interact with other elephants in order to thrive.", "In the wild, elephants live in herds of up to 100 individuals.", "They spend their days foraging for food, playing, and socializing.", "In a zoo, elephants may not have the same opportunities to interact with other elephants, which can lead to boredom and frustration.", "Other animals, such as lions, are solitary hunters.", "In the wild, lions live in prides of up to 15 individuals.", "However, each lion within the pride has its own territory and does not interact with other lions very often.", "In a zoo, lions may be able to live in larger enclosures with more space to roam, which can provide them with more opportunities to exercise and explore.", "The type of zoo also plays a role in the welfare of its animals.", "Some zoos are very large and provide their animals with spacious enclosures, while others are smaller and may not have as much space."], "trgs": ["U dibb\u00e0ttitu riguardu si l'armali su' cchi\u00f9 cuntenti nt\u00e2 natura o nt\u00ea zoo \u00e8 traficusu e nun \u00e0vi risposti f\u00e0cili.", "Cci su' assai fatturi di cunzidirari, cumprisi i bisogni nnividuali di l'armalu, u tipu di zoo e a qualit\u00e0 d\u00ee curi furnuti.", "Quarchi armalu, comu i liafanti, \u00e8 assai suciali e \u00e0vi di bisognu di ntiraggiri cu l'autri liafanti pi pruspirari.", "Nt\u00e2 natura, i liafanti c\u00e0mpanu 'n m\u00e0nniri ca ponnu raggh\u00f9nciri i 100 nnividui.", "P\u00e0ssanu i so jurnati a circari manciari, jucari e sucializzari.", "Nta nu zoo, i liafanti put\u00ecssiri nun aviri i stissi uppurtunit\u00e0 di ntiraggiri cu l'autri liafanti, ca po purtari a si\u1e0d\u1e0diju e frustrazzioni.", "Autri armali, comu i liuni, su' cacciaturi sularini.", "Nt\u00e2 natura, i liuni c\u00e0mpanu 'n m\u00e0nniri cumposti m\u00e0ssimu di ch\u00ecnnici nnividui.", "Pir\u00f2, ogni liuni nt\u00e2 m\u00e0nnira \u00e0vi u so tirritoriu e nun ntiraggisci spissu cu l'autri liuna.", "Nna nu zoo, i liuni put\u00ecssiru stari nta jaggi cchi\u00f9 granni cu cchi\u00f9 assai spazziu pi", "Macari u tipu di zoo joca un rolu mpurtanti nt\u00f4 d\u00ee so armali.", "Quarchi zoo \u00e8 granni assai e furnisci \u00ea so armali jaggi cchi\u00f9 spazziusi, mentri autri su' cchi\u00f9 nichi e capaci ca nun \u00e0nnu tuttu \u1e0d\u1e0du spazziu."], "factuality": "has_errors", "is_src_orig": true} +{"id": "topic_177__asttsiiitsi", "sl": "en", "tl": "scn", "srcs": ["As I'm driving down the road, I see a goat giving birth in the median.", "She's lying on her side and her two front legs are extended in front of her.", "The baby goat is coming out of her right side and it's head is already visible.", "The mother goat looks up at me and I can see the fear in her eyes.", "She's probably wondering if I'm going to hurt her or her baby.", "I stop the car and get out.", "I walk over to the goat and kneel down next to her.", "I gently stroke her head and tell her that everything is going to be okay.", "The baby goat starts to emerge and I can see that it's a little girl.", "She's crying and her mother licks her clean.", "I watch as the mother goat and baby bond and I feel a sense of peace."], "trgs": ["Comu staju purtannu a machina p\u00e2 strata, viju na crapa ca stava accattannu un ciarave\u1e0d\u1e0du nn\u00f4 spartitr\u00e0ficu.", "\u00c8 stinnicchiata di nu ciancu e \u00e0vi li ciampi d'avanzi longhi longhi 'n facciu a i\u1e0d\u1e0da.", "U ciavare\u1e0d\u1e0du sta niscennu d\u00fb ciancu a dritta e la testa s'arrinesci a v\u00ecdiri.", "A matri crapa mi tal\u00eca e arrinesciu a v\u00ecdiri lu scantu nta l'occhi so.", "Capaci ca penza ca vogghiu struppijari i\u1e0d\u1e0da o l'a\u1e0d\u1e0devu so.", "Fermu a m\u00e0china e scinnu.", "M'abbicinu \u00e2 crapa e mi mettu a dinucchiuna appressu a i\u1e0d\u1e0da.", "Ci carizzu adaciu adaciu a testa e ci dicu ca h\u00e2 jiri tuttu bonu.", "U ciavare\u1e0d\u1e0du accumincia a assummari e pozzu v\u00ecdiri ca \u00e8 na f\u00ecmmina.", "Sta chiancennu e so matri a licca.", "Tal\u00ecu comu matri e a\u1e0d\u1e0deva si l\u00ecjanu e sentu un senzu di paci."], "factuality": "ok", "is_src_orig": true} +{"id": "topic_508__tibttosssoha", "sl": "en", "tl": "scn", "srcs": ["The city was a vast, sprawling metropolis, full of life and energy.", "It was a place where anything was possible, and where dreams could come true.", "But for every person who found success in the city, there were many more who struggled to make ends meet.", "These people lived in the slums, in tiny apartments that were often overcrowded and in disrepair.", "They worked long hours for low pay, and they often had to go without basic necessities like food and healthcare.", "One such person was a young woman named Amelia.", "She had come to the city with big dreams, but she quickly found that reality was much different than she had imagined.", "She worked as a waitress in a small diner, and she could barely make enough money to pay her rent.", "She often went to bed hungry, and she was always worried about her future.", "One day, Amelia was walking home from work when she saw a man sitting on a bench.", "He was homeless, and he was holding a sign that said, \"Will work for food.\" Amelia felt sorry for the man, and she decided to buy him a sandwich.", "As she was talking to the man, she learned that his name was Charlie."], "trgs": ["A cit\u00e0 era na mitr\u00f2puli granni e ..., china di vita e enirg\u00eca.", "Era na banna unni zoccu \u00e8-\u00e8 era puss\u00ecbbili, e unni i sonni put\u00ecvanu addivintari veri.", "Ma pi ogni cristianu ca faciva successu nn\u00e2 cit\u00e0, n'av\u00ecvamu tanti autri ca cummattivanu p'arrivari a fini misi.", "Sti cristiani st\u00e0vanu nt\u00ea quarteri p\u00f2viri, 'n appartanenti ca spissu \u00e8ranu suvraffu\u1e0d\u1e0dati e sdirrupati.", "Travagghi\u00e0vanu longhi uri pi na misata scarsa e spissu av\u00ecanu a dispis\u00e0risi d\u00ee beni di prima nicissit\u00e0 comu u manciari e l'assistenza sanitaria.", "Una di sti cristiani era na gi\u00f9vini f\u00ecmmina chiamata Amelia.", "Av\u00eca vinutu \u00e2 cit\u00e0 cu granni sonni, ma prestu scupr\u00ecu ca a rialit\u00e0 era assai diversa di chi\u1e0d\u1e0du ca s'aveva mmagginatu.", "Travagghiava comu cammarera nt\u00f4n risturante\u1e0d\u1e0du e rinisciva a via di forza a abbuscari bastanti sordi pi pagari u so a\u1e0d\u1e0dugamentu.", "Spissu si curcava morta di fami e si frasturnava sempri d\u00fb so futuru.", "Un jornu, Amelia stava turnannu \u00e2 casa d\u00fb travagghiu quannu vitti n'omu assittatu nn\u00f4n vancu.", "Era un dumanneri, e stava tinennu u carte\u1e0d\u1e0du ca diceva, \"Travagghiaremu pi manciari.\" Amelia si dispiac\u00ecu pi l'omu e dicid\u00ecu d'accatt\u00e0rici un paninu.", "Parrannu cu l'omu, scupr\u00ecu ca u so nomu era Charlie."], "factuality": "ok", "is_src_orig": true} +{"id": "topic_394__dittfcismttb", "sl": "en", "tl": "scn", "srcs": ["Demonetization is the process of removing legal tender from circulation.", "In India, Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced on November 8, 2016, that all \u20b9500 and \u20b91000 banknotes would cease to be legal tender from midnight.", "This move was intended to crack down on corruption and counterfeiting, but it also caused significant disruption and hardship for many people.", "There are several reasons to be skeptical of demonetization.", "First, it is not clear that it will be effective in reducing corruption.", "Corruption is a complex problem that cannot be solved simply by removing cash from circulation.", "In fact, there is some evidence that demonetization may actually increase corruption, as it makes it more difficult for people to track and trace their money.", "Second, demonetization is likely to have a negative impact on the poor.", "Many poor people in India rely on cash for their daily transactions.", "The sudden withdrawal of large-denomination banknotes made it difficult for them to buy food, pay their bills, and access other essential services.", "Third, demonetization has caused significant disruption to the economy.", "Businesses had to close for days or even weeks while they adjusted to the new currency."], "trgs": ["A dimunitizzazzioni \u00e8 u prucessu di livari a munita ligali d\u00e2 circulazzioni.", "N Innia, u Primu Ministru Narendra annunziau l'8 Nuv\u00e8mmiru d\u00fb 2016 ca tutti i bancunoti di \u20b9500 e \u20b91000 av\u00ecssiru finutu di aviri cursu ligali a p\u00e0rtiri di menzanotti.", "Sta mossa av\u00eca l'ubbittivu di cumm\u00e0ttiri a curruzzioni e a cuntraffazzioni ma causau macari grossi prubblemi e tr\u00e0fichi p'assai cristiani.", "Cci su' diffirenti scaciuna pi \u00e8ssiri sc\u00e8ttici d\u00e2 dimunitizzazzioni.", "Pi prima cosa, nun \u00e8 chiaru si sir\u00e0 efficaci e ridd\u00f9ciri a curruzzioni.", "A curruzzioni \u00e8 un prubblema traficusu ca nun si po abbirsari simplicimenti livannu u cuntanti d\u00e2 circulazzioni.", "Nfatti, cci su' provi ca a dimunitizzazzioni capaci ca 'n rialit\u00e0 jisa a curruzzioni, picch\u00ec renni cchi\u00f9 diff\u00eccili p\u00ee cristiani lucalizzari e trazzari i so sordi.", "Pi sicunna cosa, \u00e8 assai prubb\u00e0bbili ca avir\u00e0 nu mpattu nigativu supra \u00ea p\u00f2viri.", "Assai cristiani p\u00f2viri 'n Innia s'aff\u00ecdanu \u00ea cuntanti p\u00ee so tranzazzioni cutidiani.", "U ritiru \u00e2 ntrasatta d\u00ee bancunoti di grossu tagghiu ci rinn\u00ecu diff\u00eccili accattari manciari, pavari i bulletti e acc\u00e8diri a autri sirbizzi essinziali.", "Terzu, a dimunitizzazzioni causau nut\u00e8vuli prubblemi \u00e2 canum\u00eca.", "L'azzienni \u00e0ppinu a chi\u00f9diri pi jorna o macari simana nt\u00f4 mentri ca s'adatt\u00e0vanu \u00e2 nova valuta."], "factuality": "has_errors", "is_src_orig": true} +{"id": "stt_101__titttliiiistnis", "sl": "en", "tl": "scn", "srcs": ["The dish is said to have originated in the Philippines, where it is known as lechon.", "It is also popular in other parts of Southeast Asia, such as Indonesia, Malaysia, and Thailand.", "To make lechon, a whole pig is gutted and cleaned, then stuffed with a mixture of garlic, ginger, lemongrass, and other spices.", "The pig is then roasted over a fire of charcoal or wood for several hours.", "The result is a juicy, flavorful meat that is perfect for a special occasion.", "Lechon is often served with rice and vegetables.", "It can also be eaten as a main course or as an appetizer.", "If you are ever lucky enough to try lechon, you will not be disappointed.", "It is truly a unique and delicious dish.", "In addition to the traditional method of cooking lechon, there are also several modern variations.", "Some chefs cook the pig in a pit oven, while others use a rotisserie.", "There are also recipes for making lechon in a slow cooker or in the oven.", "No matter how it is cooked, lechon is always a crowd-pleaser.", "It is a hearty and flavorful dish that is perfect for any occasion.", "So if you are looking for a new and exciting dish to try, lechon is definitely worth a look."], "trgs": ["Si dici ca u chiattu \u00e8 urigginariu d\u00ee Filippini, unni \u00e8 ntisu lechon.", "\u00c8 pupulari macari nta autri banni di l'Asia suddi-livantina, comu a Nnunesia, a Malesia e a Tailannia.", "Pi fari u lechon, un porcu sanu veni sbudi\u1e0d\u1e0datu e pulizziatu, appoi allinchiutu cu na m\u00ecscita di agghiu, g\u00e8nciru, citrune\u1e0d\u1e0da e autri spezzi.", "U porcu appoi \u00e8 arrustutu supra \u00f4n focu di ginisi o ligna pi diversi uri.", "U risurtatu \u00e8 na carni sucusa e sapurusa ca \u00e8 pirfetta pi l'uccasiona spiciali.", "U lechon \u00e8 spissu amministratu cu risu e virduri.", "Po \u00e8ssiri manciatu puru comu purtata mastra o antipastu.", "Si\u1e0d\u1e0du aviti a furtuna di nzajari u lechon, nun vi siccar\u00e0 u cori.", "\u00c8 pi daveru un chiattu \u00f9nicu e liccu.", "Sparti \u00e2 manera tradizziunali di cucinari u lechon, cci su' puru vari variazzioni muderni.", "Quarchi cocu coci u porcu nt\u00f4n furnu a puzzu, mentri autri \u00f9sanu un girarrustu.", "Cci su' puru ricetti pi fari u lechon nta na pignata a cuttura lenta o nt\u00f4 furnu.", "Nun \u00e0vi mpurtanza comu si cucina, u lechon piaci sempri a tutti pari.", "\u00c8 un chiattu sustanziusu e sapurusu ca \u00e8 pirfettu pi ogni uccasioni.", "Adunca, si sta' circannu un chiattu novu e emuzziunanti di pruvari, u lechon sicuru m\u00e8rita na taliata."], "factuality": "has_errors", "is_src_orig": true} +{"id": "topic_12__mumumumumumu", "sl": "en", "tl": "scn", "srcs": ["Me: What's up with your car? It's been making a weird noise lately.", "Uncle: Yeah, I know. I'm taking it to the mechanic tomorrow.", "Me: Is it going to be expensive.", "Uncle: It might be. The car is old, and parts are hard to come by. But I'm hoping it's just a minor issue.", "Me: Well, good luck. Let me know what the mechanic says.", "Uncle: I will. Thanks.", "Me: Hey, by the way, did you know that nuclear cars are a thing?", "Uncle: No, I didn't. That's interesting.", "Me: Yeah, they're pretty cool. They use nuclear power to generate electricity, which powers the car's motor.", "Uncle: That sounds like it would be really expensive.", "Me: It can be, but it's also a lot more efficient than traditional cars. Nuclear cars can go for hundreds of miles on a single tank of fuel.", "Uncle: Hmm, I'll have to look into that."], "trgs": ["Jeu: Chi cci \u00e0vi a to m\u00e0china? Sta facennu scrusci strani di ricenti.", "Ziu: Se, u sacciu. A portu d\u00fb miccanicu dumani.", "Iu: Sir\u00e0 custusu.", "Ziu: Capaci. A m\u00e0china \u00e8 vecchia e i pezzi di ricanciu su' diff\u00eccili di truvari. Ma speru ca \u00e8 sulu un prubblema nicu.", "Ju: Beh, bona furtuna. Fammi sapiri zoccu dici u micc\u00e0nicu.", "Ziu: U faraju.", "Iu: Ou, cumunca, sapivi ca i m\u00e0chini nucliari es\u00ecstinu?", "Ziu: No, nun u sapeva. \u00c8 ntirissanti.", "Ju: Se, su' chiutostu forti. \u00d9sanu l'enirg\u00eca nucliari pi criari elittricit\u00e0, ca nutrica u muturi d\u00e2 m\u00e0china.", "Ziu: Pari ca \u00e8 be\u1e0d\u1e0da custusa.", "Jeu: U po \u00e8ssiri, ma \u00e8 macari assai cchi\u00f9 efficaci d\u00ee m\u00e0chini tradizziunali. I m\u00e0chini nucliari ponnu caminari cintinara di chil\u00f2mitri cu un sulu chinu di carburanti.", "Ziu: Mmh, m'\u00e0ju a nfurmari."], "factuality": "has_errors", "is_src_orig": true} +{"id": "topic_162__atatysbtt", "sl": "en", "tl": "scn", "srcs": ["A man walks into a comedy club and orders a filet mignon.", "The waiter brings him the steak and he starts to eat it.", "After a few bites, he stops and says, \"This steak is terrible! It's tough and tasteless.\"", "The waiter replies, \"Well, sir, you did order a filet mignon.\"", "\"Yes, but I didn't order a raw filet mignon!\"", "\"Sir, all of our steaks are served raw. We require our customers to cook them themselves.\"", "\"But I don't know how to cook!\"", "\"That's not our problem. We're a comedy club, not a restaurant.\"", "The man angrily gets up and storms out of the club."], "trgs": ["N'omu trasi nta un comedy club e cumanna un filet mignon.", "U cammareri ci porta a fe\u1e0d\u1e0da di carni e i\u1e0d\u1e0du accumincia a manciarisilla.", "Doppu na para di muzzicati, si ferma e dici: \"Sta fe\u1e0d\u1e0da \u00e8 tirr\u00ecbbili! Dura e senza sapuri \u00e8\"", "U cammareri ci arrispunni: \"Bih, sign\u00f9, tu vulivi un filet mignon\"", "\"Se, ma nun vul\u00eca un filet mignon crudu!\"", "\"Sign\u00f9, tutti i nostri fe\u1e0d\u1e0di di carni su' purtati crudi. Vulemu fariccilli c\u00f2ciri \u00ea nostri clienti\"", "\"Ma jeu nun sacciu comu cucirimilla!\"", "\"Chissu nun \u00e8 un prubblema nostru. Semu un comedy club, no na lucanna\"", "L'omu arraggiatu si susi e nesci fora d\u00fb club."], "factuality": "ok", "is_src_orig": true} +{"id": "stt_129__hhtthattt", "sl": "en", "tl": "scn", "srcs": ["He had been in a car accident, and he was unconscious.", "His parents, who had been driving by when the accident happened, rushed to his side.", "They were frantic with worry.", "The paramedics arrived and loaded the boy into an ambulance.", "His parents followed in their car, their hearts pounding with fear.", "At the hospital, the doctors examined the boy and determined that he had a concussion and a broken leg.", "They admitted him to the hospital and began treatment.", "The boy's parents stayed by his side, never leaving him alone.", "They watched over him as he slept, their hearts filled with love and hope."], "trgs": ["I\u1e0d\u1e0du appi nu ncidenti c\u00e2 m\u00e0china, e nun era cuscenti.", "I so ginitura, ca \u00e8ranu \u1e0d\u1e0docu quannu lu ncidenti successi, s'arriminaru nni i\u1e0d\u1e0du.", "\u00c8ranu smurcati d\u00fb scantu.", "I param\u00e8dici arrivaru e carrijaru u picciottu nta n'ammulanza", "I so ginitura li sicutaru c\u00e2 m\u00e0china, ch\u00ee cori ca battivanu forti p\u00fb spagnu.", "\u00d4 spitali, i duttura taliaru u picciottu e caperu ca av\u00eca na cuncussiuni e na jamma struppijata.", "L'accumudaru \u00f4 spitali e accuminciaru la cura.", "I ginitura d\u00fb picciottu arristaru cu i\u1e0d\u1e0du, senza mai lassallu a sulu.", "Lu vardij\u00e0vanu mentri ca durmiva, ch\u00ee cori chini d'amuri e spiranza."], "factuality": "ok", "is_src_orig": true} +{"id": "topic_101__rpibtitssopat", "sl": "en", "tl": "scn", "srcs": ["\"Royalty,\" said the Blacksmith, \"is a curious thing. It's a kind of magic, really.", "People get all worked up about it, and they don't even know why.", "It's not as if kings and queens have any real power, these days. They're just figureheads.", "But people still seem to need them.", "They need someone to look up to, someone to represent the idea of the nation.\" The Blacksmith paused.", "\"I suppose it's a kind of comfort,\" he continued.", "\"To know that there's someone out there who's better than you.", "Someone who's got it all sorted out.", "Someone who can make the world a better place.", "Of course, it's all an illusion. But that doesn't make it any less important.", "People need their illusions. They need to believe in something.", "And if that something is a king or a queen, then so be it.\"", "The Blacksmith paused for a moment, then smiled."], "trgs": ["\"Rijalit\u00e0\", dissi u mastru firraru, \"\u00e8 na cosa curiusa. Magarusa, pi daveru.", "Li cristiani si quad\u00ecjanu pi chista, e mancu sannu picch\u00ec.", "Nun \u00e8 ca re e rijini \u00e0nnu un putiri veru, sti jorna. Su' sulu figuri.", "Ma cumunca i cristiani pari ca nn'\u00e0nnu di bisognu.", "\u00c0nnu di bisognu di quarchidunu di ammirari, quarchidunu ca po riprisintari l'idea d\u00e2 nazzioni\". U mastru firraru si firmau.", "\"Penzu ca \u00e8 na speci di cunortu\", cuntinau.", "\"Sapiri ca \u1e0d\u1e0d\u00e0 fora cc'\u00e8 quarchidunu megghiu di tia.", "Quarchidunu ca abbersa tuttu.", "Quarchidunu ca po r\u00e8nniri u munnu megghiu.", "Certu, \u00e8 n'aff\u00e0scinu. Ma chistu nun lu renni cchi\u00f9 picca mpurtanti", "Li cristiani \u00e0nnu di bisognu di l'aff\u00e0scini so. \u00c0nnu di bisognu di cr\u00ecdiri nni quarchi cosa", "E si\u1e0d\u1e0du \u1e0d\u1e0du quarchi cosa \u00e8 nu re o na rijina, chissu \u00e0v'a \u00e8ssiri", "U mastru firraru staccau un mumentu, poi surrid\u00ecu"], "factuality": "ok", "is_src_orig": true} +{"id": "topic_534__tshotstfsbhasb", "sl": "en", "tl": "scn", "srcs": ["The Old Man and the Sea", "Santiago, an old Cuban fisherman, has gone eighty-four days without catching a fish.", "He is the oldest man in the village, and the youngest, Manolin, no longer wants to fish with him because the old man is unlucky.", "One day, Santiago sets out in his skiff and hooks a giant marlin.", "The marlin is so big that it pulls the skiff far out to sea.", "Santiago fights the marlin for two days and nights, but he cannot bring it in.", "The marlin is too heavy, and the old man is too tired.", "Finally, the marlin begins to tire.", "Santiago is able to get a harpoon into the marlin, and he kills it.", "But the marlin is so big that Santiago cannot bring it into the boat.", "He ties the marlin to the side of the boat and begins to row back to shore.", "A school of sharks follows the boat, and they begin to eat the marlin.", "Santiago fights the sharks off, but he cannot stop them all.", "By the time he reaches shore, only the head and the tail of the marlin are left."], "trgs": ["U Vicchiare\u1e0d\u1e0du e u Mari", "Santiago, un vecchiu piscaturi cubbanu, stetti uttantaquattru jorna senza piscari un pisci.", "I\u1e0d\u1e0du \u00e8 l'omu cchi\u00f9 vecchiu d\u00fb pajisi, e u cchi\u00f9 j\u00f9vini, Manolin, nun voli cchi\u00f9 piscari cu i\u1e0d\u1e0du picch\u00ec lu vicchiare\u1e0d\u1e0du \u00e8 sbinturatu.", "Un jornu, Santiago nesci c\u00e2 varca e pigghia n'agugghia tanta.", "\u1e0c\u1e0da agugghia \u00e8 accuss\u00ec granni ca assija a varca a mari arrassu.", "Santiagu cummatti l'agugghia pi du' jorna e du' notti.", "L'agugghia \u00e8 troppu pisanti, e lu vicchiare\u1e0d\u1e0du troppu stancu.", "\u00c2 fini, l'agugghia accumincia a stancari.", "Santiago arrinesci a tirari na traffinera a l'agugghia, e l'ammazza.", "Ma l'agugghia \u00e8 accuss\u00ec granni ca Santiago nun po jisalla nn\u00e2 varca.", "Lija l'agugghia a latu d\u00e2 varca e accumincia a abbiari \u00e2 praja.", "Na cricca di mmistina assicuta a varca, e accum\u00ecncianu a manci\u00e0risi l'agugghia.", "Santiago cafu\u1e0d\u1e0da \u00ea mmistina, ma nun po falli firmari tutti pari.", "Quannu arriva \u00e2 praja, arristaru sulu a testa e a cuda."], "factuality": "ok", "is_src_orig": true} +{"id": "stt_633__ttiiatihidiihit", "sl": "en", "tl": "scn", "srcs": ["The police will likely take the person to the station and question him.", "They will want to know where he got the wallet and why he was carrying it.", "If the person cannot provide a satisfactory explanation, he may be arrested and charged with theft.", "If the person is arrested, he will be taken to jail and held until his trial.", "At his trial, the prosecution will have to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that he is guilty of theft.", "The defense will have the opportunity to present evidence and witnesses that may help to exonerate the person.", "If the person is found guilty, he may be sentenced to jail time, probation, or community service.", "He may also be ordered to pay restitution to the victim of the theft.", "In some cases, the person may be able to avoid criminal charges by entering into a diversion program.", "Diversion programs are designed to help people who have committed minor crimes avoid the criminal justice system.", "In a diversion program, the person may be required to complete community service, pay restitution, or attend counseling.", "If the person is found not guilty, he will be released from jail and the charges against him will be dropped.", "He will be able to go on with his life without a criminal record.", "It is important to note that the above is just a general overview of what may happen to a presumed thief who is held by police.", "The specific circumstances of each case will vary, and the outcome may depend on a number of factors, such as the evidence available, the person's criminal history, and the judge or jury's decision."], "trgs": ["\u00c8 daveru prubb\u00e0bbili ca a pulizz\u00eca porta u cristianu \u00e2 stazzioni e u nt\u00e8rruga.", "Vurrannu sapiri di unni pigghiau u portafogghiu e picch\u00ec u stava purtannu pedi pedi.", "Si\u1e0d\u1e0du u cristianu nun rinesci a d\u00e0rici na schicazzioni satisfacenti, capaci ca l'att\u00e0ccanu e accusatu di arrubbatina.", "Si\u1e0d\u1e0du u cristianu veni arristatu, sir\u00e0 purtatu \u00f4 c\u00e0rzaru e trattinutu nzinu \u00f4 prucessu.", "\u00d4 so prucessu, l'accusa h\u00e2 pruvari urtra a ogni raciun\u00e8vuli dubbiu ca \u00e8 curp\u00e8vuli di arrubbatina.", "A difisa \u00e0vi l'uppurtunit\u00e0 di prisintari provi e tistumunianzi ca ponnu ajutari a scaciunijari u cristianu.", "Si\u1e0d\u1e0du u cristianu veni addichiaratu curp\u00e8vuli, putissi \u00e8ssiri cunnannatu \u00f4 c\u00e0rzaru, libbirt\u00e0 guardijata o \u00ea sirbizza suciali.", "Po macari \u00e8ssiri cunnannatu a affrancari a v\u00ecttima di l'arrubbatina.", "Nta quarchi casu, u cristianu putissi rin\u00e8sciri a scanzari l'accusi pinali trasennu nn\u00f4n prugramma di divirsioni.", "I prugrammi di divirsioni su' pinzati pi ajutari i cristiani ca cumm\u00ecsiru riati minuri a scanzari u sistema judizziariu.", "Nta un prugramma di divirsioni, \u00f4 cristianu si ci po dumannari di cumplitari sirbizzi cumunitari, pagari a ristituzzioni, o puru fari psicutirap\u00eca-", "Si\u1e0d\u1e0du u cristianu veni dichiaratu senza curp\u00e8vuli, veni scarzaratu e l'accusi contra di i\u1e0d\u1e0du vennu fatti cascari.", "Putir\u00e0 sicutari a so vita senza pricidenti pinali.", "\u00c8 mpurtanti ricurdari ca zoccu \u00e8 scrittu di supra \u00e8 sulu na panur\u00e0mica ginirali di chi\u1e0d\u1e0du ca putissi succ\u00e8diri \u00f4n prisuntu latru ca \u00e8 trattinutu d\u00e2 pulizz\u00eca.", "I circustanzi spic\u00ecfichi di ogni casu c\u00e0ncianu, e u risurtatu putissi dip\u00e8nniri di na seri di fatturi, comu i provi dispun\u00ecbbili, i pricidenti pinali e a dicisioni d\u00fb j\u00f9dici o d\u00e2 jur\u00eca."], "factuality": "has_errors", "is_src_orig": true} +{"id": "topic_102__tttohhttwtte", "sl": "en", "tl": "scn", "srcs": ["The couple, a renowned linguist and a world-renowned pastry chef, had been trying for a baby for years.", "They had been to every doctor and specialist they could find, but nothing seemed to work.", "The linguist was starting to lose hope, and the pastry chef was worried that their reputation would be ruined if they couldn't have a child.", "One day, the linguist was working on a new translation of a difficult poem when he had a breakthrough.", "He realized that the key to having a child was to find a way to combine their two passions.", "He called the pastry chef and told her his idea.", "The pastry chef was skeptical at first, but she agreed to give it a try.", "They spent the next few months working on a new recipe for a cake that would be infused with the linguist's love of language and the pastry chef's love of baking.", "When the cake was finally finished, they took it to the premier of a new play that the linguist was translating.", "They waited until the after-party, and then they cut the cake and served it to everyone.", "The cake was a huge hit.", "Everyone loved the taste, and they were all impressed by the story behind it."], "trgs": ["A cucchia, un linguista muntuatu e na pastizzera di fama munniali, pruvaru a accattari un picciri\u1e0d\u1e0di pi anni.", "Av\u00ecanu statu nni tutti i dutturi e spicialisti ca p\u00f2ttiru truvari, ma nenti pareva funziunari.", "U linguista stava pirdennu i spiranzi, e a pastizzera si frasturnava ca cci avissi appizzatu a n\u00f2mina si nun put\u00ecvanu accattari un picciri\u1e0d\u1e0du.", "Un jornu, u linguista stava travagghiannu supra na traduzzioni nova di na puis\u00eca diff\u00eccili quannu appi", "Rializzau ca a chiavi pi 'ccattari un picciriu era attruva na manera pi j\u00f9nciri i passiuni di i\u1e0d\u1e0di dui.", "Chiamau a pastizzera e ci dissi a so pinzata.", "A pastizzera era sc\u00e8ttica 'n prima, ma s'appattau cu i\u1e0d\u1e0du pi pruv\u00e0rici.", "Passaru i misi ca sicutaru travagghiannu ncapu a na nova ricetta pi na torta ca avissi statu nfusa cu l'amuri d\u00fb linguista p\u00ee lingui e l'amuri d\u00e2 pastizzera p\u00e2 cucina.", "Quannu a torta era finarmenti finuta, a purtaru \u00e2 prima d'un novu spitt\u00e0culu tiatrali ca u linguista stava traducennu.", "Aspittaru nzinu \u00e2 rifriscata e doppu tagghiaru a torta e a sirberu a tutti pari.", "A torta cafu\u1e0d\u1e0dau.", "A tutti piac\u00ecu u sapuri, e arristaru tutti alluccuti p\u00e2 storia ca cc'era arreri."], "factuality": "ok", "is_src_orig": true} +{"id": "topic_465__hithitthpthi", "sl": "en", "tl": "scn", "srcs": ["Hockey is a fast-paced, physical sport that is played on ice.", "It is played with two teams of six players each, with one goaltender.", "The object of the game is to score goals by shooting the puck into the opponent's net.", "Hockey is a popular sport in Canada, the United States, and Europe.", "It is also an Olympic sport.", "The first indoor hockey game was played in Montreal, Canada, in 1875.", "The National Hockey League (NHL) was established in 1917.", "Hockey is a demanding sport that requires a high level of skill and athleticism.", "Players must be able to skate, shoot, pass, and stickhandle at a high level.", "They must also be able to think quickly and make split-second decisions.", "Hockey is a great sport for people of all ages.", "It is a fun and challenging way to stay active."], "trgs": ["L'hockey \u00e8 un jocu f\u00ecsicu lestu ca si joca nt\u00f4 ghiacciu.", "Veni jucatu di du' squatri di sei jucaturi a l'unu, cu un purteri.", "L'ubbittivu d\u00fb jocu \u00e8 signari goal tirannu u discu nt\u00e2 riti avirsaria.", "L'hockey \u00e8 nu sport pupulari 'n C\u00e0nada, nt\u00ea Stati Junciuti e nta l'Europa.", "\u00c8 macari un jocu ul\u00ecmpicu.", "A prima jucata di hockey fu jucata a Montreal, C\u00e0nada, nt\u00f4 1875.", "A National Hockey League (NHL) fu funnata nt\u00f4 1917.", "L'hockey \u00e8 nu sport mpignusu ca dumanna live\u1e0d\u1e0di auti di abbilit\u00e0 e atliticit\u00e0.", "I jucaturi \u00e0nnu a sapiri pattinari, tirari, passari e fari stickhandle ad autu live\u1e0d\u1e0du.", "\u00c0nnu macari a rin\u00e8sciri a pinzari lesti e fari dicisioni nt\u00f4n sicunnu ruttu.", "L'hockey \u00e8 nu sport bonu pi cristiani di tutti l'et\u00e0.", "\u00c8 scialusu ed \u00e8 na manera p'arristari attivi."], "factuality": "ok", "is_src_orig": true} +{"id": "topic_192__whsiitiiiiitwww", "sl": "en", "tl": "scn", "srcs": ["Were it within my power to impart to you the incredibly detailed information concerning my deepest fear, I would do so without hesitation.", "However, such knowledge is not mine to give.", "Suffice it to say that my greatest dread is something so insidious and far-reaching that it defies description.", "It is a terror that lurks in the shadows, waiting to pounce at the most unexpected moment.", "It is a predator that feeds on my very essence, leaving me feeling weak and vulnerable.", "This insidious fear has been with me for as long as I can remember.", "It has shaped my life in ways that I am only beginning to understand.", "I have become a recluse, afraid to venture out into the world lest I come face to face with my worst nightmare.", "I have lost friends and family, and my relationships have suffered.", "I am constantly on edge, waiting for the other shoe to drop.", "I know that I am not alone in my suffering.", "There are others who share my burden.", "We are a community of the damned, united by our fear.", "We are the ones who walk in the shadows, afraid of the light.", "We are the ones who are haunted by the past, and who live in fear of the future."], "trgs": ["Si\u1e0d\u1e0du avissi u putiri di spart\u00ecrivi nfurmazzioni pi daveru pricisi ncapu \u00f4 me scantu cchi\u00f9 radicatu, lu facissi senza dubbiu.", "Cumunca, sta canuscenza nun \u00e8 c\u00f2mpitu me dunalla.", "Abbasta diri ca lu scantu cchi\u00f9 granni \u00e8 na cosa accuss\u00ec chiaccusa e granni ca cummatti ogni discrizzioni.", "\u00c8 nu spilluzzu ca s'ammuccia nta l'\u00f9mmira, aspittannu di sautari fora \u00f4 mumentu cchi\u00f9 sdisaspittatu.", "\u00c8 un pridaturi ca si n\u00f9trica d\u00fb me \u00e8ssiri, ca mi lassa abbisicchiatu e scunzinutu.", "Stu scantu chiaccusu \u00e0vi di quannu \u00e0ju mimoria ca sta cu mia.", "Furmau a me vita cu maneri ca staju sulu accuminciannu a capiri.", "Mi nchiujivi, spagn\u00e0nnumi di caminari munnu munnu p\u00fb scantu d'attruvarimi 'n facciu \u00f4 me peggiu malusonnu.", "Persi amici e famigghiari e i me rapporti pateru.", "Sugnu sempri \u00f4 l\u00ecmiti, aspittannu ca l'autra scarpa cadi.", "Sacciu d'un \u00e8ssiri sulu nn\u00f4 me patiri.", "Cci su' autri ca sp\u00e0rtinu u me pisu.", "Semu na cumunit\u00e0 di dannati, junciuti d\u00fb nostru spagnu.", "Semu chi\u1e0d\u1e0di ca cam\u00ecnanu a l'\u00f9mmira, scantati d\u00fb lustru.", "Semu chi\u1e0d\u1e0di a su' assicutati d\u00fb passatu, e ca c\u00e0mpanu c\u00fb scantu di l'abb\u00e8niri."], "factuality": "ok", "is_src_orig": true} +{"id": "topic_446__ghgwggwwggwggggg", "sl": "en", "tl": "scn", "srcs": ["Grandmother is sitting in her rocking chair, knitting a sweater.", "Her granddaughter, a teenager, is sitting on the couch, watching TV.", "Grandmother: I remember when I was your age, we didn't have any of these fancy gadgets.", "We had to go outside and play.", "Granddaughter: I know, Grandma. You've told me that story a million times.", "Grandmother: Well, it's true!", "We had to use our imaginations to have fun.", "We didn't have all these video games and computers to entertain us.", "Granddaughter: But I like video games and computers. They're fun.", "Grandmother: I'm not saying they're not fun, but they're not the same as playing outside.", "When you play outside, you get exercise and you meet new people.", "Granddaughter: I know, Grandma. But I still like video games.", "Grandmother: Well, I guess you're just a product of your generation.", "Granddaughter: I guess so.", "[Grandmother smiles and goes back to knitting.", "Granddaughter goes back to watching TV.]"], "trgs": ["Nanna \u00e8 assittata ncapu \u00e2 so nacalora, cusennu na cheppa.", "So niputi, na picciotta, \u00e8 assittata ncapu \u00f4 divanu, taliannu a TV.", "Nanna: M'arricordu di quannu av\u00eca la to et\u00e0, nun av\u00ecamu tutti ssi cosi zizzi.", "Av\u00ecamu a n\u00e8sciri fora e jucari.", "Niputi: Lu sacciu, nanna. Mi cuntasti sta storia un miliuni di voti.", "Nanna: Bih, veru \u00e8!", "Av\u00ecamu a usari a nostra mmagginazzioni p'addivirt\u00ecrini", "Nun av\u00ecamu tutti sti vidiu-joca e computer pi sbarijari.", "Niputi: Ma a mia mi pi\u00e0cinu i vidiu-joca e i computer. Su' sbiusi.", "Nanna: Nun staju dicennu ca nun su' sbiusi, ma nun \u00e8 la stissa cosa di jucari fora.", "Quannu jochi fora, ti movi e canusci cristiani novi.", "Niputi: Lu sacciu, nanna. Ma i vidiu-joca mi pi\u00e0cinu u stissu.", "Nanna: Bonu, penzu ca s\u00ec fruttu d\u00e2 to ginirazzioni.", "Niputi: U penzu macari jeu.", "[A nanna ci surrid\u00ecu e turnau a c\u00f9siri.", "A niputi turnau a taliari a TV]"], "factuality": "ok", "is_src_orig": true} +{"id": "topic_140__tfitftiiit", "sl": "en", "tl": "scn", "srcs": ["The influences of religion on music are vast and varied.", "From the chanting of hymns in ancient temples to the soaring melodies of gospel songs, music has long been used to express religious beliefs and emotions.", "In many religions, music is seen as a way to connect with the divine.", "The sounds and rhythms of music can create a sense of awe and reverence, and can help to transport the listener to a higher plane of consciousness.", "For example, in Hinduism, music is considered to be a form of yoga.", "The practice of kirtan, or devotional chanting, is said to help to purify the mind and open the heart to the divine.", "In Buddhism, music is often used as a form of meditation, helping to focus the mind and bring about a state of calm and tranquility.", "In addition to its spiritual role, music can also be used to address social and political issues.", "In the civil rights movement, for example, music played a powerful role in mobilizing people and inspiring them to fight for justice.", "The songs of Martin Luther King Jr, Mahalia Jackson, and others helped to give voice to the hopes and dreams of African Americans, and helped to bring about a more just and equitable society."], "trgs": ["I nfruenzi d\u00e2 riliggiuni supra \u00e2 m\u00f9sica su' vasti e vari.", "D\u00fb cantu di l'inni nt\u00ea tempri antichi \u00ea milud\u00eci criscenti d\u00ee canzuni gospel, a m\u00f9sica \u00e0' statu usata a longu pi espr\u00ecmiri cridenzi riliggiusi e emuzzioni.", "Nta tanti riliggiuni, a m\u00f9sica \u00e8 vista comu na manera pi lij\u00e0risi \u00f4 divinu.", "I soni e i ritmi d\u00e2 m\u00f9sica ponnu criari un senzu di s\u00f9ggicu e rivirenza e po ajutari a carrijari l'ascutaturi \u00f4n chianu cchi\u00f9 autu di cuscenza.", "P'esempi, nta l'Innu\u00ecsimu, a m\u00f9sica \u00e8 cunzidirata na furma di yoga.", "Si dici ca pr\u00e0ttica d\u00fb kirtan, o cantu divuzziunali, ajuta a annittari a menti e r\u00e0piri u cori \u00f4 divinu.", "Nt\u00f4 Budd\u00ecsimu, a m\u00f9sica \u00e8 spissu usata comu furma di miditazzioni, ajutannu a cuncintrari a menti e criari nu statu di carma e cueti.", "Sparti \u00f4 so rolu spirduali, a m\u00f9sica po macari \u00e8ssiri usata pi affruntari prubblemi suciali e pul\u00ectici.", "Nt\u00f4 muvimentu p\u00ee diritti civili, pi scmperu, a m\u00f9sica jucatu un rolu putenti a fari m\u00f2viri i cristiani e ispiralli a cumm\u00e0ttiri p\u00e2 giustizzia.", "I canzuni di Martin Luther King Jr, Mahalia Jackson e autri ajutari a dari vuci \u00ea spiranzi e sonni di l'Afro-miricani e ajutaru a criari na sucit\u00e0 cchi\u00f9 giusta e avali."], "factuality": "has_errors", "is_src_orig": true} +{"id": "topic_558__tipdtptit", "sl": "en", "tl": "scn", "srcs": ["The peacock is a large and colorful bird that is native to Asia.", "It is known for its beautiful plumage, which is made up of iridescent blue, green, and purple feathers.", "Peacocks are also known for their elaborate courtship displays, which they perform to attract mates.", "During these displays, the male peacock will spread his tail feathers and fan them out to create a large, colorful fan.", "The female peacock will then choose a mate based on the size and beauty of his tail feathers.", "Peacocks are also known for their intelligence and ability to learn.", "They can be trained to perform tricks and can even be taught to talk.", "In addition to their beauty and intelligence, peacocks are also important members of the ecosystem.", "They help to control the population of insects and other pests, and their droppings can help to fertilize the soil."], "trgs": ["U pavu \u00e8 n'ace\u1e0d\u1e0du granni e culurutu ca veni di l'Asia.", "\u00c8 canusciutu p\u00fb so be\u1e0d\u1e0du chiumaggiu, fattu di chiumi virdi, blu e viola ridiscenti.", "I pavi su' macari canusciuti p\u00ee so traficusi parati di cucciulijati, cu cu' si m\u00f2vinu p'alluzziari i cumpagni.", "Mentri ca fannu sti parati, i pavi m\u00e0sculi r\u00e0pinu i chiumi d\u00e2 cuda comu un muscaloru pi criari na rota granni e culuruta.", "U pavu f\u00ecmmina scegghi u cumpagnu partennu d\u00e2 grannizza e d\u00e2 bi\u1e0d\u1e0dizza d\u00ee chiumi d\u00e2 cuda.", "I pavi su' macari canusciuti p\u00e2 so spirtizza e p\u00fb versu a nzign\u00e0risi cosi.", "Si ci po nzignari di fari joca e macari nzign\u00e0rici a parrari.", "Urtra a so bi\u1e0d\u1e0dizza e spirtizza, i pavi su' puru m\u00e8mmira mpurtanti di l'ecusistema.", "Ajutanu a t\u00e8niri cuntrullatu u n\u00f9mmaru di nzetti e ammammati, e quannu sbr\u00e0zzanu ajutanu a nutricari u tirrenu."], "factuality": "has_errors", "is_src_orig": true} +{"id": "topic_164__ittittiiii", "sl": "en", "tl": "scn", "srcs": ["I sit on the edge of the bed, my feet dangling over the side.", "The air is thick with the smell of sweat and sex.", "The sheets are tangled around my legs, and I can feel the warm imprint of his body on the mattress next to me.", "I reach for the postcard on the nightstand and write my name and address on the front.", "Then I turn it over and begin to write \"Dearest Ted,\" I write. \"I'm having the time of my life here in Italy.", "The weather is perfect, the food is delicious, and the people are so friendly.", "I've been swimming in the ocean, exploring the ruins of ancient cities, and eating the best things the country has to offer.\"", "I think of Ted's disintrest in outdoor activities and his bland cooking. I glance at Alfonso.", "\"I'm enclosing this postcard with a picture of the beach where I'm staying.", "It's a beautiful spot, with white sand and crystal-clear water.\""], "trgs": ["M'assettu 'n pizzu \u00f4 lettu, ch\u00ee pedi ca pinnul\u00ecjanu a latu.", "L'ariu \u00e8 mpregnu di ci\u00e0guru di suduri e sessu.", "I linzola su' nturciunijati ntornu \u00ea me jammi, e pozzu s\u00e8ntiri l'urma d\u00fb so corpu caudu nn\u00f4 matarazzu a latu a mia.", "Pigghiu a cartuli\u1e0d\u1e0da ncapu \u00e2 culunnetta e scrivu nomu e ndrizzu davanzi.", "Appoi la firriju e accuminciu a scr\u00ecviri. \"Caru Ted\", scrivu, \"Mi staju addivirtennu di m\u00f2riri cca 'n Italia.", "Lu tempu \u00e8 pirfettu, u manciari \u00e8 bonu assai, e li cristiani su' accuss\u00ec carinusi.", "Natavi nta l'uc\u00ecanu, mi caminavi ruini di cit\u00e0 antichi e manciavi i megghiu cosi ca stu pajisi \u00e0vi di \u00f2ffriri", "Penzu \u00f4 sdintrissu di Ted ncapu \u00ea cosi di fari fora e a so manera di c\u00f2ciri ca nun sapi di nenti. Tal\u00ecu a Fonzu.", "\"Liju sta cartuli\u1e0d\u1e0da cu na fotu d\u00e2 praja unni m'attrovu.", "\"\u00c8 un postu be\u1e0d\u1e0du, c\u00e2 rina janca e l'acqua chiara chiara\""], "factuality": "ok", "is_src_orig": true} +{"id": "cameroon_historical__ttitdtiic", "sl": "en", "tl": "scn", "srcs": ["The history of Cameroon is long and complex, dating back to the earliest human settlements in the region.", "The area was first settled by Bantu peoples around 3000 BCE, and it was later conquered by the Kanem-Bornu Empire in the 11th century.", "In the 15th century, the Portuguese arrived in Cameroon and established trade relations with the local people.", "The region was later colonized by Germany in the 1880s, and it became a German colony known as Kamerun.", "During World War I, Cameroon was occupied by British and French forces, and it was divided between the two countries after the war.", "The British-controlled region became known as Southern Cameroons, while the French-controlled region became known as French Cameroon.", "In 1960, Southern Cameroons became independent from Britain, and it merged with French Cameroon to form the Federal Republic of Cameroon.", "In 1972, the federal system was abolished and Cameroon became a unitary state.", "Cameroon has experienced a number of political and economic challenges in recent years."], "trgs": ["A storia d\u00fb Cameroon \u00e8 longa e traficusa, ca \u00e0vi ur\u00ecgginu ch\u00ee primi prisenzi umani nt\u00e2 riggiuni.", "L'aria fu culunizzata p\u00e2 prima vota d\u00ee Bantu ntunnu \u00f4 3000 a.C, e fu cunquistata cchi\u00f9 tardi d\u00fb Mperu Kanem-Bornu nta l'XI s\u00e8culu.", "Nt\u00f4 XV s\u00e8culu, i purtughisi arrivaru nn\u00f4 Cameroon e stabbileru rilazzioni cummirciali ch\u00ee p\u00f2puli lucali.", "A riggiuni fu doppu culunizzata d\u00e2 Girmania nta l'anni Uttanta d\u00fb 1800 e divintau na culonia tidisca ntisa comu Kamerun.", "Duranti a Prima Guerra munniali, u Cameroon fu uccupatu d\u00ee forzi Brit\u00e0nnichi e Francisi e fu spartutu ntra i du' pajisi doppu a guerra.", "A riggiuni cuntrullata d\u00ee brit\u00e0nnici pigghiau u nomu di Cameroon d\u00fb Suddi, mentri a riggiuni cuntrullata d\u00ee francisi addivintau ntisa c\u00fb nomu di Cameroon Francisi.", "Nt\u00f4 1960, u Cameroon d\u00fb Suddi addivintau nnipinnenti d\u00e2 Britagna e si junc\u00ecu c\u00fb Cameroon Francisi furmannu a Rip\u00f9bblica Fidirali di Cameroon.", "Nn\u00f4 1972, u sistema fidirali fu abbulutu e u Cameroon divintau nu statu junciutu.", "U Cameroon \u00e0vi attravirsatu na seri di sfidi sfidi pul\u00ectichi e can\u00f2mici nta l'\u00f9rtimi anni."], "factuality": "ok", "is_src_orig": true} +{"id": "topic_61__mesgspgttttg", "sl": "en", "tl": "scn", "srcs": ["Mystery surrounds disappearance of Eva Green.", "Eva Green, a 25-year-old woman from London, has been missing for over a week.", "She was last seen on February 25th, leaving her apartment in the city's Notting Hill neighborhood.", "Green is described as being 5'6\" tall, with long brown hair and green eyes.", "She was last seen wearing a black coat, jeans, and a white t-shirt.", "Police have said that they are concerned for Green's safety and are asking anyone with information about her whereabouts to come forward.", "Green's family and friends are desperate for news of her.", "They have been posting flyers and distributing missing person's posters around the city.", "They have also set up a Facebook page to help spread the word about her disappearance.", "The police have not yet released any information about possible suspects or motives in Green's disappearance.", "They are asking anyone with information to come forward, no matter how small.", "Green's disappearance is a mystery, but her family and friends are hopeful that she will be found safe and sound."], "trgs": ["Tanti misteri cci su' ncapu \u00e2 scumparuta di Eva Green.", "Eva Green, na f\u00ecmmina vinticinchina di L\u00f2nnira, \u00e0vi na simana ca spar\u00ecu.", "Fu vista l'\u00f9rtima vota u 25 frivaru, ca lassau a so casa nn\u00f4 vicinatu d\u00e2 cit\u00e0 di Notting Hill.", "Green \u00e8 discrivuta comu auta 5 pedi e 6 pusera, ch\u00ee capi\u1e0d\u1e0di longhi e marr\u00f2 e l'occhi virdi.", "Fu vista l'\u00f9rtima vota azzizzata cu na bunaca n\u00ecgura, jeans e na magghia janca.", "A pulizz\u00eca dissi ca su mpignati p\u00e2 sarbizza di Green e stannu spiannu a tutti chi\u1e0d\u1e0di ca ponnu aviri nfurmazzioni ncapu a unni si po attruvari di f\u00e0rsisi avanti.", "A famigghia e l'amici di Green su' anziusi d'aviri nuvit\u00e0.", "Appizzaru vulantini e sparteru manifesti di cristianu scumparutu pi tutta a cit\u00e0.", "Raperu macari na p\u00e0ggina Facebook pi ajutari a diff\u00f9nniri a vuci d\u00e2 so scumparuta.", "A pulizz\u00eca ancora nun pubblicau nfurmazzioni ncapu puss\u00ecbbili suspetti o scaciuna d\u00e2 scumparuta di Green.", "Stannu spiannu a cu' \u00e8-\u00e8 ca po aviri nfurmazzioni di f\u00e0risi avanti, picca mporta di quantu su' nichi.", "A scumparuta di Green \u00e8 un misteru, ma a so famigghia e l'amici su' spiranzusi ca veni asciata sana e sarba."], "factuality": "ok", "is_src_orig": true} +{"id": "stt_546__tityniyttbisotwahstibyiw", "sl": "en", "tl": "scn", "srcs": ["Trimming your dog's nails is a necessary part of grooming, but it can be a daunting task for some pet owners.", "If you're not sure how to trim your dog's nails, don't worry - it's easier than you think.", "The first step is to gather your supplies.", "You'll need a pair of sharp scissors or a nail clipper, a styptic powder or pencil, and a towel.", "Next, you'll need to clip your dog's nails in a comfortable place.", "If your dog is nervous, try clipping their nails in a quiet room where they can't see out the window.", "You may also want to have someone help you hold your dog still.", "To trim your dog's nails, start by gently grasping their paw.", "Then, use your scissors or clippers to clip the tip of the nail.", "Be careful not to cut too short, as this can cause pain and bleeding.", "If you do cut your dog's nail too short, apply a styptic powder or pencil to stop the bleeding.", "Styptic powders and pencils are available at most pet stores.", "Once you've trimmed all of your dog's nails, be sure to reward them with a treat.", "Trimming nails can be a stressful experience for some dogs, so it's important to make it a positive experience.", "With a little practice, you'll be able to trim your dog's nails like a pro.", "And your dog will be happy to have their nails trimmed, too!", "Here are a few additional tips for trimming your dog's nails:", "* Start by trimming the nails on your dog's front paws.", "This is usually the easiest place to start.", "* If your dog is nervous, try trimming their nails one at a time.", "* Be sure to trim the nails evenly.", "You don't want one nail to be shorter than the others.", "* If you're not sure how to trim your dog's nails, ask your veterinarian or a groomer for help.", "With a little care and attention, you can keep your dog's nails trimmed and healthy."], "trgs": ["Tagghiari l'ugna d\u00fb to cani \u00e8 na parti nicissaria d\u00e2 tulettatura, ma po \u00e8ssiri un c\u00f2mpitu sbarruusu pi quarchi prupitariu di armali dum\u00e8stici.", "Si\u1e0d\u1e0du nun s\u00ec sicuru di comu tagghiari l'ugna d\u00fb to cani, nun ti frasturnari - \u00e8 cchi\u00f9 f\u00e0cili di chi\u1e0d\u1e0du ca penzi.", "U primu passu \u00e8 ric\u00f2gghiri u to matiriali.", "Ti gi\u00f9vanu un paru di f\u00f2rfici ammulati o un tagghiaugna, na pr\u00f9vuli st\u00ecptica o un l\u00e0pisi e n'asciucamanu.", "Doppu, h\u00e2 tagghiari l'ugna d\u00fb to cani nt\u00f4n locu c\u00f2mmudu.", "Si u to cani \u00e8 nirbusu, prova a tagghi\u00e0rici l'ugna nta na c\u00e0mmara cueta unni nun ponnu v\u00ecdiri fora d\u00e2 finestra.", "Putissi macari addumannari a quarchidunu di ajut\u00e0riti a fari m\u00f2viri fermu u to cani.", "Pi tagghiari l'ugna d\u00fb to cani, accumenza acchiappannu dilicatu a ciampa.", "Appoi, usa a to f\u00f2rficia o u tagghiaugna pi tagghiari u pizzu di l'ugnu.", "Sta' accura a nun tagghiallu troppu curtu, picch\u00ec chistu putissi causari duluri e sanguinamentu.", "Si tagghi l'ugnu d\u00fb to cani troppu curtu, \u00e0pprica na pr\u00f9vuli st\u00ecptica o u l\u00e0bbisi pi firmari u sanguinamentu.", "Pr\u00f9vuli st\u00ecptichi e l\u00e0pisi su' dispun\u00ecbbili nt\u00e2 majur\u00eca d\u00ee putiji di armali.", "Comu tagghiasti tutti l'ugna d\u00fb to cani, assic\u00f9rati di ricumpinzallu cu un vuccune\u1e0d\u1e0du.", "Tagghiari l'ugna po \u00e8ssiri na spirienza fatigusa pi quarchi cani, adunca \u00e8 mpurtanti rinnilla na spirienza pusitiva.", "Cu picca pr\u00e0ttica, riniscirai a taghi\u00e0rici l'ugna \u00f4 to cani comu un mastru.", "E u to cani sar\u00e0 filici di f\u00e0risi tagghiari l'ugna, sparti!", "Eccu quarchi cunzigghiu superchiu pi tagghi\u00e0rici l'ugna \u00f4 to cani:", "* Accumincia a tagghiari l'ugna nt\u00ea ciampi davanzi d\u00fb to cani.", "Di s\u00f2litu \u00e8 banna cchi\u00f9 f\u00e0cili di unni p\u00e0rtiri.", "* Si\u1e0d\u1e0du u to cani \u00e8 nirbusu, prova a tagghi\u00e0rici l'ugna unu a unu.", "* Assic\u00f9rati di tagghi\u00e0rici l'ugna avali.", "Nun si voli aviri n'ugnu cchi\u00f9 curtu di l'autri.", "* Si nun s\u00ec sicuru di ocmu tagghiari l'ugna d\u00fb to cani, adumanna ajutu \u00f4 to vitirinariu o tulettaturi.", "Cu tanticchia di cura e attinzioni, po mant\u00e8niri l'ugna d\u00fb to cani curati e sani."], "factuality": "ok", "is_src_orig": true} +{"id": "ivory_coast__itghihgitth", "sl": "en", "tl": "scn", "srcs": ["Ivory Coast is a country in West Africa that has been in the midst of a civil war since 2010.", "The conflict began after incumbent president Laurent Gbagbo refused to accept defeat in the 2010 presidential election.", "Gbagbo was eventually ousted by forces loyal to Alassane Ouattara, who was declared the winner of the election.", "However, the conflict has continued, with sporadic violence breaking out in the country.", "In 2017, there were hopes that the country would finally be able to move on from the civil war.", "However, these hopes were dashed when Gbagbo was acquitted of charges of crimes against humanity by the International Criminal Court.", "Gbagbo's acquittal was seen as a blow to the peace process, and it led to renewed violence in the country.", "In 2018, the United Nations Security Council imposed sanctions on Gbagbo and his supporters.", "The sanctions were aimed at pressuring Gbagbo to end his support for violence in the country.", "The sanctions have had some success, and there has been a decrease in violence in Ivory Coast since they were imposed.", "However, the country is still far from stable."], "trgs": ["A Costa d'Avoliu \u00e8 na nazzioni di l'\u00c0frica punintina ca \u00e0' statu 'n menzu a na guerra civili a accuminciari d\u00fb 2010.", "A guerra accuminciau doppu ca u prisidenti ncarricatu Laurent Gbagbo nun vosi accittari a disfatta a l'a\u1e0d\u1e0dijuti prisidinziali d\u00fb 2010.", "\u00c2 fini Gbagbo fu scanciatu d\u00ee forzi fidati cu Alessane Ouattara, ca fu numinatu vincituri di l'a\u1e0d\u1e0dijuti.", "Cumunca, a guerra cuntinuau, cu viulenza ogni tantu pedi pedi p\u00e2 nazzioni.", "Nt\u00f4 2017, cci fu spiranza ca a nazzioni arriniscissi na vota pi tutti a finiri a guerra civili.", "Cumunca, sti spiranzi si stuccaru quannu Gbagbo fu libbiratu di l'accusi di cr\u00ecmini contra a l'umanit\u00e0 d\u00e2 Curti Criminali Ntirnazziunali.", "A libbirt\u00e0 di Gbagbo fu vista comu na mazzulijata \u00f4 prucessu di paci, a purtau a nova viulenza nn\u00f4 pajisi.", "Nn\u00f4 2018, u Cunzigghiu d\u00e2 Sicurizza d\u00ee Nazzioni Junciuti nzitau sanziona pi Gbagbo e sicutura.", "I sanzioni av\u00ecanu lu scopu di fari prissioni a Gbagbo di finiri u supportu p\u00e2 viulenza nn\u00f4 pajisi.", "I sanzioni \u00e0ppiru successu, e partennu di quannu foru nzitati, a viulenza nn\u00e2 Costa d'Avoliu calau.", "Cumunca, u pajisi \u00e8 ancora arrassu di l'\u00e8ssiri st\u00e0bbili."], "factuality": "has_errors", "is_src_orig": true} +{"id": "topic_309__totsrhattswih", "sl": "en", "tl": "scn", "srcs": ["There are many different ways to do laundry, from using a traditional washing machine and dryer to more eco-friendly methods like hand washing and line drying.", "One way to do laundry without using a machine is to hand wash your clothes in a basin or sink.", "To do this, fill the basin with warm water and add a small amount of laundry detergent.", "Soak your clothes for a few minutes, then scrub them with a washcloth or brush.", "Rinse your clothes thoroughly in clean water, then wring them out.", "Hang your clothes to dry on a clothesline or drying rack.", "Another option is to use a washing machine without a dryer.", "This can save energy and money, but it does require more time and effort.", "To wash clothes in a machine without a dryer, fill the machine with water and add laundry detergent.", "Set the machine to the appropriate cycle, then start it.", "When the cycle is complete, remove your clothes from the machine and hang them to dry.", "If you live in an area with a lot of rain, you may be able to use the rain to help you dry your clothes.", "Hang your clothes on a clothesline outside in the rain."], "trgs": ["Cci su' tanti maneri diversi di fari a lisc\u00eca, di l'usu d\u00e2 lavatrici e di l'asciucatrici tradizziunali a maneri cchi\u00f9 ecul\u00f2ggichi comu u lavari i robbi a manu o stinnilli fora.", "Na manera pi fari a lisc\u00eca senza usari na lavatrici e lavari i to robbi a manu nt\u00f4n vacili o nta na pila.", "Pi fallu, jinchi u vacili cu acqua cauda e agghiunci na quantit\u00e0 nica di ditirsivu pi robbi.", "Lassa i to robbi a mo\u1e0d\u1e0du pi quarchi minutu, appoi str\u00eccali cu na mappina o na scupitta.", "Sguazza i to robbi accuratamenti 'n acqua pulita, doppu munc\u00ectili.", "Appizza i to robbi a asciucari supra \u00f4n ferru filatu o nu stennirrobbi.", "N'autra a\u1e0d\u1e0dijuta \u00e8 usari na lavatrici senza n'asciucatrici.", "Chistu po fari sparagnari enirg\u00eca e sordi, ma dumanna cchi\u00f9 tempu e mpignu.", "Pi lavari i robbi nna na lavatrici senza n'asciucatrici, all\u00ecnchila cu acqua e agghiunci u ditirisivu pi robbi.", "Mposta a lavatrici nn\u00f4 ciclu apprupiatu, appoi abb\u00ecala.", "Quannu \u00e8 u ciclu \u00e8 cumpletu, leva i robbi d\u00e2 lavatrici e app\u00e8nnili a asciucari.", "Si stai nta n'aria unni chiovi assai, putissi macari usari l'acqua pi asciucari i to robbi.", "Apizza i to robbi supra \u00f4n ferru filatu fora mentri ca chiovi."], "factuality": "has_errors", "is_src_orig": true} +{"id": "topic_128__itttitatiotothtseaeb", "sl": "en", "tl": "scn", "srcs": ["In the beginning, there was only darkness.", "The universe was a vast, empty void.", "Then, out of the darkness, came a spark.", "This spark was the first sign of life in the universe.", "It grew and expanded, becoming a small ball of fire.", "This ball of fire was the sun.", "Around the sun, the planets began to form.", "The Earth was the third planet from the sun.", "It was a small, rocky planet with a thin atmosphere.", "On the Earth, the first living things began to appear.", "These were simple organisms, such as bacteria and algae.", "Over time, these organisms evolved into more complex forms of life, such as plants and animals.", "The first humans appeared on Earth about 200,000 years ago.", "Humans have evolved and developed to become the dominant species on Earth.", "The universe is still expanding and evolving.", "Scientists believe that it will continue to expand for billions of years.", "Eventually, the universe will reach a point where it can no longer expand.", "At this point, the universe will begin to contract.", "Eventually, the universe will collapse in on itself and disappear.", "But even though the universe may end, the story of life will continue."], "trgs": ["N principiu, cc'era sulu u scuru.", "L'universu era un granni nenti vacanti.", "Poi, fora d\u00fb scuru, assummau na spisi\u1e0d\u1e0da.", "Sta spisi\u1e0d\u1e0da era u primu signu di vita nta l'universu.", "Crisc\u00ecu e si spann\u00ecu, addivintannu na ba\u1e0d\u1e0duzza di focu.", "Sta ba\u1e0d\u1e0da di focu era u suli.", "Ntunnu \u00f4 suli, i chianiti s'accuminciaru a furmari.", "A Terra era u terzu chianita partennu d\u00fb suli.", "Era un chianita nicu, pitrusu e cu n'atmusfera fini.", "Nn\u00e2 Terra, i primi cosi viventi accuminzaru a cump\u00e0riri.", "\u00c8ranu urgan\u00ecsimi s\u00ecmplici, comu batteri e \u00e0lichi.", "C\u00fb tempu, st'urgan\u00ecsimi s'evuluzziunaru 'n furmi cchi\u00f9 traficusi di vita, comu chianti e armali.", "I primi umani cumpareru nn\u00e2 Terra ammeri a 200.000 anni arreri.", "L'umani s'evuluzziunaru e sbilupparu p'addivintari a speci duminanti d\u00e2 Terra", "L'universu ancora sta criscennu e sbiluppannu.", "I scinziati cr\u00ecdinu ca h\u00e2 cr\u00ecsciri ancora pi miliardi d'anni.", "\u00c2 fini, l'universu h\u00e2 arrivari a un puntu unni nun po cr\u00ecsciri cchi\u00f9.", "A \u1e0d\u1e0du puntu, l'universu accumincia a strinc\u00ecrisi.", "\u00c2 fini, l'universu h\u00e2 sdirrup\u00e0risi di nco\u1e0d\u1e0du e scump\u00e0riri.", "Ma macari c\u00e2 fini d\u00fb munnu, a storia d\u00e2 vita cuntinuar\u00e0."], "factuality": "ok", "is_src_orig": true} +{"id": "topic_294__iitraboyy", "sl": "en", "tl": "scn", "srcs": ["I'm concerned about the environment and the impact that climate change is having on our planet.", "I'm also a big fan of technology and gadgets, so I'm always looking for ways to reduce my carbon footprint without sacrificing my lifestyle.", "That's why I'm so excited about renewable and alternative energy sources.", "Renewable energy is energy that comes from sources that are naturally replenished, such as solar, wind, and water power.", "Alternative energy is energy that comes from sources that are not traditionally used for power generation, such as biomass and geothermal energy.", "Both renewable and alternative energy sources are clean and sustainable, meaning they don't produce greenhouse gases or other pollutants.", "One of the best ways to make a difference is to switch to renewable energy sources for your home.", "You can do this by installing solar panels on your roof, buying a wind turbine, or signing up for a green power plan from your utility company.", "You can also reduce your energy consumption by unplugging appliances when you're not using them, turning off the lights when you leave a room, and using energy-efficient appliances."], "trgs": ["Sugnu pruccupata pi l'ammienti e u mpattu ca u canciamentu clim\u00e0ticu sta avennu ncapu \u00f4 nostru chianita.", "Sugnu macari appassiunata di tecnulugg\u00eca e gadget, adunca cercu sempri maneri pi ridd\u00f9ciri u me rastu di carboniu senza sagrificari u me stili di vita.", "Eccu picch\u00ec sugnu accuss\u00ec emuzziunata p\u00ee funti di enirg\u00eca rinuv\u00e0bbili e autirnativi.", "L'enirg\u00eca rinuv\u00e0bbili \u00e8 l'enirg\u00eca ca veni di funti ca su' arrivisciuti naturarmenti, comu l'enirg\u00eca sulari, e\u00f2lica e \u00ecdrica.", "L'enirg\u00eca autirnativa e n'enirg\u00eca ca veni di funti ca di s\u00f2litu nun su' usati pi prud\u00f9ciri enirg\u00eca.", "Sia i funti di enirg\u00eca rinuv\u00e0bbili ca chi\u1e0d\u1e0di autirnativi su' puliti e sustin\u00ecbbili, vali a diri ca nun prud\u00f9cinu gas serra o autri nquinanti.", "Una d\u00ee megghiu maneri pi fari a diffirenza \u00e8 passari a funti di enirg\u00eca rinuv\u00e0bbili p\u00e2 to casa.", "U po' fari nzitannu panne\u1e0d\u1e0di sulari nt\u00f4 to tettu, accattannu na turbina a ventu o suttascrivennu un chianu di enirg\u00eca virdi p\u00e2 to azzienna el\u00e8ttrica.", "Po' ridd\u00f9ciri u to sfardu di enirg\u00eca macari scippannu a spina a l'elettrudum\u00e8stici quannu nun i sta' usannu, astutannu a luci quannu nesci di na stanza e usannu elettrudum\u00e8stici a sfardu vasciu."], "factuality": "has_errors", "is_src_orig": true} +{"id": "topic_105__tibohwhttthtttt", "sl": "en", "tl": "scn", "srcs": ["The old wooden boat sat on the shore, its sails furled and its hull weathered by the sun and the rain.", "It had seen many years of service, carrying its owners on voyages to far-off lands.", "But now, it was retired, its days of sailing over.", "One day, a young boy named Thomas came to the beach.", "He had heard stories about the old boat, and he was eager to see it for himself.", "When he saw the boat, he was amazed by its size and its beauty.", "He could imagine himself sailing off on adventures in the vast ocean.", "Thomas asked the owner of the boat if he could take a closer look.", "The owner smiled and said, \"Of course you can. Come aboard!\"", "Thomas climbed into the boat and sat down in the captain's chair.", "He looked out over the water and imagined himself sailing away to a faraway land.", "The owner of the boat watched Thomas for a moment, then said, \"Do you want to learn how to sail?\"", "Thomas' eyes widened \"Yes\" he said.", "The owner of the boat smiled again.", "\"Then I'll teach you,\" he said."], "trgs": ["A varca di lignu vecchia era jittata a ripa ch\u00ee vila calati e lu scafu sfardatu d\u00fb suli e di l'acqua.", "Vitti tanti anni di sirbizza, carrijannu i prupitari pi viaggi nzinu a terri arrassu.", "Ma ora fu ritirata, i jorna di navicari fineru.", "Un jornu, un picciottu di nomu Thomas j\u00ecu \u00e2 praja.", "Ntisi quarchi storia ncapu \u00e2 vecchia varca, e addisijava di talialla ch\u00ee so occhi.", "Quannu vitti a varca, fu maravigghiatu d\u00e2 so grannizza e bi\u1e0d\u1e0dizza.", "Put\u00eca mmagginari di navic\u00e0rici p'avinturi nna l'uc\u00ecanu granni.", "Thomas dumannau \u00f4 prupitariu d\u00e2 varca si\u1e0d\u1e0du ci put\u00eca dunari na taliata di vicinu.", "U prupitariu surrid\u00ecu e dissi: \"Certu ca poi. Acchiana!\"", "Thomas muntau nn\u00e2 varca e s'assittau nn\u00e2 seggia d\u00fb capitanu.", "Taliau fora nta l'acqua e si mmagginau a i\u1e0d\u1e0du ca navicava via terri terri arrassu.", "U prupitariu d\u00e2 varca taliau a Thomas p'un mumentu, poi ci dissi: \"T\u00fb vo' nzignari comu navicari?\"", "L'occhi di Thomas si raperu \"Se\" dissi.", "U prupitariu d\u00e2 varca surrid\u00ecu arr\u00e8.", "\"Allura t\u00fb nzignu\" dissi."], "factuality": "ok", "is_src_orig": true} +{"id": "topic_328__sjijwjijiwjbsajijiij", "sl": "en", "tl": "scn", "srcs": ["Scene: Two friends, Jasmine and Joseph, are sitting at a coffee shop.", "Jasmine: I'm so glad you could meet me today, Joseph.", "I really need your help.", "Joseph: Anything for you, Jasmine.", "What's going on?", "Jasmine: I'm having a really tough time at work.", "I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to keep my job.", "Joseph: Oh no, Jasmine.", "I'm so sorry to hear that.", "What's going on?", "Jasmine: It's a long story.", "But basically, my boss is really unfair to me.", "She's always picking on me and making me do all the worst jobs.", "And she's not even giving me a fair chance.", "Joseph: That's terrible, Jasmine.", "I can't believe she's treating you like that.", "Jasmine: I know.", "I'm so stressed out about it.", "I don't know what to do.", "Joseph: Well, first of all, you need to take a deep breath and calm down."], "trgs": ["Scena: Du' amici, Jasmin e Joseph, su' assittati nta un caf\u00e8.", "Jasmine: Sugnu accuss\u00ec cuntenta ca mi ncuntrasti oji, Joseph.", "Mi giuva assai u to ajutu.", "Joseph: Tuttu pi tia, Jasmine.", "Chi fu?", "Jasmine: Staju avennu tr\u00e0fichi \u00f4 travagghiu.", "Nun sacciu si rinesciu a mant\u00e8niri u me travagghiu.", "Joseph: Oh no, Jasmine.", "Mi dispiaci sintillu.", "Chi succid\u00ecu?", "Jasmine: \u00c8 na storia longa.", "Ma, pratticamentu, u me capu \u00e8 stortu cu mia.", "Mi buffunija sempri e mi fa fari tutti i peggiu travagghi.", "E nun mi sta dannu mancu n'uppurtunit\u00e0 giusta.", "Joseph: \u00c8 tirr\u00ecbbili, Jasmine.", "Nun pozzu cr\u00ecdiri ca ti sta trattannu accu\u1e0d\u1e0d\u00ec.", "Jasmine: U sacciu.", "Sugnu accuss\u00ec nirbusa pi chistu.", "Nun sacciu c'\u00e0ju a fari.", "Joseph: Be', comu prima cosa, h\u00e2 fari un rispiru funnutu e t'h\u00e2 carmari."], "factuality": "ok", "is_src_orig": true} +{"id": "topic_244__ththtihth", "sl": "en", "tl": "scn", "srcs": ["The smell of fresh-baked bread wafted through the air as the baker pulled a tray of golden brown loaves from the oven.", "He carefully set them on a cooling rack and smiled, pleased with his work.", "The loaves were perfectly browned and had a delicious aroma that made his mouth water.", "He couldn't wait to try one!", "The baker cut a slice of bread and took a bite.", "It was even better than he had imagined, with a soft, chewy texture and a rich, flavorful taste.", "He closed his eyes and savored the moment, enjoying the feeling of contentment that came from eating something so delicious.", "The baker knew that he was lucky to have the ability to bake such delicious bread.", "He took pride in his work and was always happy to share his creations with others."], "trgs": ["U c\u00ecaguru d\u00fb pani appena sfurnatu alijava nta l'aria comu u furnaru nisciva d\u00fb furnu na nguantera di vaste\u1e0d\u1e0di durati.", "L'appujau, stannu accura, supra a na gradigghia di rifriddamentu e surrid\u00ecu, satisfattu d\u00fb so travagghiu.", "I vaste\u1e0d\u1e0di \u00e8ranu pirfettamenti duranti e av\u00e8vanu n'aroma dilizziusa ca ci faciva sm\u00f2viri u pitittu.", "Nun vid\u00eca l'ura di tast\u00e0rinni una!", "U furnaru tagghiau na fe\u1e0d\u1e0da di pani e ci desi un muzzicuni.", "Era macari megghiu di chi\u1e0d\u1e0du s'\u00e2va mmagginatu, cu na cunzistenza mo\u1e0d\u1e0da e gummusa e un sapuri riccu e sapurusu.", "Chid\u00ecu l'occhi e nzapurau u mumentu, gud\u00e8nnusi u senzu di piaciri ca manciari quarchi cosa accuss\u00ec gn\u00e8schisi av\u00eca fattu v\u00e8niri.", "U furnaru sap\u00eca ca era assurtatu ca era capaci a fari un pani dilizziusu di sta manera .", "Era rigugghiusu d\u00fb so travagghiu ed era sempri filici di sp\u00e0rtiri i so criazzioni cu l'autri."], "factuality": "ok", "is_src_orig": true} +{"id": "stt_682__tithitcitsud", "sl": "en", "tl": "scn", "srcs": ["The type of fish you choose will depend on your personal preferences and the intended use for the fish.", "If you are looking for a fish that is high in omega-3 fatty acids, then you may want to choose a wild river fish.", "These fish are typically lower in contaminants than farm-raised fish.", "However, wild river fish can be more expensive and difficult to find.", "If you are looking for a fish that is mild in flavor and easy to cook, then you may want to choose a calm lake fish.", "These fish are typically not as high in omega-3 fatty acids as wild river fish, but they are still a good source of protein and other nutrients.", "Calm lake fish are also typically more affordable and easier to find than wild river fish.", "If you are looking for a fish that is low in cost and easy to care for, then you may want to choose a stock pond farm raised variety.", "These fish are typically raised in controlled environments and are fed a diet that is designed to promote growth.", "Stock pond farm raised fish are typically not as high in omega-3 fatty acids as wild river or calm lake fish, but they are still a good source of protein and other nutrients.", "Ultimately, the best type of fish for you will depend on your individual needs and preferences.", "Do some research to learn more about the different types of fish available and choose the one that is right for you."], "trgs": ["U tipu di pisci ca scarti addipenni d\u00fb to gustu pirsunali e l'usu addisijatu p\u00fb pisci.", "Si cerchi un pisci chinu di \u00e0citi grasci omega-3, allura putissi scartari un pisci di ciumi sarbaggiu.", "Sti pisci su' di s\u00f2litu su' cchi\u00f9 picca nfizziunati di chi\u1e0d\u1e0di d'a\u1e0d\u1e0divamentu.", "Cumunca, i pisci di ciumi sarbaggi su' cchi\u00f9 custusi e difficili d'asciari.", "Si\u1e0d\u1e0du cerchi un pisci ca \u00e8 leggiu di sapuri e f\u00e0cili di c\u00f2ciri, allura putissi vuliri scartari un pisci di lacu cuetu.", "Sti pisci di s\u00f2litu nun su' chini di \u00e0citi grasci omega-3 comu i pisci di ciumi sarbaggi, ma su' cumunca na bona funti di prutiini e autri nutricanti.", "I pisci di lacu cueti di s\u00f2litu su' macari cchi\u00f9 vasci di costu e f\u00e0cili di asciari d\u00ee pisci di ciumi sarbaggi.", "Si sta' circannu un pisci ca \u00e8 vasciu di costu e f\u00e0cili di curari, putissi vuliri scartari na variet\u00e0 a\u1e0d\u1e0divata nta n'a\u1e0d\u1e0divamentu nta l'ammarrati.", "Sti pisci di s\u00f2litu vennu a\u1e0d\u1e0divati nta ammienti cuntrullati e su' nutricati cu na dieta pinzata p'avanzari a cr\u00ecscita.", "I pisci d'a\u1e0d\u1e0divamentu d'ammarrata di s\u00f2litu nun su' chini di \u00e0citi grasci omega-3 comu \u00ea pisci di ciumi sarbaggi o chi\u1e0d\u1e0di di lacu cueti, ma su' cumunca na bona funti di prutiini e autri nutricanti", "Pi cunchi\u00f9jiri, u megghiu tipu di pisci pi tia addipenni d\u00ee to bisogni e gusti pirsunali.", "Fai quarchi risciduta pi nzign\u00e0riti cchi\u00f9 assai cosi ncapu \u00ea tipi di pisci dispun\u00ecbbili e scarta chi\u1e0d\u1e0du cchi\u00f9 giustu pi tia."], "factuality": "has_errors", "is_src_orig": true} +{"id": "topic_100__ufwoeittssti", "sl": "en", "tl": "scn", "srcs": ["Unsolved mysteries have captured the public's imagination for centuries.", "From the disappearance of Amelia Earhart to the identity of Jack the Ripper, these cases have left us wondering what really happened.", "While some of these mysteries may never be solved, they continue to fascinate us because they offer a glimpse into the unknown.", "One of the most famous unsolved mysteries is the disappearance of Amelia Earhart.", "Earhart was an American aviator who became the first woman to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean.", "In 1937, she set out on an around-the-world flight with navigator Fred Noonan.", "The pair disappeared over the Pacific Ocean on July 2, 1937, and their fate remains unknown.", "There are many theories about what happened to Earhart and Noonan.", "Some believe that they crashed into the ocean, while others believe that they were captured by the Japanese.", "Still others believe that they deliberately disappeared in order to escape the public eye.", "The mystery of Earhart's disappearance has been the subject of books, articles, and documentaries.", "In 2017, a team of researchers announced that they had found evidence that Earhart's plane crashed on a remote island in the Pacific Ocean."], "trgs": ["I misteri senza risurbuti \u00e0nnu pigghiatu a mmagginazzioni d\u00fb p\u00f9bblicu p\u00ee s\u00e8culi.", "D\u00e2 scumparuta di Amelia Earhart nzinu a l'identit\u00e0 di Jack u Quartijaturi, sti casi ni lassaru mmagginari zoccu succid\u00ecu pi daveru.", "Macari ca quarchi misteru di chisti capaci ca nun veni mai risurbutu, cuntinua a ammag\u00e0rini picch\u00ec ni offri na taliata \u00f4 sc\u00f2gnitu.", "Unu d\u00ee misteri senza risurbuti cchi\u00f9 famusi \u00e8 a scumparuta di Amelia Earhart.", "Earhart fu n'aviatrici miricana ca addivintau a prima f\u00ecmmina a vulari a sula pi l'uc\u00ecanu Atl\u00e0nticu.", "Nt\u00f4 1937, part\u00ecu p'un volu ntunnu \u00f4 munnu c\u00fb navicaturi Fred Noonan.", "A cucchia scumpar\u00ecu ncapu a l'uc\u00ecanu Pac\u00ecficu u 2 giugnettu 1937, e u so fatu arresta scanusciutu.", "Cci su' assai tiur\u00eci ncapu a zoccu succid\u00ecu a Earhart e Noonan.", "Quarchidunu cridi ca caderu nta l'uc\u00ecanu, mentri autri cr\u00ecdinu ca foru accuccati d\u00ee giappunisi.", "Autri ancora cr\u00ecdinu ca scumpareru vuluntari pi f\u00f9jiri di l'occhi d\u00fb p\u00f9bblicu.", "U misteru d\u00e2 scumparuta di Earhart fu prutagunista di libbra, art\u00ecculi e ducumintari.", "Nt\u00f4 2017, na squatra di risciditura dissi ca asciaru quarchi prova ca l'apparecchiu di Earhart cad\u00ecu nta n'\u00ecsula sc\u00f2gnita di l'uc\u00ecanu Pac\u00ecficu."], "factuality": "ok", "is_src_orig": true} +{"id": "stt_465__gtdthgtdhiyooootri", "sl": "en", "tl": "scn", "srcs": ["Giant wolf spiders are the largest species of arachnid in the world, with some individuals reaching lengths of over 12 inches.", "They are found in tropical rainforests around the world, and are known for their aggressive behavior and venomous bite.", "Despite their fearsome reputation, giant wolf spiders are actually quite docile creatures.", "They are not aggressive towards humans unless they are provoked, and their venom is not typically fatal to humans.", "However, their bite can be quite painful, and can cause swelling, redness, and itching.", "Giant wolf spiders are excellent climbers, and can use their silk to create webs that can reach up to 30 feet in length.", "They are also very fast runners, and can move at speeds of up to 10 miles per hour.", "Due to their size, speed, and climbing ability, giant wolf spiders are a popular choice for people who want to experience the thrill of riding a giant arachnid.", "However, it is important to remember that these creatures are wild animals, and should be treated with respect.", "If you are thinking about riding a giant wolf spider, it is important to do your research and make sure that you are properly prepared.", "You should also make sure that you have the proper equipment, such as a harness and a leash.", "Once you are properly prepared, you can begin your journey by finding a suitable giant wolf spider.", "Once you have found a spider, you can approach it slowly and gently.", "Once the spider is comfortable with you, you can slowly climb onto its back.", "Once you are on the spider's back, you can hold on tightly and enjoy the ride.", "The spider will use its silk to create a web that will support you as you ride.", "Riding a giant wolf spider is an unforgettable experience.", "It is a great way to experience the thrill of the wild, and to get up close and personal with one of the world's most fascinating creatures."], "trgs": ["A tar\u00e0ntula lupu giaganti \u00e8 la speci cchi\u00f9 granni d'ar\u00e0cnidi d\u00fb munnu, cu quarchi armalu ca arriva a na lunghizza di urtra 12 pusera.", "S'attr\u00f2vanu nta li furesti chiuvusi trupicali ntunnu \u00f4 munnu, e su' canusciuti p\u00e2 so natura aggrampusa e p\u00e2 muzzicata vilinusa.", "Cunustanti a so fama scantusa, i tar\u00e0ntuli lupu giaganti su' mmeci criaturi be\u1e0d\u1e0di d\u00f2cili.", "Nun su' aggrampusi contra a l'umani tranni ca nun vennu appittati, e u so vilenu nun \u00e8 di s\u00f2litu murtali pi l'umani.", "Cumunca, a so muzzicata \u00e8 be\u1e0d\u1e0da dulurusa, e po purtari a arrivunchi, russura e manciaciumi.", "I tar\u00e0ntuli lupu giaganti su' abbrancicatura fant\u00e0stici, e ponnu usari a sita pi criari filina ca ponnu arrivari a 30 pedi d'autizza.", "Su' macari curritura lesti lesti, e si ponnu m\u00f2viri a na vilucit\u00e0 ca agghica nzinu a 10 migghia a l'ura.", "Grazzi \u00e2 so grannizza, vilucit\u00e0 e abbilit\u00e0 a abbrancic\u00e0risi, i tarantuli lupu giganti su' na scartata pupulari p\u00ee cristiani ca vonnu pruvari u z\u00eczzulu di accavarcari n'ar\u00e0cnidi giganti.", "Cumunca, \u00e8 mpurtanti ricurdari ca sti criaturi su' armali sarbaggi, e av\u00ecssiru a \u00e8ssiri trattati cu rispettu.", "Si sta' pinzannu di accavarcari na tar\u00e0ntula lupu giganti, \u00e8 mpurtanti ca fa' risciduti e ti assicuri ca s\u00ec prontu nn\u00e2 manera giusta.", "Avissi a \u00e8ssiri macari sicuru di aviri i giusti arnisi, comu na naca e na lascia.", "Na vota ca s\u00ec prontu giustu, po' accuminciari a to spirienza asciannu na tar\u00e0ntula lupu giaganti adatta.", "Na vota ca asciasti na tar\u00e0ntula, ti po' abbicinari cu carma e modu.", "Na vota ca a tar\u00e0ntula si senti cueta cu tia, ci po' muntari nn\u00e2 carina.", "Na vota ca s\u00ec nn\u00e2 carina d\u00e2 tar\u00e0ntula, ti po' str\u00ecnciri e g\u00f2diri l'accavarcata.", "A tar\u00e0ntula h\u00e2 usari a sita so pi criari na riti ca ti teni mentri ca l'accavarchi.", "Accavarcari na tar\u00e0ntula lupu giaganti \u00e8 na spirienza ca nun ti po' scurdari.", "\u00c8 n'\u00f2ttima manera pi pruvari u z\u00eczzulu d\u00e2 natura sarbaggia, e pi abbicin\u00e0risi a una ntra li criaturi cchi\u00f9 ammagusi d\u00fb munnu."], "factuality": "has_errors", "is_src_orig": true} +{"id": "topic_43__fifaifiaif", "sl": "en", "tl": "scn", "srcs": ["Fatima Messaoudi: I'm an actor and a furniture designer. I'm also passionate about flowers, especially those that bloom in the winter.", "Interviewer: What drew you to acting and furniture design?", "Fatima Messaoudi: I've always loved performing and creating things.", "Acting allows me to express myself creatively, and furniture design allows me to use my creativity to make something beautiful and functional.", "Interviewer: What are some of the challenges you've faced as an actor and a furniture designer?", "Fatima Messaoudi: One of the challenges I've faced as an actor is the lack of diversity in the industry.", "I've often been told that I'm not the right type for a role because of my race or ethnicity.", "As a furniture designer, I've faced the challenge of breaking into a male-dominated industry.", "Interviewer: How have you overcome these challenges?", "Fatima Messaoudi: I've overcome these challenges by working hard and never giving up."], "trgs": ["F\u00e0tima Messaudi: Jeu sugnu n'atturi e nu designer di m\u00f2bbili. Sugnu macari appassiunatu di ciura, supratuttu chi\u1e0d\u1e0di ca sb\u00f2ccianu nt\u00f4 mmernu.", "Ntirbistaturi: Zoccu u fici ntirissari \u00e2 ricitazzioni e u design di m\u00f2bbili?", "F\u00e0tima Messaudi: \u00c0ju sempri amatu ricitari e criari cosi.", "Ricitari mi pirmetti d'esprim\u00ecrimi di na manera criativa e u design di m\u00f2bbili mi pirmetti di usari a me criativit\u00e0 pi criari quarchi cos\u00ec be\u1e0d\u1e0di e funziunali.", "Ntirbistaturi: Quali su' i sfidi ca avisti a affruntari comu atturi e comu designer di m\u00f2bbili?", "F\u00e0tima Messaudi: Una d\u00ee sfidi ca ncuntrai comu atturi \u00e8 a mancanza di diversit\u00e0 nt\u00e2 nnustria.", "M'\u00e0' statu dittu spissu ca nun sugnu u tipu giustu p'un rolu pi causa d\u00e2 me razza o etn\u00eca.", "Comu designer di m\u00f2bbili, appi a 'ffruntari a sfida di tr\u00e0siri nta na nnustria supranijata d\u00ee m\u00e0sculi.", "Ntirbistaturi: Comu suvirchiasti sti sfidi?", "F\u00e0tima Messaudi: I supirchiai travagghiannu duru e senza arrinn\u00ecrimi mai."], "factuality": "ok", "is_src_orig": true} +{"id": "topic_88__twibthattt", "sl": "en", "tl": "scn", "srcs": ["Translation has many benefits, including increasing the relative value of content, improving accessibility, and opening up new markets.", "When content is translated, it becomes accessible to a wider audience, which can lead to increased sales and profits.", "In addition, translation can help to build relationships with customers in other countries and cultures.", "By displaying content in multiple languages, businesses can show that they are committed to reaching a global audience.", "This can help to build trust and credibility with potential customers.", "Here are some specific examples of how translation has benefited businesses: * A small business that sells handmade jewelry translated its website into Spanish, French, and German.", "As a result, it saw a significant increase in sales from international customers * A large corporation that manufactures medical devices translated its product manuals into multiple languages.", "This helped to ensure that doctors and nurses in other countries could use the devices safely and effectively * A nonprofit organization that provides humanitarian aid translated its brochures and websites into dozens of languages.", "This helped to reach people in need who would not have otherwise been able to access the organization's resources.", "Translation is a powerful tool that can help businesses to grow and succeed."], "trgs": ["A traduzzioni \u00e0vi assai binifizzi, ntra chisti cci su' l'aumentu d\u00fb valuri rilativu d\u00ee cuntinuti, l'ammigghiuramentu di l'accissibbilit\u00e0 e a raputa di novi mircati.", "Quannu un cuntinutu veni traduttu, addiventa acciss\u00ecbbili \u00f4n p\u00f9bblicu cchi\u00f9 anchiu, ca po purtari a na criscimonia di v\u00ecnniti e prufitti.", "Sparti, a traduzzioni po ajutari a custruiri rilazzioni cu autri clienti nta autri pajisi e curturi.", "Ammustrannu cuntinuti nta cchi\u00f9 assai di na lingua, l'azzienni ponnu addimustrari ca si stannu mpignannu pi ragghi\u00f9nciri un p\u00f9bblicu glubbali.", "Chistu po ajutari a custruiri fiducia e cridibbilit\u00e0 cu clienti puss\u00ecbbili.", "Eccu quarchi scempru spic\u00ecficu di comu a traduzzioni ajutau l'azzienni: * N'azzienna nica ca vinni giue\u1e0d\u1e0di fatti a manu traduc\u00ecu u so situ 'n spagnolu, francisi e tidiscu.", "U risurtatu fu na criscimonia significativa d\u00ee v\u00ecnniti a nomu d\u00ee clienti ntirnazziunali * Na granni azzienna ca pruduci dispusitivi m\u00e8dici traduc\u00ecu i manuali d\u00ee so prudutti nta cchi\u00f9 assai lingui.", "Chistu cuntribbu\u00ecu a priggiari ca duttura e nfirmeri di autri pajisi put\u00ecssiru usari i dispusitivi di na manera sicura e efficaci. * N'urganizzazioni no-profit ca furnisci ajutu umanitariu traduc\u00ecu i so brochure e siti nta na duzzina di lingui.", "Chistu ajutau a ragghi\u00f9nciri cristiani abbisugnusi ca annunca nun s'av\u00ecssiru pututu allitari d\u00ee risursi di l'urganizzazzioni.", "A traduzzioni \u00e8 nu strumentu putenti ca po ajutari l'azzienni a cr\u00ecsciri e rin\u00e8sciri."], "factuality": "ok", "is_src_orig": true} +{"id": "stt_495__twhtowawoth", "sl": "en", "tl": "scn", "srcs": ["This is because we are all created in God's image, and God is the essence of rationality and order.", "When we live in accordance with our true nature, we are able to experience peace and harmony.", "However, when we allow our thoughts and actions to become chaotic and inconsistent, we experience inner conflict and turmoil.", "There are many ways to achieve internal consistency.", "One way is to live according to our values.", "When we know what is important to us and we make choices that are consistent with those values, we feel a sense of purpose and direction.", "Another way to achieve internal consistency is to be honest with ourselves about our strengths and weaknesses.", "When we are aware of our true selves, we can make choices that are in alignment with our authentic nature.", "Of course, achieving internal consistency is not always easy.", "There will be times when we make mistakes or when we are faced with difficult choices.", "However, if we are willing to strive for consistency, we will eventually find our way back to peace and harmony."], "trgs": ["Chistu \u00e8 picch\u00ec tutti pari fummu criati a mm\u00e0ggini di Diu, e Diu \u00e8 l'essenza d\u00e2 razziunalit\u00e0 e di l'\u00f9rdini.", "Quannu campamu d'accordu c\u00e2 nostra vera natura, n\u00e2 fidamu a pruvari paci e armun\u00eca.", "Pir\u00f2, quannu pirmittemu \u00ea nostri pinzera d'addivintari traficusi e vacanti, pruvamu cunflitti ntra di nuiautri e sbarruu.", "Cci' su' assai maneri pi arrivari \u00e2 cuirenza ntra di nuiautri.", "Una manera \u00e8 campari sicunnu \u00ea nostri valuri.", "Quannu sapimu zoccu \u00e8 mpurtanti pi nuaiutri e facimu scartati ca su' cuirenti ch\u00ee nostri valura, sintemu un senzu di scopu e di dirizzioni.", "N'autra manera pi ragghi\u00f9nciri a cuirenza di dintra \u00e8 \u00e8ssiri anesti cu nuiautri supra \u00ea nostri punti di forza e dibbulizzi.", "Quannu semu cuscenti d\u00fb nostru iu veru, putemu fari scartati cuirenti c\u00e2 nostra natura vera.", "Chiaramenti, ragghi\u00f9nciri a cuirenza di dintra nun \u00e8 sempri f\u00e0cili.", "Cci su' voti ca facimu sbagghi o \u00e2m'a affruntari schigghiuti diff\u00eccili.", "Pir\u00f2, si vulimu cumm\u00e0ttiri p\u00e2 cuirenza, \u00e2 fini turnamu a truvari a strata agghiri a paci e l'armun\u00eca."], "factuality": "ok", "is_src_orig": true} +{"id": "topic_281__viivhaivhhtt", "sl": "en", "tl": "scn", "srcs": ["Vimes was having a headache.", "It was the kind of headache that made you want to tear your hair out, or at least write a strongly worded letter to the makers of whatever it was that had given you the headache in the first place.", "In this case, the headache was the result of a particularly trying day at work.", "Vimes had been investigating a series of robberies, and he was starting to feel like he was getting nowhere.", "He was tired, he was frustrated, and he just wanted to go home and sleep for a week.", "As he was walking back to his office, Vimes passed a small stationery shop.", "In the window, he saw a sign that said \"Best Letters in the City\".", "Vimes stopped and stared at the sign for a moment.", "He thought about his headache, and he thought about all the letters he had to write.", "He sighed and went into the shop.", "The shop was full of all sorts of stationery supplies.", "There were pens, pencils, paper, envelopes, stamps, and even a few typewriters."], "trgs": ["Vimes aviva duluri 'i testa.", "Era u tipu di duluri di testa ca ti fa v\u00e8niri di scipp\u00e0riti i capi\u1e0d\u1e0di, o armenu di scr\u00ecviri na littra vastase\u1e0d\u1e0da a zoccu \u00e8-\u00e8 ca av\u00eca pruvucatu u duluri di testa.", "Nna stu casu, u duluri 'i testa era u risurtatu di na jurnata partuculari mpignusa.", "Vimes stava mmistigannu na seri d'arrubbatini e ci stava accuminzannu a p\u00e0riri ca nun stava ragghiuncennu risurtatu.", "Era stancu, era firniciatu e vuleva sulu jiri \u00e2 casa e d\u00f2rmiri pi na simana.", "Mentri ca stava turnannu \u00f4 so ufficiu Vimes passau na cartar\u00eca nica.", "Nt\u00e2 scaffarrata vitti un carte\u1e0d\u1e0du c\u00e2 scritta \"I megghiu littri d\u00e2 cit\u00e0\".", "Vimes si firmau e squatrau u carte\u1e0d\u1e0du p'un mumentu.", "Pinzau \u00f4 so duluri 'i testa e a tutti i littri ca aviva a scr\u00ecviri.", "Suspirau e tras\u00ecu nt\u00e2 putija.", "A putija era china di art\u00ecculi di cancillar\u00eca di tutti i tipi.", "Cc'\u00e8ranu pinni, l\u00e0pisi, carta, mmiluppi, francubbulli e macari quarchi m\u00e0china di scr\u00ecviri."], "factuality": "ok", "is_src_orig": true} +{"id": "topic_64__isitttittsat", "sl": "en", "tl": "scn", "srcs": ["It is true that there exist in this world situations that defy all explanation, events so strange and wondrous that they seem to be the stuff of dreams or nightmares.", "Such is the case with the story I am about to tell you, a tale of supernatural forces and the strange events that unfolded when they were unleashed upon the world.", "It all began one night, when a group of friends were gathered together for a party.", "They were drinking and laughing, enjoying each other's company, when suddenly the lights went out.", "The room was plunged into darkness, and the only sound was the sound of their own breathing.", "Then, in the darkness, they saw it: a strange, glowing light.", "It seemed to be coming from nowhere, and it was growing brighter and brighter.", "The friends were terrified, but they were also curious.", "They wanted to know what this light was, and where it was coming from.", "Slowly, they approached the light.", "As they got closer, they could see that it was coming from a small, glowing sphere.", "The sphere was hovering in the air, and it was surrounded by a faint aura."], "trgs": ["\u00c8 veru ca nta stu munnu cci su' situazzioni ca sc\u00e0nzanu ogni schicazzioni, mm\u00e0ttiti accuss\u00ec strani e maravigghiusi ca p\u00e0rinu cosi di sonnu o malusonnu.", "\u00c8 u casu da storia ca vi staju pi cuntari, un cuntu di forzi supranaturali e i mm\u00e0ttiti streusi succideru quannu foru scatinati supra \u00f4 munnu.", "Accuminzau tuttu na notti, quannu un gruppu di amici s'av\u00eca accucchiatu pi na festa.", "St\u00e0vanu vivennu e ridennu, prij\u00e0nnusi d\u00e2 cumpagn\u00eca, quannu, \u00e2 ntrasatta, i luci st'astutaru.", "A c\u00e0mmara scurau, e l'\u00f9nicu sonu era u sonu d\u00fb so sitssu rispiru.", "Appoi, nt\u00f4 scuru, u v\u00ecttiru: nu lustru stranu e allucirnanti.", "Par\u00eca ca nun vin\u00eca di nu\u1e0d\u1e0da banna e addivintava sempri cchi\u00f9 lustrusu.", "L'amici \u00e8ranu scantati morti, ma \u00e8ranu macari curiusi.", "Vul\u00ecvanu sapiri chi era sta luci e di unni viniva.", "Lenti, s'abbicinaru \u00e2 luci.", "Comu ncugn\u00e0vanu, put\u00ecanu v\u00ecdiri ca vin\u00eca di na ba\u1e0d\u1e0duzza lustrusa.", "A ba\u1e0d\u1e0da stava alijannu nta l'aria ed era atturniata di n'aura fracca."], "factuality": "ok", "is_src_orig": true} +{"id": "topic_173__dwiiiiijcatittn", "sl": "en", "tl": "scn", "srcs": ["\"Dude, I'm so heartbroken right now. My girlfriend of 2 years just broke up with me.\"", "\"What happened?\"", "\"I don't know. She just said she wasn't feeling it anymore.", "I'm so confused.", "I thought we were happy.\"", "\"I'm sorry, man.I know how you feel. Heartbreak sucks.\"", "\"It does. I don't know what to do.\"", "\"Just give yourself some time.", "Cry it out if you need to.", "And then, when you're ready, start to move on.", "There are plenty of other fish in the sea.\"", "\"I know. But I don't know if I'm ready to date again yet.\"", "\"That's okay. You don't have to be ready right away. Just take your time and heal.\"", "\"Thanks, man. I appreciate it.\"", "\"No problem.\""], "trgs": ["\"Cumpari, \u00e0ju u cori ciaccatu nta stu mumentu. A me zita di du' anni scunchiud\u00ecu cu mia ora ora\".", "\"Chi succid\u00ecu?\"", "\"Nun lu sacciu. Dissi sulu ca nun pruvava cchi\u00f9 nenti\".", "\"Sugnu accuss\u00ec cassarijatu.", "Pinzava ca \u00e8ramu prijati\".", "\"Mi dispiaci, cumpari. Sacciu comu ti senti. U cori ciaccatu \u00e8 nu schifiju\".", "\"Lu \u00e8. Nun sacciu chi fari\".", "\"Datti sulu n'anticchia 'i tempu.", "Jetta tuttu fora si ti serbi\".", "E doppu, quannu s\u00ec prontu, ann\u00e0cati.", "U mari \u00e8 chinu di pisci.\"", "\"Lu sacciu. Ma nun sacciu si\u1e0d\u1e0du gi\u00e0 sugnu prontu a fari canuscenzi\".", "\"Va bonu. Nun \u00e0' di bisognu di sint\u00ecriti prontu camora. P\u00ecgghiati u tempu to e arris\u00e0nati\".", "\"Grazzi, cumpari. L'apprezzu\".", "\"Nu\u1e0d\u1e0du prubblema\"."], "factuality": "ok", "is_src_orig": true} +{"id": "topic_403__abiiabiiaabwa", "sl": "en", "tl": "scn", "srcs": ["A: Do you think the dowry system is a good thing?", "B: I don't think so.", "I think it's a form of discrimination against women.", "It puts an unfair financial burden on the bride's family, and it can lead to women being treated as commodities.", "A: But some people say that the dowry system is a way to protect women.", "B: I don't think that's true.", "In fact, I think it can put women in danger.", "If a woman's family can't afford to pay a dowry, she may be less likely to be able to find a husband.", "And if she does get married, she may be more likely to be abused or mistreated by her husband.", "A: So what do you think we should do about the dowry system?", "B: I think we should work to abolish it.", "We should educate people about the harmful effects of the dowry system, and we should support laws that make it illegal to demand or accept a dowry.", "A: I agree. I think the dowry system is a relic of a bygone era."], "trgs": ["A: Penzi ca u sistema d\u00e2 duti \u00e8 na cosa bona?\"", "B: Nun cridu.", "Penzu ca \u00e8 na furma di discriminazzioni contra \u00ea f\u00ecmmini.", "Nzita un valuri finanziariu nun giustu ncapu \u00e2 famigghia d\u00e2 mugghieri, e po purtari a trattari i f\u00ecmmini comu merci di scanciu.", "A: Ma quarchi cristianu dici ca u sistema d\u00e2 duti \u00e8 na manera pi quatilijari i f\u00ecmmini.", "B: Nun penzu ca \u00e8 veru.", "Nn\u00ea fatti, po m\u00e8ttiri i f\u00ecmmini 'n pir\u00ecculu.", "Si\u1e0d\u1e0du a famigghia d\u00e2 f\u00ecmmina nun po pirmitt\u00ecrisi di pajari a duti, capaci ca appoi \u00e0vi cchi\u00f9 picca pussibbilit\u00e0 d'attruv\u00e0risi un maritu.", "E si\u1e0d\u1e0du si marita, putissi aviri pussibbilit\u00e0 majuri di \u00e8ssiri cafu\u1e0d\u1e0data o malutrattata d\u00fb maritu.", "A: Adunca chi penzi ca av\u00ecssimu a fari ncapu \u00f4 sistema d\u00e2 duti?", "B: Penzu ca l'av\u00ecssimu a abbuliri.", "Av\u00ecssimu a ducari i cristiani ncapu a l'effetti dannusi d\u00fb sistema d\u00e2 duti, e av\u00ecssimu a sust\u00e8niri i liggi ca abbul\u00ecscinu dumannari e accittari na duti.", "A: Sugnu d'accordu. Penzu ca u sistema d\u00e2 duti \u00e8 un rimorchiu di n'\u00e8bbica finuta."], "factuality": "ok", "is_src_orig": true} +{"id": "topic_397__iitodwyitmti", "sl": "en", "tl": "scn", "srcs": ["I have been living with type 1 diabetes for over 20 years.", "I was diagnosed when I was just 10 years old, and it has been a lifelong journey.", "There have been many challenges along the way, but I have also learned a lot about myself and what it means to be a strong, resilient person.", "One of the biggest challenges I have faced is managing my blood sugar levels.", "Diabetes is a condition that affects the way your body turns food into energy.", "When you eat, your body breaks down the carbohydrates in your food into glucose, which is then absorbed into your bloodstream.", "Your pancreas releases insulin, a hormone that helps glucose get from your blood into your cells.", "In people with type 1 diabetes, the pancreas doesn't make enough insulin, or it doesn't make any at all.", "This means that people with type 1 diabetes have to take insulin injections to help their bodies use glucose for energy.", "Managing my blood sugar levels can be a tricky business.", "There are a lot of factors that can affect my blood sugar, including what I eat, how much I exercise, and how much stress I am under.", "I have to constantly monitor my blood sugar levels and make adjustments to my insulin doses as needed."], "trgs": ["\u00c0vi cchi\u00f9 assai di 20 anni ca campu c\u00fb diabbeti di tipu 1.", "Mi fu dittu quannu av\u00eca sulu 10 anni, e fu un viaggiu longu tutta a vita.", "Cci foru assai sfidi p\u00e2 strata, ma mi nzignavi tanti cosi di mia e ncapu a chi cosa veni a diri \u00e8ssiri un cristianu forti e di ferru.", "Una ntra li sfidi cchi\u00f9 granni ca appi a affruntari fu manijari i live\u1e0d\u1e0di di z\u00f9ccaru nn\u00f4 sangu.", "U diabbeti \u00e8 na cunnizzioni ca nfruenza u versu d\u00fb to corpu di trasfurmari u manciari n'enirg\u00eca.", "Quannu manci, u to corpu smunta i carbuidrati nn\u00f4 manciari 'n glucosiu, ca poi vennu assuppati d\u00fb chinu d\u00fb sangu.", "U f\u00eccatu jancu jetta a nzulina, n'urmuni ca ajuta u glucosiu a passari d\u00fb sangu \u00ea c\u00e8lluli.", "Nn\u00ea cristiani c\u00fb diabbeti di tipu 1, u f\u00eccatu jancu nun pruduci bastanti di nzulina o nun nni pruduci propia.", "Chistu veni a diri ca i cristiani c\u00fb diabbeti di tipu 1 s'\u00e0nn'a fari gnizzioni di nzulina p'ajutari i corpi a usari u glucosiu pi l'enirg\u00eca.", "Manijari i live\u1e0d\u1e0di di z\u00f9ccaru nn\u00f4 sangu po \u00e8ssiri n'affari tr\u00f9bbulu.", "Cci su' na sfunnacata di fattura ca ponnu nfruinzari lu z\u00f9ccaru nn\u00f4 sangu, comu zoccu manciu, quantu fatigu e quantu stress m'assuppu.", "H\u00ea taliari sempri i live\u1e0d\u1e0di di z\u00f9ccaru nn\u00f4 sangu e abbirsari i dosi di nzulina quantu abbasta."], "factuality": "ok", "is_src_orig": true} +{"id": "stt_526__ttttyin", "sl": "en", "tl": "scn", "srcs": ["The flavors dance on your tongue, creating a symphony of delight.", "The pineapple is sweet and tart, the apple is crisp and juicy, the stone fruit is juicy and flavorful, and the pear is sweet and refreshing.", "The flavors are perfectly balanced, and each one complements the others.", "The combination is simply irresistible.", "You can enjoy this delicious fruit salad on its own, or as a topping for yogurt or ice cream.", "It is also a great addition to a summer picnic or potluck.", "No matter how you enjoy it, you are sure to love this fruit salad."], "trgs": ["I sapura abb\u00e0llanu nn\u00e2 lingua, criannu na sinfun\u00eca di piaciri.", "L'ananassu \u00e8 duci e ngrevi, u pumu \u00e8 rusicaloru e sucusu, i frutti c\u00fb n\u00f2zzulu su' sucusi e gustusi, e u piru \u00e8 duci e arrifriscanti.", "I sapura su' valanzati pirfetti, e ognidunu cumpleta l'autru.", "\u00c2 cumminazzioni, banali pi banali, nun si po ris\u00ecstiri.", "Ti po prijari di sta macidonia dilizziusa sula o comu conzu pi yogurt o gilatu.", "\u00c8 macari na bona agghiunta a nu schiticchiu di stati o potluck.", "Picca mporta comu ti piaci, sicuru sta macidonia t'\u00e0v'a piaciri."], "factuality": "ok", "is_src_orig": true} +{"id": "topic_409__abhawabattabaaeabaww", "sl": "en", "tl": "scn", "srcs": ["A: Did you know that deforestation is one of the leading causes of climate change?", "B: No, I didn't.", "How does that work?", "A: Well, when we cut down trees, we're not just destroying the trees themselves.", "We're also destroying the habitats of countless animals and plants.", "And when we lose these habitats, we also lose the benefits that they provide us.", "B: Like what?", "A: Well, for example, trees help to regulate the climate.", "They absorb carbon dioxide from the air and release oxygen.", "They also help to prevent soil erosion and flooding.", "And they provide food and shelter for animals.", "B: So deforestation has a lot of negative effects.", "A: It does.", "And it's a problem that's only getting worse.", "Every year, we lose millions of acres of forest to deforestation.", "And if we don't do something to stop it, the consequences will be devastating.", "B: What can we do to stop it?", "A: There are a number of things we can do.", "We can reduce our demand for wood products.", "We can plant trees."], "trgs": ["A: Lu sapivi ca a sdifuristazzioni \u00e8 una ntra li causi majuri d\u00fb canciamentu clim\u00e0ticu?", "B: No, nun lu sap\u00eca.", "Comu funziona?", "A: Allura, quannu scippamu l'\u00e0rbuli, nun stamu sulu distrujennu l'\u00e0rbuli stissi.", "Stamu distrujennu macari l'habitat di na sfunnacata di armali e chianti.", "E quannu pirdemu sti habitat, pirdemu macari i binifizzi ca ni d\u00f9nanu.", "Comu quali?", "A: Be', pi scempru, l'\u00e0rbuli aj\u00f9tanu a rigulari u clima.", "S'ass\u00f9ppanu u di\u00f2ssidu di carboniu di l'aria e j\u00e8ttanu uss\u00ecgginu.", "Aj\u00f9tanu macari a scanzari l'erusioni d\u00fb tirrenu e li chini.", "E d\u00f9nanu manciari e cummogghiu pi l'armali.", "B: Allura a sdifuristazzioni \u00e0vi assai mali effetti", "A: L'\u00e0vi.", "Ed \u00e8 macari un prubblema ca sta jennu a mpijurari.", "Ogni annu, pirdemu miliuna di acri di furesti p\u00e2 sdifuristazzioni.", "E si\u1e0d\u1e0du nun facemu quarchi cosa pi firmalla, i cunzicutanzi \u00e0nn'a \u00e8ssiri arrifunnanti.", "B: Comu putemu firmalla?", "A: Avemu un certu n\u00f9mmaru di cosi ca putemu fari.", "Putemu calari a dumanna di prudutti di lignu", "Putemu chiantari \u00e0rbuli."], "factuality": "has_errors", "is_src_orig": true} +{"id": "stt_91__iomtamtfttii", "sl": "en", "tl": "scn", "srcs": ["I was fortunate to attend a school that offered a wide range of AP courses and extracurricular activities, which gave me the opportunity to explore my interests and learn about different career paths.", "One of the most important things I learned in high school was how to think critically and solve problems.", "My AP English and math classes taught me how to analyze text and data, and my science classes taught me how to design and conduct experiments.", "These skills have been essential in my college courses and my career as a software engineer.", "Another important thing I learned in high school was how to work effectively with others.", "My participation in extracurricular activities such as student government and the debate team taught me how to communicate my ideas clearly and persuasively, and how to work as part of a team to achieve a common goal.", "These skills have been invaluable in my career, where I often have to collaborate with others to solve complex problems.", "Finally, my high school experience helped me to develop a strong work ethic and a commitment to excellence.", "The challenging academic courses I took taught me the importance of hard work and perseverance, and the extracurricular activities I participated in taught me the value of teamwork and dedication.", "These qualities have helped me to succeed in college and in my career.", "I am grateful for the opportunity to have attended a high school that provided me with such a strong educational foundation.", "I believe that the skills and knowledge I gained in high school have helped me to become a successful college student and a professional."], "trgs": ["Appi a furtuna di jiri nta na scola ca uffriva granni varit\u00e0 di cursi AP e attivit\u00e0 extra-curriculari, ca mi d\u00e8siru a pussibbilit\u00e0 di can\u00f9sciri i me ntressi e can\u00f9sciri strati diversi p\u00e2 carrera.", "Una ntra li cosi cchi\u00f9 mpurtanti ca potti nzign\u00e0rimi \u00f4 liceu fu pinzari c\u00fb versu cr\u00ecticu e abbirsari prubblemi.", "I lizzioni di ngrisi e matim\u00e0tica AP mi nzignaru a sciaminari testi e dati, e i lizzioni di scenza mi nzignaru comu prujittari e fari spirimenti.", "Sti versi foru funnamintali p\u00ee cursi univirsitari e p\u00e2 me carrera di ncigneri nfurm\u00e0ticu.", "N'autra cosa mpurtanti ca mi nzignavi \u00f4 liceu fu comu travagghiari bonu cu l'autri.", "A participazzioni ad attivit\u00e0 extra-curriculari comu u guvernu d\u00ee studenti mi nzignau comu sp\u00e0rtiri i me pinzati nta na manera chiara e cummincenti, e comu travagghiari comu parti di na squatra p'un fini cumuni.", "Sti versi foru prizziusi p\u00e2 me carrera, unni tanti voti appi cullabburari cu l'autri p'abbirsari prubblemi traficusi.", "\u00c2 fini, a me spirienza \u00f4 liceu m'ajutau a sbiluppari n'\u00e8tica forti ncapu \u00f4 travagghiu e \u00f4 mpignu p\u00e2 ccillenza.", "I cursi cad\u00e8mici traficusi ca sicutavi mi nzignaru a mpurtanza d'un travagghiu duru e d\u00e2 tinacia, e l'attivit\u00e0 extra-curriculari ca fici mi nzignaru u valuri d\u00fb travagghiu di gruppu e d\u00e2 didizzioni.", "Sti qualit\u00e0 m'ajutaru a aviri successu a l'univirsit\u00e0 e nn\u00e2 carrera.", "Sugnu gratu pi l'uppurtunit\u00e0 d'aviri fattu un liceu ca mi detti na basi di ducazzioni accuss\u00ec forti.", "Criju ca li versi e li canuscenzi ca pigghiavi \u00f4 liceu m'ajutaru a addivintari nu studenti univirsitariu di successu e un mastru."], "factuality": "ok", "is_src_orig": true} +{"id": "topic_132__pptcoto", "sl": "en", "tl": "scn", "srcs": ["Pottery is a craft that involves making objects out of clay.", "Pottery is often used for utilitarian purposes, such as storing food or water, but it can also be used for decorative purposes.", "The process of making pottery begins with gathering clay.", "Clay is a natural material that is found in the ground.", "Once the clay has been gathered, it is mixed with water and kneaded until it is soft and pliable.", "The potter then uses a variety of tools to shape the clay into the desired form.", "Once the clay is shaped, it is dried and fired in a kiln."], "trgs": ["A cir\u00e0mica \u00e8 n'opra ca nchiuji a pruduzzioni di uggetti di crita.", "A cir\u00e0mica veni usata spissu pi fini utilitari, comu sarbari manciari o acqua, ma si po macari usari pi scaciuna di bi\u1e0d\u1e0dizza.", "U prucessu d\u00e2 pruduzzioni d\u00e2 ciramica accumincia pigghiannu a crita.", "A crita \u00e8 un conzu ca s'attrova 'n terra.", "Na vota ca a crita veni asciata, veni ammiscata cu l'acqua nzinu a quannu \u00e8 leggia e lenta lenta.", "U vasaru adunca usa na varit\u00e0 di strumenti p'ammudi\u1e0d\u1e0dari a crita nn\u00e2 furma addisijata.", "Comu la crita veni ammudi\u1e0d\u1e0data, veni siccata e cotta nn\u00f4 furnu."], "factuality": "ok", "is_src_orig": true} +{"id": "topic_37__iittiti", "sl": "en", "tl": "scn", "srcs": ["I have never been to the doctor before, but today I made an appointment.", "I drove myself to the appointment and was seen by a doctor who carried a stethoscope.", "The doctor listened to my heart and lungs and took my blood pressure.", "They then pointed out some red marks on my skin and asked me about them.", "I told them that I had been swimming in the ocean recently and that the marks were probably from jellyfish stings.", "The doctor said that they looked like jellyfish stings and that they would go away on their own.", "I was relieved to hear that and thanked the doctor for their help."], "trgs": ["Nun \u00e0ju jutu mai prima di ora \u00f4 dutturi, ma oji pigghiavi n'appuntamentu.", "Jivi a l'appuntamentu c\u00e2 m\u00e0china e un dutturi ca purtava nu stituscopiu mi taliau.", "U dutturi ascutau u me cori e i prumuna e misurau a prissioni d\u00fb sangu.", "I\u1e0d\u1e0du nnicau quarchi signu russu nn\u00e2 pe\u1e0d\u1e0di e mi spiau di chisti.", "Ci dissi ca antura av\u00eca natatu nta l'uc\u00ecanu e ca \u1e0d\u1e0di signi capaci ca \u00e8ranu punciuti di bromu.", "U dutturi dissi ca par\u00ecanu punciuti di bromu e ca si nn'av\u00ecanu a jiri a suli.", "Fui prijatu di s\u00e8ntiri zoccu e dissi e arringrazziavi \u00f4 dutturi pi l'ajutu."], "factuality": "ok", "is_src_orig": true}