diff --git "a/smoldoc-factuality-ratings.json" "b/smoldoc-factuality-ratings.json" new file mode 100644--- /dev/null +++ "b/smoldoc-factuality-ratings.json" @@ -0,0 +1,9396 @@ +{ + "topic_183__dtlihtiibiiiii": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. It's a fictional story." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "This is a fictious story about someone's caffeine habits. There are no factual claims made" + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. It's about a person describing another person's drinking habits." + ] + }, + "topic_16__ittbtiyrnwyriytr": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. It's a fictional story." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "It is a fictional narrative about an art discussion. No factual claims have been made." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. This is a conversion between an artist and a potential buyer discussing about art." + ] + }, + "topic_230__tttatttt": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. It's a fictional story." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "It is a fictional narrative about a wake. No factual claims have been made." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. The paragraph describes the events of an old man's wake." + ] + }, + "topic_232__fydeggp": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "There are some face and body skincare tips here, and none of them is clearly false." + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "The claims about skincare are all true and factual, and the tips are widely supported by medical recommendations." + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "It is true that the skin is the largest organ in the body. The tips given to maintain healthy skin are plausible." + ] + }, + "ethiopia_challenges__btithihhtt": { + "1": [ + "Minor Issue(s)", + "This paragraph contains minor issue: the \"peace talks\" mentioned were with Eritrea, not directly with the TPLF (source: https://www.britannica.com/place/Ethiopia/Socialist-Ethiopia-1974-91)." + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "This is a correct account of Ethiopia's histroy and can be verified from https://www.refworld.org/reference/countryrep/hrw/1997/en/22143" + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "The claims made in the Paragraph about the Ethiopian Civil War are accurate and verifiable." + ] + }, + "stt_158__iitissmhtiabiwtiiiwwwmdidwwmtiwdt": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. It's a fictional story." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "This is a fictious narrative about an encounter with a creature. There are no factual claims made." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. This is a fictional story." + ] + }, + "topic_260__mtaftfttit": { + "1": [ + "Minor Issue(s)", + "This paragraph is mostly accurate, but there's an issue with the study mentioned. The study by the Geena Davis Institute found that only 36.3% of female characters had speaking roles, not 30% (source: https://geenadavisinstitute.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/see-jane-100-report-2017.pdf)." + ], + "2": [ + "Minor Issue(s)", + "The claim regarding 12% of female characters working outside the home is not explicitly supported by Geena Davis Institute studies as seen in the article https://geenadavisinstitute.org/research/gender-bias-with-borders-an-investigation-of-female-characters-in-popular-films-across-11-countriesgender-bias-with-borders/" + ], + "3": [ + "Not Sure", + "The claims are generally true. But I could not confirm that 12% of female characters were working outside the home according to this site. https://geenadavisinstitute.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/see-jane-100-report-2017.pdf" + ] + }, + "custom_2__piidpdpdpdpdpdgipdiy": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "The definition of gastritis and its causes are accurate." + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "The information provided about gastritis is correct." + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "The doctor gives acurate information about gastritis." + ] + }, + "custom_1__i111111111111i12345": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "There are no issues, it's a recipe and factuality cannot be measured." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "Does not contain facts" + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "This is a recipe. No factual claims are made." + ] + }, + "topic_295__iitioatatiti": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. It's a fictional story." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "This is a fictional story about the narrator taking a driving test. No factual claims have been made" + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. The paragraph is about a person describing their experience taking a DMV test." + ] + }, + "topic_173__hiiibfwwslla": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. It's a fictional story." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "Is a poetic description of heartbreak. No factual claims made" + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "This is poetry. No factual claims are made." + ] + }, + "topic_178__jtkttkktfts": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "There are no issues in this paragraph." + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "The paragraph accurately describes kosher dietary laws in Judaism" + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "The claims made about the Kosher diet are true and verifiable. Kosher laws come from the Torah, and the foods are regulated, as stated in the paragraph." + ] + }, + "topic_231__ijiattonsth": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. It's a fictional story." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "Is a fictional story about a funny tatoo. No factual claims are made" + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made as this is a story about Tom and his tattoo." + ] + }, + "topic_493__isitgsgshgsg": { + "1": [ + "Minor Issue(s)", + "There are minor inaccuracies in this paragraph. Indira became member of the Parliament in 1964. In 1955, she became a member of its working committee. (source: https://www.britannica.com/biography/Indira-Gandhi)" + ], + "2": [ + "Minor Issue(s)", + "Indira became member of the Parliament in 1964. In 1955, she became a member of its working committee. https://archivepmo.nic.in/mrsindiragandhi.html" + ], + "3": [ + "Minor Issue(s)", + "Most of the biography about Indira Gandhi is accurate. However, although she began her political career in 1955, she was not a member of Parliament, but a Member of the Congress Working Committee and Central Election of the party. This is according to https://www.pmindia.gov.in/en/former_pm/smt-indira-gandhi/" + ] + }, + "topic_378__gtsmtt": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "There are no false claims here, the figures and estimates are consistent with current climate science, such as reports from the IPCC (source: https://www.ipcc.ch/sr15/chapter/chapter-1/)." + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "Is an accurate description of global warming" + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "The information provided is accurate according to https://science.nasa.gov/climate-change/what-is-climate-change/" + ] + }, + "topic_312__tifsiiaiwiaiwii": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. It's a fictional story." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "Is a fictional narrative about an eperience with portfolio submission. It has no factual claims made." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. This is a story about a woman narrating her ordeal about her portfolio." + ] + }, + "stt_167__itsttsbiivtsi": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "There are no issues with this paragraph." + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "Is an accurate review of the teen comedy \"She's the man\"" + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "The claims about the film 'She's the Man' are accurate and verifiable." + ] + }, + "topic_340__aheehitehe": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "There are no false claims in this paragraph (source: https://www.wagingpeace.org/albert-einstein-scientist-and-pacifist/)." + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "Is an accurate description of Albert Einstein's life, achievements, and contributions to physics as seen here https://www.nobelprize.org/prizes/physics/1921/einstein/biographical/" + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "The information provide are accurate and verifiable. The biography about Albert Einstein including his birth and achievements are true." + ] + }, + "gambia_typical__mffpotmtacmoitid": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "There's no false information in this paragraph (source: https://www.everyculture.com/Cr-Ga/Gambia.html)." + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "Is an accurate description of daily life in Gambia" + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "The claims are accurate as it gives an overview of the daily lives of people in Gambia." + ] + }, + "topic_208__ttttbwwwtt": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "the paragraph shows a creative means of defining Kitchen tools, and is subjective to personal taste. No factual claims are made" + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. The paragraph as it explains kitchen's tools." + ] + }, + "topic_246__awttatwtiw": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "There are no false claims here." + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "Is an accurate description of the process of seed germination and plant growth" + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "The claims about the growth of a seed and accurate and verifiable." + ] + }, + "stt_165__yyyyatwwit": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. It's a fictional story." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "Is a message about banning a user from a forum. No factual claims are made." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. The paragraph is about a warning given to a person." + ] + }, + "topic_587__weyiwiniwaaotiwenwy": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. It's a fictional story." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "Is a dialogue with funy and exaggerated elements. No factual claims are being made." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "While Ernest Hemingway can be considered one of the the greatest writer of that time as he won the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1954 for his mastery of the art of narrative in The Old Man and the Sea, this fragment is fictional and its veracity cannot be assessed, so the rating N/A is the most accurate one." + ] + }, + "topic_131__gtttgtiigt": { + "1": [ + "Minor Issue(s)", + "Tea was actually introduced in North America in 17th century, not 19th (https://www.chadotea.com/blogs/blog/history-of-tea-in-america)." + ], + "2": [ + "Minor Issue(s)", + "Tea was actually introduced in North America in 17th century, not 19th (https://www.chadotea.com/blogs/blog/history-of-tea-in-america)." + ], + "3": [ + "Minor Issue(s)", + "The history of tea in China is accurate. However tea was introduced in North America in the 17th century according to https://www.chadotea.com/blogs/blog/history-of-tea-in-america." + ] + }, + "topic_229__dotttttt": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "The information provided is correct (source: https://planehistoria.com/heinkel-he-177-greif/)." + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "The paragraph provides an accurate overview of aircraft used during World War II" + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "The information about World War II aircraft used such as German Luftwaffe Heinkel He 177 Greif and US B-29 Superfortress are accurate and verifiable." + ] + }, + "stt_30__iyiiiiyptisaiiiyyasbas": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. It's a fictional story." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "Is an emotional message about respect and accountability. Contains no factual claims" + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. The paragraph is about a person adivising another about the green rag she wore and posted a picture with it on social media." + ] + }, + "topic_271__atmimeiai": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. It's a fictional story." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "This is a conversation that talks about a serious car accident and the importance of safe driving practices." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "This is a fictional dialogue." + ] + }, + "topic_385__ihokhkhttthw": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. It's a fictional story." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "Is a fictional story and no factual claims are made" + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "This is a fictitious story. There are no factual claims made." + ] + }, + "topic_319__dipdddpdpp": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. It's a fictional story." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "Is a conversation about a dentist and his patient. Itr cobtains no factual claims that can be proven" + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "There are no factual claims made. The paragraph is abaout a patient's visit to the dentist." + ] + }, + "topic_7__diwrirtsldsrsr": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "There are no issues in this paragraph." + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "The paragraph contains an accurate description of rum, its production and uses." + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "The information about how rum is made, how it can be enjoyed, different types of rum, amd classic rum cocktails are accurate and verifiable." + ] + }, + "stt_461__wwatiibwwatlll": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. It's a fictional story." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "The paragraph provides a message about the need for unity in progressing Nigeria. It has no factual claims as it is a personal opinion." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "There are no factual claims made. This is a message of unity to the people of Nigeria." + ] + }, + "topic_336__cwjojwssattttt": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. It's a fictional story." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "It is a fictional narrative about a cusomer's shopping experience on Amazon. It contains no factual claims that can be proven" + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "There are no factual claims made. The paragraph is about an advertisement about Amazon." + ] + }, + "topic_360__tiiitibidisswiiia": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. It's a fictional story." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "It is a fictional narrative about a supernatural encounter with a black dog and an \"Angel of Death. It has no factual claims." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. This is a story about a person, a black dog, and the Angel of Death." + ] + }, + "custom_4__iifdfdfd": { + "1": [ + "Minor Issue(s)", + "The cases reported are more than the real ones: https://www.afenet-journal.net/content/article/7/31/full/" + ], + "2": [ + "Clear Issue(s)", + "There were approximately 3.5 million reported malaria cases in Ghana, not 24 million in the paragraph. https://www.severemalaria.org/countries/ghana" + ], + "3": [ + "Clear Issue(s)", + "The claim that in 2020, there were over 24 million cases of malaria in Ghana, and over 4,000 people died from the disease is false. The correct figures of confirmed malaria cases in Ghana is 5.45 million people according to https://www.statista.com/statistics/1241750/number-of-malaria-cases-in-ghana/. And 308 people died from the disease in 2020 accoriding to https://www.statista.com/statistics/1288356/number-of-deaths-from-malaria-in-ghana/" + ] + }, + "topic_389__sibsiiiisytiia": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. It's a fictional story." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "The paragraph is a fictional story of a malware experience from clicking on a pop-up ad, and measures to prevent malware attacks." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "This paragraph is about a person narrating about his ordeal with malware. There are no factual claims." + ] + }, + "topic_219__hii123r45": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "There are no issues, it's a recipe and factuality cannot be measured." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "Is a recipe for preparing a pork belly dish from Lancashire. No facts made" + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "This is a recipe about a pork dish from the county of Lancashire. There are no factual claims made." + ] + }, + "topic_541__nhmhaimhiahm": { + "1": [ + "Clear Issue(s)", + "Mandela did attend the University of Fort Hare, but he did not finish his degree there. He was expelled for participating in a student protest. He later completed his law degree through the University of South Africa (UNISA). Also, Mandela was arrested in 1962, but he was not sentenced to life in prison until the Rivonia Trial in 1964. In 1962, he was initially sentenced to five years in prison for leaving the country illegally and inciting strikes.(https://www.nelsonmandela.org/learners-biography?gad_source=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIkcH1pLaqigMVoRiiAx3vQDv0EAAYASAAEgKgiPD_BwE)." + ], + "2": [ + "Minor Issue(s)", + "It is an accurate description of Mandela's life, policical engagements, and presidency. The claims made are all correct as per the article https://www.nelsonmandela.org/biography, execpt that he studied in the Fort Hare University College but he could not finish the studies as he was expelled in 1940 due to his participation in a student protest." + ], + "3": [ + "Clear Issue(s)", + "The claim that Nelson Mandela studied law at the University of Fort Hare is false. He studied bachelors of Arts at Fort Hare but he did not finish. In 1989, while in the last months of his imprisonment, he obtained an LLB through the University of South Africa. The claim that Mandela was arrested for his political activities in 1962 and sentenced to life in prison, can be a bit misleading. Mandela had been arrested and sentenced to five years in prison on November 7, 1962 \u2013 three for incitement, and two for passport violation. He was sentenced to life imprisonment on June 12, 1964. This is according to https://www.nelsonmandela.org/biography." + ] + }, + "topic_507__atswotiwiiii": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. It's a fictional story." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "This is a fictional account of a person's daily routines. There are no factual claims that have been made." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factuat claims are made. The paragraph is about a person describing their after school activities." + ] + }, + "topic_15__uobtottam": { + "1": [ + "Not Sure", + "The study mentioned can't be found online, so the statements can't be factually verified." + ], + "2": [ + "Not Sure", + "I am unable to completely prove that the paragraph is factually correct" + ], + "3": [ + "Not Sure", + "I did not find a JAMA study that found that patients who received personalized therapy based on their data were more likely to improve their symptoms than those who received standard therapy." + ] + }, + "topic_95__ftoitittfs": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "There are no issues here." + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "The paragraph correctly summarizes flora and fauna, and ecosystems as per the internet search" + ], + "3": [ + "Minor Issue(s)", + "The phytoplankton are found in the mid zone called the limnetic zone and not the deep zone. The limnetic zone is well-lighted (like the littoral zone which is the shallowest zone) and is dominated by plankton, both phytoplankton and zooplankton. This is according to https://ucmp.berkeley.edu/exhibits/biomes/freshwater.php#:~:text=Lakes%20and%20ponds%20are%20divided,more%20of%20the%20Sun's%20heat." + ] + }, + "stt_479__titaitta": { + "1": [ + "Minor Issue(s)", + "Stainless steel is a poor conductor of heat." + ], + "2": [ + "Minor Issue(s)", + "The paragraph accurately describes fire safety and security measures for a storage area. There is a minor issue since stainless steel is a poor conductor of heat" + ], + "3": [ + "Minor Issue(s)", + "Stainless steel is a poor conductor of heat. However the explanation about dissipating fire is correct." + ] + }, + "topic_424__fftsooatcfo": { + "1": [ + "Minor Issue(s)", + "There's no evidence that Amy Shumer posted a photo with such caption." + ], + "2": [ + "Minor Issue(s)", + "The paragraph is a fictional narrative about Facebook users and their nature of drunkenly posting their lives. The small inaccuracy is that there's no evidence that Amy Shumer posted a photo with such caption." + ], + "3": [ + "Minor Issue(s)", + "To claim that all Facebook users post drunkenly about their lives is false, innacurate and misleading." + ] + }, + "zambia_current__zizzhttcotz": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "There are minor issues here. First, the UNPD WAS the largest opposition party until it won the 2021 elections, sence then, it's the ruling party. The largest opposition party is now the Patriotic Front (source: https://www.parliament.gov.zm/members/opposition). Also, it seems that copper prices have been relatively strong in recent years due to global demand for renewable energy materials, so it;s not true that Zambian economy \"has been struggling in recent years due to low copper prices\" (source: https://www.ceicdata.com/en/zambia/average-copper-and-crude-oil-price/copper-export-lme-price). - but this all could be true if it was written a few years ago, so \"No issues\"" + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "The information about Zambia may be accurate as per the time the writer was writing it." + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "The claims about Zambia are true and verifiable." + ] + }, + "topic_106__ttmbtmbp": { + "1": [ + "Minor Issue(s)", + "This paragraph is partially misleading as it suggests that Messi left Barcelona because he wanted to do so. But Messi did not decide to leave Barcelona voluntarily, he intended to stay, but Barcelona's financial struggles and La Liga's salary cap regulations made it impossible for the club to renew his contract, so he was forced to leave (source: https://www.fcbarcelona.com/en/news/2207655/leo-messi-not-staying-at-fc-barcelona)." + ], + "2": [ + "Minor Issue(s)", + "This paragraph suggests that Messi left Barcelona voluntarily, but according to some sources, he intended to stay, but Barcelona's financial struggles and La Liga's salary cap regulations made it impossible for the club to renew his contract, so he was forced to leave (source: https://www.fcbarcelona.com/en/news/2207655/leo-messi-not-staying-at-fc-barcelona)." + ], + "3": [ + "Minor Issue(s)", + "The paragraph suggests that Messi left Barcelona voluntarily, but according to some sources, he intended to stay, but Barcelona's financial struggles and La Liga's salary cap regulations made it impossible for the club to renew his contract, so he was forced to leave (source: https://www.fcbarcelona.com/en/news/2207655/leo-messi-not-staying-at-fc-barcelona)." + ] + }, + "topic_547__otgglbotcbgg": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "This summary is accurate (source: https://www.sparknotes.com/lit/micemen/summary/)." + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "It provides an accurate summary Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck" + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "The summary about the novel Of Mice and Men is accurate." + ] + }, + "topic_17__abiwababtwabtta": { + "1": [ + "Minor Issue(s)", + "This story includes some misleading statements. While lemon juice is acidic and can irritate the scalp or hair, there is no solid evidence that it kills lice. Overuse of lemon juice could also cause skin irritation or dryness (source: https://hairforceclinics.com/blog/home-remedies-for-head-lice-do-they-work/)." + ], + "2": [ + "Not Sure", + "While olive oil is a home remedy for lice, lemon juice and garlic are not scientifically proven to effectively get rid of lice, and I am unable to prove that they work." + ], + "3": [ + "Not Sure", + "Not sure if this is totally concluded that olive oil, lemon juice, and garlic can help get rid of lice." + ] + }, + "topic_254__mtcyttiitwticnt": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. It's a fictional story." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "This is a fictional and narrative account of a conversation between a mother and a toddler. No factual claims have been made" + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "This is a fictional dialogue." + ] + }, + "topic_354__biittontfft": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made here. These are someone's recommendations for birthday." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "The paragraph shares ideas for celebrating birthdays, reflecting gratitude, and setting personal goals, which are all different with people's interests. No factual claims made" + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made.The paragraph describes things one can do during their birthday." + ] + }, + "topic_211__ppplpptpblipt": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. It's a fictional story." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "This is a fictional discussion about romantic comedies and their portrayal of love, which depends on the persona's opinions. No factual claims have been made." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. This is a conversation between two people sharing their opinions about romantic comedies." + ] + }, + "topic_530__miwtwssisiwmtiasw": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. It's a fictional story." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "Is a personal narrative of the writer's first day of school. No factual claims made." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "This is a story about a person describing their first day at school. No factual claims are made." + ] + }, + "stt_8__wtttttttrhspahitiwiwtataiicict": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "Everything is factually correct." + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "The paragraph provides an accurate description of acute and chronic inflammation, their causes, symptoms, and treatments https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK556083/" + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "The information about the mechanisms of white blood cells when tissues are injured, the autoimmune diseases and their treatment is correct and can be verified. It is true that white blood cells can help fight an infection, remove damaged tissues, and release chemicals that stimulate the growth of new tissue." + ] + }, + "mozambique_historical__tittrtfii": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "Everything in this paragraph is factually correct (source: https://www.britannica.com/place/Mozambique/Peace-in-Mozambique)." + ], + "2": [ + "Minor Issue(s)", + "The 1984 Nkomati accord was meant to stop South Africa\u2019s support for RENAMO but did not involve a direct peace agreement between FRELIMO and RENAMO. The war continued afterward.(https://www.c-r.org/accord/mozambique/historical-context%C2%A0war-and-peace-mozambique)" + ], + "3": [ + "Minor Issue(s)", + "Most of the information is true however, FRELIMO and RENAMO never signed a peace agreement. In 1984, Mozambique and South Africa signed the Nkomati Non-Aggression Pact which was meant to lay the groundwork for a cessation of hostilities. This is according to https://www.c-r.org/accord/mozambique/historical-context%C2%A0war-and-peace-mozambique." + ] + }, + "topic_249__ittiaoa": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. It's a fictional story." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "The paragraph is about a fictional narrative in Locksmiths. No factual claims are made" + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "This is a fictitious story. No factual claims are made." + ] + }, + "topic_356__mwwtwtotiawiiii": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "This is a fictional story." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "The paragraph is a personal account of donating blood. No facts have been made" + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. This is a story of a person describing their first experience at donating blood." + ] + }, + "topic_24__atstsssth": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. It's a fictional story." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "This is a fictional story of a solo hiker who becomes lost in the Swiss Alps. No facts have been made." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "This is an article narrating the story about a lone traveller who got lost in the Swiss Alps. No factual claims are made." + ] + }, + "topic_14__wiiotii": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. It's a fictional story." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "The paragraph is a personal narrative reflecting on childhood experiences with magazines and their impact on learning.No facts have been made." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. This paragraph is about a person describing their passion of reading magazines." + ] + }, + "topic_29__ttsitioihits": { + "1": [ + "Minor Issue(s)", + "Mostly accurate, but lions are not solitary hunters, but pack hunters (source: https://obdk.com/blogs/obdk-blog/feb-8-solitary-pack-hunting)." + ], + "2": [ + "Minor Issue(s)", + "Lions are not isolated but are social cats as proven by https://www.lionstigersandbears.org/lions-and-their-unbreakable-bond-with-their-prides/" + ], + "3": [ + "Minor Issue(s)", + "Lions are considered social predators according to some references (https://www.deakin.edu.au/research/research-news-and-publications/articles/the-power-of-one-solitary-carnivores-outkill-group-hunters)" + ] + }, + "topic_177__asttsiiitsi": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. It's a fictional story." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "This is a personal story talking about witnessing a goat giving birth, it is considered a personal story and lacks facts that can be proven" + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. This is a story about a driver who narrates their encounter with a goat giving birth." + ] + }, + "topic_508__tibttosssoha": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. It's a fictional story." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "The narrative about life in a sprawling city, focusing on struggles and poverty. No facts have been made" + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made as this is a story about a girl called Amelia and the city life." + ] + }, + "topic_394__dittfcismttb": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "The points presented are factually accurate. There are claims about effectiveness in curbing corruption, the impact on the poor, and economic disruption which are valid." + ], + "2": [ + "Minor Issue(s)", + "The claim that demonetization \"may actually increase corruption\" is generalized.https://www.isec.ac.in/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/WP-450-Pratap-Singh_2-Final.pdf" + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "No issues as the description about demonetization, and the India demonitization in 2016 is true. The reassons to be skeptical of demonitization is reasonable." + ] + }, + "stt_101__titttliiiistnis": { + "1": [ + "Minor Issue(s)", + "The information provided is factually accurate with no major errors. The only small adjustment is that the claim about lechon originating exclusively in the Philippines should be softened, as similar dishes exist in other Southeast Asian countries (source: https://foodicles.com/lechon-history/). The preparation and cultural importance of lechon are well represented, and the methods of cooking and variations are correctly mentioned." + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "The receipt seems to be originated in the Philippines." + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "The claim that the receipt of Lechon is orginated from Phillippines is correct. It is also popular in other parts of Southeast Asia, such as Indonesia, Malaysia, and Thailand." + ] + }, + "topic_12__mumumumumumu": { + "1": [ + "Minor Issue(s)", + "This conversation contains some inaccuracies and is somehow speculative. The idea that nuclear-powered cars could go for hundreds of miles on a single tank of fuel is speculative." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "This a conversation between two people discussing cars. No facts made" + ], + "3": [ + "Minor Issue(s)", + "This paragraph is misleading because nuclear cars have never been built. In the 1950s, Ford Motor Company conceptualized the Ford nucleon, a car that would use a small nuclear reactor for power. The concept car was never built, but it represented a vision of the future where nuclear energy could replace gasoline. This is according to https://inspenet.com/en/articulo/nuclear-powered-cars-feasibility-mechanic/" + ] + }, + "topic_162__atatysbtt": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. It's a fictional story." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "This is a fictional, humorous story involving a misunderstanding at a comedy club. No facts made" + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. This is a comedic story about a man who orders fillet mignon at a restaurant and he is served a raw fillet mignon." + ] + }, + "stt_129__hhtthattt": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. It's a fictional story." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "This is a personal and emotional event involving a car accident and subsequent treatment." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. This is a story aboutr a boy who was involed in an accident." + ] + }, + "topic_101__rpibtitssopat": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. It's a fictional story." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "This is a is a fictional reflection on royalty and societal needs. No facts made" + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. The paragraph appears to be a Blacksmith reading drom a book." + ] + }, + "topic_534__tshotstfsbhasb": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "This is a fictional story." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "This is a summary of The Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemingway." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made as this is a story about un unlucky old man who goes fishing." + ] + }, + "stt_633__ttiiatihidiihit": { + "1": [ + "Minor Issue(s)", + "This paragraph contains a lot of oversimplifications, but is generally factually correct. The claim about being \"held until trial\" and the assumption that acquittal guarantees no criminal record can vary depending on specific legal contexts, such as bail conditions and record-keeping laws." + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "The paragraph talks about general legal processes and outcomes related to theft cases. https://www.uscourts.gov/" + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "The options provided about what might happen to a presumed thief who is held by the police are accurate." + ] + }, + "topic_102__tttohhttwtte": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. It's a fictional story." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "This a fictional story about a linguist and a pastry chef creating a special cake. No facts made" + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claim are made. This is a story about a linguist and a pastry chef who were unable to get a child." + ] + }, + "topic_465__hithitthpthi": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "There are no factually incorrect information here." + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "It is a general overview of hockey, its origins, gameplay, and popularity." + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "The information is accurate, and no errors were detected." + ] + }, + "topic_192__whsiitiiiiitwww": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. It's a fictional story." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "This is a fictional and expressive reflection on fear, with vivid and descriptive language. No facts made" + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. It's a paragraph about a person describing fear." + ] + }, + "topic_446__ghgwggwwggwggggg": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. It's a fictional story." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "This paragraph is a fictional dialogue between a grandmother and her granddaughter. No facts made" + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. It's a conversationg between a grandmother and grand daughter." + ] + }, + "topic_140__tfitftiiit": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "This paragraph acurrately describes music's role in religious and social contexts, particularly in Hinduism and Buddhism, as well as its use in the Civil Rights Movement. No factually incorrect information is present." + ], + "2": [ + "Minor Issue(s)", + "The paragraph is generally accurate, but correcting the phrasing around Martin Luther King Jr.'s involvement in music would resolve the minor issue. He did not compose or perform songs but was associated with movement songs, often performed by figures like Mahalia Jackson. https://kinginstitute.stanford.edu/songs-and-civil-rights-movement" + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "The information about the influences of religion of music are accurate and verifiable." + ] + }, + "topic_558__tipdtptit": { + "1": [ + "Minor Issue(s)", + "This paragraph accurately describes peacocks, but there is no evidence that they can talk." + ], + "2": [ + "Minor Issue(s)", + "While most of the paragraph is accurate, the claim about peacocks being able to \"talk\" is misleading and should be clarified. https://www.birdlife.org/" + ], + "3": [ + "Minor Issue(s)", + "The statement that peacocks are known for their intelligence and ability to learn and They can be trained to perform tricks and can even be taught to talk is false. Peacocks are moderately intelligent but they do not posses the ability to talk or imitate sounds. They communicate by making loud calls and cries." + ] + }, + "topic_164__ittittiiii": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. It's a fictional story." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "This paragraph is a fictional narrative describing a character's experience and thoughts while writing a postcard." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. This is a story about a woman who is writing a postcard to her lover, Ted. Yet she had sexual encounters with another man Alfonso." + ] + }, + "cameroon_historical__ttitdtiic": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "The text provides an overall accurate overview of Cameroon's history (source: https://www.britannica.com/place/Cameroon/History)." + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "The paragraph captures key events." + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "Facts presented seem to be correct." + ] + }, + "topic_61__mesgspgttttg": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "It seems to be ficitonal, no actual facts are present here." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "The paragraph is a fictional story that effectively captures the emotion and procedures surrounding a missing person case. No factual claims" + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "There are no factual claims made. This looks like a newapaper ad about the dissapearance of Eva Green, a 25-year-old woman from London." + ] + }, + "stt_546__tityniyttbisotwahstibyiw": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "Factually correct description of how to trim dog's nails." + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "The paragraph provides a comprehensive guide on how to safely trim a dog's nails, including necessary supplies, proper technique, and tips to ensure the process is stress-free for the dog. All information is accurate and practical." + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "This guide on trimming a dog's nails is plausible. The tips provided can be considered accurate and verifiable." + ] + }, + "ivory_coast__itghihgitth": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "Factually correctparagraph (https://www.hrw.org/news/2018/05/08/cote-divoire-justice-2010-11-crimes-stagnates)." + ], + "2": [ + "Minor Issue(s)", + "The paragraph outlines the Ivory Coast conflict but misstates Gbagbo's acquittal timeline; the ICC acquitted him in January 2019, not 2017. While UN sanctions had an impact, the situation remains complex and needs more nuanced discussion. https://press.un.org/en/2019/sc13831.doc.htm" + ], + "3": [ + "Minor Issue(s)", + "The United Nations Security Council imposed sanctions on Gbagbo and his supporters in March 2011 and 2018 as claimed by the paragraph. This is according to https://unowa.unmissions.org/security-council-imposes-targeted-sanctions-former-president-laurent-gbagbo. Gbagbo was acquitted of his charges in 2019, the statement may be misleading to readers who may think that Gbagbo was acquited in 2017." + ] + }, + "topic_309__totsrhattswih": { + "1": [ + "Minor Issue(s)", + "Last two senetences about drying clothes in the rain are clearly false." + ], + "2": [ + "Minor Issue(s)", + "The paragraph provides useful laundry methods, but clarifying that rain-based drying may not always be feasible. https://www.goodhousekeeping.com/home/cleaning/a35650891/how-to-do-laundry/" + ], + "3": [ + "Minor Issue(s)", + "The step-by-step information is plausible. However, the statement that the rain might help you to dry your clothes is false. Rain will make your clothes wetter. The sun can help you to dry your clothes." + ] + }, + "topic_128__itttitatiotothtseaeb": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "Statements are true in terms of the formation of the universe." + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "The paragraph accurately reflects scientific knowledge with minor speculative elements about the future of the universe, which aligns with popular scientific theories. https://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/astro/history/big_bang.html" + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "The story about the origin of life is backed by scientists. The Big cruch theory also suggests that, one day, the universe will stop growing. Then, it will begin to shrink. As the universe grows smaller, it will also get hotter." + ] + }, + "topic_294__iitraboyy": { + "1": [ + "Minor Issue(s)", + "Both renewable and alternative energy sources are clean and sustainable, meaning they don't produce greenhouse gases or other pollutants. is partially true. While renewable energy sources like wind, solar, and hydropower are generally clean and sustainable, not all forms of alternative energy are entirely free of pollutants. For instance, biomass energy can release carbon dioxide (though it's considered carbon-neutral in the long term) and other pollutants when burned. (source: https://www.nrel.gov/research/re-biomass.html)" + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "The paragraph provides an informative overview of renewable and alternative energy sources, as well as practical ways to reduce carbon footprints. https://www.worldbank.org/404_response.htm" + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "The information provided about climate change and renewable and alternative energy sources are accurate and can be verified." + ] + }, + "topic_105__tibohwhttthtttt": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. It's a fictional story." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "The paragraph tells a fictional story about a young boy named Thomas who visits an old wooden boat on the shore." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "This is a story about an old boat. No factual claims are made." + ] + }, + "topic_328__sjijwjijiwjbsajijiij": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. It's a fictional story." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "This paragraph is a fictional dialogue between two friends discussing a personal situation." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made as this is an scene from an act where two fiends are talking in a coffee shop." + ] + }, + "topic_244__ththtihth": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. It's a fictional story." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "\nThis paragraph is a fictional narrative describing a baker's moment of pride and satisfaction as he prepares fresh-baked bread" + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. This is a story of a baker who baked delicious bread." + ] + }, + "stt_682__tithitcitsud": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "There are no false claims in this paragraph, although some of the statements may differ depending on the region, for example in some areas it will be easier to find a wild river fish, and in some it will be easier to find farm-raised fish. So the statements here are not universal turths." + ], + "2": [ + "Minor Issue(s)", + "The paragraph claims wild river fish are higher in omega-3s, but studies show farmed fish can have equal or higher levels due to controlled diets. https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/finding-omega-3-fats-in-fish-farmed-versus-wild-201512238909?utm_source=chatgpt.com" + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "It is true that wild river fish are high in omega-3 fatty acids compared to calm lake fish or stock pond farm because they consume a more natural diet, including algae, plankton, and other marine organisms compared to stock pond farm who are fed a diet that may not be as rich in omega-3." + ] + }, + "topic_100__ufwoeittssti": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "There are no issues with this paragraph (source: https://www.britannica.com/story/the-disappearance-of-amelia-earhart)." + ], + "2": [ + "Not Sure", + "The paragraph states that Earhart's plane crashed on a remote Pacific island. While this claim was widely reported, it remains inconclusive and o evidence can be found to rove." + ], + "3": [ + "Not Sure", + "There's no evidence that a In 2017, a team of researchers announced that they had found evidence that Earhart's plane crashed on a remote island in the Pacific Ocean. However, there's a A 2017 History Channel documentary that explored the theory that Earhart and Noonan survived the crash, landed in the Marshall Islands and were taken captive by the Japanese. This is according to https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20240131-researchers-say-amelia-earharts-long-lost-plane-may-have-just-been-found" + ] + }, + "stt_465__gtdthgtdhiyooootri": { + "1": [ + "Clear Issue(s)", + "1. The largest arachnids are not wolf spiders. The Goliath birdeater (a species of tarantula) holds the record for the largest spider, with leg spans up to 12 inches. Wolf spiders are significantly smaller, typically with body lengths of 1-2 inches and leg spans of up to 4 inches. (source: https://nationalzoo.si.edu/animals/goliath-bird-eating-tarantula) 2. Wolf spiders are widespread and found on every continent except Antarctica, but they are not exclusive to tropical rainforests. (source: https://www.nationalgeographic.com/animals/invertebrates/facts/wolf-spider) 3. Wolf spiders are not aggressive. They tend to be shy and avoid confrontation. While their bite is venomous (like most spiders), it is not medically significant to humans, typically causing only minor symptoms like redness and swelling. 4. Wolf spiders are ground-dwelling hunters and do not spin webs to catch prey. They use silk primarily for creating egg sacs or burrow linings. (source: https://www.nationalgeographic.com/animals/invertebrates/facts/wolf-spider) 5. Wolf spiders are fast runners compared to other spiders, but their speed is closer to 2 feet per second (approximately 1.4 mph), not 10 miles per hour. 6. No species of spider is large enough to be ridden by humans. This concept is entirely fictional." + ], + "2": [ + "Clear Issue(s)", + "The size of a giant wolf spider is 11 inches and not over 12 inches as stated in the paragraph https://nationalzoo.si.edu/animals/goliath-bird-eating-tarantula .The idea of riding a giant wolf spider, as described, is unrealistic and unsafe. Spiders should be observed from a safe distance, not handled or ridden." + ], + "3": [ + "Clear Issue(s)", + "Giant wolf spiders are not the largest species of arachnid. They are small to medium sized with the largest, Hogna ingens, having a body about 2.5 cm (1 inch) long. Also, humans cannot ride a spider has it is not only dangerous but they are too small compared to human size." + ] + }, + "topic_43__fifaifiaif": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims. This is a fictional story." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "Is an interview and contains no factual claims." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. This is a work interview of Fatima Messaoudi." + ] + }, + "topic_88__twibthattt": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "There are no clearly false statements here." + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "Is a comprehensive defiition of translation and its benefits." + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "The benefits of translation as stated in the paragraph such as increasing the relative value of content, improving accessibility, and opening up new markets are plausible and verifiable." + ] + }, + "stt_495__twhtowawoth": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "It can be subjective, but this paragraph doesn't include any clearly false statements." + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "The paragraph generally presents philosophical ideas related to rationality, order, and internal consistency." + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "The argument presented in the paragraph to achieve internal consistency such as living according to our values and being honest with ourselves about our strengths and weaknesses is plausible. It also notes that achieving internal consistency is not always easy which is true." + ] + }, + "topic_281__viivhaivhhtt": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. It's a fictional story." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "It is a story of how Vimes was dealing with a headache and a stressful day. It contains no factual claims" + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. This is a story about Vimes who is having a terrible headache after a trying day at work." + ] + }, + "topic_64__isitttittsat": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. It's a fictional story." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "Is a fictional tale of a supernatural event. No factual claims made." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "This is a story about a strange event where a strange glowing light was glowing from a sphere that was hovering in the air. No factual claims are made." + ] + }, + "topic_173__dwiiiiijcatittn": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. It's a fictional story." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "Is a conversation about heartbreak. Has no factual claims" + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made as this is a convesation between two people. One of them had broken up with his girlfriend." + ] + }, + "topic_403__abiiabiiaabwa": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "The paragraph contains no factual claims that can be assessed, as it is a conversation about dowry system." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "The conversation is about the dowry system, emphasizing its discriminatory nature, financial burden, and potential to perpetuate abuse and inequality. No factual claims made" + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. This is a convesation about two people airing their opinions about the dowry system." + ] + }, + "topic_397__iitodwyitmti": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "There are no issues here, the paragraph describes Type 1 diabetes correctly (source: https://medlineplus.gov/ency/article/000305.htm)." + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "The paragraph provides an accurate overview of living with Type 1 diabetes." + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "The claims made about type 1 diabetes is true. The pancreas doesn't make enough insulin, or it doesn't make any at all in people with type 1 diabetes. The blood sugar in type 1 diabetes can also be affected by eating habits, stress, and exercise." + ] + }, + "stt_526__ttttyin": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "This paragraph is fictional and doesn't contain any clearly false statements." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "This paragraph is about a fruit salad that brings together a medley of flavors. No factual claims made." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. This is an advertisement about a fruit salad." + ] + }, + "topic_409__abhawabattabaaeabaww": { + "1": [ + "Minor Issue(s)", + "Forest loss and damage is the cause of around 10% of global warming actually, there are larger contributors, so this is an oversimplification (source: https://www.wwf.org.uk/learn/effects-of/deforestation)." + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "\nThe conversation provides a good overview of how deforestation contributes to climate change. No issues" + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "The information about deforestation is accurate. Deforestation can have many negative impacts such as destroying the habitats of many animals and plants, thereby loosing the benefits they provide. Reducinng demand for wood products and planting trees can help reduce deforestation." + ] + }, + "stt_91__iomtamtfttii": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "There are no issues with this paragraph. It provides accurate information on AP tests." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "Is a story of how high school fostered critical thinking, teamwork, and perseverance, shaping a successful college and career path. No factual claims made" + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. This is a speech about a student detailing the benefits of attending their high school." + ] + }, + "topic_132__pptcoto": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "There are no issues with this paragraph. It provides accurate information on pottery." + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "This paragraph tells the process of creating pottery and contains no factual mistakes." + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "The process of making pottery from clay is true and verifiable. Pottery can be use for decorative purpose or for utilitarian purposes as stated in the paragraph." + ] + }, + "topic_118__rtrwtarttfdtr": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "There are no issues with this paragraph. It provides accurate infromation on rainstorms." + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "The paragraph accurately describes rainstorms and their various impacts." + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "The impacts of rainstorms in human lives such as flooding, power outages, improving soil quality and watering the plants as stated in the paragraph is true and verifiable. The process of rainstorms formation and the unit of measurement, inches, is also accurate." + ] + }, + "topic_181__etettrw": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "There are no issues with this paragraph." + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "The paragraph accurately describes the structure and function of the human eye." + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "The claims about the human eye are correct. Each eye is made up of three layers: the sclera, the choroid, and the retina each serving a different function. The sclera is the white part of the eye, the choroid is the dark layer behind the sclera, and the retina is the light-sensitive layer at the back of the eye." + ] + }, + "topic_342__mwaiocssoiimsi": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "This paragraph includes some factually correct information about rabbits." + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "No factual mistakes are made." + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "The claim that rabbits require fibre to aid in digestion is true. Hay is a good source of fiber which rabits require." + ] + }, + "topic_104__atwttteet": { + "1": [ + "Minor Issue(s)", + "While the Richter scale was historically used to measure earthquake magnitude, it has largely been replaced by the Moment Magnitude Scale (Mw), which provides a more accurate measure of an earthquake's size. Additionally, the Richter scale does not have a strict range from 0 to 9; earthquakes can exceed magnitude 9.0. (source: https://www.usgs.gov/faqs/how-are-earthquakes-recorded-how-are-earthquakes-measured-how-magnitude-earthquake-determined)" + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "The paragraph provides a solid explanation of earthquakes and their causes, effects, and impact." + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "The information provided about earthquakes, their formation, how they are measured, and the damages caused by earthquakes are accurate and verifiable." + ] + }, + "stt_512__yyygtytisiidbayiiiig": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. It's a fictional story." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "This is a conversation expressing frustration and urging others to mature and take responsibility for their actions. No factual claims made" + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. The paragraph is about an adult lecturing children on the realities of life." + ] + }, + "topic_15__isioiimii": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. It's a fictional story." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "\nThis story is about discovering an old family recipe for an anti-aging facial mask. no afctual claims made." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "There are no factual claims made. This is a story how a person came across a box of old recipes from their grandmother." + ] + }, + "topic_504__thhbtsitwitiiast": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. It's a fictional story." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "This story is about a veteran finding comfort and laughter through a young volunteer named Sarah. no factual claims made" + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. This is a story about a volunteer making the veteran laugh as he sat in his hospital room." + ] + }, + "topic_19__natattttu": { + "1": [ + "Not Sure", + "It's difficult to find this exact study online to say if this paragraph contains factually correct information, and this study is crucial here as the information provided is based on it." + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "The paragraph accurately reflects key findings from studies on breast cancer screenings and false positives. https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamanetworkopen/fullarticle/2790521?utm_source=chatgpt.com" + ], + "3": [ + "Not Sure", + "The claims made about breast cancer screening are accurate and verifiable. However, the exact study from where these claims are made could not be pinpointed." + ] + }, + "nigeria_typical__atattiihnfb": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "The description is generally factually correct, but it oversimplifies some aspects of Nigerian life, such as breakfast habits and work routines, which can vary significantly based on region, socioeconomic class, and occupation (as is the case for all ethnicities, actually)." + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "The paragraph provides a reasonable overview of a typical day in Nigeria" + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "No factual mistakes are made. The paragraph describes a typical day for a person in Nigeria." + ] + }, + "malawi_historical__ttiitidh": { + "1": [ + "Clear Issue(s)", + "1. Dr. Hastings Kamuzu Banda did not found the Nyasaland African Congress (NAC) in 1944.\nBanda was abroad at the time and only became involved in the NAC after returning to Nyasaland in 1958. (source: https://oxfordre.com/africanhistory/display/10.1093/acrefore/9780190277734.001.0001/acrefore-9780190277734-e-630?p=emailAIdByaZpkR9.Y&d=/10.1093/acrefore/9780190277734.001.0001/acrefore-9780190277734-e-630)\n2. The NAC was not banned in 1953.\nIt was banned later, in 1959, during a state of emergency declared by the colonial authorities. (source: https://eap.bl.uk/project/EAP942)\n3. The NAC was not renamed the Malawi Congress Party (MCP) in 1961.\nThe MCP was formed in 1959 after the NAC was banned. (source: https://eap.bl.uk/project/EAP942)" + ], + "2": [ + "Clear Issue(s)", + "There is an incorrect date as the NAC was not banned in 1953 but in 1959 (source: https://eap.bl.uk/project/EAP942)" + ], + "3": [ + "Clear Issue(s)", + "NAC was banned by British colonial authorities in 1959 and not in 1953 as claimed by the paragraph. Malawi Congress Party was formed in 1959, months after NAC was banned. This is according to https://eap.bl.uk/project/EAP942." + ] + }, + "topic_38__twtttwwt": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. It's a fictional story." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "This is fictional story, so 'N/A' label is applied." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. This is a report about a building that physicians from the Southern Medical Association claim was not properly ventilated and the employees were exposed to harmful chemicals." + ] + }, + "libya_current__taiittt": { + "1": [ + "Minor Issue(s)", + "The passage is largely accurate, but it seems there are some nuances regarding the specific political entities. After Gaddafi's fall, the NTC initially governed the country. However, the statement conflates the NTC with the LNA. The NTC was replaced by the Libyan Government of National Unity (GNU) and later, the Libyan House of Representatives (HoR). The LNA, led by Khalifa Haftar, emerged later and was not directly involved in the initial post-Gaddafi years." + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "The paragraph provides an accurate overview of the Libyan Civil War according to https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/may/18/war-in-libya-how-did-it-start-what-happens-next" + ], + "3": [ + "Minor Issue(s)", + "Although most of the information provided is accurate, the Government of National Accord (GNA) was formed in 2015. This is according to https://sgp.fas.org/crs/row/RL33142.pdf." + ] + }, + "topic_121__ttsofcesfctct": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. It's a fictional story." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "Is a fictional story of Constance navigating grief after her husband's death, finding love and support in Frederick as they build a life together, offering a message of hope and healing. Contains no factual claims" + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. This is a fictitious soap opera." + ] + }, + "topic_137__aicehtotptts": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "This passage provides factually correct information." + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "The paragraph accurately discusses the merging of computers and electronics, the rise of personal computers, and the development of the software industry." + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "The information about computers and electronics are generally correct." + ] + }, + "open_178__tssbhhhaisahs": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. It's a fictional story." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "Is a fictional story of Aida experiencing satisfaction with Hakim. No factual claims made." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. This is the story of Aida and Hakim who are lovers." + ] + }, + "topic_60__tttdttifi": { + "1": [ + "Minor Issue(s)", + "Hajj takes 5-6 days and the rituals commemorate events related to Prophet Ibrahim (Abraham) and his family, not just Prophet Muhammad, so this description is slightly misleading. (source: https://www.islamic-relief.org.uk/resources/knowledge-base/five-pillars-of-islam/hajj/)." + ], + "2": [ + "Minor Issue(s)", + "The paragraph is mostly correct. However, there is a slight inaccuracy regarding the timing of the pilgrimage. The hajj takes place from the 8th to the 12th (or 13th, depending on the lunar calendar) of Dhu al-Hijjah, not just over five days https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2009/11/18/a-step-by-step-guide-to-hajj?utm_source=chatgpt.com" + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "The claims made in the paragraph about hajj are accurate and verifiable." + ] + }, + "topic_440__fitfiiigtwwwfw": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "There are no factually incorrect statements here." + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "The paragraph is a largely accurate overview of freedom of the press." + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "The claims made in the paragraph about freedom of the press are accurate and verifiable." + ] + }, + "open_142__ttohiitf": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "There are no factually incorrect statements here." + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "\nThe paragraph generally provides an accurate overview of how climate change impacts agriculture" + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "The claims made about the effects of climate change on agriculture are plausible and can be verified." + ] + }, + "topic_587__iihfihwtwijtwari": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. It's a fictional story." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "\nThe story recounts a road rage incident and has no factual claims." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. This is a pesronal account of a person who had road rage." + ] + }, + "topic_8__ottolltlolt": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. It's a fictional story." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "Is a fictional story of Lily, a young girl who helps a turtle caught in a net, then stands up to boys throwing rocks at fish in a river. No factual claims made" + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. This is a story about Lily who lived near a river and had a passion for helping animals who were in danger." + ] + }, + "open_326__witbybwbiyya": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. It's a fictional story." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "\nThis is a conversation describing the journey of understanding the true meaning of becoming a queen. No factual claims made." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. It is a conversation between a younger woman and an older woman about the meaning of becoming a queen." + ] + }, + "topic_386__cttcii": { + "1": [ + "Minor Issue(s)", + "The statement that the fielding side stops the ball \"with their own bats\" is incorrect. Fielders use their hands to stop or catch the ball; they do not use bats." + ], + "2": [ + "Minor Issue(s)", + "The paragraph accurately describes the basic rules and elements of cricket, including the roles of the bowler and batsman, the pitch, wickets, and the general nature of the game. There is a small inaccuracy regarding the use of the bats." + ], + "3": [ + "Minor Issue(s)", + "Most of the statements about cricket are generally true, however, the fielding team does not stop the ball with their bats. The fielders stop the ball using their hands, body, or any other part of their body to prevent the ball from crossing the boundary." + ] + }, + "topic_136__vwtvstitw": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "There are no factually incorrect statements here." + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "This is a description of vegetarian cuisine, highlighting its variety, reasons for adoption, and the availability of plant-based proteins and substitutes for meat. All information is accurate and correct" + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "The information provided about vegetarian diets is accurate and verifiable." + ] + }, + "stt_455__iacppshmas": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "There are no issues, it's a recipe and factuality cannot be measured." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "Is a recipe and contains no factual information." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. This is a recipe." + ] + }, + "stt_434__itiootbiibhtttittoi": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. It's a fictional story." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "This is a review of a movie, discussing its strengths and weaknesses, such as acting, story, cinematography, and overall impression. No factual claims made." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. This is a person sharing their opinions about a movie." + ] + }, + "open_24__ttiwaithwwiawit": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. It's a fictional story." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "This is a descriptive story about a mountain hike, focusing on the breathtaking view, the experience, and the journey both up and down the mountain. No fatual claims made." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. This is a story about a person narrating about their hiking experience." + ] + }, + "stt_474__otehttiiht": { + "1": [ + "Minor Issue(s)", + "There are minor inaccuracies in this paragraph: 1.The helicopters were not supposed to land at the U.S. Embassy in Tehran; the plan involved a staging area (Desert One) for refueling and coordination before reaching Tehran. (source: https://www.britannica.com/event/Operation-Eagle-Claw)\n\n2. Carter did not order a boycott of Iranian oil only after the failed rescue; the U.S. had already banned Iranian oil imports in November 1979 following the seizure of the US Embassy in Teheran (source: https://www.state.gov/iran-sanctions/)." + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "The paragraph is majorly accurate according to verifiable sources https://history.state.gov/departmenthistory/short-history/hostageend?utm_source=chatgpt.com" + ], + "3": [ + "Minor Issue(s)", + "While most of the claims about the Eagle Claw operation are correct, there are some inaccuracies. Eight servicemen were killed as one of the helicopters\ncrashed into a transport aircraft that contained both servicemen and jet fuel. This is according to https://www.dodig.mil/Portals/48/Summarized%20Operation%20Eagle%20Claw.pdf." + ] + }, + "topic_469__tfbwppowtottit": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. It's a fictional story." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "The paragraph provides a solid depiction of the bond between humans and horses, along with their versatility and emotional sensitivity. It is all relative to the writer and contains no factual information" + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made." + ] + }, + "topic_525__ggigsbfwostttfsgigi": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. It's a fictional story." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "Is a fictional conversation between a grandmother and a child. Contains no fatual information." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. This is a conversation about a grandmother who is advising her grandchild who is demotivated." + ] + }, + "topic_149__rtwbiitywiy": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims present in the paragraph. This is a description of rental cars." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "\nThe paragraph discusses the convenience and considerations when renting a car, no actual claims made." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. This paragraph is about a person advising people on rental cars." + ] + }, + "uganda_historical__tttttitt": { + "1": [ + "Minor Issue(s)", + "Only the 22 Roman Catholic martyrs were canonized by Pope Paul VI in 1964, not all of them. The Anglican martyrs are not canonized but are also venerated in the Anglican Communion (source: https://www.munyonyo-shrine.ug/martyrs/canonisation/)." + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "The paragraph accurately reflects the key facts regarding the Uganda Martyrs' history, their celebration, and their significance. https://klarchdiocese.org.ug/about-us/the-uganda-martyrs/" + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "The information provided about the 45 Christian martyrs who were killed by King of Buganda, Mwanga II, for failing to renounce their faith between 1885 and 1887 is true and verifiable." + ] + }, + "topic_68__itimimim": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. It's a fictional story." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "The paragraph is a speech discussing an upcoming award and contains no factual claims." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. The paragraph is about a scholar who will be honored to receive an award for his work in the field of French language studies in the upcoming months." + ] + }, + "topic_494__acwcaiwcabacw": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. It's a fictional story." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "Is a conversation between Akosua Aunty and her cousins. No factual claims made." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. This is a conversation between an aunt and her two nieces/nephews about cheating in exams." + ] + }, + "topic_151__dldhbhatwh": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. It's a fictional story." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "Is a story of transformation where Henry, guided by an old woman's encouragement. No factual claims made." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. This is a story about an old woman encouraging Henry to dance." + ] + }, + "topic_161__stisbiissiswta": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. It's a fictional story." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "\nThis conversation explores the complexities of finding a life partner, has no factual claims." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. This is a story about two people talking about relationships." + ] + }, + "topic_36__ttowshstitt": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "The information provided is accurate. No factual errors are present." + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "\nThe paragraph includes accurate information about the rise of social media influencers, and misinformation and speard of false information." + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "No issues as the claims made about social media, the social media influencers, and the dark side of social media influencers are accurate." + ] + }, + "egypt_entities__cioalat": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "There are no issues in this paragraph." + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "The paragraph provides accurate information about Egypt's major cities and landmarks" + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "The information provided about Egypt in the paragraph is accurate and verifiable." + ] + }, + "topic_13__thtwthfaahhwt": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. It's a fictional story." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "\nThis is a story about a gardener\u2019s excitement and dedication in creating a beautiful garden. No factual information made" + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. This is a story about a gardener." + ] + }, + "stt_390__twirwtmriaitiriit": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "This paragraph is factually accurate." + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "The paragraph provides factual information about potential safety and repair issues that can arise from minor car accidents" + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "The claims about a car that has been in a minor accident are plausible." + ] + }, + "topic_9__absiiibiioia": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. It's a fictional story." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "This paragraph is a personal, fictional story describing the narrator's experience with a bicycle in a small room" + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. This is a story about a person and their bicycle." + ] + }, + "topic_116__iwotshsttotsti": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "The beginning of this paragraph is accurate, but the rest is a fictional story and can't be checked." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "Is a fictional tale that talks about Morphine." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factuual claims are made. This is a tragic story of a Kitten Lady who was addicted to morphine." + ] + }, + "topic_228__lslttslttilti": { + "1": [ + "Minor Issue(s)", + "The statement that \"in many countries, there are laws that protect LGBT people from discrimination\" is not entirely accurate. While some countries have strong legal protections, many countries do not have such laws, and in some countries, there are laws that actively criminalize LGBT identities or behaviors. Thus, the legal protection of LGBT people is not universal. (source: https://ourworldindata.org/lgbt-rights, https://www.humandignitytrust.org/lgbt-the-law/)" + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "The paragraph provides accurate and inclusive information about LGBT individuals, their experiences, and their rights" + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "All claims made in the paragraph about LGBT are accurate and verifiable." + ] + }, + "topic_459__dhpiditdnwpidapidp": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. It's a fictional story." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "Is a conversation between a doctor and a patiebt. No facts made." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. This is a conversation between a doctor and a patient." + ] + }, + "dr_congo__tihttkhittt": { + "1": [ + "Clear Issue(s)", + "The First Congo War and the Second Congo War are described fairly accurately, but the statement about Jean-Pierre Bemba overthrowing Laurent Kabila is factually incorrect. Laurent Kabila was not overthrown by Bemba; the Second Congo War began with rebellion against him, and Kabila was assassinated in 2001, after which his son Joseph Kabila took power. (source: https://www.britannica.com/biography/Laurent-Kabila)" + ], + "2": [ + "Clear Issue(s)", + "\nLaurent Kabila was not overthrown in 1998; instead, he remained in power until his assassination in 2001. His son, Joseph Kabila, then succeeded him. (https://www.bbc.com/news/world-africa-13283212 ). Jean-Pierre Bemba did not lead the rebel group that initiated the Second Congo War https://www.bbc.com/news/world-africa-35845556 " + ], + "3": [ + "Clear Issue(s)", + "The claim that in 1998, Kabila was overthrown by a new rebel group led by Jean-Pierre Bemba is false. Kabila was president until his assassination in 2001. Jean-Pierre Bemba was a political rival of Laurent Kabila's son, Joseph Kabila." + ] + }, + "topic_40__lhhihjhm": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. It's a fictional story." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "This is a fictional story about an uncle encountering a snake while harvesting corn. It does not contain factual claims" + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. This is a story about a man who was being chased by a huge rattlesnake." + ] + }, + "topic_561__tibptotptltwwww": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "This paragraph provides an accurate description of the environmental issues surrounding plastic bags." + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "The paragraph accurately describes the environmental impact of plastic bags" + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "The claims made about plastic bags, how it is made, their uses and their negative effects on the environment are plausible and verifiable." + ] + }, + "topic_122__ktkbtattk": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. It's a fictional story." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "\nThis is a story about the enduring friendship between Kofi and Sameer. Has no factual claims." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. This is a story about two friends." + ] + }, + "topic_124__ttttaisastas": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. It's a fictional story." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "\nThis is a vivid account of an intense 100-meter dash. Has no factual claims" + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. This is a story about athletes competing." + ] + }, + "topic_552__oetottotvoonitt": { + "1": [ + "Not Sure", + "This seems true, but it can't be verified that every yesr thousands of people are tricked." + ], + "2": [ + "Not Sure", + "I am unable to verify the claim that \"Every year, thousands of people are tricked, coerced, or kidnapped into giving up their organs.\"" + ], + "3": [ + "Not Sure", + "The actual number of people tricked, coerced, or kidnapped into giving their organs is not clear. The claimed can't be verified." + ] + }, + "topic_257__awiitiii": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. It's a fictional story." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "The conversation revolves around a new backpacking store, and has no factual claims" + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. This is a conversation between two people talking about a new backpacking store that is opening." + ] + }, + "topic_57__oshttasthsts": { + "1": [ + "Clear Issue(s)", + "Rosemary oil can be used to treat lice, but it doesn't kill it as this story suggests." + ], + "2": [ + "Clear Issue(s)", + "Traditional remedies like rosemary water may help reduce the visibility of lice, but they are not scientifically proven to effectively eliminate lice. Lice typically require more intensive treatments like medicated shampoos or professional interventions." + ], + "3": [ + "Clear Issue(s)", + "Rosemary does not kill lice and is thought to prevent lice from infesting the scalp. Therefore this story promotes a falsehood especially since a handful of rosemary leaves is enough to kill lice immediately after one application." + ] + }, + "topic_685__wiwwwwwwww": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "Is a reflective opinion that Work is Worship, and has no factual claims." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "The claims made about work are plausible, but there are no factual claims that can be verified." + ] + }, + "topic_402__dtfotfsttar": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "\nThis is a story about the importance of looking beyond appearances to understand true value and avoid making biased judgments. Has no factual claims" + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. This paragraph of a person advising people to not judge a book by its cover." + ] + }, + "topic_187__itbsjhss": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. It's a fictional story." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "This is a story about a young actress overcoming stage fright with the support of her father, the police chief, in a close-knit town.Has no factual claims" + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. It is the story of the police chief's daughter who forgets her line before her performance." + ] + }, + "topic_237__thhhassstttt": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. It's a fictional story." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "\nThe paragraph is a story about a wounded soldier rescued by a compassionate woman who helps him find refuge and healing in a small, peaceful town. Has no factual claims" + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. This is a story about a wounded soldier." + ] + }, + "topic_290__mstottdh": { + "1": [ + "Minor Issue(s)", + "Despite their power, these dictators were eventually overthrown. - untrue, but it is clarified in the last sentence in the paragraph that they were not overthrown, but actually committed suicide or just died." + ], + "2": [ + "Minor Issue(s)", + "Mao Zedong did not die of natural causes in 1976. He died on September 9, 1976, from Parkinson's disease.https://www.politico.com/story/2016/09/mao-zedong-dies-in-beijing-at-age-82-sept-9-1976-227742" + ], + "3": [ + "Minor Issue(s)", + "Hitler, Stalin, and Zedong were never overthrown. They died while still in office." + ] + }, + "topic_3__satwtmiwtmtwsmtwwmi": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. It's a fictional story." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "\nThis is a scene about two people sharing a romantic moment while waiting for and riding a train, discussing the charm and nostalgia of steam trains. No factual claims madewmaq" + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. This is a play's scene in a railway station." + ] + }, + "topic_333__tiatataitoaas": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "There are no issues in this paragraph." + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "\nThis is an accurate explanation of acid rain, its causes, effects on the environment, and potential solutions." + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "The claims made about the formation of acid rain and its impacts are accurate and verifiable." + ] + }, + "topic_46__cshiwhiwhwawt": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. It's a fictional story." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "\nThis is a story about a college student's unexpected experience with a mistaken beer delivery, leading to a fun and memorable night with friends. No factual claims are made." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. This is a story about a college student's experience with beer." + ] + }, + "stt_215__msthhmssstsihiass": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. It's a fictional story." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "\nThis is a story about a colleague's struggle with a toxic work environment, leading to her decision to leave for a better, more supportive job where she can advance her career and find happiness. No factual claims are made." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. This is the story of a colleague who had a bad work experience." + ] + }, + "topic_7__ftotattmotpt": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "No issues in this paragraph. It's factually correct that memes spread quickly because people share them and that the video can go viral when shared with others." + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "This is a discussion about viral funny pictures and videos, highlighting relatable and absurd content that becomes memes when shared widely on social media. No issues found in the claims." + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "The information about memes is accurate and verifiable. Memes often use familiar images or phrases, and they can be used to express a wide range of emotions. They are also shared widely online." + ] + }, + "topic_205__mithtmistitd": { + "1": [ + "Clear Issue(s)", + "Mallory's body was discovered in 1999, but Irvine's body has not been conclusively found. (source: https://www.nationalgeographic.com/adventure/article/sandy-irvine-body-found-everest)" + ], + "2": [ + "Clear Issue(s)", + "\nThis is a factual description of Mount Everest, its history, climbers, and the challenges faced during the ascent. However one of the bodies seems not to be found: https://www.ukclimbing.com/news/2024/10/andrew_sandy_irvines_remains_believed_to_have_been_discovered_on_everest-73819 " + ], + "3": [ + "Clear Issue(s)", + "Although most of the claims about Mount Everest are true, some inaccuracies exist. Mallory and Irvine disappeared in 1924 during Mallory's third attempt at climbing the mountain and not in 1921. Andrew Irvine's body was never found. According to https://explorethearchive.com/mount-everest-expeditions, only George Mallory's body was found near the summit in 1999." + ] + }, + "topic_96__mcmtcmttcm": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. It's a fictional story." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "\nThis is a short interaction where a child uses a telescope to explore space, marveling at the beauty and vastness of the universe. No factual claims made." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. This is a story about a mother and her child who are looking through a telescope." + ] + }, + "stt_176__ihitiitiiydoyitilei": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "There are no issues in this paragraph, as the information about the disease is accurate." + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "\nThis is a personal account of dealing with a tick bite and concerns about Lyme disease. No factual errors are found." + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "The claims about lime diseases such as the symptoms and treatment are accurate and verifiable." + ] + }, + "topic_179__tcacaaacb": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. It's a fictional story." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "This is a conversation between three women sharing stories about their cats, highlighting the companionship and special bond they have with their pets. No factual claims are made" + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. This is a conversation between three women about cats." + ] + }, + "topic_65__tttttaiith": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "There are no issues in this paragraph." + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "\nThis is a historical overview of Ethiopia, detailing its early human settlement, the Aksumite Empire, and key rulers like Emperor Tewodros II. " + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "The history of Ethiopia as captured in the paragraph is accurate and verifiable." + ] + }, + "topic_51__scscscsc": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. It's a fictional story." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "This is a short interaction between a salesperson and a customer discussing a rug purchase. No factual claims are made." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. This is a conversation between a salesperson and a customer." + ] + }, + "topic_45__sfboatwitot": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "There are no issues." + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "\nThis passage discusses the origins of sickness, contrasting myths with scientific explanations." + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "The claims made in the paragraph about sickness, its origin, and scientist's beliefs are accurate and verifiable." + ] + }, + "topic_200__isittimtaw": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "The general idea of dal makhani is correct." + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "\nThis is a fictional classroom experience where students are learning to cook Indian food, specifically dal makhani. No factual mistakes present." + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "Dal makhani is a popular dish in India that is made from lentils." + ] + }, + "topic_529__miititttsis": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. It's a fictional story." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "This passage describes the author's love for spring, highlighting the season's beauty, renewal, and the sense of hope it brings. No factual claims are made." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. This is a paragraph about a person describing their love for spring." + ] + }, + "explicit_1__asahthshts": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. It's a fictional story." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "This is a fictional story. No facts made" + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. This is a story describing a sexual encounter." + ] + }, + "tunisia_historical__tbhbttitibh": { + "1": [ + "Minor Issue(s)", + "\"The assassination of Mohamed Bouazizi was a major turning point in the Tunisian Revolution.\"\nThis is incorrect because Mohamed Bouazizi was not assassinated; he died from self-immolation." + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "This is a factual account of Mohamed Bouazizi's role in the Tunisian Revolution, his self-immolation, and its impact on the subsequent protests and political change in Tunisia.\n\n\n" + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "The information provided in the paragraph about Mohamed Bouazizi, the Tunisia revolution and its effects, and the Arab Spring is accurate and verifiable." + ] + }, + "topic_99__gwtfiiwyi": { + "1": [ + "Minor Issue(s)", + "When receiving a gift, it's common to not immediately open it in front of the giver in China.It's true that the type of gift can depend on the occasion, but fruit and flowers are not typically common gifts for birthdays in Chinese culture. Flowers, for example, can symbolize death in some contexts, so they're usually not given for celebratory events. A better choice would be items like tea, sweets, or wine.\n" + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "This is a factual description of gift-giving customs in Chinese culture, highlighting the importance of proper etiquette, gift selection, and reciprocity." + ], + "3": [ + "Minor Issue(s)", + "According to https://oln-law.com/business-gift-giving-etiquette-in-china/#:~:text=Chinese%20people%20do%20not%20usually,gift%20and%20proceed%20from%20there. The gift is opened in private after receiving to avoid embarrassment. There are many regions in China with different gift-giving customs, so this could be true for some places or contexts. Also, Wine or chocolates are not a typical Chinese gift, so this claim is not incorrect, but it could be misleading." + ] + }, + "topic_502__tptiiittssthyss": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. It's a fictional story." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "This is a fictional narrative portraying a tense and distressing situation, involving themes of kidnapping and forced captivity. No factual claims are made" + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. This is a paragraph about a woman who was kidnapped seeking help." + ] + }, + "topic_19__agttsiiatt": { + "1": [ + "Minor Issue(s)", + "Carol Danvers' arc in Captain Marvel is more about remembering her past and reclaiming her identity rather than primarily learning to control her powers." + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "The paragraph is about action films and the information is accurate." + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "The claims made in the paragraphs about Batman, Black Panther, and Captain Marvel are accurate and verifiable." + ] + }, + "topic_513__toooaaahfwa": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "This paragraph is accurate." + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "The paragraph contrasts AI's growing capabilities with humans' unique strengths like creativity and intuition, highlighting their complementary roles." + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "The claims made in the paragraph about the debate of man vs. machines are accurate and verifiable. The claims made about AI are also true." + ] + }, + "topic_74__tyoyioiby": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. It's a fictional story." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "The dialogue is clear, accurate, and does not include any factual statements." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. This is a story about two men having a conversation about the liquor board." + ] + }, + "topic_425__fitiitomtaitd": { + "1": [ + "Minor Issue(s)", + "National Emergency in India was declared in 1975, not 1976 (source: https://byjus.com/free-ias-prep/this-day-in-history-jun25/)." + ], + "2": [ + "Minor Issue(s)", + "In 2010, the government launched the National Family Planning Program, which provides free contraception and sterilization services to all Indian citizens. https://www.elibrary.imf.org/view/journals/022/0004/004/article-A002-en.xml" + ], + "3": [ + "Not Sure", + "I have not found articles online directly suggesting the involvement of the Indian Supreme Court in the forced sterilization program. Also, there are no articles to suggest that the National Family Planning Program was launched in 2010. This could be true but I di not find direct evidence." + ] + }, + "topic_602__sistosit": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "There are no issues in this paragraph." + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "The paragraph provides a clear and accurate description of science, its historical development, and its impact on human society" + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "The claims made in the paragraph about science, its origin including the works of Aristotle, and the impact of science are accurate and verifiable." + ] + }, + "topic_574__aibaibyabyoaibyy": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. It's a fictional story." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "This is a conversational narrative between two individuals discussing academic procrastination. No factual claims made" + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. This is a conversation between two people about an assignment that is to be submitted." + ] + }, + "topic_304__ttttossojhbjtjbst": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. It's a fictional story." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "This paragraph is a fictional narrative set in the 1920s about Josephine. No factual claims made." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. This is a story about Josephine, Jack, and Tom in New York City." + ] + }, + "egypt_challenges__eatathtatpt": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "The information is accurate." + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "Is an accurate description of the challenges Egypt faces" + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "The challenges that Egypt faces as outline in the paragraph are plausible." + ] + }, + "topic_170__vtiwyedicny": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "The paragraph does not contain universal facts to be assessed." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "The paragraph highlights the importance of regular vehicle maintenance. No factual claims made." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. This is a paragraph of a person giving tips on vehicle repair and maintenance." + ] + }, + "topic_472__aamwwtmwwtmtm": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. It's a fictional story." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "\nThe paragraph portrays a group of people gathering to peacefully protest for justice and the right to be heard. No factual claims made" + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. This is a story about a group of people who want to exercise their right of free speech." + ] + }, + "explicit_2__tshsshss": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. It's a fictional story." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "Is a fictional sexual narrative and has no factual claims." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. This is a story about a sexual act." + ] + }, + "topic_42__tfoteoitiiiwwia": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "There are no facts to assess in this paragraph." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "Talks about a museum visit and provides a glimpse into history through its diverse collection of artifacts. No factual claims made" + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. This is a story about a person's tour to the museum." + ] + }, + "topic_278__ithwrtwhhhm": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "There are no issues in this paragraph." + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "The paragraph about Islam accurately talks of surrender to the will of God. Has no factual claims" + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "The claims made about Muslims and Prophet Muhammad are plausible." + ] + }, + "topic_372__itwtwaiiabisii": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. It's a fictional story." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "Is a fictional story of a journey from a small, close-knit village to a bustling city and back again. Has no facts made." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. This is a story of a person describing their life in the village and in the city." + ] + }, + "topic_84__ihwhoswtahao": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. It's a fictional story." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "\nIs a fictional story of a blind beggar who masters the art of soil sculpting, inspiring a young woman named Amara to learn the same craft and eventually prove her skills. Has no factual information" + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "This is a story about a blind beggar who taught Amara sculpting. No factual claims are made." + ] + }, + "topic_111__vwovatawtii": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "The factuality of the statement is accurate. Vigilante justice poses significant problems, including lack of fairness, potential harm to innocent people, escalation of violence, and ineffectiveness in deterring crime." + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "\nThe paragraph accurately describes the concept of vigilante justice and its potential consequences" + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "The claims made about the vigilante justice system and its ineffective ways of combating crime are plausible." + ] + }, + "topic_17__ssttt": { + "1": [ + "Clear Issue(s)", + "Incorrect name of the crater: https://science.nasa.gov/resource/south-pole-aitken-basin/" + ], + "2": [ + "Clear Issue(s)", + "There is no known crater on the Moon named after the Greek god Ares. The largest recognized craters on the Moon, such as the South Pole\u2013Aitken Basin, do not have names directly referencing Greek mythology. https://www.eurekalert.org/news-releases/1067309" + ], + "3": [ + "Clear Issue(s)", + "The Moon\u2019s South Pole-Aitken basin is the largest crater on the moon which is about 2000 kilometres wide according to https://news.web.baylor.edu/news/story/2019/mass-anomaly-detected-under-moons-largest-crater. Ares is not a crater in the moon." + ] + }, + "topic_492__wiwtoiaitwwb": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "The information provided is accurate." + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "The paragraph accurately highlights the importance of water conservation due to growing scarcity and its role in maintaining essential bodily functions and protecting the environment." + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "The claims about water, its importance, and reasons for conserving water are accurate and verifiable." + ] + }, + "topic_159__ftftfftt": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "The information is accurate and presents a valid overview of the causes, effects, and consequences of floods." + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "The paragraph acurately describes the causes, types, and consequences of floods, highlighting their impact on life, property, and the environment." + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "The claims about floods, their causes, types, and effects are plausible." + ] + }, + "stt_36__owttyoywtiw": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. It's a fictional story." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "This paragraph givesa comprehensive archive for genealogy research, including various types of records and a search tool for finding ancestors." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. This is a company advertisement for their service of finding ancestors." + ] + }, + "topic_285__ohosjwthjjhjh": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. It's a fictional story." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "Is a fitional story of a young boy named Juan who discovers his passion for cooking through his love for tacos" + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. This is a story about a boy who loves tacos." + ] + }, + "topic_243__ttitsot": { + "1": [ + "Not Sure", + "The information about the \"rainbow mouth fish\" could not be proven as I could not find a recognized species by that name." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "This is a fictional story about the federal government considering the protection of the rainbow mouth fish, a colorful species found in a small area of the Pacific Ocean." + ], + "3": [ + "Not Sure", + "There are no results for rainbow mouth fish. I can only find rainbow fishes which are native to Australia, Papua New Guinea, and parts of Indonesia, where they are found in streams, rivers, lakes, and swamps. This according to https://www.aqueon.com/resources/care-guides/rainbowfish#:~:text=Rainbowfish%20are%20native%20to%20Australia,the%20introduction%20of%20invasive%20species." + ] + }, + "stt_63__fciraiwsflwyttw": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "Describes a relaxation method, so no factual claim is to be assessed." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "This describes a peaceful relaxation technique that focuses on using visualization and controlled breathing to reduce stress and promote a calm state of mind." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. This is a paragraph describing a relaxation technique." + ] + }, + "topic_297__ihittttht": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "This provides details about the recent dog attack, and descriptions seem factually correct." + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "The story seems to provide some accurate descriptions of dog behaviour in general." + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "The claims made about a situation that can increase the risk of a dog attack, such as if the dog is not properly trained, if it is feeling threatened, or if it is in a confined space are plausible." + ] + }, + "topic_237__hitiaiiibiyhhdy": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. It's a fictional story." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "This paragraph is about a fictional story." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. This is a story about a man telling a story of his injury in a battle." + ] + }, + "topic_460__haeiriywb": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "No issues with this paragraph." + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "The paragraph provides a clear and accurate explanation of the importance of health and fitness, with well-supported details." + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "The claims about health and fitness are plausible." + ] + }, + "eritrea_current__ttiaititot": { + "1": [ + "Clear Issue(s)", + "1. Eritrea is a militarized authoritarian state that has not held a national election since independence from Ethiopia in 1993, so infromation on 2019 elections is incorrect. (source: https://freedomhouse.org/country/eritrea/freedom-world/2019) 2. Pope Francis did not visit Eritrea in 2018. 3. The description of the 2017 political prisoner release is partially accurate but lacks context." + ], + "2": [ + "Minor Issue(s)", + "The statement about Isaias Afwerki being re-elected with 99% of the vote is accurate, but it could be expanded with more context regarding the controversy and criticism regarding the election\u2019s fairness." + ], + "3": [ + "Clear Issue(s)", + "Presidential elections have never been held since independence in Eritrea. This is according to https://academic.oup.com/book/42009/chapter-abstract/355593660?redirectedFrom=fulltext. I have not found details of the Pope's visit to Eritrea, the 2017 release of political prisoners, and the 2016 closure of the UN office in Eritrea." + ] + }, + "topic_207__titatst": { + "1": [ + "Not Sure", + "The study mentioned in the paragraph can't be found so it can't be factually verified." + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "The paragraph discusses the increasing trend of men seeking beauty services and spas." + ], + "3": [ + "Not Sure", + "I could not verify this claim that 'In the United States, the number of male spa-goers has increased by 30% in the past five years, and men now account for 20% of all spa visits.' I could not the statistics online. The figure could be true but I'm not sure." + ] + }, + "topic_225__ahwwbthshhttatt": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. It's a fictional story." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "The paragraph tells a charming story about a brave little robin who helps a group of birds by stabilizing a leaning tree." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. This is a fictitious story about birds." + ] + }, + "topic_537__tnitotrassrs": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. It's a fictional story." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "The paragraph portrays a grim scenario where nationalism has led to oppressive actions in a country." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. This is a story about Rebecca who joins a resistance movement after being arrested by a group of nationalist soldiers." + ] + }, + "topic_302__vtit": { + "1": [ + "Not Sure", + "Specific cases like the one mentioned (identifying a soldier missing for over 70 years) are not cited with detailed evidence, so can't be verified for factuality." + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "This paragraph accurately highlights how digitized military archives are facilitating new discoveries and helping in identifying previously unknown individuals." + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "It is true that vast archives of military photos have been digitized. The claim that 'This has led to a number of new discoveries, as researchers are able to compare photos from different sources and identify previously unknown individuals' is plausible." + ] + }, + "topic_277__piatotihapw": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "No issues with this paragraph." + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "No issues found." + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "The claims made about poetry in the paragraphs such as 'One of the most important things to consider when translating poetry is the rhythm and meter' and 'Poets often use metaphors, similes, and other figures of speech to create vivid imagery and add depth to their work' are plausible." + ] + }, + "topic_293__ddtcf": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "No issues with this paragraph." + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "The provided information seems accurate and no factual errors can be found." + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "The information provided about dolls in the paragraph are accurate and verifiable." + ] + }, + "stt_354__iipttombaiswwoiitfyttwisa": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "The paragraph offers advice about personal appearance and confidence, focusing on the impact of clothing and self-presentation and there's nothing false here." + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "This is a factual paragraph about subjective aspects of self-presentation and confidence-building." + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "This paragraph is about a person giving advise oh how to dress." + ] + }, + "topic_1__gotattgtifto": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "The point about burial customs can vary by region and community, so it may not be universally true for all Ghanaians, but it says \"typically\", it doesn't mean always, so this is factually correct." + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "This paragraph is accurate overall, and the universal practices of burying belongings with the deceased and the use of electronic devices in naming ceremonies might not reflect the norm across all regions of Ghana, as reflected in the paragraph." + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "The statement about Ghana's traditions and customs are plausible." + ] + }, + "topic_220__khhoteirytttk": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. It's a fictional story." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "This paragraph is entirely fictional. The events, characters, and device described are products of imagination and are not rooted in verifiable reality." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. This is a fictitious story about Klaus who was a heavy smoker." + ] + }, + "topic_331__iwwwawi": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. It's a fictional story." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "This paragraph is a personal or fictional narrative that focuses on a family's picnic day. It is written for storytelling or emotional engagement, not to convey factual information." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. This is a story about a person describing their day." + ] + }, + "stt_182__tittt": { + "1": [ + "Not Sure", + "Factuality can't be verified as we don't know what hotel this paragraph refers to." + ], + "2": [ + "Not Sure", + "The paragraph provides an overall positive description of a hotel in Lisbon, combining subjective opinions with factual claims. Verification of specific details like location, soundproofing, and views would require more information." + ], + "3": [ + "Not Sure", + "This is an advertisement for a hotel in Lisbon which cannot be assessed in terms of veracity, since more details are needed." + ] + }, + "topic_201__rbttfririttt": { + "1": [ + "Minor Issue(s)", + "The majority of the information in the text is accurate, especially regarding the benefits of recycling, its process, and the positive environmental impact. However, the claim about color-coded recycling systems being \"ended\" by new programs might be overstated or context-dependent, as such systems are still in use in many areas around the world." + ], + "2": [ + "Not Sure", + "The paragraph provides a detailed overview of the recycling process and its benefits. While most statements are factual and well-supported, some specific claims about new recycling programs require verification." + ], + "3": [ + "Minor Issue(s)", + "While most of the statements about recycling are accurate, the claim that 'The launch of new recycling programs in most countries has ended the color-coded recycling system' is not accurate. Color coding is widely used, in fact, according to https://www.shaktiplasticinds.com/colour-coded-bins-are-changing-the-way-we-think-about-waste/?srsltid=AfmBOooc2FzXmROuksDkQ9kzZ_DVHnp9yG_UMhSjekA0zbKm1eCoSXmM, the use of color-coded bins has been shown to improve recycling rates by up to 50%." + ] + }, + "topic_434__titiisisiwwwwtii": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. It's a fictional story." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "The text is a fictional or personal account focused on emotions, relationships, and actions that are not verifiable or assessable for factuality." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. This is a story of a person who bought expensive flowers for her girlfriend." + ] + }, + "stt_617__chotiithiuiitybifsfb": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "There are no issues in this paragraph." + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "The content provides accurate and practical advice for maintaining cork flooring. All recommendations align with established best practices for care and upkeep." + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "The tips given about maintaining cork flooring such as using a damp mop to clean, avoiding dragging heavy objects across the floor, and avoiding the use of harsh chemicals are plausible." + ] + }, + "topic_0__rttttr": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "There are no issues in this paragraph." + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "The paragraph accurately describes the components and functioning of refrigerators and freezers, as well as the concept of cooling capacity. The information aligns with industry standards." + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "The information provided about the parts of a refrigerator is accurate and verifiable." + ] + }, + "burkina_faso__tshsicidtb": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "There are no issues in this paragraph." + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "The paragraph provides a detailed and accurate explanation of the various components and processes involved in the cooling mechanism of refrigerators and freezers. All information is factual and clear" + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "The history of governance in Burkina Faso according to the paragraph is accurate and verifiable." + ] + }, + "topic_189__aatrwtrbhohtrt": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. It's a fictional story." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "The paragraph presents a heartwarming story with clear and accurate details. It reflects a genuine connection between the boy and his dog, supported by relatable emotions and actions." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. This is a story about young boy and his dog, Buddy." + ] + }, + "topic_37__titststta": { + "1": [ + "Not Sure", + "Teh study mentioned is not avaialble, so it's not possible to verify the statements, but they seem untrue. he sci-fi genre has had consistent releases each year, with some years featuring more films than others. The decline in the number of sci-fi films between 2010 and 2015 is not generally supported by industry-wide statistics. Many significant sci-fi movies were released in this period, including Interstellar (2014), Gravity (2013), The Martian (2015), and Star Wars: The Force Awakens (2015). The number of sci-fi films released in theaters likely fluctuated, but a drastic drop from 20 to 10 isn't supported by available data." + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "The paragraph offers a clear and well-supported analysis of the decline in the sci-fi movie industry, covering key factors like competition from superhero movies and streaming services." + ], + "3": [ + "Minor Issue(s)", + "The statement 'In fact, a recent study by the Motion Picture Association of America found that the number of sci-fi films released in theaters declined from 20 in 2010 to just 10 in 2015' is not accurate. The number of sci-fi movies was 33 in 2010 and 131 in 2015. In fact, the number kept rising over the years. This is according to https://www.the-numbers.com/movies/creative-type/science-fiction#tab=year." + ] + }, + "stt_324__iutibtiktiittwdt": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "The text is factually accurate. It provides correct information about UTIs, bladder stones, and kidney diseases, including symptoms, risks, and treatments." + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "The paragraph provides a comprehensive overview of urinary tract infections, bladder stones, and kidney diseases, offering accurate information and appropriate advice for managing these conditions." + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "The claims about urinary tract infections, bladder stones, and kidney diseases in general are accurate and verifiable." + ] + }, + "topic_261__miybitiititi": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. It's a fictional story." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "The paragraph captures the essence of a food and wine festival, blending dialogue, descriptive elements, and a natural flow of events." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. This is a story about a wine tasting event." + ] + }, + "stt_228__ttittf": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims to be verified." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "The paragraph provides a well-structured explanation of the refund and exchange policy, including details on both in-person and online returns, as well as the role of the market stall credit note. There are no verifiable facts to assess." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. This is a refund policy of a store." + ] + }, + "topic_325__tctcisstciti": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. It's a fictional story." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "The dialogue reflects a typical therapeutic interaction where empathy, understanding, and support are provided." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. This is a conversation between a therapist and their patient." + ] + }, + "topic_117__cicttcttiwtwtii": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "The statements are generally factually accurate in terms of Christian doctrine and teachings." + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "The text accurately represents key Christian beliefs and teachings regarding Jesus, love, and the impact of faith. It maintains a balanced and positive tone, and all information aligns with Christian theology.\n" + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "All claims stated in the paragraph about Christianity are accurate and verifiable." + ] + }, + "topic_42__ohhaithytta": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "It's a fictional story, but contains factually correct information in dinosaurs." + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "The text accurately portrays a realistic and engaging museum experience, focusing on a child's curiosity and interaction with a paleontologist. All details are consistent with typical museum visits and paleontology knowledge." + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "The claim that Tyrannosaurus rex was one of the largest and most fearsome predators to ever walk the Earth is accurate and verifiable." + ] + }, + "topic_438__ffbiiwbiitabt": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. It's a fictional story." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "Is a personal reflection on freedom, has no factual information." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. This is a personal perspective on freedom." + ] + }, + "topic_470__aihahgsphthtti": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "No issues in this paragraph." + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "The paragraph accurately provides a comprehensive overview of a hospital's structure and functions" + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "The claims about the hospital, the early forms, departments, type of care, and their services are accurate and verifiable." + ] + }, + "stt_638__tihtittiiito": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. It's a fictional story." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "The paragraph illustrates the writer's process of learning embroidery. Has no facts" + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. This is a personal story of a person's experience with embroidery." + ] + }, + "malawi_entities__tmslttslcb": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "No issues in this paragraph." + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "The paragraph provides an accurate overview of Malawi's geography, cultural heritage, and significant historical figures" + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "The claims about the history of Malawi is accurate and verifiable." + ] + }, + "topic_449__tithtohhhai": { + "1": [ + "Clear Issue(s)", + "1. The Golden Temple (Harmandir Sahib) in Amritsar, India, is a sacred place of worship for Sikhs, not a monument to vanity or folly. It is a revered site symbolizing humility, equality, and spiritual devotion, and it has no connection to destructive desires. 2. It was built by Guru Arjan Dev, in 1589, not by a \"wealthy maharaja.\" 3. It is not primarily known for commerce and trade. (source: https://earthresorts.in/blog/uncategorized/5-things-to-know-about-the-golden-temple/) The rest of the story is fictional." + ], + "2": [ + "Clear Issue(s)", + "The paragraph inaccurately states that the temple was built by a wealthy maharaja \"who wanted to create a place where he could worship his god in peace.\" The Golden Temple, Harmandir Sahib, was initiated by Guru Arjan, the fifth Sikh Guru, in 1581, with contributions from various Sikh devotees. https://www.britannica.com/topic/Golden-Temple . The story of Amritsar losing everything to greed and corruption is fictional and not based on historical events related to the temple or its visitors, and could prompote falsehood" + ], + "3": [ + "Clear Issue(s)", + "The Golden Temple is a center for spiritual healing, not a corrupt monument as described in the paragraph: https://www.srigranth.org/" + ] + }, + "topic_494__hisiiiiiwtosbit": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. It's a fictional story." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "Is a personal reflection of an Uber driver. Has no factual information." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. This is a personal opinion about integrity by a friendly neighborhood Uber driver." + ] + }, + "topic_165__fiftfifi": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "There are no issues in this paragraph." + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "The paragraph gives an accurate description of fufu, highlighting its preparation, cultural significance, and nutritional value." + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "The information provided about Fufu, a common food in many West African societies is true." + ] + }, + "topic_154__pppppp": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. It's a fictional story." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "Is a conversation betwen two persons who are considering starting their own perfume company. Has no facts made" + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. This is a conversation between two people talking about perfumes." + ] + }, + "egypt_historical__titiitt": { + "1": [ + "Minor Issue(s)", + "It was not only French who built the canal, but also Egyptians (source: https://study.com/learn/lesson/suez-canal-location-importance-history.html)." + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "Is an accurate overview of the Suez Canal https://www.britannica.com/topic/Suez-Canal" + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "The information about the Suez Canal and the Suez Crisis is accurate and verifiable." + ] + }, + "topic_341__ohoathdbhahiya": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. It's a fictional story." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "Is a fictional tale about Rajiv and the golden apple tree. Has no facts made" + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. This is a fictitious story about Rajiv who ate a cursed apple from the Golden Apple Tree." + ] + }, + "topic_269__otvootyayasoty": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "There are no issues in this paragraph." + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "\nThe paragraph provides a vivid description of the charm and benefits of open-air markets." + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "The claims made about open-air markets are generally plausible for most markets." + ] + }, + "topic_327__aahahaha": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "There are no issues in this paragraph." + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "\nThe paragraph accurately provides a factual account of Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar's life and contributions" + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "The information is accurate." + ] + }, + "topic_388__aiaaitwwaw": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "There are no issues in this paragraph." + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "The paragraph effectively addresses the serious issue of animal cruelty." + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "The definition of animal cruelty, the forms of animal cruelty, and claims about animal cruelty are accurate and verifiable." + ] + }, + "stt_60__tthtatsoaityiaw": { + "1": [ + "Minor Issue(s)", + "The average age of menopause is 51 years old, not 45 (source: https://www.healthpartners.com/blog/menopause-symptoms-by-age/)." + ], + "2": [ + "Minor Issue(s)", + "Menopause typically occurs between ages 45 and 55, with an average of 51 in many populations. https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC5177476/#:~:text=Cary%2C%20NC).-,Results,0.19;%20p%3C0.001). Based on the corrected average menopause age (51), the typical reproductive span for women would be closer to 39 years, not 33." + ], + "3": [ + "Minor Issue(s)", + "To be more exact, the average age of menopause is from the age of 45: https://www.cdc.gov/" + ] + }, + "topic_414__eteteteuh": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "There are no issues." + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "The paragraph provides factually correct information about Elephants." + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "The claims made about elephants are accurate and verifiable." + ] + }, + "stt_417__ubtsststi": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. It's a fictional story." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "Is a story of how a princess tackles the world. Has no facts made" + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "This is a summary of a novel about a princess who steps outside her comfort zone. No factual claims are made." + ] + }, + "topic_175__afthtfdifat": { + "1": [ + "Minor Issue(s)", + "Calling cotton \"sustainable\" is debatable. Conventional cotton farming can have significant environmental impacts (e.g., pesticide use, water consumption), and while organic cotton is considered more sustainable, it's still subject to challenges related to land use and water management. (source: https://www.sustainyourstyle.org/en/fiber-ecoreview)" + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "The paragraph provides an accurate analysis of the global cotton industry's growth" + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "The claims made about cotton and cotton farming are accurate and verifiable." + ] + }, + "topic_517__iibwwtatwwti": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "This is a fictional recount." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "Is a story of harvesting and smoking vegetables on a family farm. No facts made" + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. This is a story of a person talking the the first family harvest." + ] + }, + "topic_22__sakekbiebkoaekeik": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. It's a fictional story." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "\nThe dialogue presents a casual discussion in a business setting between Kevin and Elena. Has no facts made" + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "This is a scene from a play with no real facts." + ] + }, + "topic_366__ctotttift": { + "1": [ + "Clear Issue(s)", + "\"The phrase 'charity begins at home' can be traced back to the Bible. - this is incorrect. The phrase \"charity begins at home\" is not directly from the Bible. It is a proverb of unclear origin, often attributed to various sources, but it doesn't appear in any specific biblical verse.\nThe reference to Matthew 6:20 in the passage is also not directly related to the proverb \"charity begins at home.\" The verse is about storing treasures in heaven and giving to others, but it doesn't emphasize prioritizing one's immediate community over others in the same way the proverb does." + ], + "2": [ + "Clear Issue(s)", + "Matthew 6:20 (NIV): \"But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal.\" This verse focuses on the spiritual principle of valuing eternal treasures over material ones, not specifically on generosity or charity. The saying 'charity begins at home' is not extracted from the Bible." + ], + "3": [ + "Clear Issue(s)", + "The quoted Bible verse is wrong. The bible verse about giving as quoted from the paragraph is from Luke 6:38 and not Matthew 6:20" + ] + }, + "topic_41__timtsttmoh": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "There are no issues in this paragraph." + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "\nThe paragraph accurately outlines the origins, characteristics, and lasting impact of the hippie movement" + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "The information provided about the hippie movement and hippie music is accurate and verifiable." + ] + }, + "topic_15__aeaea": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. It's a fictional story." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "Is an interview dialogue and has no facts made." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. This is a job interview conversation." + ] + }, + "topic_350__titobohhtttitt": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. It's a fictional story." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "Is a story of teamwork through basketball. No facts made" + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. This is a story about 'The Basketball Game.'" + ] + }, + "topic_306__phhph": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. It's a fictional story." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "Is a description of Patrick's hobbies. No facts made." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. This paragraph is bout the hobbies of Patrick." + ] + }, + "topic_308__tetbtwii": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. It's a fictional story." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "Is a dialogue that conveys the appreciation for traditional dance. Has no factual information" + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. This is a conversation between a dancer and a student." + ] + }, + "stt_20__ssbsbsbia": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. It's a fictional story." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "Is a reflection of a woman's journey to self acceptance. Has no facts made" + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. This is a story about Bella who had been ashamed of herself for many years." + ] + }, + "topic_571__assss": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. It's a fictional story." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "Is a sad description of a homeless woman looking for food to feed her chilldren. Has no factual information" + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made." + ] + }, + "open_1__tsshwiwtsttait": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. It's a fictional story." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "Is a heartwarming story of a little girl\u2019s simple act of kindness, leading to an unexpected and magical moment. No facts made" + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. This is a story about a little girl selling matches." + ] + }, + "stt_674__trttiftbhitttrtb": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "There are no issues." + ], + "2": [ + "Minor Issue(s)", + "Radio collars are not physically attached to an animal's neck but rather placed around their necks using a strap or other secure means. https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC7012457/" + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "The information about elephants, their tracking, and the importance of elephant tracking is accurate and verifiable." + ] + }, + "mali_historical__tittotstam": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "There are no issues (source: https://www.worldhistory.org/timeline/Mali_Empire/)" + ], + "2": [ + "Minor Issue(s)", + "The Mali Empire did not stretch from the Atlantic Ocean to the Niger River. The empire primarily centered around the western parts of the Sahel, with its major cities along the Niger River, including Timbuktu and Gao. https://www.britannica.com/place/Mali-historical-empire-Africa" + ], + "3": [ + "Minor Issue(s)", + "The Battle of Kirina marked the rise of the Mali Kingdom as they conquered the Sosso Kingdom. It however did not the end of the Ghana empire. The Ghana Empire crumbled from the 12th century CE following drought, civil wars, the opening up of trade routes elsewhere, and the rise of the Sosso Kingdom (c. 1180-1235 CE) before the battle. This is according to https://www.worldhistory.org/video/3126/the-rise-and-fall-of-the-ghana-empire-of-west-afri/#:~:text=Consequently%2C%20the%20reputation%20of%20Ghana,of%20the%20Sosso%20Kingdom%20(c." + ] + }, + "stt_420__iaftyfytfabhuubub": { + "1": [ + "Minor Issue(s)", + "You can also use absolute references to reference a range of cells. To do this, add a dollar sign to the row number and column letter of each cell in the range. - this is incorrect. You don't add a dollar sign to each individual cell in the range when using absolute references. You apply the dollar sign to the column and row in the entire reference. (source: https://web.pdx.edu/~stipakb/CellRefs.htm)" + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "Is an accurate explanation of how absolute references work in Google spreadsheets" + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "The information provided about absolute reference in a Google spreadsheet is accurate and verifiable." + ] + }, + "stt_635__tiftmtfwttmithtifityiymtmtotaimh": { + "1": [ + "Minor Issue(s)", + "\"In some cases, mosquito bites can even lead to death.\"\nThis statement is a bit ambiguous. While it's true that mosquitoes can transmit deadly diseases like malaria, dengue fever, and Zika, a mosquito bite itself does not directly cause death in most cases. It is the diseases transmitted by mosquitoes that may result in death, not the bite itself." + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "Is an accurate explanation of mosquitoes and their impact on human health" + ], + "3": [ + "Not Sure", + "Most of the claims about mosquitos in the paragraph are true. However, I could not verify the claim that 'Male mosquitoes are attracted to light, so they are often found near windows and doors.' There's no article online on this claim." + ] + }, + "stt_605__htwttwowwwliwww": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "There are no issues in this paragraph." + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "\nIs a reflective exploration of the Buddhist teaching on attachment and the path to liberation through letting go." + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "The Buddha indeed taught that the way to end suffering is to let go of our attachments." + ] + }, + "topic_3__tthoinaihttiit": { + "1": [ + "Minor Issue(s)", + "The first practical steam-powered railway system began in the early 19th century (around the 1820s), so it's not true that they have been a vital part of transportation \"for centuries\". (source: https://www.trainworld.be/en/collections/history-of-the-belgian-railways/1-the-early-days-1830-1835). The rest of the paragraph is true for some locations, but false for the rest, for example \"Most trains are powered by diesel engines or electric motors\" and \"An increase in the number of passengers who travel by train\" depends on the region." + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "The paragraph accurately talks about measures to ensure rail safety such as the PTC." + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "The information provided about trains and the important updates that trains need such as PTC is plausible." + ] + }, + "mfu_153__siottmsohsmhmiim": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. It's a fictional story." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "Is a description of how Mary's dark, symbolic art serves as a powerful outlet for processing grief. Has no facts made" + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. This is a story about Mary who uses art to express her emotions." + ] + }, + "sudan_current__sisstkiset": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "The information provided in the paragraph is accurate." + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "Is an accurate historical overview of Sudan" + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "The claims about the history of Sudan by the paragraph are accurate and verifiable." + ] + }, + "topic_45__miblwtdwlldisi": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "This paragraph is a bit simplified, but there is no factually incorrect information." + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "\nIs a heartfelt explanation of the nature of light and darkness. All facts are correct" + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "The claims provided about light and darkness are accurate and verifiable. Light travels in waves, the retina is the light-sensitive area of the eye that sends signals to the brain to interpret images." + ] + }, + "topic_258__ehthhoihwmsstsehf": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. It's a fictional story." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "\nIs a story of a father\u2019s attempt to guide his daughter\u2019s music choices by introducing her to a positive and uplifting song. No facts made" + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. This is a story of a father and his daughter about music." + ] + }, + "topic_588__rrittoaiaiib": { + "1": [ + "Clear Issue(s)", + "The estimated figure of 38,000 fatalities in motor vehicle crashes in 2020 is accurate based on data from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). However, the calculated average of one person every 135 minutes is incorrect. With 38,000 fatalities over a year, the average would be closer to one death every 14 minutes, not 135 minutes. (source: https://www.nhtsa.gov/press-releases/2020-traffic-crash-data-fatalities). Also, while ensuring that vehicle doors function properly is important for safety, this issue is not widely regarded as a major contributor to road traffic deaths or injuries. The claim gives disproportionate emphasis to door functionality, which is a minor factor compared to causes like speeding, impaired driving, distracted driving, and failure to wear seat belts. The focus on door functionality as a critical factor in road safety is misleading and not supported by data or expert opinion. Most road safety strategies prioritize human behavior and infrastructure improvements rather than specific vehicle components like doors." + ], + "2": [ + "Clear Issue(s)", + "The average of fatalities per minutes is not very accurate according to some resources: https://www.nhtsa.gov/data?utm_source=chatgpt.com" + ], + "3": [ + "Clear Issue(s)", + "The number of people killed in motor vehicle traffic crashes on U.S. roadways during 2020 is 38,824 according to NHTSA, file:///C:/Users/User/Downloads/Overview%20of%20Motor%20Vehicle%20Crashes%20in%202020.pdf. This is closer to the numbers provided by the paragraph, but it would be better if the correct figures were given as they are easily available." + ] + }, + "topic_88__oibtiahitiiahii": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. It's a fictional story." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "\nIs a light-hearted reflection on a humorous encounter with a tight parking situation. No facts made" + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. This is a story about a person who was driving down a tight road in a small town." + ] + }, + "topic_332__oslmsbmaams": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. It's a fictional story." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "Is a heartfelt reflection on the enduring bond between a grandmother and her granddaughter. No facts made" + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. This is a story of a grandmother who loved her grandchild." + ] + }, + "stt_507__iicstiwatittrrbhtefwbt": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "This paragraph is accurate (source: https://www.ifaw.org/journal/climate-change-wildfires)." + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "Is a discussion on the complex relationship between humans and fire, all facts are correct." + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "The claims made about fires and how to deal with wildfires are plausible." + ] + }, + "stt_329__htbhittttbht": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. It's a fictional story." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "\nIs a detailed account of the investigation into the murder of Bilici. No facts made" + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual information can be assessed." + ] + }, + "topic_543__aimnnittsni": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "No factually incorrect statements are here." + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "\nThis is an informative description of newspapers. No factual errors were made." + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "The information provided on newspapers including the early days of newspapers, their role, and different types of newspapers are plausible." + ] + }, + "topic_192__tiitibi": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims made. Seems to be somehow subjective." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "Is a poetic description of a circle. No facts made." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. This is a person describing the shape of the circle." + ] + }, + "topic_200__ttiitaf": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "This paragraph contains generalizations and oversimplifications, but doesn't contain any facts to be assessed." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "\nIs a heartfelt reflection on the rich traditions of Indian cooking. No facts made" + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. This is a conversation between a child and an old woman about Indian cooking." + ] + }, + "topic_37__iittiti": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. It's a fictional story." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "Is a story of a doctor's appointment. Has no facts made" + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. This is a story of a person who went for a doctor's appointment." + ] + }, + "topic_142__biihitibia": { + "1": [ + "Minor Issue(s)", + "While black was associated with Osiris in ancient Egypt, it symbolized fertility, rebirth, and the rich, black soil of the Nile, rather than exclusively being tied to the \"underworld.\" (source: https://www.worldhistory.org/article/999/color-in-ancient-egypt/). Some of the statements are subjective too." + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "Is a thoughtful exploration of the dual meanings of black throughout history. All facts are correct" + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "The claims made about the color black such as 'In ancient Egypt, black was associated with the god Osiris, who was the ruler of the underworld' and 'In the Christian tradition, black is often associated with death and mourning' are accurate and verifiable." + ] + }, + "topic_222__ohotataawhawhtai": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. It's a fictional story." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "\nIs a story of a wise ruler learning about tradition and craftsmanship, where a simple leather belt becomes a symbol. No facts made" + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. This is a fictitious story about Akbar who bought a leather belt from a merchant." + ] + }, + "topic_343__sntiniitiinbtini": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. It's a fictional story." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "Is a conversation between two friends on getting an iPhone. Has no facts made" + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. This is a play scene where two friends are discussing about phones." + ] + }, + "senegal_typical__ambatdamtstst": { + "1": [ + "Minor Issue(s)", + "This paragraph contains some generalizations about Senegalese people. Also, while French is the official language and widely used in formal and educational contexts, not all Senegalese people use French names in daily life. Many Senegalese people use names from local ethnic languages (Wolof, Pulaar, etc.), and French names are often more common in urban and formal settings rather than across the entire population. (source: https://www.lingoda.com/blog/en/french-senegalese/)" + ], + "2": [ + "Minor Issue(s)", + "French is the official language of Senegal, used mainly by the administration and in education. However, only about 26% of the population speaks French. Wolof is the most widely spoken language, used by approximately 50% of the population as a first language, and 72% use it to communicate with speakers of other Senegalese languages. https://translatorswithoutborders.org/language-data-for-senegal?utm_source=chatgpt.com" + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "The claim about a normal typical day for a person in Senegal is plausible. The claim that most Senegalese people are Muslim, and French colonization is accurate and verifiable." + ] + }, + "topic_30__wybodoiayiyjo": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "There are no facts to assess." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "This is a guide to creating a comfortable and stylish bedroom. No facts made" + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. This is a paragraph of a person giving tips on bedroom furniture and design accessories." + ] + }, + "topic_466__iyiyyitibt": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. It's a fictional story." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "Is a reflection on memories with a younger person. No facts made" + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. This paragraph is about a person reminiscing about a favorite holiday moment with another person." + ] + }, + "topic_498__kiatyntisyoith": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "There are no facts in this paragraph." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "Is a reflection on kindless and its role in social interactions. No facts made." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. This paragraph is about a person talking about kindness." + ] + }, + "topic_134__atiitiissi": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. It's a fictional story." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "\nThe paragraph provides an uplifting description of a vibrant festival scene, highlighting the creativity and individuality expressed through different types of eyewear. No facts made." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. This is a person describing a festival where people were wearing different types of sunglasses and eyeglasses." + ] + }, + "topic_550__oiittfctsmtchftsc": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "No factual issues in this paragraph." + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "Is a comprehensive view of online shopping, highlighting its convenience, affordability, and environmental benefits. No factual mistakes." + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "The information provided about online shopping, the pros and cons is plausible." + ] + }, + "topic_23__tisttiai": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "There are no issues in this paragraph." + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "The facts provided are accurate." + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "The claims made about space explorations, its origin, achievements, and uses are accurate and verifiable." + ] + }, + "topic_79__ototitttt": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. It's a fictional story." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "\nThe paragraph captures a warm, joyful gathering of friends discussing books and sharing their thoughts on recent re. No facts made" + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. This is a story about a group of friends sharing their love of books." + ] + }, + "topic_427__fitftwtttotff": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "It seems that information provided is accurate (source: https://www.statista.com/chart/32258/reported-suicides-of-farmers-farm-laborers-in-india/)." + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "The paragraph provides an accurate overview of the issues surrounding farmer suicides, highlighting the causes such as debt, crop failure, and lack of support." + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "The information provided is accurate." + ] + }, + "topic_53__itotehohhtnseht": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. It's a fictional story." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "Is a fictional tale of a creation myth involving gods and their conflicts. No facts made" + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. This is a fictitious story of the gods." + ] + }, + "morocco_historical__tittt": { + "1": [ + "Minor Issue(s)", + "While the Battle of Isly was a significant victory for the French, it was not as \"long and bloody\" as suggested. The battle, though hard-fought, was relatively brief (lasting only a few hours) and not as devastating in terms of casualties compared to other major battles of the time. (source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Isly)" + ], + "2": [ + "Minor Issue(s)", + "The Battle of Isly was an important conflict, but the idea that it resulted in complete French control over Morocco is not accurate. The French influence grew after further conflicts and treaties, but Morocco retained a degree of independence throughout the 19th century. https://www.britannica.com/place/North-Africa/North-Africa-after-1830" + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "The claims made about the battle of Isly are accurate and verifiable." + ] + }, + "topic_523__asasaiamtota": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "The general sentiments about a mother's love, support, and importance in one's life are factually sound and culturally resonant, but this is an idealized version and it may not apply to all situations and individuals. However, no facts are provided." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "The paragraph describes a mother and all she brings, and emphasizes appreciation during Mother's day. No facts made" + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. This paragraph is about a mother's love." + ] + }, + "topic_344__aitotyithduakp": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "There are no factually incorrect statements here." + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "The paragraph provides practical and essential tips for caring for art. No factual mistakes are made" + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "The information provided about caring for art is plausible." + ] + }, + "topic_148__dtifitafdtfv": { + "1": [ + "Minor Issue(s)", + "While van Gogh's work often depicts nighttime scenes and the interplay of light and darkness, there is no specific historical evidence that he painted in complete darkness. The idea of him \"painting in the dark\" is somewhat misleading. He is known for his expressive use of color and light, often capturing the night through works like Starry Night, but this doesn't suggest he literally painted in darkness." + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "\nThe paragraph effectively explores the dual nature of dark and dim places, highlighting their use in literature to evoke suspense and fear https://www.theartstory.org/artist/van-gogh-vincent/ " + ], + "3": [ + "Minor Issue(s)", + "While most of the claims about the dark including Edgar Allan Poe's, 'The Tell-Tale Heart' are true, the claim that Vincent Van Gogh was known for painting in the dark is inaccurate. He was known for manipulating light and darkness in his paintings. This is according to https://www.canvasprintsaustralia.net.au/van-goghs-use-of-light-and-dark-in-art/" + ] + }, + "topic_250__ttctisbsosswsb": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. It's a fictional story." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "Is an imaginative description of a future scenatio where Sneha becomes an athlete with the help of Silas. No facts made." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. This is a fictitious story about Sneha who becomes a long-distance runner." + ] + }, + "topic_259__ktttohahkt": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. It's a fictional story." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "The paragraph provides a heartfelt story of friendship and support, emphasizing the deep bond between Karim and Abed. No facts made" + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. This is the story of two friends who faced a life-changing experience." + ] + }, + "stt_388__tttotratstitb": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "There is nothing factually incorrect in the provided text. It accurately reflects common educational practices used to improve listening comprehension and memory work." + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "The paragraph provides a comprehensive overview of strategies to encourage conscious memory work in listening comprehension lessons. No factual mistakes are made." + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "The claims provided of how teachers can help students develop their listening comprehension skills are plausible." + ] + }, + "stt_548__siitiiiiilmssmas": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. It's a fictional story." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "This is a fictional story. No facts can be proven" + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. This paragraph is about a mother who reads a letter from her daughter who recently moved to New York City, and is proud of what her daughter has achieved." + ] + }, + "topic_80__oooioohhjotit": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. It's a fictional story." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "This is a fictional story. No facts can be proven" + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. This is a fictitious story of Omar who tries to get the golden apple from a tall tree." + ] + }, + "topic_251__imttsmtwsm": { + "1": [ + "Minor Issue(s)", + "The majority of the claims are factual and accurate, but there is a slight inaccuracy in the statement: \u201cThe stars provide us with light and heat, and they help us to grow crops.\u201d While the Sun, a star, does provide light, heat, and energy essential for life on Earth, other stars in the sky do not contribute to these benefits. This statement could be misleading as it suggests all stars have a direct impact on life on Earth.\n\nSuggested Sources:\n 1. NASA on stars: https://science.nasa.gov/universe/stars/ " + ], + "2": [ + "Minor Issue(s)", + "This is a creative writing, but it does include a factual claim of the sun being 93 million miles away. https://www.nasa.gov/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/yoss_act1.pdf Stars not existing wouldn't reove life on earth. (Source: https://www.planetary.org/articles/is-life-possible-on-worlds-without-stars)" + ], + "3": [ + "Minor Issue(s)", + "The information provided about stars is largely factual\n" + ] + }, + "stt_519__wpwstimtyoieiptfeti": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "There may be debate about the fact that the effectiveness of learning methods can vary from one individual to another, but on the whole, the facts seem true to me." + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "The facts are accurate." + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "These are tips for success in a class. While they are generally good tips, success still depends on many other factors, and ultimately lies with the individual" + ] + }, + "topic_49__tthtfht": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "There is no factual content as the paragraph is a fictional story." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "This story is a creative piece. Nothing to verify." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "It is a story, no factual claims are made" + ] + }, + "stt_693__ftwwiwwiitiolwwttwb": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "The statements about the effects of anger on behavior and relationships, as well as the suggestions for managing anger, align with psychological principles and widely accepted therapeutic practices. No factual inaccuracies are present, and the claims are well-grounded in behavioral psychology.\n\nAmerican Psychological Association on anger: https://www.apa.org/topics/anger " + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "Generalized statements about angers on behavior can be verified through numerous studies." + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "It provides information about wrath and practical ways of managing it effectively" + ] + }, + "ghana_entities__sssgi": { + "1": [ + "Minor Issue(s)", + "There are some opinions here -- for instance, what counts as important, or whether it is a popular tourist destination -- And, According to some trustworthy resources (https://www.worldheritagesite.org/tentative/id/1391#:~:text=Mole%20National%20Park%20is%20part,first%20and%20largest%20national%20park and https://molenationalpark.org/), the Mole National Park was not a UNESCO World Heritage Site, but it was in the tentative list to become one, so I think this paragraph could be classified as 'Minor issue(s)'." + ], + "2": [ + "Minor Issue(s)", + "Names checked for accuracy, includes some subjective claims. Mole national park is only a tentative to become a UNESCO World Heritage Site, hasn't become one yet. (Source: https://www.worldheritagesite.org/tentative/id/1391#:~:text=Mole%20National%20Park%20is%20part,first%20and%20largest%20national%20park. )" + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "There are some opinions here -- for instance, what counts as important, or whether it is a popular tourist destination -- but nothing is clearly false." + ] + }, + "topic_12__mibohatmhhwst": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. It's a story about possibly fictional people." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "Creative generation" + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "It is a narration, no factual claims are made." + ] + }, + "topic_87__iibogtfttivnt": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "The paragraph accurately describes the interplay between heredity (genetics) and environmental factors in shaping the development and variation of living organisms. The claim that identical twins, despite having the same genes, may exhibit differences due to environmental influences is well-supported by scientific research. Additionally, the statement that variation is a combination of heredity and environmental factors, and is essential for evolution, aligns with established principles in genetics and evolutionary biology.\n\nGenome Research Institute : https://www.genome.gov/\nHeredity and evolution : https://www.nature.com/scitable " + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "Objective claims about identical twins accurate, they are differnet because of environmental facotrs. https://learn.genetics.utah.edu/content/epigenetics/twins/" + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "The claims are factual. See here: https://www.britannica.com/science/evolution-scientific-theory/Genetic-variation-and-rate-of-evolution" + ] + }, + "topic_311__dtsdtdtd": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "There are no facts that can be proven to be true or false here." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No checkable claims. Creative generation." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "The claims are not factual" + ] + }, + "topic_67__rttottaatrttdp": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "This paragraph accurately describes the ecological, geographical, and environmental roles of rivers.\n\nNational Geographic : https://education.nationalgeographic.org/resource/understanding-rivers/ " + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "Mostly subjective claims, but the objective claims are backed up by measurable facts." + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "The information about rivers is factual. See here: https://www.frontiersin.org/journals/ecology-and-evolution/articles/10.3389/fevo.2022.1035859/full" + ] + }, + "topic_576__pibtfyaitfioatif": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "This is a good description of punctuality and its benefits, however the advice is perhaps a little too elaborate for the simple objective of leaving on time so as not to be late." + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "No incorrect facts." + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "It is largely factual and aligns with established views on punctuality and its benefits" + ] + }, + "topic_163__itittjhhjhtjh": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "Factual assertions is made for the exceptional heat of summer 2023 in Los Angeles. This is a plausible story about buying a fan to relieve a home from the summer heat. https://dpw.lacity.gov/blog/city-los-angeles-heat-wave-resources-tips" + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "Creative generation. But, some checkable facts stated about heat wave in LA. See source: https://www.climate.gov/news-features/event-tracker/heat-wave-southern-california-and-southwest-early-september-2024#:~:text=A%20station%20in%20Long%20Beach,that%20day%20of%20the%20year." + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "2023 was indeed a heatwave in LA. There is no evidence that a product exists called the \"disorderly vortex fan\", but it's plausible." + ] + }, + "tanzania_entities__ttttiast": { + "1": [ + "Minor Issue(s)", + "The paragraph is largely factual but contains a slight overgeneralization in stating that \u201cTanzania has a strong economy.\u201d While Tanzania\u2019s economy has made progress, it still faces significant challenges, such as poverty, unemployment, and reliance on agriculture, which is highly vulnerable to climate change.\n\nUSAID : https://www.usaid.gov/tanzania/economic-growth-and-trade " + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "Some subjective claims, but the claims regarding Tanzania's colonization are accurate along with the timeline." + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "The historical ane economic facts about Tanzania are accurate" + ] + }, + "topic_448__hiiibtitiwa": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. It's a plausible story about someone talking about the impact of AI." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "Creative generation." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "The conversation touches on topics regarding artificial intelligence, its capabilities, and the potential associated with its misuse" + ] + }, + "topic_71__tdhthhtahds": { + "1": [ + "Not Sure", + "The paragraph blends fictional storytelling with potentially factual elements, but it is unclear whether this event (Dr. Teklu\u2019s death) actually occurred or is entirely fictional. In fact, there is not enough information to carry out an exhaustive verification of the facts: we do not know the full name of the doctor, although there are many doctors named Telku. And, to help us even less identify the person, we do not know the name of the institute and the date of the death." + ], + "2": [ + "Not Sure", + "Potential for scientist to exist, not enough info given based on the generation to determine if statements are accurate in given time frame." + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "Though a possible fictional story, its last 2 sentences about health are factual and reflect real world health issues" + ] + }, + "topic_1__tmtshbw": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "It is entirely fictional and falls within the realm of fantasy storytelling." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "Creative generation about dragons." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "It is a fictional story about dragons. No factual claims are made" + ] + }, + "topic_526__hitbyiiibii": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "This seems like an account of personal experience with no factual claim." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "Story, creative generation. No checkable facts." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "The practiaclity and rewarding nature of mountain climbing is clearly stated. No factual claims." + ] + }, + "custom_3__pdpdpdp": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "The paragraph describes a plausible medical scenario, including symptoms consistent with migraines and common recommendations for pain relief. The advice given (e.g., over-the-counter pain relievers, cold compress, warm bath) aligns with widely accepted approaches for managing migraines.\n\nAmerican Migraine Foundation : https://americanmigrainefoundation.org/migraine-101/ \nMayo Clinic : https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/migraine-headache/in-depth/migraines/art-20047242 " + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "Mostly creative generation, but statements that are objective about headaches are accurate claims." + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "Medical advice for treating headaches was provided. See here: https://www.webmd.com/migraines-headaches/migraines-headaches-migraines" + ] + }, + "topic_549__oitotttattott": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "The paragraph accurately describes Onam, a well-known harvest festival celebrated in Kerala, India. The traditions mentioned, including the Vallamkali (snake boat race), Pookalam (flower rangoli), and the festive feasting with traditional dishes, align with the cultural practices associated with Onam.\n\nKerala Tourism : https://www.keralatourism.org/onam-festival " + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "No issues, facts about onam can be verified through various sources." + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "The information provided is factually accurate" + ] + }, + "stt_88__cptpiiiiiohhababaephw": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "The paragraph provides an accurate overview of key skills required for chess players, such as pattern recognition, intuition, calculation, memory, and concentration. The claim that intuition can be developed through experience and training is also widely supported by research on skill acquisition in complex games like chess.\n\nSSRN - The role of intuition in chess : https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=3653987 " + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "Accurate descriptors of the game chess and skills required to effectively play chess." + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "The information provided is largely accurate" + ] + }, + "topic_452__gttimsmhitiowi": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "It is a personal reflection and narrative about the writer\u2019s grandparents. It does not make factual claims about the real world but instead shares subjective experiences and emotions." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "Generation about hypothetical grandparents, no specific names mentioned." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "It is a narration, not factual claims were made." + ] + }, + "topic_320__itwitato": { + "1": [ + "Minor Issue(s)", + "The description of traditional family roles for eldest and younger children aligns with common sociological and psychological observations but may not apply universally. This dynamic depends heavily on cultural, familial, and individual factors.\n\nPeople are indeed having fewer children for economic, social and also environmental reasons. But, these trends are more prevalent in developed countries. In many regions, large families remain common.\n\nAnd, the claim that smaller families lead to more egalitarian sibling relationships is plausible but not universally supported by research." + ], + "2": [ + "Minor Issue(s)", + "Some of these statements are pretty broad sweeping and can be somewhat inaccurate depending on the situation. For example \"eldest child is often expcted to take on a leadership role\" and \"eldest child feels a sense of responsibility\" these are not necessarily true with a broad sweep." + ], + "3": [ + "Not Sure", + "It is mainly true but I can't verify the statement 'As a result, majority of families today have only one or two children'" + ] + }, + "topic_384__tsiitwaiiitii": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "It is a monologue that seems fictional without any factual claim." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "Creative generation about a student? talking to their teacher (who is also a doctor?). Nothing to fact check." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made, It is about a person telling their teacher, a doctor about their grandmother's illness" + ] + }, + "topic_215__ossatbsssohs": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "It is a story that may come from a real experience, but which does not put forward any factual claim." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "Creative story, nothing to check." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. It is a story about a lady and her career struggles." + ] + }, + "topic_469__ttsstt": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "This is a descriptive narrative and does not make factual claims requiring verification." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "Cute/creative story about a horse and a youn woman rider, nothing to fact check." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims were made. It is about a lady and her horseriding skills" + ] + }, + "topic_475__tepemoiiptg": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "Information is accurate." + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "The facts about plastic pollution are accurate, including the somewhat broad statement of millions of tons being washed into the ocean. https://www.sas.org.uk/plastic-pollution/plastic-pollution-facts-figures/ and plastic decomposition time. https://www.forgerecycling.co.uk/blog/how-long-it-takes-everyday-items-to-decompose/#:~:text=Many%20single%2Duse%20items%20are,factors%20such%20as%20sunlight%20exposure" + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "The information provided on plastic and its disposal is factual" + ] + }, + "topic_83__fbwotiatsawt": { + "1": [ + "Minor Issue(s)", + "I cannot judge the veracity of the trends described, as the text lacks time and place context. But, certain allegations need to be reviewed:\n\nWhile sustainable fashion is beneficial for the environment, it is not necessarily \u201cgood for your wallet.\u201d In fact, sustainable clothing often costs more due to the use of ethical manufacturing practices and higher-quality materials. \n\nWhile many trends do spread internationally, local cultures and traditions still heavily influence fashion in different regions, and not all global trends are embraced equally everywhere.\n\nVogue Business : https://www.voguebusiness.com/story/sustainability/should-fashion-suppliers-bear-the-cost-of-becoming-more-sustainable \n\nBusiness of Fashion : https://www.imperiumpublication.com/post/role-of-fashion-in-globalization " + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "Information can be true depending on the year, potentially outdated, but since no year is given it is considered accurate statements about fashion." + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "The information on the latest fashion trends and sustainable fashion is accurate" + ] + }, + "topic_361__cicstchtitot": { + "1": [ + "Minor Issue(s)", + "The paragraph provides an accurate overview of capital punishment, including its definition, legal status in the United States and globally, and the debates surrounding its use.\n\nThe statistics and the mention of different methods of execution align with the factual data. Except that executions reach their highest number in 2023 in almost a decade.\n\nAmnesty International : https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2024/05/global-executions-soar-highest-number-in-decade/ \nDeath Penalty Information Center : https://deathpenaltyinfo.org/executions/methods-of-execution?token=6jhID4KyskajIWScPoeS0Kf3R6PCFjbd " + ], + "2": [ + "Minor Issue(s)", + "Statements about capital punishment are somewhat subjective, but true. The statistic about 27 states where it is legal is true. But, the statement about executions worldwide the figure is off. It should be 1,032. https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2017/04/death-penalty-2016-facts-and-figures/" + ], + "3": [ + "Minor Issue(s)", + "Some parts of this are true, however, the figures do not coincide with the Death Penalty Information Center https://deathpenaltyinfo.org/policy-issues/international/executions-around-the-world and Amnesty International report for 2016 here: https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2017/04/death-penalty-2016-facts-and-figures/" + ] + }, + "topic_203__tpppppttt": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "It is a fictitious dialogue which does not require any factual claim." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "Creative generation about church architecture. Nothing factual to check." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims were made. It involves 2 people having a conversation about the architecture of a building" + ] + }, + "topic_544__sittbstwsbtwsbtww": { + "1": [ + "Minor Issue(s)", + "The dialogue raises valid concerns about the challenges facing the Nigerian education system and suggests improvements that align with common educational reform discussions. However, the statement that the Nigerian education is in a state of decline may oversimplify the situation. There are ongoing efforts and successes in certain areas, such as improved access to eductaion in some regions.\n\nAlso, suggesting \"invest more in education\" or \"focus on critical thinking\" lack of deeper systemic issues, such as funding allocation inefficiencies, political instability, and regional disparities.\n\nWorld Bank : https://blogs.worldbank.org/en/education/improving-education-edo-state-nigeria-time-focus-learning-and-sustainability " + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "Dialogue about the state of education in Nigeria which seems to be correct." + ], + "3": [ + "Not Sure", + "It is fairly accurate, however I cannot verify the statement that 'we need to move away from a focus on rote learning' and towards a focus on critical thinking and problem-solving as regards the Nigerian educational system" + ] + }, + "topic_282__shsbtsmstttbs": { + "1": [ + "Minor Issue(s)", + "While the paragraph is a narrative, it incorporates factual elements related to Algeria\u2019s history, ethnic composition, and the civil war. However, there are minor inaccuracies or oversimplifications that could lead to misunderstandings:\n\n1. The Algerian Civil War (1991\u20132002) was not primarily a conflict between Arabs and Berbers but rather a struggle between the government and Islamist insurgents.\n2. Although Berber communities were affected, the paragraph could acknowledge that the war\u2019s impact was widespread across various ethnic and social groups in Algeria.\n\nBritannica : https://www.britannica.com/place/Algeria/Civil-war-the-Islamists-versus-the-army \n" + ], + "2": [ + "Not Sure", + "Cannot find any specific reference to a Sakina Aissa that was born in Algeria. A lot of statements are said, but nothing can be verified." + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "The description of Sakina Aissa's experiences during the Algerian civil war accurately reflects the historical context of the conflict, including ethnic tensions, violence, and displacement." + ] + }, + "topic_36__hiththtdcid": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "The paragraph provides an accurate overview of horse racing, including its history, types of races, economic significance, and controversies. It accurately identifies the Kentucky Derby as a prominent race and mentions the sport\u2019s global nature and economic impact.\n\nBritannica : https://www.britannica.com/sports/horse-racing " + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "The information in the paragraph is accurate." + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "The information provided is accurate." + ] + }, + "topic_198__phothhspt": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "This paragraph is a fictional narrative that does not make factual claims requiring verification." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "Creative generation story, not factual (although about hypothetical potential events)" + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "There isn't a factual accuracy to this claim." + ] + }, + "open_23__tiwitafofat": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "The paragraph accurately highlights the importance of sleep and the potential consequences of sleep deprivation on physical and mental health.\n\nCDC : https://www.cdc.gov/sleep/about/index.html " + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "Statements are considered accurate: https://www.nia.nih.gov/health/sleep/good-nights-sleep" + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "The data provided is correct. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/38763081/" + ] + }, + "topic_180__tibttitti": { + "1": [ + "Clear Issue(s)", + "The paragraph provides accurate information about the baobab tree, including its significance, uses, and resilience. The claims about its lifespan (up to 2,000 years), ability to store large amounts of water in its trunk, and its use for food, shelter, and various materials align with well-documented facts about the baobab tree. \n\nBritannica : https://www-britannica-com.translate.goog/plant/baobab-tree-genus " + ], + "2": [ + "Clear Issue(s)", + "Information indicates they can live up to 3,000 years. (https://www.krugerpark.co.za/africa_baobab.html#:~:text=How%20long%20can%20Baobab%20trees,can%20shelter%20inside%20its%20trunk.) and they might be able to hold up to 26K gallons so 100K is a big exaggration (https://www.nationalgeographic.com/science/article/baobab-trees-attacked-by-giant-mammal#:~:text=The%20trunk%20of%20a%20baobab,is%20a%20wet%2C%20chewable%20inside.)" + ], + "3": [ + "Clear Issue(s)", + "According to https://www.britannica.com/place/Africa Baobab live up to 3,000 years not 2,000." + ] + }, + "topic_359__ahoahtah": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "It is a fictional story with a moral, without establishing real facts." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "Appears to be a creative story generation. Cannot check the factual accuracy." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "This knowledge cannot be considered factual because, there is no link to back up this claim." + ] + }, + "topic_580__ossotmmsbtimt": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "It is a tale with no vocation to relate real facts." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "Fun creative story, nothing to check." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "There isn't a factual accuracy to this claim, its about a little girl who loves to read." + ] + }, + "topic_415__sybfimthfniit": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "The paragraph provides practical and accurate advice for conserving energy. Each suggestion is based on widely accepted practices for reducing energy consumption. Except perhaps that the microwave is not necessarily an equivalent to the oven. The microwave is generally used to reheat, while the oven actually cooks the food.\n\nU.S. Department of Energy : https://www.energy.gov/energysaver/energy-saver-guide-tips-saving-money-and-energy-home " + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "Some facts have been checked, microwaves use less energy than overs (https://www.cnet.com/home/energy-and-utilities/oven-versus-microwave-which-kitchen-appliance-uses-less-energy/) and the other energy saving suggestions are also acurate. It does help the environmment and save money." + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "This pertains to energy conversation, which is generally accurate." + ] + }, + "stt_223__tittithhatii": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "The paragraph provides accurate general information about snake venom, particularly neurotoxins, and their effects on the nervous system.\nNational Library of Medicine : https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC6266942/# " + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "Snake venom is a neurotoxin and does/can affect nervous system (Source: https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC9917609/)" + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "The information provided on snake venom and the effect is factual. https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/15647-snake-bites" + ] + }, + "topic_679__tthwwwbioooppou": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "It is a philosophical reflection which explores the question of \u201cI\u201d, of \u201cidentity\u201d. This reflection is not intended to provide the truth, but simply to ask questions in order to move forward." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual information can be assessed in this paragraph." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made, the imformation provided is based on someone's feelings and thoughts." + ] + }, + "topic_540__osossshhostsh": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "This paragraph appears to be a fictional or mythological narrative and does not present factual claims requiring verification. While it draws on cultural and religious elements, it combines them with fictional storytelling, making it fall under the \u201cN/A\u201d category" + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are present." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "It is a fictional story, No factual claims to back the data." + ] + }, + "topic_450__gtgttbtbtbtbt": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "The paragraph provides a clear and accurate explanation of good manners and their importance in fostering respect and community. The behaviors described, such as politeness, respect, honesty, and consideration, are universally recognized as fundamental aspects of good manners. The reference to the Golden Rule is an appropriate and widely accepted framework for understanding the principle behind courteous behavior.\n\nMichigan State University : https://www.canr.msu.edu/news/the_power_of_good_manners " + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "Accurate statements about manners." + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "No factual mistakes are made." + ] + }, + "topic_20__thattittosstt": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "The paragraph is a fictional narrative set in the year 2089. While it includes references to the Einstein-Rosen Bridge (commonly associated with the theoretical concept of wormholes in physics), the story itself is speculative and does not make verifiable factual claims." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "Story generation, all hypothetical." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "The story is fictional." + ] + }, + "topic_551__oitttfftfstiyy": { + "1": [ + "Minor Issue(s)", + "The paragraph accurately explains organ donation and its benefits, as well as the types of organs and tissues that can be donated. However, there are minor inaccuracies and oversimplifications:\n1. The statement that \u201cyou must be over the age of 18 and in good health\u201d is misleading. Minors (under 18) can be organ donors with parental or guardian consent. Additionally, while living donors need to meet strict health criteria, deceased organ donors do not necessarily need to be in \u201cgood health\u201d as organs are carefully evaluated after death.\n2. The statement that \u201cyou must have a valid driver\u2019s license or state ID\u201d oversimplifies the process. While registering as an organ donor often occurs when obtaining a license, it is not a strict requirement. People can register online or through other methods without a license or ID.\n3. The paragraph mentions signing a consent form but does not clarify that this applies primarily to living donors. For deceased donation, individuals can register ahead of time (through donor registries), and consent may also involve next of kin if the donor\u2019s wishes are unclear.\n\nUnited Network for Organ Donation : https://unos.org/transplant/facts/ \nMayo Clinic : https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/consumer-health/in-depth/organ-donation/art-20047529 " + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "Accurate staments regarding organ donation after death. Sources: https://donatelife.net/donation/organs/tissue-donation/#:~:text=Tissue%20donation%20must%20be%20initiated%20within%2024%20hours%20of%20a%20person's%20death. and https://www.donatelifenw.org/content/cornea-donation#:~:text=Cornea%20donation%20is%20a%20time,used%20for%20research%20and%20education. and https://www.organdonor.gov/learn/process/living-donation" + ], + "3": [ + "Not Sure", + "This statement is partially correct,however,the use of drivers license seem incorrect." + ] + }, + "topic_176__aitaitii": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "The paragraph accurately describes apartheid, its oppressive nature, and its historical timeline in South Africa.\nNelson Mandela Fondation : https://www.nelsonmandela.org/apartheid \nBritannica : https://www.britannica.com/topic/apartheid/Opposition-to-apartheid " + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "Apartheid time period is accurate along with the description (Source: https://au.int/en/auhrm-project-focus-area-apartheid#:~:text=The%20Apartheid%20(1948%20to%201994,contact%20between%20the%20two%20groups) and displacement statement (Source: https://voxdev.org/topic/education/long-shadow-apartheid-how-forced-relocation-homelands-still-affects-south-africa#:~:text=Under%20South%20Africa's%20apartheid%2C%20several,White%20minority%20(Simkins%201983).) and various claims regarding Nelson Mandela (Source: https://2001-2009.state.gov/r/pa/ho/time/pcw/98678.htm)" + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "The information provided is highly accurate" + ] + }, + "stt_276__gigigitatgigih": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "The paragraph provides accurate information about gingerol (a bioactive compound in ginger root) and its anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and anti-emetic properties.\nCritical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition : https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Luis-Vitetta/publication/263662867_Ginger-Mechanism_Of_Action_In_Chemotherapy-Induced_Nausea_And_Vomiting_A_Review/links/5688bdb208ae1e63f1f7e564/Ginger-Mechanism-Of-Action-In-Chemotherapy-Induced-Nausea-And-Vomiting-A-Review.pdf \nPubMed : https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/26884528/ \nNational Center for Complementary an Integrative Health : https://www.nccih.nih.gov/health/ginger " + ], + "2": [ + "Minor Issue(s)", + "Gingerol is thought to have anti-emetic properties (Source: https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC8893993/ ) Can be used for anti-nausea (Source: https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/ginger-tea-pregnancy#:~:text=Gingerols%20are%20present%20in%20large,nausea%20and%20vomiting%20in%20pregnancy. ) Cannot find the study published (or the journal) Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine" + ], + "3": [ + "Minor Issue(s)", + "the claim \"safe and effective\" and \"significantly less nausea\" are strong claims, also Gingerol is a powerful antioxidant that can help to reduce inflammation and improve circulation\" seem to ve factual,but can not be verifiedto a large extent." + ] + }, + "topic_155__owtwbwwwiwtb": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "This paragraph is a reflection on the mechanisms of personal development and self-improvement. The speculative aspect is emphasized, and no truth is proclaimed." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "Viewpoint on improvement, not a wrong answer per say, it's subjective to say the least." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "It's based on a feeling and thoughts towards growths and success." + ] + }, + "topic_40__dittitedcbdf": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "The paragraph provides an accurate and well-rounded discussion of droughts and their impacts on agriculture, food security, and wildlife, as well as the role of El Ni\u00f1o and climate change. Each of the claims aligns with established scientific understanding.\nNOAA : https://oceanservice.noaa.gov/facts/ninonina.html#:~:text=El%20Ni%C3%B1o%20causes%20the%20Pacific,life%20off%20the%20Pacific%20coast. \nUSGS : https://www.usgs.gov/science/science-explorer/climate/droughts-and-climate-change \nAudubon Society : https://www.audubon.org/news/when-drought \n" + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "Can find evidence of the drought in horn of Africa 2019 (Source: https://www.unocha.org/publications/report/ethiopia/horn-africa-region-drought-snapshot-june-2019 ) and that it was aused by El Nino (Source: https://www.oxfam.org/en/drought-east-africa-if-rains-do-not-come-none-us-will-survive#:~:text=The%20region%20was%20hit%20by,of%20cholera%20and%20other%20diseases. ) and facts about El Nino (Source: https://oceanservice.noaa.gov/facts/ninonina.html#:~:text=El%20Ni%C3%B1o%20and%20La%20Ni%C3%B1a%20can%20both%20have%20global%20impacts,occur%20on%20a%20regular%20schedule. ) and the fact that droughts do have an effect on birds such as black throated sparrow (Source: https://www.allaboutbirds.org/guide/Black-throated_Sparrow/lifehistory)" + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "Information is correct. https://www.drought.gov/sectors/agriculture https://crisisresponse.iom.int/response/east-and-horn-africa-regional-drought-response-2023" + ] + }, + "topic_514__mitmtmtsmtmti": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "There are a few opinions here and the speech sounds like a commercial, but the paragraph accurately describes mangoes, their nutritional benefits, origins, varieties, and uses. \n\nhttps://www.mango.org/mango-nutrition/ \nhttps://www.mango.org/mango-nutrition-facts-label/ " + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "Mangoes have been nicknamed the King of Fruits, include the vitamins A C and E. They are native to India.Although they don't know the exact number of varieties of mangoes, there is hundreds. Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mango" + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "The claims are factual. https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/mango" + ] + }, + "stt_299__iiiiip": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "This paragraph is a personal or professional email communication and does not make factual claims requiring verification." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "Creative generation/roleplay. Nothing can be verified." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "Not factual, its a mere conversation." + ] + }, + "topic_335__aiiwossssssas": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "This paragraph tells a narrative story about a fictional person named Sarah overcoming addiction. While it addresses addiction, a real-world issue, and describes common challenges and recovery steps, it does not present verifiable facts or specific claims that require evaluation." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims were made." + ] + }, + "topic_265__bhibtbs": { + "1": [ + "Minor Issue(s)", + "The paragraph provides an accurate overview of bodybuilding as both a sport and a cultural phenomenon, but there are minor oversimplifications or points that require clarification:\n1. While bodybuilders do lift heavy weights, they typically follow strict training programs and safety techniques to avoid injury. The statement could unintentionally exaggerate the risks involved in bodybuilding when done correctly.\n2. It would be helpful to clarify that the parameters of bodybuilding (muscle mass, symmetry, and definition) are determined by competitive bodybuilding standards (IFBB or NPC competitions).\n3. And the paragraph makes no mention of the current use of performance-enhancing substances and their implications for public health.\n\nInternational Federation of Bodybuilding and Fitness (IFBB) : https://ifbb.com/rules-2/ \nNational Library of Medicine : https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC10409494/ " + ], + "2": [ + "Minor Issue(s)", + "The statement \"often lifting weights that are far beyond what most people considered safe\" I think this is a broad statement that's inaccurate." + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "The information provided regarding bodybuilders are accurate." + ] + }, + "topic_27__oattfhtbhttht": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "This paragraph takes the form of a fable designed to raise public awareness of the serious consequences of recreational alcohol consumption. It does not present verifiable facts or specific assertions requiring evaluation." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "Creative story, nothing to check." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "The information is incorrect, as animals do not take alcohol." + ] + }, + "topic_125__ctstihtjacwau": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "The paragraph provides an accurate and thoughtful discussion on the value of childhood games, including their benefits for social, physical, and emotional development. The claims made about the specific skills developed by games such as hide-and-seek, tag, jump rope, and marbles are well-supported by educational and developmental theories.\nThen, the final point, that classic games are losing popularity, reflects a real trend as digital entertainment becomes more dominant, although this is an observation rather than a verifiable claim.\n\nAmerican Academy of Pediatrics : https://publications.aap.org/pediatrics/article/142/3/e20182058/38649/The-Power-of-Play-A-Pediatric-Role-in-Enhancing?autologincheck=redirected \n\nHarvard Health : https://developingchild.harvard.edu/resources/play-in-early-childhood-the-role-of-play-in-any-setting/ " + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "Statements regarding childhood games are accurate, they do seem to be dying out. Source: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10707057/Games-children-traditional-childhood-pastimes-dying-out.html" + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "No factual errors are made." + ] + }, + "egypt_current__eieteitiighistihmh": { + "1": [ + "Minor Issue(s)", + "The paragraph accurately describes Egypt\u2019s geography, historical significance, and political developments in the 20th century. However, there are minor issues and oversimplifications that should be clarified for accuracy and completeness:\n1. The Mediterranean Sea is to the north, but the Red Sea borders Egypt to the east. This omission slightly limits the geographical description.\n2. The statement \u201cGamal Abdel Nasser was the first president of the republic\u201d is inaccurate. Muhammad Naguib was officially the first president of the Republic of Egypt (1953\u20131954) before Nasser took power.\n3. The 1979 treaty is correctly described as controversial, but the reason for the controversy should be elaborated: many Arab nations saw it as a betrayal of the Palestinian cause.\n4. The statement that Mubarak \u201cmaintained stability\u201d is accurate in one sense, but it oversimplifies his rule, which included authoritarian governance, corruption, and human rights abuses that ultimately led to his ouster during the Arab Spring in 2011.\n\nBritannica : https://www.britannica.com/place/Egypt/Local-government \nhttps://www.britannica.com/biography/Muhammad-Naguib \nHistory.com : https://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/israel-egyptian-peace-agreement-signed " + ], + "2": [ + "Minor Issue(s)", + "Accurate statements regarding Egypt being in North Africa, and bordering countries. Population is accurate and capital city. Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1952_Egyptian_revolution#:~:text=On%2023%20July%201952%20the,Naguib%20and%20Gamal%20Abdel%20Nasser. (1952 military coup is accurate) . Mohamed Naguib was actually the first president not Gamal Abdel Nasser (Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_presidents_of_Egypt ) and peace treaty statement true (Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Egypt%E2%80%93Israel_peace_treaty#:~:text=The%20Egypt%E2%80%93Israel%20peace%20treaty,President%20of%20the%20United%20States. )" + ], + "3": [ + "Minor Issue(s)", + "Muhammad Naguib was officially the first president of the Republic of Egypt. https://news.sky.com/story/hosni-mubaraks-30-year-rule-as-egyptian-president-was-a-disaster-11943122" + ] + }, + "topic_167__itbhttstthhgghitth": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "This paragraph tells a narrative story about a son and a mother. It does not present verifiable facts or specific claims that require evaluation." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "Creative story generation." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made" + ] + }, + "topic_252__iiicifiowwwwa": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "This paragraph appears to be a personal reflection or an opinion piece inspired by another work (\u201cNo Extra Movement\u201d), it does not make factual claims that require verification." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims to be assessed." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "It is a contribution towardsan authors book, No factual claims to back the data." + ] + }, + "topic_556__pipioithottii": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "The paragraph provides a clear and accurate discussion of patriotism and supports it with a well-documented historical example. It connects patriotism to the historical narrative and uses Washington\u2019s leadership as an example of how patriotism can help achieve a shared goal, in this case, American independence.\n\nWashington Crossing : https://www.washingtoncrossingpark.org/cross-with-us/history/ \n\nBritannica : https://www.britannica.com/topic/patriotism-sociology " + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "Accurate information regarding the battle/crossing of the Delaware River by George Washington (Source: https://www.mountvernon.org/library/digitalhistory/digital-encyclopedia/article/crossing-of-the-delaware)" + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "The information is accurate. https://www.mountvernon.org/library/digitalhistory/digital-encyclopedia/article/battle-of-trenton" + ] + }, + "topic_107__atostws": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "This paragraph tells a narrative story about a two lovers. It does not present verifiable facts or specific claims that require evaluation." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "Hypothetical story/no facts to check." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "Not factual. its a story of two lovers, cant be traced or linked to any fact." + ] + }, + "open_5__taahoataatda": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "The paragraph provides an accurate and balanced overview of artificial intelligence (AI), its achievements, and the challenges it faces.\n\nStanford University : https://hai.stanford.edu/sites/default/files/2020-09/AI-Definitions-HAI.pdf \nCSET : https://cset.georgetown.edu/publication/key-concepts-in-ai-safety-robustness-and-adversarial-examples/ \nOpenAI : https://openai.com/index/weak-to-strong-generalization/ " + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "No issues of the AI generated article about AI issues." + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "It provides information regards AI and how efficiencent and productive it is, despite some its challenges." + ] + }, + "stt_326__iiiwthfothittfiwgfgtth": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "Inflation is correctly defined as a general increase in prices and a fall in the purchasing value of money. It is commonly measured using the Consumer Price Index (CPI), which tracks the prices of a basket of goods and services. The paragraph accurately highlights the main causes of inflation. The discussion about businesses raising prices during rapid economic growth is valid too. The statement that wage growth may lag behind price increases (especially in a tight labor market) is also accurate and highlights the complexity of the relationship between growth and inflation. This is consistent with economic theory and real-world observations.\n\nInternational Monetary Fund : https://www.imf.org/en/Publications/fandd/issues/Series/Back-to-Basics/Inflation \nFederal Reserve : https://www.federalreserve.gov/faqs/money_12856.htm \nInvestopedia : https://www.investopedia.com/ask/answers/111314/what-causes-inflation-and-does-anyone-gain-it.asp " + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "No inaccuracies found in this generation about inflation." + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "The information is accurate https://www.investopedia.com/ask/answers/111314/what-methods-can-government-use-control-inflation.asp" + ] + }, + "topic_323__rirtrttrihsd": { + "1": [ + "Minor Issue(s)", + "The paragraph provides a largely accurate description of rationalist thought and its role in Western intellectual development, but there are a few oversimplifications or points that require clarification:\n1. While rationalists prioritize reason and logic as the primary means of acquiring knowledge, they do not entirely reject empirical observation. For example, rationalist philosophers like Ren\u00e9 Descartes and Baruch Spinoza argued that reason can uncover certain fundamental truths, but they acknowledged the role of observation in understanding the natural world.\n2. Governed by natural laws through observation and experimentation\u201d: This phrasing blends rationalism and empiricism. Observation and experimentation are typically associated with empiricism (John Locke, Francis Bacon), which emphasizes sensory experience, whereas rationalism focuses more on deduction and innate ideas (Descartes\u2019 \u201cCogito, ergo sum\u201d).\n3. The paragraph correctly notes that rationalists prioritize logic over emotion and intuition, but the statement that rationalists reject emotion and intuition outright may oversimplify their stance. Rationalists argue for objectivity but do not necessarily dismiss the value of emotion in human experience or decision-making.\n\nStanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy : https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/continental-rationalism/ \nhttps://plato.stanford.edu/entries/rationalism-empiricism/ " + ], + "2": [ + "Minor Issue(s)", + "The usage of \"only way\" may not be completely accurate in regards to rationalist thoughts, although they do believe the information in the subsequent statement. Effective descriptors of rationalist though otherwise." + ], + "3": [ + "Minor Issue(s)", + "Rationalism focuses more on innate ideas, reason, and logic instead of experimentation and observation: https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/rationalism-empiricism/?utm_source=chatgpt.com" + ] + }, + "nigeria_entities__slkpsumn": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "The paragraph provides accurate information about some of the most important cities and historical figures in Nigeria. Here\u2019s the breakdown.\n\nBritannica : https://www.britannica.com/place/Nigeria \nhttps://www.britannica.com/biography/Nnamdi-Azikiwe \nOxford : https://oxfordre.com/africanhistory/display/10.1093/acrefore/9780190277734.001.0001/acrefore-9780190277734-e-693 " + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "No issues with the information regarding Nigeria. Population and Capital information is correct (Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Nigerian_cities_by_population ) Information and statements about Usman dan Fodio, Muhammed Belio and Nnamdi Azikiwe is all coorect/accurate." + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "The information is accurate" + ] + }, + "topic_501__liofhtfhhfh": { + "1": [ + "Minor Issue(s)", + "The paragraph provides an overall positive summary of Henry Ford's contributions, particularly in the context of Labour Day. However, there are minor inaccuracies and oversimplications:\n1. Henri Ford did not invent the assembly line, instead, he innovated and perfected the moving assembly line for automobile production in 1913. Assembly lines existed prior, particularly in meatpacking and other industries. Ford\u2019s contribution was the application of a moving conveyor system, which dramatically improved efficiency.\n2. While Ford did raise wages to $5 a day in 1914 (a groundbreaking decision), this move was not solely out of advocacy for workers\u2019 rights. It was also motivated by business concerns, such as reducing high turnover rates and ensuring workers could afford to buy the cars they produced.\n3. Ford\u2019s innovations in production certainly contributed to job creation in the automobile industry, but \u201cmillions\u201d is likely an overstatement. Ford\u2019s practices, including automation, eventually reduced the need for labor in some areas.\nHistory.com : https://www.history.com/topics/inventions/henry-ford \nPSB : https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/americanexperience/films/henryford/ \n" + ], + "2": [ + "Minor Issue(s)", + "Most of these are accurate statements, but research will tell you Henry Ford did not invent the assembly line (Source: https://science.howstuffworks.com/innovation/inventions/who-invented-the-assembly-line.htm#:~:text=While%20Henry%20Ford%20didn't,when%20producing%20the%20Model%20T.&text=The%20use%20of%20interchangeable%20parts,and%20speed%20never%20seen%20before. )" + ], + "3": [ + "Minor Issue(s)", + "Henry Ford did not invent the assembly line, but he popularized it: https://science.howstuffworks.com/innovation/inventions/who-invented-the-assembly-line.htm#:~:text=While%20Henry%20Ford%20didn't,when%20producing%20the%20Model%20T.&text=The%20use%20of%20interchangeable%20parts,and%20speed%20never%20seen%20before." + ] + }, + "stt_94__awawawiaaaaifoiaw": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "The paragraph provides a clear and accurate explanation of assertiveness, aggressiveness, and arrogance, highlighting the differences between these behaviors and their consequences.\n\nAmerican Psychological Association: https://dictionary.apa.org/assertiveness \nMindTools: https://www.mindtools.com/aioav52/top-tips-for-being-assertive-not-aggressive " + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "No issues with statements regarding Assertiveness vs Aggressiveness and the comparisons in the generation." + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "The information is accurate. It talks about assertiveness, aggressiveness and arrogance." + ] + }, + "topic_379__aibbiawbawwbiaba": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "The fictional dialogue provides a clear and accurate discussion about the importance of biodiversity conservation and actionable steps individuals can take to contribute." + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "No issues or inaccuracies regarding the dialogue about biodiversity." + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "The dialogue provides an understanding of biodiversity and practical advice for making a difference" + ] + }, + "topic_432__titibwiimsia": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "This paragraph describes a personal narrative about the first day at a new school. It does not contain factual claims that require verification." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "Creative story, hypothetical scenario. Nothing to check." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "It is a narration about a student's thoughts on starting a new school year" + ] + }, + "topic_387__cihtitcifsatt": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "The paragraph provides an accurate and well-balanced discussion of criticism as both a valuable and potentially harmful process. It offers clear definitions, practical advice, and thoughtful distinctions about constructive criticism.\n\nEHL: https://hospitalityinsights.ehl.edu/constructive-criticism-or-toxic-comments-difference " + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "Accurate statements regarding critcism." + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "The information is accurate. It reflects the dual nature of criticism, a tool for improvement and potential source of harm when misapplied" + ] + }, + "sierra_leone__softidhitmhitt": { + "1": [ + "Minor Issue(s)", + "The paragraph provides a generally accurate overview of Sierra Leone\u2019s history, focusing on significant events like the founding of Freetown, colonial rule, independence, and the civil war. However, there are a few minor inaccuracies and areas where clarification is needed:\n1. While the paragraph links the Revolutionary United Front (RUF) to opposition against Milton Margai\u2019s policies, the RUF was not formed during Margai\u2019s leadership. The RUF emerged later, in the 1980s, under the leadership of Foday Sankoh and was largely motivated by political and economic discontent.\n2. The claim that Sierra Leone experienced \u201csignificant economic and social development\u201d during colonial rule is somewhat oversimplified. While infrastructure was developed, colonial policies often exploited resources and marginalized local populations.\n3. The paragraph correctly states that Sir Milton Margai became the first leader after independence in 1961. However, it should clarify that Margai led as Prime Minister, not President, as Sierra Leone was initially a parliamentary democracy.\n\nBritannica: https://www.britannica.com/place/Sierra-Leone \nUnited Nations: https://sierraleone.un.org/en/about/about-the-un " + ], + "2": [ + "Minor Issue(s)", + "Accurates statements, but Freetown had more than slaves from the US (Source: https://slaveryandremembrance.org/articles/article/?id=A0140 )" + ], + "3": [ + "Minor Issue(s)", + "Sir Milton Margai was the first Prime Minister, and Siaka Stevens became its first president. https://www.britannica.com/biography/Milton-Margai?utm_source=chatgpt.com" + ] + }, + "topic_6__thtsitihwti": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "This paragraph is a fictional narrative that describes a conversation between a tattoo artist and a client. It does not present factual claims requiring verification." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "This is a creative generation/story. Nothing to check" + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "It is a dialogue between a tattoo artist and a potential client" + ] + }, + "topic_37__ttwtstststit": { + "1": [ + "Minor Issue(s)", + "The paragraph accurately introduces space opera as a genre of science fiction, providing well-known examples like Star Wars, Star Trek, and Battlestar Galactica. However, there are minor issues and oversimplifications:\n1. The definition of space opera as \u201cbig, sweeping adventure stories\u201d is correct but could be more precise. Space operas are characterized by grand, romanticized narratives featuring interstellar travel, political intrigue, and larger-than-life conflicts, often with melodramatic or epic elements.\n\nBritannica: https://www.britannica.com/art/science-fiction/Alien-encounters#ref1253749" + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "Accurate statements/information regarding the new genre of science fiction (space opera)." + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "The information is accurate and explain space opera well" + ] + }, + "topic_496__iwoitowtw": { + "1": [ + "Minor Issue(s)", + "The paragraph provides a thoughtful and compassionate account of efforts to address the challenges facing women in Liberia, particularly the issue of sexual violence. It highlights the work done with Women United Liberia and the development of trauma-informed care. However, there are minor issues requiring clarification or precision:\n1. The claim that a 2013 study found \u201c65% of women in Liberia had experienced sexual violence\u201d is striking but needs attribution for credibility. Providing the source or clarifying the scope of the study (e.g., its methodology or sample size) would strengthen the accuracy.\n2. While the paragraph explains the group\u2019s work, the statement \u201cwe developed a new method for providing counseling\u201d may need caution. Developing a \u201cnew method\u201d of trauma-informed care is ambitious; it might be more appropriate to state that the group contributed to developing or adapting methods in collaboration with local professionals.\n3. Trauma-informed care is a framework for care delivery, not a therapy itself.\n\nUN Women: https://www.undp.org/liberia/blog/sexual-violence-liberia-end-silent-epidemic \nSAMHSA: https://ncsacw.acf.hhs.gov/userfiles/files/SAMHSA_Trauma.pdf " + ], + "2": [ + "Not Sure", + "Cannot find the specific study that is mentioned in the generation about 65% of women experienced sexual violence." + ], + "3": [ + "Minor Issue(s)", + "While the information is largely accurate, I cannot verify the exact percentage in 'In 2013, 65% of women in Libya....'" + ] + }, + "topic_484__ttwiibimttiti": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "This paragraph is a personal reflection on the importance of friendship. It does not contain factual claims requiring verification." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "Subjective statements about teachers." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "The information about friendship is an opinion." + ] + }, + "topic_305__mtdttdtti": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "This paragraph is a personal narrative describing a conversation about new neighbors. It does not make factual claims requiring verification." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "Creative story about a hypothetical scenario. Nothing to fact check." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "It is a description of the neighbor's kids' academics" + ] + }, + "topic_426__jhotjtjhjt": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "This paragraph is a fictional narrative describing John\u2019s experience as a farmer adopting new agricultural technologies. It does not present factual claims requiring verification." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "Hypothetical story, nothing to fact check." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made" + ] + }, + "topic_90__ttppftitfr": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "Facts are correct.\n\nWorld Inequality Report: https://wir2022.wid.world/chapter-6/ " + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "Accurate statements about ecology and environment. The for example fact can be backed by the following source https://www.oxfam.org/en/press-releases/worlds-richest-10-produce-half-carbon-emissions-while-poorest-35-billion-account#:~:text=The%20poorest%20half%20of%20the,being%20the%20most%20threatened%20by" + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "The information is accurate" + ] + }, + "topic_133__ttotihttw": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "The paragraph provides a compelling description of the unique experience of live classical music performances, using the Boston Symphony Orchestra\u2019s annual return to Tanglewood as a central factual example.\n\nBoston Symphony Orchestra: https://www.bso.org/tanglewood " + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "The information is factually correct." + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "The information is accurate. See here: https://www.nytimes.com/2024/07/09/arts/music/boston-symphony-orchestra-tanglewood.html" + ] + }, + "stt_210__ttiagtitittti": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "The paragraph provides an accurate general description of how the Roman Empire facilitated trade and maintained control over its vast territory.\nBritannica: https://www.britannica.com/place/Roman-Empire \n" + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "Accurate statements regarding the Roman empire and their accomplishments." + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "This is largely accurate.See here: https://www.historyhit.com/trade-and-transport-at-the-height-of-the-roman-empire/?sv1=affiliate&sv_campaign_id=743363&awc=74654_1734602687_a6806c0bb3c0ec612b64a79a2fc30e9d" + ] + }, + "topic_321__ttosohsthhsth": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "This paragraph is a fictional narrative focusing on a heartwarming interaction between a barista and a customer. It does not make factual claims requiring verification." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "Story, nothing to check or verify." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made" + ] + }, + "topic_195__rrrtath": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "The paragraph provides a general overview of robotics, its applications, and a brief mention of its history. \n\nBritannica: https://www.britannica.com/technology/robotics \n" + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "No issues regarding the statements made regarding robotics." + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "The information is largely accurate. See here: https://www.scirp.org/journal/paperinformation?paperid=90517" + ] + }, + "topic_13__tiosanstiiinst": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "This paragraph is a fictional narrative describing the discovery of a magical crystal and its impact on the protagonist, Nyala. It does not contain factual claims requiring verification." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "Creative story, nothing to check." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made" + ] + }, + "morocco_typical__amatftoadaitptmt": { + "1": [ + "Minor Issue(s)", + "The paragraph provides an overview of a typical day in Morocco, blending cultural elements and daily routines. However, Morocco has a diverse population with varying lifestyles depending on urban, rural, or socio-economic factors. The paragraph generalizes these experiences, which may not apply universally. \nPlus, while it is true that many people socialize at cafes and restaurants, the mention of bars might be misleading, as Morocco is predominantly a Muslim country where alcohol consumption is regulated and not widespread in comparison to other countries. Social gatherings in homes or traditional cafes are more common.\n\nMoroccan Ministry of Tourism : https://www.visitmorocco.com/en/discover-morocco/astounding-array-human-heritage-recognized-unesco \nMorroco World News : https://www.moroccoworldnews.com/2020/12/327877/lifestyle-8-habits-and-customs-every-moroccan-understands " + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "These generalized statements are fair to assess in the culture of Morocco." + ], + "3": [ + "Not Sure", + "This is largely accurate,albeit subjective" + ] + }, + "topic_595__ststoamasios": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "The paragraph provides an overview of the debate on same-sex marriage, presenting arguments both for and against it." + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "These statements regarding same sex marriage and studies are accurate. And the mention of the studies can be backed up by this source: https://www.forbes.com/sites/roberthart/2023/03/06/kids-raised-by-same-sex-parents-fare-same-as-or-better-than-kids-of-straight-couples-research-finds/" + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "The information seems to be accurate." + ] + }, + "topic_423__ohhahtthiti": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "This paragraph is a fictional narrative with a moral message about hope and resilience in the face of adversity. It does not make factual claims requiring verification." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "This is a story, you cannot verify information in this generation." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims were made" + ] + }, + "topic_578__ttiomtaattty": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "The paragraph offers a creative and observational description of a railway station." + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "Memes and stores are certainly possible within a railway station. Not necessarily inaccurate statements." + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "The information is largely accurate" + ] + }, + "topic_108__stswwss": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "This paragraph effectively conveys the emotional and physical benefits of sports, making it both motivational and informative. The statements about sports promoting physical fitness, teamwork, personal growth, and mental resilience are accurate and resonate with commonly understood benefits of athletic participation.\n\nCenters for Disease Control and Prevention: https://www.cdc.gov/physical-activity-basics/benefits/index.html " + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "Accurate statements regarding sports and the positive things they promote." + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "The information is largely accurate" + ] + }, + "open_291b__asosotbt": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "This paragraph is a beautifully crafted fictional narrative that conveys a meaningful lesson about life. It does not make factual claims requiring verification." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "This is a fictional dialogue." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "It is a fantasy story, though with important life lessons" + ] + }, + "topic_298__ibowtattfifot": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "This paragraph offers a nuanced exploration of charity\u2019s unintended consequences, which are valid considerations in the broader discussion about aid and philanthropy.\n\nhttps://cdn.openaid.se/app/uploads/2020/09/29115924/1999-01-01_Aid_Dependence_%E2%80%93_Issues_and_Indicators.pdf " + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "Considering these are given as disclaimers as potential unintended consequences these are accurate." + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "The information is largely accurate" + ] + }, + "topic_677__abiabababia": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "This dialogue does not make specific factual claims that require verification. Instead, it presents subjective opinions and observations about a water scarcity awareness campaign and the importance of addressing water conservation." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "Water scarcity is debated in this paragraph." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "A conversation about a water campaign that leads to the importance of water conversation" + ] + }, + "topic_48__otafotttasfss": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "This paragraph is a fictional narrative about Ahmed and Fatima\u2019s divorce. It focuses on their personal experiences and choices rather than presenting factual claims." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "Hypothetical story about Ahmed and Fatima. Nothing can be checked for inaccuracy." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made" + ] + }, + "topic_31__dwsohuhasumw": { + "1": [ + "Minor Issue(s)", + "The paragraph correctly identifies Adolf Hitler\u2019s role in Nazi Germany and the Holocaust, as well as Joseph Stalin\u2019s leadership during the Soviet Union\u2019s rise to power and his repressive regime. \nAdolf Hitler: while \u201c1933 to 1945\u201d is accurate in describing his leadership as Chancellor, his position as the ultimate leader began in 1934.\nJoseph Stalin : Stalin began consolidating power as the General Secretary of the Communist Party in 1922 but is often regarded as the effective leader of the Soviet Union after Lenin\u2019s death in 1924.\nThe statement that \u201cnot all dictators are the same\u201d is an important acknowledgment of the diversity in how dictators have ruled, though this point could be further explored.\n\nBritannica : https://www.britannica.com/biography/Adolf-Hitler/Dictator-1933-39\nhttps://www.britannica.com/biography/Joseph-Stalin" + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "Accurate statements and evils of both dictactors Joseph Stalin and Adolf Hitler." + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "The information is largely accurate. See here: https://www.studysmarter.co.uk/explanations/history/classical-studies/dictatorship/" + ] + }, + "topic_226__pdftpdstpdtp": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "No factual errors found." + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "Verified information regarding fungi being a type of microorganism. It can cause variety of diseases in humans and does live in the places mentioned in the generation." + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "It is largely accurate, see here: https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC6616198/, and here: https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC4849718/" + ] + }, + "zambia_historical__titzokhihkhz": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "This paragraph accurately recounts Zambia\u2019s independence and its historical context. The details about the date, key figures, and broader implications are correct and well-presented.\n\nBritannica: https://www.britannica.com/topic/history-of-Zambia\nAfrican Union: https://au.int/fr/node/40572 " + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "No issues with the given facts about Zambia's independence from Britian." + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "It is largely accurate. See here: https://www.bu.edu/articles/2021/pov-remembering-kenneth-david-kaunda-zambia-founding-president/, and here https://www.britannica.com/summary/Kenneth-Kaunda" + ] + }, + "topic_423__itissthihtstasa": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "This paragraph is a fictional narrative focusing on a young woman\u2019s grief and the comfort she receives from a stranger. It does not make factual claims requiring verification." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "Creative story, nothing to check for accuracy." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made." + ] + }, + "topic_535__msttmibtswimaw": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "This paragraph is a fictional dialogue exploring generational differences and the importance of understanding and adaptation. It does not contain factual claims requiring verification." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "Creative dialogue nothing to check for accuracy." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims were made. It's a conversation about the generation of children" + ] + }, + "topic_58__vtwtvwtsttidtt": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "This paragraph provides an accurate and well-rounded discussion of volcanic eruptions, their causes, effects, and dual nature as both destructive and transformative forces. The information aligns with scientific understanding and does not contain any factual inaccuracies.\n\nNational Geographic: https://www.nationalgeographic.com/environment/article/volcanoes " + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "No issues with this information regarding volcanic eruptions." + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "The information is largely accurate. See here: https://www.nps.gov/subjects/volcanoes/volcanic-eruptions.htm" + ] + }, + "topic_299__tsoesesodeeh": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "This paragraph is a fictional narrative about starting a new job and recruiting a candidate for an electric vehicle project. It does not make factual claims requiring verification." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "Story that is made up, nothing inside of the story to verify." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims were made" + ] + }, + "zimbabwe_current__zitztiiititrmh": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "This paragraph provides an accurate overview of Zimbabwe\u2019s geography, history, and political evolution. The information aligns with historical records, though some aspects, like the details of Robert Mugabe\u2019s rule, could be expanded for additional context.\n\nBritannica: https://www.britannica.com/topic/history-of-Zimbabwe\nBBC: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-africa-42071488 " + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "No issues found." + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "The information is largely accurate. See here: https://www.worldatlas.com/maps/zimbabwe and here: https://www.britannica.com/place/Zimbabwe" + ] + }, + "stt_454__tiopfiwitoiww": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "The content does not make factual claims but rather describes procedures that align with standard practices in industries like banking or online services." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "General statements about account closures." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims were made, It is about account closure policy for a company" + ] + }, + "stt_290__wtishtiptpdtpip": { + "1": [ + "Clear Issue(s)", + "This paragraph is an informative and engaging explanation of pigs\u2019 behaviors, habits, and characteristics. The content dispels common misconceptions and provides accurate, well-rounded insights into pigs\u2019 cleanliness, intelligence, and suitability as pets. However, some inaccuracies regarding pig's nature.\n\nNational Geographic: https://kids.nationalgeographic.com/animals/mammals/facts/pig " + ], + "2": [ + "Clear Issue(s)", + "Statements are mostly accurate, but the statement that pigs will not eat anything that rotten or diseased is inaccurate. They are considered to be opprotunistic omnivores Source: https://www.wildpiginfo.msstate.edu/about/#:~:text=Wild%20or%20feral%20pigs%20are,leading%20to%20their%20widespread%20populations." + ], + "3": [ + "Clear Issue(s)", + "Part of the information is accurate. See here: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/257018050_Review_of_wallowing_in_pigs_Description_of_the_behaviour_and_its_motivational_basis\nHere: 'Some people believe that pigs are dirty because they eat garbage.' and here 'In fact, pigs are often used to clean up garbage dumps because they are so good at eating trash.' contradict each other" + ] + }, + "topic_130__oibisittissttttwsa": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "This is a fictional narrative that describes a reflective and evocative personal experience. It does not contain factual claims requiring verification." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "Creative story, nothing to check." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "It is a narration, however,the last sentence 'Anna told me that loneliness was a very powerful emotion' is factual" + ] + }, + "topic_463__hitttotafomsee": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "This paragraph presents accurate and practical information about healthy eating. It provides actionable advice while emphasizing the importance of a personalized approach and the overall benefits of mindful eating.\n\nHarvard T.H. : https://nutritionsource.hsph.harvard.edu/healthy-eating-plate/ \nMayo Clinic: https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/nutrition-and-healthy-eating/basics/healthy-diets/hlv-20049477#:~:text=When%20you%20choose%20an%20eating,and%20seeds%3B%20and%20healthy%20fats. " + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "There is nothing but minor nuances here, statements are mostly accurate and no incorrect information given." + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "This is largely accurate. See here: https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC6313447/" + ] + }, + "topic_116__tttt": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "This is a fictional and descriptive narrative about two kittens. It does not make factual claims requiring verification." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "Story about kittens, hypothetical. Nothing to verify." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims were made" + ] + }, + "topic_64__itiawioittiwtos": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "The text predominantly reflects subjective opinions and interpretations about church architecture rather than making strong objective factual claims." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "General statements about church architecture." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "The information is an opinion about church architecture." + ] + }, + "topic_518__tpossssohswhhs": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "This is a fictional narrative centered on a personal journey and an interaction with a stranger. It does not present factual claims requiring verification." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "Creative story, nothing to check in this." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims were made." + ] + }, + "topic_188__afwft": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "This paragraph provides an accurate and straightforward description of flea markets, including their purpose, common features, and appeal. It is informative and does not contain any factual inaccuracies.\n\nhttps://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/flea-market " + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "These statements about flea markets are accurate." + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "The information is largely accurate" + ] + }, + "stt_73__tiitiwbiittiiiiii": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "This paragraph is a reflective narrative that shares personal thoughts and emotions inspired by a sunset. It does not contain factual claims." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "Statements about metaphors and sunsets are nothing that can be checked." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "It is a narration about sunsets" + ] + }, + "topic_391__sctctciyy": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "Information is correct." + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "Accurate statements about typhoons and cyclones." + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "The information is largely accurate. See here: https://www.britannica.com/science/tropical-cyclone" + ] + }, + "topic_289__twitahcwewe": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "Information is correct.\n\n" + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "The 3 billion may be an understatement, but it is accuract. Along with the other statements regarding the internet." + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "The information is factual" + ] + }, + "topic_395__itbttaaiwtw": { + "1": [ + "Minor Issue(s)", + "The paragraph provides a compelling overview of environmental challenges, but some claims are generalized and lack nuance. While the overall message about resource depletion and environmental issues is valid, specific points could benefit from clarification or supporting data. For exemple: overfishing is a significant issue, but it varies by region and species. Organizations like the FAO report that some fish stocks are overexploited while others are sustainably managed.\n\nFAO: https://www.fao.org/newsroom/detail/fao-report-global-fisheries-and-aquaculture-production-reaches-a-new-record-high/en " + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "Correct stateents regarding the earth and natural resources. We have done damage in the aforementioned generation." + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "This is largely accurate. See here: https://www.unep.org/topics/sustainable-development-goals" + ] + }, + "stt_253__dhdhdh": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "This paragraph is a descriptive narrative about Dr. Carter\u2019s hobbies and lifestyle. It does not include factual claims." + ], + "2": [ + "Not Sure", + "There's not enough information to determine if Dr. Carter is a real person or a fictional." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims were made. It is about a person who likes to stay fit" + ] + }, + "topic_312__wstitsiswtiis": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "This narrative is a personal account of purchasing and bonding with a new horse. It is a subjective story and does not include any factual claims that require verification." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "Fictional story about a horse purchase. Nothing to verify." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims were made. It is about a lady purchasing a horse." + ] + }, + "topic_334__awwoiowbfhaibt": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "The paragraph discusses the importance of action over words, especially in challenging situations. It uses a personal anecdote to illustrate the principle, and while the narrative contains subjective reflections, it does not present factual claims requiring verification." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "Fictional story, nothing to check for accuracy." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "It talks about how action saves the day." + ] + }, + "topic_382__cttoitstietmhtwa": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "The paragraph provides an accurate overview of COVID-19 symptoms and prevention methods\n\nhttps://www.who.int/emergencies/diseases/novel-coronavirus-2019/question-and-answers-hub " + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "Accurate information regarding COVID 19. Vaccine is not considered a cure, so the statement that there is no cure is still accurate. https://www.who.int/health-topics/coronavirus" + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "It is largely accurate. See here: https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/coronavirus-disease-(covid-19)" + ] + }, + "topic_441__fttttttbtw": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "This paragraph provides a concise and accurate overview of fundamental rights and their significance, referencing the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR).\n\nUnited Nations: https://www.un.org/en/about-us/universal-declaration-of-human-rights " + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "Accurate information for the info about Universal Declaration of Human Rights and that it was was adopted by the UN General Assembly in 1948." + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "It is accurate. See here: https://www.un.org/en/about-us/universal-declaration-of-human-rights" + ] + }, + "topic_138__ppppppppppp": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "This is a conversational narrative discussing personal experiences and expectations about music and concerts. It does not contain factual claims that require verification." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "Fictional story/conversation about a band, nothing to check." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "It is a dialogue about sounds system at a concert" + ] + }, + "topic_28__tttssiiiassi": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "This is a fictional and descriptive narrative that evokes imagery and emotion. It does not contain factual claims or objective information that require verification." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "Nothing to check here regarding this fictional story." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "It is a narration" + ] + }, + "topic_262__ototttattt": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "This is a fictional narrative focused on a lighthearted exchange between two pilots. It does not include any factual claims." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "Creative story, nothing to check." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "It is a story" + ] + }, + "topic_113__tftiiwwfitw": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "The paragraph discusses society\u2019s focus on beauty and fitness and its potential negative effects." + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "Generalized statements are considered to be accurate in regards to beauty and fitness." + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "The information is about today's beauty standards" + ] + }, + "topic_43__noeaftwofidat": { + "1": [ + "Minor Issue(s)", + "The text provides a mix of accurate and important information about Nigerian culture and traditions, but some claims require further clarification or nuance. The discussion of female genital mutilation (FGM), while factual, should be presented with sensitivity, and its inclusion among broader cultural customs risks oversimplifying a complex issue.\nWhile FGM has been historically practiced among certain ethnic groups, framing it as a \u201cwell-known traditional custom\u201d of the Igbo people risks perpetuating stereotypes. FGM is practiced across various ethnicities in Nigeria and is not confined to one group.\n\nBritannica: https://www.britannica.com/place/Nigeria \nWHO: https://www.unicef.org/documents/2023-annual-report-fgm-joint-programme-addressing-global-challenges-local-solutions " + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "Nothing seen as inaccurate regarding information about Nigeria." + ], + "3": [ + "Minor Issue(s)", + "Although the information about Nigeria's rich culture, its inncorrect to say the igbo people are the only trives practicing FGM in Nigeria." + ] + }, + "south_africa__titirinsnh": { + "1": [ + "Clear Issue(s)", + "The southernmost point of Africa is Cape Agulhas, not the Cape of Good Hope. However, the Cape of Good Hope is significant as a navigational landmark. Additionally, the inclusion of Mahatma Gandhi as a historical figure in South Africa is accurate but requires context, as he was more prominently known for his work in India.\nhttps://www.southafrica.net/gl/en/travel/article/agulhas-national-park-western-cape-visit-the-southern-tip-of-africa \nhttps://www.sahistory.org.za/people/mohandas-karamchand-gandhi " + ], + "2": [ + "Clear Issue(s)", + "Cape of Good Hope is not the most southernmost, it is Cape Agulhas (Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cape_Agulhas ) Gandhi was not a South African historical figure, he is Indian. Despite spending some time in South Africa." + ], + "3": [ + "Clear Issue(s)", + "The geopraphical information is incorrect:\n\nhttps://www.atlasobscura.com/places/cape-of-good-hope" + ] + }, + "topic_9__wtimhiattitwt": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "The text describes personal experiences and general historical trends regarding the development and adoption of computers. It includes factual claims about the evolution of computers, their increasing affordability and accessibility, and their integration into daily life, all of which are accurate and consistent with historical evidence.\nhttps://www.computerhistory.org/timeline/computers/ " + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "Generalized statements about computers are accurate in this fictional story." + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "This seem true, because technology has evolved over the years. https://opentextbc.ca/computerstudies/chapter/classification-of-generations-of-computers/" + ] + }, + "topic_520__osbesohltsltssl": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "The paragraph is a fictional story that contains no verifiable factual claims about the real world." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "Fictional story, nothing to check here." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. It's a fantasy story." + ] + }, + "stt_592__fttstccttwdaofiiftfifi": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "The text discusses the practice and art of flower arranging and includes general claims about its principles, cultural significance, and creative possibilities. These claims are accurate and broadly consistent with widely recognized traditions and practices in floristry.\nhttps://www.tsfa.org/originals/objects/NEW_Principles_of_Design.pdf " + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "Nothing inaccurate about flowers or arrangement of them." + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "No factual errors are made." + ] + }, + "kenya_challenges__kptitcvtct": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "The paragraph presents several claims about the challenges facing Kenya which are mostly accurate." + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "No information can be disputed in the given information about Kenya. The GDP figure is a bti of an oversimplification, but accurate and the other statements about the bad side of Kenya can be found throughout research." + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "The claim is acurate." + ] + }, + "topic_422__thosihtsass": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "\u201cIn 2015, her crops failed and she was forced to sell her livestock in order to buy food.\u201d Ethiopia experienced a severe drought in 2015-2016 due to the El Ni\u00f1o phenomenon, leading to widespread crop failure and food insecurity. Selling livestock is a common coping strategy among rural farmers during such crises.\nFAO: https://www.fao.org/fileadmin/user_upload/emergencies/docs/FAO-Ethiopia-ElNino-Response-Plan-2016.pdf " + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "Information seems to be accurate." + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "the claims are factual. https://ethiopianbusinessreview.net/abebech-gobena-the-sun-a-life-of-selfless-giving/" + ] + }, + "topic_227__titotsasstat": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "The text combines descriptive and narrative elements but includes some generalizations about culture and lifestyle. While it paints a vivid picture, it lacks concrete references to verify or contextualize its assertions." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "Fictional story." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. It's a fantasy story." + ] + }, + "stt_93__tiotwatwiiithiiwl": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "The paragraph contains broad and general advice, but it does not make any explicit factual claims that require rigorous verification." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual information to be verified." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No verifiable factual claims are made. It seems to be an advice." + ] + }, + "topic_435__attfioiiitifiibs": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "This text is largely subjective and centers around personal anecdotes, emotions, and general musings about the role of food in life. It does not contain factual claims that require verification or analysis for accuracy." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "Generalized statements about food inside a fictional story." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. It's a plausible story about food and experience\n someone." + ] + }, + "topic_593__yttwttomat": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "\u201cMalala Yousafzai, a Pakistani activist for female education, was shot in the head by the Taliban in 2012 for speaking out in favor of education for girls.\u201d it's a factual claim and this is accurate and well-documented.\n\u201cAfter surviving the attack, Malala became a global advocate for girls\u2019 education and founded the Malala Fund to support education for girls around the world.\u201d this is true and aligns with widely known details about Malala\u2019s work.\n\u201cThe Malala Fund has registered incredible progress in its mission to provide 130 million girls with 12 years of free, safe, quality education by 2030.\u201d while the overarching mission is accurate, \u201cincredible progress\u201d is a subjective evaluation.\n\nhttps://www.un.org/en/messengers-peace/malala-yousafzai#:~:text=In%202013%2C%20Malala%20and%20her,empower%20girls%20to%20demand%20change. \nhttps://malala.org/girls-education " + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "Accurate info regarding youths, and accurate information regarding Malala Yousafzai and the Fund (Source: https://malala.org/girls-education )" + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "The information is accurate" + ] + }, + "stt_318__thicityybitwiayru": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "This paragraph discusses the impact and appropriate use of language, as well as strategies for handling anger or frustration. It does not make factual claims about the real world that can be verified as true or false." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "Generalized statements about what words to use, nothing to check." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No verifiable factual claims are made. It seems to be an advice and opinon." + ] + }, + "topic_50__tmitm": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "This paragraph contains a clearly fictional and sensational claim: the idea that a children\u2019s television presenter named Mr. Snuggles was a puppet of the Russian government and used his show to spread propaganda, culminating in his arrest for treason. There is no factual basis for this narrative, and it appears to be a fabricated or fictional account presented as a dramatic story." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "Fictional information." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "Lacks Factual basis." + ] + }, + "sudan_historical__tithtt": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "The paragraph provides an accurate summary of the Mahdist War.\nBritannica: https://www.britannica.com/topic/Mahdists " + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "The information about the Mahdist War is accurate. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mahdist_War" + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "The claims are correct" + ] + }, + "stt_453__shssioitiais": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "This is a personal story about someone\u2019s relationship with their cat. It does not make any factual claims that can be evaluated for accuracy." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "Creative story generation, nothing to fact check." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No verifiable factual claims are made." + ] + }, + "topic_352__tfaeocctctuios": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "No issues." + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "No issues with the information about the ocean inside the story generation. It is accurate inside of the ending of a fictional story." + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "There is no indepth explaination." + ] + }, + "topic_158__lhltgtgtlt": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "There are no inaccuracies or misleading statements in this text. It provides a clear and factual explanation of the relationship between law and government.\n\nBritannica: https://www.britannica.com/topic/law \nUNRIC: https://unric.org/en/unric-library-backgrounder-rule-of-law/#:~:text=%E2%80%9CFor%20the%20United%20Nations%2C%20the,which%20are%20consistent%20with%20international " + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "Accurate information about laws and government. Alongside their relationship and inner workings, statements are correct." + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "Claims is factual." + ] + }, + "congo_historical__tthtitihtimhik": { + "1": [ + "Minor Issue(s)", + "This paragraph provides a largely accurate summary of the Congo Free State, Belgian Congo, and post-independence events, but there are some inaccuracies and oversimplifications.\n1. Copper extraction became significant later, particularly during Belgian Congo\u2019s era, not predominantly under the Congo Free State.\n2. While some improvements were made under Belgian rule, the claim of \u201cimprovements to the lives of the Congolese people\u201d is too general and does not reflect the ongoing exploitation and paternalistic colonial policies.\n\nBritannica: https://www.britannica.com/place/Congo-Free-State \nFriends of The Congo: https://friendsofthecongo.org/primer/ " + ], + "2": [ + "Minor Issue(s)", + "No major issues, but the private colony was was indeed a private colony founded by King Leopold II of Belgium in 1885. It was not a Belgian colony initially but a personal possession of King Leopold II, who exploited its resources and people for his personal gain." + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "Factually correct,it's descibes some historical activties of congo, that lead to their independence." + ] + }, + "topic_241__ttbttossssy": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "This text is fictional in nature, describing the fictional arrival of yoga agencies in a small town. It does not make claims about verifiable facts in the real world." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "This is a fictional story." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "The claim can't be verified, its a personal experience about Sarah." + ] + }, + "topic_212__iiiti": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "This text is a personal anecdote, it does not contain claims that can be verified or fact-checked in the real world." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "Creative story, nothing to check." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "The claim can't be verified, its a personal experience." + ] + }, + "topic_119__iiitoiina": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "The information provided is factual, practical, and supported by widely accepted practices in home security and emergency preparedness.\n\nhttps://staysafe.org/home-safety/home-security-during-natural-disasters-preparedness-and-protection/ " + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "Generalized statements that are accurate regarding cases of home invasions." + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "All claims are factual and accurate" + ] + }, + "topic_374__ossotmthhththms": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "This text is a fictional story and does not present factual claims about the real world" + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "Fictional story, nothing to check." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. It's a plausible story about someone encounter." + ] + }, + "topic_18__atiissbwiwiaii": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "This text is a personal reflection and narrative rather than a factual account." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual information to be verified." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. It's a plausible story about a small community." + ] + }, + "topic_525__syyiibyyoiytasy": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "This text is a fictional dialogue intended to provide motivational advice and support. It doesn\u2019t present factual claims or verifiable information." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "Story generation, nothing of value to check." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No verifiable factual claims are made. It's an advice." + ] + }, + "topic_412__vottotatf": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "This passage presents factual claims about voter turnout and suggestions for increasing it. Voter turnout figures vary by country and election. The claim aligns with typical turnout rates in recent U.S. elections. Without context specifying the country or election, this appears accurate but lacks precision.\n\nhttps://www.pewresearch.org/politics/2023/07/12/voter-turnout-2018-2022/?utm_source=chatgpt.com \nhttps://responsivegov.org/research/what-other-countries-can-teach-us-about-turnout/?utm_source=chatgpt.com \nhttps://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/government-and-opposition/article/what-affects-voter-turnout-a-review-articlemetaanalysis-of-aggregate-research/2CCC1F9A8B742953B2D10C87C13D9F12?utm_source=chatgpt.com " + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "The statements are generalized and accurate." + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "No issues found." + ] + }, + "topic_430__iiiioittfi": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "The paragraph provides a personal perspective on feminism and its broader implications. It shares subjective experiences and opinions, which are inherently non-factual but reflective of an individual\u2019s understanding and personal learning. The broader claims about feminism addressing systems of power, wage gaps, underrepresentation, and violence align with widely discussed and researched topics in feminist studies and gender equity literature. \n\nGender pay gap: https://www.weforum.org/publications/global-gender-gap-report-2023/\nUnderrepresentation in leadership: https://www.mckinsey.com/featured-insights/diversity-and-inclusion/women-in-the-workplace " + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "Generalized statements about feminism and regarded as accurate." + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "No issues found." + ] + }, + "topic_375__cttfwtswttwtsi": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "The paragraph explains the significance of cleanliness by referencing its benefits for personal health, mental well-being, and community safety. It uses well-known ideas that are broadly accepted and backed by common knowledge and public health guidelines.\n\nhttps://www.who.int/teams/integrated-health-services/infection-prevention-control \nhttps://www.nationalgeographic.com/premium/article/organizing-clutter-mental-health " + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "Everything is true, including the statement when people/surrounding is clean they are less likely to litter. Source: https://potomac.org/blog/2020/2/1/why-people-litter" + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "The claim does not seem wrong." + ] + }, + "topic_54__citowhhtht": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "The paragraph provides an accurate summary of Charles Darwin\u2019s contributions to evolutionary biology and his development of the theory of natural selection. It also correctly references Darwin\u2019s journey aboard the HMS Beagle, where his observations of biodiversity, particularly of marine life and species in different environments, influenced his ideas.\nBritannica: https://www.britannica.com/summary/Charles-Darwin \nhttps://darwin-online.org.uk/ " + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "This correctly provides information regarding Charles Darwin." + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "Claims are factual." + ] + }, + "topic_66__ittiiwwi": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "This is a personal narrative or fictional account that describes a first-person experience. It does not assert any objective factual claims about the world that can be evaluated as true or false." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "Creative story, nothing to check in regards to the story about drug usage." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. It's a story about possibly fictional people." + ] + }, + "topic_49__osotsttshnt": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "This is a fictional narrative about a little girl and her grandmother baking a chocolate cake. It does not make any objective factual claims." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "Creative fictional story about a little girl who loved desserts. Nothing to check for accuracy." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. It's a story about agirl and her grandmother." + ] + }, + "liberia_current__litlildasthiw": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "This paragraph provides a concise summary of Liberia\u2019s history and current situation. All the claims made in the text align with verified historical and contemporary information.\n\nhttps://www.britannica.com/facts/Liberia " + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "No issues, some doubts are recorded of Liberia potentialy not being the oldest/first independent nation but nothing reputable is found." + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "The claims are factual. https://cja.org/where-we-work/liberia/" + ] + }, + "topic_54__bithtbtsttbtshw": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "The content is factually accurate and does not present any misleading or false information. The invention of the printing press by Johannes Gutenberg in the mid-15th century significantly reduced the cost of books and increased accessibility. This claim is well-documented in historical records.\n\nhttps://www.britannica.com/technology/printing-press " + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "Effective/correct descriptions of history of books and their impact on society." + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "No incorrect facts were found." + ] + }, + "topic_295__gihtowftatiay": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "The content provides a general overview of the process and challenges of learning to drive, focusing on widely accepted and factual observations.\nhttps://www.nhtsa.gov/road-safety/teen-driving#:~:text=Restrict%20night%20driving%20and%20passengers,deadly%E2%80%94to%20drink%20and%20drive. \nhttps://www.ace.aaa.com/automotive/advocacy/wet-weather-driving-tips.html " + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "Correct generalized statements about teeagers and getting driver licenses along with driving." + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "Claims are factual." + ] + }, + "topic_439__tittomdhaghhtt": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "The content provides a factual overview of the challenges faced by freedom fighters, highlighting notable examples such as Nelson Mandela and Mahatma Gandhi, whose historical significance and actions are well-documented.\nhttps://www.nelsonmandela.org/ \nhttps://www.gandhiheritageportal.org/ \nhttps://www.britannica.com/topic/Independence-Day-Indian-holiday " + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "Correct information regarding freedom fighters along with the claims of the hardships Mandela faced." + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "Historical documentation, and various records from the Rivonia Trial, confirm these events, making the statement unequivocally factual. www.nelsonmandela.org/trials-and-prison-chronology" + ] + }, + "topic_532__mittoeiiiitom": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "The paragraph primarily contains personal experiences, subjective observations, and general descriptions of a neighborhood, which do not make any significant factual claims that can be objectively verified or challenged." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "Creative story generation. Nothing to check in regards to this." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No verifiable factual claims are made,subjective account of one's experience in a neighborhood." + ] + }, + "dr_congo__affwadilth5a": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "The text primarily provides a narrative account of life in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and does not present specific, verifiable factual claims." + ], + "2": [ + "Not Sure", + "The typical day for a person in DR Congo is a generalized overview, which is not likely to be accurate for all persons/regions." + ], + "3": [ + "Not Sure", + "reflects common truths about life in DR Congo, but it doesn't provide enough claims to back it up." + ] + }, + "open_268__datwwofssa": { + "1": [ + "Not Sure", + "This text represents a narrative recount of a medical mission and does not assert verifiable facts that can be independently confirmed or disputed." + ], + "2": [ + "Not Sure", + "Not sure if this is a creative generation or actual story. Would need more context to check accuracy." + ], + "3": [ + "Not Sure", + "The narrative is overall plausible but lacks specific details and evidence to fully verify the claims." + ] + }, + "topic_62__dtwotcadtdt": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "This text describes the characteristics of dramas as a genre and does not assert specific factual claims that can be evaluated for accuracy. It serves as an explanation or opinion about a storytelling form rather than a presentation of verifiable information." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "Personal statements about dramas." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "it's more of a general explanation." + ] + }, + "topic_548__ootbtmtssmsti": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "It describes an invented narrative and does not make any claims about real-world events or phenomena." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "Creative story, nothing to check for accuracy." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. It's a fantasy story." + ] + }, + "topic_32__sstftssotat": { + "1": [ + "Minor Issue(s)", + "The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) is highly linguistically diverse, with over 200 languages spoken. French is the official language, and Lingala, Swahili, Kikongo, and Tshiluba are recognized as national languages. While it\u2019s possible for individuals from Kinshasa (where Lingala is widely spoken) and Lubumbashi (a predominantly Swahili-speaking area) to need a translator, many Congolese people are multilingual and speak at least one shared language, such as French.\n\nhttps://thefrustratednester.com/2017/02/19/how-congo-is-more-french-than-france-and-one-way-its-a-bit-like-the-big-apple/ " + ], + "2": [ + "Minor Issue(s)", + "The generated statement claims that the languages aren't structed, when information is leading me to believe otherwise. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Languages_of_the_Democratic_Republic_of_the_Congo" + ], + "3": [ + "Minor Issue(s)", + "while the main points are generally accurate, the suggestions for addressing the language barrier are presented without enough specific evidence." + ] + }, + "topic_239__aiatscmpaw": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "This text is accurate and provides a clear overview of architecture as a discipline, its considerations, styles, and its impact on society.\n\nhttps://www.britannica.com/topic/architecture \nhttps://www.bhg.com/postmodern-architecture-8695855? " + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "No issues with the generation. It gives accuracte information regarding the overview of architecture." + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "The paragraph is a general description of architecture, and no inaccurate information." + ] + }, + "topic_191__fiftwthoftdi": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "This paragraph is primarily interpretative and descriptive, and the claims align with established philosophical perspectives on freedom. It does not make any factually disputable statements." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "Generalized statements about freedom." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "It is more of a general philosophical discussion about freedom rather than a factual claim that can be evaluated for accuracy.\n" + ] + }, + "topic_184__jhhhwi": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "The entire paragraph is a fictional narrative and does not contain factual claims about the real world." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "Creative story generation, nothing to check." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "Fictional recount." + ] + }, + "topic_418__abababa": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "While the general statements about air pollution being unhealthy and harmful to the environment are factual, the conversation includes subjective and situational claims that cannot be verified without additional context." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "Conversation about pollution that cannot be taken as actual claims." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "it is a dialogue discussing a concern about air pollution and potential actions to address it." + ] + }, + "topic_197__tibthttttottb": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "This story is entirely fictional, and as such, it is not subject to factual verification." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "Creative story generation, cannot check the accuracy as it is fictional." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "it's a fictional story and doesn't present factual claims that can be rated for accuracy." + ] + }, + "open_262__ttsrwwtotifoww": { + "1": [ + "Minor Issue(s)", + "there are factual claims in the paragraph, particularly those about:\n- The historical debate about human origins.\n- Specific human accomplishments (e.g., space travel and disease cures).\nScientifically, humans did not evolve \u201cfrom apes\u201d but share a common ancestor with modern apes.\nIt's also importante to say that empathy and compassion have been observed in other species, such as primates, elephants, and dogs. However, humans may demonstrate these qualities more extensively and abstractly. And, while humans exhibit these abilities at a highly advanced level, some other animals (e.g., primates, dolphins, and crows) also show reasoning, creative problem-solving, and forms of communication.\nHowever, much of the text is also subjective, philosophical, or speculative.\n\nhttps://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-023-01664-z \nhttps://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/pdf/10.1111/brv.12342 " + ], + "2": [ + "Minor Issue(s)", + "There is potential inaccuracies as some animals have been found to have human like traits such as empathy, etc. Source: https://online.uwa.edu/news/empathy-in-animals/#:~:text=Empathy%20in%20animals%20spans%20species,harm%20at%20their%20own%20expense." + ], + "3": [ + "Minor Issue(s)", + "These topics are introduced but not fully developed or explained." + ] + }, + "topic_316__itasosaa": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "This is a fictional story set in the future, and it does not contain factual claims about the real world." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "Future story geneation, not able to check." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "Fictional recount regarding the development of the AI." + ] + }, + "topic_114__aiwaidtwttot": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "The paragraph provides a concise overview of alcoholism, describing it as a chronic relapsing brain disease influenced by genetic, environmental, and psychological factors. It accurately discusses its potential health and social consequences, while also highlighting that it is treatable through various interventions like therapy, medication, and support groups.\n\nhttps://www.niaaa.nih.gov/publications/brochures-and-fact-sheets/understanding-alcohol-use-disorder " + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "Generation about alcholism is accurate. Covering the key aspects of the disease." + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "https://nida.nih.gov/publications/drugs-brains-behavior-science-addiction/treatment-recovery, https://www.niaaa.nih.gov/alcohols-effects-health/alcohols-effects-body. The claims are accurate." + ] + }, + "topic_579__irowwtrhhrtttt": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "This document describes a common method for building rainwater harvesting systems. However, it remains fictional." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "Story about the harvesting of rainwater." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "Fictional creation." + ] + }, + "topic_33__giiopitwhwootiii": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "The text provides accurate and practical survival tips for being lost at sea. These are based on well-documented survival techniques and do not contain inaccuracies.\n\nhttps://ussartf.org/survival_sea.htm " + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "Accurate statements on what to do if found in a situation lost at sea." + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "It provides useful information about surviving if lost at sea." + ] + }, + "topic_632__ooshstmoti": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "This passage is entirely fictional, with no factual claims to evaluate." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "Fictional story, nothing to factually check." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. It's a story about siblings." + ] + }, + "south_africa__tottasthitc": { + "1": [ + "Minor Issue(s)", + "\u201cSouth Africa has been one of the hardest-hit countries in Africa by the pandemic, with over 3 million confirmed cases and over 90,000 deaths.\u201d : the figures may have been accurate at a specific time, but they need verification against updated statistics from sources like the WHO or South Africa\u2019s Department of Health.\nhttps://www.afro.who.int/health-topics/coronavirus-covid-19 \nhttps://www.bbc.com/news/topics/cll5vlpeg56t " + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "Although, probably outdated now, but accurate given this is referring to the election as a future event. The COVID figures are constantly changing." + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "The claim has outdated information, but it was accurate." + ] + }, + "open_277__oisiiwwiss": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "The entire narrative is a personal or fictional account and lacks verifiable factual claims." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "Story about a person walking through the park finding a girl crying, nothing to check." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "the claim is personal narrative." + ] + }, + "topic_381__shhwhaohshstt": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "This passage is entirely fictional and contains no verifiable factual claims." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "Hypothetical story about Scott being a scientist, nothing to check for claims." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "the claim contains elements of fiction mixed with factual aspects of conservation work." + ] + }, + "stt_330__wftwaahtfti": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "This passage is mostly factual, with verified claims about the applications and concerns related to facial recognition, AI, and emerging technologies.\n\nhttps://www.liberties.eu/en/stories/facial-recognition-privacy-concerns/44518 " + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "Accurate generalized statements regarding the development of technology." + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "the claim is accurate." + ] + }, + "topic_517__titiiaiigi": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "The narrative is entirely a personal anecdote and contains no objective factual claims." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "Creative story generation, nothing to check." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. It's a plausible story about someone achivement." + ] + }, + "topic_120__hiypsomywftstttfs": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "Most of the claims are factually accurate and supported by general knowledge or health guidelines." + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "Accurate statements regarding hygiene and toiletries (in Spain)." + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "The paragraph provides mostly clear and factual information" + ] + }, + "topic_534__msssos": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "This narrative is clearly fictional, with fantastical claims about the abilities of the cat. The content is primarily imaginative and does not contain verifiable factual statements." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "Hypothetical/Fictional story. Nothing to check." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "The claim presents a fictional narrative as though it were a real personal experience." + ] + }, + "stt_609__titsstihothamtdiiiftyfotob": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "Most of the statements in this passage are factual and accurately describe the duties, challenges, and experiences of waiters. There are also several subjective or advisory elements, which are not factual claims but contribute to the narrative. Overall, the content contains no inaccuracies." + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "Generalized statements about waiters and different subsets. Nothing inaccurate is said overall." + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "The information is largely accurate, but some parts are repeated, such as 'However, it can also be a very rewarding job, as waiters often get to interact with a variety of people and learn about different culture" + ] + }, + "topic_314__ttttostattti": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "This passage is entirely fictional, presenting a narrative with no direct factual claims." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "Fictional story, nothing can be checked/verified." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "It is a story, no factual claims are made" + ] + }, + "topic_597__bttioaectswgb": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "This passage contains accurate and factual claims about the history of lighting, energy conservation, and the environmental impact of electricity use.\n\nhttps://www.sparkmuseum.org/electrical-history-lighting-before-the-incandescent-bulb/ \nhttps://www.energy.gov/energysaver/led-lighting \nhttps://www.realsimple.com/ways-youre-draining-electricity-at-home-8696777 " + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "This information regarding light bulbs is accurate." + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "It is largely accurate and factual" + ] + }, + "senegal_historical__stitsilssisstt": { + "1": [ + "Minor Issue(s)", + "While the Serer people are significant, other ethnic groups, such as the Wolof, were also early inhabitants of the region and played a major role in its history. And, French influence began with the establishment of trading posts in the 17th century, but large-scale colonization occurred later in the 19th century.\n\nhttps://info.publicintelligence.net/MCIA-SenegalCultureGuide.pdf \nhttps://www.britannica.com/place/Senegal/History " + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "No issues regarding this geneation/paragraph about Sengal and its history." + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "The information is largely accurate, though it can be more specific. See here: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-africa-14093813" + ] + }, + "topic_559__piptoattftp": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "The text contains widely accepted claims about peer pressure and its effects, all of which align with existing research in psychology and sociology.\n\nhttps://www.verywellhealth.com/peer-pressure-in-teen-and-adult-life-5323858 " + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "Accurate descriptors of the various types of peer pressures." + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "It is largely factual" + ] + }, + "topic_22__fiwtiottiiftyo": { + "1": [ + "Minor Issue(s)", + "The text includes a mix of subjective advice, general recommendations, and factual claims. While most of the claims are accurate or reasonable, the statements about October being the best fishing time and fish behavior are context-dependent and might not apply everywhere." + ], + "2": [ + "Minor Issue(s)", + "Best times to go fishing is October, is a potentially wrong subjective statement. It will absolutely vary depending on the locale and other factors." + ], + "3": [ + "Not Sure", + "The information is largely factual, however I cannot verify some facts, like October being the best month to go fishing. Is it specific to the US? Or world-wide" + ] + }, + "topic_509__tptbohhahiiih": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "This narrative is anecdotal and descriptive, with no verifiable factual claims." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "Creative story generation. Nothing to check for accuracy." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "It is a narration" + ] + }, + "topic_399__oshsoasjtas": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "This narrative is entirely fictional." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "Fictional story about a girl writing a story. Nothing to check far as claims go." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "It is a story, with a lesson towards the end." + ] + }, + "topic_505__altpsasllitli": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "Most of the statements in this passage are accurate descriptions of libraries and their functions." + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "Accurate statements regarding libraries and their usage/amenities." + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "It is largely factually correct." + ] + }, + "topic_363__wihiii": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "This passage consists entirely of personal experiences and reflections." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "Hypothetical story, nothing to check far as claims go." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "It is a narration about one's career" + ] + }, + "topic_135__mtmttdtiomttw": { + "1": [ + "Minor Issue(s)", + "This passage contains mostly factual claims, with a few generalizations about cultural practices that may not apply universally. Minor issues involve cultural variability in practices like couple meetings and relationship satisfaction.\nWhile many matches were stable due to societal pressures, whether they were fulfilling is subjective and not universally measurable.\n\nhttps://www.newworldencyclopedia.org/entry/Matchmaker " + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "Correct descriptions of a matchmakers job historically speaking." + ], + "3": [ + "Not Sure", + "The information is primarily factual, though I cannot verify that such marriages resulted in lasting and fulfilling relationships" + ] + }, + "topic_406__twditwtssstdw": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "This passage contains mostly calls to action and general observations. The factual claims regarding droughts, their impacts, and their link to climate change are accurate based on current scientific understanding." + ], + "2": [ + "Not Sure", + "This is dependent if this is a creative story or not, whether this was said. Time is a given factor to determine as well." + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "It is largely factual, talking about drought as an impact of climate change" + ] + }, + "topic_217__tbtyyentrota": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "This paragraph includes general observations and opinions about news consumption. The factual claims about the various methods of accessing news are accurate." + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "Correct statements regarding forms of media for news." + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "It is largely accurate" + ] + }, + "topic_462__oseoteehahesse": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "Fictional story." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "It is a fictional story about Ella's health." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "It is a narration about a sick girl who was treated at a health fair" + ] + }, + "topic_51__ftfsftmityft": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "Most of the paragraph consists of a fictional story with elements about health education and vitamin deficiencies." + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "Accurate information regarding food and wine festivals." + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "Information seems to be accurate." + ] + }, + "topic_5__mssostastmwwt": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "The paragraph primarily consists of subjective experiences and personal observations about the author\u2019s mother." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "Nothing to check in this hypothetical scenario regarding this mother and cooking." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "It is a narration about a fond memory" + ] + }, + "topic_345__siifommtaiibli": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "The paragraph provides an accurate and general overview of artificial intelligence and machine learning." + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "Accurate info about AI and machine learning." + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "It is largely factual. It talks about AI" + ] + }, + "topic_405__didtssndiiyw": { + "1": [ + "Minor Issue(s)", + "The paragraph provides an accurate and encouraging overview of drawing as an art form. Most claims are factual, with a minor note about the variability of artistic goals and outcomes.\n\nhttps://www.britannica.com/art/drawing-art " + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "Effective/correct information about drawing and how it can be used to express and the materials/methods." + ], + "3": [ + "Not Sure", + "I cannot verify the claim that 'No matter what materials or techniques they use, all artists share a common goal: to create a beautiful and meaningful work of art.'" + ] + }, + "topic_112__titottt": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "The paragraph is a fictional narrative and does not contain any real-world factual claims." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "Fictional story about a bird, nothing to check." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "It is a story about a bird" + ] + }, + "topic_307__dititditttw": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "The paragraph contains several factual claims regarding drunk driving statistics, its economic impact, and its consequences, all of which align with verified data from authoritative sources like the NHTSA.\nhttps://www.nhtsa.gov/traffic-deaths-decreased-2018-still-36560-people-died \nhttps://www.nhtsa.gov/book/countermeasures-that-work/alcohol-impaired-driving/understanding-problem " + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "No issues, the claims cann be backed up by research online and the general information about drunk driving is widely seen as accurate." + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "It is largely factual and accurate." + ] + }, + "topic_442__aianoftfapttsai": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "No factual errors." + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "Correct statements about plants." + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "It is largely factual." + ] + }, + "topic_328__atattttntfau": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "Factually correct." + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "Generalized statements about friends is seen as accurate." + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "It is fairly accurate, a narration about friendship" + ] + }, + "topic_145__ditthoaaudi": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "It is largely philosophical and descriptive, focusing on emotional and relational aspects of human interaction." + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "Correct descriptions of digital messaging." + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "It is largely factual" + ] + }, + "topic_531__itottdttabwoibt": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "This narrative recounts a personal or fictional story. It focuses on character interactions, emotions, and events rather than presenting factual claims about the real world." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "Fictional story, not able ot check the claims because there none." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "It is a fictional story" + ] + }, + "topic_467__iibtiyatttass": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "It does not present any factual claims about the real world." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "Conversation is fictional/hypothetical so there is nothing to verify for accuracy." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "It is a fictional dialogue between two women" + ] + }, + "topic_536__nithotatofa": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "The text provides a general explanation of the concept of national integration and its contributing factors, such as common language, culture, and democratic values, along with challenges like prejudice and external threats. These points are broadly accurate and align with widely accepted perspectives in political science and sociology. \n\nhttps://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/social-sciences/national-integration" + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "Generalized statements about national integration are accurate." + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "It is largely factual" + ] + }, + "topic_236__hniytiealwiwatia": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "These are widely acknowledged actions that contribute to environmental protection. The claims are factual and commonly promoted by environmental organizations." + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "Conversation about environmentalism has accurate advice that is correct between the two people conversing." + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "It is a conversation about energy, and fairly accurate" + ] + }, + "topic_413__ethoaotiatib": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "The paragraph contains accurate and widely recognized information about the importance of elections in democracy and the challenges of holding fair and transparent elections. It correctly highlights issues such as voter suppression, misinformation, and the need for transparency and increased voter participation. These are well-documented concerns in political science and electoral studies, and the solutions proposed (voter education, increasing accessibility) are standard recommendations for addressing these challenges.\n\nhttps://www.usaid.gov/democracy/supporting-free-and-fair-elections " + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "Accurate issues that still arise today regarding elections." + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "It is largely accurate" + ] + }, + "topic_21__hitoiifii": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "The paragraph is a personal anecdote about growing up on a farm and the experiences associated with it. It does not make factual claims." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "Story about a farm/ranch. Nothing to check as it is fictional." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "It is a narration about a person that lived on a farm" + ] + }, + "open_150__ipihhatatawit": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "This is a fictional narrative about a young man in Baghdad. It does not include factual claims that can be assessed for accuracy." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "Story about a hot summer day in Baghdad. Nothing to check claim wise." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "It is a fantasy story. No claims were made" + ] + }, + "topic_524__miatsamia": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "This paragraph discusses the concept of a mother\u2019s love in an emotional and poetic way. It is not making any factual claims that can be verified or disputed. Instead, it reflects a subjective and universal sentiment, making it outside the realm of factual evaluation." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "Claims about mothers love." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "It is fairly accurate, however, it is ideal and not so for every individual" + ] + }, + "topic_347__bibtoeatbcattiit": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "This paragraph contains accurate information about the concept of balance. The points about exercise, yoga, tai chi, and the role of balance in reducing falls and injuries are supported by widely accepted health and fitness research.\n\nhttps://www-health-harvard-edu.translate.goog/staying-healthy/good-balance-requires-mental-and-physical-fitness?_x_tr_sl=en&_x_tr_tl=fr&_x_tr_hl=fr&_x_tr_pto=sc " + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "No issues. The passage about balance is accurate and informative." + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "It is fairly accurate." + ] + }, + "topic_338__iftttwtmttdttd": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "The paragraph provides an accurate historical overview of the role of agriculture in the United States during the early 20th century and discusses the Dust Bowl of the 1930s. The description of the drought, dust storms, and their impact on farmers aligns with documented historical events.\n\nhttps://www.ers.usda.gov/webdocs/publications/44197/13566_eib3_1_.pdf " + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "No incosistent information regarding agriculture and the US." + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "It is largely factual. See here: https://www.history.com/topics/great-depression/dust-bowl" + ] + }, + "topic_300__ftftft": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "This dialogue expresses subjective feelings, opinions, and general observations about war and the state of the world, particularly referencing the war in Ukraine. While it reflects common sentiments, it does not contain specific factual claims that can be evaluated as true or false." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "Conversation, nothing to check or verify." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "It is a dialogue between 2 friends that addresses real world issues" + ] + }, + "topic_351__osostisstsso": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "Since the narrative is fictional, there are no factual claims to evaluate as true or false." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "Made up story, nothing to check in this case." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "It is a fantasy story. No claims were made." + ] + }, + "topic_411__tittthtattatt": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "The narrative is fictional, and there are no verifiable factual claims to evaluate." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "Hypothetical story." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "It is a story about a village celebrating Eid" + ] + }, + "topic_171__itaftdfip": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "The paragraph describes deer hunting, its methods, and its regulations in a general and accurate manner.\n\nhttps://www.espamerica.com/whitetail-deer-history-of-the-hunt/ \nhttps://www.tn.gov/twra/hunting/hunter-education/deer-hunting-guide.html " + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "No issues. The generation about deer hunting is accurate." + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "It seems accurate." + ] + }, + "stt_600__iiyjiaisiyynnyiyyiis": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "The paragraph is an encouraging and motivational message that contains no factual claims or verifiable information." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "Generation is fictional. Nothing to check/creative." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No claims were made, albeit there are repetitions" + ] + }, + "topic_365__ctctiict": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "The paragraph provides an accurate overview of casteism in India, its historical significance, and its societal impacts. The information aligns with well-documented historical and sociological studies, as well as contemporary data on caste-based violence.\nhttps://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-india-35650616 \nhttps://upr-info.org/sites/default/files/country-document/2022-10/JS18_UPR41_IND_E_Main.pdf " + ], + "2": [ + "Minor Issue(s)", + "Caste system has been formally abolished by Indian constitution in 1949. There are legal protections in place against it. Cannot find specific related information about caste based violence." + ], + "3": [ + "Not Sure", + "It is fairly accurate, however, I am unable to verify that 'In 2018, the National Crime Records Bureau reported that there were over 40,000 cases of caste-based violence in India.'" + ] + }, + "tanzania_challenges__tihpatcatetttt": { + "1": [ + "Clear Issue(s)", + "The claim that over 60% of the population lives on less than $1.90 per day is outdated; recent data places this figure lower due to development efforts. While poverty remains widespread, attributing it primarily to \u201cpoor infrastructure and climate change\u201d oversimplifies a multifaceted issue. Factors such as governance and education also play significant roles.\n\nhttps://www.foreign.go.tz/tanzania/category/country-profile \nhttps://www.worldbank.org/en/country/tanzania/overview " + ], + "2": [ + "Clear Issue(s)", + "Percentage of Tanzanians living below the international extreme poverty line is closer to 49%: Source: https://databankfiles.worldbank.org." + ], + "3": [ + "Clear Issue(s)", + "The figures are not accurate. See here: https://databankfiles.worldbank.org/public/ddpext_download/poverty/33EF03BB-9722-4AE2-ABC7-AA2972D68AFE/Global_POVEQ_TZA.pdf" + ] + }, + "topic_57__aiifiyalfp": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "The text overall contains widely accepted and well-supported principles about interior design and the benefits of natural light.\n\nhttps://www.uclahealth.org/news/article/being-in-natural-light-improves-mood-increases-happiness " + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "Benefits are accurate regarding a bright room." + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "It is fairly accurate." + ] + }, + "topic_273__miggtowtw": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "The text provides a general overview of the role of music in religion, with a focus on gospel music. The claims made are consistent with widely known historical and cultural facts, such as gospel music\u2019s roots in the African-American church and its role in fostering community and devotion. \n\nhttps://www.int-jecse.net/article/The+Role+of+Gospel+Music+and+Songs+in+Education+and+Christianity_6166/?download=true&format=pdf \nhttps://soundinfusion.io/the-importance-of-music-in-different-religions/ " + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "Accurate sentiments regarding music and religion." + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "No issues found." + ] + }, + "topic_565__ttptpt": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "The focus is on the subjective experience and atmosphere, making it not applicable for factual evaluation." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "Creative generation, no claims to check." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "It is a narration about a festival. No claims were made." + ] + }, + "ivory_coast__iiitsaygs": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "This text contains factual claims about the geography, population, language, cities, and notable historical figures of Ivory Coast. These claims align with verified information about the country.\n\nhttps://www.britannica.com/place/Cote-dIvoire " + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "Accurate information regarding Ivory Coast." + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "The information is accurate" + ] + }, + "open_2__tshtthstttoss": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "This narrative is fictional and does not present claims meant to be evaluated as true or false." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "Fictional story, nothing to check." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "It is about a girl dealing with grief. No claims were made" + ] + }, + "stt_572__tsttftattfltiit": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "This text discusses sober living homes, their purpose, and the benefits they provide, particularly for former inmates transitioning back into society. The content contains broadly accurate statements about the structure and services of sober living homes, including counseling, job training, addiction support groups, and the importance of a supportive community.\n\nhttps://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC3057870/ " + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "Generalized statements are seen as accurate." + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "Information is accurate." + ] + }, + "south_africa__ahiatatiosoan": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "The description of mornings with roosters and fresh bread baking might be more specific to rural areas and does not represent urban life as closely. However, it is a fair generalization for illustrative purposes. No factual inaccuracies are present, and the information aligns with general lifestyle patterns in South Africa.\n\nhttps://www.afsusa.org/countries/south-africa/#afs-nav-additional-resources \nhttps://drive.google.com/file/d/1lybf-X_I8T82__-MHxUMSrgDt42ZSuIP/view \nhttps://www.hrfuture.net/talent-management/wellness/south-africans-work-the-hardest-and-are-the-least-happy/#:~:text=South%20Africans%20have%20been%20labelled,than%2045%20hours%20a%20week." + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "Considering it disclaims, this can be seen as accurate." + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "The informations presented is accurate." + ] + }, + "topic_253__tiotttitt": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "The paragraph provides an accurate and well-contextualized explanation of the role and history of trade unions in South Africa.\nhttps://lrs.org.za/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/A-history-of-trade-unionism-in-South-Africa.pdf " + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "Correctly identifies collective organizations and properly cites South Africa." + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "It is largely accurate. See here: https://www.sahistory.org.za/article/1973-durban-strikes. And here: https://www.sahistory.org.za/archive/chapter-1-south-african-trade-union-movement-historical-background-garment-workers-action-e" + ] + }, + "topic_240__aiotii": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "The majority of the paragraph is subjective, focusing on childhood experiences." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "Creative story." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "It is a fictional story" + ] + }, + "topic_70__osothtdbynsd": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "This narrative is a fictional and philosophical story rather than a factual statement." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "Creative story." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "It is a fictional story" + ] + }, + "burundi_historical__bottattihb": { + "1": [ + "Minor Issue(s)", + "This paragraph provides a summary of Burundi\u2019s history, focusing on key events like the 1972 Hutu massacres and the Burundi Civil War. While the general outline of events is broadly accurate, there are some minor inaccuracies and potentially misleading aspects :The term \u201cHutu Revolution of 1972\u201d is misleading. The events of 1972 are more accurately described as a series of massacres, where an initial Hutu rebellion was violently suppressed by the Tutsi-dominated government, resulting in the deaths of an estimated 200,000 Hutus, not Tutsis as the paragraph claims.\n\nhttps://www.britannica.com/event/Rwanda-genocide-of-1994 " + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "No issues with the information regaring Burundi history." + ], + "3": [ + "Not Sure", + "It is largely correct, however I am unable to verify the actual figures" + ] + }, + "mali_challenges__mpetsthttt": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "This paragraph provides a summary of Mali\u2019s current challenges, and the claims made are generally accurate and reflective of the current situation in the country. \nhttps://www.hrw.org/world-report/2023/country-chapters/mali \nhttps://www.worldbank.org/en/country/mali/overview " + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "Info on Mali can be found through research and is seen as accurate due to the political instability they are facing." + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "The information is largely accurate, see here: https://www.usip.org/publications/2020/08/five-things-know-about-malis-coup. Also here: https://www.hrw.org/world-report/2024/country-chapters/mali" + ] + }, + "stt_148__ititwtirociiibt": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "This paragraph provides general advice on the importance of complying with training requirements, being receptive to feedback, and maintaining a positive attitude in a professional setting. It does not make any claims requiring verification, as the content is practical advice rather than factual assertions." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "General advice provided, and no actual claims to be verified." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "The information is on tips for achieving career success" + ] + }, + "topic_206__asiwfysdowyi": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made that require verification, as the content is primarily based on expertise and commonly accepted principles in home design." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "Generalized information is provided." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "It is a narration about choosing cabinets for a space. Albeit the tips appear helpful" + ] + }, + "topic_94__wontnwtotnhdi": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "The paragraph provides a balanced discussion on nuclear energy, highlighting its advantages while acknowledging its challenges. The information presented is consistent with commonly accepted knowledge about nuclear energy.\n\nhttps://www.energy.gov/ne/articles/advantages-and-challenges-nuclear-energy " + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "Nothing is incorrect regarding nuclear energy." + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "The information is largely accurate." + ] + }, + "topic_400__tihhhhtswt": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "This passage is a fictional narrative that does not make factual claims requiring verification." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "Creative story, no claims to check." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "It is a fictional narration" + ] + }, + "topic_190__atialid": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "It does not present factual claims requiring verification, making it purely subjective and introspective." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "Creative story, nothing to check." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "This is a fictional story." + ] + }, + "topic_408__ettetetsst": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "The passage provides an accurate and well-rounded overview of earthquakes, their causes, effects, and related scientific study. All statements align with established scientific knowledge.\n\nhttps://www.usgs.gov/programs/earthquake-hazards/science-earthquakes " + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "Correct assertions regarding earthquakes. Nothing given broadly is inaccurate." + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "It is largely accurate. See here: https://byjus.com/physics/protection-against-earthquake/" + ] + }, + "topic_574__ptfpfpiiftotafit": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "The passage provides an accurate description of procrastination, its causes, consequences, and potential solutions. All claims are supported by psychological research and practical strategies for overcoming procrastination.\n\nhttps://www.ie.edu/center-for-health-and-well-being/blog/procrastination-psychology-effects-causes-strategies/ " + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "The \"can\" in this is very important, otherwise it could be inaccurate." + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "The claim is accurate." + ] + }, + "topic_10__ososytyeyys": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "This story is fictional, with no factual claims or historical references that can be evaluated for accuracy." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "Creative story, no claims to check." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. It's a story." + ] + }, + "topic_367__itottosthtaww": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "This passage explores the philosophical and psychological meaning of William Wordsworth\u2019s quote, linking childhood experiences to adult development." + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "Genearlized statements regarding childhood experiences is accurate." + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "The claim is factual." + ] + }, + "topic_86__ityieyiyisgi": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "This passage offers general advice on achieving \u201cclean beauty\u201d through diet, exercise, skincare, and mental health practices." + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "Healthy diet information is correct along with beauty information included." + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "advice without misrepresentation or confusion." + ] + }, + "topic_143__eitaiisthat": { + "1": [ + "Minor Issue(s)", + "Ethiopia successfully resisted the Ottoman invasion: https://www.britannica.com/place/Ethiopia/History?utm_source=chatgpt.com" + ], + "2": [ + "Minor Issue(s)", + "Other groups than the Ottoman Empire played a role in conquering: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ethiopian%E2%80%93Adal_War" + ], + "3": [ + "Minor Issue(s)", + "The claim is not completely false, however ihstorical context regarding the Ottoman Empire's relationship with Ethiopia, is false. https://dergipark.org.tr/tr/download/article" + ] + }, + "topic_636__stsstthiifa": { + "1": [ + "Minor Issue(s)", + "This passage provides a general overview of Ethiopia\u2019s history, highlighting key events and developments. While the information is broadly correct, there are minor inaccuracies, oversimplifications, and missing nuances that need to be addressed:\n1. Ethiopia was never entirely conquered by the Ottoman Empire. While the Ottomans exerted influence in the Red Sea region and supported the Adal Sultanate against Ethiopia during the Abyssinian\u2013Adal War, Ethiopia remained independent.\n2. Ethiopia maintained its sovereignty for most of its history, except during the brief Italian occupation (1936\u20131941). The narrative suggesting \u201cindependence in the 19th century\u201d is misleading.\n\nhttps://books.openedition.org/cfee/1162?lang=fr \nhttps://ethiopianembassy.org/overview-about-ethiopia/ " + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "Accurate statements regarding superstitions." + ], + "3": [ + "Not Sure", + "This seems mainly true, but I can't verify the claim." + ] + }, + "ghana_historical__tikhgigtiggi": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "The passage provides an accurate overview of Ghana\u2019s history, particularly focusing on its colonial and post-independence developments." + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "No issues, accurate information regarding Gold Coast and Ghana history." + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "The claims are accurate. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-africa-13433790 https://www.undp.org/facs/ghana-sustainable-cocoa" + ] + }, + "topic_583__rirtrsotht": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "The passage provides an accurate overview of India\u2019s reservation system, its purpose, and the ongoing debate surrounding it.\n\nhttps://www.iqraias.com/the-reservation-system-of-india-relevance-and-in-depth-analysis/ \n" + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "Provides balanced overview of both sides, generalized statements are seen as accurate." + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "The claim is accurate." + ] + }, + "open_150b__ohoaahhhttaapo": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "The paragraph does not make factual claims about real-world events, people, or systems that could be verified or disputed." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "Creative story." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No verifiable factual claims are made. It seems to be a story of a kind and humble villager." + ] + }, + "nigeria_current__nintnhibibti": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "The content is factually accurate and offers a concise overview of Nigeria\u2019s demographic, political, and socio-economic context.\n\nhttps://www.britannica.com/place/Nigeria \nhttps://www.worldbank.org/en/country/nigeria/overview " + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "Accurate information regarding Nigeria at this current time." + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "All claims are factual and accurate. www.dw.com/en/nigerias-hopeless-fight-against-corruption/a-61946896. https://www.voanews.com/a/economy-insecurity-corruption-weigh-on-nigerian-elections" + ] + }, + "topic_41__iotot": { + "1": [ + "Minor Issue(s)", + "\u201cIn Flanders Fields\u201d is a real poem, but it was written by Lieutenant Colonel John McCrae, a Canadian doctor, not by a British soldier named William. This attribution to William is factually incorrect.\n\nhttps://www.poetryfoundation.org/poems/47380/in-flanders-fields " + ], + "2": [ + "Minor Issue(s)", + "While the poppy is a symbol of remembrance, there's no documented account of British soldiers encountering a field of poppies right after the Battle of the Somme (1916). The poem \"In Flanders Fields\" was written by Canadian physician John McCrae in 1915, likely inspired by the Flanders region's poppy fields that were disturbed by wartime activities." + ], + "3": [ + "Minor Issue(s)", + "The poem \"In Flanders Fields\" was actually written by Lieutenant Colonel John McCrae, a Canadian soldier, not a British soldier named William." + ] + }, + "stt_92__ihaiwihi": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "It does not make factual claims or refer to verifiable events or information." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "Creative generation." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No verifiable factual claims are made. It seems to be a love story between two lovers." + ] + }, + "stt_33__ctocfiaetitfybyitbttb": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "The text provides practical, well-known approaches to teaching children about safe and appropriate behavior. These include modeling good behavior, having open discussions, and creating a safe environment, which are widely endorsed by educators, psychologists, and parenting experts.\n\nhttps://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC9582057/ " + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "Setting good example and other statements are generally seen as accurate." + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "teaching children about appropriate and safe behavior. No factual errors." + ] + }, + "stt_590__stoafotohtifadtifhyft": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "The text presents commonly discussed findings about the potential relationship between relationship status and physical activity. It cites explanations like social support, financial resources, and time availability, which align with existing literature on health behaviors and lifestyle choices.\n\nhttps://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC4074022/ " + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "Generation does disclaim that the research has mixed findings so it is not saying it is only true, but potentially." + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "The claim repeats certain points, such as the factors influencing physical activity among married individuals. No factual errors." + ] + }, + "topic_421__osotbcbhcsswh": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "The story is engaging and motivational, showcasing Cleopatra\u2019s persistence and brilliance in mathematics." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "Creative generation." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. It's a story of a young mathematician." + ] + }, + "topic_570__ohoskinkhkfitkkts": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "The story about Krishna helping a lost woman is entirely fictional, so factual accuracy is not a relevant metric here." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "Creative generation." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. It's a syory of a young boy and a lost beautiful woman." + ] + }, + "topic_115__ettstitsti": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "The passage discusses the growth of online learning and the resources available to remote students. The claims made, such as the availability of platforms like Coursera, edX, and Udacity, and the benefits of online learning, are factual and accurate.\n\nhttps://www.forbes.com/sites/ilkerkoksal/2020/05/02/the-rise-of-online-learning/ " + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "Accurate information regarding online learning platforms." + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "It mentions popular platforms that are accurate." + ] + }, + "topic_18__iiiii": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "This passage is a fictional narrative expressing an intense emotional reaction to betrayal. It does not make factual claims about the real world." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "Fictional story." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. It aboutan angry person's thought." + ] + }, + "topic_168__ctiwftitfhfifct": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "The passage provides general, factual information about the importance of crops and seeds, their role in agriculture, and the challenges faced by farmers. While it touches on scientific topics such as genetic engineering and crop breeding, the claims are accurate and broadly accepted.\n\nhttps://www.fao.org/seeds/en/ \nhttps://www.missouricareereducation.org/doc/cropsci/CropScienceSR.pdf " + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "Correct statements regarding farming." + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "All claims are factual and accurate. https://www.energy.gov/eere/bioenergy/biofuel-basics" + ] + }, + "stt_39__yytwaiiittaibiy": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "The claims are broadly accurate, do not present any contentious or false information, and align with commonly understood aspects of adoption, but it still mainly subjective.\n" + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual information to verify." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. It's a plausible story about adoption." + ] + }, + "topic_156__tittihwtt": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "This passage provides a general overview of the role and structure of government, highlighting its responsibilities, potential benefits, and possible challenges.\n\nhttps://www.britannica.com/topic/political-system/The-structure-of-government " + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "Accurate assertions regarding government." + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "the claim provides a clear and balanced overview of the role and complexity of government. It effectively outlines the functions of different branches," + ] + }, + "topic_270__iimii": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "This passage describes a personal anecdote or fictional narrative about someone collecting antiques." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "Fictional story." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. It's a plausible story about antiques." + ] + }, + "open_291c__ihiwhhiw": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "This narrative recounts a personal or fictional anecdote. It does not make any factual claims requiring verification." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "Creative generation, no claims to assess." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. It's a plausible story about a youngboy, who lost his way." + ] + }, + "topic_358__issmtsts": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "This paragraph is a fictional story. It does not make any factual claims requiring verification." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "Creative generation." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. It's a plausible story about a young girl with big dreams." + ] + }, + "topic_276__aatiitsiai": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "This text provides a blend of historical and general information about mattresses and their role in promoting health and sleep quality.\nhttps://johnryanbydesign.co.uk/understanding-beds/history-of-mattresses-in-the-uk-how-have-mattresses-changed/ \nhttps://www.sleepfoundation.org/sleep-news/how-does-your-sleep-change-with-a-new-mattress#:~:text=Sleeping%20on%20the%20right%20mattress,ready%20to%20start%20your%20day. " + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "Correct statements regarding sleep/mattress" + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "All claims are correct. https://shovlinmattress.com/blog/the-history-of-the-mattress/" + ] + }, + "malawi_current__mitmttmihitcchm": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "This text provides an accurate and informative overview of Malawi\u2019s geography, economy, and recent political developments. \n\nhttps://www.britannica.com/place/Malawi \nhttps://www.worldbank.org/en/country/malawi/overview " + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "Correct info about Malawi." + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "Claims are correct. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-africa-53207780" + ] + }, + "topic_313__itiigsmi": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "The post makes claims that could be factual, but they are presented as statements from a tweet by Neil Gaiman, along with some general observations about music\u2019s impact on well-being." + ], + "2": [ + "Not Sure", + "Would not be able to locate Twitter post to confidently assess." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made." + ] + }, + "topic_497__jijtttjctps": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "This passage provides accurate and widely supported information about junk food and its impacts.\n\nhttps://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/324847 " + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "Broad statements surrounding junk food in this generation are considered to be accurate." + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "Correct information." + ] + }, + "topic_72__awtihutoash": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "This passage provides an accurate and balanced overview of the cultural practice of arranged marriages, particularly in India. \n\nhttps://scholarblogs.emory.edu/postcolonialstudies/2014/06/20/arranged-marriages-matchmakers-and-dowries-in-india/ " + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "The informaiton about the culture and marriage is accurate." + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "It's a story about Indian its culture and marriage. No issues found." + ] + }, + "topic_428__fititscweddttf": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "This passage provides an accurate and comprehensive overview of the fashion industry and its influences.\n\nhttps://educationtodayonline.com/2023/04/05/magazines/fashion-designing-emerging-fashion-trends-and-their-impact-on-the-society/ \nhttps://www.researchgate.net/publication/385036416_The_Impact_of_Consumer_Spending_Trends_on_The_Fashion_Industry \nhttps://www.genevaenvironmentnetwork.org/resources/updates/sustainable-fashion/ " + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "Generalized statements about fashion are seen as generally accurate." + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "Largely factual." + ] + }, + "topic_73__tstotbtii": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "This passage provides a balanced and subjective perspective on long-distance walks and excursions." + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "Accurate statements with spending time outdoors and the benefits." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. It's encourages taking walks." + ] + }, + "topic_248__wtiittietw": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "This passage is a fictional story with imaginative elements and no claims that need to be assessed for factual accuracy." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "Creative story, nothing to check in regards to claims." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No verifiable factual claims are made" + ] + }, + "topic_141__ttitiihs": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "This passage contains accurate, general statements about television and its impact.\n\nhttps://www.statista.com/topics/4999/television-industry-worldwide/#statisticChapter \nhttps://www.un.org/en/un-chronicle/designed-service-role-television-today%E2%80%99s-troubled-world " + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "Generalized statements are seen as accurate." + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "Claims are factual https://bebusinessed.com/history/history-of-the-television" + ] + }, + "topic_522__msssowwtwimsim": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "This passage is a personal, reflective narrative with no factual claims requiring verification." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "Creative story, nothing to check." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. It's a story about a writer." + ] + }, + "topic_377__otihtact": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "This passage provides general advice about challenges in college life, specifically time and financial management. The statements made are broadly accurate and reflect common experiences and strategies relevant to students. \n\nhttps://firescholars.seu.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1063&context=honors " + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "Correct info on managing time." + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "Information is accurate." + ] + }, + "ethiopia_typical__amatieitetie": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "The passage generally provides an informative overview of a \u201ctypical day\u201d and cultural aspects of Ethiopia." + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "There is disclaiming in this passage like may and might that allow these statements to be true." + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "Claims are factual." + ] + }, + "topic_14__sttptisi": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "The passage provides a clear and accurate description of soccer as a sport.\n\nhttps://www.britannica.com/sports/football-soccer " + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "No issues, info on soccer is correct." + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "Claims are accurate." + ] + }, + "topic_89__ityyoiisiisw": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "Since the story is clearly fictional and does not make any verifiable claims about reality." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "Fictional story." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No verifiable factual claims are made.its a conversation between a lady at the museum and a little girl." + ] + }, + "topic_557__tiiowwtfticiiow": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "This passage is primarily subjective reflection, interspersed with generalized claims about peace and conflict resolution that align with common theories in social science. However, it does not present specific, verifiable data or evidence, making it more reflective than factual." + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "Peace understanding statements are accurate." + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "No issues found." + ] + }, + "topic_56__ciitoctiacttft": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "This text primarily offers subjective reflections on coffee culture with some generalized and anecdotal claims." + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "Generalized statements regarding coffee culture are accurate." + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "Claims are factual. https://trungnguyenlegend.com/coffee-shops-and-the-formation-of-social-institutions" + ] + }, + "topic_174__tpsootthbhhtha": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "The text leans heavily on fictional storytelling with an underlying message. It does not contain specific factual claims requiring verification" + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "Creative story, nothing to verify." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No verifiable factual claims are made. its a story of a man,reflecting and grateful despite everything that has happened to him." + ] + }, + "kenya_historical__tittti": { + "1": [ + "Minor Issue(s)", + "While the text provides an overall accurate summary, it simplifies and omits key details about the mutual violence and the British response, which could give an unbalanced view of the uprising. The British colonial forces also perpetrated significant violence, including the internment, torture, and killing of many Kikuyu people during the uprising.\n\nhttps://www.iwm.org.uk/history/what-was-the-mau-mau-uprising " + ], + "2": [ + "Minor Issue(s)", + "The uprising did include people outside of Kikuyu people (other ethnic groups) Source: https://www.iwm.org.uk/history/what-was-the-mau-mau-uprising" + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "Claims are accurate." + ] + }, + "topic_533__mmtiiotiiti": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "The story appears personal and anecdotal, with no verifiable claims about the external world or events." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "Creative generation about history of a family. Not real, so cannot assess." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made." + ] + }, + "stt_288__iiiiiib": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "It contains no verifiable factual assertions or claims about the external world." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "Third person talking, creative generation." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. It's a plausible write up, encouraging criticalthinking." + ] + }, + "stt_636__ifwbtowiatgittdb": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "Information is accurate." + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "Broad statements about December are seen as accurate, considering they are disclaiming." + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "The information is accurate." + ] + }, + "topic_500__oahotathtahaot": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "It contains no factual claims about real-world events, places, or people." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "Creative story, nothing to check." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made,imaginative story about Apurva, a young man who learns magic from a wizard." + ] + }, + "topic_6__itintriiyyitbiii": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "The content is a reasonable subjective reflections about radios's cultural significance and evolution." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "Fictional story, no claims to check." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "The claim provides a nostalgic reflection on the role of radio in the author's life and its diminishing popularity in the face of modern technology." + ] + }, + "chad_historical__totiahi": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "Information is accurate." + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "Factually accurate information regarding key events in Chad." + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "The claim is accurate." + ] + }, + "topic_348__itiwiiiisioi": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "The text is a personal reflection, not a presentation of objective facts." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual information to assess." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. It's a plausible story about someone reading." + ] + }, + "topic_457__ossotwshtswtn": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "This story is entirely fictional and does not make any factual claims." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "Story, nothing to check here regarding accuracy." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. It's a story of a mean old lady." + ] + }, + "topic_147__iiithirotatt": { + "1": [ + "Minor Issue(s)", + "The factual claims about insomnia, its causes, and treatments are largely accurate, but the specific link between \u201ccommerce\u201d and insomnia may not be robustly supported by scientific consensus.\nWhile it is true that light and noise pollution can disrupt sleep, the specific focus on \u201ccommerce\u201d as a causative factor is not a well-established or widely studied area. There is a need for clearer evidence and broader validation of this claim, especially because it presents the role of commerce in a somewhat ambiguous manner.\n\nhttps://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC5353813/#:~:text=Various%20studies%20worldwide%20have%20shown,medical%20and%20mental%20ill%20health. " + ], + "2": [ + "Minor Issue(s)", + "Commercial activity isn't something that has concrete evidence backing up the causation of insomnia." + ], + "3": [ + "Minor Issue(s)", + "This claim cannot be verified \"The findings of these studies suggest that there may be a link between commerce and insomnia\"" + ] + }, + "topic_280__ditifttdttt": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "All claims are factual and supported by evidence. The description of the 2011 Ethiopian drought is accurate, and the general impact of droughts on food security, livelihoods, and economies is well-established.\n\nhttps://www.dec.org.uk/appeal/east-africa-crisis-appeal-2011 " + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "Accurate statements." + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "factually accurate. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2212094717301779 https://www.projecthope.org/news-stories/story/ethiopia-millions-go-hungry-drought-conflict-spread/" + ] + }, + "topic_78__diwatiosthw": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "All claims are factual and supported by evidence. The discussion about sustainable food systems, the challenges of food production, and the farm\u2019s practices is well-grounded and clear.\n\nhttps://www.mdpi.com/2071-1050/16/2/817 " + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "Correct asserations regarding farm productions." + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "No factual issues." + ] + }, + "topic_213__siiitioshfhi": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "The claims made are well-supported by research and cultural examples. The inclusion of both positive and negative aspects of sexuality is a fair and balanced approach, and the reference to Hinduism is an accurate representation of cultural practices.\n\nhttps://www.dailyartmagazine.com/iconography-of-parvati/ \nhttps://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/23361205/ " + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "Correct statements regarding sexuality and then Hinduism connection at the end." + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "No factual mistakes are made." + ] + }, + "topic_488__tiiithiontbtantbtf": { + "1": [ + "Minor Issue(s)", + "The claims are broadly accurate but could benefit from more precision or elaboration regarding the accessibility and archival nature of digital content.\nBlogs and websites are not always as accessible: This claim is a bit too generalized. While it might be true in some regions or for specific demographics, blogs and websites are generally accessible online for many, depending on internet access. Some might argue that blogs and websites are more accessible compared to traditional print media.\nSome blogs and websites do get deleted or become outdated, but many sites also have extensive archives. Additionally, the claim could be less definitive as various digital tools and platforms are used for long-term content preservation." + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "Correct generalized statements regarding newspapers and their usage/openess." + ], + "3": [ + "Minor Issue(s)", + "The factuality of the information \"Blogs and websites, on the other hand, are often deleted or archived after a few years\" can not be verified." + ] + }, + "topic_456__hihiph": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "The claims in this text are factually accurate and consistent with psychological and philosophical definitions of happiness and pleasure.\n\nhttps://www.psychologytoday.com/intl/blog/deconstructing-illness/202112/happiness-vs-pleasure-the-source-our-discontent " + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "Correct assumptions regarding happiness." + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "All claims are factual and accurate." + ] + }, + "topic_301__otothttts": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "The text provides a factual and clear explanation of oil and gas, their uses, environmental impacts, and alternative energy sources.\n\nhttps://www.eia.gov/energyexplained/oil-and-petroleum-products/oil-and-the-environment.php " + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "These statements are accurate regarding fossil fuels." + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "No factual issues were found." + ] + }, + "south_sudan__tttiiith": { + "1": [ + "Minor Issue(s)", + "The lack of a date on some of the events mentioned (peace agreement in March) can make the claims seem less specific, which could lead to confusion about when these developments took place.\n\nhttps://www.britannica.com/place/South-Sudan \nhttps://onu.delegfrance.org/The-Security-Council-renews-the-sanctions-regime-on-South-Sudan" + ], + "2": [ + "Not Sure", + "Would need to know the years to verify some of these claims such as the peace agreements and UN council vote." + ], + "3": [ + "Minor Issue(s)", + "some stances are correct about South Sudan, but the peace agreement wasnt successful https://www.voaafrica.com/a/africa_south-sudan-focus_report-2018-peace-deal-was-not-fix-south-sudan/6201968.html. https://theowp.org/south-sudan-works-with-rebel-groups-to-end-conflict/" + ] + }, + "topic_97__otwotatmfwt": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "All claims are factually accurate, and the advice offered aligns with current health guidelines on managing obesity and adopting healthier lifestyles.\n\nhttps://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK572122/ " + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "The generation provides a generally accurate overview regarding major public health issue obesity in the US." + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "All claims are factual and accurate. https://www.cdc.gov/media/releases/2024/p0912-adult-obesity" + ] + }, + "open_143__tisotittitt": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "This is a fictional story about a creature called para." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "This is a fictitious story about an animal called para. There is no animal called para. No factual claims are made." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "Since this is a fictional story and doesn\u2019t contain factual claims." + ] + }, + "open_16__itatjhmjatta": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. It's a fictional story." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. This is a story about John and Mary who are in love." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "The passage is a fictional narrative and doesn\u2019t present real-world facts or claims." + ] + }, + "open_291__wisiswhwsiwsbioo": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. It's a fictional story." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. This is a story about a man who fell in love with a wood spirit called Sita." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "The passage is fictional and doesn\u2019t provide real-world facts or verifiable claims." + ] + }, + "open_400__tistsbitss": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. It's a fictional story." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. This is a story about a young woman who was alone in the cabin as the rain poured." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "The passage is fictional, and it doesn\u2019t provide real-world facts or verifiable claims." + ] + }, + "stt_163__aswiiiwawwbwhststststi": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "This paragraph includes statements that are generally based on commonly accepted social values and principles regarding responsibility, theft, community well-being, and citizenship." + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "The information provided about stealing and the importance of being a socially sensible citizen is plausible." + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "The claims made are generally about moral perspectives, social norms, and the importance of responsible behavior. These are subjective reflections and align with widely accepted social and ethical values." + ] + }, + "stt_183__fthtototitatoocttt": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "There are no false claims in the provided text. The statements are generally based on common observations and research regarding modern parenting trends (such as helicopter parenting, increased supervision, and the rise of structured activities)." + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "The information provided about the rise of helicopter parenting, the pros and cons about increased supervision on children, and the involvement of children in structured activities and their consequences are true." + ], + "3": [ + "Minor Issue(s)", + "The claims made in the paragraph are mostly supported by existing research and trends. However, while the statement about the impact of helicopter parenting and the rise of structured activities on independence and success is generally accepted, some could argue that the specific impacts are still debated among experts. The general narrative aligns with trends but may need more nuanced clarification about whether increased supervision always leads to less independence or if structured activities are definitively causing stress.\nAmerican Academy of Pediatrics : https://publications.aap.org/aapbooks/monograph/478/?autologincheck=redirected \nThe Journal of Child and Family Studies : https://psycnet.apa.org/record/2019-09135-004 \nShaping individual competitiveness: The role of discipline, parental expectations, and participation in extracurricular activities : https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2405844024070737 " + ] + }, + "stt_325__ththtstiit": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. It's a fictional story." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "This is a fictional story with no factual claims to be assessed." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "The paragraph indeed seems more like a fictional narrative with a moral lesson rather than a factual claim." + ] + }, + "stt_511__wtitithttftttttitrtit": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "There are no false claims in the provided text. The advice given is based on widely accepted strategies for coping with difficult situations, such as staying calm, seeking support, and utilizing mental health resources." + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "The tips provided on staying calm and collected in a difficult situation are plausible." + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "There are only advices and the guidance aligns with recognized approaches for dealing with emotional or stressful challenges." + ] + }, + "topic_109__sitwoyawtoyyb": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "No false claims in this paragraph." + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "The benefits and challenges of studying abroad as provided by the paragraph are accurate." + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "The paragraph accurately describes the benefits and challenges of studying abroad. It highlights several widely recognized advantages, such as cultural immersion, language learning, building a global perspective, and enhancing one\u2019s resume. These are all common reasons people choose to study abroad and are well-documented benefits.\n\nhttps://www.iie.org/programs/generation-study-abroad/why-study-abroad/#:~:text=IIE's%20Gaining%20an%20Employment%20Edge,awareness%2C%20curiosity%2C%20and%20confidence." + ] + }, + "topic_117p__cicttcttiwtwtii": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "There are no factual inaccuracies." + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "The information provided about Christianity is accurate." + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "The claims made about Christianity, such as the belief in Jesus Christ as the Son of God, his resurrection, and the emphasis on love for God and others, are consistent with mainstream Christian teachings.\n\nNicene Creed : https://www.marquette.edu/faith/prayers-nicene.php " + ] + }, + "topic_11__osotasiahhhas": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "This is a fictional story." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "There is no factual information to be assessed in this fictional story." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "This paragraph is clearly a fictional story, and it does not make factual claims that need to be verified." + ] + }, + "topic_123__ossostgwttgstoh": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. It's a fictional story." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. This is a fictitious story about a girl named Grace who found a beautiful flower in the forest." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "This paragraph is clearly a fictional story, and it does not make factual claims that need to be verified." + ] + }, + "topic_129__ciittbwwimt": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "No issues, universal truths." + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "The information provided about coming of age is plausible." + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "This is a general reflection on the concept of \u201ccoming of age,\u201d which is a widely recognized life stage." + ] + }, + "topic_194__tttottittt": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "No factually incorrect claims." + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "The information provided about the relationship between teachers and students is plausible." + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "This paragraph contains valid claims about the relationship between teachers and students and the importance of mutual respect, trust, and understanding in the educational process. The claims about teachers\u2019 roles, such as understanding the laws of learning, being aware of learning styles, and shaping students\u2019 future, align with widely recognized educational principles.\n\nhttps://www.researchgate.net/publication/378739043_The_Influence_of_Teacher-Student_Relationship_on_Students'_Learning " + ] + }, + "topic_196__miimtsbmiiiw": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "No factually incorrect claims." + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "The information provided about music is accurate and verifiable." + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "The claims in this paragraph are all supported by credible studies in music psychology and health.\nhttps://www.sciencedirect.com/book/9780123814609/the-psychology-of-music \nhttps://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC8316320/#:~:text=Musical%20properties%20may%20elicit%20benefits,stress%2C17%20and%20encouraging%20relaxation. " + ] + }, + "topic_202__jttthasttss": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. It's a fictional story." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. This is a story about a girl named Sakura." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "The paragraph tells a story about a young family and their daughter, Sakura, and there are no specific factual claims that can be verified." + ] + }, + "topic_214__wehotiwattfct": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "Factually correct." + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "The information provided about the general principles that can help parents raise children is plausible." + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "This paragraph includes a mixture of general advice and recommendations about raising children. The content is largely based on best practices and parenting philosophy." + ] + }, + "topic_218__ithittaipiot": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "Factually correct." + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "The comments made in the paragraph about the rise of ride-sharing apps, the decline of public transportation, and the importance of public transportation are plausible." + ], + "3": [ + "Minor Issue(s)", + "This paragraph includes a mix of personal observation and general claims, along with an analysis of the impact of ride-sharing apps on public transportation.\nThe claims about public transportation decline and specific issues (e.g., lateness, overcrowding) are generalized, and while many public transportation systems do face these challenges, the extent and specifics can vary by location.\nThe rise of ride-sharing apps like Uber and Lyft:\nhttps://www.kavout.com/market-lens/uber-vs-lyft-which-ride-share-giant-has-the-brighter-future " + ] + }, + "topic_233__pttfthitpt": { + "1": [ + "Clear Issue(s)", + "According to the World Bank's 2024 update, almost 700 million people (8.5 percent of the global population) live in extreme poverty - on less than $2.15 per day. So it's not 1.3 billion and not 1.90 per day. (https://www.worldbank.org/en/publication/poverty-prosperity-and-planet)" + ], + "2": [ + "Clear Issue(s)", + "The claim that \"The World Bank estimates that 1.3 billion people live in absolute poverty, meaning they live on less than $1.90 per day\" is false. According to https://www.worldbank.org/en/topic/poverty/overview, 8.5 percent of the global population \u2013 almost 700 million people \u2013 live today on less than $2.15 per day. The number provided by the paragraph is higher than the correct value." + ], + "3": [ + "Not Sure", + "All the factual claims made here are accurate based on existing research and reports. However, some details, such as the exact impact of poverty on crime, might require specific studies for deeper validation, but the general consensus supports the claims.\nhttps://www.worldbank.org/en/publication/poverty-and-shared-prosperity \nhttps://www.fao.org/interactive/state-of-food-security-nutrition/2021/en/ " + ] + }, + "topic_242__iiiiibiawws": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. It's a fictional story." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "This is a fictional story with no content to be assessed as factually correct or incorrect." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "This paragraph seems to be more of a personal reflection or subjective opinion rather than a factual claim. It\u2019s discussing the concept of aging and personal aspirations but does not present verifiable information that can be fact-checked." + ] + }, + "topic_263__jotjatjhwh": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. It's a fictional story." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. This is a story about John who explored an underground hole." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "This paragraph appears to be a fictional story or narrative that doesn\u2019t make factual claims but rather describes a series of imaginative events involving a character named John." + ] + }, + "topic_279__ittfwswtwhfp": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "Factually correct." + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "The claims made about the effects of social media are accurate." + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "This paragraph makes a number of factual claims about the effects of social media on information sharing, both positive and negative.\nSocial media allows us to connect with people : https://www.pewresearch.org/internet/2021/04/07/social-media-use-in-2021/ \nSocial media makes it easier to share personal experiences : https://insights.lifemanagementsciencelabs.com/authentic-self-expression-on-social-media/ \nSocial media can be a source of misinformation and disinformation: https://news.mit.edu/2018/study-twitter-false-news-travels-faster-true-stories-0308 " + ] + }, + "topic_283__titiyottaaita": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. It's a fictional story." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. This is a fictitious story about the spirit world." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "This paragraph appears to be fictional and falls under the category of creative storytelling. The references to a \u201cspirit world\u201d and fantastical elements such as flying, breathing underwater, and talking to animals are not based on verifiable facts and are instead a part of a fictional narrative." + ] + }, + "topic_2__osostsatstha": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. It's a fictional story." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. This is a story about Alice who attended a board game tournament." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "The paragraph is a fictional story and does not present factual information that can be verified." + ] + }, + "topic_335__aitahahtmrhip": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "Factually correct. Addiction treatment is not a cure, but a way of managing the condition, so the statement saying that there's no cure is correct in this way (https://nida.nih.gov/publications/drugs-brains-behavior-science-addiction/treatment-recovery)." + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "The claims made about addiction are accurate and verifiable." + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "All claims are factually accurate and supported by sources in the fields of addiction treatment, psychology, and public health." + ] + }, + "topic_337__aitttowtitoii": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "Factually correct (https://www.climateimpact.com/explore-projects/nature-based-solutions-projects/afforestation/)." + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "It is true that afforestation can help reduce noise pollution. The information can be considered plausible." + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "All claims are factual and supported by credible sources in environmental science, forestry, and economics.\n\nhttps://www.wri.org/forests " + ] + }, + "topic_339__titmtdtptoa": { + "1": [ + "Minor Issue(s)", + "As of 2018, about 700,000 people have died of HIV/AIDS in the United States since the beginning of the HIV/AIDS so the number of 650,000 seems to be too low (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HIV/AIDS_in_the_United_States). The rest is correct." + ], + "2": [ + "Not Sure", + "I could not verify the estimated number of people who died from AIDS since the pandemic began in the 1980s." + ], + "3": [ + "Minor Issue(s)", + "In 2023, an estimated 630 000 people died from HIV-related causes instead of 650 000 as announciated : https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/hiv-aids \nThen, all following claims are factual and accurate, supported by reputable sources in the fields of public health and HIV/AIDS advocacy.\nhttps://www.unaids.org/sites/default/files/media_asset/2024-unaids-global-aids-update-living-with-hiv_en.pdf \nhttps://www.britannica.com/topic/ACT-UP " + ] + }, + "topic_34__viclsiititlw": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "Although this is a fictional story it includes factually correct information." + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "The claims made about violence are plausible." + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "This paragraph shows a personal perspective on conflict resolution and parenting, which is commonly and widely accepted." + ] + }, + "topic_362__aaiatsioifyat": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "Factually correct." + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "The claims made in the paragraph about careers are plausible." + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "This paragraph is a summary of general advice on career planning." + ] + }, + "topic_364__osottnsnont": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. It's a fictional story." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. This is a fictitious story about Nandita who is from a low caste." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "This is a fictional story with no factual claims that can be verified. It may deal with real-world issues (like caste discrimination), but it\u2019s presented in a fictional context." + ] + }, + "topic_368__cctisseoseeese": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "Fictional story which touches slightly a topic of child labor which is indeed a serious problem." + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "Child labor is indeed a serious problem in many countries around the world. It is also true that children work in dangerous and unhealthy conditions and they are underpaid." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "While it addresses a serious and factual issue (child labor), the paragraph is part of a fictional story. The narrative is not based on real events, so factual verification isn\u2019t applicable here." + ] + }, + "topic_370__iiiwwiwwcilbc": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "Universal truths." + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "The claims made about childhood are plausible." + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "This paragraph is a reflection on the importance of childhood and the personal experiences and insights of the speaker." + ] + }, + "topic_373__diwiaiopata": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "This is factually correct as such campaign exist, but the last sentence is surely not an universal truth although this campaign helped a lot (https://gh.bmj.com/content/4/5/e001892)." + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "The claims made about the Clean India Campaign also known as Swachh Bharat Mission (SBM) are accurate." + ], + "3": [ + "Minor Issue(s)", + "This paragraph discusses the Clean India campaign, a real initiative in India aimed at improving cleanliness and sanitation. It includes claims about the campaign\u2019s goals, actions, and outcomes, but it doesn\u2019t provide specific sources or data to verify these claims. The generalization of outcomes and actions could be misleading without more concrete evidence or sources.\nhttps://gh.bmj.com/content/4/5/e001892 " + ] + }, + "topic_376__cisttowtasooba": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "No issues." + ], + "2": [ + "Minor Issue(s)", + "The claim that \"Studies have shown that students who attend co-educational schools tend to do better academically than students who attend single-sex schools\" seems to be inaccurate. According to https://www.researchgate.net/publication/374443883_Academic_Performance_of_Learners_at_Co-_and_Single_Sex_Schools_A_Case_of_Selected_Secondary_Schools_in_Kasama_District_of_Northern_Province_Zambia, it states that \"The findings reviewed that coeducation context does affect students' academic performance compared to single-sex schools in the sense that learners in single-sex schools seem to perform better academically.\"" + ], + "3": [ + "Minor Issue(s)", + "The claims about co-education and its effects are generally accurate, but they would benefit from more specific evidence or sources to back them up. Similarly, the mention of challenges such as bullying or managing different learning styles is valid but lacks references to studies or examples that support these points.\nhttps://ife.ens-lyon.fr/publications/edition-electronique/revue-francaise-de-pedagogie/RF171-5.pdf " + ] + }, + "topic_380__cnwowwartcb": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "The concepts around the conservation of natural resources, the importance of reducing consumption, recycling, composting, and using renewable energy sources like solar and wind power are all accurate." + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "The claims made about the conservation of natural resources are accurate and verifiable." + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "This paragraph presents accurate, well-established facts about the importance of natural resource conservation.\nhttps://www.unep.org/ \nhttps://www.nrel.gov/grid/renewable-energy-integration.html " + ] + }, + "topic_392__didtsdwydiiit": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "Factually correct." + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "The claims made about the art of dance are true and verifiable." + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "This paragraph accurately discusses the art of dance, its history, its different forms, and its various benefits. The statements made are supported by well-established knowledge in the fields of art, health, and social interaction.\nhttps://www.ndeo.org/ \nhttps://cvhealthclinic.com/news/dance-heart-health-benefits/#:~:text=Aerobic%20exercise%20like%20dance%20can,can%20lead%20to%20heart%20disease. " + ] + }, + "topic_393__diitopawhoiawdod": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "The general points mentioned in this paragraph are factually valid." + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "The claims made about democracy and dictatorship are true and verifiable." + ], + "3": [ + "Minor Issue(s)", + "While it\u2019s true that democracy can sometimes be slow and inefficient, it is also a system that allows for checks and balances to prevent unchecked power, which is often more of an issue in dictatorships. Similarly, dictatorship\u2019s efficiency often comes at the cost of personal freedoms and human rights, which is not adequately discussed in the paragraph.\nhttps://www.ipl.org/essay/Essay-On-Democracy-And-Dictatorship-PC28JLJK5U " + ] + }, + "topic_400__ihosthtsthastt": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. It's a fictional story." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. This is a story about a doctor and a patient who was suffering from pneumonia." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "This paragraph seems to be a fictional story and does not make any factual claims that can be verified." + ] + }, + "topic_41__stmiwimwimwtmiwi": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "This is a fictional story, but it includes factually correct information on hippie movement too." + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "The claims made in the play about the hippie movement of the 1960s and the role of music in the hippie movement are accurate." + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "This paragraph represents a fictional dialogue between two characters, set in a coffee shop during the 1960s, discussing the music and the cultural movement of the time." + ] + }, + "topic_421__osotaatesoe": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. It's a fictional story." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. This is a story about Alice and Eda about ethics." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "This paragraph is part of a fictional narrative. It doesn\u2019t present any factual claims, data, or events that need verification." + ] + }, + "topic_425__ittomaitthtoaa": { + "1": [ + "Minor Issue(s)", + "The general points are correct, but some information is nuanced. \"Many people in India do not know about the different methods of contraception, or they may be afraid to use them\": This statement holds some truth but is nuanced. There are some regions where education about contraception is limited, but the situation has significantly improved in urban areas and through government campaigns. (https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC3939094/)\n\n" + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "India surpassed China to become the most populous country in the world with a population of 1.4 billion according to https://www.worldometers.info/world-population/india-population/#:~:text=India%20population%20is%20equivalent%20to,1%2C275%20people%20per%20mi2). This paragraph may belong to a period when India was still the second most populous country and that why I have rated no issues." + ], + "3": [ + "Minor Issue(s)", + "The paragraph discusses family planning in India, outlining factors such as access to education, cultural preferences, and government programs. The claim that political will and resistance from religious groups pose challenges to family planning programs is generally correct but could be more specific. India has made significant strides in family planning, but regional differences, poverty, and entrenched cultural views continue to slow progress.\nhttps://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC3617912/?utm_source=chatgpt.com " + ] + }, + "topic_431__diaitoyaaift": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "The information presented aligns well with basic principles of financial literacy." + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "The claims made about financial literacy are accurate." + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "The paragraph discusses the concept of financial literacy, which is a well-established and factual topic." + ] + }, + "topic_437__tttiosaisididtsdd": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. It's a fictional story." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. This is a fictitious story about the forest." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "The paragraph doesn\u2019t contain any factual claims or data, nor does it reference real-world information that can be verified. It is simply a creative story that doesn\u2019t require a factual evaluation." + ] + }, + "topic_444__osbtotasass": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. It's a fictional story." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. This is a story about Alice who loves mathematics." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "This is a fictional narrative, it doesn\u2019t contain any verifiable factual claims, but rather presents a story that illustrates a personal journey." + ] + }, + "topic_445__gitthgitbo": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "Factually correct." + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "The claims made about gender equality are accurate." + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "All the claims in this paragraph align with well-established facts. The suggestion that it is possible to address gender inequality through laws, policy changes, and social efforts is also supported by historical and ongoing initiatives globally.\nhttps://www.un.org/sustainabledevelopment/gender-equality/ \nhttps://www.weforum.org/publications/global-gender-gap-report-2023/ " + ] + }, + "topic_44__witotitthi": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "Factually correct (https://www.htt.io/learning-center/water-usage-in-the-agricultural-industry)." + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "The claims made about water are accurate and verifiable. It is true that irrigation accounts for over 70% of global water consumption and is the most common use of water." + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "The claims made in this paragraph about water usage and scarcity are accurate and widely documented.\nhttps://www.fao.org/aquastat/en/data-analysis/irrig-water-use/irrig-water-requirement \nhttps://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/drinking-water " + ] + }, + "topic_453__giwgiitiiegi": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "These statements are generally true." + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "The claims made about gratitude are plausible." + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "The ideas about gratitude, its benefits, and how it can improve one\u2019s life are generally recognized and correct." + ] + }, + "topic_456__hithitoafwiat": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "These statements are generally true." + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "The claims made about happiness are plausible." + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "The reflection on happiness and advice is generally accepted." + ] + }, + "topic_461__thbotbyiiwaee": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "These statements are generally true." + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "This paragraph is about health and hygiene tips to keep people healthy and safe." + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "The information provided in the passage about hygiene tips is generally well-known." + ] + }, + "topic_462__hihmthithbot": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "The information is factually accurate and aligns with common health education practices and objectives." + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "The claims in the paragraph about health education are accurate and verifiable." + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "This paragraph provides general health advice regarding hygiene practices and lifestyle habits that can help prevent illness, particularly during cold and flu season.\nhttps://www.cdc.gov/respiratory-viruses/prevention/precautions-when-sick.html \nhttps://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC9772031/ \nhttps://www.nhlbi.nih.gov/health/sleep/why-sleep-important " + ] + }, + "topic_464__aiitptiptisam": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "Factually correct." + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "The claims made about a healthy lifestyle and its benefits are accurate and verifiable." + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "This paragraph provides general advice about living a healthy lifestyle and outlines its benefits for physical, mental, and emotional well-being. The claims made are consistent with widely accepted health recommendations and research.\nhttps://paahjournal.com/ \nhttps://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/healthy-lifestyle-5-keys-to-a-longer-life-2018070514186 " + ] + }, + "topic_468__hhwttfwoihifos": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "Factually correct." + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "The claims made about honesty are accurate." + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "This paragraph offers general advice about the importance of honesty and outlines its benefits for personal and interpersonal well-being." + ] + }, + "topic_471__isssiiwsi": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. It's a fictional story." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. This is a person telling their story about improving the lives of workers in developing countries." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "This paragraph describes a personal anecdote about witnessing child labor and the subsequent efforts to improve the situation for workers in developing countries. While the story is compelling and highlights a real issue, it contains subjective elements and lacks specific verifiable data." + ] + }, + "topic_479__oshbotasissaiwt": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. It's a fictional story." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. This is a story about Alice who is lazy and how she changed her life." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "This paragraph seems to be more of a fictional narrative aimed at imparting a moral lesson, rather than making factual claims." + ] + }, + "topic_481__ithiiityjei": { + "1": [ + "Minor Issue(s)", + "In the past, people did not know the importance of exercise - this is incorrect, sport has always been important in human history (source: https://www.artofmanliness.com/health-fitness/fitness/the-history-of-physical-fitness/, https://www.polar.com/en/journal/physical-culture-history?srsltid=AfmBOopyUjba_hv2Snty6Zqqc7ftZIaqgcX12hfuGAOJjhpUzHZFEM59)" + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "The claims made about the importance of exercises are accurate and verifiable." + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "Given the scientific basis for the claims in this paragraph, I would rate this as No Issues because the information is factual, accurate, and supported by reputable sources.\nhttps://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/physical-activity \nhttps://www.cdc.gov/nchs/fastats/exercise.htm " + ] + }, + "topic_482__oshotaswtas": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. It's a fictional story." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. This is a fictitious story about Anya who discovered a large white house in the forest." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "This paragraph seems to be a fictional narrative with no factual claims or real-world references." + ] + }, + "topic_485__gipttiwutptpt": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "This paragraph is rather subjective, but it consists of generally factually correct information besides the subjective statements." + ], + "2": [ + "Minor Issue(s)", + "The claim that \"Unfortunately, good manners are not always taught in schools\" does not seem to be accurate. Although there isn't a unit called good manners in schools, schools often teach learners to be overall well-rounded students who are responsible, disciplined, and well-behaved." + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "This paragraph provides a subjective view on the importance of good manners and discusses their perceived decline in modern society." + ] + }, + "topic_487__tantfatotatinbo": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "The statement is generally factually accurate." + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "The claims made about the importance of national integration are plausible." + ], + "3": [ + "Not Sure", + "While the paragraph presents general claims about national integration, these claims are not backed by specific sources, data, or studies. As such, it would be difficult to be proved." + ] + }, + "topic_489__stsattnifisttfsti": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "This paragraph is factually correct." + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "The claims made about the importance of sports and the tips one should consider when one wants to get involved in sports are plausible." + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "The claims in this paragraph are generally supported by well-known benefits of physical activity and sports." + ] + }, + "topic_490__tttimtttisiyytb": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "This paragraph is factually correct." + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "The claims made about trees, their benefits, and planting trees are accurate." + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "The claims made about trees and their benefits align with general knowledge and widely accepted scientific facts. \nhttps://www.nationalforests.org/blog/a-breath-of-fresh-air-how-trees-help-mitigate-climate-change# \nhttps://www.epa.gov/soakuptherain/soak-rain-trees-help-reduce-runoff# " + ] + }, + "topic_4__osohwsiwoit": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "This is a fictional story, but it includes some factually correct information on sexuality." + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "The claims made about sexuality are plausible." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "Since this narrative involves a character\u2019s personal experience and no verifiable claims about the real world are made, it falls under fictional storytelling and does not contain factual data or claims that can be verified." + ] + }, + "topic_509__lttbtibtyyottb": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "These are quite subjective statements about living in a big city, can't be factually verified." + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "The claims made about life in a big city, its pros and cons are plausible." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "This paragraph presents a subjective reflection on life in a big city, discussing both the excitement and challenges that come with urban living. These are general observations and not factual claims supported by data or specific examples." + ] + }, + "topic_510__stswtttsittss": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "This paragraph is factually correct." + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "The claims made about soldiers, their motivation for joining the service, and the challenges they face are plausible." + ], + "3": [ + "Minor Issue(s)", + "While these claims are broadly true, they are generalizations that may not apply universally to every soldier. For instance, not all soldiers may be motivated by patriotism, adventure, or self-improvement, and soldiers\u2019 experiences vary widely depending on the country, military branch, and specific context. Furthermore, the statement about soldiers being \u201cexpendable\u201d in the past is a bit broad and lacks specificity or historical context.\nhttps://www.armyupress.army.mil/Journals/NCO-Journal/Archives/2024/September/Purpose-Direction-Motivation/ " + ] + }, + "topic_515__mitmtiotbifsam": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "These are general statements about marriage." + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "The claims made about marriage, its benefits, and challenges are plausible." + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "This paragraph presents a personal perspective on marriage and its benefits that can be correct and acceptable for many people." + ] + }, + "topic_523__iwtittwwiewsb": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "These are general statements about mothers." + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "The claims about motherhood are plausible." + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "Since the content is primarily based on reflections about motherhood and the information is generally accepted by many people." + ] + }, + "topic_528__ottohhtthhpt": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. It's a fictional story." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. This is a story about a village that was known for its delicious pizza." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "This paragraph appears to be fictional. It doesn\u2019t include any factual claims or verifiable information but rather weaves a narrative for storytelling." + ] + }, + "topic_538__tstftittiat": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "No issues with this paragraph." + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "The claims made about natural resources and their impacts are true and verifiable." + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "This paragraph presents factual claims regarding the distribution of natural resources, their impact on societies, and environmental concerns. These are supported by general knowledge of geography, economics, and environmental science.\nhttps://www.oneplanetnetwork.org/SDG-12/natural-resource-use-environmental-impacts\nhttps://www.theguardian.com/environment/2024/sep/12/consumerism-and-the-climate-crisis-threaten-equitable-future-for-humanity-report-says " + ] + }, + "topic_53__itoisttlthls": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. It's a fictional story." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. This is a fictitious story about Lawita who lives in the forests of gold and discovers a strange object that could harness the power of the stars." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "This paragraph appears to be a work of fiction." + ] + }, + "topic_546__oitthfoitti": { + "1": [ + "Minor Issue(s)", + "The report mentioned in the paragraph can't be found online, however, some statements can still be checked factually. \"Obesity is the fifth leading cause of death globally\" \u2013 This may not be entirely accurate. The World Health Organization (WHO) and other health organizations acknowledge that obesity is a significant risk factor for many diseases that lead to death (such as heart disease, diabetes, etc.), but it is not always ranked specifically as the \"fifth leading cause of death.\" (source: https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/the-top-10-causes-of-death) \"The U.S. government released its first-ever National Strategy for Childhood Obesity in July 2023\" \u2013 As of now, no such report has been released by the U.S. government in July 2023." + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "The claims made in the paragraph about obesity and the statistics of obesity including that it is the fifth cause of death globally, factors that contribute to obesity, negative effects of obesity, and the U.S. National Strategy for Childhood Obesity are accurate and verifiable." + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "This paragraph contains several factual claims about obesity, its impact on public health, and the World Health Organization (WHO) report from July 2023. \nhttps://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/obesity-and-overweight \nhttps://books.google.fr/books?hl=fr&lr=&id=86IOEQAAQBAJ&oi=fnd&pg=PA1&dq=World+Health+Organization+(WHO)+2023+report+on+obesity+and+public+health&ots=ESvMCOFSlS&sig=VgcdYbIibcZcSkTwsi1zAe-ZMi0#v=onepage&q=World%20Health%20Organization%20(WHO)%202023%20report%20on%20obesity%20and%20public%20health&f=false " + ] + }, + "topic_55__wtottuttihcdd": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "Provided information is factually correct (source: https://rabbits.world/en/magazine/habitat-rabbit/)." + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "The claims made about wild rabbits and their ability to adapt to their surroundings are accurate and verifiable." + ], + "3": [ + "Minor Issue(s)", + "While the paragraph accurately states that wild rabbits can adapt and survive in various habitats, it fails to mention that some species, like the European rabbit, have become invasive in many parts of the world, especially outside their native range. The European rabbit\u2019s introduction to areas like Australia has had severe negative impacts on local ecosystems, contributing to soil erosion, damaging vegetation, and displacing native species. This could be an issue, because it presents an incomplete picture of wild rabbits\u2019 ecological impact. Plus, the Eastern Cottontail, can outcompete native species for resources, as well as negatively affect ecosystems, such as the Garry Oak ecosystems on Vancouver Island.\nhttps://columbiashuswapinvasives.org/invasive-species/aquatic-and-other-invasive-species/invasive-mammals-and-birds/european-and-cottontail-rabbits/ " + ] + }, + "topic_55__wttuttihcdd": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "Provided information is factually correct (source: https://rabbits.world/en/magazine/habitat-rabbit/)." + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "The claims made about wild rabbits and their ability to adapt to their surroundings are accurate and verifiable." + ], + "3": [ + "Minor Issue(s)", + "While the paragraph accurately states that wild rabbits can adapt and survive in various habitats, it fails to mention that some species, like the European rabbit, have become invasive in many parts of the world, especially outside their native range. The European rabbit\u2019s introduction to areas like Australia has had severe negative impacts on local ecosystems, contributing to soil erosion, damaging vegetation, and displacing native species. This could be an issue, because it presents an incomplete picture of wild rabbits\u2019 ecological impact. Plus, the Eastern Cottontail, can outcompete native species for resources, as well as negatively affect ecosystems, such as the Garry Oak ecosystems on Vancouver Island.\nhttps://columbiashuswapinvasives.org/invasive-species/aquatic-and-other-invasive-species/invasive-mammals-and-birds/european-and-cottontail-rabbits/ " + ] + }, + "topic_56__ossohhattfttaiw": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. It's a fictional story." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. This is a story about Anna and Luka who fell in love." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "This paragraph falls into the fictional or narrative category, and it\u2019s not appropriate to label it as true or false." + ] + }, + "topic_572__aeipittitpw": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "There is nothing factually inaccurate in the passage." + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "The claims made about poverty are plausible." + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "While parts of the text are subjective (personal experience and feelings), the factual claims about poverty and its causes are accurates.\nhttps://pip.worldbank.org/country-profiles/IND \nhttps://hdr.undp.org/content/poverty-and-human-development-india " + ] + }, + "topic_573__issssessassb": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. It's a fictional story." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. This is a story about Sarah who got a job in a company that was dedicated to preventing global warming." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "This paragraph falls into the fictional or anecdotal category rather than a factual claim." + ] + }, + "topic_593__sbgwbgwbwwgi": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. It's a fictional story." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "This is a fictional passage." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "The passage is not based on specific data or factual statements but rather highlights an opinion-based dialogue on youth participation in nation-building." + ] + }, + "topic_599__tttutatoaweb": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "Provided information is fully accurate." + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "The claims made about tigers and their extinction status are accurate and verifiable." + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "This paragraph presents factual claims about tigers and their role in ecosystems, as well as the threats they face. \nhttps://www.worldwildlife.org/species/tiger " + ] + }, + "topic_601__otbtttossawsaihawe": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. It's a fictional story." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made.This is a story about a village that was facing drought." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "This type of narrative can be seen as an allegory or a moral story, which doesn\u2019t need to be factually accurate but is designed to convey a lesson or message." + ] + }, + "topic_61__siiitatoait": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "Factually correct information on depression." + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "The claims made about depression disorder are accurate and verifiable." + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "This paragraph can be rated as No Issues based on the general factual claims it makes about depression, such as its symptoms and contributing factors. However, it still includes some subjective points related to the growing awareness of depression. \nhttps://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC3330161/ " + ] + }, + "topic_63__iitcwihttiiciw": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "Factually correct information." + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "The claims made about interpersonal conflicts, causes, and healthy ways to deal with conflict are accurate." + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "This passage is about interpersonal conflict and relationship management which is generally accepted." + ] + }, + "topic_678__rrrhtsririst": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "Factually correct information." + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "The claims made about religion, the main religions in the world, and their role in society are accurate and verifiable." + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "The content is factual and broadly accurate. It provides a neutral description of religion, covering both its potential benefits (comfort, community, guidance) and drawbacks (justifying violence, discrimination). \nhttps://www.britannica.com/topic/religion \nhttps://oxfordre.com/politics/display/10.1093/acrefore/9780190228637.001.0001/acrefore-9780190228637-e-898?d=%2F10.1093%2Facrefore%2F9780190228637.001.0001%2Facrefore-9780190228637-e-898&p=emailAu7OZbjgUz6F6 " + ] + }, + "topic_76__osbttsssth": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "This is a fictional story, but the description is generally factually accurate in terms of basic self-defense principles." + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "The claim that \"If you're ever attacked, turn and face your attacker in self-defense\" is accurate." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "It\u2019s a narrative that highlights a self-defense scenario, which may not be based on any real event, but more of an example or illustration." + ] + }, + "topic_77__iiioitiiwliy": { + "1": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "No factual claims are made. It's a fictional story." + ], + "2": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "This is a fictional story so no factual claims can be assessed." + ], + "3": [ + "N/A - Not Applicable", + "The paragraph does not present verifiable facts or research, but rather provides insights into the emotional and personal aspects of dating after divorce." + ] + }, + "topic_80__ahatittfwww": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "All information provided is factually correct." + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "The claims made about the effects of climate change on oceans and fish, the role of fish in the ecosystem, and actions to be taken to reduce climate change and protect fish populations are accurate and verifiable." + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "This paragraph provides several factual claims related to the impact of climate change on fish populations, and the contribution of agriculture and forestry to climate change. It also discusses potential actions to mitigate the problem.\nhttps://www.ipcc.ch/srocc/ \nhttps://www.noaa.gov/education/resource-collections/ocean-coasts/ocean-acidification " + ] + }, + "topic_81__ttftiifhtt": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "Information provided is factually correct." + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "The claims made about arts and entertainment, their benefits, and the challenges are plausible." + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "Given that all the claims are factually supported by existing data and observations, I would rate this paragraph as \u201cNo Issues\u201d.\n\nhttps://www.arts.gov/news/press-releases/2023/new-data-show-economic-activity-us-arts-cultural-sector-2021 \nhttps://www.statista.com/statistics/237749/value-of-the-global-entertainment-and-media-market/ " + ] + }, + "topic_85__iiimiptsptifdoy": { + "1": [ + "No Issues", + "The information provided in the text is factually accurate and aligns with well-established knowledge on pet ownership and its benefits." + ], + "2": [ + "No Issues", + "The claims made about pets, the benefits of having pets, and the considerations about getting pets are accurate and verifiable." + ], + "3": [ + "No Issues", + "This paragraph contains both subjective reflections and factual claims.\nPets helping with loneliness, depression, and anxiety: \nhttps://www.cdc.gov/healthy-pets/about/index.html#:~:text=There%20are%20many%20health%20benefits,and%20depression%20by%20providing%20companionship." + ] + } +} \ No newline at end of file