diff --git "a/smolsent/en_ny.jsonl" "b/smolsent/en_ny.jsonl" --- "a/smolsent/en_ny.jsonl" +++ "b/smolsent/en_ny.jsonl" @@ -1,863 +1,863 @@ -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 0, "src": "It allows me to work by following my vibes and molding my teaching style to the learning style of the audience.", "trg": "Zimandithandiza kugwira ntchito potsatira zomwe zili zabwino kwa ine komanso kuti njira yanga yophunzitsira igwirizane ndi m'mene omvera amafunira."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 1, "src": "The unrelenting soul-force of those who would hold us accountable blows that all away.", "trg": "Mphamvu ya moyo yosalekeza ya amene amatiimba mlandu yachotsa zinthu zonsezo."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 2, "src": "When taken regularly in therapeutic doses, ginger root can effectively cure nausea;", "trg": "Ukagwiritsidwa ntchito nthawi ndi nthawi ngati mankhwala, muzu wa ginger ukhoza kuchiza nseru;"} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 3, "src": "They accomplished their goals and created a legacy of self-determination to which others may aspire.", "trg": "Anakwaniritsa zolinga zawo ndipo ali ndi mbiri yoti sabwerera m'mbuyo yomwe anthu ena amaisirira."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 4, "src": "But faster economic activity could also translate into some degree of inflation.", "trg": "Nkhani zachuma zikamayenda mofulumira kwambiri zimatanthauzanso kuti zinthu zikwera mitengo."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 5, "src": "The main characteristics a stone should possess are uniform surface, grain, and density.", "trg": "Mwala umafunika kukhala wosasiyana kwambiri kunja kwake, wolimba komanso wolemera."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 6, "src": "Lettuce, no matter the variety, is considered a cool-weather crop.", "trg": "Letisi, kaya akhale wamtundu wotani, amadziwika kuti ndi mbewu ya ku malo ozizira."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 7, "src": "It was a trick to lure foolish humans to an ogre who would teach them a very valuable lesson.", "trg": "Unali msampha wokoma munthu wopusa kuti apatsidwe phunziro ndi chiphona."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 8, "src": "Just to clarify, though, assertive is not the same as aggressive or arrogant.", "trg": "Tinenenso bwino kuti, kufotokoza maganizo ako sikutanthauza kukangana kapena kuchita makani."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 9, "src": "The bus, normally crowded, was stunningly nearly empty at this hour.", "trg": "Basi yomwe nthawi zambiri imadzaza panopa ili ndi anthu ochepa kwambiri."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 10, "src": "She can do things with her tongue most of us can't even fathom, like touch her elbow or lick her own ear.", "trg": "Amapanga zinthu zina ndi lilime lake zomwe ife sitingathe, mwachitsanzo amanyambita chigongono chake komanso khutu lake."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 11, "src": "He ran a dairy herd, kept sheep, and grew potatoes, cereals, and wheat-straw for thatching.", "trg": "Ankaweta ng'ombe zamkaka ndi nkhosa, ankalima mbatata, mbewu ngati tirigu komanso kufolera nyumba ndi mapesi a tirigu."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 12, "src": "Each step unleashed a waft of that divine scent, filling my lungs with pure bliss.", "trg": "Sitepe iliyonse inkabweretsa kafungo kabwino kwambiri, kamene kankachititsa kuti ndizimva bwino m'mapapo anga."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 13, "src": "Lower population means a lower chance of having an accident in addition to fewer liability claims.", "trg": "Anthu akachepa ndiye kuti sipangakhale ngozi zambiri ndipo milandu imachepa."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 14, "src": "We\u2019ll be glad to provide expert advice to assist you with how much you can comfortably afford to borrow.", "trg": "Tikhoza kukupatsani malangizo ochokera kwa akatswiri okuthandizani kuzindikira kuti mungabwereke zochuluka bwanji."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 15, "src": "The works span the gamut from medicine to astronomy, from Quranic exegesis to philosophy and poetry.", "trg": "Ntchitoyi ndi yosiyanasiyana kuyambira pa zamankhwala kufika zakuthambo komanso kuyambira za mu Korani kufika za nzeru za anthu komanso ndakatulo."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 16, "src": "Adaptability - flexible, agile mindset, optimistic approach;", "trg": "Kusintha, kukhala wololera, maganizo atcheru komanso kusataya mtima."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 17, "src": "Being grateful is showing appreciation with kindness, whereas being thankful is simply being pleased and relieved.", "trg": "Kuyamikira kumatanthauza kuthokoza komanso kukoma mtima koma kuthokoza kumatanthauza kusangalala ndiponso kumva bwino mumtima."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 18, "src": "Add these ingredients: oil, white wine vinegar, salt, and freshly ground black pepper.", "trg": "Muikemo zinthu izi: mafuta, viniga woyera, mchere ndiponso tsabola wakuda wopera kumene."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 19, "src": "Make the best of it before we depart for the airport in the early afternoon and bid farewell to Mauritius.", "trg": "Mugwiritse ntchito bwino tisananyamuke kupita ku eyapoti masanawa n'kuchoka ku Mauritius."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 20, "src": "With amazing enthusiasm they are at work, and wherever I pass they wave and greet with a loud call.", "trg": "Amagwira ntchito mwakhama ndipo ndikamadutsa amandibayibitsa komanso kundipatsa moni mokweza mawu."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 21, "src": "He is a symbol of a passionate but very frustrated, even misguided, leader.", "trg": "Amaoneka kuti ndi mtsogoleri wachikondi koma wagwiritsidwa mwala kapena kusocheretsedwa."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 22, "src": "The book's title was \"Time to Assess Invalid Ideas.\"", "trg": "Bukulo mutu wake unali wakuti \"nthawi younikanso maganizo osathandiza\""} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 23, "src": "Therefore, before you take on a permanent relationship, consider a trial run.", "trg": "Choncho musanayambe ubwenzi wokhalitsa, ndi bwino kuyesa kaye."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 24, "src": "Hence, every food item made of grain got scarcer, rural income declined, and every farmer fell deeper into debt.", "trg": "Zotsatira zake, zakudya zinayamba kusowa, kumudzi ndalama sizinkapezeka ndipo mlimi aliyense anali ndi ngongole."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 25, "src": "The peculiar thing about a trauma anniversary is that you share it with someone horrible.", "trg": "Chochititsa chidwi ndi tsiku lokumbukira zinthu zoopsa ndi choti umakumukira ndi munthu woopsanso."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 26, "src": "Buddha, in one of his famous quotes, pointed out that the origin of suffering is precisely attachment.", "trg": "Buddha, ananena mawu ena otchuka akuti mavuto amabwera chifukwa kwenikweni cha chikondi."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 27, "src": "But I forgot the initially set password with all the excitement.", "trg": "Ndinaiwala pasiwedi imene ndinaika chifukwa chosangalala kwambiri."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 28, "src": "Standard glow paint, weather-resistant acrylic paint brand delivering rich bold color markers!", "trg": "Penti yowala bwino, yosasuluka chifukwa cha nyengo ndiponso yooneka patali!"} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 29, "src": "Neither row number nor column letter in an absolute reference will change.", "trg": "Nambala yake kapena chilembo chake, zothandiza kudziwa malo amene zili, sizidzasintha."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 30, "src": "Thus, the connection between relationship status and exercise has received significant research attention.", "trg": "N'chifukwa chimenecho, kugwirizana pakati pa mmene ubwenzi ulili ndi masewera olimbitsa thupi kwachititsa kuti pakhale kafukufuku."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 31, "src": "We treat behavioral problems, emotional distress, cognitive loss, prolonged grief reactions, and severe mental illness.", "trg": "Timathandiza anthu amene ali ndi vuto la nkhawa, kusokonezeka maganizo, kumva chisoni nthawi yaitali komanso matenda amaganizo aakulu."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 32, "src": "So, considering the ratio of net value added to gross output does not yield a complete picture.", "trg": "Choncho tikangoganizira zimene zonse zimene zatuluka ndi zimene tatsala nazo sitingakhale ndi chithunzi chonse."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 33, "src": "You can also work with a virtual assistant or someone in your company who can create your resume from scratch.", "trg": "Mukhoza kuthandizana ndi munthu wina kudzera pa zipangizo zamakono kapena wa pa kampani yanu kuti muyambe kupanga CV yanu."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 34, "src": "Fabulous amenities including resort style pool, fitness center, club room and outdoor entertainment area.", "trg": "Kuli zinthu zambiri zabwino monga malo osambirapo, malo ochitira masewera olimbitsa thupi, malo omwera komanso malo ochezera apanja."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 35, "src": "The grave-digging is a very important aspect of the Koireng funeral ceremony.", "trg": "Kukumba manda ndi mwambo wofunika kwambiri pa maliro a Akoireng."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 36, "src": "As images of the perfectly rational Creator, humans strive for internal consistency.", "trg": "Popeza ndi chifaniziro cha Mlengi wangwiro, anthu amayesetsa kuti akhale ndi mtima wa chilungamo."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 37, "src": "At thirty years of age a girl is actually currently 15 years past her child-bearing prime.", "trg": "Mtsikana akafika zaka makumi atatu amakhala kuti wadutsa ndi zaka 15 msinkhu wabwino woberekera ana."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 38, "src": "Half of Hook\u2019s crew was already gone, and the remaining few were so drunk they could barely stand.", "trg": "Hafu ya anthu a Hook inali itapita kale ndipo ochepa amene anatsala anali ataledzera kwambiri moti sankatha kuima."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 39, "src": "He's fun, funny, clever, generous and absolutely wonderful company.", "trg": "Iye ndi wosangalatsa, woseketsa, wochenjera, wopatsa komanso wabwino kwambiri kukhala naye."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 40, "src": "Imagine not worrying about urinary tract infection, painful bladder stones, or aggressive kidney diseases.", "trg": "Tangoganizani, osaderanso nkhawa za mavuto a njira ya mkodzo, timiyala ta m'chikhodzodzo kapena matenda a impso."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 41, "src": "I was proud to beat my opponent with a witness present.", "trg": "Ndinasangalala kugonjetsa mdani wanga mboni ilipo."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 42, "src": "Treatment options depend on the duration or frequency of ear symptoms.", "trg": "Chithandizo chake chimadalira kuti zizindikiro za m'makutu zakhalapo kwa nthawi yaitali bwanji."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 43, "src": "This Toyota facility employed approximately 150 employees during the beginning of its operation.", "trg": "Kampani ya Toyota iyi inalemba anthu 150 itangoyamba kumene."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 44, "src": "Who can forget the oreo cookie and peanut butter challenge?", "trg": "Ndani angaiwale mpikisano wa mabisiketi a oreo ndi chiponde?"} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 45, "src": "Furthermore, sweep, dust, or vacuum it regularly and occasionally wipe your cork flooring with a damp mop.", "trg": "Komanso, muzisesa, kuchotsa fumbi pafupipafupi komanso kukolopa matailosi anu."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 46, "src": "For a while, I was like the parrot trapped in the corporate cage of money and a prosperous future.", "trg": "Kwanthawi ndithu, ndinali ngati mbalame imene yatsekeredwa muchiteretere cha ndalama ndi tsogolo lowala."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 47, "src": "During their extended game of tag, one of them darted inside a small cave near the summit of an unknown hill.", "trg": "Mkati mwa masewera awo okokana, wina anagwera mphanga la pafupi ndi phiri lina losadziwika."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 48, "src": "Either abandon the thread, admit defeat, or continue digging yourself into this hole.", "trg": "Siyani chingwecho, vomerezani kuti mwagonja kapena pitirizani kudzikumbira dzenje."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 49, "src": "Due to this fact, it is usually crucial to track down a subject that you are passionate about.", "trg": "Malinga ndi mfundo imeneyi, ndi zofunika kwambiri kuti mufufuze nkhani imene mumaikonda kwambiri."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 50, "src": "Let\u2019s reject, break and bind the forces that seek to control and pervert the destiny of Nigeria.", "trg": "Tiyeni tikane, tiphwanye komanso timange mphamvu zimene zikulamulira komanso kusokoneza tsogolo la Nigeria."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 51, "src": "This particular sunset (header photo) appeared during our recent brief warm spell.", "trg": "Dzuwa linalowa chonchi (chithunzi choyambirira) pamene tinali m'nyengo yotentha."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 52, "src": "Some might prefer early morning while others prefer late night.", "trg": "Ena angakonde nthawi ya m'mawa pomwe ena angakonde usiku."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 53, "src": "The injured boy lost consciousness and fell to the pavement and his blood imbued the road dust.", "trg": "Mnyamata wovulalayo anakomoka n'kugwera munjira ndipo pansi panali magazi okhaokha."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 54, "src": "Pineapple sage (Salvia elegans) is an underrated herb in the garden.", "trg": "Pineapple sage (Salvia elegans) ndi masamba amene anthu sawakonda."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 55, "src": "Secondly, the official stamp of approval is the kiss of death for any genuine viral campaign.", "trg": "Chachiwiri, akangodinda chidindo chovomereza ndiye kuti kampeni iliyonse ithera pomwepo."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 56, "src": "Volunteer somewhere: a soup kitchen, a clothing closet, a homeless shelter.", "trg": "Dziperekeni penapake, khitchini yabwino, moika zovala, komanso malo ogona."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 57, "src": "We pay special attention to adjust our development approach according to your main aim.", "trg": "Timayesetsa kusintha njira zochitira chitukuko kuti zigwirizane ndi zolinga zanu."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 58, "src": "The incentive structure was bad, and the manager was entitled and impatient, so my colleague resigned.", "trg": "Panalibe zinthu zokopa, oyang'anira anali odzimva komanso osaleza mtima, choncho anzanga anasiya ntchito."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 59, "src": "Either way, use the full amount to ensure its sour flavors come through.", "trg": "Mulimonsemo, mugwiritse ntchito zokwanira kuti kuwawasa kuzimveka."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 60, "src": "And how does a single strike to the chin manage to render her unconscious?", "trg": "Zikutheka bwanji kuti kungomumenya kamodzi pa chibwano akomoke?"} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 61, "src": "Typical clinical signs begin with mild lethargy, reduced feed intake, slight cough, nasal discharge and a fever.", "trg": "Zizindikiro zina zimayamba ndi mphwayi, kusadya, kukhosomola pang'ono, chimfine ndiponso kutentha thupi."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 62, "src": "And his silent preparation and patient endurance is heroic.", "trg": "Kukonzekera mwakachetechete komanso kupirira kwake kwamuthandiza kuti achite zazikulu."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 63, "src": "Listening comprehension lessons should emphasize conscious memory work.", "trg": "Kumvetsera maphunziro omvetsa nkhani kumathandiza munthu kuti azikumbukira zinthu."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 64, "src": "Myth and reality, the moody and the magnificent mingle to create the perfect backdrop for bloody murder.", "trg": "Nthano ndi zinthu zenizeni, kugwirizana kwa munthu wokhumudwa ndi wochititsa chidwi zingachititse kuti pakhale kuphana koopsa."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 65, "src": "The accommodation comprises an open-plan reception room, a master bedroom, and a bathroom with a bath and separate shower unit.", "trg": "Malo ake ali ndi balasa labwino, chipinda chogona, bafa komanso malo ena okhala ndi shawa yosambira."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 66, "src": "If it is the incorrect amount, have the vendor revise the invoice.", "trg": "Ngati ndalamazo zalakwika auzeni avendawo kuti akonze inivoisi."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 67, "src": "Peace brings along its buddies joy, strength, hope, and faith.", "trg": "Mtendere umabweretsa chimwemwe, mphamvu, chiyembekezo ndi chikhulupiriro."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 68, "src": "They should look for those things that inspire dedication, loyalty, honor and dignity.", "trg": "Azifufuza zinthu zimene zimalimbikitsa kudzipereka, kukhulupirika, ulemu ndiponso kulemekezeka."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 69, "src": "It helps not to waste precious daytime hours and to save money for accommodation.", "trg": "Zidzathandiza kuti tisataye nthawi komanso tipulumutse ndalama za malo ogona."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 70, "src": "Easy to use, all you have to do is push down on the bait cup and twist it one-quarter of the way around.", "trg": "N'chosavuta, mungofunika kukankhira pansi chokhala ndi nyambo yake n'kupinda pang'ono."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 71, "src": "She's a dancer, avid concert-goer, foreign language nerd and book worm.", "trg": "Amavina bwino, amakonda kupita kumakonsati, amaphunzira msanga zilankhulo zatsopano komanso amakonda kuwerenga."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 72, "src": "One of her paws has peach-colored toes, and she has a whisper of peach on her chin and one cheek.", "trg": "Zala zake zina ndi zotuwa mwachikasu ndipo mtundu umenewu ulinso pa chibwano ndi patsaya."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 73, "src": "According to the initial findings, Bilici died of a heart attack.", "trg": "Malinga ndi kafukufuku woyamba, Bilici anafa ndi matenda a mtima."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 74, "src": "Dr. Carter enjoys playing basketball, street hockey, flag football, golf and running.", "trg": "Dr. Carter amakonda kusewera basketball, hokey, mpira wamiyendo, gofu komanso kuthamanga."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 75, "src": "She focuses on improvement as developing self-motivation to help pursue the student\u2019s dream and goals.", "trg": "Amaika maganizo ake pa kuthandiza ophunzira kuti azilimbikira paokha komanso azichita bwino n'kukwaniritsa zolinga zawo."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 76, "src": "It\u2019s impossible to resist that dirty, skinny, precious four-legged shadow who peers at you from beneath the bushes.", "trg": "N'zosatheka kupewa chithunzithunzi chonyansa, chowonda komanso chamiyendo inayi chomwe chimakuyang'anitsitsa m'tchire."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 77, "src": "Generally speaking, private equity refers to angel and venture capital.", "trg": "Kunena zoona, kuti munthu agule kampani amafunika kukhala ndi mpamba wabwino."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 78, "src": "Mama reaches in the envelope and pulls out a letter written in a deliberate, thoughtful script.", "trg": "Amayi anatsegula enivelopu n'kutulutsa kalata imene inalembedwa bwino komanso mosonyeza kuganizira ena."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 79, "src": "Once they arrive, our urgent plumber will diagnose the issue and rapidly repair the leak or burst pipe.", "trg": "Akangofika, pulambala wathu wachangu adzafufuza vuto n'kukonza nthawi yomweyo paipi yomwe yawonongeka."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 80, "src": "Even having a whale swallow him failed to grant any perspective.", "trg": "Ngakhale mutati amezedwe ndi chinsomba sipangakhale chiyembekezo chilichonse."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 81, "src": "With the advent of sophisticated surveillance and technological innovation, a level of caution must be exercised.", "trg": "Popeza pali makamera ndi zinthu zina za luso lamakono, tiyenera kukhala osamala kwambiri."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 82, "src": "Please click the 'Allow' button opposite to agree to our use of cookies and hide this message.", "trg": "Dinani batani limene alemba kuti 'Vomerani' kuti muvomereze kugwiritsa ntchito ma cookie ndiponso kuti uthengawu uchoke."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 83, "src": "It\u2019s gorgeous, crazy, insane, and I could listen to it on repeat forever.", "trg": "Ndi yabwino kwambiri, yopenga, yamisala, ndipo ndinkangoimvetsera mobwerezabwereza."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 84, "src": "Put on your snorkel gear and visually examine the anchor to guarantee your boat is safe.", "trg": "Muzisamala kwambiri ndi magiya komanso nangula kuti boti lanu likhale lotetezeka."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 85, "src": "Vitamin C is also important for helping heal wounds and produce scar tissue.", "trg": "Vitamini C amathandiza kuti bala lipole ndi kupanga chipsera."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 86, "src": "Do you want wild river fish, a calm lake fish, or a stock pond farm-raised variety?", "trg": "Kodi mukufuna nsomba ya mumtsinje, yam'nyanja kapena yoweta padamu?"} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 87, "src": "My assessment is that, given the circumstances, we have to be diligent in our work and stingy in our purchases.", "trg": "Malinga ndi zomwe ndapeza, mmene zinthu zilili, tiyenera kugwira nchito mwakhama komanso kuchepetsa zogulagula."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 88, "src": "The district court refused summary judgment, saying the agreement was ambiguous.", "trg": "Khoti la kuboma linakana chigamulo chija n'kunena kuti kuvomereza kwake kunali kosamvetsetseka."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 89, "src": "The set of courses should represent a coordinated objective and must be approved by the director of graduate studies.", "trg": "Maphunziro ake ayenera kukonzedwa m'njira yosonyeza bwino cholinga chake ndipo ayenera kuvomerezedwa ndi mkulu woyang'anira maphunziro apamwamba."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 90, "src": "He knew that he wasn\u2019t about to be in any sort of immediate physical danger, though he had plenty weighing on his mind.", "trg": "Ankadziwa kuti palibe zoopsa zilizonse zimene angakumane nazo koma ankadera nkhawa zinthu zambiri."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 91, "src": "Quite how many of these were forced upon him has been debated ever since.", "trg": "Ndi zinthu zingati za ngati zimenezi zimene anakakamizidwa zomwe anthu akhala akutsutsana kuyambira kale."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 92, "src": "True therapeutic benefits to relieve stress, calm and relax, aid sleep, boost your energy or lift your mood.", "trg": "Chithandizo chenicheni chomwe chingachititse kuti musamade nkhawa, muzikhala odekha, muzimva bwino, muzigona bwino, mukhale ndi mphamvu komanso muzisangalala."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 93, "src": "But that would not be the right deed as a socially sensible citizen.", "trg": "Zimenezo si zinthu zabwino kwa nzika yanzeru komanso yokonda anthu."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 94, "src": "Cheers, let's drink a health to fluent language use and perfect pronunciation!", "trg": "Tinjoye, tiyeni timwe chakumwa chothandiza kulankhula mosadodoma komanso kutchula bwino mawu!"} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 95, "src": "The victim has the right to take legal action to attempt to recover compensation for their losses.", "trg": "Wolakwiridwa ali ndi ufulu wotsegula mlandu kuti abwezeredwe zinthu zimene zawonongeka."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 96, "src": "His attitude is that gratitude is suitable only when the host is not very talkative.", "trg": "Maganizo ake ndi akuti timayamikira ngati munthu wochereza si wolongolola."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 97, "src": "Female, above average height, red hair in tidy bunches, short skirt;", "trg": "Wamkazi, wamtali pang'ono, wa tsitsi lofiira lomangidwa bwino ndipo wavala siketi yaifupi;"} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 98, "src": "Following the government\u2019s announcement, Tencent issued a public pledge to amend its privacy statements.", "trg": "Mogwirizana ndi zimene boma lalengeza, a ku Tencent apempha anthu kuti asinthe mfundo zawo zokhudza chinsinsi."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 99, "src": "This thing in my life where I kind of have to live a lie and pretend that everything is ok.", "trg": "Ndimakhala moyo wachinyengo n'kumanamizira kuti chilichonse chili bwinobwino."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 100, "src": "But in this frightening situation the legionaries kept their arms and ranks intact.", "trg": "Pa nthawi yoopsa kwambiri, asilikali anagwirabe zida zawo n'kuima m'malo awo."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 101, "src": "If you're in a seriously cold climate, try it with a classic sweater, cozy scarf, and ankle boots instead.", "trg": "Ngati muli kudera lozizira kwambiri, yesani kuvala juzi yotenthera, sikafu komanso nsapato zamabuti."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 102, "src": "Make sure children understand appropriate and safe behavior.", "trg": "Onetsetsani kuti ana akusonyeza khalidwe loyenera ndipo ndi otetezeka."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 103, "src": "Suppose a group of activists enter a busy setting (mall, movie theater, theme park, etc.) looking like everyone else.", "trg": "Tiyerekeze kuti gulu la anthu olimbikitsa zinazake lafika pamalo a anthu ambiri (monga ku mall, koonetsera makanema kapena kupaki) ndipo akungooneka ngati wina aliyense."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 104, "src": "She is a popular speaker, mentor, conference producer, author and healing arts advocate.", "trg": "Munthuyu amalankhula bwino, amapereka malangizo, amachititsa bwino misonkhano, amalemba mabuku komanso amalimbikitsa kuchiza."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 105, "src": "Fired by a fierce ambition, blessed with an extraordinary voice, her long struggle for fame and fortune begins.", "trg": "Ankalakalaka kwambiri zinthu, anali ndi mawu abwino kwambiri ndipo anayamba kutchuka komanso kupeza chuma."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 106, "src": "Cleaning Up jumps from upsetting social drama to hilarious buddy comedy to tense heist thriller.", "trg": "Cleaning Up limayamba ngati sewero lachabechabe kenako limaseketsa mpaka kufika potenga mtima."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 107, "src": "Respect and hygiene and discretion are mandatory, as should be obvious.", "trg": "Ulemu, ukhondo ndi nzeru ndi zofunika kwambiri ndipo ziyenera kuonekera."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 108, "src": "Minnesota shows exposure type, traffic patterns indicating social distancing success and hospital surge capacity.", "trg": "Ku Minnesota kukuoneka kuti anthu si otetezeka, ndipo kayendedwe ka magalimoto kakusonyeza kuti anthu ayamba kukhala motalikirana ndipo m'zipatala mwayamba kuchuluka anthu."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 109, "src": "Indeed your ego-shell suddenly is crushed, you can shake heaven and earth.", "trg": "Matama ako atha nthawi imodzi ndipo ukhoza kuyambitsa chipolowe."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 110, "src": "Why would God allow such a terrible disease to become a pandemic?", "trg": "N'chifukwa chiyani Mulungu walola kuti matenda oopsa chonchi akhale mliri?"} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 111, "src": "This perseverance is given to them by their stubborn streak.", "trg": "Sakusiyabe chifukwa chakuti ali ndi mtima wa nkhakamira."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 112, "src": "This results in a lot of bad content on your domain, unwanted incoming links from spam sites, and annoyed users.", "trg": "Izi zimachititsa kuti mudomeni yanu mukhale zinthu zoipa, malinki osafunika a spam komanso zimakhumudwitsa anthu ogwiritsa ntchito."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 113, "src": "Bee pollen regulates the functions of the intestines, especially with regard to chronic diarrhea and constipation.", "trg": "Zimene njuchi zimatenga m'maluwa zimathandiza mmimba makamaka ngati mukutsegula kapena wadzimbidwa."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 114, "src": "Get some witch hazel extract and apply it to the swollen veins with a cotton ball.", "trg": "Mutenge mankhwala a witch hazel n'kuika pa thonje kenako muike pa mitsempha yotupa."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 115, "src": "These worries have shifted the landscape of contemporary childhood in a diversity of ways.", "trg": "Madandaulo amenewa asintha zinthu kuyambira pa ubwana m'njira zosiyanasiyana."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 116, "src": "On adoption day, breathe a sigh of relief because finally, the day has arrived that you can adopt your foster child!", "trg": "Pa tsiku lotenga mwana muyenera kusangalala kwambiri chifukwa idzafika nthawi yoti mwana akhale wanu!"} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 117, "src": "The group is voting on a proposal to conduct outreach to north, west, and east Oakland communities.", "trg": "Anthu akuponya voti kuti zochitika zifikire anthu a kumpoto, kumadzulo, ndi kum'mawa kwa Oakland."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 118, "src": "Kings Cross is a serious rail hub and so is extremely simple to commute to.", "trg": "Ku Kings Cross kwakumana njanji zambiri choncho n'zosavuta kufikako."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 119, "src": "Acute inflammation (meaning it doesn\u2019t last long) helps the body to ward off infections and to promote healing.", "trg": "Kutupa (kwa nthawi yochepa) kumathandiza kuti thupi lilimbane ndi tizilomo n'kuchira mwamsanga."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 120, "src": "Always remain calm and remember to seek proper advice about your situation.", "trg": "Nthawi zonse muzikumbukira kukhala odekha komanso kufunsa malangizo pa vuto lanu."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 121, "src": "His slightly hooked nose, sharp, almost black eyes, and shoulder-length hair gave him a harsh appearance.", "trg": "Amaoneka wankhanza chifukwa cha mphuno yake yopindika pang'ono, maso ake akuda koma akuthwa komanso tsitsi lake lofika m'mapewa."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 122, "src": "She must confront her past, embrace her gifts, and decide her fate.", "trg": "Ayenera kulimbana ndi kale lake, kukonda mphatso zake komanso kuganizira zimene zidzamuchitikire."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 123, "src": "He's a carpenter by hobby, and built a dam out of scrap wood.", "trg": "Iye ndi kalipentala ndipo anapanga damu pogwiritsa ntchito matabwa."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 124, "src": "Whereas haze is often thought of as a phenomenon of dry air, mist formation is a phenomenon of humid air.", "trg": "Kukachita changululu ndiye kuti mpweya ndi wotentha koma kukachita nkhungu ndiye kuti mpweya ndi wozizira."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 125, "src": "It\u2019s not fake news, not trying to fool anyone, it\u2019s just a joke and it cheered up my January a bit.", "trg": "Si nkhani zabodza kapena zongofuna kupusitsa anthu, koma ndi nthabwala chabe pofuna kusangalatsa January wanga."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 126, "src": "People seldom touch the horse because they are afraid of it.", "trg": "Anthu sakonda kugwira hosi chifukwa amaiopa."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 127, "src": "Demonstrate possession of sufficient financial resources to cover travel expenses.", "trg": "Sonyezani kuti muli ndi ndalama zokwanira kulipira zinthu zonse paulendowu."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 128, "src": "The tree can grow as tall as 20 meters, with smooth, greyish brown thin bark.", "trg": "Mtengowu umatalika kufika mamita 20 ndipo umakhala ndi khungu laling'ono lomwe ndi losalala komanso lotuwa mofiirira."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 129, "src": "The results were terrific: tangy, creamy, intensely berried, with a hint of that kick we associate with cheesecake.", "trg": "Zotsatira zake zinali zoopsa: Zinali zowawasa, zokhala ngati kilimu ndiponso mabulosi, komanso ngati keke yoti aikamo tchizi."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 130, "src": "Is December a throw-away month because everyone is busy or on vacation?", "trg": "Kodi mwezi wa December ndi wotaya zinthu chifukwa aliyense amakhala wotanganidwa kapena amapita kutchuthi?"} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 131, "src": "We inspected jumping equipment for compliance with safety regulations.", "trg": "Tinafufuza zonse zokhudza chipangizo chodumphira kuti tione ngati ndi chotetezeka mogwirizana ndi malamulo."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 132, "src": "Call your mom, apologize for yesterday\u2019s photo, and promise to burn that green rag in her honor.", "trg": "Imbira mayi ako, apepese chifukwa cha chithunzi cha dzulo, ndipo ulonjeze kuti uwotcha kansalu kagirini kaja powalemekeza."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 133, "src": "Even our most difficult life experiences bring us wisdom, character and integrity.", "trg": "Ngakhale mavuto aakulu kwambiri amatithandiza kukhala anzeru, akhalidwe komanso okhulupirika."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 134, "src": "Each carefully placed bloom, stem, and leaf creates an arrangement whose meaning goes far beyond the aesthetic.", "trg": "Mmene thunthu lake, masamba ake komanso maluwa ake zimakhalira zimakhala zokongola kwambiri."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 135, "src": "Thus the London exhibition will complement and augment this splendid array.", "trg": "Choncho, chionetsero cha ku London chinakula kwambiri chifukwa khamu la anthu linayamba kufika pamalowa."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 136, "src": "Transfer the pork to a large bowl with a slotted spoon and discard the bay leaves, onion, and garlic.", "trg": "Chotsani nyama ya nkhumba m'mbale yaikulu pogwiritsa ntchito sipuni ya mipata n'kutayamo masamba, anyezi ndi galiki."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 137, "src": "Accessories lend visual appeal through pattern and texture.", "trg": "Zipangizo zimaoneka zokongola malinga ndi mmene azipangira komanso kusalala kwake."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 138, "src": "A warehouse worker in a retail store is holding a cell phone and preparing to package up a parcel to ship overseas.", "trg": "Wogwira ntchito mosungira katundu ali musitolo ndipo wagwira foni pamene akukonzekera kupakira katundu woti apite dziko lakunja."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 139, "src": "Again, this is not ideal, but it is a better alternative than withdrawing a larger lump sum.", "trg": "Izinso si zoyenera koma bola kusiyana ndi kutenga kubanki ndalama zambiri."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 140, "src": "Confirm your decision to attend through your admissions application.", "trg": "Tsimikizirani kuti mukufuna kupezekapo pogwiritsa ntchito fomu yopempha chilolezo."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 141, "src": "May God bless you with happiness, contentment, prosperity, peace, and abundance on your birthday and always.", "trg": "Mulungu akudalitse ndi chisangalalo, kukhutira, kutukuka, mtendere ndi chuma pa tsiku lako lobadwa nthawi zonse."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 142, "src": "The restaurant is known for its flawless execution, evidenced by the mid-course swap-out of warm brioche toast.", "trg": "Lesitilantiyi imachita bwino kwambiri zinthu, umboni wake ndi woti inapanga chakudya china kuchokera ku buledi wina wa toast."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 143, "src": "Tiny and tight work\u2014like mine below\u2014can be hard to do, though, so try it with something looser the first time.", "trg": "Kuluka ting'onoting'ono mothinana ngati changachi n'kovuta koma mukhoza kuyamba ndi zina zosathinana."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 144, "src": "Great explanation of the venom that supposedly made the evil dude feel dead.", "trg": "Kufotokoza bwino za poizoni amene anachitsa munthu woipa kumva ngati wafa."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 145, "src": "Those caught outdoors during a severe thunderstorm are particularly vulnerable.", "trg": "Anthu amene mvula yamkuntho imawapeza ali panja amakhala pangozi."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 146, "src": "Miami residents passed a bond initiative to fund storm drain upgrades, flood pumps, and sea walls.", "trg": "Anthu a ku Miami anayesetsa kupeza ndalama zokonzera malo odutsa madzi pa nthawi ya mkuntho, makina opopa madzi osefukira komanso makoma otchima madzi a m'nyanja."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 147, "src": "Comments on this article reflect the sole opinions of their writers.", "trg": "Ndemanga za munkhaniyi zikungosonyeza maganizo a olemba ake."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 148, "src": "The external monitor now shows an image, but in 800x600 resolution, which is total crap.", "trg": "Monita ya panja ikusonyeza chithunzi cha 800x600, ndiye sizikuoneka bwino."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 149, "src": "Now excuse me while I stick a bar of soap in my mouth to get rid of that unpleasant sentence.", "trg": "Dikira kaye ndiike mtanda wa sopo mkamwamu kuti ndisalankhule chiganizo choipa."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 150, "src": "St. John\u2019s wort is a remedy for seizures and is good for liver health.", "trg": "Zomera zotchedwa St. John's word zimathandiza matenda akugwa komanso kuti chiwindi chikhale bwino."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 151, "src": "Maybe a college-age niece or nephew, or a spouse, sister, or brother.", "trg": "Mwina mdzukulu wako wa msinkhu wa kukoleji, kaya mwamuna kapena mkazi wako, apo ayi mchemwali kapena mchimwene wako."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 152, "src": "He\u2019s what I call a callous, greedy bastard, and a coward to boot!", "trg": "Amene uja ndingati ndi chitsiru choipa mtima, chadyera, chitserekwete chamantha!"} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 153, "src": "Assume perfect detection in all cases and ignore the inverse square law effect.", "trg": "Ganizirani zimene ofufuza apeza pa milandu yonse ndipo munyalanyaze zotsatira za zigamulo zake."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 154, "src": "Hey guys, sorry for not writing the report, I didn't get home until now after the practice.", "trg": "Pepani anzanga kuti sindinalembe lipoti, chifukwa sindinafike kunyumba kuchokera pamene tinkayesezera."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 155, "src": "Spread third cake layer with remaining strawberry ice cream;", "trg": "Pakani aisikirimu wa strawberry pagawo limodzi la keke lopyapyala;"} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 156, "src": "Even a waiter who isn\u2019t a secret agent in disguise might mention it to his supervisor or something.", "trg": "Ngakhale woperekera chakudya yemwe si wa polisi wodzibisa akhoza kunena zimenezi kwa omuyang'anira kapena zinthu zina."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 157, "src": "Chaos, awkwardness, and drama follow, but Bynes is so charming and funny that the result is a delight.", "trg": "Chisokonezo, zinthu zosakhala bwino komanso zoseketsa zikubwera koma Bynes ndi wooneka bwino komanso woseketsa moti amasangalatsa."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 158, "src": "You can customize this greeting or assign different greetings to different phone numbers.", "trg": "Mukhoza kusintha moniyu kapena kuika mitundu yosiyanasiyana ya moni pa manambala a foni osiyanasiyana."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 159, "src": "Seller will select method of shipment, unless Customer gives timely, prior written instructions.", "trg": "Wogulitsa adzasankhiratu njira yotumizira katundu, pokhapokha ngati wogula walemba malangizo ena kukadali nthawi."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 160, "src": "The spilled liquid stays on the shelf and doesn\u2019t spoil the whole refrigerator by leaking elsewhere.", "trg": "Zamadzimadzi zikatayika zimakhala pa shelefu ndipo sizidontha n'kuwononga zinthu zonse mufiriji."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 161, "src": "The dinner menu, though, is a far more refined affair in presentation and substance.", "trg": "M'ndandanda wa chakudya wachititsa kuti anthu asinthe zinthu zophika komanso kaperekedwe kake."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 162, "src": "Does such an entity deserve congratulations?", "trg": "Kodi gulu limenelo ndi lofunika kuliyamikira?"} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 163, "src": "Scientists can also put a radio collar on an elephant and trace its movements to warn farmers.", "trg": "Asayansi akhoza kuika kawailesi pakhosi la njovu n'kumadziwa komwe ili kuti azichenjeza alimi."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 164, "src": "We don\u2019t need to worry that God won\u2019t forgive us if we sincerely repent of our compromise and turn the other way.", "trg": "Sitiyenera kudandaula kuti Mulungu satikhululukira ngati talapa kuchokera pansi pa mtima n'kuyamba kuyenda pa njira ina."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 165, "src": "Should the former rate exceed the latter, then by definition a gap in the acquired data stream has occurred.", "trg": "Ngati mlingo woyamba ukuposa wachiwiri ndiye kuti pali zina zimene zasiyidwa osaphatikizidwapo."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 166, "src": "The novel transforms into something completely different the moment the princess leaves the castle.", "trg": "Nkhani ya m'bukuli imasinthiratu mwana wa mfumu akachoka m'nyumba yachifumu."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 167, "src": "When nutrition sources are lean, the tiger shrimp can even rely on the feces of a goby fish to survive!", "trg": "Mbewa zikatha amanona ndi swiswiri!"} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 168, "src": "Further, consent and mutual pleasure are morally necessary.", "trg": "Komanso, kulolerana ndi kusangalatsana ndi zofunika kwambiri."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 169, "src": "Pitch your tent in the luxury of a private estate in the breathtaking Warwickshire countryside.", "trg": "Mukamange tenti yanu ku esiteti yosangalatsa ya m'dera lakumidzi ku Warwickshire."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 170, "src": "The steady volume of sails purchased by racers keeps sail prices reasonable.", "trg": "Anthu a mpikisano akaguliratu zopalatsira bwato mitengo yake siikwera kwambiri."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 171, "src": "Please register or log in to retrieve your license key and to download the latest version.", "trg": "Lembetsani kapena lowaninso kuti mulandirenso kiyi yolowera komanso kuti muchite dawunilodi zaposachedwapa."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 172, "src": "Once you and your luggage are settled in, the pilot will wait for permission to take off.", "trg": "Inuyo mukalowa pamodzi ndi katundu wanu, woyendetsa ndege azingodikira kuuzidwa kuti anyamuke."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 173, "src": "If it is more complicated, like a magazine layout, you may see more sample spaces.", "trg": "Ikamafuna zambiri ngati popanga magazini mudzaona mipata yambiri."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 174, "src": "He came at me all excitable, pushing his chubby little thumb into my forehead and being all cute.", "trg": "Anafika atasangalala kwambiri n'kundidina pamphumi ndi chala chake chonenepa ndipo zinali bwino."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 175, "src": "He doesn't bother anyone (except the cat); he doesn't break things or anything.", "trg": "Aliyense sadandaula naye (kupatula mphaka) chifukwa saphwanya chinthu chilichonse."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 176, "src": "The suspicious smell becomes overwhelming when somebody takes a shot at the lady outside her London hotel.", "trg": "Fungoli limafika poipa ngati munthu akamakajambula mzimayi kunja kwa hotel yake ya ku London."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 177, "src": "Twelve studies used random assignment to observe student achievement between choice and regular public schools.", "trg": "Kafukufuku wokwana khumi ndi awiri anachitika poona mmene ophunzira ankachitira bwino m'masukulu apamwamba ndi masukulu wamba aboma."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 178, "src": "The flavor profile is a mild black currant and mineral blend with notes of gentle plum and faint oak.", "trg": "Kakomedwe kake ndi kali ngati mwasakaniza mtundu wina wa mphesa, zakumwa zoziziritsa kukhosi, mapulamu ndi madzi a nthundu."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 179, "src": "You all remind me of a bunch of spoiled and naive children, crying and stamping your feet to get your way.", "trg": "Ukundikumbutsa ana osasatitsidwa amene amalira uku akupondaponda pansi kuti achitiridwe zimene akufuna."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 180, "src": "The power generation industry is estimated to expand at a rapid pace during the forecast period.", "trg": "Makampani opanga zinthu ngati magetsi awonjezeka pa nthawi younika zinthu."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 181, "src": "Sometimes we do not have enough evidence to draw a firm conclusion.", "trg": "Nthawi zina sitikhala ndi maumboni okwanira kuti tifike podziwa zimene zinachitikadi."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 182, "src": "Virtually no prominent leaders seem willing to step forward to defend native-language programs.", "trg": "Zikuneka kuti palibe mtsogoleri wotchuka amene akufuna kuthandiza pa mapulogalamu a zilankhulo zam'dziko."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 183, "src": "Then outline the picture with a pencil or pen so that the image is imprinted on the mug.", "trg": "Ndiye mulembe ndi pensulo kapena cholembera kuti chithunzi chake chioneke pa kapuyo."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 184, "src": "Mike is also a licensed youth soccer coach, former child actor and enthusiastic musical theater participant.", "trg": "Mike ali ndi laisensi yophunzitsa anthu mpira, ali mwana ankachita zisudzo ndipo ankapezeka koimba nyimbo mwakhama."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 185, "src": "Next, use local mobile advertising to attract foot traffic.", "trg": "Kenako muzigwiritsa ntchito njira zosatsira malonda pa mafoni kuti oyenda pansi azifikanso."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 186, "src": "Their basement was always filled with a treasure trove of fascinating and interesting items.", "trg": "M'chipinda chawo chapansi munadzaza ndi zinthu zambiri zamtengo wapatali."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 187, "src": "Latest Snapchat caption maker to imitate fake snaps of celebrities and prank your friends.", "trg": "Pulogalamu yatsopano ya Snapchat imathandiza kuti muonetse zithunzi zabodza za anthu otchuka komanso kupusitsa anzanu."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 188, "src": "She didn't resign, so her manager decided to bury her in an infinite quantity of miscellaneous tasks.", "trg": "Sankafuna kusiya ntchito ndiye abwana ake anangomupatsa tintchito ting'onoting'ono tosafunika kwambiri."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 189, "src": "Due to military cunning, the future dictator managed to seize the lands occupied by the Celtic tribes.", "trg": "Chifukwa chochenjera pa nkhani za nkhondo, mtsogoleri wankhaza analanda malo amene mitundu ya Celtic inkakhala."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 190, "src": "If returned at market, the item is eligible for a refund, exchange, or market stall credit note.", "trg": "Ngati katundu wabwezedwa kumsika munthu amatha kubwezeredwa ndalama kapena kusinthanitsa ndi wina apo ayi amakulembera chikalata choti ali nawe ngongole."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 191, "src": "This crude theory is responsible for the ridiculous doctrine of eternal life for some and eternal torture for others.", "trg": "Chiphunzitso chimenechi ndi chimene chimachititsa anthu kukhulupirira kuti pali moyo wosatha ndiponso kuzunzidwa kosatha."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 192, "src": "For example, enclosures and machine tools must have strict temperature control for the precise machining of metal.", "trg": "Mwachitsanzo, makina ndi malo ena amafunika kukhala otentha pa mlingo winawake kuti zitsulo zisulidwe bwino."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 193, "src": "The finance guy sat in a dress shirt behind a massive wood desk.", "trg": "Munthu wa za ndalamayo anakhala kumbuyo kwa desiki ya thabwa atavala malaya abwino."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 194, "src": "[Story continues below advertisement] Some investors build wealth by owning hard assets such as rental properties.", "trg": "[Nkhaniyi ikupitirira pambuyo pa malondawa] Anthu ena amapeza chuma pokhala ndi zinthu monga nyumba za lendi."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 195, "src": "Male mosquitoes, while bothersome, pose no threat to humans.", "trg": "Udzudzu waumuna umasowetsa mtendere koma si woopsa kwa anthu."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 196, "src": "But once my mind was finally made up, I still could not leave.", "trg": "Ngakhale kuti ndinadziwa zochita, sindinathe kuchokapo."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 197, "src": "lthough raw material prices continued to rise, the gross profit margin was maintained at previous year\u2019s level.", "trg": "Ngakhale kuti zipangizo zakwera mitengo, takhala tikupanga phindu ngati mmene zinalili chaka chatha."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 198, "src": "It has associations with friendship (such as in the thumbs-up gesture) and interaction.", "trg": "Ndi chokhudza kucheza ndi anthu (monga chizindikiro cha kukweza chala chachikulu) komanso kulankhulana."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 199, "src": "Its designation as a competitive organization means that it faces a lot of competition.", "trg": "Popeza ndi bungwe lofuna kutsogola, lili ndi opikisana nawo ambiri."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 200, "src": "Comply with the training requirements and respond in a positive manner to any suggestion or criticism.", "trg": "Muzitsatira zokuyenerezani kuchita maphunziro ndipo muziyankha bwino ena akapereka maganizo awo kapena akakutsutsani."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 201, "src": "The horn section provided a distinct complement of both rhythm and melodic harmony.", "trg": "Mphalasa inkathandiza kuti nyimboyo imveke bwino pamodzi ndi mawu ake."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 202, "src": "The only obstacle that endures is that an introvert will dwell on the past.", "trg": "Chinthu chimodzi chimene sichisintha ndi choti anthu osalankhulalankhula amaganizira kwambiri zakale."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 203, "src": "Set over a day, it sees the duo wander aimlessly around a sleepy seaside town, developing a tentative connection.", "trg": "Atakhazikitsa tsiku, awiriwa anayenda mopanda cholinga m'tauni ina ya m'mphepete mwa nyanja yomwe munali anthu ochepa poyesa kupanga ubwenzi."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 204, "src": "Sometimes blunt, maybe controversial, hopefully never too grumpy or gloomy.", "trg": "Nthawi zina kulankhula mwatchutchutchu kumayambitsa mikangano koma sibwinonso kumangokhala ndwii."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 205, "src": "Solid dictionary skills are a great way to speed vocabulary acquisition, reading comprehension, and spelling accuracy.", "trg": "Kufufuza m'buku lotanthauzira mawu kumathandiza kuti udziwe mawu ambiri, uzimvetsa zomwe ukuwerenga komanso kudziwa kalembedwe kolondola."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 206, "src": "Pick your favourite cat breed, grab a pencil and start drawing!", "trg": "Sankhani mtundu wa mphaka amene mumakonda, tengani pensulo ndipo yambani kujambula!"} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 207, "src": "There must be a certain business process far beyond our understanding.", "trg": "Payenera kuti pali njira ina yochitira bizinesi imene ife sitikuidziwa."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 208, "src": "Traditionally, the meat is stuffed with spices and actually cooked in a coal fire within the trunk of a banana palm.", "trg": "Mwa chikhalidwe chawo, amathira zonunkhira zambiri pa nyama n'kuiotcha pamoto ataikutira ndi masamba a nthochi."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 209, "src": "It\u2019s the factor why persistent intestinal concerns may trigger foggy brain, insomnia, or depression.", "trg": "N'chifukwa chake kudwala m'mimba kawirikawiri kumachititsa munthu kusaganiza bwino, kusagona tulo kapena kusokonezeka maganizo."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 210, "src": "Ditch those manual processes and secure your labor workflow with a cloud-based crew management platform.", "trg": "Siyani kuchita zinthu pamanja ndipo muziona mmene aliyense akugwirira ntchito pogwiritsa ntchito malo a pa intaneti."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 211, "src": "Who is faster, the turtle or the butterfly?", "trg": "Kodi amafulumira ndani, kamba kapena gulugufe?"} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 212, "src": "However, their main emphasis was to encourage trade throughout a particular area.", "trg": "Koma cholinga chawo chinali choti alimbikitse malonda m'dera linalake."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 213, "src": "President Carter\u2019s military rescue option would sadly fail.", "trg": "Njira imene pulezident Carter anaitsatira pofuna kupulumutsa anthu inali yosathandiza."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 214, "src": "Attending the reunion allowed Bella to shed her shame like the false skin it was, and to reclaim her healthy anger.", "trg": "Kukumana nayenso kunathandiza kuti Bella asiye kuchita manyazi n'kukwiya m'njira yoyenera."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 215, "src": "Excellent location with beautiful view over the port, walking distance and very quiet area peaceful sleeping.", "trg": "Malo abwino okhala ndi gombe lokongola, malo owongolako miyendo komanso aphee oti utha kugona bwino."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 216, "src": "The practice of sending formal invitation letters to chief guests is common in academic society, such as in a university.", "trg": "Chizolowezi chotumiza kalata yoitana alendo olemekezeka n'chofala m'malo a maphunziro monga ku yunivesite."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 217, "src": "Of course the seedlings always insist on growing either right at the front of the border, or in the vegetable patch.", "trg": "Mbewu zimakonda kumera patsogolo pa malire kapena pamalo pamene pali ndiwo zamasamba."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 218, "src": "Instead the healthy are put under house arrest and where exactly are all those sick people?", "trg": "M'malomwake anthu osadwala amatsekeredwa m'nyumba, ndiye anthu odwalawo ali kuti?"} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 219, "src": "Superior grip and slip-resistance thanks to surface patterns and large contact area.", "trg": "Zimagwira nthaka osaterera ayi chifukwa anakonza bwino pansi pake kuti zizigwira malo ambiri."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 220, "src": "As we noted, wrath can be open and obvious or subtle and hidden, and it can acquire targets unrelated to the source.", "trg": "Monga taona kale, mkwiyo umatha kuonekera kapena kudziwika koma umathanso kubisika osaoneka ndipo ukhoza kuphulikira munthu wina amene sizikumukhudza."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 221, "src": "If you wanna complain, complain that the government makes you get permission to stop being married.", "trg": "Ngati mukufuna kudandaula, dandaulani kuti boma likuchititsa kuti mupeze chilolezo chokuletsani kukhala pabanja."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 222, "src": "When we began the tour, she asked me to guess what colour appears and is prevalent in the vast majority of his art.", "trg": "Pamene amayamba kutionetsa malo, anandiuza kuti ndilote mtundu umene ukuoneka womwe umapezeka kwambiri pa zojambula zake zambiri."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 223, "src": "To schedule an appointment, please complete and submit the request form.", "trg": "Kuti muonane nawo, lembani fomu yopempha n'kuitumiza."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 224, "src": "But there is no test to determine whether the eggs are good quality.", "trg": "Koma palibe njira yodziwira ngati mazira ali abwinobwino."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 225, "src": "Stretch out on a comfy lounge chair and wrap yourself up in a soft, teddy bear-like blanket.", "trg": "Gonani pa mpando waukulu ndipo fundani bulangete lofewa ngati ubweya wa chimbalangodo."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 226, "src": "Redeem yourself and tell me what that beam of light really was!", "trg": "Dziombole, nena kuti kuwala kukuonekako ndi kwa chiyani!"} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 227, "src": "I had no appetite after seeing the porridge goo with the chopped cucumber slices.", "trg": "Ndinalibenso chilakolako cha kudya nditaona phala komanso mapisi a nkhaka."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 228, "src": "Think about what kind of blue jeans you wish to fit into later on.", "trg": "Muziganizira mtundu wa jinzi ya buluu imene mungafune kudzavala m'tsogolo."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 229, "src": "If you want a vivid purple shade, we advise you to bleach your hair first.", "trg": "Ngati mukufuna kuti lionekedi la pepo muthire mankhwala osintha mtundu wa tsitsilo choyamba."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 230, "src": "Your primary mission is to destroy all enemy defenses and collect fuel to stay alive.", "trg": "Cholinga chanu choyamba chikhale kuwononga asilikali a adani anu kenako n'kutenga mafuta kuti mukhale ndi moyo."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 231, "src": "Squirrel droppings vary, and they can be a little tough to distinguish from rat poop.", "trg": "Manyi a gologolo amakhala osiyanasiyana ndipo amakhala olimba kwambiri kusiyana ndi a khoswe."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 232, "src": "After organizing the exam, the commission also conducts an interview session to recruit capable applicants for the declared posts.", "trg": "Pambuyo pokonza mayeso, bungwelo limachititsa mayeso olembera anthu ntchito kuti alowe m'malo amene mulibe anthu."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 233, "src": "It is made of milk and doesn\u2019t contain any harmful substances, provided you consume an authentic product.", "trg": "Amapanga kuchokera ku mkaka, saikamo zinthu zoopsa, bola ngati mwadya zopangidwa ndi eniake."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 234, "src": "The executive branch of government is supposed to investigate crime based on evidence.", "trg": "Mbali ina ya boma iyenera kufufuza milandu pogwiritsa ntchito umboni umene ulipo."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 235, "src": "Upon account closure, we will cancel any pending transactions unless otherwise legally prohibited.", "trg": "Akaunti ikatsekedwa, tidzafufuta zinthu zonse zimene zimafunika kulipiridwa pokhapokha ngati patakhala malamulo otiletsa."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 236, "src": "Accent your yard with timber for pure privacy, comfortable shade, or maybe an inviting place to hang your kid\u2019s swing.", "trg": "Dzalani mitengo panyumba yanu kuti pakhale potchingidwa, mupeze mthunzi wabwino komanso pokoleka mzende wa ana."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 237, "src": "You will literally learn how to eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner.", "trg": "Mudzaphunzira kadyedwe ka chakudya cha m'mawa, chamasana ndi chamadzulo."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 238, "src": "Cotton is durable, wicks away sweat, and can retain a moderate amount of heat when used in layers.", "trg": "Thonje ndi lolimba, limayamwa thukuta komanso limatenthera ngati mwaphatikiza."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 239, "src": "Rubber pieces worn or falling apart, roof rail pieces missing, fuel tank door lock broken.", "trg": "Mapisi a raba ong'ambika kapena omwazika, matabwa apadenga asowa ndipo loko wa pamalo pothirira mafuta wathyoledwa."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 240, "src": "Anything silly makes me laugh, and I am obsessed with minions;", "trg": "Ndimaseka zopusa zilizonse ndipo ndimakonda tizidole;"} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 241, "src": "As you enter the main entrance, there is a small, cozy lounge area, with two double bedrooms.", "trg": "Mukangolowa pakhomo lalikulu mupeza malo ochezera pali zipinda ziwiri zogona."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 242, "src": "Foot orthotics helps them maintain the correct feet alignment, reduce pain, prevent injury, and enhance efficiency.", "trg": "Zotchingira mapazi zimathandiza kuti liziima bwino, usamamve ululu, usavulale komanso uziyenda bwino."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 243, "src": "Island-ripe pineapple, apple, stone fruit, and crisp pear fill the mouth.", "trg": "Mukhoza kudya nanazi, ma apulo, mapeyala ndi zipatso zina."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 244, "src": "She loves hiking and swimming and is very interested in nature conservation, literature, cinema, and history.", "trg": "Amakonda kukwera mapiri ndi kusambira ndipo amakondanso kuteteza chilengedwe, mabuku, makanema komanso mbiri yakale."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 245, "src": "Each storage position layer is isolated with a stainless steel plate and fireproof rock wool.", "trg": "Mosungira zinthu monse mwatetezedwa ndi zitsulo za steel komanso zinthu zosagwira moto;"} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 246, "src": "If you follow the golden rule above, it's because you're trying to persuade someone.", "trg": "Mumatsatira lamulo lotchukali chifukwa pali amene mukufuna kuti akopeke."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 247, "src": "By contrast, the presence of high blood pressure or shortness of breath predicted a worse outcome.", "trg": "Kuthamanga kwa magazi komanso kubanika popuma ndi zizindikiro za zinthu zoopsa."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 248, "src": "With real love in our hearts for our beloved, we conquer all forms of conflict, fights, or quarrels that may arise.", "trg": "Ngati timakondadi anzathu tidzagonjetsa kusagwirizana kwa mtundu uliwonse, nkhondo kapena mikangano imene ingayambike."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 249, "src": "Surname searches help you find ancestor charts, family group sheets, and manuscripts in our archive.", "trg": "Mukafufuza dzina la bambo mudzatha kudziwa makolo akale, mndandanda wa mabanja komanso mipukutu imene taisunga."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 250, "src": "Not a chance, but it\u2019s still pretty damn good in my humble opinion.", "trg": "Sizinachitike mwangozi koma chifukwa cha maganizo a munthu wodzichepetsa."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 251, "src": "Probably just convenient timing because yeah, it\u2019s otherwise slim pickings.", "trg": "Mwina ndi pa nthawi yake chifukwa kupanda kutero zikanakhala zochepa."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 252, "src": "Turn on the heat function to improve the overall blood circulation of the body and treat muscle fatigue.", "trg": "Yatsani zotenthetsa m'nyumba kuti magazi aziyenda bwino komanso minofu isafooke."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 253, "src": "Lucky for him, he\u2019s a brilliant botanist who comes up with clever (sometimes disgusting) ways to harvest food.", "trg": "Ali ndi mwai, ndi munthu wokonda zaulimi amene amapeza njira zochenjera (pena zonyansa) zokololera zakudya."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 254, "src": "Does consistent scene context facilitate object perception?", "trg": "Kodi zinthu zofanana zimachititsa kuti munthu aziona bwino zinthu?"} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 255, "src": "Sober living homes also serve as stepping stones to modern society for recently released prison or jail prisoners.", "trg": "Nyumba zimene anthu samwa mowa zimathandiza kuti anthu amene amasulidwa kumene kundende akhazikike m'dera."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 256, "src": "Whatever authority Muslim jurists may possess stems from their claim to speak on behalf of this religious command.", "trg": "Kaya woweruza wa Chisilamu ali ndi mphamvu zotani amadalira zimene amanena zoti amalankhula m'malo mwa malamulo awo achipembedzo."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 257, "src": "Some of these unkind words include retarded, idiot, stupid and dumb.", "trg": "Mawu ena achipongwe ndi monga, wokwinimbira, chitsiru, wopusa kapena mbuli."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 258, "src": "So if you are not content on keen maintenance, the 2-stroke engine may work for you.", "trg": "Ngati simukonda zokonzetsakonzetsa ndiye mutenge injini ya masitiroko 2."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 259, "src": "The average pit bull is good-natured, amusing, and capable of extreme affection for the members of its pack.", "trg": "Agalu a mtundu wa pit bull amakhala akhalidwe labwino, osangalatsa komanso okonda anzawo."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 260, "src": "She will fight, deceive, negotiate, bargain, and surrender in order to protect the people she loves.", "trg": "Akhoza kumenya, kupusitsa, kukambirana, kunyengerera kapena kupepesa kuti ateteze anthu amene amawakonda."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 261, "src": "The garbage collectors will simply look inside, deny you trash privilege, and move on.", "trg": "Otolera zinyalala akhoza kungoyang'ana mkati n'kusiya osachotsa zinyalala n'kumapita."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 262, "src": "Without pattern recognition or good intuition, no one would be good at chess!", "trg": "Popanda kuzindikira maonekedwe a zinthu komanso kulota moyenerera, palibe amene angasewere bwino tchesi!"} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 263, "src": "Instead, he suggested that resilience and adaptation should play a stronger role in how humans relate to fire.", "trg": "Mmalomwake ananena kuti munthu ayenera kupirira komanso kusintha zinthu zina kuti azolowere moto."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 264, "src": "We were on a family trip out to California to visit my aunt, uncle, and cousin.", "trg": "Banja lathu linanyamuka kupita ku California kukaona azakhali, amalume ndi msuweni wanga."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 265, "src": "These middle layers also pile on a little more warmth to fight off the winter chill.", "trg": "Mukaphatikiza zapakatizi zimathandiza kuti musazizidwe kwambiri m'nyengo yozizira."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 266, "src": "It is an umbrella term that covers offenses of slavery, servitude, forced and compulsory labor, and human trafficking.", "trg": "Ndi mawu amodzi amene amatanthauza milandu yokhudza ukapolo, ukapolowo, ntchito zokakamiza komanso kuzembetsa anthu."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 267, "src": "She had an emergency surgery, her jaw was wired shut, and she was on a liquid diet for six weeks.", "trg": "Anamupanga opaleshoni ya dzidzidzi, anatseka pakamwa pake ndipo ankamumwetsa madzi kwa masabata asanu ndi limodzi."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 268, "src": "You don't want to interrupt the fairy king and queen sacred moon dancing ritual.", "trg": "Musasokoneze mfumu ndi mfumukazi pamene akuchita mwambo wawo wovinira mwezi."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 269, "src": "Just use household scissors or a sharp knife to trim, then place the end on the outlet.", "trg": "Mungogwiritsa ntchito sizasi kapena mpeni wakuthwa kuti mudule kenako kumapeto muike potulukira."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 270, "src": "The tick was attached to me for 24 hours and I developed a large rash afterwards.", "trg": "Nthata inandikakamira kwa maola 24 kenako ndinayamba tizilonda."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 271, "src": "The pig\u2019s reputation as a filthy animal comes from its habit of rolling in mud to cool off.", "trg": "Nkhumba imadziwika kuti ndi ya uve chifukwa choti imagubuduka m'matope pofuna kuti imve kuzizira."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 272, "src": "Rose feels overwhelmed, depressed, guilty, scared, and lonely.", "trg": "Rose wapanikizika, ali ndi nkhawa, akudziimba mlandu, akuopa komanso wasungulumwa."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 273, "src": "Plan meals from the cupboard contents and bake bread, soak beans, knead dough, peel things as necessary.", "trg": "Mukonze chakudya kuchokera mu zinthu zimene zili mukabati ndipo muphike buledi, munyike nyemba, mukanye ufa, ndiponso musende zonse zofunika."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 274, "src": "Drop by and say hello; stay strong and live awesome, my friend.", "trg": "Iwe mnzanga udutsire kuno utipatse moni; ukhale wathanzi ndipo moyo wako ukhale wopambana."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 275, "src": "If you wear shabby clothes, you obviously lack self-confidence.", "trg": "Ukavala zovala zosasamalika umadzikayikira."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 276, "src": "You quickly dispatch three of the slowed humanoids with your bolts, their clumsy movements offering little sport.", "trg": "Umatumiza msanga tizidole toyenda pang'onopang'ono pogwiritsa ntchito zomangira, ndiye mayendedwe ake ovutikira amaseketsa."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 277, "src": "Symptoms include a sudden fever, intense weakness, muscle pain, headache, and sore throat.", "trg": "Zizindikiro zake ndi kutentha thupi kwadzidzidzi, kufooka kwambiri, kuphwanya thupi, kupweteka kwa mutu komanso zironda zapakhosi."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 278, "src": "Can't wait to hear about this amazing sight you and Steve experienced!", "trg": "Ndikungoona kuchedwa kuti ndimve zinthu zochititsa chidwi zimene zakuchitikira iwe ndi Steve!"} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 279, "src": "Another study (although likely less reliable) found similar results.", "trg": "Kafukufuku wina (ngakhale kuti ndi wosadalirika) zotsatira zake ndi zofanana."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 280, "src": "In-unit laundry, solid core doors, high-end carpet, custom window treatments and large garage parking space included.", "trg": "Ili ndi mochapira, zitseko zolimba, kapeti yokwanira, mawindo abwino komanso galaja ya malo okwanira."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 281, "src": "The fatal flaw in that argument is that the teacher's contract is not the system.", "trg": "Chimene chinalakwika kwambiri pa mkangano uja ndi chakuti ntchito ya mphunzitsiyo siinaikidwe pa mndandanda."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 282, "src": "Five-hours-stuck-in-the-Mexican-desert tough would be an accurate description.", "trg": "Tingafotokoze kuti unali ulendo wa maola anayi m'chipululu cha ku Mexico chovuta kwambiri."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 283, "src": "Meanwhile, our county seat has already spent twice its normal annual tax revenue on debris removal alone.", "trg": "Panopa, dziko lanu lawirikiza kawiri ndalama za misonkho zimene limagwiritsa ntchito pochotsa zinyalala."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 284, "src": "Lord God, direct our minds, hearts, and hands to extend mercy rather than hate and rage.", "trg": "Ambuye Mulungu, tsogoerani maganizo athu, mitima ndi manja athu kuti tizikhala achifundo osati chidani ndi mkwiyo."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 285, "src": "Rice faces a count of sexual misconduct with a minor in connection with the June 2017 encounter with a 15-year-old girl.", "trg": "Rice akuimbidwa mlandu wokhudza kugonana chifukwa cha mtsikana wa zaka 15 amene anakumana naye mu June 2017."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 286, "src": "You can arrange in rows, in a circular pattern, whatever takes your fancy.", "trg": "Mukhoza kusanja m'mizere yowongoka, yozungulira kapena mulimonse mmene mungafunire."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 287, "src": "Smaller items are packed with additional air packing, a brown shipping box, and cross-strapped with fragile tape.", "trg": "Zinthu zing'onozing'ono amazipakira ndi mapepala okhala ndi mpweya, bokosi lofiirira komanso tepi yolembedwa kuti zosweka."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 288, "src": "It is a skill thousands of years of evolution in the making, and we shouldn\u2019t simply dismiss it in favor of technology.", "trg": "Luso ili ndi lakalekale kwambiri ndipo sitiyenera kulinyalanyaza n'kumakonda za luso lamakono."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 289, "src": "Fly balls flew by as I landed on my face, spit weed stalks and hoped to disappear in humiliation.", "trg": "Pamene ndinkagwa mpaka nkhope pansi, timipira tinauluka ndipo ndinalavula zitsotso n'kumaganiza kuti manyazi anga atha."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 290, "src": "Adorable robots, hug-transmitting mugs, and mood-changing clothing?", "trg": "Kodi kuli maloboti okongola, makapu ochititsa chidwi ndiponso zovala zokhazika mtima m'malo?"} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 291, "src": "Let the man find his happy place and appreciate his acting ability above all else.", "trg": "Koposa zonse, munthu ayenera kusangalala pamalo ake, komanso kuyamikira luso limene ali nalo."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 292, "src": "Gradually, the ladder begins to reverse direction and then falls, crushing dozens underneath.", "trg": "Makwerero anayamba kutsetsereka pang'onopang'ono n'kugwera anthu amene anali pansi pake."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 293, "src": "Elaborate on how you continued to work independently while simultaneously keeping your team members in the loop.", "trg": "Fotokozani mmene mumapititizira kugwira ntchito panokha uku mukulumikizana ndi anzanu kuntchito."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 294, "src": "Write about Pam's ill-fated relationship with the handsome salesman.", "trg": "Lembani zokhudza ubwenzi umene unasokonekera wa pakati pa Pam ndi wamalonda wooneka bwino uja."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 295, "src": "What happens to a presumed thief, carrying a wallet that does not belong to him, who is held by the police?", "trg": "Chimachitika ndi chiyani kwa wakuba amene watenga kachikwama ka ndalama komwe si kake ndipo wagwidwa ndi apolisi?"} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 296, "src": "She's slightly stubborn and shy, he's supportive of her training.", "trg": "Ndi wamakani pang'ono, wamanyazi komanso amachirikiza maphunziro ake."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 297, "src": "Thoughtful details such as a protective tray cover and acrylic dirt guard ensure highest comfort and ease of cleaning.", "trg": "Zinthu zofunika monga chivundikiro chotetezera, komanso chinthu chotchingira fumbi zimathandiza kuti kuyeretsa kuzikhala kosavuta."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 298, "src": "More than one math card game has been destroyed by a careless or reckless toddler before the game was finished.", "trg": "Makadi a masamu ena awonongedwa ndi mwana wina masewero asanathe."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 299, "src": "Escape your daily routine and create a gorgeous wall display piece.", "trg": "Siyani zimene munazolowera n'kuyamba kupanga zinthu zosangalatsa zapakhoma."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 300, "src": "Fortunately, her boss and colleagues understood that she might be late arriving at the Google campus.", "trg": "Mwamwayi, abwana ake komanso anthu ena kuntchito anamvetsa zoti iye akhoza kufika mochedwa kukampasi ya Google."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 301, "src": "Although, \"celebrity crush\" seems like too narrow and shallow a term.", "trg": "Ngakhale kuti mawu akuti \"kulakalaka kukhala wotchuka\" akuperewera pofotokoza mawuwa."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 302, "src": "The professional services network is one of the first to release an early holiday shopping prediction survey this year.", "trg": "Bungwe la mgwirizano wa anthu ogwira ntchito ndi limene linayamba kutulutsa zotsatira za kafukufuku wokhudza kugula zinthu patchuthi."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 303, "src": "The cub thoroughly enjoyed her treat and we were so thrilled to introduce her to pumpkin cookies.", "trg": "Kamwanako kanadya zimene kanapatsidwa ndipo kanasangalala kuyamba kudya mabisiketi a maungu."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 304, "src": "Always update your devices: smart hackers are always trying to catch up to device manufacturers and take advantage of them.", "trg": "Muziyesetsa kuika mapulogalamu atsopano chifukwa anthu achipongwe amafuna kufika pamene opanga zipangizo afika kuti azisokoneza zinthu."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 305, "src": "As someone who frequently uses lists to manage anxiety and set priorities, I found the general idea attractive.", "trg": "Monga munthu amene ndimatsatira m'ndandanda kuti ndisamakhale ndi nkhawa komanso kuika zinthu zofunika poyamba, ndinaona kuti maganizo amenewa ndi abwino."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 306, "src": "Remove the press cloth and iron fabric to eliminate excess moisture.", "trg": "Chotsani nsalu inayo n'kusita kuti chinyezi chichoke."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 307, "src": "Nothing like an odd, weird conversation to make a day interesting.", "trg": "Palibe nkhani, zangokhala zolankhula zothandiza kuti tsiku lisatopetse."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 308, "src": "Portrait (vertical) or landscape (horizontal) orientation is acceptable.", "trg": "Kuika choimika (choyima) kapena chogoneka (chopingasa) n'kovomerezeka."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 309, "src": "The intention is to display ads (via third-party services) that are relevant and engaging for individual users.", "trg": "Cholinga ndi kuika malonda (kudzera mwa makampani ena) omwe ndi othandiza kwa anthu ogwiritsira ntchito."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 310, "src": "Children who are resilient are brave, curious, confident, and problem-solvers.", "trg": "Ana amene amapirira amakhala olimba mtima, achidwi, odzidalira komaso amathana ndi mavuto."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 311, "src": "They offer several features such as fire, carbon monoxide, and fall monitoring.", "trg": "Amapereka zinthu zosiyanasiyana monga moto, mpweya wa carbon monoxide komanso zoonera ngati wagwa."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 312, "src": "The deceased was of an amiable and affectionate disposition, devoted to the welfare of his relatives.", "trg": "Munthu amene wamwalira anali wochezeka komaso wachikondi ndipo ankadzipereka kuti athandize abale ake."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 313, "src": "The wrong tenants may cause major damage and cut back the worth of the property.", "trg": "Mnyumba mukalowa munthu wosayenera amawononga zinthu komanso kubwezeretsa m'mbuyo mtengo wa nyumba."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 314, "src": "Yes, I could be hurt on tomorrow\u2019s ride, but will that stop me?", "trg": "N'zoona kuti ulendo wa mawa ukhoza kundipweteka koma nanga ndisiye chifukwa chiyani?"} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 315, "src": "Plug in the saw, insert the yellow switch key, and proceed to cut.", "trg": "Ikani sowo, kenako ikani batani layelo n'kupitiriza kudula."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 316, "src": "As an entrepreneur, you have to perceive this and adapt to it.", "trg": "Monga wamalonda, muyenera kuona izi n'kusintha kuti zigwirizane."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 317, "src": "Our guests discuss the balancing act of letting kids explore without getting charged with neglect or abuse.", "trg": "Alendo athu akukambirana zoti ana asisiyidwa kuti aphunzire zinthu popanda kuwaimba mlandu wolekerera kapena nkhanza."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 318, "src": "Both health conditions cause chest pain and are often confused.", "trg": "Matenda onsewa amapweteka pachifuwa ndiye n'zosavuta kuwasokoneza."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 319, "src": "Sometimes they went to bed together, straight away, nothing said.", "trg": "Nthawi zina ankapita kukagona limodzi, nthawi yomweyo, osalankhula chilichonse."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 320, "src": "Other cliff-hangers involve a dead body, a stealthy stranger, and mysterious noises in the night.", "trg": "Zigawo zina za masewero zimatha munthu atafa, kutabwera munthu wachilendo kapena kuli phokoso lodabwitsa usiku."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 321, "src": "The intermediate revision of the essay called for the removal of the \"sh\" sound from English", "trg": "Pokonzanso nkhani yomwe inalembedwa panafunika kuchotsa mawu akuti \"sh\" mu Chingelezi"} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 322, "src": "If you recall, we were told in August that the economy was slowing and the recovery, which was slow, was losing steam.", "trg": "Ngati mungakumbukire tinauzidwa mu August kuti chuma chikuyenda pang'onopang'ono komanso chikuchepa mphamvu."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 323, "src": "Regular maintenance of the notice board itself is essential.", "trg": "Bolodi lachidziwitso lifunika kukonzedwa pafupipafupi."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 324, "src": "Then the lame man will leap like a deer, and the tongue of the mute will sing;", "trg": "Wolumala adzadumpha ngati nswala ndipo lilime la wosalankhula lidzaimba;"} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 325, "src": "Any vaccine materials already made at the plant will be held in quarantine.", "trg": "Chilichonse chokhudza katemera chimene chili pamalo opangira chidzatsekeredwa kwakanthawi."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 326, "src": "Optional active safety features include blind spot monitoring, lane departure warning, and rear cross traffic alert.", "trg": "Kuti tipewe ngozi tiyenera kuyang'ana malo amene saoneka pagalasi, kupereka chizindikiro polowa leni ina komanso kuchenjeza magalimoto obwera m'mbuyo."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 327, "src": "The hike was gorgeous (and steep!), but invigorating to take in the majestic scenery\u2014the float was a blast too.", "trg": "Kukwera phiri kunali kosangalatsa (panali chiphedi!), ndipo tinalimbikitsidwa titaona malo okongola, kuyenda paboti kunalinso kosangalatsa kwambiri."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 328, "src": "Two happy young girls laughing, drinking beer, and eating pizza at a home party late.", "trg": "Atsikana awiri ankasangalala, kuseka, kumwa mowa komanso kudya piza kunyumba kwawo usiku."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 329, "src": "See extinct animals while sightseeing on the seashore!", "trg": "Onani nyama zimene zikutha komanso malo okongola a m'mbali mwa nyanja!"} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 330, "src": "Yet when you receive the same specific reply three different times, maybe it\u2019s time to accept the answer.", "trg": "Koma mukalandira yankho lofanana maulendo atatu, mwina ingakhale nthawi yabwino yovomereza yankholo."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 331, "src": "My next-door neighbor was the middle school principal, who told me she had a 7th-grade math job.", "trg": "Nyumba yapafupi mumakhala mphunzitsi wamkulu amene anandiuza kuti ali ndi ntchito yophunzitsa masamu mu sitandade 7."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 332, "src": "Pet-friendly apartment community boasts stunning mountain and city views.", "trg": "Nyumba yoti mukhoza kukhala bwino ndi ziweto, komanso mwazunguliridwa ndi mapiri okongola komanso mutha kumaona mzinda."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 333, "src": "It demanded at least a temporary solution to avoid benefit reductions.", "trg": "Panafunika njira yachidule kuti zomwe timapezapo zisachepe."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 334, "src": "You don't need any of the snake oils they want to sell you, like adhesion promoter, flex agent\u2014they are not needed.", "trg": "Simukufunika mafuta a njoka amene akufuna kukugulitsani kuti zimate bwinobwino, nawonso maejenti...sakufunika."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 335, "src": "He took a letter out of his sack and slid it into the slot.", "trg": "Anatenga kalata mthumba lake n'kuiika pakabowo."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 336, "src": "This is awful behavior to gain access. Online games are probably the best forms of leisure in existence.", "trg": "Khalidwe ili ndi lofunika kwambiri kuti mulowe... Masewera a pakompyuta ndi osangalatsa kwambiri kuposa chilichonse."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 337, "src": "He started a very successful cycling holiday company and was part owner of a very busy bike shop.", "trg": "Anayamba bwino kwambiri pa kampani ya opalasa njinga pa tchuthi ndipo anali mwini wa sitolo yogulitsa njinga inali ndi makasitomala ochuluka."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 338, "src": "Man requests sword fight with ex-wife and lawyer to settle legal dispute.", "trg": "Mwamuna anapempha kuti amenyane ndi mkazi wake pogwiritsa ntchito malupanga ndipo woweruza milandu awaweruze."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 339, "src": "Hip-hop music video series highlighting top domestic, international, and pop-culture news each week.", "trg": "Nyimbo za hip-hop zimasonyeza mmene chikhalidwe cha nyimbo za pop chilili padziko lonse mlungu uliwonse."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 340, "src": "Host a Twitch live stream and explain the impact of the charity.", "trg": "Chititsani msonkhano wa pa intaneti pogwiritsa ntchito Twich ndipo mufotokoze mmene anthu apindulira ndi chithandizo."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 341, "src": "The gallant groom is a well-known citizen of Shelby, a mining engineer by profession, and a most excellent gentleman.", "trg": "Mkwati wooneka bwino ndi mbadwa ya ku Shelby, woyang'anira ntchito zamigodi komanso mwamuna wolemekezeka kwambiri."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 342, "src": "This is rubbish, I'm gonna be my sassy self and flirt with whoever i want and bang whoever i want and nevermind what my possessive husband wants.", "trg": "Izi ndiye ndi zopusa, ndilolera kukopana ndi aliyense amene ndingafune, n'kugonana ndi aliyense amene ndingafune ndipo ndilibe nazo ntchito zimene mwamuna wanga wansanje angafune."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 343, "src": "Even a very ordinary Hollywood product could wow audiences abroad.", "trg": "Sewero wamba la pa Hollywood limachititsa anthu m'mayiko ena kusangalala."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 344, "src": "Price refers to the launch vehicle selected, including the destination charge.", "trg": "Mtengo wake umakhala wa galimoto imene yasankhidwa komanso mtengo wokafikitsa komwe ikupita."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 345, "src": "Doing something quickly for the sake of getting it done can\u2019t prove to be a worse endeavor than not meeting a deadline.", "trg": "Kupanga zinthu n'cholinga choti ungothana nazo n'koipa kwambiri kusiyana ndi kupititira tsiku limene umafunika kumaliza."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 346, "src": "The good news is that over the past decade we have achieved a remarkable record of cooperation and convergence.", "trg": "Chosangalatsa n'chakuti pa zaka khumi zapitazi takwanitsa kukhazikitsa mgwirizano wolimba."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 347, "src": "The first batch of cookies tended to melt even before going to the oven.", "trg": "Mabisiketi oyamba anasungunika asanalowe m'komwe mu uvuni."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 348, "src": "Other organisations engaged in statistics are welcome to join this collaborative model.", "trg": "Mabungwe ena amene amachita za chiwerengero akuloledwa kulowa nawo mu chionetserochi."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 349, "src": "The evidence was spread all over the floor near the bread shelves.", "trg": "Umboni unali paliponse pansi pa mashelefu a buledi."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 350, "src": "Yes, they actively mock, cheat, and insult their own readers behind closed doors with other members of the fellowship.", "trg": "Inde amanyoza, kuchita chinyengo, kunenera zamwano owerenga awo akamacheza ndi anzawo kwaokha."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 351, "src": "Manage complex application architecture and installation procedure in simple text files.", "trg": "Konzani mapulani a zinthu komanso njira zozilumikizira pogwiritsa ntchito mafailo osavuta a mawu."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 352, "src": "Honestly, if you consider yourself a bro and have never been to Vegas, get your bros together and go.", "trg": "Ngati umaganiza kuti umacheza ndi anthu koma sunapiteko ku Vegas ndi bwino kutengana ndi anzakowo n'kupita."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 353, "src": "hmm congrats i guess", "trg": "ndikuganiza kuti aaa mwachita bwino"} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 354, "src": "Made with nourishing parsley, warming pumpkin, and beneficial turmeric, it's as tasty as it is versatile.", "trg": "Anaikamo timasamba, maungu komanso tumeriki moti zinkakoma kwambiri."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 355, "src": "Provide positive feedback for strengths that already exist.", "trg": "Muziyamikira zinthu zimene mumachita bwino kale."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 356, "src": "It is vital that the resident be aware of the specific bed reservation policy of their sponsoring agency, if any.", "trg": "Ndi bwino kuti anthu okhala azisamala ndi malamulo okhudza kusunga malo ogona amene olipirawo amapereka, ngati alipo."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 357, "src": "Other people feel a need to bully, manipulate, shout, and push their perspectives upon one another.", "trg": "Anthu ena amaganiza kuti amafunika kuzunza, kuputa, kukalipira kapena kukankha maganizo amene ali nawo ndi ena."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 358, "src": "Maps affect natural resource distribution, transportation, disaster relief, and urban planning.", "trg": "Mapu amakhudza mmene zinthu zachilengedwe zikupezekera, kayendedwe, thandizo la pangozi zadzidzidzi ndi kamangidwe ka matauni."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 359, "src": "Check measurements like shoulders, bust, waist, and hips.", "trg": "Muyeze mapewa, mabere, chiuno ndi m'matako."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 360, "src": "They sought to preserve a broad established church, with generous freedom of worship and association outside it.", "trg": "Ankafuna kuteteza tchalitchi chimene chinakhazikitsidwa pamodzi ndi ufulu wolambira komanso kusonkhana kunja kwake."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 361, "src": "nope i am not a simp", "trg": "ayi ine si wonyengerera anthu"} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 362, "src": "Their internal hierarchy is based on violence and fear in a constant battle for dominance.", "trg": "Zimene akhala akuchita ndi ziwawa komanso kuopa nkhondo zolimbirana ulamuliro."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 363, "src": "Define and implement an incident response management process, deploy necessary tools.", "trg": "Fotokozani komanso kugwiritsa ntchito njira zopezera mayankho a anthu komanso kupereka zipangizo zoyenera."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 364, "src": "He probably was the first to capture and synthesize sound from a live instrument for a computer composition.", "trg": "Iye ayenera kuti anali woyamba kupeza komanso kugwiritsa ntchito phokoso la zinthu zina kuti azipange pa kompyuta."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 365, "src": "I abide by my belief that we must endure and maintain good cheer without exception, no matter how arbitrary our plan is.", "trg": "Ndimakhulupirira mfundo yakuti tiyenera kupirira komanso kukhala osangalala kaya zinthu zikhale bwanji kapena ngakhale mapulani athu ataoneka kuti ndi osathandiza."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 366, "src": "While his rival would taunt and tease, Joe silently bore the stings.", "trg": "Ngakhale kuti mdani wake ankamunyoza komanso kumuseka, Joe anangokhala phe osabwezera."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 367, "src": "Muslim women face discrimination and prejudice at the intersection of gender, race, ethnicity, and religion.", "trg": "Akazi a Chisilamu amasalidwa pa nkhani yoti iwo ndi akazi, ya mtundu wawo komanso ya chipembedzo chawo."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 368, "src": "Expect (and prepare) for rain, wind, and cold (especially in autumn and winter).", "trg": "Yembekezerani (ndipo konzekerani) mvula, mphepo ndiponso kuzizira (makamaka m'nyengo yozizira)."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 369, "src": "Customers are liable for any import or customs duties on arrival of the rug in their country.", "trg": "Ogula ndi amene amafunika kulipira misonkho katundu akafika m'dziko lawo."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 370, "src": "Perhaps make a big effort to give thanks for each meal today.", "trg": "Mwina muyesetse kuti muziyamikira chakudya cholichonse chimene mulandire lero."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 371, "src": "Common side effects of Flecainide include headaches, dizziness, upset stomach, and feeling tired or weak.", "trg": "Zotsatira zina za mankhwala a Flecainide ndi kupweteka kwa mutu, chizungulire, mmimba komanso kumva kutopa."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 372, "src": "If you missed the signs of the first stage, you will not have a clue that the cow should have already delivered a calf.", "trg": "Ngati simunaone zizindikiro koyambirira zimungaone umboni wakuti ng'ombe inayenera kukhala itabereka."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 373, "src": "Husband presented future wife with expensive watch as gift.", "trg": "Mwamuna anapereka kwa mkazi amene adzamukwatire wotchi yodula kwambiri."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 374, "src": "You're acknowledging receipt and being polite at the same time.", "trg": "Mukuvomereza kuti mwalandira ndipo nthawi imodzimodziyo mukusonyeza ulemu."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 375, "src": "Wiseau then becomes jealous as Greg seems to move away from his toxic influence.", "trg": "Wiseau anayamba kuchita nsanje pamene Greg anayamba kusiyana naye chifukwa choti ankamusokoneza."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 376, "src": "You can substitute whole wheat for white flour; my apologies if you don\u2019t have a scale to measure out the dry ingredients properly.", "trg": "Mukhoza kusinthitsa tirigu ndi ufa wa tirigu, pepani ngati mulibe sikelo yoyezera zinthuzi bwinobwino."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 377, "src": "Keshiri clothing on the continent included simple, sleeveless tunics, wristbands, and trousers for men;", "trg": "Chovala cha Keshiri chimakhala chosavuta, chopanda mikono, chachitali, zibangiri komanso mathalauza ngati ali azibambo;"} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 378, "src": "Bringing war criminals to justice asks fundamental moral questions.", "trg": "Kuweruza anthu ogwidwa kunkhondo pamafunika mafunso othandiza kukhala ndi khalidwe."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 379, "src": "The narrative essay written by my peer was about a tool used to hold a sheet on a bed.", "trg": "Nkhani imene mnzanga analemba inali yokhudza chipangizo chothandiza kuti nsalu zoyala pabedi zizikhazikika pabedipo."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 380, "src": "Just kidding!", "trg": "Zocheza!"} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 381, "src": "Rih, a deaf former soldier, plots rebellion while married to a queer, teenage god.", "trg": "Rih, ndi msilikali wopuma, ali ndi vuto la kumva, amafuna kuukira atakwatira mkazi wosamvetseka wokonda za mulungu."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 382, "src": "The consequences of this belief can consist of the poor feeling that it is their fault that they are not effective.", "trg": "Vuto la chikhulupiriro chimene ndi lakuti chimayambitsa kusamva bwino mumtima komanso kuona kuti ngati zinthu sizikuthandiza ndiye kuti ndi vuto lawo."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 383, "src": "Congratulations, you\u2019ve just changed your default email signature!", "trg": "Zikomo kwambiri, mwasintha siginecha ya imelo yanu!"} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 384, "src": "To solve your query, I am explaining the difference between the kitchen chimney and exhaust fan.", "trg": "Kuti tithane ndi vuto lanulo ndikufotokoza kusiyana pakati pa chumuni cha kukhitchini ndi ekizozi."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 385, "src": "My main advice is to start making concrete plans for what your exit strategy is.", "trg": "Malangizo amene ndingakupatse ndi akuti upeze njira yodalirika yotulukira."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 386, "src": "Are you satisfied with the outcome of your pathetic quarrel?", "trg": "Kodi ukusangalala ndi zotsatira za mkangano wanu womvetsa chisoni?"} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 387, "src": "The enormous demon horn necklace restores health for every bone buried, and helped me win easily.", "trg": "Nekilesi ya nyanga ya chiwanda imachiritsa mafupa okwiririka ndipo anandithandiza kuwina mosavuta."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 388, "src": "Unable to sustain themselves in the city, they returned to the village where good fish and forest animals are abundant.", "trg": "Ataona kuti tauni yawakanika anabwerera kumudzi kumene nsomba ndi nyama za m'tchire zimapezeka."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 389, "src": "But brick and mortar can\u2019t compete with consumers', especially Millennials', demand for online convenience.", "trg": "Koma njerwa ndi matope sizingapikisane ndi zimene ogula amafuna makamaka amasiku ano omwe amafuna kugula zinthu pa intaneti."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 390, "src": "The smallness of my cry was in comparison like the whisper of a ghost.", "trg": "Kulira kwake kunali kochepa ngati kunong'ona kwa chiwanda."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 391, "src": "As we give attention to ourselves in this way, with our neutral curiosity and inquiry, we invite the self to emerge.", "trg": "Tikamadziganizira m'njira imeneyi, ndi mtima wathu wofunsa ndi kufuna kudziwa zinthu, tikupempha aliyense kuti aonekere yekha."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 392, "src": "This has to do with fluid retention, although it may look like a pregnant belly!", "trg": "Izi zachitika chifukwa choti madzi akusungika ngakhale kuti zingaoneke ngati ali ndi mimba!"} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 393, "src": "Their siblings will be given priority for any available spaces.", "trg": "Achibale ake angaikidwe poyambirira ngati patapezeka mpata."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 394, "src": "It was nothing to jump on a plane for an international adventure or a spontaneous weekend trip to a bucket-list city.", "trg": "Kukwera ndege kuti ndipite kukaona kumayiko akunja kapena kupita kumzinda umene umaulakalaka kumapeto kwa mlungu."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 395, "src": "Increasing habitat destruction has seen gray wolf populations shrink in size.", "trg": "Kuwononga malo okhala zinthu zachilengedwe kwachititsa kuti ankhandwe otuwa ayambe kuchepa."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 396, "src": "Great value overall, comes with a nice heavy duty plastic case.", "trg": "Zinthu zamtengo wapatali zimakutidwa ndi mapulasitiki olimba."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 397, "src": "The spinach export price continues to indicate a relatively flat trend pattern.", "trg": "Mtengo wogulitsira sipinachi kunja ukuoneka kuti sukutsika kapena kukwera."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 398, "src": "Although they lost all their money they continued to behave in their usual wealthy way in their social circle.", "trg": "Ngakhale kuti ndalama zawo zonse zinapita anapitirizabe kukhala ndi anzawo ngati anthu olemera."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 399, "src": "Enjoy your Tuesday evening, everyone ... see you here again very soon!", "trg": "Zabwino zonse nonsenu Lachiwiri madzulo... tionananso kunkuno posachedwa!"} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 400, "src": "Ride a giant wolf spider for its climb speed, poison bite, and creep factor.", "trg": "Kwerani chikangaude chachikulu chifukwa chimakwera mwamsanga, ndi chapoizoni chikaluma komanso mmene chimakwawira."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 401, "src": "Stack the pillow on top of the mat, then wrap the strap around this bundle.", "trg": "Muike pilo pamwamba pa mphasa ndiye muzunguze ndi chingwe n'kumanga."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 402, "src": "Did your high school play an important role in helping you choose your further education and future career?", "trg": "Kodi maphunziro anu a kusekondale anakuthandizani kusankha maphunziro apamwamba komanso ntchito yanu?"} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 403, "src": "And then, an abandoned house, the yard filled with rustic, useless junk scattered about.", "trg": "Ndiyenso nyumba yosamukidwa, panja podzaza zinyalala moti zili mbwee paliponse."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 404, "src": "Extremely wide and extremely fast for shooting anything handheld in decent light.", "trg": "Chachikulu zedi komanso chaliwiro zedi chojambulira chinthu china chilichonse chonyamulidwa m'manja pamalo powala bwino."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 405, "src": "And for that I am embarrassed, and disappointed, and angry.", "trg": "Ndipo pa chifukwa chimenecho ndachita manyazi, komanso ndakhumudwa, komanso ndakwiya."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 406, "src": "It includes a legend of a devil beast, a century-old family curse.", "trg": "Chikuphatikizapo nthano ya chilombo choopsa, matembelero a pabanja a zaka zana limodzi."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 407, "src": "Cease consuming processed foods like white flour, which, though gentle on the digestion, is equal to a snack.", "trg": "Siyani kudya zakudya zopangidwa m'mafikitale monga ufa woyera, womwe, angakhale kuti suchedwa kugayika m'mimba, ukungofanana ndi chakudya chotafuna chofewa chochita kugula."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 408, "src": "Use a single address label that has clear, complete delivery and return information.", "trg": "Gwiritsani ntchito chizindikiro cha keyala chimodzi chomwe chikufotokoza bwino komanso mokwanira komwe kupite komanso kubwelera zinthu."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 409, "src": "We scream into a couch cushion, nearby bush, or tree hollow.", "trg": "Timakuwira papilo wa pasofa, patchire loyandikira, kapena pa mphako ya pamtengo."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 410, "src": "School attendance is affected as children are merely too hungry to concentrate and thus stay home to hustle for food.", "trg": "Kabweredwe ka kusukulu kamasokonezeka chifukwa ana amakhala ndi njala kwambiri kuti atsatire ziphunzitso mokwanira moti amangokhala kunyumba kuti adzisaka chakudya."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 411, "src": "You are outgoing and social and you thrive on communication and connection with others on an intellectual level.", "trg": "Inu ndinu omasuka komanso okonda kucheza ndi anzanu komanso mumachita bwino chifukwa cha kuyankhulana komanso kulumikizana ndi ena pa zinthu zanzeru."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 412, "src": "The first lion killed measured nine feet, eight inches (3 meters) from nose to tip of tail.", "trg": "Mkango woyamba womwe unaphedwa unali mafiti khumi ndi anayi m'litali, ma inchi asanu ndi atatu (malipande 3) kuchoka pamphuno kufika kumapeto a mchira wake."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 413, "src": "Haitians fought and won the only ever successful national slave revolution in history.", "trg": "Anthu a ku Haiti anamenya ndi kupambana nkhondo yokhayo yadziko yolimbana ndi ukapolo pa mbiri ya dziko lapansi."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 414, "src": "Only a genius could invent a suitcase with a whistle attached!", "trg": "Ndi munthu wanzeru kwambiri yekha yemwe anapange sutikesi yomangilirako wizulo!"} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 415, "src": "In general, it is important to expose an injury at the skin layer to understand the exact scope and extent of the wound.", "trg": "Nthawi zambiri, ndibwino kumasula chilonda cha pakhungu kuti mumvetsetse kukula kwa chilondacho."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 416, "src": "Careful snow evaluation, cautious route-finding, and conservative decision-making are essential.", "trg": "Kuunguza mofatsa za chipale, kusaka njira mosamala komanso kupanga ziganizo mosapupuluma ndi chabwino kwambiri."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 417, "src": "What I mean is, you can\u2019t buy stuff cheap and sell it dear.", "trg": "Chomwe ndikutanthauza n'chakuti, sungagule zinthu motchipa kenako n'kudzazigulitsa nzanga wapamtimawe."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 418, "src": "Kandyan drummers led the accused war criminal to the site where he laid the foundation stone.", "trg": "Oimba ng'oma a ku Kandyan analondolera yemwe amaimbidwa mlandu wopalamulidwa pankhondo pamalowo pomwe iye anaika mwala wamaziko."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 419, "src": "This pass is a custom book that players can carry in their inventory.", "trg": "Chiphasochi ndi buku lomwe wosewera wina aliyense atha kunyamula mukaundula wa zonyamula wawo."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 420, "src": "An important part of my identity is my indigenous heritage, and our connection with birds like the crow and raven.", "trg": "Gawo limodzi la ine ndi zinthu zachikhalidwe zakwathu, komanso momwe timalumikizirana ndi mbalame monga tambala ndi khwangwala."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 421, "src": "The investigation revealed the elderly male has a suspended license.", "trg": "Kafukufuku anasonyeza kuti munthu wamkulu wam'muna ali ndi chiphaso choyimitsidwa."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 422, "src": "If you swear a lot on your podcast, then it might not be worth the editing time to make it broadcast-compatible.", "trg": "Ngati mumatukwana kwambiri pa mawu omwe mumajambula, nkotheka kuti sikoyenera nkomwe kuyesera kukonza zajambulazo kuti zikhale zoti nkulutsidwa."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 423, "src": "Only these are able to enable efficient and cost-effective production.", "trg": "Ndi izi zokha zomwe zimakwanitsa kuthandiza pa kupanga zinthu mnjira yosaboola mthumba."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 424, "src": "Tender cabbage, fluffy potato gnocchi, and smoky sausage swim in a creamy, cheesy beer soup base.", "trg": "Kabichi wosakhwima, mbatata zothyakula zosakaniza ndi ufa ndi mazira zooneka mofewa,soseji wowotcha pa makala ali mu msuzi wakirimu komanso wowawasa ngati mowa."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 425, "src": "His deep concern for those whose family members suffered death suddenly.", "trg": "Chisoni chake chachikulu pa anthu omwe abale awo anamwalira mwadzidzidzi."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 426, "src": "All travel guides describe every country as beautiful and lovely.", "trg": "Mabuku olongosola za malo omwe munthu akufuna kupitako amafotokoza dziko lirilonse ngati lokongola ndi labwino."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 427, "src": "However, despite these factors, there was never any regret or desire to quit.", "trg": "Komabe, angakhale panali zimenezi, panalibiretu dandaulo lina lirilonse kapena chikhumbokhumbo chofuna kusiya."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 428, "src": "The mother and father invest a lot of time, money and energy to give their darling daughter the wedding of her dreams.", "trg": "Mayi ndi bambo amataya nthawi, chuma komanso mphamvu zambiri kuti mwana wawo wamkazi akhale ndi ukwati womwe iye amaulakalaka."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 429, "src": "The fabric hood-mask covers entire head and mesh-covered eye-opening will comfortably restrict vision.", "trg": "Chipewa cha nsaluchi chimaphimba mutu onse ndipo mibowo yopenyeramo yomwe panasokedwa ukonde idzatha kusokoneza mapenyedwe bwinobwino."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 430, "src": "He watched Hamilton writing his name in the discipline file, a file as familiar to him as the bench outside the office.", "trg": "Anaona Hamilton akulemba dzina lake mu fayilo yolembamo olakwa, fayilo yomwe siyachilendo kwenikweni kwa iye monga momwe ulili mpando wokhalapo panja pa ofesi."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 431, "src": "Panic struck like a lightning bolt, and he stood up and whirled around, taking stock of the boundaries of his prison.", "trg": "Iye anamva mpanipani wobwera modzidzimutsa ngati mphenzi, ndipo anadzuka ndikuzungulira, uku akufufuza malire a ndende yake."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 432, "src": "Cluster of unhatched insect eggs of a shield bug on a leaf.", "trg": "Mulu wa mazira osaswa a chiwala cha kanunkha pa tsamba."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 433, "src": "Every single one of my main characters has one personality trait of mine, including the villain (which is kinda scary).", "trg": "Mtengambali wamkulu wina aliyense ali ndi mchitidwe umodzi wotengera kwa ine, kuphatikizapo mambala uja (zomwe zumadzaopsanso bwanji)."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 434, "src": "Keep your sink shining and free of dirty dishes at all times.", "trg": "Onetsetsani kuti sinki yanu ndiyowala nthawi zonse ndipo osamasungamo mbale zosatsuka nthawi zonse."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 435, "src": "Thoughts drift toward favorite vacation spots, and memories come forth of summer activities past.", "trg": "Malingaliro akulunjika pa malo omwe ndikufuna kupitako patchuthi, ndipo chikumbumtima chomwe chikubwera ndichokhuza zomwe ndinapanga chilimwe chathachi."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 436, "src": "The queue for the event was strangely small, so I released my parrot from the cage.", "trg": "Mzere wa anthu opita kuzochitikako unali wofupika modabwitsa, moti ndinatulutsa zinkhwe m'khola lamawaya."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 437, "src": "Desperate to flee this nightmare, I ran to the back of the room and perched on a little pink stool.", "trg": "Ndili mkulakalaka kuthawa sautso limeneli, ndinathawira kumbuyo kwachipinda ndikubindikira pa kampando kakang'ono kapinki."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 438, "src": "We would arrive back home both in a mess of tears and totally exhausted.", "trg": "Tinkafika pakhomo nkhope itanyowa ndi misonzi komanso titatopa kotheratu."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 439, "src": "Refrain from consuming the meat of endangered species to battle the illegal wildlife trade.", "trg": "Pewani kudya nyama ya nyama zomwe zili pa chiopsezo chotheratu pofuna kuthana ndi mchitidwe wogulitsa zinthu zamtchire mozembetsa."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 440, "src": "It is fairer to listen to the string that broke than to never strain a bow.", "trg": "Ndibwinoko kumvera nsambo yomwe inaduka kusiyana ndi kusakoka uta."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 441, "src": "Ben\u2019s clingy behaviour begins to annoy Amy, who is also struggling to cope with her family life.", "trg": "Mchitidwe wokakamira wa Beni wayamba kusowetsa mtendere Amy, yemwe naye akuvutika kuti agwemo m'moyo wa pabanja."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 442, "src": "Loan proceeds may be used for payroll, rent or mortgage payments, utilities, and interest payments on existing debt.", "trg": "Ndalama zokongola zitha kugwiritsidwa ntchito polipira antchito, kulipira lenti kapena mamotigeji, kulipilira madzi, magesi ndi zina, kapena kulipilira chiongola dzanja pa ngongole yakale."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 443, "src": "The conflict was hectic and I was frightened at first, but I became numb soon, and my mind was absent like it had been erased with an eraser, and everything seemed very abstract.", "trg": "Mkanganowo unali wotopetsa ndipo poyamba ine ndinali ndi mantha, koma thupi linangochita dzazi mosachedwa, ndipo palibe chomwe ndimaganiza ngati kuti ubongo wanga wafufutidwa ndi chofufutira, ndipo chilichonse chimaoneka chovuta kuchifotokoza."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 444, "src": "We will acknowledge your complaint within 5 working days and inform you of how we will intend to resolve the dispute.", "trg": "Tidzavomereza dandaulo lanu pa masiku 5 ogwira ntchito ndipo tidzakudziwitsani momwe tidzakonzere zothana ndi mkanganowo."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 445, "src": "Currently, I am a senior research scientist studying obesity in a university lab.", "trg": "Pakali pano, ndine mkulu wochita kafukufuku wa sayansi yokhudza za kunenepa kwa anthu m'chipinda cha zopimapima pa sukulu yaukachenjede."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 446, "src": "Beauty became her mystery, companion, guide, and inspiration.", "trg": "Kukongola kunasanduka chinthu chovuta kumvetsa chake, mzake, chomutsogolera, komanso chomulimbikitsa."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 447, "src": "As with any new exercise, start low and increase weight only when you feel comfortable.", "trg": "Monga zimakhalira pa masewera olimbitsa thupi atsopano ena aliwonse, yambani pang'onopang'ono ndipo yambani kuonjezera kulemera kwa zomwe mukunyamula pokhapokha ngati simukuonapo vuto mukatero."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 448, "src": "If you\u2019ve been in Texas for any period, you probably cringe at the word.", "trg": "Ngati munayamba mwapitako ku Texas kwa kanthawi kena kalikonse, mukuyenera kuchita nthumazi mukamva liwuli."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 449, "src": "When we are obedient, faithful and fervent in spirit, and honest, miracles will happen every time we pray to God.", "trg": "Tikakhala omvera, okhulupirika komanso auzimu kuchokera pansi pa mtima, komanso achilungamo, chozizwa chidzachitika nthawi ina iliyonse yomwe tikupemphera kwa Mulungu."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 450, "src": "Visualize response performance by date range or region so you can identify potential bottlenecks.", "trg": "Lingalirani za momwe othandiza pangozi amathandizira ngozi ikachitika poyang'ana masiku angapo kapena malo kuti muthe kudziwa zolepheretsa."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 451, "src": "People may have trouble being honest about what their issues around food really are.", "trg": "Anthu ambiri antha kuvutikirapo kuti akhale achilungamo pokambapo za zomwe iwo amakumana nazo pa nkhani zokhudza chakudya."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 452, "src": "Use an adjective and a descriptive noun to give your character a dominant impression.", "trg": "Gwiritsani ntchito mfotokozi komanso dzina lofotokoza pofuna kupatsa mtengambali wanu mkhalidwe woonekera."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 453, "src": "In every department of science, and even in general literature, such coincidences of observation will often occur;", "trg": "M'gawo lina lilironse la sayansi, angakhale mu phunziro lokhudza zolembalemba, kuganiza mofanana koteroko kumachitika pafupipafupi;"} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 454, "src": "Themes of greed and revenge lead to a stunning surprise ending (genre: crime fiction)", "trg": "Mfundo zikuluzikulu za umbombo komanso kubwenzera nkhanza kumadzetsa kutha kwa nkhani kosayembekezeka kosangalatsa (mtundu wa zolembalemba: zopeka zokhudza upandu)"} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 455, "src": "Very fine article though, sir, and I do admire the long reply.", "trg": "Zolemba zosangalatsa, bwana, ndipo ndikusilira yankho lanu lalitalili."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 456, "src": "Vase painting scenes suggest that girls played ball, received dance instruction, and perhaps engaged in swimming races.", "trg": "Zopentapenta za pazoumbaumba zikusonyeza kuti atsikana ankasewera mpira, ankaphunzitsidwa kuvina, komanso mwina ankachitanso mipikisano yosambira."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 457, "src": "The pin up and vintage lifestyle is for everybody, regardless their age, shape and gender.", "trg": "Moyo wosangalatsa komanso wabwino kwambiri ndi wa wina aliyense, posatengera msinkhu, momwe thupi lilili, kapena kuti ndi mkazi kapena mmuna."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 458, "src": "Withdrawal effects are small and more annoying than dangerous.", "trg": "Zotsatira za kudzipatula ndi zazing'ono koma ndi zosowetsa mtendere osati kuopsa."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 459, "src": "It is going to give you such an immense reward, such tremendous satisfaction as an artist.", "trg": "Chidzakupatsani mphoto yaikulu, kukhutitsidwa kwakukulu monga wochita ntchito yaluso."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 460, "src": "Addicted babies suffer painful withdrawal when denied the substances that feed their craving for meat molecules.", "trg": "Makanda okonda zakudya zina zake kwambiri amavutika koopsa akapatulidwa ndikulandidwa mwayi wopeza nyama yothetsa chilakolako chawo."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 461, "src": "I was left speechless at the gossip about his soulmate cheating on him!", "trg": "Ndinalibe mawu pomva miseche yoti bwenzi lake la pamtima likumuzembera!"} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 462, "src": "Wear a suit to decrease the bias others will experience towards you.", "trg": "Valani suti pofuna kuchepetsa tsankho lomwe anthu ena adzakhale nalo pa inu."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 463, "src": "They feel like it makes us untrustworthy, selfish, spoiled, and rude.", "trg": "Iwo akuwona ngati zimatichititsa kukhala opanda pake, odzikonda, oonongeka, komanso amwano."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 464, "src": "But there was also a dash of pity and obligation in it, and that part bothered Harry.", "trg": "Koma munalinso kachisoni komanso udindo, ndipo gawolimeneli linamuzunguza mutu Harry."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 465, "src": "Quotation marks are seen simply as being an unnecessary nuisance, like a speed bump on a drag strip!", "trg": "Mikodolero imatengeka kukhala chinthu chosafunikira chosowetsa mtendere, monga mizere yochepetsa liwiro la magalimoto pa mseu woongaka wochitirapo mipikisano ya magalimoto kapena njinga zamoto!"} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 466, "src": "If your next construction or mining project needs to transport bulk materials, you will most likely need a dump truck.", "trg": "Ngati ntchito yanu yomanga kapena yamigodi yotsatira ifune kunyamula katundu wambiri pakamodzi, nzachidziwikire kuti mudzafuna galimoto ya dampala."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 467, "src": "We will most likely see an extension of the current lockdown while our government ramps up the vaccination efforts.", "trg": "Nzachidziwikire kuti m'bindikiro wokakamizawu upitilira pamene boma lathu likukangalika kubaya anthu katemera."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 468, "src": "No doubt they are as anxious and excited about all this as we are.", "trg": "Mosakaikitsanso iwo ndiwokonzeka komanso osangalala ndi zimenezi monga ifenso tilili."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 469, "src": "The difference is their tolerance to the pain and how they manifest the ache.", "trg": "Kusiyana kwake kuli pa momwe amalolera ululu komanso momwe amaonetsera kuwawako."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 470, "src": "Premium Plus trim adds a rear park assist camera, quick-fold front passenger seat, and grocery bag holder.", "trg": "Ntchito yokongoletsa mkati mwa galimoto ya mulingo wa Premium Plus imabwera ndi kamera yakumbuyo yothandizira poyimitsa galimoto, mpando wakutsogolo wa wonyamulidwa womwe umapindika changuchangu, komanso chokolekapo chikwama choguliramo zinthu."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 471, "src": "The plot had a female doctor hire seven mercenaries to defend an intellectually disabled boy from a lynching.", "trg": "Nkhani yake inali yokhudza dotolo wachizimayi yemwe analemba zigawenga zisanu ndi ziwiri kuti ziteteze mnyamata wina wake wa vuto loganiza moperewera kuti asaphedwe."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 472, "src": "One negative point associated with the crunchy nut cereal from Millville is that it is also high on sugar.", "trg": "Chinthu chimodzi choyipa chokhudza zakudya za mtundu wa crunchy nut za ku Millville ndichakuti namonso muli shuga wambiri."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 473, "src": "Also note that you are studying an earlier draft of the poem.", "trg": "Komanso dziwani kuti mukuwerenga ndakatulo yomwe inalembedwa kumayambiliro kwenikweni."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 474, "src": "For instance, producers decided to hike pork and beef prices amid problems with the supply chain.", "trg": "Mwachitsanzo, opanga zinthu anaganiza zokweza mitengo ya nyama ya nkhumba ndi nyama ya ng'ombe kamba ka kusokonekera kwa zinthu pa kapezedwe, kapangidwe ndi kagulitisdwe ka zinthuzi."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 475, "src": "The compact car offers a security pack including dead angle detection, intelligent cruise control and lane change alert.", "trg": "Galimoto zazing'onozing'ono zimakhala ndi zothandizira pa chitetezo zomwe zikuphatikizapo kuzindikira mwachangu malo okhota, zothandizira kuti kathamangidwe ka galimoto kasasinthe popanda kupemelera, komanso zochenjezera ena ukamasintha mseu."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 476, "src": "The booster shot will make you less contagious and will not inconvenience you", "trg": "Katemera woonjezera adzathandizira kuti musakhale ndi kuthekera kofalitsa kachilombo kwakukulu ndipo sadzabweretsa vuto lina lirilonse kwa inu"} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 477, "src": "Return the pan to the stove, lower the heat to medium, and cook the mushrooms, onions, and garlic until tender.", "trg": "Ikaniso ferempani pa sitovu, tsitsani mphamvu yamoto nkukhala cha pakatikati, phikani bowa, anyezi, ndi galiki kufikira zitafewa."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 478, "src": "Below, we list five useful styling tips that will make wide-leg pants spice up your winter wardrobe.", "trg": "Pansipa, talemba masitayero asanu ofunikira omwe adzapange makabudula otanuka kukuwalitsirani kabati yanu ya zovala."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 479, "src": "Join us next week for another exciting topic or interview with a great guest.", "trg": "Dzatipezeniso sabata yamawa pomwe tidzakhale tikukambirana mutu wosangalatsa kapena kucheza ndi mlendo wina wake wamkulu ndithu."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 480, "src": "with is a preposition.", "trg": "ndi mperekezi."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 481, "src": "To accomplish such a great task against long odds will require a highly diverse and efficient organization.", "trg": "Pofuna kukwaniritsa ntchito yaikulu ngati imeneyo mosayembekezereka pakufunika kuti pakhale bungwe lochita zinthu zosiyanasiyana komanso logwira ntchito zake bwino."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 482, "src": "Anyway, besides email and a phone meeting regarding the Secret, that was yesterday.", "trg": "Chabwino, kupatula mkumano wa pa imelo kapena pafoni wokhudza Chinsinsicho, ilo linali dzulo."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 483, "src": "Thursday and bored already lol I'm married but looking for some excitement.", "trg": "Lachinayi ndipo ndaboweka kale hahaha ndili pabanja koma ndikusaka kachisangalatso."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 484, "src": "We also recommend combining it with other jewelry of ours as a colorful highlight; see the bracelet set \"Sky\"!", "trg": "Tikukulimbikisaninso kuti mutha kuphatikiza ndi zibangiri zathu zina monga chinthu cha mtengo wapatali, taonani mpukutu wa zibangiri wotchedwa \"Sky\"!"} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 485, "src": "Ojinguh chomuchim is a sweet and spicy side dish made with fresh vegetables and blanched squid.", "trg": "Ojinguh chumuchim ndi mtundu wa chakudya chapadera chopangidwa ndi masamba komanso nkhanu zochotsedwa khungu."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 486, "src": "Lisa found peace from electro-pollution by moving to an off-grid cottage in the Swedish countryside with her family.", "trg": "Lisa anapeza mtendere potalikirana ndi vuto la chionongeko chodza kamba ka zinthu zamagetsi popita kukakhala pamodzi ndi banja lake m'nyumba ina yosalumikizika ku magesi aboma m'dera lina lakumudzi m'dziko la Sweden."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 487, "src": "No girl should be left behind or miss out on an opportunity because she gets her period!", "trg": "Pasakhale mtsikana ndi mmodzi yemwe adzisiidwe m'mbuyo kapena kusemphana ndi mwayi wina wake chifukwa choti akusamba!"} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 488, "src": "Only eleven members of the block club\u2019s hundred twenty-members showed up to participate in the discussion.", "trg": "Mamembala khumi ndi mmodzi a bungwe la block club mwa mamembala makumi awiri ndi omwe anabwera kudzatengapo gawo pazokambiranazo."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 489, "src": "Execute engaging marketing campaigns to drive brand awareness, generate leads, and grow customer prospect engagement.", "trg": "Pangani ntchito yokopa anthu yabwino kuti anthu adziwe zambiri za malonda anu, dziwani omwe angathe kukugulani komanso lumikizanani mwakathithi ndi omwe adzakuguleni."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 490, "src": "They\u2019re actually a little sweet (unless you hit a nasty-bad bitter one).", "trg": "Ndiotsekemelerako ndithu (pokhapokha ngati mwatafuna yoola yomwe imawawa)."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 491, "src": "Check our previous posts for another delicious yet budget-wise recipe.", "trg": "Werenganinso zomwe tinalemba m'mbuyomu kuti mudziwe za njira ina ya kakonzedwe ka chakudya chokoma koma mosaboola mthumba."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 492, "src": "Incredible detail, fantastic expression, and creative execution combine to form exhibit-worthy creations.", "trg": "Kufotokoza zinthu zambiri mochititsa kaso, kuoneka bwino kwambiri, komanso kujambulidwa mwaluso zimaphatikizana kuti chojambula chomwe chitha kuonetsedwa kwa anthu chipangike."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 493, "src": "It took some treats, some baby talk, and ultimately just plain old patience.", "trg": "Panachita kufunika kusangalatsidwa mwapadera, kuyankhulana ngati ana, ndipo pamapeto ake kuleza mtima kwa masiku onse."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 494, "src": "Also, affirm if the mole trap supplier will be swift, prompt and punctual in their activities.", "trg": "Komanso, tsimikizani ngati woperekera misampha ya mfuko adzakhale waliwiro, wosazengereza komanso wosataya nthawi pa zochitika zawo."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 495, "src": "Thank you so much for all your help and for being so dedicated, helpful, cheerful, and energetic.", "trg": "Zikomo kwambiri chifukwa cha chithandizo chanu chonse komanso pokhala wodzipereka komanso wothandiza komanso wansangala komanso wamphamvu."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 496, "src": "The anonymous taster was so surprised at the unusual but fantastic taste that he dropped the flower vase.", "trg": "Wolawa zakudya wosadziwika anali wodabwa kwambiri ndi kakomedwe kachilendo koma kabwino moti anagwetsa kambiya kamaluwa."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 497, "src": "On foot, the freneticism of rush hour lane changes easily fades into a lazy country stroll.", "trg": "Ukamayenda pansi, piringupiringu yemwe amakhalapo pa ola lotanganika kwambiri amasanduka mosavuta kuyenda kofatsa kwa kumudzi."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 498, "src": "Create content that does more than look pretty, but also addresses each customer\u2019s unique journey.", "trg": "Lembani zinthu zomwe zikuoneka zabwino, komanso zomwe zikukhudza zochitika pa moyo wa kasitomala wina aliyense."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 499, "src": "Decrease the width of the planting holes if a wider hole would disturb surrounding utility lines.", "trg": "Chepetsani litali la mayenje odzalapo ngati dzenje lomwe ndilotalikirapo litha kusokoneza mizere ya magesi oyandikana nawo."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 500, "src": "The introduction of a rigid salary ceiling, with exceptions for one or two star players;", "trg": "Kukhazikitsa kwa malire osasunthika amalipiro, kuchotsera osewera wotchuka mmodzi kapena awiri;"} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 501, "src": "Stunning south-facing garden, beautiful original features, (mostly) fantastic light and elegant interior design.", "trg": "Bwalo lapanja losangalatsa lopenya kumwera, maonekedwe azinthu osangalatsa, (makamaka) kuwala kopambana ndi mkati mwake mokonzedwa mwaluso."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 502, "src": "Bear in mind, constantly try to purchase silk plants, as they tend to appear like the genuine thing.", "trg": "Kumbukirani izi, nthawi ndi nthawi yesetsani kugula maluwa ochita kupanga chifukwa amakonda kuoneka ngati maluwa eni eni."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 503, "src": "These characteristics can give you a lot of insight into how best to interact and communicate with your target market.", "trg": "Zizindikiro izi zitha kukupatsani nzeru zakuya pa momwe mungachezere komanso kulumikizana ndi anthu omwe mukufuna adzikugulani."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 504, "src": "Sometimes I like to crawl into bed with Daddy after Mommy goes to work so we can kiss and cuddle.", "trg": "Nthawi zina ndimakonda kukwawa mubedi ndi abambo amayi akapita kuntchito, moti timatha kupsopsonana komanso kufukatirana."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 505, "src": "Of course, there are also those folks who, by virtue of their personality, may simply be more sensitive and timid.", "trg": "Indedi, palinso anthu ena amene, kamba ka mmene iwo alili, atha kukhala osachedwa kukhuzidwa ndi zochitika komanso osachangamuka."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 506, "src": "Global growth should remain fairly robust by post-crisis standards throughout the forecast period.", "trg": "Kutukuka kwa dziko lonse kukuyenera kukhala kwamphamvube choncho pambuyo pa vuto lalikulu lomwe ladutsa kumene munthawi yonse yomwe ikuyerekezedwa."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 507, "src": "It is also possible to sand and stain the legs of the hardwood bed frame to match your bed d\u00e9cor.", "trg": "Ndizothekaso kupala miyendo ya bedi la matabwa olimba lanu ndi kulithimbiliritsa kuti afanane ndi maonekedwe a bedi lanu."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 508, "src": "The crack propagated through wide portions of the slope and adjacent slopes that weren't steep enough to slide.", "trg": "Mng'alu womwe anakulitsidwa ndi madera aakulu a msetse komanso misetse yoyandikira yomwe siinali yosesereka kwambiri kuti chinthu nkuseserekapo."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 509, "src": "That is equivalent to the wind forces of a category 4 hurricane!", "trg": "Izi zikufanana ndi mphamvu ya mphepo ya namondwe wa mulingo 4!"} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 510, "src": "Keep right at the fork, towards the coast, then join the path running parallel to the fence.", "trg": "Mukafika pamphambano kapiteni kumanja, kulowera cha kugombe, kenako kaloweni mu mseu womwe ukuyenda motsatira mpanda."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 511, "src": "Plus there is a cute thatched hut with 4 showers in it for that quick rinse off after a swim in the ocean or a dive.", "trg": "Komanso pali kanyumba kamaudzu kokongola komwe mkati mwake muli mashawa 4 kuti munthu uthe kudzithira madzi podzisukuluza utamaliza kusambira kapena kujowera munyanja yamchere."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 512, "src": "Add flavorings, transfer to a glass jar and let it sit in the fridge for a couple days to get real yummy.", "trg": "Phatikizanimo zokometsera, thirani mu jagi ya galasi ndipo zisiyeni mu fuliji kwa masiku angapo kuti zifike pokoma penipeni."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 513, "src": "To discover these traits, we administer the most comprehensive and thorough scholarship selection process in Canada.", "trg": "Kuti tidziwe zizindikiro zimenezi, timayendetsa ndondomeko younika magawo onse ofunikira komanso yosamalitsitsa yosankhira anthu omwe atalandire chithandizo pa maphunziro awo ku Canada."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 514, "src": "Not to mention democrats are already split over the infrastructure bill, lmao.", "trg": "Makamaka achipani cha democrats agawanikana kale pa bilu yokhudza zomangamanga, koma ndaseka."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 515, "src": "The woman explains that in all the confusion and crush of people, her purse has been stolen.", "trg": "Mayi akufotokoza kuti mkatikati mwachipwirikiti komanso kuombanaombana kwa anthu, kachikwama kake kosungamo ndalama kabedwa."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 516, "src": "The system allows operators to maintain gauge wheel ground contact, leading to desired seed depth placement.", "trg": "Njirayi imalola oyendetsa makinawa kuti adziwe momwe tayala ligundire pansi zomwe zimathandiza kuti adzale mbewu mwakuya mulingo womwe iwo akufuna."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 517, "src": "His nervous, awkward kisses were sweeter than his father\u2019s honey.", "trg": "Kupsopsona kwake kwamanthamantha, kosalongosokanso kunali kokoma kusiyana ndi uchi wa bambo ake."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 518, "src": "Nobody deserves a victory lap anymore for software that just lets machines talk amongst themselves.", "trg": "Palibe yemwe akufunika kuthamangathamanga kamba kopanga mapologalamu a mukompyuta omwe amachititsa makina kuti adzitha kuyankhulana okhaokha."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 519, "src": "Click the button to donate online using paypal, debit or credit card;", "trg": "Dinani batani kuti mupereke chithandizo pa intaneti kudzera pa njira yotumizira ndalama ya paypal kapena makadi a debit kapena credit;"} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 520, "src": "March falls in Barbados' peak tourist season so pleasant, warm and sunny weather can be expected.", "trg": "Mwezi wa Malichi umakhala nthawi yomwe ku Barbados kumabwera alendo ochuluka moti mutha kuyembekeza nyengo yosangalatsa, yofunda komanso yadzuwa."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 521, "src": "No wonder these poor pre-moderns were mad and wicked and miserable.", "trg": "Nzosadabwitsa kuti anthu omvetsa chisoni am'badwo wapitawu amenewa anali openga komanso ankhanza ndi ovutikitsitsa."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 522, "src": "Within a week that earthquake would tear the thick temple curtain from top to bottom.", "trg": "Pa sabata imodzi yokha chivomerezi chimene chija chimatha kung'amba katani ya tempile kuchoka pamwamba mpaka pansi."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 523, "src": "The materials used vary from soft broom corn silk to durable craft straw bound to a sturdy doll-sized handle.", "trg": "Zinthu zomwe zimagwiritsidwa ntchito ndi zosiyanasiyana monga nyenge za chimanga zosakhwimitsitsa komanso udzu womangidwa pamodzi ku chogwilira chonga chidole koma cholimba bwino."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 524, "src": "Unfortunately, experience alone is not enough without current knowledge.", "trg": "Tsoka ilo, kudziwa zinthu zomwe zinachitika kale kokha sikokwanira popanda kudziwa zinthu zatsopano."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 525, "src": "My parents claim I taught myself to read, and set about reading everything within reach.", "trg": "Makolo anga amanena kuti ndinadziphunzitsa ndekha kuwerenga, kenako ndinayamba kuwerenga kalikonse komwe ndinyandikana nako."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 526, "src": "Tried by this measure, how shall we judge the present state of science?", "trg": "Kuyesedwa kwa mulingo woterewu, tidzakwanitsa bwanji kupereka chigamulo pa momwe sayansi ilili pakali pano?"} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 527, "src": "Employee expectations and voices were heard and now we have the courage to move forward with trust.", "trg": "Ziyembekezo komanso zokamba za antchito zinamveka ndipo pano ndife olimba mtima kuti tipite mtsogolo ndi kudalira."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 528, "src": "Personal behaviors related to cancer risk (smoking, alcohol consumption, sun exposure).", "trg": "Mchitidwe womwe umayika munthu pachiopsezo cha matenda a khansa (kusuta, kumwa mowa, kukhala padzuwa)."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 529, "src": "It's majesty brought a deep sense of rarely felt patriotic pride swelling into my awareness.", "trg": "Kukula kwake kunadzetsa kudziwa kwanga kwa kumva kukonda dziko langa monyadira mumtima zomwe sizimachitika pafupipafupi."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 530, "src": "The town hall occasionally brings out its delicate collection of turkey feather dresses.", "trg": "Holo ya mumzinda nthawi zina imabweretsa madiresi ake ooneka mochititsa kaso a nthenga za nkhukundembo."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 531, "src": "Nevertheless, the society was cruel enough to affect me deeply.", "trg": "Posatengera zimenezo, anthu anali ankhanza mokwanira zomwe zinandikhudza kwambiri."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 532, "src": "Rohan was my sibling who always flew a kite at noon, even if it was cloudy.", "trg": "Rohan anali m'bale wanga yemwe nthawi zonse amaphululutsa kakaiti dzuwa lili paliombo, angakhale pomwe kunali mitambo."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 533, "src": "Gate A in the northwest corner predominantly serves the festival bus station.", "trg": "Geti la nambala A ku ngodya yakumpoto chakunzambwe limathandiza malo okwelerapo basi m'nyengo ya zikondwelero."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 534, "src": "Some of us confess to a vague sense of dread as Sunday comes to a close.", "trg": "Ena mwa ife timavomereza monyinyirika tsiku Lamulungu likamatha."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 535, "src": "Happy Easter kindergarten decoration concept - rabbit, chicken, egg, bee made from toilet paper roll tube.", "trg": "Nzeru yachibwanabwana yokongoletsera malo ndi zinthu munyengo yokumbukira imfa ya Yesu - kalulu, nkhuku, dzira, njuchi zopangidwa kuchokera ku kapepala kokhala ngati kapayipi komwe kumakulungidwa pepala la kuchimbuzi."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 536, "src": "Jogging is a full-body workout that works wonders on the thigh muscles and keeps your heart pumping.", "trg": "Kuthamanga ndi masewera olimbitsa thupi othandizamagawo athupi lonse omwe amagwira ntchito yodabwitsa pa minofu ya m'ntchafu komanso kuchititsa mtima kuti udzipopa bwino."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 537, "src": "He tries to rip through, but he has no leverage, and the offensive tackle neutralizes him from making a play.", "trg": "Amakhala akuyesa kudutsa, koma alibe mwayi ndipo njira yothanirana ndi wosewera wa timu yaadani mwamphamvu imamuchititsa kuti alephere kusewera."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 538, "src": "In this case, you want to shoot in the best available natural light (near a window) and disable your flash.", "trg": "Ndiyeno apapa, mukuyenera kujambulira malo abwino kwambiri pomwe pakuwala (pafupi ndi zenera), ndipo kamera yanu isawale pojambula."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 539, "src": "Ned Stark reached out his hand to grasp the flowery crown, but beneath the pale blue petals, the thorns lay hidden.", "trg": "Ned Stark anaongola mkono wake kuti agwire karona wake wokongola, koma kupansi kwa maluwa kunayala minga zomwe zinabisala."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 540, "src": "These wives can be the most loving, loyal, tender, and caring individuals.", "trg": "Akazi amenewa atha kukhala okonda kwambiri zedi, okhulupirika, okoma mtima komanso osamala."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 541, "src": "It won\u2019t do to have the fox steal a goose and a duck and celebrate the feast.", "trg": "Sizingathandize kuti nkhandwe ibe tsekwe ndi bakha kenako ndikuyamba kusangalalira phwandolo."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 542, "src": "This statement will almost certainly get me into a great deal of hot water.", "trg": "Mawu amenewa adzandiika mmavuto mosakaikanso."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 543, "src": "We would have a hot supper, graced by the inevitable roast fowl, and finally flip a coin to see who would finish the wine.", "trg": "Tidzakhala ndi mgonero wapamwamba, pomwe padzakhale nkhuku yowotcha, kumalizira mayere oponya ndalama yachitsulo pofuna kudziwa yemwe atamalizitse wayini."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 544, "src": "Follow some basic steps to make grass grow in red clay soil and establish a lawn that is the envy of the neighborhood.", "trg": "Tsatirani ndondomeko zosavuta zochtitsa udzu kuti umere pa dothi lakatondo komanso kukhazikitsa bwalo la udzu losilirika m'dera lanu."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 545, "src": "Brown leather flight jacket with fur neck lining, dark gray tank top, dog tags, black belt, and torn dark gray jeans.", "trg": "Jekete la chikopa lofiirirako lokhala ndi ubweya mkhosimu, malaya odula mkono a grey woderako, zolembapo zizindikiro za agalu, lamba wakuda ndi buluku la jini long'ambika lakuda."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 546, "src": "Once out of the valley, it is easy sailing on windy trails home.", "trg": "Mukangotuluka muzigwa ndikosavuta kuyenda m'njira zomwe mumakhala mphepo kwambiri paulendo wanu wopita kumudzi."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 547, "src": "The employee discount meant she could get super-size fries half price after working a six-hour shift.", "trg": "Kutsitsa mtengo pa katundu wogulidwa ndi ogwira ntchito kunatanthauza kuti iye anali ndi mwayi wogula mulu waukulu wa mbatata zokazinga polipira theka la mtengo wake nthawi yomwe akhale akugwira ntchito kwa maola asanu ndi limodzi."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 548, "src": "By the way, they did not screw up the rack of lamb, and I attribute that to divine intervention or just plain dumb luck.", "trg": "Komanso, iwo sanasemphane ndi nthiti za mberere ndipo ndikuona ngati n'chifukwa choti kumwamba kunalowelerapo kapena unali mwayi chabe."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 549, "src": "The advanced artificial intelligence displayed by Assistant is impressive.", "trg": "Nzeru za kompyuta zomwe zikuonetsedwa ndi makina a Assistant ndizokhutiritsa."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 550, "src": "For example monday tuesday wednesday thursday friday saturday sunday activity.", "trg": "Mwachitsanzo chochita cha lolemba lachiwiri lachitatu lachinayi lachisanu loweruka lamulungu."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 551, "src": "Hischier scored the go-ahead goal 20 seconds after Hall\u2019s second penalty expired, courtesy of another fortunate bounce.", "trg": "Hischier anachinya chigoli chotengera timu yake patsogolo masekondi 20 kuchokera pomwe penote yomwe Hall anagoletsa itabwezedwa mothandizika ndi momwe mpira unanjanjira."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 552, "src": "Supporting causes like these will help turn our knee-jerk reaction into long-lasting, sustainable, profound change.", "trg": "Kuthandiza pa zochitika ngati izi kudzathandiza kuti mchitidwe wathu wochita zinthu modzidzimutsidwa usanduke kusintha kwamyaya, kokhazikika komanso kwakukulu."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 553, "src": "But never fear, the famous fried goat cheese isn't going anywhere.", "trg": "Koma musawope, chambiko choviikika muufa ndikuchikazinga mmafuta sichikupita kwina kulikonse."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 554, "src": "But his supporters refuse to believe that Beauford is to blame.", "trg": "Koma omuchemelera ake akukana kukhulupilira kuti Beauford ndiye woyenera kudzudzulidwa."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 555, "src": "To help gently grab a slippery puppy, either wear latex gloves or wrap a washcloth or hand towel around the exposed puppy.", "trg": "Kuti muthandize kugwira mwana wagalu wotelera, mutha kuvala magulovu apulasitiki kapena kukulunga mwana wagaluyo ndi nsalu yochapidwa bwaino kapena tawelo yammanja."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 556, "src": "The matching shirt and tie nearly tipped me over the edge, though the pants were ugly.", "trg": "Shati ndi tayi zamaonekedwe ofanana zinatsala pang'ono kundikhumudwitsa, angakhale kuti buluku linaliso lonyasa."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 557, "src": "He was convinced that it was perfect, but we had to convince the architect.", "trg": "Iye anakhutitsidwa kuti zinali bwinobwino, koma zinatengera ife kutsimikizira katswiri wojambula mapulani anyumba."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 558, "src": "These trackers detect motion while you\u2019re lying down to figure out when you\u2019re awake, lightly asleep, or in deep sleep.", "trg": "Zipangizozi zimathandiza kudziwa kasunthudwe ka chinthu pomwe munthu utagona pofuna kudziwa ngati uli maso, uli mtulo pang'ono, kapena uli mtulo tofa nato."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 559, "src": "Mrs. Harold has outlined an ambitious program of promotion and events.", "trg": "Mayi Harold atulutsa dongosolo lalikulu lokhudza ntchito zosatsa zinthu komanso za zochitikachitika."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 560, "src": "Some might argue that he has followed a predictable path of reactionary decline.", "trg": "Ena atha kunena kuti iye watha motsatira njira yomwe aliyense amayembekezera yochita chinthu potsatira chochitika china chake."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 561, "src": "The Authors reserve the right to edit, delete and block any comment or commenter deemed to be inappropriate.", "trg": "Alembi ndi omwe ali ndi ufulu osintha, kufufuta kapena kuletsa anthu ena kulembapo ndemanga kapena kuletsa olemba ndemanga omwe kwaoneka kuti ndiosayenera."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 562, "src": "You may find a lone mouse or a nest full of mice, yet the plural of house is houses, not hice.", "trg": "Pachingerezi mutha kupeza liu loti mouse pokamba mbewa imodzi kapena chitsa chodzadza ndi mice pokamba mbewa zambiri, koma mukamakamba za nyumba zambiri mumati houses osati hice ngati kuchulukitsa kwa liu la nyumba loti house."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 563, "src": "You'll definitely sleep a little bit better during that long train ride.", "trg": "Mosakaikira mudzagona bwinoko paulendo wa musitima yapamtunda umenewu."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 564, "src": "Davis wasn\u2019t a passive observer who merely said goodbye to a dying relative;", "trg": "Sikuti Davis anali munthu wongoyang'anira zinthu yemwe chomwe amadziwa ndikungonena kuti muyende bwino kwa wachibale yemwe akumwalira;"} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 565, "src": "Shop locally and enjoy world-class bicycle brands' bike frames (consult the manual)!", "trg": "Gulani zinthu m'dera lanu ndipo sangalalani ndi maferemu anjinga amtundu wapamwamba (werengani buku lamalangizo)!"} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 566, "src": "The plague ravaged the population and, in conjunction with famine, left them starving.", "trg": "Nthenda yomwe inagwayo inavulaza anthu ambiri, ndipo pamodzi ndi njara anthu anatsala opanda chakudya."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 567, "src": "Ponder what scenarios might evolve that breach your ability to absorb negative impact or exploit risks.", "trg": "Lingalirani zomwe zingasinthe zomwe zikuphwanya kuthekera kwanu kosakhuzika ndi zoyipa zomwe anthu akukamba kapena kochita zinthu zomwe pali chiopsezo china chake."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 568, "src": "If I compare with 1940, where it is specifically forbidden, I simply want to make sure I am not making a false assumption.", "trg": "Ndikafanizira ndi 1940 pomwe ndizoletsedwa, ine ndimangofuna kuonetsetsa kuti sindikulingalira zinthu zabodza."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 569, "src": "Stanley Milgram's famous experiment highlights the powerful human tendency to obey authority.", "trg": "Zoyesayesa zomwe anapanga Stanley Milgram zikuonetsa khalidwe lamphamvu lamunthu lomvera atsogoleri."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 570, "src": "Munby's guidance states that any divorce that has been granted in error is null and void.", "trg": "Ulangizi wa Munby umakamba kuti kuthetsedwa kwa banja kwina kulikonse komwe kwachitika molakwika sikudzatsatidwa."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 571, "src": "From 10 feet away you could tell the bottom of the boat was in rough shape;", "trg": "Kuchokera pa mtunda wa mafiti 10 zimachita kuonekeratu kuti pansi pa botilo sipanapangidwe mosalala;"} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 572, "src": "If a pupil has an allowance, he or she will feel reluctant to skip homework as well as other activities.", "trg": "Ngati mwana wasukulu akulandira alawansi, iye sangakhale ndi lingaliro losachita ntchito yasukulu yopangira kunyumba komanso ntchito zina."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 573, "src": "Pristine and remote, this barrier island is a slice of primitive paradise.", "trg": "Chosaonongeka komanso chadera lakutali, chilumba chammbali mwa nyanjachi ndi malo achimidzi koma osangalatsa kwambiri."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 574, "src": "Instead of placing the glue on the actual band, I squeeze out a modest line and just dip the band into it.", "trg": "Mmalo moyika zomatirazo pa chinthu chomwe ndimafuna kumatacho, ndinafinya zomatira zochulukirapo kenako ndikulowetsamo chomwe ndimafuna kumatacho."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 575, "src": "Discover Elavon's award-winning payment processing platform, customer focus, and transparent fee structure.", "trg": "Dziwani njira yolipilira zinthu ya Elavon yomwe yapatapo mphoto, yolunjika pa zofuna za makasitomala komanso zomwe anthu amalipira sizobisanso ayi."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 576, "src": "Roughly ten to fifteen thousand years ago, humanity began the transition from a hunter-gatherer tradition to agriculture.", "trg": "Pafupifupi zaka zikwi khumi ndi zisanu zapitazo anthu anayamba kuchoka ku mchitidwe waulenje ndi kumasaka zinthu zofunikira pamoyo wawo mtchire ndikuyamba ulimi."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 577, "src": "Like an unlawful assembly, a riot involves a gathering of persons for an illegal purpose.", "trg": "Monga mkumano uliwonse wosavomerezeka, chipolowe ndi mkumano wa anthu pa zolinga zosavomerezeka."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 578, "src": "To predict the nationality of the player who won the contest.", "trg": "Kulosera dziko lomwe wosewera yemwe anapambana mpikisano akuchokera."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 579, "src": "They said hi and bye, and sometimes smiled, but that was it.", "trg": "Anapatsana moni komanso kutsanzikana, ndipo nthawi zina amamwetulira, koma basi zinathera pamenepo."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 580, "src": "Jesus is our heaven-sent, born-in-a-stable prophet, priest, and king.", "trg": "Yesu ndi mneneri wochokera kumwamba, wobadwira mkhola la ng'ombe, m'busa komanso mfumu yathu."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 581, "src": "Jenna also helped me right before walking down the aisle, when I had a little mini freak out.", "trg": "Jenna anandithandizanso ndisanayambe kudutsa mumpata woyendamo anthu pomwe ndinali nditakhumudwa pang'ono."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 582, "src": "If your employer or building manager did not protect you from this harm, that person is responsible.", "trg": "Ngati abwana anu kapena okuyang'anirani pa ntchito ya zomangamanga sanakutetezeni ku chivulazo ichi, mwa munthu ameneyo muli kusamala."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 583, "src": "In essence, the bank account ought to have enough cash for your tuition and also accept multiple types of currency.", "trg": "Chofunikira kwabiri, akaunti ya kubanki imayenera kukhala ndi ndalama zokwanira zoti mutha kulipilira sukulu yanu, ndipo timalola ndalama za maiko osiyanasiyana polipira."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 584, "src": "Search the side of \"the bowl,\" as named by fishermen, across from the shallow beach, for a quiet spot to cast away.", "trg": "Sakani m'mbali mwa \"kambale kolowa\" monga asodzi amatchulira, kutsidya kwa gombe lomwe silakuya kwambiri ngati mukufuna malo opanda phokoso mufatsepo."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 585, "src": "Nowadays, hearing aids perform magic tricks such as filtering out background noise, so no more noisy air conditioner.", "trg": "Masiku ano, zipangizo zothandizira kuti munthu amve zimachita ntchito zodabwitsa monga kuchotsa phokoso, moti sipakhalanso phokoso lochokera ku makina oziziritsa kapena kutenthetsa mchipinda."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 586, "src": "There are some really neat delay effects, and the overall vibe is nice.", "trg": "Pali njira zochitidwa mosalala zochedwetsera mawu, ndipo kamvekedwe ka nyimbo nkosangalatsa."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 587, "src": "The guys in messy holey shirts and girls in shredded clothing did not anticipate to take this daunting passage.", "trg": "Anyamata omwe avala mashati obookabooka onyasawo komanso atsikana omwe avala zovala zong'ambang'ambawo sanayembekeze kuti kudutsa malowa kukhala kovuta chonchi."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 588, "src": "White, ivory, natural red, pink, orange, brown, yellow, green, blue, purple, black, gray, silver, gold, copper, multicolored.", "trg": "Zoyera, za ayivole, zofiira, zapinki, zaolenji, za bulawuni, zayelo, zobiliwira, zamtambo, zapepo, zakuda, za gileyi, zasiliva, zagolide, zakopa, za mitundu yosiyanasiyana."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 589, "src": "All those measures are intended to curb Portland\u2019s critical shortage of affordable housing and spike in homelessness.", "trg": "Njira zonsezo cholinga chake ndikuchepetsa vuto lakusowa kwa nyumba za mtengo wochepa komanso vuto la kuchuluka kwa anthu osowa pokhala ku Portland."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 590, "src": "Type 2 diabetes has become so common in recent decades that it\u2019s not an exaggeration to refer to it as an epidemic.", "trg": "Matenda a shuga a mtundu 2 afala kwambiri mu zaka zino moti sikulakwitsa kuatchula kuti ndi mulili."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 591, "src": "Economic decline and absence of employment opportunities, especially as inequality grows, likewise drives conflict.", "trg": "Kulowa pansi kwa ntchito za chuma komanso kusowa kwa mwayi wantchito, makamaka pomwe kusiyana kwa pakati pa anthu osiyanasiyana kukuchulukirachulukira, nakonso kumayambitsa nkhondo."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 592, "src": "You're more likely to fit in at the gym wearing your yoga outfit than trying to impress the high-fashion crowd.", "trg": "Mutha kukalandiridwa bwinobwino ku malo ochitirako masewera olimbitsa thupi mutavala zovala zochitira yoga kusiyana ndi kufuna kukhutiritsa khwimbi la anthu okonda zafashoni."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 593, "src": "Baby bottle tooth decay occurs when parents or caregivers give children excessive milk formula or juice to drink.", "trg": "Kuola mano kwa ana kamba ka botolo kumachitika ngati makolo kapena osamalira anawo akumaapatsa kwambiri mkaka wochita kupanga kapena majuwisi kuti adzimwa."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 594, "src": "Find a lunch partner, a dinner mate, and engage in casual or intimate chat.", "trg": "Pezani wokadya naye nkhomaliro, wokadya naye m'gonero, ndipo chezani nkhani wamba kapena zachikondi."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 595, "src": "Allow us to obtain the best health insurance that will meet your exclusive needs.", "trg": "Tiloleni ife tipeze ishurasi yabwino kwambiri yomwe idzakwaniritse zofuna zanu zonse."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 596, "src": "Our customer support staff is ready to handle your issue immediately.", "trg": "Wantchito wanthu woona zothandiza makisotamala akuthandizani pankhani yanu pompano."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 597, "src": "The reason is the fear of failure to match the expectations of the teacher.", "trg": "Chifukwa chake ndi mantha olephera kukwanitsa ziyembekezo za mphunzitsi."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 598, "src": "It is an urge they have to satisfy, and you have to make adequate provision for them.", "trg": "Ndi chilakolako chomwe akuyenera kuchikwaniritsa, ndiye mukuyenera kuapatsa mwayi wokwanira."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 599, "src": "Even some of the very strange-looking moves in the battle are eminently practical.", "trg": "Angakhale kamenyedwe kankhondo kooneka kachilendo kamagwiritsidwa ntchito mosataya nthawi."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 600, "src": "They can owe the tenant twice the security deposit plus court fees.", "trg": "Atha kukhala ndi ngongole kwa tenanti wawo yaikulu kawiri kuposa ndalama yachitetezo kuphatikizapo ndalama zolipira kukhoti."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 601, "src": "We should postpone our analysis until we know our work is not redundant.", "trg": "Tikuyenera kuyima kaye kasanthula kwathu kufikira titadziwa kuti ntchito yathuyi siinapangidwepo m'mbuyomu."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 602, "src": "Here was a tent where any idle fellow might stake his liberty against a few crowns at dice or other hazard;", "trg": "Apa panali thenti, pomwe munthu wina aliyense wosowa zochita atha kubetsa ufulu wake kuti adzisewera tchesi, mayere kapena china choopsa;"} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 603, "src": "It should make the chart a bit easier to interpret at a glance.", "trg": "Ndikuyenera kuonetsera mauthengawa m'chithunzithunzi chomwe sichovuta kuchimvetsetsa munthu akangochiona."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 604, "src": "Once the vessel is built, a new certificate of registration without this phrase and restriction can be obtained.", "trg": "Sitimayo ikangomangidwa, chiphaso choilembetsa chopanda mawu awa komanso chiletso chimenechi chitha kutengedwa."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 605, "src": "Given its drought-prone nature, Masvingo province is known as cattle-keeping country.", "trg": "Potengera kuchuluka kwa chiopsezo cha ng'amba, chigawo cha Masvingo chimatchedwanso dziko losunga ng'ombe."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 606, "src": "Mum and Dad pause their debate when we hear this creepy clacking that sounds like hail falling.", "trg": "Amayi ndi abambo amayamba asiya zokambirana tikangomva kaphokoso komveka ngati zinthu zikusweka."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 607, "src": "That\u2019s absurd, and it\u2019s embarrassing, and anybody thinking that way should be ashamed, no matter their preference.", "trg": "Izo ndizopusa, komanso ndizochititsa manyazi, komanso wina aliyense woganiza choncho manyazi amugwire, posatengera makonda awo."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 608, "src": "And we should ask the wealthiest among us to contribute their fair share.", "trg": "Ndipo tikuyenera kufunsa iwo olemera kwambiri pakati pathu kuti asonkhe molowa manja."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 609, "src": "We instantly recognize this feature as defining an unnatural, hence anti-biophilic, environment.", "trg": "Timazindikira chizindikiro chimenechi monga chinthu chomwe chimafotokoza malo achilendo omwe amakhala malo omwe palibe kulumikizana kwina kulikonse pakati pa anthu ndi zamoyo zamtundu wina."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 610, "src": "The library desk clerk was able to help a police artist draw up a portrait of the suspect who left in such a hurry.", "trg": "Mlembi wa munyumba yamabuku anatha kuthandiza waluso wapolisi kujambula chithunzi cha woganiziridwa mulandu yemwe anachoka mwaliwiro."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 611, "src": "Sign up for a paid account to access the rest of this content.", "trg": "Lembetsani kuti mudzilipira kuti muthe kuona zonse."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 612, "src": "Use a nail set to set the nails and a caulking compound to seal them.", "trg": "Gwiritsani ntchito zipangizo zoyikira zikhadabo pofuna kukonza zikhadabo zanu komanso zomatira kuti muzimate."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 613, "src": "Madam, your glasses are fogged up!", "trg": "Adona, magalasi anu pali nthunzi!"} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 614, "src": "With that huge and innocent smile, this chick is cute as hell!", "trg": "Ndi kumwemwetera kwakukulu komanso kosaonetsa kulakwako, chimkazi ichi ndichabwino kwambiri!"} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 615, "src": "In this regard, you need not worry about the facilities being available for cooking at the venue.", "trg": "Apapa, sukuyenera kudandaula za kupezeka kwa zipangizo zophikira pa malo ochitikira zinthuwo."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 616, "src": "They expected commitment, passion, generosity, hospitality.", "trg": "Iwo amayembekezera kudzipereka, kuikapo mtima, mtima wopereka, kulandila bwino alendo."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 617, "src": "Divide the sliced steak, roasted potato, and cooked snap peas between two plates.", "trg": "Gawani nyama yodulidwayo, mbatata yootcha ndi nandolo wophikidwayo mumbale 2."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 618, "src": "On the other hand, Jesus\u2019 contribution to man was (is) life, acquittal, and pardon (or redemption).", "trg": "Kumbali ina, chomwe Yesu anathandizirapo (akuthandizirapo) pamunthu ndi moyo, kumasulidwa, komanso kukhululukidwa (kapena kuomboledwa)."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 619, "src": "Small round white side table with a lamp beside a cup of tea and coffee, plant standing on top, modern furniture.", "trg": "Tebulo laling'ono lozungulira loyera lapambali lokhala ndi kanyali kuphatikizapo kapu ya tiyi ndi khofi, kamtengo kakang'ono kali pamwamba, mipando yamakono."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 620, "src": "Consuming any other beverage in the first 12 months can interfere with your breast milk or infant formula.", "trg": "Kumwa chakumwa cha mtundu wina uliwonse chapadera kupatula madzi pa miyezi 12 yoyamba kutha kusokoneza mkaka wanu wammawere kapena mkaka wamwana wochita kugula."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 621, "src": "The leaves of this herb resemble carrot greens and are somewhat frilly and curly.", "trg": "Masamba a chomera ichi amafanana ndi masamba a kaloti ndipo amaonekabe okongola komanso opotanapotana."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 622, "src": "Rita delighted in the fresh grapes, although she looked more like she had swallowed a watermelon.", "trg": "Rita anali wosangalala ndi mphesa zatsopano, angakhale amaoneka kwambiri ngati wameza chivwende."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 623, "src": "Or even worse, you are a retired athlete looking in the mirror asking, what happened to me!", "trg": "Kapena poipitsitsa, inu ndi wochita masewera othamanga wopuma yemwe akuyang'ana pakalilole nkumafunsa, n'chiyani chinandichitikira!"} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 624, "src": "The kinetic connection of fingers, hand, arm, brain, and heart releases whatever truth lies waiting to be told.", "trg": "Kugwirizana kwa kayendedwe ka zala, dzanja, mkono, ubongo, ndi mtima kumaonetsera chilungamo china chilichonse chomwe chikudikira kuti chinenedwe."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 625, "src": "Solenne freezes in the threshold, her body stiff like a statue, as she stares toward the metro platform.", "trg": "Solenne amazizira koopsa pansi pakhomo, thupi lake kuuma gwa ngati fano, pomwe akudutsa pamasitepe kupita pansanja."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 626, "src": "In rare cases, a serious condition called compartment syndrome can occur.", "trg": "Mwa apa ndi apo, vuto logwirana kwa minofu zomwe zimachititsa magazi kuti avutike kuyenda mthupi litha kuchitika."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 627, "src": "Is there a clown on the premises?", "trg": "Kodi pali wochita nthabwala pa malopo?"} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 628, "src": "The permit holder is responsible for the disposal of litter and the cleaning of footpaths.", "trg": "Mwini wa chiphaso chachilolezo ali ndi udindo wokataya zinyalala komanso kusesa m'miseu ya oyenda pansi."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 629, "src": "Do they follow the usual internship timeline, and if not, can you give an estimate about the hiring timeline?", "trg": "Kodi iwo amatsata nthawi yolembera anthu omwe akafuna kudzaphunzira ntchito, ndipo ngati samatero, utha kuyerekeza kuti amalemba anthu nthawi iti ndi iti?"} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 630, "src": "Basically he's dizzy, can hardly walk, lost his balance, speech was impaired, said spectacular things.", "trg": "Makamaka iyeyu ali ndi chizwenzwe, akukanikiratu kuyenda, anataya kuthekera koyenda bwinobwino, kayankhulidwe kake kanali kovutikira, amayankhula zinthu zapamwamba."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 631, "src": "When you make a mistake, the ocean gives you an instant reminder.", "trg": "Ukalakwitsa chinthu china chake, nyanja yaikulu imatha kukukumbutsa pompopompo."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 632, "src": "We ate dinner on the back deck - it's incredibly nice to eat outside in July with no bugs or humidity!", "trg": "Tinadya mgonera m'chipinda cha sitima chakumbuyo chapamwamba - ndikwabwino kwambiri kudyera panja mumwezi wa Julayi pomwe sikumakhala nkhungudzu kapena chinyezi!"} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 633, "src": "Bachelor Swap features two identical twin brothers switching places.", "trg": "Mchitidwe wa Bachelor Swap umakhalapo pomwe mapasa ofananitsa asinthana malo."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 634, "src": "On this trail I would suggest wearing close toed shoes and having an extra pair of socks for the hike.", "trg": "Pa kanjira aka nditha kukulimbikitsani kuti muvale nsapato zotseka phazi lonse ndi kukhala ndi masokosi oonjezera ogwiritsa ntchito pokwera mapiri."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 635, "src": "The firmware upgrade progress depends on the overall load of the system.", "trg": "Ntchito yosintha ma software a mukopyuta kuti akhale okulirapo imatengera kuti panthawi imeneyo kompyuta ikuchita ntchito zochuluka bwanji."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 636, "src": "These terms will even be valid for coming bills of sale and commercial contacts if they are not mentioned explicitly.", "trg": "Malamulo awa adzagwira ntchito pa kusamutsa kwa umwini wa malonda komanso pa zokambirana zamalonda ngati malamulowa sanatchulidwe mwatchutchutchu."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 637, "src": "Our friends brought the dessert...a yummy pull-apart monkey bread!", "trg": "Anzathu anabweretsa chakudya chotsekemera...buledi wonona wotchedwa pull apart monkey!"} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 638, "src": "Bug where welcome screen link would show blank in admin menu: is it fixed or should I fix it?", "trg": "Ikani kojambulira mawu moberako pomwe linki ya sikirini imaonetsa pa menyu ya mwini chipangizocho: yakonzeka kapena ndiikonze?"} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 639, "src": "Struggle is required in each field of work to achieve success.", "trg": "Kuvutika kumafukira pa mtundu wa ntchito wina uliwonse kuti mupeze chipambano."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 640, "src": "She recently has overcome her fat burden and lost some weight.", "trg": "Iye wathana nalo vuto lonenepa kwambiri posachedwapa ndipo pano watsitsako kulemera kwake."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 641, "src": "Whenever you\u2019re done typing a witty introduction, touch the arrow icon to deliver the message.", "trg": "Nthawi ina iliyonse mukamaliza kulemba ndime yoyamba yosangalatsa, dinani pomwe pali kolodzera kuti mutumize uthenga wanuwo."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 642, "src": "When lead singer Sting wrote the song, he was dealing with jealousy and obsession during the collapse of his marriage.", "trg": "Nthawi yomwe woyimba wotsogolera wotchedwa Sting analemba nyimboyo, iye anali akulingalira za nsanje ndi kukonda kutengeka nthawi yomwe banja lake linali litasokoneklera."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 643, "src": "If you have adequate counter space in your bathroom, then never hesitate to have a cabinet vanity.", "trg": "Ngati muli ndi malo oikapo zinthu okwanira mubafa lanu musakaike kukhala ndi kabati yomwe pamakhala sinki."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 644, "src": "If you\u2019re aware that you\u2019re the most qualified for the occupation, reveal it.", "trg": "Ngati mukudziwa kuti ndinu woyenelera kwambiri pa ntchito ina yake, dziululeni."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 645, "src": "Extra lengths of drill pipe visible on the machine are added as the boring progresses.", "trg": "Mapaipi oonjezera oonekera pa makinawo okumba amaonjezereka pomwe ntchito yoboola madzi ili mkati."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 646, "src": "The most important purpose of a nurse is to earn patient trust and leave them whole, complete, and independent.", "trg": "Cholinga chachikulu cha namwino ndi kufika poti wodwala akumukhulupilira kufika pomusiya alibe vuto lirilonse, wathunthu, komanso wodziimira payekha."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 647, "src": "The thought was enough to send her forward the last few steps.", "trg": "Ganizolo linali lokwanira kumuthandizira kuti apite chitsogolo masitepe angapo omaliza."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 648, "src": "I feel like all eligible bachelors want to stalk me, and I tell them I am a widow, but they are still in pursuit.", "trg": "Ndikuona ngati amuna osakwatira akufuna kundivutitsa, ndipo ndimaauza kuti ndine chokolo koma iwo akundikakamirabe."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 649, "src": "Perfect for the cold, wet spring and winter, this coat will keep your dog warm, dry, and especially clean!", "trg": "Yogwirizana ndi nyengo yozizira ndi yamvula, chovala champhepo ichi chidzafunditsa ndi kuteteza galu wanu ku mvula kuti akhale wosada!"} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 650, "src": "My point is that housing is scarce and insecure and the economy is a feast and famine annual cycle.", "trg": "Mfundo yanga ndiyakuti nyumba zikusowa komanso zopanda chitetezo ndipo chuma ndi msinthano wa nthawi ya chakudya chambiri kenako chilala."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 651, "src": "Connect the tension clamps on both sides of the ground wire with a 15.5m long wire rope sleeve and 3T bend joint.", "trg": "Lumikizani waya wapansi ndi zolumikizira mbali zonse ziwiri ndi chingwe chamawaya chotalika mamita 15.5 komanso ndi joini ya 3T yomwe imakhala ndi kokhotera kutatu."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 652, "src": "Indeed, various ancient tribes subsisted primarily on meat.", "trg": "Nzoonadi, mitundu ya anthu yosiyanasiyana yamakedzana imakhalira kudya makamaka nyama."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 653, "src": "Moreover, many employed single mothers earn poverty wages or tolerate wage inequality;", "trg": "Komanso, amayi apantchito omwe ali ndi mwana kapena ana koma opanda mwamuna amalandira malipiro ochepa kwambiri kapena amalola malipiro osiyana ndi anzawo;"} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 654, "src": "After a short time, the princess became thirsty and asked her maid to fetch her a drink of water from a nearby river.", "trg": "Patadutsa nthawi pang'ono, mfumukazi inamva ludzu ndipo inafunsa wantchito wake wamkazi kuti akatenge madzi okumwa kuchokera mumtsinje womwe unali pafupi."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 655, "src": "With a yell of rage the victorious knight threw himself on his horse and rode away at a furious gallop.", "trg": "Ndi mkuwo wa mkwiyo msilikari yemwe anapambana anadziponyera pa kavalo yemwe anachoka pamalopo mokhuphuthuka."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 656, "src": "Most car companies are scared to commit to a given battery chemistry for fear it will be obsolete in a few years.", "trg": "Makampane ambiri opanga magalimoto samafuna kumatilirana ndi mtundu umodzi wa sayansi yopangira mabatire poopa kuti sayansiyo itha kutha ntchito mzaka zochepa chabe."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 657, "src": "Tap to mine diamonds and dig gold, hunt rare prey, chop trees and craft epic gear.", "trg": "Dinani kuti mukumbe dayamondi ndi kukumba golide, kusaka nyama zosowa, kudula nkhuni komanso kusoka zovala zapamwamba."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 658, "src": "Even if a review gave the film a poor score, most praise the opening chase sequence.", "trg": "Angakhale kuti ounika filimuyo anaipatsa mapointi ochepa, ambiri anayamikira mthamangitsano womwe unali kumayambiliro kwa filimuyi."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 659, "src": "Have your tutor do chores around the house", "trg": "Mphunzitsi wokulangizani achite ntchito zapanyumba"} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 660, "src": "Haku continued the assault in the ring as Savage looked desperately for his partner to make a tag.", "trg": "Haku anapitiriza kumenya molapita mu ling'i pomwe Savage amayang'ana misimidwa kuti mzake womenya nayeyo akole ndikugwetsera pansi."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 661, "src": "If you\u2019re not a fan of store-bought cinnamon rolls that\u2019s okay.", "trg": "Ngati simumakonda zakudya za mtundu wa buledi zozungulira za cinnamon palibe vuto."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 662, "src": "They weren\u2019t too eager to go fight in a foreign land and lose their own lives.", "trg": "Sanali ndi chidwi kwambiri chopita kukamenya nkhondo ku dziko lina ndi kukataya miyoyo yawo."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 663, "src": "This one quote made me realize it is my responsibility to try to restore that bridge between us.", "trg": "Mawu omwe anayankhulidwawa andichititsa kuzindikira, ndi udindo wanga kuyesetsa kukonzanso ubale omwe unalipo pakati pathu."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 664, "src": "In the wake of bird flu alerts across the country, none of the residents ventured near the spot to even verify what locals said.", "trg": "Pomwe pali chenjezo la matenda a chimfine cha mbalame m'dziko lonseli, palibe ndi nzika imodzi yomwe imene inapita kufupi ndi malowo angakhale kukangotsimikiza anthu am'deralo anatero."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 665, "src": "No competent lawyer wants to put a hostile witness on the stand, even under oath.", "trg": "Palibe loya wodziwa ntchito yake yemwe angafune kuyika mboni yaupandu khalidwe mukabokosi koperekeramo umboni kukhoti, angakhale atalumbira."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 666, "src": "No robot can express sincere empathy, sympathy, compassion, and confidence.", "trg": "Palibe zidole zoyendera compyuta zomwe zingakhale ndi chifundo, chisoni, mtima wabwino, komanso kudzikhulupilira."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 667, "src": "Use fresh basil, flax oil, or virgin coconut oil and replace the cheese with yeast.", "trg": "Gwiritsani ntchito komera kotchedwa basil, mafuta a flax kapena mafuta otsopano a kokonati kenako ndikuchotsamo chambiko n'kuikamo yisiti."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 668, "src": "They legit gave me some dope swag just for measuring something with that ruler!", "trg": "Iwo anandipatsa udolo weniweni chifukwa chongoyeza chinthu china chake ndi lula!"} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 669, "src": "But if we had a spare million dollars, I guess it\u2019s not the worst thing to spend it on.", "trg": "Koma tikanakhala kuti tili ndi ndalama zokwana miliyoni imodzi yapadera, ndiyesa sikulakwitsa kugula chinthu ngati ichi."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 670, "src": "Many people just seem to attach age and maturity to a beard.", "trg": "Anthu ambiri amaona ngati msinkhu ndi kukula zimagwirizana ndi ndevu."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 671, "src": "Apparently, it was sold to a company that plans to convert it into a chocolate factory and museum.", "trg": "Pakali pano, inagulitsidwa ku kampane yomwe ikulingalira zoisandutsa kampane yopanga chokoleti komanso malo osungirako ndikumaonetsa anthu zinthu zamakedzana."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 672, "src": "Frost and thunder, flames shine bright, ruin walks the land tonight.", "trg": "Chisanu ndi ziphaliwali, malawi amoto akuwala kwambiri, chinongeko chafika pamalo ano usiku uno."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 673, "src": "We recharged our batteries with a glimpse of sunshine, crab sandwiches and a boat trip.", "trg": "Tinatchajaso mabatire athu ndi kuwala kwa dzuwa, masandwichi a nkhanu komanso ulendo wapaboti."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 674, "src": "Oh no, is everything alright, Latasha replied in a concerned tone?", "trg": "Ogoo, koma zinthu zili bwino, Latasha anayankha ndi mawu okhudzika."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 675, "src": "She didn\u2019t approve of his high school girlfriend and tried to impose a nine o\u2019clock curfew and stricter rules.", "trg": "Iwo sanaonetse kuvomereza za chibwenzi chake cha kusekondale ndipo anayesa kukhazikitsa lamulo lofika panyumba naini koloko komanso malamulo ena okhwima."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 676, "src": "If you\u2019re worried about helmet hair, simply keep a comb or brush in your desk drawer.", "trg": "Ngati mumakhala ndi nkhawa zokhudza tsitsi lanu lalikulu, chofunika ndikusunga chipeso kapena bulashi mu dilowa ya tebulo lanu."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 677, "src": "He also helped with a car wash to raise money for a classmate involved in a car crash.", "trg": "Iye anathandizanso ndi kutsuka galimoto kuti apeze ndalama zothandizira mzake yemwe anachita ngozi yagalimoto."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 678, "src": "These include the green lizard, the red owl, the tomato frog and the serpent eagle.", "trg": "Izi zikuphatikizapo buluzi wobiliwira, kadzidzi wofiira, chule wamaonekedwe a tomato, komanso chiombankhanga chodya njoka."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 679, "src": "Then came the implementation phase again; I wanted a perfect automation process, coding style, following framework rules etc;", "trg": "Ndiye panabweranso nthawi yofuna kuyamba kugwira ntchito; ndinafuna kachitidwe ka ntchito kabwino kaotomatiki, njira yopangira kodi, motsatira malamulo okhazikitsidwa ndi zina;"} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 680, "src": "If you suspect you tend to grind your teeth, go to your local dentist.", "trg": "Ngati mukudzikaikira kuti mumakonda kukukuta mano anu, pitani kwa dotolo wamano m'dera lanu."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 681, "src": "So, you should avoid going with a bride scam site or dating fraud site online.", "trg": "Ndiye, mukuyenera kuchepetsa mchitidwe wopita pa webusayiti ya mkazi wabodza kapena webusayiti yopezerapo wachikondi wocheza naye yabodza pa intaneti."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 682, "src": "Merchant cash advance providers evaluate risk and weight credit criteria differently than a traditional banker might.", "trg": "Anthu opereka ngongole kwa ochita bizinesi amayamba aunika chiopsezo ndipo amakhala ndi ndondondomeko zoperekera ngongole zosiyaniranako ndi mabanki."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 683, "src": "We have built our reputation on outstanding client service and are committed to helping you succeed in your tax matter.", "trg": "Tinapanga mbiri yathu kamba kothandiza makasitomala athu mwapamwamba komanso ndife odzipereka pokuthandizani kuti muchite bwino pa nkhani ya misonkho yanu."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 684, "src": "As a result, the teeth eventually develop a dull, lackluster appearance.", "trg": "Kamba ka ichi, mapeto ake mani amakhala onyasa, ooneka mosakhala bwino."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 685, "src": "He shared the fear, horror, and despair of the fighting men, each of whom knew that each day might be his last.", "trg": "Anafotokoza za mantha, zoopsa komanso kusowa mtendere kwa amuna omwe amamenyana, wina aliyense amadziwa kuti tsiku lirilonse litha kukhala tsiku lake lomaliza."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 686, "src": "Sadly, their ultimate sacrifice merely delayed the invasion.", "trg": "Mwachisoni, kudzipereka kwawo kunangokwaniritsa kuchedwetsa kuthira nkhondo m'deralo."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 687, "src": "I cherish my diary but hold every other document in contempt.", "trg": "Ndimakonda dayale yanga koma ndimatenga mabuku ndi zolemba zanga zina zonse kukhala zopanda pake."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 688, "src": "Gandhi also believed rural economy based mass movement follow non-violent methods.", "trg": "Gandhi amakhulupiliranso kuti mchitidwe wamadera akumidzi ofuna kusintha zinthu pa nkhani yachuma umatsatira njira zopanda zipolowe."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 689, "src": "Goodnight sweetheart, and I am so pleased that sleep has banished sorrow for both of us.", "trg": "Ugone bwino wachikondi wanga, ndipo ndili wokondwa zedi kuti tulo tachotsa madandulo pakati pa awirife."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 690, "src": "You can turn every acquaintance into an asset if you know how to spin a thank-you letter.", "trg": "Mutha kusandutsa chomwe mukudziwa kukhala chida chofunikira kwambiri ngati muli ndi kuthekera kolemba kalata yothokoza."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 691, "src": "Valve position is determined by flow rate demand (differential pressure).", "trg": "Pomwe pali valuvu pamadziwika ndi mphamvu ya kayendedwe ka zinthu yomwe ikufunika (kusiyana kwa kuchuluka kwa mphamvu pa malo awiri)."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 692, "src": "Bring the milk to a boil and add the Ragi paste slowly, stirring repeatedly.", "trg": "Tenthetsani mkaka ndipo onjezerani chiphalaphala cha Ragi pang'onopang'ono, ndipo takasani mosalekeza."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 693, "src": "Mark Jacobson, professor of civil and environmental engineering.", "trg": "Mark Jacobson, Pulofesa pa phunziro lokhudza sayansi la zomangamanga komanso zachilengedwe."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 694, "src": "Limited oral examination and diagnosis are usually reserved for returning or emergency patients.", "trg": "Kuunika komanso kusakasaka matenda mkamwa kamba ka vuto lina lake lamkamwa kumachitika pa odwala omwe achita kubweraso kapena omwe achita ngozi."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 695, "src": "So far, half a million lights have been replaced in homes, buildings, and streetlights.", "trg": "Kufika pano, mababu amagesi okwanira theka la miliyoni anasinthidwa mmakomo, mzomangamanga komanso m'mababu amagesi a m'mizinda."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 696, "src": "Likes stability in relations and doesn't easily forgive betrayal.", "trg": "Amakonda kukhazikika kwa m'maubale ndiponso samakhuluka msanga akachitiridwa nkhaza yoperekedwa mmanja mwa adani."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 697, "src": "Scott Thomas tweets some interesting photography articles too.", "trg": "Scott Thomas amatumizaso mauthenga a pa Twitter osangalatsa azithunzi."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 698, "src": "Stanislav applied to the Committee seeking legal assistance.", "trg": "Stanislav anapereka pempho lapadera ku Komitiyo lopempha chithandizo cha zamalamulo."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 699, "src": "This chapter is largely a tutorial on handling experimental errors of measurement.", "trg": "Gawo lino ndi lokhudza chiphunzitso cha momwe mungachitire pakakhala zolakwika pomwe mukuchita zoyesayesa."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 700, "src": "Stores selling nonessential goods were ordered closed, putting a crimp in Christmas shopping.", "trg": "Masitolo ogulitsa zinthu zosafunikira kwambiri pamoyo wamunthu anauzidwa kuti atsekedwe, zomwe zinasokoneza nkhani ya zogulagula za pa Khisimisi."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 701, "src": "Connected couples grow closer through having shared and separate interests.", "trg": "Mabanja omwe ndiolumikizana amakhala akugwirizana kamba ka zokonda zofanana komanso zosiyana."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 702, "src": "Attorney Frank returns calls personally and promptly handles all matters.", "trg": "Loya Frank amakuimbira foni iyeyo ngati unasemphana naye utamuimbira foni, ndipo amakuthandiza mosachedwa pa nkhani ina iliyonse."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 703, "src": "Van Dyke was a model and actress first, and a singer second;", "trg": "Van Dyke anali modelo komanso wazitsudzo poyamba, ndipo kenako anadzakhala woyimba;"} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 704, "src": "The entry period ends tonight at midnight (Eastern time zone!).", "trg": "Nthawi yolowera ikutha lero pakati pausiku (Potengera nthawi ya madera adziko lapansi akumadzulo!)."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 705, "src": "Our programmers develop Java web apps to build dynamic websites as per clients\u2019 requirements.", "trg": "Mapulogalamu athu akompyuta amapanga ma apulikeshoni othandiza kupanga mawebusayiti abwino kwambiri motsatira zomwe kasitomala akufuna."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 706, "src": "The parameters of these structures controlled the ways they functioned, and induced responses that changed the voltage.", "trg": "Magawo a zinthu zimenezi amathandizira momwe zinthuzi zimagwirira ntchito, ndipo zimayambitsa zochitika zosiyanasiyana zomwe zimasintha kuchuluka kwa mphamvu yamagesi."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 707, "src": "Participants posted journal entries, photos, comments, and videos.", "trg": "Otengapo mbali anatumiza zolembalemba, zithunzi, ndemnaga ndi mavidiyo awo."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 708, "src": "David shows examples of prone, sitting, and standing positions.", "trg": "David amaonetsera zitsanzo za kaimidwe ndi kakhalidwe komwe kamaika munthu pa chiopsezo."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 709, "src": "Here, too, males\u2019 education outcomes improved significantly.", "trg": "Panonso, maphunziro a amuna anapita mtsogolo kwambiri."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 710, "src": "Adding another hurdle, Chinese banks and tech giants control distribution channels.", "trg": "Kuonjezerapo chopinga china, mabanki ndi makampane a luso lamakono a ku China ndi omwe akuyendetsa njira zonse zofalitsira zinthu."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 711, "src": "February 7, 2020 Chicago couple who tested positive for virus released from hospital;", "trg": "Febuluwale 7, chaka cha 2020 banja lina la ku Chicago lomwe linapezeka ndi kavayirasi linatulutsidwa m'chipatala."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 712, "src": "Paul offered to pick her up, but Jan wasn\u2019t telling him where she lived.", "trg": "Paul anadzipereka kuti atha kukamutenga, koma Jan samamuuza kuti iye akukhalira kuti."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 713, "src": "Additionally, certified pre-owned cars carry factory warranty options.", "trg": "Moonjezera chabe, galimoto zogwiritsidwapo kale ntchito zovomerezeka zimakhala ndi walanti."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 714, "src": "Amazon has been pressing workers to vote against the union.", "trg": "Amazon yakhala ikukakamiza ogwira ntchito kuti avotere mosagwirizana ndi bungwe lomenyera ufulu wa anthu ogwira ntchitolo."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 715, "src": "It's designed for younger children or older adults without an iPhone.", "trg": "Chinapangidwa kuti chidzigwwiritsidwa ntchito ndi ana aang'ono kapena anthu aakulu akulu opanda foni ya mtundu wa iPhone."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 716, "src": "If the winner resides in one of the 48 states, they will have the option of a Kindle edition or paperback.", "trg": "Ngati yemwe wapambana amakhala mu chimodzi mwa zigawo 48, adzakhala ndi mwayi wosankha buku la mu Kindle kapena Buku la mapepala."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 717, "src": "YouTube also gives brands the possibility to customize how their channel looks.", "trg": "YouTube imaperekanso mwayi woti makasitomala ake athe kusinthasintha maonekedwe a momwe tchanelo chawo chidziwonekera."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 718, "src": "Subscribe to weekly blog updates, featuring topics such as branding, digital marketing, and web design strategies.", "trg": "Lembetsani kuti mudzitha kulandira mauthenga sabata iliyonse, pa mitu monga kukhazikitsa malonda ozindikirika msanga, kutsatsa malonda pa intaneti, komanso njira zopangira webusayiti."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 719, "src": "Provides samples of tumors, survival rates, and Medical care records.", "trg": "Amatenga ndi kupereka zitsanzo zochepa chabe za zotupa, kukula kwa mayi wochira, komanso zolembedwa zokhudza Chithandizo chachipatala."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 720, "src": "Creating camp experiences that truly transform lives takes leadership.", "trg": "Kukonza mikumano ya pakampu yopambana yomwe imasintha miyoyo chimatengera utsogoleri."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 721, "src": "Since James\u2019 injury, they have the fourth-best defensive rating in the league.", "trg": "Kuchokera pomwe James anavulalira, timuyi yakhala ili yachinyai pa matimu omwe amatha kutchinjiriza golo lawo muligiyi."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 722, "src": "This index grid cannot be overridden, removed, or modified.", "trg": "Timabokosi tojambulidwa timeneti sitingakwiliridwe, kuchotsedwa, kapena kusinthindwa."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 723, "src": "We\u2019re breaking down the biggest moments episode-by-episode!", "trg": "Tikugaya chisangalalo apa kugwetsa gawo-ndi-gawo la filimiyi."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 724, "src": "George suggests that Robert blow off some steam by roller-skating.", "trg": "George akunena kuti Robert ayambe wapola moto pochita masewera othamanga pa nsapato zokhala ndi timateyala."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 725, "src": "Many websites offer reviews, recommendations, and detailed pricing information.", "trg": "Mawebusayiti ambiri amasonyeza ndemanga, zoyenera kuchita, komanso kufotokoza mwamvemvemve mitengo yake."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 726, "src": "Hobby Lobby has now turned into a billion-dollar enterprise.", "trg": "Hobby Lobby pano ndi kampane ya ndalama zankhanizankhani."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 727, "src": "Fill your info into the fields below.", "trg": "Lowetsani zokhudza inu mumipata ili mmusiyi."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 728, "src": "Ministry officials, governmental agencies, regulatory authorities, and civil society organizations.", "trg": "Mabwana a ku unduna, nthambi zaboma, mabungwe oyendetsa ntchito zosiyanasiyana komanso mabungwe omenyera maufulu a anthu."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 729, "src": "Replacement teachers discovered notes in classrooms containing offensive messages.", "trg": "Aphunzitsi omwe anasinthana ndi anzawo anapeza zolemba zotukwana m'makalasi."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 730, "src": "Western European countries have the largest consumer markets.", "trg": "Mayiko akumvuma kwa ku Ulaya ali ndi anthu ambiri omwe amagula ndi kugwirtsa ntchito zinthu."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 731, "src": "Add your cinnamon and cocoa powder while continuing to mix.", "trg": "Onjezerani cinnamon ndi ufa wa koko pomwe mukupitiriza kusakaniza."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 732, "src": "Performed firmware upgrade prior to starting hardware install.", "trg": "Tinayamba takuza ma firmware amukompyuta ntchito yolumikiza zipangizo zina isanachitike."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 733, "src": "Prepared coffee, cleaned dining areas, opened the register, and carried out other opening duties.", "trg": "Ndinakonza khofi, kukonza malo odyera, ndinatsegula buku lakalembera kenako ndinachita ntchito zina zoyambilira."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 734, "src": "Tracking devices can be installed on vehicles and equipment;", "trg": "Makina othandiza kudziwa komwe chinthu chili zitha kuikidwa pa galimoto ndi zipangizo zina;"} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 735, "src": "These reasons should be recorded, reported, and studied for trends.", "trg": "Zifukwa izi zikuyenera kulembedwa, kupangidwa lipoti, komanso kuwerengedwa pofuna kudziwa momwe zinthu zikuyendera."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 736, "src": "Max plays guitar, bass, and drums, sings vocals, and writes the songs.", "trg": "Max amaimba gitala, ng'oma zabesi, kuyimba mawu komanso kulemba nyimbo."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 737, "src": "Like many young artists, Smith worked as a gallery installer and exhibition designer.", "trg": "Monga oyimba achichepere ambiri, Smith anagwirapo ntchito ngati woyika zinthu mmalo ku malo ozionetsero za ntchito zaluso komanso ndiwokonza zionetsero zaluso."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 738, "src": "Royal Rangers is a christian scouting program designed to minister to the needs of boys.", "trg": "Royal Rangers ndi pulogilamu yachikhirisitu yomwe cholinga chake ndi kulalikira pofuna kukwaniritsa zofuna za anyamata."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 739, "src": "Precision calibration components allow for greater measurement accuracy.", "trg": "Zinthu zothandiza kugawa chinthu m'magawo ofanana zimathandiza kuti anthu adziyeza zinthu molondola."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 740, "src": "Typically, equity-trading platforms cannot receive funds via credit cards.", "trg": "Moyembekezereka, malo ogulirapo komanso kugulitsirapo masheya sangalandire ndalama kudzera mnjira ya makadi olipilira zinthu."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 741, "src": "Maintain agreed stock levels where applicable and closely monitor aged stock.", "trg": "Kuonetsetsa kuti kuchuluka kwa katundu sikukusintha kwambiri ngati kuli kotheka komanso kuchita kalondolondo wa katundu wokhalitsa."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 742, "src": "Flowers grown from their upper branches are translucent to white.", "trg": "Maluwa omera kunthambi zakumtunda kwake amakhala oonekera pang'ono komati okhala ngati oyera."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 743, "src": "The entire castle of every Disney movie has featured a logo in the shape of an 's'!", "trg": "Kapangidwe ka kanema ina iliyonse ya Disney pamakhala chizindikiro chooneka ngati chilembo 's!"} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 744, "src": "The documents indicated that Ford was involved in funding a suite of classes for institutions like \"Para Nosotras\".", "trg": "Zikalata zinaonetsa kuti Ford anali okhuzidwa ndi kupereka chithandizo cha ndalama ku mabungwe monga \"Para Nosotras\"."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 745, "src": "I use different packaging as print sizes comes in various formats.", "trg": "Kupakira ndimagwiritsa ntchito njira zosiyanasiyana zopakilira chifukwa choti zilembo zimabwera mmaonekedwe osiyanasiyana."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 746, "src": "Turn visitors into subscribers, paying fans, and lifelong readers.", "trg": "Sinthani anthu ongobwera kudzawerenga nao kuti akhale olembetsa, otsatira olipira, komanso awerengi amuyaya."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 747, "src": "Modern reporting encourages collaboration by sharing reports and allowing input.", "trg": "Pa kufalitsa nkhani kwa masiku anu amalimbikitsa kuchitira zinthu pamodzi pogawana nkhani komanso kuti ena aikepo maganizo awo."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 748, "src": "Marc realized the importance of serving God by honing his talent as a graphic artist.", "trg": "Marc anazindikira ubwino wotumikira Mulungu popititsa patsogolo luso lake lojambula zinthu lomwe anabadwa nalo."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 749, "src": "Peter deals with the consequences of neglecting his everyday responsibilities.", "trg": "Peter amathana ndi zotsatira za kusalabadira maudindo ake a tsiku ndi tsiku."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 750, "src": "The Graduate Council's minimum requirements for advanced degrees are described below.", "trg": "Zofunikira kuti munthu apange maphunziro apamwamba zokhazikitsidwa ndi Komiti Yoona za Maphunzirowa zafotokozedwa pansipa."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 751, "src": "Nevertheless, each division follows general laws and rules.", "trg": "Komabe, chigawo chilichonse chimatsatira malamulo."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 752, "src": "They are fully transferable, just like physical tickets printed on ticket stock.", "trg": "Amatheka kusinthisana, monga mmene amachitikira matiketi apepala."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 753, "src": "The jobs generated would soon disappear in the grand scheme of things.", "trg": "Ntchito zomwe zapangidwa posachedwapa zisokonekera mmene zinthu kuonekera chabe."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 754, "src": "Molecular dynamics simulations of intestinal fatty acid-binding protein.", "trg": "Zochita zoonetsera chabe momwe tizidutswa ta mafuta tolumikiza tizidutswa ta mapulotini timagwirira ntchito m'matumbo."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 755, "src": "There is a secondary element at work, an old defense mechanism.", "trg": "Pali chinthu china chapadera chomwe chikugwira ntchito, njira yodzitetezera yakalekale."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 756, "src": "The internet is more than facebook chats, twitter memes, and instagram pictures.", "trg": "Intaneti ndi zinthu zambiri kuposera pa mchezo wa pa facebook, zithunzi ndi makanema ansangulutso, komanso zithunzi za pa instagram."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 757, "src": "November 25 Wait-listed applicants informed of acceptance status.", "trg": "Novembala 25 Opempha malo omwe anauzidwa kuti adikire kaye akuuzidwa za kuvomerezeka kwawo."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 758, "src": "Strategic supplier relationships, providing extensive technical knowledge.", "trg": "Maubale ofunikira kwambiri a pakati pa operekera katundu, kupereka nzeru zakuya."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 759, "src": "Scheduled sheet metal fabrication and planned driver routes.", "trg": "Kupanga malata azitsulo komwe kwakonzedwa komanso njira zomwe oyendetsa galimoto atsatire."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 760, "src": "Benefit from our continuous innovation and scientific expertise.", "trg": "Kupindula ku kachitidwe kathu kazinthu kaluso komanso ukadaulo wathu pasayansi."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 761, "src": "Over time, we learned names, stories, systems, and networks.", "trg": "Patadutsa nthawi, tinaphunzira mayina, nkhani, machitidwe azinthu komanso maubale."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 762, "src": "Federal agents conducted additional searches across Florida.", "trg": "Ogwira ntchito motumidwa ndi boma anapangaso zofufuza ku Florida konse."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 763, "src": "Just talking about policies, candidates, and election dates with family and friends is productive.", "trg": "Kungoyankhula za malamulo, opikisana, komanso masiku achisankho pamodzi ndi abale ndi anzathu ndi chinthu chabwino."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 764, "src": "The monitor component includes a menu-driven operator interface.", "trg": "Gawo lolondoloza momwe zinthu zikuyendera lili ndi gawo loyendetserapo zonse lokhala ndi menyu."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 765, "src": "Unlike the earlier films, relatively trim 80-minute affairs, Midnight runs nearly thirty minutes longer.", "trg": "Kusiyana ndi mafilimu akale, kuchotsa pafupifupi zochitika za mphindi 80, filimu ya Midnight imatalikabe ndi pafupifupi theka la ola."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 766, "src": "They are even prohibited from receiving their loved ones\u2019 remains.", "trg": "Iwo amaletsedwanso kulandira mitembo ya okondedwa awo."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 767, "src": "Even sports teams and political parties have started turning to audio branding.", "trg": "Angakhale matimu a zamasewero, azipani zandale nawonso anayamba kugwiritsa mau podzigulitsa."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 768, "src": "Our website and content are protected by international copyright laws and database rights.", "trg": "Webusayiti yathu komanso zopezeka pamenepo ndizoletsedwa ndi malamulo okhudza umwini wantchito yaluso komanso maufulu okhudza zinthu zosungidwa paintaneti."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 769, "src": "Moreover, after each session, the inner space becomes vaster and bigger.", "trg": "Komanso, pakutha pa zochita zonse, gawo lamkati limasanduka lokulirapo."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 770, "src": "Knowing and maintaining code is critical for maximum fire protection.", "trg": "Kudziwa komanso kutsatira ndondomeko yakachitidwe ka zinthu ndikofunikira kwambiri pofuna kudziteteza ku ngozi za moto."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 771, "src": "Border colors for unfocused and focused windows, respectively.", "trg": "Makaka am'balim'bali a magawo a pakompyuta omwe sanatsegulidwe komanso omwe atsegulidwa, motsatira momwe zatchulidwiramu."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 772, "src": "These technologies are becoming true production solutions, especially for industries like dental and consumer products.", "trg": "Nzeru zamakono zimenezi zikusanduka njira yofunikira zedi popanga zinthu, makamaka pa zochitika zokhudza mano komanso zinthu zomwe anthu amagwiritsa ntchito."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 773, "src": "The dual-energy technique simplifies bone and plaque removal.", "trg": "Njira yogwiritsa ntchito mphamvu zamtundu uwiri imachepetsa ntchito yochotsa fupa ndi zokanilira mmano."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 774, "src": "Deficit reduction requires actually cutting military spending.", "trg": "Kuchepesa kupelewera kwa ndalama kumafuna kuchepetsa ndalama zomwe zimagwiritsidwa ntchito pa zachitetezo."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 775, "src": "That\u2019s how they\u2019ve calculated the combined managed payments percentage!", "trg": "Umu ndi momwe iwo awerengesera kuchuluka kwa zolipiridwa zonse mophatikiza."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 776, "src": "Leaving some graduates in more challenging situations than others.", "trg": "Kusiya ena omwe amaliza kumene sukulu yawo yaukachenjede pamavuto aakulu kusiyana ndi ena."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 777, "src": "The experimental drugs \"calmed\" auto-aggressive T-cells and stopped inflammation.", "trg": "Mankhwala omwe akuyesedwa chabe \"anaziziritsa\" maselo otchedwa T-cells omwe amakhala olusa komaso kuletsa kutupa."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 778, "src": "This funding directly supports our students on campus today.", "trg": "Thumba la ndalamali limathandiza ophunzira athu okhala pompano lero."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 779, "src": "We recommend giving adult dogs organic, locally produced, raw honey.", "trg": "Tikulimbikitsa zopereka ku agalu aakuluakulu uchi wachilokolo, opangidwa m'madera, osasinthika nkomwe."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 780, "src": "The centre and rear speakers operate only in multi-channel surround mode.", "trg": "Sipika yapakati ndi yakumbuyo zimagwira ntchito mumodi ya multi-channel surround."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 781, "src": "Turns out, he liked that album a lot and ended up buying a copy himself!", "trg": "Zinadziwika, iye ankakonda chimbale chimene chija ndipo naye anachigula!"} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 782, "src": "Anyone who is a first-time parent knows the challenges of figuring out what to buy.", "trg": "Wina aliyense yemwe ndi kholo koyamba akudziwa momwe chiganizo chogula chinthu china chake chimavutira kupanga."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 783, "src": "Boat trailer wholesale manufacturer, parts and service provider.", "trg": "Wopanga ngolo za boti zopikulitsa, woperekera zida zamaboti komanso thandizo losiyanasiyana."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 784, "src": "Jones said that the institute was in major cities like Los Angeles, USA; New York, USA; and New Delhi, India.", "trg": "Jones ananena kuti bungwelo linali mumizinda ikuluikulu monga ku Los Angeles, USA; New York, ndi ku New Delhi, India."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 785, "src": "Strengthening families through biblical principles and Kingdom values.", "trg": "Kulimbitsa mabanja kudzera mu ziphunzitso za mubaibulo komanso mfundo zotsatira pamoyo za Ufumu wa Kumwamba."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 786, "src": "The problem was caused by a filter that was applied in software to the sensor signal.", "trg": "Vutolo linayamba chifukwa cha kusefa kwa zinthu komwe kunaikidwa mu pulogalamu yakompyuta."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 787, "src": "He tells me he originally tried the injection technique and, as he expected, it was too fiddly and gave him zero success.", "trg": "Akundiuza kuti poyamba anayesa njira ya jakisoni ndipo monga momwe iye amayembekezera, inali yovuta kwambiri moti palibe chomwe iye anaphulapo."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 788, "src": "Mr. Franklin holds sole voting and investment power over such shares.", "trg": "Bambo Franklin ndi okhawo omwe ali ndi mphamvu yovota komanso yopanga bizinesi pa masheya oterowo."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 789, "src": "Newsom, if you haven't noticed, keeps calling us a nation-state.", "trg": "Newsom, ngati sunazindikire, amangotiimbira ife ngati dziko."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 790, "src": "Divides monthly rental charges into user-defined categories.", "trg": "Amagawa ndalama zolipira lenti mumagawo ogwirizana ndi omwe amagwiritsa ntchito."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 791, "src": "Data collected from online user-completed forms is stored in secure, password-protected server locations.", "trg": "Mayankho otolera kudzera pa mafomu a paintaneti amasungidwa munkhokwe za paintaneti zotetezeka, komanso zotsegula ndi nambala yachinsinsi."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 792, "src": "Visiting Scholar submissions are accepted on an ongoing basis.", "trg": "Zopereka za Ophunzitsa Ongobwera zimalandiridwa nthawi ina iliyonse."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 793, "src": "African beliefs mixed with Christianity or survived independently.", "trg": "Zikhulupiliro za ku Africa zosakanikirana ndi Chikhirisitu kapena zomwe zilipobe pazokha."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 794, "src": "Member physicians and researchers develop widely recognized clinical practice guidelines.", "trg": "Madotolo komanso ochita kafukufuku omwe ndi mamembala amapanga ndondomeko zoyenera kutsata pa ntchito zachipatala."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 795, "src": "Johnson previously served as the regional chief administrative officer.", "trg": "Kumbuyoku Johnson anakhalapo mkulu woyendetsa ntchito m'chigawo chonse."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 796, "src": "The last days will show whether Africa stands united until the end.", "trg": "Tsiku lomaliza lidzaonetsa ngati Africa ndiwogwirizana mpaka kumapeto."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 797, "src": "All female subjects will be required to take a urine pregnancy test before each Gardasil 9 dose.", "trg": "Padzafunika kuti mikodzo ya otengapo gawo onse aakazi idzayezedwe ngati ali ndi mimba asanalandire mankhwala a Gardasil 9."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 798, "src": "Gene expression profiling revealed a pronounced pro-inflammatory phenotype.", "trg": "Chionetsero cha momwe majini amaonekera chinaonetsa kuti pali maonekedwe otupa ndithu."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 799, "src": "This app, developed by William Studio, is mainly for anime character creation.", "trg": "Apulikeshoniyi yopangidwa ndi William studio makamaka kuti idzigwiritsidwa ntchito popanga mtengambali wa pamafilimu amakatuni."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 800, "src": "Fuel pump relay wiring diagram (automatic transmission only).", "trg": "Chithunzi cha momwe mafuta amayendera mugalimoto (magalimoto a otomatiki okha)."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 801, "src": "The programme in future should consider age limit when considering candidate to be trained.", "trg": "Mtsogolo pulogalamuyi idzasonyeze msinkhu womaliza wa anthu oyenera posankha anthu omwe akuyenera kulandira maphunziro."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 802, "src": "In his diary, young Washington expressed some reservations.", "trg": "Mudayale yake, Washington wamng'ono anaonetsa kukaika."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 803, "src": "Sexy pics of wasted chicks flashing themselves to officers", "trg": "Zithunzi zachikoka za azimayi otayika akudzionetsera kwa ogwira ntchito"} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 804, "src": "There are numerous designs of such voltage-controlled circuit elements.", "trg": "Pali mitundu ingapo ya kapangidwe ka magawo a njira yozungulira yomwe mphamvu yamagesi imadutsamo"} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 805, "src": "Johann says he's moved effortlessly through this world of international stars after Paris.", "trg": "Johann wayenda ulendo wosavuta mudziko la akatswiri adziko lonse lapansi atachoka ku Paris."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 806, "src": "Sets were moved, lighting was adjusted, and actors made costume changes.", "trg": "Zochitirapo sewero zinasunthidwa, kuwala kunasinthidwa, ochita zisudzo anasintha zovala zawo."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 807, "src": "Energy represents over 97 percent of total motor operating costs.", "trg": "Ndalama zokwana 97 pa zana lina liliyonse zosamalirira galimoto zimalowa kumafuta."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 808, "src": "Our experts' advice has been profitable to our clients, ranging from residential solar owners to large commercial sites.", "trg": "Ulangizi wa akatswiri athu unali opindulitsa kwa makasitomala athu kuyambira omwe ali ndi masola mmalo okhala anthu ndi mmalo ochitiramo malonda."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 809, "src": "Book artist, printmaker, rabid reader, freelance writer, and editor.", "trg": "Mlembi wamabuku, wochita maluso papepala, wowerenga mabuku kwambiri, wolemba woima payekha, komanso mkonzi."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 810, "src": "Isaac Newton observed objects falling and eventually proposed gravity.", "trg": "Isaac Newton anaona kuti zinthu zimagwa kotero anabweretsa ganizo la mphamvu yomwe imakokera zinthu pansi."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 811, "src": "The angels announced the birth of Christ three separate times?", "trg": "Angelo anaulutsa za kubadwa kwa Khirisitu nthawi itatu yosiyana."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 812, "src": "Performing minor diagnostic tests and procedures as directed by healthcare professionals.", "trg": "Kupanga zoyezayeza zazing'ono zofuna kupeza matenda ndi zinthu zina molangizidwa ndi akuluakulu azaumoyo."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 813, "src": "Editorial pages around the country supported Hoover in calling out the army, something we would never see in the Covid era.", "trg": "Olemba nkhani mumanyuzi dziko lonse anaonetsa kuti ali mbali ya Hoover poitanitsa azachitetezo, chinthu chomwe sichinkachitika munyengo ya Kovidi."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 814, "src": "Ensuring resource availability for the development of the sector;", "trg": "Kuonetsetsa kuti zonse zofunikira zothandizira pachitukuko cha gawoli zikupezeka,"} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 815, "src": "Bonus points to Microsoft for allowing many route configuration options.", "trg": "Mapointi abonasi operekedwa ku kampane ya Microsoft kamba kopereka mwayi waukulu wosinthasintha momwe makompyuta awiri atha kulumikizirana."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 816, "src": "These matches are chosen from all registered accounts, according to your settings.", "trg": "Kufanana kumeneku kumasankhidwa kuchokera ku ma akaunti onse olembetsedwa, motstira zikonzero zomwe mwaika."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 817, "src": "The awards are entirely subjective, not formed through consultation, and aren't necessarily backed up with facts.", "trg": "Mphoto zoperekedwazi zimangotengera momwe munthu waganizira ndipo sikuti zimakhazikitsidwa potsatira zokambirana komanso sikuti pali mfundo zenizeni zoikira umboni mphotozi."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 818, "src": "As a reminder, this company launched a 34-inch curved gaming monitor last October.", "trg": "Mongokumbutsana chabe, kampane ino yakhazikitsa sikirini ya kompyuta yokula mainchi 34 yosewererapo magemu."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 819, "src": "Why are the Asian-owned businesses shown in movies like this almost always restaurants?", "trg": "Kodi n'chifukwa chiyani mabizinesi a amwenye omwe amaonetsedwa mumakanema ngati awa amakonda kukhala malo odyerapo?"} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 820, "src": "Demonstrated experience managing cross-functional communications.", "trg": "Kukhala ndi mbiri yoti umboni ulipo woti unagwirapo ntchito yofalitsa mauthenga m'magawo osiyanasiyana."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 821, "src": "Unfortunately, this map isn't supported on your browser.", "trg": "Mwatsoka, mapu awa sangatseguke pa makina otseukulira masamba a paintaneti anu."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 822, "src": "The kit consists of two wheels and the struts that mount to the frame of the bicycle.", "trg": "Chinthuchi chili ndi mateyala awiri komanso sipuling'i yomwe imamangidwa ku felemu ya njinga."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 823, "src": "All rooms come fully equipped with cable satellite television.", "trg": "Zipinda zonse zimakhala ndi kanema."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 824, "src": "We might be inspired by books, concepts, or historical figures.", "trg": "Titha kulimbikitsidwa ndi mabuku, maganizo komanso anthu ambiri yakale."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 825, "src": "Walk hundreds of miles through possibly dangerous territory?", "trg": "Yendani mtunda wa mamailo mazanamazana kudutsa mumalo oopsa kwambiri?"} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 826, "src": "There was a meme where a ray of light would fuse the vice president and a frog", "trg": "Panali kakanema kansangulutso pomwe kuwala kumatha kusakaniza pamodzi wachiwiri kwa mtsogoleri wadziko ndi chule."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 827, "src": "In 2001, Chris joined the family business, where he served as a sales representative for five years.", "trg": "M'chaka cha 2001, Chris anajoina bizinesi yapabanja, ndipo iye anali ngati wogulitsa malonda kwa zaka zisanu."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 828, "src": "Compared to September, category sales increased by eight percent.", "trg": "Kusiyana ndi mwezi wa Seputembala, malonda a m'gawo limodzi anachuluka ndi mulingo wa zinthu zisanu ndi zitatu pa zana lilironse."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 829, "src": "Print the page that contains students' final questions and answers.", "trg": "Tulutsani papepala tsamba la pakompyuta pomwe pali mafunso ndi mayankho omaliza a ana asukulu."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 830, "src": "The next part starts by calling the setup function in the helpers module.", "trg": "Gawo lotsatira limayamba popita pa setup mu ndondomeko zothandizira ogwiritsa ntchito."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 831, "src": "Chemical dependency nursing certification or specialist is preferred.", "trg": "Setifiketi ya maphunziro okhudza kupereka chithandizo kwa anthu omwe amadalira mankhwala ndi zinthu zina zosintha kagwiridwe ntchito ka thupi ndi imene ikufunika kwambiri."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 832, "src": "Fig. 12. Synthesis gas manufacturing process by gasification.", "trg": "Chithunzi 12. Kapangidwe ka mpweya womwe umagwiritsidwa ntchito popanga makemiko ndi zinthu zina kudzera munjira yosintha zinthu kuchoka ku chinthu cholimba kapena chamadzimadzi kupita ku mpweya."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 833, "src": "What about electronic, electrical, or mechanical applications?", "trg": "Nanga zokhudza ma apulikeshoni okhudza zipangizo zoyendera magesi, kapena zamagesi?"} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 834, "src": "Martin realizes that the android\u2019s gun is now able to kill humans, so he flees.", "trg": "Martin akuzindikira kuti mfuti ya pulogilamu yopezeka mumafoni amakono ya andiloidi pano ili ndi kuthekera kopha anthu, ndiye wathawa."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 835, "src": "Python automatically gets a variable datatype depending upon the value assigned to the variables.", "trg": "Chiyankhulo chogwiritsidwa ntchito pokonza mapulogalamu a kompyuta chimakhala ndi mitundu ya mauthenga kutengera zomwe zalowetsedwa ku gawo la zinthu zomwe zimasinthasintha."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 836, "src": "Sienna Sauce, a 16-year-old founder, will audit the program.", "trg": "Sienna Sauce, wa zaka 16 yemwe anaiyambitsa, ndi amene adzachite kauniuni wa pulogalamuyi."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 837, "src": "Substandard identification, recording, and reporting procedures.", "trg": "Ndondomeko yosakhala bwino yopezera anthu, yojambulira komanso yoperekera malipoti."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 838, "src": "These innovative projects set the new standard for improving cities worldwide.", "trg": "Mapulojekiti akachitidwe kazinthu kamakono ngati awa amabweretsa kaganizidwe katsopano kothandiza kupititsa patsogolo mizinda dziko lonse lapansi."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 839, "src": "Jack Dorsey explained the corporation did not manage the problem nicely.", "trg": "Jack Dorsey anafotokoza kuti kampaneyo siinayendetse vutoli bwino."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 840, "src": "Counseling centers offer depression therapy for people of all ages.", "trg": "Malo operekerapo uphungu amathandiza anthu opsinjika mmaganizo a misinkhu yosiyanasiyana."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 841, "src": "From the smallest to the greatest decisions, choices, and actions.", "trg": "Kuchoka ku ziganizo, masankho, komanso zochita zing'onozing'ono kufika zazikulu kwambiri."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 842, "src": "Were the organizational roles and responsibilities clearly identified?", "trg": "Kodi ntchito ndi maudindo a bungwelo zinafotokozedwa bwinobwino?"} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 843, "src": "Click below for the medical laboratory sciences faculty listing.", "trg": "Dinani pansipa kuti muone zambiri zokhudza phunziro la sayansi ya zachipatala zoyezayeza zinthu."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 844, "src": "It has operations in southern, central, and northern Louisiana.", "trg": "Limagwira ntchito m'madera a kumwera, pakati ndi kumpoto kwa Louisiana."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 845, "src": "After her son died, Mary found herself shifting artistically.", "trg": "Mwana wake atamwalira, Mary anapezeka kuti wayamba kusintha maluso ake."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 846, "src": "The German educational and industrial models are closely linked.", "trg": "Kachitidwe ka ntchito zamaphunziro komanso chitukuko cha makampani ndizogwirizana kwambiri."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 847, "src": "Trump also criticized some news media coverage of the coronavirus.", "trg": "Trump nayeso anadzudzula momwe nyumba zoulutsa nkhani zimaulutsira za kachirombo ka coronavirus."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 848, "src": "It confirmed that my greatest insecurities about her exam scores were well-founded.", "trg": "Ine ndinatsimikiza kuti zomwe ndinali nazo nkhawa zinapherezeka pa zotsatira za mayeso ake."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 849, "src": "Drug test screening groups are commonly referred to as a drug testing panel.", "trg": "Magulu oyeza mankhwala amakonda kutchedwa kagulu koyeza mankhwala."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 850, "src": "Therefore, the concentration of ions increases, resulting in increased conductivity.", "trg": "Choncho, kuchuluka kwa ma ayoni kumakula zomwe zimaonjezera mphamvu yoti zinthu zina zitha kudutsamo."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 851, "src": "Higher-protein diets are often recommended for older consumers;", "trg": "Zakudya zomwe pali zanyamanyama zambiri zimalimbikitsidwa kwa anthu aakuluakulu."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 852, "src": "The servers are located in 3 regions north america, europe and asia.", "trg": "Nkhokwe zomwe zinthu za paintaneti zimasungidwa zili m'zigawo 3, ku north america, ku ulaya komanso ku asia."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 853, "src": "Khan Academy recently introduced guided meditation practices.", "trg": "Posachedwapa ku Khan Academy anakhazikitsa mchitidwe wolingalira wotsatira ndondomeko."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 854, "src": "Electric units are easily integrated with machine controls.", "trg": "Kagwiritsidwe ntchito ka mayunisi amagesi sikamavuta kulumikiza ndi kagwiridwe ntchito ka makina ena."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 855, "src": "Michael Johnson concurred and stated it also met significant aspects of the zoning.", "trg": "Michael Johnson anavomereza ndipo anafotokoza kuti zimagwirizana ndi magawo ambiri a ntchito yokhazikitsa madera."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 856, "src": "The patient was successfully treated with surgical drainage and antibiotic administration.", "trg": "Wodwalayo anathandizidwa bwino kwambiri ndi njira yotulutsa zamkati mwathupi kudzera m'machubu komanso mankwala opha tizilombo mthupi."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 857, "src": "He is sick of watching innocent people die in random acts of violence.", "trg": "Iye ndiwotopa kuona anthu osalakwa akumwalira pazipolowe zopanda paka."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 858, "src": "It is also dependent on aspects such as ethnic, cultural, and geographical differences.", "trg": "Chimatengeraso kwambiri zinthu monga kusiyana kwa mtundu, chikhalidwe komanso kokhala."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 859, "src": "Drivers are trained in responsible eco-driving and fuel usage techniques.", "trg": "Oyendetsa galimoto amaphunzitsidwa zokhudza kuyendetsa galimoto kosaononga chilengedwe komanso njira zogwiritsira ntchito mafuta ochepa."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 860, "src": "Have your business partners signed their partnership agreements?", "trg": "Kodi anzanu ochita nao bizinesi asayinira zikalata za mgwirizano?"} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 861, "src": "Originally published April 11, 2014 and updated periodically.", "trg": "Kusindikizidwa koyamba pa April 11, 2014 ndi kumaonjezera zina ndi zina nthawi ndi nthawi."} -{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 862, "src": "Processes outgoing mail, maintains files, orders supplies, and ships packages.", "trg": "Amasonkhanisa makalata otuluka, kukonza mafailo, kuitanitsa zinthu zofunikira zosiyanasiyana, komanso kunyamula katundu osiyanasiyana."} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 0, "src": "It allows me to work by following my vibes and molding my teaching style to the learning style of the audience.", "trg": "Zimandithandiza kugwira ntchito potsatira zomwe zili zabwino kwa ine komanso kuti njira yanga yophunzitsira igwirizane ndi m'mene omvera amafunira.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 1, "src": "The unrelenting soul-force of those who would hold us accountable blows that all away.", "trg": "Mphamvu ya moyo yosalekeza ya amene amatiimba mlandu yachotsa zinthu zonsezo.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 2, "src": "When taken regularly in therapeutic doses, ginger root can effectively cure nausea;", "trg": "Ukagwiritsidwa ntchito nthawi ndi nthawi ngati mankhwala, muzu wa ginger ukhoza kuchiza nseru;", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 3, "src": "They accomplished their goals and created a legacy of self-determination to which others may aspire.", "trg": "Anakwaniritsa zolinga zawo ndipo ali ndi mbiri yoti sabwerera m'mbuyo yomwe anthu ena amaisirira.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 4, "src": "But faster economic activity could also translate into some degree of inflation.", "trg": "Nkhani zachuma zikamayenda mofulumira kwambiri zimatanthauzanso kuti zinthu zikwera mitengo.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 5, "src": "The main characteristics a stone should possess are uniform surface, grain, and density.", "trg": "Mwala umafunika kukhala wosasiyana kwambiri kunja kwake, wolimba komanso wolemera.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 6, "src": "Lettuce, no matter the variety, is considered a cool-weather crop.", "trg": "Letisi, kaya akhale wamtundu wotani, amadziwika kuti ndi mbewu ya ku malo ozizira.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 7, "src": "It was a trick to lure foolish humans to an ogre who would teach them a very valuable lesson.", "trg": "Unali msampha wokoma munthu wopusa kuti apatsidwe phunziro ndi chiphona.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 8, "src": "Just to clarify, though, assertive is not the same as aggressive or arrogant.", "trg": "Tinenenso bwino kuti, kufotokoza maganizo ako sikutanthauza kukangana kapena kuchita makani.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 9, "src": "The bus, normally crowded, was stunningly nearly empty at this hour.", "trg": "Basi yomwe nthawi zambiri imadzaza panopa ili ndi anthu ochepa kwambiri.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 10, "src": "She can do things with her tongue most of us can't even fathom, like touch her elbow or lick her own ear.", "trg": "Amapanga zinthu zina ndi lilime lake zomwe ife sitingathe, mwachitsanzo amanyambita chigongono chake komanso khutu lake.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 11, "src": "He ran a dairy herd, kept sheep, and grew potatoes, cereals, and wheat-straw for thatching.", "trg": "Ankaweta ng'ombe zamkaka ndi nkhosa, ankalima mbatata, mbewu ngati tirigu komanso kufolera nyumba ndi mapesi a tirigu.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 12, "src": "Each step unleashed a waft of that divine scent, filling my lungs with pure bliss.", "trg": "Sitepe iliyonse inkabweretsa kafungo kabwino kwambiri, kamene kankachititsa kuti ndizimva bwino m'mapapo anga.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 13, "src": "Lower population means a lower chance of having an accident in addition to fewer liability claims.", "trg": "Anthu akachepa ndiye kuti sipangakhale ngozi zambiri ndipo milandu imachepa.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 14, "src": "We\u2019ll be glad to provide expert advice to assist you with how much you can comfortably afford to borrow.", "trg": "Tikhoza kukupatsani malangizo ochokera kwa akatswiri okuthandizani kuzindikira kuti mungabwereke zochuluka bwanji.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 15, "src": "The works span the gamut from medicine to astronomy, from Quranic exegesis to philosophy and poetry.", "trg": "Ntchitoyi ndi yosiyanasiyana kuyambira pa zamankhwala kufika zakuthambo komanso kuyambira za mu Korani kufika za nzeru za anthu komanso ndakatulo.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 16, "src": "Adaptability - flexible, agile mindset, optimistic approach;", "trg": "Kusintha, kukhala wololera, maganizo atcheru komanso kusataya mtima.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 17, "src": "Being grateful is showing appreciation with kindness, whereas being thankful is simply being pleased and relieved.", "trg": "Kuyamikira kumatanthauza kuthokoza komanso kukoma mtima koma kuthokoza kumatanthauza kusangalala ndiponso kumva bwino mumtima.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 18, "src": "Add these ingredients: oil, white wine vinegar, salt, and freshly ground black pepper.", "trg": "Muikemo zinthu izi: mafuta, viniga woyera, mchere ndiponso tsabola wakuda wopera kumene.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 19, "src": "Make the best of it before we depart for the airport in the early afternoon and bid farewell to Mauritius.", "trg": "Mugwiritse ntchito bwino tisananyamuke kupita ku eyapoti masanawa n'kuchoka ku Mauritius.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 20, "src": "With amazing enthusiasm they are at work, and wherever I pass they wave and greet with a loud call.", "trg": "Amagwira ntchito mwakhama ndipo ndikamadutsa amandibayibitsa komanso kundipatsa moni mokweza mawu.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 21, "src": "He is a symbol of a passionate but very frustrated, even misguided, leader.", "trg": "Amaoneka kuti ndi mtsogoleri wachikondi koma wagwiritsidwa mwala kapena kusocheretsedwa.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 22, "src": "The book's title was \"Time to Assess Invalid Ideas.\"", "trg": "Bukulo mutu wake unali wakuti \"nthawi younikanso maganizo osathandiza\"", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 23, "src": "Therefore, before you take on a permanent relationship, consider a trial run.", "trg": "Choncho musanayambe ubwenzi wokhalitsa, ndi bwino kuyesa kaye.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 24, "src": "Hence, every food item made of grain got scarcer, rural income declined, and every farmer fell deeper into debt.", "trg": "Zotsatira zake, zakudya zinayamba kusowa, kumudzi ndalama sizinkapezeka ndipo mlimi aliyense anali ndi ngongole.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 25, "src": "The peculiar thing about a trauma anniversary is that you share it with someone horrible.", "trg": "Chochititsa chidwi ndi tsiku lokumbukira zinthu zoopsa ndi choti umakumukira ndi munthu woopsanso.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 26, "src": "Buddha, in one of his famous quotes, pointed out that the origin of suffering is precisely attachment.", "trg": "Buddha, ananena mawu ena otchuka akuti mavuto amabwera chifukwa kwenikweni cha chikondi.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 27, "src": "But I forgot the initially set password with all the excitement.", "trg": "Ndinaiwala pasiwedi imene ndinaika chifukwa chosangalala kwambiri.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 28, "src": "Standard glow paint, weather-resistant acrylic paint brand delivering rich bold color markers!", "trg": "Penti yowala bwino, yosasuluka chifukwa cha nyengo ndiponso yooneka patali!", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 29, "src": "Neither row number nor column letter in an absolute reference will change.", "trg": "Nambala yake kapena chilembo chake, zothandiza kudziwa malo amene zili, sizidzasintha.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 30, "src": "Thus, the connection between relationship status and exercise has received significant research attention.", "trg": "N'chifukwa chimenecho, kugwirizana pakati pa mmene ubwenzi ulili ndi masewera olimbitsa thupi kwachititsa kuti pakhale kafukufuku.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 31, "src": "We treat behavioral problems, emotional distress, cognitive loss, prolonged grief reactions, and severe mental illness.", "trg": "Timathandiza anthu amene ali ndi vuto la nkhawa, kusokonezeka maganizo, kumva chisoni nthawi yaitali komanso matenda amaganizo aakulu.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 32, "src": "So, considering the ratio of net value added to gross output does not yield a complete picture.", "trg": "Choncho tikangoganizira zimene zonse zimene zatuluka ndi zimene tatsala nazo sitingakhale ndi chithunzi chonse.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 33, "src": "You can also work with a virtual assistant or someone in your company who can create your resume from scratch.", "trg": "Mukhoza kuthandizana ndi munthu wina kudzera pa zipangizo zamakono kapena wa pa kampani yanu kuti muyambe kupanga CV yanu.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 34, "src": "Fabulous amenities including resort style pool, fitness center, club room and outdoor entertainment area.", "trg": "Kuli zinthu zambiri zabwino monga malo osambirapo, malo ochitira masewera olimbitsa thupi, malo omwera komanso malo ochezera apanja.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 35, "src": "The grave-digging is a very important aspect of the Koireng funeral ceremony.", "trg": "Kukumba manda ndi mwambo wofunika kwambiri pa maliro a Akoireng.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 36, "src": "As images of the perfectly rational Creator, humans strive for internal consistency.", "trg": "Popeza ndi chifaniziro cha Mlengi wangwiro, anthu amayesetsa kuti akhale ndi mtima wa chilungamo.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 37, "src": "At thirty years of age a girl is actually currently 15 years past her child-bearing prime.", "trg": "Mtsikana akafika zaka makumi atatu amakhala kuti wadutsa ndi zaka 15 msinkhu wabwino woberekera ana.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 38, "src": "Half of Hook\u2019s crew was already gone, and the remaining few were so drunk they could barely stand.", "trg": "Hafu ya anthu a Hook inali itapita kale ndipo ochepa amene anatsala anali ataledzera kwambiri moti sankatha kuima.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 39, "src": "He's fun, funny, clever, generous and absolutely wonderful company.", "trg": "Iye ndi wosangalatsa, woseketsa, wochenjera, wopatsa komanso wabwino kwambiri kukhala naye.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 40, "src": "Imagine not worrying about urinary tract infection, painful bladder stones, or aggressive kidney diseases.", "trg": "Tangoganizani, osaderanso nkhawa za mavuto a njira ya mkodzo, timiyala ta m'chikhodzodzo kapena matenda a impso.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 41, "src": "I was proud to beat my opponent with a witness present.", "trg": "Ndinasangalala kugonjetsa mdani wanga mboni ilipo.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 42, "src": "Treatment options depend on the duration or frequency of ear symptoms.", "trg": "Chithandizo chake chimadalira kuti zizindikiro za m'makutu zakhalapo kwa nthawi yaitali bwanji.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 43, "src": "This Toyota facility employed approximately 150 employees during the beginning of its operation.", "trg": "Kampani ya Toyota iyi inalemba anthu 150 itangoyamba kumene.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 44, "src": "Who can forget the oreo cookie and peanut butter challenge?", "trg": "Ndani angaiwale mpikisano wa mabisiketi a oreo ndi chiponde?", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 45, "src": "Furthermore, sweep, dust, or vacuum it regularly and occasionally wipe your cork flooring with a damp mop.", "trg": "Komanso, muzisesa, kuchotsa fumbi pafupipafupi komanso kukolopa matailosi anu.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 46, "src": "For a while, I was like the parrot trapped in the corporate cage of money and a prosperous future.", "trg": "Kwanthawi ndithu, ndinali ngati mbalame imene yatsekeredwa muchiteretere cha ndalama ndi tsogolo lowala.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 47, "src": "During their extended game of tag, one of them darted inside a small cave near the summit of an unknown hill.", "trg": "Mkati mwa masewera awo okokana, wina anagwera mphanga la pafupi ndi phiri lina losadziwika.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 48, "src": "Either abandon the thread, admit defeat, or continue digging yourself into this hole.", "trg": "Siyani chingwecho, vomerezani kuti mwagonja kapena pitirizani kudzikumbira dzenje.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 49, "src": "Due to this fact, it is usually crucial to track down a subject that you are passionate about.", "trg": "Malinga ndi mfundo imeneyi, ndi zofunika kwambiri kuti mufufuze nkhani imene mumaikonda kwambiri.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 50, "src": "Let\u2019s reject, break and bind the forces that seek to control and pervert the destiny of Nigeria.", "trg": "Tiyeni tikane, tiphwanye komanso timange mphamvu zimene zikulamulira komanso kusokoneza tsogolo la Nigeria.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 51, "src": "This particular sunset (header photo) appeared during our recent brief warm spell.", "trg": "Dzuwa linalowa chonchi (chithunzi choyambirira) pamene tinali m'nyengo yotentha.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 52, "src": "Some might prefer early morning while others prefer late night.", "trg": "Ena angakonde nthawi ya m'mawa pomwe ena angakonde usiku.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 53, "src": "The injured boy lost consciousness and fell to the pavement and his blood imbued the road dust.", "trg": "Mnyamata wovulalayo anakomoka n'kugwera munjira ndipo pansi panali magazi okhaokha.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 54, "src": "Pineapple sage (Salvia elegans) is an underrated herb in the garden.", "trg": "Pineapple sage (Salvia elegans) ndi masamba amene anthu sawakonda.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 55, "src": "Secondly, the official stamp of approval is the kiss of death for any genuine viral campaign.", "trg": "Chachiwiri, akangodinda chidindo chovomereza ndiye kuti kampeni iliyonse ithera pomwepo.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 56, "src": "Volunteer somewhere: a soup kitchen, a clothing closet, a homeless shelter.", "trg": "Dziperekeni penapake, khitchini yabwino, moika zovala, komanso malo ogona.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 57, "src": "We pay special attention to adjust our development approach according to your main aim.", "trg": "Timayesetsa kusintha njira zochitira chitukuko kuti zigwirizane ndi zolinga zanu.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 58, "src": "The incentive structure was bad, and the manager was entitled and impatient, so my colleague resigned.", "trg": "Panalibe zinthu zokopa, oyang'anira anali odzimva komanso osaleza mtima, choncho anzanga anasiya ntchito.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 59, "src": "Either way, use the full amount to ensure its sour flavors come through.", "trg": "Mulimonsemo, mugwiritse ntchito zokwanira kuti kuwawasa kuzimveka.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 60, "src": "And how does a single strike to the chin manage to render her unconscious?", "trg": "Zikutheka bwanji kuti kungomumenya kamodzi pa chibwano akomoke?", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 61, "src": "Typical clinical signs begin with mild lethargy, reduced feed intake, slight cough, nasal discharge and a fever.", "trg": "Zizindikiro zina zimayamba ndi mphwayi, kusadya, kukhosomola pang'ono, chimfine ndiponso kutentha thupi.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 62, "src": "And his silent preparation and patient endurance is heroic.", "trg": "Kukonzekera mwakachetechete komanso kupirira kwake kwamuthandiza kuti achite zazikulu.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 63, "src": "Listening comprehension lessons should emphasize conscious memory work.", "trg": "Kumvetsera maphunziro omvetsa nkhani kumathandiza munthu kuti azikumbukira zinthu.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 64, "src": "Myth and reality, the moody and the magnificent mingle to create the perfect backdrop for bloody murder.", "trg": "Nthano ndi zinthu zenizeni, kugwirizana kwa munthu wokhumudwa ndi wochititsa chidwi zingachititse kuti pakhale kuphana koopsa.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 65, "src": "The accommodation comprises an open-plan reception room, a master bedroom, and a bathroom with a bath and separate shower unit.", "trg": "Malo ake ali ndi balasa labwino, chipinda chogona, bafa komanso malo ena okhala ndi shawa yosambira.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 66, "src": "If it is the incorrect amount, have the vendor revise the invoice.", "trg": "Ngati ndalamazo zalakwika auzeni avendawo kuti akonze inivoisi.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 67, "src": "Peace brings along its buddies joy, strength, hope, and faith.", "trg": "Mtendere umabweretsa chimwemwe, mphamvu, chiyembekezo ndi chikhulupiriro.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 68, "src": "They should look for those things that inspire dedication, loyalty, honor and dignity.", "trg": "Azifufuza zinthu zimene zimalimbikitsa kudzipereka, kukhulupirika, ulemu ndiponso kulemekezeka.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 69, "src": "It helps not to waste precious daytime hours and to save money for accommodation.", "trg": "Zidzathandiza kuti tisataye nthawi komanso tipulumutse ndalama za malo ogona.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 70, "src": "Easy to use, all you have to do is push down on the bait cup and twist it one-quarter of the way around.", "trg": "N'chosavuta, mungofunika kukankhira pansi chokhala ndi nyambo yake n'kupinda pang'ono.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 71, "src": "She's a dancer, avid concert-goer, foreign language nerd and book worm.", "trg": "Amavina bwino, amakonda kupita kumakonsati, amaphunzira msanga zilankhulo zatsopano komanso amakonda kuwerenga.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 72, "src": "One of her paws has peach-colored toes, and she has a whisper of peach on her chin and one cheek.", "trg": "Zala zake zina ndi zotuwa mwachikasu ndipo mtundu umenewu ulinso pa chibwano ndi patsaya.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 73, "src": "According to the initial findings, Bilici died of a heart attack.", "trg": "Malinga ndi kafukufuku woyamba, Bilici anafa ndi matenda a mtima.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 74, "src": "Dr. Carter enjoys playing basketball, street hockey, flag football, golf and running.", "trg": "Dr. Carter amakonda kusewera basketball, hokey, mpira wamiyendo, gofu komanso kuthamanga.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 75, "src": "She focuses on improvement as developing self-motivation to help pursue the student\u2019s dream and goals.", "trg": "Amaika maganizo ake pa kuthandiza ophunzira kuti azilimbikira paokha komanso azichita bwino n'kukwaniritsa zolinga zawo.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 76, "src": "It\u2019s impossible to resist that dirty, skinny, precious four-legged shadow who peers at you from beneath the bushes.", "trg": "N'zosatheka kupewa chithunzithunzi chonyansa, chowonda komanso chamiyendo inayi chomwe chimakuyang'anitsitsa m'tchire.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 77, "src": "Generally speaking, private equity refers to angel and venture capital.", "trg": "Kunena zoona, kuti munthu agule kampani amafunika kukhala ndi mpamba wabwino.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 78, "src": "Mama reaches in the envelope and pulls out a letter written in a deliberate, thoughtful script.", "trg": "Amayi anatsegula enivelopu n'kutulutsa kalata imene inalembedwa bwino komanso mosonyeza kuganizira ena.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 79, "src": "Once they arrive, our urgent plumber will diagnose the issue and rapidly repair the leak or burst pipe.", "trg": "Akangofika, pulambala wathu wachangu adzafufuza vuto n'kukonza nthawi yomweyo paipi yomwe yawonongeka.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 80, "src": "Even having a whale swallow him failed to grant any perspective.", "trg": "Ngakhale mutati amezedwe ndi chinsomba sipangakhale chiyembekezo chilichonse.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 81, "src": "With the advent of sophisticated surveillance and technological innovation, a level of caution must be exercised.", "trg": "Popeza pali makamera ndi zinthu zina za luso lamakono, tiyenera kukhala osamala kwambiri.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 82, "src": "Please click the 'Allow' button opposite to agree to our use of cookies and hide this message.", "trg": "Dinani batani limene alemba kuti 'Vomerani' kuti muvomereze kugwiritsa ntchito ma cookie ndiponso kuti uthengawu uchoke.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 83, "src": "It\u2019s gorgeous, crazy, insane, and I could listen to it on repeat forever.", "trg": "Ndi yabwino kwambiri, yopenga, yamisala, ndipo ndinkangoimvetsera mobwerezabwereza.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 84, "src": "Put on your snorkel gear and visually examine the anchor to guarantee your boat is safe.", "trg": "Muzisamala kwambiri ndi magiya komanso nangula kuti boti lanu likhale lotetezeka.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 85, "src": "Vitamin C is also important for helping heal wounds and produce scar tissue.", "trg": "Vitamini C amathandiza kuti bala lipole ndi kupanga chipsera.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 86, "src": "Do you want wild river fish, a calm lake fish, or a stock pond farm-raised variety?", "trg": "Kodi mukufuna nsomba ya mumtsinje, yam'nyanja kapena yoweta padamu?", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 87, "src": "My assessment is that, given the circumstances, we have to be diligent in our work and stingy in our purchases.", "trg": "Malinga ndi zomwe ndapeza, mmene zinthu zilili, tiyenera kugwira nchito mwakhama komanso kuchepetsa zogulagula.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 88, "src": "The district court refused summary judgment, saying the agreement was ambiguous.", "trg": "Khoti la kuboma linakana chigamulo chija n'kunena kuti kuvomereza kwake kunali kosamvetsetseka.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 89, "src": "The set of courses should represent a coordinated objective and must be approved by the director of graduate studies.", "trg": "Maphunziro ake ayenera kukonzedwa m'njira yosonyeza bwino cholinga chake ndipo ayenera kuvomerezedwa ndi mkulu woyang'anira maphunziro apamwamba.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 90, "src": "He knew that he wasn\u2019t about to be in any sort of immediate physical danger, though he had plenty weighing on his mind.", "trg": "Ankadziwa kuti palibe zoopsa zilizonse zimene angakumane nazo koma ankadera nkhawa zinthu zambiri.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 91, "src": "Quite how many of these were forced upon him has been debated ever since.", "trg": "Ndi zinthu zingati za ngati zimenezi zimene anakakamizidwa zomwe anthu akhala akutsutsana kuyambira kale.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 92, "src": "True therapeutic benefits to relieve stress, calm and relax, aid sleep, boost your energy or lift your mood.", "trg": "Chithandizo chenicheni chomwe chingachititse kuti musamade nkhawa, muzikhala odekha, muzimva bwino, muzigona bwino, mukhale ndi mphamvu komanso muzisangalala.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 93, "src": "But that would not be the right deed as a socially sensible citizen.", "trg": "Zimenezo si zinthu zabwino kwa nzika yanzeru komanso yokonda anthu.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 94, "src": "Cheers, let's drink a health to fluent language use and perfect pronunciation!", "trg": "Tinjoye, tiyeni timwe chakumwa chothandiza kulankhula mosadodoma komanso kutchula bwino mawu!", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 95, "src": "The victim has the right to take legal action to attempt to recover compensation for their losses.", "trg": "Wolakwiridwa ali ndi ufulu wotsegula mlandu kuti abwezeredwe zinthu zimene zawonongeka.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 96, "src": "His attitude is that gratitude is suitable only when the host is not very talkative.", "trg": "Maganizo ake ndi akuti timayamikira ngati munthu wochereza si wolongolola.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 97, "src": "Female, above average height, red hair in tidy bunches, short skirt;", "trg": "Wamkazi, wamtali pang'ono, wa tsitsi lofiira lomangidwa bwino ndipo wavala siketi yaifupi;", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 98, "src": "Following the government\u2019s announcement, Tencent issued a public pledge to amend its privacy statements.", "trg": "Mogwirizana ndi zimene boma lalengeza, a ku Tencent apempha anthu kuti asinthe mfundo zawo zokhudza chinsinsi.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 99, "src": "This thing in my life where I kind of have to live a lie and pretend that everything is ok.", "trg": "Ndimakhala moyo wachinyengo n'kumanamizira kuti chilichonse chili bwinobwino.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 100, "src": "But in this frightening situation the legionaries kept their arms and ranks intact.", "trg": "Pa nthawi yoopsa kwambiri, asilikali anagwirabe zida zawo n'kuima m'malo awo.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 101, "src": "If you're in a seriously cold climate, try it with a classic sweater, cozy scarf, and ankle boots instead.", "trg": "Ngati muli kudera lozizira kwambiri, yesani kuvala juzi yotenthera, sikafu komanso nsapato zamabuti.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 102, "src": "Make sure children understand appropriate and safe behavior.", "trg": "Onetsetsani kuti ana akusonyeza khalidwe loyenera ndipo ndi otetezeka.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 103, "src": "Suppose a group of activists enter a busy setting (mall, movie theater, theme park, etc.) looking like everyone else.", "trg": "Tiyerekeze kuti gulu la anthu olimbikitsa zinazake lafika pamalo a anthu ambiri (monga ku mall, koonetsera makanema kapena kupaki) ndipo akungooneka ngati wina aliyense.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 104, "src": "She is a popular speaker, mentor, conference producer, author and healing arts advocate.", "trg": "Munthuyu amalankhula bwino, amapereka malangizo, amachititsa bwino misonkhano, amalemba mabuku komanso amalimbikitsa kuchiza.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 105, "src": "Fired by a fierce ambition, blessed with an extraordinary voice, her long struggle for fame and fortune begins.", "trg": "Ankalakalaka kwambiri zinthu, anali ndi mawu abwino kwambiri ndipo anayamba kutchuka komanso kupeza chuma.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 106, "src": "Cleaning Up jumps from upsetting social drama to hilarious buddy comedy to tense heist thriller.", "trg": "Cleaning Up limayamba ngati sewero lachabechabe kenako limaseketsa mpaka kufika potenga mtima.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 107, "src": "Respect and hygiene and discretion are mandatory, as should be obvious.", "trg": "Ulemu, ukhondo ndi nzeru ndi zofunika kwambiri ndipo ziyenera kuonekera.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 108, "src": "Minnesota shows exposure type, traffic patterns indicating social distancing success and hospital surge capacity.", "trg": "Ku Minnesota kukuoneka kuti anthu si otetezeka, ndipo kayendedwe ka magalimoto kakusonyeza kuti anthu ayamba kukhala motalikirana ndipo m'zipatala mwayamba kuchuluka anthu.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 109, "src": "Indeed your ego-shell suddenly is crushed, you can shake heaven and earth.", "trg": "Matama ako atha nthawi imodzi ndipo ukhoza kuyambitsa chipolowe.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 110, "src": "Why would God allow such a terrible disease to become a pandemic?", "trg": "N'chifukwa chiyani Mulungu walola kuti matenda oopsa chonchi akhale mliri?", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 111, "src": "This perseverance is given to them by their stubborn streak.", "trg": "Sakusiyabe chifukwa chakuti ali ndi mtima wa nkhakamira.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 112, "src": "This results in a lot of bad content on your domain, unwanted incoming links from spam sites, and annoyed users.", "trg": "Izi zimachititsa kuti mudomeni yanu mukhale zinthu zoipa, malinki osafunika a spam komanso zimakhumudwitsa anthu ogwiritsa ntchito.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 113, "src": "Bee pollen regulates the functions of the intestines, especially with regard to chronic diarrhea and constipation.", "trg": "Zimene njuchi zimatenga m'maluwa zimathandiza mmimba makamaka ngati mukutsegula kapena wadzimbidwa.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 114, "src": "Get some witch hazel extract and apply it to the swollen veins with a cotton ball.", "trg": "Mutenge mankhwala a witch hazel n'kuika pa thonje kenako muike pa mitsempha yotupa.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 115, "src": "These worries have shifted the landscape of contemporary childhood in a diversity of ways.", "trg": "Madandaulo amenewa asintha zinthu kuyambira pa ubwana m'njira zosiyanasiyana.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 116, "src": "On adoption day, breathe a sigh of relief because finally, the day has arrived that you can adopt your foster child!", "trg": "Pa tsiku lotenga mwana muyenera kusangalala kwambiri chifukwa idzafika nthawi yoti mwana akhale wanu!", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 117, "src": "The group is voting on a proposal to conduct outreach to north, west, and east Oakland communities.", "trg": "Anthu akuponya voti kuti zochitika zifikire anthu a kumpoto, kumadzulo, ndi kum'mawa kwa Oakland.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 118, "src": "Kings Cross is a serious rail hub and so is extremely simple to commute to.", "trg": "Ku Kings Cross kwakumana njanji zambiri choncho n'zosavuta kufikako.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 119, "src": "Acute inflammation (meaning it doesn\u2019t last long) helps the body to ward off infections and to promote healing.", "trg": "Kutupa (kwa nthawi yochepa) kumathandiza kuti thupi lilimbane ndi tizilomo n'kuchira mwamsanga.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 120, "src": "Always remain calm and remember to seek proper advice about your situation.", "trg": "Nthawi zonse muzikumbukira kukhala odekha komanso kufunsa malangizo pa vuto lanu.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 121, "src": "His slightly hooked nose, sharp, almost black eyes, and shoulder-length hair gave him a harsh appearance.", "trg": "Amaoneka wankhanza chifukwa cha mphuno yake yopindika pang'ono, maso ake akuda koma akuthwa komanso tsitsi lake lofika m'mapewa.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 122, "src": "She must confront her past, embrace her gifts, and decide her fate.", "trg": "Ayenera kulimbana ndi kale lake, kukonda mphatso zake komanso kuganizira zimene zidzamuchitikire.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 123, "src": "He's a carpenter by hobby, and built a dam out of scrap wood.", "trg": "Iye ndi kalipentala ndipo anapanga damu pogwiritsa ntchito matabwa.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 124, "src": "Whereas haze is often thought of as a phenomenon of dry air, mist formation is a phenomenon of humid air.", "trg": "Kukachita changululu ndiye kuti mpweya ndi wotentha koma kukachita nkhungu ndiye kuti mpweya ndi wozizira.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 125, "src": "It\u2019s not fake news, not trying to fool anyone, it\u2019s just a joke and it cheered up my January a bit.", "trg": "Si nkhani zabodza kapena zongofuna kupusitsa anthu, koma ndi nthabwala chabe pofuna kusangalatsa January wanga.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 126, "src": "People seldom touch the horse because they are afraid of it.", "trg": "Anthu sakonda kugwira hosi chifukwa amaiopa.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 127, "src": "Demonstrate possession of sufficient financial resources to cover travel expenses.", "trg": "Sonyezani kuti muli ndi ndalama zokwanira kulipira zinthu zonse paulendowu.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 128, "src": "The tree can grow as tall as 20 meters, with smooth, greyish brown thin bark.", "trg": "Mtengowu umatalika kufika mamita 20 ndipo umakhala ndi khungu laling'ono lomwe ndi losalala komanso lotuwa mofiirira.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 129, "src": "The results were terrific: tangy, creamy, intensely berried, with a hint of that kick we associate with cheesecake.", "trg": "Zotsatira zake zinali zoopsa: Zinali zowawasa, zokhala ngati kilimu ndiponso mabulosi, komanso ngati keke yoti aikamo tchizi.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 130, "src": "Is December a throw-away month because everyone is busy or on vacation?", "trg": "Kodi mwezi wa December ndi wotaya zinthu chifukwa aliyense amakhala wotanganidwa kapena amapita kutchuthi?", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 131, "src": "We inspected jumping equipment for compliance with safety regulations.", "trg": "Tinafufuza zonse zokhudza chipangizo chodumphira kuti tione ngati ndi chotetezeka mogwirizana ndi malamulo.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 132, "src": "Call your mom, apologize for yesterday\u2019s photo, and promise to burn that green rag in her honor.", "trg": "Imbira mayi ako, apepese chifukwa cha chithunzi cha dzulo, ndipo ulonjeze kuti uwotcha kansalu kagirini kaja powalemekeza.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 133, "src": "Even our most difficult life experiences bring us wisdom, character and integrity.", "trg": "Ngakhale mavuto aakulu kwambiri amatithandiza kukhala anzeru, akhalidwe komanso okhulupirika.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 134, "src": "Each carefully placed bloom, stem, and leaf creates an arrangement whose meaning goes far beyond the aesthetic.", "trg": "Mmene thunthu lake, masamba ake komanso maluwa ake zimakhalira zimakhala zokongola kwambiri.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 135, "src": "Thus the London exhibition will complement and augment this splendid array.", "trg": "Choncho, chionetsero cha ku London chinakula kwambiri chifukwa khamu la anthu linayamba kufika pamalowa.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 136, "src": "Transfer the pork to a large bowl with a slotted spoon and discard the bay leaves, onion, and garlic.", "trg": "Chotsani nyama ya nkhumba m'mbale yaikulu pogwiritsa ntchito sipuni ya mipata n'kutayamo masamba, anyezi ndi galiki.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 137, "src": "Accessories lend visual appeal through pattern and texture.", "trg": "Zipangizo zimaoneka zokongola malinga ndi mmene azipangira komanso kusalala kwake.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 138, "src": "A warehouse worker in a retail store is holding a cell phone and preparing to package up a parcel to ship overseas.", "trg": "Wogwira ntchito mosungira katundu ali musitolo ndipo wagwira foni pamene akukonzekera kupakira katundu woti apite dziko lakunja.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 139, "src": "Again, this is not ideal, but it is a better alternative than withdrawing a larger lump sum.", "trg": "Izinso si zoyenera koma bola kusiyana ndi kutenga kubanki ndalama zambiri.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 140, "src": "Confirm your decision to attend through your admissions application.", "trg": "Tsimikizirani kuti mukufuna kupezekapo pogwiritsa ntchito fomu yopempha chilolezo.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 141, "src": "May God bless you with happiness, contentment, prosperity, peace, and abundance on your birthday and always.", "trg": "Mulungu akudalitse ndi chisangalalo, kukhutira, kutukuka, mtendere ndi chuma pa tsiku lako lobadwa nthawi zonse.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 142, "src": "The restaurant is known for its flawless execution, evidenced by the mid-course swap-out of warm brioche toast.", "trg": "Lesitilantiyi imachita bwino kwambiri zinthu, umboni wake ndi woti inapanga chakudya china kuchokera ku buledi wina wa toast.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 143, "src": "Tiny and tight work\u2014like mine below\u2014can be hard to do, though, so try it with something looser the first time.", "trg": "Kuluka ting'onoting'ono mothinana ngati changachi n'kovuta koma mukhoza kuyamba ndi zina zosathinana.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 144, "src": "Great explanation of the venom that supposedly made the evil dude feel dead.", "trg": "Kufotokoza bwino za poizoni amene anachitsa munthu woipa kumva ngati wafa.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 145, "src": "Those caught outdoors during a severe thunderstorm are particularly vulnerable.", "trg": "Anthu amene mvula yamkuntho imawapeza ali panja amakhala pangozi.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 146, "src": "Miami residents passed a bond initiative to fund storm drain upgrades, flood pumps, and sea walls.", "trg": "Anthu a ku Miami anayesetsa kupeza ndalama zokonzera malo odutsa madzi pa nthawi ya mkuntho, makina opopa madzi osefukira komanso makoma otchima madzi a m'nyanja.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 147, "src": "Comments on this article reflect the sole opinions of their writers.", "trg": "Ndemanga za munkhaniyi zikungosonyeza maganizo a olemba ake.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 148, "src": "The external monitor now shows an image, but in 800x600 resolution, which is total crap.", "trg": "Monita ya panja ikusonyeza chithunzi cha 800x600, ndiye sizikuoneka bwino.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 149, "src": "Now excuse me while I stick a bar of soap in my mouth to get rid of that unpleasant sentence.", "trg": "Dikira kaye ndiike mtanda wa sopo mkamwamu kuti ndisalankhule chiganizo choipa.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 150, "src": "St. John\u2019s wort is a remedy for seizures and is good for liver health.", "trg": "Zomera zotchedwa St. John's word zimathandiza matenda akugwa komanso kuti chiwindi chikhale bwino.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 151, "src": "Maybe a college-age niece or nephew, or a spouse, sister, or brother.", "trg": "Mwina mdzukulu wako wa msinkhu wa kukoleji, kaya mwamuna kapena mkazi wako, apo ayi mchemwali kapena mchimwene wako.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 152, "src": "He\u2019s what I call a callous, greedy bastard, and a coward to boot!", "trg": "Amene uja ndingati ndi chitsiru choipa mtima, chadyera, chitserekwete chamantha!", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 153, "src": "Assume perfect detection in all cases and ignore the inverse square law effect.", "trg": "Ganizirani zimene ofufuza apeza pa milandu yonse ndipo munyalanyaze zotsatira za zigamulo zake.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 154, "src": "Hey guys, sorry for not writing the report, I didn't get home until now after the practice.", "trg": "Pepani anzanga kuti sindinalembe lipoti, chifukwa sindinafike kunyumba kuchokera pamene tinkayesezera.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 155, "src": "Spread third cake layer with remaining strawberry ice cream;", "trg": "Pakani aisikirimu wa strawberry pagawo limodzi la keke lopyapyala;", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 156, "src": "Even a waiter who isn\u2019t a secret agent in disguise might mention it to his supervisor or something.", "trg": "Ngakhale woperekera chakudya yemwe si wa polisi wodzibisa akhoza kunena zimenezi kwa omuyang'anira kapena zinthu zina.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 157, "src": "Chaos, awkwardness, and drama follow, but Bynes is so charming and funny that the result is a delight.", "trg": "Chisokonezo, zinthu zosakhala bwino komanso zoseketsa zikubwera koma Bynes ndi wooneka bwino komanso woseketsa moti amasangalatsa.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 158, "src": "You can customize this greeting or assign different greetings to different phone numbers.", "trg": "Mukhoza kusintha moniyu kapena kuika mitundu yosiyanasiyana ya moni pa manambala a foni osiyanasiyana.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 159, "src": "Seller will select method of shipment, unless Customer gives timely, prior written instructions.", "trg": "Wogulitsa adzasankhiratu njira yotumizira katundu, pokhapokha ngati wogula walemba malangizo ena kukadali nthawi.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 160, "src": "The spilled liquid stays on the shelf and doesn\u2019t spoil the whole refrigerator by leaking elsewhere.", "trg": "Zamadzimadzi zikatayika zimakhala pa shelefu ndipo sizidontha n'kuwononga zinthu zonse mufiriji.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 161, "src": "The dinner menu, though, is a far more refined affair in presentation and substance.", "trg": "M'ndandanda wa chakudya wachititsa kuti anthu asinthe zinthu zophika komanso kaperekedwe kake.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 162, "src": "Does such an entity deserve congratulations?", "trg": "Kodi gulu limenelo ndi lofunika kuliyamikira?", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 163, "src": "Scientists can also put a radio collar on an elephant and trace its movements to warn farmers.", "trg": "Asayansi akhoza kuika kawailesi pakhosi la njovu n'kumadziwa komwe ili kuti azichenjeza alimi.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 164, "src": "We don\u2019t need to worry that God won\u2019t forgive us if we sincerely repent of our compromise and turn the other way.", "trg": "Sitiyenera kudandaula kuti Mulungu satikhululukira ngati talapa kuchokera pansi pa mtima n'kuyamba kuyenda pa njira ina.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 165, "src": "Should the former rate exceed the latter, then by definition a gap in the acquired data stream has occurred.", "trg": "Ngati mlingo woyamba ukuposa wachiwiri ndiye kuti pali zina zimene zasiyidwa osaphatikizidwapo.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 166, "src": "The novel transforms into something completely different the moment the princess leaves the castle.", "trg": "Nkhani ya m'bukuli imasinthiratu mwana wa mfumu akachoka m'nyumba yachifumu.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 167, "src": "When nutrition sources are lean, the tiger shrimp can even rely on the feces of a goby fish to survive!", "trg": "Mbewa zikatha amanona ndi swiswiri!", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 168, "src": "Further, consent and mutual pleasure are morally necessary.", "trg": "Komanso, kulolerana ndi kusangalatsana ndi zofunika kwambiri.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 169, "src": "Pitch your tent in the luxury of a private estate in the breathtaking Warwickshire countryside.", "trg": "Mukamange tenti yanu ku esiteti yosangalatsa ya m'dera lakumidzi ku Warwickshire.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 170, "src": "The steady volume of sails purchased by racers keeps sail prices reasonable.", "trg": "Anthu a mpikisano akaguliratu zopalatsira bwato mitengo yake siikwera kwambiri.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 171, "src": "Please register or log in to retrieve your license key and to download the latest version.", "trg": "Lembetsani kapena lowaninso kuti mulandirenso kiyi yolowera komanso kuti muchite dawunilodi zaposachedwapa.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 172, "src": "Once you and your luggage are settled in, the pilot will wait for permission to take off.", "trg": "Inuyo mukalowa pamodzi ndi katundu wanu, woyendetsa ndege azingodikira kuuzidwa kuti anyamuke.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 173, "src": "If it is more complicated, like a magazine layout, you may see more sample spaces.", "trg": "Ikamafuna zambiri ngati popanga magazini mudzaona mipata yambiri.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 174, "src": "He came at me all excitable, pushing his chubby little thumb into my forehead and being all cute.", "trg": "Anafika atasangalala kwambiri n'kundidina pamphumi ndi chala chake chonenepa ndipo zinali bwino.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 175, "src": "He doesn't bother anyone (except the cat); he doesn't break things or anything.", "trg": "Aliyense sadandaula naye (kupatula mphaka) chifukwa saphwanya chinthu chilichonse.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 176, "src": "The suspicious smell becomes overwhelming when somebody takes a shot at the lady outside her London hotel.", "trg": "Fungoli limafika poipa ngati munthu akamakajambula mzimayi kunja kwa hotel yake ya ku London.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 177, "src": "Twelve studies used random assignment to observe student achievement between choice and regular public schools.", "trg": "Kafukufuku wokwana khumi ndi awiri anachitika poona mmene ophunzira ankachitira bwino m'masukulu apamwamba ndi masukulu wamba aboma.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 178, "src": "The flavor profile is a mild black currant and mineral blend with notes of gentle plum and faint oak.", "trg": "Kakomedwe kake ndi kali ngati mwasakaniza mtundu wina wa mphesa, zakumwa zoziziritsa kukhosi, mapulamu ndi madzi a nthundu.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 179, "src": "You all remind me of a bunch of spoiled and naive children, crying and stamping your feet to get your way.", "trg": "Ukundikumbutsa ana osasatitsidwa amene amalira uku akupondaponda pansi kuti achitiridwe zimene akufuna.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 180, "src": "The power generation industry is estimated to expand at a rapid pace during the forecast period.", "trg": "Makampani opanga zinthu ngati magetsi awonjezeka pa nthawi younika zinthu.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 181, "src": "Sometimes we do not have enough evidence to draw a firm conclusion.", "trg": "Nthawi zina sitikhala ndi maumboni okwanira kuti tifike podziwa zimene zinachitikadi.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 182, "src": "Virtually no prominent leaders seem willing to step forward to defend native-language programs.", "trg": "Zikuneka kuti palibe mtsogoleri wotchuka amene akufuna kuthandiza pa mapulogalamu a zilankhulo zam'dziko.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 183, "src": "Then outline the picture with a pencil or pen so that the image is imprinted on the mug.", "trg": "Ndiye mulembe ndi pensulo kapena cholembera kuti chithunzi chake chioneke pa kapuyo.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 184, "src": "Mike is also a licensed youth soccer coach, former child actor and enthusiastic musical theater participant.", "trg": "Mike ali ndi laisensi yophunzitsa anthu mpira, ali mwana ankachita zisudzo ndipo ankapezeka koimba nyimbo mwakhama.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 185, "src": "Next, use local mobile advertising to attract foot traffic.", "trg": "Kenako muzigwiritsa ntchito njira zosatsira malonda pa mafoni kuti oyenda pansi azifikanso.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 186, "src": "Their basement was always filled with a treasure trove of fascinating and interesting items.", "trg": "M'chipinda chawo chapansi munadzaza ndi zinthu zambiri zamtengo wapatali.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 187, "src": "Latest Snapchat caption maker to imitate fake snaps of celebrities and prank your friends.", "trg": "Pulogalamu yatsopano ya Snapchat imathandiza kuti muonetse zithunzi zabodza za anthu otchuka komanso kupusitsa anzanu.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 188, "src": "She didn't resign, so her manager decided to bury her in an infinite quantity of miscellaneous tasks.", "trg": "Sankafuna kusiya ntchito ndiye abwana ake anangomupatsa tintchito ting'onoting'ono tosafunika kwambiri.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 189, "src": "Due to military cunning, the future dictator managed to seize the lands occupied by the Celtic tribes.", "trg": "Chifukwa chochenjera pa nkhani za nkhondo, mtsogoleri wankhaza analanda malo amene mitundu ya Celtic inkakhala.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 190, "src": "If returned at market, the item is eligible for a refund, exchange, or market stall credit note.", "trg": "Ngati katundu wabwezedwa kumsika munthu amatha kubwezeredwa ndalama kapena kusinthanitsa ndi wina apo ayi amakulembera chikalata choti ali nawe ngongole.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 191, "src": "This crude theory is responsible for the ridiculous doctrine of eternal life for some and eternal torture for others.", "trg": "Chiphunzitso chimenechi ndi chimene chimachititsa anthu kukhulupirira kuti pali moyo wosatha ndiponso kuzunzidwa kosatha.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 192, "src": "For example, enclosures and machine tools must have strict temperature control for the precise machining of metal.", "trg": "Mwachitsanzo, makina ndi malo ena amafunika kukhala otentha pa mlingo winawake kuti zitsulo zisulidwe bwino.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 193, "src": "The finance guy sat in a dress shirt behind a massive wood desk.", "trg": "Munthu wa za ndalamayo anakhala kumbuyo kwa desiki ya thabwa atavala malaya abwino.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 194, "src": "[Story continues below advertisement] Some investors build wealth by owning hard assets such as rental properties.", "trg": "[Nkhaniyi ikupitirira pambuyo pa malondawa] Anthu ena amapeza chuma pokhala ndi zinthu monga nyumba za lendi.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 195, "src": "Male mosquitoes, while bothersome, pose no threat to humans.", "trg": "Udzudzu waumuna umasowetsa mtendere koma si woopsa kwa anthu.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 196, "src": "But once my mind was finally made up, I still could not leave.", "trg": "Ngakhale kuti ndinadziwa zochita, sindinathe kuchokapo.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 197, "src": "lthough raw material prices continued to rise, the gross profit margin was maintained at previous year\u2019s level.", "trg": "Ngakhale kuti zipangizo zakwera mitengo, takhala tikupanga phindu ngati mmene zinalili chaka chatha.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 198, "src": "It has associations with friendship (such as in the thumbs-up gesture) and interaction.", "trg": "Ndi chokhudza kucheza ndi anthu (monga chizindikiro cha kukweza chala chachikulu) komanso kulankhulana.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 199, "src": "Its designation as a competitive organization means that it faces a lot of competition.", "trg": "Popeza ndi bungwe lofuna kutsogola, lili ndi opikisana nawo ambiri.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 200, "src": "Comply with the training requirements and respond in a positive manner to any suggestion or criticism.", "trg": "Muzitsatira zokuyenerezani kuchita maphunziro ndipo muziyankha bwino ena akapereka maganizo awo kapena akakutsutsani.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 201, "src": "The horn section provided a distinct complement of both rhythm and melodic harmony.", "trg": "Mphalasa inkathandiza kuti nyimboyo imveke bwino pamodzi ndi mawu ake.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 202, "src": "The only obstacle that endures is that an introvert will dwell on the past.", "trg": "Chinthu chimodzi chimene sichisintha ndi choti anthu osalankhulalankhula amaganizira kwambiri zakale.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 203, "src": "Set over a day, it sees the duo wander aimlessly around a sleepy seaside town, developing a tentative connection.", "trg": "Atakhazikitsa tsiku, awiriwa anayenda mopanda cholinga m'tauni ina ya m'mphepete mwa nyanja yomwe munali anthu ochepa poyesa kupanga ubwenzi.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 204, "src": "Sometimes blunt, maybe controversial, hopefully never too grumpy or gloomy.", "trg": "Nthawi zina kulankhula mwatchutchutchu kumayambitsa mikangano koma sibwinonso kumangokhala ndwii.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 205, "src": "Solid dictionary skills are a great way to speed vocabulary acquisition, reading comprehension, and spelling accuracy.", "trg": "Kufufuza m'buku lotanthauzira mawu kumathandiza kuti udziwe mawu ambiri, uzimvetsa zomwe ukuwerenga komanso kudziwa kalembedwe kolondola.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 206, "src": "Pick your favourite cat breed, grab a pencil and start drawing!", "trg": "Sankhani mtundu wa mphaka amene mumakonda, tengani pensulo ndipo yambani kujambula!", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 207, "src": "There must be a certain business process far beyond our understanding.", "trg": "Payenera kuti pali njira ina yochitira bizinesi imene ife sitikuidziwa.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 208, "src": "Traditionally, the meat is stuffed with spices and actually cooked in a coal fire within the trunk of a banana palm.", "trg": "Mwa chikhalidwe chawo, amathira zonunkhira zambiri pa nyama n'kuiotcha pamoto ataikutira ndi masamba a nthochi.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 209, "src": "It\u2019s the factor why persistent intestinal concerns may trigger foggy brain, insomnia, or depression.", "trg": "N'chifukwa chake kudwala m'mimba kawirikawiri kumachititsa munthu kusaganiza bwino, kusagona tulo kapena kusokonezeka maganizo.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 210, "src": "Ditch those manual processes and secure your labor workflow with a cloud-based crew management platform.", "trg": "Siyani kuchita zinthu pamanja ndipo muziona mmene aliyense akugwirira ntchito pogwiritsa ntchito malo a pa intaneti.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 211, "src": "Who is faster, the turtle or the butterfly?", "trg": "Kodi amafulumira ndani, kamba kapena gulugufe?", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 212, "src": "However, their main emphasis was to encourage trade throughout a particular area.", "trg": "Koma cholinga chawo chinali choti alimbikitse malonda m'dera linalake.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 213, "src": "President Carter\u2019s military rescue option would sadly fail.", "trg": "Njira imene pulezident Carter anaitsatira pofuna kupulumutsa anthu inali yosathandiza.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 214, "src": "Attending the reunion allowed Bella to shed her shame like the false skin it was, and to reclaim her healthy anger.", "trg": "Kukumana nayenso kunathandiza kuti Bella asiye kuchita manyazi n'kukwiya m'njira yoyenera.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 215, "src": "Excellent location with beautiful view over the port, walking distance and very quiet area peaceful sleeping.", "trg": "Malo abwino okhala ndi gombe lokongola, malo owongolako miyendo komanso aphee oti utha kugona bwino.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 216, "src": "The practice of sending formal invitation letters to chief guests is common in academic society, such as in a university.", "trg": "Chizolowezi chotumiza kalata yoitana alendo olemekezeka n'chofala m'malo a maphunziro monga ku yunivesite.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 217, "src": "Of course the seedlings always insist on growing either right at the front of the border, or in the vegetable patch.", "trg": "Mbewu zimakonda kumera patsogolo pa malire kapena pamalo pamene pali ndiwo zamasamba.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 218, "src": "Instead the healthy are put under house arrest and where exactly are all those sick people?", "trg": "M'malomwake anthu osadwala amatsekeredwa m'nyumba, ndiye anthu odwalawo ali kuti?", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 219, "src": "Superior grip and slip-resistance thanks to surface patterns and large contact area.", "trg": "Zimagwira nthaka osaterera ayi chifukwa anakonza bwino pansi pake kuti zizigwira malo ambiri.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 220, "src": "As we noted, wrath can be open and obvious or subtle and hidden, and it can acquire targets unrelated to the source.", "trg": "Monga taona kale, mkwiyo umatha kuonekera kapena kudziwika koma umathanso kubisika osaoneka ndipo ukhoza kuphulikira munthu wina amene sizikumukhudza.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 221, "src": "If you wanna complain, complain that the government makes you get permission to stop being married.", "trg": "Ngati mukufuna kudandaula, dandaulani kuti boma likuchititsa kuti mupeze chilolezo chokuletsani kukhala pabanja.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 222, "src": "When we began the tour, she asked me to guess what colour appears and is prevalent in the vast majority of his art.", "trg": "Pamene amayamba kutionetsa malo, anandiuza kuti ndilote mtundu umene ukuoneka womwe umapezeka kwambiri pa zojambula zake zambiri.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 223, "src": "To schedule an appointment, please complete and submit the request form.", "trg": "Kuti muonane nawo, lembani fomu yopempha n'kuitumiza.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 224, "src": "But there is no test to determine whether the eggs are good quality.", "trg": "Koma palibe njira yodziwira ngati mazira ali abwinobwino.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 225, "src": "Stretch out on a comfy lounge chair and wrap yourself up in a soft, teddy bear-like blanket.", "trg": "Gonani pa mpando waukulu ndipo fundani bulangete lofewa ngati ubweya wa chimbalangodo.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 226, "src": "Redeem yourself and tell me what that beam of light really was!", "trg": "Dziombole, nena kuti kuwala kukuonekako ndi kwa chiyani!", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 227, "src": "I had no appetite after seeing the porridge goo with the chopped cucumber slices.", "trg": "Ndinalibenso chilakolako cha kudya nditaona phala komanso mapisi a nkhaka.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 228, "src": "Think about what kind of blue jeans you wish to fit into later on.", "trg": "Muziganizira mtundu wa jinzi ya buluu imene mungafune kudzavala m'tsogolo.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 229, "src": "If you want a vivid purple shade, we advise you to bleach your hair first.", "trg": "Ngati mukufuna kuti lionekedi la pepo muthire mankhwala osintha mtundu wa tsitsilo choyamba.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 230, "src": "Your primary mission is to destroy all enemy defenses and collect fuel to stay alive.", "trg": "Cholinga chanu choyamba chikhale kuwononga asilikali a adani anu kenako n'kutenga mafuta kuti mukhale ndi moyo.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 231, "src": "Squirrel droppings vary, and they can be a little tough to distinguish from rat poop.", "trg": "Manyi a gologolo amakhala osiyanasiyana ndipo amakhala olimba kwambiri kusiyana ndi a khoswe.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 232, "src": "After organizing the exam, the commission also conducts an interview session to recruit capable applicants for the declared posts.", "trg": "Pambuyo pokonza mayeso, bungwelo limachititsa mayeso olembera anthu ntchito kuti alowe m'malo amene mulibe anthu.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 233, "src": "It is made of milk and doesn\u2019t contain any harmful substances, provided you consume an authentic product.", "trg": "Amapanga kuchokera ku mkaka, saikamo zinthu zoopsa, bola ngati mwadya zopangidwa ndi eniake.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 234, "src": "The executive branch of government is supposed to investigate crime based on evidence.", "trg": "Mbali ina ya boma iyenera kufufuza milandu pogwiritsa ntchito umboni umene ulipo.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 235, "src": "Upon account closure, we will cancel any pending transactions unless otherwise legally prohibited.", "trg": "Akaunti ikatsekedwa, tidzafufuta zinthu zonse zimene zimafunika kulipiridwa pokhapokha ngati patakhala malamulo otiletsa.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 236, "src": "Accent your yard with timber for pure privacy, comfortable shade, or maybe an inviting place to hang your kid\u2019s swing.", "trg": "Dzalani mitengo panyumba yanu kuti pakhale potchingidwa, mupeze mthunzi wabwino komanso pokoleka mzende wa ana.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 237, "src": "You will literally learn how to eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner.", "trg": "Mudzaphunzira kadyedwe ka chakudya cha m'mawa, chamasana ndi chamadzulo.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 238, "src": "Cotton is durable, wicks away sweat, and can retain a moderate amount of heat when used in layers.", "trg": "Thonje ndi lolimba, limayamwa thukuta komanso limatenthera ngati mwaphatikiza.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 239, "src": "Rubber pieces worn or falling apart, roof rail pieces missing, fuel tank door lock broken.", "trg": "Mapisi a raba ong'ambika kapena omwazika, matabwa apadenga asowa ndipo loko wa pamalo pothirira mafuta wathyoledwa.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 240, "src": "Anything silly makes me laugh, and I am obsessed with minions;", "trg": "Ndimaseka zopusa zilizonse ndipo ndimakonda tizidole;", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 241, "src": "As you enter the main entrance, there is a small, cozy lounge area, with two double bedrooms.", "trg": "Mukangolowa pakhomo lalikulu mupeza malo ochezera pali zipinda ziwiri zogona.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 242, "src": "Foot orthotics helps them maintain the correct feet alignment, reduce pain, prevent injury, and enhance efficiency.", "trg": "Zotchingira mapazi zimathandiza kuti liziima bwino, usamamve ululu, usavulale komanso uziyenda bwino.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 243, "src": "Island-ripe pineapple, apple, stone fruit, and crisp pear fill the mouth.", "trg": "Mukhoza kudya nanazi, ma apulo, mapeyala ndi zipatso zina.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 244, "src": "She loves hiking and swimming and is very interested in nature conservation, literature, cinema, and history.", "trg": "Amakonda kukwera mapiri ndi kusambira ndipo amakondanso kuteteza chilengedwe, mabuku, makanema komanso mbiri yakale.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 245, "src": "Each storage position layer is isolated with a stainless steel plate and fireproof rock wool.", "trg": "Mosungira zinthu monse mwatetezedwa ndi zitsulo za steel komanso zinthu zosagwira moto;", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 246, "src": "If you follow the golden rule above, it's because you're trying to persuade someone.", "trg": "Mumatsatira lamulo lotchukali chifukwa pali amene mukufuna kuti akopeke.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 247, "src": "By contrast, the presence of high blood pressure or shortness of breath predicted a worse outcome.", "trg": "Kuthamanga kwa magazi komanso kubanika popuma ndi zizindikiro za zinthu zoopsa.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 248, "src": "With real love in our hearts for our beloved, we conquer all forms of conflict, fights, or quarrels that may arise.", "trg": "Ngati timakondadi anzathu tidzagonjetsa kusagwirizana kwa mtundu uliwonse, nkhondo kapena mikangano imene ingayambike.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 249, "src": "Surname searches help you find ancestor charts, family group sheets, and manuscripts in our archive.", "trg": "Mukafufuza dzina la bambo mudzatha kudziwa makolo akale, mndandanda wa mabanja komanso mipukutu imene taisunga.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 250, "src": "Not a chance, but it\u2019s still pretty damn good in my humble opinion.", "trg": "Sizinachitike mwangozi koma chifukwa cha maganizo a munthu wodzichepetsa.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 251, "src": "Probably just convenient timing because yeah, it\u2019s otherwise slim pickings.", "trg": "Mwina ndi pa nthawi yake chifukwa kupanda kutero zikanakhala zochepa.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 252, "src": "Turn on the heat function to improve the overall blood circulation of the body and treat muscle fatigue.", "trg": "Yatsani zotenthetsa m'nyumba kuti magazi aziyenda bwino komanso minofu isafooke.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 253, "src": "Lucky for him, he\u2019s a brilliant botanist who comes up with clever (sometimes disgusting) ways to harvest food.", "trg": "Ali ndi mwai, ndi munthu wokonda zaulimi amene amapeza njira zochenjera (pena zonyansa) zokololera zakudya.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 254, "src": "Does consistent scene context facilitate object perception?", "trg": "Kodi zinthu zofanana zimachititsa kuti munthu aziona bwino zinthu?", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 255, "src": "Sober living homes also serve as stepping stones to modern society for recently released prison or jail prisoners.", "trg": "Nyumba zimene anthu samwa mowa zimathandiza kuti anthu amene amasulidwa kumene kundende akhazikike m'dera.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 256, "src": "Whatever authority Muslim jurists may possess stems from their claim to speak on behalf of this religious command.", "trg": "Kaya woweruza wa Chisilamu ali ndi mphamvu zotani amadalira zimene amanena zoti amalankhula m'malo mwa malamulo awo achipembedzo.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 257, "src": "Some of these unkind words include retarded, idiot, stupid and dumb.", "trg": "Mawu ena achipongwe ndi monga, wokwinimbira, chitsiru, wopusa kapena mbuli.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 258, "src": "So if you are not content on keen maintenance, the 2-stroke engine may work for you.", "trg": "Ngati simukonda zokonzetsakonzetsa ndiye mutenge injini ya masitiroko 2.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 259, "src": "The average pit bull is good-natured, amusing, and capable of extreme affection for the members of its pack.", "trg": "Agalu a mtundu wa pit bull amakhala akhalidwe labwino, osangalatsa komanso okonda anzawo.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 260, "src": "She will fight, deceive, negotiate, bargain, and surrender in order to protect the people she loves.", "trg": "Akhoza kumenya, kupusitsa, kukambirana, kunyengerera kapena kupepesa kuti ateteze anthu amene amawakonda.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 261, "src": "The garbage collectors will simply look inside, deny you trash privilege, and move on.", "trg": "Otolera zinyalala akhoza kungoyang'ana mkati n'kusiya osachotsa zinyalala n'kumapita.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 262, "src": "Without pattern recognition or good intuition, no one would be good at chess!", "trg": "Popanda kuzindikira maonekedwe a zinthu komanso kulota moyenerera, palibe amene angasewere bwino tchesi!", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 263, "src": "Instead, he suggested that resilience and adaptation should play a stronger role in how humans relate to fire.", "trg": "Mmalomwake ananena kuti munthu ayenera kupirira komanso kusintha zinthu zina kuti azolowere moto.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 264, "src": "We were on a family trip out to California to visit my aunt, uncle, and cousin.", "trg": "Banja lathu linanyamuka kupita ku California kukaona azakhali, amalume ndi msuweni wanga.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 265, "src": "These middle layers also pile on a little more warmth to fight off the winter chill.", "trg": "Mukaphatikiza zapakatizi zimathandiza kuti musazizidwe kwambiri m'nyengo yozizira.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 266, "src": "It is an umbrella term that covers offenses of slavery, servitude, forced and compulsory labor, and human trafficking.", "trg": "Ndi mawu amodzi amene amatanthauza milandu yokhudza ukapolo, ukapolowo, ntchito zokakamiza komanso kuzembetsa anthu.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 267, "src": "She had an emergency surgery, her jaw was wired shut, and she was on a liquid diet for six weeks.", "trg": "Anamupanga opaleshoni ya dzidzidzi, anatseka pakamwa pake ndipo ankamumwetsa madzi kwa masabata asanu ndi limodzi.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 268, "src": "You don't want to interrupt the fairy king and queen sacred moon dancing ritual.", "trg": "Musasokoneze mfumu ndi mfumukazi pamene akuchita mwambo wawo wovinira mwezi.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 269, "src": "Just use household scissors or a sharp knife to trim, then place the end on the outlet.", "trg": "Mungogwiritsa ntchito sizasi kapena mpeni wakuthwa kuti mudule kenako kumapeto muike potulukira.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 270, "src": "The tick was attached to me for 24 hours and I developed a large rash afterwards.", "trg": "Nthata inandikakamira kwa maola 24 kenako ndinayamba tizilonda.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 271, "src": "The pig\u2019s reputation as a filthy animal comes from its habit of rolling in mud to cool off.", "trg": "Nkhumba imadziwika kuti ndi ya uve chifukwa choti imagubuduka m'matope pofuna kuti imve kuzizira.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 272, "src": "Rose feels overwhelmed, depressed, guilty, scared, and lonely.", "trg": "Rose wapanikizika, ali ndi nkhawa, akudziimba mlandu, akuopa komanso wasungulumwa.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 273, "src": "Plan meals from the cupboard contents and bake bread, soak beans, knead dough, peel things as necessary.", "trg": "Mukonze chakudya kuchokera mu zinthu zimene zili mukabati ndipo muphike buledi, munyike nyemba, mukanye ufa, ndiponso musende zonse zofunika.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 274, "src": "Drop by and say hello; stay strong and live awesome, my friend.", "trg": "Iwe mnzanga udutsire kuno utipatse moni; ukhale wathanzi ndipo moyo wako ukhale wopambana.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 275, "src": "If you wear shabby clothes, you obviously lack self-confidence.", "trg": "Ukavala zovala zosasamalika umadzikayikira.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 276, "src": "You quickly dispatch three of the slowed humanoids with your bolts, their clumsy movements offering little sport.", "trg": "Umatumiza msanga tizidole toyenda pang'onopang'ono pogwiritsa ntchito zomangira, ndiye mayendedwe ake ovutikira amaseketsa.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 277, "src": "Symptoms include a sudden fever, intense weakness, muscle pain, headache, and sore throat.", "trg": "Zizindikiro zake ndi kutentha thupi kwadzidzidzi, kufooka kwambiri, kuphwanya thupi, kupweteka kwa mutu komanso zironda zapakhosi.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 278, "src": "Can't wait to hear about this amazing sight you and Steve experienced!", "trg": "Ndikungoona kuchedwa kuti ndimve zinthu zochititsa chidwi zimene zakuchitikira iwe ndi Steve!", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 279, "src": "Another study (although likely less reliable) found similar results.", "trg": "Kafukufuku wina (ngakhale kuti ndi wosadalirika) zotsatira zake ndi zofanana.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 280, "src": "In-unit laundry, solid core doors, high-end carpet, custom window treatments and large garage parking space included.", "trg": "Ili ndi mochapira, zitseko zolimba, kapeti yokwanira, mawindo abwino komanso galaja ya malo okwanira.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 281, "src": "The fatal flaw in that argument is that the teacher's contract is not the system.", "trg": "Chimene chinalakwika kwambiri pa mkangano uja ndi chakuti ntchito ya mphunzitsiyo siinaikidwe pa mndandanda.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 282, "src": "Five-hours-stuck-in-the-Mexican-desert tough would be an accurate description.", "trg": "Tingafotokoze kuti unali ulendo wa maola anayi m'chipululu cha ku Mexico chovuta kwambiri.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 283, "src": "Meanwhile, our county seat has already spent twice its normal annual tax revenue on debris removal alone.", "trg": "Panopa, dziko lanu lawirikiza kawiri ndalama za misonkho zimene limagwiritsa ntchito pochotsa zinyalala.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 284, "src": "Lord God, direct our minds, hearts, and hands to extend mercy rather than hate and rage.", "trg": "Ambuye Mulungu, tsogoerani maganizo athu, mitima ndi manja athu kuti tizikhala achifundo osati chidani ndi mkwiyo.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 285, "src": "Rice faces a count of sexual misconduct with a minor in connection with the June 2017 encounter with a 15-year-old girl.", "trg": "Rice akuimbidwa mlandu wokhudza kugonana chifukwa cha mtsikana wa zaka 15 amene anakumana naye mu June 2017.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 286, "src": "You can arrange in rows, in a circular pattern, whatever takes your fancy.", "trg": "Mukhoza kusanja m'mizere yowongoka, yozungulira kapena mulimonse mmene mungafunire.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 287, "src": "Smaller items are packed with additional air packing, a brown shipping box, and cross-strapped with fragile tape.", "trg": "Zinthu zing'onozing'ono amazipakira ndi mapepala okhala ndi mpweya, bokosi lofiirira komanso tepi yolembedwa kuti zosweka.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 288, "src": "It is a skill thousands of years of evolution in the making, and we shouldn\u2019t simply dismiss it in favor of technology.", "trg": "Luso ili ndi lakalekale kwambiri ndipo sitiyenera kulinyalanyaza n'kumakonda za luso lamakono.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 289, "src": "Fly balls flew by as I landed on my face, spit weed stalks and hoped to disappear in humiliation.", "trg": "Pamene ndinkagwa mpaka nkhope pansi, timipira tinauluka ndipo ndinalavula zitsotso n'kumaganiza kuti manyazi anga atha.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 290, "src": "Adorable robots, hug-transmitting mugs, and mood-changing clothing?", "trg": "Kodi kuli maloboti okongola, makapu ochititsa chidwi ndiponso zovala zokhazika mtima m'malo?", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 291, "src": "Let the man find his happy place and appreciate his acting ability above all else.", "trg": "Koposa zonse, munthu ayenera kusangalala pamalo ake, komanso kuyamikira luso limene ali nalo.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 292, "src": "Gradually, the ladder begins to reverse direction and then falls, crushing dozens underneath.", "trg": "Makwerero anayamba kutsetsereka pang'onopang'ono n'kugwera anthu amene anali pansi pake.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 293, "src": "Elaborate on how you continued to work independently while simultaneously keeping your team members in the loop.", "trg": "Fotokozani mmene mumapititizira kugwira ntchito panokha uku mukulumikizana ndi anzanu kuntchito.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 294, "src": "Write about Pam's ill-fated relationship with the handsome salesman.", "trg": "Lembani zokhudza ubwenzi umene unasokonekera wa pakati pa Pam ndi wamalonda wooneka bwino uja.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 295, "src": "What happens to a presumed thief, carrying a wallet that does not belong to him, who is held by the police?", "trg": "Chimachitika ndi chiyani kwa wakuba amene watenga kachikwama ka ndalama komwe si kake ndipo wagwidwa ndi apolisi?", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 296, "src": "She's slightly stubborn and shy, he's supportive of her training.", "trg": "Ndi wamakani pang'ono, wamanyazi komanso amachirikiza maphunziro ake.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 297, "src": "Thoughtful details such as a protective tray cover and acrylic dirt guard ensure highest comfort and ease of cleaning.", "trg": "Zinthu zofunika monga chivundikiro chotetezera, komanso chinthu chotchingira fumbi zimathandiza kuti kuyeretsa kuzikhala kosavuta.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 298, "src": "More than one math card game has been destroyed by a careless or reckless toddler before the game was finished.", "trg": "Makadi a masamu ena awonongedwa ndi mwana wina masewero asanathe.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 299, "src": "Escape your daily routine and create a gorgeous wall display piece.", "trg": "Siyani zimene munazolowera n'kuyamba kupanga zinthu zosangalatsa zapakhoma.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 300, "src": "Fortunately, her boss and colleagues understood that she might be late arriving at the Google campus.", "trg": "Mwamwayi, abwana ake komanso anthu ena kuntchito anamvetsa zoti iye akhoza kufika mochedwa kukampasi ya Google.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 301, "src": "Although, \"celebrity crush\" seems like too narrow and shallow a term.", "trg": "Ngakhale kuti mawu akuti \"kulakalaka kukhala wotchuka\" akuperewera pofotokoza mawuwa.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 302, "src": "The professional services network is one of the first to release an early holiday shopping prediction survey this year.", "trg": "Bungwe la mgwirizano wa anthu ogwira ntchito ndi limene linayamba kutulutsa zotsatira za kafukufuku wokhudza kugula zinthu patchuthi.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 303, "src": "The cub thoroughly enjoyed her treat and we were so thrilled to introduce her to pumpkin cookies.", "trg": "Kamwanako kanadya zimene kanapatsidwa ndipo kanasangalala kuyamba kudya mabisiketi a maungu.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 304, "src": "Always update your devices: smart hackers are always trying to catch up to device manufacturers and take advantage of them.", "trg": "Muziyesetsa kuika mapulogalamu atsopano chifukwa anthu achipongwe amafuna kufika pamene opanga zipangizo afika kuti azisokoneza zinthu.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 305, "src": "As someone who frequently uses lists to manage anxiety and set priorities, I found the general idea attractive.", "trg": "Monga munthu amene ndimatsatira m'ndandanda kuti ndisamakhale ndi nkhawa komanso kuika zinthu zofunika poyamba, ndinaona kuti maganizo amenewa ndi abwino.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 306, "src": "Remove the press cloth and iron fabric to eliminate excess moisture.", "trg": "Chotsani nsalu inayo n'kusita kuti chinyezi chichoke.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 307, "src": "Nothing like an odd, weird conversation to make a day interesting.", "trg": "Palibe nkhani, zangokhala zolankhula zothandiza kuti tsiku lisatopetse.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 308, "src": "Portrait (vertical) or landscape (horizontal) orientation is acceptable.", "trg": "Kuika choimika (choyima) kapena chogoneka (chopingasa) n'kovomerezeka.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 309, "src": "The intention is to display ads (via third-party services) that are relevant and engaging for individual users.", "trg": "Cholinga ndi kuika malonda (kudzera mwa makampani ena) omwe ndi othandiza kwa anthu ogwiritsira ntchito.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 310, "src": "Children who are resilient are brave, curious, confident, and problem-solvers.", "trg": "Ana amene amapirira amakhala olimba mtima, achidwi, odzidalira komaso amathana ndi mavuto.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 311, "src": "They offer several features such as fire, carbon monoxide, and fall monitoring.", "trg": "Amapereka zinthu zosiyanasiyana monga moto, mpweya wa carbon monoxide komanso zoonera ngati wagwa.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 312, "src": "The deceased was of an amiable and affectionate disposition, devoted to the welfare of his relatives.", "trg": "Munthu amene wamwalira anali wochezeka komaso wachikondi ndipo ankadzipereka kuti athandize abale ake.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 313, "src": "The wrong tenants may cause major damage and cut back the worth of the property.", "trg": "Mnyumba mukalowa munthu wosayenera amawononga zinthu komanso kubwezeretsa m'mbuyo mtengo wa nyumba.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 314, "src": "Yes, I could be hurt on tomorrow\u2019s ride, but will that stop me?", "trg": "N'zoona kuti ulendo wa mawa ukhoza kundipweteka koma nanga ndisiye chifukwa chiyani?", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 315, "src": "Plug in the saw, insert the yellow switch key, and proceed to cut.", "trg": "Ikani sowo, kenako ikani batani layelo n'kupitiriza kudula.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 316, "src": "As an entrepreneur, you have to perceive this and adapt to it.", "trg": "Monga wamalonda, muyenera kuona izi n'kusintha kuti zigwirizane.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 317, "src": "Our guests discuss the balancing act of letting kids explore without getting charged with neglect or abuse.", "trg": "Alendo athu akukambirana zoti ana asisiyidwa kuti aphunzire zinthu popanda kuwaimba mlandu wolekerera kapena nkhanza.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 318, "src": "Both health conditions cause chest pain and are often confused.", "trg": "Matenda onsewa amapweteka pachifuwa ndiye n'zosavuta kuwasokoneza.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 319, "src": "Sometimes they went to bed together, straight away, nothing said.", "trg": "Nthawi zina ankapita kukagona limodzi, nthawi yomweyo, osalankhula chilichonse.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 320, "src": "Other cliff-hangers involve a dead body, a stealthy stranger, and mysterious noises in the night.", "trg": "Zigawo zina za masewero zimatha munthu atafa, kutabwera munthu wachilendo kapena kuli phokoso lodabwitsa usiku.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 321, "src": "The intermediate revision of the essay called for the removal of the \"sh\" sound from English", "trg": "Pokonzanso nkhani yomwe inalembedwa panafunika kuchotsa mawu akuti \"sh\" mu Chingelezi", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 322, "src": "If you recall, we were told in August that the economy was slowing and the recovery, which was slow, was losing steam.", "trg": "Ngati mungakumbukire tinauzidwa mu August kuti chuma chikuyenda pang'onopang'ono komanso chikuchepa mphamvu.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 323, "src": "Regular maintenance of the notice board itself is essential.", "trg": "Bolodi lachidziwitso lifunika kukonzedwa pafupipafupi.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 324, "src": "Then the lame man will leap like a deer, and the tongue of the mute will sing;", "trg": "Wolumala adzadumpha ngati nswala ndipo lilime la wosalankhula lidzaimba;", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 325, "src": "Any vaccine materials already made at the plant will be held in quarantine.", "trg": "Chilichonse chokhudza katemera chimene chili pamalo opangira chidzatsekeredwa kwakanthawi.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 326, "src": "Optional active safety features include blind spot monitoring, lane departure warning, and rear cross traffic alert.", "trg": "Kuti tipewe ngozi tiyenera kuyang'ana malo amene saoneka pagalasi, kupereka chizindikiro polowa leni ina komanso kuchenjeza magalimoto obwera m'mbuyo.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 327, "src": "The hike was gorgeous (and steep!), but invigorating to take in the majestic scenery\u2014the float was a blast too.", "trg": "Kukwera phiri kunali kosangalatsa (panali chiphedi!), ndipo tinalimbikitsidwa titaona malo okongola, kuyenda paboti kunalinso kosangalatsa kwambiri.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 328, "src": "Two happy young girls laughing, drinking beer, and eating pizza at a home party late.", "trg": "Atsikana awiri ankasangalala, kuseka, kumwa mowa komanso kudya piza kunyumba kwawo usiku.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 329, "src": "See extinct animals while sightseeing on the seashore!", "trg": "Onani nyama zimene zikutha komanso malo okongola a m'mbali mwa nyanja!", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 330, "src": "Yet when you receive the same specific reply three different times, maybe it\u2019s time to accept the answer.", "trg": "Koma mukalandira yankho lofanana maulendo atatu, mwina ingakhale nthawi yabwino yovomereza yankholo.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 331, "src": "My next-door neighbor was the middle school principal, who told me she had a 7th-grade math job.", "trg": "Nyumba yapafupi mumakhala mphunzitsi wamkulu amene anandiuza kuti ali ndi ntchito yophunzitsa masamu mu sitandade 7.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 332, "src": "Pet-friendly apartment community boasts stunning mountain and city views.", "trg": "Nyumba yoti mukhoza kukhala bwino ndi ziweto, komanso mwazunguliridwa ndi mapiri okongola komanso mutha kumaona mzinda.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 333, "src": "It demanded at least a temporary solution to avoid benefit reductions.", "trg": "Panafunika njira yachidule kuti zomwe timapezapo zisachepe.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 334, "src": "You don't need any of the snake oils they want to sell you, like adhesion promoter, flex agent\u2014they are not needed.", "trg": "Simukufunika mafuta a njoka amene akufuna kukugulitsani kuti zimate bwinobwino, nawonso maejenti...sakufunika.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 335, "src": "He took a letter out of his sack and slid it into the slot.", "trg": "Anatenga kalata mthumba lake n'kuiika pakabowo.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 336, "src": "This is awful behavior to gain access. Online games are probably the best forms of leisure in existence.", "trg": "Khalidwe ili ndi lofunika kwambiri kuti mulowe... Masewera a pakompyuta ndi osangalatsa kwambiri kuposa chilichonse.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 337, "src": "He started a very successful cycling holiday company and was part owner of a very busy bike shop.", "trg": "Anayamba bwino kwambiri pa kampani ya opalasa njinga pa tchuthi ndipo anali mwini wa sitolo yogulitsa njinga inali ndi makasitomala ochuluka.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 338, "src": "Man requests sword fight with ex-wife and lawyer to settle legal dispute.", "trg": "Mwamuna anapempha kuti amenyane ndi mkazi wake pogwiritsa ntchito malupanga ndipo woweruza milandu awaweruze.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 339, "src": "Hip-hop music video series highlighting top domestic, international, and pop-culture news each week.", "trg": "Nyimbo za hip-hop zimasonyeza mmene chikhalidwe cha nyimbo za pop chilili padziko lonse mlungu uliwonse.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 340, "src": "Host a Twitch live stream and explain the impact of the charity.", "trg": "Chititsani msonkhano wa pa intaneti pogwiritsa ntchito Twich ndipo mufotokoze mmene anthu apindulira ndi chithandizo.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 341, "src": "The gallant groom is a well-known citizen of Shelby, a mining engineer by profession, and a most excellent gentleman.", "trg": "Mkwati wooneka bwino ndi mbadwa ya ku Shelby, woyang'anira ntchito zamigodi komanso mwamuna wolemekezeka kwambiri.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 342, "src": "This is rubbish, I'm gonna be my sassy self and flirt with whoever i want and bang whoever i want and nevermind what my possessive husband wants.", "trg": "Izi ndiye ndi zopusa, ndilolera kukopana ndi aliyense amene ndingafune, n'kugonana ndi aliyense amene ndingafune ndipo ndilibe nazo ntchito zimene mwamuna wanga wansanje angafune.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 343, "src": "Even a very ordinary Hollywood product could wow audiences abroad.", "trg": "Sewero wamba la pa Hollywood limachititsa anthu m'mayiko ena kusangalala.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 344, "src": "Price refers to the launch vehicle selected, including the destination charge.", "trg": "Mtengo wake umakhala wa galimoto imene yasankhidwa komanso mtengo wokafikitsa komwe ikupita.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 345, "src": "Doing something quickly for the sake of getting it done can\u2019t prove to be a worse endeavor than not meeting a deadline.", "trg": "Kupanga zinthu n'cholinga choti ungothana nazo n'koipa kwambiri kusiyana ndi kupititira tsiku limene umafunika kumaliza.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 346, "src": "The good news is that over the past decade we have achieved a remarkable record of cooperation and convergence.", "trg": "Chosangalatsa n'chakuti pa zaka khumi zapitazi takwanitsa kukhazikitsa mgwirizano wolimba.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 347, "src": "The first batch of cookies tended to melt even before going to the oven.", "trg": "Mabisiketi oyamba anasungunika asanalowe m'komwe mu uvuni.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 348, "src": "Other organisations engaged in statistics are welcome to join this collaborative model.", "trg": "Mabungwe ena amene amachita za chiwerengero akuloledwa kulowa nawo mu chionetserochi.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 349, "src": "The evidence was spread all over the floor near the bread shelves.", "trg": "Umboni unali paliponse pansi pa mashelefu a buledi.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 350, "src": "Yes, they actively mock, cheat, and insult their own readers behind closed doors with other members of the fellowship.", "trg": "Inde amanyoza, kuchita chinyengo, kunenera zamwano owerenga awo akamacheza ndi anzawo kwaokha.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 351, "src": "Manage complex application architecture and installation procedure in simple text files.", "trg": "Konzani mapulani a zinthu komanso njira zozilumikizira pogwiritsa ntchito mafailo osavuta a mawu.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 352, "src": "Honestly, if you consider yourself a bro and have never been to Vegas, get your bros together and go.", "trg": "Ngati umaganiza kuti umacheza ndi anthu koma sunapiteko ku Vegas ndi bwino kutengana ndi anzakowo n'kupita.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 353, "src": "hmm congrats i guess", "trg": "ndikuganiza kuti aaa mwachita bwino", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 354, "src": "Made with nourishing parsley, warming pumpkin, and beneficial turmeric, it's as tasty as it is versatile.", "trg": "Anaikamo timasamba, maungu komanso tumeriki moti zinkakoma kwambiri.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 355, "src": "Provide positive feedback for strengths that already exist.", "trg": "Muziyamikira zinthu zimene mumachita bwino kale.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 356, "src": "It is vital that the resident be aware of the specific bed reservation policy of their sponsoring agency, if any.", "trg": "Ndi bwino kuti anthu okhala azisamala ndi malamulo okhudza kusunga malo ogona amene olipirawo amapereka, ngati alipo.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 357, "src": "Other people feel a need to bully, manipulate, shout, and push their perspectives upon one another.", "trg": "Anthu ena amaganiza kuti amafunika kuzunza, kuputa, kukalipira kapena kukankha maganizo amene ali nawo ndi ena.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 358, "src": "Maps affect natural resource distribution, transportation, disaster relief, and urban planning.", "trg": "Mapu amakhudza mmene zinthu zachilengedwe zikupezekera, kayendedwe, thandizo la pangozi zadzidzidzi ndi kamangidwe ka matauni.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 359, "src": "Check measurements like shoulders, bust, waist, and hips.", "trg": "Muyeze mapewa, mabere, chiuno ndi m'matako.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 360, "src": "They sought to preserve a broad established church, with generous freedom of worship and association outside it.", "trg": "Ankafuna kuteteza tchalitchi chimene chinakhazikitsidwa pamodzi ndi ufulu wolambira komanso kusonkhana kunja kwake.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 361, "src": "nope i am not a simp", "trg": "ayi ine si wonyengerera anthu", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 362, "src": "Their internal hierarchy is based on violence and fear in a constant battle for dominance.", "trg": "Zimene akhala akuchita ndi ziwawa komanso kuopa nkhondo zolimbirana ulamuliro.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 363, "src": "Define and implement an incident response management process, deploy necessary tools.", "trg": "Fotokozani komanso kugwiritsa ntchito njira zopezera mayankho a anthu komanso kupereka zipangizo zoyenera.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 364, "src": "He probably was the first to capture and synthesize sound from a live instrument for a computer composition.", "trg": "Iye ayenera kuti anali woyamba kupeza komanso kugwiritsa ntchito phokoso la zinthu zina kuti azipange pa kompyuta.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 365, "src": "I abide by my belief that we must endure and maintain good cheer without exception, no matter how arbitrary our plan is.", "trg": "Ndimakhulupirira mfundo yakuti tiyenera kupirira komanso kukhala osangalala kaya zinthu zikhale bwanji kapena ngakhale mapulani athu ataoneka kuti ndi osathandiza.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 366, "src": "While his rival would taunt and tease, Joe silently bore the stings.", "trg": "Ngakhale kuti mdani wake ankamunyoza komanso kumuseka, Joe anangokhala phe osabwezera.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 367, "src": "Muslim women face discrimination and prejudice at the intersection of gender, race, ethnicity, and religion.", "trg": "Akazi a Chisilamu amasalidwa pa nkhani yoti iwo ndi akazi, ya mtundu wawo komanso ya chipembedzo chawo.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 368, "src": "Expect (and prepare) for rain, wind, and cold (especially in autumn and winter).", "trg": "Yembekezerani (ndipo konzekerani) mvula, mphepo ndiponso kuzizira (makamaka m'nyengo yozizira).", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 369, "src": "Customers are liable for any import or customs duties on arrival of the rug in their country.", "trg": "Ogula ndi amene amafunika kulipira misonkho katundu akafika m'dziko lawo.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 370, "src": "Perhaps make a big effort to give thanks for each meal today.", "trg": "Mwina muyesetse kuti muziyamikira chakudya cholichonse chimene mulandire lero.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 371, "src": "Common side effects of Flecainide include headaches, dizziness, upset stomach, and feeling tired or weak.", "trg": "Zotsatira zina za mankhwala a Flecainide ndi kupweteka kwa mutu, chizungulire, mmimba komanso kumva kutopa.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 372, "src": "If you missed the signs of the first stage, you will not have a clue that the cow should have already delivered a calf.", "trg": "Ngati simunaone zizindikiro koyambirira zimungaone umboni wakuti ng'ombe inayenera kukhala itabereka.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 373, "src": "Husband presented future wife with expensive watch as gift.", "trg": "Mwamuna anapereka kwa mkazi amene adzamukwatire wotchi yodula kwambiri.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 374, "src": "You're acknowledging receipt and being polite at the same time.", "trg": "Mukuvomereza kuti mwalandira ndipo nthawi imodzimodziyo mukusonyeza ulemu.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 375, "src": "Wiseau then becomes jealous as Greg seems to move away from his toxic influence.", "trg": "Wiseau anayamba kuchita nsanje pamene Greg anayamba kusiyana naye chifukwa choti ankamusokoneza.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 376, "src": "You can substitute whole wheat for white flour; my apologies if you don\u2019t have a scale to measure out the dry ingredients properly.", "trg": "Mukhoza kusinthitsa tirigu ndi ufa wa tirigu, pepani ngati mulibe sikelo yoyezera zinthuzi bwinobwino.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 377, "src": "Keshiri clothing on the continent included simple, sleeveless tunics, wristbands, and trousers for men;", "trg": "Chovala cha Keshiri chimakhala chosavuta, chopanda mikono, chachitali, zibangiri komanso mathalauza ngati ali azibambo;", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 378, "src": "Bringing war criminals to justice asks fundamental moral questions.", "trg": "Kuweruza anthu ogwidwa kunkhondo pamafunika mafunso othandiza kukhala ndi khalidwe.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 379, "src": "The narrative essay written by my peer was about a tool used to hold a sheet on a bed.", "trg": "Nkhani imene mnzanga analemba inali yokhudza chipangizo chothandiza kuti nsalu zoyala pabedi zizikhazikika pabedipo.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 380, "src": "Just kidding!", "trg": "Zocheza!", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 381, "src": "Rih, a deaf former soldier, plots rebellion while married to a queer, teenage god.", "trg": "Rih, ndi msilikali wopuma, ali ndi vuto la kumva, amafuna kuukira atakwatira mkazi wosamvetseka wokonda za mulungu.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 382, "src": "The consequences of this belief can consist of the poor feeling that it is their fault that they are not effective.", "trg": "Vuto la chikhulupiriro chimene ndi lakuti chimayambitsa kusamva bwino mumtima komanso kuona kuti ngati zinthu sizikuthandiza ndiye kuti ndi vuto lawo.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 383, "src": "Congratulations, you\u2019ve just changed your default email signature!", "trg": "Zikomo kwambiri, mwasintha siginecha ya imelo yanu!", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 384, "src": "To solve your query, I am explaining the difference between the kitchen chimney and exhaust fan.", "trg": "Kuti tithane ndi vuto lanulo ndikufotokoza kusiyana pakati pa chumuni cha kukhitchini ndi ekizozi.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 385, "src": "My main advice is to start making concrete plans for what your exit strategy is.", "trg": "Malangizo amene ndingakupatse ndi akuti upeze njira yodalirika yotulukira.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 386, "src": "Are you satisfied with the outcome of your pathetic quarrel?", "trg": "Kodi ukusangalala ndi zotsatira za mkangano wanu womvetsa chisoni?", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 387, "src": "The enormous demon horn necklace restores health for every bone buried, and helped me win easily.", "trg": "Nekilesi ya nyanga ya chiwanda imachiritsa mafupa okwiririka ndipo anandithandiza kuwina mosavuta.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 388, "src": "Unable to sustain themselves in the city, they returned to the village where good fish and forest animals are abundant.", "trg": "Ataona kuti tauni yawakanika anabwerera kumudzi kumene nsomba ndi nyama za m'tchire zimapezeka.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 389, "src": "But brick and mortar can\u2019t compete with consumers', especially Millennials', demand for online convenience.", "trg": "Koma njerwa ndi matope sizingapikisane ndi zimene ogula amafuna makamaka amasiku ano omwe amafuna kugula zinthu pa intaneti.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 390, "src": "The smallness of my cry was in comparison like the whisper of a ghost.", "trg": "Kulira kwake kunali kochepa ngati kunong'ona kwa chiwanda.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 391, "src": "As we give attention to ourselves in this way, with our neutral curiosity and inquiry, we invite the self to emerge.", "trg": "Tikamadziganizira m'njira imeneyi, ndi mtima wathu wofunsa ndi kufuna kudziwa zinthu, tikupempha aliyense kuti aonekere yekha.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 392, "src": "This has to do with fluid retention, although it may look like a pregnant belly!", "trg": "Izi zachitika chifukwa choti madzi akusungika ngakhale kuti zingaoneke ngati ali ndi mimba!", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 393, "src": "Their siblings will be given priority for any available spaces.", "trg": "Achibale ake angaikidwe poyambirira ngati patapezeka mpata.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 394, "src": "It was nothing to jump on a plane for an international adventure or a spontaneous weekend trip to a bucket-list city.", "trg": "Kukwera ndege kuti ndipite kukaona kumayiko akunja kapena kupita kumzinda umene umaulakalaka kumapeto kwa mlungu.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 395, "src": "Increasing habitat destruction has seen gray wolf populations shrink in size.", "trg": "Kuwononga malo okhala zinthu zachilengedwe kwachititsa kuti ankhandwe otuwa ayambe kuchepa.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 396, "src": "Great value overall, comes with a nice heavy duty plastic case.", "trg": "Zinthu zamtengo wapatali zimakutidwa ndi mapulasitiki olimba.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 397, "src": "The spinach export price continues to indicate a relatively flat trend pattern.", "trg": "Mtengo wogulitsira sipinachi kunja ukuoneka kuti sukutsika kapena kukwera.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 398, "src": "Although they lost all their money they continued to behave in their usual wealthy way in their social circle.", "trg": "Ngakhale kuti ndalama zawo zonse zinapita anapitirizabe kukhala ndi anzawo ngati anthu olemera.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 399, "src": "Enjoy your Tuesday evening, everyone ... see you here again very soon!", "trg": "Zabwino zonse nonsenu Lachiwiri madzulo... tionananso kunkuno posachedwa!", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 400, "src": "Ride a giant wolf spider for its climb speed, poison bite, and creep factor.", "trg": "Kwerani chikangaude chachikulu chifukwa chimakwera mwamsanga, ndi chapoizoni chikaluma komanso mmene chimakwawira.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 401, "src": "Stack the pillow on top of the mat, then wrap the strap around this bundle.", "trg": "Muike pilo pamwamba pa mphasa ndiye muzunguze ndi chingwe n'kumanga.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 402, "src": "Did your high school play an important role in helping you choose your further education and future career?", "trg": "Kodi maphunziro anu a kusekondale anakuthandizani kusankha maphunziro apamwamba komanso ntchito yanu?", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 403, "src": "And then, an abandoned house, the yard filled with rustic, useless junk scattered about.", "trg": "Ndiyenso nyumba yosamukidwa, panja podzaza zinyalala moti zili mbwee paliponse.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 404, "src": "Extremely wide and extremely fast for shooting anything handheld in decent light.", "trg": "Chachikulu zedi komanso chaliwiro zedi chojambulira chinthu china chilichonse chonyamulidwa m'manja pamalo powala bwino.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 405, "src": "And for that I am embarrassed, and disappointed, and angry.", "trg": "Ndipo pa chifukwa chimenecho ndachita manyazi, komanso ndakhumudwa, komanso ndakwiya.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 406, "src": "It includes a legend of a devil beast, a century-old family curse.", "trg": "Chikuphatikizapo nthano ya chilombo choopsa, matembelero a pabanja a zaka zana limodzi.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 407, "src": "Cease consuming processed foods like white flour, which, though gentle on the digestion, is equal to a snack.", "trg": "Siyani kudya zakudya zopangidwa m'mafikitale monga ufa woyera, womwe, angakhale kuti suchedwa kugayika m'mimba, ukungofanana ndi chakudya chotafuna chofewa chochita kugula.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 408, "src": "Use a single address label that has clear, complete delivery and return information.", "trg": "Gwiritsani ntchito chizindikiro cha keyala chimodzi chomwe chikufotokoza bwino komanso mokwanira komwe kupite komanso kubwelera zinthu.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 409, "src": "We scream into a couch cushion, nearby bush, or tree hollow.", "trg": "Timakuwira papilo wa pasofa, patchire loyandikira, kapena pa mphako ya pamtengo.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 410, "src": "School attendance is affected as children are merely too hungry to concentrate and thus stay home to hustle for food.", "trg": "Kabweredwe ka kusukulu kamasokonezeka chifukwa ana amakhala ndi njala kwambiri kuti atsatire ziphunzitso mokwanira moti amangokhala kunyumba kuti adzisaka chakudya.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 411, "src": "You are outgoing and social and you thrive on communication and connection with others on an intellectual level.", "trg": "Inu ndinu omasuka komanso okonda kucheza ndi anzanu komanso mumachita bwino chifukwa cha kuyankhulana komanso kulumikizana ndi ena pa zinthu zanzeru.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 412, "src": "The first lion killed measured nine feet, eight inches (3 meters) from nose to tip of tail.", "trg": "Mkango woyamba womwe unaphedwa unali mafiti khumi ndi anayi m'litali, ma inchi asanu ndi atatu (malipande 3) kuchoka pamphuno kufika kumapeto a mchira wake.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 413, "src": "Haitians fought and won the only ever successful national slave revolution in history.", "trg": "Anthu a ku Haiti anamenya ndi kupambana nkhondo yokhayo yadziko yolimbana ndi ukapolo pa mbiri ya dziko lapansi.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 414, "src": "Only a genius could invent a suitcase with a whistle attached!", "trg": "Ndi munthu wanzeru kwambiri yekha yemwe anapange sutikesi yomangilirako wizulo!", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 415, "src": "In general, it is important to expose an injury at the skin layer to understand the exact scope and extent of the wound.", "trg": "Nthawi zambiri, ndibwino kumasula chilonda cha pakhungu kuti mumvetsetse kukula kwa chilondacho.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 416, "src": "Careful snow evaluation, cautious route-finding, and conservative decision-making are essential.", "trg": "Kuunguza mofatsa za chipale, kusaka njira mosamala komanso kupanga ziganizo mosapupuluma ndi chabwino kwambiri.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 417, "src": "What I mean is, you can\u2019t buy stuff cheap and sell it dear.", "trg": "Chomwe ndikutanthauza n'chakuti, sungagule zinthu motchipa kenako n'kudzazigulitsa nzanga wapamtimawe.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 418, "src": "Kandyan drummers led the accused war criminal to the site where he laid the foundation stone.", "trg": "Oimba ng'oma a ku Kandyan analondolera yemwe amaimbidwa mlandu wopalamulidwa pankhondo pamalowo pomwe iye anaika mwala wamaziko.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 419, "src": "This pass is a custom book that players can carry in their inventory.", "trg": "Chiphasochi ndi buku lomwe wosewera wina aliyense atha kunyamula mukaundula wa zonyamula wawo.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 420, "src": "An important part of my identity is my indigenous heritage, and our connection with birds like the crow and raven.", "trg": "Gawo limodzi la ine ndi zinthu zachikhalidwe zakwathu, komanso momwe timalumikizirana ndi mbalame monga tambala ndi khwangwala.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 421, "src": "The investigation revealed the elderly male has a suspended license.", "trg": "Kafukufuku anasonyeza kuti munthu wamkulu wam'muna ali ndi chiphaso choyimitsidwa.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 422, "src": "If you swear a lot on your podcast, then it might not be worth the editing time to make it broadcast-compatible.", "trg": "Ngati mumatukwana kwambiri pa mawu omwe mumajambula, nkotheka kuti sikoyenera nkomwe kuyesera kukonza zajambulazo kuti zikhale zoti nkulutsidwa.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 423, "src": "Only these are able to enable efficient and cost-effective production.", "trg": "Ndi izi zokha zomwe zimakwanitsa kuthandiza pa kupanga zinthu mnjira yosaboola mthumba.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 424, "src": "Tender cabbage, fluffy potato gnocchi, and smoky sausage swim in a creamy, cheesy beer soup base.", "trg": "Kabichi wosakhwima, mbatata zothyakula zosakaniza ndi ufa ndi mazira zooneka mofewa,soseji wowotcha pa makala ali mu msuzi wakirimu komanso wowawasa ngati mowa.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 425, "src": "His deep concern for those whose family members suffered death suddenly.", "trg": "Chisoni chake chachikulu pa anthu omwe abale awo anamwalira mwadzidzidzi.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 426, "src": "All travel guides describe every country as beautiful and lovely.", "trg": "Mabuku olongosola za malo omwe munthu akufuna kupitako amafotokoza dziko lirilonse ngati lokongola ndi labwino.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 427, "src": "However, despite these factors, there was never any regret or desire to quit.", "trg": "Komabe, angakhale panali zimenezi, panalibiretu dandaulo lina lirilonse kapena chikhumbokhumbo chofuna kusiya.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 428, "src": "The mother and father invest a lot of time, money and energy to give their darling daughter the wedding of her dreams.", "trg": "Mayi ndi bambo amataya nthawi, chuma komanso mphamvu zambiri kuti mwana wawo wamkazi akhale ndi ukwati womwe iye amaulakalaka.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 429, "src": "The fabric hood-mask covers entire head and mesh-covered eye-opening will comfortably restrict vision.", "trg": "Chipewa cha nsaluchi chimaphimba mutu onse ndipo mibowo yopenyeramo yomwe panasokedwa ukonde idzatha kusokoneza mapenyedwe bwinobwino.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 430, "src": "He watched Hamilton writing his name in the discipline file, a file as familiar to him as the bench outside the office.", "trg": "Anaona Hamilton akulemba dzina lake mu fayilo yolembamo olakwa, fayilo yomwe siyachilendo kwenikweni kwa iye monga momwe ulili mpando wokhalapo panja pa ofesi.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 431, "src": "Panic struck like a lightning bolt, and he stood up and whirled around, taking stock of the boundaries of his prison.", "trg": "Iye anamva mpanipani wobwera modzidzimutsa ngati mphenzi, ndipo anadzuka ndikuzungulira, uku akufufuza malire a ndende yake.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 432, "src": "Cluster of unhatched insect eggs of a shield bug on a leaf.", "trg": "Mulu wa mazira osaswa a chiwala cha kanunkha pa tsamba.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 433, "src": "Every single one of my main characters has one personality trait of mine, including the villain (which is kinda scary).", "trg": "Mtengambali wamkulu wina aliyense ali ndi mchitidwe umodzi wotengera kwa ine, kuphatikizapo mambala uja (zomwe zumadzaopsanso bwanji).", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 434, "src": "Keep your sink shining and free of dirty dishes at all times.", "trg": "Onetsetsani kuti sinki yanu ndiyowala nthawi zonse ndipo osamasungamo mbale zosatsuka nthawi zonse.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 435, "src": "Thoughts drift toward favorite vacation spots, and memories come forth of summer activities past.", "trg": "Malingaliro akulunjika pa malo omwe ndikufuna kupitako patchuthi, ndipo chikumbumtima chomwe chikubwera ndichokhuza zomwe ndinapanga chilimwe chathachi.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 436, "src": "The queue for the event was strangely small, so I released my parrot from the cage.", "trg": "Mzere wa anthu opita kuzochitikako unali wofupika modabwitsa, moti ndinatulutsa zinkhwe m'khola lamawaya.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 437, "src": "Desperate to flee this nightmare, I ran to the back of the room and perched on a little pink stool.", "trg": "Ndili mkulakalaka kuthawa sautso limeneli, ndinathawira kumbuyo kwachipinda ndikubindikira pa kampando kakang'ono kapinki.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 438, "src": "We would arrive back home both in a mess of tears and totally exhausted.", "trg": "Tinkafika pakhomo nkhope itanyowa ndi misonzi komanso titatopa kotheratu.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 439, "src": "Refrain from consuming the meat of endangered species to battle the illegal wildlife trade.", "trg": "Pewani kudya nyama ya nyama zomwe zili pa chiopsezo chotheratu pofuna kuthana ndi mchitidwe wogulitsa zinthu zamtchire mozembetsa.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 440, "src": "It is fairer to listen to the string that broke than to never strain a bow.", "trg": "Ndibwinoko kumvera nsambo yomwe inaduka kusiyana ndi kusakoka uta.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 441, "src": "Ben\u2019s clingy behaviour begins to annoy Amy, who is also struggling to cope with her family life.", "trg": "Mchitidwe wokakamira wa Beni wayamba kusowetsa mtendere Amy, yemwe naye akuvutika kuti agwemo m'moyo wa pabanja.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 442, "src": "Loan proceeds may be used for payroll, rent or mortgage payments, utilities, and interest payments on existing debt.", "trg": "Ndalama zokongola zitha kugwiritsidwa ntchito polipira antchito, kulipira lenti kapena mamotigeji, kulipilira madzi, magesi ndi zina, kapena kulipilira chiongola dzanja pa ngongole yakale.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 443, "src": "The conflict was hectic and I was frightened at first, but I became numb soon, and my mind was absent like it had been erased with an eraser, and everything seemed very abstract.", "trg": "Mkanganowo unali wotopetsa ndipo poyamba ine ndinali ndi mantha, koma thupi linangochita dzazi mosachedwa, ndipo palibe chomwe ndimaganiza ngati kuti ubongo wanga wafufutidwa ndi chofufutira, ndipo chilichonse chimaoneka chovuta kuchifotokoza.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 444, "src": "We will acknowledge your complaint within 5 working days and inform you of how we will intend to resolve the dispute.", "trg": "Tidzavomereza dandaulo lanu pa masiku 5 ogwira ntchito ndipo tidzakudziwitsani momwe tidzakonzere zothana ndi mkanganowo.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 445, "src": "Currently, I am a senior research scientist studying obesity in a university lab.", "trg": "Pakali pano, ndine mkulu wochita kafukufuku wa sayansi yokhudza za kunenepa kwa anthu m'chipinda cha zopimapima pa sukulu yaukachenjede.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 446, "src": "Beauty became her mystery, companion, guide, and inspiration.", "trg": "Kukongola kunasanduka chinthu chovuta kumvetsa chake, mzake, chomutsogolera, komanso chomulimbikitsa.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 447, "src": "As with any new exercise, start low and increase weight only when you feel comfortable.", "trg": "Monga zimakhalira pa masewera olimbitsa thupi atsopano ena aliwonse, yambani pang'onopang'ono ndipo yambani kuonjezera kulemera kwa zomwe mukunyamula pokhapokha ngati simukuonapo vuto mukatero.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 448, "src": "If you\u2019ve been in Texas for any period, you probably cringe at the word.", "trg": "Ngati munayamba mwapitako ku Texas kwa kanthawi kena kalikonse, mukuyenera kuchita nthumazi mukamva liwuli.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 449, "src": "When we are obedient, faithful and fervent in spirit, and honest, miracles will happen every time we pray to God.", "trg": "Tikakhala omvera, okhulupirika komanso auzimu kuchokera pansi pa mtima, komanso achilungamo, chozizwa chidzachitika nthawi ina iliyonse yomwe tikupemphera kwa Mulungu.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 450, "src": "Visualize response performance by date range or region so you can identify potential bottlenecks.", "trg": "Lingalirani za momwe othandiza pangozi amathandizira ngozi ikachitika poyang'ana masiku angapo kapena malo kuti muthe kudziwa zolepheretsa.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 451, "src": "People may have trouble being honest about what their issues around food really are.", "trg": "Anthu ambiri antha kuvutikirapo kuti akhale achilungamo pokambapo za zomwe iwo amakumana nazo pa nkhani zokhudza chakudya.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 452, "src": "Use an adjective and a descriptive noun to give your character a dominant impression.", "trg": "Gwiritsani ntchito mfotokozi komanso dzina lofotokoza pofuna kupatsa mtengambali wanu mkhalidwe woonekera.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 453, "src": "In every department of science, and even in general literature, such coincidences of observation will often occur;", "trg": "M'gawo lina lilironse la sayansi, angakhale mu phunziro lokhudza zolembalemba, kuganiza mofanana koteroko kumachitika pafupipafupi;", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 454, "src": "Themes of greed and revenge lead to a stunning surprise ending (genre: crime fiction)", "trg": "Mfundo zikuluzikulu za umbombo komanso kubwenzera nkhanza kumadzetsa kutha kwa nkhani kosayembekezeka kosangalatsa (mtundu wa zolembalemba: zopeka zokhudza upandu)", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 455, "src": "Very fine article though, sir, and I do admire the long reply.", "trg": "Zolemba zosangalatsa, bwana, ndipo ndikusilira yankho lanu lalitalili.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 456, "src": "Vase painting scenes suggest that girls played ball, received dance instruction, and perhaps engaged in swimming races.", "trg": "Zopentapenta za pazoumbaumba zikusonyeza kuti atsikana ankasewera mpira, ankaphunzitsidwa kuvina, komanso mwina ankachitanso mipikisano yosambira.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 457, "src": "The pin up and vintage lifestyle is for everybody, regardless their age, shape and gender.", "trg": "Moyo wosangalatsa komanso wabwino kwambiri ndi wa wina aliyense, posatengera msinkhu, momwe thupi lilili, kapena kuti ndi mkazi kapena mmuna.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 458, "src": "Withdrawal effects are small and more annoying than dangerous.", "trg": "Zotsatira za kudzipatula ndi zazing'ono koma ndi zosowetsa mtendere osati kuopsa.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 459, "src": "It is going to give you such an immense reward, such tremendous satisfaction as an artist.", "trg": "Chidzakupatsani mphoto yaikulu, kukhutitsidwa kwakukulu monga wochita ntchito yaluso.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 460, "src": "Addicted babies suffer painful withdrawal when denied the substances that feed their craving for meat molecules.", "trg": "Makanda okonda zakudya zina zake kwambiri amavutika koopsa akapatulidwa ndikulandidwa mwayi wopeza nyama yothetsa chilakolako chawo.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 461, "src": "I was left speechless at the gossip about his soulmate cheating on him!", "trg": "Ndinalibe mawu pomva miseche yoti bwenzi lake la pamtima likumuzembera!", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 462, "src": "Wear a suit to decrease the bias others will experience towards you.", "trg": "Valani suti pofuna kuchepetsa tsankho lomwe anthu ena adzakhale nalo pa inu.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 463, "src": "They feel like it makes us untrustworthy, selfish, spoiled, and rude.", "trg": "Iwo akuwona ngati zimatichititsa kukhala opanda pake, odzikonda, oonongeka, komanso amwano.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 464, "src": "But there was also a dash of pity and obligation in it, and that part bothered Harry.", "trg": "Koma munalinso kachisoni komanso udindo, ndipo gawolimeneli linamuzunguza mutu Harry.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 465, "src": "Quotation marks are seen simply as being an unnecessary nuisance, like a speed bump on a drag strip!", "trg": "Mikodolero imatengeka kukhala chinthu chosafunikira chosowetsa mtendere, monga mizere yochepetsa liwiro la magalimoto pa mseu woongaka wochitirapo mipikisano ya magalimoto kapena njinga zamoto!", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 466, "src": "If your next construction or mining project needs to transport bulk materials, you will most likely need a dump truck.", "trg": "Ngati ntchito yanu yomanga kapena yamigodi yotsatira ifune kunyamula katundu wambiri pakamodzi, nzachidziwikire kuti mudzafuna galimoto ya dampala.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 467, "src": "We will most likely see an extension of the current lockdown while our government ramps up the vaccination efforts.", "trg": "Nzachidziwikire kuti m'bindikiro wokakamizawu upitilira pamene boma lathu likukangalika kubaya anthu katemera.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 468, "src": "No doubt they are as anxious and excited about all this as we are.", "trg": "Mosakaikitsanso iwo ndiwokonzeka komanso osangalala ndi zimenezi monga ifenso tilili.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 469, "src": "The difference is their tolerance to the pain and how they manifest the ache.", "trg": "Kusiyana kwake kuli pa momwe amalolera ululu komanso momwe amaonetsera kuwawako.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 470, "src": "Premium Plus trim adds a rear park assist camera, quick-fold front passenger seat, and grocery bag holder.", "trg": "Ntchito yokongoletsa mkati mwa galimoto ya mulingo wa Premium Plus imabwera ndi kamera yakumbuyo yothandizira poyimitsa galimoto, mpando wakutsogolo wa wonyamulidwa womwe umapindika changuchangu, komanso chokolekapo chikwama choguliramo zinthu.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 471, "src": "The plot had a female doctor hire seven mercenaries to defend an intellectually disabled boy from a lynching.", "trg": "Nkhani yake inali yokhudza dotolo wachizimayi yemwe analemba zigawenga zisanu ndi ziwiri kuti ziteteze mnyamata wina wake wa vuto loganiza moperewera kuti asaphedwe.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 472, "src": "One negative point associated with the crunchy nut cereal from Millville is that it is also high on sugar.", "trg": "Chinthu chimodzi choyipa chokhudza zakudya za mtundu wa crunchy nut za ku Millville ndichakuti namonso muli shuga wambiri.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 473, "src": "Also note that you are studying an earlier draft of the poem.", "trg": "Komanso dziwani kuti mukuwerenga ndakatulo yomwe inalembedwa kumayambiliro kwenikweni.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 474, "src": "For instance, producers decided to hike pork and beef prices amid problems with the supply chain.", "trg": "Mwachitsanzo, opanga zinthu anaganiza zokweza mitengo ya nyama ya nkhumba ndi nyama ya ng'ombe kamba ka kusokonekera kwa zinthu pa kapezedwe, kapangidwe ndi kagulitisdwe ka zinthuzi.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 475, "src": "The compact car offers a security pack including dead angle detection, intelligent cruise control and lane change alert.", "trg": "Galimoto zazing'onozing'ono zimakhala ndi zothandizira pa chitetezo zomwe zikuphatikizapo kuzindikira mwachangu malo okhota, zothandizira kuti kathamangidwe ka galimoto kasasinthe popanda kupemelera, komanso zochenjezera ena ukamasintha mseu.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 476, "src": "The booster shot will make you less contagious and will not inconvenience you", "trg": "Katemera woonjezera adzathandizira kuti musakhale ndi kuthekera kofalitsa kachilombo kwakukulu ndipo sadzabweretsa vuto lina lirilonse kwa inu", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 477, "src": "Return the pan to the stove, lower the heat to medium, and cook the mushrooms, onions, and garlic until tender.", "trg": "Ikaniso ferempani pa sitovu, tsitsani mphamvu yamoto nkukhala cha pakatikati, phikani bowa, anyezi, ndi galiki kufikira zitafewa.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 478, "src": "Below, we list five useful styling tips that will make wide-leg pants spice up your winter wardrobe.", "trg": "Pansipa, talemba masitayero asanu ofunikira omwe adzapange makabudula otanuka kukuwalitsirani kabati yanu ya zovala.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 479, "src": "Join us next week for another exciting topic or interview with a great guest.", "trg": "Dzatipezeniso sabata yamawa pomwe tidzakhale tikukambirana mutu wosangalatsa kapena kucheza ndi mlendo wina wake wamkulu ndithu.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 480, "src": "with is a preposition.", "trg": "ndi mperekezi.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 481, "src": "To accomplish such a great task against long odds will require a highly diverse and efficient organization.", "trg": "Pofuna kukwaniritsa ntchito yaikulu ngati imeneyo mosayembekezereka pakufunika kuti pakhale bungwe lochita zinthu zosiyanasiyana komanso logwira ntchito zake bwino.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 482, "src": "Anyway, besides email and a phone meeting regarding the Secret, that was yesterday.", "trg": "Chabwino, kupatula mkumano wa pa imelo kapena pafoni wokhudza Chinsinsicho, ilo linali dzulo.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 483, "src": "Thursday and bored already lol I'm married but looking for some excitement.", "trg": "Lachinayi ndipo ndaboweka kale hahaha ndili pabanja koma ndikusaka kachisangalatso.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 484, "src": "We also recommend combining it with other jewelry of ours as a colorful highlight; see the bracelet set \"Sky\"!", "trg": "Tikukulimbikisaninso kuti mutha kuphatikiza ndi zibangiri zathu zina monga chinthu cha mtengo wapatali, taonani mpukutu wa zibangiri wotchedwa \"Sky\"!", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 485, "src": "Ojinguh chomuchim is a sweet and spicy side dish made with fresh vegetables and blanched squid.", "trg": "Ojinguh chumuchim ndi mtundu wa chakudya chapadera chopangidwa ndi masamba komanso nkhanu zochotsedwa khungu.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 486, "src": "Lisa found peace from electro-pollution by moving to an off-grid cottage in the Swedish countryside with her family.", "trg": "Lisa anapeza mtendere potalikirana ndi vuto la chionongeko chodza kamba ka zinthu zamagetsi popita kukakhala pamodzi ndi banja lake m'nyumba ina yosalumikizika ku magesi aboma m'dera lina lakumudzi m'dziko la Sweden.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 487, "src": "No girl should be left behind or miss out on an opportunity because she gets her period!", "trg": "Pasakhale mtsikana ndi mmodzi yemwe adzisiidwe m'mbuyo kapena kusemphana ndi mwayi wina wake chifukwa choti akusamba!", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 488, "src": "Only eleven members of the block club\u2019s hundred twenty-members showed up to participate in the discussion.", "trg": "Mamembala khumi ndi mmodzi a bungwe la block club mwa mamembala makumi awiri ndi omwe anabwera kudzatengapo gawo pazokambiranazo.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 489, "src": "Execute engaging marketing campaigns to drive brand awareness, generate leads, and grow customer prospect engagement.", "trg": "Pangani ntchito yokopa anthu yabwino kuti anthu adziwe zambiri za malonda anu, dziwani omwe angathe kukugulani komanso lumikizanani mwakathithi ndi omwe adzakuguleni.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 490, "src": "They\u2019re actually a little sweet (unless you hit a nasty-bad bitter one).", "trg": "Ndiotsekemelerako ndithu (pokhapokha ngati mwatafuna yoola yomwe imawawa).", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 491, "src": "Check our previous posts for another delicious yet budget-wise recipe.", "trg": "Werenganinso zomwe tinalemba m'mbuyomu kuti mudziwe za njira ina ya kakonzedwe ka chakudya chokoma koma mosaboola mthumba.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 492, "src": "Incredible detail, fantastic expression, and creative execution combine to form exhibit-worthy creations.", "trg": "Kufotokoza zinthu zambiri mochititsa kaso, kuoneka bwino kwambiri, komanso kujambulidwa mwaluso zimaphatikizana kuti chojambula chomwe chitha kuonetsedwa kwa anthu chipangike.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 493, "src": "It took some treats, some baby talk, and ultimately just plain old patience.", "trg": "Panachita kufunika kusangalatsidwa mwapadera, kuyankhulana ngati ana, ndipo pamapeto ake kuleza mtima kwa masiku onse.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 494, "src": "Also, affirm if the mole trap supplier will be swift, prompt and punctual in their activities.", "trg": "Komanso, tsimikizani ngati woperekera misampha ya mfuko adzakhale waliwiro, wosazengereza komanso wosataya nthawi pa zochitika zawo.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 495, "src": "Thank you so much for all your help and for being so dedicated, helpful, cheerful, and energetic.", "trg": "Zikomo kwambiri chifukwa cha chithandizo chanu chonse komanso pokhala wodzipereka komanso wothandiza komanso wansangala komanso wamphamvu.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 496, "src": "The anonymous taster was so surprised at the unusual but fantastic taste that he dropped the flower vase.", "trg": "Wolawa zakudya wosadziwika anali wodabwa kwambiri ndi kakomedwe kachilendo koma kabwino moti anagwetsa kambiya kamaluwa.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 497, "src": "On foot, the freneticism of rush hour lane changes easily fades into a lazy country stroll.", "trg": "Ukamayenda pansi, piringupiringu yemwe amakhalapo pa ola lotanganika kwambiri amasanduka mosavuta kuyenda kofatsa kwa kumudzi.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 498, "src": "Create content that does more than look pretty, but also addresses each customer\u2019s unique journey.", "trg": "Lembani zinthu zomwe zikuoneka zabwino, komanso zomwe zikukhudza zochitika pa moyo wa kasitomala wina aliyense.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 499, "src": "Decrease the width of the planting holes if a wider hole would disturb surrounding utility lines.", "trg": "Chepetsani litali la mayenje odzalapo ngati dzenje lomwe ndilotalikirapo litha kusokoneza mizere ya magesi oyandikana nawo.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 500, "src": "The introduction of a rigid salary ceiling, with exceptions for one or two star players;", "trg": "Kukhazikitsa kwa malire osasunthika amalipiro, kuchotsera osewera wotchuka mmodzi kapena awiri;", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 501, "src": "Stunning south-facing garden, beautiful original features, (mostly) fantastic light and elegant interior design.", "trg": "Bwalo lapanja losangalatsa lopenya kumwera, maonekedwe azinthu osangalatsa, (makamaka) kuwala kopambana ndi mkati mwake mokonzedwa mwaluso.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 502, "src": "Bear in mind, constantly try to purchase silk plants, as they tend to appear like the genuine thing.", "trg": "Kumbukirani izi, nthawi ndi nthawi yesetsani kugula maluwa ochita kupanga chifukwa amakonda kuoneka ngati maluwa eni eni.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 503, "src": "These characteristics can give you a lot of insight into how best to interact and communicate with your target market.", "trg": "Zizindikiro izi zitha kukupatsani nzeru zakuya pa momwe mungachezere komanso kulumikizana ndi anthu omwe mukufuna adzikugulani.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 504, "src": "Sometimes I like to crawl into bed with Daddy after Mommy goes to work so we can kiss and cuddle.", "trg": "Nthawi zina ndimakonda kukwawa mubedi ndi abambo amayi akapita kuntchito, moti timatha kupsopsonana komanso kufukatirana.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 505, "src": "Of course, there are also those folks who, by virtue of their personality, may simply be more sensitive and timid.", "trg": "Indedi, palinso anthu ena amene, kamba ka mmene iwo alili, atha kukhala osachedwa kukhuzidwa ndi zochitika komanso osachangamuka.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 506, "src": "Global growth should remain fairly robust by post-crisis standards throughout the forecast period.", "trg": "Kutukuka kwa dziko lonse kukuyenera kukhala kwamphamvube choncho pambuyo pa vuto lalikulu lomwe ladutsa kumene munthawi yonse yomwe ikuyerekezedwa.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 507, "src": "It is also possible to sand and stain the legs of the hardwood bed frame to match your bed d\u00e9cor.", "trg": "Ndizothekaso kupala miyendo ya bedi la matabwa olimba lanu ndi kulithimbiliritsa kuti afanane ndi maonekedwe a bedi lanu.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 508, "src": "The crack propagated through wide portions of the slope and adjacent slopes that weren't steep enough to slide.", "trg": "Mng'alu womwe anakulitsidwa ndi madera aakulu a msetse komanso misetse yoyandikira yomwe siinali yosesereka kwambiri kuti chinthu nkuseserekapo.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 509, "src": "That is equivalent to the wind forces of a category 4 hurricane!", "trg": "Izi zikufanana ndi mphamvu ya mphepo ya namondwe wa mulingo 4!", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 510, "src": "Keep right at the fork, towards the coast, then join the path running parallel to the fence.", "trg": "Mukafika pamphambano kapiteni kumanja, kulowera cha kugombe, kenako kaloweni mu mseu womwe ukuyenda motsatira mpanda.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 511, "src": "Plus there is a cute thatched hut with 4 showers in it for that quick rinse off after a swim in the ocean or a dive.", "trg": "Komanso pali kanyumba kamaudzu kokongola komwe mkati mwake muli mashawa 4 kuti munthu uthe kudzithira madzi podzisukuluza utamaliza kusambira kapena kujowera munyanja yamchere.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 512, "src": "Add flavorings, transfer to a glass jar and let it sit in the fridge for a couple days to get real yummy.", "trg": "Phatikizanimo zokometsera, thirani mu jagi ya galasi ndipo zisiyeni mu fuliji kwa masiku angapo kuti zifike pokoma penipeni.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 513, "src": "To discover these traits, we administer the most comprehensive and thorough scholarship selection process in Canada.", "trg": "Kuti tidziwe zizindikiro zimenezi, timayendetsa ndondomeko younika magawo onse ofunikira komanso yosamalitsitsa yosankhira anthu omwe atalandire chithandizo pa maphunziro awo ku Canada.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 514, "src": "Not to mention democrats are already split over the infrastructure bill, lmao.", "trg": "Makamaka achipani cha democrats agawanikana kale pa bilu yokhudza zomangamanga, koma ndaseka.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 515, "src": "The woman explains that in all the confusion and crush of people, her purse has been stolen.", "trg": "Mayi akufotokoza kuti mkatikati mwachipwirikiti komanso kuombanaombana kwa anthu, kachikwama kake kosungamo ndalama kabedwa.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 516, "src": "The system allows operators to maintain gauge wheel ground contact, leading to desired seed depth placement.", "trg": "Njirayi imalola oyendetsa makinawa kuti adziwe momwe tayala ligundire pansi zomwe zimathandiza kuti adzale mbewu mwakuya mulingo womwe iwo akufuna.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 517, "src": "His nervous, awkward kisses were sweeter than his father\u2019s honey.", "trg": "Kupsopsona kwake kwamanthamantha, kosalongosokanso kunali kokoma kusiyana ndi uchi wa bambo ake.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 518, "src": "Nobody deserves a victory lap anymore for software that just lets machines talk amongst themselves.", "trg": "Palibe yemwe akufunika kuthamangathamanga kamba kopanga mapologalamu a mukompyuta omwe amachititsa makina kuti adzitha kuyankhulana okhaokha.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 519, "src": "Click the button to donate online using paypal, debit or credit card;", "trg": "Dinani batani kuti mupereke chithandizo pa intaneti kudzera pa njira yotumizira ndalama ya paypal kapena makadi a debit kapena credit;", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 520, "src": "March falls in Barbados' peak tourist season so pleasant, warm and sunny weather can be expected.", "trg": "Mwezi wa Malichi umakhala nthawi yomwe ku Barbados kumabwera alendo ochuluka moti mutha kuyembekeza nyengo yosangalatsa, yofunda komanso yadzuwa.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 521, "src": "No wonder these poor pre-moderns were mad and wicked and miserable.", "trg": "Nzosadabwitsa kuti anthu omvetsa chisoni am'badwo wapitawu amenewa anali openga komanso ankhanza ndi ovutikitsitsa.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 522, "src": "Within a week that earthquake would tear the thick temple curtain from top to bottom.", "trg": "Pa sabata imodzi yokha chivomerezi chimene chija chimatha kung'amba katani ya tempile kuchoka pamwamba mpaka pansi.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 523, "src": "The materials used vary from soft broom corn silk to durable craft straw bound to a sturdy doll-sized handle.", "trg": "Zinthu zomwe zimagwiritsidwa ntchito ndi zosiyanasiyana monga nyenge za chimanga zosakhwimitsitsa komanso udzu womangidwa pamodzi ku chogwilira chonga chidole koma cholimba bwino.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 524, "src": "Unfortunately, experience alone is not enough without current knowledge.", "trg": "Tsoka ilo, kudziwa zinthu zomwe zinachitika kale kokha sikokwanira popanda kudziwa zinthu zatsopano.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 525, "src": "My parents claim I taught myself to read, and set about reading everything within reach.", "trg": "Makolo anga amanena kuti ndinadziphunzitsa ndekha kuwerenga, kenako ndinayamba kuwerenga kalikonse komwe ndinyandikana nako.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 526, "src": "Tried by this measure, how shall we judge the present state of science?", "trg": "Kuyesedwa kwa mulingo woterewu, tidzakwanitsa bwanji kupereka chigamulo pa momwe sayansi ilili pakali pano?", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 527, "src": "Employee expectations and voices were heard and now we have the courage to move forward with trust.", "trg": "Ziyembekezo komanso zokamba za antchito zinamveka ndipo pano ndife olimba mtima kuti tipite mtsogolo ndi kudalira.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 528, "src": "Personal behaviors related to cancer risk (smoking, alcohol consumption, sun exposure).", "trg": "Mchitidwe womwe umayika munthu pachiopsezo cha matenda a khansa (kusuta, kumwa mowa, kukhala padzuwa).", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 529, "src": "It's majesty brought a deep sense of rarely felt patriotic pride swelling into my awareness.", "trg": "Kukula kwake kunadzetsa kudziwa kwanga kwa kumva kukonda dziko langa monyadira mumtima zomwe sizimachitika pafupipafupi.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 530, "src": "The town hall occasionally brings out its delicate collection of turkey feather dresses.", "trg": "Holo ya mumzinda nthawi zina imabweretsa madiresi ake ooneka mochititsa kaso a nthenga za nkhukundembo.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 531, "src": "Nevertheless, the society was cruel enough to affect me deeply.", "trg": "Posatengera zimenezo, anthu anali ankhanza mokwanira zomwe zinandikhudza kwambiri.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 532, "src": "Rohan was my sibling who always flew a kite at noon, even if it was cloudy.", "trg": "Rohan anali m'bale wanga yemwe nthawi zonse amaphululutsa kakaiti dzuwa lili paliombo, angakhale pomwe kunali mitambo.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 533, "src": "Gate A in the northwest corner predominantly serves the festival bus station.", "trg": "Geti la nambala A ku ngodya yakumpoto chakunzambwe limathandiza malo okwelerapo basi m'nyengo ya zikondwelero.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 534, "src": "Some of us confess to a vague sense of dread as Sunday comes to a close.", "trg": "Ena mwa ife timavomereza monyinyirika tsiku Lamulungu likamatha.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 535, "src": "Happy Easter kindergarten decoration concept - rabbit, chicken, egg, bee made from toilet paper roll tube.", "trg": "Nzeru yachibwanabwana yokongoletsera malo ndi zinthu munyengo yokumbukira imfa ya Yesu - kalulu, nkhuku, dzira, njuchi zopangidwa kuchokera ku kapepala kokhala ngati kapayipi komwe kumakulungidwa pepala la kuchimbuzi.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 536, "src": "Jogging is a full-body workout that works wonders on the thigh muscles and keeps your heart pumping.", "trg": "Kuthamanga ndi masewera olimbitsa thupi othandizamagawo athupi lonse omwe amagwira ntchito yodabwitsa pa minofu ya m'ntchafu komanso kuchititsa mtima kuti udzipopa bwino.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 537, "src": "He tries to rip through, but he has no leverage, and the offensive tackle neutralizes him from making a play.", "trg": "Amakhala akuyesa kudutsa, koma alibe mwayi ndipo njira yothanirana ndi wosewera wa timu yaadani mwamphamvu imamuchititsa kuti alephere kusewera.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 538, "src": "In this case, you want to shoot in the best available natural light (near a window) and disable your flash.", "trg": "Ndiyeno apapa, mukuyenera kujambulira malo abwino kwambiri pomwe pakuwala (pafupi ndi zenera), ndipo kamera yanu isawale pojambula.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 539, "src": "Ned Stark reached out his hand to grasp the flowery crown, but beneath the pale blue petals, the thorns lay hidden.", "trg": "Ned Stark anaongola mkono wake kuti agwire karona wake wokongola, koma kupansi kwa maluwa kunayala minga zomwe zinabisala.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 540, "src": "These wives can be the most loving, loyal, tender, and caring individuals.", "trg": "Akazi amenewa atha kukhala okonda kwambiri zedi, okhulupirika, okoma mtima komanso osamala.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 541, "src": "It won\u2019t do to have the fox steal a goose and a duck and celebrate the feast.", "trg": "Sizingathandize kuti nkhandwe ibe tsekwe ndi bakha kenako ndikuyamba kusangalalira phwandolo.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 542, "src": "This statement will almost certainly get me into a great deal of hot water.", "trg": "Mawu amenewa adzandiika mmavuto mosakaikanso.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 543, "src": "We would have a hot supper, graced by the inevitable roast fowl, and finally flip a coin to see who would finish the wine.", "trg": "Tidzakhala ndi mgonero wapamwamba, pomwe padzakhale nkhuku yowotcha, kumalizira mayere oponya ndalama yachitsulo pofuna kudziwa yemwe atamalizitse wayini.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 544, "src": "Follow some basic steps to make grass grow in red clay soil and establish a lawn that is the envy of the neighborhood.", "trg": "Tsatirani ndondomeko zosavuta zochtitsa udzu kuti umere pa dothi lakatondo komanso kukhazikitsa bwalo la udzu losilirika m'dera lanu.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 545, "src": "Brown leather flight jacket with fur neck lining, dark gray tank top, dog tags, black belt, and torn dark gray jeans.", "trg": "Jekete la chikopa lofiirirako lokhala ndi ubweya mkhosimu, malaya odula mkono a grey woderako, zolembapo zizindikiro za agalu, lamba wakuda ndi buluku la jini long'ambika lakuda.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 546, "src": "Once out of the valley, it is easy sailing on windy trails home.", "trg": "Mukangotuluka muzigwa ndikosavuta kuyenda m'njira zomwe mumakhala mphepo kwambiri paulendo wanu wopita kumudzi.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 547, "src": "The employee discount meant she could get super-size fries half price after working a six-hour shift.", "trg": "Kutsitsa mtengo pa katundu wogulidwa ndi ogwira ntchito kunatanthauza kuti iye anali ndi mwayi wogula mulu waukulu wa mbatata zokazinga polipira theka la mtengo wake nthawi yomwe akhale akugwira ntchito kwa maola asanu ndi limodzi.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 548, "src": "By the way, they did not screw up the rack of lamb, and I attribute that to divine intervention or just plain dumb luck.", "trg": "Komanso, iwo sanasemphane ndi nthiti za mberere ndipo ndikuona ngati n'chifukwa choti kumwamba kunalowelerapo kapena unali mwayi chabe.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 549, "src": "The advanced artificial intelligence displayed by Assistant is impressive.", "trg": "Nzeru za kompyuta zomwe zikuonetsedwa ndi makina a Assistant ndizokhutiritsa.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 550, "src": "For example monday tuesday wednesday thursday friday saturday sunday activity.", "trg": "Mwachitsanzo chochita cha lolemba lachiwiri lachitatu lachinayi lachisanu loweruka lamulungu.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 551, "src": "Hischier scored the go-ahead goal 20 seconds after Hall\u2019s second penalty expired, courtesy of another fortunate bounce.", "trg": "Hischier anachinya chigoli chotengera timu yake patsogolo masekondi 20 kuchokera pomwe penote yomwe Hall anagoletsa itabwezedwa mothandizika ndi momwe mpira unanjanjira.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 552, "src": "Supporting causes like these will help turn our knee-jerk reaction into long-lasting, sustainable, profound change.", "trg": "Kuthandiza pa zochitika ngati izi kudzathandiza kuti mchitidwe wathu wochita zinthu modzidzimutsidwa usanduke kusintha kwamyaya, kokhazikika komanso kwakukulu.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 553, "src": "But never fear, the famous fried goat cheese isn't going anywhere.", "trg": "Koma musawope, chambiko choviikika muufa ndikuchikazinga mmafuta sichikupita kwina kulikonse.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 554, "src": "But his supporters refuse to believe that Beauford is to blame.", "trg": "Koma omuchemelera ake akukana kukhulupilira kuti Beauford ndiye woyenera kudzudzulidwa.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 555, "src": "To help gently grab a slippery puppy, either wear latex gloves or wrap a washcloth or hand towel around the exposed puppy.", "trg": "Kuti muthandize kugwira mwana wagalu wotelera, mutha kuvala magulovu apulasitiki kapena kukulunga mwana wagaluyo ndi nsalu yochapidwa bwaino kapena tawelo yammanja.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 556, "src": "The matching shirt and tie nearly tipped me over the edge, though the pants were ugly.", "trg": "Shati ndi tayi zamaonekedwe ofanana zinatsala pang'ono kundikhumudwitsa, angakhale kuti buluku linaliso lonyasa.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 557, "src": "He was convinced that it was perfect, but we had to convince the architect.", "trg": "Iye anakhutitsidwa kuti zinali bwinobwino, koma zinatengera ife kutsimikizira katswiri wojambula mapulani anyumba.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 558, "src": "These trackers detect motion while you\u2019re lying down to figure out when you\u2019re awake, lightly asleep, or in deep sleep.", "trg": "Zipangizozi zimathandiza kudziwa kasunthudwe ka chinthu pomwe munthu utagona pofuna kudziwa ngati uli maso, uli mtulo pang'ono, kapena uli mtulo tofa nato.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 559, "src": "Mrs. Harold has outlined an ambitious program of promotion and events.", "trg": "Mayi Harold atulutsa dongosolo lalikulu lokhudza ntchito zosatsa zinthu komanso za zochitikachitika.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 560, "src": "Some might argue that he has followed a predictable path of reactionary decline.", "trg": "Ena atha kunena kuti iye watha motsatira njira yomwe aliyense amayembekezera yochita chinthu potsatira chochitika china chake.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 561, "src": "The Authors reserve the right to edit, delete and block any comment or commenter deemed to be inappropriate.", "trg": "Alembi ndi omwe ali ndi ufulu osintha, kufufuta kapena kuletsa anthu ena kulembapo ndemanga kapena kuletsa olemba ndemanga omwe kwaoneka kuti ndiosayenera.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 562, "src": "You may find a lone mouse or a nest full of mice, yet the plural of house is houses, not hice.", "trg": "Pachingerezi mutha kupeza liu loti mouse pokamba mbewa imodzi kapena chitsa chodzadza ndi mice pokamba mbewa zambiri, koma mukamakamba za nyumba zambiri mumati houses osati hice ngati kuchulukitsa kwa liu la nyumba loti house.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 563, "src": "You'll definitely sleep a little bit better during that long train ride.", "trg": "Mosakaikira mudzagona bwinoko paulendo wa musitima yapamtunda umenewu.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 564, "src": "Davis wasn\u2019t a passive observer who merely said goodbye to a dying relative;", "trg": "Sikuti Davis anali munthu wongoyang'anira zinthu yemwe chomwe amadziwa ndikungonena kuti muyende bwino kwa wachibale yemwe akumwalira;", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 565, "src": "Shop locally and enjoy world-class bicycle brands' bike frames (consult the manual)!", "trg": "Gulani zinthu m'dera lanu ndipo sangalalani ndi maferemu anjinga amtundu wapamwamba (werengani buku lamalangizo)!", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 566, "src": "The plague ravaged the population and, in conjunction with famine, left them starving.", "trg": "Nthenda yomwe inagwayo inavulaza anthu ambiri, ndipo pamodzi ndi njara anthu anatsala opanda chakudya.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 567, "src": "Ponder what scenarios might evolve that breach your ability to absorb negative impact or exploit risks.", "trg": "Lingalirani zomwe zingasinthe zomwe zikuphwanya kuthekera kwanu kosakhuzika ndi zoyipa zomwe anthu akukamba kapena kochita zinthu zomwe pali chiopsezo china chake.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 568, "src": "If I compare with 1940, where it is specifically forbidden, I simply want to make sure I am not making a false assumption.", "trg": "Ndikafanizira ndi 1940 pomwe ndizoletsedwa, ine ndimangofuna kuonetsetsa kuti sindikulingalira zinthu zabodza.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 569, "src": "Stanley Milgram's famous experiment highlights the powerful human tendency to obey authority.", "trg": "Zoyesayesa zomwe anapanga Stanley Milgram zikuonetsa khalidwe lamphamvu lamunthu lomvera atsogoleri.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 570, "src": "Munby's guidance states that any divorce that has been granted in error is null and void.", "trg": "Ulangizi wa Munby umakamba kuti kuthetsedwa kwa banja kwina kulikonse komwe kwachitika molakwika sikudzatsatidwa.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 571, "src": "From 10 feet away you could tell the bottom of the boat was in rough shape;", "trg": "Kuchokera pa mtunda wa mafiti 10 zimachita kuonekeratu kuti pansi pa botilo sipanapangidwe mosalala;", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 572, "src": "If a pupil has an allowance, he or she will feel reluctant to skip homework as well as other activities.", "trg": "Ngati mwana wasukulu akulandira alawansi, iye sangakhale ndi lingaliro losachita ntchito yasukulu yopangira kunyumba komanso ntchito zina.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 573, "src": "Pristine and remote, this barrier island is a slice of primitive paradise.", "trg": "Chosaonongeka komanso chadera lakutali, chilumba chammbali mwa nyanjachi ndi malo achimidzi koma osangalatsa kwambiri.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 574, "src": "Instead of placing the glue on the actual band, I squeeze out a modest line and just dip the band into it.", "trg": "Mmalo moyika zomatirazo pa chinthu chomwe ndimafuna kumatacho, ndinafinya zomatira zochulukirapo kenako ndikulowetsamo chomwe ndimafuna kumatacho.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 575, "src": "Discover Elavon's award-winning payment processing platform, customer focus, and transparent fee structure.", "trg": "Dziwani njira yolipilira zinthu ya Elavon yomwe yapatapo mphoto, yolunjika pa zofuna za makasitomala komanso zomwe anthu amalipira sizobisanso ayi.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 576, "src": "Roughly ten to fifteen thousand years ago, humanity began the transition from a hunter-gatherer tradition to agriculture.", "trg": "Pafupifupi zaka zikwi khumi ndi zisanu zapitazo anthu anayamba kuchoka ku mchitidwe waulenje ndi kumasaka zinthu zofunikira pamoyo wawo mtchire ndikuyamba ulimi.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 577, "src": "Like an unlawful assembly, a riot involves a gathering of persons for an illegal purpose.", "trg": "Monga mkumano uliwonse wosavomerezeka, chipolowe ndi mkumano wa anthu pa zolinga zosavomerezeka.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 578, "src": "To predict the nationality of the player who won the contest.", "trg": "Kulosera dziko lomwe wosewera yemwe anapambana mpikisano akuchokera.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 579, "src": "They said hi and bye, and sometimes smiled, but that was it.", "trg": "Anapatsana moni komanso kutsanzikana, ndipo nthawi zina amamwetulira, koma basi zinathera pamenepo.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 580, "src": "Jesus is our heaven-sent, born-in-a-stable prophet, priest, and king.", "trg": "Yesu ndi mneneri wochokera kumwamba, wobadwira mkhola la ng'ombe, m'busa komanso mfumu yathu.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 581, "src": "Jenna also helped me right before walking down the aisle, when I had a little mini freak out.", "trg": "Jenna anandithandizanso ndisanayambe kudutsa mumpata woyendamo anthu pomwe ndinali nditakhumudwa pang'ono.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 582, "src": "If your employer or building manager did not protect you from this harm, that person is responsible.", "trg": "Ngati abwana anu kapena okuyang'anirani pa ntchito ya zomangamanga sanakutetezeni ku chivulazo ichi, mwa munthu ameneyo muli kusamala.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 583, "src": "In essence, the bank account ought to have enough cash for your tuition and also accept multiple types of currency.", "trg": "Chofunikira kwabiri, akaunti ya kubanki imayenera kukhala ndi ndalama zokwanira zoti mutha kulipilira sukulu yanu, ndipo timalola ndalama za maiko osiyanasiyana polipira.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 584, "src": "Search the side of \"the bowl,\" as named by fishermen, across from the shallow beach, for a quiet spot to cast away.", "trg": "Sakani m'mbali mwa \"kambale kolowa\" monga asodzi amatchulira, kutsidya kwa gombe lomwe silakuya kwambiri ngati mukufuna malo opanda phokoso mufatsepo.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 585, "src": "Nowadays, hearing aids perform magic tricks such as filtering out background noise, so no more noisy air conditioner.", "trg": "Masiku ano, zipangizo zothandizira kuti munthu amve zimachita ntchito zodabwitsa monga kuchotsa phokoso, moti sipakhalanso phokoso lochokera ku makina oziziritsa kapena kutenthetsa mchipinda.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 586, "src": "There are some really neat delay effects, and the overall vibe is nice.", "trg": "Pali njira zochitidwa mosalala zochedwetsera mawu, ndipo kamvekedwe ka nyimbo nkosangalatsa.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 587, "src": "The guys in messy holey shirts and girls in shredded clothing did not anticipate to take this daunting passage.", "trg": "Anyamata omwe avala mashati obookabooka onyasawo komanso atsikana omwe avala zovala zong'ambang'ambawo sanayembekeze kuti kudutsa malowa kukhala kovuta chonchi.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 588, "src": "White, ivory, natural red, pink, orange, brown, yellow, green, blue, purple, black, gray, silver, gold, copper, multicolored.", "trg": "Zoyera, za ayivole, zofiira, zapinki, zaolenji, za bulawuni, zayelo, zobiliwira, zamtambo, zapepo, zakuda, za gileyi, zasiliva, zagolide, zakopa, za mitundu yosiyanasiyana.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 589, "src": "All those measures are intended to curb Portland\u2019s critical shortage of affordable housing and spike in homelessness.", "trg": "Njira zonsezo cholinga chake ndikuchepetsa vuto lakusowa kwa nyumba za mtengo wochepa komanso vuto la kuchuluka kwa anthu osowa pokhala ku Portland.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 590, "src": "Type 2 diabetes has become so common in recent decades that it\u2019s not an exaggeration to refer to it as an epidemic.", "trg": "Matenda a shuga a mtundu 2 afala kwambiri mu zaka zino moti sikulakwitsa kuatchula kuti ndi mulili.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 591, "src": "Economic decline and absence of employment opportunities, especially as inequality grows, likewise drives conflict.", "trg": "Kulowa pansi kwa ntchito za chuma komanso kusowa kwa mwayi wantchito, makamaka pomwe kusiyana kwa pakati pa anthu osiyanasiyana kukuchulukirachulukira, nakonso kumayambitsa nkhondo.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 592, "src": "You're more likely to fit in at the gym wearing your yoga outfit than trying to impress the high-fashion crowd.", "trg": "Mutha kukalandiridwa bwinobwino ku malo ochitirako masewera olimbitsa thupi mutavala zovala zochitira yoga kusiyana ndi kufuna kukhutiritsa khwimbi la anthu okonda zafashoni.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 593, "src": "Baby bottle tooth decay occurs when parents or caregivers give children excessive milk formula or juice to drink.", "trg": "Kuola mano kwa ana kamba ka botolo kumachitika ngati makolo kapena osamalira anawo akumaapatsa kwambiri mkaka wochita kupanga kapena majuwisi kuti adzimwa.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 594, "src": "Find a lunch partner, a dinner mate, and engage in casual or intimate chat.", "trg": "Pezani wokadya naye nkhomaliro, wokadya naye m'gonero, ndipo chezani nkhani wamba kapena zachikondi.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 595, "src": "Allow us to obtain the best health insurance that will meet your exclusive needs.", "trg": "Tiloleni ife tipeze ishurasi yabwino kwambiri yomwe idzakwaniritse zofuna zanu zonse.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 596, "src": "Our customer support staff is ready to handle your issue immediately.", "trg": "Wantchito wanthu woona zothandiza makisotamala akuthandizani pankhani yanu pompano.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 597, "src": "The reason is the fear of failure to match the expectations of the teacher.", "trg": "Chifukwa chake ndi mantha olephera kukwanitsa ziyembekezo za mphunzitsi.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 598, "src": "It is an urge they have to satisfy, and you have to make adequate provision for them.", "trg": "Ndi chilakolako chomwe akuyenera kuchikwaniritsa, ndiye mukuyenera kuapatsa mwayi wokwanira.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 599, "src": "Even some of the very strange-looking moves in the battle are eminently practical.", "trg": "Angakhale kamenyedwe kankhondo kooneka kachilendo kamagwiritsidwa ntchito mosataya nthawi.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 600, "src": "They can owe the tenant twice the security deposit plus court fees.", "trg": "Atha kukhala ndi ngongole kwa tenanti wawo yaikulu kawiri kuposa ndalama yachitetezo kuphatikizapo ndalama zolipira kukhoti.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 601, "src": "We should postpone our analysis until we know our work is not redundant.", "trg": "Tikuyenera kuyima kaye kasanthula kwathu kufikira titadziwa kuti ntchito yathuyi siinapangidwepo m'mbuyomu.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 602, "src": "Here was a tent where any idle fellow might stake his liberty against a few crowns at dice or other hazard;", "trg": "Apa panali thenti, pomwe munthu wina aliyense wosowa zochita atha kubetsa ufulu wake kuti adzisewera tchesi, mayere kapena china choopsa;", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 603, "src": "It should make the chart a bit easier to interpret at a glance.", "trg": "Ndikuyenera kuonetsera mauthengawa m'chithunzithunzi chomwe sichovuta kuchimvetsetsa munthu akangochiona.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 604, "src": "Once the vessel is built, a new certificate of registration without this phrase and restriction can be obtained.", "trg": "Sitimayo ikangomangidwa, chiphaso choilembetsa chopanda mawu awa komanso chiletso chimenechi chitha kutengedwa.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 605, "src": "Given its drought-prone nature, Masvingo province is known as cattle-keeping country.", "trg": "Potengera kuchuluka kwa chiopsezo cha ng'amba, chigawo cha Masvingo chimatchedwanso dziko losunga ng'ombe.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 606, "src": "Mum and Dad pause their debate when we hear this creepy clacking that sounds like hail falling.", "trg": "Amayi ndi abambo amayamba asiya zokambirana tikangomva kaphokoso komveka ngati zinthu zikusweka.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 607, "src": "That\u2019s absurd, and it\u2019s embarrassing, and anybody thinking that way should be ashamed, no matter their preference.", "trg": "Izo ndizopusa, komanso ndizochititsa manyazi, komanso wina aliyense woganiza choncho manyazi amugwire, posatengera makonda awo.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 608, "src": "And we should ask the wealthiest among us to contribute their fair share.", "trg": "Ndipo tikuyenera kufunsa iwo olemera kwambiri pakati pathu kuti asonkhe molowa manja.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 609, "src": "We instantly recognize this feature as defining an unnatural, hence anti-biophilic, environment.", "trg": "Timazindikira chizindikiro chimenechi monga chinthu chomwe chimafotokoza malo achilendo omwe amakhala malo omwe palibe kulumikizana kwina kulikonse pakati pa anthu ndi zamoyo zamtundu wina.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 610, "src": "The library desk clerk was able to help a police artist draw up a portrait of the suspect who left in such a hurry.", "trg": "Mlembi wa munyumba yamabuku anatha kuthandiza waluso wapolisi kujambula chithunzi cha woganiziridwa mulandu yemwe anachoka mwaliwiro.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 611, "src": "Sign up for a paid account to access the rest of this content.", "trg": "Lembetsani kuti mudzilipira kuti muthe kuona zonse.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 612, "src": "Use a nail set to set the nails and a caulking compound to seal them.", "trg": "Gwiritsani ntchito zipangizo zoyikira zikhadabo pofuna kukonza zikhadabo zanu komanso zomatira kuti muzimate.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 613, "src": "Madam, your glasses are fogged up!", "trg": "Adona, magalasi anu pali nthunzi!", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 614, "src": "With that huge and innocent smile, this chick is cute as hell!", "trg": "Ndi kumwemwetera kwakukulu komanso kosaonetsa kulakwako, chimkazi ichi ndichabwino kwambiri!", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 615, "src": "In this regard, you need not worry about the facilities being available for cooking at the venue.", "trg": "Apapa, sukuyenera kudandaula za kupezeka kwa zipangizo zophikira pa malo ochitikira zinthuwo.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 616, "src": "They expected commitment, passion, generosity, hospitality.", "trg": "Iwo amayembekezera kudzipereka, kuikapo mtima, mtima wopereka, kulandila bwino alendo.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 617, "src": "Divide the sliced steak, roasted potato, and cooked snap peas between two plates.", "trg": "Gawani nyama yodulidwayo, mbatata yootcha ndi nandolo wophikidwayo mumbale 2.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 618, "src": "On the other hand, Jesus\u2019 contribution to man was (is) life, acquittal, and pardon (or redemption).", "trg": "Kumbali ina, chomwe Yesu anathandizirapo (akuthandizirapo) pamunthu ndi moyo, kumasulidwa, komanso kukhululukidwa (kapena kuomboledwa).", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 619, "src": "Small round white side table with a lamp beside a cup of tea and coffee, plant standing on top, modern furniture.", "trg": "Tebulo laling'ono lozungulira loyera lapambali lokhala ndi kanyali kuphatikizapo kapu ya tiyi ndi khofi, kamtengo kakang'ono kali pamwamba, mipando yamakono.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 620, "src": "Consuming any other beverage in the first 12 months can interfere with your breast milk or infant formula.", "trg": "Kumwa chakumwa cha mtundu wina uliwonse chapadera kupatula madzi pa miyezi 12 yoyamba kutha kusokoneza mkaka wanu wammawere kapena mkaka wamwana wochita kugula.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 621, "src": "The leaves of this herb resemble carrot greens and are somewhat frilly and curly.", "trg": "Masamba a chomera ichi amafanana ndi masamba a kaloti ndipo amaonekabe okongola komanso opotanapotana.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 622, "src": "Rita delighted in the fresh grapes, although she looked more like she had swallowed a watermelon.", "trg": "Rita anali wosangalala ndi mphesa zatsopano, angakhale amaoneka kwambiri ngati wameza chivwende.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 623, "src": "Or even worse, you are a retired athlete looking in the mirror asking, what happened to me!", "trg": "Kapena poipitsitsa, inu ndi wochita masewera othamanga wopuma yemwe akuyang'ana pakalilole nkumafunsa, n'chiyani chinandichitikira!", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 624, "src": "The kinetic connection of fingers, hand, arm, brain, and heart releases whatever truth lies waiting to be told.", "trg": "Kugwirizana kwa kayendedwe ka zala, dzanja, mkono, ubongo, ndi mtima kumaonetsera chilungamo china chilichonse chomwe chikudikira kuti chinenedwe.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 625, "src": "Solenne freezes in the threshold, her body stiff like a statue, as she stares toward the metro platform.", "trg": "Solenne amazizira koopsa pansi pakhomo, thupi lake kuuma gwa ngati fano, pomwe akudutsa pamasitepe kupita pansanja.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 626, "src": "In rare cases, a serious condition called compartment syndrome can occur.", "trg": "Mwa apa ndi apo, vuto logwirana kwa minofu zomwe zimachititsa magazi kuti avutike kuyenda mthupi litha kuchitika.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 627, "src": "Is there a clown on the premises?", "trg": "Kodi pali wochita nthabwala pa malopo?", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 628, "src": "The permit holder is responsible for the disposal of litter and the cleaning of footpaths.", "trg": "Mwini wa chiphaso chachilolezo ali ndi udindo wokataya zinyalala komanso kusesa m'miseu ya oyenda pansi.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 629, "src": "Do they follow the usual internship timeline, and if not, can you give an estimate about the hiring timeline?", "trg": "Kodi iwo amatsata nthawi yolembera anthu omwe akafuna kudzaphunzira ntchito, ndipo ngati samatero, utha kuyerekeza kuti amalemba anthu nthawi iti ndi iti?", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 630, "src": "Basically he's dizzy, can hardly walk, lost his balance, speech was impaired, said spectacular things.", "trg": "Makamaka iyeyu ali ndi chizwenzwe, akukanikiratu kuyenda, anataya kuthekera koyenda bwinobwino, kayankhulidwe kake kanali kovutikira, amayankhula zinthu zapamwamba.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 631, "src": "When you make a mistake, the ocean gives you an instant reminder.", "trg": "Ukalakwitsa chinthu china chake, nyanja yaikulu imatha kukukumbutsa pompopompo.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 632, "src": "We ate dinner on the back deck - it's incredibly nice to eat outside in July with no bugs or humidity!", "trg": "Tinadya mgonera m'chipinda cha sitima chakumbuyo chapamwamba - ndikwabwino kwambiri kudyera panja mumwezi wa Julayi pomwe sikumakhala nkhungudzu kapena chinyezi!", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 633, "src": "Bachelor Swap features two identical twin brothers switching places.", "trg": "Mchitidwe wa Bachelor Swap umakhalapo pomwe mapasa ofananitsa asinthana malo.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 634, "src": "On this trail I would suggest wearing close toed shoes and having an extra pair of socks for the hike.", "trg": "Pa kanjira aka nditha kukulimbikitsani kuti muvale nsapato zotseka phazi lonse ndi kukhala ndi masokosi oonjezera ogwiritsa ntchito pokwera mapiri.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 635, "src": "The firmware upgrade progress depends on the overall load of the system.", "trg": "Ntchito yosintha ma software a mukopyuta kuti akhale okulirapo imatengera kuti panthawi imeneyo kompyuta ikuchita ntchito zochuluka bwanji.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 636, "src": "These terms will even be valid for coming bills of sale and commercial contacts if they are not mentioned explicitly.", "trg": "Malamulo awa adzagwira ntchito pa kusamutsa kwa umwini wa malonda komanso pa zokambirana zamalonda ngati malamulowa sanatchulidwe mwatchutchutchu.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 637, "src": "Our friends brought the dessert...a yummy pull-apart monkey bread!", "trg": "Anzathu anabweretsa chakudya chotsekemera...buledi wonona wotchedwa pull apart monkey!", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 638, "src": "Bug where welcome screen link would show blank in admin menu: is it fixed or should I fix it?", "trg": "Ikani kojambulira mawu moberako pomwe linki ya sikirini imaonetsa pa menyu ya mwini chipangizocho: yakonzeka kapena ndiikonze?", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 639, "src": "Struggle is required in each field of work to achieve success.", "trg": "Kuvutika kumafukira pa mtundu wa ntchito wina uliwonse kuti mupeze chipambano.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 640, "src": "She recently has overcome her fat burden and lost some weight.", "trg": "Iye wathana nalo vuto lonenepa kwambiri posachedwapa ndipo pano watsitsako kulemera kwake.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 641, "src": "Whenever you\u2019re done typing a witty introduction, touch the arrow icon to deliver the message.", "trg": "Nthawi ina iliyonse mukamaliza kulemba ndime yoyamba yosangalatsa, dinani pomwe pali kolodzera kuti mutumize uthenga wanuwo.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 642, "src": "When lead singer Sting wrote the song, he was dealing with jealousy and obsession during the collapse of his marriage.", "trg": "Nthawi yomwe woyimba wotsogolera wotchedwa Sting analemba nyimboyo, iye anali akulingalira za nsanje ndi kukonda kutengeka nthawi yomwe banja lake linali litasokoneklera.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 643, "src": "If you have adequate counter space in your bathroom, then never hesitate to have a cabinet vanity.", "trg": "Ngati muli ndi malo oikapo zinthu okwanira mubafa lanu musakaike kukhala ndi kabati yomwe pamakhala sinki.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 644, "src": "If you\u2019re aware that you\u2019re the most qualified for the occupation, reveal it.", "trg": "Ngati mukudziwa kuti ndinu woyenelera kwambiri pa ntchito ina yake, dziululeni.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 645, "src": "Extra lengths of drill pipe visible on the machine are added as the boring progresses.", "trg": "Mapaipi oonjezera oonekera pa makinawo okumba amaonjezereka pomwe ntchito yoboola madzi ili mkati.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 646, "src": "The most important purpose of a nurse is to earn patient trust and leave them whole, complete, and independent.", "trg": "Cholinga chachikulu cha namwino ndi kufika poti wodwala akumukhulupilira kufika pomusiya alibe vuto lirilonse, wathunthu, komanso wodziimira payekha.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 647, "src": "The thought was enough to send her forward the last few steps.", "trg": "Ganizolo linali lokwanira kumuthandizira kuti apite chitsogolo masitepe angapo omaliza.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 648, "src": "I feel like all eligible bachelors want to stalk me, and I tell them I am a widow, but they are still in pursuit.", "trg": "Ndikuona ngati amuna osakwatira akufuna kundivutitsa, ndipo ndimaauza kuti ndine chokolo koma iwo akundikakamirabe.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 649, "src": "Perfect for the cold, wet spring and winter, this coat will keep your dog warm, dry, and especially clean!", "trg": "Yogwirizana ndi nyengo yozizira ndi yamvula, chovala champhepo ichi chidzafunditsa ndi kuteteza galu wanu ku mvula kuti akhale wosada!", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 650, "src": "My point is that housing is scarce and insecure and the economy is a feast and famine annual cycle.", "trg": "Mfundo yanga ndiyakuti nyumba zikusowa komanso zopanda chitetezo ndipo chuma ndi msinthano wa nthawi ya chakudya chambiri kenako chilala.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 651, "src": "Connect the tension clamps on both sides of the ground wire with a 15.5m long wire rope sleeve and 3T bend joint.", "trg": "Lumikizani waya wapansi ndi zolumikizira mbali zonse ziwiri ndi chingwe chamawaya chotalika mamita 15.5 komanso ndi joini ya 3T yomwe imakhala ndi kokhotera kutatu.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 652, "src": "Indeed, various ancient tribes subsisted primarily on meat.", "trg": "Nzoonadi, mitundu ya anthu yosiyanasiyana yamakedzana imakhalira kudya makamaka nyama.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 653, "src": "Moreover, many employed single mothers earn poverty wages or tolerate wage inequality;", "trg": "Komanso, amayi apantchito omwe ali ndi mwana kapena ana koma opanda mwamuna amalandira malipiro ochepa kwambiri kapena amalola malipiro osiyana ndi anzawo;", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 654, "src": "After a short time, the princess became thirsty and asked her maid to fetch her a drink of water from a nearby river.", "trg": "Patadutsa nthawi pang'ono, mfumukazi inamva ludzu ndipo inafunsa wantchito wake wamkazi kuti akatenge madzi okumwa kuchokera mumtsinje womwe unali pafupi.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 655, "src": "With a yell of rage the victorious knight threw himself on his horse and rode away at a furious gallop.", "trg": "Ndi mkuwo wa mkwiyo msilikari yemwe anapambana anadziponyera pa kavalo yemwe anachoka pamalopo mokhuphuthuka.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 656, "src": "Most car companies are scared to commit to a given battery chemistry for fear it will be obsolete in a few years.", "trg": "Makampane ambiri opanga magalimoto samafuna kumatilirana ndi mtundu umodzi wa sayansi yopangira mabatire poopa kuti sayansiyo itha kutha ntchito mzaka zochepa chabe.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 657, "src": "Tap to mine diamonds and dig gold, hunt rare prey, chop trees and craft epic gear.", "trg": "Dinani kuti mukumbe dayamondi ndi kukumba golide, kusaka nyama zosowa, kudula nkhuni komanso kusoka zovala zapamwamba.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 658, "src": "Even if a review gave the film a poor score, most praise the opening chase sequence.", "trg": "Angakhale kuti ounika filimuyo anaipatsa mapointi ochepa, ambiri anayamikira mthamangitsano womwe unali kumayambiliro kwa filimuyi.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 659, "src": "Have your tutor do chores around the house", "trg": "Mphunzitsi wokulangizani achite ntchito zapanyumba", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 660, "src": "Haku continued the assault in the ring as Savage looked desperately for his partner to make a tag.", "trg": "Haku anapitiriza kumenya molapita mu ling'i pomwe Savage amayang'ana misimidwa kuti mzake womenya nayeyo akole ndikugwetsera pansi.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 661, "src": "If you\u2019re not a fan of store-bought cinnamon rolls that\u2019s okay.", "trg": "Ngati simumakonda zakudya za mtundu wa buledi zozungulira za cinnamon palibe vuto.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 662, "src": "They weren\u2019t too eager to go fight in a foreign land and lose their own lives.", "trg": "Sanali ndi chidwi kwambiri chopita kukamenya nkhondo ku dziko lina ndi kukataya miyoyo yawo.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 663, "src": "This one quote made me realize it is my responsibility to try to restore that bridge between us.", "trg": "Mawu omwe anayankhulidwawa andichititsa kuzindikira, ndi udindo wanga kuyesetsa kukonzanso ubale omwe unalipo pakati pathu.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 664, "src": "In the wake of bird flu alerts across the country, none of the residents ventured near the spot to even verify what locals said.", "trg": "Pomwe pali chenjezo la matenda a chimfine cha mbalame m'dziko lonseli, palibe ndi nzika imodzi yomwe imene inapita kufupi ndi malowo angakhale kukangotsimikiza anthu am'deralo anatero.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 665, "src": "No competent lawyer wants to put a hostile witness on the stand, even under oath.", "trg": "Palibe loya wodziwa ntchito yake yemwe angafune kuyika mboni yaupandu khalidwe mukabokosi koperekeramo umboni kukhoti, angakhale atalumbira.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 666, "src": "No robot can express sincere empathy, sympathy, compassion, and confidence.", "trg": "Palibe zidole zoyendera compyuta zomwe zingakhale ndi chifundo, chisoni, mtima wabwino, komanso kudzikhulupilira.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 667, "src": "Use fresh basil, flax oil, or virgin coconut oil and replace the cheese with yeast.", "trg": "Gwiritsani ntchito komera kotchedwa basil, mafuta a flax kapena mafuta otsopano a kokonati kenako ndikuchotsamo chambiko n'kuikamo yisiti.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 668, "src": "They legit gave me some dope swag just for measuring something with that ruler!", "trg": "Iwo anandipatsa udolo weniweni chifukwa chongoyeza chinthu china chake ndi lula!", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 669, "src": "But if we had a spare million dollars, I guess it\u2019s not the worst thing to spend it on.", "trg": "Koma tikanakhala kuti tili ndi ndalama zokwana miliyoni imodzi yapadera, ndiyesa sikulakwitsa kugula chinthu ngati ichi.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 670, "src": "Many people just seem to attach age and maturity to a beard.", "trg": "Anthu ambiri amaona ngati msinkhu ndi kukula zimagwirizana ndi ndevu.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 671, "src": "Apparently, it was sold to a company that plans to convert it into a chocolate factory and museum.", "trg": "Pakali pano, inagulitsidwa ku kampane yomwe ikulingalira zoisandutsa kampane yopanga chokoleti komanso malo osungirako ndikumaonetsa anthu zinthu zamakedzana.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 672, "src": "Frost and thunder, flames shine bright, ruin walks the land tonight.", "trg": "Chisanu ndi ziphaliwali, malawi amoto akuwala kwambiri, chinongeko chafika pamalo ano usiku uno.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 673, "src": "We recharged our batteries with a glimpse of sunshine, crab sandwiches and a boat trip.", "trg": "Tinatchajaso mabatire athu ndi kuwala kwa dzuwa, masandwichi a nkhanu komanso ulendo wapaboti.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 674, "src": "Oh no, is everything alright, Latasha replied in a concerned tone?", "trg": "Ogoo, koma zinthu zili bwino, Latasha anayankha ndi mawu okhudzika.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 675, "src": "She didn\u2019t approve of his high school girlfriend and tried to impose a nine o\u2019clock curfew and stricter rules.", "trg": "Iwo sanaonetse kuvomereza za chibwenzi chake cha kusekondale ndipo anayesa kukhazikitsa lamulo lofika panyumba naini koloko komanso malamulo ena okhwima.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 676, "src": "If you\u2019re worried about helmet hair, simply keep a comb or brush in your desk drawer.", "trg": "Ngati mumakhala ndi nkhawa zokhudza tsitsi lanu lalikulu, chofunika ndikusunga chipeso kapena bulashi mu dilowa ya tebulo lanu.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 677, "src": "He also helped with a car wash to raise money for a classmate involved in a car crash.", "trg": "Iye anathandizanso ndi kutsuka galimoto kuti apeze ndalama zothandizira mzake yemwe anachita ngozi yagalimoto.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 678, "src": "These include the green lizard, the red owl, the tomato frog and the serpent eagle.", "trg": "Izi zikuphatikizapo buluzi wobiliwira, kadzidzi wofiira, chule wamaonekedwe a tomato, komanso chiombankhanga chodya njoka.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 679, "src": "Then came the implementation phase again; I wanted a perfect automation process, coding style, following framework rules etc;", "trg": "Ndiye panabweranso nthawi yofuna kuyamba kugwira ntchito; ndinafuna kachitidwe ka ntchito kabwino kaotomatiki, njira yopangira kodi, motsatira malamulo okhazikitsidwa ndi zina;", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 680, "src": "If you suspect you tend to grind your teeth, go to your local dentist.", "trg": "Ngati mukudzikaikira kuti mumakonda kukukuta mano anu, pitani kwa dotolo wamano m'dera lanu.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 681, "src": "So, you should avoid going with a bride scam site or dating fraud site online.", "trg": "Ndiye, mukuyenera kuchepetsa mchitidwe wopita pa webusayiti ya mkazi wabodza kapena webusayiti yopezerapo wachikondi wocheza naye yabodza pa intaneti.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 682, "src": "Merchant cash advance providers evaluate risk and weight credit criteria differently than a traditional banker might.", "trg": "Anthu opereka ngongole kwa ochita bizinesi amayamba aunika chiopsezo ndipo amakhala ndi ndondondomeko zoperekera ngongole zosiyaniranako ndi mabanki.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 683, "src": "We have built our reputation on outstanding client service and are committed to helping you succeed in your tax matter.", "trg": "Tinapanga mbiri yathu kamba kothandiza makasitomala athu mwapamwamba komanso ndife odzipereka pokuthandizani kuti muchite bwino pa nkhani ya misonkho yanu.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 684, "src": "As a result, the teeth eventually develop a dull, lackluster appearance.", "trg": "Kamba ka ichi, mapeto ake mani amakhala onyasa, ooneka mosakhala bwino.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 685, "src": "He shared the fear, horror, and despair of the fighting men, each of whom knew that each day might be his last.", "trg": "Anafotokoza za mantha, zoopsa komanso kusowa mtendere kwa amuna omwe amamenyana, wina aliyense amadziwa kuti tsiku lirilonse litha kukhala tsiku lake lomaliza.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 686, "src": "Sadly, their ultimate sacrifice merely delayed the invasion.", "trg": "Mwachisoni, kudzipereka kwawo kunangokwaniritsa kuchedwetsa kuthira nkhondo m'deralo.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 687, "src": "I cherish my diary but hold every other document in contempt.", "trg": "Ndimakonda dayale yanga koma ndimatenga mabuku ndi zolemba zanga zina zonse kukhala zopanda pake.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 688, "src": "Gandhi also believed rural economy based mass movement follow non-violent methods.", "trg": "Gandhi amakhulupiliranso kuti mchitidwe wamadera akumidzi ofuna kusintha zinthu pa nkhani yachuma umatsatira njira zopanda zipolowe.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 689, "src": "Goodnight sweetheart, and I am so pleased that sleep has banished sorrow for both of us.", "trg": "Ugone bwino wachikondi wanga, ndipo ndili wokondwa zedi kuti tulo tachotsa madandulo pakati pa awirife.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 690, "src": "You can turn every acquaintance into an asset if you know how to spin a thank-you letter.", "trg": "Mutha kusandutsa chomwe mukudziwa kukhala chida chofunikira kwambiri ngati muli ndi kuthekera kolemba kalata yothokoza.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 691, "src": "Valve position is determined by flow rate demand (differential pressure).", "trg": "Pomwe pali valuvu pamadziwika ndi mphamvu ya kayendedwe ka zinthu yomwe ikufunika (kusiyana kwa kuchuluka kwa mphamvu pa malo awiri).", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 692, "src": "Bring the milk to a boil and add the Ragi paste slowly, stirring repeatedly.", "trg": "Tenthetsani mkaka ndipo onjezerani chiphalaphala cha Ragi pang'onopang'ono, ndipo takasani mosalekeza.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 693, "src": "Mark Jacobson, professor of civil and environmental engineering.", "trg": "Mark Jacobson, Pulofesa pa phunziro lokhudza sayansi la zomangamanga komanso zachilengedwe.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 694, "src": "Limited oral examination and diagnosis are usually reserved for returning or emergency patients.", "trg": "Kuunika komanso kusakasaka matenda mkamwa kamba ka vuto lina lake lamkamwa kumachitika pa odwala omwe achita kubweraso kapena omwe achita ngozi.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 695, "src": "So far, half a million lights have been replaced in homes, buildings, and streetlights.", "trg": "Kufika pano, mababu amagesi okwanira theka la miliyoni anasinthidwa mmakomo, mzomangamanga komanso m'mababu amagesi a m'mizinda.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 696, "src": "Likes stability in relations and doesn't easily forgive betrayal.", "trg": "Amakonda kukhazikika kwa m'maubale ndiponso samakhuluka msanga akachitiridwa nkhaza yoperekedwa mmanja mwa adani.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 697, "src": "Scott Thomas tweets some interesting photography articles too.", "trg": "Scott Thomas amatumizaso mauthenga a pa Twitter osangalatsa azithunzi.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 698, "src": "Stanislav applied to the Committee seeking legal assistance.", "trg": "Stanislav anapereka pempho lapadera ku Komitiyo lopempha chithandizo cha zamalamulo.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 699, "src": "This chapter is largely a tutorial on handling experimental errors of measurement.", "trg": "Gawo lino ndi lokhudza chiphunzitso cha momwe mungachitire pakakhala zolakwika pomwe mukuchita zoyesayesa.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 700, "src": "Stores selling nonessential goods were ordered closed, putting a crimp in Christmas shopping.", "trg": "Masitolo ogulitsa zinthu zosafunikira kwambiri pamoyo wamunthu anauzidwa kuti atsekedwe, zomwe zinasokoneza nkhani ya zogulagula za pa Khisimisi.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 701, "src": "Connected couples grow closer through having shared and separate interests.", "trg": "Mabanja omwe ndiolumikizana amakhala akugwirizana kamba ka zokonda zofanana komanso zosiyana.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 702, "src": "Attorney Frank returns calls personally and promptly handles all matters.", "trg": "Loya Frank amakuimbira foni iyeyo ngati unasemphana naye utamuimbira foni, ndipo amakuthandiza mosachedwa pa nkhani ina iliyonse.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 703, "src": "Van Dyke was a model and actress first, and a singer second;", "trg": "Van Dyke anali modelo komanso wazitsudzo poyamba, ndipo kenako anadzakhala woyimba;", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 704, "src": "The entry period ends tonight at midnight (Eastern time zone!).", "trg": "Nthawi yolowera ikutha lero pakati pausiku (Potengera nthawi ya madera adziko lapansi akumadzulo!).", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 705, "src": "Our programmers develop Java web apps to build dynamic websites as per clients\u2019 requirements.", "trg": "Mapulogalamu athu akompyuta amapanga ma apulikeshoni othandiza kupanga mawebusayiti abwino kwambiri motsatira zomwe kasitomala akufuna.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 706, "src": "The parameters of these structures controlled the ways they functioned, and induced responses that changed the voltage.", "trg": "Magawo a zinthu zimenezi amathandizira momwe zinthuzi zimagwirira ntchito, ndipo zimayambitsa zochitika zosiyanasiyana zomwe zimasintha kuchuluka kwa mphamvu yamagesi.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 707, "src": "Participants posted journal entries, photos, comments, and videos.", "trg": "Otengapo mbali anatumiza zolembalemba, zithunzi, ndemnaga ndi mavidiyo awo.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 708, "src": "David shows examples of prone, sitting, and standing positions.", "trg": "David amaonetsera zitsanzo za kaimidwe ndi kakhalidwe komwe kamaika munthu pa chiopsezo.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 709, "src": "Here, too, males\u2019 education outcomes improved significantly.", "trg": "Panonso, maphunziro a amuna anapita mtsogolo kwambiri.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 710, "src": "Adding another hurdle, Chinese banks and tech giants control distribution channels.", "trg": "Kuonjezerapo chopinga china, mabanki ndi makampane a luso lamakono a ku China ndi omwe akuyendetsa njira zonse zofalitsira zinthu.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 711, "src": "February 7, 2020 Chicago couple who tested positive for virus released from hospital;", "trg": "Febuluwale 7, chaka cha 2020 banja lina la ku Chicago lomwe linapezeka ndi kavayirasi linatulutsidwa m'chipatala.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 712, "src": "Paul offered to pick her up, but Jan wasn\u2019t telling him where she lived.", "trg": "Paul anadzipereka kuti atha kukamutenga, koma Jan samamuuza kuti iye akukhalira kuti.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 713, "src": "Additionally, certified pre-owned cars carry factory warranty options.", "trg": "Moonjezera chabe, galimoto zogwiritsidwapo kale ntchito zovomerezeka zimakhala ndi walanti.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 714, "src": "Amazon has been pressing workers to vote against the union.", "trg": "Amazon yakhala ikukakamiza ogwira ntchito kuti avotere mosagwirizana ndi bungwe lomenyera ufulu wa anthu ogwira ntchitolo.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 715, "src": "It's designed for younger children or older adults without an iPhone.", "trg": "Chinapangidwa kuti chidzigwwiritsidwa ntchito ndi ana aang'ono kapena anthu aakulu akulu opanda foni ya mtundu wa iPhone.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 716, "src": "If the winner resides in one of the 48 states, they will have the option of a Kindle edition or paperback.", "trg": "Ngati yemwe wapambana amakhala mu chimodzi mwa zigawo 48, adzakhala ndi mwayi wosankha buku la mu Kindle kapena Buku la mapepala.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 717, "src": "YouTube also gives brands the possibility to customize how their channel looks.", "trg": "YouTube imaperekanso mwayi woti makasitomala ake athe kusinthasintha maonekedwe a momwe tchanelo chawo chidziwonekera.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 718, "src": "Subscribe to weekly blog updates, featuring topics such as branding, digital marketing, and web design strategies.", "trg": "Lembetsani kuti mudzitha kulandira mauthenga sabata iliyonse, pa mitu monga kukhazikitsa malonda ozindikirika msanga, kutsatsa malonda pa intaneti, komanso njira zopangira webusayiti.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 719, "src": "Provides samples of tumors, survival rates, and Medical care records.", "trg": "Amatenga ndi kupereka zitsanzo zochepa chabe za zotupa, kukula kwa mayi wochira, komanso zolembedwa zokhudza Chithandizo chachipatala.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 720, "src": "Creating camp experiences that truly transform lives takes leadership.", "trg": "Kukonza mikumano ya pakampu yopambana yomwe imasintha miyoyo chimatengera utsogoleri.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 721, "src": "Since James\u2019 injury, they have the fourth-best defensive rating in the league.", "trg": "Kuchokera pomwe James anavulalira, timuyi yakhala ili yachinyai pa matimu omwe amatha kutchinjiriza golo lawo muligiyi.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 722, "src": "This index grid cannot be overridden, removed, or modified.", "trg": "Timabokosi tojambulidwa timeneti sitingakwiliridwe, kuchotsedwa, kapena kusinthindwa.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 723, "src": "We\u2019re breaking down the biggest moments episode-by-episode!", "trg": "Tikugaya chisangalalo apa kugwetsa gawo-ndi-gawo la filimiyi.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 724, "src": "George suggests that Robert blow off some steam by roller-skating.", "trg": "George akunena kuti Robert ayambe wapola moto pochita masewera othamanga pa nsapato zokhala ndi timateyala.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 725, "src": "Many websites offer reviews, recommendations, and detailed pricing information.", "trg": "Mawebusayiti ambiri amasonyeza ndemanga, zoyenera kuchita, komanso kufotokoza mwamvemvemve mitengo yake.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 726, "src": "Hobby Lobby has now turned into a billion-dollar enterprise.", "trg": "Hobby Lobby pano ndi kampane ya ndalama zankhanizankhani.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 727, "src": "Fill your info into the fields below.", "trg": "Lowetsani zokhudza inu mumipata ili mmusiyi.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 728, "src": "Ministry officials, governmental agencies, regulatory authorities, and civil society organizations.", "trg": "Mabwana a ku unduna, nthambi zaboma, mabungwe oyendetsa ntchito zosiyanasiyana komanso mabungwe omenyera maufulu a anthu.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 729, "src": "Replacement teachers discovered notes in classrooms containing offensive messages.", "trg": "Aphunzitsi omwe anasinthana ndi anzawo anapeza zolemba zotukwana m'makalasi.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 730, "src": "Western European countries have the largest consumer markets.", "trg": "Mayiko akumvuma kwa ku Ulaya ali ndi anthu ambiri omwe amagula ndi kugwirtsa ntchito zinthu.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 731, "src": "Add your cinnamon and cocoa powder while continuing to mix.", "trg": "Onjezerani cinnamon ndi ufa wa koko pomwe mukupitiriza kusakaniza.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 732, "src": "Performed firmware upgrade prior to starting hardware install.", "trg": "Tinayamba takuza ma firmware amukompyuta ntchito yolumikiza zipangizo zina isanachitike.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 733, "src": "Prepared coffee, cleaned dining areas, opened the register, and carried out other opening duties.", "trg": "Ndinakonza khofi, kukonza malo odyera, ndinatsegula buku lakalembera kenako ndinachita ntchito zina zoyambilira.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 734, "src": "Tracking devices can be installed on vehicles and equipment;", "trg": "Makina othandiza kudziwa komwe chinthu chili zitha kuikidwa pa galimoto ndi zipangizo zina;", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 735, "src": "These reasons should be recorded, reported, and studied for trends.", "trg": "Zifukwa izi zikuyenera kulembedwa, kupangidwa lipoti, komanso kuwerengedwa pofuna kudziwa momwe zinthu zikuyendera.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 736, "src": "Max plays guitar, bass, and drums, sings vocals, and writes the songs.", "trg": "Max amaimba gitala, ng'oma zabesi, kuyimba mawu komanso kulemba nyimbo.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 737, "src": "Like many young artists, Smith worked as a gallery installer and exhibition designer.", "trg": "Monga oyimba achichepere ambiri, Smith anagwirapo ntchito ngati woyika zinthu mmalo ku malo ozionetsero za ntchito zaluso komanso ndiwokonza zionetsero zaluso.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 738, "src": "Royal Rangers is a christian scouting program designed to minister to the needs of boys.", "trg": "Royal Rangers ndi pulogilamu yachikhirisitu yomwe cholinga chake ndi kulalikira pofuna kukwaniritsa zofuna za anyamata.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 739, "src": "Precision calibration components allow for greater measurement accuracy.", "trg": "Zinthu zothandiza kugawa chinthu m'magawo ofanana zimathandiza kuti anthu adziyeza zinthu molondola.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 740, "src": "Typically, equity-trading platforms cannot receive funds via credit cards.", "trg": "Moyembekezereka, malo ogulirapo komanso kugulitsirapo masheya sangalandire ndalama kudzera mnjira ya makadi olipilira zinthu.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 741, "src": "Maintain agreed stock levels where applicable and closely monitor aged stock.", "trg": "Kuonetsetsa kuti kuchuluka kwa katundu sikukusintha kwambiri ngati kuli kotheka komanso kuchita kalondolondo wa katundu wokhalitsa.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 742, "src": "Flowers grown from their upper branches are translucent to white.", "trg": "Maluwa omera kunthambi zakumtunda kwake amakhala oonekera pang'ono komati okhala ngati oyera.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 743, "src": "The entire castle of every Disney movie has featured a logo in the shape of an 's'!", "trg": "Kapangidwe ka kanema ina iliyonse ya Disney pamakhala chizindikiro chooneka ngati chilembo 's!", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 744, "src": "The documents indicated that Ford was involved in funding a suite of classes for institutions like \"Para Nosotras\".", "trg": "Zikalata zinaonetsa kuti Ford anali okhuzidwa ndi kupereka chithandizo cha ndalama ku mabungwe monga \"Para Nosotras\".", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 745, "src": "I use different packaging as print sizes comes in various formats.", "trg": "Kupakira ndimagwiritsa ntchito njira zosiyanasiyana zopakilira chifukwa choti zilembo zimabwera mmaonekedwe osiyanasiyana.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 746, "src": "Turn visitors into subscribers, paying fans, and lifelong readers.", "trg": "Sinthani anthu ongobwera kudzawerenga nao kuti akhale olembetsa, otsatira olipira, komanso awerengi amuyaya.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 747, "src": "Modern reporting encourages collaboration by sharing reports and allowing input.", "trg": "Pa kufalitsa nkhani kwa masiku anu amalimbikitsa kuchitira zinthu pamodzi pogawana nkhani komanso kuti ena aikepo maganizo awo.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 748, "src": "Marc realized the importance of serving God by honing his talent as a graphic artist.", "trg": "Marc anazindikira ubwino wotumikira Mulungu popititsa patsogolo luso lake lojambula zinthu lomwe anabadwa nalo.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 749, "src": "Peter deals with the consequences of neglecting his everyday responsibilities.", "trg": "Peter amathana ndi zotsatira za kusalabadira maudindo ake a tsiku ndi tsiku.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 750, "src": "The Graduate Council's minimum requirements for advanced degrees are described below.", "trg": "Zofunikira kuti munthu apange maphunziro apamwamba zokhazikitsidwa ndi Komiti Yoona za Maphunzirowa zafotokozedwa pansipa.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 751, "src": "Nevertheless, each division follows general laws and rules.", "trg": "Komabe, chigawo chilichonse chimatsatira malamulo.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 752, "src": "They are fully transferable, just like physical tickets printed on ticket stock.", "trg": "Amatheka kusinthisana, monga mmene amachitikira matiketi apepala.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 753, "src": "The jobs generated would soon disappear in the grand scheme of things.", "trg": "Ntchito zomwe zapangidwa posachedwapa zisokonekera mmene zinthu kuonekera chabe.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 754, "src": "Molecular dynamics simulations of intestinal fatty acid-binding protein.", "trg": "Zochita zoonetsera chabe momwe tizidutswa ta mafuta tolumikiza tizidutswa ta mapulotini timagwirira ntchito m'matumbo.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 755, "src": "There is a secondary element at work, an old defense mechanism.", "trg": "Pali chinthu china chapadera chomwe chikugwira ntchito, njira yodzitetezera yakalekale.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 756, "src": "The internet is more than facebook chats, twitter memes, and instagram pictures.", "trg": "Intaneti ndi zinthu zambiri kuposera pa mchezo wa pa facebook, zithunzi ndi makanema ansangulutso, komanso zithunzi za pa instagram.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 757, "src": "November 25 Wait-listed applicants informed of acceptance status.", "trg": "Novembala 25 Opempha malo omwe anauzidwa kuti adikire kaye akuuzidwa za kuvomerezeka kwawo.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 758, "src": "Strategic supplier relationships, providing extensive technical knowledge.", "trg": "Maubale ofunikira kwambiri a pakati pa operekera katundu, kupereka nzeru zakuya.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 759, "src": "Scheduled sheet metal fabrication and planned driver routes.", "trg": "Kupanga malata azitsulo komwe kwakonzedwa komanso njira zomwe oyendetsa galimoto atsatire.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 760, "src": "Benefit from our continuous innovation and scientific expertise.", "trg": "Kupindula ku kachitidwe kathu kazinthu kaluso komanso ukadaulo wathu pasayansi.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 761, "src": "Over time, we learned names, stories, systems, and networks.", "trg": "Patadutsa nthawi, tinaphunzira mayina, nkhani, machitidwe azinthu komanso maubale.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 762, "src": "Federal agents conducted additional searches across Florida.", "trg": "Ogwira ntchito motumidwa ndi boma anapangaso zofufuza ku Florida konse.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 763, "src": "Just talking about policies, candidates, and election dates with family and friends is productive.", "trg": "Kungoyankhula za malamulo, opikisana, komanso masiku achisankho pamodzi ndi abale ndi anzathu ndi chinthu chabwino.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 764, "src": "The monitor component includes a menu-driven operator interface.", "trg": "Gawo lolondoloza momwe zinthu zikuyendera lili ndi gawo loyendetserapo zonse lokhala ndi menyu.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 765, "src": "Unlike the earlier films, relatively trim 80-minute affairs, Midnight runs nearly thirty minutes longer.", "trg": "Kusiyana ndi mafilimu akale, kuchotsa pafupifupi zochitika za mphindi 80, filimu ya Midnight imatalikabe ndi pafupifupi theka la ola.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 766, "src": "They are even prohibited from receiving their loved ones\u2019 remains.", "trg": "Iwo amaletsedwanso kulandira mitembo ya okondedwa awo.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 767, "src": "Even sports teams and political parties have started turning to audio branding.", "trg": "Angakhale matimu a zamasewero, azipani zandale nawonso anayamba kugwiritsa mau podzigulitsa.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 768, "src": "Our website and content are protected by international copyright laws and database rights.", "trg": "Webusayiti yathu komanso zopezeka pamenepo ndizoletsedwa ndi malamulo okhudza umwini wantchito yaluso komanso maufulu okhudza zinthu zosungidwa paintaneti.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 769, "src": "Moreover, after each session, the inner space becomes vaster and bigger.", "trg": "Komanso, pakutha pa zochita zonse, gawo lamkati limasanduka lokulirapo.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 770, "src": "Knowing and maintaining code is critical for maximum fire protection.", "trg": "Kudziwa komanso kutsatira ndondomeko yakachitidwe ka zinthu ndikofunikira kwambiri pofuna kudziteteza ku ngozi za moto.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 771, "src": "Border colors for unfocused and focused windows, respectively.", "trg": "Makaka am'balim'bali a magawo a pakompyuta omwe sanatsegulidwe komanso omwe atsegulidwa, motsatira momwe zatchulidwiramu.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 772, "src": "These technologies are becoming true production solutions, especially for industries like dental and consumer products.", "trg": "Nzeru zamakono zimenezi zikusanduka njira yofunikira zedi popanga zinthu, makamaka pa zochitika zokhudza mano komanso zinthu zomwe anthu amagwiritsa ntchito.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 773, "src": "The dual-energy technique simplifies bone and plaque removal.", "trg": "Njira yogwiritsa ntchito mphamvu zamtundu uwiri imachepetsa ntchito yochotsa fupa ndi zokanilira mmano.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 774, "src": "Deficit reduction requires actually cutting military spending.", "trg": "Kuchepesa kupelewera kwa ndalama kumafuna kuchepetsa ndalama zomwe zimagwiritsidwa ntchito pa zachitetezo.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 775, "src": "That\u2019s how they\u2019ve calculated the combined managed payments percentage!", "trg": "Umu ndi momwe iwo awerengesera kuchuluka kwa zolipiridwa zonse mophatikiza.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 776, "src": "Leaving some graduates in more challenging situations than others.", "trg": "Kusiya ena omwe amaliza kumene sukulu yawo yaukachenjede pamavuto aakulu kusiyana ndi ena.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 777, "src": "The experimental drugs \"calmed\" auto-aggressive T-cells and stopped inflammation.", "trg": "Mankhwala omwe akuyesedwa chabe \"anaziziritsa\" maselo otchedwa T-cells omwe amakhala olusa komaso kuletsa kutupa.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 778, "src": "This funding directly supports our students on campus today.", "trg": "Thumba la ndalamali limathandiza ophunzira athu okhala pompano lero.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 779, "src": "We recommend giving adult dogs organic, locally produced, raw honey.", "trg": "Tikulimbikitsa zopereka ku agalu aakuluakulu uchi wachilokolo, opangidwa m'madera, osasinthika nkomwe.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 780, "src": "The centre and rear speakers operate only in multi-channel surround mode.", "trg": "Sipika yapakati ndi yakumbuyo zimagwira ntchito mumodi ya multi-channel surround.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 781, "src": "Turns out, he liked that album a lot and ended up buying a copy himself!", "trg": "Zinadziwika, iye ankakonda chimbale chimene chija ndipo naye anachigula!", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 782, "src": "Anyone who is a first-time parent knows the challenges of figuring out what to buy.", "trg": "Wina aliyense yemwe ndi kholo koyamba akudziwa momwe chiganizo chogula chinthu china chake chimavutira kupanga.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 783, "src": "Boat trailer wholesale manufacturer, parts and service provider.", "trg": "Wopanga ngolo za boti zopikulitsa, woperekera zida zamaboti komanso thandizo losiyanasiyana.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 784, "src": "Jones said that the institute was in major cities like Los Angeles, USA; New York, USA; and New Delhi, India.", "trg": "Jones ananena kuti bungwelo linali mumizinda ikuluikulu monga ku Los Angeles, USA; New York, ndi ku New Delhi, India.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 785, "src": "Strengthening families through biblical principles and Kingdom values.", "trg": "Kulimbitsa mabanja kudzera mu ziphunzitso za mubaibulo komanso mfundo zotsatira pamoyo za Ufumu wa Kumwamba.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 786, "src": "The problem was caused by a filter that was applied in software to the sensor signal.", "trg": "Vutolo linayamba chifukwa cha kusefa kwa zinthu komwe kunaikidwa mu pulogalamu yakompyuta.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 787, "src": "He tells me he originally tried the injection technique and, as he expected, it was too fiddly and gave him zero success.", "trg": "Akundiuza kuti poyamba anayesa njira ya jakisoni ndipo monga momwe iye amayembekezera, inali yovuta kwambiri moti palibe chomwe iye anaphulapo.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 788, "src": "Mr. Franklin holds sole voting and investment power over such shares.", "trg": "Bambo Franklin ndi okhawo omwe ali ndi mphamvu yovota komanso yopanga bizinesi pa masheya oterowo.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 789, "src": "Newsom, if you haven't noticed, keeps calling us a nation-state.", "trg": "Newsom, ngati sunazindikire, amangotiimbira ife ngati dziko.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 790, "src": "Divides monthly rental charges into user-defined categories.", "trg": "Amagawa ndalama zolipira lenti mumagawo ogwirizana ndi omwe amagwiritsa ntchito.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 791, "src": "Data collected from online user-completed forms is stored in secure, password-protected server locations.", "trg": "Mayankho otolera kudzera pa mafomu a paintaneti amasungidwa munkhokwe za paintaneti zotetezeka, komanso zotsegula ndi nambala yachinsinsi.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 792, "src": "Visiting Scholar submissions are accepted on an ongoing basis.", "trg": "Zopereka za Ophunzitsa Ongobwera zimalandiridwa nthawi ina iliyonse.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 793, "src": "African beliefs mixed with Christianity or survived independently.", "trg": "Zikhulupiliro za ku Africa zosakanikirana ndi Chikhirisitu kapena zomwe zilipobe pazokha.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 794, "src": "Member physicians and researchers develop widely recognized clinical practice guidelines.", "trg": "Madotolo komanso ochita kafukufuku omwe ndi mamembala amapanga ndondomeko zoyenera kutsata pa ntchito zachipatala.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 795, "src": "Johnson previously served as the regional chief administrative officer.", "trg": "Kumbuyoku Johnson anakhalapo mkulu woyendetsa ntchito m'chigawo chonse.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 796, "src": "The last days will show whether Africa stands united until the end.", "trg": "Tsiku lomaliza lidzaonetsa ngati Africa ndiwogwirizana mpaka kumapeto.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 797, "src": "All female subjects will be required to take a urine pregnancy test before each Gardasil 9 dose.", "trg": "Padzafunika kuti mikodzo ya otengapo gawo onse aakazi idzayezedwe ngati ali ndi mimba asanalandire mankhwala a Gardasil 9.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 798, "src": "Gene expression profiling revealed a pronounced pro-inflammatory phenotype.", "trg": "Chionetsero cha momwe majini amaonekera chinaonetsa kuti pali maonekedwe otupa ndithu.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 799, "src": "This app, developed by William Studio, is mainly for anime character creation.", "trg": "Apulikeshoniyi yopangidwa ndi William studio makamaka kuti idzigwiritsidwa ntchito popanga mtengambali wa pamafilimu amakatuni.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 800, "src": "Fuel pump relay wiring diagram (automatic transmission only).", "trg": "Chithunzi cha momwe mafuta amayendera mugalimoto (magalimoto a otomatiki okha).", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 801, "src": "The programme in future should consider age limit when considering candidate to be trained.", "trg": "Mtsogolo pulogalamuyi idzasonyeze msinkhu womaliza wa anthu oyenera posankha anthu omwe akuyenera kulandira maphunziro.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 802, "src": "In his diary, young Washington expressed some reservations.", "trg": "Mudayale yake, Washington wamng'ono anaonetsa kukaika.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 803, "src": "Sexy pics of wasted chicks flashing themselves to officers", "trg": "Zithunzi zachikoka za azimayi otayika akudzionetsera kwa ogwira ntchito", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 804, "src": "There are numerous designs of such voltage-controlled circuit elements.", "trg": "Pali mitundu ingapo ya kapangidwe ka magawo a njira yozungulira yomwe mphamvu yamagesi imadutsamo", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 805, "src": "Johann says he's moved effortlessly through this world of international stars after Paris.", "trg": "Johann wayenda ulendo wosavuta mudziko la akatswiri adziko lonse lapansi atachoka ku Paris.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 806, "src": "Sets were moved, lighting was adjusted, and actors made costume changes.", "trg": "Zochitirapo sewero zinasunthidwa, kuwala kunasinthidwa, ochita zisudzo anasintha zovala zawo.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 807, "src": "Energy represents over 97 percent of total motor operating costs.", "trg": "Ndalama zokwana 97 pa zana lina liliyonse zosamalirira galimoto zimalowa kumafuta.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 808, "src": "Our experts' advice has been profitable to our clients, ranging from residential solar owners to large commercial sites.", "trg": "Ulangizi wa akatswiri athu unali opindulitsa kwa makasitomala athu kuyambira omwe ali ndi masola mmalo okhala anthu ndi mmalo ochitiramo malonda.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 809, "src": "Book artist, printmaker, rabid reader, freelance writer, and editor.", "trg": "Mlembi wamabuku, wochita maluso papepala, wowerenga mabuku kwambiri, wolemba woima payekha, komanso mkonzi.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 810, "src": "Isaac Newton observed objects falling and eventually proposed gravity.", "trg": "Isaac Newton anaona kuti zinthu zimagwa kotero anabweretsa ganizo la mphamvu yomwe imakokera zinthu pansi.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 811, "src": "The angels announced the birth of Christ three separate times?", "trg": "Angelo anaulutsa za kubadwa kwa Khirisitu nthawi itatu yosiyana.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 812, "src": "Performing minor diagnostic tests and procedures as directed by healthcare professionals.", "trg": "Kupanga zoyezayeza zazing'ono zofuna kupeza matenda ndi zinthu zina molangizidwa ndi akuluakulu azaumoyo.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 813, "src": "Editorial pages around the country supported Hoover in calling out the army, something we would never see in the Covid era.", "trg": "Olemba nkhani mumanyuzi dziko lonse anaonetsa kuti ali mbali ya Hoover poitanitsa azachitetezo, chinthu chomwe sichinkachitika munyengo ya Kovidi.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 814, "src": "Ensuring resource availability for the development of the sector;", "trg": "Kuonetsetsa kuti zonse zofunikira zothandizira pachitukuko cha gawoli zikupezeka,", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 815, "src": "Bonus points to Microsoft for allowing many route configuration options.", "trg": "Mapointi abonasi operekedwa ku kampane ya Microsoft kamba kopereka mwayi waukulu wosinthasintha momwe makompyuta awiri atha kulumikizirana.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 816, "src": "These matches are chosen from all registered accounts, according to your settings.", "trg": "Kufanana kumeneku kumasankhidwa kuchokera ku ma akaunti onse olembetsedwa, motstira zikonzero zomwe mwaika.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 817, "src": "The awards are entirely subjective, not formed through consultation, and aren't necessarily backed up with facts.", "trg": "Mphoto zoperekedwazi zimangotengera momwe munthu waganizira ndipo sikuti zimakhazikitsidwa potsatira zokambirana komanso sikuti pali mfundo zenizeni zoikira umboni mphotozi.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 818, "src": "As a reminder, this company launched a 34-inch curved gaming monitor last October.", "trg": "Mongokumbutsana chabe, kampane ino yakhazikitsa sikirini ya kompyuta yokula mainchi 34 yosewererapo magemu.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 819, "src": "Why are the Asian-owned businesses shown in movies like this almost always restaurants?", "trg": "Kodi n'chifukwa chiyani mabizinesi a amwenye omwe amaonetsedwa mumakanema ngati awa amakonda kukhala malo odyerapo?", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 820, "src": "Demonstrated experience managing cross-functional communications.", "trg": "Kukhala ndi mbiri yoti umboni ulipo woti unagwirapo ntchito yofalitsa mauthenga m'magawo osiyanasiyana.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 821, "src": "Unfortunately, this map isn't supported on your browser.", "trg": "Mwatsoka, mapu awa sangatseguke pa makina otseukulira masamba a paintaneti anu.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 822, "src": "The kit consists of two wheels and the struts that mount to the frame of the bicycle.", "trg": "Chinthuchi chili ndi mateyala awiri komanso sipuling'i yomwe imamangidwa ku felemu ya njinga.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 823, "src": "All rooms come fully equipped with cable satellite television.", "trg": "Zipinda zonse zimakhala ndi kanema.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 824, "src": "We might be inspired by books, concepts, or historical figures.", "trg": "Titha kulimbikitsidwa ndi mabuku, maganizo komanso anthu ambiri yakale.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 825, "src": "Walk hundreds of miles through possibly dangerous territory?", "trg": "Yendani mtunda wa mamailo mazanamazana kudutsa mumalo oopsa kwambiri?", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 826, "src": "There was a meme where a ray of light would fuse the vice president and a frog", "trg": "Panali kakanema kansangulutso pomwe kuwala kumatha kusakaniza pamodzi wachiwiri kwa mtsogoleri wadziko ndi chule.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 827, "src": "In 2001, Chris joined the family business, where he served as a sales representative for five years.", "trg": "M'chaka cha 2001, Chris anajoina bizinesi yapabanja, ndipo iye anali ngati wogulitsa malonda kwa zaka zisanu.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 828, "src": "Compared to September, category sales increased by eight percent.", "trg": "Kusiyana ndi mwezi wa Seputembala, malonda a m'gawo limodzi anachuluka ndi mulingo wa zinthu zisanu ndi zitatu pa zana lilironse.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 829, "src": "Print the page that contains students' final questions and answers.", "trg": "Tulutsani papepala tsamba la pakompyuta pomwe pali mafunso ndi mayankho omaliza a ana asukulu.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 830, "src": "The next part starts by calling the setup function in the helpers module.", "trg": "Gawo lotsatira limayamba popita pa setup mu ndondomeko zothandizira ogwiritsa ntchito.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 831, "src": "Chemical dependency nursing certification or specialist is preferred.", "trg": "Setifiketi ya maphunziro okhudza kupereka chithandizo kwa anthu omwe amadalira mankhwala ndi zinthu zina zosintha kagwiridwe ntchito ka thupi ndi imene ikufunika kwambiri.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 832, "src": "Fig. 12. Synthesis gas manufacturing process by gasification.", "trg": "Chithunzi 12. Kapangidwe ka mpweya womwe umagwiritsidwa ntchito popanga makemiko ndi zinthu zina kudzera munjira yosintha zinthu kuchoka ku chinthu cholimba kapena chamadzimadzi kupita ku mpweya.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 833, "src": "What about electronic, electrical, or mechanical applications?", "trg": "Nanga zokhudza ma apulikeshoni okhudza zipangizo zoyendera magesi, kapena zamagesi?", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 834, "src": "Martin realizes that the android\u2019s gun is now able to kill humans, so he flees.", "trg": "Martin akuzindikira kuti mfuti ya pulogilamu yopezeka mumafoni amakono ya andiloidi pano ili ndi kuthekera kopha anthu, ndiye wathawa.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 835, "src": "Python automatically gets a variable datatype depending upon the value assigned to the variables.", "trg": "Chiyankhulo chogwiritsidwa ntchito pokonza mapulogalamu a kompyuta chimakhala ndi mitundu ya mauthenga kutengera zomwe zalowetsedwa ku gawo la zinthu zomwe zimasinthasintha.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 836, "src": "Sienna Sauce, a 16-year-old founder, will audit the program.", "trg": "Sienna Sauce, wa zaka 16 yemwe anaiyambitsa, ndi amene adzachite kauniuni wa pulogalamuyi.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 837, "src": "Substandard identification, recording, and reporting procedures.", "trg": "Ndondomeko yosakhala bwino yopezera anthu, yojambulira komanso yoperekera malipoti.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 838, "src": "These innovative projects set the new standard for improving cities worldwide.", "trg": "Mapulojekiti akachitidwe kazinthu kamakono ngati awa amabweretsa kaganizidwe katsopano kothandiza kupititsa patsogolo mizinda dziko lonse lapansi.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 839, "src": "Jack Dorsey explained the corporation did not manage the problem nicely.", "trg": "Jack Dorsey anafotokoza kuti kampaneyo siinayendetse vutoli bwino.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 840, "src": "Counseling centers offer depression therapy for people of all ages.", "trg": "Malo operekerapo uphungu amathandiza anthu opsinjika mmaganizo a misinkhu yosiyanasiyana.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 841, "src": "From the smallest to the greatest decisions, choices, and actions.", "trg": "Kuchoka ku ziganizo, masankho, komanso zochita zing'onozing'ono kufika zazikulu kwambiri.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 842, "src": "Were the organizational roles and responsibilities clearly identified?", "trg": "Kodi ntchito ndi maudindo a bungwelo zinafotokozedwa bwinobwino?", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 843, "src": "Click below for the medical laboratory sciences faculty listing.", "trg": "Dinani pansipa kuti muone zambiri zokhudza phunziro la sayansi ya zachipatala zoyezayeza zinthu.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 844, "src": "It has operations in southern, central, and northern Louisiana.", "trg": "Limagwira ntchito m'madera a kumwera, pakati ndi kumpoto kwa Louisiana.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 845, "src": "After her son died, Mary found herself shifting artistically.", "trg": "Mwana wake atamwalira, Mary anapezeka kuti wayamba kusintha maluso ake.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 846, "src": "The German educational and industrial models are closely linked.", "trg": "Kachitidwe ka ntchito zamaphunziro komanso chitukuko cha makampani ndizogwirizana kwambiri.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 847, "src": "Trump also criticized some news media coverage of the coronavirus.", "trg": "Trump nayeso anadzudzula momwe nyumba zoulutsa nkhani zimaulutsira za kachirombo ka coronavirus.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 848, "src": "It confirmed that my greatest insecurities about her exam scores were well-founded.", "trg": "Ine ndinatsimikiza kuti zomwe ndinali nazo nkhawa zinapherezeka pa zotsatira za mayeso ake.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 849, "src": "Drug test screening groups are commonly referred to as a drug testing panel.", "trg": "Magulu oyeza mankhwala amakonda kutchedwa kagulu koyeza mankhwala.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 850, "src": "Therefore, the concentration of ions increases, resulting in increased conductivity.", "trg": "Choncho, kuchuluka kwa ma ayoni kumakula zomwe zimaonjezera mphamvu yoti zinthu zina zitha kudutsamo.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 851, "src": "Higher-protein diets are often recommended for older consumers;", "trg": "Zakudya zomwe pali zanyamanyama zambiri zimalimbikitsidwa kwa anthu aakuluakulu.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 852, "src": "The servers are located in 3 regions north america, europe and asia.", "trg": "Nkhokwe zomwe zinthu za paintaneti zimasungidwa zili m'zigawo 3, ku north america, ku ulaya komanso ku asia.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 853, "src": "Khan Academy recently introduced guided meditation practices.", "trg": "Posachedwapa ku Khan Academy anakhazikitsa mchitidwe wolingalira wotsatira ndondomeko.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 854, "src": "Electric units are easily integrated with machine controls.", "trg": "Kagwiritsidwe ntchito ka mayunisi amagesi sikamavuta kulumikiza ndi kagwiridwe ntchito ka makina ena.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 855, "src": "Michael Johnson concurred and stated it also met significant aspects of the zoning.", "trg": "Michael Johnson anavomereza ndipo anafotokoza kuti zimagwirizana ndi magawo ambiri a ntchito yokhazikitsa madera.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 856, "src": "The patient was successfully treated with surgical drainage and antibiotic administration.", "trg": "Wodwalayo anathandizidwa bwino kwambiri ndi njira yotulutsa zamkati mwathupi kudzera m'machubu komanso mankwala opha tizilombo mthupi.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 857, "src": "He is sick of watching innocent people die in random acts of violence.", "trg": "Iye ndiwotopa kuona anthu osalakwa akumwalira pazipolowe zopanda paka.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 858, "src": "It is also dependent on aspects such as ethnic, cultural, and geographical differences.", "trg": "Chimatengeraso kwambiri zinthu monga kusiyana kwa mtundu, chikhalidwe komanso kokhala.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 859, "src": "Drivers are trained in responsible eco-driving and fuel usage techniques.", "trg": "Oyendetsa galimoto amaphunzitsidwa zokhudza kuyendetsa galimoto kosaononga chilengedwe komanso njira zogwiritsira ntchito mafuta ochepa.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 860, "src": "Have your business partners signed their partnership agreements?", "trg": "Kodi anzanu ochita nao bizinesi asayinira zikalata za mgwirizano?", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 861, "src": "Originally published April 11, 2014 and updated periodically.", "trg": "Kusindikizidwa koyamba pa April 11, 2014 ndi kumaonjezera zina ndi zina nthawi ndi nthawi.", "is_src_orig": true} +{"sl": "en", "tl": "ny", "id": 862, "src": "Processes outgoing mail, maintains files, orders supplies, and ships packages.", "trg": "Amasonkhanisa makalata otuluka, kukonza mafailo, kuitanitsa zinthu zofunikira zosiyanasiyana, komanso kunyamula katundu osiyanasiyana.", "is_src_orig": true}